HomeMy WebLinkAbout100891 CC AgendaAGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA TEMPORARY COMMUNITY CENTER - 27475 COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE OCTOBER 8, 1991 - 7:00 PM Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 91-38 Resolution: No. 91-101 CALL TO ORDER: Invocation Pastor David Dodd, Calvary Chapel Flag Salute Councilmember Moore ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation - October 1991 - Special Olympics Month Proclamation - October 27 - November 3, 1991 - Pornography Awareness Week PUBLIC FORUM This is a portion of the City Council meeting unique to the City of Temecula. At the meeting held on the second Tuesday of each month, the City Council will devote a period of time (not to exceed 30 minutes) for the purpose of providing the public with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with the Council. The members of the City Council will respond to questions and may give direction to City staff. The Council is prohibited, by the provisions of the Brown Act, from taking any official action on any matter which is not on the agenda. If you desire to speak on any matter which is not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 21egenda/100891 I 10/03/91 CONSENT CALENDAR 2 Standard Ordinance Adoorion Procedure RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of September 24, 1991 as mailed. 3 Resolution AoorOvinQ List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitlqd: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 City Treasurer's Reoort as of Aucjust 31, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file report. 2/agende/100881 2 10/03/91 5 Authorization for Transfer of Positions to City Staff RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- 5.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Authorize transfer of funds. 6 7 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-1 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-1 and Direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-2 RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-2 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-3 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-3 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 9 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-4 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-4 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 2/seende/100881 3 10/03/81 10 Contract for Plan Check Services 11 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Approve the award of contract to the ESGIL Corporation as the primary plan review firm to provide complete plan review services to the Building and Safety Department for an initial one (1) year period. 10.2 Approve the retention of Van Dorpe/Chou and Associates Inc., MGM Associates, Melad and Associates and Willdan Associates to further support the plan review needs of the City's Building and Safety Department. Risk Manaaement Claims Administration RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACTING IN ITS CAPACITY AS SUCH AND AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF CITY OF TEMECULA DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO THE CITY MANAGER TO SETTLE CLAIMS TOTALLING LESS THAN $15,000 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 12 Second Readino of Ordinance No. 91-37 - Parks and Recreation Policies RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Read by title only and adopt an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91-37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY OPERATIONAL POLICIES AND REGULATIONS 2/eeenda/100881 4 10/03/9 PUBLIC HEARINGS Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or.may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 13 Extension-Of Adult Business Ordinance No. 90-23 RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 13.2 Accept Report describing measures taken to alleviate existing conditions. Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91- AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-18 RELATING TO ADULT BUSINESSES AND REQUIRING A PERMIT THEREOF 14 ChanQe of Zone 5631 - Tentative Tract Mao No. 25320 RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Open the public hearing and continue it to the meeting of November 12, 1991. 15 Vestincj Tentative Tract MaD No. 24183 RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Open the public hearing and continue it to the meeting of October 22, 1991. 2legends/100891 6 10/03/9 1 COUNCIL BUSINESS 16 Aooointments to Parks and Recreation. Traffic and Transoortation and Public Safety Commissions RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 This report will be forwarded under separate cover. 17 FY 1992 Community Service Fundinq and Council Review Committee RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Select two members of the City Council to review the FY Community Service Funding Requests. 1992 18 Goals and Objectives of the Public Safety Commission (Placed on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Moore) RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Review and comment on the proposed goals and objectives developed by the Temecula Public Safety Commission. 19 Consideration of French Valley Airoort Noise/Safety Matters (Placed on the agenda at the request of Councilmember Mur~oz) CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: October 10, 1991, Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting, Main Conference Room, 7:00 PM, City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Next regular meeting: October 22, 1991,7:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California. 2/egenda/100891 8 10/O3/~ I TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING - (To be held at 8:00) Next in Order: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Ordinance: No. 91-02 Resolution: No. 91-13 President J. Sal Mu~oz DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks, Mur~oz Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. Approve minutes of September 24, 1991 as mailed. 2 Chanc~e Order - Sam Hicks Monument Park Curb and Gutter Project RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve change order to the Sam Hicks Monument Park Curb and Gutter Project for additional electrical and street improvements. 3 Chanae Order - Sports Park Restroom/Snackbar Project RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve change order to the Sports Park Restroom/Snackbar Project for soils compaction, sewer connection requirements, masonry and handicapped improvements. 2/egend~/100891 7 10/03/~1 DISTRICT BUSINESS 4 Sports Park Battinq Cache Prooosal RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Deny request to lease a portion of property in Sports Park for the development and operation of a privately owned batting cage facility. 5 Official Name of Sports Park RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Consider a new name for the Rancho California Sports Park. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting October 22, 1991,8:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 90-02 Resolution: No. 91-11 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Peg Moore presiding AGENCY MEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Mufloz, Parks, Moore PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone wishing to address the Agency, should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. 2/ageride/100891 8 10/03/91 AGENCY BUSINESS I Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of September 24, 1991 as mailed. 2 Regulations and Selection - Old Town Advisory Committee RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 This report will be forwarded to you under separate cover. EXECUTIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBER'S REPORTS ADJOURNMENT: Next regular meeting October 22, 1991,8:00 PM, Temporary Temecula Community Center, 27475 Commerce Center Drive, Temecula, California 2/ageride/100881 9 10/03/91 ITEM NO. 1 ITEM NO. .2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:02 PM in the Main Conference Room, Temecula City Hall, 43174 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Mayor Ronald J. Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were Assistant City Manager Mark Ochenduszko, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and City Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Jay Beckley, Rancho Community Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Moore. