HomeMy WebLinkAbout041090 CC AgendaMmlt*t in OWrl~n~nce: No. 90-05 Reeo~l~-to~: NQ. 90-36 C3tLL TO ORDmRz Invocation Flag Salute Pastor Steven Struickmans Rancho Community Church Birdsall, Lindemane, Moore, Mufioz, Parks Presentations to Police O~ficers of the Year: offlost Ronald Oaroia ~ud Sq~. Ronald Roberts A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not · listed on the AgendaJ Speakers are limited to two (2) minutee"ea~h. If you .desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink ,,Request To Spe~k- for~ should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state y~,rnAm~ andaddress. For all other agenda items a ,,Request To Speak- form must be filed with. the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be~routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion ofthess items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. u~ oot~ 9n F~es - HeyenCeE 7. ~ 980 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Amend Fiscal Yet 1989-90 b~dget to appropriate $13,000 for the election services provided by the Riverside County Registrar for the November 7, 1989 election. Resolut4on Approving Pa~zmnt of Do~Jnds RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled= P~SOLUTIONNO. 90- A R~OLUTZON OF TH~CZTYCOUNCZL OFT HE CITY OFTEMBCUL~ ALLOWING CERT]tIN CLAIMS ANDDEM]~ND8 AS SET FORT~ IN EXHIBIT &. 0 P~ot Plan 11586 RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Receive and file 4. P~O~ p3m~ ~57 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file ***************************************************************** ~D MBBTIN~ - (To be held at 8z00 PM) Please-see separate agenda ***************************************************************** ~OUN~ILBUSINF~8 5. R~q~em~ for Funds - The Arts Council of the Temeoula Valley RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Consider the request of the Temecula Valley Arts Council and if desired, refer to City Manager for inclusion inthe 1990-1991 Fiscal Year Budget. 0 o Report: ~~TX()~: Receive azKt -file RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: P~SOL~TXON NO. 90- A P~SOL~TZON OP TH~ CXT~ ~O~NCZ~. OF T~ GXT~ OF BBTaB~ & NO P~vMG ZON~ ON P~%NC~O VISTa Ranfiho Col,4forn4a Road Re4,,,hursqmtent A~,*oemont P~COMMENDATION: 8.1 Authorize the Mayor to execute a Reimbursement Agreement with Bedford Properties for improvements on Rancho California Road 9.1 Approve License Agreement with Bedford Properties for Monument signs and direct staff to draft an appropriate resolution 10. Purahase o'f' C~) ~.y ¥oh.I o'les RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Approve the purchase of two city vehicles (4-door sedan and a 15-passenger van) ,through the County of Riverside 11. Spho,*o of Influence Study RECOMMLWDATION: 11.1 Consider the proposal of Philip for Sphere of Influence Study. L. Anthony, Inc. 12. gllgaltT7 us~t.~, on ,.If"~'*~ "~"~ D~ eg9 ~9,',,ty T-o,9.d*"~ 1 1I Presentation by Phillip Anthony, mnc. ~L'TY ~ RBIN3RT 13. !4. (~ZT~r &TTOIt,.!iBY RBIq:)RT (~ZTY GOU!~ZL RBI~RTS . ,~,'FI.TOUd,! _ _f_ L. _ J~- Next meeting: April 17, 1990,' 7:00 p.m., Temecula Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California COmmunity ~3~0 City of Temecula AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 10, 1990 City Council Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director Election Fees - November 7, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council amend the Fiscal Year 1990 budget to appropriate $13,000 for the election service provided by the Riverside Registrar of Voters for the November 7, 1989 election. DISCUSSION: At the time the FY 1990 budget was adopted, it was uncertain as to whether the City was liable for the costs associated with the November 7, 1989 election. However, upon examination of the State Code, we have determined that the City is liable for such costs. FISCAL IMPACT: Increase appropriations for FY 1990 by $13,000. ATTACHMENT: Resolution of the City Council of the City of Temecula amending the Fiscal Year 1989-90 budget to appropriate $13,000 for the election services provided by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters for the November 7, 1989 election. RESOLUTION NO. 90-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE $13,000 FOR ELECTION SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 1989 ELECTION The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the FY 1989-90 Annual Budget of the City of Temecula is hereby amended to appropriate $13,000 for the election. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATYEST: June S. Greek Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: SECTION 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited as required by law, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts hereinafter set forth. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek Deputy City Clerk Resos/90-36 CK# 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 _~1088 CK DATE 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS AGAINST CITY & PAYROLL April 10, 1990 VENDOR Bastanchury Waters Burke, Williams & Sorensen Golden State The Californian Community News Network County of Riverside Davlin Federal Express Robert P. Fortier Freeman's Office Supply Products GTE June S. Greek Joe Hreha IMS/TMS Golden State Jobs Available Lanier DESCRIPTION Water Supplies Attorneys' Fees Computer/City Manager's Office Employment Ads Commission Ad Office Supplies Audio/Video Recording of Council Meetings Delivery Service Personnel Services Office Supplies Telephone Charges Reimbursement for Expenses Reimbursement for Expenses Postage for Postage Meter Computers City Clerk's Office Employment Opportunity Ads Office Supplies AMOUNT 30.00 6,558.19 3,160.93 148.83 93.10 836.95 1,240.00 15.00 912.50 5.19 531.76 73.75 64.09 300.00 2,441.63 155.25 478.20 1089 390 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 ,108 1109 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 4/10/90 Lunch N Stuff Rose Perea Petty Cash Pestmaster Services The Phone Man The Press Enterprise Golden State Price Security R & B Building Maintenance Ran-Tec Rubber Stamp Mfg. Inc. Registrar of Voters Rensselaerville Systems Training Ctr. SCE Sir Speedy Strachota Temecula Valley Business Journal Temecula Towne Association Towne Center Stationers Golden State Kathleen Turner Windsor Partners Catering Services for 3/3/90 Council Meeting Reimbursement for Expenses Petty Cash Reimbursement Pest Control Services at City Hall Install Two Phone Lines Public Hearing Notice Computer Information Systems Alarm Monitoring Cleaning of City Hall Various Stamps for City Clerk Election Services 11/7/89 Subscription Electric Duplicating Services Adjustment to Liability Policy Display Ad Janitorial Services for 3/20/90 Meeting Office Supplies Computer Finance Reimbursement for Expenses Rent for April & March CAM Charges 44.50 14.50 298.23 45.00 48.00 65.96 6,113.63 105.00 498.33 38.43 12,894.73 32.95 345.12 321.06 116.00 150.00 61.00 21.47 4,748.31 15.85 3,898.58 1110 4/10/90 X/A Business Systems 111 4/10/90 Xerox Corporation 1112 4/04/90 Petty Cash TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE: Office Supplies Copier Supplies Emergency Cash/Change for Cash Register for Planning Department 79.88 286.09 50.00 47,337.99 Regarding 3/27/90 List of Demands Against City, Check #1039 was voided and replaced with check #1071; and check to Lunch & Stuff was forwarded to 4/10/90 List of Demands Against City. PAYROLL: 342 3/26/90 F.D. Aleshire 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 2,464.73 348 3/26/90 Lisa M. Carter 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 456.76 343 3/26/90 June S. Greek 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 930.92 ---344 3/26/90 Cynthia C. Harmon 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 1,052.57 349 3/26/90 Joseph P. Hreha 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 1,601.49 347 3/26/90 Teresa A. Maley 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 560.35 345 3/26/90 Rose R. Perea 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 551.66 346 3/26/90 Kathleen V. Turner 3/12/90 thru & incl. 3/23/90 715.03 SUB TOTAL 8,333.51 PAYROLL: 351 3/29/90 EDD California Income Tax 339 3/29/90 Overland Bank Federal Tax Deposit TOTAL PAYROLL: TOTAL PAYMENTS & PAYROLL: '~ hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: ~t~/~'/~;~t~;' ~ F. D. Aleshire/Interim City Manager 412.62 $ 3.213.72 $11,959.85 $ 59,297.84 CASE HISTORY CASE NO.: APPLI CANT: LOCAT I ON: Plot Plan 11556, Amendment No. 1 Brookstone Development Southeast Corner Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue PROPOSAL: BACKGROUND: CONDITIONS: MITIGATION FEES COLLECTED: RECOMMENDATION: RG: pmf JN 89205 MISC2:PL Construct 2 office buildings on 1.13 acres. Building "C" is 16,000 sq. ft.. Building "D" is 13,694 sq. ft. The proposed project was submitted to the County in December, 1989, and referred with a recommendation of approval to a Planning Director Hearing on March 12, 1990. The project was subsequently approved by the Planning Department. The project was approved with standard conditions as well as special Road Department conditions as follows: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project proponent shall provide a striping and signing plan for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Buecking Drive, and for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue, to implement intersection approach lane geometrics as follows: two northbound through lanes, one northbound right turn lane, two southbound through lanes, one southbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, and one westbound left turn lane at each intersection. Any widening or other improvements necessary to implement such plan, as approved by the Road Commissioner, shall be constructed at no cost to any government agency. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed, the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge on Jefferson Avenue shall be improved to its full ultimate section. $2,905.00 towards Traffic Impact/Signal Requirements $ 721.00 towards Flood Control Mitigations RECEIVE AND FILE. ~! £O'I ~lHYd SS~INISFI~I NOS~i~IzlzI~I~ HJ.~ION l NOHIH J I--H HI- H,.~ON BUSINESS PARK ~o~-s ~ ~ ~ OWNER: ARTHUR H. NELSON & DEBRA NELSON 31681 RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 PARCEL NUMBERS: 910-200-092 & 910-200-093 STRAIGHT BARREL MISSION TILE 'OLD ADOBE' BLEND #500 BY M.C.A. ACCENT PAINT COLOR TO MATCH EXPO STUCCO COLOR #B-582 D/C PRIMARY STUCCO INTEGRAL COLOR #50 PEACH CREAM BY EXPO PAINT COLOR OF DOOR, WINDOWS, AWNINGS & RAILINGS. #4985A BY FRA~.EE SUBNITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TE!qECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMI1-FAL DATE: 3/12/90 SUBdEC'T: Notice of Decision of Plot Plan 11556 Amd. 1 acted on by the Planning Director on March 12, 1990 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Receive and File the Notice of Decision for the following Plot Plan acted on by the Planning Director on March 12, 1990. - Plot Plan 11556 Amd. i - Brookstone Development - First Supervisorial District - City of Temecula - 1.13 acres - M-SC zone. - APPROVAL of Plot Plan 11556 amd 1 based on findings and conclusions incorporated in the Staff Refport dated 3-12-90. PROJECT LOCATION: Southeast corner of Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue. BACKGROUND: The project is part of the North Jefferson Business Park development located north of Winchester Road and west of 1-15. Plot Plan 11556 and related case Plot Plan 11557 were created as parcels 12 and 13 of Parcel Map 23561-1. JR:gs a® b. c. OTHER: ZONING: a. SITE: PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING CASE SUMMARY DATE: MARCH 12, 1990 EA : 34413 CASE NO. PLOT PLAII I10. 11556, AREIIDED 110. 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: Two Office Buildings at the Southeast corner of Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue AREA/DISTRICT:Temecula GENERAL PLAN: South West Area Plan LAND USE: C- Commercial, Category II OPEN SPACE/CONS.: Not designated as open space Mount Pal mar M-SC b. ADJACENT: H-SC LAND USE/AREA DEVELOPMENT: a. SITE: Vacant b. ADJACENT: Vacant, Business Park MAJOR ISSUES: Liquefaction Zone, Flood Plain, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat, Paleontological Resources (Pauba Formation) RECOMMENDATION: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for E.A. 34413 and APPROVAL of PLOT PLAM IlO. 11556, AME~ #0. ! based on the f~lowing: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: 1. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The project meets the requirements of Ordinance 348. 3. The project is cenpattble with surrounding development. 4. The project has no significant environmental effects and a Negetative Declaration may be adopted. JHR:lt:sc 3/08/90 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING DATE: March 12, 1990 RIVERSIDE COURTY PLANNING DEPARTMEET CORDITIONS OF APPROVAL Brookstone Development P.O. Box g3g Lake Elsinore, Ca 92330 PLOT PLAN I10. 11556, AMEIIDED MO. 1 Project Description: Two Office Buildings Assessor's Parcel No.: glO-200-Og~ Area: Temecula 0 The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for two office buildings on 1.13 acres The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and had harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning PLOT PLAN I10. 11556, AMEIIDED RO. 1. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of approval dates otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit A, Amended No. 1, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one (1) year or more, this approval shall bec~me null and void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. The applicant shall cmply with the street improvement recmmmndations outlined in the County Road Department transmittal dated 2-1-90 a copy of which is attached. PLOT PLAN NO. 11556 Conditions of Approval Page 2 8. Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department transmittal dated 1-10-90 a copy of which is attached. 9. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control District transmittal dated 1-6-90 a copy of which is attached. 10. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the appropriate section of Ordinance 546 and the County Fire Warden's transmittal dated 1-10-90 a copy of which is attached. 11. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety Land Use Section transmittal dated 1-16-90 a copy of which is attached. 12. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety Grading Section transmittal dated 11-16-90 a copy of which is attached. 13. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County Geologist letter dated 7-26-88, a copy of which is attached. (added per Director's Hearin~12-90) 14. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the San Bernardino County Museum transmittal date 11-12-90, a copy of which is attached. 15. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten {10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30) inches. 16. Prior to the issuance of building permits, six (6) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section, 18.12, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinance No. 348. 17. The irrigation plan shall be in accordance with Ordinance No. 348, section 18.12 and include a rain shut-off device. In addition, the plan will incorporate the use of in-line check valves, or sprinkler heads with check valves incorporated to prohibit low head d~ainage. PLOT PLAN NO. 11SS$ Conditions of Approval Page 3 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. A minimum of 68 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. 68 parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit A, Amended No. 1. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on 4 inches of Class II base. A minimum of three {3) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on Exhibit A, Amended No. 1. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height of 80 inches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, or centered at a minimum height of 36 inches from the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than 1 inch in height, which clearly and conspicuously states the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits fran the following agencies: Road Department Enviromental Health Riverside County Flood Control Ft re Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. If signage is proposed, a separate plot plan accompanied by the appropriate fees asset forth in Ordinance No. 348 shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to sign installation. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit M 2 (Color Elevations) and Exhibit M-1 (Materials Board). PLOT PLAN NO. 11556 Conditions of Approval Page 4 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 2g. 30. 31. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shtelded from ground vtew. matefta1 shall be subject to Planntng Department approval. Screening A total of one trash enclosure is adequate to enclose a total of two bin(s) shall be evenly distributed throughout the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy pemtts. Each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be made with masonry block and a gate which screens the bins from external view. Landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. A total of one Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. Prior to issuance of building pemtts, perfomance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantings, walls and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Director of Building and Safety. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Oirector of Building and Safety. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kV or greater, shall be installed underground. 32. 33. All planter islands adjacent to end parking spaces shall comply with Ordinance 348, Section 18.12. This will include planters constructed with a minimum planting area width of five feet, excluding curbing and a one foot concrete walkway along planters adjacent to parking spaces. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits a Covenants, Codes and Restrictions statement, describing reciprocal easements and access on the PLOT PLAN NO. 11556 Conditions of Approval Page 5 subject property, shall be approved by the Director of Planning and legally recorded. 34. Prior to any use allowed by this Plot Plan, the applicant shall obtain clearance from the Department of Building and Safety - Land Use Section that the uses found on the subject property are in conformance with Ordinance No. 348. 35. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit. JHR:lt:sc 3/08/90 OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR ROAD COMMLS~IONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR March 12, 1990 COUNTY ADMINISTRATrv'~ CL',;1T.R MAII..E~o ADDR[S~; P.O. BOX ~090 RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 (7].4) 275-6740 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 (Commercial Building) RE: Plot Plan 11556 - Amend #1 Team 5 - SMD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 * As amended at D.H. 3-12-90 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the traffic study for the above referenced project. The traffic study has been prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The Road Department has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C" at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: "A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service: e Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project proponent shall provide a striping and signing plan for the intersection at Jefferson. Avenue and Buecking Drive, and for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue, to implement intersection approach lane geometrics as follows: two northbound through lanes, one northbound right turn lane, two southbound through lanes, one southbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, and one westbound left turn lane at each intersection. Any widening or other improvements necessary to implement such plan, as approved by the Road Commissioner, shall be constructed at no cost to any government agency. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge on Jefferson Avenue shall be improved to its full ultimate section. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER · 4080 LEMON ~ · RIVF. RSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 Plot Plan 11556 - Amend #1 · Feb~a~y-½~-½990--March 12, 1990 Page 2 *3. With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced item, the Road Department has the following r ecommenda t ions: Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall complete the following conditions at no cost to any government agency: No additional right of way shall be required on Madison Avenue since adequate right of way exists. Sufficient public street right of way shall be provided along Buecking Drive.-to establish a 39--foot half width right of way including standard corner cutback. e Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department the sum of $2,905.00 towards mitigating traffic impacts for signal require- ments. This amount represents 1.66 acres at $1,750.00 per gross acre = $2,905.00. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall construct the following at no cost to any government agency: Madison Avenue shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 38 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 50 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 101. Buecking Drive shall be improved with 34 feet of asphalt concrete pavement within a 45 foot part width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 111. (28'/39') 9. Asphalt emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. *As amended at D.H. 3-12-90 Plot. Plan 11556 - Amend #1 -F-eb~-l-m-l~- March 12, 1990 Page 3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Standard 35 foot curb return, cross gutter, spandrel and access ramps shall be constructed in accordance with Ordinance 461 where applicable. Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. All entrance driveways shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 35 feet measured from face of curb. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with PM 23561-1 and PP 11557. Street lights shall be installed in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461 at all intersections of roads constructed or improved within the development. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether the development is within an existing assessment district. If not, the land owner shall file after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a County Service Area in pursuant to Governmental Code Section 56000 et. seq. All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans. Plot Blan 11556 - Amend #1 T~-~r-l~g~- March 12, 1990 Page 4 21. 22. A striping plan is required for Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. awrence . oerper ~ Road Division Engineer LT:jw County of Riverside RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. TO: AT]~__; _'~ ohnLr'~ is tow FROM TAI. RE: P~LT PLAN 11556. A~.ND~.~ NO. I DATE: January 10, 1990 H~.ALTH ,ciP~CIAT.TST TV Enviror~ental Health Set-vices ha~. reviewed Amended No. 1 dated January 10, 1990. Our current c~mments will remain as stated in our memo dated November 1, 1989. SH:tac JaN 1 1 1990 RMERSIOE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTi~NT County of Riverside TO: FROM: ~m Mar~'.r//e~. HE: Plot Plan 11556 Riverside County Planning Dept. IV DATE: November 1. 1989 RIVE. IttlII. A- COU [,~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan 11556 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and ware services are available in this area. Prior to any building plan submittals, "will-serve" letters from the water and sewering agencies will be required. SM:cr (;EN. FOIl.',{ 4, (17~..,,.. ~,'H';) KENNETH L EDWARDS 1~$ MARKET ~'I'REET P.O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FA~ NO. (714) 788-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. ~' Re: Planner J.~ C~,,~ Area: /~,,~//~ ~/q~I~,M We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: pp Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable r~les and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The Oistrict's report dated //~/oV//~/~ is still current for this project. The Oistrict does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~av]hbte~rOject will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. S truly yo~ H. KASHUBA r Civil Engineer DATE: ~/A,v.~, F///~ KI~NNrrH L. ~rDWARD$ CHIEF ENGINEER 19e~ MARKrr $TRErr P.O. BOX 1033 T~LEPHONE (714) 78'7-2015 FAX NO. (714) 788-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA g2502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Planner ~ Area: '~c_,~ We have reviewed.this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable riles and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The Distrtct's report dated is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of ~// _2~,5~-,-!- i The project will be free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~ave been constructed in accordance with approved plans. v/~ The attached comments apply. Very ?uly yoursr--~ JOHN H. KASHUBA Senior Ctvil Engineer collec=lng arainage ~es. Those ~ees are used to cons=ruc= needed flood control facilities within the particular area. The Area Drainage Plan fees apply to new land divisions and other types of new development. Virtually all new development causes increased storm runoff. These increases are particularly troublesome in those watersheds where an Area Drainage Plan has been adopted. In order to miti- gate the downstream impacts brought about by increased runoff, the District recommends that Conditional Use Cases, Plot Plans and Public Use Cases be required to pay a flood mitigation charge. Mitigation charges, where appropriate, will be similar to the current Area Drainage Plan fee rate. Following is the District~s recommendation: A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The new development in this case includes a total of /./.~ acres. At the current fee rate of $ /~ oo per acre, the mitigation charge equals $ 7~A ~o The charge is payable to the Flood Control District prio~ to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Mitigation Charge (mitcharg) PLANNING & ENGINEERING 46-2O9 OASIS STREET. SUITE 4O5 INDIO, CA 92201 (619) 342.8886 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF 1-10-90 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3760 12TH STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 (714) 787-6606 TO: ATTN: RE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT JOHN CHIU PLOT PLAN 11556 AMENDED #1 With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 1750 GPM for a 2 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"x2ix2~), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, ~he system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with ~he following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." Subject: Plot Plan 11556 Page 2 Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow of 1500 GPH or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. Install a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as required by the Uniform Building Code. In lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, building(s) must be area separated into square foot compartments, approved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 (e) of the Uniform Building Code. 9. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. 10. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 11. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 12. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 13. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $345.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 14. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of 25¢ per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount must be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. 15. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. A~I questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. RA~iOND B. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Laura Cabral, Fire Safety Specialist ama Administrative Center * 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 January 16, 1990 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: John Chiu County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA g2501 RE: Plot Plan 11556, Exhibit A, Admended #1 JAN 181990 RIVERSIDE COUNTY R. ANNINO DEPARTNENT Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for on-site signage will be required. If approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Division concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. If the proposed project is to be "phased," an approved exhibit indicating which structures and on-site improvements are required for each "phase" should be required. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be in conformance with Mount Palomar Lighting Plan, Zone B, per Ordinance 655. Prior to acceptance of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from Planning Department must be attached. Performance Securities Bond for maintenance of landscaping may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits, written clearance is required from the following: ° Temecula Unified School District Yours truly, VaughnC'<j ark i si an Land Use Technician Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADING SECTION ~PLANN?NG / J.C. ) WENDY NICHOLSON November 16, 1989 LDC PLOT PLAN 11556 AMD #1 ':" '/g 1989 H~vcr(~,l,,,- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT The "Grading Section" has reviewed a conceptual grading plan for this site. The plan is acceptable. Consequently, the "Grading Section" recommends approval of this project if the following conditions are included. Prior to commencing any grading in excess of 50 cubic yards, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will require performance security to be posted with the Building and Safety Department. NOTE: For the final grading plan, please provide the applicable information from Building and Safety Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21, 284-86, and 284-46. Thank you. RiV; }iDE COUnC.u PLannine) D P :lcnl;nc July 26, 1988 Schaefer Dixon Associates 2168 South Hathaway Street Santa Aria, California 92705 Attention: Hr. Paul Davts Hr. James J. Meaver SUBJECT: A1qutst-Prtolo Spectal Studies Zone Liquefaction Hazard Job 80-245 Parcel Nap No. 23561 County Geologic ReportNo. 516 Rancho California Area Gentlemen: We have reviewed your report entitled 'Geotechnical Investigation, A Portion of North Jefferson Business Park {Phase 4), P.M. No. 23561 (Formerly P.M. 19581-1), Rancho California, CA,' dated June 1, 1988, and your revised report dated July 12, 1988. Your report determined that: The faults encountered in trenches along the western part of the property are considered to be intra-Pauba {Pleistocene age) displacements and are considered to be inactive, in accordance with criteria of the California State Division of Mines and Geology. The 100-year probable earthquake affecting the site resulting from an event on the ~htttter-£1sinore (Wildomar) fault is expected to be 6.0 magnitude, with a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.35g. The likelihood of liquefaction related ground movement during a ~gnttude 6.