HomeMy WebLinkAbout070790 CC Agnedau'l~X,'f 7; X990 -- 9100 ROLL Birdsall, LXncloRarm, Moore, aufioz, Parke PUBLXC eOMMBMT8 A total of 15 minutes is provided me members of the pubXic can address the Council on iteus that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers ere lhnited to two (2) minutes es.oh. If you desire to speak .to the Council about an item l~i listed on the Agenda, & pink uP~q~leet To ffpe~ku form should 'be filled' out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please co~w forward and mtate For all other agenda items a Nl~iueot TO .Speak" form must be filed with ?-he City Clerk b~f~-e the Council gets to that item. There is a .£ive (5) ainute the lha!t for individual speakere. COU~CXL BUllmS 3. AV~oi~pt ~ of ~ke T~Bifi3LLS Zmh14e, la£etv __~mu4oe,4On Next meeting: July 10, 1990, 7:00 PM, TeRecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, ToRocula, Californi&. % , ~,.~81110 I 07/01/10 CITY OF TEMECULA SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION JULY 7v 1990 43180 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE SUITE 200 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 ~X 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 TED GOUDY GREGORY HOBBURG FRANK KLEIN RONALD KNOPP GEORGE RXCHARDS KEVIN RUDDY JOSEPH SCHNEIDER JON SOWERS DOUG WORSLEY James Ebben will not be able to attend the interview. He works in Redondo Beach 6 days out of the month, but requests that you consider his resume for Public Safety Commissioner. CITY OF TEI~ECUL~ QUESTIONS FOR PUBLIC S;l%FETY COI~l~ZSSION Ci~IDZDATES IIRY SHOULD YOU BE APPOII~iTED TO THIS COR!~ISSION? 2) HOW~UCRTIRECOULD YOU CO~IB~E~ ~T CO~D YOU CO~IBUTE TO ~lB C~18810N? ~ZVZDU~ Q~BTZONB ~OH CITY CO~CZL. Ja~es J. Ebben 41675 S. Aven£da De La Reina Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 699-3870 March 1, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Re: Application for Planning Commission or Public Safety Commission or Traffic Commission Your request for applications to fill positions on City Commis- sions prompted me to once again answer the call to service of my community. Since I'm sure you will wish to do a face-to-face interview with each applicant, I will make this as brief as possible. I lived in the City of Redondo Beach for forty-seven (47) years and owned my own business there for thirty-seven (37) years. I am now semi-retired and have lived in Temecula since last May. During my years in Redondo Beach, I was the Founding President of a high school parent organization; member of the Board of Directors, Senior Housing (135 units); vice-chairman of the Harbor Commission, King Harbor, Redondo Beach. Other positions served are: ~'"'- Member of the Board of Directors, Redondo Housing Authority - Member of the Board of Directors, Parking Authority - Vice-chairmen, Redondo Beach Redevelopment Agency - Member of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials - Vice-chairman, Redondo Beach Planning Commission - Redondo City Councilman - District II (During that time as a councilman, I Tri-City Traffic and Transportation Committee) - Was the council representative for the Southern Association of Governments - Helped to formulate the required General Plan for and Harbor and, - was responsible for establishing K.9 Police Dogs in search procedures of Police Personnel. also served on the California the City to assist Since I promised brevity, I shall end now and leave the rest for personal questioning. Please let me know if I can be of service. R/e.g~rds, Jim Ebben PS: I now serve as Vice-president "The Village II". of my homeowners I live in the Villa Avanti Tract. association, JE:rhw POSITION OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Dec 61 to Nov EDUCATION TED G. GOUDY 31077 Corte Arroyo Vista Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-2669 Application For Public Safety Commission Torrance Police Deoartment 3300 Civic Center Drive. Torrance, Ca 90501 Services Division Commander Job includeds Jail Commander,Communication,Property Section, Compiatnts,Fleec Operations, Building Haitenenace, Training. E1 Camino College. Torrance California AA in Police Science, 1~63 PeDDerdine University, Los Angeles. California BS in Public Management, Hascers Degree in Business. 1976 Northwestern University. Evanston, illinois Certificate Of Compl in Traffic Institute. 1970 University O_~.f Southern California l. os Angeles. California Ceriftcate Of Campie in Deiinquency REFERENCES Available upon reques~ Gregory L. Hosburg, Jr. 39708 Oak Cliff Drive Temecula, CA 92390 6 March 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to express my interest in serving on the Public Safety Commission. I have attached my resume, which outlines my extensive background in fire suppression and e_mergency services. The Vista Fire Department is also in charge of Disaster Plan[ting for the City of Vista, which provides me with both the exposure to Disaster Planning, and resources for research and information. I am a registered voter in Riverside County, and also reside within the City Limits. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Gregory L. Hosburg, Jr. pERSONAL RESUME GREGORY LOUIS HOSBURG, JR. 39708 Oak Cliff Drive Temecula, California 92390 (714) 677-0695 p!=RSONA! - Marital Status: Hobbies/Sports: Birthdate: Married, 1 child photography, skiing, volleyball, model- building April 6, 1964 FMPI OYMr=NT HISTORY- September, 1989 to Present Instructor (part-time) University of California, San Diego, Emergency Medical Services Training Institute (EMSTI) 225 Dickinson Street, H-216 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 543-6449 Karen Jones, Coordinator r~,Jties- Assist in training of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. Assist in CPR Training. May, 1988 to Present Part-time Paramedic Southwest Ambulance 990 Highland Dr. Suite 110A Solana Beach, Ca 92075 (619) 792-2316 Doug Lively, Manager Duties- Respond on ambulance and provide emergency care and transportation. Maintain equipment and quarters. !=MP! OYM!=NT HISTORY (cont.)- September, 1987 to Present May, 1987 to December, 1989 September, 1984 to May, 1987 Firefighter/ Paramedic Vista Fire Department 175 North Melrose Dr. Vista, CA 92083 (619) 726-2144 Rick Minnick, Captain !3,ties- Respond to fire and other emergency calls, provide emergency care, operate. Fire Dept. vehicles, act as Engineer as assigned. Maintain equipment and station. Part-time Paramedic (F/T until 9/87) Hartson Medical Services 9573 Chesapeake Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 492-8100 Sharon Henry, P.O.C !'3!~ties- Respond on ambulance and provide emergency care and transportation. Maintain equipment and quarters. Firefighter/ EMT Borrego Springs Fire Protection District 2324 Stirrup Rd. Post Office Box 898 Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (619) 767-5436 Steve Sawyer, Assistant Chief !3uties- Respond to fire and other emergency calls, maintain equipment and station. Also assigned as Deputy Fire Marshal: assist in plan review for fire safety, assist in fire investigation and other fire prevention activities. Assigned as Company Officer 10/85 to 5/87: supervise and train subordinate firefighters. !=MP! OYMIrNT HISTORY (cont.)- August, 1983 to July, 1986 April, 1984 to Present September, 1983 to November, 1983 Paid-call Firefighter Riverside County Fire Department Station 25 (San Jacinto) 132 South San Jacinto St. San Jacinto, CA 92383 (714) 654-7912 Steve Huntington, Captain !3Hties- Respond as volunteer on fire and other emergency calls, operate rescue squad and related equipment, assist in station and equipment maintenance. Clerk/ Cashier Fastrip Food Store 692 South San Jacinto St. San Jacinto, CA 92383 (714) 654-4809 Lynn Bigelow, Manager Duties- Operate cash register, stock walk-in style refrigerator, general maintenance and cleaning. Mechanic Trainee H®met Bowl 2850 West Florida Ave. Hemet, CA 92343 (714) 929-2808 Bill Abell, Mechanic !3!Jties- Repair and maintain automatic pinsetting machines and bowling lanes, general maintenance and cleaning. !:MP! OYMFNT HISTORY (cont.)- September, 1981 to September, 1983 October, 1979 to June, 1980 Cook/ Cashier Jack-in-the-Box 1595 East Florida Ave. Hemet, CA 92344- (714) 929-2104 Roszie Birdsall, Manager !3,ties- Prepare fast foods, operate cash register, general cleaning. Assigned as Crew Leader 3/83: supervise crew of 1 to 6 employees, perform related administrative tasks. Mechanic/ Assembler Moped Mania 22741 Lambert St. Suite 1604 El Toro, CA 92630 Myron Hankins, Owner !3,Jties- Repair, maintain and assemble mopeds and ' bicycles. !=nUCATION- Graduated Hemet High School 1982 Attended Mt. San Jacinto College 1981 and 1983 Emergency Medical Technician 1A Emergency Medical Technician 1A, Refresher Attended Crafton Hills College 1982, 1983 and 1984 Fire Academy Fire Investigation 1 OES Heavy Rescue Course Attended Miramar College 1986, 1989 Peace Officer Orientation (PC 832) Fire Investigation lB Fire Command 1A Attended Palomar College 1990 Fire Instructor 1A Fire Instructor lB Certified Instructor Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Certified California State Firefighter 1 Certified San Diego County Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic p!=RRONA! RFF!