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Parks presented Sam and Gloria Hasson a certificate of appreciate for providing a facility for the Temecula Museum from 1989 to 1991. Mayor Parks proclaimed September 24, 1991 Bill Harker Appreciation Day for his outstanding community service. PUBLIC COMMENTS Laura Haskel, 31271 Corte Alhambra, spoke in opposition to the closure of Avenida de la Reina. Marry Rauscher, 31257 Corte Alhambra, spoke in opposition to the closure of Avenida de la Reina and asked the street be closed only during school hours. He presented the City Clerk with a petition containing 70 signatures, asking this street be closed only during peak traffic times. Frank Panuzzo, 31120 Corte Arroyo Vista, spoke in favor of the temporary closure of Avenida de la Reina, stating he feels this closure is effective and greatly reduces safety problems. John Dedovesh, 39450 Long Ridge Drive, asked that the matter of repairs to the cul-de-sac on Longridge.Drive be solved. N i nutes\09\26\91 - 1 - 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Septernber 24, 1991 H. Steve Sander, 40213 Holden Circle, requested that plans for the general plan include negotiations with the University of California to bring a campus to the City of Temecula. He asked that the COuncil pass a resolution in support of this action. CONSENT CALENDAR Mark Ochenduszko, Assistant City Manager, asked that the staff recommendation on item number six be amended to eliminate Russell Tourville Construction of Rancho Cucamonga. Councilmember Birdsall requested the removal of Item No. 9 from the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Mur~oz requested the removal of Items 5 and 6 from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Parks stated he would abstain from Item No. 6. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-4, 7, 8, 10 and 11. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Standard Ordinance Adootion Procedure 1.1 Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mur~oz, Parks None None Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Minutes 2.1 2.2 Resolution ADoroving List of Demands 3.1 Approve the minutes of August 27, 1991 as mailed. Approve the minutes of September 10, 1991 as mailed. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Ninutes\09\26\91 -2- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Seotember 24, 1991 4. Amendment to Flexible Benefit Plan Document 4.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE CITY OF TEMECULA FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN DOCUMENT 7. Final Parcel Mao No. 23335 7.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 23335 subject to the conditions of approval. 8. Final Parcel Mao No. 24762 8.1 Approve Final Parcel Map No. 24762 subject to the conditions of approval. 10. Change of Zone AooliCation No. 14 10.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91-35 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION CONTAINED IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 14, CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A 2 1/2 (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL, 2 1/2 ACRE LOT SIZE MINIMUM) TO R-A (RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF YNEZ ROAD AND SANTIAGO ROAD 11. Change of Zone Aoolication No. 15 11.1 Read by title only and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91-36 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NO. 15 CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-A-2 1/2 TO R-1-1 ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WALCOTT LANE AND CALLE CHAPOS, KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'$ PARCEL NO. 914-300-049 Ninutes\09\24\91 -3- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Seotember 24, 1991 5. Resolution Reouesting County Flood Control to Clear VeQetetion from Murrieta Creek Councilmember Mur~oz requested further clarification from staff regarding the significance of Section 1. Tim Serlet, Director of Public Works, stated the standards referred to in Section One are a request from County of Riverside Flood Control and represent the minimum standards needed to obtain permits from Fish and Game to clear this area. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendation as follows: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THAT THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS AND ACTIONS TO CLEAR DEBRIS AND GRADE THE MURRIETA CREEK CHANNEL THROUGH THE CITY OF TEMECULA The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 6. Award of Street Maintenance Contract Mayor Parks stated he would abstain from this item to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and turned the meeting over to Mayor Pro Tem Birdsall. Councilmember Mur~oz asked if it is necessary to insure the prevailing wage in a project such as this. City Attorney Field answered that prevailing wage must be insured in all public works projects, regardless of the size of the project. Councilmember Mufioz asked why staff has recommended using only Ramtek Contractors Inc. Tim Serlet, Director of Public Works, answered that it has been brought to staff's attention that Russell Tourville Construction has a Class B License, which is not the appropriate license for this project. Minutes\09\26\91 -6- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes September 24. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Mufioz, seconded by Councilmember Moore to award contract for annual street maintenance to Ramtek Contractors, Inc. of Temecula, and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Parks 9. Award of Bid - Traffic Sianal Target Center Councilmember Birdsall stated she removed this item from the Consent Calendar to discuss which option the Council desired for construction of the Signal; the 30 or 90 day option. Tim Serlet, Director of Public Works, stated staff feels it is in the best interest of the citizens of the community to choose option No. 1, which would require the signal be completed within thirty (30) days, thus being installed before Christmas. Councilmember Moore asked if staff has received the agreement with Landgrant Development. Mr. Serlet stated that he spoke with Mr. Morasco recently and the easement grant and agreement should be signed and completed within two weeks. Councilmember Mur~oz said he feels it is optimistic to expect the necessary paperwork in two weeks, and suggested the Council go with the low bid for option No. 2 (90 days), since delays in paperwork would probably delay this project for at least 90 days. Councilmember Moore asked if the City could proceed without securing an easement and signed agreement. Mr. Serlet stated that this could be done, however the City might have to pay the entire cost of the signal and the property in question would need to be condemned. City Attorney Field stated that in order to condemn property, a public hearing and court action would be necessary and would take approximately 30 to 45 days. Councilmember Lindemans asked that the Council approve staff recommendation for the 30 days option. Councilmember Mur~oz stated he would go along with Council's desires for the 30 day option, however he would like to make citizens aware that it may take 90 days, regardless of which option is chosen if property easements and agreements cannot be rapidly finalized. Minutes\09\24\91 -5- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Seotember 24. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Mur~oz to approve award of bid for construction of a traffic signal at the Towne Center driveway on Rancho California Road to Steiny & Company for the sum of $80,297.00. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 7:53 PM to an Executive Session to discussion potential litigation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b). The meeting was reconvened in regular session, following the scheduled Community Services District Meeting, at 8:51 with all members present. COUNCIL BUSINESS 12. Funding for Temecula Annual Rodeo Councilmember Birdsall stated she placed this item on the agenda to ask that the Council consider supporting the Temecula Town Association in sponsorship/matching funding and a loan for the Temecula Annual Rodeo. She explained since the fire at the Community Center, the Town Association is struggling to maintain their annual events. Mary Aliensworth, 40270 Green Meadow Road, Chairman of the Pro Rodeo Committee, stated the Rodeo has traditionally brought substantial business to the community and is excellent advertising for the City of Temecula. She asked that the Council sponsor the Rodeo with up to $15,000 in matching funds, and a loan for $15,000 to be paid back within 5 days of the rodeo. Councilmember Lindemans stated he would be in favor of this proposal if the $15,000 would go toward advertising the City. Councilmember Mufioz stated he feels uncomfortable since no financial statement has been provided to the Council and also said he feels more comfortable with a loan. Mayor Parks called a brief recess at 9:07 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 9:08 PM. Evelyn Harker, 31130-85 South General Kearny Way, spoke in support of funding the ~{odeo, stating this rodeo is on the PRCA circuit which receives national recognition. Minutes\09\24\91 -6- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Seotember 24. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve a 0% interest loan in the amount of $15,000 and allocate the sum of $15,000 for advertising purposes. Mayor Parks stated he would feel more comfortable approving a $20,000 loan and allocate the sum of $10,000 for advertising purposes. Councilmember Lindemans amended his motion and Councilmember Moore provided a new second to approve a 0% interest loan in the amount of $20,000 and allocate the sum of $10,000 for advertising purposes. