HomeMy WebLinkAbout091995 CC Special Meeting AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk |909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR 35.102,35.104 ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A SPECIAL MEETING TEMECULA CITY HALL, MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43174 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE SEPTEMBER 19, 1995- 3:00 PM At approximately 9:45 PM, the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 PM and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 PM. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jeffrey Stone presiding Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 95-13 Resolution: No. 95-79 Flag Salute: Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Parks, Roberrs, Stone PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. R:%AOende%080896 I CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR Assistance Agreement - U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs - City of Temecula RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve an "Assistance Agreement" between the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs and City Temecula, providing for a total amount not to exceed $6,000,000. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: September 26, 1995, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. R:',Agendm%080886 2 ITEM NO. I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager J~seph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer September 19, 1995 Assistance Agreement - U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of India Affairs - City of Temecula RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve an "Assistance Agreement" between U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of India Affairs and City of Temecula, providing for a total amount not to exceed $6,000,000. BACKGROUND: Representatives of the City of Temecula have been coordinating their efforts with the representatives of Pechanga Reservation and U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sacramento Area Offices, to obtain funding assistance for the replacement of the Pala Road Bridge over Temecula Creek. City Council may recall that earlier this year the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on this matter, which resulted in the attached agreement. The agreement provides for funding the replacement of the existing Pala Road Bridge over Temecula Creek. The funding provided by this agreement is 80% of the total project costs, not to exceed $6,000,000, with 20% of the cost as local shares. The participants in the local share will include the City of Temecula and Riverside County (A.D. 159), pursuant to an agreement approved by the City Council at their regular meeting of September 12, 1995. Environmental and other preliminary studies are now being conducted. These are being funded by an 80% grant, in the amount of $216,000in Federal funding, with the remaining 20% being funded by the City of Temecula and County of Riverside (A.D. 159) in the amount of $27,000 each. It is anticipated that construction of the facility will begin in 1996. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Assistance Agreement - 1 - r:~agdtpt\95\0919~PALA-BIA.AGR/ajp UHITE~ STATES DEPARTMENT OF T~E IFT~RIOR BUREAU 0F INDIAN AFFAIR~ ~002 AGREEBERT NUMBER ACSJS0OOO51 TYPE OF AGREERENT ( 3 Grant [IX ], Cooperative A~reement 3. REQUISITIOR NUMB~ I~;UED BY U.