HomeMy WebLinkAbout052511 CC Agenda CC Budget Workshop In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AMENDED AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BUDGET WORKSHOP CONFERENCE CENTER 41000 MAIN STREET MAY 25, 2011 — 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER: Flag Salute: Council Member Naggar ROLL CALL: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington, Roberts PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. If the speaker chooses to address the City Council on an item listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a Request to Speak form must be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the agenda, a Request to Speak form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. There is a five-minute time limit for each speaker. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, 10 minutes will be devoted to these reports. ::: Convene a Joint Meeting of the City Council/Community Services District/Redevelopment Agency. ::: 1 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETWG BUDGET WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET MAY 25, 2011 — 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER: Flag Salute: Council Member Naggar ROLL CALL: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington, Roberts PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the City Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. If the speaker chooses to address the City Council on an item listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a Request to Speak form must be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the agenda, a Request to Speak form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. There is a five-minute time limit for each speaker. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, 10 minutes will be devoted to these reports. ... Convene a Joint Meeting of the City Council/Community Services District/Redevelopment /�qency. ... i CITY COUNCIL/TCSD/RDA BUSINESS 1 Review of the Proposed FY 2011-12 Preliminarv Annual Operatinq Budqet RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Review and discuss the proposed fiscal year 2011-12 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. 2 Review of the Proposed fiscal vears 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Proqram RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Review and discuss the proposed fiscal years 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide direction to staff as appropriate. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, at 530 PM, for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The agenda packet (including staff reports) will be available for viewing at the Main Reception at City Hall (41000 Main Street, Temecula) or at the Temecula Library (30600 Pauba Road, Temecula) after 4:00 PM the Friday before the City Council meeting. At that time, the packet may as well be accessed on the City's website —www.citvoftemecula.orq Supplemental material received after the posting of the Agenda Any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review at the Main Reception at the Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula — 8:00 — 5:00 PM). In addition, such material will be made available on the City's web — www.citvoftemecula.orq — and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. If you have any questions regarding any item of business on the Agenda for this meeting, please contact City Clerk's Department — 951-694-6444. 2 Item No. 1 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance ����/`.� City Manager � CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 25, 2011 SUBJECT: Review of the Proposed FY 2011-12 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget PREPARED BY: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance Heidi Schrader, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review and discuss the proposed fiscal year 2011-12 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. DISCUSSION: Attached for your review is the proposed Preliminary Annual Operating Budget for fiscal year 2011-12, which includes the following information for the City, Community Services District, and Redevelopment Agency: • Summary Schedules of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance; • Revenue detail by fund; • Annual Accomplishments, Objectives and Performance Measures by department; • Expenditure Summaries by Category and Personnel Allocation by department; • Expenditure Line Item detail by fund or department, and; • Schedule of Authorized Positions. Current Condition/State of California Mav Revision Budqet On Monday, May 16, 2011, the Governor presented his May Budget Revision to the proposed budget released in January of this year. The revision keeps the framework of the Governor's previous budget proposals intact. There has been an upward revision of the current-year tax revenue forecast of $2.8 billion and an increase in next years' forecast by $3.5 billion. There is still a proposal to extend current sales tax and vehicle license fee rates for an additional five years. It remains to be seen if sufficient support is available from the public to approve these extensions. The Governor is still recommending elimination of redevelopment agencies. The legislative analyst has stated that this proposal is illegal and there is no clear indication that the Governor has the votes to move forward with this proposal. Various compromise proposals, including the reform proposal listed above, seem to be gaining more traction with members of the legislature. If the Governor is successful in getting legislation passed to eliminate redevelopment, both the League of California Cities and the California Redevelopment Agency will file legal action to stop this from moving forward. Current Condition — General Fund Despite current economic conditions, the City of Temecula remains in a healthy financial condition, able to meet operating expenditures without any reductions in City public service levels and without dipping into reserves. Recent population information for 2010 released by the Census Bureau and incorporated into the population data released by the California Department of Finance, estimates Temecula population as of January 1, 2011, as 101,657. This is a significant correction from the prior year population estimate of 105,029. This has resulted in estimated police expenditure savings for the current and future fiscal year without reducing public safety services. Based upon the Finance DepartmenYs revised estimate of revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year, it appears that most revenue estimates will be met or exceeded, and that actual expenditures will be less than the budgeted appropriation amounts. General Fund Revenues The projected General Fund revenues are $53.98 million for fiscal year 2011-12, which reflects an approximate $765,506, or 1.44% increase from fiscal year 2010-11 revenue estimates. City revenues have essentially remained flat with minor increases and decreases in the various revenue types. This is indicative of the current status of the economy throughout California and the United States. The most significant revenue increases are identified below: • $595,620 in Sales Tax revenues • $292,678 in Franchise Fees • $160,127 Transfers in from Gas Tax and Prop 42 Funds • $80,867 in Vehicle Code Fines • $50,208 in Transient Occupancy Tax • $50,052 in Property Tax • $39,800 in Motor Vehicle in Lieu Triple Flip The increases were offset by revenue reductions in other categories due to the current economic downturn and a reduction of development activity within the City. Some of the significant decreases are summarized below: • $424,512 reduction in overall Development Fees • $32,100 in Investment Interest • $25,380 reduction in Business License Fees The City is expecting a slight increase in sales tax levels from the prior year. This increase is primarily due to the ongoing leasing of expansion space at the Promenade Mall which is attracting premium retailers, and an anticipated increase in consumer activity as economic indicators begin to show a slight turnaround in the economy. General Fund Expenditures The proposed budget of $53.2 million reflects an increase in General Fund expenditures of $1,101,091 or 2.1 % from the fiscal year 2010-11 budget. The primary increases contributing to this include: 1) an increase in NPDES compliance costs; 2) additional public safety costs to maintain the police officer ratio of one officer per thousand residents, as well as administration costs passed down from the State for fire services; 3) twelve months of operating costs for the new Civic Center. Personnel costs have decreased due to the unfunding of five authorized positions due to retirements and attrition in addition to maintaining 39 positions unfunded from the prior year. This results in a total of 44 positions unfunded of the 197 total authorized positions. As a result of these changes and in accordance with the budget process, the City Manager Department has reviewed the organizational structure of each department to ensure that employees are effectively functioning to address the level of service needs of the department and are in accordance with the City's classification plan. In addition, management has negotiated a two- year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the labor union representing staff, which includes no cost of living increases for two years, and which implements during Fiscal Year 2011-12 a two-tiered retirement plan, with newly hired employees receiving a benefit that provides two percent of wages at age 60. The MOU agreement has been approved by the represented employees and will be considered by the City Council on June 14` Furthermore, the City has continued to focus on reorganizing department structures in an effort to streamline processes and enhance efficiencies without reducing essential public services to the community. The City is also looking at new technology including programming funds to purchase an automated Permitting System which will streamline Community Development DepartmenYs processes and provide additional information to the community. The following is a summary of significant items by department in the proposed Preliminary Annual Operating Budget for fiscal year 2011-12: City Council: Addition of a Citizen Opinion Survey to obtain feedback on City performance and to ensure resources are allocated properly. Economic Development: Salary savings due to the unfunding of a position and a reduction in consulting services and promotional expenditures as a result of bringing some work in house. City Clerk: Reduction due to no election costs this year. Finance: Slight decrease due to one full year of unfunding one cashier position due to a decline in development activity. This position is backfilled with Community Development Department administrative support staff on a half time basis. Planning / Code Enforcement / Building & Safety: There will be more than $130,000 in consulting services savings due to expenditures in current fiscal year related to the Liberty Quarry and advanced planning projects. There is also $248,200 programmed in grant expenditures for a CALTRANS Transportation Grant for fiscal year 2011-12, which is offset by corresponding anticipated grant revenue. Public Works / Land Development / CIP Administration: 1) decrease in personnel costs as a result of the reassignment of one position, and the unfunding of one position due to attrition; 2) increase in routine street maintenance due to an increase in Gas Tax Revenue; and, 3) a significant increase in NPDES compliance costs. In addition, the Public Works Department received a$75,000 grant through the Green Trees for the Golden State — California Department of Department of Forestry & Fire Protection grant program to replace 700 missing and/or damaged trees throughout the City as part of the Trees for Temecula Program, and have scheduled the replacement of 100-200 missing and/or damaged street trees in residential neighborhoods for fiscal year 2011-12. There are also funds included for the engineering oversight and grading, and NPDES inspection services for the improvements associated with development of the Temecula Regional Hospital which is scheduled to open this fiscal year. Police: 1) Increase of $123,244 in total operating budget from the prior fiscal year; 2) continue to maintain the City's ratio of one sworn officer per thousand residents; 3) provide the funding for two motor officers for one quarter year; and 4) continued funding to support the Community Action Patrol ("CAP") Program which utilizes citizen volunteers to perform certain functions. Fire: There will be a large increase in contract administration costs passed down from CAL Fire. These have been partially offset by managing overtime and resource costs by Department Supervisors. This has allowed the City to continue to provide funding for 4.0 staffing on engines. Non-Departmental: 1) The "REST" Program contribution to the TCSD Citywide Fund is proposed to be increased by $338,923, from $5,801,304 to $6,140,227; 2) the "REST" Program contribution to the TCSD Service Level B Fund (Street Lighting) is $293,365, a decrease of $19,624 from the prior year; 3) the "REST" Program contribution to the Temecula Public Library is proposed to be $373,511, an increase of $296,657; and, 4) annually required contribution Payment to CERBT at CaIPERs is increased by $52,040 for a total of $327,040. Operating Transfers Out: There will be a transfer to pay Debt Service of $1,578,738 for the 2007 Certificates of Participation (COP) bonds. There is also an anticipated transfer of $936,215 from the General Fund to pay for Capital Improvement Projects. There is a contribution of $826,126 from the General Fund to pay for a portion of the pavement management projects throughout the City. The City and Parks Facility Rehabilitation is programmed for $750,000. Fund Balance: The proposed fiscal year 2011-12 budget provides for an excess of operating revenues over operating expenditures of $765,367 before the operating transfers for the Certificate of Participation (COP) bonds debt service and capital projects. The designation for economic uncertainty is $10,593,335, an amount equal to 20% of General Fund Appropriations for fiscal year 2011-12. In addition, a Secondary Fund Balance has been designated in the amount of $5,351,198. The combination of these designations, as well as an additional $8,498,282 reservations and designations, equal a total fund balance of $24.4 Million. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (TCSD) TCSD Revenues: Overall, a$789,777, or 3.8% increase in revenues is projected for TCSD. The fiscal year 2011-12 revenue estimates include an increase of $82,637 for the Special Tax at the authorized rate. There is increased revenue of $285,010 associated with the new Harveston Clubhouse. This new facility will offer 3,492 square feet of ineeting and classroom space in a premium location, allowing the City to offer approximately 100 new classes in the upcoming fiscal year. It is anticipated that the revenues from this facility will fully offset the operating costs. There is also an additional $39,000 in revenue associated with the Civic Center conference room which provides large meeting spaces to organizations throughout the area. There is also an increase of $131,681 for trash assessments as a result of a positive CPI adjustment to cover the costs of providing the service. The "REST" program revenue from the City's General Fund is proposed to be $6,807,103, a$615,956 increase from prior fiscal year. TCSD Expenditures: The proposed budget for all Community Services District programs reflects a$379,197, or 1.7% increase in total expenditures from the current year budget. A summary of significant items is as follows: City-wide Operations: Services are provided status quo due to the current economic environment with the following significant items: • Full year of operating and maintenance costs for new Harveston Clubhouse • Full year of operating and maintenance costs for the Civic Center Conference Center. • Transfer out of $192,000 in Citywide Fund Balance to Capital Improvement Program for Margarita Road Right of Way Enhancements. • Additional legal costs due to ongoing litigation. • Street lights costs are due to increase by $30,420 due to the addition of 60 new street lights and 15 newtraffic signals. Service Level B: A$4,306 increase in personnel costs due to transferring a portion of clerical staff costs to the Service Level. Service Level C: There is excess fund balance of approximately $180,000 which is programmed to be used for rehabilitation and tree trimming within the respective zones. Service Level D: A combination of grant funds and fund balance totaling $95,919 has been programmed for the purchase of recycling containers at all City parks and facilities. There is also an increase of $202,203 in waste hauling costs from CR&R. Library: A$19,371 increase bringing the budget to $762,670 which represents a full- year of operation of the Temecula Public Library. Some specific items include: • Information Technology charges to maintain the 113 workstations located at the facility and to replace 20 workstations pursuant to the City rotation policy. • Additional personnel costs related to including the cost of maintenance staff and supervision associated with maintenance of the facility. Summer Youth Employment: In previous years, this program was funded with a Federal Grant administered by the County of Riverside. The City did not receive a grant this year, but will be utilizing $4,000 of unspent Community Services funding from fiscal year 2010- 11 to hire a few participants and maintain this valuable program. TCSD Fund Balance: Available fund balance has been used over the past several fiscal years to fund ongoing operations and maintenance costs. The proposed fiscal year 2011- 12 budget continues to utilize surplus fund balance in the following amounts: • Citywide Operations $ 357,339 • Service Level "B" $ 21,370 • Service Level "C" $ 180,004 • Service Level "D" $ 148,309 • Service Level "R" $ 2,774 • Service Level "L" $ 32,154 • Library $ 232,858 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) In January of this year, Governor Jerry Brown released his proposed budget for fiscal year 2011-2012. An argument for elimination was not only to help balance the budget, but also to address alleged abuses by redevelopment agencies. Abuses were cited regarding the lack of production of affordable housing by local agencies and providing financial incentives to projects that do not meet the criteria of "blighY' as outlined in current Redevelopment Law. Another argument was that redevelopment agencies denied local school districts of much needed funding. The proposed legislation was approved by the State Senate and came within one vote of being approved by the State Assembly. The California Redevelopment Association and the League of California Cities, along with their member partners, were successful in defeating this legislation. Since defeat of the initial legislation alternative legislation has been introduced to retain but reform Redevelopment. This legislation includes the following main points: • Any new project areas created after the legislation would exclude any existing and future school district property tax revenue. • Limit the size of any new or amended plan to no more than 25% of the cities incorporated area, or 10% of county unincorporated area. • Require that Implementation Plans identify specific goals within a five year period. • Prohibit development of parcels over 20 acres, golf courses, racetracks, speedways, or other racing venues, and stadiums and other sport facilities for professional teams without voter approval. • Pass through payments would be regulated by the State Controller in a consistent method for calculating and reporting pass-through payments. • Allow agencies to reimburse their sponsoring agency (City in our case) for administrative expenses and overhead. • Would require agencies to deposit 0.25% of their post low/mod increment with the State Auditor to pay for auditing redevelopment agencies. The proposed legislation, except for the 0.25% audit payment, would have little or no impact on the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. Both the California Redevelopment Association and the League of California Cities support the proposed reform bill, and it appears it has support for passage. RDA Revenues: A summary of the significant items included in the proposed operating budget is as follows: Affordable Housing: Includes a decrease of $16,972,125 in revenues as a result of the sale of 2011 Redevelopment Housing bonds in fiscal year 2010-11. There is a projected decrease in Tax Increment of $80,800 as a result of projected losses on pending assessment appeals in the project area. In addition, there is a projected increase in reimbursements in the amount of $172,186 due to a change in timing to receive a Federal subsidy to offset taxable interest costs related to the 2010 Redevelopment Housing bonds. Redevelopment: Decrease of $176,053 which reflects a reduction of Operating Transfer In from the Debt Service Fund due to a reduction in operating expenditures. Debt Service: Includes a decrease of $336,111 due to a reduction in tax increment as a result of projected losses on pending assessment appeals in the project area. RDA Expenditures: A summary of the significant expenditure items included in the proposed operating budget is as follows: Affordable Housing: Funded $750,000 for a First-Time Homebuyers Program and $400,000 for the Residential Rehabilitation Program. Also includes the first debt service payment of $1,010,061 for the 2011 Redevelopment Housing bonds, and $1,258,095 for the 2010 Redevelopment Housing bonds. Redevelopment: Includes $186,960 funding for the annual development costs for the Cal State San Marcos project, the Old Town Building Fa�ade Improvement Program of $40,000, and the OPA obligation for the Abbott expansion of $159,000. Debt Service: A$129,270 decrease in expenditures due to a reduction in passthrough agreements offset by a slight increase in debt service payments for RDA Tax Allocation Bonds. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: The following is a discussion of significant expenditure changes in the proposed Internal Service Fund Budgets: Insurance: Includes no significant changes. Vehicles and Equipment: Includes the purchase of a 2011 John Deere Backhoe to replace the 15-year old backhoe currently in service. This will allow street maintenance staff to break up concrete and asphalt and repair eroded areas within and adjacent to the roads. Work will be done quicker and more efficiently. This equipment is being purchased with Gas Tax Funds which are being transferred into the Vehicles and Equipment Fund. Information Technology: Includes funds for the purchase of a new Permitting Tracking System that will allow staff to streamline procedures and coordinate more efficiently utilizing updated technology. Also includes funds for archiving software to allow public records to be searched more efficiently. This is partially offset by the unfunding of one authorized position. Support Services: Includes the lease of a new postage machine which will save the City money due to lower processing and maintenance fees. Facilities: Includes an increase of $134,260 for the maintenance costs associated with a full year in the new Civic Center. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed fiscal year 2011-12 budget provides for an excess of operating revenues over operating expenditures of $765,367 before the operating transfers for the Certificate of Participation (COP) bonds debt service and capital projects. The designation for economic uncertainty is $10,593,335, an amount equal to 20% of General Fund Appropriations for fiscal year 2011-12. In addition, a Secondary Fund Balance has been designated in the amount of $5,351,198. The combination of these designations, as well as an additional $8,498,282 reservations and designations equal a total fund balance of $24.4 Million. ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 r.5 lF�i.��. � i�� � !. �' ���; _ � `:y, f' ' �.�, . iM PreliminaryAnnualOperatingBu get Fiscal Year 2011-2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paee Nos. GENERAL FUND ................................................................... � — �ss SUMMARIES .......................................................................... 1-12 General ....................................................................... 1 Gas Tax Fund ...................................................................... 3 State Transportation Fund .................................................... 4 Recovery Act JAG Fund ....................................................... 5 Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Fund ............... 6 Community Development Block Grant Fund ........................ 7 AB 2766 Fund ...................................................................... 8 Law Enforcement Fund ........................................................ 9 Measure A Fund ................................................................. 10 City COPs Debt Service Fund ............................................ 11 REVENUES ........................................................................... 13-16 General ..................................................................... 13 Gas Tax Fund .................................................................... 14 State Transportation Fund .................................................. 14 Recovery Act JAG Fund ..................................................... 14 Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Fund ............. 15 Community Development Block Grant Fund ...................... 15 AB 2766 Fund .................................................................... 15 Law Enforcement Fund ...................................................... 16 Measure A Fund ................................................................. 16 City COPs Debt Service Fund ............................................ 16 CITY COUNCIL .............................................................................17-22 Core Services ..................................................................... 17 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 17 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 18 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 18 Line Item ............................................................................ 19 Accomplishments/Objectives/Performance Measures ....... 21 i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents COMMUNITY SUPPORT ..............................................................23-26 Core Services ..................................................................... 23 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 23 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 23 LineItem ............................................................................ 24 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 25 CITY MANAGER ...........................................................................27-34 Core Services ..................................................................... 27 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 27 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 28 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 28 LineItem ............................................................................ 29 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 32 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .......................................................35-42 Core Services ..................................................................... 35 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 35 Expenditures by Category ................................................. .35 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 35 LineItem ............................................................................ 36 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 39 CITY CLERK .................................................................................43-50 Core Services ..................................................................... 43 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 43 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 44 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 44 LineItem ............................................................................ 45 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 48 CITY ATTORNEY ..........................................................................51-54 Core Services ..................................................................... 51 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 51 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 51 LineItem ............................................................................ 52 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 53 FINANCE ...................................................................................... 55-68 Core Services ..................................................................... 55 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 55 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 56 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 56 LineItem ............................................................................ 57 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 60 ii i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents HUMAN RESOURCES .................................................................69-74 Core Services ..................................................................... 69 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 69 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 69 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 69 LineItem ............................................................................ 70 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 72 PLANNING (COMMUNIN DEVELOPMENT� ...................................75-80 Core Services ..................................................................... 75 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 75 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 76 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 76 LineItem ............................................................................ 77 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 79 BUILDING & SAFETY (COMMUNIN DEVELOPMENT� .................81-90 Core Services ..................................................................... 81 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 81 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 81 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 81 LineItem ............................................................................ 82 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 86 LAND DEVELOPMENT (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT� ...............91-96 Core Services ..................................................................... 91 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 91 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 91 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 91 LineItem ............................................................................ 92 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures....... 94 PUBLIC WORKS ........................................................................97-114 Core Services ..................................................................... 97 Organizational Chart .......................................................... 97 Expenditures by Category .................................................. 98 Personnel Allocation .......................................................... 98 LineItem ............................................................................ 99 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 109 lll i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents CIP (PUBLIC WORKS� ................................................................ 115-120 Core Services ................................................................... 115 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 115 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 115 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 115 LineItem .......................................................................... 116 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 118 POLICE ..................................................................................... 121-140 Core Services ................................................................... 121 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 121 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 122 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 122 LineItem .......................................................................... 123 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 132 FIRE.......................................................................................... 141-150 Core Services ................................................................... 141 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 141 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 142 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 142 LineItem .......................................................................... 143 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 149 ANIMAL CONTROL .................................................................. 151-154 Core Services ................................................................... 151 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 151 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 151 LineItem .......................................................................... 152 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 153 NO N-D EPARTMENTAL ............................................................ 155-156 Core Services ................................................................... 155 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 155 LineItem .......................................................................... 156 iv i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ........................................................�s�-zao SUMMARIES ....................................................................157-166 TCSD Funds .................................................................... 157 TCSD Citywide Funds ...................................................... 158 Service Level „B„ Fund ..................................................... 159 Service Level ��C�� Fund .................................................... 160 Service Level ����� Fund .................................................... 161 Service Level ��R�� Fund .................................................... 162 Service Level „�„ Fund ..................................................... 163 Library ..................................................................... 164 Mayor's SummerYouth Employment Program ................ 165 TCSD Debt Service Fund ................................................. 166 REVE N UES .......................................................................167-172 TCSD Citywide Fund ........................................................ 167 All Service Level Funds .................................................... 170 Library ..................................................................... 171 Mayor's SummerYouth Employment Program ................ 171 TCSD Debt Service Fund ................................................. 171 TCSD CITYWIDE ......................................................................173-218 Core Services ................................................................... 173 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 173 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 174 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 174 Line Item .......................................................................... 175 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 210 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL and DEBT SERVICE ......................... 219-280 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 219 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 221 Line Item .......................................................................... 222 v i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY........... za�-soa SUMMARIES .................................................................... 281-284 Affordable Housing Fund .................................................. 281 RDA Capital Projects Fund .............................................. 282 RDA Debt Service Fund ................................................... 283 REVE N UES ....................................................................... 285-286 Redevelopment Agency Funds ........................................ 285 RDA — AFFORDABLE HOUSING ............................................ 287-294 Core Services ................................................................... 287 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 287 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 288 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 288 Line Item .......................................................................... 289 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 293 RDA - REDEVELOPMENT .......................................................295-302 Core Services ................................................................... 295 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 295 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 295 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 295 Line Item .......................................................................... 296 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 300 RDA— DEBT SERVICE ............................................................303-304 Core Services ................................................................... 303 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 303 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 303 Line Item .......................................................................... 304 � i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS ........................................sos-ssa SUMMARIES .................................................................... 305-310 Internal Service Funds ..................................................... 305 Insurance Fund ................................................................ 306 Vehicles and Equipment Fund ......................................... 307 Information Technology Fund ........................................... 308 Support Services Fund ..................................................... 309 Facilities Fund .................................................................. 310 REVENUES ....................................................................... 311-312 Internal Services Funds .................................................... 311 INSURANCE ............................................................................. 313-316 Core Services ................................................................... 313 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 313 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 313 Line Item .......................................................................... 314 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 315 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................317-320 Core Services ................................................................... 317 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 317 Line Item .......................................................................... 318 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 319 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY / GIS / LIBRARY ...................321-336 Core Services ................................................................... 321 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 321 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 322 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 323 Line Item .......................................................................... 324 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 332 SUPPORT SERVICES ...................................................................337-342 Core Services ................................................................... 337 Organizational Chart ........................................................ 337 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 337 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 337 Line Item .......................................................................... 338 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 340 FACI LITI ES ............................................................................... 343-354 Core Services ................................................................... 343 Expenditures by Category ................................................ 343 Personnel Allocation ........................................................ 343 Line Item .......................................................................... 344 Accomplishments/Objectives/Pertormance Measures..... 352 vii i � :-,.<,� � Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Table of Contents SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS... sss-sss Building & Safety .............................................................. 355 City Clerk .......................................................................... 355 City Council ...................................................................... 355 City Manager/Human Resources ..................................... 356 Community Services ........................................................ 356 Finance............................................................................ 357 Fi re ................................................................................... 3 57 Information Technology .................................................... 357 Planning ........................................................................... 358 Public Works .................................................................... 358 Redeve lopment ................................................................ 359 �ll M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND �oo�,o �o,a„ �o„_,� P,� , A�d��d Re��=ed P� ���a� ���rea=e Arn,ais e�ape� e�ape� foe�rease7 foe�rease7 ToblReeenues 50,128,542 53,214,]34 53,880,240 ]85,508 14% ER,e�a��wres ey oepc CiryCOwcil 415,838 431,]88 448,842 P,8]3 4]% CommunirySUpport 144,818 13],150 132,150 (5,000J -38% CiryMamager 1,284,0]5 1,344,BP 1,545,282 200,385 148% Economic0evelopmerR 848,0]1 821,144 ]18,841 (201,203J -218% CiryClerk BBO,BW 1,155,053 1,142,888 (12,085J -10% CiryAttomey 828,882 821,300 821,300 - 00% Flnance 1,880,041 2,222,]]] 2,202,8]8 (18,888J -OB% HumanResoumes 50],388 5]3,428 585,2]1 11,842 2]% Plannin9 2,021,128 1,5]],822 1,]]3,232 185,310 124% Builtling&Safery 2,P],483 2,408,5]0 2,0]B,Pi (328,388J -138% LantlOevelopmerR 1,401,]84 1,2]8,83] 1,140,885 (13],]52J -108% PublicWOrks 4,088,848 4,4]1,3]0 4,880,234 388,884 8]% CIPAtlmin 2,288,222 2,203,314 2,238,888 35,384 18% Police 20,032,248 21,222,W4 21,348,118 123,244 OB% Flre 4,301,484 4,282,5]8 4,450,282 18],]04 44% AnimalCOntrol 158,000 434,180 408,180 (25,000J -58% Non-Departmenfal: PmpertyTasAtlmin 188,045 182,8]1 184,488 1,82] 10% CFO88-02Tas 1,501,380 - - - 00% RESTCOntribu0on 5,802,841 8,181,14] 8,80]J03 815,858 88% ReOreeMetll�ICOntribu0on 308532 2]5000 32]040 52040 188% ToblE�entliWres 508]883] 52113]82 532148]3 1101081 2]% Excezz ofRevenuez Over (Under)ExpendiWrez (]09,295) 1,100,952 ]65,36] (J35,585) Opera[ing Tmnzferz Ou[: EatlyPayoffCivicCentzrCOPS - (8,3]3,831J - 8,3]3,831 Oeb[SeMCe-CivicCentzrCOPS (1,540,3WJ (1,5]],488J (1,5]8,]38J (1,250J BontlCaIICF088-02 (4,800,0007 4,800,000 ToblRevenuesover0eb[Service/BOntlCall (2,288,882J (11,850,38]J (813,3]iJ 10,838,888 PavemerRMamagemerRPmgam - - (828,128J (828,128J CiryantlParksFaolirylmpmvemen6 - - Q50,000J (]50,000J Tansfert�Capibllmpmvemen[FUntl (1,5W,8517 (15,181,5347 (838,2157 14245318 TobICIPTansfers (1,58],851J (15,181,534J (2,512,341J 12,888,183 Excezz ofRevenuez Over (Under) Expendi[urez and Opem[ing Tranzferz Ou[ �3,8]],633) (26,831,901) �3,325,]12) 23,506,189 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND 2OO&1O 2010-11 2011-12 PmpOSBtl % AOdl�d RBNSBd PfOpOSBd ifICfBBSB IfICfBBSB AcNels Butlqet Butlqet (Decreese) (Decreese) FuntlBelence,Beg.ofVeer 48,222,088 45,344,433 28,288,521 Q8,015,808) -029% Ra�renues 50,128,542 53,214,134 53,880,240 185,508 14% E;�entliWres (50,818,831) (52,113,182) (53,214,813) (1,101,081) 29% Operating Transfers Out EetlyPeyoff-CivicWriterCOPS - (8,313,831) - 8,313,831 -100➢% BontlCeIICFDB&12 - (4,800,000) - 4,800,000 -100➢% DebtService-CiticWntarCOPS (1,540,381) Q,511,488) (1,518,138) (1,250) 01% TrensfarNCepitellmpmvementFUntl (1,581,851) (15,181,534) (838,215) 14,245,318 -93B% Pe�remeritMenegementPmgrem - - (828,128) (828,128) 0➢% QI�IBndPBfKFBCIIIhBSIRIp�OVBRIBnt3 - - QSO�OOOJ QSO�OOOJ OII% EstimetatlBUtlgetSeviqqs 1,155,885 * 1,500,000 (8255885) FuntlBelence,EntlofVeer 45,344,433 28,288,521 24,442,815 (1825112) -1➢% Debil of Funtl Balance: RaservetlforlongtartnetivencetoRDA 888,188 488,188 281,221 (200,W8) -428% RBSBNBdfO�dBpO51L3BndpfBpBIdIIBR15 11�BBS BB�SGO BB�SGO - OII% Raservetlforirventory 3,058 3,058 3,058 - 0➢% RBSBNBdfO�BfICORIbfHfICBS �P - - - OII% U!Il232N2E: DBSgfIBIBd fO�BCOfIORIIC OfICBRBIfII�I (20%ofAppmpnefions) 10,181,884 10,422,158 10,842,815 220,218 21% SBCOfIdBf�l dBSgfIBIBd Nfld bBIBfICB resrerva 8,818,184 10,188,830 5,301,558 (5,481,211) -SOB% DBSgfIB�dfO�CORIpfBM1BWIbB ennuelleeve 1,428,853 1,428,853 1,428,853 - 0➢% Designef�tlforDU[chVilleges 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 00% Designetatl forfiRUre aP�. VenousaPPmjecG 1,288,822 838,215 584,030 (312,185) �88% PevementMenegement - 828,128 5,010,000 4,183,814 5084% QtVBndPBfKFBCIIIhBSIRIPfOOBRIBfAS - 1SO�OOO 1SO�OOO - OII% Designetatlforunreelizetlgeins 853,180 453,850 284,580 Q88,310) �13% DesignetatlforCOPPrepeymerit 11,113,831 0➢% 45,344,433 28,288,521 24,442,815 (1,825,112) -1➢% '2010.fl Esllma�etl butlge� saNngs 91,382,164 no� �aw(eiretl �o CapAal Impmeemen� Funtl antl 96$]3,831 nN �2nsfemtl N� EaAy Payofi- CM[ Ceme�COP's 2 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES CrA� 1'AJC FLTIOTD 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposetl % AutllWtl ReNSetl Proposetl Increese Increese Actuels Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) ToblRevenues 1,fi6fi,190 2,686,986 2,fi01,233 16,248 Ofi% Tobl Eryentlltures 0 0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yentlltures 1,fi6fi,190 2,686,986 2,fi01,233 16,248 Ofi% OperetingTmnsfers0�t (1,334,148) (2,fifi4,009) (2,846,261) (181,242) fi8% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) Eryentlltures entl Opereting Trenskrs0�t 322,042 (78,024) (244,018) (ifi6,994) FuntlBelence,Beg.ofVeer 322,042 244,018 FuntlBelence,EntlofVeer 322,042 244,018 3 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES STATE'1'RA1�iSPARTATI�N FiJI1TTD 2OO&1O 2010-11 2011-12 PmpOSBtl % AOdl�d RBNSBd PfOpOSBd ifICfBBSB IfICfBBSB AcNels Butlqet Butlqet (Decreese) (Decreese) ToblRa�renues 852,858 8,144 - (8,144) -1000% TOI3IE)(�JBfIdINfBS OII% EXCB55 OfRBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E;yentliNres 852,858 8,144 - (8,144) -100➢% OpBrehng Trensfars Out TOGBnBrelFUntl (B1S,S1BJ (SS,OOOJ (141,14SJ (82,14SJ 1B1S% ToCIP (281,100) (1,218,835) 0➢% EXCB55 Of RBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E)QJBfIdIWfBS Bfld OpBfBllflg Trensfers0ut 18,240 Q,328,081) (141,145) (88888) FuntlBelences,Beg.ofVeer 1q58,888 1,415,238 141,145 FOfIdBBIBfICB$EfIdOfVBB� ��G7S�PBB �G7,�GS Q M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES VERY ACT JAG FLTIITD 2008-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposed % AudiWd Redsed Proposed Increese Increese Actuels Budqet Budqet (Decreese) (Decreese) ToblRevenues 22,883 88,866 - (88,866) -100.0% ToblEKoenditures 22,883 88,866 (88,866) -100.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) EKoenditures - - 00% Fund Belences,Beg.ofYeer Fund Belences, End of Yeer 5 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES ENLRGY EFFICILNCY CONSERYATION BLOCK GRANT FUND 2OO&1O 2010-11 2011-12 PmpOSBtl % AOdl�d RBNSBd PfOpOSBd ifICfBBSB IfICfBBSB AcNels Butlqet Butlqet (Decreese) (Decreese) TObIRa�renuBS - B4O,1O0 344,S1B (SBB,124J �34% TObIE;�BntlINreS 348,124 (348,124J -1000% EXCB55 Of RBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E;yBntllNreS - SB4,S1B 344,S1B (2SO,OOOJ -02➢% OpBrehng Trensfars Out CIP Funtl (584,518) (344,518) 250,000 -02➢% EXCB55 Of RBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E)QJBfIdIWfBS Bfld OpBfBllflg TrensfBrsOUt - - O➢% FOfld BBIBfICBS,BBg.OfVBB� FOfld BBIBfICB$ Efld OfVBB� 6 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposetl % AutllWtl ReNSetl Proposetl Increese Increese Actuels Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) ToblRevenues 882,798 1,444,Bfi0 1,026,788 (419,072) -29.0% ToblEryentlltures 6fi,180 67,793 46,3ID (12,483) -21.fi% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yentlltures 82fi,fi18 1,387,Ofi7 980p78 (40fi,689) -293% Opereting Tmnsfers O�t'. CIPFUntl (82fi,fi18) (1,387,Ofi7) (980p78) 40fi,689 -293% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yentllNres entl Opemting TfBnsfBfSOUI - - 00% Funtl Belences,Beg.ofVeer F WE BBIBfILBS, EfIE Of VBBf 1 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES A� ���e 1�LTIoiD 2OO&1O 2010-11 2011-12 PmpOSBtl % AOdl�d RBNSBd PfOpOSBd ifICfBBSB IfICfBBSB ACNBIS BOdgBI BOdgBI (DBCfBBSB) (DBCfBBSB) ToblRa�renues 122,481 122,121 128,551 1,430 81% ToblE;�entliNres 13,188 24,000 10,801 818% EXCB55 OfRBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E;yentliNres 122,481 108,828 105,551 (3,311) -31% OpBrehng Trensfars Out ToaPFUntl - (830,118) (851,218) (21,040) 33% TO GBnBrelFUntl (1O OOO) O➢% EXCB55 Of RBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E)QJBfIdIWfBS Bfld OpBfBllf�l] Trensfars0ut 112,481 (521,248) (545,858) (24,4111 4I% Funtl BBIBnCBS,BBg.OfVBBr 42B,1SO S41,B31 B41,B14 ** FuntlBelences,EntlofVeer 541,831 20,388 85,855 "PB2]66 Fis�I Vear2011-02Beginning Nntl balanm Inweasetl by$620J ]6 tlue �o Nntls no��a�skiretl�o CIP In Fis�I Vear10-11 antl $1 �00.9 tlue m atltli0onal rerenue In201 [ 8 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES ImAW �AT�'ORiCF.dbIEATT F'LT1�TD 2OO&1O 2010-11 2011-12 PmpOSBtl % AOdl�d RBNSBd PfOpOSBd ifICfBBSB IfICfBBSB ACNBIS BOdgBI BOdgBI (DBCfBBSB) (DBCfBBSB) TObIRa�renuBS 141,140 100,000 100,000 - O➢% TOI3IE)(�JBfIdINfBS OII% EXCB55 OfRBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E;yBntllNreS 141,140 100,000 100,000 - O➢% OpBrehng Trensfars Out TO GBnBrelFUntl (141,140) (100,000) (100,000) O➢% EXCB55 OfRBVBfI0B5ObB��UfIdB�J E)QJBfIdIWfBS Bfld OpBfBllflg TrensfBrsOUt - - O➢% FOfld BBIBfICBS,BBg.OfVBB� FOfld BBIBfICB$ Efld OfVBB� 9 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES MEA$T.TRE A FL1ND 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposetl % AutllWtl ReNSetl Proposetl Increese Increese Actuels Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) ToblRevenues 1,916,487 2,OOO,fi07 2,222,603 221,89fi 11.1% ToblEryentlltures 697,276 1,212,713 Bfi9,242 (343,471) -283% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yentlltures 1,318,212 787,894 1,363,2fi1 6fi6,3fi7 718% OperetingTmnsfers0�t'. (2,376,674) (4,892,734) (9,390,Bfi4) (4p98,130) 919% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yentllNres entl Opemting Trensfers0ut (1,067,3fi2) (4,104,840) (8,037,fiO3) (3,932,7fi3) 968% FuntlBelences,Beg.ofVeer 8,417,999 7,3fi0,fi37 8,116,203 FuntlBelences,EntlofVeer 7,3fi0,fi37 3,266,797 77,fi00 � MBBW fB A BBglflfllflg FOfld BBIBfICB N�FV PO� �-�P IfICfB&SBd dOB m B fBdOCll�fl �fQG OB Ifl BfIIICIp3IBd IIHfI5IB6 N IYIB CBpI�BI Iffl pNbBffIBfIIBOdgBI Bfld Bfl IfICfB&SB �fQ�GG i PD71fl pNJBCIBd f6VBfI0B �0 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERYICE FUND CMC CENTEIt CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (COPs) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposetl % Autlltetl ReNSetl Proposetl Increese Increese Actuels Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) TotelRevenues 6,916 1,066 - (1,066) -100.0% TotelEyentlltures 1,678,772 8,337,488 1,678,738 (Q768,760) -81.1% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) Eryentlltures (1,672,867) (8,33Q433) (1,678,738) Q767,fi96 -81.1% Opereting Trensfers In'. GenemlFUntl 1,640,387 7,961,319 1,678,738 (Q372,681) -80.1% OpBfBIing TfBn5fBf5 W(OIdJ'. CIP Funtl (30,626) 0.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) Eryentlltures entl Opemtlng Trensfers0ut (fi2,996) (386,114) 386,114 -100.0% Funtl Belences,Beg.ofVeer B6Q787 793,792 794,847 FuntlBelences,EntlofVeer 793,792 408,fi78 794,847 'IDiH2b�lire04 Beglnning Nnd Ba4nm Noemed Ly $i� 0 no�0aw�ening$fi hom�eneial Nnd Nnd Bahnceand no�irekng$fi]� poi�lon N Faib �YO�b Crvlc CeOei COPS �� � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� �z M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL GENERAL FUND F�oa_,o F�,o_„ F�„_,� Accr AcruA� REViseo No ooi�eNean�FUNO ReveNUe esriMAresesriMAres acHAN�e icHAN�e oear iei au�NwN� -Vanous 481,835 851,848 880,218 (181,830J -2250% -Gan6 248,200 (248,200J -00000% oear iezeuuniN�asAFerv - -Vanous 1,308,180 1,2]2,445 1,331,80] 58J82 485% OEPT ifi3LAN00EVELOPMENT - -Vanous 483,852 845,84] 284,5W (381,050J -5802% OEPT 184PUBLICWORKS - -Naoesaerm¢Fee s2ze a2�e a2�e - 000i oear noaouce - 4055 -CibOOnsantlBmkings 111,320 141,3]3 110,5]5 (30,]88J -21]8% 4044+4-Mlscellaneous 122,5]0 113,585 113,585 - 000% 408] -VeM1iclelmpountlFees 152,144 153,]00 153,]00 - 000% 40]8 -Reimbursemen6 150,152 108,818 ID2,500 (8,118J -583% 4083+4-Gan6 ]0,584 118,455 - (118,455J -00000% oear m FiRe - -Vanous 520,505 3]8,]24 485,]30 88,008 2383% 4083 -Gan6 33,2]8 24,121 - (24,121J -00000% OEPT 199NON-0EPARTMENTAL - 4010 -PmPertyTas 4,]]2,058 4,]43,424 4,]80,858 4],434 100% 4012 -PmpertyTas(UnsemretlJ 283,38] 281,80] 284,425 2,818 100% 4013 -SUpplemenblTas-AB2345 18],588 42,140 42J40 - 000% 4018 -PmpertyTansferTas 458,581 488,80] 481,]13 (4,884J -088% 4018 -FancM1iseFees 3,155,013 3,0]3,423 3,388J01 282,8]8 852% 4020 -TansientOCCUpanryTas 1,881,884 2,154,541 2,204,]48 50,208 233% 4023 -SalesantlUSeTas-TnpleFlip 4,80],850 8,4]0,853 8,130,518 (340,334J -528% 4024 -SalesantlUSeTas-SbtzofCalif P,585,204 18,188,8]4 i8,ID2,828 835,854 5]5% 4025 -FEMAGanG - 125,812 - (125,812J -00000% 4028 -HOmeownerPmpertyTasRelief ]5,148 ]3,844 ]4,582 ]38 100% 4043 -MOt�rVeM1iclelnLieu-TnpleRip 5,888,038 5,840,244 5,880,044 38,800 OB]% 4048 -MOt�rVeM1iclelnLieu-SbtzofCalif ]15,840 811,085 811,085 - 000% 404] -VeM1icleCOtleFlnes 814,P8 882,841 ]]3,508 80,88] 1188% 4053 -Bitls&Pmposals 8,]80 11,220 8,300 (4,820J -0385% 4058 -BUSinessLicenses 301,831 325,380 300,000 (25,380J -]80% 4058 -RigM1tofWayAtivertising 22,850 31,850 40,880 8,]30 2]32% Vanous-Mlscellaneous 150,88] 18,183 45,5]2 28,408 13]81% 4085 -IrrvestrnentlnRrest 882,800 381,800 328,]00 (32J00J -88]% 4088 -IrRerestEamingsROALOanRepayment 238,833 238,833 238,833 - 000% 40]8 -ReimbursemenL-Mlscellaneous 131,800 58,820 42,000 (P,820J -2881% 4082 -Reimbursemen6-RetlevelopmentAgenry 110,000 110,000 110,000 - 000% 4083 -ReimbursemenL-Capibllmprvmn[Prgrtn 2,248,083 2,203,314 2,238,888 35,384 181% 4080 OpeaOngTansferlrvGasTas 1,334,148 2,884,008 2,]31,881 8],882 255% 4080 OpeaOngTansferlrvPmp42 8]5,518 55,000 14],145 82J45 18]54% 4080 OpeaOngTansferlrvCOPS 14],]40 100,000 100,000 - 000% 4080 OpeaOngTansferlrvOtl�er 10,000 - - - 000% 4400 -FinancingReimbursement 200,000 188,000 183,000 (5,000J -288% 4545 -CM1angelnFairValueoNnvestrnen6 (58,028) (243,024) 243,024 -00000% rorALGENERALFUNO so,izs5az sazia�aa sa�azoao s1�3os os�� 13 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL GAS TAX FUND ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 100 GAS TAX FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4700 -GasTax2108 355,585 317,848 385,000 47,152 14.83% 4701 -GasTax2105 543,388 531,820 542,885 11,085 2.08% 4702 -GasTax2107 747,187 720,155 732,418 12,284 170% 4704 -GasTax2107.5 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.00% 4708 -GasTax2103 1,008,382 851,128 55,233 -548% TOTALGASTAXFUND 1,858,180 2,585,885 2,801,233 15,248 0.58% 7i�l�i lli�ll����li.i�lA�l! l.'VS7� ACCT FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 101ST.TRANSPORTATIONFUND REVENUE ESTIMATESESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE 40fi5 -Investmentlnterest 18,925 fi,744 - (fi)44) -100.00% 41fi0 -TrefficCongestionRelief 933,931 - - - 0.00% TOTALST.TRANSPORT.FUND 952,85fi fi]44 - (fi]44) -100.00% �EC��i�� �� r��� ���� ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 130 RECOVERYACTJAG FUNDING REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4025 -JAG Gant 22,883 88,855 (88,855) -100.00% TOTALRECOVERYACTJAGFUND 22,883 88,855 (88,855) -100.00% �4 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL ENLRGY EFFICIL'NCY CONSERYATION BLOCK GRANT FUND ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 131ENERGYEFFICIENCYCONSERVATION ACTUAL REVISED NO BLOCKGRANTFUNDING REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE 4025 Grants 840,700 344,578 (588,124) -83.37% TOTALEECBGFUND 840,700 344,578 588,124 -83.37% COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT BLOCK GRAI�iT FUND ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 140 CDBG FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4081 -CommuniryDevelopmentBlockGrant 882)BB 1,444,880 1,025,788 (418,072) -28.00% TOTALCDBGFUND 882)BB 1,444,880 1,025,788 (418,072) -28.00% AB t766 FUND ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 150AB2788 REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4048 -AB2788 Revenues 118,178 118,085 124,057 7,872 8.87% 4085 -Investmentlnterest 8,311 8,042 5,500 (542) -8.87% TOTALAB2788FUND 122,487 122,127 128,557 7,430 8.08% �s M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL LAW LNFORCEMLNT FUND nccr Fvaa-�a Fv�a->> Fv>>-�s ACTUAL REVISED NO ifi0 LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4085+454 -Investmentlnterest 21 - - - 0.00% 4085 -AB3228�COPS) 147,718 100,000 100,000 - 0.00% TOTALLAW ENFORCEMENTFUND 147)40 100,000 100,000 - 0.00% dPl�CD6f�.Cr � i° Vd9�l' ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 HGIUHL HtVIStU NO 170MEASUREAFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE 4085W54 -Investmentlnterest 100,881 83,807 77,800 (8,007) -7.18% 4085 -MeasureA 1,814,528 1,817,000 2,144,803 227,803 11.88% TOTALMEASUREAFUND 1,815,487 2,000,807 2,222,503 221,888 11.08% �..'�`� �'QP� ��" �'1" �°��� �""U�D nccr Fvaa-�a Fv�a->> Fv>>-�s ACTUAL REVISED NO 370DEBTSERVICEFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE 4085 -Investmentlnterest 5,815 1,055 - (1,055) -100.00% 4080 -OperatingTransferin 1,540,387 7,851,318 1,578,738 (8,372,581) -80.14% TOTALDEBTSERVICEFUND 1,548,302 7,852,374 1,578,738 (8,373,838) -80.15% �s �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY COUNCII. DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The City Council is a fve-member, non-partisan board, elected at large by the citizens of Temecula. The Council makes all policy decisions, and adopts laws for the City of Temecula. The City Council meets formally twice each month on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: CITIZENS OF TEMECULA RONA�aYOBERTS C MayoProTempoa N MA COUnNNMeWbe O$ JE COUn�CJMembeR O CouclMembe� 1] �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY �AUNCII. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: GTyCOUncil Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel $ 128,254 $ 132,386 $ 128,378 $ 127,862 $ (1,627J -12% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 282,366 283,454 302,380 321,780 18,400 8.4% CBpIIBI O�tlay O.O% $ 381,808 $ 416,838 $ 431,788 $ 448,fi42 $ 17,873 4.1% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Authonzed Proposed PersonnelAllocation 2010-11 Changes 2011-12 Unfunded CITY COUNCIL CouncilMembers 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 DepartmentTotal 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 18 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT' COUNCIL 100 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 35,616b2 �,ON.00 36,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 5101 DEFERRE9COMPENSATION 2,1842] 0.00 2,200.00 2,x10.N 993 SID2 RETIREMENT 9,362.]3 9,6IXi.00 ],W4.00 -1,629.N -16.�;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 1,40].O] 522.00 52200 O.N O.N ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 28,49202 �,6]3.00 29,12300 -SSS.N -1.8];6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 24,OOO.N 24,ON.00 24,00000 O.N O.N ;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e i,a�asz i,oa�.00 iao.00 -sao.m az.ss � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1,4]3.]J 1,610.00 0.00 -1,610.N -100.N;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 442.x1 4E9.00 45200 -ll.N -3.62 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 1,685.40 824.00 5]6.00 -248.N -30.10 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� ll,940.]3 ll,3�.00 18,33900 1,013.N 5.&5;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2,941.92 3,1x1.00 3,00].00 -113.N -3.62 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 4,OSO.N 3,818.00 4,140.00 322N 8.43 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 300.E4 319.00 308.00 -11.N -3.45 ;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 1,009.x1 1,0]0.00 1,031.00 -39.N -3.6l;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 132,385.41 1�,3]J.00 12],85200 -1,4].N -1.1890 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 6,008.13 6,8W.00 6,850.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 306.31 2Y1.00 300.00 SO.N 20.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 244.� 1,]W.00 1,2]5.00 �]S.N -2].14 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 55,936.N 62,9N.00 63,36500 465.N OJ4;6 FY2011-12 1 LeagueofG9CIHes 23,3W.N 2 Natlonal Leag�e of Citles ],432N 3 SoWhem G9F�ssn of CovG 8$OO.N 4 L5 Conf of MaVOrs 5,260.N 5 Intl Cmf of ShoFping Ctrs SO.N 6 Westem Reglonal Ccundl of 18,]26.N 6wemment 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 89.N 2N.00 0.00 -x10.N -100.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 50.02 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N;6 19 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT' COUNCIL 100 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 8]O.E9 ]W.00 1,000.00 250.N 33.33;6 FY2011-12 1 5 cell phmes at $200 each 1,OOO.N 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 1Q289.N ],ON.00 30,00000 23,NO.N 3Zg,5�9g FY2011-12 1 Shate of Hz Clty 3,OOO.N 2 Ot2en �Inlon SLrveV 2],OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 3,069.4i S,J�1.00 4,200.00 -1,030.N -20.W ;6 FY2011-12 1 VldeoServlces/SpulalEVenG 4,200.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 100.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5258 �IFERHV�S 12,854.W 18,SN.00 18,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Natlonal Leag�e of Citles 10$OO.N 2L5MaVOr'sCmf 3,OOO.N 3 League of G9 CIHes S,OOO.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 8,]49.� ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 ClcvredSeslmMeals 6$OO.N 2 WorkshoFS SOO.N 993 465 RE�IVITICN FROC32AM 1,85&ES 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1ShateofHzCltyMaVOral SOO.N Prapam 2 Commisslm Remgnitlon 3$OO.N Prapam WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 100,42]A2 114,6W.00 136,69000 22,NO.N 19.1890 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 23,410.N 23,9N.00 33,00000 4,100.N 14.19;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 39,491.N S1,SN.00 4],10000 �,400.N -3,y{9g 993 S345SLPPCRTSERVICFS 31,144.N �,]N.00 26,]0000 -12,NO.N -31.01;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 88,981.N C4,6N.00 ]8,30000 9,]OO.N 14.14;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 183p26.N 18],]N.00 18$10000 -2,WO.N -1.�J90 Ropct Total 415,838.83 431,]69.00 949,64200 ll,8]3.00 4.14 % aTVO]JVCILTObI 415,838.83 431,�69.00 949,64200 D,8�3.00 4.14% 20 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY COUNCII. DEPARTMENT MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: qTY COUNqL MISSION: The City Council is eleded by the citizens of Temecula to set overall pdicies, legislative and othenvise, to give direction to the City Manager to ensure his effective and effcient operetion of the City, and to identify the types and levels of programs and services to be provided to its residents. The City of Temecula strives to create new opportunities while preserving traditions that have made the City what it is today. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Set policies and direction which allowed the City to maintain adequate General Fund reserves while also providing high-quality services to the community and maintaining a balanced budget during challenging economic times. . Provided direction to continue to fund special events in order to preserve family-friendly atmosphere throughout the Cily. . Waked cooperetively with Cal State San Marcos in ader to provide additional higher educational opportunities within the City. . Sponsored successful Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program which provided 250 jobs to local youth. . Presented the State of the City Address to the Community in order to showcase the Citys accomplishments and highlight upcoming projects and programs. . Flpproved Development Plan for the Temecula Hospital. . Dedicated Civic Center in December 2010 to ensure the citizens will have a state-of-the-art center of government operations. z� �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY COUNCII. DEPARTMENT MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CITY COUNCIL-�e��a 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Provide clear policy direction to City staff to maintain the same level of service to the community by adoption of budget by June 3Q 2012 (Finarrcial Stabilky/Organizational Efrectiveness) • Provide direction to continue to fund signature special events in order to preserve a family- friendly atmosphere by June 3Q 2012 (PreserNrga FamilyFrientllyLifestyle) • Participate in quarterly meetings of the Higher Education Foundation Board to facilitate the expansion of higher education opportunities by June 3Q 2012 (Financial Stabilky/Organizational Effectiveness) • Participate on various local, regional, statewide, and national boards and commissions throughout the year setting policy direction and researching funds for operations (Financial Stabilky/Organizational Effectiveness) PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FV 2009-10 FV 2009-10 FV 2010-H FV 2011-12 Proiectetl Actual Proiectetl Proiectetl Percent of citizen concerns responded 97 � 98 � 97 � 97 � to within three business days of receipt Number of citizen concern 200 163 200 200 correspondences addressed Number of outside organization 500 454 500 500 meetings 22 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ COMMUNITY SUPPORT CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the City Council Department. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to the Organization Chart of the City Council Department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: CommunirySUppott Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Opemtlons&Meirrtenence $ 163,080 $ 144,818 $ 137,160 $ 132,160 $ (6,000) -3.8% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 163,080 $ 144,818 $ 137,160 $ 132,160 $ (6,000) -3.8% 23 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 COMMUNITYSUPPORT101 PROJEGT 999 993 46] G,MMWIiVSERVI�SFJNDIN6 ]5$OO.N ]S,ON.00 ]0,00000 -S,NO.N {,�/9g FY2011-12 1 CommunlNServlcesFUnding 60,OOO.N 2 SAFE 10,000.N 993 4805IS7ERCITIES 23,118.E4 14,6W.00 14,65000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 SLmmuSNdentVlslb 250.N NakaVama 2 Sls[er ON Vlslt 2$OO.N 3 SNdentS7nrurorshlp (D 3,400.N Travalers at $200 each) 4 TSCIASporurorshlp ]$OO.N 5 61ft� 1,OOO.N 993 485 O]JVCILDLSCRETIONN2V 46,OOO.N 4],SN.00 4],50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 SLSan 6. Komen (Plus CIN 22$OO.N SLPPCrt Cc�s1s) 2$5,000 fcr each Clty Coundl 25,OOO.N Member WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 144,618.E4 13],1W.00 132,15000 -S,NO.N -3.E590 RopctTOtal 194,618.84 13],150.00 132,150.00 -5,000.00 3.65 % COMMUNITVSLPPCRTTObI 194,618.84 13�,150.00 132,150.00 -5,000.00 -3.65 % 24 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ COMIKLTNITY S�JPPORI' MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: COMMUNITYSUPPORT MISSION: The Community Support Program supports the preservation of family values and the family- friendly lifeslyle that is critical to the Citys success. The program is responsible for funding various special programs within the City, such as the Community Services Funding Program, Sister Cities Program, and other non-profit organizations. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Sponsored Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in the amount of $22,500. . Continued support for various community service agencies with a priority for children and shelters in the amount of $60,000. . Supported the Safe Alternatives For Everyone Program, which provides services to vidims of domestic violence, in the amount of $10,000. . Supported Sister Cities Exchange Program in the amount of $7,500, prwided funding for 20 students visiting to and from both Sister Cities, Daisen, Japan and Leidschendam-Voorburg, Netherlands in the amount of $200 each, and provided space for the Children's Matsuri Program. The Children's Matsuri brings Japanese culture and fun to the children in our Community. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES • Sponsor Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, which raises funds for breast cancer research, by Odober, 2012 (Preserving a Family Friendly Li(estyle) . Sponsor community service agencies and organizations that serve children and shelter services as a priority or provide significant beneft to members of the community by June 30, 2012 (Preserving a Family Friendly Lifestyle) 25 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ COMIKLTNITY S�JPPORI' MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: COMMUNITYSUPPORT-continued PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiec[etl Ac[ual Proiec[etl Proiec[etl Numberoforganizationsfundedwith z0 21 20 20 Community Services funding Totalfundingfororganizations/ $150,000 $144,619 $150,000 $132,000 community Number of students provided with funding for exchange trips to Sister 15 15 15 15 Cities zs �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY MANAGER DEPARTIMIENT CORE SERVICES: The City Manager's Offce coordinates the fulfllment of policy and programs established by the City Council. The City Manager provides overall direction to departments that administer City programs and services; implements inter-departmental programs for human resources, stretegic planning, and emergency preparedness; manages the Mimal Control Contrad with Animal Friends of the Valley; and coordinates intergovernmental relations, lobbying, economic development, and public information efforts. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: CITV MANAGER snaw� o. rveiso� ASSISTANT OEPIITY qtY MANAGERS CITV MANAGER Aaron Atlams Grant Yates BobJOM1nson GENERAL EMERGENCY ECONOMIC HUMAN ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT OEVELOPMENT RESOURCES u c e mu�o . .. ar. n.e: . .cv nc e . .nl�n � N v � n . ..�... . oo. �. i . . . ..� a: . . o . � . mce.ga.. ni c I aro e - n x ce e. e..pioy..e < ..... I .... ...I.. ..... �..... .. . � ....... c iee � .... ��.�I�.� .... a � t l t .�... .. . ��I � ...... nnima convm . °yo�'°°°"z e�oovoiopmom anaran: ......... ....... ......... ....... I . ... .. . .......... 2] �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ���'�' �����R DEPART1MiENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: G.ryManager Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgered Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 868,827 $ 1,023,718 $ 1,044,082 $ 1,236,667 $ 181,486 18.3% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 230,822 280,368 300,826 308,726 8,800 3.0% CBpIIBI O�tlay O.O% $ 1,187,248 $ 1,284,076 $ 1,344,817 $ 1,646,282 $ 200,386 14.8% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: Authonzetl Proposetl PersonnelAllocation 2010-11 Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl CITV MANAGER AdminisimtiveASSistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 CityManager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DeputyCityManager 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 ExecutiveASSistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 SeniorManagementAnalyst 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Total 4.50 0.00 4.50 0.00 28 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'MANAGER 110 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES ]00,14]b2 ]12,355.N 831,3`6.00 119,00100 16J1;6 993 5101 DEFERRE9 COMPENSATIO 24,]50.04 22,OOO.N 21,9�.00 �.00 -0A2 ;6 993 SID2 PERSRETIREMENT 166,14039 184,38].N 232,313.00 4],92600 Z5,999g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 46,925.01 36,992N 45,155.00 8,163.00 220] ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 11,569.86 10,866.N 12,]31.00 1,865.00 D.16 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 25,]82J8 20,]63.N 'A,1R.00 13,40900 6458;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,800.00 4,800.N 4,8N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e i,eie.ez ipzo.m i�.00 -szzoo -sose � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1,610.01 1,610.N 2,1A5.00 585.00 3634;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiVINSLRNV� 3,11838 3$80.N 4,132.00 55200 15A2;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 10,814.05 12,262N 10,]6I.00 -1,495.00 -1219 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ],]2].08 13,606.N 1Q241.00 -3,365.00 -24J3 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2,]8208 2,410.N 3,68].00 1,2]].00 5299 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 5,600.W 5,535.N ],423.00 1,888.00 34.11 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� J9628 356.N 392.00 36.00 10.11 ;6 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEM ],291.55 9,025.N 9,66l.00 639.00 ].08 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 0.00 O.N 1,SS/.00 1,55].00 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 304.53 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2,000.00 2,OOO.N 2,2N.00 200.00 10.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 43620 525.N 5]3.00 53.00 10.10;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,023,]16J5 1,044,032N 1,235,SS/.00 191,46500 183490 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 2,032ll 2$OO.N 2,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 1,514.18 5,443.N 2,ON.00 -3,443.00 {326;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,56038 1,800.N 2,ON.00 200.00 11.11 ;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 323.48 SOO.N 3N.00 -200.00 �0.00 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 3,6W.00 825.N 825.00 0.00 0.00;6 29 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'MANAGER 110 FY2011-12 1 CFPIO 200.N 2G9CItyMgmtPoUnd 300.N 3 MMASC 300.N 4 Inland Emplm Mgrs Assn 25.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 55151 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 318.44 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 633.03 8N.00 800.00 O.N O.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 103,]OO.N 43,4]5.00 95,20000 1,T25.N 1.&5;6 FY2011-12 1 Federal LotbVlst 42,OOO.N 2ShateLObbV�t 42,OOO.N 3 Vldeo Vlgnettes 4,200.N 4 Shate of Hz Clty Vldeo ],OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 452.93 340.00 500.00 160.N qJ,�9g 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5258 �IFERHV�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 3,]83.ID 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 Workl� Wnches 1,OOO.N 2VarlousMeetlngs 1,OOO.N 993 462 MILEAGE 248.54 1,ON.00 500.00 -YlO.N -SO.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN� 3,W0.35 3,SN.00 3,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4]8 EMERGENCYMANACEMEiVr 1,389.41 1,44200 2,000.00 S58.N 38.]0;6 FY2011-12 1 Radlc�s, cell Fhones, satelllte 2,OOO.N phmes WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 124,D462 114,125.00 ll2,62500 -1,WO.N -13190 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 23,409.N 23,9N.00 33,00000 4,100.N 14.19;6 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 3,145.N 6N.00 0.00 fAO.N -100.N ;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 6],463.N 82,6N.00 ]4,90000 -],]OO.N -9,3Z9g 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS ],415.N 9,6N.00 1Q20000 WO.N 625;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 34,]52N ES,ON.00 ]9,00000 14,NO.N 21.Yl;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 136,184.N 1�,]N.00 1W,10000 10,400.N S.S/90 30 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'MANAGER 110 PropctTOtal 1,284,0]5.3] 1,394,9ll.00 1,545,28200 200,365.00 14.90 % ❑NMANFlCERTOtaI 1,284,0]5.3] 1,394,9ll.00 1,545,28200 200,365.00 14.90 % 31 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY 1llAIoTAGER DEPARI°1MIENT MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: GENERALADMINISTRATION MISSION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the Chief Administretive Offcer of the organization. The City Manager's Offce coordinates the implementation of policy and programs established by the City Council. The City Manager provides overall diredion to Cily Departments to allow for the administretion of City programs and seMces. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Presented balanced budget to City Council while still prwiding high-quality services for the community. . Conducted one retreat for department diredas to establish service level program goals. . Conducted three Community Workshops to obtain community support on what Temecula should look like in 2030. . Produced and sent out three electronic newsletters to Temecula residents. . Coordinated with California State University San Marcos and Temecula Valley Unifed School District to open an expanded campus in Temecula. . Increased the use of the City's Education Government Channel to keep the public better infamed to include imprwed content, information on water use, drought tolerant landscaping, State of the City presentation, and various government services and events. . Organized and developed a program for the Legislative Summit Event to educate the business community on current legislative issues. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES . Conduct one annual retreat fa department directors to establish service level and program gOals by JUne 30, 2012 (Finarrcial Stabildy/OrganizationalEffectiveness) . Produce and send out two eledronic newsletters to Temecula residents by June 30, 2012. (Financial Stability/Organizational Efrectiverress) . Complete Quality of Life Master Plan / Temecula 2030, and present implementation plan to the City Council by June 30, 2012 (Preserving a Family Friendly L'Aestyle) • Initiate a CitiZen OpiniOn SUfvey. (Preserving a FamilyFriendlyL'Aestyle) 32 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY 1llAIoTAGER DEPARI°1MIENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: GENERALADMINISTRATION-continued PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiec[etl Ac[ual Proiec[etl Proiec[etl Number of legislative responses 5 6 5 5 submitted Number of community workshops held 5 5 5 5 Numberofcommunitynewsletters Z 3 Z Z published Program: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MISSION: In case of emergency, the City Manager is designated as the Disaster Director and is responsible for managing any disaster that may occur within the City. The mission of the Emergency Management Program is to implement, monitor, and coordinate the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and Emergency Operetions Center (EOC) in support of the Cily, Public Safety, and emergency readiness responsibilities. This program also provides overall coordination and training, and monitors the operetional readiness within various sedions of the emergency management organizational strudure. This program promotes increased preparedness of the City to respond to disasters. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Conducted one regional training session regarding community emergency response to ensure the community is well. 33 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY 1llAIoTAGER DEPARI°1MIENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT-coirtinued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES • Provide all employees with required National Incident Management System (NIMS) training byJune30,2012 (PublicSafetyandEmergerrcyReadiness) • Plan and conduct one impromptu emergency management drill for City Command staff by June30,2012 (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) • Research and obtain grant funding to purchase another Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) trailer for Temecula Citizen Corps, and ouHit the vehicle to pull a trailer by June 30, 2012 (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) • Complete a full stock of supplies for all CERT trailers by June 30, 2012 (Public Safety and Emergency Readirress) • Plan and condud a Business Emergency Response Team (BERT) refresher class fa local businessbyJune30,2012 (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadirress) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Projec[etl Ac[ual Projec[etl Projec[etl NumberofemployeestrainedinNlMS �ZS 131 150 170 training courses Number of ineetings /training drills held 50 47 50 55 Number of Cammunity Emergency ResponseTeams(CERT)trainings/ 2 2 2 2 classes held Number of active members of 325 321 335 350 Temecula Citizen Corps (TCC) 34 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the City Manager Department. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart for the City Manager Department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: EcnnornicOwiefopme;r Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 368,078 $ 378,088 $ 386,881 $ 286,121 $ (100,540) -27.6% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 608,730 470,873 666,483 454,820 (100,883) -18.1% CBpIIBIOIIIIZ�/ $ 887,808 $ 848,071 $ 821,144 $ 718,941 $ (201,203) -21.8% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT AssistaniCityManager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Economic DevelopmentAnalyst I 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Economic DevelopmentAnalyst II 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Total 3.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 35 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONON➢C DEVELOPIv1ENT 1 1 1 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 264,395b2 242,8]0.00 181,63000 fi1,240.N -Z5,�9g 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 62,488.bJ ]1,SW.00 50,]6200 -20,]42N -J9.01 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 12,]53.� 11,24i.00 ],42200 -3,�1.N -3422 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 4,151.59 4,16].00 2,]41.00 -1,426.N -3422;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 12,430.bJ 12,8�.00 ],8W.00 �,W9.N -38.33;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 2,400.N 2,4N.00 2,400.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� ]]3.� 510.00 54.00 �56.N b9.41 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 805.N 8Q5.00 599.00 -x16.N -Z5,599g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,6]4� 1,68].00 1,064.00 fi23.N -36.43 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2,695.Y! 3,221.00 1,993.00 -1,228.N -3812 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 6,450.8] ],432.00 4,098.00 -3,334.N qq� 9g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 1,266.E4 1,OYl.00 805.00 -249.N -23,� 9g 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1,200.N 94].00 ]6200 -185.N -19.Y! ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 296.40 31200 188.00 -124.N -39J4 ;6 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 2,499.� 2,631.00 1,588.00 -1,W3.N -3&6l;6 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 600.00 �OO.N q0.N;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEMII�6URANCE 814.� 1p32.00 518.00 -514.N q9.81;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 3]8,09812 3E5,661.00 265,12100 -100,YlO.N -2].W90 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 13]21 ]W.00 ]50.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 236.ID 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 1,]03.5] 5,831.00 5,830.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Nat F�ssn. of Offlce 3,300.N Profeslmals (NAIW) 2lntematlmalCOUndlof 330.N ShoFping @nters Q6C) 3 F�ssn. of Corp. Real Esbte 330.N Exuutives (ACRE) 4 BIOCONFSan Dlego 1,320.N SG9ASSOdaHonofEmnomlc SSO.N Development (CF`LE9) 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 O.N 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 36 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONON➢C DEVELOPIv1ENT 1 1 1 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 42123 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 40,016.]0 43,03]30 21,45500 -21,542.31 -50.15;6 FY2011-12 1 AuNmnfest, Wlnterfest, 21,455.N Springfest, and SLmmerfest 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 64].� 1,ON.00 0.00 -1,NO.N -100.N;6 993 460 PRCFESSION/+LMEETINGS 6,]]4.0] 10,5N.00 5,000.00 -S,WO.N -52.�;6 FY2011-12 1 IQldea Exchange 2,OOO.N 2 E9C, Rlverslde E9A, Chambu 2,OOO.N 3CNFEDROgrams 1,OOO.N 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 1,08612 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 464 EO�VCMICDEVELWMEiVr 255,800.N 2W,2W.00 199,46000 �,�O.N -2,359g FY2011-12 1 ChamberofCOmmerce 136,260.N 2lnlandEmplmRlmCOmmisslm S,OOO.N 3 N Ccnv & Vlsltors Bureau 40,OOO.N 4 Rlversl� CounN �A 11,]OO.N 5 SN G9 Emn. Dev. Corp. 6$OO.N 993 465 RE�IVITICNFROC32AM 3$W.E6 S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4665PCNSIX25HIP ]],4]O.IXi 8],6]5.00 54,2]500 -33,400.N -38.10;6 FY2011-12 1 Balloon&WlneFestival 26,]]S.N 2 2011 Fall Rod Run ]$OO.N Shuttle/CasG 32012SpdngROdRUn ]$OO.N Shuttle/CasG 4E9CSNG9BUSInesSLmmlt 1$OO.N 5 E9Cs 2$OO.N Cmnectory.mm/SOWhwest G9 portal 6ArtsCOUndI"TemewlaM 8$OO.N E�ulence 993 4]0 CIiVPRCMOTION/+LPRCGRAM 38$49A2 �,681.91 ]],00000 -l1,C41.91 -13.D;6 3] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONON➢C DEVELOPIv1ENT 1 1 1 FY2011-12 1 Twln CiN MarkeHng Pr�ram 10,000.N 2E;�crtLhlverslN 1$OO.N 3 Dem�rapMc Irurert (Deslgn & 6,OOO.N PrinHng) 4 Profeslmal photographV fcr S,OOO.N marketlng materlals SBUSInesmMaller 6$OO.N 6 Adaertlsing 15,OOO.N ] ADDeslg� ],OOO.N 8SlteTwrs/Venuesfcr 8,OOO.N Prespective Buslnessvs 9 Cladbs, DabqWck Info 3,OOO.N 10 Spulal EventRack Cards 2,OOO.N 11SpulalEVenGRackBrochure 3,OOO.N 12 E9/RDASpedal Event 10,000.N SLpperryPromotlore 993 4]1 BANI�ERPRCGRAM 2,401.� 33,5�92 20,00000 -13,598.92 q0.4];6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 42$841.0] 4�,04i.13 394,52000 -91,`G3.13 -18.E490 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 11,]OS.N 14,4N.00 9,900.00 �,WO.N -3125;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 22,286.N 2],8N.00 24,80000 -3,NO.N -10.]J;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 2,361.N 3,ON.00 2,000.00 -1,NO.N -33.33;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 5,]80.N 24,2N.00 23,60000 fAO.N -Z,qg9g INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 42,132N E9,4N.00 60,30000 -9,100.N -13.1190 RopctTOtal 849,0]1.19 921,194.13 ]19,941.00 -201,203.13 -21.84 % ECCNCMICDEVELWMEMTOtaI 849,0]1.19 921,194.13 ]19,941.00 -201,203.13 -21.84 % 38 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ECONOl01IC DEVELOP1iiENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MISSION: The Economic Development Program provides a multi-pronged approach in order to provide this sound and diverse economic base for business development, workforce development and tourism fa the City. Local Economic Development business, tourism and education organizations have been a key component in Temecula's success as they have worked together with City Council and City Staff. Through these professional affiliations, many partnerships have been formed which have helped create a strong economy and enhance our exceptional quality of life. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . The Economic Development Program managed various contrads and events and worked with the Redevelopment Agency on expanding the Old Town Summer and Christmas programs by providing additional events including a larger ice skating rink, the Second Mnual New Year's Grape Drop with 2011 sign, seasonal lighting and additional live entertainment during summer and winter months. These programs increased retail and visita adivity in Old Town. . Collaboreted with the City of Murrieta and developed a Twin Cities Marketing Program and Logo with a goal of bringing new businesses to the area. The marketing program included partnering at various trade shows concentreting on medical design and manufacturing, solar and green technology and commercial real estate broker networking events. Developed the Soaring Dimensions, San Diego Daily Transcript print marketing piece. Conduded two Twin City Broker Forums. . Developed and managed Auto Mall Electronic Reader Board Sign marketing policy. . Developed initial Conference Center Rental Policy and assisted with initial bodcings. . Partnered with the City of Murrieta and a local manufadurer to organize an export university which is a training seminar to educate local civic employees/officials on the exporting process and regulations. 39 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ECONOl01IC DEVELOP1iiENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT—continued 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS – coirtinued . Partnered with the Chamber of Commerce, Convention & Vsitors Bureau, and Winegrowers Association on a Chamber Mixer held in the Conference Center with over 400 people in attendance. . Supported the Economic Development Capaation of Southwest California (EDC) in planning and participating at the Southwest California Business Summit held at the Temecula Civic Center. The event attraded over 130 participants and over 300 attendees. . Assisted with the EDC on the CONNECTED Program, a businessto-business database, by attending 40 site visits involving local Temecula companies. . Created seasonal special event marketing reck cards that are distributed throughout the City, including hotels and Old Town businesses. . Collaboreted with the City of Murrieta, Califania State University San Marco (CSUSM), Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC), and the EDC on developing a bioscience incubator in Southwest Riverside County while also developing a Twin Cities Marketing Plan with the City of Murrieta. Requested a CSUSM Senior Eeperience Team to prepare incubator business plan and Twin Cities Marketing Plan by June 2012. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES . Wak with Verizon to increase Verizon/FIOS infrastructure for the business community by May2012 (Facdity/InfrestructureMaintenance) . Wak with the City of San Diego and City of Murrieta on ensuring the Faeign Trade Zone e#ension application is finalized. This program will reduce operating costs for businesses by June 2012 (CommunAy/Economic Development) . Retain relationships with the commercial broker community by organizing three broker forums by May 2012 (CommunAy/Economic Development) . Create a dired mail gdf campaign to bioscienceftechnology company leads by Flpril 2012. (Community/Ecorromic Devdopment) . Collaborete with the City of Murrieta, California State University San Marcos (CSUSM), Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC), and the Economic Development Center (EDC), on developing a Bioscience Incubata in Southwest Riverside County while also developing a Twin City Marketing Plan with the City of Murrieta. Request fa a CSUSM Senior Experience Team to prepare incubator business plan and Twin City Marketing Plan. (Community / Economic Development) ao �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ECONOl01IC DEVELOP1iiENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT—continued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Number of Riverside County and City 30 31 35 35 leads Number of business assistance zq z7 30 32 requests Number of trade shows and � 8 8 8 expositions Broker forums and new business N/A 6 6 events a� � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� az �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY CLERA DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The City Clerk's Department is responsible for the preparetion and distribution of City Council agendas, maintaining accurete records and legislative history of City Council adions, providing safekeeping and storage of the City's official records and archives, and providing records retrieval and legislative research for City departments and the publia The City Clerk Department also pertorms centralized processing of all legal notices, maintaining campaign and economic interest statement filings, overseeing local elections, provides central and suppat seMces such as reception and copy center functions, and administering the City's centralized Records Management Program and the Citywide Optical Imaging System. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: CITY CLERK / DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES Susan W.Jones DEPUTV CITY CLERK / DEPUTV DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES Michaela Ballreich CITY CLERK MANAGEMENT SERVIOCES Council5upport c e, e v a �apyCenterl 'V Research a Elec[ions u ¢ eco� s Re ues[s Reception Services Legislative History Agentla Pmcess onhactsl A reemen[s Process 43 �.r isiry� �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ��' �� iC DEP'ARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: C�ry�Gelrc Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 781,078 $ 732,862 $ 766,063 $ 788,188 $ 11,136 1.6% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 308,848 268,046 400,000 378,800 (23,200) -6.8% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% Totel $ 1,101,028 $ 880,887 $ 1,166,063 $ 1,142,888 $ (12,OBGJ -1.0% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: Authorizetl Proposetl Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfuntletl AtlminisiretiseASSistaM 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 CityClerk/DirectorofSUpporiServices 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Depuly Director MSUpporl Services 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 OficeASSistaM 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 OficeSpecialist 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Recortls Manager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DepartrnentTOfal 7.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 44 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'CLERK120 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 496,282J3 502,83].N SW,64].00 1,810.00 036 ;6 993 SID2RERSRETIREM9VT 114,W0.05 1J9,233.N 1�J,W5.00 10,]4200 831;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 23,180.48 18,851.N 18,925.00 ]4.00 039 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ],5]]54 ],6ll.N ],622.00 5.00 0.0] ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 18,156A2 ll,OlO.N 19,03].00 2p2].00 1192;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,800.00 4,800.N 4,8N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 1,404.00 612N 1�.00 -504.00 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2,315.41 2,254.N 2,]43.00 539.00 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 3,35538 3,913.N 3,518.00 -395.00 -10.09 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2,55]29 4,DS.N 3,4#.00 -]39.00 -DJO ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 39,62221 35,]40.N 41,546.00 5,806.00 1625 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 4,004.64 4,301.N 4,193.00 -ID200 -23] ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 8,989.98 10$24.N 9,4�.00 -1,098.00 -10.43 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 3]3.80 402N 392.00 -10.00 -Z,q9 9g 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEM 0.00 5,369.N 0.00 -5,369.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5118 iEM�RA4VHELP 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 1,60658 3,144.N 1,ST2.00 -1,5]200 -50.00 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 0.00 118.N 59.00 -59.00 -50.00;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 5354 492N 492.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2,800.00 2,800.N 2,8N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 801.60 861.N 841.00 -20.00 -232;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI ]32,851.65 ]55,053.N ]E6,1�.00 11,13500 1.4]90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE ]09.6] 900.N 8N.00 -100.00 -11.11 ;6 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 0.00 SOO.N SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQU 0.00 200.N 2N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 3,243.93 4,OOO.N 3,SN.00 -500.00 -1250;6 45 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'CLERK120 FY2011-12 1 PumanentRemrdBln�rs 1,OOO.N 2 6eneralSLpplles 2$OO.N 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 2,6N.00 1,000.00 -1,WO.N fi1.Yl;6 993 425 HFC�ICNCQS�S O.N &5,6N.00 0.00 b5,W0.N -100.N;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 1,155.N 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 CltyCierk-IIMC 190.N 2Dep.CltyCierk/RuordsMg.- 150.N IIMC 3CItyCierk-CG9C 225.N 4 DepuN CIN Clerk/Remrds 150.N Managu-O:AC 5 RucrdsManager-ARMA 220.N 6NOtaryPSSn.Membershlp-3 265.N sbff 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 2,]66.10 3,6N.00 3,600.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 WestCO�ShateUpdatPS 3,300.N 2EIectlonsCO� 150.N 3 The Callfomlan Mnual 150.N SLL�scrlpHon 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 1,368.93 1,8N.00 1,800.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 198.11 4,]N.00 300.00 �,400.N -93.62;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 6,100.W ],SN.00 ],500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1MUnIdpalCOdeSLpplemenG 6$OO.N 2 Notary Insurance and fees for 3 300.N shaff members 3 Rag EHquette MnouncemenG 100.N 4 Rucrdufees 200.N 5 Mlscellaneous 400.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 585.W 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 3,620.A5 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5258 �IFERHV�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 40.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 3]O.N 1,ON.00 2,000.00 1,NO.N 100.N ;6 46 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'CLERK120 FY2011-12 1 CmHnued Educatlon fcr 2 1,OOO.N UICs 2 Electlon Law for CiN Clerk 1,OOO.N 993 462 MILEAGE 108.Y! SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 183.�J SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4]] RE�RDSMANACEMEiVr 24,]3].Y! 2],ON.00 26,50000 -YlO.N -1.&5;6 FY2011-12 1 OffslteS[orage(Storage 14,OOO.N E �ress) 2 Backup OHsIteS[orage Qron S,OOO.N Mounbin) 3 Shred ItDOwment5hreddl� S,OOO.N 46eneralRemrdsSLpplles 1,OOO.N SA�rtureCardCOnverslon 1$OO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 45,189.03 146,6N.00 54,90000 -91,]OO.N fi2.S590 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 32,]]3.N 40,4N.00 46,20000 S,�O.N 14.#;6 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 1,300.N 2N.00 800.00 WO.N 3�O.N ;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO6Y 99,J93.N 101,2N.00 144,60000 43,400.N q2,� 9g 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 16,W9.N ll,5N.00 19,80000 2,310.N 13.14;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 62$11.N 94,1N.00 110,50000 16,400.N D.43;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 212,856.N 2S3,4N.00 321,90000 68,WO.N 2].IXi90 RopctTOtal 990,896J4 1,155,053.00 1,142,988.00 d2,065.00 -1.04 % ❑NQERKTOtaI 990,896J4 1,155,053.00 1,142,988.00 d2,065.00 -1.04% 4] i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� � v�.0�� ������ a MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: COUNqL SUPPORT, ELECTIONS, AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT MISSION: The City Clerk's Office provides legal ndifcation of ineetings and hearings; manages the agenda process and attends all meetings of the City Council and prepares adion minutes. The City Clerk's Office maintains the offcial record of the City and insures availability to the public and coordinates various City Council ceremonial items. The City Clerk's Offce administers campaign provisions of the Political Reform Act, and conducts local Municipal elections regulating the fling of Campaign Disdosure Statements and Economic Interest Statements. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Developed a program to adively seek out and hona citizens, youth, and community groups, through proclamations and presentations, thereby better connecting with Temecula's citizenry. . Placed Fair Political Prectices forms on the City's website, including one listing economic interests (Fam 700), and another which trecks all campaign activity (Form 460), thereby furthering transparency in Government. . Administered a Youth in Government Program for the school year 2010-11, coordinating participation with the City Council, City departments, and the Temecula Valley Unifed School District. This year's program included all three high schools in Temecula and interaded with 30 high school seniors fa a two-day program, thereby cultivating interest and understanding of local government. • Utilized (151 hours) of volunteer time to provide routine scanning services, thus reducing staff time, better managing fnancial resources, and reaching out to develop a partnership with City government and the community. aa i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� � v�.0�� ������ a MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: COUNqL SUPPORT, ELECTIONS, AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT—continued 2011-2012 OBJ ECTI V ES - co�rtinued • Wak with Infamation Systems to automate the records request process allowing electronic approval authority, improving effciency and streamlining the elimination of most paper copiesbyJune2012 (FinarrcialStabilky/OrganizationalEffectiveness) • Roll-out the City-wide RS Web Barcode Software with City Departments to electronically treck and request trensferred containers from off-site storege by June 2012 (Financial Stability/Organizational Effectiveness) • Coordinate with Information Systems to upgrede the email rapid search and retrieval system to assist in public records requests by June 2012 (Finarrcial Stabilky / Organizational Efrxtiveness) • Develop a process to eliminate duplicate department responses and at the same time eliminate the need for departments to individually retain duplicate records. Restructure the system to automatically and electronically retain all Citizen Web Requests and all staff replies to these requests. Provide staff with the ability to electronically treck and search all Citizen Web Requests and all replies to those requests by January 2012 (Finarrcialstabilay/ Organizational Efrxtiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FV 2009-10 FV 2009-10 FV 2010-H FV 2011-12 Projectetl Actual Projectetl Projectetl Total number of records requests 600 596 600 600 processed Total number of E-sized/standard size p0,000 21,630 21,000 21,000 documents scanned Total number of records destroyed �00 Boxes/ 673 Ba<es/ 700 Ba<es/ 700 Boxes/ 1,372 1,143 1,200 1,200 Rdled Rolled Rolled Rolled Plans Plans Plans Plans 4e � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� so �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The City of Temecula contrects with the frm of Richards, Watson, & Gershon for City Aitorney seMces. This allows the City access to a full range of legal services that would not othenvise be available to a city the size of Temecula. The City Aitorney, as chief legal advisor to the City, renders advice to the City Council, City Commissions and Committees, and to City offcers and employees. The City Aitorney attends all City Council meetings and handles all lawsuits, matters, and proceedings in which the City has a legal interest. The City Attorney also prepares opinions, ordinances, resolutions, motions, contrects, leases, permits, assignments, deeds, condemnation instruments, and other legal documents. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY Pe[er M. Thorson CITY MANAGER Shawn D. Nelson EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program . -, Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Opemtlons&Meirrtenence $ 808,812 $ 828,882 $ 821,300 $ 821,300 $ - 0.0% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - O.O% Totel $ 808,812 $ 828,882 $ 821,300 $ 821,300 $ - 0.0% 51 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 CIT'A'ITORNEY 180 PROJEGT 999 993 445 LE6PLSERVI�SiITI6ATI 2E5,245.00 265,24500 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-COMR,9 621,28Q21 801,300.N S�,OS5.00 -295,245.00 -36.85;6 993 44] LE6PLSERVI�S-HR. ],61200 20,OOO.N x1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 3l,ON.00 30,00000 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 628,89221 821,300.N 821,3N.00 0.00 0.00 90 PropctTOtal 628,89221 821,300.00 821,300.00 0.00 0.00 % aTVATTCRNEVTOtaI 628,89221 821,300.00 821,300.00 0.00 0.00 % 52 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CIT7� ATTORNE7P DEPAltTIiiENT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CITYATTORNEY MISSION: The CilyAitorney serves as legal advisa to the City Council, City Manager, and the various City Departments, Commissions, Committees, and Boards. The City Aitorney prepares and approves the majority of proposed City adinances, resolutions, contrects, and other legal documents. The CilyAitorney also represents the City in all litigation. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Provided sound legal counsel to the City Council, City Manager, City Staff, Commissions, Committees, and Boards on matters concerning the City and administretion of City policy. . Rendered legal advice to City Council and City Staff on City matters in a manner that permitted timely and appropriate action. . Reviewed and advised City Staff on court decisions and laws that affed City operetions. . Advised and represented the City on litigation matters. • Reviewed ordinances, resolutions, contrads and agreements. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Provide sound legal counsel to the City Council, City Manager, City Staff, Commissions, Committees, and Boards on matters concerning the City and administretion of City policy. (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrediveness) . Render legal advice to City Council and Cily Staff on City matters in a manner that permits timely and appropriate adion. (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrectiveness) . Review and advise City Staff on court decisions and laws that affect City operetions. (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrediveness) • Advise and represent the City on litigation matters. (Financial Stabdity / Organizational Efrectiveness) • Review ordinances, resolutions, contrads and agreements. (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) 53 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� sa �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCE DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: Primary responsibilities of the Finance Department include cash and investment management, fnancial reporting, preparetion of the Annual Opereting Budget, internal audit, payroll, accounts receivable, fnancial oversight, business licensing, purchasing and contrecting, risk management, fnancial management of Police and Fire contrects, and administretion of all City funds and accounts. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Genie Roberts SUPPORT BUDGETING FINANCIAL REVENUE DEBT SERVICES REPORTING MANAGEMENT ADMINI5fRATION PROCUREMENT OPERATING ACCOUNTS CASHantl DEBTSERVICE PAVABLE INVESTMENTS RISK CAPITAL ACCOUNTS BUSINESS DISCLOSURE MANAGEMENT RECEIVABLE LICENSE REPORTING POLICEantlFIRE pqyROLL GRANTS CONTRACT SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION GENERAL LEDGER MAINTENANCE ANNUAL REPORTS 55 �.r isiry� �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: Finanre Funding5ourte: Gene�alFUntl pctual pctual Budgeted Reque4ed % ExpendiWre Summary FY20[8D9 FY2009-00 FY2070-N FY2077-02 $ Change Change Personnel $ 1,499,Ofi1 $ 1,639,096 $ 1,fi32,986 $ 1,fi22,738 $ (10,24� -O.fi% Opemtlons &Melrrtenence 4fi1,748 446,94fi 689,792 680,140 (9,fi62) -i.fi% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - OA% $ 1,9fi0,809 $ 1,980,041 $ 2,222,777 $ 2,202,878 $ (19,89,� -0.9h PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Authorizetl Proposetl Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfuntletl AccountaM 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 AccountingASSistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Accounting Manager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Accounting Specialist 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 AtlminisiretiseASSistaM 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00 AssistaM Finance Director 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Business License Specialist/Cashier 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 DirectorM Finance 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Fiscal Services Manager 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00 PurchasingCOOrtlinatorll 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Resenue Manager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Debt Analyst 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 SeniorManagementAnalyst 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 SeniorOfice Specialist 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 DepartrnentTOfal 16.50 0.00 16.50 3.00 56 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 140 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 1,051,]]0.06 1,103,]58.N 1p82,8�.00 -20,8]8.00 -1.89;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 243,186.65 283,856.N 3N,6&5.00 16,8J900 5.93;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 36,64521 44,454.N 40,SbJ.00 -3,865.00 -3.69 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 16,896.69 16,6]9.N 16,3]].00 -30200 -1.81 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 81,5]433 98,432N 4i,9�.00 -14,496.00 -14J3;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,800.00 4,800.N 4,8N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3,0]8.04 1,4]9.N 261.00 -1,218.00 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 4,605.00 4,602N 5,]�.00 1,12].00 Zq,q99g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� ],435.68 ],358.N ],651.00 293.00 3.98 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP $218.43 9,401.N ],513.00 -1,888.00 -20.08 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 32,203J8 25$96.N 33,1�.00 ],540.00 29.46 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 6,639.90 4,384.N 6,832.00 2,448.00 55.84 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 8,516.04 9,251.N 8,]E3.00 �88.00 -528 ;6 993 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� 1,10652 W1.N 1,1�J.00 168.00 D30;6 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEM 6,322J4 5,]92N 6,5�.00 ]14.00 1233;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 10,316.85 2,040.N 6,ON.00 3,960.00 19412 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 0.00 ]6.N 225.00 149.00 196.05;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 98432 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 5,600.00 5,600.N 5,4N.00 -200.00 -3.5];6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 4,19520 4,456.N 4,316.00 -140.00 -3.14;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,534,095.44 1,632,�S.N 1,622,]�.00 -1Q24].00 -0.6390 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 65651 600.N ]N.00 100.00 16.6];6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 3,23929 6,300.N 6,3N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 11,4]1.01 16$OO.N 12,2I0.00 �,230.00 -25.64 ;6 5] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 140 FY2011-12 1PrintlngServlcesFOB,CAFR 5,300.N and CIP 2 Buslnes Llcerure @rtlFlcatPS 600.N 3BUSInesLlcenreEnvelcpes 800.N 4 BuslnesCar� 2,OOO.N 5 TaxPortns 3]O.N 6 Check Stmk -A/P and PaVroll 1,200.N ] RuelptBOOks 1,OOO.N 8 Shatlmary 1,OOO.N 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 2,410.N 2,2Y1.00 2,500.00 250.N 11.11;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 1,098.45 1,]N.00 1,]00.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 10,390.59 lO,ON.00 10,50000 WO.N S.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 191.93 6,OW.00 1,000.00 -S,QSO.N b3.4];6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 84,4]8.N 116,291.68 ]8,3]000 -3],921.C4 -3261 ;6 FY2011-12 1 PrcpertyTaxMalVSls 22,OOO.N 2 CFFRStatlstl¢ ]OO.N 35alesTaxMalVSlsand 5,6]O.N Ruwery 4 AudltServlces SO,OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 6,294.14 4,OW.00 6,950.00 2,WO.N ]LW ;6 FY2011-12 1 BuslnesLlcerureMalling 3,800.N 2GFOAAwardProgram 1,200.N 3 CFL Minl Shatlstic; SOO.N 4 Vulslgn PaVFlo ]SO.N 5 6MF0 Fppllcatlons 200.N 6 EqulpmentRepalr/Malntenance SOO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5258 �IFERHV�S -0.W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 888.44 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 1,25825 2,4N.00 2,000.00 �OO.N -166I ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 216.43 6N.00 600.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 122$92W 1E6,991.68 123,14000 43,&SLC4 -26.�90 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 6],889.N �,8N.00 89,10000 8,310.N 102];6 58 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 140 993 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO 124,]41.00 162,300.N 1E6,9N.00 4,600.00 283 ;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 38,]84.00 42,800.N �,2N.00 �,600.00 -lOJ5;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 91,939.00 136,900.N 162,8N.00 25,90000 1892;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 323,353.00 422,800.N 4S/,ON.00 34,20000 8.0990 PropctTOtal 1,980,041.04 2,222,]]6.68 2,202,8]8.00 -19,898.68 -0.90 % FINNV�TOtal 1,980,041.04 2,222,]]6.68 2,202,8]8.00 -19,898.68 -0.90 % 59 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES MISSION: The Finance Support Services Program is responsible for Risk Management and Procurement. The mission of the Risk Management Division is to identify, assess, and manage the impacts of operational risk on city government business by having policies in place to prdect Cily personnel, property, and liabilities. The mission of the Proarement Division is to adhere to the Public Contrect Code and the City Municipal Code while providing excellent departmental and vendor purchasing support and obtaining goods and services of the highest quality at the lowest price and within specified timelines. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Created an insurance management module utilizing existing City technology to treck Certifcates of Insurance expiretion dates for companies doing business with the City. . Enhanced the Cost Recovery Tracking System to quantify invoicing efforts for damages caused to City property. . Upgraded the Citys online bid management module which streamlines the current version while enhancing transparency and preserving competition. . Implemented a paperless agreement routing system using existing technology for agreements that require City Council approval. • Implemented a bid protest procedure to streamline the protest process, enhance transparency, and promde competition. 2011-2012 O&lECT1VES . Implement a system that will analyze offce supply purchasing pattems to identify competitive and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing opportunities by September of 201 L (Financial StabilAy/ Organizational Effectiveness) . Complete the initial stages of designing an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program as defned in the California Public Contrect Code (§12400-12404) by December 2011. Also known as Buying Green, EPP is the procurement of goods and services that have a reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing goods or services that serve the same purpose. (CommunAy / Economic Development) so i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: FINANCESUPPORTSERVICES-continued 2011-2012 O&lECT1VES - continued . Coordinate with departments to input pertinent vehicle maintenance information into the City's automated Vehicle Fleet Management System by December 2011. The information will serve to identify Cityvehicle safety concems and facilitate the timely trecking of required vehicle maintenance. (FacilAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Purchase Orders (POs) processed 2,364 2,426 2600 2600 POs Processed within 48-hours of 100% 100% 100% 100% receipt Bids processed on Online Bids 35 43 39 50 Downloads on Online Bids N/A 1574 1600 1600 Percent of claims processed within ten 100% 100% 100% 100% days of receipt Invoices remitted via Cost Recovery 12 13 24 13 Trecking System s� �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: BUDGETING MISSION: The Budgeting Program is responsible for collaboreting with all City departments fa the preparetion of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget and the Annual Opereting Budget. The mission of the Budgeting Program is to ensure adequate funds to meet all operetional and capital projed obligations while maintaining sufficient fund balances. This is accomplished through both short-term (1 year) and long-term (5 years) fnancial forecasting. This Program also administers the public safety contrects for Police and Fire, maintaining level of seMce requirements as dictated by City Council. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Prepared grant applications on behalf of the Fire Department for two Homeland Security grants to support the Temecula Citizens Corps and to purchase a radio repeater for the new Civic Center. . Coordinated with all City departments to prepare a balanced budget and five-year budget projedion. . Prepared comprehensive CIP document and the Mnual Operating Budget document and presentations that addressed all Califania Society of Municipal Finance Offcers (CSMFO) and Gwernment Finance Offcers Association (GFOA) ranking criteria. . Implemented a Citywide goals and objectives stretegic process that is used fa forecasting new program policies and utilizing metrics for measuring effectiveness. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES . Implement new GFOA Mnual Opereting budget format standards by September 2011. (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) . Develop and compile a comprehensive list of City policies for adoption by Council and inclusion in theAnnual Opereting Budget byAugust 201t (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) . Integrete the adopted Quality of Life Master Plan into the Citywide Five-Year Long Term Goals by June 2012 (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) s2 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: 8U DG ETI NG—conUnued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued . Further streamline the pertormance measurement budget sedion in ader to receive �ecial Pertormance Measure Recognition by the GFOA by November 2011. (Financial StabilAy / Organizational Efrectiveness) . Coordinate with all City departments to prepare a balanced budget and five-year budget projedion by June 2012 (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected CSMFO award winning Mnual Opereting Budget and Capital 2 2 2 2 Improvement Program budget Number of outstanding retings awardedbyGFOAforMnual 5 9 8 15 Opereting Budget GFOAawardedMnualOperating 1 1 1 1 Budget 63 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program; FINANCIAL REPORTING MISSION: The Financial Reporting Program manages the City's fnancial operetions, internal audit, payroll, accounts payable and receivable, financial oversight and administretion of all City funds and accounts. It provides fscal analysis and support, providing timely and accurete fnancial infamation and services to the publiq City management, and eleded offcials, while maintaining and refning a sound internal control environment. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS . Implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting, and Governmental Fund Type Defnitions, enhancing the usefulness of fund balance information. . Submitted the Comprehensive Mnual Financial Reporting (CAFR) fa fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 to Gwernment Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for participation in its Awards Program. • Streamlined payroll business processes including electronically storing, saving payroll reports and employee timesheets. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES . Automate the trecking of capital projects; exporting data directly into Structured Query Language (SQL) Repats, saving staff time currently spent updating spreadsheets and allowing instant access to data for all City Projed Managers on the City's Intranet by December 2011. (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) . Submit the CAFR for fiscal year ended June 30, 2011 to Government Finance Offcers Association (GFOA) fa participation in its Awards Program by December 201t (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Effectiveness) • Research vendors fa timesheet automation software to streamline payroll processing by January 2012. . (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) s4 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program; FINANCIAL REPORTING-contlnued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected GFOA award winning CAFR document prepared with unqualified 1 1 1 1 opinions State reports prepared 6 6 6 7 Internal financial statements prepared 12 12 12 12 Invoices processed each year 12,645 12,600 14,500 Payroll checks and dired deposits g,050 7,850 9,200 7,900 processed each year Management Letter Comments as a 0 0 0 0 result of the Citys Mnual Audit Progrem: REVENUE MANAGEMENT The Revenue Management Program oversees the Citys financial operetions in accordance with established fiscal policies, including oversight of the receipt and custody of all citywide revenues, as well as the investment of the City's opereting and capital improvement funds. The Program also develops the revenue estimates for the City's opereting and capital improvement program and monitors revenue receipts. ss �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: REVENUE MANAGEMENT—continued 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Used a targeted e-mail campaign, in order to increase the number of on-line business license renewals by 20 % over fscal year 2009-10. • Implemented credit card payments for on-line bidding. • Eepanded enrdlment in the Eledronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Program with Riverside County for the electronic receipt of assessments and tax increment due City, thereby further enhancing the investment of receipts. • Adopted annual investment policy which focuses on safely and liquidity, as well as return on investment. • Developed business procedures, updated documents, and implemented the City's requirement for all City businesses to use the E-Verify system prior to their issuance or renewal of a business license. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • By educating the public, increase the number of on-line business license renewals by 5% over fscal year 2010-11 projedions by April 30, 2012 (Financial Stabildy / Organizational Efrectiveness) • Implement a Remde Deposit System at offsite locations for the eledronic image retention and submission of checks received from customers by March 31, 2012 (Financial Stabildy/ Organizational Efrectiveness) • Develop a comprehensive cash flow analysis to further maximize the investment of City funds while ensuring liquidity and safety by June 30, 2012. (Financial Stabildy/Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiec[etl Ac[ual Proiec[etl Proiec[etl Number of business licenses issued 9,000 8,000 9,000 8,500 Numberofon-linebusinesslicense �,p00 1,400 1,260 1,800 Renewals Monthly Treasurer's Reports completedanddistributedwithin30- 100% 100% 100% 100% days of month end ss �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FINANCL DEPl1RTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: DEBTADMINISTRATION MISSION: The Debt Administration Program is responsible for managing the Cilys outstanding debt obligations in accordance with established bond documents. Primary responsibilities include making required debt service payments, cash and investment management, payment of developer invoices, and reimbursement of City administrative costs. Additionally, the program administers the annual levy process for the Community Facilities Districts (CFD) and Assessment Distrid (AD), Community Service Distrid (CSD) Service Levels B, C, R and special tax, and oversees the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Facilitated a bond call of approximately $8,650,000 in Community Facilities Distrid (CFD) 88-12 bonds using surplus reserve funds and interest earnings which will save the City over $1.55 Million in reimbursement payments each year over the remaining life of the bonds. • Updated the City website with appropriate CFD data and maps to allow the public access to property assessment information. • Malyzed whether to continue the three-year CDBG County Agreement or to apply for dired funding from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order to maximize the funding amount. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Work with the Citys special tax consultant to complete a parcel audit of the Temecula Community SeMces Distrid Special Tax to ensure all parcels in the City are being levied correctly by December 201L (Financial Stabildy/Organizational Efrective) • Partner with the Citys Planning Department to meet all Housing and Urban Development requirements in order to attain entitlement status for the City by June 2012 (Financial Stability/Organizational Effective) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiec[etl Ac[ual Proiec[etl Proiec[etl Number of bond draw requests 75 61 25 15 Number of parcels levied with special � q55 7,455 7,600 35,000 assessments Number of debt service payments 26 26 28 30 s� � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� sa �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ HUMAN RESOURCES CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the City Manager Department. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart for the City Manager Department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: �u;ossftescurc� Funding5oume: GenaalFund Gctual Gctual Budgeted Reque4ed °lo ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-00 FY2010-01 FY2011-02 $Change Change Personnel $ 423,587 $ 387,015 $ 388,128 $ 408,271 $ 10,142 2.Bh Opeations&Mairrtwanae 135,485 120,351 177,300 178,000 1)00 1.Oh Capital0�tlry - - - - - O.Oh $ 559,082 $ 507,3fifi $ 573,4 $ 585,271 $ 11,842 2.ih PERSO N N EL ALLOCATION: HUMANRESOURCES DeputyCityManager 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Human Resources Analyst 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ofice Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 SeniorHUmanResourcesAnalyst 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Total 3.50 0.00 3.50 1.00 DepartmentTOtal 11.00 0.00 11.00 2.00 69 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 HUMAN RESOURCES 150 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 268,59938 2]4,083.N 2]6,314.00 2,231.00 0.81 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 64,01236 ]O,W8.N ]],2�.00 6,251.00 8.81 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 15,493.16 11,201.N 11,292.00 91.00 0.81 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 4,460.60 4,13].N 4,193.00 6200 150;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 18,8]433 19,]98.N x1,251.00 453.00 Z,Z996 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 2,400.00 2,400.N 2,4N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 828b2 S10.N W.00 �20.00 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 804.99 805.N 1,ll200 30].00 38.14;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,689J2 2,481.N 1,813.00 fi68.00 -2692 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2,86492 3,115.N 2,435.00 fi80.00 -21.83 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 3,ID200 2,]69.N 3,323.00 559.00 20.19 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 50.14 3]9.N Yl.00 -325.00 -35J5 ;6 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEM 2,400.00 2,263.N 2,5]5.00 31200 13J9 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 0.00 2,ON.00 2,000.00 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 1,000.00 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 16].40 210.N 1]J.00 -31.00 -14J6;6 993 5199 BENEFITSFDVANCED 26]2] O.N 0.00 0.00 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 38],014.89 396,129.N 4�,2]1.00 10,14200 25690 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 633.40 900.N 9N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 3]6.95 2,OOO.N 1,ON.00 -1,000.00 -50.00;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 0.00 4,OOO.N 2,SN.00 -1,500.00 -3]50 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS ]95.00 1$OO.N 1,ON.00 -500.00 -3333;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 0.00 100.N 1N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 1,25200 2,OOO.N 1,4W.00 -550.00 -2]50;6 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 2D.49 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 9,38280 21,OOO.N 12,SN.00 b,500.00 �0.48 ;6 ]0 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 HUMANRESOURCE5150 FY2011-12 1 Halzon I-kal�h 9,OOO.N 2 QganlzaHonal Needs 3$OO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 24$4&21 16,ON.00 ll,00000 1,NO.N 625;6 FY2011-12 1 Deptof]us[Ice 5$OO.N 2 DOT Random Drug Pool 3,OOO.N Prapam 3 Lhlsource 1$OO.N 4HealthPolnt(1stCare) 5$OO.N 5 CFLPA(5 1$OO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 1,]50.45 15,2N.00 19,50000 4,310.N Zg,y9g 993 5258 �IFERHV�S O.N 6N.00 600.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5259iUITICNREIMBLRSEMENT 4,265.� 11,ON.00 10,00000 -1,NO.N -9,p9g 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 1,929.4i 2,ON.00 2,500.00 WO.N ZS,� 9g FY2011-12 1 ManagementRetreat 1,250.N 2 Mld-ManagementRetreat 1,250.N 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 2,OOO.N 1,ON.00 2,000.00 1,NO.N 100.N ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 228.W SN.00 ]50.00 250.N SO.N;6 993 465 RE�IVITICNFROC32AM 15,218.91 ll,ON.00 19,50000 2,WO.N 14J1;6 FY2011-12 1 EmpIoV�QuartedV Wnchems 9,OOO.N 2EnhancedSafeN 250.N 3 Team PACE 3$OO.N 461kGiving/RacefortheCLm 250.N 5 Servlce Awards 6$OO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 62,599.92 94,8N.00 91,30000 -3,WO.N -3.E990 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 11,]OS.N 14,4N.00 16,50000 2,100.N 14.54;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO6Y 25,]33.N 33,6N.00 30,80000 -2,�O.N -3,33 9g 993 5345 SLPPCRTSERVICFS 4,480.N 5,4N.00 4,400.00 -1,NO.N -184;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 15,833.N �,1N.00 36,00000 6,WO.N 23J1 ;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 5],]S1.N 82,SN.00 8],]0000 S,d�O.N 6.3190 RopctTOtal 50],365.81 5]3,429.00 585,2]1.00 11,84200 20] % HJMANRESOLRCESTObI 50�,365.81 SB,429.00 585,2�1.00 11,84200 20� % ]1 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ HuMa►av �ouRC�s MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Prograzn: HUMAN RE$pURCES MISSION: Human Resources partners with all levels of City staff to ensure organizational effediveness. Human Resources works with management to ensure adequate staffng capacity. Human Resources collaboretes with all levels of the organization to provide administretion of labor relations, recruitment, selection, equal opportunity, classification, salary, employee benefts, workers' compensation, safety, wellness, discipline, training and development oppatunities, employee relations, and development and implementation of administretive guidelines and personnel policies. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Conducted a comprehensive beneft fair which allowed employees to research their beneft options. • Implemented new position account coding to replace and refne future account coding distinguishing revenues, expenditures, and balance sheet accounts with the appropriate service levels. • Satisfadorily passed both the Workers' Compensation and Department of Transportation audits. • Successfully negotiated the terms of a successor Memaandum of Understanding (MOU) 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Wak with Information Systems staff to streamline available software to help eliminate current manual processes, such as evaluations, employmenVrecruitment on-line management, workers' compensation claims, and leave of absence/FMLA administretion using in-house resources by June 2012. (Financial StabilAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) • Research and compile information that will support the implementation of a web-based Human Resources Infamation system by March 2012 (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrectiveness) �2 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ HuMa►av �ouRC�s MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: HUMAN RESO�URCES—con6nued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Number of recruitments conducted 5 4 3 5 Percent of eight-week recruitments 100% 100% 100% 100% Number of applications processed 500 161 100 250 Number of employees receiving 70 94 65 85 recognition awards Percent of evaluations processed 90% 91% 90% 90% within prescribed timeframes ]3 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� �a �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PI.ANNING CORE SERVICES: The Community Development Department is the single source of contact for people and businesses needing permits to construct or remodel buildings in the City of Temecula. The Community Development staff reviews building plans to ensure they comply with the City of Temecula's building codes and zoning. Staff also issues building permits, including permits that occupy the public right of way. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER BobJOhnson DIRELTOR OF PLANNING DIR ��TRKS C I VELIC B111L01NG OFFICIAL FIRE MARSHALL 8 REDEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Rich JoM1nston sean oaxin Pakick R¢M1artlson Greg Bu[ler LANO 6UILDING FIRE AOVANCE� CURRENT OEVELOPMENT SERVILESantl INTERVENTION PLANNING PLHNNING PERMRCENTER pERMITCENTER .... ....... ......... . �. P¢�mi�s �� . Plan Reviewl �. GenetalPlan D Rlvewent �. PI nP�ocesaln8 ...... ...... Fmcessin9..... .. I .. I .... .... ..... .. . ..... . ... .... Plan G � Park R �� O tl nance Publ c p �m � Issuanc¢ . . � 0 lopmen� I ( rmaton � ��� .. � I ... ..... . ... �.. ��. InsPlc[im �. �� CE�F CE�F Public �. �. Map Recortlation �. ��. Services �. �� Management ManaBement Informatlm �� ���� I � ������� .. � . ......... ........ . OevellPmen� . � Cotle � �� �. Inspec[im �. ��. Enlorcement ��. . . A9encY Rev ew ... .... ..... ...... '. PlanRevlew ��. �. Permitlssuance �� ......... ....... ......�. �PUblic Informa�iorz 15 �.r isiry �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PI.ANNING EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: Planning Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 1,866,863 $ 1,180,836 $ 881,671 $ 888,632 $ 234,881 36.6% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 843,823 830,183 818,361 878,700 (38,861) -0.3% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 2,788,778 $ 2,021,128 $ 1,677,822 $ 1,773,232 $ 186,310 12.4% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: Authorized Proposed Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfunded PLANNMG AdminisiretiseAssistaM 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 AssistaM City Manager 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.00 AssistaM Planner 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.00 Associate Planner 125 (0.10) 1.15 0.00 Community De�elopment Technician 0.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 DeselopmeM Processing Coordinator 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 DirectorofPlanning/RedeselopmeM 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 OficeAssistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Pnncipal Planner 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 SeniorOffceSpecialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 SeniorPlanner 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Tofal 7.40 3.40 10.80 3.50 �6 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 PLANMNG 161 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES ]58,]]0.18 441$64.N 592pE5.00 150,50100 34.08;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT ll6,5]0.61 114,]13.N 1E3pW.00 48,34]00 4215 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 88,924.8] 16,O10.N x1,4�.00 4,4]8.00 Z�,9� 9g 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 13,266J9 9,404.N 12,145.00 2,]41.00 29.15;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 5$220J2 26,04].N �J,4Q5.00 13,35800 SL28;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,320.00 4,320.N 4,3x1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 1,63051 286.N W.00 -236.00 -3252 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 3,684.11 1,5]8.N 2,913.00 1,335.00 84.60;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 5,55825 2,]35.N 3,]6200 lp2].00 3].55 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 10,35158 6,196.N 5,3T2.00 b24.00 -1330 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 45,042J5 19$93.N 31,4�.00 10,89300 55.60 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 5,241.82 1,954.N 3,548.00 1,594.00 8158 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 3,220A2 2,328.N 2,1]J.00 -149.00 {.40;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� ]90.48 3]9.N 535.00 156.00 41.16 ;6 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEM 300.00 ll4.N 2IXi.00 J9.00 16.6] ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 5,335.00 ],5]2N ],ST2.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 0.00 284.N 2E4.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 1,33924 3,OOO.N 3,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 5,080.00 1,960.N 2,9x1.00 960.00 qg,9g9g 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 3,28].85 1,4]4.N 2,225.00 ]51.00 50.95;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,190,93524 661,5]1.N 8�,532.00 234,96100 355290 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 1,55298 2,OOO.N 2,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 0.00 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 2,149.6] 4,OOO.N 4,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 1,299.13 2$OO.N 1,SN.00 -1,000.00 �0.00 ;6 993 424 LE6PL DIXIMEMS/MAPS 2,255.00 3,900.N 2,8N.00 -1,100.00 -2821 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 15,180.00 5$OO.N S,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PLANMNG 161 FY2011-12 1 APA/ULI/PEP/I6I/AICP 5$OO.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 924� 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 5,925b2 6,ON.00 6,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 8]4.41 1,4N.00 1,400.00 O.N O.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 166,221.� 1W,85112 20,00000 -130,&5112 b6J4;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 125,608.11 3x1,4N.00 345,40000 25,NO.N �,�9g FY2011-12 1LandscapeRev./Insp.(10090 90,OOO.N Passthmugh) 2LAF�GStNlmatlon ],200.N 3 CF`LTRFWSTransportatlon 24$200.N GYant 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 15,009.91 22,ON.00 22,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Callfomlan Pcstings ],OOO.N 2 Publlc Hearing Pc�sHngs 15,OOO.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 1,]90.4 3,SN.00 3,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION ]SS.N 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 ProfeslmalDevelcpment/ 1$OO.N AI�/ CE 2 L5 GYeen Bullding Coundl 2$OO.N 993 462 MILEAGE O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 140.IXi SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4]2 PLFNNII�G G,MMISSION 42622 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 340,ll2W 532,05112 424,10000 -10],A5112 -20.�90 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 81,466.N 32,6N.00 4$20000 15,WO.N q�,g59g e� siao �Nrcaranr�av�a-wao�v z�a,zza.m zia,zm.00 zsi,00000 ie,�o.m zaa� 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 48,6]2N 48,1N.00 53,60000 S,WO.N 11.43;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 85,]14.N bJ,4N.00 119,80000 30,400.N 34.N;6 INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl 490,080.N 3E4,3N.00 452,60000 68,310.N D.]] 90 RopctTOtal 2p21,12].84 1,5]],92212 1,]]3,23200 195,309.88 12.38 % RANNIN6TOtal 2p21,12].84 1,5]],92212 1,]]3,23200 195,309.88 12.38 % ]8 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PLAIsINIPTG MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CURRENT AND ADVANCED PLANNING MISSION: The Current and Advanced Planning Program provides professional advice and technical expertise to citizens, elected offcials, appointed boards and commissions, and City departments. The Planning Program promotes positive community and economic development within Temecula and oversees all land use applications for development within Temecula. To provide a high quality of life within a sustainable community, the Planning Program focuses on environmental integrity and high-quality development through development review and implementation of the General Plan, Development Code, Design Guidelines, and other plans and policies that allow Temecula to grow in a manner consistent with the goals of the community. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Prepared presentations to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for Riverside County regarding the Santa Margarita Area Mnexation which resulted in apprwal of the annexation. . Successfully guided the development application for the controversial Islamic Center project through the environmental review and public hearing processes, resulting in City Council approval of a Conditional Use Permit. . Successfully completed processing of a Major Modification to the Temecula Regional Hospital, obtaining City Council approval of the modifcation in February, 2011, which will allow for grading of the projed site to begin in June, 2011. . Completed and obtained approval of the Citys Sustainability Plan which will prioritize the use of sustainable materials for City facility improvements. . Advised developers regarding outstanding project requirements in order to ensure construction of new homes on lots that were left vacant in the Harveston, Wolf Creek, Redhawk, and Paseo Del Sol Specifc neighborhoods. . Implemented a Request fa Proposal (RFP) process in order to develop environmental documents for use by developers within the city to improve impartiality and compliance with environmental law. �e �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PLAIsINIPTG MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CURRENTANDADVANCE�PLANNWG—continued 2011-0212 OBJECTNES: . Complete community outreach for the Jefferson Avenue Corridor Multi-Jurisdidional Plan which will defne the vision fa the future development of Jefferson Avenue from Temecula to Lake Elsinore and complete community outreach for the Jefferson Caridor Specifc Plan byJune2012 (CommunAy/EconomicDevelopment) . Compile a greenhouse gas inventory and climate action plan which will identify how the City uses energy in order to guide decision making for using energy more effciently by Flpril 2012 (CommunAy/EcorromicDevelopment) . Develop a Sustainability Mnual Report which will identify projects which utilize sustainable materials or energy effcient processes and whether sustainability plan targets are being met by May 2012 (CommunAy/Economic Development) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected All Planning Flpplications in compliance with General Plan / 100% 100% 100% 100% Development Code Response time to inquiries 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours Review of Planning Applications 30 days 28 days 30 days 30 days Review of subsequent applications 14 days 12 days 14 days 14 days Environmental Determination letter 30 days 28 days 30 days 30 days Decision on Cellular Telecommunication Flpplications for 90 days 79 days 90 days 90 days co-locations Decision on Cellular Telecommunication Flpplications for 120 days 96 days 120 days 120 days new facilities ao �.r isiry� �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ BUILDING F3 SAFETY CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services located under Planning. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart located under Planning. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: t7uildingai#SatEry Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 2,021,334 $ 1,840,073 $ 1,878,836 $ 1,440,788 $ (238,W8) -142% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 683,802 637,380 727,736 837,386 (80,360) -124% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 2,804,838 $ 2,177,483 $ 2,408,670 $ 2,078,171 $ (328,388) -13.8% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: AdminisiretiseAssistaM 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 AssistaM City Manager 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.00 Building Inspectorll 7.00 0.00 7.00 2.00 Building Inspectorlll 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Building Oficial 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 CodeErrforcementOficerl 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 CodeErrforcementOficerll 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 Community De�elopment Technician 3.00 (3.00) 0.00 0.00 De�elopmeM Processing Coordinator 0.50 (0.50) 0.00 0.00 OficeAssistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ofice Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Park Ranger 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 PlanCheckCoordinator 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 SeniorOffceSpecialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Tofal 23.90 (3.50) 20.40 7.00 81 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING&SAFET' 162 CODE ENFORCEMEAIT 61 I 611 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 429,538J6 3x1,432.00 320,43200 O.N O.N;6 611 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 94,4]1.13 81,4�.00 8],94800 6,42N 8.01 ;6 611 5103 CFLCASHIXJT 8,8]1.W 35,155.00 10,61500 -24,YlO.N fi9.81;6 611 5104 ME9IGNEE 6,5]].`6 5,2E5.00 4,90].00 -358.N {,� 9g 611 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 21,863.6! 19,94i.00 15,92]00 �,Q56.N -20.31;6 611 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 805.43 102.00 18.00 b4.N -32,35 9g 611 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 2,092.� 1,449.00 1,]96.00 'A].N 23.A5;6 611 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 3$40.46 2,3T3.00 2,5]9.00 x16.N g[5 9g 611 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 8,394.92 ],944.00 5,245.00 -2,E99.N -33.� ;6 611 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 34,146.18 24,2�.00 24,8]400 6lS.N Z,[-69g 611 5114 DENTPLINSLRNV� 2,941.92 0.00 2,143.00 2,143.N 611 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 3,SSl.E3 2,031.00 2,58].00 S56.N Z�,� 9g 611 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 300.E4 0.00 219.00 219.N 611 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 3,04].6! ],5�.00 ],386.00 -140.N -L� ;6 611 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2,600.N 1,8N.00 1,800.00 O.N O.N;6 611 5190LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 3,336.44 1,6W.00 2,430.00 826.N S1.W;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 626,081.IXi 511,319.00 490,90600 -20,413.N -3.9390 6ll 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 4,]]8.&5 3,ON.00 3,500.00 WO.N 166I;6 FY2011-12 1 Alrcar� fcr wlmles data 2,OOO.N haremisslm 2 Sprint@II Phmes 1$OO.N 6ll 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 4$26.91 8,ON.00 8,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 OIIOiangs/Malnt.SVeMdes 8,OOO.N 6ll 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N 0.00 500.00 WO.N 6ll 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 406.� 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 422 PRIMII�G 263.]J 3,3N.00 1,000.00 -2,310.N {9,ip9g 6ll 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 63125 6W.00 650.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 82 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING&SAFET' 162 611 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 2,964.91 3,SN.00 3,500.00 O.N O.N;6 611 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT ]14.4i 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,930.40 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 443 WIFORMS 3,340.54 3,2N.00 3,200.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 2,6]2N 6,4N.00 13,00000 6,WO.N 103.13;6 FY2011-12 1 AdminHeamgOfflcer 6,OOO.N 2 GYeen Pool AbatemenG 3$OO.N 3 Nulsance Fbatement 3$OO.N Cmhactors 611 52500TFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 26,831.45 23,ON.00 28,90000 WO.N 321;6 FY2011-12 1 BeeHlveRemoval5ervlces 1,OOO.N 2 Web Dabbare Roperty Ovaner 2,900.N Info 3 Vectcr Ccnhol5ervlces 25,OOO.N 6ll 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 6ll 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION 2,523.N 2,6W.00 2,690.00 O.N O.N;6 6ll 462 MILEAGE O.N 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 6ll 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 12,5]1.93 9,625.00 12,00000 2,3]S.N Zq[59g WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 64,156.94 T3,115.00 81,69000 8,S/S.N 11.T390 611 5330 INSLRAI�E 28,091.N 3],SN.00 J9,]0000 -],�O.N -20.�;6 611 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 5,164.N 1,ON.00 2,400.00 1,400.N 140.N ;6 611 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 34,205.N 61,9N.00 42,20000 -19,]OO.N -31.4i;6 611 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 1,865.N 1,ON.00 ],800.00 6,�O.N C40.N;6 611 5350 FACILITIES 5,488.N 43,4N.00 41,60000 -1,�O.N �.15;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI ]4,813.N 144,8N.00 123,]0000 -21,100.N -14.5/90 611 Yl40 WEED ABAiEM9VT 36,084.8] 40,ON.00 40,00000 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 36,084.8] 40,ON.00 40,00000 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 801,135.84 ]69,234.00 ]36,296.00 32,938.00 -A28 % PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 644,28].18 ]T3,623.00 622,24500 -151,3]8.N -19.5/ ;6 993 SID2 RETIREMENT 150,406.33 1�,SW.00 ll0,90900 -25,6l1.N -13.Q5;6 83 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING&SAFET' 162 993 5103 CFLCASHIXJT ]3,24].Y! 25,523.00 20,]9300 �,T30.N -18.53;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 11,380b2 11,]23.00 9,444.00 -2,2]9.N -19.44 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 50,614.� 4],835.00 45,62600 -2,x19.N q,�9g 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 1,920.N 1,9x1.00 1,920.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 1,268.11 14i.00 3200 -151.N b251 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 3,04925 3,6]1.00 3,551.00 -120.N -32];6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 5,095.bJ ],1�.00 4,594.00 -2,514.N -353] ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 11,5]202 13,031.00 8,629.00 �,402N -33.]3 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 36,425J4 49,5]J.00 32,83600 -16,]43.N -33.]];6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 5,920.� 6,252.00 5,33].00 -915.N -146! ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 8,5]321 11,6T3.00 ],]28.00 -3,945.N -33.� ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 342.93 24].00 309.00 62N 25.10 ;6 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEMEiVr O.N 1,394.00 0.00 -1,�J4.N -100.N ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 48].W 5,192.00 4,241.00 -?S1.N -1832;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr O.N 1A5.00 159.00 -36.N -1846;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 844.� 4,121.00 4,004.00 -1ll.N -Z,gq9g 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 4,160.N 4,SW.00 3,560.00 -1,NO.N -21.43;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 4,39582 3,1�.00 3,963.00 82].N 263];6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 1,013,931.E4 1,16I,516.00 949,88000 -2D,E36.N -186l90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 6$45.8] 6,SN.00 5,100.00 -1,400.N -21.Yl;6 FY2011-12 1 Alrcar� fcr wlmles data 2,800.N haremisslm 2 Sprint@II Phmes 2,300.N 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 5,434.54 lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 OII Oing./Malnt 6 veMdes 10,000.N 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,103.x1 3,SN.00 3,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 8]1.81 1,]N.00 1,500.00 -x10.N -l1J6;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 1,095.N 1,045.00 1,045.00 O.N O.N;6 84 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING&SAFET' 162 FY2011-12 1 IG/CBC/NWA/IPPMO/IECC 1,045.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 859.45 15,ON.00 2,000.00 -13,NO.N b66I ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 54624 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 529.92 1,2N.00 1,000.00 -x10.N -166I;6 993 443 WIFORMS 2,6]8.� 4,ON.00 4,200.00 x10.N S.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 111,530.16 lIXi,5N.00 100,00000 -3,WO.N -3.�;6 FY2011-12 1 Plan Oieck Servlces (Pass 100,000.N �hrou¢i) 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 5812 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 5,38&ES 8,ON.00 6,000.00 -2,NO.N -ZS,� 9g FY2011-12 1 5B 1608-0Isabled Axpss 3,200.N CertlFlcaHon 2 CertlFlcaHon Tralning Bullding 2,800.N ��v�ro� 993 462 MILEAGE 25.N 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES ],292R 10,625.00 13,00000 2,3]S.N 22,359g WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 143,960.4 16I,8d�.00 150,09500 -D,Tb.N -10.`G90 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 39,328.N E5,8N.00 58,]0000 -],100.N -10.]J;6 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 5,386.N 1,ON.00 1,800.00 �O.N 80.N ;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO6Y 10],409.N 1�,8N.00 84,60000 -52,x10.N -38.16 ;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 11,]04.N 12,1N.00 10,30000 -1,�O.N -14.�;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 54$48.N �,3N.00 86,50000 x10.N 023;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 218,3]S.N 302,ON.00 241,90000 fi0,100.N -19.W90 Ropct Total 1,3]6,32].36 1,63],336.00 1,341,8]5.00 -295,961.00 -18.05 % BUILDIN6&SAFENTOtaI 2,ll],963.20 2,906,5]0.00 2,0]8,ll1.00 328,399.00 -13.65 % 85 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ BUILDII�G 83 �iAFETY MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: BUILDWG SERVICES MISSION: The Building Services Program includes Inspection Services, Plan Review Processing, and Permit Issuance. The Program ensures that residential and non-residential strudures are plan checked, permitted, and inspeded to meet the health and life safety standards adopted in the Citys Building, Fire, and Grading Codes. Building Code requirements include standards to promote structural, seismic safety water conservation, sewer, Americans with Disabilities Ad (ADA) accessibility, and Green Building energy systems. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Obtained ADA certification pursuant to Senate Bill 1086, for three building inspectors giving them the ability to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations regarding disabled access. . Trained Building Inspectors for in-house plan review which reduced the need for costly outside consulting services. . Implemented a green permitting trecking system that trecks existing and new construction projects in order to create an inventory and map of energy efficient prqects citywide. . Adopted the 2010 Califania Building Codes on January 1, 2011, which requires fire sprinkler systems in residential buildings and energy-effcient materials for all new construction permits. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Provide three workshops for the general public and the development community which emphasize energy effcient measures fa existing and new construdion projects as outlined in the Califania Green Building Code and the City's Sustainability Program by May 2012. (CommunAy/Economic Development) • Wak with Information Technology Department to develop an automated permitting system which allows online public access to issue minor permits by January 2012. (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Effectiveness) as i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� BUILDII�G 83 ETY MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: BUILDING �SERVICES—con6nued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Initial plan review 12 days 12 days 12 days 12 days All rechecks of plans 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days CertifcateofOccupancyinspections z04 525 500 500 pertormed Wakshops provided for active 3 3 3 3 developers in the city Plan Checks Processed N/A 347 3,120 500 Permits Issued N/A 2,023 1,890 2,429 Inspections Performed N/A 21,892 34,000 17,500 Public Counter Counts N/A N/A 7,000 7,300 Program: CO�EENFORCEMENTSERVICES MISSION: The Code Enforcement Division is dedicated to facilitating and encouraging citizen participation with the goal of preserving and protecting Temecula's neighborhoods. It is the mission of Code Enforcement to promote education, empowerment, and the establishment of community partnerships in ader to address negative impacts in residential and commercial neighborhoods. In our commitment to preserving and improving the quality of life, Code Enforcement focuses on the conditions of the neighborhood and solutions for improvement for all Temecula residents. a� �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ BUILDII�G 83 �iAFETY MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CODEENFORCEMENTSERVIGES�—continued 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Partnered with the Citys Redevelopment Agency to rehabilitate and provide energy upgrades for older residential and commercial buildings. • Obtained California Building Offcials (CALBO) certifcations fa inspection and building codes for all Code Enforcement Officers in order to increase education and enforcement. • Waked with property o,mners in order to reduce the amount of properties requiring weed abatement from 98 % to 28.5%. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Provide three seasonal education classes to promote programs that preserve and support greater energy effciency by March 2012 (Commundy/Economic Devebpmenry • Develop a program to guide residential and commercial development to ensure neighborhood preservation as well as efficient and safer communities by May 2012. (Community/Economic DevebpmeM) • Participate in ongoing programs with the Police Department to coordinate Park Rangers and Code Enforcement with police protocol and processes. (Public Safety and Emergerrcy Readirress) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiec[etl Ac[ual Proiec[etl Proiec[etl Number of processed and completed N/A 4,260 5,000 4,500 Code Enfacement cases Number of property o,mners notifed for 3,800 1,632 2,500 2,000 weed abatement Number of properties abated of weeds 200 163 220 200 Illegal signs abated N/A 3,746 1,470 2,600 Inoperable vehicles abated 60 74 60 50 Graffti abatement N/A 52 25 40 aa �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ BUILDII�G 83 �iAFETY MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: PARK RANGERS MISSION: The primary mission of the Park Rangers is to provide public safety and preserve the tranquility of the City parks and trails fa all recreation use. Park Rangers educate through active participation with local city groups, organizations, residents and visitors. Park Rangers also coadinate with Code Enforcement and Building and Safetys weekend patrolling in the clean city program for illegal signage. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Coordinated with other City departments in order to streamline the reporting of major park violations. . Developed classes led by Park Rangers in order to educate the public regarding the City trail systems. • Waked with Information Technology Department to give the Park Rangers access to the Parks Registretion System on their mobile Tough Books, allowing increased enforcement of planned park adivities and ensuring that reserved spaces were available to the registrant. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Eepand the City Park Trail Program by including additional area history, as well as information on the diversity of the region's land uses by March 2012 (Preserving a Family Friendly Lifestyle) . Enhance existing training plan that will ensure Park Rangers recognize elements within the park system that could pose a danger to the public by Flpril 2012 (PreserNng a Family Friendly Lifestyle) . Improve record keeping practices by utilizing existing GIS maps for park and trail enforcement by December 2012 (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) ae �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ BUILDII�G 83 �iAFETY MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Pfogram: PARK�RANGERS—contlnued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Parking citation vidations 35 43 40 39 Graffti abatement 98 157 100 120 Citations for alcohd violations in City 3 3 3 4 parks Illegal signs abated 623 723 650 640 Parks and trails patrdled 40 40 40 40 eo �.r isiry� �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ LAND DEVELOPMENT CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services located under Planning. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Core Services located under Planning. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program:tantlDevelopme�i[ Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgered Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 1,348,082 $ 1,182,388 $ 821,687 $ 838,746 $ (82,862) -8.0% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 224,818 218,388 367,W0 302,140 (54,800) -164% CBpIIBI O�tlay O.O% $ 1,674,011 $ 1,401,784 $ 1,278,837 $ 1,140,886 $ (137,762) -10.8% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: LAND DEVELOPMBJT Atlminis�rali�eASSis�aM 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 Assis�aM Engineer 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 Associale Engineer 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 City Engineer 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 Community De�elopmen� Tech 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 JuniorEngineer 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 ManagemeM Analys� 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 O�iceASSis�an� 1.40 0.00 1.40 1.00 O�ice Specialis� 0.50 (0.35) 0.15 0.00 Public Works Direc�or 0.15 0.00 0.15 0.00 Public Works Inspec�or 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 SeniorEngineer 1.80 0.00 1.80 1.00 Senior Public Works Inspec�or 0.]5 0.00 0.]5 0.00 Special Pmjec�s Engineer 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Tofal 13A5 (0.35) 13.10 650 DepartrnentTOfal 44.]5 (OA5) 44.30 1].00 91 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 LAND DEVELOPIv1ENT 168 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ]94,201.61 58],2N.00 561,31000 -25,bJ0.N �.41 ;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT ll8,43211 1E6,6W.00 154,11500 -12,489.N -�,�9g 993 5103 CFLCASHIXJT 55,986.13 41,83].00 18,]2200 -23,115.N -5525;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 12,856.18 1Q2]6.00 8,51200 -1,]64.N -D.D;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 38,8]2.43 15,301.00 26,44900 11,148.N �Z,�9g 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 2,080.N ]x1.00 ]20.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 1,26].E3 214.00 38.00 -ll6.N -32,Zq 9g 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 3,156.� 2,SW.00 2,633.00 ]3.N Z,g59g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 5,]8242 6,SE9.00 3,934.00 -2,E35.N q0.11 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 14,3W.6I 13,2E4.00 8,606.00 �,6I8.N -3522;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 52p20.48 `6,093.00 35,39400 -20,]OS.N -36.91;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 5,00&4 4,9E3.00 3,409.00 -1,S54.N -3131 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 3,029.94 1,]�.00 2,06200 324.N 186! ;6 993 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� 825.� 8W.00 56200 -328.N -36.&5;6 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEM 1$90.N 1,8W.00 1,08200 -�8.N q2J5;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 30.44 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 Admin/CiulcalSLppert 3,OOO.N 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 6$18.Y! 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 i ���ro�s,pport a,000.m 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 4,040.N 3,1�.00 2,640.00 -YlO.N -16.�;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 2,28].92 1,2R.00 1,55].00 235.N 2241;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 1,182,�6.� 921,SW.00 838,]4500 b2,&52N b.9390 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 3,613.� 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 InsputorPhones 3,OOO.N 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 4,096.E3 8,4N.00 5,400.00 -3,NO.N -35J1;6 993 418 MAINiENANCESUPPLIES 52.x1 4N.00 400.00 O.N O.N ;6 92 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 LAND DEVELOPIv1ENT 168 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,208.E3 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 20.82 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 424 LE6PL DIXIMEMS/MAPS 64.N 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 8]].19 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 15].� SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 832] 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 35.4i 1N.00 100.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 LD Inspector/Dlgltal Camera 100.N Axpssorles 993 443 WIFORMS ]SO.N 1,3N.00 1,300.00 O.N O.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 13,035.N x1,ON.00 20,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Ccunty6eologlst S,OOO.N 2 Maps/Legals Plan Check 15,OOO.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS O.N 1N.00 100.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION 100.N 3W.00 390.00 O.N O.N;6 993 462 MILEAGE ll.R SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES ],813.94 ],ON.00 6,000.00 -1,NO.N -14.�;6 993 468 BWEPRIMS O.N 3N.00 300.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 31,925.E9 4],440.00 43,44000 �,NO.N b.4390 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 48,692N 54,9N.00 45,90000 -13,NO.N -220];6 993 5335 VEHICLESANDE�UIFMEMFJI�D 5,344.N 1,ON.00 5,900.00 4,WO.N 490.N;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 64,]11.N 12],2N.00 ]9,]0000 4],WO.N -3].'A;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 4,118.N 5,4N.00 5,300.00 -100.N -1.&5;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 64,60].N 1ll,1N.00 121,90000 4,�O.N 4.10;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 18],4]2N 303,6N.00 258,]0000 -SO,WO.N -16.4490 RopctTOtal 1,401,]84.0] 1,2]8,63].00 1,140,885.00 -13],]5200 -lOJ] % LANDDEVELWMEMTOtaI 1,401,]84.0] 1,2]8,63].00 1,140,885.00 -13],]5200 -lOJ] % 93 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ LAND DLVELOPMEI�T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: LAND DEVELOPMENT MISSION: The mission of the Public Works' Land Development Division is to safeguard the interest of the general public and property owners, present, and future, by promoting infamed and sound decision making at neighborhood, local, and regional levels. This is accomplished through the professional review and oversight of the design and construdion of all land development projeds for compliance with City and engineering standards and by providing excellent, consistent, and acarete public service. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Implemented a crosstraining program between Land Development Division staff to provide the Permits Center with effcient and acarete Land Development support to the public. . Supported the Capital Improvement Division in the completion of the infrestructure improvement plans and specifications for the construdion of Butterfeld Stage Road and Murrieta Hot Springs Road. Completed the review and approval of the improvement plans associated with the development of the Temecula Regional Hospital. Finalized revisions to the Public Works Improvement Standard Drawings in compliance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan. . Provided engineering oversight and inspection services for several maja residential and commercial development projeds, including the Wolf Creek, Harveston, Redhawk and Paseo de Sol developments, various utility, cable, water and sewer improvements; the Arco Car Wash; and infrestructure and onsite improvements in the Old Town area. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Complete engineering oversight and inspedion services of the improvements associated with development of the Temecula Regional Hospital (Phase 2) by June 2012 (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) . Update the Citys Flood Plain Development Ordinance No. 91-12 to comply with arrent Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood plain management defnitions by December 201 t (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) e4 �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ LAND DLVELOPMEI�T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: LAND DEVELOPMENT—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: . Provide engineering oversight and/or inspection services for gradinglnfrastrudure improvements associated with several maja residential and commercial development projeds, including the Wolf Creek, Redhawk, Paseo del Sol, and Roripaugh Ranch Developments; the Jehova's Witness Kingdom Hall; Cravn Castle and improvements associated with its wireless distributed antenna system; various utility projeds throughout the City; the Time Warner Server Building; and SCE's Triton Substation. (Facdity/IMrestrudure Maintenance) . Develop a Map Preparation and Review Procedures Manual to support additional in- house plan checking services to reduce the need for contrad services by June 2012. (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Legal Documentslfract Maps 35 22 35 9 Reviewed Grading/Improvement Plans 55 198 50 201 Reviewed Grading/Encroachment Permits 325 210 300 246 Issued es � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� es �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The Public Works Department is the largest department within the City of Temecula. Responsibilities range from managing capital improvement projects to road maintenance and traffc programs. Starting fscal year 2011, Public Works also assumed responsibility for the oversight and maintenance of all City building facilities. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS / CITV ENGINEER Greg Butler LAND TRAFFIC STREET FACILITIES CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PROJECTS AOMINISTRATION i Perm'ilsantl TrafficlSafety Gavemen[antl Projecf Builtling Developmen� Commiss ConVact Maln[enanceantl Oevelopment, Inspec�ion Management Rehab Managemenqantl Inspedion FEMA P�ojec� antl Speetl Surveys Flootlplan Si9ningl5triping OltlTOwn GrantApplication AtlminlsVa[ion FanNies antl Taffic Signal qtlministration Maintenanceantl TreeTrimming �us�otlial Bontl Timing antl Weetl AtlminisVation I AOatemant $e Plansand ntl Map Spacificatians RecoNa�ian Trdl�CAnalysis PubIICService antl Census Drainage CM1annels/Ca(cM1 Re uesis Repue tsfor NPDES Basins Propos Isantl Complianceantl Publlc5ervice SpecialEVenS PublicBitltling Inspeqion ReQUests antlEmergency , Publl[ Servlce ReSpOnse Requestsantl Assessment antl Development TraHic Detour Grafliti Removal CF� �IStricis PlansCM1eckantl Plans Review Contlilions Spttial Even�s Measure A antl antl Eme�genry TUMF $¢ni[e R¢sponSe Atlm nista[iOn Planning Com 91 �.r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ PUBLIC WORAS DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: FuWicWOrks Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 2,472,888 $ 2,126,388 $ 2,023,884 $ 2,018,700 $ (6,184) -0.3% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 3,W6,836 1,Bfi4,483 2,447,478 2,841,634 394,068 18.1% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 6,618,824 $ 4,088,848 $ 4,471,370 $ 4,880,234 $ 388,884 8.7% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Authorized Proposed Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfunded PUBLIC WORKS AdminisiretiseAssistaM 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.00 AssistaM Signal Technician 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 AssistaM Engineer 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Associate Engineer 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 City Engineer 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.40 Lead Maintenance Worker 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 MaiMenance SuperiMendeM 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 MaiMenance Supervisor 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 MaiMenance Worker 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 ManagemeM Analyst 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.00 OficeAssistant 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Ofice Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Pnncipal Engineer 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Director 0.45 0.00 0.45 0.00 Public Works Inspector 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 SeniorEngineer 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 SeniorOffceSpecialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Public Works Inspector 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 SeniorSignal Technician 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Tofal 23.00 0.00 23.00 4.40 98 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 MP,IMENANCE 6o t 601 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES ]]8,]96.11 6`6,8R.00 66],01200 10,140.N 1.Yl;6 601 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT ll4,634.4i 18],631.00 183,36300 �,�].N -Z,Z� 9g 601 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 63,900.� 23,]23.00 22,26800 -1,460.N {.15 ;6 601 5104 MEDIGNEE 14,136.10 11,8W.00 10,82900 -1,�8.N -3,�9g 601 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 84,852J5 Rp�.00 ]9,3]400 ],�8.N 1023;6 601 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 2,240.N 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N ;6 601 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 1,8J932 3�.00 54.00 -252N -32,35 9g 601 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 4,ll]12 3,943.00 4,549.00 S56.N 13.92;6 601 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 5,831.93 6,843.00 5,455.00 -1,438.N -20.� ;6 601 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 44,934.03 4],841.00 40,54400 -],�].N -1525;6 601 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 31,080.Q5 45,514.00 29,0]300 -16,441.N -3612 ;6 601 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 4,94].48 ],122.00 4,62].00 -2,495.N -35.IXi ;6 601 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 2,828.10 85].00 2,645.00 1,]38.N pg,E3 9g 601 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 444.� 83].00 416.00 �21.N -50.31 ;6 601 SlllCHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 4,999.92 2,8N.00 4,6]].00 1,8]].N 6].W;6 601 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 30.44 2,2Y1.00 1,000.00 -1,250.N -55.`G ;6 601 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEM O.N E4.00 38.00 46.N -54J6;6 601 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 36,914.33 `6,SE5.00 56,56500 O.N O.N;6 601 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 5,140.N 4,9W.00 4,560.00 �OO.N -3,�9g 601 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 2,485J6 2,3`6.00 2,325.00 -31.N -132;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 1,264,d�421 1,135,]11.00 1,120,5]400 -15,13].N -1.3390 601 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 2,360.C4 4,SN.00 4,500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 MalntenanceSLpervlsv 900.N 2 MalntenanceShaff 3,600.N 601 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 64,16802 R,SN.00 65,50000 -],NO.N -9,[-69g FY2011-12 1 MalntenanceDlvlslonReet 65$OO.N 601 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME ll,91251 �,ON.00 36,00000 O.N O.N;6 99 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2011-12 1 MoblleLlghtTOwers S,OOO.N 2MInorEnglneRe�slr/Malnt. S,OOO.N 3PressureWashers S,OOO.N 4 Vacron S,OOO.N 5 Arrow Boards S,OOO.N 6 Sand Blas[er 2$OO.N ] Radlo Malntenance 2$OO.N 8 Backhoe 4,OOO.N 9 Mlscellaneous 2,OOO.N 601 418 MAINiENANCESUPPLIES 124,815.54 1`6,ON.00 156,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 AsphaltMlx (Patch Qew) ]O,OOO.N 2 GYaffltl Palnt 41,OOO.N 3 Thertnal Plastic (Stendls) 25,OOO.N 4 Ereslon Control Matulals 15,OOO.N 5 Hazardous Waste Ciearwp S,OOO.N Matedals 601 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,399.55 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 601 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS ],698.31 $2N.00 $200.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 BuslnesParkPSSmlatlm $200.N Mrual Fe<_� 601 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 228.11 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 601 5234 RENTfAQLITIES 12,OOO.N 13,2N.00 13,20000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 SLnrLre Rotary Ciub Bus Bench 13,200.N Mntn.Agrmt. 601 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT 2,649J] S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 15klpLOader 2,OOO.N 2 Low Row Pumps 2,OOO.N 3 Ccncmte Ml;�r 1,OOO.N 601 440 LfrILITIES 5,28].AS 6,SN.00 6,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1MObIleWatuMeters 6$OO.N 601 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 6,120.� 8,194.00 12,19400 4,NO.N qggZ9g 100 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2011-12 1 Mlsc.handtmis/hardware 6,600.N 2Newmncretetmis/equlpment 1$94.N 3ReldCamerasw/GPS 4,OOO.N equlpment 601 443 WIFORMS S,011.IXi 6,1x1.00 6,120.00 O.N O.N;6 601 4445IGI�6 46,818A2 W,ON.00 60,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1AdaanceWaming5lgns 20,OOO.N 2RegulatcrVSlg�s/Caltrans 20,OOO.N 3 Ccnstructlm5lgns S,OOO.N 4SreetSpulalN5lgns 6,OOO.N 5 Poles/Sleeves/Hardware 9,OOO.N 601 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 2,ll1.Y! lO,ON.00 15,00000 S,NO.N SO.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PavementMaregement 15,OOO.N Monitotlng 601 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 601 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 601 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION 1,125.N 0.00 2,000.00 2,NO.N FY2011-12 1 Mandatory Eq�lpment/Vehlde 2,OOO.N Tralning 601 462 MILEAGE 32W 0.00 O.N 601 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 2],25].18 �,ON.00 38,00000 O.N O.N;6 601 4]5 A�MEMS 21,920.x1 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 348,982.]J 42],]14.00 431,]1400 4,NO.N 0.9490 601 5330 INSLRAI�E 92,]03.N 115,SN.00 122,80000 ],310.N 632;6 601 5335 VEHICLESANDE�UIFMEMFJI�D 26,405.N 6,3N.00 ]],30000 ]1,NO.N 1,126.�;6 601 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 195,143.N 151,8N.00 134,90000 -16,WO.N -11.13;6 601 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 24,2ll.N �,4N.00 ll,]0000 -11,]OO.N -39.�;6 601 5350 FACILITIES 9Q222N 1W,SN.00 162,60000 2,100.N 131 ;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 428,690.N 4E3,SN.00 515,30000 S1,�O.N 11.1890 601 Y101 DRP,INFlCEFPCILITIESMAINiENAN 201$08.N 2%1,ON.00 165,00000 -125,NO.N q3.10;6 101 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2011-12 1 Catoh Baslns (1xVear) D,OOO.N 2 Vallep CF�nnel 15,OOO.N 3 ]ededlah Road Channel 15,OOO.N 4MargarltaROad/DePOrtola S,OOO.N Channel 5 De Portola Oianrel 3,OOO.N 6 Nada Lane Channel 3,OOO.N ] WalmttV-0Itohes 3,OOO.N 8 PreeceChannels 3,OOO.N 9 Murrleb Qeek Qc�ssing 3,OOO.N 10 Mlscellaneous0iannels 10,000.N ll Emer�n�y Channel 25,OOO.N Malntenance 12 Vla Lcbo Oiannel 23,OOO.N 13 Pala Road Channel 10,000.N 14MargarltaDeslltlngPOnd 10,000.N 15 Murfleld Oiannel 3,OOO.N 16 Oaedard Channel 3,OOO.N D Vla Lcbo/Nlmlas Road 3,OOO.N 18 QowneHlll 3,OOO.N 19 Murrleb Qeek Ciearwp 3,OOO.N d�LleferROadBasln S,OOO.N 601 Yl02 RIXJTINES7REETMAINiENANCE 319$21.59 4'A,118.00 625,4]000 191,352N qq,�9g FY2011-12 1 Cltwlde51urry5eal 130,]58.N 2CItywldeTree 160$94.N Trlmming/Replacement 3 CltywldeP�Repalrs 100,000.N 4 CltywldeACRepalrs ]Q218.N 5 ROW Weed Fbatement ]S,OOO.N 6 Emer�n�y Re�slrs, GYadl� 88,900.N 601 Yl10 S7RIPIN6/SrC�ILIN6 283,0]025 3&S,ON.00 2]5,00000 -110,NO.N -Zg,5�9g FY2011-12 1 CltywldeS[reetROgram 225,OOO.N 2 Intersectlon Pr�ram SO,OOO.N 601 Yl30 HAZ�IATDISP�ALANDSrCRAGE 8,914.92 25,ON.00 25,00000 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 813,014J6 1,1'A,118.00 1,090,4]000 43,6l8.N -3.&590 RopctTOtal 2,854,891J6 3,161,043.00 3,158,058.00 -2,985.00 -0.09 % 102 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 TRAFFIC 602 602 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 393,915.35 403,]02.00 409,]0100 -1.N O.N;6 602 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 86,115.55 lIXi,8�.00 ll2,4]600 8,E38.N g,3Z9g 602 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 34,943.