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Parks NOES: I COUNCILMEMBERS: Mufioz ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None 13. Solid Waste - Grandfather Hauler Re¢iulations Joe Hreha, Senior Management Analyst, introduced the staff report. Dean Ruffridge, General Manager of Waste Management of Inland Valley, 26500 Scaramelia Cr., Hemet, stated he is in opposition to the proposed resolution because Waste Management interprets the PRC to allow full rights for the next five years, which are not limited to current accounts. Councilmember Mufioz asked why Waste Management of Inland Valley discontinued service to residential customers one month prior to the start of the new franchise. Mr. Ruffridge stated this was a business decision, due to a need for the equipment in another area. Mike Silva, Vice President of Temecula Environmental, stated he concurs with staff recommendations. He further stated that his firm's franchise agreement rates were based on exclusitivity for the franchisee. Nfnutes\09\26\91 -7- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes 14. Seotember 24. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendation as follows: 13.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 91-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS GOVERNING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BY GRANDFATHERED WASTE HAULERS WITHIN THE CITY OF TEMECULA The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ordinance Adootino Park and Recreational Facility Ooerational Policies and Rec~ulations Shawn Nelson, Director of Community Services, introduced the staff report. Councilmember Moore stated that Sections 19 and 20 should refer to Section 9. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to approve staff recommendation with changes noted in sections 19 and 20, as follows: 14.1 Read by title only and introduce an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 91-37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY OPERATIONAL POLICIES AND REGULATIONS The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks None None Hinutes\09\26\91 -8- 09/26/91 City Council Minutes Seotember 24. 1991 It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Mu~oz to approve award of bid for construction of a traffic signal at the Towne Center driveway on Rancho California Road to Steiny & Company for the sum of $80,297.00. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None RECESS Mayor Parks called a recess at 7:53 PM to an Executive Session to discussion potential litigation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b). The meeting was reconvened in regular session, following the scheduled Community Services District Meeting, at 8:51 with all members present. COUNCIL BUSINESS 12. Fundine for Temecula Annual Rodeo Councilmember Birdsall stated she placed this item on the agenda to ask that the Council consider supporting the Temecula Town Association in sponsorship/matching funding and a loan for the Temecula Annual Rodeo. She explained since the fire at the Community Center, the Town Association is struggling to maintain their annual events. Mary Aliensworth, 40270 Green Meadow Road, Chairman of the Pro Rodeo Committee, stated the Rodeo has traditionally brought substantial business to the community and is excellent advertising for the City of Temecula. She asked that the Council sponsor the Rodeo with up to ~15,000 in matching funds, and a loan for $15,000 to be paid back within 5 days of the rodeo. Councilmember Lindemans stated he would be in favor of this proposal if the $15,000 would go toward advertising the City. Councilmember Muf~oz stated he feels uncomfortable since no financial statement has been provided to the Council and also said he feels more comfortable with a loan. Mayor Parks called a brief recess at 9:07 PM to change the tape. The meeting was reconvened at 9:08 PM. Evelyn Harker, 31130-85 South General Kearny Way, spoke in support of funding the Rodeo, stating this rodeo is on the PRCA circuit which receives national recognition. Minutes\09\2/,\91 -6- 09/26/91 ITEM NO. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts of $445,380.33. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOFrED, this 8th day of October, 1991. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SEAL] 3/Reaos 214 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 9/20/91 CHECK RUN #1 9/27/91 CHECK RUN #1 9/26/91 PAYROLL TOTAL CHECK RUN: TOTALCHECK RUN: TOTAL CHECK RUN: $110,962.01 $251,698.88 $82,719.44 $110,962.01 $251,698.88 $82,719.44 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR THE 10/08/91 COUNCIL MEETING $445,380.33 PREPARED BY KARMA MCINTYRE I, ARYJ~HENRY FIN ~ICE OFFICER ,, ~ ~ "'~,.-~../.~. ~:~/~.'~ ..,-----~ MARK OCHENDb/SZKO, A~IST~~ ~NAGER ,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ~ 2Zj~i C;t,= OT Temec,,~a PaQe: F:~:ai ~e~r: 1~:2 Cnec, Register Statxon: 3~6c Chec~ Date VenDor Name Invoice Date P/O Date DescriDtion Gross D~scount Net ~_ "407q~ Bgl2B/ql AMERICBU AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS 58~711 07/61I~1 1074~ 07/01/91 SHIPPING CHARGES 32.51 ~.10 ~2.58 50~82-DR ~7/BI/~1 10741 e7/BIRI DEBIT MEMO/PERMITS 35.05 0.e0 S5.B~ Check Totals: 07.55 B.00 07,55 89/28/~1 BENEFIT BENEfiT AMERICA tB/5!R1 08/51I~I 08/31/~1 NED. REINS/DEPEND CARE/AUG ~1 1.501.48 0.10 1.5B1.48 AUG 9! B9/!~t~1 B9/1~!9! UNREIM. NED/DEPEND CARE/AUB~I 1,025.75 LiB 1,825.75 0~/30/91 0~/38/~1 0~/38/gI UNREIM. NED/DEPEND SEPT. ~1 1,2&0.55 0.00 1.2&0.55 Check Totals: 5,787.76 i.ll 5,787.7a 86997955 09/28/91CADET CADET UNIFORM 570091 08/30/91 11425 iBiigl91 RUBS/AUG. SERVICES 22.~e i.ii 22.00 57~802 09/13/91 10625 08/i9/91RU6SI91131~I 22,10 I.ll 22.00 80087956 89/20/91CALIFORN CALIFORNIAN 6281955 88/27/91 10626 Check Totals: 44,16 0.00 44.00 07/01R1NOTICESIBI231~l 68.54 0.80 ~8.54 Check Totals: B00~7937 00/20/91 COLONIAL COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT 0~/I~1~1 89/1~/91 Og/la/~l MONTHLY INS. PREMIUMS/SEPT 88101191 0911~/~1 e9/Ia/~i NONTHLY INS. PREMIUMS/AUG. ~8,54 8.00 08,54 970.08 0,80 978.00 832.5e !.i0 832.50 89/20/91DAVLIN DAVLIN 89-25:1!2 09/1~/91 18465 80-25:!12C 09/I~/91 10465 80-25:i!5 09/18/gl 10402 89-23:111 09/0~/~1 10458 Check Totals: 87/81/91 TAPING COUNCIL MEETINGS 9/10 87i01/91 CREDIT MEMO/INV. EXCEEDED PO 07101/ql PARKS/REC,COMN,MEETING SEPT 07/81/~1 AUDIO TAPE TRAF COMM MEETING 1,802.50 i,00 1,882.58 258.58- i.ei 258.58- 130.08 0.00 139.90 127.98 t. BB ~27.98 89/20/?1 DYNAMIC 1%727 15~7~I Check Totals: DYNAMIC GRAPHICS, INC. 0812919t 10&28 08108191 CRAFT BOOKLETS-FOR ~TERIALS 08/29/91 18627 08/i8/~1 CRAFT BOOKLETS-FOR MATERIALS 6~1.42 0.00 651.42 210.78 B,!e 2i0.78 544.85 0.00 544.85 Check Totals: 000~794~ 0~/20/91ENTERPRI ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR D885857DR 89/19/~11~748 07/il/91 DEBIT MEMO BAL.INV.D885857 745.55 C.00 745.5~; I77.85 0.10 177.85 00007941 09120/91GLOB GLOBAL 11077482 88/27/?1 10598 Check Totals: 88/06/91 DUST BLST REFILL/NOD CABLE 177,85 0.00 177.83 197.45 0.00 197,45 00807942 09/20/91 GRAY BAR GRAY BAR ELECTRIC 159-209959 08/22/91 1840~ 159-209968 88/22/91 lease 15%208015 ~7/29/91 107~5 159-207~54 ~7/2~/91 107~5 15~-2~755~ 07/24/9! I07~5 00007945 09/20/91GTEBILL GTE dgg-8632C Check Totals: 88t07191 MODULAR ADAP.DRACON,MISC. 08/07/91 MODULAR ADAP.DRACOM,MIBC. 07/2~/9! CREDIT MEMO/SURF JACK 07/23/91 MODULAR ASSEMBLIES;PLUGS 07/2~/91 SURFACE JACKS Check Totals: 88/31/91 WIRE MAIN. CONTRACT 9i4-10/5 I07.45 e,ei 197.43 557.25 0,00 357.25 26.67 0.00 26.67 99.6> 0,0~ 99.6> 38G.Bl g.B~ ~8.81 276.V2 0.00 276.92 949.96 74.38 0.00 74.58 Check Totals: 74,58 e.le 74.38 09/20/91 Cit~ c~ lemecula Page: Fiscal ~ear: 1992 Cnec, Reciste, Station: Check Date Vendor Naee Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net I87944 69/26/911HS/TH2 IMS/THS 69/18/91 69/18/9i 69/18/91 REPLENISH POSTAGE 2,H6.68 6,88 2,180.88 Check Totals: 86687945 69/26/911NLANDEM INLAND'EMPIRE DIVISION 09112191 89112191 69/12/91 DUES PURSUANT/ARTICLE VII 2,696.69 I.H 2,669.96 1H.I6 6.96 1H.H Check Totals: 88697946 69/26/91JRFREEMA J. R. FREENAN CO., INC 41315 69/63/91 16684 87/16/91 IBM TYPEWRITER 166.66 8.H 199.90 524.74 0.66 524,74 Check Totals: 69967947 99126191 LEAGUE-2 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 69/18/9! 89/IB/91 69/18/91REG/FOR LEG.IMPLEM.BRIEFll/21 524.74 6.66 524,74 75.66 6.H 75.H Check Totals: 96667948 69126i91MARILYNS MARILYN'S COFFEE SERVICE 1579 88/16/91 16631 68/16/91 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR KITCHEN 1671 68/26i91 10631 68/16/91 COFFEE SUPPLIES FOR KITCHEN 75.69 6.H 75,69 49,68 Leg 46.68 36.86 6,16 36,80 86667949 69/28/91RAURICE 168760 Check Totals: NAURICE PRINTERS QUICK PRINT 88121t91 16885 68/21t91 INVITATIONS=COMMISSION DINNER 77,46 0.86 77.48 58,62 8.86 58.62 89/26/91 ORANGE 6818849 Check Totals: ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING SERVIC 68/21/91 6226 67/18/91 INSTALL 12 STOP SIGNS 58.62 6.88 58,62 262.50 6.H 262,5~ 00997951 09/20/91PETTYC PETTY CASH 09/17/9i 89/17191 Check Totals: 89/I7/91 CASH REINS. FOR CITY EBPL. 262,50 8.68 262.50 186.22 6.H 188.22 Check Totals: 90807952 09/28/91R.B.EXPR R.B.EXPRESS MESSENGER SERVICE 3955 08/31t91 0225 97/01191 PICK-UP & DELIV.CASH DEPOSIT 186.22 6.H 180.22 275.98 8.66 275.00 00007953 89/28/91RAN-CAL 4628 Check Totals: RAN-CAL JANITORIAL SUPPLY 88/28/91 16688 88/12/91 PAPER SUPPLIES 275,H 0,68 275.00 2~6.81 6.60 296.81 06887954 09/26t91RAN-TEC 665874 Check Totals: RAN-TEC RUBBER STAMP NF6 69/13/91 16749 69/H/91 APPROVAL STAMP:B&S DEPT, 266.81 6.80 266.81 23.71 8,66 25.71 Check Totals: 00H7955 09/21/91RECY-CAL RECY-CAL SUPPLY CO. 9986 89/83191 18698 68115191 WASTE RECYCLERG:EMPLYE,DESKS 23.7! 