~o Department o~ Interlot Bureau ot Indian Aftairs 2see cottage way ~acrasento, Cl 95825 MARIE, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. OF A~ISTARC~ REPRESENTATIVE Kanu Patel, SAO ]loads Enter A~dres$ Smee as Above (916) 979--2590 8- PROGRAM STATUTOF[ AUTHORITY 1~1~c ~ 102-240 and ~iCle E.S.C. SeccLon le. EFFECtiVE DATE TOTAL AHOU~T OF NOT TO AGRF,~IERT S RECIPIEHT CitTof Taecula 43174 ~uei-D=s Park Drive Tcmccula, CA 92590 NAItZ, ADDRESS, AND PBORE M~ OF Pa~CIPIEHT'5 PROJECT HANASE~ Joe K~P-}s Directors Public Works adaress Sa~e as abme (909) 694-1989 ~ OF ~ECIPIE~T 11. C~NPI/~IOK DATE 9/30/2000 13. ACCOURTIMG AND J, PPROPHIATION DATA ~JIOUFr OF FUMDS OBLIGATED s 14. PRO~I~'T TITLE Replacement of uhe Palm ]b:k~a. Bridge Acceptance of this Aeeistance Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions contained hereln is hereby msc~e on beh=lf of 16. Acceptance o~ this Assistance Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions cOntained herein is hermit made on behalf of the United States of America, Bureau of Indian ~fistr~ BY MARE OF RECIPIE~rr SIG~ATUIZ~ DATE TYPED NAME TITLE PHONE SIGNATURE DATE GRAC'I~ I. HURE_-x~, 1~2N190-1095 TITLE C~.~...Cs/Ceop'ciiti_ve ~-reement Officer PHOKE {916} ~7~--2570 Cooperative Agreement No. AGSJ5000051 Page 2 of 1. ProGTam/FunctionDescription. Pala Road Bridge, u~med by the City of Temecula,'whichprovides access to the Pe~h~-ga Reservation, needs to be replaced due to being functionally obsolete amd structurally.deficient. In order to replace the existing bridge the Bureau of Indian Affaire, SaCramento Area Office (SAO) will provide 80% of the funding and the City of Temecula will provide 20% matching funds of the total -bridge replacement cost. 2. Specific Operatin~ Relationship. -Substantial involvement between the Bureau and the City is as follows: a.. The City will be the lead agency and re~l~on=ible for .planning, accom~li~h~e~t Of cunstruction, construction enginneering, programming and coordinating all activities related to the replacement of the bridge with other appropriate governman~] and private entities. b. The City will perform survey, foundation investigation and design for'the new bridge in accordance with current Federal Highway S~-d~rds. c. The City will prepare environmental documents and perform mitigation action, if necessary, to comply with.' Federal and State laws and regulations. d. The City will subm/t the prelim~n~Ty and final plans, Specifications and estimate to the Bureau and Federal Highway Administration for review and approval of the project. e. The City will be responsible for preparation of the final cantract package for advertis-m~mt and award of the project. !NorWay Augus[ 14, 1995 11:05am-- Page/,~ 08/14/115 X3:4ii 'Z~ 1~1004 Cooperative Agreement No. AG535000051 Page 3 of f. The City will be responsible for engineering supervision of construction activities at the projec~ site, including survey, inspection, testimg, reporting, contract monitoring, maintaining project records, preparaticua of progress estimates, change orders, if necessary, and daily documentation of events and construction progress. g. The City will keep the Bureau informed of construction or construction engineering overruns that may result in the need for additio-~l fnnds from the Bureau which may require a modification to the Agreement. h. The City will be the owner of the bridge and will be responsible for maintenance of the bridge prior, during, and after the completion of the bridge. i. The City will notify the Bureau when the project is complete ~-~ ready for final inspection. j. The Cit~will provide the Bureau with final total project cost reports with individual breakdowns for survey, design, construction, contract monitoring and quality control. k. The City hereby agrees to indemnif~ and hold harmless the United States, its agents and employees, fro~ any loss or damage from any Iiabilir~ on account of personal injury, death, or property damage, or cl~m~ for personal injuz-i, death, or propert~ damage of any nature caused by any person, form, Or corporation authorized to act on behalf of the City with regard to the City's activities under this agreement. 