HomeMy WebLinkAbout011111 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694 -6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET JANUARY 11, 2011 — 7:00 PM At approximately 9:45 P.M., the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 P.M. and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. - Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section: 1. LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. The City Council will meet in closed session with its designated representatives to discuss labor negotiations with an employee organization pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. The City's designated representatives are: City Manager Shawn Nelson; Assistant City Manager Aaron Adams, Assistant City Manager Bob Johnson, Deputy City Manager Grant Yates; City Attorney Peter Thorson and Special Counsel Jeffrey Freedman. The employee organization is the California Teamsters Public, Professional and Medical Employees Union Local 911. 2. CITY MANAGER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The City Council will meet in closed session for a performance evaluation of the City Manager pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Public Information concerning existing litigation between the City and various parties may be acquired by reviewing the public documents held by the City Clerk. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ron Roberts Prelude Music: Susan Miyamoto Invocation: Pastor Gary Nelson of Calvary Chapel of Temecula Flag Salute: Council Member Comerchero ROLL CALL: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington, Roberts 1 Next in Order: Ordinance: 11 -01 Resolution: 11 -01 PRESENTATIONS /PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of gavel to incoming Mayor Ron Roberts. Service Awards - Ron Roberts, Ron Guerriero, Felicia Hogan, and Stan Harter PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five minute (5) time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1 Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Action Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the action minutes of December 14, 2010. 2 3 List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2010 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2010. 5 Inland Empire Heart Association Heart Fundraiser Walk (at the request of Mayor Roberts) RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Authorize the City to become a media sponsor for the Heart Association Fundraiser Walk. 6 Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids for the Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements - Phase I, Project No. PVV09 -02 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements — Phase I, Project No. PW09 -02. 7 Tract Map No. 34698, located on the north side of Date Street at Lakeview Road, between Ynez Road and Margarita Road, within Harveston Specific Plan RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Approve Tract Map No. 34698 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval. 8 Acceptance of certain Public Streets into the City- Maintained System within Tract Map No. 25004 (located south of Murrieta Hot Springs Road and east of Seraphina Road - KB Homes) RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: 3 RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NO. 25004) 9 Acceptance of certain Public Streets into the City- Maintained System within Tract Map Nos. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, and 31053 -3 (located southeasterly of the corner of Date Street and Ynez Road within the Harveston Subdivision — Meritage Homes) RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NOS. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, AND 31053 -3) 10 All -Way Stop Control - Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF SUNNY MEADOWS DRIVE AND CORBIE STREET 11 Urban Forestry Grant Program - An Urban Forest for Every City" RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR FUNDING FROM THE URBAN FORESTRY GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLED, "AN URBAN FOREST FOR EVERY CITY ", AS PROVIDED THROUGH PROPOSITIONS 40 AND 84 4 12 Approve a Maintenance Agreement for the Street Striping Program FY 2010 -2011, Project No. PW09 -04 RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Approve a $300,000 Maintenance Agreement with Pacific Striping, Inc. for the total cost of work associated with the First and Second Cycle of the bi- annual Citywide Street Striping Program for the Fiscal Year 2010 -2011, Project No. PW09 -04; 12.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $30,000, which is equal to 10% of the total agreement. 13 Police Department Asset Forfeiture Account Purchases RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve the purchase of Police equipment for a total amount of $6,119 with asset forfeiture funds held by the County of Riverside Sheriff's Department. 14 Second Reading of Ordinance No. 10 -15 RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 10 -15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A ZONING AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF A PARCEL LOCATED AT 42210 LYNDIE LANE FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (H) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) * * * * * *** * * * * * * *** * ** RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY * * * * * *** * * * * * * *** * ** 5 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CALL TO ORDER: President Jeff Comerchero ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Comerchero CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 15 Action Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Approve the action minutes of December 14, 2010. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT Next in Order: Ordinance: No. CSD 11 -01 Resolution: No. CSD 11 -01 Next regular meeting: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM., City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. 6 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALL TO ORDER: Chair Person Mike Naggar ROLL CALL: AGENCY MEMBERS: Comerchero, Edwards, Roberts, Washington, Naggar RDA PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 16 Action Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Approve the action minutes of December 14, 2010. RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS RDA ADJOURNMENT Next in Order: Ordinance: No. RDA 11 -01 Resolution: No. RDA 11 -01 Next regular meeting: Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM., City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. 7 RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 17 Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Development Plan for (Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, PA09 -0287, and PA09 -0288) RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 11- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RORIPAUGH ESTATES SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS WITH OR WITHOUT A CAR WASH IN PLANNING AREA 10 UTILIZING THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT 17.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA09 -0287, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A 946 - SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) 17.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA09 -0288, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) 8 Standing Committees Current Member(s) City Sustainability Program Committee Roberts, Washington Economic Development Committee Washington, Roberts RDA/Old Town Steering Committee (Suggest RDA Chairman be considered) Roberts, Edwards Finance Committee Edwards, Naggar Infrastructure Beautification Committee Edwards, Naggar Joint City Council /TVUSD Committee Edwards, Washington Murrieta /Temecula Committee Naggar, Washington Public Works /Facilities Committee Edwards, Roberts Quality of Life /Temecula 2030 Master Plan Committee Roberts, Washington Southwest Cities Coalition Committee Edwards, Comerchero Commission Liaison (One Member) Current Member Community Services Commission Comerchero Old Town Local Review Board Washington Planning Commission Naggar Public /Traffic Safety Commission Edwards 17.4 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 18 Selection of 2011 City Council Committee Assignments RECOMMENDATION: 1. Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as liaison to each of the City Commissions and Committees: 2. Appoint two members of the City Council to serve on each of the following Standing Committees: 9 Representative Assignments (External Organizations) Current Member(s) Animal Shelter Liaison!JPA Representative Edwards League of California Congress — 2011 Voting Delegate (Suggest Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem) Comerchero, (Alternate Roberts) National League of Cities Annual Congress — 2011 Voting Delegate (Suggest Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem) Comerchero, (Alternate Roberts) Military Liaison Representative New Murrieta Creek Representative Edwards Pechanga Tribal Council Liaison Roberts, (Alternate Naggar) RCA Representative Edwards, (Alternate Washington) Rancho California Water District Liaison Comerchero, Roberts Riverside County Child Safety Commission (Suggest possible deletion) Edwards Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Board Edwards Riverside County Transportation Commission Roberts, (Alternate Comerchero) Riverside Transit Agency Representative Comerchero, (Alternate Edwards) Temecula Sister City Liaison Roberts WRCOG /Zone Committee (relating to TUMF Program for WRCOG) (Suggest combining WRCOG & Zone Committee) Washington, (Alternate Edwards) Ad Hoc Subcommittees — (Can be one or two members) Current Member(s) Community Service Funding Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Naggar Diaz Property Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington External Communications Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Edwards Firestone Property Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Naggar French Valley Parkway Interchange Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Higher Education Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington Homeless Needs Ad Hoc Subcommittee Washington, Edwards Jefferson Corridor Ad Hoc Subcommittee New Luxury Car Dealership Ad Hoc Subcommittee Washington, Roberts Military Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Suggest combining with Military Liaison added above) Washington, Edwards Nicolas Valley Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Old Town Civic Center Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Old Town Gym Ad Hoc Subcommittee New Promenade Mall Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Washington Ronald Reagan Sports Park Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Naggar 3. Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following Representative Assignments (External Organizations): 4. Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following Ad Hoc Subcommittees: 10 Roripaugh Ranch Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Santa Margarita Annexation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Comerchero South Temecula Land and Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Summerhouse Senior Housing Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Temecula Healthcare Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Naggar Transit/Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Comerchero Wall of Honor Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Edwards Youth Court Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Comerchero Youth Master Plan Implementation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, at 5:30 PM, for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NONCE TO THE PUBLIC The agenda packet (including staff reports) will be available for viewing at the Main Reception at City Hall (41000 Main Street, Temecula) or at the Temecula Library (30600 Pauba Road, Temecula) after 4:00 PM the Friday before the City Council meeting. At that time, the packet may as well be accessed on the City's website — www.cityoftemecula.orq Supplemental material received after the posting of the Agenda Any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review at the Main Reception at the Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula — 8:00 — 5:00 PM). In addition, such material will be made available on the City's web — www.cityoftemecula.orq — and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. If you have any questions regarding any item of business on the Agenda for this meeting, please contact City Clerk's Department — 951- 694 -6444. 11 PRESENTATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 1 Item No. 2 The City Council meeting convened at 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jeff Comerchero Prelude Music: Music Heritage Foundation Invocation: Rabbi Yitzchok Hurwitz of Chabad of Temecula Valley Flag Salute: Council Member Edwards ROLL CALL: Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Comerchero PRESENTATIONS /PROCLAMATIONS Commemorative Gavel Presentation from the Assistance League Presentation to the City by Assembly Member Jeffries Presentation to the City by Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone PUBLIC COMMENTS The following individuals addressed the City Council: • George Rombach • Suzanne Rombach • Gregory Kind • Mayor Pro Tem Doug McAllister • Tom Vining CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET DECEMBER 14, 2010 — 7:00 PM 1 Declaration of Results of November 2, 2010 Municipal Election - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval. RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: Action Minutes1121410 1 CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTION NO. 10 -87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010, DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW 2 Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 3 Action Minutes - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve the action minutes of November 23, 2010. 4 Resolution Designating the Locations for the Posting of City Documents - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 10 -88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DESIGNATING LOCATIONS FOR POSTING OF DOCUMENTS 5 List of Demands - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: Action Minutes1121410 2 RESOLUTION NO. 10 -89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 6 City Treasurer's Report as of October 31, 2010 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5- 0-0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of October 31, 2010. 7 Financial Statements for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2010 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the Three Months ended September 30, 2010; 7.2 Approve a revenue increase of $96,655 in the Recovery Act JAG Grant Funding. 8 Development Impact Fee refund for First Street Improvements to DMC Building Company - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Approve a Development Impact Fee (DIF) refund to DMC Building Company, Inc. in the amount of $ 134,588.51 based on its full payment of the City's Development Impact Fee and its construction of certain DIF- eligible public improvements under the City's Capital Improvement Program to the satisfaction of the City and authorize the City Manager take such actions as are necessary to process this refund. Action Minutes1121410 3 9 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Community and Environmental Transportation Accountability Program (CETAP) Funding Agreement for the French Valley Parkway /I -15 Overcrossing & Interchange Project - Phase 1 (Agreement No. 11- 72- 036 -00) - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve the attached $20M TUMF CETAP Funding Agreement between the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) and the City of Temecula for the Construction of the French Valley Parkway /I -15 Overcrossing & Interchange Project — Phase I (Agreement No.11 -72- 036 -00); 9.2 Authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. 10 Fifth Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Temecula and Meyer and Associates for the Temecula Community Center Expansion Project, Phase 2 — Project No. PW06 -05 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Approve a Fifth Amendment to the agreement between the City of Temecula and Meyer and Associates in an amount not to exceed $8,431 plus a 10% contingency of $843 for additional professional services to support construction of the Temecula Community Center Expansion Phase 2 — Project No. PW06 -05. 11 Fifth Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with T.Y. Lin International for the design of the Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek — Project No. PW06 -04 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Fifth Amendment to the agreement with T.Y. Lin International in an amount not to exceed $77,357 plus a 10% contingency of $7,735.70 for additional services to provide additional environmental clearance and design services for the Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek — Project No. PW06 -04, and extend the term of the agreement to December 31, 2012. Action Minutes1121410 4 12 Approval of an Additional Appropriation to the Winchester Road /Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification — Project No. PW06 -15 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5- 0-0) — Council Member Edwards made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Approve an appropriation of $120,000 from the Roripaugh Ranch Community Facilities District (CFD) Improvement Funds for the Winchester Road /Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification — Project Number PW06 -15 in the Capital Improvement Program Budget. At 7:43 P.M., the City Council convened as the Temecula Community Services District and the Redevelopment Agency. At 8:11 P.M., the City Council resumed with regular business. PUBLIC HEARING 20 A Zoning Amendment Application to change the zoning of a parcel from High Density Residential (H) to Community Commercial (CC) RECOMMENDATION: 20.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval ORDINANCE NO. 10 -15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A ZONING AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF A PARCEL LOCATED AT 42210 LYNDIE LANE FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (H) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) 20.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Washington made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Naggar; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RESOLUTION NO. 10 -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION IN CONNECTION WITH A ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF A PARCEL LOCATED AT 42210 LYNDIE LANE FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (H) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) (APN 921 - 310 -018) Action Minutes1121410 5 21 AB 1600 Financial Reports - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Council Member Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Washington; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 21.1 Approve the AB 1600 Financial Reports for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 22 Appointment of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem for Calendar Year 2011 — Appointed Mayor Pro Tem Roberts as Mayor and Council Member Washington as Mayor Pro Tem (5 -0 -0) — Mayor Comerchero made the motion; it was seconded by Council Member Edwards; and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 22.1 Entertain motions from the City Council Members to appoint the Mayor to preside, effective January 1, 2011, to the end of Calendar Year 2011; 22.2 Entertain motions from the City Council Members to appoint the Mayor Pro Tem, effective January 1, 2011, who will assume the duties of the Mayor in the Mayor's absence, and hold this office until the end of the Calendar Year 2011. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 23 Economic Development Departmental Monthly Report 24 City Council Travel /Conference Report - November 2010 Action Minutes1121410 6 CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT City Attorney Thorson advised that under the Brown Act, there was nothing to report from the Closed Session. ADJOURNMENT At 8:18 P.M., the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 5:30 PM, for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] Action Minutes1121410 7 Jeff Comerchero, Mayor Item No. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: List of Demands PREPARED BY: Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager Leah Thomas, Accounting Specialist RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution List of Demands RESOLUTION NO. 11- Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $9,497,343.84. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. Ron Roberts, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of January, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk 12/08/2010 TOTAL CHECK RUN $ 1,426,745.08 12/09/2010 TOTAL CHECK RUN 3,424,036.99 12/16/2010 TOTAL CHECK RUN 1,414,820.51 12/22/2010 TOTAL CHECK RUN 2,383,209.53 12/09/2010 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 429,211.48 12/23/2010 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 419,320.25 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 01/11/2011 COUNCIL MEETING: $ 9,497,343.84 DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 001 GENERAL FUND $ 3,056,744.54 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING 24.54 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 5,688.27 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 510,005.01 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 453,348.55 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 76,597.14 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 1,138.55 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 9,777.95 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 21,532.60 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 2,395,115.63 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 31,846.11 300 INSURANCE FUND 4,674.56 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 67,835.47 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 7,755.85 340 FACILITIES 20,698.25 375 SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM 21.16 380 RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND 734,534.38 472 CFD 01 -2 HARVESTON A &B DEBT SERVICE 224.14 476 CFD 03 -6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 78.81 477 CFD- RORIPAUGH 1,179,993.25 501 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 1,476.37 502 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 1,549.90 503 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 1,909.48 504 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 239.66 505 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 1,587.63 506 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 790.35 507 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 634.82 508 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 6,045.24 509 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 76.95 510 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 300.64 511 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 71.33 512 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 3,904.77 513 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP. 1,788.54 514 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 724.08 515 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 625.62 516 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 935.98 517 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 80.43 518 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 4,019.09 519 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 2,272.32 520 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 6,136.60 521 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 12,463.55 522 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 202.23 523 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 360.74 524 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 24 HARVESTON 6,984.50 525 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 1,796.90 526 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 79.88 527 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 27 AVONDALE 334.74 528 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 9,198.53 529 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 130.23 700 CERBT CALIFORNIA EE RETIREE- GASB45 4,456.25 $ 8,648,812.11 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 001 GENERAL FUND $ 485,231.85 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 21,846.12 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 215,955.85 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 282.53 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 1,847.22 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 1,916.46 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 825.75 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 12,902.11 300 INSURANCE FUND 2,887.84 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 50,497.87 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 11,564.69 340 FACILITIES 18,058.23 501 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 186.26 502 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 124.19 503 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 147.30 504 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 27.26 505 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 299.80 506 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 54.09 507 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 77.17 508 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 509.03 509 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 4.15 510 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 22.49 511 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 14.18 512 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 339.22 513 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP. 72.46 514 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 42.30 515 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 36.07 516 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 84.61 517 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 7.05 518 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 314.33 519 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 168.55 520 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 456.24 521 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 770.97 522 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 18.34 523 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 20.22 524 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 24 HARVESTON 434.19 525 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 139.53 526 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 6.03 527 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 27 AVONDALE 20.22 528 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 640.38 529 SERVICE LEVEL "C "ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 12.24 700 CERBT CALIFORNIA EE RETIREE- GASB45 19,666.34 848,531.73 TOTAL BY FUND: $ 9,497,343.84 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142216 12/08/2010 011585 27511 YNEZ ROAD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,384.00 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 30,001.40 33,385.40 142217 12/08/2010 013882 ABDALLA, AKRAM CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142218 12/08/2010 001862 ADVANCED CARDIOVASCULAR CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,106.20 SYSTEM CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 14,470.36 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 52,780.22 70,356.78 142219 12/08/2010 006818 AF FAN, EMAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142220 12/08/2010 013220 AIRD, ELIZABETH O. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142221 12/08/2010 005496 ALCALA, JOSE T. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 631.34 631.34 142222 12/08/2010 004331 ALLEN, CAROLYN A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142223 12/08/2010 012433 ALVAREZ, HUMBERTO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 303.04 303.04 142224 12/08/2010 005530 AMADOR, PETER CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142225 12/08/2010 013221 ANDERSON, ARTHUR CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142226 12/08/2010 004633 ANDERSON, LEO O. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142227 12/08/2010 011557 ANDRE TRUST CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142228 12/08/2010 012425 ANTONIADIS, IOANN IS CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142229 12/08/2010 005435 ARCE, CEASAR R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142230 12/08/2010 006821 ARGU ETA, LUIS A. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142231 12/08/2010 009220 ASCENCIO, TODAN CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 554.96 554.96 142232 12/08/2010 001823 ATKINSON, DAVID MICHAEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Pagel apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142233 12/08/2010 001740 ATWOOD & ANDREWS CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 12,197.54 12,197.54 DEVELOPMENT 142234 12/08/2010 013883 AURORA LOAN SERVICES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,441.06 1,441.06 142235 12/08/2010 004321 AVILA, NICOLAS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142236 12/08/2010 011558 AYKOL, HASAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142237 12/08/2010 008231 BAGINGITO, ALWIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142238 12/08/2010 013296 BAKER, JOHN W CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142239 12/08/2010 004635 BALES, LARRY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 403.60 403.60 142240 12/08/2010 013222 BALISACAN, DESI CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142241 12/08/2010 001168 BANK OF AMERICA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,500.12 2,500.12 142242 12/08/2010 006823 BARRERA, MAURICIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 252.54 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.08 858.62 142243 12/08/2010 013297 BEAL, DAVE J CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142244 12/08/2010 009221 BEAL, STEVEN M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142245 12/08/2010 006973 BECHLER, BARRY M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142246 12/08/2010 009222 BENECCHI, MICHAEL A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142247 12/08/2010 004637 BENTLEY, WESLEY A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142248 12/08/2010 013223 BHATIA, GAURAV CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142249 12/08/2010 009223 BITTN ER, ANTON CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142250 12/08/2010 011560 BITTN ER, SUSAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142251 12/08/2010 009612 BJ'S RESTAURANTS, INC. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,035.62 6,035.62 142252 12/08/2010 013224 BLACKMER, DIRK M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142253 12/08/2010 008174 BOTROS, NABIL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142254 12/08/2010 009224 BOWDEN, PAUL E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142255 12/08/2010 012432 BOYD, GLEN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142256 12/08/2010 005541 BRIONES, RUBEN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 303.04 303.04 142257 12/08/2010 004641 BROTTEN, MICHAEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142258 12/08/2010 005437 BROWN, CHRISTOPHER CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 MICHAEL 142259 12/08/2010 008176 BU BELA, CHRISTOPHER CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142260 12/08/2010 006975 BURKE, MICHAEL W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142261 12/08/2010 006825 BURKE, TIMOTHY M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 13,167.92 13,167.92 142262 12/08/2010 006976 BUTLER, JOSEPH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142263 12/08/2010 011471 CALDERON, JOSE JUAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142264 12/08/2010 005550 CALLERY, STEPHEN P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142265 12/08/2010 013225 CALLIES, SHAANA L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142266 12/08/2010 005542 CAPACIA, RUEL V. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142267 12/08/2010 005502 CARDENTE, KENNETH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142268 12/08/2010 005491 CARLISLE, JOHNIE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142269 12/08/2010 012436 CARMOUCHE, STANLEY P CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142270 12/08/2010 006826 CARTER, JONATHAN P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142271 12/08/2010 009228 CASTANEDA, EDGAR CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142272 12/08/2010 012437 CASTELLON, FELIPEA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 353.54 353.54 142273 12/08/2010 006827 CASTRO, JUDY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142274 12/08/2010 013226 CENTRONE, DOMENIC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142275 12/08/2010 009229 CERDA, SEBASTIAN S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142276 12/08/2010 005520 CHAFFIN, MATTHEW PAUL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 142277 12/08/2010 013227 CHAVIRA, PORFIRIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142278 12/08/2010 008177 CHENG FAMILY PARTNERSHIP CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,313.42 6,313.42 142279 12/08/2010 009230 CHOI, JOANNE C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142280 12/08/2010 003882 CHRIST THE VINE LUTHERAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 8,131.68 8,131.68 CHRCH 142281 12/08/2010 009231 CHRISTENSEN, CRAIG R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142282 12/08/2010 005438 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 13,687.50 13,687.50 LDS 142283 12/08/2010 004650 CLARK, RONALD M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142284 12/08/2010 012441 CLIFT, ROBERT S CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142285 12/08/2010 004651 CLONTS, SAM OWEN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 142286 12/08/2010 013884 COFFMAN, DEBORAH SUE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid 142287 12/08/2010 004652 COHN, STEPHEN R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 142288 12/08/2010 007005 COLEMAN, WANDA J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 142289 12/08/2010 004329 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,131.46 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 33,713.68 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,520.40 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,237.42 142290 12/08/2010 009232 COT INV CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142291 12/08/2010 002154 CRANNEY, KAREN A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142292 12/08/2010 012442 CRATSLEY, MELVIN V CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142293 12/08/2010 013228 CRAWFORD, TIM CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 142294 12/08/2010 011587 CREEKSIDE RETAIL INV CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142295 12/08/2010 010683 CROWE, HEIDI M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142296 12/08/2010 011473 DAI CHIEN, PENG CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142297 12/08/2010 013885 DANIELS, CHARLES D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142298 12/08/2010 011588 DAVIDSON DEV CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142299 12/08/2010 005431 DAVIS, BARBARA W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142300 12/08/2010 006978 DAVIS, GABRIEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 142301 12/08/2010 005476 DAVIS, GLORIA JUNE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 142302 12/08/2010 009234 DAVIS, THOMAS A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 Check Total 202.02 202.02 42,602.96 3,207.22 3,207.22 202.02 202.02 202.02 202.02 454.56 454.56 3,762.80 2,702.14 6,464.94 202.02 202.02 353.54 353.54 277.78 277.78 11,465.18 11,465.18 479.82 479.82 202.02 202.02 277.78 277.78 202.02 202.02 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142303 12/08/2010 011474 DCH INV INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 11,035.86 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,338.44 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,040.58 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,161.90 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,262.92 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,970.02 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,500.12 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,282.98 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 18,157.40 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,444.64 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,737.54 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,025.48 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 10,025.72 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,525.36 85,508.96 142304 12/08/2010 006830 DEFELICE, JOSEPH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 142305 12/08/2010 013886 DEJONG, ALISON CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 403.60 403.60 142306 12/08/2010 001735 DEL TACO RESTAURANT PROP CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,197.06 2,197.06 III 142307 12/08/2010 013229 DELAGARZA, ANITA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142308 12/08/2010 005474 DELAMATER, GERALD E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142309 12/08/2010 005645 DELARIVA, LINDAA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142310 12/08/2010 008182 DELCONTE, KAREEN E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142311 12/08/2010 013927 DESCHAUWER FAMILY TRUST CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142312 12/08/2010 006831 DESENS, JOHN C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142313 12/08/2010 013230 DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TRUST CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 CO 142314 12/08/2010 003412 DIAZ, AUSENCIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142315 12/08/2010 010634 DIEGO DEV CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 11,945.00 11,945.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142316 12/08/2010 004656 DITTMAN, JAMES H. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142317 12/08/2010 011476 DIVERSIFIED INV COMPANY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 3,257.72 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,889.06 7,146.78 142318 12/08/2010 005636 DOLLARD, DARREN W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 404.06 142319 12/08/2010 008184 DOMINGUEZ, CLAUDIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 142320 12/08/2010 005508 DOUGHTY, LINDA S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142321 12/08/2010 006981 DOUGLAS, PAUL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142322 12/08/2010 006833 DU, LETICIA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142323 12/08/2010 009239 DUNLAP, VIRGINIA L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142324 12/08/2010 006834 DURAN, JOSE EDUARDO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 252.54 252.54 142325 12/08/2010 005466 DURN IL, DONALD T. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 580.84 580.84 142326 12/08/2010 013887 ELLINGSWORTH, ERIC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142327 12/08/2010 002589 ESBENSEN, PHILIP G CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 1,388.94 1,388.94 142328 12/08/2010 009240 FANG, LINA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142329 12/08/2010 011561 FERNANDEZ, ALFREDO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 404.06 404.06 142330 12/08/2010 009241 FERRIERA, RICHARD D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142331 12/08/2010 009242 FERRO, MARIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142332 12/08/2010 008187 FILGER, BRIAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142333 12/08/2010 005553 FISHER, THOMAS W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 883.88 883.88 Page:7 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142334 12/08/2010 010687 FLORI, KENNETH L CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142335 12/08/2010 013888 FORD, RITA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142336 12/08/2010 008188 FOWLER, FREDDIE E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 530.32 530.32 142337 12/08/2010 009243 FRAZIER, DARYN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142338 12/08/2010 013889 FRAZIN, ALVIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142339 12/08/2010 004661 FREET, LLOYD N. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142340 12/08/2010 013232 GALANOUDES, GEORGE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 8,384.22 8,384.22 142341 12/08/2010 005428 GARCIA, ANTHONY P. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142342 12/08/2010 009244 GARCIA, BRIZ BREMAUNTZ CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142343 12/08/2010 009245 GELLES, PAUL M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142344 12/08/2010 006839 GHASEMIAN, JAVID CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 530.32 530.32 142345 12/08/2010 005441 GILLMAN, CRAIG W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142346 12/08/2010 013926 GIVANT, CAROLE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142347 12/08/2010 003893 GLOBAL HOTEL NETWORK INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,510.26 3,510.26 142348 12/08/2010 011483 GOLDBERG, TED CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,641.48 1,641.48 142349 12/08/2010 009247 GOMES, COREY J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 328.30 328.30 142350 12/08/2010 009248 GOMEZ, ROBERT CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142351 12/08/2010 005545 GONZALEZ, SAL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142352 12/08/2010 006840 GOODMAN, JAMES R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 530.32 530.32 142353 12/08/2010 006841 GORDON HOLDINGS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 8,005.42 8,005.42 142354 12/08/2010 004665 GRAHAM, CAROL A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142355 12/08/2010 012450 GRANADOS, DAVID A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142356 12/08/2010 004668 GREENLEE, MICHAEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 681.84 681.84 142357 12/08/2010 006844 GREGORY, ROBERT C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,702.14 2,702.14 142358 12/08/2010 004333 GRIFFITH, PAUL JON CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142359 12/08/2010 012451 GRIMSHAW, DAVID RICHARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142360 12/08/2010 004670 GUARANTY FEDERAL BANK CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,550.62 2,550.62 142361 12/08/2010 012452 GUNAWAN, LILY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142362 12/08/2010 004334 GUPTA, ASHOK K. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,525.36 2,525.36 142363 12/08/2010 004672 HAGBERG, PHILLIP K. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142364 12/08/2010 013233 HALEY, ANDREA N. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142365 12/08/2010 008189 HALL, KEVIN R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142366 12/08/2010 013890 HARTMAN, MELANIE SUE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142367 12/08/2010 006852 HAYES, DIANE K. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 555.58 555.58 142368 12/08/2010 005560 HEATH, WILLIAM M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142369 12/08/2010 010708 HEISS, LINDA D CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142370 12/08/2010 011484 HENRICKSEN, CARLY E. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.76 606.76 142371 12/08/2010 013891 HERNANDEZ, NICK CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142372 12/08/2010 009249 HERRON, SCOTT CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142373 12/08/2010 004675 HESS, MATTHEW T. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 505.06 505.06 142374 12/08/2010 009250 HOBBS, LEILANI M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142375 12/08/2010 011485 HOME SAVINGS OF AMERICA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,590.98 1,590.98 142376 12/08/2010 003896 HONORE, PATTI A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142377 12/08/2010 011565 HOPE, WILLIAM CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142378 12/08/2010 005535 HOUGHTALING, RICHARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 JAMES 142379 12/08/2010 005469 HUGAERT, EUGENE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142380 12/08/2010 012456 HUNTER, CHRISTOPHER D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 142381 12/08/2010 011586 INLAND WESTERN MDS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 15,884.58 15,884.58 PORTFOLIO 142382 12/08/2010 010636 INLAND WESTERN TEMECULA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,601.12 COMMON CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,990.08 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,080.94 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 959.64 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,272.82 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,045.54 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,424.36 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 45,759.70 63,134.20 142383 12/08/2010 008192 IREY, STEPHANIE S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142384 12/08/2010 003897 J C PENNEY PROPERTIES INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 23,081.88 23,081.88 142385 12/08/2010 009253 JARBOE, PATRICIA L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page:10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142386 12/08/2010 010670 JHCH REDLANDS LAND CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 9,343.86 9,343.86 142387 12/08/2010 013925 JIAN, IRA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142388 12/08/2010 009254 JIMENEZ, ADRIANA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142389 12/08/2010 004685 JOHNSON, CHRISTEEN L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142390 12/08/2010 008193 JOHNSON, TERRY E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142391 12/08/2010 001775 JOHNSTON, JOSEPH R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142392 12/08/2010 005733 JONES, EDWARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142393 12/08/2010 003898 JRAKK PROPERTIES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,818.26 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,121.30 3,939.56 142394 12/08/2010 002594 JUBANY, LUIS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142395 12/08/2010 012459 KAISERMAN, DONALD TR & CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 28,763.96 NORRIS, DON B CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 22,147.48 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 20,177.70 71,089.14 142396 12/08/2010 013919 KELLER, KARL HEINZ CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,868.76 1,868.76 142397 12/08/2010 006856 KERETA, JOSEPH A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142398 12/08/2010 012461 KGC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,030.44 3,030.44 142399 12/08/2010 004342 KHOURY, ALICE MARIE CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142400 12/08/2010 005484 KIESAU, JEFFREY D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 555.58 555.58 142401 12/08/2010 004688 KILMER, WALTER L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 883.88 883.88 142402 12/08/2010 011566 KIM, DEUKSHIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 Pagel 1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142403 12/08/2010 003900 KIMCO PALM PLAZA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,550.62 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,762.80 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 22,273.76 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 33,410.64 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,247.58 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,828.40 67,073.80 142404 12/08/2010 012462 KIMCO PALM PLAZA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 16,238.12 16,238.12 142405 12/08/2010 008197 KINSEY, JONATHAN E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142406 12/08/2010 013234 KLEINER, ANDREW CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142407 12/08/2010 006987 KL ETTER, MINDY S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142408 12/08/2010 013892 KLINSHAW, STEVEN A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.08 606.08 142409 12/08/2010 006859 KODAMA, JAYMASANORI CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 303.04 303.04 142410 12/08/2010 005536 KORALEWSKI, RICHARD P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142411 12/08/2010 013235 KUHNS, KRISTOFFER J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142412 12/08/2010 011532 L D R E CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,914.32 3,914.32 142413 12/08/2010 005556 LANDEROS, VERONICA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 631.34 631.34 142414 12/08/2010 012464 LANDON, BRAD J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.76 606.76 142415 12/08/2010 005513 LARA, MANUEL ENRIQUE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142416 12/08/2010 006989 LARSEN, DOUGLAS F. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142417 12/08/2010 006861 LARSON, JASON ROY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 227.28 227.28 142418 12/08/2010 009257 LAWLOR, JOSEPH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142419 12/08/2010 013893 LE, LINDA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 Page:12 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 13 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142420 12/08/2010 004691 LEAVERTON, ROBERT M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142421 12/08/2010 012465 LEE, EDMUND CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142422 12/08/2010 006862 LEGASSA, RICHARD L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142423 12/08/2010 012466 LEMKE, HERMAN G.P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,394.14 4,394.14 142424 12/08/2010 009260 LEONHARDI, RYAN A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142425 12/08/2010 009261 LESSER, LORI A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 403.60 403.60 142426 12/08/2010 004692 LESUEUR, DANIEL J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 252.54 252.54 142427 12/08/2010 012467 LEVI, SOHEIL P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,682.98 3,682.98 142428 12/08/2010 005497 LEYDON, KAREN A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142429 12/08/2010 012468 LIM, HANS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142430 12/08/2010 004693 LIVELY, HSIAO LIN JEN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142431 12/08/2010 011568 LLIESCU, MARIUS V CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142432 12/08/2010 010692 LOPEZ, ARTEMIO MORALES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142433 12/08/2010 012470 LOPEZ, MARIA A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 580.84 580.84 142434 12/08/2010 004696 LOPEZ, RAMON CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 404.06 142435 12/08/2010 006863 LOPEZ, RAYMOND SOL CRUZ CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142436 12/08/2010 003432 LOVE, PATRICIA B CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142437 12/08/2010 009263 LOWES HIW INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 40,986.74 40,986.74 Page:13 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 14 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142438 12/08/2010 009264 LUEVANO, ALFREDO CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142439 12/08/2010 011569 LUNDQUIST, ERIC B CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142440 12/08/2010 013894 LUO, HAOBIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142441 12/08/2010 005422 LUPERCIO, ABRAHAM A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142442 12/08/2010 009265 LYNCH, GILBERT CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142443 12/08/2010 002619 M E G INVESTMENTS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,414.44 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 16,288.64 22,703.08 142444 12/08/2010 012534 M E G INVESTMENTS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 10,581.30 10,581.30 142445 12/08/2010 012535 M E G INVESTMENTS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,151.74 5,151.74 142446 12/08/2010 005512 MACY'S WEST INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 30,834.76 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 7,980.16 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 19,016.04 57,830.96 142447 12/08/2010 012471 MADHANI, KISHOR G. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142448 12/08/2010 005504 MAEH LER, KURT E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142449 12/08/2010 009272 MAHMOOD, MUSTAFA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142450 12/08/2010 012472 MAHMOOD, RAZIA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 834.28 834.28 142451 12/08/2010 013236 MAIN STREET CALIF INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,954.68 2,954.68 142452 12/08/2010 004701 MANISCALCO, JOSEPH J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142453 12/08/2010 005464 MANOS, DIANE Y LIVING CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 TRUST 142454 12/08/2010 009277 MARSHALL, EDWARD C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142455 12/08/2010 006864 MARTINEZ, CARMEN M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page:14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 15 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142456 12/08/2010 011570 MARTINEZ, FRANKIE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 328.30 328.30 142457 12/08/2010 013895 MARTINEZ, MONIQUE R BRUN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 403.60 403.60 142458 12/08/2010 013237 MARURKIEWITZ, JOHN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142459 12/08/2010 012473 MARUSKA, JOHN H. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142460 12/08/2010 008199 MAYFIELD, NIKKI L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142461 12/08/2010 004704 MCADAM, CONSTANCE J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142462 12/08/2010 006992 MCADAM, CONSTANCE JEAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142463 12/08/2010 013299 MCCLURE, MAYAA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142464 12/08/2010 009280 MCKAY, MARTHA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142465 12/08/2010 005529 MCKENDRICKS, PATRICIA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 LYNN 142466 12/08/2010 013896 MCLEAN, GREGORY S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142467 12/08/2010 006993 MCMICHAEL, DANIEL JOHN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 429.30 429.30 142468 12/08/2010 004708 MICHAEL, MARIA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142469 12/08/2010 001774 MICHALEK, CHARLENE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142470 12/08/2010 013920 MIKE & LEANN AZEVEDO LTD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,717.24 1,717.24 142471 12/08/2010 013921 MILLAR, NINA P CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 403.60 403.60 142472 12/08/2010 011572 MILLINGS, ANTHONY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142473 12/08/2010 004346 MOORE, JOHN L CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page:15 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 16 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142474 12/08/2010 011573 MORALES, MICHAEL D 142475 12/08/2010 006995 MORIKAWA, WESLEY M. 142476 12/08/2010 012477 MORILLO, DIANE 142477 12/08/2010 006867 MOTLEY, MICHAEL M. 142478 12/08/2010 005465 MOWRER, DONALD J. 142479 12/08/2010 013238 MSH SPEHAR PROPERTIES 142480 12/08/2010 006868 MULLANEY, RONNY SCOTT 142481 12/08/2010 009287 MULLINS, A I DA 142482 12/08/2010 012478 MULLINS, AIDA C. 142483 12/08/2010 002967 MYERS, ANDREW L 142484 12/08/2010 008234 NEDELJKOVIC, VERA 142485 12/08/2010 002969 NESBITT PARTNERS TEMECULA 142486 12/08/2010 012403 NGOON, TOM JUNG 142487 12/08/2010 006997 NIELSEN, DWIGHT DAVID 142488 12/08/2010 012479 NISHIMURA, EVAN 142489 12/08/2010 012480 NOORDYK, JESSIE JO 142490 12/08/2010 013243 NORDSTROM, ERIC W. Description CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 Amount Paid Check Total 505.06 505.06 656.60 656.60 404.06 404.06 252.54 252.54 277.78 277.78 2,777.90 2,777.90 252.54 252.54 252.54 252.54 554.96 554.96 202.02 202.02 353.54 353.54 12,854.12 12,854.12 505.06 3,636.52 2,904.18 7,045.76 606.08 606.08 202.02 202.02 202.02 202.02 277.78 277.78 Page:16 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 17 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142491 12/08/2010 009289 NUMBER 2 PC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,762.80 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 707.10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,085.90 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,575.88 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,363.70 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,656.82 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,641.48 17,046.22 142492 12/08/2010 013922 OIU, TERESA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142493 12/08/2010 005557 OLVEDA, VICTOR CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142494 12/08/2010 009290 ONEILL & NANCY TRUST CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 909.12 909.12 142495 12/08/2010 013923 ONEWEST BANK FSB CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142496 12/08/2010 004712 ONG, RICHARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142497 12/08/2010 008205 ORG 10 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,626.38 2,626.38 142498 12/08/2010 005507 ORTEGA, LEOPOLDO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142499 12/08/2010 008206 ORTIZ, ANGELINA L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 808.12 808.12 142500 12/08/2010 009291 OVERLAND BLDG G CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 833.36 833.36 142501 12/08/2010 008207 OVERLAND BUILDING B CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 808.12 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 101.00 909.12 142502 12/08/2010 009292 OVERLAND CORP CTR PROP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,606.32 OWNERS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,394.14 10,000.46 142503 12/08/2010 010667 OVERLAND LAND & CATTLE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 7,071.04 7,071.04 CO 142504 12/08/2010 012482 PACE, CECIL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142505 12/08/2010 009294 PACHECO, DAVID ERNESTO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142506 12/08/2010 013897 PACIFIC TREND PROP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page:17 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 18 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142507 12/08/2010 006870 PACIFIC TRUST BANK CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,565.72 1,565.72 142508 12/08/2010 005495 PALLASIGU I, JOSE D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142509 12/08/2010 003910 PALLER, JOANNE E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142510 12/08/2010 005425 PAPA, ANDRES R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142511 12/08/2010 012483 PARSONS, THERESA M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142512 12/08/2010 006872 PASCO, STEPHEN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142513 12/08/2010 009295 PATTERSON, LEONE D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 404.06 142514 12/08/2010 004349 PAULL, BECKY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142515 12/08/2010 004714 PEREA, DAVID L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142516 12/08/2010 012484 PEREIRA, MICHAEL J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142517 12/08/2010 013898 PHAM, DON H. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 580.84 580.84 142518 12/08/2010 008209 PHAN, KEVIN QUOC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142519 12/08/2010 009298 PHELPS, WAYNE W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,474.86 2,474.86 142520 12/08/2010 004715 PHUNG, THANG Q. CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142521 12/08/2010 011575 PIER, EDUARDO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142522 12/08/2010 005492 PIERCE, JON J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 404.06 142523 12/08/2010 005539 PINKHAM, ROCHELLE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142524 12/08/2010 004350 PLAZA TEMECULA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,525.36 2,525.36 Page:18 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 19 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142525 12/08/2010 013933 PLAZA TEMECULA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,651.64 2,651.64 142526 12/08/2010 005503 PLOUFFE, KENNETH D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 530.32 530.32 142527 12/08/2010 013899 POINT CENTER FINANCIAL INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 5,095.62 5,095.62 142528 12/08/2010 013900 POTEET, SHANE M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142529 12/08/2010 012485 POWELL, MONTE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.08 606.08 142530 12/08/2010 004717 POZOS, RANDALL DEAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142531 12/08/2010 013239 PYLES, RAGAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142532 12/08/2010 013901 PYLES, RAGAN JON CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142533 12/08/2010 004720 RABINO, RODOLFO B. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142534 12/08/2010 012489 RAMIREZ, ESTELA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142535 12/08/2010 008210 RANCHO HIGHLANDS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 11,843.98 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 11,515.68 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 8,005.42 31,365.08 142536 12/08/2010 006874 RECLUSADO, RONALD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142537 12/08/2010 009299 REEG, MATTHEW ROBERT CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142538 12/08/2010 009300 REGAN, KENNETH DEAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142539 12/08/2010 010685 REYES, MARTIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.76 606.76 142540 12/08/2010 006880 REZA, ANTONIO H. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142541 12/08/2010 001811 RIDDLE, LOUIS W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142542 12/08/2010 013902 RIO DE ORO PROP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 Page:19 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 20 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142543 12/08/2010 004721 RISTINE, PATRICK R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142544 12/08/2010 009301 ROBINSON, EDWARD S. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142545 12/08/2010 011498 RODARTE, ALFONSO CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142546 12/08/2010 009303 ROEDER, ANDREA D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142547 12/08/2010 005467 ROMERO, EMIL N. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142548 12/08/2010 001843 ROOK, MICHAEL C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142549 12/08/2010 002162 ROOKS, LEANNE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142550 12/08/2010 012492 ROSAS, BOBBY C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142551 12/08/2010 004724 ROY, SEAN BRANDON CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142552 12/08/2010 012493 RUFFY, AIDA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 252.54 252.54 142553 12/08/2010 004725 SABELLA, ANGELA C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 50,254.86 50,254.86 142554 12/08/2010 006881 SAIN DON, KAREN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142555 12/08/2010 008214 SALAZAR, RICHARD A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142556 12/08/2010 005468 SALDIVAR, ENRIQUE A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142557 12/08/2010 013903 SANDAGDORJ, ARIYA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 479.82 479.82 142558 12/08/2010 009305 SANTAANA, RAQUEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142559 12/08/2010 012496 SARR, ARAME CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142560 12/08/2010 012497 SCHAFER 41463 CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,474.86 2,474.86 Page20 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 21 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142561 12/08/2010 012402 SCHAFER 41619 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 101.00 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 909.12 1,010.12 142562 12/08/2010 005538 SCHNEIDER, ROBERT W. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 142563 12/08/2010 011578 SCOTT, DANIEL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142564 12/08/2010 013240 SCRIPPS 115 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 19,041.28 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 10,631.80 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 23,511.18 53,184.26 142565 12/08/2010 012498 SCUDDER, ELIZABETH ANN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 202.02 202.02 142566 12/08/2010 003917 SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 24,268.80 24,268.80 142567 12/08/2010 013904 SEASCAPE PROP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,205.56 6,205.56 142568 12/08/2010 012499 SELLERS, MATTHEW B. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142569 12/08/2010 013905 SHAATH, SHAHIN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,096.06 2,096.06 142570 12/08/2010 008215 SHANNON, DOUGLAS JAMES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142571 12/08/2010 011580 SHUAIBI, ISSA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142572 12/08/2010 004730 SMITH, COOLY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 353.54 353.54 142573 12/08/2010 005463 SMITH, DEVI T. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142574 12/08/2010 012500 SMITH, RAYMOND CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 656.60 656.60 142575 12/08/2010 004355 SMITHEY, BRETTE E. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142576 12/08/2010 005524 SORENSEN, MICHAEL B. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142577 12/08/2010 005540 SPARLING, ROGER CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142578 12/08/2010 003921 SPEHAR BUSINESS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,813.30 3,813.30 PROPERTIES Page21 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 22 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142579 12/08/2010 003421 SRA VENTURES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,747.70 4,747.70 142580 12/08/2010 004732 STALLO, JONATHAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142581 12/08/2010 005498 STEED, KAREN M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142582 12/08/2010 009309 STERNGOLD, PAUL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 277.78 277.78 142583 12/08/2010 012501 STEWARDSHIP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 656.60 656.60 142584 12/08/2010 001802 STEWART, JEAN M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142585 12/08/2010 010701 STONE, RUBIN LAUREN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 1,414.20 1,414.20 142586 12/08/2010 012503 TAKAMOTO, LEANN Y. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142587 12/08/2010 008218 TEMECULA MO, LLC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 11,768.22 11,768.22 142588 12/08/2010 005649 TEMECULA PAD H CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,272.82 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,828.40 5,101.22 142589 12/08/2010 005737 TEMECULA PAD PQ CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,702.14 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,146.56 4,848.70 142590 12/08/2010 004358 TEMECULA PLACE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 3,232.46 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,323.34 5,555.80 142591 12/08/2010 003927 TEMECULA SELF STORAGE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 8,232.70 8,232.70 INC 142592 12/08/2010 003928 TEMECULATOINNE CENTER CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 8,055.92 ASSN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 76,392.44 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 6,944.76 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,818.26 93,211.38 142593 12/08/2010 006884 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,843.52 1,843.52 142594 12/08/2010 003929 TEMECULA VALLEY UNIFIED CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 52,780.22 52,780.22 SCHOOL 142595 12/08/2010 006885 THOMAS, DARREN D. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 Page22 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 23 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142596 12/08/2010 012504 THOMAS, MARCIA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142597 12/08/2010 012506 TOLTON, DENNIS R. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142598 12/08/2010 002976 TOUSSAINT, RICHARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142599 12/08/2010 013906 TOVEY, STEVEN H. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142600 12/08/2010 005554 TOWER OFFICE PLAZA I LLC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 11,313.66 11,717.72 142601 12/08/2010 011502 TOWER PLAZA INC CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 10,480.28 10,480.28 142602 12/08/2010 008221 TRAN, VINCE L. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142603 12/08/2010 013907 TREES, JOSHUA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142604 12/08/2010 008222 TURKSON, GEORGE CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142605 12/08/2010 010684 TYLER, CHESTER RAY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 606.76 606.76 142606 12/08/2010 011504 U S BANK NATIONAL ASSN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142607 12/08/2010 009313 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,671.92 4,671.92 142608 12/08/2010 006888 VARGAS, AMELIA CFD 88- 12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 142609 12/08/2010 008223 VINCENT, CLAYTON P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142610 12/08/2010 004742 VNENK, MILOS M. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 353.54 353.54 142611 12/08/2010 005483 VOLLMER, JEFFREY J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 555.58 555.58 142612 12/08/2010 009314 WEBB, JAMES C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 1,338.44 1,338.44 142613 12/08/2010 004745 WEH BA, MOHAMED NIJEM CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 Page23 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 24 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142614 12/08/2010 012513 WEIMANN, A. JAMES CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142615 12/08/2010 012514 WEINGART, G RUTH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142616 12/08/2010 013934 WELLS FARGO BANK CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 303.04 303.04 142617 12/08/2010 003931 WELLS FARGO BANK NATL CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,712.28 3,712.28 ASSN 142618 12/08/2010 008225 WELLS, MONICA A. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 252.54 252.54 142619 12/08/2010 008226 WESTMAR OVERLAND CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 959.64 959.64 142620 12/08/2010 011506 WGA BEL VILLAGGIO CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,762.80 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,540.48 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,464.70 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 1,111.16 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,661.78 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 883.88 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,853.66 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 4,343.64 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 833.36 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 580.84 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,353.78 26,996.16 142621 12/08/2010 012515 WGA BEL VILLAGGIO III CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,575.88 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 2,853.66 CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 8,864.04 14,293.58 142622 12/08/2010 012517 WIEDRICH, KENNETH C. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142623 12/08/2010 004746 WILLE, JOHN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 303.04 303.04 142624 12/08/2010 011582 WILLIAMS, GEORGE EDWARD CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142625 12/08/2010 001844 WILSON, MAUREEN A CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142626 12/08/2010 008228 WINCHESTER FUELS CORP CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 3,030.44 3,030.44 Page24 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 25 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142627 12/08/2010 013908 WINCHESTER OTB TEMECULA CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 5,549.68 5,549.68 142628 12/08/2010 006892 WOLF, JOHN P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 429.30 429.30 142629 12/08/2010 012519 WOPPERER, STEVEN N. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 883.88 883.88 142630 12/08/2010 011583 YANG, SHU HUI CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 202.02 202.02 142631 12/08/2010 005561 YATES, WILSON P. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142632 12/08/2010 009322 YOUNG, KENNETH CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 404.06 404.06 142633 12/08/2010 004751 ZEEB, STEPHEN J. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 454.56 454.56 142634 12/08/2010 005551 ZEIF, STEVE LOUIS CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 328.30 328.30 142635 12/08/2010 005479 ZENK, HENRY CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 303.04 303.04 142636 12/08/2010 009323 ZHANG, YAN CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY 09/10 277.78 277.78 142637 12/08/2010 004752 ZONA, KIMBERLY K. CFD 88 -12 Reimbursement FY09 /10 353.54 353.54 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 1,426,745.08 Page25 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 26 12/08/2010 9:33:52AM CITY OF TEMECULA 422 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks. 1,426,745.08 Page26 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 1596 12/09/2010 000245 PERS - HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM 1597 12/09/2010 000389 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1598 12/09/2010 010349 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT 1599 12/09/2010 000642 TEMECULA CITY FLEXIBLE 1600 12/09/2010 000246 PERS (EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT) 1601 12/09/2010 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 1602 12/09/2010 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 1603 12/09/2010 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 1604 12/08/2010 013551 SUMMERHOUSE HOUSING ASSOC 1605 12/09/2010 005460 U S BANK 142638 12/09/2010 003552 A F LAC 142639 12/09/2010 004918 A W DIRECT INC 142640 12/09/2010 004973 ABACHERLI, LIN DI 142641 12/09/2010 004802 ADLERHORST INTERNATIONAL INC 142642 12/09/2010 013844 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC Description PERS Health Admin Cost Payment Blue Shield HMO Payment Blue Shield HMO Payment OBRA- Project Retirement Payment Support Payment Child Care Reimbursement Payment PERS ER Paid Member Contr Payment Nationwide Retirement Payment Federal Income Taxes Payment State Disability Ins Payment Ph I (20) units /club /pool:Summerhouse Transfer special tax:Rodpaugh CFD AFLAC Cancer Payment vehicle repair /maint: Stn 84 TCSD instructor earnings Nov training:Police K -9 Rudy Nov training:Police K -9 Casper Oct data svc:Iong cyn det basin 142643 12/09/2010 013943 AGUILAR, MYRNA refund:sec dep:rm rental:TCC Amount Paid 68,006.90 0.00 0.00 2,410.64 553.84 8,328.02 124,628.28 16,078.80 76,817.08 24,294.00 460,659.45 1,179,993.25 3,359.40 107.82 640.00 141.67 141.67 4,675.00 Pagel Check Total 68,006.90 2,410.64 553.84 8,328.02 124,628.28 16,078.80 76,817.08 24,294.00 460,659.45 1,179,993.25 3,359.40 107.82 640.00 283.34 4,675.00 100.00 100.00 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142644 12/09/2010 004601 ALL THE KING'S FLAGS US & CA Flags: Civic Center 400.24 400.24 142645 12/09/2010 009374 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES piano cover: Theater 618.13 618.13 142646 12/09/2010 013015 ALWAYS RELIABLE backfow testing: various sites 250.00 250.00 BACKFLOW 142647 12/09/2010 004240 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES DUI & DRUG SCREENINGS: POLICE 552.96 (AFN) DUI & DRUG SCREENINGS: POLICE 410.80 963.76 142648 12/09/2010 002187 ANIMAL FRIENDS OF THE Oct sheltering services 10,625.00 VALLEYS -new facility Oct animal control services 10,000.00 20,625.00 142649 12/09/2010 012951 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT OCT CNSLT SVCS:QUALITY OF LIFE 8,002.98 8,002.98 ECONOMICS PLAN 142650 12/09/2010 013332 ARMSTRONG GARDEN poinsettas:bkist w /Santa 12/11 507.75 507.75 CENTERS INC 142651 12/09/2010 006300 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN mb:J.DeGange 90003309 170.00 170.00 142652 12/09/2010 011954 BAKER & TAYLOR INC (179) BOOK PURCHASE: LIBRARY 3,418.30 (40) BOOK PURCHASE: LIBRARY 642.04 (24) BOOK PURCHASE: LIBRARY 452.50 (32) BOOK PURCHASE: LIBRARY 553.36 (289) BOOK PURCHASE: LIBRARY 5,144.33 10,210.53 142653 12/09/2010 009538 BENOIT, INA L. entertainment:Old Town Santa 1,000.00 1,000.00 142654 12/09/2010 002377 BEST BUY COMPANY INC Sharp LC60LE810ty rplcmnt:Stn92 2,145.61 2,145.61 142655 12/09/2010 013684 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA COBRA SUBSIDY MEDICAL 836.55 836.55 COVERAGE PMT 12/10 142656 12/09/2010 013793 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & Dec cnslt svc:murrieta creek 3,750.00 3,750.00 ROONEY 142657 12/09/2010 006908 C C & COMPANY INC entertainment:Old Town holidays entertainment:Old Town 12/4 -5 142658 12/09/2010 003138 CAL MAT PW patch truck materials PW patch truck materials PW patch truck materials 300.00 750.00 788.61 411.71 172.85 Page2 1,050.00 1,373.17 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142659 12/09/2010 005321 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE '11 CACEO mb:Jackson, Phil 75.00 1 1 CACEO mb:Clark, Misty 75.00 1 1 CACEO mb:Ching, Maria 75.00 1 1 CACEO mb:Cole, Tom 75.00 1 1 CACEO mb:Johnston, Rich 75.00 375.00 142660 12/09/2010 011301 CALLAWAY MOTORSPORTS partsAabor services:Police 52.16 52.16 142661 12/09/2010 013469 CALTEC CORP Oct const: TCC expansion 27,683.00 27,683.00 142662 12/09/2010 013940 CALVARYMURRIETA HIGH '10 light parade band participant 300.00 300.00 SCHOOL 142663 12/09/2010 004971 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, Nov Copier Lease: Fire 182.55 182.55 INC 142664 12/09/2010 013853 CAPITOL DOOR SERVICE OF door decals: library 87.25 87.25 SOCAL 142665 12/09/2010 003775 CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL '10 Tight parade band participant 300.00 300.00 142666 12/09/2010 000137 CHEVRON AND TEXACO City vehicles fuel: CM 317.08 317.08 142667 12/09/2010 011552 CHINO ICE SERVICE LLC snow:winter wonderland 12/10 5,695.24 5,695.24 142668 12/09/2010 005417 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY first aid kit supplies: Fld Op Ctr 141.26 first aid kit supplies: Library 95.97 237.23 142669 12/09/2010 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH Community Health Charities Payment 64.00 64.00 CHARITIES 142670 12/09/2010 004414 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN Sept enviro mitigation svc:rrsp 411.08 411.08 GROUP 142671 12/09/2010 006303 CONDUIT NETWORKS, INC phone equip install:civic center 5,616.00 5,616.00 142672 12/09/2010 002945 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL electrical supplies: Harveston 98.69 DIST. electrical supplies:rrsp ballfeld 3,249.42 3,348.11 142673 12/09/2010 013944 COOK, DELIA refund:I Like Books 8.99 8.99 142674 12/09/2010 009825 DANS ROOFING RES IMPRV PGRM:GLENN, NICOLE 10,000.00 10,000.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142675 12/09/2010 001393 DATA TICKET INC Oct citation processing: Police 1,535.30 1,535.30 142676 12/09/2010 013803 DATEL SYSTEMS INC wireless installation:old town 14,301.28 14,301.28 142677 12/09/2010 012600 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES OCT CNSLT SVC:BUTTERFIELD RD 8,030.32 8,030.32 INC EXT 142678 12/09/2010 013945 DEINHART, KATIE refund:The Little Prince bk 3.95 3.95 142679 12/09/2010 008943 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES ALJ hours: massage hearings 4,140.00 4,140.00 (DGS) 142680 12/09/2010 007057 DERN BACH, ESTHER MARIE TCSD instructor earnings 764.75 764.75 142681 12/09/2010 003945 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 142682 12/09/2010 004222 DIAMONDBACK FIRE & RESCUE, INC 142683 12/09/2010 013939 DOROTHY MCELH INN EY MIDDLE 142684 12/09/2010 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELING INC 142685 12/09/2010 003754 DOWNTOWN R & D CENTER 142686 12/09/2010 007319 EAGLE ROAD SERVICE &TIRE INC 142687 12/09/2010 004829 ELLISON WILSON ADVOCACY LLC 142688 12/09/2010 007364 EMED COMPANY INC Dec restroom svc:Riverton 52.88 Dec restroom svc:Long Canyon Dec restroom svc:Veterans Dec restroom svc:Vail Ranch Dec restroom svc:Redhawk extrication equip svc: Stn 73 '10 light parade band participant Fuel for City vehicles: TCSD 52.88 52.88 52.88 52.88 264.40 69.89 69.89 200.00 200.00 1,363.79 Fuel for City vehicles: PW Traffic 202.05 Fuel for City vehicles: Police 36.34 Fuel for City vehicles: PW Maint 1,225.38 Fuel for City vehicles: B &S 209.03 Fuel for City vehicles: Code Enf 292.13 Fuel for City vehicles: PW CIP 199.77 Fuel for City vehicles: PW Lnd Dv 118.02 3,646.51 10/11 downtown promo rpt:SN 206.50 206.50 vehicle repair /maint: PW Maint 1,439.65 1,439.65 Dec advocacy cnslt: CM 3,500.00 3,500.00 fire extinguisher cabinets: CRC 186.53 186.53 Page4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142689 12/09/2010 011203 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANING Nov janitorial svc:park restrooms 5,315.00 5,315.00 142690 12/09/2010 013946 EPPS, LINDA refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 142692 12/09/2010 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE Nov landscape maint:parks /schls 50,935.88 NOV LANDSCAPE MAINT: PARKS 47,825.10 landscape maint:winchester crk 464.48 landscape maint: north slopes 1,068.41 irrigation maint:villages/harveston 359.76 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH 90.58 Nov landscape maint:city facilities 8,885.54 Nov landscape maint: medians 14,269.70 Nov landscape maint: so slopes 34,844.87 Nov landscape maint: no slopes 19,749.97 landscape maint: redhawk park 1,370.00 179,864.29 142693 12/09/2010 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 11/10 -23 city express mail svcs 212.89 212.89 142694 12/09/2010 004000 FENCING BYACREY INC Res Impry Prgrm:Escalante, M 3,109.00 3,109.00 142695 12/09/2010 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK holiday performances:ll /25 -12/5 1,500.00 1,500.00 142696 12/09/2010 013937 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Escrow No. 365192(DD) 1.00 1.00 INSURANCE 142697 12/09/2010 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD SUPPORT PAYMENT 184.47 184.47 142698 12/09/2010 003946 G T ENTERTAINMENT 142699 12/09/2010 001937 GALLS INC entertainment:halloween carnival DJ /MC svc:bkfast w /Santa 12/11 MC svcs: Light Parade 12/3 uniform svc: Police Volunteers uniform svc: Police Volunteers uniform svc: Police Volunteers uniform svc: Police Volunteers uniform svc: Police Volunteers 142700 12/09/2010 013552 GANDS PRODUCTIONS LLC sttlmnt: Country at the Merc 11/27 400.00 350.00 300.00 31.00 10.35 4.90 1.90 7.61 498.10 498.10 Pages 1,050.00 55.76 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 142701 12/09/2010 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS Office Supplies: Info Sys 65.49 INC 142702 12/09/2010 009608 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY 142703 12/09/2010 003792 GRAINGER fire alarm pull station covers:CRC misc supplies: Stn 84 142704 12/09/2010 013942 GRAY, JODIE reimb:microwave rplcmnt Stn 84 142705 12/09/2010 008444 GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL '10 light parade band participant 142706 12/09/2010 005311 H2O CERTIFIED POOL WATER Nov pool maint svcs: CRC/TES SPCL. 142707 12/09/2010 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC Nov fountain maint:town square 142708 12/09/2010 002109 HD SUPPLY CONSTR. SUPPLY MISC SUPPLIES: PW MAINT LTD Amount Paid Check Total Office supplies: Finance 607.73 Office supplies: Planning 201.95 Office Supplies: CRC 87.16 Office Supplies: MPSC 352.96 Office Supplies: Fire Dept 700.78 Office Supplies: TV Museum 205.11 Office Supplies: Theater 31.16 Office Supplies: TCC 709.96 Office Supplies: Records 119.52 Office supplies: CM 712.12 Office supplies: B &S 89.40 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW 276.97 4,160.31 sttlmnt: Classics at the Merc Nov '10 782.60 782.60 198.99 107.42 306.41 152.24 152.24 300.00 300.00 900.00 175.00 Hardware supplies: TV Museum 5.06 Hardware supplies:Civic Ctr pkg 21.77 Hardware supplies: Theater 29.21 Hardware supplies: Library 57.32 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: TCSD 818.18 Hardware supplies: Info Sys 300.56 Hardware supplies: B &S 58.19 Hardware supplies: PW Maint 429.95 Hardware supplies: PW Traffic 93.07 Hardware supplies: Ch Museum 7741 Hardware supplies: CRC 122.46 HARDWARE SUPPLIES:CITY HALL /FIRE 157.33 Hardware supplies: Old Town 52.83 Hardware supplies: Town Square 79.17 145.49 145.49 Pages 1,075.00 2,302.51 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid 142709 12/09/2010 001135 HEALTH POINTE MEDICAL emp industrial care svc:Chodola,B 12.30 GROUP INC 142710 12/09/2010 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE 142711 12/09/2010 001517 HORIZON HEALTH 142712 12/09/2010 002701 HUB INT'L INSURANCE SERVCS INC 142713 12/09/2010 000194 IC MA RETIREMENT -PLAN 303355 142714 12/09/2010 004406 IGOE & COMPANY INC Check Total emp industrial care svc:Chodola,B 362.22 emp industrial care svc:Chodola,B 141.71 emp industrial care svc:Chodola,B 379.41 895.64 hardware supplies: TCSD parks 130.17 130.17 credit: billing adj Nov total 159 not -35.20 NOV EAP SVCS: HR 734.80 699.60 Nov special events premiums 440.01 440.01 I C M A Retirement Trust 457 Payment 5,899.67 5,899.67 credit: billing adj Nov total 43 not 44 -5.00 Nov flex benefit plan pmt 220.00 215.00 142715 12/09/2010 013695 INLAND EMPIRE SHRED IT 11/22 doc shred svc: City Hall 35.00 11/22 doc shred svc: Library 15.00 11/22 doc shred svc: CRC 15.00 11/22 doc shred svc:PD OT 15.00 11/22 doc shred svcs:PD Mall 15.00 95.00 142716 12/09/2010 009693 INLAND VALLEY CLASSICAL sttlmnt: The Nutcracker Nov' 10 5,521.19 5,521.19 BALLET 142717 12/09/2010 006914 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT Oct copier maint/usage:library 1,054.01 1,054.01 SOLUTIONS 142718 12/09/2010 013290 IRIS GROUP INC, THE postage fees: midseason brochure 3,081.32 3,081.32 142719 12/09/2010 013290 IRIS GROUP INC, THE Printingfees:midseason brochure 1,387.30 1,387.30 142720 12/09/2010 013873 J & R ELECTRONICS, INC memory cards /camcorders:PD 1,821.98 1,821.98 142721 12/09/2010 012883 JACOB'S HOUSE INC Jacob's House Charity Payment 200.00 200.00 142722 12/09/2010 013088 JIM FORGERSON PAINTING Res Impry Prgm: Escalante,Luis 2,310.00 2,310.00 142723 12/09/2010 013668 K Z C CONSTRUCTION, INC Nov const:citywide drain impry 28,719.00 28,719.00 142724 12/09/2010 013788 KOA CORPORATION Traffic Study: Islamic Center 7,900.00 7,900.00 Page:7 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142725 12/09/2010 001085 L N CURTIS & SONS rescue equip supplies: Stn 73 368.67 rescue saw: Stn 73 2,705.70 rescue equip supplies: Stn 73 883.05 3,957.42 142726 12/09/2010 007188 LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP. CPR Supplies: Paramedics 291.94 291.94 142727 12/09/2010 000482 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 9/14 -10/31 GEOTECH SVC:TCC 4,741.00 4,741.00 142728 12/09/2010 004905 LIEBERT, CASSIDY& Oct HR legal svcs for TE060 -01 108.00 108.00 WHITMORE 142729 12/09/2010 013769 LIGHTSQUARED LP Nov satellite phone svc:CM /Fire 146.48 146.48 142730 12/09/2010 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS Misc signs:PW Maint 440.44 440.44 142731 12/09/2010 006571 MELODYS AD WORKS INC. Dec mrktng & promo srvcs:old town 3,500.00 mrktng /promo reimbursements:old town 325.42 mrktng /promo reimbursements:old town 205.24 4,030.66 142732 12/09/2010 003076 MET LIFE INSURANCE MetLife Dental Insurance Payment 7,311.06 7,311.06 COMPANY 142733 12/09/2010 013004 MOBILE TRUCK SERVICE INC Vehicle repair & maint:PW Maint 569.72 Vehicle repair & maint:PW Maint 549.66 Vehicle repair & maint:PW Maint 679.31 Vehicle repair & maint:PW Maint 37.50 Vehicle repair & maint:PW Maint 137.13 1,973.32 142734 12/09/2010 005887 MOFFATT &NICHOL 8/29 -9/25 ENGSRVCS:F.V. PKWY 85,394.25 85,394.25 ENGINEERS 142735 12/09/2010 006146 MT SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY Perfomance:holiday in Old Town 11/26 750.00 750.00 142736 12/09/2010 001986 MUZAK - SOUTHERN Dec satellite music:old town 72.11 72.11 CALIFORNIA 142737 12/09/2010 010168 MYERS & SONS HI -WAY Traffic control supplies:PW Maint 1,475.30 1,475.30 SAFETY INC 142738 12/09/2010 002925 NAPA AUTO PARTS Parts & supplies for PW Maint 107.39 107.39 142739 12/09/2010 008820 NEIGHBORS NEWSPAPER Dec advertising:old town winterfest 250.00 250.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142740 12/09/2010 013319 NEW TANGRAM LLC 142746 12/09/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 142747 12/09/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE Description FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER FURNITURE & INSTALL:CIVIC CENTER 142741 12/09/2010 008528 NICHOLS, MELBURG & OCT ENG SRVS:CIVIC CENTER PH II ROSETTO OCT ENG SRVS:CIVIC CENTER PH II 146,929.68 OCT ENG SRVS:CIVIC CENTER PH II 1,469.14 Oct eng srvs:civic center ph I 3,984.70 153,964.81 142742 12/09/2010 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES Oct public notices:PW /Pln /City Clerk 698.40 698.40 142743 12/09/2010 010167 ODYSSEY POWER Equip repair & maint:info systems 146.81 146.81 CORPORATION 142744 12/09/2010 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS Misc office supplies:pw maintftraffic 41.72 41.72 DIV 142745 12/09/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle Maint Svcs:TCSD 994.53 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:TCSD 289.02 1,283.55 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:Bldg & Safety City Vehicle Maint Svcs:Bldg & Safety City Vehicle Maint Svcs:Bldg & Safety City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW CIP City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Traffic City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Traffic City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Maint City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Maint 142748 12/09/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle Maint Svcs:City Mgr 142749 12/09/2010 001171 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY INC Misc supplies:tcsd holiday events RECREATION SUPPLIES:MPSC RECREATION SUPPLIES:CLASSES &AC 142750 12/09/2010 002652 PAT & OSCARS RESTAURANT Refreshments:high hopes pgrm 12/17 142751 12/09/2010 012833 PC MALL GOV, INC. Misc computer supplies:info sys Misc computer supplies:info sys Misc computer supplies:info sys Amount Paid Check Total 83,941.56 57,345.26 78,761.19 26,611.74 99,596.82 54,604.11 189,354.58 1,581.29 102.50 185.16 130.41 51.32 51.32 51.57 81.18 36.57 52.22 Misc supplies:tcsd holiday events 381.01 88.33 95.88 59.93 1,186.86 87.00 1,178.86 115.28 590,215.26 Page9 418.07 271.96 52.22 625.15 1,186.86 1,381.14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142752 12/09/2010 010320 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC Food & supplies:police K -9 Unit 148.09 148.09 142753 12/09/2010 001999 PITNEY BOWES Jan -Mar postage mtr lease:cntd srvcs 271.60 271.60 142754 12/09/2010 011660 PLANNET CONSULTING OCT CONSULTINGSRVCS: CIVIC 177.00 177.00 CNTR 142755 12/09/2010 011549 POWER SPORTS UNLIMITED Cityveh repair & maint:police 271.77 271.77 142756 12/09/2010 004478 PRECISION ALIGNMENT & vehicle maint & repair srvcs:tcsd 150.00 150.00 BRAKE 142757 12/09/2010 005820 PRE -PAID LEGAL SERVICES PrePaid Legal Services Payment 324.85 324.85 INC 142758 12/09/2010 010652 QUALITY CODE PUBLISHING Municipal Code Service: City Clerk 2,304.29 2,304.29 142759 12/09/2010 002612 RADIO SHACK INC Equip purchase:fire prevention 217.49 217.49 142760 12/09/2010 013947 RADOSEVICH, PAULA refund:pencil shading tech 1155.205 45.00 45.00 142761 12/09/2010 007051 RALPHS cookies for Breakfastw /Santa 269.60 269.60 142762 12/09/2010 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER Nov var water meters:mercedes st 248.64 DISTRICT Nov var water meters:41000 main st 1,955.69 Nov var water meters:mercedes st 206.78 Nov var water meters:28922 pujol st 91.59 Nov var water meters:wolf crk dr N 26.06 Nov var water meters:wolf crk dr N 63.62 Nov floating meter- com:PW 200.23 Nov var water meters:TCSD Fac 791.84 Nov var water meters:tcsd & pw 2,816.83 Nov var water meters:TCSD svc lev C 13,472.12 Nov various water meters:Fire Stns 517.97 20,391.37 142763 12/09/2010 004584 REGENCY LIGHTING Lighting supplies: duck pond 339.30 Lighting supplies: duck pond 1,214.39 Electrical supplies: var park sites 728.89 Electrical supplies: t. museum 64.73 2,347.31 142764 12/09/2010 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS Help Ride patrol srvcs 10/23 2,096.76 DEPT Fall Rod Run patrol srvcs 10/8 -9 18,434.66 Race for the Cure patrol srvcs 10/17 6,952.47 27,483.89 Pagel 0 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid 142765 12/09/2010 000220 ROBINSON PRINTING & Invitations:civic center grand open 980.93 CREATIVE 142767 12/09/2010 013582 SAN DIEGU ITO PUBLISHERS INC 142768 12/09/2010 013948 SANTIAGO ESTATES, LLC 142769 12/09/2010 013169 SCHINSKY, WILLIAM C. Check Total Invitation envelopes:civic cntr grand 196.84 2010 CAFR dividers:Finance 488.29 2010 CAFR report cover:Finance 563.33 2,229.39 142766 12/09/2010 007582 SAFEGUARD DENTAL & VISION SafeGuard Vision Plan Payment 870.70 870.70 Printing:w /s recreation program guide 14,560.23 Printing:w /s recreation program guide 877.90 15,438.13 refund:withdrew application LD10 -009mp 560.00 560.00 Oct exhibit id & cataloging:vail ranch 1,668.50 1,668.50 142770 12/09/2010 010803 SEAN MALEK ENGINEERING & Prgs pmt #4:rrsp desilting basin 19,213.63 CONST release retention:rrsp desilting basin 9,859.35 29,072.98 142771 12/09/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV- SUPPORT PAYMENT 700.92 700.92 CENTRAL 142772 12/09/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV- SUPPORT PAYMENT 200.00 200.00 CENTRAL 142773 12/09/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - SUPPORT PAYMENT 100.00 100.00 CENTRAL 142774 12/09/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - SUPPORT PAYMENT 100.00 100.00 CENTRAL 142775 12/09/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - SUPPORT PAYMENT 100.00 100.00 CENTRAL 142776 12/09/2010 003506 SHIVELA MIDDLE SCHOOL '10 Tight parade band participant 200.00 200.00 BAND 142777 12/09/2010 009746 SIGNS BYTOMORROW Public ntc posting srvcs /0234:PIanning 148.50 Public ntc posting srvcs /0224:PIanning 867.05 1,015.55 Pagel 1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142778 12/09/2010 000537 SO CALIF EDISON Nov 2 -33- 056- 0681:28912 pujol TPP 106.06 Nov 2- 02- 502 - 8077:43210 bus pk dr B 1,244.34 Nov 2 -31 -536- 3226:28690 mercedes 691.84 Nov 2 -28- 629 - 0507:30600 pauba rd 6,388.71 Nov 2 -30- 220 - 8749:45850 N wolf crk 539.88 Nov 2 -27 -805- 3194:42051 main st 3,745.94 Nov 2 -31- 031 - 2590:28301 rncho calif 54.10 Nov 2 -29- 953 - 8447:31738 wolfvly PED 21.11 Nov 2 -29- 657- 2332:45538 redwood PED 24.02 Nov 2 -29- 458- 7548:32000 rncho cal GS1 263.80 Nov 2 -29- 657- 2563:42902 butterfield 183.64 Nov 2 -31- 936 - 3511:46488 pechanga 46.01 Nov 2 -00- 397 - 5067:28684 harveston 1,962.18 15,271.63 142779 12/09/2010 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST Nov pest control srvcs:City facilities 589.00 589.00 CONTROL INC 142780 12/09/2010 012652 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Dec xxx -0141, 0839,2593,9306 usage 507.23 507.23 142781 12/09/2010 000293 STADIUM PIZZA INC Refreshments:family fun night 11/19 74.09 74.09 142785 12/09/2010 007762 STANDARD INSURANCE Mandatory Life Insurance Payment 9,121.45 9,121.45 COMPANY 142786 12/09/2010 012723 STANDARD INSURANCE Voluntary Supp Life Insurance Payment 596.90 596.90 COMPANY 142787 12/09/2010 002015 STAR WAY PRODUCTIONS Audio srvcs:Rod Run 10/8 -9 1,525.00 1,525.00 142788 12/09/2010 003000 STATE WATER RESOURCES Ann'I NPDES MS4 permit fee 13,499.00 13,499.00 142789 12/09/2010 008023 STATER BROTHERS MARKETS refreshments: CERT Training 11/13 43.37 43.37 142790 12/09/2010 010924 T & D COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Cabling:parking structure 656.77 656.77 142791 12/09/2010 013941 TAHQUITZ DISTRICT OF THE '10 Light Parade Overall Winner 200.00 200.00 BOY 142792 12/09/2010 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD MISC SUPPLIES:HIGH HOPES PRGM 115.29 SRVCS MISC SUPPLIES:CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 104.15 MISC SUPPLIES:CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 70.90 290.34 142793 12/09/2010 001547 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 Union Dues Payment 4,817.00 4,817.00 Page:12 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 13 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142794 12/09/2010 000168 TEMECULA FLOWER CORRAL Sunshine Fund 70.63 70.63 142795 12/09/2010 005633 TEMECULA MIDDLE SCHOOL Performance:holiday in Old Town 12/11 125.00 125.00 142796 12/09/2010 003677 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS City vehicle repair & maint:police 130.45 130.45 LLC 142797 12/09/2010 010848 TEMECULA PLANTSCAPE Nov lease interior plantscape:library 200.00 200.00 142798 12/09/2010 011736 TEMECULA TROPHY INC Commemorative plaque:civic center 224.03 224.03 142799 12/09/2010 000311 TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH '10 light parade band participant 300.00 300.00 SCHOOL 142800 12/09/2010 011677 TEMECULA VALLEY PEOPLE Council Community Srvc Funding 2,000.00 2,000.00 142801 12/09/2010 008379 THEATRE FOUNDATION, THE Council Community Srvc Funding 1,500.00 1,500.00 142802 12/09/2010 003508 THOMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL '10 Tight parade band participant 200.00 200.00 142803 12/09/2010 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE Dec high speed internet:Library 509.68 Dec high speed internet:42081 main st 58.10 567.78 142804 12/09/2010 013860 TOPETE, GRISELDA refund:tiny poms 1915.201 60.00 60.00 142805 12/09/2010 013474 TOWN & COUNTRYTOWING Towing Services: Police 75.00 75.00 142806 12/09/2010 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE MISC TRAFFIC CONTROL 1,099.85 1,099.85 INC SUPPLIES:PW MAINT 142807 12/09/2010 012725 TRZOP, NICHELLE 142808 12/09/2010 007766 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 142809 12/09/2010 000325 UNITED WAY 142810 12/09/2010 004864 V N W CIRCLE OF CARE INC TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings Nov undrgrnd svcs alert tickets:PW United Way Charities Payment CDBG Reimbursement 1,962.54 1,848.00 3,027.82 3,024.00 9,862.36 210.00 210.00 62.00 62.00 5,688.27 5,688.27 Page:13 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 14 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142811 12/09/2010 013732 VA CONSULTING INC. Sep traffic study:walcott estates 2,639.50 2,639.50 142812 12/09/2010 008977 VALLEY EVENTS EQUIP RENTAL:LIGHT PARADE 12/3 1,070.15 1,070.15 142813 12/09/2010 004794 VALLEYWINDS COMMUNITY Performance:holiday in Old Town 12/11 125.00 125.00 142814 12/09/2010 004261 VERIZON Novxxx -6400 general usage 284.15 284.15 142815 12/09/2010 004789 VERIZON ONLINE Dec SW DSL:PD:Jones, C. 39.95 39.95 142816 12/09/2010 006248 WALKER, JESSICA refund:little leamers 2000.202 152.74 152.74 142817 12/09/2010 003730 WEST COASTARBORISTS INC 10/16 -31/10 tree trimming srvcs:pw 2,386.00 2,386.00 142818 12/09/2010 007949 WESTERN ARTS ALLIANCE 2011 membership dues:b.beers 6700 400.00 400.00 142819 12/09/2010 000341 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES INC Oct eng srvs:pw traffic 640.00 640.00 142820 12/09/2010 013938 WOODSIDE 05S, LP refund:permit adj.:B10- 0222,0223,0225 474.00 474.00 142821 12/09/2010 013613 WORTHINGTON, PAULA Misc supplies for holiday parade 86.69 86.69 142822 12/09/2010 003776 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Medical Supplies: Medics 836.64 836.64 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 3,424,036.99 Page:14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 15 12/09/2010 9:24:08AM CITY OF TEMECULA 191 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks. 3,424,036.99 Page:15 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 1606 12/10/2010 005460 U S BANK '06 rda tabs series b ds 12/10 123,840.63 123,840.63 1607 12/10/2010 005460 U S BANK '07 tax bonds debt svc pymt 610,693.75 610,693.75 142823 12/16/2010 013295 ABBOTT CARDIOVASCULAR CFD 88- 12 reimbursement FY 08/09 30,692.88 SYSTEMS CFD 88 -12 reimbursement FY 08/09 8,645.33 39,338.21 142824 12/16/2010 008552 ADKINS DESIGN CONSULTING Nov graphic design svc:Th eater 2,161.41 2,161.41 142825 12/16/2010 013696 ADRYLAN COMMUNICATIONS network cnslt svcs: citywide 1,707.75 1,707.75 INC 142826 12/16/2010 001862 ADVANCED CARDIOVASCULAR CFD 88- 12 reimbursement FY 08/09 52,664.00 SYSTEM CFD 88 -12 reimbursement FY 08/09 3,099.36 CFD 88 -12 reimbursement FY 08/09 14,438.50 70,201.86 142827 12/16/2010 009033 ALLEN, STEVEN L. photography:tree lighting 12/2 300.00 photography:light parade 12/3 300.00 600.00 142828 12/16/2010 006915 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT rental equip:civic center 12/9 2,502.59 2,502.59 142829 12/16/2010 012943 ALPHA MECHANICAL SERVICE HVAC maint /repair:harveston 251.00 INC HVAC maint /repair: CRC 548.00 799.00 142830 12/16/2010 013015 ALWAYS RELIABLE backflow testing:various parks 2,525.00 BACKFLOW backflow testing: city facilities 800.00 3,325.00 142831 12/16/2010 011666 B P S TACTICAL INC Ballistic Vest Covers:SET Team 277.31 277.31 142832 12/16/2010 011954 BAKER & TAYLOR INC (13) book purchase: Library 228.57 228.57 142833 12/16/2010 011438 BAKER, BLYTHE EDEN TCSD Instructor Eamings 240.00 240.00 142834 12/16/2010 003466 BASKETS & BALLOONS TOO! promotional baskets: Econ Dev 168.56 168.56 142835 12/16/2010 009538 BENOIT, INA L. entertainment:Santa 12/18 -21 250.00 250.00 142836 12/16/2010 004040 BIG FOOT GRAPHICS graphic art svc:rec brochure tcsd 1,950.00 graphic art svcs:window painting 500.00 2,450.00 142837 12/16/2010 013659 BROADSPEC, INC. Nov plan check svcs:Fire Prev 265.39 265.39 Pagel apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142838 12/16/2010 009082 C B C TECHNICAL INC Misc Supplies: Theater 301.63 301.63 142839 12/16/2010 006908 C C & COMPANY INC entertainment:OT holidays 12/18 300.00 300.00 142840 12/16/2010 003138 CAL MAT PW patch truck materials 111.36 PW patch truck materials 340.91 452.27 142841 12/16/2010 011813 CALIFORNIA VETERINARY veterinary svcs: PD K -9 Rudy 129.25 129.25 SPCLST 142842 12/16/2010 013469 CALTEC CORP Nov const: TCC expansion 44,064.40 44,064.40 142843 12/16/2010 004228 CAMERON WELDING SUPPLY Helium tanks rental /refihl:TCSD 56.50 56.50 142844 12/16/2010 000131 CARL WARREN & COMPANY Nov liability claims svcs:fnance 2,676.11 2,676.11 INC 142845 12/16/2010 000137 CHEVRON AND TEXACO City vehicles fuel: Police 1,486.91 1,486.91 142846 12/16/2010 004017 COMERCHERO, JEFF reimb:'10 election entry fee 525.20 525.20 142847 12/16/2010 000447 COMTRONIX radio removal: B &S vehicles 320.00 320.00 142848 12/16/2010 013286 CONNEXON TELECOM INC Nov 911 routing