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091421 CC Agenda
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 - 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Maryann Edwards INVOCATION: Chaplain Buck Longmore, Retired Firefighter FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Maryann Edwards ROLL CALL: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Proclamation for National Hispanic Heritage Month Proclamation for National Preparedness Month BOARD AND COMMISSION REPORTS Community Services Commission, Planning Commission, and Public/Traffic Safety Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on items that appear on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. For all Public Hearing or Business items on the agenda, each speaker is limited to five minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk or by submitting an email to be read aloud into the record at the meeting by the City Clerk. Email comments must be submitted to CouncilComments@TemeculaCA.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Email comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern in person public comments. Page 1 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. Waive Reading of Standard Ordinances and Resolutions Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the text of all standard ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda except as specifically required by the Government Code. Attachments: Agenda Report 2. Approve Action Minutes of August 24, 2021 3. 4. Recommendation Attachments That the City Council approve the action minutes of August 24, 2021. Action Minutes Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Attachments: Agenda Report R Psnhitinn List of Demands Approve City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021 Recommendation Attachments: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021. Agenda Report Treasurer's Report 5. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Recommendation That the City Council: Page 2 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 1. Receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021; and 2. Appropriate $51,000 of available General Fund balance to the Covid-19 Emergency Response department to cover unanticipated costs related to the pandemic; and 3. Appropriate $1,700 of available General Fund balance to the Animal Control Department for unanticipated shelter operation expenditures; and 4. Appropriate $1,285,000 of available Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund Balance to cover the purchase of the Fire Truck, which was budgeted in a prior fiscal year but inadvertently not rolled forward into Fiscal Year 2020-21. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements 6. Adopt a Resolution Acknowledging Receipt of the Annual Inspection Report Pursuant to Senate Bill 1205 Recommendation Attachments: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A REPORT MADE BY THE FIRE MARSHAL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE SB 1205 STATE MANDATED ANNUAL INSPECTION OF CERTAIN OCCUPANCIES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 13145, 13146 AND 17921 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE Agenda Report Resolution 7. Annrove the Sponsorship Agreement with Inland Vallev Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx for TEDx Temecula (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx for TEDx Temecula for $11,415 of in -kind promotional services and $2,500 in Economic Development Funding. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement Page 3 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 8. Approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild for the Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild for in -kind City support valued at $1,050 and in -kind promotional services valued at $11,415. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement 9. ADDrove the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Microsoft Software Licenses with CDW-G Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Microsoft Software Licenses with CDW-G in the amount of $213,419.68. Attachments: Agenda Report Quote 10. Approve the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Software Support and Maintenance for Tyle Technologies Suite of Products Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the purchase of software support maintenance for the Tyler EnerGov Permitting System, in the amount not to exceed $86,096.20; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve a contingency in an amount not to exceed $8,609.62, which is equal to 10% of the total amount. Attachments: Agenda Report Tnvoire 11. Annrove Additional Annronriation of Vehicles and Eauipment Funds for the Purchase of Two (2) Medic Squad Vehicles Recommendation: That the City Council approve an additional appropriation, in the amount of $76,000, for the purchase of two (2) medic squad vehicles from available fund balance in the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund. Attachments: Agenda Report 12. Approve Cost -Participation Agreement Between the City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Pipeline Relocation and Improvements Related to the Nicolas Road and Calle Girasol Project Recommendation: That the City Council: Page 4 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 13. 14. 1.Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A COST -PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR SEWER PIPELINE RELOCATION AND IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL PROJECT 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the Cost Participation Agreement between the City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District on behalf of the City of Temecula. Attachments: Agenda Report Cost -Participation Agreement Resolution Award Construction Contract to JFL Electric, Inc., for Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Award a construction contract to JFL Electric, Inc., in the amount of $690,340.50, for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $69,034.05, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05, is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) fees. Attachments: Agenda Report Contract Project Description Project Location Map Authorize the Purchase of Traffic Signal Controllers for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW 18-05 Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the purchase of traffic signal controllers for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW 18-05, in Page 5 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 15. 16. the amount of $134,088.75. Attachments: Agenda Report Approve the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Helixstorm HPE Support and Maintenance for the Citywide Surveillance System Infrastructure Recommendation: That the City Council approve the purchase of the Helixstorm HPE Support and Maintenance for the Citywide Surveillance System Infrastructure, in an amount not to exceed $70,212.60. Attachments: Agenda Report Quote Award a Construction Contract to Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek), PW20-02 Recommendation Attachments_ That the City Council: 1. Award a Construction Contract to Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. in the amount of $159,267.30 for the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek); and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $39,816.83, which is equal to 25% of the Contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Sidewalk - Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek), PW20-02 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) fees. Agenda Report Contract Project Location Map Project Description 17. Approve an Agreement with Mariposa Tree Management, Inc., for Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Recommendation Attnehmvntc That the City Council approve an agreement with Mariposa Tree Management, Inc., for Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services in the amount of $500,000 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Agenda Report Agreement 18. Accept Improvements and File the Notice of Completion for Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Years 2020-21. PW20-10 Page 6 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Accept the improvements for the Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Years 2020-21, PW20-10, as complete; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the final contract amount; and 3. Release the Labor and Materials Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion, if no liens have been filed. Attachments: Agenda Report Notice of Completion Maintenance Bond Contractor's Affidavit and Final Release RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND/OR THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY Page 7 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CALL TO ORDER: President Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. For all Public Hearing or Business items on the agenda, each speaker is limited to five minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk or by submitting an email to be read aloud into the record at the meeting by the City Clerk. Email comments must be submitted to CouncilComments@TemeculaCA.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Email comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern in person public comments. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the Temecula Community Services District request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 19. Approve Action Minutes of August 24, 2021 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of August 24, 2021. Attachments: Action Minutes 20. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements 21. Approve a First Amendment with Garden State Fireworks, Inc for an Additional Fireworks Display Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the First Amendment with Garden State Fireworks, Inc for additional fireworks display and increase payment in the amount of $24,750. Attachments: Agenda Report Amendment Page 8 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 CSD BUSINESS 22. Consider Update Regarding Winter Events, Including Temecula Rod Run, Santa's Electric Light Parade, and Chilled in the Park and Provide General Direction Regarding the Same Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive an update regarding Winter events, including Temecula Rod Run, Santa's Electric Light Parade, and Chilled in the Park and provide general direction regarding the same. Attachments: Agenda Report CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District will be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 5:30 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 9 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart SARDA PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. For all Public Hearing or Business items on the agenda, each speaker is limited to five minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk or by submitting an email to be read aloud into the record at the meeting by the City Clerk. Email comments must be submitted to CouncilComments@TemeculaCA.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Email comments shall be subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern in person public comments. SARDA CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 23. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Recommendation That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements SARDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT SARDA ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 5:30 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 10 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. 24. Approve the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE 2020-21 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) WITH THE ADDITION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SUBMIT THE REPORT TO THE US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) Attachments: Agenda Report Resolution Exhibit A Notice of Public Hearings CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT Page 11 City Council Agenda September 14, 2021 ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 5:30 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports, public closed session information, and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 12 Item No. 1 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Waive Reading of Standard Ordinances and Resolutions PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council waive the reading of the text of all standard ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda except as specifically required by the Government Code. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. With respect to adoption of ordinances and resolutions, the City adheres to the requirements set forth in the Government Code. Unless otherwise required, the full reading of the text of standard ordinances and resolutions is waived. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 2 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 2021 - 7:00 PM CLOSED SESSION - 6:00 P.M. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION. The City Council convened in closed session with the City Attorney pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) with respect to one matter of pending litigation: In re National Prescription Opioid Litigation, MDL No. 2804 (Federal District Court N.D. Ohio). CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 PM: Mayor Maryann Edwards INVOCATION: Aaron Adams, City Manager FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Maryann Edwards ROLL CALL: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation by Visit Temecula Valley BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Planning Commission and Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT Riverside County Sheriffs Department PUBLIC COMMENTS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council on non-agendized item(s): • Rene Lazare • Gia Rueda • Greg Allan • Christine ONeil • Sonia Perez • Christine Massa • Rick Reiss • Anthony Lum • Dr. George Rombach • Jack Murphy The following individual(s) submitted an electronic comment non-agendized item(s): • Cheergirl • InlandHR • Gillian Larson • Jeff Pack • Temecula Resident for the facts • Allison Donahoe -Beggs 0 Tami Sims The following individual(s) submitted an electronic comment agendized item(s): • Martha Angelica Howard (Item #15) • Ira Robinson (Item #15) CITY COUNCIL REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion Rahn, Second by Stewart. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 1. Waive Reading of Standard Ordinances and Resolutions Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the text of all standard ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda except as specifically required by the Government Code. 2. Approve Action Minutes of August 10, 2021 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of August 10, 2021. 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2021-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4. Approve Nominees Darell and Rebecca Farnbach for Placement on the City of Temecula Wall of Honor (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Edwards and Council Member Alexander Recommendation: That the City Council approve the selection of nominees Darell and Rebecca Farnbach for placement on the City of Temecula Wall of Honor. 5. Approve a Three -Year Sponsorship and Economic Development Funding Agreement with the Temecula Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau through Fiscal Years 2021-2024 (At the Reauest of Subcommittee Members Mavor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) Recommendation: That the City Council approve a three-year Sponsorship and Economic Development Funding Agreement with the Temecula Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau in the amount of $40,000 per fiscal year through Fiscal Years 2021 -2024, for a total amount of $120,000, for the regional publication and distribution of the Temecula Valley Tourism rack 6. 7. 8. 9. brochure/map, creation and purchase of banner ads, and the addition of content to travel resource websites. Approve Purchase of Two BMW Police Motorcycles for the Temecula Police Department from BMW Motorcycles of Riverside Recommendation: That the City Council approve the purchase of two BMW Police Motorcycles from BMW Motorcycles of Riverside for a total amount of $63,178.34. Approve Agreement for Consulting Services with Blanca Yanes for Landscape Plan Check and Inspection Services for Fiscal Years 2021-22 through 2024-25 Recommendation: That the City Council approve an agreement for consulting services with Blanca Yanes to perform landscape plan check and inspection services, in the amount of $150,000 annually, for a total of $600,000 for fiscal years 2021-22 through 2024-25. Approve Sixth Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services with T.Y. Lin International for French Valley Parkway/I-15 Improvements - Phase II, PW16-01 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the sixth amendment to the agreement for consultant services with T.Y. Lin International for the French Valley Parkway/I-15 Improvements - Phase II, PW16-01, increasing the contingency amount by $350,000; and 2. Increase the City Manager's authority to approve extra work authorizations by $350,000. Accept Improvements and File the Notice of Completion for Pavement Rehabilitation Program Citywide - Ynez Road, Equity Drive, County Center Drive and Winchester Road, PW 18-01 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve an increase to the project contingency in the amount of $17,659.04 for the Pavement Rehabilitation Program Citywide - Ynez Road, Equity Drive, County Center Drive and Winchester Road, PW 18-01; and 2. Increase the City Manager change orders approval authority in the amount of $17,659.04; and 3. Accept the improvements for the Pavement Rehabilitation Program Citywide - Ynez Road, Equity Drive, County Center Drive and Winchester Road, PW18-01, as complete; and 4. Direct the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the final contract amount; and 5. Release the Labor and Materials Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion, if no liens have been filed. 10. Receive and File Temnorary Street Closures for 2021 Fall Event Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the following proposed action by the City Manager to temporarily close certain streets for the following 2021 Fall Event: NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH KICK-OFF RECESS: At 9:05 PM, the City Council recessed and convened as the Temecula Community Services District Meeting. At 9:34 PM the City Council resumed with the remainder of the City Council Agenda. RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING 14. Adont Resolution for Necessitv for Acauisition of 325 Sauare Foot Permanent Easement on the Vacant Real Property Located South of Nicolas Road and West of Butterfield Stage Road in the City of Temecula, and Identified as Riverside County Tax Assessor's Parcel Numbers 957-130-003 and 957-130-013 in Connection with Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel Improvements Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Consider the following resolution, which is a Resolution of Necessity of the City of Temecula, declaring certain real property interests necessary for public purposes and authorizing the acquisition thereof in connection with the proposed improvements along Santa Gertrudis Creek: RESOLUTION NO. 2021-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS NECESSARY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION THEREOF FOR DRAINAGE, FLOOD CONTROL, AND FLOOD CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES, AND ALL USES NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT THERETO ALONG THE SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK (325 SQUARE FOOT PERMANENT EASEMENT ON APNS 957-130-003 AND 957-130-013) 4 2. Open and conduct a hearing on the adoption of the proposed Resolution of Necessity, receive from City staff the evidence stated and referred to in this Agenda Report ("Report"), take testimony from any person wishing to be heard on issues A, B, C, and D below, and consider all evidence to determine whether to adopt the proposed Resolution of Necessity. 3. If the City Council finds, based on the evidence contained and referred to in this Report, the testimony and comments submitted to the City Council, that the evidence warrants the necessary findings with respect to the proposed Resolution of Necessity, then City Staff recommends that the City Council, in the exercise of its discretion, adopt proposed Resolution of Necessity (which requires a 4/5ths vote of the entire City Council) authorizing the acquisition by eminent domain of the approximate 325 square foot permanent easement described below (referred to below as "Subject Easement"): The Subject Easement is an approximate 325 square foot permanent easement on the real property located south of Nicolas Road and west of Butterfield Stage Road in the City of Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Tax Assessor's Parcel Numbers 957-130-003 and 957-130-013 for public use, namely drainage, flood control, and flood channel improvement purposes, and all uses necessary or convenient thereto along the Santa Gertrudis Creek. The Subject Easement is described more particularly on Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit `B" to the Resolution of Necessity. The vacant real property identified as APNs 957-130-003 and 957-130-013 is owned by 3270 West Lincoln LLC, a California limited liability company, is referred to below as the "3270 West Lincoln Property"). 4. If the City Council adopts the proposed Resolution of Necessity, authorize the City Attorney's Office to file and prosecute an eminent domain proceeding for the acquisition of the Subject Easement by eminent domain. 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. 6. Authorize the City Clerk to certify the adoption of the Resolution of Necessity. Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion Rahn, Second by Schwank. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 15. Conduct a Public Hearing for the Purposes of Redistricting in the City of Temecula Recommendation: That the City Council conduct the first of four public hearings for the purposes of redistricting in the City of Temecula. Note: This agenda item will be heard first at the City Council meeting pursuant to Elections Code Section 21607.1. Conducted public hearing, no action. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — Receive and File 16. Fire Department Monthly Report 17. Community Development Department Monthly Report 18. Public Works Department Monthly Report 19. Police Department Monthly Report CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT The City Attorney stated there was no reportable actions from closed session. ADJOURNMENT At 9:44 PM, the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 5:30 PM for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] 6 Item No. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve List of Demands PREPARED BY: Jada Shafe, Senior Accounting Technician RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. List of Demands RESOLUTION NO.2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $2,789,037.71. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of September, 2021. Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of September, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 08/12/2021 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 08/19/2021 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 08/26/2021 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 08/19/2021 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 9/14/2021 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: $ 626,623.24 1,000,340.18 579,369.82 582,704.47 $ 2,789,037.71 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 001 GENERAL FUND $ 1,107,842.01 125 PEG PUBLIC EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT 598.05 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 1,906.85 165 RDA DEV- LOW/MOD SET ASIDE 2,071.00 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 179,864.70 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B STREET LIGHTS 23,337.31 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE/RECYCLING 320.82 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 12,829.53 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 20,115.82 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 566,061.59 300 INSURANCE FUND 3,390.58 305 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,843.44 310 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT FUND 9,766.56 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 69,273.03 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT FUND 29,652.05 330 CENTRAL SERVICES 1,080.01 340 FACILITIES 70,939.07 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON A&B DEBT SERVICE 5.03 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 5.03 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 14.98 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 5.03 477 CFD 03-02 RORIPAUGH DEBT SERVICE FUND 15.07 478 CFD 16-01 RORIPAUGH PHASE II 10.03 501 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 2,922.40 502 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 2,109.72 503 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 3,232.11 504 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 495.82 505 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 3,143.41 506 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 1,236.09 507 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 1,092.85 508 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 10,132.58 509 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 181.04 510 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 1,784.31 511 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 159.60 512 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 6,550.34 513 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP. 2,355.39 514 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 1,088.29 515 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATE 553.14 516 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 1,270.58 517 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 147.36 518 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 5,657.80 519 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 3,914.93 520 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 10,749.74 521 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 13,853.28 522 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 259.06 523 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 397.48 524 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 24 HARVESTON 10,429.46 525 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 2,709.46 526 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 144.74 527 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 27 AVONDALE 805.60 528 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 17,811.80 529 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 197.27 $ 2,206,333.24 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 001 GENERAL FUND $ 327,476.11 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 475.89 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 3,974.90 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 187,669.21 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D REFUSE RECYCLING 1,348.76 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 569.90 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 3,301.01 300 INSURANCE FUND 2,562.92 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,928.02 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 38,237.06 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 4,244.95 340 FACILITIES 8,278.35 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON A&B DEBT SERVICE 28.08 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 28.08 475 CFD03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 84.35 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 28.08 477 CFD 03-02 RORIPAUGH DEBT SERVICE FUND 84.24 478 CFD 16-01 RORIPAUGH PHASE II 56.19 501 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 0.06 502 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 0.58 503 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 0.58 504 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 0.58 505 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 0.58 506 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 0.58 507 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 0.06 508 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 286.11 509 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 0.06 510 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 0.58 511 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 0.06 512 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 143.00 513 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP. 14.28 514 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 0.06 515 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 0.06 516 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 14.28 517 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 0.06 518 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 85.78 519 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 120.10 520 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 286.02 521 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 543.66 522 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 0.06 523 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 0.67 524 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 24 HARVESTON 228.89 525 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 28.56 526 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 0.06 527 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 27 AVONDALE 0.58 528 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 572.20 529 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT .22 TOTAL BY FUND: 582,704.47 $ 2,789,037.71 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/10/2021 8:08:13AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 206551 8/10/2021 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC Description Amount Paid Check Total MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: FOC 31.11 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: MPSC 18.32 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: PARKS MAINT: F 1,951.39 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 1,819.85 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN/CIVI, 904.44 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: THEATER 695.32 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: 312.49 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TVM 309.35 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: LIBRARY 237.78 MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: FIRE DEPT 181.92 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: IWTCM 155.08 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 142.75 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CRC 117.57 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TCC 52.05 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: TRAFFIC: 49.68 6,979.10 Grand total for UNION BANK: 6,979.10 Page-1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/10/2021 8:08:13AM CITY OF TEMECULA checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 6,979.10 Paget apChkLst 08/ 10/2021 10:22:48A M Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 500904 8/12/2021 021588 BRAUN PETER, DBA TEMECULA PLANTSCAPE 500905 8/12/2021 021291 COOKE AARON, DBA PROPER MANAGEMENT 500906 8/12/2021 004192 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL 500907 8/12/2021 000520 HDL COREN AND CONE 500908 8/12/2021 012883 JACOB'S HOUSE INC 500909 8/12/2021 012285 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Description JUL PLANTSCAPE SVCS: CIVIC CTR JUL PLANTSCAPE SVCS: TPL MISC STICKERS: SUMMER DAY CAMP: CRC FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAI FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PN FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPE FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: F FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEP' JUL-SEP PROP TAX CONSULTING: FINANCE 20-21 ACFR STATISTICAL PACKAGE: FIN, EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS PAYMENT MISC SUPPLIES: CRC 500910 8/12/2021 004043 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVM INC ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY REHA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY REHA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY REHA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY REHA ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY REHA 500911 8/12/2021 002925 NAPAAUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS & MISC SUPPLIES: FIRE STA 92 AUTO PARTS & MISC SUPPLIES: FIRE S1 AUTO PARTS & MISC SUPPLIES: FIRE S1 AUTO PARTS & MISC SUPPLIES: FIRE Sl 500912 8/12/2021 021121 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTR MEDICAL SCREENINGS: TCSD OF CA, DBA CONCENTRA MEDICAL CTR MEDICAL SCREENINGS: HR 500913 8/12/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: TCSD INC CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: TCSD Amount Paid 500.00 200.00 244.65 2,171.75 1,549.40 936.70 428.43 321.51 275.53 163.08 144.21 26.54 5,961.53 695.00 40.00 27.18 1,232.66 658.70 636.98 465.02 253.17 237.06 140.14 10.45 36.95 12.92 -12.92 -19.44 338.00 84.50 957.42 38.53 Page: 1 Check Total 700.00 244.65 6,017.15 6,656.53 40.00 27.18 3,634.18 17.51 422.50 995.95 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/10/2021 10:22:48AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 500914 8/12/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW INC STREETS CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW LAND D CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW PARKS CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW STREEI CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW PARKS CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW CIP CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW FACS CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW PARKS 500915 8/12/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: FIRE INC PREV 500916 8/12/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: BLDG & INC SAFETY 500917 8/12/2021 012904 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN JUL PLAN REVIEW SRVCS: FIRE PREV AND, CONSULTING Amount Paid Check Total 889.78 512.50 333.61 135.53 58.92 38.53 21.75 20.00 38.53 38.53 11,090.90 500918 8/12/2021 004274 SAFE AND SECURE LOCKSMITH SRVCS: CRC 429.56 LOCKSMITH SRVC LOCKSMITH SRVCS: CIVIC CENTER 178.06 LOCKSMITH SRVCS: CIVIC CENTER 152.25 LOCKSMITH SRVCS: TCC 125.00 LOCKSMITH SRVCS: TCC 76.83 500919 8/12/2021 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC STAND UP COMEDY @ THE MERC 7/31 1,825.00 500920 8/12/2021 013482 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES 7/19-8/3 AFTER HRS SECURITY: PUMP 2,528.00 INC, DBA BAS SECURITY TRAC 8/2-5 SECURITY SRVCS: KIDS CAMP 448.00 500921 8/12/2021 000645 SMART AND FINAL INC MISC SUPPLIES: SFSP:HUMAN 228.10 SERVICES 500922 8/12/2021 007698 SWANK MOTIONS PICTURES MOVIE RENTAL: HIGH HOPES/SKIP 465.00 INC 7/16 500923 8/12/2021 016311 TIERCE, NICHOLAS JUL GRAPHIC DSGN SRVCS: THEATER 3,660.00 500924 8/12/2021 000668 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC DJ/MC/SOUND SET-UP: SMR CONCERT 3,450.00 8/5 DJ/MC/SOUND SET-UP: MOVIE NIGHT 7/1 1,600.00 500925 8/12/2021 021580 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS JUL CONSULTING SRVCS: CITY CLERK 6,000.00 INC AUG CONSULTING SRVCS: CITY CLERK 6,000.00 Grand total for EFT UNION BANK: 2,010.62 38.53 38.53 11,090.90 961.70 1,825.00 2,976.00 228.10 465.00 3,660.00 5,050.00 12,000.00 59,100.03 Paget apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/10/2021 10:22:48AM CITY OF TEMECULA 22 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 59,100.03 Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11523 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 003198 HOME DEPOT 006952 PAYPAL 004604 CALPELRA 021346 HOOKSOUNDS, DBA PADDLE.NET 006952 PAYPAL 003198 HOME DEPOT 004604 CALPELRA 007594 EXPEDIA.COM 11524 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 021453 SACRAMENTO BEE 021453 SACRAMENTO BEE 019360 BUSHFIRE KITCHEN 006692 SAM'S CLUB 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 11525 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 015626 EVENTBRITE.COM 11526 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 015346 WOOBOX, AKA: DECARLO III, GEORGE 021800 FEDERALAVIATIONADMINIST., DBA FAA 005872 MUNICIPAL INFO SYS ASSN OF CAL 005872 MUNICIPAL INFO SYS ASSN OF CAL 008337 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 013338 APPLE STORE Description Amount Paid Check Total JH WASHING MACHINE: FIRE STA 95 -57.61 JH VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO 25.00 TRANSACTION JH MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: 370.00 HENNESSY JH SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: TCSD 348.00 JH VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO 25.00 TRANSACTION JH WASHING MACHINE: FIRE STA 95 816.69 JH CONF REGISTRATION: HENNESSY 817.00 JH LODGING: CALPERACON: 5,852.40 8,196.48 FINANCE/HR RO SUBSCRIPTION: ONLINE DIGITAL 12.99 SUBSCRIP RO SUBSCRIPTION: ONLINE DIGITAL 12.99 SUBSCRIP RO RFRSHMNTS: CITY CNCL MTG: 214.24 06/22 RO RFRSHMNTS & SUPPLIES: CITY 115.69 CLERK RO ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY 14.00 369.91 CLERK PT WEBINAR: PERMIT REISSUING: 28.16 28.16 MORENO MH ANNUAL RENEWAL: INFO TECH 290.00 MH DRONE REGISTRATION: INFO 5.00 TECH MH CONF REGISTRATION: CROWELL, 425.00 P. MH CONF REGISTRATION: PATRICK, D. 425.00 MH PRINTER: ALEXANDER, J. 651.30 MH IPHONE 12: GARIBARY, I. 1,333.66 3,129.96 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11527 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 015421 SURVEYMONKEY.COM 006937 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 006937 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 006937 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 013338 APPLE STORE 015457 SHAW HR CONSULTING, INC. 11528 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 001264 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 020829 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 006614 CALIF CITY MANAGEMENT 001526 MICHAELS STORES INC 018979 ICMA 11529 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 013338 APPLE STORE 015626 EVENTBRITE.COM 010948 MIRAGE THE HOTEL AND CASINO 010948 MIRAGE THE HOTEL AND CASINO 010948 MIRAGE THE HOTEL AND CASINO 013338 APPLE STORE (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total IG SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: HR 372.00 IG AIRFARE: NEOGOV CONNECT: 181.96 ROBINSON IG AIRFARE: NEOGOV CONNECT: 181.96 OBMANN IG AIRFARE: NEOGOV CONNECT: 181.96 CAMERON IG PHONE CASE: GARIBAY 53.29 IG LEAVE ADMIN TRAINING: COLLINS 299.00 1,270.17 AA RFRSHMNTS: MEETING SUPPLIES: 36.99 CITY AA CONF REGISTRATION: ADAMS, A. 550.00 AACONF REGISTRATION: 50.00 LOWREY/TOVAR AA MEMEBERSHIP RENEWAL: ADAMS, 400.00 A. AA FRAME FOR PROCLAMATION: CITY 16.30 COUNCIL AAANNUAL DUES: CITY AGENCY 1,400.00 2,453.29 GB RENEWAL: SOCIAL MEDIA TABLET 4.99 GB REGIST: NEOGOV CONF: HR 2,925.00 PERSONNEL GB LODGING: NEOGOV CONF: 180.27 ROBINSON, J. GB LODGING: NEOGOV CONF: 180.27 OBMANN,B GB LODGING: NEOGOV CONF: 180.27 CAMERON,G GB ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: 0.99 3,471.79 BORUNDA, B. Paget apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11530 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 003198 HOME DEPOT 022605 KESTRELMETERS.COM 022606 FACTORY OUTLET STORE 013338 APPLE STORE 013338 APPLE STORE 018925 MEMORABLE BITES LLC, DBA FIREHOUSE SUBS 022608 ADVANCED RADIATOR HEAT, TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY INC 022609 DH GRAPHICS 013338 APPLE STORE 011816 D'ALESIOINC 022607 CIVIC RESCUE 11531 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 020829 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 11532 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 000609 DOUBLETREE HOTEL 002185 U S POSTAL SERVICE (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total JC RETURN OF DRYER: FIRE STA 73 -920.41 JC FIRE WEATHER METER PRO: FIRE 386.07 DEPT JC GARMIN HANDHELD DEVICE: FIRE 554.61 DEPT JC REPLACEMENT IPAD: WIGLE, E. 1,090.41 JC ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: MILLER, 0.99 W. JC RFRSHMNTS: 4TH OF JULY EVENT: 340.62 FIRE JC RADIATOR REPAIR: TRUCK E12: 130.74 FIRE DEPT JC DECALS FOR FLAG BINS: FIRE 96.56 DEPT JC IPAID APPLE CARE: WIGLE: FIRE 149.00 JC PRESENTATION LEATHER HELMET: 448.05 FIRE JC RESCUE PACK: TRUCK 73: FIRE 107.66 DEPT JC OVER THE CREDIT LIMIT FEE: FIRE C 35.00 2,419.30 ME CONF REGISTRATION: EDWARDS, 25.00 25.00 M. ZH LODGING: MOTORCYCLE GANG 568.83 CLASS:PD ZH TIMELY OFC CORRESPONDENCE: 56.85 625.68 PD Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11533 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 007282 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 004329 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 020886 NETFLIX.COM 012085 ISTOCK INT'L INC. 022498 TEMECULA T-SHIRT PRINTER 007987 WALMART 007987 WALMART 007987 WALMART 006952 PAYPAL 004329 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 004329 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 004329 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 020792 CANVA.COM 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 018860 SOUTHLAND MEDICAL SUPPLY INC 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 022604 SKATEPARK RESPECT INC 017736 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC, DBA CORNER BAKERY CAFE 022498 TEMECULA T-SHIRT PRINTER 011679 OAK GROVE INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 11534 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES 11535 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 102.50 KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 1,250.61 KH MONTHLY CHARGE FOR SVC: CRC 8.99 TEEN ROOM KH SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: 120.00 TCSD KH MEMORIAL FLAGS: TCSD 13.05 KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 2,711.59 KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 642.97 KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 37.13 KH VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO 522.50 TRANSACTION KH HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES: THEATER: 26.48 TCSD KH HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES: THEATER: 33.34 TCSD KH MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD 1,087.48 KH MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FRICK, T. 119.40 KH MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: TCSD 18.00 KH EMERGENCY OXYGEN TANKS: 450.00 AQUATICS KH CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: 550.00 HAWKINS KH SIGNS FOR SKATE PARK: TCSD 171.90 KH RFRSHMNTS: MIKE NAGGAR 1,904.30 RETIREMENT KH MEMORIAL FLAGS: TCSD 13.05 KH RFRSHMNTS: MIKE NAGGAR 555.00 RETIREMENT MR CONF REGISTRATION: RAHN. M. 550.00 ZS CONF REGISTRATION: SCHWANK, 550.00 Z. 10,338.29 550.00 550.00 Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11536 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 020829 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 022592 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DAILY 020536 WALL STREET JOURNAL 020370 BEENVERIFIED.COM 11537 8/9/2021 006887 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 020489 GREYHOUND LINES 020489 GREYHOUND LINES 007987 WALMART 000293 STADIUM PIZZA INC 010514 CAMPINI'S ITALIAN DELI 021003 CVS PHARMACY 022601 JILBERT'S TACO SHOP 11580 7/30/2021 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT 11600 7/28/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11601 7/28/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11607 8/2/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11608 8/2/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11609 8/2/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11610 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11611 8/2/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total LW CONF REGISTRATION: WATSON, L. 25.00 LW WEBINAR REGIST: HARRIS, T. -59.34 LW ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: 175.07 WATSON LW DIGITAL SBSCPTN: CODE 52.45 193.18 ENFORCEMENT MW HOMELESS OUTREACH: BUS 179.99 TICKET MW HOMELESS OUTREACH: BUS 76.99 TICKET MW SUPPLIES: IN -REACH EVENT: 85.77 TCSD MW RFRSHMNTS: IN -REACH EVENT 137.94 MW RFRSHMNTS: CITY STAFF & 62.55 SWAG MW GIFT CARD: HOMELESS 54.95 PREVENTION MW RFRSHMNTS: OUTREACH MTG 40.76 638.95 VARIOUS JUN WATER 3000387 30,864.51 30,864.51 RANCHO VISTA JUL 700066386743 32805 PAUBA RD 81.93 81.93 JUL 700606072010 46679 PRIMROSE 382.87 382.87 AVE JUL 700187069897 44173 BUTTERFIELD 16.01 16.01 STG JUL 700295838526 44747 REDHAWK 31.47 31.47 PKWY JUL 700376130476 29429 TEMECULA 68.08 68.08 PKWY JUN 600000000717 32352 OVERLAND 1,370.51 1,370.51 TRL JUL 700316536912 32131 S LOOP RD 3,326.87 3,326.87 Page:5 apChkLst 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 6 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 11618 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700034047650 44270 MEADOWS 14.74 14.74 PKWY 11619 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700034500823 32932 LEENA WAY 15.12 15.12 11620 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700035621070 42335 MEADOWS 15.12 15.12 PKWY 11621 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700035691903 46487 BUTTERFIELD 16.80 16.80 STG 11622 8/3/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700278695390 32329 OVERLAND 121.41 121.41 TRL 11634 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700025366655 41955 4TH ST 13.04 13.04 11635 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700451136031 41702 MAIN ST 14.64 14.64 11636 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700230816695 28077 DIAZ RD 14.74 14.74 11637 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700404123666 41638 WINCHESTER 14.74 14.74 RD 11638 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700230666549 28079 DIAZ RD 15.12 15.12 11639 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700390915502 27991 DIAZ RD 15.75 15.75 11640 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700369097471 27407 DIAZ RD 16.26 16.26 11641 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700079543781 30153 TEMECULA 17.24 17.24 PKWY 11642 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700170354373 28402 MERCEDES 24.26 24.26 ST 11643 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700031611738 43000 HWY 395 28.64 28.64 11644 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700541167387 30027 FRONT ST 31.00 31.00 11645 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700374361541 29429 TEMECULA 47.05 47.05 PKWY Page.