1. The SAO wi!l provide technical assistance upon request to the City in accomplishment of the above mentioned activities. m. The SAO and FFiWA will perform the final inspection of the project and will p=ovide concurrence iu acceptance of the contractor's work. ,Honoay August 1,~, 1995 11:0.~am -- Page 08/14/95 13:49 ~ ~005 II. GEKE~AL PROVISIOn: A. Bodl~lcmtions- Any changes to this Agreement shall be made by means of a written aodJflc~tion, Changes dealing with administrative matters (such ms 12 Changes of address) may be -ode by a unilateral aodlfic~tion- A modification pursuant to the below clause -Terkination for Cause, guy also be made unilaterally- A aodilicatlon - issued solely far ~unding a Federal Fiscal Te~r may be made unilaterelly- Any other changes shall be made by a bilateral mod4~ication (signed by both parties)- No written statement by any other person than the Grants and Cooperative Agreements Officer, and no oral statement of any person, shall be allowed in any manner or degree to modify or otherwise affect the terms o~ the Agreement. 9. Termination ~or Canes. The Bureau may terminate the Agreement in whole, or in pert, at any tie before the date of completion, whenever it iS determined that the Recipient has f_-~led to comply with the conditions of the Agreement- The Bureau shall promptly notify the Recipient in writing of the determination and the reasons for the termination, together wlth the effective date. C. Termination for Convenience, The Bureau or the Recipient mat torttaste the Agreement in whole, or in part, when both partlea agree that the continuation o~ the project would not produce beneficial results. The two partlea shall agree upon the terminations conditions, including the ef~ective date and, in the case of partial terminations, the port=Lone to be terminated- D- The Bureau o~ Indian Affairs may terminate this Agreement upon the passage n~ 32 days advance written notlos of such termination. The Servicing &gent"/shall he reimbursed for its commitments extending beyond the effective date of termination to a date not later than the date upon whlch the ags~-=-nt would have expired ff not terminated under this paragraph, vhlch the Servl~-ing Agency, in the exercise of due diligence, is unable to cancel. Payment ~nder this Agreement, including payments under thls article, shall not exceed the ceiling amount elsewhere specified in this Agreement. F. Utlll=atlon of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Bustne2~ Concerns- a- It ls the policy o~ the United States that meal1 business cDncefils and small business ~oncerns orned and controlled by s'octall~ and economically disadvantaged individuals shall have the nazimum practicable opportunity ta participate in performing 9~=ants and coopersrive agreements awarded by any Federal agencT- b. The recipient hereby agrees to carr7 out this policy in the awardlag of subagreements and contracts to the fulleat extent consistent with efficlent grant/cooperative agreement performance, The Recipient further agrees to cooperate in any studies or Buryeye as may be conducted by the United States Small Bunlamas Admisls~ration or the awarding agency o~ the United States as may be necess~-y to determine the erreat of the Recipient's compliance with ~his clause. Mo~.c~ay AuguSt 1~, 199; ll:05am -- Page 08/14/95 F. A~ used in this agreement the term 'small business concernm shall' mean a small business as defined pursuant to section 3 Of the Small Business Act and relevant regulations promulgated pursuant %hereto. The term emil business concern owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged Individuals' shall mean a small business concern: a, WhiCh is at least -~1 percent o,ned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; or