HomeMy WebLinkAboutTemecula Lane CC&Rs nEc0RDRt$ElGQ UESBTYED LAr#t#RI]LSE C 0. RecordingR equestedB Y: WhenR ecordedM ailTo: Luce,F orward,H amilton& ScrippsL LP 600'WestB roadwaYS, uite2 600 SanD iego,C A 92101-3 372 Attn: NancY T. Scull, Esq. Horton/TemeculLaa ne ñlaster CC&Rs 20838-0017/8 2 124i38.I 4 qøg./2g5_t# z _ ø2øØ7r,.r@L ?7ø_1.@IJiñ 3 4.o'6 ø781 Rccordcd In Offlclal Rceords County of Rlvcrsldr _ Larry U. Uard .. n3sc3sor, County Clerk t Rccord¡r It liliilli tli tl lti| litillitll iill tillill 3lo 3orì : ^>J_ {crì vl 5 MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITTONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE TEMECULA LANE MA'STER COMMUNITY S R U PAGE SIZE DA MISC LONG RFD COPY L )2 M A L 465 426 PCORNCOR SMF NCHG o(rl T014 N CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION PROVTSION TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE F'EDERAL ARBITRÀTION ACT. YOU SHOULD CONSULT LEGAI-COUNSEL WITII ANY QUESTIONS ON THESE OR OTIIER PROVISIONS OF THIS MASTER ARTICLE I L l t . 2 1.3 ARTICLE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe RECiTALS PropertOy wnedB y Declarant...'....'.....' """"'l Rightt o 4nnex........ """"""""""'l Naiureo f MasterC ommunity """"""""""""'1 n DEFINITIONS............. """ """"""' '¿a AdditionaCl harges """""""""""'¿ a AdditionaPl roperty.'... """"""""'¿a Annexation """"""""¿a Budget....... """"""""4 CapitaIlm provemeAnts sessmen'.t.s.. ..'." """"""""""""'2 C i r y . . . . .... " " " " " " " " 2a Close of Escrow """"La CommonE xpenses..'. """""""""'J Condominiu.m. . . . . . . -' -. . """"""""'r County....... """"""""4 CustomeCr areP rogram............... """"""""""t Declarant """""""""'4Å Delegate """"""""""r DelegateD istrict """"+À DRE.......... """"""""'r EligibleH o1der..............-......'..... """"""""""'4 EnforcemeAnts sessmen..t.s. .'.'-.-.... """""""'44 Final Map """""""""-C First Mortgage.......-..... """"""""'J First Mortgagee........... """"""""'J( FiscaYl ear......,... """"""""""""'J HorneowneMr aintenancMe anttal """""""""5 lmprovemen.t.s. .......... c lnstitutionaMl ortgagee """"""""J Invitee """""""""""'5 E Limited Warranty... """""""""""J MaintenancOeb iigations.'......-...-'.. """"""""6 MasterA rchitechriCalo mmittee............... """"""""""""'6 MasteAr ¡chitecturGalu idelines.'.....'..'."" """"""""""""6 MasteAr rticles...... """""""""""'6 MasteAr ssociation """""""""""'6 MasterA ssociatioMn aintenancAer eas.."" """""""""""'o MasterA ssociatioMn aintenancMe anual"' """""""""""'6 MasterA ssociatioPnr operly...'. """""""""""6 MasterA ssociatioRn utes """"""6 MasterB oardo r MasterB oardo f Directors"" """"""' """"""""""""7 MasteBr vlaws """""7 2 . 1 2.2 2.3 'l tl 2-5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2 . t 0 2 . r l 2.12 2.13 2 . t 4 2 . t 5 2 . r 6 2 . t 1 2 . 1 8 2.r9 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 .r aA ?.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 Horton/TemecuLlaan e MasreCr C&Rs 20818-0I 708 /2 1 2433l84. 2.38 MasterC ommunity """"""""""" /2.3g MasterC ommunitHy andbook.' """""""""""7 2.40 MasterD eclaration """""""""""'7 2.41. MasterG overninDg ocuments """"""""""""7 1 2.42 Member.... """"""""' '/2.43 Mortgage.. """"""""' /2.44 Mortgagee """"""""' /-2.45 Multi-UsTe rail......--.. """"""""" /-2.46 Notice and Hearing """"""""""" /2.47 OperatinRg ules.. ....... """"""""" /2.48 Owner....... """"""""'7 2.4g Person....... """"""""'8 2.50 Phase """"""""""""'8 2.51 PrivateS eweIrm provements,,.....'..," """"""'8 2.52 PrivateS tormO ràinI mprovements..",""""" ""'""""""""8 2.53 PrivateS treets """""'8 2.54 PrivateW aterS ystemIm provements.....""""' """""""""'8 2.55 Property.... """"""""'8 2.56 Public RePort """"""8 Z.S7 Reflectiona ndE nclaveM asteAr ssociatioMn aintenancAer eas ....'.."8 2.58 RegulaAr ssessmen' .t.s' . . . . . . . . . . . . . """"""""""'8 2.5g Residence """""""""8 2.60 ResidentiLaol t............. """"""""8 2.61 SharedD riveways """"""""""""9 2.62 SideY ardM aintenancAer eas """"""""""""9 2.63 Site Site PIan """"""""""9 2.64 SpeciaAl ssessmen' .t.s. . ' . . ' . . . . . , , . """""""""""9 2.65 Subassociation......-'..... """"""""'9 2.66 SubassociatiAosns essments..'....."" """""""'9 2.67 SubassociatiBoona rd.. """"""""'9 2.68 SubassociatiDone claration..'......." """"""""'9 2.69 SubassociatiGono verninDg ocuments."""""" """"""""'9 2.70 SubassociatiPorno perty................. """"""""'9 211 SupplementaDrye claration..'.'.'..".. """"""""9 2.72 Voting Power """""10 ARTICLE3 OWNERSHIPA ND EASEMENTS...-......... """"""""""" 10 3.1 Ownershiopf ResidentialLots....... """""""'10 3.2 Ownershiopf Condominium'...'..... """""""'10 3.3 Rightso fÛse of theM asterA ssociatioPn roperfy""' """10 3.4 Delegatioonf Use ""'-"""""""" 10 3.5 Easements """""""' 10 3.6 Light, Air and View.......... """"'12 3.7 Rigtrot f eccess....'...-... """"""" t2 3.8 MasterA ssociatioRni ghto f Entry. ..""""" """"""""""' 12 3.g ReciprocaEl asemenftos r SharedD riveways """"""""" t2 Horton/TemeculLaa ne Ìv{asterC C&Rs 2ù838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338.t 4 3.10 Final Map Easements. """""""" 14 3.1I TrailE asements..'.'..'.." """"""" 14 ARTICLE 4 THE MASTER ASSOCIATION........... ""''"'' 14 4.1 The Organization """""""""""' t4 4.2 DetegaiDe istricts...'. """"""""" 14 4.3 MasterA ssociationA ction;M asterB oardo f Directorsa ndO fficers;M embers' APProval """"""""'14 4.4 Powerso f MasterAssociation """"""""""'15 4.5 Dutieso f TheM asterA ssociation """"""""' 17 4.6 Limitationso n Authorilyo f MasterB oard """""""""""20 4.7 Contracts """"""""'22 4.8 PersonaLli abiliry..'. """""""""'221 1 4.9 AdditionaPl rovisions.. """""""'LL ARTTCLE 5 MEMBERSHIP AND VOTTNG zuGHTS IN THE MASTER ASSOCIATION ".'22 5.t Membership...'.......-...' """""""'22 5.2 Numbeor f Votes..... """""""""'23 ARTICLE 6 ASSESSMENTS ..."."24 6.1 Cleationo f Liena ndP ersonalObligatifoonr A ssessments.'..'....""""""""" """24 6.2 Purposoef Assessments"""""" """"""""""24 6.3 RegulaAr ssessmen"t"s"" """" """"""""""25 6.4 SpéciaAl ssessments......""""" """""""""""26 6.5 CapitaIlm provemenAts sessment"""""""' """"""""""'26 6.6 EnforcemenAts sessmen"t"s"" """' """"""'27 6.7 ChangeTso Assessments"""""" """""""""27 6.8 Level Assessments......"""""' """""""""""'28 6.9 Dateo f commencemenotf RegularA ssessmentDsu; eD ates'. ........."""""""""'29 6.10 Noticea ndA ssessmeInnts tallmenDt ueD ates'-"""' """29 6.1t EstoppeCl ertifrcate.' """""""""29 6.12 Collectioonf AssessmenLtsie; ns """"""""'30 6.13 AdditionaCl harges """"""""""'31 6.14 Waiveor f Exemþtions...-.'...'."' """"""""""32 6.15 SubordinatiooniL i.n To FirstM ortgages """""""""""32 6.16 No Offsets """""""'32 6.17 PersonaLli abilityo f Owner..' """""""""""'32 . 6.1 8 Transfeor f Property """""""""'32 6.19 Failureto Fix Assessmen""ts"" """" """""'33 6.20 PropertyE xempFt romA ssessments """"""33 6.21 MasterA ssociatioPn ropertyIm provements""""""" """33 ARTiCLE7 USER ESTzuCTIONS ...... ......"...34 7.1 ResidentiUasl e...'.....". """""""34 7.2 CommerciaUls e...-...... """""""'34 7.3 Rentaol f Residences...."""""' """""""""""34 7.4 Time Sharing'.............. """""""'34 iii HortonÆemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 10838-0I0 7 8/2 124138l4. 1.5 Animais """""""""'35 7.6 A¡tenna Restrictions """""""""35 7.7 Signsa ndD isplays.." """"""""'36 7.8 Parkinga ndV ehic,,laRr estriction"s" """" "' "' """"""'36 7.g Trash """""""""""'37 7.10 Mechanic'Lsi ens..'..-.... """"""'38 7.11 Installations """"""'38 7.12 MineraEl xploration """""""""'39 7.13 Offensiveio nduct,N uisances" """"""""""39 7.14 Entry Gates """""""39 7.15 View tmpairment """""""""""'39 7.16 Window-Coverings """"""""""40 7.1.7 Drainage... """""""'40 7.l8 Declarint'sE xemptionfr omU seR estrictions """"""""40 7.lg Cornpliancwe ith i{equiremenRtse gardingP rojectS tormW aterP ollution.......".4l 7 .20 Landscaping..............'. """""""'42 7.21 PostT ensionS labs """"""""""'42 7.22 Lighting Restrictions """""""""42 7.23 CompliãncWe ithL aws,E tc""""""' """"""43 7.24 Indemnification............ """""""43 ARTiCLE 8 MASTER ASSOCIATIONP ROPERTYA, ND MATNTENANCE RESPONSIBILITTES .........43 8.1 Maintenancoeb lìgationosf ownerso f ResidentiLaot ts ...-..'.'.....""'43 8.2 Maintenancoeb ligationosf ownerso f condominium -.-...-.....'.....'...44 8.3 SubassociatioMna intenancOeb ligations """"""""""""44 8.4 Maintenancoef Fences """""""44 8.5 Owner'sF ailuret o Maintain """45 8.6 MaintenancOe btigationosf MasterA ssociation """"""'45 8.7 Damageb y Owneis. """""""""'45 8.8 ¡'uturJConstruction """""""""'46 8.9 Inspectiono f theM asterC ommunify """""'46 8.10 FutureC onstructio..n. ....."""" """""""""""46 g.l I Maintenanceo f PrivateW aterS ystemIm provementsP, rivateS ewer lmprovementsa ndP rivateS tormD rain Improvement"s" """"' """"46 ARTICLE9 ARCHITECTURALR EVIEW." ..,........""..."'47 9.1 Non-Appticabilittoy D eclarant""""""""" """""""""""47 g.2 Scope....'.'.. """""""47 g.3 MasteAr rchitecrurGalu idelines""""""""' """"""""""'47 g.4 Approvaol f Plansa ndS pecifications """""'47 9.5 lnspectiona ndC onectiono f Work """""""'49 9.6 DilìgencIen Construction"""""" """"""""'50 g.7 Fee For Review...... """"""""""50 9.8 Lnterpretation."...'.........' """"""'50 g.g Waiver.'..". """""""50 FlortonÆemecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 124338l4. IV 9.10 EstoppeCl ertificate.. " """""""51 9.1t L i a b i l i t y . . . . . " " " " " " " ' 5 1 g.12 Variances... """"""""5I 9 . l 3 A p p o i n t m e n t o f M a s t e r A r c h i t e c t t r r a l C o m m i t t e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . . ' . 5 1 g.l4 Compensation.....-....... " """""""52 9.t 5 Non-Applicabilittoy Declarant....."""""" "' """"""""""52 9.16 Amendments...'........... """"""""52 ARTICLEt 0 DEVELOPMENTz uGHTS'... " "" """""""52 10.1 Limitationosf Restrictions....."""" """""""'52 10.2 Rightso f Accessa ndC ompletioonf Construction"" """52 10.3 Sizea ndA ppearancoef MasterC ommunity """"""""""53 10.4 Marketingiú ghts """"""""""""54 10.5 Alteratioñtso Map """""""""""54 10.6 Title Rights """""""54 10.7 Powero f Attotney """""""""""'55 10.8 Amendment'..'...'.....'... """"""""'55 ARTICLE ll [NSURANCE..'....... """""""^"""s5 I 1.1 Liabilityl nsurance """"""""""'55 ll.2 Additiona[ln sureds..... """"""""'56 I 1.3 PropertyIn surance " """""""""'56 ll.4 IndividuaIln surance... """"""""'57 11.5 FidelityB ond-. . . . . . . ' """"""""""'57 11 .6 Worker'sC ompensatioInns urance"""""""" """""""""57 Il.1 Directorsa ndO fficersl nsurance """""""""'57 I 1.8 Otherln surance... """"""""""""57 11.9 Copieos f Policies " """""""""'58 t l.l0 Reviewo f Insuranc' .e' . . . . . . ' . " " ' """"""""""'58 I 1.1I MasterB oard'sA uthorityt o ReviseIn surancCe overage ..'.....'.....'..'58 ll.l2 Adjustmenotf Losses.'. """""""'58 t 1.13 Distributiotno Mortgagee""s" """' """""""'58 t 1.14 CompliancWe ith FeãeraRl egulation""s" """" """""""58 ARTICLE I 2 DESTRUCTIONO F IMPROVEMENTSA ND CONDEMNATION". ..........". ". 59 l2.l RestoratioDne fined """"""""""59 12.2 InsuredC asualry.... """"""""""'59 12.3 RestoratioPnr oceeds..'. """""""59 12.4 RebuildingC ontract.... """""""'59 12.5 Private Streets """""60 12.6 InsurancTer ustee """""""""""'60 12.7 Condemnatioonf MasterA ssociatioPnr operly"" """""'60 12.8 Minor Repair and Reconstruction""" """"""60 l2.g Damagetã ResidentiaLto t...,'... " """"""""'60 t2.10 Conde-nnatioofn a ResidentiLaol t" """"" """"""""""'61 ARTICLE1 3z uGHTSO FM ORTGAGEES Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 I 24338I.' t 6 l t t I t a ' ) r 3.3 13.4 r 3.5 r 3.6 t3.7 13.8 r 3.9 13l.0 13.11 t3.t2 r3t.3 1 3 . 1 4 t 3 . t 5 r3.l 6 13l.7 13t.8 r 3 . 1 9 13.20 ARTICLE 14 AMENDMENTS """"' """""""65 l4.l AmendmenBt eforet heC loseo f FirstS ale" """"' """""65 14.2 AmenclmenAtsf ter theC loseo f FirstS ale" """"' """""'65 14.3 ConflictW ith Article 13o r OtherP rovisionosf ThisM asterD eclaration......-.'...67 14.4 AdditionaAi pprovalsR equirefdo rA mendments........... .................'.67 14.5 Businesasn d-ProfessioCnso deS ectiont 1018'7""" """'67 14.6 Reliancoen Amendments.........'.' """"""""'67 ARTiCLE 15 ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTY ."..",...67 15.1 Annexation """""""'67 15.2 AnnexationW ithoutA pproval...' """""""""68 15.3 CovenanRtsu nningw itht heL and........... """"""""""""68 15.4 SupplementaDrye ólaration..-.......... """""""69 15.5 MasteAr ssociatioPnr operty..'.. """"""""""'69 15.6 Rightsa ndO bligationosf Owners'..."""" """""""""""'69 15.7 Mergerosr Coniolidations--....... """""""""'69 15.8 De-Annexation'-.-..'..... """""""'69 ARTICLE 16 ENFORCEMENT '.""""""""""'70 16.1 Term.......... """""""70 16.2 Enforcemenatn dN onwaive"r" """ """""""70 16.3 Noticeo f ActionsA gainsDt eclarant """"""70 16.4 AlternativeD isputeR esolution. """"""""""71 ARTICLE1 7G ENERALP ROVISIONS.. ....... .'.""""""""75 17.1 Headings """""""""75 vi Horton/TemeculLaa ne lvfastcr CC&Rs 20818-001782/r 243381.4 17.2 City Approval'....'........'. """""""75 11.3 SeveraÚliry """""""75 17.4 CumulativRee medies """"""""'75 l7.5 Violationass N uisance """"""""75 17.6 No RaciaRl estriction-""""""""'75 17.7 Accestso Books """'75 17.8 LiberaCl onstruction.'.'........"" """""""""""75 17.g Notificatioonf Saleo f Residenc"e"" """"" """"""""""'76 i7.10 NumberG; ender....-.. """""""""'76 17.I I Exhibits """ """"""'76 I7.lZ BindingE ffect........ """"""""""'76 L7.13 EasemãnRtse serveadn dG ranted """""""""76 17.14 StatutorRy eferences """""""""'76 17.1 5 ,tppticaúilityo f FHA,TVAR egulations """"'76 ARTICLE 18 CITY CONSENT "."'77 18.1 City Review of Master Declaration """""""'77 18.2 Limitationo f City Approval """'77 18.3 Conditionosf Approval....""""""" """"""""77 18.4 Consenotf City....... """"""""""77 18.5 Enforcemeonft theM asteDr eclaratiobny thec ify....... ... -..'..'.--.-."'77 LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT "4"............ LEGAL DESCzuPTIOON FP ROPERTY EXHIBIT "8" ............ ......L. EGAL DESCzuPTIONO F ADDITTONALP ROPERTY EXHIBIT" C".....,...... ...".SITEP LAN EXHIBIT "D"............ SIDEY ARD MATNTENANCEA REAS EXHTBTT"8 "............. "..SHAREDD zuVEWAYS EXHIBTT" F"............. MULTI-USET RAIL EXHIBIT "G"............ .......REFLECTIONASN D ENCLAVE MASTERA SSOCTATIONM AINTENANCEA REA Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-001782/1 24138l4. vií MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE TEMECULA LANE MASTER COMMUNTTY THISMASTERDECLARATIONOFCOVENANTS,CONDITIONSAND RESTRICTTONS OF THE TEMECULA LANE MASTER COMMTINITY ("MAStCT Dectararion") is madea s or r4xr lJ , 2007, by GONTINENTAL RESIDENTIAT, lNC., a Califomiac orporationfO éctarant"), with referenceto the factss etf orthb elow. ARTICLE 1 RECITALS t.t property Owned By Declarant. Declarant is the Owner of that certain real property1 ..frop.rty@in tft" City of TemeculaC, ounlyo f Riverside,S tateo f Califomia, rnorep articularlyd escribeodn Exhibit "A'" l.Z Risht to Annex. Declarantm ay adda ll or any of the real propertyd escribedin Exhibit cegr(r. ,Additionutp roperty") and saidA dditionalP ropertys o annexedw ill thereupon be subjectt o this MasterD eclarationa ndb ecomea parto f theP roperfy. 1.3 Nature of Master Community. Declarant intends to develop a Master Community"o@itdeve1opnrentownerS hipandcondominiumownership within rhe meaningo icatiiornia Businessa nd ProfessionCs ode Section1 1004.5(c)C, alifornia Civil Code Section l35l(k), and California Civil Code Section 1351(Ð to conform with the provisionso f the CalifornìaS ubdividedL andsL aw (CalifomiaB usinessa nd ProfessionCs ode Section 11000,e t seq.a) nd to subjectt he Propertyt o certainl imitations,r estrictionsc,o nditions and covenantsa sh eräínaftesre tf orth, in accordancwe ith thep rovisionso f CaliforniaC ivil Code Sections 1350,e t seq. Íf developeda s plannedt he Propertyi,n cludinga ny AdditionalP roperfy that may hereafter be annèxed thereto, will consist of three (3) neighborhoods (.,Neighbãrhoods")e acho f which will haved ifferentp roductf ypest hat will be marketeda nd sold unders eparatme arketingn amest o be knowna s" Reflections,""E nclave"a nd" Buflgalows." The ..Bungalãws"n eighborhãodw ill consisto f single-familyh omesl ocatedo n single-family tots. The ..Reflectionsn; eighborhoodw itl consisto f townhomec ondominiumsT. he "Enclave" neighborhoodw ill consisto i tri-pl.* .ondominiums.E achr achr esidences hallh avea ppurtenantot it a m"embershiipn theT emeculaL ane MasterA ssociationa, Californian on-profitm utualb enef,rt corporation. Due to the additionalm aintenancea nd managemenits suesr elatedt o attached condominiums, a separate subassociation will be established to govern the Enclave Neighborhooda ndt he ReflectionsN eighborhooda ndt heref-oreth, e EnclaveN eighborhooadn d the ReflectionsN eighborhoodw ill be governedb y both the Master Associationa nd the SubassociationA. sift plans howingt he approximatelo cationo f the productl ypesi s aftacheda s Exhibit "C" ("Site Plan"). DECLARATION Declarantd eclarest hat the Property is, and shall be, held, conveyed,h ypothecated, encumberedl,e asedr,e nted,u sed,o ccupieda nd improveds ubjectt o the follorvingl imitations, I Horton/Te¡¡reculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20E-]8-00I 7 8/2124338.14 restrictionsre asementsc,o venantsc, ondiiions,l iens and chargesa, ll of which are declareda nd agreed to be in furtheranceo f a plan of ownershipa s describedi n CaliforniaC ivil Code Sãction 1350,e t seq. for the subdivision,i mprovementp, rotection,m aintenancea,n d sale of Residencesw ithin the Properfya, nda ll of which ared eclareda nd agreedt o be for thep urposeo f enhancing,m aintainingu nd ptot.rting the valuea nd attractivenesosf the Properfy. All of the limitatioris, restrictionse, asementsc,o venantsc, onditionsl,i ens and chargess hall run with the land, shall be bindingo n andi nuret o the benefito f all partiesh avingo r acquiringa nyr ight,t itle or interesti n the Prolerty,s hallb e enforceable quitables ervirudesa nd shallb e bindingo n and inure to the benefito ittt" successors-in-interoefs st uchp arties. Declarantf urtherd eclaretsh ati t is the expressi ntent that this MasterD eclarations.a tisfyt he requirementso f CaliforniaC ivil CodeS ection1 354. ARTICLE 2 DEFINITTONS Unlesst he he contexto therwises pecif,reosr requirest,h e termsd efinedi n this Articles hall, for all purposeso f thisM asterD eclarationh, avet he meaningsh ereins pecified' Z.l Additional Charees. The term "Additional Charges" means costs, fees, charges and expenditures, t".t"dt"g *ttf*ut timitation, attorneys' fees, late charges, interest and recordiåg and filing fees actually incurred by the Master Association in collecting and/or enforcingp aymenot f assessmentfsin, esa nd/orp enalties' Z.Z Additionat Property. The term "Additional Property" means all of the real propertyd escribeodn Exhibit'68." 2.3 Annexation. The term "Annexation"m eansth e processb y whicht heA dditional property rnuy Eã rnrud" *bject to this Master Declaration as set forth in the A¡ticle of this Declaratione ntitled" Annexationo f AdditionalP roperty"' 2.4 Budget. The term "Budget" meanst he budgetf or the MasterA ssociationth at setsf orth all theC ommonE xpensetso be allocateda monga ll Owners. 2.5 Capital Improvement Assessments. The term "Capital Improvement Assessmentr"rn ""ni thã *r"ssments that are leviedp ursuant o the provisionso f Article 6 of this Master Declaration' 2.6 @. The term "City" means the City of Temecula, State of Califomia, a municipal corporation. Z.i Close of Escrow. The term "Close of Escrow" means the date on which a deed is recorded "ono"yinffiriderrce under authority of a Public Report. The term "Close of Escrow" shalln ot includet he recordationo f a deedb efweenD eclaranta nda nys uccessotor any riehts of Declaranht ereunder. Hortor/lemecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 78/2124338.11 2.g Common ExÞenses.T he term "CommonE xpenses"r eferst o the actuala nd estimatedc ostsa nd.*p."r.. i*ed or to be incunedb y the MasterA ssociationo, r theM aster Board, including, without limitation, the following: 2.8,1 maintenancem, anagemento, peration,r epair and replacemenot f the Master AssociationP roperty,M aster AssociationM aintenanceA ¡eas and any Improvements locatedt hereona nda nyä therportiono f the MasterC ommunityr equiredt o be maintainebdy the MasterA ssociationu ndert hisM asterD eclaration, 2.g.2 the costsi ncurredi n administeringa ny committeesfo rmedb y the Master Associations, ubjecto thep rovisionso f the MasterG overningD ocuments; 2.8.3 due but unPaid assessments; 2.g.4 costs of management and administration of the Master Association, including, without limitation, compensation paid by the Master Association to managers' accountantsa,t torneysa, rchitectas nd employee;s 2.g.5 the costs of any utilities, and other services benefiting the Owners and their Residencetso thee xtents xtents uchs ervicesa rep aidf or by the MasterA ssociation; 2..g.6 the costso f frre, casualfyl,i ability, worker's compensatioann da ny other insurancem aintainedb y theM asterA ssociation; 2.8.1 reasonabler eservesa s deemeda ppropriateb y the Master Board or otherwiser equiredp ursuantto the MasterG ovemingD ocuments; 2.8.8 the costs of bonding of tlie members of the Master Board and any professionarln anaginagg ento r any otherp ersonh andlingt hef undso f the MasterA ssociation; 2.8.9 taxesp aidb y theM asterA ssociation; 2.8.10a mountsp aid by the MasterA ssociationfo r the dischargeo f any lien or encumbrancele vieda gainstt he Master AssociationP roperfy,M aster AssociationM aintenance Areas or portions thereof; Z.g.lI the costso f any others ervicesp rovidedb y or for the MasterA ssociation; and 2.8.12a ny othere xpensesin curredb y the MasterA ssociationin connectionw ith the operation,a nd/or maintenancèo f the Master AssociationP roperty,M asterA ssociation MaintenanceA reasa nd any lmprovementsl ocatedt hereono r in furtheranceo f the purposeso r the dischargeo f any obligâtionii mposedo n the MasterA ssociationb y the MasterG overning Documents. Z.g C-ondominium. The term "Condominium" means an estate in real property as definedi n CaliforniãTivil Codes ection l35l(Ð, consistingo f an undividedi nteresat sa tenantin-common in a¡ or any portion of the applicable Common Area (as defined in the 3 Horton/'femccula Lane Mastcr CC&Rs 20838-00| 7 8/2 I 24318.I 4 SubassociationD eclaration)t,o getherw ith a separatefe e interest in a ResidentiaUl nit (as def,rnedin the SubassociatioDne claration)a, nda nyo thers eparatein terestsin the Properlya sa re described in this Master Declaration, the SubassociationD eclaration, the applicable Condominiump lan or in the deedc onveyingt he Condominium. The Condominiumsw ill be sold undert he marketingn ameR eflectionsa ndE nclave' 2.10 counw. The term" counfy" meansth ec ounty of Riverside. 2.ll Customer Care Program. The term "Customer Care Program" means the CustomerCu,,P,o@omeowner MaintenanceManuaIthatprovidescertain servicesw ith respect o the Residenceds uring the f,rrsty ear after the sale of suchR esidences from Declarantu ndera uthorityo f a PublicR eport' Z.12 Declarant. The term "Declarant"m eansC ontinentalR esidentialI,n c,, a California .orpotuti* andi ts successorasn da ssignsi,f such successorasn d assignsa cquirea ny or all of Declàrant'sin teresti n the Properlyf or the purposeo f purchaseo r sale,e xcludinga xcludinga ny Owners, and Declaranht as expresslyt ransferredo r assignedto such successorosr assignsit s rights and dutiesa sD eclarantto all or any portiono f theM asterC ommunity' For anys uccessor or"assigneeo f ,,Declarantt"o be deemeda Declaranut ndert he termso f this MasterD eclaration' Declarãnts hall recordi n the county a certificates o designatings aid successoor r assigneea s Declarant. A successoDr eclaranst halla lsob e deemedto inctudet he benefrciaryu ndera nyd eed of trust securinga n obligationf rom a then existingD eclaranet ncumberinga ll or any portiono f the property thãt benef,õiaryl .rasa cquired any such property by foreclosure,p ower of saleo r deedi n lieu of suchf oreclosureo r sale. Z.l3 Delegate.T he term" Delegate"m eansa persone lectedi n the mannepr rovidedin the SubassooiatioGn werning Documentsto representth e collectivev oting powero f all of the Membersw ithin thep ortiono f the Properlyc omprisingth eD elegateD istrict of suchD elegate. Z.l4 DelegateD istrict. The term ""DelegateD istrict" meansa particularp ortiono f the properfy "r.ut.ffiãñun*r describedin the Sectiono f the MasterB ylawse ntitled" Delegate Districts." Z.I5 DRE. The term" DRE" meanst heC aliforniaD epartmenot f RealE state. 2.16 Elieible llolder. The term "EligibleH older"m eansa ny First Mortgageeth ath as given written noti.. to tttr MasterA ssociations pecifringt he namea nd addresso f theR esidence iubject to the Mortgagea ndr equestingw rittenn oticeo f any or all of the eventss pecifireidn this Master Declaration. 2.17 EnforcementA ssessments.T he term "EnforcementA ssessmentsm" eanst he assessmentth, utu r. ã-pur*unt to thep rovisionso f Section6 .6 of this MasterD eclaration. Z.lg Final Mao. The term "Final Map" means the f,rnal subdivision or parcel map covering the Master CommunitY. L(orton/-ef meculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 73/2 I 24338l.4 Z.Ig First Mortgage. The term "First Mortgage"r rleansa Mortgaget hath asp riority under th. r.".ordings tarut.ro f the Stateo f Califomiao ver all otherM ortgagese ncumberinag specificR esidencein theM asterC ommunity. Z.Z0 f irst Morteagee. The term "First Mortgagee"m eanst he Mortgageeo f a First Mortgage. Z.Zl Fiscal Year. The term "Fiscal Year" meanst he fiscal accountinga ndr eporting periodo f the MasterA ssociationse lectedb y the MasterB oard. Z.ZZ Homeowner Maintenance Manual. The term "Homeowner Maintenance Manual" ,"f.., to thffinuul thut ,*y be preparedb y Declaranot r its agentso r consultantasn d provided to an Owner,s pecifyingt he obligationsf or maintenanceo f the Residencebsy the Owners. Z.Z3 ImDrovements. The term "Improvement" or "Improvements" means: (i) all buildings ond stru.tu.., .undu ppurtenancetsh eretoo f every type and kind, includingw ithout limitati,on,R esidenceasn d othài buildings,o utbuildingsg, uardhousesrv, alkways,t rails, utility insta¡ations, swirnming pools and other recreational facilities, garages, carports, roads, sidewalks,w alkways,d iiveways,p arking areas,f ences,s creeningw alls, block walls, retaining walls, awnings, patio and balcony covers, stairs, decks, balconies, trellises, landscaping, irrigation Systemsh, edgess, lopes,w indbreaks,t he exteriors urfaceso f any visible strucfure, paiãtings,p iantedt reesa nds hrubsa, ntennaep, oles,s igns,s olaro r wind powerede nergys ystems àr .qui!*ãnq and waters oftenerh, eatero r air conditioninga nd heatingf ixtureso r equipment; (ii) the grading,e xcavationf,r lting or similar disturbanceto the surfaceo f the land including, wíthout-limitation, change of grade, change of ground level, change of drainage pattern or changeo f streamb ed; lãndscapingp, lanting,c learingo r removingo f trees,s hrubs,g rasso r plantã; and (iii) change or alteration of any previously installed Imptovement including any changeo f exteriora ppearancceo lor or texture' 2.24 Institutional lVfortqagee.T he term "InstifutionaMl ortgagee"m eans:( i) a First Mortgageetnut@ãtounassociation,insuranceormortgagecompanyorother entity-o r instin:tionc harteredu nder federal and./ors tatel aw; (ii) an insurero r governmental guarântor of a First Mortgage; (iii) a First Mortgagee that is a Federal or State Agency; or iiv) any other institution speiified by the Master Board in a recorded instrument that is the Mortgágeeo f a Mortgageo r theb enef,rciaroyf a deedo f tmst encumberinga Residence' Z.ZS lnvitee. The term "Invitee" meansa nyp ersonw hosep resencew ithin theM aster Communiry is apprwed by or is at the request of a particular Owner, including, without limitation,t enantsa ndt hef amily,g uestse, mployeeos r licenseeosf Ownerso r tenants. 2.26 Limited Warrantv. The term "Limited Warranty" refers to the D.R. Horton tO-+-t tirn¡t"¿ Wananty providedb y Declaranto the MasterA ssociationfo r the Master Association Property conveyed by Declarant and is contained in the Homeowner Maintenance Manual. The Limited Warranty warrants against certain construction defects, failureso r deficiencieass s pecifiedth erein' Horton/TemeculLaa ne Mastcr CC&Rs 20838-001782/1 24338l4. iI 2.27 MaintenanceO bligations. The term "MaintenanceO bligationsr"e ferst o the MasterAssociation',@ownerS'ob1igations,asapplicable,toperform(i)aIl reasonablem aintenancec onsistentw ith the terms of the Master AssociationM aintenance Manual and/ort he HomeowneMr aintenanceM anual,r espectivelya, ny maintenancoeb ligations and schedulesin any waffantyo tferedb y Declaranot r any manufacturera, s applicablea, nda ny maintenance obligations un¿ schedules otherwise provided to the Master Association, Subassociationo r the Owners, as applicable,b y Declaranto r any manufacturer(; ii) any commonly accepted maintenanc. pruiti..t intended to prolong the life of the materials and constructiono f the Improvementws ithin theP roperfya, sa pplicablein the areat o be maintained; and (iii) maintenancäeb ligationso f the MasterA ssociationS, ubassociatioann d/ort he Owners, respectívetys,e t forth in this MasterD eclarationa su pdateda nda mendedfr om time to time' Z.Zg Master Architectural Comrnittee. The tenn" Master A¡chitecturaCl omn'littee" mearst he committ". tnutr uv O*r.ated pursuantto Article 9 of this lvfa sterD eclaration. Z.Zg Master Architectural Guidelines. The term "Master ArchitecturaGl uidelines" meanSthedesign''i@rBoardpursuanttotheprovisionsofArticle9of this Master Declaration. 2.30 Master Articles. The term "Master Articles" means the Articles of Incorporation of the Master¡ .r.ocilfun-u, th.y may from time to time be amendedw hich areo r shallb e fiIed in the Ofïice of the Secretaryo f Stateo f the Stateo f California. 2.31 Master Association.T he term" MasterA ssociationm" eansth e TemeculaL ane MasterA ssociatior¡a Californian onprofitm utualb enefitc orporation' 2.32 Maintenance Areas" refers collectively to MaintenanceA rea,t he SideY ard Maintenance Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&RS 20818-0107 8/2 124338l4. The term "Master Reflections and Enclave Master Aleas, and the Multi-Use Trails. Association Association 2.33 Master Association Maintenance Manual. The term "Master Associatíon Maintenanc, M"nuuilffi th. rnuint.r"on.. ,nunualt hat may be preparedb y Declaranto r its consultantsa nd providedt o the MasterA ssociationw hichi ncludeso bligationsa nds chedulefso r the for maintenance of the Master Association Properfy, and the Master Association MaintenanceA reasb y theM asterA ssociationa, su pdateda nda mendedfr om time to time. 2.34 Master AssociationP roperw. The term "Master AssociationP roperfy"m eans allrealpropertyo*ffiferredtotheMas terAssociationinfeetitleorby "ur"*"it. The MasterA ssociationP ropertyi n the f,rrstP haseo f the MasterC ommunitys hall consist of the real property identified ãs Master Association Property on Exhibit'.A." The Master AssociationP' roperty in subsequenPt hasesh alt be describedi n a Supplementary Declaration. Z-35 Master AssociationR ules. The term "Master AssociationR ules"r eferst o the rulesa ndr egutationsa ãoptedfr om time to time by theM asterA ssociation' 2.36 Master Board or Master Board of Directors. Tlie term "Master Board" or ,.MasterB oardo f Oirectors"m eansth e boardo f directorso f the MasterA ssociation. 2.37 Master Bvlaws. The term "Master Bylaws" means tlie bylaws of the Master Association,u s th.yããl f.-time to time be amendedth at are or shall be adoptedb y the Master Board. Z.3B Master Cornmunitv. The term "MasterC ommunify"r eferst o the Propertya nd all Improvementrsr ot*.t"¿ thereon. The MasterC ommunityw ill ultimatelyc onsisto f three (3) Neighborhoodsth, eR eflectionst,h e Enclavea ndt heB ungalows. Z.3g Master Communiw flandbook. The term "Master Community Handbook" rreansT he Temecut^l -u* co**"niry Handbookt hat containst he MasterA ssociationR ules and Regulationas ndM asterA rchitecturaGl uidelines' 2.40 Master Declaration. The term "MasterD eclaration"o r "Declaration"m eansth is Master D."larution of Co,r"nants, Conditions and Restrictions of The Temecula Lane Comrnunitya nd any furthera mendmentsth ereto. Z.4l Master Governing Documents. The term "Master Governing Documents" means the Master etticf.r, Master Bylaws, this Master Declaration, the Master Association Rules, the Master ArchitecturalG uidelinesa nd any SupplementaryD eclaratíonsa, nd any amendmenttso anyo f the foregoing. 2.42 Member. The terrn "Member" means every person or entity that holds a membershipin theM asterA ssociation. 2.43 Mortgaqe. The term "Mortgage" means a recorded mortgage or deed of trust encumberinga Residencien the MasterC ommuniry' 2.44 Mortqagee.T he term "Mortgagee"m eansa mortgageeu ndera Mortgagea sw ell asa beneficiaryu ndera deedo f trust. 2.45 MultËUse Trail. The term "Multi-Use Trail" means that certain portion of MasterA ssociationP r"p"rty over which a pedestriana nde questriantr ail providingp ublica ccess throught he MasterC ommunity. The Multi-UseT rail is delineatedo n Exhibit "F," as may be modifiedo r supplementeind a SupplementarDye claration' 2.46 Notice and Hearing. The term "Notice and Hearing"m eanst he procedureth at gives an Owner noti." of an allegedv iolation of the MasterG overningD ocumentsa nd the opportunify for a hearing before the Master Board. 2.47 Operatins Rules. The term "OperatingR ules"r eferst o thoseA ssociationR ules thatc onstitutaen operatinrgu leu nderC ivil CodeS ection1 357.100e,t s eq. 2.48 Owner. The term "Owner" means the record o\ilner, whether one or more personso r entitieqi ncludingD eclaranto, f any Residence xcludingt hoseh avings uchi nterest merely as securityf or the performanceo f an obligation' 7 Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8i 2 I 24338I. 4 2.49 Person' The term recognized under California law. only to natural Persons. 2.50 phase. The term "Phase" refers to that portion of the Property which is the subjecto f a seflarateP ublic Reporti ssuedb y the DRE andw hich hasb eenm ades ubjecth ereto 1i.e.,b y unnr*ãtionw ith respectto Phases ubsequentot the f,rrstP hase). Z.5l private Sewer lmprovements. The term "PrivateS ewerI mprovementsr"e fers to the privates eweri mprovementlso catedw ithin the Properfy. 2.52 Private Storm Drain Improvements' The term "Private Storm Drain [mprovement,'@stormdrainimprove ments(including,without[imitation,aIl waier qualityp rotections ystemsa ssociatetdh erewith)I ocatedw ithin the Properfy. 