=Rr:NC~=R- Available upon request Frank O. Klein 30180 Santiago Rd. Temecula, California 92390 (714)676-8412 February 15, 1990 TO: SUBJECT: Temecula City Council Law Enforcement Committment This letter serves to express my interest in serving on the committee designated to assist Councilwoman Peg Moore and Councilman Sal Munoz to negotiate the 1990-91 law enforcement contract. I have no direct law enforcement experience. However, I have a deep interest in the subject matter as may be attested to by close family relations, e.g., a daughter who is an FBI Special Agent and a brother who is a retired Government national security specialist. I am a retired U.S.A.F. Colonel and have also worked as a civilian military consultant under U.S. Government contract to NATO member countries in Europe over 20 years. Respectfully, Frank O. Klein RONALD W. KNOPP 41843 Shorewood Ct. Temecula, California 92390 714-699-5463 RESUME OBJECTIVE Application for City of Temecula Public Safety Commission PRESENT STATUS Firefighter/Paramedic, City of Long '3each, California. Woodcrest Country (Temecula) Architectural Committee. U.S. Army Reserve Helicopter Pilot LICENSES Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic; L.A. County Commercial Pilot/ Rotorcraft and Helicopter California State Drivers License # C6339946 EDUCATION FIRE SERVICE MILITARY Heavy Rescue/Earthquake Preparedness 1989 Basic Firefighter's Course, Long Beach, CA 1986 Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic 1984 Incident Command ~ystem Course, Las Vegas, NV Basic Firefighter's Course, Las Vegas, NV 1982 U.S. Army Management Effectiveness, 1980 USAF Flight Physiology Course, 1980 U.S. Army AAMED (MEDEVAC) Course, 1979 Aviation Safety Officer's Course, 1978 Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviator Course 1973 CIVILIAN B.$. Political Science/Public Administration California State University, Long Beach (Dec 90) AAS Fire Service Management; Clark County Community College, Las Vegas, Nevada 1983 AAS Fire Science Technology; Clark County Community College, Las Vegas, Nevada 1983 High School Graduate, Millikan H.S., Long Beach, California; 1971 EXPERIENCE CHRONOLOGY April 1986 to present Firefighter/Paramedic, Long Beach Fire Department Currently a member of the Woodcrest Country Architectural Commitee January 1982 to April 1986 Firefighter/Paramedic, Las Vegas Fire Department assigned to the Fire Department Training Center, responsible for maintaining Firefighter EMT and Paramedic qualifications. Assisted in two rookie Firefighter courses instructing EMS and Fire Science. Member of the Clark County Republican Central Committee September 1981 to January 1982 Supervisor trainee, Valley Bank of Nevada (Bonded) September 1978 to August 1981 Flight Safety Technician, Aviation Life Support Officer, Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot. Maintained ground and flight safety program for 35 personnel. Personal Pilot for General of the Army Omar Bradley. Ft. Bliss, Texas. September 1974 to May 1978 Operations Officer, Safety Officer and Airfield Supervisor; Babenhausen Army Airfield, FRG: Responsible for maintenance of flight records for 45 personnel, airfield budgeting, maintenance and supply for the airfield. February 1973 to August 1974 Pilot and Assistant Administrative Officer for VIP Flight Detachment. Responsible for upkeep and maintenance of airfield in Korea. Personal Pilot for KORSCOM Commander, BG Krause. 3d Avn Det., Taegu, Korea. March 1972 to January 1973 Basic Flight Training, Fort Wolters, Texas/ Fort Rucker, Alabama. September 1971 to February 1972 Basic Training and AIT, Fort Polk, Louisiana. PERSONAL Born Status Health Height Weight Hobbies Residence Military August 25, 1953 - Compton, California Married - three children Excellent, no physical limitations 5'10" 185 lbs. Outdoor sports, hunting, fishing, photography, weightlifting, hiking, flying Temecula, California Nine years as pilot in Army helicopters working variously as Safety Officer, Operations, Training and Administrative Officers. Public Safety Eight years as Firefighter/Paramedic. These duties included CPR instructor, EMT instructor and Paramedic instructor. Public Service Little league coach, West Garden Grove Little League. Fire Safety Instructor. CPR Instructor. Ree~ence Temecula, Ca. 923@0 699-1799 George E. Richards Bell Police Department 6325 Pine Ave. Bell, Ca. 90201 (213) 558-6211 Ext 254 POSITION OBJECTIVE Temecula Public Safety Commission PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Jan 65 to Present B~ll Police Department 6326 Pine Ave Bell, Ca 90201 Detectives RoDery Homicide Detective investigate all robery and homicides ana assauits. EDUCATION East Los Angeles Community CoJieae Los Angeles, Ca AA in Police Administration. AA PERSONAL I have livea in Temecula since Decemoar 1957. 1 am martleo and have one ten year old son. My wife is a realtor with Bette~ Homes ano Gardens in this City. It is my desire to have the opportunity to sit on this Commission so that I may ozfer my f~i~e.' for the betterment of the community. 1 it is my responsisiiity to otfet my =ommunit¥ the Oenezit of my years of experience in this fieid. REFERENCES Available upon request ,! KrViN J. RUDDY RUPP & RUDDY ATTORN[YS AT LAW 2~,glO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD It, ANCI'IO CALIF=ORNIA, C~LI~ORNIA 92:390 TIrL£PNONr (714) FAX {714) February 12, 1990 TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL C/O COUNCILPERSON PEG MOORE P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 RE: Application for appointment to Public Safety Commission Dear Ms. Moore: It is my understanding that the Temecula City Council is now considering applications for appointments to various commissions. I am submitting my application for an appointment to any future commissions which will be formed and whose primary purpose will be public safety. This letter will serve both as an application and as a resume regarding my qualifications for appointment to such a commission. Currently I am a practicing attorney licensed to practice in the State of California. My practice is located in Temecula and has been so located since June of 1988. Prior to opening up my practice in Temecula which is predominately civil litigation, I was a member of the Riverside County District Attorney's Office. I was a member of the District Attorney's Office for approximately ten years and was employed by the District Attorney of Riverside County immediately upon graduating from The University of San Diego School of Law and becoming a member of the California State Bar. As a Deputy District Attorney I worked within the criminal justice system and with every police agency in western Riverside 'County including Riverside County Sheriff's Department, the Riverside Police Department, the Corona Police Department, the Perris Police Department, the Hemet Police Department, the San Jacinto Police Department, the Banning Police Department and the Beaumont Police Department, the California Highway Patrol and the University of California Police. I also worked with various police from San Bernardino and Los Angeles County as well as the F.B.I. Drug Enforcement Agency and the U.S. Treasury Department. As a Deputy District Attorney I prosecuted every type of crime beginning with minor traffic violations to murder cases involving the death penalty. As one of my last assignments I was a Supervising Deputy District Attorney wherein I supervised all felony prosecutions for the western half of Riverside County. In my capacity as Supervising Felony Prosecutions in Riverside Superior Court, I oversaw the day to day functions of the trial staff of approximately 30 attorneys and was responsible for the day to day prosecutorial functions of every type of felony from drug offenses to death penalty murder cases. As a Deputy District Attorney I worked with, as mentioned above, every police agency in western Riverside County and many police agencies located in the desert. From my vantage point in the District Attorney's office I became very familiar with the operations as well as the effectiveness of numerous police agencies. My background with the District Attorney's Office brings a unique perspective in terms of assisting our new community in matters concerning public safety. Not only do I have the usual concerns as a resident of our new community regarding public safety, but I would be in a position, more so than most I believe, to evaluate services which are to be supplied to our community. My experience with the law enforcement agencies and with the Courts puts me in a position to better evaluate the effectiveness of any department or program which will be offered to our City. If references are required for this position, and particularly ~n terms of evaluating my past experience, those references can be supplied on request and would include any number of Municipal Court Judges, Riverside County Superior Court Judges and Appellate Court Judges. A reference list would also include the District Attorney of the County of Riverside as well as any number of attorneys and chiefs of police in the County of Riverside. My reference list would also include staff members of the California State Attorney General's Office and law enforcement agencies outside of the County of Riverside. After a review of my initial application through this letter, I would appreciate an opportunity to be interviewed by the City Council and also furnish any type of references which would be required. I would also like to point out that in terms of my experience with the District Attorney's Office, that included in excess of 100 jury trials which were some of the more highly publicized cases in Riverside County as well as receiving awards in the District Attorney's Office which included being named the office's top trial prosecutor for 1985. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. KJR:aw 30BBPH R. 8~BIDBR 29951 ~ll~no de1 Bol Temeaul&, ~A 92390 676-2~01 (BusLnoss) 676-6S6S (ResidehaS) February 20, 1990 City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 RE: Temecula Planning Commission Honorable Councilpersons: I am soliciting your support and endorsement for appointment to Temeculats first Planning Commission. I believe that my specialized knowledge, experience, and high personal and professional standards make me a viable candidate to serve on this body. The provisions of County Ordinances 348 and 460 are a daily "fact- of-life" in my role as a real estate broker, as are the planning application, review and appeal processes. I am conversant with the several elements of the County General Plan, as well as S.W.A.P. and its attendant policies. I gained valuable experience as chairman of the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Planning and Land Use Committee which served as Murrieta~s "de facto Planning Commission" from 1980-84. The County PlanningDepartment and Board of Supervisors formally solicitedthe Chamber~s input for proposed developments in the Murrieta area. The Committee reviewed these proposals for compatibility with the #Murrieta Study Area" zoning and land use policies and critiqued mquality of life issues". Two of the many projects reviewed were the Drake/Golden Triangle Specific Plans (later to become Las Brisas, Los Acacias and the Golden Triangle Medical complex) and the California Oaks specific plan with their associated Environmental Impact Reports. Although many of our suggestions were incorporated into the County~s conditions of approval, and notwithstanding the promises of the original proponents, few (if any) of our density or density interface (buffer) recommendations Page 2 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 survived the subsequent sale and ultimate development of these specific plan projects. This was a valuable lesson in developer integrity and representation by absentee government. Although I have been an area real estate broker for the past eleven years and have represented many developers in the acquisition, development and marketing of their properties, I will serve no #special interest" constituency. I am a zealous advocate and defender of private property rights including the right to develop a property to its highest and best use. However, such development ~ustbe consistent with and subordinate to the rights and welfare of the community. The community is the Commissionts constituency. A~yone selected to serve on this "first" planning commission will be subject to enormous pressures from proponents and citizen groups, and, from a historical perspective (Irvine, Moreno Valley, Rancho Cucamonga, etc.) the probability of criticism and personal attack by a highly vocal dissident minority. I believe that I have the "mettle" to serve on the Planning Commission of this infant community with no delusions or expectations of reward or recognition, except from my peers and the council for a job conscientiously performed. The following resume has been abridged to eliminate many of the offices, chairmanships, memberships, awards and other professional and community service affiliations/activities not directly relevant to my consideration as a prospective planning commissioner. ]968-74 Fullerton. California Citizens Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Department 1. Chairman, "Mini Bike Park" Committee - acquired, developed, operated. 2. Chairman, Bastanchury Park - acquired, formulated development plan. Chairman, Orange County Fair - City of Fullerton exhibit - 3 years. Blue Ribbon Commission, F.U.S.D. Board of Education Under mandate from the State Legislature, formulated and ~nplemented a program to eliminate de-facto segregation in district schools. Page $ City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 Fullerton Chamber of Commerce Business Development Committee. Fullerton Jaycees (Community Service/Co~munity Development) Co-chairman Foundation) California. (with representative from the Kennedy of the first "Special Olympics" held in Now an international event. Co-chairman (with Dr. Stanley Gold) of "Project 911". Was successful in expanding 911 emergency phone number to Central and North Orange County despite the provincial nature of the police and fire chiefs and the uncooperative stance of G.T.E. 3. Jaycee of the Year (3 times); Key Man (2 times). 4. Honorary Lifetime Member. California Jaycees 1. District Governor, North & Central Orange County. 2. California Jaycees New Jaycee of the Year 1967/68. 3. Honorary Life Member, Senator - Junior Chamber of Internationale. President Homes P.O.A. President of 470 home P.O.A. - 2 terms. Represented P.O.A. before Planning Commission and City Council. ~974-77 l~4ngdom of Saud4 Arabia Deputy Contract Manager - Project Peace Hawk Business Manager - Khamis Mushayt Development Program Multi-billion dollar development and construction program administered under contract to the U.S. Government. Responsibilities included administration and management of the planning, development, construction and operation of: A new community (turn-key) including residential, schools, medical facilities, recreation, Page 4 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 transportation, water and power, sanitation, communications, and related infrastructure support 8,000 residents. to Three new airports including runways and aprons adequate for landing jumbo jets, hangars and maintenance shops, schools to train pilots and technicians, instrumentation, ground support, and related infrastructure. Residential, medical, recreation and messing facilities, transportation, schooling of dependent children, mail services, for 7,000 contractor, U.S. Government, and sub-contractor personnel and their families during the development and construction phases of program. ]979 - To Date Temecula/Murrieta Glenoak Hills P.O.A. - Vice President, 1980. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce 1. President 1980 & 1983. 2. Chairman - Planning and Land Use Committee 1980-1984. 3. Director or Officer - 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985. RTM Board of Realtors President - 1981. Director or Officer - 1980, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989. Chairman or Director of Professional Standards, Ethics and Arbitration - Five Terms. 1989 Realtor of the Year. I hope that the foregoing resume, albeit abridged, indicates that I have successfully performed as a member of the elected and appointed bodies of diverse business, civic and community service Page 5 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 organizations, and when called upon to chair or lead such a body, I have done so with diligence and distinction. If appointed to the Planning Commission, I will serve with the same dedication and fervor. Sincerely, ph R. Schneider JRS :tj I have enclosed a copy of an article from the Californian which chronicles some of the foregoing material and expands thereon. Schneider named-top area realtor The Eancho-Temecula-Murrie- ta Board of Realtors honored Joe Schneider, Vice-President of Countryside Realty as its 1989 'Realtor of the Year.' The award was presented at its annual installation awards ban- quet in recognition of Schneider's outstanding contributions to the Board of Realtors, his high profes- sional and ethical standards, and long history of community service and volunteer work. Schneider, a 19-year Realtor, has been an active member of the local BoLd of Realtors since 1979, serving as its president in 1981. In addition to his duties as an officer or director, he served five terms as the Board's Professional Stan- dards chairman and is recognized by the local real estate community to be an expert in the interpreta- tion of the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics, Start* dards of Practice, and arbitration procedures. He has been retained from time to time by members of the legal profession to provide ex- pert testimony in court regarding broker duties and local real estate practices. Community service, politics, and volunteerism are a Schneider family tradition. Joe's parents were very active in Long Beach civic L~falrs and charitable endeav- ors and he has continued this tra- clifton in the communities of Ful- Jeffon, Murrieta and Temecuia. In Fullerton he served on the Citizens Advisory Committees of the Ful- brton Unified School District and Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, and as president of the Pul- leffon P.O.A. (two terms) chair* men of several major Chamber of Commerce Committees, and chair* nun of many Jaycee community development projects including the first 'Special