HomeMy WebLinkAbout011499 PTS AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance Io participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35. 102.35. 104 ADA Title lrl CALLTO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS "AMENDED" AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS: Connerton, Edwards, Markham, Telesio, Coe A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item no~t listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come lbrward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" tbrm must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one unanimous vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of December 10. 1998 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of December 10, 1998 r: \traf~c\commissn\agenda\99\O114\011499Agenda/ajp COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Short Term Circulation lml~ruvement Pruiects RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide input regarding prioritization of short term circulation improvement projects. 3. Request ~}r Traffic Flow Modifications - Los Ranchitos Area RECOMMENDATION: 3. I That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to establish a 10,000 pound weight limit on all streets within the Los Ranchitos area. 4. Traffic Engineer's Report 5. Police Chief's Report 6. Fire Chief's Repurt 7. Commission Repurt "AMENDED ADJOURNMENT" The regular January 14, i999 meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission will adjourn to the Joint Planning Commission and Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, February 11. 1999, at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk at (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arraugcments to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35.102.35.104 ADA Title 11] CALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS: Connerton, Edwards, Markham, Telesio, Coe A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item no__t listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one unanimous vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of December 10, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: I. 1 Approve the Minutes of December 10, 1998 COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Short Term Circulation Improvement Proiects RECOMMENDATION: 2. l That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide input regarding prioritization of short term circulation improvement projects. 3. Request for Traffic Flow Modifications - Los Ranchitos Area RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to establish a 10,000 potrod weight limit on all streets within the Los Ranchitos area. 4. Traffic Engineer's Report 5. Police Chief's Report 6. Fire Chief's Report 7. Commission Report ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, February 11, 1999, at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ITEM NO. I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DECEMBER 10, 1998 CALLTO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:02 P.M., t~n Thursday, December 10, 1998. in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall. 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Coe, Connerton, Edwards, and Chairman Telesio Absent: Commissioner Markham Also Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam. Senior Planner Fagan, Police Sergeant Damagio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Kelley FLAG SALUTE Ct~mmissioner Edwards led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Rebecca Weersing. 41775 Yorba Avenue. expressed concern over the following traffic issues: · Driveways at the Sports Park are not well illuminated as tree branches cover the lights; · Entrances to City Hall and Creek Street Mall at Front Street are not well illuminated; · Front Street striping between Old Town and Hwy 795 is I:aded and difficult to see. · Exiting Town Center North (unto Ynez Road) is difficult because of parking lot design and the three (3) stop signs. · At night it is very difficult tn see bicycle riders who wear dark clothing and ride bikes with no reflectors. It was noted by Chairman Telesio that the proposed internal/external circulation solutions tbr the Town Center have been suspended until a determination of the effect of a signal at Via Las Colinas is made, which would be about six (6) months afi. er the signal installation. Sergeant Damagio stated that bikes are required to have reflectors on the back and that this requirement is being enforced. Placing reflective arrows indicating in and out at the Sports Park's entrances will be investigated by Senior Engineer Moghadam and he as well noted that he would notify the Maintenance Department of the overhanging branches. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR I. Minutes of November 12, 1998 On Page 2, Item 2.. Commissioner Edwards requested that the park gate location be changed to the northwest corner of the school ~rounds in both her statement and the motion. MOTION: Commissioner Connerton moved to approve the minutes of November 12, 1998, as amended. The motion was seconded by Chairman Coe and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. General Plan Circulation Element Update Status Report RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a status report regarding the General Plan Circulation Element update. A brief overview of the Circulation Element Update Report was given by Senior Planner Fagan, he confirming that the joint meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety and the Planning Commissions would be held January 20, 1999, to review and comment on the final document. He requested that the Cmmnissioners present their ideas/comments regarding traffic circulation to him as soon as possible, and that he would be available to answer any questions they may have prior to the January meeting. Mr. Robert Davis, of Wilbur Smith Associates, consultant fi~r the General Plan Circulation Element Update Report, discussed the methodology utilized to document existing conditions, to update and refine the traffic model and the circulation plan, and to prioritize the short-. medium-, and long-range transpl~rtation improvements. Mr. Davis noted that Johnsun Ranch, the Walker Basin, Vail Ranch, Redhawk, and the Eastside Reservoir areas as well as other surrounding areas and the City of Murrieta are included in the model. Co~nmissioner Connerton requested to receive all available background information prior to the January meeting. 3. Election of Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairperson and Co-Chairperson RECOMMENDATION It is recommended by the Public Works Department that the Chairperson entertain nominations t~om the Commissioners to elect a Chairperson and a Co-Chairperson to preside until the end of the 1999 calendar year. MOTION: Chairperson Telesio nominated Commissioner Coe as Chairperson. Commissioner Connerton and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards nominated Commissioner Connerton as Co-Chairperson. seconded by Chairperson Telesio and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam in/i~rmed the Commissioners of the following: The nomination was seconded by The nomination was Caltrans has adjusted the signal clocks at Winchester Road and Jefferson Avenue and that traffic flow has improved. Bids fi~r the signal project at Via Las Colinas were opened December 10, 1998, and that the proiect should be awarded at the next City Council meeting. · Southbound off-ramp improvements at Winchester Road are being designed. · Proposed striping tier the northbound loop at Winchester Road will provide a second lane which will allow a motorist to either enter the loop or go straight. Deputy Director Parks report~ that the sidewalk pruject on the west side of Margarita Road between Rancho Vista and Pauba Roads will start after the first of the year. To eliminate the ordering period ti~r signal mast arms and hardware aRer a signal project has been awarded, Deputy Directur Parks reported that the City has pre-purchased the equipment so as soon as the signal project will be awarded, installation may begin. It was suggested by Commissioner Connerton that once the restripping of Winchester and Ynez Roads has been completed, consideration be given to relocating a sign which has one side in the sidewalk and blocks the signal tier eastbound traffic. In response to Commissioner Connerton's inquiry about the status of the crosswalk on Margarita Road and Paseo Brillante. Senior Engineer Moghadam reported that a memo was sent from Public Works Direcrier Kicak to the City Manager regarding the removal since the matter did not need to be review~ by Ihe City Council. However. because the sidewalk has been there tk~r many years. the City Manager indicated that he wotdd be discussing the matter int~rmally with City Councilmembers. Comn~issioner Edwards stated that she received a call requesting that the crosswalk remain until the signal goes in at Stonewood Road. As the signal will not be installed until 2000, Chairman Telesio expressed the opinion that the crosswalk removal should not be delayS. In response to Chairman Telesio's inquiry about accelerating the installation of a signal at Pauba and Margarita Roads, Senior Engineer Moghadam stated that since ~e equipment has been orderS, staff would ti~rther expedite the signal installatkm by expediting the design process. 3 Deputy Director Parks informed the Commissioners that because of new legislation which stops all traffic even though no one is crossing the street when loading/unloading students, the school buses at Temecula Valley High will be utilizing the parking lot; teachers, students, and visitors park on Margarita Road: there/bre the recommendation to extend the red curbing was denied. Commissioner Edwards cautioned that the proposed stairwell from the Sports Park parking lot to the sidewalk should mlt interfere with the Water Department's facilities. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT No additional comments. FIRE CBIEF'S REPORT No report given. COMMISSION REPORT lo response to a citizen observation. Deputy Director Parks noted, for Commissioner Edwards, that the contractor will attempt to finish all striping through Old Town by Friday, December 18. In response to Commissioner Coe~ Deputy Director Parks advised that no Mercedes Street extension project has been planned at this time. In response to Commissioner Coe's questkin about switching the speed limit signs by the schools on Santiago Road. Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that he will review the Vehicle Code to determine if clay care facilities are considered schools: if they are not, he advised that the existing speed limit signs are properly located. In response to Commissioner Coe's concern, Deputy Director Parks verified that a double le~-turn t'rom Winchester Road onto Ynez Road will be provided once the mall has been completed. Al~er witnessing that only l~ur westbound cars were allowed to make a left[turn during one signal operation at Winchester and Ynez Roads, Commissioner Connerton requested that Senior Engineer Moghadam contact Caltrans to determine if a timing change could be made. For Chairman Telesio. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided clarification with regard to beacon timing schedule as it relates to school zones. Chairman Telesio thanked staff and the Commissioners t~r their help during his term as chairperson. Commissk~ner Connerton requested that the issues raised in the December 8, 1998 letter from the Los Ranchitl>s Homeowners Association be agendized l-i~r a future Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 7:45 P.M., Chairman Telesio formally adjourned this meeting to January 14, 1999, at 6:00 P.M.. in City of Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. California. Chairman John H. Telesio Secretary ITEM NO. 2 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic January 14, 1999 Item 2 Short Term Circulation Improvement Projects RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide input regarding prioritization of short term circulation improvement projects. BACKGROUND: The City is currently in the process of finalizing the Circulation Element Update Study. This study has identified several circulation improvement projects which have been divided into three (3) categories. Short term projects include projects that could be completed within five (5) years, mid-term projects within five (5) to ten (10) years, and long term projects more than ten (10) years. These projects have been identified and prioritized based on an input from the Circulation Element Steering Committee. Mr. Bob Davis of Wilbur Smith Associates will provide a report on the short term circulation improvement projects. Any input from the Commission will be incorporated into the document prior to the Joint Planning and Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting scheduled for January 20, 1999. FISCAL IMPACT: None r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\99\O11499\circulationeleagn/ajp ITEM NO. 3 AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission All Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic January 14, 1999 Item 3 Request for Traffic Flow Modifications - Los Ranchitos Area RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to establish a 10,000 pound weight limit on all streets within the Los Ranchitos area. BACKGROUND: The City received a letter from the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association (HOA) to review and modify the existing traffic control devices within the Los Ranchitos Community (copy attached). At the April 9, 1998 meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission, the Commission reviewed a request from the Los Ranchitos HOA which included installation of a "Stop" sign on Ynez Road at Jedediah Smith Road, reduced speed limit on Ynez Road and DePortola Road, establishing Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road as one-way streets, and restricting left-turns out of Rancho Community Church driveways. After receiving input from the residents of the area, the Commission recommended installation of "Stop" signs on Ynez Road at Jedediah Smith Road and denied the requests for lowering the posted speed limit, establishing one-way streets, and left-turn restxiction out of Rancho Community Church (Exhibit "A"). Staff believes that these recommendations are still valid and justified. In addition, since according to the recent letter from the HOA there are "some doubts about the accuracy of the earlier studies', we recommend that the HOA hire its own consultant to conduct the speed surveys and volume counts to verify the accuracy of the previous data. Since the speed studies are conducted using a radar gun, what has appeared to the residents to be a speed survey was a volume count conducted by the City's consultant by means of installing tubes on the roadway (copy attached). At the September 10, 1998 meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission, the Commission recommended that the flashing warning lights and the right-turn lane on Ynez Road at La Paz Street not be implemented. This recommendation was based on an actual turning movement count and the fact that there were no reported accidents within a 12 month period at this intersection. Some of the concerns identified in the letter dated December 8, 1998, such as repaving of streets in the Los Ranchitos area and the enforcement issues have been forwarded to appropriate departments. Our research indicated that the majority of the streets in Los Ranchitos have been identified as a priority and will be included in the Capital Improvement Program ti3r future resurfacing. r:\waffic\commhsn\agenda\99\011499\LosRanchitos/ajp In regards to establishing a weight limit on all streets within Los Ranchitos to discourage their use by tour busses, it should be noted that Ynez Road, DePortola Road, La Paz SWeet and Jedediah Smith Road are all circulation streets and are designated as secondat3, 4-tane roadways on the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Therefore, these streets are not considered to be residential streets. The construction on Hwy. 79 South between Bedford Court and Avenida De Mission is scheduled to begin in February of this year with an anticipated completion time of one (1) year. Widening of Hwy. 79 South should reduce the number of vehicles using Ynez Road as an alternate route. Regarding the striping modifications on Ynez Road and DePortola Road, the City will consider restriping these roadways to improve safety when they are resurfaced. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachment: Exhibit "A" - Agenda Reports and Minutes of Previous Public/Traffic Safety Commission Meetings r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\99\011499\LosRanchitos/ajp Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association P.O. Box 471 · Temecula, CA 92593 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Way Temecula. California 92589 Public Traffic and Safety Commission Commissioners: Larry Markham Mary Ann Edwards Charles Coe Darrell Connerton John Tenesio December 8. 1998 Dear Commissioners, As an elected representative of the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association, I am writing this letter as a follow-up to our letter of November 25, 1997 regarding traffic matters in oar community. The Board of Directors has received a number of inquires regarding traffic in Los Ranchitos and many have asked the Board to contact the city on their behalf. At the City Traffic Commission meeting o~ J).tty 9, 1998, the Comnnssion decided to place stop signs at the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz. and construct a right turn lane for traffic turning from S/B on Ynez Road to W/B on La Paz. We were impressed with the quickness in which the stop signs were put up and the extra effort put into the transition period for the safety of those motorists using that intersection. However, it has been several months now and we have seen no evidence of preparation for the construction of the right turn lane or the installation of the flashing warning lights for the upcoming stop. We recently had yet another very serious accident at that intersection and are deeply concerned about what progress is being made to make that location as safe as possible. Can you give us a projected completion date on that project? Our members have observed that over the past few months. there have been a large number of "tour buses" using Ynez as a route from the 15 Freeway to the Pachanga Casino. As this is a residential street. it seems as if this should be an illegal use of the roadway. We ~vould like to have all the streets within Los Ranchitos posted with weight limits of I0,000 pounds and then have the Police Department enforce those postings. At the same time, our Association had requested that the City consider lowering the posted speed along Ynez and DePortola. At that time. there were some studies that indicated there was no need to do so. We have observed that subsequent to that meeting. the City did in fact do some additional speed studies along Ynez and DePortola. Could you please supply us with a copy of those studies along with the prior ones. Several members of the Board live on that street and had some doubts about the accuracy of the earlier studies and consequently have high interest in the new'data. ' Many of the streets within Los Ranchitos are in deplorable condition and need to be repaved. Some have been patched time and time again: but. continue to deteriorate with time and usage. Could you have someone provide us with a schedule which delineates the projected dates for the repaving of those streets within the Los Ranchitos community. Of particular importance is the schedule for Ynez and De Ponoia. There are a number of streets that have no dividing lines painted on them. If they are scheduled to be repaved very soon. then we understand the time delay in doing so: but. if that is not the case, we feel the ~vork should be scheduled soon. Please tell us what the future plans are in regards to this situation. We ask that you give consideration to construction of a "shadow lane" at various locations along the length of Ynez Road and DePortola where the natural terrain creates visibility restrictions for vehicles attempting to enter onto that mad from residential driveways or intersecting streets. It is our belief that the speeds at which the North/South traffic is able to attain, creates a more serious hazard to intersecting traffic at those points. In our letter of November 25. 1997 we requested that La Paz be made into a one-way street West bound and Jeddah Smith be made into a one-way street East bound. At the July 9~ 1998 Traffic Commission meeting. the Comrmssion said they would give this recommendation additional consideration in the future. We would appreciate reconsideration of that recommendation in the near future. Please let me know when you will do so. as we would like to address the decision makers on that issue. A recem event which occurred within Los Ranchitos has us particularly concerned. On August 9th, there was a gathering at a Los Ranchitos residence on DePonola called the "Bikers Barbecue". (Please review attached photographs) Artentices were parking their motorcycles and other vehicles all over the neighborhood. Some driveways were blocked and surrounding residents became concerned about emergency ingress and egress. The Association president received several calls and when he tried to relay these peoples concerns to the proper authorities. was sttrprised at what he discovered. He found that the Police Department is closed on Sundays. ARer several frustrating calls, he was told by the field Sergeant that he needed to call the County Sheriffs Department as Los Ranchitos was an unincorporated area and not pan of the City of Temecula. As can be seen in the photographs, an officer tinally did arrive: but. did not take any action. He merel.v stood by and watched the bikers direct there o~vn traffic as they saw fit. There must be a way to ensure that every member of the Police Department is aware that we are pan ofTemecula. I think it would be difficult to explain to the citizens why someone was seriously injured or died while a debate was taking place over jurisdictional boundary lines. Thank you for your assistance. As you know. we are quite proud of our community and want to do everything we can to make it a safe and functional environment to live in. It is our hope that the City of Temecula will continue to work ~vith the Association Board of Directors to do so. Please respond to me regarding the issues outlined in this letter. Sincerely, '~mest ~ ge~ 1 ~t Vic~nt. LRHOA Chairman. Traffic & Street Conumttee cc: Mary Ann Edwards Charles Coe Darrell Connerton John Tenesio Barbara N. Sackett CITY OF TEMECULA DE PORTOLA ROAD / EAST OF JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD DIRECTIONAL VOLUME COUNT JULY / AUGUST 1998 SITE 1 Counts Unlimited, Inc, F ~,~9 9~4 8604 CIT? 0F TEMHCULA DE PORTOLA RD E/0 JHDEDIAH SMITH RD 24 HH DIRECTIONAL VOLUME COUNT Begin < ...... EBND ...... >< ...... ?[me A.M. P,M. A.M. 90 07/22 5 50 2 ~:15 1 42 0 12:30 1 48 3 12:45 0 7 51 19I 1 01:00 4 35 0 01:15 2 39 0 01:30 4 37 1 01:45 I 11 47 158 3 02:00 4 54 0 02:15 1 34 0 02:30 1 55 2 02:45 1 7 51 194 0 03:00 4 46 1 03:15 0 45 4 03:30 0 69 0 03:45 0 4 77 237 0 04:00 2 62 2 04:15 0 79 2 04:30 2 88 7 04:45 0 4 94 323 7 05:00 5 97 12 05:I5 2 131 24 05:30 5 90 34 05:45 4 16 108 426 26 06:00 6 83 36 15 4 73 51 · .30 12 55 63 06:45 20 42 53 264 60 07:00 16 44 67 07:15 12 57 99 07:30 18 42 79 07:45 I4 60 31 174 86 08:00 24 42 70 08:15 20 38 65 08:30 25 44 80 08:45 19 88 34 158 79 09:00 21 31 53 09:15 19 23 37 09:30 32 18 35 09:45 24 96 20 92 35 10:00 20 7 30 10:15 29 10 37 10:30 23 I1 33 10:45 28 100 6 34 49 lhO0 26 10 30 11:15 41 5 47 11:30 21 5 42 11:45 38 126 4 24 43 Totals 561 2275 1437 Day Totals 2836 _~*lit % 28.0t 64.4% 71.9% COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 EAST/WEST WBND ...... >< ......Combined ...... P.M. A.M. P.M. 37 7 87 42 1 84 32 4 80 6 38 149 1 13 89 340 29 4 64 29 2 68 25 5 62 4 37 120 4 15 84 278 37 4 91 30 1 64 28 3 83 2 50 145 1 9 101 339 57 5 103 51 4 96 46 0 115 5 36 190 0 9 113 427 53 4 115 39 2 118 46 9 134 18 41 179 7 22 135 502 56 17 153 37 26 168 31 39 121 96 32 156 30 112 140 582 38 42 I21 34 55 107 24 75 79 210 29 125 80 252 82 389 23 83 67 26 111 83 18 97 60 331 23 90 100 391 54 264 23 94 65 8 85 46 11 105 55 294 6 48 98 382 40 206 7 74 38 4 56 27 5 67 23 160 3 19 59 256 23 111 12 50 I9 5 66 15 2 56 13 149 6 25 77 249 12 59 4 56 14 3 88 8 3 63 8 162 1 11 81 288 5 35 1257 1998 3532 2694 5530 35.5% Site Code: 151210 Start Date: 07/22/98 File I.D.: TM9801EW Page : 1 Wednesday Peak Hour 11:00 05:00 07:15 02:45 07:i5 04:30 Volume 126 426 334 204 402 590 P.H.F. .76 .81 ,84 ,89 .90 .87 Barbara N, Sackeft CITY OF TEMECULA YNEZ ROAD / BETVVEEN CORONADO AND FLORES DRIVE DIRECTIONAL VOLUME COUNT JULY / AUGUST 1998 SITE 43 CITY OF TEMECULA SITE 43 YNEZ ROAD B/CORONADO & FLORES DRIVE 24 HR DIRECTIONAL VOLUME COUNT Begin < ...... NBND ...... >< ...... SEND .Time A.M. P.M. A.M. 00 08/06 5 49 14 ~:15 1 80 3 12:30 4 72 7 12:45 1 11 90 291 6 30 01:00 3 67 11 01:15 0 70 4 0i:30 0 59 2 01:45 3 6 52 248 3 20 02:00 3 69 6 02:15 2 70 2 02:30 1 71 6 02:45 1 7 86 296 2 16 03:00 I 89 7 03:15 2 92 03:30 2 91 1 03:45 1 6 96 368 4 13 04:00 4 79 0 04:15 5 60 2 04:30 11 82 1 04:45 9 29 82 303 1 4 05:00 5 71 5 05:15 7 73 5 05:30 30 65 5 05:45 24 66 75 284 6 21 06:00 39 60 8 15 68 62 13 .30 74 59 14 06:45 92 273 63 244 28 63 07:00 81 54 26 07:15 114 45 37 07:30 99 39 35 07:45 110 404 43 I81 31 I29 08:00 95 34 3I 08:15 95 27 31 08:30 77 28 39 08:45 121 388 29 118 47 148 09:00 109 22 39 09:15 