2.53 private Streets. The term "Private Streets"m eanst hosea lleys,s treetsr, oads, d r i v e s , * " t . , 1 i , . . " @i n e s a n d s t o r m d r a i n , I i g h t i n g a n d s t r e e t l i g h t s , a n d o t h e r improvementws ithin the PrivateS treetsi,f any,w hich areo wnedb y the MasterA ssociationa nd SuLassociatioann dm aintainedb y the MasterA ssociation. 2.54 private Water Svstem lmprovements. The term "Private Water System fmprovement,'@atersystemimprovementsconsistingofthewaterlines' frrrËh ydrantsa, ndw aters ystema ppurtenancelosc atedw ithin the Property' 2.55 property. The term "Propert5/"m eansa tl of the real properfy describedin Exhibit *A" of this Master Declaration,a nd such Additional Propertya s may hereafterb e brought within the jurisdiction of the Master Association' 2.56 public Report. The term "Public Report"m eanst he Final SubdivisionP ublic Reporti ssuedu y ttre DRE for a Phasei n the MasterC ommunity. "Person" means a natural individual or any legal entify When the word "person" is not capitalized, the word refers 2.57 n and Mclave . The term ,,Reflectionu nd Enciãffist.r As*ciation MaintenanceA reas" referst o thosep ortionso f,t he Reflections Neighborhood and Enclave Neighborhood that include all portions of the Subassociationa nd all Improvementsl ocated thereon,e xcept for the Condominiumsa nd Courtyards( as definedi n the SubassociatioDne claration).T he approximatelo cationso f the Refleõtiona nd EnclaveM asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reas are depictedo n Exhibit *G" attachedh eretoa nd incorporatedh erein. 2.58 Regular AssessmentsT. he term "RegularA ssessmentsm" eanst he assessments thata rel eviedp *rúut t to tttep rovisionso f Article 6 of thisM asterD eclaration. Z.5g Residence. The term "Residence"r eferst o individually or collectivelyt o the ResidentiaLl ots andt hec ondominiumsa, st he contextr equires. 2.60 ResidentialL ot. The term "ResidentiaLl ot" meanse achl egally subdividedlo t uponwhichu'ffi"n,rehasbeenorispermittedtobeconstructed. Horton/Telnecula Lane IVlasteCr C&Rs 20338-00I 7 8/2124338.41 2.6l SharedD rivewavs. The term "sharedD riveways"m eanst hosec ertains hared drivewaysp rouidinfrã."r, *iertain ResidentiaLt ots. The SharedD rivewaysa red elineated on ExniLit o'E,"a sm ayb e modifiedo r supplementeidn a SupplementarDye claration' 2.62 Side yard Maintenance Areas. The term "Side Yard Maintenance A-reas" meanSthoseareasffiiÑeighborhoodwhichshalIbemaintainedbythe Associationi n accordancew ith Article I herein. The side Yard MaintenanceA reas are ,delineatedo n Exhibit "D," as may be modifred or supplementedin a Supplementary Declaration. 2.63 Site ptan. The term" site Plan" referst o the SiteP lana ttachedh eretoa s Exhibit 6¿C" and uny *ffi"nt modificationst o the Site Plan designatedi n a Supplementary Declaration. 2.64 SpecialA ssessmentsT. he term "special Assessmentsm" eanst he assessments that are levied p.rr*uilñ th. p.uisions of Section 6.4 of this Master Declaration. 2.65 Subassociation.T he term "subassociationm" eanst he homeownersa ssociation formedt o operateo ttãgou..r,t heR eflectionsN eighborhooda ndt he EnclaveN eighborhood' 2.66 SubassociationA ssessments.T he temr "subassociationA ssessmentsm" eans assessment,d"t",-i@bassociationDeclarationwhichareleviedexclusively on certainC ondominiumsw ithin the MasterC ommunitya nd which are createdp ursuant o a SubassociatioDne clarationa rticleso f incorporationa ndb ylawst herefor' 2.67 SubassociationB oard. The term "subassociationB oard" meanst he goveming b o d y o f * , . f f i s o c i a t i o n a s e s t a b [ i s h e d p u r s u a n t t o t h e S u b a s s o c i a t i o n Deciarationa ndt he articleso f incorporationa ndb ylawsf or theS ubassociation' 2.6g SubassociatioDn eclaration. The term "subassociatioDn eclaration"m eanst he covenants, "onditiont undr eshictionsre cordedfo r the Subassociation' 2.69 SubassociationG overnine Documents . The term "subassociationG oventing Documents''*"",,,@lu*s,Declaration,AssociationRules,ArchitectGuideIines andS upplementaDl eclarationfo r the Subassociatioann da nya mendmenttsh ereto. 2.70 SubassogiationP roperty. The term "subassociationP roperfy"m eansa ll real propertyo *n"i *ìlãGã by or transferredto the Subassociatioinn fee title or by easement. Z.7l SuuplementarvD eclaration. The term "supplementaryD eclaration"m eans thosec ertaind eclarationosf covenantsc,o nditionsa ndr estrictionso, r similari nstrumentst',v hich may do any or all of the following: (a) annex all or a portion of the Additional Property and/or designateR esidenceass a phase,lU¡i aentirya reasr eferencedin this MasterD eclarationto be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociation(, c) make such other complementarya dditionsa nd/or modificationsn ecessaryto reflect the different charactero f the Additional Properfy,( d) impose additionatc ovenantsa nd restrictionso n the Additional Properly,a nd/or( e) make technicaol r l'[orton/TemeculaL ane Masier CC&Rs 20838-00r 781 2lZ43i8.l 4 iI minor corTectionsto the provisions of this Master Declaration SupplementarDy ecl aration(s). 2.T2VotingPower.Theterm..VotingPower''refersto Master Association' or previously recorded the Voting Power of the ARTICLE 3 OWNERSHIP AND EASEMENTS 3.1 Ownership of ResidentialL ots. Ownershipo f eachR esidentiaLl ot within the MasterCommunityffitoaResidence,(b)amembershipintheMaster Association(, c) subjectt o the termso f the SubassociatioDn eclarationa, n easemenot ver the SubassociatioPnr operty,a nd (d) subjectt o the termso f the MasterG overningD ocumentsa, ny exclusive or non-exclusive easements appurtenant to such Residence over the Master AssociationP ropertya s describedin thisD eclarationa ndt hed eedt o theR esidence' 3.2 Ownership of Condominium. All defined terms in this Section shall have the meaningss "t fo.th in th" S\-rb*iociationD eìtaration. Ownershipo f eachC ondominiumw ithin the MasterC ommunitys hall include( a) fee title to a ResidentiaUl nit, (b) an undividedi nterest in the CommonA rea locatedw ithin the Module in which the ResidentiaUl nit is situated,a s shown on the condominium Plan and the deedt o the condominium,( c) a membershipin the MasterA ssociationa nd the Subassociatioann, d( d) subjectt o the termso f the MasterG overning Documents,â ilY exclusive or non-exclusivee asemento r easementsa ppurtenantt o such Condominiumo ver the MasterA ssociationP ropertya sd escribedin this MasterD eclarationt,h e CondominiumP lan,a ndt he deedt o theC ondominium' 3.3 Riqhts of Use of the Master Association P[operty. The interest of each Owner in the use and benefit of the Master AssociationP ropertys hall be appurtenantto the Residence ownedb y theO wner. No Residencseh allb e conveyedb y theO wners eparatelfyr om the rightt o use the MasterA ssociationP roperfy. Any conveyanceo f any Residences hall automatically transfert he interesti n the Owneì'sr ight to uset he MasterA ssociationP ropertya s providedi n this Master Declaration without the necessity of express reference in the instrument of of conveyance. 3.4 Deleeationo f Use. Any Orvnere ntitledt o the right and easemenot f use and enjoymenot f tt " tutffisoriotion Propertym ay delegates uchO wner'sr ightsp rovidedi n this MasterD eclarationto usea nde njoymenot f the MasterA ssociationP ropertyto its othert enants, contractp urchaserosr subtenantws ho residei n suchO wner'sR esidences,u bjectt o reasonable regulatioãb y the MasterB oard. An Ownerw ho has mades ucha delegationo f rights shalln ot be entitledt o useo r enjoymenot f the MasterA ssociationP roperlyf or so long as suchd elegation rernainsin efTecto. thert han sucha ccessri ghtsa s are directlyr elatedt o the owner's rightsa nd duties as landlord. 3.5 Easements. The ownership interests in the Master Association Property and Residences, "n¿ .ãffi-ner's right of ingress and egress over the Master Association Properfy describedi n this Article are subjectt o ihe easementsa nd rights of the Master Association Horton/TenreculaL ane Master CC&RS 20838-0107 8/2 124318t4. t0 glanteda nd reservedin this MasterD eclarationa nd the other MasterG oveming Documents' Each of the easementrse servedo r grantedh ereins hall be deemedt o be establishedu pon the recordationo f this MasterD eclarationa nds hall henceforthb e deemedto be covenantsr unning with the land for the use and beneflrot f the Declarant,t he Owners,t he Residencesth, e Master Associationa nd the Master AssociationP roperfys uperiort o all othere ncumbranceasp plied againsto r in favoro f any portiono f theM ast"i Con1.nuttity.I ndividualg tantd eedst o Residence may, but shalln ot U" r"q.rir"a to, setf orth thee asementssp ecifiedin thisM asterD eclaration' 3.5.1 DeclarationS ubiect to Easements. Notrvithstandinagn ythingh erein expresslyo,i*pli.dly@Declarationan dtheMasterCommunityshalI be subjectt o all easeåentsa ndr ightso f way showno n the Final Map anda lt othere asementosf record. 3.5.2 Utilities. Therea rer eserveda nd grantedf or theb enefito f the Residences and the MasterA ssociationP roperfyo, ver, under,a crossa nd throught he MasterC ommunify, ,-à.ipro.ut,n on-exclusivee asemãntfso r the maintenancer,e paira nd replacemenot f the Utility Facilitiesp ursuantto this MasterD ectaration' 3.5.3 Encroachment.T herea re herebyr eserveda ndg rantedf or the benefito f eachR esidencaen dt nffi ¿.rr*iation Properryo, ver, under,a crossa ndt hrought he Master Community, reciprocal,n on-exclusivee asementsf or encroachments,u pport' maintenance' repair, occupancya nd use of such portions of the Residencesa nd'/or,M aster Association property as are encroachedu pon, usèd or occupieda s a result of any original construction design,-accretion, erosion, uàditioo, deterioration, decay, erors in original construction, movãments, ettlements, hiftingo r subsidencoef any building,s tructureo, r other irnprovements or any portion thereof, or anyãther cause. In the event any portion of the Master Community is parti;lly or totally destroyãd,t he encroachmenet asements hall exist for any replacement structure that is rebuilt pu.ruunt to the original construction design. The easement for the maintenancoef the encroächingim provemensth alle xist for asl ong ast hee ncroachmentesx ists; provided,h owever,t hat no uuiid eus"*ent of encroachmensth all be createdd ue to the willful misconducot f the MasterA ssociationo r any owner. Any easemenotf encroachmenmt ay,b ut needn ot be,c uredb y repaira ndr estoratioonf the structure. 3.5.4 Master AssociationE asement. The MasterA ssociations hall havea n easemenot ver the prop"*v in.fu¿ing,* ithout limitation, all MasterA ssociationM aintenance Areas for performingi ts ãutiesa ndlxercising its powers describedin the Master Governing Documents,a nd for ferforming repairso r maintenancen ot performedb y the Owner pursuantt o the terms of this Master Declaration. 3.5.5 Easementsfo r Master AssociationP ropertv. Subjectt o the provisions oftheMasterGou.*@rightsoftlreMasterAssociationdescribed below, every Owner sùall have, for himself or herself and such Owner's Invitees, a nonexclusivee asemenot f accessi,n gresse, gressu' se and enjoymenot f, in, to and over the MaSter AssociationP roperüayn dt he SubassociatioPnr operry' l l HortorVTenteculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-001728 /1 24318l4. (a) the right, after Notice and pursuant to the terms of this (b) havet he right, without the consento f theO wners,t o anv portiono f the MasterA ssociationP roperty' Horton/TemeculaL anc lvfasterC C&Rs 20818-0I07 8/2 I 24338l.4 SuspendR ightso f Members. The MasterA ssociationsh allh ave Hearing; to temporatily *tp"nd an Owner's rights as a Member Master Declaration' Dedicate or Grant Easements. The Master Association shall dedicatea nd/org rante asementosv er all or (c) control Parkine. subject to the provisionso f. this Master Declarationt,h e Mastè.'Asro"iations hall havet he right to controlp arkingw ithin the Master AssociationP ropertya nd to promulgater ules and regulationst o controlp arkingi n a manner consistenwt ith this MasterD eclaration' (d) Limit Guests. The Master Associations hall have the right to rimit, on a reasonabù'uurirl[.-ã of guests and tenants of the owners using the recreationaaln do therf acilitiess ituàtedw ithint heM asterA ssociatiohP roperty' 3.5.6 Easementsf or Drainage and Ru.noff. Each Residences hall have an e a s e m e n t f o r d r a i n a g e p i p e s a n d f a c i l i t i e s a n d a n e a s e m e n t f o r runoff of surface* ui", orr,Ñ er, througha nda crossth e ãtherR esidencesS' uche asementssh all be subjectt o the restrictionss etf orth in Section7 .17o f this MasterD eclaration' 3.5.7 Easement to Declarant. Declarant shall have and hereby expressly reSerVeStheeasemen@ntanditsagents,employeesandindependent contractortso exerciseD ecrarant'sri ghtss etf orth in Article r0 of thisM asterD eclarationa ndt o performi ts obligationsu ndera ny wananlyp rovidedb y Declarantto ano wner' 3.6 Lieht. Air and View. No Owner shall have an easemenfto r light, air or view over the R"sid.n."ifl'oth.r Owner and no diminution of light, air or view by any Improvemennt ow "^irting or hereafteer recteds hall entitle the owner or any Invitee to claim "ny .ur.t.nt for light, air or view within the Master Community' 3.7 Bisht of Access. Every Owner shall have the right to enjoy free and and unobstructed passageb etween.r rffin-Ownel_i Residenceth, rough the MasterA ssociationP roperty,t he subassociationrr opeiy to all publicly dedicateds treetsb orderingt he Master communiry, subjectt o any reshictionsim posedb y anyc ity, countyo r statea nds ubjectto any reservationisn thed eed,m apa ndM asterG overningD ocuments' 3 ' 8 . J h : M a s t e r A s s o c i a t i o n a n d t h e M a s t e r A s s o c i a t i o n , , u g . n t , t h e R e s i d e n c e a s S e t t b r t h i n S e c t i o n 4 . 4 . 4 of this Master Declaration. 3.9 Reciprocal Easements for Shared Drivqwavs. There is hereby reserved and grantedf or the b.n.ffiTffii' Roù.niãlI-ot-r **exclusive easementosv er certain adjace*t ResidentiaLl ots as describeda nd depictedo n Erhibit "E' attachedh eretoa nd incorporated herein,a sb eingb enefitedo r burdenedth erebya, reciprocaie asemenfto r accessi'n gresse' gress' use and enjoyment of, in, to and over the portion of the Shared Driveway benefiting such l 2 lI Owner's ResidentiaLl ot and for cross-lodt rainagew, hich easemenst hallb e appurtenantto and shall passw ith title to the affectedR esidentiailo t. Such easementfso r eachS haredD river'vay shall becomee ffectiveu pon the conveyancoef the first deed to a ResidentiaLl ot benefitedo r burdenedth erebya, nds hàtlb e subjectto thep rovisionss et forth below' 3.9.1 Insurance. Each Owner shatl obtain and maintain at all times a homeowner',i nrur"n"frã1fr-ir*uring againstd eatho f or injury to personsa nd damaget o or tosso f properfya risingå ut oi resultingir o* ot relatingt o the use of the SharedD rivewayb y that Owner and its rãspectiveS uccessorins interest,a ssigns,c ontractorsa, nd invitees,i n an amountr easonablayd equatetO c overs uchO wner'sr espousibilitiehse reunder' 3.g.2 Maintenanceo f Drivewav.T he Ownerso f eachS haredD riveways hall beresponsiblefort.@flocatedoneachowner,SrespectiveResidential Lot free of debrisu nd'* ãinruining in good conditioni he Improvementsc onstructedth ereon, including, including, without limitation, alf paving, drainage Improvements, curbs and gutters and IandscapingT. he Owners of eachS haredD riveway shall also maintaina ll portionso f each Owner'sr espectiveR esidentiaLl ot, includingt hosep ortionso f suchR esidentiaLl ot acrosst iom any SharedD rivewaY. 3.9.3 Repair and Restoration.I f, in addition to regularm aintenancei,t is ,ecessaryt o repairo rãã th" SharedD riveway, any Owner shall havet he right to give a tliirty (30) day advancew ritten noticet o the otherO wnerso f that SharedD rivewayr equesting participationo n a pro rata basisi n repairingo r restoringt he SharedD riveway.T he repairso r restorations hallt akep lacei n accordancwei th the termsa ndp rovisionss etf orth below' 3.g.4 Bids from Contractors. The notice of the need to repair or restore the shared Driveway r6uti-u**.p*ied by a bid ("First Bid") from a licensed contractor speciffing the wôrk to be completáda ndt he costo f suchw ork. [n the eventt hat the bid is not acceptablteo oneo r more of thà otherO wnerst,h ens uchO wner(s)s hallh avet he right to obtain a bià l,.Alternative Bid") within thirty (30) days of receipt of the First Bid from a licensed contractofro r thes amew ork andt hel owestb id shallb e acceptedb y theo wners.In the eventt he other Owner(s)ià ils to obtain an AltemativeB id and submit a copy thereof to the Owner submittingt he'First Bid within saidt hirty (30) day period, then the contractors ubmittingt he FirstB id shallb e usedb y the partiesA. s sôont hereaftear s possiblet,h e licensedc ontractosr hall begin and completet he wori. All repairsa nd restorationw ork shall be at least to the same standarda ndq ualiry as the original Improvements' 3.g.5 Obstruction of Access¡P arking. ln no events hall accessto any of the ResidentiatL ot with sh^*d D***uys uJ totally obstructeda s a result of any repair or restorationu,n lesst he owner of theo bstructeRd esidentiaLl ot with SharedD rivewaysi s notified fwenty-four (24) hours in advance of such obstruction. Parking on any portion of the shared Drivewaysb y the Ownerso f the ResidentiaLlo tsw ith a SharedD riveways hallb e prohibited. 3.9.6 payment for Repairs or Restor4tiop. The Owners shall bear an equal shareo f the costo f unffiuitr or ..rtotutionò f the applicableS haredD rivewayr equiredt o be conductedb y the Ownårsh ereunderE. achO wners hallp ay its proportionatseh areo f suchc osts directlyt o the contractorin accordancwei th the constructionc ontractI.f any Owner fails to pay t3 Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338I. I such portiono f thec ostsi n the mannerr equiredt,h e other-Ownerms ay'b ut shalln ot be required to, pay suchp ortiona nd thereafters eekå i*burr"*ent. If any Ownerp ayss aidp ortion of the costs on behalf of another owner, said owner shall be entitled to collect from the delinquent ownerinterestonsaidpaymentatthemaximumratepermittedbylaw. 3.g.7 Contractor's fnsurance.A ny contractors electedto makei mprovements orrepairshereunder'@orker'Scompensationintheamountrequiredby law and sufficient liability insurance to protect against personal injury or property damage arising from the work. 3.10 Final N[an Easements. The Residenceas re subjectt o easementosn the Final Map, andu nyo th.r r*tri"ttons ande asementcso ntainedth erein. 3.ll Trail Easements.T he generapl ublic shall havee asementosv er the Properfya s necessaryro , u".6rãiffif the Multi-Uset rails locatedw ithin the Propefi pursuanto the Conditioirso f Approvalf or the MasterC ommuniry' ARTICLE 4 TIIE MÀSTER ASSOCIATION 4.1 The Oreanization. The Master Association is a nonprofit mutual benef,rt corporation ror*øãffittã Nãnproflrt Mutual Benetit Laws of the state of california. on the conveyanceo f the first Residenceto an Owner undera Public Report,t he MasterA ssociation shall be charged with the duties and given the powers set forth in the Master Goveming Documents.A II actso f the Memberso rlne Masterc ommuniry Associations hallb e madeb y a vote of the Delegateisn the MasterC ommuniryB ylaws' 4.2 DelesateD istricts. DelegateD istrictss !a]lbe establisheadn dD elegatessh allb e appointed to ,ffiiÏãG, ond exercise ã[ authoriry of the Members in the Master community Associationo n behalfo f the owners in accordancwe ith the provisionso f theM asterc ommunity Bylaws. The MasterC ommunity shall be divided into DelegateD istrictsa s describedin the MasterC ommunitYB Ylaws. Me-be .; Ae @tte,s,"uqi 'i ng tle a^ppr o,I1l,: i Y:lÏ: :: ji ^Tit.': :*: iffi"u*.*,,theaffairsoftheMasterAssociationshallbeconductedbythe Master Board anã such offrcers as the Master Board may elect or appoint. Such election or appointmensth allb e in accordancew ith theM asterG overningD ocumentsE' xcepta so therwise pråvidedi n this Master Dectarariont,h e Master Arricles^ 1d.^,1.:,Y*r:. tltlî1-"],ii:::: requiringth ea pprovaolf Memberssh albl ed eemeadp proveidf. (i) YeTli: l"-lglig.: .Tf 1Tl ;;1;; ;;Ì.1 vãii"u po*.r consenrro rhemin writinga sp rovidedin theM asteBr ylaws(,i i) such ilä;;; ö,|;à by a majoriry vote of a quJrurn of Members at anv regular or special -^¿ f^+L i -rneetingh etd in accordáncew ith the MasterB ylaws or, (iii) in certains ituationss et forth in Section4 .5.5o f this Master Declarations, uch mattersa s are approvedin accordancwe ith the proceduresse tf orthi n Section4 .5.5. , a +.J Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00r782/| 24338l.4 t ^ I A 4 . 4 P o r v e r s o f M a s t e r A s s o c i a t i o n T h e M -a s t e r A s s o c i a t i o n s h a l l h a v e a l l t h e powers of a nonprof,tt ""tp"t^tt"" orgunñãînder the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law of catifornia, rbj;;;t to such"limitationosn the exerciseo f suchp owersa s ares etf ortli in the Master Cou"*1ïg Docíments. It shall have the power to do any lawful thing that may be authorized, ,.quir"¿,-i? permitted to be done by the Master Association under the Master Governing Docu-"ntr, un¿ to do and perform any act that may be necessaryo r proper for or incidentalt o, the exerciseo f any of the expressio wers.of,the MasterA ssociationi' ncluding' without limitation, ,n. po*.* set forth bãtow. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Master Associations haltn ot irndertakea ny of the activitiesd escribedin Section4 '6 below' 4.4.1 AssessrnentsT.h e MasterA ssociations hallh avet he powert o establish' frrx, and levy assess..ìrt, ãfrrffihe Owners and to enforce paymento f such assessmentsin' accordancew ith the provisionso f theM asterG overningD ocuments. 4.4.2 Riqht of Enforcement. The MasterA ssociationin its own namea ndo n its own behalf,o r on behalfo f any Ownerw ho consentsc' anc ommencea ndm aintaina ctionsf or damageso r to restraina nde njoina ny actualo r threatenebdr eacho f any provisiono f the Master GoverningD ocumentso , uny resolltionso f the MasterB oard, and to enforceb y mandatory injunction, or otherwise, all of these provisions. .-In addition, the Master Association can temporarily, urp"ná the membershipri glts andp rivilegesa nd/orc an assessm onetaryp enalties againsta ny owner ãr otherp ersonó ntitie¿t o exårcises uchr ightso r privilegesf or any violation of the Master GoverningD ocumentso r Master Board resolutions,i n accordancew ith the proceduress etf orth in thìi MasterD eclarationa ndi n the Bylaws-4.4.3 A s s o c i a t i o n a c t i n g b y c a n d e 1 e g a t e i t s p o w e r s , d u t i e s , a n d responsibilitietso comrnitt.e,o r employeesin, cludinga professionaml anaginga gent's ubjectt o the requirementosf thes ection4 .6 of this MasterD eclaration' 4.4.4 Risht of Entry and Entbrcemçnt. The MasterA ssociations hallh avet he p o w e r a n d r i g h t 1 u u t a n c e w i t h t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h i s M a s t e r Declarationu pon at leastt wenty-four( zaj hoursn otice,t he right to enterì n or on to any other portion of the Residencew ithoutl iabiliry to uny owner, f9r the purposeo f enforcinga ny of the provisionso f the MasterG overningD ocumentspi rovided,h owever,t hati n thee ventt hatt herei s an emergencyt,h e agentsa nd representativeosì the Master Board may enters uch Residence immediatelya nd witñoutn oticef ór the solep urposeo f takings ucha ctiona si s necessaruy nder the circumstances. In no event, however, *ãy itt. Master Association enter into the interior of any Residence. n nf damage cuused by an entry by the Master Association pursuant to the piãuirionr of this Seitions frànU er epairedb y theM asterA ssociation. 4.4.5 Easementsa nd Riqhts of Wav. The MasterA ssociationm ay granta nd convey to any third parry easements "nd ti*n*t io. ure and rights of way in,, on' over or under any MasterA ssociationp ropertyi n accordancwe ith the provisionso f this MasterD eclaration' The affirmativev oteo f Memberso wninga t leastf ifty-onep ercent( 51%)o f the Residencessh all be required before the Master Board may grant exclusive use of any portion of the Master Associationp ropertyl o "ny Memberu nlesit he granto f exclusiveu sei s oneo f the exceptiontso the Membe, "pprouäl ,"q.rir.*.nt listed in California Civil Code Section 1363'07' A vote on a 1 5 Horton/TemeculLa¿ ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 124338I. 4 proposed* ,ant of exclusiveu ses hall be by secretb allot in accordancew ith the procedurese t forth in california civil code section tjo¡.0¡ and the rules adopted by the Master Board pursuantth ereto. 4.4.6 Dedication. The Master Association may dedicate any of the Master Association Property t" "" ,pp-priate public authoriiy for public use as provided for in this Master Declaration. 4.4.7 Capital Improvements. Subject to the terms of this Master Declaration, theMasterA,,o.iution@truction,installationoracquisitionofaparticular capitati mprovementto the l,iuit"t AssociationP ropertya nd Master AssociationM aintenance Areas. 4.4.8 Personal Propertv' The Master Association may acquire and hold' as trusteef or theb enef,rt "f rtr M"*b"rs, tangiblea ndi ntangiblep ersonapl ropertya ndt o disposeo f the sameb y saleo r otherwises, ubjectt o the limitationss etf orth in Section4 '6' 4.4.g Enter Into Subsidv or Maintenance Agreements. The Master Association shall have the power to "r,ter into maintenanceo r subsidy agreementsw ith Declarant. 4.4.10C ontractf or Goodsa nd Services.T heM asterA ssociatiosnh allh avet he power ro contractt o.Çããr *ã ,"*ices for the benef,rot f the MasterA ssociationP roperty, MasterA ssociationM aìntenanceA reâsa nd the MasterC ommunity that aren ecessaryfo r the lvlasterA ssociationto performi ts dutiesa ndo bligationsh ereunders, ubjectt o the limitationss et forth in Section 4.6 below. 4.4.11 Borrow Funds. The MasterA ssociations hall havet he right to borrow money to improve, .lpffir .*i.ttuin the Master Association Property and/or the Master AssociationM aintenanceA reasa nd to hypothecataen y or all realo r personapl ropertyo wnedb y the Master Associationi,n cluding pledginga s collateralt he assessmenlite ns levied thereon, providedt hat the borrowingo f any tnonãyã r hypothecationo f any real or personapl roperfyi n excesso f f,rvep ercent( S.Z) of the budgetedg loss expenseso f the MasterA ssociations hall require the approvalby written ballot of a majority of each class of Members' 4.4.12 Rishts ResardinqT itle Policies. If any title claimsr egardingth e Master Associationp roperty "îãr tø*t.. asociation MaintenanceA reasa rem adeb y any third parfy, the MasterA ssociations hallh avet he powert o pursues uchc laimso n any iitle insurancep olicy hetd by the Ownerso r the Master Associationa nd eachO wner herebyd elegateso, n a nonexclusiveb asis,a nd assignst o the MasterA ssociationa ny rights it may have underi ts title insurancep oliciest o theixtent that the title claim relatest o the MasterA ssociationP roperty and/orM asterA ssociationM aintenanceA ¡eas' 4.4.I3 Claims and Actions. Subjectl o thep rovisionso f thisM asterD eclaration' the MasterA .ro"iutioniËãä-h*" th. po*er, but not the duty, to initiate,d efends, ettle,r elease or intervenei n mediation,a rbitrationj,u dicial or administrativep roceedingos n behalf of the MasterA ssociationin mattersp ertainingt o (a) the applicationo r enforcemenot f this Master Horton/TemeculaL ane lvfasterC C&Rs 20838-001782/I 2^t338t.4 4 r6 Declarationa nd( b) any anda ll claims,c auseso f action,d amagesa nds uitsf or defectsr elatingi n any way to the designir constructiono f the MasterA ssociationP roperfyo r MasterA ssociation MaintenanceA reaso r any portiont hereof,o n behalf of all owners and (c) Limited warranty claimst hat may arisew ith råspectto theM asterA ssociationP roperfy;p rovided-h,o wevert hatn o representativoef Declaranto n the MasterB oards hall vote on the initiationo f any claim unde¡ california Civil Code Section 895, et seq., such that from and after the first election of directors in which class A Memberso f theM asterA ssociationp articipateD, eclaranst hallh aven o control over the MasterA ssociation'sa bility to decidew hethert o initiate a claim unders uchs tatutory provisions and in the event of such a vote, the affirmative vote of the fwo non-Declarant iepresentativeosn the MasterB oards hallb e bindings o long as a quorumo f the MasterB oardi s present at any meetíng where such vote is taken. An Owner may only only assert Limited Warranty flui*, pertainingt o sich owner's individualR esidentiaut nit. The MasterA ssociationa ndn ot the individual Members shall have the power to pursue Limited warranty claims or any claims or oiher actionsu sing the non-adversáriaplr oceduresfo r constructiond efectsi n the Master Association property or Master Associatiòn Maintenance A¡eas pursuant to Civil Code Sectiong 95,e t seq. The Associations hall comply with such non-adversariapl roceduresin bringing any such. lairos or actions. EachO wnerh erebya greest o designates ucha uthorityt o the I¿faiter Associationa nd assignst o the MasterA ssociationa ll power and authorifya s is necessarfyo r any settlemenot r releaseo f any suchc laims' 4.5 Duties of The NlasterA ssociation. In additiont o the powersd escribeda bove, andwithoutti*iti,'@terAssociationhastheob1igationtoperformeach of the duties set forth below. 4.5.1 Master AssociationP roperty and Master Association Areas.Thenature,¿"@ntityofa1lImprovementstotheMa sterAssociation propertya ndM astere ssõciatìonM aintenancAe¡ eass hatlb e determinedb y Declaranti,n its sole discretion. The Master Association shall accept any Master Association Property and lmprovementss ituatedt hereona nd any easementosv er the Master AssociationM aintenance Arèasc onveyedb y Declaranta nd/orc reatedu ndert his MasterD eclarationa nd shall maintain, operate,a nô otherwisem anagea tl of the Improvementss ituatedo n the Master Association eioperty and Master AssociationM aintenanceA reas and atl personalp roperry acquiredb y the MasterA ssociationin accordancwe ith thet ermsa ndp rovisionso f this MasterD eclaration.T he Master Board shal periodicallyr eview the naturea nd scopeo f the operationso f the Master Associationto assures ucho perationas rei n satisfactorcyo mpliancew ith the requirementosf the Master Governing Documents. ln the event that a dispute arises between Declarant and the MasterA ssociationw ith respectto the natured, esignq, uality or quantityo f suchl mprovements, or the acceptanceo f maintenancere sponsibilitietsh erefore,t he Master Associations hall be obligatedt o acceptt itte to the MasterA ssociationP ropertya nd any easementosv er the Master AssociationM aintenanceA reas and undertakem aintenancere sponsibilitiesth erefor,p ending resolution of the dispute, in accordancew ith the provision for enforcements et forth in the Article 16 herein. 4.5.2 Water and Other Utilities. The MasterA ssociations hallh avet he duty to acquire, provide unãþf for nõ.r*ry utility and other services for the Master Association Properlya nd MasterA ssociationM aintenanceA reas' Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00l 7 8/2 I 24338.I 4 l 7 4.5'3UtilitvSuppliers.TheMasterAssociationshallhavethedu|ytopermit utiliry suppliersu nAo ttfrñîffif uny telecommunicationosr others ervicesto usep ortions of the Master AssociationP ropertyu rrd Murt., AssociationM aintenanceA ¡eas reasonably necessartyo the ongoingd eveloimenta ndo perationo f theM asterC ommunify' 4.5.4 Maintenance of Master CommuniW. The Master Association shall l a n d s c a p e , m a i n t a i n , ' . a t i o n P r o p e r r y a n d M a s t e r A s s o c i a t i o n MaintenanceA reasu náu ny otherp ropertyt o be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociationp ursuant to the provisions of Article S oi this Master Declaration and the other Master Governing Documents. Notwithstandingth e foregoing,t he contractoros r subcontractorosf Declaranmt ay be contractuallyo bligatedt o-maintaint he landscapingo r other Improvementso n the Master Associationp roperryãndM asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reasp ursuanto warrantieso r other L*ir,ing contraótuaoí ütigationst o Declarant. The Associations hall not not interferew ith the perforrãanc.eo f such wa-rrantyo r other contractualm aintetranceo bligations' Maintenance performedb y such contractorio r subcontractorosf Declarants hall not servet o posþonet he commencemenot f RegularA ssessmentpsu rsuantt o this Master Declaration,n or entitle an Ownert o claim anyo fñet or reductionin the amounto f suchR egularA ssessments' 4.5.5 Members' Approval of Certain Actions. In the event that any claim or other actionsb roughtb y the MasterR .soEtion ugai*t Declaranti,n cludingw ithoutl imitation claims brought under califomia civil code Section8 95, et seq. involving allegationso f construction defects relating to the Master Association Properfy or Master Association MaintenanceA reas is not rãsolvedp ursuantt o the non-adversariaplr oceduress et forth in California Civil Code Sections9 10 through 938, the Master Associations hall not initiate a further actiono r arbitrationp roceedingu nã"r section 16.4o r otherwisew ithout first obtaining the consent of the owners other than Declarant constituting a quorum of a majority of the owners of the Association casting a majority of the votes at a meeting or election of the Associationc onductedi n accordancew iih tire provisionso f Califomia CorporationsC ode Sections7 510,e ts eq.a nd7613. 4.5.6 Master Association Rules. The Master Board shall adopt, amend and repea1theMaster¿.,,ffiasonable.TheMasterAsso ciationRutesshall gou.* the MasterC ommunity.H owever,t he MasterA ssociationR uless halln ot be inconsistent with or materially alter any provisions of the Master Governing Documents' A copy of the Master Association R.rl.r,'Å adopted, amended or repealed, shall be mailed or otherwise deliveredt o eachO wner. In caseo f any conflict betweena ny of the MasterA ssociationR ules and any other provisionso f this Master Declarationt,h e conflictingM asterA ssociationR ule shall be deemedt o be supersededb y the provisionso f the Master Goveming Documents' Notwithstandingth e foregoingw, ith regardt ó tne OperatingR ules,t he MasterA ssociations hall comply with the requirements and procedures set forth in California Civil Code Section1 357.10e0t,s eq. 4.5.7 Insurance. The MasterA ssociations hall havet he duty to obtain,f rom reputablei nsurancer oãfãnËììcensed to do businessin california, and maintaint he insurance deìcribedin theA rticle 1l of this MasterD eclaration' t 8 Lforton/TemeculaL ane lvfasterC C&Rs 20E38-00| 7 8/2124338.t4 4.5.8 Notice Prior to Litieation. The Master Association shall notify all ownersofanytitiguffit'àitortheMasterAssociationpursuanttothe provisionso f SectionL 6.3o f this MasterD eclaration' 4.5.g FinancialM atters. The MasterA ssociations hallh avet he duty to prepare annualB udgets,, rport*lþt.