-6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11646 8/4/2021 001986 MUZAK LLC 11647 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11648 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11649 8/4/2021 001986 MUZAK LLC 11650 8/4/2021 001986 MUZAK LLC 11651 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11652 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11653 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11654 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11655 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11656 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11657 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11658 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11659 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11660 8/4/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11661 8/4/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11662 8/4/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total AUG DISH NETWORK 41952 6TH ST 59.16 59.16 JUL 700021560619 28300 MERCEDES 107.97 107.97 ST JUL 700169846034 41902 MAIN ST 128.82 128.82 AUG DISH NETWORK STA 95 32131 155.32 155.32 AUG DISH NETWORK 43230 BUS PARK 166.51 166.51 DR JUL 700338442744 43210 BUS PARK DR 537.40 537.40 JUL 700618295727 41952 6TH ST 716.23 716.23 JUL 700395923227 28314 MERCEDES 1,379.84 1,379.84 ST JUL 700169903325 41904 MAIN ST 1,659.12 1,659.12 JUL 700024603688 41845 6TH ST 2,189.16 2,189.16 JUL 700168560580 28690 MERCEDES 2,236.55 2,236.55 ST JUL 700350108713 43230 BUS PARK DR 3,468.64 3,468.64 JUL 700619156906 32364 OVERLAND 3,538.20 3,538.20 TRL JUL 700000050665 43200 BUS PARK DR 3,849.43 3,849.43 JUL 700474429468 41000 MAIN ST 33,099.22 33,099.22 JULY INTERNET SVCS 32364 119.99 119.99 OVERLAND TRL JULY INTERNET SVCS 40820 598.64 598.64 WINCHESTER RD Page:? apChkLst 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 8 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 11663 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700240713022 41997 MARGARITA 15.65 15.65 RD 11664 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700593904368 46497 WOLF CREEK 20.49 20.49 DR 11665 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700593845259 31523 WOLF 21.52 21.52 VALLEY RD 11666 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700271963590 42061 MAIN ST 45.08 45.08 11667 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700116187149 44465 BUTTERFIELD 45.67 45.67 STG 11668 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700047442340 30498 TEMECULA 233.39 233.39 PKWY 11669 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700622434290 29119 MARGARITA 715.10 715.10 RD 11670 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700295805887 41375 MCCABE CT 959.87 959.87 11671 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700014812146 41951 MORAGA RD 992.49 992.49 11672 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700492769845 28373 OLD TOWN 1,256.52 1,256.52 FRONT ST 11673 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700562810212 32380 DEER 1,750.95 1,750.95 HOLLOW WAY 11674 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700138949110 STA 92 32211 WOLF 2,279.51 2,279.51 11675 8/9/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700169717813 28690 MERCEDES 3,035.35 3,035.35 ST 11676 8/9/2021 014486 VERIZON WIRELESS 6/16-7/15 9,659.49 9,659.49 CELLULAR/BROADBAND:CITYWIDE 11677 8/10/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700593944784 31738 WOLF CREEK 14.93 14.93 RD 11678 8/10/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700402997759 45538 REDWOOD 15.12 15.12 RD 11679 8/10/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700171448958 28192 JEFFERSON 16.45 16.45 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11680 8/10/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11681 8/10/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11682 8/5/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11683 8/9/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11684 8/9/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11685 8/9/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11686 8/9/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11687 8/9/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE 11688 8/6/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11689 8/6/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11690 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11691 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11692 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11693 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11694 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11695 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 11696 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total JUL 700335018442 45850 N WOLF 433.17 433.17 CREEK JUL 700395478239 30017 RANCHO CAL 1,204.34 1,204.34 RD JULY INTERNET SVCS 28300 598.64 598.64 MERCEDES ST AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 32211 WOLF 194.34 194.34 VALLEY AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 29119 324.96 324.96 MARGARITA RD AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 30755 AULD 754.71 754.71 RD STE D AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 41973 6TH 754.71 754.71 ST AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 41000 MAIN 3,457.97 3,457.97 ST JULY 125-244-2108-3 30600 PAUBA RD 47.69 47.69 JULY 095-167-7907-2 30650 PAUBA RD 128.23 128.23 JULY 129-582-9784-3 43230 BUSINESS 40.10 40.10 PARK JULY 021-725-0775-4 41845 6TH ST 88.77 88.77 JULY 181-383-8881-6 28314 MERCEDES 21.86 21.86 ST JULY 101-525-0950-0 28816 PUJOL ST 26.42 26.42 JULY 028-025-1468-3 41375 MCCABE 21.86 21.86 CT JULY 026-671-2909-8 42051 MAIN ST 17.30 17.30 JULY 129-535-4236-7 41000 MAIN ST 1,513.88 1,513.88 Page9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 11697 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 060-293-3315-7 28922 PUJOL ST 11698 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 091-024-9300-5 30875 RANCHO VISTA 11699 8/9/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 133-040-7373-0 43210 BUSINESS PARK 11700 8/10/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 101-525-1560-6 27415 ENTERPRISE 11701 8/10/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 117-188-6393-6 32131 S LOOP RD 11702 8/10/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 098-255-9828-8 29119 MARGARITA RD 11703 8/10/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUGUST INTERNET SVCS - THEATER 102092 8/10/2021 022624 WAG AND FRIENDS LLC REFUND: CANCELLED PERMIT B21-3667 102093 8/10/2021 022645 MYERS ELECTRIC REFUND:CANCELLED PERMIT B21-3608 102094 8/10/2021 020965 ADVANCED PERMIT SERVICES REFUND: PERMIT B21-3580 CANCELLED 206552 8/12/2021 013387 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC, DBA JUL SWEEPING SRVCS: PARKING SWEEPING UNLIMITED STRUCTURE 206553 8/12/2021 003951 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PV1 Amount Paid Check Total 15.78 15.78 332.05 332.05 21.86 21.86 135.10 135.10 121.47 121.47 22.42 22.42 150.98 150.98 240.80 240.80 213.28 213.28 68.80 68.80 540.00 540.00 539.49 345.99 885.48 Page:10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 206554 8/12/2021 007282 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC (Continued) Description OFFICE SUPPLIES - BC/CHIEF MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD MISC EQUIP: PREVENTION: FIRE MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK REC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD REC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD MISC EQUIPMENT: PREVENTION: FIRE MISC OFC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: P1 MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PREVENTION: FIR 206555 8/12/2021 004422 AMERICAN BATTERY BATTERIES: CIVIC CTR CORPORATION, DBA AMERICAN BATTERY SUP 206556 8/12/2021 004623 AQUA SOURCE INC VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: PW 206557 8/12/2021 007065 B&H PHOTO & ELECTRONICS MISC AV EQUIPMENT. PEG SUPPLIES CORP MISC AV EQUIPMENT. PEG SUPPLIES 206558 8/12/2021 014331 BIG TEX TRAILER WORLD, INC. HYDRAULIC DUMP TRAILER: STREET MAINT: PW 206559 8/12/2021 003138 CAL MAT, DBA VULCAN ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: MATERIALS CO PW ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PVA 206560 8/12/2021 021851 CALIF NEWSPAPERS JUL BID AD: FIBER OPTIC COM SYS, PARTNERSHIP, DBA SO CALIF PW18-05 NEWS GROUP JUL PUBLIC NTC AD: CITY CLERK 206561 8/12/2021 004462 CDW LLC, DBA CDW MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:INFO GOVERNMENT LLC TECH MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:INFO TECF PRINTER: COUNCILMEMBER ALEXANDE 206562 8/12/2021 009640 CERTIFION CORP DBA JUL ONLINE DATABASE SUBSCR: ENTERSECT POLICE 206563 8/12/2021 001233 DANS FEED AND SEED INC MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW 206564 8/12/2021 004566 DEPT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES EPA ID VERIFICATION & HAZ WASTE CNTRL MANIFEST Amount Paid Check Total 46.20 15.21 99.19 80.95 13.03 146.53 105.81 107.19 38.61 24.28 32.52 67.87 17.37 526.06 1,929.88 411.06 186.99 9,766.56 247.66 165.84 2,855.00 838.40 13.80 138.72 489.24 200.00 19.05 1,158.50 794.76 526.06 1,929.88 598.05 9,766.56 413.50 3,693.40 641.76 200.00 19.05 1,158.50 Page:11 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 206565 8/12/2021 019469 FALCON ENGINEERING CNSTRCTN MGMT SVCS: SANTA SERVICES GERTRUDIS CRK 206566 8/12/2021 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK AKA STTLMNT: EDGES: 7/30-8/1 THEATRE, CO AND BALLET THEATER 206567 8/12/2021 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD KRACH, BREE - CASE# 603016103 KRACH, BREE - CASE# 603016103 206568 8/12/2021 009097 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS SOUNDS & LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER 206569 8/12/2021 016184 FUN EXPRESS LLC, MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: SUBSIDIARY OF ORIENTALTR TCSD 206570 8/12/2021 022621 GARCIA, ERIC REIMB: OUTLAW MOTOR GANG CONF 206571 8/12/2021 022618 GAXIOLA, JONATHAN PAUL HOMELESS PREVENTION PRGM: BISHOP 206572 8/12/2021 021365 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC JUL CLAIM ADJUSTER SVCS: RISK MGMT 206573 8/12/2021 019721 GOVCONNECTION INC COMPUTER REPLACEMENT: INFO TECH COMPUTER REPLACEMENT: INFO TECH 206574 8/12/2021 003198 HOME DEPOT MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: TPL MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: FOC MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 206575 8/12/2021 022569 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC VEHICLE & EQUIP REPAIRS: STREETS: PW VEHICLE & EQUIP REPAIRS: STREETS: PW VEHICLE & EQUIP REPAIRS: STREETS: PW 206576 8/12/2021 004179 INTERNATIONAL E-Z UP INC SPECIAL EVENT EZ-UPS: FIRE DEPT 206577 8/12/2021 021896 JP HANDMADE CORP, DBA BUSINESS CARDS: FINANCE MINUTEMAN PRESS BUSINESS CARDS: NEELY: BC/CHIEFS 206578 8/12/2021 017118 KRACH BREE B, DBA MISC PROMO ITEMS: AQUATICS: TCSD TEMECULA TROPHY & DES NAME PLATES: DAIS TITLE: CITY CLERK CREDIT: MITEL MONITORING/DISASTER 206579 8/12/2021 014432 LANAIR GROUP LLC RECOVERY: IT MITEL MONITORING/DISASTER RECOVER Amount Paid Check Total 98,393.98 98,393.98 2,758.59 2,758.59 59.81 95.16 154.97 1,692.15 1,692.15 2,210.70 2,210.70 92.35 92.35 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,428.74 2,428.74 26,093.80 3,558.25 29,652.05 45.13 15.15 229.23 289.51 87.50 261.73 87.50 436.73 7,652.85 7,652.85 363.05 81.56 444.61 380.63 239.25 -59.81 -95.16 464.91 720.00 1,200.00 1,920.00 Page:12 apChkLst 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 13 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 206580 8/12/2021 019561 M R S OSHA SAFETY INC STAFF TRAINING: TRAFFIC 850.00 CNTRL/FLAGGING 6 STAFF TRAINING: TRAFFIC CNTRL/FLAG 850.00 1,700.00 206581 8/12/2021 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS, DBA CITY STREET SIGNAGE: STREET 53.82 ATHACO INC MAINT: PW CITY STREET SIGNAGE: STREET MAINT: 95.58 CITY STREET SIGNAGE: STREET MAINT: 876.36 CITY STREET SIGNAGE: STREET MAINT: 405.25 1,431.01 206582 8/12/2021 021434 MATRIX TELECOM LLC DBA JUL 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER 69.51 69.51 LINGO 206583 8/12/2021 013443 MIDWEST TAPE LLC BOOKS ON TAPE: RHRTPL 82.73 82.73 206584 8/12/2021 017861 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC JUL-SEP MONITORING SVCS: TVE2 450.00 450.00 206585 8/12/2021 001323 NESTLE WATERS NORTH 06/23-07/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: MRC 8.69 AMERICA, DBA READYREFRESH 06/23-07/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: TESC POC 16.30 06/23-07/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: PBSP 17.22 06/23-07/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: SKATE PAI 9.15 06/23-07/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: HELP CTR 39.69 06/23-7/22 WTR DLVRY SVC: HARVESTO 112.90 203.95 206586 8/12/2021 022599 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC JUL LDSCP MAINT: PARKS/MEDIANS: 58,553.00 PW JUL LDSCP MAINT: CITY FACS 10,150.00 JUL LDSCP MAINT: PARKS/MEDIANS PW 20,230.00 JUL LDSCP MAINT: PARKS/MEDIANS PW 54,150.00 143,083.00 206587 8/12/2021 000209 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC, EQPMNT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW 73.73 DBA CROP PRODUCTION SRVCS EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PV 78.07 151.80 206588 8/12/2021 003663 PECHANGA BAND OF JUL PROF SRVCS: S.GERTRUDIS CRK, 1,531.92 1,531.92 LUISENO, MISSION INDIANS PW08-04 206589 8/12/2021 017720 PERPETUAL PARKS & PLAY STRUCTURE REMOVAL: HARV 790.00 790.00 PLAYGROUNDS COMM PARK Page:13 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 14 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 206590 8/12/2021 010338 POOLAND ELECTRICAL, PRODUCTS INC 206591 8/12/2021 014354 PROQUEST, LLC 206592 8/12/2021 022537 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, DISTRIBUTOR 206593 8/12/2021 017391 RISE INTERPRETING INC 206594 8/12/2021 022620 ROBERTS, PIERCE 206595 8/12/2021 009980 SANBORN GWYNETH A, CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY 206596 8/12/2021 021673 SANCHEZ, MANUEL (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total CREDIT: VARIOUS SUPPLIES: -56.00 AQUATICS CREDIT: VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS -16.00 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 275.84 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 177.19 CREDIT: VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS -80.00 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 275.84 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS & PARTS 219.84 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS & PARTS 275.84 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 82.97 CREDIT: POOL SUPPLIES/PW PARKS -56.00 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS & PARTS 192.40 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 98.65 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS & PARTS 98.18 CREDIT: VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS -16.00 VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 37.13 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS & PARTS 519.78 2,029.66 8/1/21-7/31/22 ANCESTRY SFTWR: 1,184.35 1,184.35 LIBRARY HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 1,059.52 HVAC SUPPLIES: HISTORY MUSEUM 116.63 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 192.06 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 46.65 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 3.13 HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC 74.12 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 129.85 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 95.66 HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 154.94 HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC 83.37 HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC 130.07 HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC 30.20 2,116.20 JUL SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETING: 3,368.75 3,368.75 CLASSES REIMB: OUTLAW MOTOR GANG CONF 147.07 147.07 COUNTRY LIVE! @ THE MERC 8/7 1,058.75 1,058.75 REIMB: COMMERCIAL DR LICENSE 83.00 83.00 TEST Page:14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 15 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 206597 8/12/2021 017699 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA M PRESTON 206598 8/12/2021 009568 SEW WHAT? INC. 206599 8/12/2021 013695 SHRED -IT US JV LLC, DBA: SHRED -IT USA LLC 206600 8/12/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 206601 8/12/2021 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 206602 8/12/2021 012652 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, TELEPHONE COMPANY 206603 8/12/2021 019250 ST FRANCIS ELECTRIC LLC 206604 8/12/2021 000293 STADIUM PIZZA INC 206605 8/12/2021 008337 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 206606 8/12/2021 000306 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE & SUPPLY 206607 8/12/2021 005810 TITOS AUTO UPHOLSTERY (Continued) Description PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: SFSP 8/5 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: HIGH HOPES 8/6 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: AOTW 8/6 PHOTOGRAPHY: WORKFORCE PROGRP MISC STAGE SUPPLIES: THEATER 7/19 DOC SHRED SVCS: PD SUBSTATIONS JUL 700039423268 VARIOUS LOCATIONS JUL 700276704365 VARIOUS LOCATIONS JUN 700039423268 VARIOUS LOCATION; JUL 700116137841 VARIOUS LOCATION: JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: STA 73 JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: TVE2 JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: THEATER JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: MPSC JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: C. MUSEUN JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: STA 84 JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: PALOMA DI JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: CRC JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: TCC JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: LIBRARY JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: WEST WIN( JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: STA 95 JUL EMERG PEST CONTROL SRVC: SPL, JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: PRKG STRI AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 MATERIALS: PAVEMENT REHAB, PW19-08 REFRESHMENTS: AQUATICS 8/7 OFFICE SUPPLIES: POLICE OTSF IRRIGATION & PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS VEHICLE UPHOLSTERY: PW STREETS Amount Paid Check Total 170.00 170.00 170.00 200.00 154.36 22.18 1,551.32 718.52 151.56 32,507.00 68.00 56.00 90.00 29.00 36.00 80.00 94.00 90.00 123.00 90.00 40.00 80.00 94.00 90.00 614.37 12,576.00 396.04 45.23 283.24 569.25 710.00 154.36 22.18 34,928.40 1,060.00 614.37 12, 576.00 396.04 45.23 283.24 569.25 Page:15 apChkLst 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 206608 8/12/2021 021957 US AIR CONDITIONING, MISC HVAC PARTS: CIVIC CENTER DISTRIBUTORS LLC 206609 8/12/2021 007987 WALMART MISC SUPPLIES: CULTURALARTS 206610 8/12/2021 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES: PW PARKS CLEANING SUPPLIES: PW PARKS 206611 8/12/2021 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC CLEANING SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER 206612 8/12/2021 000339 WEST PUBLISHING JUL CLEAR SUBSCRIPTION: TEM CORPORATION, SHERIFF DBA:THOMSON REUTERS 206613 8/12/2021 021148 WEX BANK 7/4-8/6 FUEL USAGE: POLICE 206614 8/12/2021 022616 WOODSIDE HOMES REFUND: TRUSTACCOUNT 11000 206615 8/12/2021 021918 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC TERRA VISTA 7/29/21-7/28/22 VIDEO COMM: I.T. Amount Paid 93.60 1,811.67 4,316.29 1,478.35 984.53 1,745.36 25.92 10,800.00 Grand total for UNION BANK: Page: 16 Check Total 211.13 93.60 6,127.96 1,478.35 984.53 1,745.36 25.92 10,800.00 560, 544.11 Page:16 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 17 08/12/2021 5:06:43PM CITY OF TEMECULA 165 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 560,544.11 Page:17 apChkLst 08/17/2021 1:46:27PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor Description 500926 08/19/2021 004802 ADLERHORST INTERNATIONAL JUL K9 TRAINING: KING/MUSHINSKIE: LLC POLICE 500927 08/19/2021 000936 AMERICAN RED CROSS, CERTIFICATIONS & MATERIALS: HEALTH AND SAFETY SVCS AQUATICS: TC STAFF/LIFEGUARDS CERTS: AQUATICS 500928 08/19/2021 013950 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIVIC CTR JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AQUATI, AUG DRINKING WTR MAINT: PD STOREF JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MPSC JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: JRC JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: FOC JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TPL JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: PW JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TVM JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TCC JUL DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: THEATE 500929 08/19/2021 021400 AYERS ELECTRIC INC ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: CIVIC CTR MISC STAGE SUPPLIES: THEATER ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: PD STOREFf ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: CIP: PW ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: CIP: PW ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: TVM ELECTRICAL LABOR SVCS: CIVIC CTR 500930 08/19/2021 010650 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & MISC PARTS: CRC HVAC INC 500931 08/19/2021 020436 CRONBERG, RICHARD N 500932 08/19/2021 001393 DATA TICKET INC, DBA REVENUE EXPERTS 500933 08/19/2021 022506 DESIGN PATH STUDIO 500934 08/19/2021 003945 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SRVCS TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS JUN CITATION PROCESSING: POLICE JUN CITATION PROCESSING: TCSD Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit RESTROOMS/HAND-WASHING: COLOR RUN PORTABLE RESTROOM & SINK RENTAL: TEMP FENCING: SPLASH PAD: MRC Amount Paid 350.00 692.00 168.00 183.71 67.34 56.57 34.75 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 28.28 3,900.00 3,000.00 2,300.00 1,000.00 800.00 800.00 400.00 638.31 56.00 1,037.89 200.00 6,250.00 365.20 114.21 -37.32 Page: 1 Check Total 350.00 860.00 540.33 12,200.00 638.31 56.00 1,237.89 6,250.00 442.09 Page:1 apChkLst 08/17/2021 1:46:27PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 2 Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 500935 08/19/2021 004192 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK 1,566.19 MAINT: PW FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAI 827.03 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD 755.72 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC DIV 487.42 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW 435.19 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: P 204.50 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC 70.47 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEP 52.66 4,399.18 500936 08/19/2021 004068 ECALDRE MANALILI-DE VILLA, TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 1,873.90 1,873.90 AILEEN 500937 08/19/2021 020904 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC JUL CONDENSER WTR SYS PM: CIVIC 538.67 538.67 CTR 500938 08/19/2021 018098 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT JUL'21 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: 1,250.00 1,250.00 INC WRKRS 500939 08/19/2021 002577 ENGINEERING RESOURCES, ENG CONSULT SVCS: OVERLAND: 1,197.52 1,197.52 OF SOUTHERN CALIF., INC. PW20-11 500940 08/19/2021 013076 GAUDETYVONNE M, DBA YES TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 332.50 332.50 YOU CAN DRAW 500941 08/19/2021 021308 GILLIS + PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: CRC PW19-07 23,985.00 23,985.00 ARCHITECTS, INC 500942 08/19/2021 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS MISC OFC SUPPLIES: FINANCE 204.31 INC MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PLANNING 78.58 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY 44.60 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEN 24.25 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEN -20.65 331.09 500943 08/19/2021 022530 HINER, DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS SPORTS OFFICIATING SVCS: SPORTS: 672.00 672.00 HINER UMPIRING TCSD 500944 08/19/2021 001868 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN, TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 268.80 268.80 DBA MIYAMOTO MUSIC STUDIO 500945 08/19/2021 004040 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J, TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 3,496.50 3,496.50 DBA BIGFOOT GRAPHICS 500946 08/19/2021 014173 NPG INC DBA, GOLDSTAR Asphalt Repairs: Santa Gertrudis Trail 31,424.00 ASPHALT PRODUCTS TRAFFIC PAINT: PW PARKS 948.09 32,372.09 500947 08/19/2021 021121 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTR 7/28-8/3 MEDICAL SCREENINGS: TCSD 422.50 OF CA, DBA CONCENTRA MEDICAL CTR 7/30-8/2 MEDICAL SCREENINGS: HR 187.50 610.00 Paget apChkLst 08/17/2021 1:46:27PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 3 Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 500948 08/19/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PARK 25.00 INC RANGER CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW PARKS 1,123.63 1,148.63 500949 08/19/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW 837.95 INC STREETS CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW STREEI 287.56 1,125.51 500950 08/19/2021 020429 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS JUL'21 SAT PH AIRTIME/SEP FEE: EOC 280.00 280.00 INTL 500951 08/19/2021 004274 SAFE AND SECURE LOCKSMITH SRVCS: CHILDRENS 150.00 150.00 LOCKSMITH SRVC MUSEUM 500952 08/19/2021 006145 STENO SOLUTIONS JUL TRANSCRIPTION SVCS: TEM 208.80 208.80 TRANSCRIPTION, SRVCS INC SHERIFF 500953 08/19/2021 003840 STRONG'S PAINTING DEPOSIT: CITYWIDE PAINTING OF 6,000.00 BUS STOPS OFFICE PAINTING: CIVIC CENTER 1,650.00 7,650.00 500954 08/19/2021 000668 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC DJ/MC/SOUND SET-UP: SMR CONCERT 3,450.00 8/12 DJ/MC/Sound set-up: Special Events TCSC 1,250.00 4,700.00 500955 08/19/2021 011351 TRITECH SOFTWARE 6/27-7/3 DATA LOADING, PH 2: INFO 375.00 375.00 SYSTEMS TECH 500956 08/19/2021 007766 UNDERGROUND SERVICE JUL UNDERGRND UTILITY LOCATOR 217.90 ALERT, OF SOUTHERN ALERTS: PW CALIFORNIA JUL DIG SAFE BIRD BILLABLE TCKTS: PV 94.30 312.20 500957 08/19/2021 008977 VALLEY EVENTS INC ENTERTAINMENT: AOTW 8/6 400.00 400.00 Grand total for EFT UNION BANK: 110,252.01 Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 08/17/2021 1:46:27PM CITY OF TEMECULA 32 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 110,252.01 Page:4 apChkLst 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 1 Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 11617 8/13/2021 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER VARIOUS JUL WATER 3015553 DEER 79,484.70 79,484.70 DISTRICT HOLLOW 11704 8/11/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700505220908 45610 PECHANGA 30.41 30.41 PKWY 11705 8/11/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700454673905 40750 BUTTERFIELD 98.70 98.70 STG 11706 8/11/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700404043945 45303 REDWOOD 120.92 120.92 RD 11707 8/11/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700039456210 46146 WOLF CREEK 211.73 211.73 DR 11708 8/11/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700385358210 30600 PAUBA RD 13,897.57 13,897.57 11709 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700581895061 29028 OLD TOWN 14.81 14.81 FRONT ST 11710 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700418750458 31777 DE PORTOLA 15.84 15.84 RD 11711 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700251991189 45602 REDHAWK 20.09 20.09 PKWY 11712 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700390905802 28301 RANCHO CAL 31.16 31.16 RD 11713 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700306036256 31454 TEMECULA 125.08 125.08 PKWY 11714 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700116582930 44205 MAIN ST 127.60 127.60 11715 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700572390172 46899 REDHAWK 136.36 136.36 PKWY 11716 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700037888042 32005 MURRIETA 164.15 164.15 HOT 11717 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 600001509166 40356 N GENERAL 325.53 325.53 KEARNY 11718 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL700213755712 28816 PUJOL ST 1,131.40 1,131.40 Page-1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 11719 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11720 8/16/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11725 8/17/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11726 8/17/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11727 8/17/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11728 8/17/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 11729 8/19/2021 010349 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT 11730 8/19/2021 021301 1 C M A RETIREMENT -PLAN 106474 11731 8/19/2021 000194 1 C M A RETIREMENT -PLAN 303355 11732 8/19/2021 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 11733 8/19/2021 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 11734 8/19/2021 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 11735 8/19/2021 019088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 11736 8/19/2021 000389 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 206616 8/19/2021 014170 AHERN RENTALS INC 206617 8/19/2021 003951 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total JUL 700052349631 42081 MAIN ST 2,490.44 2,490.44 JUL 700173434428 42051 MAIN ST 7,093.69 7,093.69 JUL 700619554097 30051 RANCHO 14.66 14.66 VISTA RD JUL 700503663349 28916 PUJOL ST 61.54 61.54 JUL 700503770150 28922 PUJOL ST 198.79 198.79 JUL 700025717269 30875 RANCHO 11,575.83 11,575.83 VISTA RD SUPPORT PAYMENT 345.23 345.23 ICMA- 401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN 1,134.62 1,134.62 PAYMENT ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 23,397.32 23,397.32 PAYMENT STATE DISABILITY INS PAYMENT 30,720.60 30,720.60 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT 97,894.36 97,894.36 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT 12,150.00 12,150.00 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT 344.39 344.39 PAYMENT OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT 5,977.86 5,977.86 PAYMENT LIFT RENTAL: PW PARKS 1,067.24 1,067.24 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: 554.26 PW ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PVC 467.34 1,021.60 Paget apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 206618 8/19/2021 007282 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES MISC OFC SUPPLIES: THEATER INC MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY MGR MISC OFC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV 206619 8/19/2021 013332 ARMSTRONG GARDEN MISC PLANTING SUPPLIES: TVM: CENTERSINC TCSD MISC PLANTING SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD 206620 8/19/2021 021689 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC INITIAL STUDY: RENDEZVOUS PHASE 11 206621 8/19/2021 011954 BAKER AND TAYLOR INC BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRPTL - TCSD 206622 8/19/2021 019559 BMW MOTORCYCLES OF VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIR: TEM RIVERSIDE SHERIFF 206623 8/19/2021 015834 BOYER WAYNE E, DBA motor uniforms: Police: Traffic MOTOPORT USA 206624 8/19/2021 017813 BUXTON COMPANY CONSULTING SVCS: ECO DEV 206625 8/19/2021 021851 CALIF NEWSPAPERS JUL BID AD: SIDEWALKS-O.T.IMPRV, PARTNERSHIP, DBA SO CALIF PW20-02 NEWS GROUP JUL PUBLIC NTC AD: PLANNING 206626 8/19/2021 018828 CASC ENGINEERING AND, JUL COMMERCIAL/IND'L CONSULTING INC INSPECTIONS:NPDES ADD'L ENG SVCS: SOMMER'S BEND 206627 8/19/2021 004462 CDW LLC, DBA CDW MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: INFO GOVERNMENT LLC TECH 206628 8/19/2021 016446 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC, STAFF UNIFORMS: AQUATICS: TCSD DBA SO CAL IMPRESSIONS 206629 8/19/2021 003997 COAST RECREATION INC MISC PLAYGROUND PARTS: PARKS: PW MISC PLAYGROUND PARTS: PW PARKS MISC PLAYGROUND PARTS: PARKS: PW 206630 8/19/2021 021230 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS DISTR, DBA CALIF ELECTRIC SUPPLY 206631 8/19/2021 011922 CORELOGIC INC, DBA JUL PROP ID SFTWR: CODE CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS ENFORCEMENT 206632 8/19/2021 014521 COSTAR REALTY AUG '21 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO INFORMATION INC DEV Amount Paid Check Total 177.50 151.15 19.67 348.32 187.80 147.86 335.66 4,490.00 4,490.00 692.49 692.49 693.10 693.10 3,432.54 3,432.54 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,120.00 301.60 1,421.60 11,183.00 733.50 11, 916.50 207.14 207.14 639.18 639.18 2,419.61 1,604.75 1,238.11 5,262.47 270.79 270.79 317.50 317.50 1,200.00 1,200.00 Page.-3 apChkLst 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 4 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 206633 8/19/2021 001233 DANS FEED AND SEED INC MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW 84.15 84.15 206634 8/19/2021 010461 DEMCO INC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY 482.41 482.41 206635 8/19/2021 021859 EXP US SERVICES INC CONSULT SVCS: SANTA GERTRUDIS 2,630.80 2,630.80 CRK TRAIL 206636 8/19/2021 019731 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PLUMBING SUPPLIES: VARIOUS 270.02 270.02 PARKS 206637 8/19/2021 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD KRACH, BREE - CASE# 603016103 10.20 10.20 206638 8/19/2021 010452 GAYLORD BROS INC MISC SUPPLIES TVM/ACE: TVM 425.88 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM/ACE: TCSD 183.58 609.46 206639 8/19/2021 021814 GIROUARD ERICK JOSEPH, NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: 106.25 106.25 DBA E&G DISTRIBUTION LLC TCSD 206640 8/19/2021 022556 HANSON AGGREGTE PACIFIC CNSTRCTN CONTRACT SVCS: 361,142.50 361,142.50 SW LLC, DBAATP GENERAL PAVEMNT REHAB ENG CONTR 206641 8/19/2021 020698 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC ENG PLAN CK SVCS: LAND DEV: 4,250.00 SOLANA WY ENG PLAN CK SVCS: LAND DEV: HEIRLC 4,110.00 8,360.00 206642 8/19/2021 003198 HOME DEPOT MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 354.70 MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 122.06 476.76 206643 8/19/2021 022653 JOHNSON, ALLISON REFUND: LIBRARY FINES AND FEES 17.99 17.99 206644 8/19/2021 021896 JP HANDMADE CORP, DBA MISC STAFF BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD 259.91 259.91 MINUTEMAN PRESS 206645 8/19/2021 014432 LANAIR GROUP LLC MITEL ANNUAL SUPPORT: INFO TECH 21,989.25 21,989.25 206646 8/19/2021 022617 LEEMARC INDUSTRIES LLC, HIKE BIKE EVENT JERSEYS: 2,160.00 2,160.00 DBA CANARI S.GERTRUDIS CRK 206647 8/19/2021 021424 LUCKY CLOVER TRADING REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT CC 200.00 200.00 10/ 16/21 206648 8/19/2021 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS, DBA MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW 14,060.35 14,060.35 ATHACOINC 206649 8/19/2021 022598 MCE CORPORATION JUL LDSCP MAINT: SCHOOLS/SPORTS 74,094.78 74,094.78 PARKS Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 206650 8/19/2021 022657 MILLER, DARRIN REIMB: GANG VIOLENCE CONF 8/3-8/6 206651 8/19/2021 019019 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: SPEAKEASY AT THE MERC 08/14/21 206652 8/19/2021 018099 NATIONAL SAFETY DOT Testing: HR COMPLIANCE INC 206653 8/19/2021 001323 NESTLE WATERS NORTH 7/11-8/10 WTR DLVRY SVC: FOC AMERICA, DBA READYREFRESH 206654 8/19/2021 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW LAND DEV DIV 206655 8/19/2021 010338 POOLAND ELECTRICAL, VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS PRODUCTS INC 206656 8/19/2021 008447 PRO AUTO COLLISION INC VEHICLE REPAIRS: PW STREET/CR21-22 206657 8/19/2021 022537 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVC CENTER DISTRIBUTOR HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVC CENTER 206658 8/19/2021 014347 ROBERTS, PATRICIA G. TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 206659 8/19/2021 017699 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA M PHOTOGRAPHY: COUNCIL MTG PRESTON 7/20/21 PHOTOGRAPHY: PUMP TRACK CHAMPI( PHOTOGRAPHY: FIRST FRIDAY MERC Al PHOTOGRAPHY: TVHS LUNCHEON DR T 206660 8/19/2021 011511 SCUBA CENTER TEMECULA TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 206661 8/19/2021 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST TERMITE INSPECTION: SENIOR CONTROL INC CENTER JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: CIVIC CEN" 7/19 EMERG PEST CONTROL: HARVEST, JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: JRC JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: AQUATICS JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: HISTORY N JUL PEST CONTROL SRVCS: WED CHPL 206662 8/19/2021 008337 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT OFFICE SUPPLIES: LIBRARY OFFICE SUPPLIES: THEATER OFFICE SUPPLIES: TCSD CLASSES OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW LAND DEV Amount Paid Check Total 752.22 752.22 676.20 676.20 504.70 504.70 125.44 125.44 95.68 95.68 137.19 137.19 4,282.12 4,282.12 91.60 41.93 133.53 490.00 490.00 250.00 220.00 170.00 170.00 810.00 924.00 924.00 225.00 120.00 95.00 74.00 59.00 42.00 32.00 647.00 66.87 52.73 32.60 27.26 179.46 Page:5 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 206663 8/19/2021 001547 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYMENT 206664 8/19/2021 022102 UNITED PARCEL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SRVCS: INFO TECH INC Amount Paid Check Total 4,950.22 23.55 206665 8/19/2021 021957 US AIR CONDITIONING, HVAC PARTS: CIVIC CENTER 178.46 DISTRIBUTORS LLC MISC HVAC PARTS: CIVIC CENTER 166.56 206666 8/19/2021 003730 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 7/1-15 TREE MAINT: PARKS & MEDIANS 4,577.00 7/1-15 EMERG TREE MAINT: SLOPES 2,940.00 7/1-15 TREE MAINT: MARTINIQUE SLOPE 1,180.00 7/1-15 TREE MAINT: FOC 885.00 7/8 TREE MAINT: FIRE STN 73 59.00 206667 8/19/2021 018871 WONDER SCIENCE TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 5,764.50 Grand total for UNION BANK: 4,950.22 23.55 345.02 9,641.00 5,764.50 890,088.17 Page.-6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 08/19/2021 1:53:10PM CITY OF TEMECULA 82 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 890,088.17 Page:? apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/24/2021 2:50:11 PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor Description 500958 8/26/2021 009374 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES PIANO TUNING/MAINT: THEATER DBA, ALLEGRO PIANO SERVICE 500959 8/26/2021 004240 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES DRUG/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE AFN DRUG/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE DRUG/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE 500960 8/26/2021 021959 AMERICAN HEART TRAINING SUPPLIES: MEDIC: FIRE ASSOCIATION INC DEPT TRAINING SUPPLIES: MEDIC: FIRE DEPT 500961 8/26/2021 000936 AMERICAN RED CROSS, STAFF/LIFEGUARDS CERTS: HEALTH AND SAFETY SVCS AQUATICS 500962 8/26/2021 013950 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO AUG DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: INFO TECH 500963 8/26/2021 021588 BRAUN PETER, DBA AUG PLANTSCAPE SVCS: CIVIC CTR TEMECULA PLANTSCAPE AUG PLANTSCAPE SVCS: TPL 500964 8/26/2021 004248 CALIF DEPT OF JUL FINGERPRINT SVCS: JUSTICE-ACCTING HR/PD/TCSD/ECO 500965 8/26/2021 010650 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & WOOD DECK REPAIR: CHILDRENS HVAC INC MUSEUM PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW SECURITY DOOR - HELP CTR: TCSD PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW MISC PLUMBING REPAIRS: TPL 500966 8/26/2021 004192 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFOI FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH 500967 8/26/2021 020904 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 500968 8/26/2021 020921 FLETCHER, COURTNEY REIMB: WELLNESS CHALLENGE 500969 8/26/2021 001937 GALLS LLC EMERGENCY OXYGEN EQUIPMENT: AQUATICS EMERGENCY OXYGEN EQUIP: AQUATIC 500970 8/26/2021 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CODE INC ENFORCEMENT MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEN MISC OFC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: P1 Amount Paid Check Total 225.00 225.00 1,477.70 120.40 58.45 1,656.55 1,700.00 390.00 2,090.00 32.00 32.00 28.28 28.28 500.00 200.00 700.00 3,840.00 3,840.00 8,400.00 3,640.00 2,300.00 532.00 382.93 260.25 15,515.18 213.35 189.25 119.42 35.60 557.62 438.20 438.20 150.00 150.00 2,269.83 72.04 2,341.87 82.28 55.66 24.60 162.54 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/24/2021 2:50:11PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 500971 8/26/2021 005579 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY, WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: CODE ENF SERVICES, INC 500972 8/26/2021 019089 JACOBO, DENISE REIMB: RFRSHMNTS: PLANNING COMMISSION 500973 8/26/2021 018314 MICHAEL BAKER CONSULTANT SVCS-ROW INTERNATIONAL CLOSEOUT:PW-CIP 500974 8/26/2021 013827 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC EROSION REPAIR: YNEZ RD/DUCK POND 500975 8/26/2021 004043 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PW PARKS INC ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STA 92 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STA 92 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PW PARKS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 500976 8/26/2021 020555 NEXTECH SYSTEMS INC REPLACEMENT STREET SIGN: STREETS:PW 500977 8/26/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW FACS INC 500978 8/26/2021 021998 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: TCSD INC CITY VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PARK RANG 500979 8/26/2021 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL JUL SHOPPING CART CLEAN-UP: PW MANAGEMENT STREETS 500980 8/26/2021 021603 RENTALS BY PREMIER INC, TABLES/CHAIRS/TENT RENTALS: TCSD PREMIER PARTY & TENT RENT 8/6 500981 8/26/2021 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC JAZZ @ THE MERC 8/5/21 JAZZ @ THE MERC 8/12/21 500982 8/26/2021 009746 SIGNS BY TOMORROW MISC SIGNAGE:SPECIAL EVENTS:TCSD 500983 8/26/2021 016311 TIERCE, NICHOLAS JUL GRAPHIC DSGN/VIDEO SRVCS: TVM 500984 8/26/2021 000668 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC DJ/MC/SOUND SET-UP: SMR CONCERT 8/19 Amount Paid Check Total 30,250.00 30,250.00 61.35 61.35 6,708.50 6,708.50 10,232.00 10,232.00 1,603.95 710.91 421.65 278.66 107.54 96.57 24.14 3,243.42 4,558.47 4,558.47 659.00 659.00 570.96 38.57 609.53 1,774.00 1,774.00 253.88 253.88 785.00 755.00 1,540.00 250.13 250.13 902.00 902.00 3,450.00 3,450.00 Paget apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/24/2021 2:50:11PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: eunion EFT UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor 500985 8/26/2021 011351 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total JUL REIMB EXP SOFTWARE IMPLMNT: 1,672.64 I.T. Grand total for EFT UNION BANK: 1,672.64 93,902.16 Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 08/24/2021 2:50:11PM CITY OF TEMECULA 28 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 93,902.16 Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK Check # Date Vendor Description 11721 8/20/2021 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER VARIOUS JUL WATER 3026656 31367 DISTRICT LA 11722 8/16/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 40820 WINCHESTER RD 11723 8/16/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 41000 MAIN ST 11724 8/16/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUG INTERNET SVCS - EOC 11738 8/18/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700618534991 30395 MURRIETA HOT 11739 8/18/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700367835663 28582 HARVESTON DR 11740 8/18/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 600001004059 30875 RANCHO VISTA RD 11741 8/18/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 28816 PUJOL ST 11742 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700145715868 30499 RANCHO CAL RD 11743 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700246548782 26953 YNEZ RD 11744 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700030933344 26706 YNEZ RD 11745 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700246573943 26953 YNEZ RD 11746 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700475634086 26036 YNEZ RD 11747 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700036969370 40820 WINCHESTER RD 11748 8/23/2021 000537 SO CALIF EDISON JUL 700408183926 40233 VILLAGE RD 11749 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 31991 RORIPAUGH DIST VALLEY Amount Paid Check Total 23,978.33 23,978.33 5.32 5.32 1,113.40 1,113.40 157.69 157.69 29.13 29.13 960.66 960.66 24,143.38 24,143.38 598.64 598.64 103.71 103.71 110.22 110.22 146.80 146.80 182.71 182.71 389.63 389.63 1,186.86 1,186.86 2,740.55 2,740.55 2,519.13 2,519.13 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 11750 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 32131 SOUTH DIST LOOP RD 11751 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 31991 RORIPAUGH DIST VALLEY 11752 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 39656 DIEGO DR DIST 11753 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 32131 SOUTH DIST LOOP RD 11754 8/19/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 32131 SOUTH DIST LOOP RD 11755 8/19/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 32131 S LOOP ROAD 11756 8/23/2021 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE AUGUST INTERNET SVCS 30600 PAUBA RD 11757 8/19/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUGUST INTERNET SVCS - LIBRARY 11758 8/19/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUGUST INTERNET SVCS - LIBRARY 11759 8/23/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUG INTERNET SVCS - CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 11760 8/23/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 091-085-1632-0 41951 MORAGA RD 11761 8/24/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 055-475-6169-5 32380 DEER HOLLOW 11762 8/24/2021 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY JULY 015-575-0195-2 32211 WOLF VALLEY 11763 8/24/2021 018858 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUG INTERNET SVCS - EXTERNAL DMV 11764 8/24/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS 39569 SERAPHINA DIST RD 11765 8/24/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS MURRIETA HOT DIST SPRINGS RD Amount Paid Check Total 52.48 52.48 103.68 103.68 138.39 138.39 207.36 207.36 233.59 233.59 250.66 250.66 609.14 609.14 5.31 5.31 5.31 5.31 130.98 130.98 15.29 15.29 49.69 49.69 97.41 97.41 100.98 100.98 540.56 540.56 317.84 317.84 Paget apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 11766 8/24/2021 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER JULY WATER SVCS MURRIETA HOT DIST SPRINGS RD 102095 8/23/2021 022658 GRAHAM SOLAR SYSTEMS INC REFUND: CANCELLED PERMIT B21-4128 206668 8/26/2021 003552 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING, AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY C/O BNB BANK LOCKBOX PAYMENT 206669 8/26/2021 007282 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES FURNITURE & FIXTURES: HR INC MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD MISC EQUIPMENT: PREVENTION: FIRE MISC EQUIPMENT: PREVENTION: FIRE MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PREVENTION: FIR MISC OFC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV MISC EQUIPMENT: PREVENTION: FIRE 206670 8/26/2021 015592 BAMM PROMOTIONAL Embroidery:uniforms: Bldg & Safety PRODUCTS INC 206671 8/26/2021 010469 BOZONELOS, BOB ART OFF THE WALLS: MUSICIAN: TCSD 206672 8/26/2021 004241 CALIF DEPT OF STATE ADATRAINING: TIRADO, CARLOS ARCHITECT 206673 8/26/2021 012627 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES WINDOW CLEANING: HR/CITY INC, DBA:CLEAR IMAGE ATTORNEY WINDOW CL 206674 8/26/2021 021743 COLEY II, CARL REFUND: CUSTOMER CREDIT - CANCELLED SHOW 206675 8/26/2021 005901 EXHIBIT ENVOY EXHIBIT RENTAL: TVM 8/29/21-10/24/21 206676 8/26/2021 021365 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC 8/10 CLAIMS RECOVERY SRVCS: RISK MGMT 8/16 CLAIMS RECOVERY SRVCS: RISK fV 206677 8/26/2021 003198 HOME DEPOT HRDWR SUPPLIES: TCC: FIRE DEPT MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR 206678 8/26/2021 022569 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC VEHICLE & EQUIP REPAIRS: STREETS: PW 206679 8/26/2021 001091 KEYSER MARSTON FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS: SOLANA ASSOCIATES INC WINCHESTE Amount Paid Check Total 61.59 61.59 266.60 266.60 3,824.68 3,824.68 3,873.48 266.52 244.66 120.98 91.72 42.34 10.86 -122.64 4,527.92 32.63 32.63 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 415.00 415.00 50.00 50.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,487.56 6,447.46 12,935.02 1,979.18 209.39 2,188.57 135.50 135.50 2,412.49 2,412.49 Page:3 apChkLst 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 4 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 206680 8/26/2021 017118 KRACH BREE B, DBA PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: TEAM PACE 40.78 TEMECULA TROPHY & DES CREDIT. -10.20 30.58 206681 8/26/2021 013982 M C I COMM SERVICE AUG 7DK89878 XXX-0714 GEN USAGE 38.63 AUG 7DK90589 XXX-0346 GEN USAGE 37.17 75.80 206682 8/26/2021 000209 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC, EQUIPMENT REPAIR: FIRE STA 84 21.72 DBA CROP PRODUCTION SRVCS EQUIPMENT REPAIR: FIRE STA 73 16.28 EQUIPMENT REPAIR: FIRE STA 73 10.85 48.85 206683 8/26/2021 017148 OAKLEY SALES CORP MOTOR GLOVES & SUNGLASSES: PD 637.43 637.43 TRAFFIC 206684 8/26/2021 000249 PETTY CASH PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 936.02 936.02 206685 8/26/2021 010338 POOL AND ELECTRICAL, VARIOUS SUPPLIES: AQUATICS 435.87 PRODUCTS INC CHEMICALS & PARTS: SPLASH PAD 219.84 655.71 206686 8/26/2021 021107 PUBLIC ADVERTISING AGENCY GRAPHIC DESIGN SRVCS: ECO DEV 1,745.90 1,745.90 INC 206687 8/26/2021 001364 R C P BLOCK & BRICK INC MASONRY SUPPLIES: VARIOUS PARKS 8.32 8.32 206688 8/26/2021 022537 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVC CENTER 974.93 DISTRIBUTOR FREEZER REPAIR: STA95 316.62 FREEZER REPAIR: STA95 9.17 1,300.72 206689 8/26/2021 000353 RIVERSIDE CO AUDITOR, FY21/22 LAFCO FEES: PLANNING 12,446.90 12,446.90 CONTROLLER 206690 8/26/2021 010777 RIVERSIDE CO EXECUTIVE FY21/22 DEBT SRVC ANIMAL CONTROL 86,668.00 OFFICE JUL-SEP ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS 47,788.00 134,456.00 206691 8/26/2021 017699 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA M PHOTOGRAPHY: TVM 8/14 170.00 PRESTON PHOTOGRAPHY: TCSD 8/10 90.00 PHOTOGRAPHY: HR 8/10 90.00 PHOTOGRAPHY: ECON DEV 8/10 90.00 440.00 206692 8/26/2021 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST EMERG PEST CONTROL SRVCS: CALLE 188.00 CONTROL INC TAJO AUG PEST CONTROL SRVCS: CIVIC 118.00 CENTER 48.00 AUG PEST CONTROL SRVCS: 42.00 396.00 OVERLAND AUG PEST CONTROL 206693 8/26/2021 003677 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS SRVCS: STA 92 314.27 314.27 LLC VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINT: PD TRAFFIC Page:4 apChkLst 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 5 Bank: union UNION BANK (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 206694 8/26/2021 020911 T-MOBILE USA, INC. GPS LOCATE SVCS-7/19-8/1/21 420.00 GPS LOCATE SVCS-7/20-7/27/21 240.00 GPS LOCATE SVCS-1/14-1/19/21 180.00 840.00 206695 8/26/2021 010046 TV CONVENTION &VISITORS JUN'21 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS 238,840.37 238,840.37 BUREAU, DBA VISIT TEMECULA VALLEY 206696 8/26/2021 022102 UNITED PARCEL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SRVCS: THEATER 123.96 INC EXPRESS MAIL SRVCS: FIRE 25.43 149.39 206697 8/26/2021 014486 VERIZON WIRELESS 7/11-8/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS 466.82 466.82 POLICE 206698 8/26/2021 021238 VICKERS, JANUARY REFUND: SPECIAL NEEDS 50.00 50.00 BASKETBALL PROGRAM 206699 8/26/2021 007987 WALMART MISC SUPPLIES: TVM/SECOND 84.50 SATURDAY REC SUPPLIES: CRC 19.25 103.75 Grand total for UNION BANK: 485,467.66 Page:5 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 08/26/2021 1:35:17PM CITY OF TEMECULA 66 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 485,467.66 Page6 Item No. 4 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021 PREPARED BY: Rudy J. Graciano, Fiscal Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 require reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio, receipts, and disbursements respectively. Adequate funds will be available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City for the next six months. Current market values are derived from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) reports, Union Bank of California trust and custody statements, and from US Bank trust statements. Attached is the City Treasurer's Report that provides this information. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the statement of investment policy and Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 as of June 30, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Summary June 30, 2021 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 (951)694-6430 Par Market Book % of Days to YTM YTM Investments Value Value Value Portfolio Term Maturity 360 Equiv. 365 Equiv. Managed Pool Accounts 41,710,570.24 41,710,570.24 41,710,570.24 23.76 1 1 0.100 0.102 Retention Escrow Account 767,453.93 767,453.93 767,453.93 0.44 1 1 0.067 0.068 Letter of Credit 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1 1 0.000 0.000 Trust Accounts 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 9.76 1 1 22.458 22.770 Local Agency Investment Funds 98,933,179.78 98,941,388.27 98,933,179.78 56.36 1 1 0.334 0.339 Federal Agency Callable Securities 12,000,000.00 11,948,680.00 12,000,000.00 6.84 1,628 1,434 0.808 0.820 Federal Agency Bullet Securities 5,000,000.00 5,066,740.00 5,000,000.00 2.85 1,132 441 1.897 1.923 175,548,842.14 175,572,470.63 175,548,842.14 100.00% 144 111 2.514 2.549 Investments Cash Passbook/Checking 7,068,851.92 7,068,851.92 7,068,851.92 1 1 0.000 0.000 (not included in yield calculations) Total Cash and Investments 182,617,694.06 182,641,322.55 182,617,694.06 144 111 2.514 2.549 Total Earnings June 30 Month Ending Fiscal Year To Date Fiscal Year Ending Current Year 378,150.41 3,153,796.83 3,153,796.83 Average Daily Balance 197,557,426.29 158,791,897.72 Effective Rate of Return 2.33% 1.99% Reporting period 06/01/2021-06/30/2021 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 NL! CP Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 PM (PRF_PM1) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2021 Page 1 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 233358001-6 01-2 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 5,513.20 5,513.20 5,513.20 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 233358006-6 01-2 REF RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 503,292.90 503,292.90 503,292.90 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 233358000-6 01-2 REF ST First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 869,190.06 869,190.06 869,190.06 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 276213009-6 03-02 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213008-6 03-02 IMPR First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 517.24 517.24 517.24 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 276213006-6 03-02 RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 741,157.73 741,157.73 741,157.73 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 164741002-6 03-03 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 118,417.38 118,417.38 118,417.38 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 164741008-6 03-03IMP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 194,107.07 194,107.07 194,107.07 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 164741006-6 03-03RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.000 0.000 1 164741000-6 03-03SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 1,667,592.06 1,667,592.06 1,667,592.06 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 164742002-6 03-06 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 25,001.74 25,001.74 25,001.74 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 164742000-6 03-06SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 256,674.02 256,674.02 256,674.02 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 229462007-6 03-1 2012 RF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 229462002--6 03-1 BOND FD First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 2,587.14 2,587.14 2,587.14 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 229462009-6 03-1 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 229462006-6 03-1 RESERV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 17,218.04 17,218.04 17,218.04 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 229462000-6 03-1 SPECF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 733,969.35 733,969.35 733,969.35 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 94669921-6 03-1ACQ11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.870 0.858 0.870 1 94669911-6 03-1ACQA11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669917-6 03-1 RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669916-6 03-1 RESB11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669000-6 03-1 SPTAX11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213002-6 03-2 REFU First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.000 0.000 1 276213000-6 03-2 SPEC First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 649,808.47 649,808.47 649,808.47 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 94686001-6 034ADMIN11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 0.059 0.060 1 94686005-6 034PREP11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.070 0.069 0.070 1 94686000-6 034RED11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.050 0.049 0.050 1 94686006-6 034RES11 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 0.059 0.060 1 276213022-6 16-01 BOND F First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 3.23 3.23 3.23 0.000 0.000 1 276213023-6 16-01 CAPINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.870 0.858 0.870 1 276213029-6 16-01 COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 276213028-6 16-01 IMP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 6,723,323.42 6,723,323.42 6,723,323.42 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 276213026-6 16-01 RESERV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 3,153,900.97 3,153,900.97 3,153,900.97 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 276213020-6 16-01 SPECF First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 2,219,927.83 2,219,927.83 2,219,927.83 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 218848001-6 2017A&B INT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 4.80 4.80 4.80 0.000 0.000 1 218848008-6 2017ABPRIORP First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 17,957.38 17,957.38 17,957.38 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2021 Page 2 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 218848013-2 2017B COI First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 218848000-6 2017B DS First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 69.65 69.65 69.65 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 218848002-6 2017B PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 989.31 989.31 989.31 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 218848009-6 2017B_PROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 13,121,933.19 13,121,933.19 13,121,933.19 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 233358009-6 233358009-6 First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94434160-6 RDA-021NT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94434161-6 RDA-02PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886000-6 RDA-06AINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886001-6 RDA06APRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886010-6 RDA06BINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886011-6 RDA06BPRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.680 0.671 0.680 1 107886016-6 RDA06BRES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 107886020-6 RDA071NT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 107886021-6 RDA07PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.930 0.917 0.930 1 107886028-6 RDA07PROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 107886026-6 RDA07RES First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.940 0.927 0.940 1 136343008-6 RDA10APROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343018-6 RDA10BPROJ First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343000-6 RDA10INT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343001-6 RDA10PRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 136343006-6 RDA10RSRV First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 146161000-6 RDA11AINT First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 146161001-6 RDA11APRIN First Amer Govt Oblig Fund Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669902-3 03-1 BOND3 First American Treasury 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94434160-1 RDA 02 INT1 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 94434161-2 RDA 02 PRIN2 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 136343018-2 RDA 10B CIP2 First American Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 146161008-3 RDA11APROJ Federated Institutional Tax Fr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.800 0.789 0.800 1 146161006-3 RDA11ARSRV Federated Institutional Tax Fr 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669921-5 03-01 ACQ11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669911-5 03-01 ACQA11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669917-5 03-01 RES Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94669906-5 03-01 RESA11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.001 0.001 1 94669916-5 03-01 RESB11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669000-5 03-01 SPTAXI1 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 164742006-5 03-06 RES Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 NL! CP Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2021 Page 3 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Managed Pool Accounts 164742000-5 03-06 SPEC Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669902-5 03-1bond fd Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94686001-5 03-4 ADMIN11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94686005-5 03-4 PREP11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 07/01/2020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 94686006-5 03-4 RES11 Federated Tax Free Obligations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.247 0.250 1 94669917-1 03-01-1 RES CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 276213008-1 03-02 IMP CA Local Agency Investment Fun 8,143,767.12 8,143,767.12 8,143,767.12 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 164742006-1 03-06 RES-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 307,153.52 307,153.52 307,153.52 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 229462007-1 03-1 2012 RE CA Local Agency Investment Fun 814,859.63 814,859.63 814,859.63 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 94669911-1 03-1 ACQ A2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 94669921-1 03-1 ACQ B2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 744727011-1 03-3 ACQ 2 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 164741006-1 0303-1 RES CA Local Agency Investment Fun 1,421,194.27 1,421,194.27 1,421,194.27 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 107886028-1 RDA 07 PRO-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 107886026-1 RDA 07 RES-1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 136343018-1 RDA 10B CIP1 CA Local Agency Investment Fun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 229462020-0 03-01 CASH USBANK 438.42 438.42 438.42 0.000 0.000 1 164742006-0 03-06 Cash USBANK 02/01/2021 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1 233358050-1 01-2 SPECESC U.S. Treasury 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.360 0.355 0.360 1 Subtotal and Average 41,722,127.41 41,710,570.24 41,710,570.24 41,710,570.24 0.100 0.102 1 Retention Escrow Account NOBEL COMPANY 3354 Banner Bank 218848050-0 2002 ESCROW USBANK 218848060-0 2006AESCRO USBANK 218848070-0 2006BESCRO USBANK 218848080-0 2007ESCROW USBANK 229462020-2 03-01 ESCROW U.S. Treasury Subtotal and Averaae 726.517.77 05/01 /2021 07/01/2020 07/01/2020 07/01/2020 07/01/2020 Letter of Credit 218848006-1 2017B RESER ASSURED GUARANTY MUNICIPAL COR 07/01/2020 233358006-1 01-2 REFRESI ASSURANCE CO BOND INSURANCE 07/01/2020 Subtotal and Average 2.00 45,260.