HomeMy WebLinkAbout041195 CC Agendain compliance with the Americans with Disabilides Act, if you need ~ auistance to iNu'dcipate in this melj~, please cofitact the office of the City Oek (909) 694 6444. Nodf'~Jtion 48 hours ixior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure acceisibiLLy to that meeting [28 CFR 35.1 02.36.104 ADA TitJe IfJ ARFNDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 30875 RANCHO VISTA ROAD APRIL 11, 1995 - 7:00 PM At approximately 9:45 PM, the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 PM and msy continue all other items on which additional time is required until · future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 PM. Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 95-08 Resolution: No. 95-33 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jeffrey Stone presiding invocation: Dr. Stephen S. Struikmans, Rencho Community Church Flag Salute: Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans ROLL CALL: Lindemans, Muf~oz, Parks, Roberts, Stone PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Health Fair Expo '95 Presentation of Award of Outstanding Financial Reporting for 1993-94- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Budget Special Achievement Awards - Cub Scout Pack 337 Santa Margarita River and Creeks Celebration Day Serena's Song Week in Temecula PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink 'Request to Speak' form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. R:Y~eendaN)4 11N I When you ere called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENTCALENDAR 2 Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of February 28, 1995. 2.2 Approve the minutes of March 14, 1995. 2.3 Approve the minutes of March 21, 1995. 3 4 Resolution AoDrovina List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A City Treasurer's Retort RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 1995. R:%/eenda~411N 5 7 8 Award Rid to Construct a Protected t eft-Turn i ene on Ynez Road at Tierre Vista Rrmd RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Award a bid to construct a protected left-turn lane on Ynez Road at Tierra Vista Road to Del Rio Contractors, the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $12,170.00. Release Traffic Sianal Mitigation Bond in Tract No. ~6861-F RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Authorize the release of Traffic Signal Mitigation' Bond in Tract No. 26861-F, and Direct the City Clerk to so notify the Developer and Surety. Acceotance of Public Streets into CiW-Maintained Street System (Within Parcel Maps No. 23561-1. 23561-7. and ~3624) RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED-STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL MAPS NO. 23561-1,23561-2 AND 23624) All-Way "Stoo" - Pala Road at Loma Linda Road RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING "STOP SIGNS' R:~41endei)4111i 3 9 10 Soliciterich of Construction Rids for the Parkview Site Rough nrading and Imorovements. PrQject No. PW93-09 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve the Project construction plans and specifications; 9.2 Authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for the rough grading improvements for a portion of the Parkview Site, Project No. PW93- 09. Reduction in Imorovement Bonds Amounts in Parcel MaD No. ~1383 RECOMMENDATION: 10. 1 Accept the street, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Parcel Map No. 21383; 10.2 Authorize the release of Faithful Performance and Labor and Material Bonds for Street, Drainage, Water, and Sewer improvements, and the Subdivision Monument Bond; 10.3 Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Developer and Surety. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 11 Second Readinc of Ordinance No. 95-07 RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 95-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING CHAPTER 2.04 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE TIME AND PLACE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS R:Ve, eende~O411el 4 COUNCIl BU-~INF-~S 12 School Mitioation Resolution RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE SCHOOL FACILITY IMPACT MITIGATION PROGRAM 13 14 15 16 Proposal for Installation of Rashino Wamina Lights in the Vicinity of Temecula Schools (Requested by Mayor Stone - Continued from the meeting of 3/28/95) RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Authorize the purchase and installation of solar-powered flashing caution signals at the four Temecula School sites. Authorize transfer of $78,000 from Unreserved General Fund Balance to Account No. 100-164-602-5610. Overland Drive Overcrossing - Status Report (Continued from the meeting of 3/28/95) RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Review the status report, discuss and provide direction to staff as appropriate. Street Maintenance and/or Construction of Unpaved Streets (Continued from the meeting of 3/28/95) RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Review the alternatives presented and provide direction to staff. Communitv Services Fundina Proaram (Continued from the meeting of 3/28/95) RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Consider the recommendations for the Community Services Funding Grants for FY 1994~95. R:~4ede~0411 li 17 Traffic Control Winchester Road At Jefferson Aven-e And I-15 On/Off Ramos (Requested by Mayor Stone - Continued from the meeting of 3128/95) RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Authorize the City Manager to enter an agreement to provide Traffic Control Officers at Winchester Road at the intersections of Jefferson and I-15 easterly and westerly on/off ramps, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney; 17.2 Transfer $11,880 from General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and appropriate it in Public Works Traffic Division Account No. 100-164-602-5250"Other Outside Services." 18 19 J~eal Prooertv Transfer Tax RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Receive and file report. .Reouest for City Council SuDoort of the Western Riverside Council of Governments .[WRCOG) Position on the Reauthorization of the Federal Endangered Soecies Act RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Al~ril 25, 1995, 7:00 PM, Vista Road, Temecula, California. Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho P,:'~eelda~O4111S S CALL TO ORDER: President Ronald H. Roberrs ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Stone, Roberrs PUBLIC COMMENT: A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the Agenda or 'on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Board of Directors gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 28, 1995; 1.2 Approve the minutes of March 14, 1995. 2 Comoletion and Acceptance of the Loma Linda Park Phase II improvements - Project No. PW94-02CSD RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. 2.2 Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon acceptance of the improvements. 2.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements in no liens have been filed to that date. R:Vieende~0411t6 7 3 Comnletion and Acceotan(;e of the Soorts Park SIooe Reoair Imorovements - Proiect No. PW93-06CSD RECOMMENDATION: - 3.1 File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. 3.2 Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon the acceptance of the improvements. 3.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements if no liens have been filed to that date. 4 Comoletion and Acceotance of the Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park Imorovements - Project No. PW94-01CSD RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. 4.2 Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon acceptance of the improvements. 4.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements if no liens have been filed to that date. 5 Senior Center Advisory Committee RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Authorize the Community Services Commission to appoint five (5) senior citizen residents to serve on an ad-hoc Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. 6 Contract for Julv 4th, 1995 Fireworks Show RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Award of contract of $17,000 to Robert Caran Productions to produce the City of Temacula's 1995 July 4th Fireworks Show. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT- Bradley DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT - Nelson BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting: April 25, 1995, 8:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. R:V, leede~041 'ill · CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ronald J. Parks presiding ROLL CALL: AGENCY MEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Roberrs, Stone, Parks PUBLIC COMMENT: A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Redevelopment Agency on an item not listed on the Agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink 'RequeSt to Speak' form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a 'Request to Speak' form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Agency gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 1.2 Approve the minutes of February 28, 1995. Approve the minutes of March 14, 1995. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next Meeting: Temecula, California. April 25, 1995, 8:00 PM, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, R:V,,Oende~4111i · PROCLAMATIONS/ PRESENTATIONS The City of Temecula PROCLAMATION WHEKEAS, the Inland Valley Regional Medical Center is cun'en~y conducting Health Fair Expo '9~, providing free health education and screeaing aervi, ces for the purpose of supporting personal respons/bility to maintain and sustain a healthy lifestyle, and; WHEREAS, Health Fair Expo is takitlg a ~e stand toward prol~loting pl'eve/l~ve health care and early detection, and; w~atFAS, this gives each individual and family throughout southern C~difornia the opportunity to receive optimal health screenings and education, and; WHEREAS, the Amefic'~ Red Cro~, KNBC-~, Chevron U.S.A. Products Company, the Healthcare Association of Southern California and Say-on Drugs are sponsoring this year's event; NOW, THEREFORE, I, J~ E. Stone, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby proclaim April 23,, 1995 to be, "HEALTH FAIR EXPO '9S DAY* 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this llth day of April, 1995. Jeffrey ti. Stone, Mayor une s. city Cl=k The City of Temecula PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, April 2.2, 199~ is the 25th anniversary of the nationally designated "F, atth Day' and the month of April has been named 'Keep California Beautiful' month; and celebrate the protection of our riven and oreeks and have joined in co-sponsoring a Santa Margarita River and ~ Celebration Day on April 23, 1995; and W~, Santa Margazita River and Creeks Celebration Day will focus on educatin__g the people in the Temec,fi- and Mvrrieta communities on the natural riches of the Santa Margarita Watershed; and WHE~tEAS, Santa Margafila River and Creeks Celebration Day will seek to ~ civic responsibility with our ci"-e,,s in preserving the unique beauty of our environment and promote the concept that economic prosperity and the health of he environment can and must coexist for future generations; and WH~:uEAS, the co-sponsors of Santa Margarita River and Creeks Celebration Day, apphud and thank the many volunteers, local b~,~nesses, and other community groups who have donated their time and talents towards the success of this event and its m!~_~ion; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jeffrey E. Stone, on behaff of the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby proclaitn April 23, 1995 to he *SANTA MARGARITA RIVER AND CI~EEKg C~.ERRATION DAYs IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to he affixed this llth day of April, 1995. Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor lune S. Greek, City Clerk The City of Temecula PROCLAMATION WH ,:~a.~, the City of Ternecru,, and tbe residents of the Temecuh Valley wish to recognize and wish m~cceu to the upcomin~ 12th Annual Temecula Valley Balloon and W'me Festival to be held AI~ 28th, 29th and 30th; and WIi~tEAS, this year's Festival will introduce a new area called the "Rainbow Connection" which win focus on providing a "m~ic~" experience for special needs and physically c~,nl!~ged children; and WIi~tEAS, All wheel-chair bound and physically challenged children will receive free sdmi~ion to the Festival and the opportunity to ex~e~ce a tethered hot air balloon ride; and WHs:REAS, these balloon rides will be aboard Serena's Song the world's only wheel- chair accessible FAA approved hot air balloon, which will be ranking it's first West Coast appearance; and WHEsEAS, this special craft is the creation of Gary Waldman and named for his daughter Serena W~ldmsn, a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. Serena's Song has flown physically challenged children all over the United States and has produced joy and wonder for i~s special passengm; NOW, T~I~R~'ORE, I, Jeffrey E. Stone, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Temecula, welcome Sereaa's Song to the Temecula Valley and hereby proclaim the week of April 23, 1995 to be eSerena's Song Week in Tameeula' IN WITNESS Wssoq, OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Temecula to be affixed this llth day of April, 1995. Jeffx~ E. Stone, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk ITEM 1 ITEM 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY 28, -1995 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Jeffrey E. Stone presiding, PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Roberrs, Stone ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Ronald Bradley, City Attorney Peter M. Thorson, and City Clerk June S. Greek. EXECUTIVE SFSSION A meeting of the City of Temecula City Council was called to order at 5:41 PM. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Government Code Sections: 1. §54956.9(b), Potential Utigation, two matters. 2. § 54956.8CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, Property: 43106 Business Park Drive,; Negotiating parties: City of Temecula and Grubb and Ellis; Under negotiation: price and terms of payment. The motion was unanimously carried. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Bishop Konrad Lee, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the flag salute by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans. PRFSENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Barbare Tooker, representing the Temecula Valley Unified School District Governing Board and the National Parenting Institute, announced that ACS has been nominated to receive the United Nations Family-Friendly Corporation Award. She asked that Temecula become a Patron City at this conference and take a leadership role to encourage other companies to develop "Family-Friendly" companies, She asked that March 19-25 be proclaimed as "Week of Family," that the City consider appointing a Family Friendly committee to include ACS and whose mission would be to identify other family friendly corporations. He also requested the Mimne.%2~28~g5 -1- 03/30/95 C. jtv Ceundl Minute F~ebnaerv :28. 1995 City consider sending invitations to 30-50 of its companies and organizations to attend a local presentation of the united Nations Award to ACS and to view the video on-site at ACS on March 24, from 9:30 -11:00 AM. Mayor Stone presented a Certificate of Commendation to Frank Hammersley for his work with the Temecula Community Pantry. Mr. Hammersley thanked the City Council and the community for their efforts with the needy. PUBLIC COMMENTS Marvin Zeldin, 28659 Front Street, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. Joseph R. Terrazas, 31160 Lahontan Street, spoke in opposition to the Old Town Entertainment Center. Kenneth Dodd, 30097 Via Velez Place, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. Dianne Bowyer, 30663 San Pasqual Road, spoke in opposition to the Old Town Entertainment Center. Ginger Greaves, 34330 Coopermans, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. Bruce Bowyer, 30663 San Pasqual, spoke in opposition to the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. William Harker, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mufioz expressed his objection to an article regarding his trip to Japan with the Sister City Organization, and listed the many benefits that have been gained by participation in this program. Councilmember Roberts also objected to the article regarding Sister Cities and stated he used $4,000 of his personal funds for the trips to Japan and France. CounCilmember Parks requested a staff report be placed on the next agenda regarding the United Nations Family-Friendly Corporation Award being presented to ACS and possible authorization for out-of-state travel for · Councilmember to attend the awards ceremonies. Mayor Stone requested a report on the goals and objects of the City's Sister City Program be placed on a future agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Mimnee~2~J%g5 -2- 03/30fi6 CiTY Counm'l Iinutee F~brua~v 28. 1996 May. or Pro Tam Robarts requested the removal of Item No. 11 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Robarts stated he has a question on Items 3 and 4. Councilmember Mufioz announced he would abstain on Item No. 7. City Clerk June S. Greek stated there is a request to speak on No. 10. Councilmember Robarts questioned Item No. 3, asking why the "Trends 780" Show was listed under the Council budget instead of RDA. Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney stated this is an error and will be corrected. Councilmember Roberrs on Item 4, asked if the 84,500 for Council taping is for the added - meetings this year. He asked that quality control be followed-up with the Cable Company, because complaints have been received. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-9 and 12. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Mur~oz abstaining on Item No. 7. 1. Standard Ordinance Adontion Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Minutes 2.1 Approve the minutes of January 30, 1995. 2.2 Approve the minutes of January 31, 1995. Resolution Aoorovina List of Demands 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Minutes~2~28~i -3- 03/30/95 PAW Coundl MnVtes Febmew 28, 1996 4. Mid-Year B, ~lget Review 4.1 4.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS e Release Labor and Material and Monument Bonds in Tract No. 23967-1 5.1 Authorize the release of Labor and Material Bond for Street, Water, and Sewer Improvements, and the Monument Bond in Tract No. 23267-1; 5.2 Direct the City Clerk to so notify the Developer and Surety. Release Labor and Material and Monument Bonds in Tract No. 23267-4 6.1 Authorize the release of Labor and Material Bond for Street, Water and Sewer Improvements, and the Monument Bond in Tract No. 23267-4; 6.2 Direct the City Clerk to so notify the Developer and Surety. e Prooram Supplement No. 005 to the Local Aoencv/State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects for the Traffic Sianal at Maraarita Road and Avenida Barca (PW93-10) 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT N0. 005, TO LOCAL AGENCY/STATE AGREEMENT NO. 08-5459, BETWEEN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. STPLG-5459{005),MARGARITA ROAD AND AVENIDA BARCA Minutee%2',28~gS -4.. 03/30/95 /" City Coundl Minutes February 28. 1995 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Parks, Roberrs, Stone None None Mufioz 8. Comoletion andAcceotance of the Ynez Road LandsceDe Imorovements. No. PW94-04- 8.1 Accept the Ynez Road Landscape Improvements, Project No. PW94-04, as complete end direct the City Clerk to: File the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract;. Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after the filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. e 12. Focused Model Development (Traffic - SWAPD) 9.1 Approve the four (4) party agreement - Cities of Temecula, Murrieta, Western Riverside Council of Governments, and Hank Mohle and Associates Agreement for Professional Services, Southwest Area Planning District (SWAPD) Traffic Study- Focused Model Development, 9.2 Authorize the Mayor or his designated representative to sign the agreement. 9.3 Award of contract is subject to approval of Mid-Year Budget request of $12,500 for that purpose. Temecula Community Partnership 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO ADOPT AND SUPPORT THE PREVENTION GOALS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP City Caundl Minutes Febmaw 28. 1995 ~ :10. Review rand searoval of ~lst Yemr FY 95-96 Comm,,nitv Development Block Rent Aoolicants 11. Alan M. Winkelstein, representing the Boys and Girls Club, spoke in favor of staff recommendation. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to approve staff recommendation as follows: 10. 1 Review and provide direction to staff as to the funding of projects for the 21 st Year FY 95-96 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. 10.2 Authorize staff to forward the selected CDBG project applications to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency (EDA). The motion was unanimously carried. Professional Services for the Design of an Interim Traffic Signal for the Intersection of State Route 79(S) with Margarita Road\Redhawk Parkway, Pal Road and La Paz Street Mayor Stone reported that these signals should be installed within the next 6-8 months and thanked staff for their efforts. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to approve staff recommendation as follows: 11.1 Approve Professional Services Agreements for the design of an interim traffic signal far the intersections of State Route 79(S): · Margarita Road/Redhawk Pkwy BRW, Inc. $5,474.00 · Pala Road Albert Grover&Assoc. $5,230.00 · La Paz Street Transtech $5,065.00 The motion was unanimously carried. Mayor Stone reordered the Agenda to hear Items 15 and 16 out of order. Councilmember Parks, and Councilmember Mur~oz announced they would abstain on Item No. 15. Minute,~2%28%95 -6- City Cauneil IVletut~ February 28. 1995 15. School District Mitinetion Fees Councilmember Lindemans suggested continuing this item to a future meeting. Mayor Stone addressed the proposed resolution, stating it does not lock the City into any particular fee and suggested moving forward. Councilmember Roberrs stated he received changes to the proposed resolution late in the day and had not had the opportunity to review them. He also recommended continuance of this item. School Superintendent Pat Novotney, representing the Temecula Valley Unified School District, 37433 Avenida Chapela, stated this item was continued two weeks ago and- voiced her opposition to continuing it further. She stated four school board members are in the audience and are prepared to answer any questions the Council may have. Barbara Tooker, representing the Temecula Valley Unified School District Governing Board, 290630 Avenida Del Sol, asked that this issue be resolved, stating all that is desired is a basic framework, not specific details. It was moved by Councilmember Roberts, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to continue this item for 30 days. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Roberts NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Stone ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mui~oz, Parks. 16. Contract for User Fee and nevelooment Imoact Fee Study Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. City Attorney Peter Thorson recommended considering this issue as two separate items, and that Councilmembers Mufioz and Parks not perticipete on the school fees issue, RECESS Mayor Stone called a brief recess at 8:05 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 8:06 PM. htnute~%2~!a%SS -7- o3ra/~s City C4Nndl Mnutee Febmew 28. 1995 It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to approve staff recommendation as follows: 16.1 16.2 Approve the contract with David M. Griffith and Associates (DMG) to conduct a user fee and development impact fee analysis. Appropriate $39,340 from General Fund fund balance to account number 001- 140-999-5248(Consulting)to fund this contract. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Roberrs to'- approve an Aitemate Bid No. 2 as outlined in the staff report.- The motion carried as follows: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufloz, Parks Lindemans, Roberrs, Stone City Manager Bradley explained that the City will have to have permission from the school district to gather information and will have to work with data supplied by the district. He also stated the same will apply for water and sewer fees, permission will have to be obtained to access records. Dr. Pat Navotney, representing the Temecula Valley Unified School District, stated she is happy to cooperate and give the City the information they need but questioned the time frame. She asked if the decision on the School Mitigation Fees Resolution will be delayed if the study is not finished until May. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans stated his raason for requesting a continuance of the School Mitigation Fees matter is to better understand the agreement and he will not hold up the resolution until the study is complete. Councilmember Roberts also agreed that he would not hold up the resolution, awaiting results of the study. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to approve an Alternate Bid No. I as outlined in the staff report. The motion was unanimously carried. "~"' CiW C,~undl IVlnuZes February 28. 1995 R;CFSS Mayor Stone called · recess at 8:20 PM. The meeting was reconvened following the previously scheduled CSD and RDA Meeting at 9:30 PM. PUBLIC HEARINnS 13. Planninp Aoolication No. PA94-O06~.Pulte Home CorD. Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. Mayor Stone opened the public hearing at 9:50 PM, · Councilmember Roberrs stated he would abstain on this item since the applicant is his business pertMr. Donald Lohr, Lohr and Associates, representing Pulte Home Corporation, 43513 Ridgepark Drive, stated his client submited a specific plan amendment and agrees with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. He addressed an issue in the Specific Plan Amendment, on Page 97-2, which states a trail will be provided in the power line easement, located in Planning Area No. 17. He stated that Planning Area 17 is immediately south of the planning area, and therefore requested deletion of this reference. Planning Director Gary Thornhill stated he did not have a problem with deleting the condition. Mr. Lohr also stated that on the exhibit for Planning Area 11, page 101, there is still a reference to a low-medium residential use, which needs to be revised to be 2-5, which conforms with the County's range. He stated in the final document, this change would be made. Mayor Stone closed the public hearing at 9:54 PM. Councilmember Mu~oz asked why Pulte Homes had originally objected to being included in the City's sphere of influence. City Attorney Thorson responded that the legal issues have been resolved.- Robert Klotz, representing Pulte Homes, Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro, 600 Anton BIrd, Costa Mesa, stated the origins of that dispute were that there appeared to be a desire by the City to move forward rapidly with large annexations Pulte was not ready to construct on this site and therefore they were concerned they might be forced into a premature annexation, Minu~es~2~28%gS -~- 03/30/96 City Council inures Februsty 28, 1'995 It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to approve staff recommendation to include deletion of the reference to the trail, located in the Specific Ran Amendment under Planning Area 17, Pg. 97-2. 13.1 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 95-.04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 213, AMENDMENT NO. 2 (PA94.-0062); AMENDING SPECIRC PLAN NO. 213 TO CHANGE THE. ZONING FOR PLANNING AREA 'i I (32 ACRES) PROM VERY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL'. (14-20 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 360 MULTI- FAMILY DWELUNGS) TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-5 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 150 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS), LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TOWN VIEW AVENUE AND MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mur~oz, Parks, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Roberts 10. City of Temecula's Outdoor Vendor's Ordinance Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report and stated the title needs to read "Outdoor Vendor's Ordinance". He explained the word "outdoor" was inadvertently left out of the title and needs to be added. · Mayor Stone opened the public hearing at 10:10 PM. Hearing no requests to speak, Mayor Stone closed the public hearing at 10:10 PM. Minutee~2~.8%g5 -1 O- 03/30/95 City Ceundl Minute Febmew 28. 1995 It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to approve staff recommendation as amended. 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA OUTDOOR VENDOR'S ORDINANCE AND ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to approve staff recommendation as follows: 14.2 Read by title only and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 95-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PERTAINING TO OUTDOOR VENDORS AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR OUTDOOR VENDING The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Robarts to extend the meeting until 10:30 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. COUNCIL BUSINESS 17. Adhoc Committee for Community Services Fundina · Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Undemans to appoint Mayor Stone and Councilmember Robarts to serve on an Ad Hoc Committee to review Community Services Funding Applications. The motion was unanimously carried. Minutes%2%28%95 -11- 03r'aOfi5 City Coundl Minute FebNew 28. 1995 ~, '18. Reauest for Funds for Temec,,!- Valley Film Festivxl Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLamey presented the staff report. Jo Moulton, 42086 Humber Drive, spoke in support of a grant to the Temecula Valley Film Council and explained benefits received by the City from the Film Council. RECESS Mayor Stone called a recess at 10:25 PM to change the tape. The meeting was raconvene at 10:26 PM. Eve Craig, 43633 Buckeye Road, spoke in favor of the grant and explained the Film'. Council has a 501 (C-6,) IRS designation that does not allow donors to deduct contributions from income tax, which makes obtaining donations. much.more difficult. Councilmember Mufioz spoke in favor of the proposal and suggested elO,O00 in matching funds for operating budget. Mayor Stone asked if funds have been formally requested from direct beneficiaries .of the Film Council's activities, such as hotels, restaurants, etc. Jo Moulton said hotel rooms have been comped and services have been committed for the Film Festival, however no formal requests for funds have been submitted. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to allocate $10,000 to the Film Council's Operating Budget, $15,000 fro the September 1995 Film Festival and $5,000 in matching funds. Further, they appropriated the transfers from the unreserved RDA fund balance. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to extend the meeting until 11:00 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. 19. Discussion of California State Lottery and the Distribution to the City of Temecula (Placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Stone) City Manager Bradley presented the staff report giving a brief outline of the limited ways in which funds designated for the Schools can be used. He also reported that only 2% of the school district's budget is from State Lottery funds. Minutes~2~28~95 -12- 03/30/95 City Council Minutee Febmew 28, 1995 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT None given. CITY ATTORNEY'$ REPORT City Attorney Thorson reported no action was taken in closed session. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jeanne L. Burns, representing the Temecula Valley Playhouse, spoke in favor of the Old Town*. Entertainment Center. Arthur Beese, 41778 Bargil Court, spoke in opposition to the Old Town Entertainment Center. Ed Dool, representing Youth for Economic Development, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. James A. Kraus, 30116 Campo Verde, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. Katie Kraus, 30116 Campo Verde, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center.- Evelyn Harker, 3130-85 South General Kearny Road, spoke in favor of the Old Town Entertainment Center. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilmember Roberts, seconded by Councilmember Parks to adjourn at 11:05 PM to a meeting on March 28, 1995, 7:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk Minutes~2~8%95 -13- 03/30/95 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD MARCH 14, 1995 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:02 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Jeffrey E. Stone .presiding. PRESENT: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Stone ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Roberts Also present were City Manager Ronald Bradley, City Attorney Peter M. Thorson, and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Reverend Steven Leinhos, New Community Lutheran Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was given by Councilmember Parks. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Stone proclaimed the following: · March 19-25, 1995 to be "National Poison Prevention Week" · March 19-25, 1995 to be "Week of the Family." PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Stone announced that should Public Comments exceed the allotted 15 minute time period, additional time will be set aside at the conclusion of Council Business to hear those speakers. Wayne Hall, 42131 Agena, President of Starlight Ridge Homeowners Association, addressed the Council regarding a traffic problem Mused by high speeds and cut through traffic on Cosmic Avenue. He requested additional patrolling on a regular basis. Mayor Stone requested the Palice Chief increase patrolling in this area, and asked Public Works Director Joe Kicak to look into adding stop signs or other control methods. Rebecca Weersing, PTA Co-President of Joan F. Sparkman Elementary School, 41775 Yorbs Avenue, spoke in support of the school mitigation program. R:'~gende~0314N I Ginger Greaves, 34330 Coopermane 'Circle, extended congratulations to City staff and City Council for a professional election and process. She asked that the City Council move forward with the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. Maryann Edwards, 43675 B Faro Place, asked the City to move forward with the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. Bill Harker, 31130 S. General Kearny Road, asked the City Council to proceed without delay on the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. Mark McCormick, 29050 Gateview Court, representing TOTAL, submitted a letter to the City Clerk and Registrar of Voters asking that the certification of the election be delayed, due to concerns regarding status of residents on the voter roster. He asked that the City Clerk, City Attorney and Council investigate the election. City Attorney Thorson stated the City adopted a number of resolutions which provided for the County Registrar of Voters to conduct the elections. As a result, the Registrar is responsible for voter registrations and counting the vote. He further explained that certification of the election was received via fax in the City Clerk's Office at 4:09 PM, and Mr. McCormick's request was received at 4:49 PM after the election had been certified. He explained it is up to the Registrar to conduct any investigation and the only action the City would take at this time would be to receive results from the County Registrar for certification of the election. Marvin Zeldin, 38659 Front Street, asked that the Council proceed with the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Mur~oz stated he does not feel it is fair to have citizens wait until the end of the meeting for public comment. Mayor Stone stated he is not opposed to meeting at 6:30 PM in the future to allow for extra public comment time. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Stone made a correction on Item No. 5, substituting Mayor Pro Tem to be authorized for out of state travel. Councilmember Muf~oz registered an abstention on Item No. 9 and requested the removal of Item No. 10 from the Consent Calendar. R:'~4eed~O314N 2 It was moved by Mayor Pro Tern Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-9 and 11-14. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Mur~oz, Parks, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Roberrs 2 3 4 Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda,. Minutes 2.1 Approve the minutes of February 21, 1995. 2.2 Approve the minutes of February 27.1995. Resolution ADDrovina List of Demands 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A City Treasurer's Report as of January 31.1995 4.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of January 31, 1995. 5 6 Out-of-State Travel Reauest 5.1 Authorize the Mayor Pro Tem to travel, out of state, to Salt Lake City to be present when Advanced Cardiovascular Systems (ACS) receives the United Nations Family Friendly Award. Contract Insoection Services for Building and Safety 6.1 Approve an amendment to an existing professional services agreement for Employment Services, Inc. (E.S.I.), to provide Contract Building Inspection and Code Enforcement services to the Building and Safety Department for an approximate four (4) month period. ~ee~ie~O214N 3 7 Acceptance of Public Streets into the Citv-Meintained Rtreet System (North neneral Keamv Road and nolden Rod Road) 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBUC STREETS CONSTRUCTED UNDER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 161 INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM (NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD FROM NICOLAS ROAD TO THE EASTERLY CITY. LIMITS AND GOLDEN ROD ROAD FROM NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD TO THE' NORTHERLY CITY LIMITS) 8 Acceotance of Public Street into the Citv-Maintained Street System - A Portion of Liefer Road 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA,. CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A PUBLIC STREET INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM - A PORTION OF LIEFER ROAD Professional Services with Albert A. Webb Associates for the Desion of Solana Way Storm Drain Imorovements 9.1 Approve the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Temecula and Albert A. Webb Associates to design Solana Way Storm Drain Improvements for the amount of $20,180.00. The motion carried by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: AYES: 3 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 1 ABSTAIN: I Lindemans, Parks, Stone None Roberts Mufioz R.'V~end~031411 4 11 12 Cable Television Rate Reaulation 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A SETTLEMENT OF ITS INVESTIGATION OF CABLE TELEVISION RATES FOR BASIC SERVICE AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 11.2 Direct Staff to file a Petition for Special Relief requesting that the FCC review Inland Valley's rates for the period after July 14, 1994. Property Insurance Coveraoe 12.1 Review and approve the new Astna property insurance policy with Strachots Insurance Agency Inc., effective March 27, 1995; 12.2 Provide staff with direction to obtain 8 Requests for Qualifications for property insurance broker services. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 13 Second Reedinn of Ordinance No. 95-04 13.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 95-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN N0.213, AMENDMENT. NO. 2 (PLANNING APPLICATION N0.94- 062) AMENDING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 213 TO CHANGE THE ZONING'FOR PLANNING AREA 11 {32 ACRES) FROM VERY HIGH DENSITYRESIDENTIAL (14-20 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 360 MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS) TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-5 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 150 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS), LOCATED ON' THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TOWN VIEW AVENUE AND MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD R:~enele't031416 i 14. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 95-05 14.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: 10 ORDINANCE NO. 95-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PERTAINING TO OUTDOOR VENDORS AND ESTABUSHING REGULATIONS FOR OUTDOOR VENDING Award of Contract for the Moraaa Road Street Widenino, Project No. PW92-10 Councilmember Mu~oz asked for an explanation of the high cost of this project. Public Works Director Joe Kicak explained the costs relate to relocation of two culvert boxes underneath the roadway, the removal of curb and gutter and .the widening of the roadway. as well as the sidewalk. Councilmember Muf~oz asked if the recent slurry seal and striping on this roadway will be affected. Mr. Kicak answered only a portion will be damaged, leaving the rest of the roadway unaffected. It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans to approve staff recommendation as follows: 10.1 Award a contract for the construction of Moraga Road Street Widening, Project No. PW92-10 to Ronald L. Harris Construction for ~ 102,721.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 10.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $10,272.109 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Robarts absent. COUNCIL BUSINESS 11 Amended Animal Control Aoreement and Animal Control Ordinance and Resolution Assistant City Manager Mary Jane McLarney presented the staff report. Mayor Stone requested staff pursue the privatizstion of Animal Control, possibly in cooperation with neighboring cities. Councilmember Muf~oz asked how common is the practice to require cat licenses. Assistant City Manager McLamey reported it is not a common practice. R:~olfda~031416 · Councilmember Parks asked whet additional services the City will receive as a result of the increase in fees. Ms. McLarney reported that no additional services will be provided, only a fee increase. Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans asked if the cat licensing requirements could be removed. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to approve staff recommendation with the elimination of licensing requirements for cats. 15.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 95-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REPEALING SECTION 6.04.010 AND ADDING CHAPTERS 6.02, 6.06 AND 6.08 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING THE KEEPING AND CONTROL OF DOGS, CATS AND OTHER ANIMALS 12 11.1 11.2 Adopt s resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING ANIMAL LICENSING FEES, AND ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR THE OPERATION OF KENNELS AND CATTERIES AND POLICIES FOR THE DISPOSITION OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement for Animal Control Services and authorize the Mayor and City Attorney to execute the Amendment. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks, Stone NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Roberts ABSTAIN: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans Planning Aoolication No, PA 95-001 ~ - Aooeal of Plannino Director's Denial of Prooosed Sienaas for Yellow Basket Restaurant Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. R:'~,,eeenda%031496 7 Councilmember I. indemans asked if the proposed sign meets the requirements of the City's sign ordinance. Banning Director Gary Thornhill responded this sign does meet the requirements of the 'ordinance. Russell Rumansoff, 27349 Jefferson Avenue, representing the applicant, stated the physical location of the sign has not changed, and the applicant is in compliance under the ordinance. He requested approval of the appeal. RECESS Mayor Stone called a brief recess at 8:00 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 8:02 PM. Councilmember Mufioz asked if this .sign is approved at the size staff recommends, will there be a visibility problem., Mr. Rumansoff responded that the scale of the design is appropriate to the building. 13 Councilmember Parks explained he is hearing from the Banning Director and Planning Commission that proportionality is the issue. Steve Eytchison, 27620 Commerce Center Drive, No. 101, sign contractor, stated that the original plans do not have any square footage listed for signs, and requested approval of the appeal. Mayor Stone stated he met with the proponents of the project and he believes had the proponents known the sign area they were submitting was final, they would have handled the situation differently. It was moved by Councilmember Parks, seconded by Councilmember Mufioz to approve staff recommendation. The motion failed by the following vote: AYES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz, Parks NOES: 2 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Stone ABSENT: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Robarts No substitute motion was offered. Memorandum of Understanding Concernine Snacific Ben No. 199. VanDaele Planning Director Gary Thornhill presented the staff report. R:~'kgenda%031411 · It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans, seconded by Counciimember Parks to approve staff recommendation as follows: 13.1 Approve -the Mamorendum of Understanding concerning Specific Ran No. 199 for Van Daele Development Corporation, authorizing the payment of development fees at a specified level and directing the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest thereto. The motion was unanimously carried by Councilmember Roberrs absent. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT None given. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT None given. PUBLIC COMMENTS Marcia McDonnell, 45881 Classic Way, spoke in favor of the school mitigation fees. Ruthann Banner, 44985 Corte Zorita, resident of Redhawk Community, expressed her disappointment in not being able to vote in the advisory election. City Attorney Thorson explained that under the provisions of the election code and resolutions adopted, only residents within the City of Temecula were allowed to vote. He explained, however, that when the project comes before the Council for final approval, all interested parties will be allowed to speak at the public hearing. Ed Dool, on behalf of Youth for Economic Development, stated his desire that the Old Town Entertainment Center proceed immediately. Pat Morris, 29734 Calle Contera, stated the message to this Council both from the November election and the Advisory Election is to proceed with the Old Town Entertainment Center. Dhana Lemons, 31040 Ave Buena Suerte, spoke in favor of school mitigation fees. Kenneth D, Kurtz, 43825 Paulita Road, thanked the Council for the work on John Warner Road and asked that Lolita and Paulira be graded as well. Public Works Director Joe Kicak explained the City Council has approved four streets to date for emergency work. He stated he could come back and identify additional streets that are unpaved, and give the Council a cost estimate to include additional streets. Mayor Stone requested this be placed on a future agenda, also addressing Service Level R and how that is progressing. R:Veeede;3141i · Natalie Beltzel, 3,820 Avenida Buena Suerte, expressed concam regarding Measure B and asked that further investigation of the election take place. Wayne Hall, 42131 Agena, spoke in support of the Old Town Entertainment Center Project. RECESS Mayor Stone called a recess a 8:46 PM to hold the previously scheduled Community Services District and Redevelopment Agency Meeting. The meeting was reconvaned at 8:53 PM. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Mayor Pro Tam Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Parks to adjoum at 8:53 PM to a Special Meeting on March 21, 1995,4:30 PM, Margarita Middle School. The motion was unanimously carried with Councilmember Robarts absent. Next regular meeting: March 28, 1995, 6:30 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Jeffrey E. Stone Mayor June S. Greek, CMC City Clerk R.'%/eende~31411 10 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AND THE TEMECULA*VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD MARCH 21, 1995 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 4:36 PM at Margarita Middle School, 30600 Margarita Rood, Tamecula, California. President Barbara Tooker presiding. PRESENT 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans, Roberrs ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz Parks, Stone, PRESENT: 5 ABSENT: 0 BOARD MEMBERS: BOARD MEMBERS: Brown, Campbell, Shefar, Vanderhaak, Tooker None Also present were City Manager Roneld Bradley, City Attorney Peter M. Thorson, and Deputy City Clerk Susan W. Jones. JOINT CITY COUNCILI~-OVFRNINR BOARD OF EDUCATION BUSINESS 1. School Facility Imoact Mitioation Program Councilmember Parks announced he has a conflict of interest on this item and will not participate in the discussion. President Barbara Tooker stated she would like to make sure both sides have an agreement as to the resolution so that discussions can move forward on specific mitigation details. Mayor Stone stated adequate schools are a priority to him, but expressed frustration over receiving last minute changes to the resolution. He indicated he does not want developers to bear 100% of the fee burden. Mayor Pro Tam Lindemans suggested using the ordinance adopted by the City of San Jose as a model. He suggested that the Council adopt a resolution resolving to make an ordinance similar to the one in San Jose. Councilmember Roberrs stated he agrees that the resolution should be adopted and than negotiations should begin on actual mitigation solutions. President Tooker stated she is not interested in stopping development, but believes the resolution must be passed, after which all models should be explored. Minute%3%21~95 -1- 04/04/96 City C4uncil Minute 'March 21. 1995 Board Member Campbell stated she understands the Council's concam and emphasized the need for trust between the two agencies, listing the other successful projects that have resulted from joint efforts between the School District and the City of Temecula. President Tooker asked that a date be set for a final draft of the resolution to be submitted to the City Council and the Governing Board of Directors. City Manager Ronald E. Bradley reported that in order to make agenda deadlines for the April 11, 1995 Agenda, the date should be April 3, 1995, at 12:00 Noon. A consensus was reached from both agencies that no further changes would be considered after that date. President Tooker suggested that she and Mayor Stone make a trip to Sacramento to. talk with State Legislators on the difficult position that lack of funding for schools' places Iogal agencies in. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Stone adjourned the meeting at 5:21 PM, to a meeting on March 28, 1995, 5:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk Minutee'~3%21%96 -2- 04/04/95 ITEM 3 RESOLUTION NO. 9~* A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CffY OF TEMECULA AILOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN Lv~tlB1T A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TI~IECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the fortowing claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have beem audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of 1,008,345.69 Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this llth day of April, 199~. ATFF_,ST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk, CMC [SHALl 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSWE) SS crrY oF ~) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temeath, hereby do ceffify that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the llth day of April, 1995 by the following roll call vote: COUNCK.MEMBERS: NOES: COUNt: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk, CMC CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 03/23/95 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 03/30/95 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 04/11/95 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 03/23/95 TOTAL PAYROLL: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 04/11/96 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY RIND: CHECKS: 001 GENERAL 100 GAS TAX 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 1 65 RDA-LOWNOD 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ (CIP) 220 MARGARITA ROAD REIMB. DIST. 25o CAPITAL PROJECTS - TCSD 280 RDA-CIP 300 INSURANCE 310 VEHICLES 320 INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACIIJTIES 380 RDA-DEBT SERVICE 390 TCSD DEBT SERVICE PAYROLL: 001 GENERAL 1 oo GAS TAX 165 RDA-LOW/MOD 190 TCSD 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 280 RDA4~IP 303 INSURANCE 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES TOTAL BY RIND: PREPARED GENIE ROBERTS, FINANCE OFFICER RONALD E. BRADLEY, CITY MANAGER $ 330,671 5~,087.52 503,457.96 113,118.61 $ 1,008,345.03 387,971.20 97,761.21 0.00 0.03 466.30 48, 182.03 7,036.24 20,984.93 41,831.02 0.00 10,875.48 0.00 0.03 80,470.51 3,857.14 0.03 9,301.26 12,599.49 0.03 164,030~5 $ 895,227.03 03,624.24 15,852.03 438.70 19,533.64 472.33 608.45 1,628.33 1,421.11 240.22 1,324.73 2,004.76 113,118.61 $ 1,008,345,66 · HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLL.OWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. VOUCHRE2 03/23/95 16:35 CITY OF TENECULA VQUCIIEUCIE(X RF. GlSlTR FOR ALL PERIODS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUID 100 GAS TAX FUND 165 RDA DEV- LOM/IIGO GET ASIDE 190 COliCUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 280 REDEVELOP~ENT AGENCY - CIP 3OD INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORNATIOR SYSTENS 330 $IJPPORT SERVICES 3~,0 FACILITIES 390 TCSD DEBT SERVICE TOTAL aT 37,89~.12 65,655 /,66.30 26,Z55.11 6,713.67 20,986.93 2,024.76 1,366.35 76.89 5,027.63 391.0~ 1,831.82 16~,030.25 330,671.60 VOUCHER/ CHECK NLNBER /,06030 /,I)6030 406030 406030 406030 406030 406030 406030 406030 406030 ~,06030 · , ..,0 406030 406030 /,06030 /,06030 406030 A06030 406030 Q6030 406030 /,6~035 z,~4035 464035 /,64035 4~4035 z,~035 464035 4~4035 66/,035 46/,035 ~4035 46/,035 z~,035 464035 464035 16:35 CHECK DATE 07,116195 03116195 0)116195 03116195 03116195 03116195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03/23/95 0)/23/95 03123195 03/23/95 03123/95 03/23/95 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 ~1~195 ~1~195 03123195 03123195 0)123195 0)123195 ~27 001166 001166 001166 001166 001166 000288 000283 000263 000283 000283 000283 000283 000288 000283 000288 000288 000288 000288 000283 000288 000283 000288 000288 0004~ O00z~4 O00z~4 O0(W~ 0004~ O00z~4 00(X44 0004~, OOIX~ 000~~. 00~.~ OOO~~. O0~z~ VENDOR ARTESIA INPLBIENT, INC. CAL DOR SPECIALTIES, IN CAL DOR SPECIALTIES, IN CAL DOR SPECIALTIES, IN CAL DOR SPECIALTIES, IN CAL DOR SPECIALTIES, IN FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (]R$) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX ([RS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (IRS) FIRSTAX (IR$) FIRSTAX (El)O) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDO) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) FIRSTAX (EDD) CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/131EClC REGISTEll F01 ALL PEIt!I3DI ITEN DESCRIPTION TRACTOR SERVICE NR) REPAIRS SENIOR CENTER - EAST PATIO PUSH PLATE - MATERIAL SERVICE TECH fl22 - LABel ZCNIE CHARGE TAX 0002883 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 0002~3 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 000?.83 FEDERAL 000283 FEDERAL 0900283 FEDERAL 090283 FEDERAL 000283 NEDICARE 000288 NED I CARE 000283 ~ ! CARE 090283 MEDICARE 000283 HEDICARE 090283 NEDICAItE 000283 MEDICARE 000283 IL=I) I CARE 000283 NEDICARE 000283 MEDICARE 000Z83 MED I CARE 090283 ~ I CARE 0004~ SDI 0004/4 SOl O00z~4 SD[ O~ STATE 000444 STATE 90044~ STATE 900~4 STATE OOL~.~ STATE 900M~ STATE 900M~ STATE 90~z_z.z. STATE 90~.z.z. STATE O0~.A,~, STATE O0~z./: STATE OOO~./,- STATE AC~.~IIT IRNBER 190-180-999-5214 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 '001-2070 100-Z070 165-2070 190-2070 191-2O7O 192-2070 193-2070 280-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-207O 3/,0-2070 001-207O 100-2070 165-2070 190-2070 191-2O7O 192-2070 193-2070 280 - 20?0 300-207O 320-20/0 330-2070 3Z,0-207O 901-2O7O 100-2070 190-2O7O 901-2O7O 100-2O7O 165-2070 190-2070 191 - 2070 192-2070 193-2O7O 300-207O ITEN Nm)UNT 1,390.36 7O.00 1~6.25 55.00 5.58 10,~1.55 2,6~.~ 40.17 2,484.79 49.40 ~.50 213,~ 1~.07 18.50 105.95 138,85 2,50),17 5n.~ 14.~ 17.78 ~.10 7,~ 29.32 37.81 2,752.32 715 10.77 532.39 i6.76 8.62 65 40o17 18.96 13.64 PAts I cSEac 27o,83 20,597.14 03123195 000724 A & R CUSTON SCREEN Pel XXL T-SHIRTS (TEEN FEST) 190-183-999-5370 72.90 0)/23/95 000724 A & R OJSTON SatENN PIll LARGE & X-L T-ENIRTS (TEN FES 190-183-999-53/0 70&.O0 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 27.806 2280? 22808 22808 22808 22809 22810 22811 22812 22812 22813 22816 22816 22816 22815 22815 22815 22815 22816 22816 22817 22818 22819 22819 22819 22820 22821 22821 22821 22822 16:35 CHE~ ~TE 03123195 03123195 03123195 ~1~1~ 0~123195 ~1~/95 0~!23195 031Z~195 ~1~1~ 031~1~ ~1~1~ 031~1~ 0~1~1~ 031~1~ CITY OF TENECULA VGUCHER/CHEIG( REGISTEll FOR ALL FERIG)$ 900724, A & R CtJSTOM SCREEN PR] A K L CONSTRUCTION 000106 ALFAX UHOLESALE FORNI~ 900106 ALFAX ~HOLESALEFUItN[TU 000102 N4ER]CAN FENCE CO. OF C 0009~ MERICAN RED CROSS 000573 APOLLO S~EPZNG, INC. 900101 APPLE ONE, INC. 0900101 APPLE ONE, INC. 001072 0006622 000622 000622 000126 000126 000126 000126 ITEN DESCRIPTION TAX POLICY CHANGE ON PRICING LIGHTS CHAIR TIPS/PER 200 FREIGHT TEHP FENCE RENTAL FOR NAR 95 LEVEL l-VII SWiM C~S 3 HRS ST SkEEPING AFTER RAINS TEI4P HELP V/E 2/25 KLUKAS TENP HELP W/E 7/25 KLUI(AS SANK OF AHERICA NT & SA APRIL INSTALLRENT PMT BANTA ELECTR/C-REFRIGER INSTALL 2X6 LIGHT BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGER INSTALL 2X6 LIGHT BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGER SAFTEY INSPECT G SPT PRK FIELD CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE NA CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA 001590 CALIFORNIA REDEVELOI~N 001590 CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPHEN 001717 CALIFORNIA TRADE & COlel 000127 CALIFORNIAN, INC. 'LEGA 900135 000135 CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER CENTRAL CITIES SIGN SER 001195 CENTRAL SECURITY SERVIC 900137 CHEVEGN U S A INC. 000137 CHEVEGN U S A INC. 900137 CHEVRON U S A INC. 001193 CONP USA, INC. 001016 COUNTRY SIGNS & DESIGNS 901878 CROMll REDALS 901878 CROMlt MEDALS LOCKING BOXES IN PLANTER BEDS LABOR REPLACE CONCRETE a NEIGH PRKS INSTALL CONCRETE a NEIGH PRKS CALIF. NDA ANNUAL CONF:J.14EYER RETURNED LUNCH TICKET INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION BOOTH PUBLIC NOTICE (7776600'CI) STREET SIGNS & MISC HARDgARE STREET SIGNS & Ml~ HARDklARE HANDICAP SIGN CRC FIRE IIONITONING FUEL EXPENSE FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL EXPENSE FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL EXPENSE FOR CITY VEHICLES PRINTSHOP/MISC COMPUTER SUPPL! CITY SEAL i PALA & LOIA LINDA BASKETBALL NEDAL$ 61H, I/It lRE BASI~TBALL REI)ALS SLg/RIBB AC_~J_.BIT NUI4BER 190-183-999-5370 901-2660 190-181-999-5]01 190-181-999-5~01 190-181-999-5301 190-180-999-5238 190-1S5-999-5310 100-166-601-5&02 901-140-999-5118 001 - 160-999-5118 390 - 10~0 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-9~9-5212 190-180-999-5~15 1~0-180-999-54,15 190-182-999-5212 190-180-~-5212 165-199-999-5261 165-199-999-5261 280-199-999-5264 001-161-999-5256 100-164,-601-52/~. 100-1(~.-601-52~ 100-1&6-601-5264, 190-182-~-5250 901-170-999-57.62 901-163-999-5263 901-162-999-52~1 320-199-999-5221 190-180-999-524~. 190-183-999-5380 190-183-999-5380 ITBI AJ4ClJNT 60.16 ).35.16 /,?.50 7.80 3.92 16.8Q 195 .QO 335.01 255.96 127.f8 190.50 130.90 112.90 910.90 919.90 Z$8.75 18.73- 30.20 176.02 2?.8.6O 19.05 29.59 15.06 167.61 979.4~ 125.16 125.16 CHEI:I( ANalIT 836.14, 335.16 59.22 14,5.00 16.80 · 195.90 612.80 16~,030.25 2,071.00 30.2O &21.67 ~.90' 140.2/ 167.4,1 9'~.4,& CHEI~ NUNBIB 22825 22825 22825 22825 22826 22826 22827 22828 22829 22829 22829 22829 -'q30 ~0 22830 22831 22831 22831 22831 22832 22832 22832 22832 22832 22832 22832 22832 22833 2283~ 22836 228;54 228~ 22835 22835 27535 16:35 CHECK DATE 0~/Z~/95 03/231;5 031231;5 03/23/95 03123195 03123195 03/~/95 03123195 03/~/~ 03/2]/95 03123195 03123195 03123195 031~1~ 03123195 O3/23195 0018/8 0018/8 001393 001399 001399 001399 000155 000155 OO1893 001056 001056 OO1O56 001056 OO0165 000165 000165 000165 001002 001002 001002 001002 000170 000170 000170 000170 000170 000170 000170 000170 000993 000184 000184, 000184 OOO184 001164 001164 00116A 001166 CROIdi MEDALS CROll MEDALS DATA TlCl/T, INC. DATA TICKET, INC. DATA TICI~'T, INC. DATA TICKET, INC. DAVLIN DAVLIM DOUBLETREE HOTEL EASTffi4N PERSONNEL SERV] EXCEL LAMDSCAPE EXCEL LANDSCAPE EXCEL LANDSCAPE EXCEL LANDSCAPE FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. FEDERAL EXPRESS, INC. FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C F]RST INTERSTATE BANK C FRANKLIN QUEST CONPANY, FRANKLIN QUEST CaeAMY, FRANKLIN QUEST CONPANY, FRANKLIN GUEST COHPANY, FRANKLIN QUEST COHPANY, FRANKLIN QUEST COMPANY, FRANKLIN QUEST COMPANY, FRANKLIN QUEST Ca4PANY, FREEDON COFFEE, INC. G T E CALIFORNIA - PAY!q G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYM G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYM G T E CALIFORNIA - PAYIq GABRIEL, RICHARD GABRIEL, RICHARD GABRIEL, RICHARD GABRIEL, RICHARD CITY OF TBIEClJLA i/CHECK REGISTEll FOR ALL PERIOI)S ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT litSeER BASKETBALL MEDALS BIN/ItIHE FRE i GHT 190-183-999-5380 190-183-999-5380 CITATION PROCESSING DEC/NOV W, CITATION PROCESSING DEC/NOV 94 UPDATED REPORT MOT RECEIVED tJFq)ATED REPORT MOT RECKIVED 001-140-999-5250 001-170-999-5Z50 001-t40-999-5250 001-170-999-5230 AUDIO TAPING OF PLANNING COIl 001-161-~-5250 AUDIO TAPING OF 3/16 COUNCIL 001-100-~-5250 CORF:LENIUE OF CITIES COIl SER 1~0-180-~-5258 TE.14P HELP VIE 3/12 FORD 001-140-999-5118 REPLANTING RARGARITAED, REPLANTING NARGARITARD. REPLANTING NARGARITAED. REPLANTING NARGARITA RD, 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5615 193-180-999-5615 193-180-999-5415 PRIORITY RAIL PRIORITY IlL PRIORITY IlL PRIORITY 19.1L 001-162-999-5230 001-160-999-5230 001-161-999-5230 001-100-999-5230 56'7'3 ~ 0391 0081RR 56?3 ~ 0391 0081RR 56?'3 (>6(:4 0391 0172 RB 5473 666~ 0391 0131TE 001-100-999-5258 001 - 100-999-5260 001 - 150- 999- 5260 001-162-999-5258 CREDIT FOR RETURNED HERCHANDIS 001-110-999-5220 CLOCK/CALCULATOR/PAGEFINDER ADDRESS/PHONE TABS FOI4/RAINBOt4 PRK,COMPACT SIZE ADDRESS LABELS, Ca4PACT SIZE LIST/PLANNER SHEETS, CONPACT S FREIGHT TAX 001-1AO-999-5220 001-1AO-999-5220 001-1A0-999-5220 001 - 140-999-5220 001 - 140-999-5220 001-140-~39-5220 001 - 140-Q99- 5220 COFFEE SUPPLIES CITY HALL ~,0-199-999-5Z50 ~ 181-1123 GEM 90~-1993 GEN 90~ 6f5-3564 CITY HALL ALARfi 90~ 69~-8632 GEN 320-199-999-5208 320-199-~-5208 320-199-999-5200 CITY YARD LEASE (APRIMAY/JURE) CITY YARD LEASE (APR/NAY/JUNE) CITY YARD LEASE (APR/NAYIJUNE) CITY YARD LEASE (APR/MAYIJURE) 190-180-999-52~ 190-1990 100-164-601-5234 100-1990 ITB4 JT 123.16 34.00 213.50 213,50 8.~- 8.~- 153 .~4 696.2]3 81:1.64 81.00 60.00 100.00 75.00 13.50 13.50 9.50 699.58 Z4.77 ~4.75 43,60 8.57- 21.95 4.Q5 2.50 2.;55 3.16 116.85 553.58 1,023.34 52.82 27.4O PA6E 3 410.50 8~9.57 811.6& 81.90 61.75 35.1Z 116.85 1,659.14 2,100.00 VOLICHRE2 O3/23/95 VOUCHER/ CHECK NIMBER 22836 22836 22836 22836 22837 22837 22837 22837 22837 22838 22838 22838 22838 22838 22839 228~0 22861 228~1 22861 22842 228~2 228/,2 228~2 228~2 22842 22862 22843 228~ 228~ 228~5 228~6 228~7 2284~ 22~8 2284~ 228~8 228~8 16:35 CHECK DATE 03123195 031Z3195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03123195 03/23/95 VEIl)OR 000177 000177 000177 000177' 0001/8 000178 0001/8 0001/8 000178 001009 001609 Q01609 001609 00160~ 001060 000796 000796 0007W> 0001~4 0001~6 0001~. 00019~ 000194 00019~ 000194 001407 001894 0018~ 001667 000206 QOQg~5 Q~5 QQ0965 QQ09~5 Q~5 M GLENHIES OFFICE PROIXJCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRCOIJCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO GOLDEN STATE TRN)!NG CO GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO GREATER ALARM COI4PANY, GREATER ALARM COMPANY, GREATER ALARM COleANY, GREATER AI,AR~ COl4PANY, GREATER ALAR14 C014PANY, GRZSSETT, THERESA HYATT ICBO ICBO ICBO 1 c 14 A RETIRBIENT TRUS I C 14 A RETIREKENT TRUS I C H A RETIREMENT TRUS I c H A RETIREMENT TRUS ! C H A RETIREKENT TRUS ! C M A RETIREKENT TRIJS I c M A RETIREKENT TRUS INTER VALLEY POOL BU~PL JOHNSON FENCE C014PANY JOHNSON FENCE C014PANY KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE KINKO'S OF RIVERSIDE, I L & 14 FERTILIZER, INC. L P S COMPUTER SERVICE L P S COMPUTER SERVICE L P S CONPtJTER SERVICE L P S COMPUTER SERVICE L P S CCN)tJTER SERVICE CITY OF TB~CULA VOUCNER/C1483: REGISTER FOE ALL PEIIIQ)S ITEI4 DESCRIPTIGR SliTtiE PLATE FOR CKSIGliER MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TCSD OFFICE SIJPPLIES TCSO HARD DRIVE 1148 SIll 32 PIN 141CROSOFT SERIAL 140USE CEll FREIGHT TAX TONER CASE,KENORY CHIP & CARD INSTALL ALARI4DETECTOES 6 YARD INSTALL ALARH DETECTORS 6 YARD INSTALL ALARM DETECTORS i YARD CITY STORAGE ALAR14 NCIITOEING CITY HALL ALARM MOIdITGRING SER REFUND FOR TCSD CLASS CONF:DEBT FINANCING:MCOER140TT BUILDING SAFETY CAMPAIGN KIT FREIGHT TAX 000196 DEF CONP 000194 DEF ~ 00019/, DEF ~ 0001~ DEF COMP 000196 DEF CONP 000196 DEF COle 00019/, DEF C014P POOL SIJPPLIES FOR C.R.C INSTALL PRKING CURBS m, CEC INSTALL BLACK IRON FENCE a CKC TEMP HELP g/E 3/12 CLERICAL COPIES OF PLANNING COMM AGENDA BATTERY FOR TCSO EQUIP FUSER ROLLER PICJOJP ROLLERS LABOR NILEAGE TAX ACCOUNT MUleER 001-160-F~9-5220 001-160-999-5E0 190-180-9~9-5220 190-180-999-5Z20 001-170-9F)-5221 ~1-1~-999-5~1 001-1/0-999-5221 '.~1-1~-~-5~1 320-199-999-5221 100-166-601-S250 1~-1~-999-5~0 ~1-1~-~-5~0 ~0-1W-999-5~0 ~0-1W-f99-5250 190-18~-6962 001 - 140-999-5261 001-162-99~-5228 001-162-999-5228 001-162-9q9-5228 001-2080 100-2080 190-2080 191-2080 1~2-2080 193-2080 34,0-208O 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-180-;-5212 001-161-999-5118 001-161-999-5222 190-180-999-5262 320-19~-9~-5215 320-199-9~-5215 320-199-999-5215 320-1~9-999-5215 )20-199-9~9-5215 ITEM AMOUNT 75.~3 8.92 9.26 168.00 32.00 7.00 60.00 63.00 7.50 6.15 988.O7 222.02 475.96 65.51 75.00 80.06 22.50 25~.Z9 390.00 2,169.00 56~.02 12.56 52.72 250.00 60.00 10.00 21.70 NIOUItT 161.15 1,929.16 2.%.29 2,5)9.00 X4.02 12.56 52.72 601 ,/0 228A9 033123195 001251 LONG BEACH UNIFOR14 CO., OFFICER BADGES 001-170-999-52&2 699.50 tr""qE2 VOUCHER/ C~ Ntl4BER 22849 2285O 22851 22852 22853 22854 22855 22856 22856 22856 22856 22856 22856 -~'~6 ., 22857 22858 22859 22860 22860 22860 228~0 22861 228~. 22863 22863 2_~_863 22863 22863 22863 22863 22863 22863 16:35 CRE(:K DATE 03123195 03123195 03/23/95 03123195 03123195 03/23/95 03123195 0~123195 03123195 0~123195 03123195 0~123195 0~123195 0~123195 ~123195 03/23/95 03/23/95 03/23/95 031231~ 03123195 ~/231~ 0~i23195 0~123195 0~123195 0~12~/95 0~/23/95 ~1231 000216 OO129O 001905 000226 OO0883 O0088,3 000883 OO0883 000883 000883 000883 000883 000883 0006/,9 0013~A 001394 OO13~ 00139/, 000~9 0002/,6 000266 0002~6 0002~6 000246 0002~6 000266 000246 000246 000246 000246 000246 M LORG BEACH UIIIFDRIICO., T~ LOYA, LISA LUNCH & STUFF CATERING N C I TELECXX!IIICATIQN REYER, JOHN NEYER$, DAVID H l CRO AGE CCNPUTER CENT II3IITELEOtiE EXCAVATING MOIITELEONE EXCAVATING MONTELEOIIE EXCAVATING 140NTELEUNE EXCAVATING MONTELEUNE EXCAVATING HONTELEQNE EXCAVATING MONTELEONE EXCAVATING I40NTELEORE EXCAVATING MONTELEONE EXCAVATING t4UNOZ, SAL J. MURRIETA CHAMBER OF C(14 HURRIETA CHARBER OF ca4 NATIONAL SANITANYSUPPL NATIONAL SANITARYSUPPL NATIONAL SANITARYSUPPL NATIONAL SANITARYSUPPL NATIONAL SENINARS GROUP OLSTEN STAFFING SERVICE PERS CERPLOYEES' RETIRE. PERS (EMPLOYEES; RETIRE PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (EI~LO~ES; RETIRE PERS (BPLOYEES; RETIRE PERS (BIPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (EHPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (ENPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (ENPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE PERS (EHPLOYEES; RETIRE CITY Of TBIECLILA VOUCNF, R/ClIEC~ SISTER FOR ALL PERIIX)8 ITEM DESCRIPTION REFUND FOR TC51) CLASS CATERING SERVICES FOR CM DEPT LONG DISTANCE CARRIER CHARGES CRA STATE CORF 319-10/95 NEYER TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS LABOR - REPAIR OF DFXSO00 PTR ENERGENCY ~ DUE TO RAINS B4ERGENCY MORK DUE TO RAINS REPAIR DRIVEVAY & DRAINAGE ENERGENCY UORK PERFORfiB) EMERGENCY M:)RK DUE TO RAINS EHERGENCY gORK DUE TO RAINS EHERGENCY bJORK PERFORHED ERERGENCY IdORK DUE TO RAINS EHERGENCY UORK DUE TO RAINS CONF:LEAGUE OF CA; S. HUNOZ 1995 STATE CAPITOL VISIT:NJM AIRFARE-95 STATE CAPITOL-MJM NAINT. SUPPLIES FOR CRC SANITARY SUPPLIES i CITY HALL RAINT. SUPPLIES FOR CRC SANITARY SUPPLIES - SR CENTER COMF:POUERFUL PRESENTATION SKI TBIP HELP WE 2/26 000246 PER REDE 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS RET 000246 PERS PET OO02~6 PEltS RET OO02~ PERS RET O00246 PERS RET NUI4BER 001-170-999-5242 190-18~-6982 OO1-110-999-5260 320-1W-;-5208 165-199-999-5Z61 190-183-999-5330 320-199-999-5215 100-164-601-5401 100-164-601-5601 100-164-601-5402 100-166-601-5~)2 100-166-601-5401 100-16~-601-5601 100-164-601-5402 100-164-601-5401 100-164-601-5401 001-100-999-5258 001-110-999-5258 001-110-999-5258 190-182-~-5212 340-199-9f9-5212 190-182-9~-5212 W0-181-~-5212 001-161-~99-5258 OO1-162-999-5118 001-2130 001-2390 100-23~0 165-23f0 , 190-2390 191-2390 1~2-2390 193-2390 ~0-~ ITE!I 54.21 32.50 ~81.65 256.00 110.00 10,652.00 6,510.(X) 2,785.00 5,201.00 8,820.00 1,75A.00 9,356.00 15.05 280.00 1~0.00 261.29 377.34 24~3.16 383.81 79.00 374.40 -43.06 11,8~.~0 2,4/8.55 76.46 2,~.69 97.59 319,45 239.71 37.4~) 268.21 PAGE 5 CHECK ANCXJNT 75"5.11 15.00 32.50 981.45 10'5.48 256.00 110.00 54,466.00 15.05 280,00 WO.O0 1,265 .EO 79.00 3?4 .M) VGJCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA 03/23/95 16:35 VOUCIER/C, IECIC REGISTEr FGII ALL PERIGDS VOUCHER/ CHECI: CHECK VENDOR VEiN ITEM ACCOUNT tJ4BER DATE IIIER RN4E DESCRIPTION NUMBER ZTB4 AleXIT CHEG( AleXIT 22863 03/23/95 80024~ PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 PERS RET 3/,0-2390 22863 03/23/95 0002&6 PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 001-2390 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS (BIPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 $IIVIVOR 100-2390 22863 0:5/23/95 0002/6 PERS (ENPLOYEE$~ RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 165-2390 22863 0:5/23/95 0002/6 PERS (BIPLOYEE$' RETIRE 0002A6 SURVIVOR 190-2390 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS CE!4PLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 191-2390 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS (E!4PLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 192-2390 22863 03/23195 0002/6 PERS (EHPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 193-2390 22863 03/23195 0002/6 PERS (E!4PLOYEES# RETIRE 8002&6 SURVIVOR 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS CEMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS CEMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 320-2390 22863 03/23/95 0002/6 PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIVOR 330-2390 22863 0:5/23/95 0002/6 PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIRE 0002/6 SURVIV(I 3~0-2390 301.05 67.51 11.15 .23 13.62 .62 1.~ .7~ .23 2.00 18,769.lX 228~ 03123195 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REINB. 801"160'999'5261 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REINS. 001-110-F29-5258 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH SEElIB. 190-180-999-5260 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REIMB. 190-180-999-5220 228~ 03/Z3/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH RE[lIB. 190-183-9;9-5350 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REiMB. 001-165-999-5261 2286/, 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REiMB. 320-199-999-5242 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REi!4B. 001-150-999-5260 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REIMB. 801-150-999-5265 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REiMB. 100-16~-601-5216 2286/, 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REZMB. 100-16~-602-5260 2286~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REiMB. 190-183-999-5320 228~ 0-3/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REINB. 001-110-999-5260 228~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REile. 001-160-999-5258 228~ 03/23/95 000269 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REiHll. 001-100-999-5258 21.~ ~.~ 14.42 3.~ 16.~ 11 .~ 15.80 30 .~ :55.00 316.31 22865 0.312:5195 000580 PHOTO VOelCS FIL!I &PHOTO DEVELOPING 190-180-999-5301 22865 03/23/95 000580 PHOTO I~ORKS FiLN AND FILII DEVELOPING 190-180-999-5301 228&5 03/23/95 000580 PHOTO k~RKS FILN &PHOTO DEVELOPING 190-180-999-5301 5.38 16,0& 29,51 2280& 0-3/23/95 000255 PRO LOCK &KEY TC$1) LOCKSRITH SERVICES 190-180-999-5212 22866 0-3/23/95 000255 PRO LOCK & KEY LOCKEMITH SERVICE FOR CiTY HAL 3~0-199-999-5212 228&& 03/23/95 000255 PRO LOCK &KEY TCSO LOCKSNITH SERVICES 190-180-999-5212 22867 03/23/95 0005/6 RADIO SHACK A/B SIdlTCH 320-1~9-999-5221 22867 03/23/95 ~ RADIO SHACK MISC C04PUTER SUPPLIES 326-199-999-5221 969.32 66.61 25.08 SO .61 7.53 1,061.01 58.16 22868 0-3/23/95 801253 RAGAN C(MI4UN]CATIONS $tJBSCRIP:II)RKING C(IllUNICATON 801-161-999-5228 22870 0-3123195 800907 22870 03123195 000907 22870 0-3123/95 000907 22870 0-3123/95 000907 RANCHO CALIFONNIA MATER RANCliO CALIFORNIA HATER RANCHO CAR VASH RANCHO CAR k;ASH RANCHO CAR VASH RANCliO CAR UASH MATER SERVICE 1/25-3/1/95 HATER SERVICE 1/25-3/1/95 CITY VEHICLES MASHING EXPENSE CITY VEHICLES MASHING EXPENSE CITY VEHICLES MASHING EXPENSE CITY VEHICLES MASHING ~ 190-180-999-524,0 193-180-999-5Z~0 190-180-999-5216 801 - 110-999-521& 801-162-999-5216 801 - 163-999-5216 639.2& 1,01Z.05 33.97 26.50 1,651.~9 VOUCHER/ CHEClC NtNBER 22871 22871 22871 22871 22871 22872 22872 22873 22873 22873 2287'3 2287'3 22873 2287'3 2287~ 22875 5 2287& 22877' 22878 22878 2287V 22879 2287g 2287V 2287V 22881 22881 22881 22881 22881 22882 2?,883 16:35 CHECK DATE 03123195 03123195 03123195 0312331955 03123195 03/23/95 03/23/95 03/23/95 03/23/95 03/23/95 03/23/95 03123195 03123195 C[5/23/95 NtMBER 000875 000875 000/04 000704 00070/, 00070/, 0OO704 000704 000704 000278 000793 OO0793 OO0793 00~03 000~. 000519 000519 000537 000537 000537 000537 000537 001212 000375 OO0282 000305 O00320 MANE RANClIO INDUSTRIAL $IJPPL RANClIO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL RANClIO INIXISTRIAL SUPPL MANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL ROBERTS, RONALD H, ROeERTS, RONALD H. S K S, INC/INLAND OIL S K S, INC/INLAND OIL S K S, INC/INLAND OIL S K S, INC/INLAND OIL S K S, INC/INLANDOIL S K S, INC/INI.AII) OIL S K S, INC/INI.AND OIL SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE SCANTRON CORPORATION SCANTRON CORPORATION SCANTRON CORPORATION SHAt,/N SCOTT POOL & SPA SIERRA COHPUTER SYSTEMS SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTR SOUTH COUNTY PEST COMTR SOUTHERN CALIF BISON - SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - SOUTHERN CALIF GAS COMP SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHQN SOUTHERN CALIF. leJNICIP TARGET STONE TOMIE CENTER STATIONERS U C L A EXTENSION CITY OF TBIECULA VOUCIER/CHECK REGISTER Fat ALL PEItlGOS 11114 DESCRIPTION CITY MALL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CITY MALL JMITORIAL $UP91,,IE$ VISQUEEN FOR EROSION COMTROL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES B CITY YAR TCSD MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CPRC COliF-SAN JORE-3/1-6/95 MATIOIIAi. LEAGUE CONERESSIOMAL FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES RJEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES RECRUITMENT/IDVERTISING SCANTRON FOIU4S (5,000) FRE 1GHT TAX POOL SERVICE B TEHECULA ELEMEN SIERRA ANNUAL CONF:T. MAFELI PEST CTRL SERVICES i CITY MALL PEST CTRL SERVICES i CEC 43 77 077 5200 01 1127-2/28195 43 770775600 01 2/1-2/28/95 56-77-755-0157-01 2/7-3/9/95 56-77-755-0159-01 2/7-319195 59-77-416-2147-01 2/9-3/14/95 07-8274-036-1451-3 219-3113/95 00~ 202-4759 TE 00~206-0~j~2 BH 909 202-6755 CITY VAN 909202-4754 KH 909 312-0~74 EOC VOLLEYBALL TFJU! REGISTRATION RECREATION SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES COIl SERVICES IdKSHP:HELLO-ROOS & SPECIAL ASS NUMBER 340-199-999-5212 340-199-999-5212 100-1d4-N)1-5218 100-1~4-N)1-5218 190-180-999-5212 001-100-999-5258 O01-100-999-5258 001-150-9q~-5254 100-164-604-5222 100-16/,-604-5222 100-166-604-5222 100-180-~-5212 320-1~9-~-5258 100-182-~-5250 192-180-999-5319 191-180-999-5319 191-180-999-5319 191-180-999-5319 191-180-999-5240 1~0-181-999-5240 001-162-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 100-180-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 190-183-999-5380 100-182-999-5301 190-180-999-5220 001-161-999-5261 ITEN AMOUMT 249.02 209.20 511.81 ~36.18 257.31 26.9O 115.96 15.72 43.66 116.00 661.93 31.80 ?Q.97 89.69 493.92 68728 17.39 53.52 2&8.00 175.00 42.00 20,706.24 6,178,41 220.52 (~,.61 18.15 32.19 38.12 51.19 107.01 44.05 56.00 168.~8 620.00 PAGE7 1,563.52 142.86 1,029.7'/ 693.92 758.30 26L00 175.00 27,179.93 32.19 28/.42 56.00 168.68 19.05 620.00 VOUCHRE2 03/23/~5 16:35 CITY OF TBIECULA VOUCHER/CIIECX RL~ISI'=R FIX ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ ~E~ NUMBER 22887 22887 22887 22888 22888 22888 22888 22888 22889 22889 2288~ 22889 22889 22889 22891 22892 228~2 228~2 CHECK DATE 03/23/95 03123195 03123195 03123195 03/23/95 03)123195 HUNGER ~1~5 N1065 ~1~5 001~5 ~1065 ~1~5 000389 00O389 OO0389 OOO325 0OO325 OOO325 OO0)25 O0O325 000326 000326 000326 000326 000326 001209 001076 O01703 001703 001703 M ITB! DESCRIPTION U S C 14/PEBSCO (DEF. C 0010~5 U S C !l/PEBSCO CDEF. C 001065 U S C 14/PEBSCO (DEF. C 0010~5 U S C n/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 U S C N/PEBS00 (DEF. C 001065 U S C H/PEBSCO (DEF. C 001065 u s c H/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000~8~ U S C n/PEBSCO (OeRA) 00038~ U S C N/PEBSCO (OBRA) 000.T~ DEF COHP DEF COIF DEF CONP DEF COI4P DEF COIIP DEF COI4P' PT RETIR PT RETIR PT RETIR UNITED MAY OF THE INLAId 000325 UNITED MAY OF THE INLAId 000325 UV UNITED MAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UNITED MAY OF THE INLAN 000325 UNITED MAY OF THE INLAN 000325 LN UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE, UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE, UNIT(3(; RENTAL SERVICE, UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE, UNITOG RENTAL SERVICE, UNXTOG RENTAL SERVICE, VAULT INC., THE MESTERN HASTE, INC. 001-2080 100-2080 190-2080 300-2080 320-2080 3~0-2080 XEROX-COPIER SOURCE XEROX-COPIER SOURCE XEROX-COPIER SOURCE 001-2160 '100-2160 190-2160 001-2120 100-2120 165-2120 190-2120 280-2120 UNIFORMS MAINT FOR PM UNIFORM NAINT FOR TCED UN[FONM MAINT FOR TCSD FLOOR MATS RENTAL t CITY MALL FLOOR MAT RENTAL a CRC FLOOR MATS RENTAL O SR CENTER 100-164-601-52&3 190-180-999-5243 100-180-999-5243 3A.0-199-999-5250 190-182-999-5250 190-181-999-5250 NiCROF[LN DATA STORAGE 330-199-999-5277 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 190-180-999-5238 coPY CART FOR XEROX 5021ZTA TONER FOR XEROX 5021ZTA COPIER TAX 100-182-999-5Z39 190-182-999-5Z39 100-182-999-5Z59 TOTAL CHECKS ITB4 aT 1,875,99 271.50 5,00 312,50 50.00 219.92 59.26 283.30 58.45 10,05 ./5 17.00 .75 29.66 16.85 17.93 3~,50 38.23 18.00 142.04 455,00 371.00 216.00 45.50 CHECK NIXJIlT: 2,6~7.22 562.~8 87.00 15b. 142,04. 455.00 632.50 :5:50,671.60 15:13 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CIIECK REGISTER FOIl ALL PENIGDS PAGE 6 FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 190 COII4UNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL A 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 280 RE'DEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP 320 iNFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 $tJPPORT SERVICES 3/,0 FAC[L[TTES TOTAL AMOUNT 16,418.65 4,/,66.18 6,567.89 1,122.77 1,132,98 11,3/,0.13 2,960.18 4,321.07 10,767.67 59,097.52 /OUCHRE2 3S/30/95 15:13 CITY OF TEHECtJLA VOUCIER/CHECI( REGISTER FOG ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECk:: CHECK VEIl)OR VEIlDOlt IRJIER DATE ~ER I 22898 03/20/95 OOQg~O ANGXPERT SYSTB4S 22899 03/20/95.001357 ACTION COIIIUNICATIOGS, 22899 03/20/95 OO1357 ACTION CCIIINICJkTIONS, 22899 03/20/95 001357 ACTION CO144UNICATIOGS, 22900 03/20/95 000106 ALFAX VNOLESALE FURNITU 22900 03/20/95 000106 ALFAX UHOLESALE FURNITU 22900 03/20/95 000106 ALFAX UHOLESALE FURNITU 22901 03/20/95 001375 ANER[CAN CONSTRUCTION 22902 03/20/95 00131/, ANERICAN PLANNING US(X; 22903 03/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 22903 03/20/95 000101 APPLE OGE, INC. 22903 03/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 22903 0:3/20/95 000101 APPLE OGE, INC. 22903 03/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 2290:3 0:3/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 2290:3 0:3/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 22~03 0:3/20/95 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 2290~ 03/20/95 000~7~, ARBOR-PRO TREE SERVICE 22~05 03/20/95 000~1 AROUNO A BUCK 2290(> 03/20/95 000~75 B H T PUBLICATIONS, INC 22~06 03/20/95 000~75 B N Z PUBLICATIONS, INC 22907 03/20/95 00062~ BARB'S BALLOONING AFFAI 2L~08 03/20/95 000120 BICKNELL TRAVEL CENTER 2290~ 03/20/95 BUCARO CONSTRUCTION CO. 22910 03/20/95 001006 SURTRONICS BUSINESS 'SYS 22~11 03/20/95 O00q2~ C A P P O, INC. 22912 03/20/95 O001Zf CALMEST RENTAL CENTER, 22~13 03/20/95 000127 CALIFOGNIAN, INC.-LEGA 22~13 03/20/95 000127 CALIFOGNIAN, INC. -LEGA 22~13 03/20/95 000127 CALIFOGNIAN, INC. -LEGA 22~13 03/20/95 000127 CALIFOGNIAN, INC. -LEGA 22913 03/20/95 000121 CALIFOGRIAR, INC. -LEBA 22~1/, 03/20/95 000)87 CAREER TBACK $EHINARS N 22~15 03/20/f5 000138 CITICORP NORTH N4ERICA ITEN AccouIrr ITEN CHEII DESCRIPTIOG NUHBER AHOIJIrr AHOUNT ACCIDENT RE-CQtlSTItUCTIOG OOFTM OD1-170-9°9'5221 INSTALL POLICE RADIO ON IOTOGC INSTALL POLICE PJIDIO OG NOTOGC INSTALL IrcATHERPROOF BOX 001-170-;-5214 001-170-~R-5216 001-170-;-5216 FOLDING TABLES WSTEEL LEGS FREIGHT TAX 190-181-999-5381 190-181-9q9-5301 190-181-999-5301 ANNUAL DUES RENE!IM. 001-165-;-5226 ODNF:PLNiNING PROFESSION 31231 OO1-161-999-5261 TE!4P HELP WE 1/28 REER TENP HELP N/E 21/, REER TEle HELP M/E 2/11 SUTTON TEldIP HELP M/E 2/18 NEER TBIP HELP M/E 2/18 PO~LL TE!e HELP M/E 2/25 P(h4ELL TEMP HELP M/E :3/4 NEER TEHP HELP M/E :3/18 CHESHIER 280-1~-~-5250 280-1W-~-5250 ~30-1~-~-5118 280-1~-~-5250 001-1/,0-~-5118 1~0-180-~-5118 280-1F}-~-5250 1~0-180-~-5118 5 TREES TRINI4ED-!IASTERS DR/CLA 100-16/,-001-5/,02 TCSO EASTER HUNT SUPPLIES 1~0-103-~-5370 PUB:STANDARD PLANS & PU CONSTR 100-16/,-604-5228 PUB:STANDARD PLANS & PU CONSTR 190 -180 -999-5228 TCSO EASTER HUNT SUPPLIES 190-183-999-5370 AIRFABE:MEBSTER:PLANNER INST 001-161-999-5258 GRADING PRHT OVRCHG LDgA-226GR OO1-2670 ENGINEERING COPIER NAINT CONTR 330-199-999-5217 CONF:PRCH & PROF SERVS:THOGBOR 001-14,0-999-5261 SCISSORLIFT RENTAL FOG TCSD lf0-180-;-5238 PUBLIC HEARING (7/71969'Cl) PUBLIC HEARING C7771989'C13 PUBLIC HEARING (7771989wcl) PtlLIC HEARING (7771989'C13 PUBLIC HEARING (7771989~CI) 001-120-~-5254 001-120-~-525/, 001-120-~-525& 001-120-~-5254 001-161-~-5256 CONF:SELF-DIRECTED TM:ROBER 001-170-999-5261 LEASE PI4T FOR TELEPHONE SYSTEN :320-2800 /,95.00 5A7.85 792.00 f2.OO 65.3~ 230.00 27.OD 103,20 20~.63 307.02 277'.35 216.72 1~ 126.~2 75O.0O 50.00 187.27 8~.17 154.00 IO0.OD IS,00 96.19 76.76 39.72 38,69 32.52 14~ ./,4 1,7V7.19 9~9.3~ 230.00 27,00 1,517 ?50~Ou 50.OO 271 172 ./,O 156.OO lOO.OO 65.OO 96.19 252.~,5 15:13 CITY OF TBefCULA VIXICIIB/CHECIC REGTSTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAG~ ~UCNER/ CHECK CHECK HUliER DATE 22915 03/20195 22916 03/20/95 22917 03/20/95 22918 03/20/95 22919 03/20/95 22~20 03/20/95 22920 03/20/95 22921 03/20/95 22922 03/20/95 2292] 03/20/95 2292~ 03/20/95 03/20/95 & 22,rc~ 03/20/95 22926 03/20/95 22927 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22928 03/20/95 22929 03/20/95 22930 03/20/9S 22931 03/20/95 22932 03/20/95 22933 03/20/95 229:]3 03120195 229~3 03/20/95 229~3 03120195 22933 03/20/95 ~ 03/20/9S 03/20/95 ~ 03/20/95 VENDOR VENDOR NIMBER NAIIE 000138 CITICORP NORTH HRICA 001267 CITY-VIDE ELECTRORIC SY 000146 COSTCO gHOLESALE COltPOe 000155 DAVLIN ETEH DESCRIPTION LEASE PtlT FOR TELEPHONE SYSTBI SR CNTR ALAR!4 HOHITORING 2 QTR TCSD EASTER HUNT SUPPLIES PLANNING CONH TAPING 3/20 000518 DEL RIO CARE A!IIlIAL HO$ MEDICAL CARE FOR POLICE DOG 001673 DIVERSIFIED TE!!PI3UIRY S TBIP HELP M/E ?./26 FRITCHEY 00167'5 DIVERSIFIED TENPORARY S TENP HELP U/E 3/19 FRITCIIEY 000609 DOUBLETREE HOTEL HOTEL:LEAGUE C0144 SERVS:G.RUND 001~0~ DOUGLAS, JOHN TUNE PIANO AT SR CNTR 001350 DUN & BRADSTREET RDA CREDIT INFORNATZON B(X)I(S 0019O9 DYNATECH TACTICAL DC & AC POlaR IIMIDS 001893 EASTNAN PERSONNEL SERVI TEHP HELP H/E 3/19 FORD 001893 EASTNAN PERSONNEL SERV/TEll} HELP VIE 3/26 FORD 000350 ELHO, ANTHOtlY COHF:ANItUAL BIJILD OFFICIALS 001701 EXCEL RENTAL CENTER SKIPLOADER RENTAL 001002 001002 001002 001002 001002 001002 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C FIRST INTERSTATE BANK C 5673 6666 0391 0099 JS CCONF) 5673 66(:4 0391 0166 S;4 (HOTEL) 5673 ~ 0:591 0162, SH (HOTEL) 5673 ~ 0391 0032 HJH (CONF) 5673 6664, 0:591 0057 SN 5673 66~ 0391 0057 SN 001103 FREEDOH NATERIAL$ REPAIR ~JRK TO CHANNEL 3/11-12 001866 FUN BIKE CENTER, INC. REAR NOTORCYCLE TIRES G T c 1JEST 1995 COlIF: GOV'T TECHNOLOGY:EAFELZ 00018~ G T E CALIFORNIA - PAl14 9(}9 699-2675 CITY YARD PHONE 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRaDUCT 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PR6XJCT 000177 GLENN[ES OFFICE PRODUCT 000177 GLENHIES OFFICE PRODUCT 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRQOUCT 0O0177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRCOUCT 000177 GLENNZES OFFICE PRCOUCT 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PlffiOUCT HISC OFFICE SlIPPLIES HEY CONTROL $YSTB4 60 KEYS TAX HLP HEATERS WTHEN4 TAX OFFICE SUPPLIES/BLDG & SAFETY NISC OFFICE SUPPLIES HISC OFFICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNT IItNBER 320-199-999-5391 190-181-999-5250 190-183-999-5370 001-161-999-5250 001-170-999-5327 001-161-999-5118 001 - 161-999-5118 190-180-999-52S8 190-180-999-5301 280-199-999-5250 001 - 170-999-5215 001 - 160-999-5118 001 - 160-999-5118 001-162-999-5258 100-1(34-601-52:58 001-100-999-5258 001-100-999-5258 001-1170 001-110-999-5258 190-180-999-5260 190-180-999-5258 100-16/,.