* sh.ã-nd operatings tatementfso r the MasterA ssociationa s requiredu ndert heM asterG overningD ocuments' 4.5.10U se of Proceedsto Repair. If the MasterA ssociationre ceiveso, n its orvnb ehalfo r for tr,. urn"rtt or ttte o*n"ts, any proceedsa s a resulto f any constructiond efect or otherc laimso r litigationb roughtb y the MasteiAssociationt,h ent he MasterA ssociations hall apply such proceeds-f,rrfsotr thã purposeo f repairings uch defectso r replacingr eservef unds piåuiorrrtyu ìilizedb y theM asterA ssóciationto causes uchr epairsa ndt hen,t o the costso f such litigation. Any excessp roceedss hallb e applieda s determinedb y the MasterB oard,s ubjectt o any*r equirementess tablìshebdy then ott-p-fit mutualb enefitl awso f the Stateo f Califomiaa nd any othera pplicablela ws. 4.5.11 Warranties. The Master Board shall comply with the terms of any warrantyi n favor of ttt" tut*t"r essociationf or any equipmenot r facilities within the Master Association property and the Master Association Maintenance Areas. The Association acknowledgesth ãt certainw arrantiesr equiret he Associationto maintainc ertainm aintenance contractsi n effect and, to the extentt he Board discontinuess uch maintenancec ontractst,h e effectivenesosf the warrantym ay be impairedo r eliminated. 4.5.12L imited Warrantv. The MasterA ssociations hall have the duty to execute any necessury do.uments to effectuate the Limited Warranty as to the Master Associationp roperby.I n addition,i n the evento f a claim assertedu ndert he Limited Warranty involving the Master Association Property, the Association shall comply with any and all requirem-enstse t forth in the Limited warranty includingw ithout limitation providing written noii"" of any claim to theD eclaranat ndr easonablaec cestso theM asterA ssociationP ropertyfo r warranfy service and shall maintain a copy of the Limited warranty in the records of the Association.4.5. l3 Indemnification. (a) For Master Association Representative. To the fullest extent authorizedb y law, the iiÍaster Associatiotrn * tnepower andd uty to indemniff the MasterB oard membersM, ãsterA ssociationo fficers,a nda ll othèrM asterA ssociationc ommitteem embersfo r all damagesp, ay all expenseisn cuned,a nds atisfya nyj udgmento r fine levieda s a resulto f any actiono r threateneda ctionb roughtb ecauseo f performanceo f an act or omissionw ithin what such personr easonablyb elieveãt o be the scopeo f the Person'sM aster Associationd uties (..OffTcialA ct"). MasterB oard members,M aster Associationo fficers,a nd all other Master Associationc ommitteem embersa re deemedto be agentso f the MasterA ssociationw hen they are performing Ofircial Acts for purposes of obtaining indemnification from the Master Assoiiation pursuantt o this Section. The entitlementt o indemnificationu nder this Master Declaration inures to the benefit of the estate, executor, administrator and heirs of any Person entitled to such indemnification. t 9 H orton¡-f enrecula Lane M¿ster CC&Rs 20838-001782/1 24338| 4. extenta r.rthorizebdy law, the MasterR tt*i^ti* has the powef,b ut not the duty, to indemnify any other persona cting as an agent of the Master Associationf or damagesin curred,p ay "*p"nr", incurreda, nds ãtisfya nyj udgmento r fine levieda s a resulto f any actiono r threatened actionb ecauseo f an Official Act' (c) Provided by contract. The Master Association also has the power,b ut not thed uty,t o.ontru"t *ith anyP ersont o providei ndemnificationin additiont o any indemnificationa uthorizedb y law on sucht erms and subjectt o suchc onditionsa s the Master Associationm ay impose. 4.5.14M aintenanceM anuals. The MasterA ssociations hall maintaina t the offices of the MasterA ss*i"tion u .opyìf the HomeolvnerM aintenanceM anualp rovidedb y Declarantt o the Ownersa nd shall makea vailablet o everyO wner upon requesta copy of the HomeownerM aintenancMe anual for the Owners' ResidencesT. he Associations hallh avet he right to charget he requestingO wner a fee for the copyingo f such HomeownerM aintenance Mãnual. The MasterÀ ssociãtions hall also comply with provisionso f the MasterA ssociation MaintenanceM anualp rovidedb y Declarantto the MasterA ssociation.T he MasterB oardm ay, from time to time,r nák. uppropiiater evisionst o the HomeownerM aintenanceM anuala ndt he MasterA ssociationM aintenãnceM anualb asedo n the MasterB oard'sr eviewt hereof,t o update suchm anualt o providef or maintenancaec cordingt o currenti ndustryp racticess o long as such changesd o not ,Ldu.. theu sefull ife or functionalilyo f the itemsb eingr naintained. (b) er ation. To the fullest 4.6 Limi uthori . The Master Board shall not take arryoftheactiffipt*ltt'thevoteorwrittencon Sentof(a)amajorityofthe Mãmberso f eacho f ClassA andC lassB duringt he timet he ClassB votings tmctures etf orth in Section5 .2 of this MasterD eclarationis in effect;o r (b) exceptw ith thev ote at a meetingo f the Master Association,o r by written ballot without a meetingp ursuantt o CorporationsC ode Section2 513,o f at leasta majoriryo f theM emberso f f the MasterA ssociationin cludinga t leasta majorityo f MasterA ssociatiõnM emberso thert han Declaranat fter conversionto a singleC lass A voting membershiP. 4.6.I Limit on Capital Improvements. The Master Board shall not, without obtainingt he consento f tn. U"*bers as set forth above,i ncur aggregatee xpendituresfo r capital improveãrentsto the MasterA ssociationP ropefi and/orM asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reas in äny FiscalY ear in excesso f five percent( 5%) of the budgetedg rosse xpenseos f the Master Associationfo r thatF iscalY ear. 4.6.2 Limit on Saleso f Master AssociationP ropertv. The MasterB oards hall not, without obt^ining th" .otrr.nt of the Members as set forth above, sell during any Fiscal Year properry of the Masier Association having an ag$egate fair market value greater than five p"rã"niiSø) of theb udgetedg rosse xpenseosf the MasterA ssociationfo r thatF iscalY ear. 4.6.3 Limit on Compensation. The Master Board shall not, without obtaining the consento f the tøemb"rs us set forth above, pay compensationto memberso f the Master Boardf or servicesp erformedin the conducto f the MasterA ssociation'sb usiness.H owever,t he Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20818-00l 7 8/2t24338.t4 20 MasterB oardm ay causea membero f the MasterB oardt o be reimbursedfo r expensesin curred in carryingo n the businesso f the MasterA ssociation' 4.6.4 Limit on Third Person Contracts. The Master Board shall not, r'vithout obtaining the consent "f thr M..bers asr "t fotttl above,e nteri nto a contracwt ith a third person lvherein-theth ird personw ill fumish goodso r servicesf or the MasterA ssociationP ropertyo r Master AssociationM aintenanceA reai for a term longert han one (l)year with the following exceptions: (a) A managemencto ntract,t he terms of which have beena pproved by the FederaHl ousingA dministrationo r VeteransA dministration; (b) A contracwt ith a publicu tility companyif ther ates_chargefodr the materialso r servicesa ìe regulatedb y the PublicU tilities Commissionp; rovided,h owever,t hat the term of the contracts halln ot exceedth e shortestte rm for which the supplierw ill contracta t the regulatedra te; (c) A prepaidc asualtya nd./olri abilily insurancep olicy not to exceed three (3) years duratioú prouia-edth at the policy permits for short-ratec ancellationb y the insured; (d) A contract for a term not to exceed three (3) years that is terminableb y the tøasieiA ssociationa ftern o longert hano ne (l) yearw ithoutc ausep, enaltyo r othero bligationsu ponn inety( 90) daysw rittenn oticeo f terminationto theo therp arfy; (e) A contracat pprovedb y the DRE; and (Ð Any maintenancaeg reemenfto r the maintenancoef any portiono f the MasterA ssociationÉ roperrya nd/orM asterA ssociationM aintenancAe reasw hich is required as a conditiont o the effectivenesosf anyw arrantyi n favoro f the MasterA ssociation. 4-6.5 Prohibited Functions. (a) Property Manaqer. The Master Associations hall not hire any employees, The Master Asiociation managers hall at all times be a professionaml anager op"ìutinga sa n independencto ntractor.T he MasterA ssociations hallh avet her ight to designate a portioiof the MasierA ssociationP ropertyfo r usea sa n on-sitem anager'os ffice' (b) off-site Nuisances. The Master Associations hali not use any Master Associatio¡ funds oruero.rr.., to abatea ny annoyanceo r nuisancee manatingf rom outsidet he physicalb oundarieso f the Property. (c) Politicat Activities. The Master Association shall not (i) participatei n federàt,. tut. * to*t political activitieso r activitiesi ntendedt o influencea gou.**Ëntal action affecting areaso utsidet he boundarieso f the Property( e.g. endorsemenot r ãupport of (A) legìslative ãr administrative actions by a local governmental authorify, (B)^candidatefso r ãlectedo r appointedo ffice, or (C) ballot proposalso, r (ii) conduct,s ponsor' iurti"iput. in or expend funds o. ,rsou.".s or any activity, campaign or event, including any [{onon/Temecula Lane Master CC&RS 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338.l4 socialo f politicalc ampaigne, vento r activityw hich is not directlya nde xclusivelyp.e rtainingto the authorizeda ctiviti.r lf th" Master Association' There shall be no amendmenot f this Sections o longa sD eclaranto, wnsa nyp ortiono f the Propertyo r AdditionalP roperty' 4.7 Contracts. Any agleementf or professional managemenot f the Master Communitye mptoyñãî conkaðto r leaseo f recreationaol r parkingu ttu: ?l facilities' or any agreemenpt rovidingf or serviceso f Declaranot r any contÍacto r lease,in cludingf ranchisesa nd licensesto which Declaranits a party,s hallb e for a term not to exceedo ne( 1) yearw ithoutt he collsento f a majorityá f eact.c, tåssó f Members;p rovided,h owever,t hat in no events halls uch an agreemenet xceeda term of three (3) years' Any such agreemenst hall providet hat the agreement may be terminated by either parfy witirout cause and without payment of a tJrminationf eeu ponn ot moret hann inety( 90) daysw rittenn otice' 4.8 PersonalL iability' No membero f the MasterB oard'o r of any committeeo f the MasterA ssociation,;;;y offi;r of the M¿sterA ssociationo' r any managero' r Declaranto' r any agent or employee or consultant of Declarant (each a "Management Party")' shall be personallyli ablet o ãny Owner,o r to any otherp arty, includingt he MasterA ssociationf'o r any error or omissiono i *y ManagemenPt arty if ìucú persono r entity has,o n the basiso f such informationa sm ay be posserseUã y ni* or'h"r, actedìn good faith withoutw illful or intentional misconducr.I n additiont o the foregoinga, sm orep articularlys pecifiedin californiac ivil code Section 1365.7,anyp erson* ho suffersb odily injury, including,w ithout limitation'e motional distresso r wrongfulä eatha s a resulto f the torruousa ct or omissiono f a membero f the Master Boardw ho residesin the Masterc ommunitye ithera s a tenanto r as an owner of no more than two (2) Residencesa,n dw ho, at the time ofine act or omission,w asa "volunteer"a s definedi n catifornia civil code section L365.7 shall not recover recover damages from such Master Board member,i f such MasterB oard memberc ornniittedt he act or omissionw ithin the scopeo f its MasterA ssociationd uties,w hile actingi n goodf aith and without actingi n a willful' wantono r grossly negligent -unr,"., provided that "all of the requirementso f california civil code Section1 365.7h aveb eens atisfied' 4.g Additional Provisions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Master Declarationb, y u...-nfiT!iì ã portiono f the Properly,t he MasterA ssociationa nd the Owners acknowledgi .í¿ agree that there may be certaìn laws and regulations that may be applicable to the iperation-of the , Master Association and the Properly by the Master Associationi,n cludini, withoutl imitation,t hç Davis-StirlingC ommonI nteresDt evelopmenAt ct of Section1 350,e i s"eqo. f the CaliforniaC ivil Code and the MasterA ssociationa nd Owners shallc omplyw ith suchp .ouisionst o thee xtentr equiredb y suchl awsa ndr egulations' ARTICLE 5 MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGTITS IN THE MASTER ASSOCIATION 5.I Membershin. 5.1.1 oualifications. Eacho wner of a Residenceth ati s subjecto assessment, including Declarant,r trãillã rut.*uer of the Master Association. Ownershipo f a Residenceo r interest in it shall úe tt " sole qualificationf or membershipin the MasterA ssociation' Each 22 Horton/Iemecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-0f07 812 124338I4. Owners hallr emaina Mernbero f the MasterA ssociationu ntil his or her ownershipin terestin the Residencesin the Master Communityc easesa t which time its membershipin the Master Associations hall automaticallyc ease.P ersonso r entitiest hat hold an interesti n a Residence merelya ss ecurityf or performànceo f an obligationa ren ot to be regardeda sM embers' 5.1.2 Members' Rights and Duties. Each Member shall have the rights, duties,a ndo bligation,, "t fotth in theM asterG ovemingD ocumentsa, st he Samem ay from time to time be amended. 5.1.3 Transfer of Membership.T he MasterA ssociatiomn embershiopf each persono r entity* ho ofis, oro*s an interesitn , oneo r more Residencessh allb e appurtenant to eachs uchR esidencea, nd shalln ot be assignedt,r ansferredp, ledgedh, ypothecatedc'o nveyed or alienatedin any way excepto n a transfeãr f titl. to eachs uchR esidenceo Í interesti n it and then only to the transferee. Any attempt to make a prohibited transfer shall be void' Any transfero f title to a Residenceo r interesti n it shall operatea utomaticallyto transfer the appurtenanmt embershipri ght in theM asterA ssociationto then ew Owner' 5.1.4 Commencemenot f Votine Rishts. An Owner'sr ightt o vote,i ncluding Declarant, shall not "*t ""til R.gular-A'ssessmenhtsa ve been levied upon such Owner's Residencea s provided in this MasterD eclaration. All voting rights shall be_ subjectt o the restrictionsa ndl imitationsp rovidedf or hereina ndi n the otherM asterG overningD ocuments' 5.2 Number of Votes. The MasterA ssociationsh allh avet wo (2) classeos f voting membershipu . ¿.i.tiU.¿ U"to* The votingr ightsd escribedin Section5 .2.1a nd 5.2.2b elow shallc onstituteth ev oting Powero f theM asterA ssociation: 5.2.1 Class A Members. Class A Members shall be all Owners, with the exceptiono f D".lurunt luntil th" conversiono f Declarant'sC lassB membershipto a ClassA mem}ership as provided in Section 5.2.2 below). Each Delegate will be entitled to cast, with respectt o it" RLsidencesu bjectt o assessmeannt d ownedb y ClassA Memberso, ne vote for eachs uchR esidencesu bjecti o this MasterD eclarationa nd locatedw ithin the DelegateD istrict representebdy suchD elegate. S.Z.Z ClassB Members. ClassB Member(ss) hallb e Declaranwt ho shallb e entitled to three (3) *t"r fo. .*h R.sidenceo wned by Declaranti n a Phasefo r which Assessmenthsa vec ámmenced.D eclarants hall appointi ts own Delegatet o casta ll votes on behalf of Declarant. The Class B memberships hall ceasea nd be convertedt o Class A membershipo n theh appeningo f the earliesot f the following to occur: (a) on the second anniversary of the f,rrst close of escrow of a Residencein a phaseà oueredb y the mostr ecentlyi ssuedP ublic Reportf or any Phaseo f the MasterC ommunityo; r(b) The fourtha nniversaroy f the f,trstc loseo f escrowo f a Residence coveredb y the original Public Reportf or the first Phaseo f the MasterC ommunity;p rovided, however,i f ninetyi ercent (90%) óf tn. Residenceasr e not conveyedt o Ownersu ndera Public IIi¡ I Horton/TemecLualan e Mastecr c&Rs 20838-07081l2 1 2433I84 . Reportb y the fo[rth anniversaryo f_theis suanceo f the first Public Report,t hent he conversion dates hallbee xtendedto the sixih i6'hla nniversaroyf the issuanceo f the first PublicR eport' As long as ClassB membershipe xists,n o actionb y the Master Associationth at musth avet he p.ior aiproval of the MasterA isociationM emberss hall be deemeda pprovedb y the Members unlessã pprou"ab y the appropriatep ercentagoef ClassA a¡rdC lassB Memberse, xcepta s set tbrth in Section a.5.6 oi this Master Declaration entitled "Members' Approval of Certain Actions." upon conversionto a singlec lass A voting membershiPa, nYa ctionb y the Master Associationth atm usth avet he prior approvaol f the Membersw ill requirea pprovabl y at leasta majority of the Memberso f the MasterA ssociationin cluding at leasta majorityo f Members other than Declarant. 5.2.3 Joint Owner Votes. The votingr ights for eachR esidencme ay not be cast on a fractionabl asis. If th" þtrt o*ners of a Residencea re unablet o agreea mongt hemselves, as to how their voting rightsihall be cast, they shall forfeit the vote on the matter in question' If any Ownere xercisesihe-votinrgig htso f a paiicular Residencei,t rvill be conclusivelyp resumed tbr all purposesth at suchO wnãr was actini with the authority and consento f all otherO wnerso f the sameR esidence.I f more than one fl¡ p"tto.t or entity exercisesth e voting rights for a particularR esidenceth, eir votess halln ot be counteda nds hall be deemedv oid' ARTICLE 6 ASSESSMENTS 6.I Creationo f Lien and Personalo b[eation for Assessment-s ' l)eclarant,f or eachR esiden."o *rr.d *ithin the Propert[,t rerebyc ovenantsa, nde achO wnero f a Residencbey acceptancoef a deedt herefor,w hethero r not it shallb e so expressedin suchd eed,i s deemedto covenanta nd agreesto pay to the MasterA ssociationa ll assessmentles viedp ursuantt o the provisionso f this Mastei Declaration.A ll assessmenltesv ied hereundert,o gethewr ith interest, costsa ndr easonablaet torneys'f eesa ssessehde reunders, hall be a chargeo chargeo n the land and shall be a continuingli en upont he Residencea gainswt hich eachs ucha ssessmenist made,t he lien to be effectiveu pon recordationo f a noticeo f delinquenta ssessmentsE. ach such assessment' togetherw ith interestc, ostsa nd reasonablaet torneyi'f t.t, shall alsob e the personaol bligation of thep ersonw how ast he Ownero f suchR esidencaet the time whent hea ssessmefnetl l duea nd shall bind its heirs, devisees,p ersonalr epresentativeasn d assigns' Unlike the lien for non-delinquenats sessmenttsh,e personaol bligationf or delinquenta ssessmensths alln ot passt o successivOe wnersu, nlesse xpreisly, rru*.d by suchs uccessiveO wner. No sucha ssumption of personalli ability by a succèssiveO wner( includinga contractp urchaseur ndera n installment land contract) shall relieve any Owner against whose Residence the lien was levied from personalli abiiityf or delinquenta ssessmentIsf. m oret hano nep ersono r entilyw ast heo wner of a Residencet,h e personalo bligationt o pay such assessmenot r installmenrt espectings uch Residence shall be both joint and several. 6.2 purpose of Assessments.T he assessmentlse vied by the MasterA ssociation shallbeu..d"*.lu@eobligationsand dutiesoftheMasterAssociation, including, without limitãtion, the improv"*.ni and maintenance of the Master Association property,M asterA ssociationM aintenancAe reasa nd for any otherm aintenancree sponsibilities ) 4 Horton/TemeculaL ane Masler CC&RS 20838-0I07 8/2 1 2.113l84. of the MasterA ssociation,a nd to reimburseth e MasterA ssociationf or the costsi ncurred in bringing an Owner into compliance with the Master Goveming Documents' The Master Associatio¡s halln ot imposeo r collecta ny assessmenpte, nally or fee that exceedsth e amount necessarfyo r thep u.poråo r purposesfo r which it is levied. If the MasterA ssociationd ecidest o use or transfer ,.r.-. funãs io pay for litigation, the Master Association must notify its Membe¡so f thed ecisiona t the nexi availablem eeting.S uchn otices hallp rovidea n explanation of why the litigationi s beingi nitiatedo r defendedw, hy operatingf undsc annotb e used,h ow and when the ..s.*e fundsw iù be replaceda, nd a proposedb udgetf or the litigation. The notice musts tatet hatt heM embersh avea right to reviewa n accountingfo r thel itigationa sp rovidedi n Section1 365.5o f theC aliforniaC ivil Coder vhichw ill be availablea t theM asterA ssociation's office. The accountings hallb e updatedm onthly. 6.3 Regular Assessments' 6.3.1 payment of Regqlar AssessmentsR. egularA ssessmenftos r eachF iscal year shallb e establishewd hen the MasteiBoarda pprovesth e Budgetf or thatF iscalY ear,w hich Budgets hallb e preparedin accordancwe ith the provisionso f this MasterD eclaration.R egular AssJssmentssh allb e levied on a FiscalY ear basis. Unlesso therwises pecifiedb y the Master Board,R egularA ssessmentssh allb e duea ndp ayablein monthlyi nstallmentosn the first day of each month during the term of this Master Declaration. Declarant's obligation or subsidy for suchR egularA ssessmentms ay be reducedin accordancwe ith the termso f any maintenanceo r subsidya greemenetx ecutedb y Declaranat ndt heM asterA ssociation' 6.3.2 BJrdeeting.R egardlesosf the numbero f Memberso r thea mounto f assets of the MasterA rro.iutñiþrtt yeart he MasterB oards hallp reparea, pprovea ndm akea vailable to eachM embera Budgeta s describedin the Articleo f the MasterB ylawse ntitled" Budget and FinancialS tatementsì,r"o t lesst hant hirty (30) daysn or more thann inety( 90) daysp rior to the beginningo f theF iscalY ear or aso therwisere quiredb y law' 6.3.3 Restrictions for Tax Exemption. As long as the Master Association seekst o qualiff andb e considereda sa n organizatioenx emptf rom federala nds tatei ncomet axes pursuantt o tnternalR evenueC ode Section5 28 and California Revenuea nd Taxation Code Section2 3:l0lt and any amendmentsth ereto,t hen the Master Board shall preparei ts annual Budget and otherwissc onduct the businesso f the Master Associationi n such a manner consistenwt ith federala nd stater equirementtso quali$rf or suchs tatus' 6.3.4 AssessmentAsf ter Annexation' (a) Reallocation of Assessments. After conveyanceo f the first Residencein a phaseì,n " "s.sr*ntr in ttr. Èudgets hallb e reallocateda monga ll Residencein the MasterC ommunity,in cludingt hosei n the annexedA dditionalP roperfyi,n the samem anner as describeda bovep rovided, hõwever,t hat RegularA ssessmentssh all be levied againstt he Model HomeR esidenceisn accordancwe ith thep rovisionso f Section6 .10.1b elow. (b) Revisiono f Budeet. Notice of the new RegularA ssessmentto be levied against each Resid"n.. in the Master Community shall be delivered by the Master ) 5 Horton/TernecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-001782/| 24338l.4 Associationto theo wners and Declaranwt ithin sixty (60) daysa fter the closeo f escrowf or the tirst Residencseo ldi n the newP hase. 6.3.5 Non-Waiver of AssessmentsI.f beforet he expirationo f any FiscalY ear the Master Ar.oriutioi fuffi fo R.gulu. Att.tr*ents for the next Fiscal Year, the Regular Assessmenets tablishefdo r the precedingy ears hallc ontinueu ntil a new RegularA ssessmenist fixed. 6.3.6 SunplementalA ssessments.I f the Master Board determinesth at the Master Association', "Gãtirl f*.tions *uy b" properlyf undedb y a RegularA ssessmenint an amount lesst han the maximum authorized-RegülaArs sessmendt escribeda bove,i t may levy such lesser Regular Assessment. If the Master Board determines that the estimate of total chargesf or thec urrenty eari s or will becomein adequatteo meeta ll commonE xpensesit' shall immediately determin" th" upproximate amount of the inadequacy' Subject to the limits described in Section 6.8, the -Master Board may levy a supplementaRl egularA ssessment reflectinga revisiono fthe total chargesto be assesseadg ainste achR esidence' 6.4 SpecialA ssessments.i f the MasterB oard determinesth at the estimatedto tal amount of fundsn "õ.y tlO"fruy the CommonE xpenseso f the MasterA ssociationfo r a given FiscalY ear is or will becomei nadequateto meet expensesf or any reason'i ncluding' without limitation,u nanticipatedd elinquenðiesc,o sts of construction,u nexpectedre pairs or replacementos f capital improvementso n, damagea nd destructiono r condemnationo f' the MasterA ssociationP ropertyM, asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reasa nda ny othera reasw hich the Master Association is obligation to maintain, the Master Board shall determine the approximatea mountn ecessarytã defray such expensesa, nd if the amounti s approvedb y a måjority vote of theM asterB oard andd oesn ot exceedf ive percent( 5%) of theb udgetedg ross "*prnr., of the MasterA ssociationi,t shall becomea SpecialA ssessmenpt;r ovidedh, owevet, that such limitation shall not apply to SpecialA ssessmentsle vied by by the MasterB oard to replenisht he MasterA ssociation'sr eservea ccounta s provided in the Sectiono f the Master nylaws titled "Reserves."E xceptf or SpeciaAl ssessmentles vied pursuanto the Sectiono f the Irriurt",B ylawst itled "Rese*.r," any SþeciaAl ssessmenint excesso f five percen(t 5%) of the budgetedg rosse xpenseosf the MasterA ssociations hallb e subjectt o the limitationss et forth in Section6 .-gb elow. The MasterB oardm ay, in its discretion,p rorates uchS peciaAl ssessment over the remainingm onthso f the FiscalY ear or levy the assessmenimt mediatelya gainste ach Residence,U nlesse xemptf rom federalo r statei ncomet axation,a ll proceedsfr om any Special Assessmensth allb e segrågateadn dd epositedin to a speciala ccounta nds hallb e useds olelyf or the purposeo , pu.por", fór which it was leviedo r it shatl be otherwiseh andleda nd usedi n a manner authorizedb y law or regulationso f the Internal RevenueS erviceo r the California Franchise Tax Board in order to avoid, if possible, its taxation as income of the Master Association. 6.5 Capital Improvement Assessment. In addition to any other assessments providedfo.h...un@aylevyaCapitalImprovementAssessmentfor ih. purpor. of defraying,in whole or in part,t he cost of any constructiono r replacemenot f a capiialì*prou.*ent inãccordancew ith the provisionso f Section4.4.1' CapitalI mprovement Assessmentssh allb e duea ndp ayableb y all Ownersi n suchi nstallmentsa ndd urings uchp eriod 26 Horton/Temecula L¿ne Maste¡ CC&Rs 20838-001782/1 24118| 4. or periodsa s the MasterB oard shal.dl esignate.I ncreaseisn CapitalI rnprovemenAt ssessments snattb e subjecto the limitationss etf orth in Section6 .8 below. 6.6 EnforcementA ssessments.T he MasterA ssociationm ay levy an Enforcement Assessmenutg uinJu ny O*.r"r who causesd amageto the MasterA ssociationP roperly,M aster AssociationM aintenancAe reaso r any othera reasw hich the MasterA ssociationis obligatedt o maintain,f or bringinga n Owner or its Residencein to compliancew ith the provisionso f the MasterG overningD oiuments,a nüor any otherc harged esignateda n EnforcemenAt ssessment in the MasterG ovemingD ocuments,t ogetherw ith attorneys'f ees,i nteresta nd other charges relatedt heretoa s providid in this MasterD eclaration.I f the MasterA ssociationu ndertakesto providem aterialso r servicesth at benefrti ndividualO wners,t hens uchO wnersi n acceptings uch materialso r servicesa greet hat the costst hereofs hall be an EnforcemenAt ssessment'T he Master Board shall hãve the authority to adopt a reasonable schedule of Enforcement Àrrrrr*.nrs for anyv iolationo f the MasierG overningD ocuments.I f, afterN oticea ndH earing as required by the Governing Documents and which satisfies Section 7341 of the California Corporations'Codaen d Sectiõn 1363o f the CaliforniaC ivil Code,t he Owner fails to cure or continuess uchv iolation,t he MasterA ssociationm ay imposea n additionalf ine eacht ime the violationi s repeateda, nd may assesss uchO wnera nd enforcet he EnforcemenAt ssessmenat s hereinp rovidedf or áonpaymånot f an assessmenAt. hearingc ommitteem ay be establishedb y the Master Board to uå-ini.ter the foregoing. Notwithstandinga ny other provision in this Master Declaration to the contrary, except as provided in this Section 6.6 of this Master DeclarationE, nforcemenAt ssessmentasr ea ssessmenbtsu t they may not becomea lien against the Owner's Residenceth at is enforceableb y a power of sale under CaliforniaC ivil Code SectionsZ gZ4,2 g24ba nd 2924c. This restrictiono n enforcemenits not applicablet o late paymentp enaltiesf or detinquenta ssessmentosr chargesi mposedt o reimburset he Master Associationf or losso f intereÃto r for collectionc osts,i ncludingr easonablaet torneysf' ees' for delinquenat ssessments. 6.7 ChansesT o Assessments' 6.j.1 Limitation on Assessments.F rom and after Januaryls t of the year immediatelyfo llo*ing the conveyanceo f the first Residenceto an Owner,o thert hanD eclarant, the maximurnu nnuuiR "gular Assessmenmt ay not, excepti n the caseo f an Emergency( as hereinafterd efined),b e inõreasedb y an amountg reatert hant wenty percent( 20%) of the Regular Assessmentfso r the precedingF iscalY ear and SpecialA ssessmentasn d CapitalI mprovement Assessmenstsh allnoib. imposedt hat in thea ggregatex ceedfi ve percen(t5 %) of the budgeted gross expenseso f the Masìer Associationf or that Fiscal Year, without the consento f the Ñ4embersc,o nstitutinga quoruma nd castinga majorityo f the votesa t an electiono f the Master Associationc onductedin accordancew ith the provisionso provisionso f (i) CaliforniaC ivil Code Section 1363.03a nd the rulesa doptedb y the Boardp ursuant heretoa nd (ii) CaliforniaC orporations Code Sections7 510, et sàq. anð 7613. The Master Board may not increaset he Regular Assessmentfso r anyF iscaly ear unlessi t hasc ompliedw ith CaliforniaC ivil CodeS ection1 366. For the purpose of this Section, a quonrm more than a majority of the Owners of the Master Associationa nda n Emergencys hallm eana nyo neo f the following: (a) an extraordinarey xpensere quiredb y an ordero fa court; 27 HortonÆcmeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2t24338.t4 (b) arì extraofdinary expense necessary to repair or maintain the Master AssociationP ràperfyM, asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reaso r any part of the Master Community which is thl responsibilityo f the MasterA ssociationt o maintainw herea threatt o personals afetyo n theM asterC ommunityi s discoveredo;r (c) an extraordinary expense necessary to repair or maintain the Master Association Property or any part of the Master Community for which the Master Associationi s responsíbleto maintain that could not have been reasonablyfo reseenb y the Master Board in preparinga nd distributingt he Budgetr equiredu ndert his MasterD eclaration and the Mastere ytawsu nãC ulifo*ia Civii CodeS ection1 365;p rovided,h owevert,h atp rior to the impositiono r collectiono f a RegularA ssessmenutn dert his Section,t he MasterB oards hall pass a resolutionc ontainingw ritten findings as to the necessityo f the extraordinarye xpense which is involveda nd whylhe expensew ai not or couldn ot have beenr easonablfyo reseenin the budgetingp rocessu, ndt h. resôlutions hallb e distributedto the Membersw ith the noticeo f RegularA ssessmentF. or thep urposeo f calculatingw hethera n increaseto RegularA ssessments exceedst wentyp ercen(t 20%),t he term "RegularA ssessmentss"h all be deemedto includet he amount "rr"rrld ugainset achR esidenceb y theM asterA ssociationa sa RegularA ssessmenptl us any amountp aid by Declaranta s a subsidyp ursuanto any subsidya greementsto, the extent suðhs ubsidyp aymentso ffseta ny amountw hichw ould otherwiseb e paid by Ownersa s Regular Assessments.A ny increasesa uthorizedu nder this Sections hall not be imposedu nlesst he Maste¡ Boardh asc ompliedw ith the budgetaryr equirementsse t forth in Article of the Master Bylaws with respectto ih. FiscalY ear for whicha n assessrneinst b eingl evied' 6.7.2 Noticet o Owners. The MasterA ssociations hallp roviden oticeb y frrst classr nail to the O*n"r, of ur,yi nã"us. in the RegularA ssessmentosr SpeciaAl ssessmentosf the MasrerA ssociationn, ot lesst hant hirty hirty (30) daysa ndn ot more thans ixty (60) daysp rior to the increaseda ssessmebnet comingd uea ndp ayable' 6.g Level AssessmentsD. eclaranht ass ubmittedt o the DRE a budgett hat provides for a "level urr"rrriÃffirogru* for certainP hasesw ithin the Master Community( "DRE Approved Budget").D uring the time that the level assessmenbtu dgetingp rogrami s in effect, thã Master goard s'tratte stabtisha nd follow frscal controlsw ith respectt o the "Cumulative Surplus"f undo f theb udgetw, hich shalli nclude,b ut not be limited to: 6.8.1 The establishmenotf a separataec countf or CumulativeS urplusfu nds; 6.8.2 The separatea ccounte stablishefdo r the CumulativeS urplusw ill be used only for fundingo f RegularA ssessmenitns a givenf iscaly ear;a nd The MasterA ssociation'as nnualr eportr eferencedin the MasterB ylawsw ill includea reviewo r test of the Level Assessmentpsr ogram set forth in the budget to insure that adequateR egular Assessmentasr eb eingc ollected. 6.8.3 Other Master CommuniW Assessments' Special Assessmentas nd Capital Improvement essessr*ntr strãtt be allocated in the same manner as Regular Asiessments.E nforcemenAt ssessmentssh allb e leviedd irectlyt o the individualR esidencesin, a mannerc onsistenwt ith the provisionso f Section6 .6 of this MasterD eclaration. Horton/Ten¡ecula Lanc Master CC&Rs 20838-001 78/2 | 24338|. 