Olympics'' held in California. He was also active in several councilmanic, supervisori- al, and state assembly political cmpeigns. Upon relocating to the local area in 1979, Joe became active in the Glenoak Hills, P.O.A. (Vice Presi- dent), Murrieta Chamber of Com- merce (President 1980 and 1983), Murrieta Town Hall Association, Temecula Town Association, and Joe Schneider, vice president of Countryside Realty honored as 1989 "Realtor of the Year." district Boy Scout Organizations. Schneider's accomplishments and community service have been recognized in the past by multiple entries in 'V~ho's Who in Califor- nia", "Who's Who. in Real Estate", "Personalities of the West' and "Outstanding Young Men of Amer- ica". In addition to numerous local and district Jaycee awards, Joe was presented with 'The David Chase Memorial Award" as Cali- fornia's outstanding Jaycee and was elected to the Senate of Junior Chamber Internationa]e, an hon- orary lifetime position. Not content to rest on his !au- teas, Joe currently serves as Mere- 'Sunrise Rotary Club, Treasurer of the local Masonic Lodge and Assis- tant Scoutmaster of Troup 301, as well as being a 32rid degree Scot- tish Rite Mason, Shriner and member of the Royal Order of Scotland. When his .busy civic, fraternal, and saltwater sportfmhing (former world record holder) calendar per- mits, he performs his duties as Vice President of Countryside Re- alty who acquired his Murrieta based brokerage, the 1-15 Land Company in June 1987. He and Nola, his wife of 28 years, reside on Hill 27 in Temecula with their son 30018 Corte Cantera Temecula, CA 92390 March 22, 1990 City Clerk City of Tenecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Sir: I would like to be considered for the position of Public Safety C~mmissioner. I am enclosing my resume', and I feel that my education and experience havepreparedme for this position. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Jon P. Sowers JPS: sj c Enclosure 3ON SOWERS 30018 GORTE CANTERA TRMECULA, CA 92390 (714) 699-4156 POSITION DESIRED: EDUCATION: June 1983 June 1989 Jan, tory 13, 1984 March 15, 1985 June 21, 1984 April 17, 1987 February 1, 1989 February 10, 1989 Febmmry 10, 1989 11/14/89 to 2/10/90 PUBLIC SAFETY COM~SSIONER Graduated - Edison High School Huntington Beach, CA Graduated - Coastline Om,,,~nity College Fountain Valley, CA AA Degree - Emphasis in General Education Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA Emergency Medical Technician Certificate Completed. Padi International College, Santa Ana, CA Gold Course Scuba Instructor Training Emphasis in Rescue Diving. American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA First Aid and CPR Instructor Training Program completed. American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA w~rthquake Disaster Preparedness Instructor Training Program Coe~>leted. American Heart Association, Orange, CA CPR Instructor Training .Program Completed. Emergency Medical Planning, Eugene, OR Medic First Aid/Az~ult Instructor and Instructor Trainer Pro~r~ Completed. Mnergency Medical Planning, Eugene, OR Medic First Aid/Pediatric Instructor Training Program Completed. American Red Cross, San Diego, CA Disaster Action Temm Training C~npleted. Courses include: lntro to Disaster Survey Damage Assessment Mass Care Emergency Assistance to Family JON SOWERS 30018 CORTE CANTERA TMMECUIA, CA 92390 EDUCATION: Febre,tory 4, 1990 ~cln 1, 1990 Riverside County Fire Dept., Riverside, CA Training Techniques for Company Officers Training Completed (Authorization for First Responder Instructor) Riverside County Fire Dept., Riverside, County Station 12 - Temecula, CA Firefighter Training Completed. W~RK EXPERIENCE: 7/1/88 to Present 7/15/87 to 7/1/88 3/15/85 to 5/5/87 VOLUNTFFR EXPERIENCE: 3/1/90 to Present 11/1/89 to Present 8/1/87 to Present 4/11/87 to Present Owner-LeadTrainer Emergency MedicalTraining, Temecula, CA Responsibilities: Administration, Public Service Contacts, Scheduling, Training of both instructors and clients in~nergency medical and safety programs. Business and Industry Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Arm, CA Responsibilities: Ore-sight training for business and industry. CPR, First Aid and earthquake preparedness training. Master Scuba Diver Trainer Padi International College, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Training instructors in rescue diving. Fire Fighter Riverside County Fire Dept. - Station 12 T~cula, CA Responsibilities: Respond to fire, vehicular, medical and rescue calls. Disaster Action Team American Red Cross, Riverside, CA Responsibilities: Respond to individual and large-scale disasters and perform damage assessment, mass care and assisting individuals with basic needs. First Aid Services Team American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: First responder to medical aid at c~,,~.~nity events, such as triathalons, street fairs and medical aid for Red Cross disaster shelters. Fmrthquake/Disaster Preparedness Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Preparing the community for earthquakes and other disasters. VO~ EXPERIENCE: (cont) 6/21/84 to 7/1/89 First Aid and CPR Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Teaching the coomunity to respond to medical emergencies. Officer Mike Loarie Escondido Police Dept. 2937 Unicornio - Apt. A Carlshad, CA 92009 (619) 431-0547 Mr. Mike Steinkrause, G~aizman American Red Cross F.A.S.T. Team P. O. Box 10695 Santa Ana, CA 92711 (714) 750-5657 Mr. Dave Putman Disaster Action Team Coordinator 33868 Plowshare Rd. lmke Elsinore, CA 92330 (714) 244-1089 I M p U Ir C-TO,~ R. D. WORSLEY 850 P&lomar Airport Road 1925' Catlaba Cal £orn a 92008 coo~ 619 931-8179 FILE NO. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire: Hoping that I am not too late, I wish to submit to the City of Temecula my letter of interest for consideration to be appointed to one of the remaining commission posts for the City of Temecula. My primary interest would be with the Parks and Recreation Commission; however, if there is any greatly less interest from the citizens in filling any of the other commission posts, I would appreciate being reviewed for these also. I have been a resident of Temecula since September, 1989, and while I knew the commission posts were to be filled and completed this Spring, I have been in the Santa Barbara area for an extended period finishing off several court cases that required my continued presence there. At present I have an office in the Carlsbad area and aniticipate opening an office in Temecula in the next month. My primary emphasis in the law is with the tax aspects pertaining to real estate and business law, domestic and international, but I have had a strong background in working with both the city and county agencies while in the San~a Barbara County area from 1977 through 1989, the time at which I moved to the Rancho California/Temecula area. In matters ranging from land use controversies to advertising signage permits, I have worked fairly extensively with the city managers and staffs of Carpinteria, Summerland, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and the County of Santa Barbara. I believe I have a sound appreciation for the pressures and requirements for a well-planned, soundly modulated program of city and county land uses to meet the needs of the citizenry. Mr. Frank Aleshire May 4, 1990 Page Two From both my present situation and past background, this area holds special interest for me. I ham a young son and daughter who already are well into the youth sports programs and school curriculum offered in our city, and planning within the city to attend to their well-being and continued enjoyment of this area is primarily important to me. Aside from this, I have long planned to return to this area to live and only wish I had made the job move and jump some years earlier. I knew Rancho California and Temecula during the early 1970ts when I was on the legal staff of Kaiser Aetna during the period the early master plans for what is now our city took place. Although I was based in Oakland and could only be at this site for extended periods, I felt like I knew and loved the atmosphere here as if I was a permanent resident. I vowed that some day I would be here for the long term. I would be happy to submit any detailed references or further information about my qualifications and interest in these import- ant commission positions. Thank you. I can be reached at either of two places for the next several months: Carlsbad Temecula 850 Palomar Airport Rd. Post Office Box 1925 Carlsbad, CA 92008 31012 Dulce Court Temecula, CA 92390 Tel. (619)931-8179 Tel. (714) 694-0506 Very truly youMs, Post Script: Mr./Aleshire I want to tha~ you for those references you provided me to the PaL SprinTs v. Carlin case some months ago at the inaugral City of Temecula Council meeting. After a~ost 3/4 of a year, we were able to convince the City of Carpinteria that the Carlin case did in fact mean that some sort of well regulated price sign advertising was mandated under the United States and California Constitutions. CITY OF ~ PUBLIC ~ COMMISSION CANDIDATE~ Ballot Vote [or $ AGENDA TEMECULACITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA CITY HALL ANNEX - 43180 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE JULY 7, 1990 - 9:00 AM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. COUNCIL BUSINESS 1. Interview Candidates for Public Safety Commission 2. Conduct Ballot Counting Procedure 3. ADpoint Members of the Temecula Public Safety Commission CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: July 10, 1990, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. 