in the case o~ ant publicly ovned bu~ness, ~% least ~1 per centurn of the stock of which is owned by one or more socially and economically dtsadvantOeed Individuals; and b. Whose management and dolly business operstlons are controlled by one or more of such individuals. ~. The Recipient eha/1 presume that seclally and economically disadvantaged Individuals lnc/ude Black Americans, H~spanlc &metloans, Native Americans, Aslan-Pac~f~c Americans, Asian- Indian Americans end other minorities, or ant Other individual found to be d~sadventa~ed by the Administration pursuant to Section 8(al of the 5mall Business Act. H. ~eclptents actlng in good falth may rely on written representation by ~hetr subrecipients or contract. ors regardtn~ their status a~ elfher a small buslness cnn~ern or a small business congem owned and controlled bT soclally and economically disadvantaged d/vidual~.* I. The Bec/plent is required to report quarterly on their uttlt=ation of mlnorttT buslness enteTpriSee in subcontracts and subgrants on Standard Form (SF) 334, ~L~ority Business Enterprise Utilization ~eport- Enclosed ls one copy of -~F-334 for your use, You ~re ~uthorlzed to reproduce +__~4~ form. The completed SF-3~4 shall be .submitted to both the 1souinS office and the O~lce of 5ra/1 and Disadvante~ed Business Utilization ~O~DBU), within le days after the end of each flscal year quarter. 3. Equal ~-sployment Opportunityx All contracts awarded In excess of ,sis, see by the recipient and 1to contractors or subcontracts shall uontsln a provision requiring compliance wlth Execnative Order 11246, entltled 'Equal ~mployment Opoortunity, · as amended by Executive Order 1213~5, and as supplemented in Depsrtment of Labor regulations (41 CT~ part 62). · Ill. ONB CIRCULAR5: All OMB circulate, with date of latest revision, are applicable to this Agreement, as set £orth below- These c~r~ulsre are incorporate~ by -reference and cma-r7 the same effect as if physicoily attached hereto. The Recipient is responsible for an appropriate flov-dovn ~f the requirement o~ the applicable OMB c!rc'~l=(~) in all euba~reemeatS ~ contracts a~arded hereunder. MonGay August I~, 1995 ll:05am -- Page Z, 08/14/95 1~:~o ~ [~]007 The administrative nqutreMnts mmcl cost principles applicable to t.~e subrecipient or coneactor depen~ an the eubr~iplent, and not the prlme ~ipient, and ~y, therefore, di~er from ~ ~st prinCIples and administrative ~u~nts appli~ble to the prim R~ptent. - OHm Cir~l~ A-21. Rmvis~ Februa~ ~, I~9 sCont Prlnclpl~ for Educational In~ltutiou' = OHm C~1~ A-87, Revis~ ~obmr 14, 1986 *Cost Principles for State and L~I GovernMn~* - O5B C~lar 1-88, Revis~ ~tober ~, 19~ *Indirgt Co~ Ra~ee, and ~011n~p at ~untlOnal I~titutiou' - Gem C~l= A-le2 Revls~ ffmr~ 11, 19~ 'Uniform Admini~tive Requtre~n~ for Gr~ts-tn-lid ~ S~mte ~d ~1 Gove~men~w - O~ Circul~ A-11e, Re~ 3uly ~, 1~6 *UnifOrm ~m~i~ratlve Require~nts ~or Gr~s and ~er A~eeMn~ with ln~ttutions RiCher ~ucatton, HospiCes, ~d ~er Nonprofit - OHm C~r~l~ l-l~, Revi~ Apr~ ~, 1984 w~sk Printpies for Sonprn~tt ~gmni~o~s - O~B ~~ A-128, Revi~ Novee~r 13, 1~7 'Audit o~ State and Lo~l Gove~t ' - Q~ Clr~ &-l~, 8ev1~ Rash 8e 1~ *Audlt of I~itatlOns Highe~ ~u~tion and at~ Nonprofit InVitations' ~. ihen the Rgiplent~ub~lpl~t is s State or lo~1 gove~sent, l~ludlng ~ Indlan tribal gov~nt, t~ appll~ble req~ements are ~ forth in GHB Cl=lar &-le2 Revi8~ ~e audit ~~sents are contaM~ in ~B Cir~l~ A-128, Appltuble costs shall be deterstn~ in a~cordance ~i~ OHm C~I~ ~. ~hen t~ Rectpient/SubrgiPient ~ an institution uf higher a hospital, or other nonprofit ~anizatlou t~ applicable r~u~ewn~ ~ ~ fo~ in OHm C~cul~ ~-llS- Stan~ ~or fin~ci~ un~9smear sy~e~ for an7 of thee ~tpien~ ~ cont~n~ ~ Atta~h~nt F the~to. ~e audlt re~re~n~ ~n conta~ in C1~I= k-l~- In avards to