$ event is considered to be low. The liquefaction potential is considered to be very lo~ for site soils considering a Magnitude 6.0 destgn earthquake. 4. The potential for seismic settlement and differential compaction is considered very low. The potential for landsliding is considered to be very remote. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 1619) 342-8277 Schaefer Dtxon Associates - 2 - July 26, 1988 6. The potential for e~rthquake tnduced flooding, tsunamts and setches ts considered to be very The potential for sympathetic fault movement'on the zone of tnacttve faults encountered tn the trenches, as a result of setsmtc event on the nearby Wildomar fault, is considered to be low. 8. The potential for lurching and lateral spreads in the areas adjacent to Santa Gertrudts Creek may exist at the southeasterly property boundary. Your report recommended: 1. No setback zone for human occupancy structures is recon~ended within the boundaries of the subject property. The potential for liquefaction-related ground movement on the site should be mitigated by the placement of engineered fill within low lying areas during site grading. The potential for lurching and lateral spreads tn areas adjacent to Santa Gertrudts Creek should be mitigated by channeltzatton of the stream and use of standard building setbacks. 0 The exploratory trench backfill should be considered during future site development. The trench locations were determined by the project engineer. It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the requirements of the Alqutst-Prtolo Special Studies Zone Act, the mssoctated Riverside County Ord. $47, and the additional information requested under the California £nvtronmental quality Act review. Final approval of the report is hereby 9tven. We recommend that the following note be placed on the Final Map prior to its recordation: Schaefer Dixon Associates - 3 - July 26, 1988 "County 6eologtc Report No. 516 was prepared for this property on July 12, 1988 by Schaefer Dtxon Associates, and ts on ftle at the Riverside ~ounty Planning Department. The spectftc tte~s of concern are tnacttve faults, liquefaction, lateral spreads, and unco;pacted trench backfill. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTHENT Roger S. Streeter - Planning Director Engineering Geologist / ~' CEG-1205 SAK:rd c.c. Bedford Properties - Applicant Earl Hart - CDMG Roy Shlemon & Assoc, Norm Lostbom - Building & Safety John Chtu - Team ! PAT E: October 24, 1989 ::IiVE::I iDE count,,. .,snnin(; DEP, :IClTIEnC TO: Assessor Building and Safety - Land Use Building and Safety - Grading Surveyor - Ken Teich Road Department Health - .Ralph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service- Ruth E. Davidson U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services County Superintendent of Schools Eastern Muncipal Water District Rancho California Water Southern Cal i forni a Edi son Southern Caliofrnia Gas Cal Trans #8 Temecula Union School District Elsinore Union High School District Commi ssioneF Turner Community Plans San Bernardino County I4useum UCR Archo Unit Att. n:.i Dan t~cCathy *. ,~,:, ~ ¥ · #or 1 5 'l u PLANNINO DEPARTMENT PLOT PLAN 11556 - (Tm-5) - E.A. 34413 - Brookstone .Development - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - SE corner of Bucking & Madison Ave. - M-SC Zone - 1.13 Acres - REQUEST: Construct two commercial office buildings - CONCURRENT: PP 11557 - Mod 119 - A.P. 910-200-093 Please review the case~ described above, along with the attached case map. A Land Division Committee meeting:.has been tentatively.scheduled for. November 16, 1989. If it clears, it will then go to 'Publ-ic. hearing. Your comments and recommenda-t~'ons are requested pr. ior..'to November 16, 1989 in order that we may include them in the st~f,f report for this particular case.. Should have any questions rega~'ding this'item, please do not hesitate to contact John ~u at 787-1363. _* Planner COMMENTS: The project is located on the fossliferous .Pauba Formation. Excavation will impact nonrenewable paleontolc~jic resources. The cleveloper must retain a qualified vertebrate paleontolcxjist to develop a prc~jram to mitigate impacts to paleonto1~ic resources. This proram should include: (1) monitori~ of excavation by a qualified paleontoic~31c monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, including sediment processing for small vertebrate fossils; (3) established r~p · (4) a report of findings with curation of specimens into an osit~ complete specimen inventor>,. DATE: 1!/~ P/Mq SIGNATURE ~ Dr. Allan D. Griesemer, Museums Director PLEASE print name and title 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787'6181 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 :IiVE: DE coun i --PL nnine ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: ENVIRONMENTAL ~SSMENT (E.A.) NUMBER: -~'~/z~/! ~ PROJECT CASE TYPE(~) AND NUMBER8(~): /D/3 //~-~C' ~ NAME OF PERSON(.) mEPARff~ E-~.: ~'t"~X~ ,~/sTO'~ STANDARD EVALUATION MCXX~.E NUM~,~: // I. PRG,,IEC'r INFORMATION A. DE~OFIIPTION (include pr~CnlKi minimum Iol Ilze end uee~ B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): /,/'~ '7/~ - ~o~-. 05'3 D0 EXISTING ZONING: ~, "' '-~ ~-- PROPOSED ZQNING: STREET REFERENCES: ¢_ o/'z./v ~..vZ_ IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE.~/~ IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? Ho SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITEITS SURROUNDINGS .-~'~ /'~- c-,,,,,-,.'tq ~,~-.~,,~. ~,.,.,.~ ~ ~ IL COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN BPACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the Ippror.,dlt~ option(i) below and I~=;,ul IcGordingly. ~ All or pill of the project lite is in "Adc~ Specific PIIns." "REMAP" or "Rln.cho Villages Community~ Policy Ainu". Complete £4:Uons ill, IV (B and C only). V /~All or part of the project Nte is in "Areas Not Designated u Open Space". Complete Sections IH, IV (A, B ~ D only), V and Vl. [] All or pill of the project site hi8 In ~ SDIOI and CortlM~tiofi IN~ignltion other than those mentionecl above. Complete .8~"tions III, IV (A, B, and E only), V and Vl. III. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDB AND RE8OURCE~ AB~EIIMENT A. Indicitlthenitumofthepr~poged~ulelldgl! ,,~k~gdfromlhedggcdl~llloundk~Co,,d)~-~gne~G4ner~PIInF~ure VL3 (Circle Ofit). Thai hlfG,,,ddiOn il [ICIIIII~y IO l~l. l,~.l~l ~h~ '~1:101~511 lind u# 8uit~ i~ k~ Section Ifi.B. ~ ~ ~or~ ditl ~ eglnC:.ll oonl~ I if. findk~01 O~lld~ Ind iny,,~t~on mlllUr~l undlr 8ecik)n ¥. AJIo, where h~d~.ated, the ~l=rOl)'tl~. lind u~ ~ or riotie 1CCBI~ "l:ly rating(l). ~ .d&fir~0n= It bo#om o~ ~ pmge). 2.¥ NA PS U R (Fig. VI.3) Uquefaction R:dentiaJ Zone (Fig. Vt.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.4) Groundsi'~dng Zone (Fig VIA) ~..O~v; ~ ~ S PS u R (Fig. w.5) Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 ~ ~X)e Ivl~p8) L~nd~lide Ri~k Zone (Riv. Co. 8C)C) Scale Seismic Id~ or On-~ite In,peele)n) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hazard (On-Mte In~oection) Expan~ve So#s (U.S.DA. Soil ~tion Service Soil Suweys) Erosion (U.$.D.A. Soil Coneervition Service Scdl Surveys) Wind Emo~on & Blou,-~ (Fig. VI.1, On:l. 460, Sec. 14.2 & Ord. 484) D~m Inundation Are~ (Fig. VI.7) FIoodp~n= (Fig. V~.?) U R (Fig. Vl.~) 12. ~ Aiqx)rt No~ (Fig. 11.16.6,11.16.11 & V1.12 & 1964 NCUZ Report, M.A.F.B.) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 13. _~ RlJlrolld Noile (Fig. V1.13- V1.16) ~ A B C vID.1 (Fig, VL11) 14. _.~ Highway ~ (Fig. 7 - VI.29) NA A B C D (Fig, W.11) 15.._~ C)~ Noil~ NA A B C D (Fig, Vl.11) 16. ~ Project ~'.n~r&t~ I~k~ee Affecting 17. fJ No~eSen~tiveU~e~(Fig. Vl.11) ~ Noi~e $en~tive Project (Fig. VI.11 ) 18. ~ Air Quality Impacts From Project 19. ~ Se~mJtJv~ to Air Quality 20. Water Quality Impacts From Project 21. ~ IDYoject Sensitive to Water Quality 22. Hazan:lmm Materials and Wastes 23. ~ Hlzlrdou~ Fitre ~ (Fig. Vl.30 - Vl.31 ) 24. Other ~"/~ ~,' ~-~'~ 25. Other RESOURCES b~ or Neor an Aodcu~uf~ P~,~eerv6 3~ /~/ tommet ~) ~ M~ ~ ~. ~- ~.42) ~. 31~ ~ ~ ~. ~.~ - ~.~) 37. Sc:mnlc I IJuh~.~,~ (Fig. VL4,.q) Historic I~roe~ (Fig. VI.32 - VI.33) AJ'~'awologlc-' (Fio. VI.32 - VI.33 & VI.46 - VI.48) P~ontul=g~¥ Re~oufc~ Definitions for Lind Ule 8ultlblllty and No~ A~,eptlblllty Ratings NA - No( ApplW S - OenemJly $uitBble PS - Provleton~Jly Suitable U - Generally Urmuimble R - rliBt, ir, l1:1 A - Germrally Amepmble B - Conditionally Acceptable C - Genreally Unacceplable D - L~d Use Diacouraged Ne 1. OPEN Ed:~t. CE AND C~VATION MAP DESI(~NATIOf~I): 2. ~ ~ ~1~~ 4. ~~~F~: COMMUNrrY PLAN, IF ANY: COMMUNITY PLAN DESlGNATION(~), IF ANY: eo Fo~ III i:)rojeclt, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public faciliti~ and/or lenses iM4Je~ may significantly affect or be affected by the I:)ropoMI. All ,6fM~ncecl figures are contained in the Co,,,prehensive General Plan. For ~ny issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, egencir. c. (=ormulted, findings o~ fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBUC FACIUTIES AND SERVICES Cimulation (Fig. IV.l-IV. 11. Discuss in Sec. V Ex'~'ting, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Traill (Fig. N. 12- IV. 13) ~ (Agency LMtem) Sewer (Ag.ncy Leaera) Fire ~ (Iqg. N.16 - N.18) ~ ~ (Fig N.17 - N.18) ~ (Fig. IV.17 - N.18) ~ W~i (Fig. N.17 - IV.18) Parks end RM~ I~n (F'~. N.19 - N20) 12_M 13 j~ 14, EqueilT~n TrIiI (IRg. IV. 19 - IV.24/ F#v. Co. 8430 S(mle Eq~trin Trail Utmael (r;. IV.25 - rv26) LI)fIdII (F#a. IV.17 - IV.18) HIJih Sewic~ (Fig. IV.17 - iv.le) AkpoflI (Fi0. U.I&2 - 11.18.4, I. lU - ILl&10 & IV.27 - IV.~) 15- I~/ DIIiIrPt, I~ ,__',111 C. # II or pitt of ~ I)foie(~ il ~ in ".~ ~ I=11n~", ~ or' ~ ~ncho ~ Community Policy Am~", review i~ dim em le~c poidel ~rrMn9_to the p~wwl, and O0.,MeIB the lollowing: 1. 8ItetherdevlrttllYluldelignllk~$): C - ~..n~.,.,,..~.~.- C' .~ / 2. Blold on INI kiltill ~, il lhl pt~,.oIll I~0fIl'.II! ~l I~lh Ihl ~ ~ ~ ot lhe IPl)ropdIle document. InclULlf~:nlcx~'~liitlntwilhlheC, r..,,r~o~WGllnellPllin? fff~l, txl)llJn: /~ C D. If all o~ part of Ihe proje~ ~#~ t~ in "Amm~ not De~ ~ Open 8pm3e", and i~ not ~ a ~~ ~, ~p~te cp_w:l;=ns 1, 2, 3, 6 mncl 7. Coml~le ~ 4, 5, 6 ~ 7 If it b in = Commun#y Plan. 3. ff D.1 dlffera ~ D.2, will the dll;...~oe be ~'4lOh. a:l mt b'xt .~)Alop.,~,nt stmge? Expliin: 4. Community Plan designation(s): the propoeed project ~t with the policie~ and ¢le~gnatiorm of the Community Plan? not, explain: 6. hs the proposal compatible with/~ist~___C~and proposed lurToundino land u~e~? ff not, explain: , 7. Bimecl (xl this initial Itudy, is the propoeal ~ with the Compretmnlh, e General Plan? ff not, ,~.i'4,rce by Section lind IIlue Number thole illue8 identifying kwcottm'.mtBr~Je8: E. ff IJl Or ~ Of Ihe geCl#Ct ~ il in in Open ~ Ind CclnggrvllJon de~IgnalJOn, GCN,,;IBt6 the following: 1. allde the delignllk:v~s): 2. M ~e pi'Opalyi o(xtititent ~ the delignllion(8)? ff no& explain: A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ~NT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE ~ECTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION NO. REQUIRED REQI.JF..~r-gD DATE ADEOUACY INFORMATION DEIBJB~TI0~ RECEIVED ¢fE$/NO. DATE) For each i~sue marke i yes (Y) uncler Sectiona III.B and N.B, identify the ~ m~l i~ue number ana clo the following, in the format as ~ below: 1. List all additional relevant data sources, including &gentkin consulted. 2. ~tata all findings of fact regan:ling environmental 3. State ~oecific mitigation measures, if identifiable without r~luiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information is regluired before the environmental ~ea~ment can be complete~l, refer to Su_'cl~ction A. 5. If additional sheets are neetled to complete this ~ction, check the box It the end of the ~ end attach SECTION/ ISEUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: ,t,,.. ,'-./'. ',gzh' . V. INFORMATION 8~JRCES, FINDINg8 OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEAiU~E~ (Gontinued) SECTION/ I~LIE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT. MITIGATION MEASURES: [] The ~ will not h~e ~ Ilg~ificlnt tfllct on I~ envimr,,,,.nt md· Negative ~ may be /.~ The ~ aid live I lignificlnt e on the environment; hov~'lvcr, there will not be & lignifican! ~ in this c~ ~_,c:etme the ,,dUoMi~ i~ clgK.il..~cl in ~ V hive Ic~ Ipplled to the project and · NeOettve Declmtlon m~y be I~ep~. (or) r-i The ~ may have/-~,~ignifi~t efl~'t o~ the envlro~ment and ~n Environmental:reliCt Report CASE HISTORY CASE NO.: APPLICANT: LOCAT I ON: Plot Plan 11557, Amendment No. 1 Brookstone Development Southeast Corner Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue PROPOSAL: BACKGROUND: CONDITIONS: MITIGATION FEES COLLECTED: RECOMMENDATION: RG: pmf JN 89205 MISC3:PL Construct 2 office buildings totaling 14,197 sq. ft. on .95 acres. Building "A" is 8,200 sq. ft.. Building "B" is 6,000 sq. ft. The proposed project was submitted to the County in December, 1989, and referred with a recommendation of approval to a Planning Director Hearing on March 12, 1990. The project was subsequently approved by the Planning Department. The project was approved with standard conditions as well as special Road Department conditions as follows: Prior to the issuance of building permits. the project proponent shall provide a striping and signing plan for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Buecking Drive, and for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue, to implement intersection approach lane geometrics as follows: two northbound through lanes, one northbound right turn lane, two southbound through lanes. one southbound left turn lane. one westbound right turn lane, and one westbound left turn lane at each intersection, Any widening or other improvements necessary to implement such plan, as approved by the Road Commissioner, shall be constructed at no cost to any government agency, o Prior to occupancy or any use allowed, the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge on Jefferson Avenue shall be improved to its full ultimate section. $2,012.50 towards Traffic Impact/Signal Requirements $ 606.00 towards Flood Control Mitigations RECEIVE AND FILE· "1 ~t IO'I )ltt~d $$~tNlSrll~l NOStl~!:l:t~II· Ft.l. tlOM Z z LU ITI -'1 C T ,Z ITI rn z :!I : NORM JEFFERSON i BUSINE~ PARK mm.bu~ ..... I ARCHITECTS COOMBS. MESQUITA, INC. NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK LOTS 12& 13 OWNER: ARTHUR H. NELSON & DEBRA NELSON 31681 RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 PARCEL NUMBERS: 910-200-O92 & 910-200-093 ";i':-"" . ..:.. ;,..L STRAIGHT BARREL MISSION TILE 'OLD ADOBE' BLEND #500 BY M.C.A. ACCENT PAINT COLOR TO MATCH EXPO STUCCO COLOR #B-582 D/C ,~ PRIMARY STUCCO INTEGRAL COLOR #50 PEACH CREAM BY EXPO PAINT COLOR OF DOOR, WINDOWS, AWNINGS & RAILINGS. #4985A BY FRA2:EE SUBHXTTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TI~ECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRO~I: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL DATE: 3/12/90 SUBJECT: Notice of Decision of Pl~t Plan 11557, Amended No. 1 acted on by the Planning Director on March 12, 1990 RECOI~ENDED I~OTION: Receive and File the Notice of Decision for the following Plot Plan acted on by the Planning Director on March 12, 1990. - Plot Plan 11557, Amended No. I - Brookstone Development - First Supervisorial District - City of Temecula - .95 acres - M-SC zone. - APPROVAL of Plot Plan 11557, Amended No. I based on findings and conclusions incorporated in the Staff Report dated 3-12-90. PROJECT LOCATION: Southeast corner of Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue. BACKGROUND: The project is part of the North Jefferson Business Park development located north of Winchester Road and west of 1-15. Plot Plan 11557 and related case Plot Plan 11556 were created as parcels 12 and 13 of Parcel Map 23561-1. JR:jg PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING CASE S~HARY DATE: HARCH 12, 1990 E.A, No.: 34414 CASE NO. PLOT PLAII NO. 11557, /~ERDED NO. 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: Two Office Buildings at the Southeast corner of Buecking Drive and Madison Avenue AREA/DISTRICT:Temecula GENERAL PLAN: South Nest Area Plan a. LAND USE: C- Commercial, Category I! b. OPEN SPACE/CONS.: Not designated as open space c. OTHER: Mount Pal anar ZONING: a. SITE: M-SC b. ADJACENT: M-SC LAND USE/AREA DEVELOPMENT: a. SITE: Vacant b. ADJACENT: Vacant, Business Park MAJOR ISSUES: Liquefaction Zone, Flood Plain, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat, Paleontological Resources (Pauba Formation) RECOMMENDATION: ADOPTION of a Negative Declaration for E.A. 34414 and APPROVAL of PLOT PLAN I10. 11557, ~J~EIIDED !10. I based on the following: FINOINGS ANO CONCLUSIONS: 1. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The project meets the requirements of Ordinance 348. 3. The project is canpattble ~th surrounding development. 4. The project has no significant environmental effects and a Negetattve Declaration may be adopted. ~lHR:lt:sc 3/08/90 PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING DATE: March 12, 1990 RIVERSIDE COURTY PLAMNIRG DEPARTMENT CIXlDITIOIIS OF APPIL'OVAL Brookstone Development P.O. Box 939 Lake Elsinore, Ca 92330 PLOT PLAM I10. 11557, AMEIIDED #0. 1 Project Description: Two Office Buildings Assessor's Parcel No.: 910-200-093 Area: Temecula e The use hereby permitted by this plot plan is for two office buildings on .95 acres The permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning PLOT PLAN MO. 11557, AMERDED NO. 1. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the permittee of any such claim, action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the permittee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. This approval shall be used within two (2) years of approval date; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By use is meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as shown on plot plan marked Exhibit A, Amended No. 1, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one (1) year or more, this approval shall bec~me null and void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and directed so as not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way. The applicant shall c~mply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department transmittal dated 2-1-90 a copy of which is attached. PLOT PLAN NO. 11557 Conditions of Approva] Page 2 8. Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Riverside County Health Department transmittal dated 1-10-90 a copy of which is attached. 9. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control District transmittal dated 1-6-90 a copy of which is attached. 10. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the appropriate section of Ordinance 546 and the County Fire Warden's transmittal dated 1-10-90 a copy of which is attached. 11. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety Land Use Section transmittal dated 1-16-90 a copy of which is attached. 12. The applicant shall conply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Building and Safety Grading Section transmittal dated 11-16-90 a copy of which is attached. 13. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the County Geol~ist letter dated 7-26-88, a copy of which is attached. (added per Director's Hearing-~'-3~-12-90). 14. The applicant shall conply with the reconmendations set forth in the San Bernardino County Museum transmittal date 11-12-90, a copy of which is attached. 15. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with approved landscape, irrigation and shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An autonatic sprinkler system shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be maintained in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten {10) feet of an entry or exit driveway shall not be permitted to grow higher than thirty (30) inches. 16. Prtor to the issuance of building permits, six (6) copies of a Parking, Landscaping, Irrigation, and Shading Plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. The location, number, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. Plans shall meet all requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section, 18.12, and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinance No. 348. 17. The irrigation plan shall be in accordance with Ordinance No. 348, section 18.12 and include a rain shut-off device. In addition, the plan will incorporate the use of in-line check valves, or sprinkler heads with check valves incorporated to prohibit low head drainage. PLOT PLAN NO. 11557 Creditires of Approval Page 3 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. A minimum of 61 parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. 61 parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the Approved Exhibit A, Amended No. 1. The parking area shall be surfaced with aspbaltic concrete paving to a minimum depth of 3 inches on 4 inches of Class II base. A mtnimum of three (3) handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shovn on Exhtbtt A, J~ended No. 1. Each parktng space reserved for the handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized stgn constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the parking space at a minimum height of 80 tnches from the bottom of the sign to the parking space lintshed grade, or centered at a mtntmum hetght of 35 inches from the parking space ftntshed grade, ground, or sidewalk. A stgn shall also be posted tn a conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than 1 inch tn hetght, which clearly and conspicuously states the following: "Unauthorized vehtcles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have a surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least 3 square feet in size. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Riverside County Flood Control Ft re Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety. If signage is proposed, a separate plot plan accompanied by the appropriate fees asset forth in Ordinance No. 348 shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to sign installation. Materials used in the construction of all buildings shall be in substantial conformance with that shown on Exhibit M-2 (Color Elevations) and Exhibit M-1 (Materials Board). PLOT PLAN NO. 11557 Conditions of Approval Page 4 23. 24. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded fram ground view. material shall be subject to Planning Oepartment approval. Screening A total of one trash enclosure is adequate to enclose a total of two bin(s) shall be evenly distributed throughout the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shall be six feet in height and shall be made with masonry block and a gate which screens the bins from external view. 25. Landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity. 26. Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen canopy trees along streets and within the parking areas. 27. All street lights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. 28. A total of one Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project area. 2g. Prior to issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantings, walls and fences in accordance with the approved plan, and adequate maintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Director of Building and Safety. 30. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, all required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Building and Safety. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 31. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kV or greater, shall be installed underground. 32. 33. All planter islands a~acent to end parking spaces shall comply with Ordinance 348, Section 18.12. This will include planters constructed with a minimum planting area width of five feet, excluding curbing and a one foot concrete walkway along planters adjacent to parking spaces. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits a Covenants, Codes and Restrictions statement, describing reciprocal easements and access on the PLOT PLAN MO. 11557 Conditions of Approval Page 5 34. 35. subject property, shall be approved by the Director of Planning and legally recorded. Prior to any use all oved by this Plot Plan, the applicant shall obtain clearance from the Department of Building and Safety - Land Use Section that the uses found on the subject property are in conformance with Ordinance No. 348. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use all owed by this permit. JHR:lt:sc 3/08/90 OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR ROAD COHMISSIONLR & COL%l"r' SLRVIrYOR March 12, 1990 Fcb r-ua{¥-1-,- ~l~g~. COL.~TY a, DMDiL%'TRAT~,I CF...NT~R MAILING .tDDRF~.SS PO. BOX IOqO RP,'£R51Dr. CAUFORNiA 92502 (714) 275-6740 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Commercial Building) RE: Plot Plan 11557 - Amend #1 Team 5 - SMD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 * As amended at D.H. 3-12-90 The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the traffic study for the above referenced project. The traffic study has been prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The Road Department has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C" at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: "A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project proponent shall provide a striping and signing plan for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Buecking Drive, and for the intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn Avenue, to implement intersection approach lane geometrics as follows: two northbound through lanes, one northbound right turn lane, two southbound through lanes, one southbound left turn lane, one westbound right turn lane, and one westbound left turn lane at each intersection. Any widening or other improvements necessary to implement such plan, as approved by the Road Commissioner, shall be constructed at no cost to any government agency. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge on Jefferson Avenue shall be improved to its full ultimate section. COUNTY ADMINISTRATW~ C£NTF. R . 4080 LEMON STRFZT , IUVERSIDE, CAIJFORMA 92S01 PloC Plan 11557 - Amend #1 Febeua~y-½~-½99G- March 12, 1990 Pape 2 *3. With respect to the conditions of approval for the above referenced item, the Road Department has the following recommendations: Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall complete the following conditions at no cost to any government agency: No additional right of way shall be required on Madison Avenue since adequate right of way exists. Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Road Department the sum of $2,012.50 towards mitigating traffic impacts for signal require- ments. This amount represents 1.15 acres at $1,750.00 per gross acre = $2,012.50. Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall construct the following at no cost to any government agency: Madison Avenue shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 38 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 50 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 101. Asphalt emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Madison Avenue and Buecking Drive in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). *As amended at D.H. 3-12-90 Plo% Plan 11557 - Amend #1 Feb~.e~%-½3-½gg~- March 12, 1990 Page 3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. All work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. The single driveway shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards and shall be shown on the street improvement plans. The single entrance driveway shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 35. feet measured from face of curb. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with PM 23561-1 and PP 11556. Street lighting shall be required in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whether this proposal qualifies under an existing assessment district or not. If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a "Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. All private and public entrances and/or intersections opposite this project shall be coordinated with this project and shown on the street improvement plans. A striping plan is required for Madison Avenue. The removal of the existing striping shall be the responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing Plot Plan 11557 - Amend #1 Feb~aa~y-½~-½ggg--March 12, 1990 Page 4 maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Sincerely, , LT:jw County of Riverside TO: Riverside County Planning De, pt. FROM: ~l[m Ma~lfin~, E. H .]~. IV RE: Plot Plan 11557 DATE: November' 1, 1989 RI¥ i:M'SIDE COL,, '"Y PLANNING DEPAR"T/~.~ E NT The Environmental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan 11557 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services are available in this area. Prior to any building plan submittals, "will-serve" letters from the water and sewering agencies will be required. SM: cr KENNETH I- EDWARDS 199S MARKET STREET P.O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO. (714) ?B8-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. P1 anner Area: Re: ?P /ISS? We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable riles and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the ,//t4~pl led density. v The District's report dated j~v/~//~ is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements i~aveThb~enpr°ject will be constructed in accordance with approved plans. The attached comments apply. · .ry truly yo ,s, /'JOHN H. LRSHUBA (j Senior Ctvtl Engineer DATE: dJR~,~.~ ~/ KENNETH I- EDWARDS 1995 MARKET STREET P,O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO. (714) 788-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 Riverside County Planning 'Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. ~ Pl anner_~/~ ~/~ Re: Pf~ 1~557 We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The Dtstrtct's report dated is still current for this project. The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of p/c4 ,,~:j~GI - I The project will be free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements ~ave been constructed in accordance with approved plans· The attached comments apply. Vet truly yours JOHN H. ICASHUBA Senior Civil Engineer .('oe,~'~o~:~ Vn./~ ~ea Drainage Plan for ~he purpose of collecting drainage ~es. Those fees are used to construct needed flood control facilities within the particular area. The Area Drainage Plan fees apply to new land divisions and other types of new development. Virtually all new development causes increased storm runoff. These increases are particularly troublesome in those watersheds where an Area Drainage Plan has been adopted. In order to miti- gate the downstream impacts brought about by increased runoff, the District recommends that Conditional Use Cases, Plot Plans and Public Use Cases be required to pay a flood mitigation charge. Mitigation charges, where appropriate, will be similar to the current Area Drainage Plan fee rate. Following is the Districtms reco=~endation: A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the area of new development. The new development in this case includes a total of ~.