HomeMy WebLinkAbout10242023 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 24, 2023 - 6:00 PM CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 PM CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION. The City Council will meet in closed session with the City Attorney pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) with respect to one matter of pending litigation: Cole Gretler v. City of Temecula, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No. CVSW2110343) CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Zak Schwank INVOCATION: Rabbi Yonasan Abrams of Chabad of Temecula FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Brown, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation by Eastern Municipal Water District Regarding Diaz Road Sewer Project BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Planning Commission and Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Riverside County Sheriffs Department PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Page 1 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images maybe displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 1. Waive Readins of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Attachments: Agenda Report 2. Approve Action Minutes of October 10, 2023 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of October 10, 2023. Attachments: Action Minutes 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: AttarhmPntc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Agenda Report Resolution List of Demands 4. Approve City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2023 Page 2 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 Recommendation: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2023. Attachments: Agenda Report Treasurer's Report 5. Adopt Ordinance No. 2023-08 Amending Section 2.04.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code Revising the Salary for Council Members To Nineteen Hundred Dollars Per Month Pursuant to Government Code Section 36516 (Second Reading) Recommendation: That the City Council adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2023-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.04.050 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING THE SALARY FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS TO NINETEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH AS PROVIDED IN GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 36516 AND PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF NECESSARY EXPENSES Attachments: Agenda Report Ordinance 6. Approve Easement Agreement Granting Eastern Municipal Water District an Approximate 480 Square Foot Non -Exclusive Public Service Easement Located within Parcel "A" and Parcel `B" of Parcel Map 23561-2 (APNs 910-262-060 and 910-262-061) Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT AGREEMENT THAT GRANTS A PUBLIC-SERVICE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ON THE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PORTIONS OF PARCEL "A" AND PARCEL `B" OF PARCEL MAP 23561-2 (APNS 910-262-060 AND 910-262-061) Attachments: Agenda Report Resolution Easement Agreement 7. Award Construction Contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. for the Citywide Concrete Repairs - PW23-17 Recommendation: That the City Council: Page 3 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 1. Award construction contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. in the amount of $318,244.27 for the Citywide Concrete Repairs - PW23-17; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $31,824.43, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Citywide Concrete Repairs - PW23-17 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. Attachments: Agenda Report Contract List of Concrete Repair Areas Additive Bid Area 8. Award Construction Contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Award a construction contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. in the amount of $148,440 for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $14,844.00, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. Attachments: Agenda Report Contract Project Location Map Project Description 9. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF)Agreement to Reimburse TUMF Funds with Western Riverside Council of Governments for the French Valley Parkway Phase III (Jefferson Ave to Ynez Rd) - Right -of -Way Phase, Project No. PW 19-03 Recommendation That the City Council: Page 4 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 10. 11. 1. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Agreement to Reimburse TUMF Funds with Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) for the French Valley Parkway Phase III (Jefferson Ave to Ynez Rd) - Right -of -Way Phase, Project No. PW19-03, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; and 2. Appropriate $1,500,000 in WRCOG TUMF funding to the French Valley Parkway/I-15 Improvements, Phase III, Project No. PW 19-03. Attachments: Agenda Report Amendment No. 1 —Agreement No. 20-SW-TEM-1197 Approve Stop Controls and Pedestrian Analysis for Mercedes Street Between 6th Street and 3rd Street Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF MERCEDES STREET AND 5TH STREET AND MERCEDES STREET AND 4TH STREET AND FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) UNDER SECTION 15301(C) OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES 2. Recommend staff implement striped pedestrian crosswalks at intersections of Mercedes Street/6th Street, Mercedes/5th Street, Mercedes/4th Street, and Mercedes/3rd Street along with adoption of Multi -Way Stop Controls. Attachments: Agenda Report Resolution Mercedes Crosswalk Views Multi -Way Stop Warrant Anal Collision Summary Report Approve Tract Map 38043 Located on the South Side of Rancho California Road, Approximately 150 Feet West of Cosmic Drive) Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve Tract Map 38043 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval; and Page 5 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 12. 2. Approve the Subdivision Monument Agreement with the Developer; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements on behalf of the City. Attachments: Agenda Report Fees and Securities Report Vicinity Map Tract Map 38043 Receive and File Temporary Street Closures for 2023 Winterfest Events Recommendation That the City Council receive and file the temporary closure of certain streets for the following 2023 Winterfest Events: HOLIDAY DECORATION INSTALLATION SANTA' S ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE TEMECULA ON ICE NEW YEAR'S EVE GRAPE DROP Attachments: Agenda Report Exhibit A — Winterfest Road Closures Exhibit B — Santa's Electric Light Parade Road Closures RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND/OR THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY Page 6 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CALL TO ORDER: President James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Brown, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Community Services District request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 13. Approve Action Minutes of October 10, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of October 10, 2023. Attachments: Action Minutes 14. Approve Revised Community Services Department Policies Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the revised Community Services Department policies. Attachments: Agenda Report Contracted Service Recreation Classes and Activities Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues Policy Athletic Field Reservation and Use Policy City Rentals Facility Use Policy Town Square Park Policy Page 7 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 8 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - NO MEETING TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of a project at the time of the hearing. If you challenge a project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to the public hearing. For public hearings each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. At public hearings involving land use matters, the property owner and/or applicant has the burden of proof and, therefore, shall be allowed 15 minutes for an initial presentation, and an additional 10 minutes for rebuttal by its development team following other comments on the matter. An appellant, other than the property owner and/or applicant, and the spokesperson for an organized group of residents residing within the noticed area of the property, which is the subject of the public hearing, shall be allowed 15 minutes to present the appellant's position to the Council. The Mayor may allow more time if required to provide due process for the property owner, applicant or appellant. All other members of the public may speak during the public hearing for a maximum period of 5 minutes each. Deferral of one speaker's time to another is not permitted. In the event of a large number of speakers, the Mayor may reduce the maximum time limit for members of the public to speak. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 15. Receive and File Assembly Bill 1600 Financial Reports - Fiscal Year 2022-23 Development Impact Fee Expenditures Recommendation: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and receive and file Assembly Bill 1600 Financial Reports - Fiscal Year 2022-23 Development Impact Fee Expenditures. Attachments: Agenda Report Summary of Development Impact Fees AB 1600 Financial Reports Notice of Public Hearing 16. Consider a Planned Development Overlay Amendment (Planning Application No. PA23-0260) Recommendation: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and introduce an ordinance amending the Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) Page 9 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 (Planning Application No. PA23-0260) entitled: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260) Attachments: Agenda Report Aerial Map Ordinance Exhibit A Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-15 Planning Commission Staff Report of September 6, 2023 Notice of Exemption Notice of Public Hearing BUSINESS Any member of the public may address the City Council on items that appear on the Business portion of the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 17. Appoint Members to the Community Services, Planning, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Traffic Safety Commissions Recommendation: That the City Council appoint members to the Community Services, Planning, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Traffic Safety Commissions. Attachments: Agenda Report Community Services Commission Applications Planning Commission Applications Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission Applications Traffic Safety Commission Applications Page 10 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 18. Introduce Ordinance Amending Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.40.100 Relating to Compensation for City Board and Commission Members Recommendation: That the City Council introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.40.100 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR CITY BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS Attachments: Agenda Report Ordinance 19. Approve Five City Council Protocol Manual Policies and Provide General Direction Regarding Code of Ethics (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Alexander and Kalfus) Recommendation: That the City Council provide general direction regarding a code of ethics and adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING FIVE CITY COUNCIL POLICIES GOVERNING THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL Attachments: Agenda Report R ecnlntinn Exhibit A - Letterhead and Seal Exhibit B - Complimentary Tickets Exhibit C - Electronic Communications Exhibit D - State Mandated Training Exhibit E - Conflict of Interest Sample Code of Ethics Policies DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (RECEIVE AND FILE) 20. City Council Travel/Conference Report Attachments: Agenda Report Itineraries 21. Community Development Department Monthly Report Page 11 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 Attachments: Agenda Report Planning Activity Report 22. Fire Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report Monthly Report 23. Police Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report 24. Public Works Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report Project Status Report ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS Any Council Member, including the Mayor, may request an item be placed on a future agenda. Any such request will be discussed under this section. In making the request, a Council Member may briefly describe the topic of the proposed agenda item and any timing associated with the placement of the item on the agenda. This description shall not exceed 3 minutes. No substantive discussion on the subject of the motion may occur. Items may only be placed on the agenda by Council Members pursuant to policy or by the City Manager based on administrative or operational needs of the City. Public comments on the placement of these agenda items shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Individual comments shall not exceed 3 minutes. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings and Agenda Placements by Council Members adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 12 City Council Agenda October 24, 2023 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports, public closed session information, and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 13 Item No. 1 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. With respect to adoption of ordinances and resolutions, the City adheres to the requirements set forth in the Government Code. In accordance with Government Code Section 34934, the title of each ordinance is included on the published agenda and a copy of the full ordinance has been available to the public online on the City's website and will be available in print at the meeting prior to the introduction or passage of the ordinance. Unless otherwise required, the full reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions is waived. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 2 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 10, 2023 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Mayor Zak Schwank INVOCATION: Apostle Terrence Hundley of The Place City of Miracles FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Jessica Alexander ROLL CALL: Alexander, Brown (absent), Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Proclamation for National Manufacturing Month Presentation of Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Community Services Commission and Traffic Safety Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Fire Department (CAL FIRE) PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Roger Williams PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Laurel Lamont (Item #14) Melissa Bourbonnais (Item #14) • Lynn Kelly -Lehner (Item #14) All electronic comments received were made a part of the record of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Brown absent): Motion by Stewart, Second by Kalf is. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Brown absent. 1. Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Approve Action Minutes of September 26 and September 28, 2023 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of September 26 and September 28, 2023. 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2023-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4. Approve Agreement with Department of California Highway Patrol for Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program Services for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements - Phase II, PW 16-01 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve agreement with Department of California Highway Patrol Number 22R685003, in the amount of $150,000, for Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program services for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements - Phase II, Project Number PW16-01; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 5. Approve Grant Deeds for Transfer of Certain Real Property Interests and Relinquishment of Access Rights to the State of California Department of Transportation for the I-15/SR-79S Ultimate Interchange, PW04-08 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2023-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A GRANT DEED TO TRANSFER CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS FOR FREEWAY IMPROVEMENTS AND A GRANT DEED TO RELINQUISH ACCESS RIGHTS TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE INTERSTATE-15 / STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH ULTIMATE INTERCHANGE PROJECT, PW04-08 2 6. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. for the I-15 Congestion Relief, PW 19-02 Recommendation: That the City Council approve an agreement for consultant services with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. in the amount of $100,000 to provide engineering and construction support during construction of the I-15 Congestion Relief, PW 19-02. 7. Award Construction Contract to American Asphalt South, Inc. for Citywide Slurry Seal Program, PW23-16 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Award a construction contract to American Asphalt South, Inc., in the amount of $2,236,747.11, for the Citywide Slurry Seal Program, PW23-16; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $223,674.71, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Citywide Slurry Seal Program, PW23-16 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. 8. Approve Eighth Amendment to the Agreement for Consultant Services with Esgil, LLC for Plan Review Services Recommendation: That the City Council approve the eighth amendment to the agreement for consultant services with Esgil, LLC, in the amount of $200,000, for a total agreement amount of $1,910,000 for plan review services. 9. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - South Side of Sixth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street), PW22-16 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - South Side of Sixth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street), PW22-16; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. 10. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04. 11. Accept Improvements and File the Notice of Completion for Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW 18-05 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Accept the improvements for Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW18-05, as complete; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond; and 3. Release the Labor and Materials Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. RECESS: At 6:44 PM, the City Council recessed and convened as the Temecula Community Services District Meeting. At 6:52 PM the City Council resumed with the remainder of the City Council Agenda. RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 14. Receive and File Presentation on Community Land Trusts and Regional Housing Trusts (At the Request of Council Member Kalfus) Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file a presentation on Community Land Trusts and Regional Housing Trusts and provide general direction regarding the same. General direction only, no action. ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 7:40 PM, the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 4:30 PM for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] Item No. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve List of Demands PREPARED BY: Tricia Hawk, Fiscal Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. List of Demands RESOLUTION NO.2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $4,973,230.21. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24th day of October, 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 24th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 9/25/2023 - 10/6/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 9/28/2023 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 4,216,302.38 756,927.83 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 10/24/2023 COUNCIL MEETING: $ 4,973,230.21 Check N Check Date Vendor N Vendor Invoice # Description Invoice Net 300584 10/05/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX Ben349678 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT $3,145.43 300584 10/05/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX Ben349526 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT $3,145.43 300518 09/28/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1157563 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE $245.55 300585 10/05/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 203914 RETENTION RELEASE: PVMNT REHAB PRGM: PW21-10 $228,531.95 600348 09/28/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES 26948 PIANO TUNINGS/MAINT: LIBRARY $280.00 600349 09/28/2023 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1-110638.1.10 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS COLLEGE FAIR RENTALS: TCSD $4,931.97 600350 09/28/2023 1397 ALLIE'S PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1-111346.1.3 TABLE/LINEN RENTAL: CM $319.51 600351 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11MV-L9MN-46N9 MISC SUPPLIES-TVM:TCSD $1,189.19 600351 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11RK-T3CR-4P19 OFFICE SUPPLIES:EM:FIRE $695.57 600351 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC IRP6-R99N-HRM7 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW $15.21 600352 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC 1DVP-KV3H-1LQ3 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD $1,500.58 600352 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC IJQM-RJFG-66LY OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE $48.23 600352 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC 19GW-VR9M-93YD OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE ($16.84) 600352 09/28/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC 14NY-OWNI-GRXW OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE $1,503.82 600420 10/05/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC 1MC9-NFVY-W9RW MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE $222.45 600420 10/05/2023 1418 AMAZON.COM, INC IP6P-LT7R-3F3X MISC SUPPLIES: COM DEV ($13.04) 600353 09/28/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES AFN 78139 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD $129.72 600353 09/28/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES AFN 78136 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD $748.91 600354 09/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074150 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: FOC $28.55 600354 09/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074142-A SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: LAND DEV $9.79 600354 09/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074142-B SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TRAFFIC DIV $9.79 300586 10/05/2023 1293 AQUA SOURCE INC 403893 POOL SUPPLIES AQUATICS: TCSD $2,740.50 300587 10/05/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 7306342 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES $111.00 300587 10/05/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106015738 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES $152.77 300519 09/28/2023 2401 ARCTIC CIRCLE ENTERPRISES LLC N042736 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE: TVM: TCSD $735.63 600355 09/28/2023 2917 ARJONA GLORIA Sttlmnt: 09/15/23 ST LMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAll 9/15/23 $961.85 600356 09/28/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1587 AUG RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW $9,580.39 600356 09/28/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1561 JUL RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW $9,580.39 600357 09/28/2023 1980 B G P RECREATION INC 4005.202 1st pmt TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $2,646.00 600357 09/28/2023 1980 B G P RECREATION INC 4005.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $1,795.50 600358 09/28/2023 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 216485165 MISC AV EQUIPMENT:PEG:ITSS $1,960.54 300588 10/05/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12547 STAFF TSHIRTS: TCSD $1,740.00 300588 10/05/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12531 UNIFORMS: BUILDING & SAFETY $125.06 600359 09/28/2023 1810 BARCODE5 ACQUISITION INC INV7158254 PROXIMITY CARD SUPPLIES: HELP DESK:IT $472.12 300520 09/28/2023 3142 BED MUSIC GROUP LLC PERF: 10/07/23 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD $4,800.00 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1900.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $450.80 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1900.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $450.80 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1905.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $708.40 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1905.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $708.40 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1910.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $450.80 300521 09/28/2023 2935 BETTS, KENNETH 1910.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $386.40 300522 09/28/2023 2922 BIKE TEMECULA VALLEY CORP FY 23/24 DGF FY 23/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS $2,500.00 600360 09/28/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 1310028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW $312.10 600421 10/05/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 1310028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW $168.86 600361 09/28/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0176 SEP POOL MAINT: OLD TOWN FOUNTAIN $1,200.00 600361 09/28/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0175 SEP POOL MAINT: CRC & TE5 $1,400.00 300523 09/28/2023 1579 BOZONELOS, BOB Music Perf:Plein Air MUSIC PERFORMANCE: PLEIN AIR RECEPTION $300.00 600362 09/28/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22537 MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM $712.25 300524 09/28/2023 1371 BUTTERFIELD STAGE PLAYERS 09/18/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING: REINVESTMENT $13,000.00 300524 09/28/2023 1371 BUTTERFIELD STAGE PLAYERS PERF: 09/1-09/17 5T LMNT: LITRE SHOP OF HORRORS 9/1-9/17 $32,522.73 300525 09/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73775890 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW $331.99 300525 09/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73775889 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW $259.26 300525 09/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73783557 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW $461.26 300525 09/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73778697 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT $577.19 300525 09/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73780713 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT $382.04 300589 10/05/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73786466 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT $662.29 300526 09/28/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000572928E LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK $1,284.86 300590 10/05/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 139784 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PARKS: PW $700.00 300590 10/05/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 145728 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD $145.00 300590 10/05/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 145785 MEMBERSHIP: TCSD $145.00 300527 09/28/2023 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31244974 SEP COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY $671.56 300528 09/28/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049379 NPDES Compliance Svcs: PW20-11 $818.25 300591 10/05/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND, CONSULTING INC 0049550 MISC ENGINEERING SVS: PW -CIP $311.50 300592 10/05/2023 3066 EMP#568 Reimb: Education REIMB: ICC CERTIFICATION $369.00 300529 09/28/2023 1280 COW LLC LZ09782 MISCSMALLTOOLS & EQUIP: IT $337.65 300529 09/28/2023 1280 COW LLC LX24024 MISCSMALLTOOLS & EQUIP: IT $518.35 300529 09/28/2023 1280 COW LLC MB86509 MISCSMALLTOOLS & EQUIP: INFOTECH $275.46 300593 10/05/2023 1280 COW LLC MD95740 MISCSMALLTOOLS & EQUIP:IT $369.92 300530 09/28/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18845 BUILDING MAINTENANCE:TEM SHERIFF OTSF $285.00 300530 09/28/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18919 PATIO DECK CLEANING: CIVIC CENTER: PW $325.00 600363 09/28/2023 2681 CLEARSTARINC 1461998 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR $153.38 600422 10/05/2023 1239 COAST RECREATION INC 15346 GRILLS FOR CITY PARKS: PW $11,218.00 600423 10/05/2023 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10651 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL $814.77 600424 10/05/2023 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15182 DSGN CONSULTANT SVCS: RRSP SKATE PARK $1,948.75 600364 09/28/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119460 ALARM SVCS MONITORING:STA 73- 95:FIRE $390.00 300594 10/05/2023 1172 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 8750-1034401 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC $138.57 600425 10/05/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14720 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST: PARKS: PW $9,650.63 600425 10/05/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14716 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST: PARKS: PW $3,216.88 600365 09/28/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA 230902 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD $125.00 300531 09/28/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3484 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAMS $842.40 300531 09/28/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3485 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD $235.89 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Invoice # Description Invoice Net 300531 09/28/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3489 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD $288.58 300531 09/28/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3487 MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD $392.01 300595 10/05/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3486 MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH $295.27 300596 10/05/2023 1268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3491 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC AND SFSP $621.82 600366 09/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $308.00 600366 09/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4110.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $308.00 600366 09/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4115.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $280.00 600366 09/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4135.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $252.00 600366 09/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4150.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $224.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003595 MISC REPAIRS HARVESTON COMMUNITY PARK: PW $9,200.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003603 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW $380.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003610 MISC PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS AT TVE2: PW $3,578.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30667 DRINKING FOUNTAIN INSTALL: TCC: PW $4,800.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03470 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS $2,013.44 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003617 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW $382.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003683 PLUMBING MAINT SVCS: FIRE ST73 $160.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003618 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW $1,196.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003687 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW $860.00 600367 09/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003587 PLUMBING REPAIR AT CIVIC CENTER $1,326.45 600426 10/05/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003680 PLUMBING REPAIR, PALOMA DEL SOL PARK $2,715.00 600368 09/28/2023 1105 DATA TICKET INC 156118 AUG CITATIONS PROCESSING: POLICE $1,292.08 300532 09/28/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 542322 CONST SUPPORT SVCS(MPSC): PW -CIP $377.00 300597 10/05/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 542321 ENG SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS: PW21-03 $25,433.00 300533 09/28/2023 3094 DELCO SERVICE INC 30963 CLAY VALVE SERVICE $4,216.86 600369 09/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004912332 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN $165.88 600369 09/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004912331 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: GENERAL KEARNY RD $110.88 600369 09/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004912329 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY $110.88 600369 09/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004912330 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS $110.88 600369 09/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004911766 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: COLOR RUN EVENT $646.40 600427 10/05/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS 0004835714 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL $325.76 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08020 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW $2,529.40 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06614 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:EOC $90.50 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05939 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:FIRE $178.98 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06599 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:CIP:PW $183.56 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06594 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:LAND DEV:PW $61.18 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL07351 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT $385.82 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08016 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE $162.42 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08038 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD $289.69 600370 09/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08037 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW $756.40 600428 10/05/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08018 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG DEPT $529.11 600428 10/05/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08014 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW $2,678.76 600428 10/05/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08017 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT $129.25 600428 10/05/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08021 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH $36.67 600371 09/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102099 JUL WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR $619.55 600371 09/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102680 AUG WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR $619.55 600371 09/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102390 SEP WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR $619.55 300534 09/28/2023 2385 EIDE BALLY LLP E101553061 AUDIT SERVICES: FINANCE $1,550.00 300598 10/05/2023 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #1 Jul'23 JUL SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS $1,205.28 600372 09/28/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSES OF SOCAL INC 2322 SART EXAMS $1,200.00 600372 09/28/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSES OF SOCAL INC 2224 SART EXAMS $800.00 300599 10/05/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben349646 ACCOUNT#573931267 $50.00 300599 10/05/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben349620 ACCOUNT#573931267 $50.00 300599 10/05/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben349684 ACCOUNT#573931267 $50.00 300599 10/05/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Ben349708 ACCOUNT # 573931267 $50.00 600373 09/28/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 8856-8876 MISC. PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: ECO DEV INCUBATOR $2,596.45 600374 09/28/2023 1940 EMP # 494 Reimb: Supplies REIMB: SUPPLIES: TVM $484.82 300535 09/28/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2409556 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER $2,833.15 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011627359-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $924.81 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011853389-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $449.48 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012081232-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $449.48 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011866207-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS ($100.00) 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011789911-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $585.75 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011652280-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $50.00 600418 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012397262-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $729.70 300536 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012610121-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $50.00 300536 09/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012562273-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $1,040.58 600429 10/05/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012878984-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS $1,025.38 300537 09/28/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN350128 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT $1,684.75 300537 09/28/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN355336 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT $1,684.75 600430 10/05/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108567J ARCHITIECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14 $1,361.00 300600 10/05/2023 1813 GODS FAN CLUB CDBG: ORTIZ CDBG: RENTAL ASSISTANCE: ORTIZ $1,825.00 300601 10/05/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY Sttlmnt: 9/3 & 9/24 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 9/3 & 9/24 $336.00 300602 10/05/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74523580 REPLACEMENT WORKSTATIOWIT (GIS) $4,993.80 300602 10/05/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74484264 HPI DESKTOP REPLACEMENTS:TEM PUBLIC LIBRARY: IT $21,868.86 600375 09/28/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9831221826 MISC SUPPLIES: RON ROBERTS LIBRARY: PW $263.58 300603 10/05/2023 3128 GREEN ACRES INTERACTIVE THERAPY CSF FY23/24 COMMUNITY SVC FUNDING: REINVEST IN TEMECULA $7,400.00 300538 09/28/2023 2673 EMP#586 GC-CKR-090723 TRIANING REIM BURSEM ENT: PAPA SEMINAR:PARKS $140.00 300539 09/28/2023 3277 GUEVARA MARLON 08/30/23 LIABILITY CLAIM SETTLEMENT $310.59 300540 09/28/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/Aug MAINT SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW $2,738.18 300541 09/28/2023 2225 HASA INC 919213 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS $884.56 600376 09/28/2023 1056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN031731 FY 23/24 PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING $95.20 Check N Check Date Vendor N Vendor Invoice p Description Invoice Net 600377 09/28/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4120163 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR $300.00 300542 09/28/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14445 HPE CAREPACK SVC: IT $214.00 300542 09/28/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14443 HPE TECH CARE PACK RENEWAL:IT $10,452.00 300542 09/28/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14453 INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT: IT $1,625.00 300604 10/05/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14456 HPE CAREPACK: IT $1,284.00 300543 09/28/2023 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC SIN031081 SALES TAX CONSULTING: FINANCE $5,143.27 300543 09/28/2023 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC SIN031122 QTR 1/2023 MEASURES SALES TAX AUDIT $1,882.38 300605 10/05/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7973996 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW $1,895.51 300605 10/05/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 3293310 MPSC GARDEN SUPPLIES: HUMAN SERVICES: TCSD $154.29 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40090 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $222.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40114 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $962.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40045 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $377.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40046 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $349.50 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40051 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $377.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40055 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $197.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40054 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $197.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40053 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $197.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40119 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $452.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40118 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $342.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40117 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $342.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40116 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $2,112.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40122 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $892.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40124 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $672.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40125 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $3,062.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40126 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $589.50 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40095 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $997.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40123 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $452.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40096 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $322.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40097 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $2,392.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40104 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $2,357.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40103 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $1,462.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40102 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $532.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40101 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $222.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40100 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $377.00 600434 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40099 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $277.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40098 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $4,107.00 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40120 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $797.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40048 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $377.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40049 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $349.50 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40199 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $622.15 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40200 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $1,552.00 600433 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40201 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $415.59 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40216 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $2,180.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40202 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $4,824.50 600432 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40214 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $512.00 600431 10/05/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40215 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV $3,598.00 600378 09/28/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 360284 TRANSLATION SERVICES:PD $15.00 600435 10/05/2023 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6078264 AUG ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH $300.00 300606 10/05/2023 3324 EMP # 500 Reimb: 09/20/23 REIMB: REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION $65.02 600379 09/28/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC Ben349680 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS $40.00 300544 09/28/2023 3095 JAVIER I GONZALEZ 1393 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT $190.31 300544 09/28/2023 3095 JAVIER I GONZALEZ 1364 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS $315.38 300607 10/05/2023 3095 JAVIER I GONZALEZ 1409 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT $358.86 300545 09/28/2023 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3584 TRAINING VIDEO: EM:FIRE $5,125.00 600380 09/28/2023 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC B931 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84:FIRE $546.73 600436 10/05/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038006 ON CALL CONSULTANT SVCS: PLANNING $1,043.75 600437 10/05/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 58884 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW: COMM DEV $3,831.00 600381 09/28/2023 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244005 MAY HR LEGAL SVCS TE060-00020 $1,232.50 600381 09/28/2023 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244007 MAY HRLEGAL SVCS TE060-00019 $109.50 600381 09/28/2023 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 250023 LEGAL SVCS:TE060-00022:HR $12,726.91 600382 09/28/2023 1320 LIEBERT, CASSIDY & WHITMORE 244008 LEGAL SVCS: TE060-00021: HR $6,077.50 300546 09/28/2023 1581 LISA SAPINKOPF PERF: 10/07/23 PRESENTOR: THEATER: TCSD $1,200.00 300547 09/28/2023 1923 LLOYDS DESIGNS 1253 VARIOUS GRAPHIC DESIGNS: TCSD $3,000.00 300608 10/05/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE SEP 7DK89878 SEP 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD $36.26 300608 10/05/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE SEP 7DK90589 SEP 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE $34.58 600383 09/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200.202 1st half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $294.00 600383 09/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1202.202 1st half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $357.00 600383 09/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1204.202 1st half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $315.00 600383 09/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1205.202 1st half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $294.00 600383 09/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1206.202 1st half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $609.00 600384 09/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3026 ANNUAL TREE REMOVAL SVCS: PARKS;PW $2,493.75 600384 09/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3025 TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL SVCS: PARKS:PW $719.95 600385 09/28/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48336 DSGN & ENVIRO SVCS: CONG RELIEF: PW19-02 $26,006.50 300548 09/28/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48364 CHERRY ST EXT/MURR CREEK:ENGINEERING SVCS PW19-15 $1,368.50 300549 09/28/2023 3225 MCBRIDEBRENNEN Reimb: Safety Conf REIMB: NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY CONFERENCE $309.16 600408 09/28/2023 1081 MCCAIN TRAFFIC SUPPLY INC INV0275275 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT $979.06 600438 10/05/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17844 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV $6,356.38 300609 10/05/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Ben349670 DENTAL PAYMENT $14,914.23 600386 09/28/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.201 2nd half TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $770.00 300550 09/28/2023 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING $10,000.00 600387 09/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407622 SCORE BOARD INSTALL:RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK:PW $12,800.00 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Invoice # Description Invoice Net 600387 09/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407544. WELDING SERVICES, BASEBALL DRIVER ANCHORS - PARKS $340.00 600387 09/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407520 BASEBALL BASE PEG TOOL: SPORTS: TCSD $340.00 600388 09/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516068-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS $18.42 600388 09/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516017-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS $440.41 600388 09/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516152-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC: PW $32.69 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516201-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL: PW $707.96 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516343 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS ($293.61) 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 5160070-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS $620.77 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516199-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR $943.95 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516200-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC: PW $707.96 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516107-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR $312.38 600439 10/05/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515740-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES OPEN PO $756.46 600440 10/05/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONYJ 2047.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $75.60 600389 09/28/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC Sttlmnt: 09/09/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 09/09/23 $592.20 300610 10/05/2023 2450 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE LLC MK595716-TDQ NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE -AQUATICS $4,109.14 300551 09/28/2023 3280 NATIONAL CHARITY LEAGUE 09/15/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING: REINVESTMENT $4,775.00 300611 10/05/2023 2105 NELSON, BARBARA 09/25/23 PLEIN AIR ART PAINTING DEMONSTRATION $200.00 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75365 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: SLOPES: PW $4,316.00 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75361 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: SLOPES: PW $5,289.00 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75294 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS $232.40 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75364 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW $4,949.90 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75242 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES $11,245.00 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75552 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS $2,068.00 600390 09/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75551 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES $106.00 600441 10/05/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75245 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL SLOPES $62,010.00 300552 09/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1200155/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 0155 #19: FV $770.99 300552 09/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1121810/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 1810 #16: FV $634.72 300552 09/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078329/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 8329 #17: FV $589.88 300552 09/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078358/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 8358 #20:FV $801.46 600442 10/05/2023 1819 NPG INC 1122182 PUMP TRACK SLURRY: RRSP: PW $8,970.00 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLDTOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166860 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $252.61 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166859 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $84.50 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165524 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,136.67 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 163871 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $95.22 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164147 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,463.66 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164348 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,403.03 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164350 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $464.32 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164904 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $770.11 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164924 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,399.43 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165000 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $589.81 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165073 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $84.50 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165088 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $329.51 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165161 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $395.33 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165546 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,399.43 300553 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165536 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $1,449.79 300554 09/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165788 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $297.38 300612 10/05/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 167489 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE $428.86 600391 09/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72421 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES $51.26 600391 09/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72567 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -PARKS&FACILITIES $479.30 600391 09/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72542 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE $391.86 600443 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72399 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE $491.54 600443 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72554 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE $188.71 600443 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72641 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -PARKS&FACILITIES $107.24 600443 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72639 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT $51.01 600443 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72616 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -PARKS&FACILITIES $226.99 600444 10/05/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72691 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES $325.55 300555 09/28/2023 2048 PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICE LLC 32553 MISC STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $1,967.25 300613 10/05/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20110 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV $13,003.73 300556 09/28/2023 1775 PENWORTHY COMPANY THE 0593769-IN MISC BOOKS $1,974.14 300557 09/28/2023 3279 PHI ALPHA CONTRACT SOLUTIONS 20240678 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES: EM $2,550.00 300614 10/05/2023 1363 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES INC Ben349682 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES $293.90 300614 10/05/2023 1363 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES INC Ben349530 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES $299.50 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211438A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES $63.87 600393 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211438B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE $5.67 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211439 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE $215.72 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211440 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $10.28 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 131016798 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES ($29.51) 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211945 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $24.52 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211951 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $12.74 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211952 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $9.89 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211961 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $14.32 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211962 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $31.45 600392 09/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211963 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES $19.88 600445 10/05/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212811B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE $5.67 600445 10/05/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212811A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES $79.65 600445 10/05/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212812 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE $79.82 300558 09/28/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0109/08/23 POSTAGE SERVICES:PD $260.28 300559 09/28/2023 1837 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC N10069510 POSTAGE METER LEASE:CENTRAL SERVICES $4,985.16 300560 09/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016939 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES $558.87 300560 09/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016909 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES $558.87 300560 09/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016937 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES $558.87 Check N Check Date Vendor N Vendor Invoice 1t Description Invoice Net 600394 09/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, DISTRIBUTOR 60169748-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: THEATER $138.52 600394 09/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, DISTRIBUTOR 60168962-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE $1,167.88 600395 09/28/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00124649 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM $349.15 600395 09/28/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00124437 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM $379.24 300615 10/05/2023 2181 REYES NICOLE 34675795 LAUNDRY SVCS: HUMAN SERVICES/MPSC $296.00 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243661 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $117.50 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243685 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $267.00 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243686 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $4,254.00 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243690 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $657.00 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243692 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $2,933.00 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243700 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $1,210.50 600396 09/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243675 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $360.00 600446 10/05/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243669 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES $7,376.10 300616 10/05/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECORDER OFFICE 23-234659 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-16 $50.00 300616 10/05/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECORDER OFFICE 23-214658 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-17 $50.00 300616 10/05/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECORDER OFFICE 23-243303 CEQA FILINGS: PWUG-04-01 $50.00 300616 10/05/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECORDER OFFICE 23-238684 CEQA FILINGS: LR23-0050 $50.00 300562 09/28/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE CO PUB SAFETY ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIO PE0000001222 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL $1,669.33 300617 10/05/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE CO PUB SAFETY ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIO PE0000001223B AUG EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CODE ENF $513.10 300563 09/28/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT SH0000044173 07/01-08/31 YOUTH COURT SVCS $404.71 300564 09/28/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT SH0000044098 SHERIFF PATROLSVCS:PD $2,515,751.51 300618 10/05/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT Ben349622 WAGE GARNISHMENT $637.59 300561 09/28/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT IN0488895 PERMIT RENEWAL: CRC $763.00 300565 09/28/2023 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 86730 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES $2,375.80 600397 09/28/2023 3293 RUGGED SOLUTIONS AMERICA LLC 54385 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT: TEM SHERIFF $1,941.71 300566 09/28/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 09/16/23 COUNTRY LIVE @ THE MERC 09/16/23 $462.50 300567 09/28/2023 3311 SANCHEZ PAIRIS FLOR 09/19/23 REFUND: PERMIT FEES $31.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09142023 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK $325.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 008102023 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK $50.00 600399 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 092423 COLOR RUN PHOTOGRAPHY: TCSD $450.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 00090923 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: MUSEUM/ACE $275.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09112023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: SPECIAL EVENTS $275.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0090923 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: SPECIAL EVENTS $275.00 600399 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08022023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD $275.00 600399 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07312023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD $275.00 600399 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 007262023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD $300.00 600399 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0063023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD $275.00 600398 09/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09012023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS:MUSEUM/ACE:TCSD $275.00 600447 10/05/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09192023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES $300.00 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923127 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 $5,443.38 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923129 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW - CIP $3,386.80 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823025 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 $3,463.10 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823027 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW - CIP $1,872.00 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723026 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: CIP: PW18-16 $2,892.40 300568 09/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823028 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: CIP, PW22-16 $2,337.75 300619 10/05/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823029 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: CIP, PW22-15 $10,333.50 300619 10/05/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923131 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15 $4,565.60 600400 09/28/2023 1509 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC Perf: 08.31.23 JAll @ THE MERC 08/31/23 $700.00 600400 09/28/2023 1509 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC PERF:09/14/23 JAll @ THE MERC 09/14/23 $710.00 300569 09/28/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004709784 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE $266.84 600401 09/28/2023 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610284495 STREET LIGHT REMOVAL: PW - CIP $7,556.70 600402 09/28/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1833 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS $3,054.75 600402 09/28/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1842 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS $2,252.80 600402 09/28/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1832 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS $768.00 600448 10/05/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1843 BAS SECURITY FOR COLOR RUN- CRC $457.60 300570 09/28/2023 1915 SJ LINKING SYSTEMS 2023151 COLLEGE FAIR & HEALTH FAIR WALKIES: TCSD $432.00 300571 09/28/2023 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000256 GEN ERAL:MAINTENANCE:RM $185.00 600449 10/05/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 08312023B AUG HOMELESS/STREET OUTREACH: TCS $34,307.65 600403 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286169 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS $48.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287369 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW $90.00 600403 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287893 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW $49.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287303 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW $70.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287439 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS $42.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287957 BEE SERVICE: CHILDRENS MUSEUM: PW $94.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287918 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW $94.00 600404 09/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287117 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW $94.00 300572 09/28/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY CM45949230901 CREDIT: GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 ($630.90) 300572 09/28/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230701 JUL GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 $529.63 300572 09/28/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230801 AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 $533.41 300620 10/05/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY CM45949230901 CREDIT: GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 ($630.90) 300620 10/05/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230901 SEP GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 $283.61 300620 10/05/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230701 JUL GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 $529.63 300620 10/05/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230801 AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 $533.41 300621 10/05/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/26/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV $183.48 300621 10/05/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/30/23 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD $190.38 300623 10/05/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY Ben349668 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE $1,811.63 300622 10/05/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY Ben349672 LIFE INSURANCE $12,010.01 300624 10/05/2023 1452 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7378341653-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD $203.80 300624 10/05/2023 1452 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7615823653-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: TCSD $54.96 300624 10/05/2023 1452 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7902791681-1-1 MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD ($98.75) 300624 10/05/2023 1452 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7903565311-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: PW $66.49 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Invoice # Description Invoice Net 300624 10/05/2023 1452 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 7615918337-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: PD-SUBSTATIONS $38.14 300573 09/28/2023 3292 STEEL MOON GLACIER 100 REVISED RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD $2,446.75 600405 09/28/2023 1376 STENO SOLUTIONS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES INC 43681 TRANSCRIPTION SVCS:TEM SHERIFF $209.79 600450 10/05/2023 1514 EMP # 427 09/23/23 REIMB: TES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $61.83 600406 09/28/2023 1495 STURDIVANTANGELA P 3205.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $492.10 600407 09/28/2023 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275052 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP:TRAFFIC:PW $4,220.61 300625 10/05/2023 2521 T AND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2774 TREE INSTALL/REMOVAL & HOLIDAY DECOR: TCSD $61,540.54 300574 09/28/2023 1212 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 102309279 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV $11,834.68 600409 09/28/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL911 Ben349676 UNION DUES PAYABLE $5,251.00 300627 10/05/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1042 Q2 FY 23/24 SPONSORSHIP FUNDS: ECO DEV $50,000.00 300626 10/05/2023 3312 TEMECULA VALLEY CULTURAL CENTER 60890360 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT $200.00 600410 09/28/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 54094 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS $203.32 600410 09/28/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 54085 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS $91.89 600410 09/28/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 53835 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS $97.38 600410 09/28/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 54177 LOCKSMITH SVCS: FACILITY MAINTENANCE $214.00 600451 10/05/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 54016 LOCKSMITH SVCS: SENIOR CENTER $2,238.48 600451 10/05/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENT 54215 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS $203.32 300575 09/28/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 293669 01 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES $257.03 600411 09/28/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS NTOTTCT-2023-09 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD $5,340.00 600412 09/28/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23621 MUSIC SVCS:CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS:TCSD $425.00 600413 09/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47060 GENERAL:EVENT RENTALS:TEAM PACE $1,333.65 600413 09/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45549 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD $629.45 600413 09/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45551 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD $7,940.39 600452 10/05/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47419 ADA RAMP RENTAL:CIP CRC: E-PW19-07:PW $2,321.55 600452 10/05/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 46741 ADA RAMP RENTAL: PW - CIP $3,482.33 600453 10/05/2023 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 462538 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PARKS $95.00 600414 09/28/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20385 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK $6,000.00 300576 09/28/2023 1430 TOYOTA OF TEMECULA VALLEY 08/31/23 REFUND: LD20-0541COMPLETE: PW $41,000.00 300628 10/05/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 58478 SDC TRANSPORTATION 8/10/2023 $5,151.42 600415 09/28/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU Jul'23 JUL'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS $253,294.93 600415 09/28/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 6246 SPONSORSHIP & ECONOMIC FUNDING $40,000.00 300577 09/28/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-434840 ENERGOV, CASHIERING AND SOCRATA SOFTWARE RENEW $17,088.75 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-434841 ENERGOV, CASHIERING AND SOCRATA SOFTWARE RENEW $109,096.06 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-436219 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $2,305.89 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-431548 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $9,800.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-437688 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $4,511.13 300629 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-436816 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $700.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-435334 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $1,400.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-433206 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $2,100.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-432491 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $2,800.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-431547 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $1,400.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-429598 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $11,200.00 300630 10/05/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-430743 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE $4,900.00 300578 09/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1520 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT ($2,195.48) 300578 09/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 15058 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT $881.21 300578 09/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1505c JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT $719.83 300578 09/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508E JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT $881.21 300578 09/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT $719.83 300631 10/05/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT $25,655.73 600454 10/05/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 102735 URBANE CAFE $313.63 300579 09/28/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9944095069 08/11-09/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE $438.25 600416 09/28/2023 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-74181 AUG SHOWARE TICKETING SVCS: THEATER $3,133.90 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2810.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $996.80 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1164 DJ/EMCEE SVCS- SP EVENT 9/11 REMEMBRANCE:TCSD $525.00 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1166 DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENT:NTL PREPAREDNESS FAIR:TCSD $700.00 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS $1,121.40 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1165 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS $1,975.00 600417 09/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1170 COLOR RUN DJ SERVICES: TCSD $1,400.00 300580 09/28/2023 1439 WALMART 09/22/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC $254.15 300580 09/28/2023 1439 WALMART 09/21/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD $739.24 300580 09/28/2023 1439 WALMART 09/19/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD $777.95 300580 09/28/2023 1439 WALMART 09/21/23b MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD $393.86 300580 09/28/2023 1439 WALMART 09/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD $222.39 300632 10/05/2023 1439 WALMART 09/26/23 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: TCSD $578.38 300581 09/28/2023 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 848888749 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION $1,179.86 300582 09/28/2023 2322 WEX BANK 91657517 08/07-09/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE $3,117.21 300583 09/28/2023 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50023780530 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT $25.22 300633 10/05/2023 1973 WOHLFORD CHAD TYLER 16 COST ALLOCATION PLAN & USER FEE $1,450.00 Total $4,216,302.38 Item No. 4 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2023 PREPARED BY: Jordan Snider, Senior Accountant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2023. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 require reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio, receipts, and disbursements respectively. Adequate funds will be available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City for the next six months. Current market values are derived from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) reports, Union Bank of California trust and custody statements, and from US Bank trust statements. Attached is the City Treasurer's Report that provides this information. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the statement of investment policy and Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 as of as of June 30, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2023 'tll LLJ149 Investments City of Temecula Portfolio Managment Treasury Report 41000 Main Street Portfolio Management Temecula, 92590 g (951)694-6430 Portfolio Summary June 30, 2023 Par Market Book % of Days to YTM YTM Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 360 Equiv. 365 Equiv. Managed Pool Accounts 34,455,913.16 34,455,913.16 34,455,913.16 16.18 1 1 4.086 4.143 Letter of Credit 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 1 1 0.000 0.000 Trust Accounts 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 6.84 1 1 8.176 8.290 Local Agency Investment Funds 107,553,388.43 105,921,642.10 107,553,388.43 50.52 1 1 0.254 0.257 Money Market 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 3.32 1 1 2.091 2.120 Medium Term Notes 12,000,000.00 11,661,660.00 11,638,260.00 5.47 717 460 4.691 4.756 Federal Agency Callable Securities 17,000,000.00 15,519,240.00 16,997,500.00 7.98 1,590 838 0.723 0.733 Treasury Coupon Securities 15,000,000.00 14,771,560.00 14,705,937.51 6.91 493 256 4.415 4.476 Federal Agency Bullet Securities 5,000,000.00 4,904,720.00 4,945,480.00 2.32 898 161 1.969 1.996 Supranational 1,000,000.00 978,060.00 985,430.00 0.46 634 366 4.069 4.126 213,634,759.75 209,838,253.42 212,907,367.26 100.00% 225 116 2.101 2.131 Investments Cash Passbook/Checking 14,380,015.68 14,380,015.68 14,380,015.68 1 1 0.000 0.000 (not included in yield calculations) Total Cash and Investments 228,014,775.43 224,218,269.10 227,287,382.94 225 116 2.101 2.131 Total Earnings Current Year Average Daily Balance Effective Rate of Return June 30 Month Ending Reporting period 06/01/2023-06/30/2023 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 Fiscal Year To Date Fiscal Year Ending 203,259.93 2,189,954.22 2,189,954.22 234,033,378.51 219,111,291.12 1.06% 1.00% Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 233358001-6 01-2 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 57.35 57.35 57.35 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 233358006-6 01-2 REF RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 505,913.34 505,913.34 505,913.34 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 233358000-6 01-2 REF ST First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 854,977.03 854,977.03 854,977.03 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 233358005-1 01-2 SPECF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 09/30/2022 12,289.19 12,289.19 12,289.19 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213009-6 03-02 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213008-6 03-02 IMPR First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 751.69 751.69 751.69 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213006-6 03-02 RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 765,543.21 765,543.21 765,543.21 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 164741029-0 03-03 22 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.060 4.004 4.060 1 164741028-0 03-03 22 IF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 200,678.44 200,678.44 200,678.44 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 164741010-0 03-03 22 SPE First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 164741026-6 03-03 22 SRB First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 426,258.48 426,258.48 426,258.48 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 164741020-0 03-03 22 STIR First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 1,404,722.31 1,404,722.31 1,404,722.31 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 164741002-6 03-03 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.620 0.612 0.620 1 164741022 03-03 STRB First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 08/01/2022 2.21 2.21 2.21 4.980 4.912 4.980 1 164741008-6 03-03IMP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.620 0.612 0.620 1 164741006-6 03-03RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.180 0.178 0.180 1 164741000-6 03-03SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.620 0.612 0.620 1 164742002-6 03-06 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 88.49 88.49 88.49 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 164742000-6 03-06SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 294,321.71 294,321.71 294,321.71 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 229462007-6 03-1 2012 RF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 229462002--6 03-1 BOND FD First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.01 0.01 0.01 4.330 4.271 4.330 1 229462009-6 03-1 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 229462006-6 03-1 RESERV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 17,796.82 17,796.82 17,796.82 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 229462000-6 03-1 SPECF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 757,429.10 757,429.10 757,429.10 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 94669921-6 03-1ACQ11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.870 0.858 0.870 1 94669911-6 03-1ACQA11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669917-6 03-1 RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669916-6 03-1 RESB11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669000-6 03-1 SPTAX11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213002-6 03-2 REFU First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 2.33 2.33 2.33 5.150 5.079 5.150 1 276213000-6 03-2 SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 675,649.45 675,649.45 675,649.45 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 94686001-6 034ADMIN11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 0.059 0.060 1 94686005-6 034PREP11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.070 0.069 0.070 1 94686000-6 034RED11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.050 0.049 0.050 1 94686006-6 034RES11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 0.059 0.060 1 276213022-6 16-01 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.18 0.18 0.18 5.560 5.484 5.560 1 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 2 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 276213033 16-01 CAPIN2 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 03/01/2023 139,264.91 139,264.91 139,264.91 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213023-6 16-01 CAPINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.870 0.858 0.870 1 276213029-6 16-01 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213039 16-01 C012 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 03/01/2023 103,388.69 103,388.69 103,388.69 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213028-6 16-01 IMP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 1,963,120.00 1,963,120.00 1,963,120.00 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213038 16-01 IMPF2 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 03/01/2023 7,601,240.97 7,601,240.97 7,601,240.97 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213026-6 16-01 RESERV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 3,226,143.07 3,226,143.07 3,226,143.07 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213020-6 16-01 SPECF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 2,095,108.98 2,095,108.98 2,095,108.98 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213025-1 16-01 SPECTF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 09/30/2022 22,501.36 22,501.36 22,501.36 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 276213036 16-01 RESF2 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 03/01/2023 248,237.11 248,237.11 248,237.11 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 218848001-6 2017A&B INT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.150 5.079 5.150 1 218848008-6 2017ABPRIORP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 18,565.35 18,565.35 18,565.35 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 218848013-2 2017B COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848000-6 2017B IDS First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 1,856.81 1,856.81 1,856.81 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 218848002-6 2017B PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 6.83 6.83 6.83 4.980 4.912 4.980 1 218848009-6 2017B_PROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 3,679,961.63 3,679,961.63 3,679,961.63 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 233358009-6 233358009-6 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94434160-6 RDA-021NT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94434161-6 RDA-02PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886000-6 RDA-06AINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886001-6 RDA06APRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886010-6 RDA06BINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886011-6 RDA06BPRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.680 0.671 0.680 1 107886016-6 RDA06BRES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 107886020-6 RDA071NT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886021-6 RDA07PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.930 0.917 0.930 1 107886028-6 RDA07PROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 107886026-6 RDA07RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 136343008-6 RDA10APROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343018-6 RDA10BPROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343000-6 RDA10INT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343001-6 RDA10PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343006-6 RDA10RSRV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 146161000-6 RDA11AINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 146161001-6 RDA11APRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669902-3 03-1 BOND3 First American Treasury 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 3 CUSIP Investment # Average Issuer Balance Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate YTM 360 YTM Days to Maturity 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 94434160-1 RDA 02 INT1 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 94434161-2 RDA 02 PRIN2 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 136343018-2 RDA 10B CIP2 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 146161008-3 RDA11APROJ Federated Institutional Tax Fr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.800 0.789 0.800 1 146161006-3 RDA11ARSRV Federated Institutional Tax Fr 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669921-5 03-01 ACQ11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669911-5 03-01 ACQA11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669917-5 03-01 RES Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669906-5 03-01 RESA11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 94669916-5 03-01 RESB11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669000-5 03-01SPTAX11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 164742006-5 03-06 RES Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 164742000-5 03-06 SPEC Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669902-5 03-1 bond fd Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94686001-5 034 ADMIN11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94686005-5 034 PREP11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94686006-5 034 RES11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669917-1 03-01-1 RES CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 276213008-1 03-02 IMP CA Local Agency Investment Fun 8,296,399.88 8,296,399.88 8,296,399.88 2.010 1.982 2.010 1 164742006-1 03-06 RES-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 312,328.56 312,328.56 312,328.56 4.970 4.902 4.970 1 229462007-1 03-1 2012 RE CA Local Agency Investment Fun 831,306.78 831,306.78 831,306.78 0.221 0.218 0.221 1 94669911-1 03-1 ACQ A2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 94669921-1 03-1 ACQ B2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 744727011-1 03-3 ACQ 2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 164741006-1 0303-1 RES CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.620 0.612 0.620 1 107886028-1 RDA 07 PRO-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 107886026-1 RDA 07 RES-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 136343018-1 RDA 10B CIP1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 229462020-0 03-01 CASH USBANK 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.000 0.000 1 164742006-0 03-06 Cash USBANK 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 233358050-1 01-2 SPECESC U.S. Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.360 0.355 0.360 1 Subtotal and Average 33,428,351.88 34,455,913.16 34,455,913.16 34,455,913.16 4.086 4.143 1 Retention Escrow Account NOBEL COMPANY 3354 Banner Bank 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.150 0.148 0.150 1 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 NL! CP Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Retention Escrow Account 218848050-0 2002 ESCROW USBANK 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848060-0 2006AESCRO USBANK 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848070-0 2006BESCRO USBANK 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848080-0 2007ESCROW USBANK 07/01/2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 229462020-2 03-01 ESCROW U.S. Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.063 0.062 0.063 1 Subtotal and Average 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0 Letter of Credit 164741026-1 03-03 22 Res ASSURED GUARANTY MUNICIPAL COR 07/01/2022 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848006-1 2017B RESER ASSURED GUARANTY MUNICIPAL COR 07/01/2022 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 233358006-1 01-2 REFRESI ASSURANCE CO BOND INSURANCE 07/01/2022 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 Subtotal and Average 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.000 0.000 1 Trust Accounts 6746058700 PARS Pension US Bank Trust 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 8.290 8.176 8.290 1 Subtotal and Average 14,159,653.97 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 14,556,005.12 8.176 8.290 1 Local Agency Investment Funds SYSCITY CITY CA Local Agency Investment Fun 72,909,366.30 71,803,221.78 72,909,366.30 0.206 0.203 0.206 1 SYSRDA RDA CA Local Agency Investment Fun 1,927.61 1,898.37 1,927.61 0.365 0.360 0.365 1 SYSTCSD TCSD CA Local Agency Investment Fun 34,642,094.52 34,116,521.95 34,642,094.52 0.365 0.360 0.365 1 Subtotal and Average 102,720,055.10 107,553,388.43 105,921,642.10 107,553,388.43 0.254 0.257 1 Money Market 31846V542 Money Mkt USBANK 08/31/2022 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 2.120 2.091 2.120 1 Subtotal and Average 6,913,374.80 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 7,069,450.04 2.091 2.120 1 Medium Term Notes 04685A3J8 01285 Athene Global Funding 10/06/2022 2,000,000.00 1,945,060.00 1,920,360.00 2.514 5.385 5.460 251 03/08/2024 06406RAJ6 01282 Bank of NY Mellon Corp 09/27/2022 1,000,000.00 997,600.00 994,200.00 3.450 4.100 4.157 41 08/11/2023 25160PAM9 01292 Deutsche Bank NY 11/14/2022 1,000,000.00 983,300.00 961,560.00 5.371 6.220 6.306 1,531 09/09/2027 46849LSQ5 01294 Jackson Natl Life Global 12/23/2022 2,000,000.00 1,824,760.00 1,879,480.00 3.050 4.957 5.026 1,033 04/29/2026 594918BQ6 01279 Microsoft Corp 09/07/2022 2,000,000.00 1,994,100.00 1,973,940.00 2.000 3.403 3.451 38 08/08/2023 21688AAU6 01284 Cooperat Rabobank UA/NY 09/30/2022 2,000,000.00 1,959,040.00 1,968,180.00 3.875 4.696 4.761 418 08/22/2024 89236TJX4 01288 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 10/14/2022 2,000,000.00 1,957,800.00 1,940,540.00 2.500 4.595 4.659 265 03/22/2024 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 NL! CP Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Page 5 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Subtotal and Average 11,638,260.00 12,000,000.00 11,661,660.00 11,638,260.00 4.691 4.756 460 Federal Agency Callable Securities 3133EMQGO 01259 3133EMK92 01265 3133EMN57 01266 3133EMP22 01267 3133ENAP5 01273 313OAKQ41 01258 3130ALEU4 01260 3130ALWV2 01261 3130AM2V3 01262 3130AMNMO 01263 3130AMM90 01264 3130AN4N7 01268 3130ANAZ3 01269 3130AP3M5 01270 3134GXJL9 01257 3130APBV6 01271 3130APAM7 01272 Treasury Coupon Securities 912828T26 01281 91282CEX5 01283 91282CEX5 01287 9128285P1 01289 9128285UO 01290 91282CFQ9 01291 912828V23 01295 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/10/2021 1,000,000.00 923,740.00 1,000,000.00 0.320 0.316 0.320 590 02/10/2025 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/23/2021 1,000,000.00 914,910.00 1,000,000.00 0.580 0.572 0.580 723 06/23/2025 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/28/2021 1,000,000.00 950,940.00 1,000,000.00 0.440 0.434 0.440 363 06/28/2024 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/30/2021 1,000,000.00 894,400.00 1,000,000.00 0.910 0.898 0.910 1,095 06/30/2026 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/14/2021 1,000,000.00 912,630.00 1,000,000.00 0.800 0.789 0.800 836 10/14/2025 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/28/2021 1,000,000.00 896,810.00 1,000,000.00 0.520 0.513 0.520 942 01/28/2026 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2021 1,000,000.00 928,430.00 1,000,000.00 0.350 0.345 0.350 513 11/25/2024 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/21/2021 1,000,000.00 911,200.00 1,000,000.00 0.550 1.011 1.025 1,025 04/21/2026 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/29/2021 1,000,000.00 929,280.00 1,000,000.00 0.700 0.690 0.700 668 04/29/2025 Federal Home Loan Bank 05/27/2021 1,000,000.00 900,910.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 0.493 0.500 1,061 05/27/2026 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/10/2021 1,000,000.00 911,210.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 1.973 2.000 1,075 06/10/2026 Federal Home Loan Bank 07/14/2021 1,000,000.00 918,150.00 1,000,000.00 0.720 0.710 0.720 744 07/14/2025 Federal Home Loan Bank 07/28/2021 1,000,000.00 925,950.00 1,000,000.00 0.600 0.592 0.600 667 04/28/2025 Federal Home Loan Bank 09/28/2021 1,000,000.00 924,380.00 1,000,000.00 0.550 0.542 0.550 636 03/28/2025 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 1,000,000.00 893,050.