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 722,193.78 767,453.93 45,260.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 722,193.78 767,453.93 45,260.15 0.150 0.148 0.150 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 722,193.78 0.063 0.062 0.063 767,453.93 0.067 0.068 I 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.000 0.000 1 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 NL! CP Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2021 Page 4 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to Maturity CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Date Trust Accounts 6746058700 PARS Pension US Bank Trust 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 22.770 22.458 22.770 1 Subtotal and Average 16,952,711.91 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 17,137,636.19 22.458 22.770 1 Local Agency Investment Funds SYSCITY CITY CA Local Agency Investment Fun 44,099,919.89 44,103,578.86 44,099,919.89 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 SYSRDA RDA CA Local Agency Investment Fun 1,889.48 1,889.64 1,889.48 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 SYSTCSD TCSD CA Local Agency Investment Fun 54,831,370.41 54,835,919.77 54,831,370.41 0.339 0.334 0.339 1 Subtotal and Average 100,633,179.78 98,933,179.78 98,941,388.27 98,933,179.78 0.334 0.339 1 Federal Agency Callable Securities 3133EMQGO 01259 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/10/2021 1,000,000.00 987,810.00 1,000,000.00 0.320 0.316 0.320 1,320 02/10/2025 3133EMK92 01265 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/23/2021 1,000,000.00 995,950.00 1,000,000.00 0.580 0.572 0.580 1,453 06/23/2025 3133EMN57 01266 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/28/2021 1,000,000.00 999,530.00 1,000,000.00 0.440 0.434 0.440 1,093 06/28/2024 3133EMP22 01267 Federal Farm Credit Bank 06/30/2021 1,000,000.00 999,260.00 1,000,000.00 0.910 0.898 0.910 1,825 06/30/2026 313OAKQ41 01258 Federal Home Loan Bank 01/28/2021 1,000,000.00 983,600.00 1,000,000.00 0.520 0.513 0.520 1,672 01/28/2026 3130ALEU4 01260 Federal Home Loan Bank 02/25/2021 1,000,000.00 989,510.00 1,000,000.00 0.350 0.345 0.350 1,243 11/25/2024 3130ALWV2 01261 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/21/2021 1,000,000.00 1,001,090.00 1,000,000.00 0.550 1.011 1.025 1,755 04/21/2026 3130AM2V3 01262 Federal Home Loan Bank 04/29/2021 1,000,000.00 998,480.00 1,000,000.00 0.700 0.690 0.700 1,398 04/29/2025 3130AMNMO 01263 Federal Home Loan Bank 05/27/2021 1,000,000.00 998,850.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 0.493 0.500 1,791 05/27/2026 3130AMM90 01264 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/10/2021 1,000,000.00 998,740.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 1.973 2.000 1,805 06/10/2026 3134GBGZ9 01232 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 04/27/2017 1,000,000.00 1,010,980.00 1,000,000.00 2.000 1.964 1.991 210 01/27/2022 3134GXJL9 01257 Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp 12/30/2020 1,000,000.00 984,880.00 1,000,000.00 0.500 0.493 0.500 1,643 12/30/2025 Subtotal and Average 9,100,000.00 12,000,000.00 11,948,680.00 12,000,000.00 0.808 0.820 1,434 Federal Agency Bullet Securities 3133EJT74 01249 Federal Farm Credit Bank 11/15/2018 1,000,000.00 1,011,050.00 1,000,000.00 3.050 3.008 3.050 137 11/15/2021 3133ELMA9 01254 Federal Farm Credit Bank 02/07/2020 1,000,000.00 1,023,530.00 1,000,000.00 1.420 1.401 1.420 767 08/07/2023 3133ELTU8 01256 Federal Farm Credit Bank 03/18/2020 1,000,000.00 1,013,870.00 1,000,000.00 0.920 0.907 0.920 991 03/18/2024 3130AHF81 01251 Federal Home Loan Bank 10/25/2019 1,000,000.00 1,004,860.00 1,000,000.00 1.600 1.578 1.600 116 10/25/2021 3135GOU92 01250 Federal National Mtg Assn 01/11/2019 1,000,000.00 1,013,430.00 1,000,000.00 2.625 2.589 2.625 194 01/11/2022 Subtotal and Average 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,066,740.00 5,000,000.00 1.897 1.923 441 Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 Portfolio TEME NL! CP PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments June 30, 2021 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Total and Average 197,557,426.29 175,548,842.14 175,572,470.63 175,548,842.14 2.514 2.549 111 Page 5 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 NL! CP Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Portfolio Managment Treasury Report Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Cash June 30, 2021 Page 6 Average Purchase Stated YTM YTM Days to CUSIP Investment # Issuer Balance Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Rate 360 365 Maturity Passbook/Checking Accounts 1453718479 WORKERS BANK OF AMERICA MERRILL LYNC 07/01/2020 13,307.59 13,307.59 13,307.59 0.000 0.000 1 SYSPetty Cash Petty Cash City of Temecula 07/01/2020 3,911.00 3,911.00 3,911.00 0.000 0.000 1 SYSGen Ck Acct Gen Ck Acct Union Bank of California 7,045,211.33 7,045,211.33 7,045,211.33 0.000 0.000 1 SYSParking Ck PARKING CITA Union Bank of California 07/01/2020 6,422.00 6,422.00 6,422.00 0.000 0.000 1 Average Balance 0.00 Total Cash and Investments 197,557,426.29 1 182,617,694.06 182,641,322.55 182,617,694.06 2.514 2.549 111 Portfolio TEME Data Updated: SET_MTH: 08/18/2021 16:24 NL! CP Run Date: 08/18/2021 - 16:25 PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Cash and Investments Report CITY OF TEMECULA Through June 2021 Fund # Fund Name Beginning Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Total 001 GENERAL FUND $ 42,156,460.44 $ 13,988,960.01 $ 9,700,520.29 $ 46,444,900.16 002 MEASURE S FUND 21,548,088.81 2,578,099.60 20,059.94 24,106,128.47 100 STATE GAS TAX FUND 281,080.27 405,767.00 - 686,847.27 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINTENANCE REHABILITATION ACT 3,023,726.56 160,782.90 2,647.79 3,181,861.67 103 STREETS MAINTENANCE FUND 2,460,460.79 - 2,045.77 2,458,415.02 106 UPTOWN TEMECULA NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEES 894,900.17 - 744.07 894,156.10 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FUND 3,500,345.79 167,599.35 3,049.75 3,664,895.39 125 PEG PUBLIC EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT 533,034.87 - 443.20 532,591.67 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSET TEAM 839,349.83 - 697.89 838,651.94 150 AB 2766 FUND 108,007.45 48,425.69 130.07 156,303.07 160 SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 16,677.66 103,424.36 - 120,102.02 161 TEMECULA MAJOR CRIMES REWARD FUND 27,185.19 - 22.60 27,162.59 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 1,985,610.88 127,000.00 27,088.63 2,085,522.25 170 MEASURE A FUND 8,430,856.49 5,864.00 124,197.28 8,312,523.21 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 1,384,969.24 372,012.93 990,840.83 766,141.34 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHTS 773,049.21 - 23,980.80 749,068.41 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE/RECYCLING 4,380,836.56 47.56 4,292,478.00 88,406.12 195 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "R" STREET/ROAD MAINT 30,423.90 - 25.30 30,398.60 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 474,600.19 930.00 15,736.30 459,793.89 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 374,983.59 1,680.85 38,844.14 337,820.30 198 PUBLIC ART 88,942.25 2,110.49 75.71 90,977.03 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND 16,831,166.56 169,287.69 2,734,139.97 14,266,314.28 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROVEMENT FUND 211,394.50 4.13 14.38 211,384.25 277 CFD-RORIPAUGH 8,288,343.87 1.42 119.78 8,288,225.51 278 CFD-RORIPAUGH II 6,723,180.54 142.88 - 6,723,323.42 300 INSURANCE FUND 1,160,431.65 - 27,639.37 1,132,792.28 305 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 2,067,475.41 23,845.06 2,043,630.35 310 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FUND 1,981,690.66 - 286,697.70 1,694,992.96 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 908,135.76 0.26 333,097.23 575,038.79 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT FUND 1,362,374.73 - 1,132.76 1,361,241.97 335 CENTRAL SERVICES 298,670.78 100.78 39,715.73 259,055.83 340 FACILITIES 513,128.25 6,413.05 97,496.56 422,044.74 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT FUND 126.84 - 74,707.15 (74,580.31) 380 SARDA DEBT SERVICE FUND 13,970,678.76 852,118.20 1,681,840.63 13,140,956.33 381 REDEVELOPMEN PROPERTY TAX TRUST - 3,585,780.00 854,079.04 2,731,700.96 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SERVICE FUND 95,341.74 - 79.27 95,262.47 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON A&B DEBT SERVICE 1,395,051.77 454,624.62 455,398.64 1,394,277.75 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,311,542.92 373,986.65 374,985.19 2,310,544.38 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER ROAD DEBT SERVICE 4,962.38 - 4.13 4,958.25 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 3,242,296.05 877,379.28 878,363.69 3,241,311.64 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 623,900.47 137,908.02 138,713.66 623,094.83 477 CFD 03-02 RORIPAUGH DEBT SERVICE FUND 1,411,093.34 349,576.54 350,740.70 1,409,929.18 478 CFD-RORIPAUGH II 5,403,821.42 1,381,524.24 1,382,243.78 5,403,101.88 501 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 21,170.26 6,551.33 14,618.93 502 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 116,831.49 2,831.93 113,999.56 503 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 56,209.51 3,431.24 52,778.27 504 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 5,424.35 507.15 4,917.20 505 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 37,747.00 - 2,767.40 34,979.60 506 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 42,793.92 18.12 4,105.67 38,706.37 507 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 11,931.55 - 1,254.84 10,676.71 508 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 135,428.60 19,907.75 115,520.85 509 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 31,761.16 222.82 31,538.34 510 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 15,861.50 641.64 15,219.86 511 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 3,996.80 152.67 3,844.13 512 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 128,811.60 9,331.50 119,480.10 513 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 34,715.36 2,468.58 32,246.78 514 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 13,985.81 1,109.20 12,876.61 515 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 13,324.40 608.44 12,715.96 516 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 71,377.83 1,522.82 69,855.01 517 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 2,431.88 158.52 2,273.36 518 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 69,335.74 6,636.35 62,699.39 519 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 93,602.21 4,315.23 89,286.98 520 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 272,630.73 13,821.90 258,808.83 521 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 249,033.18 28,978.23 220,054.95 522 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 11,040.47 290.05 10,750.42 523 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 24,034.12 484.69 23,549.43 524 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 24 HARVESTON 95,731.28 31,096.02 64,635.26 525 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 73,409.20 2,775.81 70,633.39 526 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,159.42 159.06 2,000.36 527 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 27 AVONDALE 10,718.10 833.31 9,884.79 528 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 691,596.28 18,841.79 672,754.49 529 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 5,052.91 186.12 4,866.79 530 SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,275.54 - 30.16 36,245.38 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION FUND $ 16,946,335.21 191,300.98 - $ 17,137,636.19 Grand Total: $ 181,443,155.95 $ 26,342,871.60 $ 25,144,705.00 $ 182,641,322.55 Journal Entries completed after May's Treasurer's Report was issued are reflected in the Receipts / Disbursements columns. Item No. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 PREPARED BY: Jada Shafe, Senior Accounting Technician RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council 1. Receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021; and 2. Appropriate $51,000 of available General Fund balance to the Covid-19 Emergency Response department to cover unanticipated costs related to the pandemic; and 3. Appropriate $1,700 of available General Fund balance to the Animal Control Department for unanticipated shelter operation expenditures; and 4. Appropriate $1,285,000 of available Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund Balance to cover the purchase of the Fire Truck, which was budgeted in a prior fiscal year but inadvertently not rolled forward into Fiscal Year 2020-21. BACKGROUND: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2021 2. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 (General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Improvement Fund, Debt Service Fund) 3. Combining Statement of Net Position as of March 31, 2021 4. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 (Internal Service Funds) 5. Statement of Net Position - Fiduciary Fund California Employee Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) Fund and Pension Rate Stabilization Fund as of March 31, 2021 6. Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position — Fiduciary Fund (CERBT) and Pension Rate Stabilization Fund for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 CITY OF TEMECULA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET As of March 31, 2021 Streets Uptown General Measure S State Gas Road Maintenance Maintenance Temecula New Fund Fund Tax Fund Rehabilitation Act Fund Streets In Lieu Fees ASSETS: Cash and Investments $ 25,022,625 $ 16,923,875 $ 101,877 $ 2,675,409 $ 2,459,127 $ 894,151 Receivables 22,269,679 5,680,847 180,027 179,288 2,181 1,199 Due from Other Funds 616,253 - - - - Advances to SARDA - - - - - - Deposits 1,325 - - - - Inventory 3,058 - - - - - Land Held for Resale - - - - - - TOTAL ASSETS $ 47,912,940 $ 22,604,722 $ 281,904 $ 2,854,697 $ 2,461,308 $ 895,350 LIABILITIES: Due to Other Funds $ - $ - $ 180,027 $ - $ - $ - Other Current Liabilities 8,650,451 4,278 - - - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 8,650,451 4,278 180,027 - - - DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES: Unavailable Revenues 661,889 - - - - - TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES 661,889 - - - - - FUND BALANCES: Nonspendable: Deposits 1,325 - - - - - Inventory 3,058 - - - - - Land Held for Resale - - - - - - Restricted For: Community Development Projects - - - - - - Capital Projects - - - 2,854,697 - - Public Education - - - - - - Public Works - - 101,877 - 2,461,308 895,350 Reward - - - - - - Committed To: Contractual Obligation - Encumbrances 2,031,158 - - - - - Economic Uncertainty (20%) 14,006,770 - - - - - Secondary Reserve (5%) 3,501,693 - - - - - Assigned To: Capital Projects 2,100,000 - - - - - Pechanga-funded Police support 326,810 - - - - - Unrealized Gains 56,910 - - - - - Unassigned 16,572,876 22,600,444 - - - - TOTAL FUND BALANCES 38,600,600 22,600,444 101,877 2,854,697 2,461,308 895,350 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, and FUND BALANCES $ 47,912,940 $ 22,604,722 $ 281,904 $ 2,854,697 $ 2,461,308 $ 895,350 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET As of March 31, 2021 Public Community Temecula Assembly Supplemental Development Education & Development Energy Bill 2766 Law Cares Act Impact Fund Government Block Grant Efficiency Motor Enforcement Fund Fund Asset Team Vehicle Services Fund Subvention ASSETS: Cash and Investments $ - $ 3,444,985 $ 576,764 $ - $ 838,926 $ 107,942 $ - Receivables - 10,091 33,053 436,714 745 448 8,352 Due from Other Funds - - - - - - - Advances to SARDA - - - - - - - Deposits - - - - - - - Inventory - - - - - - - Land Held for Resale - - - - - - - TOTAL ASSETS $ - $ 3,455,076 $ 609,817 $ 436,714 $ 839,671 $ 108,390 $ 8,352 LIABILITIES: Due to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - $ 427,874 $ - $ 21,667 $ 8,352 Other Current Liabilities - 17,659 - 8,840 - - - TOTAL LIABILITIES - 17,659 - 436,714 - 21,667 8,352 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES: Unavailable Revenues - - - 412,055 - - - TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES - - - 412,055 - - - FUND BALANCES: Nonspendable: Deposits - - - - - - - Inventory - - - - - - - Land Held for Resale - - - - - - - Restricted For: Community Development Projects - - - - - - - Capital Projects - 3,437,417 - - - 86,723 - Public Education - - 609,817 - - - - Public Works - - - - 839,671 - - Reward - - - - - - - Committed To: Contractual Obligation - Encumbrances - - - - - - - Economic Uncertainty (20%) - - - - - - - Secondary Reserve (5%) - - - - - - - Assigned To: Capital Projects - - - - - - - Pechanga-funded Police support - - - - - - - Unrealized Gains - - - - - - - Unassigned - - - - - - - TOTAL FUND BALANCES - 3,437,417 609,817 - 839,671 86,723 - TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, and FUND BALANCES $ - $ 3,455,076 $ 609,817 $ 436,714 $ 839,671 $ 108,390 $ 8,352 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET As of March 31, 2021 Temecula Financing Major Affordable Measure A Capital Project Lease Civic Financing Crimes Housing TOTAL Fund Fund Center and Lease MRC Reward Fund CRC Fund ASSETS: Cash and Investments $ 27,162 $ 1,982,026 $ 7,929,171 $ 17,963,799 $ - $ - $ 80,947,839 Receivables 43 28,723,993 323,931 2,697,471 - - 60,548,062 Due from Other Funds - - - 21,667 - - 637,920 Advances to SARDA - 51250,954 - - - - 5,250,954 Deposits - - - - - - 1,325 Inventory - - - - - - 3,058 Land Held for Resale - 4,400,388 - - - - 4,400,388 TOTAL ASSETS $ 27,205 $ 40,357,361 $ 8,253,102 $ 20,682,937 $ - $ - $ 151,789,546 LIABILITIES: Due to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 637,920 Other Current Liabilities - 19,011 863 1,246,962 - - 9,948,064 TOTAL LIABILITIES - 19,011 863 1,246,962 - - 10,585,984 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES: Unavailable Revenues - 28,408,448 - 2,664,692 - - 32,147,084 TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES - 28,408,448 - 2,664,692 - - 32,147,084 FUND BALANCES: Nonspendable: Deposits - - - - - - 1,325 Inventory - - - - - - 3,058 Land Held for Resale - 4,400,388 - - - - 4,400,388 Restricted For: Community Development Projects - 7,529,514 - - - - 7,529,514 Capital Projects - - 8,252,239 - - - 14,631,076 Public Education - - - - - - 609,817 Public Works - - - - - - 4,298,206 Reward 27,205 - - - - - 27,205 Committed To: Contractual Obligation - Encumbrances - - - - - - 2,031,158 Economic Uncertainty (20%) - - - - - - 14,006,770 Secondary Reserve (5%) - - - - - - 3,501,693 Assigned To: Capital Projects - - - 16,771,283 - - 18,871,283 Pechanga-funded Police support - - - - - - 326,810 Unrealized Gains - - - - - - 56,910 Unassigned - - - - - - 39,173,320 TOTAL FUND BALANCES 27,205 11,929,902 8,252,239 16,771,283 - - 109,468,533 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, and FUND BALANCES $ 27,205 $ 40,357,361 $ 8,253,102 $ 20,682,937 $ - $ - $ 151,789,546 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Sales Tax Sales Tax Sharing Agreement Franchise Fees Motor Vehicle In Lieu Property Tax- Secured/Unsecured Property Tax in Lieu of VLF Property Tax Relief (Homeowner) Property Transfer Tax Residual RPTTF Distribution Transient Occupancy Tax Vehicle Code Fines Development Services: Building & Safety Fire Land Development Planning Park Maintenance Public Works Police Bids and Proposals Business Licenses Investment Interest Lease Income Miscellaneous Rental Income Right of Way Advertising AB1379 Collection State Fee/SB1186 State Fee Operating Transfers In Measure S CARES Act Development Impact Fees (DIF) SLESF State Gas Tax Reimbursements: CIP Mandated Cost Pechanga IGA Other TOTAL REVENUES Annual Total Percentage of Amended Activity Budget Budget $ 36,177,000 $ 30,169,446 83% (1) (1,245,053) (930,957) 75% 3,562,656 3,020,244 85% 55,415 82,123 148% 8,071,208 5,692,497 71 % 8,801,658 4,399,030 50% (2) 74,615 34,995 47% (2) 780,787 718,830 92% (3) 300,000 22,541 8% (2) 2,620,575 1,884,159 72% 249,674 260,559 104% 1,603,275 1,546,897 96% 893,915 732,368 82% 1,005,805 1,499,151 149% (4) 682,502 478,826 70% 1,948,711 1,104,973 57% (5) 92,000 91,954 100% 438,745 305,152 70% 4,750 4,750 100% 255,000 228,185 89% (117,700) (244,992) 208% (6) 7,500 5,626 75% 31,918 71,186 223% 74,142 41,498 56% 23,640 12,840 54% 29,140 9,676 33% 5,944,780 4,090,488 69% 1,382,508 1,382,508 100% - 90,000 0% 279,185 254,017 91 % 2,639,716 1,825,922 69% 2,435,827 1,592,809 65% (7) 44,000 33,532 76% 356,567 336,440 94% 31,809 30,022 94% $ 79,536,270 $ 60,877,295 77% Notes: (1) Sales Taxes are trending higher than budget due to increased auto sales, re -openings of major retailers, increased construction and higher priced building materials, and increased on line purchases. (2) Property Tax revenues are scheduled to be received in January and May of this fiscal year. (3) The variance is due to greater property sales than expected during the pandemic period. (4) Revenues higher than anticipated in Onsite/Offsite inspections and Improvements, as well as increased home renovation projects. (5) Measure C tax, half of which is dedicated to Park Maintenance, is received in January and May of each fiscal year. (6) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (7) The variance is due to less than anticipated reimbursements from Capital Improvement Projects in the first three quarters. STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERAL FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Year -to -Date Year -to -Date percentage Amended Activity Encumbrances Activity and of Budget Budget Encumbrances EXPENDITURES: City Council $ 592,662 $ 366,539 $ 9,502 $ 376,041 63% Community Support 125,000 90,832 - 90,832 73% City Manager 1,631,334 1,126,602 37,921 1,164,523 71 % Economic Development 1,672,987 1,173,441 25,225 1,198,666 72% Emergency Management 421,309 340,188 23,570 363,758 86% City Clerk 1,311,453 910,090 31,251 941,341 72% City Attorney 961,146 333,303 - 333,303 35% Finance 2,600,964 1,832,472 92,665 1,925,137 74% Human Resources 1,160,678 642,098 40,442 682,540 59% Planning 3,027,220 1,684,602 443,036 2,127,638 70% Building & Safety 3,299,788 2,275,967 91,339 2,367,306 72% Land Development 1,806,405 1,181,769 61,864 1,243,633 69% Public Works 6,268,854 3,475,636 287,193 3,762,829 60% CIP Administration 2,389,172 1,779,179 12,910 1,792,089 75% Parks Maintenance 4,008,006 2,878,569 527,275 3,405,844 85% Police 35,990,468 22,879,637 128,965 23,008,602 64% Fire 10,406,302 6,549,286 112,014 6,661,300 64% Animal Control 450,177 344,191 105,986 450,177 100% Non Departmental Property Tax Admin 94,195 94,160 - 94,160 100% Retiree Medical Contribution 1,000,000 674,535 - 674,535 67% PERS Replacement Benefit 99,434 102,163 - 102,163 103% TOTAL EXPENDITURES (excluding transfers) 79,317,555 50,735,259 2,031,158 52,766,417 67% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures 218,715 10,142,036 Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Operating Transfer Out 2018 Financing Lease (Civic Center) 2018 Financing Lease (MRC) Capital Improvement Program Pension Rate Stabilization Total Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (2,077,767) (1,558,030) (555,808) (416,856) (362,077) (100,000) (2,000,000) (2,000,000) (4,995,652) (4,074,886) (4,776,937) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 32,533,450 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Notes: 6,067,150 32,533,450 $ 27,756,513 $ 38,600,600 (1) City Council variance is a combination of lower activity in expenditures, such as Consulting Services, Printing, Conferences/Professional Meetings, and Other Outside Services due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and one Council member position vacant for the first two quarters. (2) The variance for City Attorney expenditures on litigation/legal support is due to less activity than anticipated. (3) Human Resources variance is due to lower than anticipated legal services and staff training and education expenses as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (4) Public Works variance is due to lower than anticipated expenditures in the Traffic Engineering division for Consulting Services, Other Outside Services, Traffic Signal Maintenance, and Traffic Improvements; Old Town Maintenance division for Project Salaries, Other Outside Services , and Utilities; and the NPDES division for Consulting Services. Additionally, the NPDES Compliance permit will be paid in the 4th quarter and the Capital Outlay project for the Storm Drain Inlet filters has not begun. (5) Police variance is due to several factors: Timing of the Facility Charge and Records Management Charge being paid in the 4th quarter, the Flock System Capital Outlay has not been purchased, Project staff costs are lower due to vacancies. (6) Fire variance is due to contract savings and lower than anticipated expenditures, such as Repair and Maintenance line items, Temecula Citizens Corp Program, CPR Program, EMS Enhancements, Public Safety Education, and Paramedic Supplies. (7) Animal Control budget variance is due to encumbrances that are recorded for the entire fiscal year. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL MEASURE S FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage of Amended Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: Measure S (Transactions and Use Tax) $ 27,734,000 $ 23,868,288 86% Investment Interest 20,800 42,739 205% TOTAL REVENUES 27,754,800 23,911,027 86% Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating Transfers In - - 0% Operating Transfers Out: General Fund (5,944,780) (4,090,488) 69% Streets Maintenance (2,000,000) (1,000,000) 50% Information Technology (260,000) (162,500) 63% Technology Replacement (500,000) (250,000) 50% Facility Replacement (500,000) (312,500) 63% TCSD Operations (7,897,243) (5,985,777) 76% TCSD Service Level B (73,168) (45,730) 63% Library Services (847,181) (529,488) 62% Vehicle Replacement (500,000) (250,000) 50% Capital Improvement Program (18,361,511) (4,129,791) 22% Total Transfers Out (36,883,883) (16,756,274) 45% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) (9,129,083) 7,154,753 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 15,445,691 15,445,691 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 6,316,608 $ 22,600,444 Notes: (1) Measure S revenue is trending higher than budget due to increased auto sales, re -openings of major retailers, increased construction and higher priced building materials. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) Transfers occur as program expenditures are incurred. (3) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL STATE GAS TAX FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage Amended Activity of Budget Budget REVENUES: Section 2103 - 2107 Investment Interest TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers Out - General Fund Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 2,639,716 $ 1,824,528 69% - 1,394 100% (1) 2,639,716 1,825,922 69% 1,825,922 2,639,716 (2,639,716) (1,825,922) 69% 101,877 101,877 $ 101,877 $ 101,877 Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ROAD MAINTENANCE REHABILITATION ACT for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: RMRA Investment Interest TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers Out - CIP Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Annual Amended Budget $ 2,031,337 13,000 2,044,337 2,044,337 (3,097,213) (3,097,213) (1,052,876) 1,324,432 $ 271,556 Total Activity $ 1,525,548 4,717 1,530,265 1,530,265 1,530,265 1,324,432 $ 2,854,697 Percentage of Budget 75% 36% 75% 0% Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (2) Transfers to CIP will occur as project expenditures are incurred. (1) (2) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL STREETS MAINTENANCE FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage Amended Activity of Budget Budget REVENUES: Investment Interest $ 12,500 $ 3,767 30% (1) TOTAL REVENUES 12,500 3,767 30% EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer In - Measure S 2,000,000 1,000,000 Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 2,012,500 1,003,767 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 1,457,541 1,457,541 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 3,470,041 $ 2,461,308 Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL UPTOWN TEMECULA NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEES for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage Amended Activity of Budget Budget REVENUES: Jefferson Street In Lieu Fees 222,718 - 0% Investment Interest $ - $ 2,633 100% TOTAL REVENUES 222,718 2,633 1 % EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer In - Measure S - - Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 222,718 2,633 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 892,717 892,717 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 1,115,435 $ 895,350 (1) (2) Notes: (1) The variance in Jefferson St in Lieu Fees revenues is due to the timing of issuance of development permits. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CARES ACT for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage Amended Activity of Budget Budget REVENUES: Grants TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer In - Measure S Transfers Out - General Fund Transfers Out - CIP Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 1,382,508 1,382,508 1,382,508 1,382,508 (1,382,508) (1,382,508) (1,382,508) (1,382,508) 100% (1) 100% Notes: (1) Federal 2020 Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) grant revenue received through an allocation from the State of California, to assist Temecula in its response to the global pandemic. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Open Space Investment Interest Quimby Street Improvements Traffic Signals Parks & Recreation Corporate Facilities Fire Protection Library Police TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Net Change in Fund Balances Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Notes: Annual Amended Budget $ 150,622 18,000 533,347 3,057,877 437,298 516,746 449,070 159,284 476,880 181,668 5,980,792 5,980,792 (4,825,217) (4,825,217) 1,155, 575 2,592,355 $ 3,747,930 Total Activity $ 92,758 7,604 31,341 553,856 78,964 318,234 176,017 64,940 256,808 58,840 1,639,362 1,639,362 (794,300) (794,300) 845,062 2,592,355 $ 3,437,417 Percentage of Budget 62% 42% 6% 18% 18% 62% 39% 41% 54% 32% 27% 0% 0% 0% 16% (1) (2) (1) The variance in Development Impact Fees Fund (DIF) revenues is due to the timing of issuance of development permits. (2) Transfers to CIP will occur as project expenditures are incurred. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL PUBLIC EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Amended YTD Total Encumbrances Budget Activity Activity REVENUES PEG Fees Revenues $ 220,219 $ 181,338 $ - Investment Interest 2,000 1,263 - TOTAL REVENUES 222,219 182,601 - EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenses - Equipment 100,000 594 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100,000 594 10,000 Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures 122,219 182,007 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 427,810 427,810 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 550,029 $ 609,817 Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (2) Operating Expenses - projects are in progress. $ 181,338 1,263 182,601 10,594 10,594 Percentage of Budget 82% CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual YTD Percentage of Amended Activity Encumbrances Total Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: Grant Revenue $ 1,816,736 $ 500,623 $ - $ 500,623 28% TOTAL REVENUES 1,816,736 500,623 - 500,623 28% EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages 157,627 85,743 14,870 100,613 64% Other Outside Services 148,489 30,971 90,206 121,177 82% CDBG-CV Grants 819,764 - - - 0% Temecula Assist Grants 329,000 320,000 - 320,000 97% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,454,880 436,714 105,076 541,790 30% Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 361,856 63,909 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers In 689,650 - 0% Transfers Out (673,904) - Transfers Out - CIP (313,693) - 0% Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (297,947) - Net Change in Fund Balances 63,909 63,909 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 (63,909) (63,909) Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ - $ - Notes: (1) CDBG Revenue is recognized as eligible expenditures are incurred. (2) The variance in CDBG-CV Grant expenditures are due to the delayed timing of the program launch and the receipt of applications from eligible residents needing assistance with their mortgage or rent, due to the global pandemic. (1) (2) (2) (2) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSET MANAGEMENT TEAM for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Reimbursements Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Annual Amended Budget $ 640,754 $ $ 1,300 $ 642,054 (200,000) 442,054 198,410 Total Activity 640,755 506 641,261 641,261 198,410 $ 640,464 $ 839,671 Percentage of Budget 100% 39% 100% Notes: (1) Southern California Edison streetlight rebate received in February 2021. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 MOTOR VEHICLE SUBVENTION FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: AB 2766 Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Other Outside Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers Out Net Change in Fund Balances Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Annual Amended Total Activity Budget $ 151,870 $ 71,540 1,500 (31) 153,370 10,200 10,200 143,170 (106,700) 36,470 15,214 71,509 71,509 71,509 15,214 $ 51,684 $ 86,723 Percentage of Budget 47% -2% 47% 0% 0% 0% Notes: (1) Quarter Ending March 2021 revenues expected to be received June 2021. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) Transfers Out to CIP will be recorded as Capital Project expenditures are incurred. (1) (2) (3) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FUND (SLESF) for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage of Amended Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: AB 3229 - COPS Investment Interest TOTALREVENUES Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 278,695 $ 253,698 91 % 490 319 65% 279,185 254,017 91 % (279,185) (254,017) 91 % Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (2) Transfers Out reflects the transfer of revenue to the General Fund to support Police activity. (1) (2) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TEMECULA MAJOR CRIMES REWARD FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Percentage of Amended Total Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Other Outside Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 180 $ 81 180 81 180 81 27,124 27,124 $ 27,304 $ 27,205 45% (1) 45% Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Contributions to Agency Trust Investment Interest Reimbursements Rental Income TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: OPERATING EXPENDITURES: Salaries & Benefits Operating and Administrative Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Notes: Annual YTD Total Percentage Amended Activity Encumbrances Activity of Budget Budget $ 250,000 $ 125,000 $ - $ 125,000 50% 4,700 5,869 - 5,869 125% - 1,000 - 1,000 100% 85,400 61,066 - 61,066 72% 340,100 192,935 - 192,935 57% 279,365 174,849 - 174,849 63% 295,399 45,595 11,344 56,939 19% 574,764 220,444 11,344 231,788 40% (234,664) (27,509) 11,957,411 11,957,411 $ 11,722,747 $ 11,929,902 (1) The variance is due to the property tax remittances being received in January and May of each fiscal year. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) The variance is due to receipt of a non -anticipated tax credit. (4) The variance is due to lower than anticipated legal services and operating expenditures. (1) (2) (3) (4) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL MEASURE A FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Amended Total Encumbrances Total Activity Activity Budget REVENUES: Investment Interest Measure A TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Street Maintenance TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 Percentage of Budget $ 35,800 $ 20,541 $ - $ 20,541 57% 2,783,000 2,440,078 - 2,440,078 88% 2,818,800 2,460,619 - 2,460,619 87% 3,520,878 1,806,456 194,025 2,000,481 57% 3,520,878 1,806,456 194,025 2,000,481 57% (702,078) 654,163 (6,347,510) (143,600) (7,049,588) 510,563 7,741,676 7,741,676 $ 692,088 $ 8,252,239 Notes: (1) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (2) As Measure A is based on Countywide sales tax activity, the variance is due to increased auto sales, re -openings of major retailers, increased construction and higher priced building materials. (3) Routine Street Maintenance expenditures are scheduled to begin in April of this fiscal year. (1) (2) (3) CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Account Number :7ELVAN10RJ=I Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In -Measure S Grants DIF Reimbursements Other Reimbursements CSD Reimbursements TUMF Contributions Graffiti Abatement MSRC Mobile Source Air Review Committee Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES: Pechanga Parkway Environmental Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Diaz Road Expansion Traffic Cameras Communication Equipment Cherry St Ext Murrieta Creek Citywide Buffered Bike Lane Striping Pechanga Parkway Widening Ynez Road Improvements, ph I Ynez Road Improvements, ph II Fiber Optic Communication System Overland Drive Extension Commerce Center Drive to West of Enterprise Circle) Illuminated Street Name Sign Replace Improvements Improv 1-15 Congestion Relief Traffic Signal System Upgrade Plan PW-Roundabout Improvements on Ynez Road Medians and Parkway Citywide Murrieta Creek Bridge @ Overland Pavement Rehabilitation Program - Winchester Road Pavement Rehabilitation Program - Citywide Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange Flashing Beacons & Speed Advisory Signs Annual Year -to -Date Percentage Amended Activity Encumbrances Total Activity of Budget Budget $ 56,612,183 $ 3,506,519 $ 23,240,449 4,129,791 108,761,219 433,312 2,145,438 674,300 1,588,942 165,024 11,054,957 - 1,500,000 353,871 178,236 - - 30,000 141,000 - - 70,452 205,222,424 9,363,269 - $ 3,506,519 6% - 4,129,791 18% - 433,312 0% - 674,300 31 % - 165,024 10% - - 0% - 353,871 24% - - 0% - 30,000 0% - - 0% - 70,452 100% 9,363,269 5% (1) 265-516 188,500 1,836 16,458 18,294 10% 265-518 945,485 1,848 23,165 25,013 3% 265-521 856,792 237,902 373,800 611,702 71 % 265-523 136 - - - 0% 265-524 577,657 86,677 338,570 425,247 74% 265-526 92,527 - - - 0% 265-530 242,210 36,479 155,272 191,751 79% 265-534 500,000 - - - 0% 265-535 124,671 - 143,719 143,719 115% 265-550 1,202,033 - 693 693 0% 265-602 564,175 26,334 1,779 28,113 5% 265-603 100,000 - 73,080 73,080 73% 265-604 11,639,788 644 - 644 0% 265-605 999,555 117,823 10,281 128,104 13% 265-609 968,524 526,950 304,366 831,316 86% 265-610 538,641 18,234 25,881 44,115 8% 265-612 269,872 10,146 12,725 22,871 8% 265-613 57,668 - - - 0% 265-622 228,000 - - - 0% 265-648 1,489,450 142,638 1,222,293 1,364,931 92% 265-650 385,960 47,635 - 47,635 12% 265-655 9,717,395 231,087 2,042,701 2,273,788 23% 265-662 2,961,470 112,335 303,888 416,223 14% 265-670 116,963 55,597 - 55,597 48% CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND (continued) for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 EXPENDITURES - contV : Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement Program -Citywide Traffic Signal Installation -Citywide PW-Electric Vehicles Charging Station Improvement Citywide Street Light Acquisition and LED Retrofit Expanded Recycled Water Plant Material Conversion Project 1-15 Branding and Visioning- Conceptual Landscape Corridor Plan Margarita Recreation Center Old Town Parking Structure Sidewalks -Old Town Boardwalk Enhancement Fire Station 73 Gym Garage City Facilities Rehabilitation Facilities -Field Operation Center Medians & Ornamental Pedestrian Barriers - Citywide Sidewalks -Citywide Citywide Surveillance Cameras Bike Lane Trail Prgm Pump Track French Valley Pkwy/1-15 Improvements - Phase I Trail Sidewalks-DLR Drive Butterfield Stage Road Extension, Ph III Citywide Financial System Upgrade French Valley Pkwy/1-15 Improvements - Phase 11 French Valley/1-15 Phase III Community Recration Center - CRC Santa Gertrudis Creek, Phase II Murrieta Creek Improvements Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect Temecula Park and Ride Fire Station Roripaugh- Phase 11 Local Roadway Safety Plan Sidewalks -Old Town Improvements Account Number Annual Amended Budget Year -to -Date Encumbrances Total Activity Percentage Activity of Budget 265-680 1,294,394 16,778 - 16,778 1 % 265-682 606,948 49,326 4,174 53,500 9% 265-683 69,555 - - - 0% 265-687 605,622 90,689 68,644 159,333 26% 265-688 465,839 180,087 99,444 279,531 60% 265-689 176,939 158,521 11,459 169,980 96% 265-690 203,739 91,866 64,575 156,441 77% 265-692 9,420,786 327,267 660,671 987,938 10% 265-694 856,958 - 26,582 26,582 3% 265-696 24,170 16,466 435 16,901 70% 265-697 262,412 111,304 61,396 172,700 66% 265-701 308,786 248,193 7,147 255,340 83% 265-703 130,469 - - - 0% 265-704 385,248 36,145 - 36,145 9% 265-708 673,664 188,062 50,815 238,877 35% 265-711 164,981 24,600 85,630 110,230 67% 265-718 37,961 5,459 3,729 9,188 24% 265-719 172,709 - - - 0% 265-720 256,224 69,284 85,391 154,675 60% 265-721 360,061 37,452 4,930 42,382 12% 265-723 4,296,263 726,388 90,066 816,454 19% 265-724 1,313,972 3,805 249,150 252,955 19% 265-726 107,149,508 637,851 750,557 1,388,408 1 % 265-728 3,268,826 72,407 9,868 82,275 3% 265-730 890,991 107,016 145,001 252,017 28% 265-732 797,909 316,045 202,150 518,195 65% 265-735 725,091 21,084 32,485 53,569 7% 265-739 5,396,285 277,590 403,182 680,772 13% 265-747 421,966 2,846 263,268 266,114 63% 265-753 5,971 - - - 0% 265-755 90,000 15,830 64,150 79,980 89% 265-766 373,121 - - - 0% CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND (continued) for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Account Annual Amended Year -to -Date Percentage Number Budget Activity Encumbrances Total Activity of Budget W:/:1 =1`►IQIIILI]0=61 •. •E Sidewalk-Ynez Road 265-775 29,663 - - - 0% Utility Underground ing-Citywide 265-776 155,314 - - - 0% Comprehensive General Plan Update 265-777 310,000 1,208 57,212 58,420 19% City Facility Security 265-779 216,871 9,000 4,188 13,188 6% Bike Lane & Trail Prgm Mni Pump Track 265-781 95,000 87,706 2,327 90,033 95% MP Senior Center Enhancement Renovation 265-782 430,000 8,762 61,788 70,550 16% Overland Drive Widening 265-783 352,000 98,753 62,635 161,388 46% ADA Compliance Pavement Rehab Prgm 265-784 456,600 65,167 14,159 79,326 17% Nicolas Road Multi -Use Trail Extension 265-785 150,000 - - - 0% Sport Field Lighting LED Conversion 290-113 422,547 106,511 29,749 136,260 32% Ronald Reagan Sports Park Restroom Expansion and Renovation 290-114 953,535 334,660 271,733 606,393 64% Community Recreation Center (CRC) Pool Site Enhancements & Renovations 290-116 - 2,892 - 2,892 0% Playground Equipment Enhancement and Safety Surfacing 290-120 1,752,161 1,411,599 47,271 1,458,870 83% Children's Museum Enhancement 290-125 235,623 3,790 - 3,790 2% Flood Control Channel Reconstruction and repair 290-127 1,337,212 41,328 58,890 100,218 7% Parks Improvement Program 290-130 171,914 47,022 88,488 135,510 79% Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Enhancement 290-132 201,137 (10,030) - (10,030) -5% Improvements 290-136 14,291 - 14,290 14,290 100% Sports Court Resurfacing 290-141 50,000 13,900 23,960 37,860 76% Temecula Elementary School (TES) Pool 290-143 82,164 2,535 708 3,243 4% Eagle Soar Splash Pad Control System 290-145 32,413 15,910 - 15,910 49% Ronald H Roberts Temecula Library 290-146 18,287 - - - 0% Library Parking- Phase II 290-153 95,996 19,646 69,661 89,307 93% Public Restroom Renovations 290-155 969,313 15,573 9,024 24,597 3% Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond 290-187 27,767 - 25,085 25,085 90% Urban Forest Management Plan 290-204 351,230 65,749 257,541 323,290 92% CRC Splash Pad & Shade Structures 290-205 1,099,677 98,125 - 98,125 9% Sam Hicks Monument Park Perimeter Fence 290-220 251,000 10,995 6,604 17,599 7% Tenant Imprvs-Old Town Prkg Structure 299-5213 - - 3,663 3,663 0% Affordable Housing Project 815-5804 3,341,940 - - - 0% Las Haciendas Affordable Housing Prjt 817-5804 10,130,000 - - - 0% Vine Creek Affordable Housing Prjt 820-5804 2,710,000 - - - 0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 202,418,495 7,937,327 9,602,546 17,539,873 9% (1) Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfers Out - - Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources/(Uses) 2,803,929 1,425,942 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 15,345,341 15,345,341 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ 18,149,270 $ 16,771,283 Notes: (1) The variance is primarily due to the timing of project expenditures and revenues differing from that anticipated in the budget. CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL 2018 FINANCING LEASE CIVIC CENTER for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage of Amended Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: 2018 Financing Lease Revenues TOTALREVENUES EXPENDITURES: Debt Service Principal Debt Service Interest TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer in Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 1,547,000 1,155,000 530,767 403,030 2,077,767 1,558,030 (2,077,767) (1,558,030) 2,077,767 1,558,030 0% 0% 75% 76% 75% CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL 2018 FINANCING LEASE MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER (MRC) for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total Percentage of Amended Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: 2018 Financing Lease MRC TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Debt Service Principal Debt Service Interest TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Transfer in Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31/2021 $ - $ - 0% - - 0% 358,531 267,750 75% 197,277 149,106 76% 555.808 416.856 75% k000'ouo) k-F Io,000) CITY OF TEMECULA COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET POSITION INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS As of March 31, 2021 Workers' Vehicles and Information Technology Support Support Facility Insurance Services Facilities Compensation Equipment Technology Replacement Services Replacement TOTAL Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Replacement Fund Fund Fund ASSETS: Cash and Investments $ 1,255,482 $ 2,097,855 $ 1,980,251 $ 1,539,654 $ 1,426,921 $ 44,578 $ 304,911 $ 755,735 $ Receivables 2,055 2,972 3,661 2,000 1,716 440 412 580 Due from Other Funds 9,739 Prepaid Assets - - 1,000,000 - - - - - Property, Plant, and Equipment (net of accumulated depreciation) - - 1,217,133 145,253 498,611 - 101,903 - TOTAL ASSETS 1,257.537 2.100.827 4.201.045 1.686.907 1,927,248 45,018 416.965 756,315 1,489 $ 9,406,876 250 14,086 9,739 - 1,000,000 234,662 2,197,562 236,401 12,628,263 LIABILITIES AND NET POSITION LIABILITIES: Current Liabilities 506,113 8,107 285,287 285,622 40,243 41,409 - 154,661 1,525 1,322,967 Capital Leases Payable - - - 125,253 - 3,609 31,304 - - 160,166 TOTAL LIABILITIES 506,113 8,107 285,287 410,875 40,243 45,018 31,304 154,661 1,525 1,483,133 NET POSITION: TOTAL NET POSITION $ 751,424 $ 2,092,720 $ 3,915,758 $ 1,276,032 $ 1,887,005 $ - $ 385,661 $ 601,654 $ 234,876 $ 11,145,130 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, and CHANGES IN NET POSITION for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Workers' Vehicles and Information Technology Support Support Facility Insurance Compensation Equipment Technology Replacement Services Services Facilities Replacement TOTAL Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Replacement Fund Fund Fund REVENUES: Investment Interest $ 3,336 $ 6,935 $ 4,972 $ 4,253 $ 3,526 $ 751 $ 1,064 $ 1,280 $ 702 $ 26,819 Charges for Services 892,082 - 155,757 3,035,791 125,596 174,927 22,791 982,850 26,192 5,415,986 TOTAL REVENUES 895,418 6,935 160,729 3,040,044 129,122 175,678 23,855 984,130 26,894 5,442,805 EXPENSES: Salaries and Wages 64,455 51,349 - 1,553,534 - 146,841 - 271,506 - 2,087,685 Operating Expenses 827,629 239,390 295,720 1,483,450 152,122 30,780 59,454 696,664 13,695 3,798,904 Interest - - - - - 759 - - - 759 TOTAL EXPENSES 892,084 290,739 295,720 3,036,984 152,122 178,380 59,454 968,170 13,695 5,887,348 Revenues Over/(Under) Expenses 3,334 (283,804) (134,991) 3,060 (23,000) (2,702) (35,599) 15,960 13,199 (444,543) Other Financing Sources/(Uses): Transfer In- Measure S - - 250,000 162,500 250,000 - - - 312,500 975,000 Transfer out - - - - - - - - (712,056) (712,056) Net Position as of 7/01/2020 748,090 2,376,524 3,800,749 1,110,472 1,660,005 2,702 421,260 585,694 621,233 11,326,729 Net Position as of 3/31/2021 $ 751,424 $ 2,092,720 $ 3,915,758 $ 1,276,032 $ 1,887,005 $ - $ 385,661 $ 601,654 $ 234,876 $ 11,145,130 CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION - Fiduciary Fund CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE RETIREE BENEFIT TRUST (CERBT) FUND As of March 31, 2021 ASSETS: CERBT FUND Cash and Investments $ 15,531,395 TOTAL ASSETS 15,531,395 LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable 78,165 TOTAL LIABILITIES 78,165 NET POSITION: 15,453,230 Held in Trust for Retiree Benefits 15,453,230 TOTAL NET POSITION $ 15,453,230 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION - Fiduciary Fund CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE RETIREE BENEFIT TRUST FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 CERBT FUND ADDITIONS: Employer $ 674,535 Investment Earnings 2,542,817 TOTAL ADDITIONS 3,217,352 DEDUCTIONS: Benefits 752,700 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 752,700 CHANGE IN NET POSITION 2,464,652 Net Position as of 7/01/2020 12,988,578 Net Position as of 3/31/2021 $ 15,453,230 CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION - Fiduciary Fund PENSION RATE STABILIZATION FUND As of March 31, 2021 ASSETS: Cash and Investments PENSION FUND $ 16,363,630 TOTAL ASSETS 16,363,630 LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable - TOTAL LIABILITIES - NET POSITION: 16,363,630 Held in Trust for Retiree Benefits 16,363,630 TOTAL NET POSITION $ 16,363,630 NOTE: Balances are unaudited CITY OF TEMECULA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION - Fiduciary Fund PENSION RATE STABILIZATION FUND for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 PENSION FUND ADDITIONS: Employer $ 2,000,000 Investment Earnings 2,124,449 TOTAL ADDITIONS 4,124,449 DEDUCTIONS: Benefits - TOTAL DEDUCTIONS - CHANGE IN NET POSITION 4,124,449 Net Position as of 7/01 /2020 12,239,181 Net Position as of 3/31/2021 $ 16,363,630 Item No. 6 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: John Crater, Division Chief DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution Acknowledging Receipt of the Annual Inspection Report Pursuant to Senate Bill 1205 PREPARED BY: Elsa Wigle, Assistant Fire Marshal RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A REPORT MADE BY THE FIRE MARSHAL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE SB 1205 STATE MANDATED ANNUAL INSPECTION OF CERTAIN OCCUPANCIES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 13145, 13146 AND 17921 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE BACKGROUND: Senate Bill (SB) 1205 was approved on September 27, 2018, which requires annual inspection reporting to the City Council on Fire Department compliance of State Mandated inspections. In accordance with California Health and Safety Code 13145, 13146 and 17921, the City of Temecula Fire Department inspects all structures for compliance with building standards as well as other regulations set forth by the State Fire Marshal. These inspected structures include hotels, motels, lodging houses, apartment houses, as well as all public and private schools. In 2017, the City of Temecula formed its annual inspection program to comply with the California Health and Safety Code. Since the start of this program the City has seen benefits of the comprehensive inspection program and the increased levels of safety within these facilities. The Fire Department ensures compliance of these facilities by scheduling inspections with property owners during the property's assigned inspection month. Currently, the Fire Department has completed all 932 buildings required by SB 1205 annual inspections for FY 2019-2020. The City of Temecula completed 100% of their state mandated annual inspections and have also followed up on 1,171 inspections that had correction notices from these state mandated inspections. A copy of the SB 1205 Annual Report is attached to Resolution as Exhibit A. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A REPORT MADE BY THE FIRE MARSHAL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE SB 1205 STATE MANDATED ANNUAL INSPECTION OF CERTAIN OCCUPANCIES PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 13145, 13146 AND 17921 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A. WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 13146.4 was added in 2018, and became effective on September 27, 2018; and B. WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 requires all fire departments, including the City of Temecula Fire Department, that provide fire protection services to perform annual inspections in every building used as a public or private schools, hotels, motels, lodging houses, and apartment houses for compliance with building standards, as provided and C. WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code Section 13146.4 requires all fire departments, including the City of Temecula Fire Department, that provide fire protection services to report annually to its administering authority on its compliance with sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 and, D. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Temecula intends this Resolution to fulfill the requirements of the California Health & Safety Code regarding acknowledgment of the City of Temecula Fire Department's compliance with California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.4. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The Council expressly acknowledges the receipt of the annual fire inspection report for fiscal year 2020/2021, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of September 2021. Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of September 2021, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" State Mandated Inspections Senate Bill (SB) 1205 State Mandated Required Inspections for the City of Temecula Type of Inspection # of Initial Annual # of Follow Up Annual Inspections (Corrections) % Completed Inspections Hotels/Motels 17 10 100 Lodging Houses 26 0 100 Apartment/Multi Family Complexes 840 1,058 100 Public Schools 25 25 100 Private Schools 25 10 100 Total 931 1,103 100 Item No. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Erica Russo, Interim Director of Community Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx for TEDx Temecula (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx for TEDx Temecula for $11,415 of in -kind promotional services and $2,500 in Economic Development Funding. BACKGROUND: Staff received a sponsorship request from Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx to provide support for the TEDx Temecula to be held on September 25, 2020. The Economic Development Committee of the City Council (Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) met on March 23, 2021, to review the budget on this special event and recommended support at the levels indicated below. TED is a non-profit organization devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading." Over the years, TED has grown to support those world -changing ideas with multiple initiatives. At TED, the world's leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives. TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, and former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Since 2012, TEDx Temecula has brought dynamic speakers and performers to an engaged audience with fresh ideas on technology, entertainment, design, health, education, the arts and more. This year's event theme is Human Being, Being Human. How will you choose to be human? FISCAL IMPACT: The in -kind promotional services of $11,415 and Economic Development Funding of $2,500 are included in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Operating Budget of the various supporting departments. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement SPONSORSHIP AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND INLAND VALLEY BUSINESS & COMMUNITY FOUNDATION DBA TEDx THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of this 141h day of September, 2021, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx, a California nonprofit corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Nonprofit"). In consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and undertakings set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS This Agreement is made with respect to the following facts and purposes which each of the parties acknowledge and agree are true and correct: a. The Nonprofit shall operate the TEDx Temecula (hereinafter referred to as the "Event") on September 25, 2021. The Event is a special event which is located at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater. b. The Event includes a locally -organized TED conference where the goal is to highlight the remarkable people in our region and shine a light on Temecula. C. Alcohol will not be served. d. The City desires to be a Co -Sponsor of the Event by providing Community Support Funding and City Support Services. 2. TERM This Agreement shall commence on September 14, 2021, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than December 31, 2021, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3. CONSIDERATION a. In exchange for providing the Nonprofit with in -kind promotional services valued at an amount not to exceed Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents ($11,415.00), as listed in Exhibit B, the City of Temecula shall be designated as a Co -Sponsor of the Event. As a Co -Sponsor the City shall receive sponsor benefits as listed in Exhibit A. b. The City of Temecula shall also provide Economic Development Funding in the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($2,500.00) cash which will be allocated to pay for Old Town Temecula Theater rental costs or video fees. 4. WRITTEN REPORT Within ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the Event, the Nonprofit shall prepare and submit to the Assistant City Manager a written report evaluating the Event, its attendance, media coverage, and description of the materials in which the City has listed as a Co -Sponsor. The report shall also include samples of media, press clippings, flyers, pamphlets, etc., in a presentation notebook format. In addition, complete financial statements including a balance sheet, income statement and budget to actual comparison report of the Event must be included in such a written report. 12/31 /2020 5. FINANCIAL REVIEW The Nonprofit shall provide complete financial statements including a balance sheet, income statement and budget to actual comparison report of the Event. This financial review of the Event should be completed and submitted to the City no later than December 31, 2021. The financial review shall provide a general summary report on how funds were expended and used to benefit Temecula Valley residents and shall include documentation, including but not limited to, copies of invoices, receipts and cancelled checks to support the Sponsorship Funding. The financial documentation is subject to an audit, as determined by City staff. 6. MEETING ATTENDANCE The Nonprofit shall attend all City pre -event planning meetings and event recap meetings if warranted. 7. INDEMNIFICATION The Nonprofit shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, and representatives from any and all suits, claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, actions, liability or damages of whatsoever kind and nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of the Nonprofit's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement. 8. INSURANCE The Nonprofit shall secure and maintain from a State of California admitted insurance company, pay for and maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement an insurance policy of comprehensive general liability against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by September 10, 2021, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 0106 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Recipient owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Recipient has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Consultant shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 2 12/31 /2020 3) Worker's Compensation insurance is required only if Consultant employs any employees. Consultant warrants and represents to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agencythat it has no employees and that it will obtain the required Worker's Compensation Insurance upon the hiring of any employees. C. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the NonProfit; products and completed operations of the Recipient; premises owned, occupied or used by the Nonprofit; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Nonprofit. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Nonprofit's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Nonprofit's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Nonprofit shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Nonproft shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Nonprofit's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 3 12/31 /2020 9. GOVERNING LAW The City and the Nonprofit understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 10. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Nonprofit shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Nonprofit shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Nonprofit to comply with this section. 11. ASSIGNMENT The Nonprofit shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. 12. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice: Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Recipient: Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx Temecula Attn: Jim McLaughlin 40497 Windsor Road Temecula, CA 92591 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. The Nonprofit shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit shall at all times be under the Nonprofit's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Recipient or any of the Nonprofit's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. The Nonprofit shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. The Nonprofit shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. 4 12/31 /2020 b. No employee benefits shall be available to the Nonprofit in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to the Nonprofit as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to the Nonprofit for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to the Nonprofit for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 15. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit and has the authority to bind the Nonprofit to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non - substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 12/31/2020 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA INLAND VALLEY BUSINESS & COMMUNITY FOUNDATION dba TEDx By: By: '4 C Maryann Edwards, Mayor im McLaughlin, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk larie Waite, Treasurer/Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney NONPROFIT Inland Valley Business & Community Foundation dba TEDx Attn: Jim McLaughlin 40497 Windsor Road Temecula, CA 92591 jim@tedxtemecula.com City Purchasing Mgr. Initi nd Date: 6 12/31/2020 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF TEMECULA'S SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS CO-SPONSOR In exchange for providing in -kind City promotional services valued at [Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents ($11,415.00) for TEDx Temecula, the citizens of the City of Temecula shall receive the following benefits. ♦ City of Temecula Logo on Printed Material ♦ City of Temecula Name on all Radio Promotion ♦ City of Temecula Name in all Press Releases ♦ Complimentary Sponsor Tickets (5) The Economic Development Funding of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($2,500.00) cash which will be allocated to pay for Old Town TemeculaTheater rental costs or vide°fees. 12/31 /2020 EXHIBIT "B" IN -KIND SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROMOTIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA The estimated value for in -kind promotional assistance provided by The City of Temecula for TEDx Temecula is as follows: Item Value Auto Mall Marque $ 3,115.00 Appears approximately once every 4'/z minutes Cable Channel $ 59100.00 Event slide appears approximately once per hour for 30 seconds City Website $ 2,200.00 Event listed on the City of Temecula's events calendar Promotional Poster $ 1,000.00 42X66 poster displayed in the concourse at the Civic Center TOTAL VALUE $ 11;415.00 s 12/31 /2020 Item No. 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Erica Russo, Interim Director of Community Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild for the Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Sponsorship Agreement with Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild for in -kind City support valued at $1,050 and in -kind promotional services valued at $11,415. BACKGROUND: Staff received a sponsorship request from Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild to provide support for the annual Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show to be held on October 2, 2021. The Economic Development Subcommittee of the City Council (Mayor Edwards and Council Member Stewart) met on March 23, 2021, to review the budget on this special event and recommended support at the levels indicated below. The Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show will serve as a fundraiser for the Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild, a local non-profit, charitable, educational, and social organization formed in 1990. They promote the knowledge of and appreciation for all aspects of quilting and fiber arts with an active philanthropy program. Throughout the year, the members give their time, effort, skill, and talent to hundreds of individuals throughout the Temecula Valley. Portions of the profits go to three local charities. The annual Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt show will include beautiful quilts displayed from eaves and porches throughout Old Town, a live large quilt auction, a small silent quilt auction, and textile demonstrations. FISCAL IMPACT: The City in -kind support costs of $1,050 and in -kind promotional services of $11,415 are included in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Operating Budget of the various supporting departments. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND VALLEY OF THE MIST QUILT GUILD THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of this 14'h day of September, 2021, by and between the City of Temecula , a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild, a California nonprofit corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Nonprofit"). In consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and undertakings set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS This Agreement is made with respect to the following facts and purposes which each of the parties acknowledge and agree are true and correct: a. The Nonprofit shall operate the Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show (hereinafter referred to as the "Event") on October 2, 2021. The Event is a special event which is located throughout Old Town Temecula. b. The Event includes quilts on display throughout Old Town, a live large quilt auction, a small quilt silent auction and quilting related booths. C. Alcohol will not be served. d. The City desires to be a Co -Sponsor of the Event. 2. TERM This Agreement shall commence on September 14, 2021, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than December 31, 2021, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3. CONSIDERATION a. In exchange for providing the Nonprofit with in -kind city -support services valued at an amount not to exceed One Thousand Fifty Dollars and No Cents ($1,050.00) and in -kind promotional services valued at an amount not to exceed Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars and No Cents ($11,415.00), as listed in Exhibit B, the City of Temecula shall be designated as a Co -Sponsor of the Event. As a Co -Sponsor the City shall receive sponsor benefits as listed in Exhibit A. 4. WRITTEN REPORT Within ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the Event, the Nonprofit shall prepare and submit to the Assistant City Manager a written report evaluating the Event, its attendance, media coverage, and description of the materials in which the City has listed as a Co -Sponsor. The report shall also include samples of media, press clippings, flyers, pamphlets, etc., in a presentation notebook format. In addition, complete financial statements including a balance sheet, income statement and budget to actual comparison report of the Event must be included in such a written report. 12/31 /2020 5. MEETING ATTENDANCE The Nonprofit shall attend all City pre -event planning meetings and event recap meetings if warranted. 6. INDEMNIFICATION The Nonprofit shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, and representatives from any and all suits, claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, actions, liability or damages of whatsoever kind and nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of the Nonprofit's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement. 7. INSURANCE The Nonprofit shall secure and maintain from a State of California admitted insurance company, pay for and maintain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement an insurance policy of comprehensive general liability against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by September 15, 2021, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Recipient owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Recipient has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Consultant shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: Two million ($2,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance is required only if Consultant employs any employees. Consultant warrants and represents to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment 12/31 /2020 Agency that it has no employees and that it will obtain the required Worker's Compensation Insurance upon the hiring of any employees. C. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the NonProfit; products and completed operations of the Recipient; premises owned, occupied or used by the Nonprofit; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Nonprofit. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Nonprofit's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Nonprofit's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Nonprofit shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Nonproft shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Nonprofit's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 12/31/2020 8. GOVERNING LAW The City and the Nonprofit understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 9. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Nonprofit shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Nonprofit shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Nonprofit to comply with this section. 10. ASSIGNMENT The Nonprofit shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. 11. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice: Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Recipient: Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild Attn: Maryruth Wilson 27475 Ynez Road #435 Temecula, CA 92591 15. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. The Nonprofit shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit shall at all times be under the Nonprofit's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Recipient or any of the Nonprofit's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. The Nonprofit shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its 12/31 /2020 officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. The Nonprofit shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. No employee benefits shall be available to the Nonprofit in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to the Nonprofit as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to the Nonprofit for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to the Nonprofit for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 17. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Nonprofit and has the authority to bind the Nonprofit to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 12/31 /2020 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: By: Rand! Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney VALLEY OF THE MIST QUILT GUILD (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Shirley Brown, President By: �C aryuth Wilson, Quilt Show Chair NONPROFIT Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild Attn: Maryruth Wilson 27475 Ynez Road #435 Temecula, CA 92591 ma ruthwilson(a�yahoo.com City Purchasing Mgr. Ind Date: itir.3rr .40 12/31 /2020 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF TEMECULA SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS CO-SPONSOR Valley of the Mist Quilt Guild shall provide the following benefits and services for the citizens of the City of Temecula: City of Temecula logo/name on advertisements City of Temecula name on all press releases ■ City of Temecula logo/name on event poster • City of Temecula logo/name on event flyers "Press Releases will be distributed to all local media, however, publication cannot be guaranteed. Press Releases can also be provided to all sponsors for distribution to their clients, agents, employees, etc. 12/31 /2020 EXHIBIT "B" IN -KIND SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE OF CITY SUPPORT SERVICES AND COSTS Based on the input from City departments we received estimated cost projections for the Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show event. The following expenses can be anticipated for the event: Police: $ 0.00 Community Services: $ 1,050.00 Public Works: 0.00 TOTAL: ESTIMATED VALUE OF PROMOTIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA The estimated value for in -kind promotional assistance provided by The City of Temecula for the Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show is as follows: Item Auto Mall Marque Appears approximately once every 4'/2 minutes Cable Channel Event slide appears approximately once per hour for 30 seconds City Website Event listing on the City of Temecula's event calendar Promotional Poster 42X66 poster displayed in the concourse at the Civic Center TOTAL VALUE: Value $ 3,115.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 1,000.00 s 12/31 /2020 Item No. 9 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Michael Heslin, Director of Information Technology and Support Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Microsoft Software Licenses with CDW-G PREPARED BY: Paula Crowell, IT Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Microsoft Software Licenses with CDW-G in the amount of $213,419.68. BACKGROUND: The City standardizes on Microsoft products for its desktop and server operating systems/office applications and has previously participated in the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA). In November 2019, the City Council approved a three-year Microsoft EA, utilizing a Master Agreement through the County of Riverside, this being the third and final year. The Microsoft EA is a cost-effective way to purchase software based on the organization's size, the benefits of Office 365, as well as simplified licensing management. Renewal of the Microsoft EA will provide the City the ability to continue operations, access to email in the Office 365 cloud, and efficiently manage its computing environment and to optimize licensing expenditures. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds have been budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Information Technology operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: CDW-G Quote CAW Government Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Quote ft-ization of iemec«la CNyIN WPM, CmtKt Nam* Paula EnmNmmf NEW Qq� FA i quae oazx Ck.M D." .15.19 Lo. Ls. ry VWcfnn FINAL v2 COW AC[ htMafi Wt ladaa Year 2 Tatal: 15 2",619.66 Wet. »d Ap6 5 q T1Me sortwaresalutlpin sdnreor c as Phwr 262-237-3a AN Mormspon and dorumanb hereby fu hmined to CW GMFa are the property of and arc ptomieta ry end "eamp tItion —MtW" to CDW GewrpmwtL LLCI"CDWG'f and fun.hr diKI—pe [e perti outride ur C TO FF ere prMiNted -A ., prim Mitten [onsets of COW-G Autherued and wh-a d by CM-G. LL Item No. 10 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Michael Heslin, Director of Information Technology and Support Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Software Support and Maintenance for Tyler Technologies Suite of Products PREPARED BY: Damion Patrick, Assistant Director of Information Technology and Support Services RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the purchase of software support and maintenance for the Tyler EnerGov Permitting System, in the amount not to exceed $86,096.20; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve a contingency in an amount not to exceed $8,609.62, which is equal to 10% of the total amount. BACKGROUND: The City utilizes Enterprise Software from Tyler Technologies to support operations throughout the City. The Tyler EnerGov Permitting System is used for managing permits, inspections, business licenses, code enforcement cases, cashiering, and the online citizen access portal. Due to the critical nature of the permitting systems, the City requirement is to purchase annual software support and maintenance for this system. Purchasing the annual software support and maintenance guarantees that the City receives technical support, including software and security updates. The City's use of this product insures conformance with state and federal regulations. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds have been budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Information Technology operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: Software Support and Maintenance Invoice for Tyler Technologies EnerGov Permitting Suite Remittance: invoice i Tyler Technologies, Inc Invoice No Date Page 104 tyler (FEIN 75-2303920) 025-345129 09/01/2021 1 of 1 OF technologies P.O, Box 203556 Dallas, TX 75320-3556 Questions: Tyler Technologies- Local Government Phone: 1-800-772-2260 Press 2, then 2 Email: ar@tylertech.com Bill To City of Temecula r,it•; nt r�.,�i, —,„ Ship To City of Temecula Accounts Payable Accounts Payable 41000 Main Street 41000 Main Street Temecula CA92590-2764 Temecula, CA92590-2764 Cust No.-BiIITo-Ship To Ord No PO Number Currency Terms Due Date 5314 - MAIN - MAIN 150070 USD NET30 10/01/2021 Date Description Units Rate Extended Price Contract No: TEMECULA, CITY OF Software Support & Maintenance. EnerGov Other 1 71,696 20 71,696.20 Maintenance: Start: 01/Oct/2021, End: 30/Sep/2022 Software Support & Maintenance: EnerGov IG Inspect/Enfoce 1 10,620 00 10,620 00 Maintenance: Start 01/Ocl/2021, End: 30/Sep/2022 Maintenance Start: 01/OcU2021, End: 30/Sep/2022 Incode CIS/CRM Annual Fees 1 $3,780.00 Tyler Cashiering - Maintenance **ATTENTION** Order your checks and forms from Tyler Business Forms at 877-749-2090 or tylerbusinessforms.com to guarantee 100% compliance with your software. Subtotal 86,096.20 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice Total 86,096.20 X Item No. 11 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: John Crater, Division Chief DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve Additional Appropriation of Vehicles and Equipment Funds for the Purchase of Two (2) Medic Squad Vehicles PREPARED BY: Wendy Miller, Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve an additional appropriation, in the amount of $76,000, for the purchase of two (2) medic squad vehicles from available fund balance in the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula currently owns two medic squad vehicles, one each at Fire Station 84 and Fire Station 92, which were originally purchased in 2002 and are now unrepairable and have exhausted their useful life. On June 8, 2021, the City Council approved the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Operating Budget, Capital Outlay to include the purchase of two (2) medic squad vehicles in the amount of $175,000 each, for a total of $350,000; however, due to a recent increase in the cost of certain commodities, including specialty vehicles, to facilitate the purchase of the new vehicles the Fire Department requests the appropriation of additional funds in the amount of $76,000, for a total purchase of $426,000. The Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD) will make the purchase of the new vehicles on behalf of the City of Temecula, per our agreement for contract services. The City will provide a formal letter to RCFD authorizing the purchase of two (2) Ford F550 Chassis paramedic squad vehicles, for a total cost of $426,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Two (2) medic squad vehicles are included in the Fiscal Year 2021- 22 Annual Operating Budget, Capital Outlay, and with the additional appropriation of $76,000 from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund, adequate funds will be available for the total purchase cost of $426,000. ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 12 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve Cost -Participation Agreement Between the City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Pipeline Relocation and Improvements Related to the Nicolas Road and Calle Girasol Project PREPARED BY: Anissa Sharp, Office Specialist II Ron Moreno, Principal Civil Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A COST -PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR SEWER PIPELINE RELOCATION AND IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL PROJECT 2. Authorize the Mayor to sign the Cost Participation Agreement between the City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District on behalf of the City of Temecula. Existing sewer facilities located entirely within the City's right of way and owned by Eastern Municipal Water District must be relocated as part of the project. As such, EMWD will take advantage of the construction by upgrading existing facilities through the Cost Participation Agreement for Sewer Relocation for the Nicolas Road & Calle Girasol Improvements CFD 16-01 Project. These sewer pipeline relocation improvements will be completed in conjunction with the improvement of the Nicolas Road and Calle Girasol Street Improvements Project. The agreement will establish reimbursement to the City of Temecula by EMWD for the cost of upsizing the 15- inch sewer pipeline improvements to a 21-inch sewer pipeline improvements that will be relocated within the City's existing Nicolas Road right of way. FISCAL IMPACT: The Cost Participation Agreement obligates the City of Temecula to proceed with the sewer pipeline relocation and upgrades relating to the Nicolas Road Extension and Improvement Project (PW20-14) with an estimated cost of $336,985. Eastern Municipal Water District will reimburse the City $19,273 toward the sewer pipeline relocation and upgrades. Funding for this project is included in the FY 2022-26 CIP Budget with Developer Contribution and CFD 03-02 and 16-01 (Roripaugh Ranch) as source of funds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cost -Participation Agreement 2. Resolution COST -PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR SEWER PIPELINE RELOCATION FOR THE NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS CFD PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of between the CITY OF TEMECULA, California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY" and EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, a municipal water district organized and operating pursuant to the Municipal Water District Law of 1911 as set forth in the California Water Code, hereinafter referred to as "EMWD." In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties hereto mutually agree as follows: Section I. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish reimbursement to CITY by EMWD for the cost of upsizing the 15-inch sewer pipeline improvements that will be relocated within the City's existing Nicolas Road right of way to a 21-inch sewer pipeline improvements as shown on the plans attached as Exhibit "A" hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. These sewer pipeline relocation improvements will be completed in conjunction with the improvement of the Nicolas Road and Calle Girasol Street Improvements Project, hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT" as shown on the plans attached as Exhibit "B" hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Existing sewer facilities located entirely within the City's right of way and owned by EMWD must be relocated as part of the PROJECT. Pursuant to this Agreement, the CITY agrees to pay for all fees associated with the relocation of the existing 15- inch sewer pipeline facilities (BASE BID ITEMS), and EMWD agrees to pay for the upsized portion (from 15-inch to 21-inch) of the relocated sewer facilities related to the PROJECT (ADDITIVE BID ITEMS). Section II. Bid Items. EMWD shall reimburse CITY one hundred percent (100%) of the costs (hereinafter referred to as "REIMBURSEMENTS"), for the upsize fee portion of the sewer relocation improvements within the PROJECT area, subject to EMWD's selection of ADDITIVE BID ITEMS. The costs for the REIMBURSEMENT to CITY by EMWD shall include those sewer items as shown on the attached plans in Exhibit "A" and as stated on the Bid Sheet attached as "Exhibit C" hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The estimated costs for the bid items on the Bid Sheet are provided below based on the engineer's estimate for the PROJECT. EMWD shall reimburse the City using the actual bid prices, up to an amount not exceeding $100,000. This AGREEMENT does not authorize reimbursement amounts exceeding $100,000 which are subject to EMWD's Board of Director's approval. All items are to be installed per EMWD standards and specifications. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BID ITEMS WITH 15-INCH PIPELINE (BASE BID ITEMS) No. Item Estimated Estimated Estimated Quantity Unit Cost Ext Amount E-1 Mobilization (10%) 1 LS $30,600.00 $30,600.00 E-2 Abandon Exist. 15" Sewer 370 LF $110.00 $40,700.00 E-3 Furnish & Install 30" Steel Casing 250 LF $400.00 $100,000.00 E-4 Replace 15" VCP (jacking pipe) 250 EA $225.00 $56,250.00 E-5 Replacement 15" VCP (standard pipe) 135 EA $180.00 $24,300.00 E-6 Sewer Manhole (5' Dia) 2 EA $20,000.00 $40,000.00 E-7 Sewer Manhole over Exist. Pipe 1 EA $4,500.00 $4,500.00 E-8 Demo Exist. Manhole 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 E-9 SWPPP and Erosion Control 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SUBTOTAL $306,350.00 E-10 Contingency (10% of Subtotal) $30,635.00 TOTAL $336,985.00 PORTION OF TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BID ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH SEWER UPSIZING TO 21-INCH PIPELINE (ADDITIVE BID ITEMS) No. Item Estimated Estimated Estimated Quantity Unit Cost Ext Amount AE-1 Mobilization (Additional Amt.) 0.035 LS $30.600.00 $1,071.00 AE-2 Replace 21" VCP (jacking pipe) (Additional Amt. for Upsize) 250 EA $55.00 $13,750.00 AE-3 Replacement 21" VCP (standard pipe) (Additional Amt. for Upsize) 135 EA $20.00 $2,700.00 SUBTOTAL $17,521.00 AE-4 Contingency (10% of Subtotal) $1,752.00 TOTAL $19,273.00 Total Estimated PROJECT Cost w/ 21-in. Pipeline Upsize: $356,258.00 Total Estimated CITY PROJECT Portion Cost:-$336,985.00 Total Estimated EMWD REIMBURSEMENTS: $19,273.00 Section III. Construction and Costs. a. Bidding. Costs for the construction are based upon the construction bids that will be received for the PROJECT for the Bid Items referenced in Section II ("Bid Items") as shown on the Bid Sheet for the Nicolas Road Extensions and Improvements Project (CITY PW20-14). CITY will evaluate and analyze all bids received and select the lowest responsible bidder for the PROJECT (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"). EMWD requires that the CONTRACTOR who will perform work on the sewer relocation items shall have either an "A" or "C42" Contractor's License. b. Payment. EMWD shall maintain as a contingency an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total estimated costs of construction or relocation of the sewer improvements to account for unforeseen changes to the PROJECT. The CITY shall obtain written approval from EMWD prior to the approval of any change orders associated with the installation of those improvements, and authorizing the CONTRACTOR to proceed unless failure to act immediately may affect public safety. The cost of any delay in the work due to the delayed action of EMWD in approving change orders associated with PROJECT construction shall be borne by EMWD. EMWD shall respond to any PROJECT change orders within fourteen (14) calendar days. Page 2 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 CITY shall make payment to CONTRACTOR for work performed. Actual costs shall be identified and billed to EMWD for payment on the following basis: The CITY shall invoice EMWD upon completion of the PROJECT, at the discretion of the CITY. EMWD shall remit payment to the city within thirty (30) days of receipt of the approved invoice. Section IV. Plans, Permits and Contacts. a. Plans and Specifications. It is acknowledged that EMWD has reviewed all CITY plans and specifications for the construction and relocation of certain sewer improvements as shown on the attached plans and the estimated bid amount is reasonable. b. CEQA. The CITY shall be responsible for obtaining any and all environmental permits and approvals as may be necessary for the PROJECT including, but not limited to, compliance with requirements imposed under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") as may be applicable. C. Agreement Management. Management and administration of the terms expressed herein shall be performed by CITY for the PROJECT. CITY agrees to designate (Ron Moreno), (Principal Civil Engineer), as the contact for CITY in regards to this agreement. EMWD agrees to designate Mr. Maroun El-Hage, Principal Civil Engineer, as a point -of -contact for EMWD to facilitate the REIMBURSEMENTS identified herein. Section V. Inspection. EMWD shall provide and pay for inspection of all new and relocated facilities associated with this PROJECT described in Section II of this Agreement. EMWD shall be responsible to inspect the construction of all EMWD facilities and the performance of the involved work by CITY's CONTRACTOR for compliance with the approved construction plans and specifications or for its own work if such work has been undertaken by EMWD pursuant to Section III(b). EMWD's inspection personnel shall have the authority to enforce EMWD's construction plans and specifications for the PROJECT, which authority shall include the authority to require that any and all unacceptable materials, workmanship, and/or installation be replaced, repaired, or corrected by CITY's CONTRACTOR without cost to EMWD. All inspection costs incurred by EMWD will be solely financed by EMWD. If, through the failure of EMWD to provide access and control of the construction site within the time allotted by the Project Specifications, the CITY's CONTRACTOR sustains loss which could not have been avoided by the judicious handling of forces and equipment, EMWD shall be liable for that part of the CITY's CONTRACTOR's actual loss, that was unavoidable in accordance with State of California, Department of Transportation Standard Specifications section 8-1.09, RIGHT-OF-WAY DELAYS. Section VI. Insurance and Indemnity. For the period during which CITY or its CONTRACTOR(s) controls the job site, CITY will provide, or cause to be provided, for the entire period of construction, a policy of workers' compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage broad enough to include the contractual obligation it may have under the construction contract and having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000 covering EMWD's officers, employees, and agents as additional insureds. If EMWD undertakes to perform the PROJECT's Bid Items pursuant to Section III(b), Page 3 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 EMWD, for the period during which EMWD operates at the job site, will provide, or cause to be provided, for the entire period of construction, a policy of workers' compensation insurance and comprehensive general liability insurance with coverage broad enough to include the contractual obligation it may have under the construction contract and having a combined single limit of liability in the amount of $2,000,000 covering the CITY's officials, officers, employees, and agents as additional insureds. EMWD and the CITY each hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other Party and their respective directors, officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any claims, actions, damages and liabilities arising out of or in any manner connected with any act or omission of such indemnifying Party, performed in connection with such Party's duties and obligations under this Agreement except for any claims, actions, damages, and liabilities caused by active negligence, sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Party seeking the indemnification. Section VII. Notices. All notices under this Agreement shall be sent as follows: WATER DISTRICT: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P.O. Box 8300 Perris, CA 92572 Attn: Maroun EI-Hage, Principal Civil Engineer CITY: City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Attn: Patrick Thomas, City Engineer Either Party may change its address for notices by notifying the other Party. All notices given at the most recent address specified shall be deemed to have been properly given. Section VIII. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended upon the mutual written consent of both Parties. Section IX. Disputes. In the event that any dispute between the Parties arises under this Interagency Agreement the Parties shall first attempt to resolve such dispute at the management level. If the dispute is not resolved at this level within a mutually acceptable period of time (not to exceed 90 calendar days from the date written notice of such dispute is delivered by any Party), the Parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute at the senior management level. If this process and the involvement of senior management does not result in resolution of the dispute within 90 days from the date of referral to upper management, then the dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved through legal proceedings. The use of the foregoing procedure is a condition precedent to the commencement of any legal proceedings hereunder. Section X. Laws, Venue and Attorney's Fees. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed, enforced, and governed by and under the laws of the State of California. If any action is brought to interpret or enforce any term of this Agreement, the action shall be brought in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California. In the event of any such litigation between the Parties, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred, including reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by the court. Page 4 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 Section XI. Interpretation and Headings. This Agreement shall not be construed against the Party preparing it, but shall be construed as if both Parties prepared it. Headings to paragraph/subparagraphs of this Agreement are for convenience purposes only and are not part of this Agreement. Section XII. Provisions Binding. This Agreement and the Exhibits attached hereto are binding on the heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns of the Parties of this Agreement. Section XIII. Authority to Sign Agreement. The undersigned individuals hereby warrant and represent that they each have full legal authority to sign this Agreement and bind the respective Party hereto. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date last executed. WATER DISTRICT: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT By: Joe Mouawad, General Manager CITY: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Page 5 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 Exhibit "A" EMWD Improvement Plans Page 6 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 PROJECT 21 LOCATION 15 HOT S? ROAD 0 15 S GIRASOL ®Lu ¢o Gry - TEMECULA m cn c\p CALIFORNIA LPN VICINITY MAP NO SCALE AGENCY UTILITY RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT WATER METROPOLITAN WATER SUBSTRUCTURES TEAM WATER SOCAL GAS-MURRIETA GAS SOCAL EDISON-SAN JACINTO ELECTRICAL CITY OF TEMECULA STREET IMPROVEMENTS CHARTER CABLE FRONTIER CABLE * CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PER DIG ALERT ®I ® ® re SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T I O N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. APPROVED Call before . 1 a REGISTERED 4 ER NO. (yG13 2— DATE QROfESSIpy9\ ��® ® TA co rn L No.60132 0 NO. I DATE I INITIAL CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA BitNO Edo N , REVISIONS DESCRIPTION LANAYA VOELZ ALEXANDER ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF PLANNING, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION APP'VD/DATE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE REFERENCES DATE HOT SPRINGS ROAD PROJECT LOCATION GIRASOL w o TEMECULA W m 1011101111musmilk= 11. NO SCALE 0 Sri N -0 N 10 \ W z 0 Of w I- z w n Q U SHEET INDEX I0 ', SHEET NO. FILE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 D-62013 TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP, LOCATION MAP AND SHEET INDEX 2 D-62014 SHEET INDEX MAP, GENERAL SEWER NOTES, LEGEND, AND ABBREVIATIONS 3 D-62015 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 112+29.84 TO 115+99.19 4 D-62016 DETAILS EA�TERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT — � , DESIGNED MC �' t :7 DRAWN IA PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC PROJECT ENG. APPROVALS INSPECTION SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE: MAINTENANCE U) L 0 i z 0 Q U O w w J 0 / w Q SPEC NO. XXXX o 0 DATE EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I.D. U-8U-25 4/28/20 RNERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNRA S . A. 32 4/28/20 NICOLAS RD & CALLS GIRASOL W.O. 0 15" SEWER RELOCATION C.O. COORD. 10-C-34 TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP, SHT 1C o444 Q n LOCATION MAP AND SHEET INDEX D-62013 EXISTING EoH E E- - CATV— G G T T S a. PP 11r1 ® B-577 CLOSED VALVE 6" FIRE HYDRANT i-� FxH ADAPTER WATER MAIN ELECTRIC (OVERHEAD) ELECTRIC (UNDERGROUND) CABLE TELEVISION (OVERHEAD) GAS TELEPHONE (OVERHEAD) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STREET CENTERLINE PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE POWER POLE BUSHES,, TREES, GROUND COVER THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE VI,NAD83 (EPOCH 2O07.00) AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY A LINE BETWEEN CONTINUOUS OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS (CORS) MAT2 AND BILL BEING N47-35-57.46E AS DERIVED FROM GEODETIC VALUES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE CENTER (CSRC) AND/OR NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS), RESPECTIVELY. BENCHMARK: RIVERSIDE COUNTY BM:T-46-81 RESET 1997 ELEVATION:1097.163 (NGVD29) 3j" ALUMINUM DISK STAMPED "T-46-81 RESET 1997" LOCATED ON W'LY SIDE OF S'LY SIDEWALK ON THE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK, APPROX. j MILE N. OF NICOLAS ROAD 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., LTA ffQ " SUITE 200 ® ® ® TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM • ! ' • APPROVED • - •REGISTERED 03; . DATE 1. SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMWD'S STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER SYSTEMS. 2. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PIPELINE, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND VERITY ITS EXISTING ELEVATION(S) AND LOCATION(S). 3. GRAVITY SEWER PROFILE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FLOW LINE (CONDUIT INVERT). 4. MANHOLES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DRAWINGS SB-53, SB-58, AND SB-61, AS APPLICABLE. SEWER MAINS MAY BE LAID THROUGH THE MANHOLES AND USED AS A FORM FOR THE INVERT. ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE LOCATION OR INVERT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE EXISTING SEWER AND VERIFY ITS EXISTING ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINT. WHERE GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED, ALL VCP PIPE SHALL BE TREATED FOR ABSORPTION RESISTANCE PER EMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS. 5. STATIONING SHOWN IS BASED ON CENTERLINE OF NICOLAS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHOULD OBEY THE FOLLOWING SEPARATION STANDARDS UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON PLAN: A. PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION: THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCE BETWEEN EXISTING POTABLE WATER MAINS AND PROPOSED SEWER FORCE MAIN SHALL BE AT LEAST 10 FEET (OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF PIPE). B. PERPENDICULAR CONSTRUCTION (CROSSING): EXISTING POTABLE WATER MAINS SHALL BE AT LEAST ONE -FOOT ABOVE PROPOSED SEWER MAIN WHERE THESE LINES MUST CROSS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE STANDARD WILL REQUIRE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS REQUIRED ON THE PLANS. 7. AFTER THE PIPELINE IS BACKFILLED, BUT BEFORE THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IS COMPLETED, THE PIPELINE SHALL BE TESTED BY EMWD AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO INSURE THAT THE JOINTS ARE INTACT AND PROPERLY INSTALLED. 8. ALL PIPE ZONE BEDDING & TRENCH BACKFILL ARE TO BE PER EMWD STANDARD DRAWINGS SB-157,SB-158 AND SB-159. THE CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PIPE BEDDING DESIGN AND PROVIDE CALCULATIONS FOR REVIEW BY EMWD. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE WORK ON THIS PROJECT MAY INVOLVE WORKING IN A CONFINED AIR SPACE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR "CONFINED AIR SPACE" ARTICLE 108, TITLE 8, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 10. EMWD INSPECTION MUST BE ON SITE OVERSEEING OPERATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES. NOTIFICATIONS AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY: 1. EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, FIELD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: (951) 928-3777, EXT. 4830 PERMIT AGENCIES: A. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA), 811 B. ALL OTHER AFFECTED UTILITIES: 1. CITY OF TEMECULA, 951-694-6411 2. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, 951-296-6900 IN ADDITION TO THE TWO WEEKS PRIOR NOTIFICATION, ALSO NOTIFY EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WITHIN 48 HOURS SO PERSONNEL IS AWARE CONSTRUCTION IS BEGINNING SOONER THAN TWO WEEKS. RESEARCH ON UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAS RESULTED IN FACILITY LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. HOWEVER, THE LOCATIONS, AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASCERTAIN THE MOST RECENT UNDERGROUND UTILITY FACILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD DAMAGE TO AN UNDERGROUND FACILITY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT. QRpFESS10N'\ T AMNF� rn m No.60132 rn C1 V IV �lF OF C A�-��o� 1. APPROVAL BY EMWD IMPLIES NO PERMISSION OTHER THAN THAT WITHIN THE EMWD'S JURISDICTION. ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW AND NOT ALREADY OBTAINED BY THE EMWD SHALL BE ACQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR. REQUIREMENTS OF EMWD SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES ONLY WHERE EMWD REQUIREMENTS ARE MORE STRINGENT. 2. THE PROPOSED WORK SHALL BE SUBORDINATE TO ANY OPERATIONS EMWD MAY CONDUCT AND SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH SUCH OPERATIONS AS DIRECTED BY EMWD. 3. LINEAR FEET OF PIPE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE HORIZONTAL MEASUREMENTS AND EXTEND THROUGH MANHOLES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS IN PLACE. SAID EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO PIPES, BERMS, DITCHES, DRIVEWAYS, FENCES, AND PLANTS. ANY REMOVAL OR DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND EMWD. 5. ALL MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION OF PIPE SHALL BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AWWA STANDARDS AND EMWD. FAILURE TO MEET SAID REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION. 6. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, EMWD, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SHORING PLANS FOR TRENCHES AND JACKING PITS PREPARED AND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER TO EMWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCTION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL (CDF) AS BACKFILL FOR ALL OPEN CUT UTILITY CROSSINGS. CDF SHALL BE PLACED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION TO THE CENTER GRADE OF THE THE UTILITY, AND SHALL EXTEND 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE PER SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02252. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING TO EMWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO START OF EXCAVATION: EXCAVATION TRENCH PLAN, JACK/BORE PIT SHORING, DEWATERING OF TRENCHES, AND DEWATERING OF PIPELINES. 10. THE EXISTING SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM SHALL REMAIN IN CONTINUOUS OPERATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BYPASS PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEMS AS NEEDED TO KEEP THE COLLECTION SYSTEM IN CONTINUOUS OPERATION AT ALL TIMES. ALL BYPASS PUMPING MUST BE APPROVED BY EMWD. MAINTENANCETICOORDINATION NO. STATION ITEM AND PURPOSE REQUIRED SHUTDOWN REMARKS NOTIFICATION DURATION COLLECTION EX MH N0.11 4-WEEK SYSTEM TO 1 STA 108+77.38 SEWER BYPASS 2-WEEK REMAIN IN NICOLAS RD 24-HR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. COLLECTION EX MH NO.14 4-WEEK SYSTEM TO 2 STA 118+91.42 SEWER BYPASS 2-WEEK REMAIN IN NICOLAS RD 24-HR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. 