HomeMy WebLinkAbout031390 CC AgendaTffMBCUL~CZT¥ ~CZL MARC~ X3; 3.990 Hext in Order: Ordinance: No. 90-04 Resolution: No. 90-25 CALL TO ORDBR: Invocation: Flag Salute: Pastor Roger Brewer New Covenant Fellowship ROLL CALL: Birdsa11, Lindemans, Moore, Mu~oz, Parks PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS PUBLIC COMMENTH A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink ,,Req~2est To Spes~t! form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state ¥gUr name and address. For all other agenda items a -Request To Spea~" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. ~NSBNT CALENDAR NOT~C~ TO THB PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2/agends~31390 1 03/O9/9O RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve minutes of February 13, 1990 as mailed. o Public Use Permit 679 - Trinity Christian Church RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Receive and file Notice of Decision for the case acted on by the Planning Commission on January 31, 1990. Resolution &DDrOvina P&vmont of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMBCUL~; &PPROVING THE IFARRANT REGISTER, DATED M]LRCH 13, 1990 4. Resolution Denvtna Plot Plan No. 1168 A resolution denying a Plot Plan to permit construction of an outdoor 9dvertising sign· RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO* 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TRMBCUL~ DBNYINQ PLOT PLZdl NO. 1168 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOORADVERTIGING DISPLAY NBARRAN~O CALIFORNIA RO~DAND FRONT STREBT COUNCIL BUSINESS 0 P&rcel MaD 23426 and Tract 23160 Report to City Council by Developer Nick Tavaglione 2/eget~J~3't390 2 03/09/9O Ro~Et froa City of Teaaoula Traffic comittae Report from Sgt. Ron Roberts, CHP RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Authorize the use of non-sworn traffic directors for local traffic control at 1-15 and Winchester Road and 1-15 and Rancho California Road 0 0UP-$076 &ute DealarshiD on west Side of Ynez. South of RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Set matter for Public Hearing to consider modifying the conditions of approval, subject to payment of applicable appeal fees ($405). Budget for the Boron Months gndina June 30, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMBCUL~ADOPTINQ ~ BUDGET FOR THE 1989-90 FZBC~LYF~R (TO be held at 8:00 ~) Please see separate agenda CDBG Funds - $am Hioks Park RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve the submission of the application to the county of Riverside requesting Community Development Block Grant Funds for the proposed improvements to Sam Hicks Monument Park, consisting of installation of roadway, walkway, drainage, lighting and parking improvements. 9.2 Authorize the City Manager to sign the application on behalf of the City. 3 ~ 10. ~olution of ~ntent - #ello Roes District RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: P~SOLUTXONNO. g0- A P~SOL~TION OFT HE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~ RE~ARDING ITS I~ION ~~IST WI~ ~ FI~CIN~ OF ~ ~FIC ~ P~ FACILITIES OF ~IO~L BE~FIT WX~XN ~ ~XTY BY ~XNG CERTAIN S~S T~ ~~S A~X~ ~R Pl~ OF DEBT SE~CE ON ~S OF ~~XTY FACXLITIBS DIBT~ ~. 88-12 (~Z CO~I~R) OF ~ ~Y OF R~XDE ~I~Y BE IHH~D TO FIN~CE ~ ~NSTRU~ION OF SU~ FACILITIES CXTYM~N~.GER0S it~PORT 11. Report on Status - Club Valencia. Tract 23304 12. 13. North County Landfill B.I.R. ~& Survey of Develooment Fees CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Next meeting: March 20, 1990, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California Next regular meeting: March 27, 1990, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California 2/ager~313gO 4 03/09/90 MINUTES OF A REGULXRMEETING OF THE TEMECULXCITY COUNCIL HELD FEBRUXRY 13~ 1990 A regular meeting of the Temecula City Council was called to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. Mayor Ron Parks presiding. PRESENT 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy city Clerk June S. Greek. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Marty Edwards of Lambs Fellowship. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Pledge of Allegiance by Councilmember Pat Birdsall. PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS 1. Resolution co-sponsorinq "Meet Your Judges,, Week March 4- 10. 1990 2. Resolution proclaiming March as "Women's History Month" It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to adopt the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 90-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CO-SPONSORING "MEET YOUR JUDGES" WEEK RESOLUTION NO. 90-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF MARCH AS "WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH" #i r~t es\:~/15\90 - 1 - 0]/02/90 City COuncil Minutes February 13, 1990 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None PUBLIC James Marpel, 19190 St. Gallen Way, Murrieta, representing the Citizens for Responsible Water Management addressed the Council regarding the need to conserve water and to protect the ground water recharging capabilities of the area. He urged the City Council to adopt an ordinance protecting the area Watershed. John Cloghen, 41304 Bravos Ct., commented on the meeting held on Monday, February 12, 1990, stating that he did not agree with the Council's decision to negotiate a contract with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. He stated that the Council's concern with regard to the City's liability in possible use of private security personnel, was misdirected and should be more concerned with the Citizen's liability. He also questioned why action had been taken at a special meeting rather than delayed until a regular meeting of the City Council. Mayor Parks advised that the citizens of Temecula would be given additional opportunity to make public comment with regard to the contract with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. CONSENT CALENDAR City Manager asked that Item 2 be removed from the Consent Calendar for further discussion. Councilmember Birdsall requested that Item 4 be removed. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approved Items 1, 3, 5, and 6 of the Consent Calendar as follows: Hinutes\2/13\90 -2- 0~/02/90 City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 me 0 ainutes 1.1 Approved the minutes of the meeting of January 23, 1990 as mailed. Xnves~nents in the Local Agency Investment Fund 3.1 Adopted a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-12 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TF~ECUL~ AUTHORIZING IHVESTHENT OF CITY MONIES IN THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND Se Adoption of Pe~anent City Ordinances 5.1 Introduced an Ordinance and directed that a Public Hearing be noticed for a second reading on February 27, 1990 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 90- ~N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHECUL~ ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES o Resolution &pprovinq Payment of Demands 6.1 Adopted a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~; APPROVING THE W~NT REGISTER, DATED FEBRUARY 13, 1990. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muff.z, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None N i nut es\2/13\90 - 3- 03/02/90 City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 e Tract N~p 23484 - vacating Drainage Easement City Manager F. D. Aleshire recommended that the City Council approve the. Final Tract Map and approve by Resolution the vacation of the drainage easement. Vic Lial from the Riverside County Road Department advised the Council that all the conditions for approval had been met and that the roads have been approved. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore approve the Final Tract Map for Tract 23483 and to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARILY VACATING A DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR TRACT 23483 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ® Second Readinq of Ordinance Establishinq the Temecula Municipal Code Councilmember Birdsall requested that the City Council consider the section dealing with the qualifications for Commission appointments. City Attorney Scott Field recommended adoption without further amendments to the section to allow the entire ordinance to take effect. He stated that the City Council could amend a section at a later date if they chose to do so. Mayor Parks asked, if the section dealing with residency qualifications was amended at a later meeting, could the Council make appointments based on the amendment and not have them delayed until those provisions had been through first and second reading and the normal waiting period. #i nutes\2/l.~\90 -4- 0~/02/90 City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 City Attorney Field advised that the Council could make appointments at any time but that the appointments could not become effective until the ordinance as amended takes effect. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Muhoz to adopt and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDZNi~CE NO. 90- 02 ~I ORDZN]LlCCE OF THE CZT¥ COUNCZL OF THE CZTY OF TENECUL~ EBTABLZSHZNG THE TENECUL~MUNZCZPAL CODE, ~ID ENACTING TZTLES 1,2 ~ND 3 THEREOF RELATING TO GEICEI~L PROVISIONS, ]tDMZNZSTI~J~TZON ~ PERSONNEL, lt~TD REVENUE ~ FZNi~TCE The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None PUBLZC HE]LRZNGS 7. Outdoor Advertisement 1170 Mayor Parks opened the Public Hearing at 7:31 PM. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that County Planning staff recommended approval of the outdoor sign and an appeal was subsequently filed. LHe said the matter was advertised for hearing and introduced John Ristow of the Riverside County Planning Staff who presented the staff report recommending approval of the billboard. John Gunderson, 26525 Jefferson Avenue, President of Outdoor Media Group addressed the City Council requesting approval of the sign based on the fact that it meets all the County requirements for an advertising structure as provided for in County Ordinance No. 348. Mary Jane Jagodzinski, representing Bedford Properties, 28765 Single Oak Drive, Temecula, stated that she was also representing the commercial community and that they feel a billboard at this location is obtrusive and inappropriate. Councilmember Mufioz asked Ms. Jagodzinski how long Bedford Properties temporary signs were allowed to remain in place. Ninutes\2/1]\90 -5- 03/02/90 City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 She responded that the only signs of a temporary nature they have in the City are leasing signs and those only remain posted until the property becomes leased. Marshall Coalter, representing Outdoor Media Group, addressed the City Council and restated his firm's belief that the signs should be approved because they meet all the County requirements. He stressed that until the City enacts their own sign ordinance, he does not believe that public opinion should govern these decisions. Councilmember Muhoz questioned the City Attorney if the City Council has any discretion in this matter, and if so he stated that compatibility should be a definite consideration. Mayor Parks declared the hearing closed at 7:53 PM. Councilmember Lindemans commented that he would like to phase out billboards within the City with some form of mitigation ordinance. Councilmember Moore suggested that this matter be referred to staff for review along with review of a possible City sign ordinance. Councilmember Muhoz stated that he shares the long-term concerns for removing billboards, he suggested that regulation is necessary to maintain the appropriately attractive skyline the community desires. Mayor Parks indicated that he had a problem with the location of this proposed sign, not with billboards in general. He also stated that he was concerned that 1-15 is designated as a scenic highway. John Ristow, explained that the 1-15 is designated as a scenic highway in the Southwest Area Plan but not by the State of California. city Attorney Scott Field advised the Council that if they are considering a denial of the staff recommendations, a confirming resolution should be prepared for adoption. It was moved by Councilmember Lindemans, seconded by Councilmember Moore to sustain the appeal, deny the Plot Plan and request the City Attorney to prepare a confirming resolution with findings to be placed on the next agenda. N i nutes\2/13\90 - 6- 03/02/90 City council Minutes February 13, 1990 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEMBERS: None .RECESS Mayor Parks declared a recess at 8:03 PM The meeting was reconvened following the scheduled CSD Meeting at 8:33 PM pUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont) 8. Extension of Ordinance No. 90-01 Declarinq a Moratorium on the Construction and Use of Television and Radio Antennas Mayor Parks declared the Public Hearing open at 8:34 PM city Attorney Scott Field presented the staff report and pointed out zoning areas in the City which allow radio antennas He also referred to various ordinances from other cities which regulate antennas. He stated that extending the moratorium would allow the City Council over ten months to thoroughly research this matter and determine the best methods of dealing with transmitting towers and antennas. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if the language in the suggested ordinance includes ham radio antennas. City Attorney Field replied that under the new ordinance new construction of ham antennas would not be permitted. Councilmember Mufioz questioned if the staff could recommend the amount of time they would need to prepare the zoning ordinance. Scott Field responded that there needs to be time for the City's Planning Commission to be selected, trained and operating with staff to advise them, and that this could conceivably take place by September of 1990. Mayor Parks closed the hearing at 8:45 PM. Councilmember Lindemans requested the Council consider an exemption for ham radio antennas in this proposed ordinance. #ir~tes\~/1]\90 -?- 0]/02/90 City council Minutes February 13, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adopt an urgency ordinance to extend the moratorium through January 8, 1991, with a provision added to Section 2, exempting non-commercial (Ham Radio) antennas as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 90-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXTENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-01 WHICH DECLARES A MORATORIUM ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF TELEVISION AND RADIO ANTENNAS The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 4 NOES: 1 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS-. COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Mufioz Parks None It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DESCRIBING MEASURES TAKEN TO ALLEVIATE THE CONDITION WHICH LED TO THE ADOPTION OF URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 90-01 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Ch&nqe of ~one No. $385 and Plot Plan 11001 Mayor Parks declared the Public Hearing open at 8:46 PM. # i r~t es\2/13\90 - 8- 03/02/90 _ City council Minutes February 13, 1990 city Manager F. D. Aleshire introduced County Planner Richard McHott who presented the staff report. Mr. McHott stated that this is an application for a 220 unit apartment project located on 13.8 acres located north of Rancho California Road and south of Margarita Road. The zone change will allow for a slight density increase. He further advised that this property does lie in the Stephens Kangaroo Rat preservation area. The Proponent David Walsh, gave the Council a report on the project. He stated that the project would be built for condo conversion at a later date. He outlined the amenities to be included in both the total project and in the individual units. Councilmember Lindemans questioned if this is a low-cost housing project. Mr. McHott explained that the project is not a low-cost project, the forms included in the Council's packet were for information only. Councilmember Lindemansquestioned if the project was designed for adult occupancy. Mr. Walsh explained that occupancy could not be limited to adults only, but that the design of the units did lend themselves more to use by adults than by families with children. Robert Oder, 29590 Mira Loma Drive, spoke in opposition to the development of the condominium concept. He questioned if the market for this type of development exists, stating that he had not had any success marketing his apartments as condominiums. Mr. Walsh, speaking in rebuttal, stated that a market did exist for condominiums and successful marketing depended upon the units being properly designed. Mayor Parks declared the public hearing closed at 9:06 PM. Councilmember Moore questioned the impact this development would have on traffic in this area. Councilmember Lindemans asked if any traffic mitigation fees have been collected for this project. Ninutes\2/1]\90 -9- 03/02/90 -- City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 Richard MacHott stated that no fees have been assessed for freeway on/off ramps as described by Councilmember Lindemans but all required street improvements recommended were included in the conditions. Councilmember Muhoz stated he would like to see this matter continued to allow time to look at all the properties in the area and the impact of all the high density projects on traffic, schools and freeway access. Councilmember Lindemans expressed his concerns with increasing the density in any of the projected apartment projects. Councilmember Moore stated that the when the City Council adopted the Southwest Area Plan the City should make any recommended changes, but until then she felt it was only fair to use the Riverside County standards which have been given to the developers. Councilmember Birdsall asked the exact number of units to be added to the project if the zone change is approved. Mr. Walsh replied that the change would allow an additional 16 to 17 units, which would allow for the installation of the additional amenities he outlined at the beginning of the hearing. Mayor Parks commented that the City Council is operating under the Southwest Area Plan which allows for 8-16 units per acre, that the fees have all been included, the proposal is for a high quality development, and the issues of terrain have been properly addressed. He also stated that this meets a need for good entry level housing. Councilmember Muhoz asked how much high density development can the community tolerate in the areas where traffic is already impacted and where there is not sufficient recreational areas for the children. Councilmember Lindemans asked if the developer would be amenable to a condition assessing additional fees to go toward freeway on and off-ramp development if the City Council adopts such a mitigation program later on. Mr. Walsh stated that this would be acceptable, if the City Council does adopt such a fee schedule, and if the cost of such a condition could be defined now. Councilmember Lindemans stated that he felt the City Council is sending out the wrong signal to developers by approving this project because of the increase in density. nut es\2! 1:~\90 - 10 - 03/02/90 - City council Minutes February 13, 1990 It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Birdsall to approve Plot Plan 11011, Exhibit A, Amended No. 3 with the addition of a condition number 35 which would read as follows: 35. Prior to the issuance of individual building permits, the applicant shall comply with any generally applicable traffic mitigation program to pay for freeway, bridge and/or major thoroughfare facilities which may be established between the date of approval of this Plot Plan and the issuance of individual building permits, provided the fee shall not exceed $150 per unit. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 3 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Moore, Parks NOES: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Muhoz ABSTAIN: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: Lindemans ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Richard MacHott advised that this matter will be brought back to the City Council after the Planning Staff has prepared the necessary changes to reflect the Council action, and this should be within the next three to four weeks. COUNCIL BUSINESS 10. Classification Titles, Salary Ranqes and Initial Personnel Policies City Manager F. D. Aleshire said that this action carries out City Council direction given at the budget workshop held on January 20, 1990 and the additional direction given regarding the position of Manager, Information Systems given on February 6, 1990. He then introduced personnel consultant Mr. Michael Deblieux of the firm of IEM (Ideas for Effective Management). Mr. Deblieux outlined the methods used in the preparation of the report and the recommendations to the City Council and invited questions. Councilmember Mufioz questioned if the local data on salaries was included as requested by Council on January 20, 1990. #i nut es\2/1 ]\90 - 11 - city Council Minutes February 13, 1990 Mr. Deblieux stated that this information was provided by Merchants & Manufacturers and was reflected in Attachment II. Councilmember Muhoz stated that the Council's direction was to see a strictly local pattern and questioned if the data supplied by Eastman Personnel had been considered. Mr. Deblieux responded that all the local data gathered by City staff had been made available to him and that the figures presented were more conservative than originally projected as a result of that data. Mayor Parks questioned why all the salaries in the Clerical positions were lower than those in neighboring cities. Mr. Deblieux responded that this allows for upward adjustment in the future as the City's population increases merited such changes. Councilmember Birdsall asked if there is a future phase to deal with the benefit packages to be offered City employees. city Manager Aleshire advised the Council that a separate package will be presented for benefit programs when these program recommendations have been finalized. It was moved by Councilmember Birdsall, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adopt a resolution including Exhibits A, B, and C, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERSONNEL POLICIES The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Muhoz, Parks NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None Councilmember birdsall asked when this would become effective. City Attorney Scott Field advised that the Resolution would become effective immediately. #inutes\Z/l:~\90 -lZ- 0:5/02/90 -- City Council Minutes February 13, 1990 CITY N~h"AGER REPORT None ~ITY ~TTORNEY REPORT None CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Lindemans requested that the Mello-Roos Consultants presentations to be made on February 20th be televised even though this is not a regular meeting of the City Council. It was moved by Councilmember Moore, seconded by Councilmember Lindemans to adjourn at 9:55 PM to an adjourned regular meeting to be held at the Rancho California Water District, 28061 Diaz Road, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, February 20, 1990 The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST'. RONALD J. PARKS, MAYOR F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK #i nut es\2/1 ~\90 - 1~- 03/02/90 CX'I"Z OF ~ COUIIT7 PLM~XNG DEP~ This item should be: n Set and noticed for public hearing Placed on agenda as a receive and file item Action taken at your discretion SUBMFII'AL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TEMECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, $~- '~TE OF CALIFORNIA FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBMll-FAL DATE: March 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Notice of Decision of Permit Acted on by the Planning Commission on January 31, 1990 RECOMMENDED MOTION: RECEIVE AND FILE the Notice of Decision for the case acted on by the Planning Commission on January 31, 1990. THE PLANNING CO)~ISSION ADOPTED the Negative Declaration for E.A. Number 34317 based on the findings incorporated in the environmental assessment and the conclusion that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVED the PUBLIC USE CASE NO. 679 subject to the attached conditions and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated in the Planning Commission minutes dated January 31, 1990. /8/9o Jo/~ph A/. Richards; Planning Director U PROJECT LOCATION: North of Business Park Drive and west of Single Oak Drive in City of Temecula. BACKGROUND: Public Use Permit No. 679 proposes to locate a 210 seat church with Bible Study Classes in a portion of an existing industrial building located in an industrial park. The Planning Commission approved the proposal on January 31, 1990. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PI. ANNING C(X4HISSION 141NUTES January 31, 1990 tGomprehenstve General Plan. . luston #2 II#ENDED to reid: Environmental concerns can be ated. The project ts compatible vlth area development. FINDINGS MID Parcel Kip No. 24333 vhtch ms a proposal to subdivide a 3.$ acres into 4 residential parcels, ms denied at the duly 24, 1989 Director's Heartng; the site is located east of Canyon Ridge Road and north E1 Kism Drtve; the site ts vacant, and surrounded by stn~lle fmtly zoning wtthtn the County lnclude: erosive soils, and equestrian tratls and a minimum 2.6 acre lot size, the sphere of the Rancho E1 project is in conformance vlth the concerns can be mitigated and the vacant land; the slte is zoned R-A; surrounding Ilverstde also tncludes R-A; environmental concerns and blowsand, palenntologtcal resources the Rancho E1 Sobrante Poltctes calls for &rca1 lap proposes rural lot sizes that meet ,ltctes and the General Plan. The .