~ acres. At the current fee rate of $ ~ per acre, the mitigation charge equals $ ~(m . The charge is payable to the Flood Control Dis%rlct prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. Mitigation Charge (mitcharq) PLANNING & ENGINEERING 46-209 OASIS STREET. SUITE 405 INDIO. CA 92201 (619) 342.8886 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF 1-10-90 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3760 12TH STREET RIVERSIDE. CA 92501 (714) 787-6606 TO: ATTN: RE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT JOhN CHIU PLOT PLAN 11557 AMENDED With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance 546. Provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering 1750 GPM for a 2 hour duration at 20 PSI residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. A combination of on-site and off-site super fire hydrants, on a looped system (6"x4"x2~x2½), will be located not less than 25 feet or more than 165 feet from any portion of the building as measured along approved vehicular travelways. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The required fire flow may be adjusted at a later point in the permit process to reflect changes in design, construction type, area separation or built-in fire protection measures. Applicant/developer shall furnish one copy of the water system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall conform to the fire hydrant types, location and spacing, and, the system shall meet the fire flow requirements. Plans shall be signed/approved by a registered civil engineer and the local water company with the following certification: "I certify that the design of the water system is in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the Riverside County Fire Department." Subject: Plot Plan 11557 Page 2 Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow of 1500 GPM or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within 50 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. Install a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as required by the Uniform Building Code. e In lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, building(s) must be area separated into square foot compartments, approved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 (e) of the Uniform Building Code. 9. A statement that the building will be automatically fire sprinklered must appear on the title page of the building plans. 10. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 11. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 12. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. 13. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $345.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. 14. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of 250 per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount must be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. 15. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Laura Cabral, Fire Safety Specialist February 13, lggo Administrative Center * 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: John Chiu County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Plot Plan 11557, Exhibit A, Amended #1 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for on-site signage will be required. If approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Division concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. If the proposed project is to be "phased," an approved exhibit indicating which structures and on-site improvements are required for each "phase" should be required. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be in conformance with Mount Palomar Lighting Plan, Zone B, per Ordinance 655. Prior to acceptance of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from Planning Department must be attached. Performance Securities Bond for maintenance of landscaping may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. Prior to the issuance of building permits, written clearance is required from the following: o Temecula Unified School District Sincerely, Vaughn Sarkisian Land Use Technician Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADING SECTION ~ANNING / J.C.) WEND~ ~£CHOLSON November 16, 1989 LDC PLOT PLAN 11557 AMD #1 .95 ACRES TO OFFICE N OV ? 2 1989 ..=., RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT .BUILDING. The "Grading Section" has reviewed a conceptual grading plan for this site. The plan is acceptable. Consequently, the "Grading Section" recommends approval of this project if the following conditions are included. Prior to commencing any grading in excess of 50 cubic yards, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will require performance security to be posted with the Building and Safety Department. NOTE: For the final grading plan, please provide the applicable information from Building and Safety Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21, 284-86, -and 284-46. Thank you. :IiVER}iDE county ~u~y 26, :1988 Schaefer Dixon Associates 2168 South Hathaway Street Santa Aria, California 92705 Attention: Mr. Paul Davts #r. James J. Weaver SUBJECT: Alqutst-Prlolo Spectal Studtes Zone Liquefaction Hazard Job 80-245 Parcel Nap No. 23561 County Geologtc Report No. 516 Rancho California Area Gentlemen: We have revtewed your report entttled 'Geotechntcal Investigation, A Portton of North Jefferson Bustness Park (Phase 4), P.H. No. 2355! (Former1/ P.H. lg$81-1), Rancho California, CA,' dated June 1, lg88, and your revtsed report dated July 12, 1988. Your report determined that: The faults encountered tn trenches along the western part of the property are considered to be tntra-Pauba (Pleistocene age) displac~ents and are considered to be ~nact~ve, tn accordance crtterta of the California State Dtvtston of ~tnes and Geology. The 100-year probable earthquake affecting the stte ~esulttng fro~ an event on the ~tttter-Elstnore (Wildomar) fault ts expected to be 6.0 mgnttude, wtth a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.35g. The likelihood of liquefaction related ground movement durtng a I~gnttude 6.5 event ts considered to be low. The liquefaction potential ts considered to be very la~ for stte sotls considering a I~gnttude 6.0 design earthquake. 4. The potent1&1 for setsmtc settlement and differential compaction ts considered very lo~. 5. The potential for landsliding ts considered to be very remte. 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 Schaefer Dixon Associates - 2 - July 26, 1988 6. The potential for egrthquake induced flooding, tsunamts and setches ts considered to be very low. 0 The potential for sympathetic fault movement'on the zone of tnacttve faults encountered in the trenches, as a result of seismic event on the nearby Wildomar fault, is considered to be low. 8. The potential for lurchtrig and lateral spreads tn the areas adjacent to Santa Gert~udts Creek may exist at the southeasterly property boundary. Your report recommended: 1. Ho setback zone for human occupancy structures is recomended within the boundaries of the subject property. The potential for liquefaction-related ground movement on the stte should be mitigated by the placement of engineered ftll within low lying areas during site grading. The potential for lurching and lateral spreads tn areas adjacent to Santa Gertrudis Creek should be mitigated by channeltzatton of the stream and use of standard building setbacks. The exploratory trench backfill should be considered during future site development. The trench locations were determined by the project engineer. It is our opinion that the report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the requirements of the Alqutst-Prtolo Special Studies Zone Act, the associated Riverside County Ord. 547, and the additional information requested under the California Environmental quality Act review, Final approval of the report is hereby given. We recommend that the following note be placed on the Final Map prior to its recordation: Schaefer Dixon Associates - 3 - July 26, 1988 'County Geologic Report No. 516 was prepared for this property on July 12, 1988 by Schaefer Dixon Assoctltes, and ts on ftle it the Riverside County Planntng Department. The specific items of concern are tnacttve faults, liquefaction, literal spreads, and uncompacted trench backfill. Ver~ truly yours, RIVERSXDE COUNTY PLANNIN$ DEPARTIqENT Steven A. Kupfe_rma.~' [ "// £ngtneering Geolo9ist [ ~f CEG-1205 SAK:rd c.c. Bedford Properties - Applicant Earl Hart - CDMG Roy Shlemon & Assoc, Norm Lostbom - Building & Safety {2) John Chtu - Team ! DATE: October 24, 1989 RiVERSiDE i,L, nninc; DEP, :I ITIEnT TO: Assessor Building and Safety - Land Use Building and Safety - Grading Surveyor - Ken Teich Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Fire Protection Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Davidson U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services County Superintendent of Schools Eastern Muncipal Water District Rancho California Water Southern California Gas Southern California Edison Cal Trans #8 Temecula Union School District Elsinore Union High School Commissioner Dave Turner Community Plans San Bernardino County Nuseum A[tn/ Bob Renolds - CONCURRENT: PP 11556 - Nod 119 UCR Archo Unit Attn/Dan tic Cathy 910-200-092 PLOT PLAN 11557 - (Tm-5) - E.A. 34414 - Brookstone Development - Rancho California Area - First Supervisorial District - N of Winchester Rd., W of 1-15 - H-SC Zone - .95 Acres - REQUEST: Construct two commercial office buildings - A.P. Please review the case. described above, along with the attached case map. A Land Division Committee meeting'has~been tentatively scheduled for No!ember 16, 1989. If it clears, it will then go to public hemring. Your comments and recommendations are requested prlor to Nov~nber 16, 1989 in order that we may include them in the sta~:f report for this particular case. Should you have any questions regarding this item, please do not hesitate to contact John Chiu at 787-1363 Planner The project 1s located on the fossiliferous Pauba Formation. Excavation COHNENTS: w111 Impact nonrenewable paleonto1(xjlc resources. The developer must retain a qualified vertebrate paleo~tolc~jlst to develop a proram to mitigate Impacts to paleonto1~lc resources. This proram should Include: (1) monitoring of excavation by a qualified paleo~tol~lc monitor; (2) preparation of recovered specimens, Including s~:~lment processln.~ for small vertebrate fossils; (3) cuvetteS? of specimens_[rltO. j.n__estal~/lsl;ke_d ;~oosl~r~; and (4) a report of findings with PLEAS p nt name and title n. All~n n ~.rl~m~r amm~mmm~ nlr~*nr 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787'6181 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342'8277 :IiVE:I DE councY ' )l. nnlne DEPAZlClaEnC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (E.A.) NUMBER: PROJECT CASE TYPE(s)AND NUMBERS(s): NAME OF PERSON(s} PREPARING E.A.: '~'~"~/~,'/ I. PROJECT INFORMATION A. STANDARD EVALUATION MODULE NUMBER(s): // DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size and uses as ~oplicable): B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES 'fII e~'~,~' ; or SQUARE FEET C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): ~/ O - :~ O o -. O ~ ..~ D. EXISTING ZONING: ,~, -- .~ C IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE?,,I~ E. PROPOSED ZgNING: IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I'L BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL ~-I'11NG OF THE ~OdECT ~ ITB SURROUNDINGS. j IL COMPREHF.,NIIVE GENERAl. RAN OPEN SliCE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION /~] All or ~ of the project lite is in "Adopted Specific Plans," "REMAP" or :Ran;ho Villlge$ Community. Policy Areas". Complete Sections III, IV (B and C only), V and Vl. ,/1~ All or ~ of the Im)ject site is in "Areas Not Designated as Open So)ace". Complete Sections lii, IV (A. B and D only). V and VL [] All or pIrt of the project I~e has an Open Space and ConIervltion designation other than those mentioned above. Complete .Sections III, IV (A, B, and E only), V and VI. III. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES ASSES, SMENT A. ~ndic~ ~h~ n~ture ~f1~e pr ~ ~ ~ ~ )d ~ind ~se as ~L ic. ''d~ d fr~m ~h~ d ~ ~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ure VI.3 (Circle One). This infofruition is neeseseJy to ~t;.,,,ine the ,ko~(4x~t~ land use ~bility ratin~ in Section #LB. B. indic~ wllh I yll (y) o~ no (N) whMhlr iny envk'o~mlntal hlzlrd Ind/or IIIOufol M rely algnllk=lfi~Y Ifi--. g~ ~ lifted bylhe r.~cp~L All rlflr. ln~lCl figuf~l ~ oont~ in the C.,o,,4~,~r~ ~ PIIn. Fo~ Iny ~ ~ ye~ (Y} re'itc B ~ dit~ data seun:se, BgBnClel cor~, findinga o(lact and any ,dligatien mse~um~ um:le~ Section V- Aleo, ~em indicated. clmle the a~=~'o~'iate ~'x~ use ~mbil~ o¢ noise Ke~etabllay rating(a). (see de~itk=~ ~t hotlorn M thi, ~ge). HAZA. DS l~A..~JNquiat-Prioio Special Studies or County FluIt ~Hazard Zones (Fig. W.1 ) NA PS U R (Fig. VI.3) Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. VI.1) NA $ P$ U R (Fig. VI.4) Groundshaking Zone (Fig VI.1 ) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.5) Slo!~es (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Sioge Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale ~eismic Maps or On-site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hazard (On-Nte InsDection) Expansive Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Sewice Soil Suweys) Erosion (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Wind Emosion & Blowsand (Fig. VI.1, Old. 460, ~ec. 14.2 &Ord. 484) Dam Inundation Area (Fig. VI.7) Flooclplains (Fig. VI.7) NA U R (Fig. VI.8) Airport NoMe (Fig. 11.18.5, 11.18.11 & V1.12 & 1984 AiCUZ Report, M.A.F.B.) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) Railtoed Noise (Fig. V!.13 - Vl.16) NA A B C D (Fig, V!.I 1 ) Highway Noise (Fig. V1.17 - Vl.29) NA A B C D 15....~_ Other Noise 16. /%J 17. ~~/ 19. 20. 21. /%/ 22. ~ Hazardous Materials and Wastes (Fig, V1.11) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) Project Generated Noise Affecting Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. VI.11 ) Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. VI.11 ) Air Quality Impacts From Project Project Sensitive to Air Quality Water Ouality Iml:mCtS From Project Project Sensitive to Water Quality 2243:.~ Hazardous F. ireA, mil (Fig. VI~30-VI.31) 25. Other RESOURCES 27,.J~. In or Near In Agricultural Prelerve 33- ~J (Riv. Co. Agricultural Land Convemation 34. Jk/ Contract M.~) mkSl~ (rig. w.3e - W.37)' ~. N ~;etauou (Fig. VLa8 - Vt.40) 30. /~/ Mineral Re~)urces (Fig. VIA1 - Vl.42) 36. 31~ Energy Resource~ (F'~. VI.43 - VI.44) 37. Scenic Highway~ (Fig. VI.45) Hi~xic Re~oume~ (Fig. VI~2- VI~3) ~ical Reeouroas (Fig. VI.32 - Vi~N3 & VIA6 - VI.48) ~'ltalo oicll ReamJmes (~~ ne~oume~ Map) Other Definitions for Land U~e Suitability and Nolae Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Applicable S - Generally Suitable DS - Provisionally Suitable U - Generally Unsuitable R - Rr.4l~ictt,d A - Generally Acceptable LAND USE DETERMINATION ComiCere this ~ unless the ~ is located in "Adopted ~ Plans", "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community POlicy Areas." 1. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION MAP DESIGNATION(~): ~J(~'~' ~/~ ~'~ ~' ~T~' 2. LAND USE PLANNING AREA: 3. SUBAREA, IF ANY: 4. COMMUNITY POUCY AREA, IF ANY: 5. COMMUNITY PLAN, IF ANY: ~"{/~/A/43 6. COMMUNITY PLAN DESIGNATION(s), IF ANY: SUMMARY OF POUCIES AFFECTING PROPOSAl' , · . ~' ~, 6~ ' ,' U ~ So For all projects, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or sentices issues may significantly affect or be affected by the proposal. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive Ganeml Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBUC FACILITIES AND SERVICES Circulation (Fig. IV.l-IV.11. Discuss in Sec. V Existing, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Trails (Fig. IV. 12 - !V. 13) Water (Agency Letters) Sewer (Agency Letires) Fire Services (Fig. IV.16 - !V.18) Sheriff Sefvio~ (Fig IV.17 - !V.18) $choois (Fig. N. 17 - N.18) ,~=4id Waste (Fig. IV.17 - IV.18) Parks and I'le~ ati~n (Fig. N.19 - N.20) lo_ J Equestria~ Trails (Fig. IV. 19 - IV.24/ R~v. Co. 800 Sc~e Equestrian Trail M&os) Utilities (Fig. IV.25 - !V.26) Libraries(Fig. N. 17- IV.18) Hesrd~ Sefvioes (Fig. IV.17 - ~v.'~e) A~ (Fig. 11.18.2 - ~1.18.4, IL18.8 - 11.18.10 & N.27 - N.36) OIt~r C. II all or part of the project is located in "Adopted Specific Plans", "FIEMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community Policy 2. Bernal on this initial ~JO'y, is the I~;;;I c~,-,si~t~nt with lhe policies and designations of the Ikoproprtate document. and II~:elo~G 0onsistm~ with the Compmhe~ive General Plan? If not. explain: LAND USE DETERMINATION (oontinuecl) D. If ~11 ol, peri of the project ~it~ is tn "~ not Desigrml~d ~ Open Space", and is not in a ~m~ ~, ~mp~te questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7. Complete qumlions 4, 5, 6 and 7 If It is in a Community Plan. Current land use cateOory(iss) for the ~ based on exi~ing oondiUons. {I.~. rlm~nl~l, ~ommmO~, ~r..) c'"-d',o c, o _ AMo indicate isnd use type 3. If D.1 differs from D.2, will the diffr. rance be rein:dyed at the cl~v~iop,.6nt MmOe? F. xl~in: 4. Community Plan designtalon(s): Is the proposed project consistent with the policies and designations of the Community Plan? ff not, explain: /~ o Is the proDosal comDatible with ~,mt~_~ and proDosed surrounding land uses? ff not, explain: ~ 7. ~ on this initial ~tudy, is the proposal conMItent with the Comprehensive Gimeml Plan? If not, ~/feranoa by ~ection and issue Numbe~ thoem ia~aes identifying in~l.~://.~ ~ 1. ~11te the de~grmtiot~$): 2. I~ the ~ cormistent with the designation(s)? If not, explain: 3. Baaecl on this initial ~tudy, is the ;xoeosal consisent with the Compmhanmve General Plan? , ff not, ;efaranoa by Section and ~ Number those ia~ms identifying inconsLItoncias: V. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDING8 OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES A. AODmONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL A,.e~.~IE~MENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE SECtTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUF.~.~FED DATE ADEQUACY INFORMATION RECEIVED (YES/NOJ~ATE) For each issue marked yes (Y) un~ler Sections III.B and IV.B, tdefittfy the Section and issue number and do the following, in the format as shown below: 1. List all additional relevant data sources, including age~cle~ consulted. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental 3. State Sl:~ecific mitigation measures, if identifiable without r~luiring an environmental iml~aCt rel:~ort (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information is re~luired before the environmental assessment can be completed, reter to Subsection A. 5. If additional sheets are needed to complete this section, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. SECTION/ I~.~UE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: ,', o. .'-Y~'r~,~-,,-~"./o ~' rv.,. ~,,.~,_~, ~ ~.~. V. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MF. ABURE$ (=mltlnue4) SECTION/ ISSUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MmGATION MEASURES: VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: [~] The I~oject will not have a Mgntr~.ant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration may be (or) /~Tha Ixoject could have · Ngnificant effect on the eftvironment: however, them will not be · significant effect in this case becau~ the mitigation me~ures ;iescrit~:l in Section V have been al~liecl to the and a Negative Declaration may be pml:mrecl. 1"1 The project an may have(~Ngnlr~;a~t effect ~ the ertvtronment and Environmental ImDact R~:rt THE TEMECULA VALLEY March 7, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecula P.O. 3OOO Temecula, CA. 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire, As President of the Arts Council of the Temecula Valley, I would like to speak to the City Council on behalf of the Arts. If possible, I would like to be included on th~'March 27th agenda. Please let me know if this is feasible and what the proper procedures are. Sincerely~ - mary oo elmeke President 30540 Avenida Buena Suerte · Temecula, CA 92390 · (7'14) 676-5225 ARTS COUNCIL RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Arts Council of the Temecula Valley was created to foster, support, coordinate and promote cultural activities within the City of Temecula; and WHEREAS a healthy cultural "scene" and a healthy economy frequently go hand in hand; and WHEREAS the new City has a multitude of needs, and issues to address and has an organized group already in place concerned for the arts; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Temecula designate the Arts Council of the The Temecula Valley as the official partner in the arts working hand in hand with the City to promote the cultural life in Temecula and; THEREFORE BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Arts Council of the Temecula Valley enter into a Grant Agreement with the City of Temecula July 1, 1990 for funds to provide certain services to foster, support, coordinate and promote cultural activities to the fullest extent consistent with the availability of funds. GRANT AGREEMENT (ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLEY) (Fiscal Year 1990-91) THIS GRANT AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of April, 1990, by and between the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and the Arts Council of the Temecula Valley, a non-profit California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS the Grantee has requested funds from the Grantor in order to provide certain services including the fostering, support of, coordination and promotion of cultural activities within the City of Temecula to the fullest extent consistent with the availability of funds; and WHEREAS the Grantor has determined that the granting of such funds is for a public municipal purpose and will advance the general good of the community; NOW; THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee the sum of Fifty Thousand dollars ($50,000). 2. The duration of said grant shall be for the period from July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991; provided, however, that any part of said grant which may remain unobligated as of June 30, 1991 shall be returned to the Grantor. 3. The Grantee shall use and expend said grant in conformance with the budgets marked as Exhibits A, B and C and the Summary of Program Development marked as Attachment A, all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; provided, however, adjustments within the total grant amount may be made between the items in the budgets with the prior written consent of the City Manager. Any such amended budget consented to and accepted by both parties shall be attached hereto and incorporated as a part of this agreement. 4. The Grantee shall maintain and keep records of all expenditures and obligations according to generally recognized accounting principles. Such accounting records must be kept current and on the same basis as the budget. The records of the Grantee shall be open to inspection and audit by the Grantor or its authorized representatives as is deemed necessary by the Grantor during normal office hours. 5. The Grantor shall disburse funds to the Grantee by July 15, 1990. The Grantee shall furnish monthly reports to the Grantor on or before the tenth day of each month. 6. The Grantee shall not co-mingle funds raised through fundraising activities with the funds from Grantor. The Grantor shall be provided with financial reports regarding fundraising by Grantee on a Quarterly basis. 7. The Grantee shall maintain a roster of all cultural groups and keep informed concerning all cultural activity within the City of Temecula. The Grantee shall endeavor to assure that such activities avoid duplication, scheduling conflicts, and maintain balanced cultural opportunities throughout the City. 8. The Grantee shall give diligent effort to raise funds to support its own activities and shall endeavor to limit its dependency upon the Grantor for financial support. 9. The Grantee shall maintain an appropriately and adequately staffed office from which it shall provide, promote, organize conduct and schedule programs and activities on a non- discriminatory basis, for citizens, organizations, clubs and associations for art and cultural purposes as will best contribute to the attainment of all of the objectives and benefits specified in the agreement. The Grantee shall operate the office during regularly schedule hours, which schedule of hours shall be available at the City Hall of Grantor. 10. Upon the determination by the Grantor's City Manager that the Grantor may furnish the hereinafter listed services to the Grantee without disruption of or interference of Grantor's conduct of its own business, the Grantor shall furnish to Grantee at cost plus ten percent charge for overhead expense, the services of Grantor's word processing center, duplicating, printing and mail service. 11. The Grantee shall submit an annual report to the Grantor by July 31, 1991, which report shall include the Grantee's activities for the past year, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all directors and officers, and members and classes of membership. In addition, the Grantee shall provide in a manner approved by the Grantor's Finance Director, a detailed annual financial report compiled by the Grantee's audit firm for fiscal year 1990-91 on or before October 31, 1991 covering all property and money received, disbursed and on hand from loans, gifts, devises, or bequests to the Grantee and the financial receipts and disbursements by the Grantee in its operation. 12. The Grantee assures and certifies that no person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, religion, natural origin, sex, sexual orientation or disability, including the medical conditions of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Grantee has received funds hereunder and will immediately take measures to effectuate this agreement. 13. The Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold the Grantor, its officers and employees harmless from any and all loss, damage, claim, liability, expense or cost caused by or in any way resulting from any accident or occurrence causing injury to any person or property, arising out of or contributed to by the performance of the Grantee under this agreement. 14. The Grantee shall not be considered and is not a agent, employee or contractor of the Grantor. 15. In the event the Grantee is dissolved, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or otherwise ceases to carry out the activities for which this grant was made, all supplies and equipment purchased with the grant funds shall be transferred to the Grantor and shall become the property of the Grantor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: CITY OF TEMECULA, MUNICIPAL CORPORATION GRANTEE: ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA A VALLEY By: Attest: Mayor City Clerk By: Title: By: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney EXHIBIT A Pro_~ram Development Expenditures Community Cultural Events $12,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 $5~000 Community Concerts on the Green Community Christmas Madrigal Dinner Cultural Lectures and Entertainment for Senior Center Musicians in the School Program Postage, Invitations, Flyers, and Advertising of Events Listed Above Artistic Endowment Program Director of the Arts Festival EXHIBIT A Program Development Narrative The monies granted to the Arts Council would be disbursed in the following manner: Community Cultural Events $20,000 - These monies would be used to schedule and pay for four Community Concerts on the Green during the warmer months (May through September). $2,000 May: June: August: Sept: $2,000 $5,000 $15,000 Patriotic Music Concert Pops Concert Brass Ensemble Rancho Bernardo Chorale and Sing-a-long Each concert would cost approximately $3,000 and would be free to the public. A Community Christmas Madrigal Dinner would be held. Underwriting cost for the event would be $4,000. A nominal fee of $20 per person would be charged for the dinner portion of the evening. - Would be used to bring cultural lectures and entertainment to the Senior Center. - Would be spent in a "Musicians in the School" program. - Spent on postage, invitations, flyers and advertising of events listed above. - Endowment monies to be granted to local artists for creative purposes only. Visual and performing artists must submit an application for monies and be accountable for monies spent. $10,000 - Director of the Arts Festival a 10 day event to be held each July. EXHIBIT A Program Development Expenditures Community Cultural Events $12,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 $50,000 Community Concerts on the Green Community Christmas Madrigal Dinner Cultural Lectures and Entertainment for Senior Center Musicians in the School Program Postage, Invitations, Flyers, and Advertising of Events Listed Above Artistic Endowment Program Director of the Arts Festival EXHIBIT B THE ARTS COUNCIL OF TEMECULA VALLEY Financial holdings as of 3/22/90 Checking $5,046.74 Savings 4,027.62 Certificate of Deposit 2,450.00 Stewart Morris, Treasurer PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLEY 1989 INCOME Cash Contributions from businesses service clubs and private sources Fundraisers: Donations: Total Estimated Income 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 EXPENSES Legal Expenses Postage - mailing Printing Fundraising Permits Advertising Stationary - supplies Telephone Insurance 700.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 Total Estimated Expenses 1,800.00 Estimated Balance 5,200.00 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLEY 1990 Cash Balance on January 1, 1990 5.200.00 INCOME Cash Contributions from businesses service clubs and private sources Grants Fundraisers: Available Cash !0,000.0~ 5,000.00 10,000.00 30,200.00 EXPENSES Legal Expenses Postage - mailing Printing Fundraising: exhibits, artist stipends, awards Permits Advertising Telephone Insurance Festival: security, tents stage, parking 500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 5,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 14,000.00 Total Estimated Expenses 28,500.00 Estimated Year-End Balance 1,700.00 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLE"f 1991 Cash Balance on January !, 1991 1.700.00 INCOME Cash Contributions from businesses service clubs and private sources Grants Fundraisers Festival Available Cash 15,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 5,000.00 43,700.00 EXPENSES Legal Expenses Postage - mailing Printing Fundraising: exhibits, stipends, awards Permits Facilities Stationary - supplies Telephone Insuranca Festival: security, stage, tents, parking 500.00 1,500.0¢ 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 700.00 2,000.00 17,000.00 Total Estimated Expenses 32,700.00 Estimated Year-End Balance 1!,000.00 EXHIBIT C STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of the Arts Council of the Temecula Valley is to support amd promote the visual and performing arts in the Temecula Valley through education, endowments az the production of a community arts festival. DO NOT USE THESE SPACES ....' ............................... CAUFORNIA FORM Exemption .