institutions ~ Mgher appl1~ble coe~ shall ~ determined in a=or~u ~ith ~B Cir~l~ 1-21 and ind~ ~ ~teg ~1 be establish~ in acco~ance vith OHm C~rcul~ A-~- ~hen ~he Rgipient is a nunprofit organizati°n, ~pplluble co~s eh~]l be dete~ in accardance with GaB Cir~l~ 1-1~ Revls~- C. ~en the R~tpient/Subr~lpient is a cowmortal organizatioA, the basic principles of QHB Clr~l~ ~-lle shall be incorporat~ into avid to the e~ent applicable, boyever, co~ principles shall be a~ord~ ~ith Part ~1 o~ the Federal Acquisition R~ulatiun Subchapter 31.2 entitled, 'Con~r~s ~tth Coa~tal ~gani~ttou- ,Monday August 1- ,95 ll:05am -* Page 8i 08/14/95 13:51 '11fi)IaW PREFER~Nr" - DEPART~t3IT Ot T~ IRITRIOR (_~°q 1984) a. ~e ~nkn~or s~ to give p~e~nce to ladlos who can ~rfon ~e york ~1~ rq~l~s of aft (~bJ~ to e-~ntlng lays a~ ~ulatlou), se~ Rltgton, or ~thl ~f21atlon for ~alning e~l~nt oppo~tt~ ~ th~ contn~ ~d, to the fearhie ~ulatent wt~ the efficient ~r~omn~ of ~ conrad, ~lng and emplo~nt pn~e~n~ and oppo~nntttee all be Favid~ to .Indlnnm ~ardless ~ a~ (~J~ to exlstlng ls~s ud r~latlo~), ~x ~ltglon, ~ ~ibal affiliation who a~ not ~alfftH to perfen ~r ~ conrad- ~e con~a~or also a~ t0 glve p~e~ to I~lsn o~antntlou ud Iadlan-o~ ~nostc enterrises ~ the sx~tng of uy ~on~a~ cons~tent wlth t~ effluent pffom~ ot the ~ntn~. ~e Con~tor shall mint~ ~ch ~o~ ~ m necess~ to tndtu~ compllu~ with tb~ p~agraph, b, In conn~on vt~ the IndtM eeplo~at pn~eten~ R~rement8 of this clare, ~e ~ntn~or shall also p~vtde oppo~tttes for tra~ incidents to ~ esplo~nt- ~ch tra~g shall tnclu~ on-~PJob, ~u~oom, ~ appmtt~s~p ~lng, whl~ ~ ~t~t~ to ~:ea~ t~ yourlone1 effg~ven~ of ~ Indian employ~- c. I~ ~e Contn~or ~ able ta fill 1~ tn~g and esplo~ent after ~g fgll coMld~atlon to Indlau u ~q~ by t~ claus, tho~ ~ uY ~ utlsf$~ by sel~on of p~ons 'th~ Indtau ~ a~o~ vl~ the cla~ o~ ~is cont~ entttl~ · ~ual Oppo~utt7, · d, l~ no ~t~ o~ntuttone ~ ln~-ou~ goao~c enterprises avatl~le f~ an~g o~ ~bcon~a~s ~ conngtton with the perfo~ ~der t~ con~ lnvolv~g utilization of sail bmne~ con~, s~11 b~u cones ou~ ~d ~ntroll~ by ~ad ~nost~lly ~ndvantag~ individual, or labor ~rpl~ a~ G~]O08 e. As used in this clause: .. 1. "Indlane mean~ a person who is a 'member o~ an Indian Trlbe. I~ the Contractor has a reason to doubt that a person seeklag employment preference is an Indian, the Contractor shall grant the preference bu~ shell requlre the indivtd~ml, within ~2 days, to provlde evidence from the Trlhe concerned that the person is a member o~ that Tribe. · Indian Tribe" means ms Indian tribes, band, nation, or other organized village corporation as defined in or e~tabllsbed p~rguant to the Alaska Native Claim Settlement Act (85 Strut. 6&8; 43 U,S,C- l&~l) vhlch t8 recognized as eligible ~or the speciaZ programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their r~atu~ u Indiana. 08/14/95 13:52 ~ ~ooo 3. "Indian Or~anlzatlOn' teem the governing body of any lodlan Tribe or enk, ity established or recognize{! by such governing body In eccordmnce with the Indian FInancing Act ot 1974 (8~ Stet. 77; 24 U.~C. 14:31), 4- *Indian-owned economic enterprises" means any Indian-owned comx~rclal, Industrial or buslnesm activity established or organized for the purpose of profit provided that such Indian ownership shall constitute not less than 51 percent o~ the enterprise- i- The Contractor agrees to ixr_lude the provlsioDs of the clottee including this pare~rmph (f) LD each subcontra~t awarded under thU alause. g. In the event of noncompltaDce with thls ~lsueee the Contractor's right to proceed rosy be termt~sted in whole or t2 par~ by the Contracting ~f~tcer and the york completed in a manner determined the C~ntracting O~flcer to be in the heat lnterest of the Government. IgDIAN PREFER~-NCE PROGRA~ (~JB~NTRACT~) - DEPART~3iT OF THE INTERIOn ~APR 1984) a. In addltlon to the requirements of ~he clause of this contract entltled *lndlan preference-Depax~ment o~ the Interior, * the Contractor agrees to establish and conduct an Indian preference program which w111 expand the oppor~un4~iee for Indlans to recelve preference ~or trainlng and eraplotsent in connection with ~he ,ork tn be performed under tbls con%not- In this connection, the contractor shall: 1. ~es4~nate a Itsleon offlcer who will (~) ~s~n~atn liaison vtth the Government and Trlbe (s) on Indian preference matters; s~pervlse compliance with the provisions of this clause; and adllnt~ter the Contrgctor's Indlan proference program. 2- Advise lts recruitsent sources In vrlttng and include a etat~ment In all adver~tsetents ~or emplo]meot that Indian applicants ~tll be given preference in elployment and training 12clden~-a to ouch employant- 3- ~ot lees than 22 calendar days prior to c~mmencement o~ york under this contract, poet a written notice in the Trlbal D~flce o£ anT' reservations on ehich or near where the vor~ under thls contract is to be performed, vM~h sets ~orth the Contractor's emploFment needs sad related trmtnlng oppo~tunittes- The notlos shall lnclude the approximate number and t~pes o~ esplo~ees needed, ~he epproxtmate dates ~ eraploTsent the experience or speclal gkllls required for employsent, t~ any; ~-minlng cppox~unit~es available: and ~11 other pertinent ln~ormatton necessary to advise prospective employees any o~her employsent requtremen~a- The Contractor shall also request the Trlbe (s) on or near xhose reservation (s) the ~ork to be per~Graed to provide assistance to the Contractor in ~tll~ng lts emp~oymeut needs ~nd tralnlng opportunities- The Con~racttn~ ~icer vlll advlse the Contractor af the name, location, and phone number of t~e Tribal oiflctals to contact in re~ard to the posting o~ notices a~d requests for Tribal artistonce. Augus[ ],, ~yv) ]]:03am -- Page 08/14/05 13:52 QOiO 4- Establish end conduct a subcontracting program which gives preference to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises as subcontractors and suppliers under this contract. Consistent with the efficient performance of this contract, the Contractor shall give public notice o~ existing s~bcontracting opportvnitieo by soliciting bids of proposals only from Indian organizations or Indian-owned economic enterprises- The Contractor shall request am~st~nce and incarnation on Indian firms qualified as supplies or subcontr~tors from the Tribe (o) on or near reservation (s] the york under the contract is to be performed. The Contracting Officer viII advise the Contractor of the name, location, and phone nmsber o~ the Tribal officials to be contacted in regard to the request for assistance ted i~forsstion, Public notices and solicitations ~or existing subcOntracting opportunities shall provide an equitable oppnrtunlty lot Indian firms to submit bids or proposals by including: (i) & clear description of the supplies and services requj-~ed including quantities, specifications, and deliver~ schedules which facilitate the participation of Znd~an fires; (ii) a statement indicating the preference v~tl be given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned econoaJ~: enterprises in ac~srd~nc~ with Section 7(b) of P, L. 93-638; ~88 Star. 22e5; 25 U.S.C. 4See: fiii) definitions for the ~erms elmdine organizatione and 'Incttan-ovned economic enterprises" ns prescribed under the "Indian Preference Department of the Interior" clause of th~s contract; (iv) a .representation to be completed by the bidder or oY_(erer that ls an Indian organization or lndian-oxned economic enterprise; and (v) · closing date for receip~ of bids or proposals ~hicb provide suf~icient time fnr preparation and submission of a bid or proposal. If, after