8.60 23.71 123.48 6.88 123.48 Check Totals: 00807956 09/20/?1 RIVERHAS RIV. CO. HABITAT CONSERVATION 09/85/91 091~5/91 89/65191 FORWARD K-RATStAUS.9! 123.48 0.80 123.48 91,198.15 8.88 91,198.1 88807957 89128/91 SIRSPEED SIR SPEED~ 4195 07/06/9! 10617 4175 89/17/91 18667 4i8~ 08/30/91 18492 Check Tota!s: 88/13/91 BUSINESS CARDS;PLANNING 08/15/91 BUSINESS CARDS 87/23/91 COLOR LETTER HEAD 91,198.15 0,0C 91,198.!5 86.31 8.8B 86.5! 57.54 8.08 57.54 480.60 8.68 488,08 ~,'20..71 City of Temecuia Pace: Fiscal ~ear: 1992 Check Register Ei~tlon: 3568 Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 4184-A 98/~9/91 11564 97/29/91 BUSINESS CARDS:SET UP CHARGE 328.98 LH 529.88 4246CM 98/15/91 18667 88/15/91 BUSINESS CARDS 38.79- 8.H 38.79- 4246 89/16/91 19667 HI15/91 BUSINESS CARDS 116.37 9.89 1i6.37 Check Totals: 1,121.43 !.99 1,921.43 88897958 99129191 SMITH SMITH, ZENAIDA B. 99/16/91 99/16/91 99/16/91 NILEABE 99/12/91 41.25 8.98 41.25 Check Totals: HH7959 99129191 SO CAL-2 SO.CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. 7418 99/19/91 Bg/Ig/91 7143457418/AUB. 91 7425 99/19/91 99199191 7143457425/JULY 31-AUG 29 6195 89199191 99199191 7143456H5/aULY 39-AUB. 29 3438 89199191 99189191 7143493438 41.25 9.98 41.25 72.89 9,99 72.8? 57,88 8,18 57,88 297.95 8.98 297.95 198,51 e.H !98.51 Check Totals: 89H7968 99/29/91SOUTHCED SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON 717942898A 87/25/91 97/25191 METER USAGE 96129-97122191 717939917A 97/25/91 97/25/91 METER USAGE 96129-97122191 7178428988 98/23/91 88123191 METER USAGE 17122-18119191 536,35 8.18 536.35 625,78 LIB 625.78 117.93 9,H 197.93 612.75 i.99 612.75 Check Totals: 98997961 89129191 SUNDANCE SUNDANCE STAGE LINES, INC. 99/18/91 99/IB/91 99/18/91 TRIP TD ROSARITA BEACH 1,346.46 8,9l 1,346.46 462,99 8.99 462.98 J87962 99128191THONAS 579279 Check Totals: THOMAS TENPORARIES 98/19/91 18529 97187191TEMP.SERV.B/12-B/16 462.89 8.98 462.89 478.48 9,H 478.48 08H7963 89128/91 TIMEMOT 758968 758893 759624 Check Totals: TIME NOTION TOOLS, INC 88129191 19641 98187191 TOOL KIT:PARTS BOX;SCISSOR 88126191 11641 98197191 TOOL KIT;PARTS BOX;SCISSOR 9~/83191 19641 88/97t91 TOOL KITIPART8 BOX;SCISSOR 478.48 9.H 478.49 243.94 9.98 243.94 68.47 LIE 68.47 21.41 8.98 21.41 08887954 89/28/91 TOYOTA 5986271 Check Totals: TOYOTA OF TEMECULA 87/29191 19449 97198191PENDALINER TRUCK BEDLINER 535.82 8.H 333.82 215.49 8.98 215.49 89/28/91 VALLEY 11263 Check Tota[s: VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS 97119191 18364 96/25R1 OFFICE SUPPLIES 215.49 8.H 215.49 18.91 9.9e 18.9i 89987966 89128191 XEROX-1 144714359 XEROX 88/12/91 18355 Check Totals: 96114191 MOVING OF THE COPIER 18.91 Lie 18.91 279.68 g.8e 279.68 98887967 89/28/91 XEROX-2 538349495 53H27887 89f29i91ZEE 37155514 Check Totals: XEROX CORPORATION-BILLING B9101/9I 8251 97191191 LEASE PAYHENT/SEPT. 9! 88/~1/91 825! 97/91/91 LEASE PAYHENT/AUG. 91 Check Totals: ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 88129191 18645 88/13/91 FIRST AID KIT;CITY HALL 279.69 9.99 279.69 1,182.76 ~.98 !,182.7~ 1,182.76 9,99 1,182.76 2,365.52 O.H 2,36~.52 218.27 8.98 218.27 Check Totals: 210.27 e.BG 219.27 Check Date VenOor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net Reoor~ ~otals: i18~?~2.~! 0.B0 I10.9~2.8! Cnec~ Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Descriotion 6ross Discount Net 87542 88/8g/~! MAURICE MAURICE PRINTERS QUICK PRINT 22282 87125191 18747 87/25/~I GUIOE'LEISURE ACTIVITIES 8KLT ~,~84.58 8.~8 ~.~84.58 00087815 8g/8~I?1RCTC Check Totals: RCTC/F~CUS ON TE FUTURE 89f8g/91 8~18~!~1 TUITION/FOR CONFERENCE Check Totals: 89/23/91 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN SEMINARS 2892889 88/28/gi 18681 88/28/91 SEMINAR;AUB.2B & SEPT.24 9~984.38 8.~8 9.~84.38 225.88 8.~8 225.88 225.88 8.88 225.8~ 145.78 8.~8 145.78 88~87971 89/24/91UNUM Check Totals: UNUM LIFE INS. CO. OF AMERICA 87/38/~1 ~7138191 INSURANCE PREMUIM/JULY 145.78 8.88 145.78 1,381.68 8.~0 1,381.68 88887?72 89/26/91APA Check Totals: AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC 8~/28tgl 89/26/91 REGISTRATION/CONFERENCE 1,381.68 8.e8 1,381.68 678.88 8.)8 678.88 Check Totals: 8~887974 89/27/91AMERICBU AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS 58455? 8g/85/91 18611 88/13/~! APPLICATION FOR 8LOS PERNIl 584556 8g/85/~I 18624 88/12/~I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY:B&S 678.88 ~.~8 678.88 354.58 8.88 354.58 188.56 8.88 188.56 '~87975 89/27/9! AVP AVP vISIQ~ PLAN 8~r~1~$ ~/~1i91 89/!9/71 89/!9/9! Check Totals: 88/51/~1 INSURANCE PREMIUM/AUG ~! 89/lg/~I INSURANCE PREMIUMS/SEPT 543.86 ~.80 543.86 428.18 8.8~ 42~.!0 483.1~ 0.80 4~,I~ Che~k Totals: 80807~7a ~/27/91 SICKNELL BICKNELL TRAVEL CENTER ...... ~/I?/~i ~:,~: 8~/1~91 AiR TCKTS/~AIN ST SEM/B/25-2E 903.28 8.80 9~3.28 088~7~77 89/27/$t CADET 5~5C=C uH. UNIFORm, 89/28/91 I~625 Check Totals: ~8/~9/9! RUSS:CTY HALL:RNTLSqWASTE FEE 0.00 088Q7978 ~9/27191 CHEVRON 89~491 Check Totals: CHEVRON U.S.A. INC. 89/84/91 89/~4t91 7928772253/JULY-AUG. 88/85/91 ~8/85/91 7928772255/JUNE-JULY 22.08 e.8~ 22.88 297.18 8.8~ 297.Ie 388.61 8.88 08007979 89/27/91COUCH.C COLETTE COUCH e?1291 89,'12/9! Check Totals: 09/12/91 REFUND GYMNASTICS 685.71 8,88 605.71 42.8~ 8.08 42.88 Check Totals: 00807980 89/27/9L DA VINCi DA VINCI SYSTEMS. INC. ~818~21-IN 88/86/91 i8815 88/85/91 NETWARE MHS:PERSONAL MHS Ch~ck Totals: 807981 e727/91 DE~TZCAF' DENTICAF[£ O: CALIFORNIA eS,'l~/91 0S'/i~/9! ~9/19/91 INSURANCE PREmIUM/SEPT 42.8~ 0.00 ~2.0~ 2!9.88 8.88 2!9.~e 219.0~ ~.80 2!9.00 959.8~ o.oe 759.~ 888~7982 e?/27/91EC&~ EC&M BOrd[i 7T2!25! ~8/87/91 10511 Check Totals: 8710i/9! TRNG & REF MATERIALS FOR LiB 959.0~ 0.80 ~5~.0C 92.68 ~.0~ 92.~i invoice Date P/O Date DescriDtlon Gross Discount Net ChecX Totals: ~B~79S: ~!>'~7/~% FREEMANS FREEMAN'S OFFICE Pc'O~U ~__,~-i 07/II~9i 1~415 07/10/91 HANGING FOLDERS 92.68 B.8~ 92.68 0888798~ ~9/27,'9! GFOA Check Totals: GOVT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. ~9/I6/9i le72~ ~8/29f9! GASB'S ORi6. PRON.~UBLICATION 228" 228.52 80~87985 e9/27/91 GREAT G.R.E.A.T. TRUST e9f19f91 ~9/19/91 ~8t5L'9! 8815!/9! Check Totals: ~9/19/91 INSURANCE PREMIUM/SEPT 91 88/31/9L INSURANCE PREMIUM/AUG 91 69i).BB ~.~8 698,08 610.8~ ~.80 618.00 Check Totals: ~88~798.~ ~W27/'?i GREY &An JONATHAN OREv & ;SSOCIATES S54~ ~9,'!9/9! 1Q254 85/21/91 CUSTOM PINS 5!4.!4 0.~ 5!4.14 88887987 89/27/9! GTEL GTEL ~80~15438 08~z°! Check Totals: 8S/22/91E96880~1545/FINAL BILL/AUG O~O~TeSB ~9./27/91 ..... n EUERRO ~9129! ~9t12.1~! Check Totals: ~9,.'!2/91 REFUND GYMNASTICS Check Totals: 08007989 89/27/9! HAULAWAY HAULAWA'~ CONTAINER !~75! 8S/26/9! I~542 88/~I/91 STORAGE/AUG 9! 25~.~7 ~.aO 258.87 52.50 Check ~- ' ~ :' 8~07990 81','27,'91 HILTONS~ HILTON - SAN FRANCIS. CO 89/12/9i 09/12~I ~q/'~'9' CONEEENCE/OCT ~-l.~ 89/27/9! iMPO~T L IMPORT i iNC. e92791 09/27/9! 18495 Cheu. Totals: 4,a62.0~ e.~ 4.~1.~ F'LANTS/TREEE FO~ CiT'( h. 775.61 ~.t8 775.~4 Check Totals: 89/27/9! INTERNAT INTERNATL CONF. OP BLDG. OFFL CT?2BB 89/86/91 !8985 88/25/91 S-PART BOOK SET:SLOG & SAFETY C75013 89/03/91 !~858 88/19191CALIF. UNIFORM CODE MANUALS 775,~4 ~.~0 775.~4 22.75 8.B~ 22.75 aB~799T e9/27/91KAWASAK Check Totals: KAWASAKI OF TEMECULA 89/84/91 18399 ~7/~8/9! OPEN FOR ~OTORCYCLE MAINT. 282.96 B.~O 282.% 595.'~ ~.88 '~ 47 09/27/9! ):IEFER 54~c~1 Check TOta.S: ADOLPH ~c~E~ ' ASSOCIATES ,~,~.:.~ .~'!c ~6~,,,o AID KIT .~ ...... ~,1 'IRST Check Totals: =~E'T~'4T~OOr :' ~N'i'SS GROUP ..~c~ 1U46 ~8/28/9i APRVD ~v~ARc:GRAPHIC GUF'ERVIS llg.x, ~.~ Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 892~91 89/28/91 18819 ~9/17/91 NEON RULERS:POLICE DEPT. 588.96. 0.88 388.96 Check Totals: 588.% ~9/27/91MARILYNS MARILYN'S COFFEE SERVICE 17723 ~912519I 1~828 ~9116/91 PAPER PRODUCTS:COFFEE SUPPLY 63.8~ 1718 89/16/91 18820 09/16/91 PAPER PRODUCTS:COFFEE SUPPLY 78.68 891691 89/16/91 18828 89/16/91 WATER D!SP RENTAL/JUN91-MAY92 608.8~ 588.98 8.08 63.8~ 8.88 78.68 Check Totals: 741.68 89/27/91MCCANN NCCANN PRINTING SERVICES 8253 88/81/91 18652 ~8/81/91 NEIGHBORHOOD WTCH:AUG.-OCT. 358.19 ~.8~ 741.68 8.80 350.19 Check Totals: 350.19 89/27/91MIRACLE NIRACLE EQUIPMENT 533048 89/11/91 !868! 88/15/91 TOT SEAT(SWING)S-HOOKS !29.42 358.19 129.42 Check Totals: 129.42 89/27/91 MOBIL MOBIL ~3~379H2 88/12/91 88/12/91BB59583792/JUN-JULY 174.6~ ~3~7~!2 8~/11/91 09/11/91 8839383792/JUN,JULY,AUG. 91 544.74 12L42 174.69 544.74 Check Totals: 519.43 0'?/27/9! PERE PERS (HEALT~ INSUR. PREMIUM) 08~!9! 88/31/~1 88131191 INSURANCE PREMIUM/AUG. 9! 