-601-5218 001-170-999-5216 320-199-999- 5258 100-16/,-601-5208 100-180-999-5220 3.&0-199-999-5212 :5/,0-199-999-5212 001-160-999-5242 001 - 1~0-999-5262 001-162-999-5220 001-14,0-999-5220 190-180-999-5220 ITEN N4OUlIT 162.72 1~ .00 A00.00 150.~ 1~.75 288.~ 722.60 202.~ 60.00 550.00 10:5.79 668°00 ~5.~ 150.~ 7.95 38.% 1~.~ 1~.70 826.0:5 12.~ 59.B 75.18 5.B 111.~ 7.~ CHECK MI01MT 1,627.57 103.00 600.00 150.00 176.75 1,011.~6 202.91 60.00 550 .O0 103.79 561 US .09 1,381 163.70 VOUCHRE2 03/30/'95 15:13 CITY OF TBIECtr,.A VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CNECK IIUI48ER DATE 2293/* 03/20/95 2293~ 03/20/9~ 2293~ 03/20/9~ 22935 03/20/95 22936 0312019~ 22937 03/2019~ 22938 03/20/9~ 22939 03120195 229~0 03120195 229/.1 03/20/95 229~1 03/20/95 229/*2 03/20/95 229/,2 03/20/95 229~3 03120195 229~ 03/20/95 229~5 03/20/95 229~5 03/~0/95 229~6 03/20/95 229~7 03/20/95 229~8 03/20/95 229~9 03/20/95 229~0 03/20/95 22951 03/20/95 2~2 03/20/95 22953 03120195 22953 03/20/95 2295/* 03/20/95 2295/* O3/20/95 2295/* 03120195 22955 03120/95 VelX31t mR 0001~ 0001~ 000871 001119 000860 000205 VENDOR M GLOBAL CI34PtJTER SUPPLIE GLOBAL COI4PtJTER SUPPLZE GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPL[E HALE, NARCY HARDIN, BERNICE HILTON HOUSTON & HARRIS PIPE C JOCHUM, LOR1 KIDS PARTIES, ETC, 000206 KINKO'S OF RIVERSIDE, 006206 KINKO'S OF RIVERS[DE, 001123 001123 00153A 001199 LEAGUE OF CAL. CITIES 001513 LISERTY AUTO CENTER 001513 LIBERTY AUTO CENTER 00021/ LUNCH & STUFF CATERING 001870 MENK, HELGA 001526 NICHAELS STONES, INC. ~ILLER, SOPHIE 000228 liDelL, INC. 001067 N P G CORP. ITEM DESCRIPTION SiNK)PERFECT IJPGRN)E FREIGHT TAX REFUND FOG TCSD CLASS REFUND FOG TCSO CLASS HOTEL:ECONOMIC DEVEL COGF:NELS EMERG CLEAN DRAIN*RANCHO VISTA TCND INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS TCSD RASTER HUNT SUPPLIES PRINTING CHARGE PRINTING CHARGE KNOX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIE SMALL HAND TOOLS FOG HAINT CRE KNOX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIE TAX LA HASTERS OF FINE TRAV AIRFARE:CA EXECUT.ACADEHT:ROBE CONF:COHI4 SERVS COle1 G.RUND TCSO VEHICLE HAINT & REPAIRS B&S VEHICLES REPAIR & MAINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/28/95 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS TCSD CRAFT CLASS SUPPLIES REFUND FOR TCSD CLASS FUEL EXPENSE FOG CiTY VEHICLES EMERG ASPHALT PATCH VliK ACCI/MT IIUI4BER 3Z0-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 320-199-999-5221 190-183-6986 190-183-/.986 i90-180-999-5238 100-16A.-601-5/,.01 190-183-999-5330 190-183- ,"~,-5370 001 - 161-999-5222 001 - 161-999-5222 100-16A-601 100-164-601-52/2 061-100-999-5258 190-180-999-5258 190-180-999-521/, 061-162-999-521/, 001-106-999-5260 190-183-999-5330 190-183-999-5320 190-183-/.986 061-161-999-5262 100-164-601-5602 NEXTEL COI414UNICATIONS, O00Z~9 GLSTEN STAFFING SERVICE 000239 OLSTEN STAFFING SERVICE 000580 PHOTO M OR KS 000580 PHOTO M OR KS 000580 PHOTOUORKS 000253 POSTMASTER DISPATCH UDIGS NNTHY COVERAGE 320-199-999-5209 TENP HELP WE 2/19 GEAGE TEI4P HELP Id/E 3/5 GRAGE 061-162-999-5116 061-162-999-5118 FILM & PHOTO DEVELOPING FILM & PHOTO DEVELOPING FILM & PHOTO DEVELOPING 001-100-999-5250 061-100-999-5250 190-180-999-5301 RENEI~ BULK HATE PER!lIT 15 330-199-999-5230 ITEH AJ40~T 289.95 10.65 23.01 ?.O0 2~.M %0.00 115.~ 55.00 16.64 3~.53 1~.00 200.00 2~-~ 532.57 ~.00 19.20 7.00 13.~ 10.~ 5.~ mT 323.61 7.OO 7.00 206.08 115.20 396 .~,~ 799.86 80.00 19.20 /*0.00 13.3'1 936,06 63.19 ~iJp/~ CITY OF TBECULA )3A 15:~3 VOUCHER/CEaC REaXSTER FOIl ALL PERIOOS PAlt iOIJCHER/ :HEC3C: CHE{3:: VENDOR VENDOR ITB! ,K,II~ER DATE NUIIER M DESCRIPTIOII 22956 03/20/95 PUCCIO, TINA REFUND FOR TCSD CLASS 2295? 03/20/95 00094? RANCliO BELL BLUEPRINT C BLUEPRINT FOR SPT PRIC leOV~ 2295? 03/20/95 OO09z,? RANCliO BELL BLUEPRINT C BLUEPRINT FOR SPT PRK INPROVEM 22957 03120195 0009~7 RANCliO BELL BLUEPRINT C BLUEPRIMT FOR LAND DEVEL 22958 03/20/95 000262 RANClIO CALIFORNIA kITER 02-79-10100-1 2/10-3/13/95 22~59 03/20/95 OOlYe26 RANClIO IIIDUSTRIAL SUPPL SR CNTR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 22959 03/20/95 000~26 lUreCliO INDUSTRIAL SUPPL CITY HALL JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 22960 03/20/95 001732 REEVES, DONNA L. SALES TAX ASSISTANCE 22~1 03/20/95 001675 RIVERSIDE CO./GSA BUILD RIGHT OF MAT GERVS BY REAL PRO 22~62 03/20/95 001156 S C P P 0 A COliF:GET READY FOR SIJIIER:AQUA 22963 03/20/95 O01~zel SAN DIEGO COUNTY TREASU TECHNICAL CERVS RENDERED 229~ 03/20/95 000~5 SHART & FINAL, INC. RECREATION SUPPLIES ~/~""' 03/20/95 000(~5 SHART & FINAL, INC. RECREATION SUPPLIES 22Yo~ 03/20/95 O00z,05 SMITH, PHILLIP COle INSPECTOR CERTIF REZHB. 22966 03/20/95 000537 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - ELECT SERVS PERleO END:3/20/95 22966 03/20/95 000537 SOUTHERN CALZF EDISON - (~-77-58~-8087-02 2/22-3/23/95 22966 03/20/95 000537 SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON - 66-77-795-8082-01 2/23-3/22/95 22967 03/20/95 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON ~0~ 202-4761 22~67 03/20/95 000375 SOUTHERN CALIF TELEPHON ~0~ 205-7826 GR 22968 03/20/95 000291 SPEE DEE OIL CHANGE & T 22969 03/20/95 001678 STEPHENSOfa, KATIE J- 22970 03/20/95 0015A6 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS 22971 03/20/95 000305 TARGET STORE 22972 03/20/95 000825 TEHECULA CYCLES 22973 CL3/20/95 000905 TEleEOULA SHUTTLE GERVIC 22974 03/20/95 000957 TEIdlEOULA VALLEY FIL.!! 22973 03/20/95 000320 TO, alE CENTER STATIONERS 22975 03/20/95 000320 TCM&E CENTER STATIONERS 2~J~4 03/20/95 001179 TREBQR CIXePANY INC., TH )03/20/95 001179 TREBOR COleANY INC., TH VEHICLE HAINT & REPAIR REINBURSEHENT FOR NILEAGE TI) SHELF UNITS ~Cl4EN'S RESTRO RECREATION SUPPLIES POLICE HOTORCYCLES REPAIRS SHUTTLE:INT'L YR FANILY:LINDER FILJ4 COUNCIL AOREENENT OFFICE SUPPLIES'LAND DEVEL OFFICE SUPPLIES'LAND DEVEL DELINEATOR V/12 LB EASE TAX I,X, BER 190-183-4~986 210-190-13T-5802 210-190-137-5802 001-163-999-5268 190-1BU-999-5240 190-181-999-5212 3/,0-199-999-5212 001-2030 210-165-602-5700 190-180-999-5261 001 - 150-999-5230 190-182-999- 5301 190-180-999-5301 001-162-999-5261 191-180-999-5319 :~0-199-999-5240 190-181-999-5240 001-100-999-5208 001-140-999-5208 001-162-999-521~. 001-120-999-5262 3A0-199-999-5212 190-180-999-5301 001-170-999-5214 001-100-999-5258 280-199-999-526A 001-16~-999-5220 001-163-999-5220 190-180-999-52/2 190-1BU-999-52~Z ITEN ANDUNT 7.QO 21.55 157.75 19.:34~ 53.92 90.60 180 ./,9 6,327.09 953 60.OQ 250.0Q 186.1~, 53.47 105.00 1,122.77 53 .:S3 727.58 235.70 124.02 14.54 57.80 175.00 28.51 175.26 50.00 10,000.00 9.26 .75 596.00 CHEC]( MQIJNT 7.00 196.64, 53.92 271.09 6,3Z7.09 953.68 60.00 230.00 239.61 105.00 359.72 14.5/, 57.80 175.00 28.51 175 50.QO lO,QQO.O0 9.99 6~.35 ./OUCHRE2 ~3/S0/95 15:13 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUClrdt/CIEC~ SISTER FOR ALL PERZODS VOUCHER/ ~,HEClC F4IMBER Z297'/ 22978 22979 22981 22981 22982 CHECK DATE 03/20/95 03/20/95 03120195 03120/95 03/20195 03/20/95 03120/95 03/20/95 03120/95 03120195 03/20/95 03/20/95 000~26 VEIlDOlt lINE LINITOG RENTAL SERVICE, UALDENBOOKS 001342 WAXZE SANITARY SUPPLY, 0013/,2 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY, 0003/,0 WHITE CAP INDUSTRIES, l 0003/+0 WHITE CAP INDUSTRIES, l 0003/,2 WINDSOR pARTNERS-RANCHO 000~2 WINO$OR pARTNERS'RANCHO O003/d XEROX CORPORATION BILLI 000345 XEROX CORPORATION BZLLI 000345 XEROX CORPORATION BILLI 001877 ZUBOV, EDWARD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIFORM MAINT FOR TCSD PERSOWN PUBICOHM GERVS MIMT REI~R BOOK MAINT CREW RAGES-ON-ROLL 2CASE TAX EFIERG POLY SAND RAGES TAX APRIL 95 RENT/FEB 95 CAM OVRPAID ELECT SERVS XEROX 5100 TONER TAX XEROX COPIER MONTHLY LEASE SPRING SUING & JITTERBUG DANCE TOTAL CHECKS NUI4BER 190-180-999-524) 190-180-999-5228 100-1(34-601-5218 100-164-601-5218 100-16~-601-5218 100-16A-601-5218 3AO-1~9-999-S23A 340-199-999-524,0 3S0-199-999-5220 330-199-999-5220 :~30-199-f99-52)9 190-18~-999-5370 ITEN AROUNT 16.85 43.56 126.38 9.79 810.00 62.78 11,497.65 1,203.27' 2,986.12 1,000. O0 Allllrr 16.85 43.56 176.17 872.78 lo,294,.38 3,821.18 1 ,ooo .oo 16:06 CITY OF TENECULA VOUCHER/NIl( REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 100 GAS TAX FUND 190 COMMIJN[TY SERVICES DZSTRICT 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUI) 280 REDEVELOPHENT AGENCY - CIP :300 INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES TOTAL 333,658./,3 27,639.10 17,359.83 39,809.26 9,7~,2.50 67,786.03 1,091 .~1 /,,589.15 505,~57.96 VOUCHEE2 03/50195 16:06 CITY OF TBIECULA VOUCNE~CIE:K SISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NIJMBER DATE 22986 0/,/11/95 22986 0A/11/95 22986 0/,/11/95 22986 0A/11/95 22986 0AIl1/95 22986 0A/11/95 22986 0~/11/95 22986 0A/11/95 22987 0~/11/95 22988 0/,/11/95 22988 0~/11/95 22989 0/,/11/95 22990 0/,/11/95 22990 0/,/11/95 22990 04/11/95 22991 06/11/95 22992 04/11/95 22992 0/,/11/95 2299~ 0~/11/95 229~ 0~/11/95 0~/11/95 0~/11/95 22995 0/,/11/95 22996 0~/11 22~)7 0/,/11/95 22997 0~/11/95 22998 0~/11/95 229~ 0/*/11/95 23000 0~/11/95 23001 0~/11/95 23001 ~/11/95 23001 0/,/11/95 23001 0~/11/95 23001 0/,/11/95 23001 06/11/95 23001 0~/11/95 Vii)OR VENDOR NUMBER NN4E 000123 BURG tdILLINiS & SOltENS 000123 BURG UILLIAMS & GEMS 000123 BURHE UILLI~JIS & SORENS 000123 BIJRKE M[LLIANS & SORENS 000123 BURKE t~ILLIAHS & SOItENS 000123 BURHE VILLIN4S & SOItENS 000123 BURKE UILL]AI4S & SOltENS 000123 BURKE UILLINiS & SOltENS 000126 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE HA 00086~ CORONA CLAY CO., iNC, 0008(~ CORONA CLAY CO-, INC. 00171/, DREN4 ENGINEERING, iNC. 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 000/,81 GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONM 001706 GOLDEN BEAR ARBORZSTS, 001706 GOLDEN BEAR ARBORISTS, 001349 MANE, BALLHER & BERIO4AN 001349 MANE, BALLHER & BERIO4AN 000206 KINKO'S OF RIVERSIDE, Z 000206 KINKO'S OF RIVERSIDE, Z 00165/, MONTEREY SYSTEMS, INC. 000230 HUN] FINANCIAL SERVICES 001007 N P G CORP. 001007 N P G CORP. 0002/*7 PESTMASTER 00035/* RIVERSIDE CO. HEALTH DE 000~55 RiVERSIDE CO. REGIST. V 000~06 RIVERSIDE GO- SNERIFF'S 000~06 RIVERSIDE CO. SHERIFF*S 000606 RIVERSIDE CO. SHERIFF~S 000/,06 RIVERSIDE CO- SNERIFF'S 000~06 RIVERSIDE CO, SHERIFF~S 000/,06 RIVERSIDE CO- SHERIFF'S 000~06 RIVERSIDE CO, SHERIFF'S ITEM DESCRIPTIOR ACCOUNT NUIIER FEB 95 PEOF. HERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL SERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL SERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL HERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL SERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL SERVICES FEB 95 PitOF SERVICES HIS-CALCULATED INVOICE 21622 INSTALL DRAIN i LOIM LINDA PRK 001 - 1~0-999-52~6 001-1280 001-130-~99-52~6 300-199-999-5207 190-180-999-52~6 280-199-999-52/6 001 - 130-~99-52/6 001 - 1)0-999-52/6 190-180-999-5~15 AllGEL MIX FOR BASEBALL FIELDS 190-180-999-5212 TAX 190-180-999-5212 DESIGN ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTS 210-190-161-5802 RENOVATE SPT PRK BALL FIELDS MARCH LANDSCAPE HAINT FOR SLOP MARCH LANDSCAPE HAINT a SPT PR 190-180-999-3415 lf5-180-999-5~15 190-180-999-5615 TEST FOR TEMP FIRE STATION 001-171-999-5A70 TREE TRillriNG VILLAGES A & B 193-180-999-5/.16 TREE TRIMMING, RIDGEVIB4 TRACT 193-180-999-5/.16 JAN 95 LEGAL SERVICES FEB 95 LEGAL SERVICES 280-199-999-52/6 280-199-999-52/.8 COPIES 001 - 161-999-5222 PRINTING COSTS 001-161-999-5222 MISC MICROFILM SUPPLIES 330-199-999-5277 ASSESSMENT ADI4IN SERVS 2 QTR 190-180-999-5370 PAUBA RD ASPHALT REPAIRS PAUBA RD ASPHALT REPAIRS 100-16~-601-5/*02 100-16~-601-5~02 RIGHT OF MAY I~EED CNTRL JAN 95 ANIMAL CONTROL HERVICES CO1-172-999-5255 MEASURE B ELECTION HAlt 7, 1995 280-199'9~'5225 FEB 95 LAM ENFORCEMENT FEB 95 LAM ENFORCEHINT FEB 95 LAUEMFORCENENT FEB 95 LAM ENFORCEHINT FEB95 LAVENFORCENENT FEB 95 LAU ENFORCEMENT FEB95 LAMENFORCEMENT 001-170-999-5288 001-170-999-5298 001-1/0J~99-5290 001-170-999-5291 001-170-999-5282 001-170-999-5299 001-170-999-529~ ITEM 3,150.00 2,216.55 16,983.69 3,782,25 326.35 2,671.08 2,/.91.83 1,50T.50 1,550.00 120.13 5,342 · 50 2,112.00 17,~81 6,8T'/.81 1,000.CO 19,292.00 3,136.00 3,916.95 3,8/*7.8;3 671.95 61/*.17 1,671.28 1,181.00 96~.32 10,203.78 8,692.62 /6,0&8.17 185,855.69 17,3~7./,8 6,159.68 5,051 2,7~.32 25,273.80 9,823.53 31,617.75 '1,507.50 1,670.13 5,3~2.50 26,371.07 1,ooo,.,~,, 7,16~.78 1,086.12 1,671.Z8 2,165.32 10,203.78 8,692.&2 . /6,068.17 VOUCHER/ CHECK llUBER 2:3001 2)001 2)001 2)002 2)003 2)003 2)003 2)006 2)00~ 2)005 2)005 2)005 2)005 2)005 2)005 J7 2)007 2)008 2)009 2)000 2)009 16:06 CHECK DATE 06/11/95 06/11/95 04111195 04111195 04111195 04111195 06111195 04/11/95 04/11/95 06/11/95 06/11/95 04/11/95 06/11/95 04/11/95 06/11/95 04/11/95 06/11/95 04/11/95 04/11/95 04/11/95 04/11/95 04/11/95 NUMBER 000406 000~06 O00406 001675 000269 000269 000269 001643 00164) 001715 001715 001715 001715 001715 001715 0004)4 000:5)Z 000332 001867 001/~0 001/,60 001~60 NN4E RIVERSIDE CO. SHERIFF'S RIVERSIDE CO. SHERIFF'S RIVERSIDE CO. SHERIFF'S RIVERSIDE CO./GSA BUILD RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY ROY ALLAN SLURRY SEAL, ROY ALLAN SLURRY SEAL, SELECT STEEL SYSTEMS SELECT STEEL SYSTEHS SELECT STEEL SYSTEMS SELECT STEEL SYSTEMS SELECT STEEL SYSTEMS SELECT STEEL SYSTEMS SIEREA COMPUTER SYSTEHS VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATZ VAMDO~PE CHOU ASSOCZATZ bEST COAST ARBOR/STS, WlIIERLY,ALLISON,TONG & WlMBERLY,ALLISON,TONG & WlNBERLY,ALLISON,TONG & CITY OF TENECULA VOIJCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCRIPTION FEB95 LAW ENFORCERENT FEB 95 ~ ENFORCB4ENT FEB 95 LAW ENFONCENENT WINCHESTER REAL PROPERTY SERVS WHITE PAPER 8.5 X 11 COLO!tED PAPER: 5 SALeON, TAX SLUIUtY SEAL PRJT-STRIP & STENC RETENTION WH IlNI 1100 INTERIM FIRE STATEN BUILD NAT INSTALLATION PLANS F RE I GHT TAX INTERIM FIRE STATION INSTALLAT SIERRA PROGRAle4ING/ASSISTANCE FEB 95 PLAN CK SERVICES ADDITIONAL PLAN CK (TR 22716) CITY WIDE TREE MAINTENANCE ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING RETENTION RELEASE ACCOUNT MtNBER 001-170-999-5262 001-170-999-5281 001-12)0 210-165-602-5700 )30-199-999-5220 ))0-199-FR-5220 3)0-199-999-5220 100-16~-601-5602 106-2035 001-171-999-5670 061-171-999-5~fi) 001-171-999-56fi) 001-171-999-5~fi) 001-171-999-5670 001 - 171 - 999- 5/,70 320-199-999- 52/,8 001-162-999-52~8 001-162-999-52~8 100-16~-601-5602 280-199-999-5268 280-1270 280-20)5 ITEM AROUNT 14,959.45 18,765.38 5,051 6,600.00 2,312.00 396.00 2O9.87 9,350.00 9)5.00- 2,514.00 1,000.00 350.00 500.00 196.8~ 200.00 1,091.61 3,211.33 1,184.44 6,875.00 2,64.5.00 2,~45.00 6,012.00 PAGE 2 CHE~ NeOUNT 289,~.21 4,4~.06 2,917.87 8,615.00 6,758.8~ 1,001.61 4,395~77 6,875.00 11,302.00 TOTAL CHECKS 505,657.96 ITEM 4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY FINANCE OFF C , CITY MANAG CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Genie Roberrs, Finance Officer April 11, 1995 City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 1995 PREPARED BY: Tim McDermott, Chief Accountant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive end file the City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 1995. DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio and receipts, disbursements and fund balance are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Code Sections as of February 28, 1995. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 1995 2. Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, end Fund Equity as of February 28, 1995 CeyofTemec~ City Treaeae's Repet As of February 28, 1995 Cash Activity for the Month of February: Cash and Investments as of February 1, 1995 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of Februan7 28, 1995 $ $ 50,668,397 1,822,421 (3,018,360) 49,472;458 Cash and Investments Portfolio: Type of Investment Petty Cash General Checking Banefit Demand Deposits Local Agency Investment Fund Deferred Compensation Fund Deferred Compensation Fund Defined Contribution Fund Trust Accounts-TCSD COPs Reserve Account-TCSD COPs Trust Accounts-RDA Bonds Construction Fund-RDA Bonds Reserve Account-RDA Bonds Institution Yiald City Hall First Interstate First Interstate State Treasurer 5,779 % ICMA PEB$CO PEBSCO Bank of America 5.578 BofA - Bayerische Landesbank 6,870 Bank of America 5.578 BofA - Bayerische Landasbank 6210 BofA - Bayerische Landesbank 7,400 Balance 800 (349,159) 4,600 36,088,476 249,349 280,392 18,652 4,794 502,690 336,944 10,886,000 1,448,920 49,472,458 H) H) (1)-This amount is net of outstanding checks. Per Govemment Code Requirements, this Treasurer's Report is in compliance with the City of Tamecula's investment policy and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the C, ity of Temecula for the next thirty days. City of TemeQula S(:hldule of AeeeeI, Ueblitice, end Flald Belm AeofFebNeW28,1ee5 Cash end investments Receivables Due from other funds Land held for resaJe Fixed assets-net Total assets city (1) $ 28,082,506 $ 2,010,060 2,001,535 122,322 587,662 918,171 488,345 Redevelopmeet Totad 19,379,802 $ 40,472,458 111,567 2,235,424 587,662 2,004,586 2,922,740 488,345 21,405,938 $ 32,078,300 $ 2,132,382 55,706,629 LiabilNes and fund equity: L.iabHitics: Due to other funds Other liabililies Total liabilities $ 554,882 $ 2,767,422 $ 119,680 3,322,284 119,680 Fund equity: Contributed capital 1,030,246 RetNned earrings (def~) (155,457) Fund balances: Reserved (2) 3,333,747 Designated (3) 13,830,551 Undesignated 10,716,938 Total fund equity Total liabilities end fund equity 782,874 1,240,828 28,756,025 2,012,702 $ 32,078,302 $ 2,132,382 $ 32,800 $ 328,737 361,537 5,795,281 15,339,120 21,134,401 21,495,038 $ 587,662 3,215,839 3,803,501 1,030,246 (155,457) 9,891,902 30,419,499 10,71 6,938 51,003,128 55,706,829 (1) Includes General Fund, CIP Fund, Gee Tax Fund, other special revenue funds, end clefeffed camp agency funds. (2) Includes mounts reserved for encumbrances, lend held for resale, long-term notes Sable, Iowlmod Musing, and debt service. (3) Includes mounts designited for economic unceteinty, debt senflee, end em't, tint, jng epropdalom. ITEM 5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ~,pimovAt, c[l'Y ATrO:RNE~ ~ · CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager  Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Award Bid to Construct a Protected Left-Turn Lane on Ynez Road at Tierra Vista Road PREPARED BY: i;~f/~ Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council award a bid to construct a protected left-turn lane on Ynez Road at Tierra Vista Road to Del Rio Contractors, the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum Of $12, 170.00. BACKGROUND: On March 22, 1995 the Public Works Department received sealed bids from three (3) contractors for the following scope of work. ITEM NO. 1. Paint double yellow (detail 21 ) per CalTrans Specfficstions 2. Paint 8" wide solid white line (detail 28) per Caltrans Specifications 3. Paint left-rum "Arrow" marking (Type IV) per Ca;i~ans Specifications 4. Construct 6" A.C. Barm to match existing curbs 5. ConsTruct new pavement section 3' A.C. over 4" Class 2 Base 6. Remove existing A.C. Barrn 7. I Sandblast existing striping and legends 8. Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the State of California Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and MainTenance Work Zones (Sdar Arrow Board - 'ONLY. NO I:XCEPTIONS"I DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT QUANTITY 490 L.F. 100 L.F. 2 Ea. 360 L.F. 2,880 S.F. ~ 365 L.F. 200 I S.F. I LS. r:.~dfpt~95~tl~dd6oJed;~ The bids received were as follows: Del Rio Contractors John Marshall Construction Nelson Paving and Sealing 2, 170.00 2,486.40 3,433.00 Del Rio Contractors has performed work in the past for the City of Temecula, Public Works Department and we have found their work to be satisfactory. In addition, they can proceed with the work upon notification of Council award and completion of necessary contract documents. The work to be performed is necessary for the protection of vehicles turning left onto Tierra Vista Road and to provide adequate lane width for northbound traffic on Ynez Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the Public Works Department Street Maintenance Account #100-164-: 601-5402 for the purposed scope of work on Ynez Road at Tierre Vista Road. This project is also reimbursed by Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds. Attachments: Sketch and location of work to be performed Contractors Agreement CI/YOF~ AG~,EEMmqT Temen:!s: 8 mimicit~l co-polafion, and T'lel ]~io Confrn~xa's duly or~ni=L'x! and cxisling under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, hereburner called {"Contractor'}. 1. The Contractor, in con~derafion of the promises of the City hereinaD~ set forth, hereby agrees to furnish all mob, equipment, labor and rnst~,~ls necz~sss,y to perform ~nd complete in a wort-m~nllt-~ manner, all of the work required for the construction of the improvements described in Work Order No.94-9~-~4 s~,ched hereto. The Work shall be performed according. to the City of Temec~.,!s's Procedures For Inforn~l Riddin~ For Public Wor~ Street- Msint~nnce Work Orders of $?S.000 or Ira. Fi.~sd Y~r 1994-95, (*Informal aiddlng Where the Work Order or the Informal l~iddlng Procedures des~ribo portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, the last version of the City of Temecm!~. r~l~rtm~nt of Public Wor~ .~nd~rdS 13r~ for Public Works Construction ("Standard Drawings*), and Standard ~eci~,-~tlons for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by the loint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Associated General Contractors of California (hereinafi~, "Standard Specifications") shall control. Copies of the Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building News, Incorporated 30~5 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 f2~3) 202-7~75 In case of any conflict between the Standard Drawings and the Standard Specifications, the Standard Drawings shall control. Where the Work Order, the Informal Bidding Procedures, the Standard Drawings, or the Standard Specific~sions only describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the ilx~n is to be fisrnishe~ and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. 2. The City, in considention of the l~c, fo, mance of this Contract, agrees to pay the Contractor and the Contractor agrees to accept in full satisfaction for the work done hereunder the sum of Twelve Tho,.~$,nd One Hundred Seventy dollars ($1:2.170.00.), in accordance with the bid of the Contractor which sum shall be paid to the Conlnctor within the time and in the manner set forth in the Informal Bidding Procedures, final payment to be made within thirty-five (3~ days after filing Notice of Completion of said work and improvement with the Riverside County ~o for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, cb.~,sific~tlon, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract fzom the Director of the DelMtztment of industrial Relations. These rates are on fi]e in the of~ce of the City Ckrk. Copies nmy be obtained at cost at thc City Clffk's ofTme in Temec~n=. Contractor shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shah pay the adopted Irarafting wage rates as a minimum. CODlrdgl~ shall comply with the provisions Section 1773.8, 1T/5, 1776, 1Tr/.15~ 1777.6, and. 1813 of the labor Code. worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated ~g rates for any work done under ~is Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 4. Contractor, by executing the Contract, hereby certifies: *I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer be insured against liability for Worknum's Compensation or undertake self-hstnnce in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I · witl comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract.' 5. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site, shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend City, its of Bcen, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of penons (Contractor's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Principal, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. 6. Contractor and subconWactors shah obtain all necessary ficenses, including but not limited to City business license. 2 c~ns~mamn~kUlo.b~ajp subscribed and affixed by fiz [Mayor/City Mana~] and o~.d ~o by She City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized, and the Contractor has ~to subscribed ~hi~ Contract the day, month and year helm,hove wfit2n. CITYOFTEMF, CULA By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: ATTEST: June S. Greek:, Ci~ Clerk (Date) , ~orson, City mey PROJECT NO. 94-95-24 C1TYOFTEMECULA . CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AND FINAL its cootmet with the City of Temeeula with regard m the bnilding, erection, construction or repair of that cemin work of improvement known as: ., situated in the Commtmity of , City of Temecula, State of California, more particularly described as follows: The undersigned'declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Contract which would constitute grounds for any third party ~o claim a stop notice of any unpaid sums owning to the undersigned. Further, for valuable consideration, the ~t of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby fully release and acquit the City of Temecula and all ~cnU and employees of the City, and each of them, from any and all claims, debts, demands, or causes of action which exist or might exist in favor of the undersigned and the City of Temecula or which relate in any way to the work p~fotmed by the undersigned with regard to the above Further, the undersigned expressly acknowledges its awareness of and waives the benefits of 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California which provides: 'A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the lime of executing the release, which if known to him must have msterislly effected his settlement with the debtor." This relesse is intended to be a full and general release of any and all claims which the undersigned now has or may, in the future, have against the City of Temecula and/or its agents and employees with regard to any matter arising from the construction or the above referenced project or the contract between the City and the Contractor with respect thereto whether such claims are now known or unknown or are suspected or unsuspected. (Nanle) Cnue) 4 c~smm~m~m~bio~a~(v INSTRUCTION FOR COMPf-~I'ING, EXK'UTING AND SUBMrlTING EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA th~ followin~ infimnalion is provickd to ~i~ ~ou in compl~tinZ in-~aranc~ mdorsemmt~ and cati~mtes rEquir~ by th~ City of Company Name Date Information To Insured A. 1. In order to reduce time delays in providing evidence of insurance to the City of Temecula, you are requested to give your insurance agent ot broker a copy of the - ,,~che~ h_mranc~ Req~ts and endoneme~t form(s) along with ~. instructions for completing, executing, and submitting evidence of. insurance. If the agreement requires Worien' Compens~tlon coverage and you have been authorized by the State of California to self-insure Workers' Compenntion, a copy of the certificate shall meet the requirements for Workers' Cornpen,~tlon insurance covering activities within the State of California. All questions relating to insurance should be directed to the delnnment or offRe responsible for your conWact, lease, permit, or other agreement. Information To Insurnnce Afent or Rrolmr B. 1. The approiahte endorsement form shall be used. No changes in the terms Of the endonement will be permitted. Ce~cates of Insurance alone will not. be accepted by the City of Temecula. More then one insurance policy may be required to comply with the insurance requirements. Endorsement farms appropriate to your insured's contract, lease or permit are checked below and enclosed. ( ) Workers' Compeasation ( ) General Liability ( ) Automobile Liability ( ) Excess/Umbrella Liability ( ) Professional Liability; Bnots and Omissions Insurance 10. photocopy, etc.) or ini6~led sigr~tures. The name of the Imurance Company, underwriting the coverage, and its address shall be noted on pa~e 2 of the eudofsea~t form. The endors*m-'d~ and certificates shall include reference to the activity and/or to the specific City of Temec~k contract ramabet, lease mareher, permit mnnber or construction approval number. The cover4e and limits for each type of insurance are specified in the conU'act insufficient to comply with the City requix?,mcnts. inclusions, exclusions or specific provisions, etc., a scpamtc sheet may b~ attached. Completed Certific~tcs and Endoncment(s) and questions x~lating to the rcquircd City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Driv~ Tca~c~vl~, California AUn: Cip] CIsk's Office ENDORS~"MENT: EFF. DATE: ADDITIONAL INSUIe~'T~ - OWNERS, LESSEF-S OR CONTRACTORS (PORM B-AMENDED) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL G~ LIABILITY COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILB LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name of Person or OrL, sni-~tion: THE CITY OF TBiVIK'JLA, VOLUNTEEr. ITS 01~ICERS, O~FICIA5 EMPLOYEES OR (If no entry appem~ above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS INSURED is mended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability axising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. PRIMARY INSURANCE It is agreed that such insurance as is afforded by this policy for the benefit of the named insured and THE CITY OF TEIvlECULA shall be primary insurance as re. spe~ts any claim, loss or liability arising out of open-afions by the named insured, or by its independent contractors for which the named insured is found to be liable and which liability applies to the special contract under which the named hsm~ has agreed to perform specific operations, and any other insurance mudned by ~ CITY OF TE~fECULA, shall be excess and non-contributory with the insurance provided hereunder. SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST It is agreed that the insurance afforded by this policy applies separately to each insured who is seeking coverage or against whom a claim is made or a suite is brought, except with respect to the cempany's limit of liability. SIGNATURE OF ~ OR AUTHORIZED REPRF.~ENTAllVE OF THE INSURER I have sh-thorRy to bind th~ below listed insurance ~cm~pany and by my si~ure hereon do so bind this ~ompany. SIGNATUI~ OF AUTi~OI~rY;Pn REP~ENTATI~ ORGANIZATION: ADDRBSS: iS I-'I' ' ~,-.~ ~;~ CLOy o~ Tamecul.a ~..~ '~3174 Business Park Drive -_-.~ .'.emecuia, CA 92590 F,THIBIT "A"'- sNin. EFF.DATE: TInS ENDO~ CHANGES THE POLXCY. PLEASE READ rr ~Y/ woI~P,'S COMpENSATION~YERS ~ BNDORSEMENT Name of Person or THE CITY OF TIjMECULA, ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS EMPLOYEES OR VOLUNTEERS. In consideration of the policy premium and notwi,h~-,~inl~ any inctmsi~ePt statement in the · · t is attached or any other statement in the policy to which this policy to which this endorsemenrsement tt~ched or any other endorsement ~ttmched endorsement is attached or any other endo n thereto, it is agreed as follows: bc addressed as shown in the heading of this endorsement. W~iver of Subroll~tion. The Insurance Company agrees to waive all fights of subrogation 2. against the Agency, its elected or appointed officers, officials, agents and employees for losses paid under the terms of this policy which arise from work performed by the Named Insured for the Agency. SIGNATURE OF INSURER OP- AUTHOgIZED REp~ATIVE OF THE INSURER authority to bind the below listed insm'ance company and by my signature hereon do so bind this company. ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: TFt .k-pHONE: C:'OMPANIES -AF'FORDING COVERAGE : ~r't I l""""' c S ! · - . - , -_ ............ ;..~_---' - .-~:.~ ......?;-;~ . ~. :-;:'~--:-?--;~,~.~_,~_',.,.~*; ~ )_ -'. ~--~- · ..~ OF SUCH POUC~S. IS l . ,~al.~ : t , ~ ! AU'rOMOetL.E M,tBIL.fi'Y ~ i *! I ,~- c.~.'~ -,.urns ~WN. PAss.~ i t S - ~..',.~S ;'- EMPt.OY~RS' LIABILITY i ,~.i,=:lls;ie/,_q=|~elis,=l;- ;": ':'-' "7'~:: '--- _.---~.-;-_ -- CllNlYTFVFIr[I13~I ,,..: .- IHOUI. D ~ OF '11.11 '~""~ I THe. ~ OAT! THIR~OF. THE ISSUING COILee..%'Y YmJ.. Ci, c*y* of Tese~u, lA ~ ~ wsrrrs.N NOT',CS TO 'n4e cs.nvs:z,'rs NC~-'SX !~t *~3174 Business Pz=k D=ive ORU&IIJTYOFANYKINDUF~NTHICOMIIJqtlTI'tI~LtiTIQR~ -,*"~ :~=ecuiz, CA 92590 · ~"' :" '" A-7 - ITEM 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manage Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Release Traffm Signal Mitigation Bond. in Tract No, 26861-F PREPARED BY: Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council AUTHORIZE the release of Traffic Signal Mitigation Bond in Tract N0. 26861-F, and DIRECT the City Clerk to so notify the Developer and Surety. BACKGROUND: On September 28, 1993, the City Council entered into subdivision agreements with: The Presley Companies 15010Avenue of Science, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92128 for the improvement of private streets, installation of private water and sewer systems, and payment of Traffic Signal Mitigation fees in Tract No. 26861-F. The bonds we. re posted by The American Insurance Company as follows: Bond No. 111 3301 9510 in the amount of $65,500 for the improvement of private streets. Bond No. 111 3301 9502 in the amount of $28,000 for the improvement of private water system Bond No. 111 3301 9494 in the amount of $18,000 for the improvement of prime sewer system Bond No's 111 3301 9510, 111 3301 9502, end 111 3301 9494 in the amounts of $33,000, $14,000, and $9,000, respectively, for labor and material for private streets, water, and sewer systems. I ~agdqs~lE1D4111TR26861-F ak0/8330 Bond No. 111 2722 6725 in the amount of $5,550 to guarantee payment of traffic signal mitigation fees The following item has been completed by the developer in accordance with the agreements: Traffic Signal Mitigation fees within Tract No. 26861-F Public Works Staff has confirmed that the subject fees have been paid by the developer. The Public Works Department therefore recommends release of the Traffic Signal Mitigation Bond as follows: Bond No. 111 2720 6725 in the amount of e5,550. The developer has not completed the contractual improvements at this time. Therefore, no reduction or release of any other bonds is included in this action. The affected streets are private streets and will not be accepted into the City maintained street system. The private streets within this condominium subdivision are Heather Way, and portions of "Clover Lane" and 'Arbor lena". FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachments: Location Map 2 ~egdfpQSSV)41 l~TR2eeel..,c elm,4;330 TR ACT NO. ?.686 I ncation Map ITEM 7 CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE i.~,~ [.~ -~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manage Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Acceptance of Public Streets into the City-Maintained Street System (W'fthin Parcel Maps No. 23561-1,23561-2, and 23624) PREPARED BY: ~ Albert K. Crisp, Permit Engineer. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBUC STREETS INTO THE CITY MAINTAINED-STREET SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL MAPS NO. 23561-1,23561-2, AND 23624). BACKGROUND: The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved Parcel Map No. 23561-1 on June 13, 1989, and entered into subdivision agreements for street, water and sewer improvements. On March 10, 1992, the City Council accepted the improvements and initiated the warranty period. The City Council released the Labor and Material bonds on August 11, 1992, and released the warranty bonds on January 25, 1994. The City Council approved Parcel Map No. 23561-2on December 4, 1990, end entered into subdivision improvement agreements for the improvement of streets and drainage, and sewer and water systems. On March 10, 1992, the City Council accepted these improvements and initiated the warranty period. The City Council released the Labor and Material bonds on February 23, 1993, and released the warranty bonds on January 25, 1994. The City Council approved Parcel Map No 23624 on February 12, 1991, and entered into 8 subdivision agreement for the one-year warranty period as the full improvements had previously been satisfactorily completed. Therefore only a warranty bond was required. The City Council released the warranty bond on March 10, 1992. All three projects were constructed by the Bedford Development Company. r:~agdfpt~b'%0411~m23681&.238 AKC/310 The affected public streets for these projects are respectively: Parcel Map No. 23561-1; Portions of Jefferson Avenue, Sanborn Avenue, Buecking Drive, end Madison Avenue. Parcel Map No; 23561-2; McCabe Court; and portions of Jefferson Avenue, Buecking Drive, and Madison Avenue. Parcel Map No. 23624; Portions of Rancho Califomia Road, Ynez Road, and Rancho Highlands Drive. Under provisions of the Streets and Highways Code (Section 1806), public streets offered by the subdivider must be accepted by City Council resdution in order to be included in the public-street maintained system. Jefferson Avenue, Ynez Road, and Rancho California Road were previously accepted into the County Maintained-Road System prior to City incorporation. Inasmuch as certain state funds are earmarked for maintenance of these publicly-maintained streets, the process will make these streets eligible for those funds. FISCAL IMPACT: These streets will be integrated ir~o the City's Pavement Management System and will receive periodic surface and/or structural maintenance efforts. The new pavement condition of these streets should necessitate only limited surface or structural treatments for 7 to 10 years. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 95- with Exhibits "A-B", inclusive. cc: Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent r:.~gdq~t~6~0411~an23661&.236 AKC/330 RESOIX~ON NO. 9~ A RESOLIrrlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF TIblECULA, CAI2FO~ A~x~IG CERTAIN lt'l~nq.-~ 1N'I'D THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM {WnH sN PARC~t- MAPS NO. 23561-1, 23S61-2, THE CYfY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TBMECULA DOES RF.,~OLVE, DETBRMINB AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, Bedford Development Company, a California Corporation, dedicated to public use for street and public ulility purposes certain lots in Parcel Maps No. 23561-1, 23561-2, and 23624; WaifsEAS, The County of Riverside accep~ said often of dedic~.on for public road and public utility purposes within Parcel Map No. 23561-1; WHERRAS, The City Coralall ~ said offers of dedlcaHo n for public road and public utility purposes within Parcel lvt_n_,,~ No. 23561-2 and 23624; WRntEAS, The City Council acceped the public improvements within Parcel No. 23561-1, 23~61-2, and 23624, all oo March 10, 1992; WH ,:R~AS, the City demires to atx:e~ into the City-maintained street system the public improvements within all or portions of tins public ~ offered and ~ by the County of Riverside and/or the City of Temecuh as depicted in Exhibit "B" ; NOW, THEIzRPORF~ BE 1T ~LVED by the City Council of the City of Tenect~a as follows: Section 1. That the City d Temecula accept into the City-maintained street systm those streets or purlions of public streets offered and accepted by the City Cxmncil descnt~-d in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resoh~on and accept the streetS and portions mf, offered to and accepted by the City Council, into the City- maintained street system as described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached herelt>. PASSED, APPROVsm, AND ADO PTsm, by the City Council of the City of Teme~!, at a regular meeting held on the llth day d April, 1995. kfr~ E. Sume, Mayor ATTEST: 3un~S. Gree~ City Cl~rk [Sr~AL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CrrYOFTEMECULA ) I, Jun~ S. Greek, City Ci~k of tlz City of Tmecuis, CAlifornia, do hereby cfftify that Resolution No. 9~- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of th~ City of- Temecula at a regular meeting ~z~of hel__d on tlz llth day of April, 19~, by th~ following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNC~~RS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCtt-MEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: r.~gdq~M~l 1~ee~aMl&.23S AKC/330 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecule, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly and mgulady adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at · regular meeting thereof held on the 1 lth day of April, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: EXHIBIT 'A" TO RESOLUTION NO. 95- Accepting the pulic streets offered to end accepted by the County of Riverde as' incgcoted on Pared Map No. 23561-1., and by the City of Temecula as incicated on Parcel Maps No. 23561 - 2 end 23634. end accepting -. ,'-J{ c t pubic streets into the City-nmintslned street system as described below: A. Those lots described as Lots 'A' through 'C' includve. as shown on Parcel Map No. 23561-1,filed 16 June 1990, in Book 157 of Parcd Maps, Pgs 4446 Ind., further described as follows: (Lot 'A') (Lot 'e') (Lot 'C') Portion of Nb~I-:,, Avenue Pordon of Sanbom Avenue Portion of Busciting Drive B. Those lots described as Lots 'B' through 'D', indudve. as shown on Parcel Mop No. 23561-2. filed 11 January 1991. in Book 168 of Parcd Maps. Pgs 71-73 Ind., further described as follows: (Lot 'B') (Lot 'C') (Lot 'D') Portion of Madison Avenue McCabe Court Pordon of Bueckjng Drive C. Those lots described as Lots 'F' through 'H', inclusive, shown on Parcel Map No. 23624, filed 21 February 1991, in Book 169 of Parcd Maps, Pgs 24-26 Ind., further described as follows: (Lots 'F','G','H') Portions of Rancho Highland Ddve LOT 'D' IN PARCEL MAP N0. 23561-1 AND LOT 'A' IN PARCEL MAP NO. 23561-2 ARE IN JEFFERSON AVENUE. A CITY MAINTNNED STREET. LOTS 'A' AND 'B' IN PARCEL MAP NO. 23624 ARE IN RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD, A CITY MAINTAINED STREET. LOTS 'C', 'D', AND 'E' IN PARCEL MAP NO. 23624 ARE IN YNEZ ROAD, A CITY MAINTAINED STREET. EXHIBIT 'B" TO RESOLUTION NO. 95-.,_ SUBJECT ACCEPTANCE- PUBUC STREETS INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED STREET SYSTEM AS iNDiCATED BELOW: / · ~,.,/,/. t/,,V'lrt' ITEM 8 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 All-Way "Stop" - Pale Road at Lores Linda Road PREPARED BY: Martin C. Lauber, Traffic Engineer RECOMMENDATION: The Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING "STOP" SIGNS BACKGROUND: Staff was requested to investigate potential vehicle and pedestrian conflicts associated with the impacts associated with the completion of Pale Park. Pale Park is located to the east of Pale Road with access from Loma Linda Road. Pale Road is currently a two (2) lane road with major residential development on its west side and few residences directly to the east. The California Department of Transpo.