4 28 6.9 oateo r commencemeonf tR e ' Tl" l:*ll1 nrr"rr,Ïå,. o "ri¿"n* in a phase subject to this MasterD eclarationo n the first day of the monthf ollowingt he conveyanceo f thef irst Residence within suchp haset o an owner undera uthorityo f a PublicR eport.A s to anyA dditionalP roperty which is thereafter annexed into the Máster Communify pursuant to a Supplementary Declarationt,h e Regui", Assessmentssh all commencea s to all of the Residencews ithin such Phaseu pont he f,rrsdt ay of the first monthf ollowingt he closingo f the-sale.otfh e first Residence in such phaseo r suche arlierd ate as may be seteãtedb y Declarantf or the cotnmencemenotf assessmenitns suchp hase.I n no events hll uny saleo r leasebactko Declaranot f anyR esidence in the MasterC ommunityb eingu seda s a modelh ome,s aleso ffice, designc enterc' onstruction office or similar p,rrporl (coliectively, a "Model Home") and which are not occupied by a homeownecr auset he .o*Àanaa*ent of assessmenitns a Phasefo r which assessmenhtsa ven ot otherwisec ommencedth rougha sale of a Residencein such a Phaseto an Owner who will occupys uch Residence.N otwithstandingth e foregoing,D eclarantm ay electt o commenceto pay RegularA ssessmenotsn a Phasep rioi to the conveyancien suchP haseto an Owneru ndera public Reporta nd,i n suchc ase,D eclarants hallh avet he voting rights as to the Residenceìsn suchP hasep ursuantto section5 .2 of this MasterD eclaration' 6.9.1 Model llomes. Assessmenstsh allc ommencea gainstth eM odelH omeso n the first day of t¡. n* tt,owingt he conveyan^coef the first Residenceto an owner under authorityo f a Public Report in th"el ast Phaseo f the Master Communitys hown in the Budgets ubmittedto and reviewld by the DRE; provided,h owever,i f at any time prior to such "onåy"n.., a Model Home is no longer usedf or Model Home Purposest,h en assessments' inctudingR egularA ssessmentssh, allc ommencea gainsat ll the Model Homeso n the frrst day of the fìrst month following the date that a Modei Home is no longer used for Model Home Purposes.lf the Model Home ceasest o be used for Model Home Purposesp rior to the conveyanceo f the frrst Residencein the last Phaseo f the Master community,t hen Declarant shallp roviden oticet o theM asterA ssociationa ndt heM asterA ssociations hallm akea ppropriate adjustmentsto the Budgetf or the Master community which is submittedt o andr eviewedb y the DRE asm ay be requireãt o reflect the commencemenotf assessmentfso r the Model Homes' 6.10 Notice and AssessmenItn stallmen.Dt lre Dates' A singlet en (10) day prior written noticeo f .u.lTpãul Arr.rr*"ñiffipttul ItnprovemenAt ssessmensth allb e givett to eacho wner. The due datesf or the paymento fìnstallmentsn ormallys hallb e the first day of eachm onthu nlesss omeo therd ue datei s establishebdy the MasterB oard' Eachi nstallmenot f RegularA ssessmentssp, ecialA ssessme¡tas ndc apital ImprovemenAt ssessmenstsh allb ecome delinquentif not paiá *ittin tifteen (15) daysa ftei its due date' Theres hall accruew ith each delinquenitn stallmenat latec harge,in teiestó h".gt to be setb y the MasterB oarda ndr easonable costs of collection, including attorneys' fees, but which shall not, in any event' exceed the maximumr atesp ermittedu ndlr CaliforniaC ivil CodeS ection1 366. 6.llEstoppelCertificate.TheMasterBoardonnotlessthanten(10)daysprior writtenrequest,r,jT ffiowledgeanddelivertothepartymakingsuchrequesta statementin writing statingw hether or iot to the knowledgeo f the MasterA ssociation'a particularo wner isîn ¿efautta s to sucho wner's Residenceu ndert he provisionso f this Master Declarationa nd furthers tatingt he datest o which installmentos f assessmentrse,g ularo r special, Horton/Temecula Lane lvf aster CC&Rs 20838-0107 8/2 124338l4. 29 have been paid as to such Residence. Any such statement may be relied on by any prospectlve purchaser or Mortgageeo f the ResiderLceb, ut reliance on such Statementm ay not extend to any default not involving"thep aymento f assessmentos f which the signer had no actualk nowledge' 6.1,2 Collectiono f AssessmentLsile ns. 6.ll.l Right to Enforce. The rightt o collecta nde nforcea ssessmenists v ested in the Master Board u"tìffir urãor u.half of the Master Association. The Master Board or its authorizedr epresentatiu.,lu,e, nforcet heo bligationso f the owners to pay assessmenptrso vided for in this MasterD eclarationb y commencemãnatn dm aintenancoef a suit at law or in equity,o r the MasterB oardm ay foreclor. Uy¡ rrai.lal proceedingosr throught he exerciseo f the powero f salep ursuant o Section6 .13.6e nforcet he liãn rightsc reated.S uit to recovera moneyju dgment for unpaida ssessmenttosg ethewr ith all otherA dãitionalc hargesd escribedin section6 .14s hall be 'raintainablew ithoutf ãreclosingo r waivingt he lien rights.N otwithstandinga nythinge lset o the contrary herein a monetary pãnalty imposed by the Master Association as a disciplinary measurefo r failureo ia Memberà co-ply with thei l4asteGr ovemingD ocumentso r asa means of reimbursingt heM asterA ssociationfo i costsi ncurredb y the MasterA ssociationin the repair of damaget o MasterA ssociationP ropertya nd facilitiesf or which the Memberw as allegedly .*sponsiõleo r in bringing the Member and its Residencein to compliancew ith the Master Governing Documentso flne MasterA ssociationm ay not be characterizedn or treateda s an assessmenwt hich may becomea lien against he Member'sR esidencee nfbrceablbey a saleo f the interesth ereunderlT he limitationi n the precedings entenceh owever,d oesn ot applyt o any Additional Charges' 6.12.2N oticeo f Assessmentasn d Foreclosure.T he MasterA ssociatiosnh all distributea written noti* ,.gaøing urr.ffiit undf oreclosurea s set forth in CalifomiaC ivil Code Section1 365.1d uringihe sixty 1OOd¡ ay periodi mmediatelyp recedingt he beginningo f theM asterA ssociationF'si scaYl ear. 6.12.3D elinquent Assessments.I n collectingd elinquenta ssessmenttsh,e Association,h"ll.o-@ofCalifornialaw,inc1udingwithou tlimitation, california civil code dection 1367.1. As of the date of this Master Declarations, uch laws require that, among other things, before the Master Association records a lien against the Owner,sR esidence]theA ssocialtion(i:) notify the delinquenOt wner of certainm attersa, nd( ii) offer and,i f requestebdy the Owner,p articipatein , dispuler esolutionp rocedurepsu rsuantto the Master Association,s" meet and confer" piogrur requiredi n Califomia Civil code Sections 1363.180 t hroughI 3 63.850. 6.12.4 Creation of Lien. If there is a delinquency in the payment of any assessmenot,r installm.,nto n Ñesidence any amountst hat are delinquent,t ogetherw ith the late charged escribedin CaliforniaC ivil Code Section1 366,i nteresta t the rate permittedi n such Section,a nda ll costst hata rei ncurredb y theM asterB oardo r its authorizedre presentativine the collection of the amounts,i ncluding reasonablea ttomeys'f ees, shall be a lien againsts uch Residenceu pon the recordationin the Office of the CountyR ecordero f a noticeo f delinquent assessmenta s provided in and subject to the requirementso f california civil code Section1 367.1 . Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&RS 20838-001782/l 24338I. 4 30 6.12.5A ssisnment. The Master Associationm ay not voluntarilya ssigno r pledge the Mastere ss*iuti*t right to collect paymentso r aSSeSSmenotrS t' o enforceo r foreclose a lien to a third parby except where provided under California Civil Code Section1 367I. ( g). 6.12.6N oticeo f Default:F oreclosure.T heB oardc anr ecorda noticeo f default and, subjecr ro the r.[ffi*tr una ti*iiations of California civil Code Section 1367.4, can causet he Residenc*ei th ,"rp""t to which a noticeo f defaulth asb eenr ecordedto be solde ither in the samem annera sa saleìs conductedu nderC aliforniaC ivil CodeS ections2 924,2924ba nd 2924c or through judicial foreclosure as provided in California Civil Code Section 1367'1' However, as a condition precedent to thè holding of any such sale tnder Section 2924c, appropriatep ublications hallb e made.l n connectionw ith any suchs ale,t he Boardi s authorized tå ïppoint a trusteef or purposeso f conductingt he sate. If a delinquencyis curedb efores aleo f the Iiesidenceo r beforec beforec ompletinga judicial foreclosureo, r if it is determinedth at a lien previouslyr ecordeda gainsta Residencew as recordedin error,t he Boards hall applyp ayments and follow the proceãures er forrh in CaliforniaC ivil Code Section 1367.1. on becoming delinquentin the paymento f any assessmenotsr installmentse, achd elinquenOt wners hall be deemedto havea bsoiutelya ssigneda ll rent,i ssuesa ndp rofitso f its Residencteo theA ssociation and shall further be deemedt o have consentedt o the appointmento f a receiver( which appointmenmt ay, at the electiono f the Associationb, e enforcedb y the Associationth rough spåcif,rpce rformance)T. he Associationa, ctingo n behalfo f the Owtterss, hallh avet he powert o UìOu pont he Resideácaet foreclosures alea nd to acquireh, old, leasem, ortgagea ndc onveyt he Residencaen dv otea sa n Ownero f theR esidence' 6.12.7 pavment of Assessments. Any payments of sums due under this Article shall frrst U" appti"a tõ urr"s.*"nts owed,a nd only after assessmenotsw ed haveb een paid in full shatlt hep áymentsb e appliedt o the feesa ndc ostso f collectionsa, ttomey'sf ees,I ate th"rg", or interest.i f an Ownerr equestsa receipta fterp aymento f a delinquenat ssessmentht,e MasterA ssociations hallp rovidea ieceiptt hat setsf orth the dateo f paymenta ndt he individual who receiveds uchP aYment. 6.13 Additional Charqgs. In additiont o any othera mountsd ueo r any otherr elief or remedyo btainfu .gurTtnO**i who is delinquenitn tht paymento f any assessmentesa, ch Ownera greesto pay AdditionalC hargesin curredo r leviedb y the MasterB oardi ncludings uch additiona-clo sts,f ees,c hargesa nd expenditureass the MasterA ssociationm ay incur or levy in the processo f collectingf rõm that owner moniesd uea ndd elinquenst ubjectt o CalifomiaC ivil CodeS ection1 366. AdãitionalC hargess halli nclude,b ut not be limitedt o, the following: 6.13.1 Attorneys' Fees. Reasonablaet torneys'f ees and costsi ncurredi n the event an attorney(si)t .*pl,ty.d t.ìollect any assessmenotr sum due, whetherb y suit or otherwise; 6.13.2 Late Charges. A late charge in an amount to be fixed by the Master Board in accordanc*. ittr Ciuil Co¿eS ection1 366t o compensateth e MasterA ssociationfo r additionalc ollectionc ostsi ncurredi n the eventa ny assessmenotr others um is not paid when dueo r within any "grace"p eriode stablishebdy law; Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-0107 8/2 1243381.. 1 3 1 6.13.3C ostso f Suit. Costso f suita ndc ourtc ostsi ncurreda sa rea llowedb y the courtl 6.13.4Interest.Interesttotheextentpermittedbylaw;and 6.13,5O ther. Any sucho thera dditionacl ostst hatt he MasterA ssociatiomn ay incur in the processo f collectingd elinquenat ssessmenotsr S ums' 6.14 Waiver of Exemptions'E achO wner,t o thee xtentp ermittedb y law' waivest' o the extent of any t*"t .t*t"d p"*uant to this Article, the benefrt of any homesteado r exemptionl aws ôf California in effect at the time any assessmenotr installmentb ecomes delinquento r any lien is imPosed. 6.15 subotdination of Lien To First Mortgaqes. when a Notice of Delinquent Assessmenht as been recorded,s uch assesimenst hall constitutea lien on such delinquent Owner,s Residence prior and superior to all other liens, except, (a) all taxes, (b) bonds' assessmentasn d othår levies which, by law, would be superior thereto,a nd (c) any First Mortgage now or hereafterp lacedu pon any Residences ubjectt o assessment'T he sale or transie.lf any Residen""p r.r.u"ntt o judicial or nonjudiciafl oreclosure(e xcludinga transfebr y a deedi n lieu of foreclosuieo) f a FirstM ortgages halle xtinguishth e lien of sucha ssessmenatss to paymentsth at becarned uep rior to suchs aleo r transfer.N o saleo r transfers hallr elieves uch Residencefr om any assessmèntthse reafterb ecomingd ue or from the lien of any subsequent assessmentW. heret heM ortgageeo f a FirstM ortgageo r otherp urchaseor f a Residencoeb tains title to the samea s a resulto i fórecloSur(ee xcludinga transferb y a deedi n lieu of foreclosure), sucha cquiroro f title, its successorasn da ssignss, halln ot be liable for the shareo f the Common Expenseso r assessmenbtsy the MasterA ssociationc hargeableto suchR esidenceth at became duåp rior to the acquisitiono f title to suchR esidencbey sucha cquiror,e xceptf or a shareo f such chargeso r assessmenrtess ultingf rom a reallocationo f suchc hargeso r assessmenwtsh ich are madea gainsta ll Residences. 6.16 No Offsets. All assessmenstsh all be be payablei n the amountss pecifiedb y the particular urr.rrrn.nñãã no offsets against such amount shall be permitted for any reasons' including,r vithoutl imitation,a claim that the MasterA ssociationis not properlye xercisingit s dutieso f maintenanceo,p erationo r enforcement' 6.17 Personal Liabilitv of Owner. No Owner may exempt himself or herself from personall iabilify for assessmentnso, t aty part thereof'l evied by the Master Associationn' or releaset he Residenceo wnedb y him or her-fromt he liensa nd chargesh ereofb y waivero f the use ande njoymenot f the MasterA ssociationP ropertyo r MasterA ssociationM aintenanceA reas and facilitiest hereof,o r by abandonmenotf suchO wner'sR esidence' 6.lg Transfer of Property. After transfer or sale of properly withjn the Master Community,th@nersshallnotbeliableforanyaSSeSsmentleviedonsuch Owner or Owner,sR esidencea fter the dateo f such transfero f ownershipi f written noticeo f sucht ransferi s deliveredto the MasterA ssociation.T he sellingO wners hall still be responsible for all assessmenatsn dc hargesle viedo n his or her Residencper ior to any sucht ransfer' Horton¿'TenrecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00| 7 8/2t24338-14 32 6.19 Failure to Fix Assessments' The assessmenhtse reundebr eforet he expirationo f any deemed either a waiver or modif,rcationin any Declaration or a release of the Owne¡ from the installmentt hereoff or that or any subsequenyte ar' year shallc ontinueu ntil a newa ssessmenist fixed' omission by the Master Board to frx the year, for that or the next year, shall not be iespect of the provisions of this Master obligationt o pay the assessmentosr any but the assessmenf,tr xedf or the preceding 6.2oPropertyExemptFromAssessments.TheMasterAssociationPropertyshallbe exempt from the .*"**""tq ch"rg.rãã lietts created herein' Although no land or improvementsd evotedt o dwelling use shall be exempt from assessmentbsy the Master Association,D eclaranta nd the Ownerss hall be exemptf rom paying any portion of Regular Assessmentwsh ich is for the purposeo f defrayinge xpenseasn dr eseryesd irectlya ttributableto the existenceo f anyt .nprou.-"ni, on theM asierà ssociationP roperlyw hich are.noct ompletea t the time assessmen.tos* *.n.., which exemptions hall be in effect only until the earliert o occur of the foltowing: (i) a notice of compleiionf or the subjectM asterA ssociationP roperly hasb eenr ecordedo, ,.i ii) ìft" subjectM asterA ssociatio'P roperfyh asb eenp lacedi nto use' 6.21 Master Association Propertv Improver.nents' In the event that the Improvementsto b" ,"rt^ll.d by D..luruãt on ttt. MusterA ssociationP ropertyh aven ot been completedp rior to the issuancbey the DRE of a Public Report,a nd in the furthere ventt hat the Associationis the obligeeu ndera boudt o Securep erformanceb y the Declarantto completes uch Improvementst,h en if suchI mprovemenths aven ot beerrc ompleteda nda noticeo f completion hled within sixty (60) days after the completion date specified in the planned construction statemenat ppendedto thet ond, the MasterB oard shallc onsidera ndv ote upont he questiono f ,uvhetheorr not to bring actiont o enforcet he obligationsu ndert he bond'l f the Associationh as given an extensìonin writing writing tbr the completiono f any such lrnprovementt,h en the Master Board shallc onsidera ndv ote on saidq uesiioni f suchI mprovemenths aven ot beenc ompleted and a notice of completion filed within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the extension period.I n thee ventt hatt he MasterB oardd eterminens ot to takea ctiont o enforcet heo bligations secured by the botrd, or does not vote on the question as above provided' then' in either such event,u pon petitions ignedb y Membersr epresèntingf, rvep ercent( 5%) or more of the Voting power of the Associatiãn.,* .lrrding the Voiing Powero f Declarantt,h e MasterB oards hallc all a specialm eetingo f the Membersó r tn. Assoiiationt o considert he questiono f overridingt he decisiono f the MasterB oardo r of requiringt he MasterB oardt o takea ctiono n the questiono f enforcingt he obligationss ecuredb y the Uon¿.S ai¿m eetingo f Memberss hallb e held not less than thir!-five (31) days nor *or" ihun forry-five (45) days following receipt of the petition' At said meeting a vote oia majority of the Voting Power of Members of the Master Association' excludingt he voteo f Declaånt,i o takea ctiont o enforcet he obligationsu ndert he bonds hallb e deemedt o be the decisiono f the MasterA ssociation,a nd the MasterB oard shall thereafter irnplementth e decisionb y initiatinga nd pursuinga ppropriatea ctioni n the nameo f the Master Association. Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 124338l4. 33 ARTTCLE 7 USE RESTRICTIONS 7.1 Residential use. Residences shall be used for residential purposes only; provided,h owever,u fy RA-ce may be usedf or professionaal dministrativoer otherb usiness occupationss o long as such occupations(a ) are oferateds. olely within the Residence('b ) are conductedin conformancew ith all applicabìóg o,r"**"ntal ordinances(,c ) arem erelyi ncidental to the useo f the Residencea s a resiãènce(,d ùhe patronso r.clienteleo f sucho ccupationd o not regularlyv isit or conductb usinesso n o,. iì ine Räsi¿ence('e ) the businessis operatedb y the Owner of the Residencew hosep rincipalr esidenceis the Residenceb,y a tenantw hosep rincipal residenceis the Resid.encoer by a membero f sucho wner's or tenant'sf amily whosep rincipal residenceis trren ..iJence, (Ð tfie operationo f the businessd oesn ot resulti n (i) the violationo f any of the otherp rovisionso f this MasterD eclaration(' ii) any unreasonabilnec reasein the flow of traffrc within the Property,( iii) any unreasonabloed or, or, noise,o r vibration outsideo f the Residence,o r (iv) parking piáUì.*t within the Master Communiry' No other use shall be allowed except ". rp"ïiüåliy permittedb y local ordinancep; rovided'h owever'D eclaranmt ay use any of the Resiåenceos* nãd by Decláranta s modelh omesa nd saleso fficesf or the Master Community. 7.2 commercial use. Except as othelwisep r.ovidedi n this Master Declaration' includingw ithout lñmn S..tion 7.1 ulro',r.n, o part of the MasterC ommunitys hallb e used or causeda, llowed,o r authorizedto be usedi n any way, directlyo r indirectly'f.o r any business' commercialm, unufa"turir,g*,. r.untile, storing,v ending,o r others uchn on-residentiaplu rpose' 7.3 Rental of Residences.A n Owner shall be entitlectt o rent the Owner's entire Residence, uut not-u pññnIúã*f, subject ro the restrictions contained in this Master Declaration, any contractuala greemenbt etween Declaranta nd each original orvner for such owner,s Residenceã , to ,n.ñ parties,a nd any other restrictionso f record applicablet o a Residencea nda tl appticablela wsa ndo rdinancesA. ¡y leasea greemensth allb e in writing' shall prouid. that tlie f"Åà ir subjectt o the MasterG overningD ocumentsa, nds hallp rovidet hat any failure to comply with any provision of the Master Governing Documents shall be a default undert he termso f the leasea greement.A copy of the MasterG overningD ocumentss hallb e made available to each tenant by ttre Owner so renting. A copy of the rental or lease agreement shall, upon requestb, e providedt o the MasterA ssociation' The owner shall' at all times'b e responsiblefo r his å, ne, tenant'sc ompliancew ith all of the provisionso f the MasterG oveming Documents. A tenants hall have no obligationt o the MasterA ssociationto pay assessments imposedb y the MasterA ssociationn or sãall any tenanth ave any voting rights in the Master Association. No o*rrer may rent a Residences ituatetlt hereonf or hotel, motel or transient purpor., or any otherp urposáin consistenwt ith the provisìonso f this MasterD MasterD eclaration'A ny lease that is either for'a ieriod of fewer than thirty (30) days or pursuant to. which the Owner providesa ny seruicesn ormally associatewd ith a hotel shall be deemedt o be for transiento r hotel purposes. 7.4 Time sharine. A Residencme ay not be dividedo r conveyedo n a time increment basis( commonry, Ã.d-toas "time sharing") of measurablec h¡onologicalp eriods' The term ,.time sharing" as used herein shall be defined to include, but shall not be limited to' any 34 IlortodTemecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 124338l4. agreementp, lan, programo r alÏangemenut nder which the right to use, occllpy or possesth e Residenceo r any port"ionth ereofi nihe MasterC ommunifyr otatesa lnongv ariousp ersonse' ither .olporur" purr,årinip, ildiuiduul or otherwise, on a periodically recurring basis for value exchangedr,v hethemr onetaryo r like-kindu sep rivileges,accordintgo a f,rxedo r floatingi nterval or periJdo f time sixty (60) consecutivcea lendadr ayso r less. 7.5 Animals. No livestocko r poultry shall be kept' maintained,o r bred in any Residenceo r elsewherew ithin the MasterÓ ommunity' Not more than a total of two (2) dogs (othert hand ogsw hich in the reasonabldee terminationo f the MasterB oarda red eterminedto be a threatt o the safetyo f the occupantso f the Masterc ommunity, which shall not be allowed undera ny circumstanceisn the MãsterC ommunity)o r two (2) domesticc ats,o r a combination thereof( but not to exceedt wo (2) total) shallb e permittedt o be maintainedin any Residence' provideds ucha nimalsa re not kàpt,b red or raisedf or commerciapl urposes'D omesticr eptiles' birds, rodents and fish shall be iermitted so long as such animals are kept in the interior of a Residencea nd are (a) kept as householdp ets,þ j are not so-excessively noisy as to disturb the quiet enjoymenbt y eacho wner of its Residence,.(ca)r e not kept,b redo r raisedf or commercial purpor", är, u, determinedb y the Master Board, in unreasonablen umbets, and (d) do not constitute a nuisance or threat to the personal safety of other Owners and their Invitees in the Masterc ommunity. Not'withstandintgh e foregoing,t he MasterA ssociationR ulesm ay further rimit or restrictt he keepingo f suchp ètr. tt. MasterB oards halls pecificallyh avet he powert o prohibit the keeping oi *íint.nunce of any animal, which, in the opinion of the Master Board' after Notice and Hearing,i s deemedb y the MasterB oard to constitutea nuisanceto any other owner or which constitutesa threatt g thep ersonasl afetyo f any owner in the solea nde xclusive opinion of the Master Board. Each person bringing or.keeping a pet within the Master Cïmmunity shall be absolutelyl iable tã other Owners and their Inviteesf or any damaget o personso r propertyc ausedb y anyp et broughtu pono r kept.uponth e MasterC ommunifyb y such i"rron or åny^inuiteeo f suchp ersono r by memberso f his or her family, his or her guestso r invitees. Each Owner shall clean up after such animals that have deposited droppings or otherwiseu seda ny portiono f theM astèrC ommunityo r publics treeta buttingo r visiblef rom the Property. Animals belonging to Orvners or lnvitees of any Owner must be -kept within an enclosureo r on a leashh eld by a personc apableo f controllingt he animal when outsidet he ResidenceN. othingc ontainedh ereins hallc onstifutea restrictiono n seeinge yed ogs-7.6 Antenna Restrictions. No Owner shall install any antenna,s atellited ish, or' other over-the-airrf fiing d*i.t fAntenna") (i) on any real propertyw hich suchO wneri s not entitledt o exclusivelyu seo r control,a s providedi n Title 47 U.S.C.$ $ l, er seq',47 CFR $ 1.4000 and any othár applicable lawsf rules and decisions promulgated thereunder (..collectively" Antenna Laws;'¡,( ii) in a particularl ocationi f, in the MasterB oard's opinion, the installationl,o cationo r maintenancoef suchA ntennau nreasonablayf fectst he safetyo f the Owners or any other Person,o r for any other safety-relatedr easone stablishedb y the Master Board, or (iii) that is of a sizå larger than is permined under the Antenna Laws' If an Owner is entitled to install an Antennau nder the forégoing requirementss, uch Owner shall provide the MasterB oardw ith written noticet hats ucho wner hasi nstalledo r is aboutt o installt he Antenna' If an Ownerd esiresto installa n Antenna,o thert hana s describedin (i) through( iii) above,s uch Owner may do so only upon the prior approvalp ursuant o Article 9' The MasterB oards hall Florton/TemecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs ?0838-0I0 7 8/2 124138l4. 3s not impose or enforce aiìy restrictiotts upon Laws. Antennaet hat are inconsistenrt' vitht he Antenna 7.7 Sisns and Displays, No sign, adverlising device or other display of any kind shall be cirpluy.a it tt" uurtercommunity, except for the following: 7.7.1 entry monumentsM, asterC ommunityi dentifications igns,a nd traffic or parkingc ontrols ignsm aintainedb y theM asterA ssociation; 7.7.2 for eachR esidenceo,n e (t) nameplateo r similarO wnern ameo r address identihcationw hich compiiesw ith theM asterA rchitecturaGl uidelines; 7.7.3 for eachR esidenceo,n e( l) signa dvertisingth eR esidencefo r saleo r lease thatc ompliesw ith thef ollowingr equirementssu, bjectto Civil CodeS ectionsT1a2n d7 13: (a) thes igni s a reasonablsei ze;a nd (b) the sign is in compliancew ith the MasterA rchitecturaGl uidelines or is otherwisea uthorizedp ursuantto Article 9; 7. 7.4 noncommercisailg nsp ermittedb y Civil CodeS ectioni3 53.6;a nd T.T.5suchothersignsordisplaysauthorizedpursuanttoArticle9. In addition to the foregoing, all signs must comply with uli applicable laws' Notrvithstandingth e foregoing,D eclaiants half have the right to displays igns as set forth in Àrticle 10. 7.8 7.g.1 ÄuthorizedV ehicles.T he followingv ehiclesa re" AuthorizedV ehicles": (a)standardpu,,"ngffigautomobiles,(b)paSsengervanSdes ignedto accommodat. t"n ltO¡ or fewer peoplã, (c) motorcycles' (d) pick-up trucks having a nanufacturer'sr atinj oi payload. upoìity of one (l) ton or less. AuthorizedV ehiclesm ay be farked in any portio"no f ìnå propertyi ntendedf or parkingo f motorizedv ehicles;h owever,n o Owner may park a vehicle in a mannerw hich either restrictst he passageo f pedestrianso r veliicleso ver driveways,s tÍeetso r sidewalksin the Properfyo, r extendsb eyondt he limits of the spacew heret he vehiclei s parked. The MasterA ssociãtionh ast he powert o identifoa dditional vehiclesa s Authorizedv ehiclesa sA uthorizedV ehiclesi n the MasterA ssociationR ulesa ndt o adapt heser estrictionsto otherf ypeso fvehicles' 7.g.2 prohibited Vehicles. The following vehicles are "Prohibited Vehicles": (a) commercial-typue" fti"i"t Gg., ttakebedtr ucks,t ankt rucks,d umpt rucks,s tepv ans,c oncrete trucks, limousinesa nd pick-up-truckso f more than one ton), (b) buseso r vans designedt o accommodatem ore thån ten (10) people, (c) vehicles having more than two (2) axles' (d) inoperablev ehicleso r partso f vehicles,( e) aircraft,( Ð any vehicleo r vehiculare quipment deemeda nuisanceb y the ùaster Board,( g) dilapidatedd, ismantledo r wreckedv ehicles(, h) any vehiclew hich is uná". repair,( i) motorhãmesb, oats,t railersa nd recreationavl ehiclesf i) any 36 Horton/TemeculLaa nc Master CC&Rs 20838-0107 8/2 | 24338I. 4 otherv ehiclen ot classifieda s an AuthorizedV ehicle. ProhibitedV ehiclesm ay not be parked, storedo r kept within the Propertyo r anyP rivateS treetw ithin the MasterC ommunitye xceptf or brief periods for loading,u nloading,m aking deliverieso r emergencyr epairs, If a vehicle qualifiesa sb oth an AuthorizedV ehiclea nda ProhibitedV ehicle,t hent hev ehiclei s presumedto be a prohibited Vehicle unless the vehicle is expressly classified as an Authorized Vehicle in writing by the Master Board. 7.8.3 GeneralR estrictions. Subjectt o the restrictiono n ProhibitedV ehicles, all vehicleso wnedo . op.tutra Uy or undert he controlo f an Ownero r a residenot f an Owner's Residencea nd kept ln ihe Propertym ust be parked ìn the assignedg arageo f that Owner to the extent of the space available; providcd that each Owner shall ensure that any such garage accommodatesa t least the number of Authorized vehicles for which it was originally constructedb y Declarantg; araged oorss hallb e equippedw ith automaticg araged araged oorso penersa t all times. parking in drivewayso f the ResidentiaLl ots and within ExclusiveU se Driveway Areas( as defrnedln the SubassociatioDne claration)is permittedp rovidedt hat the owner has parked the number of vehicles in the garage that the gaftge was designed for; parking in any ãtherd rivewa y areais strictlyp rohibited.P arkingo n the PrivateS treetss hallb e govemedb y the Master Association. No maintenance(e xcept for emergencym aintenance)r,e storationo r washingo f any vehicle may be conducteda nywhereo n the Property,e ven in any enclosed garage. [n no events hall parkeda utomobileso r otheru seso r stmctureso r otheri temsb lock accessto the SharedD rivewayso r restricti ngresso r egresso n, over, througha nd acrosst he SharedD riveways. 7.8.4 Parkine Resulations. The Master Board may establish additional regulations. .gurding any parking areasn ot assignedt o individual Residencesi,n cluding deiignating "pãrkingl' "gu"it parking," and "no parking" areas. Any vehicle parked within a fire lane* y-b. towedw ithoutp rior notice.T he MasterB oardm ay takea ll actionsn ecessartyo enforcea ll þarking and vehicleu se regulationsfo r the Properfyi ncludingr emovingv iolating vehicles from the property pursuantt o California Vehicle Code Section22658.2o r other applicablela w.7.8.5 Garage Use. The garages shall be used for parking vehicles only and shall not be convertedf or living, recreationaal ctivities,b usinesso r storaget hat would prevent the ability of an Owner, tenant or lessee to park the number of vehicles in the garage that the gàragew ãs designedfo r. Doorst o garagess hall be kept closede xceptd uring the removalo r ãntrf of vehiclest herefromo r thereto.E achO wners halle nsuret hats uchg aragea ccommodates at leastt he numbero r AuthorizedV ehiclesf or which it rvaso riginallyc onstructebdy Declarant' 7.g Trash. The followingt rashr estrictionss hall applyt o all Neighborhoodsu,n less otherwises tatedi n the SubassociatioDne claration.T rash,g arbageo r otherw astes hallb e kept only in sanitary containers. Owners may use their own sanitary containers or order sanitary containersfr om the wastes ervicesc ompanyt hat servicest he MasterC ommunity.O wnersw ill be requiredt o use automatedc ontainersa nd shall be responsiblef or any loss or damaget o such containerso ver and aboven ormal wear and tear. No Owner shall permit or causea ny trasho r refuse to be kept on any portion of the Master community other than in the receptacles customarilyu r"d fo. it, wtriðh shall be storedw ithin fenceds ideyardso r garagese xcepto n the scheduledã ay for trash pickup. On scheduledtr ash pickup days,c ontainersa nd/orb ulþ items 37 Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-001728 ì/2 4338l.4 strallb e ptacedin designateda reas.C ontainers hallb e placedi n designateadr easn o earliert han 6:00p .m.o n the day bãforet rashp ickupi s scheduled.C ontainersm ustb e returnedt o the fenced sideyãrdso r garagesb y 11 :00p .rn.o n thed ay trashp ickupi s scheduledO. wnerss hallb e subject to fines imposedb y the MasterA ssociationfo r failing to complyw ith guidelinesr egulatingth e timesd uringw hich containersm ayb e placedi n designateadr eas.O wnersa ree ncouragetdo use recyclingc ontainersto disposeo f ...yòl"ble materials.A ll trashs hallb e storeda ndd isposedo f in compliancwe ith Section7 .19.1' 7.10 MechanictsL iens. No Ownerm ay causeo r permita ny mechanic'sli en to be fiIedagainsttt'ãiutãF"ityforlaborormaterialsaIIegedtoha vebeenfurnishedor deliveredt o the Masterc ommunityo r any Residencefo r sucho wner, anda ny owner who does so shall immediatelyc auset he lien to be dischargedw ithin five (5) days after notice to the Owner from the MasterB oard. if any Owner fails to removes uchm echanic'sli en, the Master Boardm ay dischargeth e lien andc hargeth e Ownera n EnforcemenAt ssessmenfot r suchc osto f discharge. 7.ll Installations. 7.1t.l OutsideI nstallations.U nlessi nstalledb y Declaranot r approvedb y the Master Board, the f"tt"*t.g it rrr .re prohibited: (a) outside installations, including clotheslinesb,a lcony,p atio or ãeck covers,w iring, air conditioninge quipmentw, aters ofteners, other machinesa nd other Improvenents,( b) Improvementsto deck or balcony railings, and (c) othere xteriora dditionso r alterationtso any Residence' 7.II.Z Sports Apparatus. No basketball backboard or other f,rxed sports apparatussh allb e.on.t.u.t.d * n*intained on anyR esidencew ithouta pprovafl rom theM aster gour¿ or, if appointed, the Master A¡chitecrural Cornmittee. Portable sports equipment is permittedp .orrid"dt hat suche quipmenits placedi n an areat hat is screenefdr om view wheni t is not in use, and further providea that such use complies with any Master Association Rules adoptedb y the MasterB oardr elatingt o suchs portinge quipment. j.ll.3 Exterior Liehting. Any exteriore lectricalg, aso r othera rtificial lighting installedo n any R..iO"n*t"tt U" p*itioned, screenedo,r otherwised irectedo r situateda ndo f suchc ontrolledf ocus and intensitys o as (i) to comply with OrdinanceN o. 655 regardingt he regulationo f light pollution,( ii) nót to shined irectlyu pon adjacenpt roperlyo r public rights-ofwä'ya nd (iii) nãt to unreasonablyd isturb the residentso f any other Residence(s).F urtherr ules ..g*ding'.xterior lightingm ayb e promulgatedb y theM asterB oard' 7.11.4O utside Drvine and Laundering' No exteriorc lotheslines hall be erected or maintained wittrin the Master Community and there shall be no exterior drying or launderingo f clotheso n any Residence. 7.11.5 Fences.E tc. No fencesa, wnings,o mamentasl creenss,u nshadeosr walls of any nature shall be erected or maintained on or around any portion of any structure or elsewherew ithin the Master Community except thoset hat are installedi n accordancew ith the original construction of the Master Community or as are authorized and approved in accordance with Article 9. Hortor/Temecula Lane lvlaster CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338.l4 38 7.11'6P ainting' No Owners hallp aintt hee xterioro f theO wner'sR esidencoer any othere xteriori mprovementws ithin a Residencew ithout prior approvali n accordancwe ith Article 9 of this Master Declaration,e xceptt hat no consents hall be requiredi f an Owner repaints the exterior with the same color. 