3 APPROVED: DIRECTO. O OPERATIONS APPROVED: DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE REVISIONS EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT -- NO. DATE INITIAL DESCRIPTION APP'VD/DATE DESIGNED MC '',f DRAWN IA DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED REFERENCES PROJECT ENG. INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC n APPROVALS INSPECTION SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE: MAINTENANCE ABD ABANDONED ACP ASBESTOS CONCRETE PIPE AV/AR AIR VACUUM/AIR RELEASE ASSEMB BO BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY BOP BOTTOM OF PIPE BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE CDF CONTROLLLED DENSITY FILL COMP COMPOUND CPLG COUPLING CTV CABLE TV CML&C CEMENT MORTAR LINED AND COATE CG CENTER GRADE q CENTERLINE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL EOH ELECTRICAL OVERHEAD EX EXISTING FAB FABRICATED FO FIBER OPTIC FH FIRE HYDRANT FLG FLANGE FxF FLANGE BY FLANGE FxH FLANGE BY HUB GV GATE VALVE GB GRADE BREAK HxH HUB BY HUB V INVERT MJ MECHANICAL JOINT PE POLYETHYLENE PZ PRESSURE ZONE RED REDUCER RSGV RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY RW RECYCLED WATER S SEWER S= SLOPE STL STEEL ST STREET TELE TELEPHONE TOP TOP OF PIPE UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTIO W WATER W/ WEST OF EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT i. .s • ....1 MUM . Lei 0 a -- N{ 0 N co w z 0 cn w z w N Q Us c� 0 N 0 0 1 cn I 0 Ln r- i z 0 Q 0 J w. 0 w 0 w Q SPEC NO. XXXX o I.D. U—$ U-25 S. A. 32 r fie. W.O. 0 Ln C.O. COORD 1 O-C-34 . SHT 2 OF 4 Q 0 D-62014 PROP MULTI -USE PATH PROP 60" MANHOLE PROP 15"/21"VCP NO. 2 SEWER PROP MULTI -USE PATH [PROP 60" o / XGRADE MANHOLE NO. 3 N J PROP MULTI -USE PATH v� MANHOLE ABANDONMENT o W a ° V ° L; ° �/ ° y ° a ° J ' y` TRENCH ZONE DETAIL SEE RIGH'o / aaa O .ry r BACKFILL PER EMWD �� / REMOVE EXISTING 2 , �' MANHOLE FRAME AND�aa a�� �� �//�a STD. DWG. SB-158 o C>, a�a 'acaa a41 � E COVERLij NEW SECTION OF 15" 2' "aa Q °� a°� o°a as VCP SEWER PIPE i as �i 00 LL_O° u°� O°�a Lz a° a o i �a Ui 'a J REMOVE° a �/ X X X X x- a tea° °� a��a � CLSM FILL TO SPRING " PROP FENCE < rMANHOLE SHAFT d o _ aaaa!aaaa'��� �aj�/� LINE OF PIPE - `PROP GUARDRAIL �:w-. �� �"" ' ' a a''� �% (aa ��ia as as L✓�/a PROP GUARDRAIL „ a%°C% �° "� �° �° PROP FENCE PROP 15 /21 �� / //� / INSTALL BAND SEAL VCP SEWER L/i COUPLINGS TO PROP 60„ EX 15" VCP .w.. ; - - 0 / -� >� %'� �� a a MANHOLE NO. 1 SEWER TO BE � � � � � � CONNECT NEW SECTION /J OF VCP SEWER TO EX REMOVED--''r %' 's °- Q VCP SEWER l a a°� t nb a �Jul, as a CONCRETE MANHOLE FRAME STA 112+29.84 CONCRETE MANHOLE FRAME STA 115+75.43 - �T REMOVE ' 2_ EXISTING MANHOLE BASE , •.. Z ��� z : ° � ��° CUT PIPE TO A < EX 1 VCP a¢' SEWER NEAT CLEAN 2 ± ���� � � � a BEYOND MANHOLE ao ° ��'BASE INSTALL BAND SEAL a ° COUPLINGS TO CONNECT SUPPORT PIPE TO ®R Q J 4 a NEW SECTION OF VCP MAINTAIN GRADE AND SEWER TO EX VCP SEWER � SLOPE DURING _, ---" ' \ BACKF I LL OPERATION ° REMOVAL AND DEMO OF EXISTING MANHOLE ADDITION OF NEW SECTION OF SEWER PIPE CLASS "B" CONCRETE CONCRETE MANHOLE RING AT GRADE CONCRETE RING DETAIL 1 -MANHOLE ABANDONMENT DETAIL 2 t c t j Q t \ ^M t � Q t PROP 15"/21" INSTALL MECHANICAL PLUG AND f VCP SEWER GROUT FILL 2'-0" OF EX 15" SEWER AFTER DIVERSION OF FLOWS PROP 15"/21" VCP SEWER INSTALL MECHANICAL PLUG AND INSTALL CONCRETE ABANDONMENT GROUT FILL 2'-0" OF EX 15" BLOCK (MIN 18"X 27") AFTER PROP 60" MANHOLE SEWER AFTER DIVERSION OF FLOWS DIVERSION OF FLOWS NO.1 INSTALL CONCRETE ABANDONMENT EX 15" VCP SEWER / BLOCK (MIN 18"X 27") AFTER EX 15 VCP ESREMOVED c EX 15" VCP SEWER (PROTECT IN PLACE) PROTECT IN PLACE a DIVERSION OF FLOWS EX 15" VCP SEWER _ TO BE REMOVED T \ FILL EX CHANNEL , PROP 60" ' FILL EX CHANNEL AFTER AFTER PROP SEWER IS MANHOLE N0. 4 PROP SEWER IS PLACED PLACED IN SERVICE c IN SERVICE c L CONNECTION DETAIL STA 112+29.84 3 CONNECTION DETAILT 1 + 4 C L F SPEC NO. XXXX C OfESSip REVISIONS EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EAS ERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DATE EASTERN MUNICIPAL. WATER DISTRICT I.D. U-8 U-25 ' 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., QR M,.< DESIGNED MC 4/28/20 RNERSWE COUNTY CALFORNIA S.A. 32 SUITE 200 c�0 jgHN NO. DATE INITIAL DESCRIPTION APP'VD/DATE L ® o F NICOLAS RD CALLE GIRASO W , 0 g TEMECULA, CA 92591 ,�� ����'�� � f DRAWN IA 4/28/20 L PHONE: (951) 676-8042 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED C • 0 N T E R NATIONAL MBAKERINTLCOM w No.60132 ^� 15" SEWER RELOCATION COORD. 10—C-34 F - a � REFERENCES INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC REFERENCES J PROJECT ENG. Know what's el®W. APPROVED BY ___ s�9 cl v 1` ���� APPROVALS INSPECTION sHT 4 of 4 DETAILS _6 — 7 Call before you di REGISTERED E IN R N0. �- DATE 3 2 rF OF C k�1E0 SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE. 2®1 6 Y � MAINTENANCE v V O v O. t Li Li L t' D t D 0 0 D 5 z J J Exhibit "B" PROJECT Plans Page 7 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 APPLICANT: `0� UITY OF TEMECULA TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 03-02 (RORIPAUGH RANCH) & COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 16-01 (RORIPAUGH RANCH PHASE 2) NTf'nT.A4 RnAn ANn CAT.T.F C.TRAIRnT. RTRFFT TMPRnVFMFNTIR SERAPHINA FRONTAGE �Q IMPROVEMENTS /// / 957-090-023 0 /// /957-090-020 � Q 957- 090- 022 / 957- 090-018 \ Z / / • NICQLAS 957-090-019 / 957-090-016 90+00 95+ GI RpAD ANC / 957-090-017 o _ - oo c� RASOL ALLE MPI?QVEMENTc /-40 ICOLAS RO OFFSI E o Q DECATUR ADVISORS , LLC 80+00 P . 0. BOX 2016 + CARLSBAD , CA 92018 L _ C-8 (619) 823-3533 on � on — RUN CONTACT: J I M K I LGORE PROJECT CONSULTANTSFERN CIVIL ENGINEER MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 40810 COUNTY CENTER DRIVE SUITE 200, TEMECULA, CA 92591 CONTACT: CANDICE FENTON TEL: (951) 676-8042 GEOTECHNICAL/ SOILS ENGINEER LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 41715 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NORTH SUITE 103, TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92590 CONTACT: BOB RIHA TEL: (951) 296-0530 SURVEYOR MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 40810 COUNTY CENTER DRIVE, TEMECULA CA 92590 JOHN DUQUETTE, L.S. TEL: (951) 676-8042 IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING IN -SITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. 2850 WOMBLE ROAD SUITE 100-403 SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 CONTACT: TIM JACHLEWSKI TEL: (619) 795-7603 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SPECS 1106 SECOND STREET #636, ENCINITAS, CA 92024 CONTACT:GINA SPEARS TEL: (858) 790-1890 POTHOLING CONSULTANT BOUDREAU PIPELINE CORPORATION 463 N. SMITH AVE CORONA, CA 92878 CONTACT:JIM MIHLD TEL: (951) 493-6780 REPORT #19527 REPORT #19528 BENCHMARK RIVERSIDE COUNTY BM:T-46-81 RESET 1997 ELEVATION:1097.163 (NGVD29) 34" ALUMINUM DISK STAMPED "T-46-81 RESET 1997" LOCATED ON W'LY SIDE OF S'LY SIDEWALK ON THE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK, APPROX. A MILE N. OF NICOLAS ROAD BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE VI,NAD83 (EPOCH 2007.00) AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY A LINE BETWEEN CONTINUOUS OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS (CORS) MAT2 AND BILL BEING N47-35-57.46E AS DERIVED FROM GEODETIC VALUES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE CENTER (CSRC) AND/OR NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS), RESPECTIVELY. SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: THE SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY IS A COMPILATION OF THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY BASED ON FLIGHTS BY: INLAND AERIAL SURVEYS, INC. 7117 ARLINGTON AVE., SUITE A RIVERSIDE, CA. 92503 COMPILED FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY DATED 1-22-14 AND 9-23-19 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL COMPILED FROM FIELD SURVEYS CONDUCTED FROM OCTOBER 2019 THROUGH FEBRUARY 2020. 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1•I , �`SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES RAW QUANTITIES: SERAPHINA FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS CUT (CY) FILL (CY) EXPORT (CY) 2,190 1,562 626 LIEFER FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS CUT (CY) FILL (CY) EXPORT (CY) 1,350 610 740 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL INT. IMP. CUT (CY) FILL (CY) EXPORT (CY) 40,443 ±26,266 14,176 NICOLAS ROAD OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS CUT (CY) FILL (CY) IMPORT (CY) 6,335 11,886 5,552 THE OPINION OF EARTHWORK QUANTITIES SHOWN ABOVE ARE UNADJUSTED GROSS (RAW) VOLUMES AND DO NOT INCLUDE THE EFFECTS OF SCARIFYING, OVER EXCAVATION, RECOMPACTION, SHRINKAGE, SUBSIDENCE OR OTHER FACTORS AND ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD CONDITIONS THAT MAY BE SPECIFIED IN THE PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT AND ARE FOR REFERENCE AND FEE PURPOSES ONLY. SINCE THE CIVIL ENGINEER CANNOT CONTROL THE EXACT METHOD OR MEANS USED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING GRADING OPERATIONS, NOR CAN THE CIVIL ENGINEER GUARANTEE THE EXACT SOIL CONDITIONS OVER THE ENTIRE SITE, THE CIVIL ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FINAL EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED TO PREPARE HIS OWN ESTIMATES OF EARTHWORK FOR THE PURPOSES OF BIDDING, CONTRACT AND CONSTRUCTION. STORM DRAIN GENERAL NOTES: THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO CONTACT ALL UTILITY AGENCIES REGARDING TEMPORARY SUPPORT AND SHORING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE VARIOUS UTILITY LINES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ALL OPENINGS RESULTING FROM CUTTING OR PARTIAL REMOVAL OF EXISTING CULVERTS, PIPES, OR SIMILAR STRUCTURES TO BE ABANDONED, SHALL BE SEALED AT BOTH ENDS WITH 0.5' MINIMUM CLASS "B" CONCRETE. ALL RECONSTRUCTION, RESURFACING AND PAVEMENT DELINEATION, CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO BE RECONSTRUCTED IN KIND AT THE SAME LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS AS THE EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOTES: APPLICANT SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PROJECT EASEMENTS, AGENCY PERMITS AND PERMISSIONS TO GRADE, PER THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. • • o Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 'DI BENCH MARK SEE HEREON 7-150-00 A 157 150-002� I I g57-150 0 957-150-003 II �' INDEX MAP SCALE: 1 "=300' / IMP RO MENT / 957-090-015 / NICOLAS ROAD �+00=120+00 1 � 25+00- — — 130+00 / -12 0 -13 1 1957-120-00 957-120-005 1 cn 06 957-150-0 -150-005 / 957-150-007 0 ICI SHEET NO. ;TO MY LANE � II ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE OBTAINED BY SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS AND TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, THERE ARE NO KNOWN EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT THOSE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR TO CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT 1-800-227-2600. ALL UTILITIES SHALL PROTECTED IN PLACE EXCEPT AS NOTED ON PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN, AND ANY OTHER LINES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION OF AND ANY DAMAGE TO THESE LINES OR STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE JOIN POINTS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL, AGENCY AND OWNER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO REPORT DISCREPANCIES IN PLANS AND/OR FIELD CONDITIONS IMMEDIATELY TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISCREPANCIES NOT SO REPORTED AND RESOLVED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE COMPACTION WITHIN THE ROCK SWALE AND ROCK BASIN LOCATIONS. CAUTION: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE "PLANS". MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: THE CITY OF TEMECULA SHALL OWN AND MAINTAIN ALL STORM DRAIN FACILITIES PROPOSED PER THIS IMPROVEMENT PLAN. FACILITIES SHOWN ON PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED AND AN EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE HAS BEEN RECORDED PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT. PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT NOTE: THE CITY OF TEMECULA SHALL RECEIVE PERMISSION TO GRADE/CONSTRUCT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY FROM EACH PROPERTY OWNER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROPERTIES LISTED BELOW. 1. APN 957-090-023 2. APN 957-090-022 3. APN 957-090-020 4. APN 957-090-019 5. APN 957-150-005 SCALE QROf ESSION9\ 0 HORIZONTAL ��Q`` ��0 • T ANH10 AS NOTED No. 60132 Or - VERTICAL sf 01 V IV N/A 9lle, OF C t`�1E�� U 957-340-015 957-340-014 w x _u I I — — / t1l / 3 -14 957-120-001 / -15 957-120-002 IMPROVEMENTS PER SEPARATE PLAN SET LD 18-0330 DESCRIPTION 1 C-1 TITLE SHEET 2 C-2 GENERAL NOTES 3 C-3 CONSTRUCTION NOTES & BID LIST 4 C-4 TYPICAL SECTIONS 5 C-5 TYPICAL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 6 C-6 DEMOLITION PLAN 7 C-7 DEMOLITION PLAN 8 C-8 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 76+00 TO STA. 83+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 9 C-9 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 83+50 TO STA. 92+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 10 C-10 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 93+50 TO STA. 101+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 11 C-11 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 101+50 TO STA. 109+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 12 C-12 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 109+50 TO STA. 117+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 13 C-13 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 117+50 TO STA. 125+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 14 C-14 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 125+50 TO STA. 134+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 15 C-15 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 134+50 TO STA. 144+00 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 16 C-16 CALLE GIRASOL STA. 10+00 TO STA. 17+00 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 17 C-17 DRIVEWAY DETAILS 18 C-18 DRIVEWAY DETAILS 19 C-19 LINE A, LINE B, LINE C AND LINE D DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 20 C-20 LINE A, LINE B AND LINE C DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 21 C-21 LINE E DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 22 C-22 LINE E DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 23 C-23 LAT E-1, LAT E-2, AND LINE F DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 24 C-24 LINE G, LINE H AND LINE L DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 25 C-25 LINE J AND LINE K DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 26 C-26 OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE 27 C-27 OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE 28 C-28 OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE SECTIONS 29 C-29 RETAINING WALL DETAILS 30 C-30 RCWD GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SHEET INDEX 31 C-31 RCWD 54" WATER LINE RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 32 C-32 RCWD 8" WATER LINE (NICOLAS RD) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 33 C-33 RCWD 8" WATER LINE (CALLE GIRASOL) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 34 C-34 RCWD 8" WATER LINE (BIKE PATH) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 35 C-35 RCWD DETAILS 36 C-36 RCWD UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING STAGING EXHIBIT 37 C-37 RCWD UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING— TEMP HIGH LINE EXH 38 C-38 MWD 48" WATER LINE 39 C-39 MWD 54" WATER LINE 40 C-40 MWD 75" WATER LINE 41 C-41 MWD 96" WATER LINE 42 C-42 MWD 99" WATER LINE 43 C-43 MWD SECTION "A" — "A" 44 C-44 EMWD SEWER RELOCATION TITLE SHEET DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 PROPOSED EASEMENTS 1❑ CONSERVATION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT 2❑ CITY MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT 3❑ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 45 C-45 EMWD SEWER RELOCATION 46 C-46 EMWD SEWER RELOCATION 47 C-47 EMWD SEWER RELOCATION 48 SL-01 STREET LIGHT 49 EC-1 EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS 50 EC-2 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 51 EC-3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 52 EC-4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 53 EC-5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 54 EC-6 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 55 PD-1 NICOLAS ROAD SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 56 PD-2 NICOLAS ROAD SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 57 PD-3 NICOLAS ROAD SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 58 PD-4 NICOLAS ROAD SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 59 S-1 ARCH BRIDGE SITE PLAN 60 S-2 ARCH BRIDGE STRUCTURE PLAN 61 S-3 FOUNDATION PLAN 62 S-4 ARCH BRIDGE SECTION A AND FOOTING DETAILS 63 S-5 ARCH BRIDGE END ELEVATIONS 64 S-6 ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 1 & 2 ELEVATIONS 65 S-7 ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 3 & 4 ELEVATIONS 66 S-8 ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 1 & 2 LAYOUTS 67 S-9 ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 3 & 4 LAYOUTS 68 S-10 ARCH BRIDGE SECTIONS AND DETAILS 69 S-11 ARCH BRIDGE CONNECTION DETAILS 70 S-12 ARCH BRIDGE CIP WALL DETAILS 71 S-13 SPECIFICATIONS NO. 1 72 S-14 SPECIFICATIONS NO. 2 73 S-15 RETAINING WALL DETAILS 74 S-16 RETAINING WALL DETAILS 75 S-17 ENVIROFLEX DETAILS NO. 1 76 S-18 ENVIROFLEX DETAILS NO. 2 77 L.1-0 LANDSCAPE PLANS COVER SHEET 78 L.1-1 PLANTING PLAN 79 L.1-2 PLANTING PLAN 80 L.1-3 PLANTING PLAN 81 L.1-4 PLANTING NOTES, LEGEND AND DETAILS 82 L.1-5 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 83 L.1-6 LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 84 L.2-1 IRRIGATION PLAN 85 L.2-2 IRRIGATION LEGEND, CALCS, AND NOTES 86 L.2-3 IRRIGATION DETAILS 87 L.2-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS 88 L.2-5 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 89 L.2-6 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 aim NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS TITLE SHEET 1 OF 89 SHEETS GENERAL NOTES 1.STANDARDS. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CITY'S IMPROVEMENT STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (AND SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENT S), THE CITY'S ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, CITY CODES AND REQUIREMENTS. 2.EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS. (ANSWERING MACHINE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE): (RESPONSIBLE PERSON/DEVELOPER) (COMPANY) (24-HR PHONE NUMBER) (RESPONSIBLE PERSON/CONTRACTOR) (COMPANY) (24-HR PHONE NUMBER) 3.LICENSE/PERMIT REQUIREMENT. a.PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK, A BUSINESS LICENSE SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY. b.A GRADING PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED, PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT. THE PERMIT AND AN APPROVED SET OF IMPROVEMENT PLANS MUST BE PRESENT AT THE JOBSITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4.ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY DOES NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT AND ENGINEER OF RECORD FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 5.WORKING HOURS. CITY ORDINANCE NO. 94-25 STATES THAT NO PERSON SHALL ENGAGE IN OR CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, WHEN THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IS WITHIN ONE -QUARTER OF A MILE OF AN OCCUPIED RESIDENCE, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:30 PM AND 6:30 AM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND SHALL ONLY ENGAGE IN OR CONDUCT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7:00 AM AND 6:30 PM ON SATURDAY. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN ON SUNDAY AND NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS. 6.REGULATORY AGENCY CLEARANCES. THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT BY THE CITY DOES NOT IMPLY OR PROVIDE ANY CLEARANCES FROM STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES REGULATING THE PROVISIONS OF STATE OR FEDERAL ENDANGERED SPECIES ACTS OR WATER QUALITY REGULATIONS. THE APPROPRIATE CLEARANCES FROM THESE AGENCIES SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO ANY SITE DISTURBANCE OR GRADING. 7.CONSTRUCTION CHANGE. ANY CONSTRUCTION CHANGE MUST BE FIRST SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AS A REDLINE REVISION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTING THE CHANGE IN THE FIELD. REFER TO THE CITY'S ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. 8.PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE SCHEDULED TWO WORK DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. DURING CONSTRUCTION, A DEPENDABLE AND RESPONSIVE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 9.UTILITIES. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE LOCATION, NOR THE EXISTENCE OR NON -EXISTENCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. ANY UTILITY DAMAGED DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE GOVERNING AGENCY BY THE CON TRACTOR, AT HIS EXPENSE. 10. SURVEY. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND TO INSTALL STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENTS, AS REQUIRED BY RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 461. CENTERLINE TIES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY ENGINEER, UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AND BEFORE ACCEPTANCE IS GRANTED. ALL EXISTING MONUMENTATION (DISTURBED OR DESTROYED DURING CONSTRUCTION) SHALL BE REPLACED TO CITY STANDARDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAND SURVEYORS ACT AND THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE, AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. UPON REQUEST, SURVEY CUTS SHEETS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY ENGINEER. 11. DUST CONTROL. DUST SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY WATERING OR OTHER METHODS, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT'S (SCAQMD) RULE 403. 12. CONSTRUCTION FENCING. A SIX FOOT CHAIN LINK FENCE IS REQUIRED ON ALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROJECTS UNTIL ROOF SYSTEMS ARE COMPLETED OR AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINEER FOR PUBLIC SAFETY. THE MAINTENANCE OF THE FENCE IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 13.INSPECTIONS. ALL WORK PERFORMED WITHOUT PROPER INSPECTION FROM THE CITY MAY BE SUBJECT TO REJECTION. 14. OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES. REFER TO SEPARATE NOTES FOR "GRADING," "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, "`RAVING"AND "TRAFFIC" REQUIREMENTS, IF APPLICABLE. 15. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION. REFER TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, "CONSTRUCTION, GRADING AND ENCROACHMENTS". 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., LVA ffA f �, SUITE 2TEMEC00 CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED G Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE PAVING NOTES 1.STANDARDS. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS (I.E., ASPHALT CONCRETE (AC) PAVEMENT, PORTLAND CONCRETE CEMENT (PCC), BASE COURSE, ETC.) SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (I.E., GREENBOOK) LATEST EDITION, THE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, CITY AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. 2.PERM IT REQUIREMENTS. A GRADING OR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT(S) SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO PAVING. BEFORE OBTAINING AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT, A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND THE REQUIRED BONDING (FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS) SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY ENGINEER. A CALTRANS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. 3.SOIL STERILIZER. AN APPROVED SOIL STERILIZER SHALL BE USED ON ALL BASE GRADE SURFACES PRIOR TO PAVING, IF SPECIFIED. 4.TACK COAT. A TACK COAT SHALL BE APPLIED TO EXISTING PAVEMENT AND VERTICAL JOINTS, CONCRETE SURFACES AND ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, IF IT HAS BEEN EXPOSED TO VEHICULAR LOADS. THE TACK COAT SHALL BE SLOW SETTING ANIONIC EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TYPE "SS-1H"CONFORMING TO THE GREENBOOK. S.CERTIFICATION/TESTING. ALL SUBGRADE AND BASE GRADE SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. BASE AND AC MATERIALS SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (QAP) AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. a.AC MATERIALS. 1. AC MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 203-6 OF THE GREENBOOK AND CITY STANDARDS. i. TYPE C2 PG70-10 FOR FINISH AND OVERLAY COURSES. THIS COURSE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 0.12 FOOT (1% INCHES) THICK INCLUDING GRIND AND OVERLAY INSTALLATIONS. ii. TYPE B PG70-10 FOR BASE COURSE. THIS COURSE SHALL CONTAIN THE BALANCE OF THE REQUIRED ASPHALT CONCRETE THICKNESS. THE MINIMUM AC LIFT FOR BASE COURSE IS 0.21 FOOT (2% INCHES). 2. THE MINIMUM AC THICKNESS IS 0.33 FOOT (4 INCHES). 3. THE MAXIMUM AC LIFT IS 0.33 FOOT (4 INCHES). NOTE: "SHOVING" IS A TYPE OF AC PAVEMENT FAILURE THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY ASPHALT MIXES THAT ARE TOO RICH IN ASPHALT, THAT HAVE COURSE/FINE AGGREGATE THAT IS TOO ROUNDED, ETC. TYPICALLY, SHOVING RESULTS AT HILLS, CURVES OR INTERSECTIONS, CAUSED BY BRAKING OR ACCELERATING VEHICULAR FORCES. TO PREVENT OR MINIMIZE SHOVING, THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE A MODIFIED AC MIX DESIGN WITH PROPERTIES THAT PROVIDE HIGH STABILITY (I.E., ABILITY TO RESIST SHOVING AND RUTTING, ANGULAR AGGREGATE PARTICLES WITH A ROUGH SURFACE TEXTURE, ETC.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GREENBOOK AND/OR CALTRANS SPECIFICATIONS. b.BASE MATERIALS. 1. BASE MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO PROVISIONS OF THE GREENBOOK AND CURRENT CITY STANDARDS. 2. FOR STREET SECTIONS, BASE COURSE MATERIAL SHALL BE CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE (CAB). PRINCIPAL AND URBAN ARTERIAL ROADS REQUIRE CAB. c.PORTLAND CONCRETE CEMENT. ALL PCC USED SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO THE GREENBOOK. 6.MIX DESIGNS. TEN (10) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO PAVING, THE PROPOSED MIX DESIGNS) FROM THE SUPPLYING ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PLANT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE MIX DESIGNS) SHALL CLEARLY SHOW THAT THE DESIGN MEETS ALL CITY AND GREENBOOK REQUIREMENTS. 7.STREET SECTIONS. STREET STRUCTURAL SECTIONS SHOWN ON PLANS ARE TENTATIVE (I.E., THEY'RE USED FOR BONDING PURPOSES). THE FINAL STRUCTURAL SECTION REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ADDITIONAL SOIL TESTS, AFTER ROUGH GRADING. THE STRUCTURAL SECTION DESIGN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. SAID DESIGN SHALL ADHERE TO THE METHODOLOGY SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 600 OF CALTRANS HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL AND SHALL UTILIZE THE `R"VALUE METHOD (I.E., 'R"VALUE TESTS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST NO. 301 AND SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER). THE NUMBER AND LOCATIONS OF THESE TESTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8.COMPACTION. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BASE MATERIAL AND AC, COMPACTION REPORTS BY A SOILS ENGINEER, CERTIFYING 95% COMPACTION OF SUB -GRADE, BASE MATERIAL AND TOP 1 FOOT, SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER. COMPACTION TEST OBSERVATION OF SUB -GRADE AND BASE GRADE MATERIALS SHALL BE COORDINATED TO INCLUDE THE SOILS ENGINEER AND THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. 9.PAVING INSPECTIONS. a. BASE GRADE INSPECTION. ONE (1) INSPECTION AT SUB -GRADE COMPLETION (PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF BASE) IS REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. b.PAVING INSPECTIONS. TWO (2) PAVING INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: (1) PRIOR TO PAVING, AT BASE GRADE COMPLETION; AND (1) DURING PLACEMENT OF AC. c.DRIVEWAYS. ALL ONSITE PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND CITY STANDARDS, AND SHALL BE INSPECTED AND CLEARED BY THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO PAVING. 10. UTILITIES. ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND LATERALS SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO PAVING. PROVIDE CLEARANCE FROM UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO FINAL CAP. 11. TRENCHING FOR UTILITIES. ALL STREET TRENCHES SHALL CONFORM TO CITY AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS. REFER TO CITY STANDARD NO. 407 "TRENCH/POTHOLE REPAIR" FOR TRENCH MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPAIRS. IF TRENCHES IN CLOSE PROXIMITY AND PARALLEL TO GUTTER LINES RESULT IN LEAVING PAVEMENT STRIPS IN DISTRESS OR LESS THAN TWO FEET (2') IN WIDTH (BETWEEN THE TRENCH AND GUTTER LINE), SAID PAVEMENT STRIPS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPAVED, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. A TACK COAT SHALL BE APPLIED TO JOIN EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE AND VERTICAL SURFACES IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GREENBOOK. 12. PARKING LOT GRADE. THE MINIMUM AC OR CONCRETE PAVEMENT GRADE SHALL BE ONE PERCENT (1%). 13. GUTTER LIP. A 3/8 INCH LIP SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO CONCRETE GUTTERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS. REFER TO STANDARD NO. 200. 14. PAVING DETAIL AROUND MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS, ETC. ALL PAVING AROUND MANHOLES, UTILITY VALVE COVERS, ETC. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GREENBOOK REQUIREMENTS, UTILITY AGENCY REQUIREMENTS, AND CITY AND ENGINEERING STANDARDS. REFER TO CITY STANDARD NO. 503 "PAVING DETAIL AROUND MANHOLE." 15. AC PLACEMENT. THE METHOD OF DEPOSITING, DISTRIBUTING (I.E., USING A SELF-PROPELLED SPREADING/FINISHING MACHINE) AND ROLLING AC SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GREENBOOK. 16. ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DEFECTIVE SURFACING DUE TO GRADE SETTLEMENT OF FILLS, TRENCH FILLS OR BASE MATERIAL, AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. NO PAVEMENT `BIRDBATHS"OR DEVIATIONS GREATER THAN 1/8 INCH IN SIX FEET (6') SHALL BE ACCEPTED. 17. PROTECTION OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL: (A) PROTECT EXISTING STRUCTURES, CURB AND GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, LANDSCAPING, CATCH BASIN DEPRESSIONS AND OTHER SURFACE FEATURES AGAINST DAMAGE CAUSED BY PAVING OPERATIONS AND ASPHALT SPRAY; (B) PROTECT COMPLETED WORK; ALL VEHICULAR TRAFFIC (I.E., MOVING OR STATIONARY LOADS) SHALL BE KEPT OFF NEWLY PAVED AREAS UNTIL PAVEMENT SURFACES HAVE COOLED DOWN ADEQUATELY; (C) CLEAN THE SITE (I.E., REMOVE LOOSE PAVEMENT AND AGGREGATE, CLEAN OUT ALL MANHOLE PITS, ENSURE FREE OPERATION OF VALVES AFTER PAVING, REMOVE ALL DEBRIS, RUBBISH AND EXCESS MATERIAL FROM WORK AREA, ETC.). 18. OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES. REFER TO SEPARATE NOTES FOR "GENERAL, " "GRADING, "AND `EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL"REQUIREMENTS. 19. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION. REFER TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, "CONSTRUCTION, GRADING AND ENCROACHMENTS" 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSIONWe 0 HORIZONTAL ��0 • TA 10 AS NOTED No. 60132 Or - VERTICAL sf 01 V IV N/A 9lF OF C t`�1E�� GRADING NOTES 1.STANDARDS. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING RELATED ACTIVITIES (I.E., STOCKPILING, LAND CLEARING, EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL, ETC.) SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE, THE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, ALL APPLICABLE STANDARDS, THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (APPENDIX J) AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 2.PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. A GRADING PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK ON THE SITE. 3.NOT IFICAT IONS.PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SHALL BE NOTIFIED VIA EMAIL AT LDINSPECTIONS@TEMECULACA.GOV AT LEAST TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE OF BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION/GRADING OPERATIONS. 4.SOILS. ALL CONSTRUCTION/GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION BY DATED SAID REPORT SHALL BE CONSIDERED A PART OF THIS GRADING PLAN. 5.CUT/FILL. a. MAXIMUM CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER; AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT. FILL SLOPES SHALL NOT HAVE LESS THAN 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION OUT TO THE FINISH SURFACE. b. FILL MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON EXISTING GROUND UNTIL THE GROUND HAS BEEN CLEARED OF WEEDS, DEBRIS, TOPSOIL, VEGETATION AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL . IF THE SLOPE RATIO EXCEEDS 5:1 AND IS GREATER THAN FIVE FEET, THE TERRAIN MUST BE KEYED AND BENCHED INTO EITHER BEDROCK OR NATIVE SOIL, AS DIRECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. c. STABILITY CALCULATIONS WITH A FACTOR -OF -SAFETY OF AT LEAST ONE AND FIVE TENTHS (1.5) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC WORKS BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST FOR CUT AND FILL SLOPES OVER THIRTY FEET (30') IN VERTICAL HEIGHT. d. ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST, WHO SHALL SUBMIT TWO SETS OF WRITTEN CERTIFICATION THAT ALL FILLS OVER ONE FOOT (1') IN DEPTH HAVE BEEN PROPERLY PLACED. 6.DRAINAGE. a. AS APPLICABLE, PROVIDE CONCRETE BROW DITCHES TO CONVEY 100 -YEAR STORM FLOWS OR PROVIDE GRADED BERMS ALONG THE TOP OF ALL GRADED SLOPES OVER THREE FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT OR THAT ARE ADJACENT TO GRADED AREAS, TO DIRECT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE TOP OF SLOPES. ALL DRAINAGE DEVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER THE APPROVED PLANS. b. EXISTING DRAINAGE COURSES SHALL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION AT ALL TIMES NO OBSTRUCTION OF FLOOD PLAINS OR NATURAL WATER COURSES SHALL BE PERMITTED. c. TEMPORARY DRAINAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED UNTIL PERMANENT DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ARE INSTALLED . PROTECTIVE MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO PROTECT ADJOINING AND DOWNSTREAM PROPERTIES FROM SILT DEPOSITION AND PONDING WATER DURING CONSTRUCTION/GRADING OPERATIONS. d. APPROVED PROTECTIVE MEASURES AND TEMPORARY DRAINAGE PROVISIONS MUST BE USED TO PROTECT ADJOINING PROPERTIES DURING THE GRADING PROJECT. e. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS; NO BUILDING OR WALLS SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF EASEMENTS. f. THE MINIMUM GRADE FOR CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINAGE FACILITIES SHALL BE A ONE-HALF PERCENT (0.5%). 7.PROPERTY CORNERS. ALL PROPERTY CORNERS SHALL BE CLEARLY DELINEATED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION/GRADING ACTIVITY, A S DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8.R000H GRADING INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT . INSPECTIONS SHALL BE REQUESTED VIA EMAIL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT LDINSPECTIONS@TEMECULACA.GOV AT LEAST TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS IN ADVANCE (PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PERMIT # IN THE SUBJECT LINE ). SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING: a. ONE (1) PAD ELEVATION CERTIFICATION (I.E., ROUGH GRADE) TO INCLUDE A STATEMENT THAT THE PAD ELEVATION COMPLIES WITH THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN. CERTIFICATION SHALL BE TO LINE, GRADE, ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF CUT/FILL SLOPES. b. ONE (1) PAD COMPACTION CERTIFICATION (I.E., FINAL GEOTECHNICAL/SOILS REPORT) TO INCLUDE A STATEMENT THAT THE GRADING COMPLIES WITH RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT. 9.FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. REFER TO THE CITY'S ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. 10. POST GRADING ACTIVITIES. POST GRADING ACTIVITIES SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, INSTALLING WHERE APPLICABLE: GROUNDCOVER, TREES, SHRUBS OR A COMBINATION THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION . SLOPES OVER FOUR FEET (4') IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITH BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES . BLACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICES MUST COMPLY WITH THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (U.P.C). 11. OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES. REFER TO SEPARATE NOTES FOR "PAVING," "GENERAL "AND `EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL"REQUIREMENTS. LEGEND OF SYMBOLS ITEM SYMBOL EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED ELEVATION RIGHT OF WAY LINE ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE 0" CONCRETE CURB EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT FULL PAVEMENT SECTION GRIND AND OVERLAY SLURRY SEAL (im2)-, 1012---_ (13.52) 14.00 RIPRAP 3" DEPTH FIBER MULCH 0 0 0 ARMOR FLEX o0000 0 00 0 00 0 LIGHTWEIGHT CELLULAR CONCRETE (LCC) DAYLIGHT LINE DIRECTION OF FLOW JURISDICTIONAL CONSTRAINT EX. WATER MAIN EX. WATER MAIN EX. SEWER EXISTING ELEC LINE UNDERGROUND EX. GAS EXISTING UNDERGROUND TEL LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND COMM LINE STREET LIGHT PROPOSED GUARDRAIL MASONRY WALL MAILBOX COMMUNITY MAILBOX EX. BLOW -OFF VALVE EX. ELECTRICAL PULLBOX EX. FIRE HYDRANT EX. SEWER MANHOLE EX. TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EX. TRAFFIC SIGNAL PULLBOX EX. UTILITY PULLBOX EX. WATER VALVE EX. COMMUNICATIONS/POWER POLE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SEWER LINE POTHOLE LOCATION OHL -E- - G- MB CMB F2 O pp STANDARD DRAWINGS ABBREVIATIONS. DESCRIPTION/DOCUMENT EDITION CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ANGLE POINT AP LIGHTWEIGHT CELLULAR CONCRETE LCC IMPROVEMENT STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR PUBLIC WORK ASPHALTIC CONCRETE AC LOW POINT LP CONSTRUCTION 2020 BEGIN CURB RETURN BCR MAILBOX MB BEGIN CURVE BC PEDESTAL PIED STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, CENTERLINE C/L POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PCC STANDARD PLANS 2018 COMMUNICATIONS COMM POINT OF REVERSE CURVE PERCENT PRC RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND CURB & GUTTER C&G POWER POLE PP WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, CURB FACE CIF PULL BOX PB STANDARD MANUAL REVISED 2019 DRIVEWAY DWY RIGHT OF WAY R/W EDGE OF PAVEMENT EOP SEWER MANHOLE SMH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, BUILDING DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL ELEC SIDEWALK S/W RETAINING WALLS 2017 END CURB RETURN ECR TELEPHONE TEL RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, STANDARD END CURVE EC TOP OF A.C. DIKE TD DRAWINGS REVISED 2018 EXISTING EX. TOP OF CURB TC FINISHED GRADE FG TOP OF WALL TW EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, STANDARD FINISHED SURFACE FS TOP OF WALL FOOTING TF DRAWINGS REVISED 2019 FIRE HYDRANT FH TYPICAL (TYP) FLOW LINE FL VARIES/VARYING VAR. GRADE BREAK GB WATER METER WM HIGH POINT HP WATER VALVE WV INVERT ELEVATION IE DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL NOTES SHEET NO. C=2 2 OF 88 SHEETSI CONSTRUCTION NOTES O CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) O2 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (CALLE GIRASOL) O3 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 O5 CONSTRUCT TYPE "D" CURB WITH 0" CURB FACE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 204B © CONSTRUT CROSS GUTTER PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 210 & 211 O7 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 ® CONSTRUCT MODIFIED ADA ACCESS RAMP CASE F PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A88A O9 INSTALL ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATING CONCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATIONS OR APPROVED EQUAL 10 APPLY SLURRY SEAL TO EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 13 CONSTRUCT 4" A.C. OVER 6" C.A.B. MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD, PER MODIFIED C.O.T ACCESS ROAD STD. NO 106. WIDTH PER PLAN, 14 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT—OFF WALL, PER DETAIL "B" OF RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH326 15 FURNISH AND INSTALL MIDWEST GUARDRAIL FENCING PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A771_1 16 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 PER COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT STD 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP —RAP SHALL BE UNDERCUT MIN 6" FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. 18 PROPOSED POWER POLE LOCATION PER S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 19 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE 23 INSTALL RESIDENTIAL MAIL BOX 24 INSTALL 1" COPPER SERVICE LATERAL AND METER PER RCWD STD. RW-1 & RW-13 25 ADJUST ELECTRICAL MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD NO. 503 26 MODIFIED ARTERIAL HIGHWAY LIGHTING PER COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STD. 1001, PROVIDED BY S.C.E., PER SEPARATE PLANS. LUMINAIRE TO BE MOUNTED ON SCE POLE. 27 ADJUST IRRIGATION VALVE TO GRADE 28 CONSTRUCT HEADWALL TO MATCH EXISTING V—DITCH 2g CONSTRUCT MODIFIED CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CB110 (L & W PER PLAN) 30 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CB110 31 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP; D—LOAD PER PROFILE 32 CONSTRUCT 24" RCP; D—LOAD PER PROFILE 33 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE NO. 4 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG MH254 34 CONSTRUCT JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG JS226 35 CONSTRUCT ROCK SWALE PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 37 INSTALL MODIFIED ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH325 AND DETAILS ON C-28 38 CONSTRUCT LOCAL DEPRESSION PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN D78B 39 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER DETAILS ON STRUCTURAL PLANS 40 CONSTRUCT 11' H X 22' W FOUR —SPAN BURIED CONCRETE ARCH PER STRUCTURAL PLANS 41 EXISTING MANHOLE TO BE ABANDONED 42 6" PVC CLEAN —OUTS, TOP OF GRATE SHALL EXTEND 6 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED GROUND, SPACE MIN. 20' ON PIPE AND PER PLAN. 43 6" PVC UNDERDRAIN PERFORATED PIPE—ASTM DESIGNATION D-2665 AND PERFORATIONS SHALL BE PER ASTM DESIGNATION C-700. 44 INSTALL TYPE GO INLET WITH TYPE 24-13 GRATE PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN D72E AND D77B 45 FLARED END PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN D94B 46 CONSTRUCT 4' DEEP CAST IN PLACE TYPE 6A CUT—OFF WALL PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN B3-7A 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., LTA ITA f �, SUITE 2TEMEC00 CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 47 CONSTRUCT 36" RCP; D—LOAD PER PROFILE 48 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE NO. 2 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG MH252 49 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER STORM DRAIN MARKER, DAS MANUFACTURING INC. ##ORD OR EQUIVALENT 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 51 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING COMM POLE BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 52 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS PEDESTAL PER SEPARATE PLANS 53 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PER RCWD STD. RW-8 54 REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARD AND FOOTING 55 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL MAIL BOX AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS 56 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING PULL BOX 57 REMOVE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 58 REMOVE EXISTING K—RAIL WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS 59 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND BASE 60 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING CONCRETE 61 REMOVE EXISTING AC DIKE 62 REMOVE CONCRETE V—DITCH 63 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL/BOX/TRANSFORMER PER SEPARATE PLANS 64 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING COMMUNITY MAIL BOX AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS 65 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING GUY WIRE BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 66 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SPLASH PAD PER DETAIL ON C-25 67 EYEBOLT CONNECTION TO CUT—OFF WALL PER STRUCTURAL PLANS SHEET S-17 68 FURNISH AND INSTALL PIPE SWING GATE PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG. M820 69 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS II GROUTED RIP RAP 70 INSTALL STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-10 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 72 INSTALL GRAVEL BAG VELOCITY REDUCERS PER CASQA SE-6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 73 REMOVE ABANDONED WATER LINE WHERE IN CONFLICT WITH STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY REMOVAL EXTENTS BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS 74 INSTALL FIBER ROLL PER CASQA SE-5 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 75 INSTALL GRAVEL BAGS PER CASQA SE— 6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 76 GROUT RIP RAP TO A DEPTH OF 12" FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF THE RIP RAP TO PROVIDE A DRIVABLE SURFACE. HEAVY BROOM FINISH PERPENDICULAR TO DRIVING DIRECTION. GROUT PER SPECIFICATIONS. 77 INSTALL ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH325, CH335 AND DETAILS ON C-25 78 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS III 150 LB BURIED UNDERGROUTED RIP RAP 79 INSTALL CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE 80 INSTALL 54" LAP WELDED CML, TW & CMC STEEL PIPE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-34, TRENCH PER RW-25. TRENCH WIDTH MIN.=78" MAX.=90" 81 INSTALL 54" FABRICATED FITTING, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST TO FIELD CONDITIONS 82 INSTALL 54" CML&C WELDED STEEL PIPE WITHIN A 78" STEEL CASING PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND RCWD STD. DWG. RW-23. IN LIEU OF SAND, FILL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN PIPE AND CASING WITH GROUT PER EMWD TECH. SPEC. SECTION 03640. 83 INSTALL 6" BLOW —OFF PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-4, MODIFY TO BE INSTALLED AT THE END OF THE PIPE 84 INSTALL 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE, TRENCH PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-25 85 INSTALL 8" FABRICATED FITTING PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-29A. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST TO FIELD CONDITIONS 86 INSTALL 12" BLOW —OFF PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-4 87 INSTALL 6" BLOW —OFF PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-4 88 INSTALL 8" AIR VAC PER DETAIL 5, SHEET C-35 89 INSTALL 1" AIR VAC PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-9 90 INSTALL 2" SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION TYPE "B" TO EXISTING METER PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-14 AND DIRECTION OF RCWD ENGINEER. 91 INSTALL BUTT STRAP PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-32 92 INSTALL 8" GATE VALVE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-31 G Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATEIACC'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 93 INSTALL 8" X 12" FLG X FLG REDUCER WITH FLG X PE 94 INSTALL 8" X 8" X 8" TEE 95 CONSTRUCT V—DITCH TO PIPE TRANSITION PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 304 AND DETAIL ON C-25 96 CONSTRUCT "L" HEADWALL FOR SINGLE CIRCULAR PIPE PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN NO. D89 97 CONSTRUCT JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 2 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG JS227 98 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE COLLAR PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG M803 99 INSTALL TEST STATION WITH INSULATING FLANGE KIT PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-41 100 INSTALL MIRAFI 110ON FILTER FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT 101 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS V 1/4 TON BURIED UNGROUTED RIP RAP 102 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 103 INSTALL MANUAL 18' WIDE TUBULAR STEEL DOUBLE SWING GATE 104 INSTALL 12" X 8" REDUCER 105 RE —CONNECT EXISTING 6" FIRE HYDRANT AND INSTALL 8" X 8" X 12" TEE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 106 INSTALL 2.5' THICK 27-30 PCF LCC OR APPROVED EQUAL PER MANUFACTURE AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS 107 INSTALL 54" BUTTERFLY VALVE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-31 108 FURNISH AND INSTALL 24" ACCESS MANWAY, BURIED. PER DETAIL 7 ON C-35 109 INSTALL DROP IN METER PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-16 200 FURNISH AND INSTALL 15" VCP SEWER PIPE. PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCH BACKFILL PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-157, SB-158, AND SB-159. 201 (BID ALTERNATIVE) FURNISH AND INSTALL 21" VCP. PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCH BACKFILL PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-157, SB-158, AND SB-159. 202 FURNISH AND INSTALL 60" MANHOLE PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-53 AND SPECIFICATION 15340 203 INSTALL CONCRETE RING ON MANHOLE AT GRADE PER DETAIL 1 ON SHEET 4 04 INSTALL 15" VITRIFIED CLAY JACKING PIPE IN 30" STEEL CASING PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-49 205 BID ALTERNATIVE, INSTALL 21" VITRIFIED CLAY JACKING PIPE IN 30" STEEL CASING PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-49 206 FURNISH AND INSTALL 30" STEEL CASING PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-49 TO BE INSTALLED USING OPEN CUT TRENCH PER EMWD STD. DWG. SB-158 AND SB-157 CLASS "B". VCP CARRIER PIPE SHALL BE PLACED IN CASING USING JACKING FRAME AFTER OPEN CUT INSTALLATION OF CASING. 207 INSTALL 36" HDPE FUSION WELDED JOINTS PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 208 INSTALL 36" ADS HP STORM DRAIN WATERSTOP CAST —IN —PLACE MANHOLE CONNECTION PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 209 INSTALL 36" ADS HP DUAL WALL WATER TIGHT FITTING PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 210 INSTALL ADS HP STORM DRAIN TO RCP CONNECTION (MARMAC) PER STD DWG NO. 604A AND MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 211 INSTALL RCFCD & WCD TRANSITION STRUCTURE NO. 3 PER STD DWG NO. TS303 212 INSTALL HDPE FUSION WELDED JOINTS PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QR� V E S SN9\ C. Qn f� r No.60132Or- a �1 V 1V �� 9F C pV1F��� OVERALL PROJECT LUMP SUM BID SHEET ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT 1 Mobilization, Demobilization and final cleanup 1 L.S. 2 Clearing and Grubbing (includes demo) 1 L.S. 3 Engineering / Construction Surveying 1 L.S. 4 Survey Monument 1 L.S. 5 Trench Safety and Shoring of Excavations 1 L.S. 6 Traffic Control Plan, Traffic Control Implementation 1 L.S. 7 NPDES Compliance 1 L.S. 8 Spill Prevention and Emergency Response Plan 1 L.S. 9 Record Drawing ("As -Built") 1 L.S. 10 Sewage Bypass and Pumping Plan 1 L.S. 11 Utility Coordination 1 L.S. 12 Dewatering 1 L.S. 13 Unclassified Excavation 1 L.S. 14 Signing and Striping 1 L.S. 15 Planting 1 L.S. 16 Irrigation 1 L.S. 17 90 day Plant Establishment and Maintenance 1 L.S. 18 WQMP Basin 1 L.S. NICOLAS ROAD - SERAPHINA FRONTAGE BID SHEET ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT NO. QUANTITY 1 Remedial Grading 3,230 C.Y. 2 Crushed Aggregate Base Material (8") 504 C.Y. Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6") street 3 structural section (Use 155 Ibs/cf for 731 TON estimating quantities) Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4") over 4 compacted native (Use 155 Ibs/cf for 410 TON estimating quantities) 5 1'/2" Grind and Variable Depth Asphalt 52 S.F. Pavement 6 A.C. Berm (6") 79 L. F. 7 P.C.C. Driveway Approach 370 S.F. 8 ADA Access Ramp Case F per Caltrans 1 EA STD No. A88A (Bikeway Access Ramps) 9 Install Residential mailbox 3 EA 10 2' Deep Cut-off Wall 134 L. F. 11 Adjust Water Valve to Grade 2 EA 12 Adjust manhole to grade 4 EA 13 Dispersion Pad - Caltrans Class I Rip Rap 14 C.Y. 14 Lightweight cellular concrete 227 CY NICOLAS ROAD - LIEFER FRONTAGE BID SHEET ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED UNIT NO. QUANTITY 1 Remedial grading 4,260 C.Y. 2 Crushed Aggregate Base Material (8") 293 C.Y. Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6") street 3 structural section (Use 155 Ibs/cf for 426 TON estimating quantities) Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4") over 4 compacted native (Use 155 Ibs/cf for 300 TON estimating quantities) 5 1'/2" Grind and Variable Depth Asphalt 2,610 S.F. Pavement 6 A.C. Berm (6") 645 L. F. 7 1 Slurry Seal 245 S.F. 8 ADA Access Ramp Case F per Caltrans 2 EA STD No. A88A (Bikeway Access Ramps) 9 Install Community mailbox 1 EA 10 Adjust Water Valve to Grade 12 EA 11 Adjust manhole to grade 3 EA 12 Dispersion Pad - Caltrans Class I Rip Rap 1 C.Y. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS BID SHEET ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT 1 Remedial Grading 17,652 C.Y. 2 Remedial Grading (Culvert Limits) 16,626 C.Y. 3 1 Crushed Aggregate Base Material ( 8") 1,251 C.Y. 