-Application · "35OO ivory organization filing an a0pfication for exemption from California corporation franchise tax or inc=me tax must furnish the information and data specified and 13ay the "Recruited $25.00 Application Fee." If the organization fails to comply with these reouirements, :he application will be denied. Revenue and Taxation Code Sd:ticn 26451.3 provides that this application, together with any supporting documents, shaft be open to aui31ic inspection if the exemption is granted. Upon request of the organization, public disclosure of such documents may be withheld if such discbsure would a=versety affect the organization or national defense. TEMECULA VALLEY Sueroe Name of OrgatllZatlON ~q sAown ~n you~ of{anlZatlon's articles or declaration1 of tTIJs! A_~T$ COT,.TNCiT~ OF THE Actdress ~numoef anct street) 30540 Avehide Buena City Temecula Name of reofesefitat~ve to De con:act~ fegan3[ng aaditionm r~ulrem~ltS or Jniormaxl~l James A. Mey!er, c/o Reorese~tat~ve's rnaJiing actdress 27710 Jefferson Ave, CRy Temecuia ALL applicants must complete items I through 6 la 2a IState CA Donald McLean & Co., #105 CPA's Federal enXoloyef idemdicatmn numoe~ 33-0364.524 - Daytime telephone numoe~ ( ) ZiP co~e , 92390 Daytime telephone numoe~ ( 714-699-1040 b b 4a b 92390 Enter the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section under which exemption is cidlined. See Instruction O ......... R'imary activity of organization: educational What is the form of the organization? ~ Incorporated [] Now be:ng incorporated [] Unincorporated association [] Trust (1) Date organized July 28. 1989 If incorporaten, furnish the following information: ' (1) Date incomorated July 28, ].989 (2) California corporation num~er_]-~ 6'~903 ' (3) If incorporated in another state, identify the state Has ~his organization or its predecessor previously applied for exemption? [-~ Yes .'~ No If "yes," check the appropriate box(es) and enter either "Grantor" or "genies" and rasp enter the date the exemption was "~rante~" or "Denied" after the box(es) checked. [] California Date [] Federal Furnish copies of any determination letters received. Has the organization fil~ federal income tax returns? [] Yes If "yes," state type of returns and yeas filed. Oate [] Other Staie Date Annual accounting period (must end on last day of the month)· December 3] Is this a new organization? If "no," attact~ a statement indicating the name of the predecessor(s), the period dunng which it was in Yes existence and the reasons for its termination _ b .Is this a membership organization? If "yes," attach a Jtatement which fully explains :he qualifications for merebern, the different ..... classes of membership, the number of members in each class and the voting rights and privileges accorded each ciass .... ; ....~.:'~. ... c .Has the organization made, or are there..plans to maXe, any distribution of its property or sumius to officers or members? -- -': :. If "yes," attach a detaile~ statement ......................... : .................................................. d .Wil!.any of the incorporators..share any facilities with the organizatioh? If ~yes," attach a'detailed explanation'... :.. :. ~.: ~ ....... e :Will' any property be rented, purchased or transferred in any w.ay frore.any of the incorporators? If 'yes," attach a detailed ..... explanation ....................................................................................... -; ...... : t Will any promoter, incorporator, founder or member be employed by the organization? If ~es," fumish. complete details, including · .~ : duties, responsibilities, qualifications and compensation..,. .................................... ~.:.....: ............. ~ ...... ?... . _ ___g Will any member of the board of directors be compensated ~or sen/ices other than services pedormed as a board member, e.g. officer, :. :.4 :~: and/or employee? If "yes," fumish the name(s) of the director(s), and the amount(s) of compensation for eactl. Also list the names of the other directors, indicating their blood or marnage relationship, if any, to the compensated director(s) . .. ;~.-~ ~:.;; .:'; o;; ::';-...r." ..-~ . Be Sure to Include the $25.00 Application Fee. Do Not' Send Cash.' Allow 60 Days for Processing. Under penalties of periury, I declare that I have examined this application, including accompanying schedules and statement~. ,and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. ' · ; ~ '7 ~, . ~ .:"'.,/: ::,' · '~ DATE .... r~ cul a ," CA ~/ersions of this form prior to 1987 are obsolete andsh0uld not be used. PleaSe destroy.] FTB 3500 (Rev. 12-88) / b Attach the following al)piicable items or the apbiication will not be processerL If incomorated, a copy of the endorsed articles of inco~oration and all subseouent amendments: if now being incorporated, proDose(] articles m~st be suPmitred to the Secretary of S;ate with apoiication; if not incon)orated. a copy of the constitution, amcies of association, declaration of trust or other documents setting forth the aims ann pUn)bees which is signed by the principal officers or trustee. A copy of the bylaws, proposed dyiaws or other code of regulations. Complete statements of receipts and expenditures, assets and liabilities for each accounting period that the organization was in existence and for which exemption is requested. Organizations that have not commenced operations or ,have ~)een operating less than one year, s~ item "d" Petow. A proposed budget must be attached showing the sources of income and areas of expenditures for the first year of operation of a newly formed organization or those commencing operations. The budget is required before the application will be processed and should be based ul)on the most reasonable expectations. A statement describing the specific purposes for which the organization was formed (do not quote the articles of incorporation or bylaws for this purpose). A statement describing in detail the programs and activities which are presently conducted, or will be conducted by the organization, and how they will accomplish the specific purposes of the organization. A statement describing in detail each fund raising activity and each business enteRrise the organization has engaged in, or ptans to engage in (accompanied by copies of all agr~ments, if any), with other parties for the coneuct of each fund raising activity or business enterprise. A statement which fully explains any discontinued specific activities that the organization has engaged in or sponsored. Give ~ares of commencement and termination and the reasons for discontinuance. ~' A copy of each lease, if any, in which the organization is the lessee or lessor of propera/(real, personal, gas, oil or mineral), or in which an interest is owned under such lease, together with copies of all agreements with other parties for developmere ol the property. ,,j Samples of any iiterature which the organization sells or distributes and SamDieS Of any organizational a0vertising. · 7.3ch item listed below refers to a separate Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) Section. Select the appropriate section under which your organization is claiming exemption and provide the requested information. R&TC Section 23701a - Labor, Agricultural or Horticultural Organization: Submit an expianation of any services to be Oddbrined for members. Cooperative organizations applying for exemption under R&TC Section 23701a must submit a co~y of the federal exemption ~etter showing exemmion under IRC Section 501(c)(5). a R&TC Section 23701b - Fraternal Beneficiary Society, etc., or R&TC Section 237011, Fraternal Society: State whether the organization operates or pians ~o operate, under the lodge system or for the exclusive benefit of the memPers of an organization so operating. Operating under the lodge system means carrying on activities under a form of organization that comprises local branches, which are largely seif- goreming, called lodges, chapters or the like and chartered by a parent organization. b If the organization is a Subordinate or Local Lodge, etc., attach a certificate signed by the secretary of the 0arent organization, under the seal of that organization, certifying that the subordinate lodge is a duly constituted body operating under the jurisdiction of the parent body. c If the organization is a Parent or Grand Lodge, attach a statement snowing: (1) the number of subordinate Idagee in active operation; ant (2) whether periodic meetings are actually held. d For R&TC Section 23701b organizations only, attach a statement describing the types of benefits (life, sick, accident or other benefits) paid, or to be paid, to members. 1C R&TC Section 23701c - Cemetery Company or Corporation Chartered Solely for Burial Purposes: a Attach the following statements and/or documents: (1) Complete copy of sales contract or other document involved in acquisition of cemetery property by the organization. (2) Complete copy of any contract the organization has which designates an agent to sell the cemetery lots. (3) Names of officers and directors of your organization from the date of incorporation to the present date and show the period for which eac~ held office. (4) Appraised value of cemetery property as of the date acquired. The appraisal should be obtained from sources other than the parties in interest. ~ Does the organization have or plan to have a pen)etual care fund? [] Yes [] No If "yes," furnish a copy of the federal exemption letter, a copy of the fund agreement and a statement explaining the nature of such fund (cash, securities, unsold land, etc.). Also attach a statement which fully explains the manner in which the fund is or will be administered, the specific purposes for which the fund is to be used. and the name(s) of the person(s) administering the fund. c Does the organization operate a crematodum? [] Yes [] No 1~, R&TC Section 23701d - Religious, Charitable, Scientific, Literary or'Educational Organization: Answer questions 11a througn 11e. Attach a statement explaining all "yes" answers in 11a through 11d. ~ Yes J No a Has the organization received, or does it expect to receive, 10 percent or more of its assets from any organization or group of affiliated organ=zations (affiliated rareugh stockholding, common ownership or otherwise), any indiviguai, or members of a family group (brother or - - sister whether whole or ha!f blood, spouse. ancestor or lineal descendant)~ b Is the organization now, has it 9,.,e.- been. or does it plan to be engaged in carrying on propaganda, or otherwise advocating or opposing pending or proposed legislatJor, ;thfs inciuaes dissemination of such information to the general 0ubiic while representing the organization)? Has the organization participated. 3fan to participate, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements) any political _. campaign on behalf of, or in op[~os~tion to, any candidate for public office?'. .......... : ................................... :',:des *:'~ ~r~=_nization hold, or ;:.~.~ '~ hold. 10 percent or more of any class of stock or '0 :??: ~r more of the total combined voting .;o,.v,-,' ' .::z;; !n any corcor~:: : ......................................... ~' c e If claiming exemption as a church. affach a statement inciuding the following: (1) Has a cermanem place of worship Oeen estaoiished? At what address? Who is me legal owner of this orbperry? Describe the pnysicai char~ctens:ic: ~,; your church buildings. Expiain to What extent these buildings are used for purposes other than reiigmus worship. (2) ~oes the organization nave a regular congregation or conduct religious see/ices on a regular ~asis? How many usually arterial the regular worshio se~/ices'? Attach s.~moies of worship sen/ice programs and newspaper announcements of your activities. Where and how often are reitpious semicos heid? (3) Furnish information regarding the religious aacxground and formal rmigious :raining of :he religious ',earlors. Furnish a copy of :.he reitpious certificate of or¢,ination. (4) What amount of the annual gross income will be received from incomorators. ministers, officers, directors or their families? (5) What ampurn of the organization's aroposec expenditures will be used for :he cersonai Iiving expenses of the individuals mentioned in item (,.!) ai~ove. (6) How many hours per week will the re!igious cr $~iritual leader devote to organizationai ac:Mties? Will this person engage in empioymem unrelated to the activities of ;he organization? If so, indicate :he humPer of hours per ,~vee~( and (~escrihe the employment activity. (7) List ail the officers. eirectors,' ' o ~tc., 3f:he~rganizati~nanaaesc.~ibe~`~eirquaiificati~nsf~rsucn~fice~Areany~[he~fficers~rd~rect~rsrej~.::~i dlJS~e~S, by bloo(J or marriage? If yes. explain. (8) Will any founder. member or officer: (a) Take a vow of poverty? (b) Transfer ~ersonal assets to ~his organization such as a home. automoniie, furnishings, business or recreational assets. etc., which wiii be avaiia~ie for me personal use of the Conor(s)? (c) Assign or oon~te income to ~heorganizationwnichwill beused inoartorwhote to,~ay donor(s)as saiary, stipend orlivingallowance(sucnasfood. meoicai expenses. clothing, insurance, e,.c.)? 12 R&TC Section 23701e - Business League, Chamber of Commerce, etc: State whether the organization has performed, or plans to ~,erform, partic.'.,iar sen/ices ~or members, snarenoiders or diners, SUCh as furnishing c;ecit reports. :.oilec:ion accourns, !ns~ecting produc~s, conducting advertising, purcnas;ng merchandise or other simdar undertakings. ~ ',/es F~ No. if "yes," ~tt~,cn a ~etaiied statement, inc',uoing income realized and expenses ;,ncurre~. regarding such activities. )f engaged in advemsing, atto. on s~J-nOieS of material. 13 R &TC Section 2:~701f - Local Association of Employees: Attach a sra~ement giving names and aodresses of employers whose employees are eiigible ,'or memoersnip in ',he association. If employees of more man one piam or office of :he same emoioyer are eiigibte for membership, give the address of each such p)am or office. .t R&TC Section 2=701g - Social and Recreational Organization: Answer the foilowing questions and furnish the information reduested. iYes a Has the organization solicited. or does it plan to soiloft. public patronage of the facilities by advertisement or othe~ise? If "yes," attach ' sampie copies of such advertisements or other soilcitations ...... ;...'...; ............................................... b Are nonmembers. other than i~ona fide guests of members, permitted, or will they be permitted, to use the dub facilities, or participate in or attend any functions or activities conducted ~y ,'he organization? If "yes," artdon a statement describing the functions or activities in which nonmemPers have oar~icipate~ or will participate: or to which ~hey nave been admitted. or will be admitted. Jf nonmemPers have oar~icioat~ in, or have ~een admitted to, any functions or activities. state the amount received from nonmemPers. Provide a schedule in t~e statement ~erailing the expenses attributanie :o such nonmemPers, the expenses attriburaole to SUCh functions and the disposition made of net profits, if any, derived from the func;ions ................................................................ ~ , c Has ,.he organization rented or leased. or plan ;o rent or lease, any part of the c(ub's property to others? If "yes," attach a statement indicating the reason for such action, or propos~ action, and the r. mount rece~ve~, or to Oe received. Also attach copies of the renrai agreements or leases ......................................................................................... d Has :he organization, or will the organization, ~erive any income from nonmemi~ers not explained above? If "yes," explain in detail ..... · Furnish a statement separating the member and nonmember income for the ~ast three years and a proposed budget separating member anti nonmember !ncome for the next period of operation. ' .- f State total number of club members. if there are different classes of memOership, explain dues and pdviiedes of each class. 15 R&TC Section 23701h - Title Hotding Corporation: Answer the foilowing questions and furnish the information requested. a Attach a statement giving the complete names and addresses of organizations for which title to property is held, the number of shares of capital stock held and whether shares of stock have ever 9een held by persons other than such organizations. If stock was so heid, include the years ano the total number of shares of each ciass of stock. .:..~.-.-- ~,~:.~ -, ~- --: .... : .~:,,~- . ~: ~, · ..~: . . : -..., :....: -, b State ,~ether the annual income (less exoenses) is. or will be, turned over to the organization for which title to- property is held. Explain what disaosition will be made of income which wiit not be turned over to ~he oGanization. " .... ~...~.' :9 · ' ' - c Enclose a copy of an exemption letter (federal or C.~dfomia) for ~.~ch organization for which property will ~ heid. If property will be held for organization(s) located in CaJifomia, a California exemption letter mus~ ~e furnished. ' 16 R&TC Section 23701i Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary. Cr~ni--ation: Furnish ~ coo,, ,)i .h. federal determination letter showing exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(9). ' ~ ~ "' ' : ,7 R&TC Section 23701n - Supplemental Unemployment Compensation Trust: Attach a copy of the supplemental unemployment benefit plan and appurtenant agreements and a copy of the federal determination 18 R&TC Section 23701q - G~,oup Legal Services Plan: Furnish ~ ,:co,/)f ti~e feder.~l demrm,n~T~on ,otter ~owing exemption under JRC Section 501fc)(20L 19 R&TC Section 23701t - Homeowners' Association: Answer the following questions anti furnish the information requested. Attach a supptement~ schedule if neepod. ' ' ' - a Will any of the individual units/lots owned by the organization or its members be occupied for other than personal purposes? If "yes," answer the following: ....... -; -- - ' ' ' (1) What percentage of the unitallots will be used for nonresidential purposes? - . ..... .~ , (2) If the organization is ctaiming exemption as a condominium management association, indicate square footage of all units and square tootage devoted to residential purposes. (3)What percentage of the organization's total gross income :`viii be derived from dues, fees or assessments froni n~nre~idential members? ~' b Will this organization own, maintain or operate a mutual water company, well, electrical generating facility or other utility? If "yes," describe in detr, it (1) Are the members/shareholders the actual users of the utility, or simply investors? · .. ........... .. .. (2) Is this organization furnishing utilities to residential homes, commercial businesses (ir~ciuding agiicultural enterprises) or both? If both, indicate .... what percent of this organization's total income will be derived from sale of utilities for nonresidential usage. " (3) How are memoerslsharenoiders assessed for utilities usage? Are they assessed e~ually "according to square footage/acreage, merered, etc.? · "c Furnish a copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions ano Restrictions. ' ' ': .. , d Will any of the units/lots be rented by a person, or series of persons. for a period of less than 30 days for more than hair of the association's taxable ¥'::-:,~'~ "yes," what percentage? : · · Provide the date the association became active and details of these activities. f Provide the date the first unit was sold. 20 R&TC Section 2371u - Title Holding Organization: Answer the following questions and furnish information requested. a Attach a statement giving the complete names ana addresses of organizations or trus!s for which title to property is being held. and the humnet of shares of capital stoci< held by each entity. b State whether the annual income (less expenses) is, or will be, turned over to the organizations for which title to prepera/is held. ~ptain what disposition will be made of ',he income wnicn will not be turned over to the organizations. -. c Enctose a copy pt a federal determination letter for each organization or trust for which property will be hetd. :' - d For those organizations of trust for which property,,vill be held and do not have a federal determination letter. provide detailed inforrn~tion to show that each shareholder is: .- (1) A governmental plan described in IRC Section 414(d); or ' '." - (2) .The United States, any state or poiitical subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality. of the foregoing, ' ;'.' ' e State the total number of stockhoidem of beneficiaries. - . - ,', :~ ~' - - - · f Describe in detail each class of stock or beneticial interest. - 21 R&TC Section 23701u - Public Facility Financial Corporation: Include with this application: . . -. ';.'.'a '- Samples of all certificates of participation or other securities to be issued. ---b : Copies of all leases, contracts,. trusts agreements or other agreements that have been, or will be, entered into by this corporation.. 22 ._R&TC Section 23701v - Mobile home Park Acquisition Association: Answer the f(~llowing questions and fumish the information requested. a Are all members of the organization owners of manufactured homes or mobile homes tenants of the mobile home paP,(? If not, explain the circumstances under which other individuals can become merePets of the organization. - . - ..: b Describe the mobile home park in which owner/tenant merenets reside. - ~ . :- ...: .. · . . - .... : .-, c Are all lots within the park rented or leased to mobile home or manufactured home owners? If not. explain. · ':. s- d Does the rent paid by each owner include rental for the-lot occupied by the mobile home or manufactured home? lf.'n~t. 'explain. ---e'-will the organization carry on activities other than purchasing or preparing to purchase, the mobile home park in which members reside? If so, describe in detail the other activities and indicate the percentage of total operations represented by such activities. - ..... ' - 23 R&TC Section 23701w - War Veteran's Organization: Answer the foilowing questions and furnish information requested. ' --To b~- completed by a post or organization of past or present members of the Armed Forces of the United States. ' a What is the total. memPerst~io of your post or organization? ..~ b What is the number of your members who ar~ present or former members of the Armed Forces of the United States? ...... :.::..~ - · - c How many members are cadets (include students in a college, university or armed services academies (only) or spouses, widows (widowers) of cadets or past or present members of the Armed Forces of the United States? ..,,: :~,;-::-g..: ;. '- ;~,-:.-~ -.::!T - !h.:- "; :=::: .; i; .;.q d. Do you have a membership category other than the ones set out above? I.f: ,yes,". please explain in detail and enter the number of .members in this To be completed by an auxiliary unit or society of a post or organization of past or present members of the AnT~i Foi'ces of the United States. · Are you"affiliated withahd organized according to :the bylaws and regulations formulated by such an:exempt post or organization? :_:.:r~ ~:...:r: d degrees of blood relationship (grandparents, sisters and grandchildren'are the most distant relationships allowable)? ' '""' "- :"- '~'"~ - · h Are all ;Jr the me~i~e~s ~h'~m~etves'~em'be~s ~f a ~o's:t:~'~-~rgar~ization~i~p~t'or 'present 'm~nb-e'r~ o¢ t~ ~,~"&l' ~:orces'of the United S~.ates or spouses of members of such a post or organization, or are related to merebern of such a post or organization within two degr~ of blood ,-elation ship? Side 4. FTB 3500 (Rev. 12-88); ,z .,;::~ FO~ 3500 ARTS COUNCIL OF TH~ TE~[E~J,LAVALLEY CONTENTS Form 3500: Items 1 through 6 - See Form 3500 Item 7a - Articles of Incorporation - attached 7b - Bylaws - attached 7c - StatemeAt of receipts and expenditures, etc - not applicable - organization has operated less than one year 7d - Proposed budget for 1989, 1990 & 1991 - attached 7e - Statement of purpose - attached 7f - Statement of programs and activities - attached 7g - Statement of fundr~ising activities - attached 7h - Statement of discontinued activities - not applicable - no discontinued activities 7i - Copies of leases - not applicable - no leases 7j - Samples of literature - examples attached: Stationery Fund Raiser Invitation 8 through 10 - not applicable 11a through 11d - See Form 3500 !le - not applicable 12 through 23 - not applicable Ca ifornia OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATION DIVISION I, MARCH FONG EU, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify' That the annexed transcript has been compared with the corporate record on file in this office, of which it purports to be a copy, and that same is full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this certificate and af~x the Great Seal of the State of California this Secretary of State ENDORSED FILED The n~me of this corporation is ARTS COUNCIL OF THE V'ALL~.Y. II. This corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporarich and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purp. oses. The specific purpose of this corparaUion is to stimulate :he growth of visual and performing arts; to broaden arts education in the community; to crea:e a network among local artisus for the purpose of sharing of resources; to conduct, promote, encourage, coordinate and establish a community center for the arts. III. The name and address in the State of California of thi£ corporation's initial agent for service of process is: Ma~t Jo Helmeke 30540 Avenida Buena Suetie Temecula, ~. 92390 IV. A4 This corporation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall consist of car~ting on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate or intervene in any political campai~r. (including the publishing or distribution of statements) cL behalf of any candidate for public office. V. The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any director. officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private person~ Upon the dissolution or winding up of the corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Code. INCORPORATOR JOYCe/~ =FFL~XI~NG / I hereby declare that I ~ the person who execu=ed ~he foregoing ~icles of Inco~ora=ion, which execution is my ac= and deed. BY-LAWS of the ARTS COUNCIL OF TEE T~ECUI~ A-RT! CLE I The name of this non-profit corporation as provided Articles of Incorporation, shall be the Ar~s Council Temecula Valley. ARTICLE II LCCAT!ON The principal office of the Council shall be located in town of Temecula, Riverside County, California. ARTICLE IIi PURPOSE Section A: Prcmotion of the ~s This body shall be a non-profit cultural and educational agency to support, encourage, coordinate and promote high-quali~y activities and programs for the ar~s in the Temecu!a valley. It shall foster greater understanding and appreciation by both the children and adults of the valley for the fine, applied and performing arts. Section B: Non-Profit Status The corporation is not formed for profi~ or financial gain .and no part of the assets, income or profit of the corporation shall be distributed to, or will inure to, the benefit of its Board of Trustees or officers. -- ARTICLE IV ME.~BERSHI~, ME~TINGS AND PROCEDURES Section A: Membership The corporation shall have no members. Any action which wo~ii othe=~ise require approval by a majority of all members or any authority which would vest in the members under Non-Profit Public / Benefit Corporation law shall vest in the T~astees. Section B: Meeting Procedures All meetings shall be conducted using Roberts Rules of Order as a procedural guide. Section A: ARTICLE V GOVERNANCE - BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Trustees The management of the affairs of this Council shall be in the Board of Trustees consisting of not less than five (5) and no: more than nineteen (19) members, to be elected a= the annual meeting. Section B: Responsibilities of Trustees The Board of Trustees shall' have full responsibility for the management of the business of the Council. It shall determine the policies governing the administration and operation of the Council. It shall have full responsibility for the financial affairs and for the ethical and professional standards of the Council. Section C: Election of T~astees All t~as=ees shall be elected at the Counci!'s annual meeting~ to hold office until the expiration of his/her term; however, if any such trustees are not elected at any annual meeting they may be elected by written ballot at any special Board meeting held for that purpose. The candidates receiving the highest n,~mher of votes up to the n,~mher of Trustees to be elected are elected. Trustees shall be eligible for re-election pursuant to the terms set forth in Section V.D., below. Each such Trustee, including a Trustee elected to fill a vacancy or elected at a special Board meeting or by written ballot, shall hold office until expiration of the ter~ for which elected and until a successor has been elected and qualified. Section D: Term Each Trustee shall be elected for a term of three (3) years excep~ for two-thirds of the members of the Board of Trustees elected At the first, organizational election. One-third of those elected ~t that time shall serve a term of one (1) year; one-third of thoEe elected shall seize a term of two (2) years; and the final third shall seize the regular three (3) year term. This procedure will assure that no more than one-third of the mmmhers of the Board of Trustees shall be elected in any given year. No T~--ustee shall be / ! ligiDle a member his/her last t.hree year for re-election to the'Board after seTzing two reims as until at least one (!) year shall have expired after Section E: Vacancies on Board of T=astees A vacancy or vacancies on the Board shall exist on occurrence of the following: (a) the death or resignation of T~astae; (b) the declaration by resolution of the Board of vacancy in position of T=astee who had been declared of unsoud.~' mind by an order of a cou~ of competent Jurisdiction, .of a felony or found by final order or ~udgment of a court competent Jurisdiction to have breached a duty under Article 3, Chapter 2, of the California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Law; (c) the vote of eighty percent (80%) of the Trustees (excluding the Trustee proposed to be removed) to remove any T_-ustee; (d) the increase of the authorized number of T.~ustees; or (e) the failure of the T~--ustees, at any meeting of the Board a'= which T~astee(s) are to be elected, to elect the n,~mher of T---ustees required to be elected at such meeting. Section F: Resignations Except as provided below, any Trustse may resign by giving written no~ice to the President or Secretary of the Council. The resignation shall be effective upon giving notice, unless the resignation specifies a later time for the resignation to become effective. if a Trustee's resignation is effective at a later time, the Board may elect a successor to take office as of the date when the resignation becomes effective. Except on notice to the Attorney General of the State of California, no Trustee may resign if the corporation would be left without a duly elected Trustee or Trustees. Section G: Quorum A majority of the current n,~mher of Trustees shall constitute a quorum. Vacancies on the board may be filled by a majority of T=astees then seTzing on the board, whether or not less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining Trustee. Section H: Adjournment A majority of the Trustees present, whether or not a is present, may adjourn any meeting to another time and place. if the meeting is adjourned for more than twenty-four (24) hours~ notice of the adjournment to another time or place shall be give~ prior to the time of the re-scheduled meeting to the Trustees who were not present at the t~me of adjou.