� 12,441.00 12,44100 O.N O.N ;6 602 5104 ME9IGNEE 6,]4523 6,4�.00 6,43200 �.N -0.� ;6 602 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 24,ll5.� �,325.00 24,30].00 -5,018.N -D.11;6 602 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 1,120.N ]x1.00 ]20.00 O.N O.N ;6 602 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 694J] 61.00 11.00 -SO.N b1.W ;6 602 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1,69&ES 1,6�.00 2,015.00 �9.N 23,gZ9g 602 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 2,W8.� 2,80].00 2,995.00 188.N 6.]0 ;6 602 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP ],044C4 ],2E6.00 5,248.00 -2,018.N -2].]] ;6 602 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 21,981.01 18,5�.00 22,10000 3,`64.N 1923;6 602 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 3,]6123 2,901.00 3,]81.00 �O.N 30.33 ;6 602 S115ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 1,89L82 349.00 1,90200 1,S53.N qqq,g9g 602 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 299.� 341.00 301.00 40.N -11.T3 ;6 602 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr O.N 1,140.00 0.00 -1,140.N -100.N;6 602 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 3,280.44 6,]N.00 6,450.00 -250.N -3.T3 ;6 FY2011-12 1 TrafflcCOmmissloners 6,]OO.N 602 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr O.N 251.00 24200 -9.N -3.59;6 602 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 11,98].54 15,ON.00 15,00000 O.N O.N;6 602 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2,140.N 2,Ox1.00 2p20.00 O.N O.N;6 602 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 1$6&24 959.00 1,5]8.00 619.N 64.55;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 606,344.53 622,419.00 629,]2000 ],311.N 1.D90 602 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 2,011.R 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 151g�alTUh-@II/NrCard 2,OOO.N 602 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 9,911.6] 8,ON.00 8,000.00 O.N O.N;6 602 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 41024 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 602 418 MAINiENANCESUPPLIES 1,938.91 0.00 1,300.00 1,310.N 1� Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 602 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,46].4i 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 602 422 PRIMII�G 1324 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 602 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 158b2 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 602 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 63.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 602 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 144.T3 0.00 O.N 602 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 18,910.E5 x1,ON.00 20,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 ReplaceBattules(BB6) 3,OOO.N 2 SreetLlte Replacement 2$OO.N 3ReplaceEmergen�yPrr 13,OOO.N emptlm Equlpment 4SpulalTmisReplacement 1$OO.N 602 443 WIFORMS 4]l.� SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 602 444 SIGI�6 15].E9 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 602 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 3$90.T3 25,ON.00 25,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 Trafflc Englneering 10,000.N 2 Llcensed Trafflc Englneer 15,OOO.N 602 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 40,938.� 43,SN.00 43,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 L¢dateClN`�'IdeCOUntCensus 20,OOO.N 2C_"rVEqulpmentMalntenance 15,OOO.N 3 Trafflc5lgnal Malntenarce S,OOO.N 4 DlgAlertServlces 3$OO.N 602 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 162N 0.00 0.00 O.N 602 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 849.61 1,6N.00 1,600.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 Slg�al Malnterence @rtlFlcatlon 600.N 2 SIg�alTlml� 400.N 3TrafflcEnglneeringSNdles 600.N 602 462 MILEAGE 133.03 3N.00 300.00 O.N O.N ;6 602 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 6,048.Q5 5,3N.00 6,500.00 1,x10.N ZZ,�9g WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 8],388.Y! 111,]N.00 114,20000 2,WO.N 22490 602 YlOS iF2AFFI6IGI�WL MAINiENAN� 49,43582 W,ON.00 50,00000 O.N O.N ;6 1W Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2011-12 1 Republlc ITS 40,OOO.N (Repalr/Equlpment) 2MCCaInTrafflcSLppIV 10,000.N 602 Yl06 iF2AFFICENGINEERIN6 ],532.'A 10,8N.00 12,]0000 1,WO.N D.59;6 FY2011-12 1 C_"rVEnglreuing&Trafflc 12,]OO.N SLrveVS (Speed Llmlt;) 602 Yl10 S7RIPIN6/SrC�ILIN6 3,318E5 5,6N.00 3,]00.00 -1,WO.N -33.43;6 602 Yl12 iF2AFFICIMPROVEMENTS ],68521 lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 IIIuminatedS[reet5lgn 3,OOO.N Replacement 2Ped51gnReplacement 3,OOO.N 3LEDReplacement(Yellow 4,OOO.N Lamps) WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 6],W202 ]6,4N.00 ]6,40000 O.N O.N90 Ropct Total ]61,]05.09 810,519.00 820,320.00 9,801.00 L21 % ADMINLSTRATION 60A 6W 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 16.W 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 16.W 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 Ro�ctTObl 16.W 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% NPDES COW�LIANCE 605 6Q5 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES ll9,816.13 1]3,]25.00 ll8,48600 -239.N -0.13;6 6Q5 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 39,]15.E3 45,2�.00 48,88100 3,545.N ].91 ;6 6Q5 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 5,5]4.15 5,]T3.00 5,]64.00 -9.N -0.16 ;6 6Q5 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,815.81 2,]6200 2,]2200 40.N -1.45 ;6 6Q5 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 11,162� 12,4&5.00 12,99800 513.N 4.11;6 605 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 800.N 240.00 240.00 O.N O.N ;6 6Q5 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 256.]3 31.00 5.00 -26.N b3.8] ;6 6Q5 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 62].92 692.00 858.00 166.N 23,g9g 6Q5 5110 DISFBILIiVINSLRNV� 1,230.6! 1,1A5.00 1,433.00 238.N 19.92;6 6Q5 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 3,451.10 4,051.00 2,]99.00 -1,252N -30.91 ;6 6Q5 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 6$21.5] ],892.00 ],595.00 -�].N -3J6 ;6 6Q5 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 44].Y! 1,235.00 52200 -]13.N -5].T3 ;6 1 QS Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 6Q5 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 560.W 149.00 65200 W3.N 33�,559g 6Q5 5116 VISION INSLRNV� ]23] 145.00 84.00 fi1.N q20] ;6 6Q5 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEMEiVr O.N 4�.00 0.00 �86.N -100.N ;6 6Q5 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 6Q5 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr O.N �.00 38.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 134.40 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 6Q5 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 800.N 6W.00 860.00 x10.N 30.31;6 6Q5 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 831.� 403.00 969.00 `60.N 136.92;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 254,818.40 2E5,]6l.00 268,40600 2,6l2N 0.9390 6Q5 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 1,0503] 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE SOl.C4 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 215.0] 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 218.E3 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 569.'A SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 486.A5 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 443 WIFORMS 150.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 6Q5 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS O.N 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 PlanOieckServlces 2$OO.N 6Q5 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION O.N 4N.00 400.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 NPCESTralning 400.N 6Q5 462 MILEAGE 58223 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 6Q5 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 59232 1,1N.00 1,100.00 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 4,366.59 10,4W.00 1Q45000 O.N O.N90 6Q5 5321 NPCES�MRIAN� 214,050.16 223,594.00 603,00000 3]9,406.N 169.E9;6 FY2011-12 1RCFC(ReglmalPr�rammsls) 581,OOO.N 2SNRCB(M54PertnitFee) 22,OOO.N INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl 214,050.16 223,594.00 603,00000 3]9,406.N 169.E9 90 Ropct Total 4]3,235.15 499,808.00 881,856.00 382,048.00 ]6.94 % 106 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 PLBLICWCRKSTOtaI 4,089,898.W 4,4]1,3]0.00 4,86Q234.00 388,864.00 8J0 % 10] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) MEASURE A FUND 170 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 Y101 DRP,INACEFPCILITIESMAINiENAN 65,00000 65,NO.N FY2011-12 1 ROW Fadlltles 65,OOO.N 993 Yl02 RIXJTINES7REETMAINiENANCE SW,2]4J5 1,212,]1338 ]49,24200 �63,4]l.� -3822;6 FY2011-12 1 Cltywlde51urry5eal 569,242N 2CItywIdeP�Repalrs 80,OOO.N 3 CltywldeACRepalrs 100,000.N 993 Yl10 S7RIPIN6/SrC�ILIN6 55,00000 SS,NO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI SW,2]4J5 1,212,]1338 869,24200 -'A3,4]l.� -283290 993 5902 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERIXJTCIP 2,3]5,5]4.N 4,892,]'A.00 9,390,86400 4,498,130.N 91.43;6 Tobl 2,3]S,S/4.N 4,892,]'A.00 9,39Q86400 4,49$130.N 91.4390 RopctTOtal 2,9]2,898J5 6,105,44].38 1Q260,106.00 4,154,658b2 68.05 % IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 2,9]2,898J5 6,105,44].38 1Q260,106.00 4,154,658b2 68.05 % MEASUREAFUNDTOtaI 2,9]2,898J5 6,105,44].38 1Q260,106.00 4,154,658b2 68.05 % 108 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MISSION: The mission of the Public Works Traffc Engineering Division is to ensure that the integrity of the City's General Plan Circulation Element is maintained by improving traffic circulation, addressing safety related issues, and maintaining traffic signal operetions. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Initiated a Traffic Signal Facility/Infrastrudure Replacement program to identify the lifespan of equipment in order to prioritize and budget fa the replacement of signal and communication equipment. . Implemented an Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System along Winchester Road, Rancho California Road, Margarita Road, Redhawk Parkway, Temecula Parkway, Jefferson Avenue, Ynez Road, and Pechanga Parkway to provide optimal roadway system progression. . Developed and implemented City Traffic Impact Malysis Guidelines to replace the County Guidelines and assist the development community in the preparetion of traffc impact analysis reports. . Developed a new City Transportation Planning Model utilizing the County model as a backbone system to validate treffc impad reports and reduce the need for outside consultants. . Eepanded the Citys Intelligent Transportation System QTS) network by installing closed circuit television (CCIIQ cameres along Temecula Parkway, Rancho Califania Road, and the Promenade Mall to monitor traffc conditions and installed additional fiber optic cable, hardware and communication equipment. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Using the Citys Transportation Model, identify and develop a roadway network that will support alternative transportation modes such as Neighbahood Electric Vehicles (NE� to enhance the City's Sustainability Program by June 2012 (FacdAy/Infrestructure Maintenance) . Develop a comprehensive plan to identify and implement bicycle and pedestrian trail connections along the Citys arterial highway network to enhance the Citys Sustainability Program by February 2012 (Facdity/IMrestructure Maintenance) � a9 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING�—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: . Eepand the City's Intelligent Transportation System QTS) netwak by installing wireless communication equipment at remote signalized intersedions to monitor traffc signal operetion and traffc conditions by August 201 t (Trefric Circulation Improvements) . Enhance school area traffc safety by implementing traffc calming measures identified in the Temecula Police Department's repat on School Area Traffc Issues and Solutions by September 201 t (Trefric Circulation Improvements) . Develop and implement a comprehensive Pedestrian Facilities Plan to defne guidelines for the installation of marked crosswalks at controlled intersections and locations that serve as neighborhood trail crossings by November 201 L (Treff�c Circulation Improvements) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Citizen genereted traffc investigations pq0 227 230 230 Wak orders resulting from investigations q0 30 40 40 Days to complete traffic investigations 10 10 10 10 Traffc signal operation investigations 300 150 300 300 Traffc and construction plans reviewed 250 180 200 200 Days to complete plan reviews 10 10 10 10 Traffc signals maintained Citywide 115 115 118 124 Requests for neighborhood traffc calming measures ZO 12 30 20 Neighborhood traffic calming measures implemented 10 5 15 15 Traffc signals maintained Citywide 115 115 118 124 After hour call-out/responses to traffc signal malfunctions 90 71 90 90 ��o �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: STREETMAINTENANCE MISSION: The mission of the Public Waks Maintenance Division is to provide a well-maintained public right-of-way (ROW) system that supports the safe and effcient movement of vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrian traffa This is accomplished by managing all maintenance related adivities associated with the Citys streets, drainage facilities, street trees, graffti and weed abatement, stenciling/striping, and pothole repairs. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Developed new business procedure between Public Waks and the Police Department to utilize new graffti trecking software to further expedite the transfer of graffti related infamation (photosAocation) to police investigatas. . Initiated a new abatement program that proactively monitas all illegal dump areas in support of the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. . Implemented a new in-house Concrete Crew and AsphalVConcrete Saw Cutting Program to signifcantly reduce reliance on outside contrectors. . Eepanded the Asphalt Rehabilitation Program to improve Citywide roadway conditions with existing staff by dispatching smaller work crews on two patch trucks. . Upgraded the Citys existing storm drain channels to include filtretion systems, riprap, and channel lining in support of the Cilys NPDES program. . Obtained a$75,000 grant through the "Green Trees for the Golden State" CAL FIRE Department of Faestry and Fire Prdection grant program to replace 700 missing/damaged trees throughout the City as part of the Trees for Temecula Program. . Obtained traffc control re-certifcations for all street maintenance personnel. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Eepand the Public Works Fleet Maintenance Program to include facility maintenance vehicles by September 201t (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) . Create an in-house Guard Rail Repair Crew to expedite repairs and signifcantly reduce our reliance on outside contrectors by June 2012 (FacilAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) ��� �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: STREETMAINTENANCE--continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: • Replace 10% of all painted street legends with thermoplastic road marking material fa improved motorist visibility and e#ended durability by June 2012 (FacilAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) • Develop and implement a tree planting plan and schedule replacement of 100-200 missing/damaged street trees in residential neighborhoods in accordance with the Green Trees for the Golden State grant program by June 2012 (FacdAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Service Order Requests/Responses 1,000 1,002 1,500 1,500 Legends stenciled 2,300 3,766 3,000 4,000 Street signs replaced, repaired, 850 1,510 850 2,000 installed Linearfeetoftraffclanes,bikelanes, N/A 2,120176 2,505,000 2,505,000 and arbs painted Square feet of graffti removed from 120,000 109,477 200,000 200,000 right-of-way within 24 hours Square feet of sidewalks, curbs, 18,000 15,000 18,885 18,885 gutters repaired Centerline miles of streets crack / z0 20 20 20 slurry sealed Street trees planted 90 8 100 100 Street trees trimmed 6,700 3,518 7,000 4,000 Storm drains inspeded / cleaned 2,500 3,498 2,500 4,000 Square feet of asphalt repairs 75,000 63,448 80,000 80,000 (potholes) ��z �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: NP6ES COMPLIANCE MISSION: The mission of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Division of Public Works is to establish, implement, and maintain programs for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of water quality in Temecula's local water courses. This is accomplished by ensuring the Cily is in full compliance with the Municipal Separete Storm-Sewer System (MS4) permit issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Completed the City's annual training requirements mandated by the State fa staff in Public Waks, Building & Safety, Planning, and the Temecula Community Services District concerning unauthorized releases and current methods to prevent or minimize releases from construdion sites, new development projects, existing businesses, and municipal facilities and adivities. . Waked with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and Santa Margarita Region (SMR) permittees in Riverside and San Diego Counties to complete the additional sampling requirements for the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Investigation Order. . Erpanded the NPDES Inspection Program to include inadive and abandoned construction sites and vacant sites posing any type of threat of pollutant discharge ontolnto the City's MS4 system and local creeks. . Waked with the SMR permittees to negotiate the new MS4 Order (adopted in November 2010 and everyfive years) with the San Diego RWQCB. • Developed bench marks for water quality principles in the City's Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP) and the Citys Sustainability Plan. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Wak with the Regional Water Qualily Control Board (RWQCB) and Municipal Separete Storm-Sewer System (MS4) permittees to prevent pollutants from entering the City's storm drain system through the implementation of the regional components of the new MS4 permit by June 2012 (PuNic Safety and Emergency Maintenance) . Ensure all new development projeds comply with the new Low-Impact Development (LID) and Hydromodifcation requirements outlined in the new permit to contrd post-project runoff and erosion by June 2012 (PuNic Safety and Emergency Maintenance) 113 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ rvsLic woR�c� ��r�xT��r� MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: NPOES COMPLIANCE—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: • Ensure each adive construction site is in compliance with the State's new NPDES General Construction Permit by June 2012 (Public Safety/EmergencyReadiness) • Obtain a Lake and Stream Bed Alteretion Agreement from the Department of Fish and Game to enter local channels to expedite emergency maintenance. (Public Safety/Emergency Readiness) • Monitor and sample all applicable outfalls pursuant to the new MS4 permit to ensure that pollutants are being prevented from reaching the Santa Margarita River or are at levels that do not impad State-mandated benefcial uses by June 2012 (Public Safety/Emergency Readiness) Develop and implement a public education program to ensure that the municipal, business, residential, and construdion sedas become aware of the new permit requirements by June 2012 (PreservingaFamilyFriendlyLi(estyle) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Construction inspedions 2,500 2,203 2,000 2,500 Business inspections 200 30 200 200 WQMPs approved 15 5 5 5 Erosion and sediment control plans z0 17 10 17 reviewed Service Order Requests completed 60 30 50 30 MS4 map updates–catch basins p,000 1,975 1,980 1,975 mapped MS4 map updates – storm drains 120 miles 112 120 112 mapped ��a �.r isiry� �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services located under Public Works. QRGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart located under Public Works. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program:ClPAtlmini4rmion Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgered Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 2,612,162 $ 2,037,680 $ 1,836,884 $ 1,840,348 $ 4,884 0.3% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 268,787 268,842 387,860 388,360 30,700 84% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 2,771,838 $ 2,288,222 $ 2,203,314 $ 2,238,888 $ 36,384 1.8% PERSO N N EL ALLOCATION: CIP ADMINISTRATION AdminisimtiveAssistant 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 AssistantEngineer 4.00 0.00 4.00 5.00 AssociateEngineer 6.00 0.00 6.00 5.00 City Engineer 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 Consiruction Manager 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 ManagementAnalyst 0.45 0.00 0.45 0.00 OficeAssistant 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 Ofice Specialist 1.50 0.55 1.85 1.00 Pnncipal Engineer 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Public Works Director 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Public Works Inspector 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 SeniorClP Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 SeniorEngineer 2.10 0.00 2.10 0.00 SeniorPublic Works Inspector 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Total 20.55 0.55 20.70 7.10 DepartmentTotal 45.55 0.55 45.70 11.50 115 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIP PUBLIC WORKS 165 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 1,3]4$18.19 1,24],]]4.00 1,23],33800 -10,436.N -0.E4;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 318,491.54 31$2]6.00 340,8W 00 22,621.N ].11 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 108,55].W W,34200 43,06300 -],2]9.N -1446 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 22$9421 18,9bJ.00 18,]3300 -256.N -1.35;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 60,80].SS 4,554.00 55,86800 3,310.N 6.31;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 1,]60.N 1,440.00 1,440.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 2,]66.01 ]&5.00 139.00 ffl6.N -32,y 9g 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 4,960.13 4,3]4.00 5,426.00 1,Q52N Zq,p59g 993 5110 DISFBILIN INSLRNV� 9,]5].16 9,0'A.00 8,964.00 -]O.N -0J] ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 30,0]4.49 3l,]Q5.00 22,90]00 -],]J8.N -Z5.qp9g 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� ]2,683.81 E6,016.00 66,]]800 ]62N 1.15;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 10,396b2 9,]IXi.00 9,55200 -151.N -1.`G ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 4,180.02 4,]59.00 3,840.00 -919.N -1931;6 993 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� 931b2 1,194.00 856.00 -338.N -2831;6 993 Sl ll CHILD GNEE REIMBLRSEMEiVr 4,320.N 3,841.00 3,969.00 128.N 3.33 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 30.44 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIME RETIREMEM O.N `6.00 56.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 1,3]1.0] S,ON.00 10,00000 S,NO.N 100.N;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 5,480.N 4,833.00 5,440.00 W].N 12`G;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 3,899.48 4,4&5.00 3,58200 -�13.N -20.13;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 2,03],5]9.� 1,835,66l.00 1,840,34800 4,C44.N 0.�90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 3,928.� S,SN.00 4,500.00 -1,NO.N -18.18;6 FY2011-12 i ���ro� a,soo.m 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 1,538.55 6,ON.00 6,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,55].45 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 18.15 3,ON.00 2,600.00 �OO.N -13.33 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 602� 2,ON.00 500.00 -1,WO.N -]S.N;6 116 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 CIP PUBLIC WORKS 165 993 428 PLBLIG9TIOl�6 1ll.46 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 ]]3.05 SOO.N SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 343J1 1,OOO.N SN.00 -500.00 -50.00;6 993 443 WIFORMS 900.00 2,OOO.N 1,ON.00 -1,000.00 -50.00;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 0.00 3,250.N 3,2Y1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 103.00 3$OO.N 3,ON.00 -500.00 -14.J9;6 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 0.00 ]OO.N ]N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 268.J9 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 404.18 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHI 5,193.66 5,600.N 3,SN.00 -2,100.00 -3]50;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 15,]48J4 39,OSO.N 32,OW.00 -],000.00 -D.9390 993 5330 INSLRAI�E ]2,103.00 ]8,OOO.N 8],4N.00 9,400.00 1205;6 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEN 2,569.00 SOO.N 2,ON.00 1,500.00 300.00 ;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO 95,]8200 133,800.N 125,]N.00 b,100.00 {.05;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 30,0]1.00 19,]OO.N 35,1N.00 15,40000 ]8.D;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 42,368.00 96,600.N 116,1N.00 19,50000 20.19;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 242,893.00 328,600.N 3E6,3N.00 3],]0000 11.4]90 PropctTOtal 2,296,221J2 2,203,314.00 2,238,698.00 35,384.00 1.61 % ❑PPLBLICWCRKSTOtaI 2,296,221J2 2,203,314.00 2,238,698.00 35,384.00 1.61 % 11] �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ CAPITAL IMPI��I�E1MI�'.PTT PRO�1tAM MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MISSION: The mission of the Public Works DepartmenPs Capital Improvement Program Administretion Division is to provide high-quality engineering and project management services for the development, design, and construdion of cost-effective circulation, infrastructure, park, and redevelopment projeds that support and enhance the quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors within the City of Temecula. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Completed the planning and/or the design of sixteen Capital Improvement Projeds including, Butterfeld Stage Road E#ension, French Valley Parkway / I-15 Overcrossing and Interchange, Phase I, I-15 / SR 79 South Ultimate Interchange, Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road, Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek (including the Environmental Document), Replacement of the Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (including the Environmental Document), Pavement Rehabilitation Programs, Various Locations, Temecula Park and Ride, and Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek. . Completed or commenced construction of nineteen Capital Improvement Projeds including, Civic Center, Parking Structure / Offce and Retail, Old Town Infrestrudure, Winchester Road / Highway 79 North Corridor Beautifcation, Temecula Community Center Expansion — Phase I and Phase II. . Completed the appraisals and initiated discussion with property owners for the acquisition of right-of-way for the following Capital Improvement projects: French Valley Parkway / I-15 Overcrossing and Interchange, Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek, Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road. One of the properties on French Valley Parkway / I-15 Overcrossing and Interchange has closed escrow. • Completed the Acquisition of the property needed for the Old Town Gymnasium from Riverside County Flood Control. 2011-12 OBJECTNES: • Coordinate efforts with the City of Murrieta and the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distrid (RCFCWCD) to develop a realistic delivery plan for the Murrieta Creek Phase II improvements by June 2012 (Public Safetyand EmergencyReadirress) ��a �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ CAPITAL IMPI��I�E1MI�'.PTT PRO�1tAM MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM—con[mued 2011-12 OBJECTNES - continued: • Provide project management for various CIP projects by June 2012, including, Butterfield Stage Road Eetension (construction), French Valley Parkway / I-15 Overcrossing and Interchange – Phase I(construdion) and Phase II (design and right-of-way acquisition), Interstate 15 / SR 79 South Ultimate Interchange (construdion), Main Street Bridge Wer Murrieta Creek (construction), Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High Schod and City Trail System (construdion), Pavement Rehabilitation Program, Various Locations (construction), Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Eetension to Diaz Road (right-of-way acquisition only), Western Bypass Bridge Wer MurrietaCreek(right-of-wayacquisition). (FacdAy/InfrestructureMaintenance) • Develop a comprehensive Lands and Rightsof-Way Acquisition Management Layer using the City's existing Geographic Information System to streamline right-of-way acquisitions and land management processes by June 2012. (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Total Capital Project Costs Incurred $65 Million $56 Million $50 Million $72 Million Projects Completed Within Budget 95% 95% 95% 95% Projects Completed on Schedule 90% 90% 90% 90% 119 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� �zo �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POLICE DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The Police Department, under the leadership of Police Chief Andre O'Harra, is charged with ensuring the safety of our community while maintaining the outstanding quality of life. The City contracts with the Riverside County Sheriffs Department for police services. Temecula has two storefront police locations (one in Old Town Temecula at the Civic Center, and one in the Promenade Mall), a Traffc Team, Investigations Bureau, and Special Teams to deal with drugs, vandalism, gang-related issues, and to focus on issues at the Promenade Mall. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: POLICE CHIEF Andre O'Harra L M ke Ju ge V �g n LI ROn HeAm T R bert M qu n L R k ng qTV LIAISON I TRAFFIC I QTY ppTROL PATROL INVESTIGATIONS AOMINISTRATION LIAISONI SERVICES SERVICES ISPECIALTEAMS SCHOOlS Detec[ives �.. Atlm stra6ve... ScM1OOiResour<e �. .. . ........ .. . � � � Support � � �KCere . ��. PatrolOffcers ��. PatrolORCers �� � ..... ..... � .... .�... ... � ... .....�. ... �. SPeaal . . �. .. �. ��. �. �. �. �� Enforcement �� �� Mall I Storefronts �� �� TraHC Uni� �� �� Patrol CSOS ��. ��. Patrol CSOS �� .. Team... . . . . .. ....... ...... . ... ... ......... ...... �� Volun�eers �� �� K-90ffcer �� . . �... ....... �� SpecialEVenis �� � ....... . ......�. .............. . ��. Troininq ��. 121 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: Polire Funding5ourte: Gme�alFwd Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 194,880 $ 144,724 $ 162,381 $ 147,940 $ (4,421) Q.8% Opemtions&Meirrtenence 18,428,003 18,880,708 20,886,283 21,188,178 312,816 1.6% Cepitel0�tlay 86,288 28,818 186,260 - (186,260) -100.0% $ 18,708,231 $ 20,032,248 $ 21,222,874 $ 21,348,118 $ 123,244 0.8% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Authorized Proposed Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfunded POLICE SeniorManagemeMAnalyst 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 DepartmentTotal 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 1T2 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 LLEBG -JAG 502 502 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 0.00 24,083.N 0.00 -24,083.00 -100.00;6 502 4]9 OVERTIME 3,ll3.99 24,830.N 0.00 -24,830.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 3,D3.99 48,913.N 0.00 �8,913.00 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 3,ll3.99 98,913.00 0.00 48,913.00 -100.00 % CTS GR4NT5 $Q3 SIXi 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6E9UG9TI 1,2]0.60 528.N 0.00 -528.00 -100.00 ;6 SIXi 4]9 OVERTIME 30,414.19 45p28.N 0.00 �Sp28.00 -100.00 ;6 SIXi 480 DUI MINI GRFVVT QiECKPO 11,03202 24,061.N 0.00 -24,061.00 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 42,]16.81 69,6D.N 0.00 fi9,6D.00 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 42,]16.81 69,6ll.00 0.00 69,6ll.00 -100.00 % CAALCOHOLBEVERP.CsECONTROLGRANT606 5� 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 9,500.01 O.N 0.00 0.00 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 9,500.01 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 5� 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 9,500.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% PROJECT999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 46,81245 50,912N W,911.00 -1.00 0.00 ;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 15,9W.40 15,3]2N 14,231.00 -1,141.00 -�qZ9g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 916J9 2,080.N 2,081.00 1.00 0.05 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 1,65626 1,824.N 1,]4].00 -]].00 q,ZZ9g 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 22952 0.00 0.00 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 16202 ID2N 18.00 b4.00 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1,6]].61 322N 393.00 ]].00 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 333.84 512N 421.00 -91.00 -DJ] ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 563.90 932N ]W.00 -18200 -19.53;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 1,8]1.64 2,334.N 2,354.00 24.00 1.03 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� ]35.48 1,128.N 9�.00 -20200 -D.91 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1,500.00 1$49.N 1,8bJ.00 340.00 21.95 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 36.48 56.N 4].00 -9.00 -16.0] ;6 1Zi Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 699.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) ]1,266.11 T2,]]3.00 6],48000 -5,�8.N -J,239g 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 65.4 2,2W.00 4,48200 2,222N 9g,3Z9g 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 200.N 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 144,]2402 14,361.00 14],94000 �,421.N -2.W90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE ],861.Q5 ],34200 8,4]8.00 1,136.N 15.4];6 FY2011-12 15ETTeamNrCard 414.N 2 Dep Qamer 414.N 3 CFP 414.N 4 OroSalazar 414.N 5 Dep 6athlght 414.N 6 SgtS[olte 414.N ] OroZacFery 414.N 8 Dep Kihn 414.N 9 Dep D. Hemandez 414.N 10 Dep M�ron 414.N 11 Dep BmscFz 414.N 12 �I Shaat 414.N 13 Dep De La Torre 414.N 14 Dep]cse 414.N 15 Dep Martlnelll 414.N 16 Oro Lo�z 414.N D OroThomas 414.N 18 Trlpwlres-AT&T 1,440.N 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 46,454.35 48,2Y1.00 43,60000 �,ESO.N -9,�9g FY2011-12 1 HarleV Davldson 18,OOO.N Malntenance/repalr 2 Hmda Malntenance/repalr 19,OOO.N 3 BMW Malntenance/repalr 3,OOO.N 4 MuleMalntenance/mpalr 1,OOO.N 5 CommandPC�st 2,OOO.N Malntenance/repalr 6CF`PVehldeMalntenarce/re�slr 600.N 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 8,309.6] 13,2Y1.00 16,90000 3,ESO.N 2�,�59g 124 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2011-12 1 RADAR/LIDA4EquIp.Repalr& 3$OO.N Battules 2LIDA4Recallbratlm ]OO.N 3 MotorHelmeG 1,OOO.N Repalr/Malntenance 4 EPASRepalr SOO.N 5 Trafflc Camera Malntenance ]OO.N 6 RadarTraller 2$OO.N Malntenance/Re�slr ] SegwaV Repalr 2,OOO.N 8Bl�ydeMalntenance 1,OOO.N 9�Hmm/PmemptlmRe�slr 2,OOO.N ID Cltatlon Wrltu/Printu Repalr 2,OOO.N 11 DuIbelMeterRepalr SOO.N 12 Fax Machlne Repalr SOO.N 993 421 �MPUiERSLPPLIES 2,146.35 $2W.00 2,300.00 -S,�O.N -]215;6 FY2011-12 1 EntersectP011ceOnllne 2,OOO.N 2PorenslcE;�ertFWtoShatlstl¢ 300.N 993 422 PRIMII�G 2,982.A5 5,5]5.00 8,]00.00 3,125.N 56.Q5;6 FY2011-12 1 RuelptBOOks 300.N 2BUSInesCar� 1,200.N 3 Letterhead and Envelopes SOO.N 4 Parking&TrafflcCitatlons 2,OOO.N 5 Taxl Decals 200.N 6ParentWOrkLrooks-Parent 2,OOO.N Pro]ut ] Qime Ree PamFhlet;/Slg�age 2$OO.N 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 240.N 3]5.00 240.00 -135.N -36.N;6 FY2011-12 1 SATAI Aaldentlnvestlgators 180.N 2 �OA 60.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 9ll.Q5 SN.00 1,150.00 ESO.N 130.N;6 FY2011-12 1 BardaV's Tltle 13 Motcr Vehlde 350.N Ccde 9iL�scrlptlon 2 Callfomla Penal Ccde 600.N 3 ID Oiecking C+ildes 200.N 993 429SAiEWiECFFICE 90,403.T3 ]],9W.00 ]1,82000 fi,llO.N -].91;6 125 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2011-12 1 OldTOwnS[omfrmtNarm 480.N 201dTOwnS[omfrmtSFred�ing 180.N 301dTOwnS[omfrmtCieaning 13,600.N 4 Old Town S[omfrmt UtIIIHes 10,000.N SOIdTOwnS[omfrmtOfflce 3$OO.N SLpplles 6MaIIS[orefrontCarpetCleaning SOO.N ]MaIIS[orefrontAlartn 480.N 8MaIIS[orefrontCleaning 8,400.N 9MaIIS[orefrontElec[rldty 12,OOO.N lOMaIIS[orefrontOfflceSLpplles 3,OOO.N 11 MaIIS[orefront5hredding 180.N 12MaIIS[orefrontLeasePaVment D$OO.N 13MaIIS[orefrontEmer�n�y 2,OOO.N Repalrs 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 ],2]6.E9 8,8N.00 5,]00.00 -3,100.N -3523;6 FY2011-12 1 POBOxRental 400.N 2 Pc�sbge S,OOO.N 3 E;�ress5hlpment; 300.N 993 5234 FACILITVCFWRGE 269,38231 3Yl,9�.00 368,03800 13,132N 3.]0;6 993 5235 E%PLCRERP�FROC32AM 4,143.E5 6,4N.00 9,220.00 2,820.N qq�9g FY2011-12 1 VolunteuLhlfortns 2$OO.N 2BQCE;�IoruACademV 2,OOO.N 3 Awar� and Ru�nitlm SOO.N 4 CF`P Membershlp 120.N STralningandSafeNTOOIs 2,OOO.N 6 Profeslmal MemLrershlp Dues 200.N ] Pc�s.,reEqulpment 1$OO.N 8 Pc�s.,reAward 300.N 9PC�s.,reMembershlpDUes 100.N 993 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT 18,554.� 22,]N.00 20,50000 -2,x10.N -9,E99g FY2011-12 113MOtomVdeRadlc�s 20,OOO.N 2 Commemlal Vehlde Radlo SOO.N 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 8,986.x1 21,2Q5.00 8,000.00 -13,x15.N {Z,Z�9g 126 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2011-12 1 ParentPm�ctVldec�s 800.N 2MOtorHelmeG 3$OO.N 3 Cltatlon WrItuSLpplles ]OO.N 4ShacksfcrParentPro]ut 300.N SDMVPibIlcaHons-TrafFlc SOO.N 6 RashDrlves SOO.N ] LIDA4Battules SOO.N 8 Trafflc Rolemeters 200.N 9 EqulpmentforCOmmemlal 1,OOO.N Vehlde 993 443 WIFORMS 5,290.61 9,ON.00 ],800.00 -1,x10.N -13.33;6 FY2011-12 1 Trafflc Lhlfortns ],OOO.N 2 Clty PatoFzs 800.N 993 52500TFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 81$12E3 ES,1W.00 55,50000 -9,ESO.N -14.81;6 FY2011-12 1 Data TlcketCltatlon Pmcessing 24,OOO.N 2 Towl� Vehldes TG�mmand S,OOO.N Ptst 3GYapM¢forPatrolLhlG 4$OO.N 4S[eno5olutlonsRe�rt 12,OOO.N Trarecrlptlon SPorenslc5e;ualPSSaWtE;ams ],OOO.N 6 QimeSceneCleanup-CiN 3,OOO.N P�roerty e� szei sr,�F 1aaN�Ne/�ucAr�oN e,en.n e,om.00 io,00000 a,mo.m ae.a� � 993 462 MILEAGE 663,986.W ]�,OS5.00 626,Sll00 -]9,S38.N -1L2];6 FY2011-12 1 Black and Whlte Mlleage 600,950.N 2PIaInVehldeMlleage 6$28.N 3 Fuel E;�eree 19,039.N 993 4]3 BOCKIN6FEE5 65,8084 `6,1C4.00 264,36800 x18,x10.N 3]0.6I;6 993 4]9 OVERTIME 266,5528] 340,2�.00 353,26300 13,IXi].N 3.4i;6 12] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2011-12 1 DepuN�edff 145,4]S.N 2 Investlgator 64,602N 3TrafflcTeam-MOtor 43,061.N 4TrafflcTeam-NmMOtcr 29,328.N 5 SET/Mall Teams 32,OOS.N 6 K-9 Team 1,]46.N ] Sugeant 14,314.N 8 6ang Task Pome Offlcu 2,8]2N 9 School Rescurce Offlcers 8]3.N lOTaskPorceOfflces 18,039.N 11 CommunlNServlcesOfflcerll 948.N 993 481 G,MMWIiVSERVI�OFFICERS 1,498,E56.E9 1,3�,144.00 1,565,36600 236,222N D.]];6 FY2011-12 1 Oro II (16 x$40J4 x x180 1,355,82].N hours) 2 Oro I(3 x$33.54 x 2�0 209,539.N hours) 993 484 CFL ID 86,909.N �,2�J.00 90,88600 2,6!].N 3.N ;6 993 488 SNORNSrFFF 10,533,]4351 10,844,84].00 10,]61,12000 b3,R].N -0.]];6 FY2011-12 1PaholOfflcers(�x$1253]x 8,480p2].N 1]30 hoirs) 2 6ang Task Pome Offlcu (1 x 126,J98.N $EOJ2 x 2080 hours) 3 Mall Offlcers (4 x 10].� x 892,653.N 2�0 hoirs) 4SpulalEnforcementTeam(]x 1$62,142N 10].J9 x 2080 hours) 5 Pro]uted5avings -300,OOO.N 993 5291 SCFIJQ RESY,YJR� CFFICER 525,2ll.W 559,2Q5.00 638,48600 ]9,231.N 14.18 ;6 FY2011-12 1 School Rescurce Offlcers (5 x 638,486.N ]lJ4 x D80 hwrs) 993 5292 CRIMEPREVENTICN-SLPPLIES 10,495.14 13,ON.00 13,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 QimePmvenHonSLpplles 11,OOO.N 2 Mall HandoutMaterlals 2,OOO.N 993 5294 K-9CFFICER-DCGCFFICER 220,094.01 412,648.00 461,98200 49,334.N 11.�;6 128 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2011-12 1 K-9 Deputles (2x $10].J9 x 446,326.N 2�0) 2 K-9 DlffuenHal (2 x$1.6] x 6,94].N 2�0) 3 K-9 DaIIV$Uedal Rate (2 x 8,]09.N 11.93 x #5) 993 5295 LIEJrHVNVT 389,923.02 411,36].00 409,]6000 -1,W].N -0.�J;6 FY2011-12 1 LleutenanG(2x$9850x 409,]60.N 2�0) 993 529] SERGEWVTS 512,240.31 541,918.00 539,82200 -2,036.N -0.�J ;6 FY2011-12 1 SugeanG (3 x$ffi51 x 2080) 539,822N 993 5299 iF2AFFICCFFICERS 3,453,�S.W 3,6E3,]�.00 3,]26,45000 62,E62N lJl ;6 FY2011-12 1 11 MotorOfflcers FuII Year (ll 2,454,]95.N x $10].� x 20�) 2 1 Motor Offlcer 1/4 Year (1 x 55,]91.N $10]29 x 520) 3 12 Motor Offlcu DlffuenHal 39,0]8.N ($16] x 23,400 3 hours) O.N 451�bnMOtorOfflcersFUllYear 1,115,816.N (5 x 10].J9 x 20� 4 hours) O.N 5 1 I�bn Motor Offlcer 1/4Year (1 55,]91.N x $10].� x 520) 6 SugeantDlffuenHal (1 x$2,49 S,D9.N x 2�0) WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 18,]91,52&5 19,622,3�.00 20,088,96600 466,E58.N 2.�90 993 5303 TASKFCR�OFFICER 186,12623 2�,4]3.00 223,16300 -3,315.N -L46;6 FY2011-12 1TaskPorceOfflces(lx$10].� 223,163.N x 2�0) 993 5324 FINGERFRINTINC-CO] 4],]13.N 45,ON.00 41,00000 �,NO.N -3,�9g 993 5325 RE�RDSMANACEMEiVr5YS7EM 168,939.N ll5,416.00 154,6]400 -20,]42N -1L82;6 993 S32] K-9FOCD&AIPPLIES 4,144.� 21,9N.00 18,10000 -3,�O.N -D.35;6 FY2011-12 1 F�stonandRUdV-Tralning ],600.N 2 Aston and RudV-Medlcal 6,OOO.N Servlces 3 F�ston and RudV-Fmd and 4$OO.N SLpplles 129 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 993 5328 BLOCDAL�FiOLANPLVSlS 83,938.81 92,ON.00 99,10000 ],100.N �,�9g FY2011-12 1 AmulcanPomnslcNUrses 45,OOO.N 2BlotoxNmholMalVSls 29,100.N 3 DQl Nmhol MalVSls 25,OOO.N 993 5330 INSLRAI�E ],834.N 2,9N.00 3,300.00 400.N 13.]J ;6 993 5335 VEHICLESANDE�UIFMEMFJI�D 11,606.N 3,ON.00 2],60000 24,WO.N 820.N;6 e� siao �Nrcaranr�av�a-wao�v iv,soo.m ie�,am.00 iez,s0000 �,wo.m -z.si� e� sias srPCars�av�cES iz,�oa.m iz,�m.00 ia,e0000 z,a�o.m n.sz� e� siso Fnaur�s s,aie.m e,em.00 iz,i0000 z,a�o.m zzzz� 993 S3]0 SPEQAL EVENTS 91,03245 110,ON.00 ID2,60000 -],400.N {,T3 9g FY2011-12 1 4�h of LIV �011 22,OOO.N 2 ]a¢ Festival 1,900.N 3 FIT Run 4,OOO.N 4 Fall CarShow 20ll 22,OOO.N 5 Race for �he CLre 9,OOO.N 6 Help Rlde d�ll 2$OO.N ] ChdstmasParade2011 ],OOO.N 8 Rod Run 2012 22,OOO.N 9 Temewla Trlathlon ],OOO.N 10 WestemDaVS 3$OO.N 11 Sreet Palntlng FesHval 1,]OO.N 993 S3]1 EVERVISMINUiESPRCGRAM 14,2542] 16,ON.00 16,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 S3]2 E%TR,9DLfrVPATRQ 262,534.35 261,]31.00 234,ll500 -2],S56.N -10.53;6 FY2011-12 1 E;:ha Duty Ser�ant (]J hours 6,652N x $E420) 2 E;:ha Duty DepuN/�POral 198,3]O.N (3,409 hoirs x $58.19) 3 E;:ha DutySChml Resource 18$04.N Offlcers (318 hours x 3 $54.19) O.N 4 E;:ha Duty Oro I I(1 W hwrs x ],468.N $3].91) 5 E;:ha Duty Oro I(10] hwrs x 3,181.N 29J3) INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 1,013,]45.4] 1,144,425.00 1,109,21200 -35,213.N -3.�90 993 `6ID E�UIPMENT 26,815.81 1&5,2Y1.00 0.00 -185,250.N -100.N ;6 130 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 CI+PITPL oURAV Total 26,815.81 185,250.N 0.00 -l8$250.00 -100.00 90 PropctTOtal 19,W6,858.15 21,104,394.00 21,396,118.00 241,]]4.00 1.15 % �LI�TOtal 20,032,298.96 21,222,8]4.00 21,396,118.00 123,294.00 0.58 % 131 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: POLICE A�MINISTRATION MISSION: Police Administration is comprised of dedicated professional offcers committed to reaching out to the citizens we serve. In this ever-changing society, this department strives to maintain the highest level of training and expertise in dealing with new arising issues. It is a community police department, working dosely together with the citizens of Temecula, as well as our surrounding neighbors with the integrity and professionalism they deserve. Pdice Administration works in partnership with the City Council, City Manager, and other departments in order to enhance the quality of life in our community. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Maintained a retio of one offcer per 1,000 residents by adding a K9 Team. . Added a new Canine, Aston to replace Casper, who retired from service and ensured that he received all necessary narcotics and law enforcement training. . Refned COMPSTAT Program by adding the Detedive Bureau and Traffc Team allowing them to use real time data in order to proadively target criminal trends and adivity. . Identifed inconsistencies and anomalies in the trecking of response time data by the Countywhich ensured unambiguous reporting of data. . Utilizing the COMPSTAT program, identified ways to streamline the reporting from Public Works to the Police Department regarding cases of graffti vandalism. 2011-2012 O BJ ECTNES: . Establish a crime prevention show utilizing existing in-house resources to broadcast public safety announcements, safety information and law enforcement information to the communitybyMarch2012 (PuNicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) . Enhance criminal investigations by better utilizing existing techndogy by December 2011. (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) . Utilize social media networks in order to develop two way communication channels with the community and attrad a younger demographic by December 201t (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) 132 i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� Po�BI� L���a � °� i MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program; POLICEADMINISTRATION—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES - continued: . Ensure 100%compliance with providing all Offcers with mandated perishable skills training byJune2012 (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) • Add a refned graffti reporting component to COMPSTAT by August 201 t (Preserving a Family Friendly Li(estyle) PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Population/Offcer Ratio 1:1000 1:1000 1:996 1:991 P.O.S.T. Training Compliance 100% 100% 100% 100% Number of Trainees N/A 9 2 6 Program: PATROL SERVICES MISSION: Personnel assigned to Patrol Services typically provide first response to law enforcement related public safety calls for service, maintain safety and order in the community, and conduct minor follow-up investigations. Patrol staff are assigned to one of three specifc zones and are responsible for reducing crime by utilizing community oriented policing and problem-solving stretegies, including on-going interection with community members and the development of programs designed to eliminate or reduce identifed problems. 133 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progfam: PATROL 3ERVICE3—confinued 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Waked with the Code Enforcement Offcers and Park Rangers, providing them with radios and designators as well as defensive chemical agents and the necessary training and certification to use them. . Collaboreted with community public safety organizations like the Temecula Citizens Corps (TCC), providing them with enhanced training in order to utilize emerging technology which acts as a face multiplier to further widen law enfacement coverage. • Increased the Community Action Patrol and Eeplorers by 20% through recruiting at local community events, the Internet, and neighborhood watch meetings in order to further enhance local involvement. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Erpand the Code ALEX procedures to all neighboring law enfacement agencies in order to enhance the monitoring of the escape points of the City and increase apprehension of perpetretors by July 201 t (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) • Utilize volunteers in order to patrol graffti hot spds that are not easily viewed from a patrol car by August 201 t (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) • Utilize asset forteiture funds seized from prosecuted drug offenders in order to provide enhanced feld recording systems to all patrol offcers by December 2011. (Financial StabdAy /Organizational Efrecti�ness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Patrol Offcer hours per day 185 179 185 185 Response time for priaity one calls 4 � q 5 4.5 4.5 (minutes) Response time for priority two calls � 8 g 1 8.0 8.0 (minutes) �� �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program; SPECIAL TEAMS MISSION: The Special Teams Program provides a focused, cooperative effort to reduce crime by utilizing the full resources of the community to address the problem. This program encompasses the Mall Team, Special Enforcement Team, School Resource Offcers and Gang and Narcotics Task Force Officers. Its proactive target areas include crime reduction in multi-housing areas, street level narcotic enfacement, anti-graffti programs and juvenile intervention. These units work with community, County and allied agencies to assist them in a long-term approach to solving crime through educational programs and enforcement. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Collabaated with the Southwest Corridor Narcdic Task Force and the Temecula / Murrieta Gang Task Force on approximately ffty cases in order to target knavn or identifed offenders. . Collaboreted with retail zone businesses through the Organized Retail Crime Association and conducted theft deterrent seminars in order to enhance positive relations between police and businesses in the Retail Zone District. . Conducted at least twelve Youth Court sessions in order to intervene with at risk youth. • Pertormed twenty massage investigations in ader to discourage prostitution and ensure adherence to the Citys Massage Ordinance. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Wak with homeavner associations to identify crime trends in neighborhoods and pertorm presentations to affected residents by July 201 L (Preserving a Family Friendly Li(estyle) . Coordinate with Code Enforcement to develop a process to identify foreclosed homes and mitigate related crimes by August 201 L (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) . Develop additional strategies which will ensure compliance with City Ordinances regarding massage establishments and marijuana cooperetives by December 201t (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) �� i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� Po�BI� L���a � °� i MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: PYOgfam: �SPECIAL TEAM�continued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected On-sight felony arrests 150 308 150 200 On-sight misdemeana arrests 300 523 300 375 Felony warrants served 50 42 60 50 Misdemeanor warrants served 100 84 125 100 Search warrants 20 22 20 25 Parole searches 160 121 150 150 Probation searches 250 142 200 200 Program: I NVESTIGATI ONS MISSION: The Investigations Unit conduds follow-up investigation of initial reports handled by Patrol SeMces. Periodically, at the diredion of the Chief of Police, they will also conduct special investigations from the onset to conclusion in order to maintain confidentiality of the investigations. The Investigations Unit is comprised of Crimes Against Persons Division and Crimes Against Property Division. However, investigators from either division may be called upon periodically to assist or act as a lead investigator in order to speed up the investigative process. The primary focus of the unit is to take initial investigations where there are leads, susped information, or additional necessary interviews that cannot be accomplished by Patrol SeMces Personnel. Investigatas condud the necessary steps to complete the investigation, and when warranted, fonvard the completed investigation to the District Attorney's Offce for prosecution. 136 �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: I NVESTIGAiIONS—contlnued 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Provided investigators with training and involved them in proactive enforcement operetions in ader to address vice issues regarding illegal massage establishments. . Refurbished the police station soft room to provide a conducive environment for children affeded by crime. • Upgraded technology and increased training for detedives in order to mitigate the increasing threat of identity fraud. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Increase training and collaboretion with the District Aitaney's Tribal Gaming Unit regarding tribal gaming related crimes by November 201 L (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) . Increase amount of patrol staff briefing training in order to improve the communication between the Detedive bureau and patrol operetions by January 2012 (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) • Develop a process for the investigator mentoring program which rotates an Offcer into the Detective bureau in order to provide cross training on investigative techniques by August 201 L (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Effectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Case Closure Rate 90% 107% 103% 92% Open Case Average Per Detedive 20 10.3 9.9 12 Number of Community Seminars 15 20 12 12 Conducted 13] �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: TRAFFIC MISSION: The Traffc Division is responsible for educating motorists and pedestrians, providing enhanced enforcement of traffc laws and investigating traffc collisions. The offcers assigned to the Traffc Division are highly trained in traffc cdlision investigation and reconstrudion, driving under the influence detedion and enforcement, and the use of radar and laser devices designed to enforce speed laws. The Traffc Division partners with the City of Temecula Public Waks and Engineering Department to reduce motorist congestion. The Traffic Division conducts operetions to deter driving under the influence; such as, sobriety checkpoints, saturetion patrols, court sting operetions, warrant sweeps, and special enforcement deployments during holidays and key events. These operations are normally funded by grants through the California Offce of Traffc Safety and the National Highway Traffc SafetyAdministretion. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Utilized data from Crossroads Database to identify problem areas and proactively address those areas through traffc enfacement in order to reduce the number of injury traffic collisions. • Rated the number one safest City by OTS for jurisdictions with a population between 100,000 and 250,000. • Received two mini grants through the Office of Traffc Safety to pertorm DUI and seatbelt operetions. • Upgraded traffc reconstruction software to allow for more accurate 3-D modeling and animation oftraffc collisions. • Partnered with the City Engineer, Planning, Public Works and the Public and Traffc Safely Commission to develop a balanced program emphasizing the "3-E" concept Engineering, Education, and Enforcement. 138 �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ POI,ICE DEPARTMEI�T`T MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: TRAFFIC-continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Deploy new safety equipment for the mdorcycle team enhancing offcer safety by September 201 t (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) • Reconfgure the traffc team in order to increase motor deployment by July 201t (Trefric Circulation Improvement) • Collaborete with allied agencies to provide cross training in traffc safety, riding skills, and enforcement by February 2012 (Treff�c Circulation Improvement) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Citations issued for hazardous 12,500 12,496 13,000 13,000 violations DUI arrests 400 352 400 400 DUI checkpoints conducted 12 12 12 12 Stop Light Abuse Program (SLAP) 3,000 2886 3,100 3,100 citations Neighborhood Enforcement Team 1,200 1,197 1,200 1,200 (NET) citations �a� � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� �ao �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ '°<`� D�ARTMENNI" CORE SERVICES: The Fire Department provides the highest levels of fre and disaster preparedness, prevention, and community involvement in order to ensure the safety of both our residents and visitors to Temecula. The Temecula Fire Department provides both Fire Prevention and Emergency Operation services. Fire Prevention involves conducting public information and education programs that emphasize fire and life safety and have a strong foas on fire prevention, determining the origin and cause of all fires, and enforcing all applicable building fre codes, regulations and standards. Emergency Operations provides comprehensive emergency seMces utilizing a highly trained work force, progressive technology, and modern equipment to provide Fire and Paramedic services. The City contrects with the Riverside County Fire Department for all Fire services. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: FIRE CHIEF (Vacant) FIRE PREVENTION EMERGENCY Sean Dakin OPERATIONS Jerry Hentlershot/ Charlie Dehart 1. Fire MarohallBaValion Chief 1. Battalion Chieh 2. Fire Sa/ery Supervisors Y. Fire Captain I Parometlic J. Fire Safery Specialis[ Coortlinator 4. Fire Inspections �. Fire Stations Information antl Etluw�ion Fire Suppression Planning antl Emergency Engineering Metlical Sarvices Enforcemen[ All Risk Responses AnnualBUSiness Non-Response Inspection Ac[ivilies 141 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FIRI: DEPARTMEI�TT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: Fire Funding5ourte: Gene�alFUntl pctual pctual Budgeted Reque4ed % ExpendiWre Summary FY20[8D9 FY2009-00 FY2070-N FY2077-02 $ Change Change Personnel $ 261,600 $ 222,fi23 $ 278,ifi0 $ 2fi7,333 $ (10,82� -3.9% Opemtlons &Melrrtenence 2,698,Ofifi 4,078,841 3,917,ifi8 4,182,°A9 2fi6,781 fi.8% Cepltel0�tlay 98,417 - fi7,260 - (fi7,260) -100.0% $ 2,°A7,983 $ 4,301,469 $ 4,2fi2,678 $ 4,460,282 $ 187,704 4.4h PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: Authorizetl Proposetl Permnnel Allocation 2010-H Changes 2011-02 Unfuntletl FIRE AtlminisimtiseASSistaM 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ofice Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Public Works Inspector 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Ofice Specialist 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 DepartmentTOtal 4.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 142 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 GRANTS-HOMELAND 56CIlRITY 505 SQS 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 11,610J8 5,139.N 13,919.00 8,]80.00 D0.85;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 11,610J8 5,139.N 13,919.00 8,]80.00 D0.8590 SQS S3J9 EMP6GRNVT 4$242N 0.00 �$24200 -100.00;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 4$242N 0.00 �$24200 -100.0090 SQS `6ID E�UIPMENT 8,19636 0.00 0.00 CI+PITPLOURAVTOtaI $19636 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 19,80].14 53,381.00 13,919.00 -39,96200 -]3.93 % FIRE PREVEMION 7 ] O ]10 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 90,563.5] 111,486.N 111,4&5.00 -1.00 0.00 ;6 ]10 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 21,]3]J4 29,06].N 31,4]0.00 1,403.00 4.83 ;6 ]10 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 5]412 3,484.N 3,4E4.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 ]10 5104 ME9IGNEE 1,849.85 1,]38.N 1,]bJ.00 51.00 293 ;6 ]10 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 8,]2].96 19,2]1.N ll,548.00 -1,]23.00 -3.94;6 ]10 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 198.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 ]10 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ W6.98 683.N 846.00 163.00 23,g�9g ]10 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 6]0.15 ]06.N 1,34].00 641.00 90J9 ;6 ]10 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 629.86 1,955.N 1,4�J.00 -516.00 -2639 ;6 ]10 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 ]10 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 0.00 ]52N 0.00 -]5200 -100.00 ;6 ]10 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 300.00 6IXi.00 603.00 ]10 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 ]10 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 28,954J4 22,905.N 5,594.00 -D,311.00 -]558 ;6 ]10 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 0.00 O.N 1p82.00 1,08200 ]10 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES ll612 O.N 2,]�.00 2,]86.00 ]10 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 800.00 800.N 8N.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]10 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1,523.00 1$91.N 3,06200 1,4]1.00 9246;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 15],68209 194,438.N 182,335.00 -12,103.00 fi2290 ]ID 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 3,38238 3$OO.N 3,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ID 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 12,90352 9,OOO.N 11,]N.00 2,]00.00 30.00;6 143 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 ]ID 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 5,8]]30 6$OO.N 6,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ID 422 PRIMII�G 8220 2,OOO.N 1,SN.00 -500.00 -25.00 ;6 ]ID 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS ]15.00 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ID 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 3,92].80 8,300.N 4,ON.00 �,300.00 -51.81 ;6 ]10 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 11625 150.N 1W.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ID 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 4,89260 6,OOO.N S,ON.00 -1,000.00 -16.6];6 ]ID 443 WIFORMS 0.00 300.N 3N.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]10 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 48,65293 60,OOO.N W,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]10 5251 FIRESERVI�S 566,38859 456,386.N 4E4,0]3.00 2],69200 6.0];6 ]ID 460 PRCFESSION/+LMEETINGS SSOJl SOO.N SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ID 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TI 659.86 ]OO.N 2,ON.00 1,300.00 185J1;6 ]10 462 MILEAGE 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 ]10 5296 PLBLI6AFEiV E9ISATIO 9,408.44 10,400.N 12,ON.00 1,600.00 1538 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 65],55]58 564,]36.N 592,223.00 2],49200 4.8]90 ]10 5330 INSLRAI�E 9,364.00 14,400.N 13,2N.00 -1,200.00 -333 ;6 ]10 5335 VEHICLESANDE�UIFMEN 6,039.00 1,100.N 1,2N.00 100.00 9.09;6 ]10 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO 69,445.00 84$OO.N 62,2N.00 -22,300.00 -2639 ;6 ]10 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 11,ID200 10,800.N 10,]N.00 -100.00 -0.93;6 ]10 5350 FACILITIES 22,980.00 J9,900.N 'A,]N.00 4,800.00 16.05 ;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 118,930.00 140,]OO.N 122,ON.00 -18,]00.00 -132990 PropctTOtal 934,169.6] 899,8]4.00 896,563.00 3,311.00 -0.3] % FIRE-PARAtv�DICS 7 i 1 ]ll 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 1,]03.11 1,100.N 1,SN.00 400.00 3636;6 ]ll 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 5,44260 3,OOO.N 3,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ll 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,55208 1$OO.N 1,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ll 422 PRIMII�G 2,]592] 200.N SN.00 300.00 150.00 ;6 ]ll 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 84.00 250.N SN.00 250.00 100.00 ;6 ]ll 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 3,60823 2,250.N 2,2Y1.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ll 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 4,500.00 4$OO.N 4,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 144 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 ]ll 460 PRCFESSION/+LMEETINGS 264.83 O.N 0.00 0.00 ]ll 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TI 4]5.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 ]ll 469 CFRPRCGRAM 18,OOO.N 18,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ll 4]9 AED-FlLfrCMATICE%iERN 6,095.06 6,OOO.N 6,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 ]ll 5296 PLBLI6AFEiV E9ISATIO 0.00 2,650.N 1,ON.00 -1,650.00 {226 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 26,484.18 39,450.N �,]W.00 -]00.00 -lJ]90 ]ll 5311 PA4AME9ICSLPPLIES 50,415J1 45$OO.N 45,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 50,415J1 45$OO.N 45,SN.00 0.00 0.0090 ]ll `6ID ECUIPMENT 0.00 60,SOO.N 0.00 -60,500.00 -100.00 ;6 CI+PITPL OURAV Total 0.00 60$OO.N 0.00 fi0,500.00 -100.00 90 PropctTOtal ]6,899.89 145,450.00 84,250.00 fi1,200.00 4208 % PROJECT999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 43,18922 55,045.N 55,045.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 9,44].Ol 13,933.N 15,045.00 1,ll200 �,9g 9g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 1,]20.N 1,]x1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ]40.81 823.N 823.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% ],4ll.08 O.N 2,192.00 2,19200 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 108.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 32200 322N 393.00 ]].00 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 455.40 1,845.N 1,346.00 �99.00 -2].OS ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 24336 319.N 2�.00 -33.00 -1034 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1,920.00 6,360.N 5,6�.00 fi80.00 -10.69 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 400.00 400.N 4N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 6W20 2,955.N 2,06200 b93.00 -3Q22;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 64,940.08 83,]22N E4,9�.00 1,2]6.00 15290 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 3,686.99 3,]SO.N 4,]W.00 1,000.00 26.6];6 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 88,359J5 101,350.N &5,8W.00 -15,500.00 -15.J9;6 145 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Oarc�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C.�PER�TING BUCiGET FY2011-12 1 SrA]3PIumbingRepalrs 2,OOO.N 2 SrA ]3 Pest Ccnhol 350.N 3 SrA ]3 HVPC Malntenance & 2,OOO.N Repalr 4 SrA ]3 Roof Repalr & 2,OOO.N Malntenance SSrA]36eneratorMalntenance 1$OO.N & Repalr 65rA]3EIutrIcalRepalr SOO.N ] SrA ]36ara� Dmr S,OOO.N Malntenance & Repalr 85rA]3EmugencV�hon 2,OOO.N Repalr 95rA]3CarpetCieaning 600.N 10 SrA ]3 Urinall Cartrldges & ]OO.N WaterRlters 115rA]3Washer/AVer 1,800.N Replacement 125rA]3HVPCDUCtCleaning 2,OOO.N 135rA]3BIIndReplacement 800.N 145rA84FIMUre&BUIb 800.N Replacement 15 5rA 84 Water Treatment SOO.N Malntenance 165rA84ElutrlcalMalntenance 2,OOO.N & Repalr llSrA84AUtomatic6ate 1$OO.N Malntenance & Repalr 185rA84PIumbingMalnterence 2,OOO.N & Repalr 19 SrA 84 Pest Ccnhol 800.N d�SrA84Lan�capeMalntenance ],OOO.N 21 SrA 84 HVPC Malntenance & 3$OO.N Repalr 225rA846ara�Dmr 4$OO.N Malntenance & Repalr 23 SrA 84, 92, 95 Fuel Pump 3,OOO.N Malntenance & Tes[Ing 245rA846eneratorMalntenance 2,OOO.N & Repalr 255rA84AIrCOmpressa ]SO.N Malntenance & Repalr �TralningROOmMalntenance& 1,OOO.N 6eneralRepalr 2] SrA 84 Roof Malntenance & 2$OO.N Repalr 235rA84PIVmoventMalntenance 2,OOO.N �SrA92FadIltyRepalr& 1,]OO.N Malntenance 3lSrA92HVPCRepalr& 1,OOO.N Malntenance 146 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Oarc�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C.�PER�TING BUCiGET FY2011-12 31 SrA92PestCCnhol SOO.N 325rA92Lan�capeMalntenance S,OOO.N 335rA926eneratorMalntenance 800.N & Repalr 'ASrA92EmugencVRepalrs 2$OO.N 355rA926ara�Dmr 2,OOO.N Malntenance #SrA92PIVmoventMalntenance 1,OOO.N 3]SrA95EmugencVRepalrs 3$OO.N � SrA 95 Pest Ccnhol 2$OO.N �JSrA956eneratorMalntenance 3,OOO.N & Repalr 405rA95ElutrlcalMalntenance 1,850.N & Repalr 415rA95AlarmMmltoring SOO.N 420ATCPIumbingMalntenance& SOO.N Repalr 43 OATC Pest Control 400.N 440ATCLandscapeMalntenance 2,OOO.N 450ATCHVACMalnterence& ]OO.N Repalr 460ATCFadIINLlghtlng 300.N 4]OATCEmergen�yRepalr 1,OOO.N 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 1Q228.10 10,5N.00 15,50000 S,NO.N qJ,�9g 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 10,463.5] lO,ON.00 15,35000 5,350.N 53.W ;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 5,233.4] 4,SN.00 4,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 541.]J SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 2,]3LW 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 lO5.A5 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 48202 1,ON.00 500.00 -YlO.N -SO.N;6 993 5234 RENT/FACILIiV ],438.`G ],]N.00 9,200.00 1,WO.N 19.48;6 993 5235 E%PLCRER P� FROC32AM 2,218.35 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5239 E�UIPMENTLEASE 2,190.W 2,1A5.00 2,925.00 T30.N 33.�;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 55,]30.35 ES,ON.00 58,500.00 fi,WO.N -10.N;6 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM D$6248 14,2Y1.00 16,50000 2,250.N 15.]J;6 14] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 Frzoii-iz 1 SrA 12MIsc.Small Tools 1,OOO.N 2 SrA ]3 Mlsc. Small Tools 2,OOO.N 3 5rA 84 Mlsc. SmaII Tools 2,OOO.N 45rA84RreEqulpment 2,OOO.N Replacement SSrA92MIsc.SmallTOOls 2,OOO.N 6BCMISC.Equlpment 1,OOO.N ] BCResweEqulpment&Repalr 6$OO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 1,26]b2 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5251 FIRESERVI�S 2,]98,419.11 2,]]4,1`6.00 3,012,3]]00 23$221.N g,599g 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS ]SS.QS 1,6N.00 1,600.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION 1,950.N 6,2N.00 ],]00.00 1,WO.N 24.19;6 993 4]4 T.I.R FUI�DIN6 12,]10.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 3p22,0]SA2 3,OQ5,901.00 3,238,95200 233,QS1.N ]J590 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 39,030.N 16,]N.00 ll,50000 �O.N q,i99g 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 3],921.N ],2N.00 ]Q20000 63,NO.N 8]S.N ;6 e� siao �NFCwwnnav�a-wao�v ea,sia.m v,om.00 ie,00000 -i,mo.m -s.�� e� sias srPCars�av�cES a,ve.m e,im.00 a,zoo.00 -�o.m -�.a�� e� siso Fnaur�s �,sm.00 e,�oo.00 z,a�o.m z9.�� 993 S3]4 iEMEQJLACITIZENCORP 13,552IXi lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 16],196.IXi 6I,SN.00 131,60000 64,100.N 94.�90 993 `6ID EC�IJIPMENT 16,3]551 6,]W.00 0.00 fi,]SO.N -100.N ;6 CAPITAL IXJRAV Tobl 16,3]551 6,]W.00 0.00 fi,]SO.N -100.N 90 RopctTOtal 3,2]0,58].04 3,163,8]3.00 3,455,550.00 291,6]].00 A22 % FIRETOtaI 4,301,963J4 4,262,5]8.00 4,45Q28200 18],]04.00 4.90 % 148 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ FIRI: D�PARTMLNT MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program; FIRE PREVENTION AN��3UPPRESSION SERVICES MISSION: The City of Temecula Fire Department is a full-seMce municipal fire department dedicated to ensuring a safe community. Efforts to ensure a safe community are achieved through effective prevention stretegies, public education opportunities, collaboreting with the community to create a network of volunteer programs, and deploying highly trained and skilled staff. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Achieved a response time of less than fve minutes on 5 of 112 emergencies. . Provided CPR/AED, HCP and First Aid certification and training to 820 city employees, school distrid employees and residents. . Added Health Care Provider level CPR training to the community, which allowed the healthcare community to receive required training locally. . Purchased and put into service a fourth Citizen Corps CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) trailer that is equipped to provide emergency supplies in the event of a disaster. This Citizen Corps trailer was purchased and supplied utilizing grant funding. . Participated in BERT (Business Emergency Response Training Program) which trained numerous employees at a large local business. • Estimated over 3,000 fre life safety building inspections and 1,088 comprehensive building plan reviews. 2011-2012 O BJ ECTNES: . Implement an aggressive public safety/community preparedness campaign by July 1, 2011. This program will distribute safety information to the citizens of Temecula by utilizing various means of public outreach; including the City website, City cable television channel, radio station announcements, and roadside signage. (Public Safety and EmergencyReadiness) • Begin offering Pediatric First Aid classes by July 1, 2011 to the public. This course is an excellent life safety tool for new parents, daycare providers, and babysitters. (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) • Upgrade all Temecula Fire Department cardiac monitors by January 1, 2012 to have the ability to transmit 12 lead EKGs via wireless technology directly to the hospital thus, giving the doctor real-time access to the patienfs heart condition, ensuring appropriate critical care. (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) �49 i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� F��B ���i m�B{� a MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: pYOgfam: FIREPREVENiIONANtlSUPPRESSION�SERVICES—con[inued PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Percentage of calls on scene in fve g0% 83% 82% 84% minutes orless Numberofplanchecks 1,155 1,088 1,200 1,080 Number of inspections 1,000 3,088 2,500 2,800 Number of education contacts at 3,300 5,634 5,000 2,300 school events Number of fairs, expos and station 180 156 200 145 tours �so �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ANIMAL CONTROL CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the City Manager Department. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Core Services for the City Manager Department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: AnimalCOMmI FundingSourte: Gme�al Nc[ual Nc[ual Budgeted Reque3ed % ExpendiWreSummary FYZOC809 FY2009-10 FY2010-N FY2011-12 $Change Change Opemflons&Meirrtenence $ 187,638 $ 168,000 $ 434,180 $ 408,180 $ (26,000) -6.8% CBpIIBIO�tIay - - - - - O.O% $ 187,638 $ 168,000 $ 434,180 $ 408,180 $ (26,000) -6.8% 151 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) GENERAL FUND 001 ANIMAL. CONTROL 172 PROJEGT 999 993 5255 ANIMPL�IiF2Q 156,000.00 434,160.N 403,1W.00 -25,000.00 -SJ6;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 156,000.00 434,160.N 403,1W.00 -25,000.00 -SJ690 993 Yl53 VEQORCOMRQ 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 156,000.00 434,160.00 909,160.00 -25,000.00 -SJ6 % ANIMALCCNiF2QTOtaI 156,000.00 434,160.00 909,160.00 -25,000.00 -SJ6 % 152 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ANIMAL COIeiTROL MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: ANIMAL CONTROL MISSION: The City of Temecula provides critical public safety services through a contrect with Animal Friends of the Valley (AF�, a 501c(3) non-profit agency. Animal Control monitas dog licensing, patrols Cily neighborhoods, and ensures the safety of not only Temecula residents, but also animals found and detained from this area. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Cared fa and sheltered over 9,900 total animals at the local animal shelter. . Conducted 121ow-cost vaccination/microchip clinics. . Taught 11,192 children and 588 adults responsible pet ownership, bite prevention, and compassion through AFVs humane education program. . Provided 52 licensing clinics at Petco in Temecula for the convenience of citizens. . Moved into the new animal shelter in October 2010. . Provided all of the equipment fa the new animal shelter. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Meet with Joint Powers Authority representatives to ensure that new animal shelter is operetingsmoothly. (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) • Increase volunteers through active recruitment efforts. (Public Safety and Emergency Readiness) • Increaseadoptionsofshelteranimals. (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) • Promote the use of the shelter classroom (PuNic Safety and Emergency Readiness) . Increase compliance with dog licensing which will result in an increase of Temecula's revenue. (PublicSafetyandEmergencyReadiness) 153 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ANIMAL COIeiTROL MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: ANIMAL CONTROL—continued PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Number of New Licenses Issued 1,000 1,114 5,000 1,000 Number of License Renewals 3,000 3,000 1,500 3,000 Numberofadministrativehearings z5 24 25 25 held due to animal complaints �sa �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ NON-DEPARTMENTAL CORE SERVICES: The Non-Departmental Program is a cost center for general administretive expenditures such as Retiree Medical Contribution, the "REST" (Revenue Eecess Sharing in Temecula) program and property tax administretive fees. It is also used for opereting transfers out to the Capital Improvement Fund and the 2008 City COPs Debt Service Fund. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program . . .. Funding5ourte: Gene�alFUntl pctual pctual Budgeted Reque4ed % ExpendiWreSUmmary FY20[8D9 FY2009-00 FY2070-N FY2077-02 $Change Change Opemtlons&Melrrtenence $ 8,4fiQ74fi $ 7,fi01,878 $ Qfi48,818 $ 7,318,691 $ fifi9,823 10.1% OpemtingTmnskrs0�t 1,111,91fi $ 3,128,338 27,932,863 4,091,079 23,( 941,774) -864% $ 9,678,fifi2 $ 10,730,21fi $ 34,681,fi71 $ 11,409,720 $ 23,( 171,961) -fi7.Oh 1u Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES 189,044.� 182,6]1.00 184,49800 1,82].N 1.N;6 993 4]6 SALESTA%REIMBURSEMENTS 1$01,�O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,690,404.� 182,6]1.00 184,49800 1,82].N 1.N90 993 5382 T6DFDMINCHA4GE5 5,602,941.N 6,191,14].00 6,80],10300 615,A56.N 9,A59g FY2011-12 1 REi7-T6D 6,14Q22].N 2 REi75ervlce Level B 293,365.N 3 REi7Llbrary 3]3$11.N 993 S38] RETIREEME9ICFL�IiF2IBLfrICN 308,532.W 2]S,ON.00 32],04000 52,WO.N 18.92;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 5,911,4]3.W 6,4E6,14].00 ],134,14300 E6],936.N 10.3390 993 5901 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERIXJT 3,128,338.N 23,132,853.00 4,091,0]900 -19,W1,]]4.N b231;6 FY2011-12 1 DebtSeMce-CiNcCenter 1,5]8,]38.N �Ps 2 PavementMaregement 826,126.N Prapam 3 Clty and Park Fadlltles ]SO,OOO.N ImprovemenG 4 Trarefu to Capltal 936,215.N Improvement 993 5909 DEBT SH2VICE BCND CALL 4,8N,ON.00 0.00 �,�O,NO.N -100.N ;6 Tobl 3,128,338.N 2],932,853.00 4,091,0]900 -23,E41,]]4.N b5.3590 RopctTOtal 10,]3Q216.96 34,581,6]1.00 11,909,]20.00 - -6].Ol % 23,ll1,951.00 IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 10,]3Q216.96 34,581,6]1.00 11,909,]20.00 - -6].Ol % 23,ll1,951.00 GBVERPL FUND Total 54p0],ll4.99 80,046,634.93 5],305,95200 - -28.41 % 22,]90,68293 156 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TEMECUIaA Cl0lMMiJN1'!'Y SERVI�ES iDiST1tICT 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audi[ed Curren[ Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqe[ Budqe[ (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues by Funtl: Cityvoide0pera0ons 10,969,9]3 11,4]4,596 12132120 65],524 5]% ServiceLevelB 9]4163 959,64] 93],360 (22,28]) -23% ServiceLevelC 1,61],259 1586,483 1,58],022 539 00% ServiceLevelD 5,832,312 5,889,913 6,034,]16 144,803 2S% Service Level R 3,635 ],490 ],3]6 (114) -1 S% ServiceLevelL 243,252 22$296 230196 1,900 08% Library 1]1,863 24],260 529,812 282,552 1143% SummerVOUNEmploymen[ 333,6]0 2]5,000 - (2]5,000) -1000% Deb[Service 146 140 (140) -1000% ToLlRevenues 201462]3 20668825 21458602 ]89]]] 38% Total Expentlitures by Funtl: Cityvoide0pera0ons 10,669,625 11,685,218 11,]9],9]9 112,]61 10% ServiceLevelB 940,461 954,424 958,]30 4,306 OS% ServiceLevelC 1,3]0,605 1580,]92 1,]6],026 186,234 118% ServiceLevelD 6,021,601 5$58,399 6183,025 324,626 SS% Service Level R 32,83] 10,040 10150 110 11 % ServiceLevelL 251,523 262,343 262,350 ] 00% Library 648,599 ]43,299 ]62,6]0 19,3]1 26% SummerVOUNEmploymen[ 335,]62 2]5,000 4,000 (2]1,000) �8S% Deb[Service 494,040 492,698 495,480 2,]82 06% ToLIE;�endi[ures 20]65,053 21$62,213 22,241,410 3]919] 1]% Excess of Revenues Over (Untler) Expentlitures (618,]80) (1,193,388) (]82,808) 41Q580 -344% Operating Transfers (OUt) I In: Cityvoide0pera0ons/Deb[Service (481,441) (489,653) (495,480) (5,82]) 12% Cityvoide0pera0ons/ServiceLevelC 264,600 - - - 00% Cityvoide0pera0ons/SUmmerVOUN (4,000) (4,000) 00% Cityvoide0pera0ons/CapiLllmpmvemen[ (192,000) (192,000) 00% Deb[Service/Cityvoide0pera0ons 481,441 489,653 495,480 5,82] 12% ServiceLevelGCityvoide0pera0ons (264,600) - - - 00% SummerVOUN/Cityvoide0pera0ons 4,000 4,000 00% TotalOperatingTransfers (192,000) (192000) 00% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiWresand OperaOng Transfersln(OU[) (618,]80) (1193,388) (9]4,808) 214580 -180% FundBalances,Beg.ofVear 398419] 355660] 2363219 FundBalances,EndofVear 355660] * 2363219 1388411 moz m e�ama F��a eaia�� �mma n�a o�g�z�, �zo raam.ae�ipmae�rvaa m w mlu r��a �zr m.wozlm aer.� aa��lsarvi� 15] M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TEMECUIaA Cl0lMMiJN1'!'Y SERVI�ES iDiST1tICT 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audited Current Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqet Budqet (Decrease7 (Decrease7 To[al Revenues by Departmen[ GenealOpeaOOns 9131,482 9,6]8,339 10,062,353 384,014 40% SeniorCenter 1],410 12,655 12,541 (114J -05% CommunityRecreaOOnCenter 55,056 56,094 52,326 (3,]68J £]% RecreaOOn ]]0,014 ]]6,480 ]]0,]80 (5,]00J -0]% TemeculaCOmmunityCenter 2$262 9198 31,]85 4,58] 165% TemeculaHls[oryMUSeum 12,]32 ],530 ],900 3]0 45% AquaOCS 185,]16 158,000 155,500 (2,500J -16% SporG 295,092 269,400 94,000 4,600 1]% TemeculaCM1ildren'sMUSeum 115,]53 104,003 104,003 - 00% CommunityTM1eater 35],]21 384,89] 336,922 (4],9]5J -125% CWWaIArts ]35 - - - 00% HarvuYOnCOmmunityCenter - - 285,010 285,010 00% Conference Center 39 000 39 000 0 0% 109699]3 114]4596 12132120 65]524 5]Yo To[al Expentli[ures by Departmen[ GenealOpeaOOns 61]4,313 6,]4],911 6,585,843 (162,068J -24% SeniorCentzr 262,962 292,]68 30],]58 14,990 51% CommunityRecreaOOnCenter 462,845 552,]63 5]6189 23,426 42% RecreaOOn 819,99 9]6,]9] 949,848 (26,949J -28% TemeculaCOmmunityCenter 263106 299,533 192,848 (106,685J -356% TemeculaHls[oryMUSeum 23],6]5 239,6]8 249,3]9 9,]01 40% AquaOCS 594,958 612,203 61],]59 5,556 05% SporG 309,908 31Q556 30],489 (3,06]J -10% TemeculaCM1ildren'sMUSeum 319,961 33],93] 351,]32 13,]95 41% CommunityTM1eater 1,045,324 1,098,962 1109,486 1Q524 10% CWWaIArts ]],018 92,360 93,903 1,543 1]% OldTOwnMaintenance 101,628 123,]50 132,93] 918] ]4% HarvuYOnCOmmunityCenter - - 284208 284,208 00% Conference Center 38 600 38 600 0 0% 10 669 625 11 685218 11 ]9] 9]9 112 ]61 1 OYo Esccss of Revenucs Over (UnderJ E�endiWres 300,348 (21Q622) 334141 544,]63 -2586% OpeaOng Tansfers IN(OUtJ�. Service Level C 264,600 - - - 0 OYo SLmmuYOWhEmploymen[ - - (4,000J (4,000J 00% Capibllmprovemen[Progam - - (192,000J (192,000J 00% Deb[Service (4814411 (489,6531 (4954801 (5891 12% ToblOpeatingTansfers: (2168417 (4896537 (6914807 (201897 412% Esccss of Revenucs Over (UnderJ E�endiWresand OpeaOng TansferslN(OUtJ 83,50] (]OQ95J (35],339J 342,936 -090% Fund Balance, Beg. ofVear 1 2]410] 1 35],614 65] 339 Fund Balance, End ofVear 1,35],614 65],339 300,000 158 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TS�I)-15ERV'ICE LEYEL B 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposed 7 Audlted Current Proposed Increase Increase Actuals Budqet Budqet (Decrease) (Decrease) TotalRevenues 974,163 969,647 937,360 (22,287) -237 TotalEryendltures 940,461 964,424 968,730 4,306 Ob7 Excess ofRevenues Over(Under) Eryendltures 33,702 6,223 (21,370) (26,693) -609270 FundBalance,Beg.ofVear 36,184 68,886 74,109 Fund Balance, End of Vear 68,886 74,109 62,739 159 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TS�I)-ISF1tV'ICE L�YEL l' 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed 90 Audited Current Pmposed Increase Increase AcNals Budqet Budqet (Decrease) (Decrease) TotalRevenues 1,61],259 1586,483 1,58],022 539 0090 TotalE;�endiNres 1,3]0,605 1580,]92 1,]6]p26 18Q234 11890 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiNres 246,654 5,691 (180,004) (185,695) -11 ]90 OperafingTransfers0ut (264600) Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiNres (1],946) 5,691 (180,004) (185695) -3263090 FundBalance,Beg.ofVear ]04904 686958 692649 Fund Balance, End ofVear 686,958 692,649 512,645 160 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TC�D-SEItVICE I.EVEL D 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed 90 Audited Current Pmposed Increase Increase AcNals Budqet Budqet (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 5,832,312 5,889,913 6,034,]16 144,803 2S90 TotalE;�endiNres 6p21,601 5$58,399 6183p25 324,626 SS90 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiNres (189,289) 31,514 (148,309) (1]9823) 5]0690 Fund Balance, Beg. ofVear 249,631 251,532 283,046 FundBalance,EndofVear 251,532 283,046 134,]3] *ID0410 Entling Wntl Balanm res�tatl bssatl on $191,190 ieetar Pamlp6PamNetl In FY 10�11 hom Ne Poor Year Nr FY09�10 Pafusa CM1argaz�5ervlms �� M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TGSD-SERYICE LEVEI. R 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audi[ed Curren[ Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqe[ Budqe[ (Decrease) (Decrease) ToLI Revenues 3,635 ],490 ],3]6 (114) -1 S % ToLIE;�endiWres 32,83] 10,040 10150 110 11% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiWres (29,202) (2,550) (2,]]4) (2241 88% FundBalance,Beg.ofVear 3924] 10045 ]495 Fund Balance, End ofVear 10,045 ],495 4,]21 162 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES TCSD-SERVICB LEYEL L 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audi[ed Curren[ Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqe[ Budqe[ (Decrease) (Decrease) ToLlRevenues 243,252 22$296 230196 1,900 08% ToLIE;�endiWres 251523 262343 262350 ] 00% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiWres ($2]1) (34,04]) (32154) 1893 56% FundBalance,Beg.ofVear 2365]9 228308 194261 FundBalance,EndofVear 228308 194261 16210] 163 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES LIBRARY 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audi[ed Curren[ Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqe[ Budqe[ (Decrease) (Decrease) ToLlRevenues 1]1,863 24],260 529,812 282,552 1143% ToLIE;�endiWres 648599 ]43299 ]626]0 193]1 26% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) E;�endiWres (4]6,]36) (496,039) (232,858) 263181 531 % Fund Balance, Beg. ofVear 1,409,061 932,325 43Q286 Fund Balance, End ofVear 932,325 43Q286 203p28 16� M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES SUMMER YOUTH EMPL�YMENT PROGRAM 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposed 7 Audlted Current Proposed Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) TotalRevenues 333,670 276,000 - (276,000) -100D7 TotalEryendltures 336,762 276,000 4,000 (271,000) -98b7 Excess ofRevenues Over(Under) Eryendltures (2,092) - (4,000) (4,000) OD7o Ope2ting T2nsfers IN(OUt)'. Cltywlde0peretlons 4,000 4,000 OD7 Excess ofRevenues Over(Under) Eryendltures and Opereting T2nsfersln (2,092) - - OD7o Fund Balance, Beg. of Vear 20,064 17,962 17,962 Fund Balance, End of Vear 17,962 17,962 17,962 1� M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 1)EBT 6LRVI�E 200&10 2010.11 2011-12 Pmposed % Audited Current Pmposed Increase Increase AcWals Budqet Budqet (Decrease7 (Decrease7 ToblRevenues 146 140 - (140J -1000% ToblE�endlWres 494,040 492,698 495,480 2,]82 06% Esccss of Revenucs Over (UnderJ E�endiWres (493,894J (492,558J (495,480J (2,922J 06% OpeaOngTansferin 481,441 489,653 495,480 5,89 12% Esccss of Revenucs Over (UnderJ E�endiWresand OpeaOng Tansfersln (12,453J (2,905J - 2905 -1000% Fund Balance, Beg. ofVear 15430 29]] ]2 Fund Balance, End ofVear 29]] ]2 ]2 16G M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL TCSD CITYV6►IDE FUND ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 190TCSDFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT i80NON DEPARTMENTAL 4004 -SpeclelTex 3,72Q130 3,7fi4,794 3,847,431 82,fi37 2.19% VBfI005�GO-MISLBIIBfIB005NOfITBXBGIB (BIBJ - O.00% 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 12,998 Q939 1,900 (6,039) -72.fi2% 4073 -TCSDAtlminFeeCretlltl"ResC' 6,286,884 6,801,304 fi,140,227 338,923 6.84% 407fi -Relmbursements 31,872 20,fi41 - (20,fi41) -100.00% 4077 -Leeselncome 41,fi80 42,933 43,4fi3 630 123% 4084 -Relmbursements(CIP) 24,761 19,072 26,000 6,928 31.08% 4090 -OpemtlngTrensfersln 2fi4,fi00 - 0.00% 4104 -E#enslonofTlme 2,928 - 0.00% 4106 -TmctMeps - 0.00% 4107 -PercelMeps 23fi - 0.00% 4119 -DevelopmentPlen 1,763 - 0.00% 4121 -MeJorMOtllflcetlon 830 - 0.00% 4130 CE�AEnvlronmentellmpectRpt - 0.00% 4131 DevelopmentlAnne;atlonAgmt - 0.00% GIJA -PBfLBIMBpNVBIVBf - O.00% 4139 -COntloTrectMep 826 - 0.00% 4161 -PercelMepCheck 1,fi18 - 0.00% 4162 -TmctMepCheck 2,140 (2,140) -100.00% 4192 -SpedflcPlenAmentlment 89fi - 0.00% 4290 -InspectlonFees 7,Bfi0 (7,Bfi0) -100.00% 43fi0 -ImprovementPlenCkOff-Slte 432 (432) -100.00% 4370 -LentlscepePlenCheck 10,406 (10,406) -100.00% 4390 -StreetLl htln Fees 1,819 4,332 2,613 138.16% TOTALDEPT180 9,39Q082 9,fi78,339 10,Ofi2,363 384,014 3.97% DEPT 181 SR.CENTER 4061 -DOnetlons 400 400 - 0.00% 4980 -ClesseslACtivltles 738 fi01 6fifi (36) -6.82% 4983 -TmnspoRetlon 1,313 1,660 i,fi76 126 B.Ofi% 498fi -Exarslons 3,609 2,100 2,100 - 0.00% 4990 -IntloorRentels 11,860 8,004 7,800 204 -2.66% TOTALDEPT181 17,410 12,fi66 12,641 (114) -0.90% DEPT 182CRC 4980 -ClesseslACtivltles 20,6fifi 20,000 iQ232 (3,7fi8) -18.84% 4990 -IntloorRentels 34,490 3Q094 3Q094 0.00% TOTALDEPT182 66,O6fi 6Q094 62,32fi (3,7fi8) -fi.72% 16] M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL TCSD CITYV6►IDE FUND ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 190TCSDFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT 184TCC 4077 -PenhyTreilerRentelPeyment 6,600 - (6,600) -100.00% 4877 -AfterSchoolProgrem 13,200 20,826 7,826 67.77% 4880 -ClesseslActivities 4,818 600 600 - 0.00% 4880 -IndoorRentels 23,448 7,888 10,480 2,482 30.78% TOTALDEPT184 28,282 27,188 31,786 4,687 18.87% DEPT 185MUSEUM 4880 -ClesseslActivities 2,120 370 370 0.00% 4884 DeyCemp 1,430 1,430 1,430 - 0.00% 4880 -IndoorRentels 842 800 800 - 0.00% 4881 -MuseumAdmissions 8,240 6,200 6,200 0.00% TOTALDEPT186 12,732 7,630 7,800 370 4.81% DEPT i88A�UATICS 4870 -SwimLessons 114,818 72,000 72,000 - 0.00% 4871 -LepSwim 8,783 7,600 7,600 - 0.00% 4872 -Pu6licSwim 23,248 32,000 28,000 (3,000) -8.38% 4873 -FemilyNightSwim 714 1,000 1,000 - 0.00% 4874 -PoolRentels 32,148 38,600 37,000 600 1.37% 4878 -Non-residentSwim 7,826 8,000 8,000 0.00% TOTALDEPT188 186,718 168,000 166,600 2,600 -1.68% DEPT 187SPORTS 4880 -AdultSok6ell 68,780 74,260 76,800 1,360 1.82% 4881 -AdultBesket6ell 320 - 0.00% 4883 -Tournements 61,816 88,000 88,000 - 0.00% 4884 -AdultLeegues(non-resident) 6,860 8,260 8,260 - 0.00% 4886 -You�hLeegues(non-resident) 10p80 12,000 16,000 3,000 26.00% 4888 -OpenGym 3,128 2,000 2,260 260 12.60% 4888 -Field RentelslLights 166,718 84,000 84,000 - 0.00% 4887 -S oRSConcessions 10,883 12,800 12,800 0.00% TOTAL DEPT 187 286,082 288,400 274,000 4,800 1.71 % 168 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL TCSD CITYV6►IDE FUND ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 190TCSDFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT i88CHILDREN'SMUSEUM 4070 -CBShOVBf&ShOR (17J O.00% 4991 -MUSeumAtlmisslons 116,770 104,003 104,003 0.00% TOTALDEPT188 116,763 104,003 104,003 0.00% DEPT 189COMMUNITVTHEATER 4026 -IntersteteDenceGmnt 16,000 33,000 30,000 (3,000) -9.09% 4061 -DOnetlons 2,600 2,000 1,600 (600) -26.00% 4070 -CBShOVBf&ShOR - O.00% 4901 -TheeterUShers 9,017 10,300 9,000 (1,300) -12.fi2% 490fi -TheeterStegehentlLeborRelmb 84,79fi 107,010 90,OOfi (17,004) -16.89% 4907 -Theeter-TlcketServlcesRelmb 40,48fi 62,000 40,000 (12,000) -23.08% 4910 -Theeter-TemeculePresents fi3,fi08 fi0,886 fi6,01fi 4,131 fi.78% 4990 -TheeterRentels 76,fi82 77,600 70,000 (7,600) -9.fi8% 4991 -TheeterAtlmisslons 48,64fi 22,000 16,000 (7,000) -31.82% 4997 -COncesslons 2,379 6,002 1,200 (3,802) -7fi.01% 4999 -Theeter-E ul mentRentels 16,707 16,200 16,200 0.00% TOTALDEPT189 367,721 384,897 33fi,922 47,976 -124fi% DEPT 190CULTURALARTS 4980 -ClesseslACtivltles 460 - - - 0.00% 4992 -S eclelEVents 286 0.00% TOTALDEPT190 736 0.00% DEPT 192HARVESTONCENTER 4982 -COntrectetlClesses 220,000 220,000 0.00% 4990 -IntloorRentels fi6,010 fi6,010 0.00% TOTALDEPT192 286,010 286,010 0.00% DEPT 193CIVICCENTERCONFERENCEROOM 4990 -IntloorRentels 39,000 39,000 0.00% TOTALDEPT193 39,000 39,000 0.00% TOTALTCSD 11,234,673 11,474,69fi 12,132,120 333,614 2.91% 169 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL ALL SERVICE LEVEL FUNDS ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 192SERVICELEVEL"B"FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4006 -ASSessments fi6Qfi26 fi41,436 fi41,436 - 0.00% 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 481 607 400 (107) -21.10% 4073 -TCSDAtlminFeeCretlltlREST 317,067 312,989 293,3fi6 (19,fi24) -fi27% 4390 -StreetLlghtingFees 4,71fi 2,ifi0 (2,66fi) -6420% TOTALSERVICELEVEL"B"FUND 974,ifi3 969,fi47 937,3fi0 22,287 -232% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO SERVICELEVEL"C"FUNDS600-630 REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4006 -Assessments 1,808,177 1,682,788 1,683,122 324 0.02% 4082 -RecoveryofPriorYeerEKoense - 0.00% 4086W64 -Investmentlnterest 7,838 3,886 3,800 216 6.83% G979 -TRBTfIRIRIIngBnERBRIOVBI GGB - O.00% TOTALSERVICELEVEL"C"FUND 1,817,268 1,688,483 1,687,022 638 0.03% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 184 SERVICELEVEL"D"FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4006 -Assessments 6,816,270 6,888,114 8,000,786 131,881 224% 4026 -Grents 12,643 28,821 14,278 113.83% 4086+464 -InvestmentlnWrest 11,882 3,268 2,100 (1,168) -36.60% 4088 -RecyclingProgrem 6,360 6,000 6,000 0.00% TOTALSERVICELEVEL"D"FUND 6,832,312 6,888,813 8,034,718 144,803 248% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 185SERVICELEVEL"R"FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 3,371 7,378 7,378 - 0.00% 4085W54 -Investmentlnterest 284 114 (114) -100.00% TOTALSERVICELEVEL'R"FUND 3,835 7,480 7,378 (114) -1.52% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO iBBSERVICELEVEL"L"FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 238,808 223,382 225,588 2,234 1.00% 4007 -HarvestonLakeBoatRevenue 3,843 3,000 3,000 - 0.00% 4085+454 -Investmentlntarest 2,800 1,834 1,800 (334) -1727% TOTALSERVICELEVEL"L"FUND 243,252 228,288 230,188 1,800 0.83% no M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL LIBRARY FUND ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 197LIBRARVFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4061 -Llbrery Donetlons 26 - 0.00% 40fi2 -RecoveryofPrlorVeerEryentlltures 12,6fi0 (12,6fi0) -100.00% 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 18,867 10,846 9,300 (1,646) -1426% 4070 -CeshOVer&ShoR (87) - 0.00% 4073 -TCSD AtlminFeeCretlltlREST 7Q864 373,611 29fi,fi67 38fi.00% 4271 -Flnes&Fees 103,082 100,000 100,000 - 0.00% 4272 -LOStDemegetlMeterlels 7,026 Q600 Q600 - 0.00% 4273 -Printing&COples 29,336 26,999 26,999 - 0.00% 4274 -FecIIltlesRentels 13,fi2fi 14,602 14,602 0.00% TOTALLIBRARVFUND 171,Bfi3 247,2fi0 629,812 282,662 11427% MAYOR'S SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PR�� ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 376SUMMERVOUTHEMPLOVMENTPROGRAM REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4026 -FetlerelGrent 333,fi47 276,000 (276,000) -100.00% 40fi6 -InvestmentlnWrest 23 - 0.00% GOBO -O BfBIIn TfBnSfBfln G,OOO G,OOO O.00% TOTALSUMMERVOUTHEMPLOVMENTFUND 333,fi70 276,000 4,000 271,000 -98.66% T��D DEBT �iElit.