2/agenda/061690 I 07/03/90 James J. Ebben 41675 S. Avenida De La Reina Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 699-3870 March 1, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Re: Application for Planning Commission or Public Safety Commission or Traffic Commission Your request for applications to fill positions on City Commis- sions prompted me to once again answer the call to service of my community. Since I'm sure you will wish to do a face-to-face interview with each applicant, I will make this as brief as possible. I lived in the City of Redondo Beach for forty-seven (47) years and owned my own business there for thirty-seven (37) years. I am now semi-retired and have lived in Temecula since last May. During my years in Redondo Beach, I was the Founding President of a high school parent organization; member of the Board of Directors, Senior Housing (135 units); vice-chairman of the Harbor Commission, King Harbor,_ Redondo Beach. Other positions served are: /- Member of the Board of Directors, Redondo Housing Authority - Member of the Board of Directors, Parking Authority - Vice-chairmen, Redondo Beach Redevelopment Agency - Member of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials - Vice-chairman, Redondo Beach Planning Commission - Redondo City Councilman - District II (During that time as a councilman, I also Tri-City Traffic and Transportation Committee) - Was the council representative for the Southern Association of Governments - Helped to formulate the required General Plan for and Harbor and, - was responsible for establishing K.9 Police Dogs in search procedures of Police Personnel. served on the California the City to assist Since I promised brevity, I shall end now and leave the rest personal questioning. for Please let me know if I can be of service. R~e~rds, .Jim Ebben PS: I now serve as Vice-president "The Village II". of my homeowners I live in the Villa Avanti Tract. association, JE:rhw ~ LOCATION FOR TIlE PARKS AND RECREATION CONHISSION INTERVlE'~S IS BUILDING A LOCATED AT 43180 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 BALL CITY OF TF~ECUL~ QUEBTIONB FOR PUBLIC B~FETY COIJ~IBBION C~NDIDATEB 1) WHY SHOULD YOU BE ~PPOII~TED TO THIS COI~IBBION? 2) HOW)~UCHTI~.ECOULD YOU COI~TRIBUTE? ~H~T COULD YOU CO~R~BUTE TO THI~ I~IVIDU~ ~UEBTZONB FRO~ CITY CO~CIL. TED G. GOUDY 3lOT? torre Arroyo Vista Temecula, CA 92390 (71~> 676-2669 POSITION OBJECTIVE Application For Public Safety Commission PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Dec 61 to Nov Torrance Police Deoartment 3300 Civic Center Drive. Torrance, Ca 90501 Services Division Commander Job includeds Jail Commander,Communication,Property Section, Complaints,Fleet Operations. Building Maitenenace. Training. EDUCATION El Camino College. Torrance California AA in Police Science, 1963 Pepperdine University. Los Angeles. California BS in Public Management. 197~ Masters Destee in Business. 1976 Northwestern University. Evanston. illinois Certificate Of Compi in Trarfic Institute. 1970 University Of Southern California Los Angeles, California Cerificate Of Campie in Delinquency Control. L~66 REFERENCES Available upon request Gregory L. Hosburg, Jr. 39708 Oak Cliff Drive Temecula, CA 92390 6 March 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to express my interest in serving on the Public Safety Commission. I have attached my resume, which outlines my extensive background in fire suppression and e_mergency services. The Vista Fire Department is also in charge of Disaster Plan_ping for the City of Vista, which provides me with both the exl~osure to Disaster Planning, and resources for research and information. I am a registered voter in Riverside County, and also reside within the City Limits. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Gregory L. Hosburg, Jr. PERSONAL RESUME GREGORY LOUIS HOSBURG, JR. 39708 Oak Cliff Drive Temecula, California 92390 (714) 677-0695 PERSONAL- Marital Status: Hobbies/Sports: Birthdate: FMPLOYMENT HISTORY- September, 1989 to Present May, 1988 to Present Married, 1 child photography, skiing, volleyball, model- building April 6, 1964 Instructor (part-time) University of California, San Diego, Emergency Medical Services Training Institute (EMSTI) 225 Dickinson Street, H-216 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 543-6449 Karen Jones, Coordinator !3,ties- Assist in training of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics. Assist in CPR Training. Part-time Paramedic Southwest Ambulance 990 Highland Dr. Suite 110A Solana Beach, Ca 92075 (619) 792-2316 Doug Lively, Manager Duties- Respond on ambulance and provide emergency care and transportation. Maintain equipment and quarters. FMPI OYM!=NT HISTORY (cont.)- September, 1987 to Present May, 1987 to December, 1989 September, 1984 to May, 1987 Firefighter/ Paramedic Vista Fire Department 175 North Melrose Dr. Vista, CA 92083 (619) 726-2144 Rick Minnick, Captain Duties- Respond to fire and other emergency calls, provide emergency care, operate. Fire Dept. vehicles, act as Engineer as assigned. Maintain equipment and station. Part-time Paramedic (F/T until 9/87) Hartson Medical Services 9573 Chesapeake Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 492-8100 Sharon Henry, P.O.C D~Jties- Respond on ambulance and provide emergency care and transportation. Maintain equipment and quarters. Firefighter/ EMT Borrego Springs Fire Protection District 2324 Stirrup Rd. Post Office Box 898 Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (619) 767-5436 Steve Sawyer, Assistant Chief Duties- Respond to fire and other emergency calls, maintain equipment and station. Also assigned as Deputy Fire Marshal: assist in plan review for fire safety, assist in fire investigation and other fire prevention activities. Assigned as Company Officer 10/85 to 5/87: supervise and train subordinate firefighters. !=MP! OYMENT HISTORY (cont.)- August, 1983 to July, 1986 April, 1984 to Present September, 1983 to November, 1983 Paid-call Firefighter Riverside County Fire Department Station 25 (San Jacinto) 132 South San Jacinto St. San Jacinto, CA 92383 (714) 654-7912 Steve Huntington, Captain !3Hties- Respond as volunteer on fire and other emergency calls, operate rescue squad and related equipment, assist in station and equipment maintenance. Clerk/ Cashier Fastrip Food Store 692 South San Jacinto St. ,San Jacinto, CA 92383 (714) 654-4809 Lynn Bigelow, Manager Duties- Operate cash register, stock walk-in style refrigerator, general maintenance and cleaning. Mechanic Trainee Hemet Bowl 2850 West Florida Ave. Hemet, CA 92343 (714) 929-2808 Bill Abell, Mechanic Duties- Repair and maintain automatic pinsetting machines and bowling lanes, general maintenance and cleaning. FMP! OYMENT HISTORY (cont.)- September, 1981 to September, 1983 Cook/ Cashier Jack-in-the-Box 1595 East Florida Ave. Hemet, CA 92344 (714) 929-2104 Roszie Birdsall, Manager nuties- Prepare fast foods, operate cash register, general cleaning. Assigned as Crew Leader 3/83: supervise crew of 1 to 6 employees, perform related administrative tasks. October, 1979 to June, 1980 Mechanic/ Assembler Moped Mania 22741 Lambert St. Suite 1604 El Toro, CA 92630 Myron Hankins, Owner !3.ties- Repair, maintain and assemble mopeds and ' bicycles. EDUCATION- Graduated Hemet High School 1982 Attended Mt. San Jacinto College 1981 and 1983 Emergency Medical Technician 1A Emergency Medical Technician 1A, Refresher Attended Crafton Hills College 1982, 1983 and 1984 Fire Academy Fire Investigation 1 OES Heavy Rescue Course Attended Miramar College 1986, 1989 Peace Officer Orientation (PC 832) Fire Investigation lB Fire Command 1A Attended Palomar College 1990 Fire Instructor 1A Fire Instructor lB Certified Instructor Carclio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Certified California State Firefighter 1 Certified San Diego County Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic PIFRSONA! RFFFRr=NCFS- Available upon request Frank O. Klein 30180 Santiago Rd. Temecula, California 92390 (714)676-8412 February 15, 1990 TO: SUBJECT: Temecula City Council Law Enforcement Committment This letter serves to express my interest in serving on the committee designated to assist Councilwoman Peg Moore and Councilman Sal Munoz to negotiate the 1990-91 law enforcement contract. I have no direct law enforcement experience. However, I have a deep interest in the subject matter as may be attested to by close family relations, e.g., a daughter who is an FBI Special Agent and a brother who is a retired Government national security specialist. I am a retired U.S.A.F. Colonel and have also worked as a civilian military consultant under U.S. Government contract to NATO member countries in Europe over 20 years. Respectfully, Frank O. Klein RONALD W. KNOPP 41843 Shorewood Ct. Temecula, California 92390 714-699-5463 RESUME OBJECTIVE Application for City of Temecula Public Safety Commission PRESENT STATUS Firefighter/Paramedic, City of I09n.