12,982.25 519.45 12,9~2.25 Check Totals: !88~2 89/27/9i PERSRETI PERS EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 88~1°! ~8/31i~! 88131/9! PAYMENT PAYROLL/AUG. 12,982.25 22,675.85 ~.00 "' 9~2.25 0.80 ~' 673.~5 8';/27/9! F'ETTYC PETTY CASH ~C,'2~"91 89/2~/9! 872791 09/27/91 Check Totals: ~9/2U91REIMBURSEMENT/CIT~ E~PLOYEES ~W27/91 PETTY CASH/CITY 22,67~.83 I~4.24 117.6~ !~4 117.63 Check Totals: t?.'27/'71 ~'LANNERS PLANNERS BOOKSTORE 398745 89/~5/911~7% 89/84/91 ANALYZING DEVEL.BOOKLET 28i.87 g.8~ 28i.87 20.91 8.08 20.9i 8000800S 07/27/91PRESSENT PRESS ENTERPRISE 95L3~84~1 ~9/87/91 1~751 Check Tota!s: 89/83/91 INVITE-BID;TRFC SIGNALl9/6 28.91 ~.08 28,91 !29.88 0.8~ 129.8~ 88808086 09/27/91 PROLOCK PRO LOCK & KEY 87/08/9! 18825 Check Totals: ~7/0!/91 DUPLICATE KEYS I29.88 0.88 !29.88 15.42 ~.08 !5.42 Check Totals: 89/27/9! PROPERTY PROPERTY DATA SERVICES 881291 89/12/91 825~ 87/01/91ADDRS PROP/87/16-08/86 15.42 0.08 15.42 238.00 8.08 2~.8g '""~ F7:='c~ RAh-TEC Chec~ Totals: RAN-TEC RUGBE~ STAMP MFG 89/18/91 i~775 89/il/91 NAME BADGES: CiTY EMPLOYEES 236.0~ ~.08 236.0C 18.86 8.0~ 18.8~. ~0~088!0 89/27/9! RANCHWTF RANCHO WATEP !!!788352C ~9/i1/9! Check Totals: 09/i!x9! ~II17808~2./7/2>8/2~ 18.8~ 0.00 18.86 27C.*F ~ ~ ...... Check Date Vendor Name Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 1117~H92C ~9II1/91 09/11/91 81117H092/7/25-8/2~ 453.3~ 8.H 453.3~ 111702502C 09/11/9! 89111191 0111702502/7/2>8/28 166.03 8.e8 11170H22c 09/11/91 09/11/91 01117H022/7/23-8/28 151.44 0.98 !51.44 11170H12c 09/11191 09/11/91 0111709812/7/23-8/20 211.51 8.08 211.51 118505842c 09111191 09111191 81195~3842197122-08119 99.69 0.98 90.6~ 19245H92C 89/04/91 89/04/91 0192459002/7/11-8!8 748.55 0.09 748.55 184810692C 09/04/91 09104/9! 0194010692/87/15-08/12 15.58 8.00 15.58 10401H02C 09/04/91 09/04/91 0194019802/7/15-8/12 11.90 9.00 11.98 184620H2C 89/94/91 09/84/91 0104629002/7/15-8/12 121.03 8.00 121.03 187600771C 99/04/91 89/04f91 01076H771/7/17-8/14 609.26 0.00 689.26 1976H781C 89/04/91 89/04/91 8197608781/7/17-8/14 319.28 0.98 5!8.28 106272H5C 09/04/91 99/04/91 0196272003/7/17-8/14 39.45 0.08 39.45 1976H092C 99/04/91 09/94/91 010760H921 7/17-8/14 219.37 8.90 210.37 1077H732C 09/04/91 09/04/91 0197700732/7/17-8/14 6.04 0.90 6.84 104630852C 89/04/91 89/84/91 8104639852/7/15-8/12 346.51 186279H2C 89/04/91 89/04/91 0186279002/7/17-8/14 66.72 0.09 66.72 80008811 89/27191RECY-CAL RECY-CAL SUPPLY CO. 889889 08/28/91 18638 88/87/91 H9919 89/10/91 10638 88/07/91 Check Totals: 5,820.67 0.08 3,828.67 STACKABLE BECYCLING BINS 455.99 0.00 453.99 STACKABLE RECYCLING BINS 94.57 8.08 94.57 0880801? 89/27/gl SCHAEFF 20818-~ SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY 07/26!91 18563 97125191 Check Totals: 548.5a 0.08 548.56 DEBIT MEMO/INV. 29018 9.83 8.08 9.85 89,/27/91SCMAF SCMAF 891691 89/16/91 89/16/91 891991 89119191 89/19f91 Check Totals: 9.83 8.88 9.83 BSKTBALL OFF./CLINIC 24.00 ~.88 24.88 MEMBERSHIP MEETING 8CT. 18 85.00 ~.88 85.~0 88888814 89/27/qi SIGNKNiK SEGN KWI) 815554 89/17/91 18463 87/18/91 Check Totals: 189.88 8.88 !89.8~ VEHICLE SEALS AND LETTERING 985.18 8.98 905.1~ 088~8~15 89/27/91 SIX FLAG SIX FLAGS MAGIC MOUNTAIN 52136 88/28/91 18787 ~7/81/9! Check Totals: 905.1~ 8.0~ 905.10 MAGIC ~TN.TICKETS;TCSD 2,134.35 8.88 2,154.55 Check Totals: 0808816 89/27/91 SO CAt-2 SO.CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. 3436 99/09/91 89/09!91 7143493436/AUG. 91 3436-A 08/07/91 08/07/91 7143493436/AUG 91 7419 09189191 89/89/91 71434577419/AUG. 9! .5437 ~9/89/91 89/89/91 7143493437/JULY-AUG 91 $457-A 08/07/9i 88/87191 7143493437/JULY 91 545>A ~9/89/~1 89/09/91 7143495439/AUG. 91 2,134 '= 8.8~ 2,154.35 55,59 8.88 55.59 99.6~ 8.88 99.61 51.96 8.88 51.96 181.68 8.88 181.68 18~.84 8,88 108.04 44.82 8.88 44.82 9i-27.':~ SOLANO ~RESS BOOKS ~9/t~/91 18886 E/27/91 Check Totals: REDEVELOF'MENT PUBLICATION 453.70 0,08 455.7~ ~= o~ 0.08 15.97 08088~2C 89/27/91SOUTHCED SOUTHERN CAL!F EDISON 8~-7685~?B ~7/!~/9! ~-762~C ~?/~i/9! ~9/EI/91 Check Totals: 55778151128~30804/6/3-7,!2 5577126~500020004/6/5-7/5 45-77-877-5l~-0!/:/3!-8/5! ~,54~.55 8.8~ 1,54C.55 !7.5~, ¢,~? Invoice Date P/O Date Descrintion Gross Discount Net N185!8569C 89/01/91 89/e!/91 43-77-877-5547-82i7/31-8/51 115.58 8.88 115.58 4377877529 89/8!/9! 89/81/91 43-77-877-5288-8!/8/!-8/51 15,682.75 e.8e 15,682.75 437787756~ 89/01/91 e9181/91 4>77-877-5688-811811-8/1! 3,422.68 2~5-565aC e9/~I/9! e9/~I/91 45-77-877-1~8~-~2/7/~I-8/~I 29.48 8.88 29.48 N!85i8602C ~9/81/~I 09181191 4>77-877-515742/7/31-8/3! 31.89 208~46988C ~9/01/91 89/~1191 43-77-877-5159-02/7/31-8/31 32.41 ~,88 32.41 2~8-434543 09/81i~1 89/81i91 43-77-877-5168-82/7131-8/31 3~.92 e.li 38.92 28G-436569 89181191 89161191 43-77-877-5182-82/7/31-8/31 32.55 8.88 32.35 ~5-759854C 89/81191 19/~1/91 43-77-~77-5248-81/7/3!-8/31 89.51 8,88 89.51 85-572155C ~9i81i91 89181191 43-77-877-5269-8217/31-8/31 38.85 8.88 50.85 8-685179C 89/81/91 89181191 43-77-877-5278-82/7/5!-8/51 28.85 8.68 28.85 85-674587C 89/81/91 E9/8!/91 45-77-877-5342-8217/31-8/31 38.~e 28836~425C 89/16/91 ~9186191 54778286414~21H218182-8/31 14.16 ~.18 14.1~ 8-797829C 89189191 89189191 5577126798113H83/815-9/3 8.82 8.el 8.82 308393819C ~/13/91 89113191 59778~2542283886818t9-911~ 9.6~ 8,88 9.68 3113468C 09t13191 89/13/91 59778825414838888/8/9-9/18 18.98 8.88 18.90 8589~374C ~9/i1/~! 89/11/9! 5777565893482~!84/8/~-9/~ 9.38 ~.8~ 9.38 288484529c eglllRl 89/11/91 577756567811211821816-916 9.38 e.ee 9.39 388484531c 09/18/91 89/1~/91 53778861811831187/7/31-8/38 9.me e.ee 9.ee ~e8517677c e9/86/91 09/e6/9! 547782865ese2ee82/8/2-8/:l 8.7e e.ee 8.79 3B~517678C 89/~6/91 89/86/9! 5477828656562868~/8/2-8/5! 8.7~ B.!e 8.7~ 86~5745C 88i15/9! 88/15/91 68774117878828887/7Ili-8/18 9.80 388476569C 09/!3/91 09i13191 59778851121838181/8/9-9/1~ 9.60 8.88 9,60 388426227C eg/llR1 ~9/11!91 57777888741838~8918/7-916 9.88 8.18 9.80 85~89458C 09tlli91 09i!1/9! 57777882489831887t8!7-9/~ 9,1~ 8.~B 9,08 58851768~C 89/16191 09/16R1 88774118811828881/8/18-9/II ~,69 8.8~ 9.68 29836694~C 89/~5i91 09/~5/el 53778886235828885/8/!-8/38 8.78 e.8e E.78 8786797C 88/15/91 08/15R1 687741118~5828887/7/II-8/1~ %12 8588~65C ~9/1!/9! 89II1/91 57775656882828889/8/26-9/~ 8.3~ 0,e0 85737118 ~7/38/91 07i38/91 697767881878288~4/6/25-7/24 8.78 0,~0 8.78 85737116B 08/28191 08/28/91 697767881~7128184/7124-8/24 9.30 0.88 9.30 S7:3~198 08/15/91 88/15/91 68774118255828885/7/II-S/1~ 9.24 0.8e i,24 29887841:C 08115191 88/1519i 68774111094828888/7/11-8/18 9.80 ~.8~ 9.9C 208366957C 09/85/91 09/05/91 537788166598388~7/8/1-8/5o 9.66 788823136c 891It/9! 89111/91 57775683324o288~5/8/7-9/6 39.25 ~.80 59.25 ?~769549c 89189/9! 89/89/?! 55771268588~28884/G/5-9/5 8.7~ 8.80 8.78 8~1888~42C 09/85/91 89/85/91 53778132184818884/8/2-8/3! i.218.98 8.88 i,21S.~e 85759855C 89/11/9! 89/!1/9! 57775661973818804/8/7-9/6 97.26 288434541C 89!85/91 89/85/91 5377888!41182888/8/!-8/3~ 298.49 8,88 29c.4~, 88685178c 89/83/91 89/~5/9! 517798598~182885 247.35 ~,e~ 247,~5 38982~278c 09183191 89/~3191 51779858181828~85/7/38-8/28 58,69 0.8~ 5E,~9 N17~12628C 89/~3i91 89/~5/91 51779~5180281~884/7/3F8/28 56,e~ 8,88 56.86 8888B821 ~9/27/9! STADIUMS STADIUM SPORTIN8 GOODS 79~2 09118/91 i~716 88/22/91 Check Totals: ~f,343.41 GIFT CERT, FOR TOURAMENT MVF' BO,8g 88.08 Check Totals: 88808~22 09/27/91TEHVLf-2 TEMECULA VLLY SCHOOL DISTRICT 9i-15~ ~/87/~1 ~242 87/08/9! RENT OF MULTi-PURPOSE RM:7/22 91-!4~ 07/19/9! e2:2 ~79'08/91 RENT OF MULTi-PURPOSE RM:TCSO 94.00 e.8O 9i.08 8E:!91 Cheer. Totals: UNUM LIFE [HS. CC, OF AMERICA 0~/31/91 88/~I/9i INSURANCE PREMIUM/AUG.9! 1,532.3~ ~.8~ Chec~ Totals: 1.532,34 e?,Z~'gl Z:L. :' ~e~.:.:~ Pace: Fiscal iear: ?~2 l':~: :~.~t~.' Station: Check Date Vendor Na$e invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net ~8888824 89/27/91 VALLEY VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS 18965 89/26/91 89/26/91PE-RB-HISM PENEL PINS 11.42 0.88 15,42 Check Totals: 15.42 88888825 89/27/91N[NDSORI WINOS1]R PARTNERS-RANCHO 89181/9! 89/81/91 8235 87/81/91 STORAGE SPACE/RENT OCT 91 89/8!/91A 89/81/9! 89/81/91 OCT 91 RENT/CAM & T.I.'S 27,891.26 8.88 15.42 8.88 288.88 8.88 27.891.26 88888826 89/27/91WOLVERiN WOLVERINE SPORTS 328859 89119191 18772 ~28870 89/19/91 18775 89118191 89118191 Check Totals: 27,291.26 BOOKS:PITCHER'S BOI:NET:TCSD 448.14 GAMES;CLOCk;TAPE;BAGS|TCSD 288.77 8.88 27,291.26 8.88 448.14 8.88 288.77 00008027 10/88/91 ALLCITY ALL CITY MANAGEMENT 88/12/91 0247 07/81/9t Check Totals: 648.9! TRAFFIC CONTROL 87/28-88/18 3,536.48 8.88 648.91 08088028 !8/88/9! ASSURED ASSURED ELECTRICAL CONT. 88/51/9i 88/51/91 ~24E 87/81/91 08/31/91-1 08/31/91 8~5~ 87/01/91 Check Totals: 3,556.48 INC. RE-AIM LT.FIXTRS;POLE C3;SP 888.88 AMENO.COtBI57|INSTAL LT,PL:SP 14,488.88 8.88 1.556.40 8.88 888.88 8.88 14,480.80 00008029 10/08/9! BROWN$B BROWN & BIGELON 54585!7-26 88/58/91 18191 5458~17261 08/!4/91 1811~ 85118191 83/20191 Check Totals: 15,288.88 NAME BADGES 385.91 PINS. CITY SEALS 1,590.80 8.88 15,288.88 8.8~ 1,590,8~. 88888830 IB/08/9! DELL COM DELL COMPUTER CORP. t8SI~58~ 89/1!