�IC� �,EV�Y� ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 390DEBTSERVICEFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 40fi6 -Investmentlnterest 14fi 140 (140) -100.00% 4090 -0 eretln Trensferin 481,441 489,fi63 496,480 6,827 1.19% TOTALDEBTSERVICEFUND 481,687 489,793 496,480 6,fi87 1.ifi% 1 ]1 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� � �z �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERYICES DEPARTMENT CORE SERVICES: The Temecula Community Services District budget is responsible for the operation and maintenance of district-wide parks and recreation facilities, arterial street lighting and traffic signals, and median landscaping and debt service on the certifcates of participation issued for the construction of the Community Recreation Center. Rates and charges are also established for residential street lighting, slope maintenance, recycling and refuse collection, and emergency road maintenance. The Community Services District is comprised of four divisions. The Cultural Arts division is responsible for coordinating programs related to art, performing arts and historic preservation. The Cultural Arts division also oversees the Temecula Community Theater and the Temecula Valley Museum and Pennypickle's Children's Museum. The Recreation Services division provides a recreation and leisure program geared toward the needs of our community. The Community Services division oversees the library, new parks and recreation development, rates and charges. The Maintenance Services division provides landscape maintenance seMces for all City-owned slopes, medians, and parks. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITV SERVICES Herman D. Parker CULTORALART$ RECREATION COMMONITV MAINTENANCE SERVICES SERV6E5 SERVICES VoutM1 8 Atlull Park/panc TM1ea�e� � Pa�k Oevelopmen[ Malnte e CFiltl�e Metlian antl Slope Museu Special Events CIP P�ufetfs Maln�ena Xis[ory Museum TPe b MaSte� Vlan Faclllay Recreatlonal Pmcvss Raviaw Lantlsc pe Public An Sanior & Human Library Services Plan C�ack Serv Rev Mlsb�ic pquatic ProB�am Contrac[s CIP Projec�s Res Serv Contrac[etl Speclal Evenls Classes Servlces 1]3 �3r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES ���� r���I��T'�' EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: NcWal Nctual Budgeted Reques[ed % Expenditure Summary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $ Change Change Personnel $ 4,883,708 $ 4,884,880 $ 4,878,886 $ 4,823,661 $ (63,144) -1.1% Opemtions&Meintenence 6,888,171 6,884,886 7,008,623 7,174,428 186,806 24% OpemtingTrenskr0uttoDe6tSeMce 487,026 481,441 488,863 881,480 201,827 412% CBpIIBIO�tIBy 11,37B - - - - O.O% $ 11,081,278 $ 11,161,088 $ 12,174,871 $ 12,488,468 $ 314,688 2.8% PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: puthorizetl Proporetl PpRKSpNDRECRFATION 2010-11 Changes 2011-12 Wfuntletl AtlministrativeASSistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Aquatics SupeMSOr 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Assoclete Plenner 026 (026) 0.00 0.00 Community SeMCes Superintentlerrt 0.86 0.00 0.86 0.86 CWIUfBIAdSAtlmInISIfBIOf 1.00 O.00 1.00 1.00 Custotlian 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Deputy Dlrector of Community SeMCes 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Dlrectorof Community SeMCes 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 FecIIItySeMCesMeneger 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.00 HumenSeMCeslTeenMeneger 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Lantlscapelnspector 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.90 LBBtl MBInIBnBnLB WOfKBf 34O (O.3OJ 3.10 O.00 MelntenenceSUpetlrrtentlent 0.96 0.00 0.96 0.00 MelntenenceSUpeMSOr 0.70 (0.30) 040 0.00 Melntenence Worker 3.60 (1.10) 240 0.00 MuseumSeMCesMeneger 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 O�LBSpBLIBIISI 23O O.00 23O O.00 Perks/LentlscepeMelntenenceSUpeMSOr O.fiO 0.00 O.fiO 0.00 PetronSeMCesCOONlnetor 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 RBLfBBtlOnSUpBfInlBntlBnl 1.00 O.00 1.00 O.00 RecreetlonSUpeMSOr 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 SenlorLentlscepelnspector 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.00 SenlorMenegementAnelyst 0.60 036 0.86 0.00 SBnIOfRBLreStlOnC00ftlInBlOf 2.00 O.00 2.00 O.00 TheeterMeneger 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 ThBBIBfTBLhnILBI COOftlInBlOf 1.00 O.00 1.00 O.00 TheeterTechnlcelSUpeMSOr 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DepertmentTObl 33.96 (1.fi0) 32.36 3.76 1]4 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 1,3]1,38210 1,249,YlO.N 1,1R,]]0.00 -]6,]]0.00 {.14;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 310,]99.94 325,]O1.N 324,6]J.00 -1p2200 -031 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 43,42204 ]6,360.N 42,544.00 -33,816.00 qqZg 9g 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 22,3113] 20,888.N 18,8`6.00 -2,03200 -9J3 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 88,]]6J] 86p28.N ]],2W.00 b,]68.00 -10.19;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,800.00 4,800.N 4,8N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3,24].60 969.N 203.00 -]60.00 -]8.43 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ ],048J6 ],]65.N 8,8W.00 1,095.00 14.10;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 9,32]21 9$96.N 8,1ll.00 -1,4]9.00 -15.41 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 46,16951 65,242N 51,3]4.00 -13,868.00 -2L26 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]4,918J8 ]5,169.N E5,2N.00 -9,969.00 -1326 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 13,56620 15,254.N 11,8�.00 -3,448.00 -2260 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 3,120.00 2,453.N 2,]15.00 26200 10.68;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1,56051 1,]]O.N 1,354.00 �1200 -23,Zg 9g 993 5118 iEM�RA4VHELP 62125 4,OOO.N 4,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 28,OW.16 5$202N &5,1�.00 26,92400 4626;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 2835 1,995.N 3,W4.00 1,W9.00 9920;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 42,468J1 48,OOO.N 48,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN ],440.00 6,960.N 6,ON.00 -960.00 -13J9;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 3,153.84 3,913.N 2,]45.00 -1,168.00 -29.85;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 2,082,260.ID 2,064,WS.N 1,940,343.00 -124,21200 fiA290 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 15,921.96 ll,000.N ll,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF ID2,3]656 130,OS1.IXi 123,ON.00 -2,051.03 -158;6 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- ll,586.01 J9,250.N 25,ON.00 �,250.00 -14.53;6 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 4,12423 10$OO.N 10,5N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 3,13523 ],OOO.N S,SN.00 -1,500.00 -21.43;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 50,65283 66,383.81 E6,SN.00 116.19 0.18 ;6 1]5 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 993 424 LE6PL DIXIMEMS/MAPS O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 1$10.N 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 51925 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 16,34624 19,ON.00 19,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEES 13,839.31 18,ON.00 18,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT 11,529.91 22,8N.00 22,80000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PortableT011et�Parks 8,OOO.N 2 LIfG SOO.N 3 Trallers SOO.N 4 Pumps, ]ack Hammers, eto. SOO.N 5 Mlsc qulpment SOO.N 6 ChdstmasParadeLlghtTOwers 9,OOO.N & Pcrbble TolleG ]SOUrd/StageEqulpment 3,800.N 993 440 LfrILITIES 582,992E3 ]N,ON.00 690,00000 -10,N0.N -1.43;6 FY2011-12 1 Water 460,OOO.N 2 Electrldty 230,OOO.N 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 10$95.54 12,W5.00 13,50000 525.N q,p59g 993 443 WIFORMS 8,888J] 11,ON.00 11,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 RureaHon Lhlforms S,OOO.N 2MalntenanceUnlforms 6,OOO.N 993 444 SIGI�6 2,656.55 ],SN.00 ],500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-GH�ERAL 159,6]9J5 2%1,ON.00 295,50000 S,WO.N 1.W ;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 134,55023 16l,9]OJ4 ll9,00000 14,029.� g,�9g 1]6 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 FY2011-12 1 Restrmm CLS[odlal Contract 65,OOO.N (22 sltes) 2 WaterManagement(DUCk 18,OOO.N Pord) 3 PestCOntrol 6,OOO.N 4 Alartn Monitodng5ervlces 1$OO.N 5 Health WpartmentPertnit� 2$OO.N 6 Cmhol Llnk Servlde Fees (5 4,OOO.N sltPS) ] BaIlFleld Relamping (iMS, RRSP 26,OOO.N Skate Park) 8 SuudN �ard Servlces 25,OOO.N 9 Harveston Comm Rmm 3,OOO.N CLS[odlal Sbc 10 Kltahen EqulpmentSeMces (SP S,OOO.N b) 11 HVACRevenbtiveMalnt(SPb 2,OOO.N & SF ]) 12 �eratlmalSeMces 8,OOO.N (RUreaHon) 13 TSSLpplemenbl 1,OOO.N CLS[odlal/Cleaning Servlces 14 TSFwnbinMalnterence 2$OO.N 15TSSOUnd/ShageLlghtlng 1$OO.N (Spulal Event�) 16 TS Plaza Tree LIghG 8,OOO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 5,166.44 9,ON.00 9,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 2]].92 9N.00 1,500.00 WO.N 666I ;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION ]OS.N 1,6N.00 2,000.00 400.N ZS,� 9g 993 462 MILEAGE 18&02 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 38,409.� 35,ON.00 35,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 4]5 A�MEMS 30,885.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 486 iEMEQJLAVPLLEVA4T5�UI�IL 5,554.43 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,218,033.01 1,SS/,43158 1,560,80000 3,#9A2 02290 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 3,833.40 4,2W.00 5,000.00 ]40.N D3];6 993 5319 S7REETLIGHTIN6 509,921.41 4�,5�.00 Sll,00000 30,420.N 625;6 1]] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 FY2011-12 1 CLrrentLSeSreetLlght� 33],486.N 260NewLIghGCIN`�'Ide 11,334.N 3CLrrentLSeTrafflc5lgnals 153,]SO.N 415NewTrafflc5lgnalsCiN`�'Ide 14,430.N 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 166,913.N 1A5,5N.00 204,90000 9,400.N 4.81 ;6 993 5335 VEHICLES AND E�UIFMEM FJI�D 29,312N 5,6N.00 30,60000 25,NO.N 446.43 ;6 993 S340INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 335,411.]0 4E4,3N.00 4]Q20000 -14,100.N -291;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 84,40].N 1O1,5N.00 103,00000 1,WO.N 1.48;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 113,O11.N ll5,9N.00 192,30000 16,400.N 9,3Z9g 993 S3]4 A�MEiVrFDMINIS7RATICN 22,669.94 23,025.00 24,00000 WS.N 423;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 1,265,4]9.45 1,4]6,6E5.00 1,54],00000 ]0,335.N 4J690 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 1$42,449.W 1,524,8W.00 1,485,00000 -39,�O.N -261;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 45,031.15 C4,3W.00 21,65000 46,]OO.N {g,3Z9g FY2011-12 1 AssptMgmt-R&RDUCkPOnd 21,650.N SpIltRall Fence 993 Y!ll FIELDMAINiENANCE 21,OOO.N 21,ON.00 21,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PaVmenttoTVUSD 21,OOO.N 993 Yl19 EMERGENCYAOFEMAINiEN,MCE 35,ON.00 10,00000 -25,NO.N -]1.43;6 FY2011-12 1 Emer�n�yRe�slrof5ervlce 10,000.N LeveIC5lcpe WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,608,480.19 1,649,210.00 1,53],65000 -111,`GO.N fiJ690 993 5901 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERIXJT 481,441.N 4bJ,6S3.00 691,48000 x11,82].N 4L22;6 FY2011-12 1 T6D DebtServlce Fund 495,480.N 2MaVasSLmmuYOWh 4,OOO.N EmploVment Pmgram 3 CaplbllmprovementPr�ram 192,OOO.N Tobl 481,441.N 4bJ,6S3.00 691,48000 d�1,82].N 4L2290 RopctTOtal 6b55,]53J5 ],23],563.58 ],2]],323.00 39,]59A2 0.55 % TCSDIWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 6b55,]53J5 ],23],563.58 ],2]],323.00 39,]59A2 0.55 % 1]8 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDSENIOR CEMER 181 MA7MENANC6 764 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 6,9N.00 6,000.00 -�10.N -13.W ;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES 24,SN.00 24,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty D,OOO.N 2 Water S,OOO.N 3 6as 2$OO.N 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1N.00 1,000.00 WO.N WO.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Vawum Cieanu 250.N 2 Caris, mcps,buckeG, 250.N squee9?<_c 3 Mlscellaneous SOO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S ll,8N.00 ll,80000 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 49,3N.00 49,30000 O.N O.N90 16! Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 15,ON.00 15,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PaIntBldgEMedor 15,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 15,ON.00 15,00000 O.N O.N90 Ro�ctTObl 64,300.00 64,300.00 0.00 0.00 % PROJEGT999 993 5100 SALARIES&WFlC�ES 69,04245 C4,219.00 ]6,8]000 8,ES1.N 12C4;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT ll,24532 ll,2S3.00 21,00400 3,]S1.N 21J4;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 2,893.94 2,132.00 2,40200 2]O.N 12E6 ;6 993 5104 MEDIGNEE 2,000.91 1,98].00 2,164.00 ll].N 8.91 ;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� ioa.m o.00 o.00 o.m 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 2,128.� 2,515.00 3,048.00 S33.N 21.19;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 564A2 581.00 6]1.00 90.N 15.49 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 4,523.Y! 8,118.00 6,006.00 -2,ll2N -2602;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]$64.� ],SS3.00 8,999.00 1,446.N 19.14 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 1,4]0.� 1,SC4.00 1,]50.00 182N 11.61 ;6 993 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� 150A2 0.00 ll8.00 ll8.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 64$62W E6,64i.00 66,93500 252N 0.�;6 1]9 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDSENIOR CEMER 181 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr ]].� 2,SN.00 3,29].00 ]J].N 31.�;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 4,]24J1 4,2N.00 3,000.00 -1,x10.N -Zg,5�9g 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 400.N 4N.00 460.00 60.N 15.N;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 1,155.N 1,459.00 1,3]4.00 bS.N -5.4i;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI D8,611.� 1&S,1C4.00 198,15800 12,930.N ].0290 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 6,10].E3 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,08].44 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 20,]61.61 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,]4L62 0.00 2,000.00 2,NO.N FY2011-12 1 Tables&Oialrs 2,OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 15,855.W 16,2N.00 16,20000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 15enlorMeals 16,200.N 993 462 MILEAGE 1,0]O.W 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 46,623.E4 d�,3N.00 22,30000 2,NO.N 9.&590 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 6,854J4 ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5350 E%CLRSI01�6 1,908.43 4,SN.00 4,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 8,]63.D 11,SN.00 11,50000 O.N O.N90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE ],404.N 11,SN.00 11,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 SenlorCentu 10,000.N 2COmmunlN6arden 1$OO.N 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 21,558.35 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 2$962.35 11,SN.00 11,50000 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 262,96L24 228,468.00 243,458.00 14,990.00 6.56 % T6USENICRCEI�RERTObI 262,96L24 292,�68.00 30�,�58.00 14,990.00 512 % 180 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT' RECREATION CENTER 182 MA7ME[YANC6 76A 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 2],ON.00 2],00000 O.N O.N;6 16! 438 RENTEC�IJIPMENT 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES &S,ON.00 83,00000 -2,NO.N -2,359g FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 60,OOO.N 2 Water 12,OOO.N 3 6as 11,OOO.N 16! 443 WIFORMS 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 18,ON.00 18,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 3,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 1,200.N 3 PestCOntrol 1,100.N 4 Envlmnmenbl Health Pumlt 1,OOO.N SRocrMat/TowelServlce 1$OO.N 6 Kltahen Equlpment 1,OOO.N Servlce/Inspectlon ] Bottled Water 1,OOO.N 8 RoofSystem Reventive 2$OO.N Malntenance 9 ElevatcrinspecHon/Servlce SOO.N lOGymHVACLhIG/A�MDAUdIt& 1,600.N Pumlt 116eneratorPertnit/A�MDPUmIt 1,200.N 12 6enerator P& M/Fuel 2,OOO.N 13 Medlcal SLFpIV BoxServlce 400.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 131,2N.00 129,20000 -2,NO.N -L490 16! Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 35,ON.00 35,00000 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 35,ON.00 35,00000 O.N O.N90 Rokct Tobl 166,200.00 164,200.00 -2,000.00 -L20 % PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 148,8]S.E4 1W,948.00 163,19800 12,250.N 812;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 35,648.8] �,222.00 44,61200 6,�JO.N 16.T2;6 993 5103 CFLCASHIXJT 2,330.94 4,]ll.00 5,100.00 �3.N 812;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 3,833.E6 3,5�.00 3,823.00 22].N 631 ;6 181 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT' RECREATION CENTER 182 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 29,262.� 31,6Q5.00 34,44000 2,4i5.N g,9�9g 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 324.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 3p2202 ],4�.00 9,2]].00 1,8]1.N Z5,�9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,20&24 1,182.00 1,423.00 241.N 20.�J ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 9,310.� 9,943.00 9,554.00 �39.N q,y 9g 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 531.� 543.00 625.00 82N 15.10 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 145.92 149.00 ll200 23.N 15.44 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 80,461.# 8],9Q5.00 90,95400 3,W9.N 3.4];6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 148.43 3,29].00 3,411.00 114.N 3.46;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 3,891.44 4,4N.00 4,400.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1,200.N 1,2N.00 1,300.00 100.N g,339g SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 320,196.� 345,1E3.00 3]2,28900 2],126.N ].�90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 25,452.x1 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 881.33 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT 1,04&46 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5239 E�UIPMENTLEASE O.N 2,2N.00 0.00 -2,x10.N -100.N;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 6],388b2 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM ]12E6 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Tables&Oialrs 2,OOO.N 993 443 WIFORMS llS.N 0.00 500.00 WO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 13,999.01 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 462 MILEAGE 960.W 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 110,619.18 1Q2N.00 8,500.00 -1,]OO.N -166I90 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 3,19825 4,2N.00 4,200.00 O.N O.N;6 INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl 3,19825 4,2N.00 4,200.00 O.N O.N 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 22,452N 2],ON.00 2],00000 O.N O.N;6 1ffi Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT' RECREATION CENTER 182 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 6,3]951 O.N 0.00 0.00 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 28,83151 2],OOO.N 2],ON.00 0.00 0.00 90 PropctTOtal 962,84520 386,563.00 411,989.00 25,426.00 6.58 % T6D{,r�9MUNITVREQ2EATICNCEI�RER 462,84520 552,]63.00 5]6,189.00 23,426.00 4.24% Total 1� Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-RECREATION 188 PROJ6Ci999 993 5300 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 5,468.60 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,300.64 2,240.N 2,244.00 4.00 0.18 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 4,609A2 3,220.N 4,1�.00 966.00 30.00;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2,910.66 3$04.N 2,44.00 -1,05200 -30A2 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 160,006J4 153,OO1.N 153,2]6.00 2]5.00 0.18 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 439.01 5,]38.N 6,5�.00 84200 14.6];6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 1,12]20 1$OO.N 1,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI D6,861.8] 169,203.N 1]0,2"�.00 1,035.00 0.6190 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 0.00 200.N 2N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 0.00 SOO.N SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 462 MILEAGE 3WJ3 800.N 8N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 3WJ3 1$OO.N 1,SN.00 0.00 0.0090 993 53055KAiEPARK 3,]3831 4,]60.N 4,]W.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5320 QA�ES/AQIVITIES ],344.6] 10,000.N lO,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5330 �IiF2AQEDQA�ES 421,]]].96 445$OO.N 4ES,SN.00 20,00000 q,q99g 993 5340 DAV CPMP 30,88839 35,OOO.N 35,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5350 E%CLRSI01�6 5,42332 8,848b2 8,8W.00 138 OA2;6 993 S3]0 SPEQAL EVENTS 144,SW.90 265,320.33 2ll,5N.00 �],82033 -18A2 ;6 18! Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-RECREATION 188 FY2011-12 1 FI.T. Pr�ram 15,OOO.N 2 FI.T. Sk/1Ck Walk Run 9,OOO.N 3 Skaters'Challenge 2,OOO.N 4 FamIIVFUnSUIes 8,OOO.N 5 4�h of LIV Parade ],OOO.N 6 4�h of LIV Rreworks Rogram 55$OO.N ] Aglow Ballom FesHval 6,OOO.N 8 9/11 Commerative Event 10,000.N 9 SenlorMnlversary Party 4,OOO.N ioH�im�i� s,soo.m 11 Halloween&I-arvestFestival 8,OOO.N 12ChdstmasTreeLlghtlng 6,OOO.N CeremmV - Duck Pond 135anta'sElectrlcParade 15,OOO.N 14HOIIdaVLlght;&Festive5l¢�t; 4,OOO.N 15 Breakfastwlth5anb 6,OOO.N 16ParentDateNlght ],OOO.N ll Easter Egg Hint 12,OOO.N 18 CommunlNServlcesE;�n 11,OOO.N 19 Spulal6ames 10,000.N d� Teen/YoWh Festival 6,OOO.N 21 TennlsTwmament 3,OOO.N 22 Teen Fundralsing 1$OO.N 23 Parks/FadllHesGYandOpening 2,OOO.N 24 Teen Cmceris 4,OOO.N 993 S3]2 "SMA4T" PRCGRAM O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 S3]3 HIC}iHWESPRCGRAM 5,4]l.� 6,SN.00 ],500.00 1,NO.N 15.�;6 e� si�a vaw�Eaa�v�r�av a,�za.� iqecs.00 e,soo.00 -i,ies.m -io.gz� e� si�a Huwavs�amcESEVeNrs ia,aee.c� ie,sm.00 ie,s0000 o.m o.m� Frzoii-iz 1 TeenDances 11$OO.N 2 Do¢�oure 3,OOO.N 3 CollegeFalr 2$OO.N 4YOWhEmploVmentPmgram 2$OO.N INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 642,66].D 8�,043.95 ]]8,11000 -2],�3.A5 -3.4]90 RopctTOtal 819,926J] W6,]96.95 949,898.00 -26,948.95 -2J6 % 1 &5 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 T6D-REQ2EATIONTOtaI 819,926J] W6,]96.95 949,898.00 -26,998.95 -2J6 % 186 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 184 MA7ME[YANC6 764 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 13,SN.00 13,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 T� 8,OOO.N 2 Safe Bldg 2$OO.N 3COmmunlNPanhy 3,OOO.N 16! 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES �,3]5.00 25,8]500 -YlO.N -1.W ;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty D$OO.N 2 Water 6,3]S.N 3 6as 2,OOO.N 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Vawum 250.N 2 Mops,BUCkeG,Brmms 250.N 3 Tables/CFelrs 2,OOO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S x1,W5.00 20,W500 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 1,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 1,200.N 3 PestCOntrol ]SO.N 4 Envlmnmenbl Health PumIG 400.N 5 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce ]SO.N 6KltahenEqulpmentSeMce 1,OOO.N InsPUtlm ] Bottled Water SOO.N 8 CarpetCleaning5ervlce 1$OO.N 9 RoofSystem Reventive 1,200.N Malntenance 10 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 8$OO.N 11 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes 1,OOO.N 12 Safe/Pantry/Recreatlm 3,DS.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI E3,8W.00 63,35000 -YlO.N -0.]390 Rokct Tobl 63,850.00 63,350.00 -500.00 -0J8 % PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ]5,219.41 ]3,382.00 14,4ll 00 fi3,�5.N b1.61 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 20,859.Q5 x1,315.00 3,940.00 -16,3]S.N b0.61 ;6 18] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 184 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 1,44L6! 3,2IXi.00 451.00 -2,]52N b5.92 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,459.13 2,34.00 1,384.00 -�8.N q1.16 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 9,]65.W 10,64].00 2,65200 -],935.N -]5.03;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 324.N 2W.00 0.00 -x14.N -100.N ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 2$28.Q5 2,5]6.00 2,893.00 3ll.N 1231;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 6ll.4 513.00 168.00 -'AS.N {�,ZS 9g 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 3,D4.01 ],3D.00 2,215.00 -S,ID2N {9,T39g 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 82$15.61 bJ,8W.00 ]9,40000 -10,49].N -1LC4;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 8822 2,W].00 2,W8.00 1.N O.IXi;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 213.45 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 400.N 4N.00 100.00 -310.N -]S.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 199,605.E9 219,94i.00 111,]9800 -108,185.N 49.1890 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 9,38]23 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 460.`6 2,ON.00 1,000.00 -1,NO.N -SO.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 18,]09.4] 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 2,200.W 0.00 2,000.00 2,NO.N FY2011-12 1 Tables&Oialrs 2,OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 25$86.W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 462 MILEAGE 623.03 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 56,96].40 S,SN.00 6,500.00 1,NO.N 18.1890 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 1,109.11 3,2N.00 4,200.00 1,NO.N 3125;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 1,109.D 3,2N.00 4,200.00 1,NO.N 312590 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 5,424.N ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N;6 188 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 184 FY2011-12 1 Temewla CommunlN ��r S,OOO.N 2 S.AF E Bullding 1,OOO.N 3 Panhy Bulldings 1,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 5,424.N ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 263,106.26 235,683.00 129,498.00 -106,185.00 -45.05 % T6DTEMECLLACOMMUNIiVCEI�RERTObI 263,106.26 299,533.00 192,898.00 -106,685.00 -35b2% 1 &9 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-MUSEUM 185 MA7ME[YANC6 76A 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 4,ON.00 4,500.00 WO.N 12.W ;6 FY2011-12 1 Mureum 3$OO.N 2 Chapel 1,OOO.N 16! 440 LfrILITIES ll,ON.00 16,50000 -YlO.N -Z,g�9g FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 12$OO.N 2 Water 2$OO.N 3 6as 1$OO.N 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,ON.00 500.00 -YlO.N -SO.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Mops,BUCkeG,et¢ 250.N 2 Vawum 250.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 18,1N.00 18,10000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 1,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 2,400.N 3 PestCOntrol 1$OO.N 4 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce SOO.N 5 Bottled Water 600.N 6 CarpetCleaning 1,OOO.N ] RoofSystem Reventive 2,OOO.N Malntenance 8 ElevatcrinspecHon/Servlce 1,800.N 9ElevatcrPUmlt 1,OOO.N 10 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 5,800.N 5�0 11 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes SOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 40,1N.00 39,60000 -YlO.N -12590 Ro�ctTObl 90,100.00 39,600.00 -500.00 -1.25 % PROJEGT999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 80,55].82 ]O,1S3.00 ]5,91900 5,]66.N g�9g 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 20,49951 19,411.00 20,]4300 1,332N 6� ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 4,212.94 2,192.00 2,3]200 180.N 821 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 1,880.� 1,6&5.00 1,]8200 W.N SJ6 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 3,689.61 3,6bJ.00 3,904.00 215.N 5.4i;6 190 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-MUSEUM 185 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 96.43 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1$64.48 1,]�.00 2,191.00 455.N 2621;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 630A2 5�.00 66].00 ]1.N 11.91 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2,0]].Y! 2,610.00 2,206.00 �04.N -15.48 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 6$83.11 6pE5.00 6,965.00 WO.N 14.E4 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 653.� 643.00 69200 49.N �,� 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� llL02 16].00 181.00 14.N g,� 9g 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 41,]9L82 42,5�.00 43,2]3.00 ]44.N 1J5;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 4].`6 1,235.00 1,994.00 ]59.N 6L46;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES O.N 1,3N.00 1,300.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 440.N 4N.00 440.00 40.N 10.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 164,8W.C4 lYl,411.00 164,62900 1Q218.N 66290 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 5,202.W 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 8]S21 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 9N.00 1,000.00 100.N 11.11 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS O.N 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 O.N 3N.00 300.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 2,935.6] 4,ON.00 4,500.00 WO.N 12.W ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 12,]4].'A 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 48,]3282 'A,2ll.43 32,]0000 -1,Sll.43 �.43;6 FY2011-12 1 DowmentRestoratlm 3,OOO.N 2 Reglstratlm/Catal�ing D,OOO.N DowmenG 3 E;�IbIG 4,OOO.N 4SLmmuE;�lorersPr�ram 4,OOO.N 5 6allery Talks 2,400.N 60ffslteS[orage 2,300.N 993 5262 MILEA6E O.N 4N.00 400.00 O.N O.N ;6 191 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-MUSEUM 185 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal ]0,493.94 43,06].43 42,1W.00 -9D.43 -21390 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 39322 2,OOO.N 2,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5350 E%CLRSI01�6 0.00 100.N 1,ON.00 900.00 900.00 ;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 39322 2,100.N 3,ON.00 900.00 428690 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 1,890.00 0.00 0.00 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal 1,890.00 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 23],6]4.84 199,5]8.43 209,]]9.00 1Q200.5] 5.11 % T6D-MLSEUM Total 23],6]4.84 239,6]8.43 249,3]9.00 9,]00.5] 4.05 % 192 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-AqUATICS 186 MA7ME[YANC6 76A 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 12,SN.00 12,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 CRC 8,OOO.N 2 iES 4$OO.N 16! 440 LfrILITIES E9,ON.00 68,50000 -YlO.N -0.T2;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 23$OO.N 2 Water 8,OOO.N 3 6as 3],OOO.N 16! 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM ],SN.00 2,000.00 -S,WO.N -]3.33;6 FY2011-12 1 TestKlt� 600.N 2 Chemlcal Wmps, Llnes, Valves 1,400.N 3 — O.N 3 06-$1,000 O.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 42,ON.00 42,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Bottled Water 1,OOO.N 2 Pool Heatu PrevenHve 4$OO.N Malntenance 3 Health WpartmentPertnit� 1$OO.N 4 PoolOiemlcals 24,OOO.N 5 Pool MalntenanceCmtract 11,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 131,ON.00 125,00000 fi,NO.N �.5490 16! Yl18 PIXIMAINiEN,MCE ]S,ON.00 ]5,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 NLSD Relmturement ]S,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI ]S,ON.00 ]5,00000 O.N O.N90 Rokct Tobl 206,000.00 200,000.00 fi -291 % PROJECT999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ]],431.C4 ]3,Ox1.00 80,4]000 2,450.N 3.14 ;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 25,214� 24,903.00 21,98900 -2,920.N -11.T2;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 369.55 2,4�.00 2,515.00 ]].N 3.16 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 5,0]8.11 4,5�.00 4,56].00 38.N O.E4 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 1,656.bJ 12,66200 ],]11.00 �,AS1.N -39.10;6 193 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-AqUATICS 186 993 5108 LIFEINSLRNV� 12&W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 9,2393] 14,2�.00 ll,63200 3,406.N 23,g�9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 642W ]31.00 2,99200 2,�2N 3�9,� 9g 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 6,]45.45 10,]`G.00 8,8]8.00 -1,8]8.N -D.46 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� J9424 0.00 1,368.00 1,�8.N 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 6012 0.00 2]9.00 2]9.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 2]1,2]O.QS 22],6�.00 22],80800 128.N 0.�;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 83&24 ],423.00 10,50000 3,0]].N 41.45;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 1,413.48 4,2N.00 4,200.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 350.N �.00 500.00 420.N 525,�9g 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 3]625 0.00 1,]50.00 1,]SO.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 401,111.55 38],653.00 393,15900 S,W6.N 1A290 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 1Q202.59 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 269.Q5 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 80.N 1W.00 150.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 1O1J5 ]N.00 ]00.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5239 E�UIPMENTLEASE 1,915.N 2,ON.00 0.00 -2,NO.N -100.N;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 49,880.92 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 6,85L82 0.00 8,000.00 8,NO.N FY2011-12 1 Lane Llnes, Fboks, Pml Covers 8,OOO.N 993 443 WIFORMS 6,462Q5 6,SN.00 6,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 46,166.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION 4,098.N 3,1W.00 3,200.00 SO.N 1.59;6 FY2011-12 1 Llfeguard Tralning 3,200.N 993 462 MILEAGE 44.W SW.00 550.00 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 126,0]2� 13,SW.00 19,60000 6,QSO.N 44E590 13� Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-AqUATICS 186 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 3,453.68 S,OOO.N S,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 3,453.68 S,OOO.N S,ON.00 0.00 0.0090 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 19,995.08 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 Yl18 PIXIMAINiEN,MCE 44,326.04 O.N 0.00 0.00 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 64,32112 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 594,958.41 906,203.00 4ll,]59.00 11,556.00 284 % T6D-AC�IJATI(5TOtal 594,958.41 612,203.00 6D,�59.00 5,556.00 0.91 % 195 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDSPORT5187 PROJ6Ci999 993 5300 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ]0,29624 6$220.N C4,219.00 -1.00 0.00 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 24,06220 28,4W.N 18,640.00 -9,85].00 -3459 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 2,132N 2,132.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,]03.66 2,434.N 2,4W.00 26.00 1.0] ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 1,39352 1,4Yl.00 1,454.00 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 108.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2,803.95 3,3]S.N 3,9�.00 611.00 18.10;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 564A2 585.N 5�.00 3.00 O51 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 4,008.93 6,994.N 5,9C4.00 -1p26.00 -14.6] ;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 6,W922 8,6]1.N ],282.00 -1,389.00 -16A2;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 1,4]0.96 1$80.N 1,535.00 �5.00 -285 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 300.84 323.N 314.00 -9.00 -Z]9 9g 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 121,326.01 105,000.N 101,]T3.00 -3,22].00 -3.0] ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 124.04 1,131.N 11,181.00 10,05000 88859;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 28].99 2$OO.N 2,SN.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 400.00 400.N 4N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 ID296 O.N 10].00 10].00 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 236,93294 231,842N 223,S�J.00 -3,303.00 -1A290 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 300J5 300.N 3N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 6,393.16 S,OOO.N S,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 35,3]291 40,OOO.N 40,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 462 MILEAGE 595.55 SOO.N 6W.00 150.00 30.00 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 42,6623] 45,800.N 45,9W.00 150.00 03390 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 11,890.4] 12,300.N 12,3N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5313 AWARC6 18,42223 20,614.01 xl,]N.00 85.99 OA2;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 30,312J0 32,914.01 33,ON.00 85.99 Q2690 PropctTOtal 309,908.01 310,556.01 30],489.00 3,06].Ol -0.99 % T6USPCRTSTOtaI 309,908.01 310,556.01 30�,489.00 -3,06].Ol -0.99 % 196 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCHILDRENS MUSEUM 188 MA7ME[YANC6 764 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES 22,SN.00 22,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 16,250.N 2 Water 4$OO.N 3 6as 1,OOO.N 4 Tlme WamerCable ]SO.N 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM ]W.00 ]50.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Elec[rmlc;, Motcrs, Pumps ]SO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 14,3N.00 14,30000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 1,200.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 1,200.N 3 PestCOntrol SOO.N 4 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce SOO.N 5 Kltahen Equlpment SOO.N Servlce/Inspectlon 6 Bottled Water 1,OOO.N ] CarpetCleaning5ervlce SOO.N 8 RoofSystem Reventive 2,200.N Malntenance 9 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes SOO.N 10 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 6,200.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 45,OW.00 45,05000 O.N O.N90 16! Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 3],3W.00 30,00000 -],�JO.N -19J6;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 3],3W.00 30,00000 -],�JO.N -19J690 Rokct Tobl 82,490.00 ]5,050.00 -],390.00 -8.96 % PROJECT999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 80,OOO.W ]O,1S3.00 84,5]000 14,4ll.N 20.55;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 23,92].13 24,244.00 23,10]00 -1,13].N q,E99g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 245.W 2,192.00 2,643.00 451.N 20.5/ ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,662� 2,SA5.00 2,834.00 239.N 921 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 9,J91.49 9,1E9.00 11,54100 2,3]2N Z5,g�9g 19] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCHILDRENS MUSEUM 188 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 1325] 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 2$65.� 2,323.00 2,494.00 166.N ].13;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 630A2 58].00 ]83.00 196.N 33.�J ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 3,316.81 4,048.00 3,]80.00 -�8.N {,� 9g 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]51.� ]43.00 933.00 190.N Z5,5� 9g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 653.� 633.00 81200 ll9.N Zg,23 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 25.10 23.00 31.00 3.N lOJl ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 90,635.31 1W,023.00 105,25]00 1,229.N 1.18;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 95.03 2,493.00 3,94].00 1,448.N 5].94;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 3,3]3.E3 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 440.N 4N.00 500.00 100.N Z5,�9g SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 218,]45.� 2�,64].00 246,23200 19,545.N 86l90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 10,]49.R 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,042J5 9N.00 900.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 4�.00 500.00 ]4.N D3] ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 985.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 108.]J SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5239 E�UIPMENTLEASE 1,915.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 440 LfrILITIES 19,456.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 113.�J 2,]W.00 0.00 -2,]JO.N -100.N;6 993 443 WIFORMS 618.6] 8N.00 500.00 -310.N -3].W ;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 25$85.E9 2,210.00 ],500.00 S,�O.N 2393];6 FY2011-12 1 Show ]$OO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N 1,OW.00 1,050.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 418.43 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 60,994.d� 11,6]6.00 13,95000 2,2]4.N 19.4890 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 8,3324i S,W4.00 3,500.00 -2,4]4.N q1.41 ;6 198 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCHILDRENS MUSEUM 188 993 S3]0 SPEQAL EVENTS 6,2N.00 8,000.00 1,�O.N Z9,� 96 FY2011-12 1 WlnterWOn�rlandProgram 3$OO.N 2 Halloween 2$OO.N 3 RIdaV wn NI¢�t� 1,200.N 45enlor/SCwtCLtreach 800.N INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 8,3324i 12,D4.00 11,50000 6I4.N -S.Yl90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 3,888.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 28,OOO.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 31,888.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 319,960.91 255,4W.00 2]6,68200 21,185.00 8.29 % T6D{kiILDRENSMUSELMTObI 319,960.91 33�,93�.00 351,�3200 13,�95.00 4.08% 199 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT'THEATER 189 MA7ME[YANC6 764 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 10,8N.00 10,80000 O.N O.N;6 16! 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 3,]N.00 3,]00.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES ]S,ON.00 ]3,]0000 -1,310.N -1.T3;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 58,]OO.N 2 Water S,OOO.N 3 6as 10,000.N 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Vawuum SOO.N 2 Caris, mcps,buckeG,squeeges SOO.N 3 RocrSCrubbu SOO.N 4 Rocr Fans SOO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 2],ON.00 2],00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 1$OO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 1$OO.N 3 PestCOntrol 1,200.N 4 Envlmnmenbl Health PumIG 2,OOO.N (Kltchen & Cart) 5 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce 2,OOO.N 6 Kltahen Equlpment SOO.N Servlce/Inspectlons ] Bottled Water 1,OOO.N 8 Carpet/L¢holstery Cieaning 3,OOO.N 9 RoofSystem Reventive ],300.N Malntenance IDElevatcr 2$OO.N Malntenance/Inspectlon ll ElevatcrPUmlt 1,OOO.N 12 WlndowCleaning5ervlce 1$OO.N 13ROOfDralnSystems5ervlce 2,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 11$SN.00 1D,20000 -1,310.N -1.1090 16! Yl16 REHFBILITATICN x1,ON.00 10,30000 -9,]OO.N qg,�9g FY2011-12 1 MlnorreMbuntlllltl�tlon 10,300.N resolved WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI d�,ON.00 10,30000 -9,]OO.N 48.W90 200 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT'THEATER 189 PropctTOtal 138,500.00 12],500.00 -11,000.00 -].94 % PROJECT999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 280,124.95 2]l,ll].N 2&5,594.00 14,4ll00 532;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 82,4626] 85,969.N ]3,631.00 -],339.00 -354 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 4,81236 9,369.N 9,8x1.00 451.00 4.81 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ],590.96 ],5]O.N ],83].00 26].00 3.53 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 12,92224 14,056.N 14,241.00 185.00 132;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 565J1 204.N �.00 -168.00 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 5,599J1 5,3]].N 6,56l.00 1,18].00 2208;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 2,15]24 1,692N 2,3]].00 685.00 40.48 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 12,8]5.18 9,150.N ],SW.00 -1,600.00 -D.49;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 25,180J4 25,393.N 2],]51.00 2,358.00 9,Z996 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2,3]0.08 2,]99.N 2,61200 -18].00 {.68 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 4]1.86 382N Sx1.00 138.00 36.13 ;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 209,213.64 223$12N 2�pC4.00 2,556.00 1.14 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 122J4 4,]5].N 14,OW.00 9,340.00 19634;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 21,335.10 18,OOO.N 19,ON.00 1,000.00 556 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1,640.00 1,600.N 1,]N.00 100.00 625;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 398.40 318.N 4�J.00 121.00 38.05;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 669,84358 681,325.N ]W,8#.00 23,51100 3.4590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 9,61559 1,200.N 1,2N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE- 3,556.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 52ll REPAIR & MAINT.-CFF EQU 0.00 400.N 4N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 1,081.83 1$OO.N 1,SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 19,959.10 15,412N 13,ON.00 -2,41200 -15.65 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 550.00 SSO.N 4N.00 -150.00 -ZJ,ZJ9g 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 286.95 300.N 3N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 6,6]8.46 12,115.N 8,ON.00 �,115.00 -33.W ;6 201 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONIINUNIT'THEATER 189 993 5239 E�UIPMENTLEASE 1,914.93 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 440 LfrILITIES 65,55031 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM ],913.D 1,391.00 2,000.00 W9.N 43.]3;6 FY2011-12 1 Tables&Oialrs 2,OOO.N 993 443 WIFORMS 400.N 4N.00 400.00 O.N O.N;6 993 444 SIGI�6 ID223 1N.00 100.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 52500TFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 81,]1482 51,603.00 51,50000 -109.N -021;6 FY2011-12 1 GYapM¢ 20,OOO.N 2 MlstHCSpIbIIN 3$OO.N 3 Plano Tuning 6,OOO.N 4 Shocvear 22,OOO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 9,169.�J 6,031.00 8,000.00 1,WO.N 326I;6 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS O.N 0.00 150.00 150.N 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION O.N 0.00 200.00 x10.N 993 462 MILEAGE 843.40 8N.00 800.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 209,33624 91,80].00 8],95000 -3,&5].N �.d�90 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 3,986.� 4,8x1.00 4,000.00 -520.N -D.Ol ;6 993 5309 iHEAiERSrAGELIGHTIN6/SCUVDSLPPLIES 9,00525 13,]6l.00 $200.00 -5,`G4.N q0A2;6 993 5311 iHEAiER�RCOL�ICN �IiF2AQ5 131,55625 1�,246.00 144,50000 8,254.N 6� ;6 FY2011-12 1 TheaterROducHons ll2,000.N 2MercPmductlons 32$OO.N 993 5314 iHEAiERDANCEPROPQ 12,OOO.N 3l,ON.00 30,00000 O.N O.N;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 156$4]J6 1E4,831.00 186,]0000 1,8]O.N 1.0190 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 1,396.]0 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN $200.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 9$96.]0 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 1p45,32A28 960,46200 981,986.00 21,524.00 224 % T6U�MMWIiViHEATERTObI 1p45,32A28 1,098,96200 1,109,986.00 10,524.00 0.96% 202 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCULTUR4I. ARTS 190 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 3$98.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,424.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 245. W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 265.4i 31200 31200 O.N O.N ;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 24.�J 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 266J6 644.00 ]98.00 154.N 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 5022 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 28L24 492.00 344.00 -148.N -30.� ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]50.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5114 DENTPLINSLRNV� 122.W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 25.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 13,248.55 19,9W.00 19,99900 2N 0.01;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr ].N ]W.00 ]50.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 1,231.� 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 40.N 0.00 0.00 O.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 21,581.E3 23,6A5.00 23,]0300 8.N O.IXi90 993 422 PRIMII�G 1,041.4i 2,ON.00 3,500.00 1,WO.N ]S.N;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 100.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 462 MILEAGE O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,141.4i 4,SN.00 6,000.00 1,WO.N 33.3390 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 9902] 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 S3]O SPEQALEVENTS 53,304J6 61,6E526 61,]0000 34J4 0.�;6 FY2011-12 is,mm�FUmam�certs�i� ae,000.m 2Merc�enings 4,OOO.N 3 Exchanging E;�IbIG 8,250.N 4 Fall Ccncert 3,450.N INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 54,J95.IXi 6l,1E526 64,20000 34J4 O.Q590 Ropct Total ]],018.49 92,36Q26 93,903.00 1,542J4 1.6] % 203 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 T6UQLiURFLARTSTOtaI T/,018.49 92,360.26 93,903.00 1,542J4 L6] % 2W Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 OLDTOWNMAIMENANCE 191 MA7ME[YANC6 764 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 10,8N.00 10,80000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 15ourdSystem S,OOO.N 2 Restrmm Bullding 3,OOO.N 3 HVAC Systems (SOUnd Rm & 1,OOO.N cabineG) 4 Drinking Watu/BackFlow 1,OOO.N 5 6eneralRepalrs 800.N 16! 418 MAINiENANCESUPPLIES 4,ON.00 4,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES x1,ON.00 20,00000 O.N O.N;6 16! 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 443 WIFORMS ]W.00 ]50.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 35,ON.00 35,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 151�walk/Boardwalk S,OOO.N Repalr/Malnt. 2SreetLlteRepalr/Malnt. S,OOO.N 3Repalr/Treatment(tiash 4,OOO.N cans/bencFzs/planters) 4 Palntlng Qlte polesalgns, etcJ S,OOO.N 5 HVACReventiveMalntenance 1,OOO.N 6 Alartn Monitodng/Servlce 1$OO.N ] PestCOntrol 1$OO.N 8 Sourd VendorSeMce ],OOO.N 9 Restrmm CLStodlal5ervlce S,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI ]1,SW.00 ]1,55000 O.N O.N90 16! 5319 S7REETLIGHTIN6 x1,ON.00 20,00000 O.N O.N;6 INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl d�,ON.00 2Q00000 O.N O.N 90 Ro�ctTObl 91,550.00 91,550.00 0.00 0.00 % PROSEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 9,]884 0.00 5,]6].00 5,]6].N 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 2,12132 0.00 1,5]6.00 1,5]6.N 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT O.N 0.00 180.00 180.N 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 15L22 0.00 86.00 86.N 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 1824 0.00 O.N 205 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 OLDTOWNMAIMENANCE 191 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 80.53 O.N 40.00 40.00 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� ]9.96 ]0.00 ]0.00 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 18324 O.N 3]0.00 3]0.00 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 1,206.64 O.N 1,054.00 1,058.00 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 2]9.05 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 100.00 O.N 40.00 40.00 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 14,008J2 O.N 9,18].00 9,18].00 0.0090 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF ],553.90 1,200.N 1,2N.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 418 MAINiENANCESUPPLIES 1,523.65 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 440 LfrILITIES 13,68L26 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 443 WIFORMS ]5.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 18,324J0 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 41,15851 2,200.N 2,2N.00 0.00 0.0090 993 5319 S7REETLIGHTIN6 ll,8W24 O.N 0.00 0.00 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI D,8W24 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 28,563J2 30,OOO.N 3l,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 28,563J2 30,OOO.N 3l,ON.00 0.00 0.00 90 PropctTOtal 101,628.19 32,200.00 41,38].00 9,18].00 28.53 % QD TOWN MAIMENNV� Total 101,628.19 123,]50.00 132,93].00 9,18].00 ]A2 % 206 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-HARVESI'ON CLUBHOUSE 192 MA7ME[YANC6 76A 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 2,000.00 2,NO.N 16! 440 LfrILITIES 11,00000 11,NO.N FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 8,OOO.N 2 Water 2,OOO.N 3 6as 1,OOO.N 16! 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,800.00 1,�O.N FY2011-12 1 Vac, Cart, BuckeG, Mcps 1,OOO.N 2 Mlscellaneous 800.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 8,250.00 8,250.N FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance ]SO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng 1,OOO.N 3 PestCOntrol ]SO.N 4 Rocr Mat/Towell5ervlce ]SO.N 5 Bottled Water 200.N 6 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 4,800.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 23,05000 23,QSO.N O.N90 Ro�ct Tobl 23,050.00 23,050.00 0.00 % PROJECT999 993 5104 MEDIGNEE 4]4.00 4]4.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% ]98.00 ]J8.N 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 523.00 523.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 32,6]000 32,6IO.N 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 1,225.00 1,225.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 35,69000 35,E90.N O.N90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 1,600.00 1,WO.N 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 1,000.00 1,NO.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 500.00 WO.N 993 5234 RENT/FACILIiV 56,56800 56,`G8.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 3,000.00 3,NO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 62,66800 62,E68.N O.N90 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 4,000.00 4,NO.N 20] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-HARVESI'ON CLUBHOUSE 192 993 5330 �IiF2AQEDQA�ES 154,00000 154,NO.N FY2011-12 1]090 of Pm]ected Cmtracted 154,OOO.N Class Revenue INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 158,00000 158,NO.N O.N90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 4,800.00 4,�O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 4,800.00 4,�O.N O.N90 Ro�ctTObl 261,158.00 261,158.00 0.00% T6D+iARVESrCN QUBHCUSE Tobl 284,208.00 284,208.00 0.00 % 208 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDCONFERENCE CEMER 198 MA7ME[YANC6 76A 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 2,000.00 2,NO.N 16! 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 2,500.00 2,WO.N FY2011-12 1 CarpetClearer 1$OO.N 2 Mlscellaneous 1,OOO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 5,600.00 S,WO.N FY2011-12 1 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce 1,300.N 2 Kltahen Equlpment 1$OO.N Servlce/Inspectlon 3 Bottled Water 1,300.N 4 CarpetCleaning5ervlce 1,OOO.N 5 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes SOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 10,10000 10,100.N O.N90 Ro�ctTObl 10,100.00 10,100.00 0.00% PROJECT999 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 325.00 325.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% ]98.00 ]J8.N 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 358.00 358.N 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 993 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 22,38000 22,�O.N 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 839.00 4i9.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 24,]0000 24,]OO.N O.N90 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 800.00 �O.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 1,000.00 1,NO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,800.00 1,�O.N O.N90 993 5301 RECREATIONSUPRIES 2,000.00 2,NO.N INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl 2,000.00 2,NO.N O.N90 Ro�ct Tobl 28,500.00 28,500.00 0.00 % T6D�VFEREI�E CEI�RER Tobl 38,600.00 38,600.00 0.00 % TBNEQILACOMMUNITVSERVI�SDISTRICTTOtaI 11,151,066.35 12,ll4,8]L23 12,989,459.00 314,58]J] 258 % 209 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Pfogram: CULTURALARTS MISSION: The Cultural Arts Program is responsible for providing an array of cultural arts programs and activities that are both educational and entertaining for residents and visitas to the community. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Presented six temporary exhibitions on the second floa gallery space of the History Museum. . Received a$10,000 grant from the Reid Foundation for the publication of Horece Parker's "Brush Country Journal". . Successfully implemented the Summer Explorers Program, providing advanced education for 8-10 year old students in local history at the History Museum. . Completed the cataloging of over 1,300 photographs, documents, and maps in the Wilkinson Collection, scanning and entering colledion artifacts in the Temecula Valley Museum database. . Received the Nickelodeon's Parents Pick Award for the second year in a row at the Children's Museum. . Increased awareness of GIFTix and Print-Ai-Home programs by utilizing social media and printed materials. Increased GIFTix revenue by 40%over fscal year 2009-2010. . Increased Theater e-mail contact list to 12,306 valid e-mail addresses. . Implemented cutting edge BARE Intensity, which is a frst of its kind Reverse Residency Dance Program in association with BARE Dance. . Initiated a Group Sales program to promde Temecula Presents package sales to groups, companies, and organizations, which increased sales by 300 tickets. . Facilitated the acquisition of the donation of a 1905 Model O Steinway Piano by the Theater Foundation valued at $65,000. z�o �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Pfagram: GUL'I'U�RALARTS—con6r�ued� 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Implement a four week Summer Erplorers program to provide a local history experience for students, incorporeting guest presenters, and demonstretions to educate students on the diverse cultural and historical heritage. (Preserving a FamilyFriendly Lilestyle) . Eepand the temporary art show exhibitions at the Gallery at the Merc and the Temecula Public Library. (PreserNng a FamdyFriendlyLi(estyle) . Eepand membership enrollment at Children's Museum by 3% by June 2012 (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) • Formalize a safety training program to comply with State safety mandates with crew, and residents companies, to provide instruction on the continued safe operetion of theater equipment and machinery. (FacdAy/Infrestructure Maintenance) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Summer Concert Series 10 10 10 10 Movies in the Park Series 8 8 9 9 Eepand the Arts Connedion Program 12 12 12 12 Publish two issues of the High z z z z Country Magazine z�� �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: ProgFam: REGREATION MISSION: The Recreation Services Program is responsible for providing a wide variety of high quality, comprehensive Citywide recreation and leisure opportunities that meet the needs of a diverse and ever-changing population. Recreation Services is also responsible for creating and maintaining a strong sense of community that promotes participation in recreation experiences which enhance overall health and well-being. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Successfully implemented the Mayor's Summer Youth Program by providing approximately 150 summerjob oppatunities. . Enhanced promotion of the annual Community Services Department "Eepo' resulting in a 29%increase in revenues. . Successfully relocated the Santa's Electric Light Parade to Old Town Temecula. . Eepanded the annual Breakfast with Santa Event to include a session for special needs youth and their families. . Planned, programmed and successfully implemented the 2n Mnual Temecula Special Games event. . Encourage overall ftness opportunities by expanding the FIT (Fitness in Temecula) Program to include the 100 Mile Svim Club. . Successfully planned and implemented the 2n Annual Temecula College and Vocational Invitational at the Promenade Mall. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Manage the daily operetions of the Conference Center which promotes economic development in the City by July 30, 201 L (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Effectiveness) . Plan, program, and implement the daily operetions, programming, and rentals at the Harveston Center by July 30, 201 L (Preserving Family Friendly Lifestyle) z�z �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: RECREAT10N�ontinue@� 2011-2012 OBJECTNES - continued: . Plan, program, and implement additional contrect classes and recreational opportunities at theTemeculaCommunityCenterbySeptember201t (PreservingFamdyFriendlyLilestyle) . Expand the number of recreation and leisure opportunities to those with special needs and their families by 70°k by June 30, 2012 (PreserNng FamilyFriendlyLilestyle) . Provide additional recreation and leisure opportunity materials by expanding the Guide to Leisure Activities brochure by four pages by the Summer/Fall Brochure 2012. (Preserving Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) PERFORMANCEMEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Senior Programs 62 62 65 75 Special Needs class opportunities 0 0 1001 1026 Expand Special Needs opportunities 2 2 4 15 Special Events 60 61 68 72 213 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: ProgFam: COMMUNITY�SER�ICES MISSION: The Community Services Program assists with public park and trail easements, acquisitions and development, and comprehensive Librery services along with administretive and budgetary duties. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Monitored the completion of the Escalier House and Barn building improvements to ensure the fnal produd met design goals. . Monitored the completion of Redhawk Park, which included the construdion of a new dog park, restrooms, parking improvements, tot lot, and half-court basketball area along with ADA improvements. . Monitored the completion of Sunset Park improvements, which included the construction of a seatlretaining wall. . Developed and implemented an operetional agreement forthe TEAM Community Pantry for use of the Escalier House and Barn. . Developed, implemented, and organized the Pantry's move from its temporery facility into the Escalier House and Barn. . Increased teen Librery attendance by 10°k with additional outreach and programs. . Added an Adult Summer Literecy Reading Program in conjundion with the Children's and Teen Summer Reading program. . Launched'Book Buzz Club" a middle school disassion and activity group. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Monitor the construction of the Old Town Gymnasium project - Phase t (Facdity / Infrestructure Maintenance) • Install a replacement slide at the swimming pool at the Community Recreation Center by December201t (FacilAy/InfrestrudureMaintenance) z�4 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: PFogram: COMMUNITY SERWICES-continued 2011-2012 OBJ ECTI VES - continued: • Work on the process of making trail and bikeway connections Citywide. (Preserving Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) • Expand programming at the Temecula Public Library to include computer classes for adults offered on Friday and Saturday mornings. (Preserving FamilyFriendlyLilestyle) • Work with Information Systems Department to upgrade computer software at the Temecula Public Library to Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Offce 2010. (PreserNng Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) . Update existing City of Temecula trails and bikeways map by December 201 L (PreserNng Family Friendly Li(estyle) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Implement Adult Reading Classes at 0 0 2 4 the Librery Capital Improvement Projeds 2 2 3 4 z�s �.r irq� T �� _ � -:.:. {��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: PFogram: PARKAN��LANDSCAPEMAINTENANCE MISSION: The Maintenance Services Program is responsible for providing effective landscape maintenance services for parks, slopes, medians, open space, trails, and perimeter landscaping. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Maintained over 8.8 million square feet of residential slope landscaping. • Completed numerous park site and landscaped median rehabilitation/repair projects at Winchester Creek Park (installed of concrete rail fencing), Ronald Reagan Sports Parklfemecula Skate Park (rebuilt restroom sewer lift station pump system), Harveston Community Park (re-lamped soccer feld and baseball feld lighting system), Harveston Community Park (replaced the windscreen on baseball feld fencing), and Margarita Community Park (resurtaced the tennis courts). • Completed the installation of the walkway lighting system at Riverton Park. • Completed the removal of turt, installation of a drip irrigation system, and the installation of drought tolerant shrubs at the Margarita Road Median island at Rancho Califania Road. • Assisted with construction oversight and completion of the Dog Park at Redhawk Community Park and the Maggie Allen SYory Time Monument at Sunset Park. • Assisted with the construction oversight and inspedion of the Civic Center landscape improvements. • Coordinated and managed the employee relocation to the new Civic Center. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Develop and establish a pavement management plan for all Cily park sites based upon infamation obtained from the Parks and Facility Asset Management Plan by December 30,201t (Facildy/IrdrestructureMaiMenance) • Assist in the development of the Parks and Facilities Asset Management Plan by December 30, 201 L (Facildy/Infrestructure Maintenarrce) 216 i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES 111EP�PlRT11IEleTT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: PARKAN��LANDSCAPEMAINTENANCE—co�tinuetl 2011-2012 OBJECTIVES - coirtinued: • Develop and prioritize a rehabilitation projed list for all park sites bases upon the infamation obtained from the Parks and Facilities Asset Management Plan by December 30,201t (FacilAy/IMrestructureMaintenance) • Establish a Rehabilitation Projed list of all park sites which include cost estimates. (Facdity /Infrestructure Maintenance) • Implement a pavement management plan for public parking lots at City parks. (FacdAy/ Infrestructure Maintenance) • Identify sites in need of modifcation to address California Drought Tolerant Landscaping Standards. (FacdAy/InfrestmctureMaintenance) • Complete the installation of drought tolerant landscaping in designated areas to meet State landscaping standards by June 2012 (FacdAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) • Implement GBA Master Series for all service requestsiWork orders at City parks, medians, and residential slope landscaping areas to mae accuretely treck and monitor requested services by June 2012 (Facdity/Infrestructure Maintenance) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Drought tolerant landscaping z z 4 z replacement City park rehabilitation projeds 50 5 5 5 Service Order Requests completed N/A N/A 500 750 zn � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� z�a �3r� ieyxt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ � ���T i�l:R�ICE EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: HcWal Hc[ual Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Personnel $ ],083 $ ],818 $ ]]34 $ P,805 $ 10,P1 1315% Opeations&Maintznance 858,083 832,845 848,880 840,825 $ (5,885J -OB% CapiblOU[lay $ 00% $ 883,188 $ 810,481 $ BW,424 $ 858,]30 $ 4,308 0.5% SERVIC£ LEVEL C HcWal Hc[ual Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Personnel $ 222]82 $ 188,818 $ 188,5/0 $ 104,384 $ (82,20� -3]3% Opeations&Maintznance 1,248,882 1,180,888 1,41q222 1,882,882 $ 248,440 P.8% CapiblOU[lay - - - - - 00% Opeating Tansfer Out 4H4,800 0 0% $ 1,4]2]44 $ 1,835,205 $ 1,580]82 $ 1,]8],028 $ 188,234 11.8% SERVIC£ LEVEL D HcWal Hc[ual Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Personnel $ 85,481 $ ]1,483 $ W,332 $ ]2,338 $ 18,004 33]% Opeations&Maintznance 5,818,88] 5,850,118 5,804,08] 8,110,888 $ 308,822 53% CapiblOU[lay $ 00% $ 5,884,448 $ Bp21,801 $ 5,858 ,388 $ 8,183,025 $ 324,828 5.5% SFRVICE LEUEL R HcWal Hc[ual Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Opeations&Maintznance $ 1,510 $ 32,83] $ 10,040 $ 10,150 $ 110 1]% CapiblOU[lay $ $ 00% $ 1,510 $ 32,83] $ 10,040 $ 10,150 $ 110 1.1% SERVICE LEVEL L HcWal Hc[ual Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Personnel $ 81,482 $ 58,W0 $ 44,433 $ 44,450 $ P 00% Opeations&Maintznance 202]48 184,883 2P,BID 2P,800 $ (1� 0.0% CapiblOU[lay $ 00% $ 284,241 $ 251,523 $ 282,343 $ 282,350 $ ] 00% LI3RARY HcWal HcWal Budge[ed Requez[ed Expendi[ureSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $CM1ange %CM1ange Personnel $ 28,131 $ 12]04 $ 13,4]8 $ 48,880 $ 33,211 2484% Opeations&Maintznance 518,510 835,885 ]28,820 ]15,880 (13,840J -1.8% CapiblOU[lay 113,118 0.0% $ 881 ]5/ $ 818,588 $ ]43,288 $ ]82,8]0 $ 18,3]1 28% 219 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ � ���T i�l:R�ICE EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: � � �� � NcWal NcWal Budgeted Requested ExpendiWreSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-00 FY20f0-01 FY20fl-02 $Change %Change Peaonnel $ 32,05! $ 318,733 $ 255,820 $ 4,000 $ (251,820) -884% Opere[ions&MeirRenence 2,R0 11,028 18,380 - Q8,380) -1000% Cepi[el Ou[lay 0 0% $ 3q227 $ 335,782 $ Z15,000 $ 4,000 $ (Z11,000) -885% DEBT SERVICE NcWal NcWal Budgeted Requested ExpendiWreSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-00 FY20f0-01 FY20fl-02 $Change %Change Opere[ions&MeirRenence $ 484,5l5 $ 484,040 $ 482,888 $ 485,480 $ 2782 08% OpBre[Ir�q TrensfarOUl O O% $ 484,5l5 $ 484,040 $ 482,888 $ 485,480 $ 2782 08% 220 �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TCSD DEBT SERVICE PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Nuthorizetl Propoxtl SERVICELEVELB 2010-11 Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl O�CBSpBCIBIISt OOS OOO OOS OOO SBnmrMBnBgBmBntAnBlyst OOO O9S O9S OOO Total 005 0.15 020 000 SERVICE LEVEL C LentlSCBpBInspBCtOr OBS OOO OBS O.BS MBmtBnBnCBSUpBnritBntlBnt OOS OOO OOS OOO O�CBSpBCIBIISt O2S (01OJ O9S O.00 PBrkS/LentlSCBpBMBlntanBnCBSUpBM50r O2S OOO O2S O.00 SBnmrLendsCBpBInSpBCtOr O3S OOO O3S O.00 SBnmrMBnBgBmBntAnBlyst O2O (O1OJ O9O O.00 Totel 205 (020) 185 0.85 SERVICE LEVEL D AssOCIBtaPIBnnBr OOO OBO OBO OOO COmmunitySBMCBSSUpBnntBntlBrit O9S OOO O9S O9S O�CBSpBCIBIISt O9S (O1SJ OOO O.00 SBnmrMBnBgBmBntAnBlyst O2S (O2SJ OOO O.00 Total O55 020 0]5 0.15 SERVICE LEVEL L LentlSCBpBInspBCtOr O9S OOO O9S O.1S SBnmrLendsCBpBInSpBCtOr O9S OOO O9S O.00 LeStl MBmtBnBnCB WOrkBr O9O (0.10) OOO O.00 MBmtBnBnCBWOrkBr OOO O9O O9O O.00 PBrk/LentlSCBpBMBlntanBnCBSUpBM50r O9S OOO O9S O.00 Total O55 000 O55 0.15 LIBRHRY MBmtBnBnCBWOrkBr OOO O2S O2S O.00 MBmtBnBnCBSUpBM50r OOO O9O O9O O.00 Total 000 035 035 0.00 COMMUNITYSEFNICESTOTNL 31.15 Q.10) 38.05 5.00 221 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL °B^ STREEI' LIGHTS 192 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 5,269.15 5,349.00 11,5]] 00 6,228.N 116.43 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,250.5] 1,3&5.00 3,198.00 1,813.N 130.W ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 403.�J 24i.00 4]].00 194.N 68.55 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 8824 82.00 ll5.00 93.N 113.41 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 414.54 459.00 1,]90.00 1,331.N 239,�9g e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� ie.� io.00 zoo -s.m ao.m � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 16.11 16.00 80.00 64.N 400.N;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 33.� 35.00 14200 10].N 3�SJ1 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 29.]3 31.00 60.00 29.N 93.55 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr ]S.N 6l.00 324.00 �O.N 40625 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 20.N x1.00 80.00 60.N 3�O.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI ],616.44 ],]'A.00 D,90500 10,D1.N 1315190 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES 11,35].SS 14,]25.00 14,22500 -YlO.N -3.40;6 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 8,648.� 6,4W.00 0.00 fi,490.N -100.N;6 993 462 MILEAGE O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 20,005.43 21,215.00 14,22500 fi,930.N -32.A590 993 5319 S7REETLIGHTIN6 912,838.W 925,4]5.00 926,60000 1,125.N 012;6 FY2011-12 1 CLrrentLSe 9ll,000.N 2 35 New S[reet LIghG In FV 11- 6,300.N 12 3 Rate Increare 3,300.N INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 912,838.W 925,4]5.00 926,60000 1,125.N 01290 Ropct Total 990,960.8] 954,424.00 958,]30.00 4,306.00 0.45 % TCSDIWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 990,960.8] 954,424.00 958,]30.00 4,306.00 0.45 % TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHTS Total 990,460.8] 954,424.00 958,]30.00 4,306.00 0.45 % 222 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 501 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 4,033.N 2,SE9.00 -1,464.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,031.N 6�.00 -345.00 -33.46 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 143.N 0.00 -143.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 62N �.00 -24.00 -38J1 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 243.N 159.00 b4.00 -34.5];6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 4.N 1.00 -3.00 -]5.00 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 18.N 13.00 -5.00 -2�]g9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 3].N 19.00 -18.00 �8.65 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 122N E4.00 -38.00 -31.15 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 284.N 161.00 -123.00 �331 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� S1.N 23.00 -28.00 -54.90 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 12N 9.00 -3.00 -25.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 9.N 3.00 fi.00 {6.6] ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES ]4.N ]4.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 23.N 13.00 -10.00 �3.48;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 2N 0.00 -200 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 6,148.N 3,84.00 -2,296.00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 2,088.N 2,0&5.00 -3.00 -0.14;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE J94.N 28].00 -].00 -238 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 12,]18.N 11,SW.00 -1,168.00 -9.18;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 13.00 13.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 84.N 0.00 b4.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 15,184.N 13,935.00 -1,249.00 b2390 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 16$2].N x1,2W.00 3,6]].00 ZZ,Z59g WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 16$2].N d�,2W.00 3,6]].00 222590 PropctTOtal 3],859.00 3],991.00 13200 0.35 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 3],859.00 3],991.00 13200 0.35 % 223 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE1 3],859.00 3],991.00 13200 0.35 % SPDDLEWOOD Total 224 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 2 WINCF�STER CREEK502 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 2,692N 1,]15.00 -9]].00 -3629;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 689.N 454.00 -231.00 -33.53 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 96.N 0.00 -96.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 41.N �.00 -15.00 -3659 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 162N 1�.00 -56.00 -34.5];6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3.N 0.00 -3.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 12N 9.00 -3.00 -25.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 25.N 13.00 -1200 �8.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 81.N `G.00 -25.00 -30.86 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 189.N 1�.00 b1.00 �286 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 34.N 15.00 -19.00 -55.88 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 8.N 6.00 -200 -25.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 6.N 200 �.00 {6.6] ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 49.N 49.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 15.N 9.00 fi.00 �0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 4,103.N 2,ST2.00 -1,531.00 -3]3190 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 1,394.N 2,ON.00 606.00 43.4];6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 381.N 3R.00 -9.00 -236 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 9,00].N 8,8N.00 -20].00 -230 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 9.00 9.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 122N 0.00 -12200 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 10,904.N 11,181.00 2]].00 25490 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 26,06].N 40,524.00 14,45]00 55.46;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 1,416.N 8,ON.00 6,584.00 464.W ;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 2],483.N 48,524.00 21,04100 ]656 90 PropctTOtal 42,490.00 62,2]].00 19,]8].00 96.5] % 225 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 2 WINCF�STER CREEK502 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 42,490.00 62,2]].00 19,]8].00 96.5] % SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE2 42,490.00 62,2]].00 19,]8].00 46.5] % WINCHESTER CREEK Total 226 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 503 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 3,188.N 2,031.00 -1,15].00 -3629;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 815.N 54200 -2]3.00 -3350 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 113.N 0.00 -113.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 49.N 31.00 -19.00 -38J8 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 192N 1�.00 fi6.00 -3438;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3.N 0.00 -3.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 15.N 10.00 -5.00 -3333;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 30.N 15.00 -15.00 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 96.N E6.00 -30.00 -3125 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 224.N 123.00 -96.00 �286 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 40.N 18.00 -2200 -55.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 10.N ].00 -3.00 -30.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� ].N 3.00 �.00 -5].14 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 58.N 54.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 18.N 11.00 -].00 -38.89;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 2N 0.00 -200 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 4,860.N 3,045.00 -1,815.00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 2$OO.N 2,543.00 93.00 3J2;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 341.N 332.00 -9.00 -264 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 14,362N 13,SN.00 b6200 {.00 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 10.00 10.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 104.N 0.00 -104.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total D,30].N 16,435.00 b]200 -5.04 90 993 Yl11 iF2EETRIMMIN6ANDREM O.N 0.00 0.00 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 23,425.N 3],]44.00 14,31900 61.13;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 1,6]6.N 2,SN.00 824.00 49.16 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 25,1O1.N 40,244.00 1$14300 603390 22] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 503 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PropctTOtal 4],268.00 59,]24.00 12,456.00 26.35 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 4],268.00 59,]24.00 12,456.00 26.35 % SERVICELEVEC'C"ZONE3RANCHO 4],268.00 59,]24.00 12,456.00 26.35 % HIGHLANDS Total 228 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 504 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 584.N 3R.00 -21200 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 149.N 93.00 -50.00 -3356 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 21.N 0.00 -21.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 9.N 6.00 -3.00 -3333 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 35.N 23.00 -1200 -3429;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� i.m o.00 -i.00 -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� S.N 3.00 -200 �0.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 18.N 1200 fi.00 -3333 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 41.N 23.00 -18.00 �3.90 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� ].N 3.00 �.00 -5].14 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 11.N 11.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 890.N SS/.00 -333.00 -3]A290 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 302N 348.00 46.00 1523;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 185.N 181.00 �.00 -216 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 2,484.N 2,SN.00 16.00 0.64 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 200 200 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 36.N 0.00 -36.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 3,00].N 3,031.00 24.00 0.80 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 2,486.N 2,816.00 330.00 132];6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 2,486.N 2,816.00 330.00 132] 90 PropctTOtal 6,383.00 6,404.00 21.00 0.33 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEiVrPL Total 6,383.00 6,404.00 21.00 0.33 % SERVICE LEbEC'C"ZONE 4 THE 6,383.00 6,404.00 21.00 0.33 % VINEVPRDS Total 229 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 505 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 6,486.N 4,132.00 -2,354.00 -3629 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,659.N 1,1IXi.00 -556.00 -3351 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 231.N 0.00 -231.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 99.N 6200 -3].00 -3]3] ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 391.N 2`b.00 -135.00 -34.53;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 6.N 1.00 -5.00 -3333 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 30.N 21.00 -9.00 -30.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 60.N 31.00 -J9.00 �833 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 196.N 135.00 fi1.00 -3112 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 456.N 2:9.00 -1W.00 �320 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 82N 3].00 �5.00 -54.88 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 20.N 14.00 fi.00 -30.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 15.N 5.00 -10.00 {6.6] ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 119.N 119.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 3].N 21.00 -16.00 �324;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 4.N 0.00 �.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 9,891.N 6,1�.00 -3,695.00 -3]3690 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 2$OO.N 2,5]4.00 ]4.00 296;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 233.N 223.00 -5.00 -215 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 11,3]8.N 11,2N.00 -ll8.00 -156 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 21.00 21.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 5].N 0.00 -5].00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 14,168.N 14,023.00 -145.00 -1A290 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 14,848.N 18,848.00 4,000.00 26.94;6 WERATICNS AND MAIMENNV� Total 14,848.N 18,848.00 4,000.00 26.94 90 PropctTOtal 38,90].00 39,06].00 160.00 0.41 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 38,90].00 39,06].00 160.00 0.41 % 230 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SH2VICE LEbEC'C"ZONE 5 SIGNET 38,90].00 39,06].00 160.00 0.41 % SERIES Total 231 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY506 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 1,ll2N ]4].00 �25.00 -3626 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 300.N 193.00 -101.00 -33.6] ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 42N 0.00 �200 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 18.N 11.00 -].00 -38.89 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% ]1.N 46.00 -25.00 -3521;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� i.m o.00 -i.00 -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ S.N 4.00 -1.00 -20.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 11.N 6.00 -5.00 �5.45 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 35.N 24.00 -11.00 -31.43 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 82N 4].00 -35.00 �268 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 15.N ].00 b.00 -5333 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 3.N 1.00 -200 {6.6] ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 21.N 21.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN ].N 4.00 -3.00 �286;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,]88.N 1,1d�.00 fi68.00 -3]3690 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 60].N 659.00 5200 8.5];6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 23].N 232.00 -5.00 -211 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 6,82].N 6,SW.00 -2]].00 �.06 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 4.00 4.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 59.N 0.00 -59.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total ],]30.N ],445.00 -285.00 -3.69 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 12p21.N 14,1`6.00 2,135.00 DJ6;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 6ll.N 1,ON.00 383.00 620] ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 12,638.N 15,1`G.00 2,518.00 199290 PropctTOtal 22,156.00 23,]21.00 1,565.00 ].06 % 232 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY506 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 22,156.00 23,]21.00 1,565.00 ].06 % SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE6 22,156.00 23,]21.00 1,565.00 ].06 % WOODCREST COUNTRV Total 233 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 507 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 1,669.N 1,OE3.00 fi06.00 -3631 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 42].N 2E4.00 -143.00 -33.49 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 59.N 0.00 -59.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 26.N 16.00 -10.00 -38.46 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% lO1.N E6.00 -35.00 -34.65;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e zm o.00 -zoo -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 8.N 5.00 -3.00 -3]50;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 16.N 8.00 b.00 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP SO.N 35.00 -15.00 -30.00 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 1ll.N 6].00 -50.00 q2]q 9g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 21.N 9.00 -1200 -5].14 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr S.N 4.00 -1.00 -20.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 4.N 1.00 -3.00 -]5.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 31.N 31.