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 0.493 0.500 913 12/30/2025 Union Bank 10/07/2021 1,000,000.00 893,370.00 999,000.00 1.000 1.007 1.021 1,194 10/07/2026 Union Bank 10/14/2021 1,000,000.00 889,880.00 998,500.00 0.900 0.918 0.931 1,201 10/14/2026 Subtotal and Average 16,997,500.00 17,000,000.00 15,519,240.00 16,997,500.00 0.723 0.733 838 U.S. Treasury 09/26/2022 2,000,000.00 1,981,020.00 1,945,703.13 1.375 4.088 4.145 91 09/30/2023 U.S. Treasury 09/29/2022 2,000,000.00 1,952,820.00 1,960,312.50 3.000 4.126 4.184 365 06/30/2024 U.S. Treasury 10/13/2022 2,000,000.00 1,952,820.00 1,955,312.50 3.000 4.304 4.364 365 06/30/2024 U.S. Treasury 10/19/2022 2,000,000.00 1,979,620.00 1,966,093.75 2.875 4.387 4.448 152 11/30/2023 U.S. Treasury 10/19/2022 2,000,000.00 1,974,060.00 1,957,265.63 2.625 4.412 4.473 183 12/31/2023 U.S. Treasury 11/04/2022 2,000,000.00 1,975,860.00 1,988,281.25 4.375 4.622 4.687 488 10/31/2024 U.S. Treasury 02/09/2023 3,000,000.00 2,955,360.00 2,932,968.75 2.250 4.778 4.844 183 12/31/2023 Subtotal and Average 14,705,937.51 15,000,000.00 14,771,560.00 14,705,937.51 4.415 4.476 256 Federal Agency Bullet Securities 3133ELMA9 01254 3133ELTU8 01256 3133ENCA6 01274 3135G05G4 01278 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/07/2020 1,000,000.00 996,130.00 1,000,000.00 1.420 1.401 1.420 37 08/07/2023 Federal Farm Credit Bank 03/18/2020 1,000,000.00 969,380.00 1,000,000.00 0.920 0.907 0.920 261 03/18/2024 Federal Farm Credit Bank 10/25/2021 1,000,000.00 941,010.00 1,000,000.00 0.700 0.690 0.700 482 10/25/2024 Federal National Mtg Assn 09/02/2022 2,000,000.00 1,998,200.00 1,945,480.00 0.250 3.464 3.512 9 07/10/2023 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 NL! CP Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Page Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2023 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Subtotal and Average 4,945,480.00 5,000,000.00 4,904,720.00 4,945,480.00 1.969 1.996 161 Supranational 4581XOEE4 01286 Inter -American Devel Bk 10/06/2022 1,000,000.00 978,060.00 985,430.00 3.250 4.069 4.126 366 07/01/2024 Subtotal and Average 985,430.00 1,000,000.00 978,060.00 985,430.00 4.069 4.126 366 Total and Average 234,033,378.51 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 213,634,759.75 209,838,253.42 212,907,367.26 2.101 2.131 116 Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Cash June 30, 2023 Page 7 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Passbook/Checking Accounts 1453718479 WORKERS BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNC 07/01/2022 9,008.93 9,008.93 9,008.93 0.000 0.000 1 SYSPetty Cash Petty Cash City of Temecula 07/01/2022 3,326.00 3,326.00 3,326.00 0.000 0.000 1 SYSGen Ck Acct Gen Ck Acct Union Bank of California 14,357,211.75 14,357,211.75 14,357,211.75 0.000 0.000 1 SYSParking Ck PARKING CITA Union Bank of California 07/01/2022 10,469.00 10,469.00 10,469.00 0.000 0.000 1 Average Balance 0.00 Total Cash and Investments 234,033,378.51 0 228,014,775.43 224,218,269.10 227,287,382.94 2.101 2.131 116 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 10/05/2023 07:42 NL! CP Run Date: 10/05/2023 - 07:42 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Cash and Investments Report CITY OF TEMECULA Through June 2023 Fund # Fund Name Beginning Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Total 001 GENERAL FUND $ 52,172,905.88 $ 52,846,639.33 $ 54,874,070.67 $ 50,145,474.54 002 MEASURE S FUND 44,404,811.46 12,005,607.64 17,086,429.40 39,323,989.70 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION FUND 1,524,060.02 2,195,395.54 700,222.46 $ 3,019,233.10 100 STATE GAS TAX FUND 2,521,878.61 3,074,628.25 5,596,506.86 - 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINTENANCE REHABILITATION ACT 3,588,006.35 408,558.98 3,200,609.35 795,955.98 103 STREETS MAINTENANCE FUND 7,019,347.80 1,398,223.89 4,517,708.76 3,899,862.93 105 NPDES 176,333.91 564,703.36 139,633.54 601,403.73 106 UPTOWN TEMECULA NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEES 902,569.54 207,283.04 209,881.58 899,971.00 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT 11,865,883.85 2,618,547.45 3,207,300.02 11,277,131.28 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND 13,770,921.29 6,131,463.87 8,625,628.23 11,276,756.93 125 PEG PUBLIC EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT 844,416.32 191,616.21 204,165.13 831,867.40 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSET TEAM 847,040.31 167,801.17 286,290.87 728,550.61 150 AB 2766 FUND 353,293.69 119,050.42 120,699.48 351,644.63 160 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 181,576.08 388,374.77 569,950.85 - 161 TEMECULA MAJOR CRIMES REWARD FUND 53.44 - 53.44 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 5,367,506.44 4,844,072.08 3,978,843.86 6,232,734.66 170 MEASURE A FUND 8,586,863.93 2,315,322.42 4,216,564.39 6,685,621.96 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 3,421,578.07 3,891,448.00 4,770,978.53 2,542,047.54 191 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT 866,522.22 445,011.34 247,755.75 1,063,777.81 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHTS 635,879.98 93,942.96 321,946.14 407,876.80 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE/RECYCLING 5,135,908.50 132,344.35 4,806,622.92 461,629.93 195 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "R" STREET/ROAD MAINT 32,726.56 7,514.81 7,613.97 32,627.40 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 419,209.19 91,994.81 117,947.14 393,256.86 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 608,777.48 401,495.19 394,246.98 616,025.69 198 PUBLIC ART 200,727.33 77,648.49 53,327.99 225,047.83 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND (648,021.13) 30,051,219.76 11,978,931.95 17,424,266.68 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROVEMENT FUND 217,286.52 4,832.62 4,058.69 218,060.45 277 CFD-RORIPAUGH 8,442,550.44 33,386.31 33,843.71 8,442,093.04 278 CFD-RORIPAUGH II 9,524,844.00 39,516.97 - 9,564,360.97 300 INSURANCE FUND 1,208,434.31 534,897.02 393,907.52 1,349,423.81 305 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,265,192.08 740,670.09 427,306.05 1,578,556.12 310 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FUND 3,339,357.14 1,015,512.81 885,522.19 3,469,347.76 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,334,655.06 1,878,312.89 1,219,795.68 1,993,172.27 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT FUND 2,657,715.07 822,468.80 662,532.73 2,817,651.14 330 CENTRAL SERVICES - 223,385.99 165,576.49 57,809.50 335 CENTRAL SERVICES 335,366.14 149,416.40 150,076.67 334,705.87 340 FACILITIES 404,592.30 782,531.83 407,307.96 779,816.17 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT FUND 954,842.06 194,612.34 829,448.62 320,005.78 380 SARDA DEBT SERVICE FUND 5,075,908.03 6,613,186.24 7,960,917.39 3,728,176.88 381 REDEVELOPMEN PROPERTY TAX TRUST 2,915,977.29 1,434,940.13 4,139,513.00 211,404.42 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SERVICE FUND 96,229.27 - 1,449.27 94,780.00 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON A&B DEBT SERVICE 1,387,954.15 675,027.17 672,786.35 1,390,194.97 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,625,111.32 372,787.91 371,412.86 1,626,486.37 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER ROAD DEBT SERVICE 7,252.59 - 5,070.21 2,182.38 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,862,368.58 815,600.30 812,072.17 1,865,896.71 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 641,245.58 146,794.56 146,370.04 641,670.10 477 CFD 03-02 RORIPAUGH DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,456,934.83 358,197.76 353,984.83 1,461,147.76 478 CFD-RORIPAUGH II 5,992,693.85 1,001,364.69 982,857.94 6,011,200.60 481 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR 150,000.00 34,478.55 34,781.31 149,697.24 501 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 23,032.48 4,599.96 7,660.57 19,971.87 502 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 125,520.58 28,335.97 30,828.88 123,027.67 503 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 71,111.11 15,619.12 18,915.94 67,814.29 504 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 7,977.72 1,732.34 2,188.69 7,521.37 505 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 36,823.01 7,881.70 10,484.35 34,220.36 506 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 55,785.18 12,552.20 13,838.88 54,498.50 507 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 13,956.85 2,998.89 3,935.30 13,020.44 508 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 142,517.04 30,786.28 39,636.99 133,666.33 509 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 31,130.38 7,109.07 7,373.64 30,865.81 510 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 18,581.45 4,132.76 4,770.82 17,943.39 511 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 4,103.86 910.79 1,060.21 3,954.44 512 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 104,470.32 22,455.26 29,430.47 97,495.11 513 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 43,270.68 9,348.59 12,030.05 40,589.22 514 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 14,806.17 3,219.33 4,047.99 13,977.51 515 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 16,155.70 3,584.15 4,178.37 15,561.48 516 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 89,821.39 19,573.92 24,410.26 84,985.05 517 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 3,180.21 704.31 826.59 3,057.93 518 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 82,377.12 17,845.27 22,742.70 77,479.69 519 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 90,275.59 19,881.99 23,834.97 86,322.61 520 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 298,461.03 65,000.84 81,244.52 282,217.35 521 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 226,825.93 48,890.21 63,447.12 212,269.02 522 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 12,823.98 2,884.94 3,183.24 12,525.68 523 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 29,865.05 6,777.47 7,216.44 29,426.08 524 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 24 HARVESTON 110,516.38 16,750.52 54,540.35 72,726.55 525 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 83,902.84 18,706.46 21,390.55 81,218.75 526 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,841.87 620.98 766.69 2,696.16 527 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 27 AVONDALE 13,048.10 2,790.45 3,723.12 12,115.43 528 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 677,721.23 147,678.99 184,215.09 641,185.13 529 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 9,457.10 2,131.25 2,335.00 9,253.35 530 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,613.21 8,406.12 8,957.22 36,062.11 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION FUND $ 14,145,986.69 410,018.43 - $ 14,556,005.12 Grand Total: $ 232,320,247.98 $ 143,485,758.07 $ 151,587,736.95 $ 224,218,269.10 Journal Entries completed after May's Treasurer's Report was issued are reflected in the Receipts / Disbursements columns. Item No. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Adopt Ordinance No. 2023-08 Amending Section 2.04.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code Revising the Salary for Council Members To Nineteen Hundred Dollars Per Month Pursuant to Government Code Section 36516 (Second Reading) PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2023-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.04.050 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING THE SALARY FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS TO NINETEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH AS PROVIDED IN GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 36516 AND PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF NECESSARY EXPENSES BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. With respect to adoption of ordinances and resolutions, the City adheres to the requirements set forth in the Government Code. With the exception of urgency ordinances, Government Code Section 36934 requires two readings of standard ordinances more than five days apart. Ordinances must be read in full at the time of introduction or passage unless a motion waiving the reading is adopted by a majority of the City Council present. Ordinance No. 2023-08 was first introduced at the regularly scheduled meeting of September 26, 2023. FISCAL IMPACT: After adoption in November 2024, the annual increase in total Council compensation of $78,000 will be requested in the Annual Operating Budget. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance ORDINANCE NO.2023-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.04.050 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING THE SALARY FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS TO NINETEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH AS PROVIDED IN GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 36516 AND PROVIDING FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF NECESSARY EXPENSES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. Effective January 1, 2024, with the passage of Senate Bill 329 (Dodd), Government Code Section 36516 provides that council members in a city with a population of 75,000 — 150,000 are authorized to receive a salary of nineteen hundred ($1,900.00) per month. The population of a city for the purposes of establishing council member salaries may be based upon either a federal census or an estimate of population validated by the California Department of Finance. B. The population of the City of Temecula in 2023 is 108,899 as validated by the California Department of Finance. C. The need for the increase in Council salary is based on the following: (1) Council Members work many hours per month in addition to regular council meetings, including meeting with constituents, reviewing agenda reports for Council and City Commissions, attending subcommittee meetings, meeting with staff, and attending events on behalf of the City and not reflected in their current salary; and (2) increasing the salary may help the City Council become more diverse because increased salary can help individuals from across different income levels receive sufficient income from their service to help ensure that they can continue to serve the public and support their families. Section 2. Section 2.04.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "2.04.050 Compensation "A. In accordance with Government Code Section 36516, each council member shall be entitled to a salary of in the amount of nineteen hundred dollars ($1,900.00) per month. B. Upon the submission of an itemized account, any council member may be reimbursed for the actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duty. The Council may, by resolution, establish a schedule of actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duty for which council members may be reimbursed." Section 3. As required by Government Code Section 36516.5, council members shall not be eligible for the $1,900.00 salary described in Section 1 of this ordinance until the term of office begins for council members elected at the November 2024 General Municipal Election. Until such time, council members shall continue to receive $600.00 per month in salary. Section 4. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 6. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24th day of October, 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 2023-08 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 261h day of September, 2023, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 241h day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Item No. 6 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Easement Agreement Granting Eastern Municipal Water District an Approximate 480 Square Foot Non -Exclusive Public Service Easement Located within Parcel "A" and Parcel `B" of Parcel Map 23561-2 (APNs 910-262-060 and 910-262-061) PREPARED BY: Anissa Sharp, Management Assistant Ron Moreno, Assistant Director of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT AGREEMENT THAT GRANTS A PUBLIC-SERVICE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ON THE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PORTIONS OF PARCEL "A" AND PARCEL `B" OF PARCEL MAP 23561-2 (APNS 910-262-060 AND 910-262-061) BACKGROUND: On August 1, 2022, the City approved a development plan (PA21- 1454) for a 260-unit apartment community. The project, known as Temecula 260, will offer market -rate apartments at the intersection of Buecking Drive ("development project"). In approving the development project, the City found that the development project meets the objectives and applicable provisions of the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan because the project meets the goal of expanding land use options (Recommendation 2; pg. 1-11) and identifies high quality urban -residential housing development within the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan. The City also found that the development project is consistent with both the General Plan and Uptown Temecula Specific Plan. Benefits of the development project include recycling and revitalization of older retail/commercial corridors within the City, including Jefferson Avenue, and potential increases in mixed -use residential and commercial projects satisfying economic development objectives. The development project includes the extension of McCabe Court, which will be a publicly dedicated road with public utilities. Eastern Municipal Water District ("EMWD") has requested an approximate 480 square foot non- exclusive public service easement ("Subject Easement") on portions of the City -owned property identified as a portion of Parcel "A" and `B" of Parcel Map 23561-2 (APNs 910-262-060 and 910- 262-061) ("City Property") for sewer purposes, including the construction and installation of sewer pipeline facilities and related appurtenances. The City Property is located adjacent to the development project. The Subject Easement in favor of EMWD is required for EMWD to maintain infrastructure in connection with the facilities needed to support the development project. The Subject Easement is located on the portions of the City Property described in EXHIBIT "A" and depicted in EXHIBIT `B" of ATTACHMENT "2" to the Easement Agreement. The Subject Easement is a non-exclusive easement. Under the Easement Agreement, the City reserves for itself the right to use the Easement Area in a manner that does not materially interfere with EMWD's use of the Easement Area. Further the Easement Agreement imposes certain repair obligations on EMWD. Specifically, the Easement Agreement recognizes although no improvements are currently located in the Easement Area, the City may cause certain improvements to be constructed in the Easement Area in the future, including but not limited to decorative/architectural features, pervious concrete, porous concrete, permeable concrete, porous pavement, stamped concrete, brick, tile, stone, pavers, cobblestone, rock, slate, turf block, walls, monuments or other decorative/architectural material. EMWD will be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for repairing and/or restoring any improvements that are located in the Easement Area at such time as the Easement Area is used by EMWD and such use by EMWD results in damage to said improvements located in the Easement Area. Further, the Easement Agreement recognizes the City's prior rights to the rights of EMWD in the Easement Area. Accordingly, if the City needs to use the Easement Area in the future for public use and said use conflicts with the rights of EMWD under this Easement Agreement, EMWD agrees that it will relocate, at its sole cost and expense, EMWD's facilities, pipelines, equipment, structures and/or appurtenances installed by EMWD in said Easement Area to another public service easement provided by the City to EMWD in the vicinity of the Easement Area. City Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution approving the Easement Agreement, which grants to EMWD the Subject Easement FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Easement Agreement N RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THAT CERTAIN EASEMENT AGREEMENT THAT GRANTS A PUBLIC- SERVICE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ON THE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS PORTIONS OF PARCEL "A" AND PARCEL "B" OF PARCEL MAP 23561-2 (APNS 910- 262-060 AND 910-262-061) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The City of Temecula is the record fee owner of that certain real property identified as a portion of Parcel "A" and Parcel `B" of Parcel Map 23561-2 (APNs 910-262-060 and 910- 262-061) ("City Property"). B. On August 1, 2022, the City approved a development plan (PA21-1454) for a 260- unit apartment community. The project, known as Temecula 260, will offer market -rate apartments at the intersection of Buecking Drive ("development project"). C. In approving the development project, the City found that the development project meets the objectives and applicable provisions of the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan because the project meets the goal of expanding land use options (Recommendation 2; pg.1-11) and identifies high quality urban -residential housing development within the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan. D. The City also found that the development project is consistent with both the General Plan and Uptown Temecula Specific Plan. Benefits of the development project include recycling and revitalization of older retail/commercial corridors within the City, including Jefferson Avenue, and potential increases in mixed -use residential and commercial projects satisfying economic development objectives. The development project includes the extension of McCabe Court, which will be a publicly dedicated road with public utilities. E. Eastern Municipal Water District ("EMWD") has requested an approximate 480 square foot non-exclusive public service easement ("Subject Easement") on portions of the City Property for sewer purposes, including the construction and installation of sewer pipeline facilities and related appurtenances. The City Property is located adjacent to the development project. F. The Subject Easement in favor of EMWD is required for EMWD to maintain infrastructure in connection with the facilities needed to support the development project. The Subject Easement is located on the portions of the City Property described in EXHIBIT "A" and depicted in EXHIBIT `B" of ATTACHMENT "2" to the Easement Agreement. Section 2. The City of Temecula hereby desires to grant in favor of EMWD that certain approximate 480 square foot Subject Easement, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Easement Agreement. Section 3. Approval of Easement Agreement. Based on the findings made in this Resolution, the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby approves the Easement Agreement that grants to EMWD an approximate 480 square foot public service easement on the City Property, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Easement Agreement. Section 4. City Manager's Authority. The City Manager (or his designee), is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City, to take all actions necessary and convenient to grant o EMWD that certain public service easement described more particularly in the Easement Agreement. Section 5. Certification. That upon the adoption of the resolution, the City Clerk is directed to file in the Office of the County Recorder a certified copy of said resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24t" day of October, 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 241h day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk iN emwd RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Eastern Municipal Water District P.O. Box 8300 Perris, CA 92572-8300 Attn: Real Property Division With a copy to City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Attn: City Clerk's Office EXEMPT FROM RECORDING FEES (Government Code §§6103 & 27383) (Space above Line for Recorder's Use Only) [X] Portions of APN(S): 910-262-060, 910-262-061 WO#: 77748 RA#: This Easement Agreement is for the benefit of EMWD, a public agency, and is exempt from recording fees (Government Code Sections 6103 & 27383) and from transfer tax (Revenue & Taxation Code §11922). EASEMENT AGREEMENT This Easement Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into between EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a public agency organized and existing under and by virtue of the Municipal Water District Law of 1911 (referred to below as "Grantee") and the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (referred to below as the "City" or "Grantor"). The City and Grantee are referred to below collectively as the "Parties". RECITALS A. The City is the record fee owner of those certain real properties identified as Riverside County Tax Assessor's Parcel Numbers 910-262-060 and 910-262-061 ("City 1 11086.0004/2825998v2 Property"). The City Property is described and depicted on EXHIBITS "1" and on EXHIBITS "2", which are attached hereto as ATTACHMENT "1" and incorporated herein by this reference. B. Grantee desires to acquire from the City and City desires to grant to Grantee a non- exclusive public service easement on the City Property described more particularly below. NOW THEREFORE, FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City and Grantee agree as follows: 1. Grant of Non -Exclusive Public Service Easement. The City does hereby grant to Grantee an approximate 480 square foot non-exclusive public service easement for sewer purposes, including the construction and installation of sewer pipeline facilities and related appurtenances in or under the land in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, described in EXHIBIT "A" and depicted on EXHIBIT `B" attached hereto as ATTACHMENT 112" and incorporated by reference herein ("Easement Area"), together with all rights of ingress and egress thereto, including the right to enter onto the Easement Area with such vehicles, machinery, and equipment as may be necessary or convenient to facilitate Grantee's construction, reconstruction, installation, replacement, reconfiguration, operation, maintenance, repair, relocation, removal, inspection, observation, and study of Grantee's facilities, pipelines, equipment, structures and/or appurtenances. 2. Non-exclusive Easement. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the approximate 480 square foot public service easement granted pursuant to this Easement Agreement is non-exclusive and that City may grant to other parties in the future the right to install utilities or other improvements in the Easement Area that do not unreasonably interfere with the rights granted to Grantee under this Easement Agreement. 3. Reservation of Rights by City. The City also reserves for itself, and the City's successors, assigns the right to use the Easement Area in a manner that does not materially interfere with Grantee's use of the Easement Area. 4. Grantee's Obligation to Repair Easement Area. The Parties acknowledge that although no improvements are currently located in the Easement Area, the City may cause certain improvements to be constructed in the Easement Area in the future, including but not limited to decorative/architectural features, pervious concrete, porous concrete, permeable concrete, porous pavement, stamped concrete, brick, tile, stone, pavers, cobblestone, rock, slate, turf block, walls, monuments or other decorative/architectural material. Grantee shall be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for repairing and/or restoring any improvements that are located in the Easement Area at such time as the Easement Area is used by Grantee and such use by Grantee results in damage to said improvements located in the Easement Area. 5. Relocation of Public Service Easement. Grantee acknowledges that the public service easement is non-exclusive and that City as the owner of the City Property has prior rights to the rights of Grantee in the Easement Area. If the City needs to use the Easement Area in the future for public use and said use conflicts with the rights of Grantee under this 2 11086.0004/2825998v2 Easement Agreement, Grantee agrees that it will relocate, at its sole cost and expense, Grantee's facilities, pipelines, equipment, structures and/or appurtenances installed by Grantee in said Easement Area to another public service easement provided by Grantor to Grantee in the vicinity of the Easement Area. 6. Notices. All notices and demands shall be given in writing by certified mail, postage prepaid, and return receipt requested, or by personal delivery. Notices shall be considered given upon the earlier of (a) personal delivery, (b) two (2) business days following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt requested, or (c) one (1) business day following deposit with an overnight carrier service. Notices shall be addressed as provided below for the respective party. The parties agree, however, that if any party gives notice in writing of a change of name or address to the other party, notices to such party shall thereafter be given as demanded in that notice: City: City of Temecula Attention: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, California 92590 Copy to: Richards, Watson & Gershon Attention: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney 350 South Grand Avenue, 37th Floor Los Angeles, California 90071 Grantee: Eastern Municipal Water District P.O. Box 8300 Perris, CA 92572-8300 Attention: Real Property Division 7. Miscellaneous Terms. a. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of California. b. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is for any reason held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the other provisions of said Agreement will in no way be affected thereby. C. Headings. Headings are provided for convenience only and are not to serve as a basis for interpretation or construction of this Agreement or as evidence of the intention of the parties. d. No Drafting Presumption. Each of the Parties represents and warrants that it has carefully read this Agreement, and in signing this Agreement, it does so with full knowledge of any right which it may have; that Each of the Parties has received independent legal advice from their respective legal counsel as to the matters set forth in this Agreement, or have knowingly chosen not to consult legal counsel as to the matters set forth in this Agreement; 3 11086.0004/2825998v2 and, it has freely signed this Agreement without any reliance upon any agreement, promise, statement or representation by or on behalf of the other party, or their respective agents, employees, or attorneys, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement, and without duress or coercion, whether economic or otherwise. Each of the Parties further agrees that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party will not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits thereto. e. Entire Agreement. This Agreement is intended by the Parties as a final expression of their agreement and as a complete and final statement of the terms and conditions of said Agreement, and will supersede any and all prior agreements or understandings relating to the same subject matter. f. Amendments. No addition to, amendments to, or modification of any provision of this Agreement will be effective unless set forth in writing by the Grantee and the City, or their respective successors and assigns. g. Counterparts. The District and the City may execute this Agreement in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. h. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] 4 11086.0004/2825998v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Easement Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth below. GRANTEE ::► •C EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal a public agency organized and existing under corporation and by virtue of the Municipal Water District Law of 1911 Dated: LI-A Dated: Joe Mouawad, P.E., General Manager Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RICHARDS, WATSON & GERSHON By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney 5 11086.0004/2825998v2 A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Riverside On , before me, (insert name and title of the officer) Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal ATTACHMENT "1" EXHIBIT "1" DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF CITY PROPERTY Legal Description of Property A PORTION OF PARCELS I AND 15 OF PARCEL MAP NO.23561-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN HOOK 168 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 71 THROUGH 73, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF TIIE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL I5; THENCE SOUTH 410 58' 53" EAST 97,63 FEET ALONG Ti IE- NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15 TO A POINT ON A LINE LYING 97,63 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF AND PARALLEI. WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINES OF SAID PARCELS I I AND 15; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 480 0V 07" WEST 281.66 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 49* 01' 07" WEST 222.59 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID PARALLEL LINE, SOUTH 00" 39' 13" EAST 48.55 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE LYING 18.00 FEET NORTHEASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 48" 39' 30" EAST 122.89 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE SOUTH 41 ° 20' 30" WEST 18.00 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE NORTH 480 39' 30" WEST 260.00 FEET ALONG. THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 11 TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE NORTH 48'0 01 ' 07" FAST 288,47 FEET ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 11 TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE NORTH 48" 01' 07" EAST 281.66 FEET ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LIME OF SAID PARCEL 15 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT "1" DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF CITY PROPERTY LOT LINE AD.rI.iSTMENT NO. --- SCALE: 1' IDO' ALL DATA SHOWN HEREON IS RECORD OR CALCULATED RECORD PER P.M.E 168%11-73- PO�-y�4 .} y PARCEL "R' POC PARCEL 'g' +� !3 16 Lul Z 6 i[] 11oe��IT C. OL.LF RTON Lp No. 779!� f eOp- X#0 �1i �' c } �. I2-fG-2dpz jFrrr-ER ON 54i'S6'53'E I �� $7,f 3 1 i 3.97 TPOB} a PARCEL I S/ J A=701'25" J '' R=CLOD', 14 N PARCJEL P PARCEL I 1.3J5•�AC 1.83 #C 548'39 30"E 70,004 �i J 58,558 SF 79,5t4 SF OLD LOT LINE /0 NEW LOT LINE 50.39'13'E 48.55' 1 O'30"'h im, I � 12.9' EXHIBIT "2" DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF CITY PROPERTY Legal ll"cripliGn of Property A PORT [ON OF PARCELS I AND 15 UE PARCEL MAP NO. 23561-2, AS SI1OWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 168 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 71 THROUGH 73, TNCLUSIVE, OFPIC1AL RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CAL IFORN[A DFSCRIBFD AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE MUST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL IS; THENCE SOUTH 41` 58' 53" EAST 97.63 FEET ALONG THE NOMILIEASTEIMY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15 TO A POINT OhTA LINE LYING 97.63 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH T14F NORTHWESTERLY LINL OF SAID PARCEL 15 SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF 13k: l N NiNG; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 48" 01' 07" WEST 281.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINF SOUTH 480 01' 07" WEST 222.59 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SLID PARALLEL LONE, SOUTH 00" 39' 13" EAST 48.55 FEET TO A PONT ON A LINE LYING 19.00 FEET NORTHEASTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINT OF SAID PARCEL. 11; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL. LINE SOUTII 490 39' 30" EAST 122.89 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 11; THENCE NORTH 41"20' 30" EAST242.00 FEETALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL, I l TO THE MOSTEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1 I SAID POINT ALSO REM ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LTNF, OF SAID PARCEL 15, THENCE SOUTH 48" 39' 33" EAST 20.00 FFFT ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE TO THE MOSTSOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 15; THENCE NORTH 53" 42' 26m EAST 233.35 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHEASTER.LY LINE OF SAID PARCEL, 15 TO THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 15 ALSO BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT TCURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 61.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 480 01' 07" WEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15 AND SAID CURVE THPOUCH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 76" 5V 25" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 9 1. 93 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL. 15; THENCE NORTH 41 ° 58' 53" NEST 113.97 FEET ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 15 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, EXHIBIT "2" DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF CITY PROPERTY LOT LINE ADAISTMENT 40.� ALL DATA SHOWN HEREON IS RECM OR CALCULATED REURD PER 168/71-73. FOB PARCEL "A" POC PARCEL 19" 7 RoeEe7 °' A � oueRroti W�. JEFFER Fl- 16 UJ S�t'58"53'E � g 113.97 I97,fi3 TPOB r I PARCEL 00 1 4.0 PARCELP PARCEL r � �� o "� s 13 14 " f 4 1 _35 AC 1.83 AC 8'39'3D"E 2D.00' + 548,958 SF 79.514 SF _ -- OLD LOT LINE , f }, to NEW LOT LINE W39'13'E 48.55' I j S4 i"20'307N 1 R.00' P` a 39 N _ --- ct+a .fs ATTACHMENT "2" EXHIBIT "A" EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SEWER EASEMENT W.O. 77748 APN: 910-262-060, 910-262-061 GRANTOR: CITY OF TEMECULA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF PARCELS "A" AND "B" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LD21-0388 RECORDED APRIL 30, 2021 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2021-0271013, ALSO BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL 11 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 23561-2 FILED IN BOOK 168, PAGES 71 THROUGH 73, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTHEASTERLY 24 FEET OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY 20 FEET OF SAID PARCEL 11. CONTAINING: 480 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BYTHIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF, THIS REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS' ACT, PREPARED UNDER THE SUP RVISION F: aPL LAhd co Z- 7 1 GRE RY S. BORCHARD, LS 7705 a a M EGISTRATION EXPIRES: 12/31/24 L.S. No. 7705 `fob/ e CAI SHEET 1 OF 1 EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL 1. MAP NO. 2356 �-2 PARCEL "A " 11 PARCEL "B" LLA NO. LD 1—OJ88 10 DOC. #2021-- 27101 J P. M. B, 168/71— 73 (A 0 �JEFFERSON AVENUE PARCELS A & 6 OF LOT LINE AOXS7MENT NO. LD21-0388 RECORDED 4130121 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2021-0271013 BEING A POR77ON OF PARCEL 11 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 23561-2, RLED IN BOOK 168, PAGES 71 THROUGH 73, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFF70E OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, PRE -PAR UNDE MY DIRE r31:22/23 S. S CHARD L.S. 7705 DA �0- LAND 5. 190 'SG * LS. NO. 7705 � CPLkF APN: 910-262-060 APN: 910-262-061 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT RIVERSIDE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA cn 0 0 50 100 SCALE. 1'--50' INDICATES EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SEWER EASEMENT 480 SO. FT f ENGINEERING I REAL ITY MA RA- HOWN W.0, 77748 3.S.B. 1172/22 SHT Z OF-1 Item No. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. for the Citywide Concrete Repairs — PW23-17 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Emalee Sena, Engineering Technician II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Award construction contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. in the amount of $318,244.27 for the Citywide Concrete Repairs — PW23-17; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $31,824.43, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and Make a finding that the Citywide Concrete Repairs — PW23-17 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. BACKGROUND: On September 12, 2023, the City Council approved the project specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Citywide Concrete Repairs — PW23-17. The Citywide Concrete Repairs is an annual maintenance project to repair various concrete facilities within the City's public right-of-way. The Department of Public Works, Maintenance Division surveys the City and compiles a list of the improvements that are in need of repair. This year's project will remove and replace curb & gutter, sidewalk, access ramps, driveways, cross gutters, and under sidewalk drains at more than one hundred and six (106) locations identified on the attached List of Concrete Repair Areas. In addition, an added alternate concrete repair area for this project is located at the Community Recreation Center (CRC) parking area. An exhibit of the concrete repair location is shown on the attached added alternate area map. The construction contract was publicly advertised between September 19, 2023, and October 5, 2023. On Tuesday, October 5, 2023, seven bids were electronically received, opened, and the results were publicly posted on the City's online bidding service, PlanetBids. The results were as follows: Contractor Bid Amount 1. Loamic Builders, Inc. $ 318,244.27 2. TVR Construction Engineering LLC $ 322,505.00 3. Canelo Corp $ 354,028.81 4. Onyx Paving Company $ 369,000.00 5. I E General Engineering Inc. $ 408,320.00 6. L C Paving & Sealing, Inc. $ 412,004.50 7. Aneen Construction, Inc. $ 464,025.00 Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found Loamic Builders, Inc. of Fontana, California to be the lowest responsive bidder. Loamic Builders, Inc. has successfully completed similar projects for various public agencies. The Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate for the Project was $300,324. The estimate for the added alternate area was $32,496. Construction duration is estimated to be sixty (60) working days, which is approximately three (3) months. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) Fee Remittance and Collection Policy adopted by Resolution 07-04 on September 10, 2007. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Beginning July 1, 2008, the RCA started requiring that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90-days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right of way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis, while fees for typical right of way improvements projects are five percent of construction costs. Maintenance only projects, such as this project, are exempt from MHSCP fees. FISCAL IMPACT: The Citywide Concrete Repairs is included in the Annual Operating Budget and is funded with Measure A. Adequate funds are available for the contract amount of $318,244.27, plus the 10% contingency amount of $31,824.43 for a total encumbrance of $350,068.70. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. List of Concrete Repair Areas 3. Additive Bid Area CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 PROJECT NO. PW23-17 THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 24th day of October, 2023 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and LOAMIC BUILDERS INC, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2022-23, PROJECT NO. PW23-17, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Standard Plans and Specifications, (latest edition), issued by the California Department of Transportation, where specifically referenced in the Plans, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2022- 23, PROJECT NO. PW23-17. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2022-23, PROJECT NO. PW23-17. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT C-1 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2022-23, PROJECT NO. PW23-17 All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: THREE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND TWENTY-SEVEN CENTS ($318,244.27), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed sixty (60) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5. CHANGE ORDERS All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS a. Lump Sum Bid Schedule: Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. b. Unit Price Bid Schedule: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within 30 days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work* completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the 30th day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made 60 days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year CONTRACT C-2 Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. C. Payment for Work Performed: Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest: Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME a. Liquidated Damages: In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of $1,000 per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time: Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. 8. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.-gov '. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subcontractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion CONTRACT C-3 thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this contract. 11 INDFMNIFICATION All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included), and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from progress payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12. GRATUITIES Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES CONTRACT C4 Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16, BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17, INSPECTION The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 18. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or will administer this project shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. CONTRACT C-5 21. ADA REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 23. INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2. Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3. Worker's' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: General Liability: Two Million Dollars $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. CONTRACT C-6 Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self-insurance retentions shall not exceed Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars $25,000. Other Insurance Provisions: The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: The City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects to liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. 2. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. 4. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be cancelled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than 30 days prior to the cancellation effective date. 6. If insurance coverage is cancelled or reduced in coverage or in limits, the Contractor shall within two business days of notice from the insurer, phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. Acceptability of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-, VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self- insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. Verification of Coverage: Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a CONTRACT C-7 person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Subcontractors: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 24. RECOVERED MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. 25. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT Contractor shall not procure or obtain, extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, or enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system. As described in Public Law 115- 232, section 889, covered telecommunications equipment is telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities. Covered equipment also includes video surveillance and telecommunications equipment or services provided by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities, and any entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. 26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in force at the time the Contractor performs pursuant to the Contract Documents, and shall comply with all grant or funding terms and conditions applicable to the Contract and/or the work. 27. CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an "unresolved dispute" and payment, if any, shall be as later determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), CONTRACT C-e where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. CONTRACT C-9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED in % D q 11 o z 3 CONTRACTOR: -ter- LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 8880 Blanchard Ave Fontana, CA 92335 (619)270-6225 Loay@loamicbuilders.com By. Loav Hanthel Print or type NAME President Print or type TITLE* s e a Print or type NAME Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers required for Corporations) DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACT C-10 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary �-ubk.iv car- gather officer cornpleting this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual ,Pjho signed the docturnet-lt to which this certificate is attached, and r,ot the tiu'i1-„�k�� �s, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of (_'!i L-if FOIRN1 A County of. Oila 3 before rrt blid, NOTARY PUBLIC, (Hera ftert name azilu toe of zrtD e icar personally appeared _L2%sis 44 who proved to rrie on the of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) 4hose name(s) is are stflu-scribed to the within, instrument and acknowledged to rile that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons)cted, executed the instrument. 1 cer-iify, u.nder 1PEIvirk'L­Y' C-)F PERJURY under the lauds of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is tare and correct. WITNESS my hapd-at* official seal _ 0"`°' MICHAEL BECERRA ff��5 �� Comm. # 2454049 r� U1 g NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA U! RIVERSIDE COUNTY r� r MY Comm. EXP, JULY 28, 2027 (INotary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL & Ii s- INSTRUCTIONS FOR. COMPLETING THIS FORM L I ORMATIO This form complies with current California statutes regarding notary wording and DESCRIPTION OE THE (Tille or desaiplion of attached doctAent) ✓ (Tile or desalpiEon of attached dot u t cbnlinueJ) Numbor of Pages 1-Doculnert Gate_ CAPACITY CLAINYIEL BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Officer l (lino j ❑ Partner(s) ❑ At'torney—in-Fac( ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ 0t er if needed, should be completed and attached to the document. Acknowledgements from other states may be completed for documents being sent to that state so long as the wording does not require the California notary to violate California notary law. State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. ° Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. ° The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or tier commission, followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. q indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. he/she/they, is fare ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. The notary seal hnpressiotn must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines: If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. . Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. indicate title or type of attached document; number ofpages and date. indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). ° Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple. •:�;°'=c"u =.:s r ?':�•F'�);'� <<vr.r �r.>'.* ��v+a•`�`��g•gt�.��a.wearrse City of Temecula Citywide Concrete Repairs - FY 2022-23 Project No.PW23.17 Department of Public Works List of Concrete Repair Areas and Quantities STREET OR AGENA S • • 042234 AGENA SMill J3 OF • PANELS QUANTITY 87 AMARITA WAY N/E CORNER OF VIA ALORA & AMARITA WAY. PED RAMP & 1 PANEL 36 SF PANEL & 84 SF PED RAMP AMARITA WAY N/W CORNER OF VIA ALORA & AMARITA WAY 4 PANELS 115.5 ARMARITA WAY N/B ARMARITA WAY S/O SANTIAGO 2 LOCATIONS 4 PANELS & CURB/GUTTER 77 SF PANEL & 10 LF CURB/GUTTER BOOTH BAY 28899 BOOTH BAY. 3 PANELS 152.5 BOOTH BAY 28869 BOOTH BAY. 2 PANELS 72.5 BRISTOL ROAD 28848 BRISTOL ROAD. 1 PANEL 35 BRISTOL ROAD 28836 BRISTOL ROAD. 1 PANEL 37.5 BRISTOL ROAD 28845 BRISTOL ROAD. 1 PANEL 50 BUTTERFIELD STAGE RD S/B BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD 10OFT S/O ROTHENBERG DR 4 PANELS 55 C ST C ST N/O SANTIAGO. 36 PANELS 995.5 CALLE GIRASOL W/B CALLE GIRASOL W/O RIVERTON LN. 2 PANELS 60 CALLE LOS MOCHIS CALLE LOS MOCHIS AT RED HAWK PKWY 1 PANEL & 1 PANEL 199.25 CAM SAN JOSE CAM SAN JOSE A CORTE BONILIO STORM DRAIN PANEL 72 CAM SAN JOSE E/B CAM SAN JOSE W/O CORTE BONILIO @ PARK 2 CURB OUTLETS TOP OF STRUCTURE & CURB/GUTTER 2 CURB OUTLET TOP OF STRUCTURE & 12.51-F CURB/GUTTER & 11 LF DRAIN CAMINO CARMARGO CAMINO CARMARGO @ AGUILA CT 2 PANELS 55 CAMINO CARMARGO W/B CAMINO CARMARGO E/O AGUILA CT. 3 PANELS 82.5 CAMINO CARUNA BEHIND 43175 CAMINO CARUNA. ON MONTELEGRO WY. 2 PANELS 66 CAMINO CASILLAS 43016 CAMINO CASILLAS. 2 LOCATIONS RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH -2 PANELS & CURB/GUTTER 66 SF RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPORACH& 11 LF CURB/GUTTER CAMINO CASILLAS 43036 CAMINO CASILLAS RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH -2 PANELS & CURB/GUTTER 66 SF RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPORACH& 11 LF CURB/GUTTER & 11 LF CURB/GUTTER CAMINO CASILLAS 43046 CAMINO CASILLAS RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH -2 PANELS & 3 PANELS 91SF PANEL & 60.5 SF RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH PANEL CAMINO HERENCIA BEHIND 32180 CAMINO HERENCIA. ON MCCABE DR. 2 PANELS 44 CAMINO SAN DIMAS CAMINO SAN DIMAS 30 FT E/O VIA LA COLORADO 3 PANEL 90.75 CAMPANULA WAY E/B CAMPANULA WAY, 200 FT E/O PAVIA WAY 6 PANELS 173.25 CHELSEA WAY 31635 CHELSEA WAY 3 PANELS 118.25 CHEMIN COUTET CHEMIN COUTET AT RUE JADOT. PED RAMP & 1 PANEL 36 SF PANEL & 363 SF PED RAMP CORRIGAN PL 40358 CORRIGAN PL. 4 PANELS 105 CORTE ALMERIA BEHIND 43140 CORTE ALMERIA. MONTELEGRO WY. 2 PANELS 66 CORTE ALMERIA BEHIND 43110 CORTE ALMERIA. MONTELEGRO WY. 1 PANEL 33 CORTE ALMONTE 43125 CORTE ALMOTE. 2 LOCATIONS 2 PANELS 72 CORTE ALMONTE BEHIND 43078 CORTE ALMONTE. ON MARGARITA 1 PANELS 30 CORTE ALMONTE CORTE ALMONTE & CALLE VERONICA N/B 5 PANELS 196.5 CORTE AVALOS BEHIND 31686 CORTE AVALOS. ON MARGARITA 2 PANELS 63.25 CORTE CABRERA BEHIND 43033 CORTE CABRERA. ON AMARITA WAY 2 PANELS 60.5 CORTE CABRERA BEHIND 43001 CORTE CABRERA. ON AMARITA WAY 3 PANELS 85.25 CORTE ENCINAS 31721 CORTE ENCINAS RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH -1 PANEL 63SF RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPORACH CORTE ESPARZA BEHIND 31651 CORTE ESPARZA. ON MARGARITA 1 PANELS 48 CORTE ESPARZA BEHIND 31645 CORTE ESPARZA. ON SANTIAGO 2 PANELS 70 CORTE LLAMAS BEHIND 32151 CORTE LLAMAS. ON LEENA 2 PANELS 66 CORTE MENDOZA 31817 CORTE MENDOZA 1 PANEL 35.75 CORTE RIMOLA 31375 CORTE RIMOLA 4 PANELS 104.5 CORTE RIMOLA 31320 CORTE RIMOLA 3 PANELS + CURB & GUTTER 80 SF PANEL & 8.5 LF CURB/GUTTER CORTE RIMOLA 31550 CORTE RIMOLA 2 PANELS 44 CORTE RIMOLA BEHIND 31550 CORTE RIMOLA. ON PAUBA RD 2 PANELS 44 AVENIDA SONOMA W/S CORTE SAN LUIS & AVENIDA SONOMA 1 PANEL 41.25 COUNTRY GLEN WAY E/S OF COUNTRY GLEN WAY N/O VIA RIO TEMECULA 3 PANEL 152 COUNTRY GLEN WAY E/S OF COUNTRY GLEN WAY S/O TEMECULA PKWY 8 PANELS, RAPID SET 239.25 ELDERBERRY WAY ELDERBERRY WAY 2 RAMP PANELS 230 SF PED RAMP PANEL GEORGTOWN LN 29477 GEORGETOWN LN 6 PANELS 214 HARVESTON DR. BEHIND 40174 CANTON CT. ON HARVESTON DR. 1 PANEL 84 HARVESTON DR. HARVESTON DR. S/O FAIRMONT LN 2 PANELS 44 HARVESTON DR. E/B HARVESTON DR E/O CHATHAM LN 2 PANELS 85 HIGHLANDER DR 44115 HIGHLANDER DR 1 PANELS 20 HIGHLANDER DR 43915 HIGHLANDER DR. 6 PANELS 170.5 HONOR DRIVE HONOR DRIVE @ CRYSTALAIR DRIVE 2 PANELS 44 1 of 2 rlcip d1v1s1on\projec1s\pw23\pw23-17 citywide concrete repairs fy2022-23\1 - design files\iv.b. design data\pw23-17 conc repair areas fy2022-23.Asm City of Temecula Citywide Concrete Repairs - FY 2022-23 Project No.PW23.17 Department of Public Works List of Concrete Repair Areas and Quantities STREET OR PARK HUDSON CT LOCATIONOF 40058 HUDSON CT WORKQUANTITY 4 PANEL 100 HUDSON CT 40043 HUDSON CT 2 PANEL 40 JEFFERSON AVE 27713 JEFFERSON AVE. 3 PANELS 87 LAKEVIEW RD E. SIDE OF LAKEVIEW ROAD, 100 FT S/O DATE STREET 4 PANELS 112.75 LAKEVIEW RD E. SIDE OF LAKEVIEW ROAD, 200 FT S/O DATE STREET 2 PANELS 57.75 LOMA LINDA RD W/B LOMA LINDA ROAD BETWEEN 30FT & 100FT E/O ELDERBERY WAY. 8 PANELS (2 LOCATIONS) 228.25 LYNDIE LANE 42176 LYNDIE LANE/REPLACE UNDER SIDEWALK METAL LID 1 LID 0 LYNDIE LANE 42176 LYNDIE LANE @ UNDER SIDEWALK DRAIN & METAL CIO 1 CURB OUTLET Curb Outlet Top of Structure MAJELLO CT E/S OF MAJELLO CT, 100 FT N. OF KNOLLRIDGE DR 5 PANELS 137.5 MARGARITA RD ENTRANCE TO 41770 MARGARITA ROAD. 2 CROSS GUTTER PANELS 231 SF CROSS GUTTER MARGARITA RD W/B MARGARITA RD, 30FT E/O AVENDA SONOMA. 2 LOCATIONS 4 PANELS 126 MEADOWS PKWY N/B MEADOWS PKWY, N/O SUNNY MEADOWS DRIVE. CURB & GUTTER 41.5 LF CURB/GUTTER MEADOWS PKWY S/B MEADOWS PKWY N/O MCCABE DR. NEAR TRANSFORMER 4 PANELS 510 MEADOWS PKWY S/B MEADOWS PKWY N/O VIA JASSO 1 PANEL 132 MILL RUN 44682 MILL RUN 2 PANELS 36 N GENERAL KEARNY RD ACROSS FROM 39904 N. GENERAL KEARNY RD. 2 LOCATIONS 3 PANELS 167.75 N GENERAL KEARNY RD S/O N GENERAL KEARNY RD, SOUTH OF NICOLAS RD. 2 LOCATIONS. 11 PANELS 329.75 OLD TOWN FRONT ST 28410 OLD TOWN FRONT ST PANELS & PED RAMP 187 SF PED RAMP & 215 SF PANEL PAHUTA ST PAHUTA ST S/O JERONIMO ST. ACROSS FROM 31341 PAHUTA ST 6 PANELS 156.75 PENNANT CT 31419 PENNANT CT 1 PANEL 20.25 POOLE CT 31914 POOLE CT 1 PANEL & RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH PANEL ;OSF RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH & 36 SF OF PANEI PREECE LN N/W CORNER OF PREECE LN @ TIERRA VISTA 2 PED RAMP & 1 PANEL 25 SF PANEL & 2 PED RAMPS PREECE LN E/B PREECE LN E/O BUCKEYE RD 3 PANELS 82.5 PUFFIN ST 33189 PUFFIN ST 2 PANELS 52.25 PUJOL ST S/B PUJOL STREET @ 28845 PUJOL STREET 12 PANELS 401.5 PUJOL ST 28845 PUJOL ST APPT# 406 3 PANELS 85.25 QUITE MEADOW RD ACROSS FROM 43976 QUITE MEADOW RD 3 PANEL 96 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD W/B RANCHO CALIFORNIA AT 200FT EAST OF TOWN CENTER 1 PANEL 57.75 RANCHO VISTA RD ACROSS FROM 31755 RANCHO VISTA ROAD. 6 PANELS 178.75 RUIDOSA ST 31073 RUIDOSA ST. 4 PANELS 115.5 RYCREST DR S/B RYCREST DR, 80 FT N/O AMWOOD WAY 4 PANELS 115.5 RYCREST DR RYCREST DR S/O WINDWOOD CIRCLE. 6 PANELS 181.5 SALEM WAY 40318 SALEM WAY 1 PANEL 20 SANTIAGO RD 29275 SANTIAGO RD 2 PANELS 55 SENNA CT 27564 SENNA COURT 3 PANELS 99 SOUTHERN HILLS DR 42138 SOUTHERN HILLS DR. 5 PANELS 80 SPYGLASS LN S/B SPYGLASS LN N/O CONGRESSIONAL DR. 7 PANELS & 1 CURB/GUTTER 80 SF PANEL & 20 LF CURB/GUTTER TEMECULA PKWY E/B TEMECULA PARKWAY @ CARLS JR. 2 PANELS 112.75 TEMECULA N/E/B TEMECULA PARKWAY @ MOBILE GAS STATION 4 PANELS 102.5 TENTON CT. 40341 TRENTON COURT 2 PANELS 50 VERDES LANE W/B VERDES LN E/O MARGARITA RD RAISING CANES). 3 PANELS 99 VERMONT RD E. SIDE OF VERMONT ROAD, 50 FT S/O MEADE CIRCLE 4 PANELS 104.5 VIA ALHAMA BEHIND 42931 VIA ALHAMA. ON MONTELEGRO WY. 4 PANELS 118.25 VIA CANDELEDA BEHIND 43482 VIA CANDELEDA. ON MEADOWS PKWY NEAR TRANSFORMER 1 PANEL 132 VIA CORDOBA W/B VIA CORDOBA, 30FT E/O CORTE CAROLINA 1 PANEL 27.5 VIA CORDOBA VIA CORDOBA, 30FT S/O CORTE CAROLINA 1 PANEL 28 VIA EL GRECO 41732 VIA EL GRECO 5 PANELS 145.75 WOLF CREEK DR S S/B WOLF CREEK DRIVE SOUTH N/O GRANITE DR. 3 PANEL 299.25 WYANDOHE ST 42380 WYANDOHE ST 2 PANELS 55 YNEZ RD N/B YNEZ ROAD S/O WAVERLY LANE PANELS AT 3 LOCATIONS 220 YNEZ RD N/B YNEZ RD N/O MOTOR CAR PKWY S/O BUS STOP 2 PANELS 55 10867 (;UKB & GU I I EK (LF) 11b SIDEWALK PANEL (SF) 10867 RAMP PANEL (SF) 864 RESIDENTIAL DRIVE APPROACH (SF) 316 CURB OUTLET TOP OF STRUCTURE (EA) 3 CROSS GUTTER (SF) 231 CURB RAMP PER COT STD NO 402 (EA) 2 2 of 2 rlcip d1v1s1on\projec1s\pw23\pw23-17 citywide concrete repairs fy2022-23\1 - design files\iv.b. design data\pw23-17 conc repair areas fy2022-23.Asm TiiLcirYOF Citywide Concrete Repairs FY2022-23 TEMECUL' Additive Bid Area 141'FaYh4au..k... T'Fartahl..' 47.0 0 Distance / 2 47.0 Feet W G S_ 19 84_ Web —Mercator — Au x i l i a ry_S p h e re © Latitude Geographics Grop Ltd. Legend City of Temecula Boundary ❑ Parcels Street Names Highways HWY INTERCHANGE INTERSTATE OFFRAMP ONRAMP USHWY Creeks ❑ Cities Streets ,Null> PAVED PROPOSED UNPAVED Schools 1:564 O This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Citywide Concrete Repairs FY2022-23 Additive Bid Area 30875 Rancho Vista Rd, Temecula CA 92592 Construction Notes No. Item Quantity Unit 1 Remove and Replace Curb & Spandrel 300 SF 2 Remove & Replace Sidewalk Panel 147 SIF 3 Remove and Replace Curb Cutlet 1 EA 4 Remove and Replace Longitudinal Gutter 130 SF 5 Remove and Replace Asphalt 25 TON 6 Remove and Replace Landscape Median 40 SIF 7 Tree Removal 3 EA Item No. 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Emalee Sena, Engineering Technician II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Award a construction contract to Loamic Builders, Inc. in the amount of $148,440 for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $14,844.00, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and Make a finding that the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. BACKGROUND: On September 12, 2023, the City Council approved the project plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17. The Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street) Project will remove and replace three (3) existing substandard streetlights with eight (8) new Old Town style decorative streetlights along and behind the existing sidewalk. The Project improvements are designed in accordance with the Old Town Specific Plan. The construction contract was publicly advertised between September 19, 2023, and October 5, 2023. On Thursday, October 5, 2023, four bids were electronically received, opened, and the results were publicly posted on the City's online bidding service, PlanetBids. The results were as follows: Contractor Bid Amount 1. Loamic Builders, Inc. $ 148,440.00 2. MSL Electric, Inc $ 148,900.00 3. Lekos Electric, Inc. $ 149,210.00 4. California Professional Engineering Inc $ 152,700.00 Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found Loamic Builders, Inc. of Fontana, California to be the lowest responsive bidder. Loamic Builders, Inc. has successfully completed similar projects for various public agencies. The Engineer's estimate for the project was $149,960. The specifications allow for Forty -Five (45) working days for construction, which is approximately two months. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) Fee Remittance and Collection Policy adopted by Resolution 07-04 on September 10, 2007. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Beginning July 1, 2008, the RCA started requiring that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90-days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right of way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis, while fees for typical right of way improvements projects are five percent of construction costs. Maintenance only projects, such as this project, are exempt from MHSCP fees. FISCAL IMPACT: The Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street) is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fiscal Years 2024-2028 and is funded with a Community Reinvestment Program Grant and Measure S. Adequate funds are available to cover the estimated construction costs of the contract amount of $148,440, plus the 10% contingency amount of $14,844 for a total encumbrance of $163,284. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. Project Location Map 3. Project Description CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for SIDEWALKS — OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MORENO ROAD AND MERCEDES STREET (EAST OF OLD TOWN FRONT STREET) PROJECT NO. PW22-17 THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 241h day of October, 2023 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and LOAMIC BUILDERS INC, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled SIDEWALKS — OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MORENO ROAD AND MERCEDES STREET (EAST OF OLD TOWN FRONT STREET), PROJECT NO. PW22-17, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Standard Plans and Specifications, (latest edition), issued by the California Department of Transportation, where specifically referenced in the Plans, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SIDEWALKS — OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MORENO ROAD AND MERCEDES STREET (EAST OF OLD TOWN FRONT STREET), PROJECT NO. PW22- 17. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SIDEWALKS — OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MORENO ROAD AND MERCEDES STREET (EAST OF OLD TOWN FRONT STREET), PROJECT NO. PW22- 17. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. CONTRACT C-1 Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: SIDEWALKS — OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS — ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MORENO ROAD AND MERCEDES STREET (EAST OF OLD TOWN FRONT STREET), PROJECT NO. PW22- 17 All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: ONE HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($148,440), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed 45 working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5, CHANGE ORDERS All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS a. Lumv Sum Bid Schedule: Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. CONTRACT C-2 b. Unit Price Bid Schedule: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within 30 days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work* completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the 30th day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made 60 days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. C. Payment for Work Performed: Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest: Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME a. Liquidated Damages: In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of $1,000 per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time: Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. 8. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of CONTRACT C-3 Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at Itittp:llwww.dir.ca.ctov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subcontractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included), and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from progress payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12. GRATUITIES Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms CONTRACT CA supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17. INSPECTION The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 1& DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or will administer this project shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest CONTRACT C-5 would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. 21. ADA REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 23. INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2. Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3. Worker's' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: General Liability: Two Million Dollars $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. CONTRACT C-6 2. Automobile Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self-insurance retentions shall not exceed Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars $25,000. Other Insurance Provisions: The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. The City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects to liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. 2. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. 4. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be cancelled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than 30 days prior to the cancellation effective date. 6. If insurance coverage is cancelled or reduced in coverage or in limits, the Contractor shall within two business days of notice from the insurer, phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. CONTRACT C-7 Acceptability of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-, VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self- insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. Verification of Coverage: Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Subcontractors: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 24. RECOVERED MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. 25. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT Contractor shall not procure or obtain, extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, or enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system. As described in Public Law 115- 232, section 889, covered telecommunications equipment is telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities. Covered equipment also includes video surveillance and telecommunications equipment or services provided by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities, and any entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. 26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in force at the time the Contractor performs pursuant to the Contract Documents, and shall comply with all grant or funding terms and conditions applicable to the Contract and/or the work. 27. CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an "unresolved dispute" and payment, if any, shall be as later CONTRACT C-8 determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. CONTRACT C-9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: i CONTRACTOR: LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 8880 Blanchard Ave Fontana, CA 92335 (619)270-6225 Loav@loamicbuilders.com Loay Hanthel Print or type NAME President Print or type TITLE* Print or type NAME O - Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers required for Corporations) DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA m Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Rand! Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACT C-10 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary pulb i' c1- other offiCe` cornpleting this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual '%iho signed ;rho, docuirflent to which this certificate is attached, and not `tt'tr s:i ''f"1's'uiv' ss, accuracy, or va ldlty o- that L1C3CUii➢e{lt. State Lit t.AL;.FO1 NTA County 0 _.w _ } On 2az before rnip, _1� � l• r��9 NOTARY PUBLIC in are Insert name ana no at Lne onicer] perSi'rnra'lly appeared L►�� v 1 �� who proved to rf4e ol1 tore sis of satisfactory evidence to be the pers6n(sl whose na,me(s) is/rid =y :'..11 ' �;i k,ti C to t'he wi-hin instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she-Ahey eXe.cuted the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by leis/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of whiCh t ;e- Perso; s) acted, executed the instrument. Certify, L'..nd a ` EIIIQIA O€- r= 'L RJUI RY udder the laws of the Mate of California that :he foregoing ;paragraph is true and correct, WITNESS my han4,-t�l official seat. u..-..= in_ _Yd. MICHAEL BECERRA r COMM # 2454049 rn NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA �+ RIVERSIDE COUNTY MY Comm. EXP. JULY 28, 2027'4 (Notary Public Sea]) - CAS �� a- INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM � II Ti a� I'le � �s��, �� "��� this form complies with current California statutes regarding notary wording and DES ORIPT1011%; Or" THE ATTACI­'ED DOCWvIEN jTitle or description of attached document) ��f�ddr/�twl� (Title or description of attached docu. rmr.t cor;tinued i (dumber o Pages CAPACITY Y CLAINII D BY THE SIGNER Ej Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Gfficer ( Title) - D Partners) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact [] Trustee(s) Other if needed, should be completed and attached to the document. Acknowledgements from other states may be completed for documents being sent to that state so long as the wording does not require the California notary to violate California notary law. State and County information must be the State and County where the document signers) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. ° Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. '!die notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her comrn, ssion Followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). ° Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. Indicate the correct singular or plural farms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. hei'she/they, is rare ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording, ° The notary seat impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufficient area pi�rrnits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. Indicate title or type of attached document, number ofpages and date. Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). ° Securely attach this.docurnent to the signed document with a staple. 'T(800)sJ�r:.ads ?:�,i=''-�.,..a�..:.,3. ._ 'L= 7 C'Y° T: 4, rt 'E' 1r 1�1' Tr SP Tr Y• Tr °%` Tr "I Tt ILI It'L''1T 1L1 ui w TiiLciry&F Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street 0 TEMECO A -�.►�� (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 Remove existing streetlights after construction of proposed streetlights r J 3 14 •r 56. R - A rr. I Proposed Street Light Locations 0 47.02 94.0 Feet ap is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary_ on this man may or may not he accurate- current or otherwise reliahle- — — — 1AP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION © Latitude Geographics Gre Legend C, City of Temecula Boundary ❑ Parcels Street Names Highways ■ HWY INTERCHANGE ' INTERSTATE OFFRAMP ONRAMP USHWY Hospitals Creeks ❑ Cities Streets <N u ll> PAVED PROPOSED UNPAVED Public Facilities Parks Schools 1: 564 City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project involves adding and improving sidewalks in Old Town. The improvement areas include the south side of Sixth Street from Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street, including adding sidewalks, rolled curb and gutter, paving, streetlights, and trees in accordance with the Old Town Specific Plan (PW22-16). Additional sidewalk improvements include the north side of Fourth Street between Old Town Front Street and Mercedes Street (PW23-03) and installing eight additional Old Town decorative streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (PW22-17). Completed segments under this project include: > North side of Fifth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street) > North side of Fifth Street (Old Town Front Street to Havana Kitchen) > South side of Fifth Street (Mercedes Street to Old Town Front Street) > East side of Mercedes Street (Fourth Street to Sam Hick Park) > Old Town Front Street (South Moreno Road to North Moreno Road) The City will continue evaluate locations to improve sidewalk in Old Town Temecula. Benefit: Adding sidewalk and other improvements in Old Town promotes a Healthy and Livable City and Transportation Mobility and Connectivity. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: PW22-16 and PW22-17 are expected to be completed in 2024. PW23-03 is expected to be complete in 2025. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.5800.PWOT-03 / 766 Level: I Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2022-23 Adjusted 2023-24 Adopted Budget 2024-25 2025-26 Projected Projected 2026-27 2027-28 Projected Projected Total Project Cost 5801-Administration 346,761 30,023 88,216 99,095 564,095 5804-Construction 1,133,732 374,156 122,688 222,802 1,853,379 5805-Construction Engineering 37,179 16,572 22,039 29,922 105,711 5802-Design & Environmental 90,981 65,022 53,541 209,544 Total Expenditures 1,608,653 485,773 286,484 351,819 - 2,732,729 Source of Funds: 4140-CDBG 849,426 849,426 4110-Community Reinvestment 100,000 100,000 Program 4170-Measure A 140,000 140,000 4002-Measure S 960,000 145,000 186,484 351,819 1,643,303 Total Funding 1,949,426 145,000 286,484 351,819 2,732,729 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs 151 Item No. 9 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Amendment No. Ito the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Agreement to Reimburse TUMF Funds with Western Riverside Council of Governments for the French Valley Parkway Phase III (Jefferson Ave to Ynez Rd) — Right -of -Way Phase, Project No. PW19-03 PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve Amendment No. I to the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Agreement to Reimburse TUMF Funds with Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) for the French Ynez Rd) — Right -of -Way Phase, Pro Manager to execute the agreement; and Valley Parkway Phase III (Jefferson Ave to ect No. PW 19-03, and authorize the City 2. Appropriate $1,500,000 in WRCOG TUMF funding to the French Valley Parkway/I- 15 Improvements, Phase III, Project No. PW 19-03. BACKGROUND: The proposed French Valley Parkway Phase III project includes the design and construction of the French Valley Parkway Interchange, to include the overcrossing at I-15 and the southbound collector/distributor road system. On February 9, 2021, City Council approved the original WRCOG TUMF Agreement to reimburse TUMF Funds for the French Valley Parkway Phase III is for ROW Acquisition, in the amount of $1,500,000. Amendment No. 1 will provide for an additional $1,500,000 in TUMF Funds, for a total Agreement of $3,000,000. The French Valley Parkway Phase III Project is identified in the current WRCOG Southwest Zone 5-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Right -of -Way (ROW) Phase and is an eligible TUMF funded project phase. Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement is scheduled to be approved by WRCOG Executive Committee at their regular meeting on November 6, 2023. Once the agreement is fully executed, the City can request reimbursement for all eligible ROW costs as outlined in the Reimbursement Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The Amendment No. 1 to the WRCOG TUMF Reimbursement Agreement will provide for the reimbursement of the eligible ROW Acquisition costs, for an additional amount of $1,500,000, for a total Agreement of $3,000,000. ATTACHMENTS: Amendment No. 1 —Agreement No. 20-SW-TEM-1197 20-SW-TEM-1197 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE PROGRAM AGREEMENT TO REIMBURSE TUMF FUNDS French Valley Parkway Phase III Right -of -Way (ROW) This Amendment No. 1 to Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program Agreement ("Amendment No. 1 ") is entered into this 24th day of October 2023, by and between the WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ("WRCOG") and the CITY OF TEMECULA ("AGENCY"). WRCOG and the AGENCY are sometimes referred to individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." RECITALS A. WRCOG and AGENCY have entered into an agreement titled "Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program Agreement" that is dated February 9, 2021 ("Agreement"). The Agreement provides the terms and conditions, scope of work, schedule, and funding amount for the French Valley Parkway Phase III (hereinafter the "Project") B. The Parties desire to amend the Agreement by increasing the funding amount pursuant to Sections 6 and 33 of the Agreement. C. Funds are being increased for this Project in order to account for the Right -of - Way Phase of the Project. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and subject to the conditions contained herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 20-SW-TEM-1197 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 1. The Funding Amount contained in Section 2 of the Agreement, as amended by Amendment No. 1, is hereby increased by ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($1,500,000.00) from ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($1,500,000.00) to an amount not to exceed THREE MILLION DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($3,000,000.00). Share. 2. The foregoing increase in the Funding Amount is within the Maximum TUMF 3. Exhibits "A", "A-1 ", and "A-2" of the Agreement are hereby replaced in their entirety by Exhibits "A", "A-1", and "A-2" of this Amendment No. 1, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 1. 4. The above -stated Recitals are hereby fully incorporated into this Amendment No. 5. Except to the extent specifically modified or amended hereunder, all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Agreement, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect between the Parties hereto. 20-SW-TEM-1197 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Amendment No. I to be executed by their duly authorized representatives to be effective on the day and year first written above. WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Dr. Kurt Wilson, Executive Director Approved to Form: Steven C. DeBaun General Counsel CITY OF TEMECULA By: Date: Aaron Adams, City Manager Attest: By: Date: Randi Johl, City Clerk Approved to Form: LM Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney 20-SW-TEM-1197 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 Exhibit "A" SCOPE OF WORK 1. SCOPE OF WORK: Right of Way (ROW) — to process right of way requirements necessary for acquisitions, easements, temporary construction easements, and impacts to existing improvements, to include but not limited to, obtain title reports, perform appraisals, negotiate for the purchase and sale of real property/ies, relocation assistance including research for comparable properties and engineering for individual site plan revisions, if applicable or as necessary. 20-SW-TEM-1197 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 EXHIBIT "A-1" ESTIMATE OF COST Phase TUMF LOCAL TOTAL PA&ED $0 $0 PS&E $0 $0 RIGHT OF WAY $3,000,000 $0 $3,000,000 CONSTRUCTION $0 $0 TOTAL $3,000,000 $0 $3,000,000 20-SW-TEM-1197 TIMETABLE: 2021-10 Amendment No. 1 EXHIBIT "A-2" PROJECT SCHEDULE Phase Estimated Completion Date PA&ED FY26/27 PS&E FY26/27 RIGHT OF WAY FY26/27 CONSTRUCTION FY29/30 Item No. 10 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Stop Controls and Pedestrian Analysis for Mercedes Street Between 6th Street and 3rd Street PREPARED BY: Anissa Sharp, Management Assistant Nick Minicilli, Senior Traffic Engineer Erick Escobedo, Associate Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF MERCEDES STREET AND 5TH STREET AND MERCEDES STREET AND 4TH STREET AND FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) UNDER SECTION 15301(C) OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES 2. Recommend staff implement striped pedestrian crosswalks at intersections of Mercedes Street/6th Street, Mercedes/51h Street, Mercedes/0 Street, and Mercedes/3rd Street along with adoption of Multi -Way Stop Controls. BACKGROUND: To improve circulation and pedestrian safety in the downtown area, City of Temecula staff were requested to review the Mercedes Street corridor from 6th Street to Yd Street. Due to the number of special events and lack of controlled and convenient crosswalk locations across Mercedes Street, the City wanted to explore options for pedestrian improvements. After a field review of the corridor, Staff determined that pedestrian crosswalks could be implemented at existing all -way stop sign locations on Mercedes Street. Additionally, Staff determined that the intersections of Mercedes Street/5th Street and Mercedes Street/4th Street warranted further analysis for stop and pedestrian controls. Mercedes Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway providing access to businesses and residential streets in the downtown area. The posted speed limit on Mercedes Street is 25 MPH and the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume on is approximately 3,000 ADT. Recent speed data collection confirmed an 85th percentile speed of 20 MPH for this stretch of Mercedes Street. 6th Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway providing access to business and residential units in the downtown area. 6th Street has a speed limit of 25 MPH and carries approximately 850 ADT. 5th Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway providing access to business and residential units in the downtown area. 5th Street has a speed limit of 25 MPH and carries approximately 830 ADT. 4th Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway providing access to business and residential units in the downtown area. 4th Street has a speed limit of 25 MPH and carries approximately 870 ADT. 3rd Street is a forty (40) foot wide local roadway providing access to business and residential units in the downtown area. 3rd Street has a speed limit of 25 MPH and carries approximately 1,060 ADT. In September 2023, staff generated speed and volume data for the months of April 2022 and September 2022 using Streetlight Data software. Over this two (2) month period, review of prevailing (85th percentile) speeds indicates that speeds vary from 15 to 20 miles per hour during peak AM and PM hours on posted 25 MPH segments of Mercedes Street and accompanying side streets. The results of the speed data review indicate that there is not a speeding issue along the downtown corridors. The collected volume data was used to evaluate entering volumes and prevailing speeds for the intersections of Mercedes Street/5th Street and Mercedes/41h Street. In addition to the data collection, a review of intersection characteristics and conditions was performed, which included an evaluation of sight distance, collision history, and completion of a multi -way stop warrant analysis at both intersections. An evaluation of sight distance was performed at the intersections of Mercedes Street/5th Street and Mercedes/4th Street. A minimum unobstructed sight distance of 155 feet is required for the posted 25 mph speed limit on Mercedes Street. The results of the evaluation are shown in the table below: Mercedes Street/5l Street Location Sight Distance Required Visibility (Posted 25 MPH) 5th Street (Eastbound) • Looking North 90' 155' • Looking South 140' 155' 5th Street (Westbound) • Looking North 115' 155' • Looking South 90, 155' Mercedes Street/4lh Street Location Sight Distance Required Visibility (Posted 25 MPH) 41h Street (Eastbound) • Looking North 90' 155' • Looking South 115' 155' 4th Street (Westbound) • Looking North 115' 155' • Looking South 115' 155' As shown, the visibility at the intersections of Mercedes Street/5th Street and Mercedes Street/5th Street does not meet required visibility for any side street movement for the posted speed limit. The reason for subpar sight visibility is due to parked cars on Mercedes Street. A review of the collision history for the three (3) year period from September 1, 2020 to September 30, 2023, indicates there were three (3) reported collisions at the intersection of Mercedes Street/51h Street. The accidents were property only damage accidents. A review of the collision history for the three (3) year period from September 1, 2020 to September 30, 2023, indicates there were two (2) reported collisions at the intersection of Mercedes Street/4th Street. The accidents were property only damage accidents. The Multi -Way Stop Sign Installation Policy for Residential Streets' warrant criteria was used to evaluate the need for multi -way stop signs at the intersection. The warrants allow for the installation of multi -way stop signs when the following conditions are satisfied: Minimum Traffic Volumes a. The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches is equal to or greater than three hundred (300) vehicles per hour for any eight (8) hours of an average day; and b. The combined vehicular volume and pedestrian volume from the minor street is equal to or greater than one hundred (100) per hour for the same eight (8) hours. 2. Collision History a. Three (3) or more reported collisions within a twelve (12) month period of a type susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. Such accidents include right and left -turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. 3. Roadway Characteristics a. The traffic volume on the uncontrolled street exceeds two thousand (2,000) vehicles per day, b. The intersection has four (4) legs, with the streets extending 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at least three (3) of the legs. c. The vehicular volumes on both streets are nearly equal to a forty/sixty percent (40/60%) split; and d. Both streets are 44 feet wide or narrower. Warrants for Minimum Traffic Volumes, Collision History and Roadway Characteristics must be met to justify the installation of a multi -way stop. Other criteria that may be considered when evaluating the need for multi -way stop signs include: 4. Visibility a. The intersections sight distance is less than: ■ 150 feet for 25 MPH ■ 200 feet for 30 MPH ■ 250 feet for 35 MPH 5. The need to control left -turn conflicts. 6. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, parks and activity centers. 7. The roadways and intersection appear on a Suggested Route to School plan. 8. There are no traffic signals or all -way stop controls located within 600 feet of the intersection. 9. The installation of multi -way stop signs is compatible with overall traffic circulation needs of the residential area. The multi -way stop warrant analysis performed found that the required Warrants 1, 2 & 3 were not satisfied and all -way stop controls are not justified at the intersection based on quantitative data. However, the policy does provide the flexibility to consider the need to control vehicle and pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as business districts, parks, and activity centers. During field reviews, staff noticed elevated amounts of pedestrian traffic throughout the day on Mercedes Street accessing City Hall, the Sam Hicks Memorial Park, and downtown businesses. These pedestrians typically crossed at random uncontrolled locations on Mercedes Street. The Policy also allows the consideration to control vehicle and pedestrian conflicts near locations where visibility constraints occur. Based on the review of the intersections under these criteria of high pedestrian activity combined with visibility constraints, staff has determined there is justification for all -way stop controls at the intersections of Mercedes Street/5a' Street and Mercedes Street/5tn For the locations of Mercedes Street/6th Street, Mercedes Street/5th Street, Mercedes Street/41h Street, Mercedes Street/3rd Street, staff recommends installation of striped pedestrian crosswalks to increase pedestrian visibility and safety. Implementation of these crosswalks may require installation of upgraded ADA compliant curb ramps but that will be completed on an as -needed basis and as funding becomes available. Staff recommends establishing all -way stop controls and striped pedestrian crosswalks at the intersections of Mercedes Street/5th Street and Mercedes Street/4th Staff also recommends installation of striped pedestrian crosswalks at the existing all -way stop intersections of Mercedes Street/6th Street and Mercedes Street/3ra FISCAL IMPACT: Minor cost associated with the recommended action. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Mercedes Crosswalk Views 3. Multi -Way Stop Warrant Analysis 4. Collision Summary Report RESOLUTION NO.2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ESTABLISHING AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF MERCEDES STREET AND 5TH STREET AND MERCEDES STREET AND 4TH STREET AND FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS EXEMPT FROM CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) UNDER SECTION 15301(C) OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council has considered the facts justifying the need for stop signs at the locations described in this resolution. A. The City Council hereby finds and determines the installation of the stop signs pursuant to this resolution will enhance public health, safety, and general welfare at the intersection. B. The City Council hereby finds the proposed stop signs will not create any adverse conditions in the area and the action is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15301(c) of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 2. Pursuant to Section 10.12.100 of the Temecula Municipal Code, the following All -Way Stop Intersection is hereby established in the City of Temecula: Mercedes Street and 5th Street Mercedes Street and 4th Street PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24th day of October, 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 24th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk / U) lok"r i I 7 u) liln •X It A1111111M I s - i 1b e I, MERCEDES STREET & SIXTH STREET MERCEDES STREET & FIFTH STREET r . - �►Ah w r•. Q ,-4 1 W. MERCEDES STREET &FOURTH STREET { 0.0 ■ b r .r . r rl► �r 4w t 1; 4# � i R r- i ww - m* W r MERCEDES STREET & THIRD STREET LEGEND MERCEDES STREET & MAIN STREET = PROPOSED BOLLARD = PROPOSED CURB RAMP IMPROVEMENT FUTURE BULB OUT LOCATIONS 4A a t nu Llt (� _ t l a !(• CLw• �! l • ' IIIIQ ca.EL ��' l!.- �7 [ a , T �`^ f1 ♦ » . - r �i .. �.. f ` V Alt► � �t� t+.' � 1�1�_► � � -71 C IL - T"#T—W UL on i., *dw 44:1, Qu " • " . �.r. .jam,.►• Y MERCEDES STREET CORRIDOR R a� -4 {i Ar !_ " t r. • wt - 7:� ft --- 20 10 0 20 40 80 SCALE: 1 "=20' MULTI -WAY STOP WARRANT (Residential Streets) Major Street: Mercedes Street Minor Street: 5th Street Critical Approach Speed 25 MPH Critical Approach Speed 25 MPH Wararnts 1, 2, and 3 Must Be Satisfied 1. Minimum Vehicular Volume Satisfied Yes No X� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 1 11:00 AM 12:00 PM1 1:00 PM1 2:00 PM1 3:00 PM1 4:00 PM1 5:00 PM1 6:00 PM1 Hour Total All Ap roaches 300 407 546 556 531 491 520 592 509 Combined Vehicular Ped Volume Minor Street 100 66 89 97 76 60 53 66 78 2. Collision History MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 3 OR MORE in 1 year period 2 Satisfied Yes No X� 3. Roadway Characteristics Satisfied (All Parts Below Must Be Satisfied) A. The traffic volume on the uncontrolled street exceeds two thousand (2,000) vehicles per day, B. The intersection has four (4) legs, with the streets extending 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at least three (3) of the legs, C. The vehicular volumes on both streets are nearly equal to a forty/sixty percent (40/60%) split, and D. Both streets are 44 feet wide or narrower. Options (Other Criteria That May Be Considered) 4. Visibility The intersection sight distance is less than: 155 feet for 25 MPH 200 feet for 30 MPH 250 feet for 35 MPH 5. The need to control left -turn conflicts. 6. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, parks and activity centers. 7. The roadways and intersection appear on a Suggested Route School plan. 8. There are no traffic signal or all -way stop controls located within 600 feet of the intersection. 9. The installation of multi -way stop signs is compatible with overall traffic circulation needs of the area. Yes No �X Yes No Yes No Yes No �X Yes No Satisfied Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No �X Yes No Yes No MULTI -WAY STOP WARRANT (Residential Streets) Major Street: Mercedes Street Minor Street: 4th Street Critical Approach Speed 25 MPH Critical Approach Speed 25 MPH Wararnts 1, 2, and 3 Must Be Satisfied 1. Minimum Vehicular Volume Satisfied Yes No X� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 1 11:00 AM 12:00 PM1 1:00 PM1 2:00 PM1 3:00 PM1 4:00 PM1 5:00 PM1 6:00 PM1 Hour Total All Ap roaches 300 369 507 518 493 465 489 576 489 Combined Vehicular Ped Volume Minor Street 100 77 99 97 83 74 70 77 65 2. Collision History MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 3 OR MORE in 1 year period 2 Satisfied Yes No X� 3. Roadway Characteristics Satisfied (All Parts Below Must Be Satisfied) A. The traffic volume on the uncontrolled street exceeds two thousand (2,000) vehicles per day, B. The intersection has four (4) legs, with the streets extending 600 feet or more away from the intersection on at least three (3) of the legs, C. The vehicular volumes on both streets are nearly equal to a forty/sixty percent (40/60%) split, and D. Both streets are 44 feet wide or narrower. Options (Other Criteria That May Be Considered) 4. Visibility The intersection sight distance is less than: 155 feet for 25 MPH 200 feet for 30 MPH 250 feet for 35 MPH 5. The need to control left -turn conflicts. 6. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes such as schools, parks and activity centers. 7. The roadways and intersection appear on a Suggested Route School plan. 8. There are no traffic signal or all -way stop controls located within 600 feet of the intersection. 