HomeMy WebLinkAbout041599 PTS AgendaIn cmnpliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the oflicc of the City Clerk at (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting x~l enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35. 102.35. 104 ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY CO1VIMISSION ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, April 15, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS COMMISSIONERS: Connerton, Edwards, Markham, Telesio, Coe A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When ytlu are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. n "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the For all other age da items, a Commissit>n gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one unanimous vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Public/Traffic Safety Con~mission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minut~ of March 25. 1999 RECOMMENDATION: I. 1 Approve the Minutes of March 25, 1999 r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\99\0415\041599Agenda/ajp COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Formation of a Subcommittee to lmolement Stalll,ered Work Hours RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission establish a subcommittee to study and make recommendations regarding a staggered work hour program. The subcommittee will make a recommendation to the City Council. 3. Feasibility nf EstablishinR Town Hall Meetings RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission discuss the feasibility of establishing town hall meetings. 4. Street lmorovement Projects Associated with the Temeeula Regional Center RECOMMENDATION: 4. I That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a report on the approved street improvement projects associated with the Temecula Regional Center. 5. Traffic Engineer's Report 6. Police Chief's Report 7. Fire Chief's Report 8. Commission Report ADJOURNMENT The next adjourned regular meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, April 29, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, Caliti~rnia. ITEM NO. I CALLTO ORDER MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MARCH 25, 1999 The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:04 P.M., on Thursday, March 25. 1999, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. California. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Commissioners Connerton, Edwards, *Markham, Telesio and Chairman Coe None Acting Director of Public Works Hughes, Senior Engineer Moghadam Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Kelley :':Commissioner Markham arrived at 6:15 P.M. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Connerton led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minutes of March 11, 1999 MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to approve the minutes of March 11, 1999. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Markham who had not yet arrived. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Traffic Circulation Improvement Projects RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide comments on several short- and long-term traffic circulation improvement projects. r:\traffic\comrnlssn\minutes~99\032599/ajp With the use of overheads, Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record) for the t~fllowing projects: Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue In response to Commissioner Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam replied that a dedicated right- turn lane will not be possible until eastbound Winchester Road is widened. He mentioned that the southwest corner property owner has indicated an interest in donating right-of-way for the right-turn lane. Commissioner Markham remarked that it would be necessary to internally modify the southwest parking lot to prevent cut-through traffic. In response to Commissioner Connerton's question regarding low right-turn volumes, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that it was his observation that cut-through traffic does not substantially affect the volumes, but that may change when Overland Drive is opened: and at that time, the situation could be restudied. Acting Director Hughes stated that acquisition of right of way for a dedicated right-turn lane would be a Category 3 project. Commissioner Markham recommended that signs stating that the curb lane is the northbound and southbound freeway-designated lane, be installed on Winchester Road, west of Jefferson Avenue. In response to Commissioner Telesio's concern about stacking on Jefferson Avenue, Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that since eastbound right turns are allowed during the northbound green phase, during westbound left-turn movement, and whenever an opportunity arises during a red cycle , the right-turn wait time is about 2 to 3 minutes at peak hour. Additionally, he stated that it is anticipated that traffic at that intersection will be eased when Overland Drive is constructed. MOTION: Commissioner Markham moved that a project to acquire the right-of-way and to construct an eastbound dedicated right-turn lane on Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue be added to Category 3. Commissioner Connerton seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Winchester