7.1?. Mineral Exploration. No Properry within the Master communiry shall be used in any mannert o exploref or or to removea ny oil, minerals-,n atural gas of other hydrocarbons' geothermahl eato r substancews,a ter,g ravel,e artho r any earths ubstancoer otherm ineralo f any kind (.,subsurface Resources"). No well for the production of, or from which there is froAuàed,S ubsurfacRe esourcessh allb e operatedw ithin the MasterC ommunity'n or shalla ny machinery,a pplianceo r structureb e plãced, operatedo. r maintainedt hereon for use in connection with a¡y trading, manufacturingo r repairing business' Notwithstandingt he foregoing,n othingi nthis sectìono r anywher. "ls" in this MasterD eclarations hallb e deemedto pronîUit,"i*pairo -ri n any way limit the rightso f Declarant( and any successorasn d assignsto beclarant'sr ights to SubsurfaceR esourcest)o drill for, exploref or, mine and/orr emovea ny SubsurfaceR esourcefsr om any Properfyw ithin the MasterC ommunity,a nd Declaranat nda ny successorsa nd assignst o Deciarant;sr igtrts to the SubsurfaceR esourcess hall haves uch rights, including, without úmitation, the right to whipstock or directionally drill and mine from lands other than the Master Community, wells, iunnels and shafts into, through or across the subsurfaceo f the properfya, ndt o bottoms uchw hipstockedo r directionallyd rilledw ells,f unnels ands haftsw ithin or beyondt he exteriorl imits of theM asterC onrmunity 7.13 OffensiveC onduct.N uisances.N o noxiousa_c tivitiesi ncludingb ut not limited to, repair of automobileso r other motorizedv ehicless hall be conductedw ithin the Master community. Nothing shall be done on or within the Master communily that may be or may becomea nuisanceto ttre ttre residentso f the MasterC ommunìty. Front doors to the Residences shall remainc losede xceptf or accessto and eglessf rom the ResidencesN' o¡withstandintgh e foregoing,s mokings hali be permittedi n the ExclusiveU se EasemenAt res, as definedi n the SubãssoòiatioDne clarationu, nlesso therwisep rohibitedb y law. 7.I4 Entry Gates. Declarants hall have control over the entry gatesw hich may be situatedr vithin rhe p;;læ and shall be responsiblefo r the maintenancea nd repair of the entry gatesu ntil all saleso f all Residenceisn thå MasterC ommunityh aveb een completedo r until óeclaranti n its soled iscretiond, eterminetsir att he MasterA ssociations houldt aker esponsibility for control, maintenancea nd repair of some or all of the entry gates' The Association's obligation shall conunence immediately upon receipt of written notice from Declarant identiffing the entry gates to be thereáfter controlled and rnaintained by the Association' Notwiihstãndingw há h"asr esponsibilityf or the entry gates,D eclarants hall be entitledt o have the entry gates remain open during regular business hours in order to conduct sales' The pr"r"r,"é o1 entry gates ìn the Mãstei Community is not a wananty or representationb y Declarant that any ãecurity is being provided to any Owner or to any Owner's Residenceo r personalp roperty. Notwithstandinga nythingt o the contrarys et forth in this MasterD eclaration' i' no .u"nt muyìhi, provisionb e modif,reodr amendedw ithoutt hec onsenot f Declarant' 7.15 View Impairment. There is no representatiotnh at any view existsf rom any Residence.p u"n öÇn-.."pting a deedt o ã Residencea, cknowledgetsh at gradingo f, constructiono n or installationo f l*prou"ments, including landscapingo, n other Residence 39 Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338.t 4 within the Properfya ndo n surroundingre al properlym ay impairw hateverv iew may existf rom the O,,vner'sR esidencea nd eachO wner. ont*nìt to suchi mpairmenta nd waivesa ny claim for view impaitment.E acho wner andt he MasterA ssociationb, y acceptinga deedt o a Residence or any Master AssociationP roperfy,a cknowledgesth at any constntctiono r installationb y Declaranto r by otherO wnersa s providedi n Section7 .11h ereof,m ay impair the view of such Owner,a nde aðhO wnera ndt he MasterA ssociationo n behalfo f the Membersh erebyc onsentto suchi mpairment.B y acceptinga deedt o a Residencee,a chO wnera cknowledgetsh at: (a)t here are no protectedv iews, un¿ nã Residenceis assuredo f the existenceq, uality or unobstructed continuationo f any particularv iew and Declaranmt akesn o representation-wora rrantyt hatt here are now, or will be in the future, any such views or that any view will impact the view or desirabilityo f any Residence(,b ) any vierv from the Residenceis not intendeda s part of the value of the Residencea nd is not guaranteeda; nd (c) any future developmentc' onstruction' landscapingg, rowtho f trees,o r otheiinstallationo f Improvementbsy Declaranto r othero wners in the MasterC ommunityo r of propertiess urroundingth e Masterc onrmunitym ay impairt he view from any Residence. There are no expresso r implied easementsa ppurtenantto any Residencefo r view purposeso r for the passageo f light anda ir over anotherR esidenceo' r any other properrY whatsoever. 7.16 Window Coverings. Temporary window. coverings ("Temporary Window Coverings,,)in a O"rignãa *for ttratd oesiot conflictw ith the sunoundingIm provement(sb ut excludinga luminumf oil, newspaperso,r any otherc ontrastingm aterial)s hallb e permittedfo r a ,r,u*irnuã periodo f sixty (60) ãays from thã datet hat a Residenceis conveyedto an Ownerb y Declarant. Except ur .i.òin.ully provided above, no Temporary window Coverings shall be used to cover any doór or windorv of any Residence. All window coverings (including TemporaryW indow Coveringss) hallb e of a ireutralc olorh armoniousw ith andn ot conflictw ith the color ichemeo f the exteriorw ail surfaceo f the Residence. 7.Ij Drainaqe. Theres hall be no interferencew ith the established rainagep attern over the Properfy,,r nf*rt an adequatea lternativep rovisionì s madef or properd rainagew ith the prior written approval of the Master Architeitural Committee. For the purpose hereof, ..establishedd"r ainagein any Phaseis defineda s the drainageth at existsa t the time of the hrst closeo f escrowf or tñe saleó f a Residencein suchP haseo, r thati s showno n any plansa pproved by theM asterA rchitecturaCl ommittee.E acho wner shallm aintaint he drainages ituatedw ithin any Residencefr ee of debrisa nd any other material that may impedet he flow of water' If such Owner fails to maintains uchd rainagea nd,a s a result,i.m minentd angert o persono r property may result,t hent he MasterA ssociations hallh avet he right of accesso nto the Residencefo r the purposeo f clearingd ebrisa ndo therm aterials o ast o not impedet he flow of water. This right of accesss hallb e exercisedo nly for the purposeo f preventingd amageto personsa ndp ropertya nd the enteringp arty( "Entering Party"¡ shallu ser easonablcea res o as to not causea nyd amageto the Residence.T he Ownerihutl r.i-Uurse the MasterA ssociationfo r any costsa nd expenses incurredin clearings uchd ebrisp ursuantto the provisionso f this MasterD eclaration' 7.1g Declarant'sE xemption from UseR estrictions.T he developmentc,o nstruction, marketing und s"l"E ti,riti.i of O""iãtuttt i. "*empt from the covenants, restrictions and limitations set forth in this Article. None of the covenantsr,e strictionsa nd limitations set forth in this Article or elsewherein this Master Declarations hall be appliedt o the development, I-lorton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00| 7 8/2124338.14 40 7.19 Com rvith nts Water Each Owne, "rkno*þdges that water that enters a storm drain flows directly, without any treatmentt,o waterwaysir,e eks, streamsr,i vers,l akesa nd/ofo ceans'A ccordingly,t heN ational pollutant Discharge Élimination System ("NPDES"), the Federal Clean Water Act, and the policies and ordinãnceso f the City prohibit discharginga nythingo thert han naturalr ain water into storm drainages ystemsi,n ctuãingg uttersa nd streetsw hich drain into stormd rains. Toxic chemicalso r hydiocarbonc ompoundss uch as gasoline,m otor oil, antifreezes, olventsp, aints, paint thinners,w ood preservativesfe, rtilizers,l awn clippings,y ard waste,d etergentsp,e t v/aste, þaintsa nd other suchm aterialsa ndp ollutantss halln ot be dischargedin to any street,p ublico r þrivate,g utters,o r into stormd rainso r stoÍn waterc onveyancesy stems.T he disposaol f such þollutantsa nd materialsin to a stormd rain systemm ay resulti n significantp enaltiesa nd frnes andt hat suchO wnerm ayb e responsiblfeo r any activitiesb y Owner'sc ontractors(e 'g.,p ainters, landscaperse,t c.)w ho disposeo f suchp ollutantsf rom an Owner'sR esidencein to a stormd rain system. Use andd isposaol f pesticidesf,u ngicidesh, erbicidesi,n secticidesf,e rtilizers,a ndo ther suchc hemicalss hallm eeta ll federals, tate,a nd City requirementasn dr equirementosf anyo ther governmentaal genciesh avingj urisdictiono ver the Properfy. All Ownersw ithin the Master Óom'runity are requiredt o cómplyw ith such restrictions.O wnersa re encouragedto consult with the City, ando therg overnmentaalu thoritiesc, oncerningth e properd isposaol f anyt oxic or hazardousm aterials.O umpinga ny suchm aterialsin to sewetsg, utterso r stormd rainsi s against the law. 7.r9.1 tion P . T o constructionm, arketingo r saleso r leasinga ctivitieso f a Declaranot r construedin sucha manner as to prevento r limit developmentc,o nstructionm, arketingl,e asingo r salesa ctivitiesb y any Declarant. This Section shall not be amended or removed without Declarant's prior written consent. comply with the r.qffiãtr of th. City in connection with the storm water pollution preventionb est managemenptr acticese, ach Owner and the MasterA ssociationa greesth at it 7.Lg.ZL iabilitv to Declarant. So long asD eclaranot wns any Residencwe ithin the Master Co**,roit¡ if "tt O*ner or the MasterA ssociationis not in compliancew ith the provisionso f this Sectiona nda sa result,D eclaranmt ay incur any liability, Declaranst hallh ave ihe right but not the obligationto enteru pont he Residencteo corrects uchv iolation.A ny Owner Best t P iill, ut all times,m aintaina ll improvementlso catedo n a Residenceo,r in the caseo f theM aster Association,w ithin the MasterA ssociationP roperty,i n a clean,s afe and attractivec ondition, free and clear of any and all debris. All landscapings hall be maintainedb y an Owner in a mannert hat will preient soil erosiona nd minimize sedimentr ansport' To the extentt hat the Declaranth as installeda ny erosionp rotectiond evices( e.g., sandbags)a, n Owne¡ shall not removes uch devicesu nlessa ndu ntil all landscapingh asb eeni nstalledo n a Residencea,n dh as been sufficiently grot¡/n so as to prevent soil erosion and transport of any sediment. All trash receptacleso n âtr O*ner's Residences hall be covereda nd closeda t all times exceptw hen dispãsingo f trash. The MasterA ssociationa ndt he ownerss hallc omplyw ith all applicableB est tvtanugemenPtr actices(" BMP") andp erforma ll maintenancteh atm ay be imposedb y anyw ater quality managemenpt làn that may alfect the Properfy. The costso f the MasterA ssociation's portiono f suchm aintenanceif, any,s hallb e treateda sC ommonE xpenses. Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2124338.14 &/1t t1 who violates the requirementso f this Sectiona nd the Master Associations hall indemniff, protect,d efenda nd hold Declaranat nd Declarant'so f{icers,d irectorss, uccessorasn d assigns àntiretyf ree andh armlessfr om anda gainsta ny liabilities,p enaltiesc,o sts,e xpenseasn da ctions, including,w ithoutl imitation,a ttorneysf'e esa ndc ostsa risingf rom or attributedto a violationo f the provìsionso f this Sectionands hall, within fifteen (15) daysa fter requestf rom Declarant, reimburseD eclaranfto r anyc ostsa nde xpensesin curredb y Declaranitn correctìnga nyv iolation by any Owner of this Section. 7.20 Landscaping.E achO wners hall landscappeo rtionso f the Residenceth ata ten ot landscapebdy DeC[aranats p arto f the initial conveyanceb y Declaranti,n accordancwe ith plans upprouéd puisuant to Article 9 by the date which is no later than six (6) months after the .ãnu"yun"è of the Residenceb y Declarantt o an Owner. Prior to installinga ny landscapingo n an Owner'sR esidencet,h e Owners hallb e responsiblefo r ensuringth att herei s no runoff from the Owner'sR esidencea ndt heO wners hallb e requiredt o takes ucha ctiona sm ay be reasonably necessaryto preventa ny runoff, including, if necessaryi,n stallingl andscapingin advanceo f such six (6) month date. During landscapingo f an Owner's Residencel,a ndscapinga nd co¡structionm aterialsm ustb e sto¡edo nly upon the Owner'sR esidenceS. uchm aterialsm ustb e properlyc ontainedto prevents pilloveri nto the PrivateS treetso r MasterA ssociationP roperty. bhoutd-spilloveor ccur,s pilledm aterialm ust be swepta ndc ontainerizedS. pilledm aterialss hall not be washedi nto the stormw ater curb drain inlets. Temporarye rosiono r sedimenct ontrol devicesw erei nstalledb y DecLarandtu ringc onstructiono f tlie MasterC ommunity' Ownerss hall not remove any temporary erosion or sediment control devices installed by Declarant until Owner's Residenceis landscapeadn d the plantingsa re established.O wner is responsiblefo r preventings edimentl eavingO wner's Residence.E ach Owners hallb e liable to Declarantf or àny damage resulting from failure to prevent sediment from leaving the Owner's Residence, shall indemnify,p rotect,d efenda ndh old Declarante ntirelyf ree andh armlessfr om any and all liability, actionsp, enaltieso r damageas risingf rom or attributableto anys uchr unoff. 7.21 Post Tension Slabs. The concretes labs for the Residencesin the Master Communityw ere reinforcedw ith a grid of steelc ablest hat were installedi n the concretea nd then tightened to create very high tension. This lype of slab is commonly known as a "Post Tension Slab." Cutting into a Post Tension Slab for any reason (e,g. to install a floor safe, to remodelp lumbing,e tc.)i s very hazardousa nd may resulti n seriousd amaget o the Residence anüor personailn jury. By acceptingag rantd eedt o a Residencien theM asterC ommunitye, ach Owner specifrcallyc ovenantsa nd agreest hat: (a) such Owners hall not cut into or otherwise tamper with the Post Tension Slab; (b) such Owner shall not knowingly permit or allow any person to cut into or tamper with the Post Tension Slab so long as such Owner owns any interest in the Residence(;c ) suchO wners hall discloset he existenceo f the PostT ensionS lab to any tenant,l esseeo r subsequenptu rchaseor f the Residencea; nd (d) suchO wner shall indemnify, protect,d efenda ndh old Declaranat ndi ts respectiveo fficers,e mployeesc,o ntractoras nda gents, free and harmlessf rom and againsta ny and all claims, damagesl,o sses,o r other liability (including,w ithoutl imitation,a ttorneysf'e es)a risingf rom anyb reacho f this Section. 7.22 Liehtine Restrictions.N o Owners halli nstalla nyn on-securitlyig htingi n sucha manners o ast o directlyi lluminatea ny opens pacea reaa longT emeculaC reek. All lightings hall Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&RS 20838-00I 7 8/2124338.41 '11 be directeds o asn ot to shineo ff the properlyb oundarye, xceptf orTemeculaL ane'L omaL inda Road and the Multi-Use Tlails. 7.23 Comnliance with Laws, Etc. No Owner shall permit anything to be done or k e p t i n i t , R " s r d i n a n c e , S t a t u t e , r u l e o r r e g u 1 a t i o n o f a n y l o c a l , counfy,s tateo r federalb ody,i ncludinga ny laws,o rdinanceos r Statuteps ertainingt o the useo r storageo f any hazardousc,o ntaminateodr toxic materials' 7.24 Indemnification. Each Owner shall be liabte to the remaining Owners for any damaget o the Murt.õ*-ity that may be sustainedb y reasono f the negligenceo r willful miscJnducto f that Owner,o r the Owner'sI nvitees,b ut only to the extentt hat any suchd amage is not coveredb y insurancep roceedsre ceivedb y the MasterA ssociation. Each Owner,b y acceptancoef his or her deed,a greesfo r suchO wnera ndf or the Owner'sI nvitees,t o indemnify each'ande very Owner,a ndt o hold eacno therO wnerh armlessfr om, and to defends uchO wner againsta, ny ciaim ofany personfo r personailn jury orpropertyd amagec ausedb y the negligence oi willful misconduct of such Owner and such Owner's Invitees, unless the injury or damage occurredb y reasono f the negligenceo r willful misconducot f any other Owner for the Master Associationo r is fully .ou"r.ã b-yi nsurancep roceedsre ceivedb y the MasterA ssociation'U pon demandb y the Masier Associatione, achO wner shall be responsiblefo r the paymento f any deductiblea mountp ayableu ndert he MasterA ssociation'sin surancep olicy as a resulto f any claims arising as a reiult of the negligento r willful misconducot f suchO wner or the Owner's Invitees. ARTICLE 8 MASTER ASSOCIATION PROPERTY' AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Lots. The provisionso f this Section8 .1 shallo nly applyt o theO wner(s)o f a ResidentiaLl ot. g.l.l Maintenanceo f Residences.S ubjectt o any provisionso f the Master GoverningD o"u*"ntffih O*nã of a ResidentiaLl ot shall maintain,r epair and otherwise care for the maintenancer,e pair and replacemenot f the Owner's ResidentialL ot and all Improvementss ituatedw ithin ihe ResidentiaLl ot, including,w ithoutl imitation,t hosep ortionso f the private Water SystemI mprovementsP, rivate SewerI mprovementsa nd Private Storm Drain Improvementsth at are locatedw ithin the boundarieso f the ResidentiaLl ot in accordancwe ith Seôtion g.t 1 of this MasterD eclaration,in a good conditiono f maintenancea nd repair in accordancwe ith the HomeowneMr aintenancMe anual' 8.1.2 Ouality of Maintenance. All such nuintenances hall be performedi n sucha mannera ss hallb e deemedn .".rrury in thej udgmento f the MasterB oardt o preserveth e attractivea ppearanceth ereof,p rotectt he value thereofi n compliancew ith all requirementso f the Maintenanô;O bligations.A ny suchm aintenancere, pairo r replacemenotf any of the foregoing which is visible from outsideo f a ResidentiaLl ot shallb e consistenwt ith the existingd esign, aestheticsa nd architectureo f the MasterC ommunity' 8 . 1 Hortod-femecula Lane Master CC&RS 20838-00I 78/2124338.14 43 8.1.3 ComplianceW ith MaintenanceO blieations.B y acceptinga deedt o a ResidentiaLl ot, Ownei ackn.wledgesa nda greesth at eachO wneri s requiredto complyw ith all of the MaintenanceO bligationsa nds chedules et forth in the HomeowneMr aintenanceM anual and eachO wner is furthero bligatedto providea copy of all documentds escribingM aintenance Obligationsto any Successopru rchaseorf suchO wner'SR esidentiaLl ot. 8.2 MaintenanceO blisationso f Owners of Condominium. The provisionso f this Section 8.2 shall only apply to the Owner(s) of a Condominium. Each Owner of a Condominium shall maintain, repair and otherwise care for the parts of the Condominium that the Owner is obligated to maintain pursuant to the SubassociatioDn eclarationa nd the Subassociatiosnh all comply with all maintenanceo bligationss et forth in the Subassociation Declaration.I n addition,e achO wnero f a Condominiums hall be obligatedto maintain,r epair and replace those portions of the Private Water System Improvements, Private Sewer Improvêmentasn dP rivateS tormD rainI mprovementsth ata fe locatedw ithin theb oundarieos f a Reiidential Unit in accordancew ith Section 8.11 of this Master Declaration and the requirementosf the Cify. 8.3 SubassociationM aintenance Obligations. No Residenceo r lmprovement anywherew ithin any Subassociatiojunr isdiction shall be permittedt o fall into disrepairo r an unsightlyc ondition. The MasterB oards hallh avet he right to determinew hethera Residencoer its Improvementos r the lmprovementgso vernedb y the Subassociatiohna vef allen into disrepair or an rmsightlyc onditionf or purposeso f this Sectiona nd the MasterB oard'sd ecisions hallb e final andb indingo n the respectiveO wnerso r the Subassociation. 8.4 Maintenanceo f Fences. (a) Master Association Maintenance Oblisations. The Master Associations hall maintain,i n a good condition of maintenancea nd repair, and replacei f necessary the fencing situated within Master Association Properly and within the Master AssociationM aintenanceA reas. (b) Owner MaintenanceO blieations. EachO wners hallm aintaini,n a goodc onditiono f maintenancaen dr epair,t he fencings ituatedo n suchO wner'sR esidence. (c) Interior FencingB etrveenT wo ResidencesF. or any fencingt hat separatefsw o (2) Residencees,a chO wners hallh avet heo bligationt o maintaint he interioro f the fencea ndt he Ownerss halls hareo, n an equitableb asis,t he costo f replacings uchf encing. The Owner of each affected portion of the Properly upon which a party wall or fence is located shall havea reciprocaln on-exclusivee asementto the Propertyi mmediatelya djacent o the interior fencef or the limitedp urposeo f maintainingth e parly wall or fence. (d) FencinsB etweenR esidencesa nd Master AssociationP roperw. If any interior fencing separatesa Residencefr om MasterA ssociationP roperty,t he Owner and the MasterA ssociations halle achm aintaint he interiorp ortiono f the fencingf acingt he Owner's Residencaen dM asterA ssociationP roperfyr espectively.T he MasterA ssociations hallh avet he obligationt o repaira ndr eplaceth e fencing. Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00r7 8/2 t 24338.t 4 ' l A TT (e) Liabilitv for Damaee. Notwithstandinga ny other provisiono f this Section 8.4, an Owner who by his or her negligent or willful act causes a wall or fence within the MasterC ommunityt o bed amagedsh allb eart hew holec osto f repairings uchd amage. 8.5 Orvner's Failure to Maintain. If an Owner fails to maintain the areas and items as provided above or make repairst heretoi n such mannera s shall be deemedn ecessaryin the judgmento f the MasterB oardt o preserveth e attractivea ppearancteh ereofa ndp rotectt he value ttreieof,t he MasterB oards hall give writtenn oticet o suchO wner,s tatingw ith particularityt lie work of maintenancoer repairw hich the MasterB oard finds to be requireda nd requestingth at the same be carried out within a period of thirty (30) days from the giving of such notice' In the eventt he Owner fails to carryo ut suchm aintenancoer repairw ithin thep eriods pecif,rebdy the notice,t he MasterB oards hallc auses uchw ork to be completeda nds halla ssestsh e costt hereof to suchO wnera sa n EnforcemenAt ssessmenint accordancwe ith the procedurese tf orth in this Master Declaration. 8.6 MaintenanceO blisationso f MasterA ssociation.T heM asterA ssociatiosnh all be responsible for maintaining, repairing, replacing and otherwise caring for all Master Associätion Property, Master Association Maintenance Areas and any other areas to be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociationp ursuant o this MasterD eclarationi,n cluding,w ithout limitation, the Private Streets,P rivate Water System ImprovementsP, rivate Storm Drain Improvementsa nd Private Sewe¡I mprovementlso catedi n the MasterC ommunitya nd in the Neighborhoods(w ith the exceptiono f thosep ortionsl ocatedw ithin the ResìdentiaUl nit and/or ResidentiaLl ot); all landscapeadr eas,,opesnp acea reasp, arkinga reasr, ecreationafla cilitiesa nd amenities,e ntry monumentationa nd fencingl ocatedw ithin aÍry areat o be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociationa nd the Multi-UseT rails,i n a good conditiono f maintenancea lrdr epairi n accordancwe ith the MaintenanceO bligationsa nd in accordancwe ith all the requirementosf the City and/orC ounty. All landscapme aintenancme ustb e donei n accordancwe ith the landscape maintenancep rogram requiredb y the City, and any and all landscapinga long the private streets must be done in such a mannera s to complyw ith City requiremenrte gardings ight distance standardsT. he MasterA ssociation'so bligationsto performs uchm aintenancien any Phases hall commenceo n the date RegularA ssessmentcso mmenceo n Residenceisn such Phase' Until commencemenot f RegularA ssessmentosn Residenceisn any Phase,t he MasterA ssociation Propertya nd other areast o be maintainedb y the Master Associationi n such Phases hall be maintainedb y Declarant. 8.6.1 Additional ltems. The MasterA ssociations hall also be responsiblefo r maintaininga ny Improvementsth at a majorityo f the Voting Power of the MasterA ssociation designatefso r maintenancbey the MasterA ssociation. 8.7 Damase bv Orvners. Each Owner is liable to the Master Association for any damaget o the Master AssociationP roperlya nd MasterA ssociationM aintenanceA reas if the damageis sustainedd ue to the act of an Owner,o r suchO wner'sg uestst,e nantso r invitees,o r any other persons deriving their right to use the Master Association Property from the Owner, or suchO wnèr'sr espectivefa mily, tenantsa ndg uests.T he MasterA ssociationm ay, afterN otice of Hearing, (a) determine whether any claim shall be made on the Master Association's insurancea, nd (b) levy an EnforcemenAt ssessmenetq ualt o the costo f repairingt he damageo r any deductiblep aid and the increasei,f any, in insurancep remiumsd irectly attributablet o the 45 Horion/Temecula Lane lvlaster CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 l24ll8. I 4 damagec ausedb y suchO wnero r thep ersonfo r whom suchO wnerm ayb e liablea sd escribedin this ùaster Declàration.I f a Residenceis jointly owned,t he liability of its Ownersi s joint and several,e xceptt o the extentt hat the MasterA ssociationh as previouslyc ontractedin writìng with thej oiniowners to the contrary.A fter Notice of Hearing,t hec osto f correctingth e damage shallb e an EnforcemenAt ssessmenatg ainsst uchO wner. 8.8 Future Construction. Nothingi n this MasterD eclarations haltl imit the right of Declarant to .ornpt"t" "o*t*rti* of Improvementsto the MasterA ssociationP ropertya nd MasterA ssociationM aintenanceA ¡easa ndt o Residenceosw nedb y Declaranot r to altert hemo r to construcat dditionalI mprovementass Declarantd eemsa dvisableb eforec ompletiona nd sale of the entire Master CommunitY. g.9 Insnectiono f the Master Communitv. The MasterA ssociations hall regularly inspecttt,"vu@yándotherareasmaintai nedbytheMasterAssociation pursuantto this MasterD eclarationi,n cludingw ithout limitation,t he landscapingd,r ainagea nd irrigations ystemss ervingo r within sucha reas.T he MasterA ssociations halla lsoc omplyw ith uny inrp..iion requiremãntss et forth in the Master AssociationM aintenanceM anual. The MásterA ssociations halle mployt he serviceso f such expertsa ndc onsultantass a ren ecessartyo assist the Master Communìty Associationi n performing such inspectionsa nd follow any recommendationcso ntainedi n the MasterA ssociationM aintenanceM anual. The inspections required to be conducted by the Master Board under this A¡ticle shall take place at least anåually. The inspectorss hall provide written reports of their inspectionsto the Master Associãtiona nd,i f requestedb y Dèclarantt,o Declarantp romptlyf ollowingc ompletiont hereof. If requestebdy DeclaràntD, eciaranith all be invited to attenda ny suchi nspectionsT. he w¡itten ,.port, shalli äentifya ny itemso f maintenancoer repairt hat eitherr equirec urrenta ctionb y the Master Association or will need further review and analysis. Such written reports shall specificallyi ncludea review of all irrigationa nd drainages ystemslo catedw ithin the Master AssociationP ropertya ndM asterA ssociationM aintenanceA ¡eas. The MasterB oards hallr epon the contents of such written reports to Declarant (if not already provided by the inspector directly)s o requestedb y Declaranta nd to the Memberso f the MasterA ssociationa t the next meetingo f the Membeis following receipto f such written reportso r as soon thereaftera s ,.uronãbly practicable and shall include such written reports in the minutes of the Master Associatiånm eeting. The MasterB oards hallp romptly causea ll mattersid entif,reads requiring attentiont o be maintainedr,e pairedo, r otherwisep ursuedi n accordancwe ith prudentb usiness practicesa ndt he recommendationosf the inspectorsa nd shall keepa recordo f all suchm atters in the Master Board's minutes. Any damage to any structure, landscaping or other improvementcsa usedb y the MasterA ssociationo, r any of its off,rcersa, gents,e mployeeso r independencto ntractorsw, hile performings uch maintenancer,e pairo r replacemenwt ork shall be repairedb y the MasterA ssociationa t its solec osta nde xpense. 8.10 Future Construction. Nothingi n this MasterD eclarations halll imit the right of Declarantto .o*pl"t" .o*t*.tøn of Improvementsto the MasterA ssociationP ropertya nd to Residenceosw ned by Declaranto r to alter them or to constructa dditionalI mprovementsa, s Declarandt eemsa dvisableb eforec ompletiona nd saleo f the entireM asterC ommunity' 8.11 Wa Improvements and Private Storm Drain Improvements' 46 Horton/Te¡neculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-0107 82/I 24338l.4 Pri r The Master Communiryis serviced by (i) privateW aterS ystemI mprovementtsh atd eliverw atert iom a public waterm ain to each Resìd.n"e,( ii) PrivateS ewerI mprovenrenttsh atd eliverw astef rom eachR esidenceto the public sewe6yri.*'and (iii) private Stor* Drain Improvementsth at delivers torm runoff and water from eachR esidenceio the public stormd rains ystem. The MasterA ssociations hall maintain, repair and replacea ll portfons of thc PrivateW ater SystemI mprovementsP, rivate Sewer Improvementsa nd Privâte Storm Drain Improvementsw ithin the MasterC ommunityt hat are situatedo utsideo f the boundaryo f any ReJidentiaUl nit anüor ResidentiaLl ot to the point of connection to public facilities. The Master Association shall maintain such portions of the private Water -System ImprovementsP, rivateS ewerI mprovementsa nd Private Storm Drain Improvementsin a safe aãd sanitaryc onditioni n accordancew ith all City requirementsT. he Owner of the respectiveR esidentiaUl nit or ResidentiaLl ot shall be responsibleto maintain, repair and replacãt hose portionso f the PrivateW ater SystemI mprovementsP, rivate Sewer Improvementai nd PrivateS tormD rain improvementtsh at are locatedw ithin the boundarieso f ,u"h O*n.r's ResidentiaUl nit or ResidentiaLlo t in a safèa nds anitaryc ondition-ARTICLE 9 ARCIIITECTURAL REVIEW 9.1 Non-Applicability to Declarant. The provisionso f thisA rticle shalln ot applyt o any Improvements.r t"tt.d by the Declaranto r repairedp ußuant to the Limited Warranty, CustomeCr arep rogramo r Civil CodeS ection8 95,e t seq.a ndt he ArchitecturaCl ommittees hall havea nyr ightso f review or approvawl ith respectth ereto' g.Z Scooe. To the extentt hata n Owner is entitledu ndert his MasterD eclarationto modify his Residencein any mannerf ollowingr eview and approvalb y the Master Board,n o Improvementos f any kind whatsoevesr hallb e commencede, rectedp, lacedo r alteredu pon or uro*A any Reside¡ðeu ntil the locationa ndt he completep lansa nd specificationssh owingt he nature,k ind, shapeh, eighta ndm aterialsi,n cludingt he color ("Plans and Specifications")h, ave been submitted to andþproved in writing as to harmony of extemal design and location to surroundings tructuresu .tå topogtaphyb y the MasterB oard. In addition,t he grade,l evel or drainagec ñaracteristicosf the Rãsidenceo r any portiont hereofs halln ot be alteredw ithout the prior writtenc onsenot f the MasterB oard. g.3 Master Architectural Guidelines. The Master Board may, from time to time and in accordance*i th Ci"il C"de Section1 357.120,e t seq. adopt,a menda nd repeal,b y unanimousv ote, rules and regulationsto be known as "MasterA rchitecturaGl uidelines."T he MasterA rchitecruraGl uideliness hall interpreat nd implementt he provisionsh ereofb y setting forth the standards and procedures for Master Board review and guidelines for architectural designo f Improvementsp, lacemento f Improvementsc, olor schemese, xterior finishesa nd materials and similar features which are recolrunendedfo r use in the Master Community; provided,h owever,t hat said MasterA rchitecturaGl uideliness hall not be in derogationo f the standardrse quiredb y this MasterD eclaration. g.4 Approval of Plans and Specifications. Any Owner proposing to construct Improvementso r tut. other uctionsr equiringt he prior approvalo f the MasterB oard pursuantt o thii Master Declaration shall first apply to the Master Board for preliminary approval by 47 florton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 124338I. 4 submissiono f preliminaryp lans and specificationsa nd any other materialsr equiredb y the MasterB oardt o showt he nahrrek, ind, shapeh, eight,m aterialsa ndo thera spectos f thep roposed change,i ncludingw ithout limitation," Plansa nd Specificationsi"n accordancwe ith the Master ArchîtecruralG uidelines,i f any, and evidences atisfactoryt o the Board that the proposed Improvementcso mplyw ith all applicablela ws and building coder equirementsT. he purposeo f the preliminarya pprovalp rocedureis to allow an Owner proposingt o construct-Improvements an opportunityto lutain guidan." concerningd esignc onsideraJionbse foree xpendings ubstantial ,u*r'for plans and othler exhibits required to apply for f,rnal approval' Applications for preliminarya pprovasl hallb e considereadn dd isposedo f as setf orth below' g.4.1 Time Periods for Review. Within thirty (30) days after an Owner's propera pplicationfo r p."ti*inrry upprouulSe MasterB oard shall considera nd act upon such ,"quest. In the .u.ni the Master Board Board fails to approveo r disapprovea ny such Plansa nd Splcificationsw ithin thirty (30) days after all documentsa nd informationr equestedb y the NiasterB oardh aveb eenr eðeivedb y it, the Ownerr equestings aida pprovaml ay submita written notice to the Master Board advising the same of its failure to act. If the Master Board fails to approveo r disapprovaen y suchp lansa ndS pecificationws ithin fifteen( 15)d aysa ftert he receipt oi'said noticef rom such,s aidP lansa ndS pecificationssh all be deemeda pprovedp, rovidedt hat any Improvementcso nformt o all conditionsa ndr estrictionsc ontainedin this Article and arei n frarmonyw ith similar structurese rectedw ithin the MasterC ommunity.I n grantingo r denying upp.ou"l, the Master Board may give the Owner such directionsc oncerningt he form and substanceo f the final applicatión -for approval as it may deem proper or desirable for the guidanceo f the Owner. Tire giving of any preliminarya pprovals halln ot affectt he right of the MasterB oardt o deny upptouãlo fãny finai Plansa nd Specificationsth at aren ot in substantial conformancwe ith the approvedp reliminaryP lansa ndS pecifications' g.4.2 Effectiveness of Apnroval. Any Master Board approval granted as provided above .hatt be eff""tive for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the issuance thereof. In no event shall any preliminary approval be deemed to be an approval authorizing constructioonf thep roposedIm provements. g.4.3 Final Approval. During the ninefy (90) day preliminarya pprovapl eriod describeda bove,u ny uppti*tiotr for nnal approvalt hat consistso f proposedIm provementsin accordancwe ith the,p touirion, of the preliminarya pproval,a nd is otherwisea cceptableu nder the termso f this Masie¡D eclarationa ndt he MasterA rchitecturaGl uideliness, hallb e approved by the Master Board as set forth below. g.4.4 Approval of Solar Enerev Systems. Any Ownerp roposingto installo r use a solar energy ryrt.tn¡o, ¿.ft*¡ in Civil Code Section 801.5 shall be subject to the same review and approvaip .o""5 as any Owner proposing to constructa ny Improvementso r other actions ..quiring thá approval of the Master Board pursuant to this Master Declaration. However,o nly reasonabiree strictionso n the installationa nd use of a solare nergys ystems hall be permitted. Reasonablere strictionso n a solar energys ystema re thoser estrictionst hat do not significantlyin creaseth e costo f the systemo r significantlyd ecreaseit s sufficiencyo r specifìed pJ.for*"n.", or which allow for an alternatives ystemo f comparablec osts,e fficiency,a nd energyc onservatiobne neftis . Horton/TenrecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 t 24118|. 