HomeMy WebLinkAbout120999 PTS AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35. 102.35. 104 ADA Title Ill CALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COLrNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, December 9, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS: Connerton, Edwards, Katan, Telesio, Coe A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item no__!t listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. COMMISSION REPORTS Reports by the members of the Commission on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of .November 18 1999 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of November 18, 1999 COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Reouest for Street Closure - Calle Medusa RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to close Calle Medusa between Nicolas Road and La Serena Way. 3. Election of Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson and Co-Chalrperson RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson entertain nominations from the Commissioners to elect a Chairperson and Co-Chairperson to preside until the end of the 2000 calendar year. 4. Traffic Engineer's Report 5. Police Chief's Report 6. Fire Chief's Report ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thur.ctlay, January 13, 2000, at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ITEM NO. I CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COM MISSION NOVEMBER 18, 1999 The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M., on Thursday, November 18, 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Connerton. Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, *Katan, Telesio, and Chairman Coe. Absent: None. Also Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. * (Commissioner Katan was sworn in, and present at the November 18, 1999 Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting.) PUBLIC COMMENTS This Agenda Item was considered out of order, see below. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS At this time, Deputy City Clerk Ballreich duly swore in the newly appointed Commissioner Mark Katan. At this time the Commission continued back to the Public Comment portion of the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Janet Dixon, 31860 Via Cordoba, noted the effectiveness of the temporarily installed traffic circles on Via Cordoba, relaying that the installation at the T-intersection was not as effective; commended Director of Public Works Hughes, and the Public Works Department, for their diligent efforts associated with the project; and noted that she looked forward to the installation of the permanent traffic circles. ROLL CALL Present: R:TrafficCommission~minutes~lt1899 COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Telesio queried staff as to the procedure of providing the Fire Department with new unlisted streets and developments within the City. Deputy Director of Public Works Parks advised that the City provided Thomas Bros. Mapse with recorded final maps on an annual basis; and noted that in the past, Permit Engineer Crisp had provided the updates, and that staff would ensure that the process continued after Mr. Crisp's retirement, at the end of November. Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed that each Fire Station traveled the streets of the City on a regular basis in order to update their map guide. In response to Commissioner Telesio's querying, regarding the recent new article referencing a grant application, inclusive of a foot bridge at 1st Street, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the article could potentially be referring to a separate trail bridge in that area; and updated the Commission with respect to the current 1~ Street Bridge Project, noting the need to relocate a sewer line. With respect to the recent improvements at the Target entrance to the Town Center, Commissioner Edwards commended staff; and noted, additionally, that the interior driveways had been re-striped. Regarding the ongoing improvements on Highway 79 South, Commissioner Edwards recommended that staff relay to the residents of the Rainbow Valley area that this particular road improvement project was being constructed by the County; and noted that numerous residents had relayed that they were upset with the City of Temecula, unaware that this was a County project. For informational purposes, Commissioner Edwards relayed that she had received input from residents in the Via Cordoba area, concurring with Ms. Dixon comments, regarding the effectiveness of the temporary traffic circles; and further relayed that the residents had also commented on the vehicles that still traveled at high speeds even with the traffic circles. Due to the consistent complaints from certain neighborhood residents (i.e., Via Cordoba, Calle Pine Colada, North General Keamy Road, Meadows Parkway, and Loma Linda Road areas), Commissioner Edwards recommended that the issue of adding additional Police Department personnel be agendized, in order to adequately enforce speed limits; and suggested establishing a Zero Tolerance Policy for neighborhood speed violators. Concurring with the City's need for additional Police Officers, Commissioner Connerton relayed the ineffectiveness of random police enforcement; and recommended that the Meadowview Traffic Study incorporate vehicle speed into the data, in order for the Commission to adequately address the problem. R;TrafficCommissionlrninutesHtt899 Commending all the participants in the Race forthe Cure Event, recently held in the City of Temecula, Commissioner Connerton relayed that he had had the opportunity to direct traffic; and noted that the event was a success. For the upcoming year, Commissioner Connerton recommended agendizing the previous-mentioned heavily impacted residential areas in order for the Commission to address the traffic concerns in those specific areas (denoted in Section F). Applauding the Public Works Department, and the Commission, with respect to the recent circulation improvements within the City, specifically, commenting on the recent Target Center improvements, Commissioner Katan relayed what a honor it was to serve on the Commission; and noted that on November 15, 1999 there was a news article commenting on the success of the traffic improvements in Temecula. Concurring with the previous Commission comments, Chairman Coe relayed kudos to the Public Works Department for the numerous recent projects which had improved traffic circulation, specifically, at the south end of the City; and noted that his driving time from his residence to the City Halt had been only eight minutes. With respect to the traffic circles, Chairman Coe recommended improving the design at the T-intersections; noted the effectiveness of the traffic circles; and commended the Police Department, due to the Via Cordoba residents' comments that there had been increased enforcement in that area. For informational purposes, Chairman Coe relayed that although the issue had been previously addressed, that numerous community members had been querying him with respect to the likelihood of the City installing passive left-turn lights; and noted that at a future point in time, the matter may need to be re- addressed. With respect to the 1st Street Bridge Project, Chairman Coe recommended that the City investigate a connector between 1~t Street, and 2"d Street, at Mercedes Street. Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that after the completion of the 1 st Street Bridge Project, staff would evaluate the circulation of Old Town Temecula; and relayed the considerations for future improvements in Old Town. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of November 18, 1999 R:TrafficCommissionlrninutes1111899 MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes, as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Katan who abstained. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. ReQuest for Speed Undulations - North General Kearny Road RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request for the installation of speed undulations on North General Keamy Road between Nicolas Road and Willow Creek Drive Noting the submittal of a petition signed by approximately 240 residents (requesting that the City install speed undulations), Senior Engineer Moghadam provided an overview of the staff report (of record); relayed the existing speed limit of 25 MPH on North General Kearny Road between Nicolas Road and Willow Creek Drive; noted that the analysis revealed that there was not excessive speed, or high volumes of traffic in the area of discussion; relayed that speed undulations have not been proven to be an effective tool for reducing vehicle speed; advised that any traffic control devise recommended for this area should, additionally, be considered for Sierra Madre Drive, since this area would be heavily impacted if traffic was diverted from North General Kearny Road; for Commissioner Edwards, specified that staff had received complaints, confirming that traffic currently negatively affects Sierra Madre Drive; and for Commissioner Connerton, confirmed that the average speed in the area was 28 MPH. Commenting on the traffic analysis, Commissioner Connerton noted that while excessive speeding was not frequent, that there was speeding consistently cited at approximately 6:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. The following individuals relayed their comments and concerns regarding traffic on North General Kearny Road: Ms. Cindy Mathes Mr. Bob Lopshire [] Ms. Andrea Duncan Ms. Lara Kiester Ms. Arlene Ferguson 39797 North General Kearny Road 40244 Atmore Court 39880 North General Kearny Road 39868 North General Kearny Road 39847 North General Keamy Road The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments: Thanked the Commission for consideration of traffic improvement in their area Noted that the residents were aware of traffic control devices not recommended for the area, imploring the City for an alternate solution. Relayed that the speed data was inaccurate due to the placement of the speed trailer, and the road speed-measuring device. R:TrafficComrnissionlminuteslt t t899 Expressed concern regarding the safety of children in the area due to the location of the school. Advised that vehicles were travelling at high rates of speed. ./ Noted the attempts of the residents to control the traffic situation via the PTA, and various volunteer-monitoring procedures. Concurred with the recommendation of increased Police enforcement, noting the recent effectiveness of a vacant Police vehicle, which had been parked in the area. Noted the negative impact of the closure of the parking lot located at the rear of the school site, and the associated request by the school to encourage pedestrian access which would further impact the number of children on the streets. Advised that the news article associated with this noticed meeting, and the referencing of staff's recommendation to deny the request for speed undulations (implying that the decision had already been made) had discouraged many residents from attending the meeting. Noted that the PTA and the school had sent notices to the parents, directing them to drive at safe speed limits. Advised that a red vehicle driven by a young female driver had been cited numerous times speeding, noting that the driver was not responsive to the residents' caution to slow down. Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that the speed measuring devices had been placed at both ends of the street in the area of discussion; for Chairman Coe, relayed that the completed analysis associated with the traffic circles would be presented to the Commission in January 2000; noted that the input received from the Via Cordoba residents (regarding the traffic circles) had been primarily negative; relayed that the Homeowners Association in that area was conducting a residential survey; and advised that the City's traffic analysis in all these areas was performed by an independent firm. For Ms. Mathes, Chairman Coe clarified that the City was in the process of investigating effective traffic control devices (i.e., traffic circles); advised that the rationale for not recommending stop signs or speed undulations, was that these installations were not effective traffic calming devices; provided the rationale for the City Council solely recommending the placement of the temporary traffic circles on Via Cordoba until further data had been completed. For Ms. Duncan, Commissioner Connerton noted that the City could not control the news stories, advising that she relay to the residents that the Commission desired to hear the residents' comments, and that no decision was made regarding agenda items until the public meeting. Although the analysis revealed low average rates of speed in the area of discussion, Commissioner Edwards relayed that the data revealed one vehicle travelling at R:TrafficCommissionlminutes~111899 excessive speeds consistently in the early morning hours and then repeated in the afternoon hours; recommended that the Police Department attempt to cite this violator; requested that there be increased enforcement in the area; and noted that if the traffic circles prove to be effective traffic calming devices, that after the analysis was completed, the Commission could consider recommending the installation of the traffic circles on North General Kearny Road. For Commissioner Edwards, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that staff would investigate as to whether the dip on North General Kearny Road (referenced by the community members) was within the parameters of the County or the City. For Commissioner Connerton, Mr. Lopshire clarified the location of the present bus parking area at the school site. Commissioner Connerton advised that the Commission could make a recommendation that staff request the School District to ensure a safer condition for the children, and additionally, recommending that Police Chief Labahn alert the Sheriff's Department (amended to be the California Highway Patrol) regarding the safety hazard in the vicinity of the school site due to excessive speeding; noted that the City did not have jurisdiction with respect to the school site; and relayed that via his visits to the site, he had witnessed vehicles travelling at high speeds. For Commissioner Connerton, Police Sergeant DiMaggio advised that traffic enforcement within the County was handled by the Califomia Highway Patrol (CHP.) Commissioner Connerton requested staff to pursue the matter of the City providing a radar gun for the use of the residents; and provided additional information regarding the news article; clarified the process of approval or denial of requests of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission; and assured the community that he would personally continue to visit the area of discussion in order to monitor the traffic conditions. Commissioner Telesio advised the community members that it was the Commission's desire and charge to address the concerns of the community; relayed that the City had been requested numerous times to address the negative impacts caused by the School District's decision to site schools in certain areas; reiterated the rationale for the recommendation to deny speed undulations and stop signs; and advised that at this time, while there was no immediate solution, that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission would continue efforts to seek a remedy for their concerns. For clarification with respect to Ms. Mathes comments, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that while staff did provide information regarding the data that revealed that speed undulations and stop signs were not effective tools for addressing traffic speed, that staff had not relayed that any request was impossible; and that staff had, specifically, commented that the study being conducted with respect to the traffic circles on Via Cordoba may provide an alternate option for the North General Kearny Road area. Ms. Mathes noted for the Police Department's information that school would not be in session beginning November 22, 1999, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, relaying that there would be a reduction in traffic during this interim period; in response to Senior Engineer Moghadam's comments, apologized, noting that he had never stated that any improvements would be impossible; relayed that the residents have become so f~:TrafficCornrnission~minutes~111899 discouraged due to the lack of a recommended solution which would address their traffic concerns, and that she had misspoken; and reiterated her gratitude for the Commission hearing the comments of the residents. Commissioner Katan relayed that he had visited the area of discussion on a Monday evening, noting that while the majority of the residents appeared to have been driving the speed limit, he had witnessed a vehicle attempting to pass a car in this residential area; relayed the impact of the community comments, providing the Commission and staff with additional information, emphasizing the need to seek a solution addressing the expressed concerns; and concurred with Commissioner Edwards recommendation, that enforcement be increased in the area. For informational purposes, Chairman Coe relayed that the previously mentioned petition with 240 signatures demonstrated the degree of community concern with respect to this area; and relayed that the results of the traffic circle study could potentially provide a solution to the traffic impacts in this area. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to deny the request for speed undulations on North General Kearny Road. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion. (This motion was ultimately amended.) Concurring with staff's recommendation that speed undulations would not be an effective tool in addressing the traffic impact in this area, Commissioner Connerton recommended that speed limits be strictly enforced; requested that staff present to the Commission a method, whereby the Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council for the purchase of radar guns, advising that although the community members could not cite violators, that the visual impact of the radar gun would serve as a deterrent to speeding. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to deny the request for speed undulations on North General Kearny Road; and moved to bring the matter back to the Commission after completion of the traffic circles' feasibility evaluation. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion. Taking into consideration the comments and data presented, Commissioner Telesio relayed that the majority of the vehicles were travelling at safe speeds; and recommended that the few violators travelling at excessive speeds be severely fined in order to make the public aware that speeding would not be tolerated in residential areas. Concurring with Commissioner Telesio's comments, Commissioner Connerton advised that if repeat speed violators had their licenses revoked, the message would be relayed that the City of Temecula would not permit speeding in residential areas. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting unanimous approval. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam welcomed Mr. Mark Katan to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. R:TrafficComrnission~minutes~111899 Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that December 6, 1999 had been scheduled as an Employee Appreciation Day;, invited the Commissioners to sign up for a guided tour of the City via Administrative Secretary Pyle; and invited the Commissioners to attend the luncheon to be held at 12:00 noon. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT With respect to the request for increased Police enforcement, Police Sergeant DiMaggio concurred with the recommendation to consider recommending to the City Council that additional Police personnel be added; relayed the potential of an officer being added to staff in January; provided an overview of the collision incidents in the City; noted that per Commission request, and community concern, officers are sent to residential areas, although the officer may not issue any citations; noted that speed was not always the major factor in a collision (referencing the recent fatal accident which occurred at a speed of 5 MPH), advising that inattention and drfver unawareness were primary factors in the cause of collisions; recommended that the focus of collision prevention be concentrated on Public Education; specified that statistically, collisions rarely occurred in residential areas; noted that if it was the desire of the Commission to address the impact of the collisions within the City, which posed the greatest safety hazard with respect to traffic, that speed in residential areas would not be the primary focus; and relayed that the Police Department's foremost charge was to reduce collisions. With respect to residential areas impacted by the location of a school, Police Sergeant DiMaggio recommended that the School District be directed to consider additional bus transport; and noted that one bus would alleviate the need to vehicle transport 40-60 children, thereby, reducing the vehicle volumes. With respect to increased Public Awareness, Police Sergeant DiMaggio recommended televising a program in order to educate the public with respect to speeding, unsafe lane changes, driver awareness, and other primary collision factors. Commissioner Edwards relayed that she was in the process of pursuing the matter. In order to reduce traffic volumes in neighborhoods impacted by the location of a school, Police Sergeant DiMaggio recommended implementation of a staggered- school start schedule. In response to Ms. Mathes' comments, Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that he could place an empty Police vehicle (ghost car) in the North General Kearny Road area, noting that this would serve as a temporary deterrent to speeding. Police Sergeant DiMaggio reiterated that a permanent solution to traffic hazards would be to educate the public. For Commissioner Telesio, Police Sergeant DiMaggio concurred with the Police Department making efforts to cite the few extreme speed violators in residential areas (referenced in the data associated with Agenda Item No. 2.) R:TrafficCornmissionlminutestlfi899 For informational purposes, Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that although there was limited staff, and various priority issues for the Police Department to address, that the Police Department consistently responded to the requests of the community, and the Commission, to increase enforcement in specific residential areas. In response to Commissioner Edward's querying, Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that public awareness could be addressed in residential areas (i.e., the North General Kearny Road area) by holding a public forum at the school via the PTA, relaying that the Police Department would be willing to conduct a special program, educating the community with respect to collision prevention tactics. In response to Police Sergeant DiMaggio's comments, Commissioner Connerton concurred with Commissioner Edwards' recommendation associated with agendizing the issue of the feasibility of adding additional Police personnel; relayed that as a Commissioner, he was directed to receive input and address the concerns of the community members; and noted that if the residential speed was not addressed, the occurrence of residential collisions could rise, with the potential of children being harmed. Police Sergeant DiMaggio invited the community members to take a ride-along with the Police Officers. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed that he would be replacing Fire Battalion Black as the Fire Department's representative at the Public/Traffic Safety Commission meetings; and noted that he, and Mr. Howard Windsor, would serve as operational Battalion Chiefs in the City of Temecula. Updating the Commission with respect to the traffic collision, which occurred on Saturday, November 13, 1999, Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed the incident involving three vehicles, with four injuries, which the Fire Department had responded to. With respect to the Race forthe Cure Event recently held in Temecula, Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed that the Fire Department had fielded a 25- member team to participate in the race. Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey noted that the Fire Department was in the process of evaluating the Optican System, advising that he would keep the Commission updated. Chairman Coe welcomed Fire Battalion Chief Ritchey as the Fire Department's representative for the Commission. R:TrafficComrnissionlminuteslllt899 ADJOURNMENT At 8:15 P.M. Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, December 9, 1999 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Chairman Charles Coe Administrative Secretary Anita Pyle 10 ITEM NO. 2 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission ~')Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic December 9, 1999 Item 2 Request for Street Closure - Calle Medusa RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to close Calle Medusa between Nicolas Road and La Serena Way. BACKGROUND: The City received a petition signed by approximately 259 residents of the affected area requesting the closure of Calle Medusa at Riverton Lane. The affected area which includes approximately 591 residential units is shown in Exhibit "C'. The public has been notified of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission's consideration of this matter through the agenda notification process. Calle Medusa is a 44-foot wide street that functions as a residential collector between Nicolas Road and La Serena Way. The speed limit is posted at 25 MPH on Calle Medusa. The issue of speeding and "cut-through" vehicle volumes on Calle Medusa has been reviewed numerous times by the Public/Traffic Safety Commission and the City Council. As a result, all-way stop controls were installed along Calle Medusa in an attempt to reduce vehicle speeds and make it a less desirable route for "cut- through" traffic. However, the petition for street closure as submitted, indicates that installation of the all-way "Stop" signs failed to achieve the desired effect. In 1993, the City Council changed the designation of Calle Medusa from a Principal Collector Highway to a "Local Road", thereby eliminating Calle Medusa from the Circulation Plan. In an effort to further reduce through traffic volumes, the City constructed the Walcott Lane Bypass corridor in 1997 at a cost of approximately $1.5 million. Be/bre and after studies conducted on Calle Medusa indicate the traffic volumes before the construction of the Walcott Lane Bypass were approximately 2,500 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) south of Nicolas Road and 3,500 ADT north of La Serena Way. Traffic volume data collected one year after the bypass construction, in September 1998, indicates that Calle Medusa carries approximately 3,200 ADT north of La Serena Way. Likewise, data collected in September t998 indicates a 1,250 ADT for Walcott Lane. As shown, the data indicates that there has been a slight reduction in vehicle volumes with the construction of Walcott Lane. However, based on the number of homes which have access to Calle Medusa and trip generation rates established by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), an ADT of 5,900 could be expected on Calle Medusa. The existing traffic volumes on Calle Medusa do not represent a significant "cut- through" traffic pattern. r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\99\ll1899\fonn,agnlajp Residents often express concerns for excessive speeds and volumes on nearly every residential street in the City. A solution that is commonly offered by residents is the closure of the street to control vehicle speeds and volumes. To that end, the City of Temecula has developed a Policy for the Closure or Modification of Traffic Flows on Public Streets. The policy includes the criteria that must be satisfied when considering a street closure or modification of the traffic flow on public streets. The criteria states that a closure may be effective at locations where the traffic volumes exceed 2,000 ADT and an engineering safety study indicates that the proposed closure will not create unreasonable traffic volumes on streets that may be impacted by diverted traffic. It is staffs opinion that the permanent closure of Calle Medusa at Riverton Lane would divert traffic and adversely impact adjacent streets such as En~eld Lane, Riverton Lane, Calle Katherine and Klarer Lane. The policy's petition requirements indicate that the petition must be supported by a minimum of seventy-five percent (75 % ) of the total number of properties within the "affected area". An additional requirement is that at least eighty-five percent (85%) of the property owners in the affected area are contacted and sign the petition either in support or against the street closure. The petition submitted by Mr. Betancourt, indicates that only sixty-one percent (61%) of the residents in the affected area were contacted and signed the petition. Of these, fi~rty-four percent (44%) are in favor of the street closure, sixteen percent (16%) do not support the street closure and forty percent (40%) did not respond. The "no response" was attributed to vacant properties or the residents not being at home. Recently, the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommended that Kahwea Road be permanently closed to through traffic. Additional road closures in the area could adversely affect other residential neighborhoods and adjacent roadways. Moreover, emergency response times could be affected by another road closure in the immediate area. The closure of Calle Medusa would also adversely impact travel to and from Chaparral High School, Nicolas Valley Elementary School, Rancho Elementary School and Margarita Middle School. The diverted travel route would be circuitous and add unnecessary route time for school buses as well as to parents. Also, street closures result in diversion of local trips to major arterials, thereby causing additional delay and congestion. For these reasons, staff recommends denial of the request to close Calie Medusa between Nicolas Road and La Serena Way. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachment: 1. Exhibit "A" - Location Map 2. Exhibit "B" - Petition of Residents 3. Exhibit "C" - Boundary of Affected Area 4. Exhibit "D' - Policy for Closure or Modification of Traffic Flow on Public Streets 5. Exhibit "E' - Volume and Accident Data EXHIBIT "A" Location Map eadotw :ULA EXHIBIT "B" Petition of Residents STREET NAME # OF HOMES YES NO NOT HOME,VACANT, ETC. POOLE COURT 12 8 2 2 ALTON COURT 17 8 I 2 LEIGH LANE 19 14 0 5 DANE COURT 16 6 3 7 VALONE COURT 14 8 0 6 KLARER LANE 6 I 0 5 CALLE CATERINE 42 32 8 2 NOB HILL 14 10 t 3 BENTLEY 4 3 0 1 NEWTON 11 7 0 4 WINDSOR 52 16 12 24 CLEAR LIGHT 9 6 2 I KAHWEA 9 6 I 2 GOLDEN LION 6 3 0 3 RIVERTON 23 5 2 16 YARDLEY 33 4 9 20 HUMBOLDT COURT 20 3 5 12 CHAUNCEY WAY 27 15 7 5 BRIXTON COVE 8 3 3 2 WELLINGTON CIR 42 8 12 22 CHALDON CIR 10 6 3 1 ANIBERELY CIR 43 10 4 29 ENEIELD 28 12 9 7 'STAMOS CT ASHMILL 24 2 3 19 CALLE MEDUSA 94 63 7 24 TOTALS 583 259 94 224 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETVVEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON INJBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DO~S CAIIF MEiXISA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDEKrIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'R POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CAU.E MEDUSA. / OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE · 694-t832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADDRESS OWNER? t/ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN TIllS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT 18 RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY"8 POMCY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS, IN PARTICULAR, DOf8 C, IH ~= MEDUSA MEET TIlE FOLLOWBIG CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t, 18 IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE Ct*TY'8 CIRCUI, ATIO~ e mlBfr? YES 2, IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESE)Ek'TIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLE8 PER DAY? YES ALL PERSON8 SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT 18 THE CITY'S POa, JCY THAT THEY MAY REED TO pARTICIPATE IN ALl, CO~TS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH TIE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA, ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI~'*Y RESICE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFIlElED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON 18 REL,8ON BETANCOURT, PHONE · 894-t832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME FRNT ADI)RE~S OWNER? fit:> """ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING, IT IS RECOMMi THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBUC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOt. LOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t. IS rr A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CII'Y'S CIRCULATION FI I:MENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NAllJRE? YES 3. DOES 'I~,AFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 ~ PER DAY? YE~ ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOW1,EDGE fT IS THE CrrY'8 POLJCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS D~RECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING TIll PETfflON DO HERSBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE 1 694-1832 SIGNATURE -o cr8 Y DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLA$ RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT t). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNOERSTANO WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING, rr ~ RECOMMENOB) THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CffY'8 POI.,ICY FOR CLO~URE 01t MODIFICATION Of TRAFFIC FLOW ON PIJI,,IC 8T~LrrS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES C~/H= MEI)UBA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CL.08UIE: t. IS ffA"LOC,,ALSTREETm0N'trI,ECITY'SCIRCULATIONELEMENT? YES 2.1S CAI /I= MEDUIA PRIMARILY REIIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YB 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOI,.UME EXCEED 2OOJ,lrd~lCL. j8 PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PL=TrTION ACKNOWLEDGE ff ~ THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLO61qlG OF CAII I: MEIX,ISA, OUR I~SIGNATED COffTACT IrcRSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. IsttONE I ~4-1832 SIGNATURE P~JNT NAME PRINT ~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). F_FORE YOU 81GN TI'IS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ;RST READ THE CfTY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MOOFK::ATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. ~ PARTICULAR, DOE~ CALLE M~ MEET THE FOf, LOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO~URE: 1.1SITA"LOCALSTREET"ONTHECITY'SCIRCULATIONELEMENT? YES 2, IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIIAR~Y RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHtL.ES ;rP, R DAY? YES ,.L PERSON~ SIGNING THIS h: ! I ! ION ACK~DGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY IF, ED TO UTTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED ~ffl'H THE CLOSING OF CAL.LE Ml I / SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED LIR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERN3N I~ k~l, JON BETANCOURT, PHONE I 614-1832 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MOOIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBJC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOf. LOWIN0 CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1. 