/91 18619 88/85/91 Check Totals: 1,895.9! NOTEBOOK,COMPUTER 1,564 '~ ~.88 1,895.91 0.88 1,564.12 08808851 18i88/91FIRSTA~ 09/!1/91 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO 89/11/91 18572 08/87/91 Check Totals: LOT BOOK 8.88 i.658.88 !0/88/91GLENNIES GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS 1~685~-8 89/85/91 18694 88/!9/91 I~5977-8 87/5!/91 1858~ 1~5454-¢ 88/26/9! 18627 88/82/9! 156854-8 89/84/91 18784 88/25/91 155454-! 88/26/91 18628 88/82/91 1~5168-8 88/28/91 18582 87/51/~1 135112-0 08/16/9t 18476 87111/9! 1~6757-~ 09/!1/91 18476 07/11191 154~72-0 88/!2/9! 18558 07/5i/91 152255-~ 87/12/9! 18476 87/1i/9! 155524-~ ~7/19/91 18458 87/il/~1 152886-0 88!16/91 18654 88/Ia/91 ,..~...r~ 89/27/9! 18~51 88/16/91 153928-~ 08/16/91 18~5~ 1557~C-~C eS/16/91 l~!3&-~ ~8/16/9! 18654 ~8/16/91 154774-~ 88/16/91 1065: ~8/16/91 15655F0 89/89/91 18654 15663>e e°.'18/91 I065~ 88/16/91 156~T-8 e~/10/9! 18~5i Check Totals: 1,65C.8~ CARAFE SET PILOT PRECISE XTR FINE-BLUE BINDERS;CALC.RLS:LABELS:TCSD TAPE;RIBBON;LABELS:SPLYS:TCSD BINDERS;CALC.RLS;LABELS;TCSD OFFICE SUPPLIES OPEN PO FOR MISC/EMER8 SUPPLY OPEN PO FOR MISC/EMERG SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES OPEN PO FOR M!SC/EMERG SUPPLY BADGE HOLDERS FOR BUS CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES;MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES:MISC. OFFICE SUPPLiES:~ISC. CREDIT MEMO/INV. 15575~-~ OFFICE SUPPLIES:MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES;MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES:MISC. OFP!CE SUPPLIES:MISC. OFFICE SUPPLiES:MISC, 0.00 47.37 0,88 47.37 28.76 ~.88 28.76 77.81 ~.80 77.81 o~..~ 8.88 37."' 4.~S 8.88 4.55 1~175.67 8.88 1,175.67 187.48 8.08 !87.47 15.1! 8.8~ !5.11 223.08 0.80 4.90 8.88 4.90 15.95 0.88 15.95 167.26 ~.0~ 167.20 215.75 ~.~0 ':15.7~ 75,63 ~.08 75.t: 45,06- ~,8~ 45.86- 75.85 ~,88 75.a5 6%59 ~.8~ 69.39 18,2! 0.8g ".48 e.e~ I!.2~ {..~e 1!.22 Fiszal ~ea': 19~2 Cr, ec!: Re~i~ir !t~tlc-: 72:: Check Date Vendor Name Invoice bate P/O Date Descriotion Gross Discount Net 156856-8 8W12/91 18654 88/16/~1 OFFICE SUPPLIES:MISC. 1.8~ 8.88 1.89 1367354 89/I2/~1 18654 88/16/~1 OFFICE SUPPLIES:NISC. 2~5.62 0.88 1344164 88187/91 18545 87/29/91 COMPUTER TABLE: FIRE DEPT. 284.7! ~.8~ 2~4.71 Check Totals: 2.871.42 8.88 2.871.42 88088834 18/88/91 6OLDENST GOLDEN STATE TRADING CO. 13225 89/86/~! 18742 8~/85!91 CABLES:KEYBOARDS:MOUSE 441.77 8.88 44!.77 13224 89/86/91 185~ 87/88/91 WORDPERFECT 5.1:CAL.CREATOR 824.29 ~.88 824.2~ 13225 89/86/91 18583 87181/91 COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS 5,348.71 8.88 5.348.7! 15314 89/28/91 18761 89183191COMP.WKSTATION:PUB.WKS & C.M. 5,348.71 8.80 5,348.71 13313 89128191 18734 88115191LZR PRNTR:COHP.WKSIATION:PLNG 5.2M.67 8.88 5,264.67 Check Totals: 17,228.15 ~.88 t7,228.15 08888835 18/88/~I INTEREZ INTERNATIONAL E-Z UP. INC. 884863 89t84/91 18638 88/13191SHELTERS:CANOPIES:TCSD 1,688.74 8.80 1,688.74 Check Totals: 80008036 18t88/911NTERTEC INTERTECH TELECO~UNICATIONS 184571 89/28/~i 18744 87/51/91 ~DDULES:LCD TELEPHONE 1,688.74 8.88 1,688.74 1,383.78 8.88 1,383.78 88888837 18188/71NECHAM 8~/86/91 BILL MECHAM 89186/91 8248 Check Totals: 87/~i/91 CONSULTING SERV./OCT. 9i 1,383.78 8.88 1,385.78 3,588.88 8.88 3,588.88 Check Totals: 88888858 18/88i91MUNIFINA MUNI FINANCIAL SERVICES. INC. ..... 87/81/~I ~166 8~/18/91DEVELOPE AN AD~IN SOFTWARE 3,508.00 8.88 3,588.88 17,712.23 8.80 17,7!2.23 8880~837 18/88/~1N E C N E C AMERICA. INC. 888217281D 88/16/91 i~578 87/29/91 88223781D ~8/26/9! 1~570 87/29/91 ELSl~o 89/18/91 10~48 88/86/91 Check Totals: TELEPHONE COURSES TELEPHONE COURSES i YR.SUBSC.CPE GRF:.ELECT.dBR 17,712.23 ~.88 !7.7!2.23 1,188.08 0.8~ 1,188.80 !8180 ~.8~ 188.8~ !~/eSz9! NEWPORT NEWPORT WAVE SOFTWARE 6~655 86/19/91 1~759 88/18/9i 606~1 88119/91 !~759 88/18/91 68648 88119191 1875~ 88118/91 Check Totals: SERVICES:SOFIWARE SET-UP SERVICES:SOFTWARE SET-UP SERVICES:SOFTWARE SEI-UF' 2,~00.08 0.00 !48.75 0.80 145.75 375.75 ~.8~ --= 75 888.8~ 0.80 888.8~ ~0~: 1D/88!91PACIFIRR PACIFIC IRRIGATION 384158 89/84/91 18661 8~/38/91 Check Totals: IRRIGATION EQUIP.:TCSD 1,410.58 0.8~ 1,4!8.58 1.267.27 8.88 1.2~7.27 08888842 1~i08191RANTD RAMTEL 5769-1 g?/17191 ~255 ~9f85/91 3769 09/!7/9! 0255 89i85/91 376~ 89t85/91 8255 89/8519! Check Totals: ROUTINE ST. MAINT. ~i5/91 DRAINAGE FACILITATION MAINT. ROUTINE ST. MAINI. 1,267.27 0.0~ 1,267.27 !9~.58 8.0~ 19t.59 6,632.48 8.8~ 6,652.48 9.!37.08 8.88 e,137.0E: Check Totals: 1C/gS'91 r,.,_..olD Ri!,!ERSi[E OFFICE SUF'F'L~ ~9gOS-gC 08/5~/91 leSS? B8/14/91 PENCILS;PENS:COAT RACK;STAMPS 99251-? ~c.= ..... ~.:~, 08/14/91EASEL'S:STAMPS:STICKERS 9°25i-i ~S/5~/9! 1866~ 88/14/91EASEL'S:STAMPS:STICKERS 98955-e ~8/22/91 18606 08/~2/91 RIBBON 98~5c-E 88/29/911~!5 ~8/12/9i NCR PAPER, SUF'PLIES 15,96~.86 C.~C 92.76- g. Be 92.7~- 33.87 ~.08 SS.:ST 156.58 ~.8~ 120.44 0.08 !2~.44 3nec~ Data Vendor Nasa Invoice Date P/O Date Description Gross Discount Net 99992-9 98125/91 19614 98/85/91 STAMPS.CLIPS.TONER 555.61 98992-1 88/27/91 10614 09/95/91 STAMPS,CLIPS.TONER 1,295.90 98992-2 88/59/91 19614 98/95/91 STAMPS,CLIPS.TONER 81.28 98992-5 09/99/91 19614 98/95/91 STAMPS,CLIPS.TONER 19.88 8.99 19.38 98818-9 98/19/~i 19589 97/31/91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 128.95 98818-1 98/22/91 19589 97/31/91 OFFICE SUPPLIES 678.45 0.99 678.45 99995-~ 98/26/91 19659 98/14/91 PENCILS:PENS:COAT RACK:STAMPS 551.9~ 8.99 55!.S Check Totals: PURKISS ROSS 98/59/91 9175 95/97191 DEVELOPMENT OF MASTER PLAN 4,191.97 8.99 4,19!.~7 18/08/9~ SC SIGNS SC SIGNS 985191 89/95/91 9110 Check Totals: 11/1~/99 INSTALLATION FOR AUG. I1/~5/99 INSTALLATION/~ULY 9~ 4,181.97 9.89 4,191.97 459.90 ~.09 459.09 00808946 18/88/91 SHERIFF 8594! Check Totals: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 98121/91 0Gi21/9! CAL-ID FY91/92 ASSESSMENT 1,559.~ 0.89 15,599.90 0.09 !0/98/9! SIRSPEED SIR SPEEDY 4162 99/93/91 19648 4!85 ~8/39/91 I~564 4185-1 88/59/91 10492 Check Totals: 08/15/91 NOTICE OF VIOLATION FOR~S:B&S 87/29/9! BUSINESS CARDS:SET UP CHARGE 07/25/91 COLOR LETTER HEAD I57.86 9.09 157.86 599" 0.~0 1.59~.57 .~ 00098048 10/08t'91 SYSTEM 50799 Check Totals: SYSTEM SOURCE. iNC. 89/!9191 19287 95/24!91 LATERAL FILE 6,987 o= 0.09 ~,987.85 Check Totals: 09998949 18/88/91TELECOMM TELECOMMUNICATIDNS MBMT CORP 9593-~ 8~/15/91 19799 97/91/9! CDNSULTINB SERV.jONES INTRCBL ' e~9.9~ 0.09 ,. Check Totals: 18/08/91TEMECULA TEMECULA CREEK INN 891175 ~8/99t9! 98109/91 96126191 89881173 09/18/91 99/IB/~1 CATERING 09991175A 89/18/91 09/IB/91 IN TOWN MEETINGS 2.999.00 0.88 95.89 0.98 93.89 1,661.12 8.98 1.661.12 165.57 0.90 !65.57 19/88/91 THOMAS 578986 Check Totals: THOMAS TEMPORARIES 98/25/91 18528 97/87/91 WEEK ENDING 98125/91 88/I1/9! 19548 97/24/~! TEMP. WRD PRC/ENDING 8/11/91 1,920.58 0.99 ~.920.58 ~99.22 0.99 609.22 464.90 8.0~ 464.90 Check Totals: 1,875.22 9.99 !.975.22 ReDoft Totals: 251,698.88 '8.08 25L.698.88 ITEM NO. 4 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer October 8, 1991 City Treasurer's Report as of August 31, 1991 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report as of August 31, 1991. DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio and receipts, disbursements and fund balance are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the Code Sections as of August 31, 1991. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENT: City Treasurerrs Report as of August 31, 1991 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report As of August 31,1991 Cash Activity for the Month of August: Cash and Investments as of August 1,1991 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of August 31,1991 Cash and Investments Portfolio as of August 31,1991: Type of Investment Demand Deposits Treasury Service Shares Petty Cash .~ertificate of Deposit Local Agency Investment Fund Institution Security Pacific Pacific Horizons N/A Overland Bank State Treasurer Cash and Investments as of August 31,1991 (1)-This amount includes outstanding checks. Yield Maturity Date $ 13,292,327 2,212,677 (1,518,331) $ 13,986,673 Balance as of August 31,1991 N/A N/A $ (6,311 ) 5.440% N/A 192,184 N/A N/A ¢--,n 5.250% 02/22/92 100, · 7.072% N/A 13,700,000 Per Government Code Requirements, this Treasurer's Report is in compliance with the City of Temecula's Investment Policy and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next thirty days of the City of Temecula. Prepared by Alicia Almanza $ 13,986,673 ITEM NO. 5 APPROVAL CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Luci Romero Senior Management Analyst October 8, 1991 Amendment to Schedule of Authorized Positions RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 91 - , entitled" A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Temecula Providing For An Amendment to the Schedule of Authorized Positions". Authorize a budget transfer in accordance with Attachment A. BACKGROUND: There are 74.50 authorized positions in amended Fiscal Year 1991-92 budget for the City. The proposed amendment to the Schedule of Authorized Positions facilitates the transition from contract to in-house personnel services in the Planning and Public Works Departments. The updated Schedule reflects three additional personnel allocations (one Assistant Planner and two Associate Planners), in the Planning