73 11 87 09:30 60 i4 53 09:45 64 306 11 58 58 217 10:00 53 12 45 10:15 57 12 39 10:30 85 i4 60 10:45 76 271 11 49 72 216 Ih00 80 15 71 11:15 64 8 60 11:30 59 5 64 11:45 69 252 6 34 76 271 Totals 2019 2474 I148 Day Totals 4493 5314 _c'lit % 63.7% 37.2% 36.2% COUNTS UNLIMITED, INC. 909.247.6716 NORTH/SOUTH ...... >< ......Combined ...... > P.M. A.M. P.M. 81 19 130 85 4 165 80 11 152 73 319 7 41 163 610 103 I4 170 85 4 155 66 2 125 73 327 6 26 125 575 91 9 160 88 4 158 105 7 176 96 380 3 23 182 676 85 8 174 100 3 i92 99 3 190 106 390 5 19 202 758 125 4 204 I29 7 I89 134 12 216 160 548 10 33 242 851 218 10 289 194 I2 267 179 35 244 155 746 30 87 230 1030 145 47 205 134 81 196 128 88 187 105 512 120 336 168 756 126 107 180 65 151 110 73 134 i12 76 340 141 533 119 521 76 126 110 64 i26 91 46 116 74 53 239 168 536 82 357 51 148 73 51 140 62 51 113 65 37 190 122 523 48 248 47 98 59 33 96 45 23 145 37 23 126 148 487 34 175 21 131 36 11 124 19 10 123 15 7 49 145 523 13 83 4166 ]167 6640 9807 62.7% Peak Hour 07:I5 03:00 ih00 04:45 08:30 04:45 Volume 418 368 27i 75t 572 I042 P.R.F. .91 .95 .89 .86 .85 .90 Site Code: 151202 Start Date: 08/06/98 File I.D.: TM9843NS Page : 1 Thursday Collision Diagram EastJ~Nest Street: LA PAZ STREET Cross Street: YNEZ ROAD From: 111197 To: 12/31/98 Date Prepared: 1/6/99 12/18/97 Unsf Spd Number of Collisions I Property Damage Only I Injury Collisions I Fatal Collisions 3 Total Collisions Leqend ~ RightTurn ~ Moving Vehicle ~ Stopped Vehicle ~ Left Turn e Backing Vehicle ~ Sideswipe ~ Ran Off Road '~' 4 ..... Movement <:;3 Day Unknown ,~-- Night Pedestrian Fixed Object Bicycle DUI InjuP/ Fatal i~-w z w ~_~ ~>~ ~> o> ~ n~ n,' EXHIBIT "A" MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 9, 1998 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission was called to order on Thursday, April 9, 1998, 6:00 P.M., at the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Telesio called the meeting to order. PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Johnson, Markham, Perry, Telesio ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Coe Also present were of Public Works Senior Engineer All Moghadam, Police Sergeant Rodney Crisp, Assistant Engineer Hasib Baha, Administrative Secretary Anita Pyle, and Minute Clerk Pat Kelley. Commissioner Markham led the flag salute. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chairman Telesio called for public comments on non-agenda items. Jim Caldwell, 30260 Cabrillo Avenue, asked the Commission to reduce the speed limit on Cabrillo Avenue to 25 MPH because of its narrow width, and restricted visibility at the intersection of E. Vallejo and Cabrillo Avenues. Commissioner Markham noted Cabrillo Avenue's speed limit was changed from 55 MPH to 35 MPH, which was according to the Vehicle Code, and Public Works had recently cleaned the culvert at Cabrillo Avenue and John Warner and is working to clean up silt in the area. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of March 12.1998 It was moved by Commission Perry, seconded by Commissioner Markham to approve the Minutes of March 12, 1998. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Johnson, Markham, Perry, Telesio NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 1 COMMISSIONER: Coe PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 9. 1998 COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. ReQuest for Traffic Control Modifications - Los Ranchitos Community Commissioner Markham stepped down due to a conflict of interest, being a resident of Los Ranchitos and a member of the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association. Senior Engineer All Moghadam presented the staff report. Donald Barker, 275 Centennial Way, Suite 208, Tustin, representing Hartzog & Crabill, Inc., stated in his traffic study for the Rancho Community Church improvements, the number of students projected for the Church expansion would increase traffic by approximately 580 vehicle trips per day. Approximately 23% of the Church's parishioners who turn west onto Vallejo Avenue would be affected by a right-turn only driveway, trips would be lengthened and the number of intersections crossed would be increased if La Paz is made a one-way street. Stanley Heaton, 42102 Elgin Court, representing Temecula Engineering Consultants, supported denial of an "All-Way Stop Sign" at Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road, establishing one-way streets and installing "No Left Turn" signs at the exit from Rancho Community Church on Vallejo Avenue. Mr. Heaton stated the traffic problems experienced in Los Ranchitos will minimize when Hwy 79(S) improvements are completed. James Beckley, 45560 Classic Way, representing Rancho Community Church, supported denial of the no left-turn from the Church and establishment of one-way streets as they would cause a hardship to parents bringing children to the church daycare and school, and handicapped parishioners. He stated traffic improvements are included with the expansion of the campus, to lessen the inconvenience for Church members and the neighborhood. Doug Johnson, 30175 Cabrillo Avenue, supported staff's recommendation on all four (4) issues. Pauline Nelson, 30033 DePortola Road, supported an "All-Way Stop" at Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road and reducing the speed limit to 35 MPH on Ynez Road between Santiago Road and Margarita Road. She expressed her appreciation for the recent culvert cleaning. Rebecca Weersing, 41775 Yorba Avenue, supported staff's recommendations, but believes an "All-Way Stop" at Ynez Road/DePortola Road and Jedediah Smith Road is a good idea. Jim Caldwell, 30260 Cabrillo Avenue, suggested a "Left-Turn" lane on Ynez Road, at Vallejo Avenue. Diane Oakden, 39671 Cedarwood Drive, Murrieta, representing Sunshine Preschool and Rancho Community Christian School, supported staff's recommendations. PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 9. 1998 Carole Corazza, 44220 La Paz Street, thanked the Commission for the "Stop Sign" at La Paz and asked if speeds in the area have changed since the installation of the "Stop Sign". Mr. Moghadam replied there has not been any significant change in mid-block speeds. Ms. Corazza asked if a facility, such as a library, at Santiago and Ynez Roads, would require that a traffic survey be taken. Mr. Moghadam answered when there is a significant change, a survey would be conducted to determine if stop signs or lower speed limits are justified. She supported the "Stop Sign" at Jedediah Smith and Ynez Roads. Jack Willjams, 41640 Yorba Avenue, expressed his appreciation for the La Paz "Stop Sign" and supported staff's recommendations. James Dittman, 45330 Camino Monzon, representing Rancho Community Church, read a letter from Pastor Steve Struikman, who supported staff's recommendations. Mr. Dittman expressed his support of a "Stop Sign" at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads. Donald Coop, 41755 Rider Way, representing Rancho Community Church, expressed support for reducing the speed on Ynez Road and a "Stop Sign" at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads. Terry Gasson, 44501 Verde Drive, expressed her support of reducing the speed limit on Ynez Road and having an "All-Way Stop" at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads. She suggested 35 MPH might be a safer speed limit for Ynez Road and proposed the church's ingress/egress needs be studied because their increased traffic impacts the people living near the church. Curt .Carlson, 30230 DePortola Road, supported a four-way "Stop Sign" at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads, and reducing the speed limit. Victor Jones, 30655 DePortola, representing Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association, stated the Association had received the issues discussed tonight from various Los Ranchitos homeowners and the Association had wanted to meet with City and Church staffs to discuss the concerns and possible solutions prior to bringing the matter to the Commission. He requested the matter be kept open. Mr. Moghadam stated the report was sent to the Homeowners Association and this is the proper forum for a discussion. Commissioner Johnson noted traffic on both intersecting streets must meet warrants and asked about the number of accidents at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads. Sgt. Crisp stated he did not have any statistics with him. Commissioner Johnson pointed out an accident of less than $500, with no injury, is reported to DMV only and the City is not notified. He is concerned about the increase of traffic in the area and supported a 4- way "Stop Sign" at Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road. Commissioner Perry stated he drives the route several times a day and has not personally observed a problem accessing Ynez Road from Jedediah Smith Road. He noted Ynez Road is considered an arterial street, not a residential street and the City of Temecula receives federal and state funding for transportation projects. He expressed support of staff's recommendations. PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 9. 1998 Chairman Telesio stated warrants are guidelines only and the City Council has the option to designate a "Stop Sign" anywhere. He supported a "Stop Sign" at Ynez and Jedediah Smith Roads. Chairman Telesio remarked this is the correct forum for discussing the issues. He supported staff recommendations regarding the denial of a lower speed limit, the one-way streets and the no left-turn signs at Rancho Community Church. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Chairman Telesio, to recommend the City Council approve the installation of an "All-Way Stop" at the intersection of Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road and to deny the requests to reduced the posted speed limit to 35 MPH on Ynez Road between Santiago Road and Margarita Road, to establish La Paz Street as "One-Way" toward Hwy 79(S) and Jedediah Smith Road as "One-Way" toward Ynez Road and DePortola Road and to install "No Left-Turn" signs at the exit from Rancho Community Church on Vallejo Avenue. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: Johnson, Telesio NOES: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Perry ABSTAIN: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Markham ABSENT: I COMMISSIONERS: Coe TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Mr. Moghadam reported the Intelligent Traffic Management System's equipment is almost entirely connected and he will provide a tour for the Commissioners in the near future. Mr. Moghadam asked the Commissioners for their input regarding the draft street sign standards. Commissioner Markham stated there should not be any variability regarding glued/painted letters. Commissioner Johnson noted reflectivity life and level as well as the life of the sign should be necessary specifications. Mr. Moghadam announced a joint City Council and Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting to be held June 16, 1998. Commissioner Markham suggested meeting in the Conference Room around a table would be a more productive setting than Council Chambers. Commissioner Markham requested a current list of signals and their priority, those under design, and in the CIP. Mr. Moghadam stated staff is working on the list and the only signal being recommended for the next fiscal year is one at Margarita and Pauba Roads, which will have the highest priority. Commissioner Markham asked if Commissioner Perry's letter to Councilmember Ford regarding pre-application or design review by this Commission could be agendized for the joint meeting as there are concerns about this Commission's review delaying the approval process. AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Public/Traffic Safety Commission ~"')Ali Moghadam P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic/CIP April 9, 1998 Item 2 Request for Traffic Control Modifications - Los Ranchitos Community RECOMMENDATION: That ~he Public/Traffic Safety Commission deny a request to: 1. Establish an "All-Way Stop" at the intersection of Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road 2. Reduce the posted speed limit m 35 MPH on Ynez Road between Santiago Road and Margarita Road 3. Establish La Paz Street as "One-Way" toward SR79(S) and Jedediah Smith Road as "One-Way" toward Ynez Road/DePortola Road 4. Install "No Left Turn" signs at exit driveways from Rancho Community Church to Vallejo Avenue BACKGROUND: The City received a letter from the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association requesting the Public/Traffic Safety Commission consider the above mentioned traffic control modifications. Staff has conducted an extensive study of the area traffic flow and has analyzed all of the requested modifications. The following provides a brief summary of our analysis and recommendations for each item. 1. "All-Way Stop" at the intersection of Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road Currently, Ynez Road is a 44 foot wide roadway with a posted speed limit of 45 MPH. Jedediah Smith Road is a 24 foot wide roadway and the speed limit is posted at 40 MPH north of Ynez Road. Two (2) accidents have been reported at this intersection from March, 1996 to March, 1997. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Traffic Manual identifies three (3) criteria for installation of "All-Way Stop" signs. These warrants include urgent need for a traffic signal, accidents susceptible to correction by installation of "Stop" signs and traffic volumes. Caltrans warrants are guidelines that are utilized by most agencies throughout the State of California. Adhering to these guidelines allows uniformity and reduces liability potentials. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and Caltrans also discourage use of "Stop" signs for speed control. Since this intersection did not satisfy any of the warrants, installation of an "All-Way Stop" is not recommended. 2. Speed limit reduction on Ynez Road and DePortola Road from 45 and 50 MPH to 35 MPH The California Vehicle Code (CVC) requires that speed limits (other than prima facie speeds such as Residence District, School Zones, etc.) be justified by an Engineering and Traffic Survey. An Engineering and Traffic Survey, among other things, consists of measurement of prevailing speeds, review of accident history and roadside conditions not readily apparent to a driver. In addition to the previous speed studies, staff conducted a new speed survey to determine if a lower speed limit could be justified for Ynez Road and DePortola Road with installation of the new "All-Way Stop" at the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz Street. The new speed surveys did not indicate a change in the overall speed. Therefore, a reduced speed limit on Ynez Road/DePortola Road is neither justifiable nor recommended. An arbitrary speed limit which is not justified by an Engineering and Traffic Survey constitutes a "Speed Trap" and is difficult to enforce. Without enforcement a lower posted speed limit does not reduce the overall speed on a given street and could result in increased number of accidents due to inconsistency in traveling speeds and unsafe passing. Establishing La Paz Street as "One-Way" toward SR79(S) and Jedediah Smith as "One-Way" toward Ynez Road/DePortola Road AlthouL, h we understand the objective of this recommendation, we are not convinced that the proposed "One- Wa.x' streets will accomplish the objective of reducing the "cut-through" traffic. The morning peak hour traffic on SR79(S) still could turn on Jedediah Smith Road to get to Ynez Road and the evening peak hour traffic could turn from Ynez Road to La Paz Street to get to SR79(S). It should be noted that "One-Way" street systems are generally established to increase capacity of a roadway system and not to impede traffic and discourage use. 4. No "Left-Turn" signs out of the Rancho Community Church on Vallejo Avenue According to the letter, this recommendation was made to eliminate congestion and a perceived unsafe situation at the intersection of Ynez Road and Vallejo Avenue (north) when making a left turn. Our records indicate one (1) reported accident from January, 1992 to March, 1998 at this intersection. Therefore, it does not appear that left turns at this intersection create an unsafe condition. Also, by eliminating left-turns at the church driveways, the vehicles exiting the church and making a right-turn could continue on Vallejo Avenue going south and make a lefi-turn at the intersection of Ynez Road and Vallejo Avenue (south). Therefore the suggested "No Lefi-Turn" signs do not eliminate left-turus onto Ynez Road. The proposed turning restriction would also inconvenience the residents of the area to the north of the church who attend this church and force them to either disobey the signs or travel a long loop to access their homes. However, during our analysis of this request we noticed that making a left-turn out of driveway "C' in Exhibit "B" is difficult due to a horizontal curve (crest) just south of this driveway. Staff recommends that this driveway be modified by the church to either an entrance only or exits from this driveway be restricted to right-turn oniy. In lieu of the modifications to this driveway, the existing "No Parking" zone south of driveway "C" can be extended to improve the visibility of approaching cars from the south. In summary, since the requested modifications are not warranted, staff recommends that they be denied. It shonid also be noted that Ynez Road, DePortola Road, La Paz Street and Jedediah Smith Road are identified as circulation streets on the City's General Plan. All these streets are public roads, publicly maintained and are for use of the general public. We anticipated that the improvements on SR79(S) will reduce the "cut-through" traffic within the Los Ranchitos Community. Meanwhile staff will continue to monitor the intersection of Ynez Road/DePortola Road with Jedediah Smith Road, and consider installation of an "All-Way Stop" when the traffic conditions warrant it. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachment: 1. Exhibit "A" - Location Map 2. Exhibit "B" - Rancho Community Church Driveway 3. Exhibit "C" - Warrant Analysis and Supporting Dam 4. Exhibit "D' - Letter of Request EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP Rancho Community Church Requested Stop Sign Location EXHIBIT "B' .,, ~' '*' Flores "' Coronado Palma La Paz Street EXHIBIT "C" WARRANT ANALYSIS AND SUPPORTING DATA APPROAC1HNG TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR THE INTERSECTION OF: Ynez Road and Jedediah Smith Road Hours Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound 6:00 A.M. 49 41 37 149 7:00 A,M. * 90 75 88 297 8:00 A.M. * 49 40 126 267 9:00 A.M. 32 27 96 110 10:00 A.M. 22 23 105 120 11:00 A.M. 20 21 148 108 12:00 Noon * 25 36 155 104 1:00 P.M. 26 27 165 82 2:00P.M. * 43 43 209 ~i12 3:00P.M. * 75 70 347 178 4:00P.M. * 77 39 380 185 5:00 P.M. * 41 42 589 127 6:00 P.M. * 57 41 342 84 Average Average highest 8 hours 105 Highest 8 hours from minor All approaches: streets: Highest eight (8) hour count. Total 276 550 482 265 270 297 320 300 407 670 681 799 524 554 r:\bahaVacmo~stopw4 .frm Incoming Traffic vot~m~e Mufti-Way Stop Warranting SoftwaPe 01/29/98 100% 70X CQIqBINATION START NB SB EB RB HOUR MARRANT MARRANT WARRANT TINE TOT NET NET NET 0:00 0 0 0 0 0 1:00 0 0 0 0 0 2:00 0 O 0 0 0 3:00 0 O 0 0 0 ~:00 0 0 0 0 0 5:00 0 0 0 0 0 6:00 ~9 ~1 37 1~9 276 7:00 90 75 88 29? 550 8:00 49 ~0 126 267 ~82 9:00 32 27 96 110 265 10:00 22 23 105 120 270 11:00 20 21 1~8 108 297 12:00 25 36 155 104 320 13:00 26 27 165 82 300 14:00 43 43 209 112 407 15:00 75 70 3/,7 178 670 16:00 77 39 380 185 681 17:00 41 ~2 589 127 799 18:00 57 41 342 8~ 524 19:00 0 0 0 0 0 20:00 0 0 0 0 0 21:00 0 0 0 0 0 22:00 0 0 0 0 0 23:00 0 0 0 0 0 SITE C~OE: 00000000 CiTY OF TENECULA PAGE: 1 STREET : De Portola FILE: dep!mzl LIMITS : East of dedediah Smith Rd. : W/B onty ' -- DATE: 1/26/98 TINE NONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY WEEIG)AY SATURDAY SUNDAY WEEK BEGIN 26 27 28 29 30 AVERAGE 31 1 AVERAGE 12:00 AN * 3 2 4 * 3 * * 3 ~:00 * 0 1 1 * 0 * * 0 2:00 * 1 1 0 * 0 * * 0 3:00 * 3 4 3 * 3 * * 3 4:00 * 22 29 23 * 24 * * 24 5:00 * 92 89 8~. * 88 * * 88 b:O0 * 169 149 3~ * 117 117 7:00 889 297 * * 293 * * 293 8:00 * 261 267 * * 26/, * * 264 9:00 * 125 110 * * 117 * * 117 10:00 100 120 * * 110 * * 110 11:00 * 100 108 * * 10~ * * 104 12:00 PM 99 109 104 * * 104 * * 104 1:00 93 104 82 * * 93 * * 93 2:00 108 121 112 * * 113 * * 113 3:00 159 169 178 * * 168 * * 168 4:00 123 180 185 * * 162 * * 162 5:00 97 121 127 * * 115 * * 115 6:00 56 93 84 * * 77 * * 7:00 39 43 53 * * 45 8:00 17 24 22 * * 21 * * 21 9:00 18 18 10 * * 15 * * 15 10:00 8 2 9 * * 6 * * 6 11:00 4 3 5 * * 4 * TOTALS 821 2152 2148 149 * 2046 * * 2046 % AVG WKDAY 40.1 105.2 105.0 7.3 * % AVG DAY 40.1 105.2 105.0 7.3 * , , AN PEAK RR * 7:00 7:00 5:00 * 7:00 * * 7:00 VOLUME * 289 297 84 * 293 * * 293 PEAK HR 3:00 4:00 4:00 * * 3:00 * * 3:00 VOLUNE 159 180 185 * * 1&8 * * 168 SITE COOE: 00000000 STREET : Ynez Road LIMITS : West of Jedediah Smith Rd. : CITY OF TENECtJL~ TIME NONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BEGIN 26 27 28 29 30 PAGE: 1 FILE: ynezjed DATE: 1/26/98 ~EEIZlAY SATURDAY SUNDAY WEEK AVERAGE 31 1 AVERAGE 12:00 AN * 8 4 12 · 8 ~:00 * 5 10 10 · 8 * 2:00 * 7 7 11 * 8 · 3:00 * 0 2 3 * 1 * 4:00 * 4 2 2 * 2 * 5:00 * 9 18 13 * 13 * 6:00 * 43 37 1 * 27 * 7:00 * 87 88 * · 87 * 8:00 * 126 126 · · 126 9:00 * 94 96 · * 95 * 10:00 * 105 105 · * 105 · 11:00 * 143 148 * * 145 * 12:00 PM 175 190 155 * * 1:00 154 154 165 * * 2:00 207 202 209 * * 3:00 297 321 347 * * 4:00 386 393 380 * * 5:00 514 577 589 * * 6:00 2&4 346 342 * * 7:00 116 168 153 * * 8:00 107 116 111 * * 9:00 71 74 78 * 10:00 42 48 49 * * 11:00 23 14 21 * · * 8 * 8 * 8 * 1 * 2 * 13 * 27 * 87 * 126 * 95 · 105 * 145 173 * * 173 157 · * 157 206 · · 206 321 · · 321 386 * * 386 560 * * 560 317 · * 317 145 · * 145 111 * * 111 74 * * 74 19 * * 19 TOTALS 2356 3234 3242 52 * % AVG WItDAY 75.0 103.0 103.2 1,7 * % AVG DAY 75.0 103,0 103.2 1.7 * 3140 * 3140 AN PEAK HR * 11:00 11:00 5:00 * 11:00 VOLUME * 143 148 13 * 145 * * 11:00 · * 145 PM PEAK HR 5:00 5:00 5:00 * * 5:00 * * 5:00 VOLUME 514 577 589 * * 560 * * 560 SITE CQOE: 00000000 STREET : Jedediah Smith Road LIMITS : North of Ynez Road CITY OF TEMECULA T/HE NONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BEGIN 26 27 28 29 30 12:00 AM * 2 1 1 * i:O0 * 0 1 I * 2:00 * 0 0 0 * 3:00 * 1 1 1 * 4:00 * 5 7 6 * 5:00 19 24 11 * 6:00 47 41 4 * 7:00 * 61 75 * 8:00 * 39 40 * * 9:00 * 29 27 * * 10:00 * 22 23 * * 11:00 * 27 21 * * 12:00 PM 29 37 36 * * 1:00 21 30 27 * * 2:00 44 40 43 * 3:00 63 66 70 * 4:00 47 50 39 * * 5:00 37 35 42 * * 6:00 32 32 41 * * 7:00 21 24 8:00 9 29 25 * * 9:00 8 25 17 * 10:00 10 7 7 * * 11:00 3 5 4 * * TOTALS 324 632 ~ 24 * % AVG WKDAY 54.1 105.5 108.2 4.0 * % AVG DAY 54.1 105.5 108.2 4.0 * PAGE: 1 FILE: jed-/nez DATE: 1/26/98 WEEKOAY SATURDAY SUNDAY WEEK AVERAGE 31 1 AVERAGE 1 * * 1 0 * 0 0 * * 0 1 * 1 6 * * 6 18 * 18 30 * * 30 68 * * 68 39 * * 39 28 * * 28 22 * * 22 24 * * 24 34 * 34 26 * 26 Z~2 * * 42 ~ * ~ 45 * * 45 38 * * 38 35 * * 35 27 * * 27 21 * * 21 16 * * 16 8 * * 8 59q * 599 AH PEAK HR * 7:00 7:00 5:00 VOLUME * 61 75 11 7:00 68 7:00 68 PH PEAK HR 3:00 3:00 3:00 * * 3:00 * * 3:00 VOLUME 63 6(> 70 * * ~ * * ~ SiTE CODE: 00000000 STREET : Jedediah Smith Rd, LIMITS : South of Ynez Road : CITY OF TENECULA TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY WEEK:DAY BEGIN 26 27 28 29 30 AVERAGE SATURDAY 31 12:00 AM * 2 3 2 * 2 * ~:00 * 1 0 0 · 0 * 2:00 * 1 1 2 * 1 * 3:00 * 0 1 0 · 0 * 4:00 * 6 5 I * 4 * 5:00 * A 16 9 · 9 * 6:00 * 50 A9 7:00 * 84 90 * * 87 * 8:00 * 46 ~9 * * 47 * 9:00 * 32 10:00 * 16 22 * * 19 * 11:00 * 42 20 * · 31 * PAGE: SUNDAY 12:00 PM 28 38 85 * · 30 * * 1:00 31 35 26 * * 30 2:00 4A 56 43 * * 4T * * 3:00 81 58 75 * * 71 * * 4:00 56 58 77 * * 63 * * 5:00 53 59 41 · 6:00 32 50 57 * * 46 · * 7:00 19 37 35 * * 30 · · 8:00 1~ 20 19 * * 17 · * 9:00 11 9 16 * * 12 * · 10:00 7 13 12 * * 10 * * 11:00 A 6 6 * * 5 · * TOTALS 380 723 720 1A · 693 % AVG WKDAY 54.8 104.3 103.9 2.0 · % AVG DAY 54.8 104.3 103.9 2.0 * FILE: Jedsdep DATE: 1/26/98 WEEK AVERAGE 2 0 1 0 9 A9 87 ~.7 32 19 31 30 30 71 63 51 30 17 12 10 5 693 AM PEAK HR * 7:00 7:00 5:00 · 7:00 VOLUME * 8/, 90 9 * 87 7:00 87 PM PEAK HR 3:00 5:00 4:00 * * 3:00 * * 3:00 VOLUME 81 59 77 * * 71 * * 71 SITE CODE: 00000000 CITY OF TENECULA PAGE: 1 STREET : Ynez Road FILE: ynzstpaz LINITS : SOUth of Le Pez Street : DATE: 2/09/98 TINE NONDAy 9 TUESDAy 10 IJEDNESDAY 11 THURSDAY lZ FRIDAY 13 SATURDAY 14 SUNDAY 15 GEE[ AVERAGE BEGIN N/B S/B N/6 S/8 N/D S/6 HID S/B N/B S/B N/B S/B N/B S/B N/D S/6 12:00 AN * * 3 14 1 6 * * * * * * 2 10 1':00 * * * 1 8 1 9 * * * * 1 8 2:00 * * * * 1 12 3 9 * * * * * * 2 10 3:00 * * * * 6 1 3 1 * * * * * * 4 1 4:00 · · 31 6 29 7 * * * * * 30 6 5:00 * * 127 10 122 8 * * * * * * 124 9 6:00 * · · 212 50 197 51 * * * * * * 204. 