Road at Ynez Road In response to Chairman Coe's question regarding northbound on-ramps to 1-15, Acting Director Hughes stated that a change order is being pursued through Caltrans to add a second right lane which will allow full stacking of both northbound left lanes on Ynez Road. Winchester Road - Jefferson Avenue to Ynez Road In response to Commissioner Connerton's concern about the estimated costs listed fi3r signing, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that the costs will be corrected. Rancho Calilbrnia Road - Vincent Moraga Drive to Front Street Acting Director Hughes stated that the City has the right-of-way for the westerly realignment of Diaz Road and since a grant for rehabilitation of Jefferson Avenue has generated an additional $800,000, the realignment will be added to the current CIP program at the request of the City Council, and requests fi~r design proposals are being prepared. 2 r:\traffic\commissn\minutes\99\032599/ajp In response to Commissioner Markham's proposal regarding obtaining Flood Control creek property to ctmstruct a dedicated right-turn lane at Rancho California Road and Front Street, Senior Engineer Moghadam replied that at this time traffic volumes do not justify another lane, but such a project could be considered for Category 3. He added that to improve the road alignment, major restriping is required, which will be completed whenever the road is repaved. In response to Commissioner Connerton's question regarding time length, Acting Director Hughes stated that it would probably not take long to obtain the property since it would be designated for public street purposes, but there are physical constraints as the bridge abutment is very close to Front Street and if the western shoulder were widen, there would be inadequate turning radius which impact the project. He added that widening a southbound designated right-turn lane should be considered with the widening of the Rancho California Bridge, which is an identified future project although it is not in the CIP. Senior Engineer Moghadam mentioned that with only one lane through Old Town, the benefit of another lane would be marginal. In response to Commissioner Edwards' question regarding the Diaz Road connection to Vincent Moraga, Cnmmissioner Markham replied that there is more stacking room on Rancho California Road and Vincent Moraga will ultimately be a secondary access road to the Western Bypass. Rancho California Road at Northbound and Southbound 1-15 Ramps Acting Director Hughes presented the staff report (of record) and reported on the following proposed change orders: · adding double left-turn movements from westbound Rancho California Road to southbound 1-15. · widening the northbound on-ramps to receive traffic from the two Ynez Road left-turn lanes and the second right-turn lane on Rancho California Road will be widened to Ynez Road. He pointed out that these change orders are not funded through the current CIP; therefore, City Council approval would be required; and that the City Manager is reviewing excess sales tax revenues which may offset the cost. Acting Director Hughes mentioned that a separate project to widen the southbound Rancho California Road off-ramp is currently under design, but will not happen in the near future. Rancho California Road at Ynez Road Acting Director Hughes mentioned that when the westerly crosswalk is removed, there may be co~nplaints from businesses as it is a convenience to pedestrians; however, he stated that the improvement in traffic circulation outweighs any inconvenience. In response to Commissioner Connerton's concern about jaywalkers, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that a barricade will be installed to dissuade crossing. Acting Director Hughes stated that the crosswalk at Front Street and Rancho California issue could be revisited as conditions have changed since it was last before the Commission. 3 r:\traffic\corn~nissn\minutes\99\032599/aip Rancho California Road -Ynez Road to Moraga Road Colnmissioner Connerton recommended that an angled crosswalk at Hope Way be striped as soon as possible in order to prevent pedestrians from walking in the street and crossing the Town Center's driveway; and to place a barricade and a sign "Cross Only" on the northeast side. Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that he would review the situation. Rancho California Road at Margarita Road It was the consensus of the Commission to eliminate the bicycle lane on Margarita Road to gain an additional left-turn lane onto westbound Rancho California Road. State Route 79 - Interstate 15 to Pala Road In response to Commissioner Markham's comments regarding the median and signal facilities at Bedtbrd Court. Acting Director Hughes stated that part of the reason for this project's rise on the priority list is because staff was directed to find all projects that can improve traffic flow and this pr{~iect is a relatively low-cost item with a great benefit to traffic flow. He also mentioned that the signal takes away a large capacity of the on-ramps; thereby making the improvements on State Route 79 less effective. Acting Director Hughes stated that the issue will be brought back to the Commission I~r further discussion in 30 days and if it were determined to be a viable project, the