1S rr A"LOCAI. STREET" OR THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY HEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSNG OF CAME MEDUSA. ALL PERSOPS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI'EY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE 1 694-t832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME P~NT ADDRESS OWNER? Y DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). BEFORE YOU S~GN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'8 POLICY FOR CLO~ORE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PtJ~.JC STREETS. IN pARTiCULAR, DOE~ CALLE M~ MEET THE FOU.OWNG CITY CRITERLIk FOR CLO~URE: 1. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET' ON THE CTTY'S CIRCULATION ~:a grM ENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES Fr.R DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS D~RECtrLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF C~I,; MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGliNG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESK)E WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTB) A,S DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXI.IBIT 2). OUR 0ESIGNATED CONTACT PER&ON 18 NF.I.~OR BETANCOURT. PHONE · 694-1832 /Vo DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLA$ RD. AND LA $ERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT I ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ABE SIGHING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON ~ STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEI~)SA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1. i IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CIT'Y'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILy RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YE~ ALL PERSONS SIGHING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY REED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEI)USA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CIT'Y (EXHIBIT 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE 1 694-1832 SIGNA PRINT NAME PRINT ADI)RE~8 O~NER? i~,~-,> ,v,4¢z~,,7 ,,/~11/ 't~-~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS pETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YO~ ARE SIGNING, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MOD4FICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBIJC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET' ON THE CITY"8 CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 200~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSORE SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POliCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CAUJE MEIX/SA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESlGRATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE I 694-1832 /:?~__~ PRINT NAME PRINT ADOff, S~ OWNER? / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBff 1 ), BEFORE YOO SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. ff IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PtlBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY~ CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CA~ ~ ~ MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3, DO~8 TRAFF|C VOLUME EXCEED 20(X) VEHICLE8 PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL PERSON$ SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE I 694-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADORES~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WblAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, [X/_S CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRrI'ERIA FOR CLOSUf~E: 1. IS rr A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE~ YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSON~ SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY TNAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL C.,O~TS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDGSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Pt'TITICN DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THLvY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS D~F|NED BY THE C/?f (EXHIBIIr 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BEYANCOURT. PHONE 1894-t832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADO~r~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SlC. deNG. IT I~ RECOMMEle3ED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CFtrY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MOD~FICATIGN OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOILOWle0 Cfi'Y CRITERIA FOR CLOBUIF_: 1. IS ff A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CrrY'8 CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YE~ 2. IS C.i:: ;: MEDUSA Pf~IMARiY RESIDENTIAL IN liA~ YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2060 VEHICI/8 PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE ff IS THE CTTY'~ POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CO~T$ DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE Ct..Oe, leG OF C.,,AI:; MEDU&A. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI.EY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED A~ D~IED BY THE CITY (EXHIBff 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE I e~4-1832 SlGNA~ P~JNT NAME DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON I~tlBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICI,~ ~ CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLL(:)WIN~ CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO$URE: 1. IS ff A 'LOCAL STREET' ON THE C1TY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2.1S CA! ~ F MEDUSA PRiMARILY RE$1DENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3, DOE~ TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHICL.E~ PER DAY? YE~ ALL PER. SONS 81GIeNG THIS Ic~'TITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 P(X.ICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL C06T8 DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE ~ OF CALJ. E MEDUSA. ALL PERSON8 SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CER13FY THAT ~ RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED ASDEIBY/HECtTY(E. XH!IT2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT FER~ON IS NEI,~ON BETANC4XJI~. PHQNE I~94-1832 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). =.FORE YOU IIGN THIS PETITION. UNO ERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SiftleG. IT Ii RECOMMENDED THAT YOU c~.ST READ THE CfTY"8 POUCY FOR CLO$URE OR MODFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLO~/ON PUIDLIC STREETS. PARTICULAR. OOf.8 C,s~;= MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLO W!iG CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: I. IIffA"LOCALITREL:'PONTHIECITY'ICIRCULATIONELEMEN"r? YES 2JSCA. i;:MEIXJSAPRIt&I~.YRE~IDENTIALINNATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES FER DAY? YES J. PERBONSIKMIiGTHIPETITIONACKNOWI.EDGEfflSTHECfTY'SPOUCYTHATTHEYMAYNF, DTO ~RTICIPATE IN ALL COIT8 DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH ~ CLO~NIQ OF Cli I tc MEDUSA. ,L FER8ON~ ~GNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI'EY RE,DE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTB) ~ DEFIID BY11.lE CITY (EXHIBIT ;). JR DEEIGNATED CONTACT P~R~01 IS NELSON BETANOOtJRT. FHONIE l~4-1832 SIGNATURE F~INT NAME PRINT ADDRE8: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO~URE: 1. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" OR THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2.1S CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS S)GNING THIS PETITION ACK~DGE IT IS THE CrrY's POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN AlL CO~TS D~RECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESI~I~ WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFIHED BY THE CITY (EXI'IBrr 2). OUR DESIGNATEDCONTACT P/R~ON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. R'IONE ! ~4-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADORESS OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMEffi)ED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY"S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS, IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSUR;E: 1. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'8 CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS C~A/H;: MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2~eO VEHICLES FER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLJCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN N..L COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CI. OSIIG OF CALLE Mi ALL PERSONS SIGNING TIES FETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI'EY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS D EFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2). SIGNATURE PRINT NAME FRIk~ ADO~ES~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. ff IS RECOMMENDED THAT yOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S P(XJCY FOR CLOSURE OR MOO~ICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STRSETS. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS RE'rITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED W~!'I THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL I~RSONS SIGHING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED (X.IRDa:_.SIGNATEDCONTA PERSORISNELSONBETA/iCOURT. PHONE # 694..1832 NA P~INT NAME PRINT ADORE88 :,q83'~ "' I' ,_~ '3qg r7 3~s'7 · . ~ ~ ~ ~t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,/,//1~ PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS pE'rrl'IO N, UNB~RSTAND WItAT YOU ARE SIGNING. rr I RECOMMEli)ED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'8 POLICY FOR CLOGURE OR MO[NFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DO ..S CALLE MEDUGA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR ClOGtiff..: 1. IS ff A "LOCAL STREET' ON THE CI'I'Y'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CAm l; MEDUSA Ft~IM,I,R~Y RE$1DEI, rrlAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER BAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETfflON ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CL.O~ING OF CAI ~; M~ ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETfflON DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED AS IDEFINED BY TRE CITY (IDG.!!T 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT Pfr, RSON IS HELSON BETANCOt,IRT, PHONE I Gi4-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NABE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT '1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POi. K;'*Y FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC eTREE'r~. IN PARTICULAR, DOE~ CAI..J.E MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR C!.(~URE: I. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" 0 N THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMEN/~ YF~ 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. IX)ES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PLrrlTION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POliCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING O~ C,kl I F Mi ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Pt'TITIO N DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIOE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PF, RSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT, PHONE # 694-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT AOORESS OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), BEFORE YOU SIGN TI.I~ PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE ~alI4G. IT IS RECOMMEgI)ED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'~ POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON ~ STREETS, IN PARTICULAR, DOE~ CALLE MF. DUBA MEET THE FOt,LOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CI..O~URE: 1.1S IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'B CIRCULATION Iq lIMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRNARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOf.,UME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YE~ ALL PERSONS SIGNING ~ FtETITION ACKNONMLEDGE IT IS TH~ CITY~ POUCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CO~T8 DIRECTLY A~SC)CIA TED WITH THE ~ OF CAU,E MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGMNG THIS PETITI01 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI.EY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA lIPACTED OURDE$1GNATEDCONTACTPER~ONISlf*d,~ONBET~. PHOME!e94-1~32 'V DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT 18 RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'$ POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIRCATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PtJBUC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR, DOE8 CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CL.(~URE: I. IS ITA"LOCALSTREET"0NTHECITY'SC1RCtJI.ATION~qqENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA Fq~IMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NAT YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEI*ICI2S Fr,=R DAY? YES ALL F~RSON8 SIGNING THIS I=~"TITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT 18 THE C1TY"8 POLICY "IllAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COST8 DIRECTLY A880ClATED WITH THE ~ OF CN: t M~ ALL PERSONS SitiNG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA lIPACTED AS DEFIED BY THE Crr'Y (EXHIBIT i). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE IF 694-1832 ' (' CzKCtE [ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLA8 RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, I,IND~RSTAND WHAT YOU ARE 81~NelG, IT IS RECOMMEIi3F, D THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CIT~'S POLICY FOR CL08URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON Pt,IBUC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, IX)IS CALLE ME~ MEET THE FOLLOWWiG CITY CRITERIA FOR CI.DSUIF_: 1.181T A "LOCAL STREr OR TNE CITY"S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOE8 ~ VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHIOI,r:.8 PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THiS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT I~ THE CITY"8 P(H. ICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS& DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSN6 OF CALLE MEIXJSA. ALL PERSONS 8IGNNG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA lIPACTED M DEFBED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT FERB0118 NELSONBETANCOURT. FNONEIGg4-1832 81GNA~ I~INT NAME PRINT A~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT t). BEFORE YOU SIGN This PETITION. UIO ERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SINWIG. IT IS RECOIlMENDED '114AT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'8 POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. INpARTICUt. AR, [X3F. SCALLEMEINJSAMEETTHEFOLLOWINGCITYCRITEPJAFORCI,OSURE: t. IS fT A "LOCAL 8TRtr.~- ON TIE CITY'8 CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDEIfilAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOt. UME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS FETfTION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 P(XJCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE Ct,0Sll3 OF CALLE MEDU$A. A~. FERSONS SIGNING THIS ~ DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RE&~E WffHIN THE AREA IMPACTED, MDEFII~DBYTHECITY~XiliNT~. OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS ~ BETANCOURT. PHONE ! 14-1832 SINATTIRE ~ NMIE PRINT A!X)RE&S ' ~ m7 ~7 ~Tq~ 31r4orf tl --II DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDER~TANO WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING, IT IS RECOMMENDPgD THAT yOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MOOIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON ~ STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE M~ MEET THE FOU.OW~NG CITY CRITERIA FOR CI,,O~URE: 1.1SffA"LOCALSTItEE'r'ONTHEOtTY'IClRCti,ATIONELEMENT? YES 2.1S CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTtAL IN NATURE? YE~ 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2110 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL I~RSONS SIGNING THIS PETITKII AC~E IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY TI,L~T THEY MAY NIlrl TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS IItECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSII~ OF C~ILl I= MEDUIA, ALL PIERSONG SIGHING THIS PLrrITION DO HEREBY CEITTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA lIPACTED AS D EFII~D BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2). OUR $1GNATEDCONTACTPER~ORISHEL.SONBETANCOURT. PHONEIG84-1832 s:Is;r 317~* __ t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGffiNG. IT IS RECOMMENOED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR Ct.O~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOE8 CALL,E M~ MEET THE FOLLOWlie CiTY CRITERIA FOR Ct.O~UR~: t. IS IT A "LOCAL ITREr ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS C,I[Lm= MEDUSA IqtlMNtI.Y RESIDENTIAL IN NATritE? YE8 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCIED 200~ VEHICLES I~R DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Pt'TrrlON ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'I POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN All. C0~TS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE Ct. OSIIG OF CAt I ~= MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNIG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WTTI'IN THE AREA IMPACTED AB I)EFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT I~ OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON Ill NELSON BLrTANC(XJRT. Iq4ONE · 6N-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ~ ADOREIS OWlfoR? ',/,j:_¢ ~/~S / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECO MMENDF. D THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBUC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLO~/ING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1. IS IT A "LOCAl STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDEI(TIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Pt'TITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'E FOLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSDGIATIED W'ITH TNE CLOSING OF C~J J I;: MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITNIN THE AREA IMPACTED Ae DEFINED BY THE C~'Y (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE · ~94-t832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADDRESS OWNER? Nor> DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU AR~ SIGNNG. IT I RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CrTY'$ POLICY FOR CLC~URE OR MO[XFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON INBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO~URE: t. lS IT A 'LOCAL STREET" ON THE GITY'S GIRCt, t. ATIONELEMENT~ yl~ 2.1SCAIlFMEDUSAlaRIMARILYRESI3ENTIALINNA~JRE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YF.8 ALL PERSON~ SIGNING THIS FETffl0N ACKNOWI.,EDGE IT IS THE CITY"8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CO~T$ DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED IffTH THE CI,.O~I~ OF CAU..E MEIXJ~ ALL PERSON8 SIGNING THIS iq~ I i 1 ION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI.EY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED A~ DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIIT 2). OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON I~ NF_L~ON BETANCOURT. PHONE I ~i4-1832 SIGNATURE ImlNT NAME PRINT ADI)RE88 ,--/.: z/4f /o DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT I). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT II RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CI*TY'~ POUCY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1.1SFFA"LOCALITREET"0NTHECITY'SCIRCtJI.ATIONELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALL.E MEDUSA PRIMI, RILY RESIDENTLI~ IN NATURE? YB 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2O00 V'BICLES FER DAy? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNIIG THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY la:Fn TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COST8 DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSItG OF C,As a s: MEDUSA. ALL F~RSONS SIGNING THIS I:t"rITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TFEY RESIDE W~THIN THE AREA lIPACTED OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERS01 IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE II ~4..1832 SIGHA~ PlaNT NAME P~INT ADDI~S~ OWT~ER? /0o E~ ~ , Host~ d~'~ 'J~'~~O {3,t/,rr Ly/NE tu DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBrr 1). ~FORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU iST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWI~) CITY CRITERIA FO~ CLOSURE: 1. ISITA"LOCALSTREET"ONTHECITY'SCIRCULATIONELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. ~ TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES FER DAY? YES L PER;~)NS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'e POUCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO RTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CL.I~INQ DE C/i I I: MEDUSA, L PF, RSONS SIGNNO THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI.k'Y RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED , DEFINED BY THE CfTY (BXI'gBIT 2). IR DEIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS RELEON BETANCOURT. PHONE · 694-1832 .W, 61. IT)~C, cDT C T DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BE'RNEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU ~ THI8 PETITION, ~TANO WHAT YOU AI~ SIGNING, IT 18 ii~'C"' "'E:'~Ers 'THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CFf'Y'8 FOUCY FOR CL0~LIRE O~ M(X)FICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON ~ 8'TREETS. INPARTICIJLAR, OO~ICALLEMEEXlIAMEETTHEFOLLOWINGClI~CRIT1EI~AFO~CLOIURE: 1.181TA"LOC. ALITREET"ONTHECITY~CIIClJLATIONF. I.IBIENT'/ .... YES 2.1SCALLEMEt}UBAIq:IIINILYRESIOENTtN, INNATUI~'? yk-t 3. DOEII'l'RAFF'ICVO44JMEEXCEE~,~VIB41Cl..ESI~i~I)AY? , YE~ ALLp~RBO~SSI~NINGTHIIPETITIONAC~EITI~I'HECITY'BPOL.ICY'I1,1ATTILIYMAyNEEDTO pARTIClPATE INALL(~ITI IY ABIOCIATEDWfi'H11tCt.O~NGOFCALi.fMEDUSA. ALL. Irr. RSON8 IIGIN THII I:ETITION DO HEREBY CE~I1FY THAT TI'EY RESIDE WITHIN TIE AREA IMPACTED ASDEIqNEDIY'I~EC,,/TY4EXHIBITI). OUR DEBIQ, NATED COffi'ACT ~ I~ II~LIO~ 8LrrANCOU~T. PHOI~ 1 114.1132 mINT NAME NO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLA$ RD, AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT t), BEFOeE YOU 8i0N THIS rt i s s ION, UNDERSTAND WI~kT YOU ARE 8.IGNffiG. IT 18 RECO MMEIINBD THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CrFY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URIE OR MO(HFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC ITREET$. INPARTH3JLAR, I:)OEJCALLEME)UI, AMEIETTHEF-(X~L.OWIiOCITYCRITERIAF-0RCLOSUR~ t. BITA"LOCALBTREIT"ONTI, ICITY'ICIRCIJLATIONFJ. EMIENT? ' ALLPERIONSBKMIIOTI.ISlaETITIONACKNOWLEDQErrlSTHECf1'Y'BPOUCYTHATTHEYMAyNEEDTO PARTICIPATE IN ALL C0(ST8 INRECTLY A88OCIATED WffH THE ~ O~ CSL~;: MEDU&S, ALL PER~QN~ 8161l~ THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY ~ WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED 816NATURE FRINT NMIE PRI/T NXXIE88 OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE 0R MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR. DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET TH~ FOLLOWING CITY CRrTERLA FO~ 1.1S IT A "LOCAL ,STREET" O~ THE CrTY'B CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IG CAIi F MEDUSA PRIMARILy RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEEO 20OO VEHICI,EB PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY"8 P(X.ICY THAT THEY MAY MEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED Wl11'1 THE CL.O~ING OF C~I I ~ MEIXJBA. ALL Irr. RSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTEl) AS DEF!i~ BY THE CITY (EXI.IBrr ~. OIJR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON 18 ~ BET~. FHONE I1 e~1-1832 SIGNATURE RtlNT NAME /t/O Pf~N'r ADOREll OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ), BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION. UI, i:~RSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMEIO ED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MOOIFICATICN OF 'TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUSUC STREETS. IN pARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOU.OW1NG CITY CRITERIA FOR CI..O~URE: 1. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRCUI.ATION ELEMENT? YES ?.. IS CAL~F MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIOENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2Oe~ VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PLrfiTION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'$ POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATEDWITH THE CLOSING OF C,k~l: MEIXJSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFNED BY THE CITY (EXHilT ~. OUR 0ESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOIJR'T. PHONE · ~4-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU :SiN THIS PETITION, UNI)F_RSTANI WHAT YOU ARE SIGNIN0, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~UIE OR MOOIFICATIO N OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES C~l; ;: MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t. IS IT A 'LOCAL 8TREE'P ON TIE CITY'8 CIRCtJL.ATION ELEMENT? ,YES 2. IS C.ALLI= MEDUSA PRIMARILY REBIDEIfrlAL IN NATURE? , YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOt,UME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY/ YES ALL P~RSONS SIGNING 'THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO pARTICIPATE IN AU, COSTS D~RECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CAs s I= MEDUSA, ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS FETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED ,( OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON 18 NELSON BETANCOtJRT. PtK)NE · 694-1832 ,le_ [ / DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN TI.P,S PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CI'TY'$ POLICY FO~ CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DO E~ Ca.:: ;: MEDUSA MEET THE FOLL0V/ING CITY CRITERIA FOR C~O~UflE: 1.1S rr A "LOCAL STREET* ON THE CITY"3 CRCUI.ATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS C~I I ;: MEDUSA PRNARILY RESIDEk'fiAL el NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLtliE EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNNG THIS P~TITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CI..OBNG OF CALLE MEI)USA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED ASOEFINEDBYTHECfi~(EXHIBIT~. OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANC(XJRT. PHONE · ~N-1832 3/yqo ye.r DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITIO~ UNOERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE C~'Y'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF 'TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBI, JC STREETS. INPARTICUL.AR, DOF..S CALLE MEIXIBA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO6UI~F.: 1.1S lT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIROULATION In I:uEHT? YES 2, IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY REBIIXgiTtAL IN NATURLr~ YE~ 3. IX)ES/RAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED ~ VEHICLES I~R DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Ft$ihON ACKNCAIa. B)GE IT IS THE CITY'S FOLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WffH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA, ALL P~RSO NS SKIliNG THIS P~ I s I K)N DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WTrHIN THE AREA IMPACTED OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IG NEI.~ON BETJI4~IOOUIrr. FdC)fE · ~4,.1832 SIGHA~ PRINT NkAME Pf~JNT ~M3ORESS OWneR? Y DEPARTMENT : ' 'I UBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1), EFORE YOU SIGN THI PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU AR~ SIGNING, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU RST READ THE CffY'8 POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MOOFICATION OF TRAFFIC FlOW OR latlBl, IC 8TRELrrB. ,/ :F I. IS ff A"LOCAL STREET" OR THE CI'TY"S ClRCULATION B,.EMENI'? / 1~ ZlSCALLEM~PRIRARJLYREBIDENTIALINNATURE? YES L3. DOFJllAFFICVOLUMEEXGEED20~V'EflQI, ESPERDAY? YE~ .L PERBON~ 81GNING ~ prrITIoN ACKNO~DGE It I THE CITY'~ POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO ~RTICI~ATE IN ALL CO~T$ DIRECTLY A~OCIATED I~ITH THE ~ OF CAU. E MIE~ £ I~ SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED I~Iti~BYTHECffY(EXHIMT2), 81~HATUi~ PRINT NAME PRINT ADORE~ OWMER? NO NO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS FETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLC~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON FUSt. IC STREETS. IN pARTiCULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO6URE: 1.1S IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRt~I.ATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALl ;: MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIOBiTIAL N I~ATUI~? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLtIRE EXCEED ~ VEHICL.I~ PER DAY? YES ALL P~RSON~ SIGNING THIS F~'TITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT I~ THE C~'Y"8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CC~T.S D~ECTLY ASSOCIATED WITI,I THE CLO61NG OF CALLE MEDUSA, AI.~ P~RSON$ SIGNiiG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT P~RSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE · ~1-1832 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). :FORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RSCOMMENOED THAT YOU :~ST READ THE CITY'8 POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MOOIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS. PARTICULAR, DOF,8 CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLO WING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 1. IS IT A "LO CAL STREET" ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEtlCLES FF.R DAY? YES L PERSONS SIGNBIG THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO RTICIPATE IN ALL CO~T8 DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF C,ALLI: MEDUSA. L PERSONS $IGNNG THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI~'Y RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED iR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE · ~4-1832 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1 ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PE'rrTION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING, ff I RECOMMENDEO THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRrrERIA FOR CI..O~URE: t. IS ff A "LOCAL STREET* ON THE CrFY'S CIRCULATION I:! I:MENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN HATtIRE? YES 3, DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS eq:i ii lON ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'8 POliCY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL C0~TS [~RECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF C~ I:: MEI)USA, ALL PERSONS SIGRIND THIS F~'TITIO N DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2), OUR DESIGHATED CONTACT PEREON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. EHONEI~94-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADORESS OWNER? ',2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT t ). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENOF. D THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLO~URE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBL)C ~TREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEIXJSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLO6URE: t. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CFI'Y'$ CIRCLR.ATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CAm m F MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATUIE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS Ft'TrTION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY"8 POLICY THAT l MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CO~T8 DIRECTLY A~8OCIATED WITH THE Ct.0~ING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL PERSON~ SIGNING THIS FETITION DO H~REBY CERTFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA NPACTED OUR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURTo PHONE # 694..1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT A~ OWNER? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETWEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEIXISA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: t. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET" ON THE CITY'$ CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2. IS CALLE MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CAME Ml. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (~ 2). OCR DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONE#694-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT AIX)R~S$ ~? DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE CALLE MEDUSA BETVVEEN NICOLAS RD. AND LA SERENA AT THE LOCATION SPECIFIED ON THE MAP (EXHIBIT 1). BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MO~FICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW OR PUBLIC STREETS. IN PARTICULAR, DOES CALLE MEDUSA MEET THE FOLLOWING CITY CRITERIA FOR CLOSURE: 'f. IS IT A "LOCAL STREET* ON THE CITY'S CIRCULATION ELEMENT? YES 2, IS CAME MEDUSA PRIMARILY RESIDENTIAL IN NATURE? YES 3. DOES TRAFFIC VOLUME EXCEED 2000 VEHICLES PER DAY? YES ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION ACKNOWLEDGE IT IS THE CITY'S POLICY THAT THEY MAY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL COSTS DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLOSING OF CALLE MEDUSA. ALL PERSONS SIGNING THIS PETITION DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEY RESIDE WITHIN THE AREA IMPACTED AS DEFINED BY THE CITY (EXHIBIT 2). OUR DESIGHATED CONTACT PERSON IS NELSON BETANCOURT. PHONES694-1832 SIGNATURE PRINT NAME PRINT ADDRESS ONYNER? ~ I O~ (.u~t,c ,~- EXHIBIT "C" Boundary of Affected Area EXHIBIT "D" Policy for Closure or Modification of Traffic Flow on Public Streets CITY OF TEMECULA POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIYICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS Traffic flow modifications covered by this policy include all "official traffic control devices" authorized by the California Vehicle Code. Some of the methods authorized in particular circumstances might include traffic islands, curbs, traffic barriers, or other roadway design features, removing or relocation traffic signals and one-way traffic flow. CRITERIA A petition request for the closure or modification of traffic flow on public streets, including re- opening previously closed streets, will be considered by the City for those streets meeting all of the following criteria: The street must be classified as a "local street" based on the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan. b. The street should be primarily residential in nature. Traffic volumes on the street must equal or exceed 2,000 vehicles per day for a complete closure. Volumes for a partial closure must