~henstve General Plan; environmental compatible with area development. MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Turner, unanimously carried, the Co~tsston upheld the for Tentative Parcel Map 24333. adopted the and approved Tentative Parcel Hap 24333 subject to based on the above findings and conclusions as by Commissioner Wolf, and )al of Director's decision Declaration for EA 33512 of approval and ROLL CALL RESULTED AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Commissioners Turner, Smith, Oonahoe, Beadltng, Wolf NOES: None ABSENT: None (AGENDA ITEH 4-6 - Tape lB) PUBLIC USE PERI4IT 679 - EA 34317 - Trinity Christian Church - Temecula A~ea - First Suparvlsortal Dtstrtct - north of business Park Dr, vest of Single Oak D_~r. - PROJECT: To locate I church wtthtn an exlsttflg Industrial complex The hearing ms opened at 10:46 a.i. and ms closed at 10:53 a.m. STAFF RECOHI~NDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 34317 based on the conclusion that the project wtll not hive a stgetftcent effect on the envtromNnt and approval of Publlc Use Penntt 679 blsed on the conditions of approval and the ftndt~s and conclusions incorporated tn the staff report. The mppltcant ts proposing to locate I 210 seat church wtth btble study classes in a portton of an extsttng Industrial butldtng that ts located in an Industrial park. The proposed project is located north of Business Park Drive and vest of $tngle Oak Drtve tn the Ctty of Temcula. The project stte 11es vlthln a cmpleted tndestrtal park vhtch contatns ~ Industrial buildings and associated parking. Surrounding land uses include industrial parks, graded and 14 RIVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNING CO#qlSSZO# t41NUTES January 31, 1990 vacant l&nds. The stte ts currently zoned #-SC Nhtle the surrounding adjacent zontng ts all Iq-SC. The stte of the proposed project 11es Mthtn the Southwest Territory Lend Use Pla~nt~g Arel end ts subject to the pollctes of the SoutMmst Arel Community Plan and ts located tn the ctty of Temecula. County Ordt~lnce 348 &11ols churches tn any zone as long is the church ts considered compatible vtth the arol. The proposed church ts planned to betng used on Sundays and durtng the eventng noure on ~eek days. Staff advtsed that the proposed project ts consistent vtth the Soutl~est Area Community Plan pollctes covertng churches, conststant vlth Ordinance 348 and compatible vtth area developement. All envtroremntal concerns can be mitigated. TESTIIqONY OF PROPONENT Chrts Bachme*n, Design Concepts West, 27715 ,lefferson Ave. Sutte 105C, Temecula satd they are the destgner~ of the project tn question. )tr. Bachamn concurred vtth the conditions as presented imf had no problem wtth them. The questton he dtd have ts slnce they have submitted thts package, the cmmuntty of Temecula ts no~ a ctty and at thts potnt he wanted to knoM tf thts project would go before the Ctty Counctl of Temecula or would tt go on the the Board of Supervisors. )tr. Rtchards satd tt wtl] go to the Ctty of Temecula for thetr approval. Commissioner Beadltng questioned )tr. Bachamn of where they are gotng to get the ltght for thetr building. Hr. Bachamn smtd the 11ghttng wou]d be artificial, and he setd there ts currently ltghttmj tn the front of the building. Cmmtsstoner Smtth questioned the destgn of the map. He asked vd~y back to back plumbtng was not used for the restrooms. Mr. Bachnmn satd the c11ent did make some destgn changes so tt was thetr preference to keep tt thts way, but he noted beck to beck plumbtng ts used Coetntsstoner Turner questioned the ttme frame of the proposed project; he asked )tr. Bachln would they use al1 of thts ttme. )tr. Bachmen said the Intention of the church staff ts to look around for a panMnent stta to butld a church tn the vtctntty of MurrJeta or Telmcula. #r. Bachmen noted that the church they are tn presently ts a temporary facility. There was no one present tn opposition to the proposed project. At thts potnt staff llde the fo1 lovtng changes tn the staff report. tlr. tllcHott noted that on page I of the staff report under background the number of seattng tn the church ts 210 tnstead of 150. Ftndt~g #1 JI#ENDED to reid '210 seat church' tnstead of a 150 seat church. Heartng closed at 10:53 a.m. FINDING MD CONCt. USION: The applicant ts proposing to locate a 210 seat church vqthtn an extsttng tedustrtal butldtng located tn an Industrial park; the stte 15 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNI#6 COHHISSXON NINUTE$ January 31, 1990 contatns t~o bUildings ~tth a total of 100,430 square feet and 279 pirktng spices; surroondtng land uses Include Industrial pa~ks, graded land, Ind vacant lind; the project stte ts zoned H-SC; sur?oundtng ~dJacent zontng ts H-SC; the project stte ts locited In the Southvest Territory Land Use Pl&nntng Area and vtthtn the Southvest Am Commntty Plan; the project stte ts locoted vtthtn the nevly Incorporated Ctty of Tmecula; the p~oJect ts tn confonmnce vtth Ordinance No. 348, and the $outhwst Area Commntty Plan and envtrormental concerns tnclude liquefaction and floodtng hazards. No liquefaction hazard vas found on the stte end the 1flooding concerns hive been dealt vlth through the constructtofl of flood control facilities. No other onvtromental concerns vere Identified. Publlc Use Pemtt #o. 679 ts consistent utah the Southvest Area Commntty Plan and the Comprehensive General Plan; Pub]tc Use Pemtt NO. 679 Is compatible vtth arel development and Publtc Use Pemtt No. 679 vrl]l not have a significant effect on the envtronmnt. HOTZ~: Upon morton by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Ccmntsstoner t~o]f and unantmous]y carrted, the C:ommtsslon adopted the Negattve Declaration for £A 34317 and approve] of Pub]tc Use Permtt 679 subject to the concltttons of approval and based on the ftndtngs as amended as a recomnendatton to the Temecula Ctty ¢ounct]. ZTEH 5-1 - Tape 2A) OF ZONE S406 - EA 33583 - ARS Development Company, Inc. - Cherry Va1 lay Dtst~ Ftfth Supervt sort al Dtstrtct- 52.6~ acres, Callmesa Blvd north of Cherry lay Blvd - It-2 to R-T and C-P-S, etc. vdth TRACT RAP NO. 23528 - 197 lots - 52 acres - Schedule A (Cont. from 11/1/89) Heartng vas Apr11 4, 1990. at 1:30 p.m. and vas continued to 1:30 p.m. on Staff ~vtsed that one present vho vt shed vtth the continuance. )pltcant requested a 60 days continuance. There Nas no this matter. Conntsstoner ¥o]f concurred 140TZOfl: Upon morton by and unanimously cirrted, Change continued to Apr1] 4, 1990 at 1:30 NOlf, seconded by Coawntsstoner Oonahoe, .one 6405 and Tract I~lp No. 23628 mre (AGENDA ZTEH 5-2 - T&pe 2A) CHANGE OF ZONE S472 - EA 33834 - James Joo-Hyok Thtrd Supervt sort al Otstrtct - 20~ acres, north Hirpir Line - R-A-20 to R-A-lO, etc. vt th PARCEL acres - Schedule H - Rlncho ~ltfornta Area - Ista Del Nonte Rd, east of - 2 lot - 20, helrtng vms opened at 1:33 p.m. and vis continued off cll( '. 16 Zoning District: Temecula Supervisorial District: First E.A. Number: 34317 Regional Team No.: One PUBLIC USE PERMIT NO. 679 Planning Commission: 1-31-90 Agenda Item No.: 4-6 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTHENT STAFF REPORT 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. Applicant: Engineer/Rep.: Type of Request: Location: Existing Zoning: Surrounding Zoning: Site Characteristics: Area Characteristics: Comprehensive General Plan Designation: Land Division Data: Agency Recommendations: Letters: Sphere of Influence: Trinity Christian Church Design Concepts West Location of a church within an existing Industrial building North of Business Park Drive, west of Single Oak Drive M-SC M-SC Completed industrial park containing two buildings with parking Industrial parks, graded land, and vacant land Land Use: Light Industrial Total Acreage: 5 acres See Letter Dated: Road: 10-27-89 Health: 10-05-89 Flood: 10-24-89 Fire: 10-05-89 Building and Safety: Land Use: 10-23-8g Grading: 10-26-89 Opposing/Supporting: None received Not within a City Sphere Public Use Permit No. 679, proposes to locate a 210 seat church with Bible Studies classes in a portlon of an extstlng Industrial buildtn9 located in an Industrial park. The project site is located north of Bustness Park Drive and west of Single Oak Drive in the City of Temecula. (Amended P.C. 1-31-90) 'Land Use and Zcmtncz The project site lies within a completed industrial park which contains two industrial buildings and associated parking. Surrounding land uses include industrial parks, graded land, and vacant land· The project site is zoned M-SC. Surrounding adjacent zoning is all M-SC. PUBLIC USE PERMIT NO. 679 Staff Report Page 2 General Plan Consistency and Area CoJoattbllltv The project site lies within the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area, is subject to the policies of the Southwest Area Community Plan, and is located within the newly Incorporated City of Temecula. The SWAP designation for the site ts L-1 (Light Industrial). The present zoning of M-SC and the Industrial Park, which has been built on the site, are consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan. The SWAP policies concerning religious worship centers calls for .land use compatibility, adequate circulation, adequate water distribution, adequate sewage collection and utility service, and the project cannot jeopardize public health, safety, and welfare. County Ordinance No. 348 allows churches, with an approved Public Use Permit, in any zone as long as the church is considered compatible with the area. The project site contains 100,430 square feet of floor area between two buildings with an associated 279 parking spaces. The proposed church is contemplated as being used on Sundays and during the evening hours on weekdays. Adequate circulation exists serving the project site, ample parking is available, adequate water distribution and sewage disposal are available, and utilities are available. The location of the project will not jeopardize public health, safety,a nd welfare. Therefore, this project is found to be consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan policies covering churches, consistent with Ordinance No. 348, and compatible with area development. Environmental Analysis The initial study for Environmental Assessment No. 34317 indicated the potential for liquefaction hazard and flood hazard. The building the church is proposing to locate in is a part of Plot Plan No. 10909. County Liquefaction Report No. 591 was done on this Plot Plan with no liquefaction hazard found on the site and no mitigation is required. The site was found to be subject to flood hazard. The County Flood Department finds that flood control facilities have been constructed for mitigation of the possible flooding of the site. No other environmental concerns were identified. The applicant is proposing to locate a 210 seat church within an existing industrial building locate in an industrial park. (Amended P.C. 1-31-90) m The site contains two building with a total of 100,430 square feet and 279 parktng spaces. Surrounding land uses lnclude Industrial parks, graded land, and vacant land. 3. The project site is zoned M-SC. Surrounding adjacent zoning is M-SC. The project site is located in the Southwest Territory Land Use Planning Area and wlthln the Southwest Area Community Plan. PUeLICUSE PH~IIT NO. 670 ~t~ffRN:ort $. The proJect stte ts located wtthtn the rwdly Incorporated City of Temecula. 6. The project Is tn oonforuance wtth Ordinance #o. 348, end the Southwest Area C~muuntty Plan. 7. Environmental concerns tnclude liquefaction and floodtng hazards. No liquefaction hazard was found on the stte and the floodtng concerns have boon dealt with through the construction of flood control facilities. No other environmental concerns were identified. 1. Publtc Uso Permit No. 679 is consistent with the Southwest Area Comuunlty Plan and the Comprehensive Oeneral Plan. 2. Public Use Permit No. 679 is compatible with area develolxuent. 3. Publtc Use Permit No. 679 wtll not have a significant effect on the environment. RECOI~ENOATION: AI)OPTI~ of the Negative Oeclaratton for Environmental Assessment No. 34317, based on the conclusion that the proposed project w111 not have · significant effect on the environment; and, APPROV~ of PUBLIC USE PERMIT NO. 679 , subject to the conditions of approval, and based on the findings and conclusions incorporated into this staff report. laf:csf ~/~8/~o PU 679 uc HILLS .GRADED LAND USE UC GRADED STRI GRADED '~ PARK ~NDUSTRY ~ &OCATIOWAL MAP TRINITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH. CHIJ~CH (¢MBLE: STUDY SERVICES) 1'- 800' ~fO ~CAL£ ~ R~I~HO C~I.IFORNIA RD.-IECONDAI:Iy-Ie' ~ ~ ~ BEI~RI~ENT PU 679 EXISTING ZONING -R Mm -2 ~TY ~00' C- R-A-2 '% I-P TRINITY CHRISTIAN. CHURCH CHURCH ( B~LE ~rtJDY ~ ) TEMECULA ~Ip.DMt. 1 T. SS.,R.3W. A~or'~ Bk. 921 I:~. 02 (~ RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD.-SECONDARY-SS' EMI11~It DIAZ RD. - MAJOR - 100' PLANNING DEPARTMENT I I I HO ~CAL£ MAP PU 679 CP- SWAP RLI L! L! OC ,, C U~e TRINITy ISTIAN RLI LO '.ALE RIYERSIDE ~ PLASffiII~I DEPARTNEKr O08DITIO88 OF APPROVAL Trtnlty Christian Church 24935 #ashtngton Avenue gurrteta, CA 92362 PUBLIC USE PERMIT IlO. 679 Project I)escrlptton: Location of church in an existing industrial building Assessor's Parcel No.: 921-020-055 District: T-macule The use hereby permitted is for a church located wtthtn Assessor's Parcel Number 921-020-055. The permtttee shall defend, Indemnify, and hold harmless the County of Riverside, 1ts agents, officers, and employees from any claims, actton, or proceeding agatnst the County of Riverside or 1ts agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the County of Riverside, 1ts advtsory agencies, appeal boards, or legislative body concerning Publlc Use Permlt No. 679. The County of Riverside wtll promptly nottfy the permtttee of any such clatm, actton, or proceeding agalnst the County of Riverside and w111 cooperate fully In the defense. If the County falls to promptly nottfy the permtttee of any such claim, actlon or proceeding or fatls to cooperate fully tn the defense, the permtttee shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, Indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. This approval shall be used wtthtn one (1) years of approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and votd and of no effect whatsoever. By use ts meant the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by thts approval wtthtn the one (1) year pertod which ts thereafter diligently pursued to completion or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by thts approval. e The development of the premises shall conform substantially with that as sho~n on plot plan marked Exhtbtt A, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby permttted ceases operation for a pertod of one (1) year or more, thts approval shall become null and votd. Any outside 11ghttng shall be hooded and dtrected so as not to shtne dtrectly upon &d~otntng proper~y or publlc rights-of-way. m The subdivider shall comply wtth the street taprovemont recommandattons outltned tn the County Road Department's letter dated October 27, 1989, a copy of whtch ts attached. #ater and sea, rage dtsposal facilities aha11 be Installed tn accordance wlth the provisions set forth tn the Riverside County Health Department's tran~tttal dated October 5, lg89, & copy of vhtch ts attached. em Flood protectton shell b-provided tn accordance with th-Riverside County Flood Control District's transmittal dated October 24, 1989, a copy of whtch ts attached. PUBLTC USE PEI~IIT t~. 679 Conditions of Approval Page 2 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Fire protection shall be provtded tn accordance wtth the appropriate sectton of Ordinance No. 546 and the County Ftre tVarden's transmittal dated October 5, 1989, a copy of which is attached. The applicant shall comply wtth the recommendations set forth tn the Department of But ldtng and Safety - Land Use Section's transmittal dated October 23, 1989, a copy of whtch is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Department of Butldtng and Safety -Gradtng Section's transmittal dated October 26, 1989, a copy of whtch is attached. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Riverside County Geologist's transmittal dated March 9, 1989, a copy of which Is attached. Prtor to the lssuance of butldtng permits, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Riverside County Flood Control Environmental Health Fire Department Wrttten evtdence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Dlvtston of the Department of Building and Safety. Prtor to the tssuance of butldtng permtts, the following additional and/or revtsed plans shall be submitted for Planning Department approval: Signing Program Floorplans shall be In substantial conformance with that shown on Exhtbtt A. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shtelded from ground vtew. Screening matertal shall be subject to Planntng Department approval. This approval shall become null and votd on January 31, 2000. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by thls permtt. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paylng the appropriate fees. Rt~:csf 1/1~/9o OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR October 27, 1989 lOAD IIX4MIS~iCt%~ & ~ ~RV~ Riverside County Planning Co~ssion 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Re: PU 679 Te~m I - SMD %9 Parcel 3 of PM 20873 AP %111-111-111-9 ODUNTY P.O. BOx 1090 ~ CALI/Of~L~ 9~'S0'2 (714) ?~?.6554 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Road Department has not required a traffic study for this project as we have a traffic study on file which addresses traffic impacts in the immediate area. This study indicates a projected Level of Service 'A" at Rancho California Road and Business Park Drive. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: "A minimum of level of service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use. As such, the proposed project is consistent with ~his General Plan policy. Therefore, should this project be approved the Road Del~mrtment recommends the following conditions: With respect to the referenced item, the recommendations: conditions of approval for the above Road Department has the following Prior to issuance of a building permit or any use allowed by this permit, the applicant shall complete the following conditions at no cost to any government agency: No additional right of way shall be required on Business Park Drive since adequate right ofway exists. ® Traffic signal mitigation has ~nmet on this site.as part of P.P. 9242, paid 3/16/88 in the sum of $11,147.50 Prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this permit, the &l~licant shall construct ~he following at no cost to any government agency: e No additional mad imp~ve~ents will be requ~ at this time. COUNTY ADI~ONISTRATIVE ~ · 4OS0 ~N STREI'I' · ~K, CJLI~ORNIA 9~$01 FU 67~a October 27, 1989 Page 2 ® e Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. Ail work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. All driveways shall conform to the applicable Riverside County Standards. The street design and improvement concept of ~his project shall be coordinated wi~h PM 131/58-59, P/P 839-X and P.P. 9242. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall cc~ply with Road DeparUnent standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Co~issioD~r. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36"). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict ~ such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordation make application for and pay for ~heir reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district un/ess said fees are deferred to building permit. Technical Eng. Unit Supervisor C6 nty of Rive ide DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TI: R~VERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. O~T 5 1~8~ lJ~ PUBLIC USIE PERMIT 679 ~,v;:,,;'-:-'. :~.::-;"'- ..", The Enviromaental Health Services has reviewed Public Use Permit 679 and has no objections. Sanitary sewer and water services are available in this area, Prior to building plan approval, the foilowi'nq items will be submitted: "Will-serve" letters from the water and sewerinq aqencies. Three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted includinq a fixture schedule, a finish schedule, and a plumbxn~ schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. SM:tat OOH-G~-(Xl2 (Re~. 11M1) KENNETH L. EDWARDS RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVER'~IDE, GALIFORNIA 82502 October 24, 1989 1995 MARKET STREET P.O, BOX 1033 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO, (714) 788-9965 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 1 Randy Wilson Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Public Use Permit 679 This is a proposal to establish a church in an existing building in a business park in Temecula. The site is located on the north side of Business Park Drive west of Single Oak Drive. The grading, street improvements and flood control facilities have been constructed under Parcel Map 19580. The District does not object to the proposed use. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to Zully Smith of this office at 714/787-2333. c: Trinity Christian Center enior Civil ~.ngineer ZS:mcy PLANNING & ENGINEERING 46-20~ O~15 STRF. ET, ~JITE 405 INDIO. CA 92201 (619} 342.8886 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF 10-05-89 PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3760 12TH STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 (714) 787.6606 TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ATTN: RANDY WILSON RE: PUBLIC USE 679 With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection standards: 1. Occupancy separation will be required as per the Uniform Building Code, Section 503. 2. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 3. Certain designated areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. 4. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. ® Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $413.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. Applicant/developer shall be responsible to install a fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. 7. Fire sprinklers may need to be relocated to provide adequate coverage when improvements are installed. 8. Final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in Building and Safety. All questions regarding the meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff. RAYMOND H. REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner Laura Cabral, Fire Safety Specialist ml Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 October 23, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Randy Wilson County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Pubilic Use Permit #679, Exhibit A Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: An additional plot plan or an approved exhibit for on-site signage will be required. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall conform with an approved floor plan indicating the maximum number of tenants allowed. Each space shall be labeled with a number or a letter. If approved elevations are required from the Planning Department the approved plans must be submitted to the Land Use Division concurrently with submittal of structural plans for review. Prior to acceptance of structural plans for Building and Safety review, one complete set of approved conditions from 'Planning Department must be attached. Prior to issuance of building permits, proposed lighting must be in conformance with Mount Palomar Lighting Plan, Zone B, per Ordinance 655. Grading clearance required - in ground fissure area. Performance Securities Bond for maintenance of landscaping may be required. Consult your Conditions of Approval. Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 Planning Oepartment PU 679 October 23, 1989 Page 2 Tenant Improvement plans will be required prior to issuance of building permits. Very truly yours, Robert Linares Senior Land Use Technician /$n RIVERSl DE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMEN:I" OCT g'6 1989 Co~ents - -- ~itial pup ~ 7~/ ~Y ,el~,~a'z October 25, Planners I Designers / Enginee rs Department of Building and Safety County of Riverside 1777 Atlanta Drive Riverside, California 92507 Attn: Howard Mills RE: PUP ~79 Trinity Christian Church Dear Mr. M~lls: In response to your comments in our LDC meeting Thursday, October 1~, 1~8~, I am informing you that all buildings, finish floors, A.C. driveways, driveway grades, and parking lot grades are existing per building permit #428405 and was finalized on June 1~8~. The use is for a tenant space for a church whose hours of operation will be Wednesday evenings and Sundays. If you have any further questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call. Upon receipt of this letter and your approvals, would you please generate a letter to Planning as soon as possible so we can receive our hearing date with current Planning. Respectfully Submitted DESIGN CONCEPTS WEST Christian Bachm~n President /vh 27715 Jefferson Ave., Suite 105D · Temecula, CA 92390 · (714) 676-7464 RiVrR iDE counc.u DATE: September 25, 1989 Pm nnin DEPARQilEnC ~ Commissioner Turner Eastern Municipal Water District ~rk Balys Community Plans TO: )ksessor Butldtng and Safety - Land Use Butldtng and Safety -Gradtng Surveyor - Ken Tetch * Road Department Health - Ralph Luchs Fi re Protection Flood Control District Fish & Game U.S. Postal Service - Ruth E. Oavtdson U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services County Superintendent of Schools Rancho Californi'a Water Southern California Edison Southern California Gas General Telephone Caltrans Temecula Union School Dist Murrieta School Dist. pi..ANOCT :31 1989 RIVERSIDE COUhTY NING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC USE PERMIT 679 - (Tm-l) - E.A. 34317 - Trinity Christian Church - Design Concepts West - Temecula Area - First Supervtsorial District - N of Business Park Dr., W. Single Oak Dr. - M-SC Zone - 5 Acres - RELATED: PP 9242 - REQUEST: ,'~.