~--~ment. Section I: Reduction of N,~mher of Trustees No reduction of the authorized number of Trustees shall the effect of removing any Trustee before that Trustee's term office expires. Section J: Meetings The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall he held on the third Thursday in each January. Additional meetings may ~.~ called by the President or by any two T---ustees with fifteen ('!.~]] days notice to all Board members. :Section K: Action Without Meeting Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board of T_--ustees may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board of Trustees, individually or collectively, consent in writing tc such action. Such written consent(s) shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of T~astees. Such action by written consent shall have the same force and effect as the unanimous vote of such Trustees. ARTICLE %-/ OFFICERS Section A: Executive Co-,,,,ittee The officers of the Council shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and said Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Board of T.--ustees during its periods of adjournment. Section B: Offices and Terms The Officers of the Council shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. No officer shall be eligible for re-election to the same office held after serving two terms in office in that office until at least one (1) year shall have expired after his/her last term of office. Section C: Duties The duties of the officers of the Council shall be those usually pertain to their respective offices, or as are assigne< them by the Board of Trustees. Section D: Meeaings The officers (Executive Committee) shall meet monthly 4 ~'me and place established by general consensus. All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to any member(s) of the Board of T_--us=ees. ARTICLE VII STAFF The Board of Trustees shall have the power to hire such staff as it deems necessary for the operation of the Council. ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES The Board of Trustees shall have the power to create ccmmittee deemed necessa~! either as a Standing Committee or 'Special Committee and shall have the power to appoint a Chairma~ of any committee or delegate such appointive powers to any other appropriate member(s). The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. Standing Committees shall include the Executive Committee. ~RT!CLE IX FINANCIAL MATTERS Section A: Deposit and Distr~_bution of Funds No funds of the Council shall be deposited in any name excmpu that of the Council and no funds of the Council shall be invested without the authority of the Board of T=as=ees. No par= of the income of the Council shall ever be distributed to its T~--ustees or Officers. Section B: Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Council shall begin on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December each year. The books of the Council shall be balanced and audited as of December 31 of each year by a Certified Public Accountant. Section C: Signatories All bank accounts of the Council shall require the signature of two Trustees or Officers. ARTICLE X TAX EXEMPT STATUS it is anticipated that the Ar~s Council of Temecula Valla'~ will qualify as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(C)(3] of the Internal Revenue Code (or a corresponding provision of future United States Internal Revenue Law) and that all memberships" dues, gifts, donations, memorial and bequests shall qualify 5 Reve2ue Code. (' /~aritable deductions under the proper sections of the Inte~al ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS The By-Laws of this Council may be amended or revised by affirmative vo~e of at least two-thirds of the Trustees provided that a notice of any meeting called for the purpose of said amendment shall be given to each m~mher of the Board of Trustees at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. ARTICLE XII DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of the Council, all asse'~ shall be transferred to a local, non-profit entity dedicated to Ck~ Ar~s. STATE OF CAL!FCRNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD P. C. ~(DX ~ACRAMENTC, CA 9.5812-065i liar'ch 27, 1990 In reply ra~er %0 ARTS C0UMCIA 0F THE TEMECULA VALLEY MARY JO HEAREKE 305q0 BUENA SUERTE Purpose : Code Section : Form o~ Organization Accounting Period Ending= Organization Kumbe= : CHARITABLE 23701d Corporation December 31 1465903 AClOT You are exempt E=om state ~=~nchise or income tax under the section oE the Revenue and Taxation Code indicated above. This decision is based on information you submitted and assumes that your present operations continue unchanged or conform to those proposed in your application. Any change in operation, character, or purpose o~ the organization must Be reported immediately to this o~ica so that we may determine the eEEect on you= exempt status. Any change oE name or address must also Be =eported. In the event o~ a change in relevant statutor7, adminlst=ative, judicial case law, a change in ~ederal interpretation oE ~ederal law in cases ~he=e our opinion is based upon such an interpretation, or a change in the matezial Eacts or circumstances relating to your application upon which this opinion is Based, this opinion may no longer Be applicable. It is you= Iesponsibili%y to Be a~a=e o~ these changes should they This pazagzaph constitues written advice, other than a chie~ counsel =uling, within the meaning o~ Revenue and Taxation Code Section 21012(a)(2). You may be required %0 ~ila Form 199 (Exempt Organization Annual Information Ratumn) on or Before the 15th day oE the 5%h month (~ 1/2 months) aE%er %he close o~ your accounting period. Please see annual ins%ructions with Eorms Eo= mequimemen%s. You are not required %0 ~ile state ~=anchise o= income tax re%urns unless you have income subject %0 %he unrelated business income March 27, 1990 ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLZY Corporate Number 1~65903 AC1OT Page 2 under Section 23731 o~ %he Code. In %his even%, you are required to ~ile Form 109 (Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return) by the 15th day o~ the 5th month (4 1/2 months) a~ter the close o~ your annual accounting period. Please note that an exemption ~rom ~ederal income or other taxes and other state taxes requires separate applications. A copy o~ this letter has been sent to the Registry o~ Charitable Trusts. A SCOTT EXEMPT ORGAXIZATION GENERAL AUDIT Telephone (916) 369-~171 EO DOXALD MCLEAX ~ CO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~-=RANCHI,SE TAX BOARD o. Box 651 .ACRAMENTO, CA 95a12-0851 M~zch 27, lggo In =eply =eEe= %0 DONALD MCLEAN & CO. JAMES A. MEYLEX 27710 JE?TERSON AVE TEMECULA CA 92390 t105 Compoma%e Number Iq$5903 AClOT Please see %he enclosed copy o~ %he le%%em mailed ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMXCULA VALLEY A SCOTT EXEMPT ORGANIZATION GENERAL AUDIT ' Telephone (916) 369-~171 ENCLOSURE(S) ARTS COUNCIL OF THE TEMECULA VALLEY 30540 Avenida Buena $uerte Temecula~ CA 92390 ROSTER Marge Barnum P.O. Box 1788 Temecula, CA 92390 676-6758 Joanne Markham c/o Harkham & Associates 41750 Winchester Rd. Suite "N" Temecula, CA 92390 676-6672 Ron Bray P. O. Box 1134 Temecula, CA 676-3670 676-6005 (W) 92390 Jim and Dorothy Hey!er P.O. Box 1294 Temecula, CA 92390 676-6933 (W) 676-6069 (H) Jeanne Burns P. O. Box 1268 Temecu!a, CA 676-4477 92390 $tu Morris Bateman, Eichler Hill & Richards Inc. 27523 - C Ynez Rd 699-0025 Eve Craig 43633 Buckeye Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 699-9872 Judy Rosen c/o Rosen & Associates 48177 Enterprise Cr. North Temecula, CA 92390 676-2339 Joyce Fleming c/o Rosen & Associates 48177 Enterprise Cr. North. Temecula, CA 92390 676-2339 (W) 677-8376 (H) Judith Fleming 21030 Via Las Laureles Murrieta, CA 92362 677-2155 Karen T. Flynn 27537 Commerce Ctr. Dr. Suite 209 Temecu!a, CA 92390 699-1565 Leonard and Fran Gilbert 28101 Sycamore Mesa Dr. Temecula, CA 9239M 676-2744 Mary Jo Helmeke c/o Overland Bank 27719 3e=fers:n Ave. 676-6-~ ~ .-' Barbara $teffey 36500 Glenoaks Rd. Temecu!a, CA 92390 676-4494 Maura Stephenson Sailfish Pt. #22 Murrieta, CA 92362 677-5810 Cynthia Wallace c/o Rancon 27720 Jefferson Ave. Temecula, CA 92390 676-6664 Kevin and Jean Walsh 41994 Hawthorne Murrie~a. CA 92362 677-7734 (W) 677 67~7 (H) 0 0 ~ 0 ~'0 I ~r :3 ~- ~:), CO* ~ ~ ~* · O0 ~ ~ · · 0 ~ N N 0 0 ~0 ~ N ~ON · ~-~- 0 N 0 0 ~ . H N M 0 ** rt' ,, 0 00~ 0:3 rr : 0~'0~0 000 ** ~'1 ~. ~ '0 ** 0 o o * ~ ~0. * ~ 0110 OOH ~: ~ rl- ~D I I ~1 1 I 0 0 '--~ .. O0 0.. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 OOOD O0 0 0 0 rv r'i- 0 ~0 · 0 r~O 0 0 ,. 0 0 ,. 0 0 0 0 0 I-~.0 0 rr ~0 concerned persons to the Council of the City of. Temecula regarding signs posted in the road right-of-way which is in violation of Riverside County Ordinances numbers 348 and 499 (which have been adopted by the City of Temecula). Recently, I conducted a limited study on the methods and pro- cedures used by county staff to enforce compliance of these violat- ions. Because the study was done in a simplified manner, only three areas were explored. I was concerned about the manner in which the county staff procedurally handled the posting of illegal signs in the past? I had hoped to review some of the pending files in search of trends of repeat violations in hope to track how cooperative businesses were in alleviating the problem. If they were not cooperative, what was the rationale/justificat- ion for continued violations? (It has been suggested that some of the shops in old town Temecula relies heavily upon advertising signs in the right-of-way to direct customers to their businesses because it is difficult to know what is available inside those structures where store front signs are not easily visible). I was also seeking advise and possible solutions from county staff to assist in the control of future problems based upon the staff's prior knowledge and experience in dealing with this problem in the past. SOME OF THE INFORMATION I OBTAINED INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Both the Road Department and the Building and Safety Department share enforcement of the ordinances applicable to encroachment of illegal signs. The Road Department in primarily responsible for the encroach- ments posted in the road right-of-way within the first twelve feet from the curb of the street/highway. The Building and Safety Department is responsible for the en- forcement of illegal signs posted on private property. 2. The method used by county staff to answer complaints registered by concerned individuals or businesses alike with similar interest are basically the same for both departments. The Road Department does whatever is legally necessary to en- force compliance. However, they do not maintain any records pertaining to their efforts in abating this problem. It was difficult to ascertain data as to the types and kinds of complaints registered of observed by staff. Nor could we determine if we were dealing with a situation where there were cooperative participants who were merely unaware of the existence of these ordinances. The extent of the enforcement techniques were not available so we had no way of determining if any of these violations were ever litigated to enforce compliance. The Building and Safety Department follow basically the same procedure except that this department does maintain records. Generally, these records are maintained because most of the complaints filtered through this department result in litigation. 3. The Road Department recognizes that the City of Temecula has a major problem with proper sign control. But they are pleased that the city is becoming viable July 1, 1990 and welcome the transition from Riverside County to the City of Temecula. Although the Building and Safety Department does not have very much activity to report, it is planning to reopen the one case that has presented a problem for the past several years. This involves property located on Pujol Street regarding the storing of "junk cars" and "other appliances", all of which are inoperative. This case has not had any activity since May 1989 so the compliance officer is planning to reopen the case with updated information to add to the compliant in hope to permanently abate this ongoing problem. Another project scheduled by the Building and Safety Department is the enforcement of billboard signs that are generally posted along the freeways and main thorough-fares by developers. The compliance officer could not offer very much information as to how he expects to approach this problem because it is still in its pre-planning stage. He did say that he hoped to make a "clean sweep" in the near future. 4. A random sampling of homeowners and residents in the city revealed that not only are the many signs in violation of the aforementioned ordinances but, they are generally unattractive and hazardously displayed. They feel that this "takes away some of the beauty of the city". One resident commented that these illegally posted signs were a "public nuisance" and requested information on how one may register these concerns to city officials? The sampling results reflected the general consensus of the public was to regulate and control the structuring of advertising signs to maintain, preserve, and conserve the aesthetics of the exist- ing commercial and residential properties in Temecula. In doing so, the city would recognize the continuing need for developing improved safety standards for the protection of life, health and property, and acknowledge a professional obligation of the city to contribute time and expertise in the development of this maintenance and preservation. Attached are: ** A short list of business names who have signs posted in the road right-of-way. A sample complaint form that is used throughout the the county to allow any county department receiving a complaint to accept and direct it to the appropriate department for follow-up. A sample letter used by the Road Department to enforce compliance. (Note the date on this letter was the last occasion this letter was required to be used). ** Copy of County Ordinance No. 348 ** Copy of County Ordinance No. 399 LOCATION: ILLEGALLY POSTED SIGNS Front Street between Rancho Calif. Road and Winchester RAY & RAY INSURANCE MAC DONALDS (NOW HIRING) WALSH MILLER INC. RYERS VIDEO & VCR REPAIR ART GALLERY (STEVE'S LEE COUNTRY FRAMING) TEMECULA VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH GOLF SHOPS--ROGER DUNN THE RADITOR SHOP DOLL HOUSE MINATURES FABRICS FOR DESIGN THE CAST AWAY THRIFT SHOP LIL RASCALS CHILDREN STORE FANTASTIC TOOLS CREATIVE LANDSCAPES (677-7563) L & M POWER EQUIPMENT SOUTHWEST IRRIGATION SYSTEMS (699-5374) THE TINT MAN (676-1445) AMERITONE PAINT WALLPAPER (THE DECORATING CONNECTION) FARMERS INSURANCE FOR LEASE (676-3614) HOME & LAND MAGAZINES DRY CLEANERS CENTURY 21 HIGGINS FURNITURE RANCHO CARPETS AND DRAPES LOCATION: Winchester Road (Off 15 Fw¥) GLENRIDGE HILLS ACACIA PARK RESORT LOCATION: Ynez Road between Winchester and Rancho Calif. Road ACACIA PARK RESORT SYCAMORE TERRACE OAK RIDGE APARTMENTS TILES INSTALLED (ADVERTISING SIGN 699-1017) TOYOTA OF TEMECULA (26631 Ynez Rd.; 694-0575) SAND BAGS (ADVERTISING 699-1957) AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE RETAIL CENTER (213 390-7634) LOCATION: Front and Moreno CAPTAIN COOPERS CRUISE CENTER PRO LOCK & KEY AUTOMATIC CAR WASH LAUNDROMAT COIN-OF-CAR WASH MINI STORAGE LOCATION= LOCATION: Rancho Calif. Road between Moraqo & Front Street THE SUMMIT SUMMERBREEZE TENNIS CLUB (ON WHEELS) URGENT CARE FAMILY FITNESS CENTER (694-8394) STEAK RANCH RESTAURANT On Front Street from Rancho Calif. Road to Fw¥ 15 Overpass CAFE (HOURS) LOTTO ~ MINI MART LYDIA'S HAIR STUDIO (676-HAIR) BAKERY (HOURS) ANTIQUE CLOCK COMPANY STADIUM SPORTING GOODS RENTALS CAR WASH DRY CLEANERS WARNER SPRINGS APARTMENTS OFFICE & RENTAL SPACE ( 676-1987) CHURCHILL COMMERCIAL BROKERAGE (676-1987) SPA SALE ALAN VOSS FURNITURE MISSION REALTY LOST DOGYREWARD (676-0239 THE COMIC CAVE INCOME TAX (676-3971) FARMERS INSURANCE (676-6692) THE SILK REVIEW CALVARY CHAPEL (694-8745) MARTINIZING DRY CLEANERS WEST MORE COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES DATE: ROAD COMPLAINT FORM VIOLATOR NEAREST CROSS STREET: TYPE OF COMPLAINT CO APN# APN# PHONE# ROAD INSPECTOR COMMENTS: JUliE 30, 1983 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Independent Out. door Advertising Attention: Chris J~b/N/$ Re: Encroachment on County right of way - Stephens Avenue (Highgrove) Gen tl emen: You are hereby notified to remove the hereinafter described encroach- merit from the specified County highway at the point specified in the contents o£.this letter ~(ithin ten (lO) days after service of this notice. You are further notified: (1) that the improved width of Stephens Avenue is approximately 38 feet of paving within a 60-foot dedicated and accepted right of way, and that the place of encroachment is on the southwest corner of Stephens Avenue approximately 380 feet west of the centerline of Center Street, and (3) that the nature and extent of the encroachment is as follows: A steel post supporting an advertising sign has been installed approximately 6.5 feet off the existing edge of pavement within the southwest right of way. You are further notified that, if the encroachment is denied and you refuse either to remove it or permit its removal, the undersigned will commence, in a court of competent Jurisdiction, an action in the name of the County of Riverside to abate the encroachment as a nuisance. If the undersigned recovers Judgment, he may, in addition to having the violation abated, recover a penalty of ten dollars ($10) for each day such nuisance remains after service or posting of this notice, and also 'the cost in the action, as provided in Section 1496 of the Streets and Hi ghways Code. -2- · ~.,~'~-~;;::- Independent Outdoor Advertising June 30, 1983 .... You are further notified that tf the encroachment ts not denied but ts not rem)ved within ten (10) days from and after service or posting of this nettee, the undersigned may remove the encraechment ae your expense. -The undersigned may recover from you, tn an action brought tn the nmm of the County of Riverside for that purpose,. the understgned's court costs and the expense of removal and also a penalty of ten dollars ($10) for each day the encroachment, rematns after service or posting of this notice as provided tn Section 1496 of the Streets and Highways Code. Very truly yours,. Leroy D. Smoot, Road Con~ntsstoner and County Surveyor John M. Byrd, Permit Engineer ARTICLE XIX ADVERTISING REGULATIONS SECTION 19,1. PURPOSE AND INTENT. Because Riverside County is a large, diverse and rapidly expanding jurisdiction the Board of Supervisors finds that proper sign control is necessary to provide for the preservation and protection of open space and scenic areas, the many natural and man-made resources, and established rural communities within Riverside County. It is the intent of this ordinance to provide standards to safeguard life, health, property and the public welfare, to provide the means for adequate identification of businesses and other sign users by prohibiting, regulating and controlling the design, location and maintenance of signs, and to provide for the removal and limitation of use of signs within the unincorporated area of Riverside County. All outdoor.advertising displays and on-site advertising structures and signs in the unincorporated area of the County of Riversideshall conform to the applicable provisions of this article. If any specific zoning classification within this ordinance shall impose more stringent requirements than are set forth within this article, the more stringent provisions shall prevail. · nended Effective: 07-16-85 {Ord. 348.2496) SECTION 19.2. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this ordinance, the following words or phrases shall have the following definitions. "Outdoor Advertising Display" means advertising structures and signs used for outdoor advertising purposes, not including on-site advertising signs as hereinafter defined. be "Outdoor Advertising Structure" means a structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill, printing, painting or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever may be placed, including statuary, for outdoor advertising purposes. "Outdoor Advertising Sign" means any card, cloth, paper, metal, painted, plastic or wooden sign of any character placed for outdoor advertising purposes, on or to the ground or any tree, wall, bush, rock, fence, building, structure or thing, either privately or publicly owned, other than an advertising structure. 271 he k® The words "Outdoor Advertising Structure" and "Outdoor Advertising Sign" as defined in subsections {b) and {c) do not include: 1. Official notices issued by any court or public body or officer; ' 2. Notices posted byanypublic'offtcer in performance of a public duty or by any'person in giving legal notice; 3. Directional, warning or information structures required by or authorized by law or by Federal, State or County authority; including signs necessary for the operation and safety of public utility uses. 4. A structure erected near a city or county boundary, which contains the name of such city or county and the names of, or any other information regarding, civic, fraternal or religious.organizations located therein. "On-site Advertising Structures and Signs" means structures and signs that are erected or maintained to advertise goods sold, business conducted or services rendered on the parcel of land upon which the sign is located. "Freeway" means a divided arterial highway for through traffic with full control of access and with grade separations at intersections. "Highway" means roads, streets, boulevards, lanes, courts, places, commons, trails, ways or other rights-of-way or easements used for or laid out and intended for the public passage of vehicles or of vehicles and persons. "Edge of a Right-of-way" means a measurement from the edge of a right-of-way horizontally along a line normal or perpendicular to the centerline of the freeway or highway. "Maximum Height" means the highest point of the structure or sign measured from the average natural ground level at the base of the supporting structure. "Free Standing Sign" means any sign which is supported by one or more columns or uprights imbedded in the ground, and which is not attached to any building or structure. "Surface Area" means that area of outdoor advertising signs and on-site advertising signs as measured by the smallest geometric form such as a square, rectangle, 272 :. ..~.-~ ~:,~:-..~_.:..:.:-. ~ trtangle, o'r circle,... or combination thereof, which will ..?~.._ :~i~:.~?:..:- - enc~ass the.faceof the sign on which the ~ssage is . ~.:..~?~j~..... 1. "FOr Sale, L~'~e o:r Re'nc )'~gn~'X~ ,- '~' that the propert~ or structure upon which the sign t s ;ocated ts for sale, lease, "Shopping Center" meansa parcel of land not less than 3 acres tn stze, on whtch there extsts 4 or more separate bustness uses that have mutual parktng facilities. "Directional Stgn" means a stgn used to direct and control vehicular or pedestrian trafftc that ts located upon the same parcel of land as the use that tt is intended to serve. ~ "Significant Resources" means any county, state or national site which has significant or potentially significant social, cultural, historical, archaeological, recreational or scenic resources, or which plays or potentially could play a significant role in promoting tourtsm. For the purposes of thts arttcle, the term significant resources shall tnclude, but not be 1imtted to, the following: ~. Riverside National Cemetery. A strtp, ~0 feet in width, measured from the edge of the right-of-way 1tne on both sides of ~-2~5 from the intersection of Van Buren Boulevard southerly to Nance Road, and on both sides of Van Buren Boulevard from the Intersection of ~-2~5 westerly to ~ood Road. 2. Scenic Highways. "Scenic Highway" means any officially designated state or county scenic highway as defined in Streets and Highway Code Sections 154 and 261 et seq. Amended Effective: 07-16-85 (Ord. 348.2496) SECTION 19.3. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAYS. No person shall erect or maintain an outdoor advertising display in the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside, except in accordance with the following provisions. The changing of an advertising message or customary maintenance of a legally existing display shall not require a permit pursuant to this section. 273 Standards. 1. Zontnq. Outdoor advertising dtsplays are permitted only tn the C-I/C-P, H-SC, H-H and H-H zones and provtded only that the display meets all of the other requirements of the zoning classification and this article. Outdoor advertising dtsplays are expressly prohibited'In all other zones. 2, Spacinq. No display shall be ]ocated within 500 feet in any direction from any other off-stte sign on the same stde of the htghway provided, however that tf in a particular zone a different tnterval shall be stated that spacing tnterval shall prevatl. No dtsplay shall be erected withtn the boundary of any significant resource as defined tn Sectton 19.2 of this ordinance. No off-site advertising structure shall be located within 150 feet of property for which the zoning does not allow outdoor advertising signs; provided however, that an outdoor advertising display may be placed within 150 feet of property for which the zoning does not allow displays if at the time an application for a sign building permit is applied for there is no existing residential structure or an approved building for a residential structure within 150 feet of the location of the proposed sign. 3. Heiqht. The maximum height of a display shall not exceed a height of 25 feet from the roadbed of the adjacent freeway or highway to which the display is oriented or a height of 25 feet from the grade on which it is constructed, whichever is greater, 4. Poles. A maximum of two steel poles for advertising display support is allowed. 5. Roof mounts. No display shall be affixed on or over the roof of any building and no display shall be affixed to the wall of a building so that it projects above the parapet of the building. For the purposes of this section a mansard style roof shall be considered a parapet. 6, Number of Displays. No more than one proposed outdoor advertising display per application shall be permitted. 7. ~$etbacks. No display shall be erected wtthln an i' established setback or building line or within road ~' right-of-way lines or future road right-of-way ltnes~ that have been established by a specific plan, A mintmum.~sQtback from the property lint of one foot ~'~'~Ii'~ii ~ ~t~ .................. - 8. Number of faces, No more than two faces per advertising display shall be permitted. Back-to-back and V-type displays shall be allowed provided that they are on the same structure and provided that the 274 -. ~-ty~e,dtsplays have a separation between dtsplays ~.o~Y..~o~more than 25 feet. 9. Lta)~ing and illumination. An outdoor advertising · ~' display may be illuminated, unless otherwise spectfte~ provialed that.the~stgns are so. · 'constructed Ahat no ]tght bulb, tube,'ftlament or stmtlar source of 111umtnattonls vtstble beyond the stgn face, Stgns maktng use of 11ghts to convey the effect of movement, or flashing, Intermittent or vartable Intensity shall not be petetried.' Stgns shall use the most advanced methods to. tnsure the most energy efficient methods 'of 'sign'Illumination. Wtthin the Palomar Observatory Spectal Lighting Area all dtsplays shall be Illuminated with Low Pressure Sodium Vapor 1tghttng or with overhead High Pressure Sodium Vapor lighttng with shields or-;utoff luminaires. 10. Movement. No signs shall move or rotate or display any moving and/or rotating parts. No propellers, flags, or other noise creating devices, and no architectural embellishments which utilize mechanical or natural forces for motion shall be permitted. 11. Siqn face size. No outdoor advertising display shall have a total surface area of more than 300 square feet. 12. Building permit required. No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate any sign without first obtaining a building permit pursuant to Riverside County Ordinance No. 457. No permit shall be issued unless and until the Building Director determines that the proposed activity is in accordance with this article and Ordinance No. 457 and that the applicant has obtained a valid state advertising permit. 13. Identification. No person shall place, erect or maintain an advertising display and no display shall be placed, erected or maintained anywhere within Riverside County unless there is securely fastened thereto and on the front face thereof the name of the sign company in such a manner that the name is visible from the highway. Any display placed, erected or maintained without this identification shall be deemed to be placed, erected and maintained in violation of this section. Processing Procedure. X. Application. In addition to all other applicable federal, state and local requirements, no outdoor advertising display may be placed or erected until a permit therefore has been issued by the Riverside 275 County Planning Director. Application for such permtt shall constst of plot plan approval pursuant to the requirements set forth tn Sectton 18.30(b) of this ordinance. Satd application shall also consist of four coptes of a plot plan dratm to scale containing the name, address and telephone number of the applicant, .a copy ,of the .current valld State Outdoor Advertising Pemtt, and 'a general description of the property upon whtch the dtsplay ts proposed to be placed. The plot plan shall shme the prectse location, type and stze of the proposed display, all property 1tries, zontng and the dimensions, 1ocatton of and dtstance to the nearest advertising displays, buildings, business districts, significant resources as deter;tned by the ordtnance~ publlc and prtvate roads and other rights-of way, butldtng setback 11nes and specifically planned future road right-of-way lines and any and all other Information requtred by the Planning 01rector tn such a manner that the proposed display may be readily ascertained, identified and evaluated. 2. Issuance of Penntt, If the Planntng Otrector deter=ines that the proposed display conforms to the requirements of this ordinance, he shall, wtthtn 30 days after the application ts accepted, endorse hts approval on the four copies of the plot plans, ftle one copy, forward two coptes to the 01rector of ButldJng and Safety, and return one copy to the applicant. If the Planntng Otrector determines that the proposed dtsplay does not conform to the requtrenents of this ordinance, he shall wlthtn 30 days after the application ts accepted notify the applicant that the application has been dented and the reason or reasons therefor. 3. Appeal. Zf the Planntng Otrector refuses to tssue a permit or summarily revokes a permtt, the applicant, permittee or any other party may within 15 days thereafter appeal the decision tn wrtttng. The appeal shall be made on the forms provided by the Planning Department, and all the requirements and procedures set forth tn Sectton 18.30(e) of thts ordinance shall apply, except that the appeal shall be accompanied by the ftltng fee set forth In Sectton 18.37 of this ordinance. 