equal or exceed 1,000 vehicles per day. Public Safety Agencies have not pwvided sufficient evidence of any major public safety concerns regarding the proposed street closure or traffic flow modification. An engineering safety study has determined that the proposed closure or traffic flow modifications will not create unreasonable traffic on the subject street or on streets which may be impacted by diverted traffic. The changes in traffic flow will not result in unreasonable liability exposure for the City. All persons signing a petition requesting a street closure or traffic flow modification acknowledge it is the City's policy that they will need to participate in all costs directly associated with the street closure or traffic flow modification in order to facilitate the funding of the ultimate improvements needed to implement the street closure or traffic flow modifications. h. The requested action is authorized by legislative authority in State law. PETITION R EQUIRE1VIENTS The tbllowing procedures must be followed for submitting a petition to the City: The City Traffic Engineer will examine the technical feasibility and anticipated impacts of the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications. This review will include, but will not be limited to, items such as State law, the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan, the type of road or street involved, compliance with engineering regulations, existing traffic conditions, projected traffic conditions, the potential for traffic diversion to adjacent streets, the increased liability exposure for the City or conflicts with future planned improvements. The City Traffic Engineer will determine the boundary of the "affected area" to be petitioned. The affected area will include those properties where normal travel routes are altered by the street closure or traffic flow modifications, ~ properties which are significantly impacted by traffic that is to be diverted. The petition requesting the street closure or traffic flow modifications must be supported by a minimum of 75 percent of the total number of properties within the "affected area." Persons submitting petitions must attempt to contact all property owners within the affected area to determine their views on the proposed street closure or modifications in traffic flow. The City will not accept a petition unless the petitioner offers confirmation in a form satisfactory to the City Traffic Engineer that at least 85 percent of the property owners in the affected area have been contacted and have either signed the petition in support of the street closure or traffic flow modification or have signed a document indicating non-support for the street closure or traffic flow modification. d. At a minimum, petitions submitted to the City for review must include the following: · A statement that all persons signing the petition acknowledge it is the City 's polic y that they will need to participate in all costs directly associated with the street closure or traffic flow modifications in order to facilitate the funding of the ultimate improvements needed to implement the street closure or traffic flow modifications. A drawing showing the exact location of the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications and the boundary of the "affected area" must be provided: The drawing must include changes in traffic patterns anticipated as result of the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications. · The petition language must also clearly explain the location and nature of the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications. The petition language and attached drawing must be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to circulation to ensure its accuracy and ability to be clearly understood. · A specific reference to the Vehicle Code section authorizing such street closure or traffic flow modifications must be provided. A sample petition has been provided as an attachment to this policy. PETITION REVW~W PROCESS The following process will be used to review a, Lt peltions associated with a proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications: The City Traffic Engineer will review any petition to verify compliance with all petition requirements set forth above, including whether the request in the petition is authorized by State law. Any petiton not complying with these requirements will not be accepted for consideration. If the petition contains all of the required information under this policy, the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications will be referred to all affected public agencies in conjunction with the environmental review process. When applicable, these agencies will include all City Departments, the local office of the California Highway Patrol, County Sheriff and Fire Departments, all affected local utility companies, Temecula Valley Unified School District, Riverside Transit Agency, the local office of California Department of Transportation and any other agencies affected by the requested closure or traffic flow modification. If the petton contains all of the required information under this policy, where the street closure or traffic flow modifications on a street or system of streets may be accomplished by several different methods, a public workshop will be held to which all petitioners, affected property owners, and long-term tenants such as mobile home park residents will be invited to participate after the petition requesting the traffic flow modifications or street closure has been received and verified by the City. The purpose of the workshop will be to attempt to determine the method that has the greatest community support. CITY ACTION ON STREET CLOSURE OR TRAFFIC FLOW MODIFICATION REQUFSTS Once a petition contains all of the required information and all of the matters described above under "Petition Review Process" have been completed, the City Traffic Engineer will prepare a report with recommendations and initiate and complete the environmental review process for the project. Project alternatives to the extent required will be defined for a temporary or permanent street closure or traffic flow modifications. The City of Temecula, Public/Traffic Safety Commission will review the street closure or traffic flow modifications request, any environmental review document prepaxed for the project, all public agency referral responses received during the environmental review process, and the results of the technical staff review. The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission may support or recommend against the street closure or traffic flow modifications. If the Public/Traffic Safety Commission denies the proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications, that action will be final unless within ten days from the date of the City Traffic Engineer' s notification of the Commission' s decision to all property owners within the affected area, a property owner within the affected area appeals the Commission's decision to the City Council. In order to appeal the decision. the property owner shall file a written notice of appeal with the Department of Public Works. The appeal will be heard in accordance with the Appeal Process listed below. If the request is recommended for further consideration, after public notice is given, the City Counci/may, after making any necessary findings, establish a temporary or permanent period of street closure or traffic flow modifications. When the City Council considers a recommendation of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission or an appeal of a decision of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission with respect to a proposed street closure or traffic flow modifications, it will follow the process outlined below: A letter explaining the street closure or traffic flow modifications and the time and place when the matter will be heard by the City Council will be sent to all property owners, within the affected area prior to its installation. All approaches to the proposed closure or modification will be posted notifying motorists of upcoming Public Hearing. A Public Hearing will be set before the City Council and public notice will be given at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing by letter to property owners in the affected area and by posting of signs on the affected roadways as described in this Section and by a notice published in the newspaper. Public notification of the City Council action will be given in cases when a street closure or traffic modifications is approved by the City Council, and signs giving notice of the street closure or ~-'affic flow modifications will also be erected at least two weeks prior to the date of implementation of the street closure or traffic modifications. In the event the action involves a highway not under the exclusive jurisdiction of the City of Temecula, the City will obtain the proper approvals from the California Transportation Commission pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21101 or 21100 (d) prior to implementation of the street closure or traffic flow modification. f. A letter explaining the final City Council decision will be sent by the City to all property owners, within the affected area. The City Council lias the sole discretion, subject to all applicable laws, to approve, modify, continue or deny any street closure or traffic flow modifications request regardless of any support or lack thereof via the petition process. Any action by the City Council to approve or deny a street closure or traffic flow modifications request will be by adoption of a formal resolution. DEPARTSlENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PETITION TO CLOSE OR MODIFY THE TRAFFIC FLOW ON STREET BETWEEN AND BY THE INSTALLATION OF (Nature of Chartges) AT (Location) DATE: BEFORE YOU SIGN THIS PETITION, UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SIGNINGI IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FIRST READ THE CITY'S POLICY FOR CLOSURE OR MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC FLOW ON PUBLIC STREETS. We, the undersigned resident of the area shown on the a~ched map do/do not petition the City of Temeeula to on S~reet as shown on the attached drawing. All persons signing this petition acknowledge it is the City' s policy that they will need to participate in all costs directly associated with the street closure or traffic flow modification in order to facilitate the funding of the ultimate improvements needed to implement the sweet closure or traffic flow modification. The specific California Vehicle Code section(s) authorizing such closure or traffic flow modifications states: All persons signing this petition do hereby certify that they reside within the area impacted by the proposed traffic flow change as shown on the attached map. Our designated contact person is: Phone: Sigx~ature Print Name Print Address APPENDIX "A" RULES AND REGULATIONS: SUBJECT MATTER VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21100. Local authorities may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution regarding the following matters: a. Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways. Licensing and regulating the operation of vehicles for hire and drivers of passenger vehicles for hire. c. Regulating traffic by means of traffic officers. Regulating traffic by means of official traffic control devices meeting the requirements of Section 21400. Regulating traffic by means of any person given temporary or permanent appoinmaent for such duty by the local authority whenever official traffic control devices are disabled or otherwise inoperable, at the scenes of accidents or disasters, or at such locations as may require traffic direction for orderly traffic flow. No person shall, however, be appointed pursuant to this subdivision unless and until the local authority has submined to the commissioner or to the chief law enforcement officer exercising jurisdiction in the enforcement of traffic laws within the area in which such person is to perform such duty, for review, a proposed program of instruction for the training of a person for such duty, and unless and until the commissioner or such other chief law enforcement officer approves the proposed program. The commissioner or such other chief law enforcement officer shall approve such a proposed program if he reasonably determines ~3at the program will provide sufficient training for persons assigned to perform the duty described in fixis subdivision. Regulating traffic at the site of road or sweet consreaction or maintenance by persons authorized for such duty by the local authority. Licensing and regulating the operation of tow truck service or tow mack drivers whose principal place of business or employment is within the jurisdiction of the local authority, excepting the operation and operator of any auto dismantier's tow vehicle licensed under Section 11505 or any tow lruck operated by a repossessing agency licensed under Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 7500) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and its registered employees. Nothing in this subdivision shall limit the authority of a city or city and county pursuant to Section 12111. Operation of bicycles, and, as specified in Section 21114.5, electric carts by physically disabled persons, or persons 50 years of age or older, on the public sidewalks. Providing for the appoinunent of nonstudent school crossing guards for the protection of persons who are crossing a street or highway in the vicinity of a school or while returning thereafter to a place of surety. Regulating the methods of deposit of garbage and refuse in streets and highways for collection by the local authority or by any person authorized by the local authority. Regulating cruising. The ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to ntis subdivision shall regulated cruising, which shall be defined as the repetitive driving of a motor vehicle past a traffic control point. in traffic which is congested at or near the traffic control point, as determined by the ranking peace officer on duty within the affected area, within a specified time period and after the vehicle operator has been given an adequate wrinen notice that further driving past the control point wi/l be a violation of the ordinance or resolution. No person is in violation of an ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to rids subdivision unless (1) that person has been given the written notice on a previous driving trip past the control point and then again passes the control point in that same me interval and (2) the beginning and end of the portion of the street subject to cruising controls are clearly identified by signs that briefly and clearly state the appropriate provisions of this subdivision and the local ordinance or resolution on cruising. Regulating or authorizing the removal by peace officers of vehicles unlawfiflly parked in a fire lane, as described in Section 22500.1, on private property. Any removal pursuant to this subdivision sh~ll be consistent to the extent pnssible with the procedures for removal and storage set forth in Chapter I0 (commencing with Section 22650). TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: UNIFORM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21 I00.1 Whenever any city or county, by ordinance or resolution, permits, restricts, or prohibits the use of public or private highways pursuant to this article, any traffic control device erected by it on or after January 1, 1981, shah conform to the uniform standards and specifications adopted by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 21400. REGULATION OF HIGHWAYS VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21101. Local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and reg~/ations by ordinance or resolution on the following matters: a. Closing any highway to vehicular traffic when, in the opinion of the legislative body having jurisdiction, the highway is no longer needed for vehicular traffic. Designating any highway as a through highway and requiring that all vehicles observe official traffic control devices before entering or crossing the highway or designating any intersection as a stop intersecuon and requiring all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances to the intersection. Prohibiting the use of particular highways by certain vehicles, except as otherwise provided by the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 1031) of Chapter 5 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Public Utilities Code. No ordinance which is adopted pursuant to this subdivision after November 10, 1969, shall apply to any state highway which is included in the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, except an ordinance which has been approved by ~e California Transportation Commission by a four-fifths vote. Closing particular streets during regular school hours for the purpose of conducting automobile driver training programs in the secondary schools and colleges of this state. Temporarily closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes when, in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction, the closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing. Prohibiting entry to, or exit from, or both, horn any street by means of islands, curbs, traffic barriers, or other roadway design features to implement the circulation element of a general plan adopted pursuant to AHicle 6 (commencing with Seelion 65350) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Ti~e 7 of the Government Code. The rules and regulations authorized by this subdivision shall be consistent with the responsibility of local government to provide for the health and safety of its citizens. LOCAL AUTHORITY TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE HIGHWAY: CRIMINAL ACTIVITY VEHICLE CODE SECTION 21101.4 (a) A local authority may, by ordinance or resolution, adopt rules and regulations for temporarily closing to through traffic a highway under its jurisdiction when all of the following conditions are, after a public heating, found to exist. The local authority finds and determines that there is serious and continual criminal activity in the portion ofthe hlghway recommended for temporary closure. This ~nding and determinafion shall be based upon the recommendation of the police department or, in the ease of a highway in an unincorporated area, on the joint recommendation of the sheriff s department and the Deparunent of the California Highway Patrol. 2. The highway has not been designated as a through highway or arterial street. 3. Vehicular or pedestrian traffic on the highway contributes to the criminal activity. The closure will not substantially adversely affect the operation of emergency vehicles, the performance of municipal or public utility services, or the delivery of freight by commercial vehicles in the area of the highway proposed to be temporarily closed. A highway may be temporarily closed pursuant to subdivision (a) for not more than 18 months, except amt period may, pursuant to subdivision (a), be extended for one additional period of not more than months. EXHIBIT "E" Volume and Accident Data ;ITE CODE: 00000000 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE: 2 ;TREET : Calle Medusa FILE: medusa IM|TS : Between Riverton & Kahwea : DATE: 9/03/98 ,E ....... n/b .............. s/b ............ COHBINED ..... DAY: THURSDAY IEGIN AM PM AM PM AM PM 2:00 1 21 2 12 3 33 2:15 3 28 6 14 9 42 2:30 1 19 0 18 1 37 2:45 2 7 I6 84 1 9 18 62 3 16 34 146 1:00 2 13 0 9 2 22 1:15 0 21 0 6 0 27 1:30 0 16 1 8 1 24 1:45 2 4 24 74 2 3 28 51 4 7 52 125 2:00 0 20 1 27 1 47 2:15 0 60 0 14 0 74 2:30 0 36 0 32 0 68 2:45 0 0 33 149 1 2 43 116 1 2 76 265 3:00 0 56 0 35 0 91 3:15 0 47 0 24 0 71 3:30 2 32 1 17 3 49 3:45 1 3 27 162 4 5 27 103 5 8 54 265 4:00 0 30 1 35 1 65 4:15 2 28 1 29 3 57 4:30 1 29 2 25 3 54 4:45 1 4 37 124 4 8 32 121 5 12 69 245 5:00 2 29 2 32 4 61 5:15 3 41 4 37 7 78 5:30 7 28 3 30 10 58 5:45 9 21 29 127 5 14 44 143 14 35 73 270 ~0 9 34 4 38 13 72 15 5 32 10 33 15 65 6:30 15 35 21 21 36 56 6:45 36 65 30 131 43 78 36 128 79 143 66 259 7:00 41 32 83 23 124 55 7:15 42 28 61 22 103 50 7:30 29 19 21 13 50 32 7:45 25 137 13 92 19 184 13 71 44 321 26 163 8:00 14 13 16 23 30 36 8:15 24 20 32 19 56 39 8:30 32 19 42 15 74 34 8:45 37 107 18 70 28 118 13 70 65 225 31 140 9:00 16 15 19 13 35 28 9:15 18 15 17 6 35 21 9:30 14 13 14 10 28 23 9:45 12 60 ll 54 15 65 6 35 27 125 17 89 0:00 14 15 13 5 27 20 0:15 9 8 20 7 29 15 0:30 16 6 13 7 29 13 0:45 24 63 7 36 15 61 2 21 39 124 9 57 1:00 10 4 18 2 28 6 1:15 16 1 14 I 30 2 1:30 18 2 13 4 31 6 1:45 18 62 2 9 10 55 3 10 28 117 5 19 OTALS 533 1112 602 931 AY TOTALS 1645 1533 PL|T % 47.0 54.4 53.0 45.6 1135 2043 3178 HOUR 6:45 2:15 6:30 5:15 6:45 2:15 OLUME 148 185 208 149 356 309 .H.F. 0.88 0,77 0.63 0.85 0.72 0.85 ;ITE CCX)E: 00000000 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE: 3 ;TREET : WaLcott Lane FILE: watcott .IMITS : 100' South of Carte Chapos : DATE: 9/03/98 .E ....... s/b .............. n/b ............ COMBINED ..... DAY: THURSDAT ~EGIN AM PM AM PM AM PM 2:00 0 4 0 5 0 9 2:15 2 8 0 6 2 14 2:30 1 9 0 11 1 20 2:45 1 4 6 27 1 1 11 33 2 5 17 60 1:00 0 3 2 7 2 10 1:15 0 6 0 10 0 16 1:30 0 9 0 11 0 20 1:45 1 1 9 27 1 3 11 39 2 4 20 ~ 2:00 1 9 0 17 1 26 2:15 0 13 0 11 0 24 2:30 0 10 0 29 0 39 2:45 0 I 10 42 0 0 22 79 0 1 32 121 3:00 0 14 1 20 1 34 3:15 0 14 0 15 0 29 3:30 0 10 1 19 1 29 3:45 1 1 8 46 2 4 7 61 3 5 15 107 4:00 1 9 1 10 2 19 4:15 3 17 0 23 3 40 4:30 1 7 0 15 1 22 4:45 1 6 11 44 1 2 10 58 2 8 21 102 5:00 0 14 1 13 1 27 5:15 3 12 1 12 4 24 5:30 2 10 1 19 3 29 5:45 2 7 11 47 5 8 19 63 7 15 30 110 O0 0 13 1 24 1 37 15 4 9 1 18 5 27 6:30 5 6 5 12 10 18 6:45 25 34 2 30 15 22 12 66 40 56 14 96 7:00 33 8 25 7 58 15 7:15 23 7 34 9 57 16 7:30 19 5 12 5 31 10 7:45 13 88 2 22 8 79 3 24 21 167 5 46 8:00 11 1 4 4 15 5 8:15 12 1 8 4 20 5 8:30 11 2 9 4 20 6 8:45 15 49 1 5 6 27 7 19 21 76 8 24 9:00 5 1 3 5 8 6 9:15 5 3 5 1 10 4 9:45 6 27 2 7 3 13 2 9 9 40 4 16 0:00 2 4 7 0 9 4 0:15 5 3 5 1 10 4 0:30 3 3 4 1 7 4 0:45 8 18 0 10 11 27 3 5 19 45 3 15 1:00 8 0 7 0 15 0 1:30 3 0 12 0 15 0 1:45 9 30 1 1 8 32 1 2 17 62 2 3 OTAL5 266 308 218 458 AY TOTALS 574 676 PLIT % 55.0 40.2 45.0 59.8 484 766 1250 K HOUR 6:45 4:15 6:45 2:30 6:45 2:30 OLUME 100 49 86 86 1~ 134 ,H,F, 0.76 0,72 0.63 0,74 0.80 0.86 Single-Family Detached Housing (2 10) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday Number of Studies: Average Number of Dwelling Units: Directional Distribution: 348 206 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation par Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates 9.55 4.31 - 21.85 Standard Deviation 3.66 Data Plot and Equation 30,000 Iii 20,o00 ~- 10,000 0 1000 2000 X = Number of Dwelling Units × Actual Data Points ~ FItte~l Curve ..... Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.921 Ln(X) + 2,698 R2 = 0.96 Trip Generation, January 1991 257 Institute of Transportation Engineers 0 ~o~ ITEM NO. 3 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic December 9, 1999 Item 3 Election of Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson and Co- Chairperson PREPARED BY: Anita J. Pyle, Administrative Secretary RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson entertain nominations from the Commissioners to elect a Chairperson and a Co-Chairperson to preside until the end of the 2000 calendar year. BACKGROUND: The Commission appoints a member to serve as Chairperson and Co-Chairperson annually. This position is assumed at the first meeting of January, and the newly elected Chairperson and Co-Chairperson will preside through the 2000 calendar year. FISCAL IMPACT: None