Department. These positions will reduce the use of contract services in the Planning Department. The annual estimated personnel cost for these positions is $111,700 (salary and benefits). The current fiscal year projected savings from using in-house personnel versus contract services is ~39,500. Additional personnel allocations are also proposed in the Public Works Department. The recommended personnel requisitions include two Office Assistants and one Lead Maintenance Worker. The Public Works Office Assistants would provide clerical and administrative support for the maintenance, engineering and traffic operations in the department. The department currently has one Administrative Secretary providing all clerical support services for these functions. The increasing expansion of services in the Public Works Department necessitates a corresponding increase in clerical support services. The estimated costs in the current fiscal year for the two Office Assistants is $35,300 (salary and benefits). The Lead Maintenance Worker position, is a newly created classification which would be responsible for field supervision of maintenance and traffic projects. The addition of the Lead Person provides the opportunity for the Department's Maintenance Supervisor to develop a pavement management system, establish maintenance standards and provide the City with a two person crew that will form the nucleus of the signing and striping crew. The Lead Person will also be responsible for managing the existing road maintenance and signal maintenance contracts, in addition to supervising the Maintenance Worker. Personnel costs for this position are estimated at $24,900, in the current fiscal year. In summary, the estimated costs for the additional personnel in the current year are as follows: Assistant Planner (1) Associate Planner (2) Office Assistant (2) Lead Maintenance Worker (1) TOTAL $ 33,400 78,300 35,300 24,900 9171,900 FISCAL IMPACT: No additional funding is required. The personnel costs will be offset by savings in development review and contract expenditures in the Planning and Engineering budgets. Attachment A specifies the necessary transfer of funds. RESOL~ON NO. 91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority under Chapter 2.08.060 of the City's Municipal Code, the City Manager has the authority to hire personnel, set salaries and adopt personnel policies; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended and the City Council now wishes to update the Schedule of Authorized Positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula as follows: SECTION 1. The Schedule of Authorized Positions as amended is hereby adopted pursuant to Section 45001 of the California Government Code. SECTION 2. The Schedule of Authorized Positions shall become effective immediately and may be thereafter amended. SECTION 3. The City Manager shall implement the Schedule of Authorized Positions and has the authority to select and appoint employees in accordance with the City's personnel policies. SECTION 4. All prior resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby rescinded. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of October, 1991. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, City Clerk [SFAL] 3/Resos 209 STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 13th day of August, 1991, by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: June S. Greek, City Clerk 3/Resos 209 ATTACHMENT A .i TRANSFER FROM: A/C No. r Descrip. ENGINEERING: 001 - 163- Development 999-42-5249 Review PLANNING .= '.. 001 - 161 - Consulting 999-42-5248 Services Amount $60,200.00 $111,700.00 TRANSFER TO:'. A/C No. 001-163-999- 40-5100 001-163-999- 40-51XX 001-161-999- 40-5100 001-161-999- 40-51XX Descrip. Salaries Benefits Salaries Benefits Amount $44,600.00 $15,600.00 $82,700.00 $29,000.00 ITEM NO. 6 APPROVAL~~ CITY ATTORNEY N TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager De,.p~.~,~nt of Public Works October 8, 1991 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-1 PREPARED BY: Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-1 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On February 21, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with Mesa Homes, a California Corporation 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92590 for the improvements of streets and installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company as follows: 1. Bond No. 3S68748900 in the amount of $223,000.00 to cover street improvements. 2. Bond No. 3S68749000 in the amount of $35,000.00 to cover water improvements. 3. Bond No. 3S68749100 in the amount of $26,000.00 to cover sewer improvements. 4. Bond Nos. 3S68748900, 3S68749000, and 3S68749100 in the amounts of $1 11,500.00, $17,500.00, and $13,000.00 respectively, to cover materials and labor. Page 1 of 2 pw01\agdrpt\1008\21675-1 11:00 On June 25, 1991, the City Council accepted these improvements and retained the following secured amounts for a one (1) year maintenance period: Streets: - $22,300.00 Water: $3,500.00 Sewer: $2,600.00 TOTAL: $28,400.00 The developer is required to post Material and Labor Bonds to ensure payment to suppliers and workers. These bonds are maintained in effect for a period of time determined by statute after the Governmental Agency has accepted the public improvements. The Riverside County Transportation Department and City Staff indicate that no liens have been filed against this project and with the period in excess of the statutory lien period having run, Staff recommends that these Materials and Labor Bonds be released. The Faithful Performance Maintenance Securities will be retained for a full one (1) year warranty period (June 25, 1992). The affected streets are Corte Camarillo and a portion of Rancho Vista Road and Via El Greco. Attachment: Location Map Page 2 of 2 pwOl\agdrpt\lO08\21675-1 11:00 To C~eta Project Site 7'A'A C N-~.ZIG 75- I \~I, ~ & ' ~ ~ ~ At'/Y.z:~77./E77~.4L TOWNSN/p 7.,S R,x~NG~' ,ELY. -~ Location Map ecele 1'* liOO' ITEM NO. 7 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Dep~~t of Public Works October 8, 1991 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-2 PREPARED BY: Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-2 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On February 21, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with Mesa Homes, a California Corporation 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92590 for the improvements of streets and installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company as follows: 2. 3. 4. Bond No. 3S68749200 in the amount of $504,000.00 to cover street improvements. Bond No. 3S68749300 in the amount of $68,000.00 to cover water improvements. Bond No. 3S68749400 in the amount of $87,000.00 to cover sewer improvements. Bond Nos. 3S68749200, 3S68749300, and 3S68749400 in the amounts of $252,000.00, $34,000.00, and $43,500.00 respectively, to cover materials and labor. Page 1 of 2 pw01\agdrpt\1008\21675-2 11:10 On June 11,1991, the City Council accepted these improvements and retained the following secured amounts for a one (1) year maintenance period: Streets: 950,400.00 Water: 96,800.00 Sewer: 98,700.00 TOTAL: 965,900.00 The developer is required to post Material and Labor Bonds to ensure payment to suppliers and workers. These bonds are maintained in effect for a period of time determined by statute after the Governmental Agency has accepted the public improvements. The Riverside County Transportation Department and City Staff indicate that no liens have been filed against this project and with the period in excess of the statutory lien period having run, Staff recommends that these Materials and Labor Bonds be released. The Faithful Performance Maintenance Securities will be retained for a full one (1) year warranty period (June 11, 1992). The affected streets are Corte Pacheco, Corte Mallorca, Corte San Leandro, Corte Madera, and a portion of Rancho Vista Road and Via El Greco. Attachment: Location Map Page 2 of 2 pw01\agdrpt\1008\21675-2 11:10 · . To Corn Io ll,veri4~ / t,~ #~O f Location Map ITEM NO. 8 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY x~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER'~' _ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PREPARED BY: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager De~m_~nt of Public Works October 8, 1991 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-3 Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-3 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On June 13, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with Mesa Homes, a California Corporation 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92590 for the improvements of streets and installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company as follows: 1. Bond No. 3S68749500 in the amount of $606,000.00 to cover street improvements. 2. Bond No. 3S68749600 in the amount of $89,000.00 to cover street improvements. 