4. Revocation. Any permit whtch has been tssued as the result of a matefta1 misrepresentation of fact by the applicant or hts agent, whether or not a criminal prosecution ts Initiated therefor, may be summarily revoked by the Planntng Otrector who shall forthwith give written nottce of revocation to the 276 applicant.' Within 30 days after notice is given, any disp]ays authorized by said permit shall be removed.at the applicant's expense. Failure to "' ~er~,~the display within said 30 days shall be ' d a separate violation of this ordinance. Noth)ng in this ;rdtnance shall be deemed to authorize theeinstallation or mmtntenance of any outdoor ~dvertising dtsplay w. hich is in violation of any state or'federal law or regulation. c. Enforcement. Wherever the officials responsible for the enforcement or administration of the Land Use Ordinance or'their designated agents have cause to suspect a violation of this article, or whenever necessary to investigate either an application for the granting, modification, or any action to suspend or revoke a sign permit, or whenever necessary to investigate a possible violation, said agents may lawfully gain access to the appropriate parcel of land upon which said violation exists. The following provisions shall apply to the violations of this Article: 1. All violations of this article committed by any person, whether as agent, employee, officer, principal or otherwise, shall be a misdemeanor. 2. Every person who knowingly provides false information on a sign application shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 3. Every person who fails to stop work on a sign when so ordered by the Director of Building and Safety or the Planning Director shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 4. Every person who, having received notice to appear in court to answer a related charge, willfully fails to appear shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 5. A misdemeanor may be prosecuted by the County in the name of the people of the State of California, or may be redressed by civil action. Each violation is punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by i~risonment in the County jail for a term of not more than six (6) months, or by both fine and i~risonment. 6. Every person found guilty of a violation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which the violation is con~nttted, continued, or permitted by such person. d. Nonconforminq siqns. Every sign which does not conform to this ordinance shall be deemed to be a nonconforming sign and shall be removed or altered in conformance with this ordinance as follows: 277 Illegal or abandoned signs. An illegal or abandoned sign shall be removed or brought into conformance with this ordinance immediately, All other nonconforming signs. Within five years from the date on which a sign becomes non-conforming, it shall be abated or otherwise brought into conformance with the provisions of these regulations. Amended Effective: 07-16-85 (Ord. 348.2496) 06-30-88 (Ord. 348.2856) SECTION 19.4. ON-SITE ADVERTISING STRUCTURES AND SIGNS. No person shall erect an on-site advertising structure or sign in the unincorporated area of the County of Riverside that is in violation of the provisions contained within any specific zoning classification in this ordinance or that is in violation of the following provisions. Free-standing Signs 1. Located within 660 feet of the nearest edge of a freeway right of way line. (a) The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed 45 feet, {b) The maximum surface area of a sign shall not exceed 150 square feet. 2. All Other Locations. {a) The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed 20 feet, {b) The maximum surface area of a sign shall not exceed 50 square feet. 3. Shopping Centers - All Locations. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraphs 1 and 2, an alternate standard for free standing on-site advertising signs for shopping centers is established as follows: {a) the maximum surface area of a sign shall not exceed 50 square feet of .25 percent {1/4 of 1%) of the total existing building floor area in a shopping center, whichever is greater, except that in any event,-no sign shall exceed 200 square feet in surface area. '. b. The maximum height of a sign shall not exceed 20 feet, 4. Nu~er of Free-standing Signs - All Locations. Not more than one free-standing sign shall be permitted on a parcel of land, except that if a shopping center has frontage on 2 or more streets, the shopping center shall be permitted 2 free-standing 278 signs, provided that the 2 stgns are not located on the same street; are at least 100 feet apart and the second sign does not exceed 100 square feet in surface area and 20 feet in hetght. Signs Affixed to butt-dings 1. No on-siteadvertising sign shall be affixed on, :above or over the roof of any building, and no on-site advertising sign shall.be affixed to the wall of a building so that it projects above the parapet of the building. For the purposes.of this section, a mansard style roof shall be considered a parapet. 2. The maximum surface area of signs affixed to a building shall be as follows: {a} Front wall of building - The surface area of the sign shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the front face of the building. {b) Side walls of a building - The surface area of the sign shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the side face of.the building. {c) Rear wall of a building - The surface area of the sign shall not exceed 5% of the surface area of the rear face of the building. Directional Signs - Directional signs to advise patrons of location, distance or purpose shall be permitted on a parcel of land as follows: 1. The maximum height of such signs shall not exceed 3 feet. 2. The maximum surface area of such signs shall not exceed 6 square feet. On-site Identification Signs - On-site identification signs affixed-to the surface of walls, windows, and doors of permanent structures, which do not exceed 4 inches in letter height and do not exceed 4 square feet in area are permitted in addition to any other sign permitted in this ordinance. SECTION 19.5. FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT SIGNS. For sale, lease or rent signs shall be permitted to be placed in all zone classifications subject to the following regulations. For one and two family residential uses - one sign not exceeding 4 square feet in surface area and not more than 4 feet in height. 279 2. For multtple famtly residential uses - one stgn for each separate frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed 16 square feet tn surface area and not more than 8 feet in height. 3. For commercial uses - one sign for each separate .frontage on a street, each stgn~not to,exceed 24 square feet tn surface area-and not more-than 8 feet '- in height, '- 4. For industrial uses - one sign for each separate frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed 32 square feet in surface area and not more than 10. feet in height. 5, For agriculture uses - one sign for each separate frontage on a street, each sign not to exceed 16 square feet in surface area and not more than 8 feet in height. SECTION 19.6 SUBDIVISION SIGNS. On-site subdivision signs, advertising the original sale of a subdivision are permitted within the boundaries of a subdivision, upon approval of a plot plan pursuant to Section 18.30 of this ordinance and subject to the following minimum standards: 1. No sign shall exceed XO0 square feet in area. 2. No sign shall be within 100 feet of any existing residence that is outside of the subdivision boundaries. 3. No more than two such signs shall be permitted for each subdivision. 4. No sign shall be artificially lighted. Off-site subdivision signs advertising the original sale of a subdivision, shall be permitted in all zone classifications, except the C-P-S, N-A, and W-1 Zones, provided a conditional use permit is granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.28 of this ordinance, and subject to the following minimum standards: 1. No sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area. 2. No sign shall be within 100 feet of any existing residence. 3. No more than two such signs shall be permitted for each subdivision. 4. The mximum period of time a sign may remain in place shall be two years. 5. No sign shall be artificially lighted. 6. An agreement, secured by a $100 cash bond, shall be executed with the County for each sign, assuring the removal of the sign within the allowed time period. The bond and agreement shall be filed with the Department of Building and Safety. 280 (Ord. 348.1201) Amended Effective: 01-20-77 (Ord. 348.1540) ...,~,, 06-27-78(Ord. 348.1658) 09-25-80 (Ord. 348.1855) ':*~ 07-16-85 (Ord. 348.2496) SECTION 19.7. TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS. For the purpose of this ordinance, a temporary*political sign shall mean a sign, not otherwise permitted by this ordinance, which encourages a particular vote in a scheduled election. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, temporary political signs are permitted in all zoning classifications subject to the following limitations: 1. No such sign shall exceed 16 square feet in surface area. 2. No free-standing temporary political sign shall exceed 6 feet in height. 3. No lot shall contain temporary political signs having an aggregate surface area in excess of 80 square feet. 4. No such sign shall be artificially lighted. 5. No such sign shall be erected or placed more than gO days prior to the scheduled election to which it pertains. 6. All such signs shall be removed within 10 days after the scheduled election to which they pertain, except that a sign erected or placed for a candidate who prevails in a primary election may be maintained until 10 days after the final election. 7. No such sign shall be erected, placed or maintained upon any private property without the consent of the owner, lessee, or person in lawful possession of such property. 8. No temporary political sign shall be erected, placed, or maintained on any publicly owned tree or shrub or upon the improved portion of any street or highway right of way which is used for traffic or parking. g. No temporary political sign shall be erected, placed or maintained so that it does any of the following: {a) Mars, defaces, disfigures or damages any public building, structure or other property. t/Endangers the safety of persons or property. Obscures the view of any fire hydrant, traffic sign, traffic signal, street sign, or public informational sign. · 281 (d) Blocks motorists' 11nes of stght to areas of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Any temporary political sign erected, placed or maintained tn violation of any pn3vtstons of thts section may be removed by the County 5 days after nottce of the vto]atton ts given to the concerned candidate or sponsor, and to the owner, lessee or person In lawful possession of the property. Any temporary political stgn which constitutes an Immediate danger to the safety or persons or property, or which has not been removed ~tthln 10 days after the scheduled election as'provided tn subsection (b)(6), may be removed by the County sumtartly and ~tthout notice. The County may bring as actton to recover the reasonable cost of sign removal under thts subsection. Added Effective: 04-21-83 (Ord. 348.2126) 282 ORDINANCE NO. 499 AN ORDINANCE OF THECOUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, REGULATING ENCROACHMENTS AND EXCAVATIONS IN COUNTY HIGHWAYS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State California, do ordain as follows: -' Section 1. GENERAL. Subject to the control of the Board of Supervisors, there is hereby delegated to the County Road Commissioner the administration of the use of County highways for excavations and encroachments, the maintenance, planting and removal of trees, and the issuance, modification and revocation of permits for such uses. Section 2. ENCROACHMENTS AND EXCAVATIONS. No person, including firm, corporation, public district, public agency or political subdi- vision, shall make any excavation in, or construct, install or main- tain any improvement, structure or encroachment in, on, over or under, any County highway or the right of way thereof without first obtaining from the County Road Commissioner a permit therefor, or maintain the same without such permit or in violation of the terms or conditions thereof. Such a permit shall be issued by the County Road Commission- er only upon written application therefor, and payment of the required fee or fees. Such permit shall be issued only if the applicant is a public utility holding a current franchise from the County of River- side, or a public district or public utility or public service agency having lawful authority to use the right of way or highway for the purpose specified, or the owner of an easement for such purpose within the highway right or way, or if the Road Commissioner is satisfied that the use proposed is in the public interest and that there will be no substantial injury to the highway or impairment of its use as the result thereof, and that the use is reasonably necessary for the per- formance of the functions of the applicant. Every such permit shall be revocable and the uses and installations thereunder shall be subor- dinate to any prior right of the County to use the right of way for public road purposes. Every such permit shall be conditional upon the right of the County to require the permittee to relocate or remove the structure or encroachment at the permitteets expense for the benefit of the County or to relocate the structure or encroachment at the permittee~s expense, where in the opinion of the County Road Commis- sioner such action is reasonable necessary to avoid a crossing con- fl[ct, for the benefit of any public district, public agency or political subdivision, or of any other person or agency having a right to use the County highway for the purpose proposed~ but the acceptance of a permit shall not be deemed a waiver by the permittee of any con- tractual or statutory right against any party for reimbursement of the expense of such removal or relocation. Every such permit shall be subject to such conditions as the County Road Commissioner determines are necessary to assure the safety of the traveling public and the restoration of the surface of the highway and the foundations thereof, Ord. 499-1 severely trim any tree planted in the right of way of any County high- way without first obtaining a permit from the County Road Commissioner to do so. Such permit shall be issued without fee, if the County Road 'Commissioner is satisfied that such removal or trimming is in the public interest or is necessary for the improvement of the right of way or the construction of improvements on adjacent land. He may impose such conditions as he deems reasonable or necessary, including requirements for the work to be done only by a qualified tree surgeon or tree trimmer actually engaged in'that business, and for bond, insurance or other security to protect person and property from injury or damage. The provisions limiting trimming of trees shall not apply to any public utility maintaining overhead power of communication lines pursuant to franchise, where necessary to prevent interference of a tree with such installation. A permit for removal of a tree may be conditioned upon its relocation or replacement by one or more other trees of a kind or type to be specified in the permit. Section 5. APPLICATION. Each application for a permit under this ordinance shall be in writing in the name of the person or agency owning the encroachment and controlling the excavation and shall be signed by such person or agency or by his or its agent authorized in writing. The application shall be submitted on a form supplied by the County Road Commissioner and shall contain or be accompanied by such information as he may require. Each permit shall be in writing, signed by the County Road Commissioner or his representative, on a form to be furnished by him. Section 6. FEES. The permit fees and inspection fees required by this ordinance shall be paid at or after the time application if filed, but in any event before the permit is issued. Said fees for permits, which shall not be refundable, and for inspections shall be as follows: a. For tree planting, trimming, or removal, a permit fee of $10.00 and an inspection fee of $10.00. b. For installation of an encroachment in a County highway or right-of-way with or without excavation, a permit fee of $10.00 and an inspection fee of $50.00 plus 5¢ per linear foot. c. For residential driveways, a permit fee of $10.00 and an inspection fee of $20.00 per driveway. d. For commercial driveways, a permit fee of $10.00 and an inspection fee of $30.00 per driveway. e. For voluntary clubs and gutters for residential use, a permit fee of $10.00 and an inspection fee as specified in subsection b of this section for inspections. Any driveways or sidewalks require separate permits and pavement of fees as required by subsections c and g of this section. f. For concrete curbs and gutters for a single commercial devel- opment, a permit fee of $10.00 and inspection fees at the same rate as specified in subsection b of this section for inspec- tions. Any driveways or sidewalks require separate permits and payment of fees as required by subsections d and g of this section. Ord. 499-3 Section 8. BLANKET PERMITS. The Road Commissioner may issue to any applicant a blanket permit for a series of excavations or encroachment of the same type or types. This provision shall b~ broadly applied, to reduce administrative costs_of both County and applicant. Section 9. PENALTIES. Any person who does any act for which a permit 'is required by this ordinance, without first obtaining such permit, or who, having obtained-such a permit, violates any term or condition thereof and thereby jeopardizes or injures person or proper- ty, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500.00, or by imprisonment in the County jail for not more than 6 months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Nothing herein shall be deemed to deprive any person of any civil right or remedy he may have against a violator of this ordinance, nor to deprive the County of Riverside of any cause of action which it may have against such violator, regardless of any prosecution or convic- tion under this section. Any person who violates the provisions of the second paragraph of Section 3 of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided in this section. ADOPTED: AMENDED: 11-9-64 (Elf.: 12-9-64) 499.1 - 499.5 499.6 (Eff.: 3-31-83) Ord. 499-5 5 ? 9 10 16 ].9 24 ~5 ~? GF. RALD J~ GEERUNGS COUNTY COUNSEL 5UI?E 3535 i0TH STREET RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA ORDINANCE NO. 499.7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF RI%~ERSIDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 499 RELATING TO ENCROACHMENTS IN COUNTY HIGHWAYS The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside Ordains As Follows: Section 1. read: Section 6 of Ordinance No. 499 is amended t Section 6. FEES. The permit fees and inspection fees required by this ordinance shall be paid at or aft the time application is filed, but in any event before the permit is issued. Said fees for permits, which sha not be refundable, and for inspections shall be as follows: a. For tree planting, trimming, or removal, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee o $10.00. For installation of an encroachment in a County highway or right-of-way with or witho excavation, a permit fee of $15.00 and a inspection fee of $60.00 plus 7~ per linear foot. For residential driveways, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee of $25.00 per d=iveway. -1- 3.12 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 1~. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 P~O Pl 24 25 26 27 28 GERALD 4. GEERUNGS COUNTY COUNSEL SUITE 30O 353,5 · 10TH STREET RIVERSIDE CALIFORNIA photographing or filming, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee of $30.00 per ¢ For pavement reconstruction.excluding overlays, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee of 5~ per square foot. For bridges and drainage structures, permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee 4% the estimated construction cost as determined by he County Road Commissioner. To install pedestrian benches, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee of $10.00 ~ bench per year. For utility service connections involving open cuts across highways, a permit fee of $15.00 and an inspection fee at the same rs as specified in subsection b of this settic for inspections· For blanket permits for utility service connections involving excavations, within earth portions of the right-of-way, 3' x bellholes within the paved section and bo~. an annual permit fee of $15.00 and an annu, inspection fee of $160.00. -3- COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR Ivan F. Termant, Acting Road Commissioner & County Surveyor County Administrative Center Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone: (714)275-6880 March 5, 1990 City of Temecula P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Attention: Frank Aleshire, City Manager RE: No Parking (red curb) Zone Rancho Vista Road fronting Temecula Valley High School, City of Temecula Dear Mr. Aleshire: The Riverside County Traffic Committee (RCTC), at the request of Mr. Woody Franklin, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Transportation for the Temecula Valley Unified School District, reviewed the subject location for a no parking (red curb) zone. This no parking zone was approved by the RCTC at their February 7, 1990, meeting. We are transmitting a copy of the RCTC recommendations concerning this item to you for your information and/or implementation if you so desire. RB/rep attachment If you have any questions regarding this item, please contact me at (714)275-6800. , Very~6ur s,y Traffic Eng~e r i~ cc: W. E. Morgan, Jr., Technical Engineering Unit Supervisor ITEM NO. 9 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRAFFIC COMMITTEE February 7, 1990 LOCATION: REQUEST: INITIATED BY: Rancho Vista Road fronting Temecula Valley High School Temecula - 12 No Parking Zone Woody Franklin, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Transportation - Temecula Valley Unified School District (letter of 10/11/89 received 10/17/89) PURPOSE: The request is for a no parking zone on Rancho Vista Road fronting Temecula Valley High School in the Temecula area. CONCERN: The concern expressed in the request is due to visual obstruction at this location. GENERAL INFORMATION The general vicinity is partially residential. 24-HOUR TWO-WAY VOLUMES: Rancho Vista Road - east of Margarita Road - 6,233 COLLISION DATA: 1989 - 1 1988 - 0 1987 - 0 Total collisions - 1 Collision Rate (most recent twelve months) - .44/MEV RANCHO VISTA ROAD fronting the Temecula Valley High School East-west, two lane, striped roadway Road width - 66 feet Posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour when children are present. Improved with curb-and-gutter RIP'ERSIDI ~ TRAFFIC COI6ilT~EE February 7, 1990 ITEM NO. 9 (continued) ROAD DEPARTMENT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Road Department staff recommends to restrict parking as follows: "No parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 897 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 100 feet easterly." and "NO parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 1,028 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 100 feet easterly." RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee recommended approval of the no parking zone on the south side of Rancho Vista Road in the Temecula area. The no parking zone was necessary due to visual obstruction at this location. The approved no parking zone will read as follows: "No parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 847 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 150 feet easterly." and "No parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 1,028 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 150 feet easterly." RIVERSIDE ~Iwl'Y TRAFFIC COMMITTEE February ?, I990 ITEM NO. 9 (continued) BOAi1DACTIONREQUIRED: C I ~/ C~/~ ~_ Prepare and adopt a resolution in accordance with the above recommendations. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ROAD & SURVEY DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC' DIVISION DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE LOCATION: AREA: RANCHO VISTA ROAD FRONTING TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL TEMECULA DATE: 02/07/90 MARGARITA ROAD TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL --'~847' Driveway $1 o o 1.50 ' Driveway $2 ~1' Drivewa~ LEGEND k\\\\\\l ___ no CALA~ RIO RISTA parking zor point of intersection RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING NO PARKING ZONES. The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: WHEREAS, that pursuam to Section 11(a) of Ordinance No. 413, which the City has adopted by reference the following no parking zones are hereby established in the City of Temecula: SECTION 1. "No parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 847 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 150 feet easterly." SECTION 2. "No parking on the south side of Rancho Vista Road starting at 1,028 feet east of the point of intersection of the extension of the east curb line of Margarita Road with the extension of the south curb line of Rancho Vista Road to 150 feet easterly." APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks Mayor June S. Greek Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Reso~/90-37 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: RANCHO CALIFORNIA REIMBURSEMENT DEPT HD MTG: 04/10/90 AGREEMENT CITY ATTY DEPT: C# CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement with Bedford Properties for improvements on Rancho California Road. BACKGROUND Bedford has proposed to widen Rancho California Road in four places between Ynez and Margarita. The City has been asked to attempt to levy a fee on currently vacant properties when they apply for discretionary planning approvals. This proposal would provide a fully improved road this year--instead of a piecemeal improvement as properties develop. FISCAL IMPACT No cost to the City, except for time spent in processing the Agreement. l\CmRpt\041090.032 -1- 04/05/~0 5:44am sff/AGR15311(032290-3) REIMBURSEMENT ]%GREEMENT FOR OFF-SITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this of 1990, by and between the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called CITY, and BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation, hereinafter called DEVELOPER. day WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the CITY, it is necessary that off-site street improvements be constructed which can be, or will be used to serve the hereinafter described property of DEVELOPER; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER, at his own expense will construct such street improvements; and, WHEREAS, such street improvements as constructed will provide a portion of the improvements which would be required of adjacent properties at a later date; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, CITY and DEVELOPER agree as follows: 1. In accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of CITY, DEVELOPER will, at his own expense, furnish all equipment and materials necessary and pay all costs incident to the construction of -1- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) the following off-site street improvements and appurtenant work: Widening the existing Rancho California Road in those areas depicted in Exhibit A as requiring widening, so as to correspond with adjacent four (4) lane portions of Rancho California Road; constr~ct curbs, gutters and sidewalks and modify street signs, traffic signalization, overhead power poles and other utilities as necessary to correspond with new street widths (hereinafter referred to as the #Improvements#); to benefit DEVELOPER'S property described as follows: See Exhibit B attached hereto. 2. DEVELOPER shall construct the Improvements and shall cooperate with the City Engineer in the construction of the Improvements. 3. City Engineer shall inspect the Improvements at the expense of DEVELOPER and, after any deficiencies discovered by said Engineer have been corrected by DEVELOPER, CITY shall accept the Improvements for public use. 4. Until such time as the City has accepted the Improvements and their warranty period has expired, DEVELOPER shall save, keep and hold harmless CITY, its -2- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) officers or agents, from all damages, costs or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damage to property, or of personal injury received by reason of or in the course of performing the work necessary for the construction of the Improvements which may be occasioned by any act or omission on the part of DEVELOPER, its agents or employees. 5. CITY shall not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage resulting from the Improvements prior to its acceptance by CITY. DEVELOPER shall remain responsible for satisfactory workmanship and material for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the work by CITY. 6. Upon executing this Agreement, DEVELOPER shall provide as security to the CITY: a. For Performance and Guarantee: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the work. With this security, DEVELOPER guarantees performance under this Agreement and maintenance of the Improvements for one year after its completion and acceptance against any defective workmanship or materials or any unsatisfactory performance. b. For Payment: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the -3- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) estimated cost of the Improvements. With this security, the DEVELOPER guarantees payment to the contractor, to his subcontractors, and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them or to the DEVELOPER. c. Upon acceptance of the Improvements as complete by the CITY and upon request of the DEVELOPER, the amount of the securities may be reduced according to the provisions of Section 66499.7 of the California Government Code. 7. After approval by the CITY of plans and specifications for the Improvements, DEVELOPER shall solicit contract bids through a recognized contract bidding agenda such as the Dodge Report. All bids will be submitted to the City Engineer for review. The City Engineer will determine an acceptable cost of the Improvements based on such bids and this cost shall be the cost reimbursed to DEVELOPER as hereinafter provided. 8. CITY hereby agrees to use its best efforts to impose fees or exactions on the first discretionary development permit of property immediately abutting or adjacent to the Improvements (hereinafter, the "Benefitting Property"). Such fees and exactions shall be used to reimburse DEVELOPER for the costs of the Improvements. Owners of said property shall be conditioned on repayment to CITY of the costs of construction of one abutting lane of Rancho California Road, plus curb, gutter, sidewalk and parkway and one-half of the cost of any utility -4- sff/AGR15311(032290-3) relocation not borne by the utility. The precise allocation of such repayment shall be determined pursuant to a formula to be developed by the City Engineer as described in Paragraph 6. 