*-'.' ~ Church within industrial bldgs. - Mod 119 · - A.P. 921-020-055 / Please review the case described ;,?above:' ai0n~ ?~t*th' ~he ' ~'~t~hed case mp. A Land Division C~tttee meting *:has~'. :been t~ntatiyely,scheduled~fOr October 19, 1989. If it clears, tt will then go to pu~ljF~heartn~'./i.-}~ i~ ~y i) L' .,:, ;. ~::,.,L~/: Your c~nts and rec~ndattons?.Are ~ques:ted prior to October 19, 1989 in order that ~ include th~ tn the staff repo~t~fot.*thts particular case. Should ~u have any questions regarding this' tt~, please do not hesitate to contact ~ndy Wilson at 787-1363.[ m ~J/ ~ j J Planner C0ffi~ENTS: DATE: 'I)CT 2 5 1M~IGNATURE PLEASE print name and title ~HIE A~AP DRAFTSt~M~ 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 STATE OF CAIJ~OIINIA~hI~, 11t~N~mOI~T&TICIN AND HOUSING AG~hlCY GEC~GE DEUKMF_IIAN, ~ovemor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DI~ICT S, P.O. ~)X 231 ~ 1714) ~ October 4, 1989 Development Review 08-Riv-15-4.98 Your Reference: PUP 679 Planning Department Attention Randy Wilson County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Mr. Wilson: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed Public Use Permit 679 located easterly of Business Park Drive and northerly of Single Oak Drive near Rancho California. This proposal is somewhat removed from an existing state highway. Although the traffic and drainage generated by this proposal does not appear to have a significant effect on the State highway system, consideration must be given to the cumulative effect of continued development in this area. Any measures necessary to mitigate the cumulative impact of traffic and drainage should be provided prior to or with development of this area. We have no specific comment on this proposal. If additional information is desired, please call Mr. Thomas J. Neville at (714) 383-4384. Very truly yours, H. N. LEWANDOWSKI District Permits Engineer East ern ,Mun ici I:,al' r er District )ohfl M. CoudureS, Pre, klein Richard C. Kelley, Vice PreskJem Wm. G Akiridse Chester C Gilbert B, oclser D. S~ems Juanit. L Riverside Co. Planning Dept. 4080 Lemon St., 9th Floor Riverside, Ca 92501 The District is responding to your request for coments on the subject project relative to water and/or sewer service. The items checked below apply to this project review. The subject project: -~ Is not within EMWD's: ~'- water service area sewer service area / Will be required to construct/provide the following facilities be served by EMWD: if to OCT 5 1989 L/dY RIVERSIDE C:'. "' PLAN"" Sewer Service Any and all necessary regionally sized onsite and offsite gravity sewers and appurtenant works that ~ight.tdclude monitoring manholes, lift stations, force mains, and effluen~ .disposal/use. Sewers will not be allowed along lot ltnes/privgt~!and; :Fee paY~nt ~nd participation in regional sewers, treatment, and effluenti'diSposal must be':~t. Only wastes acceptable to EMWD regulations will be a)lmved; EASTERN MUNZcIpAL "ATER'~ISTRICT Planntng Oepartmnt 2045 S. SanJacinto Street · Post Office Box 8300 · SanJacinto, Calito£nia 92383-1300 · Telephone (714) 925-7676 county March 9, 19~ Soil Tech 28700-B Las Haciendas, Suite ~03 P.O. Box 1568 Temecula, CA 92390 Attention: Mr. H. Wayne Batmbrtdge Mr. Anthony B. Brown Mr. John T. Reinhart Mr. David L. Jones Gentlemen: SUBJECT: Liquefaction Hazard Project No.: ~97-PS-89 Plot Plan 10909 A.P.N.: 921-020-0S4 County Seologic Report No. Rancho California Area We have reviewed your report entitled 'Liquefaction Potential Evaluation, Plot Plan 10909,' dated February 16, 1989. Your report determined that the potential for liquefaction on the site is considered nil. No recommendations concerning liquefaction mitigation were made in your report. It is our opinion that ~he report was prepared in a competent manner and satisfies the 'additional information requested under the California Environmental Qualtty Act review and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Ftnal approval of the report is hereby given. SAK:al Very truly yours, 'RIVERSIDE couNTY PLANNING . DEPART)lENT Engineei'tng ~ologiVt ~F ! CEG-Z205h' - ' ' / Warren James - Wespark, Ltd Norm Lostbom - Building & Safety Planntng Team 5 -Glorta Mactel 4080 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787'6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 Tk.qlTY CHRISTIAN FELLO .,HIP 24935 Washington Avenue / P. O. Box 993/Mm'rleta, California 92362.0993 / (714) 677~093 FACILITIES USE SCHEDULE REGULAR WEEKLY SUNDAY 8 A.M. - NOON CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FOR WORSHIP AND INSTRUCTION (APPROX. 150 PERSONS) &- 8 P.M. WEDNESDAY 7 - 8:50 P.M. WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY (APPROX. 50 PERSONS) BIBLE STUDY & YOUTH GROUPS (APPROX. 50 PERSONS) OTHER TYPES OF USES 1) OFFICE OPEN REGULAR DAYTIME BUSINESS HOURS; APPROX. 5 PERSONS 2) ONE OTHER BIBLE STUDY ON ONE WEEKDAY; APPROX. 15 PERSONS 5) MEETINGS OF AUXILLIARY GROUPS, POSSIBLY 2-4 EVENINGS A MONTH; APPROX. 5-20 PERSONS PASTOR DAVE HALL 9/18/89 APPLICATION FOR LAND UIE AND DEVELOPiIENT CHANGE OF ZONE NO. CONDmONAL USE PERMIT NO. PARCEL MAP NO. PLOT PLAN NO. DATE: September 19, TRACT ~P NO. TEMPORARY U"~ FIERMrr NO. VARIAN~E NO. 1989 A ~J~Nt INI~T~ 1. ~nflNJ~: Trinitv Christian Church ~~: 24935 Washinoton Ave.. Hurr~ta, CA T~NG: ( 714 ) hll~m~: 27919 Front Street, 1201, Temecula, CA 92390 Mlil~m~: 27715 Jefferson Ave. 1105C, Temecula, CA 92390 Tem~No.: ( 714 ) 676-7464 (e~m.-5~) 1. Pur~ of Request (~cri~ proje~): (Ordi~n~ ~8 ret no.) Conditional Use ~ermi~ for tenant improvemen=s =o an exisCin9 structure to have*Bible Study Services. c. ~~ m~~. o~ i. ~~~). 921-020-~ ~ ~l~t~(~~~ 43300 Business Park Drive S [[prcel_3 of PNt2.Q873.~,n b.ook. T31 PG 58-59 in County of Riverside, . ]riom~Jl~rotherjPl~JJJ. N.N.~oo. an0u, ooralflJtes: /,~ S~ate of California ~. ~2~ ~-~ &,,, ..~~~/~_ . ~NA~ ~ ~ ~ER6) KN~K~YN ~ 84g~on Toulml~ip RInOe Llgll dltcdl~io~ ~ exlct Ilgll dleCWil~im~ II rlco~led M the Office o~ the County R~c:offler). MBy be BttmCh~d. 4080 LEMON STREET. 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92501-3657 (714) 787-6181 46-20~ OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO. CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 REQUIRED PIIOPEHTY OWNERI NOTIFIOATION INFORMATION APPLICATIONS FOR: PARCEL MAPS TRACTS ZONE CHANGES X OONDmONAL ~ PSRMI'rS I~IBLIC U~E F~RMITS WIND ENERGY CC)NV~R~ON SYSTEM 1~,.~0 PLOT PLANS Requiring Enviro,,mentai Aileelmems tM ultif·mily ,Commercial, MckJ~rial ) VARtANCES I~MPORARY USE PSRMITS i~te the ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ i~ti~ ~ ~ ~ ~m'~ B~ t~ mi~ ~ t~t are withina MSt Kullized ~ en~lo~ and ~~ ~M~,~,m~~t ~ ~ ~ ~e a~te.T~T~ ~r ~ ~ice The above noted information may bi obtained by contacting · title inl~mnce coml~ny in the Riversic}e County ·rea. PROPERTY OWNER~ CERTIFICATION NAME: 'RTL E ! R~GISTRATION: ADDRESS: ) CASE NO. ~A. NO. ITAFF USE ONLY ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM llleime gomMMe Plr~ IInd II (M thM ~xltt Iftd Ix~wide IN (M ~he ~1 m~lriIM requeited in ~ III. FiiI~ to ~ ~ ~y My the leMew and I~X:~el M)~ur prMec~ If you ire ur~ble to pn~/t0e the informatim~ or you need ~ ~ f~l Into to ~.-~ the Pk.Wn. De~rtment at C714) 787-e41& 1. What is the TotaJ AorM0e involved? ~ # "Yel,' imwicle Cele Number. AMo ~ the EnWonm~ Number, # ~ Irld Enviroflrrlentll Impllc~ La. NO. # Kn(Nm~ EIR NO.. . ~ 18 w NM:~ .vmilWe m the ~e? YESI~ NOD ff 'No,' how Mr must the wirer line(I) be exten(N~ to ~ emvioe? Number o~ feet or mM ~rontaq~ 1. At ielit three (3) I~nmlmic photographs (color pltn~) of the project site, or in IMtll Dho40 d ~ ~e I~ ~r ~t~s m utilized, kldude i map identlfyin0: t~ The ama M ~em~e ol each ptKXo~aph 2. A Mr I:MI(:I4(~X~y (Xen:)x or limillr (X)l~ M the IIx:)rol~ite Dortion ot the U.S. Geological Sun~y quadrangle map, clelin- eeUnO me W of the lm)Jec~ M~ AJeo nme me tme of me ma~ I I=l~'tily thlt I hive inva~lig~ thl W M Pl~ts IInd Il ind the &nlwlrl w true and oon1~t to the I~est ~ my EOONOMIC AND HOUSING LOANS Riverside County MPRDXI#ATEL¥ $3.5 RILLION HAS BEEN #ADE AYAILABLE FOR ECO#0~IC DEVELOPHENT IIOUSII~ LONffS IN IMB. RPPLICATIORS CAN BE FILED kl]TH THE RIVERSIDE COUr;T.¥ D£PARTHENT OF £CONOHIC AND COI, VCI~ITY DEYELOPflENT LOCATED AT 3499 TENTH P.O. 50X 1180. RiVERS/DE, CALIFORNIA, 92502. / COt~NITY D~VELOP/4ENT BLOCK GRANTS (CO~) FROPI TH[ U.S. DEPARTmeNT OF tlOUS~ i I ~DE~TE ]NC~ ~Y ~SZDENTS. THE LO~S HAVE BEEN USED FOR ~RCZAL, l~I~, ~Sl~ ~ lK~~ P~JE~S. CO~t"IEREZAL AND iNDUSTRiAL PROJECTS MIlCH SAY... OR CREATE JOBS FOR LOi¢ RESZD£NTS, CAN RECEIVE L~ INTEREST, PARTIAL FiNANCiNG. UP TO 33 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL PR0,.1ECT CAN BE FINANCED. THE HAXIHUN LOAN 25 $5170,OO0 AND THERF. C,IL~ OF $].5,000 LOAN.rD PER ~OB CREATED OR RETAZNED. THE HOUSZNG LOAN FUND LOAN UP TO SO PERCENT OF THE COST FOR CONSTR',J:TION OR REHABILITATION OF ]NI::OI~[ HOUSZNG. FUNDS HiJST BE FULLY SECURED BY REAL PROPERTY AND SUBSTAKT:AL DEVELOPER £OUZTY IS R£OUZRED. T~ LOAN FUND IS OFFERED ~OiNTLY BY THE COUNTY AND SEVENTEEN OF ITS CiTiES. FOR FURTHER INFOIb~TION, CONTACT YOUR CDBG AREA REPRESENTATIVE OR STItODTBEC~ AT (?14) 785-9770. RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNXNG DEPARTMENT COUNTY AI:)MINISTRATIVE CENTER, NINTH FLOOR 4080 LEMON STREET RIVERSIDE, CALiFORNiA 92501-3657 Roger S. Streeter, Planning Dtrector A PUBLIC IIEARING has been scheduled before the PLANNING C(]IlISSION to consider the application(s) described below. The Planntn9 Department has tentatively found that the proposed project(s) will have no significant environmental effect and has tentatively completed negative declaration(s). The Planning Commission will consider whether or not to adopt the negative declaration along with the proposed project at this hearing. Place of Heartng: Board Roomt 14th Floor: 4080 Lemon Street~ Rtverstdet CA Date of Hearing: YEDNESDAY~ JANUARY 31~ 1990 The ttme of heartng ts Indicated wtth each application 11sted below. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Department before the hearing or may appear and be heard tn support of or opposition to the adoption of the negative declaration and/or approval of this project at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects tn court, you may be limited to raising only those Issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described tn this notice, or tn written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The environmental finding along with the proposed project application may be viewed at the public Information counter ,Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. PUBLIC USE PERMIT 679, E.A. 34317, ts an application submitted by Trtntty Christian Church for property located tn the Temecula Area and Ftrst Supervtsortal 0tstrtct and generally described as N of Bustness Park Drtve, g of Stngle Oak Ortve and made pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, Riverside County Land Use Ordinance whtch proposes to locate a church ~thtn an extsttng Industrial complex. TIME OF HEARING: 9:30 A.M. P.O. BOX 755 TEMECULA,CA 92390 921-020-037 DBA - 41915 BUSINESS PI~K DR. T~IECULA,CA 92390 921-020-043 247 KANSAS c~ EL EEGUND'D, C;~ 921-020-044 PA~K. HEIGHTS PROP. 34 :. OLIV~ AVE. SUITE I BUR~A~,CA 91502 921-020-049 RANCHO CALIF. DEV. CO. P.O. BOX 755 TF. MECULA,CA 92390 921-020-054 RIO NEDO PARTNERS ATTN: TOMISLAV GABR~C 14150 VINE PLACE CERRITOS,CA 90701 921-020-055 COUII .U ENVIRONMENTAL A~$ESSMENT FORM: STANDARD EVALUATION ENVIRONMENTAL A~SESSMENT (E.aC) NUMBER: 34317 MODULE NUMBER(s): PROJECT CASE TYPE(s)AND NUMBER~(s): Public Use Permit No. 679 AI=PUCANI"S NAIdE: Trinity Christian Church I~LAME OF PER~$) PREI=~d=IING E.ac: Randy Wi 1 son I. PROJECT INFORMATION 119 DESCRII~I1ON (ir~Jude pro;x)~ed minimum lot size and uses as ml~)licabie): Permit for the location of a Church with~an existing industrial building. B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES ~ C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(m): 921-020-055 D. EXISTING ZONING: M~C IS THE PROI~:)SAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED ZgNING: IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? F. STREET REFERENCES: North of Business Park Drive West of Single Oak Drive Oo SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 11, Township 8 South, Ranqe 3 West BRIEF DESCRIPTIONOFTHEEXlSTINGENVlRONMENTALSETFING OF THE PROJECTSITEANDITSSURROUNDINGS: Project site is an existing industrial park which contains two co~pl.~ted buildings and associated parking and landscaping. ,The area around the project site is in industrial use and there are so~ areas of graded land and vacant land. II. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the appropriate option(8) bek~ and I~Oceed accordingly. ri All or part of the project Mte la in "Adopted Specific Plans," "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Cc~munity Pm~y ~as". ~ SeCUon~ III, N (B and Comy), V and VI. ~x All or ~ ot the I~"oject ~ M in "Areas Not Designated as Open Space". Complete Sections III, IV (A, B and D only), V and VL ~bove. Comldete 8ectlo~ III, N (A, B, and E only), V and VI. III. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD6 AND RESOURCF.8 A&SE88MENT HAZARDS 1- N 2. Y 3. N 4. N 5. N 8. N 7. N 8. N 9. N 10. N 11. Y Aiquist-Priok) Special S~udies or County Fault Hazard Zones (Fig. VI.l) NA PS U FI (Fig. VI.3) LiQuefaction Potantial Zone (Fig. Vi.1 ) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.4) Groundshaking Zone (Fig VI.l) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.5) ~ (Riv. Co. 800 Scale S~o~e M~os) Landalide Ri~k Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Seismic M~os or On-site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hazard (On-Nte Exr~ve S~ls (U.S.D~ SOI~ Eroalon (U.S.D-~. ~oil Conservation Serv~e Soil Surveys) Wind Emoalon & Blow. md (Fig. VI.l, Ord. 460, ~ 14.2 & Ord. 484) D&m Inundation Ama (Fig. VI.7) Floodplains (Fig. VI.7) NA U R (Fig. VI.8) RESOURCES Contmct Ma~) 28. N Wikllife (Fig. VI.36 - Vt.37) 35- N 30. N Mineral Re~ouroee (Fig. VI.41 - VI.42) 36. 81- N Energy ~ (Fig. Vt.43 - Vl.44) 37. 12. N Airport Noise (Fig. 11.18.5, 11.18.11 & V1.12 & 1984 AICUZ Report, M.A.F.B.) NA A B C D (Fig, V1.11) 13. I~ Railroad Noise (Fig. Vl.13-Vl.16) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 14. N Highway Noise (Fig. Vl.17-Vl.29) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 15. N OtherNoise NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 16. ]~ Project Generated Noise Affecting Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. VI.11 ) 17. N Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. Vl.11) 18. N Air Quality ImDacts From Project 19. !~ Project Sensitive to Air Quality 20. N Water Quality Impacts From Project 21. N Project Sensitive to Water Quality 22. N I'lm'_~rdous Materials and Wastes 23. N Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30 - V1.31) 24. Other 25. Other ,~nic Highways (Fig. V1.45) Historic Resources (Fig. Vl.32 - Vl.33) Archaeological Resources (Fig. Vl.32 - Vi.33 & V1.46 - V1.48) Paleontologic~ Resources (l=alemtoiogical Resources Ma,o) Other O~l~r Definitions for land Use Suitability and Noise Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Al~dicable S - Generally Suitable PS - Provisionally Suitable u - Gen~m.y Un~u~at~ R - Remrtcted A - G.ner~ly Amepta~k~ B - CondlflonMly Acceptable C - Generally Unacceptable D - Land Use Discouraged 1. OPEN~=~OEANDOON~ATIONIVlAPDE~4ONATION(s): Not desiqnated as open space ~. LAND USE Pt.ANNIN~ ARE~ Southwest Territ0rv & ~U~AREA. IFANY: Sout~.~t Are~_ Cnn~n'mity Plan 4. ~UNITY~AREA. IFANY: Southwest Area Community Plan 5. COMMUNITY PLAN, IFANY: ,Southwest Area Community Plan ~ COMMUNrrYPLANDE~IGNATION(m),FANY: LI- Light Industr.ibl ?. ~UIdMARYO~POUOIESAR=E~I~OPOBAb This cateqory is apolied to areas that have been committeN to the Manufacturing-Service Commercial Zone {M-SC), and uses permitted therein are consistent. (This proposal is for a church within an, established industrial park. Churches may be located within any zone as long as the use is compatible with the area development and land uses.) For mil projects, iniclcate with a y~ (Y) or no (N) whether tony public facilities and/or services issues may significantly aff~'t ~ be affected by the prol~. All referenced figures are contained in the Commehermive C, enerml P~an. For any k~ue PUBUC FACII. mF..~ AND SERVICES 1- N Ctmu~ticMn(Fig. N.l-IV.11. D~in 10. N Sec. V Existing, Planned & Required Roads) Bike Trail~ (Fig. N.12 - N.13) W~ (Agency I.~) Sewer (Agency I.~) Fire Servi~ (Fig. IV.16 - IV. ia) 8hedlf .~wl=~ (Fig N.17 - N.18) 8cho~ {Fig. N.17 - IV. lC) ~ Wilts (Fig. N.17 - N.18) I=~ks arid Recreation (Fig. N.19 - N.20) 2. N $ N 4- N 5. N 8. N 7.,,N 8, N 11.N 13. N, 14 N...~ 15. N Equesfltan Trai~ (Fig. IV.19 - N.24/ Riv. Co. 800 Scale) Equestrian Trail Iv~) Um~ (Fig. mW.5- mV.2S) ~ (1~). IV.17 - IVJ8) Health Services (Fig. IV.17 - N.18) A~ (~g. mm.l~ - m1.18.4, [lo~ - II.lO. lo & N27 - ember Project site is within the new City of Tenmcula D. If MI or prat of the project ~ b ~ "~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~", ~d b ~ ~ & ~m~ ~, ~te gNestiona 1, 2, 3, 6 m~cl 7. Complete questiona 4, 5, 6 taxi 7 If it is in ~ Community Ptan. Current land use categcx~ies) for the site ba~d on existing conditions. Also Indicate land use type ILe. re~lentlal, mmmerctal, etc.) 3. If D.1 differs from D.2, will lhe difl~ence be resolved at 1~ development .~age? Explain: ,l 4. Community Plan designation(s): LT- Light Tndu~trial 5. Is the proposed project consistent with the policies ~nd designations of the Community Plan? If not, explain: Yes 6. Is the proposal compatible with existing and proposed surrounding land uses? If not, explain: Yes 7. B~sed on this initial ~tudy, is the proposal consistent with the Compmlmsive General Plan? ff not, reference by ~ction and Issue Number those issues identifying inconaiste~ies: Yes E. If MI or part of lhe project site is in an Oper~ Space and Conservation designation, complete the following: 1. Slate the designation(s): 2. I~ the pmpo~ conaistsm with the designa~s)? If not, explain: 3. Baaed o~ this initial study, i~ the prol3o~l conNaent with the Comprehensive General Plan? If not, reference by Section and league Number those issues ickmtifying inconsistencies: V. INFORMATION ~OU#CES~ FelDe~8 OF FACT AND MIT~ATION MEASURE8 A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE~ME~ CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY 18SUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECEIVED ~fES/NO~)A'rE) B. For each issue marked yes (Y) undar Sections III.B amJ IV.B, identify the Section amd issue number amd do the following, in the format as shown below: 1. Ust all additional relevant data sources, including ~mcias consulted. 2. Slate all findings of fact regarding amvirottmental concerns. 3. State specific mitigation measures, if identifiable without requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information is required before the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to 5. ff additional sheets are needed to complete this ~ction, check the box at the end of the section and attach SECTION/ ISSUE NO. III Bll IVB17 SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: The oroiect site is located in an identified Liouefaction area. A ~tmJdy wm~ conducted on the site when the original industrial Dark was proposed. This study found the potential to be "nil" for the sil;e. The County GeoloQist has evaluated the studv and has written a letter dated 3-9-89. a CODV of which is att,nh~. This letter is in aqreement with l~he study which indicates no mitigation is needed. The ootential for floodinQ exists on the prQp~rt¥. The Count,v Flood Control Department has examined the project and project site and has found that the necessary flood improvements have been constructed for mitigation of the flood potential of the Site. A letter is attached from the County Flood Department dated, 10-24-89 which indicates no mitiqation measures are required for the present project. No impacts to the new city of Temecula are identified. The project is identified as being within the new city of Temecula. V. INFORMATION ~OURCE~, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continued) SECTION/ ~ NO. 8~)URCE$, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: ~]xTM project will not have & Mgniflcant effect on the environment ~ncl a Negative Declaration may be prepared. (or) I"'1 The project could have I Iignificant effect on the environment; however, there will not be a significant tffect in this ~ because the mitigation measures (~esoribed in Secttc~ V have been applied to the project and a Negative Declamtt~ may be prepared. (or) RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND NOTICE OF DETERMINATION __ Case No. (Mod)PUP 679 EA No. ~_4317 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Based on the Initial Study, it has been determined that the proposed project will not have a significant environmental effect. PROJECT DESCRIRTION AND LOCATION: Roger S. Streeter, Planning Director COMPLETED By Randy Wil~on _. Date January 31. 19g0 See attached Initial S~dy Title Planner II Case No.(Mod)PUP ~79 Land Div Sch Appl/Rep Desiqn Concepts West Developable Lots Dev. Ac Date Sub~tted September 20, 1989 Open Space Lots O.Sp. Ac Existing Zones M-$~ Changes of Proposed Zones Only Zoning Acreage ADOPTED Board of Supervisors -~Plannin9 Commission Area Planning Council ~ning Director Person verifying adoption Randy Wilson Date Jank(~r_v 31. 1990 (Other) HEARING BODY OR OFFICER l=l Board of Supervisors ~l~kPlanning Commission O Area Planning Council l-lP-~-~-ning Director 0 (Other) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION ACTION ON PROJECT ~ Approval 0 Disapproval Date January 31, 1990 Developable Lots Dev.Ac Open Space Lots O.Sp. Ac Zones Only Changes of ~pproved Lones Acreage The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been adopted and may be examined at the. Planning Department at the address below. Person verifying action Randy Wilson Title Planner II RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~080 LEMON STREET, 9TH FLOOR IVERSIDE, CA 92501 lstWhite Original - County Clerk 2rd Canary - Case File 3rd l~nk - Scheduling 295-31 (Rev. 10/83) COUNTY STAMP ---~ RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. as follows: The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited as required by law, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts hereinafter set forth. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13rd day of March, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/9025 03/07/~ 2:54pa CK# 1001 1002 1003 100~ 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 ~17 1018 CK DATE 3/13/9o 3/13/9o 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 3/13/90 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS AGAINST CITY & PAYROLL March 13, 1990 VENDOR F. D. Aleshire F. D. Aleshire Bastanchury Pat Birdsall Briareus Corp. C & C Locksmith The Californian County of Riverside County Administrative Center County of Riverside Davlin Freeman Office Supply Products Garnet Enterprises Golden State Trading Co. GTE HQ Office Supplies J R Freeman Co., Inc. John McTighe & Assoc. Lightfoot Planning Group DESCRIPTION Reimbursement for Expenses Travel Expenses 2/7 - 2/9/90 City Manager's Dept. Annual Meeting- LCC Water Supplies Reimbursement for Travel Expenses Payroll Check Printing Duplicate Keys/Service Various Employment Ads Repay County Loan Office Supplies Video Taping & Audio of Council Meetings Office Supplies Personnel Consultant Services Font Cartridges for Laser Printers Telephone Charges thru 2/28/90 Neighborhood Watch Newsletter IBM Office Supplies 1990 Review Forecast Rpt. Temecula Photomaps AMOUNT 138.57 420.82 24.00 812.86 136.17 56.00 34.56 100,000.00 2,284.41 900.00 48.69 660.00 597.79 843.24 392.91 1,018.61 1,608.00 300.00 1019 3/13/90 Petty Cash --20 3/13/90 Press Emerprise 1021 3/13/90 RanTec Rubber Stamp Manufacturing 1022 3/13/90 Rose Perea 1023 3/13/90 Rancho News 1024 3/13/90 SCE 1025 3/13/90 Sir Speedy 1026 3/13/90 Stevens, Norman S. 1027 3/13/90 Strachota Ins. Agency 1028 3/13/90 Towne Center Stationers 1029 3/13/90 Kathleen Turner __o30 3/13/90 Windsor Panners Petty Cash for City Hall Public Notice Ads Stamps for City Hall and City Clerk Reimbursement for Expenses Employment Ad Electric 1/24 - 2/22/90 Agenda Copying/Bus. Card Printing Sports Fields Evaluation Service Excess Liability Coverage Office Supplies Reimbursement for Expenses March 1990 Rent & February 1990 CAM Charges TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE: (NOTE: Re: List of Demands dated 2/27 - Ck. #181 in the amt. of $120 has been VOIDED.) PAYROLL: 319 2/26/90 320 2/26/9o 321 2/26/9o 322 2/26/90 323 2/26/90 324 2/26/90 F. D. Aleshire June S. Greek Cynthia C. Harmon Rose R. Perea Kathleen V. Turner Lisa M. Carter 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 2/15/90 thru & incl. 2/23/90 SUB TOTAL PAYROLL: 200.00 540.29 144.27 25.95 5.50 453.22 312.43 50.00 15,715.00 462.81 41.58 3.898.58 $132,126.26 1,846.03 574.29 658.44 393.94 484.03 336.70 $ 4¢93.43 316 3/1/90 EDD 5 3/1/90 Overland Bank California Income Tax Federal Tax Deposit TOTAL PAYROLL: 216.35 1.613.42 $ 6,123.20 TOTAL PAYMENTS & PAYROLL: $138,249.46 I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: ~/~//~t, ~ F. D. Aleshire - Interim City Manager RESOLUTION NO. 90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLAN NO. 1168 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND FRONT STREET. WHEREAS, Outdoor Media Group filed Plot Plan No. 1168 in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, which the City has adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 57376; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Director considered said plot plan on January 16, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Director's hearing, the Director denied said Plot Plan; WHEREAS, Outdoor Media Group appealed the Director's determination to the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said Plot Plan on February 27, 1990 at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a copy of the Director's proceedings and Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan appeal; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. All outdoor advertising displays ('q>illboards") must satisfy Section 19.3 of the provisions of County Ordinance No. 348, including the requirement that plot plan approval be obtained pursuant to Section 18.30 (§ 19.3(b) (1).) Resolution No. 90- Page 2 B. Pursuant to Section 18.