issue will be agendized. Commissioner Markham informed the Commission that Assessment District's 8159 project bid opening is April 9, 1999 and as part of that project, property owners on the north side are paying tbr a street entrance and for signal poles, controllers and loops to be installed in the ultimate location. In response to Commissioner Telesio's question regarding list approval, Acting Director Hughes explained that if after detailed discussion of each project, there are no Commission concerns or all raised concerns are resolved, staff will proceed with implementation. Commissioner Markham suggested that the category and priority listing layouts be simplified as it is conthsing, Senior Engineer Moghadam suggested that the projects could be listed as short-term and not-so-short-term projects. 3. Resolution Amending Meeting Dates of the Public/Traffic Safety Committee RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission approve the second and Ibrth Thursday of each month as regular meeting dates. Senior Engineer Moghadam presented the staff report (of record). MOTION: Commissioner Markham moved to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. PTS99-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. PTS98-01 ESTABLISHING THE SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AS REGULAR MEETING DATES. 4 r:\traffic\commissn\minutes\99\032599/ajp Commissioner Connerton seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that minor timing adjustments were made at the signals at the Winchester Road and Ynez Road and Rancho California Road and Ynez Road intersections which have improved traffic flow, but monitoring will continue. In response to Commissioner Telesio's comments, Senior Engineer Moghadam explained that in a coordinated system, signals automatically retime cycles after specific events; i.e., a pedestrian is given 30 seconds to cross a wide street when the normal phase is 20 seconds for through traffic; therefore, to make up the additional 10 seconds, other cycles are automatically shortened until signal functioning is returned to normal. He mentioned that emergency vehicle preemption also create adjustments for three (3) to five (5) cycles. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT No report given. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT No report given. COMMISSION REPORT Commissioner Edwards mentioned that the lights at Margarita Middle School, Linfield School, and occasi{inally at the high school continue to flash at inappropriate times. Commissioner Markham passed out the prioritized list of present and future traffic improvement needs as approved by the Commission on May 22, 1997. Commissioner Markham mentioned that the Public Works Construction Updates published in the Californian and Press Enterprise is unreadable because it is too small and suggested that the use of a I/4 page on a monthly basis, and include minor and major projects under design, out-to-bid projects, use of graphs. plus referencing the website would be more effective in informing the citizens about i~rojects staff is working on to improve the traffic situation. He added that the AD159, AD161, etc., ioint prqiects should also be included since the City is assisting with funding in millions of dollars. Acting Director Hughes stated that the original purpose of the Public Works ad was to alert motorists of rlmtes under construction which might impact them, but that consideration will be given to adding other intbrmation. In response to Commissioner Connerton's inquiry, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that he had not heard any results regarding the additional presence of the police on Pina Colaria. MOTION: Commissioner Markham moved to schedule and notice the regular Public/Traffic Safety Commission meetings for April be held on April 15, 1999 and April 29, 1999. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. 5 r:\traffic\commissn\minutes\99\O32599/ajp Commissioner Connerton thanked staff for their hard work and understanding. Commissioner Telesio stated that he and Commissioner Connerton will trade areas of responsibility; i.e., Safety will be the responsibility of Commissioner Connerton, and he will take Maintenance/Installation. In response to Commissioner Connerton's question regarding staggered working times, Acting Director Hughes stated that staff has been working with the City Manager's office and the issue will be tm the April 15, 1999 meeting. Cnmmissioner Telesio mentioned that Mr. Ouellette expressed creative ideas for the Pina Colada traffic situation in a letter to Mayor Ford and he would like it included in the Commissioners' packets when Pina Colada is on the agenda. Chairman Coe voiced his opinion that traffic is improving. In response to Commissioner Connerton's question about police and fire representation, Administrative Secretary Pyle stated that both departments had been notified of the meeting, but that emergencies, training sessions or other appointments sometimes prevent their attendance. She stated that she would ascertain if their attendance were required. ADJOURNMENT At 8:05 P.M., Chairman Coe formally adjourned this meeting to the next Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting to be held on Thursday, April 15, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., in