9. Reimbursement as set forth in Paragraph 7 above shall be paid to the DEVELOPER from time to time as fees and exactions are collected for the Improvements as hereinbefore set forth, except that: All right of reimbursement shall cease ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement, whether fully paid or not; and CITY is not liable to DEVELOPER for any reimbursement set forth in Paragraph 7 above, if CITY fails for any reason, including negligence, to impose the fee or exaction on the Benefitting Property. Rather, the sole remedy of DEVELOPER in enforcing reimbursement is to participate in, challenge, and appeal, if necessary, the impositon of conditions on the development permit approvals of the Benefitting Property. 10. no interest. Amounts covered by this Agreement shall bear -5- $ff/AGR15311(032290-3) 11. Reimbursement to be made under this Agreement shall be mailed to the address of DEVELOPER hereinafter shown unless written notice of change of address is received by CITY. 12. Rights to reimbursements due under this Agreement may be assigned after written notice to CITY by the holder of such rights as shown by the records of CITY. Such assignment shall apply only to such refunds or reimbursements becoming payable more than thirty (30) days after receipt by CITY of written notice of assignment. CITY shall not be required to make any reimbursement payment to more than a single developer or assignee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER Address: BY CITY OF TEMECULA Attest: BY: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney MAYOR -6- 0 0--. 0 EX!~i~,';IT B ~Pk9be~t ~eir~,~illiam ~)Ost (~8~e~ssoci~tes PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS o2 March 6, 1990 J.N. 24120 LEC~L DESCRIPTION MARGARITA ~,OM~4ER(:IA[ SITE PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL HAP NO. 22513, [N THE CiTY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 145, PAGES 70 AND 71 OF PARCEL ~PS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER or SAID COUNTY, VENTURA COUNTY OFFICE 2310 PONDEROSA ~)RIVE SUITE I CAMARILL0, CALIFORNIA 93010 (805) 987-3468 TELECOPIER: (805) 482-9834 LAW OFFICES BUI~K~, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN 3200 BRISTOL STREET SUITE 640 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 926;~6 (714) 545-5559 L05 ANGELES OFFICE ONE WILSHIRE BUILDING 624 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE, IITM FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 (213) ~36-OBOO TELECOPlER: (213} ~36~27OO March 23, 1990 Ms. Lisa D. Peterson Vice President-Division Counsel Bedford Properties, Inc. 28765 Single Oak Drive Suite 200 Rancho California, CA 92390 Re: License Agreement With Bedford For Monument Signs Dear Lisa: Pursuant to the request of the City Manager, I have reviewed and revised the License Agreement for the monument signs Bedford proposed. The revised Agreement is enclosed. It provides for an indefinite term and indemnification clauses that are a little more equitable as to the City as compared to the earlier draft. Please feel free to call me if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA sff/LTR14477:bjj cc: F. D. Aleshire sff/AGR14477 LICENSE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this day of , 1990, by and between Bedford Development Company, a California corporation, formerly known as Kaiser Development Company (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSOR"), and the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSEE#). WHEREAS, LICENSOR is the owner of certain real property, located in City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California, more particularly described as Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (hereinafter referred to as the "PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to obtain permission to perform certain acts upon the PROPERTY; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE a license to use the PROPERTY for the purpose of maintaining a monument sign with LICENSEE's name on it, the design of the sign which must be approved by LICENSOR prior to the erection or construction of any lettering. 2. This License is non-exclusive and personal to the LICENSEE. It is not assignable, and any attempt to assign this license terminates it. -1- sff/AGR14477 3. This License is terminable upon sixty (60) days written notice by either party. 4. In the event LICENSEE shall utilize the PROPERTY for any other purpose or perform any other activity on the PROPERTY which is not authorized by this Agreement, or otherwise breach any covenant hereof, this License Agreement and all of LICENSEE's rights hereunder shall be terminated immediately. 5. During the term of this License, LICENSEE shall maintain the PROPERTY in a first-class condition. LICENSEE shall be responsible for all cost of lighting, landscaping, water, repair and maintenance of its sign and the adjacent landscape area within feet surrounding the sign. 6. LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and save harmless LICENSOR, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which the LICENSEE, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to, or death of persons, or damages to property arising out of LICENSEE's negligent performance of the terms of this License, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of LICENSOR. -2- sff/AGR14477 7. Notices shall be given pursuant to this License by personal service on the party to be notified, or by a written notice upon such party, deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service, first-class mail, addressed as follows: a. LICENSOR: b. LICENSEE: Bedford Development Company 28765 Single Oak Drive, Ste 200 Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: City Manager 8. This Agreement shall be effective from and after , 1990. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVED AS TO FORM: By RON PARKS, MAYOR SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK //// -3- sff/AGR14477 BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation By: (Name and Title) -4- CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 10, 1990 City Manager/City Council Joe Hreha, Manager of Information Systems~~ Purchase of City Vehicles RECOMMENDATIONS: DISCUSSION: That the City Council approve the purchase of two City vehicles (4-door sedan and a 15- passenger van) through the County of Riverside. That the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Purchase Orders to purchase the two vehicles through the County of Riverside. The City Staff needs two vehicles in order to perform their functions. Currently, all local deliveries, pickups, and trips are performed using employee vehicles on a reimbursement basis of $0.25 a mile. Delivery charges are assessed for large items required by the City Staff. If all five Council members attended a meeting in Irvine, the City would pay each Council member $0.25 a mile for providing their own transportation. In order to alleviate the above, the City requires two vehicles to support the Council members and Staff. The County of Riverside sponsored a Request For Proposal to purchase 37 sedans and 8 vans. The low bidders were recently awarded the contracts. Due to the significant number of vehicles advertised, the County was able to receive a competitive price quote from the interested dealers. Over 121 dealers participated in the Request For Proposal. I called the Purchasing Department of the County of Riverside to request that the City of Temecula be authorized to participate in this contract. My request was approved. FISCAL IMPACT= ~TTACHMENTS= Two vehicles will initially serve the Staff's needs. The County of Riverside's contract is for 1990 Chevrolet Corsica 4-door sedans. The color will be white with gray interior, air conditioning, and an automatic transmission. The other vehicle is a 15-passenger Dodge van. White with gray interior, air conditioning, automatic transmission, and the rear seats are removable for large item pickup and delivery. The van can also be used to consolidate Council member trips. Delivery, stated in the contracts, is 60-120 days from approval. The dealers indicated 60-90 days is a more realistic actual delivery date. The costs: 1990 Chevrolet Corsica 1990 Dodge 15-passenger Van Sales Tax @ 6.75% Total Cost for both vehicles $ 9,585.53 $16,557.95 $ 1,764.68 $27,908.16 Monies are available in the Capital Outlay - Nondepartmental budget, which are currently unencumbered and have a balance of $45,000.00. Bid Sheet 1990 Chevrolet Corsica Bid Sheet 1990 Dodge Van 89 09: 21 COUNTY OF R I VERS l DE P. 3/5 3. 4. 5. APPENDIX "A" BID SHEET ITEM NUMBER.THIS BID SHEET PERTAINS TO IS MAKE AND.MODEL AND ,YEAR YOU ARE BIDDING' F.,O.B. DELIVERED .COST EACH 6;75 PERCENT CALIFORNIA SALES TAX TOTAL UNIT PRICE.· NUMBER OF UNITS' '~ TOTAL COST ALL,UNITS COST DEDUCTION IF LIQUIDATED DA/~AGES ARE WAIVED ! 9: E.P.A. MILEAGE RATING IS. ~-0 CITY ~.-'~ HWY. 10. THE CURRENT KELLEY TRADE-IN VALUE OF'A FIVE-YEAR OLD ODEL CO. PA , Z,E To 13. EXCEPTIONs TO SPECIFICATIONS: COMPANY NAME' DELIVERY DATE DATE 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. APPENDIX "A" BID SHEET ITEM NUMBER' THIS BID SHEET PERTAINS TO IS . .. MAKE AND MODEL AND YEAR YOU ARE BIDDING /~fO ~2~_~/'f6K/W/4~9~/ ~3~--(~ F.O,B. DELIVERED COST EACH 6.~5 PERCENT CALIFORNIA SALES TAX TOTAL UNIT PRICE NUMBER OF UNITS TOTAL COST ALL UNITS 0 10, THE CURRENT KELLEY TRADE-IN VALUE OF A FIVE-YEAR OLD MODEL COMPARABLE TO THE ONE BID ES: /~.~, 11.' YOUR WARRANTY IS 7 YEARS/ 7~ ~IILES 13. EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS: COMPANY NAME ~ I GNATURE.., '~~~ ...... DATE PHILIP L. ANTHONY, INC. ^ F'ROFL:$,SIONAL CONSULTIN~J $~RVI¢.F.$ CORPORATION 2157 PACIF. IC AVENUlL ..~$1TI:: B-203 COSTA MEI'.~A, (..,fiLII:ORNIA 92627 TELEPH0rd~: 714/722-?$7S TELECOP[ER 714/722-0804 Aprit 5, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 SubJeotl Sphere of Influence - Work Plan & Budget Dear Frankt Here is a proposal for Bill Mecham and I to assist you in pursuing a sphere of influence (SOI) determination that is initiated by the City of Temecula. The approach I've outlined below would give Temecula a SOI as rapidly as practicable. WORK 1. Assist in the formation of a SOI Advisory Committee to be appointed by the City Council and made up of one or two City Council Members, city staff and selected community representatives. 2. Conduct workshop meetings with the Advisory Committee to develop a preferred SOI for recommendation to the City Council. Work with the Advisory Committee for ongoing public relations and support for the preferred SOI. Begin contacts with the Riverside Local Agency Formation Com~,]ssion (LAFC) and staff. 4. Direct and assist in the preparation of a complete SOI application package for submission to LAFC including: a. Definition of Temecula's proposed SOI with maps, etc. Description and special features of territory within the proposed SOI. C~ Detailed discussion of the four specific factors IAFC must consider for SOI determinations; Government Code Sec.56425. d. Temecu!a's "Plan of Services" for the area within the SOI. e. Time frames for possible annexations within the soI. April 5, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire Page Two $. Draft the resolution for the City Council to request formally that IAFC consider Temecula's proposed SOI. Make a presentat]on to the Council at the meeting when the resolution is consider~d. 6. Submit the Council resolution and application package to the LAFC executive officer and provide any additional informatio~ or documents requested. 7. Assist the city and interested landowners is submitting annexation applications to LAFC for concurrent procession with the SOI application. S. Maintain ongoing liaison with LAFC members and staff, and with Advisory Committee regarding all applications. 9. Assist the city in preparing for and making presentations on the SOI and annexations at the LAFC public hearings. XO. Provide interim status/progress reports the the City Manager, and to the City Council as requested. BUDOET ~b~S.~..~.- Item~ !.throuqh 60~.Wor~ Plan Professional services of Phil Anthony and Bill Mecham @ $95 per hour; estimated .................. $8,000 Specialized technical and engineering services subcontracted by Anthony and Metham. As needed; estimated .......................... $4,000 Total cost for Phase I will depend on the size of the SOI requested and the extent of support services provided by the City ................. ~12,000 Professlonal services of Anthony and Mecham @ $95 per hour. This cost would vary depending on extent landowners help pay for processing their individual annexations; estimated ................ $5,000 Total cost depends on landowners. They normally pay all costs of annexing, unless city is very anxious to help, as perhaps in this mituation ........................................ $5,000 April 5, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire Page Three Rh~_..lll - ~ems e through 10 of Work Plau Professional services of Anthony and Mecham @ $95 per hour; estimated .......... . ................... $6,000 Total cost again depends on landowners and support services provided by City ...................... ~,~06 TOTAL COST; ESTIMATED ........ $23,000 ~.9~1~1Reoommen4~tion The actual costs that will be incurred to carry out the Work Plan are unusually difficult to estimate accurately at the present time. Th~s i~ because the (a) the size, shape and character of the territory to be proposed for the SOI are not yet known, and (b) the number, size and financial participation of possible concurrent annexations also are not yet known. To effectively monitor costs and update the budget as the Work Plan is actually carried out, I recommend the following special procedures. On a hi-weekly schedule, we would provide the City Manager a report on actual expenditures and an updated projection of work to be done and e~pected costs during the next two weeks. This would enable the City to closely track actual costs, and to adjust or redirect the levels of effort on upcoming tasks as desired. Subm'[tted by: ~.~ Philip L. Anthony William C. Mecham PHILIP L. ANTHONY, INC. A PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES CORPORATION MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 2157 PACIFIC AVENUE. SUITE B-203 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92627 April 4, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager city of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 PHILIP L. ANTHONY PRESIOENT Subject: Summary Update on North San Diego County Landfills Dear Frank: This is a brief summary of the status of our work on the draft EIR/EIS for the North San Diego County Landfill as proposed to you and approved by your City Council on March 13, 1990. Included are both the key accomplishments to date and the steps remaining up to submission of formal written comments from the City of Temecula on the draft EIR/EIS. VERBAL TESTIMONY We appeared at the public meeting conducted by the County of San Diego in Fallbrook on March 12, 1990 and testified as to the general concerns of the City of Temecula. We specifically objected to any unmitigated impacts on Temecula from the Aspen Road or the Blue Canyon sites. We requested an extension of at least 30 days for written comments. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS Letters were prepared that the City Manager sent to the County of San Diego and the State Clearing House objecting to the failure to notify Temecula earlier and requesting an extension of at least 30 days for written comments. Efforts for an extension were coordinated with concerned groups in Fallbrook. Calls were made to San Diego County management. An extension to April 16, 1990 was granted. PREPARATION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS A technical analysis of the draft EIR/EIS has been carried out. Initial written comments were prepared in time for the original deadline of March 26, 1990. After the extension was granted, additional comments were prepared, particularly relative to specific mitigations needed for impacts on Temecula. April 4, 1990 Frank Aleshire Page Two PRESENTATION TO CITY COUNCIL We will be available to make a presentation to the City Council at their meeting on April 10, 1990 on the written comments we have prepared on the draft EIR/EIS. SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN COMMENTS Any changes requested by the City on April 10, 1990 will be incorporated. Final copies of the written comments and a transmittal letter will be submitted to the City Manager in time for delivery to the County of San Diego by the new deadline of 4:00 p.m. on April 16, 1990. Sincerely, Philip L. Anthony William C. Mecham city of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 (714) 699-1989 Comments Regarding Draft EIR/EIS for the Proposed North San Diego County Class III Landfill General Comments From the perspective of the City of Temecula and Southwestern Riverside County in general, the greatest deficiency in the document is the apparent lack of coordination and consideration of impacts to these communities. Specifically, impacts upon these areas are dealt with in a very superficial and cursory manner. Where mitigation is suggested for Riverside County impacts, no definite commitments to implement such mitigation are provided. The apparent disregard of areas to the north is evident from the fact that the Draft document was not made available to any public resources (i.e., libraries) in Riverside County (see Section 2.0 in Chapter 7) nor did the list of persons and organizations consulted (Section 2.0 of Chapter 9) include any public officials in our area. This project appears to be another case of a jurisdiction placing an "undesirable" element in the extremity of its territories, to minimize impacts upon its constituents, perhaps at the expense of neighboring jurisdictions. This is clearly evident with the Blue Canyon site and the expressed intent to utilize Highway 79 and not Highway 76, and to a lesser degree with the Aspen Road site. The EIR/EIS does not include a mitigation monitoring section in response to State Public Resources Code Section 21081(a). The mitigation sections and commitments in the document are exceedingly weak, with little or no commitment toward implementation. The document should, with each proposed measure, identify the agency/entity responsible for implementing and monitoring the action and the timing thereof. The method of commitment to implement a measure should also be clearly stated. In our opinion, the EIR/EIS should be revised with proper input from Riverside County concerns. The document should include a thorough analysis of alternatives which do not impact Temecula and Riverside County. Finally, upon the incorporation of proper coordination and all of the comments 1 provided herein, the document should be recirculated for public review. Specific Comments Paae 1 (Abstract) The need for supplemental documentation in the event of selection of any of the alternative sites is identified in the abstract. Consequently, it seems reasonable that this document should take the form of a Program EIR/EIS, which precisely addresses and defines the need for further analysis. Additionally, impacts which are not fully addressed and clearly mitigated to levels of insignificance must be considered significant until data is provided to prove otherwise. Paae 2-9 (4.1 Aspen Road Site) The prudence of incurring the liability of siting a new landfill site in a populated area for a short term solution (15 year life of landfill) is highly questionable, particularly when one considers the distance this site is from its primary MSW generation sources. Pa~e 2-12 (4.2 Blue Canyon Site) Once again, the location of a site an extreme distance from the primary source of MSW generation must be questioned, especially when one considers that substantial areas outside of the benefitting jurisdictions will suffer impacts related to noise, air quality, traffic, litter and roadway maintenance. The potentially active fault underlying the Blue Canyon site should be addressed in full detail at this stage of environmental review to allow a meaningful analysis of the site's potential and alternatives analysis. Page 2-18 (4.2 Blue Canyon Site) The EIR/EIS casually mentions the presence of active and intermittent springs on the site. Nowhere in the document is the significance of these springs discussed relative to wildlife and other biotic values. Natural water sources, particularly year-round ones, for wildlife and sensitive plant species are a unique and very valuable commodity, the significance of which should not be overlooked. The EIR/EIS must address the impact of modifying or eliminating natural springs and the cumulative impacts associated therewith. Pa~e 2-20 (Figure 2-5) Highway 79 is incorrectly identified as Highway 78. Page 2-23 (Figure 2-6) The graphic should appear in the text in the chronological location following the reference to it. It should be relocated to before page 2-21 for the benefit of the reader. Page 3-11 (3.4.2 Blue Canyon Site) The sub-section relative to SR 76 indicates that the consideration of this route as an access to the Blue Canyon site "was also rejected in view of the many sharp curves, steep grades and comparatively greater number of residences and rural uses along that route, compared to the less developed SR 79 route with fewer curves and flatter grades". This statement can best be described as undocumented, unsubstantiated and subjective. It is felt that the selected access route to this site is a critical issue to Southwestern Riverside County and deserves a meaningful, quantitative analysis. SR 79, particularly between Aguanga and Sunshine Summit, is unsuitable for heavy trash and/or transfer truck traffic due to the characteristics associated in the EIR/EIS with SR 76. The document appears to ignore several thousand approved and vested residential units, schools and parks which will shortly be developed in the SR 79 corridor. Additionally, no mention is made of the impacts of the physical condition of Riverside County and Temecula roads, or for mitigating the cost of road maintenance which would apparently be borne by Riverside County and State-wide tax payers. Finally, no discussion or mitigation for litter control along SR 79 is provided. Page 4-15 (2.1.1 Aspen Road Site/2.1.2 Blue Canyon Site) As stated in a prior comment, the significance of natural springs on the Aspen Road and Blue Canyon sites is not discussed. Page 4-49 (6.2 Aspen Road Site) The air quality discussion for the Aspen Road site must address air flows and the transmission of airborne pollutants and odors to the Temecula Valley, which presently enjoys excellent air quality. Any potential impacts upon any remaining area in Southern California which enjoys relative pristine air quality must be considered significant. The unusually strong wind dynamic between the Temecula Valley and the Rainbow Gap and coastal air transmitted therethrough probably defy conventional wisdom regarding distances of odor impacts around landfills. A full scientific investigation is in order to assure preservation of local air quality. 3 Pages 5-7 and 5-8 (2.1.1 Aspen Road Site/2.1.2 Blue Canyon Site) Once again, the removal or modification of natural spring water sources must be addressed. The EIR/EIS should also include a water quality assessment addressing impacts along haul routes. Water quality degradation can be expected from the mixture of surface runoff and fugitive dust with refuse resulting from garbage truck traffic. Page 5-17 (Blue Canyon Access Route) The land use section must address land use impacts to not only existing development in the SR 79 corridor, but also to approved, vested development. Provisions must be made for roadside cleanup, maintenance and noise mitigation. Page 5-30 (4.2.2 Blue Canyon) The traffic section of the EIR/EIS is inadequate with regard to impacts on SR 79, although it does correctly identify impacts upon this highway as significant. A complete traffic study which calculates ICU's and link-by-link LOS for all of Highway 79 is necessary to complete any environmental review of the Blue Canyon site. Additionally, the roadway geometrics along SR 79 need detailed analysis to ensure roadway adequacy and the manageability of grades and curves. Page 5-38 (5.2.3 Blue Canyon Site) Noise impacts along SR 79 appear to be significant with respect to existing development alone (in federal analyses, a 3 db(A) increase is generally considered to be a significance threshold which warrants noise barriers). The EIR/EIS should also address unconstructed approved development in the corridor. Finally, the noise analysis should include not only CNEL, but peak noise projections as potentially very noisy garbage trucks will disturb residents. Where mitigation is discussed, no specific commitments to install noise barriers are expressed. It is questionable whether mitigation would be feasible or would actually occur in all cases. Paqe 5-55 (6.2.2 Blue Canyon) An analysis of pollutant concentrations at key intersections is required to complete the air quality assessment. The vinters and orchard owners of the Temecula Valley are vitally concerned with air quality, given the fragile nature of grape and citrus crops. The EIR/EIS should include use of theCaline 4 dispersion model to ascertain truck-related emission concentrations at key locations. In addition, the subregional wind dynamics described previously must be evaluated to ensure maintenance of good air quality. 4 Page 5-70 (7.3.1 Aspen Road Site) Inadequate commitment is provided for mitigating biological impacts. It is (1) unclear when mitigation would occur; (2) unknown whether mitigation would be effective; (3) unknown whether impacts will be significant after mitigation; and (4) apparent that impacts to Cooper's hawk would not be mitigated sufficiently as no sites for oak woodland replacement have been identified. We are not aware of whether the replanting of Parry's tetracoccus has ever been successful. Empirical data should be provided on success rates, or the potential significant impacts of the inability to replant these species should be cited. In general, with regard to the mitigation of biotic impacts, responsibility for mitigating impacts cannot be deferred to other actions or other agencies. Pages 5-126 to 5-133 (Cumulative Impacts) Particularly with impacts to SR 79 and Southwestern Riverside County, the cumulative impact analysis fails to consider any projects in Riverside County and complete cumulative effects relating to noise, air quality, traffic, land use, water quality and socio-economic considerations. Summary The Draft EIR/EIS is, in our estimation, inadequate for certification, probably to the degree where corrections through response to comments and the Final EIR/EIS will not meet the true public disclosure intent of CEQA and NEPA. As a minimum, we would recommend extending the comment period for 30 days. Preferably, the document should be revised and recirculated for complete public review. Mitigation for the Proposed North San Diego County Landfill Blue Canyon Alternative Site Traffic o Mitigation Measures for State Highway 79 South San Diego County shall contribute to Riverside County and City of Temecula Signal Mitigation Fees for Interstate 15 and Highway 79 interchange. A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) or other multi- jurisdictional organization should be organized to oversee mitigation implementation by acting as lead agency for an Assessment District (AD) or Community Facilities District (CFD) to finance and implement mitigation as identified in the draft EIR/EIS. The JPA should consist of San Diego County, Riverside County, the City of Temecula and CalTrans. Financing and bonding for an AD or CFD shall originate from San Diego County only. In lieu of an AD or CFD, a San Diego County fee implementation mechanism shall be enacted. A separate supplemental EIR should be prepared for any mitigation improvements within Riverside County and the City of Temecula at Highway 79 as delineated in the EIR/EIS. Limit the use of Highway 79 by waste transportation vehicles to non-peak traffic flow hours of the day. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of the landfill. Noise Mitigation Measures for Residential Developments along State Highway 79 South Construct noise barriers along Highway 79 at dimensions described in a detailed noise assessment prepared in conjunction with the above-mentioned supplemental EIR. These barriers should be placed on the north side of Highway 79 from the Margarita Road intersection westbound to the intersection of 6 La Paz Street. A barrier on the south side of Highway 79 will be necessary adjacent to Tracts 23267 and 23299 and on the south side adjacent to the condominiums at the intersection of Highway 79 and La Paz Road. Limit the use of Highway 79 by waste transportation vehicles to daylight hours on weekdays. Consideration shall be made relative to the placement of any noise reducing muffler devices on all waste transportation vehicles utilizing Highway 79 from San Diego County. Air Ouality Mitigation Measures for Localized Impacts Along Highway 79 South A Caline 4 analysis should be completed in conjunction with the aforementioned supplemental EIR to determine the extent of localized impacts along the Highway 79 corridor at sensitive residential and school land uses. Limit the type of waste transportation vehicles to gasoline powered only to eliminate particulate emissions from diesel engines. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of the Blue Canyon landfill. Mitigation Measures for Regional Southwest Riverside County Impacts Use of rail or other alternative transportation method for waste should be considered. Consideration should be made for waste incineration alternatives within the San Diego County Air Basin. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of landfills. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: PLANNING CASES DEPT HD MTG: 04/10/90 CITY ATTY DEPT: CN CITY MGR Effective April 6, lggo new planning applications will be processed by the City through the Willdan Associates contract. Applicants may schedule meetings each Friday by calling city hall. The attached memorandum from the County Planning Department indicates how cases in the County pipeline will be transferred to the City. By June 30, 1990 it is expected that all cases will be transferred. Enclosure Transfer of Cases to Temecula 1\CmRpt\0~1090.031 -1- 0~/05/~0 4:51am April 3, 1990 TO: FROM: Richard J. MacHott, Fearless Leader RE: Transfer of Cases to City of Temecula We have settled on a policy for the transfer of cases to the City of Temecula for processing. Willdan Associates is the consultant that will be handling the planning function on behalf of the County Planning Department. As of Friday, April 6, 1990 they will be having office hours at City Hall on Fridays only between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. We will no longer be accepting any applications for projects within the City limits. 1. All cases not yet to LDC will be transferred to Willdan. 2. All cases not coming back to LDC for 5 or more weeks will be transferred to Willdan. Cases coming back to LDC in 4 weeks or less will be transferred to Willdan if again continued, but will be processed by the County if put on hold, subj to.'No. 4. 