9. The installation of multi -way stop signs is compatible with overall traffic circulation needs of the area. Yes No �X Yes No Yes No Yes No �X Yes No Satisfied Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No �X Yes No Yes No From 09/01 /2020 to 09/01 /2023 Total Collisions: 3 Injury Collisions: 0 Fatal Collisions: 0 MERCEDES ST & FIFTH ST TE210990247 04/09/2021 Sideswipe City of Temecula Public Works Traffic Division Collision Summary Report 22:12 Friday MERCEDES ST - FIFTH ST 91' Direction: NORTH Dark - Street Lig Clear Parked Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only Party 1 Driver NORT Making Left Turn Not Sta Age: LAND ROVER Veh Type: Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: None Apparent Party 2 Parked Vehicle Not S Parked Not Sta Age: 2017 SUBARU Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Party 3 Other Not S Other M Age: 27 Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: Other TE211990062 07/17/2021 21:00 Saturday MERCEDES ST - FIFTH ST Rear -End Parked Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 RANGE ROVER Not Stated CROSSTREK Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Not Stated Not Stated 0' Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only Party 1 Driver SOUT Other Unsafe Turning M Age: 66 1996 HARLEY DAVIDS MC Motorcycle Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent M/C Helmet Driver - Yes Not Stated Party 2 Parked Vehicle SOUT Parked Not Sta Age: 2020 HONDA CIVIC Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use TE221320285 05/12/2022 19:35 Thursday MERCEDES ST - FIFTH ST 58' Direction: SOUTH Dark - Street Lig Clear Rear -End Parked Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only Party 1 Driver SOUT Proceeding Straight U Age: 2001 FORD Veh Type: Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: None Apparent Party 2 Parked Vehicle SOUT Parked Not Sta Age: 2018 MAZDA Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Settings for Query: Street: MERCEDES ST Cross Street: FIFTH ST Intersection Related: True City: Temecula Sorted By: Date and Time RANGER Pickups & Panels Cell Phone Not In Use 6 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Cell Phone Not In Use 9/20/23 Page 1 of 1 Pty at FaultA # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Pty at FaultA # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Pty at Fault:1 # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 City of Temecula Public Works Traffic Division From 09/01 /2020 to 09/01 /2023 Total Collisions: 2 Collision Summary Report 9/20/23 Injury Collisions: 0 Fatal Collisions: 0 MERCEDES ST & FOURTH ST Page 1 of 1 TE213530113 12/19/2021 01:00 Sunday MERCEDES ST - FOURTH ST 110' Direction: NORTH Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at FaultA Rear -End Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver NORT Entering Traffic M Age: 2015 CHEVROLET Pickups & Panels Veh Type: Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: None Apparent Not Stated Party 2 Driver NORT Stopped In Road F Age: 30 2012 NISSAN JUKE Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Not Stated TE222940144 10/21/2022 14:51 Friday MERCEDES ST - FOURTH ST 0' Direction: Not Stated Daylight Clear Pty at FaultA Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver SOUT Making U Turn M Age: 29 2017 MAZDA MAZDA3 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver SOUT Proceeding Straight M Age: 50 2019 BMW Motorcycle Veh Type: Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent M/C Helmet Driver - Yes Cell Phone Not In Use Settings for Query: Street: MERCEDES ST Cross Street: FOURTH ST Intersection Related: True City: Temecula Sorted By: Date and Time Item No. 11 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Tract Map 38043 (Located on the South Side of Rancho California Road, Approximately 150 Feet West of Cosmic Drive) PREPARED BY: Ron Moreno, Assistant Director of Public Works Annie Bostre-Le, Public Works Development Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve Tract Map 38043 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval; and 2. Approve the Subdivision Monument Agreement with the Developer; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND: Tract Map 38043 have been approved for subdivision purposes. This subdivision combines eight (8) existing contiguous parcels into a single parcel. Securities have been posted for the monumentation as conditioned by the approval of the Tentative Tract Map at Planning Commission on November 12, 2020 and City Council on September 13, 2022. The property owner/developer, Rendezvous Multi -Family, LP, has met the terms of the Conditions of Approval for map recordation, and this Tract Map is in conformance with the approved Tentative Tract Map. The approval of a Subdivision Map, which substantially complies with the approved Tentative Tract Map, is a mandatory ministerial act under State law. All fees have been paid. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fees and Securities Report 2. Vicinity Map 3. Tract Map 38043 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT TRACT MAP 38043 Date: October 24, 2023 FAITHFUL LABOR & MATERIAL MONUMENTATION TRACT MAP PERFORMANCE SECURITY* SECURITY SECURITY* $0 $0 $3,200 38043 *Allpublic *All ehave public improvements been completed have been completed NUMBERED LOTS 1 22.82 ACRES GROSSINET OWNER'S STATEMENT WE HEREBY STATE THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN HEREON, THAT WE ARE THE ONLY PERSONS WHOSE CONSENT IS NECESSARY TO PASS A CLEAR TITLE TO SAID LAND, THAT WE CONSENT TO THE MAKING AND RECORDING OF THIS SUBDIVISION MAP AS SHOWN WITHIN THE DISTINC77VE BORDER LINE WE HEREBY DEDICATE ABUTTERS RIGHTS OF ACCESS ALONG RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD TO THE PUBLIC. THE OWNERS OF LOT 1 ABUTTING THIS HIGHWAY AND DURING SUCH 77ME WILL HAVE NO RIGHTS OF ACCESS EXCEPT THE GENERAL EASEMENT OF TRAVEL AND EXCEPT ONE 81.00 FOOT WIDE ACCESS OPENING AND ONE 24.75 FOOT WIDE ACCESS OPENING. ANY CHANGE OF ALIGNMENT OR WOTH THAT RESULTS IN THE VACATION THEREOF SHALL TERMINATE THIS DEDICATION AS TO THE PART VACATED. RENDEZVOUS MULTI -FAMILY, LP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, WHO ACQUIRED 777LE AS TEMECULA VILLAGES DEVELOPMENT, C.P., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY. NAME.MALCOLM J WINER ITS GENERAL PARTNER BENEFICIARY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., BENEFICIARY UNDER DEEDS OF TRUST RECORDED JULY 30, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NOs. 2021-0458305 AND 2021-0458306, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. BY., NAME WILLIAM DRAM1S TITLE. EXECIJ77VE DIRECTOR NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public r o other officer completing this certificate verifiesonly the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF COUNTY OF ON BEFORE ME, I A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WTHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER17HEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(LES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WRIESS MY HAND: MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MY COMMISSION NUMBER (NAME PRINTED) IN IRE C17Y OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT MAP NO. 38043 BEING A SUBDIWSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. 31023 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAP$ TOGETHER W7H PARCELS A' 8' AND 'C' OF LOT LINE AD.AISTMENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING, INC. SEPTEMBER, 2021 ��C�IL7 FL7l.'7��7,7F1t�GP. Fi THE SIGNATURE(S) OF THE PARTIES LISTED BELOW, OWNER(S) OF THE EASEMENTS PER DOCUMENTS NOTED BELOW HAVE BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436 SUBSECTION (0)(3)(A)(i)(C) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT. THEIR INTERESTS ARE SUCH THAT THEY CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE 777LE AND SAID SIGNATURES ARE NOT REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNING BODY. SOUTHERN SIERRAS POWER COMPANY, HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT FOR POLE LINES, CONDUITS OR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1928 IN BOOK 745, PAGE 488, OF DEEDS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES DEDICATED SHOWN ON TRACT NO. 3334 FILED IN MAP BOOK 54, PAGES 25 THROUGH 30, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT FOR SLOPES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON MARCH 28, /966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 32228 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DOCUMENTS DECLARING MODIFICATIONS THEREOF RECORDED JULY 29, 1966 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 7778J AND SEPTEMBER 22 1967 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 83702 AND FEBRUARY 2, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 10277 AND NOVEMBER 7, 1969 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. I14394 AND MARCH 4, 1971 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 21822 AND ✓ANUARY 6, 1972 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2158, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT FOR SLOPES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED APRIL 8, 1966 AS DOCUMENT NO. 37051, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE 10' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 10, 2006, AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2006-0104297, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF TEMECULA, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP DETECTORS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP NO. J102J FILED IN BOOK 216 PAGES 80 AND 81, OF PARCEL MAPS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTIL177ES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 07, 20OZ AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2007-0091906, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON JUNE 28, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2019-0235421, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HOLDER IF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC U77LI77ES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO 2019-0380080, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE 70' WIDE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AN INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 01, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2079-0445742, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC., A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HOLDER OF A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC U77LI77ES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 21, 2020, AS DOCUMENT NO. 2020-0080796, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ABANDONMENT NOTE PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 66434(G) AND 66499.20 112 OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THE APPROVAL AND RECORDATION OF THIS TRACT MAP CONSTITUTES THE ABANDONMENT OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC EASEMENTS: THE EASEMENTS DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR PUBLIC U77LITY PURPOSES, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP 3102J AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAPS RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDER SEE SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS RECORDERS STATEMENT SHEET 1 of 6 SHEETS FILED THIS ___ DAY OF ______, 2023 AT ____M. IN BOOK ___ OF MAPS AT PAGES _____ AT THE REQUEST OF THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA NO. _---_---__--_ FEE. PETER ALDANA, ASSESSOR - COUNTY CLERK - RECORDER BY.. DEPUTY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE.. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SURVEYORS STATEMENT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS BASED UPON A FIELD SURVEY IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCE AT THE REQUEST OF RENDEZVOUS MULTI -FAMILY LP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP IN SEPTEMBER, 2021. I HEREBY STATE THAT ALL MONUMENTS ARE OF THE CHARACTER AND OCCUPY THE POSITIONS INDICATED, OR WILL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE MONUMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE MAP, AND THAT SAID MONUMENTS ARE, OR WILL BE, SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO BE RETRACED. I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS FINAL MAP SUBSTAN77ALLY CONFORMS TO THE APPROVED OR CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP, IF ANY. THIS SURVEY IS TRUE AND COMPLETE AS SHOWN. DATE JAKE W. LAPPERT, C.S. 9303 EXPIRES 091JO12024 CITY ENGINEERS STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT THIS MAP CONSISTING OF SIX (6) SHEETS HAS BEEN EXAMINED BY ME OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND FOUND TO BE SUBSTAN77ALLY THE SAME AS IT APPEARED ON THE TENARIvE MAP OF TRACT MAP NO. J8043 AS FILED AND BEING APPROVED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2022, THE EXPIRATION DATE BEING SEPTEMBER 13, 2025, THAT ALL THE PROVISIONS OF APPLICABLE STATE LAW AND THE CITY REGULA77ONS HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH AND THAT I AM SATISFIED THAT THIS MAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT DATED THIS DAY OF KRIS R. WNCHAK, PLS 6240 AS DELIGA TED CITY OF TEMECULA 2023. LAND s F o FOR PATRICK A. THOMAS, CITY ENGINEER, P 6- CITY CLERKS STATEMENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BY ITS CITY CLERK, RANDI ✓OHC HEREBY APPROVES THIS PARCEL MAP. WE HEREBY ACCEPT THE ABUTTERS RIGHTS OF ACCESS ALONG RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AS DEDICATED. DATED: , 202J RANDI JOHL CITY CLERK, CITY OF TEMECULA TAX COLLECTORS CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CER77FY THAT ACCORDING TO THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE, AS OF THIS DATE, THERE ARE NO LIENS AGAINST THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE WITHIN MAP FOR UNPAID STATE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES, EXCEPT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOW A LIEN, BUT NOT YET PAYABLE, WHICH ARE ES77MA TED TO BE $ . DATED: , 2023 MATTHEW JENNINGS, COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY.. DEPUTY TAX BOND CERTIFICATE l HEREBY CERTIFY IHAT A BOND IN THE SUM OF $ HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND FILED WITH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, COIVDI770NED UPON THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, STATE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, OR LOCAL, AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES, WHICH AT THE TIME OF FILING OF THIS MAP WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER ARE A LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY BUT NOT YET PAYABLE AND SAID BOND HAS BEEN DULY APPROVED BY SAID BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. DATED: 202J CASH OR SURETY BOND MATTHEW JENNINGS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR BY. DEPUTY PROJECTED SECTION 6, L 8S, R. 2W. IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF MWRS/DE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT MAP NO. 38043 BEING A SUBDIWSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. 31023 AS SHOW BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAP$ TOGETHER IWTH PARCELS A' 8' AND 'C' OF LOT LINE AD,R/STMENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING INC. SENEMBER, 2021 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifiesonly the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy. or validity of that document. STATE OF COUNTY OF ON BEFORE ME, I A NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IFS), AND THAT BY HTS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURE(S) ON THE INSTRUMENT THE PERSON(S), OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT WITNESS MY HAND: SIGNATURE MY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS IN COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MY COMMISSION NUMBER (NAME PRINTED) S'i T7 7 OF 6 3071� 1�1 SURVEYORS NOTES THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, CCS83, ZONE 6, BASED LOCALLY ON CONTROLS STATIONS P584; BILL" AND P474" NAD 83 (NSRS2011) EPOCH 2010.0 AS SHOWN HEREON. ALL BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE GRID. QUOTED BEARINGS AND DISTANCES FROM REFERENCE MAPS OR DEEDS ARE SHOWN PER THAT RECORD REFERENCE ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE GRID DISTANCES, MAY BE OBTAINED BY MULTIPLYING THE GROUND DISTANCE BY A COMBINATION FACTOR OF 0.9999106 .9999106774792254. CALCULA77ONS ARE MADE AT %P140" (MONUMENT (]) WITH COORDINATES OF..- N: 2,129,829.44, E.-6,292,57296, USING AN ELEVA77ON OF 1,105.54. ALL MONUMENTS ARE SET PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE 461.10. TOTAL ACREAGE WITHIN THE DISR/NC77VE BORDER IS 22.82 ACRES, GROSS. ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN SET" SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MONUMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE MAP. • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED IN THE FOUND MONUMENT DESCRIPTIONS. ❑ SET 2" LP. W/ TAG 7.S. 9303" OR SPIKE AND WASHER TAGGED 'L.S 9303" OR LEAD, TACK AND TAG STAMPED "L.S 9303" FLUSH. O SET GEAR SPIKE AND WASHER TAGGED 15. 9303" FLUSH INDICATES FIGS. CO.R.S. BASE STA 7ION AS NOTED. (..J RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD DATA AS NOTED. M&R MEASURE DATA AND RECORD DATA ARE THE SAME RI RECORD DATA PER PARCEL MAP 31023 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81, OF PARCEL MAPS R2 RECORD DATA PER CORNER RECORD 1D-0689. R3 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 8369-1 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 97, PAGES 22 THROUGH 29, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS. R4 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 12189-7 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 135, PACES 12 THROUGH 14, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS. R5 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 3334 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 54, PAGES 25 THROUGH 30, INCLUSIVE OF MAPS. SIN SEARCHED FOR MONUMENT, FOUND NOTHING RAD RADIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET AFFEC77NG THIS MAP IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, CITY OF TEMECULA, IN ECS BOOK T PAGE 427 . THIS AFFECTS ALL LOTS. IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS TRACT MAP NO. 38043 N 2P598, 269,135 E 6, 348, 73Z 97 BEING A SUBDIWSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. 31023 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAP$ TOGETHER INTH PARCELS A' 9' AND 'C' OF LOT LINE AD,R/STMENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING INC. SEPMMBER, 2021 CPS CONTROL DIAGRAM 112136 // l I / CONWRGE ANGLE AT POINT (D CP140 � = I titi / 19 69l / o CP740 i I / N 2,129, 829.44 E 6,292,572.96 CP32 2 RANCHO CALIF IAA _ N 2,129, 449. 75 / _ / \ E 6,290, 336.25/ / O \/ � I TRACT MAP NO. 38043 v \ �� / 1XI 5- _ LOT 1 a 03 (GR� \ \ 660T8. \ Ns?7 Ri \o ---------J`------- — — — — — N357015"E 98, 686.8T (GRID) BILL — — N 2,154, 994.96 E 6, 373, 564.76 P474 N 2,074,J24.58 E 6,256,718.86 NOTES SEE SHEET 3 FOR GPS CONTROL DIAGRAM, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTE, AND VICINITY MAP SEE SHEET 5 FOR EASEMENT "C; "D" AND "G" DETAIL AND EASEMENT NOTES SEE SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS AND LINE AND CURVE DATA TABLES vp) I ESTABLISHEDSFN BY I / 1 / A=T42'24�R= HOLDING R5 DATA (RAD) IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF R74£RS/DE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT MAP NO. 38043 BEING A SUBDIWSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO.. 31023 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAP$ TOGETHER IWTH PARCELS A' 9' AND 'C' OF LOT LINE AD,R/67MENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING INC. SEP7EMBER, 2021 BOUNDARY ESTABLISHMENT LOT DETAIL AND EASEMENT DETAIL 24.75' ACCESS OPENING V ESTABLISHED BY "' �^N81'16'42 E 658.77' (M&l HOLDING R1 RECORD DATA 551.86' T 1 \�2 FOUND MONUMENT DESCRIPTIONS O1 FOUND RAM SET (NAIL) IN TOP OF CURB, PER R2, FLUSH. O2 FOUND LEAD, TACK AND TAG STAMPED "LS 6970 TIE" IN TOP OF CURB, PER R2, RUSH. O3 FOUND RAM SET NAIL IN TOP OF CURB, NO REFERENCE, RUSH. ® FOUND GEAR SPIKE AND WASHER STAMPED LS 6970", PER OR 10-069Q RUSH. OS FOUND 1 1/4" IRON PIPE TAGGED "IS 316J", PER R4, DOWN 1.0' © FOUND 3/4" IRON PIPE TAGGED R.OE 20508, PER R3, DOWN 0.K O7 FOUND 2" IRON PIPE TAGGED PC, 20508", PER RI, DOWN 0.5'. SURVEYORS NOTES THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM COS83, ZONE 6, BASED LOCALLY ON CONTROLS STA77ONS P584; BILL" AND "P474" NAD 83 (NSRS2011) EPOCH 2010.0 AS SHOWN HEREON. ALL BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE GRID. QUOTED BEARINGS AND DISTANCES FROM AS MAPS OR DEEDS ARE SHOWN PER THAT RECORD REFERENCE. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND DISTANCES UNLESS SPECIFIED OIHERNISE. GRID DISTANCES, MAY BE OBTAINED BY MULTIPLYING THE GROUND DISTANCE BY A COMBINATION FACTOR OF 0.9999106774792254. CALCULATIONS ARE MADE AT "CP140" (MONUMENT ( ) WITH COORDINA 7ES OF.- N. 2,129,829.44, E. Q292,57296, USING AN ELEVA 77ON OF 1,10554. ALL MONUMENTS ARE SET PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE 461.70. TOTAL ACREAGE W9THIN THE DISIINC77VE BORDER IS 22.82 ACRES GROSS. ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN "SET" SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE W97H 7HE MONUMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE MAP. • FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED IN THE FOUND MONUMENT DESCRIPTIONS. ❑ SET 2" LP. W/ TAG "L.S. 9303" OR SPIKE AND WASHER TAGGED "LS 930J" OR LEAD, TACK AND TAG STAMPED "L.S 9303" FLUSH O SET GEAR SPIKE AND WASHER TAGGED "LS 9303" FLUSH n INDICATES N.G.S. CO.R.S. BASE STATION AS NOTED. (-) RECORD OR CALCULATED FROM RECORD DATA AS NOTED. lllL INDICATES RESTRICTED ACCESS M&R MEASURE DATA AND RECORD DATA ARE THE SAME R1 RECORD DATA PER PARCEL MAP 31023 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81, OF PARCEL MAPS R2 RECORD DATA PER CORNER RECORD 10-0689. R3 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 8369-1 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 97, PAGES 22 THROUGH 29, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS R4 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 72189-7 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 135, PAGES 72 THROUGH 14, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS R5 RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO.. 3334 AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 54, PAGES 25 THROUGH J0, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS SFN SEARCHED FOR MONUMENT, FOUND NOTHING BAD RADIAL ¢ RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD N81'16'42'E 1732.01' (M&R1) ^1,1--SEE DE'A'F ON SHEET B "0 1 1 9r� L20 11 ooa r s❑ 11 1 � 1 1�� 1 IIzU 1 �1 1 N 1 eQ' i N817552 E / //,\- SEE DISTAL OF EASEMENT © AAD / ON SHEET 5 -81.00' ACCESS OPENING gE DETAI C' ON SHEET s N8176'47 E 333. 15' G I I ' � w I � � N1----------� h LOT 1 22.82 ACRES ❑A 10' SHTTT 4 OF 6 SHEETS m �A 10' ~ 6� , , , o / __ ----------------- --- -- --- - - -- --- 199.05' (199.01' R) \ \ T 1001.25' (1001.40' Rif 1 N79'43'55"E 120GJO' (M&Ri) (1200.41' RI) \\ 6 I �0' 42 / 2B 41 40 S7 I 87 TRACTN0.89-1 27 \ 28 22 ,,9 to 43 1 I M.d 97122-29 �0. 100' 500' III�,.7V N too' 200' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 INCH = 100 FT NOTES SEE SHEET 3 FOR GPS CONTROL DIAGRAM, ENNRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTE, AND VICINITY MAP SEE SHEET 4 FOR BOUNDARY ESIABLISHMENL LOT DETAIL AND EASEMENT DETAILS SEE SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS AND LINE AND CURVE DATA TABLES EASEMENT NOTES �A 7N0ICA TES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SHOWN OR DEDICATED ON TRACT N0. J334, FILED IN BOOK 54, PAGES 25 THROUGH 3Q INCLUSIVE OF MAPS. �B INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP DETECTORS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SHOWN OR DEDICATED ON PARCEL MAP NO. 31023, FILED IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81, OF PARCEL MAPS. © INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES DEDICATED ON PARCEL MAP NO.. 31023, FILED IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81, OF PARCEL MAPS. �D INDICATES AN EASEMENT FOR PRIVATE DRIVEWAY AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES SHOWN AND RETAINED BY PARCEL OWNERS ON PARCEL MAP NO.. 31023, FILED IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAPS. �E INDICATES AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 7 2007 AS DOCUMENT N0. 2007-0091906, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. �F INDICATES AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC CORPORATION, FOR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 28, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2019-0235421, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. © INDICATES AN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO 2019-0380030, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN SIERRAS POWER COMPANY FOR POLE LINES, CONDUITS, OR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1928 IN BOOK 745, PAGE 488, OF DEEDS. A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT FOR SLOPES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED MARCH 28, 1966 AS DOCUMENT NO. 32228, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. DOCUMENTS DECLARING MODIFICATIONS THEREOF RECORDED JULY 29, 1966 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 77783 AND SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 AS DOCUMENT NO. 83702 AND FEBRUARY 2, 1968 AS DOCUMENT NO. 10277 AND NOVEMBER 7, 1969 AS DOCUMENT NO. 114394 AND MARCH 4, 1971 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 21822 AND JANUARY 6, 1972 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2158, ALL OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. - A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF COUNTY OF RIVERISDE, FOR SLOPES AT A RA770 OF 1.5. 1 AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED APRIL 8, 1966 AS DOCUMENT NO. 37051, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. - A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF 50UTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, FOR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 10, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2006-0104297, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS - A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENT ENTITLED "EASEMENT AND MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT" RECORDED MAY 29, 2008 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2008-0292414, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. - A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, FOR PIPELINES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 1, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO.. 2019-0445742, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS - A NON-PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF FRONTIER CALIFORNIA, INC. A CORPORATION, FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 21, 2020 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2020-0080766, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. - A NON -PLOTTABLE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF FRONTIER CALIFORNIA, INC. A CORPORATION, FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 21, 2020 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2020-0080796, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN THE C17Y OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRACT MAP NO. 38043 BEFOG A SU90I14SION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. 31023 AS SHORN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAPS TOGETHER 07H PARCELS , 9' AND -C- OF LOT LINE ADIJSTMENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFRCAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFACE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING ING SEPMMBER, 2021 EASEMENT ©, ❑D AND © DETAIL 24.32' RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD �N8176"42"E 658.77" (M&R1) � � N817642"E 19426' (M&Rl) 55166 (M&R1) 10691 Cl 1� �1 (M&R7) D 1 24' 'r LOT 1 22.82 ACRES o O1�ti N I, ry ;ti DETAIL G' IDREDN C , 0 N257'17"W_ ?4, 26.91' N2 58'29 E 12.19' N253_7'10"W \ PQ Q tiy� SEE DETAIL 'M�\`j FEIM---fffHHH LOT 1 22.82 ACRES' / 8 3 �7___85' h p'll • 11� m I a1y -- llII a N8702'.5 0' , 6 m DETAIL 0' i° h SCALE: 1"=70' I 2 0y' '?q 6.57, N57'1246"W 4 d8 6.17' D` 90.002 O 50' R'l 63 DETAIL H' 0 0' , SCALE: 1"=10' SEE DETAIL V IERIEW SEE DETAIL 'r d-90 p0'00" HEEON T7=T2.50' ❑ I L=19.63' __*_ �____N87_O2 43 E_ 231.9T �a1 ti�"ti © 6' N5d50 --N870243'E-= 247..69, ------------- 1, DETAIL l' SCALE. 1"=10' \ _ SLE DETAIL 7" I-" HEREON 'ii ih 2 N30 d9 d4.W / \ I 1 N879'44"W 29.29' T r N81'40'76 E 300' _ £ _N8_75610%N (PRc� 5 L III o ' 1111� o LOT 1 22.82 ACRES �,r 3 N334652"W 20.67' V /� R 9gSB�0` !op 5p, I� \ ` j?,Soso \p2do35 N89'52'13'E 39.03' 1 J 1 SEE DETAILHEIM b 1 pp, SHEET 5 OF 6 SHEETS (M&RI) u3Ts' - DETAIL U' SCALE 1"=20' N879'44 N81'Yb'"f 50' 11' 22'© �N 05r"S' 1.50' i I SCALE. I„ 10, N61 641 W o v N893924 W L 50 j-'I 22' W I p. I 2 N000'36 E------__ 549' `v� N89S974JIN 50' N7722'72"W DETAIL 'f SCALE: 1"-10' N I 60' 30' 0' 60' 120' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 INCH = 60 FT IN THE CTY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RI4ER.9DE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 6 OF 6 SHEETS NOTES TRACT MAP NO. 38043 SEE SHEET 3 FOR GPS CONTROL DIAGRAM, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTE, AND VICINITY MAP SEE SHEET 4 FOR BOUNDARY ESTABLISHMENT, PARCEL DETAIL AND EASEMENT DETAILS BEING A SUBDI NSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. 31023 AS SHOW BY MAP ON SEE SHEET 5 FOR EASEMENT "C, FILE "0" AND "G" E IN BOOK 216, PAGE'S 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAPS TOGETHER W7H PARCELS A' B- AND -C- OF DETAIL AND EASEMENT NOTES LOT LINE ADJJSTMENT NO. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFRCAL RECORDS BOTH IN THE OFTTCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERINQ ING SEPMMBER, 2021 DETAILS RECORD DATA (85.00' R2) RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD 31� (81.75' R2) CIS (8300' R2) L9 2� 26. 35, C2 (70.91' R2) 4=6'S9'06" N81764 &R i L=2350' 19426'(M&R1) M&Rl) CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH RECORD DATA LOT I Cl 926S2" 168.75' 2783' (M&Rl) 22.82 ACRES 3' N (M&R1) F 2 (M&R1) C2 926S2" 192.75' 31.78' (M&RI) 2i (M&R1) N (M&RI) DETAIL 'A' � n SCALE 1"=10' N817642E 2799' LI M&R1) M&Rl) M&Rl) M&R1) M&RI) M&R1) DETAIL C' }I (M&RI) SCALE 1"=20' RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD N817642"E 33315' (M&R)) 28.00' 38.12------------------------------- --------------------------------- T ❑��n w 100' y h g 216' N N LOT 1 3 22.82 ACRES nN z u II LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE Li N062638 E 84.95' L2 N427T12"E 81.61' L3 N317124"W 8294' L4 N3520'38'E 70.86' LS N08'43'18"W 5500' L6 N487947W 5580' L7 N1359"01"W 4336' L8 N08'43'18"W 5500' L9 N897fi 26"W 31.05' L70 N53'42'14"W 32.B0' L71 N8178'S0"E 40.50' L72 N087944"W 10.45' L73 N8178'50"E 4050' C14 N367T46E 32.25' L75 N81'1642"E 5506' Lib N76'13"18"W 26.13' L17 N81'1642"E 6251' L18 N5846'42 E 26.13' L19 N087944"W 31.91' L20 N817642"E 81.00' L21 N087944"W 42.31' L24 N11 b4'06'E 6306' L25 N087944W 18.50' L26 N814076"E 2.08' L27 N364076"E 16.46' L2B N187939"f 11.64' L29 N7130'01"W 14.00' ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET rip)i 1 O 3 C .� v Lti 1 I ESTABLISHED LB \ 1 SFN 4000.00' L=538.03" (M&R5) j A=7•g2'24" R - HOLDING R5 DATA _ SFN ESTABLISHED BY _ d N162542"W HOLDING RI RECORD DATA w(BAD) 2 I z ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTES i THIS PROPERTY IS LOCA7ED WTHIN 30 MILES OF MOUNT PALOMAR OBSERVATORY. ALL PROPOSED OU7DOOR LIGH77NG SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WTH THE CALIFORNIA 1NSUTU7E OF TECHNOLOGY, PALOMAR OBSERVATORY RECOMMENDATIONS ORDINANCE N0. 655 IN THE CITY OF TEAIECULA, COUNTY OF RlwR9DE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET TRACT MAP NO. 38043 BEING A SUBDIWSION OF PARCELS 1, 5, 6, 7 AND 8, OF PARCEL MAP NO. J1023 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 216, PAGES 80 AND 81 OF PARCEL MAP. TOGETHER WTH PARCELS A ; B" AND "C' OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.. PA06-0264 RECORDED MARCH 28, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2007-0208998, OF OFFICIAL RECORD$ B07H IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY DRC ENGINEERING, INC. SEPTEMBER, 2021 BOUNDARY ESTABLISHMENT, PARCEL DETAIL AND EASEMENT DETAIL m 24.75' ACCESS OPENING 81.00' ACCESS OPENING RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD SEE DErAL c' = O N817642"t 713201' (M&R7) ON ShEET B q N817642"E 658.77'(M&R7) h �� m (M&R7) �_ J "' "' N81'1642E 33315' (M&R7) —�J 1 h W 551.86' (M&R1) N8176'42"E 114.21' `, 106 i 7A J L7 L77 I ......... SEE DETAL 1 1 QV SFfET B I 28 1 z 1 y� L20 G 1----------� -1 --- H 1 1 - N 11 1 ❑A 10' - - - 1 -� 1 v N817552E 39.98' 0 ' SEE DETAL OF EASEMENT © AND ❑0 O1 N 2 / ON SHEET 5 3 •• 22.82 ACRES i l �A 10' A 0 , ' o o i ' ____ 40'R3) 100L25' (1001.A , 1 I 1 N79'43'S5"E 1200.30' (M&Ri) (1200.41' R3) \ 6 I ��• 1 38 27 26 41 337 N. A „p e, I � 43 42 �0• 10050' a' oo' 200' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 INCH = 100 FT Item No. 12 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Receive and File Temporary Street Closures for 2023 Winterfest Events PREPARED BY: Anissa Sharp, Management Assistant Ron Moreno, Assistant Director of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the temporary closure of certain streets for the following 2023 Winterfest Events: HOLIDAY DECORATION INSTALLATION SANTA' S ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE TEMECULA ON ICE NEW YEAR'S EVE GRAPE DROP BACKGROUND: Four special events are scheduled between November 2023 and January 2024 which necessitates the physical closure of all or portions of certain streets within the Old Town area and other streets throughout Temecula. These closures are necessary for event operation as well as to protect participants and viewers. The four events and associated street closures are as follows: 1) HOLIDAY DECORATION INSTALLATION — November loth The Holiday Decoration Installation will take place Friday, November 1 Oth in Old Town Temecula with street closures scheduled as follows: Main Street from the easterly driveway edge of 28636 Old Town Front Street at Be Good Restaurant to Mercedes Street 7:00 a.m. on Friday, November loth to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 1 Oth Street closures for the Holiday Decoration Installation event are shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2) SANTA'S ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE — December 1st The Santa's Electric Light Parade event will be held Friday, December I` at 7:00 p.m. along Old Town Front Street. Traffic will be detoured around the event via Public Works traffic control signage and Police personnel with street closures as follows: 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 30th Main Street to Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street 12:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 2nd 8:00 a.m. on Friday, December 1st Main Street to Old Town Front Street to Pujol Street 12:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 2nd Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Sixth Street, Main Friday, December 1 st Street 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mercedes Street to Murrieta Creek Old Town Front Street Friday, December 1st Rancho California Road to Santiago Road 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Old Town Front Street Friday, December 1st Santiago Road to 28964 Old Town Front Street 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. First Street/Santiago Road Friday, December 1st Pujol Street to C Street 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday, December Pt Del Rio Road 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday, December Pt Las Haciendas Street 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday, December 1 st Calle Cortez 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Jefferson Avenue Friday, December 1st Southbound traffic from Overland Drive to Via 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Montezuma Jefferson Avenue Friday, December 1st Northbound traffic from Rancho California Road to Overland Drive 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Jefferson Avenue Friday, December V Southbound traffic from Via Montezuma to 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Rancho California Road Rancho California Road Friday, December V Old Town Front Street to Diaz Road 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Street closures for Santa's Electric Light Parade event are shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 3) TEMECULA ON ICE — December 141h to January 71h (The Annual Holiday Season Ice Skating Rink in Old Town) The annual Temecula On Ice holiday ice skating rink at the Town Square Park will be open for public use from Thursday, December 14, 2023 to Sunday, January 7, 2024. The actual duration of the road closures will be from Tuesday, December 5, 2023 to Friday, January 12, 2024. These additional days will allow for set-up and take -down of the temporary ice-skating rink. It is necessary to close Mercedes Street during this period for the safety and protection of pedestrians crossing Mercedes Street from the parking structure and other parking areas across Mercedes Street. The street closures necessary are as follows: Main Street 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 5th from the easterly driveway edge of to 28636 Old Town Front Street at Be Good Restaurant to Mercedes Street 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 121h Mercedes Street 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 5th Third Street to Fourth Street to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 121h Street closures for the Temecula On Ice event are shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 4) NEW YEAR'S EVE GRAPE DROP — December 31st The annual New Year's Eve Grape Drop will be held Sunday, December 31St at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center with street closures scheduled as follows: Main Street 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 31st, 2023 Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street to 1:30 a.m. on Monday, January 1st, 2024 Mercedes Street 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 31", 2023 to Third Street to Fourth Street 1:30 a.m. on Monday, January 1st, 2024 Street closures for the New Year's Eve Grape Drop event are shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Street closures are allowed by the California Vehicle Code upon approval by the local governing body for certain conditions. Under Vehicle Code Section 21101, "Regulation of Highways," local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution for, among other instances, "temporary closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes, when, in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction, the closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing." Chapter 12.12 of the Temecula Municipal Code, Parades and Special Events, provides standards and procedures for special events on public streets, highways, sidewalks, or public right of way and authorizes the City Council or City Manager to temporarily close streets, or portions of streets, for these events. FISCAL IMPACT: The costs of police services, as well as services provided by the City Public Works Maintenance Division (for providing, placing and retrieving of necessary warning and advisory devices), are appropriately budgeted within the City's operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A — Winterfest Road Closures 2023: Holiday Decoration Installation, Temecula On Ice and New Year's Eve Grape Drop 2. Exhibit B — Santa's Electric Light Parade Road Closures 2023 Winterfest Road Closures 2023 Exhibit A IT ' Mercedes St ,r r*s . rn .. s � � rt. � �.� ������ . xr• . ¢ . ' rr, n- y. .:� Y � ' Y._ �. = _ - ` r r .••-. �Ti?jllkrn ! r . . W rr'�rr rr:' A" IT Fourth St I _ � , i 1 E F '_ r,.. .. Third St Main St Second St t 4r Winterfest Events `ems �+ HolidayDecoration Installation F° November 10th ��` k`PhD ti- f,, Temecula on Ice December 5th - January 12th - ., ,�,�,� :Y-x-= �.•�, r r qlr ti +a4 New Year's Eve Grapedrop` _ '' .` -A December 31 st -January 1st 28636 Old Town Front St ,.'r f Old Town Front St ry nr r ■ 5 �Or. .'L Y �' .iFr� f `4 n Overlanc ,rF7 Winchester Rd i y� Road Closure (SB) 2 - 10 PM - 1211 Road Closure (SB) 4 - 11 PM, 12/1 Road Closure (NB) 5 - 9 PM, 12/1 Road Closure 4 - 10 PM, 12/1 ra. Road Closure 7 - 9 PM, 12/1 Santa's Electric Light Parade 2023 Road Closures Exhibit B Page 1 of 2 Santa's Electric Light Parade 2023 Road Closures Exhibit B Rancho California Road Moreno St Mercedes St 5.. - ' : � � �"• ••, +Main St C St . Q CL Cn Cn jr Santiago Rd Old Town Front St _ _ �"----- 1st St y PujoI St . 5 dip- Road Closure 8 AM on 12/1 to ' ~ 5 w 12 AM on 12/2 Road Closure 7 AM on 11/30 to 12 AM on 12/2 Road Closure 7 - 10 PM, 12/1 `'.# .,- * 28964 Old Town Front St �w Road Closure 7 - 11 PM, 12/1 Road Closure 6 - 10 PM, 12/1 r: - 4 s' Page 2 of 2 Item No. 13 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER at 6:44 PM: President James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Brown (absent), Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS -None CSD CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Brown absent): Motion by Alexander, Second by Kalfus. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Brown absent. 12. Approve Action Minutes of September 26, 2023 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of September 26, 2023. CSD PUBLIC HEARING 13. Annrove Ratification of Election Results for Tract Man Numbers 37341 and 37341-17. within Sommers Bend, to Service Level B (Residential Street Lights) Rates and Charges (Located East of Butterfield Stage Road and North of Long Valley Wash) Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 2023-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY TO SERVICE LEVEL B - RESIDENTIAL STREET LIGHTING Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Brown absent): Motion by Schwank, Second by Kalfus. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Brown absent. Tabulation of votes that were cast resulted in favor of the Annexation of Property to Service Level B - 95 in support and 0 opposed. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT At 6:52 PM, the Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 4:30 PM for a Closed Session, with a regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. James Stewart, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Item No. 14 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Erica Russo, Director of Community Services DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Revised Community Services Department Policies PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Superintendent RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the revised Community Services Department policies. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula has seen tremendous growth over the past thirty-three years and the Community Services Department programs, activities, events, and/or facilities have grown to keep pace with the community. Many of the Department policies and guidelines need to be reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the Department's operations. Staff has reviewed and revised the following policies, with the concurrence of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Subcommittee (ZS/JS) at the October 10, 2023 noticed meeting, and recommends that Council approve them. The revisions are summarized here: D Contracted Service Recreation Classes and Activities - This policy allows the Community Services Department (CSD) to seek unique ways to offer the community a variety of recreation and leisure classes and activities by contracting with experienced instructors with expertise in a variety of different fields. Historically, the instructor receives 70% of all registration fees collected and the remaining 30% is retained by the City to offset costs associated with administration and marketing, which is the norm among public agencies in the area. This policy codifies this arrangement, and formalizes that The Director or his/her designee will now have discretion to adjust this fee as necessary for specialized and/ or subsidized programs, as we currently do for specialty low-cost programs such as Senior fitness classes. ➢ Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues - The rapid growth of youth and adult sports programs continues to create a high demand for athletic fields and facilities in excess of those available. This policy defines the criteria for recognition of a sports program for the purposes of field allocation. Within the policy revisions staff modified Season 2 penalties to include language for organizations to regain full field allocation status. D Athletic Field Reservation and Use - This policy provides the framework for reserving and using sports fields and facilities in order to provide Temecula residents with accessible, affordable and high -quality sports activities. Included in the policy are Regulations, Process for Recognized Youth Leagues including Field Reservation Process and Season Priority, Process for Rentals and General Field Use Information. In addition language was added for defining Camps and Clinics, clarifying who is responsible for placing and removing temporary fence, adding The Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend and the permit process for Opening and Closing Day ceremonies. City Rentals Facility Use - This policy outlines the guidelines for reserving a meeting space at a City facility including User Group Classifications, Security Deposits, Insurance Requirements, Room Set-up, Reservation Procedures, Use Conditions and Limitations and Restrictions. As the City continues to grow and demand for rental space increases, TCSD is consolidating rentals to one Rentals Supervisor, adjusting the User Group Classifications so they are uniform at all facilities, and adjusting the Frequency of Use as demand continues to grow. D Town Square Park - When we opened City Hall in 2010 the vision was to develop and/or relocate events to the area in front of City Hall known as Town Square Park to help revitalize Old Town. Over the past 20+ years use of this event space has grown and new policy is now needed to provide guidelines for use of Town Square Park. The new policy addresses the areas of Use for City and City Co -Sponsored Events, Event Space Footprint, Vendor Placement, Road Closures and Insurance. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contracted Service Recreation Classes and Activities Policy 2. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues Policy 3. Athletic Field Reservation and Use Policy 4. City Rentals Facility Use Policy 5. Town Square Park Policy Aft (700 r1. The Heart of Southern California Wine Country DATE: October 24, 2023 CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES CONTRACTED SERVICE RECREATION SUBJECT: Contracted Service Recreation Classes and Activities DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Department Director Signature CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (if applicable) City Manager Signature POLICY: CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES Date Date The Community Services Department will continue to pursue high quality and experienced instructors with expertise in a variety of different fields, to offer a variety of self-improvement and training opportunities to the general public. By offering these contracted classes and activities, we provide the public with unique opportunities to learn and experience leisure recreational opportunities. BACKGROUND: With limited budget resources and a rapidly growing community, the Community Services Department must continue to seek unique ways to offer the community a variety of recreation and leisure classes and activities. Contracted recreation classes and activities allow the Community Services Department to interview, evaluate and contract with individuals who can teach a given discipline to the general public, providing unique training experiences and an opportunity for leisure learning. GUIDELINES: 1. Identify training opportunities for recreation classes to offer. These suggestions may be submitted to staff by the public. 2. Interview prospective instructors to determine their expertise and experience in a given discipline. Instructors must have a minimum of three years' experience in conducting, teaching, or providing the services that they intend to teach the public. Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 1 of 2 3. Prospective instructors shall complete an instructor application, which illustrates the instructors experience, education, address, personal references. 4. After the prospective instructor has been evaluated by interview and application process, staff may meet with the prospective instructor to discuss and determine the location of the class, a minimum and maximum number of participants, registration fee and duration of the class or activity. 5. The location that the class or activity will be held must be inspected by staff to determine its capacity, available parking, restroom facilities and determine if the facility is sufficient for the class to be held. The facility should be inspected by staff before each class or activity is held. 6. Staff should check all background information and references to ensure that the instructor is capable of teaching the proposed class or activity. Background check includes the following: • Fingerprints taken • Background check by the Department of Justice 7. Staff will meet the instructor to complete a standardized contract service classes contract. The contract will identify the dates and times of the activity, the location, any liability insurance requirements for the class and how the instructor can be contacted in the event of an emergency. The contract must be signed by the instructor and approved by the Director of Community Services. 8. All registration fees for the class or activity will be payable to the City of Temecula and collected by the City of Temecula, either in person at a City facility or by mail. 9. The instructor shall receive 70% of all registration fees collected for classes or activities. The remaining 30% shall be retained by the City of Temecula Community Services Department to offset costs associated with administration and marketing. The Director or his/her designee has discretion to adjust this fee as necessary for specialized and/or subsidized programs. 10. At the conclusion of each class or activity, staff should conduct an evaluation to determine the success of the program and whether the program should be conducted in the future. FORMS: Independent Contractor Proposal Form 0409-Rec Form Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 2 of 2 Aft 33 The Heart of Southern California Wine Country DATE: October 24, 2023 CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RECOGNITION OF YOUTH ATHLETIC LEAGUES SUBJECT: Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Department Director Signature CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (if applicable) City Manager Signature Date Date POLICY: The City of Temecula strives to ensure that its athletic fields and facilities serve the community by providing access to affordable, high quality sports programs for youth. In order to achieve this goal in the most cost-effective way, the City recognizes certain organizations which meet the criteria defined below as "Recognized Youth Leagues." These leagues receive field space allocated in a process which guarantees field hours will be made available to leagues providing accessible, low-cost recreational sports opportunities for the youth of Temecula. This is consistent with the City's Quality of Life Master Plan core values of Healthy and Livable City, Economic Prosperity, and Accountable and Responsive City Government. The rapid growth of youth and adult sports programs continues to create a high demand for athletic fields and facilities far in excess of those available. New organizations or sports programs contribute to this demand. As a result, the following policy has been adopted by the Community Services Department to determine when and how to recognize a sports program for the purposes of field allocation. GUIDELINE: The following criteria will be used to confer "Recognized Youth League" status upon athletic leagues and programs, and that those recognized leagues continue to provide Temecula residents with accessible, affordable, and high -quality youth sports programs. CRITERIA: To be considered for and/or retain Recognized Youth League status, the following criteria must be met at the time of application and for each successive season of play. If requirements are not met, the applicant must wait until the next traditional season to re -apply. New applications will be accepted for review only when total available field space permits. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 1 of 2 • Organization must be recreational, and cannot be associated with competitive and/or adult sports teams. • Organization must have a minimum of 200 Temecula residents, and 80% of total participants must be Temecula residents. Player's applications/rosters are required to be submitted to City staff for verification of residency. • 75% of the members on an Executive Board of Directors (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) must be Temecula residents. • Organization's Board of Directors must be based or headquartered within the City of Temecula. • Organization must have established bylaws for the sports program or athletic league. • A league must have a minimum of two resident teams in the same age division. • Organization must be a registered non-profit organization and hold a non-profit agency identification number, which must be submitted to City staff for verification. • Organization must maintain $1,000,000 of General Liability insurance that names the City of Temecula/Temecula Community Service District/ Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency as additional insured. (Dollar amount subject to change with City's policy holder) PROCESS: Once an organization has received "Recognized Youth League" status, staff will coordinate with the designated representative of each organization for the field allocation process (described in the Athletic Field Reservations and Use Policy) Each season, a $10.00 non-resident fee will be assessed for each participant on a roster that is not a Temecula resident. Should an established Recognized Youth League fail to meet the criteria above, (e.g., fall below the 80% Temecula resident requirement, the minimum 200 Temecula residents, and/or 75% board members), allocation penalties will be applied as described below. PENALTIES: Once designated a "Recognized Youth League," organizations must continue to meet the criteria defined above for each season in which field allocations are requested. If an organization fails to meet any of the qualifying criteria, it will forfeit a percentage of its field allocation as follows: Season 1 15% Penalty Season 2 30% Penalty (If after being penalized for two seasons, an organization again meets all requirements and maintains its good standing for two consecutive calendar years, then that organization will regain its full field allocation.) Season 3 45% penalty Organization will lose Recognized Youth League status and will be given the option to rent field space if available in the future. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 2 of 2 Aft 33 The Heart of Southern California Wine Country DATE: October 24, 2023 CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: Athletic Field Reservation and Use DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Department Director Signature CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (if applicable) City Manager Signature ATHLETIC FIELD RESERVATION AND USE Date Date POLICY: The City of Temecula strives to ensure that its athletic fields and facilities serve the community by providing high -quality athletic facilities for use by the community. Community Services and Public Works Department staff ensure that fields are well maintained, used for their intended purpose, and that appropriate fees are charged for their use. This is consistent with the City's Quality of Life Master Plan core values of Healthy and Livable City, Economic Prosperity, and Accountable and Responsive City Government. The rapid growth of youth and adult sports programs continues to create a high demand for athletic fields and facilities far in excess of those available. As a result, the following policy has been adopted by the Community Services Department to determine when and how to allocate sports fields and facilities. This applies to fields owned by the City and those operated under a Joint Use Agreement with Temecula Valley Unified School District, and provides for use and access by City of Temecula Recognized Youth Leagues, approved rentals, and the general public. GUIDELINE: This document will provide the framework for reserving and using sports fields and facilities in order to continue to provide Temecula residents with accessible, affordable and high -quality sports activities. Due to extensive allocated use of fields by recognized leagues and approved rentals, reserved field space on weekdays and Saturdays, the Community Services Department will strive to ensure that 40% of the City's total athletic fields are available for the public drop -in use on Sundays. REGULATIONS: Reservation and use of sports facilities are governed by the following regulations as well as Temecula Municipal Code Chapter 12.04, Park and Recreation Area Use Regulations. Individuals or groups who fail Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 1 of 10 to comply with City regulations, including posted signage at parks, may forfeit all or part of their access to and/or right to use one or more facilities • Athletic fields at City Park sites are available to the public on a first -come, first -served basis, unless a reserved activity is occurring. • Athletic fields will be used in a manner consistent with their intended purpose. Facilities designated as "multi -use" by the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) will be distributed at the direction of the Director of Community Services or his/her designee. • City athletic fields are available for public use from 8:00 a.m. until dusk. Fields reserved by recognized leagues and approved rental activities may utilize the fields starting at 4:00 p.m. with appropriate lighting until 10:00 p.m. • All field reservations must be made through the Temecula Community Services Department. Third -party organizations may not attempt to take or offer reservations of City facilities. • Recognized youth leagues (per Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues Policy) shall receive priority in the scheduled use of City fields. • An hourly fee will be assessed according to the current fee schedule (available upon request). Camps are defined as an instructional or coaching activity lasting more than a day but no more than a week. Clinics are defined as an instructional or coaching activity lasting a day or less on a specific topic (e.g., hitting, pitching, etc.). Serial requests to conduct a camp and/or clinic are considered an instructional class that is not permitted under the field reservation process but would be evaluated as part of the Contract Class program. PROCESS FOR RECOGNIZED YOUTH LEAGUES: Categorization of Fields: For field allocations for Recognized Youth Leagues, the following field categories will be allocated based upon availability: 1. Gold — Prime Fields (City fields) 2. Silver — Above Average (School fields with lights) 3. Bronze — Average Fields (School fields without lights) For safety reasons, all fields must be used for their intended purpose. No play is permitted outside of the established and approved areas unless pre -approved by TCSD. (i.e., small youth playing on larger base path fields created for older participants). Field Reservation Process: • All reserved use must be approved by the Director of Community Services or his/her designee. • TCSD reserves the right to adjust reserved use. • Non -Temecula teams are not permitted to play other non -Temecula teams on City or School approved fields for any other purpose other than a tournament. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 2 of 10 • Recognized leagues may play opposing non -Temecula teams on City or School approved fields only if required through their conference or sanctioned league. Official paperwork from the conference or sanctioned league must be turned in on letterhead for verification. • All recognized leagues are required to submit registration information prior to each season/rental as directed by City staff (per Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues Policy). • Each recognized youth league must submit its league rosters (per team/per division) by the deadline provided by staff. If not submitted by the established deadline, league may be penalized. • The number of Temecula residents participating in the recognized league will be divided by the number of field hours available for use, resulting in the percentage of fields allocated to each league, per season. • League schedules identifying participating teams must be provided by established deadline provided by staff to determine appropriate fees. • Each recognized league is responsible for scheduling all league games and individual team practices. • Submission of registration information does not constitute approval. Approval for field use is granted only after final field allocations have been completed and organizations are in compliance with all policies and procedures. • Any recognized league that has been allocated field space and does not intend to use it as scheduled must notify TCSD so that the field may be reallocated. • Any recognized league may relinquish or exchange their approved field allocation, or any part of it, with another recognized league that has been approved by the TCSD. However, any modification of the approved field allocation must be verified in writing, by all parties involved, and the change must be approved by TCSD. • Sub -leasing field space is prohibited. Any League attempting to sub -let its allocation will be subject to revocation of field -use privileges and/or Recognized Youth League status. • City -owned and managed fields will be monitored for appropriate and permitted use. Infringement on permitted users will not be allowed. • Recognized Youth Leagues who receive field space through the field allocation process are not permitted to request to rent fields. • Recognized Youth Leagues' Opening/Closing Days and other special event activities, including barbecues that are coordinated by sports organizations, must be pre -approved by the City. A special application is required for events other than regular league practice -and- play use of fields. Season Priority: For Recognized Youth League field allocation, the sport traditionally held during the season being allocated will have priority consideration. All other users will have secondary priority consideration as field availability permits. Purpose: Fall/Winter* Spring/Summer* Pre -Season Practice Mid -August — September 1 February 1 League Play September 1— November 30 March 1—June -August Field Renovation December - March June — August (RRSP after Labor Day) *Seasonal schedule subject to change at the discretion of the Director of Community Services or his/her designee Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 3 of 10 PROCESS FOR RENTALS: Field Reservation Process: • All reserved use must be approved by the Director of Community Services or his/her designee. • TCSD reserves the right to adjust reserved use. • Non -Temecula teams are not permitted to play other non -Temecula teams on City or School approved fields for any other purpose other than a tournament. • Approved rentals are required to submit registration information prior to each season/rental as directed by City staff. • Approved rental groups are permitted to contain both youth and adult, divisions within their organization, however, separate rental paperwork must be submitted for each. In addition, never may both youth and adult divisions engage in activity on the same field. • Each approved rental must submit its request by deadline provided by staff. Fields will be reserved by a lottery system if multiple approved rentals are requesting the same timeframe. • League schedules identifying participating teams must be provided by established deadline provided by staff, to determine appropriate fees. • Each approved rental is responsible for scheduling all league games and individual team practices. • Submission of registration information does not constitute approval. Approval for field use is granted only after final field allocations have been completed and organizations comply with all policies and procedures. • Any approved rental that has been allocated fields cannot re -allocate, exchange, trade, or sub -lease fields with any other user group. User must notify TCSD of any allocated field space that is not being used, for proper reallocation. Any group attempting to do so will be subject to revocation of field -use privileges. • City -owned and managed fields will be monitored for appropriate and permitted use. Infringement on permitted users will not be allowed. • Approved rental groups Opening/Closing Days and other special event activities, including barbecues that are coordinated by sports organizations, must be pre -approved by the City. A special application is required for events other than regular league practice -and- play use of fields. GENERAL FIELD USE INFORMATION: Hours of Operation: Access to fields and activities on fields can begin no earlier than 8:00 a.m. Non -lighted fields and those lighted fields not in use will close at dusk. Field lights shall be extinguished no later than 10:00 p.m. Field Lighting: • An hourly use rate will be charged according to the current fee schedule. Approved rentals using the field lighting shall pay in full prior to lights are turned on. • Refunds or credits will be issued when fields are closed by City staff. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 4 of 10 • Games or practices shall not continue without sufficient daylight or field lighting. Approved rentals must plan accordingly, as lights will be extinguished at scheduled times. • If a rental cancels a reservation, TCSD staff must be notified a minimum of 24 hours before the reserved time. If TCSD is not notified, the league/rental will be charged accordingly. City Managed School Fields: The City of Temecula maintains a joint -use agreement with the Temecula Valley Unified School District to utilize their fields within the City limits. Access to these fields is ultimately permitted by the Temecula Valley Unified School District and can be denied at any time due to field availability, maintenance issues, or safety issues. Field Conditions: City staff will determine the closure of fields due to inclement weather or other conditions. For updated field condition information, visit the City of Temecula's website: Temeculaca.gov/sports If a game is in progress, play may be resumed if a drizzle condition stops; however, it is at the discretion of a board member of the organization, the game official, or City staff. Goals: Soccer goals must be anchored to the ground according to City staff specifications. Soccer goals shall be stored and locked in designated areas immediately following practices and/or games. Goals may be moved by City staff and/or approved City contractors for mowing and field maintenance. Soccer goals must be removed from fields when the season of play is completed, or arrangements are made with the City. Temporary Fencing: Portable fencing companies must be approved by the City. Dates for placing and removing temporary fencing will be determined by TCSD and City Maintenance staff. Fencing may be removed by TCSD staff, City Maintenance staff and/or approved city contractors for mowing and field maintenance. Tarps/Awning/Canopies: • Tarps designated for shading and screening dugouts must be properly secured with zip ties and must be uniform in color. Color must be approved by TCSD and City Maintenance staff. • Awnings and canopies with floorings or stakes are not permitted. Use of Banners: With prior City approval, banners that meet City specifications of size (3X4) and consistency may be installed for the duration of the season on outfield fencing only with a total of 9 banners per field. Before placing banners, a meeting must be set up with the Public Works Department for placing due to watering restrictions. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 5 of 10 Vehicle Use on Fields: Vehicles, including All -Terrain Vehicles, golf carts, trucks, "mules", etc., may not be allowed to drive on the fields unless authorized by the Director of Community Services, his/her designee, and/or Public Works Department. Vandnrc- There are to be no outside vendors (those vendors who do not have a contract with the City to vend in specific areas) at City parks without prior approval. Sports photography (team pictures) must have prior City approval. Vendor Requirements: Organizations, teams, and individuals requesting vendor services for an event on City property must receive prior approval from City staff. If approved, vendors must provide the following items listed below. TCSD will not accept any paperwork or fees from vendors directly. Organizations must submit paperwork and payment to TCSD staff. Food Vendors • Current health permits from the Riverside Health Department. • Current food handler's license. • Current City business license. • $1,000,000 General Liability Insurance co -naming the City of Temecula/ Temecula Community Service District as additionally insured. (Dollar amount subject to change with cities policy holder) • A fee of $75.00 per day/ per location. Other Vendors • Current City business license. • $1,000,000 General Liability Insurance co -naming the City of Temecula/ Temecula Community Service District as additionally insured. (Dollar amount subject to change with cities policy holder) • A fee of $75.00 per day/ per location. Each season, recognized leagues will be allowed to have either an Opening Day or Closing Day ceremony. Recognized leagues must request dates and locations at the Field Allocation Meeting before the season. Paperwork must be submitted and approved by the TCSD at least 30 days before the event. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 6 of 10 FIELD USE INFORMATION FOR PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL SPORTS PARK AND THE SPORTS RANCH AT SOMMERS BEND: REGULATIONS: • Athletic fields at the Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Parka nd The Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend are available to the public on a first -come, first -served basis, unless a reserved organized - use activity is occurring. • Athletic fields will be used for the purpose that they were designed and intended to be used. Football/soccer activities should be conducted on football/soccer fields, baseball/softball activities should be conducted on baseball/softball fields. Fields may not be altered for use. • The TCSD may consider approving field allocations for "special use" as deemed appropriate by the Director of Community Services (i.e., Spring Egg Hunt event) • Athletic fields are available for public use from 7:00 a.m. until dusk. Reserved organized - use activities may utilize the fields starting at 4:00 p.m. with appropriate lighting until 10:00 P.M. Reserved Use! Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park includes four (4) synthetic turf soccer fields, one (1) overlay synthetic turf football field, four (4) softball/baseball fields, four (4) outdoor basketball courts and other amenities such as a tot lot and concession stand. The Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend includes two (2) synthetic turf soccer fields, two (2) softball/baseball fields, two (2) outdoor basketball courts and other amenities such as a tot lot and concession stand. • Fields are available for reservation through the Temecula Community Services Department. • The priority use of the athletic ball fields at the Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park and The Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend shall be as follows: Monday — Friday 1st - City sponsored and/or endorsed programs or events 2nd —Temecula based non-profit local recognized leagues 3rd —Temecula based sports organizations 4th — Other (i.e., non-resident) Saturday — Sunday - Holidays 111 - City sponsored and/or endorsed programs or events 2na —Tournaments • Recognized leagues are defined in Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues Policy An hourly fee will be assessed according to the current fee schedule A non-resident fee of $30.00 will be implemented for any non -recognized leagues with non - Temecula teams playing on City fields, other than a tournament. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 7 of 10 For the purpose of field allocation, the sport traditionally held during the particular season will have first priority. Secondary users will have secondary priority as field availability permits. Seasons are established as follows: Usage *Fall/Winter *Spring/Summer Pre -season practice League play Field Renovation Mid -August -Sept 1 Sept 1— November 30 December — March February 1 March 1—June 30 June — August Primary sport Soccer/Football Baseball/Softball Secondary sport Baseball/Softball/Other Soccer/Other *Schedule may change due to renovation schedule Policies for Reserved Field Use by Organizations (Non -Tournament): • Each organization is required to submit registration information prior to each season as directed by City staff. • The number of Temecula residents participating in the recognized league will be divided by the number of field hours available for use, resulting in the percentage of fields allocated to each league per season. • Each organization is responsible for allocating fields for all league games as schedule per allocated fields. • Fields will be monitored for appropriate and permitted use. Infringement on permitted users will not be allowed. • A special application is required for events other than regular league play and pre -scheduled use of fields. • Softball/Baseball fields are utilized for games only, no practice will be allowed. GENERAL FIELD USE INFORMATION: Hours of Operation: Access to fields and activities on fields can begin no earlier than 7:00 a.m. Lighted fields not in use will close at dusk. Field lights shall be extinguished no later than 10:00 p.m. Field Lighting: An hourly use rate will be charged according to the current fee schedule. Groups using the field lighting shall pay for all hours allocated, except for inclement weather field closures. Games/practice shall not continue without sufficient daylight or field lighting. Sports organizations must plan accordingly, as lights Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 8 of 10 will be extinguished at scheduled times. If a user organization has a cancellation, the organization must notify facility staff by 4:00 p.m., the day of reservation, Monday through Friday. If staff is not notified, the organization will be charged for scheduled light use. Field Conditions: City staff will determine the closure of fields due to inclement weather or other conditions. For updated field condition information, visit the City of Temecula's website: Temeculaca.gov/sports If a game is in progress, play may be resumed if a drizzle condition stops; however, it is at the discretion of a board member of the organization, the game official, or City staff. Field Preparation: • All field preparation for tournament play will be implemented by City staff. • All field preparation on softball/baseball fields will be implemented by City Staff for games. • All field preparation on soccer/football fields will only be implemented by City Staff for games when available. Snack Bar Facilities and Operations: The Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park and The Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend snack bar facilities are operated by a private concessionaire. No other food vendor will be allowed in the park without written approval from the Director of Community Services. Vendors: There are to be no outside vendors (those vendors who do not have a contract with the City to vend in specific areas) at the parks without prior City approval. Sports photography and other youth sports league -sponsored vendors must have prior City approval. Temporary Pitching Mound Allocation and Use: Temporary mounds are City property and will be made available as appropriate. Any and all modification, destruction, transferal, or removal of pitching mounds is prohibited. An agreement with the organization and the City must be signed to utilize the portable pitching mounds. Vehicle Use on Fields: Vehicles, including All -Terrain Vehicles, golf carts, trucks, "mules", etc., are not permitted. Only City staff will be authorized to use such vehicles as appropriate. Temporary Fencing: Limited use of temporary plastic fencing may be considered. All temporary plastic fencing requests must be approved by City staff. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 9 of 10 Tarps/Awning/Canopies: Awnings and canopies with floorings or stakes are not permitted on or near the synthetic turf fields. All other use of tarps, awning and canopies must be in designated areas only. Rnnnarc- The City reserves the right to determine the appropriateness, location and the duration of banners displayed. nthetic Turf Fields Maintenance: • See manufacturers manual All players and spectators on or near the synthetic turf fields must adhere to the following rules: • No gum, food, sunflower seeds, or sugary beverages (e.g., sports drinks, sodas, etc.) • No smoking • No heavy objects, structures, or workout equipment on fields. • No penetration of fields. (i.e., stakes to secure any objects) • No charcoal or gas grills near or on the fields. Must be in designated picnic shelter area or must use designated grills. • No temporary lines can be painted, chalked, or taped. Pirnir Choltar- The picnic shelter will be made available to the public on a first -come, first served basis. City staff does reserve the right to pre -reserve the picnic shelter area for program, activities, and special events as appropriate. Basketball Courts: The basketball courts will be made available to the public on a first come, first served basis. City staff does reserve the right to pre -reserve the basketball courts for programs, activities, and special events as appropriate. Recognition of Youth Athletic Leagues (October 10, 2023) Page 10 of 10 Aft '1 The Heart of Southern California Wine Country DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: City Rentals Facility Use DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Department Director Signature CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (If applicable) City Manager Signature POLICY: CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY RENTALS Date Date The purpose of this policy is to identify the procedures and responsibilities associated with the use/rental of City rental facilities that may include portions of the following facilities: Community Recreation Center (CRC), Conference Center, Ronald H. Roberts Library (Community Room and Grace Mellman Heritage Room), Temecula Community Center (TCC), Margarita Recreation Center (MRC) and/or the Mary Phillips Senior Center (MPSC). BACKGROUND: The primary intended use for these rental facilities is to provide an affordable space for residents to use for their events and meetings. The Conference Center and Ronald H. Roberts Library (Community Room and Grace Mellman Heritage Room) are not available to rent for social events like banquets, parties, and/or weddings. These facilities can host community events, meetings, and conferences. GUIDELINES: A. Facility User Group Classification: Priority of groups desiring to utilize the city rental facilities use will be based upon the following: User Group Event Specifications Group I City of Temecula sponsored or co -sponsored events Group II Temecula Non -Profit organizations conducting community -oriented events; Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) Group III Temecula residents conducting events on a non-profit basis Group IV Non -Resident individuals or organizations and/or commercial or profit -making events Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 1 of 3 B. Facility Rental Requirements: • Security Deposit: A security deposit in the amount of $200.00 will be charged for Groups II -IV and all co- sponsored events. These deposits will be returned to the user group within two weeks of the scheduled event as long as the facility was left in the condition in which it was received and the rental does not go overtime. Deposits are due at the time of the rental booking along with all other rental fees. • Insurance Requirements: Events with more than 150 people in attendance will require proof of general liability in the amount of $1,000,000 coverage per occurrence which names the City of Temecula as additionally insured. Groups which do not have insurance may purchase special event insurance through an outside vendor. In addition, all User groups must identify and hold the City of Temecula harmless from any and all losses and claims. The Community Services Department must receive all insurance requirements and necessary forms no later than five (5) business days prior to the scheduled event. • Room Set -Up: Tables and chairs are available for use by all User Groups. Users requiring the use of tables and chairs will be charged a $100 set-up fee. Tables and chairs will be set-up in advance by City Personnel only. C. Reservation Procedures: Priority for usage of all City rental facilities will be given to User Group I for official meetings or events coordinated or co -sponsored by the City of Temecula. All other reservations will be accepted on a first -come, first -serve basis. • Advanced Reservations: Reservations may be made ninety (90) days in advance or no later than ten (10) business days from a scheduled event. Rental Packets that include the Use Applications can be found online at temeculaca.gov/tcsd and then emailed directly to rentals@temeculaca.gov • Frequency of Use: Groups or individuals in User Groups II -IV may not rent a City facility more than once every ninety (90) days. • Cancellatiens- The Community Services Department must be notified as soon as possible of any cancellations. A minimum of ten (10) business days prior notice is required. A $50 cancellation fee will be applied to all rental cancellations. Failure to notify the Community Service Department of cancellations at least ten (10) business days in advance will result in the forfeiture of all rental fees that have been paid. Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 2 of 3 D. Use Conditions and Limitations: Groups desiring to utilize the City rental facilities must comply with the following regulations: • No Smoking: Smoking is not allowed in any City facility. • Food and Beverages: Food and beverages are allowed in the City facilities; however, Alcohol is not permitted at any City facility. All caterers, approved during the application process, must provide their Liability Insurance listing the City of Temecula as the Additional Insured. • Kitchen Use: Kitchen use at the Community Recreation Center, Ronald H. Roberts Library and Temecula Community Center can be added on for a flat fee. The kitchen at the Conference Center is included with the rental of the facility. • Minimum Rental Time: All facilities will have a minimum rental time of 4 hours which will include setup time and teardown time. • Entry Fees: Entry fees for special events, conferences, or professional meetings may be charged by the user group using a City facility, but the user group will be charged the commercial rental rate (Group IV) as well as it must be disclosed on the use application at the time of rental. E. Other Restrictions: • No activities are permitted that violate local, state, or federal laws. Use must comply with all City codes and policies. • Use must not disrupt normal operations and functions of the City. • Official functions of the City of Temecula shall take priority in scheduling the facility. F. "Right of Refusal" The City of Temecula reserves the right and is under no obligation to allow any group/organization that falls outside the definitions herein to use any City facility. Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 3 of 3 Aft AAA The Heart of Southern California Wine Country DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Town Square Park Use Guidelines DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: Department Director Signature CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (If applicable) City Manager Signature CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES TOWN SQUARE PARK Date Date POLICY: To provide an area for City and City Co -sponsored events and programs to be conducted without conflict with other public uses or athletic facilities. This policy does not limit Expressive Activities and/or Spontaneous Events. BACKGROUND: Event Area includes: • Civic Quad- directly in front of City Hall • Town Square Park- grass area • Mercedes Street- from access road on north end to alley way on south end • Main Street'Y'- horseshoe road from Mercedes to bottom of the horseshoe GUIDELINES: • Special Event Permit application must be received 60 days prior to event and event permit fee paid. • Food vendors may only set-up on the Main Street 'Y'. • Road closures required for all events. Road closures will be handled by City of Temecula Public Works staff. Event organizers will be billed according to the terms of the sponsorship agreement. Fees must be paid 14 working days prior to event. • During set-up and tear -down, event organizer must staff all road closures for safety reasons. • Riverside Sheriff Office will have a presence at all events. Event organizers will be billed according to the terms of the sponsorship agreement. Fees must be paid 14 business days prior to event. • Event organizers must submit all required permits 30 days prior to event (Building & Safety, ABC, etc.) Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 1 of 2 • Event organizer will work with City staff and Riverside Sheriff Office to develop an approved Safety Plan required for all events. • Event organizer must submit a certificate of General Liability insurance that names the City of Temecula/Temecula Community Service District/ Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency as additional insured. Insurance must be approved 14 business days prior to event date. • A pre and post walk-thru of event area will be conducted with Event Organizer and City Staff from Community Services and Public Works. Name of Department Policy (Date) Page 2 of 2 Item No. 15 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Receive and File Assembly Bill 1600 Financial Reports — Fiscal Year 2022-23 Development Impact Fee Expenditures PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and receive and file Assembly Bill 1600 Financial Reports - Fiscal Year 2022-23 Development Impact Fee Expenditures. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 66006 requires that an accounting of the Development Impact Fees be made public, and the information reviewed in a regularly scheduled public hearing. The Legislature finds and declares that the timely and proper allocation of development fees promotes economic growth and is, therefore, a matter of statewide interest and concern. Annually, the City Finance Department staff compiles a report of expenditures made with the Development Impact Fees collected and interest accrued during the year. Staff has compiled the AB 1600 Report for this purpose and recommends acceptance and approval of the report of expenditures made with the Development Impact Fees after hearing public testimony. FISCAL IMPACT: Monies must be used within five years for specified purposes or returned to the developer. All funds are programmed to be spent in accordance with the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program adopted June 13, 2023, by the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Summary of Development Impact Fees 2. AB 1600 Financial Reports 3. Notice of Public Hearing City of Temecula Summary of Development Impact Fees Fiscal Year 2022-23 Development Beginning Fees Interest FY22-23 Ending Fund FY22-23 % Funded Impact Fee Fund Balance Collected Earned Expenditures Balance Capital Improvement Projects Expenditures % Complete with DIFs Open Space Land $153,683 $858,642 $9,589 ($59,133) $962,782 210.265.793 - Bike Lane and Trail RRSP Trails $59,133 2.8% 50.0% Acquisition Street Improvements $1,465,545 $1,575,401 $27,978 ($73,200) $2,995,724 210.265.534 - Ynez Road Improvements - Ph 1 $42,759 7.1% 100.0% 210.265.791 - Rancho California Road Medians $20,782 0.6% 20.5% 210.265.797 - De Portola Rd/Jedediah Smith Rd Roundabout $9,659 1.0% 20.0% Traffic Signals & Traffic Control Systems $308,681 $277,374 $11,377 ($597,432) $0 210.265.682 -Traffic Signal Installation $597,432 57.1% 63.0% Park & Recreation Improvements $1,679,206 $2,945,765 $61,905 ($2,265,632) $2,421,245 210.265.692 - Margarita Rec Center $600,000 66.6% 4.8% 210.265.730 - CRC Renovations $1,321,208 44.2% 17.9% 210.265.781 - Bike Lane -Mini Pump $87,706 92.3% 100.0% 210.265.787 - Pickleball Courts $256,718 11.7% 65.9% 210.265.780 - Old Town Security Camera & Corporate Facilities $305,371 $422,178 $11,182 ($517,057) $221,673 Sound System $517,057 86.2% 47.6% Fire Protection Facilities $0 $252,792 $3,834 ($175,516) $81,110 210.165.757 - Station 73 Repayment to General $175,516 100.0% 100.0% Fund Library $593,862 $1,105,056 $15,263 $0 $1,714,182 n/a $0 n/a n/a Police Facilities $180,408 $619,911 $14,437 ($806,691) $8,065 210.265.522 - Emerg Vehicle Preemption $100,435 100.0% 100.0% 210.265.692 - Margarita Rec Center $111,256 66.6% 1.1 % 210.265.711 -City Security Camera System $595,000 74.2% 16.7% Total $4,686,756 i 0- City of Temecula OPEN SPACE LAND ACQUISITIONS Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 The impact fees for Open Space Land Acquisitions are based on the cost of land needed to maintain the City's existing ratio of open space acreage to population. Because these fees are population driven, they apply only to residential development. The fee is $924.30 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), and $1,290.12 per residential detached unit (single family), payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fees are adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $858,642 $9,589 Total Sources $868,232 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $59,133 Total Uses $59,133 Total Available $153,683 $809,099 $962,782 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 $94,551 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $868,231 Total Ending Fund Balance $962,782 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.265.703 - Bike Lane and Trail Program $2,485,523 14.02% 2.90% 210.265.718 - Pump Track $577,766 94.47% 100.00% 210.265.785 - Nicolas Road Multi -Use Trail Ext. $450,000 0.0% 66.67% 210.265.793 - Bike Lane and Trail RRSP Trails $2,100,000 $ 59,133 2.82%1 50.00% Total $59,133 City of Temecula STREET IMPROVEMENTS Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 The fees are collected based on the total cost of such improvements and number of peak hour vehicle trips generated by future development. The fee is $1,877.31 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), $2,681.83 per residential detached unit (single family), and $3.66 - $10.25 per square foot of floor area for commercial development, payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fees are adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $1,575,401 $27,978 Total Sources $1,603,379 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $73,200 Total Uses $73,200 Total Available $1,465,545 $1,530,179 $2,995,724 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 $43,509 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 $620,110 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 $728,726 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $1,603,379 Total Ending Fund Balance $2,995,724 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.265.534 - Ynez Road Improvements - Ph 1 $600,000 $42,759 7.13% 100.00% 210.265.535 - Ynez Road Improvements - Ph 11 $4,432,255 7.83% 7.83% 210.265.622 - Medians & Parkways $894,838 74.52% 100.00% 210.265.648 - Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland $26,015,920 5.37% 20.87% 210.265.783 - Overland Drive Widening $2,894,420 13.27% 53.69% 210.265.791 - Rancho California Road Medians $3,470,000 $20,782 0.60% 20.54% 210.265.797 - De Portola Rd/Jedediah Smith Rd R $1,000,000 $9,659 0.97% 20.00% Total $73,200 City of Temecula TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 The fees are collected based on the total cost of such improvements and number of peak hour vehicle trips generated by future development. The fee is $265.72 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), and $379.63 per residential detached unit (single family), and $0.54-$1.45 per square foot of floor area from commercial development, payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fees are adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $277,374 $11,377 Total Sources $288,751 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $597,432 Total Uses $597,432 Total Available i $308,681 i ($308,681) $0 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $0 Total Ending Fund Balance $0 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Total Project FY22-23 DIF % of Project % Funded Capital Improvement Projects Budget Expenditure Complete With DIF 210.265.680 - Traffic Signal Equipment Enh. $3,396,788 32.60% 15.95% 210.265.682 - Traffic Signal Installation $3,267,683 $ 597,432 57.10% 62.97% Total $597,432 City of Temecula PARK and RECREATION IMPROVEMENTS Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 The fees are collected for park improvements based on the cost of improvements needed to maintain the City's existing ratio of improved park acreage to population. The fee for recreation facilities is based on the existing ratio of facility replacement cost to population. Because the fees are population driven, it only applies to residential developments. The fee is $3,171.01 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), and $4,426.20 per residential detached unit (single family), payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fees are adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $2,945,765 $61,905 Total Sources $3,007,671 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $2,265,632 Total Uses $2,265,632 Total Available 1 $1,679,206 1 $742,039 1 $2,421,245 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 $928,768 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 $428,442 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $1,064,035 Total Ending Fund Balance $2,421,245 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.265.692 - Margarita Rec Center $12,601,508 $ 600,000 66.56% 4.76% 210.265.730 - CRC Renovations $10,708,232 $ 1,321,208 44.24% 17.94% 210.265.781 - Bike Lane -Mini Pump $95,000 $ 87,706 92.32% 100.00% 210.265.787 - Pickleball Courts $2,200,000 $ 256,718 11.67% 65.91 % 210.265.793 - Bike Lane & Trail - RRSP Trails $2,100,000 2.82% 33.33% 210.290.204 - Urban Forest Management Plan $376,230 92.07% 13.90% Total $2,265,632 City of Temecula CORPORATE FACILITIES Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fees are collected for City administrative and maintenance facilities. The need for future space at the Civic Center is due to the demand of services housed at the Civic Center. The need for maintenance facilities is due to an increase in street and park maintenance. The fee is $390.11 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), $727.60 per residential detached unit (single family), and $0.24 - $0.71 per square foot of floor area for commercial developments, payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fees are adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $422,178 $11,182 Total Sources $433,359 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $517,057 Total Uses $517,057 Total Available 1 $305,371 1 ($83,698)1 $221,673 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $221,673 Total Ending Fund Balance $221,673 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.265.780 - Old Town Security Camera & Sound $1,260,000 $517,057 86.18% 47.62% Total $517,057 City of Temecula FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fees are collected to provide future fire protection facilities and apparatus. The fee is $427.11 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), $920.47 per residential detached unit (single family), and $0.15 - $0.24 per square foot of floor area for commercial developments, payable at the time of issuance of building permit. The fee is adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $252,792 $3,834 Total Sources $256,626 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $175,516 Total Uses $175,516 Total Available $81,110 $81,110 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $81,110 Total Ending Fund Balance $81,110 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.165.757 - Station 73 Repayment to General Fund $817,400 $175,516 100.00% 100.00% Total $175,516 City of Temecula LIBRARY Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fees are collected to provide future facilities and materials. Because these fees are population -driven, they apply only to residential development. The fee is $844.60 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), and $1,178.91 per residential detached unit (single family), payable at the time of issuance of building permit. The fee is adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $1,105,056 $15,263 Total Sources $1,120,320 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects Total Uses Total Available $593,862 $1,120,320 $1,714,182 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 $124,213 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 $469,649 Revenues R maining from FY2022-23 $1,120,320 Total Ending Fund Balance $1,714,182 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.290.153 - Library Parkin - Phase II $3,336,895 97.74% 67.79% Total City of Temecula POLICE FACILITIES Government Code 66000 Calculation Fiscal Year 2022-23 Fees are collected to provide future space for police facilities and equipment. The fee is $685.67 per residential attached unit (condominium, apartment, townhouse, and duplex), $387.56 per residential detached unit (single family), and $0.08 - $0.38 per square foot of floor area for commercial development, payable at the time of issuance of a building permit. The fee is adjusted annually based on the percentage increase or decrease, if any, of the Engineering News Record Building Cost Index. Account Description Beginning Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2022-23 Ending Fund Balance Revenues & Other Sources: Developer Fees Interest Income $619,911 $14,437 Total Sources $634,348 Expenditures & Other Uses: Capital Projects $806,691 Total Uses $806,691 Total Available I $180,408 -($172,343)1 $8,065 Five Year Revenue Test Using First In First Out Method Unspent Funds Represent Ending Fund Balance June 30, 2023 Revenues Remaining from FY2018-19 Revenues Remaining from FY2019-20 Revenues Remaining from FY2020-21 Revenues Remaining from FY2021-22 Revenues Remaining from FY2022-23 $8,065 Total Ending Fund Balance $8,065 Five year test met in accordance with Government Code 66001 Capital Improvement Facilities Expenditures Capital Improvement Projects Total Project Budget FY22-23 DIF Expenditure % of Project Complete % Funded With DIF 210.265.522 - Emerg Vehicle Preemption $352,000 $100,435 100.00% 100.00% 210.265.692 - Margarita Rec Center $12,601,508 $111,256 66.56% 1.09% 210.265.711 -City Security Camera System $4,491,785 $595,000 74.21 % 16.74% Total $ 806,691 Notice of Public Hearing THE CITY OF TEMECULA 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the CITY COUNCIL to consider the matter(s) described below. Case No: AB 1600 Annual Report Applicant: City of Temecula, California Location: Citywide Proposal: City Council to Receive and File Report Only Environmental Action: Not Applicable Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the filing of the report at the time of hearing. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the City Council shall be filed within the time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the City Council, shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. The proposed annual report may be viewed at the public information counter, Temecula Civic Center, City Clerk Department, 41000 Main Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Questions concerning the project(s) may be addressed to Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance, City of Temecula Finance Department, (951) 694-6430. PLACE OF HEARING: City Council Chambers 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA DATE OF HEARING: October 24, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM Item No. 16 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Matt Peters, Assistant Director of Community Development DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Consider a Planned Development Overlay Amendment (Planning Application No. PA23-0260) PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council conduct a public hearing and introduce an ordinance amending the Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) (Planning Application No. PA23-0260) entitled: [9)t]13V/_WE4130[�a AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260) SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE: An Ordinance for a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) generally located on the property of Linfield Christian School north of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. encompassing Assessor Parcel Numbers 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019. BACKGROUND: On September 16, 2003, the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) was approved and adopted by the City of Temecula City Council. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School submitted Planning Application PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The Application does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. The proposed amendment to the Planned Development Overlay is located on the property of Linfield Christian School north of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. encompassing Assessor Parcel Numbers 955- 020-012, 017, 018, and 019. Planned Development Overlay Amendment Planning Application PA23-0290 is a proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment to the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay. The proposed amendment includes an adjustment to the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The proposed amendment will create a more practicable and developable parcel configuration for Planning Areas 3A and 3B, while providing the main Linfield Christian School campus (Planning Area 1) with additional land area to develop athletic fields and academic programs for the students. The proposed amendment does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Planning Commission Recommendation Staff presented the proposed amendment to the Planning Commission on September 6, 2023. The Planning Commission recommended (4-1 [Watts]) that the City Council approve the proposed amendment. There were seven (7) public speakers who spoke against the proposed amendment, stating concerns relating to residential development on the site, belief that the project could result in high density low income housing, traffic concerns, and quality of life for the surrounding residents. ENVIRONMENTAL: The proposed PDO Amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed amendment would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas 1 C and 1D were added to Planning Area 1 which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the Planned Development Overlay (PDO) amendment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Aerial Map 2. Ordinance — Planned Development Overlay Amendment 3. Exhibit A — Planned Development Overlay Amendment 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2023-15 Recommending Approval of a Planned Development Overlay Amendment 5. Planning Commission Staff Report of September 6, 2023 6. Notice of Exemption 7. Notice of Public Hearing All F;A . p +� 1 . �i J p- • fin. ��467 r 4 It tom 6-Yi •k h A Project Siter' �-'� �-,�;;; .- � - � w=�;:x• aw ;k f ti Vz IRA Phi Ak 114 let CIO � � F������ � � • •3� �`� tam �1� � �1 ��� ������'" �` `�'.' 1 �. .Al� ���� : i ORDINANCE NO. 2023- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay was approved by the City Council on September 16, 2003 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 03-09. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay as approved shall be referred to in this Ordinance as the "PDO". B. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School filed Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. C. This application was filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. D. On September 6, 2023 the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Project at which time all persons interested in these actions had the opportunity and did address the Planning Commission. E. Following consideration of the entire record of information received at the public hearings and due consideration of the proposed Project, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2023-15, "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)" F. On October 24, 2023, the City Council considered the Project at a duly noticed public hearing which time the City staff presented its report, and all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project. G. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Planned Development Overlay/Zone Change hereby makes the following findings: A. The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Zone Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal 1 Policy LU-1.1 and LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community's labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. B. The adoption of the Ordinance will not result in a loss of residential capacity in the City. Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area]. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub -areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area I that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. Section 3. CEQA. This Ordinance, which approves an amendment to the Planned Development Overlay, is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the adoption of the Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to N the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas 1C and 1D were added to Planning Area 1 which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the PDO amendment. Section 4. Zoning Code Amendment. The City Council hereby amends Chapter 17.22 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-7)) of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Temecula Municipal Code by amending Article VIII, entitled "Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District 7" to read as provided in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein as thought set forth in full. Section 5. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 7. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of , 2023 ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] Zak Schwank, Mayor 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 2023- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 24th day of October, 2023, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , 2023 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk 4 Temecula Municipal Code �. Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.22 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-1 Article VIII. Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 17.22.180 Title. Sections 17.22.180 through 17.22.188 shall be known as "PDO-7 (Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district). (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.181 Purpose and intent. The Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district (PDO-7) is intended to create a unique mixed -use area within the city, blending educational, recreational, institutional and residential facilities in a comprehensive master plan that builds upon the existing campus development. PDO-7 allows for the introduction of compatible housing opportunities within the conventional zoning district and serves to implement the objectives of the land use and housing elements of the general plan. Supplemental development standards have been provided to recognize the transition between the existing campus facilities and the new development areas, to promote compatibility with the surrounding land uses, and to insure the long-term design quality of the Linfield Christian School PDO district. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.184 Relationship with the development code and citywide design guidelines. A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.188, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. Where this PDO is silent, the development standards of the public institutional (PI) district in the development code shall apply (Chapter 17.12). 2. The development standards in the development code that would apply to the medium density residential district, and are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete, for any proposed residential housing to be located in planning area 2 of PDO-7. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 3. The master plan and design guidelines approved as a part of the Linfield Christian School Master Plan shall apply to Planning Areas 1A, 1B, 1C and I of this PDO. Development proposals within Planning Areas 2 and 3A and 3B shall comply with the city of Temecula Citywide Design Guidelines. 4. Senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted pursuant to the standards within Section 17.10.020 of the Temecula Development Code, except as modified by the requirements of Section 17.22.188 of this article. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.186 Use regulations. The list of permitted land uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. PDO-7 contains three different planning areas as shown in Exhibit 17.22.186A. The three planning areas are identified as follows: ► Planning Area 1: Educational/Institutional: identified as (EI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 1 is further separated into four subareas: Planning Area IA (58.25 gross acres) is the main Linfield Christian School Campus, and Planning Area 113 (5.82 gross acres) is the existing elementary school campus. Planning Area I (5.43 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing Planning Area 1D (9.39 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing ► Planning Area 2 (7.58 gross acres): Educational/Residential: identified as (ER) in Table 17.22.186B; and ► Planning Area 3: Public/Institutional: identified as (PI) in Table 17.22.18613. Planning Area 3 is further separated into two subareas: Planning Area 3A (7.36 gross acres); and Planning Area 313 (5.82 gross acres). EXHIBIT 17.22.186A Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map pTn�n� PLANNING AREA 313 PLANNING PLANNING AREA 3A AREA 1C PLANNING AREA 1a PLANNINGAREA 1A auba Where indicated with the letter "P" the use shall be a permitted use. A letter "C" indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a "- ," the use is prohibited within the planning area. Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Lintield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D EI Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) A Art gallery P P P Auditorium P C C B (Reserved) C Christmas tree lots P P P Churches, temples, religious institutions C C C Communications and microwave installations* Community health clinics C Community center P C P Conference center P P P Congregate care housing (including support services) C C P Congregate living health facility C C C Construction trailer (temporary) P P P Convalescent homes C P P D Day care center P P P Day care health center P — P E Educational institution C C C F Food services (for campus and special events) P P P G Garages, public parking C — P Golf courses C — P Golf college or sports training facility C — P Government offices P — P Government services P — P Group home — — — H Helipad or heliport C — C Hospital C — C I—K (Reserved) L Library P P P M Maintenance facility (accessory to primary use only) P C P Modular classrooms (used as interim classroom space) P — P Museum P P P N—O (Reserved) P Parks and recreation P P P Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D EI Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) Performing arts, theaters and places of public assembly P — C Police/sheriff station P — P Post office P Public utilities C C C Q (Reserved) R Radio and broadcasting studios P — P Recording studios P — P Religious facilities C C C Residential —single-family detached, school superintendent or dean's home, caretaker home, (accessory to private school use only) P P P Residential —single-family attached or duplex housing for school faculty P — Residential —multiple -family housing for school faculty — P — Residential —senior housing C** C C Residential student dorms C C C S Schools, trade or vocational C C C Skilled nursing facility C C C Sports and recreation facilities P P P T Trade or vocational schools C C C U Utility offices and service yards C C C V—Z (Reserved) Notes: *Subject to Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ** Senior Housing is conditionally permitted in PA 1C and 11) of Planning Area 1. Senior Housing is not permitted in PA I and PA 1B. Legend: P = Permitted by right in the district C = Permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the district — = Use is prohibited in the district (EI) = Educational/Institutional: Planning Areas IA,1B, 1C and I (ER) = Educational/Residential: Planning Area 2 (PI) = Public/Institutional: Planning Areas 3A and 3B (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 08-11 §§ 36 38; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.188 Supplemental development standards. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses within PDO-7 shall comply with the development standards of the underlying public/institutional zoning district except as modified or augmented by the standards contained in this section. A. General. 1. All new development occurring within Planning Areas 1 A, 1 B, 1 C and 1 D shall be in substantial conformance with the Linfield Christian School master plan, provided that modifications of up to twenty percent of the estimated square footage of the individual or combined structures may be approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to the site location or number of new facilities may also be approved by the planning director. Major modifications to the overall scale, intensity or intended land uses within the planning areas shall be referred to the planning commission for approval. 2. All new development within Planning Areas 1 A,1 B, 1 C and 1 D deemed to be in compliance with the Linfield master plan and design guidelines shall be subject to the administrative review process, pursuant to Section 17.05.020 of the Temecula Development Code. 3. Development proposals for faculty housing units within Planning Area 2 of PDO-7 shall be subject to the development standards of the medium density residential (M) zoning district, and will require review and approval of a development plan by the planning commission. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 4. Development proposals for senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted up to a maximum density of twenty-four units per acre within Planning Area 3A and adhere to the following minimum requirements: a. The net livable floor area square footage for senior housing units shall be as required in Section 17.10.020 except that assisted living units shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty square feet for studio/efficiency units; and memory care units shall be a minimum of two hundred fifty square feet for private units and three hundred fifty square feet for shared units. b. Senior housing for independent living and assisted living shall provide a minimum of sixty-eight square feet of private open space per unit, excluding units dedicated as guest units for visiting family members or other non-residents, and may be comprised of private outdoor patios, decks, porches, balconies, and yards. The combined common area and private open space shall be a minimum of two hundred square feet per unit and may include plazas, courtyards, gardens, recreational areas, putting greens, decks and patios. C. Single -story attached senior housing units shall provide a minimum of one hundred fifty square feet per unit of private open space which may be comprised of porches, patios, yards, and courtyards within the front and rear yard areas of the units. d. Memory care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet per unit of common area outdoor space. 5. There is no maximum lot coverage or floor area requirement for development projects within PDO-7, provided that the respective development standards for the use are met. B. Setbacks. 1. Landscape setbacks along the Pauba Road and Rancho Vista Road street frontages shall be an average of twenty feet, except for Planning Area 1B which shall be a minimum of five feet, due to the presence of the existing elementary school parking lot. The overall average front setback along either roadway shall be no less than twenty feet. 2. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, paving, driveways and wrought iron or chain link fencing are permitted to be located within the landscaped setback area. C. Building Height. 1. Structures within Planning Area 1 shall not exceed two stories, or forty-five feet in height. Architectural projections such as mansards, towers and other design elements shall be permitted to extend an additional ten feet above the height of the building. Structures designed as split-level in order to accommodate the existing site grades are permitted up to a height of sixty feet as measured from the lowest grade. Any structures over forty-five feet in height shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet from the nearest exterior property line, and a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. 2. Single-family residential and multi -family residential structures (with the exception of senior housing developments) shall not exceed two stories, or a maximum of thirty feet in height. 3. Multi -family senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, and convalescent housing structures within Planning Area 3A shall not exceed four stories, (excluding parking level) or sixty-five feet in height above the lowest grade, except that elevator shafts and stairwells may extend above the roof height. Any portion of a structure over forty-five feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one hundred and thirty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. D. Parking. 1. Parking requirements for assembly facilities within Planning Area 1 shall be considered as shared parking in conjunction with the standard spaces required under the development code for school parking. This determination applies to those assembly or special event facilities primarily used by the student population and faculty during the school day, or those facilities conducting events after school or in the evening hours when regular school parking is available. 2. In order to provide sufficient on -site parking in the case of a special event on campus, and to prevent potential overflow parking on surrounding public streets, temporary, special event parking may be provided on designated outdoor play courts in Planning Area 1. Such temporary parking areas shall be clearly identified, and cease operation at the conclusion of the special event. E. Landscaping and Fencing. 1. Landscaping within parking lot areas shall be consistent with Section 17.24.050(H) of the Temecula Development Code, with the following exceptions: a. Landscaped planters shall not be required within the interior of parking lots except for at the ends of each row of parking spaces, due to the need to insure clear visibility in parking areas for campus security purposes. b. Required trees within the parking lot area shall be limited to the islands at the end of the parking rows, and within the landscaped areas at the perimeter of the parking lot. Trees shall be minimum fifteen -gallon containers, and may be spaced in a linear fashion around the perimeter or clustered. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every four required parking spaces. Due to the extensive amount of existing mature trees within the district, and the internal nature of the parking lots within the landscaped setting, existing trees immediately adjacent to parking lots shall be included in the required count of parking lot trees. C. Parking lot landscaping standards shall only apply to new or substantially redeveloped parking lot areas within the district. d. Fencing for school facilities and outdoor recreation areas shall be exempt from the fence height requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the public/institutional district of the Temecula Development Code. Acceptable fencing materials include finished wrought iron or tubular steel, chain link, vinyl and decorative masonry. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) View the mobile version. PC RESOLUTION NO.2023-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)" Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay was approved by the City Council on September 16, 2003 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 03-09. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay as approved shall be referred to in this Resolution as the "PDO". B. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School filed Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. C. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. D. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on September 6, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in recommending approval of Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment Application No. PA23-0260, hereby finds, determines and declares that: Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment Planning Application No. PA23-0260 is consistent with the General Plan for the City of Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City: A. The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Zone Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal I Policy LU-1.1 and LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community's labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. Section 3. No Net Loss Findings. Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub -areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area 1 that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. Section 4. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Planned Development Overlay: In Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment and Section 15305 as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas IC and ID were added to Planning Area I which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the PDO amendment. Section 5. Recommendation. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula recommends that the City Council adopt an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)" in substantially the same form set forth on Exhibit A, and the amended Planned Development Overlay in substantially the same form set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference Section 6. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 61h day of September, 2023. Mir-011M.'o � ..1.� _ k_Jr,.!/ .A ATTEST: Kw� Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2023-15 was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6 h day of September, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: 4 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Hagel, Ruiz, Solis, Turley-Trejo NOES: 1 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Watts ABSTAIN: 0 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: 0 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: None uks Watson Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 2023- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay was approved by the City Council on September 16, 2003 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 03-09. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay as approved shall be referred to in this Ordinance as the "PDO". B. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School filed Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. C. This application was filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. D. On September 6, 2023 the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Project at which time all persons interested in these actions had the opportunity and did address the Planning Commission. E. Following consideration of the entire record of information received at the public hearings and due consideration of the proposed Project, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2023-, "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)" F. On , 2023, the City Council considered the Project at a duly noticed public hearing which time the City staff presented its report, and all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project. G. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Planned Development Overlay/Zone Change hereby makes the following findings: A. The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Zone Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal 1 Policy LU-1.1 and LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community's labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. B. The adoption of the Ordinance will not result in a loss of residential capacity in the City. Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area]. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub -areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area I that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area I so that there is no loss in residential capacityfor senior housing in the City. Section 3. CEQA. This Ordinance, which approves an amendment to the Planned Development Overlay, is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the adoption of the Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas IC and ID were added to Planning Area I which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the PDO amendment. Section 4. Zoning Code Amendment. The City Council hereby amends Chapter 17.22 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-7)) of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Temecula Municipal Code by amending Article VIII, entitled "Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District 7" to read as provided in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein as thought set forth in full. Section 5. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 7. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of , 2023 Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 2023- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the day of , 2023, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , 2023 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Title 17 ZQNING Cha to 17.22 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT GVE Y ZONING QIFr RICT- Article VIII. Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 17.22.180 Title. Sections 17.22.180 through 17.22.188 shall be known as "PDO-7" (Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district). (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.181 Purpose and intent. The Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district (PDO-7) is intended to create a unique mixed -use area within the city, blending educational, recreational, institutional and residential facilities in a comprehensive master plan that builds upon the existing campus development. PDO-7 allows for the introduction of compatible housing opportunities within the conventional zoning district and serves to implement the objectives of the land use and housing elements of the general plan. Supplemental development standards have been provided to recognize the transition between the existing campus facilities and the new development areas, to promote compatibility with the surrounding land uses, and to insure the long-term design quality of the Linfield Christian School PDO district. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.184 Relationship with the development code and citywide design guidelines. A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.188, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. Where this PDO is silent, the development standards of the public institutional (PI) district in the development code shall apply (Chapter 17.12). 2. The development standards in the development code that would apply to the medium density residential district, and are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete, for any proposed residential housing to be located in planning area 2 of PDO-7. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 3. The master plan and design guidelines approved as a part of the Linfield Christian School Master Plan shall apply to Planning Areas 1 A, 1 B, 1 C and 1 D of this PDO. Development proposals within Planning Areas 2 and 3A and 3B shall comply with the city of Temecula Citywide Design Guidelines. 4. Senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted pursuant to the standards within Section 17.10.020 of the Temecula Development Code, except as modified by the requirements of Section 17.22.188 of this article. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.186 Use regulations. The list of permitted land uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.18613. PDO-7 contains three different planning areas as shown in Exhibit 17.22.186A. The three planning areas are identified as follows: ► Planning Area 1: Educational/Institutional: identified as (EI) in Table 17.22.18613. Planning Area 1 is further separated into four subareas: Planning Area IA (58.25 gross acres) is the main Linfield Christian School Campus, and Planning Area 113 (5.82 gross acres) is the existing elementary school campus. Planning Area 1 C (5.43 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing Planning Area 1 D (9.39 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing ► Planning Area 2 (7.58 gross acres): EducationaUResidential: identified as (ER) in Table 17.22.18613; and ► Planning Area 3: Public/Institutional: identified as (PI) in Table 17.22.18613. Planning Area 3 is further separated into two subareas: Planning Area 3A (7.36 gross acres); and Planning Area 313 (5.82 gross acres). EXHIBIT 17.22.186A Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map PLAWNG AREA 3B PLANNING PLANNING AREA 7A AREA iC PLANNING AREA 10 PLANNING AREA 1A 0 B cc vautna Where indicated with the letter "P" the use shall be a permitted use. A letter "C" indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a "- ," the use is prohibited within the planning area. Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned De�ela meet OverlayDistrict-7 Description of Use Area Area 1A,1B, Description of Use 1C & 1D Area 2 Area 3A & 3B EI (ER) (PI) A Art gallery p p p Auditorium P C C S Keserved C Christmas tree lots p p p Church estenip les religious institutions C C C Communications and microwave installations' Community health clinics _ _ C Community center p C p Conference center p p p Congregate care housing Qncludft support services C C P Congregate living health facility C C C Construction trailer (temporary) P p p Convalescent homes C p p D Da care center p p p Day care health center p _ p L Educational institution C C C F Food services for campus andspecial events P p p G Garages, public parking C _ p Golf courses C _ p Golf college orsports training facility C _ p Government offices p _ p Government services p _ p Group home H Heli ad or heliport C - C Hospital C C I—K Reserved L Library p p p M Maintenance facili accessory to primmy use only) P C P Modular classrooms used as interim classrooms ace P - P Museum p p p N-0 Reserved P Parks and recreation p p p Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A,1B, 1C & 1D EI Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) Performing arts theaters and places of public assembly P — C Police/sheriff station P -I P Post office — — P Public utilities C C C Q Reserved R Radio and broadcasting studios P — P Recording studios P — P Religious facilities C C C Residential —single-family detached, school superintendent or dean's home, caretaker home, _(accessory to private school use only_) P P P Residential —single-family attached or duplex housing for school faculty — P Residential —multiple -family housing for school faculty — P — Residential —senior housing C** C C Residential —student dorms C C C S Schools, trade or vocational C C C Skilled nursing facility C C C Sports and recreation facilities P P P T Trade or vocational schools C C C U Utility offices and service yards C C C V—Z Reserved Notes: *Subject to Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ** Senior Housing is allowed in PA 1 C and I of Planning Area 1 Legend: P = Permitted by right in the district C = Permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the district — = Use is prohibited in the district (EI) = Educational/Institutional: Planning Areas IA,1B, I and I (ER) = Educational/Residential: Planning Area 2 (PI) = Public/Institutional: Planning Areas 3A and 3B (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 08-11 §§ 36-38; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.188 Supplemental development standards. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses within PDO-7 shall comply with the development standards of the underlying public/institutional zoning district except as modified or augmented by the standards contained in this section. A. General. 1. All new development occurring within Planning Areas IA, 1 B, 1 C and 1 D shall be in substantial conformance with the Linfield Christian School master plan, provided that modifications of up to twenty percent of the estimated square footage of the individual or combined structures may be approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to the site location or number of new facilities may also be approved by the planning director. Major modifications to the overall scale, intensity or intended land uses within the planning areas shall be referred to the planning commission for approval. 2. All new development within Planning Areas IA,1B, I and I deemed to be in compliance with the Linfield master plan and design guidelines shall be subject to the administrative review process, pursuant to Section 17.05.020 of the Temecula Development Code. 3. Development proposals for faculty housing units within Planning Area 2 of PDO-7 shall be subject to the development standards of the medium density residential (M) zoning district, and will require review and approval of a development plan by the planning commission. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 4. Development proposals for senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted up to a maximum density of twenty-four units per acre within Planning Area 3A and adhere to the following minimum requirements: a. The net livable floor area square footage for senior housing units shall be as required in Section 17.10.020 except that assisted living units shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty square feet for studio/efficiency units; and memory care units shall be a minimum of two hundred fifty square feet for private units and three hundred fifty square feet for shared units. b. Senior housing for independent living and assisted living shall provide a minimum of sixty-eight square feet of private open space per unit, excluding units dedicated as guest units for visiting family members or other non-residents, and may be comprised of private outdoor patios, decks, porches, balconies, and yards. The combined common area and private open space shall be a minimum of two hundred square feet per unit and may include plazas, courtyards, gardens, recreational areas, putting greens, decks and patios. C. Single -story attached senior housing units shall provide a minimum of one hundred fifty square feet per unit of private open space which may be comprised of porches, patios, yards, and courtyards within the front and rear yard areas of the units. d. Memory care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet per unit of common area outdoor space. 5. There is no maximum lot coverage or floor area requirement for development projects within PDO-7, provided that the respective development standards for the use are met. B. Setbacks. 1. Landscape setbacks along the Pauba Road and Rancho Vista Road street frontages shall be an average of twenty feet, except for Planning Area I which shall be a minimum of five feet, due to the presence of the existing elementary school parking lot. The overall average front setback along either roadway shall be no less than twenty feet. 2. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, paving, driveways and wrought iron or chain link fencing are permitted to be located within the landscaped setback area. C. Building Height. 1. Structures within Planning Area 1 shall not exceed two stories, or forty-five feet in height. Architectural projections such as mansards, towers and other design elements shall be permitted to extend an additional ten feet above the height of the building. Structures designed as split-level in order to accommodate the existing site grades are permitted up to a height of sixty feet as measured from the lowest grade. Any structures over forty-five feet in height shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet from the nearest exterior property line, and a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. 2. Single-family residential and multi -family residential structures (with the exception of senior housing developments) shall not exceed two stories, or a maximum of thirty feet in height. 3. Multi -family senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, and convalescent housing structures within Planning Area 3A shall not exceed four stories, (excluding parking level) or sixty-five feet in height above the lowest grade, except that elevator shafts and stairwells may extend above the roof height. Any portion of a structure over forty-five feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one hundred and thirty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. D. Parking. 1. Parking requirements for assembly facilities within Planning Area 1 shall be considered as shared parking in conjunction with the standard spaces required under the development code for school parking. This determination applies to those assembly or special event facilities primarily used by the student population and faculty during the school day, or those facilities conducting events after school or in the evening hours when regular school parking is available. 2. In order to provide sufficient on -site parking in the case of a special event on campus, and to prevent potential overflow parking on surrounding public streets, temporary, special event parking may be provided on designated outdoor play courts in Planning Area 1. Such temporary parking areas shall be clearly identified, and cease operation at the conclusion of the special event. E. Landscaping and Fencing. 1. Landscaping within parking lot areas shall be consistent with Section 17.24.050(H) of the Temecula Development Code, with the following exceptions: a. Landscaped planters shall not be required within the interior of parking lots except for at the ends of each row of parking spaces, due to the need to insure clear visibility in parking areas for campus security purposes. b. Required trees within the parking lot area shall be limited to the islands at the end of the parking rows, and within the landscaped areas at the perimeter of the parking lot. Trees shall be minimum fifteen -gallon containers, and may be spaced in a linear fashion around the perimeter or clustered. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every four required parking spaces. Due to the extensive amount of existing mature trees within the district, and the internal nature of the parking lots within the landscaped setting, existing trees immediately adjacent to parking lots shall be included in the required count of parking lot trees. C. Parking lot landscaping standards shall only apply to new or substantially redeveloped parking lot areas within the district. d. Fencing for school facilities and outdoor recreation areas shall be exempt from the fence height requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the public/institutional district of the Temecula Development Code. Acceptable fencing materials include finished wrought iron or tubular steel, chain link, vinyl and decorative masonry. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) View the mobile version. Ule 17 ZONING ha r 17-22 TANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING I CT PDO- PROPOSED PDO-7 AMENDMENT Article VIII. Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 17.22.180 Title. Sections 17.22.180 through 17.22.188 shall be known as "PDO-7" (Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district). (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.181 Purpose and intent. The Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district (PDO-7) is intended to create a unique mixed -use area within the city, blending educational, recreational, institutional and residential facilities in a comprehensive master plan that builds upon the existing campus development. PDO-7 allows for the introduction of compatible housing opportunities within the conventional zoning district and serves to implement the objectives of the land use and housing elements of the general plan. Supplemental development standards have been provided to recognize the transition between the existing campus facilities and the new development areas, to promote compatibility with the surrounding land uses, and to insure the long-term design quality of the Linfield Christian School PDO district. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.184 Relationship with the development code and ci"ide design guidelines. A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.188, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. Where this PDO is silent, the development standards of the public institutional (PI) district in the development code shall apply (Chapter 17.12). 2. The development standards in the development code that would apply to the medium density residential district, and are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete, for any proposed residential housing to be located in planning area 2 of PDO-7. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 3. The master plan and design guidelines approved as a part of the Linfield Christian School Master Plan shall apply to Planning Areas IA, aod-1B I Cand 1 D of this PDO. Development proposals within Planning Areas 2 and 3A and 3B shall comply with the city of Temecula Citywide Design Guidelines. 4. Senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted pursuant to the standards within Section 17.10.020 of the Temecula Development Code, except as modified by the requirements of Section 17.22.188 of this article. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.186 Use regulations. The list of permitted land uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. PDO-7 contains three different planning areas as shown in Exhibit 17.22.186A. The three planning areas are identified as follows: ► Planning Area 1: Educational/Institutional: identified as (EI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 1 is further separated into two- four subareas: J Planning Area IA (5&.25!4}8-58.25-gross acres) is the main Linfield Christian School Campus, and Planning Area 1 B (5.82 gross acres) is the existing elementary school campus. Planning, Area I C 5.43 gross acres is a VjLrtion of the northern campus that inay include Senior HOLISM' Planning Area I U 9.39 gross acres is a portion of the northern can us that Ina include Senior Housing: ► Planning Area 2 (7.58 gross acres): Educational/Residential: identified as (ER) in Table 17.22.18613; and ► Planning Area 3: Public/Institutional: identified as (PI) in Table 17.22.18613. Planning Area 3 is further separated into two subareas: Planning Area 3A (15.58 7.36 gross acres); and Planning Area 3B (12.42 5.82-1- gross acres). EXISTING EXHIBIT 17.22.186A (To be replaced with Revised Map below) Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map �.�wsno AwM III r KA"Nom ARM 1A PROPOSED EXHIBIT 17.22.186A Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map PLANNING AREA I PLANNING AREA 3C3 PLANNINGPLANNING AREA 3A AREA 1C AREA 1A Pauba Where indicated with the letter "P" the use shall be a permitted use. A letter "C" indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a "- ," the use is prohibited within the planning area. Table 17.22.18613 Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Develo ment Overlay District-7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A &, 1 1C & 11) EI Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) A Art alle P P P Auditorium P C C B Reserved C Christmas tree lots P P P Churches, temples, religious institutions C C C Communications and microwave installations+' Communi health clinics _ _ C Community center P C P Conference center P P P Congregate care housing (including support services) C C P Congregate living health facility C C C Construction trailer (temporary) P P P Convalescent homes C P P D Day care center P P P Day care health center P _ P E Educational institution C C C Table 17.22.18613 Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlav District-7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A &, 1% IC & 1 D EI Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) F Food services for campus andspecial events P P P G Garages public pArking C _ p Golf courses C _ p Golf colle a or sports training facili C _ p Government offices P _ p Government services P _ p Group home H Heli ad or heliport C - C Hospital C - C i 1-K (Keserved) L Library p p p M Maintenance facility (accessory to primmy use only) P C P Modular classrooms used as interim classrooms ace P - P Museum p p p I N-u (Keserved) P Parks and recreation P P p Performing arts, theaters and 21aces of public assembly P C Police/sheriff station P _ p Post office _ _ p Public utilities C C C L v (Keservea) R Radio and broadcasting studios P - p Recordin giv studios P _ p Reli ious facilities C C C Residential —single-family detached, school superintendent or dean's home, caretaker home, (accessory to private school use only) P P P Residential —single-family attached or duplex housing for school faculty- P - Residential —multiple -family housing for school faculty - P _ Residential —senior housing -C** C C Residential —student dorms C C C S Schools, trade or vocational C C C Skilled nursing facility C C C Sports and recreation facilities P P P T Trade or vocational schools C C C U Utility offices and service yards C I C C V-G Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District-7 Description of Use Area Area 1A ,&, Area 2 Area 3A & 3B Description of Use 1B, 1 C& I n (ER) (PI) IVII Note : 4-*. Subject to Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ** Senior Housing is allowed in PA 1C and 1D of Planning Area 1 Legend: P = Permitted by right in the district C = Permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the district — = Use is prohibited in the district (EI) = Educational/Institutional: Planning Areas IA,lB,_I C and i D (ER) = Educational/Residential: Planning Area 2 (PI) = Public/Institutional: Planning Areas 3A and 3B (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 08-11 §§ 36-38; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.188 Supplemental development standards. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses within PDO-7 shall comply with the development standards of the underlying public/institutional zoning district except as modified or augmented by the standards contained in this section. A. General. 1. All new development occurring within Planning Areas I A. and I B. 1 C and 1 D shall be in substantial conformance with the Linfield Christian School master plan, provided that modifications of up to twenty percent of the estimated square footage of the individual or combined structures may be approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to the site location or number of new facilities may also be approved by the planning director. Major modifications to the overall scale, intensity or intended land uses within the planning areas shall be referred to the planning commission for approval. 2. A I I new development within Planning Areas 1 A,:-a+41 B,_ 1 C and 1 D deemed to be in compliance with the Linfield master plan and design guidelines shall be subject to the administrative review process, pursuant to Section 17.05.020 of the Temecula Development Code. 3. Development proposals for faculty housing units within Planning Area 2 of PDO-7 shall be subject to the development standards of the medium density residential (M) zoning district, and will require review and approval of a development plan by the planning commission. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 4. Development proposals for senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted up to a maximum density of twenty-four units per acre within Planning Area 3A and adhere to the following minimum requirements: a. The net livable floor area square footage for senior housing units shall be as required in Section 17.10.020 except that assisted living units shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty square feet for studio/efficiency units; and memory care units shall be a minimum of two hundred fifty square feet for private units and three hundred fifty square feet for shared units. b. Senior housing for independent living and assisted living shall provide a minimum of sixty-eight square feet of private open space per unit, excluding units dedicated as guest units for visiting family members or other non-residents, and may be comprised of private outdoor patios, decks, porches, balconies, and yards. The combined common area and private open space shall be a minimum of two hundred square feet per unit and may include plazas, courtyards, gardens, recreational areas, putting greens, decks and patios. C. Single -story attached senior housing units shall provide a minimum of one hundred fifty square feet per unit of private open space which may be comprised of porches, patios, yards, and courtyards within the front and rear yard areas of the units. d. Memory care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet per unit of common area outdoor space. 5. There is no maximum lot coverage or floor area requirement for development projects within PDO-7, provided that the respective development standards for the use are met. B. Setbacks. 1. Landscape setbacks along the Pauba Road and Rancho Vista Road street frontages shall be an average of twenty feet, except for Planning Area 1 B which shall be a minimum of five feet, due to the presence of the existing elementary school parking lot. The overall average front setback along either roadway shall be no less than twenty feet. 2. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, paving, driveways and wrought iron or chain link fencing are permitted to be located within the landscaped setback area. C. Building Height. 1. Structures within Planning Area 1 shall not exceed two stories, or forty-five feet in height. Architectural projections such as mansards, towers and other design elements shall be permitted to extend an additional ten feet above the height of the building. Structures designed as split-level in order to accommodate the existing site grades are permitted up to a height of sixty feet as measured from the lowest grade. Any structures over forty-five feet in height shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet from the nearest exterior property line, and a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. 2. Single-family residential and multi -family residential structures (with the exception of senior housing developments) shall not exceed two stories, or a maximum of thirty feet in height. 3. Multi -family senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, and convalescent housing structures within Planning Area 3A shall not exceed four stories, (excluding parking level) or sixty-five feet in height above the lowest grade, except that elevator shafts and stairwells may extend above the roof height. Any portion of a structure over forty-five feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one hundred and thirty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. D. Parking. 1. Parking requirements for assembly facilities within Planning Area 1 shall be considered as shared parking in conjunction with the standard spaces required under the development code for school parking. This determination applies to those assembly or special event facilities primarily used by the student population and faculty during the school day, or those facilities conducting events after school or in the evening hours when regular school parking is available. 2. In order to provide sufficient on -site parking in the case of a special event on campus, and to prevent potential overflow parking on surrounding public streets, temporary, special event parking may be provided on designated outdoor play courts in Planning Area 1. Such temporary parking areas shall be clearly identified, and cease operation at the conclusion of the special event. E. Landscaping and Fencing. 1. Landscaping within parking lot areas shall be consistent with Section 17.24.050(H) of the Temecula Development Code, with the following exceptions: a. Landscaped planters shall not be required within the interior of parking lots except for at the ends of each row of parking spaces, due to the need to insure clear visibility in parking areas for campus security purposes. b. Required trees within the parking lot area shall be limited to the islands at the end of the parking rows, and within the landscaped areas at the perimeter of the parking lot. Trees shall be minimum fifteen -gallon containers, and may be spaced in a linear fashion around the perimeter or clustered. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every four required parking spaces. Due to the extensive amount of existing mature trees within the district, and the internal nature of the parking lots within the landscaped setting, existing trees immediately adjacent to parking lots shall be included in the required count of parking lot trees. C. Parking lot landscaping standards shall only apply to new or substantially redeveloped parking lot areas within the district. d. Fencing for school facilities and outdoor recreation areas shall be exempt from the fence height requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the public/institutional district of the Temecula Development Code. Acceptable fencing materials include finished wrought iron or tubular steel, chain link, vinyl and decorative masonry. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) View the mobile version. STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE OF MEETING: September 6, 2023 PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT Planning Application Number PA23-0260, a Planned Development SUMMARY: Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the proposed Planning Commission Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Planned Development Overlay Amendment CEQA: Categorically Exempt Section 15061(b)(3) Section 15305, Class 5, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Linfield Christian School General Plan Designation: Public Institutional (PI) Zoning Designation: Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant, Linfield Christian School / Public Institutional (PI) North: Rancho Vista Road, Single Family Residential / Low Medium Density Residential (LM) South: Pauba Road, Single Family Residential, Paloma Elementary School / Low Medium Residential (LM), Public Institutional (PI) East: Single Family Residential / Very Low Density Residential (VL) West: Temecula Valley High School / Public Institutional (PI) Lot Area: BACKGROUND SUMMARY Existing/Proposed Area IA 58.25 Acres Area 1 C 5.43 Acres Area I 9.39 Acres Area 3A 7.36 Acres Area 313 5.81 Acres Min/Max Allowable or Required 0.16 Acres Minimum On September 16, 2003, the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) was approved and adopted by the City of Temecula City Council. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School submitted Planning Application PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. The project is located on the property of Linfield Christian School north of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. encompassing Assessor Parcel Numbers 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO) contains four (4) separate parcels and five (5) separate Planning Areas (PA IA, PA 113, PA 2, PA 3A, and PA 313). The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment (PDO-A) is an adjustment to the boundaries of three (3) of the Planning Areas (PA) and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1 (PA IC & PA ID). PA IA is the existing main campus of Linfield Christian School, and PAs 3A and 313 are vacant areas within the property. The proposed amendment to PDO-7 will result in the land areas of PA 3A being reduced from 15.58 acres to 7.36 acres and PA 313 reduced from 12.42 to 5.82 acres. The 14.82 acres reduced from those PAs will create the two new sub -areas of PA 1C totaling 5.43 acres and PA 1D totaling 9.39 acres. The new sub -areas of Planning Area 1 will be retained as part of the main campus area for the school in order to meet the future educational and athletic program needs in addition to retain senior housing as a potential land use opportunity. Existing Linfield Christian School PDO Planning Area Map �pEA 3R!• - A EA 1A -- ftA MR" ARM IA Proposed Linfield Christian School PDO Planning Area Map PLANNING AREA 3B PLANNING PLANNING AREA 3A AREA 1C PLANNING AREA 1 D NNING AREA 1A Pa The proposed amendment will create a more practicable and developable parcel configuration for PAs 3A and 3B, while providing the main Linfield Christian School campus (PA 1) with additional land area to develop athletic fields and academic programs for the students. The amendment application does not propose any physical development, nor does it propose any new land uses within the existing PDO. No Net Loss Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub -areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area 1 that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the i housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 24, 2023, and mailed to the property owners within a 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas IC and ID were added to Planning Area 1 which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the Planned Development Overlay (PDO) amendment. A Notice of Exemption will be prepared and will be filed in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. FINDINGS Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal I Policy LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community's labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. PC Resolution 3. Exhibit A - Draft City Council Ordinance 4. Exhibit B — Planned Development Overlay Amendment 5. Planned Development Overlay Amendment (Underline/Strikeout) 6. Notice of Exemption 7. Notice of Public Hearing 4 Gty of �Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street - Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 - Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProces sina(& asrclkrec. com October 25, 2023 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Exemption for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Exemption within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Cooper at (951) 506-5137 or at email scott.cooper(a,TemeculaCA.gov. . Sincerely, Matt Peters Assistant Director of Community Development Attachments: Notice of Exemption Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Exemption TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 Project Title: Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) Amendment (PA23-0260) Description of Project: Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Project Location: APNs: 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019 Applicant/Proponent: City of Temecula, County of Riverside The City Council approved the above described project on October 24, 2023 and found that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Exempt Status: (check one) ❑ Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); Section 15268); ❑ Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); Section 15269(a)); ❑ Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); Section 15269(b)(c)); ❑ Statutory Exemptions (Section Number: ) ® Categorical Exemption: (Section Number 15061(b)(3), 15305) ❑ Other: Statement of Reasons Supporting the Finding that the Project is Exempt: This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. Contact Person/Title: Scott Cooper, Senior Planner Phone Number: (951) 506-5137 Signature: Matt Peters Assistant Director of Community Development Date: Notice of Public Hearing THE CITY OF TEMECULA 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the CITY COUNCIL to consider the matter(s) described below. Case No.: PA23-0260 Applicant: Linfield Christian School Location: North of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. (APNs: 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019) Proposal: Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub -areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review and a Notice of Exemption will be adopted in compliance with CEQA (Sections 15305, Class 5, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations and 15061(b)(3)). PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: October 24, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM Project Site 0 500 1,000 m F, Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the approval of the project at the time of hearing. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the City Council shall be filed within the time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the City Council, shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. The proposed project application may be viewed at the public information counter, Temecula Civic Center, Planning Department, 41000 Main Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Questions concerning the project(s) may be addressed to Scott Cooper, City of Temecula Planning Department, (951) 506- 5137. Item No. 17 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Appoint Members to the Community Services, Planning, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Traffic Safety Commissions PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council appoint members to the Community Services, Planning, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Traffic Safety Commissions. BACKGROUND: The City currently has the following vacancies on its commissions: Community Services Commission (1), Planning Commission (1), Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission (2), and Traffic Safety Commission (2). These vacancies were advertised and recruited for utilizing a variety of methods, including but not limited to, the printed newspaper, City website, Channel 3, social media, and community stakeholder platforms. The application period for these vacancies was August 1, 2023 — September 30, 2023. The attached redacted applications were submitted for consideration by the deadline. Terms will begin January 1, 2024 and run through December 31, 2026. It is recommended that the City Council receive applicant presentations and appoint members to the Community Services, Planning, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Traffic Safety Commissions. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Community Services Commission Applications 2. Planning Commission Applications 3. Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission Applications 4. Traffic Safety Commission Applications City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 29, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Trevor First Name Home Address Temecula City Benkie Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92591 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 5 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. "see resume" List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. "see resume" Trevor Benkie Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. "see resume" List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. "see resume" Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My name is Trevor Benkie and I am writing to express my deep interest in the Community Services Commission position within the City of Temecula. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my skills and passion to this esteemed commission. One of the things that truly sets Temecula apart is our beautiful parks and recreational areas. I have a genuine love for our parks and recreation spaces, and I believe they play a vital role in promoting physical and mental well-being, fostering community connections, and creating memorable experiences for residents of all ages. As a marathon runner and hiker, I've had the privilege of exploring almost every corner of our city through my outdoor adventures. Whether it's the serene trails, the inviting parks, or the scenic bike paths, I've personally experienced the benefits of our outdoor spaces. I know the joy of achieving personal goals while surrounded by Temecula's natural beauty. My personal love for parks, combined with my experience in utilizing these resources for leisure and exercise, has provided me with unique insights into their potential and the possibilities for improvement. While our city boasts incredible natural beauty and recreational opportunities, we also face the challenge of homelessness, particularly near our parks, bike paths, malls, and recreation areas. It's a complex issue that requires a compassionate and comprehensive approach. I am committed to working collaboratively with community organizations, local agencies, and residents to address homelessness effectively. I will actively work to develop and implement initiatives that address homelessness in our parks and recreation areas. This includes collaborating with local service providers, finding innovative solutions, and supporting individuals in need while also respecting the rights and concerns of our residents. As someone deeply committed to the betterment of our community, I am excited about the prospect of advising the City Council and staff on vital matters concerning parks and recreation facilities, as well as adult and youth recreation services, senior citizen and human services, and cultural and fine arts services. Throughout my personal and professional journey, I have consistently strived to foster an environment where individuals can thrive, connect, and enjoy enriching experiences together. I am driven by my love for Temecula, my passion for parks and recreation, and my dedication to addressing the challenges we face, including homelessness. With your support, we can make Temecula an even better place to live, work, and play for all our residents. Thank you for considering me as your candidate for the Temecula Community Services Commission. Together, we can build a brighter future for our city. Value Statement Trevor Benkie Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As a member of the Community Services Commission, I will advocate for the enhancement and expansion of our parks and recreational programs, ensuring they continue to serve as vibrant hubs for our community. I believe in the power of community input. One of my core strengths is my ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups of people, embracing the richness of differing viewpoints and perspectives. I understand the importance of engaging the community, listening attentively to their needs, and translating those needs into actionable solutions. Furthermore, my professional background has equipped me with strong analytical and problem -solving skills, enabling me to tackle complex issues methodically and make informed recommendations. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): John Sansevero (Commercial Account Executive, -, ) Mike Murphy (Attorney, -, ) Shawn Grady (SVP Employee Benefits Consultant, -, ) Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Trevor Benkie Question a plies to multiple boards Trevor genkie Resume - _Temecula.docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. m 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Trevor Benkie TREVOR BENKIE M: E: I Temecula, CA Experienced, results -driven Managerial Professional with 14+ years of experience in project management, technology solution architecting, risk mitigation, analytics, and leadership roles. Analytical problem -solver with a solid foundation in streamline operational procedures, departmental function development, and database management demonstrated through experience as a Senior Manager of IT Applications, Manager of IT Applications and Data Science Project Manager. Outstanding communicator and proactive leader, able to work with diverse colleagues to produce value department wide and deliver results with maximal impact. Business Strategy and Development Solution Architecting Data Analytics CORE COMPETENCIES Project Management Operational Planning Inventory Management PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS I CALABASAS, CA I (2013-PRESENT) Senior Manager — IT Applications, Solutions Delivery (2023-Present) ■ Account Management ■ Supply Chain Logistics ■ Stakeholder Management ■ Supervise large-scale, complex, multi -year projects, overseeing all aspects from inception to completion, including project planning, resource allocation, milestone tracking, and stakeholder communication. ■ Manage a multi -million -dollar technology budget, ensuring optimal allocation of resources for strategic initiatives and cost- effective solutions. ■ Leading the migration of 1300+ product testing protocols to a new quality management system. ■ Skillfully managing a repository of over 1 million digital assets, enhancing accessibility, and streamlining workflows. ■ Successfully negotiated vendor contracts, resulting in significant cost reductions, maintaining, or improving service quality. ■ Develop custom Python programs to clean, merge, and summarize data sources, optimizing operational procedures. ■ Managed data feeds between various business applications, ensuring efficient integration and functionality. ■ Leading a team of managers and analysts, driving workflow efficiency, and promoting best practices. ■ Designed, tested, and debugged software applications utilized by distribution centers and corporate employees. ■ Implemented standard operating procedures and best practices, providing guidance to IT staff and end -users. Manager — IT Applications, Solutions Delivery (2020-2023) ■ Solution Architect for the Quality Assurance, Sourcing, Imports, Project Management, Process Improvement, and Marketing departments. Utilize business knowledge in each of these areas to help each team utilize technology efficiently. ■ Responsible for the selection and implementation of a new digital asset management tool to manage over 1 million digital assets. ■ Managed projects and deadlines across multiple business units, maintaining exemplary outcomes across all efforts. ■ Developed and maintained strong relationships with external vendors and internal business partners. ■ Helped renegotiate an existing application contract, leading to a cost reduction of over 30% per license. ■ Utilize Python to build custom programs, rigorously clean, merge, and summarize multiple data sources for various departments to optimize operational procedures. ■ Managed data feeds between various business applications (Workfront, ETQ, STEP, Oracle, and internal systems), enmeshing efficiency and functionality throughout all efforts. ■ Self -established and developed a dynamic team of 3 business analysts, successfully championed company values and enforced best practices, paving the path for significantly accelerated workflow. ■ Develop, test, and debug software applications utilized by 1000+ corporate employees. ■ Create standard operating procedures and best practices, including providing written protocols and guidance to IT staff and end - users. Data Science Project Manager, Inventory Data Science (2018-2020) ■ Managed a large cross -functional project with the distribution centers to revamp the daily container unload planning and reporting processes, resulting in higher in -stock levels for high margin and in demand products. ■ Enhanced operational efficiency by producing 30+ python programs to push and pull data using the Workfront Rest API across tenure. ■ Constructed a financial model responsible for determining projected weekly payments to 1000+ vendors based on current orders, projected purchase orders, and payment terms. ■ Developed competent KPIs for various departments to identify key contributions, driving continuous improvement. ■ Created a program to automate purchasing decisions of 500+ low dollar items based on a set of variables, reducing labor requirement in item review and generating increased productivity. ■ Facilitated data -driven meetings with various stakeholders including senior management and executives on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, offering frontline perspectives which proved pivotal in discussions and actions generated. ■ System administrator and manager of Workfront Project Management software supporting new product development. ■ Designed and managed a ticketing system to support an application user base of 400+ people. Effectively neutralized work atmosphere and fostered collaboration across 7+ departments, increasing project planning efficiency. Manager, Purchasing — Inventory Management (2016-2020) ■ Oversaw an annual inventory spend of $800M+, keenly monitored and regulated in -stock levels for the top selling items. ■ Led a team of 5+ Senior Inventory Analysts, organized individualized training programs and career development plans. ■ Tasked with weekly administration over activities for domestic and international purchases including expedites, diverts, defers, and tracking, ensured timely delivery throughout all procedures. ■ Expanded core skills for 50+ members of the inventory department through training sessions, focusing on Microsoft Excel/Access to significantly upskill and expand departmental expertise in data management and reporting. ■ Constructed a logistics data model and user interfaces to enhance decision execution for analysts and senior leadership and ensure projected data is achieved, warranting smooth workflow throughout. ■ Took initiative to build new data sources and metrics to improve purchasing behavior and quality. ■ Constructed a projection model to predict which SKUs required fair share allocation, sustaining data integrity across all units. Supervisor, Purchasing — Inventory Management (2015-2016) ■ Directed responsibilities for a team of 7+ inventory analysts in tandem with developing talent for future senior analyst positions, engraining relevant skillsets and success measures throughout training. ■ Oversaw an annual purchasing spend of $150M+, seeking opportunities to achieve higher in -stock levels. ■ Winner of the Silver Hammer Award for excellence, achieved by setting standards for business processes and exceeding expectations on objectives. ■ Evaluated SKU performance with close attention to detail, proactively identifying factors for improvement and optimizations to boost performance outcomes and deliver results. ■ Identified possibility for eliminating the need to update multiple excel reports and email each report owner, adeptly built a report that consolidated several weekly update reports into one, increasing productivity by 12%. Business Analyst, Purchasing — Inventory Management (2013-2015) ■ Developed and managed key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the current and historical performance of the department, distinguishing key factors and contributions to company success. ■ Cleaned, consolidated, and organized large data sets and provided strategic insights to senior management across tenure. ■ Managed inventory buying decisions for high -caliber items with $50M+ of annual spend. ■ Crafted innovative reporting measures that assisted inventory analysts in communicating shipping changes to vendors, resulting in a time savings of 50 hours per week. ■ Established a Microsoft Excel tool through the Solver Excel add -in to analyze all products and determine the full container shipping quantity for each, increasing utilization rates by optimizing load plans. INLAND -METRO SERVICES / SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON I RIALTO, CA 1 2012-2013 Analyst 2 — Project/Program, Transmission Project Delivery — Project Management SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON I POMONA, CA 1 2011-2012 Professional Trainee 2, Business Planning and Financial Management KAR WING TRADING CO. I SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 1 2009-2011 Account Executive, Marketing (2009-2011) Page 2 of 3 Marketing Intern (2008-2009) EDUCATION California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Master of Business Administration: 2012 ■ Awards/Honors: Member of Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society for collegiate schools of business / Placed in the Cal Poly Pomona Business Plan Competition (2012) / Marketing Consultant for the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership (2011) Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: International Business and Market Management: 2010 • Awards/Honors: Study Abroad Program —North China University of Technology (2008) / Dean's List -Winter 2008, Summer 2008, Winter 2009, Fall 2009, Winter 2010 TECHNICAL SKILLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADDITIONAL CREDENTIALS Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access) / Python (pandas, numpy, requests, BeautifulSoup, OpenPyExcel, Matplotlib) / SQL / MySQL / Tableau (data linking, heat maps, data extracts, executive dashboards, interactive charts) /Adobe Workfront (System Administrator) / ETQ Reliance (System Administrator) Stanford University, Center for Professional Development (Decision Quality, Modeling for Strategic Insight) Page 3 of 3 City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Sep 30, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 4 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None, see resume for related experience. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Currently the secretary of the Temeku Hills Homeowners Association Executive Board. See Resume for other involvement. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. For over 10 years I have dedicated myself to serving my community in various capacities. I highly believe in the importance of being involved. Although my past and current involvement has mostly to do with children, I feel I am ready and have the experience to now be a part of city level involvement. I'd like to do my part to maintain this beautiful city and to bring fresh ideas to the table. Due to my background, cities I've lived in and different sectors I've worked and volunteered in, I feel I can provide perspectives that represent a wide range of Temecula residents. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As an individual with a diverse background, I would contribute important perspectives. I am a mother, a wife, a First Generation American, I've worked with children in differentiating cities, I've lived in densely populated urban cities, lived in suburban Temecula for close to 9 years, I've started my own business, been a stay-at-home mom for many years, craved my own path in the ever -changing post Covid world, and have also managed to create little communities for my children to thrive in. Throughout all my endeavors, I've gained knowledge of what communities and the communities within these communities need and have gained many experiences when creating solutions to problems these communities face. My contribution to the City of Temecula would be this knowledge, experience, and versatile creativity. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): 1. Stephanie San Paolo, Realtor, -, 2. Kayla Teran, Downey Unified School District Employee,-, 3. Amanda O'Callaghan, Business Manager, - Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Stephanie_ Dawson_ Resume General�pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson STEPHANIE HERNANDEZ-DAWSON , Temecula, CA 92591 - phone / . Objective Dedicated and motivated individual with a range of experience and skills working with people in varied settings. - Extensive knowledge in general computer applications including Adobe Photoshop. -Fluent in Spanish -Professional Photography Skills Key Skills -60 WPM -Varied creative talents useful for project implantation. -Exceptional ability to work with children. Experience -Experienced and skilled working well as a team member. -Efficient meeting and event planning ability. -CPR and First Aid Certified Little Explorers Homeschool Co -Op 2021-Current Director Plan, coordinate, and execute weekly activities such as academic lessons, field trips, and hands on projects for a group of 20-30 homeschool students ages ¢11. Independent Learning Academy - Murrieta 2022-2023 Spanish Teacher As an independent contracted teacher, teaching beginner level Spanish to homeschooled students ages 5-12 years. Mermaid Kisses Photography 2021-2023 Owner/Photography Turned a hobby into a small business. Focused on natural light photography, creating backdrops and settings for photographing mini sessions mainly of children and families. Realty One Group Southwest, Temecula, CA 2019-2021 Realtor Over 10 years of experience in the real estate field. Serving clients who are interested in selling or purchasing homes. Temecula Valley Unified School District, Temecula, CA 2016 — 2017 Instructional Assistant II- SDC Job duties included providing academic assistance in a classroom setting for students in 6th to 8th grade in the subjects of math, science, English, and history. Responsible for supervising small groups of students outside of classroom for activities such as tests or quizzes. Also assisted teachers in checking classwork and updating power point presentations to be used as part of lesson plans. Worked with students individually as needed. 1of2 I Page ON—Aff— Experience Continued Vintage Hills Elementary, Temecula, CA Williams Elementary PTA Volunteer, Downey, CA 2011 — 2015 Communications Chair/ Vice President/ Ways and Means / Yearbook Chair/Reflections Chair/Financial Secretary In charge of or part of committees responsible for various PTA sponsored activities including but not limited to yearly fundraisers, Reflections Art Recognition Program, book fairs, family nights, and teacher appreciation week. Created yearbooks for three school years from start to finish. Responsible for creating most event flyers, posters, and invitations. Also spent weekly scheduled time within classrooms assisting teachers with student group work, grading, and art activities. Received Honorary Service Award in 2013 for volunteer work. Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Los Angeles, CA 2010 — 2011 Payroll Clerk Conducted scheduled time sensitive data gathering to process employee paychecks for international law firm with over 2,000 employees and several offices throughout the United States and overseas. Provided customer service to employees with payroll questions or concerns. Prudential 24 Hour Real Estate / Escrow Net, Downey, CA 2006 — 2010 Listing Coordinator / Ofllce Manager /Licensed Real Estate Agent and Notary Responsible for over 10-25 active single family residence listings and/or escrows. In charge of maintaining complete physical and digital files that exceeded Department of Real Estate standards for each transaction, setting up and conducting property showings and open houses, maintained property advertising, processed short sale transactions including negotiating final short sale figures with lenders, and upheld the highest level of customer service to clients. Education Mount San Jacinto College, San Jacinto, CA 2015 — 2016 History Major - AA degree in History with future career goals of teaching elementary or junior high school students. Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA 2010 — 2014 12 Child Care credits in general education courses. References Available Upon Request. 2of2 I Page City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 09, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Wendy Jones First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* PF District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BS in Elementary Education (Wright State 1979) Masters in School Administration (UCLA 1982) Life Teaching Credential (State of California)1984 List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Retired High School Teacher and Administrator (retired in 2013) Wendy Jones Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. NCEA Member/Volunteer tutor for the city of Hawthorne and Torrance. Volunteer for Allie's store here in Temecula. Past member and volunteer for the Assistance Leauge here in Temecula. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I want to be a part of the city of Temecula by being involved in making it the best place to live for all of its citizens. I am qulaified because I care about my community and the people who live here. I purchased my home in Temecula after I retired in 2013. 1 love living here and I have always felt welcome and safe. I enjoy the community events and I am in tune with the needs and wants of this community. I will work diligently to make sure that I contribute, stay involved and make decisions that would only effect our community in a postivie light. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would work with other members in identifying the needs of our community and making sure that our citizens voices are heard and that events are planned to show the beautiful diversity that is Temecula. It is the only way to ensure inclusion of all citizens groups. Temecula has done a wonderful job thus far and I want to be part of this collaboration. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Kerven Carter- (Member of the Temecula Masons) Georgette Terrell (Temecula Resident) Edyth Tabet- (Temecula Resident/Mother) Self -Selection Options Wendy Jones Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Wendy Jones City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 15, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Monica La Combe First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92592 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. AA San Diego City College List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Monica La Combe Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve on this commission because I am committed to improving our city and its inhabitants. Throughout the years, I have been actively involved with the municipal government of Temecula in various ways, including by attending municipal meetings, participating in community events, and collaborating with local organizations. These experiences have strengthened my resolve to contribute more actively to the growth and development of our community through a position on this commission. My interactions with the City have been constant and varied. I have attended several city council meetings, workshops, and town halls to remain current on ongoing projects, policies, and challenges confronting our community. This has given me valuable insight into the inner workings of local governance and the issues that affect our constituents on a daily basis. I have volunteered with local nonprofit organizations, participated in neighborhood cleanup initiatives, and helped coordinate community events in addition to attending meetings. These experiences have provided me with first-hand knowledge of our residents' diverse requirements and concerns, as well as the collaborative efforts required to address them effectively. In terms of my qualifications for this position, I contribute a combination of skills, experiences, and personal characteristics that align with the duties of a commission member. My background in [relevant skills such as public policy, community organizing, communication, etc.] enables me to analyze complex issues, engage in constructive dialogue, and make well-informed decisions that will benefit our community. I am deeply committed to hearing and amplifying the voices of all residents, ensuring that their viewpoints are at the forefront of our discussions and decisions. In addition, my experience working with diverse groups has refined my ability to create environments where everyone feels valued and heard. As evidenced by my past involvement in successful community initiatives, I believe in the power of collaboration and forming partnerships to address challenges effectively. My desire to serve on this commission stems from my passion for the well-being and development of our city, my consistent engagement with the City through meetings and events, and my qualifications that enable me to contribute to the commission's responsibilities effectively. If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can make a positive impact by actively participating in meaningful discussions, advocating for the interests of our community, and working collaboratively to form policies that benefit all City of Temecula residents. Value Statement Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed to the city commission, I would embrace and actively uphold the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion that the City of Temecula holds in high regard. I am dedicated to ensuring that every resident, regardless of origin, feels valued, represented, and included in our city's decision -making processes. Here are my contributions to these principles: I would prioritize actively listening to and amplifying the diverse voices and perspectives within our community. By engaging with residents from diverse backgrounds, I can ensure that their concerns, needs, and aspirations are considered when formulating policies and making decisions. I would advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and confront systemic inequalities. This includes supporting initiatives that ensure all residents have equal access to essential services, educational opportunities, health care, and affordable housing. I would ensure that meetings and activities of the city commission are conducted in a way that encourages the participation of all residents. This may entail accommodating various communication styles, and creating spaces where people from diverse backgrounds feel secure expressing their opinions. Cultural Competence and Education: I would continue to educate myself on our community's diverse cultures, identities, and histories. This knowledge would allow me to make knowledgeable decisions that respect and revere the city's diverse heritage. I would actively collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and advocacy groups championing equity and inclusion. Developing solid alliances can help us leverage our resources and expertise to bring about beneficial changes for all. I would strive to identify and address disparities in the accessibility of opportunities, resources, and services. We can devise strategies to close these gaps by focusing on areas where inequities persist. Continuous Learning and Improvement: To enhance my understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion, I would remain receptive to feedback and engage in constant learning. This would allow me to adapt my approach to the evolving requirements of our community. My commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion would ultimately guide my decisions and actions as a city commission member. By actively promoting these principles, we will be able to establish a more harmonious, unified, and vibrant community that will benefit all of its residents. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jacinda Cason-- Rai Camille Rance- Venetia West - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards MONICA_LACOMBE Resume 0807.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Monica La Combe EXECUTION RESULTS DELIVERABLES MONICA LA COMBE + Temecula, CA + Linkedln Business Strategist ■ Business Analyst ■ Company Growth Expert Refining Businesses ♦ Transforming the Vision ♦ Business Forecasts ♦ Expert Improviser Maximizing Business Impact ♦ Strategy Focused ♦ Product Vision ♦ Custom Design Solutions Business Analysis ♦ Business Analytics Guru ♦ Change Catalyst ♦ Improving End User Experiences "We can't solve problems by using the some kind of thinking we used when we created them"— Albert Einstein. Transformational Business Analyst with 15+ years of extensive experience driving rapid success for growth by leveraging technology, strategies, & data to develop viable solutions for both start-ups & conglomerate companies. I am no stranger to looking at an organization and their performance, finding the problems, & sparking change —expert mediator with an unusually keen ability to understand technical concepts & translate for non -technical audiences. Catapulted ABBOT's department growth 2X the norm by sparking change from innovative ideas & deliverables. At STRONG TOWER, achieved 1400% growth within 2 years, transforming a 2-person company to 30+ personnel. During my term at NoKiA, pioneered 1st competitor device library, catapulting marketing research methods. Risk Analysis & Decision Making ♦ Process Improvement ♦ Relational Database Management ♦ Predictive Modeling Product Development Planning ♦ Advanced Analytics ♦ Algorithms & Models ♦ Mining Big Data ♦ Future State Assessment ♦ Reengineering Processes ♦ Gap Analysis ♦ Prototyping ♦ Wireframing ♦ User Stories ♦ Functional Requirements Analysis ♦ Use Cases ♦ Test Cases ♦ Requirements Gathering ♦ Long Term Forecasts (LTF) ♦ Requirement Elicitation (JAD, BIRD) ♦ Stakeholder Management ♦ Reputational Risks ♦ Competing Needs ♦ Stakeholder Engagement End Users ♦ User Acceptance Testing (UAT) ♦ Workflow/Process Flow Diagrams BUSINESS Process ANALYST Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, CA December 2023 — Present Transformed EPIC technical concepts into user-friendly language, acting as a liaison between stakeholders and IT professionals; facilitated effective communication and successfully delivered vital business objectives. ♦ Authored desk -level procedures: led workflow requirements elicitation sessions (including requirements analysis to translate business needs into EPIC functionality. ♦ Spearheaded redevelopment of EPIC application internal tracking system in use by 125 employees, resulting in 20+ new features, reduction of 20% in save/load time, and 15% operation time. ♦ Created knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%. ♦ Served as an intermediary with Business consultants to support bilateral understanding of data structures, workflows, technology capabilities, and limitations of EPIC application functionality. ♦ Applied EPIC expertise to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST ABBOTT VASCULAR, Temecula, CA January 2022—August 2022 Liaison between corporate compliance and all things technical. Point of contact between stakeholders & IT professionals translating complex data into user-friendly concepts resulting in firm delivery of key business objectives. Proven expert on PCI DSS Compliance. Pioneered solutions for team of 60+ analysts, agents, & developers, ensuring goals were achieved. ♦ Revitalized stagnant IT infrastructure in 6 mos. migrating antiquated programs to new cloud software. ♦ Doubled network security by achieving 100% PCI Compliance saving $1M+ annually within 2 months. ♦ Bolstered company portfolio 25% configuring Salesforce software streamlining operational processes. ♦ Maximized system efficiencies by 15% via providing viable solutions resulting in 98% resolution rate. ♦ Upgraded hardware & systems for 25+ onboarding employees, mitigating troubleshooting by 50%. ♦ Spearheaded launch of company's 1st PCI compliance program, achieving (0) zero violations each qtr. ♦ Boosted overall network security, reducing potential tech spend by 1.5M+/yr. adapting PCI standards. BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYST STRONG TOWER & ASSOCIATES, Temecula, CA March 2013—April 2022 Highly sought after by company for creative ideas & innovative solutions. Developed sound and concise strategies for business growth, enabling company to move forward with a plethora of operational goals. Architected and implemented solutions that accelerated company growth within 18 months of company launch —retained as primary consultant for 7- year tenure. ♦ Developed a long-term plan to enhance ITSM strategies, addressing scalability, security, and innovation. ♦ Established decision -making structures to clarify roles, responsibilities, and authorities for IT -related matters. ♦ Increased productivity by 60% via configuration of Salesforce set up to suit 100% of business needs. ♦ Played a vital role in driving company expansion, conceptualizing 98% of solutions executed for growth. ♦ Co-authored 100+ policies & procedures after extensive workflow evaluation for process optimization. ♦ Developed & launched robust system automation plan saving a combined 250+ man-hours per month. ♦ Implemented successful launch of Simplicity Software fully deployed & staff trained within 6 months. APPLICATION / BUSINESS SUPPORT ANALYST STAGEFORCE, San Marcos, CA January 2019-December 2019 Recruited for in-depth Salesforce expertise, expert knowledge in application systems, and ability to develop comprehensive and identifiable solutions in alignment with company's strategic vision. Contributed exponentially to company growth through razor sharp ability to decipher data & identify market trends leading to significant & profitable gains. ♦ Engineered software solutions for Stageforce platform & Salesforce, enhancing efficiencies by 18%. + Co -wrote 130+ pg. training & onboarding scripts for 330 users alongside 10+ software developers. ♦ Mitigated 75% of software defects enabling company to onboard 300+ users for Stageforce platform. ♦ Developed techniques which disrupted stagnant market trends accelerating client user base by 34%. ♦ Brainstormed highly persuasive software presentations leading to 80% conversion rate for customers. SENIOR PROGRAM & PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYSIS NOKIA, San Diego, CA July 2011— February 2013 Transformed technical processes via continuous improvement initiatives, constantly developing business strategies to execute and enforce the vision held by key stakeholders. Recognized as visionary and creative thinker, continuously developing new blueprints & roadmaps to assist marketing in launching revenue -producing campaigns. Adept at transforming the wheel as opposed to reinventing it. + Collaborated with concept team to launch up to 15 devices analyzing product lines & actionable data. ♦ Fostered dynamic relations with team of 100+ engineers responding swiftly to shifting business needs. ♦ Identified key project issues circumventing critical losses ensuring seamless, cost-efficient launches. ♦ Championed & forged 1st library of competitor models & reusable knowledge for marketing tactics. + Within 1 year, turned around ineffective processes by designing SharePoint site for 100+ users. SENIOR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYTICS QUALCOMM, San Diego, CA Managed portfolio of extensive projects for international teams of software engineers & developers while providing valuable business insights supporting Qualcomm CDMA chipset. Defined business needs & requirements while working alongside engineers supporting their efforts to deliver customized solutions & project execution. ♦ Drove project initiatives supporting up to 15+ projects with 65+ engineers for product test labs. ♦ Improved timecard entry system for 100% of the organization after uncovering & eliminating bugs. ♦ Project liaison ensured mutual understanding of processes, systems, & applications to non -tech staff. Bachelor of Science (BS) — Systems Organization & Mgmt. — Hampton University — Hampton, VA (In Progress) Associate of Arts (AA) — Humanities & Language Arts — San Diego City College — San Diego, CA (completed) City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 29, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Laura First Name Home Address Temecula City Rcirh Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 3 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. San Diego State University University of Cincinatti- BA Laura Reich List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Designs of the Interior/ Luxe Home Interiors, Temecula - Owner; Interior Designer 2005-2010; Employed from 5-8 employees. Managed day to day business, employee relations, buyer. 