City of Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Charles Coe, Chairman Secretary 6 r:\traffic\commissn\minutes\99\032599/ajp ITEM NO. 2 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic April 15, 1999 Item 2 Formation of a Subcommittee to Implement Staggered Work Hours RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission establish a subcommittee to study and make recommendations regarding a staggered work hour program. The subcommittee will make a recommendation to the City Council. BACKGROUND: The City Council has directed the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to form a two (2) member subcommittee ttl discuss and recommend a staggered work hour program. It is anticipated that several lunch hour meetings will be necessary to meet with business representatives to discuss the staggered work hour program. The result of the meetings along with a final recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for review and consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: None ITEM NO. 3 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic April 15, 1999 Item 3 Feasibility of Establishing Town Hall Meetings RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission discuss the feasibility of establishing town hall meetings. BACKGROUND: Commissiuner Connerton requested that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion and recommendation. Staff suggests that once the purpose of the town hall meetings is established, the City Council be consulted for approval. For the Commissioners information the regular meetings of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission are scheduled for the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. The agenda of the meetings are published in three (3) local newspapers including The Californian, The Press Enterprise and Rancho News. The agendas are also posted in five (5) locations throughout the City and placed on the City's website. A complete agenda rel'An't packet is also distributed to the Temecula Valley Unified School District, Pechanga Indian Reservation, several Homeowners Associations, and various City committees, the City Council and Department Directors. In addition, the City Council Hotline and the Public Works Department phone numbers are also available to receive concerns and comments from the residents. FISCAL IMPACT: ITEM NO. 4 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission All Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic April 15, 1999 Item 4 Street Improvement Projects Associated with the Temecula Regional Center RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a report on the approved street improvement pr~iects associated with the Temecula Regional Center. BACKGROUND: Commissioner Markham requested a report on the City's traffic circulation improvement projects related to the Promenade Mall. Staff will make a presentation to the Commission regarding the Capital Improvement Projects on Winchester Road, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, and Overland Drive in the vicinity of the Regional Center. FISCAL IMPACT: None ITEM NO. 5 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Monthly Activity Report February 1999 Submitted by: William G. Hughes Date: March 23, 1999 WORK UNDER CONSTRUCTION: I. 1-15/Rancho California Road Interchange Modifications: The contractor will he performing miscellaneous landscape, concrete. and asphalt repair work throughout the proiect. Complettim tit the project, based on an accelerated schedule including time extensions tbr weather is March 1999. 2. Murgarita Community Park Phase I: The prt~iect improvements include restrooms, parking areas, picnic areas, play equipment, tennis courts, a roller hockey rink, ballfields, lighting, picnic shelters, sidewalks, landscaping with open turf areas as well as ,,x idcning 'Margarita Road adiacent to the park to iks ultimate width. Installation of the concrete walkways, plcmc areas. roller hockey rink and tenms court has been completed. The north ballfield lighting and hackstops are completed a;td the south lighting and backstops are presen~y being installed. Consauction of the f~sn'otlllls and shade structures are nearly complete. I'he i~r{llect is completed and is currently in a 90-day landscape maintenance period. 3. Old Town Slreetscape Project The street improvements have been completed. A punch list and other design items are now being worlced tin by the ctmtractor. The prt~iect is substantially complete and the conlractor expects to complele the remaining items in March 1999. 4. ~Vincht.'sler Road Sidewulk: The c~lnn'actor has c~lmpteted the sidewalk installation. The sidewalk portion on the north side of Winchester Road between Margarita Road and Roripaugh Road was deleted, since the developer is condi~oned to install the sidewalk. The ctmtractor installed additional sidewalk on the south side of Winchester Road from 200' west or' Roripaugh Rt~ad to gas station's driveway south of Nicolas. This project consists of the installalion of sidewalks tin the north side of Winchester Road between Margarita Road and Winchester Creek Avenue. Constructitm is completed and the recommendation for acceptance will go to City Council in April. 5. 