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: (1) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements and with all applicable requirements of State law and City ordinances. (2) The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. C. Pursuant to Sections 19.3(a) (2) and 19.2(o), no billboards may be located within the boundary of any scenic highway so designated pursuant to the California Street & Highways Code. D. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studies within a reasonable time. (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. Resolution No. 90- Page 3 (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. E. The Southwest Area Plan ("SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the city. At this time, the City has not adopted SWAP as its General Plan. However, the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation o its General Plan. Moreover, until the City adopts its General Plan, it requires all development to be consistent with the SWAP, because the future General Plan is likely to be substantially similar to the SWAP. F. The Plot Plan site proposed for the billboard does not conform to the logical development of its proposed site, and is not compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. The proposed site is located in the heart of the business district of the City and near the entrance to "Old Town" Temecula. The appearance of a billboard at this location would impair the logical commercial development of the surrounding property. G. Interstate 15 is designated a scenic highway in the SWAP. The SWAP further provides that outstanding scenic vistas and visual features, such as the ridgeline west of Interstate 15, shall be preserved and protected. The large size of the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15. Because the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15, it is inconsistent with the SWAP, and consequently, if the Plot Plan were approved, it would likely be inconsistent with the City's future general plan. SECTION 2 Because the required findings for discretionary approvals found in Section 18.30 of County Ordinance 348 and Government Code Section 65361 cannot be made for the reasons cited hereinabove, the City of Temecula City Council denies Plot Plan 1168. SECTION 3 The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of March, 1990. Resolution No. 90- Page 4 RON PARKS MAYOR ATrEST: F.D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 13th day of March, 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK PROJECT SITE TRACT 23160 (PARCEL 1 OF P.M. 23426) 10,75 ACRES CONTAINS 1 LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES (130 UNrTS) JN 25218 TAVAGLIONE Regional Location Map PROJECT SITE P,M. 23426 22.66 ACRES 2 LOTS JN 25218 TAVAGLIONE Regional Location Map C~TY OF TEMECUL~ AGENDA REPORT March 8, 1990 TO: City Council/City Manager FROM: June Greek, Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT: Agenda Item No. 6 - Traffic Committee Report Sergeant Ron Roberts has informed me that the Traffic Committee is in the process of making modifications to their report reflecting recent decisions on the Mello-Roos District. We will provide the City Council with this report as soon as it is available. Sgt. Roberts advised that it may not be complete until Tuesday just prior to your meeting. City of Temecula TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT City Council Meeting March 13, 1990 CITY OF TEMECULA TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ROSTER E.B. ADAIR JR. AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN 450 W. STETSON AVE. HEMET, CA 92343 CALIFORNIA 714/652-6202 SGT. RON ROBERTS CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL 27685 COMMERCE CENTER DRIVE TEMECULA, CA 92390 714/676-0112 CHUCK COLLINS RANPAC ENGINEERING 27447 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE WEST TEMECULA~ CA 92390 714/699-3972 714/676-7000 CURT HAWKINS HAWKINS & ROBERTSON ASSOCIATES 28481 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD TEMECULA. CA 92390 714/676=2443 KNOX JOHNSON PRIVATE CITIZEN 29681 AVENIDA DEL SOL TEMECULA, CA 92390 714/676-3946 JACK LEATHERS PRIVATE CITIZEN (RETIRED CIVIL ENGINEER) 42623 REMORA ST. TEMECULA. CA 92390 714/699-9563 DAVID LOWRY DEVELOPER 27349 JEFFERSON AVENUE, TEMECULA CA 92390 SUITE 206 RICHARD BARRERA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ROAD DEPT. 4080 LEMON STREET 7TH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CA 92502 714/676-4131 714/275-6800 TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ...................................................... 1 RECOMMENDATIONS ............. ii'''ii''i'''i ........... iiiiii 3 A. Action Steps...i.i ...................... 3 B. Cost Estimate ....................................... 4 D. Encroachment Permit[ .................. 5 E. Authority for Civilian Traffic Control .............. 6 TRAFFIC SURVEY A. Traffic Counts B. Commuter Survey C. Statistics (Bar Graph) PROPOSED TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS (City of Temecula) ............. ? CITY OF TEMECULA TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT City Council Meeting March 13, 1990 SUMMARY During the past year, the Temecula area has experienced a dramatic rise in traffic flow on the two major traffic arteries over the 1-15 Freeway connecting the east and west sides of the City. The two ma3or highways are Winchester Road (S/R 79) and Rancho California Road. The addition of stop signs on both overcrossings to alleviate freeway off-ramp traffic have also appeared to exacerbate the congestion during peak commute traffic hours, causing traffic to back-up to nearby intersections and create near gridlock conditions. Morning commute traffic on Winchester Road appears to be heaviest travelling westbound. Stop and go traffic on Winchester Road starts east of Ynez Road and continues past the 1-15 Freeway overcrossing to Jefferson Avenue. A ripple effect causes traffic to also back up on northbound Ynez Road from Winchester Road. Morning commute traffic on Rancho California Road appears to equally divided. The heaviest traffic in both directions continues to be east of the freeway due mainly to the close proximity of Front Street and it's signalized intersection. be Afternoon commute traffic on eastbound Winchester Road backs up from the 1-15 Freeway overcrossings to several blocks west of Jefferson Avenue. As the result of northbound traffic on Jefferson Avenue making right turns onto eastbound Winchester Road during left turn phases, near gridlock has developed on eastbound Winchester Road west of Jefferson Avenue. Vehicles entering Winchester Road from parking lots and side streets add to this congestion. Afternoon commute traffic on eastbound Rancho California Road backs up from the freeway overcrossings to west of Diaz Road. Traffic on north and southbound Front Street also backup for some distance due to the congestion on Rancho California Road between Front Street and the overcrossing. Traffic on Rancho California Road east of the freeway is usually free flow The intersection of Ynez Road and Rancho California Road has little traffic congestion during commute traffic hours. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 2 A study of the traffic patterns on the two congested highways by this committee has revealed that the optimum solution would be the replacement of the stop signs at the two overcrossings with synchronized traffic signals and loop type onramps. This would allow a much larger volume of traffic to move unrestricted through the problem areas. A traffic survey of 44 major companies in the City of Temecula was also conducted by the committee. As a result, we have been able to better determine our current and future needs in traffic management on the two corridors. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 3 RECOMMENDATIONS The committee has determined that the California Vehicle Code contains guidelines and authority for local authorities to adopt rules and regulations for appointing persons other than traffic officers to direct traffic. (see Attachment A) While the privately funded traffic direction by California Highway Patrol officers at the two overcrossings proved successful, the cost was prohibitive. By utilizing part time City of Temecula employees trained in traffic control, costs could be reduced down to one quarter of the sworn peace officer costs. As a short term solution until signals are installed, the committee is recommending the following action plan. ACTION STEPS Traffic Direction Provide traffic direction at the following locations during peak traffic hours utilizing part time City of Temecula employees trained in traffic control. a. -Winchester Road at s/b b. Winchester Road at n/b c. Winchester Road at Ynez Road. d. Rancho California Road at s/b 1-15 e. Rancho California Road at n/b 1-15 Roadway Modifications 1. Winchester Road. 1-15 off-ramp. 1-15 off-ramp. offramp. offramp. Create additional westbound traffic lane on Winchester Road from Ynez Road to west of 1-15. Post anti-gridlock warning signs on Winchester Road at Jefferson Avenue. Rancho California Road. a. Lengthen left turn 1-15 Rancho California Road. b. freeway access lanes on Post anti-gridlock warning signs on Rancho TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 4 CITY OF TEMECULA CIVILIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL PERSONNEL COST ESTIMATE Cost Estimate 8 $8.00 base pay an hour: Actual cost $8.99 per hour per Civilian Traffic Control Officer. Includes hourly wage and employer contributions of $4.69 per $100 earned for Workmen Compensation (code 9410) and 7.65% for Social Security. Cost estimates for implementation of proposed civilian traffic control plan are as follows: Five Traffic Control Officers @ $44.95 per hour. Two Traffic Control Officers ~ $17.98 per hour. Five Hours Traffic Control - Five Traffic Control Officers @ $224.75 per day. (Morning and afternoon shift) Five Hours Traffic Control - Two Traffic Control Officers @'$89.90 per day. Five Hours Traffic Control - Five Traffic Control Officers @ $1,123.75 per week. (Monday through Friday) Five Hours Traffic Control - Two Traffic Control Officers @ $449.50 per week. (Monday through Friday) It is recommended that the City Council also consider implementing additional civilian traffic direction during the noon hours on week days (ll30am-130pm). This would raise the cost estimate to $1,573.25 per week or approximately $6,300 per month of operation utilizing five Traffic Control Officers. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 5 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Voluntary contributions from Chamber of Commerce members. a. Trust fund concept. b. Handled by Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce. 2. Interest from Signal Mitigation Funds. a. Contact person - Ed Cooper, Riverside County Road Dept. 3. Merchants/Businesses purchasing blocks of time. 4. Partial funding from City of Temecula. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION An Encroachment Permit will be required by CalTrans prior to implementation of the civilian traffic control program. The committee recommends that this process be started as soon as possible. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE REPORT Page 6 ATTACHMENT A USE OF CIVILIANS FOR LOCAL TRAFFIC CONTROL Section 21100, Subsection (e) V.C. permits local authorities to adopt rules and regulations for appointing persons other than traffic officers to direct traffic under the following circumstances. a. Whenever traffic control devices are disabled or otherwise inoperable. b. At scenes of accidents or disasters. c. At locations requiring traffic direction for orderly movement of traffic. Section 21100 V.C. prohibits the appointment of such persons to perform traffic regulation duties unless and until: a. The local authority has approved an enabling ordinance or resolution. b. The local authority has submitted a proposed training program for such persons to the California Highway Patrol. c. The proposed training program has been approved by the Department. Section 21100.3 V.C. makes it unlawful to disobey traffic directions given by a person appointed or authorized by a local authority to regulate traffic pursuant to Section 21100 when such person is wearing an official insignia issued by the local authority and is acting in the course of his appointed duties. The California Highway Patrol is not responsible for conducting the training required by Section 21100 V.C. However, assistance may be provided in the development of their individual training programs· a. Local authorities may develop their own traffic control training program. In lieu of a locally developed program, the Department's training program may be used. TRAFFIC COUNTS - SEPTEMBER 1989 - 24 HOUR COUNT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD/I-15 RAMPS: South Bound Off Ramp 8,880 South Bound On Ramp 5,770 North Bound Off Ramp 6,600 North Bound On Ramp 8,670 Total 29,920 WINCHESTER ROAD/I-15 RAMPS: South Bound Off Ramp South Bound On Ramp South Bound On Ramp North Bound Off Ramp North Bound On Ramp Total 9,120 3,015 2,370 4,600 9,750 28,855 (Loop)[1] [2] WINCHESTER ROAD NORTH OF YNEZ - ALL LANES: 17,000 to 17,100 Estimated Annual Growth 7% to 8% [1] West Bound on Winchester Road [2] East Bound on Winchester Road Data from Donna Crowley - Caltrans 383-4226 COMPANIES CONTACTED FOR COMMUTER SURVEY Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Inc. American Industries Banner American Products BCI General Contractors Bedford Properties Bianchi International BW/IP International Cal-West Rental Center Cal. Geo. Tex, Inc. Central Power Engineering Century 21 Coleman Homes Inc. Creative Kids Nursery School CTS Corporation Davidson Associates ECO Farms Corp. General Dynamics Financial Services Halstead Industrial Products Honda of Temecula Hudson Oxygen Therapy Sales Co. International Rectifier Ivonyk Group Services M & J Ramsey Corp. Marie Callender's Maurice Printers McDonalds Milgard Mfg., Inc. Overland~Bank Pamco/Rancon Financial Payless Northwest Pichel Industries Plant Equipment Inc. Polycraft, Inc. Press Enterprise Price Security Systems Rancho California Water District Ranpac RFL Surveying, Inc. Soil Tech, Inc. Solid State Stamping Temecula Valley Pipe & Supply US Thermo Plastics, Inc. Western Lumber TOTAL No. of Day Shift Emp. 6OO 100 5O 30 25 200 150 20 17 21 32 15 16 25 23 8 142 28 33 45O 3OO 2O 14 5O 17 140 110 5O 200 4O 30 75 15 10 7 124 175 4O 35 43 2O 25 44 3569 ,,:,1 ,",1 S33ADqdN3 JD UqgNQN £ £ £ ~ Z CITY OF TEMECUL~ CIRCULATION INFRASTRUCTURE FREEWAY INTERCHANGES & BRID~ES: 1. Hiqhwa¥ 79 (South} at 1-15: Freeway ramps to be widened, funded and designed by Assessment District 159. Signals by Mitigation District, construction in 1991. 2. SantiaGo Road Overpass: Complete. 3. Rancho California Road Interchanqe: Freeway off ramps to be widened, funding and design by developer. Plans in 2nd Plan Check at Caltrans and County. Signalization plans were held up by PSR (Project Study Report) at Caltrans. County has contracted design, Federal Aid Interstate Funds will finance construction. Due to Senator Bergeson's intercession, the PSR and Plan Checking is to be fast-tracked by Caltrans, expect PSR approximately within a month, and optimistically expect start of construction this fall. 4. Apricot OverDass: Funding and design is proposed in Mello-Roos District, construction in 1991. 5. Winchester Road Interchanqe: Signalization of off-ramps are a condition on developer., plans have been submitted for 1st Plan Check to Caltrans. No PSR was required. Caltrans will fast-track plan checking due to pressure by Senator Bergeson, expect construction late 1990. Conceptual plans for widening the bridges and constructing a north bound loop on-ramp have been submitted to Caltrans by Assessment District 161, but no funding has been identified for final design and construction. City of Temecula Circulation Infrastructure page two Date Street Overpass: Contribution to construction of the overpass/ interchange has been made a condition on several developments. Caltrans and Federal Highway Dept. object to an interchange due to close proximity to 1-15/215 Branch and Winchester Road interchange. No definitive action has been initiated. II. ROADWAYS (see General Plan Circulation Element) 1. Expressways: Highway 79 (South) to be widened to six lanes from 1-15 to Kaiser Parkway, four lanes from Kaiser Parkway to Butterfield Stage Road. Design and funded by Assessment District 159, construction 1991. 2. Urban Arterial: (134 foot R/W, Std 100A) Highway 79 (North), Winchester Road, to be widened to six lanes from 1-15 to North of Murrieta Hot Springs Road. PSR approved in February, design and project report underway. Design and funding by Assessment District 161. Expected construction 1-15 to Margarita, Fall 1990; Margarita to Murrieta Hot Springs, 1992. Ynez Road to be widened to four lanes from Rancho California Road to Solana Way and to six lanes from Solana Way to Winchester Road. Design and funding proposed by Mello-Roos District, construction 1991. 3. Mountain Arterial: (120 foot R/W, Std 100B) None in City limits. 4. ~rterial: (110 foot R/W, Std 100) ae Pala Road improvement a condition on developer, probable construction 1991. Santiago Road from Front Street to Ynez Road is partially paved, with no funds identified for completing the broken link from Ynez Road to Margarita Road. City of Temecula Circulation Infrastructure page three Pauba Road East of Butterfield Stage Road is being designed and funded by Assessment District 159, construction 1990. Rancho California Road East of 1-15, construction underway or completed to Butterfield Stage Road as condition of development, except from Via Los Colinas to Humber which is proposed to be completed by Mello-Roos District in 1990. Se Date Street from Diaz Road to 1-15 is being built as a condition on development; from 1- 15 to Margarita Road is in preliminary tentative map planning; from 1-15 Northwest to Murrieta Hot Springs Road a combination of developer conditions and Assessment District 161, probable construction in 1991. fe Murrieta Hot Springs Road West of Date Street to Butterfield Stage Road is being designed and built by Assessment District 161, construction 1990. Nicolas Road is being completed by a combination of developer conditions and Assessment District 161 funding from Winchester Road East to the Rancho Temecula boundary. Construction 1990. No funding has been identified for the remainder to Butterfield Stage Road. Butterfield Stage Road from Highway 79 (South) to Rancho California Road is being designed and built by Assessment District 159 in 1990. Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road North to Solana Way will be a development condition. No funding is identified for Butterfield Stage Road North of Solana Way. Margarita Road from Highway 79 (South) to Pauba Road has not been funded. From Pauba Road North to Solana Way, Margarita Road has been competed by development conditions. The Mello- Roos District proposes to complete Margarita Road from Solana Way to Winchester Road in 1991, and Assessment District 161 is designing and funding the center section from Winchester Road to Murrieta Hot Springs Road for construction in 1990. City of Temecula Circulation Infrastructure page four Se Via Santa Rosa is not a feasible alternative as the foothills require substandard slopes. Major Hiqhwa¥ (100 foot R/W, Std 101) Kaiser Parkway from Highway 79 (South) North to Pauba Road, and from Rancho Vista Road North to Solana Way is now being built as conditions on development. Assessment District 159 is designing and funding the portion from Pauba Road to Rancho Vista Way, construction 1990. Santiago Road from Ynez to Front Street is complete. Front Street from 1-15 North to Old Town Temecula is being completed as conditions of development; Front Street in Old Town will not change. Front Street from Old Town to Rancho California Road needs a second lane on West side to permit two lanes of South bound traffic through signal at Rancho California Road, not funded. d. Jefferson Street is complete or under construction. e. Winchester Road West at 1-15 is complete. fe Diaz Road North of Jefferson is being built as a condition of development, South of Jefferson the Westerly half is complete, but no funding is identified for the East half. The center 40 feet of De Portola Road West of Margarita Road is under construction by Assessment District 159. The remainder will be built as conditions of development. Ynez Road South of Rancho California Road to Rancho Vista is paved to partial width, and will be finished by development conditions. Secondary Hiqhways: Rainbow Canyon Road is complete from Pauba Road South along development fronting by development conditions. Further improvements to the South not envisioned. City of Temecula Circulation Infrastructure page five be fe Jedediah Smith Road from De Portola Road to Margarita Road is partially paved, no funding is identified for full width construction. De Portola/Ynez Road from Rancho Vista Road to Margarita is partially paved, no funding is identified for full width construction. Pauba Road from Ynez to La Prima Vera is completed bydevelopment conditions. Easterly to Margarita Road, Pauba Road is two lanes with no funding identified for completion. Pauba Road East of Margarita will be improved to center 40 feet or half-width by Assessment District 159 in 1990 and development conditioned to completion. Rancho Vista Road is complete or under constr~ction from Ynez Road to Butterfield Stage Road. Rancho California Road is complete from Front Street West to Business Park Drive, no funding is identified for the continuation westerly. Overland Drive/Apricot Road is proposed by the Mello-Roos District in 1991. Solana Way is partially paved by development conditions from Ynez Road to Del Rey Road. No funding is identified for frontage of existing single family lots. La Serena Road is being completed from Margarita Road to Butterfield Stage Road by developer conditions. III. BRIDGE~ 1. Temecula Creek: Pala Road over Temecula Creek is to be funded by development conditions. Construction date not known. Margarita Road and Butterfield Stage Road over Temecula Creek are being designed and built by Assessment District 159, in 1990. City of Temecula Circulation Infrastructure page six Murrieta Creek: ae No funds have been identified for construction of Via Santa Rosa or replacement of Main Street Bridges. Rancho California Road and Winchester Road bridges are completed. Date Street bridge is conditioned upon development. Santa Gertrudis Creek: The 1-15 bridge and Ynez Road bridge are complete. Assessment District 161 is designing and funding bridges at Margarita Road and North General Kearny Road, construction in 1990; and Winchester Road Bridge in 1991. IV. TRAFFIC SIGNALS Are identified on the attached list from Riverside County Road Department. C I T Y OF TEME C UL A RANPAC GENERAL PLAN CIRCULA T/ON ELEMENT ~t~RIAL (MRB~H) HIGHWay STANDARD NO. IOOA REVISIONS Couely of Rive reide ~ ~ ~1~ £ UI~HWAY STANDARD NO. IOOC 9-88 STANDARO NO. I00 ,,!' _L_.' _ Cmm~/o1' Ri~,.~de /"/'/)1~'.4/. $?'~'c"7'$~"~Z'/O/V Se~on#ory Highway COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ROAD DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION Proposed Rancho California Area Traffic Signal Projects September 15, 1989 ~-'-Existing Traffic signals and Lighting: LOCATION 1. Jefferson Avenue and Winchester Road 2. Rancho California Road and Diaz Road 3. Rancho California Road and F~ont Street 4. Rancho California Road and Ynez Road 5. Rancho California Road and Moraga Road Phase 1. Via 2. Del 3. Margarita Road and Rancho IV (a) (County Administered): LOCATION Montezuma and Front Street Rio Road and Front Street California Road 4. Margarita Road and Rancho Vista Road 5. Mira Loma Drive and Rancho Vista Road 6. Margarita Road and Moraga Road · 'Page ~- · Phase IV (b) 2 3 4 5 6 (County Administered): LOCATION 1 Ynez Road and Santiago Road Margarita Road and Pauba Road Margarita Road and Solana Way Ynez Road and Rancho Vista Road Ynez Road and Pauba Road Ynez Road and Solana Way Assessment District Projects: 1 Route 79 2 Route 79 3 Route 79 4 5 6 7. 8. 