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 9.N 5.00 �.00 qq,qq9g 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 2$46.N 1,594.00 -95200 -3]3990 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 864.N 8x1.00 �4.00 -5.09;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 213.N 203.00 �.00 -1.88 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 6,031.N 6,1W.00 119.00 1.W ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 5.00 5.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 48.N 0.00 �8.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal ],156.N ],1E4.00 28.00 03990 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE ],OO1.N ],9�.00 W9.00 13.98;6 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal ],OO1.N ],9�.00 W9.00 13.9890 PropctTOtal 16,�03.00 16,�58.00 55.00 0.33 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 16,�03.00 16,�58.00 55.00 0.33 % SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE] 16,]03.00 16,]58.00 55.00 0.33 % RIDGEVIEW Total 23� Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 508 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 11p21.N ],Ox1.00 �,001.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 2,818.N 1,8]4.00 -944.00 -3350 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 392N 0.00 -39200 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 168.N 1Q5.00 fi3.00 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 664.N 4'A.00 -230.00 -34.64;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� io.m i.00 -�.00 -�o.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ SO.N #.00 -14.00 -28.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� ID2N 53.00 �9.00 �8.04 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 333.N 2�.00 -104.00 -3123 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]]S.N 441.00 -334.00 �3.10 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 139.N 6200 -]].00 -55.40 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 33.N 24.00 -9.00 -Z�,Z� 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 25.N 9.00 -16.00 {4.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 202N 202.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 63.N �.00 -2].00 �286;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 6.N 0.00 fi.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 16,801.N 10,5�.00 fi,2]5.00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 5,]06.N 5,8E4.00 ll8.00 312;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 558.N 54200 -16.00 -Z,gJ 9g 993 440 LfrILITIES 40,832N 3],SN.00 -3,33200 -3.16 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 35.00 35.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 201.N 0.00 -201.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 4],J9].N 43,961.00 -3,336.00 -].OS 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE ]2,]24.N ]6,6W.00 3,880.00 534;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal ]2,]24.N ]6,6W.00 3,880.00 53490 PropctTOtal 136,82200 131,091.00 -5,]31.00 4.19 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 136,82200 131,091.00 -5,]31.00 4.19 % 235 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 8 VILLAGE 136,82200 131,091.00 -5,]31.00 -4.19 % GROYE Total 236 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 509 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES lOS.N 6].00 -38.00 -36.19 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 2].N 18.00 -9.00 -3333 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 4.N 0.00 �.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 6.N 4.00 -200 -3333;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ].N 4.00 -3.00 �286 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 2N 200 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 159.N 1N.00 -59.00 -3].1190 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF SOO.N 525.00 25.00 5.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 168.N 1E6.00 -200 -1.19 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 2,13].N 1,8N.00 -33].00 -15J] ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 28.N 0.00 -28.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 2,833.N 2,492.00 -341.00 -1204 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 2,OSS.N 2,6x1.00 565.00 ZJ,q99g 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN SS.N 6,ON.00 5,945.00 10,809.09 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 2,110.N 8,6d�.00 6,510.00 308.5390 PropctTOtal S,ID200 11,21200 6,110.00 119J6 % TCDNC�FDEPARiMEMPLTOtaI S,ID200 11,21200 6,110.00 119J6 % SERVICELEVEC'C"ZONE9RANCHO S,ID200 11,21200 6,110.00 119J6 % SOLANA Total 23] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE f0MAR77NIQUE 5f0 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES SO1.N 319.00 -18200 -3633 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 128.N &5.00 �3.00 -3359 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 18.N 0.00 -18.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 8.N 5.00 -3.00 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 30.N x1.00 -10.00 -3333;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2.N 2.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� S.N 200 -3.00 {0.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 15.N 19.00 4.00 26.6] ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 35.N x1.00 -15.00 �286 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 6.N 3.00 -3.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 9.N 9.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI ]63.N 48].00 -2]6.00 -36.D90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF ]SO.N ]E9.00 19.00 253;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 153.N 151.00 -200 -131 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 3,439.N 3,9N.00 461.00 13.41 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 200 200 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 22N 0.00 -2200 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 4,364.N 4,822.00 458.00 10.49 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 4,215.N 6,592.00 2,3]].00 5639;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 393.N 0.00 -393.00 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 4,608.N 6,592.00 1,984.00 43.06 90 PropctTOtal 9,]35.00 11,901.00 2,166.00 2225 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 9,]35.00 11,901.00 2,166.00 2225 % SH2VI� LEVa"C"ZONE 10 MPRIINI 9,]35.00 11,901.00 2,166.00 2225 % 238 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 511 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 321.N 2W.00 -1ll.00 -36.45 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 82N 55.00 -2].00 -3293 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 11.N 0.00 -11.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE S.N 3.00 -200 �0.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 19.N 13.00 fi.00 -3158;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 10.N ].00 -3.00 -30.00 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 23.N 13.00 -10.00 �3.48 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 4.N 200 -200 -50.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 6.N 6.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 489.N 3�.00 -181.00 -3].0190 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 340.00 90.00 36.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE ll2N 111.00 -1.00 -0.89 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 1,145.N 1,2Y1.00 105.00 9.D;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 4.N 0.00 �.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 1$11.N 1,]02.00 191.00 126490 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 444.N 444.00 0.00 0.00;6 WERATICNS AND MAIMENNV� Total 444.N 444.00 0.00 0.00 90 PropctTOtal 2,944.00 2,454.00 10.00 0.41 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEiVrPL Total 2,944.00 2,454.00 10.00 0.41 % SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE ll 2,444.00 2,454.00 10.00 0.41 % MEPDOWVIEW Total 239 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 12 VINTAGE HI 1 S 512 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ],324.N 4,6E6.00 -2,658.00 -3629 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,8]3.N 1,246.00 fi2].00 -33.48 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 261.N 0.00 -261.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ll2N ]0.00 �200 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 441.N 2bJ.00 -15200 -34.4];6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� zm i.00 �.00 -ss.�i � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 33.N 24.00 -9.00 -Z�,Z�9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 68.N 35.00 -33.00 �8.53 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 221.N 14.00 fi9.00 -3L22 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� S15.N 23.00 -22200 �3.11;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 92N 41.00 -51.00 -55.43 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 22N 16.00 fi.00 -ZJ,ZJ 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� ll.N 6.00 -11.00 {4J1 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 134.N 1'A.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 42N 24.00 -18.00 �286;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 4.N 0.00 �.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 11,166.N 6,9W.00 �,169.00 -3]3490 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 3,]93.N 4,ON.00 20].00 5.46;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 586.N SE9.00 -ll.00 -290 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 36,0]].N 'A,SN.00 -1,5]].00 �3] ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 23.00 23.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 213.N 0.00 -213.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 40,669.N �Jp92.00 -1,5]].00 -3.88 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 44,425.N W,014.00 5,589.00 1258;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 44,425.N W,014.00 5,589.00 1258 90 PropctTOtal 96,260.00 96,103.00 -15].00 -0.16 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 96,260.00 96,103.00 -15].00 -0.16 % 240 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 12 VINTAGE 96,260.00 96,103.00 -15].00 -0.16 % HILLS Total 241 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP513 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 1,5]6.N 1,OW.00 -5]200 -3629;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 403.N 2C4.00 -135.00 -3350 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 56.N 0.00 -56.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 24.N 15.00 -9.00 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 95.N 6200 -33.00 -34J4;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� i.m o.00 -i.00 -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ ].N 5.00 -200 -28.5];6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 15.N 8.00 -].00 �6.6] ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 48.N 33.00 -15.00 -3125 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 111.N E3.00 �8.00 �324 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 20.N 9.00 -11.00 -55.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr S.N 3.00 -200 �0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 4.N 1.00 -3.00 -]5.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 29.N �.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 9.N 5.00 �.00 qq,qq9g 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 2,404.N 1,SQ5.00 b99.00 -3].4090 993 412REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 816.N 9&5.00 169.00 20J1;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 536.N Sx1.00 -16.00 -Z,99 9g 993 440 LfrILITIES 15,334.N ll,ON.00 1,666.00 10.86 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 5.00 5.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 191.N 0.00 -191.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 16,8]].N 18,510.00 1,633.00 9.68 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 14,916.N 13,921.00 -995.00 {.6];6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 14,916.N 13,921.00 -995.00 fi.6] 90 PropctTOtal 34,1W.00 33,936.00 -261.00 -0J6 % TCDNC�FDEPARiMEMPLTOtaI 34,1W.00 33,936.00 -261.00 -0J6 % 242 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEC'C"ZONEI3PRESLEV 34,1W.00 33,936.00 -261.00 -OJ6% DEbELOP Total 243 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 514 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 910.N 5]J.00 -331.00 -363] ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 233.N 155.00 -]8.00 -33.48 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 32N 0.00 -3200 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 14.N 9.00 -5.00 -35J1 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% SS.N �.00 -19.00 -34.55;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� i.m o.00 -i.00 -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 8.N 4.00 �.00 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2].N 19.00 b.00 -29.63 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 64.N �.00 -28.00 �3J5 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 11.N 5.00 fi.00 -54.55 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES ll.N ll.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN S.N 3.00 -200 �0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,38].N 8E9.00 -518.00 -3]3590 993 412REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF ]44.N ]82.00 38.00 5.11;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 200.N 1�.00 �.00 -200 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES ],333.N ],4W.00 1ll.00 1.60 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 3.00 3.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 43.N 0.00 �3.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 8,320.N 8,431.00 111.00 133 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 5,052N 5,502.00 450.00 8.91;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 5,052N 5,502.00 450.00 8.9190 PropctTOtal 14,�59.00 14,80200 43.00 0.29 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEiVrPL Total 14,�59.00 14,80200 43.00 0.29 % 244 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 14 14,]59.00 14,80200 43.00 Q29 % MORRISON HOMES Total 245 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 515 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES ]86.N SN.00 -286.00 -3639 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 201.N 1'A.00 fi].00 -3333 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 28.N 0.00 -28.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 12N ].00 -5.00 �1.6] ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 4].N 31.00 -16.00 -34.04;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� i.m o.00 -i.00 -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� ].N 4.00 -3.00 �286 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 24.N 16.00 b.00 -3333 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� SS.N 31.00 -24.00 �3.64 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRAN� 10.N 4.00 -6.00 -60.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 2N 200 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 14.N 14.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 1,1W.N ]W.00 �4].00 -3]3490 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 40].N 3bJ.00 -18.00 qqZ9g 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 136.N 135.00 -1.00 -0J4 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 2,142N 2,2Y1.00 108.00 5.04 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 3.00 3.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 14.N 0.00 -14.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 2,699.N 2,]]].00 ]8.00 289 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 5,889.N 6,2%1.00 401.00 6.81;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 5,889.N 6,2%1.00 401.00 6.8190 PropctTOtal 9,�85.00 9,8D.00 3200 0.33 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 9,�85.00 9,8D.00 3200 0.33 % SERVICE LEVEC'C"ZONE 15 BPRCLAV 9,]85.00 9,8ll.00 3200 0.33 % ESTATES Total 246 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE 167RADEWINDS 516 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 1,848.N l,ll].00 fi]1.00 -3631;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 4]3.N 314.00 -159.00 -33b2 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 66.N 0.00 fi6.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 28.N 18.00 -10.00 -35J1 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 111.N T3.00 -38.00 -3423;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e zm o.00 -zoo -ioo.00 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 8.N 6.00 -200 -25.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIN INSLRNV� ll.N 9.00 b.00 �].06 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 56.N �.00 -18.00 -3214 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 130.N ]4.00 -56.00 �3.08 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 23.N 10.00 -13.00 -5652 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 6.N 4.00 -200 -3333 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 4.N 200 -200 -50.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 34.N 'A.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 10.N 6.00 �.00 �0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 2,8D.N 1,]E5.00 -1,05200 -3]3490 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 1$OO.N 1,549.00 49.00 32];6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 2J9.N 224.00 -5.00 -218 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 8,128.N 8,6N.00 4]200 5.81 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 6.00 6.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S SS.N 0.00 -55.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 9,912N 10,3]J.00 46].00 4J190 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 24,064.N 'A,]W.00 10,68600 44.41;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN W2N x1,ON.00 19p2800 1,95].61 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 25,036.N Y!,]W.00 29,]1400 118.6990 PropctTOtal 3],]65.00 66,894.00 29,129.00 ]].13 % 24] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE 167RADEWINDS 516 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 3],]65.00 66,894.00 29,129.00 ]].13 % SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 16 3],]65.00 66,894.00 29,129.00 ]].13 % TRPDEVJINDS Total 248 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 517 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 142N 91.00 -51.00 -3592 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 36.N 24.00 -1200 -3333 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT S.N 0.00 -5.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 9.N 6.00 -3.00 -3333;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 10.N 6.00 �.00 �0.00 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 3.N 1.00 -200 {6.6] ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 3.N 3.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 2D.N 1#.00 b1.00 -3]3390 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 2W.00 10.00 4.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 131.N 1�.00 -200 -1.53;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 842N 9W.00 108.00 1283 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 12N 0.00 -1200 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 1,235.N 1,340.00 105.00 850 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 662N 644.00 -18.00 -Z]Z9g WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 662N 644.00 -18.00 -2J290 PropctTOtal 2,114.00 2,120.00 6.00 Q28 % TCDNC�FDEPARiMEiVrPLTOtaI 2,114.00 2,120.00 6.00 Q28 % SERVICE LEbEC'C"ZONE ll MONTE 2,114.00 2,120.00 6.00 Q28 % VISTA Total 249 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEL°C'ZONE 187EMEKUHILLS 518 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 6,]98.N 4,331.00 -2,468.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 1,]39.N 1,1`6.00 -583.00 -33.53 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 242N 0.00 -24200 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 104.N E5.00 -39.00 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 410.N 2C4.00 -14200 -34.63;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 6.N 1.00 -5.00 -3333 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 31.N 22.00 -9.00 -29.03;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 63.N 33.00 -30.00 �]b2 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 205.N 141.00 fi4.00 -3L22 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 4]8.N 2R.00 -206.00 �3.10 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 86.N �.00 �8.00 -55.81 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 21.N 15.00 fi.00 -28.5] ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 16.N 6.00 -10.00 {250 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 124.N 124.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 39.N 22.00 -ll.00 �359;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 4.N 0.00 �.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 10,366.N 6,443.00 -3,8]3.00 -3]3690 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 3$20.N 3,844.00 324.00 920;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 883.N 8`6.00 -2].00 -3.06 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 35$49.N 35,]6l.00 215.00 0.60 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 22.00 2200 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 344.N 0.00 -344.00 -100.00;6 WERATICNS AND MAIMENNV� Total 4Q296.N 40,4�.00 190.00 0.4] 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 43,224.N 4],193.00 3,W5.00 920;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 43,224.N 4],193.00 3,W5.00 92090 PropctTOtal 93,886.00 94,ll8.00 29200 0.31 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 93,886.00 94,ll8.00 29200 0.31 % 250 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEbEC'C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU 93,886.00 94,ll8.00 29200 0.31 % HILLS Total 251 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 519 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 3,646.N 2,323.00 -1,323.00 -3629 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 933.N 6x1.00 -313.00 -33.55 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 130.N 0.00 -130.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 56.N 35.00 -21.00 -3]50 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 220.N 144.00 -]6.00 -34.55;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3.N 0.00 -3.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ ll.N 1200 -5.00 -29.41;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 34.N 18.00 -16.00 �].06 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 110.N ]6.00 -34.00 -30.91 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 256.N 146.00 -110.00 q2,9� 9g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 46.N 21.00 -25.00 -5435 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 11.N 8.00 -3.00 -Z�,Z� 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 8.N 3.00 -5.00 {250 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 6].N 6].00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 21.N 1200 -9.00 �286;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 2N 0.00 -200 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 5$60.N 3,4&5.00 -2,0]5.00 -3]3290 993 412REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 1,888.N 1,943.00 55.00 291;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 244.N 2�J.00 -5.00 -205 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 8,626.N 8,]W.00 124.00 1.44 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1200 1200 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 62N 0.00 fi200 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 10,820.N 10,944.00 124.00 1.15 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 36,086.N 4],3�.00 11,J9400 3130;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 1,918.N 16,ON.00 14,08200 ]3420 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 38,004.N E3,3�.00 25,3]600 66J]90 PropctTOtal 54,384.00 ]],809.00 23,425.00 43.0] % 252 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 519 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 54,384.00 ]],809.00 23,425.00 43.0] % SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 19 54,384.00 ]],809.00 23,425.00 43.0] % CHANIEMPR Total 253 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 2A CROWNE HILL 52A TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 9,8]9.N 6,292.00 -3,58].00 -3631 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 2$26.N 1,6�.00 b46.00 -33.49 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 351.N 0.00 -351.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 151.N 94.00 -5].00 -3]JS ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 595.N 3bJ.00 -206.00 -34b2;6 9� sioa va uFE �NSU�,v�E 9.m i.00 -a.00 -aa.a9 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 45.N 32.00 -13.00 -Zg,g99g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 92N 48.00 �4.00 �].83 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 299.N 2Q5.00 -94.00 -31.44 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 695.N 3A5.00 -300.00 �3.D ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 125.N `6.00 fi9.00 -5520 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 30.N 22.00 b.00 -26.6] ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 23.N 8.00 -15.00 {522 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 181.N 181.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 56.N 33.00 -23.00 �1.0];6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 S.N 0.00 -5.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 15,062N 9,4#.00 -5,626.00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 5,115.N 5,36l.00 249.00 4.8];6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 694.N 6T3.00 -21.00 -3.03 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 64,462N 59,SN.00 �,96200 -]JO ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 32.00 3200 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 260.N 0.00 -260.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total ]0,531.N ES,SE9.00 �,96200 -].04 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 8],006.N 116,922.00 J9,91600 3438;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 5,195.N 25,ON.00 19,80500 38123;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 92,201.N 141,922.00 49,]2100 53.93 90 PropctTOtal ll],]94.00 216,92].00 39,133.00 2201 % 2Y! Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 2A CROWNE HILL 52A TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total ll],]94.00 216,92].00 39,133.00 2201 % SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE20CROWNE ll],]94.00 216,92].00 39,133.00 2201 % HILL Total 255 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 521 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 16,686.N 10,6�.00 fi -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 4,268.N 2,8�.00 -1,430.00 -3351 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 594.N 0.00 -594.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 255.N 159.00 -96.00 -3].65 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 1,OOS.N 654.00 -34].00 -34.53;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e ie.m zoo -ia.00 -s�so � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ ]6.N 55.00 -21.00 -2].63;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 155.N �.00 -]5.00 �839 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 504.N 346.00 -158.00 -3135 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 1,ll3.N 66].00 -506.00 �3.14 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 210.N 94.00 -116.00 -5524 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr SO.N 3].00 -13.00 -26.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 39.N 14.00 -25.00 {4.10 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 305.N 3Q5.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 95.N 55.00 �0.00 �211;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 9.N 0.00 -9.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 25,440.N 15,9�J.00 -9,501.00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 8,640.N 9,043.00 403.00 4.66;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 1,130.N 1,094.00 -36.00 -3.19;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 58$OO.N 5],SN.00 -1,000.00 -lJl ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 53.00 53.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 453.N 0.00 �53.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 68,]23.N 6I,6W.00 -1,033.00 -15090 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 133,]30.N lYl,38].00 20,65]00 15.45;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN lO,ON.00 10,00000 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 133,]30.N 16l,38].00 30,65]00 229290 PropctTOtal 22],893.00 298,016.00 20,123.00 8.83 % 256 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 521 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 22],893.00 298,016.00 20,123.00 8.83 % SERVICE LEbEC'C"ZONE 21 VAIL 22],893.00 298,016.00 20,123.00 8.83 % RANCH Total 25] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 22 SU7TON PLACE 522 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 396.N 252.00 -144.00 -3636 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT lO1.N 6].00 -34.00 -33.66 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 14.N 0.00 -14.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 6.N 4.00 -200 -3333 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 24.N 16.00 b.00 -3333;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2.N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 4.N 200 -200 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 12N 8.00 �.00 -3333 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 28.N 16.00 -1200 �286 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� S.N 200 -3.00 {0.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES ].N ].00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 SALA4V AND BENEFITS Total 603.N 3]].00 -226.00 -3].48 90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 2ll.00 -33.00 -1320;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 126.N 125.00 -1.00 -0J9 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 1,468.N 1,]W.00 28200 1921 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 10.N 0.00 -10.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 1,854.N 2,043.00 239.00 1289 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 1,944.N 1,944.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 0.00 0.00 WERATICNS AND MAIMENNV� Total 1,944.N 1,944.00 0.00 0.00 90 PropctTOtal 4,901.00 4,414.00 13.00 0.30 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEiVrPL Total 4,901.00 4,414.00 13.00 0.30 % 258 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE225lJITON 4,901.00 4,414.00 13.00 0.30 % PLA� Total 259 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 523 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 433.N 2]6.00 -15].00 -3626 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 111.N ]4.00 -3].00 -3333 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 15.N 0.00 -15.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ].N 4.00 -3.00 �286 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 26.N ll.00 -9.00 -34b2;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2.N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 4.N 200 -200 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 13.N 9.00 �.00 -30J] ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 30.N ll.00 -13.00 �333 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� S.N 200 -3.00 {0.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 8.N 8.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 658.N 41200 -246.00 -3]3990 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 345.00 95.00 38.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 348.N 3�J.00 -9.00 -259 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 2,211.N 2,3N.00 89.00 4.03 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 108.N 0.00 -108.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 2,9D.N 2,9&5.00 68.00 23390 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 4$88.N 8,ON.00 3,41200 ]43];6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 228.N 1,ON.00 ]]200 338.60 ;6 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal 4,816.N 9,ON.00 4,184.00 86.8890 PropctTOtal 8,391.00 12,3W.00 4,006.00 4]J4 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 8,391.00 12,3W.00 4,006.00 4]J4 % 260 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVI�LEVEC'C'ZONE23 8,391.00 12,3W.00 4,006.00 4]J4 % PHEASENT RUN Total 261 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE ?A HARVESTON 5?A TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 9,408.N 5,943.00 -3,415.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 2,406.N 1,6N.00 b06.00 -3350 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 335.N 0.00 -335.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 144.N bJ.00 -55.00 -38.19 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 56].N 3]1.00 -196.00 -34.5];6 9� sioa va uFE �NSU�,v�E 9.m i.00 -a.00 -aa.a9 � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 43.N 31.00 -1200 -2].91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 8].N 45.00 �200 qgZg 9g 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 284.N 1A5.00 b9.00 -3134 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 661.N 3]6.00 -285.00 �312 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 119.N 53.00 fi6.00 -55.46 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 28.N 21.00 -].00 -25.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 22N 8.00 -14.00 {3.64 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES ll2N 1R.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 53.N 31.00 -2200 �151;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 S.N 0.00 -5.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 14,343.N 8,9�.00 -5,35].00 -3]3590 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 4,8]2N 5,241.00 369.00 ].5];6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 1,008.N W6.00 -3200 -3.D;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 31,049.N 31,SN.00 451.00 1.45 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 31.00 30.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 415.N 0.00 �15.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 3],344.N 3],]4].00 403.00 1.08 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE lO5,J92N 116,3�.00 11,10600 10.55;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 4,948.N 25,ON.00 20,05200 40525 ;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 11Q240.N 141,3�.00 31,15800 282690 PropctTOtal 161,92].00 188,131.00 26,204.00 16.18 % 262 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE ?A HARVESTON 5?A TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 161,92].00 188,131.00 26,204.00 16.18 % SERVI�LEVEC'C'ZONE24 161,92].00 188,131.00 26,204.00 16.18 % HPRVESTON Total 263 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 525 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 3,030.N 1,931.00 -1,100.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT ]]S.N 515.00 -260.00 -33.55 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 108.N 0.00 -108.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 46.N �.00 -ll.00 -36.96 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 183.N 119.00 fi4.00 -34.W ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 3.N 0.00 -3.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 14.N 10.00 -4.00 -28.5];6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 28.N 15.00 -13.00 �6.43 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 92N E3.00 -29.00 -3152 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 213.N 121.00 -9200 �3.19 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 38.N ll.00 -21.00 -5526 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 9.N ].00 -200 -ZZ,ZZ 9g 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� ].N 3.00 �.00 -5].14 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES SS.N 55.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN ll.N 10.00 -].00 �1.18;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 2N 0.00 -200 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 4,620.N 2,894.00 -1,]26.00 -3]3690 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 1$69.N 1,619.00 50.00 3.19;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 231.N 22].00 �.00 -1J3;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 12,]28.N 12,SN.00 -228.00 -lJ9 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 10.00 10.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 56.N 0.00 -56.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 14$84.N 14,3`G.00 -228.00 -156 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 24,]40.N 22,031.00 -2,]09.00 -10.95;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 3,ON.00 3,000.00 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 24,]40.N 25,031.00 J91.00 1.18 90 PropctTOtal 43,994.00 42,281.00 -1,663.00 -3J8 % 26! Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 525 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 43,994.00 42,281.00 -1,663.00 -3J8 % SERVICE LEbEC'C"ZONE 25 SERENA 43,944.00 42,281.00 -1,663.00 3J8 % HILLS Total 265 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 26 GALLERYI'RAD1770N 526 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 131.N E4.00 �].00 -35.88 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 34.N 22.00 -1200 -3529 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT S.N 0.00 -5.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 8.N 5.00 -3.00 -3]50;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 4.N 3.00 -1.00 -25.00 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 9.N 5.00 �.00 qq,qq 9g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 2N 200 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00;6 SALA4V AND BENEFITS Total 200.N 124.00 -]6.00 -38.00 90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 2Y1.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 109.N 1�.00 -1.00 -092 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 888.N 1,OW.00 16200 1824 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 2N 0.00 -200 -100.00;6 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal 1,249.N 1,403.00 160.00 128190 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE ]08.N 631.00 -]8.00 -11A2;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 0.00 0.00 WERATICNSANDMAIMENNV�TOtal ]08.N 631.00 -]8.00 -11A290 PropctTOtal 2,15/.00 2,163.00 6.00 Q28 % TCDNC�FDEPARiMEMPLTOtaI 2,15/.00 2,163.00 6.00 Q28 % SERVI�LEVEC'C'ZONE26 2,15].00 2,163.00 6.00 Q28 % GPLLH2VTRPDITION Total 26G Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 27 AVONDALE 527 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 450.N 2�.00 -164.00 -36.44 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 115.N ]6.00 -39.00 -33.91 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 16.N 0.00 -16.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE ].N 4.00 -3.00 �286 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 2].N 18.00 -9.00 -3333;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 2.N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 4.N 200 -200 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 14.N 9.00 -5.00 -35J1 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 32N 18.00 -14.00 �3J5 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 6.N 3.00 -3.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 8.N 8.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 3.N 1.00 -200 {6.6];6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 686.N 42].00 -259.00 -3]J690 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N 455.00 205.00 8200;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE ll9.N ll6.00 -3.00 -1.68 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 3,]44.N 4,515.00 ]]1.00 2059 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 33.N 0.00 -33.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 4,206.N 5,14].00 941.00 223]90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 4,200.N 3,541.00 fi59.00 -15.69;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 0.00 0.00 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 4,200.N 3,541.00 fi59.00 -15.69 90 PropctTOtal 9,09200 9,115.00 23.00 0.25 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 9,09200 9,115.00 23.00 0.25 % SERVI�LEVEC'C'ZONE2] 9,09200 9,115.00 23.00 Q25 % AW NDPLE Total 26] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 528 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 13,855.N 8,8�.00 -5,029.00 -3630 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 3$43.N 2,3`6.00 -1,18].00 -3350 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 493.N 0.00 �93.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 212N 132.00 b0.00 -3]J4 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 835.N 546.00 -289.00 -34.61;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 13.N 200 -11.00 -34b2 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 63.N 46.00 -ll.00 -26.98;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1J9.N 6].00 fi200 �8.06 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 419.N 2�.00 -131.00 -3L26 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� W4.N SYl.00 �20.00 �312 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� llS.N ]3.00 -9].00 -55.43 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 42N 31.00 -1200 -28.5] ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 32N 1200 -20.00 {250 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 254.N 25�.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN ]9.N 46.00 -33.00 �lJ];6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 8.N 0.00 b.00 -100.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 21,126.N 13,23].00 -],889.00 -3]3490 993 412REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF ],ll4.N 8,ON.00 826.00 1151;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 1,122N 1,08].00 -35.00 -312;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 66$2].N 62,SN.00 �p2].00 {.OS ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 44.00 44.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 463.N 0.00 �63.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total ]5,286.N ]1,631.00 -3,655.00 �.85 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 1J9,023.N 124,SN.00 �,523.00 -351;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN ],286.N 3l,ON.00 22,]1400 311J5;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 136,309.N lYl,SN.00 18,19100 133590 PropctTOtal 232,]21.00 239,368.00 6,64].00 286 % 268 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL°C'ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 528 TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 232,]21.00 239,368.00 6,64].00 286 % SERVICELEVEC'C'ZONE28WOLF 232,]21.00 239,368.00 6,64].00 286 % CREEK Total 269 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) SERVICE LEVEL^C^ZONE 29 GALLERY PORI'FiA1T 529 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 183.N 1ll.00 fi6.00 -36.0] ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 4].N 31.00 -16.00 -34.04 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT ].N 0.00 -].00 -100.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 3.N 200 -1.00 -3333 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 11.N ].00 �.00 -3636;6 e� sioa va uFe ��a,v�r� o.m o.00 o.00 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 6.N 4.00 -200 -3333 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 13.N ].00 fi.00 �6.15 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2N 1.00 -1.00 -50.00 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 1.N 0.00 -1.00 -100.00 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 3.N 3.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1.N 1.00 0.00 0.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 280.N D5.00 -105.00 -3]5090 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEF 250.N SN.00 250.00 100.00;6 993 5231 PRWERiV TA% FDMIN FEE 110.N 103.00 -1.00 -0.91 ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 1,145.N 1,3N.00 155.00 1354 ;6 993 443 WIFORMS O.N 1.00 1.00 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 3.N 0.00 -3.00 -100.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 1$08.N 1,910.00 40200 26.6690 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 1,665.N 1,1]0.00 �95.00 -J9J3;6 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 2,]N.00 2,]00.00 WER,9TICN5 AND MAIMHVNV� Total 1,665.N 3,8]0.00 2,205.00 13243 90 PropctTOtal 3,453.00 5,955.00 2,50200 ]296 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 3,453.00 5,955.00 2,50200 ]296 % SERVI� LEVEC'C'ZONE 29 GPLLERV 3,453.00 5,955.00 2,50200 ]246 % PORTRAIT Total 2]0 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL °D^ REFUSE/RECYCLING 194 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 CEPAR'iMENT QF' CONSERVATION GRANT 507 50] 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 39,36400 39,#4.N FY2011-12 1 GYantE;�endlNresfor 39,364.N RuVding Pr�rams WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 39,36400 39,#4.N O.N90 Ro�ct Tobl 39,364.00 39,364.00 0.00 % PROJEGT 999 993 5100SALARIES&WFlC�ES 49,995.� 32,9R.00 48,45900 15,48].N 46.W;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 11,]10.N 8,SQ5.00 13,54800 S,W3.N 59.�;6 993 5103 CFLCASHIXJT 2,343.W ],25].00 2,OW.00 -5,160.N -]1.10;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 816.35 5]3.00 ]33.00 155.N 2682 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 3,992� 3,04].00 4,660.00 1,613.N 52.94;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e ias.� si.00 o.00 -si.m -ioo.m � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% ll].10 1�.00 239.00 110.N 852];6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 318.R 26].00 3]200 lOS.N 39.33 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 2]S.bJ 216.00 25200 36.N 166I ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ]6].� 644.00 895.00 251.N 38.� ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 300.� 1]J.00 350.00 ll1.N 95.53 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 3W.`6 2]1.00 465.00 194.N ]1.59;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 21.E4 19.00 26.00 ].N 36.E4 ;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 220.N 1W.00 240.00 80.N SO.N;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE O.N 3].00 0.00 -3].N -100.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI ]1,483.41 Yl,332.00 ]2,33600 1$N4.N 33.1490 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 5,365.x1 5,3J0.00 5,460.00 90.N LC4;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES 11,835.45 15,6N.00 15,00000 fAO.N -3.&5;6 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 4,68]32 4,SW.00 61,10000 56,SSO.N 1,242�;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 2,096C4 945.00 2,245.00 1,310.N 13].S/;6 2]1 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL °D^ REFUSE/RECYCLING 194 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 993 5256 PLBLICNOTI�S 14,31021 6,6W.00 14,36500 ],]15.N 11602;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 20.43 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 462 MILEAGE 164.W 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 993 465 RE�IVITICN FROC32AM O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 38,480.� 33,3E5.00 98,42000 65,QSS.N 194.�90 993 5315 WAS�EHALLIN6 5,911,E3].4 5,]]0,]02.00 S,W2,90496 xR,x12� 3.W;6 FY2011-12 1 CR&RRate$222J2%26,818 S,W2,904.� resldenHalunlG INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 5,911,E3].4 5,]]0,]02.00 S,W2,90496 d�2,d�2� 3.W90 RopctTOtal 6p21,60L22 5,858,399.00 6,143,660.96 285,261.96 4.8] % TCSDIWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 6p21,60L22 5,858,399.00 6,183,024.96 324,625.96 5.54 % TCSDSERVICELEVEL"D"REFUSE/RECVQINGTOtaI 6p21,60L22 5,858,399.00 6,183,024.96 324,625.96 5.54 % 2]2 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL ^R" STREEI'/ROAD MAINT 195 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEE 3420 150.N 1W.00 0.00 0.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 3420 150.N 1W.00 0.00 0.0090 993 Yl02EMERGENCYSrREETMAIN 32,80250 9,890.N lO,ON.00 110.00 1.11;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 32,80250 9,890.N lO,ON.00 110.00 1.1190 PropctTOtal 32,836J0 10,090.00 10,150.00 110.00 1.10 % TCD NC�FDEPARiMEMPL Total 32,836J0 10,090.00 10,150.00 110.00 1.10 % TCSD SERVI� LEVa "R" 32,836J0 10,090.00 10,150.00 110.00 1.10 % STREET/ROPD MAINT Total 2]3 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL °L° LAI� PARK MAINT. 196 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJ6Ci 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 38,13623 �,]E6.00 28,30400 b,462N -23,pZ9g 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 8,624J1 3,44.00 ],818.00 4,�6.N 126.48 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 488J5 544.00 1,01200 468.N 86.IXi ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 608.x1 211.00 435.00 224.N 106.16 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 2,83446 5]J.00 2,OW.00 1,518.N �218;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 91.R 31.00 5.00 -26.N b3.8] ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% llS.W 48.00 160.00 ll2N 233.33;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 303.]3 124.00 225.00 lO1.N 81.45 ;6 993 Sll2WORKERS'�MP 1$21.]J 946.00 1,343.00 �J].N 41.W;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 2,360.61 ]]0.00 1,]4].00 W].N 126.�;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 300.� 1E6.00 22200 56.N 33.T3 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 66.� �.00 22200 186.N 5166I ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 806.43 ]N.00 ]00.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 220.N W.00 160.00 100.N 1666I;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 56,53&W 44,433.00 44,45000 D.N O.W90 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV ],120.43 lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 2,080.14 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES 6]l.&5 ]10.00 1,100.00 �JO.N 54.43;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 56,ll3A2 5],SN.00 5],50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 3],OOO.N 2 Water 20$OO.N 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM O.N 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Pounbin/AreatorParh; 2,OOO.N 2 Benches, Tables, Trash SOO.N Ruepbdes 993 443 WIFORMS 152.W 2N.00 300.00 100.N SO.N;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S ]3,205J5 ]J,SN.00 ]9,50000 O.N O.N;6 2]4 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL °L° LAI� PARK MAINT. 196 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 FY2011-12 1 PestCOntrol SOO.N 2 WaterFOwl DepredaHon 2$OO.N Servlces 3 Restrmm Malnterence �zMCes 6$OO.N 4 WaterQualltyLakeMgmt(2 40,OOO.N daVS per week) 5 SuudN �ard Servlces 30,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 139,404.59 14,910.00 153,40000 490.N 03290 993 5380 CIiV ADMIN QiARCES 2$OO.N 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 INiERNPL SERVI� ALL(TATICN Tobl 2$OO.N 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N 90 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 50,0]832 W,SN.00 50,00000 -YlO.N -0.93;6 FY2011-12 1 LandscapeMalntenance 40,OOO.N Cmhact 2TreeTrlmming 10,000.N 993 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 3,OOO.N 12,ON.00 12,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 R&R Camage from Water Fowl 4,OOO.N 2 Rebulld Fwntaln Wmp/CeV� 8,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 53,0]832 62,SN.00 62,00000 -YlO.N -0.�90 Rokct Tobl 251,52251 262,343.00 262,350.00 ].00 0.00 % T6DIWNDEPA4TMENTALTObI 251,52251 262,343.00 262,350.00 ].00 0.00 % TCSD SH2VI� LEVa "C' LPKE PPRK MAINT. Total 251,52251 262,343.00 262,350.00 ].00 0.00 % 2]5 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULALIBRARYFUND197 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 MP,IMENANCE I64 16! 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 13,SN.00 13,50000 O.N O.N;6 16! 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME ],ON.00 ],000.00 O.N O.N;6 16! 440 LfrILITIES 13],ON.00 13],00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 120,OOO.N 2 Water 12,OOO.N 3 6as S,OOO.N 16! 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 61,3N.00 61,30000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 6$OO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 1,]OO.N 3 PestCOntrol 1,200.N 4 RreSprinkluSystem 2,OOO.N Preventive Malntenance SRocrMat/TowelServlce 1$OO.N 6 Bottled Water 1,OOO.N ] Carpet/L¢holstery Cieaning 2,OOO.N 8 RoofSystem Reventive 3$OO.N Malntenance 9 WlndowCleaning5ervlce 6,OOO.N ID Emer�n�y Lltlng System PM 1,OOO.N Servlce ll Emer�n�y6eneratorFM 2,OOO.N Servlce/Fuel 12Emerg.6eneratorPUmIG 2,OOO.N (A�MD/RCOEH) 13 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes SOO.N 14 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 2],400.N 15lntedorPlan6a�5ervlce 2$OO.N 16 Plano Tuning SOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 218,8N.00 218,80000 O.N O.N90 Ro�ctTObl 218,800.00 218,800.00 0.00 0.00 % PROJHGT999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES O.N 21,13400 21,134.N 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT O.N 0.00 5,83200 5,4i2N 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 ]45.00 ]45.N 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 160.59 0.00 495.00 495.N 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� O.N 1]3.00 4.00 -ll4.N -9]JS ;6 2]6 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULALIBRARYFUND197 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 30331 322.00 140.00 -182N -564;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 1,OW.W 2�.00 1,553.00 1,2]3.N 4546l;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 3,948.00 3,948.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 10,]2].4i 12,240.00 12,24000 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 CLS[odlan 12,240.N 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 415.35 459.00 459.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN O.N 140.00 140.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 1270412 13,4]J.00 46,69000 33,211.N 246.�J90 993 402 LBRARV�IiF2AQ�RVI�S 180,OOO.N 1�,ON.00 180,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 403 �LEQICNSDEVELWM9VTMAINiEN,MCE 26,260.]0 44,319.6] 38,00000 fi,319.6] -14.�;6 993 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 10,333.A5 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 3,868.11 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G ],068J5 S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 118$60.03 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,]4218 12,ON.00 12,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Radlo RequencV ID Tags for 12,OOO.N Books 993 444 SIGI�6 O.N 4W.00 3,000.00 2,S10.N 51224 ;6 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-GH�ERAL 3,10551 3,ON.00 0.00 -3,NO.N -100.N;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S ]],449.48 510.00 680.00 llO.N 33.33;6 FY2011-12 1 Plano Tuning (4 tlmes) 680.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 428,388.]] 24],819.6] 241,18000 fi,E3&6I -2C490 993 5340 INFCRMATICN iEQiNQO6Y 139,316.N 162,8N.00 163,20000 400.N 025 ;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 53,489.N 4i,9N.00 ]6,30000 -],WO.N -9,�9g INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 192,805.N 246,]N.00 239,50000 -],d�O.N -29290 993 Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 14,]00.94 16,SN.00 16,50000 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 14,]00.94 16,SN.00 16,50000 O.N O.N90 993 `6ID ECUIPMENT O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 2]] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TEMECULALIBRARYFUND197 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 CI+PITPLOURAVTOtaI 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 698,598.83 524,498.6] 543,8]0.00 19,3]1.33 3.69 % TC4J NCN-0EPARiMEMPL Total 698,598.83 ]43,298.6] ]62,6]0.00 19,3]1.33 261 % TEMECLLALIBRPRVFUNDTOtaI 698,598.83 ]43,298.6] ]62,6]0.00 19,3]1.33 261 % 2]8 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) TCSD 2001 COP'S DEBTSERVICE 390 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 42] iF2US�EEACMINFEES 3,850.00 3,850.N 3,8W.00 0.00 0.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 3,850.00 3,850.N 3,8W.00 0.00 0.0090 993 5390 DEBTSH2VICEPRINaPAL 2]5,000.00 285,OOO.N 3N,ON.00 15,00000 526;6 993 5391 INiEREi7E%PENSE 215,190.00 203,848.N 191,631.00 -12,218.00 -5.99;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 490,190.00 488,848.N 491,631.00 2,]8200 0.5]90 PropctTOtal 494,090.00 492,698.00 495,480.00 2,]8200 0.56 % NCN-0EPARiMEMPL Total 494,090.00 492,698.00 495,480.00 2,]8200 0.56 % TCSD2001COP'SDEBTSERVICE 494,090.00 492,698.00 495,480.00 2,]8200 0.56 % Total 2]9 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� zao M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES RDA AFF4RI►A�LE HOLTSING FUND 2009-10 201411 2011-12 Proposed % Audited Revised Proposed Inareese Inareese Actuals Budget Budget Decrease Decrease ToklRevenues 18,668,411 21,482,683 4,510,558 (16,972,125) -79.0% ToklEzpenditures 1,438,089 3,206,380 4,408,556 1,202,176 37.5% Exaess of Revenues Over (Under) E.penditures 17,230,322 18,276,3W 102,002 (18,174,301) -994% CepitelProjeats" 11,493,783 5,288,883 16,357,442 11,068,559 2Q9.3% Ez�ess of Revenues Over (Under) E.penditures end Cepitel Projeats 5,736,539 12,987,420 (16,255,440) 29,1 242,86�) Fund Belenae, Beg. of Yeer 19,302,677 25,039,216 39,588,912 "" FundBelenae,EndofYeer 25,W9,216 38,026,636 23,333,472 *Nute'. Programmetl in ihe CIP Butlget *"201142 Beginning Funtl Balance Increasetl 6y $1,5N,000 ARortla6le Housing SaNngs, antl $2276 atltlitional iMerest earnings on 6ontl pmceetls. 281 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES RDA GAPI°I��AI. PRO.TEG'PS Fi71�D 2009-10 201411 2011-12 Proposed % Audited Revised Proposed Inareese Inareese Aatuels Budget Budget (Deareese) (Deareese) ToklRevenues 1,822,586 1,197,213 1,021,160 (176,053) -14]% ToklEzpenditures 7,133)68 2,798,743 1,195,510 (1,6W,233) -57.3% Exaess of Revenues Over (Under) E.penditures (5,311,182) (1,601,530) (174,350) 1,427,180 -89.1% CepitelProjeats" 416,513 458,487 - (458,487) -100.0% OperetingTrensfers0ut QI 566,426) (84�432) - 84,432 -100.0% Ez�ess of Revenues Over (Under) E.pendituresendOpereting (12,294,121) (2,144,449) (174,350) 1,970,Q99 Trensfers Out FundBelenae,Beg.ofYeer 9,683,932 2,1 610,189) 41 754�638) FundBelenae,EndofYeer"" 2,1 610,189) (4,754,638) 4,1 928,988) *Nute'. Programmetl in ihe CIP Butlget �E�EI�G FO�E BBIB�CBS BfB �BGBWB EOB �0 ��IO B�E IO�I I SERAF PBYfOB�� OEIIGB�10�5. FO�ES IOB�BE �M1f00GM1 R�AAROfEBEIB HOOSI�G IO�E. 282 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES RD!! DF..ET SGRVICE FUI�TD 2009-10 201411 2011-12 Proposed % Audited Revised Proposed Inareese Inareese Aatuels Budget Budget (Deareese) (Deareese) ToklRevenues 16,600,519 15,770,811 15,434,700 (336,111) 4.1% ToklEzpenditures 15,722,422 14,993,310 14,864,040 (129,27�) -09% Exaess of Revenues Over (Under) E.penditures 878,097 777,501 570,660 (206,841) 46.6% OperetingTrensfers0ut 41 73�,98�) 1,1 813,128) (970,000) 843,128 -46.5% Ez�ess of Revenues Over (Under) E.pendituresendOpereting (3,852,883) (1,035,627) (399,340) 636,287 Trensfers Out FundBelenae,Beg.ofYeer 6,599,667 2,746,784 1,711,157 FundBelenae,EndofYeer 2,746,784 1,711,157 1,311,817 283 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� zaa M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO ifi6AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4016 -Texlncrement 4,13fi,816 3,939,000 3,868,200 (80,800) -2.06% 40fi6+464 -InvestmentlnWrest 131,062 91,966 142,964 60,999 664fi% 40fifi -LOenlnterest 28,427 96,297 - (96,297) -100.00% 4072 -SeleofPropeRy 314,fi36 - - - 0.00% 4076 -Rentellncome 143,000 149,000 166,000 fi 4.03% 407fi -Relmbursements 133,922 172,i8fi 344,372 172,i8fi 100.00% 4077 -FOrglvebleLOenRepeyment 16,628 246 - (246) -100.00% 4288 -MOnitoringFees 10,032 - 10,032 10,032 0.00% 4800 -BOntlProceetls 13,766,000 17,036,000 17,036,000 -100.00% TOTALAFFORDABLEHOUSINGFUND i8,fifi8,411 21,482,fi83 4,610,668 (ifi,972,126) -79.00% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 280REDEVELOPMENTFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4061 -Donetions 1,000 600 - (600) -100.00% 4080 -MiscelleneousNonTexe6le 6,488 - - - 0.00% 4086+464 -InvestmentlnWrest 38,287 8,833 6,600 (1,433) -20.87% 4076 -Rentellncome 4,800 17,280 42,240 24,880 14444% 4078 -Reim6ursements - - 3,420 3,420 0.00% 4080 -OpemtingTrensfersln 1,773,000 1,172,600 870,000 (202,600) -1727% TOTALREDEVELOPMENTFUND 1,822,688 1,187,213 1,021,180 (178,063) -14.71% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 380DEBTSERVICEFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4016 -Texlncrement 18,647268 16,768,000 16,432,800 (323,200) 4.06% 4086+464 -InvestmentlnWrest 63,280 14,811 1,800 (12,811) -87.17% TOTALDEBTSERVICEFUND 18,800,618 16,770,811 16,434,700 338,111 4.13% 285 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� zas �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMLCULA REDEYELOPMENT AGENCY CORE SERVICES: The Temecula Redevelopment Agency is a legally separete and distinct organization of the City. The Agency works with City staff, business owners, investors, developers, engineers, architects, residents, and administretive and government bodies in order to eliminate conditions of blight. The Redevelopment Agency is tasked with providing needed public improvements; encouraging rehabilitation and repair of deterioreted structures; facilitating land assembly and developmenk and improving and/or increasing the housing stock for Temecula's residents. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING and REDEVELOPMENT Patrick Richardson HOI151NG REDEVELOPMENT Affortlable Housing Resitlen[ial Capital Projecls Compliance Improvemen[ Processing antl Pm rems Monitoring Oltl Town Specific Plan Implemen[ation Fi�sl Time Home Buyer Lantl Acquisi[ion Program Communiry Liaison AHOrtlable Housing Projec[ Development 28] �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMECULA IIEDEYELOPMENT AGENCY EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: AIlo�d�EleHOUSinASetASiOe Funtling5ource: Taxlncrement Ntlual Ntlual Butlgetetl Requestetl % ExpentliWre Summary FY2008�09 FY 200940 FY 20f041 FY20fl42 $Change Change Personnel $ 413,805 $ 98,]83 $ 518,81] $ 483,882 $ (22,835] -4;6 Ope�e�ions&Mein�enence 534,09 $ BSB,PHB 2,888]B3 3,814,E14 1,225,111 48;6 Cepi�elPmjec�s* 8I8,I88 11,483,I83 5,288,883 18,35I,442 11,088,558 208;6 $ 1,824,SH8 $ 12,831,E12 $ 8,485,283 $ 20]85,888 $ 12,90]35 144;6 � PERSONNELALLOCATION: puthorizetl Proposetl Personnelpllocation 207047 Changes 207742 Unfuntletl pFFORUpBLEH0U51NG AtlminisirativeASSistant 1.15 0.00 1.15 0.90 AssistaniCityManager 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 AssistaniPlanner 125 0.00 125 0.00 ASSOdB�BPIBnnBf LAO (O.PAJ I.PA O.00 �IfBt�OfO(PIBnning/RBEBVBIOpmBn� O.PA O.00 O.PA O.00 SeniorOfi¢eSpecialist 025 0.00 025 025 SeniorPlanner 125 0.00 125 1.00 ManagementAnalyst 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 Totel 62fi (02fi) 6.00 2.ifi 288 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJ6Ci 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 414,253.6! 351,8`6.00 331,66]00 -20,189.N -SJ4;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 96,W28] bJ,]�J.00 91,41500 1,6]6.N 1.8] ;6 993 5103CFLCASHIXJT $286.�J 15,5�.00 14,]2400 b]4.N -SW;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 6,22].xl 5,323.00 Sp2200 -316.N -SJ4 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 9,882J6 0.00 10,16]00 10,16].N 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 1,680.N 1,6�.00 1,680.00 O.N O.N ;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e eea.� zzs.00 ao.00 -ias.m azzz � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1$80.R 1,3x1.00 1,536.00 216.N 16.#;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 2,608.Q5 2,8]5.00 2,683.00 -192N {,[5 9g 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 5,89624 3,4]5.00 2,630.00 245.N -Zq3Z 9g 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 23,115.� 32,6W.00 23,]]800 b,919.N -2�,239g 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 4,2]9.11 6,332.00 4,401.00 -1,431.N -30.W ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 8]1.W 2,348.00 896.00 -1,452N fi1.E4;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� Sll.E4 ]�.00 53200 -ll4.N -Zq�S 9g 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 98.W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1$80.N 1,640.00 1,540.00 -100.N {.10;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 943.6] ]�.00 W1.00 ll3.N 2LC4;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 5]9,]92`G 516,6D.00 493,68200 -22,435.N �.4490 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 422 PRIMII�G &� 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 6,940.N lO,011.00 9,]9200 -225.N -Z,Z59g FY2011-12 1 G9Re�velopmentPS,odatlm 8,992N 2 APA SOO.N 3 LLI SO.N 4 Mlscellaneous 250.N 993 42] iF2US�EEACMINFEES 3,3W.00 5,610.00 2,�O.N 6].46;6 289 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 993 428 PLBLIG9TIOl�6 O.N 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 38.45 2Y1.00 250.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES O.N 40,]4200 46,60000 5,&58.N 14.�;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM O.N 1,ON.00 1,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-GH�ERAL 113,ll8.R 1N,ON.00 100,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 3,248.W ],482.66 1,394.00 fi,�8E6 b13];6 FY2011-12 1 Audlt 1,394.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 81,398.W 332,8&5.53 13$2]200 -194,613.53 -5846;6 FY2011-12 1 RnandalCOnsultant ]S,OOO.N 2 LotBOOks ]$OO.N 3 Weed Abatement 2$OO.N 4 Rnal Map I-abltat III 35,422N 5 Mlscellaneous 10,000.N 6CalTransGYantlrtiClnd ],850.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5258 �IFERHV�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 1,2]9.81 1,2Y1.00 1,250.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION O.N 2,OW.00 2,050.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5262 MILEA6E O.N 4N.00 400.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 206,092.54 502,92].19 310,11800 -192,�9.19 -38.'A90 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 4,681.N ll,9N.00 25,40000 ],WO.N 41.W ;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 13,88].N 25,6N.00 15,50000 -10,100.N -39.45;6 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 66].N 2,ON.00 3,100.00 1,100.N SS.N;6 993 5350 FACILITIES ll,659.N 22,]N.00 32,60000 9,WO.N 43.61 ;6 993 5380 CIiV ADMIN QiARCES 110,OOO.N 110,ON.00 110,00000 O.N O.N ;6 993 5383 O]JViV FDMIN FEES 4],464.41 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5390 DEBTSH2VICE-PRINaPAL 250,00000 250,NO.N 290 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 2010 Hcusing TAB Prlrcl�sl 250,OOO.N 2 2011 Hcusing TAB Prlrcl�sl O.N 993 5391 DEBTSH2VICE-INiEREi7 8�,3�.00 2,018,15600 1,119,&SO.N 124E6;6 FY2011-12 1 2010 Hcusing TAB Intuest 1,008,095.N 2 2011 Hcusing TAB Intuest 1,010,061.N 993 5392 �ITINCENCY O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5393 �� OF ISSLWl�CE 191,3]6.A5 225,ON.00 0.00 -225,NO.N -100.N ;6 993 5395 WDEWRITER'SDISCOWT D6,]12.W 1]],010.00 0.00 -D],OlO.N -100.N;6 993 S3W CRI6INPL ISSLE DIS�JM 89,]56.40 354,3x1.00 0.00 -358,320.N -100.N ;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 652,204.� 1,8#,8#.00 2,454,]5600 6D,920.N 33.6l90 993 Y!4] RFSIDEMIPL REHFB PRCGRAM 2N,ON.00 400,00000 x10,N0.N 100.N ;6 993 Yl49 FIRS7TIMEHCMEBUYERFROC32AM O.N 1W,ON.00 ]50,00000 WO,NO.N 400.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI O.N 3W,ON.00 1,15Q00000 �O,NO.N 228.5/90 RopctTOtal 1,438,089.90 3,206,380.19 4,908,556.00 1,202,ll5.81 3].49 % IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 1,438,089.90 3,206,380.19 4,908,556.00 1,202,ll5.81 3].49 % 291 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS800 AFFCRDABLE HOUSiNG 8 i O 810 5]00 LMD ]5,390.00 0.00 0.00 Total ]5,390.00 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal �5,390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% AFFOROP9LE HOUSING FUTURE OBLIGA77QN5 81 7 811 5404 �IARL�ION 305,000.00 305,OOO.N 0.00 -305,000.00 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 305,000.00 305,OOO.N 0.00 -305,000.00 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00 305,000.00 -100.00 % SUAMQERHOUSE DEVELOPMEM 87 2 812 5404 �IARL�ION 5,000,000.00 3,438,595.N 0.00 -3,438,59500 -100.00;6 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 5,000,000.00 3,438,595.N 0.00 -3,438,59500 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 5,000,000.00 3,438,595.00 0.00 3,438,595.00 -100.00 % RCSIDENTIA4 ftEIiAB PROCaRAMS 819 813 5404 �IARL�ION ]3,]1204 O.N 0.00 0.00 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI ]3,]1204 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal �3,�1204 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% WAREH6USE �CREEKSID6 PftC}JECT OPA 8 S A 814 5404 �IARL�ION 6,000,000.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 6,000,000.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 Propct Total 6,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % AFFORDAHLE HOUSING PROdBCT 87 S 815 5403 REHFB A�ISrAN� 1$OO,NO.N 0.00 -1,500,00000 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 1$OO,NO.N 0.00 -1,500,00000 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 1500,000.00 0.00 -1,500,000.00 -100.00 % NW RQ4 PROPER'T1' GRADING NPDES COCNPLIANCE 839 8�J 5401 ACMINISrR,9TICN 5,33428 O.N 0.00 0.00 83J 5402 DESIC3V & ENVIRCNMENTA 0.00 10,000.N 0.00 -10,000.00 -100.00 ;6 8�J 5404 �IARL�ION 34,34625 35,288.N 0.00 -35,288.00 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 39,680.53 45,288.N 0.00 �5,288.00 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 39,680.53 45,288.00 0.00 45,288.00 -100.00 % CI+PITPL IMPROVEMEiVr FROPQS Total 11,493,�825/ 5,288,883.00 0.00 -5,288,883.00 -100.00 % RDAPFFORDPBLEHOUSING 20% 12,931,8]1.W 8,495,263.19 4,908,556.00 -4,086,]0].19 -98.11 % SET ASIDE Total 292 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMLCULA IIEDEVELOPM�TT AGFdeiC�C MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: AFFORDABLE HOUSING MISSION: Housing programs seek to expand the supply of affordable housing oppatunities to citizens of Temecula at various levels of income and age. This is achieved though construdion of new affadable housing developments, rehabilitation of existing affordable housing developments, and fnancial assistance to low-income homeavners and potential homeavners though the Residential Imprwement Program and First Tme Homebuyers Program. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Completed construction of 20 units of affordable housing . Entered into an agreement for the construdion of 23 affadable housing units in a mixed use development. . Entered into an agreement fa the construdion of 45 affadable housing units. . Funded 32 Residential Improvement Program Loans for the purpose of repairing and retaining quality homes for low and moderate income homeowners. . Funded two First Time Home Buyer Loans and processing a third. . Processed three Residential Energy Effciency Program Loans for the purpose of making the existing housing stock more effcient. • Assisted in the identification of potential projeds and other support adivities which led to the successful sale of Housing TaxAllocation Bonds. These bonds will fund two new affordable housing developments which will increase the stock of affordable housing. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Enter into a funding agreement for the development of two new affordable housing developments totaling 91 units by December 201t (Preserving a Family Friendly Lifestyle) . Fund ten Residential Improvement Program Loans each quarter of fscal year 2011-12 for the purpose of repairing, and making homes of low-income homeowners more effcient. (PreserNng a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) z93 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMLCULA IIEDEVELOPM�TT AGFdeiC�C MISSION tACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Prograzn: AFFORDABLE HOUSING—cantlnued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: • Fund four First Tme Homebuyer Loans each quarter of fscal year 2011-12 to provide the opportunity for low-income individuals and families to purchase their frst home. (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) • Fund four Energy Effciency loans each quarter of fscal year 2011-12 utilizing the Department of Energy Grant funds for the purpose of repairing, and making homes of low- income homeowners more effcient, as well as, promoting green construction and maintaining compliance with the City's sustainability program (CommunAy/Ecorromic Development) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Affordable Housing Units constructed 121 32 20 23 Residential Improvements Program 98 y z6 40 loans First Time Homebuyer loans 25 0 15 12 EnergyEffciencyloans N/A N/A 16 16 zsa �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ _ _:: . :?;°�� REDEYELOPMENT AGENC� CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the Temecula Development Agency-Affordable Housing. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart for the Temecula Redevelopment Agency-Affordable Housing. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program �. — Funding5ource: Taxlncrement Nctual Nctual Budgeted Requested EMpendiWreSummary FY2008�09 FY200940 FY2010�N FY201142 $Change %Change Personnel $ 178,W2 $ 232,880 $ 316264 $ 318284 $ 4,030 1% Operetions&Meintenence 648,013 8,801,108 2,483,488 W8228 (1,BW283) �86% CepitelProjecis* � 418,613 468,4W � @68,4W) 400% OperetingTrensferOut�CIP 12,716266 8,688,428 84,432 � (84,432) 400% $ 13,440,340 $ 14,118]W $ 3,341,882 $ 1,186,610 $ (2,148,162) �84% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: REUEVELOPMENT Atlminisirati�eAssistant 0.35 0.00 0.35 0.10 AssistaniCityManager 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 AssistaniPlanner 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 �IfBt�OfOIPIBnnIngIRBEBVBIOpmBn� O.YE O.00 O.YE O.00 ManagementAnalyst 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 SeniorOR¢eSpecialist 025 0.00 025 025 SeniorPlanner 025 0.00 025 0.00 Total 270 0.00 270 0.35 RedevelopmeniNgenryTotel 8.86 (026) 870 2.60 295 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY-CIPPROJECT 280 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJ6Ci999 993 5300 SALARIES&WFlC�ES 164,06218 216,498.N 216,4W.00 -1.00 0.00;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 36,933.49 55$21.N 59,953.00 4,43200 �,9g 9g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT ],J96.6] ],883.N ],84i.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,5]9.14 3,254.N 3,253.00 -1.00 -0.03 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 8,3]3.11 O.N 13,233.00 13,23300 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 1,680.00 1,200.N 1,2N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 433J0 224.N 40.00 -184.00 -3214 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 434.69 ]5].N 9�.00 181.00 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,02535 5,106.N 1,6x1.00 -3,486.00 {g2� 9g 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 1,82].04 2,]S1.N 2,0]1.00 fi80.00 -Zq]Z 9g 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 3,09526 ],539.N 4,892.00 -2,64].00 -35.11 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 1,934.8] 8,525.N 3,059.00 -5,466.00 {412 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 54854 619.N 8C4.00 249.00 4023 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 330.88 942N 523.00 �19.00 qq,qg 9g 993 5118 iEM�RA4VHELP 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES llJ8 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 628.W 940.N 940.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6UR,9 1,46358 3,495.N 2,314.00 -1,181.00 -33J9;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 232,65931 315,254.N 319,2E4.00 4,030.00 L2890 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 446.00 1,OOO.N 1,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 413 iENMfr IMPROVEMENT<5 1,W3,216.65 656,]83.35 1�,9W.00 �69,82335 -]1.53 ;6 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 0.00 SOO.N SN.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 422 PRIMII�G 0.00 300.N 3N.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 2,565.00 3,2]S.N 3,2]5.00 0.00 0.00;6 296 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY-CIPPROJECT280 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 G9Re�velo�mentASSOdatlon 2,250.N 2 APA SOO.N 3 LLI 2]S.N 4 Mlscellaneous 250.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 423.N 6N.00 600.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 6125] 6N.00 1,100.00 WO.N 83.33;6 993 5234 RENT/FACILIiV 19,412N 15,SN.00 0.00 -15,WO.N -100.N;6 993 440 LfrILITIES 3,420.00 3,420.N FY2011-12 1 AlartnServlce�IVISSpace 1p20.N 2UtIIItles�IVISSpace 2,400.N 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-GH�ERAL 33,303.59 35,ON.00 35,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 32,454.� �,92].08 5,5]1.00 -33,356.� b5.E9 ;6 FY2011-12 1 Audlt 5,5]1.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 146,13912 1&S,SN.00 50,50000 -135,NO.N -�Z,ig9g FY2011-12 1 RnandalCOnsultant 35,OOO.N 2 Prcperty Fppralsals 8,OOO.N 3 TltleReperG 1$OO.N 4PaVPhoneServlce6th5treet 1,OOO.N Parking Lot 5 Mlscellaneous S,OOO.N 993 5254 ADVERTISIN6 O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5258 �IFERHV�S O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS O.N 1,4N.00 1,400.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 461 SrAFFiF2AININ6/�UG9TION O.N 1,OW.00 1,050.00 O.N O.N;6 993 462 MILEAGE O.N 2N.00 200.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 4]1 BANI�ERPRCGRAM O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 2,208,5]201 941,635.43 291,8]600 fA9,]59.43 fi9.N90 993 5330 INSLRAI�E 4,681.N 19,3N.00 15,50000 -3,�O.N -19.E9;6 993 5340 INFCRMATICNiEQiNQO6Y 8,680.N 11,3N.00 ll,]0000 6,400.N 566l;6 29] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY-CIPPROJECT280 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 993 53455LPPCRTSERVICFS 223.N ]N.00 200.00 -YlO.N -]1.43;6 993 5350 FACILITIES 9,259.N 22,ON.00 20,40000 -1,WO.N -J,ZJ9g 993 5362 QDTOWNPLFNIMPLEMENTATION 295,16]23 331,SW.00 331,55000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 BluegrassFesHval 31,150.N 2 WestemDaVS 10,100.N 3 SreetPalntlng FesHval 10,250.N 4 HotSLmmuNlghG 43,250.N 5 (�LIItShow 3,OSO.N 6 Wlnterfest 31,OOO.N ] NewYear'sEVe 8,]SO.N 8 Seasorel FbIIdaV LIghG 60,OOO.N 9 Seasorel CLtdocr Ice Rlnk 90,OOO.N 10 MuslcLlcerure 3,OOO.N 11 Old Town Romotlons 40,OOO.N 12 Banners 1,OOO.N 993 5364 ABBOTTOPA O.N 2�,802.00 159,00000 -]0,�2N -30.81;6 993 S38] SERFF CBLI6ATICN 4,354,450.N 8�,SW.00 0.00 -SJ6,W4.N -100.N ;6 993 5388 QD TOWN BUILDII�G FAG�DES 20,0]5.� 31,6�.00 40,00000 9,3RN 30.31 ;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 4,692,53624 1,541,8Yl.00 584,35000 -?5],W4.N fi21090 993 5901 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERIXJT 6$66,426.� E4,432.00 0.00 b4,432N -100.N;6 Tobl 6$66,426.� E4,432.00 0.00 b4,432N -100.N 90 RopctTOtal 13,]00,193.85 2,883,ll5.43 1,195,510.00 -1,68],665.43 -58.53 % IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 13,]00,193.85 2,883,ll5.43 1,195,510.00 -1,68],665.43 -58.53 % 298 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY-CIPPROJECT 280 CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTS800 AUTO MALL SiGN BA2 842 5404 �IARL�ION 416,513A2 458,486.54 0.00 �58,48658 -100.00 ;6 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERSIXJTTOtaI 416,513A2 45$486.54 0.00 �5$48658 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 416,513A2 458,986.58 0.00 458,986.58 -100.00 % CI+PITPL IMPROVEMEiVr FROPQS Total 416,513A2 458,986.58 0.00 458,986.58 -100.00 % R�EVELOPMENTAGENCV-QP 14,116,]0].2] 3,341,66201 1,195,510.00 -2,146,15201 -64.22 % PROJEGT Total 299 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMLCULA IIEDEVELOPM�TT AGFdeiC�C MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: REDEVELOPMENT MISSION: The Redevelopment program is responsible for stimulating the development and revitalization of the Redevelopment Project Area through support and development of infrastrudure improvements, special events promoting economic development in Old Tavn, and providing economic assistance for the rehabilitation of blighted properties within the Project Area. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Completed the funding disbursements fa the now complete and operetional Auto Mall sign. . Completed the Tenant Improvements and successfully began leasing commercial space in the retail storefront connected to the Old Town Parking Garage. . Completed the frst disbursement under the Owner Participation Agreement with Abbott Cardiovascular as a condition of Abbott successfully creating 500 high paying jobs at its Temecula facilities. . Funded two Fa�ade Improvement Program grants to provide external improvements to aging structures in Old Tavn. . Provided funded and support for nine special events through the Old Town Events Implementation Program. . Provided ongoing development funding for the California State San Marcos (CSUSM) Temecula Campus. . Increased marketing program for Hot Summer Nights to include Time Warner Cable advertising which reached markets in the Los Mgeles/South Orange County area. Aitendance grew dramatically, approximately doubling over previous years of the event. . Advertised the New Year's Eve in Old Tavn event utilizing five weeks of television commercials on A&E, Family, USA, CNN, and TBS. Utilized Cross Market Channels to reach Los Mgeles and South Orange County markets. This resulted in an average increase of 55% attendance over the previous year. • Developed quarterly reck cards that focus on adivities in Old Tavn Temecula, City sponsored events, and the arts and cultural facilities of Old Town Temecula and distributed them throughout the area. 300 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ TFaMLCULA IIEDEVELOPM�TT AGFdeiC�C MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: REDEVELOPMENT 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Successfully manage the leased retail space in the Old Town Parking Garage throughout f scal year 2011-12 (FacdAieylnfrestmcture Maintenance) . Fund at least ten Fa�ade Improvement Grants to businesses in Old Town for e#ernal improvements in fscal year 2011-12 (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) . Eetend Hot Summer Nights by one hour and increase outreach to hotelsNisitors for increased eveningiWeekend traffc. Erpand the variety of bands to include the 25-35 year old age group by September 2011(PreserNng a Famdy Friendly Lilestyle) • Eepand marketing and publicity of the Wintertest event and add additional bands. Provide video clips to television news stations of fscal year 2010-11 Grape Drop by January 2012. (PreserNng a Famdy Friendly Li(estyle) . Wak with the FVts Council of Temecula Valley to bring a high quality art exhibit to Town Square during the Street Painting Festival utilizing all of the gress and quad area for the exhibits. Develop national recognition for the entire FVts Festival format by submitting a report to Sunshine FVtists magazine by June 2012 (Preserving a FamilyFriendlyLilestyle) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Fa�ade Improvement Program Grants 98 2 10 10 Old Town Implementation Program � � 9 9 Events 301 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 302 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DEBT SERVICE CORE SERVICES: Please refer to Core Services for the Temecula Development Agency-Affordable Housing. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart for the Temecula Redevelopment Agency-Affordable Housing. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Program: !�z�t3'T�us Funtling5ouree: Texlncrement pctual pctual Butlgetetl Requesietl EMpentliWreSUmmary FY2008�09 FY200940 FY2070�N FY207742 $Change %Change Operetlons&Melntenence $ 26,fi46,613 $ ifi)22,422 $ 14,993,310 $ 14,864,040 $ (129,270) 4% OperetingTrensfer0ut�0&M" fi2fi 1)73,000 1,172,fi00 970,000 (202,fi00) �17% OperetingTrensferOUt�CIP 2,9fi7,980 640,628 (640,628) $ 27,071,613 $ 20,4fi3,402 $ 16,806,438 $ ifi,834,040 $ (972,398) �6h 'Progremmed In Me GP Budget Document. "Includes $97Q000 opereHng trens�er to tAe fiedevelopment Fund In FY 20ff12. 303 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA DEBTSERVICE FUND 380 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 42] iF2US�EEACMINFEES 12,800.N 14,]25.00 13,15000 -1,5]S.N -10.]0;6 993 5231 PRWERiVTA%FDMINFEES 189,85].E6 162,9C4.00 186,40000 23,432N 14.�;6 993 441 P,4��FROLGHPGREEMENTS 11,6]6,�J2`6 10,]Yl,ON.00 10,559,00000 -195,NO.N -1.81;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 11,8]9,Q5022 10,931,643.00 10,]58,55000 -D3,143.N -1.5490 993 5390 DEBTSH2VICEPRINaPAL ]10,000.N 9�,ON.00 1,085,00000 lO5,N0.N lOJ1;6 FY2011-12 1 2N] TAB Prlrcl�sl 265,OOO.N 2 2N6 TAB Sedes A Prindpal 260,OOO.N 3 2N6 TAB Sedes B Prindpal SS,OOO.N 42N2TABPrlrcl�sl SOS,OOO.N 993 5391 INiEREi7 3,133,3]0.&5 3,081,6ll.00 3p20,49000 fi1,12].N -1.�;6 FY2011-12 1 2N] TAB Intuest 82],364.� 2 2N6 TAB Setles A Interest ]31,836.� 3 2N6 TAB Setles B Interest 144,606.� 4 2N2TAB Intuest 1,2]1,063J6 S Intemston6eneralFUrd 45,619.N FldJance INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 3,843,3]0.&5 4,061,6D.00 4,105,49000 43,8]3.N 1.�90 993 5501 DEVELOFER A6REEMENT O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N Total O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 993 5901 WER,9TIN6TRANSFERIXJT 4,]30,�0.4] 1,813,123.00 W0,00000 243,128.N q6.W ;6 Tobl 4,]30,�0.4] 1,813,123.00 W0,00000 243,128.N 46.W 90 RopctTOtal 20,453,901.54 16,806,438.00 15,834,090.00 -W2,398.00 -SJ9 % IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 20,453,901.54 16,806,438.00 15,834,090.00 -W2,398.00 -SJ9 % RDADEBTSERVI�FUNDTOtaI 20,453,901.54 16,806,438.00 15,834,090.00 -W2,398.00 -SJ9 % 3W nr �eyxt �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY nvT�.nxAr. sEnvicE Fuxns 2008-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposetl % Autlitetl Revisetl Proposetl Increase Increase Acluals Butlget Butlget (Decrease) (Decrease) TotalRevenues by Fund: Insurance 781,007 871,871 BO8,800 38,828 42% VehiclesantlEquipment 158,020 38,188 228,800 181,432 501.8% IrrformationTechnology 1,807228 2,242,171 2,088,000 (143,171) -84% SuppoRServices 388)BB 458,855 450,800 (8,155) -1.3% Facilities 812,885 1,280,884 1,442,300 181,318 12.8% TotalRevenues 4,057,038 4,880,248 5,130,800 240,351 4.8% TotalExpenses by Fund: Insurance 1,178,833 BO8,080 808,848 888 0.1% VehiclesantlEquipmerrt 324,121 283,880 208)OB (55,174) -20.8% IrrformationTechnology 2,087,280 2,238,805 2,088,552 (138,353) -82% SuppoRServices 385,821 422,445 415,338 (7,108) -1]% Facilities 783,880 1,248,822 1,383,082 134,280 10.8% TotalE;yenses 4)50,025 5,082,132 5,015,825 (88,507) -1.3% E;�ess of Revenues Over (Untler) E;yenses (882,888) (181,883) 114,875 308,858 -158.8% Operating Transfers In (Out)�. GasTaxFuntl(VehiclesantlEquipment) 113280 113,280 0.0% E;�ess of Revenues antl Operating TransfersWer(Untler)E;yentliNres (882,888) (181,883) 228,235 420,118 NetAssets,Beg.ofYear 4,281,458 3,588,470 3,388,587 NetAssets,EntlofYear 3,588,470 3,388,587 3,824,822 305 �.r� ie'iry �� T �� _ � -:.:. ti��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY INSURANCE FUND 2oos-io 2mo-ii 2oii-i2 Proposed io Autlitetl Revisetl Proposetl Increese Increese ARUeIs Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) TotelRevenues 781,007 871,971 908,900 3fi,929 42% TotelEryenses 1,178,833 908,080 908,949 Bfi9 0.1% Excess of Rev�nues Oder (Untler) Eryenses (397,82fi) (3fi,109) - (49) 3fi -99.9% NetAsse6,Beg.ofYeer 898,047 500,221 4fi4,112 NetAsse6,Entl ofYeer 500221 4fi4,112 4fi4,Ofi3 306 ne �eyxt )� T� �. � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY YEHICLES and EQUIPMENT FUND 2oos-io 2mo-ii 2oii-i2 Proposed io Autlitetl Revisetl Proposetl Increese Increese ARUeIs Butlget Butlget (Decreese) (Decreese) TotelRevenues 159,020 38,ifi8 - 229,fi00 191,432 501.fi% TotelEryenses 324J21 2fi3,880 208)Ofi (55,174) -20.9% Excess of Rev�nues Oder (Untler) Eryenses (ifi5J01) (225,712) - 20,894 24fi,fi0fi -109.3% Opereting Trensfers In (Out)�. GesTexFuntl 113,2fi0 113,2fi0 0.0% Excess of Revenues entl Operetlng TrensfersOver(Untler)EryentliNres (ifi5,101) (225,712) 134,154 359,Bfifi NetAsse6,Beg.ofYeer 2,040J82 1,875,081 i,fi49,3fi9 NetAsse6,EntlofYeer 1,875,081 i,fi49,3fi9 1)83,523 30] �.r� ie'iry �� T �� _ � -:.:. ti��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY INFORMATION TBCHNOLOGY FUND saaa-m sma->> sa>>-�s P�oposea i Autlitetl Revisetl Proposetl Increase Increase Acluals Butlget Butlget (Decrease) (Decrease) TotalRevenues 1,807228 2,242,171 2,088,000 (143,171) -84% TotalEKoenses 2,087280 2,238,805 2,088,552 (138,353) -82% Excess of Revenues Wer (Untler) EKoenses (180,032) 3,288 - (552) (3,818) -118.8% NetAsse6,Beg.ofYear 803,418 713,388 718,852 NetAsse6,Entl ofYear 713,388 718,852 718,100 308 �.r� ie'iry �� T �� _ � -:.:. ti��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY SUPPORT SERYICES FUND 2008-10 2010-11 2011-12 Proposed % Audited Revised Proposed Increese Increese Actuels Budget Budget (Decreese) (Decreese) TotelRevenues 388,788 468,866 460,800 (8,166) -1.3% TotelEKoenses 386,821 422446 416,338 p,108) -1.7% Excess of Revenues Wer (Under) EKoenses 30,878 34,610 - 36,484 864 2.8% NetAsseS,Beg.ofYeer 276,713 308,881 341,201 NetAsseS,End ofYeer 308,881 341,201 378,886 309 �.r� ie'iry �� T �� _ � -:.:. ti��� F 'e.q'Y '�_ SUMMARY OF REVENUES� E7CPENDITURES� and CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY FACII.ITIES FUND saaa-m sma->> sa>>-�s P�oposea i Autlitetl Revisetl Proposetl Increase Increase Acluals Butlget Butlget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 812,885 1,280,884 1,442,300 181,318 12.8 % Total EKoenses 783,880 1,248,822 1,383,082 134,280 10.8% Excess of Revenues Wer (Untler) EKoenses 28,885 32,182 - 58,218 27,058 84.1% NetAsse6,Beg.ofYear 184,088 183,081 225,253 NetAsse6,Entl ofYear 183,081 225,253 284,471 310 M ir� n �� - '� � . �r`� REVENUE DETAIL INTERNAL SERVICES FUND ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 3001NSURANCEFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE % CHANGE 4085W54 -Investmentlnterest 11,824 8,171 8,700 (471) -5.14% 4078 -ChargesforServices 785,778 882,800 800,200 37,400 4.33% 4088 -SpecialEventlnsuranceFees 1,525 - - - 0.00% 4085 -ClaimsRecovery 2,080 - - - 0.00% TOTALINSURANCEFUND 781,007 871,871 BO8,800 38,828 424% ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 310VEHICLESAND E�UIPMENTFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 11,916 10,fifi8 9,800 (Bfi8) -8.14% 407fi -ChergesforServlces 134,192 27,600 219,800 192,300 fi9927% 4090 -OperetingTrensfersln-GesTexFUntl 113,2fi0 113,2fi0 0.00% 4660 -GelnonDlsposelofASSets 12,913 0.00% TOTALVEHICLESFUND 169,020 38,ifi8 342,Bfi0 304,fi92 79829% ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 3201NFORMATIONTECHNOLOGVFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 6,899 4,671 4,600 (71) -1.66% 407fi -ChergesforServlces 1,901,329 2,237,fi00 2,094,600 (143,100) -fi40% TOTALINFOSVSTEMSFUND 1,907,228 2,242,171 2,099,000 143,171 -fi39% ACCT FV 09-10 FV 10-11 FV 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 330SUPPORTSERVICESFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 40fi6W64 -Investmentlnterest 4,219 3,666 3,300 (266) -7.17% 407fi -ChergesforServlces 392,680 463,400 447,600 (6,900) -130% TOTALSUPPORTSERVICESFUND 39Q799 46Q966 460,800 fi,i66 -136% ACCT FY 08-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACTUAL REVISED NO 340FACILITIESFUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE 4086W64 -Investmentlnterest 1,816 1,884 1,800 (84) -448% 4078 -ChergesforServices 811,070 1,278,100 1,440,600 181,400 12.82% TOTALFACILITIESFUND 812,886 1,280,884 1,442,300 181,318 12.68% 311 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 312 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS ��� �� CORE SERVICES: The Insurance fund was established to fund and account for the City's liability and property insurance costs. Costs reflected in the insurance fund include property, liability, and automobile insurance, claims administretion services, as well as legal and other costs directly relating to claims and potential litigation. In addition, costs incorporete the management and oversight of claims administretion. Charges to departments are allocated based on the number of full-time equivalent personnel in each department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Progrem:-.:,a:a.;cc FundingSouree: ChergesfoCify, CommunifySemces Disfricf, end Redevelopmenf Agency NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed % ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change Change Personnel $ 64,080 $ 68,826 $ 68,821 $ 80,880 $ 888 1.6% Operetions&Meintenence 847,284 1,122,208 848,268 848,268 - 0.0% CepIIBIOutlBy - - - - - O.O% $ 701,384 $1,178,833 $ 808,080 $ 808,848 $ 888 0.1% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Au[horizetl Proposetl Personnel Alloca[ion 2010-H Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl AdministrativeAssistant 025 0.00 0.25 0.00 Fiscal Services Manager 025 0.00 0.25 0.00 Departmen[ To[al 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 313 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) INSURANCEFUND300 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 5100 SALARIES & WFlC� ES 38,]31.94 40,919.N 40,919.