1 st Bank, Sun City, CA - account sales 1992-1993 Saty at home mom 1993-2005 Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. No previous experience with service at city, county or state level. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CMOH - current Rancho Damacitas - current Cycle for Hope -2023 volunteer Sole Hope - 2019 volunteer Scholarship Foundation - 1 year, reviewed scholarships applications and awarded to deserving students Balloon & Wine Festival - 3 years, several positions TVIHA - 10+ years, various volunteer positions with hockey teams, including team manager for the city teams and TVHS hockey team. TVYSA - 2 years, coach Girl Scout Association (GSSGC) - leader of same group of girls for 5 years VHES- Broadcast News - 7 years, producer PTSA - 15 years. Held various positions at elementary, middle school and high school levels in TVUSD including president of TMS & TVHS . Donated remodel design services to Rancho Damacitas Throughout the 30 years of living in Temecula, i have donated hundreds of volunteer hours through my church, business, special events and our schools. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I wish to serve on this commission to be a valuable source for the city of Temecula. I believe I can help create community enrichment through our parks and recreation services the commission seeks. I have been a citizen of Temecula for almost 30 years. I have seen the city grow and prosper. During these years I have given countless volunteer hours to various organizations (please see above). I believe in making a difference in our community. I would like to make a difference in bringing our community together and have people of different cultural backgrounds feel welcome. My experiences in serving the community have given me insight into what works and doesn't work to bring people together. I certainly don't have all the answers, but I am willing to try. I feel this experience helps me understand, create and provide quality services, activities, programs and facilities for the citizens of Temecula and surrounding communities. I feel I am qualified for this position because I have an interest in seeing our community prosper in positive ways through public services available to every citizen of Temecula. I have traveled all over the world, and this has given me experiences in how I can relate to people of all backgrounds. I am open minded and feel everyone deserves a chance to be included while still upholding and celebrating our differences. Also, as a middle-aged mother of 4 outstanding adults, I have the experience and wisdom in how to manage different situations. And as a retired Manager of Messes (MOM), I have the time but most importantly the desire to serve my community. Laura Reich Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I plan to uphold the values and principles of the Community Services Commision by promising to follow through with this mission statement. I believe people of all races and backgrounds can work together to build a community we all love and feel safe in. I believe everyone deserves to be heard, valued and included in all of the city services, events and programs, regardless of race, religious beliefs or sexual preferences. My goal is to help develop parks and recreational areas to promote healthier lifestyles and that all feel welcome in our beautiful city of Temecula. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Kim Cervantes - Real Estate Agent in Temecula 25+ years; Dale Borgeson - Retired TVUSD teacher; Sharill Cortez - Perris Elementary School District Coordinator of Student Services, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Laura Reich Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Reference Letter_9-23.2df Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. m 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Laura Reich September 23, 2023 Letter of reference for Laura Reich have known Laura for well over twenty years. She has been a neighbor of ours as well as the parent of a past student of mine. Laura is an individual of high integrity and she brings a lot of enthusiasm to everything she does. Laura's application outlining the numerous community organizations that she has helped lead and participate in will help you to quickly ascertain that she is one of those rare people that "gets it done". Her high energy and sense of humor make her someone that others gravitate to and appreciate when there is a task at hand. This community services commission will be an excellent fit for Laura. Her breadth of experience in the community is a perfect fit. There have been times where Laura took the lead in various groups and her attention to detail and the ability to motivate others made a huge difference. It is without reservation that I recommend Laura for the City of Temecula's Community Services Commission. Laura will be a superb choice, she exudes character and integrity. After serving six years myself on the Community Services Commission, I am familiar with the caliber of individual that the city hopes to find in its commission members. Without question, Laura is a real find! Sincerely, Dale Borgeson City of Temecula Community Service Commissioner Emeritus City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 13, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Kathryn M Sizemore First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 3 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Attended Cypress College and Cal State Fullerton studying Accounting and Business Administration Kathryn M Sizemore List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Self-employed, Owner -Operator, A -Bell Alarms Company, January 1997 - present As the owner of A -Bell Alarms, I am responsible for ensuring the success and growth of our business. With a diverse skill set and entrepreneurial mindset, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table that includes accounting, marketing, website development, networking, and public relations. In addition, I have hands-on experience installing and maintaining alarm systems, allowing me to stay closely involved in the day-to- day operations of the business. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Currently a Commissioner and Chairperson for the Community Services Commission List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Temecula Rotary Club, 2022 - current Temecula Valley Camber of Commerce Ambassador, 2020 - current Boy Scouts of America, various volunteer leader roles, 2010 - current Toastmasters International, Club VP Public Relations, Club President, Division Director, 2018 - 2022 FIRST Robotics, 2011 - 2015 Statement of Interest Kathryn M Sizemore Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am honored to seek reappointment as a commissioner for the Community Services Commission, reflecting on my remarkable journey of the past three years in service to our city. Serving as a commissioner has been inspiring, and I am eager to reaffirm my commitment to our community. During my tenure as a commissioner, I've had the privilege of participating in pivotal initiatives that leave a lasting impact on Temecula's quality of life. As a member of the Blue Ribbon Committee, tasked with updating the Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP) with a forward -looking vision extending to 2040, 1 have deepened my understanding of our residents' long-term needs and aspirations. Additionally, I have actively contributed to projects close to my heart. The Urban Forest Management Plan holds a special place for me, recognizing the vital role of trees in our parks and their shade over bike paths and trails. As part of the Art Selection Committee for the Utility Box Art Project, I have championed the fusion of art and culture within our community. My commitment extends beyond committee meetings. I've taken a hands-on approach to my role, engaging with staff and visiting the inline hockey rink to understand its construction challenges. I have actively listened to the input of passionate residents and advocated for the repair and enhancement of this crucial community asset. In addition, I've delved into the world of skateboarding and skate parks, meeting with a local advocacy group and visiting skate parks in neighboring cities. This firsthand experience has enriched my perspective on the diverse needs and desires of our vibrant skating community. Community engagement remains a top priority for me. I've had the honor of speaking at Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce events and Rotary Clubs, sharing insights into active transportation, Temecula's trail networks, bike lanes, and the essential services provided by Community Services. My engagement extends to our future leaders through interactions with local Cub Scouts and Boy Scout Troops, fostering their understanding of local government. While my role as a small business owner may not directly align with the commission's work, my extensive network within the local business community provides a valuable platform for sharing ideas and resources that benefit our community. My volunteer work with Boy Scouts of America continues to shape my commitment to service. As an Assistant Scoutmaster with Boy Scout Troop 148 and as the Tahquitz District Committee Chair, I remain dedicated to providing scouting opportunities for all youth across Southwest Riverside County. Looking ahead to 2024, 1 am enthusiastic about supporting initiatives that promote bike safety and education, especially for our youth, and championing the expansion of public art installations in our city. I am equally committed to seeing the completion of a tournament -capable Pickleball facility, the remodel of the Temecula Skate Park, the completion of the Temecula Loop bike trail and the connection of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail to the Sommer's Bend bike paths. In conclusion, my dedication to improving the lives of our residents and preserving the cherished traditions that define our city remains as strong as ever. I am equally excited about embracing new opportunities catering to the diverse age demographics within our community, ensuring that young adults, empty nesters & senior citizens find activities and services tailored to their needs. Thank you for considering my reappointment. Value Statement Kathryn M Sizemore Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would uphold and contribute to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion by first continuing to follow and conduct myself in the manner that I have always operated under and believed, that all people are created equal and have their own unique gifts and attributes to contribute to humanity or any situation and as such should be treated with the respect, courtesy, and empathy (seek to understand) that we all desire. I would foster diversity and inclusion by taking opportunities to really listen and seek to understand diverse opinions and points of view and to even go beyond and work to seek out opinions of individuals or groups of individuals who are generally not represented or marginalized to help ensure that all voices in Temecula are represented. My history as a youth volunteer has provided me a firsthand opportunity to work along with, and be enriched by, both youth and adult members with many diverse backgrounds, including age, race, differing physical and mental abilities, gender, gender identity, and economic opportunity. As I continue to add to my experiences, I will look for, support, and take opportunities presented to foster by action and deed a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment in any position I serve for the City of Temecula. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Brooke Nunn, Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, Jim McLaughlin, Past District Committee Chair Tahquitz Scouting District, Kim DeWitt, BSA, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Kathryn M Sizemore Attachments Question applies to multiple boards KSizemore_Resume_8 23.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards KSizemore_LOR_TRoy 2019.pdf Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards KSizemore_LOR MODwyer_2019.pdf Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. m 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Kathryn M Sizemore December 4, 2019 To whom it may concern, I am Mary O'Dwyer, President of Professional Women Toastmasters club in Temecula. I have known Kathy Sizemore since she joined our club in 2018. From the beginning, Kathy was a go getter, completing her first speech within the first month. Within 6 months she stepped up to a leadership position within our club and was elected our Vice President Public Relations. Since acquiring that role, she has grown in leaps and bounds and raised the online profile and presence of our club. She has also been instrumental in raising public awareness of our club and what we offer through newspaper press releases and designing eye catching posters that we have shared all over town. Kathy is a capable, motivated, honest, reliable leader with creativity, integrity and professionalism. She is the type of person you can rely on to take initiative where needed and to get the job done in the time frame agreed upon. Her public speaking and communication skills are second to none. She is caring and wonderful to work with. I can think of no one I would recommend more highly. Love & blessings, Mary Mary O'Dwyer Mary's Blue Door Opening the Door to your Transformation www.marysbluedoor.com CALIFORNIA INLAND EMPIRE COUNCIL 'h BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA December 10, 2019 'to Whom It i`1ay Concern: It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Kathy Sizemore. Kathy has been an integral part of the Tahquitz District, Boy Scouts of America for many years, currently serving as the District Membership Chair. As Membership Chair, she plays a critical role in ensuring that the unit leaders have the resources and training to continue to grow program and on developing relationships with their schools and key community organizations. Her leadership, dedication and follow through are just a few of the qualities that have helped us grow and provide a quality program for over 3,000 youth in our community. Kathy has also served as a Committee Chairman for a local Cub Scout pack. She was instrumental in the formation and organization of the newly formed pack over 6 years ago. Kathy's enthusiasm for the program inspired other parents to step up and help on the committee. She chaired the annual unit fundraiser, created the pack website and under Kathy's leadership, the pack doubled in size. Kathy is highly organized, creative and willing to take on new tasks in an effort to help the team. In addition, she has been an incredible asset in her ability to create content, graphic design and manage our social media presence. She is loyal to the organizations mission, values and objectives. Her strength of character and dedication to Scouting's ideals make her a role model and leader among her peers. Again, I am pleased to provide this letter of recommendation for Kathy Sizemore. She is an outstanding volunteer and a pleasure to work with. I am sincerely appreciative for the difference she has made in our community. Sincerely, Tina Roy District Director, Tahquitz District California Inland Empire Council Prepared. For LifeTV . United Way KATHY SIZEMORE Temecula, CA 92592 1 Linkedln.com/in/kathysizemore EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Small Business Owner * Temecula Commissioner • Community Leader & Volunteer Temecula resident and local business owner for over twenty-five years. Engaged with local businesses and professional development organizations (Toastmasters and Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce) and a leader in youth organizations through involvement with FIRST Robotics and the Boy Scouts of America Owner and operator of a second -generation family -owned and operated security business serving Southern California for over 45 years. Over twenty years of experience in the life safety and security industry performing a wide range of owner/operator tasks, including, security system installation, company bookkeeping and records management, and customer relations and marketing. "Kathy is a capable, motivated, honest, reliable leader with creativity, integrity and professionalism. She is the type of person you can rely on to take initiative where needed and to get the job done in the time frame agreed upon." - Mary O'Dwyer,Past President, Professional Women Toastmasters ....................................................................................................................................... PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A -Bell Alarms Company, Temecula, CA, Owner/Operator, 1998 — Present Providing security alarm system installation and monitoring service to residential and small business clients. Responsible for a wide range of owner/operator tasks including sales, security system installation, company bookkeeping and records management, and customer relations and marketing. ............................................................................................................................................... EARLIER CAREER EXPERIENCE Accounts Payable Specialist, Emerald Financial, Escondido, CA 1997 - 1999 Coded such items as invoices, vouchers, expense reports, check requests, etc., with correct codes conforming to standard procedures to ensure proper entry into the financial system. Handled all vendor correspondence via phone.Attached the corresponding purchase orders to incoming invoices with all supporting documentation. Investigated and resolved problems associated with the processing of invoices and purchase orders. Prepared batch check runs.Assisted with monthly status reports, and monthly closings. Filed, maintained, and distributed accounting documents, records, and reports. EDUCATION Pursued a degree in Business Administration California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA Cypress College, Cypress, CA HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Bronze Business of the Year,TemeculaValley Chamber of Commerce, 2021 Ambassador of the Year, Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, 2021 District Award of Merit,Tahquitz District, Boy Scouts of America, 2021 Silver Beaver Award, National Council of Boy Scouts of America, 2020 Toastmasters District 12 ChuckWeck Publicity Award, 2020 District Driving Force, Boy Scouts of America Tahquitz District, 2019 Unit Driving Force, Boy Scouts of AmericaTahquitz District Troop 148, 2019 Woodbadge Advanced Leadership Training Completion, Boy Scouts of America, 2018 Unit Driving Force, Boy Scouts of America Tahquitz District Pack 384, 2016 Outstanding Coach/Mentor of the Year, SMaRT Education Desert Cities QT, 2013 Completion of Toastmasters Competent Toastmasters education program, 2000 Third Place, Speech Evaluation Contest, Toastmaste rs District 12 Area C3/C4, 2000 First Place, Humorous Speech Contest, Toastmasters District 12 Area C3/C4, 2000 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Tahquitz District Committee Chair, 2023 - current As the newly elected District Committee Chair for the Tahquitz Scouting District, I am excited to continue my long-standing commitment to the Boy Scouts of America. Drawing on my past volunteer work with the organization, I will be leading the district's efforts to promote and support scouting programs for youth throughout our community. In this role, I will be responsible for overseeing a team of dedicated volunteers, coordinating district -wide events and activities, and working closely with local scouting units to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to provide an engaging and impactful scouting experience. Tahquitz District Committee Vice Chair, Marketing/Public Relations, 2021-2022 Coordinates and manages the flow of information to district scouting units and maintains an active public relations and publicity program on behalf the district. By establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the district and its members, as well as between the district and the public, increase awareness of BSA through local news and social media. Toastmasters District 12, Division C Director, 2020-2021 Led and supported Division C of Toastmasters' District 12, which includes 20 clubs in the South Riverside County region, through the supervision and support of a team of four Area Directors. Coordinate Division activities, set division goals, and assist in the training area and club leaders to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. Professional Women Toastmasters, President, 2020-2021 Preside at Club meetings and direct the club in meeting the members' needs for educational growth and leadership. In cooperation with the rest of the officers, establish long-term and short-term goals for the club. Serve as one of the Club's representatives on Area and District Councils. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador, 2020-Present Promote Chamber events, welcome new members, and outreach to the Chamber membership as a whole. Provide assistance with the facilitation of chamber events. Member of the planning committee for the annual Women in Business Conference, Chair of the Shop Local TemeculaValley committee Professional Women Toastmasters, VP Public Relations, 2019 — 2020 Responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program in my club. Establishing and maintaining lines of communication between the club and its members, as well as between the club and the public. Responsible for developing social media promotions and submitting press releases to local media. Plan club open house events. Design and prepare promotional materials adhering to Toastmasters Intl. brand guidelines. Collaborate with club leaders as a member of the club's executive board. Led club to win the Chuck Weck Publicity Award for our public relations and publicity work for the 2019/2020 year. Boy Scouts of America, Troop 148, Assistant Scoutmaster, 2017 — Present Assist Scoutmaster in delivering a scouting program to a troop of 75 scouts. Mentor to multiple scouts in their path to attaining the rank of Eagle Scout.Assist with the planning and arrangements for multiple campouts and scouting events. Led scouts in the planning and cooking of large group meals in Dutch ovens.Teach and counsel troop scouts in the following Eagle Scout rank -required merit badges: Citizenship in the Community, Personal Management, and Family Life. Boy Scouts of America, Membership Chair & Apparel Coordinator, Troop 148, 2017 — 2019 Recruited and registered new scouts joining the unit and managed troop apparel for sale. Boy Scouts of America, Tahquitz District Membership Chair, 2019 — 2020 Responsible for the membership recruitment of the youth in the District. Interface with council Membership Chair. Establish a plan and objective for district membership growth. Identify and conduct recruiting methods for chartered organizations and units. Implement a year-round, full membership plan.Track and attain membership growth objectives. Attend District Committee meetings and report membership results periodically to the committee. Boy Scouts of America, Committee Chair, Pack 384, 2014 — 2017 Founding Committee Chair Leader for a new Cub Scout Pack (Pack 384) in Temecula, CA. Coordinated and led pack committee, managed troop finances, led pack committee in planning a year-round scouting program, ensured pack leaders received the necessary training and maintained leader training records, trained founding committee, and den leaders for their positions, put in place systems for managing pack advancements, established and maintained pack management database software, managed pack fundraising efforts doubling pack fundraising amounts over a three year period FIRST Robotics, Regional judge Advisor for Inland Empire FRC Regional, 2015 Managed and facilitated judging efforts at the Inland Empire Regional FRC. Recruited 20 technology and business leaders from the Inland Empire to serve as judges. Communicated with judges about job requirements prior to the tournament.Trained judges in their roles. Managed awards judging of 40 robotics teams over a three-day period. Facilitating award decisions and clarifying award guidelines, and ensuring the overall consistency of the awards process in accordance with FIRST policy and guidelines. FIRST Robotics, First Robotic Competition Team Mentor, 2014-2015 Business mentor to FRC team 4984. Led students in planning a celebratory event for sponsors and supporters recognizing kickoff of the year's robotics competition. FIRST Robotics, First Lego League Tournament Director, 2014 Organized and directed a local full -day qualifying tournament for First Lego League Southern California Region, serving 12 teams with over 200 attending individuals. Obtained sponsorship and funding. Managed venue logistics. Recruited volunteers and provided on -site management of volunteer efforts. Boy Scouts of America, Pack Training Chair, Pack 337, 2013 — 2014 Maintained training records for pack leaders. Ensured that leaders had the information and resources to attain the necessary training for their positions. FIRST Robotics, Tournament judge, 2013 — 2014 First Tech Challenge and First Robotics Competition -Award recipients, through interaction with teams, review documentation regarding team background information to familiarize judges with teams. Interview and observe teams in the Pit, on the playing field, and in other areas. Review team background literature. Participate on the Judge Panel to decide team/student awards recipients FIRST Robotics, First Lego League Team Coach, 2011 — 2014 Coached two First Lego League robotics teams.Taught Lego Mindstorm NXT & EV3 robotics programming. Teams progressed, winning both local and regional championship awards. Boy Scouts of America, Assistant Webelos Den Leader, 2010 — 2011 Assisted in the leadership of Webelos Den. Made arrangements for the den meetings and input advancement records for scouts. City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Sep 26, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Tyler A Sliwienski First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Tyler A Sliwienski Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My family moved to Temecula in 1999 when I was just two years old. In the over 20 years since, I have witnessed many changes, both good and bad, in the city in that time. Now that I have finished my college studies, I want to work for and improve upon the city I grew up in and make it better and safer for the current and future residents of Temecula. I want to serve on the Community Services Commission because I know firsthand how important it is to have safe and fun Parks and other recreational areas in the city. I grew up playing in the parks in the community and playing in local recreational sports leagues in the city. I want to share the memories of the childhood I had growing up in Temecula and have those memories make an impact on the city and community for years to come. I want to serve on the Traffic Safety Commission because having safe and well maintained roads is something that is important to a safe and strong community. For my first three years of college, I commuted from Temecula to San Marcos four to five days a week. After those first three years, i commuted to an extension campus within Temecula. At the same time, I worked for food delivery services like Grubhub and Uber Eats on my off days. Over those years, along with my years growing up in Temecula, I drove roads that were well maintained and had good speed limits. I have driven other areas that were not as safe. I have even seen areas where there are multiple sudden speed limit changes in small areas. I have seen my share of accidents and near accidents. I want to use what I learned as a college commuter and delivery driver to makes the roads of our city better for everyone. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would uphold and contribute to the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion by treating every person I work with or hear from as a respected and valued member of the community. I want the city that raised me to be a city where everyone feels welcome to share their experiences and opinions. References Tyler A Sliwienski List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Dan Hodgkinson, educator, Ryan Garcia, educator, Ray Robarts, educator, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Tyler A Sliwienski I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Tyler A Sliwienski Tyler Sliwienski Temecula, CA Work Experience Football Coach • Great Oak High School - Temecula, CA • June 2015 to November 2017 Volunteer/intern. June 2018 to November 2021 • 1 have been working as a football coach at Great Oak since I graduated from there in 2015. The first three years (2015-2017) 1 was working as a volunteer/unpaid intern. My duties have included coaching multiple positions, filming games and practices, and fixing minor equipment issues. • As the Assistant Varsity running backs coach for the past five years I helped coach one running back to the Southwestern League 2nd Team All -League Team and three running backs to the Southwestern League 1't Team All -League Team. • 1 also have limited experience as an assistant coach for the defensive line, linebackers, and special teams positions. • Over the years I helped our team's certified equipment manager in a number of ways, including; sizing and fitting players for helmets and shoulder pads, installing back plates, facemasks, rib guards and visors, and replacing and/or swapping out helmet pads. Wrestling Coach • Great Oak High School - Temecula, Ca • November 2018 to Present • For the past two seasons I have been coaching wrestling at Great Oak. My duties have included coaching new wrestlers in the sport fundamentals, coaching mat -side at duals and tournaments and being the coach liaison at tournaments. • 1 was one of the lead coaches for the freshman and junior varsity teams as well as an assistant on the varsity team. Umpire • Temecula Valley American Little League - Temecula, CA • March 2013 to June 2013 • As an umpire I was in charge of enforcing player safety, league rules, and fair play. Education Education • University of Phoenix • June 2021-Present • On schedule to graduate with a master's in education January 2023 Kinesiology • California State University -San Marcos - Temecula, CA • August 2015 to May 2020 • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis on health science Certifications/Licenses Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Certified • July 2022 to July 2024 Accolades National Society of Leadership and Success • Presidential Member September 2021 Pi Lambda Theta • Member July 2022 University of Phoenix Dean's List • 2022 City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 29, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Daniel First Name Home Address Temecula City R White Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 3 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Services Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Daniel R White Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. No prior board/committee/commission service. see resume. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. As a technology person, I truly love and appreciate the value and impact it can have on our lives. However, there is no replacement for simply getting outside. Whether it's as children to play at a local park, as an adult getting out to enjoy a local hiking trail or as a whole family going to see live music. These are the experiences that shape our communities and our lives. I hope to be a part of the Community Services Committee so I can continue on the legacy of our great parks and recreational activities and expand them even further. Also, as a father of two small children, I aim to show them how important giving back to the community is. The City of Temecula has been so great for me and my Family, I feel the least I can do is help shape it's future so that generations to come can continue to grow and thrive in this great City. As for events we currently enjoy around the community, they include frequent trips to many of the local community and City parks like the Splash Pad, Ronald Regan, Birdsall and Harveston baseball fields, Meadows park and Pauba park just to name a few. We also spend a lot of time at the Library reading with our kids and often end up a Vail Ranch for dinner. The 4th of July celebration at Ronald Reagan is a family favorite as is the live music at the amphitheater. I believe I am qualified for this position based on my experience not only in building/construction and technology, but also my extensive experience in project management and event planning. I didn't heavily emphasize the project management experience in my resume because I wanted to expand upon it here. I started out planning and executing events in High School for ASB and continued that on through college as I was the Chair for Greek Week that helped to raise over $30,000 for local charities. During my time in construction I was responsible for planning, delegating and executing everything from small bathroom remodels to full, whole home remodels. Also, having two rapidly growing children has given me a insight into the recreational activities that are important for adults (when we get a date night out haha), small and adolescent children and everything in between. Thank you for the opportunity and I hope to be working with you soon! Value Statement Daniel R White Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. To uphold and contribute to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion within the City of Temecula, I would approach this committee position with a steadfast commitment to these values. First and foremost, I believe that fostering equity means ensuring fair and impartial access to resources and opportunities for all members of our community. To achieve this, I would advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equal access to city services, facilities, and programs, regardless of a person's background, identity, or socioeconomic status. Diversity is a cornerstone of a thriving community. I would actively support outreach efforts to engage underrepresented groups in our city's decision -making processes. This includes promoting diverse representation on committees, soliciting input from a wide range of voices, and actively seeking out partnerships with community organizations that champion diversity. Inclusion goes beyond mere representation; it's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. As a committee member, I would encourage open dialogue, respectful listening, and the incorporation of diverse perspectives into our discussions. I would also advocate for inclusive policies that accommodate the needs of individuals with different abilities and backgrounds. Furthermore, I would take part in ongoing training and education to deepen my understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion issues. This continuous learning process would help me make informed decisions that reflect the evolving needs and demographics of our community. In summary, I am dedicated to upholding and contributing to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion within the City of Temecula. I believe that by actively promoting these values, we can create a more equitable, inclusive, and vibrant community for all residents. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Adam Lopez:- Damien Carlson:- Esmeralda Kaup: Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Daniel R White Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Dan_ White_ Resume _092923. pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials. please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Daniel R White Dan White I- I Temecula, CA 92592 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARI With over 15+years of experience as a Director of Technology, I bring a proven track record in Executive Leadership, Sales, Accounting/Finance, and delivering exceptional customer service. My expertise has garnered recognition, including being featured in Remodeling Magazine's top 40 Remodelers under 40 and holding positions on various executive management teams. Drawing on a deep understanding of Cyber Security principles, client relationships, sales, business management, and leadership, I possess a comprehensive skill set crucial for driving success in the technology industry. Collaborating closely with Account Executives, I deliver customized demos that precisely align solutions with client needs and objectives. By fostering accountability throughout the organization, I ensure seamless deal closures and cultivate long-term client relationships. Guided by a strategic mindset and an unwavering focus on professional growth, I excel in navigating complex challenges, optimizing operational efficiency, and consistently achieving impactful results. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE HYAS Infosec. Remote March 2022 - Current Technical Solutions Engineer ❑ Partnered with Account Executives to deliver customized demos tailored to client needs, effectively showcasing the value ofthe solutions. ❑ Developed and led an ongoing company -wide Cyber Security training program, equipping employees with essential skills. ❑ Provided technical expertise and support to clients throughout the Pre -Sales process and beyond, ensuring exceptional customer satisfaction. ❑ Collaborated closely with clients to identify pain points and develop tailored solutions that addressed their specific requirements. ❑ Educated clients on the importance of Protective DNS and demonstrated how HYAS' solutions enhanced cybersecurity. ❑ Developed and led an ongoing company -wide Cyber Security training program, equipping employees with essential skills. ❑ Demonstrated continuous learning by staying up to date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. ❑ Managed the Proof of Concept process, implementing solutions and conducting usertraining. ❑ Implemented a Sales Enablement program, educating sales team members on solutions and effective selling strategies. ❑ Engaged in technical consulting with investors, providing valuable insights to support decision -making. Classic Home Improvements San Diego, CA March 2012-March 2022 Director of Technology, Controller and General Manager ❑ Report directly to the President and collaboratively administer all aspects of technology infrastructure for a rapidly growing startup to ensure data confidentially, integrity and �vailability across Sales, Operations, HR Design, Purchasing and Accounting. ❑ Built end user training program to teach about cyber security threats and mitigation techniques. ❑ Implemented cloud -based file server solution that led to a seamless transition from office to remote based work during the pandemic. ❑ Developed from scratch and maintained scalable SQL database used to manage departments of an $8m/year company. Created user access controls and disaster recovery plan for 25+ employees. ❑ Administer host -based firewall solution, monitor firewall logs, report, and act to resolve threats. ❑ Manage company through Balance Sheet and Income Statement, prepare monthly and yearly financials. ❑ Regularly mentor25+ �o�workers helping them increase their skillset, effectiveness and achieve their career goals. ❑ High level problem solving while managing the best interests of the clients,wendor4 like ESET and company. ❑ Engineered a Local Area Network (LAN) from scratch for new office building. Identified ISP and designed layout for bandwidth, end point locations and hardware needs. ❑ Implemented mesh topology WiFi ❑ Increased revenue by 10x since 2012. ❑ Created 3 additional startup companies to complement and work together with original company. ❑ Routinely evaluate new software options for companies to see if efficiencies and client experience can be gained. Simms Solar Inc, San Diego, CA April2019-Current Vice President of Soles ❑ Meet with prospective kIients both in person and virtually per week to consult on the adva solar on their homes. • Using a consultative approach, generate and present proposals to clients showing best system for their needs, RO1 and monthly savings. • Educate potential clients how solarworks, what net metering is and how together they can save money and generate clean energy fortheir homes. • During and afterthe sales cycle, build and maintain relationships with clients through trust and transparency. • Generate additional revenue through referrals. • Exceed company quota with a 70%closing rate while increasing margin; facilitate post sale process through installation of solar arrays. SKILLS & CERTIFICATIONS Certifications: CompTIA Network+, expected December2023, Microsoft Azure Operating Systems: Windows, Windows Server 2012, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Mac OS Software: Splunk, ESET, VirtualBox, Wireshark, pfSense, Microsoft Office, QuickBooks Hardware: Servers, routers, switches, endpoint devices Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, IMAP, POP3, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, RADIUS Networking: DHCP, DNS, Subnetting, VLANs, ACL, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Licensed General Contractor in the State of California EDUCATION San Diego State University Completed: March 2022 Cybersecurity Professional Certificate Coursework: Microsoft Security, Networking, Linux Security, Infrastructure, Python, Ethical Hacking, DFIR. Palomar College I Completed coursework: Hardware/OS Fundamentals, Networking Fundamental, Hacker Prevention San Diego State University I Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 03, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Christine First Name Home Address Temecula City E Middle Initial Andrade Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I graduated from San Diego State University in 1992 with a BA in liberal studies with an emphasis in Bilingual Bicultural Education. I earned a Master's Degree in Educational Administration from Cal State San Bernardino in 1998. 1 continue with professtional growth throughout my educational career, with certificates in Math from UCR Extension and certifications from the National AVID Development Program. Christine E Andrade List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I have worked for the Temecula Valley Unified School District since 1993. 1 started teaching at the elementary level at Joan Sparkman Elementary School, teaching third, fourth and also fifth grade during my tenure there. I was on the opening staff in 1996 of Pauba Valley Elementary school teaching 4/5th grades until moving to Great Oak High School in 2006 to teach Algebra. I am currently the AVID coordinator and Freshman ASB advisor for the last 8 years. I coordinate the AVID program of over 200 students on campus. I also work with 9-12th grade students in the leadership program that promotes recognition, community, inclusion and involvement for ALL Students on campus. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I have been on the board of school PTA's for the majority of my career. I have been chairperson and president for the Great Oak High School GOALS and GOPACK foundations for the WSB, CIB and AVID Parent Support Group programs on campus. I have been on the HOA board of directors for the Lake Village Community Association, since 2018. 1 am the Board President for my community's HOA since 2021. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I have been a volunteer for all the previous Non-profit groups as previously mentioned in the question above. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I have a strong interest to serve the city of Temecula because I want to give back to the city that welcomed me in 1993 and has fostered my career and family for a solid foundation. I have been lucky enough to teach thousands of Temecula students in the last 30 years and have seen the growth of population in a consistent manner, in good and some bad ways. I routinely attend city council meetings, virtual or in person. I have attended numerous city events and celebrations throughout my time as a Temecula Valley resident. I would like to paricipate in the planning commission so that I can contribute to the strategic longevity and planning. My hope is to build a synergy of city, families and businesses to keep our city dynamic and forward thinking embeded with traditional values. Value Statement Christine E Andrade Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I am of Hispanic ethnicity and pride myself in representing a professional and genuine person to ALL. Throughout my career in the classroom, I am confident that I have been able to empower other ethnicities to strive to work hard, be good, and work on a positive legacy for themselves and their family. I firmly believe in the importance of inclusion and acceptance, and equitable practices, not just in terms of racial peace, but for providing ALL people the abilitiy to understand and digest information in a manner that suits their learning style. My focus in my leadership classes is to promote inclusion for every student on campus. I use multiple recognition activities and programs to build a positive and memorable high school experience for ALL Great Oak High School students. During the COVID pandemic, I was the advisor for the GOHS GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club that held meetings virtually. During this time, the city of Temecula presented our club with a proclamation and recogniton during an virtual city council meeting. The appreciation that was shared by all was tangible and an indelible memory for our school and for me as an educator/advisor. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Don Skaggs, GOHS Activities Director, Amber Lane, GOHS Assistant Principal, Aimee Ricken, GOHS Principal Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Christine E Andrade Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. m 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Christine E Andrade City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 28, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Jacob M Armstrong First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 3 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Jacob M Armstrong Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. none List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. American Planning Association Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My career has involved a comprehensive understanding of the land development and subdivision map process, a broad knowledge of CEQA and the planning process, transportation, as well as local, state, and federal regulatory codes and policies. I have experience in organizational and political awareness of community issues and concerns. Through my experience I have established many relationships working with private, regional, and local partners and stakeholders, as well as many professional organizations. I have frequently represented and attended various meetings, public forums, Board Hearings, Planning Commissions, and workshops. I have worked through the years diligently to develop and foster relationships. I have lived in the City of Temecula for over 20 years, raising four kids in this community. I want to take my vast experience and serve the people of Temecula is some capacity based on my experience and knowledge working in land development, planning, and transportation to continue to make this one the greatest communities to live in. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. My approach to diversity is simple: it's about embracing everyone. From cultivating a culture where all employees can bring their best selves to work to deploying diversity initiatives that support all. When people feel respected and included they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Kristin Gaspar, former County of San Diego Board Supervisor, Rebecca Jones, Mayor of San Marcos, Mike Furby, President, Marathon Construction Corporation Bill Figge, Caltrans District 11 Planning Deputy District Director (retired)= Jacob M Armstrong Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume Jacob Armstrong.doc Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Jacob M Armstrong Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Jacob M Armstrong Jacob Armstrong hone MMMMMMI Temecula, CA 92 mail: Experience 2019-current County of San Diego, Planning and Development Services San Diego, CA Chief of Operations, Planning, Transportation & Land Development Division Manage and supervise Land Development Division, which provides engineering and review services for land development projects. The Land Development Division provides Discretionary Review Conditioning, Final Mapping, and Final Engineering for Grading and Improvement Plans, as well as other various permit reviews, processing, and approvals. • Understanding of land development and subdivision map process • Understanding of planning practices and policy • Work with various stakeholders, County departments, local community, and planning groups • Experience in private and public relationships • Knowledge or program and project management principles • Monitor and track project reviews, scope, and schedule • Organizational and political awareness and communication with County Board of Supervisors • Understanding of local, state, and federal regulatory codes and policies • Broad knowledge of CEQA and Subdivision Map Act • Responsible for program budgets, consultant services, and operational goals • Transportation planning and analysis 2017-2019 Mayer Corporation, Entitlement and Development Services Irvine, CA Project Manager Management of real estate and development services from land acquisition to project completion and operation. Oversaw and managed completion of hotel expansion in Huntington Beach, and new ground -up hotel and mixed -use project in Los Angeles. • Knowledge of project and program management • Coordination with various stakeholders • Permit processing • Managed design, construction, and contracting for large complex projects • Monitored and tracked project budget, schedule, cost, operational goals and project delivery • Negotiated and organized consultant services • Managed consultant team and contracting resources and budget 2005-2017 California Department of Transportation San Diego, CA Senior Planner Chief, Land Development and Inter - Governmental Review Comprehensive knowledge of California land development process, CEQA and general practices of planning. Involvement in providing planning policy direction and technical support expertise to federal, state, regional, and local partners. Years of experience supervising a multi -disciplinary professional staff, as well as budgeting and managing resources within prescribed allocations. • Manage and supervise Local Land Development and CEQA Review • Manage and supervise Regional Planning • Manage and supervise Long -Range Planning 2004-2005 Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency Riverside, CA Associate Planner Technical expertise in traffic analysis related to land development and CEQA. Understanding of discretionary review process for local land development. Experience working on local General Plans, Circulation Elements, Mobility Plans, Community Plans, Specific Plans, and project specific land development projects. • Local development, planning, and CEQA review • Traffic impact analysis and review 2000-2004 California Department of Transportation San Diego, CA Planner Experience researching and evaluating traffic, land use, and demographic data for the development of short and long-range plans. Experience working with local partners in managing and administering state and federal grants. • Long-range planning • Grant administration and management • Liaison with North County Transit District (NCTD) • Liaison with San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Education 2002- 2004 San Jose State University Master's Degree, Transportation Planning and Management 2001-2001 San Diego State University Master's Program City Planning (Transferred) 1997-1999 University of Oregon Bachelor's Degree, Environmental Planning & Land Use City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 13, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Jason First Name Home Address Temecula City E Middle Initial Butchko Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* W District 3 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BS Civil Engineering, USAF Academy MS Environmental Science & Engineering, CO School of Mines MBA, University of Colorado Denver Jason E Butchko List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CEO/Founder, Tempo Communications, Inc. Jan 2019 - Present CEO, Textron Tools and Test, Jan 2017- Jul 2018 VP/GM, Greenlee Communications, Jan 2013 - Dec 2016 See Resume Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. IEEE Member (3+ yrs) Mountain Life Church Board of Directors (Ft Collins, CO) -- 4 yrs Orchard Church Temecula Deacon (2 yrs) Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I've lived in Temecula since 2011. Most of that time was spent supporting a global business team which required 50%+ travel and limiting my ability to contribute to the local community. In 2019, 1 successfully purchased Tempo Communications from a Fortune 500 company and currently own/operate that business with HQ in Vista, CA. My travel schedule has changed significantly, and I now have the ability to contribute more directly to my community. With my technical, business background, along with my tenure in the community, I am well positioned to contribute to the Planning Commission or the Traffic Safety Commission. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As a former Air Force Officer and CEO/Business Owner, I understand the value of diverse ideas and opinions in order to achieve outstanding results. I've led multiple domestic and international teams throughout my career (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Mexico, China, and India) foster an environment of teamwork and collaboration. References Jason E Butchko List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jason Varela, Personal, m: I Anton Angelo, Personal, m:- John Parizek, COO Tempo Communications, m: , Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards J Butchko_2022.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Jason E Butchko I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Jason E Butchko JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 BOARD OF DIRECTORS/CEO P&L / Lean Manufacturing Implementation / Business Turn -around / M&A / Strategic Planning / Financial Analysis / Acquisition Integrations / International Results -driven leader with multi -industry track record including professional tools and equipment, test/measurement instrumentation, Telecom/Datacom, scientific instruments, consumer products, metal/plastic injection molding, and government contracts. International leadership over multiple operations in the US, EU, and Asia. Establishes a vision for growth while driving a culture of continuous improvement to attain operational and financial excellence. Key Skills: Action oriented leader. Goal (Policy) Deployment. Lean Manufacturing Black Belt in 5S, TPI, 3P, and VSM. Business Turn-Around/Consolidations/Integrations. Change -Agent. Six Sigma Champion. Financial Analysis and Modeling. Visual Management/Metrics. Talent Management/Development. Tollgate Product Development. Cultural Integrations. Theory of Constraints. Work Experience and Selected Professional Achievements 1/19 — Present Tempo Communications, Inc. (Vista, CA) Privately Held, C-Corp, Shareholder, 100+ employees, Telecom/Datacom Tools and Test Manufacturer 1/19 — Present Chairman/CEO Led the successful transaction to purchase the assets, portfolio, and customers of the former Greenlee Communications branded products from Emerson (NYSE: EMR). Found investment partners, established senior and sub -debt to acquire 100% of the assets in the US along with the UK entity to form Tempo Communications, Inc. • Negotiated TSA and successfully transitioned new entity to new ERP/CRM systems within 6 months • Established new branding, rebranded 600+ SKU's, transitioned all digital content to new branding and social media platforms Rebuilt distribution sales channel; Transitioned Amazon relationship to FBA structure; Restructured Telco/CATV sales channel to streamline product approvals, reduce cost, and drive growth Accelerated product development efforts to launch 15+ new products in Q1/Q2 2020 1/13 — 7/18 Greenlee -Textron, Textron Corporation (Rockford, IL) Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: TXT, 30,000+ employees, Aerospace/Defense and Industrial Conglomerate 1/17 — 7/18 President & CEO, Textron Tools and Test Promoted to leadership of $500M Tools and Test portfolio of brands/products including Greenlee°, Klauke°, Sherman & Reilly°, HD Electric°, Greenlee Communications°, Greenlee Utility°, and Endura°. Global manufacturing footprint with 14 manufacturing locations, 2400+ associates, and sales offices in 13 countries. Increased sales 6.6% and NOP 5.5% after 3 yrs of flat performance in 2017. Increased Sales 12.3% and NOP 19% in first half of 2018. • Led the sale and transition of the Textron Tools and Test business to Emerson during Q1 and Q2 FY2018 • Rebuilt leadership team and reduced organizational churn from 14% to 7% by driving execution, improving communication, and stabilizing the leadership team • Led the new leadership team through strategic planning cycle with a focus on digital marketing, connected tool platforms, and new product innovations 1/13 —12/16 VP/GM Greenlee Communications (Vista, CA) Hired to turn around the Greenlee Communications business unit. Increased sales 33% and NOP 142%. Eliminated negative NOP margin within 12 months of taking on the job. BU had consistently lost money for the past 10 yrs. • Expanded portfolio beyond copper -based tools into newer technologies in fiber optics, Ethernet and WiFi • Reconfigured the sales channel management to sell more 'high -touch' capital goods vs. consumables 0 Co -Inventor (patent allowed) for new distributed WiFi test system JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 10/09 —12/12 VP/GM Networks & Test Division at IDEAL Industries, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Privately Held, 2100+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry Selected to lead and restructure three US based business units in the Datacom and T&M markets to redefine the strategy, improve profitability, drive organic growth, and build the division via acquisition. • Restructured the San Diego operation to focus on core products and competencies yielding a swing from -5% EBITDA to 22% in 2011. • Defined and deployed a customer -focused go to market strategy that established a new networks sales channel purposed to penetrate the fast-growing IT and Datacom markets with a newly defined portfolio of both physical layer installation products and active network troubleshooting tools. • Recovered and held both revenue and profit targets in spite of 14.5% retail loss announced within weeks of starting in the role. 10/07 —12/08 VP Business Development (Corporate M&A) at Westco Scientific Instruments, Inc. Privately Held, 100+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry Recruited to lead M&A and integration efforts for a small group of private equity investors at Westco Scientific Instruments, Inc and AMS, srl. • Completed two acquisitions and integrations in 14 months — more than doubling the revenue base of the company holdings and diversified product portfolio into strategic growth markets • Exceeded acquisition ROIC and cash flow targets within 6 months; completed business turn -around via rejuvenated product portfolio and business teams; increased sales by 57% and EBIT by €650k. • Implemented lean manufacturing practices at AMS France that led to a 75% reduction in system lead times and a 50% improvement in inventory turns • Reversed negative sales trend for Westco Scientific within 6 months 9/06 —10/07 VP Operations at PCC Advanced Forming Technology Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: PCP, 10,000+ employees, Aviation and Aerospace Industry Recruited to lead the engineering and operational turnaround for three metal injection molding and thixoforming manufacturing facilities in the US and EU through introduction of Lean Manufacturing techniques and Six Sigma methodologies to reduce/eliminate variation. • Operational turn -around to restore EBIT growth within 2 quarters. Quickly resized the business to protect quality of earnings yet retained key talent to rebuild the business back to previous sales/EBIT levels. • Improved quality (43% scrap reduction), delivery (OTD moved from <60% to >93%), and reduced variable cost per hour by 17%via workflow, visual management, and lean initiatives • Led operations and engineering teams through initial ISO 13485 certification as a medical device supplier and recertified in ISO 9001:2000 and QS9000/TS16949 2000 — 2006 Hach Company, Danaher Corp Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: DHR, 10,000+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry 6/02 — 9/06 GM (Business Unit Manager) Promoted to director level leadership of $27M laboratory instrument manufacturer with three plants in US and Europe. P&L responsibility. Managed international product management, engineering, and chemistry staff of 35 plus independent sales representatives and distributors. Strategic leader for global sales, finance, technical support, marketing, customer service and manufacturing teams. Increased sales 9% CAGR, tripling market performance. • Integrated and turned -around Lachat Instruments following Danaher— Hach acquisition. Hach acquired line of analyzers following IS% sales loss over two years. Established brand standards; created and executed business strategy and product roadmap. Delivered 17% CAGR for three years. • Negotiated OEM license with European firm to expand product lines, adding $1.6M revenue within 12 months JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 • Improved operating margins by 56% via new product vitality, product cost reductions, and quality improvement initiatives 10/00 — 6/02 Program Manager - Lab Business Unit Selected to lead a team of 22 engineers, technicians, and technical writers to develop and sustain the lab instrument product portfolio for Hach Company. Key business unit leader in the integration of Hach and Dr. Lange (Dusseldorf, Germany) following Danaher acquisition and integration decision. 1998 — 2000 Waterpik Technologies, Inc. Privately Held, 500-1,000 employees, Consumer Products Industry 6/99 —10/00 Plant Manager at Waterpik Technologies 4/98 — 6/99 Tooling & Maintenance Manager at Teledyne Waterpik Earlier Career: Air Force Captain — Base Operations and Maintenance Chief responsible for support and maintenance of the 18,000-acre USAF Academy campus. Award winning Program Manager in environmental engineering at the USAF Academy and Beale Air Force Base. Education: MBA, University of Colorado; MS, Environmental Science & Engineering, Colorado School of Mines; BS, Civil Engineering, USAF Academy. City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 30, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile david Matthew Flores First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 4 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Fontana High School -High School Diploma david Matthew Flores List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Old Rose Tattoo (2015-Current), 29073 Overland Dr. Suite J Temecula, CA 92591, Owner/Tattooer, Customer Service, Tattooing. Buju Tattoo (2011-current), 914 W Washington St. San Diego, CA 92103, Tattooer, Customer Service, Tattooing. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center (Non-profit). Coordinator for `Still Not Asking For It' event, 6 years. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I know I can help to give diverse representation to our city's planning commission. As a small business owner in the city of Temecula, I have a unique perspective on the process and decisions made by the planning committee. I also believe this would be a definite advantage for our city. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. By ensuring that entrepreneurs and businesses of all backgrounds have the opportunity to thrive in our wonderful city. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Scott Sperry, Assistant Vice President Operations Strategy, Marie Ramaekers, Kindergarten Teacher, Justin McCabe, Realtor, david Matthew Flores Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree david Matthew Flores Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. david Matthew Flores City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Sep 30, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 4 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None, see resume for related experience. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Currently the secretary of the Temeku Hills Homeowners Association Executive Board. See Resume for other involvement. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. For over 10 years I have dedicated myself to serving my community in various capacities. I highly believe in the importance of being involved. Although my past and current involvement has mostly to do with children, I feel I am ready and have the experience to now be a part of city level involvement. I'd like to do my part to maintain this beautiful city and to bring fresh ideas to the table. Due to my background, cities I've lived in and different sectors I've worked and volunteered in, I feel I can provide perspectives that represent a wide range of Temecula residents. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As an individual with a diverse background, I would contribute important perspectives. I am a mother, a wife, a First Generation American, I've worked with children in differentiating cities, I've lived in densely populated urban cities, lived in suburban Temecula for close to 9 years, I've started my own business, been a stay-at-home mom for many years, craved my own path in the ever -changing post Covid world, and have also managed to create little communities for my children to thrive in. Throughout all my endeavors, I've gained knowledge of what communities and the communities within these communities need and have gained many experiences when creating solutions to problems these communities face. My contribution to the City of Temecula would be this knowledge, experience, and versatile creativity. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): 1. Stephanie San Paolo, Realtor, -, 2. Kayla Teran, Downey Unified School District Employee,-, 3. Amanda O'Callaghan, Business Manager,-, Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Stephanie_ Dawson_ Resume General�pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson STEPHANIE HERNANDEZ-DAWSON , Temecula, CA 92591 - phone / . Objective Dedicated and motivated individual with a range of experience and skills working with people in varied settings. - Extensive knowledge in general computer applications including Adobe Photoshop. -Fluent in Spanish -Professional Photography Skills Key Skills -60 WPM -Varied creative talents useful for project implantation. -Exceptional ability to work with children. Experience -Experienced and skilled working well as a team member. -Efficient meeting and event planning ability. -CPR and First Aid Certified Little Explorers Homeschool Co -Op 2021-Current Director Plan, coordinate, and execute weekly activities such as academic lessons, field trips, and hands on projects for a group of 20-30 homeschool students ages ¢11. Independent Learning Academy - Murrieta 2022-2023 Spanish Teacher As an independent contracted teacher, teaching beginner level Spanish to homeschooled students ages 5-12 years. Mermaid Kisses Photography 2021-2023 Owner/Photography Turned a hobby into a small business. Focused on natural light photography, creating backdrops and settings for photographing mini sessions mainly of children and families. Realty One Group Southwest, Temecula, CA 2019-2021 Realtor Over 10 years of experience in the real estate field. Serving clients who are interested in selling or purchasing homes. Temecula Valley Unified School District, Temecula, CA 2016 — 2017 Instructional Assistant II- SDC Job duties included providing academic assistance in a classroom setting for students in 6th to 8th grade in the subjects of math, science, English, and history. Responsible for supervising small groups of students outside of classroom for activities such as tests or quizzes. Also assisted teachers in checking classwork and updating power point presentations to be used as part of lesson plans. Worked with students individually as needed. 1of2 I Page ON—Aff— Experience Continued Vintage Hills Elementary, Temecula, CA Williams Elementary PTA Volunteer, Downey, CA 2011 — 2015 Communications Chair/ Vice President/ Ways and Means / Yearbook Chair/Reflections Chair/Financial Secretary In charge of or part of committees responsible for various PTA sponsored activities including but not limited to yearly fundraisers, Reflections Art Recognition Program, book fairs, family nights, and teacher appreciation week. Created yearbooks for three school years from start to finish. Responsible for creating most event flyers, posters, and invitations. Also spent weekly scheduled time within classrooms assisting teachers with student group work, grading, and art activities. Received Honorary Service Award in 2013 for volunteer work. Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Los Angeles, CA 2010 — 2011 Payroll Clerk Conducted scheduled time sensitive data gathering to process employee paychecks for international law firm with over 2,000 employees and several offices throughout the United States and overseas. Provided customer service to employees with payroll questions or concerns. Prudential 24 Hour Real Estate / Escrow Net, Downey, CA 2006 — 2010 Listing Coordinator / Ofllce Manager /Licensed Real Estate Agent and Notary Responsible for over 10-25 active single family residence listings and/or escrows. In charge of maintaining complete physical and digital files that exceeded Department of Real Estate standards for each transaction, setting up and conducting property showings and open houses, maintained property advertising, processed short sale transactions including negotiating final short sale figures with lenders, and upheld the highest level of customer service to clients. Education Mount San Jacinto College, San Jacinto, CA 2015 — 2016 History Major - AA degree in History with future career goals of teaching elementary or junior high school students. Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA 2010 — 2014 12 Child Care credits in general education courses. References Available Upon Request. 2of2 I Page City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 15, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Monica La Combe First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92592 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. AA San Diego City College List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Monica La Combe Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve on this commission because I am committed to improving our city and its inhabitants. Throughout the years, I have been actively involved with the municipal government of Temecula in various ways, including by attending municipal meetings, participating in community events, and collaborating with local organizations. These experiences have strengthened my resolve to contribute more actively to the growth and development of our community through a position on this commission. My interactions with the City have been constant and varied. I have attended several city council meetings, workshops, and town halls to remain current on ongoing projects, policies, and challenges confronting our community. This has given me valuable insight into the inner workings of local governance and the issues that affect our constituents on a daily basis. I have volunteered with local nonprofit organizations, participated in neighborhood cleanup initiatives, and helped coordinate community events in addition to attending meetings. These experiences have provided me with first-hand knowledge of our residents' diverse requirements and concerns, as well as the collaborative efforts required to address them effectively. In terms of my qualifications for this position, I contribute a combination of skills, experiences, and personal characteristics that align with the duties of a commission member. My background in [relevant skills such as public policy, community organizing, communication, etc.] enables me to analyze complex issues, engage in constructive dialogue, and make well-informed decisions that will benefit our community. I am deeply committed to hearing and amplifying the voices of all residents, ensuring that their viewpoints are at the forefront of our discussions and decisions. In addition, my experience working with diverse groups has refined my ability to create environments where everyone feels valued and heard. As evidenced by my past involvement in successful community initiatives, I believe in the power of collaboration and forming partnerships to address challenges effectively. My desire to serve on this commission stems from my passion for the well-being and development of our city, my consistent engagement with the City through meetings and events, and my qualifications that enable me to contribute to the commission's responsibilities effectively. If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can make a positive impact by actively participating in meaningful discussions, advocating for the interests of our community, and working collaboratively to form policies that benefit all City of Temecula residents. Value Statement Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed to the city commission, I would embrace and actively uphold the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion that the City of Temecula holds in high regard. I am dedicated to ensuring that every resident, regardless of origin, feels valued, represented, and included in our city's decision -making processes. Here are my contributions to these principles: I would prioritize actively listening to and amplifying the diverse voices and perspectives within our community. By engaging with residents from diverse backgrounds, I can ensure that their concerns, needs, and aspirations are considered when formulating policies and making decisions. I would advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and confront systemic inequalities. This includes supporting initiatives that ensure all residents have equal access to essential services, educational opportunities, health care, and affordable housing. I would ensure that meetings and activities of the city commission are conducted in a way that encourages the participation of all residents. This may entail accommodating various communication styles, and creating spaces where people from diverse backgrounds feel secure expressing their opinions. Cultural Competence and Education: I would continue to educate myself on our community's diverse cultures, identities, and histories. This knowledge would allow me to make knowledgeable decisions that respect and revere the city's diverse heritage. I would actively collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and advocacy groups championing equity and inclusion. Developing solid alliances can help us leverage our resources and expertise to bring about beneficial changes for all. I would strive to identify and address disparities in the accessibility of opportunities, resources, and services. We can devise strategies to close these gaps by focusing on areas where inequities persist. Continuous Learning and Improvement: To enhance my understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion, I would remain receptive to feedback and engage in constant learning. This would allow me to adapt my approach to the evolving requirements of our community. My commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion would ultimately guide my decisions and actions as a city commission member. By actively promoting these principles, we will be able to establish a more harmonious, unified, and vibrant community that will benefit all of its residents. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jacinda Cason-- Rai Camille Rance- Venetia West - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards MONICA_LACOMBE Resume 0807.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Monica La Combe EXECUTION RESULTS DELIVERABLES MONICA LA COMBE + Temecula, CA + Linkedln Business Strategist ■ Business Analyst ■ Company Growth Expert Refining Businesses ♦ Transforming the Vision ♦ Business Forecasts ♦ Expert Improviser Maximizing Business Impact ♦ Strategy Focused ♦ Product Vision ♦ Custom Design Solutions Business Analysis ♦ Business Analytics Guru ♦ Change Catalyst ♦ Improving End User Experiences "We can't solve problems by using the some kind of thinking we used when we created them"— Albert Einstein. Transformational Business Analyst with 15+ years of extensive experience driving rapid success for growth by leveraging technology, strategies, & data to develop viable solutions for both start-ups & conglomerate companies. I am no stranger to looking at an organization and their performance, finding the problems, & sparking change —expert mediator with an unusually keen ability to understand technical concepts & translate for non -technical audiences. Catapulted ABBOT's department growth 2X the norm by sparking change from innovative ideas & deliverables. At STRONG TOWER, achieved 1400% growth within 2 years, transforming a 2-person company to 30+ personnel. During my term at NoKiA, pioneered 1st competitor device library, catapulting marketing research methods. Risk Analysis & Decision Making ♦ Process Improvement ♦ Relational Database Management ♦ Predictive Modeling Product Development Planning ♦ Advanced Analytics ♦ Algorithms & Models ♦ Mining Big Data ♦ Future State Assessment ♦ Reengineering Processes ♦ Gap Analysis ♦ Prototyping ♦ Wireframing ♦ User Stories ♦ Functional Requirements Analysis ♦ Use Cases ♦ Test Cases ♦ Requirements Gathering ♦ Long Term Forecasts (LTF) ♦ Requirement Elicitation (JAD, BIRD) ♦ Stakeholder Management ♦ Reputational Risks ♦ Competing Needs ♦ Stakeholder Engagement End Users ♦ User Acceptance Testing (UAT) ♦ Workflow/Process Flow Diagrams BUSINESS Process ANALYST Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, CA December 2023 — Present Transformed EPIC technical concepts into user-friendly language, acting as a liaison between stakeholders and IT professionals; facilitated effective communication and successfully delivered vital business objectives. ♦ Authored desk -level procedures: led workflow requirements elicitation sessions (including requirements analysis to translate business needs into EPIC functionality. ♦ Spearheaded redevelopment of EPIC application internal tracking system in use by 125 employees, resulting in 20+ new features, reduction of 20% in save/load time, and 15% operation time. ♦ Created knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%. ♦ Served as an intermediary with Business consultants to support bilateral understanding of data structures, workflows, technology capabilities, and limitations of EPIC application functionality. ♦ Applied EPIC expertise to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST ABBOTT VASCULAR, Temecula, CA January 2022—August 2022 Liaison between corporate compliance and all things technical. Point of contact between stakeholders & IT professionals translating complex data into user-friendly concepts resulting in firm delivery of key business objectives. Proven expert on PCI DSS Compliance. Pioneered solutions for team of 60+ analysts, agents, & developers, ensuring goals were achieved. ♦ Revitalized stagnant IT infrastructure in 6 mos. migrating antiquated programs to new cloud software. ♦ Doubled network security by achieving 100% PCI Compliance saving $1M+ annually within 2 months. ♦ Bolstered company portfolio 25% configuring Salesforce software streamlining operational processes. ♦ Maximized system efficiencies by 15% via providing viable solutions resulting in 98% resolution rate. ♦ Upgraded hardware & systems for 25+ onboarding employees, mitigating troubleshooting by 50%. ♦ Spearheaded launch of company's 1st PCI compliance program, achieving (0) zero violations each qtr. ♦ Boosted overall network security, reducing potential tech spend by 1.5M+/yr. adapting PCI standards. BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYST STRONG TOWER & ASSOCIATES, Temecula, CA March 2013—April 2022 Highly sought after by company for creative ideas & innovative solutions. Developed sound and concise strategies for business growth, enabling company to move forward with a plethora of operational goals. Architected and implemented solutions that accelerated company growth within 18 months of company launch —retained as primary consultant for 7- year tenure. ♦ Developed a long-term plan to enhance ITSM strategies, addressing scalability, security, and innovation. ♦ Established decision -making structures to clarify roles, responsibilities, and authorities for IT -related matters. ♦ Increased productivity by 60% via configuration of Salesforce set up to suit 100% of business needs. ♦ Played a vital role in driving company expansion, conceptualizing 98% of solutions executed for growth. ♦ Co-authored 100+ policies & procedures after extensive workflow evaluation for process optimization. ♦ Developed & launched robust system automation plan saving a combined 250+ man-hours per month. ♦ Implemented successful launch of Simplicity Software fully deployed & staff trained within 6 months. APPLICATION / BUSINESS SUPPORT ANALYST STAGEFORCE, San Marcos, CA January 2019-December 2019 Recruited for in-depth Salesforce expertise, expert knowledge in application systems, and ability to develop comprehensive and identifiable solutions in alignment with company's strategic vision. Contributed exponentially to company growth through razor sharp ability to decipher data & identify market trends leading to significant & profitable gains. ♦ Engineered software solutions for Stageforce platform & Salesforce, enhancing efficiencies by 18%. + Co -wrote 130+ pg. training & onboarding scripts for 330 users alongside 10+ software developers. ♦ Mitigated 75% of software defects enabling company to onboard 300+ users for Stageforce platform. ♦ Developed techniques which disrupted stagnant market trends accelerating client user base by 34%. ♦ Brainstormed highly persuasive software presentations leading to 80% conversion rate for customers. SENIOR PROGRAM & PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYSIS NOKIA, San Diego, CA July 2011— February 2013 Transformed technical processes via continuous improvement initiatives, constantly developing business strategies to execute and enforce the vision held by key stakeholders. Recognized as visionary and creative thinker, continuously developing new blueprints & roadmaps to assist marketing in launching revenue -producing campaigns. Adept at transforming the wheel as opposed to reinventing it. + Collaborated with concept team to launch up to 15 devices analyzing product lines & actionable data. ♦ Fostered dynamic relations with team of 100+ engineers responding swiftly to shifting business needs. ♦ Identified key project issues circumventing critical losses ensuring seamless, cost-efficient launches. ♦ Championed & forged 1st library of competitor models & reusable knowledge for marketing tactics. + Within 1 year, turned around ineffective processes by designing SharePoint site for 100+ users. SENIOR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYTICS QUALCOMM, San Diego, CA Managed portfolio of extensive projects for international teams of software engineers & developers while providing valuable business insights supporting Qualcomm CDMA chipset. Defined business needs & requirements while working alongside engineers supporting their efforts to deliver customized solutions & project execution. ♦ Drove project initiatives supporting up to 15+ projects with 65+ engineers for product test labs. ♦ Improved timecard entry system for 100% of the organization after uncovering & eliminating bugs. ♦ Project liaison ensured mutual understanding of processes, systems, & applications to non -tech staff. Bachelor of Science (BS) — Systems Organization & Mgmt. — Hampton University — Hampton, VA (In Progress) Associate of Arts (AA) — Humanities & Language Arts — San Diego City College — San Diego, CA (completed) City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 02, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Kellee First Name Home Address Temecula City Malone Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92590 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 1 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BA degree in Business Management from University of Redlands California Real Estate/ Brokers License- 26 years Kellee Malone List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Self Employed- Broker Owner of Reliable Realty and Property Managment 23 years. Co-owner Celebration Escrow 3 years. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Volunteer and supporter of Project Touch. We recently started a non-profit -Lupe's House to help those people in need of help to transition from homelessness. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I would like to serve on the Planning Commission to make a positive impact. Serving on the Planning Commission provides opportunity to directly contribute to the development and growth of our community. By participating in the planning and decision -making process I hope to help shape policies, regulations and land -use plans that have a long lasting impact on the community's physical and social aspects. Basically continue to do what is already being done. Each year I attend the state of Temecula address and am very proud of our community, and all of the plans I have seen come to fruition. Also, I believe with having a Real Estate background I am able to effectively engage with the community, listen to their concerns and represent their interests. My experience provides a platform to bridge the gap between public and government decision making processes, fostering transparency accountability and trust. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed I would continually educate myself about different cultures, identities, and issues affecting marginalized communities. Stay up to date with current events and actively seek opportunity to question my assumptions and learn from people with different backgrounds and experiences. Lastly, I would encourage open discussions, promote active listening and provide equal opportunities for participation and not assume or invalidate peoples experiences who are not just like me. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Karl Kooser- Title Representative with Lawyers Title - James Gross - Loan Manager with Franklin Loan Todd Frahm- Attorney at Law with Tyler Law Firm Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials. please do so here. Acknowledgment Kellee Malone I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Kellee Malone City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 15, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Lanae Turley-Trejo First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 1 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Planning Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Lanae Turley-Trejo Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am applying for my fourth term with the planning commission. During the last nine years I have attended almost all of the planning commission meetings (twice a month), and most of the city council meetings. I am also assigned to ten plus subcommittees within the planning commission. This year I am serving as chair and enjoying the challenge. It is my third time serving as chair. We have a conscientious commission that does their homework, asks important questions, and knows how to listen to staff and each other. I have learned to work with my colleagues and city staff for the benefit of the community I am representing. As planning commissioner, I have attended many city events in the last nine years. One city event that I am very proud of is Special Games. Julie Snell (local resident) and I brought this idea to the community over thirteen years ago and this event is now a tradition in our community. Our family moved to Temecula in 1987 and have seen many changes. The one thing I don't want to see change in Temecula is that we are a "family friendly" , safe city. That is the main reason I am applying for this commission. I want to continue to have a voice in keeping our city "family friendly" and safe. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I have always valued inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity. Everyone has value. When we take the time to listen to others and their story, we come to understand people better. As a planning commissioner I vote on the findings for a project after studying the application, asking questions of staff and the applicant, and hearing public comments. Sometimes it is not personally what I want for the city, but it is my responsibility to vote with all the information I have been given. With that said, my values are important and do influence the decisions I make. References Lanae Turley-Trejo List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Mike Naggar, former mayor and city councilman-= -, Shawn Nelson, former city manager Temecula--= - Andrew Dixon, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Temecula - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards resume updated manuary 2020.doc Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. ett r of ReRom dation PC Dixon - _Lanae_ urley- Tre'o 8.15.2023.pdf Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials. please do so here. Acknowledgment Lanae Turley-Trejo I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Lanae Turley-Trejo August 15, 2023 Temecula City Council 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 RE: Letter of Recommendation Dear City Council, My name is Andrew J. Dixon. I have been a resident of Temecula for nearly 20 years. I am an owner of Pacific West Development, a local real estate development company. We have entitled and/or built several projects within the City of Temecula and the surrounding areas. I also serve as the President of the 13 congregations of the Temecula California Stake, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The purpose of this letter is to provide my recommendation of Lanae Turley-Trejo to serve her fourth consecutive term as a Commissioner of the Temecula City's Planning Commission. Overt he last eight years, I have presented multiple development plans to the Temecula City Planning Commission for approval. At each Planning Commission hearing, Lanae was informed and asked relevant questions, which benefited the community and the city. As a business owner, she has earned my respect as a Planning Commissioner who looks out for the best interest of those she represents, with integrity. As a long-time resident of Temecula, Lanae has earned a reputation as one who selflessly serves her community. She has been an active participant of the PTA and the Citizens Scholarship Foundation, which has benefited the local schools and the youth of Temecula. Lanae and her family have actively promoted the importance of families in the community. She served for more than 10 years as a leader of the public affairs/communication council for the congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints here in Temecula. She is a well -respected and beloved member of that organization. In her service, she has gained admiration and friendship from many different leaders and citizens throughout Temecula. In the last two years, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Lenae and her husband personally. I consider them my friends. Lanae is a person who freely gives her time to serve others and help improve the community. She is honest and dedicated to every cause she is associated with. There is no question that the Planning Commission is enhanced with her participation. Temecula is a wonderful place to live, in great part because of the efforts of people like Lanae, who are willing to contribute so much. Without reservation, I give my recommendation of Lanae Turley-Trejo, to continue to serve as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Temecula. Sincerely, Andrew J. Dixon Temecula, CA 92592 Lanae Turley-Trej o SUMMARY Seeking a position in Pubic Relations. Ambitious and driven public relations strategist. Volunteer leader in the community for 30 plus years. Director of Public Affairs and helped establish many events in the city, several of which continue to the present. Desire for a family friendly and safe community has been the motivation. PR SKILLS: • Relationship Management • Plan Implementation • Networking • Media Relations PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Planning Commissioner I Chair I City of Temecula I August 2014 - PRESENT • Recommend new development to the city • Work with city staff and colleagues to implement General Specific Plan for the City • Five Year Service Award LifeFit, Inc. I President/Owner I Temecula, CA I October 2002 - PRESENT • ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer (CFT) • Train individuals/groups to help achieve fitness/nutritional goals • Gym and In -Home Training - "Fitness is a Way of Life" College and Community ASL (American Sign Language) Interpreter I SD and Riverside County 12011-PRESENT • Interpret for Deaf students at Riverside Community College (RCC) • Medical, Community, and Church Interpreter for the local Deaf population at large • Independent Contractor with several interpreting agencies Director of Public Affairs, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I Temecula, CA 12003 -2013 • Help to build bridges in the community with Church, City, and School leaders • Events established: Nativity/Creche Festival 12003 - PRESENT, Family Night Proclamation to the City 2004 - 2013, Crystal Apple Award I TVUSD 12006 - PRESENT, Family First Award I Community 12006 - PRESENT, FAM I Family Activities on Mondays I City 12007 - PRESENT, Special Games (special needs children) I City 12009 - PRESENT SKILLS • Ability to work with people I Loyal I Motivate to be ALL IN' I Networking • Strong work ethic I Organized • Driven I Self -Motivated • Mentoring I Leadership I Teaching and learning new skills • Proficient in Spanish and ASL (American Sign Language) EXTRAS • Murrieta/Temecula Valley Interfaith Council, Outreach • CERT (Certified Emergency Response Team), City of Temecula • Volunteer at CSDR (California School for the Deaf, Riverside) • Citizen Scholarship Foundation (scholarships for graduating seniors) • Mentor YSA (Young Single Adult) Service Committee • Hobbies: swimming, biking, pickle ball, hiking, reading EDUCATION BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY I PROVO, UT I B.S. PHYSICAL EDUCATION/COACHING, SECONDARY ED. PALOMAR COLLEGE I SAN MARCOS, CA I AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE/ENGLISH INTERPRETER TRAINING PROGRAM, GRADUATE REFERENCES • Tim Ritter I former Superintendent I TVUSD, Temecula Valley Unified School District I Friend • Kevin Osborne I Former Stake President I The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I Temecula, CA I I Former Leader • Mike Naggar I Former Mayor I Former City Councilman I City of Temecula I Friend/Mentor • Luke Watson I Deputy City Manager/Director of Community Development I City of Temecula I Colleague/Mentor " I cheer for people. I was raised to believe there's enough sun for everyone." City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 07, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Deena M Berry First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 1 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Deena M Berry Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. No prior city/county/state board/committee/commission service. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. Based on state of this country and the broad spectrum of challenges that we have faced in 2020, 1 want to become more involved in the decisions that are made on behalf of the people. I believe that first steps are getting involved within our local community, gleaning a better understanding of what the current issues are and create options towards improvement. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would continue to uphold these principles towards equity, diversity and inclusion, not because of a position I hold, but because these are foundational principles that I have lived much of my life believing in and want the opportunity to extend these values and principles to our community as a whole. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Samone Carroll, Director of Operations, GEODIS, -, Arlene Becton, Director of Medical Staff, Southwest Healthcare, -, Dana Johnson, Insurance Agent, Farmers,-, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Deena M Berry Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards BerryD Resume_2023-04-24.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. l4, 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Deena M Berry SUMMARY A highly skilled professional with over 25 years of risk management, quality, and compliance experience. Equipped with the vision and purpose to drive organizational change and assess and identify potential risks that may hinder an organizations reputation, safety, security, and financial prosperity. A motivational leader who can easily navigate a dynamic and sometimes ambiguous environment. Committed to personal development with the ability to learn quickly and adapt to business needs/priorities as needed. SKILLS Excels in team leadership • Planning and coordination • Critical thinking • Active listening • Decision -making • Conflict resolution • Team building • Expert in enterprise risk management • Good work ethic EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR OF RISK MANAGEMENT & PATIENT EXPERIENCE 1 01/2022 to Current San Ysidro Health (Non -Profit) - San Diego, CA • Implement an Enterprise Risk Management and Patient Safety program for a non-profit multi -site federally qualified health plan throughout the County of San Diego. • Assess & improve risk management infrastructure to align with organizational enterprise mitigation strategies. • Prepares corrective action & monitoring plans (i.e., HRSA, FTCA,) to regulatory and accrediting bodies. • Identification and measurement of risk/patient safety concerns through data collection, aggregation, quantitative and qualitative analysis against key indicators. • Ensures risk management policies align with strategic goals, applicable regulations and agency standards. • Reviews and investigates accident/incident reports, compiling findings and recommendations for the Governing Body. • Chairs the Risk Management/Patient Safety Committee responsible for reviewing quarterly & annual risk management activities and plan goals. • Responsible for legal claims management in conjunction with the U.S. Attorney General's office. DIRECTOR OF QUALITY & RISK MANAGEMENT 1 10/2019 to 01/2022 Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital - Murrieta, CA • Facilitate and implement the Enterprise Risk Management Program which includes issue identification, best practice analysis, implementation strategies, with monitoring and accountability to assess effectiveness • Compiles performance improvement data in usable formats for analysis against appropriate benchmarks, using current statistical tools and techniques to identify improvement opportunities • Oversees patient satisfaction and complaint process including investigation, verbal and written complaint follow-up, corrective action planning • Assesses compliance with federal, state, and industry regulatory and accreditation standards, facilitating processes to remediate and/or maintain compliance • Performs all RCA (root cause analysis)/sentinel event investigations and submits corrective action plans along with assessments to regulatory and accrediting bodies • Facilitates committees and teams for performance improvement • Provides operational, financial, and quality oversight for Medical Staff services inclusive of clinical privileges and prepares and maintains records in accordance with policies and regulations Uses applications (including but not limited to PatCom, UDS, ORYX, NRC, Press Ganey) to identity improvement opportunities Maintains records and documentation of Quality Council, MEC, and Governing Body activities including minutes, supporting data, logs, and all related documents. RISK MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1 08/2016 to 10/2019 Southwest Healthcare Systems - Wildomar, CA • Make recommendations to senior leadership that fosters patient safety initiatives, reduction of adverse patient outcomes, and environmental risk control efforts; including, facilitation of root cause analyses, proactive risk assessments, and action plan development and monitoring. • Initiate interdisciplinary work groups to establish and implement methods to avoid, eliminate and/or reduce risk situations associated with the provision of patient care and services identified through the event reporting system. • Oversees the risk event reporting system to ensure accuracy, integrity, and compliance with system enhancements. • Provides orientation and continuing education programs to providers, management, and staff relative to patient safety, risk reduction and event reporting. • Responsible for conducting investigations and preparing claims for all for potentially compensable and litigated claims and routing through appropriate notification systems. • Active member and participant of Patient Safety Council, Environment of Care Committee, Emergency Management and Medication Safety. • Consultant and resource on medical or legal matters related to the release of information in response to subpoenas, court orders, and attorney requests. RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST AND PATIENT ADVOCATE 1 05/2014 to 08/2016 Southwest Healthcare Systems - Murrieta, CA • Demonstrate knowledge of operational policies and procedures related to patient and facility safety. • Working familiarity with the rules and regulations pertaining to federal, state, and county programs. • Investigates serious events in collaboration with members of the leadership team, staff, and physicians. • Maintains documentation of the investigation, follow-up actions, and monitoring as applicable and in accordance with hospital, legal requirements, and/or accreditation standards. • Coordinates risk and safety management orientation and continuing education programs for providers, management, and staff to enhance awareness of their role in patient safety, risk reduction, and event reporting • Performs statistical analysis and trending of events and claims to pinpoint high -risk areas for management attention • Works with general counsel to coordinate the investigation, processing, and defense of claims and suits against the organization • Responsible for ensuring timely issue identification and resolution, including formulating written responses to grievances in compliance with regulatory requirements. CREDENTIALING/PRIVILEGING PROJECT CONSULTANT 1 06/2007 to 06/2013 Becton Professional Services - Corona. CA Manages organizational compliance with regulatory agency and accrediting bodes. Developing and implementing credential ing/privileg ing processes and procedures. Overseeing development of and adherence to governance bylaws, department rules and regulations; and policies pertaining to medical staff, practitioner/provider, and the organization. CLIENT SERVICES PROJECT MANAGER / ASST. OFFICE MANAGER 1 02/1997 to 04/2010 Bradford & Barthel, LLP - CA • Facilitated & developed policy and procedure in conjunction with the State of California's WCAB EAMS • Developed, implemented, and established File Department policy for 12 workers compensation offices statewide. • Facilitated training programs on firm procedure, state procedure, and legal procedure to attorneys, staff, and clients. • Create statewide systems for record & data management with digital integrations. • Interfaced with Knowledge Management to advise on organizational development, provide departmental and individual needs assessments, and studying the efficiency of modern operations. • Statistical reporting to appropriate partners/clients defining current trends, activities, and departmental operations. • Reviewed attorney dictated letters, reports, and legal documents. • Planned and conducted highly complex & diverse organizational audits, including compliance & investigative reviews. EDUCATION AND Texas A&M University - College Station, TX TRAINING Master of Legal Studies Expected in 05/2024 University of Phoenix - Tempe, AZ Bachelor of Science Healthcare Administration, 09/2019 American Hospital Association CPHRM Certified Professional Healthcare Risk Management, 09/2016 Chaffey College - Rancho Cucamonga, CA Paralegal Certification Paralegal Studies, 05/2012 • Spring, 2012 - Honor Roll • Spring, 2012 - Dean's List Chaffey College - Rancho Cucamonga, CA Notary Public Certification General Studies, 08/2002 of California Notary Public MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE - San Jacinto, CA Some College (No Degree) Business Administration, 06/1996 ACTIVITIES AND Member, ASHRM (2016-present) HONORS Member, SCAHRM (2016-present) City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 02, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Christine D Draskovich First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 3 Email Address Mobilen Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See resume Christine D Draskovich Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. No previous government positions. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I've long been a part of diversity and inclusion in my professional life. I come from a very diverse family and have seen how racial and ethnic issues impact my own family in the community. I'm very passionate about these issues. I moved to Temecula 3 years ago after 20 years in Point Loma. When I go on Nextdoor I'm shocked at the level of hate some of our community members put out. I've notice in particular a targeting of the Romanian community but also a divide among political lines around diversity and inclusion. As a person of Eastern Europe decent whose grandparents had to flee genocide I'm dismayed at the hate toward the Romanian population. I also don't believe diversity and inclusion should be a political issue. I'm highly interested in helping people understand this is a human issue. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I have chaired Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging committees throughout my career. I piloted a program at OptumRx designed to improve diversity in hiring practices. This included but was not limited to blinding names on applications and weighting experience more heavily than educational background as the first cut through applications. I currently sit on a committee designed to eliminate common phrases in corporate vernacular that are rooted in racist backgrounds. This is designed to educate people on the origins of these phrases and provide alternatives to use. In addition I sit on a women's committee for psychological safety in the work place. This is design to be an open and honest forum where women are free to bring up workplace issues impacting their feeling of inclusion and belonging and how to improve the workplace. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Rick Paulin - National Account Manager. Farrah Wong - Senior Vice President UHC Trade and Strategy. Jennifer Forristal - Chief Pharmacy Officer ThirdWaveRx. ;- Christine D Draskovich Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Christine Draskovich Resume 1.2.18 NG.docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Christine Draskovich Resume 1.2.18 NG.docx Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Christine D Draskovich Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Christine D Draskovich CHRISTINE DRASKOVICH An accomplished licensed pharmacist with 5 years of industry leadership skills with particular attention in delivering timely and accurate results with particular attention to detail in high volume settings. PROFILE AND CAREER GOAL Experienced industry pharmacist seeking new challenges in a managed care setting that improves outcomes for both clients and members in receiving proper medication therapy management while maintaining cost effectiveness and high levels of service. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE OptumRx Irvine, California April 2019 - present Vice President Industry and Network Relations (5 Direct Reports; Team rollup 25) • Lead fully remote team responsible for 101 impact for ORx and external clients in the health plan, PBM, Labor & Trust, health system, employer group and coalition business segments • Lead rebate strategy for 45 external clients with 101 impact of $520 million year to date for 2021 • Lead Medical rebate program development including channel management programs designed to control medical drug spend • Lead formulary compliance teams designed to maximize drug savings • Lead team responsible for development and automation of financial models • Lead team responsible for accurate pharma invoicing, formulary strategy and pharma target setting • Lead cross functional multi -location teams for rebate initiatives for custom clients • Actively participated in finalist meetings to win key accounts • Completed the Executive Development Program • Co -Chair of ORx Inclusion and Diversity Committee OptumRx Irvine, California March 2017 - April 2019 Senior Director Industry and Network Relations (4 Direct Reports) • Led tactical execution of external client specific financial modeling whilst providing strategic direction for 30 custom Health Plan clients, PBMs, employer groups, and coalitions. • Created processes for onboarding new clients and support data needs utilized in creation of client facing material, drug rebate analysis, client proposal requests and regulatory submissions. • Responsibility for productivity, accuracy and contract compliance for client financial modeling and rebate analysis. • Managed formulary changes and performed formulary reporting and analysis functions to ensure client rebate compliance. • Clinical Subject Matter Expert for rebate contract compliance and OptumRx formulary strategy OptumRx Irvine, California August 2016 - March 2017 WM I Temecula, California 92592 . Director Industry and Network Relations • Client Facing Lead • Managed Clients to maximize rebate dollars • Advised clients on OptumRx clinical and rebate decisions • Conducted client specific rebate roundtables OptumRx Irvine, California July 2012 - August 2016 Clinical Pharmacist Formulary Operations • Analyzed formulary data to determine the appropriate strategy for building and maintaining formularies for ORx clients • Managed formulary change process and performed formulary reporting and analysis functions. • Supported short and long term operational and strategic business activities including support development and maintenance of new clinical programs. • Formulary Management Services: o Reviewed and recommended formulary status and utilization management edits in adherence to clinical and rebate guidelines and compliance. o Lead weekly Medi-Span calls with Industry Relations, client managers, and clinical team. • Pharmacy Audit Review Committee (PARC) voting member: o Provided clinical guidance for appeals brought to PARC. o Collaborated on group decisions on appeals cases in adherence to pharmacy laws. • Network Provider Evaluation Committee voting member: o Clinical subject matter expertise and pharmacy experience during termination appeals hearings. • Leadership Academy Walgreens Stockton, California July 2010 -July 2012 Staff Pharmacist • Certified in immunization administration. • Certified to write emergency contraceptive prescriptions. • Performed duties related to pharmacy functions in a high prescriptions volume pharmacy. Walgreens Stockton, California April 2011 -July 2012 HIV Education Coordinator Walgreens South Sacramento District 231 • Facilitated educational training for pharmacists at HIV designated specialty stores. • Coordinated communications between corporate office and HIV trained pharmacist. • Supported queries regarding HIV medications and special billing relating to HIV government funded programs for district stores PUBLICATIONS Peter Kovacic, Christine Draskovich, Robert Pozos (2007). Unifying Electrostatic Mechanism for Phosphates and Sulfates in Cell Signaling, Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, 27:5-6, 433-443. EDUCATION University of the Pacific Stockton, California Doctor of Pharmacy Honors included: mv� Temecula, California 92592 May 2010 University of Minnesota -Duluth Duluth, Minnesota December 2006 Bachelor of Science Biology with minor in Chemistry SKILLS • Presenting Results to C-Level • Client Facing Responsibilities • Microsoft Office • RxClaims (AS400) HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Peloton Enthusiast (193 FTP) Watching all sports Dog Owner 00��� I Temecula, California 92592 1 1 . City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Sep 30, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 4 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None, see resume for related experience. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Currently the secretary of the Temeku Hills Homeowners Association Executive Board. See Resume for other involvement. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. For over 10 years I have dedicated myself to serving my community in various capacities. I highly believe in the importance of being involved. Although my past and current involvement has mostly to do with children, I feel I am ready and have the experience to now be a part of city level involvement. I'd like to do my part to maintain this beautiful city and to bring fresh ideas to the table. Due to my background, cities I've lived in and different sectors I've worked and volunteered in, I feel I can provide perspectives that represent a wide range of Temecula residents. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As an individual with a diverse background, I would contribute important perspectives. I am a mother, a wife, a First Generation American, I've worked with children in differentiating cities, I've lived in densely populated urban cities, lived in suburban Temecula for close to 9 years, I've started my own business, been a stay-at-home mom for many years, craved my own path in the ever -changing post Covid world, and have also managed to create little communities for my children to thrive in. Throughout all my endeavors, I've gained knowledge of what communities and the communities within these communities need and have gained many experiences when creating solutions to problems these communities face. My contribution to the City of Temecula would be this knowledge, experience, and versatile creativity. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): 1. Stephanie San Paolo, Realtor, -, 2. Kayla Teran, Downey Unified School District Employee 3. Amanda O'Callaghan, Business Manager,-, Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Stephanie_ Dawson_ Resume General�pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Stephanie Hernandez -Dawson STEPHANIE HERNANDEZ-DAWSON , Temecula, CA 92591 - phone / . Objective Dedicated and motivated individual with a range of experience and skills working with people in varied settings. - Extensive knowledge in general computer applications including Adobe Photoshop. -Fluent in Spanish -Professional Photography Skills Key Skills -60 WPM -Varied creative talents useful for project implantation. -Exceptional ability to work with children. Experience -Experienced and skilled working well as a team member. -Efficient meeting and event planning ability. -CPR and First Aid Certified Little Explorers Homeschool Co -Op 2021-Current Director Plan, coordinate, and execute weekly activities such as academic lessons, field trips, and hands on projects for a group of 20-30 homeschool students ages ¢11. Independent Learning Academy - Murrieta 2022-2023 Spanish Teacher As an independent contracted teacher, teaching beginner level Spanish to homeschooled students ages 5-12 years. Mermaid Kisses Photography 2021-2023 Owner/Photography Turned a hobby into a small business. Focused on natural light photography, creating backdrops and settings for photographing mini sessions mainly of children and families. Realty One Group Southwest, Temecula, CA 2019-2021 Realtor Over 10 years of experience in the real estate field. Serving clients who are interested in selling or purchasing homes. Temecula Valley Unified School District, Temecula, CA 2016 — 2017 Instructional Assistant II- SDC Job duties included providing academic assistance in a classroom setting for students in 6th to 8th grade in the subjects of math, science, English, and history. Responsible for supervising small groups of students outside of classroom for activities such as tests or quizzes. Also assisted teachers in checking classwork and updating power point presentations to be used as part of lesson plans. Worked with students individually as needed. 1of2 I Page ON—Aff— Experience Continued Vintage Hills Elementary, Temecula, CA Williams Elementary PTA Volunteer, Downey, CA 2011 — 2015 Communications Chair/ Vice President/ Ways and Means / Yearbook Chair/Reflections Chair/Financial Secretary In charge of or part of committees responsible for various PTA sponsored activities including but not limited to yearly fundraisers, Reflections Art Recognition Program, book fairs, family nights, and teacher appreciation week. Created yearbooks for three school years from start to finish. Responsible for creating most event flyers, posters, and invitations. Also spent weekly scheduled time within classrooms assisting teachers with student group work, grading, and art activities. Received Honorary Service Award in 2013 for volunteer work. Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, Los Angeles, CA 2010 — 2011 Payroll Clerk Conducted scheduled time sensitive data gathering to process employee paychecks for international law firm with over 2,000 employees and several offices throughout the United States and overseas. Provided customer service to employees with payroll questions or concerns. Prudential 24 Hour Real Estate / Escrow Net, Downey, CA 2006 — 2010 Listing Coordinator / Ofllce Manager /Licensed Real Estate Agent and Notary Responsible for over 10-25 active single family residence listings and/or escrows. In charge of maintaining complete physical and digital files that exceeded Department of Real Estate standards for each transaction, setting up and conducting property showings and open houses, maintained property advertising, processed short sale transactions including negotiating final short sale figures with lenders, and upheld the highest level of customer service to clients. Education Mount San Jacinto College, San Jacinto, CA 2015 — 2016 History Major - AA degree in History with future career goals of teaching elementary or junior high school students. Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA 2010 — 2014 12 Child Care credits in general education courses. References Available Upon Request. 2of2 I Page City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 09, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Ross First Name Home Address temecula City Jackson Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CONSTRUCTION /DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY FOR OVER 45 YRS, SERVED IN THE AIR FORCE - DVA 72-80 NATO FORCES SERVED ON OLD TOWN LOCAL REVIEW BOARD AS A MEMBER AND AS CHAIRMAN. Ross Jackson List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. TRUAX DEVELOPMENT FOR 10 YEARS 2011-2021 DIRECTOR OF CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT, BUSINESS -OWNED AND OWNED AND OPERATED JCMS SINCE 2008- CURRENT CONSULTING SERVICES, 2021- CURRENT- WORKING FOR DA GILL COMPANY AS SR PROJECT MANAGER ON THE PECHANGA REPOSITORY PROJECT. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CHAIRMAN OF OTLRB 4 YEARS +/- TEMECULA CA BRC CITY OF TEMECULA List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CURRENTLY A MEMBER OTTA (OLD TOWN TENANT ASSOCIATION) AS VICE PRESIDENT 8 YEARS TEMECULA CA HOA ARCHITECTURAL CHAIRMAN, TACOMA,WA. RETIRED LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL COACH YOUTH TACOMA WA RETIRED SOCCER COACH YOUTH TACOMA WA RETIRED SCUBA DIVER INSTRUCTOR ALL AGES TACOMA WA RETIRED COMMERICAL DIVER SEATTLE WA Statement of Interest Ross Jackson Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. With unwavering resolve, I step forward to declare my aspiration to join the Race, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission. As a military veteran, a grandfather to two cherished children, and having lived in Temecula for twenty years, I am driven by an unshakable commitment to fostering a society marked by unity, understanding, and justice. My profound connection to this community has been nurtured through years of active participation and involvement. My past role as Chairman of the Old Town Local Review Board has afforded me the privilege of shaping the development of our area, ensuring that every voice is heard and represented. Currently serving as Vice President for the Merchants Association has further amplified my dedication to bettering the lives of those around me. Through these endeavors, I have witnessed the transformative power of inclusivity and the immense potential for positive change that lies within our grasp. My life experiences have honed my strengths, chief among them being an unwavering commitment to truth and integrity. My military background has instilled in me a sense of duty to uphold the principles of fairness and equity that are foundational to a just society. My role as a grandfather underscores my responsibility to create a world where my grandchildren and all children can grow up knowing their opportunities are boundless and their dreams attainable. We all want a world where we live as one community, see and respect each and everyone as a person, and not defined by color, race, or broken, but with the dignity we all deserve. The Race, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission presents an unparalleled platform to catalyze the changes we yearn to see. My intent is clear —to bring my acumen, passion, and dedication to the table, advocating for initiatives that dismantle barriers and amplify the voices of marginalized individuals and communities. Through candid conversations and purposeful action, I am resolved to drive progress in ways that resonate deeply with my fellow community members. Provide an honest answer when asked, support when called upon, show no bias, and support the masses' agenda, not your own. If my reasons for desiring a place on this commission beckon your curiosity, I encourage you to inquire further. My conviction is unwavering, my commitment steadfast, and my vision resolute. Let us unite in this pursuit of a more just, equal, and inclusive society —a future where the principles of unity and empathy guide every facet of our existence. Value Statement Ross Jackson Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. In joining this commission, I bring a multifaceted value proposition driven by my understanding and empathy for others. I am here to assist individuals in helping themselves, coupled with my unwavering commitment to collaborative teamwork, underscores my role as an invaluable asset. At the core of my contribution "Been There Done That" statement, through this understanding, I bridge the gap between ideas and actions, translating visions into tangible strategies with a finesse that stems from deep-rooted empathy. Recognizing the importance of fostering independence, I am dedicated to facilitating personal growth and self-reliance within those I serve. True progress emerges when individuals have the tools and knowledge to take charge of their destinies. By nurturing this ethos, I am aiding immediate goals and sowing the seeds for long-term, sustainable development. I am a team player in the truest sense. I thrive within collaborative environments, valuing the diverse perspectives that each member brings to the table. My inclination towards cooperation ensures that collective intelligence is harnessed, resulting in comprehensive solutions that stand up to rigorous scrutiny. I prioritize the team's shared success over personal accolades, fostering an atmosphere of mutual support and camaraderie that drives optimal outcomes. My approach is that I am resolutely never a one-man show. I understand that the most potent results emerge from the collective efforts of dedicated individuals. By amplifying the strengths of others, I create an environment where creativity flourishes, and innovation thrives. This approach enhances the quality of our work and establishes a legacy of impactful contributions that withstand the test of time. In closing, my presence within this commission is underpinned by an astute and empathetic understanding, a commitment to empowering individuals to help themselves, a dedication to harmonious teamwork, and an unwavering stance against one-man endeavors. There is no I in team we are a united front serving as one body, helping those through understanding not force feeding them words with no meaning. The words in REDI have no meaning unless there are held in the truest sense of the words. Race, its our hope that it will no longer define who we are, equality shall to be a thing of the past as we share as one, diversity understanding that we all have our own thoughts and beliefs and we may not believe in them however we allow them to have their own, inclusion means one person is left out there is no color, minority, one mankind as per design. Lastly, my values align seamlessly with the mission of this commission, we may never agree all the time, and we will argue loudly over the ideas presented; however, we will come to a group decision, and my contributions are poised to elevate its impact to new heights. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Will Joyce, Allstate insurance owner and member of OTTA- (C) Julie Ngo, Statefarm insurance owner and president of OTT (C) TC Williams retired marin (C) Jill Erickson Family counselor_ (C) Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Ross Jackson Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. l4, 1 Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Ross Jackson City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 15, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Monica La Combe First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92592 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. AA San Diego City College List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Monica La Combe Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve on this commission because I am committed to improving our city and its inhabitants. Throughout the years, I have been actively involved with the municipal government of Temecula in various ways, including by attending municipal meetings, participating in community events, and collaborating with local organizations. These experiences have strengthened my resolve to contribute more actively to the growth and development of our community through a position on this commission. My interactions with the City have been constant and varied. I have attended several city council meetings, workshops, and town halls to remain current on ongoing projects, policies, and challenges confronting our community. This has given me valuable insight into the inner workings of local governance and the issues that affect our constituents on a daily basis. I have volunteered with local nonprofit organizations, participated in neighborhood cleanup initiatives, and helped coordinate community events in addition to attending meetings. These experiences have provided me with first-hand knowledge of our residents' diverse requirements and concerns, as well as the collaborative efforts required to address them effectively. In terms of my qualifications for this position, I contribute a combination of skills, experiences, and personal characteristics that align with the duties of a commission member. My background in [relevant skills such as public policy, community organizing, communication, etc.] enables me to analyze complex issues, engage in constructive dialogue, and make well-informed decisions that will benefit our community. I am deeply committed to hearing and amplifying the voices of all residents, ensuring that their viewpoints are at the forefront of our discussions and decisions. In addition, my experience working with diverse groups has refined my ability to create environments where everyone feels valued and heard. As evidenced by my past involvement in successful community initiatives, I believe in the power of collaboration and forming partnerships to address challenges effectively. My desire to serve on this commission stems from my passion for the well-being and development of our city, my consistent engagement with the City through meetings and events, and my qualifications that enable me to contribute to the commission's responsibilities effectively. If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can make a positive impact by actively participating in meaningful discussions, advocating for the interests of our community, and working collaboratively to form policies that benefit all City of Temecula residents. Value Statement Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed to the city commission, I would embrace and actively uphold the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion that the City of Temecula holds in high regard. I am dedicated to ensuring that every resident, regardless of origin, feels valued, represented, and included in our city's decision -making processes. Here are my contributions to these principles: I would prioritize actively listening to and amplifying the diverse voices and perspectives within our community. By engaging with residents from diverse backgrounds, I can ensure that their concerns, needs, and aspirations are considered when formulating policies and making decisions. I would advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and confront systemic inequalities. This includes supporting initiatives that ensure all residents have equal access to essential services, educational opportunities, health care, and affordable housing. I would ensure that meetings and activities of the city commission are conducted in a way that encourages the participation of all residents. This may entail accommodating various communication styles, and creating spaces where people from diverse backgrounds feel secure expressing their opinions. Cultural Competence and Education: I would continue to educate myself on our community's diverse cultures, identities, and histories. This knowledge would allow me to make knowledgeable decisions that respect and revere the city's diverse heritage. I would actively collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and advocacy groups championing equity and inclusion. Developing solid alliances can help us leverage our resources and expertise to bring about beneficial changes for all. I would strive to identify and address disparities in the accessibility of opportunities, resources, and services. We can devise strategies to close these gaps by focusing on areas where inequities persist. Continuous Learning and Improvement: To enhance my understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion, I would remain receptive to feedback and engage in constant learning. This would allow me to adapt my approach to the evolving requirements of our community. My commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion would ultimately guide my decisions and actions as a city commission member. By actively promoting these principles, we will be able to establish a more harmonious, unified, and vibrant community that will benefit all of its residents. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jacinda Cason Rai Camille Ranc Venetia West - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards MONICA_LACOMBE Resume 0807.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Monica La Combe EXECUTION RESULTS DELIVERABLES MONICA LA COMBE + Temecula, CA + Linkedln Business Strategist ■ Business Analyst ■ Company Growth Expert Refining Businesses ♦ Transforming the Vision ♦ Business Forecasts ♦ Expert Improviser Maximizing Business Impact ♦ Strategy Focused ♦ Product Vision ♦ Custom Design Solutions Business Analysis ♦ Business Analytics Guru ♦ Change Catalyst ♦ Improving End User Experiences "We can't solve problems by using the some kind of thinking we used when we created them"— Albert Einstein. Transformational Business Analyst with 15+ years of extensive experience driving rapid success for growth by leveraging technology, strategies, & data to develop viable solutions for both start-ups & conglomerate companies. I am no stranger to looking at an organization and their performance, finding the problems, & sparking change —expert mediator with an unusually keen ability to understand technical concepts & translate for non -technical audiences. Catapulted ABBOT's department growth 2X the norm by sparking change from innovative ideas & deliverables. At STRONG TOWER, achieved 1400% growth within 2 years, transforming a 2-person company to 30+ personnel. During my term at NoKiA, pioneered 1st competitor device library, catapulting marketing research methods. Risk Analysis & Decision Making ♦ Process Improvement ♦ Relational Database Management ♦ Predictive Modeling Product Development Planning ♦ Advanced Analytics ♦ Algorithms & Models ♦ Mining Big Data ♦ Future State Assessment ♦ Reengineering Processes ♦ Gap Analysis ♦ Prototyping ♦ Wireframing ♦ User Stories ♦ Functional Requirements Analysis ♦ Use Cases ♦ Test Cases ♦ Requirements Gathering ♦ Long Term Forecasts (LTF) ♦ Requirement Elicitation (JAD, BIRD) ♦ Stakeholder Management ♦ Reputational Risks ♦ Competing Needs ♦ Stakeholder Engagement End Users ♦ User Acceptance Testing (UAT) ♦ Workflow/Process Flow Diagrams BUSINESS Process ANALYST Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, CA December 2023 — Present Transformed EPIC technical concepts into user-friendly language, acting as a liaison between stakeholders and IT professionals; facilitated effective communication and successfully delivered vital business objectives. ♦ Authored desk -level procedures: led workflow requirements elicitation sessions (including requirements analysis to translate business needs into EPIC functionality. ♦ Spearheaded redevelopment of EPIC application internal tracking system in use by 125 employees, resulting in 20+ new features, reduction of 20% in save/load time, and 15% operation time. ♦ Created knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%. ♦ Served as an intermediary with Business consultants to support bilateral understanding of data structures, workflows, technology capabilities, and limitations of EPIC application functionality. ♦ Applied EPIC expertise to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST ABBOTT VASCULAR, Temecula, CA January 2022—August 2022 Liaison between corporate compliance and all things technical. Point of contact between stakeholders & IT professionals translating complex data into user-friendly concepts resulting in firm delivery of key business objectives. Proven expert on PCI DSS Compliance. Pioneered solutions for team of 60+ analysts, agents, & developers, ensuring goals were achieved. ♦ Revitalized stagnant IT infrastructure in 6 mos. migrating antiquated programs to new cloud software. ♦ Doubled network security by achieving 100% PCI Compliance saving $1M+ annually within 2 months. ♦ Bolstered company portfolio 25% configuring Salesforce software streamlining operational processes. ♦ Maximized system efficiencies by 15% via providing viable solutions resulting in 98% resolution rate. ♦ Upgraded hardware & systems for 25+ onboarding employees, mitigating troubleshooting by 50%. ♦ Spearheaded launch of company's 1st PCI compliance program, achieving (0) zero violations each qtr. ♦ Boosted overall network security, reducing potential tech spend by 1.5M+/yr. adapting PCI standards. BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYST STRONG TOWER & ASSOCIATES, Temecula, CA March 2013—April 2022 Highly sought after by company for creative ideas & innovative solutions. Developed sound and concise strategies for business growth, enabling company to move forward with a plethora of operational goals. Architected and implemented solutions that accelerated company growth within 18 months of company launch —retained as primary consultant for 7- year tenure. ♦ Developed a long-term plan to enhance ITSM strategies, addressing scalability, security, and innovation. ♦ Established decision -making structures to clarify roles, responsibilities, and authorities for IT -related matters. ♦ Increased productivity by 60% via configuration of Salesforce set up to suit 100% of business needs. ♦ Played a vital role in driving company expansion, conceptualizing 98% of solutions executed for growth. ♦ Co-authored 100+ policies & procedures after extensive workflow evaluation for process optimization. ♦ Developed & launched robust system automation plan saving a combined 250+ man-hours per month. ♦ Implemented successful launch of Simplicity Software fully deployed & staff trained within 6 months. APPLICATION / BUSINESS SUPPORT ANALYST STAGEFORCE, San Marcos, CA January 2019-December 2019 Recruited for in-depth Salesforce expertise, expert knowledge in application systems, and ability to develop comprehensive and identifiable solutions in alignment with company's strategic vision. Contributed exponentially to company growth through razor sharp ability to decipher data & identify market trends leading to significant & profitable gains. ♦ Engineered software solutions for Stageforce platform & Salesforce, enhancing efficiencies by 18%. + Co -wrote 130+ pg. training & onboarding scripts for 330 users alongside 10+ software developers. ♦ Mitigated 75% of software defects enabling company to onboard 300+ users for Stageforce platform. ♦ Developed techniques which disrupted stagnant market trends accelerating client user base by 34%. ♦ Brainstormed highly persuasive software presentations leading to 80% conversion rate for customers. SENIOR PROGRAM & PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYSIS NOKIA, San Diego, CA July 2011— February 2013 Transformed technical processes via continuous improvement initiatives, constantly developing business strategies to execute and enforce the vision held by key stakeholders. Recognized as visionary and creative thinker, continuously developing new blueprints & roadmaps to assist marketing in launching revenue -producing campaigns. Adept at transforming the wheel as opposed to reinventing it. + Collaborated with concept team to launch up to 15 devices analyzing product lines & actionable data. ♦ Fostered dynamic relations with team of 100+ engineers responding swiftly to shifting business needs. ♦ Identified key project issues circumventing critical losses ensuring seamless, cost-efficient launches. ♦ Championed & forged 1st library of competitor models & reusable knowledge for marketing tactics. + Within 1 year, turned around ineffective processes by designing SharePoint site for 100+ users. SENIOR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYTICS QUALCOMM, San Diego, CA Managed portfolio of extensive projects for international teams of software engineers & developers while providing valuable business insights supporting Qualcomm CDMA chipset. Defined business needs & requirements while working alongside engineers supporting their efforts to deliver customized solutions & project execution. ♦ Drove project initiatives supporting up to 15+ projects with 65+ engineers for product test labs. ♦ Improved timecard entry system for 100% of the organization after uncovering & eliminating bugs. ♦ Project liaison ensured mutual understanding of processes, systems, & applications to non -tech staff. Bachelor of Science (BS) — Systems Organization & Mgmt. — Hampton University — Hampton, VA (In Progress) Associate of Arts (AA) — Humanities & Language Arts — San Diego City College — San Diego, CA (completed) City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 07, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Lyman First Name Legters Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 5 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Please see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Please see resume Lyman Legters Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Washington State Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, member, 2003-2006 Federal Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, supporting member, 2012-2016 City of Temecula, Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission, Commissioner, 2022-present List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Central Area Motivation Program (Seattle), Board Member, 1997-2003 Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My wife and I made Temecula our home in 2021, moving here to be near our grandchildren. Our family selected Temecula because of the family oriented nature of the community, and the nationally recognized school system. I was appointed to the REDI Commission in January of 2022, and am completing my term at the end of this year. It has been a privilege and honor to serve the City in that capacity for the past nearly two years, and I have learned a great deal about this amazing community. My life's work has been community oriented. Even during my time serving in the Federal Government my efforts were focused on making sure that strategies, decisions and funding directly impacted communities and neighborhoods. My professional experience has focused on serving the most vulnerable youth and families, and I currently work for a national foundation whose mission is to "provide, improve, and ultimately prevent the need for, foster care", and where our efforts are centered on not just improving systems that serve our children and families, but transforming them. Additionally, my career has focused on justice, working to that ensure that all members of society and community have access to supports and services, and are treated fairly and with respect. This is why I am applying for another term on the REDI Commission. While this community is amazing, we can also be better. I believe that I bring a set of skills, talents and experience that add value to this community and support the efforts of the REDI Commission. My focus is on solutions and getting to better, and it would be my privilege to serve another term. Thank you! Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed I would uphold these values by 1. being present, and representing the Commission, in a diverse array of community events, 2. leading with empathy, believing and valuing the experience and story of others, even when they are different than mine, 3. listening, listening, listening, 4. ensuring that the voice of the most marginalized is welcome and values in Commission meetings, 5. prioritizing people and the City of Temecula over politics and personal interests. 6. Bringing both a philanthropic and national lens with respect to innovations and best practices supporting the well-being of children, families and communities. Lyman Legters References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Denise Wilson, Realtor/REDI Commissioner, Dr. Kimberley Richards, People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, - Steve Hargis, Board Chair, Community Mission of Hope,-, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Lyman _Legters_resume _2.Oi .docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Lyman Legters I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Lyman Legters Lyman Legters -, Temecula, CA 92591 Cell: SUMMARY Proven visionary child welfare leader who creates strategic alliances across sectors, systems and contexts, and with community to effectively develop and execute key initiatives. Demonstrated track record in improving organizational health in complex environments, and developing high performance teams through selecting, developing and motivating skilled professionals. Results -based orientation with strong business and data acumen. Skilled communicator with a focus on creating and reinforcing clarity. Strategic thinker with a multi - systems orientation. Effective in motivating and leading change, and a student of implementation science. Lifelong orientation towards anti -racism, equity and justice, with a particular focus on eliminating racial disparities and dismantling systems/structures that perpetuate inequities. EXPERIENCE Casey Family Programs 612002 - Present Senior Director, Strategic Consulting. 01/2016 to Current Cultivates partner relationships with leaders from state, county, and tribal child and family serving systems within specific states (currently assigned to Illinois and South Carolina) and across the country. Develops strategic plans and manages foundation's investments and resources devoted to reform efforts, all aligned with Casey Family Program's mission to provide, improve and ultimately prevent the need for, foster care. Provides expert consulting services to jurisdiction leaders. Supports multi -jurisdiction efforts in: achieving racial justice and equity through the Race Equity Improvement Collaborative; implementing the Families First and Prevention Services Act; implementing Thriving Families Safer Children, and engaging in creating a vision for the 21st Century Child and Family Well Being System. Senior Fellow, US Department of Justice. 03/2012 to 12/2016 Senior Fellow at the US Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs. Provided expert consultation and technical support to Attorney General's Defending Childhood Initiative, and DOJ's National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention. Provided consultation to Assistant US Attorney General and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Administrator on: Organizational health and leadership development; cross -systems alignment and coordination; philanthropic engagement; racial, gender and sexual orientation equity; juvenile justice systems reform; community, youth and family engagement. Spearheaded cross -functional, cross -agency initiative to alignment between Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems reform initiatives. Supported DOJ engagement efforts with the Faith community. Senior Director, Seattle Field Office. 06/2002 to 02/2012 Seattle, WA Leadership responsibility for all aspects of the field office operations. Provided vision, leadership and strategic direction to Field Office Management Team, staff, partners and stakeholders. Led the office through major transformation at outset of Casey's 2020 vision, shifting the fundamental focus and work from long-term foster care to permanency and safe reduction of children in foster care. Managed all field office operations including personnel actions, resource allocations, budget development and monitoring, external communications and crisis and risk management. Provided sound analysis and recommendations internally and externally regarding human services system improvement efforts. Provided leadership and direction for highly skilled, highly motivated, well -trained team of professionals. King County, WA 01/1982-06/2002 Manaaer. Juvenile Court Services. 01/1992 to 06/2002 King County Superior Court 0 Seattle, WA Provided direct probation services for youth accused/adjudicated of criminal behavior; supervision of probation services; implementation of evidenced based intervention and prevention programs across King County and Washington State, and front-end practice change through state-wide implementation of Motivational Interviewing; ultimately responsible for leadership/management of probation services and programs across King County. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts: Political Science, Washington State University 0 Pullman, WA, USA Minor in Sociology Master of Arts: Public Administration, University of Washington 0 Seattle, WA, USA CURRENT PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Peoples Institute for Survival and Beyond — National Board of Directors (www.pisab.org) Youth Transition Funders Group - National Steering Committee (www.ytfg.org) Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform — BSC Faculty (www.cm0r.org) American Youth Policy Forum — Board of Directors (www.ayrpf.org) Community Mission of Hope (Temecula, CA) — Board of Directors City of Temecula Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission PUBLICATIONS "Investing to Improve the Well -Being of Vulnerable Youth and Young Adults" https://www.ytfg.org/2015/12/wellbeing/ http://ytfg.org/2021/05/investing-in-the-well-being-and-well-becoming-of-americas-young- people -recommendations -for -philanthropy -policy -and -practice/ City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 09, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Jessica Martel First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92591 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 4 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Jessica Martel Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I would like to serve on this commission because my son was diagnosed with Dysgraphia Dyslexia when he was 8 years old and at the time he didn't have resource through the school to help him manage his learning disability. I had to go outside of the school to get that for him. I would like to see more help in the school for this learning disability because it was very expense to have him inn it. I was on the Citizen Oversite Committee for 4 years and attended all of the meetings, I had to stop being on the board because now I am an Aide in the school district. I believe I qualify because I would like to voice my opinion as now an Aide and as a parent. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. Very Highly. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Lisa Cochrane - Special Education Teacher - - Meredith Killion - Oversite Committee - - Tina Miller - Principle Chaparral High School - Self -Selection Options Jessica Martel Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Jessica_Resurrl Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Jessica Martel Jessica Martel Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: Objective: Skilled Administrative Professional with a variety of experience, including strategic planning in a variety of fast -paced environments. Ability to problem -solve under the most difficult of circumstances. Willingness to learn from superiors and peers, while paying close attention to detail. Well -honored organizational skills. Professional Experience: June/03 - Aug/03 Schott Fiber Optics Sturbridge, MA Accounts Payable Clerk • Applied vendor invoices. • Disbursement of checks to vendors and sales people. • Arranged travel reimbursements for sales people. July/04 - Jan/23 Stay at home Mom Aug/10 - Aug/17 Nicolas Valley PTA VP Membership • Created a spreadsheet and inputted all of the parents' information. • Counted money and membership tally submitting information to the Head of Finance. • Printed membership cards and distributed back to parents. • I grew the membership count by 40% from the previous year. VP Fundraising • Organized fundraisers and collected the money for the treasurer. • Put events together. Aug/18 - Aug/22 Chaparral High School PTSA Secretary • Put meeting Agenda together and took meeting notes, submitted everyone's volunteer hours. Membership • Counted money and membership tally submitting information to the Head of Finance. • Printed membership cards and distributed back to parents. Treasurer • Made a budget and took care of the books. • Balanced the check book. Jan/23 - Present Great Oak High School Instructional Aide III - Severe Critical Learners Class • Observes and records behavior patterns and develops appropriate techniques to reinforce acceptable behavior. • Assists students in academic and non-academic subjects as directed. • Monitors administration of student testing and scores tests as directed. • Assists instructional personnel with the development and presentation of learning materials and instructional exercises. • Tutors students individually or in small groups to reinforce and follow up learning activity. • Oversees and supervises students during classroom activities, in the library and on field trips, as well as during lunch and other school day breaks. • Assists in the development of a variety of instructional materials. • Performs a variety of regular clerical duties, such as filing, typing or duplicating materials. • Maintains student record, files, and data collection. • Operates a variety of instructional media, office machines and equipment. • Maintains discipline in the absence of the teacher. • Maintains records of materials and equipment as directed. • Participates in District in-service programs. • Assists students in dressing, eating and toileting. • Provides specialized health care services such as wheelchair positioning, lifting. Board Positions • 2019-2023 Citizens Oversite Committee Measure Y Member (PTA representative and Secretary) • Team Mom through the years. Certificates • First Aide and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificate Education • High School Graduate, St. Paul's High School • Junior College, Cerritos Junior College City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 23, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Densye Wilson First Name Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt Home Address Temecula CA 92592 City _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 1 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Densye Wilson Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. As a citizen of Temecula for over 15 years my family and I have been involved and supported events held in our community. Starting with volunteering as local PTA President, Taste of Temecula, Balloon and Wine festival, Great Oak H.S. Band President, liaison between the American Heart Association and The City of Temecula, SWRC Heart & Stroke Walk Chair 2015 & 2021, Temecula Chamber member, Organized Realtor 1st "City Clean -Up Day" 2019, volunteer at Community Mission of Hope, Organized Can Food Drives, helped organized City Health fairs with AHA, volunteered and attended City events such as parades, training, mixers, fundraisers, Galas etc. I would like to serve of this committee because I would add value, ideals, innovation, experience, enthusiasm, support, and I am qualified to do the job. I would love the opportunity to continue to volunteer and serve the City of Temecula. A City that Cares! Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As a member of this committee I would serve with the highest level of honor and respect to our citizens. First with an open mind, a position of empathy, concern, and a good listening ear. No judging only solutions to work together and build a stronger, diverse community where we can live together, grow together, play together, and pray together :-) References Densye Wilson List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Connie Lynch, CEO Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors, Darlene Wetton, CEO Temecula Valley Hospital - Jan Duran, Corinthian Title Rep., To the City Council of Temecula: I have known Denyse Wilson for several years and she is a wonderful person. She is kind and caring and very dear to me. She is also a member of the Professional Women's Roundtable and very active in supporting the American Heart Association. I believe she would make an outstanding Community Service Committee Member. Her integrity is exemplary, and she is respected by everyone she deals with. Thank you in advance for your consideration, Joan F. Sparkman Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Denyse_Wilson _Resume202O.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards SRCARRecom.pdf Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Lettter_of Recommendation _TVH_Denyse_Wilson.pdf Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Densye Wilson Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Densye Wilson Denyse Wilson, Realtor Temecula, CA 92592 Cell: — www.DenyseWilson.com _ _ "EEART 6 90LY Sales Consultant: Top -Producing Sales Agent with 15+ years of fast -track selling experience in diverse markets. Servicing Riverside County Areas of Strength/Licenses: • Communication • Negotiations • Self -motivated • Team Player • Organizational Skills • Integrity & Honesty • Community Service • Certified HAFA Specialist (Homeowner Assistance Foreclosure Alternative) • Licensed Realtor, California • HAP certified (Military program) • Certified Military Relocator • (CRS) Designation Certified Realtor Specialist Career Opportunities: DENYSE eWILSON REALTOR H 1Y1�. VLNVS! W IL ON,GO,N Real Estate Places, Inc. / Temecula, CA Realtor- Buyer/Seller Agent // 2011 -Present Enjoy working with clients to educate them on the Home Buying process and what it really means to buy or sell and live within their means. I sell with compassion, knowledge and what's in the best interest for my buyers and sellers and their family at all time. Century 21 Wright/ Temecula, CA Realtor — Top 10-Producer // 2008 — 2011 Worked hard to provide buyers and sellers with up-to-date knowledge and experience of the Real Estate market, with their confidence and trust it earned me Top Ten in my office. I strive hard to keep my clients for life. Wisdom Financial // Upland, CA Realtor // 2005 - 2008 Worked with Buyers and Sellers to assist with obtaining the American Dream. Two years of Loan processing and Notary. . Pomona Valley Hospital // Pomona, CA Medical Records Supervisor, Pomona Hospital // 1994 - 2003 Manage 15 staff members. Worked with doctors to keep hospital records in compliance with California and Federal compliance laws and HIPP. Career Achievements National Association of Realtors Committee "Leading Edge Advisory" -Current Rancho Community Church — Board Member 2019-Current Temecula Valley Hospital Community Advisory Committee 2017-Current American Heart Association Executive Leadership Committee Member & Chair -Current Professional Women's Roundtable Member -Current Rancho Damacitas — Group Home Mentor 2012 Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors Current Board of Director & past Board President -Current Women's Council of Realtors President 2011, President Elect 2009 & 2010-Current State Women's Council of Realtors Nominating committee 2011 State Women's Council of Realtors Ways & Means Chair 2012 National Association of Realtors (NAR) — Member -Current California Association of Realtors (CAR) — Member -Current Great Oak High School Band — Uniform Coordinator 2011 PTA President 2009-2010, Temecula School District Education Bachelors, Business Administration, 2006 Azusa Pacific University Associate Degree in Applied Science - Medical Transcription, 2002 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois Available upon request REAETOW � 1 SR,CAR Southwest Riverside County Association of REALTORS�� Promote I Protect I Empower October 27, 2020 City of Temecula Community Service Commission To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter for my recommendation for Ms. Denyse Wilson's seat on the City Temecula Community Service Commission. Denyse has a servant's heart and has served on the Southwest Riverside County Association of REALTORS@ Board of Directors for the last eight years, and is the current Chief Financial Officer. In 2017 Denyse was the President of the Association. Denyse has served on several committees within the organization and outside with The American Heart Association, Women's Council of REALTORS@, California Association of REALTORS@, just to name a few. I highly recommend Denyse for this nomination; she is a volunteer like no other and will get the job done. Sincerely, SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSOC ION OF REALTORS@ CokieLynch, 4N, ePRO Chief Executive Officer /cl TemeculaValley HOSPITAL October 23, 2020 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula Ca, 92592 RE: Community Service Commission; Letter of Recommendation for Denyse Wilson To Whom It May Concern, It is with great pleasure that I recommend Denyse Wilson for the opportunity to serve on the Community Service Commission. Denyse has been actively engaged and supportive of Temecula Valley Hospital since our opening, seven years ago. Denyse serves on the Hospital Community Advisory Committee and provides insight into the community needs for health services and educational programs. She also is a Hospital volunteer and visits patients who have undergone heart procedures to provide reassurance and support. Her compassion and dedication to helping others extends beyond her volunteer service at the hospital, where she also serves as the current Executive Chair for the American Heart Association Heart Walk in So Riverside County. In this important role, Denyse has pulled together a team of leaders in the community to achieve the important goal of raising awareness for heart disease and promoting a healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition. Denyse is always the first to raise her hand to engage in a new project where she has the privilege to serve others. She is service oriented, a wonderful team player, and passionate about making a difference in the community that she loves. Regards, Darlene Wetton Chief Executive Officer Temecula Valley Hospital 3I700 Temecula Parkway I Temecula, CA 92592 www.temeculavalleyhospital.com City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 13, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Jason First Name Home Address Temecula City E Middle Initial Butchko Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* W District 3 Email Address Homes Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BS Civil Engineering, USAF Academy MS Environmental Science & Engineering, CO School of Mines MBA, University of Colorado Denver Jason E Butchko List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. CEO/Founder, Tempo Communications, Inc. Jan 2019 - Present CEO, Textron Tools and Test, Jan 2017- Jul 2018 VP/GM, Greenlee Communications, Jan 2013 - Dec 2016 See Resume Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. IEEE Member (3+ yrs) Mountain Life Church Board of Directors (Ft Collins, CO) -- 4 yrs Orchard Church Temecula Deacon (2 yrs) Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I've lived in Temecula since 2011. Most of that time was spent supporting a global business team which required 50%+ travel and limiting my ability to contribute to the local community. In 2019, 1 successfully purchased Tempo Communications from a Fortune 500 company and currently own/operate that business with HQ in Vista, CA. My travel schedule has changed significantly, and I now have the ability to contribute more directly to my community. With my technical, business background, along with my tenure in the community, I am well positioned to contribute to the Planning Commission or the Traffic Safety Commission. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. As a former Air Force Officer and CEO/Business Owner, I understand the value of diverse ideas and opinions in order to achieve outstanding results. I've led multiple domestic and international teams throughout my career (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Mexico, China, and India) foster an environment of teamwork and collaboration. References Jason E Butchko List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jason Varela, Personal, m: = Anton Angelo, Personal, m:- John Parizek, COO Tempo Communications, m: Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards J Butchko_2022.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Jason E Butchko I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Jason E Butchko JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 BOARD OF DIRECTORS/CEO P&L / Lean Manufacturing Implementation / Business Turn -around / M&A / Strategic Planning / Financial Analysis / Acquisition Integrations / International Results -driven leader with multi -industry track record including professional tools and equipment, test/measurement instrumentation, Telecom/Datacom, scientific instruments, consumer products, metal/plastic injection molding, and government contracts. International leadership over multiple operations in the US, EU, and Asia. Establishes a vision for growth while driving a culture of continuous improvement to attain operational and financial excellence. Key Skills: Action oriented leader. Goal (Policy) Deployment. Lean Manufacturing Black Belt in 5S, TPI, 3P, and VSM. Business Turn-Around/Consolidations/Integrations. Change -Agent. Six Sigma Champion. Financial Analysis and Modeling. Visual Management/Metrics. Talent Management/Development. Tollgate Product Development. Cultural Integrations. Theory of Constraints. Work Experience and Selected Professional Achievements 1/19 — Present Tempo Communications, Inc. (Vista, CA) Privately Held, C-Corp, Shareholder, 100+ employees, Telecom/Datacom Tools and Test Manufacturer 1/19 — Present Chairman/CEO Led the successful transaction to purchase the assets, portfolio, and customers of the former Greenlee Communications branded products from Emerson (NYSE: EMR). Found investment partners, established senior and sub -debt to acquire 100% of the assets in the US along with the UK entity to form Tempo Communications, Inc. • Negotiated TSA and successfully transitioned new entity to new ERP/CRM systems within 6 months • Established new branding, rebranded 600+ SKU's, transitioned all digital content to new branding and social media platforms Rebuilt distribution sales channel; Transitioned Amazon relationship to FBA structure; Restructured Telco/CATV sales channel to streamline product approvals, reduce cost, and drive growth Accelerated product development efforts to launch 15+ new products in Q1/Q2 2020 1/13 — 7/18 Greenlee -Textron, Textron Corporation (Rockford, IL) Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: TXT, 30,000+ employees, Aerospace/Defense and Industrial Conglomerate 1/17 — 7/18 President & CEO, Textron Tools and Test Promoted to leadership of $500M Tools and Test portfolio of brands/products including Greenlee°, Klauke°, Sherman & Reilly°, HD Electric°, Greenlee Communications°, Greenlee Utility°, and Endura°. Global manufacturing footprint with 14 manufacturing locations, 2400+ associates, and sales offices in 13 countries. Increased sales 6.6% and NOP 5.5% after 3 yrs of flat performance in 2017. Increased Sales 12.3% and NOP 19% in first half of 2018. • Led the sale and transition of the Textron Tools and Test business to Emerson during Q1 and Q2 FY2018 • Rebuilt leadership team and reduced organizational churn from 14% to 7% by driving execution, improving communication, and stabilizing the leadership team • Led the new leadership team through strategic planning cycle with a focus on digital marketing, connected tool platforms, and new product innovations 1/13 —12/16 VP/GM Greenlee Communications (Vista, CA) Hired to turn around the Greenlee Communications business unit. Increased sales 33% and NOP 142%. Eliminated negative NOP margin within 12 months of taking on the job. BU had consistently lost money for the past 10 yrs. • Expanded portfolio beyond copper -based tools into newer technologies in fiber optics, Ethernet and WiFi • Reconfigured the sales channel management to sell more 'high -touch' capital goods vs. consumables 0 Co -Inventor (patent allowed) for new distributed WiFi test system JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 10/09 —12/12 VP/GM Networks & Test Division at IDEAL Industries, Inc. (San Diego, CA) Privately Held, 2100+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry Selected to lead and restructure three US based business units in the Datacom and T&M markets to redefine the strategy, improve profitability, drive organic growth, and build the division via acquisition. • Restructured the San Diego operation to focus on core products and competencies yielding a swing from -5% EBITDA to 22% in 2011. • Defined and deployed a customer -focused go to market strategy that established a new networks sales channel purposed to penetrate the fast-growing IT and Datacom markets with a newly defined portfolio of both physical layer installation products and active network troubleshooting tools. • Recovered and held both revenue and profit targets in spite of 14.5% retail loss announced within weeks of starting in the role. 10/07 —12/08 VP Business Development (Corporate M&A) at Westco Scientific Instruments, Inc. Privately Held, 100+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry Recruited to lead M&A and integration efforts for a small group of private equity investors at Westco Scientific Instruments, Inc and AMS, srl. • Completed two acquisitions and integrations in 14 months — more than doubling the revenue base of the company holdings and diversified product portfolio into strategic growth markets • Exceeded acquisition ROIC and cash flow targets within 6 months; completed business turn -around via rejuvenated product portfolio and business teams; increased sales by 57% and EBIT by €650k. • Implemented lean manufacturing practices at AMS France that led to a 75% reduction in system lead times and a 50% improvement in inventory turns • Reversed negative sales trend for Westco Scientific within 6 months 9/06 —10/07 VP Operations at PCC Advanced Forming Technology Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: PCP, 10,000+ employees, Aviation and Aerospace Industry Recruited to lead the engineering and operational turnaround for three metal injection molding and thixoforming manufacturing facilities in the US and EU through introduction of Lean Manufacturing techniques and Six Sigma methodologies to reduce/eliminate variation. • Operational turn -around to restore EBIT growth within 2 quarters. Quickly resized the business to protect quality of earnings yet retained key talent to rebuild the business back to previous sales/EBIT levels. • Improved quality (43% scrap reduction), delivery (OTD moved from <60% to >93%), and reduced variable cost per hour by 17%via workflow, visual management, and lean initiatives • Led operations and engineering teams through initial ISO 13485 certification as a medical device supplier and recertified in ISO 9001:2000 and QS9000/TS16949 2000 — 2006 Hach Company, Danaher Corp Publicly Held, Fortune 500, NYSE: DHR, 10,000+ employees, Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing Industry 6/02 — 9/06 GM (Business Unit Manager) Promoted to director level leadership of $27M laboratory instrument manufacturer with three plants in US and Europe. P&L responsibility. Managed international product management, engineering, and chemistry staff of 35 plus independent sales representatives and distributors. Strategic leader for global sales, finance, technical support, marketing, customer service and manufacturing teams. Increased sales 9% CAGR, tripling market performance. • Integrated and turned -around Lachat Instruments following Danaher— Hach acquisition. Hach acquired line of analyzers following IS% sales loss over two years. Established brand standards; created and executed business strategy and product roadmap. Delivered 17% CAGR for three years. • Negotiated OEM license with European firm to expand product lines, adding $1.6M revenue within 12 months JASON BUTCHKO Temecula CA 92592 • Improved operating margins by 56% via new product vitality, product cost reductions, and quality improvement initiatives 10/00 — 6/02 Program Manager - Lab Business Unit Selected to lead a team of 22 engineers, technicians, and technical writers to develop and sustain the lab instrument product portfolio for Hach Company. Key business unit leader in the integration of Hach and Dr. Lange (Dusseldorf, Germany) following Danaher acquisition and integration decision. 1998 — 2000 Waterpik Technologies, Inc. Privately Held, 500-1,000 employees, Consumer Products Industry 6/99 —10/00 Plant Manager at Waterpik Technologies 4/98 — 6/99 Tooling & Maintenance Manager at Teledyne Waterpik Earlier Career: Air Force Captain — Base Operations and Maintenance Chief responsible for support and maintenance of the 18,000-acre USAF Academy campus. Award winning Program Manager in environmental engineering at the USAF Academy and Beale Air Force Base. Education: MBA, University of Colorado; MS, Environmental Science & Engineering, Colorado School of Mines; BS, Civil Engineering, USAF Academy. City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 28, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Robert First Name Home Address Temecula City D Carter Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Attended University of Massachusetts, Chapman College, Grossmont College. No current degrees, licenses, or certificates Robert D Carter List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Law Offices of Scott O'Mara, 2370 Fifth Ave, San Diego, Ca. ; Chief of Staff, responsible for all aspects of daily tasks and operations of firm. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Incumbent, Temecula Public Traffic Safety Commission since 2011 List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Former MADD National Board of Directors member 2012-2019 Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I've been serving on this board since 2011 and wish to continue our excellent work for the people and City of Temecula Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I will continue practicing these valued principles as I have since becoming a commissioner in 2011 References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Warren Stanley, Commissioner California Highway Patrol, Scott O'Mara, Attorney/owner Law Offices of Scott O'Mara Ed Smith, Jr, Real Estate/Broker, Ed Smith Jr & Associates, Self -Selection Options Robert D Carter Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Robert D Carter City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 06, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Damon A Davis First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92591 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 5 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. B.A. - Geography/Environmental Analysis - California State University, Fullerton. A.A. - General Studies - Cypress College List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Damon A Davis Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Temecula Valley Pop Warner. Business Manager. 2018-2021 Reliance Church, Temecula. Youth Ministry Team, Audio Visual Team, Cooking Team. 2018-Present. Murrieta Valley Pop Warner. Business Manager. 2022. Labrador Rescue of San Diego. Volunteer Foster. 2023 Statement of Interest Damon A Davis Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My family has lived in Temecula for the past eight years. We love this city. Serving on the Traffic Safety Commission will allow me to share my 15+ years of experience as a transportation professional with the community that I call home. In 2018 myself and few other Harveston residents engaged with city staff and the Community Services Commission regarding the then -recent ban of fishing at Harveston Lake. Having spoke at a public hearing and meeting with city staff, I proposed a series of strategies to minimize the negative impacts that other residents had brought to the City. A few of these strategies were implemented and fishing was able to resume shortly thereafter. In 2020, fellow Harveston residents and I petitioned and recommended to the City's Traffic Safety Committee striping improvements with a rapid flashing beacon along Harveston Drive near the Sports Park. That particular location always concerned me given the seemingly high rate of vehicular speed, limited sight distance, and high bike/ped volumes. My neighborhood is grateful that the Commission and Department of Public Works moved forward with the plan and the improvement was completed promptly. I feel that I am qualified for the position of Traffic Safety Commissioner because of my past public engagement and my professional experience in traffic safety and transportation. From 2008 to 2019, 1 worked for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in both Orange and San Diego counties. As a Transportation Planner/Specialist, my responsibilities focused on Local Development Review and the development of Corridor Studies. For Local Development, I made certain that proposed land development projects would not negatively impact the safety and operations of the state highway system by ensuring that adequate roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements were implemented to ensure public safety. Corridor Studies can be short or long-term plans for a variety of facilities and I was the project manager on several corridor projects in my time at Caltrans. In 2018, 1 was the lone representative from Caltrans District 11 (San Diego) for the Move 1-15 Through Temecula Valley Regional Task Force that included the Riverside County Transportation Commission, the cities of Temecula, Murrieta, Wildomar, Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake, and Menifee, and a variety of other public agencies and tribes. The task force was instrumental in securing funding for the, now in construction, 138-million-dollar infrastructure project to alleviate congestion along the corridor. In 2019, 1 moved to the Planning and Development Services department for the County of San Diego as a Transportation Specialist where I have continued to review local development projects to ensure safety for all modes of transportation. I have also been the project manager for SB 743 (VMT) implementation which changed the way that transportation is analyzed for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). I co - wrote the Board adopted Transportation Study Guide which was recently awarded the 2023 National Association of Counties Achievement Awards (NACo Awards) for planning. It would be an honor to serve on the Traffic Safety Commission. I feel that my experience in the transportation field for government agencies at the State and Local level coupled with a desire to ensure safe and efficient mobility within the community I call home makes me a qualified candidate. I appreciate the consideration. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. The agencies I have worked at were passionate about creating an inclusive workplace that promotes and values diversity. I will uphold the City's principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion because participating in an environment where everyone, from any background, can get involved in the public decision making process is best for the community at large. References Damon A Davis List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jacob Armstrong - Chief, Land Development. County of San Diego Seth Cutter - Senior Transportation Planner, Caltrans Stephen Cook - President, Intersecting Metrics Traffic Consultants. - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards RESUME - Temecula.docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Damon A Davis I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Damon A Davis Damon A. Davis Temecula CA 92591 Summary: A highly talented and enthusiastic Transportation Specialist/Planner with a strong background in transportation planning, particularly in local development, active transportation, safe routes to school, long-range planning, and grant management. Demonstrates the ability to work collaboratively with municipalities, resource agencies, and community stakeholders by forging strong partnerships to further the Agency's goals and objectives within general policy guidelines. Highlights of Qualifications: o 15+ years of experience in the field of transportation planning capable of handling various complex projects independently and efficiently. o Expertise in data collection and analysis for the development of long range planning documents. o Excellent ability to develop working relationships with regulatory bodies, commissions, local governments, and private land owners. o Outstanding analytical, communication, and technical writing skills. o Bicycle and Pedestrian program coordinator. Highlights of Experience: County of San Diego Land Use Environmental Planner III- Transportation Specialist March 2019 - Present o Project manager for SB 743 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) implementation. o Co-author of the County's Transportation Study Guide which provides criteria on how local development projects should be evaluated for the California Environmental Quality Act. o Responsible for the review and analysis of traffic studies utilizing Level of Service (LOS) and VMT for land development projects to ensure conformance with General Plan, Community Plans, Design Guidelines, Zoning Ordinance, and other applicable county and state regulations. o Collaboration with local, state, and federal agencies on various multimodal planning activities, including but not limited to, the Regional Transportation Plan, Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan, Trails Master Plan, Active Transportation Plan, and Freight Master Plan. o Preparation of written reports and presentations for Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, community planning groups, and various stakeholder groups. o Active Transportation program manager, ensuring active transportation accommodations throughout the project development process State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Associate Transportation Planner May 2008 - March 2019 o Lead role in the preparation of Systems Planning documents, such as, Route Concept Reports, the District System Management Plan, and other long-range planning documents. o Analyzed Environmental Impact Reports and traffic studies for local development projects to determine impacts to the State Highway System and propose appropriate mitigation strategies. o Managed district's planning grant program by reviewing and recommending grant applications for headquarters, ensure compliance with contract provisions, and monitor contractors' progress to ensure work is on schedule and on budget. o Directed grant program for safe routes to school. o Served on Project Development Teams and Special Task Forces for various Caltrans projects and corridor studies. o Lead facilitator in a variety of workshops, meetings, and outreaches to local agencies, various stakeholders, and the general public. o Performed field -based data collections, traffic surveys, and vehicle classification and occupancy counts. Education• Bachelor of Arts - Cal State Fullerton, Geography/Environmental Analysis May 2008 Associate of Arts - Cypress College, General Studies June 2000 City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 13, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92592 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 3 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. American Legion (Veteran's Service Organization) Post 852 Temecula/Murrieta - Commander 2014-2015; Current member in good standing. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am eager to serve on the Traffic Safety Commission to bring my experience and service to the City of Temecula with the goal of improving issues that impact us daily. I plan to collaborate with stakeholders and propose effective measures that enhance traffic safety, prioritize pedestrians and cyclists, and create a smoother traffic flow to continue the quality of life we strive to enjoy in this community. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed to the Traffic Safety Commission for the City of Temecula, I would uphold equity, diversity, and inclusion by advocating for objective policies, engaging the community and ensuring open dialogue, educating about these principles, collecting data, forming and cultivating partnerships, and committing to continuous learning. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Randy Molde; Publishers Development Corp/FMG Publications; Phon Richard Zuniga; Retired -San Diego Sheriffs Department; Phone Tim McGonegal; General Manager Western Marine and Industrial; - Self -Selection Options Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards eaonzalez_resume _sep 2023.docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. Ernesto Gonzalez, Jr. Temecula, CA92592 Executive Safety and Security Professional 00&�� EXPERIENCE SKILLS Department of Justice/US Marshals Service - Assistant Chief Crisis Management Judicial Security Division —Western Region Risk Management October 2017 - PRESENT • Lead diverse security and investigations programs across nine Threat Assessment Western States and the Pacific Territories, encompassing Emergency Preparedness criminal investigations, vulnerability and threat assessments, Complex Investigations emergency readiness, executive protection, and safety. Budget Management • Formulate and execute comprehensive plans, policies, and Program Management Physical security/ procedures for regional operations and facilities, focusing on ccTv systems emergency readiness, security, and investigations. Fire Alarm and • Direct investigations targeting individuals or groups posing Suppression threats to staff, facilities, or operations, ensuring mitigation and Systems potential prosecution. Certified Adjunct Instructor • Manage security training initiatives, crafting sustainable Military Leadership training solutions for foreign government agencies, and acting Spanish Fluency as senior liaison to local, state, and federal public safety Active TS/SCI Clearance entities. ACCOMPLISHMENTS United States Marshals Service — Supervisory Senior Inspector Judicial Security Division -Los Angeles, CA Recruit, select, train, supervise, August 2007 - October 2017 and evaluate the performance of • Manage investigators and security experts, including security subordinate supervisory and contracts and guard -force at judicial facilities. front-line employees. • Perform threat and vulnerability assessments for global government bodies, including LATAM, Europe, and Africa. Leadership and guidance to • Lead international security training for Colombian and Mexican staff during emergency situations, including agencies, serving as a project manager and lead instructor. incident/crisis management, decision -making, and United States Marshals Service - Deputy U.S. Marshal coordination of resources, to Southern District - San Diego, CA ensure swift and effective August 1998 - August 2007 responses. • Manage task force officers conducting criminal investigations and apprehensions. Direct, review, and approve • Apprehension and prosecution of over 60 major cases over a reports and assessments on investigations, vulnerabilities, nine-year span while assigned to Violent Crime Task Force. risks, and threats to staff, • Interview witnesses and suspects during criminal investigations. facilities, operations, and assets. EDUCATION University of Phoenix Knowledge of local, state and Phoenix, Az -San Diego Campus federal statutes, ordinances, July, 2004 regulations, and laws. Bachelor of Science -Business Management Knowledge of multi -level TECHNICAL PROFICIENCIES government and legislative Windows/MacOS processes. Business Software Programs City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 03, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile robert harvey First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 4 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BA Mathematics MBA Banking POST Certificate LA County Sheriff's Dept POST Certificate Seattle Police Department Certified Retirement System Trustee List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Seattle Credit Union, President/CEO 1910 1 st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 1992-2011 Now Retired robert harvey Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Seattle City Employees Retirement System, Trustee, 11 Years List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. LA County Sheriff's Department, Reserve Deputy 10 years Dove Creek Homeowners Association -VP 4 years Seattle Police Department Reserve Officer, 20 years The Breakfast Group, Secretary, 10 years Seattle Police Pipes and Drums Secretary/Treasurer 13 years Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I've enjoy being engaged in every community in which I have lived. I believe that citizens should be involved in local government as a duty to the community. Civic pride makes the system work. I've only recently moved to Temecula but I have attended one meeting in person and a few more online. Qualified because I'm civic oriented, have served previous communities, have served on boards, clear understanding of traffic laws, have the academic credentials and as a retiree, I have the time. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. By ensuring that all discussions and votes take into account the needs of and impact to all the residents of Temecula. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jeff Davis, Executive Director, Seattle City Employees Retirement System, - Amani Harris, President Breakfast Group, - Tonita Webb, President, Verity Credit Union, - Mark Jamieson, President, Seattle Police Pipes and Drums - Self -Selection Options robert harvey Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards bob resume.docx Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. robert harvey Bob is the retired President and CEO of the Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union. He retired in 2011 after 20 years with the credit union. He has worked in management positions in California with Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank and the Lockheed Federal Credit Union. Prior to beginning his 40 year banking career, Bob was an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Born and raised in Boston, he spent many years in Southern California before moving to Seattle. He holds a BA in Mathematics and a MBA in Banking. He was awarded the distinction of CEO of the year by the Credit Union Executives Society in 2003. He is married and has adult children living in California, as well as adult step children living in the Puget Sound area. His grandchildren now number nine. Bob serves as a Trustee on the City of Seattle Pension Board and serves as a fully certified Reserve Police Officer with the Seattle Police Department. Many Friday nights you'll find him on patrol around Seattle. He has been assigned to SPD's Gang Unit for over 10 years. His hobbies include motorcycling, bicycling, vintage cars, movies and traveling. His favorite post retirement endeavor is playing a tenor drum for The Seattle Police Department's Pipe and Drum band. City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 09, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Wendy Jones First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* PF District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BS in Elementary Education (Wright State 1979) Masters in School Administration (UCLA 1982) Life Teaching Credential (State of California)1984 List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Retired High School Teacher and Administrator (retired in 2013) Wendy Jones Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. NCEA Member/Volunteer tutor for the city of Hawthorne and Torrance. Volunteer for Allie's store here in Temecula. Past member and volunteer for the Assistance Leauge here in Temecula. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I want to be a part of the city of Temecula by being involved in making it the best place to live for all of its citizens. I am qulaified because I care about my community and the people who live here. I purchased my home in Temecula after I retired in 2013. 1 love living here and I have always felt welcome and safe. I enjoy the community events and I am in tune with the needs and wants of this community. I will work diligently to make sure that I contribute, stay involved and make decisions that would only effect our community in a postivie light. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would work with other members in identifying the needs of our community and making sure that our citizens voices are heard and that events are planned to show the beautiful diversity that is Temecula. It is the only way to ensure inclusion of all citizens groups. Temecula has done a wonderful job thus far and I want to be part of this collaboration. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Kerven Carter (Member of the Temecula Masons) Georgette Terrell (Temecula Resident) Edyth Tabet- (Temecula Resident/Mother) Self -Selection Options Wendy Jones Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Wendy Jones City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 15, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Monica La Combe First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula City CA 92592 _ State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. AA San Diego City College List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Monica La Combe Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. None Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve on this commission because I am committed to improving our city and its inhabitants. Throughout the years, I have been actively involved with the municipal government of Temecula in various ways, including by attending municipal meetings, participating in community events, and collaborating with local organizations. These experiences have strengthened my resolve to contribute more actively to the growth and development of our community through a position on this commission. My interactions with the City have been constant and varied. I have attended several city council meetings, workshops, and town halls to remain current on ongoing projects, policies, and challenges confronting our community. This has given me valuable insight into the inner workings of local governance and the issues that affect our constituents on a daily basis. I have volunteered with local nonprofit organizations, participated in neighborhood cleanup initiatives, and helped coordinate community events in addition to attending meetings. These experiences have provided me with first-hand knowledge of our residents' diverse requirements and concerns, as well as the collaborative efforts required to address them effectively. In terms of my qualifications for this position, I contribute a combination of skills, experiences, and personal characteristics that align with the duties of a commission member. My background in [relevant skills such as public policy, community organizing, communication, etc.] enables me to analyze complex issues, engage in constructive dialogue, and make well-informed decisions that will benefit our community. I am deeply committed to hearing and amplifying the voices of all residents, ensuring that their viewpoints are at the forefront of our discussions and decisions. In addition, my experience working with diverse groups has refined my ability to create environments where everyone feels valued and heard. As evidenced by my past involvement in successful community initiatives, I believe in the power of collaboration and forming partnerships to address challenges effectively. My desire to serve on this commission stems from my passion for the well-being and development of our city, my consistent engagement with the City through meetings and events, and my qualifications that enable me to contribute to the commission's responsibilities effectively. If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can make a positive impact by actively participating in meaningful discussions, advocating for the interests of our community, and working collaboratively to form policies that benefit all City of Temecula residents. Value Statement Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. If appointed to the city commission, I would embrace and actively uphold the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion that the City of Temecula holds in high regard. I am dedicated to ensuring that every resident, regardless of origin, feels valued, represented, and included in our city's decision -making processes. Here are my contributions to these principles: I would prioritize actively listening to and amplifying the diverse voices and perspectives within our community. By engaging with residents from diverse backgrounds, I can ensure that their concerns, needs, and aspirations are considered when formulating policies and making decisions. I would advocate for policies and initiatives that promote equity and confront systemic inequalities. This includes supporting initiatives that ensure all residents have equal access to essential services, educational opportunities, health care, and affordable housing. I would ensure that meetings and activities of the city commission are conducted in a way that encourages the participation of all residents. This may entail accommodating various communication styles, and creating spaces where people from diverse backgrounds feel secure expressing their opinions. Cultural Competence and Education: I would continue to educate myself on our community's diverse cultures, identities, and histories. This knowledge would allow me to make knowledgeable decisions that respect and revere the city's diverse heritage. I would actively collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and advocacy groups championing equity and inclusion. Developing solid alliances can help us leverage our resources and expertise to bring about beneficial changes for all. I would strive to identify and address disparities in the accessibility of opportunities, resources, and services. We can devise strategies to close these gaps by focusing on areas where inequities persist. Continuous Learning and Improvement: To enhance my understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion, I would remain receptive to feedback and engage in constant learning. This would allow me to adapt my approach to the evolving requirements of our community. My commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion would ultimately guide my decisions and actions as a city commission member. By actively promoting these principles, we will be able to establish a more harmonious, unified, and vibrant community that will benefit all of its residents. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jacinda Cason Rai Camille Rance Venetia West - Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Monica La Combe Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards MONICA_LACOMBE Resume 0807.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Monica La Combe EXECUTION RESULTS DELIVERABLES MONICA LA COMBE + Temecula, CA + Linkedln Business Strategist ■ Business Analyst ■ Company Growth Expert Refining Businesses ♦ Transforming the Vision ♦ Business Forecasts ♦ Expert Improviser Maximizing Business Impact ♦ Strategy Focused ♦ Product Vision ♦ Custom Design Solutions Business Analysis ♦ Business Analytics Guru ♦ Change Catalyst ♦ Improving End User Experiences "We can't solve problems by using the some kind of thinking we used when we created them"— Albert Einstein. Transformational Business Analyst with 15+ years of extensive experience driving rapid success for growth by leveraging technology, strategies, & data to develop viable solutions for both start-ups & conglomerate companies. I am no stranger to looking at an organization and their performance, finding the problems, & sparking change —expert mediator with an unusually keen ability to understand technical concepts & translate for non -technical audiences. Catapulted ABBOT's department growth 2X the norm by sparking change from innovative ideas & deliverables. At STRONG TOWER, achieved 1400% growth within 2 years, transforming a 2-person company to 30+ personnel. During my term at NoKiA, pioneered 1st competitor device library, catapulting marketing research methods. Risk Analysis & Decision Making ♦ Process Improvement ♦ Relational Database Management ♦ Predictive Modeling Product Development Planning ♦ Advanced Analytics ♦ Algorithms & Models ♦ Mining Big Data ♦ Future State Assessment ♦ Reengineering Processes ♦ Gap Analysis ♦ Prototyping ♦ Wireframing ♦ User Stories ♦ Functional Requirements Analysis ♦ Use Cases ♦ Test Cases ♦ Requirements Gathering ♦ Long Term Forecasts (LTF) ♦ Requirement Elicitation (JAD, BIRD) ♦ Stakeholder Management ♦ Reputational Risks ♦ Competing Needs ♦ Stakeholder Engagement End Users ♦ User Acceptance Testing (UAT) ♦ Workflow/Process Flow Diagrams BUSINESS Process ANALYST Kaiser Permanente, San Diego, CA December 2023 — Present Transformed EPIC technical concepts into user-friendly language, acting as a liaison between stakeholders and IT professionals; facilitated effective communication and successfully delivered vital business objectives. ♦ Authored desk -level procedures: led workflow requirements elicitation sessions (including requirements analysis to translate business needs into EPIC functionality. ♦ Spearheaded redevelopment of EPIC application internal tracking system in use by 125 employees, resulting in 20+ new features, reduction of 20% in save/load time, and 15% operation time. ♦ Created knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%. ♦ Served as an intermediary with Business consultants to support bilateral understanding of data structures, workflows, technology capabilities, and limitations of EPIC application functionality. ♦ Applied EPIC expertise to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYST ABBOTT VASCULAR, Temecula, CA January 2022—August 2022 Liaison between corporate compliance and all things technical. Point of contact between stakeholders & IT professionals translating complex data into user-friendly concepts resulting in firm delivery of key business objectives. Proven expert on PCI DSS Compliance. Pioneered solutions for team of 60+ analysts, agents, & developers, ensuring goals were achieved. ♦ Revitalized stagnant IT infrastructure in 6 mos. migrating antiquated programs to new cloud software. ♦ Doubled network security by achieving 100% PCI Compliance saving $1M+ annually within 2 months. ♦ Bolstered company portfolio 25% configuring Salesforce software streamlining operational processes. ♦ Maximized system efficiencies by 15% via providing viable solutions resulting in 98% resolution rate. ♦ Upgraded hardware & systems for 25+ onboarding employees, mitigating troubleshooting by 50%. ♦ Spearheaded launch of company's 1st PCI compliance program, achieving (0) zero violations each qtr. ♦ Boosted overall network security, reducing potential tech spend by 1.5M+/yr. adapting PCI standards. BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYST STRONG TOWER & ASSOCIATES, Temecula, CA March 2013—April 2022 Highly sought after by company for creative ideas & innovative solutions. Developed sound and concise strategies for business growth, enabling company to move forward with a plethora of operational goals. Architected and implemented solutions that accelerated company growth within 18 months of company launch —retained as primary consultant for 7- year tenure. ♦ Developed a long-term plan to enhance ITSM strategies, addressing scalability, security, and innovation. ♦ Established decision -making structures to clarify roles, responsibilities, and authorities for IT -related matters. ♦ Increased productivity by 60% via configuration of Salesforce set up to suit 100% of business needs. ♦ Played a vital role in driving company expansion, conceptualizing 98% of solutions executed for growth. ♦ Co-authored 100+ policies & procedures after extensive workflow evaluation for process optimization. ♦ Developed & launched robust system automation plan saving a combined 250+ man-hours per month. ♦ Implemented successful launch of Simplicity Software fully deployed & staff trained within 6 months. APPLICATION / BUSINESS SUPPORT ANALYST STAGEFORCE, San Marcos, CA January 2019-December 2019 Recruited for in-depth Salesforce expertise, expert knowledge in application systems, and ability to develop comprehensive and identifiable solutions in alignment with company's strategic vision. Contributed exponentially to company growth through razor sharp ability to decipher data & identify market trends leading to significant & profitable gains. ♦ Engineered software solutions for Stageforce platform & Salesforce, enhancing efficiencies by 18%. + Co -wrote 130+ pg. training & onboarding scripts for 330 users alongside 10+ software developers. ♦ Mitigated 75% of software defects enabling company to onboard 300+ users for Stageforce platform. ♦ Developed techniques which disrupted stagnant market trends accelerating client user base by 34%. ♦ Brainstormed highly persuasive software presentations leading to 80% conversion rate for customers. SENIOR PROGRAM & PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYSIS NOKIA, San Diego, CA July 2011— February 2013 Transformed technical processes via continuous improvement initiatives, constantly developing business strategies to execute and enforce the vision held by key stakeholders. Recognized as visionary and creative thinker, continuously developing new blueprints & roadmaps to assist marketing in launching revenue -producing campaigns. Adept at transforming the wheel as opposed to reinventing it. + Collaborated with concept team to launch up to 15 devices analyzing product lines & actionable data. ♦ Fostered dynamic relations with team of 100+ engineers responding swiftly to shifting business needs. ♦ Identified key project issues circumventing critical losses ensuring seamless, cost-efficient launches. ♦ Championed & forged 1st library of competitor models & reusable knowledge for marketing tactics. + Within 1 year, turned around ineffective processes by designing SharePoint site for 100+ users. SENIOR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR - BUSINESS ANALYTICS QUALCOMM, San Diego, CA Managed portfolio of extensive projects for international teams of software engineers & developers while providing valuable business insights supporting Qualcomm CDMA chipset. Defined business needs & requirements while working alongside engineers supporting their efforts to deliver customized solutions & project execution. ♦ Drove project initiatives supporting up to 15+ projects with 65+ engineers for product test labs. ♦ Improved timecard entry system for 100% of the organization after uncovering & eliminating bugs. ♦ Project liaison ensured mutual understanding of processes, systems, & applications to non -tech staff. Bachelor of Science (BS) — Systems Organization & Mgmt. — Hampton University — Hampton, VA (In Progress) Associate of Arts (AA) — Humanities & Language Arts — San Diego City College — San Diego, CA (completed) City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 16, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile David First Name Home Address Temecula City M Middle Initial Matics Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 1 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. B.A. Computer Science I University of California Berkeley, 2008 High School Diploma I Temecula Valley High School, 2004 Please see resume for additional details. David M Matics List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Hemet Unified School District 12020 - Present 1791 W Acacia Ave, Hemet, CA 92545 Network Technician Responsibilities include: IT network infrastructure, board meeting A/V, cybersecurity, network automation, wireless design and implementation Sparks and Shadows / Composer Bear McCreary 12009 - 2020 5410 W Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90016 Chief Information Officer Responsibilities included: information security, network engineering, systems administration, user training, IT support services and media services Please see resume for additional details. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Traffic Safety Commission (City of Temecula) 12021 - 2023 Commissioner (2021 - 2023), Vice Chair (2023) Supervisors: Patrick Thomas, Ron Moreno Temecula Active Transportation Community Advisory Panel 12023 Panelist Supervisors: Matt Peters, Gary Oddi Quality of Life Master Plan Blue Ribbon Committee (City of Temecula) 12021 - 2022 Committee Member (representing Public/Traffic Safety) Supervisor: Matt Peters Please see resume for additional details. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Bike Temecula Valley 12021 - 2023 Steering Committee Member Supervisors: Gary Oddi, Dale Borgeson City of Temecula Adopt -A -Park Program 12019 - 2023 Team Leader, Paseo Gallante Park Supervisors: Tracy Tomines (2022-2023), Mike Wooten (2019-2022) Please see resume for additional details. Statement of Interest David M Matics Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My family first moved to Temecula in July of 1991, on my fifth birthday. I grew up alongside our city and witnessed, first hand, how the City's General Plan came to fruition. Temecula's status as one of the safest cities in the nation isn't an accident, nor did our transportation network spontaneously appear. Temecula was built incrementally on a framework of guiding documents, carefully stewarded through the years from one civic leader to the next. Having served on the Traffic Safety Commission for three years, I'm proud of what City Staff, the Commission and community have accomplished together, and I'm eager to continue the work. To stay up to speed with City business, I watch every recorded Council and Commission meeting. To stay connected to our community, I attend as many City events as possible, including ribbon cuttings and workshops. To keep up with regional developments, I attend 1-15 Task Force meetings and review RCTC agendas and recordings. To prepare for Traffic Safety Commission meetings, I survey neighborhoods by car and foot, speak with my neighbors, and pour over every detail of each staff report. As a member of the Quality of Life Master Plan Committee, I helped put to paper the principles that keep our city in motion. I dialoged with neighbors and learned that Temecula residents are mostly united in our core values; we all want safe neighborhoods, better transportation infrastructure, and a healthy and livable city. I strive to put these values into practice on the Temecula Active Transportation Community Advisory Panel, and through my nonprofit work with Bike Temecula Valley. As Temecula adopts a Complete Streets approach to infrastructure planning, I believe I can continue to be an asset to our city. If entrusted with the responsibility of serving on the Traffic Safety Commission for three more years, I will see the that the Commission follows through on the vision described in the Quality of Life Master Plan. I love my city, I love doing the work, and I believe I can help Temecula meet the challenges and opportunities ahead of us. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I grew up in classic Temecula-- the way it was in the 90s, with a population under 30,000. It was a time when the roads were still marked with truck wheels and horse hooves; when you knew almost everyone's car; when there was only one high school in town and every family rooted for the same team. Our quaint little valley has grown since then, but to me Temecula will always be one city. No matter how our district lines may shift over the years, as a commissioner I will always search for the most equitable solution, balancing the needs of the city at large with the needs of individual neighborhoods. Modern Temecula is increasingly diverse, now comprised of many different communities of interest. Equity is one of my guiding principles as a commissioner, and awareness of Temecula's diversity is important in shaping projects to reflect the needs of each neighborhood. Traffic lights aren't necessarily the answer to every problem. For example, the roundabout at Ynez and La Paz was designed to fit the rural character of the Los Ranchitos community and pay tribute to the equestrian culture. As a commissioner, I listen intently to my neighbors, respect their variety of thought and perspective, and tailor fit solutions to match neighborhood values. As Temecula looks to the future, we must also address the need for greater diversity in our transportation infrastructure in order to serve our shifting demographics. Nearly a third of Temecula residents don't drive. This includes a quarter of our population under the age of 16-- like my kids-- but also increasingly our population of long -timers-- like my parents-- who are looking for alternative ways to get around. Temecula has become an intergenerational city. Now more than ever, it is important that we support all types of mobility. The Traffic Safety Commission plays a vital role in connecting people and places. We have a diverse population, and the City Council, Planning Commission and Community Services Commission have made strides towards developing inclusive housing options, services and amenities. However, to be considered a fully inclusive city, the Traffic Safety Commission must also do its part and support inclusive modes of transportation and Complete Streets, so that all Temecula residents can get to where they want to go, how they want to go, safely. David M Matics References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jonathan Ortega Film Composer and former Scoring Coordinator at Sparks and Shadows - Joanna Pane Film Composer and former Scoring Manager at Sparks and Shadows Michael Engesser IT Technician, Sparks and Shadows Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question a plies to multiple boards David Ilatics - Resume - _TSC2023.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question a plies to multiple boards David f atics - Letter of Recommendation 1 .pdf Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question a plies to multiple boards David f7atics - Letter of Recommendation 2.pdf Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment David M Matics I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. David M Matics 4a DAVID MATICS TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER I NETWORK ENGINEER 0 davidmatics.com CERTIFICATIONS CITY SERVICE EXPERIENCE TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION CITY OF TEMECULA I Temecula, CA • Advised on neighborhood traffic calming projects, safe routes to schools, and other safety measures • Passed Temecula's first Local Road Safety Plan to reduce traffic collisions and support grant writing • Expanded community outreach / education with monthly video series and participation in city events ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION COMMUNITY ADVISORY PANEL CITY OF TEMECULA I Temecula, CA • Provided input on trail connectivity, a -bike safety, and Complete Streets enhancements QUALITY OF LIFE MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE CITY OF TEMECULA I Temecula, CA • Researched measurable indicators for core values; presented the Transportation Security Index • Recommended family -focused, intergenerational projects and programs TECHNICAL SKILLS VOLUNTEER AND NON-PROFIT BIKE TEMECULA VALLEY STEERING COMMITTEE CITY OF TEMECULA I Temecula, CA • Promoted safe bicycle routes for residents and tourists in coordination with Visit Temecula Valley ADOPT -A -PARK LIASON, PASEO GALLANTE PARK CITY OF TEMECULA I Temecula, CA WORK EXPERIENCE NETWORK TECHNICIAN HEMET UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I Hemet, CA • Supported staff and students in the field during the pandemic (remote and hybrid learning) • Produced broadcasts for School Board and Measure X Citizens' Oversight Committee meetings • Maintained and upgraded LAN, WLAN, WAN and LTE networks across 30+ campuses CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER SPARKS AND SHADOWS / COMPOSER BEAR MCCREARY I Los Angeles, CA • Completed security audits for Apple, Disney / Marvel, Sony, Paramount, MGM and others • Authored risk management policies including Disaster Recovery and Business Impact Analysis EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.A. COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY I Berkeley, CA 10/31 /2019 To Whom it May Concern, David Matics is an exemplary human being. I've had the good fortune of toiling alongside David for the past decade at a fast -paced music production company. He is good at what he does, and makes everyone around him better. He taught me how to assemble computers, how to optimize them for my particular vocation, and answered every tech question I've ever had with a novel's worth of detail and background. David is the first person to offer a helping hand, or volunteer to learn a new skill or program when the need arises, and the last person to leave when there's still troubleshooting to be done. He has always launched himself fearlessly at the most difficult problems and worked them until they're solved. He's the hardest working and most dependable person I've ever worked with. I've had the even greater fortune of being friends with David since the age of 12. He has a sly sense of humor that will take you by surprise given his otherwise reserved demeanor. He is kind and polite to all, and always generous with his time. Over the years he's tackled everything from A.P. exams, to honor -band auditions, to quadruple majors, to raising triplets with the same tenacious determination that he applies to every task. David is a devoted husband, father, and friend, and I could fill a novel complimenting his integrity and listing his many virtues. I have no reservations about recommending David for the position for which he is applying, and can attest to both his encyclopedic technical proficiency and his rare, exemplary character. Please feel free to contact me if you seek any reassurance on either point. Sincerely, Jonathan Ortega Joanna Pane Denver, Colorado 80206 ��h December 10, 2019 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Whom It May Concern: I am pleased to write this letter to highly recommend David Matics for the City of Temecula's Public / Traffic Safety Commission. I have had the pleasure of working with David for almost five years in a variety of settings at Sparks and Shadows, and have found him to be one of the most hard-working, reliable, professional and positive people I've ever had the experience of working with. He is a team -player, a "can do" person, and I have seen him outperform in high -stress, time -sensitive situations and constantly go the extra mile beyond expectations. At Sparks and Shadows David provided consistent and reliable oversight and upkeep of our company's intense technology and corporate enterprise software needs. David oversaw everything tech -related from individual composers' multi -computer rigs to company -wide systems, and our ever-growing needs for security solutions and asset protection. As Scoring Manager on the movie 10 Cloverfi'eld Lane and several other films, I worked intensively with David and we collaborated in carrying our company through an important transition from tv production and to big box office films. We developed a new system and revamped the company so that our operations would accommodate both tv and film production. David seamlessly and eagerly took on a workload of what could have been filled by a team of people, and he brought his efficiency and detail -oriented nature to every task. It is difficult to convey the intensity that our work deadlines and shifting timeframes entailed, and under circumstances that others' might find overly demanding or stressful, David thrived and took to every task with his consistent, even -keeled nature and constant optimism. David is a natural problem -solver and his genuine interest and passion for technology lead him to be detailed trouble-shooter, taking on repairs and fixes for everything large and small. Not only is David's work always exemplary, but he is also a wonderful person to work with on a personal level. Always, energetic, eager, professional, and friendly, David is a person I would jump at the opportunity of having on any team. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you would like to speak further. Sincerely, PP tt Joanna Pane City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 30, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Lee First Name Home Address TEMECULA City Rosu Middle Initial Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* W District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. BS in Mechanical Engineering BS in Computer Science Lee Rosu List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. 2008-2023 Rancho Water- GIS Coordinator - enterprise geographic system management ( mapping infrastructure) 2000-2008 City Of Carlsbad, Engineering Tech- as-builts conversion, Public Works infrastructure Mapping & Maintenance Management Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. member of HOA Board of Directors during the last 17 years List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. NA Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. Have been a Temecula resident for 13 years and I am looking for a way to actively contribute to make the city a better place , to work and live. Traffic is something everyone has to deal with and hope to work with city employees and commission members to improve traffic and safety in Temecula. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I am firm believer in equality and diversity. I believe in hard work and being responsible. I am a legal immigrant and having seen first hand how other democracies work, I believe USA is the best place to work and live. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Richard Schulman , CEO- Resource Strategies Jason Martin, Director - Rancho Water Lee Rosu Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. W I Agree Lee Rosu Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Lee Rosu City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Aug 08, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Matthew J Ryan First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92591 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 5 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. See Resume Matthew J Ryan Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Volunteer - Rebuilding Together - Project Worker, 2 Years, San Diego Volunteer- Driving Elders - Driver, 2 Years, San Diego Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My primary interest in joining this commission is for the safety of our community. Temecula is such a wonderful town and keeping our residents safe is of paramount reasoning for me. I believe through this commission, working with the community we can establish and build these parameters. I have just recently moved to Temecula, my intent is to be involved via meetings and community events. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. This position requires input and feedback from the community, taking their suggestions, talking them through and arriving at decision point. I think I would contribute to these principles by treating the community and collegues with respect, realizing that the end goal should all align, safer roadways for our residents and families References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Jake Winquist Director RSM, Denese Cordaro Business Financial Manager, United States Navy MMieko Richards, E -,Business Financial Manager, United States Navy. Self -Selection Options Matthew J Ryan Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Matt_ Ryan_ Resume NAVWAR2.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. PF I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Matthew J Ryan MATTHEW RYAN Temecula, CA 92591 BUSINESS FINANCIAL MANAGER Financial leader and manager credited with combining forecasting, budgeting, and analytics to provide expertise in support of NAVWAR and PEO programs within the Department of the Navy. Skilled in process improvement, execution, procurement and financial systems reporting to streamline workflow and drive results AREAS OF EXPERTISE ■ Financial Reporting and Analysis ■ N-ERP (Resource Planning) ■ Microsoft Excel (Certified) ■ Appropriated Funding ■ Budgeting. Forecasting & Execution ■ Tableau EDUCATION & SECURITY CLEARANCE Master of Business Administration, M.B.A. Management, San Diego State University, CA 2020 Bachelor of Science, Accounting, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, 2011 Security Clearance, Active: Secret PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DEPARTMENT OF NAVY, SAN DIEGO, CA 08/202 1 -PRESENT BUSINESS FINANCIAL MANAGER - DP-0343-03 PMW 101 - INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM OFFICE FINANCIAL MANAGER 40 HOURS PER WEEK / FULL-TIME / SAN DIEGO CA ■ Budgeting, execution and reporting of funds utilizing Navy enterprise tools; N-ERP, PBIS and Advana to the International Program Office (IPO) within PMW 101 Multi Information Distribution System (MIDS) Program Office while balancing requirements within allocated budgets of US OMN ($3.7M) in sync with MIDS IPO approved funding ($5.7M) ■ Working within the IPO's PMOU cost share percentage for each participating nation. Assessed the current cost share out of alignment for partner nations compared to US, proposed and received approval from IPO Steering Committee members to adjust the funding of contracts resulting in alignment of the nations allocated amounts by the end of the current PMOU set to expire in 2026, completed by utilizing spend plans, task planning sheets, quarterly reporting, and contract award data ■ Government lead for Quarterly Reporting to IPO Steering Committee members, working the SC member requests of more timely reporting, updated data sources to run data from pivot tables from Access Database, changing from manual updates, resulting in more accurate reporting routed to them within 10 days of quarter closing compared to 45+ days as done previously ■ Government representative for ad -hoc request of financial review with IPO. Germany, Italy and France all sent representation in FY23 to review concerns/questions on status of funding. Syncing with Lead BFM for strategy and messaging, building out brief, briefing lead BFM and the SC members with status of their funding, resulting in nations approval and alleviating concerns ■ Spend plan development and task planning development coordination utilizing historical data, estimates from vendors and performers, and input from partner nations and IPO division leads for requirements ■ Lead team of contractors for IPO related finance, oversight of outputs include financial management board, quarterly reporting and Steering Committee as -hoc requests. Government lead for approval and routing in MIDSvue system, calling for deposits from Steering Committee members ■ Prepare briefings and represent the MIDS IPO as financial manager during semi-annual Steering Committee forums, providing financial information for decision making to the Steering Committee members and bringing forward recommendations of funding for program office costs for upcoming fiscal years ■ Work with MIDS Program Office financial team and principals for submission of complete timely and accurate budgets, resulting in no Congressional Marks during tenure ■ Financial POC for lot buy procurement, working with acquisition and contract teams to ensure other customer funds are awarded in timely manner and adhere to fiscal policy for active appropriations Resume, Page 2 ■ Member of MIDS Tiger Team for strategy, implemented new other customer funds (OCF) tracker for our Air Force and Army customers and worked with IPO leads to review PMOU out years and alignment of FTEs to their duties and responsibilities ■ Procurement for international partners and industry partners working with contracts and European vendors utilizing Euros ■ Banking and wiring processes for the International Program Office through monthly financial boards with IPO, and NAVWAR 1.0 accounting stakeholders ■ Oversight and execution of budget utilizing RDTE ($69M)and OMN ($26M) appropriated funds ■ Coordination of funding requirements with PAPM for timely execution to vendors and contractors ■ POC for Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) to collect and execute funds from other military entities such as Army and Air Force. Reports and tracker sent to all POCs from the various entities that MIDS executed funding on behalf with status of their funds and expenditures of obligations ■ Led time of contractors during dormant funding review, quarterly reporting and verification of dormant funding documents by reviewing and assigning records, working with vendors/performers on status of funds and submitting via DARQ tool in Advana ahead of deadlines ■ Management of the program office Spend Plan for MIDS PO and verification process of changes required throughout the year BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON, SAN DIEGO, CA 02/2017-08/2021 FINANCIAL ANALYST ASSOCIATE - 40 HOURS PER WEEK / FULL-TIME / SAN DIEGO CA 12/2019-08/2021 ■ Provide business financial management support for over $100M annually to PMW 750 program office TacMobile program of record, working daily with NIWC LANT ■ Development, estimating and monitoring of budgets through spend plans and execution of the following types of funding: RDTE, OPN, OMN, FMS. Key stakeholder manager for PMW 750 program office with NAVAIR for the other customer funds from PMA- 290, P-8A program office ■ Implementation and assignment of Global Work Breakdown Structure for tasked spend plan items from performers, reviewing costs with PAPM and need to reduce program management support funding, this WBS buildout identified costs specifically at NIWC LANT that should have been re -categorized or were opportunity for cost savings aligning to the program management priorities and syncing to IMS fielding plan ■ Developed technical knowledge of the System of Systems and its NAVAIR PMW 290 P-8 support mission, enabling me to contribute to the High Level Tac-Mobile Capability Roadmap, particularly as it related to budgets and funding through the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) ■ Coordinate funding requirements with internal and external clients and creation of funding documents while analyzing, tracking, and reporting commitment, obligation, and expenditure data to key stakeholders ■ Built alliances with disparate OPNAV resource sponsors to effectively fund TacMobile as it transitioned to Increment 3 accomplished by various funding, planning, programming, budgeting and execution data calls ■ Worked closely with NAVAIR PMA 290 regarding Tac-Mobile Foreign Military Sales and provided process improvement to reporting for the United Kingdom and New Zealand for Tac-Mobile ■ Assisting with cost model development by providing actual execution to realize accurate future cost estimates SENIOR CONSULTANT - 40 HOURS PER WEEK / FULL-TIME / SAN DIEGO CA 02/2017-12/2019 ■ Managed a portfolio of over $347M annually as contractor support for Nuclear -Powered Aircraft Carriers during the Refuel Charge and Overhaul phase of their lifespan, working with PEO C4I program office BFMs and PAPMs to support 34 communication systems for funding requirements for upcoming fiscal years ■ Provide financial management and business process support to NAVSEA resource sponsor, meeting with key stakeholders with regards to release of funding over concerns of funding and work completed, working with contractor to uncover all financial costs and funding requests associated with the work to be performed, alleviating concerns from PMS-312 and release of funding preventing stop work on an already late schedule ■ Development of SCN U, a 1.0 share point data depository for best practices, guidance, tools, developed and built out during time utilizing SCN and adopted by PEO C4I BFM share point ■ Support cost -planning development and analyze the execution of agency funds in compliance within Department of Defense appropriation law ■ Support reconciliation, account closure, and the planning and preparation of procurement and services contract actions. Identify problems and recommend solutions pertaining to cost planning and financial execution References available upon request City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Aug 03, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Odeh First Name Home Address Temecula City E Middle Initial Salman Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92592 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d* W District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Bachelor of Arts (political Science) Bachelor Science in Law Juris Doctorate State of California teach Paralegal & Law. Odeh E Salman List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. *American College of Law. 3745 Chapman ave., Orange Ca 92868 (Law Professor) Teach Contracts, Torts Criminal Law classes * Law offices of Douglas Spence P.o. box 7378 Huntington Beach, Ca. - 92615. ( Litigation Coordinator) - preapare files for trial and assist in court proceeding papers to be filed with witnesses, victims.. *Unity Legal Group Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. State legal committee board. Certify Grader of schools - 2 years. Go to Paralegal schools to certify state license or de -certify based on inspection. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. * L.A. County court assistance - 4 years. Assist people in filing court papers for restraining orders in donestic violence. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I have been a resident here for about year and a half. I lived in La Mirada Ca. All my life. I attended board meetings and helped numerous city council members get elected. I worked with previous city manager to assist city with noise complaints. I came to Temecula and found it to be a Fascinating Gem of a city that is growing very rapidly. I feel i can give back to this great city and lead it while its enormous transition of becoming an even more popular city than it is. I know that i can be an asset to this great community Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. The most important principle I always follow is treat everyone as I want to be treated. I love this town, its Country Galues, love for families. This great country was founded on the basis of equality and justice for all. Temecula is fast growing in population of all nationalities, we embrace our neighbors and help them as we were helped moving here 5 years ago. References Odeh E Salman List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): 1.) Honorable Javier Juarez - Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court 2.) Jim Doyle - President Insurance Company - 3.) David J. Lopez, esq. -Deputy District Attorney (ret) Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards ILIA Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Odeh E Salman Question applies to multiple boards Ao�MV, N Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials. please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. V I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Odeh E Salman 1354P00•-OLA • a-.0W%■ Alison CertIf1,.. ��ma�SA�aa FFMW*WVMI*Mr A1mTDj,WdM . V III p 6:19 Q Qom+•" K+ a T do s&%a 11nCertif1,.. FF.Ari frn Eddy Mman SA a5i ao ft40(hY-. �t WEA KNipbmi V PVch0fOgy Of Eireryd-ay Life - Men[aI Health Issues ;;irk\' v C.f et rr• ? c* City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Submit Date: Sep 26, 2023 Important Information The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile Tyler A Sliwienski First Name Middle Initial Last Name Home Address Suite or Apt Temecula CA 92592 _ City State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * PF District 2 Email Address Mobile: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. see resume Tyler A Sliwienski Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. N/A Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. My family moved to Temecula in 1999 when I was just two years old. In the over 20 years since, I have witnessed many changes, both good and bad, in the city in that time. Now that I have finished my college studies, I want to work for and improve upon the city I grew up in and make it better and safer for the current and future residents of Temecula. I want to serve on the Community Services Commission because I know firsthand how important it is to have safe and fun Parks and other recreational areas in the city. I grew up playing in the parks in the community and playing in local recreational sports leagues in the city. I want to share the memories of the childhood I had growing up in Temecula and have those memories make an impact on the city and community for years to come. I want to serve on the Traffic Safety Commission because having safe and well maintained roads is something that is important to a safe and strong community. For my first three years of college, I commuted from Temecula to San Marcos four to five days a week. After those first three years, i commuted to an extension campus within Temecula. At the same time, I worked for food delivery services like Grubhub and Uber Eats on my off days. Over those years, along with my years growing up in Temecula, I drove roads that were well maintained and had good speed limits. I have driven other areas that were not as safe. I have even seen areas where there are multiple sudden speed limit changes in small areas. I have seen my share of accidents and near accidents. I want to use what I learned as a college commuter and delivery driver to makes the roads of our city better for everyone. Value Statement Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I would uphold and contribute to the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion by treating every person I work with or hear from as a respected and valued member of the community. I want the city that raised me to be a city where everyone feels welcome to share their experiences and opinions. References Tyler A Sliwienski List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Dan Hodgkinson, educator, I Ryan Garcia, educator, - Ray Robarts, educator, Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume.pdf Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment Tyler A Sliwienski I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. rJ I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. Tyler A Sliwienski Tyler Sliwienski Temecula, CA Work Experience Football Coach • Great Oak High School - Temecula, CA • June 2015 to November 2017 Volunteer/intern. June 2018 to November 2021 • 1 have been working as a football coach at Great Oak since I graduated from there in 2015. The first three years (2015-2017) 1 was working as a volunteer/unpaid intern. My duties have included coaching multiple positions, filming games and practices, and fixing minor equipment issues. • As the Assistant Varsity running backs coach for the past five years I helped coach one running back to the Southwestern League 2nd Team All -League Team and three running backs to the Southwestern League 1't Team All -League Team. • 1 also have limited experience as an assistant coach for the defensive line, linebackers, and special teams positions. • Over the years I helped our team's certified equipment manager in a number of ways, including; sizing and fitting players for helmets and shoulder pads, installing back plates, facemasks, rib guards and visors, and replacing and/or swapping out helmet pads. Wrestling Coach • Great Oak High School - Temecula, Ca • November 2018 to Present • For the past two seasons I have been coaching wrestling at Great Oak. My duties have included coaching new wrestlers in the sport fundamentals, coaching mat -side at duals and tournaments and being the coach liaison at tournaments. • 1 was one of the lead coaches for the freshman and junior varsity teams as well as an assistant on the varsity team. Umpire • Temecula Valley American Little League - Temecula, CA • March 2013 to June 2013 • As an umpire I was in charge of enforcing player safety, league rules, and fair play. Education Education • University of Phoenix • June 2021-Present • On schedule to graduate with a master's in education January 2023 Kinesiology • California State University -San Marcos - Temecula, CA • August 2015 to May 2020 • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis on health science Certifications/Licenses Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid Certified • July 2022 to July 2024 Accolades National Society of Leadership and Success • Presidential Member September 2021 Pi Lambda Theta • Member July 2022 University of Phoenix Dean's List • 2022 City of Temecula - Commissions Appointment Application Important Information Submit Date: Sep 14, 2023 The appointment process is a public process subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Public Records Act. An applicant presentation is required at a City Council meeting. An applicant must be a resident of the City of Temecula at the time the application is submitted. All applications on file at the close of an advertised period for a vacancy will be considered. Profile William M First Name Middle Initial Home Address Temecula City Weston Last Name Suite or Apt CA 92591 State Postal Code Which district do you live in? Find your district here: https://temecula.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.htmi? appid=e9f3983bc7e649e49143b806f901029d * W District 5 Email Address Home: Primary Phone Note: The City of Temecula has four commissions. While more than one selection may be made below, applicants are encouraged to only select the commission(s) that they truly wish to serve on. Thank you. Which Boards would you like to apply for? Traffic Safety Commission: Submitted Education and Employment List Educational Background (Degrees, Licenses, Certificates, etc.). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Bachelor's degree in finance from California State University San Bernardino. Associate degree in business administration and social and behavioral science from Mt San Jacinto Community College. Various training in all aspects of Insurance claims including Liability claims, Litigated claims, Fraud claims, and Management. William M Weston List Employment History for Five Years (Employer Name and Address, Position Title, Primary Responsibilities). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I have been retired from Insurance Claims as of September 5, 2018. 1 began my insurance career at Farmers Insurance where I was a Senior Liability Claims Representative and a Claims Supervisor. I investigated auto accident claims and settled injury claims, usually attorney represented cases. I also worked at Liberty Mutual Insurance where I investigated suspected fraudulent claims. I worked with the National Insurance Crime Bureau and Department of Insurance. I was a panel member with Arbitration Forums deciding disputed cases between insurance companies. I attended dozens of mediations to avoid litigation. Prior to my insurance career I was an Operations Supervisor with Consolidated Freightways. I have an Honorable Discharge from the US Navy. Service Experience List Previous City/County/State Board/Committee/Commission Service (Name of Entity, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. I do not have any service in this area. List Organizational Service (Professional, Technical, Volunteer, Non -Profit, Service Clubs) (Name of Group, Positions Held, Years of Service). State "see resume" if attaching a resume with this information at the end of this application. Currently a member of the Riverside County Republican Central Committee since January 2023. Currently a board member of the Murrieta/Temecula Republican Assembly since December 2022. Statement of Interest Describe why you wish to serve on this commission, how you have engaged with the City previously (i.e., attending meetings and events, etc.), and why you believe you are qualified for the position. Please be specific. I am a five-year veteran of the US Navy, and I believe any resident that has the ability and desire to serve should pursue opportunities when they become available. I periodically attend City Council meetings. I recently ran for the Temecula City Council in the 2022 election. I had previously applied once before for the Traffic Commission. I participated in the last 4th of July parade and when my children were young, they participated in various city sponsored events. I have also attended many City of Temecula Christmas parties. I believe I am the right fit for this position given my experience in the insurance field. I have interviewed hundreds of people, of all ages, who were involved in traffic accidents, (drivers, passengers, witnesses). I have investigated fraudulent traffic accidents. I have read numerous police reports and accident reconstruction reports. I have gained a wealth of knowledge on the causes of traffic accidents and risk management. I believe I can add value serving as a Traffic Safety Commissioner. Value Statement William M Weston Question applies to multiple boards The City of Temecula places a high value on the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. If appointed, how would you uphold and/or contribute to these principles. I subscribe to the principles of good faith and fair dealing. There are two sides to every story and each side deserves respect and consideration. Following the facts wherever they lead will lead to the truth and thereby achieving an educated decision. The goal would be to act in such a manner that neither side could dispute the results. References List Three Professional and/or Personal References (Name, Position, Phone, Email): Troy Mathews Retired Border Patrol Agent-; Mary Vollmuth; Retired Purchasing Manager City of Temecula;-; Pam Barret or Dave Barret Retired School Teachers:-; Self -Selection Options Question applies to multiple boards Equal Employment Opportunity The City of Temecula is required by federal and state law to collect certain information and maintain statistical data on applicants. Your responses to the next three questions are confidential and will be filed and tracked separately from your application for appointment. Results are used for reporting purposes only. Question applies to multiple boards What is your gender? Question applies to multiple boards What range does your age fall into below? Question applies to multiple boards What is your ethnic background? Attachments Question applies to multiple boards Resume - If you wish to attach a resume, please do so here. William M Weston Question applies to multiple boards Recommendations - If you wish to attach a letter of recommendation, please do so here. Question applies to multiple boards Miscellaneous - If you wish to attach other materials, please do so here. Acknowledgment I understand that any or all information on this form may be verified. I consent to the release of this information pursuant to the California Public Records Act. Ff I Agree Question applies to multiple boards Note: Please click "save" to ensure proper retention of all information, including attachments, prior to viewing/printing PDF and submitting. William M Weston Item No. 18 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Introduce Ordinance Amending Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.40.100 Relating to Compensation for City Board and Commission Members PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.40.100 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR CITY BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. The City Council compensation schedule for general law cities is set forth in Government Code Section 36516 et seq. The City Council subsequently sets compensation for the City's boards and commissions via ordinance. The current compensation for boards and commissions is set at $100 per meeting pursuant to Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.04.100. On August 8, 2023, the City Council directed staff to conduct related research and return to Council for further direction. On September 26, 2023, the City Council considered the following research of cities in Riverside County: CITY NAMES OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS STIPEND Banning Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission None Beaumont Planning Commission $50/month Blythe N/A N/A Calimesa Planning Commission, Library Commission, Parks, Trails and Community Services Commission, Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Board None Canyon Lake N/A N/A Cathedral City Parks & Community Events Commission, Mobile Home Fair None Practices Commission, Planning Commission, Public Arts Commission Coachella Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, $75/meeting Cultural and Arts Commission PC only) Corona Library Board of Trustees, Planning and Housing Commission, $50/meeting Parks and Recreation Commission Desert Hot Springs Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission $100/meeting Eastvale Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission $50/meeting Hemet Hemet Public Library Board of Trustees, Infrastructure $50/meeting Commission, Measure U Citizen Oversight Committee, Mobile (PC/Library) Home Rent Review Commission, Planning Commission $25/meeting (Others) Indian Wells Planning Commission None Indio Community Services Commission, Mobile Home Fair Practices $100/meeting Commission, Planning Commission, Public Arts Commission, (PC only) Sustainability Commission $50/meeting Others Jurupa Valley Community Development Advisory Committee, Planning $50/meeting Commission, Public Works Advisory Committee La Quinta Community Services Commission, Construction Board of $100/meeting Appeals, Financial Advisory Commission, Housing (PC only) Commission, Planning Commission $75/meeting (FAC & CSC) $50/meeting (HC) None (Others) Lake Elsinore Planning Commission $150/meeting Menifee Planning Commission, Parks, Recreation and Trails $75/meeting Commission (PC only) Moreno Valley Arts Commission, Library Commission, Planning Commission, $100/meeting Traffic Commission, Utility Commission (PC only) Accessibility Board, Environmental and Historical Preservation Board, Senior Citizen's Advisory Board Murrieta Library Advisory Commission, Parks & Recreation None Commission, Planning Commission, Traffic Commission Norco Veterans Commission Streets, Trails & Utilities Commission, $50/month Measure R Citizens' Oversight Committee, Streets, Trails & Utilities Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission Palm Desert Architectural Review Commission, Building Board of Appeals, None El Paseo Business Improvement District Board, Housing Commission, Planning Commission, Rent Review Board Palm Springs Administrative Appeals Board, Airport Commission None Architectural Advisory Committee, Historic Site Preservation Board, Human Rights Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Measure "J" Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Arts Commission, Rent Review Commission, Small Hotel Tourism BID Advisory Board, Sustainability Commission, Villa eFest Board Perris Planning Commission $100/meeting Rancho Mirage Architectural Review Board, Community Cultural None Commission, Cove Communities Services Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Library & Observatory Advisory Commission, Mobile Home Fair Practices Commission, Planning Commission, Citizens on Patrol Services, Community Parks and Trails Commission, Emergency Preparedness Commission, Housing Commission, Library & Observatory Foundation, Speaker Series Commission, Traffic Safety Commission Riverside Airport Commission, Board Of Ethics, Board Of Library None Trustees, Board Of Public Utilities, Budget Engagement Commission, Commission Of The Deaf, Commission On Aging, Commission On Disabilities, Community Police Review Commission, Cultural Heritage Board, Historic Preservation Fund Committee, Human Relations Commission, Human Resources Board, Museum Of Riverside Board, Park And Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Riverside Youth Council, Transportation Board San Jacinto Planning Commission $175/month Wildomar Planning Commission $75/meeting At the September 26, 2023 meeting, the City Council approved an adjustment to City board and commission compensation from $100 per meeting to $150 per meeting. It is recommended that the City Council now introduce the proposed ordinance to codify the newly adjusted amount. FISCAL IMPACT: The increase in total Commissioner compensation of $20,600 will be requested in the Annual Operating Budget. ATTACHMENT: Ordinance ORDINANCE NO.2023- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION 2.40.100 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR CITY BOARD AND COMMISSION MEMBERS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2.40.100 of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2.40.100 Compensation City commissioners shall receive monthly compensation as follows: Community Services Commission Planning Commission Traffic Safety Commission Old Town Local Review Board Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission $150 per meeting attended $150 per meeting attended $150 per meeting attended $150 per meeting attended $150 per meeting attended" Section 2. If any sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each sentence, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Temecula shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of , 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 2023- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 24th day of October, 2023, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Item No. 19 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: October 24, 2023 SUBJECT: Approve Five City Council Protocol Manual Policies and Provide General Direction Regarding Code of Ethics (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Alexander and Kalfus) PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council provide general direction regarding a code of ethics and adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING FIVE CITY COUNCIL POLICIES GOVERNING THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL BACKGROUND: The City Council approved the creation of a City Council Protocol Manual on July 14, 2020 as a part of its multi -phased, multi -year Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Initiative. The general policy content of the City Council Protocol Manual was approved on July 13, 2021. On August 24, 2021, the City Council requested that the preparation of City Council Policies relating to the Code of Conduct, Rules of Order, Agenda Placement, Request of Staff, and Public Participation In Meetings be expedited. Those policies were adopted on September 28, 2021. On January 10, 2023, the City Council approved a Public Recognitions Policy and appointed an ad hoc City Council Protocol Manual subcommittee to guide staff in the preparation of additional policies for adoption in a completed manual. On March 12, 2023 the City Council adopted a revised policy related to agenda placement. On May 23, 2023, the City Council adopted four policies related to General Law City, Council -Manager Form of Government, Role of Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore and Council and Selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore. In consultation with the City Council Protocol Manual subcommittee consisting of Council Members Alexander and Kalfus, the next five polices are now ready for consideration by the full City Council. The policies are related to (1) City Letterhead and Seal, (2) Complimentary Tickets, (3) Electronic Communications, (4) State Mandated Training and (5) Conflicts of Interest. In addition, the subcommittee began to review sample Code of Ethics from other cities. It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve the proposed five policies for inclusion into the City Council Protocol Manual and provide general direction regarding a code of ethics. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Exhibit A — City Letterhead and Seal 3. Exhibit B — Complimentary Tickets 4. Exhibit C — Electronic Communications 5. Exhibit D — State Mandated Training 6. Exhibit E — Conflict of Interest 7. Sample Code of Ethics Policies RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING FIVE CITY COUNCIL POLICIES GOVERNING THE OPERATIONS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY COUNCIL PROTOCOL MANUAL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. On July 14, 2020, the City Council approved the creation of a City Council Protocol Manual as a part of its multi -phased, multi -year Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Initiative. Section 2. On July 13, 2021, the City Council approved the general policy content of the City Council Protocol Manual. Section 3. The City Council adopted its first five policies on September 28, 2021 and a revised policy on March 23, 2023. Section 4. On January 10, 2023, the City Council approved a Public Recognitions Policy and appointed an ad hoc City Council Protocol Manual subcommittee to guide staff in the preparation of additional policies for adoption in a completed manual. Section 5. On March 12, 2023 the City Council adopted a revised policy related to agenda placement. Section 6.On May 23, 2023, the City Council adopted four policies related to General Law City, Council -Manager Form of Government, Role of Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore and Council and Selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore. Section 7. The City Council hereby adopts the following policies for inclusion in the City Council Protocol Manual: A. Use of City Letterhead and Seal (Exhibit A) B. Complimentary Ticket Use and Reporting (Exhibit B) C. Use of Systems, Electronic Communications and Technology Resources (Exhibit C) D. State Mandated Training (Exhibit D) E. Conflict of Interest Laws (Exhibit E) Section 5. All prior resolutions in conflict with and superseded by this resolution are hereby rescinded. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24th day of October, 2023. Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL POLICY Aft '1 . The Heart of Southern Califarnia Wine Country Title: Use of City Letterhead and Seal Policy No. TBD Approved: October 24, 2023 Revised: N/A PURPOSE: The purpose of this City Council policy is to set forth clear guidelines for the use of City letterhead and seal for official City business. The use of City letterhead and seal for any other purpose is prohibited. POLICY: The policy of the City Council with respect to the matter listed in the above -referenced title is as follows: City Letterhead City letterhead shall be used to convey official City business. Council Member correspondence written on City letterhead may reflect a majority position of the Council and/or an individual Council Member's position. For example, City letterhead may be used to convey a collective position of the City Council on legislation, signed by the Mayor on behalf of the City Council. In addition, an individual Council Member, under their individual signature, may use City letterhead to support and/or oppose legislation. Any use of City letterhead shall clearly reference whether the correspondence is being sent on behalf of the members collectively or an individual member. All Council Member correspondence using City resources shall be copied to the full Council. City Seal Pursuant to Government Code Section 40811 the City Clerk is the custodian of the City Seal. Temecula Municipal Code Section 1.12.020 states "The city clerk shall have custody and charge of the City Seal and such other insignia that may from time to time be adopted pursuant to this code. Except as provided by this code, any seal, insignia or other symbol officially adopted for use by the City shall not be affixed to any instrument without the special warrant of the City Clerk therefore." Use of the City Seal is limited to official City business (i.e., official documents) and representation of the City as a whole. Individual use of the City Seal is prohibited. CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL POLICY Aft A'1 The Heart of Southern Califarnia Wine Country Title: Complimentary Ticket Use and Reporting Policy No. TBD Approved: October 24, 2023 Revised: N/A PURPOSE: The purpose of this City Council policy is to set forth the use and reporting requirements affiliated with a complimentary ticket policy. The Political Reform Act, codified in the California Government Code, requires City officials and those employees designated in the City' s conflict of interest code to report gifts valued at $50 or more on their Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700). The regulating agency is the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). FPPC Regulation 18944.1 provides that a ticket or pass provided to such persons by the City and distributed and used in accordance with an adopted written policy that meets the requirements of Regulation 18944.1 is not a gift under the Political Reform Act. The City adopted a Complimentary Ticket Policy in January 2009 and amended it in January 2016 and December 2019. POLICY: The policy of the City Council with respect to the matter listed in the above -referenced title is attached as Exhibit A. EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 19-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA UPDATING THE CITY'S COMPLIMENTARY TICKET POLICY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. The Political Reform Act requires City officials and those employees designated in the City's conflict of interest code to report gifts valued at $50 or more on their Form 700. FPPC Regulation 18944.1 provides that a ticket or pass provided to such persons by the City and distributed and used in accordance with an adopted written policy that meets the requirements of Regulation 18944.1 is not a gift under the Political Reform Act. B. The City adopted a Complimentary Ticket Policy in January 2009 and amended it in January 2016. The City must again amend the Complimentary Ticket Policy in order to update it to comply with revised FPPC Regulations. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves the "Complimentary Ticket Policy," attached hereto as Exhibit A, that amends and restates the Policy. The Complimentary Ticket Policy approved by this Resolution supersedes all previous versions of the policy. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 10`h day of December, 2019. Jy ' , 4 ' % — Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTES . Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] ii CITY OF TEMECULA COMPLIMENTARY TICKET POLICY 1. Purpose. This policy governs the distribution of complimentary tickets or passes received by the City, or at the behest of a City Official or City Employee, to a facility, event, show or performance for entertainment, amusement, recreational or similar purposes (the "Event"). Many of the rental agreements for the various musical and theatrical performances taking place at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater or other City -owned venues ("City Venues") require that booking entities provide a limited number of complimentary tickets to the City for performances. Additionally, the City is a sponsor of many other events in the community providing funds for the event or in -kind services to support the event ("City Sponsored Events"). The organizers of these specific events and other events within the City and County often provide the City with complimentary tickets to the event. The purpose of this Policy is to establish a fair and equitable process for the distribution of complimentary tickets to the City in compliance with the requirements of Section 18944.1 of the Fair Political Practices Commission Regulations. This Policy is subject to all applicable FPPC Regulations and the Political Reform Act, as now exist or may hereafter be added or amended, including, without limitation, definitions. (These regulations can be found at Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations and will be referred to as "FPPC Regulation"). 2. Distribution of Comnlimentary Tickets by the City. The City shall have sole discretion to determine who shall receive the complimentary tickets for Events that are provided to the City. A. The City Manager may provide two (2) complimentary tickets for each City Council Member and Commission Members ("City Officials") for an Event. An Event shall only include one performance during each engagement at the City Venues or for the City -Sponsored Event or other Event. "Commission Members" shall mean members of the Planning Commission, Community Services Commission, Public/Traffic Safety Commission, and Old Town Local Review Board, and other commissions or boards established by the City Council. 1) The tickets shall be used by the City Official, his or her immediate family or no more than one guest solely for their personal use. The City Official receiving complimentary tickets shall not transfer a ticket to any other person, except to members of the City Official's immediate family or no more than one guest solely for their attendance at the Event. 2) The public and governmental purpose of providing the complimentary tickets to City Officials for an Event is to enable them to advertise and promote the City of Temecula, to monitor and evaluate the City Venues and the quality of performances and to monitor and evaluate the value of the City -Sponsored Event to the City and their compliance with City policies, agreements and other requirements. 3) City Officials may purchase at face value additional tickets to performances at the City Venues or to the City Sponsored Event, but no more than two complimentary tickets or passes will be provided as described in this Section. 1 4) If complimentary tickets are provided to a City Official for an Event at which the City Official performs a ceremonial role, the ticket is not a gift but shall be reported as provided in this Policy. B. The City Manager may distribute two (2) complimentary tickets for a performance at a City Venue or a City Sponsored Event or other Event to a City Employee on an equitable basis. The tickets shall be used by the City Employee, the City Employee's immediate family or no more than one guest solely for their personal use. 1) The City Employee receiving the complimentary tickets shall not transfer the complimentary tickets, except to members of the City Employee's immediate family or no more than one guest solely for their attendance at the Event. 2) The purpose of providing the complimentary tickets to a City Employee is to enable the employee to advertise and promote the City of Temecula, to monitor and evaluate the City Venues and the quality of performances, evaluate the value of the City -Sponsored Event to the City and its compliance with City policies, agreements and other requirements, and to enhance employee morale. C. The City Manager may distribute complimentary tickets for an Event to non-profit community service groups who have received or are eligible for Community Service funding from the City. D. The City Manager may distribute complimentary tickets for an Event to persons participating in recreational, educational or cultural programs administered by the City or for other lawful purposes; provided, however, that complimentary tickets shall only be distributed to City Officials and City employees, their immediate family or no more than one guest in accordance with this Policy. E. Complimentary tickets to Events shall be distributed to City Officials and City Employees under procedures designated by the City Manager, provided the manner of distribution conforms to this Policy and can be documented and reported as required by this Policy. F. Any complimentary tickets for City Venues which are not distributed under this Policy may be sold by the City to the public. G. Complimentary tickets distributed to those persons described in this Policy shall not be transferred except as provided in this Policy and shall not be sold. H. If the public purpose cited for the use of tickets involves the oversight or inspection of facilities, the City Official or City Employee must document the public purpose by submitting a written inspection report of findings and recommendations to be provided to the City Clerk. 1. The disproportionate use of tickets or passes by a City Official, City Manager, or a member of the Executive Staff is prohibited. J. The attendance of a City Employee at an Event for the purpose of carrying out the employee's job duties or for the purpose of providing services on behalf of the City for the Event, 2 shall not be deemed to be the distribution of a complimentary ticket and does not need to be reported as otherwise provided in this Policy. K. Except for the provisions outlined in this Policy, this Policy shall in no way restrict or prohibit the Staff at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater from issuing complimentary tickets in compliance with the normal and customary business practices associated with promoting theatrical events and concerts to the general public. The public and governmental purposes of providing these complimentary tickets is to promote and advertise the City of Temecula and, particularly the Old Town Temecula Community Theater, to the public and the entertainment community and to develop quality entertainment for the Theater. 3. Complimentary Tickets Under this Policy Not Subject to Gift Regulations; Other Benefits Could Be Gifts. A. The distribution of complimentary tickets pursuant to this Policy shall not constitute a "gift" to a City Official or City Employee pursuant to the terms of FPPC Regulation 18940; provided, however, that other benefits, such as food or beverage or other gifts provided to an official that are not part of the admission provided to all members of the public with the same class of ticket, will need to be accounted and reported for as gifts. B. If the City receives complimentary tickets that are earmarked for particular City Official or City Employee, then the tickets are considered gifts to that City Official or City Employee. If these tickets not returned or donated, unused, to the provider, or if the City Official or City Employee does not reimburse the donor the full value of a ticket, within thirty (30) days of receipt, then the official must comply with the applicable FPPC gift limit regulations and reporting regulations. 4. Reportiny- of Complimentary Tickets. The distribution of the tickets and the use of any passes pursuant to this Policy shall be documented by the preparation and certification of the Fair Political Practices Commission Form 802. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the distribution of a ticket or the use of a pass the City Clerk, or his or her designee, shall prepare and certify Form 802, forward the Form 802 to the FPPC for posting on the FPPC's website, maintain the Form 802 as a public record and post it on the City's Website. This Policy shall be posted on the City website in a prominent fashion. 5. Complimentary Tickets to Political, Non -Profit and 501(c)(3) Organization Fundraisers. The reporting requirements f'or complimentary tickets to political, non-profit and 501(c)(3) organization fundraising events are governed by FPPC Regulation 18946.4 and the City has no jurisdiction to modify the reporting requirements. These complimentary tickets are referenced in this Policy as a convenience to persons seeking information concern distribution of complimentary tickets. A. Pursuant to FPPC Regulation 18946.4, all complimentary tickets provided directly to a City Official or City Employee to political, non-profit or 501(c)(3) organization fundraising events are reportable as gifts on an official's Economic Disclosure Form 700 and are subject to the annual gift limit set forth in FPPC Regulation 18940.2 unless one of the following narrow exceptions applies: • A City Official or City Employee may receive two complimentary tickets from a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to its fundraising event that shall be deemed to have no value. The official must make sure that the charity is a valid Internal Revenue Service 501(c)(3) organization because not all "non-profit organizations" are 501(c)(3) organizations. Also, additional complimentary tickets or admissions by invitations, or a gift of a ticket or tickets to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization's fundraising event to a City Official or City Employee from a third party other than the 501(c)(3) charitable organization, are gifts to the City Official or City Employee subject to the gift limit and reportable on Form 700. • A City Official or City Employee may receive two complimentary tickets to a political fundraising event for a political committee as defined in Government Code Section 82013(a), or a comparable committee regulated under federal law or the laws of another state holding an event in California, that shall be deemed to have no value. Also, additional complimentary tickets or admissions by invitations, or a gift of a ticket or tickets to a political committee or candidate's fundraising event to an official from a third party other than the committee or candidate sponsoring it, are gifts to the official subject to the gift limit and reportable on Form 700. B. FPPC Regulation 18946.4 contains detailed regulations concerning the calculation of the value of tickets to political and non-profit fundraisers when such tickets must be reported. C. Complimentary tickets to a fundraising event for non-profit organizations donated to the City without designation of who should attend will be distributed as otherwise provided in this Policy. 6. Effective Date. This Policy shall be effective on the effective date of Resolution No. 19-72. This Complimentary Ticket Policy was approved by Resolution No. 19-72 of the City Council on December 10, 2019. 47- Rand Jo , City Clerk 4 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL POLICY Aft At cow,( '1 The Heart of Southern Califarnia Wine Country Title: Use of Systems, Electronic Communications and Technology Resources Policy No. TBD Approved: October 24, 2023 Revised: N/A PURPOSE: The purpose of this City Council policy is to set forth certain expectations for the use of City systems, electronic communications and/or technology resources, regardless of whether the electronic communications and/or technology resources are owned or maintained by the City, to conduct City business. In utilizing systems, electronic communications and/or technology resources, all users are expected to share the obligation of safeguarding and maintaining the City's information and adhering to the relevant policy. POLICY: The policy of the City Council with respect to the matter listed in the above -referenced title is attached as Exhibit A. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & SUPPORT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Aaron Adams, City Manager Michael K Heslin, Director of ITSS44*'0'?k June 13, 2023 Policy Update Approval — User Technology Resources Policy The attached User Technology Resources Policy is an update to the previously approved Employee Technology Resources Policy on October 30, 2023. The User Technology Resources Policy includes all definitions of communications (including email and text messaging) and Appropriate Use of Electronic Mail, Retention, and Responsibility of City Officials/Employees. City Attorney's Office has revised this policy to combine all facets of users and technology use into this policy where applicable. This update now combines employees, elected officials and other consultants into one policy and addresses use of personal technology. Attached is the updated User Technology Resources Policy dated June 13, 2023, that will supersede all other Employee Technology Resources Policies. Attached is the marked -up version for your reference. Please call me with any questions you may have. Thank you Rlmemos CITY OF TEMECULA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & SUPPORT SERVICES USER TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES POLICY DATE: June 13, 2023 DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: 6 i 3 Z D L3 Departm t ❑ire r ignature l are CI TY MANAGER APPROVAL City Manager Signature Date PURPOSE: All Users who access City systems or use any Electronic Communications or Technology Resources, regardless of whether the Electronic Communications or Technology Resources are owned or maintained by the City, to conduct City Business are expected to share the obligation for safeguarding and maintaining the City's information, as outlined in the following policy. If a User needs clarification on any of the terms of this Policy, the User should contact the ITSS Department. SCOPE: This Policy applies to all Users including those Users affiliated with third parties who access City Technology Resources or Electronic Communications or use any personal or commercial Technology Resources or create Electronic Communications to conduct City Business. User Technology Resources Policy Page 1 of 21 Table of Contents 1 Confidentiality. __.......... .......... ..................... ,.............. ............. ............................. ..................... ................ ... ..4 2 Definitions ................ ....,............... ............................. ..-.-..-..----------.-....... ....... ...... ..-.-.................. 4 2.1 "User" means all City employees, elected and appointed City officials, members of City commissions and advisory boards, and City consultants and other non -employees utilizing Electronic Communications or Technology Resources for the purpose of conducting City Business, regardless of the User's location when accessing any Electronic Communications or Technology Resource................................................................... 4 2.2 "City" shall mean any entity controlled by the City Council, including but not limited to Temecula Community Services District, Public Financing Authority, Temecula Housing Authority or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency................................................................................................................. 4 2.3 "City Business" is broadly defined to mean those activities or other business, related to the City and its jurisdiction, functions, programs, operations, regulations or regulatory activities, or events relating to the City, or that contain information used by its officials, employees and consultants for the accomplishment of City -related tasks, or are related to the operation of the City, with the exception of limited incidental uses as described in Section4.2............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.4 "Electronic Communications" includes emails, text messages, voicemails, social media and blog posts, and any other electronic communications, including those developed or implemented in the future, transmitting or maintaining messages, documents, images or other writings via Technology Resources ............................... 4 2.5 "Public Records" include any "writing" (as broadly defined below) containing information relating to the conduct of the City's business that is prepared, owned, used, or retained by the City, regardless of the physical form and characteristics. Public Records specifically include any recorded and retained communications regarding City Business sent or received by a User through commercial or personal Technology Resources or other Technology Resources not owned by the City or connected to a City computer network. Public Records do not have to be written but may be in another format that contains information such as computer tape or disc, video or audio recording, or email or text message. Public Records are further defined in Section 4.2.2.............. 4 2.6 "Public Records Request" is a request for Public Records made under the Public Records Act or subpoena duces tecum or discovery request addressed to the City or a User ..................................................... 4 2.7 "Technology Resources" includes all electronic media and storage devices, software, and means of electronic communication including any of the following: personal computers and workstations; laptop computers; mini and mainframe computers; tablets; computer hardware such as disk drives, tape drives, external hard drives and flash/thumb drives; peripheral equipment such as printers, modems, fax machines, and copiers; computer software applications and associated files and data, including software that grants access to external services, such as the Internet or cloud storage accounts; electronic mail (or email); telephones; mobile phones; smart phones; personal organizers and other handheld devices; and instant messaging and text systems. Technology Resources is also intended to broadly include new or emerging devices, technology, software and means of communications that may be developed or implemented in the future .............................. 4 3 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 5 4 Conditions of Use of City Technology Resources................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Code of Conduct in the Use of City Technology Resources................................................................6........ 6 4.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1.2 Responsibilities....................................................................................................................................7 4.1.3 Inappropriate Activities........................................................................................................................... 8 4.2 Appropriate Use of Electronic Communications...................:.................................,................................... 11 4.2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2.3 Appropriate Use and Responsibility of Users...................................................................................... 12 4.2.4 Confidentiality and Security................................................................................................................. 14 4.3 Password Requirements............................................................................................................................ 15 4.3.1 Password Standards............................................................................................................................ 16 4.4 Appropriate Use of City Technology Resources......................................................................................... 16 4.4.1 Public Representations........................................................................................................................ 17 4.4.2 Users must not publicly disclose City internal information via the City Technology Resources that may adversely affect City relations or public image. Care must be taken to properly structure comments and questions posted to mailing lists, public news groups, and related public postings . ....................................... 17 User Technology Resources Policy Page 2 of 21 4.4.3 Downloading..................................................................................................................................... 17 4.4.4 Contacts.............................................................................................................................................17 4.4.5 Information Security............................................................................................................................. 17 4.5 Software Security........................................................................................................................................ 17 4.6 Security.......................................................................................................................................................17 4.6.1 Right to Examine.................................................................................................................................. 17 4.6.2 Privacy............................................................................................................................................... 17 4.7 Reporting Security Problems...................................................................................................................... 18 4.8 Hardware Security...................................................................................................................................... 18 5 Appropriate Use of Specific City Technology Resources: City -Issued Cellular Phones and Radios ................ 18 5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 18 5.2 Appropriate Use and Responsibility of Users............................................................................................ 19 5.3 Inappropriate Use...................................................................................................................................... 19 6 Proximity Keys.................................................................................................................................................... 20 7 Technology Resource Check Out .............................. :...................................................................................... 20 8 Employee Computer Purchase Program ....... ......... -......................................................................................... 20 The City has incorporated a program that allows employees to borrow, at no interest, up to $2,000 to purchase personal computer/supplies with a loan repayment up to 24-months. This program is available for full-time and part-time City employees. For more information, please visit SharePoint or the ITSS Department ...................... 20 9 User Use of Technology Resources Not Owned and/or Controlled by City .................................................... 20 User Technology Resources Policy Page 3 of 21 Confidentiality Material contained in this document is property of the City of Temecula. This document should not be disclosed outside of the City without specific approval from the ITSS Director, and should not be duplicated, used or disclosed for any purpose other than that for which it was intended. 2 Definitions 2.1 "User" means all City employees, elected and appointed City officials, members of City commissions and advisory boards, and City consultants and other non -employees utilizing Electronic Communications or Technology Resources for the purpose of conducting City Business, regardless of the User's location when accessing any Electronic Communications or Technology Resource. 2.2 "City" shall mean any entity controlled by the City Council, including but not limited to Temecula Community Services District, Public Financing Authority, Temecula Housing Authority or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 2.3 "City Business" is broadly defined to mean those activities or other business, related to the City and its jurisdiction, functions, programs, operations, regulations or regulatory activities, or events relating to the City, or that contain information used by its officials, employees and consultants for the accomplishment of City -related tasks, or are related to the operation of the City, with the exception of limited incidental uses as described in Section 4.2. 2.4 "Electronic Communications" includes emails, text messages, voicemails, social media and blog posts, and any other electronic communications, including those developed or implemented in the future, transmitting or maintaining messages, documents, images or other writings via Technology Resources. 2.5 "Public Records" include any "writing" (as broadly defined below) containing information relating to the conduct of the City's business that is prepared, owned, used, or retained by the City, regardless of the physical form and characteristics. Public Records specifically include any recorded and retained communications regarding City Business sent or received by a User through commercial or personal Technology Resources or other Technology Resources not owned by the City or connected to a City computer network. Public Records do not have to be written but may be in another format that contains information such as computer tape or disc, video or audio recording, or email or text message. Public Records are further defined in Section 4.2.2. 2.6 "Public Records Request" is a request for Public Records made under the Public Records Act or subpoena duces tecum or discovery request addressed to the City or a User. 2.7 "Technology Resources" includes all electronic media and storage devices, software, and means of electronic communication including any of the following: personal computers and workstations; laptop computers; mini and mainframe computers; tablets; computer hardware such as disk drives, tape drives, external hard drives and flash/thumb drives; peripheral equipment such as printers, modems, fax machines, and copiers; computer software applications and associated files and data, including software that grants access to external services, such as the Internet or cloud storage accounts; electronic mail (or email); telephones; mobile phones; smart phones; personal organizers and other handheld devices; and instant messaging and text systems. Technology Resources is also intended to broadly include new or emerging devices, technology, software and User Technology Resources Policy Page 4 of 21 means of communications that may be developed or implemented in the future. 3 Introduction This Policy applies to all Users. Users are responsible for complying with this and all other City policies defining computer and network security measures. It is City Policy that all information created, stored, processed, transmitted or printed by or on behalf of the City is and shall remain City property. All Users who access or make decisions affecting City information play a role in protecting that information. Accordingly, it is expected that all Users share the obligation to safeguard and maintain the City's information. All Users are expected to protect the information assets with which they have been entrusted from unauthorized, deliberate, or accidental: • Access, • Use, • Modification, • Destruction, • Disclosure, or • Possession. This document defines City standards and guidelines for the protection of the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the City's Technology Resources and any Electronic Communications stored or transmitted in the furtherance of City Business, regardless of whether on City Technology Resources or other Technology Resources. 4 Conditions of Use of City Technology Resources All Users utilizing City Technology Resources must respect the integrity of all security controls and abide by all implemented security measures, as well as adhere to all end -user license and contractual agreements associated with City Technology Resources. 1. The City reserves the right to limit permanently or restrict any User's usage of the City Technology Resources. The City reserves the rights to copy, remove or otherwise alter any information or system that may undermine the authorized use of the City Technology Resources. The City may do so with or without notice to the User in order to protect the integrity of the City Technology Resources against unauthorized or improper use, and to protect authorized Users from the effects of unauthorized or improper usage. 2. The City, through authorized individuals or entities, reserves the right periodically to check and monitor City Technology Resources, and reserves any and all other rights necessary to protect them. 3. The City disclaims responsibility and will not be responsible for loss or disclosure of User information or interference with User information resulting from its efforts to maintain the privacy, security and integrity of City Technology Resources and information. User Technology Resources Policy Page 5 of 21 4. The City reserves the right to take emergency action to safeguard the integrity and security of City Technology Resources and information. This includes, but is not limited to, termination of a program, job, or on- line session, or temporary alteration of User account names and passwords. The taking of emergency action does not waive the rights of the City to take additional actions under this Policy. 5. Users utilizing City Technology Resources do so subject to applicable laws and City policies. The City disclaims any responsibility and/or warranties for information and materials residing on non -company computer systems or available over publicly accessible networks, except where such responsibility is formally expressed. Such materials do not necessarily reflect the attitudes, opinions or values of the City or its employees. 6. A Department Director may recommend disciplinary action if after appropriate investigation an employee is found to be in willful violation of any City Policy. Other Users may lose access to City Technology Resources. Acts that may lead to discipline or loss of access include, but are not limited to: • Willful physical damage to any City Technology Resources; • Obtaining confidential information improperly; • Deliberate destruction of information; • Intentional interruption of normal services provided by the City Technology Resources; • Infringement of any patent or the breach of any copyright; • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to accounts and passwords; • Gaining or attempting to gain access to restricted areas without the permission of the appropriate authority; or • Inappropriate use of City Technology Resources. 