soliciting bids f~oe Indian organizations and Indian- owned scan.sic enterprises, no responsive bid is received the .Contractor shall compl~ ~ith the requirements of paragraph (d] o~ ~he 'Indian Preference-Department of the Interior' cla,se ~i this contract. I~ one or more responsive bids are received, award shall- be made to the lay responsible bidder 4~ the bid pri~e is deter-~ned t0 be reagonable us to price, the Contractor shall attempt t~ negotiate a reasonable price and sward a subcontractor. If a reasonable price cannot be agreed upon, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of paraffraph (d) of the "Indian preference-Department of the Interioru clause of the contract. ~. Matntaln vrltten records under f. him contract whlc~ tndlCltenx (1} The names and mdd~eeaee o~ all Indiana meekLag amPloTmeat for each employment paeltlon available under this contract: (11} the number o~ tTPe~ o~ positions ~tlled by: (A} Zndlang and tB) non-Zndlang, ~nd the name, address, and pealties o~ each Indian eaploye~ under thls contract; (111) for tbo~e poaltlonm where the~e eze both Indian and n~-lndtnn applicants and a non-Indian is selected ~or employment, the reason (5) why the ladles applicant was not selected; (iv) actlea taken to give preference to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economlc enterprimes for ribcontracting opportunities which exist under thin contract, reasons why preference v~s not glven to Indian firms a8 subcontracting or suppliers, ~oF each requirement where It determined by the Cantractor that such preference would not be consIntent vben the e~lclent performance o~ the contractor; and (vi) the names and addresses o~ all Indian orgmnizatlona and Indtan-orned economic enterprises; (A) contacted and (O) receiving subcon~rlct awaz'di under this contract, G. The contractor shall submit tu the Contracting officer far approval a semiannual report which summarizes the contrmctor's Indian preference program and indicate the nunbar and t~pes of evaliable positions fille~ sad dollar amounts o~ all subcontracts a.mrded to (9) Indian organization6 and Indian-o~ned econnnic enterprises and ( b ) all other firms. 7. Records maintained puz~umnt tn this clause vtll ~e kep~ evaliable · or farley by the Government until expt~atian of one (1) year a~ter ~al paTmeat under thls clause of th~ contnc~ or by appllceble laws or regulations, b. For purposes of this clause, the ~olloving definitions of terms mhall apply: 1. The terms 'Indian, ' 'Indian Tribe, ' 'Indian Or~anization*.- and · Indian-owned F~:onomic EnterPrises are defined in the clause this contract entitled 'Indian Preference- · Z ,Indian Reservati°ns includes Indian reservations, public dommin Indian allotments, ~armer Indian reservation6 in Oklahoma, and land held by incorporated Native groups, regional corporations, and willsee corporsti~ns under the provisions of the Almska Native Claims ~ttlement Act (8~ -~tnt. fi; 43 ~.~.C. 1~1 et esq. ~ 3. e~n or near an IBdian Re~ervation' means on a remerv6tion or reservation~ er within ~bat ares surrounding an Indian res~atian (s) where a ~erson seeking employment could reasonably he expected to commute to and from in the course afm york day. c. Ho~_hing in the requirements af this clause shall be interpreted precluc~ Indian tribes ~rom indepen~ently developing and enforcing their ova Indian preference requirements- ~h requirements must not hinder the G~vernmsnt's right to ~ard contrm~s an~ ta administer their provisions- d. The contractoF agrees ~o include the provisions of this clause ~ncluding thin paragraph cout~ to no~y ~be Con~cting Offi~r o~ 6u~ sub~n~scts- e. ~n the ~nt of aon~spliance vl~h this clauoe~ the con~actor's right ~o pr~ ~Y be te~at~ in vho~e or in par~ b~ the Contracting ~f~r to be in the b~ intent of t~ 6ove~ment-