50 7:00 * * · 413 85 I 1 * * * * * · 207 8:00 * * * * 321 129 0 0 * * * * * * 160 64 9:00 * * * * 147 76 0 0 · w * · * * 73 38 10:00 * * * 118 129 * * * · * * * · 118 129 11:00 * * * 1~1 155 * * * * * * * * 141 155 12:00 PN * · · * 129 226 · * * * * * * * 129 226 1:00 * * 137 169 143 212 * * * * * * * * 140 190 2:00 158 255 186 245 · * * * * * * · 172 250 3:00 * 225 287 203 317 * * * * * * * 214 30Z 4:00 · 196 378 171 416 * * * * * ' · · 183 397 5:00 * * 140 562 170 495 * * * * * * * 155 528 6:00 * * 145 370 1/~ 316 * * * * * * * 144 343 7:00 * 65 143 72 200 * · · * * · * * 68 171 8:00 * * 45 133 41 144 * * * * * * * · 43 138 9:00 * * 13 87 28 100 * * * * * * * * 20 93 10:00 * * 12 55 7 39 * * · * * · * * 9 11:00 * 2 18 6 33 * * * * * * * 4 25 TOTALS * * 11:58 2457 2821 :~,18 357 92 * * * * * * 2347 32~3 COIqBINED TOTALS 12:00 AN · * 17 7 * * * 12 1:00 * * 9 10 * * * 9 2:00 * · 13 12 · * * 12 3:00 * * 7 4 * * * 5 4:00 * * 37 36 * * · 36 5:00 * * 137 130 · * * 133 6:00 * 262 268 * * · 254 7:00 · 498 2 * * * 250 8:00 * * 450 0 * * * 224 9:00 * 223 0 * * * 111 10:00 * * 247 * * * * 247 11:00 * * 296 * * * * 296 12:00 PN · · 355 * · · · 355 1:00 306 355 * · · * 330 2:00 · 413 431 * * * * 422 3:00 · 512 520 * * * * 516 ~:00 574 587 * * * * 580 5:00 * 702 6~5 * * * * 68.1 6:00 * 515 460 * * * * 487 7:00 · 208 272 * * · * 239 8:00 * 178 185 * * * * 181 9:00 * 100 128 * * * * 113 10:00 · 67 46 * * * * 56 11:00 · 20 39 w · * · 29 rOTALS * 3595 6239 /,49 * * * 5580 CITY OF TRMECULA/SITE 1 DE POETOLA RD/E OF JEDEDIAH SMITH RD TUESDAY Begin < ...... EBND A,M ,O 08/05 12:!5 12:30 22:45 2 Ol:OC 4 01:i5 ~!:8C 1 01:45 CZ:00 0 02:15 0 32:80 C2:45 1 2 C3:!5 0 03:33 i 03:4~ 04:00 3 ~,.,= 04:]C 1 04:45 S 2 ~.u~ 05:!5 1 05:39 'J5:45 2 11 G6:30 0~:45 14 35 Z'7:OC' 07:3 15 j~:45 i5 5i C3:00 2e 3~:!5 25 05:30 23 0~:45 !9 ~9:00 i9 Og:iE 19 0~:30 24 09:45 30 92 13:D0 23 10:1E 30 10:36 10:45 28 95 ll:rO 11:15 2I i!:30 34 11:45 44 122 Totals 5!4 Day Tc[als 2409 % 33.4% ...... >< ...... WBN3 P.M 34 2 46 1 33 0 82 145 0 38 1 27 0 33 0 30 128 O 1 28 I N 1 ~2 0 46 153 1 3 38 1 60 2 47 193 3 7 65 1 51 3 74 8 72 262 I1 23 105 7 94 20 91 20 85 375 25 72 87 36 54 25 55 44 31 227 48 151 36 50 41 76 38 50 32 147 62 238 29 42 27 46 29 39 30 i08 51 i78 25 35 22 40 25 3i 22 94 27 I1 14 29 i7 26 6 48 24 111 ; 25 5 23 4 26 3 17 29 103 !895 1023 1809 70.6% 66.5% COUETS UNLIMITED 909.247.6716 EAST/WEST ...... >< ...... Combined D,M A.M 2" 6 23 16 C 22 0,~ 2 l0 19 5 26 1 18 ! 25 88 8 23 1 29 25 1 15 91 2 27 2 28 1 31 3 28 !!4 4 10 21 i 24 4 27 22 94 ii 25 25 6 26 2i 24 27 20 95 27 23 38 14 36 17 52 19 73 60 20 60 14 9! ~ 6I !9 62 7~ 289 12 62 12 71 5 62 9 41 70 265 5 54 5 59 3 55 4 17 57 225 ] 55 5 59 3 0 ii 52 206 5 48 4 44 2 60 I 12 73 225 786 !537 4218 29.3%. ...... 61 69 49 54 233 57 53 51 55 216 51 65 67 6! 244 75 66 91 75 307 96 75 101 94 356 130 120 !15 105 470 110 68 72 50 300 56 55 47 51 209 32 39 38 39 !47 30 27 28 26 i11 I4 19 20 6 59 !0 9 6 4 29 268I Site Code: IS6iI2 Start Date: 08/05/97 File i.D.: TE01JUg? Paae : Peak Hour ii:00 05:00 07:00 03:00 07:!5 05:00 122 375 238 114 291 470 .69 .89 .78 .91 .79 .90 SPEEDPLOT 2 Spot Speed Analysis vet. 2.00A/McTRANS De Portola Road: Margarita Road to Jedediah Smith Road DIRECTION(S) ....... E/W DATE ............... 12/10/1997 TIME ............... 10:00 POSTED SPEED LIMIT.50 MPH CUM MPH NO. PCT. PCT. <15 0 0.0 0.0 15 0 0.0 0.0 16 0 0.0 0.0 17 0 0.0 0.0 18 0 0.0 0.0 19 0 0.0 0.0 20 0 0.0 0.0 21 0 0.0 0.0 22 0 0.0 0.0 23 0 0.0 0.0 24 0 0.0 0.0 25 0 0.0 0.0 26 0 0.0 0.0 27 0 0.0 0.0 28 0 0.0 0.0 29 0 0.0 0.0 30 0 0.0 0.0 31 0 0.0 0.0 32 0 0.0 0.0 33 0 0.0 0.0 34 0 0.0 0.0 35 0 0.0 0.0 36 0 0.0 0.0 37 0 0.0 0.0 38 1 1.0 1.0 39 1 1.0 2.0 40 2 2 0 4.0 41 5 5 0 9.0 42 3 3 0 12.0 43 6 6 0 18.0 44 6 6 0 24 · 0 45 7 7 0 31.0 46 6 6 0 37.0 47 7 7 0 44.0 48 12 12 0 56.0 49 10 10 0 66.0 50 8 8 0 74 · 0 51 6 6 0 80 · 0 52 6 6 0 86.0 53 5 5 0 91.0 54 3 3 0 94 · 0 55 2 2 0 96 0 56 1 10 97 0 57 2 2 · 0 99 0 58 0 0.0 99 0 59 1 1.0 100 0 60 0 0.0 100 0 >60 0 0.0 100 0 50TH PERCENTILE SPEED .... 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED .... 10 MPH PACE SPEED ........ PERCENT IN PACE SPEED .... PERCENT OVER PACE SPEED.. PERCENT UNDER PACE SPEED. RANGE OF SPEEDS .......... VEHICLES OBSERVED ........ AVERAGE SPEED ............ ............ 48 ............ 52 .43 through 52 ......... 74.0 ......... 14.0 ......... 12.0 ...... 38 to 59 ........... 100 .......... 47.8 CUMULATIVE PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 100 ****100 *** _ 90 80 m , , , , , , 70 60 50 + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 20 30 40 50 60 PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 15 15 10 10 - ! I1: + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 20 30 40 50 60 SPEEDPLOT 2 Spot Speed Analysis Vet. 2.00A/McTRANS Ynez Road: ~&~7 ~ _L ~itk F~ to Santiago Road DIRECTION(S) ....... N/S DATE ............... 11/14/1997 TIME ............... 10:30 POSTED SPEED LIMIT.45 MPH CUM MPH NO. PCT. PCT. <15 0 0.0 0 0 15 0 0.0 0 0 16 0 0.0 0 0 17 0 0.0 0 0 18 0 0.0 0 0 19 0 0.0 0 0 20 0 0.0 0 0 21 0 0.0 0 0 22 0 0.0 0 0 23 0 0.0 0 0 24 0 0.0 0 0 25 0 0.0 0 0 26 0 0.0 0 0 27 0 0.0 0 0 28 0 0.0 0 0 29 0 0.0 0 0 30 0 0.0 0.0 31 0 0.0 0.0 32 0 0.0 0.0 33 0 0.0 0.0 34 0 0.0 0.0 35 0 0.0 0.0 36 1 1.0 1.0 37 3 2.9 3.9 38 4 3.9 7.8 39 6 5.8 13.6 40 6 5.8 19.4 41 8 7.8 27.2 42 6 5.8 33.0 43 8 7.8 40.8 44 7 6.8 47.6 45 10 9.7 57.3 46 6 5.8 63.1 47 8 7.8 70.9 48 10 9.7 80.6 49 7 6.8 87.4 50 4 3.9 91.3 51 3 2.9 94.2 52 1 1.0 95.1 53 2 1.9 97.1 54 1 1 · 0 98 · 1 55 0 0.0 98.1 56 i 1.0 99.0 57 0 0.0 99.0 58 0 0.0 99.0 59 1 1 · 0 100.0 60 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 >60 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 50TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 45 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 49 10 MPH PACE SPEED .......... 40 through 49 PERCENT IN PACE SPEED .............. 73.8 PERCENT OVER PACE SPEED ............ 12.6 PERCENT UNDER PACE SPEED ........... 13.6 RANGE OF SPEEDS ................. 36 to 59 VEHICLES OBSERVED .................... 103 AVERAGE SPEED ....................... 44.8 CUMULATIVE PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 100 ******'100 90 * 90 80 * 80 70 * 70 _ , _ 60 60 _ , _ 50 * 50 40 * 40 _ , _ 30 30 20 * 20 _ , _ 10 * 10 _ , _ 0'********************* 0 + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 20 30 40 50 60 PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 15 15 5 5 - + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 20 30 40 50 60 SPEEDPLOT 2 Spot Speed Analysis Ver. 2.00A/McTRANS Ynez Road: La Paz Street to Jedediah Smith Rd. DIRECTION(S) ....... E/W DATE ............... 2/20/1998 TIME ............... 10:30 POSTED SPEED LIMIT.45 MPH CUM MPH NO. PCT. PCT. <10 0 0.0 0 0 10 0 0.0 0 0 11 0 0.0 0 0 12 0 0.0 0 0 13 0 0.0 0 0 14 0 0.0 0 0 15 0 0.0 0 0 16 0 0.0 0.0 17 0 0.0 0.0 18 0 0.0 0.0 19 0 0.0 0.0 20 0 0.0 0.0 21 0 0.0 0.0 22 0 0.0 0.0 23 0 0.0 0.0 24 0 0.0 0.0 25 0 0.0 0.0 26 0 0.0 0.0 27 0 0.0 0.0 28 0 0.0 0.0 29 0 0.0 0.0 30 0 0.0 0.0 31 0 0.0 0.0 32 1 1.0 1.0 33 1 1.0 2.0 34 2 2.0 4.0 35 3 3.0 7.0 36 1 1.0 8.0 37 3 3.0 11.0 38 3 3.0 14.0 39 4 4.0 18.0 40 6 6.0 24.0 41 7 7.0 31.0 42 11 11 · 0 42 · 0 43 8 8.0 50.0 44 9 9.0 59.0 45 11 11.0 70.0 46 8 8.0 78.0 47 7 7 0 85 · 0 48 7 7 0 92 · 0 49 3 3 0 95.0 50 3 3 0 98 · 0 51 1 10 99 · 0 52 0 0 0 99.0 53 1 10 100.0 54 0 0 0 100.0 55 0 0 0 100.0 >55 0 0 0 100.0 50TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 44 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 48 10 MPH PACE SPEED .......... 39 through 48 PERCENT IN PACE SPEED .............. 78.0 PERCENT OVER PACE SPEED ............ 8.0 PERCENT UNDER PACE SPEED ........... 14.0 RANGE OF SPEEDS ................. 32 to 53 VEHICLES OBSERVED .................... 100 AVERAGE SPEED ....................... 43.1 CUMULATIVE PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 100 *****'100 _ , _ 90 80 70 60 50 · 40 * 10 ** + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 10 20 30 40 50 * 90 , _ * 80 * 70 * 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 15 PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 15 i0 5 + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 10 20 30 40 50 SPEEDPLOT 2 Spot Speed Analysis Vet. 2.00A/McTRANS La Paz Street: Highway 79 South to Ynez Road DIRECTION(S) ....... E/W DATE ............... 12/11/1997 TIME ............... 11:00 POSTED SPEED LIMIT.35 MPH CUM MPH NO. PCT. PCT. < 5 0 0.0 0.0 5 0 0.0 0.0 6 0 0.0 0.0 7 0 00 0.0 8 0 00 0.0 9 0 00 0.0 10 0 0 0 0.0 11 0 0 0 0.0 12 0 0 0 0.0 13 0 0 0 0.0 14 0 0 0 0.0 15 0 0 0 0.0 16 0 0 0 0.0 17 0 0 0 0.0 18 0 0 0 0.0 19 0 0 0 0.0 20 0 0 0 0.0 21 0 0 0 0.0 22 0 0 0 0.0 23 0 0 0 0.0 24 0 0 0 0.0 25 1 17 1.7 26 0 0 0 1.7 27 1 17 3.3 28 2 3 3 6.7 29 4 6 7 13.3 30 2 3 3 16.7 31 6 10 0 26.7 32 3 5 0 31.7 33 5 8 3 40.0 34 6 10 0 50.0 35 8 13 3 63.3 36 11 18 3 81.7 37 4 6 7 88.3 38 2 3 3 91.7 39 2 3 3 95 · 0 40 1 1.7 96.7 41 1 1.7 98.3 42 0 0.0 98.3 43 0 0.0 98.3 44 0 0.0 98.3 45 0 0.0 98.3 46 0 0.0 98.3 47 1 1.7 100.0 48 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 49 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 50 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 >50 0 0 · 0 100 · 0 50TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 35 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED ................. 37 10 MPH PACE SPEED .......... 28 through 37 PERCENT IN PACE SPEED .............. 85.0 PERCENT OVER PACE SPEED ............ 11.7 PERCENT UNDER PACE SPEED ........... 3.3 RANGE OF SPEEDS ................. 25 to 47 VEHICLES OBSERVED ..................... 60 AVERAGE SPEED ....................... 34.0 CUMULATIVE PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 100 *********'100 90 ** 90 80 , 80 70 70 60 60 50 · 50 40 , 40 30 , 30 20 20 10 10 + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 10 20 30 40 50 PERCENT VS. SPEED (MPH) + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 15 15 + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + .... + 10 20 30 40 50 10 Collision Diagram East/West Street: YNEZ ROAD North/South Street: DE PORTOLA ROAD-JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD From: 3131/96 To: 3131198 Date Prepared: 3131198 Number of Collisions I Property Damage Only I Injury Collisions 0 Fatal Collisions 2 Total Collisions Leqend L Right Turn · ,~ Moving Vehicle ~ Stopped Vehicle ~ Left Torn ~ BackingVehicle ~ Sideswipe ~ Ran Off Road ~ 4 ..... Movement <;:2 Day Unknown ~ Night Pedestrian Fixed Object Bicycle DUI Injury Fatal Collision Diagram North/South Street: YNEZ ROAD EastJWest Street: VALLEJO AVENUE From: 1/1/92 To: 3/31198 Date Prepared: 3131198 Number of Collisions 1_ Property Damage Only 0 Injury Collisions O Fatal Collisions I Total Collisions Leqend L Right Turn -~-- Moving Vehicle ~ Stopped Vehicle q~ Left Turn ~ BackingVehicle ~ Sideswipe ~ Ran Off Road .,F 4 ..... Movement <:3 Day Unknown ,~ Night Pedestrian Fixed Object Bicycle DUI injury Fatal CIRCULATION PLAN ,F:~"""" '-' ' '- ..... :" :.. /, The City of TEMF, CULA General Plan Program t R(~IjR[ EXHIBIT "D" LETTER OF REQUEST Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association P.O. Box 471 · Temecula, CA92593 November 25, 1997 Public Traffic and Safety. Commission City. of Temecula Comxnissioners I ~rry. Markham John Tetesio Ron Perry, Knox Johnson Charles Coe Subject: Traffic recommendations for the Los Ranchitos Community. Gentlemen,. Thank you for the oppommity to present our views on the traffic control needs for the Los Ranchitos community.. The board of directors has been working on this problem for several months and considerable thought has been given to the needs of the entire community. We have attempted to be ever mindful of the cost of our recommendations and balance them with the possible cost of human tragedy if certain actions am not taken. We are truly sadalerted by the death and injuries which have occurred recently at the intersection of LaPaz and Ynez which unfortunately has created a sense of urgency to the situation. As you know Los Ranchitos has been and continues to be considered "Horse Propore."' with relatively high propert>.' values and minimum acreage lots. The CC&R's contain specific language that is desired to maintain that destination within the ~eater Temecula area. Numerous residents within Los Ranchitos take advantage of the ability m keep horses and use the trails and roadsides for their riding pleasure. The major t~'ough street, Ynes Road/De Portola Road, also has a bike lane along a ~eat deal of it which is used frequently by cyclists and joggers. Both of these things, while extremely difficult to calculate, add to the traffic safe .ty problems within Los Ranchitos boundaries. After much thought and concern for the overall traffic safety within our community., the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association would like to make the following recommendations for your consideration. 1. Place 4 way stop signs at the intersection of Ynez Road and Jexlediah Smith Road. Discussion Based on the commissions recommendations during the November 20'~ meeting, the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz Street will become a 3-way stop with other engineering changes that will elevate a Southbound queue for those vehicles turning right onto La Paz. That was m be one of our recommendations to go along with # 1 above. Since the commission has already seen fit to take action at La Paz and Ynez for all the same reasons. 