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement (6") street structural section (Use 155 Ibs/cffor estimating quantities) 1,815 TON 5 Crushed Aggregate Base Material ( 6") 172 C.Y. 6 A.C. Pavement (4") 221 TON 7 4" Asphalt Concrete Pavement for bikeway (Use 155 Ibs/cf for estimating quantities) 296 TON 8 1'/2" Grind and Variable Depth Asphalt Pavement 210 S.F. 9 A.C. Berm (6") 2,815 L. F. 10 Cross Gutter and Spandrals 637 S.F. 11 P.C.C. Driveway Approach 640 S.F. 12 Install Residential mailbox 3 EA 13 Retaining Wall 1,471 S. F. 14 4' Deep Cut-off Wall 1,800 S.F. 15 2' Dee Cut-off Wall 334 S.F. 16 Pipe Swing Gate 1 EA 17 Slurry Seal 2,823 S.F. 18 Guardrail 333 L. F. 19 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 194 L. F. 20 24" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 240 L. F. 21 36" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 398 L. F. 22 6" PVC Underdrain Perf Pipe 60 L. F. 23 6" PVC Cleanout 4 EA 24 Inlet Type GO with Grate per Caltrans Std. Plan D72E & D77B 2 EA 25 Inlet Type RCFCD CB110 1 EA 26 Transition Structure V-ditch to Pipe 1 EA 27 Junction Structure No. 1 6 EA 28 Rip Rap Lined Channel (Class III Rip Rap, Class II AB, Mirafi Fabric) 12,846 C.Y. 29 Caltrans Class II Rip Rap (Grouted) 1 C.Y. 30 Storm Drain Inlet Marker (Circular) 5 EA 31 Dispersion Pad - Caltrans Class I Rip Rap 2 C.Y. 32 Structural - Arches and Walls 1 L.S. 33 8" CML&C & Steel Water Main and residential Meter relocation 1,196 L. F. 34 8" and 12" water line Demolition 957 L. F. 35 8" Gate Valve 3 EA 36 6" Fire Hydrant 4 EA 37 Adjust Irrigation Valve 3 EA 38 Adjust Water Valve to Grade 5 EA 39 30" Steel Casing 254 L. F. 40 78" Steel Casing 205 L. F. 41 54" CIVIL, TW & CIVIC Water Main and Appurtenances 493 L. F. 42 54" Waterline Dewatering 1,700,000 GAL 43 54" CML&C Demolition 486 L. F. 44 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 9 EA 45 Adjust manhole to grade 7 EA 46 15" V.C.P. (standard pipe) 132 L. F. 47 15" V.C.P. Jacking Pipe (Pipe in 30" Casing) 254 L. F. 48 Sewer Manhole (5' diameter) 2 EA 49 Sewer Manhole over Existing Sewer Line 2 EA 50 1 "L" Headwall for Single Circular Pipe 1 EA 51 Concrete Splash Pad - Caltrans Class III Rip Rap (Grouted) 5 EA 52 Power Pole Relocation Coordination 5 EA RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: NICOLAS ROAD - OFFSITE BID SHEET ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT 1 Remedial Grading 43,538 C.Y. 2 Crushed Aggregate Base Material (8") 2,460 C.Y. 3 Asphalt Concrete Pavement for 6" street structural section (Use 155 Ibs/cf for estimating quantities) 3,569 TON 4 Crushed Aggregate Base Material ( 6") 37 C.Y. 5 4" Asphalt Concrete Pavement for bikeway (Use 155 Ibs/cf for estimating quantities) 92 TON 6 Asphalt Concrete Pavement (4") over compacted native (Use 155 Ibs/cf for estimating quantities) 576 TON 7 1 1/2" Grind and Variable Depth Asphalt Pavement 160 S.F. 8 A.C. Berm (6") 2,479 L. F. 9 Cross Gutter and Spandrals 1,440 S.F. 10 IType D Curb with Zero Curb Face 2,474 L. F. 11 P.C.C. Driveway Approach 733 S.F. 12 ADAAccess Ramp Case F per Caltrans STD No. A88A (Bikeway Access Ramps) 4 EA 13 Install Residential mailbox 1 EA 14 Retaining Wall 298 S.F. 15 Pipe Swing Gate 2 EA 16 2' Deep Cut-off Wall 86 S.F. 17 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 75 L. F. 18 24" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 160 L. F. 19 36" Reinforced Concrete Pipe 626 L. F. 20 36" ADS HP Pipe 89 L. F. 21 Inlet Type RCFCD CB110 6 EA 22 Manhole No. 2 1 EA 23 Manhole No. 4 1 EA 24 Transition Structure No. 3 1 EA 25 Dispersion Pad - Caltrans Class I Rip Rap 17 C.Y. 26 3-Foot Wide Rock Swale 7,275 SF 27 6" Perforated pipe 2,425 LF 28 Adjust Water Valve to Grade 6 EA 29 Adjust Water Meter to Grade 1 EA 30 12" Waterline Demolition 7 L. F. 31 Adjust manhole to grade 7 EA 32 1 Lightweight cellular concrete 62 CY 33 36" HDPE Fusion Welded Pipe 185 LF NOTE: QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN IN THE SPECIFICATION ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING BID QUANTITIES PER PLAN. BID ITEM NOTE: READ BEFORE SUBMITTING BID THE BIDS FOR THE WORK ARE INTENDED TO ESTABLISH A TOTAL COST FOR THE WORK IN ITS ENTIRETY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STATE THE UNIT PRICES OR THE SPECIFIC SUMS, AS THE CASE MAY BE, FOR WHICH HE PROPOSES TO SUPPLY THE LABOR, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT AND PERFORM THE WORK REQUIRED BY THE PLANS AND/OR THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. CERTAIN PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, GENERAL PROVISIONS AND SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL PROVISIONS, AND OTHER WORK REQUIRED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS MAY NOT BE LISTED IN THE BID SCHEDULE ARE, IN GENERAL APPLICABLE TO MORE THAN ONE LISTED BID ITEM. OTHER REQUIRED WORK MAY NOT BE LISTED AS A SEPARATE WORK ITEM IN THE BID SCHEDULE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE THE COST OF WORK NOT LISTED IN THE BID SCHEDULE BUT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT DESIGNATED IN THE PLANS AND/OR THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VARIOUS LISTED WORK ITEMS OF THE BID SCHEDULE. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR DETERMINES THAT THE COST FOR THE WORK HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED BY SPECIFIC ITEMS IN THE BID SCHEDULE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE THE COST FOR THAT WORK IN THE RELATED BID ITEM SO THAT THE CONSTRUCTION COST FOR THE PROJECT REFLECTS THE TOTAL COST FOR THE COMPLETING THE WORK IN ITS ENTIRETY. ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION NOTES & BID LIST SHEET NO. C=3 3 OF 89 SHEETS Q 0 N co N 0 N 0 co J J Q z Of Q r z z w c� 0 _ EXIST. EXIST. R/W 105' R/W 50' 55' 15.5' 2' 8' 2' 10' 14' 13' 40.5' o� CLASS I � BUFFER o BIKEWAY o O 2% O Cn w I IL w SEX GRADE EXIST. R/W 37' Z ` �- � o ----- I I - 1 EX GRADE 3 EX 1 EX GRADE 36 PAVEMENT NICOLAS ROAD STA 79+46 TO STA 87+09 TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE EXIST. EXIST. EXIST. R/W R/W R/W 105 , VARIES ' 82' 10' CLASS I BUFFI BIKEWAY o I J 0 13 13 6 0 VARIES O O W_ ul �� —� cn 2% cn � 2 7 M 2. 15% 2�2%-- 36 8' VARIES 1\- 3 36 1 5% EX GRADE NICOLAS ROAD 36 * PAVEMENT REMOVALS STA 87+09 TO STA 97+92 VARIES NOT SHOWN IN TYPICAL SECTION SECTION NOT TO SCALE * HORIZONTAL TRANSITION STA 92+88.68 TO 97+91.88 * VERTICAL TRANSITION STA 89+50 TO 93+00 EXIST. EXIST. R/W 110' R/W 55' 55' 37' 2' 8' 2' 10' 12' 10' 17' 6' 6' CLASS I BUFFER TURNING J BIKEWAY o 12 LANE 0 0 o 0 2.5' 2% Cn I 2 1 5% EX C&G i I\ - EX GRADE PAVEMENT NICOLAS ROAD STA 97+92 TO STA 102+50 TYPICAL SECTION CONSTRUCTION NOTES (D CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) (3)CONSTRUCT 10' WIDE, 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT CLASS I BIKEWAY ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 15 FURNISH AND INSTALL MIDWEST GUARDRAIL FENCING PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A771-1 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS VARIES \- EX GRADE 110' 2' 8' 2' 10' o� CLASS I Ir BUFF R o BIKEWAY o J J > > EXIST. R/W 12' 10' 12' 7' 5' 5' PAINTED ;1 MEDIAN/ ir.5' N 2% N I -�� _5% 5% NICOLAS ROAD STA 102+50 TO STA 108+53 TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 110,1 TURNING LANE 20 EX I PROVEMENTS * PAVEMENT REMOVALS VARIES NOT SHOWN IN SECTION EXIST. R/W VARIES FROM 34' TO 40' ' I 2' 8' 2' 5'-10' 12' 10' 12' VARIES CLASS I BUFF R PAINTED o BIKEWAY o 1' MEDIAN/ LL- 0 o TURNING _ = LANE 1 U' 2% N 4 4 o ~ 2% CHAIN LINK FENCE J PER LANDSCAPE ** PLANS **NOTE: INSTALL NICOLAS ROAD GUARDRAIL FENCING WHEN STA 108+53 TO STA 112+75 BUFFER IS LESS THAN 10' TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 110' * HORIZONTAL TRANSITION STA 108+80-112+60 * VERTICAL TRANSITION STA 109+76.50-113+52.36 55' 55' 35' 20' 20' 35' VARIES* 2' 8' 2' 10' 3' 1 12' 10' 15' MIN CLASS I Q� PAINTED o BIKEWAY o � o MEDIAN > > 1°m o 5, , 5 (= N I U) 4 2% MPS 12' 3' 11' 2%, 2' 1 VAR I ES 3 15 1.5' MIN CHAIN LINK FENCE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 2'2' VARIES 2% MIN 2% 5' M I NJ NICOLAS ROAD STA 112+75 TO 114+14 2: 1 MAX TYPICAL SECTION HEADWALL NOT TO SCALE CULVERT BELOW CONTRACTOR TO CREATE POSITIVE FLOW/OUTLET TO THE WEST *STA 110+84.90 TO 113+95.14 EXIST. R/W 110' Ch GRADED oSHOULDER D O U) 2% MAX CULVERT 24' ADWALL EXIST. R/W 55' 55' 35' 20' 20' 35' VARIES 2' 8' 2' VAR 5'-10' 3' 12' 10' 12' 3' 11' 24' of CLASS I o� BUFFER cr- PAINTED Ch GRADED 2 � BIKEWAY o 1 J MEDIAN J SHOULDER 7 MqX m = = 5' S' _ 2% 2% �2% '. 7 \-EX GRADE 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., • I CHAIN LINK FENCE ** 15 4 4 Michael Baker I SUITE 200 o P P P NICOLAS ROAD 1 EX GRADE TEMECULA, CA 92591 PER LANDSCAPE PLANS **NOTE: INSTALL STA 114+14 TO 118+64 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. WHEN DBUFFER RAIL E IS FENCING TYPICAL SECTION LD _ Call before you dig. LESS THAN 10' NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. PW0201 14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE Q%OVESS1p l DESCIFGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. 0 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • T AN,y�� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 - ROR I PAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN = SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED Wj No . 60132 ��� °9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 C4 INSPECTOR { ACCEPTED BY: DATE: NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL sf 1� ��� DATE: �IVPATRICK A. THOMAS F DATE COMPLETED 9l p� JOHN D. TANNER III N/A F F E p`1F PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro ises Qo4 R.C.E. 60132 ^� • R.C.E. 44223 � p4 TYPICAL SECTIONS 4 OF 88 SHEETS 0 N O N \ w J W Li J J z Q 0 c� 0 0 O i L0 O LO i i w O Cl- 0 0 z Q J 0 0 Q c� LO 0 LO Q Q 0 no EXIST. R/W 55' 35' 20' 13' 2' 8' 2' 10' 3' 12' � CLASS I � , 3 3 4 Wo 3 3 3 o J BIKEWAY o J W 2 _ v=i 2% U5 2% �2Sq 40 5q� f— EX. I GRADE EX. GRADE JOIN TO EXIST. EXIST. R/W 55' EXIST. EXIST. EXIST. 110' R/W R/W 63' R/W 55' 30' 33' 20' 35' 8' 14' 14' 8' 10' 12' 3' 12' 23' I GRADED 1> GRADED 'AINTED w 4' 3' S' 2' 2 M SHOULDER SHOULDER <-7 MEDIAN q5' S' _j MPS' I X 2% 22r x 22 12! 2b�- 2 M 4 NICOLAS ROAD STA 118+64 TO 129+50 TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 35' 20' 13' 2' 8' 2' 10' 3' 12' CLASS I 3 � 3 4 Li , 3 3 3 o J BIKEWAY o J 0 W AC o 2% JOIN TO EXIST. EXIST. R/W 110' 55' 20' 10' 12' 3' 11' 'AINTED Of GRADED MEDIAN 0 SHOULDER 5 5 0 2% 2% _y NICOLAS ROAD STA 129+50 TO 132+50 TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 110' 35' EX. GRADE 24' EXIST. R/W EXIST. R/W 55' 1L 55' 35' 20' 20' 35' 13 2 8 2 10 3 12 10 12 3 11 24 CLASS I PAINTED Of GRADED o BIKEWAY 0 0 MEDIAN 0 SHOULDER D D D 5' S' D 2% o 2% 2% 0 2% Py. M_ - -- --� _ ��. 2. NICOLAS ROAD STA 132+50 TO 143+17 TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE CALLE GIMSOL TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT TO 1 1/4" MIN DEPTH EX ASPHALT PAVEMENT � D o� EX NATIVE AGGREGATE SOIL BASE 11 SAWCUT 12" MIN. 12" MIN & REMOVE EX. PAVEMENT DIW <IZ I �IW EXISTING EDGE I OF PAVEMENT I: -NEW �PAVEMENT' 8" AB 12 SAWCUT AND COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY JOIN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 11 4 DI � Iz N I J REMOVE EX. PAVEMENT I — — — — EXISTING PAVEMENT ---------------!-- SAWCUT AND 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE -- - CONSTRUCTION NOTES NOT TO SCALE 10 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) EXIST. EXIST. 20 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (CALLE GIRASOL) R/W 110' R/W 30 CONSTRUCT 10' WIDE, 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT CLASS I BIKEWAY 55' 55' 3.0' ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 50 CONSTRUCT TYPE "D" CURB WITH 0" CURB FACE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 204B 35' 20' 20' 35' �� �j� 10 APPLY SLURRY SEAL TO EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT ' 12"- CLASS 1 R I PRAP 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT r� 2 8 2 VAR 10 -20 3 12 10 12 3 1 1 24 LiCLASS I Liw PAINTED LiGRADED j\ 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 3 3 3 o BIKEWAY 0 o MEDIAN 0 SHOULDER J J W 5' S' W M j\\ /\ 35 CONSTRUCT ROCK SWALE PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 0 0 2 P j\ /\ 24"- WASHED CONCRETE SAND 2 '� 2q cn cn 2% 2q cn 2% \ 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS �. f— 2. /, EX . I h' r Mq�' 4" - 4" GRAVEL GRADE I � I j\ 36 3 4 NICOLAS ROAD 4 I r\\r\\\' ��/ 12" - 1" GRAVEL 1� STA 132+50 TO 143+17 BURRITO WRAP 6 PERFORATED PIPE TYPICAL SECTION NON -WOVEN GEO-TEXTILE FABRIC WRAP NOT TO SCALE 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., �� ROCK SWALE DETAIL Michael Baker SUITE 200 , o TEMECULA, CA 92591 NOT TO SCALE PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-1114 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE rL��jNo OfESSIp l DESIGNED D BY DRAWN BY CHECKED�BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY O F TEMECULA SHEET NO. N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TA4 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL �6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TTM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED . 60132 ���� °l9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 C=5 INSPECTOR DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS O F VERTICAL Jt9l 01VLV o��~ JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED 9d, N/A F or Ck���` R.C.E. 6TANN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro�.989 TYPICAL SECTIONS AND DETAILS 5 R.C.E. 44223 oF84 SHEETS 0 N 0 N 00 \ N 0 F- 0 Q U z Q J m c� 0 V) Ln 0 0 i 0 r- F i W 0 0 0 z Q J 0 0 Q U Ln 0 Ln Q a 0 m i 0 0 m i 0 U EL U W Y Q m m in W Q U W W CONSTRUCTION NOTES 59 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND BASE 61 REMOVE EXISTING AC DIKE LEGEND: REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE REMOVE EXISTING AC DIKE O 0 Q Co OC W W Z > JO m C� Q 5 IIINE: T 0 0 co H~ � W W = Z CO) J W 2 W U CO) m I' JURISDICTION CONSTRAINTS NOTE: 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., BakerMichael SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED Know what's below. Callbefore you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSION'\ 0 TA � y HORIZONTAL Z AS NOTED No. 60132 VERTICAL sl 0 I V 1\. N/A 9lF OF C av1E�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA ALL ITEMS DEPICTED FOR REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT ARE COVERED IN THE GRUBBING AND CLEARING BID ITEM. ADDITIONALLY, ALL ITEMS IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, WEATHER DEPICTED TO BE REMOVED OR NOT. LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD DEMOLITION PLAN SHEET NO. C=6 r� 0 N O N 00 \ N 0 0 Cn Q z Q J m C� Q CL Of 0 w Q m 12 m Cn Q U w w PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED Q R 2belOW. K D W V Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATEIACC'DI BENCH MARK SCALE HORIZONTAL SEE SHEET 1 1 AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QRpfESS1pcm N9\ V TA No.60132 tort 01VIv 9lF OF C k���`�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA E: 6 DEPICTED FOR REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT ARE IN THE GRUBBING AND CLEARING BID ITEM. JALLY, ALL ITEMS IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED TENTS SHALL BE REMOVED IN ORDER TO )ATE THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, WEATHER TO BE REMOVED OR NOT. LID 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS CALLE GIRASOL DEMOLITION PLAN SHEET NO. C=7 • m o ro o co I O EXISTING GRADE o C) O AT N' LY EDGE OF +o 1- rn o o PAVEMENT co 00 OLn 0m + ' EOP or o� co_ _ _ — — — — EOP o I 1140— 0000oo N +� 1140 O I 0(-0 C))� (.0� �� + oro- — — + = 0 20 — r r M 0) O CO LLI 1 PROPOSED CURB U 0) ,�^��O C PER RAMP DETAIL O �'� I >>�s _ r- X DAYLIGHT HEREON EXISTING GRADE AT _ � J CENTERLINE 0) W r W 0HL W I 1136.23 1136.78 �113/.00 78+12.15 W TD/FS _ FS FS 39.77' L BC_,�,_ I _ ice- - -Iti _z, S1 - -I 1136.66 FS_ — C L — C L 51 +35 ' 8L - -� � - -� � - 1� _ `''~ —�- — , X' \ A 1 1 4 0— = W 41 1 4 0 1135.87 F1136.37 DL/FS 1.85% o W M 4.58% 3.40% _M� 12' N21.89' 10' o I I 8 � o — — —— Oa oco oo) I 4 11 J ZOJ 14 O I �a o r o O Ln p + Jcfl� coJ �W0 O2 (n� _S O N O O + �� Li H 00 OOY� �. •J ZLL. -S— O� EXISTING GRADE O 0 �� ��136i �o� - rn �• -o� M� Q� 00 0 o F__ cn oo o cn - o �- cn N� Of O orr orn AT S'LY EDGE N� �S I- z r�co z z O r� O r7 00� I S� S_ OJ �O< + _ �OZ< 000J �O< �~ WD S ' LY EOP o0 0 00 OF PAVEMENT — — ' EOP I=S— — oz~ rr7 �W~ a°z~ N� � S--- + Coro (.0-•�W ZO- cfl-W o� oz 1 140— �� — —1 140 I �n -mo NICOLAS ROAD �� -mo 00- Wm U.\ / 78+00 79+00 C J6 �� ❑ J LL. 00 CD O LOr + •n — SEE RAMP DETAIL DAYLIGHT ��� � — _ R/N _ _ "A" HEREON 75 5 , 1136 )� = _- J � J 4 76 770 77+12.88 NICOLAS — RD CL = 78 1 10-1 00 JOSEPH RD CL OS — 1 G — —G _ G— _G- _—G-- EX. 4" GAS EX. RCWD 54" CML& C _ STEEL PIPELINE PER D0810 PHASE I 79 0 m cn LL CD �JO C) 006 W r+ o 00rr) o o W �n� �t �W 81+00 82+00 W J O � o Ln o) + rr) DAYLIGHT 70 83+00 CLASS 1 BIKEWAY 0 GRADES J r SAME AS o o_ EOP O ,ono r o- O co CO w 0 L — - - - . 09% - 0 1_ 1.33% o _1740 79+46.67- — 10.67' L- _ 1137.81 TD/F END CUT-OFF/ -WALL_ _ Ln �'- f--- _, L, - f— - Bit _ S _36 880 O S N S— �S—�� 2 , — I� q-5z 79+59. 14 BC—- -G G — in - in —G- 0 - - EX. EMWD 15" SEWER a- 4 FB �W PER D-26810 , P\p l O OB, N I CO LAS ROAD LLirw U J o J 00 o- 0 + �� Go M 00 _ m cp La G� _ G-- CONSTRUCTION NOTES g CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 ® CONSTRUCT MODIFIED ADA ACCESS RAMP CASE F PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A88A 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 14 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT-OFF WALL, PER DETAIL " B " OF RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH326 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP -RAP SHALL BE UNDERCUT MIN 6" FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: CONSTRUCTION NOTE ##14 CUT-OFF WALL TO BE DOWELED INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N75003'03"E -- 246.26' -- CL 2 18039'40" 1200.00' 390.84' 197.16' CL 3 N85035'35"E -- 43.88' -- EOP BIKE PATH 4 10°32'32" 490.00' 90.16' 45.21' EOP BIKE PATH 5 N75003'03"E -- 57.34' -- EOP BIKE PATH 6 18039'40" 1168.50' 380.58' 191.99, EOP BIKE PATH 7 N73038'20"W -- 0.33' -- A.C. DIKE 8 N85035'35"E -- 43.89' -- A.C. DIKE 9 N85°35'35"E -- 85.53' -- CUT-OFF WALL 10 12025'56" 200.00' 43.40' 1 21.78' 1 CUT-OFF WALL 11 N72021'24"E -- 2.61' 1 -- CUT-OFF WALL 12 N02031'10"E -- 11.58' 1 -- A.C. DIKE PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 40' VERT. 1" = 4' 41110 COUNTY CENTER DR., , Michael Baker 11 SUITE 200 040 20 0 40 80 120 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. SCALE: 1"=40' LD 20-1114 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESSIO l DESIGNED N D BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY O F TEMECULA SHEET NO. N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �o TA NN CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL y� oho F�� `^6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF z oFTc TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��°r9 CFD NO.03-02 &CFD N0. 16-01 C=8 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: d F NICOLAS ROAD DATE COMPLETED l9l I�IV p��~ JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS 9d, N/A F OF C ����` R.C.E. 6TANN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Troy .98 Soo STREET STA. 76+00 TO STA. 83+50 8 OF 84 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 200' VC PVI @ 4+90.48 EL = 1149.39 G1 = 1.28% G2 = 0.71% wo m o o- w OO w O w O w ro w � O r -m0 CD O CD EL 0 �� �� w `°� + M Lc) + Ln0 � - �L Y EOP 1150 dM 00 o N 00 EXISTING GRADE • "� o `� °' o0 o�W 0') _ �- _ EXISTING GRADE •• ^ 00 � AT N LY EDGE OF O � 00 "t o Ln + " , AT N LY EDGE OF .. O r7 O 00 ^ Ln o 0 ro co N 0 M O PAVEMENT + CO �� 00 00 PAVEMENT 0(0 o + - o - � O� 00 - `� O ao.. — _ LO + N Lo PROPOSED PAVEMENT N' Y ED E F M ap CIDw CL Qv W W W 1 150 CO)I ? W W = J � = EXISTING CENTERLINE GRADE AT = W V W W L) 0- o 0 O Wo W o PROPOSED S'LY 0o o rn o_ O w EDGE OF o m o 0 Ow om 0 0o PAVEMENT o rn + o� - �� `n O + Ln °� Y EOP o a� �� —1150 �� m O o O O Ln o� + 0� ^ ^ 00 00 O't 0) o O Ln m CO - ^ O O� ON O ^ � CD OcD +O �M O� O� O� r �� cor00 + pp`— O ^ O O Cn O O + � Ln 00 00 r + 00 � CO — GRADE EXISTING AT S'LY EDGE OF PAVEMENT 83+00 84+00 85+00 86+00 87+00 88+00 89+00 90+00 91+00 92+50 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1•I , �`SUITE 200 TEM CULLA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 wllnnl AC% IM^An SCALE QROf ESSION9\ 0 HORIZONTAL ��Q`` ��0 • T AN,y�� AS NOTED � No. 60132 VERT I CAL N/A 9lF OF C t`\V EX. MWD 48" PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE PER B-69679 lsrj EX. MWD 54" PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE PER -69679 120 WIDE i METROPOLITAN / WATER DISTRICT / EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION NOTES PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' I VERT. : 1" = 4' U CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) O CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE O CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP -RAP SHALL BE UNDERCUT MIN 6" FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 04°55'11" 1200.00' 103.04' 51.55' CL 2 N51°28'12"E -- 400.02' -- CL 3 18057'16" 1200.00' 396.98' 200.32' CL 4 1 04055'11" 1168.50' 1 100.33' 1 50.20' 1 EOP BIKE PATH 5 N51028'12"E 1 256.46' 1 -- I EOP BIKE PATH 6 18°56'57" 1650.00' 1 545.70' 1 275.36' 1 EOP BIKE PATH 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 ko* V NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD STA. 83+50 TO STA. 92+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 9 OF 88 SHEETS Ln 04 CL 1 150— _ a- a- O O o O W Q0 N O O OLn .r� -00 ' � 00 .0 N —n — N� Cn—O- O� CL CL O O W W O O O 00 O O Lr)O Q N L0 + S ' L_Y EOP °' 1 150— 92+00 93+00 CL O W O O . L O O + LO PROPOSED N'LY EDGE OF PAVEMENT . , EXISTING GRADE AT CENTERLINE IL -77 O W O O 1,- . O O 01 1 rn PROPOSED S'LY EDGE OF PAVEMENT 94+00 SrRIAPHlINA rR01\1TArr IMPkOVr NIr NTS 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED G Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE " -1, -.1" L)W W O OW O W O roro .� O O O ro r- O + .N O ' ON I-- O r- N + rn O O N + � O + rr) � O — _—O `- 71� O W Ln r•o L0 - 0.71% IL O Ld . LN Oro O O O Ln 000 0 ++ � o OLd W O OM - ++ � � 95+00 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 EXISTING GRADE AT S'LY EDGE OF PAVEMENT 96+00 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A 97+00 N I CO LAS ROAD QRpfESS1pN9\ Cm No.60132 01 V IV 9lF OF C k�1E�/ n O W O O N rLn r O O W O OL0 N - rn r1r) + Lf) O 99+00 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 100+00 C — , T b C) 'i -, 101+00 0 LO r r � r a� �F- I W W= zco J W =W UCl) Q PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 40' VERT. 1" = 4' 102+00 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) 3O CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP -RAP SHALL BE UNDERCUT MIN 6" FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE 25 ADJUST ELECTRICAL MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD NO. 503 36 FIBER MULCH PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 52 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS PEDESTAL PER SEPARATE PLANS 55 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL MAIL BOX AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS 63 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL/BOX/TRANSFORMER PER SEPARATE PLANS LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 11°11'20" 1200.00' 234.34' 117.54' CL 2 N81036'45"E -- 665.66' -- CL 3 11011'39" 1650.00' 322.37' 161.70' EOP BIKE PATH 4 N81°36'45"E -- 1 579.66' -- 1 EOP BIKE PATH 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD STA. 93+50 TO STA. 101+50 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN SHEET NO. cmi 0 10 of 84 BRIDGE ABUTMEN - �- EX. OH LINES 20 10+50.00 L c1161 .50 TD 11 '(1161.00 FL) - - �r 10 1 10+50.00 I 16.50' R 1161.13 TD (1160.63 FL) r I 1 I 4 I Q I 10+19.68 I 1 16.00 L BC I I 1159.19 TD / 1158.35 FS/FL I I W 4 I I 1159.05 TD LIBLLI / 1158.54 FS W 10+18.01 58.72 1158.58= I _I I 1158.65 FS%I GB ; TD/FS GB 10+16 56 8 4.54% 3 I 0.57% J w - �- - S w 1157.53 1158,39 7 0 0 FS/GB TD/FS 10+15.48 1159.26 TD 1159.02 TD / 1158.52 FL 1158.78 FL \ 0.5% 102+65.162107 IEX . SMH 9 -10+05-GB- - 1158.8.34 5 TD_=�i� 10+06.71 1158.35 FL 10+06.00 1159.14 TD 1158.42 FS 1158.64 FL - TRANSITION i 15 5 J - - 12 t 11 ''' 102+14.62 102+24.62 102+30.62 22 I 4.00 R 4.00 R 4.00 R EC 1157.46 1158.03 TD 1158.08 TD 20EX. UNDERGROUND TD/FL 1157.53 FL 1157.58FL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 102 7+ 0.96 NICOLAS CL = _ - E - - LIEFER ROAD CL/ CALLE MEDUSA CL LIEFER ROAD DETAIL SCALE 1" = 10' CONSTRUCTION NOTES Z 10+22 \ �h 16.50'3R EC 1159.63 TD (1158.36 FS/FL) 1158.83 1158,86 FS/GB FS/GB- - - 8 1158.67 3 FS/GB (4) 103+L13�.16 4.00BC 1158.60 TD _ - 1158.10 FS - - - -W-----W---W- o _ 38.46' 0 0 - U O - U ++ O x 00 ~ r O � N � O [If M co w= °' aoo rn w+ � �l° • � _0 r rp�' TD LT Jr7 r Jr 1 160- UNO N r r�) J 00 \ 00 Ln O u7 r CL 1160- � O O ON�(D 0�0r �� •00 �m or-O .0m+L2 (0�oLo0-or 0)LnO_r + r ,- rn °1° �� 1 RT TD 1160- -PROPOSED W'LY CURB 00 O + C° Orr r / I I 40.08' I U O o �Ln om o � � + �cD� - 00 0'N O O . O _ L1_ N 0) Q f 0 (D 0) Lil + Ln O+00 JO r .110 Dc UO- 5. zr 7-i CD m _j CAD J � 00 � 00 10+00 PROPOSED E'LY CURB 11+00 LT TD -1160 CL - LT_TE- -1160 - 1160rt RT TD -1160 EXISTING GRADE AT N LY EOP NICOLAS ROAD I L ��'i RT TC 106+00 1160- 107+00 100' VC PVI @ 109+00.00 G1 EL = 1163.46 = 1.12% G2 = 2.87% U ~ m 00 U .O 00~ �O 000 U Ln C° 0) o + � O r O n - m (D O + N 0- 00 co r r J or / fi T_ �4 - PROPOSED N'LY CURB O r ♦; 1 w MIX zco J W LU V Cl) m U ~ _ 000 Q � I N r.0o + rno or r� + 00 N cD r r O r r r EXISTING GRADE AT WILY EOP_1 T PROPOSED S'LY CURB 108+00 109+00 -PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' VERT. : 1" = 4' 1 CONSTRUCT 6 A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8 C.A.B.(NICOLAS ROAD 1 65 f IN l C 0 A S R JA D A 1\ D o o ' _ � o Z �� P l\l : J 5/ 0 J 0 0 2 210' EASEMENT IN FAVOR 30 CONSTRUCT 4 THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE Aj/ CALLE rJRr� v J z m - o m w o c m o OF SCE RECORDED ® CONSTRUCT 6 " ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO . 214 I \ (\ r (r \- _ o N W /� 1\l . J 1 J J J J �' W 6 X - z _ 11i1PRO /�ME 1 S W W z ;A, 0 X_ W- (n m W ,� _ Q r OK- __ -\8/12/1975 AS INST. NO. 8 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED ADA ACCESS RAMP CASE F PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A88A _ �a ' ;� �� -� r` (1162i W W (n X X 0 0 W 97885 0. R. JURISDICTIONAL > 10 APPLY SLURRY SEAL TO EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT _ - o>z m 0 _ `� CONSTRAINTS 0 0 0 (1160) z (ifr 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT _ _ Q -N % =o w c°'o �- (DO NOT DISTURB) �` 0 0 ' 1157) 0f 18 O 07 O O N H U C (n W H 50 U ;��r-'_,p-.� r i _ = z WOE z �m U� 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 64 1 - Q W N (n m -'�'- - - o- in- - ���- �U- - �� - �cn 21 W � z U U = T 0- U x U m(n _ 21 000 o w o r 0, N W o w CLASS 1 o w co Ln o w O W -,pN m w U- -N m-N z. rn N rn - 18 PROPOSED POWER POLE LOCATION PER S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS O 1 O Ln O U w r O w m> r cD O m O w O w r- W U � at O w O w N <I- •0) ���0 J a,�, -_Ln .� -00 � FN w m W o > SEE L IEFER LU 3 O a s r� x W • BIKEWAY c� _ (n W r ,.0 . of 0 m of = I m m _- J O- Ln > w P7 N Ln W W W O- N O- O N g Q (n (n O W O- 00 O- cD r H- r- r-- H r� O� Ln- 20 PROTECT IN PLACE z �_ ROAD DETAIL 1� r? 0 0 • Nt m 0 0 • GRADES 0 0 • r (/) W O z a0 W O O O O Ln- O Ln - Ln O I� N 00 N N J +0 0) + +0 0 +0 r + m + +0 r +0 N +0 z • + 0 + O + + +� o_ ± �00 B HEREON ix m - . Ln t � . o SAME AS 0 . o cD o' cD co 00 • o COO -0 ao o co •U 00 00 • m O� 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 1- o w_O . x - -- O 1 r O ix O cD r EOP O c0 r O W 0 z N O x 0 CD r O m r o o W O- 0 (Obi O x O x O cD m D rorcDw�- i i i r r r m a rW rrr �r r��m r� rm rw rW =NKA �- 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE LO - To R/W -�1 R W - 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS + o/ I 1 I DAYLIGHT- �� I II � 64 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING COMMUNITY MAIL BOX AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS 0� 1 I I �I - - _ M - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - ��~ - - - _ - r j I - PP , Ln �- AHk -0H-L ` P - i - + - - - - - - -- ------ -- - -- ---_ - O N �� _ --- -------- - - 0 - - - - 3 - - - 00� - - -0 0.80% 10 - - - 0 LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE a) W N I _ - - �_� - o_ o _ 2 I ��_ _ _ _ V LLI - - - - - _ �- -12 3 H BEARING DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE - - / W = _� ---- _ - 12 0------ ---�- 1--- - 80 - -® ® -- 4 - $.�7 ---- --- �.------ 12 2' ----- - 4 -(n LU 1 N81 ° 36 ' 45"E -- 120.96 ' -- CL z (/� - - r - - rn = 11 = V�II �� V� �� - - v MI - - -�W- - W- - - - - - - - - iC - - 1 - - LU o � ,� (n --108+63.24 B 2 N81 36 45 E 646.93 CL W J I - \ \ DAYLIGHT 4 3 01'08'59" 1600.00' 32.11' 16.05' CL = LU - - �� _ - _ _ - - `n - ---- - - - -' - -- -_ 11; I 14 Z (f' 4 N81 36 45 E -- 671.65 -- EOP BIKE PATH V W - - - - - 20 EX. OH LINES_ O - \ \ � - 13 _ _ _ _ J W 5 N81036'45"E -- 6.00' -- A.C. DIKE (� - - - \ J�i I 01, PR1 - ---- / \ \ \--- ---- X ur1L P -�- - LU 6 88008'50" 25.00' 38.46' 24.20' A.C. DIKE Q _ - R W- - _ - _ - R/W 7 N06o32'05"W -- 37.47' -- A.C. DIKE - - - - - - � � O� i �/ �(1158)(1159) � S - - - ' 8 N06 32 05 W -- 35.61 -- A.C. DIKE 11 I 1 1 (7 Q 9 91051'10" 25.00' 40.08' 25.82' A.C. DIKE 1(1156) I I LL_ >_ ` m>-� v I r. � 1 0) w o (n 10 N81 °36' 45"E -- 569.25' -- EOP BIKE PATH LL_ o (n I I U' O z a m 0 z a \ U z - , , ; , �s Nm I Nm o e " ' O z Q = Q > Q �\ \ 0 11 03 50 37 1368.00 91.77 45.90 EOP BIKE PATH a 1 I o' m o a co rn w l 1 rn m m W ,> m 0 0 l l l m Q I '- 0� � LL_ � cD \ \ J J� 11 j ,3 7 x l x U 00- z (n • m m 12 03 48 17 1388.00 92.17 46.10 A.C. DIKE O >_ o I I I > 0 m o m \ W a 6' TEL EASEMENT -� N W a + O z Lo- o U aU rN zU ra0 Um= N ow I 000w� +ONO�� � a-� Lo I I I I 00 r- o_ IN FAVOR OF GENERAL TEL n F_- 0 r� m� rn- 0> I 13 N81 36 45 E -- 27.07 -- A.C. DIKE a a r r I L� O r \ \ o_ I o � " i > > J CO r J � \ \ 14 02 50 22 1422.00 70.47 35.24 A.C. DIKE � � 00 c z w N � w r r \ \ �� RECORDED 3/ 17/ 1981 AS I NST . L+ r7 z 00' � z zo�0 I Q x c r \ 0_j r�o_c� 14 N81 °36'45"E -- 10.00' -- A.C. DIKE TRANSITION U - I I, 1111 I I N o \ 'n w ao� 1 N0. 46971 O.R. o� oi� 11 1R PROPOSED EASEMENT LEGEND QQ W� I J I W W �� _0 Uz W T,-7v W W m'-' 1 r W W I r �r \ /\ C`r /��l� JJ / JJ �1 -CONSERVATION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT z I „J - o� \ I LIEFER r R ON rr1 . I r 1 r \: 5- " 5 0 (' O CD U I 1 I a l I \I\ 11Y1 R JV r l�il r 1\l r� ❑3 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT r N 11 I I % / \ 0 \ , 1 I I 1 V I _; ��P11:��1�"1 �J�JJ"1 1 o I���� f ---� / 9 57 r I \ 12' EASEMENT IN FAVOR \\ I (a6, I �I 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 40 20 0 40 80 120 < OF SCE RECORDED r1 �l\1 : J / 1 �J JJ �' Michael Baker ISUITE 200 o 11111!q�� I 10/ 10/ 1980 AS INST. 1 TEMECULA, CA 92591 NO. 187686 O. R. PHONE: (951) 676-8042 SCALE: 1 "=40' N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. NICOLAS ROAD LD 0 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW201 14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE QROV E S S IO l DESCIFGNED BY DRAWN CF/BHBY CHECKEDBY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. JRECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA 0 N9 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • TA NHF� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF m �OFTc TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 cmi 1 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 � NICOLAS COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICALATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: d w NICOLAS ROAD r Cl1 V1� �� PATRICK A. THOMAS F STA DATE COMPLETED N/A 9lF 0 F C t`�1E�� R CNED 60132ER III PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER �rTro :seE p44o4 76+00 TO STA. 83+50 R.C.E. 44223 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN F FOF88SHEETS IQ U Lt TC W 1164 1 w - Z IJ W I- 100' VC PVI @ 112+05.00 EL = 1171.29 100 VC I G1 = 2.16% G2 = 1.04% PVI @ 110+75.00 W EL = 1168.48 U O � O � 1= 2.87% G2 = 2.16% U m p U 0� o O o > U O O O�r�L�n0r�0 W O~ ��}+UO H O - O O 0 N rN r 0 �Nco N r N r 14O H NLn O+> UU OF-- p U O O �m 0~.0 + 0 - U 0~ Or- + 00 �p o~ L0o +r OC° 2• 6% 0P47 Nr Oco O 0(.0 - - + co O (fl r PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERLI 2 81% V) U mU� Oo� 0 LL- M `� O LL co o Ln oo + 00 V 0 U •r o o� -(D rn r O co .- O - +• Ln O I r co - � 2•�6% - CL I 1164 EXISTING GRADE AT po ~ CENTERLINE Oo O O + 00 U O 0 - p O~ + r o `° o 0 0� O co 2•a2% RT -TC 1164- 0LLL 0 Op N - O oW 00000 + N r O O N W r- +rn 100' VC PVI @ 111+50.00 EL = 1169.82 ;1.= 2.82% G2 = 1.78% 0 o o� U + 00 ~ 00 N I o � N 4 + rn 17 w w U--41 W U 0 O ~ (0 O ~ o~ O � N ONO 00 00 00� L+ N + N �� + N r7 r7 r7 r 1.04% I � I 550' VC ~ PVI @ 113+50.00 z EL = 1175.45 J G1 = 2.76% G2 = -1.24% U DESIGN SPEED = 45 MPH o i PORTION OF 550' VC - PVI @ 113+50.00 EL = 1175.55 G1 = 2.76% G2 = -1.24% = I � 00 H 0 O H LO 0 O O � p N o� + + ro ++ P7 "tr Lnr r a_ j O O 0coo + Ln H N r U LLJ O � �r0 O~ O Ln O N N co r U OIU- O 0 + 00 PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERLINE - NL (/7 U7 (n U 0� OLO O�LNi PO 0 0 L L O W L 00 O Lei (n W / 0LL- V) O .p (nN .0 .0 0.0 O co O*J� O 0N 00 O 0LL- O O Ln +N +0V-) 0 Ln ++ - + n • 0r7 •�0 p + C14 Ntr ON N� Or- rz� �� 0r �� Crplr cor Q0r 550' VC PVI @ 113+50.00 EL = 1175.55 54.16' 1 54.97' G1 = 2.76% G2 = -1.24% 0/4=13.54 U U cn cn cn _ Ln 0/4=13.74 U cn L,� O EXISTING p� GRADE AT U CENTERLINE > O I- O LL LL LL LL LL w r O O� U w 00 O O _ . N O H U r cc) Or- CT) CO M 00 No 00 UO O� 0coo Ord-- OI- �0� .� ro cCO N O O M N Lft+O + N N O co rr i � + N Ln 0.97% i - - I I I NICOLAS ROAD O OO ~ j O L O +� 0LL0 + O 1_24q r r �U (n U o�m ~w T TC o� 0`` w LU --1164 + r o� z + O 1.24% = w Uw H O > O m _ O N O 0� o� r r O In � 1.24q - I� � I II_--LZL�I- I-�- ------ I I I III l l I 11 l --j-L 4- I -LI I 110+00 _ 111+00 112+00 113+00 114+00 115+00 116+00 117+00 RcwD SIT �--❑1 �\ APl\1,Q�1�F)Q F)'I J / APIN, J-'-)7-JJJ-J"1 F-� / \ CL 1164 � TC -1164 CONTRACTOR TO CLEAR AND GRUB AND BLADE TO EXISTING DIRT ROAD R=t5' �\ C(1 166.50) \ r S r� I MATCH EX ./ 76, J / (1166.50) FS 2' SHOULDER / MATCH EX. jj \ 176 2' SHOULDER 50 T \ r w 18 51 117 W T l m'W CD\ o_; m'LLI 1 17 z f co -1a3�� �'�� J- 16 ' w`J OC�LU`rn 0. -- CL I + r7 + + �+ o,r7 r7 1 172 N r T x x p.- C / N�117 -\ 15 \ - 173.44 FS 114+56.37 1 1 18 FS- ^ 4- FS-- END RA I LAN 1173.14 FS:-114+21.14 - - ��� BEGIN RAILING 1172.E 15'13+85.14 114+03.14 Q DWY W = 1615 � END RAILING - 117 FS DRIVEWAY DETAI SEE PLAN VIEW HEREON SCALE 1" = 20' PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' I VERT. : 1" = 4' r \\ r - - - - - --, / 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE � DETAILHEREON5' EASEMENT FOR PIPELINES RECORDED CONSTRUCTION NOTES O RAIDING IMPROVEMENTS -�/ �. \ / O1 CONSTRUCT 6 A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8 C.A.B. 41 EXISTING MANHOLE TO BE ABANDONED PER SHEET C-26 12/31/1969 AS INST. N0. 132881 O.R. \ C� O z /' / z (NICOLAS ROAD) 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY 2 c��0� U 0\ / s� / �8,), 3 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS Q-j' % �'�w c o'er W� / / z i NATIVE 51 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING COMM POLE BY S.C.E. O (n C , c ��z r7-z . / Y Q A p 15 m o' z " - / > I z� / / / z J Y .� �° PER SEPARATE PLANS J O o 7 oCJ U J U� Q I / �1 / I / J o_ U >> ®CONSTRUCT 6 ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C. O. T. ��` w U �' ��� 7� ; , 51 T� > ^ m l W 6' STD. NO. 214 55 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL MAIL BOX 0 - moo' a _z �i ,6 m� �m>�J o� \ / zw z �J v rn o z Ld U p o o�-O'51 18 _ 56 ���'O� � � �C o J '-' Q z �7 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS z w z 0 41 m C Lu 21 <Q �L' I U o a - 1 �1 21 55 0 /� Ln z U U rn f / r w U m o_ w� zoo U zo m o c U) o� % j / m w U o 21 0 W w = PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 56 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING PULL BOX �� �0 Cn J - O O J �' J W 00 00 N Co r N O - Co Cn O z U D' U Z > / / � (N J 0 '-' 0 '-' J o o r7 � O \ co r 00 z b „ 0 a J rn I /� J J J s 9 INSTALL ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATING CONCRETE BLOCK vv-�'� i O Q W W p w _ o,o-, LLI LLI � o • � o 1 \ _ r J Q _ r7 103 INSTALL MANUAL 18 WIDE TUBULAR STEEL DOUBLE o / / o- ^ w n cn rn ^ o o- co �C\ t ^ o`o� cn a o �> a, ^ o cN w� O �� \ rn rn m rn : / � ^ LO Q J rn � N w rn ^ o x SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATIONS OR O o C) 2 R/W Ln 00 rn^- gy p O "t U r r7 U`�+;ro ��O r7 rn�Cc�L 0 o �� o r> CUn >) 0 0 1 rn cn rn rn 3- rn rn cn 00 w M o • w SWING GATE Q oo z + oo m z o_ + + r + _ + ram,+ O + cow + `� - + + + //C+ �N cn + + + oN APPROVED EQUAL + o o N •`N • o >- t -N N 7"O J ,o J <rn o C� rn o 0 0� \ Z \ � Ln r z W Ln • Ln • Ln • r0 H oc�._�Ln, 0 -x �00 -x�O z.�x �O mW,w���O--zo O -x -x -x r, w _x _x _O_ w N m w N W � c� r7 o- � w o' r? r w - W r w r7 - W r W - 15 FURNISH AND INSTALL M I DWEST GUARDRAIL FENCING EOf� J" �C W� p \ Co ��+ L� o o o - - O PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A77L 1 C 10 E� - 1a - �( ��G R W �L0- - @PROPOSED POWER POLE LOCATION PER S.C.E. PER - - PPP -, _- -11 % �- �- ;n =� _ -� �- - + M SEPARATE PLANS 2 I 0; pp 11 - - _ _ _ - - 16 - r r 20 PROTECT I N PLACE O 12 13 ,- i �° __� rn _ �S _ - 14 - �o�� - - ^ r N rn___ 3 3 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND 4- "` ��rn ,J N -' w� _ - - ----- _ -. 4 L" PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 d V �` \ o°'^ 0 11 11 9 S 15_ ��� � - 4 O w Q -- - Uj 5 T, CAUTION!! OVERHEAD LINES - -- - - _� - Z _ _ --_--- \ _ -- -- - - ------------------ --- ----------- = w R- �'�s - - - - - Ln _ _ w w - co rn �QQ co N N �!v = N- _ �►�- 1165� - _ o, �a1� % , 1165� Q N ^ W �- -- o �� � a z - - - -- T� ill I i R/W o tm Ld 16 w `n w� �, , r o J c to \ )� \ O O II J� N o o c� I I U m r m o� o o ��o' �� C j O W m N \rn w I I oom o o �w L td Q W U Or IG:j �� -�v 10 ��,� �vwi r ��� rm 00 oor o � 3 zw, w I ww rn^ �WQ �m �J + aom ��ao +, cr7���J- i1163) �z o S SEE DETAIL >, q» z w r UCL oo ^ _ `� x N ^ I T ^ �� ^ �� o W -� N EX . OH 0 `' z + co ^ o_ Ln o p w rn z rn ��Lc� o �'�J ON SHEET C-17 vi N + o + O +' rn ,+ L[7, J N O rn 50 P7 w - �� �z Q 2 0 r ��- r LINES �, �� LnJ- �p �� � o - -�_�� ���( r N ao x ri�l�l:JJ/ 1 JJ�JJ � k116s� � � to � 04 W � Ln ��� Ln �� C Cl ro 0 JURISDICTIONAL \� U cn o I I C 1 �� I� O �/ CONSTRAINTS, c4, VAR. WIDTH EASEMENT IN m� o - A F11 o o r \:J�1� "1 �J�JJ� DO NOTS�� FAVOR OF SCE RECORDED I A 1\1- J J / �� J J J� w I, ��; �� "/�o �) � o+ DISTURB) LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 14024'31" 1600.00' 402.36' 202.25' CL 2 N66003'15"E -- 397.64' -- CL 3 11°45'13" 1388.00' 284.73' 142.87' A.C. DIKE 4 N66°03'15"E -- 513.34' -- A.C. DIKE 5 12°43'08" 1422.00' 315.66' 158.48' A.C. DIKE 6 N66003'15"E -- 100.17' -- A.C. DIKE 7 90000'50" 35.00' 54.99' 35.01' A.C. DIKE 8 89°59'10" 35.00' 54.97' 34.99' A.C. DIKE 9 N66°03'15"E -- 293.63' -- A.C. DIKE 10 05°34'47" 1368.00' 133.22' 66.66' EOP BIKE PATH 11 N72011'21"E -- 93.30' -- EOP BIKE PATH 12 06008'06" 500.00' 53.54' 26.79' EOP BIKE PATH 13 N66°03'15"E -- 83.48' -- EOP BIKE PATH 14 07°37'42" 282.50' 37.61' 18.83' EOP BIKE PATH 15 07°37'42" 282.50' 37.61' 18.83' EOP BIKE PATH 16 N66003'15"E -- 354.86' -- EOP BIKE PATH 10/10/1980 AS INST. NO. x o_ •� �' -0 W 187686 O.R. 75' RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT IN r� P1\l;J J / _ FAVOR OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA o (�l ^ ' - "1 5 J - J J 6 RECORDED 6/4/1996 AS INST. N0. 16� �- PROPOSED EASEMENT LEGEND 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1996-206201 O.R. k415� j" SUITE 200 - ❑1 - CONSERVATION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT Michael Baker TEMECULA, CA92591 CALLE GIRASOL 40 20 0 40 80 120 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 NICOLAS ROAD ❑2 - CITY MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. SEE SHEET C-16 ❑3 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PER SEPARATE DOCUMENT LD 20-1 1 14 Call before you dig. SCALE: 1 "=40' PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE Q%OV E S S 1 pN9 l DESCIFGNED BY DDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CF/BHBY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA 0 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • T AN,y�� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF m �AVT TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 &CFD N0. 16-01 C=1 2 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 � NICOLAS COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICALATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: d w NICOLAS ROAD r Cl1 V1� �� PICK A. THOMAS F DATE COMPLETED N/A 9lF 0 F C A�1E�� R CJOHNED 60132ER III PUBLIC STA. WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER �rTr .9e� p44°4'� 109+50 TO STA • 117+50 R.C.E. 44223 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN 12 OF89 SHEETS Q N O N \ 0 N r Qf w z w a_ cif U r w z 0 r c� 0 N O L0 0 L0 r / / w 0 Cl- cif J C) 0 z Q J / 0 0 Q c� / LO O L0 r / Q Q 0 / no LT ' TC -1 170— CL '- -1 17 -FORT_I0N__OF 350' VC PORTION OF 350' VC PVI @ 119+25.00F.—_4TPVI @ 119+25.00 m EL = 1168.42 EL=1167.92 G1 = -1.24% G2 = 2.52% G1=-1.24% G2=2.52% w U ~ U O O • O M M 00 ~ Oo H O H 00 H O O O O . 0 OM p— Or- O0U O H O •c0 M 0� OIL M • O . Ln OCDNCO r _ .� 0r- + + 0 O� 04 rr �O r r �O co0+ 0) LnMO - O� + O 0) 0 0 N - r r r r r r + 0) 0)CC) rW r r - - rm � U m U PORTION OF 350' VC > W PVI @ 119+25.00 0 � EL=1168.32 G1=-1.24% G2=2.52% 0 w 0 r- 0_ DESIGN SPEED = 45 MPH O � .0 + N ti N L �co J n n O � 0� o�cr°O r 0LL. Mw owO O oc0 o +o0) o o O O r- ♦♦ O� O 00 0 000 O� O +O r- N r v + O N r co co 0) C) (0 (0 (0 rr W J Q _U z w 0 Ljj TAN=1.24% — - — - : PORTION OF 350 VC m z 0 J W _ -- — PORTION OF PVI @ 119+25.00 U EL=1167.92 > FT mi 350 VC G1=-1.24% G2=2.52% W J Q W V co 0 Om �O PVI @ 119+25.00 EL = 1168.42 G1 = -1.24% G2 = 2.52% 0 H U m o .0 0 M~ . coUU OH 00- 000D CO coo M~O� co0 +M +0��p 00 rr rr rr (0 .Z 0)0 r r r r r r 0+0 0CID ) r r r r RT TC 1170— N r r r co W W = Z co J W = W H CO 118+00 119+00 1\11CDI\S ROAD AND COI �S ROAD CA I E r1RASOL rr� r F F S]T l]\/lPROVEMEN S 1PROVENIEN S t i17)7)\ z APN.JJ7' D�D�D "1 :a 0-ww OWUJ O °�: SEE DETAIL "B" Quo - � (D z in O (D Q O cn w ON SHEET C-17 00 0 Q 00 0 CD C) ; Zwo X r m�cfl r wm0' w _ 17 . 118 Tr� RI/WTTTT- =(1170) > 168 -o (1166 )- AP1\1,957— 1 JJ-JJF8:NI + � 00 •01 r XW: 00 ~ o�Ln O O + rn +00 + O N r r IF r r r 00 U z O� OrM W _ ON O r` N + r O� I r r r I I + Z_ O IL J Q _U H z W 0 1 1 1350' VC PROPOSED N'LY CUNRB PVI @ 122+75.00 U EL = 1176.74 0G1 O ~ 0�N+ = 2.52% G2 = 0.52% 0 0~ � L) 0 � O � 0 - O + o� O LO�OM CrD O M . + � r- U O OMN NCIrSfl C O r > 0 ++O Nr+ N r r U .(D0~ 0�0 Ln N LO r 0 w N +� N — O +O M N I- rr O orOrU n r- _— PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERLINE Ld + OF 350' VC oN PVI @ 122+75.00 wPORTION m rVNJQ+ G1=2.52% G2=0.52% m O o LL_ O � 0L` .r 0L`n NEL=1177.14 VW DESIGN SPEED 50 MPH MAX p .N o 0 0 .� 0` o N or- LO - - � OL O O NU 'W0 � 0 �m W 0 o � o� N 0.52% Z = W 0> +� 0 0 NI\ N Wo� 00) N r- EXISTING GRADE AT CENTERLINE = • + W co + N ri PROPOSED S'LY CURB --PORTM1\ F 350' VC PVI @ 122+75.00 EL=1176.74 G1=2.52% G2=0.52% 0 O O o r O R T T u 0 .N o(0 0 0 0rTAN=2.52% O ` H 0M -r- 0 � Lnr- 118 0 O � O N + C0 � r- N N r m 0H O� O(0 C14 r r r rr U H + M N r r r > W O O O L0 N r- r r N r 00 u O LO N r r Ln + 0 N r + N r r r N r r r ................ PROFILE SCALE 120+00 121+00 121+00 122+00 123+00 124+00 APl\1:957-090-0 "1 7 x / APN-957-090-0 "1 6 6' SCE EASEMENT RECORDED d 1/26/1979 AS INST. NO. r 1979-19300 O.R. X L0 Ln N r F_ CO) W W = Z co J W = W H 125+00 HORIZ. : 1" = 40' I VERT. : 1" = 4' CONSTRUCTION NOTES 10 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) 30 CONSTRUCT 10' WIDE, 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT CLASS I BIKEWAY ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 50 CONSTRUCT TYPE "D" CURB WITH 0" CURB FACE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 204B 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP -RAP SHALL BE UNDERCUT MIN 6" FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE 35 CONSTRUCT ROCK SWALE PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 54 REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARD AND FOOTING LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DESCRIPTION 1 N 66003'15" E -- 800.00' -- CL 2 N 66003'15" E -- 114.40' -- A.C. DIKE 3 N 66003'15" E -- 112.80' -- A.C. DIKE 4 N 66003'15" E -- 685.60' -- "D" CURB 5 N 66°03'15" E -- 687.20' -- "D" CURB �O Ld JURISDICTIONAL CONSTRAINTS x Om_ 0 —(DO NOT DISTURB)XAW ---. - 40 20 0 40 80 120 • 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael B a e SUITE 200 � SCALE: 1 =40 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 NICOLAS COLAS ROAD INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-1114 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESS10 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SHEET NO. o HORIZONTAL Nil CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR y�,TANN �� ���F� `n6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF _ RORIPAUGH 13 AS NOTED r ' � � ���� OF TF.�9 TM 37368CFD NO 03 02 & RCFD NO PE6 ;I C PLAN � SEE SHEET 1 No. -C INSPECTOR {x x� ACCEPTED BY: DATE: NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS DATE COMPLETED VERTICAL s�'l 0IV1NQI, JOHN D. TANNER III DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS F NICOLAS ROAD N/A F OF C A�1�` R.C.E. 60132 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER ro :s o STA. 117+50 TO STA. 125+50 13 OF 88 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PORTION OF 400' VC PVI @ 129+00.00 tEL = 1179.99 0.52% G2 = 5.00% o� U Oil- ~ LO Oo + rri PRO OS D Y UR U .M 000 O H o N N O U O ~ 0O0�n N 0�0 1 0~ 0 00 0 Lo � o U � o � or � 0 +0o 000 NNM 00� — O � 000 N� _ r+00 r V o� +� c0r— Q + 0o N PORTION OF 400' VC L T T C N PVI ® 129+00.00 0) W -0.52% EL=1180.39 U 178-- Q I W G1=0.52% G2=5.00% O Oo LL_ (� _ DESIGN SPEED 45 MPH Ln cn 0 0') W PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERLINE Oo 0 W M ++ U co m n 0L � rr O + N 00 n O n ow OLi O ���0 0 0- 00 00 0 0 o OI +00� N� � OO Or o a0o0B L0 000 H +� +rnOln rr r N� �-r / + 00 + + 00 00 N N� - L n N r N M — PORTION OF 400' VC U m r 0o 1 1 7 8 — _ — — — PVI @ 129+00.00 r m N _ EL = 1179.99 yam ����N G 1 = 0.52% G2 = 5.00% O U NLn . 0' z D +�U+� 0) 00 0) 00 O + r7 r`� 00 �--� U U' N _- N C0 EXISTING GRADE AT CENTERLINE O � O 0') N N w= U PROPOSED S'LY CURB o� ++N MO m 0 00 N0 0 0 LO H O OH 0 p� co O O O? +U N O 0c0 p) O a00 04 co +co + r rO �00 r- +00 + 00 � RT TC 1178— Ln r 0.52% 126+00 Ls7 127+00 128+00 1J 8� r,,_ PORTION OF 600' VC PVI ® 134+00.00 > m EL = 1205.48 U G1 = 5.00% G2 = 0.54% O > w O ' o39.27o O � o U PORTION OF p/4=, • � + , 0 rn 600 VC 39.27' 9.82 UO � o 0 PVI ® 134+00.00 U� N ~o o U p 4= U U O ~ 00 ~ + O 00 , F , MO CO r7 N EL = 1204.98 9.82 U o 00 NL r7 r7 1 = 5.00% G2 = 0.54% � �� 0 LO o + i o O O U + U o� U MON O000 r7O�0) 0) rN_ OO N ON � 0(on HmO0 N00_-n L0) 0�LH Omirc0O+r) + In N�0 O p)D+ Q m�MN z �Oao f� +U� / m 0 ON New U��CO�� / > (n 00� __mO 0L` J Q O O~ O O • O > M O LL_ m 0) O VC o0 0 N + U ++ � 0 0)w 0 > + N PORTION OF 6�p O U_ O O + N 0o w PVI ® 134+'00.00 o Ln r O H EL= 5.38 0° 0 0Q 0 G1=5. 0% G2=0.54% Oo + 0 r Ln ' �, 00 rn DE JGN SPEED = 45 MPH 0 0 n O V 00 0 0000 Q �� o� �� , c � �,� �� co W O0o N 000 W T N= % o Li + r W .0 . N � - / O 00 J o N� W PORT I GN-OF 400' VC o > / 0L�i O� m 0 U L) 0 W PVI @ 129+00.00 �, o r� O r PORTION OF 600 /VC O O 't rn - EL=1180.49 0o d w w `+ N PVI ® 134+ 00 U 0 + n G1=0.52% G2=5.00% ± 0 rn EL=1 0 O � O r7- O� .48 CN OO `�� G1=51J(�% G2=0.54% �� Q O� 0� �oN U O�+ O+ 0 / 00 r+70 / O H Ln co . 0 r7 N >0r7 o� +oO o� �� + �LO ro- O TAN=5.00% U '+ 00 N m -, O N n - oo� J O H N 0) 000 + W N O 0 r7 -, 0) M TAN=5.00% LT TC 1200 -1 CL 1200 RT TC 1200 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' I VERT. : 1" = 4' 129+00 130+00 131+00 131+00 132+00 133+00 134+00 l VARYING WIDTH EASEMENT FOR ROADS AND PUBLIC UTILITY LIE ER IA P,\� PURPOSES RECORDED 3/12/1975 AS INST. NO. 28563 O.R. R AD 1 3i�0 015 APIN, 957-090-- 0 "1 5 '�. r, r' �>> -i1213 r , , 9,J I �/ I ��12�2� CONSTRUCTION NOTES `�1785 J 85J\ 188� 1 1189 ) —r.7 >>�, J J ;? 0 96J I \ ��1210) 10 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) U 90J J = o I-Im ( U ch _0 209) 30 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE `n m z 20 z z \ Oo z � U 3-1 w \ m (120R1 ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 o0 o ao C J o wo ` 20 moo' o cna `° N J » 0 w CO O J � r7 Q .J J O Z O 1 \ N J 50 CONSTRUCT TYPE D CURB WITH 0 CURB FACE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 204B N (n I- / _ _ Q � \ O u H Q- _ � w I O_ O CL U O- 3� r7 O U O W Cfl r 0_ r7 - ao U w N o 0 o z U o_ o r o c/) cn o_ �� o � m 0_ o r7 O J 6 CONSTRUT CROSS GUTTER PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 210 & 211 +Ln Z + J +0 Z + / + +O +O L , O I- W • ^ Lr- U) • lJ l U) lJ LJ �l - `� — l V LJ %_j Ili - I - I' J 9 N x N x x in w N C0 w 0- N x a x n z o- + + m r7 Z w to r7 x I r7 LO n O o O 17 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS I RIP RAP DISPERSION PAD. TOP OF RIP -RAP SHALL O �Ld �Ld w �0_ ��m� �w O w �LnLLJ� r7X C1400nz �wm NJ �w �� —N „ m w w �0 a �n - I BE UNDERCUT M I N E FLUSH WITH TOP OF CURB. + -+ o + 20 PROTECT IN PLACE N(� 35 3 I '? 14' 14'i 3 __ _ LO 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER r C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 r - - - - - - - - R/W - - - - - `p-�- - — - - - - °° °' ' R/W r 1 Q V 1185 1190 2'1 1195 �� - Q V 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE ��/� O 10' 1' q' ^ 35 CONSTRUCT ROCK SWALE PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 LU LLB W _ 2 - - - - - - 5 1 W 5 O 17 W Uj Z _ N 4 6 4 - —Z 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 — — — 134 S V W 5 O 17 10,-W— —W— V W71 C14 r-� r 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED DATE I BY 3: �-- U ao I • cn z U cn o N xwa No 0' w Lj 20 X w 30' EASEMENT FOR ROADS AND PUBLIC - A.P 1\1 : 9 5 7— 12 J— 0 J F UTILITY PURPOSES RECORDED 3/3/ 1969 AS INST. NO. 20611 O.R. Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 55' EASEMENT FOR WATER PURPOSES RECORDED 4/7/1977 AS INST. NO. 77-055366 O.R. AP1\1:957-10-003 NICOLAS ROAD SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O HORIZONTAL r AS NOTED � No. 60132 VERTICAL O I V 1 \, N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE 00 �> 0"-' Q _ w Q Q o Q o ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT DESCRIPTION N + +� 2 M o m ,'� 1 N 66003'15" E -- 900.00, -- CL r7 X w r7 X w X r7 x N 00 CO m O �, 2 o , » N 66 03 15 E -- , 709.56 -- » » D CURB 39.27 25.00 A.C. DIKE 20 22 00 0 0 0 I N 00 3 90 00 00 25.00 20 U 00 m m C° o 4 90000,00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' A.C. DIKE 0-0 .m 0 5 N 66003'15" E -- 112.44' -- A.C. DIKE X X X o' w m '+ w 6 N 66 ° 03' 15" E -- 399.07' -- "D" CURB X� w bj m °- 7 N 66003'15" E 500.93' A.C. DIKE 16.00' -- A.C. DIKE 8 N23056'45"W -- r\.Pl\1:95/— l 20—JJ2 9 N23°56'45"W -- 16.00' -- A.C. DIKE 3� RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1 "=40' LD 20-1 1 14 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. oFTR TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN v CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 Cm 14 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD F err, 9a9 STA. 125+50 TO STA. 134+50 14 OF 88 SHEETS STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN m N Ln N O N N Q U Z Q m O 0 Cn C� 0 O O Ln r / w 0 a_ J 0 0 z Q / 0 0 Q U / O Ln r i Q Q 0 m / on I I 350' VC PORTION 0 3 0' VC PVI @ 142+85.91 rr 5.91 EL = 1215.55 F 1 1 G1 = 2.50% G2 = -2.40% U 39.27' 39.27' m U �� G1 = 5 2= 4 0/4=, 0/4=, 0) 0 � O � 0 ~ �� � °� o U 9.82 9.82 00 0 0 o Q' ~ PROPOSED L URB U U U U U U U 00 ~ `� ' N `n O ' 00 .o "- CO U ~ H H Ln OH N� ON 000 LO . + 17� + � 100 VC UU�~ 0 oco - Ln O • +r7 �NM� N o PVI @ 137+81 .00 m U Lo ~ r') O N M O + N + N N �� N N o� 't O 00 0) 000 00 N� �N U U N Ln r u7 t �N tN �N + - PORTION OF 600' VC EL = 1207.53 > U o � o r N n + N U G1 = 0.54% G2 = 1.46% W O� O oa�o 00� 00 �00000- PVI Q 134+00.00 > U O H 0 0 O N Ln + O O- N N N N N N N N o EL=1205.48 m U U o O rn O + rn rn N 1% oU O� o �C Doo nN �NN� - �50RTI0VCF G1=5.00% G2=0.54% U 0 0 0 t N + 00 ao rn 00 -// U 0 ~ 0 0 00 - � O o0 + 00 rn N `� `� \ Pr I ® 142+85.91 OR I N P 35 C OH On o �N 0n 00 O+ r 000 OL) o� or 00 '+� +r pro 000 r C4 �1 EL = 1215.45 PVI 4 2+85.91 0 0- `n O- r O r 0 n N M N G 2.50% G2 = -2.40% EC = 21 .4 U •0 O t 0 + r r7N MN �� 1.46% 0 o� + 0 0 O r o DESIGN SPEED = 40 MPH 0Ln r`n°o �N r)N G1 = 2. 0% G = 2. 0% o_ U U 0Ln LnO 0.54% U U = oL� n 0~ +I- �N m OW OL�i ao� 00 �� 0 ,`nn o _ _ -PROPOSED GRADE AT CENTERL I NE U m N rn � O I� Cn .0 � - o rn o o) Ln r ,^ �� Cn OWNW 00��� O� LO ON 00� ++ �N ON ON + 100 VC O I� c�i O 0 + N + ,�i + , � ' `� + Mo - - - - PVI @ 137+81.00 0Cn 0 0LLnn04L`n° .Lo N� N� N- PORTION OF 600 VC m cn o ' ro 0. 0 + N+ N N N N EL = 1207.43 o L� 0 rn + - + r PVI @ 134+00.00 U U U M N N G1 = 0.54% G2 = 1 .46% > U O Li O 0 `� + o r EL = 1205.38 w U o 1� N O � IN 'It N U DESIGN SPEED = 50 MPH MAX U O w o 0 O r + O 0 V G1 = 5.00% G2 = 0.54% > U 0 w 0 rn N un • 0- N Q DESIGN SPEED = 45 MPH °� U U O 0 L� 0 0 0 00 0- rn o N PORTION OF W o� 0 Ow Oo0 0� o� r�� `+ D+oo rno r7N 1 21% 350 VC -1200- N O O � Ln O + 00 00 0 rO N N - PVI @ 142+85.91 N W OU_ n Orn oN oo t r 000 poN EL = 1215.55 (n O O co O + r + r a0 O r7 N UJ = OW 00 Ln + � r,0 r0 ,rr�o 17N o 0 Z G1 = 2.50% G2 = -2.40% EC = 1215. 5 O� o� 0+c0 (00 Rio 1.46% G = 2.50 G = 2. 0 OLNi �r) (Do--r)N W 0 0� Ln 0 '� N 0U U U O � � ~ � ~ C LI r) O m O Oon Cf)0 ro +� o M + j� PROPOSED S YL CURB U 0 � o0 0 0 00 00 `+n °+° ro + Q0 N r�N - J OH O N-ON + N N� N� IN-) IN + EXISTING GRADE AT CENTERLINE 100' VC U O � O 0 �+ NL+ N N C14N N " PORTION OF PVI @ 137+81.00 m _ 0 0 00 + IN dd:600 VC EL = 1207.53 > U o O 0 + PVI 134+00.00 U G1 = 0.54% G2 = 1.46% w U 0 ~ o - o 00 to 0 0 EL = 1205.48 > m U U o - mCY) o N - rn o N CL G1 = 5.00% G2 = 0.54% oU 0~ 0� 0~ O~ oLO -N a+oo rn0 �N �N - O ao r7 N 1 .21 % U 0~ o M N �, 00 + o 00 o I MPROVEI�v ENTS�PER _ 1200 _ + r r O _ - SEPARATE PLAN SET- OU 0LO O� C+00 rjo toNN MD r�N r)� 0 0 (0 o K) N V LID 18-0330 W U O Ln � O 0.54% 00 P- O+ r) N O rro ON - 1i + a O n N Q Z W RT- TO 1200 135+00 136+00 137+00 138+00 139+00 140+00 141+00 142+00 143+00 144+00 / v I L AN r� / A N, 957-3410-01 J (1213) �PN:J�1����JJJ"1 �� k1 j � JE IE' r�pl�l: 957-3 0-067 // � � �- --- CIRCLE, �o va C LIGHTWEIGHT � 4/No S° ' / v7 T 1212)� onc, I CELLULAR/ w w w CONCRETE PER SEE DETAIL J -(1 U 20 / U - < + \ > �� SHEET C-40 ON SHEET C-18 2 j >> z c� 54 54 Q 20 < 20 : w \ ~ `�21 �� / / �Q10- 20 21 _j 20 o U o 0 0 - O � SEE RETAINING 20 / 20 r 00 -(121p a') rn na rna �a- J') .� m� o- ) _ o WALL DETAIL ON N / i w, d7 O w O O r J Ln J r r U X in 1Z N 2 O J J J W O J 1 SHEET C-29 , I o,l� / ya / Ln0_ W I �� cfl0_ NO NO �W �Jm �0_� UW0 / 000_ / CL w Uo ) �cn MID- -m Nm �� Lnw_j �o_m o'wo �h(1216) /moo_ j _' / 53 O _ � (1209 - ( w r- r- 00 00 D UIL X �16 w -' - I qhP / / / / 1 I� w 22 r`4 L�J / / ~ � / Lx 1xic�Wm nw 20 r)x ro ro nx rox0_ r7X\ �j� X W q / �x \f [if(nW (\ w 8 rl � w 5 r cn I� z _r w/ X °° 20 -(1208 1 v I®E 12 / 65 i XLu > rn •0/00- �/ 00U 0 w 3 I \`� 15) / o, /, 4z N 0 � > ++ Qm / . J 6 r7 JLd Q m r RW- t�It x L ��JH� - - N �w=+Oz -0 0 - N7W r7 Ln �W `n o - � - --- - 4 - - - 8 - �-T- 11 12 13 pH - - - 15 c r / Z o - 0 135 4 - - 136- 1 --II I -�-- S --5-- �%! '�-S---iS--���--5-- �4 6 j (1210)/ 4 - S - �S� WW O 4 - W - - W- - - W- - - W A89fdED- W- - - W- --- W - W -ABA I W - - - W (1208 )- W BfLPdta - 1/4 / c�6 N (12 -W- �W- -W- -W- W W - - - _ - OS) 5 - F- 14 16` W- - - -� - - - - - -1® - SEE DETAIL "G" SEE DETAIL H"- - I- - - - T w ON SHEET C-17 ON SHEET C-17 - R/W - - - --------rl-- LLI J �R/W N / c� `�� SEE DETAIL "F" U ON SHEET C-17 0' o 0 0� U w o' ��' z W L�� z M w Ln W rn _ ~ / / / I / - - n- -/ / > � Ln i Ln \ j Z \ W Z W W Z W '-' -O p > N Li O I O O 0 Z 7 X � 11 J W W 120 � Q J IL w W r-� J O 0� >- � O I 2 U Z W _ / O J (n LLJ Ln .