-tation Traffic Manual identifies three (3) criteria for the consideration of multi-way stops. Staff has completed the technical analysis of this intersection and determined that based on the criteria set forth in the Traffic Manual, warrants for four-way stop at that intersection exist. The technical data regarding the warrants for four-way stop and the ultimate need for a traffic signal was presented to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. The Public/Traffic Safety Commission is therefore recommending that City Council direct the staff to install four-way "Stop" signs at that location and place that intersection on the priority list for traffic signal installation at some future date. r:'~fdq,69S~O411WrOPSn:Rq.R.US;~ FISCAL IMPACT: 2 - ,Oversized Signs 6) $150 ee. 4 - Legends at $15 2 - Temporary Rashers @ $165 ea. TOTAL 300 60 330 $ 690 AttBchments: Resolution No. 95- Exhibit "A" - Location Map r:.~,dq~ml l~roPsmN.us/~ RESOLUTION NO. 9~- A RESOLUTION OF THF~ C1TY COUNCIL' OF THE~CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABI-I~HNG *STOP' SIGNS The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 10.12.100, of the Temecuh MuniciI~ Code, the following 'STOP' sign locations are hereby established in the City of Temecuh. A. Northbound Pa.la Road ~ Lorrm Y jnda Road Southbound Pala Road fi~ Loma Linda Road The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution. Section 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the llth day of April, 199~. Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CAt-r~ORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CiTYO~TEMEClILA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, hereby do ca'tify that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the llth day of April, 1995 by the following roll call vote: 0 COUNCH-K~-MBERS: NOES: 0 COUNTERS: ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ,~BSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk r:.~d~pt~9S~0411~TOPSIGN~JISh0p ITEM 9 FINANCE OFFICER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Manager/City Council  F~oseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Parkview Site Rough Grading and Improvements, Project No. PW93-09 PREPARED BY: /t~/Raymond A. Casey, Principal Engineer - Land Development :)Jim D. Feul, Assistant Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: a) Approve the Project construction plans and specifications; end b) Authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids for the rough grading improvements for a portion of the Parkview Site, Project No. PW93-09. BACKGROUND: On August 9, 1994, the City Council awarded a professional services contract for civil engineering for the Parkview Site Rough Grading Improvements (Project No. PW93-09). The project is located on the northerly side of Pauba Road between Ynez Road and Margarit8 Road and will include rough grading the existing land to · minimum 7.72 net acre buildable site and rough grading the widening section of Paubs Road. This Rough Grading and Improvements Project is pert of the Settlement Agreement between the City of Temecula and the Pacific Southwest District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod as approved by the City Council on June 8, 1993. The plans, specifications and contract documents have been preperad and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids, FISCAL IMPACT: This project will require an operating transfer from the Improvement Fund upon award of the construction contract. General Fund to the Capital Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Reduced Copy of Conceptual Grading Plan 3. Preliminary Project Schedule 4. Settlement Agreement (on file in City Clerk's Office) A TTA CHMEN T N O. I Vicinity Map LUCATiON MAP LOS RANCHITOS ATTACHMENT NO. 2 Conceptua/ Grading P/an ATTACHMENT NO. 3 Preliminary Project Schedule X :Ill ITEM 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Release Improvement Bonds in Parcel 'Map No. 21383 ' PREPARED BY: ~ Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council ACCEPT the street, drainage, water and sewer improvements in ParCel Map No. 21383, AUTHORIZE the release of Faithful Performance and Labor and Material bonds for Street, Drainage, Water, and Sewer improvements, and the Subdivision Monument Bond, and DIRECT the City Clerk to so advise the Developer and Surety. BACKGROUND: On September 25, 1990, the City Council approved Parcel Map No. 21383. Subdivision Agreements and Surety Bonds were submitted by: Rancho Core Associates No. 1 29400 Rancho California Road Temecuia, CA 92590 for the improvement of streets, installation of storm drains and sewer and water systems, and subdivision monumentstion. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued. by Pacific States Casualty Co. as follows: 1. Bond No. 7010 in the amount of $1,957,000 to cover street improvements. 2. Bond No. 7011 in the amount of el ,780,000to cover drainage improvements. 3. Bond No. 7012 in the amount of e580,000to cover water improvements. 3. Bond No. 7013 in the amount of $499,000 to cover sewer improvements. e Bonds No. 7010, 7100, 7012, and 7013 in the amounts of $978,500, $890,000, $290,000,and $249,500raspectively to cover material and labor for streets, drainage, water, and sewer improvements. r.~11~1381R.el 5. Bond No. 7014in the amount of 840,000to cover subdivision monumentation. The succeeding developer, BA Properties, a Delaware Corporation, (BAP), requested reduction in Faithful Performance bonding amounts and the City Council authorized certain reductions on January 10, 1995. The remaining amount was sufficient to cover both the remaining work end provide the minimum waffanty bond level of ten (10%)of the original Faithful Performance bond amounts. A portion of Parcel Map No. 21383 was re-subdivided as Parcel Map No. 28084 with commensurate reductions in public improvement construction commitments. A portion of Avenida De Ventas requires the final paving course in order to complete the contractual work in accord with the Subdivision Improvement Agreement. This remaining work is estimated at $25,000. The subdivider of record, Rancho Core Associates No. I, and surety, Pacific States Casualty Co., are unable to meet their respective commitments. BAP, as the entity taking over the project, submitted a hdd-harmlese agreement, approved by the City Council on March 28, 1995, which will protect the City against claims for both faithful performance'- warranty/maintenance responsibilities and claims for unpaid labor and material claims. The Faithful Performance (FP) and Material and Labor bonds (M&L) in the following respective amounts are recommended for release: 1. Bond No. 7010: FP= $1,486,300and L&M= $978,500 for street improvements. 2. Bond No. 7011: FP = ~ 730,600 and L&M = ~890,000 for drainage improvements. 3. Bond No. 7012: FP = $ 354,550 and L&M = ~ 580,000 for water improvements. 4. Bond No. 7013: FP = $ 337,900 and L&M = $ 499,000 for sewer improvements. The Subdivision Monument Bond is also recommended for release. The remaining work is guaranteed by a cash deposit in the amount of $ 324.00. The remaining paving will be performed by BAP as a condition precedent to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy and will be a condition of escrow to sale of any or all of the remaining parcels in Parcel Map No. 21383, until said paving is completed to the City's satisfaction. The affected streets, which were not vacated by the approval of Parcel Map No. 28084, are portions of Diaz Road, Winchester Road, Avenida de Ventas, and Cells Empleado. As appropriate, these streets will be recommended to the City Council for acceptance in the City Maintained-Street System at a later date. Attachment: Location Map t ! .PARCEL MAP NO. 21383 Laca:ion ITEM 11 ORDINANCE NO. 9S-0"/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ AMENDING CHAPI'I]I 2.04 OF THE T~4ECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING-TO THE TIME AND PLA~ OF C1TY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE crrY OF 'I'BMECUIA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Chapt~ 2.04 of the Temeeula Muni~l~! Code is hereby nme,~led to read as fonows: '9..04,020 - Time snd pls~. of meetingS. A. Regular meetings for the City Cotmcil shah be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Regular meetings shall COmmenCe at 5:30 p.m. for Closed Sessions and 7:00 p.m. for Open Sessions and adjourn at 10:00 p.m., subject to an adopted motion to extend the meeting. Regular meetings shn~l be conducted at the Community Recreation Center (CRC), 30875 Rancho V'~ta Road. B. The City Council may, be resolution, designste another date, time and location for a meeting." City Clerk shall publish a summary of this Ordinance and a certified copy of the full text of this Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk at least five days prior m the adoption of this Ordinance. Within 15 days from adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall publish a summary of this Ordinance, together with the names of the Councihnemben voting for and against the Ordinance, and post the same in the offwe of the City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this llth day of April, 1995. ATTEST: 1emey E. Stone, Mayor ~une S. Greek, city Clerk, CMc (SE~,L) STATE OF CA'L'IFO RNIA ) COUNTY OF IIV'ERSH)E ) SS CITYOF~ ) I, JUNE S. GI~ City Clerk of the City of Temecvl~, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 95-07 was duly in~ and placed upon its first reading at a zcgular mee~ng of the City Council on the 28th day of March, 1995, and that theErafter, said Ordinance was duly adopt~ and passed at a regular m,.e, ing of the City Council of the City of Temccula on the 11th day of April, 1995 by the following roll call vote: AYF, S: NOBS: COUNCIl-MEMBERS: COUNCILlv~avmRRS: COUNCILMBMBBRS: Iune S. Greek, City Clerk, CMC OnkW~07 2 ITEM 12 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Director of Plann' ,n April 11, 1995 School Mitigation Program Resolution Prepared By: David W. Hogan, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the City Council ADOPT the attached resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE SCHOOL FACILITY IMPACT MITIGATION PROGRAM" BACKGROUND During development of the City General Plan, the Temecula Valley Unified School District requested that the City of Temecula require residential developers to fully mitigate the impact of new development on school facilities. In response to their request, the City Council included language in the Growth Management and Public Facilities Element stating that if Proposition 170 failed to win voter approval in the November 1993 Election, the City would establish a school mitigation resolution. A copy of the school facility related General Plan Implementation Measures are included in Attachment No. 3. The Resolution attached to this Agenda Report is the enabling legislation that authorizes the School District to submit a mitigation plan to the City and allows the Council to review the. District's Plan and decide the appropriate level of mitigation for school facilities. A copy of the proposed School Mitigation Resolution is included in Attachment No. 1. This item was continued from the February 14 and March 28, 1995 meetings to allow the District, representatives local development companies, and the City the opportunity to discuss this issue. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this item on November 7, 1994. Copies of the Planning Commission Staff Report and Minutes are included in Attachments Nos. 2 and 3, respectively. R:~STAFFFIPI'~CHOLMIT.CC3 4/4/96 dwh 1 DISCUSSION During recent meetings with representatives of the building industry, they suggested a number of changes to the proposed Resolution, City staff has incorporated the changes that are consistent with the current approach and philosophy of school impact mitigation, The law firm of Lorenz Alhadeff Cannon & Rose has submitted numerous changes on three occasions. Changes "1" through "17" were submitted on February 27, 1995, changes "A" though "S" were submitted on March 18, 1995, and changes "AA" through "GG" was submitted on March 29, 1995. Some of the subsequent changes modified previously requested changes, A copy of the most recent comment letter (Redline #3) from Lorenz Alhadeff Cannon & Rose is included in Attachment No. 5. A summary of the District's and City staff's initial responses to the building industry's comment letters is included in Attachment No. 6. The various building industry comments were divided into three general categories, The categories are as follows: o Minor typographic and word changes; o Substantive changes and comments that staff supports; and o Substantive changes and comments that staff does not support. Staff's evaluation of the building industry's comments are shown in the Table listed below. Minor Typographic Comments that are supported by Staff Substantive Comments that are supported by Staff Substantive Comments not supported by Staff February 27, 1995 All unnumbered comments, end 3, 4,5,6,7,8 10~, 15, 17 March 18, 1995 E,F,G,L,M,O,Q March 29, 1995 AA, GG DD 1,2,9,102,11, 12, 13, 14, 16 A,B,C,D,H,I,J, K,N,P,R,S CC, BB, EE, FF Virtually all of the unnumbered and lettered comments were accepted as corrections to typographic errors. In addition, staff agrees with the intent of several of the substantive comments, but disagrees with either their suggested location within the Resolution, their exact wording, or staff feels that the changes are redundant with existing language that has already been integrated into the Resolution. Examples of these include Comments 11,13, I, J, N, CC, and DD. The majority of the building industry's other comments that staff does not support can be organized into the following categories: Allowing the mitigation of school facility impacts to be determined on a case-by-case basis (Comments: 1, B, C, D, R); The requirement for, and the payment of, additional mitigation at the end of the development review and/or construction processes, respectively (Comments: 2, A); R:'tSTAFFRPT~CHOUVIIT,CC3 414fls dwh 2 The Student Generation Factor used to determine the number of new students expected from new housing should be chosen from one of several different, and as yet undefined, methoddogies (Comment: H); The discretion of the School District Board to .request, and the City Council to consider the appropriate level of mitigation for new residential development should be limited (Comments: 102, BB); The inclusion of material not related to the determination, consideration, or implementation of school facility impacts and mitigation (Comments: 14, 16, K, P, FF); and · Removing references to school facility mitigation from conditions of approval (Comment: S). As a result, staff recommends thst 'the Council adopt the attached Resolution for the following reeSons-' o The Resolution establishes a program that is locally appropriate to Temecula's conditions; o The Resolution creates a workable program that is compatible with the City's existing development review process; o The Resolution creates a program that will be easy to implement and will not be staff resource intensive; The Resolution does not create any inconsistencies with the City's General Plan, future Development Code, and the future Consistency Rezoning process; The Resolution allows the City Council to consider the District's proposal and to determine the appropriate level of mitigation for the impacts to school facilities; and The Resolution will not mandate the City Council to adopt the Distirct's recommended Mitigation Plan. Specifically, the proposed Resolution will do the following: 1. Authorize the School District to prepare and submit a Mitigation Plan for Council Consideration that addresses the impacts on school facilities; 2. Set standards for the contents of Mitigation Plans; Establish a procedure for the City Council to review the District's proposed Mitigation Plan and to determine what an appropriate actual level of additional school mitigation should be; 4. Allow the recommended Mitigation Ran to be amended whenever necessary; and, 5. Establish procedures to implement the approved Mitigation Plan. R:~'rAFF~OLMIT.CC3 4/4/96 dwh 3 The attached Resdution would establish the framework for the Council's consideration of an actual Mitigation Plan and the actual costs of mitigation. After the Council's adoption of the Resolution, the Planning Commission is expected to begin consideration of the School District's proposed Mitigation Plan;' The Commiseion's recommendation would be brought forward to the Council at a future date. FISCAL IMPACT Adoption of this program resolution is not expected to have a financial impact upon the City. However, if the school district submits a School Facility Mitigation Plan for development activities within the City's boundary that the Council ultimately approves, this approval may result in some form of legal action against the City by project applicants. The final costs of this program are indeterminate at this time. Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 95- - Page 5 2. Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 16 3. Planning Commission Minutes - Page 17 4. Growth Management/Public Facility Element Implementation Measure C.3 - Page 18 5. Combined Suggested Revisions Proposed by Lorenz Alhadaff Cannon & Rose - Page 19. 6. Response of the Temacula Valley Unified School District to Suggested Revisions - Page 20 R:%STAFFRPT~CHOLMIT.CC3 414/96 dwh 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95~ R:~rAFFIqF'P, SCHOLMrr. CC3 4/4/'iS dwh 5 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 95- A' RESOLUTION OF ~ CITY COUNCIL FOR ~ CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THY~ SCHOOL FACfi-rrY IMPACT MITIGATION PROGRAM WH~:ul~-~,S, rapid population growth in recent years in the City of Temecula ("City') ha~ resulted in ]~rge ~ ill tho niltabors of $tudBIRs that the Temocula Valley Unified School District (*DisUict*) is required to co'uc~tc, and has resulted in the need to enlarge existing school facilities and construct new facilities to house the students in accordance with the policies of the District and standards specified by state law; and WHI~EAS, new student impa~ on e~sting school f~litles ~re due primarily to residential uses (exce~ senior citizen dovolopment); and WHKUl~,AS, impacts from COmm~'C~LI and industrial developram are less significant than those of resid~H~l development and am plr~ally offset by tho contn'bufio~ of commercial and industrial uses toward a strong tax baso in tho City which supports public services, including schools; and WBERE~kS, adequate school f~cilitles are a bendit to both new development and the community at large, and are a necessary component of the City's social and infrastruaure systems; and WtIERV,~S, the State Legishtuve has declared that financing the construction of school facilities is the respon~iHty of the State of California; and WIn~n~AS, the State of California has been unable to adequately fulfffi its obligation for funding such additional school facilities and has shifted the primary respons~ility for financing of school facilities to local school districts, which, under Chapter 887, Statutes 1986, ("School Facilities Law of 1986"), may establish developer mitigation fees for residential, commercial and industrial uses, and may establish Mello-Roos Community Fac~ities Districts to pwvidc for school plant facilities financing as authorized and limited by the laws of the State of California; and W~, th~ combination of state school bond monies, school district imposed developer fees, local school bond measures, and othex sources of financing have ge~umffiy beem inadequate to provide for the ~l~fgemeat and congruaion of school plant f=ciHfie~ mxfficiem to adequately house new mvclents in accordance with the minimum standards set forth by State of California; and Wp~:ul~JkS, school funding som'ces uriclet currant state hws and available f~3nding am oriented toward the provision of interim school ~!ifles, and a need exists to fired perman,rot K-12 school facilities, including facilities for the special education needs of special or disadvantaged fludents; and , R:,,STAFF~HOLMIT.CC3 414/96 dwh 6 WHs:REAS, pursuant to decisiom reached in Mira I)c'velC~Fnent ~ v. City of San Die[,o, 205 Ca1. App. 3d 1201 (1988), Wininto S.. Rnrt High School District v. Regional planning, Commlmdon, 226 CaL App. 3d 1612 (1991), and Muraleta Valley UniQQed School District v. Com~ of l~ivcrside, 228 CaL App. 3d 1212 (1991) intul.,,Uing the School Facilities Law of 1986, the City has the authority to condition le~.~lnHve acts incluctlnl~ general plan amendments, specific plans and nmepdments thereto, and changes of zone, if it fin& that the impacts on school faci]ifi~ have not been mitigated to a level of in,~nifica/Ice; and Wuifa6,AS, the pwvision of a quality school system to educate the residents of the City of Temeada is important to the City's future; and WIJEKEAS, the Temecula Valley Unified School District requeged that the City of Temecula adopt a resolution pmvidin~ creghg a pwgram to pwvide full funding for school facilities from some types of development; and WITI~.~,S, the City Coundl included language in the Gzowth Management and Public Facility FJement of the Genea~l plan concernin~ the mitigation of school facility impacts; and WHEREAS, thi~ Resolution is bchg adopted at ~ request of the District which has agreed to indemnify and hoht harlnless the City from claims resulting from the adoption, enforcement, or implementation of the Resolution; and 1994 meeting and recommends that the Counc~ app/,ove this Resolution; and Rancho C~]ifornia Branch, the U.S. Post Offwe, and Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce. NOW, Tm~E~rORE, ~ CITY COUNCIL FOR ~ CITY OF TEMECUIA DOES RF, SOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOIJ~)WS: Section 1. 1Wxtigation of School Facility Impads A. Bxcept as provided below, all development projects and applications that aze submitted to the City of Temecula and that requize a General Plan amendment, zone change, development agreement, pl~snnexation agreeme or Specific Plan aj~mval or amendment shall be reviewed for their potenthl school facility impacts and mitiLmtlon of such impacts. B. No conditions of approval on a General plan amendment, zone change, development agi~ment, pre-snnearMion agreement or Specific Plan approval or ame~4ment shrill require any applicant or developer to provide mitig~on in excess of the amounts authorized by C:mv_,rnme, nt CAxie Section 65995, as it now exists or may be sinended from time tO time, unless a School ~ lV~ Plan ("Mifigstion plsn") has been prepared by or on behalf of the Di~lct and approved by the City Council. R:~S'rAFFIIq'~m, MIT.CC3 4/4/16 dwh 7 C. Any of the foRowing shall be con .~i~ to be mlequate mifig~on of school zone changes.' approptiate documentation. 2. A finding pursuant to CBQA by the apFtopxiate City review body that no significant impacts on school facilit~ slmll occur as a P, sult of the proposed development. Provided further, findings may also be made pursuant to CBQA that the impacts on school facilities have been mitigated to a level of insigndQcance. Section 2. Sehool hellity lmlPet Miti~a~n Plans A. Any school district located partly or toUffiy within the City may prepare and submit a School Facility Impact lVr. igafion Plan to the City to address the impacts on school City shah review and my consider, at its sole discretion, approving a proposed Mitigation P!n.n if the Plnn adequate]y addl'o88~ the iDlpaCts feBlilting ~ increaso8 in the number of students within the school district submitting the Mifi~atlon Plan. B. The fortowing development projects shah be ezempt from the requirements of an approved Mitigation Plan. These projects shah be required to pay only the slamtory school fees authorized by Government Code Socfion 65995, as it now exists or my be mended from time to time, or any other amount pRwiously agreed to by the DisUict and the owner/developer of the proposed development project: 1. Residential projects which have been approved by a h,~rinE body (Phnning Commission or City Council) prior to the effective date of thi.~ Resolution. 2. "Quasi-judicial" land use approvals, including but not limited to subdivision maps, use penttits, plot plans and varinnces. 3. Subsequent stpptovals for the oo~ of a larger pwject which has already met the requirements of this Resolution (e.g. a ten~_five tract map within a specific plan which has already mitipted school facility imlacts). 4. Comme~ial or industri81 projects. 5. Senior citizen housing as defined in Government Cxxle Section 65995.1(a). 6. Any residv~*! d~el~ ~ for which a Mifip. on Agrmnent has already been executed between the d~veloper and the Distdct. P.:WrA.t*ImPTmO4Ot. IMT.CCa 4J, t/SS dwh 8 zequited by Goven~ne~t Code Section 65860, as it now exists or my be stopsdeal from time tO .me, Of the State l~annlng and Zoning hw. 8. Anysmendm-entgtoaletjsla"vdYat:q~r°vedlnnduseentitlement(includiw~ a ~ plan amend!Bent, zo~D chaxlge, ~ agreeing, pte=nnnexation agreement, specLFtc plan applDva] or alnen6m~t) that does ~ lucfesse the total mlinbef of fesidentlnl housing units wi~hln the area of the entitlement. Section 3. Preparation of School Facility Impact M'dipfic~n Plans A. The Mitigation plan shall contain doc-mentati_tm of the need for any level of tm'tigation that exceeds the total of revenue antleil~ted m be received by the District from Statutory School Pees anthorized by Government Code Section 6~99~, as it now exists or may be amended from time to time, and any other sources of funding available to or anticipated by the District. The Mitigation l~nn shall be adopted by the District Board Of Trustees. At a minimum, nil ]V[itigation plans sha~ coDrain the fo]/owjng infOrmatiOn: 1. Student Generation Facton. a household survey. high school grades. following: a. The District Student Generation Factor (SGF) ~hail be based upon The SGF shall include peak studeut los_cling for all elementary, middle and b. The SGF Household Survey shall be based upon and consist Of the (1) A mlnlm,,m randran ~nmple Of 250 occupied dwelling units that were constructed in the preceding three y~trs. (2) A repnsmmtive sample Of th~ ~ or anticit~ed funms characteristics of the community, including consideration for any resoa or second home characteristics of the community. (3) The survey shall exclude senior citizen housing. (4) A representative sample of the housing produa types withi~ the distria (i.e. single family derdrb~, single family attached, or multi-family rental properties and mobile homes). (5) The SGF shall be based on an a.e,qessment Of student "pass through" from new homes over at least a five-year period. c. The District and any otlzr inteteged party my propose addlHomal survey factors and conditions to be inchvded in the sm'vey. The use Of any additional sttrvey factors and conditions (that could affect the SGP) mug be atlmyved by the City Council prior ~:~.k-FNq'~SCHm. Mn'.CC~ dU4/gS dwh 9 2. Typi,'al .~-~] T and Cost ~ac~m's .._.,~ sit:c, inclgdln~ the exten.ion of t~,cespry inf~astru~m~. b. Dev~ of school sites shall be based on California Department of Po~cation sUtndatds for infrastroctuze, location, and acreage. c. School construction costs shall be as authorized by the State Office of Local Assistrice (OLA), or as mquized by local and state codes. d. All costs for plans, test, insl~, furniture and equipment, and contingencies shall be in accordance with OLA requirements. - 3. OJ~mum Facility Ut,'lirMion uti]iT~tlon of its facilities. b. The Mifiptlon Plan ~ include ~sidc~on of a year-round, multi-track education program, double school sessions, and alternative student loading programs; 4. Bond Issues and Other Dmdin~ Sources Mitigation Plan that the District has used, or committed for use, all its av~i!ahle funding sources. b. The District shall certify, and provide supporting evidence in the Mitigation Plan that the District is pursuing state and alteznqte facillt;,.~ financing. c. If the District is not lmm~g, or does not anticipate pursuing alternate financing, it .~'h~fi include an explanation and rationale in the Mitigation Plan for not doing so. d. The Mifi~tlon Phn shall include considerations of methods of financing the payment for and construction of School Facilities, to ensure the provision of adequate facilities and to minimire actual costs to ftm~ z~idents, inc]uding the use of developer loan funds based on anticipated state bond fund rcimbursnnent and community facilities di.m'jCtS. 5. f"mm.al ,Admin~;,dion and SlyFacilities and Interim Fndliti,.-s The I)isUict sba/1 have the opportunity, th~ the lVfH~tlon Plan, to present an argument justifying mitig~fon for Impcts on ~,4mlni~a-ation and suppoxt f~cillfie~ and data to dealoDstrate that the I~ is ~ its r'iminlm'afiVO flandlnZ in a m~anm,~ which maximizes productivity and minimizes costs. In addition, if the District ~ to present this R:~"TAFFRP'r~CHOLMrr. CC3 4/4ms dwh 10 6. ~ ,wel of S~3xt From New r~velctlpn,~ The M',fiZMion Plan may provido for ~ m~p~ of ~h~l ~ ~. ~ ~fi~ ~ ~ n~ ~ u~ m ~ f~ m~~ ~ ~ ~~ m e~g ~e~m. 7. Coordination of planning Review for School Site Develqpment. The Mifigstlon plan shall include provisions for consultations between the District, the City, and/or the applicant on fumm school facility location and site development . plans in order to promote cmlmtib~Ry with City land use, cim~ation, and other plans, and coordination on public improvemmU, incl~.~ding streets, sidewalks, and tmffw control mechanisms. B. The District shall submit its adopted Mitigation plan to the City for its review and approval as to whether it conforms to these requirements and will reasonably and equitably mitigate, in the best interest of the City and its xesidents, the additional impacts on the District. school facilities. Upon submittal of the Mitigation plan to the City the following proced~ shall be followed: 1. The District shall submit the adopted Mitigation plan to the Director of planning. The submittal shall be accompanied by the appfop, iate fee to covet tile City's cost of reviewing the District's plan, 2. Within 30 days following receipt of the Disttict's MifigaH on Plan, the Director of planning shall review the plan to det~mine whether it conforms to the ~tmlhlnlems of this Section. The planning Direnor shall inform the Building Industry Association for Riverside County of its receipt of the Disttict's Mitigation plan, and invite them W provide written comments or objections. After reviewing the Mitigation plan, tIE I)imct~ shah ta~ one of the following actions: a. Notify, by wriuea notice to the supetintemlent of the vimict, that the Mitigation plan conforms to the zequimmonts of this Resolution. The notice shall also contain the anticipated meeting date for the Planning Commission's consideration of the Mitigation Plan. the deficiencies that need to be correaed. Any major changes in the Distdct's lvr'ffigatlon Plan must be approved by the District's Board of Tnmees. 3. Within 60 days following the Dimnor of plnnnin~'S nOfifi_e~ution Of the completeness Of the Dis~ict's Mitigation PLan, the Plnnning Commition shall review alld , R:~-"'I"AFI~OL.Ik,'UT.CC3 414/96 d, wh 11 MifilFation Plan. the Commi,~ion shah recomm, md that the City. ONnn"l approve, deny, condition, or condnue the al~oval of the Distdct's lVr. jFdon 1~,.-- 4. Within 30 days following the Plnnning Commi.--sion's recommendation on the District's M'.4trfion Plan, the C~y Council ~ ~ and consider the Plnn to determine whether it conforms to the zcqubanents of this Section and wm zeasonably and equitably, in the best interests of the City and its residents, initiate the impacts of new development on school facilities. ~ considering the ]V[itigati0n Plan, the Cotmoil shall approve, deny, condition, modify, or continue considernd__on of the DisUict's Mitigation Plan. individual residemlnl development proposals, and mi~Fufion measmw which may be apptopaitte to eliminnte or reduce to a level of in.~ffi~CJunOe the ilataCtS attributable to such residentin1 development proposals. The City shall not adopt any financial mhigafion in excess of the District's recommended development miti~on measure, ~ it iS found to be consistent with the provisions of a previously approved Mitigation p!nn, an executed developer-District agreement, or any mensates pezaiUed by State law. D. The District may request, or the City Council may ini~, the process Of amending the previously approved Miti~tion Plnn at any time. Any amendment~ to the Plan shnU follow the approval p~.edtrr~ specified in this Resolution. Section 4. Review of Residenthi Projects A. For all residemini projects, the Dizector of Planning shnn notify the District, by means of written notice, as to any proposed development located within said Dislzict prior to the first Development Review Committee meeting. 1. The Notice to the District shall include the fonowing information: a. The location of the project; d. A prelimlnnry si~ or devdol~ment plan; and, e. 'rbe ~ of tile DRC meeting. 2. TbeDistrictshallpmvidcwrittencommem*sonanylffojectmbmittedfor their zeview and comment prior to the date of the Developneat Review Committee meeting. 4/4/05 dwh 12 3. Thefaihn~ofti~DisUictto~a~~totheDirectorof phnning shall comtimmt!~~of"No Comme~.' Iuefi~case, tbe City wiIl mtuire only the State m,nd~fx~ school impact m~tig~t~_cm fees autlKnir~ by Governme~ Code Section 65995, as it now exists or my be mended from time m time. amendment, zone change, dev~ ~~nt, pl~=smrd-,arnfion ~, or Stgcific plan approval or ame~lme~t by the City shall be ~-wed for th~ poU~nl impact on school facilities as part of the Initis] ]twimnmental Study process, Noting in this resolution reslzicts the ability of the ~ of Planning to determine that an otherwise exempt residenti~ project should be prqm~. No mitigstioa of school impacts beyond the mitigstioa identified in ~tate law will be required for'these projects. Specific Plans, SIgcific FInn =mesJment~, development agreements, pre-~n~_stion ~,a~s~mcnts, and changes of zone shall be r~-viewed for their potemial impact on school fsciil '~ and the environment and the mitigation of those impacts in aca3zdatgc with the Rs:luitt~ncnts of State andLocallaw. 1. If a School Facility Impact Mitigation Agreement is required and an Agreement has not been submitted, the Director of FInnning shall Dotify the spplicant that the application is incomplete and that additional infozmation (i.e. special study or environmental impaCt report) is zequized to assess the ~ on and mitigation of the effects of the development project on the District's school facilities. 9_. Withill 30 daya of 8tlbl/lission of an applitafioD, the Director of planning a. The propo~ dev~ project will not have a sig~mcan~ adverse impact on the Distdct's school facilities or the environment, and that no additional b. ~ne proposed development Froject will not have a significant adverse impaCt on the DistriCt's school facilities, but may have an adverse impact on the environment and that a special study or ellvifontnealta/illpaCt fe~ltt is l~diXlRi. c. The proposed development project could have an advene impact on the DistriCt' s school facilities and that It detailed iratract n.~se, qsment and mitigation study must be prepared and/or a School Facility Impact Mitigation Agreemint must be obtained. on the DisUict's school facilities and/or the envizonment~ and that a stgsial study or an envizonmental impact rqx>xt must be ~ and/or an ~ lditigstion Agngmm is requh . n:wrN,~'s,rscso~sn'.ccs ~ sd, 13 facilities, they may appeal the decl,ion to the Phnning Commission within 10 c-le~!ar days of receipt of the Director's d,termlr~tion. Tbe ~ shaIl be made and ~led in accordance with the ~zements of the Planning Commi,siom 4. Within 30 days of ~linv an appeal of the Direaor's decision, the Director of Planning shall schedule the appeal for th;Plannlng Comml,sion's consideration. Commi.Mion's determination ofthe project's ~ impact on the environment or the Dist~ct's school ~_es, they my nt43eal the decision to the City Council within 10 ~lmd~r days of receipt of the Commi.~sion's rklc,..,i,mtlon. The ~peal shall be made and filed in accordance with the m~zexnen~ of the City Clexk. 6. Within 30 days of filing an appeal of the Planning Commi.~sion's action the City Clerk shah schedule the appeal for the City Council' s consideration. TI~ City Council' s decisions on these matters shall be final. D. The evidence of adequate mitigation of any si~mific~nt adverse impacts on the Distdct's school facilities shall be established by a lVfitigafion AgreunenL The terms of the Mitigation Agreement, shall be incorpontted by rderence in the conditions of CBQA Appwval, and on the Conditions of ~ of any Specific Plan, the Resolution of Appwval of any general plan amendment, and in the terms of any development or pre-anne~ration agreement. Section 5. Implementation of this Resohi~on A. Nothing in this Resohtion shah be iatctFwted as limiting or restrictingthe ability of the Director of Pl.nnin~, Pinnning Commission, or Council to require additional information or special studies on any residential projects mbmitted to the City for approval. B. It is thc hatcm of the Council that this Resolution be in force and caea until mended, rescinded, suspended, superseded or until a subsequent resolution or Ordinance iS enacted which supenedes this Resolution. C. This Resohaion iS adopted at the bels~st of and for the bedxt of the Temecula Valley Unified School Disttia and other school districts within the limits of the City of responsibility and financial obligations of that pwceedlng as set forth below: R:'~S'rAk~OLJdlT.CC3 4/4,/"B5 dwh 14 1. DistfictaFeesthatanYclnlm, acti°n, Pnx~Jing'etc"br°ughtagnln'qthe City which clu,n,mR~s the meflwd of c~tlon of impact on school fnciHti~s in ncess of tint stamtorily m:ndated shall be the fun m~d complete respov.~n~ity of the District. To tint end, the DisUict sixal indemnify, pxotect, ddend, and hold I~mlea~ t~ City a~in~ any loss, cost, expense, c~nim, dama~, se~0m~, or jud~ent, rew~n~ from a hwsuit or any part tbneof, pertninin~ tO the nmoIJDt or iaetJ)od Of C~al~eintiOn Of such hnpacL 2. The City and Dimict agree to sham the cost on 50-50 basis of any action, challenge, cinlm, demand, or odlcr left] proceedinJ[ brought iQpiast the City based ulxm the authority of the City to impose school ~ in cEcss of that required by State 3. This Resol~on shall not become effective unless and until the District acknowledges, in writing, aid takes any and nn aiFopriatc Scmzd action robted to its obligations as set forth in this Section. Section 6. Certification. The City Clerk shall certi~ the adol~'on of ,hi ~ Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOFrED this 14th day of February, 1995. ~ B. STONB MAYOR ATTF_~T: June S. Greek, City Clerk [SF, AL] STATE OF CALIFO~ COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS crrY OF~ I l~nEaY CERTIFY that the forey~_ng Resol~on was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 14th day of February, 1995 by the following vote d the City Council: NOES: COUN~ R:'~"TAFFFFT'~CHOLMf'r.CC3 4/4/96 dwh I 5 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT R:',STAFFmOLMrr. CC3 414mS dwh 16 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning Commission Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning November 7, 1994 School Mitigation Program Resolution Prepared By: RECOMMENDATION: David W. Hogan, Associate Planner The Planning Department staff recommends Commission Adopt a resolution entitled: the Planning PC RESOLUTION NO. 94- "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE SCHOOL MITIGATION PROGRAM' BACKGROUND During development of the City General Plan, the .Temecula Valley Unified School District requested that the City of Temecula require residential developers to fully mitigate the impact of new development on school facilities. In response to their request, the City Council included language in the Growth Management and Public Facilities Element stating that if Proposition 170 failed to win voter approval in the November 1993 Bection, the City would establish a school mitigation resolution. The Resolution attached to this Agenda Report is the enabling legislation that authorizes the School District to submit a Mitigation Plan to the City. It is expected that the District will submit their proposed mitigation plan for City review and approval within a few months. A copy of the proposed School Mitigation Resolution is included in Attachment No. 1. DISCUSSION Representatives of the City and the Temecula Valley Unified School District have been working together since December 1993 to develop the attached resolution. The school facility mitigation program established by the proposed resolution will accomplish the following: Authorize the School District to prepare and submit a Mitigation Plan that addresses the impacts on school facilities; 2. Set standards for the contents of Mitigation Plans; · R:~rAFFRPTT, CHOLMrr.PC 1 Establish a procedure for the Council's review and approval of*a proposed Mitigation Plan; and, Establish procedures on how the approved Mitigation Ran will be implemented by the City. The proposed program was provided to, and reviewed by, the Temecula-Murrieta Coordinating Committee at their August 19, 1994 and September 2, 1994 meetings. The Coordinating Committee had no comments on the proposed Program. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The proposed resolution would establish the school facility impact mitigation program outlined in Implementation Measure C.3 of the Growth Management and Public Facilities Element. As a result, adoption of the proposed program is consistent with the adopted City General Plan. A copy of the school facility related General Plan Implementation Measures are included in Attachment No. 2. * ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The proposed resolution does not have the potential to cause a significant and adverse impact on the environment. Therefore, the Director of Planning has determined that the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act, pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. Attachments: 1. PC Resolution No. 94- - Blue Page 3 2. Growth Management/Public Facility Bement Implementation Measure C.3 - Blue Page 14 R:~'rAFFRPT~CHOLMIT.PC 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 7, 1994 MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION R:~-I'AFF~NOLMIT.CC3 4/4/96 dwh 17 PLANNING CONINIISSION MINUTRq November 7. 1~. Ford ,_~lc when the wide~inE of Pala Rind would ~ place. Mr. · r~xmded that 1996/199/is scheduled. ..- Thornhill the second for Webster s, eh-rl how many extmtsbn of time are isermilled. plans and it would be sure that it is .consistent with that the enclo~ did not pl~nnlng Commission to t-adapted General fun project package to be Commi-~-~oner Blair ,.~lt how much has. Director Thornhill stated that he onthe of time the cornmi-~on consult with the city attorney. Ch:drman Ford stated the full spent on the original project. It was moved by Commissioner the full package of the proj, and to contint~ the and seconded include the minutes, hr 30 days. Blair to obml-' Commissibns review The motion follows: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, Shven, 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 0 COMMESIONERS: None Ford ' Chairman Ford declared a recess at 7:40 P.M. The meeting was r~convened aI 7:49 P.M. e · School lvht~tion Proflare Resolution Associate Planner David Hogan presented the staff report Commissioner Fahey asked if there is any way to protect the city if the school district does a poor job of m~nag~ng fun&-and city development is impacted or slowed down due to a short fall of funds. Mr. Hogan responded that Section No. 2 of the resolution outlines which projects would be exempt.: Commi.