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 8,89242 10$16.N 11,34.00 836.00 ].95 ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 1$40.N 1,540.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 5]4J5 616.N 616.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 2,486.63 O.N 2,648.00 2,648.00 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 10].94 S1.N 9.00 �200 -3235 ;6 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9ININ 16051 161.N 2N.00 39.00 2422;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 2]4A2 896.N 292.00 fiO4.00 {].41 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 195.03 23].N 213.00 -24.00 -10.13 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 2,ll248 3,922N 2,249.00 -1,6]3.00 �266 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 36].68 695.N 392.00 -303.00 �3.60 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5116 VISIONINSLRNV� 55.86 68.N W.00 b.00 -l1J6;6 993 5126 �MPENSATE9A&SEiVCFS 2,46530 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 200.00 200.N 2N.00 0.00 0.00;6 SALA4VANDBENEFITSTOtaI 56,62456 59,821.N W,6W.00 869.00 1.4590 993 400 LIABILIiV INSLRNV� 20],939.63 205$OO.N 2�,]35.00 3,235.00 1.5] ;6 993 404 PRWERiV INSLRNV� 259,25032 315,109.N 348,961.00 33,85200 lOJ4 ;6 993 405 CLAIMSADMINIS7RATCR 2],199.J9 30,OOO.N 3l,ON.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 40] CLAIMS 411,694.03 SO,OOO.N W,ON.00 0.00 0.00 ;6 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 0.00 150.N 1W.00 0.00 0.00;6 993 446 LE6PLSERVI�S-GH�ERAL 216,1252] 24]$OO.N 210,413.00 -3],08].00 -14.98;6 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TI O.N 0.00 0.00 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 1,122,20854 84$259.N 848,2:9.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 1,ll8,833.10 908,080.00 908,949.00 869.00 0.10 % NCN-0EPARiMEMPLTOtaI 1,ll8,833.10 908,080.00 908,949.00 869.00 0.10 % INSURANCE FUND Total 1,ll8,833.10 908,080.00 908,949.00 869.00 0.10 % 314 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS INSURANCE MISSION ! ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: INSURANCE MISSION: The Insurance Internal Service Fund QSF) accounts for the cost associated with general and property liability, claims, and claims administretion. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Increased the Citys Earthquake and Flood coverage from $25 million to $35 million with a 5% dedudible. . Conducted a complete yearly review (and insurable property value assessment) of all City property and facilities. . Renewed the City's general liability and excess liability insurance pdicies with $150,000 self insured retention with $10 million per occurrence limit. • Proactively utilized the City's Risk Assessa to evaluate existing City-owned parks and facilities under construction to determine potential risk liabilities. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Proactively utilize the City's Risk Assessor to evaluate existing City-owned parks and facilities to determine potential risk liabilities. (FacdAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) . Conduct a complete yearly review (and insurable property value assessment) of all City property and facilities by December 201t (FacdAy/Infrestmcture Maintenance) . Renew the City's general liability and excess liability insurance policies with $150,000 self insured retention and $10 million per occurrence limit by February 26, 2012. (Facdity/IMrestrudure Maintenance) 315 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 316 �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS ICLES and EQUIPMENT CORE SERVICES: The Vehicles and Equipment Internal Service fund was established to fund and account for the replacement of the City's fleet vehicles. Charges allocated to departments that are assigned vehicles and equipment are based on the estimated replacement cost of the vehicle and equipment. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Progrem: VehiclesantlEquipment FundingSouree: Cherges(oCi(yend CommunifySemces Disfrict NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel - - - - - Operefions & Meintenence $ 314,618 $ 324,121 $ 283,880 $ 208,708 $ (66,174) -20.8% CBpIIBI OOIIBy - - - - - $ 314,618 $ 324,121 $ 283,880 $ 208,708 $ (66,174) -20.8% 31] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FUND 31 O NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 5360 DEPREQATICN 315,855.96 263,880.N 2�,]�.00 -SS,ll4.00 -20.91 ;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 31$855.96 263,880.N 2�,]�.00 -5$D4.00 -20.9190 993 5550 L� CN DISP�AL OF AS $265.14 0.00 0.00 Total $265.14 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 324,121.ID 263,880.00 208,]06.00 -SS,ll4.00 -20.91 % NCN-0EPARiMEMPLTOtaI 324,121.ID 263,880.00 208,]06.00 -SS,ll4.00 -20.91 % bEHICLESANDEQUIPMENTFUND 324,121.ID 263,880.00 208,]06.00 -SS,ll4.00 -20.91 % Total 318 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS VEHICLES and EQUIPMENT MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTNES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: PFogram: VEHICLE& and EQUIPMENT MISSION: The Vehicles and Equipment Internal Service Fund QSF) accounts for the cost associated with the City's vehicle and equipment replacement. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Established retes estimated to recover $27,500 of replacement costs in 2010-11. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Replace City vehicles in accordance with life-cycle standards through June 2012. (Facdity/IMrestrudure Maintenance) • Replace one John Deere SJ Backhce with breaker and sheep foot attachment (at $113,260) fa use on public right-of-way by July 31, 2011 (Facdity/Infrestrudure Maintenance) 319 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 320 �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS "'� �'�" CORE SERVICES: Information Technology QT) is responsible for providing systems support, hardware and software help desk support, network operetion, purchasing, telecommunications, business systems analysis, City Internet/Intranet and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). IT provides customer service for all of the City's user departments. Currently, there are approximately 300 desktop computers and servers, and over 300 individual computer user accounts located over six locations throughout the City. There are currently fve major business application systems administered and supported by the programming staff. In the telecommunication area, there are approximately 200 Sprint cell phones and 250 desktop telephones. Each month the IT Help Desk receives over 400 requests for assistance from City computer users. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: DIRELTOR OF INPoRMATION TECNNOLOGY (Vacan<) FPPIICFTIONS antl CLIENT SERVICES ryacanq CLIENTSERVICES pppLlCAilONS NETWORKOPERATIONS Cus�omP�og�amming OaUSto�eJgelSbrage ' �CM1ambe s� WeE DeveloOmen� Oa�a Repotling antl Oala Cenle� Analyais Opem[io EGOVem �� and n¢Pec6on PM1One SYSRms Servic ,m /NOma� 6eograp�ic v� wa�e Suppotl n Sya�ems Elec[�onlc Reco�tls pM1ysical5ecutl�y ecula0utaacM1 Managem Syxtom al5y¢[em¢ pMi6�Y n AUbmal Xelp �a¢ 321 nr �eyxt �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS �'=��'�"�'"'���°"��'�' �'�'�''D4INOLOGY OEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Progrem ,... , .Iachnukjy Funtling5ouree: Che�gestoGty, CommunitySeMces DlsGlc( entl Retlevelopment Agency pcWal pcWal Butlgetetl Requestetl ExpentliWreSUmmary FY2008L9 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change �Change Personnel $ 943,117 $ 821,17fi $ 917,788 $ 763,89fi $ (ifi3,892) -17.9% Operetlons & Melntenence 91Qfi48 826,692 817,012 830,61fi $ 13,604 1.7% CBpIIBI OOIIBy $ 1,869,7fi6 $ 1,fi4Q7fi8 $ 1,734,800 $ 1,684,412 $ (160,388) -8.7% Progrem: GIS FundingSouree: ChergestoCity, CommunifySemces Disfricf, end Redevelopmenf Agency NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel $ 323,263 $ 274,330 $ 288,808 $ 281,808 $ (8,203) -2.8% Operetions & Meintenence 71,302 37,638 61,400 61,100 (300) -0.8% CBpIIBI OOIIBy - - - - - $ 384,666 $ 311,888 $ 341,208 $ 332,708 $ (8,603) -2.6% Progrem:�'brary FundingSouree: ChergesfoCify, CommunifySemces Disfricf, end Redevelopmenf Agency NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel $ 111,817 $ 86,370 $ 88,887 $ 88,834 $ 887 1.1% Operetions&Meintenence 86,676 63,263 73,828 82,600 18,671 26.1% Cepitel0utley 6,616 - - - - $ 182,707 $ 138,823 $ 182,888 $ 182,434 $ 18,638 12.0% 322 nr �eyxt �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS �'=�^'�"�'!� �'A°R�lai TECHNOLOGY OEPARTMENT PERSONN EL ALLOCATION: puthorizetl Proposetl Personnelpllocation 2010-11 Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl Atlministrative Assistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DlrectoroflnformetlonSystems 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Dlrectorinformetlon Systems 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 GIS Atlministrator 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 GISAnalyst 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 InfOfmBtlOn Sy5IBm5 AtlmInISIfBIOf 1.00 O.00 1.00 1.00 InfOfmBtlOn Sy5IBm5 SpBLIBIISI 1.00 O.00 1.00 O.00 SenlorGlSProgremmer 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 SBnIOflnfOfRIBIIOn Sy5IBR15 SpBLIBIISI P.00 O.00 P.00 O.00 WBbmBSIBf 1.00 O.00 1.00 O.00 DeparhnentTOtal 11.00 0.00 11.00 2.00 323 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 546,]6&6! SW,554.00 485,32400 -ll2,234.N -18.]3;6 993 SID2 RERSRETIREM9VT 1J9,159.E3 14,603.00 133,49500 -19,114.N -124;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 60,431.E9 21,111.00 32,80800 11,E9].N 55.41 ;6 993 5104 MEDIGNEE 10,ll8J6 9,1E4.00 ],]26.00 -1,458.N -15.�;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 52,169.11 55,521.00 49,2]300 fi,248.N -1125;6 993 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4,800.N 4,8N.00 0.00 -4,�O.N -100.N ;6 e� sioa va urf ��a,v�e i,zis.� aia.00 �a.00 -saa.m az.� � 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 2,26682 2,222.00 2,]53.00 S31.N 23,�9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiVINSLRNV� 4,113J4 4,92].00 3,886.00 -1,W1.N -21.13;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 9,]6325 10,16l.00 5,564.00 �,WO.N q5.�;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� 9$1201 6,64i.00 8,984.00 2,311.N 34.43 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� ]28.46 1,S�J.00 688.00 -351.N -55.31 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 3,]SO.N 3,424.00 3,54200 118.N 3.45 ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 150A2 182.00 14200 40.N -21.� ;6 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 1,530.N 3,801.00 1,445.00 -2,356.N fi1.�;6 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 3$2]3] 31,9N.00 6,900.00 -25,NO.N -]83] ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr O.N 2:9.00 259.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 4,132ll ],8N.00 ],800.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5126 �MPENSATE9A&SEiVCFS -26,28332 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 2,]60.N 2,]W.00 2,]60.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEMII�6URANCE SO1.N 9�.00 4]3.00 �53.N qg,gZ9g SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 821,D6.44 9D,]�.00 ]53,89600 -163,bJ2N -D.�90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 189,]6&21 1C4,ON.00 168,00000 O.N O.N;6 993 409 RADIOSYS7EMCHA4GE5 6,029.44 lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Muzak 4,OOO.N 2TOwuLease 6,OOO.N 993 410 ALDIO/VIDEOSLPPLIES 959.81 ],3N.00 5,000.00 -2,310.N -3151 ;6 324 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 Pr�uctlon Tapes 800.N 2 Audlo Tapes 1,OOO.N 3 DVDS & CDS 1,OOO.N 4 Mlcrophmes 1$OO.N SSDLTTapes 3,OOO.N 993 4ll SCFNVARE&MAIMHVNV� 236,338J5 244,24823 284,00000 39,]SlJ] 1623;6 FY2011-12 1 PlanetBlds 14,OOO.N 2 Eden 40,OOO.N 3 MlcrcvrokEnterGrlseAgreement ]O,OOO.N 4 HDLBUSInessLlcerure ],800.N 5 E6/La..rerflche 8,850.N 6 CLStomerQueingAppolntment; 2$OO.N Plus ] Safarl P� Plus/Qillre/FlC[Ive 18$OO.N 8 Slm Fgen� Maregu/VoHng 20,OOO.N Sys[em 9 DCCCOmmunlcator/Revere 14,OOO.N 911 10 VlrusProtectlon 3,OOO.N 11 WeLvense WebFllter ],OOO.N 12 O'I�II Barmde 2$OO.N 13 GBAMasters/ASSpt 24,852N Management ia �i wrtiFlcaeu (ubrarv, ciry, i,000.m ioro) is symp�o s,zoo.m 16 PumIG Plus/Aaela 34,OOO.N D Trarecad PW Trafflc 1$OO.N 18 Synchro PW Trafflc 2,OOO.N 19 RossroadsPW Trafflc 1$OO.N xl iEAPPC PW Trafflc 2,OOO.N 21 RatePOlntEmall I�wsletters 1,450.N 22 EventRO Theater SSO.N 2351telmpmveWeGslteSCanning 1,800.N 993 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 22,662W S5,8N.00 55,50000 -310.N -0.Yl;6 325 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 Shomtel Malntenace 14,OOO.N 2PrintuRepalrs SOO.N 35ANSLppert S,OOO.N 4DataCenterSLpport 30,OOO.N 5 Ccundl0iambersSLpport 6,OOO.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 2,6W.R 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 993 421 �MPUiERSLPPLIES 44,038J1 43,ON.00 43,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PrintuTOnuCartrldges 40,OOO.N 2 CLk/DVDS/Tapes 1,OOO.N 3 Backup Exu 1,OOO.N 4 KeVbmr�/Mlce/MemcrV 1,OOO.N 993 422 PRIMII�G O.N 6W.00 0.00 fSO.N -100.N ;6 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 240.N SN.00 100.00 �OO.N b0.N;6 FY2011-12 1 MISACMemLrershlp 100.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 3]l.]3 3N.00 200.00 -100.N -33.33 ;6 FY2011-12 l ITNewsletters&Magazlnes 200.N 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 20]JS 4N.00 300.00 -100.N -Z5,�9g 993 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT O.N 1,SN.00 500.00 -1,NO.N fi66I;6 993 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM ]0,]39.�J 1N,9�.88 65,00000 -35,926.� -3SW ;6 FY2011-12 1 Computer Worksbtlms SO,OOO.N 25martPhmes 1,OOO.N 3 Notebod¢ (4) 6,OOO.N 4 MonitorReplacement S,OOO.N 5 KeVbmr� 1,OOO.N 6 Notebock Batterles SOO.N � P�oj�ro��m� soo.m 8 LargeFCrmatSCannuParis SOO.N 9 ID Ptlnter qulp 250.N lOPatchRbuCables 250.N 993 443 WIFORMS 146.]3 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 13,883.]3 ll,5N.00 25,50000 8,NO.N 45J1 ;6 326 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 993 52500TFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 23,0143] 15,200.N lO,ON.00 -5,200.00 -3421;6 993 5258 �IFERHV�/EDUG9TICN 0.00 O.N 0.00 0.00 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 346.06 1,OOO.N 6N.00 �00.00 �0.00 ;6 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TI 60]34 2$OO.N 1,ON.00 -1,500.00 {0.00 ;6 993 462 MILEAGE 166.48 1,OOO.N SN.00 -500.00 -50.00 ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHI 36832 SOO.N 2Y1.00 -250.00 -50.00;6 WER,9TICNSANDMAIMHVNV�TOtal 612,58829 6]3,325.11 6T2,4W.00 b]5.11 -0.1390 993 5360 DEPREQATICN 213,003.48 143,68].N 154pE6.00 14,3]900 10.01 ;6 IMER�WLSERVICEPLLOG9TIONTOtaI 213,003.48 143,68].N 154pE6.00 14,3]900 10.0190 993 `652 INVENTORV{q�9PLf�ERH O.N 0.00 0.00 CJ+PITPLOURAVTOtaI O.N 0.00 0.00 0.0090 PropctTOtal 1,696,]6821 1,]34,800.11 1,584,41200 -150,388.11 -8.6] % NCN-0EPARiMEMPL Total 1,696,]6821 1,]34,800.11 1,584,41200 -150,388.11 -8.6] % 32] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 GISGEOGR4PHIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 61 O PROJECT999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 194,301.44 1W,15].00 188,61900 b,S38.N q,339g 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 44,259.N W,394.00 52,05900 1,E65.N 3.31 ;6 993 5103 CFLCASHIXJT 1,]]L02 ]p6l.00 6,]15.00 -'A9.N q,g�9g 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,90LW 2,9C4.00 2,840.00 -128.N �31 ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 5,882.]0 10,321.00 6,161.00 �,160.N 4031;6 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 45&� 194.00 34.00 -160.N -32,q� 9g 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% ]6].59 ]5].00 938.00 181.N 23.91;6 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,433.'A 1,302.00 1,501.00 199.N 1523 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS'�MP 2,985.53 3,SW.00 2,434.00 -1,156.N -32.x1;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� ll,]44.0] 14,054.00 18,58200 4,44.N 3218 ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 25242 545.00 264.00 -231.N -51.`G ;6 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5120 PA4T-TIME RETIREMEM O.N 19.00 19.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5121 OVERTIME WPGES 631.A5 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5180 WELWFSSPLAN 940.N 940.00 940.00 O.N O.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 2]4,3J9.T2 2bJ,803.00 281,60600 b,d�3.N -24i90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 4ll SCFNVARE&MAIMHVNV� 18,]93.44 19,]N.00 20,00000 310.N L4;6 FY2011-12 1 ESRI Malntenance ll,100.N 2MapL�ICMalntenarce ]OO.N 3 LaHtu� 6eograpM¢ 900.N 4 6mgle Eartli Pro 1,300.N 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP O.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 PlotterRepalr SOO.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES J9324 SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 993 421 �MPUiERSLPPLIES 6,285.]0 6,ON.00 6,000.00 O.N O.N;6 328 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 GISGEOGR4PHIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 61 O FY2011-12 1 Plotter Ink 3$OO.N 2PlotterPaper 2$OO.N 993 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 525.N 6N.00 600.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 LRISA 250.N 2 APG 350.N 993 428 PLBLIG9TI01�6 O.N SN.00 0.00 -YlO.N -100.N ;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM D4.N SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 EMemal Hard Drlves SOO.N 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS 668.&5 11,SN.00 9,000.00 -2,WO.N -21J4;6 FY2011-12 1 D&W Ccnsultlng S,OOO.N 2 LaHtu� 6eograpM¢ 4,OOO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 9,682.W 9,SN.00 11,90000 2,400.N Z5,�9g FY2011-12 1 2011 Aslal 11,900.N 993 5258 �IFERHV�S 28.]J 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 460 PRCFESSION/+L MEETINGS 3].bJ 1N.00 100.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1SLppllesfcr6l5Meetlng 100.N 993 461 SrAFF iF2AININ6/�UG9TION 595.N 1,SN.00 1,500.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 16ISTralning 1$OO.N 993 462 MILEAGE 454.8] SN.00 500.00 O.N O.N ;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 3],53923 51,4N.00 51,10000 -310.N -0.5490 Ropct Total 311,869.00 341,209.00 332,]06.00 -8,503.00 -249 % 6I5(�OC32APMCINFORMATICNiECFNQOGYTObI 311,869.00 341,209.00 332,�06.00 -8,503.00 -2.49 % 329 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 LIBRARY-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 620 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 61,18].49 W,SE3.00 60,56300 O.N O.N;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 12,]09.N 15,3�.00 16,54400 1,236.N 8.0] ;6 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 615b2 1,892.00 1,893.00 1.N O.QS ;6 993 5104 MEDIGNEE 8]]b2 9�.00 906.00 O.N O.N ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 81.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 296.40 24200 299.00 5].N 23,�59g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 413.40 4�.00 431.00 2N 0.4] ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 1,126.� 1,38].00 969.00 �18.N -30.14 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� ],14402 ],]�.00 ],453.00 -2]3.N -3.53;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� SSL6! 214.00 5]6.00 �2N 169.16 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5116 VISION INSLRNV� O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 66.92 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 300.N 3N.00 300.00 O.N O.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 85,3]0.0] �,96I.00 89,93400 �].N 1.0390 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE 16,843J6 ll,ON.00 18,00000 1,NO.N 5.�;6 993 410 ALDIO/VIDEOSLPPLIES 8]O.N 2N.00 1,000.00 �O.N 400.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Mlcrophmes SOO.N z P�oj�ro��m� soo.m 993 4ll SCFNVARE&MAIMHVNV� 10,]ll.45 14,ON.00 20,00000 6,NO.N qZ,�9g FY2011-12 16eneology5oftwam 1,OOO.N 2Mcestory5oftwam 1,OOO.N 3 Comptlse 18,OOO.N 993 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME ll,80].6] 22,SN.00 22,50000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 BlnSOrtu 22$OO.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES S11.W 2,SN.00 2,000.00 -YlO.N -20.N;6 330 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMA770NTECHNOLOGY320 LIBRARY-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 620 FY2011-12 1ThertnalRUelptPapu 1$OO.N 20ffIceSLpplles SOO.N 993 421 �MPUiERSLPPLIES ]83.02 1,4�.11 1,500.00 ]O.bJ q,�9g FY2011-12 1 KeVbmr�andMlce SOO.N 2 Battules, ms/DVDS SOO.N 3 Memory SOO.N 993 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 5,]20.01 16,3N.00 25,50000 9,x10.N 56.44;6 FY2011-12 1 HDCamera 1,OOO.N 220Mmltors 3,OOO.N 3 Mlrake Pccess PoInG 1$OO.N 4 PCReplacement 20,OOO.N 993 448 O�VSLLTIN65ERVICFS O.N 0.00 1,000.00 1,NO.N 993 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S O.N 0.00 1,000.00 1,NO.N 993 462 MILEAGE O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 53,252.A5 T3,9�.11 92,50000 18,5/O.bJ 251290 993 `6ID ECUIPMENT O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N CAPITAL IXJRAV Total O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 RopctTOtal 138,623A2 162,896.11 182,434.00 19,53].89 11.99 % LIBRFRV-INFORMATICNiECFNQOGYTObI 138,623A2 162,896.11 182,434.00 19,53].89 11.99 % INFORMAIION TECHNOLOGV Total 2pW,260.23 2,238,90522 2,099,55200 -139,353.22 -6.22 % 331 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS ������.�'�'14�11� °A"�;��N�AR�����?' �&'�<��'�'A�FIl�T°�° MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: INFdRMATION TECHNOLdGY MISSION: To serve our community by exploring, developing, implementing and supporting effective and innovative use of technology through teamwork, collaboretion, innovation, and accountability to our departmental partners. Responsibilities include planning, developing, implementing, and supporting the technology systems and networks throughout the City of Temecula. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Prepared a plan and conducted the seamless relocation of all techndogical aspects of the City's operetions to the new Civic Center, including the data center, communications, networks, security systems, data bases, applications, wireless operetions, audio visual, and web services. . Consolidated searity systems for the Civic Center, Facility Operetions Center, Parking Structure and Suite'B' Occupancy Building at a signifcant cost savings to the City. . Prepared an analysis, identified equipment and managed construdion / installation of all technological components of the Civic Center conference rooms and Conference Center. . Upgraded the Old Town Wi-Fi system to create a larger service area and a faster internet connection fa the public. . Implemented a customer queuing appointment system to enable citizens to make appdntments on line a personally at the Community Development Counter. . Implemented the Town Square PA System allowing amplifcation throughout Old Town. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Eepand the functionality of the Citys asset management software system Citywide which will be used to treck the repairs and rehabilitation costs of the City's roads, facilities, and equipment by June 2012 (FacdAy/Infrestructure Maintenance) • Identify various outsourced technological services and bring in-house to minimize reocarring monthly charges for a cost savings to the City by June 2012 (Financial StabilAy/ Organizational Efrectiveness) 332 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS ������.�'�'14�11� °A"�;��N�AR�����?' �&'�<��'�'A�FIl�T°�° MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: INFORMATION TECHNdLOGY—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: • Develop and employ a plan for the utilization of virtual desk tops where appropriate Citywide in order to reduce the amount of hardware where possible by January 2012 (Financial Stabdity/Organizational Effectiveness) • Prepare, implement and manage a migretion plan studying the effects and required hardware upgrades required for Windows 2007 and Offce 2010. Coordinate a training plan for staff following the implementation of the plan by June 2012 (Financial Stabdity / Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Help Desk tickets 10,000 9,855 10,000 10,500 Number of web page visits 2.0 Million 225 Million 2.25 Million 2.5 Million Volume of Data Being Stored 3.4 3.4 4.5 5.6 TerraEy[es TerraEy[es TerraBy[es TerraBytas Volume of Staage Capacity �� 7.5 15.9 15.9 TerraEy[es TerraEy[es TerraBy[es TerraBytas 333 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS ������.�'�'14�11� °A"�;��N�AR�����?' �&'�<��'�'A�FIl�T°�° MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: LIBRARY SERVICES� MISSION: Provide techndogy and technical support to library patrons and the library staff to enable the Temecula Public Librery to manage 25% of the total bodc circulation in the Riverside County Library System using existing resources. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Upgraded circulation desk personal computers to improve staff effciency. . Implemented an on-line credit card payment system in order to improve customer convenience. . Upgraded software on Automatic Payment Machine (APM). . Located the City's disaster recovery data center at the Library which serves as the City Emergency Operetions Center. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Deploy Windows 2010 to the library's 120 computers by August 201 L (Preserving a Family Friendly Lifestyle) • Determine equipment upgrades that will be required fa the migretion of all the Librerys 120 computers to Office 2007 by July 201 L (Preserving a Famdy Friendly Lifestyle) . Replace 25% of staff and public computers as part of an approved replacement schedule by October 201 L (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Effectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Books returned using automation 600,000 801,086 970,000 1,000,000 Number of librery patrons scanned 300,000 410,571 445,000 480,000 No. of sessions of PC usage by public g0,000 96,163 110,000 125,000 patrons 331 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS ������.�'�'14�11� °A"�;��N�AR�����?' �&'�<��'�'A�FIl�T°�° MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: GEdGRAPHICINFdRMATIONSYSTEMS�.(GIS) MISSION: Provide the citizens, decision makers, and staff of the City of Temecula with the most relevant and current geographic information and analysis in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. Additionally, it is GIS's mission to provide the public with access to this infamation and the tools to conduct various types of analyses in order insure the public is empowered and better informed. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Completed GIS Parcel and Centerline Data Enhancement Prqect improving the accurecy of street and property line boundary information in order to improve the integrity and accuracy of the City s GIS data. . Updated eight data layers designated as the highest priority to confam to the modified street and property line boundary data in ader to improve the integrity and accurecy of the City's GIS data. . Provided GIS analysis, 3D modeling, and mapping fa various development projeds to assist staff and decision makers in making informed decisions. . Completed development of an interective mapping tool allowing staff to review General Plan designated Capital Improvement Prqect infamation online. . Enhanced the public's utilization of GIS data by supplying online mapping services such as Google Earth with the City s GIS data. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: . Provide GIS analysis and mapping support the Planning Department for the General Plan2oning consistency projed by June 2012 (PreserNng a FamdyFriendlyLilestyle) • Update remaining GIS data layers to confam to the modified street and property line boundary data by June 2012 (Financial StabdAy/Organizational Efrediveness) . Develop procedures for maintenance of street property line boundary data and how this data will be transmitted to the County on a scheduled basis to be included in the overall County data base, by December 201 L (Financial StabilAy/Organizational Efrectiveness) 335 �3r� ieyxt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERVICE FIJNDS ������.�'�'14�11� °A"�;��N�AR�����?' �&'�<��'�'A�FIl�T°�° MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: GEdGRAPHIC�INFdRMATIONSYSTEMS�.(GIS) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected GIS Layers Supported 575 600 850 900 GIS Requests 1000 890 900 900 Long Range Planning Projects(Hr.) 2115 2000 1500 1500 336 �.r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS �UPPORT SERVICES CORE SERVICES: The Support Services fund is the cost center for central duplicating services, mailroom services, City Hall reception services, and duplicating equipment maintenance/lease for City Hall and its offsite facilities. It is managed by the City Clerk's Offce. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART: Please refer to Organization Chart for the City Clerk Department. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Progrem: S�a2ryonbar�n;:es FundingSouree: ChergesfoCify, CommunifySemces Disfricf, end Redevelopmenf Agency NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel $ 168,820 $ 228,732 $ 232,886 $ 232,787 $ (188) -0.1% Operetions & Meintenence 144,878 138,088 188,460 182,638 (8,811) -3.8% CBpIIBI OOIIBy - - - - - $ 304,488 $ 386,821 $ 422,446 $ 416,338 $ (7,108) -1.7% PERSONNEL ALLOCATION: Au[horizetl Proposetl Personnel Alloca[ion 2010-H Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl Central Services Coordinator 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Central Services Supervisor 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Ofice Assistant 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Departmen[ To[al 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 33] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) SUPPORT SERVICES 330 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 PROJEGT 999 993 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 149,824.13 14],8C4.00 145,28500 -2,543.N -1J5;6 993 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 33,250.43 3],95].00 39,]1800 1,]61.N q� 9g 993 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 4,056.54 4,621.00 4,540.00 b1.N -1J5 ;6 993 5104 ME9IGNEE 2,628.19 2,25�.00 2,214.00 40.N -1.]] ;6 993 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 24,455.'A 23,6E9.00 26,33300 -2,336.N -3.15;6 993 5108 VQ LIFE INSLRAI�E 396.� 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1,31261 9A5.00 1,233.00 238.N 23,gZ9g 993 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,14132 ]35.00 1,229.00 494.N 6]21 ;6 993 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 1,90]24 925.00 801.00 -124.N -13.41 ;6 993 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 2,2�.00 0.00 -2,238.N -100.N ;6 993 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 531.� 341.00 5]200 231.N 6]J4 ;6 993 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 300.N 1,3�.00 323.00 -1,�3.N -]6.]0 ;6 993 Slll CHILDGNEEREIMBLRSEMEiVr 4,999.92 0.00 5,384.00 5,�4.N 993 5118 iEM�RA4VHELP O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 2$0551 2,943.00 2,849.00 -94.N -3.19 ;6 993 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr O.N 0.00 55200 S52N 993 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES ]]J6 ]4.00 564.00 -188.N -Z5,�9g 993 5126 �MPENSATE9A&SEiVCFS 1,145.W 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1,200.N 1,2N.00 1,200.00 O.N O.N;6 993 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE O.N 61.00 0.00 fi1.N -100.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 229,]3225 232,9A5.00 232,]W00 -198.N -0.�90 993 408 iELEPHCNESERVICE O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 993 4ll REPAIR&MAINTCFFEQUIP 62,386.bJ ]1,SN.00 ]2,10000 WO.N O.E4;6 FY2011-12 1CItyl-allCCplers-IDS SS,OOO.N 2LltraryCOplers-IDS 13,OOO.N 3 Malntenance for IXP and 3,OOO.N Poldu & Foldu Irurertu 4 Pc�sbge Metu renbl 1,100.N 993 420 CFFICEAIPPLIES 33,146.W 32,6N.00 30,00000 -2,WO.N -�,�9g 338 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) SUPPORT SERVICES 330 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 Paper 26,OOO.N 2LaminatlmSLpplles 800.N 3 BIndI�SLpplles 800.N 4 Klnkc�s SOO.N SPC�sbgeMetuSLpplles 800.N 6 Mlscellaneous-Vlsltor 1,100.N Badges/head set 6 replacemenG (recepHon) O.N 993 5230 P�AGE&PAIXAGIN6 1,184.01 3,2Y1.00 2,000.00 -1,250.N -3846;6 FY2011-12 1 BoxFee 1$OO.N 2 Shan�rd BWk Mall SOO.N 993 439 EC�IJIPMENTLEASE 1,086.40 1,1N.00 0.00 -1,100.N -100.N;6 993 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 280.`G SN.00 0.00 -YlO.N -100.N;6 993 462 MILEAGE 1$46.45 1,SN.00 1,]50.00 250.N 166I ;6 993 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 99,630.35 110,4W.00 105,85000 �,WO.N �.1690 993 5360 DEPREQATICN 30,385.`6 E3,ON.00 60,45100 -2,Yl9.N q,p59g 993 5391 INiEREi7 6,0]3.N 16,ON.00 16,23800 238.N 1.49;6 INiERNPLSERVI�ALL(TATICNTObI 36,458.`G ]J,ON.00 ]6,68900 -2,311.N -2.4390 RopctTOtal 365,821.16 422,445.00 415,336.00 -],109.00 -1.68 % IWNDEPA4TMENTALTOtaI 365,821.16 422,445.00 415,336.00 -],109.00 -1.68 % SLPPORTSERVICESTOtaI 365,821.16 422,445.00 415,336.00 -],109.00 -1.68 % 339 �.r isiry� �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS ��r'����la°�* ��°P��A��"�� MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: SUPPORT SERVICES MISSION: The Support Services Program includes central duplicating services, paper produds, procurement, U.S. Mail, intra-departmental distribution services, City Hall reception services, and maintenance of all multi-functioning printers, including copiers and scanners. By providing these services in a professional manner, Support Services enables each department to carry out its individual community missions. Support Services continues to strive to provide these services in a cost-effective, reliable, and effcient manner which best serves the operetional needs of Cily departments and, therefore, the community. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Implemented an Internal Customer Satisfadion Survey in order to obtain feedback on existing procedures and services (Copy Center and Reception) and to advise staff of available services. . Utilized 40% post-consumer recycled paper fa approximately 25% of all paper purchases without increasing cost; utilized 30% post-consumer recycled paper for 75% of all paper purchases. . Negotiated a lease for 10 new Canon copiers/printers; equipment is in compliance with the Energy Star Partnership, making it energy-effcient equipmenk thereby conserving energy, saving money, and addressing environmental issues. • Participated in a toner cartridge recycling program through the vendor of the copier maintenance agreement along with the Infamation System Department. 2011-2012 OBJECTNES: • Increase the utilization, when cost effcient, of 40%post-consumer recyclables to 30%from 25°/a (FinancialStabilAy/OrganizationalEfrectiveness) • Develop a self-serve paper restocking process, as well as an internal mail delivery / pick-up processtostreamlinedailyoperetions. (FinancialStabdAy/OrganizationalEffectiveness) 340 �.r irq� T � �, � � �'� --:.:.�i�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS ��r'����la°�* ��°P��A��"�� MISSION /ACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Progrem: SUPPORTSERVICES—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES -continued: • Utilize existing phone software to generate monthly call reports for reception to determine overall call volume and call volume by specifc departments. (Financial StabilAy / Organizational Efrectiveness) • Create a Can We Help fact sheet fa residentsNisitors coming to the Civic Center, providing answers to frequently asked questions, phone numbers, websites, eta (Financial Stabdity/ Organizational Efrectiveness) • Increase the use of the Volunteer Program to 10-15 hours a month in order for staff to focus on higher-volume, detail-oriented projects, effedive July 201t (Financial StabdAy / Organizational Efrectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Total number of calls serviced 41,000 27,275 34,000 34,000 Total number of customer traffc pp,700 19,780 22,000 23,000 assisted Total number of blackiWhite and color 3,380,000 2,224,000 2,700,000 2,500,000 copies produced 341 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 342 �.r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS FACILITIES CORE SERVICES: The Facilities fund is used to account for the cost of opereting and maintaining City Facilities including the Civic Center and Parking Garage and the Public Works/Community Services District Field Operetion Center. Charges to departments are calculated based on the square footage of space utilized by each department at the Civic Center and Field Operetions Center. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY: Progrem:'.�-�_.,._._ Funding5ouree: ChergesfoCify, Communi(yServices DisGic( end Redevelopmenf Agency NcWal NcWal Budgeted Reques[ed ExpendiWreSummary FY2008-09 FY2009-10 FY2010-11 FY2011-12 $Change %Change Personnel $ 386,368 $ 406,808 $ 411,270 $ 648,082 $ 138,812 33.3% Operetions & Meintenence 306,780 378,381 837,662 836,000 (2,662) -0.3% CBpIIBI OOIIBy - - - - - $ 701,118 $ 783,880 $ 1,248,822 $ 1,383,082 $ 134,280 10.8% PERSO N N EL ALLOCATIO N: Au[horizetl Proposetl Personnel Alloca[ion 2010-H Changes 2011-12 Unfuntletl Administratise Assistant 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 Custodian 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Facility Services Manager 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 LeadMaintenanceWorker 0.50 0.40 0.90 0.00 MaintenanceSupervisor 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.00 Maintenance Worker 0.50 0.75 1.25 0.00 ManagementAnalyst 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 Ofice Specialist 0.30 0.10 0.40 0.00 Public Works Director 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 Departmen[ To[al 4.30 1.45 5.75 0.00 343 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FACILITIES C17V HALL 707 ]Ol 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES 233,ll2.W 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 52,408.� 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 5,8]6.W 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5104 ME9IGNEE 3,854J1 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5105 BENEFITSFLE% 18,31241 0.00 0.00 O.N �oi sioa va urf ��a,v�e saa.TZ o.00 o.00 o.m ]Ol 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1,462IX3 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,823.]0 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 12,064� 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5113 HEPLTHINSURAN� 22,222.T3 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2,]43.� 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5115 ME9ICFLREIMBLRSMEiVr 60].W 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5116 VISION INSLRNV� 53].N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 2,W].43 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 425 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES 10$05.59 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5126 �MPENSATE9A&SEiVCFS 6,148.� 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1,]40.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 195.� 0.00 0.00 O.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 3]],24424 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 ]Ol 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 18,060.11 lO,ON.00 5,000.00 -S,NO.N -SO.N;6 ]Ol 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 1,4]8.E3 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 1$09.'A 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 11,625.Q5 15,ON.00 10,00000 -S,NO.N -33.33;6 FY2011-12 1 F�ssoclatlon Cues 10,000.N ]Ol 440 LfrILITIES 81,639.31 W,ON.00 29,80000 -20,x10.N q0.40;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 19,800.N 2 Water 10,000.N ]Ol 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 116.N 0.00 0.00 O.N 344 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 ]Ol 443 WIFORMS 840.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]Ol 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 2],2]6.4] ll,5N.00 14,00000 -3,WO.N -20.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 2$OO.N 2 RoofSystem Reventive 2,]OO.N Malntenance 3Elevatcr 2,OOO.N Malntenance/Inspectlon 4ElevatcrPUmlt 800.N 5 Rlversl� Co HazMat Farmlt 1,OOO.N (6enerator Fuel) 6Emer�n�y6eneratorFarmlG 4,OOO.N (A�MD/EPA) ]Emer�n�y6eneratorFM 1,OOO.N ]Ol 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 39.Q5 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 142$84.01 92,SN.00 58,80000 -33,]OO.N -36.4390 ]Ol Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 20,W4.`6 21,ON.00 15,00000 fi,NO.N -Zg,5�9g ]O1 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 101,]34C4 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 122,]0&24 21,ON.00 15,00000 fi,NO.N -28.5/90 Ropct Total 642,53].49 113,500.00 ]3,800.00 39,]00.00 34.98 % FACILIT[ESMAINTENANCE'702 ]02 SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 4]4.11 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5104 ME9IGNEE 191.13 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 334.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 Sll2 WORKERS' �MP ]2].44 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5119 PA4T-TIME(PRQIECr) 13,188.E3 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 20.� 0.00 0.00 O.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 14,935.43 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 ]02 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 6,46132 9,2]6.00 2,500.00 fi,]]6.N -]3.Q5;6 ]02 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME O.N 2,ON.00 0.00 -2,NO.N -100.N;6 ]02 419 iEM�RA4V IMPROVEMEiVrS O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 440 LfrILITIES 20,942N 15,ON.00 8,000.00 -],NO.N q66I ;6 345 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 6,OOO.N 2 Water 1,OOO.N 3 6as 1,OOO.N ]02 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM O.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]02 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 11$2].46 8,ON.00 4,500.00 -3,WO.N q3J5;6 FY2011-12 1 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 1,200.N 2 Elevatcr Pumlt 800.N 3 RoofSystem Reventive 1,OOO.N Malntenance 4ElevatcrPreventive 1$OO.N Malntenance/Inspectlon WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 38,930.]3 'A,2]6.00 15,00000 -19,2]6.N -562490 ]02 Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 1,3]S.N 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 1,3]S.N 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 Ropct Total 55,24L21 34,2]6.00 15,000.00 -19,2]6.00 -56.24 % FACILIT[ESF[ELD OPERATION C6NTER 709 ]IXi SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 424.03 0.00 0.00 O.N ]IXi 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 0.00 O.N ]IX3 5104 MEDIGNEE ll0.� 1]3.00 0.00 -ll8.N -100.N ;6 ]IXi 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 294.11 322.00 0.00 -322N -100.N;6 ]IXi Sll2 WORKERS' �MP 646.]J 8Yl.00 0.00 -354.N -100.N ;6 ]IXi 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 11,8]].]0 12,240.00 0.00 -12,240.N -100.N ;6 ]IXi 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 164 459.00 0.00 �59.N -100.N;6 SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 13,4J9.59 14,OS3.00 0.00 -14,Q53.N -100.N90 ]IXi 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 5,263.81 lO,ON.00 10,00000 O.N O.N;6 ]IXi 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 198J5 3,]]6.00 3,]]6.00 O.N O.N;6 ]IXi 440 LfrILITIES 28,352� 33,ON.00 33,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 2],OOO.N 2 Water S,OOO.N 3 6as 1,OOO.N ]IXi 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,655.W 3,ON.00 3,000.00 O.N O.N;6 ]IXi 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 10,984.94 25,ON.00 33,30000 8,310.N 33.x1;6 346 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 FY2011-12 1 HVACMalntenance 2,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 1$OO.N 3 PestCOntrol 800.N 4ElevatcrPUmlt 800.N 5 Rocr mat/towel servlce 1,OOO.N 6 Bottled Water 2,OOO.N ] Carpet/L¢holstery Cieaning 1,OOO.N Servlce 8 RoofSystem Reventive 2,OOO.N Malntenance 9 Vending5ervlces 2,OOO.N 10 WlndowCleaning SOO.N ll ElevatcrPreventiv 1$OO.N Malntenance/Inspectlon 12 6eneratorPertnlG 1,OOO.N 13 Emer�n�y 6enerator P&M/Fuel 3,OOO.N 14 Wash BaV ��rdous Matulal 4,OOO.N ��e�2wro�s�ice 15 Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes 1,OOO.N 16 CcntractCLS[odlal5ervlces 9,200.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 46,455.� ]4,]]6.00 83,0]600 8,310.N 11.1090 ]IXi Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE O.N 3,ON.00 2,000.00 -1,NO.N -33.33;6 ]IXi Yl16 REHFBILITATICN 846.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 FY2011-12 1 FadIIN M�IFlcaHons Items S,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 846.N 8,ON.00 ],000.00 -1,NO.N -12.W90 RopctTOtal 60,]30.6] 96,829.00 90,0]6.00 -6,]53.00 -6.W % CMC CENTER TOWN SQUARE 704 ]W 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 1,960.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]W 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 340.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]W 419 iEM�RA4VIMPROVEMEiVrS 1,060.N 0.00 0.00 O.N ]W 440 LfrILITIES 10,5]4.15 0.00 0.00 O.N ]W 442 SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 1,249.92 0.00 0.00 O.N ]W 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 2,5]211 0.00 0.00 O.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI D,]56.18 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 Ro�ct Tobl D,�56.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 % CMC CENTER PARIdNG STRUCTORE 705 34] Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 ]QS 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 0.00 0.00 O.N SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI 0.00 0.00 O.N O.N90 ]QS 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV 289J] ],SN.00 ],500.00 O.N O.N;6 ]QS 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME O.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 ]QS 419 iEM�RA4VIMPROVEMEiVrS O.N 2,SN.00 0.00 -2,WO.N -100.N;6 ]QS 440 LfrILITIES 4,]00.0] 40,ON.00 45,00000 S,NO.N 12.W ;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty 25,OOO.N 2Water(CINcCtr&I-15L5777) 15,OOO.N 3 6as S,OOO.N ]QS 442SMALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 819.92 S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 ]QS 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S 1,915.N 35,ON.00 32,50000 -2,WO.N -].14;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 4,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 1,OOO.N 3 PestCOntrolSeMces 1,OOO.N 4 Elevatcr Pumlt; (3 Elevators) 3,OOO.N 5 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce SOO.N 6 RoofSystem/Dralnage 4$OO.N Preventive Malntenance ]Elevatcr 4$OO.N Malntenance/Inspectlon 8 PhotwolblcSystem 3,OOO.N Malntenance5ervlces 9 6arage Cieaning &SWeepling 6,OOO.N Servlces 10 6eneralEqulpmentPmventive S,OOO.N Malntenance WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI ],]24J6 AS,ON.00 95,00000 O.N O.N90 ]QS Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE O.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI O.N S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N90 Rokct Tobl ],]24J6 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 % CMC CEN?ER 706 ]� 51005ALARIES&WFlC�ES O.N 234,OW.00 315,82]00 81,T3].N 34.92;6 ]� SID2 RERS RETIREM9VT 59,561.00 86,]4200 2],181.N 4S6! ;6 ]� 5103 CFL CASH IXJT 10,591.00 13,52800 2,43].N 2�,T3 9g ]� 5104 ME9IGNEE 3,610.00 5,04200 1,432N 3&6I ;6 348 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 ]� 5105 BENEFITSFLE% O.N x1,6E5.00 25,5]4.00 4,W9.N 23J6;6 ]� 5106 FlLfrO PLLOWAI�E 4�.00 480.00 O.N O.N ;6 ]� 5108 LIFE INSLRNV� 92.00 23.00 fi9.N -]S.N ;6 ]� 5109 WEMPLOYMENTTR9INII�GTA% 1,]�.00 2,693.00 �].N 5].&5;6 ]� 5110 DISFBILIiV INSLRNV� 1,8Q5.00 2,54].00 ]42N 41.11 ;6 ]� Sll2WORKERS'�MP 12,9'A.00 D,538.00 4,W4.N 3SW;6 ]� 5113 HEPLTH INSURAN� O.N 21,1E6.00 31,036.00 9,8]O.N 46.E3 ;6 ]� 5114 DENTPL INSLRNV� 2,822.00 3,83200 1,O10.N 35.]J ;6 ]� 5115 ME9ICFL REIMBLRSMEiVr 6]5.00 849.00 ll4.N ZS,ig 9g ]� 5116 VISION INSLRNV� SE3.00 ]50.00 18].N 3321 ;6 ]� 5119 PA4T-TIME (PRQIECr) 4,2E4.00 18,360.00 14,0]6.N 3Zg,5� 9g ]� 5120 PA4T-TIMERETIREMEiVr 161.00 689.00 48.N 3ZJ,A59g ]� 5121 OVERTIMEWPGES x1,ON.00 20,00000 O.N O.N;6 ]� 5180 WELLNESSPLFN 1,]x1.00 2,300.00 540.N 33.T2;6 ]� 5190 LIFE&ACCIDEiVrI1�6URANCE 292.00 2]200 -20.N {,g59g SPLARVANDBENEFITSTObI O.N 3W,2D.00 548,08200 15Q�S.N 3].�90 ]� 412 REPAIR&MAINiENANCEFPCILIiV W,ON.00 6],00000 ll,NO.N 34.N;6 ]� 414 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-VEHIQE 2,ON.00 2,000.00 O.N O.N;6 ]� 415 REPAIR&MAINiENANCE-EQUIPME 25,ON.00 34,00000 9,NO.N 36.N;6 ]� 419 iEM�RA4V IMPROVEMEiVrS S,ON.00 5,000.00 O.N O.N ;6 ]� 426 DLES&MEMBERSHIPS 2,SN.00 2,500.00 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Old Town P�mlatlm Dues 2$OO.N ]� 5238 RENTE�UIPMENT 15,ON.00 15,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 15ds.,rorLlk/UtIIINVehlde 15,OOO.N ]� 440 LfrILITIES 2W,ON.00 252,12400 -],8]6.N -3.IXi;6 FY2011-12 1 Electrldty D],124.N 2 Water 40,OOO.N 3 6as 35,OOO.N 349 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .,, . . , . . . ' .:,Fi '.z'i ., ae*.qk,-�`d �°evd C�PER�TING BUCiGET Fv l0-ll Fv l ld2 FV 09-10 HdN�� Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 ]� 4425MALLT�LS/EC�IJIFMEM 18,]44.00 35,00000 16,256.N 86.T3;6 FY2011-12 1 MalntenanceEqulpment ll$OO.N 2 Tables/CFelrs D$OO.N ]� 443 WIFORMS 6,ON.00 6,500.00 WO.N g,339g ]� 5250 OTFEROLfrSlDESERVI�S ]J,]44.00 120,00000 40,256.N 50.48;6 FY2011-12 1 HVACReventiveMalntenance 15,OOO.N 2 Alartn Monitodng/Insputlm 4,OOO.N 3 PestCOntrol 4,OOO.N 4 SLpplemental Qlstodlal S,OOO.N Servlces (COmm Room) SRlversl�CO.HazMatPertnit 4,OOO.N (6enerator Fuel) 6 Rocr Mat/TowelServlce S,OOO.N ] Plan6cape5ervlces 10,000.N 8 Bottled Water S,OOO.N 9 Carpet/L¢holstery Cieaning 6,OOO.N Servlces 10 RoofSystem Reventive S,OOO.N Malntenance 11 Vending5ervlces 6,OOO.N 12 WlndowCleaning5ervlces 15,OOO.N 13Elevatcr 10,000.N Malntenance/Inspectlon 14 Elevatcr Pumlt (ChHA) 2,OOO.N 15Emer�n�y6eneratorFarmlt 2,OOO.N (A�MD/EPA) 16 Emer�n�y 6enerator P&M/Fuel 4,OOO.N D Medlcal SLFpIV Boxes 2,OOO.N 18 �T/US/G9Rag 1,OOO.N 19 Pounbin/WatuFeaNre 10,000.N Malntenance5ervlces d�Mlsc.EqulpmentPmventive S,OOO.N Malntenance5ervlces ]� 463 FJELE%PEN�-CIiVVEHIQES 1,SN.00 2,000.00 WO.N 33.33;6 WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 4E5,4�.00 541,12400 ]S,E36.N 162590 ]� Yl15 LMDSCFPEMAINiENANCE 15,ON.00 15,00000 O.N O.N;6 FY2011-12 1 Landscape 10,000.N 2 Hardszpe S,OOO.N WER,9TICNSMDMAINiENANCETObI 15,ON.00 1$00000 O.N O.N90 350 Ti�r � � ��I�VILL/� �, I,Y �a± � �vc,9g9 "UIL TRnOffIONS� Nrw Om�mvNmvs' .., . . , . . . .�' ,. �, ve+.q�•��`r`�',;y&C.�PER�TING �i1CtG�T Fv l0-ll Fv lld2 FV 09-10 Hdjusted Requested Increare/ AcWals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Da) FACIL177ES 340 NON-DEPARTIv1ENTAL 199 ]� `6ID E�UIPMENT 26$12N 0.00 -26,51200 -100.00 ;6 CI+PITPLOURAVTOtaI 26$12N 0.00 -26,51200 -100.0090 PropctTOtal 0.00 904,2ll.00 1,104,206.00 199,989.00 2212 % NCN-0EPARiMEMPL Total ]83,990.31 1,298,82200 1,383,08200 134,260.00 lOJS % FACILITIES Total ]83,990.31 1,298,82200 1,383,08200 134,260.00 lOJS % 351 �.r isiry �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS F��II.I'� MISSION lACCOMPLISHMENT / OBJECTIVES / PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: FACILITIES and MAINTENANCE MISSION: The mission of the Facility Maintenance Division is to provide prompt and high-quality building maintenance seMces to ensure that the City's Civic and Recreation facilities are safe and secure for residents, visitors, and employees alike in a cost-effective and effcient manner. 2010-2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: . Provided Maintenance and Custodial services for over 454,000 square feet of indoor City- owned buildings and parking facilities. . Initiated the first phase of a Facilities and Amenities Asset Management Plan, which when completed will maximize the useful life of City owned buildings and equipment. . Completed various enhancements at the Library and Senior Center, including the replacement of carpeting with new vinyl flooring in high-traffc areas, to aid in the maintenance and cleanup of the facility. . Orchestreted the move of staff, equipment, fles, and furniture from the famer City Hall, West Wing, and Facility Operetions Center to the new Civic Center over a 72-hour time frame. . Relocated the Old Town Police Storefront to the new Civic Center. 2011-2012 O BJ ECTNES • Obtain pool operetor training and re-certifcations of two maintenance staff members to support prompt and reliable pool maintenance/operetion services by March 2012 (Facildy/ Infrastructure Maintenance) . Assist in the development of the Facilities and Amenities Asset Management Plan to establish a baseline rehabilitation schedule for aging facilities by June 2012, including incorporetion of the asset information into the City's automated software program, implementation of a comprehensive facilities inspection program to identify major repairs/equipment replacement during the annual budget process, and development of draft Facility Maintenance Standards. (Facility/Infrastructure Maintenance) 352 i.y !+ �p� ��� _ p � -:.:.'i49�� F � � ' T '/'� INTERNAL SERYICE FUNDS FA�II.I'� MISSIONlACCOMPLISHMENT/OBJECTNES/PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Program: FACILITIESantl MAINTENANCE—continued 2011-2012 OBJECTNES - continued . Complete maintenance staff training on energy management systems in order to monitor equipment pertormance/costs associated with the operetion of HVAC units and lighting systemsbyDecember201t (Facdity/InfrestmctureMaintenance) . Replace the aging HVAC system at the Community Recreation Center with high effciency units and install complimentary system management software through the Energy Effciency Conservation Block Grant program by June 2012 (FacdAy/Infrestrudure Maintenance) . Identify the current cost per square foot of maintained indoor City facilities and determine a benchmark for desired seMce levels (general maintenance, custodial, and utilities) based on industry standards for government facilities in order to prioritize staffng allocations by March 2012 (Financial StabilAy/Organizational Effectiveness) PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-H FY 2011-12 Proiected Actual Proiected Proiected Building Maintenance Service Order N/A N/A 355 390 Requests Custodial Service Order Requests N/A N/A 52 57 Special Event/Meeting Setup N/A N/A 93 103 Total Square Feet of Buildings N/A N/A 454,540 458,040 Maintained/Cleaned 353 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 3Y! �3r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ��HF��LE AF AZJTHO1tIZI�D POSITIONS Exemptl Non- FY 11H2 Minimum Maximum 6cemp[ Builtling & SafeN ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE BUILDING INSPECTOR II 7.0 4,518.06 5,783.40 NE BUILDING INSPECTOR III 1.0 4,889.99 Q260.13 NE BUILDING OFFICWL 1.0 Q089.35 11,462.00 E CODE ENFORCEMENTOFFICER 2.0 4,328.91 5,541.83 NE CODEENFORCEMENTOFFICERII 2.0 4,763.47 Q096.53 NE OFFICEASSISTANT 1.0 2,506.35 3,208.W NE OFFICE SPECWLIST 1.0 2,703.18 3,459.82 NE PARK RANGER 2.0 3,84875 4,927.13 NE PLANCHECKCOORDINATOR 1.0 5,194.W Q690.51 NE SENIOR OFFICE SPEqALIST 1.0 3,084.05 3,948.04 NE Builtling d Safety Subtotals. 20.0 CiN qerk ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE CENTRAL SERVICES COORDINATOR 1.0 3,075.11 3,93527 NE CENTRAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR 1.0 3,602.18 4,640.01 NE CITYCLERK/DIROFSUPPORTSERV 1.0 Q49424 11,959.16 E DEPUTY DIR OF SUPPORT SERVICES 1.0 Q531.09 9,198.47 E OFFICEASSISTANT 1.0 2,506.35 3,208.W NE OFFICEASSISTANT-AM 0.5 2,506.35 3,208.W NE OFFICE ASSISTANT- PM 0.5 2,506.35 3,208.W NE OFFICE SPECWLIST 2.0 2,7W.18 3,459.82 NE RECORDS MANAGER 1.0 4,681.85 Q633.82 E CifyClerkSUbtotals, f0.0 CiN Council COUNCILMEMBER 5.0 0.00 860.00 E City Council Subtotals. SO 355 �3r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ����U�E 9F AZJTHORIZED l�Qb�iTIOIeT� Exemptl Non- FY 11H2 Minimum Maximum 6cemp[ CiN ManaqeriHUman Resources ADMINISTRATNEASSISTAM(CM) 1.0 3,58379 5,045.93 NE ASSISTANTCITVMANAGER 1.0 11,490.10 16,179.44 E CITV MANAGER 1.0 0.00 24,297.62 E DEPUTV CITV MANAGER 1.0 11,369.94 16,009.45 E ECON.DEVELOPMENTANALVSTI 1.0 5,389.75 7,588.08 E ECON.DEVELOPMENTANALVSTII 1.0 5,731.00 8,071.18 E EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1.0 4,735.36 6,667.84 E HUMAN RESOURCES ANALVST 1.0 5,210.81 7,336.29 E OFFICESPECV.LIST-HR 1.0 2,703.18 3,459.82 NE SENIORHRANALVST 1.0 5,731.00 8,071.18 E SENIORMANAGEMENTANALVST 1.0 6,330.43 8,914.73 E CityManagerSUbtotalr fL0 CommuniN Services ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,583.79 4,587.09 NE AQUATICS SUPERVISOR 1.0 4,441.39 5,684.98 NE COMMUNITV SVCS SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 6,836.54 9,626.63 E CULTUR4LARTSADMINISTRATOR 1.0 6,817.37 9,601.08 E CUSTODV.N 3.0 2,682.73 3,434.26 NE DEPUTV DIRECTOR, COMM. SERVICES 1.0 8,126.15 11,44129 E DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITV SERVICES 1.0 10,142.97 14,281.46 E FACILITV SERVICES MANAGER 1.0 4,565.38 5,846.02 NE HUMAN SERVICES/TEEN MANAGER 1.0 5,103.70 7,184.57 E LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR 2.0 3,806.18 4,869.55 NE LEADMAINTENANCEWORKER 4.0 3,756.33 4,805.65 NE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1.0 5,258.09 7,402.74 E MAINTENANCE SUPT. - TCSD 1.0 6,459.51 9,09529 E MAINTENANCE WORKER 4.0 3,190.14 4,083.52 NE MUSEUM SERVICES MANAGER 2.0 4,565.38 5,846.02 NE OFFICE SPECV.LIST 3.0 2,703.18 3,459.82 NE PARK/LANDSCAPEMAINTSUPV 1.0 5,258.09 7,402.74 E PATRON SERVICES COORDINATOR 1.0 3,806.18 4,869.55 NE RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 6,817.37 9,601.08 E RECREATION SUPERVISOR 3.0 4,441.39 5,684.98 NE SENIOR LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR 1.0 4,373.66 5,599.34 NE SENIORMANAGEMENTANALVST 1.0 6,330.43 8,914.73 E SENIOR RECREATION COORDINATOR 2.0 3,990.22 5,106.00 NE THEATERTECHNICALCOORDINATOR 1.0 3,806.18 4,869.55 NE THEATERTECHNICALSUPERVISOR 1.0 3,990.22 5,106.00 NE THEATRE MANAGER 1.0 5,506.04 7,752.97 E CommunityServicesSUbtotalr 4L0 356 �3r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ����U�E 9F AZJTHORIZED l�Qb�iTIOIeT� Exemptl Non- FY 11H2 Minimum Maximum Exemp[ Finance ACCOUNTANT 1.0 4,612.66 5,904.81 NE ACCOUNTINGASSISTANT 1.0 2,983.08 3,817.68 NE ACCOUNTING MANAGER 1.0 Q330.43 Q91473 E ACCOUNTING SPEqALIST 3.0 3,450.85 4,414.55 NE ACCOUNTING SPEqALIST-PAYROLL 1.0 3,450.85 4,855.51 NE ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1.0 Q05328 11,340.32 E BUSINESS LICENSE SPEGCASHIER 2.0 3,084.05 3,948.04 NE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1.0 iQ142.97 14,281.46 E FISCAL SERVICES MANAGER 1.0 7,071.71 9,957.66 E PURCHASING COORDINATOR II 1.0 3,79021 4,88221 NE REVENUEMANAGER 1.0 Q330.43 Q91473 E SENIORDEBTANALYST 1.0 Q330.43 Q91473 E SENIORMANAGEMENTANALYST 1.0 Q330.43 Q91473 E Finance Subtotals. 1Z0 Fire ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE OFFICE SPECWLIST 1.0 2,703.18 3,459.82 NE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 1.0 4,555.15 5,830.69 NE SENIOR OFFICE SPEqALIST 1.0 3,084.05 3,948.04 NE FireSUbtotals. QO Informa[ion Sy4ems ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE DEPUTY DIR OF INFO SYSTEMS 1.0 Q836.54 9,626.63 E DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.0 Q49424 11,959.16 E GISADMINISTRATOR 1.0 5,853.69 Q239.90 E GISANALYST 1.0 4,45673 5,705.66 NE I.S.ADMINISTRATOR 1.0 5,853.69 Q239.90 E INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECWLIST 1.0 4,794.15 Q137.42 NE SR. GIS PROGRAMMER 1.0 5,258.09 Q729.18 NE SR. I.S. SPEqALIST 2.0 5,258.09 Q729.18 NE WEBMASTER 1.0 4,45673 5,705.43 NE InPormation SysYems Subtotals. 11.0 35] �3r� isiryt . �� n � - � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ����U�E 9F AZJTHORIZED l�Qb�iTIOIeT� Exemptl Non- FY 11H2 Minimum Maximum Exemp[ Planninq ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE ASSISTANTqTYMANAGER 1.0 11,490.10 iQ179.44 E ASSISTANT PLANNER 1.0 4,636.94 5,936.77 NE ASSOqATE PLANNER 2.0 5,259.38 Q730.47 NE CITY PLANNER/DIRECTOR OF PLAN/RDA 1.0 iQ142.97 14,281.46 E COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTTECH 3.0 3,734.60 4,782.64 NE DEVELOPMENTPROQCOORDINATOR 1.0 4,76474 Q099.08 NE OFFICEASSISTANT 1.0 2,506.35 3,208.W NE PRINCIPAL PLANNER 1.0 7,636.64 iQ752.i6 E SENIOR OFFICE SPEqALIST 2.0 3,084.05 3,948.04 NE SENIOR PLANNER 1.0 Q64228 9,351.84 E Planning Subtotals. 15.0 Public W orks ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE ASSISTANTENGINEER 7.0 5,182.68 Q637.17 NE ASSISTANTSIGNALTECHNICWN 1.0 3,756.33 4,805.65 NE ASSOqATE ENGINEER 10.0 Q09525 7,801.51 E CITY ENGINEER 1.0 iQ142.97 14,281.46 E COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTTECH 1.0 3,734.60 4,782.64 NE CONSTRUCTIONMANAGER 1.0 Q2W.W Q210.50 E JUNIORENGINEER 1.0 4,028.57 5,157.12 NE LEADMAINTENANCEWORKER 4.0 3,756.33 4,805.65 NE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1.0 5,258.09 7,40274 E MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 Q459.51 9,09529 E MAINTENANCE WORKER 6.0 3,190.14 4,083.52 NE MANAGEMENTANALYST 1.0 5,731.00 Q071.18 E OFFICEASSISTANT 2.0 2,506.35 3,208.W NE OFFICE SPECWLIST 3.0 2,703.18 3,459.82 NE PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 2.0 Q18621 11,525.88 E PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1.0 iQ55275 14,858.43 E PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 2.0 4,555.15 5,830.69 NE SENIOR ENGINEER 4.0 7,18675 iQ119.97 E SENIOR OFFICE SPEqALIST 1.0 3,084.05 3,948.04 NE SENIOR PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 3.0 5,237.65 Q704.90 NE SENIORSIGNALTECHNICWN 1.0 5,258.09 Q729.18 NE SPEqAL PROJECTS ENGINEER 1.0 Q09525 7,801.51 E SR. CIP SPECWLIST 1.0 4,527.13 5,79528 NE Public Works Subtotals. 57.0 358 �3r� isiryt . �� n � — � � �'� --:.:.ti�� 'e.q'Y '�_ ����U�E 9F AZJTHORIZED l�Qb�iTIOIeT� Exemptl Non- FY 11H2 Minimum Maximum Exemp[ Retlevelopmen[ ADMINISTRATNEASSISTANT 1.0 3,58379 4,587.09 NE ASSISTANT PLANNER 2.0 4,636.94 5,936.77 NE ASSOqATE PLANNER 1.0 5,259.38 Q730.47 NE MANAGEMENTANALYST 1.0 5,731.00 Q071.18 E SENIOR PLANNER 1.0 Q64228 9,351.84 E Retlevelopment Subtotals. 60 This Schedule of Authorized Pasitions assumes maximum compensation allowed for all exempt and non-exempt pasitions. 359 � �F T E r��l� � C Ci C! � �� �. , , , i �., ' ����`�' ��'�,.� 1989 1 �, :: . '���' �:S � � F:�� u1'C•, °� 360 C_ Supplemental Material Item No . 1 f w.. , Iiii7 hmin .11 .iiiiik REVENUE DETAIL GENERAL FUND FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 ACCT ACTUAL REVISED NO 001 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $CHANGE %CHANGE DEPT 161 PLANNING -Various 461.635 851.849 660.219 (191,630) -22.50% -Grants 248,200 248.200 - 0.00% DEPT 162 BUILDING&SAFETY - -Vanous 1,306,180 1,272,445 1,331,607 59.162 4.65% DEPT 163 LAND DEVELOPMENT - -Various 483,952 645,647 264,597 (381,050) -59.02% DEPT 164 PUBLIC WORKS - -NPDES Permit Fee 5.229 3,276 3,276 - 0.00% DEPT 170 POLICE - 4055 -Citations and Bookings 111,320 141,373 110,575 (30.798)' -21.78% 40444-4-Miscellaneous 122.570 113.565 113.565 - 0.00% 4067 -Vehicle Impound Fees 152,144 153,700 153.700 - 0,00% 4076 -Reimbursements 150.152 108.619 102,500 (6,119) -5.63% 4083+4-Grants 70,594 116.455 - (116.455) -100.00% DEPT 171 FIRE - -Various 520,505 376.724 465,730 89,006 23.63% 4083 -Grants 33,278 24,121 - (24,121) -100.00°i° DEPT 199 NON-DEPARTMENTAL - 4010 -Property Tax 4,772,056 4.743,424 4,790,858 47,434 1.00% 4012 -Property Tax(Unsecured) 263,387 261,807 264,425 2,618 1.00% 4013 -Supplemental Tax-AB 2345 167,599 42,140 42,140 - 0.00% 4016 -Property Transfer Tax 458,581 496,607 491,713 (4.894) -0.99% 4018 -Franchise Fees 3.155.013 3,073,423 3,366.101 292.678 9 52% 4020 -Transient Occupancy Tax 1.961.994 2.154,541 2,204,749 50.208 2.33% 4023 -Sales and Use Tax-Tnple Flip 4.607,650 6,470.853 6,130.519 (340,334) -5.26% 4024 -Sales and Use Tax-State of Calif 17,565,204 18,166,874 19,102,828 935.954 5 15% 4025 -FEMA Grants - 125.912 - (125,912) -100.00% 4028 -Homeowner Property Tax Relief 75.146 73.844 74.582 738 1.00% 4043 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu-Triple Flip 5,969.038 5.940,244 5.980.044 39.800 0.67% 4046 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu-State of Calif 715.940 811.085 811,085 - 0.00% 4047 -Vehicle Code Fines 614,176 692,641 773,508 80,867 11.68% 4053 -Bids&Proposals 9,760 11,220 6,300 (4,920) -43.85% 4056 -Business Licenses 301.931 325,380 300,000 (25,380) -7.80% 4059 -Right of Way Advertising 22,950 31.950 40.680 8.730 27.32% Various -Miscellaneous 150.967 19.163 45,572 26.409 137.81% 4065 -Investment Interest 862,900 361,800 329,700 (32.1001' -8.87% 4069 -Interest Eamings-RDA Loan Repayment 238.633 238,633 238.633 - 0.00% 4076 -Reimbursements-Miscellaneous 131.600 59,920 42,000 (17.920) -29.91% 4082 -Reimbursements-Redevelopment Agency 110,000 110,000 110.000 - 0.00% 4083 •Reimbursements-CapitallmprvmntPrgml 2.246.083 2.203.314 2.238.698 35,384 1.61% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Gas Tax 1.334.148 2,664,009 2,731.991 67,982 2.55% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Prop 42 675.516 55,000 147.145 92.145 167.54% 4090 Operating Transfer In-COPS 147,740 100.000 100.000 - 0.00% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Other 10.000 - • - 0.00% 4400 -Financing Reimbursement 200.000 168.000 163,000 (5,000)' -2.98% 4545 ,-Change in Fair Value of Investments (56.029). (243,024) - 243.024 -100.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 50.129.542 53,214.734 53.980.240 765,506 1.44% 13 Item No. 2 Approvals City Attorney 5 Director of Finance City Manager � CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 25, 2011 SUBJECT: Review of the Proposed Fiscal Years 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program PREPARED BY: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review and discuss the proposed fiscal years 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide direction to staff as appropriate. BACKGROUND: The CIP is the City's plan for providing public improvements which exceed $30,000 in cost, have long-term life spans, and are non-recurring. The proposed CIP document serves as a planning tool for the coordination of financing and scheduling of all capital improvement projects over the next five years. CIP DEVELOPMENT The bound document is presented for City Council review and comment as follows: • General Information regarding the Capital Improvement Program • Revenue and Project Costs Summaries • Circulation Projects • Infrastructure / Other Projects • Parks and Recreation Projects • Redevelopment Agency (RDA) / Housing Projects • Future Years Projects The proposed CIP is a culmination of four staff CIP workshops, which incorporates previous City Council direction, and addresses each project for feasibility, necessity, funding sources, and timing. All departments that were involved in the process contributed significantly to the discussions, resulting in a comprehensive proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. CIRCULATION PROJECTS There are seventeen (17) Circulation projects with total remaining projected costs of $321,669,323. The Circulation projects represent 82% of the total remaining projected cost. The following projects are of significant interest: ➢ Butterfield Stage Road Extension ➢ French Valley Parkway/Interstate-15 Over-Crossing Interchange Improvements-Phase I and Phase II ➢ Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange ➢ Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) ➢ Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road (Acquisition) ➢ Pavement Rehabilitation Program - Citywide The fiscal year 2011-12 has a total circulation funding requirement of $73,678,992 and contains twelve (12) "Priority I" projects. All of these projects will have a significant impact on traffic circulation and, ultimately, the quality of life in the City. INFRASTRUCTURE / OTHER PROJECTS There are twenty (20) Infrastructure / Other projects with total remaining projected costs of $35,364,940. The following projects are of significant interest: ➢ City Facilities Rehabilitation ➢ Old Town Gymnasium ➢ Library Parking Lot Expansion ➢ Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System ➢ Teen/Young Adult Center (Feasibility Study) ➢ Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) (Master Plan) The fiscal year 2011-12 has a total Infrastructure / Other projects funding requirement of $6,072,549 and contains ten (10) "Priority I" projects. PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS There are fifteen (15) Park and Recreation projects with total remaining projected costs of $5,165,139. The following projects are of significant interest: ➢ Children's Museum Enhancement Project ➢ Earle Stanley Gardner Middle School Tennis Court Surfacing ➢ Flood Control Channel Reconstruction and Repair ➢ Great Oak High School Tennis Court Lighting ➢ Inclusive Play Structure at Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park ➢ Margarita Road Right of Way Enhancements ➢ Parks Improvement Program ➢ Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit-Various Sites ➢ Senior Citizen Outdoor Fitness Lot ➢ Water Slide Replacement at the Community Center (CRC) Pool The fiscal year 2011-12 has a total Parks and Recreation projects funding requirement of $2,889,839 and contains twelve (12) "Priority I" projects. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYIRDAI/HOUSING PROJECTS There are five (5) RDA / Housing projects, with total remaining projected costs of $27,765,276. The following projects are of significant interest: ➢ Affordable Housing Projects (various) The fiscal year 2011-12 has a total Redevelopment Agency and Affordable Housing projects funding requirement of $16,357,442 and contains five (5) "Priority I" projects. COSTS/REVENUE OVERVIEN/ Overall, the proposed fiscal years 2012-2016 total remaining projected cost is $389,964,678. A total of fifty-seven (57) projects are included in the program, consisting of seventeen (17) Circulation projects, twenty (20) Infrastructure projects, fifteen (15) Parks and Recreation projects, and five (5) Redevelopment Agency / Housing projects. The following illustrates the associated costs for each project classification and total cost: Type of Project Number of Cost of Projects Projects Circulation 17 $321,669,323 Infrastructure / 20 35,364,940 Other Parks and 15 5,165,139 Recreation RDA/ Housing 5 27,765,276 TOTAL 57 $389 964 678 Projected revenue from identified sources for the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program is $263,553,663, which is sufficient to fund the remaining project costs of $261,020,944 (projected costs of $389,964,678, less unspecified amounts of $128,943,734). Through the first two years of the five-year program, there is adequate funding for all proposed projects, with over $98 million in funded projects in the fiscal year 2011-12. Also, included in this five-year plan are forty-two (42) projects which currently do not fit into the five-year window, but warrant consideration and review in this document. These projects are listed as Future Years and are listed by project type on pages 155-156 of the attached document. FISCAL IMPACT: The adoption of the Fiscal Year 2012-2016 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) establishes the project appropriations for fiscal years 2012-16. Formal approval of the CIP is scheduled for the June 14, 2011 City Council Meeting. ATTACHMENT: City of Temecula Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 ` � CITY OF 7�MECULA �� � ��� � ����� �������� �,�� � ��� FISCAL YEAR 2O � 2-20 � 6 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP May 25, 2011 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW �QeO4 _ . � I CITYOFTEMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION PaQe Description of Revenue Sources .................................................................................................1 Descriptionof Priorities ...............................................................................................................3 REVENUE & COSTS SUMMARIES Projected Revenue Summary .....................................................................................................5 Project Summary by Type of Project ...........................................................................................6 Expenditure Summary by Project ..............................................................................................18 CIP Major Revenue Sources .....................................................................................................19 Comparison Between Projeded Revenue and Costs ................................................................20 CIRCULATION PROJECT S Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements .............................................................................35 Butterfield Stage Road EMension Beltway Project ....................................................................37 Flashing Beacons and Speed Advisory Signs ...........................................................................39 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements - Phase ......................................................................................................................................41 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements - Phase .....................................................................................................................................43 Interstate-15 / Highway 79 South Ultimate Interchange .............................................................45 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) ...........................................................47 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane ...................................................................................................49 Medians and Parkways-Citywide ...............................................................................................51 Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Eutension to Diaz Road ..........................................53 Pavement Rehabilitation Program–Citywide ..............................................................................55 Temecula Parkway Striping Modification from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway ...................57 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement Program – Citywide ......................................................59 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation .....................................................................61 Traffic Signal Installation –Citywide ..........................................................................................63 Westem Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek ............................................................................65 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification ......................................................67 Page 1 of 3 _ . � I CITYOFTEMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS INI�RASTRUCTURE / OTHER PROJECTS City Facilities Rehabilitation ......................................................................................................71 Citywide Storm Drain Improvements .........................................................................................73 Community Recreation Center (CRC) Energy Management and Retrofit .................................75 Conference Center Improvements ............................................................................................77 Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade ...................................................................................79 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site ............................................................................................81 History Museum Expansion .......................................................................................................83 Library Parking Lot Expansion ..................................................................................................85 Medians and Ornamental Pedestrian Barriers-Citywide ............................................................87 Murrieta Creek Improvements ...................................................................................................89 Old Town Gymnasium ...............................................................................................................91 Old Town Public Art ..................................................................................................................93 Open Space Acquisition Program .............................................................................................95 Pechanga Parkway Environmental Mitigation ............................................................................97 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and CityTrail System .......................................................................................................................99 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect ...........................101 Teen /Young Adult Center ......................................................................................................103 Temecula City Entry Monumentation ......................................................................................105 Temecula and Ride .........................................................................................................107 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) ......................................................................109 PARKS and RECREATION PROJECTS Chaparral High School Tennis Courts .....................................................................................113 Children's Museum Enhancement Project ...............................................................................115 Earle Stanley Gardner Middle School Tennis Court Surfacing ................................................117 Flood Control Channel Reconstruction and Repair ..................................................................119 Great Oak High School Tennis Court Lighting .........................................................................121 Inclusive Play Strudure at Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park ......................................................123 Margarita Road Right-of-Way Enhancements .........................................................................125 Neighborhood Park Security Lighting ......................................................................................127 Parks Improvement Program ..................................................................................................129 Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retroft - Various Sites ..................................................................131 Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation ...........................................................................133 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desiltation Pond ...............................135 Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement ............................................................137 Senior Citizen Outdoor Fitness Lot ..........................................................................................139 Water Slide Replacement at the Community Recreation Center (CRC) Pool ..........................141 Page 2 of 3 _ . � I CITYOFTEMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/RDA HOUSING PROJECTS Affordable ..................................................................................................................145 Affordable Housing Land Acquisition .......................................................................................147 Affordable Housing Projects - Future Obligations ....................................................................149 NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance ..............................................................151 Old Town Sidewalk Rehabilitation ...........................................................................................153 FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS C i rcu I ati o n ... ... ........................................................................................................................155 I nfrastrudure .... ......................................................................................................................155 P ark s ... ... ... ... . .......................................................................................................................156 Page3 of 3 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW �QeO4 _ � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE SOURCES Assembly Bill 2766 (AB 2766) – State funds that are available to implement programs and projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles. Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) – State funds that are available for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters. Capital Project Reserves – City General Funds retained for capital improvement projeds. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Federal funds allocated to local government, usually through a local clearinghouse (Riverside County Economic Development Agency), based on a formula, but required to be applied for and used within a broad functional area such as community development. Community Facilities District (CFD) – A tool that allows the City to construct desired and authorized public improvements with costs of the projects paid for by the benefited properties within the boundaries of a designated area. The costs are then financed through the issuance of bonds payable over a period of years. Development Impact Fees (DIF) – Fees generated by development applications to offset the effect of development to include infrastructure, fire protection, public facilities and services, libraries, roads, schools, parks, traffic signal mitigation and open space/public art. Fees are determined by the cost of the project at the time of application. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, through the Department of Energy, made funds available to cities, counties and states to create jobs and develop energy efficient programs. Highway Bridge Program (HBP) – Authorized by the Federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21�� Century (TEA - 21), this program provides for the replacement or rehabilitation of public highway bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other highways or railroads. Measure A(Local Streets and Roads) – Funds generated from the one-half percent sales tax levied throughout Riverside County to carry out transportation projeds by the County and cities. Quimby –The City's park-in-lieu or park development fee is assessed under provisions of the Subdivision Map Act which allows the City to require the dedication of land or the payment of a fee in lieu of land to be used for the purchase (or development) of park property. � _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE SOURCES RDA Affordable Housing (Tax Increment) – Funding source is available from the City's Redevelopment Agency. State law requires that 20% of gross RDA proceeds be set aside to fund housing opportunities for low income and moderate income families. RDA Affordable Housing Tax Allocation Bonds (TABs) – This Agency has the authority to pay for public improvements that will be repaid from tax revenue received by the Agency. The size of the bond issue is dependent on the amount of tax revenue received. No additional tax is paid by properties within the redevelopment area. The Agency receives its revenue from its ability to collect the full amount of taxes paid by all new development (above a base figure established by the County). Reimbursements/Other – Funding made available from other agencies or sources on a reimbursement, donation, and contribution basis. The actual agreement states the conditions of monies specific to a particular project. Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act – Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU) – Signed into law on August 10, 2005, and provides for highways, highway safety, and public transportation to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and other activities related to solving transportation problems. This new program takes off where STP, TEA-21, and ISTEA left off. Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) – Competitive Grant through CalTrans to construct facilities that enhance the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Senate Bill 621 and Senate Bill 821 – Represents a regional organization made up of tribal governments primarily within Riverside and San Bernardino counties. TASIN member tribes contribute a percentage of their gaming revenues to the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund (SDF), as established by the State Legislature, to offset the impacts of Indian gaming on public services and infrastructure. State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Augmentation – State funds from a Proposition 1B bond measure that shall be used as additional augmentation funding for the five-year State Transportation Improvement Programs. Transportation Enhancement (TE) – Federal funds available for local agencies to improve the safety and efficiency of the local transportation system. Funds are available for both the planning and construction phases of projects. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) – Multi-jurisdictional development impact fee paid for by new development to provide the transportation infrastructure necessary to accommodate new development. z _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 DESCRIPTION OF PRIORITIES PRIORITY 1: The project is urgent and must be completed as soon as feasible. Failure to address the project may impact the health, safety, or welfare of the community or have a significant impact on the financial well being of the City. The project must be initiated or financial opportunity losses may result. PRIORITY 11: The project is important and addressing it is necessary. The project impacts safety, law enforcement, health, welfare, economic base, and/or quality of life. PRIORITY 111: The project will enhance quality of life and will provide a benefit to the community. Completion of the project will improve the community by providing cultural, recreational, and/or aesthetic value. PRIORITY IV: The project will be an improvement to the community, but does not necessarily need to be completed within a five-year capital improvement program time frame. 