� = J W r7 Q J N J J� Q W � Q H Q Q r I Q - Q H Q \ U J n J D' N> �' _ / cow 0 0� � 0_ / Q � m 0) :m Q �p- rQ gWQ �� r)�QJ r•7> (n 00�)-J O�QJ O(n U� -� J�/ �� rn(n J > X 00> r)N > W I \ 11 W L� 0' = U 0_ = Q ZHJ O O OJJ \ ZHJ + U + j C� + I + r O N - N WU 00 � + > 010 �� �� _ �0- N� NQ(n0 •0'J 0' d�Jmo 0)Q(no X O (n O \ O • O �O)(n �Q / W Ln0_ Q+ M W\ O� � <12 O JD O � O� m 04 - Q -Q r-)=M �� m Ld �X QLd ItX �X �X �/ + 0' (n O N �X (n mO Q _ �� I I �'� I �/ Q d) H- X W Q t H �Q� OJ t W + H W J� �Li1 W W Ln 1/ 0_J C� r • (n O+ ED . J r (n o r • (n O O (n f �� X N Y Ld 00 O co W W �a U00 Lnw00 0o nxwZ r - Cr) N0 �x(nZ r�xWZ 21 U(n 22 �� 20, 21 w + w +oz 20 � U m \ 1 p W 1 WHQ r) X(n N m �LLLjQQ WHQ W / ;; / N Ld N �p 22 w WggchQ 3o ��0 U 1 �WQ + z� f ,��/ �// �w � �oo1z r o- w°- 1 U(no o' 020 r 220 Ln s04 , A� o' 20 Mw �0 �� / /� %� " " 58 ��� ��� r1 1 1 J J 7 J 1 J J J w °- w W 20 i °+' o cLl� c '� -� I/ i SEE DETAIL I - N Q +� Q N i \ : o_ r� l�l : J 7 "1 J �JO 1 / 00 �� �� oo , �/� ON SHEET C-18 � x� � x� O+ i �W� �w� �/ �O / I ti/ I�h1 0 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., , Xs�BMichael aker SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 / / / 40 20 0 40 80 120 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 - EASEMENT LEGEND r'w U - NOT USED o + N - 70' WIDE MWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES 2 RECORDED 4/4/1968 AS INST. NO. 1968-37774 O.R. 40 - 50' WIDE MWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES RECORDED 3/7/1960 AS INST. NO. 1960-20189 O.R. - 40' WIDE RCWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES RECORDED 6/29/2001 AS INST. NO. 2001-300194 O.R. 10' WIDE SCE EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE PURPOSES o Ln N EXISTING RECORDED 4/21/1988 AS INST. NO. 1988-105939 co + GRADE AT N CENTERLINE - CL ` --1200 4 LT TC 1 4L 1200 PT TC -1200 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' I VERT. : 1" = 4' CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (NICOLAS ROAD) 3O CONSTRUCT 10' WIDE, 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT CLASS I BIKEWAY ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 © CONSTRUT CROSS GUTTER PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 210 & 211 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 21 ADJUST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE AND PAVING AROUND MANHOLE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 503 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE 53 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PER RCWD STD. RW-8 54 REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARD AND FOOTING 58 REMOVE EXISTING K-RAIL WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS 65 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING GUY WIRE BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N 66003'15" E -- 652.21' -- CL 2 N 65039'06" E -- 40.68' -- CL 3 14046'12" 1000.00' 257.79' 129.61' CL 4 N 66°03'15" E -- 514.45' -- A.C. DIKE 5 N 66003'15" E -- 652.28' -- A.C. DIKE 8 N 66023'58" E -- 6.11' -- A.C. DIKE 9 90000,00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' A.C. DIKE 10 90000,00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' A.C. DIKE 11 N 66003'17" E -- 6.00' -- A.C. DIKE 12 N 66003'17" E -- 47.62' -- A.C. DIKE 13 N 65039'06" E -- 40.68' -- A.C. DIKE 14 N 65039'06" E -- 40.75' -- A.C. DIKE 15 09035'42" 1020.00' 170.81' 85.61' A.C. DIKE 16 08°24'05" 980.00' 143.70' 71.98' A.C. DIKE 17 N23°56'45"W -- 16.00' -- A.C. DIKE 18 N23056'45"W -- 16.00' -- A.C. DIKE 19 16003'57" 1 100.00' 1 8.04' 1 14.11' 1 EOP BIKE PATH 20 19036'38" 1 110.00' 1 37.65' 19.01' I EOP BIKE PATH N T E R N A T I O N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. N KOLAS ROAD / / LD 20-1114 CONSTRUCTION RECORD CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED Call before you dig. DATE I BY REVISIONS IDATEIACC'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O HORIZONTAL `�� ��0 TA r �o r rn AS NOTED � No. 60132 � VERTICAL O I V I\, N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� 1"=' L d - - - SCALE: 40PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD STA. 134+50 TO STA. 144+00 15 OF 89 SHEETS STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN m IL m Ln N O N N N r z 0 z w Li Ld z a c� C.D ILT TC 11070- iCL --� 11070- iRT'TC 11070- 10 0 + 0 0 25' VC PVI @ 10+157. 9 C~= 1172.59 G1 = -3.10% G2 -0.50% 100' VC > U PVI @ 11+50.00 EL = 1172.18 m p w o m inG1 = -0.50% G2 = -1.42% f- O O O r7 0 p H p U W 0) 00 O O0 O NO U ' o r) O O O CC) O CO 0 0 � O N U-) .00 0 r-��Or,++�O O U-) N r O + O 0.50% • 849' N - PROPOSED E'LY CURB 100' VC PVI @ 13+25.00 EL = 1169.69 G1 = -1.42% G2 = 0.70% U m o d. > O O H p H 0 J 0 0 H I- W 00 O 0~ 00 O 0 O�O 0� 0(0 Or7Od' 0 N �� m . rn • rn NO 00 NOS �O�O r_ r7 +CO �O�O 1 429' r- - x �W p n U H O N< 0 0 0 r-Z r- 4 �o 0.70% 1 100' VC ' ' PROPOSED ' ' GRADE AT CROWN PVI @ 11+50.00 EL = 1171.96 G1 = -0.50% G2 = -1.42% 100' VC � m U � _ > DESIGN SPEED = 45 MPH PVI @ 13+25.00 0 0� OW LL. c > EL = 1169.48 c~n _ . o o f i_ ow O 0 O LL_ w cn G1 = -1.42% G2 = 0.70% - r- NN N - 0 - Ln N N • 0 co 0 00 O L` cn > DESIGN SPEED = 45 MPH U "w + r- 0 + r- O� O + N r- 0 N N � + I� LO O Lc� N O L� m (n LL_ � � (n J N (n W W (n _ U 2 00 + rr + I� O + r- O� o l() O O 0) Li- LL_ L_ 00 0 0 00 0 W n OOH 0 0 g ° 0.50% �� - `+ �o O d O O N o°' . �r- 0� �00 OO\ N� �� + N� OO NO 4-Cn L00) + O +O 1- 0) O�Z 1.427. M MO �O �O 25 ' VC 0 70% (0_94%) PVI @ 10+ 7.51 EL = 1172.59 61 = -2 30% G2 -0.50% 100' VC EXISTING GRADE AT - CENTERLINE PVI @ 11+50.00 EL = 1172.18 U G1 = -0.50% G2 = -1.42% / m 0 > Owp > m0 U 100' VC PVI @ 13+25.00 EL = 1169.69 _ �C ONpr7 Or7 p O 0~ W 0 / G1 = -1.42% G2 = 0.64% x Ln L+I� ONoOoN CO 0 00 0 0 O 0000 H � U m0 ^W n2 Or + r-+ I� ON + Ln 0 - NN �N �/ 0r- O H 0- 0 p JO 0 � Wp U - 0 0 �� � + + �� /per + F, O 00 O c0 r- O 00 H I- O O O O O H O �Q 10+00 NICOLAS ROAD SEE SHEET C-12 lug - bi • a - .. • .' �MANit .I NICOLAS ROAD SEE SHEET C-12 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1•I , �` - 'SUITE 200 TEM CULLA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED L OLn O-O- 00 g N� L0 + r- Ln� 00 0') .0) •0) Ln 00\ N� + 0 O Lc)- N0.) ;I-. �O O LT) . 0) r0 O�z + + r- NCO + CD+ CD + 0.64% - LT TC -1070 � C� -1070 RT TC -1070 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 40' VERT. : 1" = 4' 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 PROPOSED EASEMENT LEGEND � k FLOOD PLAIN AS SHOWN ON PARCEL �� �� X E- WI \ MAP NO. 13678 RECORDED 12/27/1979 I I 10' SCE EASEMENT IN P.M.B. 73/85. I RECORDED 10/6/1980 AS INST. NO. 80-183339 O.R. -GRADING IMPROVEMENTS PER SHEET C-27 4�l�l� J J f - 1 J J- J 0 J W W 3 I 11 r ^^�.'.,"` . - Z i I i 33' RCWD EASEMENT ��= SEE DETAIL "K" FOR WATERLINE Jn� �V/oL I �\ cnm r ON SHEET C-18 III PURPOSES RECORDED "Jn8Qr���f ti wU I I 12/16/1976 AS INST. j 0J OQ 33' RCWD EASEMENT FOR Q I I I N0. 76-0193568 )`J. C -\ oo~� WATERLINE PURPOSES �i Imo! I LI ---------------------- �� ,� < / \ oo zp RECORDED 12/16/1976 AS T 1 �� I 16+16.02 14.10' L 16+95.95 14. 16' L o w INST. NO. 76-193571 O.R. II T III 76.01 TD/75.51 FL 78.63 TD/78.13 FL ,-� SD � � \ RCWD 8 WATER 1 16+ PROPOSED RCWD 831 .02 14. 13' L 17+15.95 14. 17' L } _ EX. j� I I 76.16 TD/75.66 FL 78.85 TD/78.35 FL 2: 1 MAXI WATER PER SHEET C-33 ; iR 6g I -7 PER RC-377-62 - / I w I _ _ - - 3 _ 12 I 6 �, 7 7 ,4 12 13 13+57.517 - A 15 o I sph, Lno � v N NIL W �� O + / •� x > V) D7 W ✓r t _: co)� 50 �N CLCD • o Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE / W w ow r1r) x b J W k zo 20 / x w Sn.. -R/.W. _ I cn w ti~ m k x -X� c N OO Oa ~ c0 � I O Ln cD (0 r- z mO fro 00 ix I 20 I 11 .API\1,957-150-01 6 CALLE GIRASOL 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' 'D BENCH MARK SCALE SEE SHEET 1 HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QOVESSIO Quo TA �^ r� r No.60132 a `ff 01 V IV 9lF OF C A�1E�� 33' RCWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES \15+47.75 CALLE GIRASOL CIL = RECORDED 12/16/1976 AS 10+01.00 ST-TOMMY LN CL 33' SCE EASEMENT INST. NO. 193565 O.R. RECORDED 3/14/1977 AS VAR. WIDTH EASEMENT IN I INST. NO. 42299 FAVOR OF SCE RECORDED O.R. 10/10/1980 AS INST. NO. 187686 O.R. CONSTRUCTION NOTES O CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (CALLE GIRASOL) ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 70 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 10 APPLY SLURRY SEAL TO EXISTING A.C. PAVEMENT 11 SAWCUT EXISTING PAVEMENT 12 COLDPLANE AND OVERLAY EXISTING PAVEMENT PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-5 18 PROPOSED POWER POLE LOCATION PER S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 68 FURNISH AND INSTALL PIPE SWING GATE PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG. M820 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY U - CITY MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PI 0 - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASE 4 18+5611190 +/- - - FLOW 8 RETAIN AND PROTECT DRIVEWAY < FLOW -- DETAIN - - -- AND RETAIN I I PROTECT AND EXISTING PROTECT AC DIKE EXISTING III V-DITCH II II II II =R SEPARA LENT PER ' lE DOCUMENT SEPARATE DOCUMENT I I I I W Q -RE AIN AND-, PR TECT EX AC STING DIKE 21 4 21+58 +/- - RETAIN AND PROTECT (9 EXISTING FLOW_ CURB/GUTTER RETAIN AND RETAIN PROTECT AND EXISTING PROTECT SIDEWALK EXISTING V-DITCH LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N23°55'55"W -- 700.40' -- CL 2 N23°55'55"W -- 344.99' -- A.C. DIKE 3 N23055'55"W -- 345.01' -- A.C. DIKE 4 90000'57" 25.00' 39.28' 25.01' A.C. DIKE 5 89059'03" 25.00' 39.26' 24.99 A.C. DIKE 6 N23°55'55"W -- 15.00' -- A.C. DIKE 7 N23°55'55"W -- 20.00' -- A.C. DIKE 8 N23°43' 9 N14°37' CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 02"W -- 10.5' +/- -- A.C. DIKE LD 20-1114 19 "W -- 12.3' +/- -- A.C. DIKE PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS CALLE GIRASOL STA. 10+00 TO STA. 17+00 16 OF 88 SHEETS STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN N N N O N rn \ Of w z w CL Of Q C� r w z 0 0 OS. OHS 0 _ C, Q W N rn o + a_ N m + ~ FENCE 20 0 20 FENCE I OLAS ROAD V(1177 S _ Cz-N G' 1 �- x - x - x 1170.3 1170.E �W-WrL� EG 3 118+62.05 55 EX MB - 00 m �'I N� + 3 7 130+00 \n►- s - 1 170.0 ri FENCE 20 7 EG o FROM 3 \\\ . 20 FENCE �(1176 00 w (1 176. FROM ---- 1 1 176.2/-" EX. OH LINES tEG - - - - -- - - / 6 S tEG H• ► S FG69 - - F F AIL - -�I� - - - - - - - 1184.08 + 1184.64 s`SJ �'' - -�I�- - N "00 1170 �6\01_ -� �- - S 1 � �- c� ' rt � - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - �4.70 � \1 185.2E 1 170. 14 -- 1 170.48 S 1178.32 ° 1 178.43 �� 1 S G j - / r 1 -i FS 117 39° FS NI F - - - i ~ / �62) 1164)� _ / / C\�� - - 1 184.8 �� 1 1-38� �(118 FG-GB FG-GB FS 4 FS 00 _ FS -- °° 1 17 s rn s MB° p,,1B 1 178.04 ° °' ?), s 1 6 -- 6J FS FG$GB34 FG8GB90 -- -R/)N - \�' i \ O ��� 1169.58 1169.38 FS rn FS 177.42 11 1FS 11 .53 FS (116/ 5 . r ����� - 0Ln 0 - x 4, 3 E - - - _ ; NICOLAS ROAD r_ o o _ NICOLAS READ +� (0 000 ���� 1182.2 1182.E EG EG - 00 C) - ��� - - - 11 - 124+0 - - CDJ - - 3 (1165) x 11 O �.; r � DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 111+81.38 DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 118+10.49 AND 118+47.05 DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 124+19.90 DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 129+67.07 (SEE SHEET C-12 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-13 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-14 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-13 FOR PLANVIEW) 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 40' A B C D 1 197. 10 FS LIEFE ROA I (1 199.91) I JESSIE CIRCLE 56+25.94 ��, \ FS > i ' 56+25.94 1198.12RTC/FS o\ No I 14.00' L r- 1199.40 TC/FS J .� - I '�' I �, �5i 0+85.84 ���2 I 0+55.00 BC 0+85.93 � 0+61.00 13.52 R 140+39.60 20 14.00 R (1214.46) EX. FH MATCH EX 1212.13 TC/FS 32.2 20 56+31.94 r 1 \ 1+55. L �52104.00I) 0+55.00 BC EX�+ELECBMH 14.00' R I I � I �� 14.00' R 140+27.65 1198.68 TC (1198.75) 1198 18 FS FS I 14+31 .9L \ NICOLAS ROAD � �/ N ICOLAS ROAD 1211.70 TC MATCH EXI 121 1 .20 FS W I 1212.07 TC 121 1 .57 FS EX . TEL PED 20 140+37.31 `0 0++455.00LBC - 20 56+41 .94 BC / I� - - 1 199.79 TC 14.00 R 1199.29 FS S 135+00 - - S - S - - 7 S - �� 138+00 1210.74 TC I EX. COMM P I 140+43.23 1198.78 TC / 1 fi 133+17.39 2p - I - 7 - I - - - - - 1210.24 FL j T EX. TEL PED 20 ` I 1198.28 FL j � I EX. PP 0 1 1204.53 TC )ON 1204.82 TC 1207.39 TC 1207.31 FS o >- 1 1210.64 TC I 0+45.00 140+47.91 20 BC_ EX. PP 20 132+78.98 56+41 .94 EC EX WM 2, N j 14.00 L �. - W- 1204.45 FS - W - + � 1204.74 FS W � � o0� '- 1207.58 TC 00 II �'3 1207.50 FS - ' 1210.14 FL 14.06 R W GUY WIRE 1 1211.08 TC / T 1199.61 TC BOLLARDS �.3� 1 1204.91 TC o 1205.28 TC PO 207.79 TC .. 1208.03 TC 1210.70 TC/ 1210.58 FL ® 140+27.13 19 EX. WM CONSTRUCTION NOTES j 1199. FS 1198.80 TC �- - 133+18.65 '�` 1204.41 FS �, -1204;78 FS 1207.29 FS / 1207.53 FS a ° 1210.20 FS f n I 1210.60 _I � 140+44,.43 20 30 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 1198.30 FS G -45.00 LT OHS " _ 1205.07 cfl -1205.3E 1207.93 _ co �a'rn 1208.12 �1 r d TC/FS _ �- EX. WM (2) - - - - COMPACTED NATIVE _- 1'�° �G PROP. 6 HYDRANT_ - T FS - a� FS - W- - W- `r N - - - -1205.44 FS _ FS T - TC - 1199.57 TC / 1199.07 FL -� _ - 1205.15 0 - 1208.01- �" 1208.201-11.21 o - 1210.47 ell - - - 121�1FS 1211.25- - - - - - 7 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY 0 �1 197.33_1 198.3E 1201.49 11 88.69 TC 1199.80 TC /1199.30 FL- ETC/FS,I, FG-GB FG-GB I,- - -,� - �� - il� FG-GB FG-GB _ p- - -a �- - -'I'- 8 1210.98 -FS - - TC �_ TC FS- - APPROACH PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 -FS TC/FS - 1198.19 FL 1204.75 1205.04 T 1207.80 1210..48 4.O% I FL 4� 1211.41 ®CONSTRUCT MODIFIED ADA ACCESS RAMP CASE F PER 4.9% 1.5° 4.87% _ � t IJ ' �n- FG-GB \ o I FG-GB N u� 1207.61 \ FG-GB �- LO FG-GB N .39% 1210.27 I 9 37 10 12 FS CALTRANS STD PLAN A88A 21.37 4 I ® ° 45' 1 ' - 135+ 18.25 1 1 135+38.30 20 2p EX. WOODEN I (1204.28 ) i �Idw (1204.71 ) sn FS QI°a j 1211.21 I 19 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE �1197.13 1198.18 j 8 EX. WOODEN POLE POLE EG Z EG - 1210.40 TC - -a - 8 Q - al - W- FS 20 PROTECT IN PLACE FS TC/FS �� ° _ a _ _ a _ TC/FS - o - - - - - - - _ - - - - - TC/FS - a 1.63% a (n -- - - 121 1 .09 3 A���- 1 22 ADJUST WATER VALVE TO GRADE a 3 ° -�` 3 1198m89 FL 133+38.23 BC 1197.90 1 �p 20.00' L (1202.16 ) EG 3 (1201.99 �s�. r � 3 139+70.45 1209.89 TC 1209.80 1209.97 1209.39 FL FL FL 1 51 % TC/FS 140+48.45 1210.14 I 1211.02 TC 53 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT RCWD STD. RW-8 PER 132+60.23 EC FL 20.00' L 1198.4 133+03.60 53 54 1200.29 TC 1199.79 FL EG r'O 1210.50 TC _ IFL-1210.52 FL S-- -T - 1 121 1 .01 TC 54 REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARD AND FOOTING 1197.55 TC FL EX. FH S - BOLLARDS (4) ,�1201 ) ,� J I- 1210.00 FL I I 1 1210.51 FL 140+00 55 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL MAIL 1197.05 FL 133+00 - - - 133+00.98 - - - 1 198.37 EX. WV/ 22 - i - - B I 121 - I BOX AND POST PER USPS STANDARDS I l H �-I � FS 1210.44 1210.61 W I FS 1198.87 199 36 - W - W - - W-A -�QL _ vv- FS - W - - - - W- - FS 198.62 TC FS FS � � W - - W - - W - W- - - W� - 198. 12 FS FL /I S AD IV �OLA� RO/`1V DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT LIEFER ROAD DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 135+28.49 DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 138+03.44 DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT JESSIE CIRCLE (SEE SHEET C-14 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-15 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-15 FOR PLANVIEW) (SEE SHEET C-15 FOR PLANVIEW) 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 1" = 20' 20 10 0 20 40 60 • 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., • ke SUITE 200 SCALE: 1 "=20' TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-11 14 Call before you dig. FE F G F H PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROVESS1p l N9 0 T AN,y�� DESCIFGNED BY D CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. CF/BHBY CONTRACTOR yQ`` 0�0 • r �� m C=1 7 HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF 'AV T - TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED Wj No . 60132 ��� °r� CFD NO.03-02 &CFD N0. 16-01 INSPECTOR { ACCEPTED BY: DATE: NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL DATE COMPLETED sf9l 01VIv �� F JOHN D. TANNER III DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER r rr:seE NICOLAS ROAD N/A OF Ct`�1�` R.C.E. 60132 R.C.E. 44223 p44°4 DRIVEWAY DETAILS 17 OF88 SHEETS N O m N 0 N N \ 0 0 Q z Q J m C7 I 0 I L0 0 L0 i / w 0 m m / J C) 0 z Q J / 0 0 Q c) / LO 0 LO / Q Q 0 / v- i CIRLE� �' I cn W-- i I i i N I CO _AS �OAD - S - - -- ! - -- S / S(� /-- -- I\-S-i + -S 140+00- � _ i _ 1110+50 141 7 f-S 4 -- s I NE "F" PER 121 1 . 13 T 121 1 .43 TC^ " / I- - - W- - w P HEET C-23 �- - -- 'vvj gi 15 0 �_ - 1-35 - W- -, - W /1 l - W- -' - ± o ° -'dui- - - W-- i4BJI 1211':70 � n �/ � �� ��-� 20 140+56.48 -Y wnn I / DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 141 +01.90 ( SEE SHEET 1 ! 15 FO,R PLANV I EW ) W-- - -W- -W W-- �- �� / 25' VC o PV @ 10+ 8 0 EL = 1 173.69 U . Q G2 = -6.20% G z 25' VC >- w PVI @ 0+63.50 EL = 1172.14 G1 = -6.20% G2 = -0.55% % o Q ~C) m / V) _ Cf) m m c� cn LLL LNL U) JUCf) LL O O L� / i O Ln O LL LL O � O 00 0) LC)l� LOi O O OP • K) n O 123.0 1214.0 Nc's _ EG / d / 1211.9 1 GB 1y 5 �O� F G-LPG / - 0 1212.2 TELEPHONE FG-GB ��°1 1212.5 \ N 20 PEDESTAL OHL, G �C -� - W DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT STA. 142+45.27 ( SEE SHEET 1 15 BOOR PLANV I EW ) J EASEMENT LEGEND 00 � � N0 - 0 (0- r� rri rrn Vr o O CD > CDH ��O� LAN++-nn�LL +��N �N O+ O r-xO -0 -0 0 M o O 0 0 L, J + -F- QD O ` r N � �U + O TOMMY LN CL O �Q � 0 i- I I I LLI 1 1 Z O J DAYLIGHT �I I TI QQ 10+40.00 10.00' R C i I � 1 1174.05-w-I--- - `�--- r, 1 1 T 1173.55 F I Ij � I 15+ 72.62 10+40.01 I 1 i� EX. IRR VALVE27 10.00' L BC ,�\� O 1173.68 TD 15+72.8519 1173.18 FS 2 EX. WM 15+18.09 / 1 15+78.34 2-7EX . I RR VALVE fi 4 EX . WM 19 (1173 )-- 19 15+16.30 -- -// T - 15+80.31- - 27 ,R/W - R/W JDLM 4 / io EX . I RR VALVE 15+12.74 15+42.74 �- 14.00' L EC j a o j 14. 0' L BC 20 EX AC BERM 1172.49 TD / 117 67 TD 1 171 .99 FS �-�` `- `�- a -� o 1174� . 17 FS a EX AC BERM 20 g W - - y - - J A- EX CROWN-10 N-1 ,,NHOi-IS 00. 10+01, / CALLE G I RASOL - �O-,OS d J IS 3-RVO-iS SL . Lt+9 l '6J � J - � 1 ------- --------- -- DRIVEWAY DETAIL AT TOMMY LN ( SEE SHEET 1 j 16 BOOR PLANV I EW ) CONSTRUCTION NOTES 20 CONSTRUCT 6" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 8" C.A.B. (CALLE GIRASOL) A - 70' WIDE MWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES O CONSTRUCT 4" THICK A.C. PAVEMENT OVER COMPACTED NATIVE RECORDED 4/4/1968 AS INST. NO. 1968-37774 ® CONSTRUCT 6" ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 214 O.R. © CONSTRUT CROSS GUTTER PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 210 & 211 A - 50' WIDE MWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES 7O CONSTRUCT MODIFIED RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 207 RECORDED 3/7/1960 AS INST. N0. 1960-20189 O.R. 13 CONSTRUCT 4" A.C. OVER 6" C.A.B. MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD, PER MODIFIED C.O.T ACCESS ROAD STD. NO 106. WIDTH PER PLAN, A - 40' WIDE RCWD EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES 19 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE RECORDED 6/29/2001 AS INST. NO. 2001-300194 O.R. 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 27 ADJUST IRRIGATION VALVE TO GRADE A - 10' WIDE SCE EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE PURPOSES 68 FURNISH AND INSTALL PIPE SWING GATE PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG. M820 RECORDED 4/21/1988 AS INST. NO. 1988-105939 K • 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker I SUITE 200 o TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-11 14 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE Q%OVESS1p l DESCIFGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA 0 N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • T AN,y�� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 - ROR I PAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN = SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED Wj No . 60132 ��� °9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 C1 8 INSPECTOR { ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS DATE COMPLETED VERTICAL sf9l 01V1� �� JOHN D. TANNER III DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS N/A F OF C a�1E R.C.E. 60132 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER rro :seE p44°4 NIC OLA S ROAD 18 OF 88 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 DRIVEWAY DETAILS 0 N N O N O \ 0 0 V) Q c) z Q J m cD 0 9+50 GRADING IMPROVEMENTS PER SHEET C-26 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED PROPOSED HEADWALL 01 EXISTING SURFACE 00 LL_ (.° o �V) PROPOSED SURFACE W O O 0 O +L O� 0.82% APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 18, 2020. 10+00 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE � I � 10+50 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 _X100— ry� Ln �n � 0 vwi't N Z +�- Ln � I L� 11+00 I � w Z_ J W o= O + O (D o_ w V)� N LO(.0 � Oz =o +— I X•— =X W= 11+50 SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O 0 TA y HORIZONTAL r AS NOTED No. 60132 r" VERTICAL O I V 1 \, N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� 00 H1- �0 �� co•z +- LO S $ 0 PROPOSED SURFACE F- IL a� N 3: ro --;I- CD N OZ —� N 1 X� _X w� 12+00 IJW o-- O 00 —00 N IL O + O c0 II NI�� EX GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE 12+50 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 w0-: Q CY)3:N LOU I- Z 00 + N 1 X� X W'— PROPOSED HEADWALL rnw (° o �cl) CD w z_ J W_ N �N w • N ~' O ILO �� —+ O (.0— O • r7 0_ + 00 1.38% 13+00 EXISTING SURFACE PROPOSED SURFACE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX - REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 18, 2020. 13+50 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 14+00 14+50 ,VPJ\1;951J J 50-005 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' CONSTRUCTION NOTES (I)INSTALL ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATING CONCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATIONS OR APPROVED EQUAL 40 CONSTRUCT 11' H X 22' W FOUR -SPAN BURIED i CONCRETE ARCH PER STRUCTURAL PLANS GRADING \\� IMPROVEMENTS FF R SHEET C-27 �Y1� I I I I II T I II I I1 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1 "=20' LD 20-1 1 14 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS LINE A. LINE B, LINE C AND LINE D DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SHEET NO. cmi 9 19 OF 88 SHEETSI n co N N O N ch w z W (L Q U W Z (D 0 U) Q U) J Q O J �o Q 0_ J W (n Li _00 PROPOSED Y Z� SURFACE w Y I I I ~ o Q z 0 � PROPOSED SURFACE m EXISTING EX GRADE @ CL OF SURFACE w PROPOSED PIPE m - C3; EXISTING SURFACE - 1170 w 00 00 L� N W� J W o w �O Cn 00L�' NCDH17 �O � CO 0000 z <.o z W - 0 z 0 -+ i - � > J > _x 00— Z EXISTING SURFACE cfl L� No � Z co �--� + 0 \max Q � o t` ao� EX GRADE ® CL OF EXISTING ~' PROPOSED PIPE SURFACE o� o� O o — o-- �� � 0 o� �� w 00 o~ �— o� �� PROPOSED `+� r " -1 16 0 PROPOSED + LO 1160 SURFACE S= 0.006 SURFACE S= 0.0060 0.60% 0.60% PROPOSED PROPOSED SURFACE -7 01SURFACE w I �/I � II II " rn cC°+oz �� N I x APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX I w �' II N � I o I� c�= o APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL X w L_ REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL - � z �i REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY w /� LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY 1 1 5 0 - N x`� LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY - 1 1 5 0 coo_ o_ �,w GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE z o- w GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX 00_ w = x w GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE o_ GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT oo W w ~ GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT - REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL z wCaL �/0 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT AND <l, 00 Q °' woo • " o < ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTONV co 0 0 AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY - cn,r� W � o_ O AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON 0 0 a,0 a N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED °'Z N rn N z r- 0 � + - � += LO + �--� � z N MARCH 18 2020 N I x,� + = •�n AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 18 , 2020 . GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE _ GEOTECHNICAL I CAL DESIGN REPORT 0 Qo0 •w r 0= rn � N z 0 N(n r�i.z r� w - N � - o - o `� � + U) = �n + co Un c0 a += AND ASSOCIATES INC. DATED MARCH 18 2020 . , X W� N I �� . X r x Ln AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON - 1 0, N I X� 17Z x � - � x w N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 18, 2020. + v�: `n X `� PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 40' VERT. 1" = 4' 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 CONSTRUCTION NOTES Q J Jo 38 INSTALL ARTICULATED BLOCK w o0 40 CONSTRUCT 11' H X 22' W FOUR -SPAN BURIED Y z 0 PROPOSED _j of CONCRETE ARCH STRUCTURE PER STRUCTURAL m I SURFACE PLANS -1170 (� EXISTING Ul)N W 0) LL_ ° wo Q- SURFACE 00 m 0 O0 Q°' `�°0 EXISTING 'tz�o —-Icn — SURFACE x 0 W — w o 0 - co Co PROPOSED °+' 0�SURFACE- -1160 LO PROPOSED - 0.59% SURFACE S= 0.006 0.58% o- w w C w -a ~ w ter^ cfl tv I I 0O 0 N �'� I\ C14 CD, N - `� z 00 C° >> APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL _ + z + z LO•� r x w - N I X1150 LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY - /° - x w GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX moo_/ � x w - W GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL G o_ o_ 00 U'' `n AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY z ~ o_ N '- N W N o- F_ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT C° 0O o r- �.0 `� ao W a W� � � r � r 0�0 z 0 cv/00 cn I X _ a'rn MARCH 18, 2020. AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON + = 0 + � L/_ x W I o /_x AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED ro - • MARCH 18 , 2020 . 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., r x `� r LINE C SUITE 200 o Michael Baker I 20 10 0 20 40 60 TEMECULA, CA 92591 2591 1 1 +00 TEMEC LA,C951) 1 1 +50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 PHONE1 7 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. SCALE: 1"=20'LD _ Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW0201 14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE E S S IO l N9 TAN��PLANS DESIGNED BY DHS RAWN BY CHECKEDSBY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CONTRACTOR r�LIJNo. C=20 HORIZONTAL PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF orT� TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED60132 ��� °9 CFD N0.03-02 & CFD N0. 16-01 INSPECTOR ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL s f9l JOHN D. TANNER III DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED o���� F OF PUBLIC WORKS D I RECTOR/CITY ENGINEER r rro .98 p44o4 LINE A, LINE B AND LINE C 2O 88 N/A C t`�1E R.C.E. 6TANN R.C.E. 44223 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS OF SHEETS m N 0 N LO Of w z w Of Q c� r w z 0 r Cn cD 0 0 Cn 0 N 0 0 Ln i w 0 Of Cl- J 0 0 z Q J 0 0 Q c� LO 0 LO Q Q 0 no I i W� W W Z J J 0�� cmLO I 0 U � +a0 0) NWto + rzr,- rn II Jr PROP. LINE A —A CULVERT 100-YR HGL —A 11 L �I I o� n Ln �� W mH an r (p O Cfl > � I-oZ0r Orr �0 n no r r r r 0T= N - rO +o o EX. RCWD 54" CML&C STEEL PIPE r r 1 ��� Gib\OWN ° O w o _� 66 1 2 - 14 LINE A -CULVERT V O \ 0�vC 0 0viv�vO 0 �v �v 01�_( � °< ° \ O \ ° o-`��o Q o o vA 0 0� 11+50 S=0.0090 �--�I I I PROP GRADE ® CL OF w Q Q PROPOSED PIPE Z J J J 00:2 EX GRADE @ CL OF rN oox PROPOSED PIPE O O O + Dorn � II II 77 R P. 18» �P 1184.11 /NIV E_ 1 pR04.11 $„NV 116 EX. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT, INSTALL 391.59 LF OF 36" RCP (D-1500) MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA Q,00 = 70.20 cfs V,00 = 9.93 fps 12+00 �16 EX. SEWER MANHOLE, SEE SHEET C-12 R/W - - —T 12+50 13+00 13+50 ,�J`1\1,95—090-018 PROP. 15" SEWER STREET IMPROVEMENT 20EX. EMWD 15" SEWER PER SHEETS C-12 & C--1- PER D-26813 ML HL _ _ _ 0 - -��—T — — T— T— - — > z >I z M 00 00 O LO r n r r7 + cow +� cfl r r r r E MWD 1 !J" SEWER — Ln Ln Ln 14+00 117 _ �LOH - — --CIF— — —n�- NICOLAS ROAD 0 N N 116 117 - - co 118 -0 I Lon 47 I� 12 rn - - - - - 3 - —�_-- _--- o -o - N N — — — — — -- — — -----—" - / ---------------------------- S LO Ln — , \ T� — — _ 100-YR HGL S=0.0090 EX. RCWD 54" CML&C STEEL PIPE INSTALL 124.15 LF OF 36" RCP (D-1100) MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA HYDRAULIC DATA Q100 = 64.10 cfs V,00 = 9.07 fps 14+50 us • MAI MB 15+00 N N Q V 0Z > cl) W + 0 Z W Ln r r r v♦^ , � w cf) � Q 15+50 1150 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 40' I VERT. 1" = 4' 0 90 - 01 7 CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT-OFF WALL, PER DETAIL "B" OF RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH326 33 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE NO. 4 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG — MH254 34 CONSTRUCT JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC & WCD CONC. DROP INLET, STD. DWG JS226 SEE SHEET C-23 47 CONSTRUCT 36" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 66 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SPLASH PAD PER DETAIL ON C-25 EX. SEWER MANHOLE: / SEE SHEET C-13 1+g + 47 N N 4 Q V LAT "E-2", SEE SHEET C-23 W W W Z '=^ v/ ROPRCWD 54" CM� _ -,p- - �Ir- - -aU- CONC . DROP INLET, = W TEEL PIPELINE 7- I . RCC IIL&C �Ir - - -gyp- -LO �� - 41 - SEES SHEET C-23 V W C�l�� �� G 00 0(1 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., O • ® �� SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 /\� PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIO N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. call before you dig. CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED LAT "E-1", SEE SHEET C-23 ' CO) ------ Q I 77- � RIW -[ -F-7 -TR�W I I I I I I I - I TEMP. CONSTRUCTION - EASEMENT l G=r \ Imo,\-------------------- o / /\P]\1;95—150-005 LINE ,E BENCH MARK DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SCALE QROf ESSIpN�I O CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF TA HORIZONTAL y�� ��� F� r `n6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF n SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED L.JNo.60132 VERTICAL I V 1 \- N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� " 20 EX. RCWD 54CML& CONSTRAINTS _--- i i ! (DO NOT DISTURB) C STEEL PIPELINE PER DO-810 PHASE I DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 ro U II LO J J rN 00 N 00 � II I I r _ ��I Ln W Ww � + o , ,17' + 0 �z WWW ''' �W W z z z m J JJ LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N 71003'15" E -- 27.34' -- 36" RCP 2 05000'00" 100.00' 8.73' 4.37' 36" RCP 3 1 N 66003'15" El 1 361.50'1 1 36" RCP 4 1 N 66003'15" El 1 124.15' 1 36" RCP l o 00 �� 20 10 0 20 40 60 rN 0 0 r 0* 0* \ r +-00 ++ ++ SCALE: 1"=20' 11_ 00 AFIN],957J JJJ� rrr LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO PW 20-14 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CITY OF TEMECULA TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 C=21 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS LINE E 21 OF 88 SHEETS DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 00 60 N O N N Ln of w z W CL CC U W z 0 cn 0 PROP GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE EX GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE I� N <U CO W W W Z_ _ J CO) U♦W^ VJ — 100-YR HGL > ----_ 0 — I MAINTAINED BY THE 0 Lq EX. RCWD 54" CML&C STEEL PIPE — CITY OF TEMECULA + — --� _ — HYDRAULIC DATA LO _ Q100 = 64.10 cfs — — V,00 = 9.07 fps - 15+50 0 Lo r � Q U to W W W = Z co J = W W I vI EX. EMWD 15" SEWER — — — — T 16+00 16+50 17+00 INSTALL 257.66 LF OF 36" RCP (D-1100) PROP GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE T EX GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE - EX. RCWD 54" CML&C STEEL P 77 co ~ C° r' rn co o co + co + co r S=0.0086 MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF TEMECULA Q100 = 64.10 cfs V,00 _ 9.07 fps --------------- 17+50 IVIN,957-090-01 1 18+00 i n . EX. EMWD 15" SEWER PER D-26813 0� coo I- coo � 1180 I I --At- U W I m Ln + m_ W I 00 o (n (n 0') O O p mH NCO'~ r LC) 000 m w — N 000�> 121:�> p m Z m Z 0') O r� + (0 + `D > + c0 o- • O+ O�� N _I-1 41 1 1 1 160 1 1 1 INSTALL 218.36 LF OF 36" RCP (D-1100) HYDRAULIC DATA INSTALL 18.25 LF Q100 = 59.60 cfs OF 36" RCP (D-1100) V,00 = 8.43 fps 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 c'rnrrr r k innnX irL irn it iA D N I, (-�) r / . n (-�) (-) . (-) I r PROFILE SCALE HOR I Z . : 1 " = 40 ' VERT. : 1" = 4' n 11 0)3-- CO ^ 0 ^ + 0') Oil N J CONSTRUCTION NOTES 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 2g CONSTRUCT MODIFIED CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG 47 CB110 (L & W PER PLAN) 47 CONSTRUCT 36" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE \ 48 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE NO. 2 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG MH252 49 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER STORM DRAIN MARKER, DAS MANUFACTURING INC. #ORD OR EQUIVALENT LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N 66003'15" E -- 973.85' -- 36" RCP 2 90,00,00" 22.50' 35.34' 22.50' 36" RCP 3 N 23°56'45" W -- 11.50' -- 36" RCP 4 N 23°56'45" W -- 1 18.25' -- 1 36" RCP I I YN 1, CD �- U z O O 0 ��xO rro p �����-1J 1�JJJJ�PIN,957J�50-007 20 10 0 20 40 60 Ln �z �� o0W O� w 0° o x SCALE: 1 "=20' \ N W L=j 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael e Baker ae SUITE 200 • o TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. �' LD 20-11 14 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESS/p l DESIGNEDCF/BHS BY DRAWN BY CHECKEDJT/CF BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA SHEET N0. N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �o TA NN CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL y� o��o Fir �, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN C=22 SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED � No . 60132 o~�� @9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 INSPECTOR ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS 0 DATE COMPLETED VERTICAL st' j 01 V 1 o���� JOHN D . TANNER I I I DATE: PATR I CK A. THOMAS Q,dJ N/A F F t,�1E PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tf0 isas 4 LINE E R.C.E. 60132 R.C.E. 44223 NO DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 22 0F84 SHEETS o_ O lir O N O N N O O Q U Z Q m CD 0 0 i N N 0 i L0 O L0 W O o' o_ / 0 / 0 z Q J / 0 0 Q c� / L0 0 Ln i Q a 0 CL / PA 1 1 0 - PROP GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE EX GRADE @ CL OF La PROPOSED PIPE z 100-YR HGL N:2 n 1- + O r7; 00 6 00 O O O rD ww Q J O O+� � I I AROA �p Xpt� 633 36,, T 3 /,y�, </N� S=0.0050 S=0.0049 w Lw � N _ mr�� W N � O � 1160 Nz (04 00� +(D �' HYDRAULIC DATA + 0- - - HYDRAULIC DATA + Q,� = 4.0 cfs O Q,� = 4.0 cfs 0 V1oo= 2.3 fps V100 = 2.3 fps P INSTALL 34.55 LF INSTALL 18.00 LF 18" RCP (D-1250) 18" RCP (D-1250) PROP. EMWD 15" SEWER -t4- I I I T EX. EMWD 15" SEWER PER D-26813 I 10+00 10+50 11+00 III i 10 I i Oi -I PROP. EMWD 15" SEWER 1 20 EX. RCWD 54" CML& C STEEL PIPELINE iPER DO-810 PHASE I I p I Z T STREET IMP, 1 \ SEE SHEET C-13 T I 1 10+03.27 fC' 1 I I BEG. 18" RCP �\ T I I 31 \ �� 10+38.25 PI \` LAT "E-2" 1 END 18" RCP SEE_ HEREON 6 10+39.75 30 49 10+41.25 BEG. 18" RCP 1 I I I I 11T rl� I V' .JJ LJ SOT rn 1 1153.38 TOP 15" SS 10+18.19 1164.01 BOT 18" SD !► 0 1153.38 TOP 15" SS Q I I EX. SEWER MANHOLE, SEE SHEET C-13 I� I 20 EX . EMWD 15" SEWER 11 I c� I PER D-26813 TI� Q �I LAT "E-1" 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1•I , �`SUITE 200 TEM CULLA, CA 92591 PHONE- (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED DATE I BY 1170 7, x /3 > IBC PROP. 36" LINE E 1163.33 IE wwl�z Q J J N:2 0 K)E O � 0 +6 + �o � III PROP GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE -- EX GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPET I S=0.01 J H Li- 6 00 r- rD m 1160 OW w- o I l 0 0 00PO +(0 1 mo 3:+co EX. 54" � I � 00 0)� HYDRAULIC DATA WATERLINE t / C2 w � w - 0 __ o Q100 = 4.7 cfs INSTALL 14.82 LF V1oo Ti 2.7 fps OF 18" RCP (D-1200) Z !I n 1 � O I �I CO) III ;o 1�IIIII D LINE E I SEE SHEET C-21 11 I III EX. SEWER MANHOLE, I SEE SHEET C-13 it I I 1 SEE THEREON i. • • o Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D 10+00 LAT "E-2" 10+50 1 STREET IMP, SEE SHEET I C-13 Ai T ' \ EX. RCWD 54" ML& C STEEL PIPELINE PER DO-810 PHASE I X. EMWD 15" SEWER PER D-26813 10+18.71 PI END 18" RCP 10+20.21130 49 Y1 M� 10+13.66 1164.06 BOT 18" SD 31 1159.67 `OP 54" WT T 10+03.89 BEG. 18" RCP LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N05040'47"E -- 38.25' -- 18" RCP 2 N23056'45"W -- 22.00' -- 18" RCP 3 N64°21'18"W -- 18.71' -- 18" RCP 4 N62°59'04"W -- 42.08' 36" SD 5 06021'46" 1002.00' 111.27' 55.69' 36" SD 6 N66003'15"E -- 73.48' -- 36" SD 7 N68056'45"W -- 15.56' -- 36" SD 8 N23°56'45"W -- 30.50' -- 36" SD BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSIONW 0 HORIZONTAL ��Q`` ��0 • T AN,y�� AS NOTED � No. 60132 VERTICAL sf 01 V 1 N/A 9lF OF C 1 E� 1210 ABANDONED EX. RCWD 12"W,- CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EX. RCWD 12"W . I II 1200 II 11 p 06�2 I II S, ww M �o�wo _Uz O r -� o� D 0Doz M�0�Q o :2 -_ 1 190 0~cn CD m W 0� 0 f N 00 + rn o� INSTAL-L 42.08 LF OF 36" HP STORM DRAI i DUAL WALL PIPE EX GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE PROP GRADE @ CL OF PROPOSED PIPE 1 S=0.0100 U I W W \ N + I- O co � d- + N I� m �� 'I I ~0 0 II mo I mo ~� II 1o�0M��� I 00� 0� mI om°' m0 � �1- 0 0 Mo0 NNNo o "o0 JAI� e� o � EX. MWD 9qp$W / \�J�X. o MWD 75"W I . MWD 96"W (INSTALL 184.75 LF OF 36" H.D.P.E STORM PIPE (FUSION WELDED -NO JOINTS) Q100 = 43.8 cfs V1oo = 7.81 fps 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 / _ _R/W_ 10+ 00.00 LINE F 211 142+87.35 ST CL STA'- JOIN EX. MWD 42" RCP 210 10+04.06 �� > / 121 EX. 42" RCP 7 -1210 PER LD20-1160 EX. RCWD 60" CML&C- ' EX. 12" DW �/ ! / STEEL PIPELINE PER - �� 10+27.00 209 / _ RC700 PHASE 11 209 f- I 10+46. 14 PI Igo Ymz - / ��� - 36" HP FITTING 209 NICO -S_ _ �/ --- _ _ ROAD / 212 / 4 0' STREET IMPROVEMENTS - - - PER C-15 73 - 5 - - 10+22.311 - S / �`- 1203.44 BOT 12" RCWD W � � / _S`� - S - - - �S - - - S / 1201.54 TOP OF 36" SD � � �� -- J / ' �10+66.92 ----- - / 100-YR HGL NO JOINTS NO JOINTS 10' MIN 10' MIN I / O W - W 00 � O 00 O +O +O N N N N RCWD 60"W I + 0 ~ I� (n bj Ld I < w _ II M JO �Q� II + 00 1 on 0oF__ 0 n rn co .0 LnCO O O N WO _ INSTALL 46.06 LF OF 36" HP STORM DRAIN DUAL WALL PIPE - EMWD 15"SS --,,.,�I 12+39.58 - 1186.09 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 20' I VERT. : 1" = 4' 12+00 12+50 EX. RCWD 12" WATER 20 PER DO-810 PHASE II 4- - - -- - -- = R/W - - - - �� EX. ABANDONED 12" RCWD FILLED WITH 20 J � SLURRY PER RC126 - EXACT LIMITS EASTERLY UNKNOWN ��1210 � EX. SEWER MANHOLE, SEE SHEET C-15 i -- ---iM. '� rN 6 - _S -t)S- S - %� 1203.40 BOT 1199.46 TOP OF 36 SD OF 75"W / i 11+08 66� - c� 1203.82 BOT OF 36" SD -1-1200.65_JQPOF99"W --- _ - --- 1 1 +51 .57- 1204.23 BOT OF 36" SDI \ - -Y - - _ ��_-_ d / - - _"- R/W - 1199.01 TOP OF 96"W �� l-i-% 20 EX. EMWD 15" SEWER �� IIHOj----�-�� �r PER D-26816 12+39.58 / EX. MWD 96" RCP 1204.80 BOT OF 36 SD �� / / 20 � 1186.09 TOP OF 15"S �EX. MWD 96" RCP20 12+56.45 EX. MWD 96" RCP1205.30 BOT OF 36" SD 20 ��,�� % 1203.13 TOP OF 60"W ltx-LINE "F" - �- -`` II --n- -- - - -�- 12+30.89 P I 209 209 12+46 ' 45 P I 209 -M - - -/1A � �12+76.70 LINENE F =140+58.41 ST CL STA29 49 208 END 36" SD W I LLi co dd lam+ _ I W -lob `-1H CONSTRUCTION NOTES 73 REMOVE ABANDONED WATER LINE WHERE IN INSTALL ADS HP STORM DRAIN TO RCP 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 2g CONSTRUCT MODIFIED CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CB110 (L & W PER PLAN) 30 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CB110 20 10 0 20 40 60 31 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 49 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER STORM DRAIN MARKER, DAS SCALE: 1"=20' MANUFACTURING INC. #ORD OR EQUIVALENT DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY 210 CONFLICT WITH STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION. CONNECTION (MARMAC) PER STD DWG NO. 604A CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY REMOVAL EXTENTS BASED AND MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR ON ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS APPROVED EQUAL) 208 INSTALL 36" ADS HP STORM DRAIN WATERSTOP 211 INSTALL RCFCD & WCD TRANSITION STRUCTURE CAST -IN -PLACE MANHOLE CONNECTION PER NO. 3 PER STD DWG NO. TS303 MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 212 INSTALL HDPE FUSION WELDED JOINTS PER 209 INSTALL 36" ADS HP DUAL WALL WATER TIGHT MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (OR APPROVED FITTING PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS EQUAL) LD 20- 1 1 1 4 (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN OF Tc CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 C=23 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS PICK A. THOMAS F PUBLIC LAT E-1 LAT E-2, AND LINE FIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER �rTro ises 4°4� 23 OF 89 SHEET R.C.E. 44223 S-NO 4 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 N N 0 N flo 00 z 0 z w w c� 0 z Q c� 0 w 0° �- w_ N 00 N 00 +G;0 0�o� 1150 9 100-YR HGL - i �- S=0.0050 Q100 = 3.8 cfs V,00 = 2.99 fps INSTALL 114.13 LF OF 18" RCP (D-2000 / / CALLE GIRASOL LINE 99D Hod \ PROPOSED 8" WATER -SEE SHEET C-19 FOR -LINE PER SHEET C-33- o PLAN & PROFILE N / - - - — R/W - - / RETAINING WALL PER SHEET C-29 LINE "G" 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED J W w z _j PROP GRADE Ca CL. 0 PROP GRADE ®CL OF PROP GRADE CAD CL OF 00 0 m 0 PROPOSED PROPOSED PIPE PROPOSED PIPE 00 + Q U U o II EX GRADE @ CL OF I I-__ PROPOSED PIP - EX GRADE CL OF EX GRADE ®CL OF PROPOSED PIPE 0i PROPOSED PIPE 0 100-YR HGL m m 1170.00 1170 o� TW 70- 00 N O O O 100-YR HGL S=0 �050 PROP. LINE A CULVERT �O'V w `ti Ld — — w � 00 rn o 00 ( N w m � +� + L -(0+ 0 O— —— O O0 +� 0o0_2o 1160 0 � 0 — —00W U W m 0- ° w PROP. 6" PVC 0 0 _ w00 0 `m UNDERDRAIN o° m I E `n c° � O rn CO r- N p PERFORATED P I 00 0 0 ao� ±� �p �o n�r7 Io~ +rl- +c0 +cfl � �� Ocflc� _ �~ NO �� �- 00 HYDRAULIC DATA HYDRAULIC Q,� = 3.8 cfs Q,� DATA �; �' — HYDRAULIC DATA + L + L — Q,00 = 4.1cfs o� o� = 2.4 cfs V10 = 10.0 fps V,o = 2.27 fps Vim) = 12.9 fps INSTALL 41.14 LF INSTALL 22.66 LF INSTALL 24.04 LF RCP I (D-1300) I I i OF 18" RCP (D-1250) OF 18" I I i I I OF 24" RCP (D-1250) 12+00 I I m U Lc) w �rn 00 \ o ao 00 N + + l7 N M 0 O + +w BASIN IMPROVEMENTS ` PER SHEET C-27 SDSID- T7-TT----T1162— 12 — — _ — 00 N - - 0 STREET IMPROVEMENT � PER SHEETS C-16� I — o = N • • ® 20 10 0 20 40 60 Know what's below. SCALE: 1 "=20' Call before you dig. 10+00 11+00 EX. RCWD 8" WATER 1 PER RC-377-62 I , J I STREET IMPROVEMENT O PER SHEETS C-16 TEMP CONSTRUCTION w I EASEMENT z � m � CITY MAINTENANCE ~ Z � �11 EASEMENT I ++ J - i �Yz LV U 1 J ».0 + o �I J I T 45 BEGIN 18 CP o o 1 Q 9+9,9.81 _ � � � V 1 BASIN IMPROVEMENTS / 1 T PER SHEET C-27EEC 6 10+53.58 8" W X-ING 13+41.67 ST STA 14.00' RT 1� CB =10+69.14 LINE H 49 I / � - - / J� 8s • � g i � 31 ! L=3.0' H=4.53' 1 / T I PROPOSED 8" WATER 31 x�! 31 I I LINE PER SHEET C 33 I J I 63' �16-7 cv co 15' 13' 1 ' 20' \\ \ I T1, 28' I 1 I04`\ I T I M 03 LINE "H" "L" HEADWALL TABLE L1 7' - 3" L2 8' - 9" H1 4' - 8" REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROf ESSIpN�I O TAN, y HORIZONTAL `�� ��0 r �o r n SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED � No.60132 VERTICAL s� 01 V 1 \, N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 20' I VERT. : 1" = 4' 10+00 11+00 00 \0 00 0 - ,\ \ �� io � � � TEMP CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT / o° 0 0 �z r O �� o / o � \ / R/W - - pHL1168 1170 -F- �� \ \� \ \ 14 \ \\ 1172 — - - 32 10+37.59 96 PROP 8" WATER END 24" RCP LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N 23°55'55" W -- 70.47' -- 18" RCP 2 45000'00" 45.00' 35.34' 18.64' 18" RCP 3 N 68055'55" W -- 8.32' -- 18" RCP 4 N06003'09"E -- 17.58' -- 18" RCP 5 60000'00" 22.50' 23.56' 12.99' 18" RCP 6 N66003'17"E -- 22.66' -- 18" RCP 7 N34°38'26"E -- 24.04' -- 24" RCP DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 PROP 15" SEWER\ 10+13.55 \ y \ \ \ 66 BEGIN 24" ^ RCP MMMMM \ \ \ 114+00.42 ST STAB= \ \ \ \ \ 10+00.00 L I NE 'L 34 / \ \ \ \ \ = 10+93.07 LINE \ 1`REET I MPROVEM \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N I COLAS ROAD/ \ �R SHEETS C-12\L7 PROP 54" WATER \ \ \ \\ \ ,� \ \ OS� G LINE "L" CONSTRUCTION NOTES 14 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT-OFF WALL, PER DETAIL " B " OF RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH326 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 30 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE DROP INLET PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CB110 31 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 32 CONSTRUCT 24" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 34 CONSTRUCT JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG JS226 37 INSTALL MODIFIED ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH325 AND DETAILS ON C-28 44 INSTALL TYPE GO INLET WITH TYPE 24-13 GRATE PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN D72E AND D77B 45 FLARED END PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN D94B 49 INSTALL 4" DIAMETER STORM DRAIN MARKER, DAS MANUFACTURING INC. #ORD OR EQUIVALENT 66 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SPLASH PAD PER DETAIL ON C-25 96 CONSTRUCT "L" HEADWALL FOR SINGLE CIRCULAR PIPE PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN NO. D89 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 Q 0 N O N N of w z w o_ Q U w z 0 U) CD 0 .. PROP GRADE @ CL OF < PROPOSED PIPE I ~ I i 1070 o 00 N IL IL Om0 � ��, c0 11') N + c0 (0 r r r 100-YR HGL -J J V) OO N� - mF_ LO U-) 1`17 + cfl cfl EX GRADE @ CL OF r r r r r r PROPOSED PIPE S=0.0052 PROP. LINED CULVERT — — — i W W_ w U M tomWW N 00 10 N — 0_ N +O INFO_ O� (� —0 r r 0� o`°w r m 1060— o o7 N O O Him 1050— HYDRAULIC DATA 0 r CO �`° r r'7= 0 0NcO • r �X� rLfr Q100 = 10.0 cfs' Vloo = 11.74 fps INSTALL 206.43 LF OF 24" RCP (D-1700) 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 1•I , �`SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED DATE I BY INE 11+00 75' RIG T-OF-W EASEMENT I FAVOR OF THE TY OF TEMECULA RECORDED /4/1996 AS INST. NO. 19196-20 01 � O.R. ROADWAY TO E- 4 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D I T KIC " I" BENCH MARK FINISH SURFACE @ PIPE R/W � o 0-- m00 Q_r U O O ~ N Orn I 00z T00N �H E_ I Oc�cfl � cn < EX GRADE PROP. LINE D r ~ CULVERT EX GRADE @ CL OF I GROUTED CLASS (— PROPOSED PIPE I RIP RAP AT GRADE �-- — EX CONIC. V-D TC U U m W � — W NLn Nr7 r� F W W W W � w + C0 N � W 10 0M0 cp r-- � O � N � r r r r 0_ > m� N r. a- ro r O r o z +co +(Dw o(Door Or Orm WJU �W rr LL_ r rX O LOW — + N C0 - r0 r r� = N 0_ 0_ � tom + LO - CO N rxr r r W r 12+00 I -� 20 EX. V-DITCH 20 EX. CULVE EX. RCWD 54 CML&C STEEL - f � I PIPELINE PER DO-810 TO BE- RELOCATED PER C-31 VAR. WIDTH EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SCE RECORDED 10/10/1980 AS INST. NO. 187686 O.R. 20 EX. V-DITCH EX". V-DITCH-- Nor RD ,cy 1� N y 6" CONCRET CONC BLOCI SPLASH WAL A PLAN VIEW NO SCALE INE 1+00 1+50 V—DITCH— TRANSITION EX. 3' WIDE PIPE PER PLAN CONC. DITCH/ EARTHEN SWALE — — — — �A RIM ELEV 6" 6" PER PLANAf g„ 36„ 9- N z r _ a z ' 11, <a C e CO A #4 @ 12" MAX BBOTH DIRECTIONS 3 INV PER PLAN SEC TION A -A NO SCALE 3'X3' V-DITCH TO 2+00 •D 1050 6" 3" / EX. 3' WIDE CONC. DITCH/ EARTHEN SWALE #4@ 12" MAX. 12" MIN. 4 ^ o CONCRETE CLASS 560—C-3250 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 20' I VERT. : 1" = 4' 6" CONCRETE OR CONC BLOCK SPLASH WALL z. (INTERCEPTOR 3 CLR INTERCEPTOR DRAIN DRAIN (�,P) REINFORCEMENT (6x6-1.4Wx 1.4 WWM) SEC TION B-B NO SCALE PIPE TRANSITION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ARCH CULVERT WALL CULVERT FOOTING — 18" CLASS 1� GROUTED RIP RAC' _ h �C STREET IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 PER SHEET C-12 14 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT-OFF WALL, PER DETAIL "B" OF RCFC & q2=� WCD STD. DWG CH326 cV o3 20 PROTECT IN PLACE Ho3 31 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 32 CONSTRUCT 24" RCP; D-LOAD PER PROFILE 34 CONSTRUCT JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 1 PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG JS226 20 10 0 20 40 60 66 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SPLASH PAD PER DETAIL ON C-25 " 69 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS II GROUTED RIP RAP LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N20°38'26"E -- 12.72' CL 2 41046'38" 22.50' 16.41' 24" RCP 3 N62025'04"E -- 163.40' 24" RCP 4 48°27'42" 22.50' 19.03' 24" RCP 5 N13°57'22"E -- 7.60' 24" RCP 6 N20°38'26"E -- 12.72' CL 7 N20038'26"E -- 9.00' 18" RCP rp—C) i C3� PLAN VIEW NO SCALE PIPE OUTLET POINT ARCH AT WALL FACE CULVERT \ GROUT AT ALL JOINTS r 0� 00 0 EVIROFLE, ARTICULA J 0 0 BLOCK 00 �O0c C 00 (_� 0 0 CL LVLI\ 1 FOOTING GROUTED RIP RAP SECTION C-C EVIROFLEX ARTICULATED BLOCK NO SCALE CONCRETE SPLASH PAD SCALE: 1"=20' 95 CONSTRUCT V-DITCH TO PIPE TRANSITION PER C.O.T. STD. NO. 304 AND LD 20— 1 1 1 4 DETAIL ON C-25 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SCALE QROf ESS1pN9l CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. �o 11� TA HORIZONTAL ,��Q ��F� `n6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF f z SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED No. 60132 -�( DATE: VERTICAL NA `ff9lF OCp �E60132 F V1� R JOHN ER III ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 C=25 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS CALLE GIRASOL LINE J AND LINE K 25 OF 88 SHEET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Q CO 0 N 0 N N o' w z w w o' Q c� w z 0 r cn c� 0 AFIN, J57-JJJJ022 i �I 10' WIDE EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SCE RECORDED 8/12/1975 AS INST. NO. r�P1\l,J57-JJJJJ23 / �� / x / 59 3 <11 X 1158 7 r- DAYLIGHT >( _ — — — - '1153.49 i - FG --4 W-----w---w— F\ I —�—+ G---G—� —E oz �IE� —I- —E— — iZ— — — — IOH -��—� HL m J d� LU c I, rn 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., BakerMichael SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED Know what's below. Callbefore you dig. REVISIONS IDATE N C.) W L1J Q O 0)0Ul co LU - Cl) — aid. U, V z_ JZ V Q CONSTRUCTION NOTES 13 CONSTRUCT 4" A.C. OVER 6" C.A.B. MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD, PER MODIFIED C.0.T ACCESS ROAD STD. NO 106. WIDTH PER PLAN, 20 PROTECT IN PLACE w 37 INSTALL MODIFIED ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH325 AND DETAILS ON C-28 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 51 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING COMM POLE BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 30 15 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1"=30' 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSION'\ 0 TA �, y HORIZONTAL Z rn AS NOTED W No. 60132 VERTICAL sl 0 I V 1\. N/A 9lF OF C a�1E�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE SHEET NO. C=26 26 OF 84 110' 55' I co r j 40 35 � �v ApI�1.J��� 50-005 JU i. 37 c LO I.�( 1 I/ ' 1-1 1 ch 1164.72 TW/FS 1163.71 TW/FS 1164.00 TW FS \`II 1160.72 TF 1159.71 TF _ 1160.00 TF DAYLI H _ 1163.99 TW/FS 15 1 159.99 TF _ _ _� N 1164.40 TW \ 46 1164.00 1164.69 O 163.90'FS 74 \ FS FS 1 158.78 TW/FS - _1 1 17 80 TW �� 16 \ �� - - - I I 1173.30 FS - ) DAYLIGHT ���/// 1 166.48 _ I 1174 �2_,j� �1� - 0TW % G OFFS ---- I I I JI 1165.88- �1166.70 - » � L1.173.70 FS- FS LINE H SEE O' 67 ��/� ))�� 37 FS 1 168.05 SHEET C-24 �^ Al 1173.60 TW,J�i ��� LO - FS ti I� O .�O 1173.14 FS/1'_ C� � \ k 2:1 O� �✓/O \, 0 15` 1 173. 10 TW" 1 I 1 �`� 1165,8 - \ 13 f SPLASH PAD PER STORM DRAIN PLANS ( TYP) '.'�� I 2.0% O >> 1172.60 FSi I I FS - \ �>> > O �� O �� ,�� �(D 1164.42 1164.54 w 1168.10 V PROPOSED 11 H X 22 W 1173.10 TW FOUR -SPAN BURIED O O 1172.60 FS �� FS FS 20 FS \\ 46 CONCRETE ARCH STRUCTURE, o I hl pp0 158.78 TW FS (TYP) 776 \ r` , ;1 162.72 TW/FS S SEE SHEET C-19 fi� P O U O 1154.78 TF 1169.79 �1169.87 / O O 67 ��r� 8 1 158.72 TF \ Iv / FS b PROPOSED POWER POLE, I - � � O 16 - � � - - - `��� FS ��- -� - - - - - - - - - - - - ,1V IN , 9 5 1- J J J- J 1 J ! SEE SHEET C-12 � I / 0 0 0 / o / 0 37 -- /� \\.. b , O ON < 17 11 0 / EXISTING POWER POLE W/ GUY WIRE / �p I p O p �O 7 c< AND EXISTING COMM. POLES (2) �I I O p �+ /� /� �+ N _ SEE SHEET C-1 �p , �� � p p 0 (p p�� U p pp 1163.17 TW CALLE GIRT SOL -1 1 1 O 6� /1 1162.67 FS1.2 1 1173.85 TW _ - - - 1173.70 FS / �� C> (j p0 p�/ � - 1173.09 TW 1164.40 TW / v c, T 1172.59 FS 1163.90 FS O -- - 39 _ 1 j 70 I I -, I ��� d p O/// No_� 1166.66 TW Q�D / Y-,-' o 1166.51 FS p; -`V N �H 14 .R W ,� - ---- - -------- ---- O / LINE "G" SEE 7pd / p` / , --� SHEET C-24 % - � STREET IMPROVEMENT / C�`jj n 2.0% 2.0% , ,� PER SHEET C-16 X O 1157.41 TF/FS� ' 1173.40 FS 67 � 5 TW �c U U PROPOSED POWER POLE, 0 / J , �O c SEE SHEET C-12 00 1172.70 TW O 1 / N W j Cb 1172.20 FS g �� f� , ry EXISTING POWER POLE, , ' �� �� U �' i 1168 EXISTING CHAIN / 46 O O� / /O / / SEE SHEET C-12 d . .� LINK FENCE 1172.40 TW 67 CTV 37 _� 1171.90 FSJ� U 2 O% C� I /EXISTING POWER POLE i , i �4� k 67 p O I // SEE SHEET C-12 0 i O� 1172.40 TW O w I I k C 1171.90 FS� G� O / �'u' �1172.40 � TW- O / \�C 37 Z 1156.85/� STREET IMPROVEMENT PER SHEET C-12 I _A/ P]N;957-090-01 � �I 1 IT \ II 1 T U 11 S 67 zc� / 11 ca / SEE RETAINING WALL DETAIL ON SHEET C-29 (� 1172.40 TWA )� /1 171�.90 FS /'� _1157.39 TW/FS ;/ -1153.39 TF I I STREET I MPR VEMENT .