svcs: citywide 320.00 320.00 142849 12/16/2010 001264 COSTCO WHOLESALE supplies: tree lighting 12/2 266.06 266.06 142850 12/16/2010 010650 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & plumbing svcs: Ch Museum 1,730.00 HVAC INC building maint: Theater 1,600.00 3,330.00 142851 12/16/2010 005766 DATA BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 1099NV2 forms /envlps:finance 327.44 327.44 142852 12/16/2010 008943 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES Nov massage citation hearings 225.00 225.00 (DGS) 142853 12/16/2010 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER Nov water meter:39656 diego dr 102.22 102.22 DIST 142854 12/16/2010 008704 EDWARDS, MARYANN reimb:'10 election entry fee 527.90 527.90 142855 12/16/2010 005115 ENTERPRISE RENTA CAR INC van rental:sister cities Daisen 874.65 874.65 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142856 12/16/2010 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE Description irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 288.27 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 89.84 irrigation repairs: vail ranch park 92.98 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 253.29 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH PAR 107.00 irrigation repairs: redhawk median 187.33 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 311.62 irrigation repairs: town square 38.76 irrigation repairs: Stn 84 244.69 irrigation repairs: Stn 84 327.96 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 270.07 irrigation repairs: PBSP 169.39 irrigation repairs: vail ranch park 509.92 irrigation repairs: town square 127.59 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 260.95 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 105.04 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 87.43 irrigation repairs: tcsd parks 79.63 landscape repair: town square 188.35 Amount Paid Check Total 3,740.11 142857 12/16/2010 009953 FEDERAL CLEANING Dec janitorial svc:pd mall office 625.00 625.00 CONTRACTORS 142858 12/16/2010 000206 FEDEX KINKOS INC shipping supplies:central svcs 65.20 65.20 142859 12/16/2010 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK performances:OT holidays 1,500.00 1,500.00 142860 12/16/2010 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK sttlmnt:Amahl a/t Night Visitors 46.25 46.25 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 142861 12/16/2010 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 006952 PAYPAL GR Verisign Pay0ow Pro Transaction 59.95 000175 GOVERNMENT FINANCE GR budgettm:HS 1/13/11 &2/16/11 170.00 OFFICERS 006952 PAYPAL HP Verisign Pay0ow Pro Transaction 144.70 013951 WILBUR CURTIS CO INC HP inlet valve: MPSC 57.46 000152 CALIF PARKS & RECREATION HP (5) CPRS award submittals 225.00 SOC 000871 HILTON RR htl:SCAG reg cf 11/3 LA 121.00 Amount Paid Check Total 007287 UNITED AIRLINES JC airfare:NLC mtg Denver 11/30 -12/3 306.39 007287 UNITED AIRLINES JC airfare:NLC mtg Denver 11/30 -12/3 78.00 013817 SEMSONS & COMPANY INC GY citation adapters: Police 48.81 010897 RUBIO'S RESTAURANTS INC GY refreshments:CERT trn 11 /7/10 264.26 1,475.57 142862 12/16/2010 007866 G C S SUPPLIES INC toner cartridges: info sys 247.49 247.49 142863 12/16/2010 001937 GALLS INC uniform svcs: Police Volunteers 8.71 8.71 142864 12/16/2010 013552 GANDS PRODUCTIONS LLC sttlmnt: Country at the Merc 12/4 448.70 448.70 142865 12/16/2010 013076 GAUDET, YVONNE M. TCSD Instructor Eamings 646.80 646.80 142866 12/16/2010 013107 GRANT, GLENN advertising:holidays in old town 1,250.00 1,250.00 142867 12/16/2010 013953 GUEVARA, RENEE reimb:Harveston Special Tax 302.95 302.95 142868 12/16/2010 008081 HALL & FOREMAN INC NOV DESIGN SVC:PAVEMENT REHAB 1,052.05 1,052.05 142869 12/16/2010 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC Hardware supplies: Fire Dept 1,430.29 1,430.29 142870 12/16/2010 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE Res Impr prgm:Uribe Vargas, Oscar 7,954.57 7,954.57 142871 12/16/2010 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE hardware supplies:TCSD events 107.18 107.18 142872 12/16/2010 013695 INLAND EMPIRE SHRED IT 12/6 doc shred svcs:City Hall 35.00 35.00 Page4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142873 12/16/2010 001186 IRWIN, JOHN 142874 12/16/2010 002531 KATY FM RADIO 142875 12/16/2010 003046 K F R O G 95.1 FM RADIO 142876 12/16/2010 001091 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 142877 12/16/2010 004412 LEANDER, KERRY D. 142878 12/16/2010 003726 LIFE ASSIST INC 142879 12/16/2010 013952 LYNES, PATRICE 142880 12/16/2010 004813 M & J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 142881 12/16/2010 008632 M G M PLASTICS INC 142882 12/16/2010 013875 MAGID GLOVE & SAFETY MFG CO 142883 12/16/2010 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 142884 12/16/2010 000217 MARGARITA OFFICIALS ASSN 142885 12/16/2010 011179 MC MILLIN REDHAWK LLC 142886 12/16/2010 004951 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC. 142887 12/16/2010 012264 MIRANDA, JULIO C. Description TCSD instructor earnings TCSD instructor earnings radio broadcast:OT holidays radio broadcasting:OT holidays Nov cnslt svcs:affordable housing TCSD instructor earnings TCSD instructor earnings TCSD instructor earnings TCSD instructor earnings Medical Supplies: Paramedics reimb:'10 election entry fee Jolly jump rental:hot smr nights 7/9 Jolly jump rental:hot smr nights 8/13 Jolly jump rental:hot smr nights 9/3 Repair display case:history museum safety supplies: PW Maint safety supplies: PW Maint Misc signs:PW Maint Officiating srvcs:csd sports pgrm TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings welding srvcs:var. parks TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings 142888 12/16/2010 013724 MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION Res Impry Prgm: Bobst, Kristin Amount Paid Check Total 100.80 220.50 321.30 433.50 433.50 320.00 320.00 3,283.13 3,283.13 630.00 714.00 227.50 378.00 1,949.50 104.34 104.34 550.40 550.40 195.00 195.00 195.00 585.00 369.75 369.75 80.11 287.04 367.15 304.50 304.50 1,015.00 1,015.00 133.00 159.60 292.60 40.00 40.00 924.00 885.50 38.50 1,848.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 142889 12/16/2010 001868 MIYAMOTO - JURKOSKY, SUSAN TCSD Instructor Eamings A. Amount Paid 197.40 Check Total TCSD Instructor Eamings 378.35 TCSD Instructor Eamings 197.40 TCSD Instructor Eamings 289.21 1,062.36 142890 12/16/2010 001892 MOBILE MODULAR 11/19 -12/18 modular rental: OATC 619.88 619.88 142891 12/16/2010 009443 MUNYON, DENNIS G. Jan -Mar lease pmt:parking lot for 2,375.00 2,375.00 142892 12/16/2010 013375 MYERS - RUSSO, ERICA TCSD Instructor Eamings 75.60 TCSD Instructor Eamings 138.60 214.20 142893 12/16/2010 000727 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 3/1/11- 2/29/12 mbrshp dues:R.Johnston 150.00 150.00 ASSN 142894 12/16/2010 013208 NIGHTHAWK ENTERPRISES Res Impry Prgm: Kinter, Mary 475.00 475.00 INC 142895 12/16/2010 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES Nov public ntcs:City Clerk/Pln 802.08 Nov advertising: Temecula Presents 341.59 1,143.67 142896 12/16/2010 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES ann'I subscr:Finance 125887 138.00 138.00 142897 12/16/2010 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES nov newspapersubscr:MPSC 28.60 28.60 142898 12/16/2010 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS Misc office supplies:tcsd 3.69 3.69 DIV 142899 12/16/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Traffic 55.00 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW CIP 91.57 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW CIP 36.57 183.14 142900 12/16/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle Maint Svcs :Bldg & Safety 47.50 47.50 142901 12/16/2010 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE &SERVICE City Vehicle Repair /Maint Svcs:Police 2841 City Vehicle Repair /Maint Svcs:Police 28.41 56.82 142902 12/16/2010 001171 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY RECREATION SUPPLIES:CHILDRENS 22.96 22.96 INC MUSEUM Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142903 12/16/2010 013198 ORTENZO - HAYES, KRISTINE 142904 12/16/2010 012833 PC MALL GOV, INC. 142905 12/16/2010 010320 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES INC 142906 12/16/2010 013115 PETERSON NUGENT, KRISTIN 142907 12/16/2010 002498 PETRA GEOTECHNICAL INC 142908 12/16/2010 010338 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS INC 142909 12/16/2010 013955 POTOCZAK, CHRISTINE 142910 12/16/2010 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 142911 12/16/2010 012904 PROACTIVE FIRE DESIGN 142912 12/16/2010 005075 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 142913 12/16/2010 013302 PUBLIC GROUP LLC, THE 142914 12/16/2010 004529 QUAID TEMECULA HARLEY - DAVIDSON 142915 12/16/2010 004029 R J M DESIGN GROUP INC 142916 12/16/2010 002176 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 142917 12/16/2010 002072 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST -FEES Description TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings Misc computer supplies:info sys Food & supplies:police K -9 Unit TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings NOV GEOTECH SRVCS:REDHAWK PARK IMPRV Fountain supplies:town square misc supplies:High Hopes dance 12/17 ann'I subscrs:tcsd 3254007 Nov plan check srvcs:fire prey Nov uniform/Or mts /twl rentals:city Nov admin fee:info sys surplus auctions Nov veh repair & maint:police Oct Idscp design:redhawk dog park Jan -Mar assn dues:Diaz Rd Jan -Mar assn dues:FOC Jan -Mar assn dues:City Hall Add'I inspection fees:79N Corridor Amount Paid Check Total 616.00 308.00 308.00 616.00 1,032.50 619.50 289.10 3,789.10 709.34 709.34 50.36 50.36 352.80 403.20 756.00 707.50 707.50 49.95 49.95 53.03 53.03 338.00 338.00 2,755.79 2,755.79 1,234.04 1,234.04 30.52 30.52 1,987.92 1,987.92 2,516.10 2,516.10 1,159.32 1,051.03 1,273.98 3,484.33 1,311.09 1,311.09 Page:7 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142918 12/16/2010 000947 RANCHO REPROGRAPHICS Reprographic srvcs:main st bridge 26.75 26.75 142919 12/16/2010 000907 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR Nov vehicle detailing srvcs:var. depts 31.50 31.50 WASH 142920 12/16/2010 011853 RANCON COMMERCE CNTR Jan -Mar assn dues:Fire Stn 73 546.32 546.32 PH2,3 &4 142921 12/16/2010 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL Debris pick - up:old town 1,200.00 MANAGEMENT 142927 12/16/2010 010089 SECURITAS SECURITYSRVCS USA 142928 12/16/2010 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC 142929 12/16/2010 000537 SO CALIF EDISON TRASH /DEBRIS CLEAN -UP SRVCS:CITY DEBRIS CLEAN UP /HERBICIDE:CITY R.O 142922 12/16/2010 002110 RENTAL SERVICE Rental of tools & maint:pw maint CORPORATION Rental of tools & maint:pw maint Rental of tools & maint:pw maint 142923 12/16/2010 001592 RIVERSIDE CO INFO Nov radio rentals:police /prk mgrs TECHNOLOGY 142924 12/16/2010 000873 ROBERTS, RONALD H. 142925 12/16/2010 010835 RUNKLE, PAUL Reimb'10 election entry fee 142926 12/16/2010 002226 RUSSO, MARY ANNE reimb:'10 election entry fee reimb:NLC Cf Denver 11/30 -12/2 TCSD Instructor Eamings TCSD Instructor Eamings Nov security srvcs:Harveston Lake Park Jazz © the Merc 12/2/10 Nov 2 -02- 351- 5281:CRC Nov 2 -20- 798- 3248:42081 main st Nov 2 -10- 331 - 2153:28816 pujol GS2 Nov 2 -01- 202- 7603:var arterial stlt Nov 2 -31- 419 - 2659:26706 ynez TC1 Nov 2 -05- 791 - 8807:31587 tem pkwy Nov 2 -26 -887- 0789:40233 village PED Nov 2 -30- 066 - 2889:30051 rncho vista Nov 2 -30- 608- 9384:28582 harveston Nov 2 -29- 974 - 7899:26953 ynez LS -3 Nov 2 -29- 479 - 2981:31454 tem pkwy Dec 2 -01- 202- 7330:various LS -1 allnite Nov 2 -28- 171 - 2620:40820 Winchester 7,320.00 4,801.50 98.97 98.97 48.06 1,550.19 4,901.22 972.53 699.82 30,856.08 83.96 11,249.92 1,684.95 22.57 548.20 235.52 116.10 76,302.79 667.92 Pages 13,321.50 246.00 1,550.19 523.10 96.37 619.47 536.00 536.00 238.00 1,323.00 1,561.00 822.50 822.50 190.00 190.00 128,341.58 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142930 12/16/2010 002503 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY Boiler /heater certifcation:crc 167.15 167.15 142931 12/16/2010 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST Pest control services: fire station 73 48.00 CONTROL INC Pest control services: fire station 84 80.00 128.00 142932 12/16/2010 005786 SPRINT Oct 26 -Nov 25 cellular usage /equip 5,500.02 5,500.02 142933 12/16/2010 002366 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET Carpet &floor maint:crc 175.00 175.00 CLEANING 142934 12/16/2010 006145 STENO SOLUTIONS Nov transcription srvcs:Police 455.70 455.70 TRANSCRIPTION 142935 12/16/2010 009811 SUNNY HILLS TOWING Towing Services: Police 65.00 65.00 LOWBED SRVC 142936 12/16/2010 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD MISC RECREATION SUPPLIES: CRC 105.85 SRVCS MISC SUPPLIES:FIT PRGM 41.80 MISC RECREATION SUPPLIES: CRC 116.93 264.58 142937 12/16/2010 010046 TEMECULA VALLEY Oct ' 10 Bus. Impry District Asmnts 83,865.74 83,865.74 CONVENTION & 142938 12/16/2010 005970 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYERS advance tix sales - Christmas Carol' 10 18,000.00 18,000.00 142939 12/16/2010 004274 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY locksmith srvcs:theater 45.68 45.68 CENTR 142940 12/16/2010 013854 TEMECULA VILLA DIF refund:First Street Improvements 134,588.51 134,588.51 APARTMENTS LP 142941 12/16/2010 006918 THORSON, TIM employee computer loan pgrm 632.48 632.48 142942 12/16/2010 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE Dec high speed internet:32364 ovedand 44.95 Dec high speed internet:City Hall 241.48 286.43 142943 12/16/2010 000668 TIMMYD PRODUCTIONS INC SOUND TECHNICIAN:CTY HALL 850.00 RIBBON CUTTING SOUND TECHNICIAN:ANN'L TREE LIGHT 325.00 Sound technician:rocktober fest 10/16 575.00 1,750.00 142944 12/16/2010 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE Equip rental:winter holiday parade 1,150.00 INC MISC TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPPLIES:PW 1,457.25 2,607.25 142945 12/16/2010 013732 VA CONSULTING INC. Oct traffic study:walcott estates 4,128.50 4,128.50 Page9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 142946 12/16/2010 004261 VERIZON 142947 12/16/2010 004789 VERIZON ONLINE 142948 12/16/2010 004848 VERIZON SELECT SERVICES INC Description Nov long distance phone svcs Nov long distance phone svcs FY 10/11 Community Service Grant 142949 12/16/2010 013954 VETERANS SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT 142950 12/16/2010 012292 VIAMEDIA INC Nov cable commercials:Old Town holiday 142951 12/16/2010 009101 VISION ONE INC Nov showare ticketing srvcs: theater 142952 12/16/2010 003730 WEST COASTARBORISTS INC 11/1 -15/10 tree trimming srvcs:pwmaint 142953 12/16/2010 004567 WITCHER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL SRVCS: RIVERTON PARK 142954 12/16/2010 011630 WOLFF LANG CHRISTOPHER OCT DSGN SRVCS:OLD TOWN GYM (WLC) 142955 12/16/2010 000348 ZIGLER, GAIL Reimb:Civic Center Grand Opening suppl Reimb:qtrly luncheon supplies 12/16/10 Amount Paid Check Total Nov xxx -0049 gen usage:Comerchero, J. 36.10 Dec xxx -5180 gen usage:79S irrig ctr 39.43 Dec xxx -7530 gen usage:Library 367.51 Dec xxx -0590 gen usage:TCC alarm 75.42 Nov xxx -1999 general usage 40.76 Dec xxx -3910 gen usage:1 st st irrig 3940 Dec xxx -9661 general usage 45.62 Dec xxx -1941 gen usage:pta cd ttacsd 36.07 Dec xxx -1341 gen usage:Theater 334.94 Dec xxx -7562 gen usage:img controller 38.26 Dec xxx -0682 gen usage:civic ctr camera 92.48 Dec xxx -2372 gen usage:wolf crk pk irrig 36.07 1,182.06 Oct -Nov Internet svcs:Library 60.17 60.17 27.35 61.68 500.00 752.00 3,802.60 3,450.00 8,400.00 14,708.00 1,074.30 2,500.00 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 3,802.60 3,450.00 8,400.00 14,708.00 1,414,820.51 Page:10 89.03 500.00 752.00 3,574.30 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 12/16/2010 10:32:03AM CITY OF TEMECULA 135 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks. 1,414,820.51 Pagel 1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 12/22/2010 8:27:51AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 1608 12/23/2010 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) State Disability Ins Payment 24,750.22 24,750.22 1609 12/23/2010 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) Federal Income Taxes Payment 77,818.29 77,818.29 1610 12/23/2010 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Nationwide Retirement Payment 11,848.76 11,848.76 SOLUTION 1611 12/23/2010 000246 PERS (EMPLOYEES' PERS ER Paid Member Contr Payment 124,907.29 124,907.29 RETIREMENT) 1612 12/23/2010 010349 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD Support Payment 553.84 553.84 SUPPORT 1613 12/23/2010 000389 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT OBRA- Project Retirement Payment 2,584.16 2,584.16 SOLUTION 142956 12/21/2010 012943 ALPHA MECHANICAL SERVICE HVAC maint: MPSC 160.00 160.00 INC 142957 12/21/2010 012951 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT NOV CNSLT SVCS:QUALITY OF LIFE 5,472.38 5,472.38 ECONOMICS PLAN 142958 12/21/2010 001323 ARROWHEAD WATER INC BOTTLED WTR SVCS: CITY FACILITIES 787.69 787.69 142959 12/21/2010 013957 BAGCHI, MOUSUMI refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 142960 12/21/2010 004262 BIO -TOX LABORATORIES DUI & drug screeings: Police 984.00 DUI & drug screeings: Police 858.40 DUI & drug screeings: Police 460.09 2,302.49 142961 12/21/2010 013956 C V PRODUCTIONS sttlmnt: Theater facility rental 434.75 434.75 142962 12/21/2010 003138 CAL MAT PW patch truck materials 408.33 PW patch truck materials 72.48 480.81 142963 12/21/2010 004248 CALIF DEPT OF DUI & drug screenings:police 1,050.00 1,050.00 JUSTICE - ACCTING 142964 12/21/2010 009640 CERTIFION CORPORATION Nov database subscr: police 150.00 150.00 142965 12/21/2010 013958 CLEMENTS, DIANE refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 Pagel apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 12/22/2010 8:27:51AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142966 12/21/2010 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH Community Health Charities Payment 60.00 60.00 CHARITIES 142967 12/21/2010 000442 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS alarm svc: TV Museum 118.45 118.45 142968 12/21/2010 001264 COSTCOWHOLESALE refreshments:Civic Ctr opening 1,063.65 refreshments:Civic Ctr opening 191.64 1,255.29 142969 12/21/2010 010650 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & plumbing svcs: MPSC 218.44 218.44 HVAC INC 142970 12/21/2010 013560 CROWN BUILDING MAINT CO Nov janitorial svc:city facilities 4,077.02 INC Nov janitorial svc:PD OToffice 250.00 Nov janitorial svc:harveston park 131.84 4,458.86 142971 12/21/2010 013959 CUNNINGHAM, JAN refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 142972 12/21/2010 003945 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL Dec restroom svc: GOHS 52.88 52.88 SRVCS 142973 12/21/2010 005880 EDGE DEVELOPMENT INC. Nov const: Civic Center 1,104,021.51 stop notice: SW Dirt Exchange, Inc. - 8,921.87 1,095,099.64 142974 12/21/2010 003665 EXCEL COMMERCIAL Nov long distance phone svcs 53.73 53.73 142975 12/21/2010 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 11/24 -12/7 city express mail services 386.22 386.22 142976 12/21/2010 004074 FRANCHISE MGMT SERVICES recreation supplies: MPSC 210.34 210.34 INC 142977 12/21/2010 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Support A #226085003; A #562276013 156.80 156.80 142978 12/21/2010 011967 FULL VALUE ENTERTAINMENT sttlmnt: Live at the Merc 12/10 304.50 304.50 142979 12/21/2010 001937 GALLS INC uniforms:police motorcycle unit 446.38 446.38 142980 12/21/2010 013552 GANDS PRODUCTIONS LLC sttlmnt: Country at the Merc 12/11 316.50 316.50 142981 12/21/2010 002174 GROUP 1 PRODUCTIONS VIDEO PRODUCTION: CIVIC CENTER 6,000.00 6,000.00 142982 12/21/2010 013960 HUGHES, ERICA refund:picnic rental:Harveston 82.50 82.50 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 12/22/2010 8:27:51AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 142983 12/21/2010 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT -PLAN I C M A Retirement Trust 457 Payment 5,178.42 5,178.42 303355 142984 12/21/2010 010530 I P C INDUSTRIES INC golf cart rentals: light parade 598.13 598.13 142985 12/21/2010 003266 IRON MOUNTAIN OFFSITE Nov offsite media storage:records 377.94 377.94 142986 12/21/2010 013961 KOINON IA FOSTER HOMES, refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 INC. 142987 12/21/2010 001085 L N CURTIS & SONS fire rescue equip: Stn 73 137.03 137.03 142988 12/21/2010 012065 LANCE, SOLL & LUNGHARD '10 final engagement rpt:Finance 3,561.00 3,561.00 LLC 142989 12/21/2010 012062 MCCRACKEN, MICHAEL refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 162.00 162.00 142990 12/21/2010 013962 MYERS, SALLY refund:Santa's Electric Parade 4444.201 25.00 25.00 142991 12/21/2010 013963 NAMI TEMECULA VALLEY refund:sec dep:rm rental:mpsc 150.00 150.00 142992 12/21/2010 013964 ORR, ALEX refund:sec dep:rm rental:CRC 150.00 150.00 142993 12/21/2010 000249 PETTY CASH Petty Cash Reimbursement 1,188.22 1,188.22 142994 12/21/2010 000271 RBF CONSULTING SEPT ENG SVC:15/79 S INTERCHANGE 149,809.24 149,809.24 142995 12/21/2010 000267 RIVERSIDE CO FIRE Jul-Sept '10 Fire Services 851,093.99 851,093.99 DEPARTMENT 142996 12/21/2010 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS Aug -Oct' 10 booking fees:Police 3,947.94 3,947.94 DEPT 142997 12/21/2010 000873 ROBERTS, RONALD H. reimb:'10 election entry fee 523.10 523.10 142998 12/21/2010 000873 ROBERTS, RONALD H. reimb:NLC Cf Denver 11/30 -12/2 96.37 96.37 142999 12/21/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - Support Payment LO File # 2008059437 807.02 807.02 CENTRAL Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 12/22/2010 8:27:51AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 143000 12/21/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - Support Payment LO File # 2008059437 200.00 200.00 CENTRAL 143001 12/21/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - Support Payment LO File # 2008059437 100.00 100.00 CENTRAL 143002 12/21/2010 008529 SHERIFFS CIVIL DIV - Support Payment LO File # 2008059437 100.00 100.00 CENTRAL 143003 12/21/2010 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC sttlmnt: Jazz © the Merc 12/9 357.00 357.00 143004 12/21/2010 013966 SWEETNAM, JAY refund:Santa's Electric Parade 4444.201 25.00 25.00 143005 12/21/2010 003599 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 8/28 -10/1 DSG:W BYPASS BRDG 712.31 7/3 -8/27 DSG:W BYPASS BRDG 159.66 871.97 143006 12/21/2010 000325 UNITED WAY United Way Charities Payment 62.00 62.00 143007 12/21/2010 000348 ZIGLER, GAIL Reimb:Art Show /Emp Inch 12/17 -21 566.95 566.95 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 2,383,209.53 Page4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 12/22/2010 8:27:51AM CITY OF TEMECULA 58 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks. 2,383,209.53 Pages Item No. 4 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2010 PREPARED BY: Rudy Graciano, Revenue Manager Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager RECOMMENDATION: Approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2010. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 require reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio, receipts, and disbursements respectively. Adequate funds will be available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City for the next six months. Current market values are derived from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) reports, Union Bank of California trust and custody statements, and from US Bank trust statements. Attached is the City Treasurer's Report that provides this information. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the statement of investment policy and Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 as of November 30, 2010. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2010 Investments Investments Managed Pool Accounts Letter of Credit Local Agency Investment Funds Federal Agency Callable Securities Federal Agency Bullet Securities Cash Passbook/Checking (not included in yield calculations) Total Cash and Investments Total Earnings Current Year Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return Reporting period 11 /01 /2010- 11/30 /2010 Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 Par Value 38,1 64,431.60 1.00 48,473,234.55 13,000,001100 20,71 7,000.00 120,354,667.15 3,728,475.16 124,083,142.31 November 30 Month Ending 86,360.10 123,354,537.11 0.85% City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary November 30, 2010 Market Value 38,1 64,4-31 .60 1.00 48,541 ,469 .83 13,252,800.00 20,986,213.23 120, 944, 915.66 120,326,121.44 3,728,475.16 3,728,475.1 124, 673,390.82 124,054,596.60 Fiscal Year To Date 593,345.58 140, 511,193.36 1.01% 38,1 64,431 .60 1.00 48,473,234.55 13,000,000.00 20,688,454.29 Book %of Value Portfolio 31.72 0.00 40.28 10.80 17.19 Term 1 1 1 1,461 802 100.00% 296 170 0.848 0.860 1 Days to Maturity 1 1 1 1,020 344 1 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive P.Q. BoX 9033 Temecula, CA, 92590 (951)694 -6430 YTM YTM 360 Equiv. 365 Equiv. 0.436 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.448 0.454 2.300 2.332 1.635 1.657 0.000 0.000 296 170 0.848 0.860 Portfolio TEME CP PM (PRF_PM1) SymRept6.42 Report Ver. 5.00 CUSIP Managed Pool Accounts 1 2221 6003 -2 CITY COP RE2 ASSURED GUARANTY 104348008 -1 01 -2 IMP 2 First American Treasury 104348006 -4 01 -2 RESA2 First American Treasury 104348016 -3 01 -2 RESB2 First American Treasury 104348000 -4 01 -2 SPTAX2 First American Treasury 94669911 -2 03 -1 ACQA2 First American Treasury 94669921-3 03 -1 ACQB3 First American Treasury 94669902-3 03 -1 BON D3 First American Treasury 94669906-3 03 -1 RES A3 First American Treasury 94669916 -2 03 -1 RES B2 First American Treasury 94669900 -4 03 -1 SPTAX1 First American Treasury 793593011 -2 03 -2 ACQ 2 First American Treasury 793593009 -2 03 -2 EMWD 2 First American Treasury 793593007 -2 03 -2 IMP 2 First American Treasury 793593016 -4 03 -2 LOC 2 First American Treasury 793593010 -2 03 -2 PWADM2 First American Treasury 793593006 -2 03 -2 RES 2 First American Treasury 793593000 -3 03 -2 SPTX2 First American Treasury 744727011 -2 03 -3 ACQ2 First American Treasury 744727002 -2 03 -3 BOND 2 First American Treasury 744727007 -2 03 -3 CITY2 First American Treasury 744727009 03 -3 EMW D 1 First American Treasury 744727006 -3 03 -3 RES3 First American Treasury 744727000 -4 03 -3 SP TX 4 First American Treasury 94686001 -2 03 -4 ADMIN2 First American Treasury 94686005 -1 03 -4 PREP1 First American Treasury 94686000 -1 03 -4 RED1 First American Treasury 94686006 -2 03 -4 RES2 First American Treasury 786776002 -2 03 -6 BON D2 First American Treasury 786776007 -2 03 -6 IMP2 First American Treasury 786776006 -2 03 -6 RES2 First American Treasury 786776000 -3 03 -6 SP TX3 First American Treasury 95453510 -2 88 -12 BON D2 First American Treasury 95453518 -4 88 -12 GI4 First American Treasury 1 2221 6003 -4 CITY COP RE4 First American Treasury 122216008-3 CITY COPCIP2 First American Treasury 1 2221 600 0 -2 CITY COPLPF2 First American Treasury 94434160 -1 RDA 02 INT1 First American Treasury 94 43 41 61 -2 RDA 02 PRIN2 First American Treasury Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2010 Page 2 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.986 1.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 26.14 26.14 26.14 0.000 0.000 1 63.72 63.72 63.72 0.000 0.000 1 30.51 30.51 30.51 0.000 0.000 1 4,530.51 4,530.51 4,530.51 0.000 0.000 1 15,113.21 15,113.21 15,113.21 0.000 0.000 1 07/01/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.000 0.000 1 4.48 4.48 4.48 0.000 0.000 1 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.000 0.000 1 75,444.17 75,444.17 75,444.17 0.000 0.000 1 4,229.47 4,229.47 4,229.47 0.000 0.000 1 5,102.18 5,102.18 5,102.18 0.000 0.000 1 4.23 4.23 4.23 0.000 0.000 1 4,175.50 4,175.50 4,175.50 0.000 0.000 1 367.94 367.94 367.94 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 81,818.43 81,818.43 81,818.43 0.000 0.000 1 07/01/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 8.66 8.66 8.66 0.000 0.000 1 8.18 8.18 8.18 0.000 0.000 1 5,261.74 5,261.74 5,261.74 0.000 0.000 1 15.75 15.75 15.75 0.000 0.000 1 2.31 2.31 2.31 0.000 0.000 1 10.29 10.29 10.29 0.000 0.000 1 07/01/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 154.98 154.98 154.98 0.000 0.000 1 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.000 0.000 1 12.92 12.92 12.92 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 730.91 730.91 730.91 0.000 0.000 1 07/01/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 Portfolio TEME CP PM (PRF_PM2) SymRept 6.42 Report Ver. 5.00 CUSIP Managed Pool Accounts 107886008 -2 107886001 107886000 -2 107886018 -3 107886010 -2 107686016 -2 107886030 -2 107886027 -2 107886020 -2 107886028 -2 107886026 -2 SYSRDA 10 DS 1 SYSRDA 10A CIP2 136343018-2 136343000 -1 94432360 -2 94432363 793593011 -1 793593009 -1 793593007 -1 793593010 -1 793593006 -3 122216008 122216003 -1 107886008 -1 107886018 -2 107886030 -1 107886027 -1 107886028 -1 107886026 -1 107886006 94434166 SYS95453516 -1 Letter of Credit 104348006 -1 Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 Investment # RDA 06 CIPA2 RDA 06 PRIN RDA 06A INT2 RDA 06B CIP3 RDA 06B INT2 RDA 06B RES2 RDA 07 CAPI2 RDA 07 ESC2 RDA 07 INT2 RDA 07 PROJ2 RDA 07 RES2 RDA 10 DS 1 RDA 10A CIP2 RDA 10B CIP2 RDA 16B -INT1 TCSD COP INT 02001 03 -2 -1 ACQUI 03 -2 -1 EMWD 03 -2 -1 IMPRO 03 -2 -1 PW AD 03 -2 -3 RESER CITY COP CIP CITY COP RE1 RDA 06 CIP -1 RDA 06 CIP -2 RDA 07 CAP -1 RDA 07 ESC -1 RDA 07 PRO -1 RDA 07 RES -1 RDA 06 RES A RDATABs RES 95453516 -1 Issuer First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury First American Treasury Financial Security Assurance CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun CA Local Agency Investment Fun MBIA Surety Bond MBIA Surety Bond USBANK Average Balance Subtotal and Average 38,164,312.78 02008 ASSURANCE CO BOND INSURANCE Subtotal and Average 1.00 City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2010 Purchase Date Par Value Market Value 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 07/01/2010 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 546,651.95 546,651.95 0.00 0.00 202,115.00 202,115.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,275.82 1,275.82 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 19,394.96 19,394.96 2,531.10 2,531.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 28,984,371.36 28,984,371.36 1,563,369.42 1,563,369.42 115, 907.97 115,907.97 308,508.52 308,508.52 3, 608, 960.51 3,608,960.51 0.00 0.00 791,836.06 791,836.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,449.03 712,449.03 1,104,938.11 1,104,936.11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 38,164,431.60 38,164,431.60 Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date 0.00 0.00 0.00 546,651.95 0.00 202,115.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,275.82 5,000.00 0.00 19,394.96 2,531.10 0.00 0.00 1.00 28,984,371.36 1,563,369.42 115,907.97 308,508.52 3,608,960.51 0.00 791,836.