~ '3each, California. Woodcrest Country (Temecula) Architectural Committee. U.S. Army Reserve Helicopter Pilot LICENSES Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic; L.A. County Commercial Pilot/ Rotorcraft and Helicopter California State Drivers License # C6339946 EDUCATION FIRE SERVICE Heavy Rescue/Earthquake Preparedness 1989 Basic Firefighter's Course, Long Beach, CA 1986 Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic 1984 Incident Command System Course, Las Vegas, NV Basic Firefighter's Course, Las Vegas, NV 1982 MILITARY U.S. Army Management Effectiveness, 1980 USAF Flight Physiology Course, 1980 U.S. Army AAMED (MEDEVAC) Course, 1979 Aviation Safety Officer's Course, 1978 Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviator Course 1973 CIVILIAN B.S. Political Science/Public Administration California State University, Long Beach (Dec 90) AAS Fire Service Management; Clark County Community College, Las Vegas, Nevada 1983 AAS Fire Science Technology; Clark County Community College, Las Vegas, Nevada 1983 High School Graduate, Millikan H.S., Long Beach, California; 1971 EXPERIENCE CHRONOLOGY April 1986 to present Firefighter/Paramedic, Long Deach Fire Department Currently a member of the Woodcrest Country Architectural Commitee January 1982 to April 1986 Firefighter/Paramedic, Las Vegas Fire Department assigned to the Fire Department Training Center, responsible for maintaining Firefighter EMT and Paramedic qualifications. Assisted in two rookie Firefighter courses instructing EMS and Fire Science. Member of the Clark County Republican Central Committee September 1981 to January 1982 Supervisor trainee, Valley Bank of Nevada (Bonded) September 1978 to August 1981 Flight Safety Technician, Aviation Life Support Officer, Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot. Maintained ground and flight safety program for 35 personnel. Personal Pilot for General of the Army Omar Bradley. Ft. Bliss, Texas. September 1974 to May 1978 Operations Officer, Safety Officer and Airfield Supervisor; Babenhausen Army Airfield, FRG: Responsible for maintenance of flight records for 45 personnel, airfield budgeting, maintenance and supply for the airfield. February 1973 to August 1974 Pilot and Assistant Administrative Officer for VIP Flight Detachment. Responsible for upkeep and maintenance of airfield in Korea. Personal Pilot for KORSCOM Commander, BG Krause. 3d Avn Det., Taegu, Korea. March 1972 to January 1973 Basic Flight Training, Fort Wolters, Texas/ Fort Rucker, Alabama. September 1971 to February 1972 Basic Training and AIT, Fort Polk, Louisiana. PERSONAL Born Status Health Height Weight Hobbies Residence Military August 25, 1953 - Compton, California Married - three children Excellent, no physical limitations 5'10" 185 lbs. Outdoor sports, hunting, fishing, photography, weightlifting, hiking, flying Temecula, California Nine years as pilot in Army helicopters working variously as Safety Officer, Operations, Training and Administrative Officers. Public Safety Eight years as Firefighter/Paramedic. These duties included CPR instructor, EMT instructor and Paramedic instructor. Public Service Little league coach, West Garden Grove Little League. Fire Safety Instructor. CPR Instructor. Residence 32016 Metlot Temecuia, Ca. 92390 POSITION OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Jan 65 to Present EDUCATION PERSONAL ' i. · ~. ~., ,..i.L~ ...... L~LI ~, *-: """ ......... --. George E. Richards ~ .............. Bell Police Department 6326 Pine Ave. Bel 1, Ca. 90201 (213) 588-6211 Ext 254 ~emecuia Public Safety Commission Bell Police Department 63£6 Pine Ave Bell, Ca 90201 Detectives EoDery Homicide De%ective investigate aii £obe£y and homicides ana assaults. East Los Angeles Community Cotie~e Los Angeles, Ca AA in Po|ice Administration, AA [ have iiveo in Temecula since December am marrie~ and have one ten year Did son. My wife is a £ealtor with Bette~ Homes an~ Gardens in this City. [t is my desire to have the opportunity sit on this Commission so that [ may orfe~ my ~~ience ~or the betterment o~ the community. ! that it is my responsiDiiity to offer my nity the benefit o~ my yeaes o~ experience in this ~ieid. REFERENCES Available upon reques~ HIrNRY II~. RURIa KEVIN J. RUDDY RUPP & RUDDY ATTORNEYS AT LAW ~:SglO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD R~NCHO C~,LIPORNIA, CALIFORNIA 9~390 TitLit ~HONIr (714) FAX (7'14) e, 99-9054 February 12, 1990 TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL C/O COUNCILPERSON PEG MOORE P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 RE: Application for appointment to Public Safety Commission Dear Ms. Moore: It is my understanding that the Temecula City Council is now considering applications for appointments to various commissions. I am submitting my application for an appointment to any future commissions which will be formed and whose primary purpose will be public safety. This letter will serve both as an application and as a resume regarding my qualifications for appointment to such a commission. Currently I am a practicing attorney licensed to practice in the State of California. My practice is located in Temecula and has been so located since June of 1988. Prior to opening up my practice in Temecula which is predominately civil litigation, I was a member of the Riverside County District Attorney's Office. I was a member of the District Attorney's Office for approximately ten years and was employed by the District Attorney of Riverside County immediately upon graduating from The University of San Diego School of Law and becoming a member of the California State Bar. As a Deputy District Attorney I worked within the criminal justice system and with every police agency in western Riverside 'County including Riverside County Sheriff's Department, the Riverside Police Department, the Corona Police Department, the Perris Police Department, the Hemet Police Department, the San Jacinto Police Department, the Banning Police Department and the Beaumont Police Department, the California Highway Patrol and the University of California Police. I also worked with various police from San Bernardino and Los Angeles County as well as the F.B.I. Drug Enforcement Agency and the U.S. Treasury Department. As a Deputy District Attorney I prosecuted every type of crime beginning with minor traffic violations to murder cases involving the death penalty. As one of my last assignments I was a Supervising Deputy District Attorney wherein I supervised all felony prosecutions for the western half of Riverside County. In my capacity as Supervising Felony Prosecutions in Riverside Superior Court, I oversaw the day to day functions of the trial staff of approximately 30 attorneys and was responsible for the day to day prosecutorial functions of every type of felony from drug offenses to death penalty murder cases. As a Deputy District Attorney I worked with, as mentioned above, every police agency in western Riverside County and many police agencies located in the desert. From my vantage point in the District Attorney's office I became very familiar with the operations as well as the effectiveness of numerous police agencies. My background with the District Attorney's office brings a unique perspective in terms of assisting our new community in matters concerning public safety. Not only do I have the usual concerns as a resident of our new community regarding public safety, but I would be in a position, more so than most I believe, to evaluate services which are to be supplied to our community. My experience with the law enforcement agencies and with the Courts puts me in a position to better evaluate the effectiveness of any department or program which will be offered to our City. If references are required for this position, and particularly in terms of evaluating my past experience, those references can be supplied on request and would include any number of Municipal Court Judges, Riverside County Superior Court Judges and Appellate Court Judges. A reference list would also include the District Attorney of the County of Riverside as well as any number of attorneys and chiefs of police in the County of Riverside. My reference list would also include staff members of the California State Attorney General's Office and law enforcement agencies outside of the County of Riverside. After a review of my initial application through this letter, I would appreciate an opportunity to be interviewed by the City Council and also furnish any type of references which would be required. I would also like to point out that in terms of my experience with the District Attorney's Office, that included in excess of 100 jury trials which were some of the more highly publicized cases in Riverside County as well as receiving awards in the District Attorney's Office which included being named the office's top trial prosecutor for 1985. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. KJR:aw KE~ J. RUDe._ ~ · OBBPH R. BCHNEIDER 29951 Camino del 8o! Taeoul&v CA 92390 676-2191 (Business) 676-6565 (Residence) February 20, 1990 City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 RE: Temecula Planning Commission Honorable Councilpersons: I am soliciting your support and endorsement for appointment to Temecula's first Planning Commission. I believe that my specialized knowledge, experience, and high personal and professional standards make me a viable candidate to serve on this body. The provisions of County Ordinances 348 and 460 are a daily "fact- of-life" in my role as a real estate broker, as are the planning application, review and appeal processes. I am conversant with the several elements of the County General Plan, as well as S.W.A.P. and its attendant policies. I gained valuable experience as chairman of the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Planning and Land Use Committee which served as Murrieta's "de facto Planning Commission" from 1980-84. The County Planning Department and Board of Supervisors formally solicited the Chamber's input for proposed developments in the Murrieta area. The Committee reviewed these proposals for compatibility with the "Murrieta Study Area" zoning and land use policies and critiqued "quality of life issues". Two of the many projects reviewed were the Drake/Golden Triangle Specific Plans (later to become Las Brisas, Los Acacias and the Golden Triangle Medical complex) and the California Oaks specific plan with their associated Environmental Impact Reports. Although many of our suggestions were incorporated into the County's conditions of approval, and notwithstanding the promises of the original proponents, few (if any) of our density or density interface (buffer) recommendations Page 2 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 survived the subsequent sale and ultimate development of these specific plan projects. This was a valuable lesson in developer integrity and representation by absentee government. Although I have been an area real estate broker for the past eleven years and have represented many developers in the acquisition, development and marketing of their properties, I will serve no Nspecial interest" constituency. I am a zealous advocate and defender of private property rights including the right to develop a property to its highest and best use. However, such development must be consistent with and subordinate to the rights and welfare of the community. The community is the Commission's constituency. Anyone selected to serve on this "first" planning commission will be subject to enormous pressures from proponents and citizen groups, and, from a historical perspective (Irvine, Moreno Valley, Rancho Cucamonga, etc.) the probability of criticism and personal attack by a highly vocal dissident minority. I believe that I have the "mettle" to serve on the Planning Commission of this infant community with no delusions or expectations of reward or recognition, except from my peers and the council for a job conscientiously performed. The following resume has been abridged to eliminate many of the offices, chairmanships, memberships, awards and other professional and community service affiliations/activities not directly relevant to my consideration as a prospective planning commissioner. 1968-74 Fullerton. California Citizens Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Department 1. Chairman, "Mini Bike Park" Committee - acquired, developed, operated. 2. Chairman, Bastanchury Park - acquired, formulated development plan. ® Chairman, Orange County Fair - City of Fullerton exhibit - 3 years. Blue Ribbon Commission, F.U.S.D. Board of Education Under mandate from the State Legislature, formulated and implemented a program to eliminate de-facto segregation in district schools. Page 3 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 Fullerton Chamber of Commerce Business Development Committee. Fullerton Jaycees (Community Service/Community Development) Co-chairman (with representative from the Kennedy Foundation) of the first "Special Olympics" held in California. Now an international event. me Co-chairman (with Dr. Stanley Gold) of "Project 911". Was successful in expanding 911 emergency phone number to Central and North Orange County despite the provincial nature of the police and fire chiefs and the uncooperative stance of G.T.E. 3. Jaycee of the Year (3 times); Key Man (2 times). 4. Honorary Lifetime Member. California Jaycees 1. District Governor, North & Central Orange County. 2. California Jaycees New Jaycee of the Year 1967/68. 3. Honorary Life Member, Senator - Junior Chamber of Internationale. President Homes P.O.A. President of 470 home P.O.A. - 2 terms. Represented P.O.A. before Planning Commission and City Council. 1974-77 KinGdom of Saudi Arabia Deputy Contract Manager - Project Peace Hawk Business Manager - Khamis Mushayt Development Program Multi-billion dollar development and construction program administered under contract to the U.S. Government. Responsibilities included administration and management of the planning, development, construction and operation of: a® A new community (turn-key) including residential, schools, medical facilities, recreation, Page 4 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 be transportation, water and power, sanitation, communications, and related infrastructure support 8,000 residents. to Three new airports including runways and aprons adequate for landing jumbo jets, hangars and maintenance shops, schools to train pilots and technicians, instrumentation, ground support, and related infrastructure. Residential, medical, recreation and messing facilities, transportation, schooling of dependent children, mail services, for 7,000 contractor, U.S. Government, and sub-contractor personnel and their families during the development and construction phases of program. 1979 - To Date Temecula/Murrieta Glenoak Hills P.O.A. - Vice President, 1980. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce 1. President 1980 & 1983. 2. Chairman - Planning and Land Use Committee 1980-1984. 3. Director or Officer - 1979, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985. RTM Board of Realtors President - 1981. Director or Officer - 1980, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989. Chairman or Director of Professional Standards, Ethics and Arbitration - Five Terms. 1989 Realtor of the Year. I hope that the foregoing resume, albeit abridged, indicates that I have successfully performed as a member of the elected and appointed bodies of diverse business, civic and community service Page 5 City of Temecula Temecula Planning Commission February 20, 1990 organizations, and when called upon to chair or lead such a body, I have done so with diligence and distinction. If appointed to the Planning Commission, I will serve with the same dedication and fervor. Sincerely, ph R. Schneider JRS:tj I have enclosed a copy of an article from the Californian which chronicles some of the foregoing material and expands thereon. Schneider named top area realtor The Rancho-Temecula-Murrie- ta Board of Realtors honored Joe Schneider, Vice-President of Countryside Realty as its 1989 "Realtor of the Year." The award was presented at its annual installation awards ban- quet in recognition of Schneider's outstanding contributions to the Board of Realtors, his high profes- sional and ethical standards, and long history of community service and volunteer work. Schneider, a 19-year Realtor, has been an active member of the local Board of Realtors since 1979, serving as its president in 1981. In addition to his duties as an officer or director, he served five terms as the Board's Professional Stan- dards chairman and is recognized by the local real estate community to be an expert in the interpreta- tion of the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics, Stan- dards of Practice, and arbitration procedures. He has been retained from time to time by members of the legal profession to provide ex- pert testimony in court regarding broker duties and local real estate practices. Community service, politics, and volunteerism are a Schneider family tradition. Joe's parents were very active in Long Beach civic affairs and charitable endeav- ors and he has continued this tra- dition in the communities of Ful- lerton, Murrieta and Temecula. In Fullerton he served on the Citizens Advisory Committees of the Ful- lerton Unified School District and Parks and Recreation Commis- sion, and as president of the Ful- lerton P.O.A. (two terms) chair- man of several major Chamber of Commerce Committees, and chair- man of many Jaycee community development projects including the first "Special Olympics" held in California. He was also active in several councilmanic, supervisori- al, and state assembly political campaigns. Upon relocating to the local area in 1979, Joe became active in the Glenoak Hills, P.O.A. (Vice Presi- dent), Murrieta Chamber of Com- merce (President 1980 and 1983), Murrieta Town Hall Association, Temecuia Town Association, and as an adult leader in the local and Joe Schneider, vice president of 1989 "Realtor of the Year." district Boy Scout Organizations. Schneider's accomplishments and community service have been recognized in the past by multiple entries in "Who's Who in Califor- nia", "Who's Who. in Real Estate", "Personalities of the West" and 'Outstanding Young Men of Amer- ica". In addition to numerous local and district Jaycee awards, Joe was presented with ~The David Chase Memorial Award" as Cali- fornia's outstanding Jaycee and was elected to the Senate of Junior Chamber Internationale, an hon- orary lifetime position. Not content to rest on his lau- rals, Joe currently serves as Mere- Countryside Realty honored as Sunrise Rotary Club, Treasurer of the local Masonic Lodge and Assis- tant Scoutmaster of Troup 301, as well as being a 32nd degree Scot- tish Rite Mason, Shriner and member of the Royal Order of Scotland. When his.busy civic, fraternal, and saltwater sport fishing (former world record holder) calendar per- mits, he performs his duties as Vice President of Countryside Re- airy who acquired his Murrieta based brokerage, the 1-15 Land Company in June 1987. He and Nola, his wife of 28 years, reside on Hill 27 in Temecula with their son 30018 Corte Cantera Temecula, CA 92390 March 22, 1990 City Clerk City of Temecula P. O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Dear Sir: I would like to be considered for the position of Public Safety Ccmm~issioner. I am enclosing my resume', and I feel that my education and experience have prepared me for this position. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Jon P. Sowers JPS:sjc Enclosure JON SOWERS 30018 GORTE CANTERA /tMECUIA, CA 92390 (714) 699-4156 POSITION DESIRED: EIYJCATION: June 1983 June 1989 January 13, 1984 March 15, 1985 June 21, 1984 April 17, 1987 February 1, 1989 February 10, 1989 February 10, 1989 11/14/89 to 2/10/90 PUBLIC SAFETY~SSIONER Graduated - Edison High School Huntington Beach, CA Graduated - Coastline C~,,L,onity College Fountain Valley, CA AA Degree - Emphasis in General Education Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA Emergency Medical Technician Certificate Completed. Padi International College, Santa Ana, CA Gold Course Scuba Instructor Training Emphasis in Rescue Diving. American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA First Aid and CPR Instructor Training Program completed. American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Fmrthquake Disaster Preparedness Instructor Training Program Completed. American Heart Association, Orange, CA CPR Instructor Training .Program Completed. Emergency Medical Planning, Eugene, OR Medic First Aid/Adult Instructor and Instructor Trainer Pro~r~ Completed. Emergency Medical Planning, Eugene, OR Medic First Aid/Pediatric Instructor Training Program Completed. American Red Cross, San Diego, CA Disaster Action Team Training Completed. Courses include: Intro to Disaster Survey Damage Assessment Mass Care Emergency Assistance to Family JON SOWERS 30018 GORTE CANTERA TM~ECULA, CA 92390 EDUCATION: February 4, 1990 ~cln 1, 1990 Riverside County Fire Dept., Riverside, CA Training Techniques for Company Officers Training Completed (Authorization for First Responder Instructor) Riverside County Fire Dept., Riverside, County Station 12 - Temecula, CA Firefighter Training Completed. WORK EXPERIENCE: 7/1/88 to Present 7/15/87 to 7/1/88 3/15/85 to 5/5/87 Owner-Lead Trainer Emergency Medical Training, Temecula, CA Responsibilities: Administration, Public Service Contacts, Scheduling, Training of both instructors and clients in ~nergency medical and safety programs. Business and Industry Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: On-sight training for business and industry. CPR, First Aid and earthquake preparedness training. Master Scuba Diver Trainer Padi International College, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Training instructors in rescue diving. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: 3/1/90 to Present 11/1/89 to Present 8/1/87 to Present 4/11/87 to Present Fire Fighter Riverside County Fire Dept. - Station 12 Temecula, CA Responsibilities: Respond to fire, vehicular, medical and rescue calls. Disaster Action Team American Red Cross, Riverside, CA Responsibilities: Respond to individual and large-scale disasters and performdamage assessment, mass care and assisting individuals with basic needs. First Aid Services Team American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: First responder to medical aid at community events, suchas triathalons, street fairs and medical aid for Red Cross disaster shelters. Earthquake/Disaster Preparedness Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Preparing the community for earthquakes and other disasters. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: 6/21/84 to 7/1/89 First Aid and CPR Instructor American Red Cross, Santa Ana, CA Responsibilities: Teaching the co~aunity to respond to medical emergencies. Officer Mike Loarie Escondido Police Dept. 2937 Unicomio - Apt. A Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 431-0547 Mr. Mike Steinkrause, Chairman American Red Cross F.A.S.T. Team P. O. Box 10695 Santa Aria, CA 92711 (714) 750-5657 Mr. Dave Putman Disaster Action Team Coordinator 33868 Plowshare Rd. Lake Elsinore, CA 92330 (714) 244-1089 CABLE ADDRESS: IMPUESTOS R. D. WORSLEY LAWYER 850 Palomar Airport Road Poit Office Box 1925 Carlsbad, California 92008 COOE 619 931--8179 FILE NO. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecula Post Office Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire: Hoping that I am not too late, I wish to submit to the City of Temecula my letter of interest for consideration to be appointed to one of the remaining commission posts for the City of Temecula. My primary interest would be with the Parks and Recreation Commission; however, if there is any greatly less interest from the citizens in filling any of the other commission posts, I would appreciate being reviewed for these also. I have been a resident of Temecula since September, 1989, and while I knew the commission posts were to be filled and completed this Spring, I have been in the Santa Barbara area for an extended period finishing off several court cases that required my continued presence there. At present I have an office in the Carlsbad area and aniticipate opening an office in Temecula in the next month. My primary emphasis in the law is with the tax aspects pertaining to real estate and business law, domestic and international, but I have had a strong background in working with both the city and county agencies while in the San~a Barbara County area from 1977 through 1989, the time at which I moved to the Rancho California/Temecula area. In matters ranging from land use controversies to advertising signage permits, I have worked fairly extensively with the city managers and staffs of Carpinteria, Summerland, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and the County of Santa Barbara. I believe I have a sound appreciation for the pressures and requirements for a well-planned, soundly modulated program of city and county land uses to meet the needs of the citizenry. Mr. Frank Aleshire May 4, 1990 Page Two From both my present situation and past background, this area holds special interest for me. I ha~e a young son and daughter who already are well into the youth sports programs and school curriculum offered in our city, and planning within the city to attend to their well-being and continued enjoyment of this area is primarily important to me. Aside from this, I have long planned to return to this area to live and only wish I had made the job move and jump some years earlier. I knew Rancho California and Temecula during the early 1970's when I was on the legal staff of Kaiser Aetna during the period the early master plans for what is now our city took place. Although I was based in Oakland and could only be at this site for extended periods, I felt like I knew and loved the atmosphere here as if I was a permanent resident. I vowed that some day I would be here for the long term. I would be happy to submit any detailed references or further information about my qualifications and interest in these import- ant commission positions. Thank you. I can be reached at either of two places for the next several months: Carlsbad Temecula 850 Palomar Airport Rd. Post Office Box 1925 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel. (619)931-8179 31012 Dulce Court Temecula, CA 92390 Tel. (714) 694-0506 Very truly youns, -~ Post Script: Mr. eshire I want to thank you for those references you provided me to the Palm Springs v. Carlin case some months ago at the inaugrai City of Temecula Council meeting. After almost 3/4 of a year, we were able to convince the City of Carpinteria that the Carlin case did in fact mean that some sort of well regulated price sign advertising was mandated under the United States and California Constitutions. CITY OF TEMECULA SCHEDULE OF INTERVIERS FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION JULY 7, 1990 43180 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE SUITE 200 9:00 ~ 9:15 ~ 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 TED GOUDY GREGORY HOBBURG FRANK KLEIN RONALD KNOPP GEORGE RICHARDS KEVIN RUDDY JOSEPH SCHNEIDER JON BOWERS DOUG WORSLEY James Ebben will not be able to attend the interview. He works in Redondo Beach 6 days out of the month, but requests that you consider his resume for Public Safety Commissioner. Vote for $ CITY OF IFA~CULA PUBLIC $~ COMMISSION CANDIDATES Ballot James Ebbes Ted Goudy Gregory Hosburg Frank ~ Ronald Knopp George Rickards gev~guddy Joseph Schneider Jon Sowers Doug Worsley