4.1 Code of Conduct in the Use of City Technology Resources 4.1.1 Introduction It is City Policy that all Users who use, have access to, or are responsible for any City Technology Resources must recognize and comply with City's "Code of Conduct." Employees violating this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, and legal action. All Users who violate this Code of Conduct may lose access to City Technology Resources. Standards for the use of City Technology Resources derive directly from standards of common sense and common decency that apply to the use of any shared resource. The City depends on a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation to resolve differences and resolve problems that arise from time to time. This Code of Conduct is published in that spirit. Its purpose is to specify User responsibilities and to promote the appropriate use of City Technology Resources for the protection of the City. User Technology Resources Policy Page 6 of 21 4.1.2 Responsibilities All Users who access or make decisions affecting City information play a role in protecting that information. Accordingly, all users of any City Technology Resources must accept specific responsibilities for the security and confidentiality of the City's information. The following description of City network drives will better organize your documents and minimize the opportunity for losing files. • `V' Drive: This is your 'my documents' directory -for draft documents or confidential information. No other User is able to access this directory • 'P' Drive: This is a Global Directory used for quick transfer of non - confidential files. All network Users have access and may copy, delete, and modify all files. Due to this, it is recommended that you use this directory with caution. ITSS will not restore documents lost or deleted from this directory. • 'R' Drive: This is your department directory. Only members of your department have access to this directory. It is recommended that files that are shared by others within your department be stored here. • 'C' Drive: This is your local hard drive on your desktop. City policy requires all data to be stored on the above network drives. Local hard drives are not backed up and will not be recovered in the event of data loss. Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement Security All intellectual and proprietary property rights, including copyrights and rights to service marks and trademarks, as to any and all text, material, images and/or content appearing on or accessible through the City websites, belong to their respective owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City owns all intellectual and proprietary property rights, including copyrights and rights to service marks and trademarks, as to the City Seal, all City logos, symbols, emblems, and any and all other images, designs, content and materials created by or on behalf of the City that appear on or are accessible through the City websites. Any use of any of the City -owned materials, images or other content accessible through, or appearing or stored on the City Technology Resources or City's websites is prohibited without the written permission of the City Manager. The following acts or activities are prohibited without prior, written permission from the City Manager: 1) modification and/or re -use of text, images or other content from a City server; 2) distribution of the City's web content; or 3) "mirroring" of the City's information, materials or data on a non - City server. City Policy uses access controls and other security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information handled by City Technology Resources. All Users are responsible to insure the security of City Technology Resources by implementing procedures to: • Safeguard their data, personal information, passwords and authorization codes, and confidential data; User Technology Resources Policy Page 7 of 21 Confidentiality ■ Take full advantage of file security mechanisms built into the City Technology Resources; • Choose their passwords wisely and to change them as required; and • Follow the security policies and procedures established to control access to administrative data. All Users using City Technology Resources must comply with all City Policies for the maintenance of confidentiality. 1. Users have an obligation to respect the privacy of other individuals and refrain from: • Intentionally seeking information on, obtaining copies of, or modifying files, tapes, or passwords belonging to other individuals or to the City; • Representing others, unless authorized to do so explicitly by those individuals; or • Divulging sensitive personal data to which they have access concerning staff, customers, vendors or other individuals without explicit authorization to do so. 2. Users are responsible for reporting any information concerning instances in which City Policies or any City standards or Codes of Conduct has been or are being violated. In general, reports about violations should be directed initially to the ITSS Director and/or Human Resource Director. 3. Printers used to produce confidential information should be monitored while printing. 4. Confidential files must be overwritten on fixed disks, tapes, or cartridges. 4.1.3 Inappropriate Activities Illegal Activity All information stored and processed on City Technology Resources and networks is City property and subject to inspection without notice. Non- compliance with City Policy on restricted activities will not be tolerated. Violating employees are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, and all Users, including employees, are subject to loss of access to City Technology Resources and/or legal action. The following are intended to illustrate some examples of unacceptable actions rather than to exhaustively list every specific behavior that may violate the City Policies. Accordingly, disciplinary or other legal action may occur after other actions if the circumstances so warrant. Users are specifically prohibited from accessing, downloading, storing, printing or disseminating anything using City Technology Resources that is considered inappropriate, offensive, illegal, disrespectful to others, or that could instigate legal conflicts, or otherwise harm the City. User Technology Resources Policy Page 8 of 21 Objectionable Material The City's Technology Resources must not be used for the transmission, obtaining possession, demonstration, advertisement or requesting the transmission of objectionable material including, but not limited to: • Pornography; • An article or image that promotes hate, crime or violence, or incites or instructs in matters of hate, crime or violence; or • An article or image that describes or depicts any material, in a manner that is likely to cause offense to a reasonable adult. Restricted Material City Technology Resources must not be used to transmit or make available restricted material to a minor. City Policy defines restricted material as an article that a reasonable adult —by reason of the nature of the article, or the nature or extent of references in the article —would find offensive as to matters of sex, race, ancestry or native origin, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence would regard as unsuitable for a minor to see, read or hear. Users should be aware that there are severe penalties for such activities. The police or a person authorized for the purposes under state or federal law may without a warrant, at any reasonable time, enter any place where the operating of a Technology Resource is carried on and inspect any articles and records kept on the premises and may seize anything that the member reasonably suspects is connected with an offense that is found on or in the place. In addition, there are penalties for delaying, obstructing or otherwise hindering the police or authorized person in the performance of their functions and for giving false or misleading statements, which are misleading through the omission of information. Restricted Activities The City prohibits use of City Technology Resources for the conduct of a business enterprise, participation in activities for profit purposes, or involvement in activities contrary to the spirit of City Policies including, but not limited to: • Gambling or performing an act of playing for stakes, involving a monetary wager, in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize); including, but not limited to sports betting, poker, blackjack, and casino wagering; or • Day Trading or involvement in any act involving a monetary wager to broker or act as agent in the buying and selling of stocks and bonds. Restricted Hardware and Software It is illegal, unethical and contrary to City Policy to use City Technology Resources to generate viruses, worms or any malicious devices to contaminate other Technology Resources. Users should not knowingly possess, give to another person, install on any of the City Technology Resources, or run, programs or other information, which could result in the violation of the City Policy or the violation of any applicable license or contract User Technology Resources Policy Page 9 of 21 The unauthorized physical connection of monitoring devices to City Technology Resources, which could result in the violation of City Policy or applicable licenses or contracts, is prohibited. Copying and Copyrights Harassment The City strongly supports strict adherence to software vendors' license agreements and copyright holders' notices. In particular, Users should be aware of and abide by City Policies on copying and using computer software. Most software that resides on the City Technology Resources is owned by the City or by third parties, and is protected by copyright and other laws, together with licenses and other contractual agreements. Users are required to respect and abide by the terms and conditions of software use and redistribution licenses. Such restrictions may include prohibitions against copying programs or data for use on the City Technology Resources or for distribution outside the City; against the resale of data or programs, or the use of them for non -City purposes or for financial gain; and against public disclosure of information about programs without the owner's authorization. Users who develop new packages that include components subject to use, copying, or redistribution restrictions have the responsibility to make any such restrictions known to the users of those packages. City policy prohibits sexual and discriminatory harassment. City Technology Resources are not to be used to libel, defame, or harass any other person. Computer harassment is exemplified by, but not limited to: • Intentionally using a City Technology Resource to annoy, harass, terrify, intimidate, threaten, offend or bother another person by conveying obscene language, pictures, or other materials or threats of bodily harm to the recipient or the recipient's immediate family; • Intentionally using any City Technology Resource to contact another person repeatedly with the intent to annoy, harass, or bother, regardless of whether any actual message is communicated, and/or where no purpose of legitimate communication exists, and where the recipient has expressed a desire for the communication to cease; • Intentionally using any City Technology Resource to contact another person repeatedly regarding a matter for which one does not have a legal right to communicate, once the recipient has provided reasonable notice that he or she desires such communication to cease (such as debt collection); or • Intentionally using any City Technology Resource to invade the privacy, academic or otherwise, of another or the threatened invasion of the privacy of another. The display of offensive material in any publicly accessible area is likely to violate City harassment policies. There are materials available on the Internet and elsewhere that some members of the City will find offensive. One example is sexually explicit graphics. The City can restrict the availability of such material if it considers its display in a publicly accessible area to be inappropriate. Public display includes, but is not limited to, publicly accessible computer screens and printers. User Technology Resources Policy Page 10 of 21 Wasting Technology Resources Game Playing Commercial Use One role of ITSS is to educate Users about proper usage of City Technology Resources. Every effort will be made to help Users understand how to use City Technology Resources properly. It is inappropriate to deliberately perform any act that will impair the operation of any part of the City Technology Resources or deny access by legitimate Users to any part of them. This includes, but is not limited to, wasting resources, tampering with components or reducing the operational readiness of the City Technology Resources. Wastefulness includes, but is not limited to, passing chain letters, willful generation of large volumes of unnecessary printed output or disk space, willful creation of unnecessary multiple jobs or processes, or willful creation of heavy network traffic. In particular, the practice of willfully using City Technology Resources for the establishment of frivolous and unnecessary chains of communication is an inappropriate waste of resources. The sending of random mailings (for example, "junk mail") is not permitted. It is poor etiquette at best, and potentially harassment, to send unwanted mail messages to strangers deliberately. Recipients who find junk mail objectionable should mark as junk or delete. If the junk mail continues, the recipient should contact ITSS helpdesk. The City Technology Resources are not to be used for recreational or competitive game playing. The intention of this policy is to prohibit game playing with programs and other software that may adversely impact others, violate other provisions of this Policy or damage City ability to process City Business transactions promptly. City Technology Resources are provided for the support of the City's mission. Except where expressly permitted, it is inappropriate to use City Technology Resources for: 1. Commercial gain or placing a third party in a position of commercial advantage; 2. Any non -City related activity, including non -company related communications; and 3. Commercial advertising or sponsorship except where such advertising or sponsorship is clearly related to or supports the City's mission or the service being provided. Use for Personal Business City Technology Resources may not be used in connection with compensated outside work or for the benefit of organizations not related to the City, except where expressly permitted. 4.2 Appropriate Use of Electronic Communications City Technology Resources are limited to use for City Business. All Electronic Communications transmitted over or by means of any City Technology Resource shall be limited to those which involve City functions, activities or User Technology Resources Policy Page 11 of 21 4.2.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Scope other business, or that contain information essential to its officials, employees and consultants for the accomplishment of City -related tasks. Electronic Communications access, including Internet and Intranet access, is provided to authorized Users as a communication tool for appropriate internal and external City Business. Implementation of this Policy and its directives are essential to protecting vital City resources and interests. Accordingly, City Policies including, but not limited to, those addressing copyright, confidentiality, harassment and compliance with equal employment laws; applicable federal, state and local laws; and the corporate code of conduct govern use of any Electronic Communications access. All Users who use Electronic Communications are expected to conduct their use with the same integrity as in face-to-face or telephonic business operations. Any use perceived to be illegal, harassing, and offensive or in violation of other City Policies may be the basis for disciplinary action up to and including termination for employees and/or loss of use or legal action for all Users. This Policy applies to all Users. Users must be aware of the following restrictions that have been placed on use of Electronic Communications: Electronic Communications on City Technology Resources are intended for City -related business purposes with other limited incidental uses. All Electronic Communications on city Technology Resources are the property of the City, just as are hard copies of City records. The City reserves the right to retrieve and make proper and lawful use and/or disclosure of any and all Electronic Communications transmitted through any City Technology Resource. • Electronic Communications determined to be Public Records shall be retained in electronic folders or, as described above, in hard copy. Such Electronic Communications shall be retained for the period described in the City's Records Retention Schedule or expiration of a Litigation Hold or resolution of a Public Records Act Request. 4.2.3 Appropriate Use and Responsibility of Users City guidelines and standards for appropriate and responsible use of Electronic Communications are derived directly from the same standards of common sense and decency that apply to the use of any City Technology Resource. All usage inconsistent with these objectives is considered inappropriate use. All Users must recognize and comply with standards and guidelines for the appropriate use of Electronic Communications. 1. No Electronic Communications should be unethical, be perceived to be a conflict of interest with the City's interests, or be inconsistent with City Policies. User Technology Resources Policy Page 12 of 21 2. Users must take particular care not to disseminate confidential City information or personal information to unauthorized users. Users should refrain from leaving messages containing confidential or personal information on answering machines or voice -mail systems. 3. Electronic Communications must be able to withstand scrutiny without causing embarrassment to the City, its employees or citizens. Because Electronic Communications deleted by a User may still be present, either in another person's mailbox, or on a file server or back-up file of a User. Care must be taken to ensure the accuracy and professionalism of all Electronic Communications. 4. Users must not send messages prohibited or restricted by government security laws or regulations. Emailing copies of documents in violation of copyright laws or licensing agreements is also prohibited. 5. Users should consider Electronic Communications to be the electronic equivalent of a postcard. Users must recognize their responsibility for the content, dissemination and management of the messages they send. Electronic Communications should: • Be courteous and polite; • Be consistent with City standards of conduct; • Protect others' right to privacy and confidentiality; and • Contain an accurate, appropriate and informative signature. 6. Users should secure access to their email and voice mailboxes through the use of passwords and other security devices and should not leave the system on and available to unauthorized users. 7. Users may not reveal any confidential internal email names and passwords of the City's email or voicemail users to anyone including other Users or people who request such information over the telephone and seem to have a legitimate reason for asking. All such requests must be referred to the Records Department. 8. City policy prohibits use of profanity, obscenities, or derogatory remarks in Electronic Communications referencing other individuals. Such remarks, even when made in jest, may create legal problems. 9. Users are prohibited from sending or forwarding any Electronic Communications that a reasonable person would consider to be defamatory, harassing or explicitly sexual. Users are also prohibited from sending or forwarding Electronic Communications via City Technology Resources that would be likely to offend on the basis of race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, disability or other protected characteristics. 10. Users must not use an Electronic Communication account assigned to another individual either to send or receive messages. If there is need to access another's Electronic Communications, such as while the other person is out ill, message forwarding and other resources must instead be used. Contact ITSS Director and/or Human Resource Director to arrange such access. User Technology Resources Policy Page 13 of 21 11. Users must not disclose credit card numbers, passwords, research and development information, and other sensitive data via any Electronic Communication. 12. Users must not unnecessarily or frivolously overload the Electronic Communications system including, but not limited to, spamming and junk mailing. 13. City Electronic Communications may not be used for commercial purposes unless authorized by City Manager in writing in advance. 14. Internal telephone books must not be distributed to third parties without specific authorization of a Department Manager. 4.2.4 Confidentiality and Security Users should be aware that Electronic Communications are not a confidential means of communication. The City cannot guarantee that Electronic Communications will be private. Users should be aware that Electronic Communications could, depending on the technology, be forwarded, intercepted, printed, and stored by others. Users should also be aware that, once Electronic Communications are transmitted, they might be altered. Deleting an Electronic Communication from an individual workstation will not eliminate it from the various systems it has been transmitted across. Therefore, Users should have no personal expectation that their Electronic Communications using City Technology Resources are private. The City reserves the right to review all Electronic Communications stored or transmitted on City Technology Resources. Although, the City does not intend to monitor the contents of Electronic Communications routinely, Users should expect that System Administrators with or without the permission of the User might access Electronic Communications. However, no other individuals may monitor or access Electronic Communications of another User unless proxy rights have been delegated by the System Administrators and approved by ITSS Director and/or Human Resource Director. All Users must accept and abide by management directives to ensure information security, including, but not limited to: Users must verify the integrity of their password and abide by City Policy on password security (see section on Password Requirements); • Users are prohibited from sending confidential material through any Electronic Communications system unless it is marked confidential or otherwise protected; • Users must take extreme care that confidential information be redirected only where there is a need and with the permission of the originator, where possible; • Users should recognize that Electronic Communications can be forged. Therefore, if an Electronic Communication is suspect, Users must verify its authenticity via telephone, or personally; and • It is recommended that personal confidential material not be stored on or sent through Electronic Communications using City Technology Resources. User Technology Resources Policy Page 14 of 21 Unauthorized access of Electronic Communications is a violation of the City Policy and grounds for potential employee discipline or other repercussions for both employees and other Users. 4.3 Password Requirements It is City policy that information must be protected in a manner commensurate with its sensitivity, value and criticality. To ensure the security of the City Technology Resources, all authorized users must be uniquely identified and authenticated before being granted access to Electronic Communications. User identification and authentication will be authorized through the use of User identification (User ID) unique to each User. To insure the security of the City Technology Resources, such access must be authorized, logged and periodically reviewed. Identification Password Management Passwords are a primary defense mechanism on many City Technology Resources. Careful selection of passwords improves security. Users are responsible for the robustness and maintenance of their own passwords. Accordingly, the following standards for password use shall apply: • Passwords must be used where possible; • Passwords and User IDs must be unique to each authorized User and must never be shared with anyone else; • Passwords must not be easily associated with a particular User; ■ Passwords must be memorized and never written down with other account information such as an account name; • Passwords must not be stored in readable form in batch files, automatic log -in scripts, software macros, terminal function keys, in City Technology Resources without access control, or in other locations where unauthorized persons might discover them; • Passwords must be changed every 90 days, or immediately if compromised or suspected of compromise; • To prevent the compromise of multiple systems, Users must employ different passwords on each of the systems to which they have been granted access; • The display and printing of passwords must be masked, suppressed, or otherwise obscured so that unauthorized parties will not be able to observe or subsequently recover them; • Passwords must consist of a minimum of eight alphanumeric characters one of which is upper case and a special character. • Any User who suspects that a password has been compromised must report it to ITSS immediately through the IT Help Desk. City management reserves the right to revoke the privileges of any User at any time. Conduct that interferes with the normal and proper operation of City Technology Resources, which adversely affects the ability of others to use User Technology Resources Policy Page 15 of 21 these City Technology Resources, or which is harmful or offensive to others, will not be permitted. 4.3.1 Password Standards The following are standards for password construction: • Passwords must never be related to a User's job or personal life. Details such as spouse's name, license plate, social security number, and birthday must not be used unless accompanied by additional unrelated characters; • Passwords must not be the same as User IDs or given name; • Users must not construct passwords that are identical or substantially similar to passwords that Users had previously employed; • Must never use the default password for any software or hardware product; • "Blank" passwords are prohibited; • Passwords must never be derived from User's association with the City of Temecula; and • Passwords must never consist of a word from a dictionary. Most basic cracking programs contain over 120,000 words, and plenty of variations. • Users are encouraged to have a password to include numbers and mixed case letters. 4.4 Appropriate Use of City Technology Resources City Technology Resources offer extensive capabilities, but also expose risks and threats. All Users are expected to be familiar with and to comply with this Policy. 1. City Technology Resources should not be used for personal purposes. Although incidental use of City Technology Resources for personal use is permissible, use of City Technology Resources for these types of activities consumes City Technology Resources and could potentially result in poor technology performance or even system failure. 2. Any use perceived to be illegal, harassing, offensive, in violation of other City Policies, or any other uses that would reflect adversely on the City can be the basis for disciplinary action up to and including termination for employees and other repercussions including legal action for all Users, including employees. Users are expected to conduct their use of City Technology Resources with the same integrity as in face-to-face or telephonic business operations. User Technology Resources Policy Page 16 of 21 4.4.1 Public Representations 4.4.2 Users must not publicly disclose City internal information via the City Technology Resources that may adversely affect City relations or public image. Care must be taken to properly structure comments and questions posted to social media, mailing lists, public news groups, and related public postings. 4.4.3 Downloading 4.4.4 Contacts Software should not be downloaded without approval of ITSS. All software used on City Technology Resources can only be installed by ITSS, following all licensing agreements and procedures. All software downloaded from non - City sources must be screened with virus detection software prior to being installed by ITSS and may require testing on a stand-alone (not networked), non -production machine. Contacts made over the Internet should not be trusted with City information unless reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the legitimacy of the contacts. This applies to the release of any City internal information. 4.4.5 Information Security 4.5 Software Security 4.6 Security 4.6.1 Right to Examine 4.6.2 Privacy Login passwords, User IDs and other parameters that can be used to gain access to City Technology Resources, is confidential information and must not be sent over any Technology Resource in readable form. This information must not be posted on electronic bulletin boards, listed in telephone directories, placed on business cards, or otherwise made available to third parties without the advance written permission of the ITSS Director. Telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of a User may be disclosed by the User. The City strongly supports strict adherence to software vendors' license agreements. Adherence to these agreements is subject to random audits by these vendors or the Software Publishers Association (SPA). When City Technology Resources are employed, copying of software in a manner that is not consistent with the vendor's license is strictly forbidden. Users must not use any externally provided software from a vendor other than those approved by ITSS. At any time and without prior notice, City management reserves the right to examine Electronic Communications including personal Electronic Communications, web browser cache files, web browser bookmarks, and other information stored on or passing through City Technology Resources. Such management access assures compliance with internal policies, assists with internal investigations, and assists with the management of City Technology Resources. Every attempt will be made to ensure that the User's privacy is respected. Users using City Technology Resources should realize that their communications are not automatically protected from viewing by third parties User Technology Resources Policy Page 17 of 21 Unless encryption is used, Users should not send information over the Internet if they consider it to be private. 4.7 Reporting Security Problems 4.8 Hardware Security It is the responsibility of all Users to report any known or suspected breach of security, such as passwords or other system access control mechanisms to the ITSS Department. The ITSS Director must be notified immediately when: 1. Sensitive or confidential City information is lost, disclosed to unauthorized parties, or suspected of being lost or disclosed to unauthorized parties; 2. Unauthorized use of City Technology Resources has taken place, or is suspected of taking place; 3. Passwords or other system access control mechanisms are lost, stolen, or disclosed, or are suspected of being lost, stolen, or disclosed; or 4. There is unusual system behavior such as missing files, frequent system crashes and misrouted messages, as these types of system behavior may be related to virus infections or other security problems and must be promptly reported and investigated. To ensure that computer systems are used in an effective and productive way, City Technology Resource hardware must be physically secured and the integrity of operating systems maintained. 1. On City Technology Resources, Users must never change operating system configurations, upgrade existing operating systems, or install new operating systems. If such changes are required Users should contact ITSS and ITSS administrators will perform them. 2. Users must not bring their own computers, computer peripherals, or computer software into City facilities without prior written authorization from their Department Head. Personal computers must be labeled clearly with the name of the owner. Desktop PCs, laptops, mobile devices, and City Technology Resources must not leave City offices unless authorized in writing by a department manager. Printers used to produce sensitive and confidential information should be monitored and sensitive files must be overwritten on fixed disks, tapes, or cartridges. 5 Appropriate Use of Specific City Technology Resources: City -Issued Cellular Phones and Radios Technology can significantly enhance local service delivery. Cellular telephones and radios are often practical and economical for safety services and emergency communications, and can enhance productivity. In all cases, the issuance of cellular phones or radios to Users is a privilege, not a right or an entitlement. Failure to abide by the procedures set forth in this Policy may result in the loss of use of the cellular phones or radios and in certain circumstances, may result in possible disciplinary action for employees. 5.1 Introduction User Technology Resources Policy Page 18 of 21 It is the intent of the City to provide each Department with effective communication devices, within the constraints of available resources. The City recognizes the need of City -owned cellular telephones and radios, and by this Policy establishes procedures for their authorization, deployment, and use in order to contain costs, ensure Departmental accountability, personal responsibility, and prevent improper use. It is important that each User assume personal responsibility for the prudent use of City -owned communication devices. 5.2 Appropriate Use and Responsibility of Users 5.3 Inappropriate Use City -owned cellular phones or radios are to be viewed as an asset provided to further assist Users in effectively completing their areas of responsibility for the City. The issuance of such communication equipment is also to be considered a vital resource in the event of an emergency. It is a goal, to ensure that City vehicles are configured with emergency (800 MHz) radios for two-way communications. Users are responsible for maintaining adequate physical protection of the communication equipment issued to them by the City. Users shall immediately notify their Department Head or designee, who in turn shall notify the ITSS Director, if any City -owned cellular phone or radio is damaged, lost or stolen. Cellular phone and radio logs are Public Records. Any communication equipment purchased by the City is owned by the City and must be returned to the City when the User separates from service or the need of such communication equipment no longer exists. No User shall record any telephone call, without the knowledge and consent of all parties to the call. The City reserves the right to terminate cellular service privileges of any User for any reason. City issued communication equipment are not considered a User's personal device. California law prohibits drivers from using a cellular phone while operating a vehicle without a hands -free device, e.g. wired headset (ear buds), speaker, or Bluetooth headset. It is City policy to comply with California law when using a City -owned cellular phone while operating in any vehicle. The ITSS Department provides wired headsets (ear buds) for all City -owned cellular phones. In order to further define inappropriate use, the following list is provided. Prohibited uses of cellular phones and radios include, but are not limited to: ■ Any illegal use or activity ■ Threats ■ Slander/Libel ■ Defamation ■ Obscene, suggestive or offensive messages or communications ■ Political endorsements or activities User Technology Resources Policy Page 19 of 21 6 Proximity Keys Internal entrance to City Hall areas is extended to employees by the City. Proximity keys are issued to all Regular, Part -Time, Temporary, Project Employees, and Interns. Interns' access will be automatically disabled every 30 days unless otherwise noted by related department manager. The City prohibits the sharing of proximity keys. Users are required to notify ITSS immediately if proximity keys or readers are lost, damaged or stolen. 7 Technology Resource Check Out The City understands the need occasionally to check out technology resources for work related issues. City Technology Resources such as: laptops, projectors and digital cameras are available for check out through the ITSS Department. Users in need of the equipment must have proper approval from department manager. A request in advance for the use of such City Technology Resource is necessary. If the City Technology Resource is available, Users must sign for receiving and return of any City Technology Resource on loan. Users are responsible for maintaining adequate physical protection of the City Technology Resource issued to them by the City. Users shall also immediately notify their department head or designee, who in turn shall notify the ITSS Director, if any City -owned communications equipment is damaged, lost or stolen. 8 Employee Computer Purchase Program The City has incorporated a program that allows employees to borrow, at no interest, up to $2,000 to purchase personal computer/supplies with a loan repayment up to 24-months. This program is available for full-time and part-time City employees. For more information, please visit SharePoint or the ITSS Department. 9 User Use of Technology Resources Not Owned and/or Controlled by City Users should not store Electronic Communications that involve City Business on any Technology Resources that are not owned, issued and/or controlled by the City. When Users are using Technology Resources that are not owned, issued and/or controlled by the City to conduct City Business, Users should be aware and must acknowledge and agree that any Electronic Communication that is stored or transmitted through such Technology Resource is considered a Public Record and is subject to the same terms as any Electronic Communication stored or transmitted on City Technology Resources. Should the City receive a Public Records Request, or otherwise require access to Electronic Communications related to City Business stored or transmitted on or by personal or commercial Technology Resources, the User shall provide access to such Electronic Communications immediately upon request of the City. Additionally, User shall not delete any Electronic Records related to City Business prior to the expiration of the period described in the City's Records Retention Schedule or expiration of a Litigation Hold or resolution of a Public Records Act Request. The City may require that a User execute an affidavit confirming that the User has thoroughly searched its personal or commercial Technology Resource and has provided all responsive Electronic Communications. User Technology Resources Policy Page 20 of 21 User Technology Resources Policy Page 21 of 21 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL POLICY Aft At C�'( '1 The Heart of Southern Califarnia Wine Country Title: State Mandated Training Policy No. TBD Approved: October 24, 2023 Revised: N/A PURPOSE: The purpose of this City Council policy is to outline the specific requirements of state mandated training for Council Members, specifically as it relates to AB 1234 and AB 1661. POLICY: The policy of the City Council with respect to the matter listed in the above -referenced title is as follows: AB 1234 Mandatory Ethics Training Government Code Sections 53235 and 53235.1 state that, if a local agency provides compensation, salary, or a stipend to a member of a legislative body or reimbursement for expenses incurred by a member of a legislative body in the performance of official duties, then said local agency officials shall receive two- hour training in ethics. Training opportunities are available online and in -person through a variety of sources including the Attorney General, Fair Political Practices Commission, League of California Cities, Institute for Local Government and other agencies and municipal law firms. In the City of Temecula, ethics training is mandated for the City Council, boards and commissions and executive staff. The City Clerk's office oversees the completion of said training and maintains relevant records pursuant to law. AB 1661 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and Education Government Code Sections 53237-53237.5 requires local agency officials, including Council Members, to receive two hours of sexual harassment prevention training and education within the first six months of taking office and every two years thereafter if the agency provides any type of compensation, salary, or stipend to those officials. Training opportunities are available online and in -person through a variety of sources including the Attorney General, Fair Political Practices Commission, League of California Cities, Institute for Local Government and other agencies and municipal law firms. In the City of Temecula, ethics training is mandated for the City Council, boards and commissions and executive staff. The City Clerk's office oversees the completion of said training and maintains relevant records pursuant to law. CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL POLICY Aft '1 . The Heart of Southern Califarnia Wine Country Title: Conflict of Interest Laws Policy No. TBD Approved: October 24, 2023 Revised: N/A PURPOSE: The purpose of this City Council policy is to provide general guidance and raise awareness of potential conflicts of interest that may arise periodically in the course of public service by Council Members. Council Members are encouraged to seek legal advice from the City Attorney for specific issues that may arise. POLICY: The policy of the City Council with respect to the matter listed in the above -referenced title is as follows: Conflict of Interest Laws The Political Reform Act, set forth in Government Code Sections 81000 to 91014, regulates conflicts of interest through (1) disclosure and (2) prohibition of participation in the decision -making process. The Act requires Council Members to annually disclose all financial interests that may be affected by decisions made in their official capacity. This includes investments, real property, and income. Council Members must also disqualify themselves from making and/or participating in making any governmental decision that will have a foreseeable material financial affect on any financial interest of the Council Member or certain family members. When Council Members must disqualify themselves due to a financial interest, they are prohibited not only from "making" a decision but also from "participating" in the decision. Generally, an official makes a decision when the Council Member votes on a matter, appoints a person, obligates or commits the City to any course of action, or enters into any contract on behalf of the City. An official participates in making a decision when the official negotiates on behalf of the City, or advises or makes recommendations to the decision maker, either directly or without significant intervening substantive review. The City Attorney prepares an annual Summary of the Conflict of Interest Laws Manual that is attached as Appendix 3 in the City Council Protocol Manual. Conflict of Interest Code. The Political Reform Act requires state and local government agencies to review and adopt conflict of interest codes biannually. The City of Temecula adopts its Conflict of Interest Code in even -numbered years. The City's Conflict of Interest Code adopts the State Political Reform Act and designates certain City officials other than the Council who are subject the conflict of interest laws. The Code is attached as Exhibit A. Statements of Economic Interest A financial disclosure form (Statement of Economic Interest - Form 700) must be filed with the City Clerk no later than April 1 of each year for financial interests pertaining to the preceding calendar year. The April 1 deadline may be adjusted by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) for holidays and/or weekends. Council Members must also file a statement within 30 days of assuming office or leaving office. Filers shall file said statement electronically through NetFile, the City's certified electronic filing system. Advice Regarding Conflicts of Interest A Council Member who is uncertain as to whether they have a conflict of interest is encouraged to seek clarification from the City Attorney prior to the Council Meeting at which the matter will be discussed. The City Attorney or the official may also request a formal opinion from the FPPC. Attachments Exhibit A - Conflict of Interest Code RESOLUTION NO.2022-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE CITY'S 2022 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula has previously adopted a Conflict of Interest Code to apply to certain officers and employees of the City with an Exhibit A designating certain positions within the City that require the filing of economic disclosure forms. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby amend the Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Temecula by deleting Exhibit A and substituting in its place a new Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 150' day of November, 2022. 1 ATTES Ran o 1, City Clerk [SEAL] 1 Matt ayor 1 1 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2022-84 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 15t' day of November, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart NOES: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: �� ►��=K�IiJ�K�1f�i��i:7�:�.� ABSENT: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None None None Randi Johl, City Clerk 2 SECTION 2. EXHIBIT A DESIGNATED CITY OF TEMECULA EMPLOYEES AND DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES The following positions entail the making or participating in the making of decisions which could have a material effect on financial interests. Designated Position Disclosure Categories Assistant City Manager 1 Assistant Director of Community Development 1 Assistant Director of Community Services 1 Assistant Director of Finance 1 Assistant Director of Information Technology and Support Services 1 Assistant to the City Manager 1 Building Official 1 Chief of Police 1 Community Services Superintendent 1 Deputy City Manager 1 Designated Consultant* 1 Director of Community Development 1 Director of Community Services 1 Director of Finance 1 Director of Human Resources and Risk Management 1 Director of Information Technology and Support Services 1 Director of Legislative Affairs / City Clerk 1 Director of Public Works/City Engineer 1 Economic Development Manager 1 Engineering Manager 1 Exempt Officials 0 Fire Chief 1 Finance Manager 1 Fiscal Services Manager 1 Information Technology Manager 1 Maintenance Manager Planning Manager Principal Civil Engineer Principal Management Analyst Senior Civil Engineer Senior Management Analyst Senior Planner Members of all City Commissions, Boards, and Committees (Other than Government 87200 Filers) DESIGNATED CONSULTANTS: Consultants who fit into one or more of the following categories shall be included in the list of designated employees as "Designated Consultants": 1. Consultants who make (not just recommend) governmental decisions, such as whether to approve a rate, rule, or regulation, whether to issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any permit, license, application, certificate or similar authorization, adopt or grant City approval to a plan, design, report, study, or adopt or grant City approval of policies, standards, or guidelines for the City or any subdivision thereof. 2. Consultants who serve in a staff capacity with the City, and in that capacity participate in making a governmental decision by providing information, an opinion, or a recommendation for the purpose of affecting the decision without significant intervening substantive review. 3. Consultants who perform the same or substantially all the same duties for the City that would otherwise be performed by an individual holding a designated position in the City's Conflict of Interest Code. When the consultant is a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company, only individuals who fit into one of the three categories of "Designated Consultants" described above must file disclosure statements. Designated Consultant shall report all reportable interests in real property in the jurisdiction; reportable income and business positions; reportable investments; and reportable gifts within the disclosure category applicable to Designated Consultants unless the City Manager determines in writing that a particular consultant is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements described in the section. If the City Manager determines in writing that a particular consultant is not required to fully comply with the requisite disclosure requirements, then such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The City Manager's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code. ** The Mayor, City Council, Members of the Planning Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, and City Treasurer are all required to file disclosure statements pursuant to (Government Code 87200) and are thus not included herein. 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-105 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING AN AMENDED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temecula has previously adopted a Conflict of Interest Code to apply to certain officers and employees of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temecula desires to adopt an Amended Conflict of Interest Code; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Amended Conflict of Interest Code, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby adopted as the Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Temecula. Section 2. The previously adopted Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Temecula is of no further force and effect. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 15th day of November, 1994. Ron Roberts, Mayor UH—Oku [SEAL] Resos 94-105 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, hereby do certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 94-105 was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 15th day of November, 1994 by the following roll call vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Resos 94-105 Birdsall, Munoz, Parks, Stone, Roberts None None r IWE Greek, City Cler ly CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SECTION 1. Purpose. Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Sections 87300, eI e�, q. , the City of Temecula (hereinafter referred to as "City") hereby adopts the following Conflict of Interest Code. The provisions of this Code are in addition to those contained in Title 9, Chapter 7 of the Government Code (Section 87100 gl &a.). Except as otherwise indicated, the definitions contained in Title 9, Chapter 2 of the Government Code (Section 8200 et.IN.) are incorporated herein and apply to this Code. It is the purpose of this Code to provide for the disclosure of assets and income of designated employees which may be materially affected by their official actions, and, in appropriate circumstances, to provide that designated employees should be disqualified from acting in order that conflicts of interest may be avoided. SECTION 2. Designated Positions. The positions listed in Exhibit "A" are designated positions. Officers and employees holding those positions are designated employees and are deemed to make or participate in the making of decisions which may foreseably have a material effect on a financial interest. SECTION 3. Disclosure Statements. Designated positions shall be assigned to one or more of the disclosure categories set forth in Exhibit "B" . Each designated employee or official shall file an annual statement disclosing that employee's or official's interest in investments, business positions, interests in real property and source of income designated as reportable under the category to which the employee's or official's position is assigned in Exhibit "B". SECTION 4. Place and Time of Filing. A. All designated employees or officials required to submit a statement of financial interests, (FPPC Form No. 730), shall file the original with the City Clerk's office. B. The City Clerk's office shall make and retain a copy of the statement. C. A designated employee or official required to submit an initial statement of financial interest, (FPPC Form No. 730), shall submit the statement within 30 days after the effective date of this Code, disclosing interests held including investments, business positions, and interests in real property on the effective date of this Code, and income received during the twelve (12) months prior to the effective date of this Code. D. All persons appointed, promoted, or transferred to designated positions shall file initial statements not more than 30 days after assuming office. E. The first statement of financial interests filed by a designated employee shall disclose the designated employee's reportable investments, business positions, and interests a?C2:109244.4 in real property as those investments, positions, and interests in real property exist as of the effective date of this Code or the date the designated employee assumed office, whichever is later, and income received during the preceding twelve (12) months. F. Annual statements shall be filed by April 1, of each year by all designated employees. Such statements shall disclose reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income held or received at any time during the previous calendar year or since the designated employee took office if during the calendar year. G. A designated employee required to file a statement of financial interest with any other agency which is within the same territorial jurisdiction and whose disclosure requirements are comparable may comply with the provisions of this Code by filing a duplicate copy of the statement filed with the other agency, in lieu of an entirely separate statement. H. Every designated employee who leaves office shall file, within 30 days of leaving office, a statement disclosing reportable investments, business positions, interests in real property, and income held or received at any time during the period between the closing date of the last statement required to be filed and the date of leaving office. I. A designated employee who resigns his or her position within 30 days twelve (12) months following initial appointment or within thirty (30) days of the date of a notice mailed by the filing officer of the individual's filing obligation, whichever is earlier, is not deemed to assume or leave office, provided that during the period between appointment and resignation the individual does not make, participate in making, or use the position to influence any decision of the City or receive or become entitled to receive any form of payment by virtue, of being appointed to the position. Within thirty (30) days of the date of a notice mailed by the filing officer, the individual shall do both of the following: File a written resignation with the appointing power. 2. File a written statement with the filing officer on a form prescribed by the commission and signed under penalty of perjury stating that the individual, during the period between appointment and resignation, did not make, participate in the making or use the position to influence any decision of the agency or receive, or become entitled to receive, any form of payment by virtue of being appointed to the position. SECTION 5. Contents of Disclosure Statements. Disclosure statements shall be made on forms supplied by the City Clerk's Office, (FPPC Form No. 730), and shall contain the following information: A. Contents of Investment and Real Propgrty Re2grts. When an investment or an interest in real property is required to be disclosed, the statement shall contain: A statement of the nature of the investment or interest; LAM: IM44.4 2 2. The name of the business entity in which each investment is held and a general description of the business activity in which the business entity is engaged; 3. The address or other precise location of the real property; 4. A statement indicating whether the fair market value of the investment or interest in real property equals or exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000) but does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whether it exceeds ten thousand ($10,000) but does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or whether it exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). For purposes of this Code, "interest in real property" does not include the principle residence of the designated employee or any other property which the designated employee utilizes exclusively as the employee's personal residence. 5. For purposes of this subdivision (a) of Section 5, "interest in real property" does not include the principal residence of the filer or any other property which utilizes exclusively as the personal residence of the filer. B. Contents of Personal Income Reports: When personal income' is required to be disclosed under this Code or pursuant to the Political Reform Act, the statement shall contain: 1. The name and address of each source of income aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value, or fifty dollars ($50) or more in value if the income was a gift, and a general description of the business activity, if any, of each source; 2. A statement indicating whether the aggregated value of income from each source, or, in the case of a loan, the highest amount owed to each source, was at least two hundred fifty dollars ($250) but did not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), whether it was in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) but not greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or whether it was greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000); 3. A description of the consideration, if any, for which the income was received; 4. In the case of a gift, the name, address and business activity of the donor and any intermediary through which the gift was made; a description of the gift; the amount or value and the date on which the gift was received; ' "Income" is defined in Title 9, Chapter 2 of the Government Code (section 82030). That definition is attached hereto as Exhibit T." ,LX2:1092UA 3 5. In the case of a loan, the annual interest rate and the security, if any, given for the loan. C. Contents of Business Entity Reports. When the designated employee's pro rata share of income to a business entity, including income to a sole proprietorship, is required to be reported, the statement shall contain: 1. The name, address, and a general description of the business activity of the business entity; 2. The name of every person from whom the business entity received payments if the designated employee's pro rata share of gross receipts from such person was equal to or greater than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) during a calendar year; 3. Income of a business entity is required to be reported only if the direct, indirect, or beneficial interest of the designated employee and his or her spouse in the business entity aggregates a 10 percent or greater interest. In addition, for purposes of subparagraphs 2 and 3 of this subsection, the disclosure of persons who are clients or customers of a business entity is required only if it is reasonably foreseeable that the client or customer may be materially affected by the decisions of the designated employee. 4. When a payment, including an advance or reimbursement for travel is required to be reported pursuant to (b) and (c) of this Section 5, it may be reported on a separate travel reimbursement schedule which shall be included in the filer's statement of economic interest. A filer who chooses not to use the travel schedule shall disclose payments for travel as a gift, unless it is clear from all surrounding circumstances that the services provided were equal to or greater in value than the payments for the travel, in which case the travel may be reported as income. D. Contents of Business Position Disclosure. When business positions are required to be reported, the designated employee shall list the name and address of each business entity in which he or she is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or in which he or she holds any position of management; a description of the business entity in which the business is engaged, and the designated employee's position with the business entity. E. Acquisition or Disposal During a Calendar Year. If any otherwise reportable investment or interest in real property was partially or wholly acquired or disposed of during the period covered by the statement, the statement shall contain the date of acquisition or disposal. SECTION 6. Disqualification. Designated employees shall disqualify themselves from making, participating in the making of, or in any way using their official position to influence a governmental decision when it is reasonably foreseeable that the decision will have a material financial affect distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the designated ;X2.109244.4 4 employee, or a member of his or her immediate family, or on: A. Any business entity in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect investment worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more; B. Any real property in which the designated employee has a direct or indirect interest worth one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more; C. Any source of income, other than gifts and other than loans by a commercial lending institution in the regular course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status, aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by or promised to the designated employee within twelve (12) months prior to the time when the decision is made; D. Any business entity in which the designated employee is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; or E. Any -donor of, or any intermediary of agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by, or promised to the designated employee within twelve (12) months prior to the time when the decision is made. For purposes of this section, indirect investment or interest means any investment or interest owned by the spouse or dependent child of a designated employee, by an agent on behalf of a designated employee, or by a business entity or trust in which the designated employee, the designated employee's agent, spouse, and dependent children own directly, indirectly, or beneficially a ten percent (10 %) interest or greater. No designated employee shall be required to disqualify himself or herself with respect to any matter which could not legally be acted upon or decided without his or her participation. A designated employee required to disqualify himself or herself shall notify the City Manager and the City Clerk in writing, and the City Clerk shall record the person's disqualification. Violations. Pursuant to Government Code Section 87300, this Code "shall have the force of law" and any violation of any provision of this Code shall be punishable in accordance with Government Code Section 91000 to 91015 and include criminal and civil sanctions, as well as discipline within the City's Personnel System. LAX2: to9244.a 5 SECTION 7. EXHIBIT "A" Designated City of Temecula Employees and Disclosure Categories The following positions entail the making or participation in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests: Designated Position Disclosure Categories Assistant City Manager ......................................... 1 Building Official ............................................. 1 Chief of Police .............................................. 1 Chief Accountant ............................................ 1 CityClerk ................................................. 1 City Engineer/Director of Public Works ............................... 1 Consultantz................................................. 1 Principal Engineer ............................................ 1 Exempt Officials!' ............................................ 0 z' Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose all of the information required to be disclosed by designated employees subject to the following limitation: The City Manager or his or her designee may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a "designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirement described in this Section. Such written disclosure shall include a description and based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The City Manager's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code. !' The Mayor, City Council, Members of the Planning Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, City Treasurer, and Director of Finance are all required to file disclosure statements pursuant to state law and thus are not included herein. LAX2:109241.4 6 Director of Community Services ................................... 1 Financial Services Administator.................................... 1 FireChief ................................................. 1 Maintenance Superintendent ...................................... 1 Planning Director ............................................ 1 Recreation Superintendent ....................................... 1 Senior Accountant ............................................ 1 Senior Building Inspector ........................................ 1 Senior Management Analyst ...................................... 1 Traffic Engineer ............................................. 1 Senior Planner .............................................. 1 Members of all City Commissions, Boards, and Committees Not Otherwise Required to File Conflict of Interest Statements ..................................... 1 iaX2:109244.4 7 SECTION 8. EXHIBIT "B" Categories of Reportable Economic Interests Designated Persons in Category "I" Must Report: All investments, interests in real property, income, and any business entity in which the person is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management. These financial interests are reportable only if located within and subject to the jurisdiction of the City, or if the business entity is doing business or planning to do business in an area subject to the jurisdiction of the City, or has done business within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the City at any time during the two years prior to the filing of the statement. Designated Persons in Category "2" Must Report: A. All Investments in real property located within or subject to the jurisdiction of the City. B. Investments in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. C. Income from any source which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. D. His or Her status as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holder of a position of management in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the City. Designated persons in Category "3" must reWrt: A. Investments and business positions in, and income from business entities located in, doing business in, or planning to do business in the redevelopment project area and all interests in real property located within two miles of the redevelopment project area. K2:1M44.4 8 EXHIBIT "C" 82030. Income. A. "Income" means, except as provided in subdivision (b), a payment received, including but not limited to any salary, wage, advance, dividend, interest, rent, proceeds from any sale, gift, including any gift of food or beverage, loan, forgiveness or payment of indebtedness received by the filer, reimbursement for expenses, per diem, or contribution to an insurance or pension program paid by any person other than an employer, and including any community property interest in the income of a spouse. Income also includes an outstanding loan. Income of an individual also includes a pro rata share of any income of any business entity or trust in which the individual or spouse owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a 10-percent interest or greater. "Income" other than a gift, does not include income received from any source outside the jurisdiction and not doing business within the jurisdiction, not planning to do business within the jurisdiction, or not having done business within the jurisdiction during the two years prior to the time any statement or other action is required under this title. B. "Income" also does not include: 1. Campaign contributions required to be reported under Chapter 4 (commending with Section 84100). 2. Salary and reimbursement for expenses or per diem received from a state, local, or federal government agency and reimbursement for travel expenses and per diem received from a bona fide educational, academic, or charitable organization. 3. Any devise or inheritance. 4. Interest, dividends, or premiums on a time or demand deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit union or any insurance policy, payments received under any insurance policy, or any bond or other debt instrument issued by any government or government agency. 5. Dividends, interest, or any other return on a security which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or a commodity future registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States Government, except proceeds from the sale of these securities and commodities futures. 6. Redemption of a mutual fund. 7. Alimony or child support payments. 8. Any loan or loans from a commercial lending institution which are made in the lenders' regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status if: -+ 2:IM44.4 9 A. Used to purchase, refinance the purchase of, or for improvements to, the principal residence of filer; or B. The balance owed does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). 9. Any loan from an individual's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent -in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that a loan from any such person shall be considered income if the lender is acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not covered by this paragraph. 10. Any indebtness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction if made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status, so long as the balance owed to the creditor does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10, 000) . 11. Payments received under a defined benefit pension plan qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a). 12. Proceeds from the sale of securities registered with the securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or from the sale of commodities futures registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States Government if the filer sells the securities or the commodities futures on a stock or commodities exchange and does no know or have reason to know the identity of the purchaser. L..M: io92UA 10 SAMPLE POLICIES CODE OF ETHICS Exhibit "A" City of Huntington Beach Code of Ethics Preamble The citizens of the City of Huntington Beach are entitled to responsible, fair and honest city government that operates in an atmosphere of respect and civility. Accordingly, the Huntington Beach City Council adopts this code to: 1. Describe the standards of behavior to which its leaders and staff aspire. 2. Provide an ongoing source of guidance to elected leaders, city officials and staff in their day-to-day service to the city. 3. Promote and maintain a culture of ethics. Pledge On November 21 2016, the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adopted a Code of Ethics, which applies to all City elected or appointed officials, city employees, and members of its boards, commissions, committees, and task forces and requires the following pledge: Code of Ethics Responsibility • I understand that the community expects me to serve with dignity and respect, as well as be an agent of the democratic process, • 1 avoid actions that might cause the public to question my independent judgment, 1 do not use my office or the resources of the city for personal or political gain. • 1 am a prudent steward of public resources and actively consider the impact of my decisions on the financial and social stability of the city and its citizens. Fairness • 1 promote consistency, equity and non-discrimination in public agency decision -making. • 1 make decisions based on the merits of an issue, including research and facts. ■ 1 encourage diverse public engagement in our decision -making processes and support the public's right to know. Respect • 1 treat my fellow city officials, staff, commission members and the public with patience, courtesy, civility, and respect, even when we disagree on what is best for the community and its citizens, Honesty • I am honest with all elected officials, staff, commission members, boards, the public and others. • 1 am prepared to make decisions when necessary for the public's best interest, whether those decisions are popular or not. 1 take responsibility for my actions, even when it is uncomfortable to do so, City of Elk Grove California City Code of Ethics Prepared by Citizens of Elk Grove Preamble The citizens of the City of Elk Grove are entitled to responsible, fair and honest city government that operates in an atmosphere of respect and civility. Accordingly, the Elk Grove City Council, with citizen input, has adopted this code to: 1. Describe the standards of behavior to which its leaders and staff aspire. 2. Provide an ongoing source of guidance to elected leaders, city officials and staff in their day-to-day service to the city. 3. Promote and maintain a culture of ethics. Pledge On April 27, 2005, the City Council of the City of Elk Grove adopted this City Code of Ethics, which applies to all City employees, officers, commissions, and elected or appointed officials and requires the following pledge: City Code of Ethics Responsibility 1 understand that the community expects me to serve with dignity and respect, as well as be an agent of the democratic process. • 1 avoid actions that might cause the public to question my independent judgment. • 1 do not use my office or the resources of the city for personal or political gain. i 1 am a prudent steward of public resources and actively consider the impact of my decisions on the financial and social stability of the city and its citizens. Fairness a I promote consistency, equity and non-discrimination in public agency decision -making. 1 make decisions based on the merits of an issue, including research and facts. • 1 encourage diverse public engagement in our decision -making processes and support the public's right to have access to public information concerning the conduct of the City's business. Respect 1 treat my fellow city officials, staff, commission members and the public with patience, courtesy, civility, and respect, even when we disagree on what is best for the community and its citizens. Honesty • I am honest with all elected officials, staff, commission members, boards, the public and others. • 1 am prepared to make decisions when necessary for the public's best interest, whether those decisions are popular or not. ■ 1 take responsibility for my actions, even when it is uncomfortable to do so. CITY OF WATSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL CODE OF ETHICS AND VALUES STANDARDS The residents of the City of Watsonville are entitled to responsible, fair, and honest city government that operates in an atmosphere of respect and civility consistent with the City Council's Mission Statement. Accordingly, the Watsonville City Council has adopted this code to: 1) describe the standards of behavior to which its leaders aspire; 2) provide an ongoing source of guidance to City officials in their day-to-day service to the City; and 3) promote and maintain a culture of ethics. This code applies to the City Council and its appointed boards and commissions. The code will be reviewed and evaluated annually, as part of the City's strategic planning process. RESPONSIBILITY 1 understand that the community expects me, as a leader, to serve with dignity, integrity, and respect for my office, as well as be an agent of the democratic process. I avoid actions that might cause the public to question my independent judgment. • 1 do not use my office or the resources of the City for personal or political gain. • 1 am a prudent steward of public resources and actively consider the impact of my decisions on the financial and social stability of the City and its residents. FAIRNESS • 1 promote consistency, equity and non-discrimination in public agency decision -making. Page 1 of 2 2011 Code of Ethics and Values ■ I make decisions based on the merits of an issue, including research and facts. ■ I encourage diverse public engagement in our decision - making processes and support the public's right to know. RESPECT • I treat my fellow officials, staff and the public with patience, courtesy and civility, even when we disagree on what is best for the community. HONESTY ■ I am honest with my fellow elected officials, the public and others. • I am prepared to make decisions when necessary for the public's best interests, whether those decisions are popular or not. ■ I take responsibility for my actions, even when it is uncomfortable to do so. Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A CITY OF LODI Code of Ethics and Values PREAMBLE The proper operation of democratic government requires that decision -makers be independent, impartial, and accountable to the people they serve. The City of Lodi has adopted this Code of Ethics and Values to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal professional conduct in the City's government. All elected and appointed officials (i.e. City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk), and Executive Management (i,e. Department Heads not represented by a bargaining group) are required to subscribe to this Code, understand how it applies to their specific responsibilities, and practice its eight core -values in their work, Because we seek public confidence in the City's services and public trust of its decision -makers, our decisions and our work must meet the most demanding ethical standards and demonstrate the highest levels of achievement in following this Code. Core Values: As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be ethical. In practice, this value looks like: a) I am trustworthy, acting with the utmost integrity and moral courage, b) I am truthful, do what I say I will do, and am dependable. c) I make impartial decisions, free of bribes, unlawful gifts, narrow political interests, and financial and other personal interest that impair my independence of judgment or action. d) I am fair, distributing benefits and burdens according to consistent and equitable criteria. e) I extend equal opportunities and due process to all parties in matters under consideration. If I engage in unilateral meetings and discussions, I do so without making voting decisions. f) I show respect for persons, confidences, and information designated as "confidential" to the extent permitted by California law. g) I use my title(s) only when conducting official City business, for information purposes, or as an indication of background and expertise, carefully considering whether I am exceeding or appearing to exceed my authority. 2. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be professional. In practice, this value looks like: a) I apply my knowledge and expertise to my assigned activities and to the interpersonal relationships that are part of my job in a consistent, confident, competent, and productive manner. b) I approach my job and work -related relationships with a positive attitude, c) I keep my professional knowledge and skills current and growing. 3. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be service -oriented. In practice, this value looks like: a) I provide friendly, receptive, courteous service to everyone. b) I am attuned to, and care about, the needs and issues of citizens, public officials, and City workers. c) In my interactions with constituents, I am interested, engaged, and responsive. 4. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be fiscally responsible. In practice, this value looks like: a) I make decisions after prudent consideration of their financial impact, taking into account the long-term financial needs of the City, especially its financial stability. b) I demonstrate concern for the proper use of City assets (e.g. personnel, time, property, equipment, and funds) and follow established procedures. c) I make good financial decisions that seek to preserve programs and services for City residents. S. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be organized. In practice, this value looks like: a) I act in an efficient manner, making decisions and recommendations based upon research and facts, taking into consideration short- and long- term goals. b) I follow through in a responsible way, keeping others informed, and responding in a timely fashion. c) I am respectful of established City processes and guidelines. 6. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be communicative. In practice, this value looks like: a) I convey the City's care for and commitment to its citizens. b) I communicate in various ways that I am approachable, open-minded, and willing to participate in dialog. c) I engage in effective two-way communication, by listening carefully, asking questions, and determining an appropriate response, which adds value to conversations. 7. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be collaborative. In practice, this value looks like: a) I act in a cooperative manner with groups and other individuals, working together in a spirit of tolerance and understanding. b) I work toward consensus -building and gain value from diverse opinions. c) I accomplish the goals and responsibilities of my individual position, while respecting my role as a member of a team. d) I consider the broader regional and state-wide implications of the City's decisions and issues. 8. As a representative of the City of Lodi, I will be progressive. In practice, this value looks like: a) I exhibit a proactive, innovative approach to setting goals and conducting the City's business. b) I display a style that maintains consistent standards, but is also sensitive to the need to compromise, "thinking outside the box," and improving existing paradigms when necessary. c) I promote intelligent and thoughtful innovation in order to forward the City's policy agenda and City services, 10/16/23, 11:51 AM Code of Ethics I Carlsbad, CA Code of Ethics City Council Code of Ethics & Public Service Values Preamble Value: Respect 1. As a leader of the community, I model civility. In practice, this means that: • I treat my fellow officials, staff and the public politely, professionally and with an appreciation for our common humanity, even when we disagree on what is best for the community. • When I explain my disagreement with a colleague or City Council decision to others, I do so in a way that focuses on the merits of an issue and recognizes that reasonable people of differing interests and/or good intentions can disagree on what is best for our community. • When my perspective doesn't prevail, in discussing the outcome in the community, I frame my colleagues' differing positions in the spirit of moving onward from the decision and in the same way I would want my colleagues to frame my own differing positions. • I contribute to a culture and practice of active acknowledgement by recognizing colleagues and persons who model values -based decision -making under challenging circumstances. • I refer to my colleagues on the City Council by their formal city titles (for example, "Council Member," "Mayor," etc.), and/or appropriate gender pronouns unless an individual has expressed a preference for an alternative title (for example, "Reverend," "Dr.," etc.) a. I invite and respect public input to inform my sense of what is in the community's best interests and incorporate it in the decision -making process to ensure meaningful public engagement. In practice, this means that: • I am attentive and engaged in meetings. • I welcome diverse perspectives and consider them in my decision -making. • I act in ways that help people feel valued when they participate in our city's decision -making processes. • As an elected official, I gather public input and information to make the best decision with a spirit of curiosity and inquiry. • I involve all appropriate stakeholders and the public in general in meetings affecting city decisions. • I strive to make people feel heard, by listening carefully, sharing what I think I have heard, asking (D clarifying questions, and seeking to understand the interests underlying their positions. https://www.carisbadca.gov/city-hal I/city-cou nci I/cod a -of -ethics 1 /5 10/10/23, 11:51 AM Code of Ethics I Carlsbad, CA 3. My actions reflect the belief that elected officials, city staff and others who serve the agency are on the same team in service to the community, even though we have different roles. In practice, this means that: • I act on the understanding that staff s role is to provide objective information and analysis to inform the decision -making process within the resources that they have available, even if this information and analysis don't support the decision I believe is best. • When I know I will be asking one or more questions on an agenda item, I alert the City Manager or City Attorney as appropriate in advance so staff can be prepared to provide the most complete answer to inform both the City Council and the public. • I ask questions to authentically deepen my understanding of staff analysis and its factual underpinnings, as well as inform the public; I argue the merits of decisions with my fellow City Council Members. • I communicate any concerns I have about city functions, staff analyses or individual staff Value: Responsibility 1. I model and promote clear communication. In practice, this means that: • I support defining important words, terms, and context, avoiding jargon (including use of acronyms) and using examples. • I ask questions to test any inferences and assumptions I may be inclined to make based on what I am hearing people say; I support others doing likewise. • I am direct and transparent in explaining my reasoning, interests, goals and intentions to help others understand what I am saying and why. I contribute to an interpersonal environment that supports such transparency and forthrightness from others to help move conversations forward with the goals of finding common ground and maximizing the public's best interests. • I verify (fact check) statements reportedly made by a colleague directly with that colleague. • I make myself available for one-on-one conversations about the values in this code. • I am transparent and publicly disclose relevant information. 2. I work collaboratively to improve our community's quality of life and promote the public's best interests. In practice, this means that: • I gain value from diverse perspectives and consider them in my decision -making. • I recognize that I am an agent for the democratic process, not the owner of authority. • I seek information from community members and my colleagues about what qualities an acceptable solution might have to a problem (their interests), in addition to hearing what their positions are. (aconsider the larger picture in my decision -making and actions. In practice, this means that: . I consider the short-, medium-, and long-term effects of my decisions and actions. 10/10123, 11:51 AM Code of Ethics I Carlsbad, CA ° • I strive to foster effective relationships with state, regional and other public agencies and their officials. 4. I am accountable for my actions and words. In practice, this means that: • I am prepared to make unpopular decisions when my sense of the public's best interests requires it. • I take responsibility for my actions, even when it is uncomfortable to do so. This includes apologizing when I realize that my behavior has fallen short of the aspirational standards in this code. • As part of my commitment to growth and learning, I am open to constructive feedback from my colleagues and others —ideally first expressed on a human -to- human (one-on-one) basis --when they think I may have acted in a way that falls short of my goal of the values -based decision - making and the behaviors described in this code. • I keep open communication with my fellow City Council members when speaking or making presentations in other City Council members' districts. Values: Compassion and Fairness 1. I am empathetic and care about the needs of the public, my colleagues and staff. In practice, this means that: • When interacting with others, I put myself in others' shoes, understanding that people have different lived experiences. • I am sensitive that those interacting with public officials, whether staff or community members, can be intimidated by public officials and public agency processes. I try to make interactions with the City Council as stress -free as possible. • My actions reflect an awareness that people respond to both verbal (including tone of voice) and non-verbal cues; I also recognize that some people, including me, can interpret verbal and non- verbal cues differently, depending on the attributes of the source. • I use active listening techniques (repeating back, follow-up questions, taking notes as appropriate, and other verbal and non-verbal cues) to demonstrate that I am hearing and listening to what people are saying. ■ I carefully consider all colleague's and public's perspectives and input when making decisions. • I value the personal experiences that contribute to my colleagues' and the public's views on a given matter. ■ I initiate one-on-one conversations with those who have different positions on issues to better understand those positions; I look for opportunities to identify shared values and interests. • I view the opportunity to provide feedback to my colleagues relating to values -based decision - making —ideally first on a human -to -human (one-on-one) basis —as opportunities for mutual understanding, growth and learning. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/citv-hall/citv-council/code-of-ethics 3/5 10/10/23, 11:51 AM Code of Ethics I Carlsbad, CA • I understand that everyone makes mistakes and, in the spirit of collegiality, I accept apologies when they are offered. I set aside grudges that may be tempting to hold. • I look for opportunities to celebrate generative, positive examples of the application of this code. 2. I embrace our community's and city team's diversity. In practice, this means that: • I consider the diversity, equity and inclusion implications of policy decisions I make. • I participate in regular educational activities to enhance my insights into a wide variety of diversity, equity and inclusion issues. 3. I promote fair and consistent processes. In practice, this means that: • I make decisions on policies, hiring and contracting prioritizing merit and value to the community and equitable practices rather than favoritism and/or family or personal relationships. • I honor the law's and the public's expectation that city policies will be applied consistently. • I am impartial in my decision -making and do not favor those who either have helped me (or are in a position to do so) and disfavor those who have not (or are not). • I make it a practice to communicate equitably with members of the community, irrespective of their influence, power or campaign donations. r I re .. • 1 r i. r• 1 Y• . . i I i i Value: Integrity 1<. I am truthful with my colleagues, the public and others. In practice, this means that: • I carefully consider any promise I make and then I keep it; I make only promises I believe are realistic. • I treat information I receive with a spirit of inquiry and presumed positive intent; I fact -check information as necessary with colleagues, staff and others. • I honor commitments I and my agency make. • I credit others' contributions to moving our community's interests forward. • I only disclose confidential information when I am authorized to do so. • I explain the official positions of the city to the best of my ability when I am authorized to do so. I am clear in stating my own views that these views may or may not represent the city's position. 2. My actions are consistent with my words. In practice, this means that: • I follow through on the commitments I make. • Building and maintaining trust is an ongoing process. I act in ways that promote the public's trust in both 1) the city as an expression of community democratic processes and 2) my own role as a member of the city's governing body. I comply with both the letter and the spirit of laws that are designed to promote public trust confidence in our agency's decision -making. In practice, this means that: 10 0/23, 11:51 AM Code of Ethics I Carlsbad, CA • I demonstrate, by my actions and my words, that I am a guardian of the public's trust and confidence in the city, its elected officials and staff. • I use public resources for public purposes, not for private benefit or political purposes. • I decline and do not seek gifts, favors, and other special treatment. • I make decisions based on my sense of the public's best interests. In so doing, I am mindful of the nonpartisan nature of city, county, school and judicial offices provided for in California's Constitution. FI) https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/city-council/code-of-ethics 5/5 10/19/23, 11:48 AM Code of Ethics & Values I City of Santa Clara Code of Ethics & Values Santa Clara's Code of Ethics & Values, adopted by the City Council in March of 20oo and modified by Council in August of 2001, is designed to provide clear, positive statements of ethical behavior reflecting the core values of the community. The Code includes practical strategies for addressing ethical questions and a useful framework for decision -making and handling the day-to-day operations of the municipality. The current Code of Ethics & Values was developed in 1999 by a Committee composed of three elected officials, nine City commissioners, two community members, the City Manager and the City Attorney. A previous Code was adopted in the 196os and periodically updated, but the Committee took a fresh approach by working with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University to create a new Code of Ethics & Values for the City that would better reflect the issues and concerns of today's complex and diverse society. ETHICAL STANDARDS F R CONTRACTORS SEEKING TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF_SANTA,CLARA, CALIFORNIA Goals of the Code of Ethics & Values • To make Santa Clara a better community, built on mutual respect and trust • To promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct among all involved in City government elected officials, City staff, volunteers, and members of the City's boards, commissions and committees The Code of Ethics & Values is a touchstone for members of boards, commissions and committees in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. Preamble The proper operation of democratic government requires that decision -makers be independent, impartial, and accountable to the people they serve. The City of Santa Clara has adopted this Code of Ethics & Values to promote and maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in the City's government. All elected and appointed officials, City employees, volunteers, and others who participate in the city's government are required to subscribe to this Code, understand how it applies to their specific responsibilities, and practice its eight core values in their work. Because we seek public confidence in the City's services and public trust of its decision - makers, our decisions and our work must meet the most demanding ethical standards and demonstrate the highest levels of achievement in following this code. 1. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be ethical. In practice, this value looks like: • a. I am trustworthy, acting with the utmost integrity and moral courage. • b. I am truthful, do what I say I will do, and am dependable. https://www.santaclaraca.gov/our-city/government/governance/ethics-values/code-of-ethics-values 1/3 10/10/23, 11:48 AM Code of Ethics & Values I City of Santa Clara • c. I make impartial decisions, free of bribes, unlawful gifts, narrow political interests, and financial and other personal interests that impair my independence of judgment or action. • d. I am fair, distributing benefits and burdens according to consistent and equitable criteria. • e. I extend equal opportunities and due process to all parties in matters under consideration. If I engage in unilateral meetings and discussions, I do so without making voting decisions. • f. I show respect for persons, confidences, and information designated as "confidential." • g. I use my title(s) only when conducting official City business, for information purposes, or as an indication of background and expertise, carefully considering whether I am exceeding or appearing to exceed my authority. 2. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be professional. In practice, this value looks like: • a. I apply my knowledge and expertise to my assigned activities and to the interpersonal relationships that are part of my job in a consistent, confident, competent, and productive manner. • b. I approach my job and work -related relationships with a positive attitude. • c. I keep my professional knowledge and skills current and growing. 3. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be service - oriented. In practice, this value looks like: • a. I provide friendly, receptive, courteous service to everyone. • b . I am attuned to, and care about, the needs and issues of citizens, public officials, and city workers. • c. In my interactions with constituents, I am interested, engaged, and responsive. 4. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be fiscally responsible. In practice, this value looks like: • a. I make decisions after prudent consideration of their financial impact, taking into account the long-term financial needs of the City, especially its financial stability. • b. I demonstrate concern for the proper use of City assets (e.g., personnel, time, property, equipment, funds) and follow established procedures. • c. I make good financial decisions that seek to preserve programs and services for City residents. 5. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be organized. In practice, this value looks like: 1 MN23, 11 �48 AM Code of Ethics & Values I City of Santa Clara a. I act in an efficient manner, malting decisions and recommendations based upon research and facts, taking into consideration short and long term goals. b. I follow through in a responsible way, keeping others informed, and responding in a timely fashion. c. I am respectful of established City processes and guidelines. 6. As a Representative of the City of Santa Clara, I will be communicative. In practice, this value loops like: • a. I convey the City's care for and commitment to its c