3 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 a ` --- � CITYOF TEMECUl�i Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECTED REVENUE SUMMARY Available Projec[ed Projec[ed Projec[ed Projec[ed Projec[ed Projec[ed Fund 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Funds FUNDING SOURCE Balance Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Available AssemblyBill2766 $ 653,347 $ 105,557 $ 106,132 $ 106,699 $ 107,257 $ 107,805 $ 1,186,797 Capital Project Reserves 915,197 2,512,341 6,324,030 313,200 273,000 308,000 1Q645,768 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 98Q478 3,482,981 22Q000 22Q000 22Q000 5,123,459 Communi[v Facili[ies Dis[ric[s Roripaugh Community Facilities District 27,688,815 118,372 49,879 12,355 27,869,421 Wolf Creek Community Facilities District 745,500 745,500 Developmen[ Impac[ Fees IDIFI Corporate Facilities 342,014 307,721 316,693 92,061 1,058,489 Fire Facilities 38Q126 188,731 18Q059 41,131 29,790 96,923 916,760 Library Facilities 10Q179 283,540 447,195 491,500 508,255 152,948 1,983,617 Open Space and Trails 58Q358 269,048 219,561 62,227 45,483 167,377 1,344,054 Parks and Recreation 27Q682 837,640 67Q289 207,830 156,045 574,239 2,716,725 Police Facilities 64,378 32,885 28,403 112,922 238,588 Public Art 123,230 14,859 14,509 13,259 12,709 12,709 191,275 Quimby 6Q561 315,946 97,185 123,690 97,185 8,835 703,402 Street Improvements 4,415,959 1,415,395 1,788,840 261,320 232,534 693,413 8,807,461 Traffc Signals 253,583 211,967 264,887 37,082 33,009 98,486 899,014 Measure A Proqrams Measure A(Local Streets and Roads) 8,13Q730 1,353,261 1,187,801 1,211,357 1,235,382 1,259,886 14,378,417 Gran[s Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) 126,425 126,425 Energy Effciency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 344,576 344,576 Highway Bridge Program (HBP) 6,25Q510 6,25Q510 SAFETEA-LU 1,60Q000 1,60Q000 3,20Q000 STIP Augmentation 12,729,000 12,729,000 Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) 425,250 425,250 Transportation Enhancement (TE) 99,954 99,954 Redevelopmen[ Aqencv RDA Affordable Housing (Tax Increment) 3,753,683 5,848 335,131 601,963 57Q901 703,167 5,97Q693 RDA Affordable Housing (TABs 2010) 6,054,893 3Q344 14,010 6,099,247 RDA Affordable Housing (TABs 2011) 14,996,764 65,810 32,762 15,095,336 Rei mbursemen[s/O[her Developer Contribution 173,808 173,808 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 244,156 244,156 Murrieta Land Donation 1,631,631 1,631,631 Pertormance Bond 219,720 219,720 Rancho California Water Distrid (RCWD) SOQ000 SOQ000 Tem ecula Com m unity Services District (TCSD) 192,000 192,000 United States Tennis Association (USTA) 4,000 4,000 Sena[e Bills Senate Bill 621 9,917,481 9,917,481 Senate Bill 821 132,000 132,000 Transporta[ion Uniform Mi[iqa[ion Fee TI UMFI Community and Environmental Transportation Accountability Program (CETAP) 2QOOQ000 8,761,369 28,761,369 Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) 795,007 5,40Q000 7,824,008 14,019,015 Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) 15,725,096 41,178,281 8,577,733 13,127,635 78,608,745 TOTAL REVENUE $ 7g,214,8g6 $ 55,399,462 $ 31,383,012 $ 54,646,508 $ 25,173,379 $ 17,736,406 $ 263,553,663 5 _ i ��o�-�� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE CIRCULATION: Abbott Corporafion Roadway Impmvemen6 Capi[alProjeaReservas ]50,000 ButtertieldSYageROadE#ension CFD(ROripaughRanch) 14318,066 10,824,694 15,439,955 Reimbursementl O[her(Shea Homas) 1]3,808 TUMF 1,438,000 Rashing Beamns and S}�eed Advisory Sgns DIFQrafficSgnals) 31,55] 31,336 20,000 French Valley Farlemay/ In[ers[a[a15 Over-QOSSing and In[erchange ImpmvemenG�Phasel Capi[alProjeaReservas 160,830 DIF(Stree[Impmvemen6) 444,203 Measure A-LOCaI Stree[and Road 9]]181 ]24,369 1,16],801 Reimbursementl0[her (MUrneL Land Donffiion) 1,631,631 TUMF(CEfAP/RCTC)(1) 20,000,000 8]61369 TUMF (RCTC)(2) 2,462,295 TUMF(WRWG)(3) 110,018 66],358 French Valley Farlemay/ In[ers[a[s15 Over-QOSSing and In[erchange ImpmvemenG�Phasell Capi[alProjec[Reservas 31],36! 239169 238,000 CFD(Harves[on) 1,005,840 DIF(PUblicFacili0as) ]5,360 FederalHighwaqAdministra0on 8,000 Measure A-LOCaI Stree[and Road 1,62],914 Reimbursement;/O[her(Land DonaOOn) 6,000,000 SAFEfEA-W STI P Augmen[a[ion(1) TUMF(RCTC)(2) 4259,698 ]95,00] TUMF(WRWG)(3) 21$522 3,OS2,102 TUMF (WRWG)(4) 11,5]5,000 TUMF (WRWG)(5) TUMF (WRWG)(6) Unspecifiedp) 6 . P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE CIRCULATION: �so,000 �so,000 1,020,459 41,603,174 27,285,108 173,808 173,808 1,438,000 82,893 51,336 60,000 35,000 70,000 325,830 325,830 444,203 2,869,351 1,892,170 1,631,631 1,631,631 28,761,369 28,761,369 2,462,295 777,376 667,358 238,000 238,000 238,000 1,508,533 1,191,169 1,005,840 75,360 8,000 1,627,914 6,000,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 12,729,000 12,729,000 12,729,000 5,054,705 795,007 3,300,624 3,082,102 11, 575, 000 11, 575, 000 11,979,000 11,979,000 11,979,000 22,074,632 8,577,733 13,127,635 43,780,000 43,780,000 17,220,050 23,543,267 31,597,545 72,360,862 72,360,862 7 _ i ��o��� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE In[ersL[a15 / SYffie Rou[e ]9 SouN UIOma[eln[erchange CFD(QOwneHill) 502,211 Reimbursementl0[her(MOrgdn Hill) 1,19Q5ffi SAFEfE/tiW 1,600,000 Sena[eBill621 4334,816 506,]90 5,410,691 TUMF(RCTGCETAP)(1) Q452,000 TUMF (RCTGRegion)(2) 5,400,000 TUMF (RCTGRegion)(3) Unspeafied(4) Main Stree[ Bridge Over MurrieL Qeek (Replacemen[) Capi[alProjec[Reservas 41,]29 DIF(Stree[Impmvemen6) 8]5,]09 5]0,3]3 HBP 6,25Q510 � MeadowsParleNaqBikeLne AB2]66 � MediansandFatlemaysCirywide DIF(Medians) 11,048 DIF(Stree[Impmvemen6) 123,Y11 226,459 Unspeafied* Murtie[a Qeek BnQge and Ovetland Dnve E:[ension ro DiazROad Capi[al Projec[ Reservas 213,600 DIF(Stree[Imprwements) 533,8]1 4,90],93] Unspeafied* Paoemen[RehabiliGfion Pmgram Qrywide Capi[alProjeaReservas 826126 5,010,000 MeasureA 244,01] 8,6ffi Unspecified* Temecula FatlemayStriping Modifica0on homin[ers[ffie-15[oPechangdParleNaq DIF(Stree[Imprwements) 63,946 Unspecified* TrafficSignal Equipmen[Replacemen[ Pmgram-Qtyvoide DIFQrafficSgnals) 80,000 80,000 Unspecified* TrafficSignalln[ermnnec[Equipmen[ Ins[alla0on DIFQrafficSgnals) 2]2,4Q9 Unspecified* TrafficSignalln4alla0onLirywide DIFQrafficSgnals) 295,000 295,000 Unspeafied* 8 4 P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE 502,211 1,190,582 1,600,000 1,600,000 4,000,000 14,252,297 9,917,481 4,452,000 5,400,000 5,400,000 7,824,008 7,824,008 7,824,008 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 41,729 1,446,082 570,373 6,250,510 6,250,510 266,380 266,380 266,380 11,048 350,000 226,459 750,000 750,000 750,000 213,600 3,062,692 8,504,500 7,970,629 10,209,758 10,209,758 10,209,758 5,836,126 5,836,126 1,191,157 1,214,980 1,239,280 12,571,456 12,327,439 3,818,843 3,795,020 3,770,720 11,384,583 11,384,583 63,946 251,098 251,098 251,098 � 160,000 160,000 155,000 205,000 205,000 565,000 565,000 272,409 400,000 400,000 400,000 97,678 687,678 687,678 270,000 487,000 404,822 744,500 1,906,322 1,906,322 9 _ i ��o�-�� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE We4em Eypass Bridge Over Murtie[a Qeek Capi[al Projec[ Reservas 162,084 43,991 TUMF(WRWG)(1) 639,215 1W136 TUMF(WRWG)(2) 13,500 296,500 TUMF (WRWG)(3) Unspeafied(4) Winches[er Road/Highway ]9 North CorndorBeau[ifir[ion Capi[alProjec[Reservas 39,800 ]5,000 CFD(ROnpdughRanch) 1202,340 Reimbursementl0[her (Pertortnance Bond) 219,]20 TE 482,42] 99,954 TOTALCIRCULATIONPROJECTS $ 48,692863 $ ]36]8992 $ 43583,616 I NFRASTRUCTURE/OTHER : QryFaciliOesRehabiliLOOn CapiLlPmjec[Reserves 500,000 500,000 Unspeafied* QrywideS[ormDrainlmpmvemen6 Capi[alProjec[Reservas 398,063 25],069 Communiry Recreaoon CenteqCRC) EnergyManagemen[andRetrofi[ EECBG 3445]6 ConferenmCenterlmpmvemen6 DIF(COrporffieFacilioas) 8],000 FireSYaOOn]3Living�uartersUpgrade DIF(Fire) Unspeafied* FireSYaOOnROripaughRanchS[e CFD(ROripaughRanch) 1,93],206 584313 Reimbursementl0[her (Riverside Counry) 2,09] 100 � His[oryMUSeumE;�ansion Unspecified* � ❑braryParkingLO[E;�ansion CapiLlPmjec[Reserves 21,654 DIF(Library) 10,4ffi 400,000 Mediansand OmamenLl Pedestrian &drtiersQrywide DIF(Streetlmprwements) 40,000 Unspeafied* Murtie[aQeeklmpmvemen6 Capi[alProjec[Reservas 132,412 Unspeafied* OldTOwnGymnasium CDBG* 16G,655 980,4]8 3,482,981 EDI 160,94] 10 4 P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE 206,075 43,991 735,649 1,479,000 839,785 310,000 296,500 6,389,000 6,389,000 6,389,000 2,570,779 2,570,779 2,570,779 114,800 75,000 1,202,340 219,720 219,720 582,381 99,954 $ 101,820,125 $ 50,825,000 $ 51,017,060 $ 744,500 $ 370,362,186 $ 321,669,323 INFRASTRUC TURE/OTHER 1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 655,132 257,069 344,576 344,576 662,000 749,000 749,000 150,000 950,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 2,521,519 584,313 � � 2,097,100 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 21,654 1,186, 000 1, 596, 482 1, 586, 000 40,000 40,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 132,412 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 150,000 4,630,114 4,463,459 160,947 11 _ i ��o��� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE OldTOwnPUblicArt DIF(PUblicArt) 120,000 OpenS}�aceACquisiOOnProgram DIF(OpenS}�ace) 300,000 250,000 Pechanga Fatlemay EnvimnmenGl Mi0ga0on CFD(WOIfCreek) 25,320 645500 25,000 Pedestrian/Bi�ycle BnQge OverSanL Gertrudis Qeekro Chaparral High School andQryTrailSys[em AB2]66 4]8,698 DIF(OpenS}�acelrrails) 231,951 253988 Reimbursementl0[her (Harve4on Contribu0on) 150,000 SRTS 425 250 SB821 132,000 SanL Gertrudis Qeek Pedcs[nan/Bi�ycle TrailE#ensionAndln[ermnnec[ AB2]66 3,415 168985 Bi�ycle Transporta[ion Acmun[ (BTA) 96,612 126,425 Capi[al Projec[ Reservas ]8,920 Unspeafied* Teen/YOUngAdW[Cen[er Capi[alProjeaReservas 100,000 Unspeafied* Temecula Qry Entry MonumenLOOn Capi[al Projec[Reservas 150,000 TememlaFarkandRide AB2]66 88196 1526] Capi[al Projec[ Reservas 2]2,96] Unspeafied* Temecula Police SLion (Tenan[ Impmvemen[) DIF(POlice) 200,000 Unspeafied* TOTALINFRASTRUCTURE/OTHER PROJECTS $ 5,8]1900 $ 60]2549 $ 4494981 12 . P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE 120,000 120,000 250,000 122,689 167,377 1,090,066 1,090,066 25,000 25,000 25,000 770,820 745,500 478,698 478,698 485,939 253,988 150,000 425,250 425,250 132,000 132,000 172,400 168,985 223,037 126,425 78,920 7,071,000 7,071,000 7,071,000 100,000 100,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 150,000 150,000 229,412 332,875 244,679 272,967 1,768,932 1,768,932 1,768,932 200,000 200,000 4,860,000 4,860,000 4,860,000 $ 3,935,344 $ 8,287,689 $ 4,317,377 $ 8,257,000 $ 41,236,840 $ 35,364,940 13 _ i ��o��� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE PARKS/RECREATION ChaparralHighSChoolTennisCOUrts DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) 449500 Children'sMUSeumEnhancemen[Pmjec[ DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) 114,000 Eatle SYanley Gardner Middle School TennisCOUrtSLrtacing �uimby 43,000 Reimbursementl0[her(USTA) 4,000 � � Rood Con[ml Channel Remns[mcoon and Repair Capi[al Projec[Reservas 250,000 Unspeafied* � r Greffi Oak High School Tennis Court ❑ghOng DIF (Parl¢ &Recrea0on) 449,500 � Inclusive Play SYmcWre a[ Fatriaa H. BirdsallS}�oR;Park DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) 219,800 �uimby 1]],200 MargariL Road Righ[ of- Way Enhancements Capi[alProjeaReservas 26990 116,000 ReimbursementlONerQCSD) 192,000 NeighborhoodParkSecunryLighOng DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) 40,000 Farl¢Impmvemen[Pmgram CapiLlPmjec[Raserves 250,000 250,000 �uimby 50,000 50,000 Unspeafied* Reclaimed Wa[erlrnga0on Retrofi[ VanousS[as Reimbursemen6/ONer(RCWD) 500,000 Ronald Reagdn Monumen[S[e Prepdra0on �uimby 35,000 Ronald Reagan S}�ort; Park Channel SI[ RemwalandDesl[ingPOnd Capi[alProjec[Reservas 298,]68 20183 15200 Pmposi[ion 42 88,000 Reimbursements/0[her(FEMA)* 131,356 244156 Unspeafied** Sam Hicl¢ Monumen[ParkPlaqground Replacemen[ DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) 1]5,000 SeniorQ[rzen0u[doorFitr�assLO[ DIF(Parl¢&Recrea0on) ]5,000 Wa[erSide Replacemen[a[[he communiryRecreaooncen�e oiF(FancaReq �so,000 TOTALPARKS/RECREATION PROJECTS $ Sl5114 $ 28&9839 $ 9]9]00 14 . P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE PARICS / RECREATION aas,soo aas,soo 114,000 114,000 43,000 43,000 4,000 4,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 449,500 449,500 219,800 219,800 177,200 177,200 142,990 116,000 192,000 192,000 40,000 40,000 500,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 750,000 500,000 500,000 35,000 35,000 15,200 349,351 50,583 88,000 375,512 244,156 15,200 15,200 30,400 30,400 175,000 175,000 � 75,000 75,000 150,000 150,000 $ 515,200 $ 265,200 $ 515,200 $ 5,710,253 $ 5,165,139 15 _ i ��o�-�� _ Proposed Capital Improvement Program —Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT PROJECT SOURCE OF FUNDS ACTUALS TO p011-12 2012-13 DATE REDE VELOPMENT (RDA1 / HOUSING: AffordableHOUSing RDAHOUSing 1,861,]12 43],160 RDA Housing (2010 TA&S) 5,099 24] RDA Housing (2011 TABS) ],652,140 1 969,606 Affordable Housing Projec6—Land Acquisi0on RDAHOUSing(2010TABS) 1,000,000 RDA Housing (2011 TABS) 5,443,590 Affordable Housing Projec6—FU[ure Obliga0ons RDAHOUSing 3Q5,000 305,000 NW RDA Pmperty Grading and NPDES Compliance RDAHOUSng 14],581 65,000 50,000 OldTOwnSidewalkRehabiliLOOn CDBG Unspeafied* REDEVELOPMENT/HOUSING PROJECTS 14],581 16,35/,442 ],861,013 TOTALS s ss,zs�pse s se,sse,ezz s se,sas,aao �s . P i ���.�� Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE OF PROJECT 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years TOTAL PROJECT COST TO COST COMPLETE REDEVELOPMENT (RDA) / HOUSING: 720,174 701,849 254,798 3,975,693 3,975,693 5,099,247 5,099,247 9,651,746 9,651,746 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,443,590 5,443,590 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 1,830,000 1,830,000 50,000 312,581 165,000 40,000 150,000 150,000 340,000 340,000 110,000 150,000 260,000 260,000 1,225,174 1,156,849 709,798 455,000 27,912,857 27,765,276 $ 107,495,843 $ 60,534,738 $ 56,559,435 $ 9,456,500 $ 445,222,136 $ 389,964,678 17 � CITYOF TEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Year 2012-2016 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY PROJECT PARKS 7Do INFRASTRUCTURE 9% 1% I �` ' \ , /= i �. i ��� �. `� �� CIRCULATION 83% PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: $389,964,678 18 � CITYOFTEMECULA F Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Year 2012-2016 CIP MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES FEDERAL RDA STATE 4°k 10°k 9°k OTHER I � °� SPECIAL DISTRICTS DIF 11°k 7%� CITY 4°k COUNTY � 54°k PROJECTED REVENUES: $263,553,663 19 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p Assembly Bi112766 Meadows Farkway Bike Lne Pedastrian/Bi�ycle Bndge OverSanL Gertmdis Creekro Chaparral High School and Ciry Trail Sys[em 4]8,698 SanL Gertmdis Creek Pedes[nan/Bi�ycle Trail EMension And I n[ermnnec[ 3,415 168 985 Temecula Park and Ride 88,196 15 26] Total Cost $ 91,611 $ 6G2,950 TotalRevenue $ 65334] $ 10555/ Capital Project Reserves Abbott Corpora0on Roadway I mpmvemen6 ]50,000 Ciry Facili0es Rehabili[a[ion 500,000 CirywideS[ortnDrainlmprovemen6 398,063 25],069 Rood Control Channel Remns[mc[ion and Repair 250,000 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phasel French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phasell 31]364 239,169 Library Parking Lo[ Expansion 21,654 Main Stree[ Bridge Over MurtieL Qeek (Replacemen[) 41,]29 Margan[a Road Righ[ Of- Way Enhancements 26 990 116,000 Murrie[a CreekBridge and Ovetland Drive E:[ension [o Diaz Road 213,600 Murrie[a Creeklmpmvements 132,412 Parl¢ Impmvemen[ Program 250,000 Pavemen[ RehabiliL[ion Pmgram Cirywide ffi6,126 Ronald Reagdn S}�oR; ParkChannel SI[Removal and DesilOng Pond 298,]68 20,183 SanL Gertmdis Creek Pedes[nan/Bi�ycle Trail EMension and I n[erconnec[ ]8 920 TeeNVOUng AdW[ Cen[er 100,000 Temecula Ciry En[ry MonumenL[ion Temecula Parkand Ride 2]296] Wes[emBypassBridgeOVerMUrtieLQeek 162,084 43991 Winches[erROad/Highwaq]9NOrthCOrndorBeau0fica0on 39800 ]5000 Total Cost $ 2,OW 351 $ 3,42] 538 TotalRevenue $ 915,19] $ 2512341 Community DeveAopment Block Grant OldTOwnGymnasium 166,655 980,4]8 Old Town Sidewalk Rehabili[a0on Total Cost $ 16G,655 $ 980,4]8 TotalRevenue $ 9804]8 20 �. _�_ I CITYOFTEMECZ7LA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 266,380 266,380 266,380 478,698 478,698 172,400 168,985 229,412 332,875 244,679 $ 229,412 $ 266,380 $ 1,250,353 $ 1,158,742 $ 106,132 $ 106,699 $ 107,257 $ 107,805 $ 1,186,797 750,000 750,000 500,000 1,000,000 1, 000,000 655,132 257,069 250,000 250,000 160,830 60,000 35,000 70,000 325,830 325,830 238,000 238,000 238,000 238,000 1,508,533 1,191,169 21,654 41,729 142,990 116,000 213,600 132,412 250,000 500,000 500,000 5,010,000 5,836,126 5,836,126 15,200 15,200 349,351 50,583 78,920 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 272,967 206,075 43,991 114,800 75,000 $ 6,324,030 $ 313,200 $ 273,000 $ 308,000 $ 12,650,119 $ 10,645,768 $ 6,324,030 $ 313,200 $ 273,000 $ 308,000 $ 10,645,768 3,482,981 4,630,114 4,463,459 40,000 150,000 150,000 340,000 340,000 $ 3,482,981 $ 40,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 4,970,114 $ 4,803,459 $ 3,482,981 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 5,123,459 21 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p Community Faalities Districts Buttertield SLge Road EMension 14 318,066 10,824,694 Fire SL[ion Roripaugh Ranch Si[e 1 93] 206 584 313 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I I 1 pQ5,840 In[ers[a[a15 / Temecula Parkwaq UI[ima[e In[erchange 502211 PechangaParkwaylmpmvementsEnvimnmen[alMi[igd[ion 25320 615500 Winches[erROad/Highwaq ]9 North CorndorBeau0fica0on 1 202340 Total Cost $ 18 990 983 $ 12,Q54 50] TotalRevenue $28,434315 $ 1183]2 DeveAopment Impact Fees (DIH� DIF- Cwpora[e Facili[ies Conference Cen[er I mpmvements Total Cost Total Revenue DIF- Fire Facili[ies Fire SL[ion ]3 Living �uarters Upgrade Total Cost Total Revenue $ 380,126 $ 188 ]31 DIF- Library Facili[ies LibraryParkingLO[Expansion 10482 400,000 TotalCOSt $ 10482 $ 400,000 TotalRevenue $ 100,1]9 $ 283540 DIF-Open Space Open Spece Acquisition Pmgrem 300,000 Pedastrian/Bi�ycle Bndge OverSanL Gertmdis Creekro Chaparral High School and Ciry Trail Sys[em 231 951 253 988 TotalCOSt $ 231951 $ 553988 TotalRevenue $ 580358 $ 269,048 DIF-Parks/Recrea[ion Chaparral High School Tennis Courts Children's Museum Enhancemen[ Projec[ 114,000 Grea[ Oak High School Tennis Court LighOng 449 500 I nclusive Plaq StrucWre a[ Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 219,800 Neighborhood ParkSecuriry Ligh[ing Sam Hicl¢ Monumen[ Park Plaqground Replacemen[ Senior Q[rzen Ou[door Fi[ness Lo[ ]5,000 Wa[erSlide Replacemen[a[Ne Communiry Recrea[ion Cen[er(CRC) Pool 150,000 TotalCOSt $ 1,008300 Total Revenue $ 2]0,682 $ 83],640 22 �. _�_ I CITYOFTEMECZ7LA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 15,439,955 1,020,459 41,603,174 27,285,108 2,521,519 584,313 1,005,840 502,211 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 770,820 745,500 1,202,340 $ 15,464,955 $ 1,045,459 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 47,605,904 $ 28,614,921 $ 49,879 $ 12,355 $ 28,614,921 87,000 662,000 749,000 749,000 $ 87,000 $ 662,000 $ 749,000 $ 749,000 $ 342,014 $ 307,721 $ 316,693 $ 92,061 $ 1,058,489 150,000 950,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 $ 150,000 $ 950,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 180,059 $ 41,131 $ 29,790 $ 96,923 $ 916,760 1,186,000 1,596,482 1, 586,000 $ 1,186,000 $ 1,596,482 $ 1,586,000 $ 447,195 $ 491,500 $ 508,255 $ 152,948 $ 1,983,617 250,000 250,000 122,689 167,377 1,090,066 1,090,066 485,939 253,988 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 122,689 $ 167,377 $ 1,576,005 $ 1,344,054 $ 219,561 $ 62,227 $ 45,483 $ 167,377 $ 1,344,054 449,500 449,500 449,500 114,000 114,000 449,500 449,500 219,800 219,800 40,000 40,000 40,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 75,000 75,000 150,000 150,000 $ 664,500 $ 1,672,800 $ 1,672,800 $ 670,289 $ 207,830 $ 156,045 $ 574,239 $ 2,716,725 23 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p DIF- Police Facili[ies Temecula Police SLtion Qenant I mprwement) 200,000 Total Cost $ 200,000 Total Revenue DIF- Public Ar[ Old Town Public Art 120,000 Total Cost $ 120,000 TotalRevenue $ 123230 $ 14,859 DIF- PuWic Facili[ies French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I I ]5 360 TotalCOSt $ ]5360 Total Revenue DIF-Quimby Eatle SLnley Gardner Middle School Tennis Court Surtacing 43,000 I nclusive Plaq StrucWre a[ Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 1]] 200 Parl¢ Impmvemen[ Program 50,000 Ronald Reagdn Monumen[ Si[e Prepara[ion 35 000 TotalCOSt $ 305200 TotalRevenue $ 60561 $ 315946 DIF- Roatl Metlian Improvemen[s Medians and Parkwaqs-Qrywide 11,048 Total Cost $ 11,048 Total Revenue DIF- S[ree[ Improvemerrts French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase I 444 203 MainStree[BridgeOVerMUrtieLQeek(Replacemen[) 8]5,]09 5]03]3 Median and Omamen[al Pedes[nan Bartiers Cirywide 40,000 Medians and Parkways-Qrywide 123 541 226,459 Murrie[a CreekBridge and Ovetland Drive E:[ension [o Diaz Road 533,8]1 4 90] 93] TemeculaParkwayS[npingMOdifica[ionhomin[ersL[a15[oPechangaPatlemay 63946 TotalCOSt $ 2,0412]0 $ 5]44]69 TotalRevenue $ 4,415959 $ 1,415395 DIF-Tra/iic Signals Rashing Beamnsand S}�eed Advisory Sgns 31 55] 31 336 Traffic Signal Equipmen[ Replacemen[ Program Cirywide 80,000 TrafficSignal Ins[alla0on—Qrywide 295,000 Traffic Signal In[ermnnec[ Equipmen[ I ns[alla0on 2]2 409 TotalCOSt $ 303966 $ 406336 TotalRevenue $ 253583 $ 21196] Measure A- Local Streets and Roads French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phasel 9]],181 ]24369 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I I 1,62] 914 Pavemen[RehabiliL[ionPmgram-Qrywide 244,01] 8,682p22 TotalCOSt $ 2,&l9,112 $ 9,406391 TotalRevenue $ 8,130]30 $ 1353261 24 �. _�_ I CITYOFTEMECZ7LA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 200,000 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 64,378 $ 32,885 $ 28,403 $ 112,922 $ 238,588 120,000 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ 14,509 $ 13,259 $ 12,709 $ 12,709 $ 191,275 75,360 $ 75,360 43,000 43,000 177,200 177,200 50,000 100,000 100,000 35,000 35,000 $ 50,000 $ 355,200 $ 355,200 $ 97,185 $ 123,690 $ 97,185 $ 8,835 $ 703,402 11,048 $ 11,048 444,203 1,446,082 570,373 40,000 40,000 350,000 226,459 3,062,692 8,504,500 7,970,629 63,946 $ 3,062,692 $ 10,848,731 $ 8,807,461 $ 1,788,840 $ 261,320 $ 232,534 $ 693,413 $ 8,807,461 20,000 82,893 51,336 80,000 160,000 160,000 295,000 590,000 590,000 97,678 370,087 97,678 $ 395,000 $ 97,678 $ 1,202,980 $ 899,014 $ 264,887 $ 37,082 $ 33,009 $ 98,486 $ 899,014 1,167,801 2,869,351 1, 892,170 1,627,914 1,191,157 1, 214,980 1, 239,280 12, 571,456 12, 327,439 $ 1,167,801 $ 1,191,157 $ 1,214,980 $ 1,239,280 $ 17,068,721 $ 14,219,609 $ 1,187,801 $ 1,211,357 $ 1,235,382 $ 1,259,886 $ 14,378,417 25 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p Federal and State Grants (BTA/EDI/EECBG/FHA/HBP/SAFETEA-LU/SRTS/TE� Communiry Recrea0on Cen[er (CRC) Energy Managemen[ and Retrofi[ 344 5]6 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase I I 8,000 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase II French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase II In[ers[a[a15 / SL[e Rou[e ]9 Sou[h UI[ima[e In[erchange Main Stree[ Bridge Over MurtieL Qeek (Replacemen[) 6 250 510 Old Town Gymnasium 160 94] Pedastrian/Bi�ycle Bndge OverSanL Gertmdis Creekro Chaparral High School and Ciry Trail Sys[em 425 250 SanL Gertmdis CreekPedes[nan Bi�ycle Trail EMension and In[erconnec[ 96,612 126,425 Winches[erROad/Highwaq]9NOrthCOrndorBeauOfica[ion 4ffi42] 99954 Total Cost $ ]4] 986 $ ] 246 ]15 Total Revenue $ ] 246 ]15 PCO[IOSIb00 42 Ronald Reagdn S}�oR; ParkChannel SI[Removal and DesilOng Pond 88,000 Total Cost $ 88,000 Total Revenue RDA Housing (RDA-H) Affordable Housing 1,861,]12 Affordable Housing Pmjec6—FU[ure Obliga0ons 305,000 N W RDA Pmperty Grading and NPDES Compliance 14] 581 65,000 Total Cost $ 14] 581 $ 2231 ]12 TotalRevenue $ 3]53,683 $ 5,848 RDA Housing (RDA-H) TAB's 2010 & 2011 Affordable Housing ],682,140 Affordable Housing Land Acquisi[ion 6 443 590 TotalCOSt $ 14,125]30 Total Revenue $ 21,Q51,65/ $ 96,154 26 �. _�_ I CITYOFTEMECZ7LA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 344,576 344,576 8,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 12,729,000 12,729,000 12,729,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 6,250,510 6,250,510 160,947 425,250 425,250 223,037 126,425 582,381 99,954 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 12,729,000 $ 23,923,701 $ 23,175,715 $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 12,729,000 $ 23,175,715 88,000 $ 88,000 $ - $ - 437,160 720,174 701,849 254,798 3,975,693 3,975,693 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 1,830,000 1,830,000 50,000 50,000 312,581 165,000 $ 792,160 $ 1,075,174 $ 1,006,849 $ 559,798 $ 305,000 $ 6,118,274 $ 5,970,693 $ 335,131 $ 601,963 $ 570,901 $ 703,167 $ 5,970,693 7,068,853 14,750,993 14,750,993 6,443,590 6,443,590 $ 7,068,853 $ 21,194,583 $ 21,194,583 $ 46,772 $ 21,194,583 27 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p Reimbursements/Other Buttertield SLge Road EMension 1]3,808 Eatle SLnley Gardner Middle School Tennis Court Surtacing 4,000 Fire SL[ion Roripaugh Ranch Si[e 2,09],100 French Valley Parkway I 15 Overcrossing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase I 1,631,631 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I I 6,000,000 I n[ers[a[a15 / SL[e Rou[e ]9 Sou[h UI[ima[e I n[erchange 1,190 582 Margan[a Road Righ[ Of- Way Enhancements 192,000 Pedastrian/Bi�ycle Bndge OverSanL Gertmdis Creek[o Chaparral High School and Ciry Trail Sys[em 150,000 Reclaimed Wa[er Irriga[ion Re[mfiP Vanous Si[es 500,000 Ronald Reagdn S}�oR; ParkChannel SI[Removal and DesilOng Pond 131 356 244,156 Wes[em Bypass Bridge OverMUrtieL Qeek W inches[er Road Highwaq ]9 North Corndor Beau0fica0on 219,]20 TotalCOSt $ 9569,038 $ 2965315 TotalRevenue $ 1]3,808 $ 2]9150] Senate Bills 621 and S21 In[ers[a[a15/SL[eROU[e]9SOU[hUlOma[eln[erchange 433A,816 506,]90 Pedastrian/Bi�ycle Bndge OverSanL Gertmdis Creekro Chaparral High School and Ciry Trail Sys[em 132,000 TotalCOSt $ 433A,816 $ 638]90 TotalRevenue $ 991],481 $ 132,000 28 _�_ I CITYOFTEMEC'ULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 173,808 173,808 4,000 4,000 2,097,100 1,631,631 1,631,631 6,000,000 1,190,582 192,000 192,000 150,000 500,000 500,000 375,512 244,156 219,720 219,720 $ 12,534,353 $ 2,965,315 $ 2,965,315 5,410,691 4,000,000 14,252,297 9,917,481 132,000 132,000 $ 5,410,691 $ 4,000,000 $ 14,384,297 $ 10,049,481 $ 10,049,481 29 � � I CITYOFTEMECULA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Available Actualsto Project FuntlBalance Date p��.�p TUMF Buttertield SLge Road EMension 1,438,000 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I 20,000,000 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I 2,4G2,295 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I 110,018 66] 358 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phasell 4259,698 ]95,00] French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phasell 218522 3,082,102 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase I I 11 5]5,000 French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase II French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange I mpmvements Phase II In[ers[a[a15 / SL[e Rou[e ]9 Sou[h UI[ima[e In[erchange 4,452,000 In[ers[a[a15 / SL[e Rou[e ]9 Sou[h UI[ima[e In[erchange W es[em Bypass Bridge Over MurtieL Qeek 639 215 1 W,136 Wes[emBypassBridgeOVerMUrtieLQeek 13500 296500 Westem ByPess Bridge OverMUmete Qeek TotalCOSt $13593248 $ 36520,103 TotalRevenue $ 36520,103 Unspecified Ciry Facili0es Rehabili[a[ion Fire S[ffiion ]3 Living �uarters Upgrade Rood Control Channel Remns[mc[ion and Repair French Valley Farkway / In[ersL[a15 Over-Cmssing and I n[erchange Impmvements Phase II His[ory Museum E;�ansion In[ers[a[a15 / SL[e Rou[e ]9 Sou[h UI[ima[e In[erchange Median and Omamen[al Pedes[nan Bartiers Qrywide Medians and Parkwaqs- Cirywide Murrie[a CreekBridge and Ovetland Drive E:[ension [o Diaz Road Murrie[a Creeklmpmvements Old Town Sidewalk Rehabili[a0on Parl¢ Impmvemen[ Program Pavemen[ RehabiliL[ion Pmgram Cirywide Ronald Reagdn S}�oR; ParkChannel SI[Removal and DesilOng Pond SanL Gertmdis CreekPedes[nan/Bi�ycle Trail EMension And In[ermnnec[ TeeNVOUng AdW[Cen[er Temecula Parkand Ride Temecula Parkway S[nping Modifica0on From In[ers[ffia15 To Pechanga Farkway Temecula Police SLtion (Tenant I mprwemenq Traffic Signal Equipmen[ Replacemen[ Program Cirywide TrafficSignal Ins[allafion—Clrywide Traffic Signal In[ermnnec[ Equipmen[ I nsGlla[ion Wes[em Bypass Bridge OverMUrtieL Qeek Total Cost Total Revenue Grantl Total Cost $ 5525/ 458 $ 98 998,822 GrantlTOtalRevenue $]9214,896 $ 55399,462 30 �. _�_ I CITYOFTEMECZ7LA Proposed Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2012-2016 COMPARISON BETWEEN PROJECTED REVENUE AND COSTS Total Project Cost To 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Future Years Cost Complete Funds Available 1,438,000 8,761,369 28,761,369 28,761,369 2,462,295 777,376 667,358 5,054,705 795,007 3,300,624 3,082,102 11,575,000 11, 575,000 11,979, 000 11,979,000 11, 979,000 22,074,632 8,577,733 13,127,635 43,780,000 43,780,000 4,452,000 5,400,000 7,824,008 13,224,008 13,224,008 735,649 1,479,000 839,785 310,000 296,500 6,389,000 6,389,000 6,389,000 $ 14,161,369 $ 49,002,289 $ 8,577,733 $ 13,127,635 $ 134,982,377 $ 121,389,129 $ 14,161,369 $ 49,002,289 $ 8,577,733 $ 13,127,635 $ 121,389,129 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 530,000 530,000 530,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 17,220,050 23,543,267 31,597,545 72,360,862 72,360,862 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 10,209,758 10,209,758 10,209,758 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 150,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 150,000 900,000 900,000 3,818,843 3,795,020 3,770,720 11,384,583 11,384,583 15,200 15,200 30,400 30,400 7,071,000 7,071,000 7,071,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 3,575,000 1,768,932 1,768,932 1,768,932 251,098 251,098 251,098 4,860,000 4,860,000 4,860,000 155,000 205,000 205,000 565,000 565,000 270,000 487,000 404,822 744,500 1,906,322 1,906,322 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,570,779 2,570,779 2,570,779 $ 44,874,460 $ 35,485,487 $ 40,618,287 $ 7,965,500 $ 128,943,734 $ 128,943,734 $ 56,919,340 $ 107,495,843 $ 60,534,738 $ 56,559,435 $ 9,456,500 $ 445,222,136 $ 389,964,678 $ 31,383,012 $ 54,646,508 $ 25,173,379 $ 17,736,406 $ 263,553,663 31 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 32 _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF CIRCULATION PROJECTS Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements ........................................35 Butterfield Stage Road Extension ........................................................37 Flashing Beacons and Speed Advisory Signs ......................................39 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements-Phase I .....................................................41 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements-Phase II ....................................................43 Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange ..................45 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) ......................47 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane ..............................................................49 Medians and Parkways-Citywide .........................................................51 Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road.....53 Pavement Rehabilitation Program-Citywide .........................................55 Temecula Parkway Striping Modification from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway ..............................................................................57 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement Program — Citywide ................59 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation ................................61 Traffic Signal Installation — Citywide .....................................................63 Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek .......................................65 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification.......................................................................................67 33 ABBOTT CORPORATION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Circulation Project Location „,. � -. � . � r ; , -:r�. : ?, � � J a < : __ � a ; : ; ����. ^ � �_ .. , . :� �'`` R , k y ► °� �-M�,- PR ^*�a1 ` ,+. � . �� ` e �.�� MA�L "# • ' f I. f;1����. �h �, ,`,. s�� �Q ♦ �� *.�.'',,� _�{ � �{� " I ' � , Z , � G ���� �� _ 4 . �+ � ` ��'� - v � , ,., "-�'r " L � ;, � �� � , f ga � 4 +, � � �� , � � .. � � ! „ � .� �. 4 � +. � � ., �:� , � �., � ��� �� ,#, _ �R�� ` � a� � ' � � �_ � vr" � , � n `, .' F Nq o Q'� �,� � .,_ 4-- FMALL LO�Q � t� ' � � ���NDWOOD C17�' �,;# r QP�iP ✓� GEORG���� � 1:. . �A � .*'" Q�5 o cAR�e� � . Q JpJL BROOK pR '4.� f� ' �2 . �� . � "�-; . � : ,: w� , ` - °,d'� � �r � �� N 0 pR O A � _ Y . . . -- f - y W pYNE � � y �' • __..�.� f„., c '. p 0� . �� � O W i � � � / � � � !� �� �� . M1 �j� , y � " �� � "� � a O � ..��`F��J" � �\_ ��� OJ ... . �I r ' ) . , Q •� LN �� �' plICOLE �' s n �pD DAWNCREST CIR �: �� �=' _ � ' � `' � P`�� ,���,. �.� �. � _ _ , `,` ;��� �. ,. ~ � � � M �a �'� � �� �� sT a � A F �� `- � THOMAS W � m A � �i o� �P�viDq cT � ' .;�, . O -u ' 5 J � � �:� `' • 4 � � ��� r � �-; � � � � � � g ti� °�; •+.., �� � _ � . � � �! i � ' �' � `` 9�� f 1 ,'s , - , ` 1" �`���f 'y� �GT � � � � � �04� ��4� �. ` f �r1 ,�`* r+y�s°� O Q.P'� '��e . � - �..I� r _ � -� . _ a� �.� V C �� �, T ��� . � �- a �$ . /�P ''` P �P `� 'A�� y ` � , , �' n �` ' G Q C�� p `` .. _ �. .• (. � ,r .., \, � ��. ,� � 2 ��� � � V ��`� �: , ��� � OOO p - q /- G �v t � 'A �; ,: , , , y �� 1 ' C�, � , 0 2 � f � g , .� _ ��C 9:\ , k. � t S . _ i ; �.. . 1% _ , ` � ' ,� 4 � �. * � r � � A ��'" f � �" �O�s'� ���, ' '. �� '1 E � _ . �� � S 'S�'� `� ��!fy, � r. �#. ,. ,,.� ` t�C� � M� '� � r.'r L ! k p�G� �° < '� �� � � .�� , s �i �� O � � ' � - � � y� � , i �� � ' ,. ., -° ���� ,p �c� GpR r+ c � �f,P��`4 . � � .. � : ,� o� ��� r � � � Aerial Data - March 2010 Feet ,, ivav �' 0 260 520 1,040 34 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I ABBOTT CORPORATION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Design and constmct roadway improvements to improve traffic circulation on Motor Car Parkway, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, and Solana Way. Benefit: Project will include the improvement of Motor Car Parkway, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, and Solana Way. Proiect Status: This project is estimated to be complete by end of fscal year 2012. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.620 Priori : I PfOjeCt COSt: Actuals Future Tofal toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $10Q000 $ 10Q000 Consiruction $60Q000 $ 60Q000 Design $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 Totals $ - $ 75Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75Q000 Soufce of Funds: A�uals Future Tofal toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $75Q000 $ 75Q000 TofalFunding: $ - $75Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 5,000 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 35 BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION Circulation Project Location � W a Z � Z , RINGS Rp _ �.�i a � � � a i COUNT VIEW RD sf?� ' �-; . CAMINO CIELO �p� � ��} . ` �`� � ,� .. �'4(/GH VALLFY'RD ,n��� W • !' � i �' ro' �� ,�° _ _'� _ �Q'' " - z . , z • � - ' ,�� �r r . LIEFER RD � �,. � _. , -- � , QQ `�� cn .,� �- �y, ` , � _ n N W , ,,�.,.� r � � � �; ^ � . ,� ; C �i N � , � �y . i ' F �� t� .� � y �'� � ��"+:�- �� ;° . #4- i._. � . , j �; iy "��y� O � _ N`cO Lps• �� N � R �N L� � '"� '� � � _ � '' - i � - �� � � *... �,,� , o � • � sr. . : -� � � :; �'�'y w . .i� � � ��+ ,k' � ��� �� � �< ' � � � "�� �- --- � _ -- _ � f � Q � + �`` i �,� i,� U N "� �< p.�l �" ±► SOUTH LOOP RD P� sc,``G ' f' � � . "' � � v � F CALLE CHAPOSW � _-- __ P�F� � � � ! � � �' � 0` ��`r fin �� * �.- � ,t-. �� '� - A � � � � i � _ } � � '� * `�� +�" � � '. � '� _� _ ���. ~ Is :� � _�, ' r-c ..1�/ �,��..�. ; FN ''�� ���`r�, �- • i' � ,.-r s�, �„ . F , F�� <N \� r �. 3�l' o J qp �� � r � . ; �� � W O,� , : � �� a � r O y�C> I'_ VISTA DEL MONT�� _ ' yqRO` � CT -. Y �GOZq L N N N ��� F - � F c ycr �� NO N `�., - � � -�-� �;-`�= R -- � � , � �� � ��, + 2 0 _ tl � . t� F��� `'� � '�',��-� � r � �.. : �� o e� ` " � +' R `�," � ��� �-"-�� � �� � " �f � � � � � � � CFy � .� �,� � � ��� y ,� � _'� '"�`' �Z - . T FN �'y.-'� �`„ Y d ��� � �� .. ��� 9 2 � R 3 Q � _."�' ° D '''"���� -���"^�� - � � � - C � � VALO N�DP :� � � � _�-��"=�-� .. PN�VEAC� p CrNE �EUZ�NST ; D 4:� -�� ��-=„ -'. � Rp v ANE CT 1- � LA SERENA WY c ti � H � y�4 J D;, � IG � �, �'tit ± On r._ "r ._: _ ��G G . � Feet '°,,µ ,98, ,;� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 375 �eo 1,500 36 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Complete design and construction of four lanes on Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road to Murrieta Hot Springs Road, four lanes on Murrieta Hot Spnngs Road from Buttefield Stage Road to the City limits, and two lanes on Calle Chapos from Butterfeld Stage Road to Walcott Road, totaling approximately 32 miles. Benefit: Project will improve traffc circulation by providing a much needed north and south arterial road in the eastem side ofthe City. Proiect Status: This project is estimated to be complete in fuNre years. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.723 Prioritv: I Actuals Future Total Project PfOjed CO5t: to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ Adminisimtion $ 416,474 $ 45Q256 $ 525,750 $ 10Q000 $ 1,492,460 AcquisAion $ 15,006,728 $ 5Q000 $ 2,001,552 $ 17,058,080 Consimction* $ 25,481 $ 1Q175,808 $12,484,790 $ 92Q459 $ 25,604,558 Consimction Engineering $ 8,875 $ 175,562 $ 175,565 $ 56Q000 Design $ 298,508 $ 108,896 $ 52,500 $ 459,904 EnHronmental $ 4Q000 $ 20Q000 $ 24Q000 Totals $ 15,756,066 $ 1Q998,502 $15,459,955 $ 1,02Q459 $ - $ - $ - $ 45,214,982 Actuals Future Total Project SOUfCe Of FUndS: to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ CFD (ROnpeugh Rench) $14,518,066 $ 1Q824,694 $15,459,955 $ 1,02Q459 $ 41,605,174 Reimbursement/ Other(SheeHOmes) $ 175,808 $ 175,808 NMF $ 1,458,000 $ 1,458,000 Total Funding: $ 15,756,066 $ 1Q99$502 $15,459,955 $ 1,02Q459 $ - $ - $ - $ 45,214,982 Future Operation 8 MalMenanCe CO5t5: 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $ 18,000 $ 18,560 $ 18,727 $ 19,102 *Consiruction Nnding is kr Phase I in 2011-12 and Phase II in 2012-15 Note: Assumes ihat only minor ngM-otway acquisitions would be necessary and ihat all major nght-otway dedications are wluntary. 3] FLASHING BEACONS AND SPEED ADVISORY SIGNS Circulation Project Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� 38 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I FLASHING BEACONS AND SPEED ADVISORY SIGNS Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Install flashing beacons and speed advisory signs at new and existing school sites, including solar powered panels, chargeable battenes, and programmable timers to advise motorists of the school zone and residential speed limits. Benefit: Will improve traffic safety at the school zones and in neighborhoods. Proiect Status: Two school locations have been identifed for flashing beacons and installation of LED speed limit display signs by end of fiscal year 2013. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.670 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 6,000 Consiruction $ 31,557 $ 23,336 $ 16,000 $ 7Q893 Design $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 6,000 Tofals $ 31,557 $ 31,336 $ 2Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 82,893 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(TrafficSgnals) $ 31,557 $ 31,336 $ 2Q000 $ 82,893 TofalFunding: $ 31,557 $ 31,336 $ 2Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 82,893 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 $ 1,610 $ 1,061 39 FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE I Circulation Project Location , ..� �, d � ,... �, _ . _ � . ._ -= � �� - ��� �. �.' L } r �� � � r . �_+� �O �O �`l z� �a � ._ '0< � .� � , � � �Mo�� ,�. ���- �. i ` . l�� OOG��' �.3',.� 9� O � ��� �� ' ,�'� - `,y� � ` v �'��� ,�;�:.: �pQ' � - ` F '�i e ' • . 5 p' ,, y � � . "� ,� � . �,.� � '� !� �"'� .. � � ; `� ', '�� �! r. r A� ���G� +� �,'�� i r � , � � a� �'��, _ _ � •�' � i fb"�'.� � �. . �C� Q P� �� e .� � Y � � - '� -:�. �� � � .��' � . �/ ��+ , Q � -.. � E �� F ��� �r ; �.f � �R � ` ''4 ` ,� ,, , t ` " �� � � s� � ,�r: ;1 '_�r, -.. �s.s � e: �� � 1 "'. 'k�'' � � r � . �� � ���� � x �� '� � � �' 0 - .r',�{ftar Y�. ,. _ `� ' .�- � oQ , . � N . � �x �r : � ;•.� .. : , a y -� 'a °,�', ;, � � - .� � �j� � ; f O � ��. . �� � ��� � � � � ^�''' �/�':: '� V � � `' ' �, a �V��� � r�+� �� � �x.�,�, �.y �ix�' .i �-%�vM►:-� n: � �3'�'<�' „� P � Q . .b+ ` �� ,� _ � �� � 4 ��' G � � � ,� � _ , F� �,', " O J � � =+� P J P ��G �:; .r<' � � , � `. G `,�., �:+x`, . �.;`"„� �G�' '�'+�; � �.�" �� � ,�. a, � ' + ' - _ :,H . � i -/ 1 � �' �t��' ���[[[ � P a . � k , . � , � � l �•� V �'�' � f f �p. rr' : �'" ✓ O�' �� ',� f+.� �} , � f ' �' P •� F Co �i � ' * � .�,� � A� `� �, :� • �. � x �" , Q` �'S'S �. y a ' ; �,, ,�� � ' O�� �J � Y .:. . _ �,� y+ �� F 2: G :� , � .. tYf� � � � ��'� ° � � �' F ��� i � Q�P z ��� .� � '° ',� �p ,� - 4-�` '`" � g ,s"� - ��*. ,�� k . � ` h .. � � � � �!' w �� y ,� "' *'� � � "� � °� - :�' ya�r � � ���, .� �. "' �� , �, ,� �` !!'� 9 8 ; �a �� v i _ „ . . z _. , . ,. • -- , - . .. _ - ,� ,. � � ,. , • � ` = 1 � * ',, � _ .� � �� `� �` � '�. � � 19l � � f � . �' ,�,: .� •4 q� �,. `+i;`• _�:a � ./ ` . � .� % r' �F ' � ` r r �. x � � � ��� { * � ' t ' � S i �"r"• '�'� ' � � aa��y, °" � - ' � t �� �, � '�_� - ` t �:� ' � jyir� • r � . � _�' 7� � -, W � . �u. t �k ' � _ ��'� , �r ��� - � y� : �s � -- �r� 4 . � :- �- � C' �� ��� �� � # �, �;: i � �5 'P "� xs y � a w �` �� ,y0 a' ` �` c . `""� ` ,, i. �� � ,�� � . � 4 .9 . "�F � �� � � �•,. .��u. l' � y ~ f _ . ` p_�_. . ,� � A' - � �. . y � .,�'�' � � { �p iErtiF�. �^� � . �3' � � Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 o zeo eoo �,000 40 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSWG AND INTERCHANGEIMPROVEMENTS-PHASEI Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will include the design, right-of-way acquisition, utiliry relocation, and construction activities to portions of the French Valley Parkway and Interstate-15 over-crossing and interchange. The project will add a new southbound off-ramp from Interstate-15 to French Valley Parkway, constmct the northem half of French Valley Parkway from the off-ramp to Jefferson Avenue, widen the existing southbound off-ramp from Interstate-15 to Winchester, and constmct a new auxiliary lane belween French Valley Parkway and the Winchester Road southbound off-ramp. O[her feaNres include permanent and temporary retaining walls, erosion control and irngation, and a new traffc signal and roadway improvements at the intersection of French Valley Parkway and Jefferson Avenue. Project requires oversight by Caltrans and coordination with the City of Murneta. Benefit: Project will improve traffc circulation by providing another southbound off-ramp from Interstate-15 and add a lane to the Interstate-15 southbound off-ramp to Winchester. Proiect Status: The plans, specifcations, and estimates, are expected to be complete during fiscal year 2012. Construction is expected to be complete bythe end offiscal year 2013. Deoartment: Public Works-Account No. 210.165.719 Prioritv: I Actuals FuWre TMaI Project Project Cost: � pa�e 201142 2012-13 201344 201445 201546 Vears Co4 Atlministration $ 353,949 $ 21Q389 $ 200,000 $25,000 $ ]89,338 Acquisition $2,256,952 $ 1,]04,666 $ 3,961,618 Caltrans O�ersight $ - Construction $1$200,000 $ 8,855,000 $2]p55,000 Engineering $ 2,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 3,000,000 Design $1,382,]96 $ 618,303 $ 2,031,099 Entimnmental $ 15,000 $ 35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $]0,000 $ 190,000 MSHCP $ 245,000 $ 245,000 Totals $ 3,993,69] $23,023,358 $10,090,000 $60,000 $35,000 $]0,000 $ - $3],2]2p55 Source of Funds: Anuais FuWre TMaI Project to Date 201142 2012-13 201344 201445 201546 Vears Co4 Capital Pmject Reserves $ 160,830 $60,000 $35,000 $]0,000 $ 325,830 DIF (SYreet Irrprwemwa) $ 444,203 $ 444,2IXi Measure A-LOCaI StreetantlROatl $ 9]],181 $ ]24,369 $ 1,16],801 $ 2,869,351 Reimbursementl0[her (NbrriebLandWna[ion) $ 1,631,631 $ 1,631,631 TUMF(CETAP/RCrC)�� $20,OOQ000 $ 8,�61,369 $28,�61,3� TUMF(RCr�]m $2462295 $ 2462295 TUMF(VVRWG)� $ 110,018 $ ��,358 $ T/],3�6 TotalFUntling: $3,993,69] $23,023,358 $10,090,000 $60,000 $35,000 $]0,000 $ - $3],2]2p55 Future Operation & Maintenance Costs: zott-tz zotata zota-ta zotat5 zot5-ts $15,000 $15,300 $15,606 (1J TUNF (CETAWRCr(,] - Funding �us pursuant ro tl�e RCrCAgreerrznt No. 11-]&0036001n tl�e amount of $20,000,000 ro date. �z� run� �RCrq - w�amg ��s p��s�a��m me Rcrcng��m�� No. os�z oaaoo ro� a romi or �s sn,000 �$s ��s,00aROwa�a $z,000,00a �a9. A,�ei���$�,saz,00aROwa�a8zae7eo-�ae-seeaisoA,�eu. (3J TUNF (WRW GJ - Zone funding Is pursuantto WRWG Agreerrznt No. OSSW-T9vF1064 for a robl of $�I,O]8,000 ($1 165,000.5&EJ - See a6o Rtase II. 41 FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II Circulation Project Location ,� ,� - - -- - .- = v � � - . � �� . Y .� ; ,� ��Q- 'P �° `' p �� � vIP �,`' � m 0 2 � c� ��� ` �c� � � �� P e ��P�� �ti'9G , ��[P F OR D R � ' � i� O Q, �r � ���:-� � C��� � � ��- I O Q A�Y ,�•j•� !�' � M�J - . „ �;:�. ����� Q � p � � o � 'o � �a� , -. . �# Rf�� �p ,y�' ti y Q � '��; � , �pQ'G�Q- �;` P ���� �'Ql�F DA K PP�� 5 p� G � �Q� Tp � �N ` yOi� ,�Q`�� �'', _ � �� �y . c�i '' �c ��, r . 'P � . Q(/j�.yD �, �' � �. R r . �� � ,�,��, F;r �.�. �? �-� ,, ;��- � ,��Y. , � „ �„ � � ` + -� .S. � W - � r M,'-, ��, '� O�� Q� �? `p e .� �' � . , F c�� P �?• • � :,. �" , � �'� `> �;_ � � .L 2 . �' �`� x * '"�� Q,J .� �,��, . ` � +�-� .� �,: .F . : . , _ , .� ' � , � � , ..� j � �"� � - � • ;� . ,.,. �� 1 � ,� ,� � �'� } Gp `� ? � :+ � ,'� i '� . , ' � t � `^ �*+��'' .J' ',�,� ' � �G� , ; , �' _�. - * d { � . . s � � �'� �' , .� � � � G P 0 O �p • � � ss � ��`'�` �'s•"Ff�`• �'�x _ . , t�G N s* �'+M-� � y` � - .� �� a ,� O .:.'� , � ,p � - , .. � 2 }�, � f � .� � ,�"' ,r� ��� G p� � � ;' * �'��\ � � � <..�'! � - �GP �'Q �`('`� i �`� R ' .� � ' k .. Q�` `S' � �� �- � -9L °-r��` �.. �; , - •,, . ° �' i�,� �P � F ��. �' . - � � .� .�S + . . . , a ~ c } `` . F 1 � ������j � `�.E � ��� � e'�-. � � �� ' � f °� . t4 _ ., . � �.'F !.�' 3 �� �S � � �. �! -:� - �'14� _ - �� � , �� �� - � F � ',. ��. I � � � ������; . �'• ;.3� ,* r � � ��. �r� � � `$ �� �: �. � , �. � �' > � . � , � e � e � : �� �� �� ����� � * s _ . .. ; .. - �57 � ���� - •K:' 74. �� �T..,�� '�} �7� - , A� � � � i � ` � f�=. Y ,�a �[ ` �'��. �� .:,�.. �'� 7xt� � ` �[�'�..p;:�„fi� . ��� � � .{ � � � ���: . � r ,^ ,,�� . , ��,�°� �� R � 94 M1` { �� p 4. �T� ��'. . . , . - - ; r �l.. . �,{ { �p iErtiF�. ��� '" � Feet ' � 0 250 500 1,000 ,, , ' Aerial Data - March 2010 42 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSWG AND INTERCHANGEIMPROVEMENTS-PHASEII Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will consist of designing and constructing a bridge over-crossing over Interstate-15 from Jefferson Avenue to Ynez Road, including curb and gutters, pavement, sidewalks, and newtraffc signals. Benefit: Project will address and improve traffc circulation in the Ciry's northem area by providing a full service interchange from Interstate-15 with on and off ramps in both directions. Proiect Status: The Environmental Document and the Project Report have been approved by Califomia De- partment of Transportation (Caltrans). The new Connection Report was approved by the Federal Highway Ad- ministration (FHWA). This project is estimated to be complete in fuNre years when funding is available. Department: Public Works-Account No. 210.165.726 Priori : I Actuals Futuro Total Project PfOj¢C[COS[: poOate 20'I'I-02 ZI'12-03 20'13-09 20'19-05 20'15-06 Vears Cost Adminis[a[ion $ 1,122593 $ 239,169 $238,000 $ 238,000 $ 238,000 $ 238,000 $ 2313]62 Acquisi[ion $ 9,039�4W $ 3,000,000 $ S,W3,682 $ 1]]13,1]9 Cal[ans OversigM1[ $ 5,800,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 5]00,000 $ 1] 300,000 �ns[mc[ion $39p50,000 $39p50,000 $39p25,180 $11],125,180 Engineenng $ - Design $3,350,608 $12�45$109 $ 15,802]i] Emmm�men[al $ - Fiz[ures/FUMEquip $ - ns[alla[ion $ - MSHCP $ 2350,000 $ 2350,000 Totals $ 1351$698 $15,6912]8 $238,000 $53,111,682 $45,088,000 $44963,180 $ - $1]$604,838 SOOfC¢ Of FOfItlS: Actuals Futuro Total Project to Oate 20'I'I-02 ZI'12-03 20'13-09 20'19-05 20'15-06 Vears Cost Capi[al Pmjec[ Reserves $ 31]364 $ 239,169 $238,000 $ 238,000 $ 238,000 $ 238,000 $ 1508533 CFD (Harves[on) $ 1,005,840 $ 1,005,840 DIF(PUbIICFacll�les) $ ]5360 $ ]5360 Fedeal HlgM1way Adminis[a[ion $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Measure Alo�l SYree[andROad $1,62]914 $ 1,62]914 Reimbursemen[s/O[M1er (Lantl�onatlon) $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 SAFETFAIU $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 STIPAUgmen[a[ion�� $12]29,000 $ 12]29,000 NMF (RCTC)� $ 4 259,698 $ ]95,00] $ Sp54 ]OS NMF(NRCOO)m $ 218522 $3,08$102 $ 330q624 NMF (NRCOO)�� $11 S/5,000 $ 11 S/5,000 NMF (NRCOp)� $11 9]9,000 $ 11 9]9,000 NMF(NRCOO)� $2$0]4,632 $85/],]33 $13,19,635 $ 43]80,000 Unspeafiedm $1]220p50 $23543,2W $315W,SA5 $ ]2360,862 TotalFUntling: $1351$698 $15,6912]8 $238,000 $53,111,682 $45,088,000 $44963,180 $ - $1]$604,838 Future Operation & MBlfl[¢fIOfIC¢ COS[5: p0'I'I-02 ZI'12-03 20'13-09 20'19-05 20'15-06 $ 15,000 ti) erwn�gma�r eo� is aapa�aa�e�po� ma emm�s aounv m oo�a mro-ar.�porr eo� r��as. (2) TOMF (RCTC)- Faglonal funtling Is purzuarR t� RCTCAgreemen[NO. OG]204P00 fo�a bbl of $] ] ($5 $2 Beealso Riase I. (3) TOMF (WRCOO)- TOMFZOne funtling 45 purzuarR t� WRCOOAgreemen[NO.OSBWTEVF10fi4 fo�fo�VN tu[alling $4 ($1,165 Beealso Riase I. (4) TOMF (WRCOO)- TOMFZOne Funtling pmgrzmmetl In BW Zone TIPfo� Po&Efo�$B antl PHE-0fo�$2 (5) TOMF (WRCOO)- TOMFZOne Funtling 45 ellglble fo� constructlon of VNncM1esta�lnfa¢M1ange purzuan[t� ]1109 Neeus. (� TOMF (WRCOO)- TOMFZOne Funtling Is ellglble fo� co�structlon of FrencM1 Valley IrRe¢M1ange purzuarR t� 2009 Nexus. Q) PmJeR canno[ be mnstrucfatl untll a funtling sou¢e 45 ItlenOf letl. 43 INTERSTATE-15 / HIGHWAY 79 SOUTH ULTIMATE INTERCHANGE Circulation Project Location . .� y � . .. � �, R ' 4 f � ; . � _ . . * _. . '��'. � � � � � tl � �1 � � }��'� "�.,' -y . ��� � �' SANTIAG� RD �� q � ► " •�'� � .'gR � ry ,. . { � � : , �� . ..�'�� . 4 � 57 � ( {� � 1 5 : � i q [ � � i .�+ i*. ��' � "{ ��'.� � , 7 e � . 'R 7�_�, � d ;�' <- . . . . . �� 1 y t"_ v � 5 f _ P .,�" Y � { � � � 4 1 � � �� � � ��V •� �'Y p � `� .!• ' Yi � . r � � I � . ��'��: — ��. t����� ` o- " �' � _ `� 5 '�'� '�'� ; ;�! �� " �'h�:;� 1• � t �i �'� ,�`''� �. 4 � r t, �: � ati�; 1 ��� , ""'' .�. v ��''� � �.. �� l� !�. y�,�. � 4 : .OX,� ;,� ' � ,�, � � � ''Q r ' t f S � " i� O 1 . ` �',. '� . � F .� t,7• - �"..�- . ., - y f 4 J � �/ � � y , ' 4 ', � ' � w �& . '�.; � � � 2 �' �"��'�+R� f . ~ ..�� � __pp � tl '� � ,� y' " � _ � L � � 4 , �• . 'A q ,,, - _.�� ,, r � , . Q� �°� � ~ . � �E .�i1YT � , � , _ �: F�. O +`� Y - " ` 6 J ! �' ��� 'rv..�z r �� �" � l�i. � `S1 i 2 y �` � �, � �. ` � O �V � �� -:.M1.�. � � '� � � 1, � t ,s . t r £ ' �� ' � + w' .�. �� � - � ` . ,.e < � Y ' �� �' -" . `��� � _ � � '� �1 : .�i'�'•,� �� 1 '4 � �:. � '� � � ' � . ,'� , , � � ; , � �: ,, � •� � � - � , ,. �� �. � . _. ... _ .. . � . � � � �� � � s,� , � �" '�.. L + '� , .' ' ` � � 1 ' � ,, � � �,� ` ''� . �' ' •:� O .� � � . �iE.� � � *,��� 4 '�` �`�'" P '``�,� '�. � '� � �� ��-11,� '� ' . �'t -,`r�',y .�' : � tih / � p " � y� p 3• i y � ss i ���"�`�r'�.�'� �„ , Ss t � a "`� M' ��� ' , _ ;� � +� �� ��� a�t . "� a- ` .� • , �-�� � �. `�� �� - , ; a � � � { ._�� �E , ; � � -�, �,� � �,� �;• : ' � � �!�a- ! ���, K ^� ,a"" . `'f � � -��� 4 :`� �� � � � • � � �� � � y � �` Fi � F �'(� ��� ; � �> r , a �,o,� '`�,� F � ��. � Y Y �I � �� r " WRi . . � ` _�. � 4 { M1 � ' � M F;;� � � 4 �� P P �� �'4A , '� �. �*. . _ � • ir � � '� �``` � N�ADR � � , y �, ye � . ,� � � ,� � ����,P .k. �' ��p i �� . . ��; ' b ^? y � .. . - � � �� � � ,;� _ p ,; �" y ,. � R �,� ���.� �. ' �� � rA' bJ�(�I .. . � �4�+}�: �..� . , � � � � . .- _ � �: i l ~`�� �.. �}�i�-s .j .�� � 4 � �, '�?� � - i�� .� - ' f � . .��'�. / �'' Y { �PIEn'lF�. ��`e `�� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 250 500 1,000 44 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I INTERSTATE-15 / STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH ULTIMATE INTERCHANGE Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Right-of-way acquisition, design, and construction of a ramp system that will improve access to Interstate-15 from Temecula Parkway/State Route 79 South to accommodate traffc generated by future development of the City's General Plan land use and regional traffic volume increases forecasted for the year 2025. This project is needed because projected traffic volume increases currently exceeds the capaciry of the existing interchange improvements constructed by Riverside Counry Transportation Department. Benefit: Project will improve circulation, freeway access, and level of service at the Interstate-15 and Temecula Parkway/State Route 79 South intersection. Proiect Status: The plans, specifcations, and estimates package are wrrently being prepared for review by California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This project is estimated to be complete by fscal year 2014 when funding is available. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.662 Priori : I Actuals Future Total Project PfOJ¢C[ COSt �o Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Vears Cost Administrztion $ 252,11] $165,000 $ 125,000 $ 200,000 $ ]42,11] Acquisition $ ],413992 $ 50,000 $ ],463,992 Constmction $ 104,088 $10540,191 $15]]4,008 $26,41$28] Constmction Engineenng $ 915,000 $ 1,850,000 $ 2]65,000 Design $ 2]09,412 $291,]90 $ 3,001202 MSHCP $ 830500 $ 83Q500 Totals $10,4]9,609 $506,]90 $12,410,691 $1],824,008 $ - $ - $ - $41221,098 Actuals Future Total Project SOUfC¢ Of FUfItlS: �o Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Vears Cost CFD(aowneHOp $ 502211 $ 502,211 Reimbursement/Other (MOrganHUp $ 1,190582 $ 1,19Q582 SAFETEA-LU $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 SenateBill621 $ 4334,816 $506]90 $ 5,410,691 $ 4,000,000 $14252,29] TUMF�pciacEinP�a� $ 4,452,000 $ 4,452,000 TUMF�pciaaegion)� $ 5,400,000 $ 5,400,000 TUMF�pciaaegion)� $ ],824,008 $ ],824,008 Unspecified�^� $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 TotalFUntling: $ 10,4]9,609 $506]90 $12,410,691 $1],824,008 $ - $ - $ - $41221,098 Fu[ure Opere[ion & Main[enanceCOS[s: po��-�2 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $ 6,000 $ 6,120 $ 6242 $ 636] (i) NMF (RCTGCETA�- FLntling 6 pursuantt� RCTCAgreemerR No. 11-�2-041-00 ($5�400�000 t� tla@) (2) NMF (RCTGReglon)- FLntling 6 pursuarR t� RCTCAgreemerR No. OG�2-506 ($4/l52�000) (3) NMF (RCTGReglon)- Supplemwbl iuntling w III p�wltle tl�e requlretl atltlM1lonal iuntls basetl on recelvetl construNOn bltls. (4) P JeR cannotbe mnstruc@tl untll a Nntling soume Is ItlwtlFletl. 45 MAIN STREET BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK (REPLACEMENT) Circulation Project Location - � ,. � ��._ . �.,� . } � �. ,�. ; �- � ��,� � � .�� F'� �`�� � � �'�:� ,, ��,� �. ��. � 4. , . _; .� �.�;�, ` ; ���. �-� �� � -1 r `�' � ��� � ` " �'� � d , ��a€� � . R . � � r� � J� ��,� � �� r , '� '.{ � ' � � n , L 1 � ' � ! � ` � �� � r � �� .�.�� - . y �' 1 �..', � �ii. E � � ■ '' �. •/d - - i � y ��. .'; ? .�. , p � `! f � f f1 ` ��• � � � e • � s� F v . � , y • * � y �... F # _ a. �' :;" •�d `'.��' �'� �� , C `� � ��; r • �t�i"� . . 4 �. e � � w . . { � !�` � � J�� � f#. �!. •� + �w ; .�7 / � , M � , _ . � � �, �'� � - . . ', C,��. � t , ' 1 ��i;� j�, �' '�� , � r � 't y f - Y � - J ,;) � * I ' r. ,�. ?,, r �'u i, •` d` ` � 7' � � �.� �" �>' � 3 / � '��� _ � � �� , J r Y �� ,� � d ; � � '� , ��`` �°�'. f � ��- ,�,'t! r �t � �� , 1 '�, • � _ �j� t'! - i . , �.�� ��� - g . � f r . • �u � - � � ;� � �f �^ • ` r',� , � i � �e' {{,,:, _ ��,�,� ��w � -��,.' ,`� . . -. � `r . _,� ' 4 r � . ``' � . , rP • � � �� • � . a �- �* � .�� � L� r � � .�yw ,'_.��� -"�« ..,P� � ` � t '� 9� � � �*� P �, 4r ��. ��� .. � .•�,, � * � � 'r'i r ` '� �" s -� `��, r { �� ��r A� � ��� . r � _ S. , •.' �� � , � . .f- ; � r � ;5.�> - P ,�a� = �' ,� ;� r ►".. �� t� �*� � e�` �: + , , , �,. �+� r . �,. ' � , �� . � � . r { � � 5 �`'�'� \, - _ 4 _ _ �.^ �.. �4 , � _ Y �, Y� _ �� ' • . . . . . r � t .f„�, . c.._ - .. R � y _ � � �� � } . _ s�7� - :, �� �� K � • � • �/ � ' . . ' - ���y{ � .(.Yi , j � . ,���. � � _ ,� � � ' 1 ,,,� �j�� � �, - ..,.+ �� � � ' - �" � �� Y � � � f� � , _: � � �",� . - �► � * - '. �� � "� � � Y �� �r � ' � � _.� ' � �A" . �` � . '�,'f y ° . � � � � � � } ; � , _ ; • rt . � r , _� � � :, _� � ��',� � ' ,�,�, � `�,`;@�'�'." ''w , `� �,�,'� ;,z_� �,'_ t , C� .� ?�� . , y� � � � � - � ��r : '' '' '� .���: .�' .� � -`,� _ - ' r , , � ' � • �, e+R�� ., '4 ��' . :.. �.r°' . . '� t� '}�� , � q, +� - - e ..;. ` .� F � � �� � � � _� � � �� �' . � �'' L" fi �..., ,�� f , �• . . _ < ' • . . ,. .� �' '�. . . ' .�. � . � _ , � 'i ;� �_ � n-. .�`�' `4�, .�. 1 � '. " �� ���,}.�_. _ If+ ,u' . ., y � - � ` , .. ��,., � `t , o r � � � � � Feet ''°� `"' `` Aerial Data - March 2010 0 60 120 240 ,� 1989 46 � I CITYOFTF.�YIECULA MAIN STREET BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK (REPLACEMENT) Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Design and construct a new bndge and approach roadways which meet wrrent safery standards and compatibility with the City's circulation element and the planned Murrieta Creek Improvement ProjecL The new bndge would meet the United States Army Corps of Engineer's (USACE) Creek Improvement Project needs and the cost would count toward Ciry contribution to the USACE Project. Project includes removal of the existing bridge, pavement, wrb and gutter, sidewalk and stortn drain facilities, and environmental studies and mitigation. Benefit: Project will improve traffic safety and circulation. Proiect Status: The design to replace the existing bridge is complete and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is wrrently reviewing the Environment DocumenL The project is expected to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2012. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.743 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt COSt: �hials Future Total to Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years Project Cost Adminisiretion $253,408 $ 225,265 $ 478,673 Consiruction $6,10Q000 $ Q10Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ 15Q510 $ 15Q510 Design $652,763 $ 51,375 $ 704,138 MSHCP $ 11,267 $ 293,733 $ 305,000 Totals $ 917,438 $6,82Q883 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,73Q321 Soufce of Funds: �dals Future Total to Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years Project Cost Capital Project Reserves $ 41,729 $ 41,729 DIF (Street Irrproverrent�) $W5,709 $ 57Q373 $1,446,082 HBP $6,25Q510 $ 6,25Q510 Total Funding: $ 917,438 $6,82Q883 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,73Q321 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1Q000 $ 1Q200 $ 1Q404 $ 1Q612 $ 1Q824 4� MEADOWS PARKWAY BIKE LANE Circulation Project Location � . . � - c r,�� �, .,�" •; _� ¢ , -� ` � �' " � R M'�NO r�. J � , �, +���' ,� �. �.�, � � � ��l.� . ��� ��. �� � , _ � -- 4 R 'i. �� � y � i - I G p � � '��� . ,� 4 : . pARF � '� �* � r- j� RR� C � ,,,�, � ' ., ' G ^ CORTE BACP` � ,: � ... I h . . . .. f .� ,�'v � a ' . ,,� Y '� k �� � A< il � At �� 4 � ` `� .{i N D O �ux r„ � ' � �� � �� '�,,,.,� . 'E � � r "w ;_, BpRD � � G P ' S � c�` � �� . � �, � � �� '. � ,� � ' ::_-� y�o� � _ s .� , H � pR `�. �,. � , �`: a <w � �� _ pA � . . , _ - ' � ,,, p, � ti � .;. . . . � �. .. ..' .. �-� � � ` .r # : , ,K -' Y y � 3 � � ,� - `� � � GUA�A DR 3 �, p�� � � � ,A rn , € r � `"�. � i. 2 � P .�� *' � � ,�' « � a � �� . ��O .� ��: N r � GP � _ .. �. GLICK ,�� �; -_ � CT , � �' G OF' � ' "� q� r � Ct � O� G t� ",�. - {° � � �` � � � - �. � - ` N CKE DR G� 9 ,- CJ� - � p +a - � ; �_ � m' n 1� � �'� P �,P a+ " � � ' �' � � , ' / � �R' ' ' y:l C' �� �' � ... ai f � , f �r "'�,..� � :c � �' �\� � . S � ,i , . �� l � � ti � ���' f:.. : �� J 1. �Y i '� : � `♦ :l ` + - � p � '� .. � � -"�a�.�, .���r� - 'a�ti :� ...w� � ' � r . : �$ � � '/r� '_� � „ � ��-� � '1 ��•'4.. �'q, � :(�j.� f � r � . �;� ,' h_ �� x . j��'�, � . . a � .� y � q , . . . - . . • . . . , ' ,� � o; � ' v' �•. _ ' �� ^. } `T rl i d�d.. -�. �' ! � ' -°s° � - . . . � . 1 , �l i ('� � �., ,* � p � ' � s . � � , D ' y .. � � �.� �.� �;�, 'r i � ti #�'I�y a � -+�� � � . � � '" =` }^-�.;> � ��--1„�,,�`.> . + ,��� �s _ -� l'y� I � ' ' rt 0 ,�{ i ' -- Z �i , !a �� � ` .�i "F f^ _ `n � r �_ � : -� �'� , NIEADOWS DR �; _=�r� ' d�"j�!!� »�'� .,'� - ' SUNNY •�S. `�ws. �� � _ ,� `� a t °-� 4 FL �,�'��P� MGGPB�� ���. , � � �� ; � -`'� �,�'- CAMPODR .` +�, P P� �- e G — < �. �, � r����.,uf f�NC,\P �. — ' �� � " � �� • �, j "�� 'y - � ��� �� '` `' C '� O �- ._ � + ' ! G P � ` � p � A ; , . ,. _� � � r i� , D ' i . .. ' � � . c : , � ` �tn 9 G � A ['`� onsA CT ° . �� � �� ��� �. � Feet ivav � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 125 zeo eoo 48 _,,, I CITYOFTEMECUI�I MEADOWS PARKWAY BIKE LANE Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Design and constmct a six-foot widened section of Meadows Parkway to the west, between McCabe Drive and Pauba Road, to accommodate a Class II (on the street) bicycle lane for southbound bicyclists. The project includes pavement, wrb and gutter, utility adjustment or relocation, lwelve-foot meandering sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, striping, and signage. Benefit: The project will improve safery and provide an opportuniry for non-motorized travel. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Public Works Prioritv: III PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 65,880 $ 65,880 Consiruction $15Q000 $ 15Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ iQ500 $ iQ500 Design $ 4Q000 $ 4Q000 Tofals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 266,380 $ - $ 266,380 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost AB 2766 $266,380 $ 266,380 TofalFunding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $266,380 $ - $ 266,380 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 500 49 MEDIANS AND PARKWAYS - CITYWIDE Circulation Project Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� 50 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I MEDIANS AND PARKWAYS—CITYWIDE Proiect Description: Pursuant to the Conditions ofApproval, the project will complete the missing portions of the raised landscaped median island on Rancho Califomia Road between Moraga Road to Lyndie Lane, and Ynez Road from Tierra Vista Road to Rancho California Road. Benefit: Project will improve traffc circulation by eliminating potential conflicts between left turn movements and through traffc on circulation element streets with classifcation of major arterial and higher. Proiect Status: This project is expected to be complete in future years when funding is available. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.622 Prioritv: II PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Consiruction $134,589 $226,459 $75Q000 $ 1,111,048 Tofals $ 134,589 $226,459 $ - $75Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,111,048 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (NHdians) $ 11,048 $ 11,048 DIF (Street Irrpmvertent�) $123,541 $226,459 $ 35Q000 Unspecified* $75Q000 $ 75Q000 Tofal Funding: $134,589 $226,459 $ - $75Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,111,048 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 $ 1,040 *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is identified. 51 MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AND OVERLAND DRIVE EXTENSION TO DIAZ ROAD Circulation Project Location � .�. a. �.-;� ., 'S .� ,' � � } , ry , � � . �° # �OQ' t �, �°.. '4 rG. �� Q � . � . A '� �(� ��� � - �` � `� � 4 . � � � U � } y 9 9. R R 1 � � ¢ G �. . = ,� . � �, . , 5Q' -' ' �''��V ,. � �z`� � � -• ` • ' � � . d:.rr �r �Q� 9 �, �1. l � ! � J � 4 $ '�� � • F �..'. } 1�, � tI , �!f � +� �.t� 3T � � v �i �°� �' '�+"�„' �:.i .n� � , ��� *f ` �c �}M � �'t ' �� k ..Ik � .,� � r " . . .. - � ��" � i �p � � ' ;�' � � ' '� � -. a . . k 3: �~ �� �, . �` �� � 4 t� , `� g� �.;'�� ti F �,. � �� ��G��` �` ' �s�`_ ,u xF� � � - � #� �1 �•' � , 9. �' �� . �ti� � }' � .� � _ � . �.�; ^�,, '+� ,_ . '.�. +. '.� -.. � � y � �� f� `+. , �� ° �.��' ,� � �� _ � � � � � h ''� . . � ��• � �C/� �'� � �� ��4 � 6 � �`��` z� ��- R ' ° Ri s Q���� J ���' P � o �` ��� _� ; >,j'� F � : � , `�''� � � "� � � h� � ' �� rl A { ��. : �s�` y m M 4 h � r �F { � . 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'�. �' "�+. � �, � PC�`� O � a- ,° � �' s � ; Q � P� 4 '' J� �JP .� `��� � .' �Q.Q' 4 � s��►*,� � .� � P �. {,`M: +' � � . . h ` O 5 � � � �'� ��1 .� ' : � �"'�4�, a � � ° �. * � P , � i� `, � ,��. � s.. +�, n° � � �� � :'�' . 4 �� � �' �{ � � �� Q�.� � f�' _,�'�. , � °` =. � � ,, S � 'P oP � f � �e �� ;;� . * �C O ♦ � ' _ � �' 'G _ � °��" � � � `� �,�" �; � o� PG` �� �� k,: �� x v�� _ � J�P � `�� : . ,.. ? : , �� . �� • � � � � - � . ,, ,� �. . . _ �' ., ,� ..,� ; :� -� ..�- �,r >� �� �,,.,. ,F,,� Feet �°��`' � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 250 500 1,000 1989 52 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AND OVERLAND DRIVE EXTENSION TO DIAZ ROAD Proiect Description: Design and construct a new bndge crossing over Murrieta Creek between Rancho California Road and Winchester Road. Project will include studying suitable locations for a new crossing, environmental studies, mitigation, acquisition of nght-of-way, new road improvements belween Murrieta Creek and Commerce Center Drive, and installation of a newtraffc signals at Overland Drive intersections with Diaz Road, Enterprise Circle West, and Commerce Center Drive. Benefit: Project will improve traffic circulation and access to Ovedand Drive freeway over-crossing. Proiect Status: The design for the extension of Overland Drive from Commerce Center Dnve is complete. The City is working on the right-of-way acquisition. This project is estimated to be complete in future years when funding is available. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.602 Priori : I Actuals Future Total Project PfOjeCtCO5t toDate 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ Adminisimtion $155,610 $ 12Q000 $ 852,600 $ 1,128,210 Acquisition $ 49,901 $4,587,957 $ 4,657,858 Consimction $1Q751,650 $ 1Q751,650 Consimction Engineering $ 985,600 $ 985,600 Design $541,960 $ 85,000 $ 626,960 Environmental $ 20Q000 $ 6Q000 $ 26Q000 MSHCP $ 557,600 $ 557,600 Totals $747,471 $4,907,997 $ - $15,272,450 $ - $ - $ - $ 18,927,858 Actuals Future Total Project SOUfCe Of FUndS: to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ Capital Project Reserves $215,600 $ 215,600 DIF (Street Irrpmverrent�) $555,871 $4,907,957 $ 5,062,692 $ 8,504,500 Unspecified* $1Q209,758 $ 1Q209,758 TotalFunding: $747,471 $4,907,957 $ - $15,272,450 $ - $ - $ - $18,927,858 Future Operetion & MaintenanCe CO5t5: p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 $ 1,040 *Project cannot be consiructed until a Nnding source is identified. 53 �. I CITYOFTEMECUI�I PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM—CITYWIDE Ci�culation Project Anticipated Year StreetLocation ofConstruction FundingSource Marganta Road - Phase 1 2011-12 Measure A (Rancho Califomia Road to Avenida Barca) Winchester Road 2011-12 Measure A (Ronpaugh Road to Nicolas Road) Ynez Road 2011-12 Measure A and Capital (Winchester Road to Solana Way) Projects Reservzs Rancho Califomia Road 2011-12 Measure A (JeHerson Avenue to Ynez Road) WinchesterRoad 2012-13 CapitalProject II (JeHerson Avenue to Ynez Road) Reserves Marganta Road - Phase 2 2012-13 Capital Projects (Avenida Barca to Moraga Road) Reserves Marganta Road - Phase 3 2012-13 Capital Projects (Moraga Road to Solana Way Reserves Rancho Vista Road 2013-14 Measure A (Marganta Road to Paseo Goleta) To Be Detertnined 2013-14 Unspecified � To Be Detertnined 2014-15 Measure A/ Unspecified To Be Detertnined 2015-i6 Measure A/ Unspecified 54 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM—CITYWIDE Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will include the environmental pmcessing, design, constmction of pavement rehabilitation, and reconstruction of major streets as recommended in the Pavement Management System. Benefit: Project will improve pavement conditions so that the transportation needs of the publiq business industry, and government can be met. Proiect Status: This project is ongoing. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.655 Prioritv: I Actuals Future Total Project PfOjed CO5t: to Dare 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ Adminisimtion $ 49,076 $ 509,606 $ 16Q000 $ 16Q000 $ 16Q000 $ 16Q000 $ 998,682 Consimction $8,951,000 $4,57Q000 $4,57Q000 $4,57Q000 $4,57Q000 $27,211,000 Consimction Engineenng $ 98,645 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 298,645 Design $194,941 $ 168,897 $ 25Q000 $ 25Q000 $ 25Q000 $ 25Q000 $ 1,285,858 Totals $ 244,017 $9,508,148 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $ - $29,792,165 Actuals Future Total Project SOUfCe Of FUndS: to Dare 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Cos[ CapAal Project Reserves $ 826,126 $5,01Q000 $ 5,856,126 MeasureA $244,017 $8,682,022 $ 1,191,157 $ 1,214,980 $ 1,259,280 $ 12,571,456 Unspecified* $ 5,818,845 $ 5,795,020 $ 5,77Q720 $ 11,584,585 TotalFunding: $ 244,017 $9,508,148 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $5,01Q000 $ - $29,792,165 Future Operetion 8 MalntenanCe CO5t5: p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 *Project cannot be consiructed until a Nnding source is identihd. 55 TEMECULA PARKWAY STRIPING MODIFICATION FROM INTERSTATE-15 TO PECHANGA PARKWAY Circulation Project Location * ' � � � aw•. s�► `' , � �t-" ,-,. � - s , � . -...._ � r � t � c ���y � ' �T •. � w 'r .}�"�,�_ ' . � � ' � s' O� 'V�! � , ,'k'� r . �` � �,� �" ��- � .� �� � �''"°� �` ` s'� � � ;'� �"� ��; -� � - �' ° y - `�"� �` °�; :� �_�" t ``;�. �'Pi W, ,� . ,�, _ , �+t� � '�R, �- �' , ` << y '+1� - '�' .�_ .�r.� � ���' _ ..' .� ,. . � � �.5� �.. _F + �f^ v F,. .., O � �� � r�. s + � - - , � l Y � ' "_ .f�" ���pp•���,,y� � . :� ° { '•� �' � RJ- t �F. �. d '� . ]...�. :. ■ �5 �'"'� � "��b F 'f i � � �.L ,* T � �� � � � . . � � �.r OOQ q' . x�. 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' q : ?"� , ,.:� � _ A . : �. � 4 ; � � � #F �' � �.'B� ,�Ti f�' �: •�YY � ��� �f'." � iA . e � ' n . �, �, �'.� � � ...� �� . .�� -. � �' � . �"� � a. �G E. r �'' �, O . . y �.•r, �� c +�� � ` i' Z } � �, ° � ��• � � '� * �'� �` * � `;� , `�� �, �' � ��i� � t �i � a �' � `� � � � , � ,� � �" � c� � � � �:. � �;;. �, �. � � ' , ����, { �p iErtiF�. ��� '�� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 250 500 1,000 56 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I TEMECULA PARKWAY STRIPING MODIFICATION FROM INTERSTATE-15 TO PECHANGA PARKWAY Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will restnpe Temecula Parkway from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway. Project will include removing the existing stnping and restriping it to accommodate eight lanes of through traffic—four in each direction. The wrrent width of this area will accommodate the new striping and no widening ofthe existing road is necessary. Benefit. The restnping will increase traffc circulation. Proiect Status: The design for this project will be revisited upon completion of the I-15/SR-79S Ultimate Interchange Project. It is estimated to be complete in future years. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.676 Priori : III P�ojec[ Cos[: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Atlminisiretion $ 33,457 $ 73,956 $ 107,413 Consiruction $165,000 $ 165,000 Consiruction Engineenng $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Design $ 30,489 $ 7,142 $ 37,631 Tofals $ 63,946 $ - $ - $251,098 $ - $ - $ - $ 315,044 Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 DIF (Sireet Improsemenis) $ 63,946 $ 63,946 Unspecifietl' $251,098 $ 251,098 Tofal Funtling: $ 63,946 $ - $ - $251,098 $ - $ - $ - $ 315,044 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,500 $ 1,530 $ 1,561 'Project cannot be consiructetl until a funtling source is itlentifietl. 5] TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM -CITYWIDE Circulation Project Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� 58 -� I CITYOFTEMECUI�I TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM — CITYWIDE Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will include the replacement and upgrade of existing traffc signal equipment, including battery back-up systems, LED traffic signal indications, traffc signal controller cabinets, safery street lighting, illuminated street name signs, and traffic signal controllers. Benefit Enhances traffc safery and supports the long-term maintenance and rehabilitation of Ciry assets and infrastmcture. Proiect Status: This project is ongoing. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165. Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $15Q000 $20Q000 $20Q000 $ 70Q000 Tofals $ - $ BQ000 $ BQ000 $155,000 $205,000 $205,000 $ - $ 725,000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(TrafficSgnals) $ BQ000 $ BQ000 $ 16Q000 Unspecifed* $155,000 $205,000 $205,000 $ 565,000 TofalFunding: $ - $ BQ000 $ BQ000 $155,000 $205,000 $205,000 $ - $ 725,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $� 1,000 $ 1,000 $� 1,000 $ 1,000 $� 1,000 'Projecicannotbe consiructed until a funding source is identified. 59 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Circulation Project Location � ° ' . LWKS G� � _ __ HON���P�V __-_-- -._ SP�" Q � � s ' �P GP J,� F �� ��G��P GORTES� y = 5.+ P �� .'^- - CRYSTA►-A�RE�RE�p'NG����Pp�����tP CORTEMON�IEL ,�" O�� � y Q�' �'CP CORTE _t�G� � •�: �� GoRT pNZP Cp G��'( ��p, TUNAS �`�' � ��l`,. M �, ; ' y �'AL�.E P'RAG�N P�'`�`PM .1��A,9 ��G CO ` �� � ,.`., ���Q' CN � RROYO ��� AG � p � s �� ' 1 �' �� G��� A $ �� �`� ��' � �c �' '9 � "*�, 1 �� � c�RTE ALAMAR �.�� ,��: ; � c{ ,�6, '+�;� c7 °� � k , � ��HERN CRN r �`" ��' ' G p 5 5P '�O V � g'(A � D ' �„�- ,`, �I 1 � �ES�� �� `. SO �,� �G ��,,, . ,.� 'CE , T� � �"` ��, � � SP/Gp' �}2RA �C � r � ` Cf �R �p� .f,. � � r �:w'� �' #� �� � + � L M��NT1D� C T °�. - : � � � ;,� � � ��� a,_., � -9 `� �,��� -' �n ' � � � . �w ,��, . �� � qMA �, � �y. .,�.: ��w� - �y�,�,� �`�� pLA ����� ��pg� �?' �yE ESPINO �< � , P �O ��Fs�M cf��� Q Q,� ` ,�Q,� GP C� q If� , ��;, �0 �E� �� �p Q ¢ i � � AVqLI F �� QP G C� g C� �, Hq � ;,.� x � ' �-:� G Q.� W Q Q ' . �.,`��. o . . � .�,�. z � 2 ' � � �'', � ��� � Q Q � � 21 � Q� O ���Q�. � r"�.x — J F U � O � W C " �P c,� o q "�"' "�' �� t� � z a� c � � e RERA � , ` a w � a ��'�,,�� o �� �`� �", �> � �?�'�. ��-� �t �; �� �1�f�� PR �,�QPOLLENSA �'r�-� , � � ` t�,Q - �`'C Q ' � � � O �tE PR1EG� O N�5�0 O Q � ''' � p�.� Q p C� ��+ v �P �. Q � ��� � <� �, ' �� RTE � � � � � � V ' ,`Q' GpEL � � ' RZA � ��� c qt �e N� � � � � ' - - � �`' �.��P g � �"'�� N ?�?� '9 �'�• p Q c �2 � - �,*, � � 5r 'a co�E�� � " � Q : � o � �� �VALO o CA�.� `��jq IO - H '- � , * . .: , , =o ?�� P � 9 0 � p , TqF � � _, ,. ;; Z LOLITA RD � � - �' � � 'P q<< � Q - x - � o ,�-' S �:', ��� �'S R-9L c� �Sq� AoQ ;�° �•� P A 9 !i C� � '�'"�. �,.j,-- .E, el` �,`�`� �'c-� <<F '�'�, Q,�` -'.� _.� ; 2 'br:`�� '� �Slw�"� .�a° !� ��'�� RF ��NDEV" ��" . �^� ._�� I � �fl ' ` A.�.. � . J �;:. J�.�. a��. s � s ��'� PESCP�� k `� ' �� � 6 A �� �� - ' � �a�� �� � �. � �� � ` _ W � ::� �,';� r � �� f �. ^ �h ��-�, ^��� Feet '= 0 500 1, 000 2, 000 , Aerial Data - March 2010 60 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will consist of installing traffic signal interconnect conduit and cable on various roadways to connect additional signals and complete missing links. Benefit: Project will improve circulation by connecting several existing and future signals to the existing traffic operations centerwhich will allowfor remote monitoring and trouble shooting. Proiect Status: The frst phase to install the traffc signal interconnect equipment is complete. Additional funding is required to complete this project. Department: Public Works Prioritv: III PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 43,695 $ iQ000 $ 53,695 Consiruction $228,714 $375,000 $ 603,714 Design $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Tofals $ 272,409 $ - $ - $40Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 672,409 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(TrafficSgnals) $272,409 $ 272,409 Unspecifed* $40Q000 $ 40Q000 TofalFunding: $272,409 $ - $ - $40Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 672,409 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 'Projecicannotbe consiructed until a funding source is identified. 61 �. I CITYOFTEMECUI�I TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION—qTYWIDE Ci�culation Project Cost To Sianal Location Complete Year Funding Source Rancho California Road at Promenade Chardonnay $ 295,000 2011-12 DIF (Trafic) Rancho California Road at Tee Dn�e $ 295,000 2012-13 DIF (Trafic) Vail Ranch Parkway at Tehachapi Pass $ 27Q000 201&14 Unspecified Rancho Vista Road at A�enida de la Reina $ 27Q000 201415 Unspecified Meadows Parkway at Pauba Road $ 217,000 201415 Unspecified Meadows Parkway at De Portola Road $ 242,500 201Si6 DIF (Trafic) Unspecified Butterfield Stage Road at Rancho Vista Road $ 26Q000 201Si6 Unspecified Unspecified (Reirrourse Meadows Parkway at Campanula Way (West) $ 242,500 201G17 �veioper) De Portola Road at Campanula Way $ 26Q000 201G17 Unspecified Unspecified (Reirrourse Meadows Parkway at Leena Way $ 242,000 2017-18 �veioper) $ 2, 594, 000 Fiscal Year 2011-12 $ 295,000 Fiscal Year 2012-13 $ 295,000 Fiscal Year 201314 $ 270,000 Fiscal Year 201415 $ 487,000 FiscalYear201Si6 $ 502,500 FiscalYear201G17 $ 502,500 Fiscal Year 2017-18 $ 242,000 TOTAL $ 2,594,000 s2 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION—qTYWIDE Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will include the design, constmction, and installation of traffic signals at various locations throughout the City including, traffic upgrades on Winchester Road, Temecula Parkway, and Redhawk annexation area. Benefit: ProjectwillimprovetrafficsafetyandcirculationthroughouttheCity. Proiect Status: The design ofthe traffic signals scheduled for the first year of funding is neady complete. Construction will follow. The traffc signals scheduled to be installed at other intersections will be designed and constructed on the scheduled fscal year. Department: Public Works Prioritv: I PfOjeCtCoSt: �tuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 30Q000 Consiruction $225,000 $225,000 $20Q000 $417,000 $432,500 $674,500 $ 2,174,000 Design $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 12Q000 Totals $ - $ 295,000 $295,000 $27Q000 $4W,000 $502,500 $744,500 $ 2,594,000 Soufce of Funds: �tuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(Treffiosignels) $295,000 $295,000 $ 97,678 $ 687,678 Unspecified* $27Q000 $4W,000 $404,822 $744,500 $ 1,90Q322 Total Funding: $ - $295,000 $295,000 $27Q000 $4W,000 $502,500 $744,500 $ 2,594,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 6,000 $ Q000 $ 8,000 *Project cannot be consiructed uMil a funding source is identifed. 63 WESTERN BYPASS BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK Circulation Project Location ` _ ��.-� ., -� �� a '� '' -ar. �' U: � , . � �� y f. � t � , - ' •, � � t � n?��� # � , '�.- � � �� ` '�e Y,y" �+„ ' ,� ^ � � r : �� ��� � f� � � � $ t a M1 i � �` �. . '� ��"� y. � . '� e `�` � 4 r^ � �, � �` � �. a fc � �� ;�' �•{`��. 4!�'��t� I k��� .'�^ � �� b � t" . �S '.�5��1 ' �� �� ~ � �� . �,'� .. � . _ :� � x �M "-t. � � �. �` •t Y' � ,y, � � _ - Q �.fi,� � z +�= t �F, ��€ �y�4' h. . �}..� �d r � t F . �G 6 � { � y{ 4�v *e. � . _ � , � �' ` � # Y � Y �� 4 � r' A. �� � . " _ ' a {. b�� ����.a -.,. � . . . � ' `+� . ' 1.. �. { `�' K � _:� �� � � .! F r v ' �, �E !q � �� � { � ` ��ti �. - "` ..� � � � '. 44 . . �ii� G ' r z, �, ar' . �►: � O ii���� ` O `, .� , � °"��.. � i ( r � f � r7M1 Q . 44 � �+ �.�.�� _ ..� 'i l �� - �L . 4 s ..,� '�. �. �. � . .. ,� , ,�y y' � ' '. {, . A � r` �� A . .!�'*-. �' Q -�.' . . . � , � ,_ . � . �_' , i _ _ . . _ � �� '` -� ` � i,.�. � . i � �} �' rF _ N .� ! , . ,� �'� €' � :6 i '� � .. $� g . � t �;` - +°,��.� .�j,' ��d . . .:�� . i � �; . �. . � - ..,: 1 ��.yti�. }� 1 ...� �,, � � � : - ' ' . �; @� � ,� c ` � � t.�' _ :•r , � .. ; . : � _. t � ?l :�� '� S� . v _ - , � ���, .� . . � ..�� .. " _Y ; WESTERN BYPqSS ` � ,,, e � � � �' _ �� _�'�- � :,�" :�, �'. : ��� � �;�+�. � � "� ; '� �. ',� = �: "} � — .�'°"`,`� '�_''di. iX: "° .}� �y .s s , � � s 5, �. . � z t . - . r _ $il �,�� ..-�-�: .. � � 3 .., ! � � � � C��. � � t . �. '; ' p � •�, k � ",�: �'. r, '. � ° ,�� ' ; . .:� �". _ �� r �, �4' # Z,. _:��� ` *S '" , `��._%a , . r� �� � i:v ��.1 '. . - , � ' n t '� S � I''' �� ,�Y�; - � �i E. ":.� ..•�. i' �.+ ,:� � �,� i. .. .� 1 ` r L - �. ��� �-.�� �: �9�. �- � � p �,S i. q ;� � �� � t � � �, � �# !� ; �� y'� y . - . � T �� ;, . ..V� _ ��. .�F�.A, 1 •'T. ` i�i I ^� �h G IF �Y tl' Feet '� " Aerial Data - March 2010 0 125 zeo eoo 1964 +n..n��.�vr�'� 64 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I WESTERN BYPASS BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: Project will constmct a new bridge over Murneta Creek at the future Western Bypass corndor and Temecula Parkway. It will include fnalizing and updating the existing bridge design, constructing the new bridge and approach roadways, wrb and gutters, sidewalks, stortn drain facilities, environmental studies and mitigation. Completed project will tie the southem leg of the future Western Bypass corridor and will meet the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Murneta Creek Improvement Project needs. Benefit: Project will improve traffic safety and circulation. Proiect Status: The design and environmental studies and mitigation are almost complete. Constmction is contingent upon the Developer's participation and the appropriation ofthe required additional funds. Department: Public Works-Account No. 210.165.660 Prioritv: II Actuals FuWre Tofal Project P�ojec[ Cos[: � Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Vears Co4 Atlminisimtion $186,042 $ 43,991 $ 259,200 $ 489,233 Acquisition $ 13,500 $296,500 $ 310,000 Consiruction $8,570,582 $ 8,570,582 Consiruction Engineenng $ 257,117 $ 257,117 Design $615,257 $104,136 $ 5,000 $ 724,393 EnNronmental $ 175,000 $ 175,000 MSHCP $ 428,529 $ 428,529 Tofals $814.799 $444.627 $ - $9.695.428 $ - $ - $ - $ 10.954.854 Actuals FuWre Tofal Project Sou�ce of Funds: � Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Vears Co4 Capital Project Reserves $162,084 $ 43,991 $ 206,075 TUMF(VeRC�G7�� $639,215 $104,136 $ 735,649 $ 1,479,000 TUMF(VeRC�G7m $ 13,500 $296,500 $ 310,000 TUMF(VeRC�G7�� $6,389,000 $ 6,389,000 Unspecifietl�� $2,570,779 $ 2,570,779 Tofal Funtling: $ 814,799 $444,627 $ - $ 9,695,428 $ - $ - $ - $ 10,954,854 Fu[ure Opere[ion & Maln[enanCe COS[5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 10,000 $ 10,200 $ 10,404 (1) IUMF Zone funtling is pursuant to WRCOG AgreemeM OSSW-lEM-1063 for $1,479,000($431,14� PA&ED;$1,047,860 PS&� (2) IUMF Zone funtling is pursuant to WRCOG AgreemeM OSSW-lEM for $310,000 ROW (3) IUMF Zone funtling is eligible for consiruction per 2009 Nexus. (4) Project cannM be consiructetl until a funtling source is itlentifietl 65 WINCHESTER ROAD / HIGHWAY 79 NORTH CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION Circulation Project Location --_- •- `:; , �,>r. f " . - fd� - . � ,,�� ., ,� ,�;, . `��]k ,a. �'�1`4 r° t� '-. � .. ''�• �-' �, ♦ 'YI �F f � y,, �_ �{� N �,�� . '� �" y. '�h;, �, � �/ � A � 's �C.� S f �F �f � '�' �� f . Q'� . � �'�y ��, f � `�X''. � .. ' s � t � � .� j.. � ��. � � , ' � rr . { �� ,�, � t � 1 ,'��' '�p � � � .��.�dF' d � f A !,� � Y + M � .� � � ., �,* �„N. , S�,P I` ; ��. , � .. "' ,�, �.� �� � � . ,, r '` : kA i tiS y. � ' ,� ,. �I �k'' � � r� � . �r � w • �+ � � � ♦ :s !1 �u e ? „3/ 1 ��,� � ��, �.� r -. `�;:�, . : * f i � s ; ' R� � �'�,� '� � �� �� � ' �. �� F ,�� � F � ✓ ! �' � /,t . � •' � � , � t7 �' ad ) 9 � �� ' L � ,.,' � / � . ��r 1 � 't�.� �� .: "�°�' � � / . � : � `'4, . '�'�'�',�+r ��5,. . ��5. •� �r'� .i� . - �'� � . 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'w °"` + � . ` w, r $ '� . �... : � � � '�- y �y k� � _ . � � `ki�:9�' . . _ _ _ � i �'• . 1� o, _ d . ..l� : IG��+, � ` �'.�f _ . . A '1 +J�y .. . � .. ° . . . - . ��. . ._. . . -, t : _ ` r .— . .� : - .._' i ` �y 2ev� ���: Feet � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 380 760 1,520 ,� 1989 66 � I CITYOFTEMECUI�I WINCHESTER ROAD / HIGHWAY 79 NORTH CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION Ci�culation Project Proiect Description: This beautification project is from Interstate-15 at Ynez Road to the City limits south of Willows Avenue and includes improving the existing raised concrete median along Wnchester Road / Highway 79 North with landscaping, hardscape, irrigation, architecNral embellishments, and the extension of th e left turn pockets. Benefit: Project will enhance the corridor by replacing existing median paving with drought tolerant landscaping. Proiect Status: This project is wrrently under construction and is estimated to be complete during fscal year2012. Deoartment: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.638 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: �hials Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 407,386 $ 75,000 $ 482,386 Consiruction $1,052,105 $295,884 $ 1,347,989 Consiruction Engineering $ 42,203 $ 23,790 $ 65,993 Design $ 222,W3 $ 222,873 Tofals $ 1,724,567 $394,674 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,119,241 Soufce of Funds: �dals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Resenes $ 39,800 $ 75,000 $ 114,800 CFD (RUripeugh Ranoh) $1,202,310 $ 1,202,340 Reimbursement/Other (PorforrrenoeBOntl) $219,720 $ 219,720 TE $ 482,427 $ 99,954 $ 582,381 Tofal Funding: $ 1,724,567 $394,674 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,119,241 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 8,000 $ 8,160 $ 8,323 $ 8,490 $ 8,659 6� ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 sa _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS City Facilities Rehabilitation .................................................................71 Citywide Storm Drain Improvements ....................................................73 Community Recreation Center (CRC) Energy Management andRetrofit ..........................................................................................75 Conference Center Improvements .......................................................77 Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade ..............................................79 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site .......................................................81 History Museum Expansion .................................................................83 Library Parking Lot Expansion .............................................................85 Medians and Ornamental Pedestrian Barriers-Citywide .......................87 Murrieta Creek Improvements ..............................................................89 Old Town Gymnasium ..........................................................................91 Old Town Public Art .............................................................................93 Open Space Acquisition Program ........................................................95 Pechanga Parkway Environmental Mitigation ......................................97 Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System ......................................99 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian / Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect ..................................................................................101 Teen/Young Adult Center .....................................................................103 Temecula City Entry Monumentation ...................................................105 Temecula Park and Ride ......................................................................107 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) ..................................109 se CITY FACILITIES REHABILITATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� ,o � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA qTY FAqLITIES REHABILITATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Project will facilitate rehabilitation projects at City owned and operated facilities such as the Mary Phillips Senior Center, the Children's Museum, the Ronald Reagan Communiry Recreation Center and Pool, the Temecula Communiry Center, the Temecula Elementary School Swimming Pool, the Temecula History Museum, the Field Operations Center, City Hall, and the Civic Center, etc. Benefit: Minimize emergency repair costs, prolong service life of facilities, and upgrade aging facility components. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Public Works Pn I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 375,000 Consiruction $375,000 $375,000 $375,000 $375,000 $375,000 $ 1,875,000 Design $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 25Q000 Tofals $ - $ 50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $ - $ 2,50Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $50Q000 $50Q000 $ 1,OOQ000 Unspecified* $50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $ 1,50Q000 Tofal Funding: $ - $ 50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $50Q000 $ - $ 2,50Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is identified. �1 CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� ,2 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design and constmct storm drain improvements on several streets that flood dunng each storm event, including Rancho California Road at Vincent Moraga Drive, and Calle Fiesta, as well as othervarious locations in future years. Benefit: Project will improve safery and circulation while maintaining the integnry of the streets dunng inclement weather. Proiect Status: This project is ongoing. Department: Public Works /Temecula Communiry Services Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 98,944 $ 48,500 $ 147,444 Consiruction $289,186 $174,010 $ 463,196 Consiruction Engineenng $ 4,525 $ 7,475 $ 12,000 Design $ 5,408 $ 8,584 $ 13,992 MSHCP $ 18,500 $ 18,500 Tofals $ 398,063 $257,069 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 655,132 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $398,063 $257,069 $ 655,132 TofalFunding: $ 398,063 $257,069 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 655,132 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,500 $ 2,550 $ 2,601 $ 2,653 $ 2,706 ]3 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER (CRC) ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND RETROFIT Infrastructure / Other Projects Location � �,s J' � �_.? .�'�- 4 .� _.. . . . . �� 7i• ' '� . . ..: �. ,� - . � '_ + � � OPO �. , `��` r � . ��"'"�_ +�� _ � '�.,:�r � .� , � ��� .' „r _ _ "`�� '(HERN CROSS RD ,, . v � � N ,� P V • �� ` . .,. , . ,� '� 6? 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' `~� a ^'� '� �+��, : � r { 1� i ' x � i � t � r � �. , �;, ' �� � k.. . .�'�.- ��, s �S �, t �- Y'_ -. �p, �_. •.. �� O S; � .,. - ��� r _ . 4 ! .' t y,. ''S �h � �J � + �� � '�.� 1 � ; �� y > ` �� Feet b, „ ",���' Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �so soo soo 74 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER (CRC) ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND RETROFIT Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Project will replace outdated heating and ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) systems with high efficiency HVAC systems, install window tinting on the west, east, and south windows which are not shaded, and replace existing light fxtures in gymnasium with more effcient TSHO and TB fixNres. Benefit: Project will reduce overall electricity usage by 15°k. In addition, the project will replace i6-year old HVAC equipment which will lower overall maintenance cost. Proiect Status: This project is estimated to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2012. Department: Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.152 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 36,558 $ 36,558 Consiruction $273,018 $ 273,018 Design $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Tofals $ - $ 314,576 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 344,576 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost EECBG $344,576 $ 344,576 TofalFunding: $ - $314,576 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 344,576 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,000 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 �5 CONFERENCE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Location �'w, . 