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 712,449.03 1,104,938.11 1.00 1.00 0.00 38,164,431.60 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.454 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.448 0.454 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.436 0.442 1 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 Page 3 Portfolio TEME CP PM (PRF_PM2) SymRept 6.42 CUSIP Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2010 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity Investment# Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Local Agency Investment Funds 94669911 -1 03 -1 ACQ A2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 731,458.96 731,458.96 731,458.96 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 94669921 -1 03 -1 ACQ 82 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 3,885,779.79 3,885,779.79 3,885,779.79 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 744727011 -1 03 -3 ACQ 2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 927,827.52 927,827.52 927,827.52 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 744727007 -1 03 -3 CITY 2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 786776007 -1 03 -6 IMP 1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSCITY CITY CA Local Agency Investment Fun 10,782,252.96 10,802,899.36 10,782,252.96 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSRDA RDA CA Local Agency Investment Fun 18,209,870.27 18,244,739.44 18,209,870.27 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSRDA 10 DS 2 RDA 10 DS 2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 1,267,717.43 1,267,717.43 1,267,717.43 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSRDA 10A CIP1 RDA 10A CIP1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 547.37 547.37 547.37 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSRDA 10 CIP 1 RDA 10B CIP1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 6,025,112.84 6,025,112.84 6,025,112.84 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 SYSTCSD TCSD CA Local Agency Investment Fun 6,642,667.41 6,655,387.12 6,642,667.41 0.454 0.448 0.454 1 Subtotal and Average 49,339,901.22 48,473,234.55 48,541,469.83 48,473,234.55 0.448 0A54 1 Page 4 Federal Agency Callable Securities 31331J2P7 01156 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/17/2010 1,000,000.00 992,500.00 1,000,000.00 1.250 1.233 1.250 1,447 11/17/2014 3133XVF63 01147 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/26/2009 1,000,000.00 1,014,380.00 1,000,000.00 2.100 2.071 2.100 B77 04/26/2013 3128X9NT3 01152 Federal Horne Loan Mtg Corp 12/10/2009 1,000,000.00 1,000,290.00 1,000,000.00 1.625 1.603 1.625 740 12/10/2012 3136F9CB7 01088 Federal National Mtg Assn 03/11/2008 2,000,000.00 2,149,380.00 2,000,000.00 4.000 3.945 4.000 B31 03/11/2013 3136F9DP5 01090 Federal National Mtg Assn 03/27/2008 1,000,000.00 1,075,630.00 1,000,000.00 4.000 3.945 4.000 847 03/27/2013 3136FHXF7 01127 Federal National Mtg Assn 06/10/2009 1,000,000.00 1,000,310.00 1,000,000.00 2.000 1.973 2.000 740 12/10/2012 31398AYN6 01134 Federal National Mtg Assn 07/28/2009 1,000,000.00 1,015,310.00 1,000,000.00 3.000 2.959 3.000 1,335 07/28/2014 3136FJAD3 01140 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/03/2009 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 2.200 3.519 3.568 733 12/03/2012 3136FJNN7 01148 Federal National Mtg Assn 11/18/2009 1,000,000.00 1,013,440.00 1,000,000.00 2.000 1.973 2.000 1,448 11/18/2014 3136FPNTO 01153 Federal National Mtg Assn 10/18/2010 1,000,000.00 997,810.00 1,000,000.00 0.625 0.616 0.625 1,052 10/18/2013 3136FPPR2 01154 Federal National Mtg Assn 10/14/2010 1,000,000.00 997,190.00 1,000,000.00 1.150 1.134 1.150 1,230 04/14/2014 3136FPQV2 01155 Federal National Mtg Assn 10/28/2010 1,000,000.00 996,560.00 1,000,000.00 1.000 0.986 1.000 1,154 01/28/2014 Subtotal and Average 12,766,666.67 13,000,000.00 13,252,800.00 13,000,000.00 2.300 2.332 1,020 Federal Agency Bullet Securities 31331YG46 01092 Federal Farm Credit Bank 04/21/2008 2,000,000.00 2,019,380.00 1,993,700.00 2.625 2.703 2.740 141 04/21/2011 31331Y3P3 01105 Federal Farm Credit Bank 07/15/2008 1,000,000.00 1,025,630.00 998,140.00 3.500 3.514 3.563 306 10/03/2011 31331Y3N8 01111 Federal Farm Credit Bank 07/30/2008 1,000,000.00 1,020,310.00 999,000.00 3.625 3.610 3.661 226 07/15/2011 31331GE47 01135 Federal Farm Credit Bank 07/29/2009 1,000,000.00 1,037,810.00 997,500.00 2.250 2.284 2.316 971 07/29/2013 31331GG37 01137 Federal Farm Credit Bank 08/04/2009 1,000,000.00 1,031,880.00 1,000,000.00 2.150 2.121 2.150 796 02/04/2013 31331GZ44 01144 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/15/2009 1,000,000.00 1,017,810.00 1,000,000.00 1.550 1.529 1.550 684 10/15/2012 3133XRRU6 01101 Federal Horne Loan Bank 07/03/2008 1,000,000.00 1,019,690.00 998,570.00 3.625 3.626 3.676 212 07/01/2011 3133XSWM6 01124 Federal Horne Loan Bank 01/23/2009 1,000,000.00 1,018,130.00 1,000,000.00 2.100 2.071 2.100 418 01/23/2012 3133XTN85 01125 Federal Horne Loan Bank 05/07/2009 1,000,000.00 1,009,690.00 1,000,000.00 1.500 1.479 1.500 341 11/07/2011 Portfolio TEME cP PM (PRF_PM2) SymRept 6.42 CUSIP Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Federal Agency Bullet Securities 3133XTXC5 01130 Federal Horne Loan Bank 06/11/2009 1,000,000.00 1,025,940.00 1,000,000.00 2.250 2.219 2.250 558 06/11/2012 3133XVEM9 01150 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/04/2009 1,000,000.00 1,019,690.00 1,000,000.00 1.625 1.603 1.625 721 11/21/2012 3133XVRS2 01151 Federal Horne Loan Bank 11/16/2009 1,000,000.00 1,005,630.00 999,750.00 1.000 0.998 1.012 392 12/28/2011 313588CM5 01- 2RESA10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 440,785.00 440,608.69 440,361.36 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 01- 2REXB10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 202,860.00 202,778.86 202,665.03 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 01- 2SPTAX10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 149,950.00 149,890.02 149,805.88 0.200 0.400 0.406 90 03/01/2011 31398AYM8 01139 Federal National Mtg Assn 08/10/2009 1,000,000.00 1,020,310.00 991,250.00 1.750 2.024 2.052 618 08/10/2012 313588CM5 03 -01 RESA10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 864,730.00 864,384.11 863,898.91 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03 -01 RESB10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 223,160.00 223,070.74 222,945.52 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 01SPTAX10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 153,125.00 153,063.75 152,977.83 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 02LC10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 1,671,155.00 1,670,486.54 1,669,548.85 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 04PRE10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 4,060.00 4,058.38 4,056.10 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 04RED10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 10,405.00 10,400.84 10,395.00 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 04RES10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 96,550.00 96,511.38 96,457.21 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 31358BCM5 03- 06RES10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 338,200.00 338,064.72 337,874.96 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 06SPTAX10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 55,860.00 55,837.66 55,806.31 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 3RES10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 2,173,200.00 2,172,330.72 2,171,111.34 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 313588CM5 03- 3SPTAX10 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/09/2010 332,960.00 332,826.82 332,639.99 0.200 0.203 0.206 90 03/01/2011 Subtotal and Average 20,688,454.29 20,717,000.00 20,986,213.23 20,688,454.29 1.635 1.657 344 Total and Average 123,354,537.11 City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2010 120,354,667.15 120,944,915.66 120,326,121.44 0.848 0.860 170 Page 5 Portfolio TEME CP PM (PRF_PM2) SymRept 6.42 CUSIP City of Temecula, California Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Cash November 30, 2010 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Retention Escrow Account SYSAAA #1202 AAA #1202 COMMUNITY BANK 07/01/2010 337,228.98 337,228.98 337,228.98 0.000 0.000 1 4110170281 EDGEDEV TORRY PINES BANK 07/01/2010 1,637,880.37 1,637,880.37 1,637,880.37 0.000 0.000 1 23303800 PCL CONST Wells Fargo Bank 07/01/2010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 Passbook /Checking Accounts SYSPetty Cash Petty Cash City of Temecula 07/01/2010 2,810.00 2,810.00 2,810.00 0.000 0.000 1 SYSFIex Ck Acct Flex Ck Acct Union Bank of California 07/01/2010 27,638.81 27,638.81 27,638.81 0.000 0.000 1 SYSGen Ck Acct Gen Ck Acct Union Bank of California 1,714,723.65 1,714,723.65 1,714,723.65 0.000 0.000 1 SYSParking Ck PARKING CITA Union Bank of California 07/01/2010 8,193.35 8,193.35 8,193.35 0.000 0.000 1 Run Date: 12/20/2010 - 10:48 Average Balance 0.00 1 Total Cash and Investments 123,354,537.11 124,083,142.31 124,673,390.82 124,054,596.60 0.848 0.860 170 Page 6 Portfolio TEME CP PM (PRF_PM2) SymRept 6.42 Cash and Investments Report CITY OF TEMECULA Through November 30, 2010 Fund Total 001 GENERAL FUND $ 30,695,988.01 100 STATE GAS TAX FUND 416,340.37 101 STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND 416,390.40 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND 4,749,936.08 150 AB 2766 FUND 542,040.21 165 RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 11,653,822.76 170 MEASURE A FUND 7,399,743.00 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 2,787.12 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHTS 11,624.41 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE /RECYCLING 236,938.16 195 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "R" STREET /ROAD MAINT 10,369.96 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 155,582.06 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 884,082.08 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND 10,602,968.71 273 CFD 03 -1 CROWNE HILL IMPROVEMENT FUND 4,636,882.47 275 CFD 03 -3 WOLF CREEK IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,009,645.95 276 CFD 03 -6 HARVESTON 2 IMPROVEMENT FUND 154.98 277 CFD - RORIPAUGH 30,748,424.57 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 913,641.98 300 INSURANCE FUND 871,415.51 310 VEHICLES FUND 957,501.95 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 385,163.99 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 314,244.27 340 FACILITIES 161,846.49 370 CITY 2008 COP'S DEBT SERVICE 794,854.12 380 RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,234,960.00 390 TCSD 2001 COP'S DEBT SERVICE 98,937.32 460 CFD 88 -12 DEBT SERVICE FUND 32,641.09 472 CFD 01 -2 HARVESTON A &B DEBT SERVICE 824,360.24 473 CFD 03 -1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,263,280.73 474 AD 03 -4 JOHN WARNER ROAD DEBT SERVICE 122,646.11 475 CFD 03 -3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,824,419.10 476 CFD 03 -6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 415,808.81 477 CFD 03 -02 RORIPAUGH DEBT SERVICE FUND 7,852,565.20 502 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 2 WINCHESTER 26,522.39 503 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLAND 11,308.91 506 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 6 WOODCREST 5,077.55 509 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 9,266.11 510 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 917.34 511 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 8.26 516 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 45,240.92 517 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 113.52 519 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 29,926.17 520 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 81,811.05 521 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 9,942.13 523 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 4,889.71 524 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 24 HARVESTON 73,716.94 525 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 2,582.75 526 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADE 43.74 528 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 94,677.95 529 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 29 GALLERYPORT 2,750.30 530 SERVICE LEVEL "C" ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 32,586.87 Grand Total: $ 124,673,390.82 Item No. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Aaron Adams, Assistant City Manager DATE: January 11, 2011 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager SUBJECT: Inland Empire Heart Association Heart Fundraiser Walk (at the request of Mayor Roberts) PREPARED BY: Christine Damko, Economic Development Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the City to become a media sponsor for the Heart Association Fundraiser Walk. BACKGROUND: The Inland Empire Heart Association is looking to organize a Heart Walk Fundraiser in the Temecula Valley (previous Heart Walks were held in Riverside). The event will be held at Lake Skinner on May 7, 2011 and will consist of a 5k walk/run, 1 mile survivor walk and %2 mile kid's fun run. The event also hosts a Health and Wellness Expo with heart health information, blood pressure screening, BMI and other health related tests for not only the participants but also for the general public. While the event is a fundraiser, there are no registration fees or fundraising minimums. Nearly 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular a disease each day, that is 1 person every 38 seconds. Research is a major weapon in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Since 1949, the American Heart Association has spent more than $3.2 billion on research to increase our knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Abbott Vascular, the City's largest employer will be a Signature Sponsor for the event. Last year, more than 400 Abbott employees participated in the Riverside Heart Walk and Professional Hospital Supply has also committed to sponsor with a team. The Heart Association is asking the City of Temecula to be a media sponsor by promoting the event through City e- blasts, on our website and cable channel. The Heart Association is not asking for monetary support and there will be no fiscal impact to the City. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. ATTACHMENTS: American Heart Association Event Information ti!P.i Heart O are a valuable part of the fight against cardiovascular disease and stroke and your participation in the Start! Heart Walk will change the lives of others. We need your help to raise funds to fight heart disease and stroke, our nation's No. 1 and No. 3 killers. Temecula Valley Start! Heart Walk May 7, 2011 Lake Skinner To register, visit www.temeculaheartwalk.org •, Become a Team Captain •, Join a Team ,, Raise Funds Walk to create hope and inspire change! The American Heart Association's mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question. American Heart Association Learn and Live HEART WALK. Abigail Ellis was born with several serious heart defects. After several procedures and two open -heart surgeries, Abigail is an active first grader who likes gymnastics, dancing and swimming. For the past seven years, Abigail's family has organized a team in the Nashville Heart Walk called Abigail's Angel's, and with the support of their family members and friends they have raised over $15,000 for the American Heart Association. Resources for patients and caregivers: Hearthub.arg Learn how to get healthy! startwalkingnow.org Other programs offered by the American Heart Association: americanheart.org American Heart Association Margaret Sluyk Heart Walk Director 951 - 550 -9359 margaret.sluyk @heart.org This seal signifies that the American Heart Association - National meets the BBB Wise Giving Alliance's Standards for Charity Accountability. BBB_ ACCREDITED CHARITY bbb.org/charity SUBWAY' is a registered trademark of Doctor's Associates Inc. Support Our Mission Research: Our Strategy To Fight CVD and Stroke Nearly 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular diseases each day — one person every 38 seconds. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives each year than cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases and accidents combined. Research is a major weapon in our fight against cardiovascular diseases. Since 1949, the American Heart Association has spent more than $3.2 billion on research to increase our knowledge about cardiovascular diseases and stroke. We Need Your Help Our research programs have contributed to many important scientific advances. Yet we need more resources to attract and encourage promising scientists to careers in cardiovascular and stroke research, fund high - quality research projects and originate new programs to meet the needs of the research community. Although we funded $132.2 million towards research grants in 2008 -09, we didn't have the additional $153.4 million needed to fund the other highly meritorious grant and fellowship applications. 1960s CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was developed. The AHA led the way in CPR training for the general public. ,1990s PEDIATRIC ADVANCEMENTS An AHA- funded researcher receives approval for an artificial surfactant which counteracts Respiratory Distress Syndrome, a common cause of death for premature infants. 2000s GET WITH THE GUIDELINES The AHA launches Get With The Guidelines, a quality care initiative that helps healthcare providers follow proven standards and procedures. .1980s STENTS An AHA- funded researcher's earlier basic research on calcium channel function provided preliminary data for the understanding of how the drug - eluting stent would work. 1940s DIURETICS An AHA- funded researcher finds sulfanilamide can act as a diuretic. Diuretics help treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. 1950s PACEMAKERS An AHA- funded researcher implants the first externally powered pacemaker in a patient with a surgical heart blockage. 1970s BLOOD PRESSURE An AHA- funded researcher shows the overriding dominance of the kidneys in the long -term regulation of blood pressure. ©2010, American Heart Association. 3/10DS3650 Item No. 6 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: January 11, 2011 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids for the Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements - Phase I, Project No. PW09 -02 PREPARED BY: Mayra de la Torre, Senior Engineer Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements — Phase I, Project No. PW09 -02. BACKGROUND: On May 13, 2008 the City Council approved Resolution 08 -40, which among other things, directed staff to initiate the actions necessary for the City to construct the Priority Public Improvements conditioned upon the Roripaugh Ranch Development. The Priority Improvements include Butterfield Stage Road (BSR), Murrieta Hot Springs Road (MHSR), Calle Chapos and the public segment of South Loop Road. To properly program the bond proceeds, the Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements — Phase I is included in the Capital Improvement Program Budget for FY 2011 -2015. In July 2009, the City (as the Temecula Public Financing Authority; TPFA) and the Developer of the Roripaugh Ranch project executed the Amended and Restated Acquisition Agreement, which in addition to authorizing the payment and settlement of all outstanding claims on the Roripaugh Ranch property, provided the necessary mechanism for the City to contract for and fund the construction of the Priority Public Improvements with CFD bond proceeds rather than acquiring the completed improvements from the developer as was originally planned. Due to the magnitude and complexity of the improvements and the right -of -way needs, the priority public improvements will be completed in two phases with the first phase to include: ➢ Murrieta Hot Springs Road from roughly the intersection of Pourroy Road to Butterfield Stage Road Butterfield Stage Road from Murrieta Hot Springs Road to Calle Chapos /South Loop Road Calle Chapos from Butterfield Stage Road to Walcott Lane r A 400' stretch of South Loop Road (extension of Calle Chapos) east of Butterfield Stage Road. Phase 2 will complete BSR from Calle Chapos /South Loop Road to La Serena Road. Project plans and specifications are complete for Phase I only and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the Director of Public Works /City Engineer's office. The Engineer's Construction Estimate for the project is $9,580,000. FISCAL IMPACT: The Roripaugh Ranch Street Improvements - Phase I is a Capital Improvement Project funded with the Roripaugh Ranch CFD No. 03 -02 bond proceeds. Adequate funds are available in the project accounts. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Description 2. Project Location Administration $ 330,775 $ 568,365 $ 438,900 $ 1,338,040 Acquisition $15,006,728 $ 650,000 $ 700,000 $2,218,799 $ 16,356,728 Construction* $ 25,481 $ 8,160,540 $ 12,284,118 $2,218,799 $ 22,688,938 Construction $15,519,295 $ 10,159,602 $ 14,123,018 $2,218,799 $ - $ - $ - $ 42,020,714 Engineedng $ 400,000 $ 450,000 $ 850,000 Design $ 156,311 $ 330,697 $ 487,008 En ronmental $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 300,000 Totals $15,519,295 $ 10,159,602 $ 14,123,018 $2,218,799 $ - $ - $ - $ 42,020,714 CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) $14,081,295 $ 10,159,602 $ 14,123,018 $2,218,799 $40,582,714 TUMF $ 1,438,000 $ 1,438,000 Total Funding: $15,519,295 $ 10,159,602 $ 14,123,018 $2,218,799 $ - $ - $ - $ 42,020,714 Project Description: Complete design and construction of four lanes on Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road to Murrieta Hot Springs Road, four lanes on Murrieta Hot Springs Road from Butterfield Stage Road to the City limits, and an approximately 41 -foot wide Calle Chapos from Butterfield Stage Road to Walcott Road, totaling approximately 3.2 miles. Benefit: Project will improve traffic circulation. Project Status: This project is estimated to be complete by end of fiscal year 2013. Department: Public Works— Account No. 210.165.723 Project Cost: Source of Funds. to Date to D Future Operation & Maintenance Costs: Actuals to Date BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION Circulation Project Future Total Project 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Years Cost Future Total Project 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Years Cost 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 $ 18,000 j $ 18,000 $ 18,000 *Construction funding is for Phase I in 2010 -11 and Phase II in 2011 -12 Note: Assumes that only minor fight -of -way acquisitions would be necessary and that all major right -of -way dedications are ■luntary. 45 Priority: I BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION Circulation Project Location 44 Item No. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Tract Map No. 34698, Located on the north side of Date Street at Lakeview Road, between Ynez Road and Margarita Road, within Harveston Specific Plan PREPARED BY: Mayra De La Torre, Senior Engineer John Pourkazemi, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve Tract Map No. 34698 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval. BACKGROUND: Record title interest: Richmond American Homes FISCAL IMPACT: None Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager 0 /-e-r - Ae, 00L Tract Map No. 34698 proposes to subdivide 8.64 gross /net acres into seventy five (75) lots for sixty four (64) single - family homes. The property covered by this tract map is located on the north side of Date Street at Lakeview Road, between Ynez Road and Margarita Road, within Harveston Specific Plan. Tentative Tract Map No. 34698 (PA06 -0252) was approved by the Planning Commission on January 3, 2007, and was valid for three years, expiring on January 3, 2010. The automatic one -year extension per SB 1185 extended the life of the tentative map to January 3, 2011. By applying the provisions of AB 333, the expiration date of the tentative map is consequently further extended for another two years to January 3, 2013. The improvements associated with the development of this map are required to be constructed. The survey monuments are also required to be set. The property owners have met the terms of the Conditions of Approval for map recordation and this tract map is in conformance with the approved tentative tract map. The approval of a subdivision map, which substantially complies with the approved tentative map, is a mandatory ministerial act under State Law. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Fees and Securities Report 2) Vicinity Map 3) Tract Map No. 34698 IMPROVEMENTS FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE SECURITY MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY Street and Drainage $ 705,000.00 $ 352,500.00 Water $ 145,500.00 $ 72,750.00 Sewer $ 302,500.00 $ 151,250.00 TOTAL $ 1,153,000.00 $ 576,500.00 Monumentation $ 33,600.00 - CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT TRACT MAP NO. 34698 DATE: January 11, 2011 DEVELOPMENT FEES RCFCD (ADP) Fee Development Impact Fee SERVICE FEES $ Paid $ To be paid Planning Fee $ 648.00 Fire Fee $ 238.00 TCSD Fee $ 1,127.00 Plan Check Fee $ 6,362.00 Monumentation Inspection Fee $ 1,680.00 Fees Paid to Date $ 10,055.00 Balance of Fees Due $ 0.00 " Raw VICINITY MAP MT To SCALE -- 8 38 z a o a_ cc cc Z o ui )- z z w D m SO663' ON lOV?Jl I ON3 Hlil(NJ I ^I 11 \ Id IL8 8 �.0. 10 m c 6 L9 Z6L ti I — z �r'� ` s Igig1 gI g L ^ I_c_, 1 2§ La( g g� h � N to n h_ o �^'8. 8n. R.. 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II 2 N / s9- 09/SS£ 'e'w 1 E' I I Q 1 \ U £9- Z9 /621 '8'11 I £90!£ 'ON 1OV81 08- 9L /fZ£ '811 It it °1 OLIZ£ 'ON .011611 ' 1 I / 8Z66Z 'ON 10V81 I I I \ �( � [ Z —\./ I / I 1 — i.— _J —_ L_ 11 _ T __�__ ZL sw gc9 eo Z1 133dJs 31va 1 /3- 9'663 a:5 I 8$ \ \� / y / Y \ � \ p4 Ir CNI P= -- 1 ^1 1- -oi - _ _ � I I i1 NI� 1 `" in I Q (– m - :L.l_J I ,% - I_ . I - avoa ON] HLaON ▪ _ I —I I rte_ 1 — I °T 1 -C 1 • / / I £%£6£ r - r 1 r 1^ 1 1 I vino3w3Y 30 5111 A1113 I z -}n.z? 'ON 1Ov8 1 I I 1 l f \ 1 I I II I 1 1 1 / / \ \ I 1 I ° sa s 81 06 I Is / zs / £s LZ / 96 \ Ls \ 96 1 66 1 00 101 pi Ire/ I tiw I 119 1 1 I / / - s1 /z6Z '8'1 9Z9£Z 'ON IOV81 1 1 1 1 v131aanw AO S1IWI1 All3 Item No. 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: January 11, 2011 PREPARED BY: Mayra De La Torre, Senior Engineer Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- The public streets now being accepted by this action are as follows: Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager Sze, OCL SUBJECT: Acceptance of certain Public Streets into the City- Maintained System within Tract Map No. 25004 (Located south of Murrieta Hot Springs Road and east of Seraphina Road - KB Homes) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NO. 25004) BACKGROUND: Tract Map No. 25004 was recorded by the County Recorder on November 3, 2003. The owner, CRV Temecula Estates, L.P., dedicated to public use for street and public utility purposes certain streets as shown on said map. The City Clerk accepted the offers of dedication. City Public Works staff reviewed and inspected the public improvements and all required repairs and replacements were satisfactorily completed. The Warranty Bond will be released at the end of the one -year warranty period in January, 2011. The Labor and Materials Bonds was released six months into the one -year warranty period on June, 2010. Portion of Seraphina Road, Sonia Lane, Shree Road, Suzi Lane, Sandpiper Lane, Chandler Drive and Sanjay Court. FISCAL IMPACT: ATTACHMENTS: Periodic surface and / or structural maintenance will be required every 5 to 8 years. Resolution No. 11 - with Exhibits "A — B" inclusive. RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY - MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NO. 25004) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, Tract Map No. 25004 was recorded by the County Recorder on November 3, 2003 in which offers of dedication for street and public utility purposes were accepted by the City of Temecula from CRV Temecula Estates, L.P., a California Limited Partneship; and, WHEREAS, City Public Works Staff reviewed and inspected the public improvements and all repairs and replacements were satisfactorily completed; and, and, WHEREAS, the Warranty Bond pertaining to this tract has not been released; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby accepts into the City- Maintained Street System the streets offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) Ron Roberts, Mayor I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of January, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011 - Accepting certain public streets offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula as indicated on Tract Map 25004 into the City - Maintained Street System as described as follows: Tract Map 25004 1. Lot "A" (portion of Seraphina Road) of said Tract Map No. 25004 2. Lot "B" (Sonia Lane) of said Tract Map No. 25004 3. Lot "C" (portion of Shree Road) of said Tract Map No. 25004 3. Lot "D" (Suzie Lane) of said Tract Map No. 25004 4. Lot "E" (portion of Shree Road) of said Tract Map No. 25004 5. Lot "F" (portion of Sandpiper Lane) of said Tract Map No. 25004 6. Lot "G" (Chandler Road) of said Tract Map No. 25004 7. Lot "H" (Sanjay Court) of said Tract Map No. 25004 SANDPIPER LANE LOT "f 0 V EXHIBIT "B" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011- TRACT MAP 25004 S � ,��S Q V 46 45 26 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 37 36 35 34 0 a c a Lai ac z CA 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 SONIA LANE LOT °B 8 B n OPEN 81 SPACE SHEET 1 OF 1 0 o� 11......1 T4 PRl1JECTS'I7E gdryGFAMG a City of Temecula VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ROAD l i Item No. 9 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Acceptance of certain Public Streets into the City- Maintained System within Tract Map Nos. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, and 31053 -3 (Located southeasterly of the corner of Date Street and Ynez Road within the Harveston Subdivision — Meritage Homes) PREPARED BY: Mayra De La Torre, Senior Engineer Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- The public streets now being accepted by this action are as follows: Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager Po-r fie, 00L A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NOS. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, AND 31053 -3) BACKGROUND: Tract Map Nos. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, and 31053 -3 were recorded by the County Recorder on April 29, 2004. The owner dedicated to public use for street and public utility purposes streets designated as lettered lots on the four maps. The City Clerk accepted the offers of dedication. City Public Works staff has reviewed and inspected the public improvements and determined that all required repairs and replacements were satisfactorily completed. The Warranty, Labor & Materials and Monumentation Bonds for the Tracts were released in 2010. Tract 31053 Charleston Lane, portion of Annapolis Drive, and Canton Court Tract 31053 -1 Dalton Road, Corrigan Place, and Fairmont Lane Tract 31053 -2 Plymouth Way and Medford Court Tract 31053 -3 Aberdeen Lane, Oakhurst Way, portion of Annapolis Drive and portion of Medford Road FISCAL IMPACT: ATTACHMENTS: Periodic surface and / or structural maintenance will be required every 5 to 8 years. Resolution No. 11 - with Exhibits "A — B" inclusive. RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS INTO THE CITY - MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN TRACT NO. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, AND 31053 -3) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, On April 29, 2004, the County Recorder recorded Tract Map Nos. 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, and 31053 -3, in which offers of dedication for street and public utility purposes was accepted by the City of Temecula from Meritage Homes; and, WHEREAS, City Public Works Staff reviewed and inspected the public improvements and all repairs and replacements were satisfactorily completed; and, WHEREAS, the Warranty, Labor & Materials and Monumentation Bonds pertaining to this tract have been released; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby accepts into the City- Maintained Street System the streets offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] Ron Roberts, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of January, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011 - Accepting certain public streets offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula as indicated on Tract Maps 31053, 31053 -1, 31053 -2, 31053 -3 into the City- Maintained Street System as described as follows: Tract Map 31053 1. Lot "A" (Charleston Lane) of said Tract Map No. 31053 2. Lot "B" (portion of Annapolis Drive) of said Tract Map No. 31053 3. Lot "C" (Canton Court) of said Tract Map No. 31053 Tract Map 31053 -1 1. Lot "A" (Dalton Road) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -1 2. Lot "B" (Corrigan Place) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -1 3. Lot "C" (Fairmont Lane) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -1 Tract Map 31053 -2 1. Lot "A" (Plymouth Way) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -2 2. Lot "B" (portion of Medford Court) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -2 Tract Map 31053 -3 1. Lot "A" (Aberdeen Lane) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -3 2. Lot "B" (Oakhurst Way) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -3 3. Lot "C" (portion of Annapolis Drive) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -3 4. Lot "D" (portion of Medford Road) of said Tract Map No. 31053 -3 EXHIBIT "B" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011- TRACT MAP 31053 a g i off VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SHEET 1 OF 1 ' 9; City of Temecula EXHIBIT "8" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011- TRACT MAP 31053 -1 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SHEET 1 OF 1 City of Temecula EXHIBIT "B" TO RESOLUTION NO. 2011- TRACT MAP 31053 - 2 MEDFORD ROAD for °a° L9 gRoaallogai VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SNEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT SITE City of Temecula EXHIBIT "B" TO RESOLUTION N0.2011- TRACT MAP 31053 - 3 4 /O ANNAPOLIS' DRIVE LOT "C" �C OPEN OOts7 L!1 2 PROJECT S/; VICINITY MAP NO SCALE SHEET 1 OF 1 1 PREPARED BY: Jerry Gonzalez, Associate Engineer - Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11- Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: All -Way Stop Control - Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF SUNNY MEADOWS DRIVE AND CORBIE STREET BACKGROUND: The City received a request to review the feasibility of installing an all -way stop control at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street, to provide right -of -way control and mitigate visibility constraints at the intersection. The warrant criteria identified in the City's Multi -Way Stop Sign Installation Policy for Residential Streets was used to determine if conditions justified the need for all -way stop controls at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street. Although the analysis indicates that the existing traffic volumes are lower than the required minimum criteria, an all -way stop control is justified at the intersection based on limited visibility, which falls below acceptable standards for the posted speed limit, there is a need to control conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles at locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, and there is a need for conflicting cross traffic to stop. At their meeting of December 9, 2010, the Public /Traffic Safety Commission considered the request and approved (5 -0) the staff recommendation to establish an All -Way Stop Control at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the Traffic Division's Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 operating budget to install signs and associated pavement markings. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 11- 2. Exhibit °A" — Location Map 3. Exhibit "B" — Multi -Way Stop Sign Installation Policy for Residential Streets 4. Exhibit "C" — Public /Traffic Safety Commission Agenda Report - December 9, 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF SUNNY MEADOWS DRIVE AND CORBIE STREET THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council has considered the facts justifying the need for stop signs proposed for the location described in this resolution. A. The City Council hereby finds and determines that installation of stop signs pursuant to this resolution will enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare at this location, and B. The City Council hereby finds the proposed stop signs will not create any adverse conditions in the area. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 10.12.100 of the Temecula Municipal Code, the following All -Way Stop intersection is hereby established in the City of Temecula. Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street A. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) Ron Roberts, Mayor I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of January, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk THE CITY OF TEMECULA 0 �pL-COBA DR AV !ENII T 1°1 101 11111 1 ilk I I- PSS PR �S 1 4D EAQOW g -DR deral AAA 400 800 1200 ft. Map center: 6306931, 2123959 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for general reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. City / Streets Parcels Legend Scale: 1:4,080 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the approval and installation of multi -way stop signs on Residential Streets and Residential Collector Streets. BACKGROUND MULTI -WAY STOP SIGN INSTALLATION POLICY FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS The City of Temecula currently uses the guidelines and criteria set forth in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by Caltrans. The installation of multi -way stop signs must satisfy the warrant criteria as shown in the MUTCD. Multi -way stop signs are installed to regulate traffic flow and improve safety. The primary function of multi -way stop signs is to provide right -of -way control at intersections and reduce certain types of accidents. Multi -way stop signs should not be used to reduce vehicular speeds or volumes on a roadway. A conservative use of multi -way stop signs and other regulatory devices is essential. When used in excess, the signs lose their effectiveness and can result in motorist's total disregard for traffic control devices. Multi -way stop signs are a substantial inconvenience to motorists, increase travel times, increase fuel consumption, and create air and noise pollution in the area adjacent to the stop controls. As with other traffic control devices, an increase in rear -end accidents is likely to occur following the installation of multi -way stop signs. The City of Temecula is often asked to consider the feasibility of installing multi -way stop signs on residential streets to mitigate traffic concerns. The suggested criteria shown in the MUTCD is representative of conditions and volumes found on arterial highways and does not adequately address the needs of residential streets which typically have a lower volume of traffic. The Multi -Way Stop Sign Installation Policy for Residential Streets provides another Stage 1, Neighborhood Traffic Calming tool which should be used at intersections that require right -of -way control but do not satisfy the minimum vehicular volume criteria identified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The warrant criteria for the installation of multi -way stop signs in residential areas reflect lower traffic conditions which are prevalent on most residential and residential collector streets. The warrants allow for the installation of multi -way stop signs when the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Minimum Traffic Volumes a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches is equal to or greater than three - hundred (300) vehicles per hour for any eight (8) hours of an average day and r: \traffic\ntcp' -way stop\ b) The combined vehicular volume and pedestrian volume from the minor street is equal to or greater than one - hundred (100) per hour for the same eight (8) hours. 2. Collision History a) Three (3) or more reported collisions within a twelve (12) month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. Such accidents include right and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. 3. Roadway Characteristics a) The traffic volume on the uncontrolled street exceeds two thousand (2,000) vehicles per day; b) The intersection has four (4) legs, with the streets extending 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at least three (3) of the legs; c) The vehicular volumes on both streets are nearly equal to a forty /sixty percent (40/60 %) split; and d) Both streets are 44 feet wide or narrower. Other criteria that may be considered when evaluating the need for multi -way stop signs include: 4. Visibility a) The intersections sight distance is less than: • 155 feet for 25 MPH • 200 feet for 30 MPH • 250 feet for 35 MPH 5. The need to control left -turn conflicts. 6. The need to control vehicle /pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, parks and activity centers. 7. The roadways and intersection appear on a Suggested Route to School plan. 8. There are no traffic signal or all -way stop controls located within 600 feet of the intersection. 9. The installation of multi -way stop signs is compatible with overall traffic circulation needs for the residential area. r: \traffic\ntcp \multi -way stop\ AGENDA REPORT TO: Public /Traffic Safety Commission FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: December 9, 2010 SUBJECT: Item 2 Request for Multi -Way Stop Signs — Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street Prepared By: Jerry Gonzalez, Associate Engineer — Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the Public /Traffic Safety Commission: 1. Recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing Multi -Way Stop signs at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street; and 2. Direct Staff to relocate the school zone flashing beacon 200 feet north of the present location and make appropriate changes to the school zone signing. BACKGROUND: Staff received a request from Mr. Steve Cantrell, to consider the feasibility of installing multi -way stop signs at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street to reduce vehicular speeds on Sunny Meadows Drive and provide right -of -way control at the intersection. The public has been notified of the Public /Traffic Safety Commission's consideration of this issue through the agenda notification process and by mail. In the past, Staff has received numerous requests to consider multi -way stop signs at this intersection in an effort to reduce speeds adjacent to Abby Reinke Elementary School. The previous requests were consistently denied because the conditions and volumes at the intersection did not satisfy the suggested multi -way stop warrant criteria shown in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Sunny Meadows Drive is a forty -four (44) foot wide residential collector roadway, which provides access to the arterial roadway network for numerous single family residential enclaves. Sunny Meadows Drive is striped for one travel lane in each direction. Currently, Sunny Meadows Drive carries 2,300 Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The speed limit is posted at 35 MPH. In the area of Corbie Street the school zone speed limit is posted 25 MPH "When Children Are Present ". There is a marked school crosswalk on Sunny Meadows at Corbie Street, which is controlled by a crossing guard during school peak periods. The school age pedestrian count data collected at the intersection indicates that 120 pedestrians use the crosswalk during the school's morning peak period and 245 pedestrians use the crosswalk during the school's afternoon peak period. 1 Corbie Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway, which widens to fifty (50) foot wide to accommodate a raised median at the Sunny Meadows Drive intersection. Corbie Street functions as a residential collector roadway by providing access for numerous single family residential units and Abby Reinke Elementary School, to Sunny Meadows Drive and ultimately the arterial roadway network. Corbie Street carries 1,000 ADT. The speed limit is not posted on Corbie Street. In September of 2010, a review of the intersection was performed. The review included an evaluation of sight distance, review of collision history and a completion of a multi -way stop warrant analysis. The sight distance evaluation revealed the visibility looking north and south from the west leg of Corbie Street falls below the minimum stopping sight distance, due to an obstruction in the line of sight caused by landscaping and the horizontal and vertical alignment of Sunny Meadows Drive. An unobstructed sight distance of approximately 250 feet is required for the 35 MPH posted speed limit. The evaluation determined that the visibility looking north and south from the east leg of Corbie Street was adequate for conditions, exceeding the required minimum distance of 250 feet. A review of the collision history for the twelve (12) month period from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010, indicates there were no reported collisions at the intersection. This favorable record can be attributed to driver familiarity with roadway conditions and exercising due care when entering the intersection. The Multi -Way Stop Sign Installation Policy for Residential Streets' warrant criteria was used to evaluate the need for multi -way stop signs at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street. The warrants allow for the installation of multi -way stop signs when the following conditions are satisfied: 1. Minimum Traffic Volumes a) The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches is equal to or greater than three - hundred (300) vehicles per hour for any eight (8) hours of an average day and b) The combined vehicular volume and pedestrian volume from the minor street is equal to or greater than one - hundred (100) per hour for the same eight (8) hours. 2. Collision History a) Three (3) or more reported collisions within a twelve (12) month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. Such accidents include right and left -turn collisions as well as right -angle collisions. 3. Roadway Characteristics a) The traffic volume on the uncontrolled street exceeds two thousand (2,000) vehicles per day, b) The intersection has four (4) legs, with the streets extending 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at least three (3) of the legs; c) The vehicular volumes on both streets are nearly equal to a forty /sixty percent (40160 %) split, and d) Both streets are 44 feet wide or narrower. WARRANTS 1, 2, and 3 MUST BE SATISFIED Other criteria that may be considered when evaluating the need for multi -way stop signs include: 4. Visibility a) The intersections sight distance is less than: • 155 feet for 25 MPH 2 • 200 feet for 30 MPH • 250 feet for 35 MPH 5. The need to control left -turn conflicts. 6. The need to control vehicle /pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, parks and activity centers. 7. The roadways and intersection appear on a Suggested Route to School plan. 8. There are no traffic signal or all -way stop controls located within 600 feet of the intersection. 9. The installation of multi -way stop signs is compatible with overall traffic circulation needs for the residential area. The Multi -Way Stop warrant analysis performed forthe intersection indicates that Warrants 1 and 2 are not satisfied but all aspects of the Roadway Characteristics warrant are satisfied. Since all three combined warrants are not satisfied, multi -way stop signs would not be justified. However, the Optional warrant criteria does provide the flexibility to consider multi -way stop signs at locations where the intersection sight distance falls below acceptable standards forthe posted speed limit and where there is a need to control conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles at locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools. Based on these special circumstances, it is Staff's opinion that there is a compelling need to provide stop controls at this intersection. Although the installation of multi -way stop signs is likely to increase noise levels due to vehicular acceleration and deceleration, staff recommends the installation of multi -way stop signs based on the lack of adequate visibility and the need to reduce vehicular and pedestrian conflicts at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street. Additionally, during the field review staff also noted that the visibility of the existing school zone flashing beacon, which is located 100 feet north of Corbie Street, is limited due to the horizontal and vertical alignment of Sunny Meadows Drive. In order to improve the flashing beacon's visibility and provide additional advance warning of the school zone, staff recommends relocating the flashing beacon approximately 200 feet north of the present location and making the appropriate changes to the school zone signing. Therefore, staff recommends the Commission approve a recommendation that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing Multi -Way Stop signs at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Corbie Street and direct staff to relocate the school zone flashing beacon 200 feet north of the present location. FISCAL IMPACT: Minor cost associated with relocating and installing signs and associated pavement markings. Adequate funds are available in the FY10 -11 Traffic Division operating budget. Attachment: 1. Exhibit "A" — Location Map 2. Exhibit "B" — Multi -Way Stop Warrant Analysis 3 EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT "B" MULTI -WAY STOP WARRANT ANALYSIS Item No. 11 PREPARED BY: Julie Dauer, CIP Specialist Maria Hilton, Sr. Office Specialist RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: BACKGROUND: RESOLUTION NO. 11 - Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Greg Butler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Urban Forestry Grant Program - "An Urban Forest for Every City" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR FUNDING FROM THE URBAN FORESTRY GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLED, "AN URBAN FOREST FOR EVERY CITY ", AS PROVIDED THROUGH PROPOSITIONS 40 AND 84 On September 30 the City of Temecula submitted a Concept Application 2010/2011 CAL FIRE Urban Forestry "Green Trees For The Golden State" Grant. On November 29 the City received a letter informing us that our Application was ranked eligible to apply for this grant program by authoring a final proposal. The City of Temecula has many residential communities which were developed prior to incorporation and are now over 30 years old. Therefore, some of these older communities need new trees due to damage and /or tree loss. Other communities within the City need additional trees planted to substantially improve and beautify the neighborhood along parkways and street frontages. The City's goal through "An Urban Forest for Every City" program is to enhance the residential neighborhoods and community parks throughout the City. Each selected area will be assessed on an annual basis to establish priority tree planting within each neighborhood or development. The City has developed and implemented tree planting programs in the past through "Trees for Temecula" and our efforts have always been well received by the local residents and overall community. Through this program, we seek to place 700 trees in communities and parks throughout the City. A total of twenty -one botanical species will be utilized and trees will be placed according to the community need, its existing species, and will incorporate new species based on the conditions exclusive to that neighborhood. As part of the grant process, the City Council must certify by resolution the approval of the City's application to the State. If our application is approved by the State, City will have until March 30, 2013 to expend all of the grant funds. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of this program is $100,000, of which the State provides $75,000 and the City's match is $25,000. Adequate funds are available in the Maintenance Division's operating budget to pay for labor for planting the trees and providing 3 year maintenance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution no. 11 - 2. Letter of Invitation for Final Proposal 3. Concept Proposal RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR FUNDING FROM THE URBAN FORESTRY GRANT PROGRAM ENTITLED, "AN URBAN FOREST FOR EVERY CITY ", AS PROVIDED THROUGH PROPOSITIONS 40 AND 84. WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California in cooperation with the California State Legislature has enacted Propositions 40 and 84, which provide funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for urban forestry programs; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the State, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies and non - profit organizations under the program, and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of application before submission of said application to the State; and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of California to carry out an urban forestry project; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula: 1. Approved the filing of an application for "PROPOSITION 40 AND 84" urban forestry grant program funds; and 2. Certifies that said applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project; and, 3. Certifies that funds under the jurisdiction of the City of Temecula are available to begin the project; and, 4. Certifies that said applicant will expend grant funds prior to March 30, 2013; and 5. Appoints the Director of Public Works as agent of the City of Temecula to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] Ron Roberts, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11 - was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of January, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk City of Temecula Attention: Maria Hilton 43200 Business park Drive Temecula, CA. 92590 Dear Ms. Hilton, DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION Urban & Community Forestry Program P.O. Box 944246 SACRAMENTO, CA 94244 -2460 (916) 651 -6423 Website: www.fire.ca.00v November 29, 2010 RE: Your Concept Application for the Urban Forestry Green Trees for the Golden State. Congratulations! This letter serves to inform you that your concept application has been ranked high enough to be eligible for the next step in the Green Trees for the Golden State. The next step in the process of applying for this grant program is for you to author a final proposal. Two hard copies of the final proposal and one digital copy will be due to your CAL FIRE Regional Urban Forester by January 22, 2011. The enclosed checklist will show you, in general, what needs to be added to your concept application. You are required to contact your CAL FIRE Regional Urban Forester for further details and instructions, as well as to get electronic copies of the necessary forms. Your Regional Urban Forester will be able to assist you in this process. He or she will also ultimately be the person administering the grant for CAL FIRE if you are successful in the final proposal process. The contact information for each Regional Urban Forester is attached. It is suggested that you turn in your final proposal to the Regional Urban Forester well before the due date. The Regional Urban Forester will then be able to work with you should anything be missing from your final proposal package. They will not be able to work with you on your final proposal package after the date it is due. Grant funds have not yet been awarded to your organization. We are inviting more final proposals than we will ultimately be able to fund. You must meet the requirements of the final proposal in the allotted time to maintain your eligibility to be awarded grant funds. CAL FIRE will stick to the application timeline explained above so that grant agreements can be developed as quickly as possible thereafter. I look forward to getting your final proposal so that final grant award decisions and execution of grant agreements can be done as expeditiously as possible. I would like to again congratulate you on a successful concept application for the Green Trees for the Golden State. Your project was thoroughly reviewed, and found to be an excellent, well- written idea for advancing urban forestry in California. Again, congratulations on making it through the concept proposal process. Sincerely, rr I Y 'J •( ' ` ' v ... 1 r r' John Melvin Forester II State Urban Forester R ECEIVE D c7rYt Tom* ut.n MILK' WORKS DEPA,R'rMFIrT u Primary Source of Technical Advice Tree Species to be planted. (Genus, species, common name) if applicable. Concept Proposal 2010/2011 CAL FIRE Urban Forestry Program Grants Please fill out this form completely. Be sure to save a copy of this form for you records. Submit your application via e -mail by selecting the button at the end of the form. Applications that are not completely filled out will not be considered for funding. Organization! City of Temecula Requested Grant $I $75,000.00 Matching $ Select grant project type from menu 'Green Trees For The Golden State Project Title I "Trees for Temecula - Citywide" Certified Arborist Please provide the following information if trees will be planted as part of the proposed project. Number of CAL FIRE- funded trees 1700 Total number of project trees 700 The City of Temecula has a total of twenty -one species which can be planted citywide. The list includes (but is not limited to): Albizia julibrissin Cinnamomum Camphora Pinus eldarica Pistacia chinesis Cedurs deodara Geijera parviflora Schinus molle Pyrus calleryana Aristocrat r By checking box, grantee agrees to follow "CAL FIRE Standards and Specifications For Purchasing, Planting, and Maintaining Trees ". 1. Applicant information - Eligible applicants for most grant types include cities, counties, qualifying districts, or nonprofit organizations qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Only cities, counties, and qualifying districts are eligible for the Urban Forest Inventory and Urban Forest Management Plan Grants. Type of Organization (City Project Manager Title 1 Senior Office Specialist First Name 'Maria Last Name 1Hilton Email Imaria.hilton @cityoftemecula.org Phone Number 1 (951) 693 -3965 Address 1 143200 Business Park Drive Address 2 City 'Temecula State Zip Code 192590 2. Partner information - List any partners or co- sponsors Name of Organization 1 Not Applicable First Name I Name of Organization First Name 1 I $25,000.00 Explanation (if required) Last Name 1 Last Name 1 'California Total Project $1 $100,000.00 3. Location information - List the communities served by the project. Include all cities and counties or list as statewide. Check a box below if your community is disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged per PRC 4799.09. The proposed "Trees for Temecula - Citywide" program will incorporate twenty -one areas of Temecula which have been selected to receive tree planting during the three -year grant period. A variety of tree species, consistent with the California Department of Forestry's approved tree list identified on the previous page, will be added to the existing neighborhood trees. The trees will be added based on the conditions exclusive to that development and the proximity to streets, sidewalks, and overhead and underground utilities. I- Disadvantaged community f Severely disadvantaged community NOTE: Proof will be required later in process. 4. Grant Information - Describe the project by answering the questions below. Responses are limited to the space provided. You may wish to refer to the grant guidelines document, specific grant program Request For Proposals (RFP), and the California Urban Forestry Act (Public Resources Code Sections 4799.06 - 4799.12) for guidance on parts 4A - 4C. A. Background and Rationale - What is the current situation, condition, or problem to be addressed by the project? The City of Temecula was incorporated in 1989 and has many residential communities which were developed prior to incorporation and are now over 30 years old. Therefore, some of these older communities need new trees due to damage and /or tree loss. Other communities within the city need additional trees planted to substantially improve and beautify the neighborhood along parkways and street frontages. We also propose to plant trees at various City parks and landscape maintenance districts. The additional trees will provide much needed shade, environmental enhancement and beautify the park surroundings. The expected benefits to the community will be the improvement of air quality, save energy, add beauty and enhance our local ecosystem. B. Project Objective - What are the objectives of the proposed project? Explain how they are in line with the RFP for the grant type selected. The City of Temecula's goal for the proposed "Trees for Temecula - Citywide" program is to enhance the residential neighborhoods and community parks throughout the City. Each selected area will be assessed on an annual basis to establish priority tree planting within each neighborhood or development. The City has developed and implemented tree planting programs in the past and our efforts have always been well received by the local residents and overall community. We expect positive results and look forward to supporting the growth and health of our neighborhoods. Through this program, we seek to place 700 trees in communities and parks throughout the City. A total of twenty -one botanical species will be utilized and trees will be placed according to the community need, its existing species, and will incorporate new species based on the conditions exclusive to that neighborhood. Trees (700 x $55 each) $38,500.00 $38,500.00 Labor for planting; 3 yr. maintenance $23,800.00 $25,000.00 $48,800.00 Tree stakes, ties, root /collar protectors $10,500.00 $10,500.00 Educational Materials $700.00 $700.00 Signage $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $75,000.00 $25,000.00 $100,000.00 C. Project Description - How will the project achieve the objectives? Who will be involved? This program will include a community outreach phase by which each resident will be notified of the proposed "Trees for Temecula - Citywide" program in their neighborhood. The resident will also be provided with a picture of the tree to be planted and an educational Trees USA" flyer. The program encourages the residents to participate in a collaborative community process and promotes public awareness concerning the care and maintenance of the trees, as well as their importance to the surrounding environment. 5. Task and Budget Information A. Budget - Provide an estimate of costs and budget information for the project. A specific budget displaying detailed line items will be required ifa final proposal is requested. Budget total may not be adjusted upward at a later time. Project Work Task Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Additional Tasks Admin / Overhead TOTALS Percentages Task Description Amount Requested Matched Funds Task Total Cost 75% 25% Total %j 9 00 B. Explanation of Budget and Costs - In the space provided, describe the basis for the budget amounts listed above. Successful applicants will be asked for a more detailed line item budget. The total amount requested in this application can not be exceeded during the final proposal process. "Trees for Temecula - Citywide" meets the maximum matching fund requirement as follows: *The project will provide urban forest resources to areas where such resources are absent, or will replenish such resources where they are badly needed. * The project will use trees or other vegetation to reduce consumption of finite energy resources, or to produce energy and other products from urban forests. 'x' The project is educational in nature and will develop public awareness of the need for managing urban forest resources. The majority of our costs will be in the material and labor fee of each tree. The cost for the long -term maintenance and care to encourage the health and growth of each tree will be apportioned on an annual basis as part of our fiscal operating budget review. The overall fiscal impact to our City is minimal compared to the benefits of this program. C. Other Funding Sources - List other funding sources, grants or applications that are considered matching funds for this proposal. Description General Fund Revenues Print Form Source City of Temecula Geneneral Funds Submit by Email Requested Amount Funded? $25,000.00 YES 6. Other Project Work - List any other related activities conducted in the proposed project area over the past 3 years. These may be projects conducted by other organizations. Include any contributions of the applying organization to these projects. Include partners and sponsors of the projects, if known. Projects listed should include an explanation of how they relate to the proposed project. Due to budget constraints, we have not been able to administer large -scale planting programs as has been done in the past. If awarded, this funding resource would allow us to continue to enhance residential neighborhoods by replacing or planting new street trees along front and side yard easements, as well as providing continued enhancement and enjoyment of City parks, and improving the overall quality of life within the City of Temecula. Our residents have embraced a collaborative community process which promotes public awareness concerning the care and maintenance of trees, provides education regarding the importance of healthy, mature trees and establishes their participation in maintaining a healthy, sustainable environment. Thank you for your application. Please save a copy and print a copy of the application for your records. Submit the application using the "Submit by Email" button below. You should receive a confirmation email shortly after submittal. To save a copy, please select the file menu and select "save as" or "save a copy as" from the list of options. You will be prompted about how to proceed saving the file. Date and Time Submitted: I 9/3 d 0:5g/0/9 Item No. 12 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager /City Council Greg Butler, Director of Public Works January 11, 2011 Approve a Maintenance Agreement for the Street Striping Program FY 2010 -2011, Project No. PW09 -04 Rodney Tidwell, Maintenance Supervisor Julie Dauer, Sr. CIP Specialist That the City Council: Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager 1. Approve a $300,000 Maintenance Agreement with Pacific Striping, Inc for the total cost of work associated with the First and Second Cycle of the bi- annual Citywide Street Striping Program for the Fiscal Year 2010 -2011, Project No. PW09 -04. 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $30,000.00, which is equal to 10% of the total agreement. BACKGROUND: The Street Striping Program, Project No. PW09 -04 (the Project) provides for bi- annual Citywide re- painting of street striping and pavement markings as part of routine maintenance. In addition to repainting existing stripes and pavement markings, the scope of work includes minor modifications as directed by the City Engineer including the removal of existing stripes and the placement of new traffic stripes and pavement markings. In June of 2009, Pacific Striping, Inc. submitted the lowest responsible bid based on unit prices for the estimated quantity of the various types of striping and pavement markings necessary to complete one cycle of citywide restriping. On Tuesday July 14, 2009, the City Council awarded a contract to Pacific Striping, Inc. for one cycle of restriping in the amount of $111,925.00 and authorized a 10% contingency of $11,192.50 for a grand total of $123,117.50. On February 22, 2010, the City Council approved a change order in the amount of $174,417.18 for additional work associated with the first cycle and the amount required to complete the work for the second cycle of striping. The additional work was necessary to fully complete all restriping in the City, as part of our routine maintenance. Provisions in the original bid solicitation and contract allow the City to extend the services of the contractor in one year increments for each of the following three (3) fiscal years. Pacific Striping has satisfactorily completed both cycles of striping for FY2009 -2010 without incident or complication; therefore Staff is recommending the approval of a $300,000 maintenance agreement for the total cost of work planned for fiscal year 2010 -2011 (the current fiscal year), to support the bi- annual Citywide Street Striping Program. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Street Striping Program is included in the Public Works Maintenance Division FY2010 -2011 Operating Budget in the Public Works Routine Street Maintenance Striping /Stenciling account. Adequate funds are available for this $330,000 request, which includes $300,000.00 for the maintenance agreement plus a 10% contingency of $30,000.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Maintenance Agreement with Pacific Striping, Inc. AGREEMENT FOR MINOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND PACIFIC STRIPING, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of January 11, 2011 between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City "), and Pacific Striping, Inc. a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor "). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM STREET STRIPING PROGRAM FY 2010 -2011, PW09 -04 This Agreement shall commence on January 11, 2011, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2011, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The City may, upon mutual agreement, extend the contract for two (2) additional one (1) year term(s). In no event shall the contract be. extended beyond June 30, 2013. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. ( "Work "), and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work, Exhibit A. 3. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit A, Scope and Rates, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit A, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($300,000) annually unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager . Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. c. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non - disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees, it shall give written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Contractor shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 1 4. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this Agreement. The acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims against City under or arising out of this Agreement, except those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify Agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contractor from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http: / /www.dir.ca.gov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub - contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $50.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Agreement, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Agreement. 8. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 2 a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, District, and /or Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, District and /or Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non - performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City. 11. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 9. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR 10. INDEMNIFICATION a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. 1) General Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply 3 separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. c. Deductibles and Self- Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self- insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self - insured maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Contractor shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and /or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A -:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. g. By executing this Agreement, Contractor hereby certifies: 4 I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workman's Compensation or undertake self - insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract. 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 15. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Agreement, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by City for purposes of letting this Agreement out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Agreement. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 16. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Agreement, Contractor shall file an affidavit with the City Manager stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 5 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub - contractors for this project, during his /her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub - contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Agreement, shall at all reasonable time be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 19. UTILITY LOCATION City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 20. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 21. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589 -9033 Use this Address for a Delivery Service: City of Temecula or Hand- Deliveries ONLY Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 6 23. ASSIGNMENT To Consultant: Pacific Striping, Inc. Attn: Scott Fisher P.O. Box 1691 Whittier, CA 90609 The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 24. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 25. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 27. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: By: Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: By: PACIFIC STRIPING, INC. (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Pacific Striping, Inc. Scott Fisher P.O. Box 1691 Whittier, CA 90609 (562) 945 -7805 8 Scott Fisher, President Greg Fisher, Secretary/Treasurer FSM Initials: Date: /2/7, jfj EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE AND RATES 9 1 , OZS P t g.d t 4" CENTER LINE (DETAIL 1) OR 4" LANELINE (DETAIL 8) INCLUDES 50' LEAD IN /OUT LINE AT INTERSECTION 675,000 LF ‘(011315. 00 2 4" LEFT EDGELINE (DETAIL 24) OR 4" RIGHT EDGELINE (DETAIL 27B) 275,000 LF 4 \11000, 3 MEDIAN ISLAND (DETAIL 28) 425,000 LF v 0 cj 38 „CO 4 8" CHANNELIZING LINE (DETAIL 38A) 150,000 LF , cyg 12, , 000. ' NO PASSING ZONES -ONE DIRECTION (DETAIL 15) 80,000 LF , (} l 800,06 6 6" BIKE LANE LINE (DETAIL 39) 100,000 LF , 'I Z ‘ 2 , 000 v° 7 6" INTERSECTION LINE BIKE LANE (DETAIL 39A) 25,000 LF 1 "Z '3 { 600 00 8 TWO -WAY LEFT TURN LANE (DETAIL 175,000 LF 0 55 ) ) 7 y o 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROPOSAL PROJECT NO. PW09 -04 STREET STRIPING PROGRAM FY 2009 -10 SCHEDULE OF PRICES — BASE BID THE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOR PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPES ARE INTENDED TO REPRESENT THE QUANTITIES NEEDED TO COMPLETE ONE CYCLE OF RESTRIPING. THE CITY TYPICALLY COMPLETES TWO CYCLES OF RESTRIPING PER FISCAL YEAR AND THE BID SHOULD REFLECT TWO CYCLES OF RESTRIPING. SCHEDULE I- PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPES* NOTE REGARDING ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: THE QUANTITIES LISTED HEREIN ARE APPROXIMATE BEING GIVEN AS THE BASIS FOR THE COMPARISON OF BIDS ONLY. THE CITY DOES NOT, EXPRESSLY OR BY IMPLICATION, WARRANT THAT THE ACTUAL AMOUNT OF WORK WILL CORRESPOND DIRECTLY TO THAT LISTED. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF WORK, OR OMIT ANY PORTION OF WORK, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION. NO ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT PRICE OF ANY ITEM OF WORK WILL BE CONSIDERED, REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL QUANTITY COMPLETED WITHIN A FISCAL YEAR. P -2 MIRPROJECTSIPWOWW0904Stea Striping Prggrand%d Oxs1PWW19O4 Sheet SNpug Pfpgrandoc 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROPOSAL SUBTOTAL AMOUNT OF 1 CYCLE: ‘1 1 C Z s o 0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (2 CYCLES): 1 i 1 l °I2c, 00 x2 =($ 7.7- 66 ? SUBTOTAL AMOUNT FOR 1 CYCLE 1hv- f J �I NJo 1 Dt2c9 'M1.Ei1 ' -11-\0 5 Vc+1Q G ati DOLLARS AND 4 tear) CENTS The undersigned hereby certifies that he /she has an appropriate license, issued by the State of California to provide this work; that such license will be in full force and effect throughout the duration of construction; and that any and all subcontractors to be employed on this project will be similarly licensed. Dated: 1 6/ 9 California Contractor's License No. SCHEDULE II- MARKING REMOVAL, ALIGNMENT AND LAYOUT The above bid proposal includes Addenda No's CONTRACTOR Sign Print or Type Name and Title P -3 RAGPWROJECTS Street Striping Pros ra Bid DecstPW'0904 Street Shpinit Propramdoc 1 1 *THE ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOR PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPES ARE INTENDED TO REPRESENT THE QUANTITIES NEEDED TO COMPLETE ONE CYCLE OF RESTRIPING. THE CITY TYPICALLY COMPLETES TWO CYCLES OF RESTRIPING PER FISCAL YEAR AND THE BID SHOULD REFLECT TWO CYCLES OF RESTRIPING. 4" CENTER LINE (DETAIL 1) OR 4" 1 LANELINE (DETAIL 8) INCLUDES 50' LEAD 1N/OUT LINE AT INTERSECTION 2 3 4 6 7 8 4" LEFT EDGELINE (DETAIL 24) OR 4" RIGHT EDGELINE (DETAIL 27B) MEDIAN ISLAND (DETAIL 28) 8" CHANNELIZ1NG LINE (DETAIL 38A) NO PASSING ZONES -ONE DIRECTION (DETAIL 15) 6" BIKE LANE LINE (DETAIL 39) 6" INTERSECTION LINE BIKE LANE (DETAIL 39A) TWO -WAY LEFT TURN LANE (DETAIL 31) 675,000 275,000 425,000 150,000 80,000 100,000 25,000 175,000 LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF c 7 S ■6 U g" 6 i 101 ,'I X1 1 00 &_' �8,2�v o0 12,000. °4 1 2 , 000. ° 0 NOTE REGARDING ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: THE QUANTITIES LISTED HEREIN ARE APPROXIMATE BEING GIVEN AS THE BASIS FOR THE COMPARISON OF BIDS ONLY. THE CITY DOES NOT, EXPRESSLY OR BY IMPLICATION, WARRANT THAT THE ACTUAL AMOUNT OF WORK WILL CORRESPOND DIRECTLY TO THAT LISTED. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE OR DECREASE THE AMOUNT OF WORK, OR OMIT ANY PORTION OF WORK, AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY AT THEIR SOLE DISCRETION. NO ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNIT PRICE OF ANY ITEM OF WORK WILL BE CONSIDERED, REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL QUANTITY COMPLETED WITHIN A FISCAL YEAR. PROPOSAL PROJECT NO. PW09 -04 STREET STRIPING PROGRAM FY 2009 -10 SCHEDULE OF PRICES -- BASE BID SCHEDULE I- PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPES` P -2 RACIFPROJECrSPWO9WWO9-04 Street Striping Progran d DocsIPW09 -04 Street Striping Pmgram.doc SCHEDULE II- MARKING REMOVAL, ALIGNMENT AND LAYOUT 9 REMOVE PAVEMENT DELINEATION 10 ALIGNMENT AND LAYOUT 2,500 2,500 SF LF , d - Z S t3 U ao SUBTOTAL AMOUNT OF 1 CYCLE: 111 L C, 00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BASE BID (2 CYCLES): SUBTOTAL AMOUNT FOR 1 CYCLE e\ct,19) r 7 '1 0 lAkyN Pt1,--) -&&K1 1 1 / 014W1 DOLLARS AND 120 CENTS The undersigned hereby certifies that he /she has an appropriate license, issued by the State of California to provide this work; that such license will be in full force and effect throughout the duration of construction; and that any and all subcontractors to be employed on this project will be similarly licensed. Dated: ( 1 -1 0 PROPOSAL 111 °O x2 =($ 17_ 5co oD Califomia Contractor's License No. Sign CONTRACTOR Print or Type Name and Title The above bid proposal includes Addenda No's P -3 R :GPVPROiECTSPW09\PW09-04 Street Striping ProgramrBid Docs\PW09-04 Street Striping Programdoc Item No. 13 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Andre O'Harra, Chief of Police DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Police Department Asset Forfeiture Account Purchases PREPARED BY: Heidi Schrader, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of Police equipment for a total amount of $6,119 with asset forfeiture funds held by the County of Riverside Sheriff's Department. BACKGROUND: The Riverside County Sheriff's Department maintains a Countywide Asset Forfeiture program for participating local jurisdictions. Under this program, assets from legally adjudicated narcotics related cases are held in an account for the jurisdiction from which the assets were seized. These assets must be used to purchase Police equipment or training, and the purchase must be formally approved by City Council and the County of Riverside Special Investigations Bureau (SIB) before reimbursement will be authorized. In 2009 the Police Department used the asset forfeiture fund to purchase four Police bicycles and a covert voice transmitter as well as training for the Police K9 for a total amount of $18,959. The City has $10,274 remaining in its asset forfeiture fund. The Police Department would like to purchase two GPS Tracking Systems and 19 Micro Camcorders for use by the Special Enforcement Team (SET). These systems will be used for covert operations and graffiti operations. Temecula Patrol Officers will also have use of the micro camcorders for use in documenting calls for service. The two GPS Tracking Systems cost $1,449.30. The 19 Micro Camcorders cost $2,689.56. The Police Department Traffic division also wishes to purchase ARAS 360 Reconstruction Software for use in recreating traffic collisions in order to prepare comprehensive accident reports. The cost of the software is $2,690 and it will replace existing outdated collision reconstruction software which has an annual maintenance fee. There is no annual maintenance fee for the ARAS 360 Reconstruction Software. The grand total for all asset forfeitures purchases will be $6,119. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds exist within the 2010 -11 Police budget to make this $6,119 expenditure which will be reimbursed by the County of Riverside with asset forfeiture funds. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 10 -15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A ZONING AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF A PARCEL LOCATED AT 42210 LYNDIE LANE FROM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (H) TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On November 17, 2010, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Planning Application No. PA10 -0210, a Zoning Amendment Application. B. The proposed Zoning Amendment to change the Zoning Map will allow consistency between the Zoning Map and the General Plan Land Use Map by having both documents identify the project site as Community Commercial. C. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law, including the California Environmental Quality Act. D. A Negative Declaration was prepared for the Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines ('CEQA ") and circulated for public review from October 5, 2010 through October 25, 2010 for a 20 -day public review. Copies of the documents have been available for public review and inspection at the offices of the Department of Planning, located at City Hall 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. E. On November 17, 2010, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, the Planning Commission considered the Project and any comments received prior to or at the public hearing on November 17, 2010, at which time the City staff presented its report, and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project and the Negative Declaration. F. Following consideration of the entire record before it at the public hearing and due consideration of the proposed Project the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the Negative Declaration. G. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the entire record before the Planning Commission hearing, and after due consideration of the testimony regarding the proposed Project, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve Planning Application No. PA10 -0210, a Zoning Amendment. R: /Ords 2010 /Ords 10 -15 1 H. On December 14, 2010, the City Council of the City of Temecula considered the Project and the Negative Declaration, at a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. The Council considered all the testimony and any comments received regarding the Project and the Negative Declaration prior to and at the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Council adopted Resolution No. 10 -90 adopting the Negative Declaration and adopted a Monitoring and Reporting Program. J. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Project hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. The proposed Zoning Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code [Subsection 17.01.040 (Relationship to the General Plan) of Chapter 17.01 (General Provisions) of Title 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code]. B. The Zoning Amendment is in conformance with the goals, policies, programs and guidelines of the elements of the General Plan; The General Plan Land Use designation for the parcel is Community Commercial (CC). The proposed Zoning Amendment will allow the subject parcel to be reclassified from High Density Residential (H) to Community Commercial (CC). This revised designation is consistent with the General Plan. The Zoning Amendment will allow the parcel to be in conformance with the goals, policies, programs and guidelines of the elements of the General Plan. C. The zone change is to be established and maintained in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan and all applicable provisions contained therein.; The Zoning Amendment will allow the Zoning Map to become consistent with the General Plan Land Use Map. The parcel contains an existing commercially developed structure that will continue to be utilized for commercial purposes as allowed in the Community Commercial (CC) zone. Therefore, the proposed Zoning Amendment and its revised allowable uses are consistent with the General Plan and all applicable provisions contained therein. D. The proposed Zoning Amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City. The Zoning Amendment will regulate 0.8 acres with a Community Commercial (CC) zoning designation. Any development or use of the site will be required to adhere to all provisions for Community Commercial zoned properties discussed in Title 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code. These provisions are intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project is consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations R: /Ords 2010 /Ords 10 -15 2 intended to ensure the property will function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. E. The subject property of the Zoning Amendment is physically suitable for the requested land use designation and anticipated land use developments. The proposed zone change has been analyzed as physically suitable for the requested and anticipated land uses allowed under the Community Commercial zoning designation. F. The proposed Zoning Amendment shall ensure the development of the desirable character which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed zone change will convert 0.8 acres of land from High Density Residential (H) to Community Commercial (CC).The surrounding neighborhood contains parcels zoned Community Commercial to the south and west. In addition, the parcel contains a fully developed commercial structure. The zone change will uphold the neighborhood's existing character. Section 3. The City Council hereby amends the existing Zoning Map, as illustrated in Exhibit 1 on file with the City of Temecula City Clerk's office to change the zoning of parcel 921 - 310 -018 from High Density Residential (H) to Community Commercial (CC). Section 4. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 6. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. R: /Ords 2010 /Ords 10 -15 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11 day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] R: /Ords 2010 /Ords 10 -15 4 Ron Roberts, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) 1, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 10 -15 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 14 day of December, 2010, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11 day of January, 2011, the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: R: /Ords 2010 /Ords 10 -15 5 Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk PI M Project Site Proposed Zone Change to CC I 1 Zoning Map CITY OF TEMECULA SPECIFIC PLAN (SP -5) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (L -1) ® LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (L -2) \ 9 .41. VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (VL) LOW MED DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ( LM) MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (M) ® HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (H) - HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL (HR) BUSINESS PARK (BP) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) - COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) - HIGHWAY/TOURIST COMMERCIAL (HT) PROFESSIONAL OFFICE (PO) - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) _ SERVICE COMMERCIAL (SC) 1 PUBLIC INSTITUTIONAL (PI) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO) SPECIFIC PLAN (SP) ET OPEN SPACE (OS) - PUBLIC PARK / RECREATION (PR) - CONSERVATION (OS -C) TRI BAL TRUST 0 125 250 500 Feet r /gis/ rcmap projects /planning/ZC_LyndleLn_Encfor pc cc id 'PA! TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 1 City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING The Temecula Community Services District Meeting convened at 7:43 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: President Chuck Washington ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 13 Action Minutes - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Director Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Director Comerchero and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve the action minutes of November 23, 2010. 14 Financial Statements for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2010 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Director Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Director Comerchero and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: ACTION MINUTES of December 14, 2010 14.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the Three Months ended September 30, 2010; 14.2 Approve a revenue increase of $70 in the TCSD Debt Service Fund for annual investment interest. CSD Action Minutes1121410 1 15 Amendment of the Construction Contingency for the Redhawk Park Improvements, Project No. PW06- 06 /CSD08 -004 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) — Director Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Director Comerchero and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: CSD BUSINESS 15.1 Amend the construction contingency of the contract with IAC Engineering, Inc. for the construction of Redhawk Park Improvements by increasing it by an additional $17,000 and adjust the General Manager's administrative approval authority accordingly. • Bret Kelley addressed the Board of Directors with regard to this item. 16 Appointment of President and Vice President of the Temecula Community Services District for Calendar Year 2011 — Appointed Director Comerchero as President and Director Edwards as Vice President — (5 -0 -0) — Director Naggar made the motion; it was seconded by Director Comerchero and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Entertain motions from the Board of Directors to appoint the President, effective January 1, 2011, to preside until the end of Calendar Year 2011; 16.2 Entertain motions from the Board of Directors to appoint the Vice President, effective January 1, 2011, who will assume the duties of the President in the President's absence, and hold this office until the end of Calendar Year 2011. CSD Action Minutes1121410 2 CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT At 8:07 P.M., the Temecula Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 5:30 PM., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk /District Secretary [SEAL] CSD Action Minutes1121410 3 Chuck Washington, President REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Item No. 16 RDA PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMENDATION: RDA BUSINESS RECOMMENDATION: ACTION MINUTES of DECEMBER 14, 2010 City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING The Temecula Redevelopment Agency Meeting convened at 8:08 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Person Mike Naggar ROLL CALL: AGENCY MEMBERS: Comerchero, Edwards, Washington, Roberts, Naggar 17 Action Minutes - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) Agency Member Comerchero made the motion; it was seconded by Agency Member Roberts and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval 17.1 Approve the action minutes of November 23, 2010. 18 Financial Statements for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2010 - Approved Staff Recommendation (5 -0 -0) Agency Member Comerchero made the motion; it was seconded by Agency Member Roberts and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval 18.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the Three Months ended September 30, 2010. 19 Appointment of Chair Person and Vice Chair Person of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency for Calendar Year 2011 — Appointed Agency Member Naggar as Chair Person and Agency Member Edwards as Vice Chair Person — (5 -0 -0) — Director Washington made the motion; it was seconded by Director Comerchero and electronic vote reflected unanimous approval 19.1 Entertain motions from the Agency Members to appoint the Chair Person to preside, effective January 1, 2011, until the end of Calendar Year 2011; RDA Action Minutes1121410 1 RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS RDA ADJOURNMENT At 8:11 P.M., the Temecula Redevelopment Agency meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, January 11, 2011, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. ATTEST: 19.2 Entertain motions from the Agency Members to appoint the Vice Chair Person, effective January 1, 2011, who will assume the duties of the Chair Person in the Chair Person's absence, and hold this office until the end of Calendar Year 2011. Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk /Agency Secretary [SEAL] RDA Action Minutes1121410 2 Michael S. Naggar, Chair Person PUBLIC HEARING Item No. 17 PREPARED BY: Matt Peters, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 11- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RORIPAUGH ESTATES SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS WITH OR WITHOUT A CAR WASH IN PLANNING AREA 10 UTILIZING THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Patrick Richardson, Director of Planning and Redevelopment DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Development Plan for (Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, PA09 -0287, and PA09 -0288) 2. Approve a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 11 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA09 -0287, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) 3. Approve a resolution entitled: 4. Approve a resolution entitled: SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE: The ordinance consists of an amendment to the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan to allow automobile service stations with or without a car wash in Planning Area 10, and utilizing the development standards of the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zoning District. BACKGROUND: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA09 -0288, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM/PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM/PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) The Specific Plan Amendment is intended to clarify that the uses permitted in Planning Area 10 of Specific Plan No. 164 shall be the same as those permitted in Section 17.080.030 of the City of Temecula Development Code under the NC — Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation. In addition, automobile service stations with or without an automated carwash maybe allowed subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Furthermore, the SPA will clarify that the Development Standards in Section 17.080.040 under Neighborhood Commercial shall apply. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) RESOLUTION NO. 11 RESOLUTION NO. 11- The proposed self - serve, automated car wash hours are proposed to be 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. consistent with the City's Development Code. Development Plan (DP) The project features a 946- square foot car wash located on the south side of the existing Arco AM /PM gas station located at the southeast corner of Nicolas and Winchester Roads. This location is appropriate considering that an existing convenience store and 12- station gas pump canopy already occupy much of the site. Good overall vehicular circulation will be maintained at the site with the addition of the car wash given that it will be located on an existing drive aisle that goes around the east and south sides of the building. I n addition, access to the site and parking will not be impeded as a result of the project. The car wash has been designed to aesthetically integrate with the existing gas station convenience store. The overall design theme of the car wash incorporates basic Spanish architectural elements. The stucco finish, paint colors and s -tile roofing will match the existing building. An upgraded solid metal garage door has been included to maintain the design integrity of the building. Minor changes to the landscaping planters and relocation of the existing trash enclosure were required to accommodate the car wash. In addition, a Noise Study prepared for this project indicated a six -foot high sound wall was necessary to mitigate noise for the neighboring Jack- in -the- Box drive - through window and neighboring residents. The sound wall has been architecturally integrated with the rest of the building and will contain recesses to accommodate landscaping and vines to "soften" the wall. Mitigated Negative Declaration per CEQA (MND) Staff reviewed the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and based on an initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project. Mitigation was included to address any cultural resources being exposed during initial grading, exposing people or structures to potential adverse effects from being located within Zone E of the French Valley Airport Influence Area, and a six -foot high sound wall has been included to address noise impacts. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission recommended approval of the project and associated applications on November 3, 2010. Staff recommended limiting the hours of operation for the car wash from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to minimize noise and activity impacts on neighbors and surrounding businesses. However, the applicant informed the Planning Commission that a noise study was prepared for the project and a six -foot high sound wall will be built to mitigate impacts. The applicant requested the hours of operation for the car wash to be consistent with what is allowed by the City's Development Code. The Planning Commission agreed and is recommending approval of the project with the hours of operation from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Resolution — CUP Resolution — DP Resolution — MND PC Staff Report of November 3, 2010 ORDINANCE NO. 11- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RORIPAUGH ESTATES SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS WITH OR WITHOUT A CAR WASH IN PLANNING AREA 10 UTILIZING THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On November 3, 2010, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment; PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit; and PA09 -0288 Development Plan B. The proposed amendment to the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan will amend the permitted uses and development standards for Planning Area 10 to the standards of the Neighborhood Commercial zoning district with the addition to allow automobile service stations with or without and automated car wash. In addition, the Specific Plan Amendment application is accompanied by a Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan application. C. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law, including the California Environmental Quality Act. D. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines ( "CEQA ") and circulated for public review from October 12, 2010 through November 1, 2010 for a 20 -day public review. Copies of the documents have been available for public review and inspection at the offices of the Department of Planning, located at City Hall 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. E. On November 3, 2010, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, the Planning Commission considered the Project and any comments received prior to or at the public hearing on November 3, 2010, at which time the City staff presented its report, and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. F. Following consideration of the entire record before it at the public hearing and due consideration of the proposed Project the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project. G. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the entire record before the Planning Commission hearing, and after due consideration of the testimony regarding the proposed Project, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the Project including Planning Application No's. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment; PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit; and PA09 -0288, Development Plan. H. On , the City Council of the City of Temecula considered the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, at a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. The Council considered all the testimony and any comments received regarding the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to and at the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Council adopted Resolution No. 10- adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. J. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Project hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code [Subsection 17.16.20 (Procedures) of Chapter 17.16 (Specific Plan Zoning District) of Title 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code]. B. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code; The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as requiring a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the NC- Neighborhood Commercial zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under section 17.08.040.D of the Development Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned for approval by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Planning through the Development Review Process (DRC) to ensure compliance with the General Plan, Development Code and all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. C. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City: The Specific Plan Amendment has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. D. The subject property is physically suitable for the requested land use designations and the anticipated land use developments; The Specific Plan Amendment would facilitate development of an automated car wash attached to an existing gas station. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the car wash. Loading, parking, and vehicular circulation will not be adversely affected by the project. The project will adhere to all other development features described in the Development Code. E. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment shall ensure development of a desirable character which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding neighborhood; The Specific Plan Amendment would allow a car wash to be located within Planning Area 10 of the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan, which is within a heavily traveled commercial corridor that is fully developed. Surrounding uses include a high school, commercial and residential development. An Initial Study has been prepared and mitigation measures have been included to address noise impacts from the car wash blowers on surrounding commercial and residential development. With these and other mitigation measures identified, the project will not adversely affect adjacent uses, buildings or structures. Section 3. The City Council hereby amends the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan to allow automobile service stations with or without a car wash in Planning Area 10 subject to the development standards of the Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District of the Specific Plan and in accordance with the revised Specific Plan on file with in the City Of Temecula City Clerk's Office. Section 4. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 6. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of , 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] Ron Roberts, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 11- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the day of , and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , , the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk G. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the entire record before the Planning Commission hearing, and after due consideration of the testimony regarding the proposed Project, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the Project including Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit and PA09 -0288, Development Plan in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. H. On , the City Council of the City of Temecula considered the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, at a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. The Council considered all the testimony and any comments received regarding the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to and at the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Council adopted Resolution No. 10- adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and Mitigation monitoring Program. J. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Conditional Use Permit hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code; The proposal, a request for a 946- square foot automated car wash is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. This Conditional Use Permit application is accompanied by a Specific Plan Amendment and Development Plan applications. The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under section 17.08.040.D of the Development Code. B. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures; The proposed car wash is to be located on a heavily traveled commercial corridor that is fully developed. Surrounding uses include a high school, commercial and residential development. An Initial Study has been prepared and mitigation measures have been included to address noise impacts from the car wash blowers on surrounding commercial and residential development. With these and other mitigation measures identified, the project will not adversely affect adjacent uses, buildings or structures. C. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in this Development Code and required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood; The site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the car wash. Loading, parking, and vehicular circulation will not be adversely affected by the project. The project will adhere to all other development features described in the Development Code. D. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community; The conditional use has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. E. That the decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal; The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application is based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the City Council. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves planning application No. PA09- 0287, a conditional use permit to allow for the operation of a 946- square foot drive -thru car wash at the existing Arco AM /PM gas station located at the southeast corner of Winchester and Nicolas Roads addressed as 40212 Winchester Road (APN 920 -100- 048), subject to the conditional of approval attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and it shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 1 1 th day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ss Ron Roberts, Mayor I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11 day of January, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA09 -0288, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On August 4, 2009, Mr. Gregory Hann filed Planning Application No. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment and on September 22, 2009 Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit and PA09 -0288, Development Plan, in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. On November 3, 2010, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment; PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit; and PA09 -0288 Development Plan C. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law, including the California Environmental Quality Act. D. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for the Project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines ( "CEQA ") and circulated for public review from October 12, 2010 through November 1, 2010 for a 20 -day public review. Copies of the documents have been available for public review and inspection at the offices of the Department of Planning, located at City Hall 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. E. On November 3, 2010, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, the Planning Commission considered the Project and any comments received prior to or at the public hearing on November 3, 2010, at which time the City staff presented its report, and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. F. Following consideration of the entire record before it at the public hearing and due consideration of the proposed Project the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Project. G. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the entire record before the Planning Commission hearing, and after due consideration of the testimony regarding the proposed Project, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the Project including Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit and PA09 -0288, Development Plan in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. H. On , the City Council of the City of Temecula considered the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, at a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. The Council considered all the testimony and any comments received regarding the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to and at the public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Council adopted Resolution No. 10- adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program. J. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Development Plan hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; This application is accompanied by a Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit application, and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as requiring a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under Section of the Development Code. As conditioned, the project complies with the General Plan and all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare; The Development Plan has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves planning application No. PA09- 0288, a development plan to allow for the operation of a 946- square foot drive -thru car wash at the existing Arco AM /PM gas station located at the southeast corner of Winchester and Nicolas Roads addressed as 40212 Winchester Road (APN 920 -100- 048), subject to the conditional of approval attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Section 3. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and it shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11 day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF TEMECULA ) ss Ron Roberts, Mayor I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11 day of January, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 11- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A 946- SQUARE FOOT DRIVE -THRU CAR WASH AT THE EXISTING ARCO AM /PM GAS STATION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND NICOLAS ROADS, ADDRESSED AS 40212 WINCHESTER ROAD (APN 920 - 100 -048) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On August 4, 2009, Mr. Gregory Hann filed Planning Application No. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment and on September 22, 2009 Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit and PA09 -0288, Development Plan. in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code ( "Project "). B. On November 3, 2010, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, Specific Plan Amendment; PA09 -0287, Conditional Use Permit; and PA09 -0288 Development Plan C. The Project was processed, including but not limited to all public notices, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law, including the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code § 21000, et seq. and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, 14. Cal. Code Regs. § 15000 et seq. (collectively referred to as "CEQA ") D. Pursuant to CEQA, the City is the lead agency for the Project because it is the public agency with the authority and principal responsibility for approving the Project. E. On November 3, 2010, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, the Planning Commission considered the Project and any comments received prior to or at the public hearing on November 3, 2010, at which time the City staff presented its report, and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. F. The Planning Commission reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration and all comments received regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration prior to and at the November 3, 2010 public hearing, and based on the whole record before it finds 1 that: (1) the Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; (2) there is no substantial evidence that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment; and (3) Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission. G. On January 11, 2010, the City Council of the City of Temecula considered the Project and the Negative Declaration, at a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. The Council considered all the testimony and any comments received regarding the Project and the Negative Declaration prior to an at the public hearing and based on the whole record before it finds that: the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; (2) there is no substantial evidence that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment; and (3) the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgement and analysis of the City Council. H. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Based on the findings set forth in the Resolution, the City Council hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Project. The Director of Community Development is authorized and directed to a file a Notice of Determination in accordance with CEQA. 2 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 11 day of January, 2011. ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) Ron Roberts, Mayor I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 11- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 11 day of January, 2011 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 3 Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk DATE OF MEETING: PREPARED BY: PROJECT SUMMARY: RECOMMENDATION: CEQA: PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: General Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: North: South: East: West: STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION November 3, 2010 Matt Peters, Associate Planner Planning Application Nos. PA09 -0246, a Specific Plan Amendment (text only) to change the permitted uses /development standards for Planning Area 10 of the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan to the standards of the Neighborhood Commercial zoning district with the addition to conditionally permit automobile service stations with or without an automated car wash. Project proponent proposes future car wash at the existing Arco AM /PM PA09 -0287, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the operation of a 946 square foot drive -thru car wash at the existing Arco AM /PM gas station PA09 -0288 a Development Plan to construct a 946- square foot drive -thru car wash at the existing Arco AM /PM gas station Approve with Conditions Mitigated Negative Declaration with Mitigation Monitoring Plan Gregory Hann SP -1, Roripaugh Estates NC — Neighborhood Commercial The project site is developed with an Arco AM /PM fueling station and associated convenience market. The site is surrounded by development on all sides. Across Nicolas Road, Rancho Temecula Town Center Shopping Center (Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan) Jack -in- the -Box drive -thru fast food restaurant and office building (Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan) Across Winchester Road, Chaparral High School (Community Commercial zoning /Public Institutional Facilities land use) Chaparral Village Shopping Center (Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan) 1 Existinq /Proposed Min /Max Allowable or Required Lot Area: 1.15 acres existing 30,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size Total Floor Area /Ratio: .12 existing /14 proposed .25 target F.A.R. Landscape Area /Coverage: 25% existing 25% required Parking Required /Provided: 10 existing /12 proposed 12 required (1 being ADA parking) BACKGROUND SUMMARY Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) The Specific Plan Amendment is intended to clarify that the uses permitted in Planning Area 10 of Specific Plan No. 164 shall be the same as those permitted in Section 17.080.030 of the City of Temecula Development Code under the NC — Neighborhood Commercial zoning designation. In addition, automobile service stations with or without an automated car wash may be allowed subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Furthermore, the SPA will clarify that the Development Standards in Section 17.080.040 under Neighborhood Commercial shall apply. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) The proposed self serve, automated, roll -over car wash hours are to be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The existing convenience store and fueling facility is open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., however staff recommended closing the car wash at 7 p.m. in order to minimize impacts to neighboring residential development. The 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. operating time has been included as a Condition of Approval. Development Plan (DP) Site Plan The project features a 946- square foot car wash located on the south side of the existing Arco AM /PM gas station located at the southeast corner of Nicolas and Winchester Roads. This location is appropriate considering that an existing convenience store and 12- station gas pump canopy already occupy much of the site. Good overall vehicular circulation will be maintained at the site with the addition of the car wash given that it will be located on an existing drive aisle that goes around the east and south sides of the building. In addition, access to the site and parking will not be impeded as a result of the project. The car wash is of a design typical to gas stations in that customers remain in their cars while an automated machine assembly completes the washing and drying of the vehicle. An existing vacuum cleaner along Winchester Road will be relocated by the existing pay phone and air /water station. In addition, two new vehicle parking spaces were added to comply with parking requirements. A monument sign is proposed for the corner of Nicolas and Winchester Roads. Staff included a condition of 2 approval that this will be addressed under a separate permit and consistent with the Sign Standards in the Development Code. Architecture The car wash has been designed to aesthetically integrate with the existing gas station convenience store. The overall design theme of the car wash incorporates basic Spanish architectural elements. The stucco finish, paint colors and s -tile roofing will match the existing building. An upgraded solid metal garage door has been included to maintain the design integrity of the building. Landscaping and Sound Wall Minor changes to the landscaping planters and relocation of the existing trash enclosure were required to accommodate the car wash. In addition, a Noise Study prepared for this project indicated a 6' high sound wall was necessary to mitigate noise for the neighboring Jack- in -the- Box drive - through window and neighboring residents. The sound wall has been architecturally integrated with the rest of the building and will contain recesses to accommodate landscaping and vines to "soften" the wall. In addition, an eight -foot wide decomposed granite path will accommodate the heavy foot traffic from the Chaparral High School students who regularly cut through the existing landscaping to get from the sidewalk to the convenience store. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS Notice of the public hearing was published in the Californian on October 12, 2010 and mailed to the property owners within the required 600 -foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Staff has reviewed the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and based on an initial study, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared for the project. A summary of the Mitigation Plan is included below. Cultural Resources General Impact: Directly or indirectly destroying any unique paleontological or archaeological resources. Summary of Mitigation: If any cultural resources are exposed during initial grading and ground disturbance activities the City will be contacted, and a qualified archaeologist will evaluate the resources in consultation with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Hazards and Hazardous Materials General Impact: Directly or indirectly exposing people or structures to potential adverse effects from being located within Zone E of the French Valley Airport Influence Area. Summary of Mitigation: The project shall be reviewed and conditioned by ALUC prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. 3 Noise General Impact: Substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise. Summary of Mitigation: Six -foot high sound wall extending approximately 50 feet to the east and west sides of both entry and exit garage doors of the car wash. FINDINGS Specific Plan Amendment The proposed specific plan amendment is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as requiring a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the NC- Neighborhood Commercial zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under section 17.08.040.D of the Development Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned for approval by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Planning through the Development Review Process (DRC) to ensure compliance with the General Plan, Development Code and all applicable requirements of state law and other ordinances of the City. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City. The Specific Plan Amendment has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The subject property is physically suitable for the requested land use designations and the anticipated land use developments. The Specific Plan Amendment would facilitate development of an automated car wash attached to an existing gas station. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the car wash, Loading, parking, and vehicular circulation will not be adversely affected by the project as determined by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Planning through the Development Review Process (DRC), The project will adhere to all other development features described in the Development Code. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment shall ensure development of a desirable character which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding neighborhood. The Specific Plan Amendment would allow a car wash to be located within PA10 of the Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan, which is within a heavily traveled commercial corridor that is fully developed. Surrounding uses include a high school, commercial and residential development. An initial study has been prepared and mitigation measures have been included to address noise impacts from the car wash blowers on surrounding commercial and residential 4 development. With these and other mitigation measures identified, the project will not adversely affect adjacent uses, buildings or structures. Conditional Use Permit The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. The proposal, a request for a 946- square foot automated car wash is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. This Conditional Use Permit application is accompanied by Specific Plan Amendment and Development Plan applications. The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the NC- Neighborhood Commercial zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under section 17.08.040.D of the Development Code. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The proposed car wash is to be located on a heavily traveled commercial corridor that is fully developed. Surrounding uses include a high school, commercial and residential development. An Initial Study has been prepared and mitigation measures have been included to address noise impacts from the car wash blowers on surrounding commercial and residential development. With these and other mitigation measures identified, the project will not adversely affect adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in this Development Code and required by the Planning Commission or City Council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the car wash. Loading, parking, and vehicular circulation will not be adversely affected by the project as determined by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Planning through the Development Review Process (DRC). The project will adhere to all other development features described in the Development Code. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The conditional use has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. That the decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal. The decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application is based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission and City Council. Development Plan 5 The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. This application is accompanied by a Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit application, and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Specific Plan Amendment identifies a car wash as requiring a Conditional Use Permit and clarifies that the property will be subject to the Development Standards identified for the NC- Neighborhood Commercial zoning district. Car washes are a common ancillary use for a gas station and this proposal meets the development standards for car washes under section 17.08.040. D of the Development Code. The project has been reviewed and conditioned for approval by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Planning through the Development Review Process (DRC) to ensure compliance with the General Plan and all applicable requirements of state law and other ordinances of the City. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The Development Plan has been reviewed and conditioned by Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Public Works and Planning to ensure that the use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Furthermore, the project is consistent with the requirements of the General Plan and Development Code, which contain provisions to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. ATTACHMENTS Aerial Map Plan Reductions Resolution — Specific Plan Amendment Exhibit A — Proposed Text for Specific Plan Amendment Exhibit B — Draft City Council Ordinance Resolution — Conditional Use Permit Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Draft City Council Resolution Resolution — Development Plan Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Draft City Council Resolution Resolution — Mitigated Negative Declaration Exhibit A — Initial Study Exhibit B — Mitigation Monitoring Plan Exhibit C — Draft City Council Resolution Copy of Letter Sent to Surrounding Landowners Summary of Public Informational Meeting Notice of Public Hearing 6 COUNCIL BUSINESS Item No. 18 Standing Committees Current Member(s) City Sustainability Program Committee Roberts, Washington Economic Development Committee Washington, Roberts RDA /Old Town Steering Committee (Suggest RDA Chairman be considered) Roberts, Edwards Finance Committee Edwards, Naggar Infrastructure Beautification Committee Edwards, Naggar Joint City Council /TVUSD Committee Edwards, Washington Murrieta /Temecula Committee Naggar, Washington Public Works /Facilities Committee Edwards, Roberts Quality of Life /Temecula 2030 Master Plan Committee Roberts, Washington Southwest Cities Coalition Committee Edwards, Comerchero Commission Liaison (One Member) Current Member Community Services Commission Comerchero Old Town Local Review Board Washington Planning Commission Naggar Public /Traffic Safety Commission Edwards CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager /City Council FROM: Susan W. Jones, City Clerk/Director of Support Services DATE: January 11, 2011 SUBJECT: Selection of 2011 City Council Committee Assignments RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager 0 /-e-r - Ae, OciL 1. Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as liaison to each of the City Commissions and Committees: 2. Appoint two members of the City Council to serve on each of the following Standing Committees: 1 Representative Assignments (External Organizations) Current Member(s) Animal Shelter Liaison /JPA Representative Edwards League of California Congress — 2011 Voting Delegate (Suggest Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem) Comerchero, (Alternate Roberts) National League of Cities Annual Congress — 2011 Voting Delegate (Suggest Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem) Comerchero, (Alternate Roberts) Military Liaison Representative New Murrieta Creek Representative Edwards Pechanga Tribal Council Liaison Roberts, (Alternate Naggar) RCA Representative Edwards, (Alternate Washington) Rancho California Water District Liaison Comerchero, Roberts Riverside County Child Safety Commission (Suggest possible deletion) Edwards Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency Board Edwards Riverside County Transportation Commission Roberts, (Alternate Comerchero) Riverside Transit Agency Representative Comerchero, (Alternate Edwards) Temecula Sister City Liaison Roberts WRCOG /Zone Committee (relating to TUMF Program for WRCOG) (Suggest combining WRCOG & Zone Committee) Washington, (Alternate Edwards) Ad Hoc Subcommittees — (Can be one or two members) Current Member(s) Community Service Funding Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Naggar Diaz Property Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington External Communications Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Edwards Firestone Property Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Naggar French Valley Parkway Interchange Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Higher Education Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington Homeless Needs Ad Hoc Subcommittee Washington, Edwards Jefferson Corridor Ad Hoc Subcommittee New Luxury Car Dealership Ad Hoc Subcommittee Washington, Roberts Military Ad Hoc Subcommittee (Suggest combining with Military Liaison added above) Washington, Edwards Nicolas Valley Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Old Town Civic Center Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Old Town Gym Ad Hoc Subcommittee New Promenade Mall Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Washington Ronald Reagan Sports Park Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Naggar Roripaugh Ranch Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Roberts Santa Margarita Annexation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Comerchero 3. Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following Representative Assignments (External Organizations): 4. Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following Ad Hoc Subcommittees: 2 South Temecula Land and Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Summerhouse Senior Housing Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Washington Temecula Healthcare Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Naggar Transit/Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Roberts, Comerchero Wall of Honor Ad Hoc Subcommittee Comerchero, Edwards Youth Court Ad Hoc Subcommittee Edwards, Comerchero Youth Master Plan Implementation Ad Hoc Subcommittee Naggar, Washington BACKGROUND: The City Council has established the policy of appointing one of its members to serve as liaison to each of the city commissions. This policy also included appointing council members to serve as the council's representatives to external organizations and on a number of standing committees and ad hoc subcommittees. The above committee structure is recommended to facilitate the efficient flow of communication. Each year this list is reviewed and revised for the upcoming calendar year. The council members appointed on each of these respective committees will serve through calendar year 2011. Ad Hoc Subcommittees are formed for a specific limited purpose and will operate for a limited time until its purposes are fulfilled ("ad hoc ") as opposed to "standing committees" that have continuing subject matter jurisdiction. The descriptions of the purposes and duration of the proposed ad hoc subcommittees are as follows: Community Service Funding Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee reviews funding applications from various non - profit organizations requesting Community Service funding for the year. This committee will meet in October /November 2011 and will make specific recommendations to the City Council for 2011 community services funding. Diaz Property Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible for evaluating and negotiating terms and conditions associated with the disposition and development of the Agency owned property located at the North West Corner of Diaz Road and Dendy Parkway. Currently, the responses to request for qualifications of developers are pending before the Agency and are expected to be acted upon in 2011. The term of this committee is through the completion of the development or disposition of the property. External Communications Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible for addressing the expansion of local news coverage possibly in both radio and television not only within Temecula but the Inland Empire. Of significant challenge for this committee will be the support and presentation of a new or "niche" Designated Media Area (DMA) for consideration by Federal officials and the FCC. The subcommittee will report back to the Council on its findings by December 2011 with more frequent updates as may be necessary. Firestone property Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will provide staff direction on development options for the property located west of Pujol below the western escarpment. This property would include the construction of the Western By -Pass Corridor and has potential for an "in town" residential neighborhood adjacent to Old Town. The term of this committee is through the completion of the development and disposition of the property. French Valley Parkway Interchange Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee shall work with representatives from Caltrans, Federal Highways, and elected officials at the city, state, and federal levels. It is anticipated this subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. 3 Higher Education Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible for attracting and facilitating the development of a higher education facility in the City of Temecula. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendation by December 2011 with more frequent updates as may be necessary. Homeless Needs Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible to work with county and non - profit, faith -based sector to explore transitional shelters for the homeless. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. Jefferson Corridor Ad Hoc Subcommittee — City Council has given staff direction to analyze the redevelopment of the Jefferson Corridor, the City's first commercial district. This Subcommittee will provide staff with direction as we analyze the potential for an urbanized extension of Old Town including increased commercial and corporate office opportunities as well as mixed use residential development. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. Luxury Car Dealership Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible for the attraction of luxury car dealerships to our community. Auto sales represent a large percentage of sales tax revenue to the City and the expansion and attraction of dealerships will preserve a revenue stream to maintain City services. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. Military Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee shall work with the Veterans of Foreign (VFW), Camp Pendleton, and other branches of the military to assist active members of the military with special projects and community outreach. (Suggest combining with Military Liaison) Nicolas Valley Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee shall work with the residents of Nicolas Valley to develop new land use designations which could ultimately allow the formation of an Assessment District to allow for the paving of certain roads in Nicolas Valley. It is anticipated that this subcommittee will need to guide this effort for the next year. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. Old Town Civic Center Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee is responsible for reviewing and providing general guidance related to the Civic Center in Old Town. It is also responsible for evaluating and negotiating terms and conditions associated with the disposition and development of the Agency owned property located adjacent to the Town Square along Main Street in Old Town. The term of this committee is through the completion of the Civic Center and the adjacent properties. Old Town Gymnasium Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee shall work with staff and the community to develop and construct a gymnasium in the Old Town Temecula area adjacent to the Boys and Girls Club. It is envisioned that the facility will be a full size gymnasium with restroom facilities, office space and all equipment necessary for competitive youth basketball play. Promenade Mall Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee was established to provide policy direction for the expansion to the Promenade Mall. It is anticipated that the mall will continue to evolve and this subcommittee will be necessary through 2011. Ronald Reagan Sports Park Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will meet as needed and work with the Friends of the Ronald Reagan Sports Park on items pertaining to this facility. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. 4 Roripaugh Ranch Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will monitor and report on the issues affecting the Roripaugh Ranch Community Facility District Bonds, litigation affecting the Roripaugh Ranch Project, and development issues affecting the Roripaugh Ranch Project. The subcommittee shall report back to the Council as needed through 2011. Santa Margarita Annexation Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This committee will assist Planning Department staff in discussions and information dissemination with LAFCO staff and Commission members on the Santa Margarita Annexation. This committee will meet on an as needed basis through December 2011. South Temecula Land and Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee — The purpose of this ad hoc subcommittee would be to review and provide direction on regional transportation and planning /land use issues in south Temecula extending from Ynez /De Portola Road south to the San Diego County Line. Projects such as Temecula Creek Inn, the proposed Heritage Hotel and potential changes to the proposed hospital would also be brought before this subcommittee. Summerhouse Senior Housing Development Ad Hoc Subcommittee — The Summerhouse Ad Hoc Subcommittee provides policy direction to staff regarding the Summerhouse Affordable Housing Development which is currently under construction. There are several milestones as this project proceeds that may necessitate direction from the Ad Hoc Subcommittee during 2011. Temecula Healthcare Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee was formed to facilitate new hospitals in Temecula. It is anticipated that this subcommittee will need to continue through 2011. Transit/Transportation Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee shall work with staff on the development and implementation of commuter transit services between Temecula Valley and north San Diego County. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. Wall of Honor Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will work with staff to make recommendations regarding community members who have made significant contributions to the City of Temecula. This subcommittee is needed on an on -going basis to potentially recognize outstanding citizens. Youth Court Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will work with staff, and the Temecula and Murrieta Police Departments to monitor and encourage continued participation in this program which focuses on rehabilitation and provides an alternative to the traditional juvenile criminal system. Youth Master Plan Implementation Ad Hoc Subcommittee — This subcommittee will work with staff and the community to implement phases of the Youth Master Plan. The subcommittee will report back to the City Council on its recommendations by December 2011. FISCAL IMPACT: None 5