9~ Route 79 Route 79/Front Street and Route LOCATION and Ynez Road and Margarita Road and Nicolas Road and Murrieta Hot Springs Road 15 (Interchange) Route 79 Route 79 Route 79 Route 79 and La Paz Street and Pala Road and Margarita Road and Butterfield Stage Road Interchange Projects: 1. Route 2. Route LOCATION 15 and Rancho California Road (County Administered) 15 and Winchester Road (Route 79) (State Administered sd CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: MTG: 03-13-90 DEPT: CM TITLE: CUP-3076 AUTO DEALER ON WEST SIDE OF YNEZ, SOUTH OF WINCHESTER DEPT HD. CITY ATTY CITY NGR RECO~NDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council set mi.~ matter for a hearing to consider modifying the conditions of approval. BACKGROUND County Planning Staff has recommended approval of a proposed toyota car dealership with conditions specified. One of the conditions requires the developer to mitigate traffic deficiencies in the Ynez- Winchester Corridor. The following conditions are required. 1. Pave four lanes of Ynez Rd. from Winchester south to the project; 2. Secure an executed agreement with CalTrans to construct signals on Winchester at 1-15; 3. Widen the Ynez and Winchester intersection; and 4. Install signal. The owner has requested a waiver of these conditions due to the fact that all of the conditions are being done by others. Encl: Letter from Andrews 1\CMpt\O313~O.OZZ -1- 03/07/~0 1:20F~ March 7, 1990 Toyota of Temecu!a Valley 26631 Ynez Road Temecula, California 92390 Mr. ~rank Aleshire City Manager - City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshlre, This correspondence is to comment on the current pro~ress of our new Toyota Dealership planned for Inez Road, here in Temecu!a. If 'you recall, my partner Mr. Dan Atwood and I visited your office on January 2&, 1990. The plot plan was reviewed along with several other items, includin~ our time schedules. On Wednesday, February 1~, 1990, our project came before the Riverside County Planning Commission as Fast Track NO. 038-89 CUP No. 3076, Amended No. l, and was APPROVED subject to certain conditions. While some cf these conditions will make the undertakin~ very difficult, certain stipulations outlined in the Road Commissioners letter dated February 13, 1990 (si~ned by Mr. L.A. Toerper) make this project imoossible'. (Please refer to attached letter , items l, 2, 3, ~, l0 and 17). These items were specifically addressed to the County Commission at this meetinM on said date, as follows: * It is unfair t~t before issuance of a buildln~ permit and/or occupancy these stipulations, which were needed when we started this venture 2 years a~o, be placed on a single project like ours. The eztim~.ted co~t of the~e ~orrectlons is ~8 to 10 million - our whole project is estimated at~ million. We will a~ree to complete our f~ir sh~re of off-site improvements, but why should we have to beqr the entire cost or the responsibility cf som_ethin~ that benefits everyone? The counties answer in effect was: "While, we realize this may ncr be quite fair, take it up with the new City of Temecula - they have the power to over~urn or modify any of these conditions." Some salient points about our project: We are not huge developers or absentee owners, Just two local business people who have invested their "all" in a dream to open a Toyota Dealership in Temecula. We are willing to do our part and share the desire to improve Temecula - Just like everyone else. Our project is being financed/funded locally through the Bank of Commerce here in Temecula; the County of Riveraide, and the ~mall Business Association. Ye are plannin~ to fill 40-45 Jobs in our community within the first year, and up to 70 Jobs within 5 years. We expect to ~enerate $18 to 20 million in ~ales the first year, and up to-~$~O million within 5 years. * We are members of the Chamber of Commerce, and expect to provide sound business "input" to our community. Our $3200 Wilber Smith Trafflc~Study indicated: "The addition of the relatively sm~ll increment of Toyota of (T~mecula Valley) traffic will further reinforce the need for these improvements but will not contribute to any more intersection capacity thresholds be!nm exceeded ." - have serious time restraints as follows: We must immediately open Escrow to purchase subject . land from Toyota Motor Sales, USA. (A time table of 120 days has been established by contract.) * Our letter of Intent with Toyota to complete this dealership will expire in June 1990. Toyota's basic position is "If we can't ~et this project completed in two (2) years, maybe we should look else- where." We respectfully request the fo!lowing: Items 1, 2, D, 4, 10 and 17 be removed as mitigation measures for us to receive buildin= and/or occupancy permits. * That this decision be voted and decided upon by the City CounciX on Tuesday, March 13, 1990. 2 It is my understandin~ that all of these conditions will be satisfied either through the approval of the Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (Mello-Roos), which we support; and/or various other Assessment District(s) currently under des l~n. This project is in danger of goin~ away. Ne need a decision now, so our tax dollars can help Temecula continue to be a better place to work and live. ~e~it~here ly yours, M. Andr ew~ Vice President & General Manager CC: Mayor Ronald J. Parks Councilwoman Pat Birdsall Councilman Xarel Lindemans Councilwoman Peg Moore Councilman Sal Munoz John Matt - General Mana=.er Toyota Re,ion 3 LeRoy D. Smoot ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR February 13, T[~.l:i~-ION[ (714J 7i?-1114 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon St~t Riverside, CA 92501 Re: (Auto Sales Facility) CU 3076 - Amend ti Team 5 - SMD #9 AP #111-111-111-9 FTA #038-89 Ladies and Gen~lemenz The Transportation Planning staff has reviewed the traffic study for the above referenced project. The traffic study has bccn prepared in accordance with accepted traffic engineering standards and practices, utilizing County approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic impacts. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "D" at Winchester Road and Ynez Road. The Southwest Area Comunity Plan identifies peak hour Level of Service "D" as acceptable. As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary tn achieve the required leve~ of service: ~ ~ to occupapc~a minimum of 48' of paved width shall De provided along Ynez Road from Winchester Road south to the northerly project boundary. agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation shall be provided for the construction of signals on the Winchester Road/Interstate 15 ramps. traffic study recommended southbound right turn lane, one southbound left turn intersection of Ynez Road and constructed to the following intersection geometrics: one one southbound through lane, lane, one northbound left turn lane, one northbound through lane, one eastbound left turn lane, two eastbound through lanes, one eastbound right turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, two westbound through lanes, and one westbound right turn lane. CU 30/6 - Amend ~1 February 13, 1990 ?age 2 This lane configuration is the minimum required to meet the General Plan requirements for this project. ~Coordi~ation with othe. r nearby ,voj~_t.~ is hiqhl¥ recommended ~n im ro~nents needed. (4.) -Prior t.o occ. upancy or any .u .. allowed by this permit, the ~ -following improvements shall exist at no cost to any government agency: the intersection of Ynez Road and Winc~s~r Road must be signalized. With respect to the conditions of approval for the referenced exhibit, the Road Department recommends that the applicant provide the following street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road dedications in accordance with Ordinance 460 and Rivers id, County Road Improvement Standards iOrdinance 461). It is understood that the exhibit correctly shows all existing easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropria~e Q' s, and that their omission or Ullacceptability may require the map to be resubmitted for further consideration. These Ordinances and the following conditions are essential parts and a requirement occurring in ONE is as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to be complementary and to describe the conditions for a complete design of the improvement. All questions regarding the true meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the Road Commissioner's Office. ~ermit, the ~apPlican~ ~aI£ comple%~ the---f6 o~g conditions at no cost to any government agency: sufficient right of way along Ynez Road shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 67 foot half width right of way. 6. The traffic signal mitigation has been met on this project. It was paid on Aug. 29, 1984 on underlying PM 19145. ~Pr~or ~ occupancy or any use allowed by this pe~t,,the ~p~icant s~a££ construct the ~ollowlng at no cost tu any government agency~ Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 55 feet from centerline and match up asphalt concrete paving; reconstruction; or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Co~nissioner within a 67 foot half width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 100A. Asphalt emulsion (fog seal) shall be applied not less than fourteen days following placement of the asphalt surfacing and shall be applied at a rate of 0.05 gallon per square yard. Asphalt emulsion shall conform to Section 37, 39 and 94 of the State Standard Specifications. cU 3076 - Amend ~1 February 13, 1990 Page 3 Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upon a centerline profile extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and aliqnment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Completion of road improvements does not imply acceptance for main- tenance by County. 11. Drainage control shall be as ~er Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. 12. Ail work done within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. 13. The single driveway shall conform to Riverside County Standards. the applicable 14. The single entrance driveway shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent "back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of .35 feet measured from face of curb. 15. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with 823-S. 16. Street lighting shall be required for a discretionary permit in accordance with Ordinance 460 and 461. The County Service Area (CSA) Administrator determines whete~ ~his proposal qualifies under an existing assessment dis'trfCt or not. 'If not, the land owner shall file, after receiving tentative approval, for an application with LAFCO for annexation into or creation of a "Lighting Assessment District" in accordance with Governmental Code Section 56000. /17.~ ~Astriping plan_~_A~_v~=~-~(~ for Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall be the--~r~sponsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be done by County forces with all incurred costs bo~Ik~ by ~L~e applicant. 18. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar C~ 3676 - Amend #1 February 13, 1990 Page 4 LAT: Jw mechan/sm as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format (24" x 36 ") . Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street improvement plans and shall depict only such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Lawrence A. Toerper Road Division Engineer CU 5076 LAND USE GRADED VAC INDUSTRY DAIRY AUTOMALL UC .,INDUSTRIAL ~' ' ,, ,,~/--, . ,./' PARK. ' VAC VAC 400' App. DAN ATWOOD ~ KEITH ANDREWS Use AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP Area RANCHO CALIFORNIA Sec. I T. 8S, R.:SW. Assessor's Bk. Circula~ YNEZ RD. EJernlmt SOLANO Rd. ~k. I=Ig. 55C Date 1/27/90 Sup.DisL 921 Pg. 08 --MAJOR-- I00' I00' RIVERSZDE (ZX,INTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT LOCATIONAL MAP NO $CALE i County Ioan he!ping out 'T I de le emecu, a 'Toy ta :. a r ~: ~ RosALIND SMITH lMIsed'.~J'oyota Motor Sales USA'. .,.:. :L ?.-::~[he Press-Enterprise ..... ; ..:~ ~Alded by a $500,000 ionn from Riverside County, Toyota of Temeculn Valley plnns to open this* summer near Temecula's bm'geonlng auto park. . Temecula residents' Keith An. drews and Dan Atwood have se- cured an economic development loan from the county F. eonomic Development Agency to' acquire the land, build and finance the $4 million project, Andrews said. Other loans were obtained from the Bank of Commerce-and the Small Business Administration, he said. David McElroy, director of the development agency, said the loan was approved by. the board of supervisors. "TheY'll get the money," McF_.lroy said. ".It comes before the board on the 13th for final approval, but that's a formal° Andrews said Im and Atwood workec~ with the ¢tty o! Temecuta for twb months on the proposal and are in escrow with Torrance- · lac. 'to/.~Ouy the .5~acre' parcel on · Ynez ROad.. They plan to open in June 0/"July, Andrews said.' . :L~,It'8 a little difficult because we,r~,z~ht in the. middle of the .~~ dlstriCt~',"be.,~nid;, re- '' a $16' million-proposed .-nnsesnmlL~mnt district .at would pay and ~ther.-improve- ~%' ,...l~e dealership will have ·-abedt:;~00 vehicles in its inven- ~tory.~valued at about $3 million, :An. deg'q~ said. "The primary em- pliaSls,~..will be on quality service and paris.."he said.', Although Toyota of Temecula 'Valley will be independent of the auto .park association iniUally, Andrews said he plans to join the autO' park. ;~Temecula is a good locaUon, Andrews:said. "The. 'nearest . Toyota dealers 'are in ESCondido, - RiverMde and Corona. But there · are l~ots-bf Toyotas registered in localser~ttce for all those Toyota CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 13, 1990 City Council/City Manager Mary Jane Henry, Interim Finance Director Budget for the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the budget for the seven months ending June 30, 1990 as presented or revised. DISCUSSION: The attached budget document summarizes the City's expected revenues and expenditures for the seven months ending June 30, 1990. At June 30, the City's fund balance reserve is anticipated to be $956,470. Revenues from the State of California are expected to be $1,326,000. Real property transfer tax of $89,000 is estimated to be received from the County of Riverside. The City is not entitled to receive any property tax apportionment for the 1990 fiscal year. The City anticipates receiving $127,000 in transient occupancy tax during the seven months ending June 30, 1990. Appropriations for the 1990 fiscal year are $365,000 for employee services, $435,000 for operations and maintenance $239,000 for capital outlay and $100,000 for contingency. FISCAL IMPACT: Estimated revenues for the 1990 fiscal year are $2,095,000. Appropriations for the seven months ending June 30, 1990 are expected to be $1,139,000 resulting in a $956,000 fund balance reserve at June 30, 1990. ATTACHMENTS: City of Temecula Budget for the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990. City of Temecula Budget Summary For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Estimated Revenues General Fund Road Fund Total Revenues Estimated Appropriations General Fund Road Fund Total Appropriations Fund Balance: Reserved for Road Improvements Reserved for Contingencies Total Fund Balance Reserves $488,648 $467,822 $1,606,607 488,648 2,095,255 1,138,785 0 1,138,785 $956,470 X x ~ Z Z LJ.J CE 0 <~ Z Z qO 0 ~ X iii X Z Q~ 0 LU LLJ uJ z z Z z 0 z 0 r~ Z Z l- W >- 0 Z C9o mO 0 0 Z LLJ Z 0 0 0 O~ Z Z Z Z 0 0 City of Temecula Estimated Revenues For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 General Fund Sales Tax Motor Vehicle in Lieu Cigarette Tax Real Property Transfer Tax Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax Contributions Total $766,465 529,025 30,447 89,010 40,000 126,660 25,000 1,606,607 Road Fund Section 2106 Section 2107 Section 2107.5 Measure A Local Transportation Total 90,971 174,288 6,000 109,136 108,253 488,648 $2,095,255 Total Revenue Source: John McTighe & Assoc. Revenue Update, January 18, 1990 city of Temecula Estimated Appropriations For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 General Fund Personal Services Salaries & Employer taxes Operations and Maintenance Legal Services Consulting Insurance Rent - Office/Meeting Rent - Equipment Utilities Telephone Supplies Printing/Publishing Travel & Meetings Account/Exhibit 1 01-130-999-42-5246 2 01-199-999-42-5200 3 01-199-999-42-5238 3 3 3 01-120-999-42-5256 01-100-999-42-5258 $364,556 105,000 183,800 32,500 27,600 5,000 2,400 6,000 34,500 18,000 20,000 Capital Outlay Computer Hardware/Software Office Equipment Office Furnishings Contingency 4 5 01-199-999-44-5600 79,929 59,500 100,000 100,000 Total Appropriations $1,138,785 Exhibit 1 City of Temecula Salaries & Benefits - Permanent Employees For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Department/Title/ Account city Council 01-100-999-40-5100 City Manager Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum MaximUm Average Positions Months $300 $300 $300 5 7 FY 1990 $10,500 City Manager (iht) 01-110-999-40-5118 8,667 8,667 8,667 1 7 60,669 City Manager Assistant to CM Admin. Assistant Executive Secty Secretary office Assistant 01-120-999-40-5100 01-120-999-40-5109 City Clerk 6,667 2,807 2,105 1,966 1,454 1,303 7,500 7,083 1 2 3,495 3,151 1 2 2,621 2,363 1 2 2,447 2,207 1 7 1,811 1,633 1 4 1,624 1,464 2 4 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits Salaries & Benefits 14,167 6,302 4,726 15,446 6,530 11,708 58,878 3O% 17,663 76,542 Dep. City Clerk Admin. Secretary office Assistant 01-110-999-40-5100 01-110-999-40-5109 2,414 3,006 2,710 1,622 2,020 1,821 1,303 1,624 1,464 1 7 1 3 1 4 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits Salaries & Benefits 18,970 5,463 5,854 30,287 30% 9,086 39,373 Exhibit 1 City of Temecula Salaries & Benefits - Permanent Employees For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months FY 1990 Finance Dir. of Finance Accountant Account Clerk Admin. Secretary 01-140-999-40-5100 01-140-999-40-5109 5,236 6,519 5,878 i 3 2,498 3,111 2,805 i 3 1,600 1,993 1,797 I 4 1,622 2,020 1,821 i 4 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits Salaries & Benefits 17,633 8,414 7,186 7,284 40,516 3O% 12,155 52,671 Community Development Dir. of Planning Senior Planner Assoc. Planner Asst. Planner Planning Tech. Admin. Secretary Office Assistant 01-160-999-40-5100 01-160-999-40-5109 5,236 3,424 2,885 2,464 2,193 1,622 1,303 6,519 4,236 3,592 3,068 2,731 2,020 1,624 5,878 3,830 3,239 2,766 2,462 1,821 1,464 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Salaries Benefits Rate Benefits Salaries & Benefits 3 17,633 3 11,490 3 19,431 3 8,298 3 7,386 4 7,284 4 5,854 77,376 3O% 23,213 100,588 Exhibit 1 City of Temecula Salaries & Benefits - Permanent Employees For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Department/Title/ Account Monthly Salary Number of Number of Minimum Maximum Average Positions Months Management Information Systems FY 1990 Director of MIS 01-180-999-40-5100 01-180-999-40-5109 4,148 5,165 4,657 i 4 18,626 Benefits Rate 30% Benefits 5,588 Salaries & Benefits 24,214 Source: Totals IEM Consulting - Salary Report 28 $364,556 Exhibit 2 city of Temecula Consulting Contracts For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Personnel Personnel Recruiting 01-150-999-42-5248 01-150-999-42-5248 $30,000 20,000 $50,000 Finance 01-140-999-42-5248 20,000 City Council 01-100-999-42-5248 Meeting Set Up Audio/Video Regular Meetings Special Meetings 8,400 2,400 3,000 10,800 Community Development Planning/Engineering 01-160-999-42-5248 Mello Roos 01-160-999-42-5248 Parks & Recreation 01-190-999-42-5248 50,000 30,000 20,000 $183,800 Exhibit 3 City of Temecula Miscellaneous Expenditures For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Rent - office Rent - meeting hall 01-199-999-42-5234 Monthly rent inclu. CAM & janitor. Number of months 01-100-999-42-5234 $4,400 6 26,400 1,200 27,600 Utilities 01-199-999-42-5240 Monthly estimate Number of months 400 6 2,400 Telephone 01-199-999-42-5208 Monthly estimate Number of months 1,000 6 6,000 Supplies: City Manager 01-110-999-42-5208 Estimate per position Number of positions 1,500 7 10,500 City Clerk 01-120-999-42-5208 Estimate per position Number of positions 1,500 3 4,500 Exhibit 3 City of Temecula Miscellaneous Expenditures For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Finance 01-140-999-42-5208 Estimate per position Number of positions 1,500 4 6,000 Community Development 01-140-999-42-5208 Estimate per position Number of positions 1,500 8 12,000 Management Information 01-140-999-42-5208 Estimate per position Number of positions 1,500 1 1,500 34,500 Total Exhibit 4 City of Temecula Computer Hardware and Software For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 City Manager Computer Systems Tape Backup Network Comm Cards Menu Software Wordprocessing Software Laser Printer Account Number 01-110-999-44-5604 01-110-999-44-5604 01-110-999-44-5604 01-110-999-44-5606 01-110-999-44-5606 01-110-999-44-5604 Estimated Extended Cost/Unit Cost 3 $2,500 $7,500 3 400 1,200 1 200 200 2 50 100 2 250 500 1 2,000 2,000 11,500 Sales tax 7% 8O5 Total 12,305 city Clerk Computer Systems Tape Backup Netwk Hi-impact Printer Laser Printer Network Comm Cards Menu Software Wordprocessing Software Data Base Software 01-120-999-44-5604 01-120-999-44-5604 01-120-999-44-5604 01-120-999-44-5604 01-120-999-44-5604 01-120-999-44-5606 01-120-999-44-5606 01-120-999-44-5606 3 2,500 7,500 3 400 1,200 1 2,000 2,000 2 2,000 4,000 1 200 200 2 50 100 2 25O 5O0 1 500 500 16,000 Sales tax 7% 1,120 Total 17,120 Exhibit 4 City of Temecula Computer Hardware and Software For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Account Number Finance Computer Systems 01-140-999-44-5604 Diskless Workstations 01-140-999-44-5604 Tape Backup 01-140-999-44-5604 Network Hi-impact Printer01-140-999-44-5604 Network Comm Cards Laser Printer Finance Software Menu Software Wordprocessing Software Spreadsheet Software 01-140-999-44-5604 01-140-999-44-5604 01-140-999-44-5606 01-140-999-44-5606 01-140-999-44-5606 01-140-999-44-5606 Estimated Extended Cost/Unit Cost 1 2,500 2,500 2 700 1,400 1 400 400 1 2,000 2,000 1 200 200 1 2,000 2,000 1 7,000 7,000 2 50 100 2 250 500 1 500 500 16,600 Sales tax 7% 1,162 Total 17,762 Community Development Computer Systems Tape Backup Laser Printer Network Comm Cards Menu Software Wordprocessing Software Data Base Software Spreadsheet Software 01-160-999-44-5604 01-160-999-44-5604 01-160-999-44-5604 01-160-999-44-5604 01-160-999-44-5606 01-160-999-44-5606 01-160-999-44-5606 01-160-999-44-5606 1 2,500 2,500 1 400 400 1 2,000 2,000 1 200 200 1 50 50 1 250 250 1 500 500 1 500 500 6,400 Sales tax 7% 448 Total 6,848 Exhibit 4 City of Temecula Computer Hardware and Software For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Account Number Information Systems Computer Systems 01-180-999-44-5604 File Server 01-180-999-44-5604 Uninterrupt. Power Supply01-180-999-44-5604 Server Tape Backup Network Corm Cards Modems Station Tape Backup Laser Printer Network Software Spreadsheet Software Menu Software Wordprocessing Software Utility Software Data Base Software Supplies 01-180-999-44-5604 01-180-999-44-5604 01-180-999-44-5604 01-180-999-44-5604 01-180-999-44-5604 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5606 01-180-999-44-5604 Estimated Extended Cost/Unit Cost i 2,500 2,500 i 7,500 7,500 i 1,500 1,500 I 1,500 1,500 1 200 200 2 200 400 1 400 400 1 2,000 2,000 i 5,000 5,000 1 500 500 2 50 100 2 250 500 2 50 100 1 500 500 1 1,500 1,500 24,200 Sales tax 7% 1,694 Total 25,894 Grand Total $79,929 Exhibit 5 City of Temecula Office Equipment For the Seven Months Ending June 30, 1990 Account Number City Manager Typewriters 01-110-999-44-5602 City Clerk Typewriters 01-120-999-44-5602 Finance Cash register 01-140-999-44-5602 Typewriters 01-140-999-44-5602 Community Development Typewriters 01-160-999-44-5602 Non-departmental Copier 01-199-999-44-5602 Postage meter 01-110-999-44-5602 3 2 Estimated Extended Cost/Unit Cost $500 $1,500 500 1,000 1 1,000 1,000 1 500 500 1 500 500 1 45,000 45,000 1 10,000 10,000 $59,500 RESOLUTION NO. 9O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 1989-90 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, The City Manager presented to the City Council on March 13, 1990 a Proposed Budget for the 1989-90 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, City staff and the City Council have recommended certain changes be made to the Proposed Budget to reflect additional information, revised estimates and modifications in priorities. The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1. The 1989-90 Budget for the City of Temecula is hereby adopted. Section 2. Appropriations are hereby authorized and revenue estimates confirmed in accordance with the Proposed Budget dated March 13, 1990. Section 3. Regular full-time staff positions are hereby authorized in accordance with Exhibit 1 to this Resolution. Section 4. Department heads are hereby authorized to overexpend individual budget accounts in a budgetary department, provided that the total appropriations for a budget category (personnel costs, operating costs and capital outlay) within a budgetary department are not exceeded. Section 5. The City Manager is hereby authorized to transfer operating budget appropriations between budget categories within a budgetary department or between budgetary departments, provided that total appropriations for a program area (general government, public safety, community development, public works, parks and recreation) are not changed. Resos/90-26 03/07/90 3:14p~ City of Temecula Resolution 90- Page 2. Section 6. Changes to total program area appropriations and changes to the number of authorized regular positions, transfers to and/or from appropriated reserves, cancellation of appropriations and appropriations of fund balance shall require the majority approval of the City Council. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of March, 1990. ATrEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/90-26 03/07/90 3:14pm DATE~'Harch 19, 1990 ?St City Council and Olty Mana9er~Lj FROM~ Bl~ Ho~ey, Staff ~ons~l~ant SUBS: Sam Hicks Monument Park: Improvement Project Proposal Staff recommends to City Council the fo/lowing: 1, City Council approve the submission of the attached application to the County of R~verstde requesting Community Development Bloch Orant Funds for the proposed improvements to Sam Hicks Monument Park, those improvements consisting of installation of roadway, ~alk~ay, drainage, lighting and par~ing lmprovemsnts~ and, 2, Authorize the City Manager to sign the application on behalf of the City. As this is the first contact the City of Temecula has had with the Community Development Block ~rant program, commonly referred to as ODBG, a general overview of the program may be helpful. The stated purpose of ~he CDBO program, is to provide Federal funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to assist local 9overnments undertake projects that qualify in one of three areas: 1) Provides a benefit to low and moderate Income persons: 2) Prevention or elimination of slums and blight; or, 3) Addresses a documented health or safety condition of particular urgency. Riverside County receives a per capita allocation of Federal ODB~ funds each year. These funds are disbursed in t~o ways. First, cities which had popu3at~ons of 50,000 or over An the last federal ten year census (1960), are c3a~sed ae "entitlement cities" and receive their per capita a33ocattons directly from the federal government with no County involvement. Second, the balance 'of the per capita funds go to the County government and are apportioned, again on a per capita basis, to each of the f~ve supervtsorial districts. Allocation of the funds within each district are not on a per capita basis, but are at the subjective discretion of the District Supervisor, based on the perceived merits of the submitted requests, Requests for funding may be submitted by private individuals, organizations, or public agencies for project of public benefit under the previously stated criteria. Cities with population under 50,000 )nay, however, enter into three year "cooperative agreements" ~tth the Oounty where they are given a per capita allocation of th~ in.omtng fundm and are Page 2 of 2 no longer in 'open comp~titio;~~ with the rest of the district for their share of CDBO dollars. As a cooperating city, it becomes the City Council, rather than the District Supervisor, that determines the project~ that are to be funded. The City of Temecula will be approached about become a cooperating city, through agreement, in September or October of this wear. for three year period beginning in Fiscal '91-'92. This year Supervisor Abraham's distract will receive approximately $4OO,O00 An CDB~ fund~. ~here are many requests being submitted for funding, including, if approved by Council, Sam Hicks Monument Park. SAM HXOKS MOHUMSHT PARK In '89-'90. a two-year project was conceived and initiated to design and "improve traffic circulation, safety and usage of Sam Hicks Perk.''~ The first wear, and eolelw through CDB~ funding, the engineering ~as to be engaged. This has bee~ done. It was originally envisioned that tn the second year of the project, upcoming ~Iecal '90-9;, construction o~ the designed improvements, no~ estimated at $~20,000, would occur with CDBO contributing $60,000 of the co~t and the County Road Department paying the project balance, currentlW estimated $60,000. However, with the incorporation of the City of Temecula. the responsibility for funding project balances An FAecal '90-9~ shifts from the County agencies to the City. Through discusstot~ with fha County's CDB~ program coordinator, James R. Tebbetts. staff has provided a proposed method to immediately fund the project balance without dAvertin~ money from the City's current ~und balance. Through ~hAs proposed me~hod~ ~he County ~ou~d advance the 'Sam H~o~s' project balance An~o Fiscal '90-'91 from o~her County CDBG proJec~ no~ requ~ring funding An '90-'9~. The City ~ouid reimburse the ooun~, ~Ath no An~eres~, ~he advanced proJec~ balance ~rom CDB~ ~unds coming to ~he CAt~ An '91-'92, ~hoee funds estimated ~o be ~0.O00+/-. In summary, Council approval of this application will: 1) Complete tho proposed improvements at Sam Hicks Monument Park tn Fiscal '90-'91; 2) Require no commitment of GAry funds In Fiscal ,90-,91; 3) Require the City to reimburse the County approximately 860,000 An ~iscal '91-'92 from future City CDB9 allocations or other sources as the City shall elect. Project Proposal, PROPOSAL NUMBER Date Received ENTITLEMENT FUNDS PROJECT PROPOSAL COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) GENERAL INFORMATION: Name or Primary Activity Sponsor: Address: P.O. Box 488 Temecula, ~A Telephone Number: (714) 694-198g Contact Person: Frank Aleshire Address (If different from above): City of Temecula Zip Code: 92390 (714) 694-1999 (Fax) Title:.City Manaaer II Ae PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (check applicable category) ~Real Property Acquisition Public Service Housing ~Capital Equipment Rehabilitation/Preservation (please provide picture of structure) ~Planning/Studies X Publ i c Faci 1 i ti es Improvements (construction) Other: explain Name or Pro~ect: Sam Hick~ Park Imorovement~ Location of Pro~ect: .Coroner of Moreno Rd. ~ Mercedes St. Provide a detailed description of the proposed project describing precisely what is to be accomplished with requested funds. 1. Provide a detailed description in quantifiable terms: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Thi~ is a multi-part Dro~ect tO improve traffic circula- tion. safety and usage of Sam HtCk~ Park. l) Installation of 800' + of curb~, gutters. ~idewalks, match uD asphalt and street lights along Moreno Road and Mercedes Street. 2) Construction of a parking lot to serve the park, Fire Station and Museum. 3) Provide and access way from the street to the parks playground equipment. This is a continuation of pro~ect #1.038 (198g-go). by the -2- Explain hov the project appropriately addresses the Identified needs of the area to be served. Identtfy the needs; and explain boy these needs vere Identified (ie study, survey, etc.)(attach additional sheets tf necessary) The Dro~ect will increase traffic circulation on Horeno Road and Mercedes Street: Provide increased accessibility for fire eoui0ment res0ondtng to reouests bv ~erson~ in need' Increase access and use ability of the ~arK; Eli- minate drainage and hydrology problems around the park; Permit construction of a museum at the site. ~ommunitY meetings and one on one contact with principals determined what the Droblems and or ~otential solutions. Identify the census tracts served by the proposed project. (If countywide benefit, so indicate) (Attach additional sheets if necessary) CT 432 ED 713 -3- e If thts ts a public servtce actlvtty: (A) Is thts a new servtce provtded by your agency? Yes No X (B) If servtce is not new, will the proposed activity substantially increase the existtng level of servtce? Explatn how the service will be substantially Increased. (attach additional sheets if necessary) Discuss the project's effect on low and moderate income res i dents, t dent1 fi ab1 e groups and neighborhood s, highlighting the expected benefits to the residents: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Primary effect would be the increased accessibility and usability of the oark by residents of "old town" Temecula. Because oarking is restricted around the oark now, use of the oark is limited, in addition, without lighting night time use is restricted. -4- III 6. Attach maps of proposed project's locatton and service area. PROJECT BENEFIT: To be eligible for CDBG funding, a project must qualify within one of the three following categories. Indicate how the activity meets the following categories of benefits. Indicate the source of the information provided. CATEGORY 1. PRIMARY BENEFIT TO LOW AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS. Number of all persons to be served by this project 458 (1980) 2,000 (198g Number and percent of low and moderate income households to be served by this project ............... # 174 ~ 02.9 (Low and moderate income households less than $14,550 annual income). Source U.S. Census Median Household Income of area to be served: ...... $10.000 Number and percentage of elderly (60 yrs. +) to be served by this project: .................................... # 61 ................................................. ~ 14 Source U.S. Census Number and percentage of minorities to be served by this project: ......................................... # 40 Source U.S. Census CATEGORY 2. PREVENTION OF ELIMINATION OF SLUMS AND BLIGHT: Provide Documentation: On file at the RDA Office Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area: Yes Source: Riverside County Redevelopment Agency CATEGORY 3. DOCUMENTED HEALTH OR SAFETY CONDITION OF PARTICULAR URGENCY: Provide Documentation: Source: -5- IV FINANCIAL INFORMATION: A. Complete the following annual budget to begin on July 1, of this year. If multi-year funding is requested, attach a budget for each additional year. If these line items are not applicable to your activity, please attach an appropriate budget. BUDGET CDBG FUNDS *OTHER FUNDS TOTAL $ $ $ P1 anni ng/Studi es Architectural Engineering Design $ $ $ Real Property Acquisition $. $ $ Construction/Rehabilitation $ 60.000 $ 40.000 $100.000 Capital Equipment $ $ $. Administration $ $ lO.O00 $ lO.O00 Identify: (Salaries, Fringes, ) (Operating Expense, Contingency $ $ lO.O00 $ lO,O00 Other $ $ $ Specify: Total Costs $ 60.000 $ 60.000 $120.000 TOTAL CDBG FUNDS REQUESTED $ 60,000 *B. Identify other funding sources; identify commitments or applications for funds from other sources to implement this activity. Attach evidence of commitment. Type of Funding Source Amount of Funds Available Date Available Commitment City of Temecula requests a $60,000 advance on its 17th Year allocation (19g1-92). The City will reimburse Supervisor Abraham out of this allocation. Should these funds be unavailable, the City is committed to paying the Supervisor out of other City funds. -6- Ce Yes D. If this project benefits citizens of more than one community or local jurisdictions have requests been made to those other Jurisdictions: No X If yes, identify sources and indicate outcome Has this project previously funded with CDBG funds? If yes, when. Is this activity a continuation of a previously funded (CDBG) project? (Explain) Engineerinq activities conducted in 19B9/90 Fiscal Year. V MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: Ae Describe the organization responsible for managing and operating the project, discuss previous similar experience, list sources, and commitment of funds for operation and maintenance. If non-profit corporation, please provide a list of your Board of Directors, as well as your Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. (Provide Management Information as an attachment). By name, identify project manager, or person in charge of the project's day to day operations. B. Timetable for Project Implementation. Indicate primary project milestones: (You may attach on separate sheet) MILESTONE START DATE COMPLETION DATE Complete Bid Documents 09/90 11/90 Bidding Process 12/90 02/91 Begin Construction 03/gl Complete Construction 06/91 C. If you have never received CDBG funding from Riverside County, provide evidence of any previous experience with other Federally funded programs. Amount Funds Funds Source Activity Year Received Expended -7- VI CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: VII Every pro~ect proposal must contain evidence of citizen participation and support for the proposal. That evidence must include documentation of at least one community meeting thi~ year at which the specific pro~ect was discussed and opportunity given for citizen input. Indicate below the methods used to obtain citizen involvement and attach a~rooriate documentation. Minutes of Meeting: Attendance Reports: Press Release: Advertisement: Flyers: Petitions: Endorsement Letters: Community Citizen Participation Meeting X Other: PLANNING: A. Identify the most applicable adopted plans or which the proposed pro~ect will help implement: Riverside County General Plan - Fire Master Plan strategi es Riverside Countv General Plan - Circulation Element CSA 143 Master Plan CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that: The information contained in the project proposal is complete and accurate. e The sponsor shall comply with all Federal and County policies and requirements affecting the CDBG program. The federal assistance made available through the CDBG program funding is not being utilized to substantially reduce the prior levels of local financial support for community development activities. 4. The sponsor shall maintain and operate the facility for its approved use throughout its economic life. Sufficient funds are available to complete the project as described, if CDBG funds are approved. Frank Aleshire, City Manager Type Name and Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative JRT:gl~ (04B2U) -- 8 -- Date CITY OF TEbff. L'UIA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT WI'G: 03-13-90 DEI:~': ~ TITLE: MELLO ROOS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION DEPT HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR BACKGROUND At the City Coundl Meeting of March 8, 1990, the Council unanimously agreed to proceed with the Mello Roos Community Facilities District 88-12 under the following concepts: Ynez to be six lanes The City not to pay for developer-required improvements Sales taxes to be used to pay the City fair share of costs Since that time, negotiations have been held with the landowners, City Manager and City Attorney. The City Attorney and attorneys for the landowners have prepared a Resolution of Intention for Council action. This Resolution spells out the general term.g and conditions under which the City will participate in the District. This is not the final document. It is a set of standards and policies. Much more effort will be required by the County and others to work out the final details, but this Resolution provides sufficient guidance of City intention to allow the election of the property owners to proceed on March 23rd. BASIC FEATURES The City is agreeing to contribute funds (sales tax) to cover the cost of defined "regional improvements" wit_bin the Ynez Corridor. Landowners are required to pay the annual bond retirement costs up front, to pay their individual "local developer costs," and to pay any traffic mitigation fees imposed by the City in the future. "Local Developer Costs" are defined to be: four lanes plus curb/sidewalk and utility costs on Ynez Road. This works out to something like 1/3-2/3 split on the total cost of Ynez. "Regional Improvements" are defined as: Ynez Road (1/3), two on-loops on 1-15, and the Apricot over-crossing. Work includes right-of-way acquisition and utilities. In addition, the $2 million Park acquisition and improvement cost is included as regional. Included in the City's share of cost is the cost of improvements already built, which must be acquired or rebuilt to new standards. The work along Ynez and Solana Way at the Auto Center are in this category. The County promi~d to reimburse the Auto Center for the work done for streets, utilities and storm drain. The exact reimbursement is not yet computed by the County, but we have determined that there is a clear obligation to reimburse for those costs. It has also been determined that it is not possible to acquire a full 134 feet of right-of-way for all of Ynez. For vacant property, 134 feet will be the standard. For already improved land, a lesser right-of-way will have to soffice. In all cases, however, there will be six travel lanes for traffic. The parkway, parking lanes and median will be varied to fit within available right-of-way. Properties affected by this restricted right-of-way include: Plaza Shopping Center, Target Mall, and ACS. l\Cadpt\031390.025 -1- 03/08/90 3:45Ftm Current estimates of the cost of the entire project are $16-18 million. Exact costs will not be known until the County hires engineers and negotiates right-of-way costs. The plan provides that the landowners will first pay the annual bond costs of approximately $1_6 million per year. The City will pay into the trust fund up to 25°~ of sales taxes received from within the District each year. The sales tax money will first go to reimbursing developed properties, then to undeveloped properties. As developments occur, the developer will reimburse the City for the four lanes on Ynez and pay traffic mitigation fees. These payments will replace sales taxes. Under this scheme, the City will be reimbursed by future development for some or all of the sales taxes advanced. The landowners will underwrite the bond costs by liens on their lands, but they will receive reimbursement from sales tax payments. This plan seems fair to all concerned and complies The benefits of this proposal are that critically-needed traffic improvements will be built without further delay, ff this District is not approved, it is likely that further development in the Ynez Corridor will be delayed until some other plan is devised to mitigate the traffic deficiencies. 1\ca,pt\031390.025 -2- 03/08/9o 3:451m f/R~S14444r¥(O~0890-3) RESOLUTION NO. 90-__ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ASSIST WITH THE FINANCING OF ROAD AND TRAFFIC AND PARK FACILITIES OF REGIONAL BEN~FIT WITHIN THE CITY BY MAKING CERTAIN SALES TAX REVENUES AVAILABLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF DEBT SERVICE ON BONDS OF COMHUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-12 (YN~Z CORRIDOR) OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE WHICH MAY BE ISSUED TO FINANCE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH FACILITIES WHEREAS, the County of Riverside (the #County#) prior to incorporation, has conducted proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, Chapter 2.5 (commencing with § 53311) of Division of Title 5 of the Government Code (the "Mello-Roos Act"), for the establishment of Community Facilities District No. 88-12 (¥nez Corridor) of the County of Riverside, State of California (the "District"), the authorization of a bonded indebtednes~ for the District in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $60,000,000, and the levy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and construction of certain public facilities; and WHEREAS, all proceedings pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act with respect to the establishment of the District, the authorization of the bonded indebtednes~ therefor and the levy of ~pecial taxes on taxable property therein to pay the -1- ~/~ES14444=v(030890~3) principal of and interest on the bonds thereof have been completed except the elections pursuant to ~Qctions 53526 and 5335% of the Gowernment Code; and WHEREAS, among the public facilit~et which are pro- posed to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds of the District are the construction and widening of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width from the north property line of the property where the Advance Cardiovascular Systems building is located southerly to its intersection w~th Rancho California Road, the qonstruction of the Apricot Street Overcrossing of Interstate Highway ~5, the addition of ramps at the entrances of Rancho California Road and Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, and the acquisition of land for the future development of regional and local parks, and the acquisition of Solano Way and certain water, sewer, and storm drains improvements located therein, all of which will be of general benefit to residents throughout the City of Temecula ("City") and the surrounding area and which facilities are not private projects but those required by City and County (the "Public Facilities"); and WHEREAS, the territory within the District is located entirely within the City add will be developed for commercial and industrial uses which will provide signifi- cant sales and use tax revenues to the City: and -2- ~f/RE$~4444rv (030890-3) WHEREAS, prior to incorporation, the Board of Supervisors of the County, as an inducement to the owners of the property within the boundaries of the District to proceed with the financing of the construction of the Regional Traffic Facilities and the development of their property to provide such sales and use tax revenues agreed with the owners of property within the District to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds of the District a portion of the sales and use tax,revenues received by the County from businesses and industries located within the District; and WHEREAS, now that the City has become incorporated, the County will not receive any sales and use tax revenues from businesses and industries located within the District, and all such revenues will be received by the City; and WHEREAS, the owners of the property within the District have requested of the City that the City enter into an agreement with them whereby the City will make sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to finance the construction and acquisition of the Public Facilities; and WHEREAS, in order to induce such owners to proceed with the elections to be conducted by the County authorizing -3- ~ f/RESi4444tv (030890-3) of the bonded indebtedness for the District and the levy of special taxes on taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on bonds which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the Public Facilities, it is desirable that the city enter into such an agreement with the County and with owners of the property within the District; and WHEREAS, the City also requires certain agreements from the County and the owners of property within the District in order to ~ake such sales and use tax revenues available for these Public Facilities while assuring that fund~ will be available for otl~er road projects of benefit to City residents; and WHEREAS, since it is not possible for the City and such owners to negotiate the final terms and conditions of such an agreement and to have such an agreement approved, authorized and executed on behalf of the city and all such owners prior to the last date upon which such elections can be held pursuant to Section 53326 of the Government Code, it is neoessary and desirable that the City Council adopt a resolution with regard to its intention to enter into such an agreement and to make a portion of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City from businesses and industries located within the District available to the County for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds of the -4- £/RES14444rv(030890-3) District Which may be issued and sold to finance the Public Facilities and specifying the general terms and cohdltions of such an agreement; and WHEREAS, the County has agreed to limit the amount of bonds to be authorized in such elections and issued to that necessary to fund the Public Facilities and expenses incidental thereto (believed to be approximately $16,000,00o plus Co,ts); and WHEREAS, since additional road and traffic facilities also are o~ benefit to property owners and residents of the City, it is also equitable and desirable that the City Council proceed with the establishment of an impact fee program, including but not limited to, the formation of a Bridge and Major Thoroughfare Construction Fee District(~) pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, including the property within the District, and levy a fee aS a condition to tl~e issuance of building permits to provide a source of revenue to finance the construction and acqul~ition of, or to reimburse the District for such roads, bridges and traffic facilities,throughout tb~Cit~; and WHEREAS, the owners of property within the Distr,.c% have agreed to pay ~uch fees upon issuance of building permits and notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, to waive their rights to protest to the formation of -5- [~/R]~S14444tv (030890-3) such an impact fee district or the levy and collection of a fee therein; and WHEREAS, as a portion of the Public Facilities to be financed are of local rather than regional benefit, the owners of property within the District also have agreed to reimburse City for the cost of such Public Facilities they otherwise would be required to build with their own funds; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the costs of utility relocation for such public projects will be borne by the affected utilities, but, in the event all or a portion of such costs are not borne by the utilities, the City and owners of property shall divide such costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETErmINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AS FOLLOWS: ~~_~. R_eci~als. The recitals set forth above are true and correct. ~~g~. A__qreement by City. It is the intention of the City Council to negotiate the terms and conditions of and to approve and authorize the execution and delivery on behalf of the city an agreement to be entered into between the City and County and all owners of property within the DistrAct which, with regard to sales and use tax revenues, wall in general provide as follows: -6- ,f L/RP.,S ~.4444r~, ( 030890-3 ) (a) When and if bonds of the District are authori~e~ and issued by the County in an amount sufficient to finance the Traffic Facilities (plus incidental expenses), the City council will develop a system to annually appropriate and make available for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds an amount equal to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received for that fiscal year by the City from b,lsi~esses and ind~strieg located within the District (b~ The City Council shall appropriate such sales and use tax revenues each year for the term of the bonds, commencing with the first fiscal year in which special taxes are levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of interest or principal on the bonds. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council has the absolute authority in any fiscal year tO determine not to make such an appropriation and the failure or refusal of the City to make such an appropriation shall not be determined to be a breach of any agreement. (d) No part of the sales and use tax revenues received by the City in any fiscal year shall be appropriated, made available or used for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds ef the District which -7- f/RES14444rv (030890-3) are issued and sold to finance any public facill.~es other than the Public Facilities . (e) For each fiscal year when sales and use ta~ revenues have been appropriated by the City Council, such revenues shall be allocated for the payment of special taxes as follows: (1) Up to 25 percent of the sales and use tax revenues received during each fiscal year with respect to each parcel of developed property which generates sales t~x revenue (a parcel with a commercial or industrial business located thereon and with curb and gutter adjacent thereto) shall be allocated to the payment of the special tax levied on that parcel of developed property for that fiscal year. To the extent that the amount of the special tax exceeds the amount of sales and use tax revenues available to pay the special tax, the property owner si%all pa), the additional amount of any special tax owing (the #sharefall#). (2) In the event the amount of the sales and use tax revenues available to be appropriated in any fiscal year with respect to a parcel of developed property is in excess of the special tax levied on that property for that fiscal year that excess first shall be allocated to pay or reduce all or a portion of the -8- ~/RES ~4444 rv (03 0890-~ ) special taxes levied on parcels of developed property which does not generate sales and use tax revenues or %tlldeveloped property in the District, which special taxes shall then be reduced pro rata. To the extent that the amount of the special tax exceeds the amount of sales and use tax available to pay the special tax, the property owner shall pay such amount. (3) It is contemplated that in the later years of the agreement the 25 percent of ~ales tax revenues appropriated annually for the payment of principal and interest on District bonds may exceed the amount of the special tax levied on parcels of both developed and undeveloped property. In ti%e event of sucl% an excess in any future years the City shall appropriate and make available such excess first to reimburse each owner pro rata of developed property for the shortfall pursuant to subsection 1 hereof, and then to the extent any excess remains to reimburse each owner of undeveloped property or developed property pro rata for special taxes paid pursuant to Paragraph 2. Such reimbursement st%all be made without interest and shall be credited first to the earliest fiscal year Jn which special taxes were --9-- ~f f/Rli',Sl~444rv levied. In the event that there is no such exces~ in any fiscal year, the City shall be under no obligation to make such reimbursement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council shall have the absolute authority in any fiscal year to determine whether or not %o make this appropriation and has no obligation to make any contribution or reimbursement from any other funds of the City. Traffic Im~Dact Feea. Tile city Council intend~ to initiate, conduct and complete proceedings to form a district and levy and collect traffic impact fees, as allowed by law, including, but not limited to those authorized pursuant to Section 66484 of the Government Code, to be paid by the owners of property within the area of benefit as a condition to the issuance of building permits to finance the design and construction (or reimbursement to the District therefor) of roads, bridges and other traffic facilities which are of benefit throughout the City (the "Traffic Impact Fee"), Specifically including, but not limited to, the cost of construction of the fifth and sixth lanes of Ynez Road. (a) Tile agreement referenced in Section 2 hereof shall provide that the owners of property within -10- ~f/RES14444r~(030890-~} the District, notwithstanding any prior agreement with the County, mhall pay such a Traffic Impact Fee as determined by the City upon the issuance of building permits. (b) The owners of property also shall agree to consent to the formation of a district for, and the levy and collection of, a Traffic Impact Fee therein, and shall waiYe their rights to protest such formation, levy or collection, but not to object to the method of allocation of costs or fee apportionment. (c~ The City Council may but in no manner is req]/ired to elect in any fiscal year, and the agreement provided for in Section 2 hereof shall so provide, to pay all or any portion of the special taxes levied on parcels of taxable property in the District for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds thereof, which would otherwi;e be paid with sales and use tax revenues appropriated by the City Council, with revenues of the Traffic Impact Fees or other available funds, but the general revenues or full faith and credit of the City shall not be pledged for such payment. ~=g.~~. Facilities.So be ~lnan;.~d. The agreement provided for in Section 2 hereof shall provide that the facilities wl3ich shal3 be financed with the first series of bonds to be issued by the County for the District shall include only the following facilities to be known as -11- £/R~14444r~,(030890-3) the #Traffic Facilities,# and any and all costs incidenta! thereto. (a) Construction of the Apricot Street 0vercrossing of Interstate Highway 15 from Ynez Road to Jefferson Avehue, including the acquiuition of the right-of- way required on both sides of Interstate Highway 15, at an estimated cost of $5,000,000; (b) The construction of Ynez Road to a six (6) lane width with turning pockets at various intersections, commenc{mg from the morth property line of the property upon which the Advanue Cardiovasculur System plant is located southerly to its intersection with Rancho California Road, includi~g the acquisition of right-of-way, utility relocations, and utility crossings (i.~., storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water maln~, uas main~, electrlcal facilities, traffic s~.~na! ~acillties relocation, telephone and Cable television facilities, etc.), at a~ estimated cost of $3,000,000; (c) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadrant of the entrance of Rancho California Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the &cguis~tion of the required right-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (d) The construction of the freeway loop-ramp at the southeast quadran% of the entrance of i£/RES14444rv (030890-3) Winchester Road to Interstate Highway 15, including the acquisition of the required rigllt-of-way, at an estimated cost of $1,000,000; (e) The acquisition of park land and/or the construction of facilities, buildings, and equipment for local and regional park and recreational purposes, at an estimated cost of $2,000,000; and (f) The acquisition of street improvements, watgr and ~wer..sys.tem..faci~it%.es .~nd ~torm drainage fa~ilitSDs i9 Solano Way near its intersection with Ynez Road thereof, including the acquisition of right-of-way therefor, which have been constructed to support the auto park located at such intersection and the acquisition of which is provided for in the resolution of intention and the resolution of formation adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County with respect to the District, at an estimated cost of $2,000,000. Section 4. F__i.~st ~eries o~ Bonds. with respect to the bonds of the Distr~ct to be issued and sold by the county, the agreement provided for in Section 2 hereof mhall provide as follows: (a) The first series of the bonds shall be issued and sold as soon as possible (i.9., summer or early fall of 1990) in the aggregate principal amount of approximately $16,000,000 only to finance the design and -13- //RES14444rV(030890-3) construction and acquisition of the Public Facilities described in Section 4 hereof and any and all costs incidental thereto; .~ (b) The aggregate principal amount of the first series of the bonds shall include a reserve fund in such amount as is reasonably required, issuance costs, underwriter's discount, and capitalized interest for not more than 18 months as well as the costs o£ administration of the District and of the agreement contemplated by this Resolution; (c) The aggregate principal amount of the first series of tile bonds st~all also include an amount sufficient to reimburse the owners of property within the District any amounts which they have advanced to the County for the payment of costs and expenses incurred by the County in connection with the establishment of the District and the issuance and sale of the bonds; (d) The aggregate principal amount of the first series of the bonds to be issued and sold shall be determined by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant, the underwriter, the owners of property within the District and the City; and e) The first series of the bonds to be issued and sold shall contain a provision which will permit their call and redemption at the earliest practical date, a~ f/R~S14444rv(O30890-3) determined.by the County in consultation with its bond counsel and financial consultant and the underwriter. ~~k_~. Condition Precedent. (a) The City shal. 1 not be obligated to enter into an agreement with the County alld the owners of property within the District as contemplated in this Resolution, unless two-thirds of the votes cast in the elections within and for the District on the proposition of the District incurring a bonded indebtedness and the proposition of the leyy of special taxes on parcels of taxable property therein to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds of the District which may be issued and sold to represent such bonded indebtedness and to finance the design and coDstruction of the Traffic Facilities are in favor of such propositions, and the County is thereby authorized to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the District in an amount sufficient to finance the design and construction of the Traffic Facilities and to levy special taxes on all parcels of taxable property within the District in an aggregate amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds of the District. · ~g_~/L_~. A__qre___em___ent and Cooperation ,.of W~. In addition to the agr{~ements set out in § 3(a) and (b) hereof: f f/RIsS 14444 rv ( 030890-3 ) (a) The agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall further provide that the owners of property in the District agree that they will execute and deposit w~th City, aS an attachment to the Agreement contemplated by this ReBolution, an irrevocable offer to dedicate the land necessary to widen Ynez Road as set out in §4 hereof; (b) The owners of property further agreQ that the issuance of building permits for their projects with frontage on Ynez Road shall be conditioned on repayment to City of the costs of construction of the first through fourth lanes of ¥nez Road, such repayment to be calculated pursuant to a formula to be developed by City to be based on the frontage on Ynez Road, and such costs to include 2/3 of the cost of any utility relocation not borne by the utility: and that a contingent assessment for such costs may be placed on their property; or (c) That tile property owners within the District will support the establishment of a larger regional community facilities district by the City and the issuance and sale of bonds thereof to finance the design and construction of regional roads, bridges and traffic facilities subject to their right to object to the rate and method for levy of the special tax, which are necessary to solve regional traffic problems tt~roughout the City, and that to the extent allowed by law bonds of the regional -16- ~/RES~¢44~zw(030890-3) community facilities district may be issued and sold to refth~d and redeem the first series of the bonds issued and sold.by the County for the District. ~9~P_[k_~. Property Acugisitioh The agreement contemplated by this Resolution shall provide that to the extent property for the Traffic Facilities has not been required to be dedicated by and therefore must be acquired from the owners of property within the District, the date of valuation for such property shall be the date of adoption of this Resolution. ~Lq~l~. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the City's ability to enter into separate, additional agreements with County or one or more owners of property within the District consistent with the Resolution or agreement contemplated thereby. City contemplates that it will enter into an agreement with Bedford Properties, Inc. to grant Bedford credit against Traffic Impact Fees levied on property within the District bisected by Ynez Road and in the amount of Bedford's costs of construction of Ynez Road north of Apricot for the fift}] and sixth lanes. adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ..... , 1990. The City Clerk shall certify the day of RON' MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the C~ty Council of the City of Temeoula at a regular meetAng thereof, held on the ~ day of ...... , 1990 by the following vote of the Council":' AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECUIA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: DEPT: 03-13-90 CM TITLE: CLUB VA!F. NCIA APARTMENTS DEPTHD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR~ At the Council meeting January 23, 1990 a petition was filed requesting the Council to hold hearings to disapprove additional apartments in the Moraga-Rancho California area. The situation is thi.~: On May 10, 1988 the County approved a Vesting Tentative Map for a one lot, 344-unit condo/apartment project called Club Valencia. The development plan was approved as Exhibit "A." No plot plan approval is required. The project was sold to IDM Corporation recently and grading permits were pulled. The 21-acre site is now bein~o graded and building permits will be applied for. The owner has filed the Final Map with the County and indicates that all conditions of Tentative Map have been met. The City Council will soon be asked to approve the Final Map. In accordance with the City Attorney memo of March 2, 1990 it appears the City Council has no discretion since the Tentative Map was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 10, 1988. Mr. William Coghlen, IDM Development representative, (213) 498-0141, will be at the March 13th Council Meeting to answer questions. Others familiar with the project are: Richard Machott, County of Riverside Planning (714) 275-3299. Nancy at Rick Engineering (714) 782-0707. Ronni Crossland, representative of petitioners, has been notified and may wish to address the Encl: Petition City Attorney memo March 2, 1990. l\CmRpt\O]l~O.O~ -1- ;id ss · PETITION REGARDING: HEARING AND DISAPPROVAL OF RANCHO VALENCIA APARTMENTS WHEREAS, there is currently undeveloped land on the north side of Rancho California Road, east of Moraga Road between Woodcreek Apartments and "The Villages" and WHEREAS, there is evidence that said land is intended for more apartments; and WHEREAS, this project falls within a one square mile area which houses three apartment complexes totaling 784 units namely Woodcreek Apartments at 42200 Moraga Road, Morning Ridge Apartments ~t 30660 Milky Way Drive and Margarita Summit Apartments at 42200 Margarita Road; and WHEREAS, the current plans for this project, Rancho Valencia Apartments, an IDH Development, are to build 344 units bringing the total number of apartment units to 1,128; and WHEREAS, additional apartments would negatively impact an already existing traffic problem; and WHEREAS, we believe that apartments often attract transients and crime including drug related activities; and WHEREAS, we believe that there already exists more than enough high density residences; THEREFORE, the undersigned citizens of Temecula, residing within one mile of the proposed apartment complex request that the City Counsel hold immediate hearings on this project and DISAPPROVE additional apartments at that location. Signature Print Name Address P~~(:~,N am e Address ~rint Name Print Name Address Address Address Address Signature Print Name Address Signature gnature Print Name Print Name Address Address Signature Print Name Address March 2, 1990 ON[ WILl:HIRE OUILOING ~4 ~.0UTH GR&hICI &~:NU~E. IITM IrLoc,~ v,O$ &NG£LrG, C&LIrORNi& (z,]) ~3e,oeoo Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Re: APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAPS Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: The purpose of this letter is to explain the City Council's authority in the approval of final tract maps. As a matter of background, the first step necessary in order to subdivide property is for the owner to file a tentative map application. Depending on local procedure, the tentative map is approved by either the Planning Commission or the city Council, subject to conditions setting forth the requirements to which the owner must conform in developing the property. These conditions may address such matters as street, bicycle path and transit facility dedications, solar access easements, parkland dedication, school dedication, drainage and sewer facilities, fees for bridges and major thoroughfares, fees for ground-water recharge, and various other public and off- site improvements. The next step after approval of the tentative map is approval of the final map. Approval of the final map creates the legal lots of the subdivision. Prior to the approval of a final map, all tentative map conditions must be complied with, either through constructing the improvements, or entering into an improvement agreement with the City. The City ~lust approve the final map if the subdivider has substantially complied with the terms and Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council March 2, 1990 Page 2 conditions attached to the tentative map approval. The City Engineer or County Surveyor determines whether there is substantial compliance with the tentative map by executing a certificate stating: that the subdivision is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map, that all Subdivision Map Act provisions and local ordinances applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and that the map is technically correct. Once the Engineer or Surveyor executes the final map certificate, formal approval of the final map is a ministerial act, and the City Council has no discretion to disapprove the final map in the absence of fraud. In one court case, the Court stated that the City Council is not to make the technical determination on whether the requirements and conditions of the tentative map have been satisfied, and that the submission of the final map does not authorize the City Council to redetermine matters that are primarily technical in nature. Rather, the purpose of submitting the final map to the City Council is to ensure that the Council and the public remain informed about development in the City's jurisdiction. (Great W~sterD Savings & Loan Association v. city of Los Angeles (1973) 31Cal.App.3d 403, These same rules generally apply in the case of newly incorporated cities. The recently adopted statute appearing at Government Code § 66413.5 applies to any new city with an effective incorporation date on or after January 1, 1989. In such new cities, final maps that meet the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the County Subdivision Ordinance, and that substantially comply with the applicable tentative map must be approved by the Council. However, a newly incorporated city may condition or deny final map approval when a failure to do so would create a "dangerous health and safety" condition, or when the condition or denial is required to comply with State or Federal law. It should be noted that a dangerous health and safety condition is a very narrow exception and the Council would need to make a specific finding as to the danger that would result in approval of the final map. Finally, it should be noted that Section 66413.5 applies only if the developer's tentative map application was submitted to the County before the first signature was Honorable Mayor and ~embers of the City Council March 2, 1990 Page 3 placed on the zncorporation petlt~on, and the County approved the tentatiYe map before the incorporation election. In the case of Temecula, the incorporation election was November 7, 1989. We are still determining the date of the first signature on the incorporation petition, but we believe it was in the Spring of 1988. Please feel free to call me should you have any questions. Sincerely, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA $£f/LTR15002: bj j cc: F. D. Aleshire, City Manager GRANVILLE M. BOWMAN DIRECTOR (819) 694-2212 (LOCATION CODE 750) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5555 OVERLAND AVE. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92123-1295 COUNTY ENGINEER COUNTY AIRPORTS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONER TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS COUNTY SURVEYOR FLOOD CONTROL LIQUID WASTE SOLID WASTE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS: NORTH COUNTY LANDFILL DRAFT EIR/EIS The County of San Diego invites you to attend a public meeting to discuss the environmental impacts of opening a new landfill in northern San Diego County as described in the Draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (DEIR/EIS). The new landfill will accommodate municipal solid wastes generated by residents and business throughout the county. Three possible sites were identified by an extensive site review study conducted last year: the Blue Canyon s~te, located about seven miles northwest of the community of Warner Springs; the Aspen Road site, located east of the Santa Margarita River, about four miles northeast of the commun{ty of Fallbrook; and the Gregory Canyon site, located south of the San Luis Rey River about three miles east of Interstate 15, and two and one-half miles southwest of the community of Pala. In view of the difficulty in,identifying feasible Class III landfill sites in North County, the County's proposed action and the Bureau of Land Management's preferred alternative is to purchase and operate all three alternative sites as future North County landfills. The County of San Diego has prepared an environmental document that addresses the possible environmental impacts at each alternative landfill site. The document has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Because the new landfill may be located on federal land or may require federal permits, the Bureau of Land Management has joined the County of San Diego in preparation of the environmental document. Your comments on the environmental concerns that should be addressed in evaluating the opening of a new North County landfill are important. You are invited to attend any of the following meetings: Potter Junior High School Bowers Auditoriu~ 1743 Reche Rd., Fallbrook Xarch 12, 1990 7:00 p.a. Pauma Valley Community Center Highway 76, Pauma Valley March 14, 1990 7:00 p.m. UniOn Elementary School Multipurpose Area Highway 79, Warner Springs March 15, 1990 7:00 p.m. The purpose of these meetings is to summarize the information contained in the DEIR/EIS, explain the environmental review process, and most importantly, receive comments from the public regarding the environmental issues. If you have any questions or need more information, call Trish Butler at The Butler Roach Group, 298-7127, or Kathy Lehtola at the County of San Diego, 694-2177. Priat~l on R~cled Paper AMENDED LEGAL NOTICE/ NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT EIR/EIS FOR.THE PROPOSED NORTH COUNTY LANDFILL (SCH# 89-071908) (This notice, orginally published on January 25, 1990, has been amended to change the end of the public review period from March 25, 1990 to March 26, 1990) The County of San Diego, as the Lead Agency under California law, and the Bureau of Land Management, as the Federal Lead Agency, have completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (DEIR/EIS) for the North County Landfill project. The DEIR/EIS addresses the potential environmental impacts of three candidate landfill sites: Aspen Road (between Fallbrook and Rainbow), Blue Canyon (northwest of Warner Springs), and Gregory Canyon (west of Pala). The permits applied for at this time are General Plan Amendments for all three sites, and Major Use Permits for Aspen Road and Gregory Canyon. The proposed project is acquisition and operation of all three locations for landfills. The DEIR/EIS addresses the potential significant environmental effects of the proposed project and is available for public review at the following North County libraries: Fallbrook, Ramona, Julian, Borrego Springs, Valley Center, Vista, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Cardiff, Rancho Santa Fe, Escondido, Oceanside, Carlsbad, and the North County Bookmobile. Copies may be purchased from the County Department of Public Works, 5555 Overland Avenue, Building 2, San Diego, CA [(619) 694-2177]. Comments are hereby solicited regarding the scope and content of the environmental information contained in the DEIR/EIS. Due to the time limits allowed by State and Federal law, your written comments should be sent by the earliest possible date, but postmarked no later than March 26, 1990. Please send your written comments to Sharon Colton, Department of Planning and Land Use, 5201 Ruffin Road, (MS 0650), San Diego, CA 92123. Please mark the envelope North County Landfill. Your comments regarding this DEIR/EIS will be a matter of public record, available to other agencies, organizations and interested citizens, and will become a part of the Final EIR/EIS. After inclusion of the comments received during the public review period and the agencies' response to those comments, the Final EIR/EIS will be presented to the San Diego County Planning Commission and, ultimately, Board of Supervisors for their consideration prior to certifying the EIR/EIS on the proposed project. The Bureau of Land Management will use the Final EIR/EIS as part of its decision-making on the land exchange related to the County's acquisition of the Blue Canyon site. DEVELOPMENT FEES IN THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGION.. _ 5 15~0 '!iI A SURVEY BY THE BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY The Building Industry Association of Riverside conducted a survey this year on fees associating with land development. This survey included the entire area of the Riverside County, as well as the County Office itself. The survey include fees such as Permit Fees, Service Impact Fees, Planning Fees, Water and Sewer Charges, Environmental Charges, and Fees charged by the School Districts. The Criteria for which the survey are based are as follows: Size of the Subdivision: 10 Acres 50 Units Size of the Unit: 1500 Square Foot Single Family Dwelling Unit 500 Square Foot Garage 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath Estimated Value of Unit: '~94,000 - $100,000 For a more detailed fee schedule, please contact the BIA office at (714) 781 -7310. THOMAS VAN VOORST Director of Governmental Affairs Biff riverside county iregion 43,,33 ~ St.. Ste. 3600. Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 781-73 75.-150 ~heryl Dri~, Polm Des~t. CA 9225,5 (619) 773-53 DEVELOPMENT FEES IN THE RIVERSII S'NVIRONMENTAL A~S~SSMENT PEE[ 17) I 17~ I 200 I )0" 2)0 [ 2)0 t 0 t Z~ t 200 BUILDINO PEI$ unit) Plan Cheer )96 ~g6 ~96 4 i~ 416 ~69 )~6 ~ 420 B~din~ P*rmit 6t} 6Z~ 6t~ 6~ 640 ~6~ 6Z~ 6~) 647 Plum~in~ parmit 47 47 47 ~7 47 48 47 47 76 M~Bani~l P~emit 42 42 42 )7 41 I ~ 42 42 42 El~i~l parmit ~ ~) ~) 68 ~2 35 ~e~ Major Buildin~ F~ 120 N/A N/A 120 N/A N/A MUNICIPAL SERVICE IMPACT PRES iCper unit) Part &RecreaLion Dedication Fees 949 0 O 0 1200 94~ 220 290 O Ro~<l F+~ 0 t~O 0 0 ~}0 0 0 ~00 DE? 0 ~blic Facili~ 414 ~00 0 0 0 1 ~0 0 0 0 ~ ConSol & ~aina~+ 0 0 ~00 20 12~ 2~0 0 780 80~ Traffl~ ~aUon 114 O 0 O . 0 O ~0 l~O 0 ISUBTOTAL I 1473 I 690 I ~00 I 20 I 2 [~ I 1~4~ I 270 1680 [ 80~ [SUBDIVISION REVIEW FEES (application fee) Zone C~an~e 9~o 9~o 400 ~o 62~ 700 400 ~4 ,. 9~o Planned Unit. Development N/A 2~0 7~0 N/A 690 1160 N/A ~00 600 S~at U~ ~+r~t ~ ~7~ 400 2~0 4~o ~o0 ~00 ~2 ~o0 ~neral Plan ~endment 127~ 127~ ~0 3~0 10~0 600 400 ~62 ~0 ,, Ten~ve Tract Map I~O0 1~00 ~00 2~0 O~0 1000 82~ ~2~ go0 ~lln Review }0 2}0 I}00 2}0 1}0 N/A 100 4} }0 ~i~ Plan Review * * * * * * * * ~0 ))0 · · * * ~0 [ Final Tract Map ~00 2000 ~00 400 ~)o I~O0 ~00 900 900 SUBTOTAL 4620 4600 4000 1490 [ 4129 ~910 202~ 20&& [ }}00 [AVERAGE COST PER UNIT I 2641 I 1901 I l?~S I I~?~ I ~4}s I 24~ I z792 I 2s}2 I 22~} ·. Indicates the specified fee is included in another fee. Indicates more than one possible fee, and the lower was used. SEWER FEES WATER CA [ CITIES, [SEWER CAPACITY FEE CHARGED BY: [ FEE PER UNIT [Banning City, 107'5 ,~eaumont City 1800 ~iythe , City 82,5 Sathedrai City Coachella VnUey ~WD I }00 ~rona Silt 1983 ~sert Hot Spangs Mission Water A~ncy 0 ~emet EMWD + City 2~9 ~ Indian Wells ~oachetla Valle~ ~D I ~00 IBdto Valley ~ry D~strtct 1000 ~ ~tnta ~achella Vatle~ ~WD 1 ~00 ~ke ~sinore ~ke Elsinore MWD 1670 Moreno VaUeY EMWD 2030 .. Nolo 3ity 1 Palm ~ert U~chella Valley MWD 1 }00 Palm Springs" ~sert ~aLer A~ncy 3067 Pe~ City 1200 Rancho Mira~ ~a~ella yaney ~WO t 500 gW of Rive~ide CiW 2300 Rivemtde ~un:y WMWD 2300 ~n ]a~to ~D + City 2230 CITIES {WATER CAPACITY FEE CHA: Bannin,q ~aurnont [Blythe Cathedral City ~oacheila ~orona Desert Hot Surin~s Hemet Indian Wells [ndio La Quinta ~ake Elsinore Moreno Valley ~orco Palm Desert. Palm Sprin.~s Perris Rancho Mirage City of Riverside Riverside County San Jacinto City City + Beaumont Cherry V~ City Coachella Valley MWD esert Water Agency City Mission Water A~nc,v EMWD + City ~oachella Valley MWD City Soachella Valley MWD Lake Elsinore MWD EMWD City ~.oachella Valley MWD Desert Water AEency City + WMWD Coachella Valley MWD City WMWD City + EMWD REGION (EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1988) DESERT ~PRING'~ ~IRAGE RIVI~R<IDE COU~TT I SA~ lACINTO I ~L~iNORE [ VALLI~T[ NORCO 280 I 335 I ~D I 3s I ~0 I ~}0 I 0 I 30 I 1}0 [ 477 I 200 61~ ,, 41~ ~72 613 ~I3 ~87 61} 613 635 644 644 61} 47 48 1~7 47 47 47 12~ ~7 ~7 1~ 13~ ~7 42 t8 }7 42 42 41 }~ 42 37 47 47 42 120 N/A N/A 130 130 N/A N/A N/A 120 N/A N/A I 92 I 1272 I 793 I 1210 ) 1282 I 1262 779 I 1263 I 11}2 ,l i}29 I 1}29 I 1329 I 1244 ~0 101~ 1260 l~00 300 94~ 0 800 0 1194 610 1~0 ~oo oo )o 780 o o o 3~o o ~oo o o ** oo 100 1200 1300 0 0 0 0 0 21}6" 60 100 0 603 66} 962 640 1642 1017 0 7}9 1060 7~8 ~o ~o o 17o o ~o o 1~o o i~o i~o 1~o I 600 I 1ot~ I 2193 I 453~ I 2~62 I 16~ 1842 2317 430 1355 764 22~0 , -. 32~ 1600 1300 1030 2300 2740 4~0 78~ , N/A N/A 618~ 900 N/A 2~0 N/A 300 2400 272~ 600 28~ 169~ 11~7 3770 100 3~0 2~0 l}00 2~0 2}00 4~49 62~ 430 1970 1~0 ~2~0 600 ~00 1600 l}00 ~00 2900 ~121 900 640 2290 12~7 6680 1200 37~ 1600 }6}2 2~0 2600 70~4 800 42~ 760 ~0 0 N/A 42~ 108~ 1~17 0 2~00 N/A 100 e. e* 21} 4260 700 e. *. e. .. .. 1~89 -, 1200 1400 900 17~0 1700 ~00 7~0 ~330 100 44~0 2108 4~0 299~ 6070 I ~491 J 28395 3500 197~ 1098~ 9049 2330 15200 23778 3675 6861 I 96763 [ 17~991 J 3194~9 I 196716 I 122663 [ 166766 J 1~2460 J 6882~ I 2109~0 J 288~8~ I 120960 oo Optional infrastructure fee, not to exceed $6000, may be imposed on specific projects at the discretion of the city. means the fee is not applicable to that jurisdiction. :ITY FEES .'D BY: [ CAPACITY FEE I HOOK-UP FEE I 107~ 2~ 12~0 2~O ~oo 3~o 12~o ! 480 Included !~0 1600 3~2 1360 ~2~0 3~0 610 12~o i~lo ~oo io~ ~o o ~?~ ~2~0 82~ 1 ~0 Included 2~30 900 12~o I~O0 600 162~ ~60 133~ ~O 8CHCOL FEES BY ~CHOOL DISTRICTS ,SCHOOL DISTRICTS I FEE PER UNIT Alvord Unified 229,5 B, annmg Unified 229,5 Beaumont Unified 229,5 =oachetla Unifi~ 229 ~ ~rona-Norco Unifi~ 229 ~ ~ert Center Unif[~ 229 ~ ~rt ~nds Unifi~ 2295 Elsinore Elementary ~ 147 Elstnore High ~h~l I 12~ Hemet UnifI~ 229 ~ ]urupa Untfi~ 22 ~0 Meni{~ Elemen~ry" 229 ~ Moreno Vauey Unifi~ 22 ~0 Mu~ieta Elementary" 229 ~ Nuvlew Elementary" 229~ Palm Springs Unifi~ 229 ~ Palo Verde Unifi~ 229 ~ Perr~ Elemen~ry 1207 Pe~s ~gh ~h~l 10~8 ~ve~ide Unifi~ 22 ~0 ~ ]a~to Unlfi~ 2295 Tem~a ~emen~ry ' ' 229 ~ ,Val Verde ~ementary" 229 ~ · '$plRS f~s with corresponding high school district REGION (EFFECTIVE)CTOB~ < 1, 15. 8) ZLSINORI~ VALLEY DZ~£RT {PitlNO{ MIRAGt: RIV~,R$1DE COUNTY ]A¢INTO ~ 280 I 335 ~ 333 ] 35 I 30 I }}o ,] o I 3° ,l 170 I 477 I 200 I 47 ~8 ]47 47 ,7 ~? ]2~ 47 ~7 ]35 133 ~7 42 ]6 }7 42 42 4] ~} 42 37 47 47 42 120 .IA N/A 130 ]30 N/A N/A ./A 120 N/A N/a 92 ]272 I 793 I ]2]0 I :282 I ]282 I ??9 I ]263 I ]]52 I 1329 I ]329 ! ]329 I 1244 ~}o 1ol} 126o 1~oo 300 94} o 800 o 119~ 61o 1~o 300 oo 30 ?80 o o o 370 o }oo o o ** O0 100 1200 1~00 0 0 0 0 0 2138" 60 100 0 803 683 982 640 ]842 1017 0 7~9 ]060 738 }0 O0 0 170 0 70 0 1~0 0 1}0 1}0 1~0 430 133~ 784 22}0 *, 32} 1800 1300 1030 2300 2740 783 N/A N/A 6183 900 N/A 2}}0 N/A 300 2400 272} 600 28} 1~9} ]]37 3770 100 350 2}}0 1300 2~0 2~00 43~9 4~0 ~970 1~70 }270 600 }00 lGO0 1~00 }00 2900 }]21 900 640 2290 1237 6680 1200 37} 1600 3632 2}0 2800 70}4 800 ~2~ 76o ~}o o ~/^ 42} lo8} 1~]? o 2}00 N/^ 1oo *e *e 213 4260 700 ** ** *e *. ,e 1~69 ]200 ]400 900 _17}0 1700 500 7}0 ~0 100 4470 2108 4}0 299} 8070 }49] 2839} 3}00 197} 1098~ 9049 2330 ]}200 I 23778 [ ~6' ~'~ I 106861 I 9876~ [ 173991 I }Ig439 I 196716 I 12268} ,1 166766 I 182460 I 68623 I 210930 I 268}6} I 120960 OO N/A Optional infrastructure fee, not to exceed $6000, may be imposed on specific projects at the discretion of the city. Indicates the fee is not applicable to that jurisdiction. iR FEES ,ROrrl~y: [ CAPACITYFE£ I HOOK-UPFEE I ]o7~ 255 aneyWD 12~0 2~0 }oo 3~o ]2~o 168o Inouded l~O 925 ~600 ]360 }0 12~0 625 3~0 ~250 &25 ~5~0 400 10~5 50 0 14&O Included 2~30 900 ~2~0 ~00 600 162~ 560 J335 50 SCHOOL FEES BY DISTRICTS I SCHOOL DISTRICTS I Fl:'; Pt~ UNIT [ Alvord Unified 229`5 ,~nning Unified 2293 :Seaumont Unified 229,5 Coache~a Unified 229,5 Corona-Norco Unified 229,5 Desert Center Unified 229,5 Desert Sands Unified 229 ,5 ~stnore E]ernentm'7 ! ~ ~7 iE3stnore Ht~h ~choo~ ! ! 2.5 Hemet Urafied 229,5 LurUpaUnified 22,50 eniiee Dementar7'° 229`5 Moreno Valley Unified 22`50 Murr~eta Elementary" 229`5 Nuv~ew nementary ' ° 229 ,5 ]:,mm Sprin~s Unilied 229,5 Pmo Verde Unified 229,5 . Perris r~ementar7 1207 Perrts Hil~ ,~..hooi 1088 Riverside Unified 2:2,50 ,Sen laanto Unified 22g,5 Ternecu~a Dementary" 229 5 Val Verde Dementary" 229,5 fees with corve~pondmg ~gh .~.hool district Moore Bt-rd~all A~e :~ minu~U*.of Fe~ntar~ 6, 1990 as mailed. ~ ~ ~ntrke~ of 'F~b~Aa~ 13, 1990 as ~ailed. of Harris Co~ction of La ~e the CSD documents, 27, 1990, 7:00 p.m., Temecula Community 28816 pUJol Street, Te~ecula, California MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 6, 1990 An adjourned regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:13 p.m. in the Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California. President Pat Birdsall presiding. PRESENT 5 DIRECTORS Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks, Birdsall ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were City Manager Frank Aleshire, City Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENTS Terrence E. Aragoni, 41795 Humber Drive, Temecula, addressed the Board regarding the need to add telephone facilities at the Sports Park to take care of emergency situations. Glenn Richardson, representing the Temecula Valley Little League, introduced Randy Coats, 30949 Calle Pina Colata, Temecula who spoke in favor of the establishment of a City Parks and Recreation Department and the need for night lighting at the Sports Park. He recommended that the Park be reserved for residents of the City and organizations with vested interest in the City. He also suggested several financing methods for funding improvements to the Sports Park. Larry Lackey, 39592 Long Ridge Drive, Temecula presented the Directors with a "Free Parks for Kids" petition recommending that the City pay the fees for the Sports Park use and that this be funded through the general fund. Glenn Richardson spoke to items 1.4 and 1.5 of the agenda. He requested that the CSD adopt a policy which would allow first use of the parks in the City of Temecula to be reserved for residents of the City. He also addressed the conflicts of interest which he feels have occurred in the scheduling of the facilities by the CSA. He requested the City look into having an independent arbiter to take control of the facilities scheduling. _ CSD Minutes February 6, 1990 Doug Scott, 31130 Humbolt Court, Temecula address the Board with regard to the CSA policy on unauthorized use of the fields at the Sports Park. He objected to the threats of arrest maHe to citizens who were using the fields on a casual basis when they were free of scheduled activities. Mark Winslow, 23250 Rancho Merlot Road, representing the Temecula Valley Little League requested the Board consider the lump sum payment currently being charged at the beginning of each season. He stated that the various organizations would like to have a payment schedule which is more equitable. He also spoke regarding the negative declarations required for park improvements. He requested that the Board direct staff to obtain the permits for installation of water and electric lines which are currently required for the snack bar at the Sports Park. Director Muhoz questioned CSA-143 staff if any plans are in the works to light the playing fields by the CSA. Jeanine Overson responded that there were no such plans at this time. George Campos, 41593 Winchester Road, suite 120, stated that he hah spoken with Pat Fierro, of the City of Irvine, to secure a price to light an average playing field. She advised him that the cost for lighting a typical two-field back-to- back layout currently is $150,000 to $200,000. Director Parks questioned staff to determine if any studies have been made by CSA-143 as to which fields could be lighted. Jeanine Overson responded that this has not been for the Sports Park. Glenn Richardson stated that his Board would be willing to make a donation for lighting ball fields in lieu of the existing use fees. He also stated that his organization's concern is with the use of the parks by individuals who are not in the CSD or in the CSA and that he feels the use of the playing fields should be reserved for the children of the City. Director Lindemans stated that he feels an appropriation of funds for hiring a Parks and Recreation Director is in order at this point. Director Muhoz suggested that the non-economic aspects of the presentation be addressed during this meeting. Chris Hatcher, Parks and Recreation Coordinator addressed the Board explaining the scheduling of the fields in the CSA-143 area and the efforts which have taken place to work with both 2/14i nut es\Z\6\90 - ~- 0:~/01/90 CSD Minutes of the Little League organizations. February 6, 1990 Director Muhoz questioned if the American Little League could be given priority over any non-CSA residents. Mel Bohlken, CSA Administrator responded that all the fields have been booked for the period through June 30, 1990. Director Moore requested that the members of the Board consider getting on with the hiring of a Parks and Recreation Director for the City to begin working on resolving these matters. George Campos, 41593 Winchester Road stated that all groups need to have access to the playing fields. He expressed the opinion that adult softball should be given the same consideration as the youth groups. He requested the CSD take sufficient time to consider all aspects of the problem. David Hatcher, 27768 Cannon Drive, addressed the subject of the fees required for the use of the fields and stated that the costs are high for all of the groups, both adult and youth organizations. He also complimented the job the CSA is doing in the total area of providing recreation programs. Mary Porter, 41479, Chenin Blanc, representing the Temecula Valley Pop Warner League stated that her organization was not allowed to use the parks between the hours of 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. all last season. She expressed the concern that the CSA is sponsoring adult sports teams at the expense of the youth activities. John Dedovesh, 39450 Long Ridge Drive commented on the development fees which have been paid for parks purposes. He felt that the CSD should determine where these fees are. Glenn Richardson summarized the presentation by stating that the Little Leagues do not have a problem with use by the adult leagues if the players are residents of the City. President Birdsall suggested that a motion to hire an expert to look into the use and scheduling situations would be in order. It was moved by Director Parks and seconded by Director Lindemans to hire a consultant to examine the usage and the equitability of the usage, the lighting problems, investigate spreading the assessment over the entire City of Temecula and to examine the overlapping use of facilities between the County Service Area and the Community Services District. 2/# i nut es \2\6\90 - :~ - 0:~/01 /90 CSD Minutes February 6, 1990 Finally staff was directed to return to the CSD with a report on the consultant's findings. Director Muhoz suggested a change in the policy regarding unauthorized use of the fields. He also suggested authorizing a payment schedule as opposed to the current lump sum payment for use. He requested consideration by the CSD to obtain a telephone for the playing fields at the Sports Park and authorization of payment of the fees to install the water and electricity to the snack bar at the Sports Park. Director Moore, speaking to the motion, questioned if the position of Parks and Recreation Director could be added. The motion to hire a consultant was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 4 DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Muhoz, Parks NOES: 1 DIRECTORS: Moore ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None It was moved by Director Muhoz, seconded by Director Lindemans to change the policy in existence which threatens arrest for unauthorized use of the playing fields. City Attorney Scott Field advised the Board that he would need to investigate the County Ordinance and redraft an Ordinance for the City Council to consider, in order to effect this change. Director Muhoz amended the motion and Director Lindemans amended the second to direct the City Attorney to come back to the City Council with an appropriate ordinance. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Director Muhoz, seconded by Director Parks to refer to staff the implementation of a payment schedule which would do away with the requirement for lump sum payment of use fees at the beginning of a season. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Director Muhoz, seconded by Director Moore to refer to staff the installation of the water and electric lines to the snack bar at the sports park, and to waive the customary fees. 2/#inute$\2\6\~O -&- 0~/01/~0 February 6, 1990 CSD Minutes The motion was unanimously carried. Resolution authorisinq~eneral Manaqer to accept donations for ~ports Park. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Moore to adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION CSD NO. 90-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO RECEIVE DONATIONS FOR THE ~ANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS PARK The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore Mufioz, Parks NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None 3. Sports Park Bleachers It was moved by Director Moore, seconded by Director Parks to accept the donation of the CDM Group, Inc. with the Boards thanks. The motion was unanimously carried. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Muhoz to adjourn to the next regular meeting at 8:00 p.m. on February 13, 1990, to be held at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula. The motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Patricia Birdsall, President F. D. Aleshire, Secretary nutes\Z\6\90 -5- 0~/01/90 MINUTES OF a REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECUL~ COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT HELD FEBRU]~RY 13, 1989 A regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:14 p.m. at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula by President Pat Birdsall. ROLL CaLL PRESENT 5 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz Parks, Birdsall ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were City Manager/CSD Secretary Frank Aleshire, city Attorney Scott F. Field, and Acting Deputy City Clerk June S. Greek. PUBLIC COMMENT Richard DeWitt, 37075 Glenoaks Road, spoke regarding the adult softball program, stating that they have formed an advisory committee to try to organize a program that would allow both the adult and children's teams to utilize the fields within CSA-143. CBD BUSIHESS 1. Minutes It was moved by Director Moore, seconded by Director Parks to approve the minutes of January 9, 1990 and January 23, 1990 as mailed. The motion was unanimously carried. Retaining Wall approval Jeanine Overson Director of CSA-143 gave a staff report outlining the need for a retaining wall at the Rancho California Sports Park at this location and the safety concer~s caused by the erosion at the site. csd~02~l 3\90 -1- 03/D7/90 .-- CSD Minute~ February 13, 1990 S. K. Jain, County Road Department advised the Board that the slope is very unstable and at present is jeopardizing the integrity of the roadway above (Margarita Road). Director Moore questioned if the wall could be treated with any material which would protect it from graffiti. Mr. Jain suggested that certain types of plantings could be utilized to cover the wall, therefore discouraging graffiti. Jeanine Overson stated that the high school art departments might also be interested in painting murals on the wall. It was moved by Director Parks, seconded by Director Lindemans to approve the plans and specifications for the construction of a retaining wall at the Rancho California Sports Park, to authorize the Road Department to act as lead agency on the bidding process and direct the County Clerk to advertise for bids up to the hour of 10:00 AM Wednesday, February 21, 1990. The motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: Lindemans, Moore Mufioz, Parks, Birdsall NOES: 0 DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None DIRECTORS REPORTS Director Lindemans reported that he had recently visited the new tot lot at the Rancho California Sports Park and he would like to see some benches provided for adult seating. Director Mufioz inquired what landscaping plans were for the park. Jeanine Overson advised that a number of donations of products and services for landscaping have been made and that the new tot lot has benches planned and they should be installed by March first. Director Parks asked Ms. Overson to coordinate the meeting to address the scheduling problems between the Little League and Adult Softball advisory committee. csc~O2V~ 3%90 -2- 03/07~ ~ CSD Minutes February 13, 1990 It was moved by Director Moore, seconded by Director Parks and unanimously carried to adjourn at 8:32 PM to an adjourned regular meeting to be held at 8:00 PM on February 27, 1990 at the Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Patricia Birdsall, President F. D. Aleshire, Secretary csd~02~13\90 -3- 03/07/9O SUBNITTAL TO TRR BOARD OF DIRECTORS TENECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Ivan F. Tennant SUBMITTAL DATE: February 26, 1990 Acting Road Commissioner and County Surveyor SUBJECT: Construct Retaining Wall Rancho California Sports Park - Temecula Community Services District RECONNENDED NOTION: That the Board of Directors of Temecula Community Services District accept the low bid of Harris Construction of La Habra in the amount of #113,310.00, award the contract to that firm and authorize your Chairman to execute the contract documents. JUSTIFICATION: On February 13, 1990, the Council authorized the Road Department to advertise for bid to construct a retaining wall at the Rancho California Sports Park. Bids for this project were opened in the Office of the Road Commissioner at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, February 21, 1990. Twelve bids were received; the lowest and best bid being submitted by Harris Construction in the amount of $113,310.00. The bid is $6,690.00 or 5.6% below the Engineer's Estimate. The contractor is qualified and funds are being provided by the Temecula Community Services District. W. O. #68-8069 Ivan F. Tennant, Acting Road Commissioner and County Surveyor IFT:FV:rsm 00000000 00000~ ~ 00000~00 00000000 00000000 0 rn II II Z 7 · q O0 O00'..100 II ~ ~, II ):,Z n 0 il r- 0 . Z C Z 000 ~ m z ooooo~oo ooooo~oo ~ oooooooo ~ ooo~oo~ ooo~oooo oooooooo ~ 00~00~00 00000000 0 00000000 r~ ~o ~o ~z ~o 0 0 000~00~0 00000~0~ 00000000 00000000 00000000 OZ Cm Z~n ZO ~Z CXTY MGR tO the (~SD; -!* 03/08/9o 3:59p, Resume of Qualifications WILLIAM L. HOLLEY 7515 Valle Vista Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91750 Telephone (714) 985-4187 EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: Director of Community Services November 8, 1977 through November 15, 1987 City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Supervisor: Lauren Wasserman, City Manager Responsible for the initial development and ongoing administration and operation of the newly incorporated city's Community Services Department and its programs, which included: o Developing departmental goals and objectives; o Departmental budget preparation and administration; o Departmental personnel selection and training; o Presentations to City Council and Gity Commissions: o Legislative analysis and advocacy; o Gommunity relations, including City newsletter; o Park acquisition, design and development; o Recreation program development; o Disaster Preparedness; and, o Historic Preservation. DXstrict Manager County Service Area No. 50 December 15, 1975 through November 8, 1977 County of San Bernardino, California Appointment by: San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Supervisor: A1 Reid, Director, Special Districts Department Responsible communit included: for developing a new special district for the of Alta Loma, Cucamonga and Etiwanda. Duties o Developing and implementing a comprehensive master plan for park and recreation services for the Tri-Community; o District budget preparation; o District personnel selection and training; o Administrative support of District Advisory Commission and Municipal Advisory Council; o Park acquisition, design and development; o Presenting positions of Commission and MAC to County Board of Supervisors. Resume of Qualifficattons William L. Holley Page 2 OTHER EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: City of Riverside, California State of California United States Army EDUCATION: o Riverside City Colleges; o University of La Verne, B.S. Public Admtn.; o University of La Verne, M.P.A. Candidate, May 1990. REFERENCES: o Available upon request.