1-15/~Vincheitcr S,uthhound Off-ramp Widening: 'Fhc c~lnlracttlr hits c~,mpleted the tirst phase of paving on the southbound loop ramp. This project consists of widening the s{itlthb, tund oil-ramp 1o provide an additional left turn lane. Constructit}n is anticipated to he completed in March '999. moactt~pt/cip/99/mar 6. Ten~ecula Duck Pond Park: Good pr-gress has been made un the perimeter wall around the pond and off-site construction activity is ~cal'in~ up t~r the c,lnstruction ,If the Traffic Signals and widening of Ynez Road. The restroom building is nearl:. c,,mplete and landscaping activities s~ould be~n shortly. The Temecula Duck Pond Park Project will include h. lth park and -if-site street improvements. Park improvements will include a gazebo/bandstand, picnic ~:tcilities. a restrot~m, walkways, a parking lot, security lighting, monumentalion. landscaping and irrlgati,,n The street improvements will consist of the widening of Ynez Road to full width between Rancho Calit, n'nla Road and Ticrra Vista Road and will include new sidewalks along with additional turn lanns, waffle .ignal m,~ji~cations at Ynez Road and Rancho California Road, a new traffic signal at Ynez Road and Tierra Vista R~lad, and pavement restriping to improve traffic circulation. C~lnstruction of the otf-site street improvement has begun and the completion is scheduled for June 1999. 7. Marl~arita Road Sidewalk (Rancho Vista to Pauba Road): Dem.litiun and relllcati~m of existing thcilitins is confinding. Rapid progress should be made as soon as the vari~lu~. utilities are rcl.cated. The improvements will include the installation of concrete curbs, gutter, and ~de~,.al k ai.ng the west side tit' Margarita Road between Rancho Vista Road and Pauba Road. The sidewalk x~mit impr, lve access 1,1 the Rancho Calitbrnia Sports Park. Also. as part of the design. additive alternate impr.~cnlents '~.dl include ADA ramp access from Margarita Road to the adjacent ballfields along with an expanded parking at'ca. Ct~nstrucli.n is expected to be completed in April 1999. 8. Winchester Road & Ynez Road Street Widening: C~lns. uction began dqc tirst week ~lt' March with the installation of traffic control along Winchester Road and Ynez Rtlad. The Ctlntractor will start the removals of existing curb, gutter, and asphalt along the roadways the 2"" week of March and begin rough grading the 3'~ week of March. Traffic will be allowed through the w.rk z.ne and delays shall be expected. C.nstruction is scheduled to he completed in August 1999. 'l. Overhind Drive Street lmprnvements & Margarita Road Street Widening: Construction began the first week of Marcb with the installation of traffic control along Margarita and Ynez R.ads. The Coreractor is rough grading along Margarita Road and the proposed Overland Drive, installing the 36" qorm drain line on Ynez Road and began constructing the box culvert crossing @ Overland Drive. Fraffic xx dt be atloxx cd througb tile x~ork zone and delays shall be expected. Construction is ~cheduled to be completed in August 1999. I0. ~,~,inchester R.ad Median Islands: \ I>rc<. ,nstructl.n niceling was held tin December 22. The contractor wilt install the traffic signal at the mtet'sccti.n .i: Winche:.tcr R~lad and Enterprise Circle West before any median island work, The traffic signal p-los .H ~ Hn nrd ~.r and are expected to he delivered in March. This project includes installation of median ,'.lands,, landscaping ~lnd irrigati,m along Winchester Road between Enterprise Circle West and Jefferson ,\veiltic ahmg with the installattire of a traffic signal at Enterprise Circle West. Also, the existing median raMand at Jctt~rs, ln A'.enuc will be modified to provide for a longer left turn pocket for castbound traffic. i',lnsu'uct.m has begun, the estimated completion date is June 1999. 2 moactq~tlcip1991mar 11. Trarlic Signal at Rancho California Road and Via Los Colinas: t)n January 12. City' C,luncil awarded a contract to DBX. Inc. This project will install a traffic signal at the intersectinn Ranthai California Road and Via Los Colinas. C~lnstructi~m is anuclpated to begin in March 1999 with an estimated completion date of June [999. 12. 1-15/Oxerland Drive Overcrnssing Improvement: Fhe ('it', C~luncil a~arded the construction contract to C. C. Myers Inc. The project includes construelion , ,t an 860 filot bridge liver I-15. installing two new traffic signals where Overland Drive meets Jefferson Avenue and Ynez Rl~ad. relocation of SCE power lines, reconstruction of 11300 feet of Jefferson Avenue, relocauon or' an existing sewer line, storm drain/channel improvements, and misc. irrigation/landscape impr{ivemems. The estimated construction time for this project is 13 months. 13. Fremt Street Widening South of Rancho California Road This prtllect was cnmpleted as part of the Rancho California Road Loop project. The work consists of widenln~ the west side ,it Front SITeel from Rancho Calitbrnia Road to the southerly Moreno Road along with , i,,,et lil,, mg the ttltal v, tdth tit Front Street. Front Street has been striped to provide two {2) lanes for both north 14. Pala Road Bridlze: C,mstructi~m of the Pala Road Bridge began March 1, 1999, with the clearing of the vegetation in the bed of Temccuta Creek. This project will include realignment of Pala Road from Highway 79 South to Rainbow Canv, m Rnad. which will require that a new bridge be constructed, installation of two (2) new traffic signals, the rcm~lval tlf one t I) traffic signal, the installation of sound walls, sidewalLs, landscaping, irrigation, street lighting. bike lanes,. ~igning, striping, channel improvements. and provisions for Wetland Mitigation. It is anticiplaed that the new bridge will be open tbr vehicle traffic by January 21300. Citnstruction began March 1, 1999 with an estimated completion date of March 2000. OUT TO BID: I. Tetmis Court Li~l~linlZ at Tetnecula Valley High School l'he hsd ,,penrag ,,,.a~, Fchrual.W 25, 1999. This project will be presented to City Council tbr award of Contract ,m Miu ch 23. 