4� a. ., ! ��"` , , . r � c r - � ' " ` ;� ` � � ���� � � � � , � ���.` '� � �. R . � �. * �° �Z. , ; I � � ,� , �� '- ' ,, y . ` "ti ' `;' `� -` ��- ' t4 f _ . �r�#,$ ♦ ''` � 4 `�S� � r° �� 1 _ °R. � . - � � � � .�� r . �„ �i + _ `a .� . ���e� � �� � �� ` ` 4 �,. �*, ` � ,� �:� � ;, � - � - � � S �'� � J�' C`2` ' � � ., J , � ~'a � -, � `'� � � ,;��� " ����' " �� � `. �� �C,-. �`t � �'* �_ � . , �� � ��•, � �.'� � ��� ,- � � �'`�9 _° , �. f ,`� �e� � � � � 't . , ~ ` � � � - �. � , ,. �'�c� � �` .� � � # iy � A ;�� v ,'*. - ��. -� � � ,� . i � ;� �� , � d ',�. �"�a.-� '� � � X� ��i . . � 7 y � '\. � 4' . - . �. ,� � . � r ��, ` , e�� . . � . . r • � � �� ; � `�_ ��.+. � � �` � �" F � ' , ` �' �. ��� �� � ,{ �c � . �, � :. �' �� . �� � `�o I ,� � t _ . , `�s �'� �: �� +� °� s�. � +� ,� � * ' _ �. i � - � ] T� �� k �� { � . � � y �� �•� �::. _ . .. ° � _ �"� i � . . � $� . f y, � ..�• } r � r - . . , . � � . . .yf ��G.� y�T" � �—�� �.9 � f/ � . . 1 � � • f'!- }y, _ � � �+�} d f � { "' v+ A � r �. �_' �,�`v." . r sa � �� ��{ i . ��_ } f, a �J f� , 4 f , � �� y . y� _� . � �., �;�� �..� � 5. � _ .r�� . _ � '-:,,�� �� ��- � �.: F +� �, � � �/ _ " ,`.� � �. : � R ? 4 �C1�` � ,� . �„� � *� �, +�/€ . � - ' ' � �� . . �, ��;. t {�•� � # ' . 1 `�� ,� � .. � - � � / �; b t"' - .. �, J {. 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'� ' R�' �� �� .. 1�a, c• G { �p iErtiF�. ��'� �1� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 o s2.s �25 250 76 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA CONFERENCE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: This project will constmct interior improvements to the 4,300 square foot space wr- rently located on the second floor of the parking stmcture. The improvement will include storage, four classroomsftraining rooms, and a lobby. The facilitywill be an extension ofthe Conference Center. Benefit: Project will provide additional conference room space. Proiect Status: This project is estimated to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2014. Department: Temecula Community Services—Account No. Priori : II PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 15,000 $ 43,000 $ 58,000 Consiruction $579,000 $ 579,000 Consiruction Engineenng $ - Design $ 72,000 $ 72,000 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 4Q000 $ 4Q000 Tofals $ - $ - $ 87,000 $662,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 749,000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (CSporate Faalioes) $ 87,000 $662,000 $ 749,000 TofalFunding: $ - $ - $ 87,000 $662,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 749,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,200 $� 1,224 $ 1,248 �� FIRE STATION 73 LIVING QUARTERS UPGRADE Infrastructure / Other Projects Location v 4 � -�:_�_= i -� � ' ��#�'.° �� �: #y ��• � �'�- ., ; � , � , ,. ��� ii: �` . .. . � .� �� - -',�,� -�,� +� , � , ,� �r� � ;. ))J � r .� . �fr'� � a� / �� '- / ,� � �5 � - • I � r � ,_ �4 . _'\. �.` � \'� . � f r0 � � �r J ' F ��- ` � 4 , y �� G`� �� ,p � � r , �S - �� �, QQ- � _ �, F�,�� � � �:. ��� ��::::� ,f� y ' � .t� �;} ��,`* �� � `,�► r�' � ' � � 1 f �_ � J., . L � � �' 4 ��p-� .� ,�. 4 ��� ' { " � �,' �,, ��;. �, �y ,� "` � �, ' / 1: V� •,�-:�-� 1; ,��, �•,� �f � , . ',"" � . ��� !. • � .4 ..,� . '1 �� .. "i"M1: ���. 'C' �� �� ,.j . �"�►+� .����� - ��' .=�r.� }�.. ,_ - o =�` sa„�; . � - � z.� � c � �' �,-� � � �� � O�?9 r 4 -� . �C` , � 't. w �� 'f� '`.�L . _ ,-,� - �, �� J ',� � �.� �"� � f "'- � � f `` � ��'F r �, .'� -. �.,� ,;,_, �' �Q' :. +�` '� � �., ; � �-,�. ,. F p c�` � %1 +�� �� .} ���� ` � J � �. �,� � # . F�� � -� �SL. , � { 4 � ' �. ,� .'�,g; �".�� �1'� � .. � �. -� �� _ .� y � , s ` °. �� . �F '� - . .-� - . . - ' . � . � �... �/ '' 1,'_ � ,. � 'r � ,� . -r. � � '�:f. •s� � I ��� 9 ,d y ,� . �. _L,� _ �_ . , . f :� ���. � �� . �`' . __ ` . � . . , .. � ,. w f . .. £ �` ,. - y � . .. � � -. �. .� � - .� . .. . . . .. .--. � ' _ � ��� � � . �� � � . l; '�.�� : . : 5 � ���;. ,''-'. � �; �.: , .:. ,� ,. _ °�`+3* � ` � � y , � a . .4� y. (, . o' � � r � .. F ��+i ; < �� � 4 � '{"' . �� �, � � � � y � . q a ' 7� h � ` '�[� `� � ��v � �' �� t . �/� ��' - . . _ � f ' " . ���,�� `'�� .�� ��' � `+i�TJ;� ''#� �4 ' r i \ � � . t j ` � �' 4 _ _ . �,,, °C i' � :- ( � ,. �'�'. �f � � ��,� �'�gr�� ^Y. �-.,�. � x'-:�j t �� c1 �, " ' ��,. � ,� L ,� • * `� c� '`4�..�, +� x ( � �, z ��� �. •, . << � r.� ,� i .� .�pla.� . : .- ��� . ' 7. �"� :'�. . . .. . � � fk '� " �g o- . _ t ;�"t , .. � �,;�� � O�qZ � `� � {� � � •. R'f � �F b w f � . y _� r ,�.. ,T �`b �'�* ����� � � ' . . . �. �. ' ._=n �w2 - ''�� � . . f �a�`� #,� �a� ��� � � %b:� . �. T�,,.;� ' �� .i � � �. r �. � � 0 5:� s �G� ,.� �,. �. •� "° ���...` I +I �:� �? l,;� � at � � �� '� t -` � �. .,,r�°tt` ��, '� �} � , �� �. � . • `�-. 't� � �: p �: t�='- ;� . #; .�, � �t . _ � �: � '� �a �.� +Ir�"'�'' .� � � . J Q'`� s `���-`�� �! � � I I . . �.- . . �� � - '�ri .a. . oe �-�_ �` Feet ``� � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 100 200 400 ivav .� . 7$ � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA FIRE STATION 73 LIVING QUARTERS UPGRADE Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Project will increase living, sleeping, and bathroom space to propedy accommodate the number of staff working and living at the faciliry. Project will be phased as to not interrupt functionaliry of wrrent station. Benefit: Health and safety benefit forthe large number of personnel assigned to Fire Station 73. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started as funding is required to complete this project. Department: Fire Prioritv: III PfOjeCtCoSt: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 3Q000 $ 19Q000 $ 22Q000 Consiruction $ 1,20Q000 $ 1,20Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 Design $12Q000 $ 3Q000 $ 15Q000 Fixtures/Fum/Equip $ iQ000 $ iQ000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 $1,48Q000 $ - $ - $1,63Q000 Soufce of Funds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(Fre) $15Q000 $ 95Q000 $1,10Q000 Unspecified* $ 53Q000 $ 53Q000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 $ 1,48Q000 $ - $ - $ 1,63Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is identified. �9 FIRE STATION RORIPAUGH RANCH SITE Infrastructure / Other Projects Location � ^ � , �� I �_� ' x i .. � . . .. � � . . �.. . '. _" ' � ` _ l i � . � 31 .. �� .� .w�j� . �iR4. T � ��* ,� - r � . � .�, .� _ �_� w ...�. - � r � ♦i�� '� i�. �:�i� . . . . � � _ �F :� �'�ca.; � +y - i i + , , 1�. . � .!I� ' �I �.��`r, . .' .. . � : 4 � � � _:�� � # �� .. • , IF.rM � .�� �, - . .. ;a,p�,'. � a�. -.��i � . �`~` -. - _ � +L � � � ' - � .. � ._ - '� �?�5�.y; � �. � ° r . " � "'e'+�5�. , ; -a�= w e � � "�.,. - s�,�. � x�:�. „��� �,° _ _ I— � _ . . a Z i -- ; �. Q �� � � . r.�. i=+ ... - - - � - V •i � 4 �' a .,-: '- . ...�. �Yen:_. �.' I . � �; � � I ; . � ��� ti . . . "�' -� < �i �.,, � I . �� � A F''� - - _ _ _ �. � -�.«-p� ^ x � . . . - . ; . 4 , � _: . . '� '� .. - �».,._�y i�.� �� '•4 . - .. , . �t f �`'� �� � i"t _ � � '�i�.�" l�l� , ' a' __ -. _# , - CALLE CHAPOS SOUTH LOOP RD _, - y - � �� �' _ � ❑ _ �� ^ �� .� � �` � ', .. f�,'�- -- « � `,� �... � � t., �y, �:: '� 3 • �,f '� r• ;� �c « — V' �'. I � � 4 � � ; F —_ ,. . . . �� ' r � w� .. (n '',r �� t }�� � i � �� Z NDREA CIR � Wr _�� r` :'� �- � W — I -� . w , - R TG �. � �- * � ,� , _. ~ � � � `��` �� � .£.�r ` �`� m ..� . �� a � �� � ''� I +*. - , . , . d.�_._ _ '� $�f�i*{{�` _•`� - ` ��, . . � � . - " M ' ,. • i. . - � "� a '�' 3� r � � � �� - .� _ t # � Y � � � ,� �� ,j�"' y �,, ,� � ' �- � . . . .. �:. � .^t � -s' � ��_♦ �. . " . . � _ � � r Y. �� �.� ..:� e . , V�� �� �.; S f� + � v� . � o D 36 .� t � k �� r +�: , ,. . + y. � �� _ �. � � - �' �+ �,� ��. , � ,, ,. . �-. _, , `. N 4 � i � 7 - - :br �:�� � °' ' � �} � ��;... x `.' . .t r ' � , � , ' �' � � �° .� � .R,... .t. F�.' ' 4 Y� -y e .� !— . �SSa.��. Gi 'r , �i i �. � 5 ''�' , h . r � : � � � ♦rt _F , yy � p � ' x � ! j � r- �j, .y ' i� _ - - s. . - . , , . `�� �,:� Feet ''° �� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 100 200 400 ,� 1989 80 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA FIRE STATION RORIPAUGH RANCH SITE Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Acquisition, design, and constmction of a fire station at the intersection of Buttefield Stage Road and Calle Chapos. Benefit: Project will provide fre protection and enhance response time to the northeast portion ofthe City. Proiect Status: The constmction work has been complete, and work remaining is the installation of the mainline utilities. This project is estimated to be complete in future years when development is complete. Department. Ciry Fire Services / Prioritv: I Riverside County Fire Department—Account No. 210.165.741 P�ojed Cost: Actuals Fumre Total toDare 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years ProjectCos[ Adminlstretlon $ 10,643 $ 61,688 $ 62,231 Constmctlon $3,326,981 $412,826 $3,739,806 Constmction Engineering $ 301,380 $ 18,688 $ 320,068 Deslgn $ 13,686 $ 27,428 $ 41,114 FI#ureslFurnlEquip $ 381,616 $ 73,784 $ 466,400 Totals $ 4,034,306 $684,313 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $4,618,619 Soufce of Funds: Ac[uals Future Total toDare 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years ProjectCos[ CFD(ROnpeughRanch) $1,937,206 $684,313 $2,621,619 Reimbursementl0ther (fdVBrsltlBCOUrnyJ $2,097,100 $2,097,100 TotalFunding: $ 4,034,306 $684,313 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $4,618,619 Future Operetion 8 MalMenanCe CO5t5: p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $1,100,000 $1,122,000 $1,144,440 $1,167,329 $1,190,676 Note'. Annual opereting cost of staffing this station will be proposed when derelopment of the adjacent area is complete. 81 HISTORY MUSEUM EXPANSION Infrastructure / Other Projects Location . � � �f � � ,Yf .. � � y � ' A � `� � �" l � f � - _ F h. � r � � �'� � ',� � }" �.�, �� �t ��,� Ri ''` . '��:, +�� �� I' � �,!'' . y� . � �,. +!' � �' �` � �R :�,, �,� ` � , ,� � � .� '``#`^ ' � � � � �► R �• �. �' l�,' �� . . ;'y 11e `'i '�- �+� �` � _� � F�'' � �' ,,� e•�. _ � � � i �r 5 1 ' � �, . . � �. ' � ' � . �� ' r i� W, . ��_ - 1 ' ' . � • ' �. _ � " ' � .. � ' � �- � �� � �. � ! � � . . � ,y . r :—� T_ � � _ . �' � � � � '� - `' ��, � � i ' � � - '�+_- � � �`� � � � � , � � ,;{ a �� , � �. _ � , ,, . i :t'4� {.- — �` � � ]" � �, y � - r � ,� 1 � {� • •!.- � �� � f �� 4' 'x�* �`r.�"# � �� i '°� �, R w�, p � ° � 4 � �' � � � -. ; ' � � 1 J�j , " L /��.e �� �� -� � 1 � S t' � � O � - ��� 4 � � � 6 � �. ,�� � _ � ,���. •��� � A ����. '' y + � �. _ [ I � ., k ' o . , ,I { � , `� +.'', `,f,r � 1 � � . �.� '' .�j "4 � '�� � _ , _ _� •k � +.�' r. � '. .� ,.,�r' .. °' �,/:, tl ,� . �� � L ` � �� f ' � Y � t � ��� .. � � ��� i � � " � �'` :�.. . " �, l � �, �; �� � t '�� •�r � r # �C.,1 i ���° � . . d f' � � � ,�� f ; � �� F; �� , �i { � � ��. i �r J� '��, - ' �� - � _ �.� ' � . . "i _ �" {` `� _ � <�r�� aey�u � � �tr k� L. � ,� _- s [r�. r t+ � w ,. �, �' -- a � z ° �. � } �� � y � �'�: i � +Y . �-.� -� .�� � �, - - . � � � . *.A < � , � -� f j k �' � � .f . �`�" �, , : ., ,� � � � , f+ r � � r � � � � , � �+ _ � L � ,.= 7�,�,E ., � '["�� � �.,.. � _. _+ r- 4 �Y �'c �.� . i . \ {��� F � � ✓ �. �r � � � 4 � �� '� ��� �� � � 'f C � - ;� ��. � �� �' � O . °+. .��`� �'' . � � , ,� , f ', �` " F iP , r: i � ' ' t � �.{ ;�� - � ` � � ,�.�t �. �, � � t � � r � �� 1 � I . jyA ,� �, � ' � �".�#'�� * at�. • . J�O / ` � '�.l i. 3� , r'` � � �• ;' Ct r �� f �. � r . . ��� . `� ��'�" � 4 �" • , '°`� '�''�� � s,�'' � � � : a� � y �•`�*,�'�'' r=r 5� �.s, '� �� . , �.� o ,, � t .o .• . .,. . �j� �- {/ x : �+ � �'-ti: \, � h , �'y�P J 'A -. f , , . �;*_ � , , ,, - . : - r� - '+�'. F \ � � * . : r � ,� �L ,,� � �. . ' '\ , „'t, �, �' . . �_ , �' yt: e� �`�' . �,� ' � � ' .� : � �,?'; � �+� '� �� . '`��, � .�°:°� � � ° 4 ,� .1*, ��. �§ �y � �� � � � �� ,, �"�, t� �„� , ' , R+ � 4 �, " C � y r� �,,� . �� ` w �� �, � r ,�, 1 _ � f�. E+ � �{� ':� � � ..� � , f1 �. ,rh '� - , 4 4 �� e-. � M � w � *{��# � * i� : ` �, fi, t� .�. �y' h � . 4 z �. , } ,� �'- �,� '►�" � � ,!�'��„ Y a � � �� �' � a �$`� j � �`� # 1s`! �� ,� ��� �,�+'. _ � � '. ' '� ' � ` �� ` -`� �� �' 'r` � j� �'�, � ( j l ' { �p iErtiF�. ��'� �1� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 o so �20 2ao 82 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA HISTORY MUSEUM EXPANSION Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Construct an additional 3,000 square feet of exhibit space to the existing History Museum. Benefit: The proposed space will be used to house extensive local history display and accommodate traveling exhibits. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Temecula Community Services Prioritv: III PfOjeCtCoSt: AcWals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 135,000 $ 135,000 Consiruction $ 965,000 $ 965,000 Design $ 15Q000 $ 15Q000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,25Q000 $ - $ - $ 1,25Q000 SoufceofFunds: AcWals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Unspecifed* $ 1,25Q000 $ 1,25Q000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,25Q000 $ - $ - $ 1,25Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 6,000 $ Q120 *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is ideMified. 83 LIBRARY PARKING LOT EXPANSION Infrastructure / Other Projects Location �� SP/ CA CT � � F!��.� _ * +�� �� � � � x '°�•, � .. E *• � O G t��`' � k� . .. � ' �': � � �' ,r � A.:� ' '�� i�� ���E:' � � `,� P �� Mpo ,. . :���` * " ��, PG ,_, ,�. . , � CT � �p . '�� r � . � k '� . . J 6� � �� � ��.. � � •:.,� 4f�v` r . J� � � :� , r, y ia -,..,,_.,4_ :rr� . ' � `,� ',,� ' . � .,.��/� � �<,.�,� � �� V\S1P` �,,� ' ,.� ftANCH� � . �. � _} �,.� c � — � � 1 � . �, W _' ' . txv� ` ���� � . 4 .� �t� <+� �r... . � � , �' � n ' ti � 4 ��` � , - . . r. '� � ` � � _ ' ` _ � .r � S.',;� �°� ��°�; � � �: . �y � � -.� . . � e r y �'. � � ���� �� i. J c'I�' '^�; � ... �� ?R � �;. *, � � a l.'Y N''.�c. � ,�i . r � ti. 1 ;��� ,{� _�,a�� . J, '� ' 1�� � � _ : 1 ff � '.flu �t . i .. � . . �,. :� � . .'�i� '=�`�.�� � �'• � � � � JY � .F' K 4, � *it i . , ' � M � � .� ,+` w �� �� _ �+, � . . � � t � � . � �� .( . � �'�=��_ . f�1� '� � ' � '� I y�� b lY-�` a -� 4 � '' i s � _ _— __ = - �' `� , - yc d"... + . ' . � �. � �� A s �. � Y � .I, :�� �} �F; � � �'� PPV� � ' A � "� � — - �� p��, 5�+ - I �� � 3 � '�� � � i r ���� � ., � ��, � ; ' __ . _ ° � ` � O � � � . '� :� � 47 Q� �'' Z D �.,,.., �, � � : =' � . : • „ ' � �f r � ." � a i > m � '� i . i ' ' � a � �.' . s` ' ,,�', '�" a r _� �." J D i .'l , i, '�S _. � �RC.� � � `� �� X ���� r � _ � �.� � • t � ��, { . U ��ie�� D �� � � __ � � � , 1 � _ -! �.L .. � I� � �! . � t � _, �� � � �' �5 � ,r,.:1 � � ' 1 � �� � �. �i�F ��`� �11 . . �Y� e']. 4�' � ' f _ _. .. I � � ! �� �� ��y,� -�s.� _ r + �.� ; �;fY' �`� �.' � :*.� "d.�; ,'F � � �':�� ' ' p ��� �.. „� s� � �F' _ x � . t�* � �-.' ��, ,� � ? :,-... � `� .; : wrt� � I �� � �, ��; ;�' �p ,r y - �,� � ",� � ��a.� � '� � , ' , i�_ �� - � Q �t, �: � _ - - `� ; r' _ �� , �� �"�' { �p iErtiF�. ��'� �1� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �so soo soo 84 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA LIBRARY PARKING LOT EXPANSION Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Study, design, and construct alternatives to provide additional parking for the Temecula Library. Alternatives to include widening Pauba Road on the north side along the Library and the Fire Station to provide a parking bay for on-street parking. This alternative will be designed and constructed dunng the first funding year. In addition, an alternative to expand the wrrent on-site parking will be studied forfuture construction consideration. Benefit: Project will provide additional parking for library patrons, meetings, and special programs. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Design and implementation of on-street parking alternative is expected to be complete by end of fiscal year 2012. Deoartment: Public Works /Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.153 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ BQ000 $ 14Q000 $ 22Q000 Consiruction $25Q000 $ 91Q000 $ 1,16Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ 4Q000 $ 45,000 $ 85,000 Design $ 32,136 $ 3Q000 $ 91,000 $ 153,136 Totals $ 32,136 $40Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $1,186,000 $ 1,61Q136 Soufce of Funds: A�uals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $ 21,654 $ 21,654 DIF(Librery) $ 1Q482 $40Q000 $1,186,000 $1,59Q482 Total Funding: $ 32,136 $40Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,186,000 $ 1,61Q136 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,000 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 85 MEDIANS AND ORNAMENTAL PEDESTRIAN BARRIERS - CITYWIDE Infrastructure / Other Projects Location a . w ,�;��. � �_ - O�-p` R � ` "� " �C � � . _. �� � �Y� � J`P N� .��' '� Q ,O ,�.,..��'"� � � P �t. �' �� � � ; ��� ,, � ��� � ��,p y �� ,_6:..: � o'L . �� ,: �` -� DE� -�`-°°� " � oLANq � V'_ � ,,�^ - +, ?� � , ~ ',;;;:,� ` 9 p .. �G - O� �0�� Sp . , 9�a ���P " "'��� �� . � - R�NCHOCP�'��O ;� � , • � ' G Np VIStP �'� ° Y, � �P� 'i , �� PJ �ARO c „ 4 ,, �' _ ; � I � �'`� —� ° � _ �. - n � � a . SP �'CIAGp R � � � ,� ��� i q�� � - '` < .� � �. �� � � � ��, t � y � 1 - � �'o ° ` � �AN Cy °i ��„ �� PK� ��` � � ,�-- � `.� '°,� �� � � <. t� �'�" ;-�=` , _. { � �� Q �� ��� !�'� FtEDHP a, V �� A Q���� �a, A �� s �t pV � -0 C' � �` cn Q .O , �yq A ,� � P �,�p. , � ��� 2�„� ,� . O� � ��� �� , '1! � . �' s�' �'�° � . � { �p iErtiF�. ��^�c �� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 o z,eoo e,000 �o,000 86 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA MEDIANS AND ORNAMENTAL PEDESTRIAN BARRIERS—CITYWIDE Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Project will include preliminary study, design and construct raised concrete median wrbs, stamped concrete, and ornamental pedestnan barriers to provide safe crossing in areas with heavy pedestnan traffq including Deer Hollow Way and Serafna, and othervanous locations within the Ciry. Benefit: Project will provide safe crossing for pedestrians at various locations within the Ciry. Proiect Status: Project has not yet started as funding is required to complete this project. Department: Public Works Prioritv: III P�ojec[ Cos[: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Atlminisiretion $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 Consiruction $200,000 $ 200,000 Consiruction Engineenng $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Design $ 30,000 $ 40,000 $ 70,000 TOfaIS $ - $ AO,OOO $ - $300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 3AO,OOO Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 DIF (Street Irrpmverrzna7 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Unspecifietl* $300,000 $ 300,000 Tofal Funtling: $ - $ 40,000 $ - $300,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 340,000 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,000 $ 2,040 $ 2,081 'Project cannot be consiructetl until a funtling source is itlentifietl. 8] MURRIETA CREEK IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Location '�`, � C �� �'� x,�, , �,; &{' - r ►VIO) ��� .O� h i , .� ., ��t�`' F NT�c,� pR' `o �,Q- ��� Q � ���;, . � S F R� - � i ����;� ` ' � _._ , . f$J , . �*�. � �' r: ;� . .. +'�,1 .�- �`r ����� .r �,;�- � �; � fi � �, y . � � a, •`�� ��� � _ •� ,�-_. p �"' �, , � ? 'F,� .�,,. � � '� � �' c+�, . o ,' � :�`�' "'° , �'� R' ,�+'',�`'. �� �'k : �,/ - � !'p � _ ��2 T r r a;. � . , . , Q��� yt ,e��� ��` r' AN �, y � F � � , ".,�'` o �,Q'Q' - ` � t: �'A �y ',� �a y ��r'�'�' L QG �� o Q �� 9 L s ��Q. �p * P � p o �'` a � �`" { 'l .`�� � �� r µ T � ,. � �. � *,L . �}{ F . L�I *o f . P F �] ' � � �� r' �; �. � � P ti C . Q, P �� Q, �„ ` �P s � ` ��r' S J� S g'� ; �� �'. f #��. '' O p. � P' �, �� � F ., � • �.. p v��� �<'P � � . f j � s � 9 � �� .I o � ..- � '�� 1 � � � � �{#�� � � G���� ' ' l ; l �i,{. F C� } `r .� ' ���Y r r � � : � �� . . � P �� `G ��'7 I 'I f �� i/A'. �'� . . "` �� (� � - i r �� � � � °� M'� � . � �' �� �_ ' _ � `a +w �� � � � � � .� � �� "�,.` �C.�!!� ' �6 Gp`, O ,�`.: � , t� � °� rr s ` a � v - {'�„ +" L. . Q� Ft��� ,� � �, .' �G'.�� • 4 ! y �_ J �P � �: . - r�� l �� tw�, .�'. p �� r .- - '��.; k ' f Y �� , z L P , �' � � '���' �- � �.'' `T. w -a � � '`'�� . �`.., � +�, � '..a . ,�' GN G ,-� � � , : , � 2 � � � . .4 . � �''1 .. ��'�, , ;� G r �� . _ _� ' - NN �, 4 4 �,- , ,�', � � � �� *� �',.,�' ; d �. � er � �, �O f f .. A �,� ' y�� � � - �. � " � � .i� �� �T � - � _ .. �� ." , L. + �.�� 1 �� � ; C h �.��,� -__ 4 S � � d . .-� � � '°�'} � 7 ' ����' ,.t ; � V J :' �, '�,c; _ �� �` � � � � ' �� ..�, . ' . ��. _ t �'f., ��-�.; , SINGLE OAK� ���r " � �.� ,, � � � �"r .E#_,�c �`'� - • < O -a .�' , h " �� �� ; `�+� '. .� O - — _ __ �� � 1 � - �i` � '�� f O � �: { } 0 2 � 04 2fieip� �' Feet o~` � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 500 1,000 2,000 ivav � F $$ � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA MURRIETA CREEK IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design of the proposed United States Artny Corps of Engineers and Riverside Counry Flood Control improvements to the Murrieta Creek within the Ciry limits. The design money allocated represents the Ciry's portion. Benefit: ProjectwillhelppreventfloodingofOldTownTemecula. Proiect Status: This project is ongoing. Department: Public Work's—Account No. 210.165.735 Prioritv: I PfOjeCtCOSt: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 7,412 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 157,412 Design $125,000 $ 125,000 Tofals $ 132,412 $� - $ - $ 50,000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ - $ 282,412 SoufceofFunds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $132,412 $ 132,412 Unspecified* $ - $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 15Q000 TotalFunding: $ 132,412 $� - $ - $ 50,000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ - $ 282,412 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 N/A *Project cannot be consiructed uMil a funding source is identifed. 89 OLD TOWN GYMNASIUM Infrastructure / Other Projects Location �' �:, '� �. , �2•` -. .� 4 ,,t �^.t ��;, 5`�"�� � �� ' � - 1 { � �` •��„�. !` � � � ��,� ^ �`,�F r r . " `�, �`'� . 4 '` ��i, �'► ��1rec� � s ,, `,� y . " !�,�, �' f f € wi. ► �' � � ++►1 i� !# , , :1�. �:. ��� '� r�-r� � � ��� 4,, �' - .� '�.. , . +'�.�`s..�..t� "� �r�,`�� r� , �_ + 'PY . ��l��� .d .�' ��� ' ,r ��' � � . y 'y '+�+. '�-�: �, °� � � - - ��"` �4 � �'� � � �: , � ��'!� fi � � � r !'" .� '_4 Y ' � . A � '�� � iW ,: f. . � �� . `� .- � . 7 � � 1 � �$ � t�i. .� ' r � `� `� �� � �. - / t � *, 4.F?� � , � � # �� s. T � �{, .:7�k� � +�` " �i�.' �� {-. -� *r.. � w4S N " �. �,� �� � � Y � � f+ #� " . S _ "� . � '�`. ' r � :�if %� x ' �``��'� ;� � 1 �. AhTj, � "" ,,// . I ��� _ p ��rf� F ,� � ff,. �. .� r '� r . `� ��� i � , .�k' �'r�._.: { �y ' �.,. �r��.. .,h � . . . '..� � O •�'O � �� � l �' �� r ^7 - � � ' .. - ` ' , �� � u � F 1 �\. � � � �•?�� � L�� � 1 . ,: -Y. ���. �� f y -� � _� J � � �' • ` � . �� f ���, �, �'' � � , � . v ,` .. y +� � � �` � �" � Q-� �- �{_ � �� � �',,� �� ��kc '�'' !�� }.vr " O �,� f � .P ,. �� �. .: � , r. � � ` .. . a * ' � �' � . . 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Tl t� ` �� �� E����Y ��'. +�'�y '� I� _ 11. � � � �<��� F� _ �� �% �}� � � � � � '� �� ' � � `�, - e= � � . . . ���� ., ±� M1 .; ' � �6� }`� � �.�., . �.. � � :��h'��� a .[` ' � --_ ...�i- 'it - A . . .g.- � � M ^' -. { �p iErtiF�. ��"�e �� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �oo zoo aoo 90 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA OLD TOWN GYMNASIUM Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design and construct an 8,300 square-foot gymnasium to be located adjacent to the Boys & Gids Club that will include a full-sized basketball court, bleacher seating for approximately 120 spectators, restrooms, storage, and a small offce. Benefit: With a Joint-Use Agreement, this project will provide additional recreational facilities and activities for Ciry residents. Proiect Status: The Ciry is working with the Riverside Counry Flood Control with regard to the design and land acquisition. This project is estimated to be complete by end offiscal year 2013. Department: Public Works /Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.186 Prioritv: II PfOjeCt CoSt: �dals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 67,470 $17Q000 $ 29Q314 $ 527,781 Consiruction $54Q609 $2,722,225 $3,262,831 Consiruction Engineering $ BQ000 $ 139,500 $ 219,500 Design $26Q132 $109,869 $ 6Q000 $ 43Q001 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 107,800 $ 107,800 MSHCP $ 163,142 $ 163,142 Ulilities $ BQ000 $ BQ000 Totals $327,602 $98Q478 $3,482,981 $ - $ - $ - $ - $4,791,061 Soufce of Funds: �dals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost CDBG* $166,655 $98Q478 $3,482,981 $4,63Q114 EDI $16Q947 $ 16Q947 TotalFunding: $327,602 $98Q478 $3,482,981 $ - $ - $ - $ - $4,791,061 Future Operetion & Malntenance COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,100 $� 5,202 $ 5,306 *U.S. DeparimeM of Housing and Urban Deselopment (HUD) Section 8 Housing Progmm loan in ihe amount of $2,75Q686. Note: AgreemeM will include intenor maiMenance and utility responsibility of ihe Boys and Girls Club. 91 OLD TOWN PUBLIC ART Infrastructure / Other Projects Location . . . � f � , - - � i; a • �F.' . � � ��`� I �., M , ' , . ", A � �'{� " '� � ° °' � ,�. - ?� �I . � � � � '.°` �'�' ti .�+� �.,�. r'� s -, �.Y���� � ' � . + .. - � � y � ,� � .��. �� ` � � "� �, . [: ,�; .. ��: } t':� t� - �+'�; ` F� -{ €+� - �`;'�4 �y�+_ � h . � � '�''} a " � �.. `fr4 ��� ,. = � `. � , � � r _. ; �� � . ."'�, - M1 �° p°' ''��._ ~' s 4 #- • �� - � A �� . ,� ��. ■ � �.�� r� � /{�, x � � �C'�e � �� � f S '� �� � � �� �f�� � � ��� � � , _ � �#/�' ��� _ � �' . • � � � �.. � d 'rf , : � r �a� �� �� , ` � , w" q ic M tr � . � t � �� �� ° ,d ' � ls` , �' �.� -r ' ' • , , , , , _ ,a , . . � �,� y ,� ," �3 � ��4, y ��, ,�t . ..,. , , �_ . .� �� ��` -�� r#� �f , ��� �,� , , • � - o` ° _ :,�"� ,.�� � � � , �_ � �...:, �r '� . ti - � `+?� �' '� }��, : �., .� �s �# ��, o�y �,� _ , � ',� , 'y" ' �' ,� _ •` �' �,' � l a��� � y � �ti d �' ° r , � �: p , �d` � � ����''�� � ;'`a. � .. `.. "�° � .. �� � �� . tr *, ..� '� _ ` •� '�- ,� - �,� 4 � � . " - £ � '� ' ; . `r'� � . ,�E �' �, � a � _ .. �`�' � ��'. �,`�'-i,•��tC �. �' e �� t /��� , . — , _ • . i •. '�� � �` � �f - �:0." � "€."rt x . 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Benefit: Project will bnng an additional focal point to Old Town. Proiect Status: This project is estimated to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2012. Deoartment: Temecula Community Services / Planning Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Consiruction $12Q000 $ 12Q000 Tofals $ - $ 12Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF(wblicArc) $12Q000 $ 12Q000 TofalFunding: $ - $12Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA 93 OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROGRAM Infrastnicture / Other Projects Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� 94 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROGRAM Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: This project provides matching funds for the acquisition of selected parcels west of the Citywithin the identifed escarpment area. Benefit: Maintain the natural esthetic ofthe escaryment. Proiect Status: Considering parcels on the market to acquire for protection of open space. Deoartment: Planning—AccountNo.210.165.509 Prioritv: I PfojeCt Cost Aauals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 Years Project Cos[ Acquisition $30Q000 $25Q000 $25Q000 $122,689 $167,377 $1,09Q066 Totals $ - $30Q000 $25Q000 $25Q000 $122,689 $167,377 $ - $1,09Q066 Soufce of Funds: Aauals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 Years Project Cos[ DIF�opens}�ace) $30Q000 $25Q000 $25Q000 $122,689 $167,377 $1,09Q066 TotalFunding: $ - $30Q000 $25Q000 $25Q000 $122,689 $167,377 $ - $1,09Q066 Future Operffiion & Malntenance COSts p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 WA es PECHANGA PARKWAY ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Location ;, cqe,Q'<<o -- � � s � " *�* " t ' :'� ,� � 9��#�e s� - -� � ' ;` ' � � �+ . . Y . , �. , ' o �, . ., � �S �" a r- . t; Q �,� � � a, � �.+'�; � � r .. . : 't '" S + +y=� _ . /� �. r' . . W �� � �'� rq �� � r` �4�� �� � ' ` �a �f'�. M bq�,. � J � '� ,�.�' f� •'�" r `,� . J y 4C. 'a.�E$`- � ,� :,` �, �_ r ,Q � ` �� :a- +�; .:� Y W '� � �� � O �.�p�-P'� O � NF2 0 ' ,. . ��r Q � ' � # /=p .��. W � �, , p � �` � - � ' y� ` � q , ,, , ,, _ ' , �� ,�. F .i�f- --' `� a �;� _{- ' � � � . �'. �' �"S� � i.�� 8 - + ; „ -...° � r , c �� , �. s . . _ ... �. . Z � . .. � *�y '��j�'e:+ 3 YI;� �� � M'M I� � � _ �' �R } �- � f �-�,K �/ '4 '2 � k� :�.�, 4 � .�� �� ; Rq NcNO �o V AL V ,,s_ . _ ; � r r'' �; LEJO A '-„ � , , _ .....� , �� ' �, ;;"_� •,. r a�_�.1 �� y � ' �- � � •. Q P,V �o �'N y ,�,�dr�-� _ "�+��.r � �- - < + �5 �= T EMECULA PKY � 2 � � - � � ti � � - �.:, �G �N - ' ,�, � �.; . , �,,. i , . 'L � "� �` , .. � GABRIELLE�'N � '(P'� 5 � � _ _� l� ��: 4.- ' ` � � -, °� � � .., �> �SAMANTHA L�N � -- � �_, ,� *,{ �.��„ � .�, cs�`�`.�,, � } _ 1y . r v , � - `=`� •� �t `' , "- _ �, _ ,,. " -- �. ' 4 , R�— �"`* �.•'� �' � �, . +� -!'„'u"':- _ . _ 't � , �'. ���� � ; ~ a " ' �• :.�� N , r � �. +. �� � Z , r r .. r , � R u W } ��,;' '� �' r : 4 ' �� ° � ���RR �� � w Z �, � � DR �' ��' y STRP � Z��JE � Q c_n 0 ,� z o m � . .� � � v � ���} Ao �yF<�yy p,�N� � 3 O p A y '� � 2 DO LN 2 ,p N A Tcr ` `3 �Q M��P �R?� �h c � acF �� v� � � �� a � Z ��ti ���• u G� �, G P e qYNILL DR � - -' ���' O 'A � �ti p,G� . � � � � ,�� A I � � t� I� � g„�'.4��. 'Y V `',�. � �r_ � " � . . T . � � ; _ - �ECN . =�WAILEACT .� ,�: 4'� � V �� pp �� ,a.; n � i "�' � � ,' r#- '' � ���. .-,.�-. W J �� F o� �` � . : �,� P � � � . ,;" � � � � , op �� m �, � � s �,,,,� �, �, �'�.� �` �, g 2 G, ss'c �?i y �' �- v\ � c C' �' _ r � F cc � p� � a �� � � v `/ I ` �, � �,:•" o C< eO r _ ,��, ; � '9C �� v �, `� � �` � �y,l } '^ U @y� p,S, r� " h '1-g3�� y Q �'' �C ►�,�, w �.� , G�y, � # ;' - a � ,, ` � � �-f y d + ,o�� � �' - � �!�� A . ,. . O , � ' R. � r. ..�J T hj ` _ 5 � f`�� A �.. � ' �'�� , rE y _�cK S pY�Erti�n�. ti / � � Feet lYNY �c� �,' Aerial Data - March 2010 o soo soo �,zoo 96 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA PECHANGA PARKWAY ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design, construction, and implementation of an environmental mitigation site required for the Pechanga Parkway Project, including acquisition and planting the mitigation site in Temecula Creek, and provide waterto plant matenal and monitoring the mitigation site forfive years. Benefit: Project will increase environmental mitigation areas. Proiect Status: The design and construction of new wetlands will be complete by end offscal year 2012. Upon the approval of the resource agencies, the maintenance of the created area is estimated to be complete by end of fscal year 2016. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.516 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 24,810 $10Q000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 144,810 Acquisition $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Consiruction $41Q000 $ 41Q000 Consiruction Engineenng $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Design $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 EnHronmental $ 510 $ 25,000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 $ 105,510 MSHCP $ 2Q500 $ 2Q500 Totals $ 25,320 $fi15,500 $ 25,000 $ 25,O $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 77Q820 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost CFD(WOlfaeel� $ 25,320 $645,500 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 77Q820 Tofal Funding: $ 25,320 $645,500 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ -$ 77Q820 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA 9� PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TO CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL AND CITY TRAIL SYSTEM Infrastructure / Other Projects Location . +� ; ^ a , .- ;. . �? .. �r : _� . ��'-u , k , ,.� ��' : � h �.,_ �.,, t+� _ _ �` , � � ,. �--��. �: . �;�_ av r � . � '"-- -� —. r-- r , '�,.�- `�- . � ' c .- �T' °� y �' E ,, e ' — t .1 ���"� r��, _, � A t �..A' �� i. +' ,--� ��_.� } / �, � 2y � �.4� � . , ' • f `�� l _ 4 _ _ l ! 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I � � J' � d . y -. ,� . i,�� � � {`��' � � ,� ¢• , �� �'� � f k '... �,� - �Y e ��. � r'� M � � a� F �- � � � Y�J� { � �: � � � , r t _ +, �I � � . , � . . a. � � ' ' F F . 1 `y" f 'F �,+y, «. { <���`�, r, � F. $ ,r9 r r � -�i. rt ,. . £ . .. ?� '`. ' � �`_ �.. f � .# � 2. dy,� r ��Y� ..�f � � . ~ � } y • i �. � � 5 � ! k k� t t�' �� � �' ..i�" •.# � �... �.�y- ��+� - � ' r'!,` ,� S' y e 4 F � i:�' �f - - � p . . f '�'. i'Y . . � �. �_ �� 1. '+r �� ." 1 _ �.' � j ye � �. .� } � �, . ,.. d �, .. U4 � -� . . .� �. F v` ' ,�'e . ._. . ,�i��� .�v4,.... � f � • �.. ' � - � , f �.,� i - �� s� � � •�. * ti� t ' � <r�� ���•. ' ,,,r4. �� �- n.. � ,�w,. i � �_ . � �" ,- 4ir� ^ , � ` Q.Q- � � �- -� e • - � ��� ,� � � F � P � ��:` �t� i �C � ' . . � ' .�? J � ��' �� } , r�� � k f .+� ��� �� `-� * „ ��"� � . ,�=`� ' lF. � �" w � F � � � � � � � � p ��' i � � ` �f � y � , � � � �r . . .��. - ��.� ��'� � �' ...� fF.�"[ �.�k � ��. �.�� - Y F ���: �` � �. - RI ��I a �� r T � ii� { �p iErtiF�. ���c '�� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 125 250 500 98 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA PEDESTRIAN / BICYCLE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TO CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL AND qTY TRAIL SYSTEM Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design and construct an approximately 200 foot pedestrian/bicycle bndge from Margarita Road, near Harveston Way, over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and the City's trail system on the south side of Santa Gertrudis Creek. Project will consist of a planning study, the establishment of easements, environmental review, and Flood Control District approval. Benefit: Project will provide a safe route for pedestrians and bicyclists to access Chaparral High School and the Santa Gertrudis Multi-Purpose Trail from Margarita Road. Proiect Status: The design is near completion, and Califomia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is reviewing the fnal environmental report. This project is estimated to be complete by end of fscal year 2012. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.738 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: �tuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $198,419 $ 65,000 $ 263,419 Acquisition $ 4,408 $ 4,408 Consiruction $1,15Q000 $1,15Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 Design $172,641 $ 3,919 $ 176,560 MSHCP $ 6,483 $ 51,017 $ 57,500 Tofals $ 381,951 $1,289,936 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,671,887 Soufce of Funds: �tuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost AB 2766 $ 47Q698 $ 478,698 DIF(OpenSpeoelReils) $231,951 $ 253,988 $ 485,939 Reimbursement/Other (HervesmnCOnmbuoon) $15Q000 $ 15Q000 SR15 $ 425,250 $ 425,250 SB821 $ 132,000 $ 132,000 Tofal Funding: $ 381,951 $1,289,936 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,671,887 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,000 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 99 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE TRAIL EXTENSION ANDINTERCONNECT Infrastructure / Other Projects Location -_�:� , - � Cf � C� � . . #, P��� r , :� � F � U �� �R � � � Q �. � �-• � �; � � � � ,� ' ��� - '�� 5 , �° ,�'' _ �► , �;" ��c �'o s � p, 6� . �',, w Q � ����p �� � " ' z , Q ' � � �, ,�,. ,c� � � �0��. ,.�+,;r ef,`. �Q. � .�.. `;:. , Q 4 ��� _ `J'�� " � "� � f t ��"� J r Cr� Q G � �� GO .� ' +� �,, . �� � ' �� � °a� � - � x��' �'i { � ', +� yy� . . � ,'.�� � 't��� � �� .� Q fi: � # . ._ _ . 0 �;..� �Q,J,r'� = ,r' � : � � .;� � � �,� , � � � r �� < � o � Q` ��C�Q' � �N a i t �' _ ,�� ' �� �Q'� . Q �J 2 ' ' `., �f ° � . � �� `� �* *� f �� 4 : �°' *�` � A� �,� � 9 � �� : �.� : � Pror 9G �l g P� PJ ;. � `w ' �. ,�� . G, � k ° '� ' �r.. � �� �i . r"�}Aa�.. . � �1 � 4 '� � '-:''�� /-�.� Z {4 '4�,+r. .. �, G � i � '+ � "� � -� b �5 `i� � �- �, �.�, . � �� ���J� .t���� e2•°' _- �m e.rr �f � .. I � � , . � �� 5P �,cap 9 � ,�' , � � G��- 'y 0. ��5�' <:-� �`��, ' �. - �- � , �. .i .. �� ��� ���� . .� �r; �� ,��G �� -:.� r1 �ik ' �� � -,:'+f• � � J` '� � � � ':��' � � �:_ � � G�Q' ��'� � �- �: G � i n ' -"" `�!` a''cE„2 c 4� t [�t. l � F�'q c �� � J,�d` P k r f �� P � � � �'�� � �`r #" ,» � Ri �Q' � Co��� F � T FR �� i ` ��,'; � `� `; `SF `o � `,P f ' f . ��' ; � �e�` �,�'�� ° � �; , c�, Q- yS� J� _ -� ' � O ��I�' O M � ��: r a � RRi � '} ��;'� � _ ,_; FT � $ o�� �� ' � cRF Fk ��� ���i �� =` �� '��' �� �l�,J " �- a �_ ?y�� � , ,,o,�, �• r; � ^� �; . � '. _ ' C�� . h�, � ';��' O p �, , . � �.�,,�� . � �' ,:. JP � F, � � � �� t .� . � � `�,' N � O Q,Q'� t�,Q' ���0 � � �' �` �� �;� -�. �O 9 O ` "{� �p � ":' A � _ � L PG 4�� _ � �`�o Q - -. �; � �` �" { �p iErtiF�. ��`c '�� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 500 1,000 2,000 100 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PEDESTRIAN / BICYCLE TRAIL EXTENSION ANDINTERCONNECT Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: To implement project planning and preliminary engineering for the extension and interconnect of the existing Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail from Ynez Road to the Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail. The extension and interconnect will provide access and under-crossings at Ynez Road, Interstate-15, and Jefferson Avenue, and a continuous paved trail along the Santa Gertrudis Creek to interconnect with the Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail. Benefit: Project will provide additional pedestnan and bicycle trails forthe community. Proiect Status: The alignment study to design the trail is complete. This project will be constmcted in future years when funding is available. Deoartment: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.739 Priorit�� III PfOjeCt CO5t: �uals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 57,785 $ 45,000 $ 37Q000 $ 48Q785 Consiruction $6,OOQ000 $ 6,OOQ000 Consiruction Engineering $ 33,000 $ 33,000 Design $121,162 $25Q410 $ 371,572 EnHronmeMal $ 36Q000 $ 36Q000 MSHCP $ 30Q000 $ 30Q000 Tofals $ 178,947 $295,410 $ - $ - $ - $ - $7,071,000 $ 7,545,357 Soufce of Funds: �uals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost AB 2766 $ 3,415 $168,985 $ 172,400 Bicycle Tmnsporlation AccouM(BTA) $ 9Q612 $126,425 $ 223,037 Capital Project Reserves $ 7Q920 $ 78,920 Unspecified* $7,071,000 $7,071,000 TofalFunding: $ 178,947 $295,410 $ - $ - $ - $ - $7,071,000 $7,545,357 Future Operetion & MaintenanCe CO5t5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA WA WA WA WA *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is identified. 101 TEEN/YOUNG ADULTCENTER Infrastructure / Other Projects Location � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� ,� � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA TEEN /YOUNG ADULT CENTER Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Complete a Feasibiliry Study to determine teen program needs. Constmct an ap- proximately 7,000 square-foot teeniyoung adult center at a location to be detertnined. Benefit: Project will provide additional programs and services for teens and young adults of the communiry. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Temecula Community Services Prioritv: III PfOjeCtCoSt: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 21Q000 $ 21Q000 Consiruction $2,10Q000 $2,10Q000 Design $10Q000 $ 215,000 $ 315,000 Fixtures/Fum/Equip $ 1,05Q000 $ 1,05Q000 Totals $ - $ 10Q000 $ - $ - $ - $3,575,000 $ - $3,675,000 Soufce of Funds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $10Q000 $ 10Q000 Unspecified* $3,575,000 $3,575,000 TotalFunding: $ - $ 10Q000 $ - $ - $ - $3,575,000 $ - $3,675,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 6Q000 *Project cannot be consiructed uMil a funding source is identified. 1 ad TEMECULA CITY ENTRY MONUMENTATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Location T _ � �., r " r,-, �y.� ' . • : r . } �: .. d ` Rj' .. �9 3 ' � � ,� . I �.� � . 'Yr` •'�� � � .. c � , r� q .. {'�. _.:� .. � ..' - � . . 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'C'' # ,a,� F , ° h , yd' _ ; �-� # C a ` ' 'v � y' �` � �� a� �F F `` 'r�;.� � ��' i r , � � i ' �� - '", , ' ° , � •� � , �� y, E• � ! f f _ - '•'�`�4� �� ' r � r � {�. � � . �, k � � • a j � `, `' .«., '{ . . � 5'� , .+� ` ` � � r x �• � ' � ' � � � � � 3 �* �+ „alih�_`I�}� s Y . � r � . 7� +� ' ` � �.. �� �j .. �.h't �. ! ��t J'�`� 3'S� �[ • �/` f ' ',!� '�!� � e P �° {,��"" �;�. �, �. - " � '` � � � f � � � � , �, �,� '�. ,_� p '� �`� c._ � .r , � } ,!� _�- 1� : ;� �' � � � .�' �� �, � `'# . _ �i� � J .. � � � � .�' . � � . ' � - . ��-. �.� � �� � � J r i�'. � � -. � i . -�. �° :, �'� �� �, �Q ";� _•. �3"�' � z , o.�. ,; . � : , , . .�'''� �""�:.� _ _ . _ �, , ,. � — { �p iErtiF�. ��,� �� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 250 500 1,000 104 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA TEMECULA CITY ENTRY MONUMENTATION Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Design and construct an entry monument to replace the monument at the north end of the Ciry. The new monument will be designed and constructed by the developer pursuant to the Fee Credit Agreement, dated October 9, 2007, and will be reimbursed pursuant to Section 4.H. of the AgreemenL The developer's obligation forthis project is $36,000. Benefit: Project will provide identifcation and recognition for the Ciry. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Temecula Communiry Services / Planning—Account No. 210.165.671 Prioritv: II PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Consiruction $15Q000 $ 15Q000 Tofals $ - $ - $ 15Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $15Q000 $ 15Q000 TofalFunding: $ - $ - $ 15Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $� 5,000 $ 5,100 $� 5,202 $ 5,306 1 a5 TEMECULA PARK AND RIDE Infrastructure / Other Projects Location ,a- � ~ � P .,�� ^� - � �: � ' � :� � �°. � v�+Yi. k .f �* �, `c . � .� . ..;� -�{-.- = '.F' � ' b � �.� .{ . � _ . � . ... . � ` F '._ �, t `, J � �� � , r- x � � � � '� ; �w'�. ..'�";�. � M'�� ��� ���. .E�r' � ��y��} ,: �'� .J�! w ` ,. s rT �� i *�,� .� ��. p � . �: �x,� � � : � .� a � '�' - y,r, - � � ; - .. ' � �,' . 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'i.I f� t �eFt � "� . ^ or ��=� , � Feet 1964 Aerial Data - March 2010 0 150 aoo soo ma..ea�.�W�'� 106 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA TEMECULA PARK AND RIDE Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Project will include the acquisition of property, design, and constmction of a park and nde faciliry in the viciniry of Temecula Parkway and La Paz Street. The entire faciliry will be designed and then constructed in phases as available funds allow. Benefit: Project will enable and encourage Temecula residents to carpool when commuting. Proiect Status: The design portion of this project is almost complete. This project is estimated to be complete in future years when funding is available. Department: Public Works—Account No. 210.165.747 Prioritv: III PfOjeCtCoSt: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 3Q480 $ 3,000 $ 24Q000 $ 281,480 Acquisition $187,530 $ 187,530 Consiruction $ 1,60Q000 $ 1,60Q000 Consiruction Engineering $ 64,000 $ 64,000 Design $135,153 $ 12,267 $ 14,344 $ 161,764 MSHCP $ BQ000 $ BQ000 Totals $ 361,163 $ 15,267 $ - $ 1,998,344 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,374,774 Soufce of Funds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost AB 2766 $ BQ196 $ 15,267 $ 229,412 $ 332,875 Capital Project Reserves $272,967 $ 272,967 Unspecified* $ 1,768,932 $ 1,76Q932 Total Funding: $ 361,163 $ 15,267 $ - $ 1,998,344 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,374,774 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,500 $ 1,530 $ 1,561 *Project cannot be consiructed uMil a funding source is identifed. 10� TEMECULA POLICE STATION (TENANT IMPROVEMENT) Infrastructure / Other Projects Location �, �� <t g � � +�':� j '�, ,�, " ! ",;�, � } , �..� �. � `�� � .0 " �: � � . .l�.. � , .. �; -. � ..� ' ' ^� � . ^ T +' 4 � � . ' . , y�, ����� • � _ .lF�� � . . �� ..� � n . � 4 �' �i� Y :F � _ / �� � �� f � ��`�. .. ..* � f'� �=t" �.,�� .F�, � . ;� � � . . A � � + } ,�� • �; � �� � �� r � Fx � .� t. � ��, � �.* �� � ' � � , � �. �� +� �' �;y - - . . -� . Tt� . 3 eTM -��� �. �M16 � !. � ,� � • ,.f �. - � ,.., � �� ' ... �� �. . " `... .:. .. . # y . 1 � . iy�, ` _ _. �� ,��'' E \ � . .� �� . e . , . _� . .,- �' - . � I � �Sl � - �� . . . t /` ... . . , : , ;. ,� s �_:,. , ��� t f y ' ,� �� � „ 7�;fl;. �� r ¢ � r � �- . �J `��. _ ; �/ r �� ��� }� M � ' a ... � . � - I � � � . _ .. . ' .'���v'i. * 1� . M.- . f � �� e � , , �' . .:". � � �`. � J Y �� .. . �"� * � " G s�y � � ° , �t ' r � � ( 1F . , # � -�� � _ �r,� �� '� ��:�` � �* � . � � :�� �'��, '� _. cr �,, �. ..�'� ° "+� �'�„ ,�. �� ;� _ � � p �: , , +� � a� ` �p ��';: �. � , �` � x� ,�,,� :. O � ,,,� r. ?� e� � Q,�G .�`� } �fn� ` `�' � � Y � � -�` , r tt. - �. 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'R� I� ��.: � J ' k . i�.. . ,c.: �'. �� �� " - _ 4 . � � , .�' � � � � � � � - ,��� .. . f .. ` �y'[&v�., ���� Feet � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 125 250 500 ,� 1989 108 � I CITYOFTF.MECIILA TEMECULA POLICE STATION (TENANT IMPROVEMENT) Infrastructure / Other Projects Proiect Description: Tenant improvements to existing 3Q000 square-foot faciliry, including necessary demolition of existing improvements and preservation of what can be utilized. It also includes the construction of new walls to house functional units. It will also include construction of two locker rooms for staff. Parking will be enclosed with a sewre wall around all but the front parking spaces and will include an internal locked parking area forvehicles undergoing investigations. Benefit: Project will provide a centralized location within City limits to house Temecula Police Department operations. Proiect Status: The Ciry is in the pmcess of hinng an architect to prepare a master plan. Deoartment: Police—Account No. 210.165.514 Prioritv: III PfojeCtCost: Aauals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 Years Project Cos[ Administation $ 5Q000 $ 224,000 $ 274,000 Consimction $3,30Q000 $3,30Q000 Design $15Q000 $ 336,000 $ 48Q000 Fixtures/Fum/Equip $ 50Q000 $ 50Q000 Site Work $ 50Q000 $ 50Q000 Totals $ - $20Q000 $ - $ - $4,B6Q000 $ - $ - $ 5,O6Q000 Soufce of Funds: Aauals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 Years Project Cos[ DIF(Pollce) $20Q000 $ 20Q000 Unspecified* $4,B6Q000 $4,B6Q000 Total Funding: $ - $20Q000 $ - $ - $4,B6Q000 $ - $ - $ 5,O6Q000 Future Operffiion & Malntenance COSts: p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 201415 2015-16 $50Q000 $51Q000 *This project cannot be consiructed urAil a funding source is identified. � a9 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 ��o _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF PARKS and RECREATION PROJECTS Chaparral High School Tennis Courts ..................................................113 Children's Museum Parking Lot Renovation .........................................115 Earle Stanley Gardner Middle School Tennis Court Surfacing .............117 Flood Control Channel Reconstruction and Repair ..............................119 Great Oak High School Tennis Court Lighting ......................................121 Inclusive Play Structure at Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park ..................123 Margarita Road Right-of-Way Enhancements ......................................125 Neighborhood Park Security Lighting ...................................................127 Parks Improvement Program ...............................................................129 Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit - Various Sites ..............................131 Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation ........................................133 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and DesiltingPond ......................................................................................135 Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement .........................137 Senior Citizen Outdoor Fitness Lot ......................................................139 Water Slide Replacement at the Community Recreation Center (CRC) Pool ...............................................................................141 ,,, CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS Parks and Recreation Project Location �r , m - --: �. 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Through a joint use agreement with Temecula Valley Unified School District (T/USD), these courts can be used by the public on weekends, holidays, and after school hours. Benefit: Will provide eight additional tennis courts for public use. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: II P�ojec[Cost Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Acquisition $ 48,000 $ 48,000 Consiruction $357,500 $ 357,500 Design $ 39,000 $ 39,000 FixturesiFUm/Equip $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Tofals $ - $ - $449.500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 449.500 SourceofFunds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 DIF (Parla & RecrPaoon7 $449,500 $ 449,500 Tofal Funtling: $ - $ - $ 449,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 449,500 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5 p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 6,000 $ 6,120 $ 6,242 $ 6,367 113 CHILDREN'S MUSEUM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Parks and Recreation Project Location t !'�9 ��3� � 4 ,�, . �� 1. � . � �. �"'�''` °' �'` ; � + t - � � � �'�' � �.� t ;:. 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'� # ' ' .� .� _ _ le ` , � � a {: 'w� ' �.+ '�; vi • _�� �� 1� !- �.! _ ,� ' 0. �., _ } ° + . �,.i ''` � �' ,�' . .� �I ..� �4�'^ .� k ,�' � ` f .{ � .- b., � r 1 �'-', • + -' a, ,�y�� . � , . , �:, = d • �.' `; ., , , . � � Y � �� ���"�.�'��, h`. * • 4 ,' �, + � �" � . ��`` �SAi_ , �� 't � .� °,.�._ ' , . � �' � ,�. }f�"� ;„�� � �" �� } ��,` •% "'°f �: _'1�f ,! - . .- ,� . r - .^ �r . . - . . . `- � .i n�'� c '�- -' � � �� - t• � � ��•,��. . ��� A ,� . • . + ' - 4 • , G ✓ O � � "- 'E.. � . : /�r� r- ,n. - - '��`��� ' . ��C� � Feet �° Aerial Data - March 2010 0 50 100 200 1989 114 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A CHILDREN'S MUSEUM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: As exhibits and play experiences in the Children's Museum become outdated, this project will allow for the re-design and replacement of exhibit areas or refurbishment of existing exhibits. This process will allowthe museum visitorto experience new, updated play experiences. Benefit: Project will enhance existing exhibit areas ofthe Children's Museum. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Temecula Communiry Services Prioritv: I Project Cost: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiration $ iQ000 $ iQ000 Consimction $ 9Q000 $ 9Q000 Design $ 14,000 $ 14,000 Tofals $ - $114,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 114,000 Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF �par� a Recreation) $114,000 $ 114,000 Tofal Funding: $ - $ 114,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 114,000 Future Operffiion & Maintenance Costs 2011-12 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-16 $ 600 $ 612 $ 624 $ 637 $ 619 ��s EARLE STANLEY GARDNER MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS COURT SURFACING Parks and Recreation Project Location � . ..� y � �;���,. : . ;� F � r ;� ,, ... �. .;, .; r '� �� �� � �,�+ x r • f � .�� 4 � � .' � ' . h�,, `2 �'� K . f '•,� �� � »�.�-t �' s # �' _ _,}_. � �- �� ��:t�� ��- � � �� :� � � $r Y� _ �,� �� P � Q ,� � x'' GQ.Q' c ` 4 � i � c � � O - O .� `�� ' �,��� �``� . � � 5P �P�, �� R . � o e�P � b �� � ''� ,w � ��P � ��, 'Y x ���;`+ � T �` 9 �, �p � ,[� r v'` ��� � ry - Y � `,� � � �'_ y�,a ,% �` p .. . b ri:: � � ��"° 4 4 � �'' � � ` � �9 � ; � .�at � ' �' � �' • � � � ° '"� ,i� �- � s - �r q � ,� r,; .. : .��, : � �` s9 <Tio . f � �, a , `�`�' .� ' .�k , L i , . < '�x . 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F F4 -t�� .. r �' � . - �. � ��r yr-: ' .. 4� 'Y,A"� �— . .+ or G r �.. tl' ..� Feet '� ' Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �oo zoo aoo 1964 +n..n��.�vr�'� 116 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A EARLE STANLEY GARDNER MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS COURT SURFACING Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: This project will rehabilitate the six tennis courts at Earle Stanley Gardner Middle School. The project will resurface, paint and stripe the six courts, replace netting, windscreen, and complete minorfence repairs. Benefit: Project will provide additional public tennis courts through a joint use agreement with Temecula Valley Unifed School District (T/USD) for public use. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: I PfOjeCtCoSt: �hials FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Consiruction $ 4Q000 $ 4Q000 Fixtures/Fum/Equip $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Totals $ - $ 47,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,000 Soufce of Funds: �dals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Quimby $ 43,000 $ 43,000 Reimbursement/Other (USTA) $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 47,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 1,000 $ 1,020 $ 1,040 $ 1,061 $ 1,082 11� FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR Parks and Recreation Project � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� „8 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7ILA FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: This project will repair and reinforce the earth and berms between specifc park sites and flood control channels, and fortify the banks to prevent further erosion into the park sites. These park sites include Pala Community Park, Margarita Communiry Park, Buttefield Stage Park, and Long Canyon Creek Park. Benefit: Project will prevent further erosion into specific park sites. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Public Works /Temecula Communiry Services Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Consiruction $175,000 $25Q000 $25Q000 $ 675,000 Design $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 EnHronmental $ 2Q000 $ 2Q000 Tofals $ - $ 25Q000 $ - $25Q000 $ - $25Q000 $ - $ 75Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Reserves $25Q000 $ 25Q000 Unspecified* $25Q000 $25Q000 $ 50Q000 TofalFunding: $ - $ 25Q000 $ - $25Q000 $ - $25Q000 $ - $ 75Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 *Project cannot be consiructed until a funding source is identified. 119 GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURT LIGHTING Parks and Recreation Project Location � ._ ; . ,�. �,i, � �� �' � s�r. � ` �C�� �, .,� w � � ' �k,�-'�,' r '�' x J�!'' �� r 4 _ : � . , .� � . ,� �- . . 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Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Acquisition $ 48,000 $ 48,000 Consiruction $357,500 $ 357,500 Consiruction Engineenng $ 39,000 $ 39,000 Design $ - Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Tofals $ - $449,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 449,500 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (Parl� & Recreaoon) $449,500 $ 449,500 TofalFunding: $ - $ 449,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 449,500 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 6,000 $ 6,120 $ 6,242 $ 6,367 $ 6,495 121 INCLUSIVE PLAY STRUCTURE AT PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL SPORTS PARK Parks and Recreation Project Location _ - : -- �`, . ,�;Q`� �f• ' � �- . �� � � � �,�. �-,-�"� � ,,; q�;'''� .. �f Y . 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"�'r � � �°, ,*c:� r , w . p . a . � �� j . .?k �. � ' r . . � f � � ��' A ��'y,� q "'� ; ' _ ��� ' ` �' .•: ,r �'.'� ' ti c9.o { . r �•� -' �.� � f �f, � A� .M � � ''� � . �* � �•� .. . �. � f. ' � .- I� .�. .� .. r `` ,.�:.Y' a. y�" '� ' " pf'� ' � f ��' zt.� . . ti ''�. - _�,. A, ys ."vY� -1�,r.' _. , �� l i � t' � � � } ` �� .. ���� ~ s . . k . �, � . �'; � M .{` ~�'� � 1- . s ��<�' �� � � a . . �' * � ��i � t� f � 4� r 1 4 � _ l ^� �h � � � ��� � Feet 0 125 250 500 '� , Aerial Data - March 2010 122 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A INCLUSIVE PLAY STRUCTURE AT PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL SPORTS PARK Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: This project will develop an inclusive, special needs play park area within the exist- ing Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park. The area will be fenced and include a play apparaNS appropnate for youth with special needs, as well as picnic tables, benches, and a water fountain. Benefit: Will provide a play area for youth with special needs. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: I PfojeCt Cost: Actuals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Project Cost Adminisiration $ 48,000 $ 48,000 Consimction $315,000 $ 315,000 Design $ 34,000 $ 34,000 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ - Totals $ - $397,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 397,000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total to Date 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Years Project Cost DIF (Parl6 a Recreatlon) $219,800 $ 219,800 Quimby $177,200 $ 177,200 Total Funding: $ - $�397,000 $ - $� - $ - $� - $ - $ 397,000 Future Operffiion & Malntenance COSts p011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 $ 500 $ 510 $ 520 $ 531 $ 541 1Zi MARGARITA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ENHANCEMENTS Parks and Recreation Project Location , �-_ �_- --- . �. -_ - . '��. C� ',� �/� �'',o,�`� - r ; �.. ,�� " �ra r ; f��" s � _ 9 RLET� N � �� � ° Q7� U � � E�� ��� � � �''� VAIL BROOk �'�,,,r DEL REY _ ���� , oR a �- s � ���a:,� ,: t,. .,.. ,�u4t NIGH�IEW CIR +�� � k L �� v ��� � S WAYNEW�OD � Q Q �, MpNTE VERDER� 0 �' � � � ���, o �� � �; !"� � �. k ,; '� � �� � � � : � :�°- ��� Q..Q"� � � o N ��FL V ';° O � ' '�' ��' ��Q. 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' . _, . - �� � �r,�, � <y � ��` -� ` � x.� � � ���F N�PR� =� �` �` *` �' N ��' �`� �3r� �'�' `,�FO� '-,� } x i '- _� , � o -,� '�,� � I , ' �G�2`� �`. ,� � � ',�-"�'. f' w °-�;.t .�;�� _ �;, � __ � E�' �� .� �.�:.'•`� ,r� � . �' � ` ` ' �„ �.i:�. _ � G p�INAS '� ,� � ,� ���`� ._. � �s , i r � r',t :"' ' . P$ dff � -- � � jF'' wt < � o c �a �`` �; �� Feet � 0 300 600 1,200 , F`� Aerial Data - March 2010 124 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7ILA MARGARITA ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ENHANCEMENTS Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Design and install irngation and landscape in the nght-of-way to enhance Margarita Road from Via La Vida to Avenida Sonoma. Benefit. The project will add landscaping in the right-of-way to enhance Margarita Road from Via La Vida to Avenida Sonoma. Proiect Status: Projectis in design. Department: Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.154 Prioritv: I PfOjeCtCoSt: �uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 51,000 $ 51,000 Consiruction $25Q000 $ 25Q000 Design $ 26,990 $ 7,000 $ 33,990 Tofals $ 26,990 $30Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 331,990 Soufce of Funds: �uals FuW re Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Resenes $ 26,990 $11Q000 $ 142,990 ReimbursemeM/Other (TCSD) $192,000 $ 192,000 Tofal Funding: $ 26,990 $30Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 331,990 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ Q250 $ Q375 $ Q503 $ 6,633 $ 6,765 125 NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECURITY LIGHTING Parks and Recreation Project Location -__. _ _ � �� � - � ��� . '` o � �;- _ y �+ ,�. ' , �' Z . ; ��.. '` ay �� F�, cyn .". _' .� �` *r,� .� C\R � ` J � � ��S�. �v xir �'` .,� � � , ''�,.. � d�` n ��• � v •�,,�. �. 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'� �v •.�� '"' � .i`". w ` f �,� -�" t�_� . � i r - i � ' , - O � # �� a uF ` � : �,{�` �� V 5 , � � ,.�;� � . 5` � ` . � c1 �, �,�:.,,r� � � A� V � r . � ^ =,, ��,,, ,� "' � ; Q ; �r...:�'-�� �- �f � o -� .. ,. :�� _ O a ,r ...r�, .� � '� f � � . -�� i . .. � ..F: � . � �� "� . �j` �+� - .f. � '� � . Q fi J M� n ' �� ���� & . y � ��� �:.�.� 7 � ' O � � O �.� ` � ;!� . TE � � � - . , '�p 1- a � r 4 .-,�i�; 3 COR COE�- '� � � -�: G�� � � 5 � � ,�' �"' _ - "�r • ,� �,�,: __�.. �� �� '� ` + �C.�' _ , Q , �'�' .e�,y� � ��-' � `i;� E y �,� �' � - _ '� �. �0� ��� � _ r. , °" G , � l tl' .. � Feet '� '" Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �zs zso soo 1964 +n..n��.�vr�'� 126 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7ILA NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECURITY LIGHTING Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Addition of low intensity security lighting in vanous neighborhood parks which may include, Nakayana Park, and Voorburg Park. Benefit: Enhance the safety of City residents in neighborhood parks and facilitate police patrols in these areas. Proiect Status: Project is ongoing. Department: Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.151 Prioritv: III PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Consiruction $ 3Q000 $ 3Q000 Design $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Tofals $ - $ - $ 4Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (Parl� & Recreaoon) $ 4Q000 $ 4Q000 Tofal Funding: $ - $ - $ 4Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 4,000 $ 4,080 $ 4,162 $ 4,245 12� PARKSIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM Parks and Recreation Project � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� ,28 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A PARKS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Rehabilitation and maintenance of parks sites to include fscal year 2011-12 Skate Park sewer lift system, Ronald Reagan Sports Park lower parking lot fence replacement and drainage repairs, Pala Communiry Park fiscal year 2013-14 tennis courts resurfacing and lighting upgrades, Margarita Communiry Park channel reinforcement and fscal year 2012-13 parking lot repairs, Loma Linda Park concrete repairs, PaMcia H. Birdsall Sports Park parking lot repairs, Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park erosion and fence repairs, Harveston Community Park drainage repairs and parking lot resurtacing and restriping, and fence replacement. Benefit: Pmtect the City's vast investment in parks and open space facilities. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: I P�ojec[ Cos[: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Consiruction $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $ 1,350,000 Tofals $ - $ 300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $ - $ 1,350,000 Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Capital Project Reserves $250,000 $250,000 $ 500,000 Quimby $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 100,000 Unspecifietl' $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $ 750,000 Tofal Funtling: $ - $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $ - $ 1,350,000 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5 p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA 'Project cannot be consiructetl until a funtling source is itlentifietl. 129 RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION RETROFIT - VARIOUS SITES Parks and Recreation Project � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� 130 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION RETROFIT—VARIOUS SITES Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: The project identifies irngation areas throughout the Ciry and retrofits these sites in order to provide reclaimed water use and promote the preservation of potable water. Proposed sites may include medians, slope area, or park sites. Staffwill work closely with Rancho California Water District and pursue reimbu rsement for the areas that are retrofitted. Benefit: Savings on costs used to irrigate landscaping. Proiect Status: Ciry staff is working with Rancho California Water District on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement. Department: Temecula Communiry Services / Public Works—Account No. 210.190.150 Priori : I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 Consiruction $40Q000 $ 40Q000 Design $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 Totals $ - $ 50Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost ReimbursemeMS/Other (riveD) $50Q000 $ 50Q000 Total Funding: $ - $50Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50Q000 Future Operetion & Malntenance COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,000 $ 2,040 $ 2,081 $ 2,122 $ 2,165 131 RONALD REAGAN MONUMENT SITE PREPARATION Parks and Recreation Project Location +�x � � �* � :, a �' z , r , ` t ;. °' ,�, ��� r ��`. � . .�� h � ,^ "�j '�'+*�v ,d� k-r ♦ � � f , � "�4+� a`. ,� £ o -,� ;., 4 r: . � � � r • �� '�. ' ?� � �. 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RANCHO VISTA RD � + , .� �� �� - .y !F� ' - r ? - . � ,�,, ..e _ �ti r C � , � '�a�rt'���i��k5i#+r'� i � ;,_ "�.��;�* � �. � �.- r � ,.��k. �Er'p[� � . i y ������ _ �� k �"r � �"4 �� 'i � I'� k fr i PT' �� ���`' �M�„ a . � � �' ; t,` - � ��. � .� y�.� ��. � °'�..' - �' ,�- � :' .•�.Y .r+, �� � K,�, � � . � ° -�, � ,.. +"� �r ;- �� - �,.`- �' ;r. _ � � � , � i +,+ I' � � +Y � . , �a � '1 t7 '`- - k' :. � , �� ��,� � s� _ i �.# � �� � a �-=. ��' f - ' - � py {�� ���k �� , �.� ��, ti�' r 't;, '�f � : �►- � � � .���` - �, - - � ..:. � � � �_r:� .� ,:#• _ ;�.� �� �' ,,� {� �' . ,� '�� s� �. � �� �,: ^'���" . . , �� }� ��� . �. . , , . �- ti ; , . r . x _ � - '� fi r �, .�, - �,,;��',�`!, � * ty r1v - +- 4 ' r '� _ � ' � , ti ' L� �4 F - �- - � - � � S - . �'���'�" y � � _ • , ��.. � � 1 f ' , y ''� � r Z � � .•�. �� r. '��� �" �'s '#, :i`. Fs � y,. i< - i - ° . . .".�- ,. , ..-_ . . �� . . �',�� � i�� - � �: � - � � i !� :1 �: � t+ {�t r { ° { �p iErtiF�. � �^� � . � � Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �e ,eo aoo 132 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A RONALD REAGAN MONUMENT SITE PREPARATION Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Basic site preparation for the proposed Ronald Reagan Monument at the Ronald Reagan Sports Parks, to include irrigation redesign and the concrete base. Benefit: Project will provide the site preparation forthe proposed Ronald Reagan Monument. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Deoartment: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: I Project Cost: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiration $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Consimction $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Design $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Tofals $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 35,000 Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Quimby $ 35,000 $ 35,000 TofalFunding: $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 35,000 Future Operffiion & Maintenance Costs: p011-12 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 1,500 $ 1,530 $ 1,561 $ 1,592 $ 1,624 133 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK CHANNEL SILT REMOVAL AND DESILTING POND Parks and Recreation Project Location t _ � ,� , � ��, �- �_ � A; � J, � �.��u � � � �. '` ,� . �{� ..�` �,''``- - . �.: �` ,� „' v � r�� �� r ' ����� �l ��: '� �oP� . �` �� � �� � � f •. . � . VER� �' - , `,� t � , � t s' R �f ' : +k, '{ ' � ' �, _ �, , _ ,. SP CT ''- � �` � '� � , �+� �' , ��� � ' ',�;, - �� - -.-�''�. 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' , . � _ � �� � ,�� t . i d 1 ',� �_ k �� _ . � i I � i ��' _� ,. � +�. � 1 �'� �* � �� 1i � � - . _ +i - �� �. . , � _ 4 . �. � - ` .� � .i . _' • ". _" � ' y a \ � .. . .�.. . _ � ._ . :...V,. � .� � _.:.. a . -. �� } i ! - _ }�, r � � � . 4 �� « � 4 � � rt � •!� 4� .. � {"��; �: —' �r �"" �» !a. ' 1r�� . �+ � .?,.y ' ��� , • i + �:�° --�, �d ' �. � ry �w � _ -. ,•�. y� • t. V � � S .� l � • a �� �� � - . � a L,- . 91 ` � 4 � � _. f , ;,,-.�Q Y � '_l' ,:A j � y � � � }� � �� a' `� � � S'+ ��� - � `R �� ' l�� _ �� - � ( `�n..� f ...� 0 ,b � � � ii� . ' � �� � • 4 ��� _ � � � � F," #' � . R` r �"� S � 1 � ��". y - '�', '�+'V �. �� K_ i : E... I i • !T�. 1-� "� ±'l i � - '�� � Feet 1989 Aerial Data - March 2010 0 100 200 400 134 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7TLA RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK CHANNEL SILT REMOVAL AND DESILTING POND Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Project will include excavating, hauling away, and disposing of silt in the channel located in Ronald Reagan Sports Park, and the desiltation pond west of the sports park, as well as mitigation. Part of this project was completed in December 2007, in accordance with City Resolution No. 07-105, Declared Local Emergency. Benefit: Project will increase the flow capacity of the channel in order to prevent flooding in the sports park, and increase the capaciry of the pond to hold storm water and reduce down stream sedimentation. Proiect Status: The design for restonng the Best Management Practices (BMP) of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and the Required Water Quality Management Plan by desilting the basin nearthe sports park is nearly complete. Removal of silt and construction of the mitigation site is estimated to be complete by end of fscal year 2012. Upon approval by the resource agencies, the maintenance of the mitigation site is estimated to be complete by fscal year 2016. Department: Public Works /Temecula Communiry Services-Account No. 210.190.187 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: �hials Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisimtion $16Q187 $ 5,078 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 194,065 Consiruction $172,376 $13Q664 $ 1Q000 $ 1Q000 $ 1Q000 $ 1Q000 $ 343,040 Design $177,561 $12Q597 $ 306,158 Tofals $ 51Q124 $264,339 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ - $ 843,263 Soufce of Funds: �dals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Capital Project Resenes $29Q768 $ 2Q183 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 349,351 Proposition42 $ BQ000 $ 88,000 Reim bursem enis/Ot her (FBVIA)* $131,356 $244,156 $ 375,512 Unspecified** $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 3Q400 Tofal Funding: $ 51Q124 $264,339 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ 15,200 $ - $ 843,263 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 WA *Parl ofihis project was completed in December 2007 and FEMA requires appro�al Por additional funds. **Project cannM be consiructed uMil a funding source is ideMifed. 1� SAM HICKS MONUMENT PARK PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT Parks and Recreation Project Location � r �.� r:. �� �,. - . �� � - � c ` n r . � . " y `*•. f' "+' , _ �'� � � �'-J P�� .*, �F- � • �• � 2 ��F��� _:� ,N � �s: � , , � � �� �P ,� � t ; � �O P � �*� .._ ..-.i a ��G `� �, �'— � � �.�_ � t�'�, � ' � ' {'..�,+S�ir ��f: r ? '�._ � Y �.. 4. � �_ � f . � > �, � _ x .r-_ cVi . �1 �V _ su'11 = r_ . � � Y .� . ��� f�k� " . ��? � _ . . �i .- � � ( � � M } � ��� �� � . .. O ... � ¢'. t>. ,x.., . � ��� f�, . .'�. �� � �r, �.�.. ��.�?� �K �� �`� .P �1'� "�tp ! � J � A O� -__.S � _ ' } * y . '��, .�a� G �1�:���i ���� .#- ,.� � : � � � � ti �. � �y,'. tiq� . , .,��� '� �' � '� � �..�4 `--- � �� � �� � � � £; ' y � '., } °., �. ���" �' ,, � �� � 1; � � ¢ �:;, , ' '�,p� � �.• �"�4,�_. � � .� � .,. j ;:" ,_.-� . c: � _ � . � ` ' � :�� � . � � 1�' . �ti 5 �. � �. g �'; �� ,� - �ti , ' , �' y+�� . ��i � � '^.. �h . 'v �' S' S ti �' � f � ti `:., P S gt`� f -,a �', � � � ��F ��. . ��,� ��,. }' 't� . - . �tic�. 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R � <'��� � . � � �� /. � 4 ' � <' 2 , {�i'7r� � 4 � ` � ��,� .w. '�j�f � . �,.-_ . �� '1� dr.: �K� � R � J",� i �� �l� >:4�. F ^.. _�. ..,` { �p iErtiF�. ��^�e �j� Feet lYNY��c� Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �o0 20o aoo 136 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7ILA SAM HICKS MONUMENT PARK PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Design and constmct a new play stmcture to replace the existing equipment, including removal of old equipment and installation of new equipment, and resurfacing according to ADA Guidelines. Benefit: Project will provide an enhanced play environment and improved access forthe disabled. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: TemeculaCommunityServices Prioritv: III PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Consiruction $155,000 $ 155,000 Design $ 12,500 $ 12,500 Tofals $ - $ - $175,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (Parl� & Recreaoon) $175,000 $ 175,000 TofalFunding: $ - $ - $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 200 $ 204 $ 208 13] SENIOR CITIZEN OUTDOOR FITNESS LOT Parks and Recreation Project Location =°� .. - � > q ° • :��. � �_ �°',�' ��,4. x t. ., - i �ty � 4 +r� �� � � f+_� � , � h � !� • ' f +� i , Rr � �6� '"�' . ��'�ti� �� �� * �� '� s {. ,� ':G t '' .�'� � � � �:� ...- ` iy � 1f r �Y � �3� . . k � , � � �ti.�"' '�, Y � ����. � '� ,. . _ .�I�S�'� ��'' ��' •��` � ��' � _� �, t ''�_ k � '���� � g � � ��; '', _' ,, � , ��; �y= �. , , � � ����� �� .. � �� , �� . ��,� � .y,/'�� � � " r � y �� ' / c � ,-:.. p �• i :, f ,r . 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F� 'y� f. - ♦ � ��- �` \�, E � � �- r . r ��` ��x.71-` � �;: { I * :•' � � � ' �. iR,' t ! �`` � �, � �- '�, . . f - G � �,� � !�� ��`� �'��'�°` � ���' ��;� � � - � .� l. �� -;��'--. J�.�•2� c - � �.N��� ( y� y ,.. '/ F f P� �Q .R. . OF' .~�` � '`.� Feet iyav F Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �o0 20o aoo 138 � I CI'lYOFTF.MEG7I�A SENIOR CITIZEN OUTDOOR FITNESS LOT Parks and Recreation Project Proiect Description: Design and develop an outdoor exercise area for mature adults. Constmction ofthe exercise area will be in close pmximiry to the senior center and consist of ADA accessible surfacing, fourto ten exercise apparatus for mature adults, shade covering, waterfountain, and fencing. Benefit: Will provide a venue for seniors and mature adults to exercise. Proiect Status: This project has not yet started. Department: Temecula Community Services Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Consiruction $ 6Q000 $ 6Q000 Design $ 1Q000 $ 1Q000 Tofals $ - $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75,000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (Parl� & Recreaoon) $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Tofal Funding: $ - $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 75,000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 600 $ 612 $ 624 $ 637 $ fi19 139 WATER SLIDE REPLACEMENTAT THE COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER (CRC) POOL Parks and Recreation Project Location ✓: , - _ : . � � �'�- �, S p�Cq CT � � �Y "��. � � ��r ,�� � , g � r �� ��� x,'. '�.7' � � � d�f ' ,��R� :' '� '"E ' �'' r �,. ,} • � . �,, _ y ��� , �� � + i� r �� `�",�� � �`�' : � � • _,* ' ' ;�� ��. ,. ��� Z �;, � � - T. �� - � r _ 9 � �� � i�.� "`� rr,� ' � . .' ~ _ . �' ! .. � .. � . 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Yr F' '°�� � . 4 - � 4 Y,�T X''S �, �+2 _ r w� t �} i .,�- •' rt P� t 'w `i .._ - - �� '�'�` -s:• �;�;�" ' 't � .�� a ��� . .. . � i . � � � E y i I � ,_ . � • .. •. !�� . . R4 � .� ;p1= ' . . 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Deoartment: Temecula Communiry Services—Account No. 210.190.156 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Consiruction $131,000 $ 131,000 Consiruction Engineenng $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Design $ 1QOA0 $ 1Q000 Tofals $ - $ 15Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost DIF (Park & Rec) $15Q000 $ 15Q000 TofalFunding: $ - $15Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,500 $ 2,550 $ 2,601 $ 2,653 $ 2,706 141 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 �az _ . � I CITYOF7'EMECUI�1 Proposed Capital Improvement Program — Fiscal Years 2012-2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF REDEVELOPMENT / HOUSING PROJECTS Affordable Housing ..............................................................................145 Affordable Housing Land Acquisition ....................................................147 Affordable Housing Projects — Future Obligations ................................149 NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance ...........................151 Old Town Sidewalk Rehabilitation ........................................................153 143 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Redevelopment / Housing Project Location �`�,� '��' � ' � �� ' � + �� � m ,� � ;,� �-.�r: ` - ' � �N � �� �N 2 F'-� ' � r . �� p�� -�����..�� 4 ,. �'1' � '' �� � � � � P � . ,.: � _ �O , � G �; , � . = � , : , N /GHLANQ A � J� ' � Y ,�P� , � �� d �: O i `„ . • „�, a _ .F. _4 �� , � ; . 3 � � ' � �� � �' .f` .^;�i �: » '�� C � � �� �� �'.. ,� ` fi'`. ; c �� � } `�L . .. , �� � "� � �� i 1 i 1 fi ,], �3. ;+ Y +4 �. � � '- p . � � � �: 7 • , � ����#� ' ; l r � � � �. . � . _ .�; �.1 ,^ •� y � - � ;"C "�'�:• .. . � � i� • �Y ' • � a � � O� I� � �_jl:.'N' ��.�. �� R.�� -, . � � � � 4 }� � � � 9 j f �'_ � ' � .'�' ,: F ' �'�� �•� �°� � ' �' '� �=�- �,'�'�,� �P` � `�O � ., � �;� f f � ��� �`�� "�� �' �;.�+,:�', �� : ; � � , ,. .. ` ,., � � � �. . ,�,�, t �,� � � � � �•• � • � �� d` �<� O� � �, .. ; o . : , , . , 1 -'r ��.1 ` 9 .x, ; :;�= C,�e� . � •;�,� Ft �' �� � � Y � � � _ �i � c • �� ' �s ' � . 4� . � � � o , K �,, 'M . . �� ��'I�� 6 ' . . � . ��s �. �.� `. ; ��` � - - '�_, �-:� �1 . `s' ��: C� f . ° ,e+,��., , ?� � 'Y� �� ��� �,�J1� Q���� ��F , '�k �. � r �{ E #� � i :a' : t �� " . � 6 � � - I � �,��, . � � "' "�'a'�a,'' .� �' " � �~ � `� ' x '� � � `} ' "{ y � � ti ,. 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[4� _ { � _ � . �� �� } `� 1 " _ ` A G� p }a�� �.��� ' ,. � ��� • , � � �5+� � �� ` �'� � = S 'S ��. �# '' { � � �`'� '"�s�, � � . . „ , . _. ,- "�- , . •,� , . �� `�.�';���� k��'� ' ' x�;F T O � �` � � �.'. ., - � f . � - _ i-� ,E;�' k � 11 ,`f � ' f �� , � �� . ,, � S _ . ,,} � ��: '�• `+ �` '�� Feet `` � Aerial Data - March 2010 0 250 500 1,000 144 �° I CI7YOFTEMEECULA AFFORDABLE HOUSING Redevelopment / Housing Project Proiect Description: Workwith development partners to develop affordable housing projects in Old Town which meet the State Planning and Redevelopment mandates. Benefit: The project fulfills the goals and policies of the City's General Plan and the Redevelopment Implementation Plan, and also furthers the revitalization of Old Town consistent with the Old Town Specifc Plan. Proiect Status: The Agency continues to pursue qualiry affordable housing development partners for the construction and management of affordable housing developments within the City. Two funding agreements are anticipated to be entered into for the development of affordable housing during the 2011- 2012fiscalyear. Department: RedevelopmentMousing—AccountNo.165.800.815 Prioritv: I AcWals FuWre TotalProject PfOjeCt CO5t: � Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years Cost Acquisition $1,841,070 $ 1,841,070 Consiruction $3,702,782 $ 3,702,782 RehabAssistance $4,OOQ000 $7,506,013 $72Q174 $701,819 $254,798 $13,182,834 Tofals $ - $9,543,852 $7,506,013 $72Q174 $701,819 $251,798 $ - $18,72Q686 AcWals FuWre TotalProject SOUfCe Of FUndS: � Date 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 Years Cost RDA Housing $1,861,712 $ 437,160 $72Q174 $701,819 $254,798 $ 3,975,693 RDA Housing (2010 TABS) $5,099,247 $ 5,099,247 RDA Housing (2011 TABS) $7,682,140 $1,969,606 $ 9,651,746 TofalFunding: $ - $ 9,543,852 $7,506,013 $72Q174 $701,819 $251,798 $ - $18,72Q686 Future Operation & MalntenanCe CO5t5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 201415 2015-06 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 $ 5,520 1u5 AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND ACQUISITION Redevelopment / Housing Project � r1�i L�.l�fi:ri l� !�^� �� �� ,��� ' y �i / x' 4, � L } :P' � w � � � ! : � VS �� . � ?�j14 �� O �; ��� 1989 �`� � , .,ew �u��� ,46 �° I CITYOFTEMEECULA AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND ACQUISITION Redevelopment / Housing Project Proiect Description: Work with development partners to develop affordable housing projects in Old Town which meet the State Planning and Redevelopment mandates. Benefit: The project fulfills the goals and policies of the City's General Plan and the Redevelopment Implementation Plan, and also furthers the revitalization of Old Town consistent with the Old Town Specifc Plan. Proiect Status: The Agency continues to pursue qualiry affordable housing development partners for the construction and management of affordable housing developments within the City. Department: RedevelopmentMousing Prioritv: I P�ojec[Cos[: Actuals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCOSt Acquisition $6,443,590 $6,443,590 Totals $ - $6,443,590 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $6,443,590 Source of Funds: A�uals FuWre Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCOSt RDA Housing $ - RDA Housing (2010 TABS) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 RDA Housing (2011 TABS) $5,443,590 $5,443,590 Total Funtlin : $ - $ 6,443,590 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,443,590 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5 p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 $ 5,412 14] AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS Redevelopment / Housing Project Location , ,_. ; . . � � . .� � � . � x � ` � � «� �� � t, ..,i���. q. � f �� 4 � 4s �� c ��' Ly� /� .�� < �.� � 1 . �� _� �� ..�r��!� 4 6� 1* f � ��V, � � � �,�� e. : 't- � r �r � - y a :: �,%.� �'��� '{� � �'" 1 � T� �• ��� �' ,**`. �� . � 7 � � "e, � � Y � � i � tr �- ` � � . �� _ ���� ��" t 4 ��� � ..'S, ,s 't.+t� d f . . � �:%'� 'A� "�, � y .� F M �. . ��`�-`': � ��, { ,`� � .� �' G �Q - p` � � ' , . ,f � � +° �� � �� '� , f � °'$ " y �., � ` ; •;✓ { f : � ! .� � � _:# '� I ri1', . 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'+ ry, . .:i , � .i�.� �' � �'� � �� �' ��r � - ..+,_. �� �. � � .. � , i � E -, �s��.k; � � 4 � � `'. ^ o r vf�� �� Feet �° v F`' Aerial Data - March 2010 0 �o0 20o aoo 148 �° I CI7YOFTEMEECULA AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS—FUTURE OBLIGATIONS Redevelopment / Housing Project Proiect Description: Project will include the design, construction, and rehabilitation of affordable housing for the Mission Village project to meet State mandated housing goals. Benefit: Project will increase the preservation the stock of affordable housing within the City. Proiect Status: The project continues to operate as a safe affordable housing development for individuals and families of low and very low income. Department: RedevelopmentMousing—AccountNo.165.800.811 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Consiruction $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $ 1,83Q000 Tofals $ - $ 305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $ 1,83Q000 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost RDA Housing $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $ 1,83Q000 Tofal Funding: $ - $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $305,000 $ 1,83Q000 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $� 7,500 $ 7,500 $� 7,500 $ 7,500 $� 7,500 $ 7,500 149 NW RDA PROPERTY GRADING AND NPDES COMPLIANCE Redevelopment / Housing Project Location — , ., � ��,, a .-� � {y ���� r�'�?n I �� .�',', .. �."� . • t ' � ��� � .� �� r , ��� Q,`' ^� , . 4 � • � '9 �Q.� , � � Q, �' � P � � ., ., �� � ,¢#� , � Q` �� � ` - � � � •, } '�'� � ' . - - ������ �: 4 �.� �� x ''i � � ,y"'w,�� i � w+4 f t �� � f � � � ',��.�� %� - . �� � � i IIN t,;« �� ', :`�. .q;, { . _ r ;, �:,� i � - `�;�_�`, ti - _ _ ��` ��.< � �. `�� � r Lh � ��. ,�; ;• ,�, ;�� � �� �„ �; r = o __ � V r' �� N '�" �' � � _ . r r _ 'S'O _ '�',�' �`r,�, ,^. t_�, - ''`, � .c� , F r _ ,� � . ��� � �� . . /�' 1'a' � . ''`� �: . _ ., ,� . ,^ .. .: .,. •:,,� , ..�,. t� .. � � �i � ��� '� � ,. i�� 1.. , . �`�. - �� �` _ ~��.� .. 7 �.� �, �.� . ♦.. �' �"G � '� � � ' , �`� � f� _ ` .1 f r , j �'#" _, ,� ' ',, �' � � ` ,3 �''� ' k � ` '� H .. �.�' _, - �N�'��� ,,�`,s�� `�; t �: �a. '� � ,�� R� °'' P y w � � � � � � � � + � P � � p �_ � ' '�, � f , � _ `'� t .', ,�.�. c a ' � .� 1.�t' ' �"' ;� +.:,� � „ +'� i ��. � ; y �'� � � F '� � , � �'� , L P�, �t- w •�,� ��.�'' t �,Q'�� �`�` �S'T �k� ':.; � � - ., G ��S'� o �� t � �, - � , �'fl �� i �',�,'`¢' � � �: � y��� � �.° r= u ,�, � JP G ` p Q ,�' . � ���, � .y��F �� G9 ��L 5 �. � ♦ � c� ��O ���?.�'�9 ��� _ �'. O � r � — Q' .:�. � �r ��'� �1� Feet � Aerial Data - March 2010 o s�s �so �,soo lYNY��c� 150 �° I CITYOFTEMEECULA NW RDA PROPERTY GRADWG AND NPDES COMPLIANCE Redevelopment / Housing Project Proiect Description: Project will complete rough grading and compacting at the RDA owned property at the northwest comer of Diaz Road and Dendy Parkway, including redistnbuting surcharge materials across the entire site and then implementing storm water Better Management Practices (BMP) for sediment and erosion control and complete annual maintenance ofthe storm water BMP's. Benefit: Work will prepare the site for future development or for marketing to the development community while ensuring compliance with stortn water regulations. Proiect Status: The grading and site restoration were complete in December 2008. Ongoing NPDES maintenance is required until the property is fully developed. This project is estimated to be complete when the land is sold. Department: Redevelopment—AccountNo.165.800.839 Prioritv: I PfOjeCt CoSt: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost Adminisiretion $ 5,564 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 2Q564 Consiruction $142,017 $ 5Q000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 282,017 Design $ 1Q000 $ 1Q000 Tofals $ 147,581 $ 65,000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 312,581 Soufce of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Years ProjectCost RDAHousing $147,581 $ 65,000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ 312,581 TofalFunding: $147,581 $ 65,000 $ 5Q000 $ 5Q000 $ - $ - $ - $ 312,581 Future Operetion & MalntenanCe COSts: y011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 2,000 $ 2,610 $ 2,081 151 OLD TOWN SIDWALK REHABILITATION Redevelopment / Housing Projects Location r ,�; �', ,• Q ,y - °. 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Benefit: Project will meet State Planning and Redevelopment mandates, fulfll the City's General Plan and Redevelopment Implementation Plan goals and policies, and assist in the removal of blight. Proiect Status: This project will be implemented in conwrrence with private development as that development occurs. Department: Redevelopment—AccountNo.280.800.843 Prioritv: I P�ojec[ Cos[: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 Consiruction $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 600,000 Tofals $ - $ - $ - $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 600,000 Source of Funds: Actuals Future Total toDate 2011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 Vears ProjectCO4 CDBG $ 40,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 340,000 Unspecifietl' $110,000 $150,000 $ 260,000 TofalFUntling: $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $ 600,000 Fu[ure Opera[ion & Maln[enanCe Co5[5: p011-02 2012-13 2013-04 2014-05 2015-06 $ 5,000 $ 5,100 $ 5,202 $ 5,306 153 ti`�� �� � l s G � oi z�:;., :: - � .-�,a;.';. i• . 4 , !i 0 ���? 1909 ,�J�'���� 'T ��NS � NEW � QeO4 �sa � � CITYOFTEMECUL.4 Proposetl Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Vears 2012-2016 FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS Project Deoarbnent FutureYears CIRCULATION Auxiliary Lanes on Interstate-15 in Temecula Public Works $ 5,025,000 ChertySireet Extension Diaz Road to Jefferson Avenue Public Works 11,180,000 Diaz Road Widening from Winchester Road to Rancho California public Works 1,500,000 Road Jefferson Avenue Median from Winchester Road to Rancho public Works 2,300,000 California Road La Paz Sireet Widening from Vnez Road to State Route 79 South Public Works 2,500,000 NicolasValley-COmmunityFacilitiesDisirict(LieferROad) PublicWOrks 4,088,508 Pauba Road Improvemenis- east ofMarganta Road on ihe norih public Works 130,000 side Rainbow Canyon Road Widening from Pechanga Parkwayto City public Works 8,000,000 Limit Rancho California Road East ofMeadows Parkway Public Works 470,000 Rancho California Road Widening from I-15 to East ofVnez Road Public Works 705,000 Rancho WayExtension from Diaz to Margarita Road Public Works 28,337,000 Western Bypass Corridor-Phase I Public Works 10,536,600 Western Bypass Corridor-Phase II Public Works 11,300,000 Temecula Creek Crossing Public Works 16,777,300 Vnez Road Widening from Rancho Vista Road to La Paz Sireet Public Works 6,344,000 Vnez Road Widening from Tierre Vista Road to Rancho Vista Road Public Works 580,000 TOTAL $ �os,77s,4oe INFRASTRUCTURE Fire Station Promenade Fire Depariment $ 4,083,000 Ice Skating Faciltly CommunityServices 8,740,000 MargaritaUnder-Crossing PublicWOrks 1,650,000 Pedesirian and Bicycle Bndge Overcrossing into Old Town Planning 1,890,000 SeniorCenter CommunityServices 4,600,000 Southside Brench Librery CommunityServices 6,640,000 Southside Recreation Center CommunityServices 4,500,000 Tenant Improvemenis Police and CONVIS Spaces CommunityServices 650,000 TOTAL $ a2,75s,000 �u � � CITYOFTEMECUL.4 Proposetl Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Vears 2012-2016 FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS Project Deoarbnent FutureYears PARKS BotanicalGarden CommunityServices $ 300,000 ButterfeldStageParkResiroom CommunityServices 150,000 CommunityRecreationCenterUpgredesandRefurbishing CommunityServices 93,750 DogParkFVeas-VanousCityParks CommunityServices 200,000 PabloApisParkExpansion(RedhawkParkstleG) CommunityServices 750,000 PalaParkRetrofiTennisCOUriLighis CommunityServices 93,750 Paloma Del Sol Park ParkwayLandscaping CommunityServices 100,000 Ronald Reagan Sporis Park Norih/SOUrIh Fields Back Stops, Dugout, CommunityServices 857,000 and Parking Lotwith Tresh Enclosures RonaldReaganSporisParkUpperSOCCerPavingand CommunityServices 481,250 MaterialsiEquipment Stomge Bays RoripaughRanchOpenSpaceTreils CommunityServices 190,000 Santiago Park Stle CommunityServices 2,174,500 Santiago /Vnez park Stle Design CommunityServices 175,000 ShadeSiructures CommunityServices 100,000 SkatePark/BikeParkRenovation CommunityServices 1,300,000 SporisCOmplex-JOintUSe(RiversideCOUntyFloodCOnirolDisirict) CommunityServices 8,250,000 Vnez Road and Overland Landscaping CommunityServices 200,000 VailRanchParklmprovemenis CommunityServices 800,000 VailRanchParkSiteD CommunityServices 1,843,000 TOTAL $ �e,ose,25o �ss