3. Bond No. 3S68749700 in the amount of $92,000.00 to cover street improvements. Bond Nos. 3S68749500, 3S68749600, and 3S68749700 in the amounts of $303,000.00, $44,500.00, and $46,000.00 respectively, to cover materials and labor. Page 1 of 2 pw01\agdrpt\1008\21675-3 11:20 On June 11,1991, the City Council accepted these improvements and retained the following secured amounts for a one (1) year maintenance period: Streets: $60,600.00 Water: $8,900.00 Sewer: S9,200.00 TOTAL: $ 78,700.00 The developer is required to post Material and Labor Bonds to ensure payment to suppliers and workers. These bonds are maintained in effect for a period of time determined by statute after the Governmental Agency has accepted the public improvements. The Riverside County Transportation Department and City Staff indicate that no liens have been filed against this project and with the period in excess of the statutory lien period having run, Staff recommends that these Materials and Labor Bonds be released. The Faithful Performance Maintenance Securities will be retained for a full one (1) year warranty period (June 11, 1992). The affected streets are Corte Sonora, and a portion of Rancho Vista Road, Paseo Goleta, Via El Greco, and Lomas Vista. Attachment: Location Map Page 2 of 2 pwO1\agdrpt\1008\21675-3 11:20 To Corona To Rever~ To ler~ D~9c~ AItYPOTi-lE77~.41.. TO~V/VSIll, o 7,,~, g-A,A/6~' ,~kV'e 5F. CT/OAIO -~ Location Map Kale 1' · fOOD' ITEM NO. 9 APPROVAL ~_~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER .~V,~' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager D~~ent of Public Works October 8, 1991 Release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-4 PREPARED BY: Albert Crisp, Permit Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the release of Material and Labor Bonds in Tract No. 21675-4 and direct the City Clerk to so advise the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: On June 13, 1989, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors entered into subdivision agreements with Mesa Homes, a California Corporation 28765 Single Oak Drive, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92590 for the improvements of streets and installation of sewer and water systems. Accompanying the subdivision agreements were surety bonds issued by Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company as follows: 1. Bond No. 3S68749800 in the amount of $288,000.00 to cover street improvements. 2. Bond No. 3S68749900 in the amount of $34,000.00 to cover street improvements. 3. Bond No. 3S68750000 in the amount of $52,000.00 to cover street improvements. 4. Bond Nos. 3S68749800, 3S68749900, and 3S68750000 in the amounts of $114,000.00, $17,000.00, and $26,000.00 respectively, to cover materials and labor. Page 1 of 2 pw01\agdrpt\1008%21675-4 11:35 On June 11,1991, the City Council accepted these improvements and retained the following secured amounts for a one (1) year maintenance period: Streets: ~28,800.00 Water: $3,400.00 Sewer: $5,200.00 TOTAL: $37,400.00 The developer is required to post Material and Labor Bonds to ensure payment to suppliers and workers. These bonds are maintained in effect for a period of time determined by statute after the Governmental Agency has accepted the public improvements. The Riverside County Transportation Department and City Staff indicate that no liens have been filed against this project and with the period in excess of the statutory lien period having run, Staff recommends that these Materials and Labor Bonds be released. The Faithful Performance Maintenance Securities will be retained for a full one (1) year warranty period (June 11, 1992). The affected streets are Corte Montiel and Corte Tunas. Attachment: Location Map Page 2 of 2 pw01 \agdrpt\1008\21675-4 11:35 To TO Ih~ers~u To San 'D,*~ -~ Location Map Iclle t'z fOOD' ITEM NO. 10 APPROVAL: CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Council/City Manager Chief Building Official October 8, 1991 Approval for Award of Contract for Plan Review Services RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the award of contract to the ESGIL Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, as the primary plan review firm to provide complete plan review services to the Building and Safety Department for an initial one (1) year period. It is further recommended that the City Council approve the retention of Van Dorpe/Chou and Associates Inc., MGM Associates, Melad and Associates and Willdan Associates to further support the plan review needs of the City's Building and Safety Department. DISCUSSION: Staff received twelve responses to a request for proposal (RFP) for plan check services. The proposals were reviewed first for qualifications and experience after which personal interviews were conducted at the offices of the six (6) most qualified firms. Following the personal interviews, each firm's fee proposal was opened and recorded. Based upon each firm's proposal, references, interview and fee proposal, a recommendation was made. The plan review services will be performed on an as needed basis. Approval of Contract Award for Plan Review Services Page 2 The City presently collects a plan review fee equal to 75% of the calculated building permit fee in accordance with the provisions of County amended Section 304 of the Uniform Building Code. Compensation for plan check services is being paid in the form of a percentage of the collected fee to Willdan Associates, the City's current plan check firm. All firms responding to the RFP with the exception of ESGIL Corporation provided an hourly rate for plan check services as an alternative to percentage based compensation. Hourly compensation proposed by these firms ranged from $45 to $75 per hour. Staff is recommending compensation for plan check services to be in the form of a percentage of the fees the City collects for this service. This decision was based on several reasons. First, compensation in the form of a percentage of the calculated building permit fee is consistent with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code in which fees have remained constant since the 1985 edition. The City presently calculates building permit and plan check fees according to the applicable Code provisions. Compensation in the form of a percentage of the plan check fees collected by the City insures that the service cost and City overhead will be adequately covered by this fee. Lastly, compensation of a percentage will further insure that the service will be performed for a set fee without leaving the applicant open to additional fees which can result from excessive hourly charges for which City control is difficult. ESGIL Corporation has proposed to charge a flat rate of 69% of the plan review fee collected by the City. Although Esgil Corp is not the lowest bidder, their staff exhibits the most qualifications and experience in comparison to the other firms, to provide the type of responsive plan check service the City desires. Esgil Corporation plan check staff are all full time employees of the firm. All plan check work is performed in house by regular staff which provides for better communication between plan checker and applicant. Esgil does work solely for building departments which eliminates the possibility of conflicts of interest occurring. The remaining four (4) firms rely on subcontractors or other out-of-house assistance to some degree to provide complete plan check services. Turnaround time for plan review was examined with proposals ranging from ten (1 O) to twenty (20) days. ESGIL Corporation proposes a maximum of twelve (12) days for first plan review turnaround. References were contacted for each firm. Those contacted regarding ESGIL, supported this twelve day turnaround service. Proximity to the City of Temecula was taken into consideration along with the available means of transporting plans between offices. All firms reviewed agreed to establish a plan pick-up service whereas ESGIL has a messenger presently traveling through the City twice a week. Approval of Contract Award for Plan Review Services Page 3 FEE PROPOSALS ESGIL Corporation Van Dorpe/Chou Associates, Inc. MGM Associates Melad and Associates Willdan Associates 69% of Plan Check Fee Collected By City 65% of Plan Check Fee Collected By City 60% of Plan Check Fee Collected By City 70% of Plan Check Fee Collected By City 75% of Plan Check Fee Collected By City ITEM NO. 11 APPROVAL:R~ CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Mary Jane Henry, Finance Officer October 8, 1991 Risk Management Claims Administration Grant M. Yates, Senior Management Analyst That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 91- authorize a Claims Administration Procedure. During FY 1990-91 tO None ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 91__ Authorizing Claims Administration Procedures FISCAL IMPACT: DISCUSSION: the City received a number of claims under $15,000 that were placed on the Consent Agenda for Council action. These items could more effectively be handled administratively. Therefore, we are recommending that the Council adopt Resolution No. 91- authorizing the City Manager or designee the authority to process all claims, and allow claims not exceeding $15,000.