~ioner Webster askill'if a separate approval is l'~quil~ when the mitigation plan comes before the Planning ~Commission. Mr. Hogan stated the mitigation will come back to the Planning Commission for appronL R~fsmuss~ll0'/~,ln_H 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTBS Novabet 7. 1994 Chairifiall Fold exp~ concern th~ the Commi-~-~oll did not receive a copy of the County Resolution 93-13 1. ~mh~ Ford stated that he did not see a provision for an annual review- He further stated that there was no joint amendment clause, no recision, no suspension, no supersede clause or subsequent cl~use~ City Attorney Diaz stated this is an agreement not a conwact 'and these features are not normally necessary. Chairman Ford reiterated his concern and stated that the object was to structure an a~reement between the City and School District for a common good, and an annual review should be Lnchded in the agreement. Mr. Diaz stated it could be added with no problem. Chairman Ford opened the public hearing at 8:09 P.M. David Gallagher, representative for Temecuh Valley Unified School District ~VUCD) came bdore the Commission to answer any questions. Dennis Chiniaeff, Kernper Community Development, 27555 Ynez Road, Suite 202, Temecula, stated he wanted to work with the community and the School District to ensure facilities are in place. Phil Oberhandsl~ with Lorenz, Alhadeff, Cannon, and Rose representing Kernper Community Developrout, request~ that the Commi-~sion drier action at this time, to a workshop to discuss the language to be used. Mr. Larry Markham, ~ting Johnson Machinery, requested a continuance until they have had timc to review the document Mr. Dave Gallagher stated that the mitigation plan requires the School District to pursue all avenues of funding. Commissioner Fahey asked Mr. C.~]h~gh~ about the sun-ounding taxes fo~ b~th new and old faomes. Mr. Gallagher stated that the home pays for the schooh. Commissioner Ford asked Mr. Gallagher if the School District would have a problem with a yearly review of the mitigation. Mr. Gallagher suggested a review on a project by project basis. Commissioner Fold _~.~k if the District would be willing to forward a copy of the mitigation agreement Mr. Ganagher responded that the City has a copy of the County agreement which is ..n~arly identical Chairman Ford closed the publ~fc hearing at 8:37 P.M. IAWumm~llO794.F~l 7 pv ANNING COI,~4ISSION Mr~TUTP-~ November 7. 19o~ Commi-~ioner 51aven ask if there is a nofi~c~tiw xeqtdzemenL Dixector Thornhill. stated that the newspaper would be notified. It was moved by Commi-~sioner Fahey and seconded Commissioner' Blsir to approve Establish a program to -~,i~te the impacts to local school facilities from new development. The motion carried as follows: . AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Blair, Fahey, and Webster NOES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: 'Ford and Slaven. ABSEi'~f: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Pl.nnini, Application No.'94-0081 (Plot Planner, Matthew Fagan presented tlz st~ff report. Front Mr. median, Webster ask if there is a proposed median that would preclude a left hand turn coming out perthe General Plan, Jefferson this project will not be required to in. Chzis Gnnt with Downs Way, San Chairman Ford ask~ Mr. stated he did. CornmL~sionmr 5hven asked to with wrdught iron. the way around. Chairman sufficient.. Group, representing Express, 12188 Wavefly before the to answer any questions. . if he the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Gmt __ llnk fence, located in the back, replaced supported having wrought iron fence all' ch.in link fencing in the back area is · The applicant stated although they put landscaping in to not put wrought the ch.ln link fence and the way around the Commi~ioner Fahey and second~ by approve staff r&commena.tlon and approve Planning (for included what type of landscaping would cover the cb~in link ATTACHMENT NO. 4 PUBLIC FACILITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES R:'~-'TAFFII:~HOLIRIT.CC3 414/'96 dwh 18 ~row~ Manal~m~M/P~li.c Fa,'ililies Elessenz V. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMS C. School Facilities Rcqumt the School District to provide the City with ~,~unation conc~r~ing potential hnpscls associated with 9iolx~sed residential development. The information should include a status report of the auflable school facilities serve pr~ pmjccxs. To thc cxznx that adcquatc school facilin'cs arc not available on a timely basis, thc City will scck to assist thc Distria and dcvclopcs in azriv~ at a solution to provide adequate school facilities, as permitled by. hw. 2. Coordinate with developera and the School District to cnsure that school sites ax~ adequately sized and located to meet increases in demand. Re, quire propreed pmjccts with school sites to include a phasing plan that links project development with thc pwvision of a school facility when needed. Since S.B. 1287 places subsumtisl constraints on the City in this sru, the City will enter into a co-~-,,i.M dialo~ among int=mtcd paxtim to cruz an implm~tst~on pro!Faro that is in compliance with smz law and meets the needs of th~ School Distri~ and th~ City's needs fnr ad~lust~ and slbrdsbl~ housin8 and economic dmlopm=nL Should S.B. 1287 be rcpc~!e~ as a result of rejection of Proposition 170 on thc staxc-widc ballot Novembcr 2, 199~, thc City Council shall establish a school mitigation resolution which specifics the procedures to bc followed by thc City, School District, and dcvelopcxs in order to determine school facilities impact associated with residential development, available sources of funding br school facilities n__sr~-~_itated by such dcvclopmcnt and the appmpriaz mitigation mcasures. Thc resolution would provide fx}r pmccdures consistent with those undcr County Resolution 93-131, which apply to thc County portion of thc Tcmccula Vallcy U-meal School District, as permiaexi by law. ATTACHMENT NO. 5 COMBINED SUGGESTED REVISIONS PROPOSED BY LORENZ ALHADEFF CANNON & ROSE R:~-rA~HOLMIT.CC3 4/4/9~ dwh 19 A I~b"ROLIFHON OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE "'"~"~*'~""~'~"~'~"Y'" '*"""~"' :""""' OF TEM]iCULA APPROVING THE SCHOOL FACILrrY IMPACT MITIGATION PROGRAM ~, rapid population growth in recem years in the City of Temecula ("City'). has resulted in large ~ in the nmnbers of students thai the Temec-la Valley Unified School District (*District")is required to educate, and has resulted in the need to enlarge existing school facilities and construct new facilities to house the stndents in accordance with the policies of the District and ss=na~rds specified by state hw; and [- WHEREAS, new student impactisg-^son existing school facilities are due primarily to r~sidential uses (except senior citizen development); and '. WIiiRE~, impacts from ~ and industrial development are less significant than those of residential development and are partially offset by the cohtn'butiom of COmmerCial alg ~ ~ toward a strong tax base in the City which support%, public WItERFAS, adequate school facilities are a benefit to both new development and the community at large,-and axe ^a,_n~:ess~ry component jf the City's social and WHEREAS, the State Legislam~ has declared that ~xancing the construction of school facilities is the responm'bility of the State of California; and WITRRFA3, the State of CAlifornia has been unable to adequately fulfill its obligation for fundinE such additiom~ school facilities and has shifted the primary respom'bility for fmaucing of school facilities to local school districts, which, under Chapter 887, Statutes 1986 ("School Facilities Law of 1986"),may establish developer mitigation fees for residential, commercial and hxhatfial uses, and may establish Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts to provide for school plan facilities financing as authorized and limited by the hws of the State of California; and ~, the combination of state school bond monies, school district imposed developer fees, local school bond measures, and other sources of financing has gemnlly been inadequate to pwvide for the enlatgcm~ut and consmuxion of school plant facilities. sufficient to adequately house new stndents in accordsnee with the minimum smndax~ set .., forth by th~ State of California; and ,. \ WH]!RBA~, school funding sources under atrrent gate hws and available funding are oriented toward the provision of interim school facilities, and a need exists to fund .peruanent K-12 school facilities, including facilities for the special education needs of special or disadvantage"d_ students; and c%( resGDRAFT. 1 )F. EDLBE.2/licch 6961.058 032895 ("CEQA"), has the avllority to zeview development proposals for impacts on School Facilities; and WIiERF_-~ purs,,mt to de~om macbed in Mira Development Corporation v. City plnrmlng, C~k~ion- ~6 ~.~-~ 1612 ( ~ ), ~8 ~-~.~-1212 (1~1), ~~ ~ ~l ~ ~t ~ ~ on ~l ~~ ~ve wt ~ ~8a~ W a level of ~, the provision of a quality s~h0ol system w educate the zesidents of the. City of 'Temeazla is iz~por~m to the City's futm~; and ·" ~ the Diuia zequested ttat the City adopt a resolution providin~ cr~_tln~ a pm~zn to pm~ full fundiz~ for school facilities from some types of development; and WHERF. AS, the City Council includ~ ~Se in the Growth Management and Public Facility Element of 'the 6em~ Plan cozeming the migration of school facility WHEREAS, this Resoh~on is bein~ adopted at the x~quest of the Distxict which has a~nl~l to indemnify and hold harmless the City fwm cbim~ ~nxltin~ from the adoption, enfozcement, or implementation of the Resolution; and WHERF..AS, the Planning Cotmnission has considered the Progrnm'at its November 7. 1994 meetimz and zeco~m~-nds that the City Council approve thi~ Resolution ~ November 7, 1994 meeting; and WHBRF./~, notice of the proposed resolution was posted at City Hall, Cou~ h'brary, Rancho California Branch, the U.S. Post Office, and Temeasln Valley Cbnmher of · NOW, ~RE, ~ aTY COUNCIL FOR THE aTY OF ~ DOES RESOLVE, DB'lliR.MINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: A. Except as provided below, all developme~ pwjeas and applications that are submitted to the City of Temeada ~cl that x~luize a Gemini Plan =mendre_era, zone cban~e, development aEreemenf- pre-=nnention allEemem or Specific Plan appwval or nmenrlm~-nt ~ Ill'at the writen re<Nest of the School District. twon an adeauate C\CreseOItAFT.1)eEDLINE-211/cch -2- 6;61.058 032Bf5 F showin~ be reviewed for their-poxeafial school facility-hnpscis and mitigation of such · in~c~. I. F B. No colgifion-~ of 2p~roval 0llA,l~ ~ PIa]I sl~m~TIf, Z011e dlall~, developrueS a~reemmt, prc-~on aSXeemcS or Specific Plan approval or =m~ndmenf authorized by GovcramenI Code Section 65~5 [AA]. as i~ now exists or may be amended from .'_time to '_~me. unless a School District Mitigation Plan ("Mili~afion Plan') has been prepaz~ by or on behalf of the DisUia and approved by the City Council. C. Any of the fortowing shall be considered to be adequate mitigation of school facility impacts associated with appwvals by the City for General Plan amendments, Specific Plans and Specific Plan' AmendmenXs, development agreements, pre-annexation agreements 2. A finding pursuant to CEQA by the aFvwp, iatc City rcvicw body that F no significant imp, acts on school facilities [3]v/itt"shall occur as a result of the proposed developmenL [B] Prodded fu,-',l~r, flr. di.-~n tony nlso ~c mndc pu,.,~n~ to CBQA that impacts on schools hnve been mitigated to n level of insignificance. [C] ~,~ A findin; vursuant to CEOA bv the avvroutlate City review body that ironacts on schools have been mi~nted to a level of insignificance. [D] 4_. A findine pursuant to CEOA by the aaoroorhte City review body that imoacts on schools cannot be miti~efil to a level of tnsianificm]~ and the adoorion of a statement of overridine considerations. A. Any school district Itshated partly or totally with}n the City may prepare and submit a School r~eility T-,~.aet Mitig~on Plan to the City to address the ',m~acts on school facilities which may result from new residenfi~l deveJopmen~ projects within that district. The City shall review and [4]"]]1tI cOneider~at its sole discretion approving a proposed Mitigation Plan ff the Plan adequa21y addresses the impam resultin~ from increases in the munber of mulenls within the school disu'ict submiuing the Mitigation Plan [BB]. m-ovided. C~( rescOleAFT. 1 )iLl lIE .2/11cch -3- 6961.0sa 2312~ however. a Plan does not adeoumlv address the hnvacts if it iraroses one lmndred vercent (100%1 of the costs of me,,,lin2 such hnva'is on new residential develovment. of an approved Mitigation Plan. These projects shall be required to pay only the staunory school fees [E]authorized by G0vermnent Code Section 65995rAA1. as it now exists or rnav be amended from '._time to fim~-. or any other amoum previously agreed to by the District and the owner/developer of the proposed development project: '1. Residentis1 projects which have been approved by a hearh~ body (Plsrmlr~ Cornraisin'on or City Counc~ prior to the effective da~e of this Resolution. 2. "Q~msi-j~cial" land use .approvals, .including but not limited W, subdivision maps, use permits, plot plans and variances. 3. Subsequent approvals for the components of a larger project which has been already met the requireme~ of this Resohtion (e.g., a tentative tract map within a specific plan which has already miti~a~l school facility ira,ham). 4. Commercial or industrial projects. 65995.1(a). Senior citizen housing as deftned in 6o~ernment Code Section* Any residential development proposal for which [S]au Impact , Mitigation Agreement has already been executed between the developer and the District. 7. Any or all challge~ of if)lie needed to fflake the Dfficial City Zopin_~ Map consistent with the Land Use Designations contained in the City's first adopted General Plan as required by "GovenTment Code Section 65860[AA].. as it now exists or may be amended from time tO ~_me. of '~]~Smte p!,rmln_~ and Zoning Law. 8. Any atnen,~ent~ to a~ [FJ"le~islativelv approved ~pecific plan or truc~ m:.~^land use entitlement that [6]ohangoo only the layout of the p~ojoct, make minor ehong~o to d~ign and dovclopment ~nednnk, or nmlm other nde:.irj-~ative: ohango3 ~ doeo -^* ~-~r~-~c ok^ ,^,A, ..__k^. ^,----:-,--*~-~ k .... : ..... :,,, :_ ok. ~e~-.^does not increase the total number of residential housin2 units within the %,eeifie plan or tnmt nmp ^area in ouestion. A. The Mitigation Plan shall contain documentation of the need for any level of mitigation that exceeds the total of revenue anticipated to be received by the ['fJsehool^District from Statutory School Fees [G]^authorized bv Gov~ Code Section be mended 65995,,[AAl. as it now exists or may from ~me to/_t~ne. and any other sources C\CresQORAFT.1)REDLINE.2/I/cch 6961.058 Q32895 'of funding available to or anficipau~ by the District. The Mitigation Plan shall be adopted by the Disuia Board of T~. At a mi~rr~, an l~r~igs~on Plans shsll comain the fonowing informa on: 1. Student C,e~ntion Factors. .. a. The District Smde~ Gemmention Factor (SGF) shall be based {- upon [H]~dme results of two or more methndnlol4es for determlnjn~ the District SGF. {- including. but not limited to. (1) a mau:hin~ of new housizm constructed in the City between ~- January 1. 1987 and December 31. 1994. and DisUict enrollmen[ dais. h'ke the msr. chins~ [- used in the CiP/of San Jose, California. 1994 Smdenn Genenlion Survey, and (21 the [- Riverside Counlv am~roved Darame~-rs for a household survey. The SGF shall include peak student loading for all elernen~ry, middle and ..high school grades. b. . The SGF Household Survey shah be based upon and consist ofL the fortowing: (1) A mi,,;..,,..., random sample of 250 dwelling units that were constructed in the. preceding three years. (2) A representative sanple of the curr~nt or anticipated, future characteristics of the comm,,nity, incinding consideration for any resort or second home characteristics of the COmmunity. (3) The survey shall exclude senior citizen housing.' (4) A r~resen~tive sample of the housln_~ twodnct types within the district (i.e.,single family de~ched, single family ~tt~ch~d, or multi-family rental properties and mobile homes). (:5) The 5GF shall be based on an ,.-.~.~s.,,,mem: of smdeul: "pass-through" fi'om uew homes over at least a five-year period. [- c. The District [8]^ and such other interested Danis may propose F additional survey [H]^m~hodolooies. facton and conditious to be included in the survey. F The use of any additional survey" meth~lolo~ies. factors and condition^s, (that could affect F the SGF) must be approved by the City'n Diz6etor of Phnning^Couecil prior to do~ the survey. {-every two (2) [- determinations. [I]^d. T!~- nistxkt SGF shsll be redetermlrM'~ not less often th,m once vears usini two or more methodololies like those used in previous C%.(reseORAFT.1 )REDLIME.2/I/cch ,:~, 6961.058 032895 2. Typical School ~ ~nd Cost Factors a. The Typical School Land Costs Factor (TSF) shall be based on the State's standard cost and shall be based ~ a ~-~ and improved, consm~on- read~ school site, including the ~on of r~ces,~ry infzs,smwm~. b. Developmenl 0f school sites shall be based on California Department of ~,~c~tlon standards for tnfra.mucuu~, location, and acreage. c. School construction costs ~hnll be as lttthorized. by the State Office of Local Assistance (OLA), or as required by local and state codes. d. All costs for plans, test, inspections, furniture and equipment, and contingencies shall be in accordance with OLA xequixeme~. 3. Opfi,,m,,, Facility Utili?ntion a. This District shall demonstrate, in the Mitigation Plan, OpHm-m vtili~stlon of its facilities. The Mitigation Plan shall include consideration of a year-round, program, double school sessions, and alguative student loading multi-track education programs. [CCi_~ The District shall uodate the Miffization Plan not less often than once every two (2) years to demoxlstrate contirnlinE oDtknum utilization of its ~acilities add on-Roini consideration of and efforts to hnvlemen~ the alternatives set forth in t)araRl'at)h b above. 4.' 9ond Issues and ~ Dmdint~ Sources a. The District shall certify, and provide suppo~ne evidence in the Mitigation Plan that the District has used, or committed for use, all its ;vailable ftmding sources. b. The District shall certify, and provide supPortlnS evidence in the Mitigation Plan that the District is pursuing state and alternate facilities financing. c. If the District is not pttrgfing, or does not anticipate pursuing alternate fmawing, it shall include an explanation and rationale in the Mitigation Plan for not doing ~o. \ d. The Mitigation Plan shall include considerations of methods of financing the payment for and construction of School Facilities, to ensure the provision of adequate facilities and to mi~imiTe actual costs to furtire residents, including the use of C\( rss~naFf. 1 )RBLINE .3/llcch -.6.- 6961.0H 032895 developer loan funds based on anticipated state bond fund reimbunement and community facilities distrim. ~ The District shall uodate the Mitinati~ Plan atomally InDlnot less often than once every two (2) years bv vrovidim~ new certificates reouired bv mr~avbs a and b above. a new ex~lauadon and rationale as reouired bv Dara~ravh .c above. and a Dara~ravh d above. 5. Central Administration and Support Facilities snd Interim Facilities The Distri~ shall have the opportunity, through the Mitigation Plan, to present an argumem justifyln_~ mltig~fion for impacts. on ~tlmlni,qration and slipport facilities and interim facilities. The justification shall inchute infommtion on m/Ymg, work. loads, and other data to demonstrate that the District is using its 8dministrative fuI!ding in a mnnner which maximizes producti~ and mlnlrniTes costs. In addition, if the District elects to present this justification, the Mitigation Plan shall demonstrate that the mitigation requested is proportional to the impacts directly atmtaxtable to new development. [HH]If the District elects to eresent this iustifi~on. the District shall twdate the Mitigation Plan not less often than once every two (2) years to demonstrate conrimming_ utilization of administrative fundins~ in $ mnnner which maximjzes Droductiv~ and minimires costs and that the mitigation reouested is vrovortional to the hnvacts ~v atm~utable to new development. . 6. Level of Support From New Development The Mitigation Plan [K]mayohall ma~ provide for total mitigationjlpm all votential fundin~ sources. of school facilities impacts tht are shown to result from new residential developmems from all potential funding ~ource0 ^. recoLmizin~ the potential ineouitv and Dotentinllv netvative economic impacts on the City as a whole of vlacin~ the entire burden of school facilities innmas on new residential development. and emvhasizin~ the onti~al maXimization of all votential ~mdlm, sources. rather than reliance exclusively on Mitigation Payments by new residential develovment [FF]. to meet the District's needs and the Citv's needs for adeouate and affordable housin~ and economic develooment. as reouired bv the Citv's General Plan. The Mitigation Plan shall not be used to pwvide for mitigation of impacts attn'bumble to existing development. 7. Coordizmtion of P!s~min~ Review for School Site Development The Mitigation. Plan shall include pwvisiom for comultatiom ~c~ [- the District [9]^. rcoresenmfives of the Buildin~ Industrv.tGG] the avvlicant. and the City on school facility location and site development plans, in order to promote compatibility with City land use, circulation, and other p!~rt% and coordination on public improvements, including streets, sidewalks, and Waffic control meChs~ni.~Tn-~. .. C%.( reecdHtAFT. I )liBILl NE .311/cch -'7- 6961.058 032895 additional hnpacls on the Dislrict school facilities. Upon subm~s of the Mitigation Plan to the City the fonowix~ pwcednr= sl2ll be followed: 1. The District shall submit the adopted Mitigation Plan w the Director The submired shah be accompanied by^ the aoorov, late fee to cover City's cost of x~viewln_~ the District's Plau. 2. Within thirty (30) days fortowing receipt of the Disuict's Mitigation Plan, the Director of pl~nnlng shall xeview the plan to determine whether it conforms to the [- requirements of this Section. [10]*Tne Plaunin~ Director shall at a m~nlmum "notifit [- ropv~mmfivea of ~ Buildin= Industry of its receivt of the District's Mitigation Plan. and F invite them to vrovide Writran co~__~ or obiections therew. and otherwise undertake any ~ other audit and conm~ review vrocedur~ as he or she reasonably determines. In addition. [- the Plannin~ Director shall be entitled to consider such other factors as he or she deems [- rex~nablv nece~ssrv other than those covered by the Mitiwation PIn..After reviewin~ the [- Mitigation Plan. the Director shnll take one of the foHov.4ng actions: a. Notify by writma notice to the snpetiniendent of the District that the Mitigation Plan conforms to the requirements of this Resoluti6n. The notice shall also contain the anticipated meeting date for the ph~nnin~ Commi~sion's consideration of the Mitigation Plan. b. Notify in writing the superlnt~-ndent of the District that the District's Mitigation Plan does not conform to the requirements-of this Section and describing the deficiencies that need to be corrected. Any major changes in the District's Mitigation Plan must be approved by the DisU'ict's Board of Tru,s2~. 3.. Within SiXty (60)days tonowing the Director of p|nnning's notification of the completeness 'of the District's Mitigation Plan, the Planning Commission shall review and consider the plan to determine whether it conforms to the requix~nents of this Section and will reasonably mitigate the impacts of new development on school facilities. After considering the Mitigation Flan, the Commission shall recommend that the City Council approve, deny, condition, or corrHnue the approval of the District's Mitigation Plan. 4 Within thirty (30) dayS following the planning Commission's will reasonably [l~^and ecmkablv in fi~- best interesls of the City and its residents mitigate the impacts of new development on school facilities. After considering the Mitigation Plan, the City Council shall approve, deny, condition, modify, or confiune consideration of ~ Distria's Mitigation Plan. C\( ~sseOllAFl'. 1 )ILlliE .3111cch -8,. 6961.058 032895 individual resir~e~=l developme~ pioposals, and mitigation measures which may be aFptoF, ial~ to ellmi~ste or rednce to a level of insigpi~c~nce the impacts aim'bumble to such residential devclopmcmt proposals. The City shall not adopt any financial mitig~tlon in excess of the District [N]~recommended developmere mitigation measure, unless it is found to be co~ with the pwvisions of a previously aplxoved Mitigation Plan, an executed developer-District ag,,~.,,~nt, or any measures pertained by stare hw.A The shall not be oblinted to adont the District recommended develovment mitintion measure in exercisinE the Citv's lelislative volicv authority and discretion to awrove. condition. or deny develovment oroiects and aoolicatiom that reeuire a General Plan amendment. zone chan~e. develooment a6een~-m ere-annention n~m~nt or Specific Plan amyroyal or D. [l l]Thc Diott:,ct may rt~ueot, ut a,,y time, thnt thc City nmend a is.~viou~ly' approvod Mitigation Plan. Any Sm,mclmCnt~ to the Plan Ohnll follow t~no approval [- proeedu, cs spce~fied in thh Re~ohltiom'~e District. City amYor interested Industry F revresentatives and/or the otovonent of any develovment vroiect amy reintest. at any _time_. ]- that the City amend a mviouslv aovroved Mitigation Plan. Any amendments to the plan 1- shall follow the awwval vrocedure svecified in this Resolution. To the extent n,,ct-ss~rv. F if a third Darn, initiates such reouest. that third party shall m-ovide the fundin~ of any review ~ of the then existin~ Mitintion Plan. The City in consultation With the District and such 1-interested third oarties shall select an indeoendent Denon to review and make F recommendations with reLPard to any existin~ Mitintion Plan. Section 4. Review of V~tle,~a Pmjem A. For all residential projects, the Director of plsnning shall notify the Distria, by means of written notice, as to any proposed developmenX located within said District prior w the first Design Review Committee (DRC) meeting and prior to [12]PrcPnrati°n^'c°mvleti°n of the Initial Environmermd Study. 1. The Notice to the District Shrill include the following information: a. The location of the l~'oject; b. The name of the owner and developer; c. The number and type of dwelling units proposed; d. A p~limlrmry site or developmere plan; and e. The date of the DRC meeting. C%( reaDRAFT. 1 )lIEDLIE .311 Itch ,0, 6961.058 032895 2. The Disuia shall provide writm commen~ on any proje~ot submitted for their review and comment prior to the date of the DRC meeting, [13] . In addition, Section 4A2 should be sinended to vrovide that the School District shall have such time as authorized by the City to make writzn comments. 3. The ~ of the District to provide a written response 'to the Director of p!annin~ shall constitute the equivalent'of "No C'~nm~nt." In thi.~ case, the City will require only the state-maru~;tea school impact mitigation fees [O]^authorized by Government Code Section 65995 [AA].~ as it now exists or may be mended from time to time. [14] B. All rezidontinl development propesals that do not ~oquL'~ a Conoral Plan amepdment, zone chxln~e, dovclopmoxX af, f~em~nt, lue annexation aZrzement, or Specific 'Phn n~pwval or am~uimr~t by the City ~b~l be i~4eweg for their potenthi impnot on school faoilitis~ ~ pn~t of the tAitial Envit~,~ental Study pto6us. Nothing ill thia P, er~lution it~ric~ te ability o~ tho D:z~ter ef pJnnning ~e deterreln. that an othon~5o exempt re~i4enl~ projcot tony have a ~igr, ifi~ impact en the environment and thnt an E~nvironmenml Impnot Rei, ort should be Ft~,,a-~1- Ne mitigation of ~hool impn~ts beyond the mitigation idcntified in ~nte law will be r~quir~ for these project. C. All residential deveiopme~ proposals that require General Plan nmendme.nts, Specific Plans, Specific Plan ame~ttments, development agreements, pre-annexation aF,,ements, and changes of zone shall be reviewed for their potential impact on school facilities and the environment and the mitigation of those impacts in acco~ance with the requirements of state and local hw. [P] 1. If a Scheel Fecility Impaot Mi~g~ion A~,~ent is sqai~ end an AFc, oment has not been ~ubmitted, the Dkt~tor of Iqnnnlag shall nstify the a~l~liennt tlmt the application i~ inoomFlctc and thnt additional information (i.e., specinl ~udy or Environrvtoatal Impnot l~ort) in ,~qRitul to n~e~ the im~aet~ en and mitiEation of the effect~ of the de~elopment projea en the Dimriot's 5ohool fnoilitie~. [See Comnv Resolution No. 94-138. at Va~es 14-18. varaRravhs C throueh F. which illustrate why this varat, ravh 1 is stricken.1 [Q] ;P1. Within thirty (30) days of ~ke-submia~g-^ssion of an application, the Director of Pl~ng shall notify the applicant that either: a. The proposed development pwjea ~ not have a significant adverse impact on the Distria's school ~ or the environment, and that no additional b. The proposed development pwject will not have a si~ificant adverse ~ on the Distria's school facilities, buy may have an adverse impact on the environment and that a special study or ~,nvironmenta] Impact Report is ~- C\( resQOllAFT. 1 )REDL ! NE .3/11 cch - 10- 6961.058 032895 c. The pwposed development projea could have an ad{,erse impact on the District's school facilities and that a' detailed i~,~ nqettme, tt and mitigation study must be prepa~ and/or a School Faci~ t.mVact Mitigation Agreem~ must be obtained. d. The proposed developmere project could have an adverse impact on the District's school facilitii and/or the ~nvix'tmment, and that a special study or an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared and/or an Impact Mitigation Agreement e. -- The proposed developmere project will have an adyerse impact on the Distria's school facilities and the environmental and that a special study or an ~ 2. If the applicant [R] , nnd/Or' developer. or Distria disagrees with the Director's deZrmimtion of the projea's poZnfial ~.~ on the environment or the District's school facilities, they may at~peal the decision to the plsmnlng Cotr,mlqion within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the Direaor's determir~tlon. The appeal shall be made and filed in accordance with the. requirements of the Planning Commission. the Director consideration. 4^3_~. Within tbirW (30) days of fillnE an appeal of the Director's decision, Of pl~nnlng shall schedule the appeal for the pl~nnir~ Commi~ion's · ~^4_~. If the applicam, developer, or District disables with the Pl.,,~ing' Commi-~sion's dctenination of the project's potential impact on the enviror.~eut or the District's school facilities, they may appeal the decision to the City Council w~thin ten (10) calendar days of r~ceipt of the Commi~sion's determination. The appeal shall be made and 6~5. Within thirty (30) dayS Of filinE an appeal of the planning Cowmi-t~ion's action, the City .Clerk shah schedule the appeal for the City Counci!'s consideration- The City Council's decisions on these matten shall be final. D. [15]Bvidewe ef adequate mi~gntion of any significant adverac impacts on the Di~riet's aeheol faeilitieo ~ L~ emb!inhn,-I by n Mitigation Abr~ment. The ~e,,x~s of the Mitigatien Agrzemem, shall be inoorpenx~l by fefetcnso in tho oondition¢ of CBQA approvnl, and on the Cenditiom of Approvnl of any St/Afic Plan, the Renolution of At;prevnl of any Cenernl Ptan ,~,m,,/xdmtnt, and in the tcnm of any development or ~t~ [- emmcxation ayezaxent. ^RViders~' Of adeouate miti~aU'on of any significant adverse imvacts ' [- on the District's school facilities droll be established by a Mi~va~on AR~nt. or as [- otherwise detertold bv t~- Co,-~'! based on the facts and circ, rm-,m~,'~. [SIThe [- ef tl;c Miti~,ntion Ahccmeat. er other eonditiom of mitiimtion ns dete~.-rjncd by ~ Council. shah bo inoowentul in time oonditionn ef CBOA nm~roval. and on the Conditions [- ef Av;,-oval of nnv Soe¢ifie Pian. the'Resolution of n~jtovnl of nnv f'Gencral t;"Ptnn c\c red)RAFT. 1 )REDI. llE.311/u:h -11- 6961.0S8 032895 [. n~er/~ment^. nmgadment. and in the F ns°e'~neaS^na"exnti°r' at~,ax~nt. d any dcvelovtncnt or nt6, Section 5. T.....,I, .. b,..~d~O- Of this P,e~!ntion A. Nothing in this P, esolution shall be interpret~ as limiting or restricting the ability of the Director of plnnning, p!nrmin~ Commission, or City Council to require additional information or special studies on ;ny residential projects submin~ to t!~ City for approval. B. It is the intent of the City Council that this Resolution be in force and effect until amended, rescinded, suspended, superseded or until a subsequent resolution or Ol'61nnnee is enacted Which supersedes this Resolution. · C. This Resolution is adoptz~l at the beheg of and for time benefit of the' Temecula Valley Unified School District and other school districls within the limits of the City of Temecula. It is agreed that should any claim, action, challe~e, or similar proceeding be instinned against the City for the adoption, imposition, or calculation of the school mitigation requh-emems under the provisions of thi~ Resolution, that City and DLmict agree to share the respons~ility and financial obligations of that proceeding as set forth belOW: 1. [16]Tho Disn4ot ai,-c~ that any elalm, action, ~g, etc. ,brought against the City which challenEos the mothod of oaloula~on of impaot on s~hool faeili~eo in excess of thnt ~mtutorily m. nndotcd ahall be the f=,ffi and eomplete ,c~pens~ility of the District. To that end, the District nhntl indemni~, pret~t, defend, nnd hold hntmle~ the City ngninst- any los0, cost, eapensc, clnim, damugc, settlement or judgment, te,,,eUltin~ from a lawsuit or any part thereef, perm_irdng te the ameunt er mothod of calculnfion of 5'uoh [- knpaet."The District aLrrees that any clnlm, action. ~R. etc.. brotmht a~ainst the City ~- in any way related to reouirinsz a Mitismtion Anx~-qnent as the sole means of mitin.-.'m, [- imvacts on the District's school facilities (or the mount or method of calculation of such [- intoact} (the "District's Resoons~ilitv"'~ shall be the furl and comvlete resvonsx"oility of the [- :District. To that end, the District shah indemnify, vrotect. defend and hold harmless the F City aRainst any loss. cost, ext)ense. claim. dnmalze. settlement. or iudnment in any way [- related w the District's Resoons~ility. 2. The City and District agree to share the cost on a fifty-fifty (50-50) basis of any action, challenge, claim, demnnd, or other legal proce~inl~ brought against the City based upon the authority of the City to impose school miu'gation in excess of that \ F [ 17]^ 3. This Resolution shall not become effective unless and until the District F aclmowled=es in writing. and takes any and all avorou, late Board action related thereto, its [- obligations as set forth in this Section '5C. c\( resoDP, AFT. 1 )tEDLINE .3/llcch -12- 6961.058 O32895 The City CL-rk shall certify the adoption of e,i, Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOFrnn this day of ATrEST: STONE, Mayor JUNJ~ S. Ute~-~<~, Ijity Cle:rk [S~] . · STATE OF CAY-n:ORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA I RP. aP, BY C:V. al~' that the foregoing Resolution was auly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting mereof, held on the day of ,1995 by the following vote of the City Council: NOF, S: COUNCrLMEMBERS COUNCrt,M"aIBERS reeDRAFT. 1 )REDL 1 WE .3/1/cch -13- 69~1.058 032895 ATTACHMENT NO. 6 RESPONSE OF THE TEMECULA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO SUGGESTED REVISIONS R:\STAFF~HOI.IVIIT.CC3 414/96 dwh 20 TEMECULA VALLEY Un~ied School District SUPERINTENDENT Patnoa B, Novomey. Ed.D, BOARD OF EDUCAT!ON Baroara Tco~er Rosin VanOr RoOerl t, Richare SNdef April 3, 1995 Mr. Gary Thornhill CITY OF TEMECULA 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Re: School Facilities Resolution Dear Mr. Thornhili: In the spirit of compromise, the District has accepted 20 of the 43 suggested revisions Mr. Alhadeff submitted from February 27 to March 29, 1995, concerning the subject Resolution. Our understanding is that these twenty items represent essentially the same position the City Staff- has held throughout this process. The attachments, prepared in consultation with our attorney, represent the District's position on · e ~ree sets of Sam Alhadeff's suggestions (1 through 17, received February 27, 1995; A thwugh S, received March 20, 199:5; and AA through GG, received March 29, 199:5). · The 1-17 and A-S summary attached is identical to the summary wesent to Dave Hogan March 23, 199:5. · The AA-GG comments are as of our final review this morning. We now look forward to the City's adoption of the Resolution April 11, 199:5. Please call with any questions you may have. Sincerely, 3oh~fi BLks, A"istant Superintendent Business Services cc: Board of Education Patrim B. Novomey, Ed.D., Superintendent Eric Doering - Bowie, Ameson, Kadi, Wiles.& Giannone 31350 Rancho Vista Road / Temecula. CA 92592 / (909) 676-2661 RESOLI.~/ON OF THE CITY COUNC/L FOR THE CITY OF ~ APPROVING TBE SCROOL FAC/LITY IMPACT MIT/GATION PROGRAM Mardt 22. 199S 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I1. Kernperil-AC.~R sethon robe revised - 2/27/95 s~cuon X.A Section 1.C.1 Section 1.C.2 Section 2.A Section 2.B.6. Section 2.B.8 Section 3.A Section 3.A; 1 .c. Section 3.A.7 Section 3.B.2 Section 3.D TVU~n Not agr~ - change would violate CEQA. Not agtge - believe change would violate CEQA. Revision acceptable. Revision acceptable. Revisions Revisions Rev/t/o~ Revisiont unacceptable. First senumce: revisions acceptable. Second sentence: revisions not acceptable. Revisions unacceptable: pre-approval public comment period is time for suggested amendments. Ci~ of Tem~,l,* Not agree - same tinson. Not agree - same reason. Reinion accepts. Revision acceptable. Revisions ~.~hl=. Revisions acceptable. Change "City's Dbzcmr of Planning" to "Counc~" Revisions unacceptable. acceptable, cl, nnging "shah at a minimum notify repruentati'ves of the Building Industry" to "shall notify the Building Industry." Second sentence: revisions not acceptable. Revaiont una~eptab/t. KanllX'rfi AC&R s-,,~on to be rffi.~v. - 2rr//c)5 'rv n Cil~ of Temeegt, 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Section 4.A Section 4.A.2 Section Section 4.D Section 5.C. I Section 5.C.3 Rtvimat un,,cctptabit. Rma~ons uu~tpm~. Revisions tceptable. Revisions utma:eptable: language negotiamd between Distria and City in July/ August, 1994. Revisions acceptable. Rs,mo'mumagOmwk~ but ok to dalata *ami prior to ptWmugom of tlu lniriai Eaw#omemol Study: Revisions unable. Revisions ut,"'o~able: IEav~ pazagzaph in plato in its mtirEty0 ._ Rm, isions upacrepmble: Revisions NOTE: Bold italics items represent conclusions reached during the Marvh 14 and Match 20 meetings between City Staff, Dimia $taff amt Developer Representatives. * Pending final review by City. Attorney 2 RY. IOLLIlDN OF ~ Clll' COUXCIL ~OR lll ~ OF Tnsr~ t Ad~lmOvmG ~ ~a(}L FACXI//Y IMPA~ I~IIGAIION ~ CiW of Tem*mi~* A. SecUnn 1.C.I Sealon I.C~ C, Senan 1.C.3 D. Seainn 1.C.4 E. Saninn 2.B F. ~nitm2.B.8 G. 5ecu~ 3.A , H. Samon 3.A. 1A SeeCon 3.A.l.c I. Szc~on 3.A. 1.d J. S~.On _.l.A.4.c K. S~ion 3.A.6 L. Sxaon 3:B · Not ap:= - No~agree Not Not a~et tinn Plan ffzry two .vean Nut ~p, ss O. Smgiau 4.A.3 P. Sec:d~ 4.C.1 Q. Secdon 4.C_~ P,. SecUan 4.C.3 S. Sgdou 4.D sub~umiy auaont~_ sctmoi fm ~ tt appim to nqadve dgr, i,,~am= Not ague Not agree -Dinncrs renu~y is under CfQA Not agz~ m Kcml:~s ?.,r~/r~ cba~u in ~ taction ~ for~ zn x~'vision #15. Not agree NOTE: =-Pending final review bv City Attorney ,q lets,..- lfll$ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ~ AlPROVING THE SCHOOL FACILITY IMPACT PROGRAM TVUSD POSITION ON AA-GG April 3, 199~ BB. CC. DD. GG. This revision is acceptable. It addresses the comments suggested and accepted at the March 20 meeting. This revision is not acceptable. It goes against the intent of the Resolution, and therefore, against the City General Plan. This revision is acceptable. It addresses the comments suggested and accepted at the March 20 meeting. This revision is acceptable in that it appears to be consistent with revision CC. This revision is acceptable. This revision is not acceptable. It adds on to a sentence to which we have previously objected (Comment K). This revision is acceptable. The District currently enters into discussions with each development project applicant as to school facility location and site development plans within the project, as early as possible in the process. ITEM 13 TO: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Proposal for Installation of Rashing Warning Lights in the Vicinity of Temecula echoale RECOMMENDATION: That City Council authorize the purchase and installation of solar-powered flashing caution signals at the four Temeculs School sites. Authorize transfer of $78,000 from Unreserved General Fund Balance to Account No. 100-164-602-5610. BACKGROUND: A great deal of concern has been expressed regarding the pedestrian safety in the school zones. Some of it direct result of driver inattention, and some from violation of the schod zone speed limit. The current signs in the school zones vary from one location to another. In addition, it may not be very clear to the motorists when the 25 mile per hour (mph) speed applies in the school zone areas. Therefore, it is being proposed that flashing caution signals be installed at the beginning of each school zone. Staff has obtained information from two companies manufacturing solar-powered flashing caution signals. It is proposed that such signals be installed at each school to clearly define the school zone and the time when the 25 mph school zone speed is in effect. The caution signals would be activated and deactivated by a time clock set for the hours specified by School District personnel. The system is operated by solar energy. The total number of units required to provide e system to the four schools is 13 solar units of flashing caution signals. The estimated cost including installation is $6,000 per each unit. The total estimated cost for the labor and materials (complete installation) is $78,000. Discussions were held with Schod District personnel regarding their participation in the costs. There is a good possibility that it will be considered favorably. FISCAL IMPACT: Transfer $78,000 from Unreserved General Funds to Account No. 100-164-602-5610. II II SPEED LIMIT 25' M.P.H. SOLAR POWERED CAUTION SIGNAL~ ROt~LE~ XX r ~ /11~\/!1~\ ,.~rn rn ,~ rn m o F Z: Iili\ m o 'z fill\ z ---/ ~,c X .T..'<.P 0 o Z--n~ F' _,K rn 0 -fir- i-nO I NOP-.TH ~ p~Eo ITEM 14 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Overland Drive Overcrossing - Status Report RECOMMENDATION: The City Council review this status report, discuss and provide direction to staff as appropriate. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to update the City Council on the progress of subject project. Following is the status of various activities: A. Engineering Design and Specifications 1. Project Study Report Completed Approved 2. Project Report Completed Approved 3. Plane for Street Improvements Completed Submitted for Review 4. Plans for Structure Completed Submitted for Review 5. Specificatione Completed Submitted for Review It should be noted that Caltrans Structures Division requested additional soil borings to verify the adequacy of design based on the originally submitted borings. *Engineering Cost (total per contract) Engineering Cost to Date Balance per Contract 761,000 744.000 $ 17,000 Southern California Edison (SCE) - Facility Relocation In conjunction with this project. proposal, relocation of SCE facilities will be required. There are three (3) SCE lines crossing I-15 in the vicinity of the Overland Drive Overcrossing. These include, 12 KVA, 33 KVA and 115 KVA. Provisions have been made for placing the 12 and 33 KVA in the conduit in the bridge structure, end undergrounding portions of the 12 and 33 KVA systems. -1- c~q~.~O41S'.overbnd.qd/~ The 115 KVA requires overhead relocations. The exact location of the re-rOuting of the 115 KVA ha~ not been determined. However, general routing has been proposed and appears acceptable to all concerned. The $CE issues include the following: To satisfy the PUC requirements, additional Environmental Assessment will be required, The documents for the additional Environmental Assessment are being prepared by Southern California Edison and will be forwarded to the City for consideration by the Raoning Commission. The exact location and the right-of-way costs associated with this project. Design costs for the relocation. Construction costs for relocating the facility. A very preliminary costs estimate for the relocation is as follows: 2. 3. 4. Preliminary Design Right-of-Way Costs Final Design Construction Preliminary Cost Estimate Contingency + 20% Estimated Cost 20,000 60,000 60,000 500.000 640,000 1 ~8.000 768,000 It should also be recognized that, based on discussion with SCE, that pole delivery 'is estimated to take 18 months from the date of order. C. Other Right-Of-Way The City has obtained the right-of-way from Coop on the southerly side of the proposed structure. The northerly portion of right-of-way required is owned by Mrs. Hill. Our City Attorney has been negotiating with Mrs. Hill's representatives, and advised that the required right-of-way could be obtained from the property owner for less than $200,000. Negotiations are continuing. FISCAL IMPACT: None ITEM 15 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Street Maintenance and/or Construction of Unpaved Streets / RECOMMENDATION: That City Council review the alternatives presented and provide direction to staff. BACKGROUND: City Council at their meeting of March 14, 1995 directed staff to prepare a report addressing the issue of maintenance of unpaved streets. There is approximately 4.2 miles of unpaved streets. The listing of these streets and the appropriate mileage for each is listed in the attached Exhibit "A". By previous action, City Council authorized grading of certain streets after heavy rains to provide access to proparty. The streets included in that action were: Santiago Road (0.36 miles), John Warner Road (0.46 miles), Liefar Road (0.86 miles) and Walcott Lane {0.53 miles). The total length of these four (4) streets is approximately 2.1 miles. The remaining unpaved streets on Exhibit "A" is approximately 2.1 miles. From our past experience, the work that has been parformed on the streets, the cost of grading the 2.1 miles of the four (4) streets is approximately $1,200 after each rain. Based on that experience it would be fair to estimate the additional cost of ~1,200 for grading the remaining unpaved streets. During the storms since January of this year, the authorized streets for grading as stated above were re-graded seven (7) times at a cost of el ,200 each time, for a total cost of $8,400. For that same period the additional cost for clearing and grading the balance of the unpaved roadway would be an additional ~1,200 par grading or e8,400 (~16,800 total of both). The alternative would be to pave a minimum of two (2) lanes, each twelve (12) feet wide to the City standard. The estimated cost for the paving, base material, drainage structures and incidental work is approximately ~1.75 million for construction with an additional costs for contingencies and incidentals in the amount of ~0.75 million for a total cost of $2.5 million. The financing mechanism available to the property owners for such improvements are: 1. Pay cash for the improvements prior to award of contract. 2. Assessment District - with 1913 Act proceedings and 1915 Bond Act financing. Recently, these altematives were explored by the residents along Liefer Road. Staff met with the property owners, explained the proceedings for Assessment District. Subsequently staff corresponded with all the owners, requesting that they sign a petition to form the Assessment District. The response was quite unfavorable. Of the 57 owners, only 12 responded. Of the 12 respondere eight (8) were in favor and four (4) against the formation of an Assessment District. No response indicates that there was no interest in forming the Assessment District.' Property owners representing less than 20% of the area responded. Of those responding, 12% was in favor and 8% was against the Assessment District formation. For FY 1994-95,the City Council decided not to fund permanent road improvements through Service Level R because of the potential that CSD law could be revised to allow a majority protest provision within the law. This would mean that potentially, if property owners within Service Level R were able to muster a majority protest, the rate and charge for that particular year could be disapproved, and the City Council would have no recourse to recoup the construction costs, which were proposed to be funded from the City's General Fund Reserve. Therefore, the City Council directed staff to assist any property owners who desired in the formation of an Assessment District to fund necessary road improvements. As a result, property owners adjacent to Liefer Road submitted a request to the City to assist in the formation of an Assessment District to construct street and drainage improvements to Liefer Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Undetermined, depending on City Council direction end the future weather conditions annually. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Exhibit "A" TAR'{~ 1 ~OVED - EMERGENCY MAINTAINED SANTIAGO ROAD LOCATION JOHN WARNER ROAD LIEFER ROAD APPROXIMATE TOTAL MILES TABLE 2 UNIMPROVED - EMERGENCY NON-MAINTAINED STl~TS LOCATION MILES LOL1TA ROAD ORMSBY ROAD (dirt) GATLIN ROAD GREENWOOD LANE PALA VISTA DRIVE CALLE CHAPOS CALLE SARAGOZA CA~ ROAD CALl]:- GIRASOL .118 .06.$ .175 .354 .710 .090 .016 .400 lJ9'3 ~ ITEM 16 APPROVAl CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFI(~~ CITY MANAGE CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Manager/City Council Mary Jane McLarney, Assistant City Manager April 11, 1995 Community Services Funding Program RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council consider the recommendations for the Community Services Funding Grants for FY 1994~95. BACKGROUND: At the request of the City Council, Mayor Jeff Stone and Mayor Pro Tem Lindemans met with Shawn Nelson and Mary Jane McLarney to review the applications for Assistance League of Temecula Valley and the Riverside County Child Care Consortium. The Committee is recommending the Assistance League be granted the 81,000 requested amount for equipment for the Speaker's Bureau to promote Operation School Bell, Project Smile and Kids On The Block. The Committee is recommending the Riverside County Child Care Consortium be granted ~1,000 of the $5,000 requested amount for child care services. FISCAL IMPACT: A total of $22,500 is available for this program. ATTACHMENT: CSD Funding Requests as of 4/11/95 r:~eyerek\oefetf ITEM 17 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager C~Joseph Kicak, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 11, 1995 Traffic Control Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue and I-15 On/Off Ramps RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter an agreement to provide Traffic Control Officers at Winchester Road at the intersections of Jefferson and I-15 easterly and westerly on/off ramps, subject to review and approval by City Attorney, transfer ,11,880 from General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance and appropriate it in Public Works Traffic DivisiOn Account No. 100-164-602-5250'Other Outside Services". BACKGROUND: The traffic congestion at the above-mentioned intersections has been increasing. It is anticipated that manually controlling the traffic will relieve current congestion and considerably improve the traffic circulation in that portion of the City. The City experienced a similar problem in 1993 at Rancho Califomia and I-15. To improve the condition at that location, the City retained the service of All Cities Management to manually control the traffic. It is proposed that the same company be retained to provide these services at Winchester Road and the intersections identified above. In recent discussion with Mr. Farwell of All Cities Management, he stated that they would be willing to again provide such service to the City of Temecula. The proposal provides "Traffic Control Officers" between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., with two officers at the intersection of Winchester with Jefferson, and one officer at each of the two on/off ramps, total of 4 officers or 12 man-hours per day. The cost is estimated at ,18.00 per man-hour. The daily cost is estimated at ,216. It is proposed that the Traffic Control Officers be utilized Monday through Friday until the completion of the ultimate improvements at Winchester Road and I-15 interchange. The estimated completion date is January of 1997. Therefore the total estimated cost for the use of Traffic Control Officers is ,93,960for the entire period, and ,11,880for the remainder of the 1994-1995 fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost is ~93,960 and $11,880 for the remainder of the 1994-1995fiscal year. Source of funding is General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance. -2- r:.~qdq~9~0411~l '- t,j:mt~Tt- ITEM 18 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council Ronald E. Bradley, City Manager April 11, 1995 Real Property Transfer Tax RECOMMENDATION: For City Council to receive and file this report, STAFF REPORT: Staff has investigated the abilities of the City to approve a real property transfer tax for the purpose of assisting in construction of new schools. The City Attorney's opinion (attached) concludes that the City is prohibited from imposing a real property transfer tax under Article XIIIA, Section 4 of the California Constitution and under Government Code Section 53725. Under separate cover you received a letter dated February 28, 1995 from the law firm of Lorenz Alhadeff Cannon & Rose indicating that there might be a possibility that this type of tax could be permissible. The City Attorney has concluded that this possibility does not exist for either the City or the School District. A copy of Mr. Alhadeff's letter is attached for your review. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Attachments Burke, Williams & Sorensen Letter Dated 3/20/95 Lorenz Alhadeff Cannon & Rose Letter Dated 2/28/95 vB~lllMcotlrrYoJelcE 2040 po,~, _ 331, M mal'E1 C~dANILLO. CjMJtq}JeeA 80010 106) MT-I~O8 COITA MESA, ~ 17 ~4) 141-1111 LAW OFFICeS 811 ~tb~I'T IIX'IIt STR~cT,~ ~ LOS ANGELES. CALFOIINIA I(X)17 1213) 2ae-o~oo FIIEINO OFFICE 710l N01T!Ii FIllNO Ill!SET IJIl'E401 IllSIlO. C. AUI~IIIA 13?2o.-2eal 13Ol) 2ll411,1 IIJIIICLMIJJRMI, IXlIII&~I, MI ?NO C:QU. EM IO~I. EVARD iurlT2.1o OVBILMID ~ i ll210 113~ 3314.1(~ W!ITBIIiXlIECl'DIAL: 213-2J~272.2 OUR FKE NO. 02361.Q0e March 20, 1995 Ronald Bradley City Manager City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 'Re: Real Property Transfer Tax RECEIVED MAR 2 21995 CITY MANAGER Dear Ron: At your request, we have researched the City's ability to impose a real property transfer tax with the revenue generated therefrom to be used for new school construction. It is my opinion that as a general law city, Temecula cannot impose such.a tax. Such a tax would constitute a special tax in violation of Article XIII A of the California Constitution (Proposition 13) and Government Code Section 53725 adopted by the voters of the State as part of Proposition 62. Under certain circumstances, a Charter City could impose a real property transfer tax for general purposes, but a two-thirds approval by the voters would be required. Discussion 1. California Constitution, article XIII X, Section · Imposition of a real proper~y transfer tax is strictly prohibited by the California Constitution Art. XIII A, S · and Government Code Section 53725. Art. XIII A provides in relevant part: "Cities, Counties and special districts, by a two- thirds vote of the qualified electors of such district, may impose special taxes . . · except . . . a transaction tax or sales tax on the sale of real property within such City, County or special district." The California Supreme Court has defined a "special tax" as taxes levied for a specific purpose, as opposed to a general fund LAX2:I22.9~.I Ronald Bradley, City Manager March 20, 1995 Page 2 levy. (C4tv and County of Smn Fr~c4sco v. Farre3! (1982) 32 Cal.3d 47, 57.) This distinction between special tax levies and general fund levies was highlighted in F.~e!der v. C4ty of T~s Anae3es (1993) · 14 Cal.App.4th 137. In F4e3der, the city imposed a transfer tax, the proceeds of which became part of the city's general fund. A challenge was brought under Article XIII A, Section 4. The court~ held that Article XIII A's prohibition on transfer taxes only applied to transfer taxes earmarked for specific purposes. General fund levies did not come within the prohibition of Article XIII A, Section 4. School Districts are also subject to the restrictions imposed by Article XIII A, Section 4. In Hooqaeian Flowers. Inc. v. State Board of ~nua~{zmt~on (1994) 23 Cal.App.4th 1264, the San Francisco school district formed the Educational Financing Authority (pursuant to Rev. and Tax. Code Section 7286.1, since repealed) to impose a sales tax to benefit the school district. The tax was approved. by a majority of the voters. The court held that the school district was a special district within the meaning of Article XIII A, Section 4. Since the school district controlled the EFA, the court held that the EFA was a special district. Finally, even though the revenue collected was to be deposited in the school district's "general fund," because the revenue was only to be used for educational purposes, the tax was a special tax, and therefore a two-thirds approval vote was required. Thus, a transfer tax imposed by the City of Temecula, the proceeds of which would go towards the construction of new schools, would constitute a special transfer tax, under the Farrell holding. This special transfer tax would be unconstitutional under Article XIII A, Section 4 as analyzed by the Fielder court. 2, government Code Beotion 53725 Government Code Section 53725 is a further prohibition against imposing real property transfer taxes. Section 53725(a) provides in part: Ronald Bradley, City Manager Nerch 20, 1995 Page 3 LAX2:I~.I eNo local government or district may impose any transaction tax or sales tax on the sale of real property within the city, county or district." Unlike Article XIII A, Section 4, this language does not make a distinction between transfer taxes levied for special as opposed to general purposes. Therefore, imposition of real property transfer taxes for any purpose is prohibited by this section. Cases interpreting Section 53725 have held that it does not prohibit a charter city from imposing a real property transfer tax. In F~sher v. Co,,n~V of Al~med~ (1993) 20 Cal.App.4th 120, the court recognized that real property transfer taxes do not implicate the star,wide concerns that ad valoremproperty taxes do. The court held that because transfer taxes were not a matter of star,wide concern, charter cities were not bound by the prohibition of Section 53725. No court has yet held that Section 53725's ban on transfer taxes imposed by general law cities is invalid. Further, no court has addressed whether Section 53725 bans school districts from imposing a real property ~ransfer tax. However, "district" is defined as "an agency of the state, formed pursuant to general law or special act, for the performance of governmental or proprietary functions within limited beunderies." (Section 53720.) This language encompasses school districts, thus a court is likely to hold that Section 53725 would ban the imposition of a real property transfer tax by a school district. Increasing the City's Current Real Property Transfer Tax Revenue and Taxation Section 11911 permits a county to impose a real property transfer tax of up to $.55 per $500.00 of value and a city to obtain half of that revenue upon the enactment of an ordinance to that effect. The revenues generated by such a tax must be placed into the city's general fund. While at first blush this section my seem to contradict both of the above prohibitions on enacting transfer taxes, in C.~tv Of C~thedr~l C~tVv- Co,,ntv Of R~v~r~ae (1985) 168 Cal.App.3d 960, the appellate court harmonized the statutes. In Cathed=al City, the city attempted to pass an ordinance in 1981, Ronald'Bradley, City Manager March 20, 1995 page 4 pursuant to Section 11911, to obtain its share of real property transfer tax currently assessed by the county. The court held that such an ordinance did not violate Article XIII A, Section 4 of the Constitution because it was not a tax increase. The ordinance simply allowed the city to obtain its share of a tax that was being assessed prior to Proposition 13. The City of Temecula already receives. its allowable share of. the County's transfer tax via a similar ordinance. Conclusion Thus, general law cities are prohibited from imposing special transfer taxes under Article XIII A, Section 4 of the California Constitution. Further, Government Code Section 53725 prohibits general law cities from imposing any real property transfer taxes. Only a charter city can impose real property transfer taxes, and then only if the revenues are placed into the charter city's general fund and the requisite two-thirds approval of all registered voters is obtained, per California Constitution Article XIII A, Section 4. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to call me at any time. Peter M. Thorson of Burke, Williams, and Sorensen co: Mary Jane McLarney Gary Thornhill David Hogan LORENZ ALHADEFF CANNON & ROSE A pA.q'rNr,.qSHtP INC~.U~NG PriOrrOSSK:)NA~ CONFOleAI'~QNS February 28, 1995 Te'idetCUlUlb OFFIGI: tq[pe, Y TO TrMIrCUL, A OFFICE 6961.1034 Honorable Karl Lindemans, Councilmember City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Re: General Law City Transfer Fees on Real Property to Finance Construction of Schools Dear Councilmember Lindemans: To assist the Council in its consideration of alternatives for mitigating financial impacts on school facilities from new residential development, we' have made a pre'kminary review of the possibility of a City levy of a transfer fee on conveyances of real property. This suggestion, as you know, was proposed by Mayor Stone for consideration. The power of local government to tax is not inherent. The power is derived from the California Constitution upon authorization by the Legislature. Art. XIH, § 24. Government Code section 3'7100.5, enacted in 1982, is the legislative grant to local government of the power to levy a general tax, which would include a transfer tax or a utility tax, without voter approval. A tax levied for the city's general fund to be utilized for general governmental purposes is not subject to the two-thirds vote requirement of Article XIXI A, section 4. City and County of San l~rancisco v. F~rrell (1982) 32 Cal.3d 4'7, 51, 52, 57. A city's increase of a real estate transfer tax from 0.75% to 0.95% is not barred by Article XIII A of the C, alifomia Constitution. f..0_hll v. City of Oald~nd (1990) 223 Cal.App.3d 261,262-63. However, an open issue exists as to whether the authorization of Government Code section 37100.5 continues to perufit general law cities to impose any transaction tax or sales tax on the sale of real property within the city. Government Code section 53725(a) provides: (a) Except as permitted in Section 1 of Atticie yrrl A of the California Constitution, no local government or district may LORENZ ALHADEFF CANNON ROSE Karl Lindemans, Councilmember February 28, 1995 Page 2 impose any ad valorem taxes on real property. No local government or district may impose any wartsaction tax or sales tax on the sale of real property within the city, county or district. Section 53725(a) was adopted by citizens initiative as part of Proposition 62 in the November 1986 General Election. Certain sections of Proposition 62, for example certain sections imposing a referendum requirement on the taxing power of local government, have been held unconstitutional in the context of a general law city's enactment of,a general utility tax on electrical power, gas, telephone, and cable television service supplied and consumed within the city. City of Woodlake v. Log_an (199I) 230 Cal. App.3d 1058, 1065-69. In concluding that Government Code sections 53723, related provisions of 53724, and 53728 were unconstitutional- The court specifically severed the unconstitutional sections from the remaining sections of Proposition 62, including section 53725. The court found that- section 53725 met the three criteria for severability: ..grammatical, functional and volitional' .ndependence. 230 Cal. App.3d at 1070. t In addition, in a case in which a charter iaw city enacted an ordinance imposing a transfer tax of $2.25 for each $500 or fractional part thereof of the value of the property, a charter law city's transfer tax has been held not to be preempted by Government Code section 53725(a). Fielder v. Cirv of Los Angeles (1993) 14 Cal. App.4th 137, 14246. In Fielder, the court did not address thi issue whether section 53725(a) impliedly repealed, to the extent it is inconsistent, the authorization of Government Code section 37100.5. Because a charter law city's sovereign tax power derives from the California Constitution, and. not from the authorization of section 37100.5, it 'seems unlikely that a statutory initiative coutd take away a charter city's sovereign power. However, a statutory initiative is on a more equal footing with a legislatively-adopted statute. There is authority that the people may use the initiative procedure, as in Proposition 62, to repeal a state tax law. Carlson v. Cor~ (1983) 139 Cal. App.3d 724, 728 (repeal of the state inheritance tax by initiative). It appears to be an open issue whether section 53725(a) may have eliminated a general law city's ability to impose a real estate transfer tax. Accordingly, we suggest you request the City Attorney review and advise you on this issue. It also appears to be undecide~l whether a transfer tax imposed as a general tax might be valid if approved by a majority of voters in an election. LORENZ ALHADEFF CANNON & ROSE Karl Lindemans, Councilmember February 28, 1995 Page 3 This is not a definitive analysis of the city's authority and power to impose a transfer tax. We want only to bring to your attention some relevant authorities and suggest that there are significant legal issues on which your City Attorney could advise you. Sincerely, Samuel C. Alhadeff, P.C., of LORENZ ALHADEFF CANNON & ROSE a: mav.ltr CO.' other four councilmembers Ron Bradley, City Manager Peter Thorson, City Attorney ITEM 19 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPRO A T CiTY ATTORNEYRY)k~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Gary Thornhill, Director of Planning~' April 11, 1995 Request for City Council Support of Governments (WRCOG) Endangered Species Act the Western Riverside Council of Position on the Reauthorization of the Federal Prepared By: Craig D. Ruiz, Assistant Planner RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT BACKGROUND The Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Executive Committee has identified seven issues of concern with respect to the Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) and its impact on local jurisdictions and their role in implementing the law. WRCOG has endorsed the following positions on the seven issues of concern (See Attachment No. 1 ) which they believe should be considered as part of the FESA reauthorization. The WRCOG is requesting that member cities adopt a resolution supporting WRCOG's position. In Attachment No. 1, staff has provided a letter from WRCOG which briefly describes the seven issues of concern. Attachment No. 2 provides a detailed description of the background, issue and position of WRCOG for each of the seven concerns. Staff recommends that City Council adopt the attached resolution supporting WRCOGs position. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact to the City to adopt the attached resolution. However, staff does expend staff time to implement the FESA. Should the positions of WRCOG be included in the reauthorization, staff time on this matter could be reduced. Attachments: March 15, 1995 Letter from WRCOG - Page 2 Detailed Description of WRCOG's Issues of Concern - Page 3 Resolution of Approval - Page 4 R:\STAFFRPT\MRCOGESA.CC ~,/'5/95 ktb 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 MARCH 15, 1995 LETTER FROM WRCOG - PAGE 2 R:\STAFFRPT\UltCGGESA.CC 6/3195 ktb 2 VRCOG Western Riverside Counc~ of Governments County of Riverside, City of Banning, City of Beaurnon~ City of Ca#mesa, City of Conyon Lake, City of Corona, City of Hernet, City of Lake Bsinore, City of Moreno Valley, City of Murrieta, City of Norco, City of PerTis, City of Riverside, City of San Jadnlo, City of Temecula March 15, 1995 Mr. Ron Bradley, City Manager City of Temecula 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula CA 92590 RECEIVED MAR 1 71995 CITY MANAGER RE: ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Dear Ron, The WRCOG Executive Committee has identified seven issues of concern with respect to the federal Endangered Species Act and its impact on local jurisdictions and their role in implementing the law. Along these lines, the WRCOG Executive Committee has endorsed the following principles which they believe should be considered as part of the ESAs reauthorization. Additional materials are attached explaining these issues in more detail. In order to maximize our effectiveness in getting Congress to incorporate these changes into the Acts reauthorizafion, it would be desireable for each of our .member jurisdictions governing bodies to adopt a Resolution in support of the WRCOG Executive Committees position. A draft Resolution is attached, for your convenience,. We would appreciate your agendizing this matter for action at your next regularly scheduled meeting. KEY ISSUES: Endangered Species Act n LISTING DECISIONS The existing requirements for use of "best scientific and commercial data available" and "substantial scientific or eommerdal information' do not always ensure an adequate level of data and information upon which to make listing decisions. More extensive information' and a higher factual and scientific threshold should be required to support the listing process. This should also include an improved and expanded scientific peer review process, and standards for the content of citizen listing petitions. tn FUNDING The federal and state governments should fund a fair-shar~ contribution of conservation planning and mitigation. Finandal assistance should be provided to local governments to assist in the development and implementation of conservation efforts; such as matching funds, funding for debt service, greater use of 3737 Main Street, Suite 420 · riverside, CA 92501 · (909) 787-7985 · Fax (909] 787-7991 Land and Water Conservation Fund monies, loan guarantees, income or capital gains tax credit, and similar measures. n ECONOMIC IMPACT Listing'decisions curren~y do not include consideration of the economic actions, conditions and costs necessary for the conservation and recovery · of a species. Bconomic cost. considerations should be included in listing dccisions, and cconomics infused throughout. the process. This is not necessarily to say that economics should outwcigh specics protection, but rather that the law should give more consideration to thc economic affects and costs associated with thc listing and recovery of a species. r~ PUBLIC LANDS Maximum use 'of public lands for conservation of threatened and endangered species. The use of public lands should be the first priority for the purposes of meeting the habitat and conservation needs of the ESA. r~ SPECIES VS. HABITAT There is concern over the individual, species-by- species approach to listing and conservation. A broader, multiple-species habitat conservation approach is favorable. Language which recognizes the value of comprehensive multi-species planning and conservation should be included in the ESA. n ABUSE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION The ESA must establish clear 'guidelines and standards for the type and extent of biological an other information needed or required by the USFWS for habitat conservation plans, recovery plans, and the like, to avoid unwarranted pressure for more information and studies from federal staff. There should be no 'moving targets'; criteria should be established up front in the process. r~ AGREEMENT ON AlPROVED PLANS Once a multi-species conservation plan is approved, it should be accepted as meeting all local obligations for the area covered and any new species subsequen~y listed should not require additional action if that species is adequately covered by the previously approved plan. Mitigation of new species subsequen~y listed will be the sole responsibility of the federal government. We appreciate your interest in this matter. Please feel free to contact WRCOG if we can be of further assistance. The Executive Committee looks forward to your favorable support. Respectfully, ExA~~veDirector ATTACHMENT NO. 2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WRCOG'S ISSUES OF CONCERN - PAGE 3 R:\STAFFRPT\MRCOGESA.CC ~/3/95 kLb 3 o USTXNG DECrS ONS BACKGROUND: The lis~ng of a species as threatened or endangered is a key component of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Two procedures are available to initiate the listing process: · First, the Secretary of the Interior may list a species on the basis of "the best scientific and commercial data avnil__able* ...without regard to the decision's possible economic, social or political effects. (16 U.S.C. 4 1533Co)(1)(A); 50 C.F.IL 44 424.10, 424.11(c). In other words, the only information which may be considered concerns the species; the economic impacts of Iisting play no role in the process, except in the case of designating critical habitat and in developing recovery plans (see Economic Impact). The Secretary must clearly describe the grounds for the decision to list a species in the Federal. Register listing Notices, and this decision must be supported by expert scientific analysis that establishes a rational connection between the availablc evidence and the conclusion reached. · Second, the ESA also provides for a citizen's petition process which allows an individual person to initiate a listing when a species is not listed on the Secretary's own initiative. The citizen's petition need only be supported by "substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that the- petitioned action may be warranted' (16 U.S.C. 4 1533 Co)(3)(A); 50 C.I:.R. 4 424.14(b)(1).' "Substantial information ' is defined as 'that areount dinformation that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the measure proposed in the petition may be warranted'. Under the citizen's petition process, the Secretary considers whether the petition: o Contains a detm~led narrative justification for the recommended listing action, including a description (based on available information) of past and present threats to, and humben and distribution of, the species at issue; o Provides information regarding the species' status over all or ' a significant portion of its range'; o Is accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation, such as bibliographic references and copies of applicable publications, reports, letters, maps, etc. ISSUE: The existing requirement for use of "best scientific and commercinl data avnilablc' or "substantial scientific or commercinl information" does not always ensure an adequate level of information upon which to make listing decisions. POSITION: More extensive information should be required to support the listing process: / Establish higher factual and scientific thresholds for listing determinations Establish higher factual standards or "check-llst" for content of citizen listing petitions / Improve and expand scientific peer review process, including opportunities for"substantial [scientific] disagreement regarding the sufficiency or accuracy of available data" / Require a public hearing in the area(s) that would be most affected by the proposed listing FUNDING i~ACKGROUND: Funding to implement the ESA is typically authorized by Congress through appropriations to the Department of Interior's Fish and Wildlife Service to enable it to carry out such functions and responsibilities as it may be given under this Act. For the most part, these appwpriations are primarily for financing the ongoing day-to-day operations and functions of the USFWS. Section 13(d)(3) of the Act (as amended, 1992), authorizes the Secretary of Interior to "acquire areas of land, or interests therein, which are suitable for the conservation of endangered or threatened species...except that such acquisitions shall be accomplished only with such funds as may be appropriated therefor by the ConiCtess or donated for such purposes..." Section 6 of the Act {as amended, 1992) also authorizes the Secretary "to enter into a cooperative agreement with any State which establishes and maintains an adequate and active program for the conservation of endangered and threatened species" [of wildlife and plants]. The cooperative agreement program also authorizes the State [fish and game] agency to "acquire land or aquatic habitat or interests therein, for the conservation of reside~ endangered or threatened species of fish or wildlife or plants..-" While these sections of the ESA provide potential funding mechanisms, the fact is that no federal grant program or other larl;e funding source is currently available for purchasing habitat or otherwise mitigating for threatened and endangered species. The Land and Water Conservation . ~ Fund CLWCF) frequently has been mentioned as a possible funding source for habitat purchase/mitigation- The LWCF has $g.235 billion, against which a small amount of money is appropriated each year for specific projects nationwide. However, Congress keeps the fund as large as possible to help offset the national debt. It would seem that more funds could be released or the statute amended to authorize loans or bonds or to pay for needed debt service to repay these loans/bonds to purchase habitat, since the money would eventually be paid back. More locally, the argument has been made that the ESA is a federal law, and therefor the federal government should provide the funding for the protection it mandates; i.e., the benefits of protecting species are shared by all citizens, therefor all citizens should share the costs, and not primarily or disproportionately by the private landowners who have endangered species, or their habitat, on their land. The countervailing argument is that the leading cause of the decline in native species is habitat destruction as a result of industrial, commercial and residential development, livestock grazing, offroad vehicle use, mining and timber harvesting, water and flood control projects, and agricultural activities, among other things; and therefore, the burden of funding species conservation should be borne by those state and local jurisdictions whose land use planning and development permitting activities allowed this habitat destruction in the first place. ISSUE: Federal, state and local governments, and their citizens, share the responsibilities and benefits of protecting species and habitat, and each should share the costs. With regard to the federal role and responsibility, the ESA or other separate legislation should provide adequate funding or strategies to the task at hand. FUNDING (continued) POSITION: The federal government should fund a fair-share contribution of species and habitat conservation, planning and mitigation. F'mancial ~_~istance should be provided to assist in the development and implementation of local conservation efforts, as follows: / "Line Item" or other-special Congressional appropriations / / Matching Funds Land and Water Conservation Fund or reallocation of outer continental sheff oH and gas royalties Debt Service Legislation (pay the full mount of interest on a loan, bond or other debt instrument used by a state or political subdivision to fund habitat acquisition implementing an HCP) Exchanges/acquisitions involving federal assets (BLM land exchange, base closure lands, properties .held by Resolution Trust Corporation or Farmers Home Mortgage Administration - or portion of sale proceeAs) Loan guarantees / / / Federal grant or other assistance programs New Federal Funding Source to Implement the ESA Income or Capital Gains Tax Credit for conservation of habitat lands m ECONOMIC I1VIPACT I~ IGROUND: While listing decisions currently do not include consideration of the economic ac,,~ns and conditions necessary for the conservation of a species, the ESA does contain provisions for the consideration of economic dfects regarding the designation of critical habitats and thc development of recovery plans. More specifically, when designating critical habitat, the Secretary must consider, in a detailed economic impact analysis, the probable economic and other impacts of the designation on current or proposed human activities (16 U.S.C. § 1533(o)(2); 50 C.F.R. § 424.19). Moreover, once a species is listed, the Secretary is required to develop and implement a "recovery plan" providing for the conservation and survival of the species, unless s/he finds that Such a plan would not promote the species' conservation. Each recovery plan must contain "Estimates of time required for and costs of achieving the plan' s ultimate goal of species recovery..." (16 U.S.C. § 1533(f)(1)(B)- Along these lines, the USFWS has implemented a Species Recovery Priority System which "assigns each Disted] species a rank of I to 18 according to the degree of threat, recovery potential,...and presence of an actual or imminent conflict between the species' conservation and development or other economic actiriS" COSFWS "Policy Guidelines for Planning and' Coordinating Recovery of Threatened and Eudangered Species"; May 1990, pp. 4-5). The failure to designate critical habitat and to develop and implement recovery plans at the time of listing is a common problem. A major cause of this failure is inadequate funding of the USFWS to carry out these functions and provisions of the ESA. · ~" ! sectors of the business community and private landowners fe~l the ESA should be modified to focus n,,,,e heavily on the economic analysis and impact of listing decisions. These sectors believe the federal government should be required to prepare a detailed economic study that outlines the total impact on local government, jobs, housing availability and cost, essential public services, and the overall impact on the quality of life in the areas affected by the proposed listing. "Economic impact" may be the most controversial issue surrounding reauthorization of the ESA, as it is viewed by the environmental community as an attempt to ignore or circumvent the original purpose of the Act. There is already inadequate funding and resources under the existing ESA to designate critical habitat and develop and implement recovery plans [which already include economic analysis requirements]. If this funding were provided, there would be no' need for additional economic analysis. In the absence of this funding however, new requirements for such analysis may be necessary. ISSUE: Listing decisions currently do not include considerations of the economic actions and conditions necessary for the conservation and recovery of a species. POSITION: Consideration of economic costs should be included in listing decisions: / / Include economic cost considerations in the listing process Require approval of Recovery Plans at the time of final listing or within a specified time after listing and provide adequate funding Strengthen the requirements for and limit discretionarY exceptions to designation of critical habitat concurrently with species listing and provide adequate funding for economic analysis PUBLIC LANDS BACKGROUND: The responsibility for consen4ng listed species usually involves owners of priv~ property where thes~ species or their hzbitat occur. Under these circumstances, the ESA provisions prohibiting 'take' has potential implications relative to the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments as regards compensation and due process. The issue of private property could be avoided or reduced by m~ldng maximum use of public lands for the. conservation of threatened and endangered species and their habitat. This strategy how~,er, does assume that the species/habitat in question occurs on public lands and in adequate quantity and quality to ensure the long-term survival of the species. To the extent that adequate quantities and quality of existing or suitable habitat/species do occur on public lands, these lands could be available and used to the maximum degree possible in fulfilling the' requirements of the Act. This strategy might require that management practices on thes~ lands be changed from managing them for resource harvesting, multiple uses, recreation, or other uses that do not emphasize conservation of wildlife resources, to managing them exclusively for biodiversity. Another strategy for maximizing use of public Iknds for ESA purposes is the exchange of public lands with low wildlife resource values for private lands with high wildlife resourc~ values. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) curren~y uses this technique in the western Riverside region for SKR conservation. In addition, Resolution Trust Corporation assets and Farmers Home Mortgage Administration assets are routinely sold at auction and/or through direct negotiations to recover federal funds lost from the SSd., bail- out or through defaulted' loans. When such lands have conservation value, they may be acquired by a local, state or federal conservation agency. However, since these ar~ already public domain lands, they should be available in some manner .to serve as the source of federal contributions for ESA habitat conservation purposes. For example, the sale proceeds or a portion thereof could be used to establish a trust fund for purchasing lands with desired conservation value for ESA purposes; to underwrite loan guarantet~ or debt service; or, to serve as a new federal funding source to implement the ESA. -. In addition, listing decisions, critical habitat designations, a~d recovery plans should examine the extent to which all public lands have existing or suitable habitat for the species under review. This information should be considered and identified in the initial and final Federal Register Notice as well as the entire listing process. Toward titis end, the National Biological Survey should initially focus on listed and candidate species and their occurrence on public lands. ISSUE: The use of public lands should be the first priority for purposes of me~ting the habitat/species conservation needs of the ESA. POSITION: lVlaximum use of public lands for conservation of threatened and endangered' species: Give priority to the use of public lands in species conservation and recovery dforts. All federal public hnds should be reviewed and considered for ESA needs, as outlined above. The National Biological Survey should focus on listed and candidate species and their occurrence on public hnds --- m SPECIFB VS. HABITAT BACKGROIjND: The current species-by-species approach to listing and conservation planning for threatened and endangered species is particularly problematic in California because of the sheer numbers of species involved and the land use patterns associated with a growing population. In 1973, California had 24 federally listed species. As of September 1993, California had 109 listed and 12 candidate animal species and 213 plant species; another 48 species are proposed for listing. There are 1013 candidate species. This is representative of California's rich ecosystem diversity. Within these natural ecosystems, there are as many as 400 distinct habitat types and an unusually high number of plants and animals (8000 species of plants; 821 vertebrate species, including 368 bird species, 214 mammals, 129 species of reptiles and amphibians, and 110 species of fish). An estimated 35 animal and 38 plant species have become extinct or are no longer found within the state. At the same time, California is home to a growing abundance of people. During the 1980's, California's population grew at nearly three times the national rate (26% vs. 9.8%): The total population in the state as of January 1993 was 31.5 million. The state's population is expected to double to over 60 million people by the year 2040. The species-by-species, agency-by-agency management approach characterized by the current ESA is typically fraught with controversy and gridlock. The current ESA is not ecosystem based, is not proactive but rather reactire (conservation efforts are not undertaken until a species is already listed), and can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming Just as one species gets resolved, another is listed and the process has to start over again. A broader and more flexible approach is to encourage plans that conserve sensitive habitat types or multiple-species rather than individual species; i.e., multiple-species habitat conservation plans (HCPs). HCPs are a more systematic, anticipatory and proactive approach to coordinated resource management that allows for both reasonable, compatible development and certainty in planning for developers and conservationists. alike. HCPs are gaining in popularity as a way to minimize conflicts between listed/candidate species and local land use development. While the ESA includes provisions for HCPs as part of a Section 10{a) 'incidental take" p~rmit (16 U.S.C. § 1539(a)(2)(A), HCPs are not a 'cure-all', however, and can also be fraught with many problems: reliance on inadequate scientific data, monitoring and enforcement; failure to provide for species recovery; use of an HCP in lieu of recovery plans or designation of critical habitat. Indeed, the need for biological data increases exponentially when the focus moves from individual species to habitat or ecosystem. Nonetheless, HCPs provide an greater opportunity for certainty in planning for both environmental and societal needs. ISSUE: Should the ESA continue to address threatened and endangered species on an individual basis, or should the focus of conservation planning emphasize sensitive habitats and entire ecosystems. [] SPECIF--S VS. HABITAT (continued) POSITION: Authorize multi-species habitat management plans as an alternative to recovery phns and provide adequate funding to local jurisdictions for MSHCP development Establish dear guidelines for the content of MSHCPs [] ADlV TIVE DISCRETION BACKGROUND: The current regulations and procedures for implementing the provisions of the F_,SA allow for considerable administrative discretion by USFWS staff. While. this does provide-opportunities for flexibility to respond to differing conditions and- circumstances, it also allows for uncertainties and unwarranted pressures. A particularly vexing and frustrating example is biology; how much is enough or needed to serve as a basis for conservation planning? The answer is too often a moving target...no two biologists can agree. This unknown aspect always leads to more studies, which means more time and money. The need for more scientific data appears to increase exponentially..- Meanwhile, the property owners who are affected are caught in the middle. There needs to be more certainty in the planning process and requirements at the on-set. In the absence of designating critical habitat and development of recovery plans, the federal regulators ought not ask of local agencies any more than would be provided from the regulators themselves. ISSUE: The type and extent of administrative discretion afforded to USFWS. staff. POSITION: Reduce the extent of administrative discretion to avoid unwarranted pressure from federal staff. Establish dear guidelines and standards as to the type and extent of biological data and other scientific information required for habitat conservation plans, recovery plans, and the like. ?- m AGREEMF-NT ON APPROVED PLANS BACKGROUND: A pronounced frustration with the ESA is the lack of 'closure'; i.e., just as one species gets resolved, another is listed and the process has to start over again. This aspect of the Act contributes to continuing controversy and gridlock- This is a particularly frustrating dilemma in the western Riverside region where upwards of $28 million dollars and over eight years of efforts have been directed toward the conservation of the Stephens' lcangaroo rat, and several additional species have subsequently been listed with several others also being considered for listing or as candidate species. There doesn't appear to be any end in sight; like the Everyready rabbit, it just keeps going... and going.. .and going. This issue is closely related to that of Species vs. Habitat. Once a comprehensive, multi-species conservation management plan is approved, it should be certified as meeting all local obligations -for the area covered by the plan. Any new species subsequently listed should not require additional action if that species or its habitat is adequately covered by the previously approved plan. Mitigation of new species subsequently listed would be the sole responsibility of the federal government. Under these conditions, the ESA should address the issue of 'closure' for local conservation management activities. Them should be a point at which the USFWS certifies as complete those arus implementing comprehensive multi-species conservation management plans for the affected territory. Once this certification has been received, no additional conservation activities would be required of the local plan. The federal government would bear the full responsibility of any and all mitigation required for a subsequently listed species, as this would constitute an unfunded federal mandate. -. ISSUE: 'Closure' for local conservation planning and implementation/management activities; agreement on approved plans. POSITION: Approved multi-species conservation management plans should be accepted and certified as meeting all local obligations under the ESA. Once certification is received, any new species subsequently listed should require no additional conservation efforts if that species is adequately covered by the' approved plan. The federal government should bear the sole .and full responsibility of any and all mitigation required for a subsequently listed species · ATTACHMENT NO. 3 RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL R:\STAFFRPT\IICOGESA.CC ~/'5/95 ktb 4 RESOLU'HON NO. A ~IJ. rrION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TNMECULA, C.~LB~'ORNIA, SUPPORTING AMENDI~3~S TO THE FEDERAL ENDANGERED ~ ACT w~, reauthori--finn of the Federal ~-~t,ngered Species Act (hereinafter, the Act) is pending before the Congnns of the United States of America; and, WHER]?~,dkS, the Act as curtearly constituted, implemented and 8timini~ has resulted in significant impacts on local governments, jobs, housing availability and costs, essential public services, and the overall quality of life and private prolnty in those areas and communities affected by threntened and endangered species and their habitat; and, WH~:RR6,S, amending the Act can resolve and rectify many of these problems while simultaneously providing adequate safeguards to insure conservation of the Nation's threatened and endangered wildlife resomces; and, WHERF-~q, amendments to the Act have been identified and endorsed by the Western Riverside Council of Governments, of which the City Council of the City of Temecula is a member, to provide for human needs and a sound economy while also providing for the long-term survival of rare, threatened and endangered species; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula, California does hereby endone and support amendments to the federal Endangered Species Act which are consistent with the following pthciples: Section 1. LISTING DECISIONS The existing requirements for the use of "best scientific and commercial dam available" and "substantial scientific or commercial information" upon which to malta listing decisions. More extensive information and a higher factual and scientific threshold should be required to support the listing process. This should also include an improved and expanded scientific peer review process, and standards for the content of citizen listing petitions. "Section 2. FUNDING The federal and state governments should fund a fair-share contribution of conservation planning and mltiptiCm. FlnsmCinl s-~sistsunce shotlid be provided to local governments to assist in the development and implementation of conservation efforts; such as matching funds, funding for debt service, greatn' use of Land and Water Conservation Fund monies, loan guarantees, income or capital gains tax credit, and similar measure. RMos 57 I ~s:tion 3. ECONOMIC IMPACt Listing de,~jsk~s cmreatiy do not considemioe of the economic actions, conditions and costs ncces--.y far the conservation consideration to the economic affects and com associa~ with the listing and recovery of a speck. Section S. SPECIES VS. HABITAT There is concern over the ~ual, species- by-species approach to listing and conservation. A bxmder, mulHple*mpedes habitat conservation ~pproach is favorable. Lmxguage which recognizes the value of comprehensive multi-species plnnning and conse/~lficm should be included in the ESA. Section 6. ABUSE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION The ESA must establish clear guidelines and standards for the type and eommt of biological and other information needed or required by the USFWS for habitat consenra~on plans, recovery plans, and the like, to avoid unwarranted pummn'e for more information and mtudiem from fezlezal stiff. There should be no 'moving targin'; criteria should be e~abli-~h~l i~p front in the prtx:e~. Section 7. AGI~I~IENT ON APPROVED PLANS Once a multi-species conservation plan is approved, it should be accepted ms meeting all local obligations for the area covered and any new species subsequen~y listed should not require additional action if that species is adequately covered by the prm, iously apptoved plan. Mitigation of new species subsequen~y listed will be the sole respo~ty of the federal government. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the th day of ,1995. ATTEST: J~ E. Stone, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk, CMC [SEAL] STATE OF CALr~ORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE)ss C1TY OF TEMECULA) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Re,~lution No. 9S- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the th day of , 1995, by the following vote: 0 COUNCH-~MBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: lune S. Greek, City Clerk, CMC TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ITEM 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 28, 1995 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:40 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California· President Ron Roberrs presiding. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: 5 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Muftoz, Parks, Stone, Roberts 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were General Manager Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and ' City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Mur~oz requested the removal of Item No. 3 from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Director Lindemans, seconded by Director Stone to approve Consent Calendar Item No. I and 2. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Mu~oz, Parks, Stone, Roberts None None Swim Team Agreement 1.1 Approve the Agreement between the City of Temecula Community Services Department and the Temecula Tritons Swim Team, for use of the Community Recreation Center Swimming Pool. Minutee.ced\022895 -1 - Review and Aooroval of the 1994-95 Mid-Year Budaet 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 95-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS Parkview Site Project - Phase II Director Mur~oz asked if there would be an economic advantage to do all the water treatment planned for this project at one time. Director of Community Services Shawn Nelson said he had the opportunity tO talk with the consultant, RJM Design, who indicated there could be some economies with respect to design costs and mobilization of equipment. Director Parks voiced his concern about adding features to the contract and jeopardizing the grant being received for the desiltation of the lake. Director Mur~oz stated he has contacted the State and discussed this project and the issuance of a grant would not preclude the City from discussing other features. Director Stone stated he is in favor of the original plan based on costs. Director Parks suggested designing the plumbing to accommodate future water features, but not constructing the waterfall at this time. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Mu~oz to approve staff recommendation, with direction to staff to bring an amendment to the agreement back to the Board of Directors to address design for the future waterfall element. 3.1 Approve Amendment No. I of $66,300to the design contract with RJM Design Group, Inc. to include the design, construction documents, and construction administration for Phase II of the Parkview Site Project, described as the upper pond and channel improvements adjacent to the Sports Park Desiltation Lake. The motion was unanimously carried. Minutee.esd~02289S -2- DISTRICT BUSINESS 4. Santa nertrudis Creek Trail - Final Agreement with Riverside County Flood Control Director of Community Services Shawn Nelson presented the staff report. Jeannie Gillen, 38160 Avenida La Cresta, spoke in favor of the agreement to utilize the Santa Gertrudis Channel end thanked staff for their efforts. R. Jane Vernon, 41002 County Center Drive, representing Supervisor Bob Buster's office, thanked staff on both sides for working together. Cecelia Axton, 30169 Sierra Madre Road, expressed concerns regarding littering and asked if these trails will be used for horses end motorbikes. Director of Community Services Shawn Nelson stated the trails would be for non- motorized used, however equestrian use will be allowed. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: 4.1 Approve the Agreement between the City of Temecula and Riverside County Flood Control to utilize the Santa Gertrudis Channel Improvements for Recreation Trail purposes. 4.2 Appropriate $25,000 in Public Facilities - Development Impact Fees for the necessary trail improvements. The motion was unanimously carried. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT None given. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None given. Minutee.ced%022895 -3- ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Parks to adjoum at 9:12 PM to a meeting on March 14, 1995, 8:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 38075 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Ron Roberrs, President June S. Greek, City Clerk/Secretary MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD MARCH 14, 1995 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:46 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. Vice President J. Sal Mufioz presiding. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: 4 DIREC'r'ORS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Parks, Stone, Roberrs I DIRECTORS: Roberrs Also present were General Manager Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS None given. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Director Lindemans, seconded by Director Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1. Community Services Recreation Brochure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Accept proposal of $15,039 from Graphic Unlimited to print one (1) issue of the Community Services Recreation Brochure. The motion was unanimously carried with President Roberts absent. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT None given. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT None given. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS None given. minutes.cad%031495 -1- ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Director Stone, seconded by Director Stone to adjourn at 8:50 PM to a meeting on March 28, 1995, 8:00 PM, Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Rood, Temecula, Califomia. The motion was unanimously carried with President Roberts absent. Ron Roberts, President ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk/Board Secretary minutee.ced~031496 -2- ITEM 2 APPROVAl CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Community Services Board of Directors PROM: Ronald E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: April 11, 1995 SUBJECT: Completion and Acceptance of the Loma Linda Perk Phase II Improvements- Project No. PW94-O2CSD PREPARED BY: f~Shawn D. Nelson, Director of Community Services ~)on Spagnolo, Principal Engineer - Capital Projects RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Board of Directors direct the City Clerk to: a. File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon acceptance of the improvements. Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements if no liens have been filed to that date. BACKGROUND: On June 14, 1994, the City Council awarded a contract for the Loma Linda Park Phase II Improvements to Marina Contractors, Inc. in the amount of 8104,104.00.The Contractor has completed the park site improvements as specified in the construction contract. The work completed includes the installation of landscaping and an automatic irrigation system, a tot-lot play area with rubberized access, play equipment, berbeques, picnic tables and concrete sidewalk. All the improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, within the allotted contract time, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. The construction retention for this project will be released on or about thirty five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded. Pe13~qdq~O411~Tw94..O2.M~ 0330 FISCAL IMPACT: The contract amount for this project was 8104,104.00 plus a contingency amount of $10,410.40. One contract change order has been approved for an amount of ~186.00, bringing the total contract amount to $1 04,290.00. The project was constructed within the combined contract and contingency 8mount of $114,514.40. Funds for this project were allocated from Quimby Fees. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Maintenance Bond 3. Contractors Affidavit pwl3~qdlpt~O411'~,acc 0330 QTYQ, BIK QTYOFI": 4.1174 Temeeule, M~ 8PA~E NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The City of Temecula is the owner of the property heralnafter described. 2. The full addreu of the City of Teecub is 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, Califomis 92590. 3. A Contract was awarded by the City of Ternscub to MARINA CONTRACTORS, INC. to perform the following work of improvement: PW94-02CSD LOMA UNDA PARK PHASE II. 4. Said work was completsd by sam company according To plane and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Temecuis and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on AWl 11, 1995. That upon Mid contract the SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA was surety for the bend given by the said company as require by law. 5. The proparty on which Mid work of improvement was conq~etecl is in the City of Temecuis, County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: ASSESSOWS PARCEL NOS. 918-:294-013, 918295-019, 918-3614)01,918-3614302, 9183614303, 918-362-022, 918-362-023. 6. The street address of said proparty is: 30877 LOMA UNDA ROAD. Dated at Temecula, California, this day of .1995. STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ') CITY OF TEMECULA ) JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecuis, Califomis and do hereby certify under penalty of parjury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is .true and correct, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temecuis, California, this . . day of .1995. JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk l~mdClP-O01 Pay. 12-541 pw131dpq~xojets%pw93-O4.esg~aompletn.not 011194 IOND BOND NO. 580 17 12 PRI~IUM: INCLUDED KNOW ALL lIEN BY TIEBE FtlEaENl~ T~AT: . MARINA CONTRACTORS, INC- 17602 ARNSTRONG AVENUE ' A~IMEAND ,~DDRESS OF COAtTRACTOR IRVINE, CA 92714 CORPORATIOS , her/IT relied Pdnolpd, end . I/i~lm m~ Cc,,m//m, Pa~.e~ or AeV~fdba~ SAFECO INUSRANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA NAME A~g) APEV'E*3~ OF SURETY 17570 BROOKHURST STREET FOUNTAIN VALEY, CA 92708' hMsinsltof called SURh I'Y. Ors MId sad italy boumi tmto CITY OF 'IIIt~CULA, hsminsltsrcMIsdOWNl=R, inthtpentlmm'o( ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINIE .; I)OLLA!I2 lag C211F2 ($ 104,289.84 ' } ire ~,'Wlul montV o! the United SlitIs, for the PeWnat of which sua~wdl ~ t~y (o Ix awls, We bind ourselves, successors sad assigns, Jointly and ON such that whorsss. the P~ncipll satered into b etasin ContrsctwiththeOWNERodttedthe 14TH gIVat L JUNE , ¶2 94 ,Icopyo~whkshb hofato attached and made · pat hsmd fo the eonstmction of MtOJECVII~'.~ZC~LOMA UNDA PARK NIAIE I. WHEREAS, asM Contact provides that h Principal will furnish · bend ceedltloned tO g~efs rtsa for the period of one yew after limproyal ~ the final sitbaste on aid Job, by the OWNER, Igeb~t all defects b workmanship end mat·ride which may become aNNarefit during asia laded; end ( WHEREAS;the said ~ntfsct has been~eompleted and was 8pproved m' FEBRUARY 10TH I .. 19, _95 ' NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF 'HI8 OBLIGATION 16 SUCH, that If witNn one year from the date of ·pixovel of the said Cornfro, the work done under the tea of ladd Centreel disclose poof workmanship in I1~ exeouti-n of said work, and the carrying out of the tersa of asid Contre~t, of It droll appear that alefestive. nddl were rumjibed thereumMr, then thil shell remain in full force and virtue, otherwise 1Ns iralament shell Ix void. M-1 HARIHA ~/gned end ended tbb. ~ 0Tedmy of HARCH I ~AFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AHERICA (Name) ATTORNEY TN FACT IT/tie) *** MARINA -CO CTORS, INC. Robert B. Cowan presiaent By: tNsme) e~.62 · , mldAMmBONO ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Orange On 3/10/95 before m~ Chrl -~t~ n~ M. R~DD. Nntary Pub] i ~- Dart Name, Tttk of OlBm' - e,S- "Jame Doe, Notary PuNic" personally appeared DouQlas A. RaDD Names(s) of Sigmet(s) personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized eapaeity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity on behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, Signature of Norarye/1 ' ~ ~ ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized documents. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Title or Type of Document Number of Pages Date of Document OPTIONAL SECTION/ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Individual(s) Corporate Omeer(s) TItle(s) SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Name of persons or entity(lea) Partner(s) Other Attorney-in-Fact CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR'S AFRDAVIT AND FINAL Rm PROJECT NO. PW94-O2CSD LOMA LINDA PARK' PHASE II This is to certify that NARINA CON~RACT~DRS INC. (hereinafter the "CONTRACTOR") declares to the City of Temecula, under oath, thst heat hs~ been paid in full for all materials, supplies, labor, ~ervices, tools, equipment, end all other bills r,~_cted for by the Contractor with regard to the I~aqding, erection, construction, or repair of that'certain work of improvement known as PROJECT NO. 9W94'02CSDsituated in the City of Temecula, State of California, more particularly described as follows: LOIIA !,IDA PARK PHASE B The Contractor deolaras that it knows of no unpaid debts or claim arising out of aid Contract which would constitute grounds for any third party to claim s stop notice against of any unpaid sums owing to the Contractor. Further, in connection with the final payment of the Contract, the Contractor hereby disputes the following amounts: Description Dollar Amount to Dispute Progre~R Pmvment S]),317.35 Retention 10,428.98 Pursuant to Public Contracts Code t7200, the Contractor does hereby fully release and acquit the City of Temecula and all agents and employees of the City, and each of them, from any and all claims, debts, demands, or cause of action which exist or might exist in favor of the Contractor by reason of payment by the City of Temecula of any contact amount which the Contractor has not disputed above. Dated: 3/9/95 Rnh~r~ R _ Onw~n, Prp.~ Print NaN end TltJe I1-I OF ATI'ORNEY HOME OFFICE; SAFECO PLAZA SEAI'r',.E, WASHINGTON 98185. No. 9221 /, KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: ' Thal SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ;kMERICA,each a Washington corporation, does each hereby appoint ~OU~AS A- RAPP, pasadena, ~aZ~orn~ ,ts true and lawful attorney(s)-inT'.fact. with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and othbV c~,uments of a simjla;~ charmer issued in the course of its business, and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCECOMPANY OF AMERICAand GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents 2ha October 89 this clay of .19 CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V, Section 13. -- FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS... the President, any Vice President, the Secretary· and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations, shall each have authority to appomt individuals as attorneys-in-fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued tw the company in the course of its busines:~... On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may k~e affixed by facsimile. On any instrum,:nt conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressPd or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking.*' Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28, 1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (~) The provisions of Article V. Section 13 of the By-Laws. and (u) A copy of the power-of-attorney appointment, executed pursuant thereto, and (in) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full force and effect. the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile Thereof." I. Boh A. Dickey. Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL' INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, and that both the By-Laws, the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this 10~..h day of ~ · 19 95 S-974R103 86 I:WINTEDINUSA ITEM 3 APPROVAl CITY ATTORNEY. FINANCE OFFICER GENERAL MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Community Services Board of Directors FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: April 11, 1995 SUBJECT: Completion and Acceptance of the Sports Park Slope Repair Improvements- Project No. PW93-O6CSD PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Board of Directors direct the City Clerk to: a. File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon acceptance of the improvements. Ce Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements if no liens have been filed to that date. BACKGROUND: On March 8, 1994, the City Council awarded a contract for the Sports Park Slope Repair Improvements to American Contracting, Inc. in the amount of e223,445.00.The Contractor has completed the park site improvements as specified in the construction contract. The work completed includes the excavation and reconstruction of the damaged portion of the slope below. Margarits Road, the irrigation and landscaping of the reconstructed slope, and the excavation and reconstruction of portions of the earthen trapezoidal channel at the Rancho California Sports Park. All the improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, within the allotted contract time, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. The construction retention for this project will be released on or about thirty five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded. FISCAL IMPACT: The contract amount for this project was $223,445.00 plus a contingency amount of $22,344.50.Three contract change orders have been approved for an amount of ~99,657.04, bringing the total contract amount to $323,102.04. Funds for this project were allocated from Fund Balance in the TCSD - Community Services, Parks, and Recreation budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Maintenance Bond 3. Contractors Affidavit CrrYQ,BtK CITY OF Tet. IECU: 4 43174 Budnee Prom Ddve Tememala, CA 12~le I~ACE AOOVE 1110 UNE FOR F'CDIIC,_,'I UIE NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The City of Temecula is the owner of the property hereinafter described. 2. The full address of the City of Temecuis is 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecuis, California 92590. 3. A Contract was awarded by the City of T~mcde to AMERICAN CONTRACTING, INC. to perform the following work of improvelTter~: FWg~ SPORTS PARK SLOPE REPAIR. 4. Said work was completed by uid company according to plans end Nacifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Temecula and that Mid work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temecuis at a regular meeting thereof held on Ape 11, 1995. That upon said contract the GENERAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPAY OF AMERICA was surety for the bond given by the said company as required by law. 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 945-050-007. 6. The street address of said property is: 42775 MARGARITA ROAD Dated at Temecula, Califomia, this day of · 1995. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF TEMECULA ) JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecuis, California and do hereby certify under penalty of padury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, and that Mid NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly end regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temecula, Colifomie, this day of · 1995. JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk Fonm/C!!a~O01 by. 12-~41 pw13Naip1~o~ots~pw93..O4,omtXoomplem,not 011134 Bond No. SB0001924 CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE IOND KNOW ALL MIN BY THIIE FRilINTI THAT: ' ' NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR 92590 8 ~ ., heroinafter eelled Principal, and ~ ill whither · ColliereWe, PartnerIMp or individullJ General ~cr. idpn~ Zn.qurance Cglpanv of Americao_13drO Treat Blvd #400,1111nut Creek,Ca 93496 NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY heroinaltar called SURETY, are held end firmly bound LmtO CITY OF TEMECULA, I~ereinefteraelkKIOWNER, in the l:enel aum of Thirty. Two Thousand Foqrty Nine Do11ors and..12/100ths - DOLLARS and 12/100ths CEIITI ($ 32,049. j2' ) in lawful money of the United States, for the Daymerit of which sum well end 'truly tO'be made, we bind ourselves, successors and onions, jointly and severally, fimdy by thee presents, ._,,. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into e carte, con. sot with the OWNER, dated the ~ clay of 14Ae~ .199__4, a copy of which is hereto attached end made e DIrt hereof for the construction of PROJECT NO. PW93-06. WHERIAI, Mid Contrast Wovides that the Principal will furnish a bond oonditioned to guarantee for the larlod of one year after al~proval of the final estimate on Mid job, by the OWNER, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said period; end WHEREAI, the Mid Contract has been completed, and was approved on 18 95. NOW, T!4ERIF~, THE'CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if within one year from the date of alaqxov81 of the Mid Contract, the work done under the terms of Mid Contract shell disclose poor wOrkmanship in the execution of said work, and the carrying out of the terms of said Contrast, or IT Ibm11 appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain in full force end virtue, otherwise this inSTrument shall be void. MAWllNMICl lIND M-I pwOm44p~We/eee~awl$-OeU.dPke. 8~nod end geeled this 271h day of March Mark E; S~reckepga%; {Nm~ Attorney in Fact ImRINOIR ' acting, Byi ~ (Name) FRISS'rD:EN'Z' (Tide) By: kNeme) (TiTle) Inc. ewOg~p~)eete~ew$$-O$V:kfPk$. STATE OF' CALZIPORHIA ) s.s. COUNTY Olt Los AnGeles x Personalr~'~novn to me; ' · or proved to me on the person(B) whose instrument and sokn~edged same Ln hLs/kax~Skeix authorized oapaoLty~,. a~ that by hLs/~:~_i~ signature(a) on entity upon behalf .ZTNESS my hand and official seal. ~-" : e~.'~M. z3. l~: · of Notary Pub~Lc8~ """ ....... ""' ..... "'---.---- mm CAPACITY CL~ZH~I) BY SXGNrJII Though statute does not require the notary to gill in the data be:or, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. Zndtvidual (s) corporate oggicer(s) Titles Partner(s) Attorney-in-Feet Trustee(s) Guardian/Conservator Other: LlmJted and and General Signer is representing: Surety A~HZON NOTARt: although the optional, it Gould prevent fraudulent certificate to unauthorized doomseAt, Title or type of documents Number of pages: Signer(s) other than named above: attachment information requested below oZ this Date or document upkV h'--a%tr:~ ~ . wSd~V -, vr At_- IMm Ixincipal ofrme in Philwldl~i,~dm herel}y mle, mmllulm and lpoiM Rktw~Adeir, Jeeeph E. CocNwt, MmS.,~N[~nikaL doethe City of Los Angeles, State of Ca'f:. 4'f ................ - ...... i: : : - - i!'- .i~-::,':: -;~i"-: "::-~:. e~chindividu~d~y~fthembem~m~ha~enanad~btn~nd~fu~A~k~-~yinF~c~~~~r~~:~~ ": as its act and deed any and d bonds and ,.-Z;d-" ~ls of suretyship, and Io bind the GENERAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMP.sJ(Y OF AkERICA hmeby ~sfu~y~nd~h~m~ch~)m~dundert~k1g~X~h~1~i~fyk~~~~~n~~~ GENERAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and sealed and stiesled by one olher of such olncem, and hereby ratifies.~~ dl thatitsmddAttomey(s)-in-Factmaydoinpumhem~,Wwidedthstnobond~un~.~ " :g of sumtysNp execuled under this authodly sha~ exceed in the amount the. ~mq ol: TwentyFive Milion "5 i - · .... .- . them lo,acute on bllmlree the Coml2eny:bona and:~iN~:'it.&ll, Leo, -' ,k-et. oonlrma ed'indemfly and dherwdll;obiglmy in lhe mllam~, end So atach b. wlm'theCompmyllwlo;w~l~allalohmmpowerlormm/wcl~AIomm/-in-Faclalmytmeandmh~~~~ Anyinlumm exacu~dbymnyBuchm-k~FmBh.ill~al~up0nU~eCmnFwP/mifdOn.dbymEao~,~~~~-" ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, It · meeting hem on the 20th day of ~.*~;'ii wh~E.,i:::i~mi~ ~i',:~*'i ~ has not been amended or repealed: iF::' ::::.;:;::::' . ::::':':' :'!;ii:~::::::::::':::? ::*::*:'-': :" Ei:':'/. Efi !'..:;i:*- · · - :!!ii': ....T:' ::i:':'sT* i:.T.*' ,:':¥:'.' :ai~* :;':';' C~n1wiymaybeaf~edt~mysuchp~were~Ni~meyermymd~kiim~re~byfacim~e~1mianymuc~i~E:~:m~~:~:~ ~- I ~ESS:WH~=R~=~F~GENERALACC~DENT~4SURANCEC~MPANY~FNV~ER~CAhascausedthesepresentst~beW~~.har~b Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Philadelphia County 10 dmy of ~q~,-t ' ! GENE ACCIDENT INSURANC OF/IIERICA For verification of the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call, 1-800-288-2360 and ask for the Power of Attorney supervisor. Please reter to the Power of Attorney number, the above named individual(s) and details of the bond to which the power is attai:hed. In Pennsylvania, Dial 215-625-3081. 5B-0027 3.92 CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT AND RNAL R:tw~gE This ietocertlfythat ;J,ALUl (:X~3~X::[~G, ]:NC. ,(hereirmfterthe "undersigned") declares to the City of Temecula, under oath, that it has paid in full for all materials, supplies, labor, services, tools, equipment, and all other bills contracted for by the undersigned or by any of the undersigned'a agents, employees or subcontractors used or in corttribution to the execution of its contract with the City of Tamecuss with regard to the building, erection, construction, or repair of that certain work of improvement known as PROJECT NO. PW93-06 situated in the City of Temecula, State of California, more particularly described as follows: SPO RrS PARK SLOPE REPNR The undersigned declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Coreract which would constitute grounds for any third party to claim a stop notice of any unpaid sums owing to the undersigned. Further, for valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby fully release end acquit the City of Temecula and all agentS. and employees of the City, and each of them, from any and all claims, debts, demands, or causes of action which exist or might exist in favor of the undersigned by reason of the Contract executed between the undersigned and the City of Temecula or which relate in any way to the work performed by the undersigned with regard to the above-referenced construction project. Further, the undersigned expressly acknowledges its awareness of, and waives the benefits of, Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California which provides: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have mateddally effeoted his settlement with the debtor.' This release is intended to be 8 full and generel release of any end all claims which the undersigned now has or may, in the future, have against the City of Temecula and/or its agents and employees with regard to any matter arising from The construction of the above-referenced project or the Contract between the City of Tamecuss and the Contractor with respect thereto, whether such claims are now known or unknown or 8re suspected or unsuspected. Dated: ~ 21, 1995 Print Name and Title RELEASE . R-1 im~tlmd3-Ollillmq. ITEM 4 APPROVA~i~AE~E~. CITY ATTORNEY RNANCE GENERAL CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Community Services Board of Directors FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: April 11, 1995 SUBJECT: Completion and Acceptance of the Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park Improvements- Project No. PW94-01CSD PREPARED BY: (~__hawn D. Nelson, Director of Community Services ~Don $pagnolo, Principal Engineer - Capital Projects RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Board of Directors direct the City Clerk to: a. File the Notice of Completion and release the Performance Bond. be Accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract value upon acceptance of the improvements. Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after acceptance of the improvements if no liens have been filed to that date. BACKGROUND: On July 26, 1994, the City Council awarded a contract for the Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park Improvements to Malek General Contractor in the amount of ~98,600.00,The Contractor has completed the park site improvements as specified in the construction contract. The work completed includes the construction of a 950 square foot masonry concession stand and rest room facility, 225 square foot porch and the installation of a sidewalk, All the improvements were constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, within the allotted contract time, to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. The construction retention for this project will be released on or about thirty five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded. FISCAL IMPACT: The contract amount for this I~o'ject was 098,600.00 plus a contingency amount of 09,860.00. Four contract change orders have been approved for an amount of 06,250.78, bringing the total contract amount to 0104,850.78. The project was constructed within the combined contract end contingency amount of 0108,460.00. Funds for this project were allocated from Development Impact Fees. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Maintenance Bond 3. Contractors Affidavit pe13~!tpt~95~Jll~S-Ol.gc 0327 Pl~C~,d:)lllg IIr-QULs'Sll~ BY AND RETURN 'TO: CITYC:LBIK QTYOFT"Ik'ECIP4L 43174 Budmie Pek Ddve SPACE NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The City of Temecule is the owner of the property hereinafter described. 2. The full address of the City of Temecule is 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecule, Califomis 92590. 3. A Contract was awarded by the City of Temecule to MALEK GENERAL CONTRACTOR to perform the following work of improvement: PW94-01CSD KENT HINTERGARDT MEMORIAL PARK. 4. Said work was completed by said company according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Teecub and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temeculs at a regular meeting thereof held on April 11, 1995. That upon said contract the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY was surety for the bond given by the said company as required by law. 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of Califomis, and is described as follows: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 950-120026. 6. The street address of said property is: .31465 VIA CORDOBA Dated at Temecula, Califomis, this day of · 1995. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF TEMECULA ) JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecuis, Califomis and do hereby certify under lanalty of perjury; that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, end that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and reguisriy ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temscula, California, this day of .1995. JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk FonedCW-4)Ol lay. 12-5-91 pw13~ip%lxc~mtB~pd3-O4.eecl%ernpletn.not 011194 BOND NO. 1290754 CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MNNTmANCE BOND PROJECT NO. Plllf94.01~ IgFNT I'BVTER~ T MEMORIAL PARA' KNOW ALLMENBY THEeEPREeENTBTHAT:MALEK GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1353 EL NIDO DRIVE FALLBROOK. CA 92028 NAMEANDAD~OFCOWFtMCTOR 8 PARTNERSHIP · heroinafter called Principal, and- AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY. 2445 5TH AVENUE; SUITE 220. SAN DIEGO, NAME AND ADDtESS OF SURETY CA 92028 hereinafter cadled SURETY, am held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TEMECULA, hereirmfter called OWNER, inthepenalsumof NINE THOUSAND EIGET EUNDRED SIXTY DOLZARI 8rod NO/100 CENTS {$ 9,860,00 ) in lawful money of the United $tmel, for the laymR of which sum wall and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain Contract withthe OWNER, dated the 26TH deye~ JULY ,1994 ,a copy of whichls hereto attached and made a part hereof for the consUuctjon of PROJECT NO. PW944)1C~D KBk"T HINTERGARDT MEMORIAL PARK, WHEREAS, said Contract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of one mr after approval of the final estimate on said job, by the OWNER, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said paried; and WHEREAS, the said Contract has been completed, and was approved on .Trrr.v 9~ , 1994 . NOW. THEREFORE. THE CONDITION OF TeS OBUGATiON IS SUCH, that if within one mr from the date of approval of the said Contract, the work done under the terms of said Conlzect ~ disclose poor workmanship in the execution of said work, and the carrying out of the tarfire of said Contract, or it shall appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shell remain in full force and virtue, otherwise this insmanent shall be void. M-1 · .I,% ~e4j,:l I~ -s/It 01 .eedlidld~ Ik~: 034044 ,,,_,, Signed and sealed this 1 St day of MARCIt o ¶9 95, (Seal) MICHAEL W. THOMAS (Name) ATTORNEY-IN-FACT (Title) APmOVED AS TO PRINCIPAL: MALEK GENERAL CONTRACTOR LADISLAV MALEK (Name) PARTNER rfitle) By:. (Name) i CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of CALIFORNIA " County of SAN DIEGO .d On 3-1-95 before me. JOHN G. MALONEY, NOTARY PUBLIC DATE NAME. TrTI~OFC3FFICER-E.G..'JRNEIX]E. NOTARYFUIUC' personally appeared MICHAEL W. THOMAS NAME(S) OF*S~GNER(S) [] personafiy known to me - OR - [] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are ---~ OFT!0NAL SECTION / CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER fmelemlemmmlyegmme--'~"-_"mm- I'1 INDMDUAL [] CORPORATE OFRCER(S) THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instnm~m. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OPTIONAL TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT [] PARTNER(S) B ~ [] T~USTEF.,(S) r"l GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR [] OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NUMBER OF PAGES DATE OF DOCUMENT AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA SURETY RIDER To be attached to and form a pad of Bond No. 1 ~90754 in fie amoum of $ 9.860.00 on behalf of MALEK GENERAL CONTRACTOR , as principal and executed by AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, as Surety in favor of CITY OF TEMECULA , as obligee. Effective date of change: MARCH 31.1995 In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained the Principal and the Surety hereby consent to the following changes: MAINTENANCE BOND AMOUNT Fmm: $9,860.00 $10,485.08 Nothing herein contained shall vary, alter or extend any provision or condition of this bond except as heroin expressly stated. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 31 ST DAY OF MARCH ,19 95 AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY af41, UN-A9004 (REV. 1/90)9 AS' AN '-EHPLOYEE:~c-::'FI RLI)NEY AND ·A SSOC l: ATE S IN SURANCEt SE:R/-ICESL :" · '~ - '- .- its true andhwfulARomey4n-Fa~. with t,,.~-,t power aM autho~ f~ and on behalf of the Can;mny as am,/ ~ ' to execute. delivex and affix the seal of the Company thereto ff a seal.is required on bonds. recoglniT'Jrtces or other 'wfitte~ obliglltio!l$ in the rDltllfe thefe(ff as follows: "~ ~-.:~:7--- '{'- Bid Bonds up to $e~)OO,O00,O0 :ontract (Performance & Payment), Court~ Subd~v~s'tof:-$ /~000,000~_~. L~cense & Permit Bonds up to $~50;000,0·0 , -- ,---,-~_ -= - . N~scetLaneoUs ·Bonds up to $e;e;e50, O00oO0 '"~ .~ .... Sma LL - eus~ mess Admt n~s t raft on Guaranteed eond~ · ,up- ~ o:, $;~8~ e_O#OOO,O and to bind the Company, thereby. This appointment is made under and b~ authod~ of the-'8y-lAws-o~ C.j~Ki-ii~iC_JkTR _ This Po~er of..-~aorne.~ L- signed and sealed by facsm~|e under and bx the authorin.' of me follov':;L,,, re.-qh::lc>::- ~idopted m' ~I:, Board of Directors of Arewest Surer}.' Insurance Company at a meeting duly held on December 1~,. 10'~. RESOLVED. that the President or any Vice President. in conjunction with the .¢ecretar}' or any .~sistant Secretan'. may appoint attorneys-in-fact or agents with authorin..' as defined or limited m the instrument evidencing the appointmen: in each case. for and on behaff of the Company. to execute anti deliver and aft'Lx the seal of the Compa~-y to blind.-. undertakings. recognizances. and suretyship obligations of all kmtis: and said officer~ may r,:nlov~- any ~t:ci~ attome.x -m- fad or aaent and revoke any power of attorney previously granted to such person RESOLVED FL'RTHER. that any bond. undertaking. recognizance. or sure.n..'shtp obiigat~oE .-i:::ll hv -..,.n~L aP.: ?inding LIDon tik Coolpony: {'i'} when siuned by the President or any Vice President and attested and sealed ~if :t sea) hi- rec:u~rec' n-- Secretar.-' or Assistant Secreta~': or (H)when si~ned by the President or any Vice President or Secretan' or .~ssist:mt ~t:crctar~. an,i coun.~r-t',,n=d and scaled ~ if a seal be required ) by a duly authorized attomev-in-i~ct or agent: or (iii) when ciub- executed and ~ealed (if a seal be required~ by one or more at~c~mev~-in-f:tc.' or a.,.:;-n:s p'.~r~ua:';.'. t, : and within the linxits o.+' the authorit3.' evidenced by the poxx-er of aaomey issued bY ti:r Conl.'3:u;3- :, ~uch person or persons. RES()LVED FL'RTHER. that the signature of an'.,' authorized officer and ti~e seal of the Company raiL:' b,: :,."fixed hv :':~.o4imlt= t:, ;,.nv power of attorney or ce~incation mereof autht~rizing ~c excel.lilt>.,2. :lEd de!iv:it:.' ¢',~ am bcn, d. rr~_o.?n::.anct:. or ¢xher ,;uretyship obligations of the Company: and such signaturv and -~t:al when ~<~ used .-hk'.i! -:HIIL' h}rcu :: .,!d elf'eel :1-; :hough manuallr affixed. it> cc!"p.c rak' .~;:.d :I .. i-,c hereunto, affixed th~s Isr ciay of Januar.,'. !005. karr:~ G. Cohen..',ccreta?' - ,:' ;.: ..:::'. _ i'-':: !',d ,:'t' mv. Pc,zL'}' L;.. Lor,.fn: Z,c:,ta.w !%;hi... pCr~¢~naI!7 a?:,z..'-r.:.l .!:co E >:", :"x- .m.: r.C:~r=,:~. G. Cohen. per- :ui'Z' ':..n~-..: -, ?-:~ .... .n*c,x c,.i D n~-:- :. ,:~ tEL- ha-,.~ o( satiqiactc~r-.- rx,,cienc'.-, to} br t.'A~: per-; ,r..,-~ ,.'.. ~'....-:- :;:L:27_-, >~ i- arc subscribed i.' :::L' ". ~:. ::. :::-t:'.::~.~':'.t 2~I.2 ::.,.':-;n:~',,.icc;~'.: :.:. llh.- :tii t:l:t' )h.. '~h: '.lit:\ exectlLed t!]r ~;L::l:' !1~ i'.i- ;::.': ::.:::' ;!L:t::'.ff:Z~'d capacity(ies), :?~..; ti:.' :~'...!- it,_"' .'n~.-i:' >!;Ill:!tL;re! >, o.~. tilL' ir!~-tTUlll'2:~. lhc p=rsc.u::.>x or tile entity. aD,..,? i-,cn.;ii', ' v.n:~h .:hi De!'sonts~ acted. t:Ct:t~L:, :}1!: CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR'S AFRDAVIT AND RNAL R~:t w'%~E PROJECT NO. PW94.-O I CSD KENT HINTERGARDT MEMORIAL PARK' This is to certify that Malek General Cont:actor . (hereinafter the 'CONTRACTOR') declares to The City of Temecula, under oath, That hefK has been paid in full for all materials. supplies, labor, services, tools. ecluilxnent. and all other bills contracted for by the Contractor wiTh regard to the building, erection, construction, or telair of that certain work of improvement known as. FROJECT NO., ~1 01CSD KENT HIN113~GARD1' MEMORIAL PARK situated in the City of Temeculs, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PWg4-01~ ICEliT HINTBtQAIIDT BORIAL PARK The Contractor declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Contract which would co,~,titute grounds for any Third party to claim s atop notice against of any unpaid sums owing to the Contractor. Further, in connection with the final pareant of the Contract. the Contractor hereby disputes the following amounts: Description Dollar Amount to Dispute Pursuant to Public Contracts Code 17200, the Contractor does hereby fully release end acquit The City of Temecula and all agents and employees of the City, and each of them, from any and all claims, debts, demands, or cause of action which exist or might exist in favor of the Contractor by reason of payment by the City of Temecula of any contact amount which the Contractor has not disputed above, Dated: March 13, 1995 By: ~~ Signature T~adislav Malek, partner Print Name and TrUe RELEASE It-1 f:~ ~ ~ixaJeA~wl4 (~l.eecllidle~ lice: 034044 CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE UPON FINAL PAYMENT [Califernta Civil Code §3262(d)(3)] 4Amount of CheCk) |Plyle or PIyHS Of C~k) and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release any mechanic's lien, stop notice, or bond right the undersigned has on the job of ~ ~~ - located at ~ ~~ ' ~~,~, 'h"~ ' · This release covers the final pa~he u~;ersi~%ed for all labor, services, equipment or material furnished on the job, except for disputed claims for-additional work-in the amount. of $ '~ ' . Before any recipient of this document relies on it, the party should verify to the undersigned. By iTiller NOTE: This form of release complies with the requirements of Civil Code Section 3262(0')(3). It is not effective until the che~,k that constitutes final payment has been properly endorsed, and has cleared the Dank. USE REVERSE SIDE AS RELEASE FOR INDIVIDUALS PERFORMING LABOR FOR WAGES ~;OLCOTTS ~-0RM 326: 3-CONO;Ti0r~A, WAIVER AND ~ELEASE UPON FINAL P~YME,%T--Re~ 1-65 _: 1985WOLCOTTS INC ITEM 5 CITY ATTOR~E~~ FINANCE OFRCE CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Roneld E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: April 11, .1995 SUBJECT: Senior Citizen Advisory Committee PREPARED BY: ~ Herman D. Parker, Recreation Superintendent~ RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Authorize the Community Services Commission to appoint five (5) senior citizen residents to serve on an ad-hoc Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. DISCUSSION: Upon request of the Community Services Commission, in September of 1994, two (2) Community Services Commissioners were selected to work closely with staff to assess the need of establishing an ad-hoc Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. The two (2) Commissioners selected were Jeff Nimeshein and Rich Soltysiak. On September 28, 1994, Commissioner Nimeshein and Commissioner Soltysiak met with staff to discuss the feasibility of establishing a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. Several topics were discussed which included identifying the need for an advisory committee, defining the purpose of the advisory committee, and determining the steps necessary to form an advisory committee. After much discussion, staff and both commissioners agreed there was a need for a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee and recommended that staff move forward with the establishment of this ad-hoc committee. The purpose of the proposed Senior Citizen Advisory Committee will be to assist and support the staff concerning programs and activities of the Old Town Temecula Senior Center. The Committee may also advise on matters affecting the general welfare of seniors in the community, and on issues of interest to the senior population. Attached for your review are guidelines for the establishment of the proposed Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: None, other than staff time to support this committee. Smior C'~iz~u Advisory Committee In an effort to provide the Senier Citizens of the Old Town Ternearls Senior Center with an dfective method of comn~,nicatlng senier progrim and activity needs and also to provide City staff with senior citizen suppen of proEr~ms and services, this proposal ootlines the formation of a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. The Senior Citizen Advisory Committee shatl assist and support the staff, operations and pro~ams of the Old Town Temecula Senior Center. The Senior C'ltizmi Advisory Commi_~oe my also advise on matters affecting the generaJ wolfIre Of sonioE in the COmmnnity, and on issues of intemest to the Committee: The Senior Citizen Advisory Committee shall be comprised of five (5) members of the senior commnnity that reside in the City of Temeada, to be appointed by the COmmUnity Sen'vices Commission from a pool of qualified c~ndid~te.8 who have snblnittod applicifiolB to the City C]erks The Senior Citizen Advisory Committee shall be an informal, ad-hoc committee. No Byhws are to be formed. Members shall serve a 2 year tenn. No member shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms. The Senior Citizen Advisory Committee shall lappOht a chairperson to serve a 1 year term providing leadership, and conduct scheduled meetings. Should a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee member leave the courtall prematurely for any reason during their term, the replacement will be appointed by the Community Services Commi.~i~ from the pool of qualified candidates who have submitted applications. TIle Commirte~ should no~ become involved in adminlmation or Admini.~ttive issues ~ to budgeting, staffing and facility Committee members my not direct staff to ini~_'nte major programs, conduct large studies or establish department policies. Committee members should work to establish a good relationsh',m with ~achot~r. Committee members should make every .effort to be honest, fair and Meaings: Senior C'fdzen Advisory Committee mectings shall be held every-other month, scheduled by the Community Services Depamnent. All meetings are. scheduled for one hour and thirty minute,q. All meetings will be held at the Old Town Temecula Senior Center All Senior Citizen ,advisory Commi~ee members will receive notification of scheduled meetings, by mail seven days in advance. Member Characteristics: Interested in Senior issues. Ability to aUcnd meetings and actively volonte~r and support senior programs and activities. Atleast55 years of age. ITEM 6 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEM 1 CITY MANAGER F~ J~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ronald E. Bradley, General Manager DATE: April 11, 1995 SUBJECT: Contract For July 4th, 1995 Fireworks Show PREPARED BY: ~¢~,,,z Herman D. Parker, Recreation Superictende,,~ ~~, RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Award contract of ~17,000 to Robert Caran Productions to produce the City of Temecula's 1995 July 4th Fireworks Show. BACKGROUND: Plans are currently underway for the City of Temecula's July 4th, 1995 Fireworks Show. This year's 'Temecula Star Spangled 4th' is scheduled to be held at the Rancho California Sports Park beginning at 9:00 p.m. sharp. Other planned events for July 4th include a parade in the Old Town area, band performances at the Sports Park, and music provided by our local radio station. Robert Caran Productions will produce one twenty (20) minute fireworks display/show synced to an audio soundtrack of the country's most patriotic musical scores, with playback via KRTM 88.9 FM radio at the Rancho California Sports Park. Robert Caran Productions is the only fireworks display/show company that can produce a unique programming format that utilizes a custom-designed stereo soundtrack complete with computer-controlled synchronization for all electronically fired pyro sync-launch show elements. Robert Caran Productions has also committed to work exclusively with KRTM radio to produce a show custom designed for Temecula. Their services offer complete show design, all necessary on-site production personnel, and approval of all on-air promotional advertisement venue for the local radio station. It is therefore recommended that Robert Caran Productions produce the City's 1995 July 4th Fireworks Show for the citizens of Temecula. FISCAL IMPACT: The total contract is $17,000 and is included in the FY 1994-95 TCSD budget in account 190-183-999-5370. 1995 JULY 4TH FIREWORKS DISPLAY CONTRACT Whereas, ROBERT CARAN PRODUCTIONS, located at 8555 Laurens Lane, Suite 1512, San Antonio, Texas 78218, [herein after referred to as RCP], as a full service media production company, is desirous of serving as "PRODUCER" for the DESIGN and PRODUCTION of the July 4th, 1995 OUTDOOR Summer Fireworks presentation entitled "THE TEMECULA STAR SPANGLED 4TH" located on the property of the CITY OF TEMECULA known as SPORTS PARK, Temecula, California. And, Whereas, THE CITY OF TEMECULA, located at 43174 Business'Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590, [herein after referred to as "COT"], which manages, operates and mainatains the City of Temecula and is desirous of securing RCP to create, produce, install and operate said presentation as described in Attachment "A" [the Proposal] and made part of this contract. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY ALL PARTIES THAT: 1. RCP will produce for COT the following production: One, [1]-Twenty, [20] minute to Twenty-five, [25] minute outdoor fireworks display/show synced to audio soundtrack with playback broadcast via FM radio station at the Sports Park show site as described in Attachment "A" and made part of this agreement. Said presentation will be designed, produced, delivered, installed and played back in a pre-recorded format. 2. RCP agrees to deliver the presentation consisting of project management and supervision, creative development, show design, programmed stereo soundtrack, all necessary on-site production personnel and choreographed pyrotheatrics for the Sports Park show site according to the Production Schedule, Attachment "B", and made part of this agreement. 3. COT shall pay RCP the cost for the production, all materials, miscellaneous production equipment, services and shipping of show elements outlined below, which cost is SEVENTEEN-THOUSAND-DOLLARS [$17,000.00] as detailed in Attachment "C" [the Budget] and made part of this agreement. 8555 LALIRENS LANE, SHITE 1512, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, 210-804-1900 -2- 4. RCP will supply the following materials and services toward the producnion, completion and installation of the above-mentioned presentation: * Overall Project Management, Supervision, Coordination, Operations , Overall project management and coordination with COT personnel for use of all COT equipment procurement and show site logistics. * Detailed site survey of display/show site. * All Creative development of proposed show elements. * One continuously running stereo soundtrack for display sync. * All choreographed pyrotheatrics [fireworks] for One [1] electrically fired display/show at the Sports Park display/show site. * Load-in, installation, set-up and strike of all production- presentation elements at the Sports Park display/show site. * Technical Coordination and supervision of all on-site load-in and set-up of all COT [client-supplied] equipment necessary for the successful operation/playback of said display. * Consultation, design and coordination of all general public viewing areas and operations control areas for the presentation, * All necessary ON-SITE RCP/San Diego Fireworks or California Pyrotechnic Display's Inc. production personnel to load, launch, perform and secure the display site. 5. The presentation will take place at the site agreed upon by both parties on the premises of COT property at Sports Park, Temecula, California. The official date for the show will be TUESDAY, JULY 4th, 1995. Said show will be performed ONCE commencing at 9:00 P.M. ANY additional performances will be considered EXTRA above and beyond the above-mentioned cost as described in paragraph three, [3], and the overall show costs contained herein and said cost for these additional shows will be negociated by both RCP and COT and executed by approved Letter of Agreement. TOTAL NUMBER OF DISPLAYS/SHOWS: ONE, [1], Pre-programmed for sync to stereo broadcast playback. 6. All reasonable requests for information, advisory personnel, equipment, vehicles, aircraft, prints and plans of COT materials, show site or any advertising materials or activities relating to the project and access to the appropriate personnel at COT are to be made available upon mutual agreement of both COT and RCP and at no cost to RCP. 7. Any additional production or additional fireworks product requested by COT added to the above mentioned display set forth on July 4th, 1995 to be completed by RCP, will involve additional costs and will be covered by a separate agreement at rates to be negotiated. -3- CANCELLATION 8. A. Should the weather prove unfavorable on the date[s] set for said display, postponement may be arranged for display to be fired on the next following CLEAR date upon agreement by both parties, but such postponement shall be decided on and notice given to RCP no later than THREE O' CLOCK P.M. on the day on which the display SHOULD be held and COT agrees to pay RCP for any and all additional expenses made necessary by such postponement. Should the display be cancelled and not postponed, COT agrees to pay RCP for all costs incurred, up to and including the day of cancellation including all RCP operations personnel, Pyrotheatrics operators, permits and insurance. In addition to the above-stated cancellation charges, COT agrees to pay RCP a 10% restocking fee for pyro, equipment and services based on the contract price as described' in paragraph three, [3] above provided that the compensation not exceed the total compensation due under this contract, and COT will not be liable for any and all. unadvanced expenditures beyond the date of cancellation. B. COT agrees to ASSUME FULL RISK of weather or other causes beyond the control of RCP and/or its contracted pyrotheatric vendor, which may affect or damage such portion of the fireworks display at the show site as fireworks must be placed in position and exposed to a necessary time interval PRIOR to the scheduled commencement of the display. C. COT agrees to provide for the period commencing at 8:00 A.M. on MONDAY, July 3, 1995 through WEDNESDAY, July 5th, 1995 at 2:00 P.M. adequate police and/or security personnel to PREVENT the general public from entering the immediate area designed for the firing of the display, the control and their fallout areas. Any COT or general public vehicles or COT or general public personnal property located within the designated firing/fallout area shall be removed at COT'S expense. Any damage or destruction of said vehicles and/or residential/private personal property, injury's or death to any persons left remaining within the designated firing/fallout areas shall be the sole responsibility and liability of COT. COT shall also be liable for any damage or theft of any RCP and the subcontracted fireworks companies equipment caused by the general public or COT personnel while any such equipment is located at the designated firing area where RCP's, the subcontraced fireworks companies or any other subcontracted vendors equipment secured by RCP for the successful operation and execution of the display is located. D. COT agrees to provide at their sole expense any and all fire protection equipment and personnel standby personnel so required by any local or state governmental authority. -4- LIABILITY INSURANCE· RCP shall maintain insurance acceptable to COT in full force and effect throughout the term of this contract, against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by RCP, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Insurance is to be placed with the insurer with a BESTS' rating of no less than A:VII. The cost of such insurance shall be included in RCP'S bid. RCP shall provide the following scope and limits of insurance: MINIMUM SCOPE OF INSURANCE. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: Insurance Services Office Form No. G1-0002 [Ed.1/73] covering Comprehensive General liability and Insurance Services office Form No. G10404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or~Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage, ["occurance" Form No. CG-0001]. Insurance Services Office Form No. CA-0001 [Ed. 1/78] covering automobile Liability, Code 1 "any auto" and endorsement CA-0025. Worker's Compensation insurance as required by Labor Code of the State of California and Employer's Liability insurance- MINIMUM LIMITS OF INSURANCE. insurance no less than: 1. 2. 3. RCP shall maintain limits of General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurance for bodily injury and property damage· Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. Workers compensation and Employers' Liability: Worker's Compensation as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employers' Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. DEDUCTIBLES AND SELF-INSURED RETENTIONS. Any deductible in access of $1,000 must be declared to and approved by COT. OTHER INSURANCE PROVISIONS. Insurance policies required by this contract shall contain or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: 1. ALL POLICIES. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after [30] days prior to written notice to COT via United States First Class Mail. GENERAL LIABILITY AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COVERAGES. COT, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of RCP; products and completed operations of RCP; premises owned, occupied or used by RCP, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by RCP. CITY OF TEMECULA 1995 FIREWORKS CONTRACT PARAGRAPH 8, SECTION E CONT'D. -5- The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to COT, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. With regard to claims arising from RCP'S performance of the work described in this contract, RCP'S insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects of COT, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by COT its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall apply in.excess of, and not contribute with RCP'S insurance. Any failure to comply with the reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage. provided to COT, its officers, officials, ~mployees or volunteers. RCP'S insurance shall apply seperately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY COVERAGE. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against COT, its of[icers, officials, employees and volunteers for losses arisin ] =..~-Drf.~'m~d by RCP for COT. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE. RCP shall furnish COT with certificates of insurance effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates are to be on forms provided by COT and are to be received and approved by COT before work commences. COT reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. RCP shall include all subconsultants as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all the requirements stated herein. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by COT. At the option of COT, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects of COT, its officers, officials and employees: or RCP shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. -6- F. In the event the display is cancelled or interrupted due to equipment failure or malfunction, water leakage, fire or other damage in/to the display/show site, fallout area and fireworks launch area as a result of inclement weather, fire, damage to equipment and/or show elements as a result of construction mishaps or interference by COT or the GENERAL PUBLIC, ALL operations of the presentation will CEASE. COT and RCP will notify each other immediately. Said causes for "down time" will be evaluated by RCP and COT, documented as to repair costs. Following evaluation and approval by COT, RCP will effect repairs as fast as possible and will detail and invoice COT upon approval by COT. Any and all expenses [operating personnel, maintenance, equipment rentals, permits, insurance, etc.], related to and incurred during the 'down time' of the presentation, will be the responsibility of COT. COT reserves the right to cancel the presentation at any time. 9. In the event the fireworks display is cancelled due to rain, high wind or inclement weather, the event will be rescheduled as described in Section 8, Paragraph A as agreed upon by both COT and RCP. RCP reserves the right to consult with COT and to upon mutual agreement cancel the pyrotheatrical display if the weather conditions in RCP's and the subcontracted fireworks companies view present a danger to the general public, show site, RCP production personnel and any and all RCP and subcontracted vendor property at the site. DELAY OF SHOW With respect to DELAY OF SHOW, RCP GUARANTEES that the pyrotheatric display will be fired at 9:00 P.M. on TUESDAY, July 4th, 1995 and that COT allow for twenty [20], minutes each side of that hour should ANY delay be necesssary so that RCP and the Fireworks company can effect repairs as a result of caused delay. This guarantee does not apply should any failure of the shows radio broadcast as a result of malfunction at Radio Station/stations occur, telephone communications link between control areas and show site be disrupted, breech of security resulting in damage to any and all show equipment by General Public, third party persons or unwarranted cancellation or delay by COT personnel, fire authorities and associated fire prevention personnel, Acts of God or as stated in Section 8, Paragraphs A through F. Should RCP fail to fire displays within the "window" of time as described above as result of its neglience than according to the payment schedule as detailed in Section 13, COT shall RETAIN final payment as compensation for delay of show. If the Pyrotheatrics display is cancelled due to the neglience of RCP, all payments made by COT shall be refunded to COT. -7- 10, A. RCP AGREES TO: Provide the pyrotheatrics display/show as detailed in Attachments A, B, C, D, and E - Detail of pyrotheatrics.to be utilized in the display/show. B. Provide all necessary production personnel and back-up production personnel to execute each assigned function in the production of the display as described in Attachment "A", EXCLUDING security personnel, fire prevention personnel load-out of any and all COT supplied elements, crowd control personnel and any other non-contracted personnel or equipment not identified in this contract in writing and submitted to RCP in advance. C. Through the subcontracted fireworks vendor, provide TWO [2] licensed pyrotheatrics operators and all other licensed pyrotheatric support personnel necessary to safely execute said pyrotheatrical display, D. Obtain all necessary pyrotechnical permits and licenses for all display/show elements. E. REQUIRE all vendors to obtain and maintain a comprehensive' general liability insurance policy as detailed in Section 8, Paragraph E. In addition, all vendors shall obtain and maintain policies of Worker's Compensation insurance covering their respective employees. VENDOR 'Certificates of Insurance' evidencing such liability insurance and Worker's Compensation insurance shall be filed with COT within thirty days prior to the commencement of the display. F. Provide at least [2], 2-1/2 gallon water pressurized fire extinguishers or their equivalent within the display area at all times. Store, transport from storage site, set up, launch and strike the pyrotheatrical display. Remove and safely dispose of all pyrotheatrical debris from the display site IMMEDIATELY following the presentation. Provide all necessary maintenance for RCP personnel and equipment. Provide, transport and utilize all necessary equipment, weather-proofing materials and internal communications equipment [for RCP production personnel only], required for the successful operation for the display. Provide reasonable training to employees of COT if requested by COT and/or RCP as deemed necessary for the successful execution and operation of shows. -8- COT AGREES TO: A. Provide ALL additional permits and licenses if any [excluding pyrotechnical display permits & licenses] necessary to operate & perform display at the site. Further, COT will wave any and all business operations fees or taxes for RCP for this one day event. B. Provide site location[s] for display presentation. provide one night "Safe Haven" pyro storage area on July 3, 1995. C. Provide all necessary COT technical andnon-technical personnel for the load-in, set-up and strike of all COT production elements and installation of two, [2] separate telecommunications lines, plus [2] telephones, 2 COT 2-way radio's, for communications link between the radio station and Sports Park show site. Telephone installation provided by COT will be activated on or before FRIDAY, June 30th, 1995. In addition, all fire prevention equipment, COT equipment transport vehicles, water vehicles, staging platforms [if any], water hook-upand strike, prints and plans for the successful installation of the show site will be provided by COT. D. COT will provide for all necessary power/water hook-up and strike at show site for the duration of the project including: Load-in and set-up prior to display beginning at 8:00 A.M. SUNDAY, July 2, 1995 through WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 1995. E. To provide all on-site rigging equipment, mechanical services and sand necessary for the safe and successful load-in, set-up, installation and operation of the display beginning at 8:00 A.M. MONDAY, July 3, 1995. F. COT shall furnish and set-up in conjunction with RCP designs all necessary personnel as described in Section 10, Paragraph B, and such restraining lines, stanchions, etc. as necessary for the protection of the public and operating personnel. COT will provide security throughout all Load-in, set-up, display and strike. 12. Any costs in addition to the contracted price stated in Section "3" and on the attached breakdown in Attachment "C", will be incurred only with prior approval by COT in writing at rate to be negotiated. -9- With regard to payment schedule, the first payment of $9,000.00 is payable from COT to RCP no later than MAY 1995. The second payment of $4,500.00 from COT to RCP is payable by JUNE l, 1995. The third payment of $3,500.00 from COT to RCP is due IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SHOW JULY 4TH, ~995. Any additional approved costs or out-of-pocket expenses fir any] are payable within ten - [~0] days following the completion of the project or July ~4th, ~995. COT recognizes that time is of the essence with regard to payment as set forth in the payment schedule outlined above. Should COT elect to supplement the pyrotheatric content of the display, the costs for the increased product will be evaluated and paid by COT as described in paragraph 7. COT designates SHAWN NELSON and/or HER~L~N PARKER or any other designated COT representative to grant approval where called for during the production of all elements. This representative is authorized by COT to approve or demand reasonable appropriate changes of said elements where deemed necessary. RCP will be entitled to additional compensation should any significant changes, additions or deletions be necessary after the approval by the above-mentioned representative[s] of COT of any particular stage or element of production. All requests for changes, additions or deletions of any elements of the production not outlined within the context of this agreement throughout the course of the project, will submitted and approved by both parties in writing in the form of a PROJECT CHANGE NOTICE, "PCN". [Refer to Attachment With respect to SPONSORSHIP, RCP will work closely with COT in soliciting and securing sponsorship for monetary involvement to increase production value for this event as detailed in the original proposal and budget. COT will provide to RCP a "LETTER of CONFIRMATION" endorsing RCP as PRODUCER for this event and detail in said letter that COT is actively seeking sponsorship for event involvement. RCP reserves the right to charge any and all prospective sponsors whatever fee they elect for any additional creative, advertising or marketing involvement with respect to the Temecula Star Spangled 4th production. Should RCP secure a potential sponsor for active involvement with respect to additional creative, advertising and marketing interests, their involvement will be at the sole approval of COT following submission and aptoval by COT within 48 hours of submission of these suggested creative elements. COT acknowledges that RCP's ability to perform its obligations under this agreement in a timely manner is directly dependent on COT's obligations hereunder and that COT agrees to perform. such obligations in a timely manner and to fully cooperate with RCP in the performance of this contract. -10- 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. It is understood that RCP owns all rights in and to the project including copyright interest therein. COT shall have the right to use any or all of the presentation for purposes of demonstration only. In the event that the project is cancelled by COT prior to its completion, COT shall be liable to RCP for all costs for said production incurred by RCP prior to and including the date of cancellation not to exceed the total compensation due under this contract. COT WILL NOT be liable for any and all unadvanced expenditures beyond the date of cancellation. RCP will deliver all materials and elements for the above-mentioned presentation according to the attached Production Schedule [Attachment B] provided that COT adheres to its obligations stated in said Production Schedule. It is further agreed that the said production schedule has been prepared by RCP and is to be considered part of this agreement. Any overtime costs resulting from late submissions, late availability of product by the subcontracted Fireworks vendor, personnel or materials or late approval of any and all production materials or production elements provided by COT will result in additional charges to be approved COT. It is further agreed that nothing in this agreement shall be construed or interpreted to mean or define a partnership or joint venture between the parties, all parties hereto being responsible for their separate and individual debts and obligations related to this project. It is further agreed that all parties shall in all respects comply with the laws of the state of California and its municipalities in force during the term of this contract- RCP agrees to defend, indemnify and hold COT harmless against any and all liability for injury to any person or persons or damage to any property for or by reason of any condition, whether defective or otherwise, of any equipment, firework, apparatus, electrical equipment or fixture furnished by RCP, its fireworks vendor or any vendor of RCP pursuant to this contract. COT agrees to defend, indemniy and hold RCP harmless from and against any and all liability for injury, including death, to any person or persons or damage to any property, equipment due to the sole active negligence or sole wilful misconduct of COT in performing any of obligations hereunder. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the terminations or expiration of this contract. This contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. It may not be altered, amended or modified except by an instrument in writing executed by each of the parties. It includes all representations of every kind and nature made by each of'us to the other. 25. 6e 27. 28. 9e -11- This contract i$ binding upon the parties themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. If any action at law is necessary to enforce or interpret the terms of this contract, the laws of California shall govern and the prevailing party shall' be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. Should any one or more of the provisions of this agreement be judged unlawful by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. RCP represents that no payments by RCP shall be made to an COT employees, contractors, agents, or associated personnel with respect to this contract. Each of the parties hereto is authorized t~ execute this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have executed this contract this day of , 1995. ROBERT CARAN ROBERT CARAN PRODUCTIONS 8555 LAURENS LANE STE., 1512 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78218 BY: CITY OF TEMECULA City Manager BY: City Clerk City Attorney DOC:D/llCOTRCON95 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1995 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 9:14 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Lindemans, Mur~oz, Roberrs, Stone, Parks ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were City. Manager Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENT None given. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of RDA Commercial Rehabilitation Small Business Loan Agency Member Lindemans stated he would abstain, based on his belief that these loans should only be granted for the purpose of tenant improvements. It was moved by Agency Member Roberts, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve staff recommendation as follows: 1.1 Consider approval of an RDA Commercial Rehabilitation Loan to the Blind Pig Brewing Co., Inc., located at 42387 Avenida Alvarado, Suite 108, Temecula, CA 92590. The motion carried as follows: AGENCY MEMBERS: AGENCY MEMBERS: AGENCY MEMBERS: AGENCY MEMBERS: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 1 Mu~oz, Roberrs, Stone, Parks None None Lindemans Minutes.rde%022895 -1 - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RI~PORT .None given. AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS None given. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Agency Member Stone, seconded by Agency Member Lindemans to adjourn at 9:20 PM to a meeting on March 14, 1995, 8:00 PM Community Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA. The motion was unanimously carried. Ronald J. Parks, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk/Agency Secretary Minu~es.rde~22895 -2- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FIEDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1995 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 8:50 PM at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, California. PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Lindemans, Mufioz, Roberrs, Stone, Parks ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Ronald E. Bradley, General Counsel Peter Thorson and City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENT None given. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Agency Member Lindemans, seconded by Agency Member Stone to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 1. The motion was unanimously carried with Agency Member Roberts absent. I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 21, 1995. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT None given. AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS None given. Minutes.rda\031495 -1 - ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Agency Member Stone, seconded by Agency Member Muftoz to adjourn at 8:51 PM to a meeting on March 28, 1995, 8:00 PM, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecule, California. The motion was unanimously carried wtih Agency Member Roberrs absent. Ronald J. Parks, Chairperson ATTEST: June S. Greek, City Clerk Minutes.rda\031495 -2-