4 48 9.4.s plans and Sp.cifrratiorrss ubtnittedt o it pursuantto this Article 9. the Boards hall the requiremenotsf CaliforniaC ivil CodeS ection1 378' 9.5 Inspectiona nd correction of work. Inspectiono f work and defectst hereins hallp roceeda s follows: In approving comply with correction of 9.5.1 Right of InspectionD urine Courseo f Construction.T he MasterB oard or its duly authorir.a r"pt"r.ntuttu. *ay enter into any Residencef,r om time to time, as providedú elow during thà courseo f constructiono r installationo f any Improvementsfo r the purpor. of inspectingih e constructiono r installation.I f the MasterB oardd eterminesth at such òonstructionu nd/o,i --nstallatioisn not beingd onei n substantiacl ompliancew ith the approved plansa ndS pecificationsit, shalln otifot he Ownero f the Residenceo f suchn oncomplianceT. he Master goaìd may not enter into a Residencew ithout obtainingt he prior permissiono f the Ownero r occupanot f suchR esidencep;r ovidedh, owevert,h ats uchp rior permissions halln ot be unreasonablwy ithheld and shall be given for entry by the Master Board during the daylight hoursw ithin forry-eight( 48) hourso f ther equesfto r entry' g.S.Z Notice of Completion. Upon the completion of any construction or reconstructioonr the "lt"r"ti"" ". r=finishingo f any Improvementso, r upon the completiono f any otherr vorkf or which approvedP lansa ndS pecifîcationasr e requiredu ndert his A¡ticle, the Owners hallg ivew ritten noticeo f completionth ereoft o theM asterB oard. g.5.3 Inspection. Withint hirfy( 30) daysa fterr eceivingn oticeo f completion, the MasterB oard, or itr drly authorizedr epresentatives,h all have the right to enter into a Residence(b ut not the interior of the Residencsei tuatedt herein),a s providedi n Section9 .5.1 above,t o inspectt he Improvementsto determinew hethert hey were constructedo r installedi n substantiacl ómpliancew ith the approvedP lansa nd Specifications.I f the MasterB oard finds that suchc onstructiono r installationw, asn ot donei n substantiacl ompliancew ith the approved plansa ndS pecificationsit, shalln otify theO wneri n writing of suchn on-compliancwei thin such thirry (30) åay period,s peciffing particularso f non-compliancea,n d shallr equiret he Ownert o remedy such non-comPliance' g.5.4 Non-Compliance.l f, upont he expirationo f thirly (30)d aysf rom the date of notifrcationo f non-*rnpliun.", th" Owners hallh avef ailed to remedys uchu on-compliance, the Master Board, after affording the Owner Notice and Hearing, shall determine whether there is a non-compliancea, nd if so, the naturet hereofa nd the estimatedc ost of colrecting or removingt he same. If non-compliancee xists,t he Master Board shall requiret he Owner to remedy ã, .".ou" the same within a period of not more than thirly (30) days from the date of the Mastei Board ruling. If the own". ào.r not comply with the Master Board ruling within such periodo r within any extensiono f suchp erioda s the MasterB oard,i n its discretionm, ay grant, ih. Murt., Board,a t its option, may eitherr emovet he non-complyingIm provemenot r remedy the non-compliancea nd lhe Owner shall reimburset he Master Associationf or all expenses incurredi n connectiont herewith upon demand,I f suche xpensesa re not promptly repaid by the Owner to the Master Association,t he MasterB oard shall levy an EnforcemenAt ssessment againsst uchO wnerf or reimbursement. Honon/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20818-00I 7 8/2 I 24338l.4 49 9.5.5 Failure to Notify. If for any reason the Master Board fails to notify the Owner of any non-.ornpliunr. *ithin sixry (60) days after receipt of the notice of completion from the Owner,t he Improvementss hall be deemedt o be in accordancwe ith said approved Plans and Specifications. g.5.6 Government Regulations. In the event there is any conflict between the requirementos r actioni of tt. MasterB oarda ndt he mandatoryr egulationso, rdinanceos r rules of ãny governmentael ntity relating to the Properbyt,h e govemmentr egulationso, rdinanceso r rules, to-t he extentt hat suchr egulationso, rdinanceso r rules are morer estrictives, hall control' and the MasterB oards hall modify its requirementso r actionst o conformt o the government regulations,o rdinanceso r rules; provided, however, that if the governmentarle gulations, orãinunr., or rulesa rel essr estrictivet,h ep rovisionso f this MasterD eclarationsh alln onetheless apply. The applicationto and the review and approvalb y the MasterB oardo f any Plansa nd splcincationsã r others ubmittalsb y an owner shall in no way be deemedto be satisfactiono r cåmpliancew ith anyb uildingp ermitp rocesso r othera pplicables tatuteo r law, or governmental reguiationo, rdinanieo r rule oi public utiliry requirement(sh ereinaftecr ollectivelyre ferredt o as ,.Àddition"l Requirements") ih. r.rponribility for w'hich shall lie solely with the owner; provided,h owevJr,if the AdditionalR èquirementasr e lessr estrictivet hant he provisionso f this ÑdasteDr eclarationth, e provisionso f thisM asterD eclarations halln onethelesasp ply. 9.6 Diligence In Construction. Upon approval by the Master Board of any Plans and Specificationsti,r " O**" rtutt prompttyc ommencec onstructiono f the Improvementas nd diligentlyp ursueth es amet o completion. g.7 FeeF or Review. The MasterB oard shallh avet he right to establisha fee for the review and appiouat "f pt"* and Specificationsth at must be submittedt o the Master Board pursuant to th; provisions of this Article. The Master Board shall have the right to hire an ãngineero r othèr consultant,t he opinion of which the Master Board deemsn ecessaryin connectionw ith its reviervo f any planss ubmittedb y any owner and sucho wner shallb e liable for paymenot f suche ngineer'sa nd/orc onsultant'sfe e. 9.8 Interpretation. All questionos f interpretationo r constructioonf anyo f the terms or conditions her;in shall be resolved by the Master Board, and its decision shall be final, bindinga ndc onclusiveo n all of thep artiesa ffected.N otwithstandingth ef oregoingi,n the event a Master A¡chitectural Committee is appointed and the Master A¡chitectural Committee disapprovesa ny Plansa nd Specifrcationssu bmittedb y an Owner pursuant o this Article, the pu.ty'o. partiesm akings uchs ubmissionm ay appeali n writing to the MasterB oard. The Master booi¿ mustr eceivet hé writtenr equesfto r approvanl ot more thant hirty (30) daysf ollowing the final decisiono f the MasterA rchiiecturaCl ommittee.W ithin thirty (30) daysf ollowing receipt of the writtenr equesfto r appeal,t he MasterB oards hallr enderi ts writtend ecision'T he failure of the Master Board to renàer a decision within the thirry (30) day period shall be deemed a decisiona gainstth eO wner. 9.9 Waiver. The approvalb y the MasterB oard of any Plansa ndS pecificationfso r any work door or proposed, oi ior uny other matter requiring the approval of the Master Board undert hisM asterD eciarations,h alln ot be deemedto constitutea waivero f anyr ightt o withhold approvalo f anys imilar Plansa nd Specificationso r matter subsequentlys ubmittedf or approval. 50 Horton/TemeculLaa ne N{aster CC&Rs 20838-001728 /1 24338I4 . 9.10 EstoppelC ertificate. Within thirry( 30) daysa fterw rittend emandis deliveredt o the MasterB oardU VãV O*n".,ãd upon payment o the MasterA ssociationo f a reasonable fee las fixed from iime-to time by the Masiei Association)t,h e MasterB oard shall record an estoppelc ertificate,e xecutedb y a majority of its members,c ertiffing (with respectt o any Residence of said Owner) that äs of the dáte thereof, either: (a) all Improvements made and other work completed by said Owner comply with this Master Declaration, or (b) such Improvementso r work do not so comply,i n which eventt he certificates hall also identify the non-complying Improvements or work and set forth with particularity the basis of such .ron-"o*plianðe. Any purchaserfr om the Owner,o r from anyoned erivinga ny interesti n said Residencet hrought úe owner, shall be entitledt o rely on said certificatew ith respectt o the matters therein set forth, such matters being conclusive as between the Master Association, Declaranta nda ll Ownersa nds nds uchp ersonsd erivinga nyi nterest hrought hem' 9.ll Liabilitv. Neither the Master Board, nor any member thereof shall be liable to the MasterA ssociatiãlort o any Ownerf or anyd amagel,o sso r prejudices ufferedo r claimedo n accounto f: (a) the approvaló r disapprovaol f any Plansa nd Specifrcationsw, hethero r not defective;( b) the cons'trictiono r perfórmanceo f any work, whethero r not pursuantt o approved Plans and Specifications(;c ) damaget o the Master comrnunity or any properryw ithin the Master Community;o r (¿)'tú. exeõrtiona nd filing of an estoppelc ertiflrcatpeu rsuantt o this Section, whether or not the facts therein are correct; provided, however, that the Master Board memberh asa ctedi n goodf aith on theb asiso f suchi nformationa s mayb e possessebdy him or her. without in any"way limiting the generalityo f the foregoing,t he MasterB oard, or any member thereof, máy, Uut is not required to, consult with or hear the views of the Master Associationo r any Owner with respect o any Plansa nd Specificationos r any other proposal submittedt o theM asterB oard' g.lZ Variances. The MasterB oard may authorizev ariancesfr om compliancew ith any of th" ur.hiæãfi-provisions of this MasterD eclaration,i ncluding,w ithout limitation' restrictionsu pon height, Size, floor area or placemento f Improvementso r other similar restrictions, when ci-rcumstancessu ch as topography,n atural obstructions,a esthetic or environmentaclo nsiderationms ay require.s uchv ariancesm ay be evidencedin writing. mustb e signed by at least nvo (2) members of the Master Board and shall become effective upon recordationin the Office of the CounfyR ecorder.I f suchv ariancesa reg rantedn, o violationo f the covenantsc, onditionsa nd restrictionsc ontainedin this MasterD eclarations hallb e deemed to have occurred with respect to the matter for which the variance was granted. The granting of such a variance shall not operate to waive any of the terms and provisions of this Master Declarationfo r anyp urposee xcepta st o thep articularR esidencea ndp articularp rovisionh ereof coveredb y the uuriurrcËn,o r shall it affecti n anywayt he Owner'so bligationt o complyw ith all go,o"*rn"ntal laws aná regulations affecting its use of the Residence, including, without l"imitation,z oningo rdinancesa nd lot setbackl ines or requirementsim posedb y the City, County or any otherg ovemmentaal uthority. 9.13 Appointment of Master Architectural Committee. The Master Board shall havethe'ight@andapprova lrightsunderthisArticle9toaMaster Architectural Committee. If the Master Boa¡d so elects, the Master Architectural Committee shall consisto f three( 3) members.O ne( 1) alternatem emberm ay be designatebdy the Master Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 | 24338|. 4 5 t I Board to act as a substituteo n the MasterA rchitech¡raCl ommitteei n the evento f absenceo r disability of any member. In the event the Master Board appoints a Master Architectural Commitiee,a ll rights hereunders hall apply to the Master ArchitecturalC ommitteea nd all referencetso the MasterB oards hallb e deãmedto refert o the MasterA rchitecturaCl ommittee. g.l4 Compensation.T he memberso f any MasterA rchitecturaCl ommitteea ppointed by the Master Board shall receive no compensation for services rendered, other than ,éi*burr.*ent by the MasterA ssociationfo r expensesin curredb y themi n the performanceo f their dutiesh ereunderu,n lesst he MasterA ssociationre tainsa professionaalr chitecte, ngineeor r designer as a member of the Master A¡chitectural Committee for the purpose of providing profãssionals ervices,i n which event reasonablec ompensationf or such member shall be approvedb y theM asterB oard' 9.15 Non-Applicabilittvo Declarant' any Improvementsin stalledb y Declaranta, nd reviewo r approvawl ith respectth ereto. 9,16 Amendments. Notwithstandingth e A¡ticle of this MasterD eclaratione ntitled ..Amendments,n;'o uãnd-*"nt, verificationo r rescissiono f this Articlem ay be made,n or shall Declarant,o r any successotrh ereof,b e prohibitedf rom completingt he constructiono f the MasterC ommunityp rior to the conveyancbey Declaranto, r its successoor,f the lastR esidence without the (i) *rittén consento f Declaranta, nd the (ii) recordingo f suchc onsenitn the Ofhce of the County Recorder. ARTICLE 10 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS 10.1 Limitations of Restrictions. Declaranti s undertakingt he work of developing Residencesu nd oth"r Impto**.tttt *ithin the Master Community. The completiono f the developmenwt ork and thå marketinga nd sale,r entala nd other dispositiono f the Residenceiss essentiatlo the establishmenatn d* ãlfut" of the Properfya nd the AdditionalP ropertya s a first classr esidentiaMl asterC ommunity. In ordert hat the work may be completeda nd the Master Community be establisheda s a fully occupiedr esidentialM aster Communitya s rapidly as possible,n ãtnlttgi n this MasterD eclarations hallb e interpretedto denyD eclarantth e rightss et tbrth in this Article. lO.2 Rishts of Access and Completion of Construction. Until the fifth (5th) anniversaryor@apuuti.ReportforthemoStrecentPhase,Declarant,its contractorsa nds ubcontractorssh allh avet her ightss etf orth below. 10.2.1A ccess. Declaranti,t s contractorsa nd subcontractorssh allh avet he right to obtain reasonable ".".* over and across the Master Association Properfy of the Master Community or do within any Residence owned by it whatever is reasonably necessary or advisablein connectionw ith ihe completiono f the MasterC ommunitya nd the marketinga nd maintenanceth ereof. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the Master Board shall not have any rights of Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 124338.41 5? l0.Z.Z Construct ImDrovements. Declaranti,t s contractorsa nd subcontractors shall havet he right to erect,c onstructa nd maintaino n the MasterA ssociationP roperfyo fl the Master Communiryo r within any Residenceo wned by it such structureso r Improvements, including,w ithout limitation,s alóso ffrcesa nd signs,a s may be reasonablyn ecessaryfo r the conducto f its businessto completet he work, establishth e MasterC ommunifya s a residential MasterC ommunitya ndd isposeo f theM asterC ommunityo r otherM asterC ommunityo r project ownedb y Declaranbt y sale,l easeo r otherwisea, sd eterminedb y Declaranitn its soled iscretion and to pðrformo r completea ny work to improvementrse quiredf or Declarantto obtaina release of any bondsp ostedb y Declaranwt ith the City. l1.Z.j Grant Easements. Declarant,i ts contractorsa nd subcontractorssh all have the right to .rtubEh rnd/*þnt over and across said Maste¡ Association Properfy such easementãsn dr ightso f way on, over,u ndero r acrossa ll or any part thereoft o or for the benef,rt of the State of California, the Ciry, the County or any other political subdivision or public organization, or any pubíic utility entity or cable television provider, for the purpose of coistructing,e rectingà, peratinga ndm aintainingIm provementtsh ereont,h ereino r thereundear t that time or at anyïrne in thè future, including: (i)roads, streets, walks, driveways, trails, parkwaysa ndp ark areas(; ii) poles,w iresa ndc onduitsf or transmissiono f electriciryp, roviding ielephone ,.*ì." and cable tèlevision service to the Master Community and for the necessary attaõhmentsin connectiont herewith; and (iii) pubtic and privaie sewers,s ewaged isposal systems,s torm water drains,l and drainsa nd pipes,w ater systemss, prinklings ystemsw, ater, heatinga nd gasl ines or pipesa nd any anda ll equipmenitn connectionth erewith' The Master Associationp ropertys tratt-bes ubjectt o any dedications tatedi n the Final Map for the Master Community of an "Á"*ent for p,rbti" usef or installationm, aintenancaen do perationo f facilities for public utilities over all of the MasterA ssociationP roperty. Said public utilities easement shalìi nure andr un to all franchisedu tiliry companiesa ndt o the City, the County,a ndt he State and shalli ncludet her ight of ingressa nde gresso vert heM asterA ssociationP ropertyb y vehicles of the City, the Count! and thé Statea nd suchu tility companiesto properlyi nstall,m aintain, repair, ,"il"r" and otÀerwises ervices uch utility facilities. The grant of said public utiliry easemenst hall not be interpretedto imply any obligationo r responsibilityo f any such utility companyo r the Ciry, the County or the Statef or maintenanceo r operationo f any of the Master Assóciaiionp ropertyo r the faciiitiesl ocatedth ereono r the repair,r eplacemenotr reconstruction thereofe xcepti or thosel mprovementso wnedb y the utility companiest,h e City, the Countyo r the Stäte,a nd except as óccasionedb y the negligenceo r willful misconducto f the utility companies, the City, the County, or the State. Except for lawful and proper fences, structures andi acilities placedu pon the Master AssociationP roperlyb y utility companiest,h e Master AssociationP iopertys ubjectt o the public utility easemenst hall be kept open and free from buildings and structures. The City, the Counfy and the State furthennore is granted an easement acrossi he MasterA ssociationP roperryf or ingressa nde gressf or useb y emergencyv ehicleso f the City, the County and the State. 10.3 Sizea nd Appearanceo f Master Community. Declaranst halln ot be prevented from increaringo rffiifü th" numbero f Residencetsh at may be annexedt o the Master Communifyo . ftorn changingt he exteriora ppearancoef MasterA ssociationP roperfys tructures, the landscãpingo r any otñer-matterd irectlyor indirectly connectedw ith the MasterC ommunity Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00t7 8/2124338.11 ) J in any manner deemedd esirableb y Declarant,i f Declaranto btains govemmentacl onsents required by law. 10.4 Marketine Rishts. 10.4.1 General Rights. Subject to the limitations of this Master Declaration, Declarants hall havet h" tighi to, (Ð maintäinm odel homes,s aleso ffices,s toragea reasa nd relatedf acilities in any uns=olRd esidenceos r Master AssociationP ropertyw ithin the Master Community as are necessaryo r reasonablei,n the opinion of Declarant,f or the sale or dispositiono f the Residenceiin the Master Communityo r for the sale or dispositiono f the residencesin any other communitieso r projectsd evelopedb y Declarant;( ii) maker easonable use of the MasterA ssociationp ropertya ndl acilities for the saleo f Residences(i;i i) posts igns, flags and bannersi n connectionw ith its marketingo f the Residencesa; nd (iv) conducti ts businesso f disposingo f Residenceosr other communitieso r projectso wnedb y Declaranbt y sale, lease or otherwise. 10,4.2A sreementf or ExtendedU se. If following the fifth (5th) anniversaroyf the original issuanceo f u fuUfi. n.port for the mostr ecentP hase,D eclarantr equirese xclusive use of-any portion of the MasterA ssociationP roperlyi n that Phasefo r rnarketingp urposes, Declarantm ay uset he MasterA ssociationP roperlyo nly if an agreemenits enteredin to between Declaranta nd the MasterA ssociation.T he agreemenmt ust specificallyp rovidef or a limited durationf or such use and must providef or a specificr easonablera te of compensatiotno the MasterA ssociationb y Declarant.C ompensatiosnh allb e corrunensuratwei th the nature,e xtent and durationo f theu r" propor.d by Deólarant.I n no event,h owever,s hallD eclaranbt e denied the rightst o uset h. ¡¿urt"i AssociationP ropertya nda ny Residenceos wnedb y Declaranat s an Owner.10.5 Alterations to Map. At anytime within three (3) years from the date that the first Residencei n u p[ffir*.v.¿ to an owner other than Declarant, the boundarieso f any Residenceo r MasterA ssociationP roperlyi n that Phasem ay be alteredb alteredb y a lot line adjustment or otherc hanger eflectedo n a subsequentriye cordedR ecordo f Survey,p arcelm ap,f ,tnaml apo r amended final map, provided that ihe aitered boundaries are approved by Declarant and all oì¡/ners of the property involved in the boundary adjustment (the Master Board, with respect to properlyo wnedb y thl MasterA ssociation).A ny alterationa-p provedb y Declaranmt ay make *ino, óh*g", to the numbero f Residenceisn the MasterC ommunity-An alterations hallb e effective upon recordation of the Record of Survey or map and, upon such recordation, the boundarieso f the alteredR esidencoer MasterA ssociationP roperlys hallb e alteredfo r purposes of this MasterD eclarationto conformt o the boundariesa s showno n the Recordo f Surveyo r map. 10.ó Title Riehts. This Master Declarations hall not be construedto constitutea limitationo n D""lrÃiEäle rightst o the AdditionalP ropertyp rior to its A¡nexation,n or shall it imposea ny obligationo n Declaranot r any otherp ersono r entityt o improve,d evelopo r annex any iortion ãt tn" e¿¿itional Property. The righti of Declarant under this Master Declaration mãy^b e assignedt o any succ"siorii¡b y an expressa ssignmenti n a recordedi nstrument, inciuding without limitaiion, a deed,o piion or lLase. This Master Declarations hall not be construedt o limit the right of Declarania t any time prior to such an assignmentto establish 54 Horton/Temecula Lane lv{asterC C&RS 20838-00 I 78/2t24338.1 4 additionall icensesr,e servationasn d rights-of-wayt o itself,t o utility companiest,o the City, to the County,t o the State,o r to othersa s may be reasonablny ecessartyo the properd evelopment andd isposaol f properlyo wnedb y Declarant. L0.7 power of Attorney. EachO wner of a Residencein the MasterC ommunityb, y acceptingu d"*äoãQffi*¡hall be deemedt o have( a) agreeda nda cknowledgetdh at the Owners own no interest in the Additional Properfy which may be developed' if at all, by Declarantin its solea nda bsoluted iscretiona, nd( b) irrevocablya ppointedD eclarantf,o r so long as Declaranot wnsa ll or any portiono f the AdditionalP roperfya, si ts Attorney-in-Facfto, r itself and each of its Mortgageeso, ptioneesg, fanteesl,i censeest,r usteesr, eceivers,le sseet,e nants' judgment creditors,t r-eils,l" gåtees,d evisees,a dminishatorse, xectttors,le gal representatives, ,urã"rro., anda ssignsw, hethãrv oluntaryo r involuntarya, ndt herebyt o havec onveyeda Power of Attorney coupledw ith an interestt o Declaranta s his o¡ her Attorney-in-Factto prepare' executea, ctn owiedgea ndr ecorda ny parcelm ap,f rnalm apo r amendedfi nal mapf or all or any portiono f the eropJrtyo r AdditionalÞ ropertyr egardlesosf whetherD eclaranto wnsa ny interest in the property whic-h is the subject of such parcel map, final map or amended frnal map. Ho*euår, notúingh ereins hall be deemedo r construeda s an agreemenbt y Declaranth at any Owners hall be entitledt o any participationin or discretiono vert he preparationa ndr ecordation of a parcel map, frnal *up oi amended final map for all or any portion of the Properfy or Additìonal Property. The acceptanceo r creationo f any Mortgageo r other encumbrance, whether or not voluntary, creatéd in good faith, or given for value, shall be deemed to be accepted or created subject to each of the terms and conditions of the Power of Attomey describedin this Section. l0.g Amendment, The provisions of this Article may not be amended without the consent of Declarant utrtil all of the Additional Properly has been armexed to the Master Communitya nd all of the Residenceisn the MasterC ommunityo wnedb y Declaranht aveb een conveyed. ARTICLE 1I INSURANCE I l.I Liabilitv lnsurance. The Master Association shall obtain and maintain commercialg.ffice(includingcoverageformedicalpayments)insuringthe MasterA ssoãiationt,h eM asterB oard,a ny managerD, eclaranat ndt he Ownersa ndo ccupantosf Residencesa,n dt heirI nviteesa gainsat ny liability incidento the ownershipo r useo f theM aster Associatio¡p roperry,M asterA isociationM aintenancAe reasa ndt he performanceb y theM aster Associationif its dutiesu ndert his MasterD eclaration.S uchp olicy shalli nclude,i f obtainablea, cross-liabilityo r severabilityo f intereste ndorsemenint suringe achi nsureda gainstl iability to eacho ther insured. The limits of such insurances halln ot be lesst han Three Million Dollars (53,000,000). Such insurances hall cover all claims for death,p ersonali njury and property damagea risingo ut of a singleo ccurrence.S uchi nsurancesh alli ncludec overagea gainswt ater damage liability, property ãf oth"tr, and any other liabiiity or risk customarily covered with respectto projectss imilari n constructionlo' cation,a ndu se' Horton/Temecula Lane MasrerC C&RS 20838-0I0 7 8/2 I 24138l.4 55 ll.2 additional Insureds. The commercial general liability policy shall name as insured th" Arro.iuiñiliñ. O*s, Declarant (as long as Declarant is the Owner of any ResidentiaLl ot), anda ll Mortgageeas St heir respectivein terestsm ay appear'a ndm ay containa ioss payablee ndorsemenitn favor of an insurancetr ustees electedu nder the provisionso f Section 12.6. I 1.3 propertv Insurance. The MasterA ssociations hallk eep( i) any Improvementisf, any, within tfr. tut*t., ett*iuti* Properby and Master Association Maintenance Areas to be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociationin suieda gainstl oss by fire and the risks coveredb y a ,,standardA ll-Risk of Loss or Perils" insurancep olicy under an extendedc overagec asualty policy in the amounto f the maximumi nsurabler éplacemenvta lue thereofa nd (ii) all personal iropérty ownedb y the MasterA ssociationin suredw ith coveragein the maximumi nsurablefa ir market value of such personal property as determined annually by an insurance carrier selected by the Master Association. Insurancep roceedsfo r Improvementsin the MasterA ssociation Properfy( excludingR esidencesM), asterA ssociationM aintenanceA reasa nd personapl roperty ownedb y theM asterA ssociations hallb e payableto theM asterA ssociation.I n thee vento f any loss, damage or destruction to the Masier Association Properfy or Master Association MaintenanceA reas,t he MasterA ssociations hall causet he samet o be replaced,r epairedo r rebuilti n accordancwe ith the provisionso f thisM asterD eclaration' l l.3.l Description of Policv Coverases. The policy shall cover the following real and personal ProPertY: (a) Master AssociationP roperty. All Improvementsi,f any,w ithin theMasterAssociatione,op.@iationMaintenanceAreas;butexcludingland, foundatiols,e xcavationsa, nd otheri ternst ypicallye xcludedfr om propertyi nsurancec overage; and (b) Landscapins. Lawn, trees, shrubs and plants located in the MasterA ssociationp ràp"rfy, i*,tu¿ittgjh" landscapinign the MasterA ssociationM aintenance Areas. l l .3. Z CoveredC auseo f Loss. The policys hallp rovidec overagea gainslto sses caused by fire und uil oth"r hazards normally covered by a "special form" policy or its equivalent. 11.3.3p rimary. The policy shallb e primarya ndn oncontributingw ith anyo ther insurancep olicy coveringt he samel oss. 11.3.4E ndorsements. The policy shallc ontaint he following endorsemenotsr their equivalents: "gtãã-ããñtuoiler and machinery (to the extent applicable), inflation guard,ó rdinanceo r liw, and replacemenct ost and sucho ther endorsementsa s the MasterB oard in its discretions halle lect. 11.3.5 Waiver of Subrosation. Except as provided in Section7.24 of this MasterDeclaration,u@nbe¡*"enthe MasterAssociationandtheorvners and their Inviteesa nd First Mortgageása re waived. All insurancep olicies obtainedb y the Horton/Temecula[ ,ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 I 24338.I 4 )o MasterA ssociations halli ncludea waiver of all subrogationri ghts againsat ny Ownera ndt heir Invitees and First Mårtgug."r; provided, however, that any failure or inability to obtain such a waiver shall not defeatîiimpair the foregoingw aiverb etweent he MasterA ssociationa ndt he Owners and their Invitees *¿ firrt Vãrtgà-gees set forth herein. Insurance proceeds for Improvementsin the MasterA ssocìationn tãpãrfy,M as,teAr ssociationM aintenanceA ¡easa nd personapl ropertyo wnedb y theM asterA ssociations hallb e payablet o the MasterA ssociation' ll.4 Individual Insurance. The provisions of this section shall appiy only to the Owners of a Residen " Owners hallm aintainp ropertyi nsurancea gainslto ssesto the Residencec overing the full replacemenct ost thereof,i ncluding the Residengga nd to any upgradeso r fixtures or Improvementslo catedw ithin the Residencea nd liability insurance againsta ny liability resultin! from any injury or damageo ccurringw ithin the Residence'T he MasterA ssociation,isn suran-suran-cpeo liciesw itt not providec overagea gainsat ny of the foregoingo r any other loss associatedw ith ihe Residencesa,n d the MasterA ssociations hall not havea ny obligationt o monitor insurancec arriedb y owners. Excepta s providedi n section7 '24 of this MasterD eclarationa, ll rightso f subrogationb etweenth eo wners andt he MasterA ssociationa re waived. Any insuranceri aintainedb y an Ownerm ustc ontaìna waivero f subrogationri ghtsb y the insurera st o the MasterA ssociationp; rovided,h owevert,h at an Orvner'Sin abilityo r failure to obtain such a waiver shall not defeato r impair the waiver of subrogationa s betweens uch partiesc ontainedh erein. I L5 Fidelity Bond. The Master Associations hall maintain a fidelity bond in an amounte qual to ut iffih-" .stimated maxirnumo f funds,i ncluding reservesi' n the custodyo f the MasterA ssociationo r a managemenat genta t any given time during the term of the f,rdelity bond; provided, however, that the bond shãll not be less than a sum equal to three ((3) nonths aggregateo f the Regular Assessmentosn all Residenceps lus reservef unds of the annual assessmenntsa mingt ãeM asterA ssociationa so bligeea ndi nsuringa gainslto ss.byr easono f the acts of the Master Board, officers and employees of the Master Association' and any managemenat genta nd its employeesw, hethei or not suchp ersonsa re compensatefdo r their services. jurisdiction over the Master Communify' I 1.7 Directors and Officers Insurance. The Master Association shall maintain a policyin,u,ingffiorr'ce.an¿directorsagainstliabilityfortheirn egligent acts or omissions well acting their capacity as officers and directors' The limits of such insurances hallb e not lesst hanO ne Mitlion bollars ($1,000,000f)o r all claimsa-rìsingo ut of a singleo ccurrenceo r sucho therm inimuma mountt hatm eetsth e requirementosf CalifomiaC ivil CodeS ection1 365.7. worker's. o*pãruti* i*u*nce to the extentn ecessartyo comply thestateofCalifomiaortheregulationsofanygovernmental I 1.8 Other lnsurance. The Master Association insurancea s the Master Board determinest o be necessaryto Owners. 1r.6 W Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 2433Et.4 urance. The Master Association shall maintain with all applicablela wso f body or authoritY having shall maintain other tYPes of fuliy protect the interests of the J I l t . g C o p i e s o f P o l i c i e s . C o p i e s o f a l l s u c h . i n s u r a n c e p o l i c i e s o f t h e M a s t e r Association( or certificatess howing thaì the policy premiumst o have been paid) shall be retainedb y the MasterA ssociation*d optn foi inspeciionb y Ownersa t reasonableti mes' All such insurance policies shall (i) providË that they shall not be cancelable or substantially modif,redb y the insurerw ithoutf irit giving at leastt en (.1g).daysp' rior noticei n writing to the MasterA ssociationa, nd( ii) containa -waivãro f subrogationb y the insurer(sa) gainstth e Master Associationa nd First tvto.t!ag..s,M asterB oard and Owners. In additiont o the foregoingt,h e Master Association shall -prãvide such information regarding the insurance of the Master Associationa sm ay be requiredb y applicablela w or undert heM asterB ylaws' ll.l0 Review of Insurance. The MasterB oard shall review the adequacyo f all insuranceatleastoffi''rhereviewshallincludeareplacementcoStappraisalofall insurableM aster AssociationP ropertyI mprovementsw ithout respectt o depreciation' The Master Board shall adjust ano moairy the policies to provide coverage and protection that is customarilyc arriedb y änd reasonablay vaila-blteo prudento wnerso f similarp ropertyi n thea rea in which theM asterC ommunityis situated' I 1.1i Master Board''ss AAuthoritv to ReviseI nsuranceC overage' Subjectt o the provisions of S*tion tl-t u"¿ th" ..quit.