4. After May. 1, 1990, all cases on hold will be transferred to Willdan, unless already scheduled for a public hearing. 5. Cases scheduled for a public hearing will be processed by the County until completion, subject to No. 6. 6. All cases will be transferred.to the City after June 30, 1990. When a case is transferred to Willdan, the following procedure will be followed: Purge the case file of all unnecessary documents (generally handwritten draft reports, and anything of no value to reviewing the case.) Be sure to remove any examples of staff reports that are in the case file, but do not relate to the subject case file. Complete a letter to Willdan explaining the status of the case. attached format. You are not limited to.one page for the letter. Put the letter in the case file. DO NOT MAIL THE LETTER! Use c. Complete a Fee Transfer Determination Form. Place in case file. (Copy of Form attached.) Give case file to me. I'll arrange to have the file microfilmed and transferred to Willdan. DO NOT TRANSMIT ANY DOCUMENTS TO WILLDAN OR THE CITY OF TEMECULA DIRECTLY! ee See attached list for cases to be pulled immediately for the transfer process. The list is based upon the listing you gave to me regardinq cases within the city limits. If there are errors, let me know. f. Once you give me the case, it will be about two weeks before the case will be microfilmed and transferred. If you have questions, ask me. REVIEW PROCESS MAKE APPOINTMENT TO SUBMIT PLANS Important: .' **2-3 month waiting list for Commercial/Industrial Construction** ** 6 month waiting list for Residential ** SUBMIT PLANS ** County Review Process Begins ** 1 month LAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (LDC) MEETING 2 - 5 weeks between each LDC 5 - 6 weeks 4 - 6 weeks 2 - 3 weeks WRITTEN NOTIFICATION OF APPROVAL ("Pinks") 3 - 6 months 4 7 MONTH AVERAGE PLANNING Review Time contingent upon project complexity + 6 MONTH ROAD & SURVEY Final Map AVERAGE Review Time (for subdivision applications only) Estimated 2 Lot Residential Subdivision Cost: $ County Application Fee $6500 - $10,000 Private Engineer 2200+ Miscellaneous County Fees 1000 Bio]ogica! Study (if required) 600+ Archeologica! Study (if required) CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT DATE: April 5, 1990 TO: FROM: City Manager/City Council Deputy City Clerk ~""~ SUBJECT: Recall Process Update This is to advise you that the recall proponents filed an Affidavit of Time and manner of Service at approximately 2:30 PM on April 4, 1990. I accepted the filing at that time and called the City Attorney and the Registrar of Voters for Riverside County to receive official opinions regarding the timing of this filing. I have been advised by County Registrar Frank Johnson today at 2:05 PM that the filing of the affidavit is in fact late. The elections code specifies that this must be filed within seven days of service of the Notice of Intention with the clerk during normal office hours as posted. Both City Attorney Field and Registrar Johnson concur with my determination that the filing on April 4, 1990 is one day late. Registrar Johnson recommended that I notify the proponents immediately. I left a message at the home of Mr. Michael Primicerio, who was unavailable to take my call, and was able to speak with Nancy Barber at 2:43 PM. I advised Ms. Barber of this finding and that the proponents would need to begin the process over again if they wished to continue. CALL TO ORDER: TENECULA COIO~UNZTY f~ERV~CE8 DISTRICT A ~.,~¢~U~,dLR MBBTZN(~ Apr.l'! X0; xg90 - 8~00 p.m. Directors: Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks, Birdsall PRBHBNTATIONS/ PRO~L~ATIONS PUBLIC COMMBNTS CSD BUSINESS 1. CHD Issues, Options a~d Ro=ouuond&tions RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Continue report to a workshop scheduled Saturday, April 21, 1990 for action. for MAH~GEP. H REPORT DZRB~"TORS REPORTS MXTO~NT Next meeting:. Joint Meeting with the CSA-143 Advisory Board - April 21, 1990, 11:00 AM, City Hall, 43172 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Next Regular Meeting: April 24, 1990, 8:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California 2/CSDA~enda/,~/10/90 ~ 04/06/~0 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: CSD REPORT DEPT HD MTG: 04/10/90 CITY ATTY DEPT: CN CITY MGR RECONNENDED ACTION It is recommended the report be continued to a workshop scheduled for Saturday, April 21, 1990 for action. At that meeting, the CSA Advisory Board will review the report previously filed with CSD. It is recommended that City Council authorize the City Manager to commence recruiting for staff and begin hiring in May if CSA Advisory Board decides not to contract with the CSA. BACKGROUND A briefing paper reviewing issues and options is presented to council for review and Bill Holley will summarize the report and answer questions 1\CmRpt\041090.030 -1- 04/05/90 4 :Z7am DATE: April 4, 1990 TO: TCSD Board of Directors and City Manag~ FROM: Bill Holley, Staff uonsul~an~ SUBJ: TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT: ISSUES, OPTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Please find attached the above referenced report. I would like to direct your specific attention to pages 13 through 16, which is the heart of the report. This will hopefully provide you some background for your workshop meeting with the CSA 143 Advisory Committee on April 21. If I can answer any questions about the report, or provide additional information, please give me a call at (714) 985-4187. REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE TEMECU~ CO~NITY SERVICE DISTRICT ISSUES, OPTIONS Am RECO~E~ATIONS April 4, 1990 W.L. HOLLEY - PROJECT SERVICES Rancho Cucamonga, California Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Te II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Preface ...................................... Introduction ................................. Zone "A" Budget: Fiscal '89-'90 .............. Zone "A" Budget Proposal: Fiscal '90-'91 .... Zone "A" Policy Issues and Options .......... Zone "B" Budget: Fiscal '90-'91 ............. Report Implementation ....................... 2 3 9 11 13 17 18 Page PREFACE This report will summarize a number of issues regarding the Temecula Community Service District. In order to fully understand of the role of the District, it is necessary to first briefly review the three Riverside County Service Areas that in whole or in part have formed the foundation of the District, their charters of authority and methods of revenue generation. Second, as information only, this report will present the current adopted budgets of the three County Service Areas for '89-'90. A third item for review, again as information only, is a proposed '90-'91 budget for a portion of the District, as prepared by County Service Area 143. Fourth, this report will present a list of issues and options relating to the services provided by the District. This is the most critical portion of the report, for it is the direction given by the District's Board of Directors on these issues that will determine the direction the District is to take, and correspondingly, its upcoming Budget for Fiscal '90-'91. Page 3 INTRODUCTION THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT - AN OVERVIEW The Temecula Community Service District, as illustrated by the maps on the following pages, is comprised of: o Zone "A", which has: o Nine different sub-zones, or Tax Rate Areas; o Funded through assessment revenue and user fees; o Service authority for: o Street lighting; o Refuse collection; o Parks and Recreation; o Soil conservation and drainage control; and o Limited police protection. o Zone "B" which has: o Two different sub-zones, or Tax Rate Areas; o Funded through a mix of property tax and assessments; o Service authority for street lighting. BACKGROUND TO THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT The basis for the Temecula Community Service District, which was created by the incorporation of the City of Temecula in December of 1989, is found in the three Riverside County Service Areas, also known as CSAs, which served the community prior to incorporation. County Service Areas are authorized under California Government Code Section 25210, for the purpose of providing a higher level of service to a specifically defined unincorporated area than is provided for in the County at large. County Service Areas are authorized to collect revenue within that defined area to finance the cost of those additional services. It is useful at this point to distinguish the two main revenue sources currently in place within the TCSD, 'property taxes' and 'assessments'. In agencies that provide a portion of their services on a property tax revenue basis, i.e., counties cities, and pre-Prop 13 special districts, the agency first finds the value of the property within its jurisdiction, next determines its portion of the tax revenue that property will generate to the agency, and finally decides what services the agency can provide within the amount of revenue generated. In other words, the available revenue from taxes determines the level of services that can be offered. On the other hand, agencies which finance services primarily through assessments, such as the TCSD, approach the issue from the opposite direction. The level of desired service is determined first, then the cost for that service is calculated, .- .'-/7' ! .-'~" "' 32"-- "~'~ !i : ' 32 ~~''~'X, 33~ ' \,.~ :.~ · , t--...~ ,,,.. ' T~ECULA COMITY SERVICE DISTRICT Zone B... (CSA 103) ? / I ~z/ I TCSD - ZONE "A" Each color represents a dif, ferent Tax Rate Area within Zone "A". Page 6 and finally, each property is assessed a portion of the total cost to provide that service. Said another way, the level of services determines the assessment to be levied. That, of course, is an oversimplification of the process, but it serves to illustrate the difference between the two methods of revenue generation. Getting more specific, this report will now focus on the duties of the TCSD, first with Zone "A", then with Zone "B". ZONE "A" ( FORMERLY COUNTY SERVICE AREA 143 ) Zone "A" of the Temecula Community Service District is comprised of the detached portion of CSA 143 within the City limits. As provided within the terms of the City's incorporation, the District is to assume the functions of CSA 143 within the City. CSA 143 was formed on December 3, 1985, for the purposes of ~roviding (1) street lighting; (2) refuse collection; and, (3) park and recreation services to the service area. CSA 143 was authorized on November 4, 1986, to begin performance of (4) soil conservation and drainage control. Lastly, on June 13, 1989, CSA 143 was authorized to provide (5) limited police protection to 'properties dedicated to and maintained by' the service area. Zone "A" currently has nine different assessment sub-zones, or Tax Rate Areas (TRAs). The sub-zones are assessed independently of one another due to the different levels of services provided to each sub-zone. This is most easily understood by breaking out each type service and looking at it separately. (1) Street lighting is one portion of the sub-zone parcel charge. Each of the sub-zones have a different number of street lights and a different number of parcels over which to 'spread' the cost. Therefore, the street lighting assessment is different in each of the nine sub-zones. (2) Refuse collection was to begin by the service area in September of 1989, and a uniform assessment, $71.01, was collected from each parcel in the seven developed sub-zones. (Two of the sub-zones were primarily undeveloped acreage without need of refuse collection.) (3) Park and recreation is broken down into two categories by the County: Administration (which also includes the cost for the limited police protection) and Parks (which covers only the maintenance of the Sports Park). Each parcel is uniformly charged, and undeveloped acreage is charged through an acreage formula. Page 7 (4) Soil conservation and drainage control is the other portion of the variable sub-zone parcel charge besides street lighting. This covers slope maintenance and drainage maintenance on developments within the service area. Square footage to be maintained is determined, a maintenance cost per square foot is calculated, then divided by the number of parcels to determine individual assessments. Again, the level of services vary between each sub-zone, so the amount of the assessment varies between sub-zones. With the preceding explanation of how parcel assessments are structured, this is what the assessment process looks like in determining the typical individual parcel assessment in Zone "A": Administration and Parks ........ Uniform throughout District + Refuse Collection ............... Uniform throughout District + St. Lighting/Slopes & Drainage..Differs in each sub-zone Total sub-zone operating cost...Differs in each sub-zone Number of Parcels ............... Differs in each sub-zone Individual Parcel Assessment .... Differs in each sub-zone Parcel assessments for '89-'90 in the TCSD, Zone "A", excluding acreage, ranged from a low of $21.72 to a high of $244.94. A COMPARISON - CSA 143 AND ZONE "A" The question is frequently heard about what percentage of CSA 143 was transferred by the incorporation to Zone "A" of the Temecula Community Service District. The following will answer that question. FIGURE 1 The relationship between CSA 143 and Zone "A" prior to incorporation and after incorporation. CSA 143 Zone "A" Parcels Pre-Incorp Post-Incorp 10,410 6,810 @ 100% @ 65% 0 3,600 0% @ 35% Total Assessments Pre-Incorp Post-Incorp $ 3,090,380 S 2,057,385 @ 100% @ 67% 0 S 1,032,994 @ 0% @ 33% Page 8 ZONE "B" ( FORMERLY COUNTY SERVICE AREAS 75 AND 103 ) Zone "B" of the Temecula Community Service District is comprised of the entirety of CSA 75, and, the detached portion of CSA 103 within the City limits. As provided within the terms of the City's incorporation, the District is to assume the functions of CSA 75 and the detached portion of CSA 103 within the City. CSA 75, formed on October 26, 1970, and CSA 103, established on December 18, 1973, were both single purpose service areas with identical functions. Their only task was 'street lighting.' CSA 75 covered the older part of the town of Temecula, with a service area wholely within the boundaries of the City of Temecula. CSA 103 covered primarily residential areas scattered east of 1-15, with a portion of the service area outside the City, which will continue to operate as CSA 103. The method of financing the operations of these service areas, currently directed by the County Service Area Administrator in Riverside, is not identical. CSA 75 is a pre-Prop 13 secured property tax district, generating revenue approximately $4,500 per year in revenue against $3,000 in normal operational expenditures. CSA 103 is both a 'pre' and 'post' Prop 13 district, generating approximately $5,300 in property taxes and $75,000 in parcel charges throughout the CSA to cover the operating cost of approximately $82,000. The County at this time is working to sort out the particulars of transitioning CSA 103 to the TCSD. The functional operation of Zone "B" is fairly straightforward and should pose no problems to the District. We will devote little attention to Zone "B" in the balance of this report, other than to show the current '89-'90 Budget, which will be very representative of the '90-'91 Budget. Page 9 ZONE "A" BUDGET: FISCAL '89-'90 The '89-'90 Budget was developed in the Spring of '89 to carry out the programs of CSA 143. In December of '89, a portion of those services became the responsibility of Zone "A" of the TCSD, however, CSA 143 has continued to perform these services on behalf of the District. FIGURE 2 PROGRAMED EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 11 Emp Services & Supplies ** Fixed Assets *** Contingencies TOTAL CSA 143 @ Total Cost @ S 190,919 @ $ 3,506,228 @ $ 27,000 @ S 70,000 S 3,794,147 Budget: Fiscal '89-'90 TCSD @ Total Cost* @ $ 51,968 @ $ 651,625 @ $ 22,310 @ $ 151,877 @ S 877,780 * This column is not in addition to the CSA column, but included therein. ** Services & Supplies is the budget 'operations' category in most jurisdictions, as it is with CSA 143. See Figure 4. *** Not specified in budget document. FIGURE 3 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Budget: Fiscal'89-'90 TCSD @ Total Cost Communications ......... $ Refuse collection ...... Liab/Insurance ......... Build/Maint/Equip ...... Grnd/Maint/SptsPrk ..... Office/Expenses ....... RivCo/Admin/Charge .~. Misc/Contract/Serv ..... Spec/Dept/Expns ........ Transport/Travel ....... Electric/Utility ....... Electric/St Lights ..... Water/Utility .......... Vehicle/Maint .......... Priv/Mileage ........... TOTAL I $ 1,770 90,899* 11,550 705 264,374 12,864 86,812 59,400 23,404 1,980 5,285 86,460 6,055 0 66 651,625 *While the line item budget shows only $90,899 in Refuse Collection costs in '89-'90, $239,587 was assessed in the District for this service. Page 10 CURRENT STATUS OF THE '89-'90 BUDGET The County's computers do not distinguish between the CSA 143 Budget and the TCSD Budget on the monthly 'Statement of Appropriations, Encumbrances and Expenditures.' A some point in the near future, it would be appropriate to conduct a detailed audit for the purposes of establishing an exact (or as close as possible) accounting of District's financial activities. Suffice to say at this point the CSA/TCSD Budgets are very solvent. As of February 9, 1990, with approximately 58% of the fiscal year complete, only 21% of the available appropriations had been expended. Projected out to the end of the fiscal year at the current rate of expenditure, a very significant cash balance will be carried over into Fiscal '90-'91. RECREATION USER FEES Recreation User Fees are the monies associated with the 'pay-for-play' concept. For instance, the CSA figures out how much it will cost to offer a baton or judo class and charges the user enough to cover that cost. While cost for these programs are budgeted under Services and Supplies: Miscellaneous Contract Services, there is revenue coming in from the users to offset the expenditures. Theoretically, it is a mechanism that permits user specific activities in the field of recreation services to be self-supporting and not directly subsidized by district assessment funds. FIGURE 4 PROGRAMED EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Fixed Assets Contingencies TOTAL Page 11 ZONE "A" BUDGET PROPOSAL: FISCAL '90-'91 CSA 143 has offered a suggested budget plan for operation of the TCSD in Fiscal '90-'91. This is displayed below in Figure 4. The plan suggests what the CSA projects it would take to operate the TCSD, if the CSA were doing it, and assuming the same program of services were to be offered by the District as by the CSA. Budget: Fiscal '90 -'91 TCSD @ Total Cost @ $ 115,221' @ $2,093,797** @ $ 35,500*** @ $ 177,023 @ $2,421,571 * The CSA suggested personnel schedule of 8 positions cannot be achieved within this dollar amount. ** See Figure 6 for detail. *** Not specified within suggested budget. FIGURE 5 SERVICES & SUPPLIES Budget: Fiscal'90-'91 TCSD @ Total Cost Communications .......... $ Refuse collection ....... Liab/Insurance .......... Build/Maint/Equip ....... Grnd/Maint/Gen .......... Grnd/Maint/SptsPark ..... Office/Expenses ......... RivCo/Admin/Charge ...... Misc/Contract/Serv ...... Spec/Dept/Expns ......... Transport/Travel ........ Electric/Utility ........ Electric/St Lights ...... Water/Utility ........... Vehicle/Maint ........... Priv/Mileage ............ TOTAL 1,800 389,395 35,000 8,800 670,508 343,300 3,000 154,080 115,386 209,218 155,980 7,030 300 2,093,797 Page 13 ZONE "A" POLICY ISSUES AND OP?IONS: FISCAL '90-'91 To this point, this report has focused on what has gone on previously... formation of the District, it powers and duties, past budgets, and proposed budgets by others. With that as background, it is now appropriate to turn to the present and review the policy issues that face the District. It is this area that will determine the direction the Temecula Community Service District will take. It is this area that will dictate the Budget for Zone "A" in Fiscal '90-'91. As an aside, the policy direction is more critical than the budget numbers are at this point... the budget numbers will fall in place based on the policy direction given by the Board. ISSUE NO. 1 - STREET LIGHTING IN ZONE "A" "Shall it be the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Service District to continue the street lighting program as now established in the District?" It is recommended that the TCSD continue the street lighting program as now in place. An alternative approach is to create a citywide lighting district that equally spreads the cost of street lighting to all property owners in the City as a general benefit to all citizens of.having safer, well lit street upon which to travel. That approach would, however, be a very complex and highly political process, and is not recommended at this point in time. ISSUE NO. 2 - REFUSE COLLECTION IN ZONE "A" "Shall it be the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Service District to implement a program of refuse collection within the District?" In concurrence with the action of the Board of Directors on March 27, it is not recommended that the TCSD engage in a program of refuse collection in the District. The irregular boundaries of the Zone do not lend themselves efficiently or effectively to this type of service. A recommended alternative approach would be to adopt a citywide refuse collection program through a franchise agreement. This type of regulation, now in place in a number of cities, would (1) insure that refuse collection was performed in a timely manner throughout the City at (2) rates governed by the City. This would (3) reduce the number of heavy refuse collection trucks that travel the residential streets to only once a week, which in turn would (4) reduce the days that trash containers sit curbside in a given neighborhood from a potential of six days to only one day. Lastly, franchise agreements are (5) a revenue Page 14 source for the City. While this approach is highly recommended, it would be recommended that it be placed on the City Council's work program for study and possible implementation during the upcoming fiscal year and not engaged immediately. It can be a highly charged and volatile issue, which may require a great deal of attention by the Council and their staff. The system in place currently, the free-market-system, is not the most effective, efficient or desirable method of refuse collection in a city... but it is in place, it is working, and people are getting their trash collected. Nothing will be lost in.deferring this issue until the City has selected its permanent staff and is settling into a regular operation. ISSUE NO. 3 - SOIL CONSERVATION AND DRAINAGE CONTROL IN ZONE "A" "Shall it be the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Service District to continue the soil conservation and drainage control programs as now established in the District?" It is recommended that the TCSD continue the soil conservation and drainage control programs as now in place. There are no better alternatives than the one currently in place to accomplish the task at hand. ISSUE NO. 4 - PARKS AND RECREATION "Shall it be the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Service District to continue the Parks and Recreation policy of operation as now established in the District?" Stating the obvious, this is "the key issue" for the Temecula Community Service District Board of Directors. County Service Area 143 is a well managed special district, with a dedicated volunteer Advisory Commission and a professional staff to perform the responsibilities of the agency. There are, however, acknowledged structural limitations to any County Service Area. A prime example of one such structural limitation is that policies that affect the local agency are determined, and understandably so, on a countywide basis by the Board of Supervisors and not at the local level. This makes the task of addressing the specific needs of the local community by the local agency a sometimes difficult task at best. With the afore said, it is recommended that the TCSD modify the Park and Recreation policy of operation as now established in the District. Specific recommendations for modification are as follows: Page 15 1. Adopt a Park Dedication Ordinance that places a higher priority on "public" parks than the County Ordinance does; 2. Adopt as an Interim Park and Recreation Master Plan for the City of Temecula, a modified version of the CSA 143 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (This goes hand-in-hand with item 1. To collect 'Quimby' fees under the Subdivision Map Act, the jurisdiction must have an adopted Master Plan in place. When the City begins it General Plan Development, a more comprehensive Park and Recreation Element will at that time be included, replacing the Interim Plan.) 3. Begin recruitment for staff necessary to operate a City of Temecula Parks and Recreation Department, or as more modernly conceived, a Community Service Department. These should be staff of the City, not the Temecula Community Service District, as their services will not be limited the to residents of Zone "A". The recommended 'core' staff at this point would include: A. Department Director B. Park Projects Program Coordinator C. Facilities Maintenance Coordinator D. General Maintenance Employees (2) E. Recreation Program Coordinator F. Departmental Secretary G. Contract Service Account to engage necessary part- time employees or outside resources. 4. Contract with County Service Area 143 for a continuation of services for a 'transition period' that would include the time of recruitment and familiarization of the new City staff listed in item 4, 'to the tasks at hand. From the beginning of recruitment to the end of the transition process should take ten to twelve weeks. 5. Address the problem of the 'inherent inequity' created through Zone "A" funding of the Park and Recreation services within the City. For example, funding for the maintenance of Sports Park historically came from all the parcels in CSA 143. With the incorporation of the City and the creation of Zone "A", which assumed all function of the CSA within the City, Zone "A" can now be considered as the 'prime source' for funding the maintenance of Sports Park. What was previously the assessment burden of 10,410 parcels in the CSA, under the 'prime source' scenario, now becomes the assessment burden of an estimated 4,482 parcels within Zone "A" in '90-'91. Each parcel in Zone "A", then, may be paying nearly 2% times more in '90-'91 towards the maintenance of Sports Park that they paid in '89-'90. Page 16 This dilemma is further compounded by the fact that Zone "A" comprises only about half of the City (42% in '89-'90). Refer to page 5 in this report and you will note that many developed areas of the City, including those which border Sports Park on three side, do not financially contribute towards its maintenance. This same inequity holds true for financial support of the administrative cost associated with the Park and Recreation function. Everyone can benefit from the service if they so choose, but not everyone pays. It is recommended that to, first, cure this inequity, and to second, provide the City of Temecula a realistic mechanism to create and maintain a first rate system of "public" parks, that the Park and Recreation function of the Temecula Community Service District be deleted from the activities of the District, contingent upon the creation of a citywide Park and Recreation Mello-Roos district with bonding and operational capabilities. A second option exists that could accomplish the same purpose, and that is the creation of a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District with bonding and operational capabilities. The Mello-Roos requires a two-thirds vote. The Landscaping and Lighting does not require a vote, rather it requires a 'protest hearing'. It is further recommended that consideration of this recommendation be given a high priority by the City Council, as it will require a number of months to complete due to a number of time sequenced legal requirements. ISSUE NO 5 - LIMITED POLICE PROTECTION FOR DISTRICT PROPERTY "Shall it be the policy direction of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Service District to continue the program of limited police protection for Zone "A" property as now established in the District?" It is recommended that the TCSD not continue the limited police protection for Zone "A" property as now in place. The City is currently in the process of negotiating a police protection program for the community and insuring the protection of public property should be a part of the general law enforcement program. Issue No. 5 covers the last of the five 'incorporation granted Zone "A" powers' of the Temecula Community Service District, each of which has been addressed in the preceding paragraphs. Page 17 ZONE "B" BUDGET: FISCAL '90-'91 The street lighting Budget for Zone "B" for '90-'91 will be broken into two sub-zones, one for what was CSA 75, west of the freeway, and the other representing the detached portion of CSA 103, east of the freeway. The final figures will not be available until May as to what will be included in Zone "B", however, the County indicates that both sub-zones have been stable for a number of years. That would indicate a likely 'roll-over-budget', in other words, little change from the previous year. The previous year, which in this case is the current fiscal year, looks like this for each sub-zone: FIGURE 7 BUDGET '89-'90 ZONE "B" Property Tax Assessments Salaries Serv & Supplies Est. Surplus Old CSA 75 Old CSA 103 Revenue Expenditure Revenue S 3,742 S 4,603 0 64,770 Expenditure $ 0 $ 0 3,068 61,314 + $674 + S 8,059 Like Zone "A", Zone "B" needs to be audited for the purpose of transferring unused balances to the control of the Temecula Community Service District. This is standard operating procedure for any governmental organization. Page 18 REPORT IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT TIMING The Auditor-Controller of Riverside County, who is in charge of placing all assessments on the tax role, requires that they be submitted in a detailed package to his office by August 8, 1990. The Auditor-Controller will prepare the tax/assessment bill each parcel owner will receive during Fiscal '90-'91, beginning in December of '90. The TCSD Budget will have to meet that August deadline. While that may seem a long time, it isn't. When the detail on what has been added into the TCSD during calendar 1989 becomes available in May, the City's finance people will have to begin preparations for this submittal without too much delay. ITEMS TO COMPLETE REGARDING THE TCSD 1. The Board needs to give staff direction regarding each of the five policy issues regarding Zone "A" of the TCSD, as outlined on pages 13-16 of this report. Additionally, the Board should formally give direction to staff regarding proceeding with Zone "B". 2. Based upon that policy direction, staff will prepare a ~pecific budget to implement that direction and return that budget to the Board for review. 3. Once the Board has reviewed and ultimately approved the budget, it will then move to the Finance Department where the submittal to the Auditor/Controller will be prepared for transmission.