2. Reduce the posted speed limit on Ynez Road to 35 MPH between Santiago Road and Margarita. Discussion We recognize that this area of the city. had been historically viewed as rother rural and a higher than normal residential speed was considered acceptable. Our position is that cimumstances have changed dramatically during the last 8-10 years. We are now completely surrounded by a large number of high density residential areas with no end in sight for continued construction to the South and East of Los Ranchitos. Due to the bottle-neck conditions along Highway 79 a high number of these new residents have chosen to use Ynez Road to "bypass" HWY 79 between Margarita and Rancho California. This gives them quicker access to Interstate 15 in the morning and a quicker route home in the evening. The traffic survey numbers substantiate this understandable adjuslment in their driving patterns. It is a well established fact that drivers will adjust their driving mutes and habits to the path of least resistance. Unfortunately for the residents of Los Ranchitos, that adjustment has brought them directly through the middle of our small community.. We believe that if the control d~vices discussed in #1 above are in place and the speed limit is lowered and made consistent along Ynez/De Portoh, the "bypass" traffic will be reduced because it will be less efficient for those drivers objectives. Ynez and De Ponola are the only means by which most Los Ranchitos residents can either enter or leave this community. With the existing posted speed limits and the typically higher speeds being driven, this communities' residents are forced to enter a freemy like environment without benefit of on ramps. As the population grows, so does the danger. We reco~i2e that many people will not understand the need to reduce the speed along Ynez and De Ponola to 35 MPH because it has the general appearance of wide open space due to the low population density: however, in reality it is still just a residential area and should be given consideration as such. J. Change La Paz St. to 'One-Way" Westbound (toward HWY 79) and Jedediah Smith Rd. To ``One-Way" Eastbound toward Ynez Rd. & De Portola Rd. Discussion By making the change in the flow of traffic a number of things might be accomplished. The rafttic in both directious on Ynez wishing to turn onto La Paz would be able to negotiate their respective turning movements more quickly, thus avoiding the Engineering depa~iments concerns about queuing problems at the intersection~ The left turn lane and the left turn tri-light si~l phase at La Paz and HWY 79 could be eliminated and the Southbound queuing problem at HWY 79 at La Paz could be transferred further South on HWY 79 to where Jeclediah Smith intersects for traffic entering into Los Ranchitos community. 4. Post "No Left Turn" signs at the exits from Rancho Community. Church entering onto Vailejo St. Discussion For some time now the traffic coming from the church onto Vallejo Ave. Northbound has been creating severe congestion both on Vallejo and at the intersection of Vallejo and Ynez Road. IVfany of them want to turn left Northbound on Ynez Rd. Which agnin creates a hazardous left turning movement. Being able to turn left only or Southbound on Vallejo and then again only Westbound on La Paz (due to La Paz now being one way), these vehicles would be making right turmng movements (much safer) at each of the intersections not controlled by a tri-light s/~nnl until they reach FBVY 79. This would also reduce the number of out of the area vehicles moving through Los Ranchitos. For those parishioners that are residents of Los Ranchitos, they could enter again at Jedecliah Smith through conttrolled intersections. We feel that this recommendation has merit even as a stand along change. As you 'know there are preliminary plans to develop the land at the North/East comer of the intersection of HV~Y 79 and La Paz. By making La Paz Westbound~ that should reduce the related traffic into Los Ranchitos from those developments and also from the church nearby. The board members realize there has been some consideration for the placement of tri-light signals on Ynez at either or both of the intersections with La Paz and Jedediab Smith. We believe such an installation would not be in keeping with the rural feeling of the community, and are not necessary, for safe control of traffic. We are also mindful of the budgetary impact of tri-light installations. We don't believe the traffic manual minimum requirements will be met either. We do not claim to be traffic engineering experts, but, we have given careful cousidevation to our recommendations. We make these recommendations in the spirit of concerned community representatives and recognize the decisions you make are sometimes difficult ones that do not please everyone. We appreciate your willingness to listen to our concerns and stand ready to assist you in wor'king out a plan that will provide the safest traffic flow at a reasonable price. If our board members can be of any help at all, please let me know. We observed on November 20ta that the Commission is truly concerned and common sense prevailed. We trust you will use that same insightful wisdom m dealing with our recommendations. Thank you again for your consideration. Sincerely, Victor Jones, President Los Ranchires Homeowners Association Commissioner Markham noted this is a design problem as there is a low density area connected to a high density area and the road was not designed to handle high traffic volumes or through traffic. He stated he supported a permanent closure with a provision for traversible access for fire and police services. Commissioner Perry supported a permanent closure with curbs, gutters and lan~icaping installed with no public access. Commissioner's Johnson and Coe supported permanently closing the street. Chairman Telesio noted there are various other ways to get into the area that is more suitable for safety equipment. Randy Johnson, 31204 Kahwea Road, asked for permanent closure of Kahwea and to be made a cul-de-sac, which would then be reflected on the maps. Chairman Telesio asked the Public Works Department to do what they can to make certain the Police and Fire Departments have updated maps. It was moved by Commissioner Perry, seconded by Commissioner Coe, to recommend the City Council permanently close Kahwea Road and a more permanent closure structure be erected to include curbs, gutters and landscaping as appropriate. The motion carried as follows: AYES: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Coe, Johnson, Markham, Perry, Telesio COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 3. Flashing Beacons and Ripht-Turn Lane Installation - Ynez Road at La Paz Street Senior Engineer Ali Moghadam presented the staff report. Commissioner Markham noted a dirt road for cutting the corner has developed. He expressed concern that people will cut through the corners when Hwy. 795 construction starts, and perhaps installation of an AC berm could be considered. Commissioner Markham mentioned that the owner immediately north of the "T' intersection said the "Stop Sign" has been a help. Commissioner Markham noted the concerns about rear-end accidents has not materialized and the "Stop Sign" has reduced speed dramatically. Commissioner Perry agreed with staff that flashing lights are not needed; and questioned the need for a right-turn lane or a berm as he has not seen more than four (4) to six (6) cars backed up at a time. Commissioner Johnson stated traffic volumes may increase in this location until Hwy. 795 construction is complete. He concurred flashing beacons are not needed and was of the opinion the right-turn lane should be revisited at a later time. Chairman Telesio mentioned the bike lane has become the right-turn lane and does not see a need for a dedicated right-turn lane or flashing beacons. It was moved by Commissioner Coe, seconded by Commissioner Markham. to recommend the City Council take no further action regarding instaliation of flashing beacon,~ or :~lns:ructk>n cf a right-turn lane at the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz Street. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Coe, Johnson, Markham, Perry, Telesio NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None 4. Request tn Install Barricades and Equestrian Crossin~ Signs in Los Ranchitos Area Senior Engineer All Moghadam presented the staff report. Commissioner Markham commented the Maintenance Department has installed horse crossing signs in other locations within Los Ranchitos and whether the trails are public or private, they are used as public trails by residents of Los Ranchitos, Santiago Estates and Santiago Ranchos areas. He also noted the three-way stop has helped limit the accidents at this intersection. Commissioner Markham suggested putting up the equestrian trail signs in both directions of La Paz Street because of a blind trail crossing due to fencing and trees. He will provide staff with a trail map. Commissioner Johnson asked if the trails were in Los Ranchitos' CC&Rs and Commissioner Markham answered yes. Chairman Telesio asked if it was necessary for the City to bear the cost of the signs installation. Commissioner Markham replied the existing signs in Los Ranchitos were installed by the City. Chairman Telesio stated he was hesitant about putting a horse crosswalk on La Paz Street and is not certain a sign will really alert motorists to the presence of a horse. Mr. Parks stated the equestrian sign is for traffic and should be in public right-of-way as it is a safety issue-to alert the motoring public of the possibility of a horse crossing. It was moved by Commissioner Markham. seconded by Commissioner Perry, to recommend the City Council install trail crossing signs at La Paz Street and to deny the request for installation of additional barricades on the north side of Ynez Road. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 COMMISSIONERS: Coe, Johnson, Markham, Perry, Telesio NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None AGENDA REPORT TO: Public/Traffic Safety Commission FROM: Ali Moghadam, P.E., Senior Engineer, Traffic DATE: September 10, 1998 SUBJECT: Item 3 Hashing Beacons and Right-Tum Lane Installation - Ynez Road at La Paz Sweet RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the City Council take no further action regarding installation of flashing beacons and right-turn lane at the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz Street. BACKGROUND: At a special meeting held on November 20, 1997 the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing an "All-Way Stop" at the intersection of Ynez Road and La Paz Street. The Commission also recommended installation of flashing beacons on Ynez Road and construction of a right-turn lane from Ynez Road to La Paz Street to minimize possibility of rear end collisions. Minutes of the meeting is attached as Exhibit "A" . At the time this item was reviewed by the Commission, turning movement cotmrs at this intersection were not available and it was assumed that the majority of the southbound Ynez Road traffic turn right on La Paz Street. However, the actual counts indicated that the majority of vehicles, two-thirds (2/3), continue southbound on Ynez Road (Exhibit "B'). Staff has also monitored the number of accidents at this intersection. There has been one (1) reported solo accident at this intersection since installation of the "Stop" sign. This accident was caused by a driver who turned right from Ynez Road to La Paz Street at a high rate of speed through the dirt vacant lot at the southwest comer of this intersection and after loosing control of the vehicle rolled over on La Paz Street. Since this intersection currently operates safely, it does not appear that flashing beacons and a right-tam lane are necessary at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachment: 1. Exhibit "A" - Minutes of Special Meeting, November 20, 1997 2. Exhibit "B" - Volume Data 3. Exhibit "C" - Collision Diagram CITY 01 TNXiCUI, A I15: TII:I lOAD !/1: LJL PX,T {'ITIET FU.~T SUNLIT EXHIBIT "B' Site Code: 00151707 St~xy, Date: 11/25197 Yne I.I.: ~ lOAD 911 lOAD z.i IAl $?tEIT SoeC~ba~nd lott~boud Eatbond Tan tight Left ~n Le[t light T~al Date ~/25/97 ....................................................................................................................... Peek Iour baLysis By satire latenectia ~oz the Ped~: Q?:OQ tO 09:09 Oi 11/25/~7 Pea stecc 0?:45 0h45 01:45 Volm 92 S4 l) 2?5 ;oral 141 35l t02 ezghest 08:0t e?:05 of:Is Volume )O Z4 21 82 21 li to~al 41 110 )2 Yff ,23 .~1 YNEZ ROAD O' 54 92 PAZ STREET 516 83 ~ - TOTAL VOLUME 0 137 95 95 ] 239 95 275 o 370 J 7 0 102 Intersection Total 606 457 , 358 0 0 · 83 . 275 92 7 99 83 275 YNEL ROAD 606 [~ aOed -- ,)09g )Z6 606, mJd -- umlO:,; Z6~L 't ~OQeOOO0 A (:IT/OF T~IICULI !11: ~l tOlD I11: LA ill ST!lIT !IATBII: Pa!TLV ~uledl 25424 J/LCl, II 909-247-fl16 I~AL Sire Code: Start pete: n/25/97 Pile I.B.: Page : So~t~a~nd Iort~oud lastbond Thrm light Le[t T~r~ Left light To~al Date 11/25/97 ....................................................................................................................... Peah !oor belTsis B7 htiro Iat~rsectio~ ior t~e Period: I(:QI to le:e% os ll/2s/g7 Peak start 1(:45 1h45 16:45 VOle 512 28! 