-"ntt regarding insurance set forth in the Master bylaws, the Master Board shall have the power and-right to deviate from the insurance +^ -^ ^ . ^ -. L l o .equirementcso ntainedin this Article 11 in any mannert hatt he MasterB oard,i n its reasonable businessd iscretionc, onsidersto be in the besti nterestso f the MasterA ssociation.I f the Master Board electst o materiallyr educet he coveragefr om the coveragere quiredi n this Article 11' the Master Board shall make all reasonablee fforts to notifo the Members of the reductioni n coveragea nd the reasonst herefora t least thirty (30) days prior to the effèctived ate of the reduction. The MasterA ssociationa, nd its directorsa ndo fTicerss, hall haven o liability to any Owner or Mortgageeif , aftera good faith effort, the MasterA ssociationis unablet o obtaina ny insurancer equiieãh ereundebr écauseth e insuranceis no longera vailablq.o r, if availablet,h e insurancec anb e obtainedo nly at a costt hat the MasterB oard,i n its soled iscretiond, etermines is unreasonabluen dert he circumstanceos;r the Membersfa il to approvea ny assessmenlntc rease neededt o fund the insurancep remiums. ll.l2 Adiustment of Losses. The MasterB oardi s appointeda ttorney-in-facbty each Owner,t o negotiate*ã ^g*" "" tt*ialue ande xtento f any lossu ndera ny policy carriedb y the MasterA ssociationp ursuintt o Sectionl 1.l and 11.2.T heM asterB oardi s grantedf ull righta nd authority to compromise and settle any claim or enforce any claim by legal action or otherwise andt o executere leaseisn favoro fany insurer' 11.13 Distribution to Mortgagees. Any Mortgageeh as the option to apply insurance proceedsp"y"u@accountofaResidenceas providedinthisMaster beclarationi n reductionã f tfrr obligations ecuredb y theM ortgageo f suchM ortgagee' I l.l4 comoliance with Federal Reeulations. Notwithstandinga ny otherp rovisions contained herein, th;-;ñ Aso.iation shall continuously maintain in effect such casualty, flood and liability insurance and a frrdelity bond meeting the insurance and fidelity bond requirementes staúlishebdy the FederaNl atíonalM ortgageM asterA ssociation( "FNMA"), the Government National Mortgage Master Association ("GNMA"), and the Federal Home Loan 58 Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 /2 t 24338l.4 MortgageC orporation(" FHLl\IC"), so long as any of the-aboveis a Mortgageeo r an owner of a Residencee, xceptt o the extents uch. ou"rãg" is not availableo r hasb eenw aivedi n writingb y the FNMA. FRDMC, GNMA, and FHLùC as applicable. If the FNMA or FHLMC requirementcso nflict,t hem ores tringenrt equirementssh allb e met. DE STRCUT IO.N"-,-ffi;"å'J. O*OC O NDEMNATION IZ.l Restoration Defined. As used in this Article, the term "restore" shall mean repairing,,.u@tingdamagedImprovementstosubstantiaI[ythesame "oìdition anda ppearãncien which it existedp rior to fire or otherc asualtyd amage' lZ.Z Insured Casualtv. If any Improvemenrte quiredto be maintainedb y the Master Associationo r any l\4;tt"t Att*iation Properfyi s damagedo r destroyedfr om a risk coveredb y the insurancere quiredt o be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociationt,h ent he MasterA ssociation shall,t o the extentp ermittedu ndere xistingl aws,r estoret heI mprovementto the samec ondition as it was in immediatelyp rior to the dãmageo r destructionT' he Master Associations hall froceed with the filing anda djustmenot f all clairnsa risingu ndert he existingi nsurancep olicies' The insuranr" p.o""."dss hali be paid to and held by the MasterA ssociationo n an insurance trustees electedu ndert he provisionso f Section1 2'6' lZ.3 Restorationp roceeds. The costso f restorationo f the damagedI mprovement sha¡ be paid first from any insurancep roceedsp aid to the MasterA ssociationu ndere xisting insurancep olicies. If the insurancep roceedse xceedth e costso f restorationt,h e excessp roceeds shall be paid into reservesa ndh eldfor the benef,rot f the MasterA ssociation' If the insurance proceedsa re insuff,icientto restoret he damagedIm provementt,h e MasterB oards hallt hena dd to the insurancep roceedsa ll reserveu ..orrni fundsd esignatedfo r the repairo r replacemenotf the damagedI mprovement.I f the total funds then availablea res uff,tcientto restoret he damaged Improverãentt,ú e Improvemenst hallb e restored.I f the aggregataem ounto f insurancep insurancep roceeds and such reservea ccountf unds are insuffrcientt o pay the total costs of restorationt,h e Improvemenst hallb e restoreda nd the MasterB oards hall imposea specialA ssessmenfot r the "ort of repairing and reconstructing Improvements to the extent insurance proceeds are unavailable,s uch assessmentot be levied as describeda bove (but without the consento r approvalo f,Membersd, espitea ny contraryp rovisionsin thisM asterD eclaration)' 12.4 Rebuildine Contract. The MasterB oard or its authorizedr epresentativseh all obtain bids from ; l.^t t*" (2) licensed and reputable contractors and shall accept the restoration* ork from *ho*.u", ìhe Master Board dèterminesto be in the best interestso f the Members. The Master Board shall have the authority to enter into a written contract with the contractorf or suchr estorationa, nd the insurancep roceedss hallb e disbursedto the confractor accordingt o the termso f the contract. The MasterB oards hall take all stepsn ecessaryto assure the commencemenat nd completiono f authorizedr estorationa t the earliestp ossibled ate' Such restorations hall be commencedn o later than one hundrede ighty (i80) days after the event requiring reconstructiona nd shall thereafterb e diligently prosecutedto completion' Such restoration shall return the damaged Improvements to substantially the same condition and appearancien which it existedp rior to the damageo r destruction. 59 Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/2 I 24338l.4 IZ.5 private Streets. The Master Board shall have the duty to restore all Private Streetsw ithin tir. Uffi Co*munity. In the eventt he proceedso f insurancea re not suffìcient to causes uchr estorationt,h e MasterB oard shall levy a ReconstructioAns sessmentot provide the necessarfyu ndsf or suchr estoration. 12.6 Insurance Trustee. All property insurancep roceedsp "ydg to the Master Associationu ndert h. poltr-bed in Section1 1.2,s ubjectto the rightso f Mortgageeus nder Article 13, may Uep aiAt o a trusteea s designatebdy the MasterB oardt o be held ande xpended for the benef,rot f the Ownersa nd Mortga[..r, u, ih.it t"tp..tive interestss hall appear' The trustees hallb e a commerciabl anko r otheifinanciali nstitutionw ith trustp owersi n the country in which the MasterC ommunifyi s locatedt hata greesin writing to accepts ucht rust' If repairo r reconstructionis authorizedt,h e MasterA ssociatìonw ill havet he duty to contractf or suchw ork as provided for in this Master Declaration' I2.7 Condemnation of Master AssocÍation Property. If at any time all or any portionofunyffi'op.'ry,o.o''yintere sttherein,istakenforanypublicor quasi-publicu se,u ndera ny statuteU, Vi igtti of eminentd omaino r by privatep urchasein lieu of eminentd omain,t he entiråa wardi n conãemnatiosnh allb e paid to the MasterA ssociationa nd shall be usedf or restoringt he balanceo f the MasterA ssociationP roperly' To the extentt he Master Associationis nol permittedb y the governmentaal gencyt o rebuild,t hen such award shall be apportioneda mong the Owners by court judgrnento r by agreemenbt efweent he condemning authorify and -each of the affécted Owners, the Master Association and their respectiveM ortgageésto such areaa s their interestsm ay appeara ccordingt o the fair market valueso f eachR esidencaet thet ime of destructiona' sd eterminedb y independenatp praisal'T he appraisals hall be made by a qualified real estatea ppraiserw ith an MAI certificateo r the equivatent,w hich appraiseis hail be selectedb y the MasterB oard. Any Any such award to the MasterA ssociations Ëallb e depositedin to the maintenancaen do perationa ccounto f the Master Association. The Master Aisociation shall represent the interests of all Owners in any proceedingre latingt o suchc ondemnation' l2.g Minor Repair and Reconstruction. The Master Board shall have the duty to repair and reconstrucItm provementsw, ithout the consento f Membersa nd inespectiveo f the amounto f availablei nsuiancep roceedsi,n all caseso f partial destructionw hen the estimated cost of repair and reconsffuctiõnd oesn ot exceedT en ThousandD ollars ($10,000.00)' The MasterB oardi s expresslye mpoweredto levy a SpeciaAl ssessmenfot r the costo f repairinga nd reconstructingIm piovementsto the extenti nsurancep roceedsa re unavailables, ucha ssessment to be levied as describeda bove( but without the consento r applovalo f Members,d espitea ny contraryp rovisionsin this MasterD eclaration)' lZ.g Damaset o ResidentialL ot. The provisionso f this Sections hall only apply to the Residentiat Lot .¿nd Improvements located th"r.on. Restoration of any damage to the ResidentiaLl ot shallb e madËb y anda t the individuale xpenseo f the owner of the Residenceso damaged. In the event of a ãeterminationb y an Owner not to restoret he Residencet,h e ResidentiaLl ot shallb e landscapeda nd maintainedin an attractivea nd well-keptc onditionb y the Owner thereof. All suchr eiair and restorations hatlb e completeda s promptlya s practical and in a lawful and workmanlike manner,i n accordancew ith plans approvedb y the Master Board as provided herein. 60 Ëlorton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&RS 20838-00718 12 I ?4338l.4 12.10 Condemnationo f a ResidentiaLl ot. The provisionso f this Sections hallo nly apply to tt, R"ri¿"r,tiut l-ots. ln th* .u.nt of "oy tuking of a ResidentiaLl ot, the owner (and such Owner'sM ortgageesa s their interestsm ay appear)o f the ResidentiaLl ot shallb e entitled to receive the award fãr such taking and after ac"eptant" thereof such Owner and such Owner's Mortgagees hallb e divestedo f all furtheri nteresti n the ResidentiaLl ot andm embershipin the MasterA ssociationif suchO wners hallv acates uchO wner'sR esidentiaLl ot as a resulto f such taking. In such event, the Owner shall grant its remaining interest in the Master Association Propertya ppurtenanito the ResidentiaLl ot so taken, if any, to the other Ownerso wning a fractionali nterestin the sameM asterA ssociationP roperly,s uchg rantt o be in proportiont o the fractionali nterestin theM asterA ssociationP ropertyt heno wnedb y theo therO wners' ARTICLE 13 RIGHTS OF MORTGAGEES 13.l Conflict. Notwithstandinga ny contraryp rovision containede lsewherein the Master CoverrungO ocumentst,h e proviiions of this Article shall control with respectt o the rightsa ndo bligationso f Mortgageeas ss pecifiedh erein' 13.2 Liability for Unpaid Assessments. Any Institutional Mortgagee rvho obtains title to a Residencep ,t**rt L.Jhã remediesp rovided in the First Mortgage( exceptu pon a voluntary .on,r"yurr"åt o the InstitutionalM ortgagee)o r by foreclosureo f the First Mortgage shall take the property free of any claims for unpaid assessmentosr chargesa gainstt he Residencew hich accruep rior to the acquisitiono f title to the Residenceb y the Institutional Mortgagee. 13.3 paymento f Taxesa nd Insurance.A ll taxesa, ssessmenatnsd c hargetsh atm ay becomeuti.n@FirstMortgageeshallbeteviedonlytotheindividual condominiuma ndn ot the MasterC ommunitya s a whole. InstitutionaMl ortgageems ay,j ointly or singly, pay taxeso r otherc hargesth at are in defaulta nd that may or haveb ecomea charge againsìã ny Ífesidenceo r MasterA ssociationP ropertyo r Improvementss Improvementss ituatedt hereona nd m'ay pay ãverdue premiums on hazard insurance policies or secure new hazard insurance .ourrägã on the lapseo f a policy for the MasterA ssociationP roperty.I nstitutionaMl ortgagees makinf such paymentss hail be owed immediater eimbursemenfto r suche xpendituresfr om the MasterA ssociationa nd,o n demandt,h e MasterA ssociations halle xecutea n agrcemenitn favor of all InstitutionaMl ortgageerse fle ctinge ntitlementto reimbursement' 13.4 Notice to Elieible Holders. An Eligible Holder is entitled to timely written notice of the following events: 13.4.1A ny condemnationlo ss or casualtyl oss that affects either a material portion of the MasterC ommunityo r the Residenceo n which the Eligible Holder holds a First Mortgage; 13.4.2A ny delinquencyin the paymento f assessrnenotsr chargeso wed by the owner of a Residenceth at is subjectt o a First Mortgageh eld by the Eligible Holder if the delinquencyi s not curedw ithin sixty (60) daysa fter its due date; Horton/Temecula Lane Maste¡ CC&Rs 20838-001782/124338.4t 6 l 13.4.3A ny lapse,c ancellationo r materialm odif,rcatioonf any insurancep olicy or fidelity bondm aintainedb y the MasterA ssociation; 13.4.4 Any proposal to take any action specified in this A¡ticle or in the Article 12 hereofe ntitled" Destructiono f Improvementasn dC ondemnation"; 13.4.5A ny defaultb y the Owner-Mortgagoor f a Residenceth at is subjectt o a First Mortgageh eld Uy ine Eligiblã Holder in the performanceo f its obligationsu nder this MasterD eðlarationo r the MasterB ylarvsw hich is not curedw ithin sixry( 60) days;o r 13.4.6A ny proposeda ctiont hatr equiresth e consento f a specif,repde rcentagoef the Eligible Holders. For so long asi s requiredb y FNMA's legalr equirementfso r projecta cceptancea,l l referencetso .,EligibleÉ older" in ttris Section 13.4 shall be deemedt o includea ll First Mortgageesa n all guarantorso f First Mortgages. 13.5 ReserveF und. The MasterA ssociations hallm aintaina sa reserveft rnda resewe account fund suffic*At to-puy for maintenancer,e pair and periodic replacemenot f Master Associationp ropertyI mprovementsth at the MasterA ssociationis obligatedt o maintain. This reservef und shallb e funãedb y RegularA ssessmenotsf Ownerst hat arep ayablein installments rathert hanb y SpeciaAl ssessmenpt;r ovided,h owevert,h att his provisions halln ot be deemedto limit the po*.i of the Master Asiociation to levy auy other rype of assessmenotr charge authorizedb y this MasterD eclaration. 13.6 Inspectiono f BooksA nd Recofds. Uponr equesta, ny Ownero r FirstM ortgagee shal1beentitledtoi@sandfinancialstatementsoftheMasterAssociation, the MasterG ovemingD ocumentsa nda ny amendmenttsh eretod uringn ormalb usinessh ourso r undero therr easonablcei rcumstances. 13.7 Financial Statements.T he MasterA ssociationa, t its expenses, hallp reparea n audited financial stut"*ent fo. the immediately preceding Fiscal Year and make the same availablew ithin one hundredt wenty (120) daysa fter the Association'sF iscalY ear end to any InstifutionaMl ortgageeth ath ass ubmitteda writtenr equesfto r it. l3.g Actions Reouirine Elieible Holder Approval. Unless at least sixfy-seven p e r c e n t ( 6 7 % ) n o n e v o t e f o r e a c h F i r s t M o r t g a g e e o w n e d ) a n d a t leasts ixty-sevenp ercenl6lN) of the Ownerso thert hanD eclaranht aveg ivent heirp rior written approval,t heM asterA ssociations halln ot be entitledt o: 13.8I. By acto r omissions, eekt o abandono r terminateth eM asterC ommunify; 13.8.2 By act or omission abandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, sell or transtèra ny propertyo r improvementso wned,d irectly or indirectly, by the MasterA ssociation for the benefito f tnå Residenceasn dt he Owners.( The grantingo f easementfso r public utilities or for other public purposes consistent with the intended use of the Master Community by the Honon/TemeculaL ane Master CC&RS 20838-00I 7 8/2l 24338.14 62 Master Association and Owners shall not be deemed a transfer within the meaning of this Section); 13.8.3B y act or omissionc hangew, aive or abandona ny schemeo f regulations, or enforcementth ereof,p ertainingt o architecturadl esigno r exteriora ppearancoef Residences, the exteriorm aintenancoef Residenceso,r theu pkeepo f lawns,p lantingso r otherl andscapingin the Master Community; 13.8.4B y act or omissionc hanget he method of determiningth e obligations, assessmentdsu, eso r otherc hargesth atm ayb e levieda gainsat n Owner; 13.8.5 Fail to maintain fire and extended coverage insurance on insurabie portionso f the MasterA ssociationP ropertyo n a currentr eplacemencto stb asisi n an amountn ot iesst han one hundredp ercent( 100%)o f the insurablev alueb asedo n currentr eplacemencto st; and 13.8.6U seh azardin surancep roceedsfo r lossesto anyp ropertyo r Improvements ownedb y the MasterA ssociationo thert hanf or the repair,r eplacemenot r reconstructioonf such property and Improvements. For so long as is requiredb y FNMA's legalr equirementfso r projecta cceptancea,ll referencetso "Eligible Holder"i n thisS ection1 4.9s hallb e deemedto includea ll FirstM ortgagees. 13.9 Self-Manaeement. The vote or approval by lvritten ballot of at least sixty-seven percenr( 67%) of the total Voting Powero f the MasterA ssociationa nd Eligible Holderst hat i.pt"r.nt at leasta fìfty-onep ercent( 51%) majorify of the ResidentiaLl ots that are subjectt o Môrtgagesh eld by Eligible Holderss hallb e requiredt o assumes elf-managemeonft the Master Commu¡ity if professionaml anagemenot f the Master Community has beenr equiredb y an Eligible Holder at any time. 13.10 MortgageeP rotection. A breacho f any of the conditionsc ontainedin this MasterD eclarations hall not defeatn or renderi nvalid the lien of any First Mortgagem adei n good faith andf or valuea s to any Residencein the MasterC ommunity;p rovided,h owever,t hat ihe conditionsc ontainedin this MasterD eclarations hall be binding upona nd effectivea gainst any Owner of a Residenceif the Residenceis acquiredb y foreclosuret,r ustee'ss ale or otherwise. 13.11 Subordination.T he lien of the assessmentins,c ludingi nterestc,o sts( including attorneysf' ees),a ndl atec hargess ubjecto the limitationso f CaliforniaC ivil CodeS ection1 367, providedf or hereins hallb e subordinateto the lien of any First Mortgagew ith respectt o any ResidencesS. aleo r transfeor f any Residencseh alln ot affectt he assessmenliet n. 13.12 Distribution of Insurance and Condemnation Proceeds. No Owner, or any other party, shall havep riority over any right of InstitutionalM ortgageeso f Residenceps ursuant to their Mortgages in case of a distribution to Owners of insurance proceeds or condemnation awardsf or lossesto or a takingo f Residenceosr MasterA ssociationP roperfy.A ny provisiont o the contraryi n this MasterD eclarationo r in the MasterB ylaws or otherd ocumentsre latingt o Horton/Tenìecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-007r 8/2 | 24338.14 63 the lvfaster Communiry is to such extent void. All applicable fire and all physical loss or extendedc overagein surancep oliciess hallc ontainl ossp ayablec lausesa cceptablteo the affected InstitutionaMl ortgageensa mingt he Mortgageesa,s t heiri nterestsm ay appear' t3. t3 Votins Riehts on Default. In case of default by any Owner in any payment due under the terms of any InstitutionalM ortgagee ncumberings uch Owner's Residenceo, ¡ the promissoryn otes ecuredb y the Mortgage,t he Mortgageeo r its representativoen, giving writtett noticet o suchd efaultingO wnero r Owners,a nd placingo f recorda noticeo f default,i s hereby granteda proxy andc an exerciseth e votingr ightso f suchd efaultingO wnera ttributableto such Residencea t any regularo r specialm eetingo f the Membersh eld during such time as such default may continue. 13.14 Foreclosure.I f any Residenceis encumberebdy a FirstM ortgagem adei n good faith and for value,t he foreclosureo f any lien createdb y any provisions etf orth in this Master Declarationfo r assessmentosr, installmentso f assessmentssh, all not affecto r impairt he lien of the Mortgage.O n foreclosureo f the Mortgaget,h e lien for assessmentosr, installmentst,h ath as accruedu p to the time of foreclosures hallb e subordinateto the lien of the Mortgage,w ith the foreclosu¡e-purchasteark ing title to the Residencefr ee of the lien for assessmentisn,c luding interestc, osts( includinga ttorneysf'e es),a ndl ate chargesle viedb y theM asterA ssociationw ith respecth eretoo r installmentsth, at hasa ccruedu p to the time of the foreclosuresa le. On taking title to the Residenceth e foreclosure-purchassehra ll only be obligatedt o pay assessmenotsr other chargesl evied or assessedb y the Master Associationa fter the foreclosure-purchaser acquiredt itle to the Residence.T he subsequentlay ccrueda ssessmenotsr other chargesm ay includep reviouslyu npaida ssessmenptsro videda ll Owners,in cludingt he foreclosure-purchaser, and its successorasn d assignsa re requiredt o pay their proportionates harea s providedi n this Section. 13.15 Non-CurableB reach. Any Mortgageew ho acquiresti tle to a Residenceb y foreclosureo r by deedi n lieu of foreclosureo r assignment-in-lieouf foreclosures hall not be obligatedt o curea nyb reacho f this MasterD eclarationth at is non-curableo r thati s not practical or feasiblet o cure. 13.16 Loan to Facilitate. Any Mortgage given to secure a loan to facilitate the resale of a Residencea fter acquisitionb y foreclosureo r by a deed-in-lieuo f foreclosureo r by an assignment-in-lieouf foreclosures hall be deemedt o be a loan madei n goodf aith and for value ande ntitledt o all of ther ightsa ndp rotectionso f this Article. 13.17 Aopearance at Meetings. Because of its financial interest in the Master Community,a ny Mortgageem ay appear( but cannotv ote excepta s may be providedf or herein) at meetingso f the Membersa nd the MasterB oardt o draw attentiont o violationso f this Master Declarationt hat have not been correctedo r made the subject of remedialp roceedingso roceedingso r assessments. 13.18 Rieht to Furnish Information. Any Mortgageec an furnishi nformationt o the MasterB oardc oncerningth e statuso f anyM ortgage. Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-007r8 /2 124338| 4. 64 13.l 9 Inapplicabilityo f Rieht of First Refusalt o Morteagee.N o righto f firstr efusai or similar restrictiono n the right of an Ownert o sell,t ransfero r otherwisec onveyt he Owner's Residence shall be granted to the Master Association without the written consent of any Mortgageeo f the Residence.A ny right of first refusalo r option to purchasea Residenceth at *uy b" g.untedt o the MasterA ssociation(o r otherp erson,f irm or entity) shalln ot applyt o any conveyanceo r transfero f title to such Residencew, hether voluntary or involuntary,t o a Mortgagee which acquires title to or ownership of the Residence pursuant to the remedies p.ouiã"ã in its Mortgageo r by reasono f foreclosureo f the Mortgageo r deedo r assignmenint lieu of foreclosure. 13.20 Written Notification to Mortsasees or Guarantors of First MortEa8es. If a Mortgageeo , guurantoor f a FirstM ortgagei s not alsoa n Eligible Holder,a ny wriiten noticeo f proposalr equiredo r permittedb y this Declarationto be given to such Mortgageeo r guarantor r6uit U" deemedp roperlyg iven if depositedin the United Statesm ail, postagep repaid,a nd addressetdo the Mortgageeo r guarantoar t its addressa ppearingo f reco¡di n the FirstM ortgage (or assignmentth ereof,if applicable). A,RTICLE 14 AMENDMENTS Excepta s otherwises et forth ìn this Article, this Article shall not be amendedm, odifìed or rescindedu ntil Declaranth as conveyedt he last Residencew ithin the MasterC ommunity, including any Phasew hich may be annexedt o and made a part of the Master Community pursuanft o the Article hereofe ntitled" Annexationo f AdditionalP roperty,"w ithout( i) thep rior written consento f Declaranta nd (ii) the recordingo f said written consenti n the Off,iceo f the County Recorder. 14.1 Amendment Before the Close of First Sale. Before the close of the first sale of a Residenceto a purchaseor thert hanD eclarantt,h is MasterD eclarationa nda ny amendmenttso it may be amendedin any respecot r revokedb y the executionb y Declaranta nda ny Mortgagee of record of an instrumenta mendingo r revokingt his Master Declaration, The amendingo r revoking instrument shall make appropriate reference to this Master Declaration and its amendmentasn ds hallb e acknowledgeadn dr ecordedin the office of the CountyR ecorder. 14.2 AmendmentsA fter the Closeo f First Sale. Excepta s may otherwiseb e stated in this Master Declaration,a fter the close of the first sale of a Residencein the Master Communityt o an Ownero thert hanD eclaranat nd duringt he periodo f time prior to conversion of the Class B membershipin the MasterA ssociationt o Class A membershipt,h is Master Declaration may be amended at any time and from time to time provided that the vote or approvalb y writtenb allot of at leasta majorityo f theV oting Powero f eachc lasso f Memberso f thé MasterA ssociationh asb eeno btained.A fter conversiono f the ClassB membershipin the MasterA ssociationt o ClassA membershipt,h e MasterD eclarationm ay be amendeda t any time and f,rom time to time, provided that the vote or approval by written ballot of (a) at least a majority of the total Voting Powero f the MasterA ssociationa nd (b) at leasta majorityo f the Voling Power of the Memberso f the Master Association,o ther than Declarant,h as been obtained.T he vote on a proposeda mendmentto the MasterD eclarations hallb e heldb y secret 65 Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-0l0 7 812 I 24338l.4 ballot in accordancwe ith the procedurese tf orth in CalifomiaC ivil CodeS ection1 363.03a nd the rulesa doptedb y the Boardp ursuanth ereto. Sucha mendmenst hallb ecomee ffectiveu pon the recordingo f a Certificateo f Amendmenst igneda nda cknowledgebdy the Presidenot r Vice presidento i ttt. Master Associationa nd the Secretaryo r AssistantS ecretaryo f the Master Associationc ertiffing that suchv oteso r approvabl y written ballot haveb eeno btained.F or the purposeso f recordingt he Certificateo f Amendrnent,t he Presidento r Vice-Presidenat nd 'Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Master Association are hereby granted an irrevocable power oî attorneyt o act for ando n behalfo f eacha nd everyO wneri n certiffing ande xecuting and recording* ith the Office of the CountyR ecorder.I n additiont o the foregoingi,n the case of any MateiialA mendmenta, sd efinedb elow,t he voteo f Eligible Holderst hatr epresenatt least fifty-onep ercen(t 5|%)of the voteso f Residencetsh ata res ubjectt o Mortgagesh eldb y Eligible Holdersa nd at leasts ixty-sevenp ercent(67%)o f the Voting Powero f eachc lasso f Members shall alsob e required." MaterialA mendment"s hallm ean,f or the purposeso f this Section1 4.2, any amendmentsto provisionso f this Master Declarationg overninga ny of the following subjects: I4.Z.I The fundamentapl urposef or which the MasterC ommunityw as created (sucha sa changefr om residentiaul set o a differentu se); 14.2.2 Assessments, collection of assessments, assessment liens and subordinatiotnh ereof; Property; 14.2.3 The reserve for repair and replacement of the Master Association 14.2.4P ropertym aintenancoeb ligations; 14.2.5C asualtya ndl iability, or hazardin suranceo r fidelity bondr equirements; 14.2.6R econstructioinn the evento f damageo r destruction; 14.2.7R ightst o uset he MasterA ssociationP roperfy; 14.2.8R eallocationo f any interestsin the MasterA ssociationP roperty; 14.2.9 Voting; I4.Z.l0 Any provisiont hat, by its terms,i s specificallyf or the benef,rot f EligibleH olders,o r specificallyc onfersr ightso n EligibleH olders; l4.2.ll Expansiono r contractiono f the MasterC ommunityo r thea ddition, annexation or withdrawal of properry to or from the Master Community, other than the addition or deletiono f the Additionaip ràpertyd escribedin Exhibit "B," the redefinitiono f Residence boundarieso r the conversiono f a Residenceo r Residenceisn to MasterA ssociationP roperty; and 14.2.12 Imposition of any restrictiono n any ownet's right to sell or transferit s Residence. Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-0I07 8/2 124338l4. 66 Any Eligible Holder who receives written request to consent to additions or amendments requiringc onsentu ndert his provisionw ho doesn ot delivert o the requestingp arty a negative responsew ithin sixty (60) daysa fterr eceipto f a noticed eliveredb y certifiedo r registeredm ail, returnr eceiptr equesteds,h allb e deemedto have consentedto suchr equest. For so long as is requiredb y FNMA's legal requirementsfo r project acceptancea, ll referencesto "Eligible Holder" in this Section1 4.2s hallb e deemedto includea ll First Mortgages.I f any provisiono f this MasterD eclarationre quiresa greatero r lesserp ercentagoef the votingr ightso f anyc lasso f Members in order to take affirmative or negative action under such provision, the same percentageo f such classo r classeso f Members shall be requiredt o amendo r revokes uch provision. Also, if the consenot r approvalo f any governmentaalu thority,M ortgageeo r other person, firm, agency or entity is required under this Master Declaration with respect to any any amendmenot r revocationo f any provisiono f this MasterD eclarationn, o such amendmenot r revocations hallb ecomee ffectiveu nlesss uchc onsenot r approvails obtained.A ny amendment or revocations ubsequentto the close of such first sale shall be evidencedb y an instrument certif,redb y the Secretaryo r otherd uly authorizedo fficer of the MasterA ssociationa nd shall make appropriater eferencet o this Master Declarationa nd its amendmentsa nd shall be acknowledgeadn dr ecordedin theo fficeo f the CountyR ecorder. 14.3 Conflict With Article 13 or Other Provisions of This Master Declaration. To the extenta ny provisionso f this A¡ticle conflict with the provisionso f Article 13 or any other provisiono f this MasterD eclaratione, xceptt hosec ontainedin Section1 4.2, the provisionso f Article 13 or the otherp rovisionss hallc ontrol. 14.4 Additional Approvals Required for Amendments. Nofwithstandinga nything to the contraryc ontainedi n this MasterD eclaration,S ections2 .23, 2.28, 2.33, 2,34, 4.4.13, 4.5.5,4.5.8,4.5.141.,5 .t2,5.1.3,5.2.3,8.1.2,8.11.36,. 3,a nd 16.4o f this MasterD eclaration shalln ot be amendedw ithoutt he voteo r approvalb y writtenb allot of at least( a) ninetyp ercent (90%) of the Voting Powero f the Memberso f the MasterA ssociationo thert hanD eclaranta, nd (b) at leastn inefyp ercen(t 90%)o f theM ortgagees. 14.5 Business and ProfessionsC ode Section1 1018.7. All amendmentso r revocationso f this MasterD eclarations hall comply with the provisionso f CaliforniaB usiness andP rot-essioCnso deS ection1 1018.7to thee xtents uchs ectionis applicable. 14.6 Relianceo n Arnendments.A ny amendmentms adei n accordancwe ith the terms of this MasterD eclarations hallb e presumedv alid by anyonere lying on themi n goodf aith. \RTICLE 15 ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTY 15.1 Annexation. Any of the Additional Properfyd escribedin Exhibit "B" may be annexedt o and becomes ubjectt o this Master Declarationb y any of the methodss et forth hereinafteri n this Article. Declaranti ntendst o sequentiallyd evelopt he Additional Propertyo n a phasedb asis. However,D eclaranmt ay electn ot to developa ll or any part of suchA dditional Properfy, to annex such real properfy to this Master Declaration in increments of any size whatsoevero, r to developm ore than one such incremenat t any given time and in any given 67 Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-00| 7 8/2124338.t4 ordero r develops uchr eal propertya s a separateM asterC ommunity.A lthoughD eclaranst hall havet he ability to annext he ÁdditionalP roperrya s providedi n this Article,D eclarants halln ot be obligatedt o annexa ll or any portiono f the AdditionalP roperfy,a ndt he AdditionalP roperby shall nót becomes ubjectt o this MasterD eclarationu nlessa nd until a SupplementarMy aster Declarationc overìngit hasb eenr ecorded. 15.? AnnexationW ithout Approval. All or any part of the AdditionalP ropertym ay be annexedto ãndb ecomes ubjecto thisM asterD eclarationa nds ubject o thej urisdictiono f the Master Association without the approval, assent or vote of the Master Association or its Membersp, rovidedt hat: 15.2.1T he proposedA nnexationw ill not result in a substantiaal nd material overburdeninogf thec ommoni nterestos f the thene xistingO wners; 15.2.2 The proposed A¡nexation rvill not cause a substantial increase in assessmenatsg ainste xistingO wnerst hat was not disclosedin the Public Reportsu nderw hich pre-existingO wnersp urchasetdh eir interests; 15.2.3F or eachR esidencein the MasterC ommunityt o be annexedf or whicha rental program has been in effect by the Owner for a period of at least one ( 1) year as of the date of ctosingo f the escrowf or the first saleo f a Residencein the annexedP haset,h e Owners hall pay to the MasterA ssociationb, eforeo r concrurentlyw ith the first closeo f escrowf or thes aleo f ã Residencerv ithin the annexedP hase,a n amount for eachm onth or portion thereofd uring which the Residencew as occupiedu nders uch rentalp rogmmt hat shall be establishedb y the Master Board for reservesf or replacemenot ¡ deferredm aintenanceo f Master Association property Improvementsn ecessìtatebdy or arising out of the use and occupancyo f the Residenceusn dert her entalp rogram; 15.2.4B efore Annexationp ursuantt o this Sectiono f any of the Additional Propertyt hat is beingd evelopeda s a phasedF HA and/o¡V A MasterC ommunity,p lansf or the devãlopmenot f the AdditionalP ropertym ustb e submittedto FHA and/ort he VA as applicable, and FÈ4, and/orV A as applicablem, ust determinet hat suchp lansa re in accordancew ith the previouslya pprovedg enerapl lan ands o adviseD eclaranta; nd 15.2.5E ach SupplementarDy eclaratione ffectingt he Annexationc ontemplated undert his Sectionm ustb e executedb y Declarant. For purposeso f this Section,t he issuanceo f a Public Reportb y the DRE shall conclusivelyb e deemedto be satisfactiono f the criterias etf orth above' 15.3 CovenantsR unning with the Land. Declaranmt ayt ransfera ll or anyp ortiono f the Property or the Additional Property to a builder under a glant deed wherein Declarant ,er.*.i the right to annex such property and subject it to this Master Declaration. The restrictiono n the AdditionalP ropertyw hereini t may be mades ubjectt o this MasterD eclaration upon the recordationo f a SupplementarDy eclarationi s herebyd eclaredt o be an equitable sèrvitude upon the Additional Properly in favor of the Properly and any other real properfy owned by by óeclarant in the viciniry of the Master Community and shall run with the land and be Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00r 7 8/2 I 24333.l4 68 bindingo n and inuret o theb enefito f all partiesh avingo r acquiringa ny right, title or interesti,n such real properry. 15.4 SupplementaryD eclaration. The Annexationa uthorizedu nder the foregoing Sectionss hall be made by hling of reco¡db y Declaranto, f a SupplementarDy eclarationw ith respectto the AdditionalP roperfyw, hichs halle xtendt hep lano f this MasterD eclarationto such properfy.A SupplementarDy eclarationm ay alsob e recordedb y Declarantw, ithout the consent of the Owners,t o (a) identifya reasr eferencedin this MasterD eclarationto be maintainedb y the MasterA ssociation(, b) makes ucho therc omplementarayd ditionsa nd modificationst o reflect the different character of the Additional Properly, (c) impose additional covenants and restrictions on the property which is being annexed, and/or (d) make technical or minor correctio¡st o the provisionso f this MasterD eclarationo r previouslyr ecordedS upplementary Declaration(s). 15.5 Master AssociationP ropertv. Any portiono f the propertyb einga nnexedth ati s intended or required to be Master Association Properly shall be conveyed to the Master Associationp rior to the closeo f the first saleo f any Residencein the annexedp ropertyt o an Owner, other than Declarant. 