1999 Fhis pr{~ject will install tenms court lighting along with landscaping, irrigation, t~ncing, ,triprag. Jilt[ min~,r cnncrete work at Temecula Valley High School. c',m,,truclit n is anucq~ated to begin in May 1999 with an estimated comp etion date of July 1999. 2. RnB~ry P;irk rhc dcHgn has been c,n~pleted and the project is currently out to bid. The bid opening date is scheduled for \pril / ~99r'. l'his imlject will install a picnic shade structure. picnic tables, t~ncing, concrete and drainage WORK IN DESIGN: 1. FY96-97 Pavement ManatZen~ent System: 'itatt icturncd the third plan check to the consultant on February. 10th. This project will provide street a ehabilitau.n .f Jefterson Avenue from the northerly City limits to Rancho California Road. This project will Mstl include the installathm of street lighting along the entire length of the project. ~ 7~mstructkln is anticipated to begin in March 1999 with an estimated completion date of June 1999. 2. Pujol Street Sidewalk. Curb & Gutter: The c,mstthant has ctunpleted the design survey and City staff is currendy designing the project. 3. Street Nitme Sign Replacement - Phase I This p.li¢ct is currently being designed in-house. This project w.ill replace existing street name signs in the Santhtgtt EMates area x~ith new plastic molded signs. 4. 1-15 Southbound Off-Ramp Widening at Winchester Road Fhe ','it> C.uncil approved the Consultant's contract at the February 9 meeting. This project will add one (1) .-uthb. nnd lane tin the 1-15 Freeway and also widen the bridge over the Santa Gertrudis Creek at the '.t}uthbt,und t~tt:ramp. The comultant will provide a design to widen the northbound on-amp from Winchester Road. 5. I-|5 Suulhbotmd Off-Ramp Widening at Rancho California Road The City' Council approved d~e Consuttant's contact at the February 9 meeting. This project will add one (1) .. luthbl }nnd lane on the I-15 Freeway. This design will also require the extension of the existing Empire Creek kh'idgc b, lx culvert. 6. Butterfield Slage Park hnprovements Fhis pr.lcct ~s currently being designed and is approximately 90% complete. This project will construct a haskclball c.urt near the existing parking lot. 7. Traffic Sil/,nal on Nlargarila Road at Pio Pico Road and at Pauba Road -k C, insnltitnt has been selected and the design is proceeding tbr installation of traffic signals at these locations. 8. Old 'rlm'n Snulhside Parking, Lilts I'his pr,,icct is currently being designed in-house This project consists of two (2) proposed parking lots. One I t wdl i3c i, leated .n the ~est side ot' Front Street just north of Second Street. and the other one (1) is on the .~}tllh Mdc tit Fourth Street west tit' Front Street. q. ";unt;~ (;t'rtrudis ('reek Trail Undercrossing Fhis i~l~,lcct is currently in tirst plan check. This project will construct a bike trail in the existing Santa {]ertrttdi~. ('xcek trader Winchester Road (Hwy. 79N) bridge. 4 meaciq~/cip/99/mar tl), First Street Brid~e Finlti c~l,slruction drawings are ctlmpleted. construction advertisement is scheduled for May 1999. 5 raoactrpt/cip/99/mar TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Bill Hughea, Acting Director of Public Works/City Engineer ~j/Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent March 3, 1999 Monthly Activity Report - February, 1998 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in- house personnel for the month of February, 1999: I. SIGNS A, B. C. Total signs replaced Total signs installed Total signs repaired 21 32 6 78 3,533 63 225. 32,500 12 584 II. TREES A, Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns Ill. ASPHALT REPAIRS A. Total square feet of A. C. repairs B. Total Tons IV. VI. CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. Total locations B. Total S.F. VII. STENCILING A. 266 New and repainted legends B. 65 L.F, of new and repainted red curb and striding Also, City Maintenance staff responaed to 38 service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is comparecl to 25 service order requests for the month of January. 1999. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 127 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of February, 1999 was $ 21,958.00 compared to S -0- for the month of January, 1999. Account No. 5402 $20,163.00 Account No. 5401 $ 275.00 Account No. 999-5402 $ 1,520.00 Ron Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works All Moghadam, Senior Engineer - (CIP/Traffic) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer - (Land Development) UJ ITEM NO. 6 POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT ITEM NO. 7 FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT ITEM NO. 8 COMMISSION REPORTS