29 ~erceot ell 3n ~otil 79( 1~( 124 ,ghost 17:~ I(:45 lt:(S volume 238 75 9 !i total 211 41 PHI .91 .85 34 YNEZ ROAD 0 · 284 512 97 137 0  1,030t · PAZ STREET V 29 - TOTAL VOLUME 0 313 284 97 97 437 27 0 124 In%ersection Total 1.086 27 705 166 0 O' ~' 137 512 27 539 29 137 0 0 YNEZ ROAD 1~0 ' d 1~098-tZ6 606 l/S: Y~S lOAD K/l: IA ~AZ STIllIT PAI1~! SUrlY co~r~ ~i~I~X3~B a011lO VALLIt CI 92551 Site Code: 00150101 StiLt bat: 11/25/71 File I.D.: Trr!l~Lq : 1 TIll lOAD l!lf tOAD IA PAt STIKET Soutkhoud Iortkhoumi BUtbaud Date tl/25/, ....................................................................................................................... 01:15 30 12 11 IS 21 4 1SG Ol:]O 21 17 t? II 27 1 153 B~ To~a~ ~1 54 64 241 98 6 552 512 j 1tl II[ 1120 Peat start ;QlUe ' 5t 111 211 95 7 P~rcent ~4t 3~t 301 7Ok 931 7t total ~Sl .,~heat OI:QO Q~:4S Volnue 30 It .21 B2 11 4 Hi total 41 llO Pal .88 .88 .tO Peak gou~ Analyoia By Individual lp~roach ~or the Period: 01:00 to 07:00 on 11/25/91 Peat Hour Analysis B~ Entire Intersectia for the Period: QI:QU to 97:Sl on 11/25/77 Peak s~an 07:45 07:45 Dl:15 Volume 92 59 B3 215 ~5 7 Pexc~t ~31 37i 23i 77i ~31 ~k total lti 35! I02 Highest Ot:~O Oh4S Voluae 30 t4 28 82 2l Hi total It llQ 32 Psr .83 .8~ .BO seed -- ,'~09~ ';';~6 606, moj~ .. meZO:,/ .Z66L 't am::lumosa Aem.~ CZ'ff Or t'XWZCg~ BI!: IA e.U ~!lrr 25124 aCl~i .I,11101 TOTIL TOL~I Site Code: 90150197 start Date: 11/25/97 Pile I.D.: TFtIDRi 16:00 8! &T I 50 21 4 226 16:15 lOT 5? ? 56 27 lO 264 )X:)O 121 5 118 52 a, Total 445 223 30 ITS lie 21 loll 17100 l)l 75 2 31 22 i 210 17115 127 13 lO 30 21 l?:)O 11! ?~ I 32 22 ll 17;45 122 TI ? 22 15 Dr Total S04 )el 27 122 525 t 57 3ol t 195 51 I 2012 Peat start 1710! Teluse 594 302 3Q 17! 11~ 11 ~rceat 6)0 371 140 %oral 8H 209 136 -,sUeat 1T:OQ 16:15 voluu Ill TS 7 56 27 ai total 213 6) LIF .95 .S) ge~ 8o~r balysis ~ T~dhihal ~proacb for ~e Period: 26:9l to 18:60 on 11/25/)7 16:0J IG:OO l~!2 8oue Analysis B7 lotire lntereectiox for abe Period: li:OO to ll:H on 11/25/9T Peak start 16145 16145 16145 Volume 512 2ti 2! 131 gT Percent Sat )it iTt 83t 70t 220 Pk total 796 166 124 gigbest 17:00 16:45 16:6 Tohme 132 75 ) 31 32 1 Hi total IiI fl 33 PEP 33 .ll t*OgS-1~Z5 606 :I-q.O~L-S e. JL~q,.Ae9 V6Z :90/-5-[O-:~eQ I~ aaed .. ,~0{~ ~76 606, moj.i .. melZO:t Z661. 'L J~qlkloao Xepu EXHIBIT "C" Collision Diagram North/South Street: YNEZ ROAD East/West Street: LA PAZ STREET From: 711/97 To: 711/Ss Date Prepared: 8/27/98 07-Z~- ') 51650 Number of Collisions Leqend 0 Property Damage Only / Injury Collisions Fatal Collisions ,L Total Collisions L Right Turn ~ Moving Vehicle ~ Stopped Vehicle U Le~c Turn ~ BackingVehicle ~ Sideswipe ~ Ran Off Road ~ 4 ..... Movement *:::3 Day Unknown ~ Night FixldONeCt BIcycle DUl Inju~/ Fatal AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Publie/Traffic Safety Commission Ali Moghadam, Senior Engineer July 9, 1998 Item 3 Speed Limit - Various Localions RECOMMENDATION: That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance establishing speed limits on the following roadway segments: Amarita Way between Pio Pico Road and McCabe Road Montelegro Way between Pio Pico Road and McCabe Road Niculas Road between Winchester Road and Via Lobo La Paz Street between Ynez Road and Hwy. 79 South BACKGROUND: The City has received several requests to review the speed limit on the above referenced roadways. Staff has conducted engineering and traffic surveys to establish or modify the speed limits on these roadways as summarized in Table 1. Amarita Way and Montelegro Way are 48 foot wide local collector streets which provide primary access to the Paloma Del Sol residential community. Amarita Way and Montelegro Way were recently accepted as City Maintained Streets. Currently, the speed limit is not posted on these roadways; however, "School - 25 MPH - When Children Are Present" signs are posted on Amarita Way near Via Rami at Paloma Elementary School. Based on the new data a speed limit of 40 MPH is recommended for Amarita Way and Montelegro Way. Nicolas Road is an 86 foot wide four-lane arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 50 MPH. Recen~y the City established an wAll-Way Stop" at the intersection of Nicolas Road and North General Kearny Road. Staff conducted a new engineering and traffic survey to determine if a lower speed limit was justified. Based on the new data, and to maintain a safe and consistent speed limit on Nicolas Road between Winchester Road and Via Lobo, staff recommends that the speed limit be reduced to 45 MPH. La Paz Street between Ynez Road and Hwy. 79 South is a 24 foot wide two-lane roadway. Since the previous engineering and traffic survey for La Paz Street has expired, staff conducted a new study to update the previous speed survey. The speed limit is currently posted at 35 MPH on La Paz Street and no changes are recommended. Table 1 is a summary of the engineering and waffle surveys (Exhibit "B"). ROADWAY SEGMENT NO. OF ] P ~.~ffHN~iL Amarita Way between Pio Pico and McCabe Road Montelegro Way between Pio Pico Road and McCabe Road Nicolas Road between Winchester Road and Via Lobe La Paz S~xeet between Ynez Road and Hwy. 79 South POSTED SPEED MPH 0 43 None (Average) 0 44 None (Average) i 50 50 (Avenge) 0 37 35 (Average) RECOMMENDED SPEED LIMIT MPH 40 40 45 35 FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the Public Works Department sign account A~chment~ Exhibit "A" - Location Maps Exhibit "B" - Speed Survey Summary Sheets MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 1997 A special meeting of the City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission was called to order on Thursday, November 20. 1997, 6:02 P.M., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive. Temecula, California. Chairman Markham called the meeting to order. PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Johnson, Perry, Telesio, Markham ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Coo Also present were Director of Public Works Joseph K:icak, Public Works Associate Engineer Ali Moghadam, Police Sergeant Rodnay Crisp, Administrative Secretary Anita Pyle, and Minute Clerk Pat Kelley. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chairman Markham moved the public comment section for non-agenda items to the end of the meeting, COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. Reouest for an "AII-Wav StQo" at Ynez Road and LR Pat Street Associate Engineer All Moghadam presented the staff report. Commissioner Telesio asked if there is any indication of the percentage of traffic turning right vs. those continuing east. Mr. Moghadam stated while he was in the area, he observed approximately 60 to 70 percent of the traffic making a right turn to access Hwy. 79(S). He added motorists turning are not causing accidents, but are contributing to the problem since the majority of motorists are Turning right onto La Paz Street, and the motorists on La Paz are waiting to make a left-turn onto Ynez Road assume approaching eastbound motorists are turning right onto La Pat Street, and pull out in front of motorists continuing eastbound. Commissioner Johnson asked if there was room for a right-turn lane on Ynez Road. Mr. Moghadam stated a right-turn lane would require additional paving, but would be within the existing right-of-way. Commissioner Johnson asked about stacking space requirements for a right-turn lane. Mr. Moghadam replied is approximately 200 feet, including the transition, would be needed. Ernest Curtsinger, 29083 Ynez Road, representing the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association, spoke in favor of the "Stop" signs, and mentioned speed is also an issue based on his personal observation. He suggested a "Stop" sign for all three (3) directions. a right-turn lane, and a lower speed limit. Mr. Curtsinger reiterated the problem is traffic trying to avoid Hwy. 79(S) congestion. PUBLIC[TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20. 1997 Chairman Markham noted the 85th percentlie for the November 14, 1997 survey is 49.5 which drops the speed limit to 45 MPH, with the highest speed recorded as 50 MPH. He mentioned the speed limit goes to 50 MPH at Jedediah Smith Road. Terri Gassen, 44501 Verde Drive, expressed concern about speeding and motorists passing as it is a difficult and dangerous route due to the undulating roadway. Bob Yabroff, 29370 Ynez Road stated a lower speed limit would be helpful and is in favor of a right-turn lane. However, Mr. Yabroff noted if the "Stop" signs are installed, the back-up of southbound motorists will make it difficult to make a left-turn out of his driveway, especially between the hours 5:00 and 7:00 PM. Carole Corazza, 44220 La Paz Street, spoke in favor of the 'Stop" signs and a sign alerting motorists of a "Stop Ahead", and stated the situation will not be eased until Hwy. 79(S) improvements are completed in two (2) to three (3) years. She is concerned that the rise does not allow a motorist to visually determine if there is sufficient time to make a safe maneuver, which is made more dangerous by speeding vehicles. Rebecca Wearsing, 41775 Yorba Avenue, mentioned that between Margarita Road and Santiago Road, she observed only two (2) speed limit signs, one (1) 50 MPH sign near DePortola, and one (1), 45 MPH near Coronado. Ms. Wearsing mentioned an additional problem of turning right onto Ynez Road at Yorba Avenue due to a short sight distance. Cynthia Johnson, 29420 Ynez Road, invited the Commissioners to sit in her driveway during evening peak hour to hear the continual screeching of brakes and horns honking. Police Sergeant Crisp remarked sight distance was the problem in the two (2) recent accidents. Director of Public Works, Joseph Kicak, explained the plans and specifications for the Hwy 79S/I-15 interchange Project, which include modification and realignment of Front Street, modification to the east and west on and off-ramps as well as signalization for the three (3) intersections, will go to bid mid December, with a contract award in February 1998, and a seven (7) to nine (9) month construction period. He stated Caltrans considers this an interim project, and the City is doing a project study report to determine the ultimate design. Mr. Kicak reported that at this time, there is no schedule for the rest of Hwy 79(S) improvements, which is funded by Assessment District 159. The City Council budgeted $1.2 million in the CIP for the City's portion and has al.so received a $5 million loan from Riverside County Transportation Commission'(RCTC) of which $1.2 million is earmarked for the project. Chairman Markham stated the best case scenario is the project for the widening of Hwy 79(S) will go to bid mid-1998 with a year to 14-month construction schedule. Mr. Kicak stated a contract for the engineering of the Pala Road Bridge was awarded in November 1997; tentative schedule is for completion by the year 2000. He said the I~roject includes relocating the existing bridge, construction of a new bridge, widening Paia Road, from Hwy 79(S) to the bridge, to six (6) lanes and widening a portion of the south approaches to the bridge. pUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20. 1997 Commissioner Perry expressed concern about a "Stop" sign at Ynez Road and La Paz Street causing traffic back-up of southbound motorists being unable to see the backed- up traffic until they are upon it. He stated a long right-turn lane might circumvent the problem, but if a lot of southbound motorists approach the hill, there will be a problem. Commissioner Johnson suggested adding a right-turn lane with a yield sign instead of a "Stop" sign for right-turn lane. Chairman Markham inquired about the stopping sight distance at 50 to 55 MPH. Mr. Moghadam answered existing 620 feet sight distance meets the requirement. Mr. Moghadam mentioned the City Council's direction was to look into a signal at that intersection with a 'Stop" sign as an interim measure, but staff does not have sufficient data to determine if signal warrants are met at this time. He agrees a 'Stop" sign may reduce the number of some types of accidents. It was moved by Chairman Markham, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to recommend the City Council add three-way "Stop" signs on Ynez Road, install a dedicated right-turn lane on Ynez Road at La Paz Street at a length appropriate to provide sufficient stacking space, install permanent flashing lights warning drivers of a "Stop Ahead" in both directions, and consider adding speed limit signs on Ynez Road, especially at the transitions. Commissioner Telesio questioned how Mr. Yabroff's access problem will be overcome. Mr. Moghadam replied the intersection will have to be cleared as quickly as possible and he will look into the matter further. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Johnson, Perry, Telesio, Markham NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: I COMMISSIONERS: Coe PUBLIC COMMENTS Chairman Markham called for public comments on non-agenda items. Mr. Victor Jones, re'resenting Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association, stated a presentation will be made by the Homeowners Association at the December 11, 1997 or January 1998 meeting. Chairman Markham suggested the Homeowners Association provide staff their concerns in writing as soon as possible and staff will notify the Association if it is possible to get the issue on the December 11 agenda. PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION NOVEMRER 20. 1997 COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Perry stated the "Stop" sign at Ynez Road will provide a never-ending stream of traffic along Ynez Road to Margarita Road and it will become progressively more difficult to make left-turns onto other streets. Chairman Markham mentioned the matter will be before the City Council on November 25, 1997 as a Consent Calendar item. Mr. Kicak stated the item is on the agenda and the staff report will be handed out no later than Monday, November 24. Mr. Moghadam clarified the report to the City Council will recommend putting in the "Stop" sign and temporary flashing beacons immediately with permanent flashing lights installed as soon as possible. Jeff Comenchero, newly elected Councilmember, mentioned even though the item is on the Consent Calendar, it can be pulled for public comment. it was moved by Commissioner Telesio, seconded by Commissioner Perry, to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 PM. The motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, December 11, 1997, at 7:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Larry Markham Secretary ITEM NO. 4 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT ITEM NO. 5 POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT City of Temecula 43200 Busine~ Park Drive · Temecula, CA 92590 · Mailing Address P O Box 9033 · Temecula, CA 92589-9033 (909) 694~444 · Fax (909] 694-1999 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: City Council Public/Traffic Safety Commission Ronald Bradley, City Manager December 17, 1998 POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT FOR November 1998 The following report reflects Part One crimes, traffic enforcement and miscellaneous activity occurring during November of 1998. Part One crime statistics are displayed by district within the City, providing stable parameters for monitoring criminal activity, and aiding in planning police resource deployment. The Police Department issued 644 traffic citations last month, which compares with 355 issued in November of 1997. The number of injury collisions increased while the number of non-injury accidents decreased this month as compared to November of 1997. Temecula experienced no fatal traffic collisions in November. Arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol increased from November of 1997. Robberies and felony assaults decreased compared to one year ago. Reported grant thefts increased while burglaries and auto thefts decreased when compared to November 1997. The total number of arrests made during the month is higher than in the previous year. The Police Department responded to thirty-six "priority one" calls for service during the month of November, with an average response time of approximately seven minutes. A total of 2,500 calls for police service were generated in the City of Temecula during the month. During the month of November, the Temecula Police Department' s storefront served a total of 247 people. Of this number, sixty-nine people were finger printed, eight people made police reports, seventeen people had citations signed off and three solicitor's permits were issued. POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY November, 1998 In addition, five three-day parking permits were issued to residents pursuant to the oversize vehicle ordinance. Officer Fanene routinely provides public safety information to various community groups. On November 12, Officer Fanene participated in a Crime Free Multi Housing presentation at the Stonewood Apartments. On November 17, Officer Fanene participated in a panel discussion on violence in the workplace, which was held at Temecula Creek Inn. On November 14, many members of the Police Department participated in the Second Annual Public Safety Day held at Chapanal High School. The Expo featured many displays of equipment as well as services, which are available from the police and fire departments as well as from other city departments. The Expo was very successful and an even better program is planned for 2000. The POP Team of Officers Jeff Kubel and Steve Mike completed one TAG (Temecuta Against Graffiti) programs focusing on problem sites. No citations were issued but six people were contacted and eleven vehicle checks were conducted. This program has proven to be successful as evidenced by the significant reduction in graffiti vandalism. The POP Team also conducted an off-road vehicle enforcement program. This ongoing program focuses on illegal off-roading within the city and surrounding areas. Programs focus on areas which have been identified as having problems with off-roaders either through citizen complaints or complaints from property owners. This month's program resulted in the issuance of six citations and ten warnings. The program has proven to be successful, as the team has had a decrease in the amount of citations issued and contacts made with illegal off roaders and have received positive feedback from members of the community. The POP Team continued work on the Crime Free Multi Housing Program, attempting to certify all of the city' s apartment complexes. To date, thirteen of the city's complexes have been certified. During the month, the POP Team also conducted a juvenile tobacco decoy program in which an underage Police Explorer attempts to purchase tobacco products. Twenty-six businesses were visited, two of which sold tobacco to the minor decoy. Temecula Canine Officer Joey Nardone and his dog Hunter participated in the Third Annual Police Canine Trials that were held at Chaparral High School on November 13 and 14. The team took third place overall in the patrol category which includes trials in agility, area and box searching, protection and obedience. There were a total of forty-six competitors in the overall competition. In addition, they took third place in Narcotics Detection in a field of twenty-nine competitors. POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY November, 1998 This month, School Resource Officers continued to focus on violations of possession of tobacco products by middle and high school students. The program resulted in the issuance of several citations for possession of tobacco products. Vohmteers from the community continue to be an integral part of the Temecula Police Department's staff. Under the guidance of volunteer coordinator Ed Bekas, the Police Department's volunteer staff contributed 577 hours of service in November. No new volunteers were accepted into the program during the month. Some of the duties volunteers assist with include logistics, telephone answering, filing and computer entry and assistance with the TAG Program. Another valuable volunteer resource provided to the Police Department is the reserve officer program and mounted posse. The Police Department utilizes reserve officers to assist with patrok traffic enforcement, crime prevention and a variety of special functions. Reserve police officers worked a total of 233 hours during the month. Of this time, 90 hours were spent on patrol and 143 hours were spent assisting on special programs such as TAG and the off-road vehicle program. The posse contributed a total of 339 hours during the month on various special functions including a great deal of support with the off-road enforcement program as well as high visibility patrol in the Old Town Temecula area. Temecula Police Department Monthly Statistics November 1998 Prepared: December 1998 Table of Contents Statistical Information Map of Districts ......................................................................... November 1998 Crime and Activity Totals ....................................... Pafie 1 2 Graphs Part 1 Property Crimes ............................................................... Part 1 Persons Crimes .............................................................. Burglary Comparison ................................................................ Arrest Statistics ........................................................................ Miscellaneous Activity ............................................................... Traffic Violations ....................................................................... Traffic Collisions ...................................................................... Narcotic Activity ....................................................................... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cit~ of Temeeuls Reporting Distrlets CR'rHE A B C D E F G H 'r SUB-TOTAL HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROBBERY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FELONY ASSAULT 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 To~AL..,,so.s I el OI ~.1 Oi OI OI ~1 OI ~ 3 BURGLARY 1 0 4 0 1 2 2 1 0 11 GRAND THEFT 1 6 4 1 6 I 1 1 0 21 AUTO THEFT t 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 ARSON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ,',,O,'E.~' 31 Zl Sl ~1 Sl 31 31 31 O 36 GRAND TOTAL 3 7 g 1 8 3 4 3 I 39 HAZARD CITES 16 4 13 I 58 34 27 42 1 196 NON-HAZARD CITES 13 0 11 0 31 22 9 20 0 106 PARKING CITES 2 2 2 1 2 3 0 4 0 16 · o~L~,TE. I 3~1 "1 261 21 9=1 S91 3"1 661 1 318 DIST, PEACE 6 8 8 0 5 9 12 9 3 60 SHOPLIFT 1 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 7 PETFY THEFT 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 0 16 VANDALISM 1 0 3 0 6 2 1 5 0 18 MISD. ASSAULT 2 0 1 0 2 3 3 1 1 13 ALARMS 18 10 11 42 78 55 5 7 8 234 PUBLIC INTOX. 0 0 1 0 1 3 2 3 0 10 DUI 4 4 0 0 2 8 1 0 0 19 TIC INJURY 2 0 0 0 5 7 0 1 0 15 TIC NON-INJURY 105 2 31 FATAL TIC 0 0 · o~L~/c I sl ~1 ol ~1 ~1 221 21 21 2 46 RESID. BURGLARY 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 COMM, BURGLARY 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 5 OTHER BURGLARY 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 VEHICLE BURGLARY 0 6 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 10 FELONY ARRESTS 22 TOTA, A..ESTS I 81 61 21 31 81 141 131 371 92 TOTAL ACT'rVI'TY I 721 411 601 471 2071 'e7OI 691 981 'eel 780 Page 2 CRIHE 3 K L 14 N O P Q R SUB-TOTAL TOTAL HOMICIDE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RAPE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ROBBERY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 FELONY ASSAULT 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 9 TOTAL PERSONS I 31 11 11 01 21 01 01 21 01 91 12 BURGLARY 2 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 7 18 GRAND THEFT 1 2 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 9 30 AUTO THEFT I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 ARSON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PROPERTY I 41 21 31 11 31 01 41 11 01 181 54 GRAND TOTAL 7 3 4 I 5 0 4 3 0 27 66 HAZARD CITES 42 93 19 9 4 3 22 18 28 238 434 NON-HAZARD CITES 16 8 3 5 7 0 10 18 0 67 173 PARKING CITES 3 5 2 0 5 0 4 2 0 21 37 TOTALCZTES I 611 1061 241 14 161 31 361 381 281 3261 644 DIST. PEACE 20 23 12 0 9 2 12 5 0 83 143 SHOPLIFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 PETTY THEFT 0 3 5 0 2 0 2 2 0 14 30 VANDALISM 8 3 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 25 43 MISD, ASSAULT 3 4 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 11 24 ALARMS 40 34 13 5 15 5 11 6 3 132 366 PUBLIC INTOX. 5 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 12 22 DUI 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 24 T/G INJURY 0 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 8 23 T/C NON-INJURY 1 43 FATAL T/C 0 TOTALT/C I 11 41 41 11 OI 11 41 Sl OI 201 66 RESID. BURGLARY 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 4 8 COMM. BURGLARY 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 OTHER BURGLARY 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 VEHICLE BURGLARY 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 14 TOTALAReESTS I 161 251 91 11 11 01 31 121 01 671 159 TOTALACTt'VTTY 11471 1851 681 221 531 121 751 621 311 6551 1435 Page 3 · 0 · I U) U 0 U U 0 ,Q Q, 0 U 0 t- O 0 0 Z Z [] · ~. ~ > w Z Z [] · I}., o ~ 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 Z Z o 0 Z Z lieme IIIll 0 U D, ITEM NO. 6 FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT ITEM NO. 7 COMMISSION REPORTS