15.6 Riqhts and Obligationso f Owners. After the requireda nnexationp rocedures are fulfilled, all Owners in the Master Community shall be entitled to the use of any Master Association Property in such Additional Properfy, subject to the provisions of this Master Declarationa, nd Ownerso f suchA dditionalP roperlys hallt hereuponb e subjectt o this Master Declaration.A fler eachA ¡nexation,t he Assessmentssh all be assesseidn accordancew ith the provisions set forth in Section6 .3.4 with the Additional Properfy being assessedfo r a proportionatesh areo f the total commone xpenseos n the sameb asisa s the otherp roperfyi n the Master Community. 15.1 Mersers or Consolidations. Upon a mergero r consolidationo f the Master Associationw ith anothera ssociationth, e MasterA ssociation'sp ssociation'sp ropertiesr,i ghts and obligations may,b y operationo f [aw, be transferretdo the survivingo r consolidateMd asterA ssociationo, r, alternativelyt,h e propertiesr, ight and obligationso f anothera ssociationm ay, by operationo f law, be added to the properties, rights and obligations of the association as a surviving corporationp ursuant o a merger. The survivingo r consolidateads sociationm ay administetrh e covenantsc, onditionsa nd restrictionse stablishedb y this MasterD eclarationw ithin the Master Community,t ogetherw ith the covenantas ndr estrictionse stablisheudp on any otherp ropertya s one plan. 15.8 De-Annexation. Declarantm ay deletea ll or any portion of the annexedla nd from the coverageo f this Master Declarationa nd rescinda ny SupplementaryD eclaration, provided that (a) Declarant is the sole Owner of all of the real property described in the SupplementarDy eclarationt o be rescindedo r obtainst he consento f the fee title Ownero f the realp roperlrtyo be de-annexe(db ) Declaranht asn ot exerciseda ny MasterA ssociationv otea sa n Owner of any portion of the real properbyt o be de-annexeda nd (c) Assessmentsh ave not commenced with respect to any portion of the real properly to be de-annexed. Such deletion shall be effective upon the recordation of a written instrument signed by Declarant, in the same mannera st he SupplementarDy eclarationto be rescindedw asr ecorded. Horton/TemeculLaa ne 69 Master CC&Rs 20838-0I07 8/2 t24338l.4 ARTICLE 16 ENFORCEMENT l6.l Term. The covenantsc,o nditionsa ndr estrictionso f this MasterD eclarations hall run with andb ind the Propertya nds halli nure to the benefÏto f andb e enforceableb y theM aster Associationo r any Member,t heirr espectivele gal representativehse, irs,s uccessorasn da ssigns, for a termo f sixty (60) yearsf rom the datet his MasterD eclarationis recordeda, fterw hicht ime saidc ovenantsc,o nditionsa ndr estrictionssh allb e automaticallye xtendedfo r successivpee riods of ten (10) yearse ach,u nlessa n instruments, ignedb y at leasts ixty-sevenp ercent( 67%)o f the thenM embersh asb eenr ecordeda, t leasto ne (l) yearp rior to the endo f any suchp eriodi n the mannerr equiredf or a conveyanceo f real properfy, in which it is agreedt hat this Master Declarations hallt erminatea t thee ndo f thet hena pplicablete rm. 16.2 Enforcemenat ndN onrYaiver. 16.2.1 Rights of Enforcement of Master Governing Documents. The Master Associationo r any Owners hallh avea right of actiona gainsta ny Owner,a nd any Owners hall have a riglit of action against he MasterA ssociation,t o enforceb y proceedingsa t law or in equity,a ll covenantsc,o nditionsa, ndr estrictionsn, ow or hereafteirm posedb y the provisionso f thL MasterG overningD ocumentso r any amendmentth ereto,in cludingt he right to prevent he violationo f suchc ovenantsc,o nditionsa ndr estrictionsa ndt her ight to recoverd amageso r other duesf or suchv iolation exceptt hat Ownerss hall not havea ny right of enforcemenct oncerning assessmenlite ns. The MasterA ssociations hall have the exclusiver ight to the enforcemenotf provisionsr elatingt o architecturaclo ntrola nd the MasterA ssociationR ules,u nlesst he Master Associationre fuseso r is unablet o effectuates uch enforcementin, which casea ny Orvnerw ho otherwiseh ass tandings hallh avet her ight to undertakes uche nforcementF. ailureo f the Master AssociationD, eclaranto r any Ownert o enforcea ny covenantso r restrictionsh ereinc ontained shalli n no eventb e deemeda lvaivero f ther ight to do so thereafter. 16.2.2P roceduref or Enforcement. Notwithstandinga nythingt o the contrary set forth in Section 16.2.1,in enforcinga ny action undert he MasterG overningD ocumentsfo r monetary damages the parties shall comply with the provisions of California Civil Code Section1 354,1 363.810e,r seq.,1 368.3e, t seq.a nd 1369.510e,t seq. The MasterB oards hall annually provide to the Members a summary of the provisions of California Civil Code Section1 354,1 363.8101,3 63.840e,t s eq.a nda ny successosrt atuteosr [aws,w hichs halli nclude the languagere quireda nds hallb e deliveredin the maruterp rovidedi n Civil CodeS ection1 3ó5' The exception for disputes related to Master Association assessmentss et forth in Section1 369.520(ds)h alln ot applyt o disputesb efweena n Membera ndt he MasterA ssociation regardinga ssessmenitms posedb y theM asterA ssociationi,f the Memberc hoosesto pay in full the Master Association all of the assessmentsa s specified in California Civil Code Section1 366.3. 16.3 Noticeo f ActionsA sainstD eclarant. Subjectto thep rovisionso f Section1 6.4 hereof,t he MasterA ssociations hallc omply with the provisionso f Civil Code Section1 368.5, Civil Code Sections9 10 through9 38, prior to the filing of any civil action by the Master Associationa gainsth e Declaranot r otherd evelopero f theM asterC ommunityf or eithera lleged 70 Horton/TemeculLaa ne lvfasterC C&Rs 20838-00r 7 8/2 I 24338I. 4 damageto the MasterA ssociationP roperlyo r otherp ropertyw ithin the Properlyt hat the Master Associationi s obligatedt o maintaino r repair, or allegedd amageto any other portion of the properbyto the MasierA ssociationP ropertyo r otherp ropertyw ithin the MasterC ommunityt hat the Maiter Associationi s obligatedt o maintaino r repair. Suchn otices hall specify all of the matterss etf orth in Section1 368.4a nd/orC ivil CodeS ection9s1 0t hrough9 38, as applicable, subject o the provisionso f Section1 6.4b elow 16.4 Alternative DisouteR esolution. The purposeo f this Section1 6.4 is to provide an expeditedm eans of resolvinga ny claims, disputesa nd disagreementws hich may arise betweán an Owner or the Master Association and Declarant or among (i) the Declarant (including any affrliated general contractor of Declarant as defined in California Civil Code Section9 l l), and (ii) the MasterA ssociationa nd/or any Owner,a fter the close of escrowo r otherc onveyânceo f any portiono f the Propertyb y Declaranct oncerningth e Property,L imited Wananty and/or the CustomerC areP rogramt hat are not resolvedp ursuantt o any applicable statutoryd ispute resolutionp rocedures(i ndividually referencedto herein as "Dispute" and collectivelyá s "Disputes"). Initially, Declarantw ill attempt o resolvea ny Disputea ssertebdy an Owner or the Master Associationo f which it is given notice. If the Dispute can¡ot be resolvedb etweent he partiesi n this manner,t he partiesw ill proceedto mediation,a ccordingto the proceduresse t forth below. If the matteri s not resolvedb y the mediationp rocess'i t viill be decidedth rought he arbitrationp rocedurea ss etf orth below. AlternativelyD, eclaranta, n Owner or the Master Association may elect to resolve such Disputes through a small claims court proceeding. THIS PROCESS INVOLVES WAwER OF THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL. BY EXECUTING THIS MASTER DECLARATION AND BY ACCEPTING A DEED TO ANY PORTION OF THE PROPERTY, RESPECTIVELY, DECLARANT' EACII OWNER AND TIIE IVIASTER ASSOCIATION, AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 16.4. 16.4.1 Mediation. Subject to the provisions of Section ß. .2(Ð below, and exceptf or actionsi n small claimsc ourto r Disputest hath avea lreadyb eenm ediated,O wnera nd Declaranat greet o submita ny anda ll Disputesto mediationb eforec ommencinga ny arbitration. The costo f mediations hallb e paid by Declarant.E achp arfyt o the mediations hall beari ts own attonleysf' èesa ndc ostsi n connectionw ith suchm ediation. 16.4.2 A¡bitration. (a) Agreement to Arbitrate. If a Dispute is not resolved through mediation, the Master Association, each Owner and Declarant shall resolve such Dispute exclusively through binding arbitration in the county in which the Properly is located. This arbitrationp rovisions hall applyt o Disputeso f any kind or natuter egardlesosf the natureo f the relief sought. (b) Waiver of Trial bv Judee or Jurv. By agreeing to resolve all Disputest hroughb inding arbitration,t he MasterA ssociatione, achO wner and Declarante ach give up the right to havet heir respectivec laimsa nd defenseds ecidedb y a judge or a jury' All claimsa nd defensess hall insteadb e decidedb y the arbitratoro, r by the appeala rbitratorsif applicable. HortoriTemecula Lane Moster CC&Rs 20838-0017281 i 24338I.4 7 l (c) RulesA pplicablet o All Cases.T he arbitrationw ill be conducted by JudicialA rbitrationa nd MediationS ervices( "JAMS") in accordancwe ith the JAMS rules (.;¡aVfS Rules")t hena pplicableto the claimsp resenteda, ss upplementebdy this Section'T he iollowing supplemental-rulessh alla pply to alt arbitrationp roceedingas nd shall govem in the evento f ã .onfli.t befweenth er uless etf orth below andt her uleso f JAMS Rules-(d) Qualifrcations of A¡bitrators. The arbitrator shall be neutral and impartial and either a retired judge or a member or former member of the California State Bar rvith at leastf ifteen( 15) yearse xperiencaes a practicingl awyer. (e) Appointment of Arbitrator. The arbitrator to preside over the Disputes hallb e selectedin accordance.witthh e JAMS Rules,b ut no latert han sixty (60) days after a notice of claim is frled. (Ð Expenses. All fees charged by JAMS and the arbitrator shall be advancedb y the Declarant. If the Declaranti s the prevailingp arfy in the arbitration,t he arbitratorm ay,i n its discretiona ndo nly to the extentp ermittedb y law andt he JAMS Minimum Standardso f ProceduraFl aimessd, irectt he Owner or the MasterA ssociationa, s applicablet,o reimburseth eD eclaranfto r Owner'so r, the MasterA ssociation'sa, sa pplicablep, ro ratas hareo f the JAMS feea nda rbitrator'sfe ea dvancedb y the Declarant. (g) PreliminaryP roceduresI.f stateo r federal aw requiresth e Master Associationo r an Ownèro r Declarantto take stepso r procedurebse forec ommencinga n action in court,t hent he Ownero r Declaranmt ustt akes uchs tepso r follow suchp roceduresa' st hec ase may be, beforec ommencingth e arbitration. For example,a ny claimso r Disputesp ursuanto Caiifornia Civil Code Section8 95,e t seq., as hereaftera mendedm ay be subjectt o the nonadversariapl rocedurese t forth in CaliforniaC ivil Code Sectiongl0 through9 38, prior to the initiation of uny arbitrationo r small claims court proceedinga gainstD eclarant. In addition, nothingc ontainedh ereins hallb e deemeda waiver or limitationo f the provisionso f California Civil CodeS ection1s3 68.41, 375,1375.0o5r 1375'1. (h) Participationb v other Parties.T he MasterA ssociationa, n owner and Declarant,t o the extenta ny such parly is defendinga claim in the a¡bitration,m ay, if it choosesh, avea ll necessarayn da ppropriatpea rtiesi ncludeda sp artiest o the arbitration-(i) Rules of Law. The arbitrator must follow California substantive law (includings tatuteso f limitations)b ut strict conformityw ith the rules of evidencei s not requiied, .*r.pt that the arbitrator shall apply applicable law relating to privilege and work prôduct. The árbitrators hallb e authorizedto providea ll recognizedre mediesa vailablea t law or equity for any cause of action. 0) Attornevs' Fees and costs. Each parff shall bear its own attorneysf' eesa ndc osts( includinge xpertr vitnessc osts)i n the arbitration' 16.4.3A dditionalR ulesA pplicableT o CertainC ases.I n any arbitrationin which a claim of Owner.t he MasterA ssociationo r Declarante xceedsT wo HundredF ifry Thousand Dollars( $250,000i)n value,t he followinga dditionalr ulesw ill supplementth e JAMS Rulesa nd Horton/Temeculâ Lane Master CC&Rs 20838-0I0 7 8/2 124338l4. 72 governi n tlie evento f a conflict betweent he following rulesa nd the ruless et forth above,t he JAMS Ruleso, r both.(a) Qualificationso f Arbitrator. In additiont o the requirementso f Section1 6.4.2(d)a bove,t he arbitrators hallbea retiredju dgeo f the CaliforniaS uperiorC ourt,a CaliforniaC ourto f Appeal,o r theC alifomiaS upremeC ourt' (b) Ruleso f Law. The CalifomiaE videnceC odes halla pply' (c) written Decision. within thirty (30) days after the hearing is closed,t he arbitratorm ust issuea written decision.I f eitherO wnero r Declarantr equestsit , the arbitratomr usti ssuea reasoneda ward. 16.4.4P roceduref or Appeal of CertainC ases. In any arbitrationi n which a claim or arbitrationa wardo f Owner,t he MasterA ssociationo r Declaranet xceedsF ive Hundred ThousandD ollars (5500,000)i n value, Owner, the Master Associationa nd Declaranth ereby adopt and agree to the JAMS Optional Appeal Procedure. The following additional rules will supplemenittt " ¡e¡øS OptionalA ppealP rocedurea ndg ovemi n the evento f a conflict between the following rules and the JAMS Optional Appeal Procedure' (a) Rieht of Appeal. There shall be no right to appeal unless the oral evidencere ceivedb y the arbitratorw asp reservedin a manners ucht hati t canb e convertedto an accuratea ndr eliablew rittent ranscript. (b) Appellate Panel. An appeal shall be decided by one (l) neutral appeala rbitratoru nlesse itherp arty,w ithin the time permittedf or the appointmenot f the appeal aibitrator,e lectst o havet he appeald ecidedb y a panelo f three( 3) appeaal rbitrators.A ny parly who electst o havea n appealdecidebdy a panelo f three( 3) appeaal rbit¡atorsa greesto be solely responsiblef or the cóst of having two (2) additionata ppeala rbitrators. The sole appeal arbitratoro, r at leasto nem embero f any panelo f three( 3) arbitratorss,h allh avep rior experience asa membero f an appellatep anelo f thec alifornia court of Appeal. (c) Issueso n Appeal. The only issuest hat may be consideredo n appeala re: (l) the award of money was excessive(;2 ) the awardo f moneyw as insufficient; (i j tn" arbitratora wardedn on-monetaryr elief that was inappropriate(; 4) a parfy who received non-r,1onetarrey lief shouldh ave receivedo thero r additionalr elief. A majority of the appeal arbitrators rnay affirm the arbitration award or make any alternative award they find to be just, but theym ustn ot rejectt he arbitrator'sd ecisions(a ) that a particularp arly is entitledt o relief of some natur" o, u*órrnt or (b) that a particularp arty is responsibleto provide relief of some nature or amount. (d) Expensesa nd costs on Anpeal. The feesc hargedb y JAMs and the appeal arbitrator(ss) hall be advanced by the Declarant, except as provided in Section1 6.4.4(b)a bove.T he party who files the appeaml ust,a t its solee xpensep, rovideJ AMS and all non-appealinpga rtiesw ith a certif,redc opy of the hearingf anscript, and must provide JAMS wittr copieso i áll do.u*entary evidencea nda ll othert angiblee videncer eceivedb y the arbitrator.I f moret han onep onep arty appealst,h e appealingp artiesm usts haree quallyt he cost of the Horton/TemeculaL ane Master CC&Rs 20838-00718 l 2 t 24338I. 4 73 transcripta nd copieso f all otherd ocumentaray nd tangiblee videncer eceivedb y the arbitrator. The appeala rbitratorsm ay, within thirly (30) days of the decision,a wardc ostso f the nature providedi n theF ederaRl uleso f AppellateP rocedureI.f the Declaranits the prevailingp arlyo n äppeal, the appeala rbitrator(sm) ay, in his, her or their discretiona nd only to the extent pèrmittedb y law and JAMS Minimum StandardsO f ProceduraFl airness,in clude the nonprevailing parry(ies)p ro rata shareo f the JAMS fee and arbitrator'sf ee advancedb y the Declarantin thea wardo f costso n appeal. (e) New Evidence. The appeal arbifrators must not receive lrew evidence.T he appeaal rbihatorsm ustm aket heir decisionb asedo nly on the evidenceth atw as presentedto the arbitratore, xceptt hat the appeala rbitratorsm ay visit any site involvedi n the Dispute. 16.4.5 Federal Arbitration Act. Because many of the materials and products i¡corporatedi nto the homea rem anufactureidn others tatest,h e developmenatn dc onveyancoef the Properhye videncesa transactionin volvingi nterstatec oÍtmercea nd the FederalA rbitration Act (9 U.S.C. gl, e/seq.)n ow in effect and as it may be hereaftera mendedw ill governt he interpretationa nde nforcemenotf the arbitrationp rovisionss etf orth herein. 16.4.6 AGR-EEMENT TO ARBITRATE. DECLARANT, EACH O\ryNER AND THE MASTER ASSOCIATION AGREE TO HAVE ANY DISPUTE DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRÄTION IN ACCORDANCE \ryITH THE FEDER-AI ARBITRATION ACT AND THE CALIFORNIA ARBITRATION ACT, TO THE EXTENT THE CALIFORNIA ARBITRATION ACT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE FEDERAL ARBITRÀTION ACT, AND EACH OWNER, THE MASTER ASSOCIATION AND DECLARANT ARE GIVING UP AI\-Y RIGHTS DECLARANT, EACH OWNER AND TIIE MASTER ASSOCIATION MIGHT POSSESS TO TIAVE THE DTSPUTE LITIGATED IN A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. DECLARANT, EACH OWNER AND THE MASTER ASSOCIATION ARE GIVING UP THEIR RESPECTIVE JTIDICIAL RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL, UNLESS THOSE RIGIITS ARE SPECIF'ICALLY INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION. IF DECLARANT, ANY OWNER OR THE MASTER ASSOCIATION REF'USES TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION, SUCH PARTY MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARBITRATE UNDER THE F'EDERAL ARBITRATION ACT AND THE CALIFORNIA ARBITRATION ACT, TO THE EXTENT THE CALIFORNIA ARBITRATION ACT IS CONSISTENT WITH TTIE FEDERAL ARBITRATION ACT. 16.4.7F inal andB indingA ward. The decisiono f the arbitratoro r, if an appeails heard,t he decisiono f the appeala rbitratorss, hall be final and binding. A petitiont o confirm, vacate,m odify or conect an awardm ay be filed in any court of competenjtu risdictioni n the county in which the Propertyi s located,b ut the award may be vacatedm, odifiedo r corrected only asp ermittedb y theF ederaAl rbitrationA ct. 16.4.8 Severabilitv. In addition to and without limiting the effect of any general severabilityp rovisionso f this Master Declaration,i f the arbitratoro r any court determinesth at any provisiono f this Sectionis unenforceablfeo r any reasont,h atp rovisions hallb e severeda, nd Horton/Tcmccula Lane lvlastcr CC&Rs 20838-00| 7 8/8/2 I 24338l.4 74 proceedingsa greedt o in this Sections hall be conductedu ndert he remaininge nforceablete rms of this Section. 16.4.9A pplicationo f Award. Any proceedsa wardedto the MasterA ssociation arisingf rom any Disputeb y settlementa, wardo r otherwises hallb e appliedi n accordancrev ith thep rovisionso f Section4 .4.13o f thisM asterD eclaration. ARTTCLE 17 GENERAL PROVISIONS 17.l Headinss. The headingsu sedi n this MasterD eclarationa re for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret the meaning of any of the provisions of this Master Declaration. 17.2 Citv Apnroval. The Cify shallh avet he authorityt o enforcea ny provisiono f this Declarationre quiredto be includedp ursuantto the conditionso f approvaflo r theF inal Map. 17.3 Severability. The provisions of this Master Declaration shall be deemed independenat nd severablea, nd the invalidity or partial invalidity or unenf'orceabilifoyf any provision or provisions of it shall not invalidate any other provisions. In the event that any þhtuse,c lause,s s entencep, aragraphs, ection,a rticle or otherp ortion of this MasterD eclaration shallb ecomei llegal,n ull, void, againspt ublicp olicy or otherwiseu nenforceablefo, r any reason, the remainingp ortionso f this MasterD eclarations halln ot be affectedth erebya nds hall remain in forcea nde ffectt o the fulleste xtentp ermissibleb y law. 17.4 Cumulative Remedies. Each remedy provided for in this Master Declaration shall be cumulative and not exclusive. Failure to exercise any remedy provided for in this MasterD eclarations halln ot, undera nyc ircumstancebse, construeda sa waiver. 17.5 Violations as Nuisance. Every act or omissioni n violationo f the provisionso f this MasterD eclarations hall constitutea nuisancea nd, in additiont o all otherr emediesh erein set forth, may be abated or enjoined by any Owner, any Member of the Master Board, the managero, r the MasterA ssociation. 17.6 No Racial Restriction. No Owner shall execute or cause to be recorded any i¡strumentw hich imposesa restrictionu pon the sale,l easingo r occupancyo f its Residenceo n the basis ofrace, sex, color or creed. 17.7 Accesst o Books. Declarantm ay, at any reasonableti me and upon reasonable noticet o the MasterB oardo r managecr ausea n audito r inspectionto be madeo f the booksa nd financialr ecordso f the MasterA ssociafion. 17.8 Liberal Construction. The provisions of this Master Declaration shall be liberally construedto effectuateit s purpose. Failuret o enforcea ny provisionh ereofs hall not constitutea waivero f the right to enforces aidp rovisiont hereafter. HortonÆemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-0I07 8/2 I2 4338l.4 75 1,7.9 Notifïcationo f Saleo f Residence.C oncurrentlyw ith the consummationo f the saleo f any Residencuen derc ircumstancewsh erebyt het ransfereeb ecomesa n Ownert hereot or within five (5) businesds ayst hereaftert,h e transfereesh alln otifo the MasterB oardi n writing of such sale. Suchn otifications hall set forth the nameo f the transfereea nd its Mortgageea nd transferor,t he commona ddresso f the Residencep urchasedb y the transfereet,h e transferee's and the Mortgagee's mailing address, and the date of sale. Prior to the receipt of such notification, any and all communicationrse quiredo r permittedt o be given by the Master Associationt,h e MasterB oardo r the managesr hallb e deemedto be duly madea ndg ivent o the transfereeif duly and timely madea nd givent o saidt ransferee'str ansferor.M ailing addresses may be changed at any time upon written notifìcation to the Master Board. Notices shall be deemedr eceivedf orty-eight( 48) hours afler mailing if mailed to the transfereeo, r to its transferori f the MasterB oardh asr eceivedn o noticeo f transfera s abovep rovided,b y certified mail, return receiptr equesteda, t the mailing addressa boves pecif,red.N oticess hall also be deemedr eceivedo n the nextb usinessd ay afterb eings entb y ovemightc ouriero r upond elivery if delíveredp ersonallyto anyo ccupanot f a Residencoev ert he ageo f twelve( 12) years. 17.10 Number: Gender. The singular shall include the plural and the plural the singularu nlesst he contextr equiresth e contrary,a nd the masculinef,e mininea nd neuters hall eachi ncludet he masculinef,e minineo r neuter,a st hec ontextr equires. 17.11 Exhibits. All exhibitsr eferredt o in this MasterD eclarationa re attachedto this MasterD eclarationa ndi nco¡poratebdy reference. 17.12 Bindine Effect. This MasterD eclarations hall inure to the benefito f and be binding on the successorasn d assignso f Declarant,a nd the heirs, personalr epresentatives, granteest,e nantss, uccessorasn da ssignso f the Owners. 17.13 EasementsR eserveda nd Granted. Granted. Any easementrse ferredt o in this Maste¡ Declarations hall be deemedr eservedo r granted,o r both reserveda nd granted,b y referenceto this MasterD eclarationin the first deedb y Declarantto anyR esidence. 17.14 Statutorv References. All referencesin this Master Declarationt o various statutesc, odes,r egulationso, rdinanceasn d otherl awss hallb e deemedto includet hosel oansi n effèct as of the dateo f this MasterD eclarationa nd any successolra wsa s may be amendedfr om time to time. 17.15 Applicabilitv of FHA/VA Reeulations. For so Iong as FHA and/or VA blanket loan approvalsa re in effect for the Communitya nd while any FHA/VA loan encumbersa ny Condominiumi n theC ommunityt,h e FHA andV A guidelinesa ndr egulations halla pplyt o the Communityt o the extentt hat FHA or VA, respectivelya, ssertsa pplicationo f such guidelines and regulationsa nd thoseg uidelinesa nd regulationsa re not in conflict with Californial aw or rvith the requirementosf the DRE. At sucht ime as the blanketl oan approvalsa ren o longeri n effect and no FHA or VA loanse ncumbear ny ResidentiaUl nit in the Community,t he FHA and VA guidelinesa ndr egulationsh allh aven o furthera pplicabilityw ith respectto the Community. Horton/Temecula Lane Master CC&Rs 20818-0r07 8/2 t24318l.4 76 .åit8HJi,.' l8.l City Reviewo f Master Declaration. The Conditionso f Approvalo f Vesting TentativeM ap No. 31946r equiresth eC ity to reviewa nda pproveth eM asterD eclaration. 18.2 Limitation of City Approval. Declaranta cknowledgesth at the City has reviewedt his MasterD eclarationa ndt hat its reviewi s limitedt o a determinatioonf whethert he proposedM aster Declarationp roperly implementst he requirementso f the Conditions of Approval for the Property. The City's consentt o this MasterD eclarationd oesn ot containo r imply any approvalo f the appropriatenesosr legality of the other provisionso f this Master Declaration, including, without limitation, the use restrictions, private easements and encroachmentsp, rivate maintenancer equirements,a rchitecturea nd landscapec ontrols, assessmenptr oceduresa,s sessmeennt forcemenrt,e solutiono f disputeso r proceduraml atters, 18.3 Conditionso f Apnroval. In the evento f a conflictb etweenth e Conditionso f Approvalo f the landu see ntitlementiss suedb y the City for the Propertyo r federal,s tateo r local laws,o rdinancea, ndr egulationsa ndt his MasterD eclarationt,h ep rovisionso f the Conditionso f Approval and federal, state or local laws, ordinances, and regulations shall prevail, notwithstandintgh e languageo f this MasterD eclaration. 18.4 Consento f Citv. This MasterD eclarations hall not be terminateda, mendedo r otherwisem odifredw ithoutt hee xpressrv riftenc onsenot f theD irectoro f Planningo f the City of Temecula. 18.5 Enforcemento f the ilfaster Declarationb y the Citv. Any provisionso f this MasterD eclarationr equiredb y the Conditionso f Approvalf or the MasterC ommunitys hallb e enforceableb y the City of Temecula. IREMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Hortoru'TemeculaL ane Masrer CC&RS 20818-0t07 8/2 124338l4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this Master Declaration as of the date first set forth above. DECLARANT: Horton/TemeculLaa ne MasterC C&Rs 20838-0107 82/1 24338.15 STATE OF CALIFORMA COTINTY OF personally personally known to me þersonþjwhosen ameþ)i Vallusubscrlbed-tthoe within instrument¿nadc knowledged.*,*:S?, heßhe/they "*6rrrgd. rìié *lnr in frir¡n*n¡"ir authorizedc apacity(tss)a, ndt hal by hisÀreVtñt signatureþ on the insEument the person(s). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s\ acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ELLEBNE TBHR ULEY Commlsslo#n 1484ó08 NotoryPublic'ColiforniIo RlversldeC ounty (Seal) MyCommÊ. xPiresþr20' Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-001728I /2 4338.r5 CONSENT OF CITY OF TEMECTILA The Conditions of Approval for Vesting Tentative Map No. 31946 require the city of Temecula to review and approve the Declaration for the Parcel. The Cþ's review of this Declaration has been limited to a determination of whether the proposed Declaration properly implements the requirements of the conditions of approval for the Parcel. The City's consent to this Declaration does not contain or imply any approval of the appropriatenesso r legality of the other provisions of the Declaration, including, without limitation, the use restrictions, private easemãnts and encroachments, private maintenance requirements, architecfure and landscape controls, assessmentse,n forcemento f assessmentsre, solution of disputeso r proceduralm atters. Subjectt o the limitations set forth herein,t he City consentst o the Declaration. Debbie tlbonske, Director of Planning APPROVEDA S TO FORM: M. ThorsonC, ity Attorney Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-0I0 7 8/2 124338.51 EXHIBIT "C'' SITE PLAN THIS DEPICTION IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION AND NATURE OF I]VIPROVEMENT AS INSTALLED SHALL CONTROL. [AttachedH ereto] Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20818-00718 /2 t24338l.4 ffiOøJCT sITE PLAN ?æbrttÆlrffi Eõil!$¡)È, 14 xrê¿rJE.klä rþËlr¡o '--tlÞÊlnilPa tÊrlt Iluc*aæ< IïGrrÉ.^¡t ì\nN.T5. ETJhI6ALOI,{5A T fË-,E¿Ul-A LAIIE ffiOøJCT SITE PLAN r@Éüf¡!ìt¡a€Ël. !þrûPltf ËtLAvl lllk'Èpiþcþ !'!t{E¡¡ rai9 æPËriluüaí¡r aAtlt F00t,t9 ?A |aË€tt^fÉF F¡4llfËa -l€l'A¡|l FE!Ír¡.t Þ¡ttÍ¡|. a.fFr ù€|(}ãf tEtu¡þ ftDãtr¡rat üfiûr sltl Ë;Leí¿l¡ trffi nH.T5. REFLETTIOI{5A ND EN¿LAVE Af TEI./E¿ULAL A¡IE z d z EXIIIBIT "D' SIDE YARD MAINTENANCE AREAS [AttachedH ereto] TRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION AND NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT AS INSTALLED Sffi Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00I 7 8/?124338.14 ^IOE YARD MAINTENANÓAER EAg i l i i: i I aå ?€É MASTER AâæCIATION MAINTEMN¿EA REAg ¿-* j;;;.1 OA f ìt t l ' r ^ *\ N.T.3. BUNOALOAsA T TEMEÓULAL ANE l o F l 3IOE.Y ARP MAINTENANóAER EAg -" n : j l ' _ l t : l 3 ri i'(¿:, t , \ å ' ä r \ a". \ T ' , \ ? ê , " å', . \ " ..3^' , . . . -\ i ' . h \ ' . ' . . r : ; 2 , V-a;:"Æ-MAgTER AggOCIATION MAINTENANóAER EAg N.T.3. \.1 "åã4 --zã#6ã&ä4'Áã ' , *B ,, *Á , ' ã , , q . &a i 3 ! å r r ä \\\ ,,. ' å \\ " uí\^ \ \ i \ \ i o \\\. , t ù \ \ -* @# " i i"-;.'ñi, \L---^ I l Ì i ' i . . : i' lT ï-.-'l*l'i* 3I2E YARP I'4AINTENANÓAER EAg -¿* \\È MA9TER AggO¿IATION MAINTENAN¿AER EAS BUNeALOASA T TEI4EÓULAL ANE 3 0 F 1 ..---i-':----"r -*-4i: :--'--r"\ lr ,r28 j i-tr'ìr -i ! it:'x-.1 E-ril I ^IOE YARP MAINTENANÓAER EAS nN.T.3. @* . ì-: Ê:i MA9TER A99O¿IAÎION MAINTENAN6EA REAg ..Í:ij;.lÌ æffi ElÍ}ã.5.: BUN6ALOI^I3 AT TEUECULA LANE 4 0 F 1 KÍti.fr La:i:1¡ nN.T.3 ^IOE YARP MAINTENANóAER EAS MA9TER Ag5O¿IATION MAINTENANcAER EAS BUN6ALOIA9A T TEI.4EÓULLAA NE â a r ê 1 ^IDE YARP MAINTENANÓAER EAS ffi MASTER ASSO¿IATION paaq MATNTENAANRcEEA o BUNAALOASA T TET4ECULLAA NE b o F 1 91--l r'-.,=, SIOEY ARP MAINTENANÓAER EAg MA9TER AâæCIATION MAINTENANóAER EAg N.T.3. BUNAALOIA5A T TEMEóULAL ANE 1 0 F 1 EXHIBIT *E' SHARED DRIVEWAYS fAttached Hereto] RPOSES ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION AND NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT AS INSTALLED SIIALL CONTROL Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-00r782/1 24338I 4. SHAREDD RIVEVÍAY LOT 76 OF TRACT3 1946 LEGE.D T DE¡ÐrEsL lutrs oF SHAREmDl vEl Y (on\ St.so c0 ¡ðet =IIE?rI+tE JB MI 15100834 SHARED RiVEI{AY OF LOT +4 OF TRACT3 1946 LEGEhD 7777-DEI¡SIELSlu lrs cF sÞunÐ mIvETAY EXHIBIT "F'' MULTI-USE TRAIL TIIIS DEPICTION IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL ARE APPROXIMA.TE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION AND IMPROVEMENT AS INSTALLED SHALL CONTROL. DIMENSIONS NATURE OF fAttachedH ereto] Horton/TemeculLaa nc lvlaster CC&Rs 20818-0|0 7 8/2 124338l4. 1tI \ t \ À \ It .l ÇLA99 | h''lJLTl-UgE TRAIL ÐftIIBIT TZìT t¡ N.T.9. r¡a¡¡-a¡ A1'rlr,E{¡ ljlr t a l 2 ttElÁv: ltlgrþritrp C,LA99 I MJLTIIJgE TRAIL Þ+IIBIT tlGlE ¡¡Dt FæË'¡É¡{-D'.il^L rttrl-Ètrþ||¡¡Þ*l t!Af fÉEl t¡tt -rt ra nN.T.9. '-rüitr¡o FE Eñil,|.DÁ,IIII. FtñÉ'Igt{t iEriæilgroÞ a ø " 2 EXHIBIT "G" REFLECTIONS AND ENCLAVE MASTER ASSOCIATION MÁ,INTENANCE AREA g PURPOSES ONLY. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION AND NATURE OF TMPROVEMENT AS INSTALLED SHALL CONTBqI: fAttachedH ereto] Horton/Ten¡ecuLlaa ne Master CC&Rs 208-'18-07081/2 t 243I8.l 4 nN.f5. MASTER Þ*æçI ATIONM AINTEhIA|\¡CAER E,Ag ì'rAúl:Er AæCÅAïøÙ }flllfËTTAlEI ATEAg RffLECTIONS AT TET.ECIJIJ LANE MA9TERA ãæC'IATIONM AINTEI\¡ANOAÉR EAã r'f¡srÈr )+g)A7rãl r'l tt¡rEt¡ÄeE ÁfEAs N.T5. REFI-ECT\OI'I9 Af TEf€úliLA t-AlE 2 ø t < MASTERþ âæOIATION MAINTENANoAER EAg n r'{A5TErA s'soc]ArþN I'IA¡IfÍE}{AIþEA ËA9 N.T.9. REFI-áCT\OI¡9 AT TE¡'ætlLA I-ANE J ø ' . q nN.T5. MA9TER A5æOIATION MAINTEI.IA¡IOÉ ARÊ¡.9. ÈrA5ER Lg)¡.Îlf,a ì,1 ¡ttrEl{Afi¿;E ^FE|!ã REFLE¿Í lol.l9 A1 TEI'€¿Lï-A LA}',¡E 1 d q MA9TER AãæCIATIONM AINTENANcAER EA9 t1Agr"n 'ffilA],tr,¿ l1A¡ltrEt{Arúg A¡8 9 nN.T5. REFLE¿TIOh¡9A 1 TEF4E¿IILAI-A¡.8 MA5TER A9¡æÔIA'IIONM AINTENAN¿AER EAg ÞtA9'tE ,+9W)A11{la )'tAntrE}{AtgE ^FE^rt nN.T5. REFLEjCTIOI.IgA 1 TEI-Æ¿I,[.A I-ANE MASTER A9¡æCIATION MArNrEr'¡AN"=^YtÆ -E g ' , aN.T5. REFLE¿TIONgA T TEh/E¿UI-AI-ANE r,lA€ilEn AÛg)Ar1cl'l HAttfrEttAr¡rE ^nE^g 1 æ C MA9TER ÆEÐCIAÍION MAI HTET.IAN¿AER EAg -I L I ¡ , rL IIt I iI ffi N.T5. PIA TER ¡ÉSCC|¡.]rdiI Ì'lÀJ|fftfl.$tg Äes^S, REFI.ECTIONS AT fE}.ffi.ILA I-ANE o o l c MA9TER A9,æOIAÍIONM AINTENANOAER EAS r4AslÊß 4560¿{AîoN ì'rAfiTEl¿Àt€,E AÉ45' N.T5. REFI-ECÍ lOÌ'19 Af lEl-Ëf,U-A l-Af'{E q o P q MA9TER A#.OIATION I-4AINTENA}IOAER EAã llÁgftR l\ffiAÀTl¿l| ilAIIIÍE}tAlEE AEE{9 nN.T.9. ENCI-A\Æ Af TEMEAJLA I.A}€ nN.T5. MA9TERþ ,gæCIATIONM AINTENANCAER É45 r{Á6.Îa '.tw)A'tøl Ì'tAltÌfE¡lAttE ¡rRe¡å ENCLA\ÆA f 1E}1ECT'|-AI-A T.E 2 0 ? J nN.T5. MA9TER AaæOIA:IION MAINTENANOAER EAg Ì.4AgÎER A9#l¡.11l'{ !,tAflfrEilAl&,E ^FÈ45 EhIøLA\Æ AT fEMEA.R-A LAÎ.E t æ > nN.T.9. MA5]ER AâæOIATIONM AINTEI\¿ANCAER EA9 HAgfEn As€oúlA,îoil HAnflEl{AtláE ¡'FEf5' Eht¿t-A\Æ Af rElÆcut-A LAI.E 1 ù J MASTERA ãæOIA'IION MAINTENANCAER É45 nN.T5. l.tAsrtR l,twJAtldl }4A¡IffEil4úË Af,EA5 EN¿I-A\Æ Af ÍEMECIJI.A LAIE , o l > EXHIBIT "A'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PROPERTY: LOTS I THROUGH 13,I NCLUSIVE,7 9 THROUGH8 3, TNCLUSIVEA, ND LOT 106,O F TRACTNO.31946,I N THE CITY OF TEMECULA,C OLINTYO F zuVERSIDES, TATEO F CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED iN BOOK i-T?), NI PAGES Z?.' THROUGH .3(O, INCLUSTVE, OF MAPS, IN TTIE OFFICE OF THE COLINTY RECORDER OF SAID couNTY ("MÄP"). MASTER ASSOCIATION PROPERTY: LOT 106 OF THE MAP. Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&RS 20838-00r782it 24338l.4 EXIIIBIT "B' LEGAL DESCRIPTIONO F ADDITIONALP ROPERTY LOTS1 4T HROUGH7 8,I NCLUSNE,8 4T HROUGH1 05,I NCLUSryEA, ND C THROUGH M, INCLUSIVEO, F TRACTN O.31946,I N THE CITY OF TEMECULô,COUNTYO F zuVERSIDES, TATEO F CALIFORNIAA, S PERM AP FILEDI N BOOI<42|,, AT PAGES 7b TT1¡1OU6H3 b , INCLUSIVE,O F MAPS, IN THE OFFICEO F THE COUNTY RECORDERO FS AIDC OLINTY. Horton/TemeculLaa ne Master CC&Rs 20838-0t07 8i2 I24338t.4