% r� ���� J J 1 J� J J J J J i 171 84 TW w 2; 1 1 PER SHEET C-12 1171 .34 FS / I , T u�/ , , / / CONSTRUCTION NOTES l� 1171.84 TW I I I / (9)INSTALL ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATING CONCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURE RECOMMENDATIONS I I / /� /� 1 157.50 TW 1171.34 FS OR APPROVED EQUAL // ��� � » b1 1157.00 FS E� I Q / / 13 CONSTRUCT 4 A.C. OVER 6» C.A.B. MAINTENANCE ACCESS ROAD, PER MODIFIED C.O.T ACCESS 1156 91 v \1156.91 -off a I I �' / ROAD STD. NO 106. WIDTH PER PLAN, �� FS �� IFS ° r�I / / 7766 14 CONSTRUCT MODIFIED 2 FEET DEEP CUT-OFF WALL, PER DETAIL "B" OF RCFC &WCD STD. DWG 1 156.82,\ / / CH326 X EX. DIKE rTll�-. • .i N, 30 15 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1"=30' 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 0'i SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 0 L J90-02J= MgTC I , INE - SEE EE SHEET' _ ICON -AS ROAD C 26 STA. 111+p0 • • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D sti BENCH MARK DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SCALE QROf ESSIpN�I 0CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF HORIZONTAL �O �0 TAN �. ��, y � �r � PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF n SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED No.60132 DATE: VERTICAL s�'lF �� V 1 �1 JOHN D. TANNER III N/A CA R.C.E. 60132 37 INSTALL MODIFIED ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RCFC & WCD STD. DWG CH325 AND DETAILS ON C-28 39 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER DETAILS ON STRUCTURAL PLANS 42 6" PVC CLEAN -OUTS, TOP OF GRATE SHALL EXTEND 6 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED GROUND, SPACE MIN. 20' ON PIPE AND PER PLAN. 46 CONSTRUCT 4' DEEP CAST IN PLACE TYPE 6A CUT-OFF WALL PER CALTRANS STD. PLAN 133-7A 57 REMOVE EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 67 EYEBOLT CONNECTION TO CUT-OFF WALL PER STRUCTURAL PLANS SHEET S-17 LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 4 N69021'34"W -- 79.27' -- RETAINING WALL 5 N50021'34"W -- 50.25' -- RETAINING WALL 6 N82038'26"E -- 61.17' -- RETAINING WALL 7 N50021'34"W -- 34.12' -- RETAINING WALL 8 N24021'34"W -- 12.40' -- RETAINING WALL 9 N20038'26"E -- 99.68' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 10 N34047'51"E -- 16.32' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 11 N20038'26"E -- 106.20' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 12 N88000'12"W -- 72.72' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 13 N10047'03"E -- 14.75' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 14 N01014'17"W -- 92.64' -- 2' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 15 N42012'49"W -- 45.93' -- 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL 16 N58°06'28"W 26.36' 4' DEEP CUT-OFF WALL RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE 27 OF88 SHEETS Q Ln 0 N 0 N N \ LO w z w a - Of Q U w z 0 cn (D 0 c u c u r EX GROUND � 10 2 1 MP 0 CONVEYANCE BOTTOM o 1155.3 FG 0), 2' RCWD WELL SITE 0.5' rl (1167.2 FS) EX RET WALL TCE EX FENCE I DAYLIGHT I 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED FENCE 2' , RCWD WELL SITE 0.5 (1167.2 FS) CONCRETE 1: 1 SECTION A A SEE C-26 FOR PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE �EX GROUND SECTION B-B SEE C-26 FOR PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE �EX GROUND CONVEYANCE BOTTOM 1154.7 FG SECTION C-C SEE C-26 FOR PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE 0- Know what's below. Callbefore you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QRpfESS1pN9\ TACm No. 60132 Or- V L �� 9lF OF C k���`�� TCE 1 I I SECTION D-D SEE C-27 FOR PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE � DAYLIGHT i �EX GROUND CONVEYANCE BOTTOM 1157.0 FG CAALE GIRASOL tK 10 EX GROUND 2: 1 MAX - — — — / �,� [[—CONCRETE q� DROP INLET 79 ` WQMP 0 BASIN 24 " 1162.0 F 18" RCP LINE "G", SEE SHEET C-24 BURRITO WRAP 6"PVC PERFORATED PIPE SECTION E-E SEE C-27 FOR PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 N => DAYLIGHT Ii i �CME, TCE I �w '-2: 1 MAX 3" MULCH DEPTH VARIES 18"MIN - WASHED CONCRETE SAND 12"MIN - 1" GRAVEL BED NON -WOVEN GEO-TEXTILE FABRIC RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 NOTE: ROCK LINED CHANNEL PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL STANDARD CH 325 AND DETAILS ON C-28 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 78 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS III 150 LB BURIED UNDERGROUTED RIP RAP 79 INSTALL CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE 100 INSTALL MIRAFI 110ON FILTER FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT 101 INSTALL CALTRANS CLASS V 1/4 TON BURIED UNGROUTED RIP RAP CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS SHEET NO. C=28 OFFSITE GRADING AND CONVEYANCE SECTIONS128 OF84 W / /.6 / NLLI �� 120 � o n o 0 W r2 I) / N 1 / / \ NUN N C14N N I oC I �.w-O / / O \ w �.w �.w 20 / O T -- 16 ' W H - PPT P�-- - Hi� p _ _ -R/WT- - 2: 1 �1212'�'- - — co Iw 1 -- _--� � 1212: 1 3 0 PROPOSED CLASS I 1,170. I I I I NI 2 BIKEWAY 3 oa 00 ° a . r-Ln U) V) V �J r-L / I 0°i� �� �w ��w ��w -� �� +L0 P7rn 00 H-H-� ��� ��H- +Ln r7rn —S% -S- — —S — O O LnJ OJ OJ 04O —S— - - �Ln �r-Ln �- NN 141+42.89 BC 0.N.Ln�P7^ N.L0_L0 L0 - I - - 140 1 1. - I I - -o ` -----Oo- —o cC°o -.-.0 `n rn —� - - ---.0- -- NNN �� -.-.0-- NN �- NNN - - - - W- 1�TV�0& W- - - �PROPOSED STORM DRAIN _ W- - - - - - /� W PIPE PER C-23 W --- - W- - - W- - - W- - - W- � � _ W- - �W- - - W- W A-BD� / W- I� NICOLAS ROAD / J� RETAINING WALL DETAIL EASTERLY AT JESSIE CIRCLE 1" = 20' LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE ® BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT NOTE 1 N66003'15"E -- 60.00' -- CMU RETAINING WALL 2 N66003'15"E -- 51.23' -- RETAINING WALL 3 N70008'25"W -- 36.86' -- RETAINING WALL 4 N23°55'55"W -- 119.97' -- RETAINING WALL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 16 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 PER COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDING DEPARTMENT STD 20 PROTECT IN PLACE 39 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER DETAILS ON STRUCTURAL PLANS 50 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING POWER POLES BY S.C.E. PER SEPARATE PLANS 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 0 LVA ffQ' �, � ' i SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O HORIZONTAL r �o r rn AS NOTED � No. 60132 � VERTICAL 01 V N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� / I / 014+n7 PROPOSEDWATER LINERELOCATION PER C-31�1 . 9 ST-N I COLAS-CL =- / / 10+00.00 ST CALLE GIRASOL CL / / PROPOSED WATER LINE / / / / / RELOCATION PER C-33 I / How / U _ W' /� - EXISTING - i1 - ao - _ _-12 - - - --------N—�---------- —------- - ----- o / POWER POLE TO / / BE RELOCATED / / RELOCATED POWER -BY / POLE BY S.C.E. CALLE GIRASOL H0 / - / Hod - 7 a- 77 H02 �2 1 172.887 -00- — — — — — / N 1169 117 ��n - - 4yN 1168 OHL HL 0 / / PROPOSED STORM DRAIN, I I / / , , 2 ,� - - R W / PIPE PER C-25 / / / / ,� / �� / / / I // �� 000 � 00L0 0 n� 39 0N0000 N� ~~ O j / I 1173.40/ r-O P7o 000 Nrnrn0 o o o / L 0 U (/ / I I + rO + �� + OO / rnO ao� / / 1 13+52.36 EC i z FG / o� oM oM 1 +04 00 > �j i / O I I I 523016 1173.90 TW L16'S1 / / ,'';�'���� EXISTING POWER POLE TO 1160.00 TF BE RELOCATED BY S.C.E. / / / I 523041 ' R� CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE LO i n� / / 2.0% ' POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO STORM 1173.50 TW 1160.00 TF DRAIN INLET. ��„ I / j (n / I I I I 3 112+99.9 I i 52.55' R2 I I I I co 1163.00 TW/ / �,j O, /' 01 / I 1160.00 TF w / I 2: 1 I I / // y'` ✓ i j/ k 10' EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF O-�- cn I / GENERAL TEL COMPANY RECORDED 2/26/1970 AS INST. NO. 18024 O.R. ITLd In V,CJV / T PROPOSED STORM DRAIN \\ I PIPE PER C-25 0 I w I I l i \I ,\I T Sn.. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RETAINING WALL D ETAI L SOUTHWEST OF NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL INTERSECTION 1" = 20' RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 %moo= Z= V NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS RETAINING WALL DETAILS 29 OF 88 SHEETS GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS CIVIL LEGEND w c� 0 N 0 N 0 N w z 0 cn n, w z w w w Q U c? 0 0 0 0 LO 0 LO i z 0 Q U 0 w w w 0 0 w / w 0 / w Q 0 0 Q 0 T) i Q Q 0 EL 1. GENERAL A. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL FACILITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT'S (RCWD/DISTRICT) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, TECHNICAL PROVISIONS, AND STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES (LATEST REVISION) AND THE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS. THE RCWD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE DISTRICT'S WEBSITE AT WWW.RANCHOWATER.COM. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE IN POSSESSION OF DISTRICT'S SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. B. ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW SHALL BE ACQUIRED BY THE DEVELOPER/APPLICANT OR THEIR CONTRACTOR. C. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT CAL OSHA SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. D. APPROVAL BY RCWD IMPLIES NO PERMISSION OTHER THAN THAT WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S JURISDICTION. REQUIREMENTS OF RCWD SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES ONLY WHEN RCWD REQUIREMENTS ARE MORE STRINGENT. E. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY RCWD'S CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS MANAGER A MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED UNTIL ALL ITEMS IN THE DEVELOPER'S INSPECTION PACKAGE HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY RCWD. A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK IS REQUIRED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY RCWD'S CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS MANAGER A MINIMUM OF THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO ANY SHUTDOWNS. F. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTIFICATION TO THE RCWD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS MANAGER REQUESTING A SYSTEM SHUTDOWN FOR CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEM. SAID NOTIFICATION SHALL BE MADE A MINIMUM OF THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO SAID SHUTDOWN. G. CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGNATE A QUALIFIED SUPERINTENDENT WITH FULL AUTHORITY TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE CONTRACTOR. SAID SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. H. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL WORK UNDER RIVERSIDE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT, CITY OF TEMECULA, OR CITY OF MURRIETA JURISDICTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF SAID DEPARTMENT OR CITY INCLUDING TRAFFIC CONTROL, PAVEMENT REMOVAL, TEMPORARY PAVEMENT PLACEMENT, PERMANENT PAVEMENT PLACEMENT (INCLUDING BASE MATERIAL) AND TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT TRAFFIC STRIPING. I. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE THEY WERE SIGNED BY RCWD. J. A CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN IS PROVIDED FOR THIS PROJECT AND SHALL SERVE AS A BASIS FOR THE APPROACH TO PROJECT CONSTRUCTION. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS THAT COULD BE IMPACTED AND THE PROJECT OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 2. PIPELINE AND APPURTENANCES A. ALL VALVES, PIPING, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED THE SPECIFIED MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE SHOWN ON THE PLAN/PROFILE SHEETS. IN ADDITION, ALL VALVES, PIPING, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE TESTED AT A PRESSURE OF 10% OVER SAID MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE. VALVES SHALL BE CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING SAID TEST PRESSURE IN A CLOSED POSITION. B. ALL MATERIALS, TESTING, AND INSPECTION SHALL BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CITY OF TEMECULA, CITY OF MURRIETA, AND/OR THE AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION STANDARDS. FAILURE TO MEET ANY REQUIREMENTS OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED ENTITIES WILL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION. C. PIPE OUTSIDE THE PUMP STATION FOOTPRINT SHALL BE STEEL AND THE SIZES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WITH MINIMUM CYLINDER THICKNESS OF 10 GAUGE. D. VALVES 12" AND SMALLER SHALL BE RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. VALVES 16" AND LARGER SHALL BE BUTTERFLY VALVES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING NOS. RW-30 AND RW-31 AND MEET THE MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE. E. AIR VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLIES FOR BELOW GRADE PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING NOS. RW-9, RW-10 OR RW-11, AND AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. F. ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE 1" OR 2" COPPER SERVICES BY 1", 1.5", 2" METERS AS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL SERVICES SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY RCWD INSPECTOR, TO MISS DRIVEWAYS AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWINGS NO. RW-13 AND RW-14. ALL COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTI -FAMILY, LARGE -LOT, OR LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION METERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A DISTRICTED APPROVED BACKFLOW DEVICE RW-18. G. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DRAWING NO. RW-7. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE PRESSURE CLASS OF THE PIPE SELECTED FOR THE FIRE LATERAL SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE MAIN IT IS CONNECTED TO. H. WATER PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DRAWING NOS. RW-29A ,RW-29B, RW-32, RW-33, RW-34, RW-35, AND RW-36. I. THRUST RESTRAINT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY WELDED JOINTS OR MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINTS. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS ARE NOT ALLOWED FOR NEW PIPING. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED TO RESTRAIN ANY EXISTING UNRESTRAINED PIPE JOINTS DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING NO. RW-26 WITH ALL BEARING AREA SIZES CALLED OUT ON THE PLANS. J. PIPE SUPPORTS FOR ABOVE GROUND STEEL PIPE 12 INCHES AND GREATER SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING RW-37. K. EXCAVATION, BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR PIPES 4 INCHES DIAMETER AND GREATER SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING RW-25 EXCEPT FOR SPECIAL SHALLOW BACKFILL AREA PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-35. L. WHERE SHEAR RINGS ARE SHOWN FOR BURIED PIPELINES, THEY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING RW-26A. M. WHERE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT IS SHOWN FOR BURIED STEEL PIPELINES, IT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD STANDARD DRAWING RW-27, TYPE 1. N. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING WATER SERVICES AND MAINTAIN WATER SERVICE BY MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND/OR TEMPORARY PIPING. THE ONLY SHUT DOWNS ALLOWED WILL BE FOR MOVING OR REESTABLISHING CONNECTIONS. ALL TEMPORARY PIPING SHALL MEET ALL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR POTABLE WATER SERVICE AND TITLE 22 REQUIREMENTS. 0. PRIOR TO ORDERING PIPE AND APPURTENANCES, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND FIELD VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND TYPE OF THE EXISTING PIPE LINES TO ENSURE DIMENSIONAL AND MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY WITH NEW PIPE AND CONNECTION METHODS. P. THE PLACEMENT OF SURFACE APPURTENANCES (HYDRANTS, BLOW OFFS, AIR VALVES, ETC.) SHOWN IS GENERAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH RCWD STAFF FOR EXACT PLACEMENT AND COORDINATION WITH FIELD CONDITIONS. Know whaft below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS NUMBER I DATE I INITIALS DESCRIPTION 3. UTILITIES A. AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING ANY EXCAVATION, CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (1-800-422-4133) AND NON-MEMBER COMPANIES, OR UTILITIES TO MARK OR OTHERWISE INDICATE THE LOCATION(S) OF THEIR SUBSURFACE FACILITIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, STRUCTURES INCLUDING VAULTS, MAIN CONDUCTORS OR CONDUITS, AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS. B. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE EXISTING WATERLINES AT PROPOSED CONNECTIONS AND CROSSINGS AND VERIFY ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS, AND SIZE OF EXISTING FACILITIES. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INTERRUPT OR DISTURB ANY UTILITY FACILITY WITHOUT AUTHORITY FROM THE UTILITY COMPANY. WHERE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED TO ENSURE INTEGRITY OF UTILITY FACILITIES (INCLUDING DISTRICT —OWNED UTILITIES), CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND PLACE ALL NECESSARY PROTECTION. 4. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. MINIMUM PIPE COVER SHALL BE 48" FROM FINISHED GROUND SURFACE. B. WATER SYSTEM PROFILE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FLOW LINE OF PIPE. C. STATIONING FOR PIPELINE AS SHOWN ON PLAN PORTION OF DRAWINGS IS PERPENDICULAR TO CENTERLINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY. D. STANDARD UTILITY LOCATIONS SHALL BE PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY STANDARD NO. 817 AND RCWD STANDARD DRAWING S-23. SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND SEWER SHALL BE PER CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH (CDPH) GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF WATERMAINS AND NON -POTABLE PIPELINES. E. THE COORDINATES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE IN THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983, STATE PLANE, CALIFORNIA ZONE 6 COORDINATE SYSTEM. F. PURSUANT TO 16 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS 404.1 , NO FIELD CHANGES TO THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ARE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER THROUGH THE PROCESS IDENTIFIED IN SECTION II.D. OF RCWD'S WATER SYSTEM FACILITY REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES (LATEST VERSION). RCWD INSPECTION AND ENGINEERING STAFF HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO APPROVE FIELD CHANGES WITHOUT THE PRIOR STAMPED AND SEALED REVISIONS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OR A SUCCESSOR ENGINEER. ALL WORK DONE IN VIOLATION OF APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE EXCAVATED AND REMOVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE EXPENSE. 5. CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES PIPELINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED SO THAT ACTUAL FLOW LINE ELEVATIONS ARE WITHIN 0.1 FOOT OF DESIGN FLOW LINE ELEVATIONS. PIPELINES, WHEN INSTALLED, SHALL HAVE CONTINUOUS UPGRADE OR DOWNGRADE, CORRESPONDING WITH DESIGN SLOPE, WITHOUT ANY HIGH SPOTS. PIPELINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED SO THAT ACTUAL PIPELINE CENTERLINES ARE WITHIN 0.1 FOOT OF DESIGN PIPELINE CENTERLINES. AIR VALVE LATERALS SLOPE UP AND FIRE HYDRANT LATERALS SLOPE DOWN. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM WITH CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE SPECIFIED TOLERANCES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSIST DISTRICT AS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM COMPLIANCE WITH CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE OR ASSIST IN MAKING ALL NECESSARY MEASUREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY DISTRICT. 6. INSPECTION DEPOSIT THREE WEEKS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DEVELOPER/APPLICANT SHALL MAKE A DEPOSIT FOR INSPECTION. INSPECTION DEPOSITS ARE BASED UPON ESTIMATES. SHOULD ACTUAL COSTS BE GREATER, THE BALANCE SHALL BE PAID TO THE DISTRICT BY THE APPLICANT. SHOULD ACTUAL COSTS BE LESS, THE BALANCE SHALL BE REFUNDED TO THE APPLICANT. FEE/DEPOSITS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SHEET INDEX SHEET NO. DWG. DESCRIPTION 1 C-30 RCWD GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, AND SHEET INDEX 2 C-31 54-INCH WATER LINE RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 3 C-32 8-INCH WATER LINE (NICOLAS RD) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 4 C-33 8-INCH WATER LINE (CABLE GIRASOL) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 5 C-34 8-INCH WATER LINE (BIKE PATH) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE 6 C-35 DETAILS 7 C-36 UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING STAGING EXHIBIT 8 C-37 UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING -TEMP HIGH LINE EXH BENCHMARK RIVERSIDE COUNTY BM: T-46-81 RESET 1997 ELEVATION:1097.163 (NGVD29) 31" ALUMINUM DISK STAMPED "T-46-81 RESET 1997" LOCATED ON WILY SIDE OF S'LY SIDEWALK ON THE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK, APPROX. 5 MILE N. OF NICOLAS ROAD BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE VI,NAD83 (EPOCH 2O07.00) AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY A LINE BETWEEN CONTINUOUS OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS (CORS) MAT2 AND BILL BEING N47-35-57.46E AS DERIVED FROM GEODETIC VALUES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE CENTER (CSRC) AND/OR NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS), RESPECTIVELY. SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED MC Q��FESS/O,y9 l m W No.60132 SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY: THE SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY IS A COMPILATION OF THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY BASED ON FLIGHTS BY: INLAND AERIAL SURVEYS, INC. 7117 ARLINGTON AVE., SUITE A RIVERSIDE, CA. 92503 COMPILED FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY DATED 1 -22-14AND 9-23-19 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL COMPILED FROM FIELD SURVEYS CONDUCTED FROM OCTOBER 2019 THROUGH FEBRUARY 2020. I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM (AS SHOWN ON PLANS) ASPH ASPHALT AV/AR AIR VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLY BF BLIND FLANGE BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE BO BLOW -OFF BV BALL VALVE C/L, (L' CENTERLINE CARV COMBINATION AIR VAC AIR RELEASE VALVE CATV CABLE TELEVISION CCT CHLORINE CONTACT TANK CML&C CEMENT MORTAR LINED AND COATED CML,TW&CMC CEMENT MORTAR LINED, TAPE WRAPPED, & CEMENT MORTAR COATED CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNITY COMM COMMUNICATION CYD CUBIC YARD DEFL DEFLECTION DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DIA DIAMETER DWG. DRAWING E EAST EL ELEVATION EL&C EPDXY LINED AND COATED EL&CMC EPDXY LINED AND CEMENT MORTAR COATED EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EOH ELECTRIC OVERHEAD EXIST (E) EXISTING FL FLOW LINE FLG FLANGE(D) G GAS GA GAUGE GAL GALLON GALV GALVANIZED GB GRADE BREAK GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE GV GATE VALVE HGL HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE HORIZ HORIZONTAL HPI HORIZONTAL POINT OF INFLECTION HP HIGH PRESSURE, HIGH POINT ID INSIDE DIAMETER IE INVERT ELEVATION IFK INSULATING FLANGE KIT INT INTERSECTION INV INVERT LB(S) POUND(S) LT LEFT LP LOW POINT MIN MINIMUM MJ MECHANICAL JOINT M.O. MASONRY OPENING N NORTH NTS NOT TO SCALE OBS OBSTRUCTED OSG ON -SITE GENERATOR PC POINT OF CURVATURE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE PL PROPERTY LINE POC POINT OF CONNECTION PP POWER POLE PS PUMP STATION PT POINT OF TANGENT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PV PLUG VALVE PZ PRESSURE ZONE R RADIUS RT RIGHT R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY RD ROAD REINF REINFORCEMENT RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 PROPOSED WATERLINE — PROPOSED WATERLINE (WITH INTERFERENCES) S SEWER, SOUTH S= SLOPE " PROPOSED SIDE OUTLET OR TEE SCE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON PROPOSED RESILIENT SEATED GATE/WEDGE VALVE SCH SCHEDULE PROPOSED BUTTERFLY VALVE SD STORM DRAIN PROPOSED 6" HP FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY SHC SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SPEC SPECIFICATIONS ► PROPOSED THRUST BLOCK SSTL STAINLESS STEEL a PROPOSED AIR VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLY STA STATION STD STANDARD PROPOSED ELBOW STL STEEL PROPOSED CAP T&B TOP AND BOTTOM PROPOSED BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD TS PROPOSED TEST STATION TEL TELEPHONE PROPOSED METER TOC TOP OF CURB, TOP OF CONCRETE TOH TELEPHONE OVERHEAD W— EXISTING WATERLINE/SIZE/MATERIAL TOP TOP OF PIPE UTW EXISTING UNTREATED WATERLINE/SIZE/MATERIAL TOW TOP OF WALL E]-�� EXISTING WATER SERVICE TYP TYPICAL EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC EXISTING BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY UGT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UTW UNTREATED WATER EXISTING AIR VACUUM AND AIR RELEASE UVDC UPPER VALLE DE LOS CABALLOS ASSEMBLY VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE �D4R- EXISTING BUTTERFLY VALVE W WATER, WEST EXISTING SIDE OUTLET OR TEE M; EXISTING METER DIRT EDGE OF DIRT ROAD C L CENTERLINE OF ROAD RIGHT—OF—WAY PL PROPERTY LINE EOH EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE OVERHEAD — E — - EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND — T — — EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE — — COM— EXISTING UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION LINE TOH EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE OVERHEAD SD EXISTING STORM DRAIN CULVERT —S— _ EXISTING SANITARY LINE EDGE OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT TRAFFIC STRIPES O UNDERGROUND UTILITY CROSSING (AS NOTED) SIGN ROCK TREE n GUY WIRE POWER POLE STREET LIGHT ® EXISTING SANITARY SCEPTIC TANK � J PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER DATE 2: 1 SLOPE TOP/TOE OF PROPOSED GRADE EASEMENT LINE -. POTHOLE LOCATION ENGINEER NOTES TO CONTRACTOR FOR ALL CONNECTION POINTS, CONTRACTOR TO EXCAVATE NEAREST JOINT ON BOTH SIDES OF CONNECTION POINT TO DETERMINE TIE-IN LOCATION PRIOR TO SHOP DRAWING DEVELOPMENT AND SUBMITTAL. TIE-IN LOCATION WILL VARY SLIGHTLY FROM STATION SHOWN DEPENDING UPON LOCATION OF EXISTING PIPE JOINTS. 2. FIELD LOCATE PROPOSED FACILITIES (AIR -VACS, BLOW -OFFS, TEST STATIONS, ETC.) BASED ON ACTUAL CONDITIONS AND DISCUSS PLACEMENT WITH DISTRICT. 3. THE EXISTING 12" ALIGNMENT ON SHEET C-32 IS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON POTHOLE DATA AND WAS FOUND TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE LOCATION SHOWN ON THE RECORD DRAWINGS. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS RCWD GENERAL NOTES, ENGINEERING DATE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE ABBREVIATIONS, AND SHEET INDEX DRAWING C=30 SHEET 1 OF 8 RCWD H1826P on ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■-PROPOSED-...- ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■i ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■NEE■ ■■■ PROPOSED WATER LINE ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ii► !!■■■i■. ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■I = ���■i■iiii�T���i■■■■■17 ■■■■■■■■ w ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■ii■NCN=i■■ • - •• III■■■■■■I1 ■■■■IIII■■■■■■IIII■■■■■■II■ •:. ■■■■■■■■ III■■�■■■III■■■�■■■IIII■■■�■■1111���!����■' - I ■■■■■■■■ --�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ : .. .: .... - ��_- ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■�■���■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ III■■�\■■III■■►�\■■IIII■■ram■■Illl�r■e\■■III ■I NOON■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■r■■■■=■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NOON■■■III■%■\■■III■■■■►\\■■IIII■I/■■►\\■IIII■I/I■■\\■III NOON■■■IIII/■■■ ■■ ■ NOON■■I .• - NOON■■■ NOON■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ zZONNE■■■■■■■■ \■III■I%■■\\■IIII■%I■■■'\IIIIIII■■\\III■ NONE■■I NOON■■■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ - - ■■■■■E■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ' NOON■■■IIII/I■■■\\1■IIII%I■■■1\\■IIIIII�■■■\\IIIII%NOON\\II■ NOON NOON■■■ NOON■■■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NOON■■■III''l�■■■\\\IIIII■■■\\■IIIII/l■■■■\\111111/1■■■■1\\II■ --'-' - NONE NOON■■■ ■I • ■■ ■■■■f i ■■ate . 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I PROFILE SCALE I � _ HORIZ. 1" = 20' I I VERT. 1" = 4' 8 9 10 11 12 13 CONSTRUCTION NOTES PROP POWER POLE EX WATERV EX 15" EMWD SEWER (EMWD DWG 80 INSTALL 54" LAP WELDED CML, TW & -STA 8+23.75 (PIPE ALN.) PROP 15" EMWD SEWER IN AND METER BOXES PROP 6" FH D-26813) TO BE REMOVED AND CMC STEEL PIPE PER RCWD STD. STA 110+65.52 ST- ) � CAUTION! EXISTING AND PROP CULVERT PROP POWER POLE CONCRETE SPLASH 30" STEEL CASING BY ASS'Y PER RELOCATED BY OTHERS. SEE EMWD DWG. RW-34, TRENCH PER RW-25. PAD AT GRADE STA 109+35.25 (AS -BUILT) EoH - PROPOSED OVERHEAD LINES ACROSS NICOLAS RD OTHERS. SEE SHEET C-46 / SHEET C-34 SEWER PLANS AND PHASING PLANS. TRENCH WIDTH MIN.=78" MAX.=90" \ '� CONNECT INTO EX 54" EoH - PROP FENCE ,� SEE DETAIL 1 ON SHT C-35� EoH I I i� I PROP 8" WATER LINE c� STA 12+81 .33 81 INSTALL 54 FABRICATED FITTING, --�"'� PROP GAURD RAIL \ \ n „ PROP BIKE PATH CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST \ \ PER SHEET C-34 36 SD X-ING /-�_ EoH L R/W _ - - \ _ - \ \ - � - - L - - - -I�- I_ _ i - - R/W _ _ TO FIELD CONDITIONS - - - EOH EL, EOH E0H E r --\ EOH 01 I -- -�;� -,i - -q - - - - „ \ � � \ / - - - 82 INSTALL 54 CML&C WELDED STEEL UN T - - PIPE WITHIN A 78" STEEL CASING C - _ _ \ \ �� \ _ PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND RCWD STD. DWG. RW-23 . IN LIEU OF SAND, FILL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN ---- - - - - - - --- -�--PIPE AND CASING WITH GROUT PER EMWD TECH. SPEC. SECTION 03640. N� \ \ \ \ I 86 INSTALL 12 BLOW -OFF PER RCWD `. \ \ \ moo O STD. DWG. RW-4 _ 88 INSTALL 8 AIR VAC PER DETAIL 5, � \\ ',� ,� - 0 o S -OIL �- ,4_1 ( \\ \\ \\ \\'n \ \\ r \ \ o \\ \\ - � V SHEET C-35 00 N �� ` ` �\ .� 1 12 - HS'`/ \ -� N \f S� / - - Z 99 INSTALL TEST STATION WITH I _ \ HSf--/�- �. /.T--/ fg -7-/--fSH Ste/ /--7LS/-- iS /74 f$f -/ f$ INSULATING FLANGE KIT PER RCWD \ 16 STD. DWG. RW-41 - - - - F" EX �- \ - ` INSTALL 54" BUTTERFLY VALVE PER EX MANWAY - - \ o \ RCWD STD . DWG . RW-31 AND TEST 3 'lam - _ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ w I \ \ \ \ - _ o - - _ STATION E W ao \ \ \ \ °No \ \ L- W \ \ \ N �Ir� - -- ---- N ----� --- -- -- -- \ �- \ - �. - - rS - - - - - W W-ftft- - - \ STA 8+26.00 ~t` - - _ ` 6 - - - - �� - �_ - - - - - - - - - S W - - W- _ \ \ \ \ �- PROP STORM �1S 1 \ \ \ CONC. ENCASING 88 ,> STA 8+64.28- - 7� - \ \ W \ \ >- \ -ON EX 54 - 8 AIR VAC 8119°11'41" DEF - \ \ I DRAIN CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY 1� - ��� -iU- i 1170 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Q WATER LINE 1 170 STA 16+47.41 STA 8+28.75 STA 9+09.91 -J \ \ \ gg �N 2142451.3579 � � \ EX MANWAY PROP TEST STATION E 6298710.1900 STA 8+99.20 EX 12" WATER X-ING _ �� PROP AIR -VAC \ \ \ \ \ \ AND TEST STATION- 8" WATER X-ING ' ) EX 12" RCWD WATER LINE - 1165 PER SHEET C-32� ♦ \ J \ \ \ \ \ \� _ 1165 _ -� PROP CASING TEST STATION- \ `j (PER RCWD DWG RC-126) - I - I�- - �b I~ W - I'- PER SHEET C-35 ♦ \ \ \ I \ \ \ STA 1 15+33322 ( (SPE )LN . i J PROP GRADE \� - - R/W - - - - - - - - - ♦ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ - -7 R/IW -- - STA 114 (AS -BUILT )- PROP STORM DRAIN 78 STEEL CASING 82 \ \ \ \ I \ \ I I TOP OF CONNECT INTO EX 54 ♦ \ \ \ - PROPOSED GRADE SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHTC-35 EXISTING:� � „ �� ♦ \ \ \ \ GRADE 54 CML&C WELDED PROP CASING ANODES (TYP) ♦ \ STA 12+67.54 P I STA 13+ 14.37 STEEL PIPELINE 80 PER SHEET C-35 l� \�\ \ \ UJ� \ \ \ i INSTALL 45° BEND 81 12" BLOW -OFF 86 �, N 2142625,5875 PROP 36" SD \ \ \ E 6299073,6510 STA 13+10.74 107 0 STA 10+30.41 PROP 8" RCWD WATER LINE ♦ \ \ \ \ \ 54 BUTTERFLY VALVE PER SHEET C-32 AND C-33 �♦ STA 12+98.53 EX SEWER MH 8" WATER X-ING \ \ \ II \ STA 12+45.84 88 � O +� EX 54" WATER LINE BEYOND \ \ \ 8 AIR VAC STA 10+45.00 PROP RETAINING \ \ END 78 CASING �o Z N WITH 78" STEEL EX 15" �\ 8612" BLOW -OFF WALL \ 1 \`\ \ \ \\ GROUT FILL AND ABANDON IN STA 12+99.86 gg 0 CASING SEWER TO BE = 1 \ PLACE OR REMOVE EXISTING 54 PROP TEST STATION 3: CAUTION! EXISTING AND 0 \ 1 REMOVED GROUT FILL AND ABANDON IN STA 10+49.01 w \ WATER BETWEEN CONNECTION 813038'10" DEF PROPOSED OVERHEAD LINES I\ \ POINTS. REMOVE AS REQUIRED PLACE OR REMOVE EXISTING CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY I I \ \ BY OVER EXCAVATION FOR o 81 O EX 54" RCWD WATER STA 12+95.82 PI LINE (PER RCWD 54 WATER BETWEEN N 2142536.8921 \ INSTALL 45 BEND 1150.97 � 1150.99 / BRIDGE. SEE SEQUENCING INV PROP 54 INV CONNECTION POINTS.REMOVE E 6298873.9302 I I N 2142615,4283 w WATER LINE 1147.03 6't DWG RC-684) AS REQUIRED FOR STA 10+59.00 EX 8 RCWD WATER LINE STAGING EXHIBIT C-36 E 6299100, 0459 � INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED „ 1 _ I I PROP CULVERT INV PIPELINE. SEE SEQUENCING BEGIN 78 CASING (PER RCWD DWG RC-126) 1 j w I I I ACROSS NICOLAS RD 20 10 0 20 40 60 3 SECTION A -A STAGING EXHIBIT C-36 I I I 1 j NOT TO SCALE CALLE G I R,A L SCALE: 1 "=20 ' REVISIONS SCALE AS SHOWN RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT DRAWING • Q�pfESSIpN9l APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION NUMBER DATE INITIALS DESCRIPTION �c�o TAN FA NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS h� �'/" Michael Baker o �, o rr anc o a er WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS DESIGNED z MC � No.60132 I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L ENGINEERING MANAGER DATE DRAWN Rancho California Water District 54-INCH WATER LINE RELOCATION 40810 Count Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Know what's eIOW. IA �fA �� �� �~ Y 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD SHEET 2 OF 8 CHECKED rF OF C p`1F�� Phone: (858) 614.5000 � MBAKERINTL.COM TEMECULA, CA 92590 PLAN AND PROFILE Call before you dig. MC PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 ENGINEERING DATE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE RCWD H1826P 00 n N N O N 0 1-1 w z 0 (� W I- z W o- Q U 0 0 r6 O 0 I 0 I 0 z 0 F- Q U 0 W o' 0 0 o- > 0 / o' W I - a / 0 0 a c� O LO i Q Q 0 o_ 1170 1160 z z W W U 0_ 00 W > N W > Q - 0 n mZ M mZ c� > Z � U `� _ `n = > z - z Ln co ao Ln Qo Ln Morn x �t Z Hinr �Ln�- -cn- W CO W (n � r (n � r N pry 0 r-, o,LO> w +`O 05 r �z - Lnr o U 00 N 0i N Z x z r � +O x_N `n U W `- r 49.71 LF 1 1 8" LAP WELDED CML&C - STEEL PIPE (3/16" MIN THICKNESS, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 5 EX 12" RCWD WATF LINE (PER RCWD' \ / DWG RC-126 ) � �,, / - \ SCE EASMENT R/W� l STA 5+29.62 (NICOLAS TO GIRASOL) 104 STA 108+53.22 ST- ) CONNECT TO EX 12" WATER PER DETAIL 3 HEREON 12" X 8" REDUCER CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST ONNECTION POINT CONDITIONS. ON AC�TUA FIELD / STA 5+33.38 / 85 45 ° BEND \ / / N 2142429.5345 \ �� E 6298459.3444 �L 't� 00 b 0 r a- �S=0.0243 PROPOSED GRADE OVER OF PIPE � z� w > _ o EXISTING GRADE U OVER OF PIPE I o' w > > zo �- rn CO 04 Or M � j c0 +� O 00 O 8+19.20 1152.22 TOP PROP 54" WATER I LF 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE (3/16" MIN THICKNESS, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 8" WATER (NICOLAS RD TO CALLE GIRASOL) m N 0 N 8+59.93 00 `�z 1163.38 TOP oo N~ PROP 24" SD +� Co N Q � c0 N rr I �> Q � O r O 1170 M M U W W L6 0) W + W W(n J U Q S=0.0151 z � � oo - +rQ M r IL 0 o I m �z N + 1 � o o �- �r � r- Cn - rn 00- + O o � � co �r r r Ln �n r 9+32.53 1154.55 TOP EX 54" WATER IN 78" CASING 4149 .53 39.55 1150 167.34 LF 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE (3/16" MIN THICKNESS, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) AMSE/ANSI SLIP-ON FLANGE. SIZE TO MATCH EXISTING PIPE COATING/LINING FIELD APPLIED CEMENT MORTAR REMOVE EXISTING MORTAR LINING AND COATING AS K REQUIRED X, X M I I K , t In CONTRACTOR K TO VERIFY 17- 1 1 K I < F Y MIN X MIN = THE LESSER OF 1.4 * to OR THE THICKNESS OF THE HUB Y MIN = THE LESSER OF to OR Y4" 1. SLIP ON FLANGES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OS ASME B16.5 SLIP ON FLANGE DETAIL NTS PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' 12 EX 15" EMWD SEWER - PROP FLG X FLG 12" ECC. REDUCER BIKE PATH ECCENTRIC REDUCER SLIP ON FLANGE PER WITH TOP OF DETAIL ABOVE REDUCER LEVEL WITH EX. 12" WATER CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ENOUGH OF THE EX 12" FLG � FLG ETE R�r" '��-TrRE^ _ S 0 - OVERHEAD LINES BENDS AND \ W\ \ \ \ A NC _ \ \ INSULATION \ , \ \\ W\ M a .� \\ OH - \ �'`� \ INSTALLATION OF NEW KIT T PER RCWD STD 8 L I NE CURB >?, \ f- r \ ~�� � �� �\ CAUTION! EXISTING / - ��� AND PROPOSED V \ �t� _ t� I �- OVERHEAD LINES / -��,, _ III_ s 1� \ ` TOP OF PROP It - GRADE �U STA 5+38.32 PROP OVERHEAD 8" CML&C WELDED 84 W / 85 45° BEND ELEC STEEL PIPELINE / N 2142426.5825 E 6298459.3175 PROP POWER - POLE CONSTRUCTION NOTES EX OVERHEAD ELEC 84 INSTALL 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE, TRENCH PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-25 85 INSTALL 8" FABRICATED FITTING PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-29A. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST TO FIELD CONDITIONS 89 INSTALL 1" AIR VAC PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-9 90 INSTALL 2" SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION TYPE "B" TO EXISTING METER PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-14 AND DIRECTION OF RCWD ENGINEER. 92 INSTALL 8" GATE VALVE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-31 94 INSTALL 8" X 8" X 8" TEE 102 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 104 INSTALL 12" X 8" REDUCER 105 RE -CONNECT EXISTING 6" FIRE HYDRANT AND INSTALL 8" X 8" X 12" TEE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 109 INSTALL DROP IN METER PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-16 Know whaftbelow. Call before you dig. 6 7 8 / CONTRACTOR TO: 1.VERIFY HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF / EXISTING 8" PIPELINE \ \ EXISTING PIPELINE PRIOR TO OH PER RC-388 (WELL NO. \ \ \ \ \ o CONSTRUCTION. / 129). HORIZONTAL AND W� \ PROP GAURD \ 10g = / 2.000RDINATE CONNECTION WITH / VERTICAL LOCATION EoH RCWD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. / SHOWN APPROXIMATE. EoH - RAIL \ \ \ \ 3.JOIN TO EXISTING 8" PIPELINE. BIKE PATH, / IRRIGATION PER PROP SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. PROP 8" WATER SEE SHEET LINE PER SHEET C-46 C-34 PROP �� LANDSCAPE PLANS EoH - - L R/W - - - \ - �� - - W\ O DRIVEWAY PROPS - - _ PROP FENCE EoH E _ EoH \ off / E1r� ��\ \ �o \ \ W - DRIVEWAY ��^ \ - - - CAUTION! PROPOSED REVISIONS NUMBER DATE INITIALS DESCRIPTION STA 6+88.42 CONNECTION TO EX. 8" PUMP STATION LINE NOTE: PUMP STATION CURRENTLY INACTIVE „ 8"x8Vx8" TEE 90 109 STA 6+91 .42/ STA 7+14.97 STA 8+19.20 CONNECT EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT 54" WATER X-ING ASSEMBLY TO NEW WATER LINE GROUT -FILL AND ABANDON IN PLACE OR REMOVE ALL EX 8"/12" WATER LINES FROM SERVICE BETWEEN CONNECTION POINTS. REMOVE AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED PIPELINE. SEE SEQUENCING STAGING EXHIBIT C-36 NICOLAS RD SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED M C Q�OVESSION9l TA f Ljj m No.60132 9lF OF C A�1��� PROP STORM � DRAIN , c A „ M, M+ III A Trfl LINE (PER RCWD DWG RC-684) I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM / I I I I I I I NOTE: MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE FOR 8" PIPE:200 PSI, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS I 9 10 PROP POWER \ /k POLE PROP OVERHEAD \` ELEC I I r- ---- ------ - TAIL - PROP 54 " W I TH ONE - W- W- _ w_ `� 78" CASING PER EX 12"� CONTRACTOR TO CUT AND - SHEET C-31 CML&C STEEL PLUG END OF EX. WATER 0 - L � \ � � � M WATER LINE LINE WITH STEEL PLATE S'�' BUTT STRAP PER f HS �% \ /- \ / T U RCWD STD DWG RW-32 5+38.32 CUT TO FIT I �_ _� _ _ - - - - W PROVIDE DISHED HEAD OR - EX - _ _� -�_ _ W MECHANICAL PLUG WITH CONNECTION POINTS FOR TESTING AND DISINFECTION L6 CO PRIOR TO CONNECTION INTO l I � I \ I � � I STA 8+59.93 85 24" SD X-ING 11 EX CONCRETE I ENCASEMENT OVER EX. I 54" WATER LINE PER I RCWD DWG RC-684 I (TYP) I Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 -yy- - - �.�--- - R/W -�\\ - - - STA 8+88.18 85 75° BEND - °N-° - - - - - - - - - _ + W EXISTING WATER LINE W -w- - o ----� ` � " Q W 8 CONNECTION DETAIL J STA 5+29.62 (NICOLAS RD) PROP 12" BLOWOFF PER V SHEET C-3� N 2142477.6114 STA 10+19.15 E 6298809.4362 85 0 45 BEND ` N 2142530.766E E 6298929.123E STA 9+62.76102 6" FH STA 9+32.53 `��- STA 9+52.76= 1 54" WATER X-ING STA 20+00.00 BIKE PATH)92 SEE SHEETC-34 ` (3) 8" GV O� \ 8"x8"x8" TEE STA 9+47.76 89 1" AV/AR RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER DATE ENGINEERING DATE I OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE / 20 10 0 20 40 61 SCALE: 1"=20' RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT DRAWING NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS 8-INCH WATER LINE (NICOLAS RD) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE SHEET 3 OF 8 RCWD H1826P J Z 0 O w W U tY n N N 0 N r` w z 0 o= w z w n o' Q U 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 r` z O Q U O w ry 0 0 c� o' 0 o' w Q 0 0 a c� 0 r` Q Q 0 o_ Q 00 > PROP GRADE N BEYOND + Q PROP GRADE o OVER OF PIPE CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL - co 1/2 SACK CEMENT SAND + SLURRY BACKFILL FROM _ Q0 BOTTOM OF TRENCH TO I MID -POINT OF 18" SD, '-' w CENTERLINE OF PIPE. p S=-0.0195 8— S=-0.0073 13+60.74 1164.77 BOT N o - S=-0.0109 PROP 18" SD M O> w EX GRADE OVER o - w S=0.0050 LO o OF PIPE W o + co 10+55.91 w w LL_ S=-1.0000 w W D � Ld w 1162.64 TOP I o 0 � �- f � w > S=1.0000 � z � z Q cfl > PROP 18 SD = TW >" w >" �z w COmz �mz > O i -- aoN> >> �z � 0)�p LL Oz NON~ �N— NZO� ♦^ N N N- Z �� N Ln> > p Ln z N W O O� OC�O COUH N Vi + CO N Od N� O + c0 p r) � = � z O M p > Q c0 N �Z� O� 't p ��� LOW w� +o co Q Ln O + cOZ OW Q �� + p OLo > r7 f f - Ef) a O +�2 �2 M L a _z c J = I I (� CULVERT F-- FOOTING Q BEYOND 403.49 LF 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE (3/16" MIN THICKNESS, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) I I NOTE: MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSUR R (NICOLAS RD TO CALLE G I RASOL SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS LL 10 11 12 13 14 NICOLAS RD ` I / GROUT -FILL AND ABANDON IN PLACES OR \ �� A / REMOVE ALL EX 8"/12" WATER LINES FROM SERVICE BETWEEN CONNECTION \ \ STA 14+02.69 POINTS. REMOVE AS REQUIRED FOR 45 HORZ BEND INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED PIPELINE. \\ STA 14+14.81 SEE SEQUENCING STAGING EXHIBIT C-36 \ 45° HORZ BEND / DEMOLISH AND REMOVE y/ EX. FIRE HYDRANT \ BEGIN CALLE AND BOLLARDS \ 1 GIRASI IMPROVEMENTS OSTREET /'R/W - - - - - - - - - - - - - R/W 1170— _ Cl // / // — — / �� ! i / 541 / How - ��_ — W W— _ - 1 1' _ — — =HI— - l�� " 1 - W— _ =�N— — _ _W�. —— —1 — W— — — — — W— — — W- 4r'� — — W— — W- // / c� ,f / 03 // // // 12 13 14 HoKI Know what'sbeIOW. Call before you dig. H0 CL w SEE LINE " K" FOR i I / / / / — Hod / - - -� - / SECTION VIEW ON / / / / / 117 SHEET C-25. OHL OHL 0 / cn A / / / / PROP POWER POLE ' CULVERT ' / / I FOOTING TOP OF PROPOSED PROP + GRADE 8 �� CML&C WELDED / I RETAINING STA 11 12.86 O 84 / 52.36 c / I I / / / WALL 45° 25' 02" BEND 85 , % STEEL PIPELINE N 2142497.7331 ' �., STA 10+62.3089 E 6299016.8249 1" AV/AR �- TOE OF PROPOSED GRADE , STA 10+55.91 18" SD X-ING STA 10+25.00 CALLE GIRASOL MATCH LINE SEE SHEET C-32 REVISIONS NUMBER I DATE I INITIALS DESCRIPTION SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED M C -%OVESS1049 0�0 , TA � Michael .. Baker f z r"I No. 60132 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L it sf 01 �� 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA 9lF OF C p`l�p�� Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM -- 4- � R�W _ 102 STA 14+16. 13 6 FHn STA 13+60.74 9STA 14+21.13 -ING T18" SD X TTTESSAION STA 14+22.62 CONNECT TO EX 8" WATER PER DETAIL 4 HEREON Sn, . 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1"=20' Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 OHL EX 8" RCWD WATER LINE (PER RCWD DWG RC-126) RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER DATE ENGINEERING DATE I OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE 1160 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 20' VERT. : 1" = 4' 15 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 84 INSTALL 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE, TRENCH PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-25 85 INSTALL 8" FABRICATED FITTING PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-29A. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST TO FIELD CONDITIONS 89 INSTALL 1" AIR VAC PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-9 99 INSTALL TEST STATION WITH INSULATING FLANGE KIT PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-41 102 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 8" CML&C STEEL WATER LINE EX 8" CML&C STEEL WATER LINE TO BE REMOVED AS REQUIRED w FOR INSTALLATION OF N THE NEW WATER LINE C° FLG X FLG CONNECTION CONNECTION. N INSULATING FLANGE KIT CONTRACTOR TO CUT AND PROVIDE TEMPORARY BL PLUG END OF EXISTING FLANGE WITH THREADED WATERLINE WITH WELDED CONNECTION POINTS FOf STEEL PLATE. TESTING AND DISINFEC- 10' MIN 14 w w _ rn 00 STA 14+21.13 o � TEST STATION STA 14+ 6" FH .Sn. 0 8" CONNECTION DETAIL 4 Z STA 14+22.62 CALLE GIRASOL -33 0 0 0 LLI U tY RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT DRAWING NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS 8-INCH WATER LINE (CALLE GIRASOL) SHEET 4 OF 8 RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE nnurn 1140n�n 00 n N r�i N O N \ O N f` W z 0 W H- Z w n o' Q U CD 0 O O I 0 I in 0 r` Z 0 F- Q U 0 1 w o' 0 p o- p / o' w a / p p a U O r` i Q Q p o_ 0 O ,n = NOTE: DO NOT PLACE BELLS + U` AT CROWN OF CULVERT (TYP) 0: N c0 o S=0.0044 S-0.0110 0 :2N U z� > S=1.0000 HEADWALLS BEYOND (TYP) p W W > � — Of m C/)W cD,Z Ln— Ln II U OtD LJ + Oa J 2� O N � >�> p cfl �p + + N o c0o� NO HEADWALLS�o o°c.i � NN N0Uw N 0 BEYOND (TYP) 1160 o00W�;I- 0 L z CL (0 20+13.41 O+ 0 0 1 162. 1 1 TOP N rn U a0 PROP 24" SD a a d 20+08.00 -' a 1155.08 TOP EX 54" WATER CONCRETE ENCASED BOTTOM OF FOOTING 20+26.82 1150.85 TOP 20+56.11 PROP 54" 1152.04 TOP WATER PROP VCP SEWER 'AT 7 OWITH 30" CASING 20+40.90 1151.00 TOP EX 15" VCP SEWER 302.26 LF 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE (3/16" MIN THICKNESS, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) 20 PROP POWER \ POLE I EOH nn�n rr. ir+r PROP GRADE OVER q OF PIPE INSTALL PIPE ACROSS CULVERT BRIDGE AND BIKE PATH PER DETAIL 6, SHEET C-35 (SHALLOW TRENCH DETAIL) 8" WATER IN BIKE PATH 1 21 22 N N p� EXISTING + o GRADE OVER N OF PIPE _ 1 23 PROP BIKE PATH NOTE: MINIMUM DESIGN PRESSUR FOR 8" PIPE:200 PSI, SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS `6" FH JLG Jr ILL I 1,—JL \ N; ` ACROSS N I COLAS RD _ EX 12" RCWD \ ,� _ / \ \ EX 15" EMWD SEWER WATER LINE (PER (EMWD DWG D-26813) RCWD DWG RC-126) I \ L \ TO BE REMOVED AND STA 20+00.00 (BIKE PATH) PROP RETAINING WALL ��\ �I \ RELOCATED 92 g4 STA 112+68.78 (ST- ) \ \ GROUT -FILL AND ABANDON IN PLACE o \ y OR REMOVE ALL EX 8"/12" WATER \ PROP STORM DRAIN (3) 8 GV ��, \ \ 8 x8 x8 TEE \1 a 1 �� LINES FROM SERVICE. SEE ) EX 54 RCWD WATER W \ \ �� SEQUENCING STAGING EXHIBIT C-36 / LINE (PER RCWD im DWG RC-684) 1 .5' \ / i� EX CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OVER 54" Know what'sbelow. Call before you dig. ZR1b1-*1I:4■0111I_l REVISIONS DESCRIPTION SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED M C -%pVESS1049l TA `^c� f Ljj m No.60132 `rf 01 V 9lF OF C A�1��� I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM g 0 U Z 24 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 19 ADJUST WATER METER TO GRADE 84 INSTALL 8" LAP WELDED CML&C STEEL PIPE, TRENCH PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-25 85 INSTALL 8" FABRICATED FITTING PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-29A. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND ADJUST TO FIELD CONDITIONS 89 INSTALL 1" AIR VAC PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-9 90 INSTALL 2" SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION TYPE "B" TO EXISTING METER PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-14 AND DIRECTION OF RCWD ENGINEER. 92 INSTALL 8" GATE VALVE PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-31 94 INSTALL 8" X 8" X 8" TEE 122 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-7 NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE EXISTING METER LOCATIONS AND SIZES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES OR SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTALS. 2. COORDINATION WITH RCWD PRIOR AND DURING INSTALLATION BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DIRECTION OF RCWD ENGINEER. 3. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST EXISTING METER BOXES TO PROPOSED GRADE. IF THE EXISTING BOX CANNOT BE ADJUSTED, A NEW METER BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF EXISTING METER BOX. JOIN TO EXISTING METER BOXES WITH NEW SERVICE LATERAL PER PLAN. 4. STAMP PROPOSED CURB WITH "W" FOR LATERAL LOCATION. / PROP CITY WATER LINE PER RCWD 20 10 0 20 40 60 MAIN ESMT 1160 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' 25 —OHLHL EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING PROPOSED METER NUMBER METER SIZE LATERAL SIZE LATERAL SIZE (IN) (IN) (IN) 20333871 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 2" 20333881 1-1/2" 2" 2" 20333901 1" 1" 2" \ICTCllln ICI ^r%ATl^kl r1CTA 11 DWG RC-684 (TYP) ISTA 22+94 26 N I COLAS RD i Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 SCALE: 1"=20' RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER ENGINEERING DATE DATE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS 8-INCH WATER LINE (BIKE PATH) RELOCATION PLAN AND PROFILE Z O w 3 QY DRAWING C-34 SHEET 5 OF 8 RCWD H1826P 00 EX 12" RCWD ' U WATER LINE Cn WATER LINE Iy\ \ VER I FYv CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ENOUGH OF � W� THE EX 54" TO COMPLETE REQUIRED \ BENDS AND INSTALLATION OF NEW 54" LINE. REMAINING PIPELINE TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF EARTHWORK PER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING 54" CONNECTION DETAIL STA 8+23.75 CONNECTION MATERIAL LIST FOR DETAILS 1 & 2 OA 54" BUTT STRAP PER RCWD RW-32 WITH FOUR HAND HOLES EVENLY SPACED AROUND PIPE FOR CONNECTION AFTER TESTING WITH DISHED HEAD ©54" DISHED HEAD WITH TWO (2) 12" FLANGED OUTLETS, 12" FLANGED GATE VALVE, AND 12" BLIND FLANGE FOR TESTING AND DISINFECTION. © 54" PE X PE CUT -TO -FIT PIPE SPOOL, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LENGTH DO 54" PE X FLG SPOOL PIECE EO INSULATING FLANGE KIT AND TEST STATION PER RCWD STD. DWG. RW-41 FO 54" SLIP-ON WELD -ON FLANGE, SHIPPED LOOSE © 54" BUTTERFLY VALVE NOT USED � NTS 111,7 J_ REVISIONS NUMBER DATE INITIALS DESCRIPTION Know what'sbeIOW. Call before you dig. COMPOUND OFFSET STD DWG RW-32 CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ENOUGH OF THE EX 54" TO COMPLETE REQUIRED BENDS AND INSTALLATION OF NEW 54" LINE. REMAINING PIPELINE TO BE REMOVED AS PART OF EARTHWORK PER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING 54" CONNECTION DETAIL STA 13+04.86 �� NOTES FOR DETAILS 1 & 2: 1. AFTER THE 54" PIPELINE HAS BEEN TESTED AND DISINFECTED BY CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE 54" DISH HEAD AT STA 8+42f (DETAIL 1)AND AT STA 12+81 f (DETAIL 2) AND INSTALL CONNECTION PIPE BETWEEN STA 8+42f TO STA 8+23f (DETAIL 1) AND STA 12+81 f TO 13+04f (DETAIL 2) INCLUDING 54" CML&C WELDED STEEL PIPE. THE CONNECTION PIPING SHALL BE SWABBED WITH A CHLORINE SOLUTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL CONNECTION PIPING, FLANGES, BUTT STRAPS, AND FITTINGS AS REQUIRED, ALL BASED ON CONTRACTOR'S FIELD MEASUREMENTS. 2. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN ON SHEET C-36 FOR ORDER OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED M C 1" x 1/2 ##8 AWG STRANDED RHH/RHW (RED) ANODE WIRE ##8 AWG STF RHH/RHW (1 REFERENCE EXISTING PAVING CONCRETE COLLAR EXISTING GRADE OR SIDEWALK SLOPE UP BONDING WIRES SADDLE PER RCWD STD RW-36 (TYP) NEW STEEL WATERMAIN A -A 8" AIR VALVE INSTALLATION DETAIL 36" SQ CONCRETE PAD 7. PROVIDE BREAK -OFF SPOOL -PLACE PIPE PLUMBER NTS DETAILS NOTES �1 8"FLANGED TOP OUTLET WITH REINFORCING COLLAR PER RW-28 AND RW-29. �2 8" AWWA CLASS F FLANGE. O3 8" 10 GAGE (MIN.) CML&C WSP SHORT RADIUS 90* ELL. Q4 8"CLASS 250 BUTTERFLY VALVE. �5 VALVE COVER AND RISER DETAIL PER STANDARD DRAWING RW-30. Q6 8" VICTAULIC COUPLING STYLE 77 WITH 1 ' LONG CIVIL GROOVED NIPPLE ON EACH END OF PIPE. O7 8" 10 GAGE (MIN.) CML&C WSP AND FITTINGS. ® PROVIDE 2-FOOT CUT -TO -FIT, SHIP FLANGE LOOSE. �9 8" COMBINATION AIR RELEASE AND VACUUM VALVE WITH FLANGED INLET AND SCREENED HOODED OUTLET. CRISPEN AIR RELEASE VALVE C82 (APPROXIMATE OPERATING PRESSURE _ 250 PSI) VALVE BODY SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON AND EPDXY LINED (12 MILS MIN.). VALVE SEAT SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL WITH 6-TON 0-RING. SHUNT )ED ;K ) DIRE TEST STA BOARD SEI GENERAL TEST STATION TERMINAL BOARD NOTES: 1. INSTALL PHENOLIC TERMINAL BOARD 1/4" THICK X 6" DIAMETER. 2. 1" RADIUS NOTCH CUT INTO PHENOLIC BOARD. 3. INSTALL COPPER MECHANICAL CABLE LUGS, ILSCO CP-4 POST CONNECTOR OR EQUAL. 4. ENGRAVE TERMINAL BOARD WITH 1/4" TALL IDENTIFYING LETTERS AS SHOWN. DO NOT USE ADHESIVE STICKERS OR PRINTED TAPE IN MARKERS. 5. ENGRAVE THE STATION OF THE PIPE AT THE LOCATION WHERE THE WIRE IS ATTACHED TO THE REFERENCE PIPELINE. DO NOT USE ADHESIVE TICKERS OR PRINTED TAPE IN MARKERS. ELECTRODE Q�pVESSlpN9l TA `^c� f Lij z m No.60132 `rf�Vj9'rOFCKV\� I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM CASING TEST STATION PER RCWD STD RW-40B ##8 AWG STRANDED RHH/RHW (BLACK) CASING TEST WIRE ANODE HEADER WIRE ##8 AWG STRANDED RHH/RHW WIRE (RED) NO SPLICES PERMITTED. (TYP.) Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 EXOTHERMIC WELD (TYP)- PER RCWD STD DWG RW-46 r - .� 0,....,_,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,., � I NOTES: 1. PIPE ZONE SHALL BE SLURRY BACKFILL PER RANCHO CALIFORNIA TECHNICAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 3. 2. SLURRY BACKFILL, 1-SACK, SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED TO COME IN CONTACT WITH ANY ALUMINUM, COPPER, OR BRASS MATERIAL, (E.G. COPPER WATER PIPES, SADDLES, FITTINGS, ETC.). PROTECT EXPOSED MATERIALS USING POLYETHYLENE WRAP AND TAPE. 3. SHALLOW TRENCH OCCURS ON 8-INCH WATER LINE (BIKE PATH) BETWEEN STATION 20+73.83 AND STATION 23+02.26. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LIMITED LENGTH OF BACKFILL, PLACEMENT IN LIFTS, WEIGHTS, SANDBAGS, OR OTHER MEANS TO PREVENT PIPE FLOTATION DURING PLACEMENT OF CLSM FILL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEANS AND METHODS TO PREVENT PIPELINE FLOTATION. SHALLOW TRENCH DETAIL 6 NTS NOTES: 1. FIELD JOINTS MAY BE FLANGED OR WELDED BUT SHALL NOT PERMANENTLY IMPAIR LINING OF PIPE. 2. FOR BOLTS AND NUTS REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION SEE RCWD TECHNICAL PROVISION - DIVISION 12- MISCELLANEOUS METAL WORK. 3. COLOR SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT. 4. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND EXPOSE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES CROSSING THE AIR VALVE PIPING. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL AIR VALVE PIPING AND FITTINGS INCLUDING CUTS -TO -FIT, BUTT -STRAPS, AND LOOSE FLANGES REQUIRED FOR FIELD INSTALLATION TO AVOID ALL EXISTING UTILITIES OR INTERFERENCE, ALL BASED ON CONTRACTOR FIELD MEASUREMENTS. AIR VALVE PIPING SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS UPSLOPE FROM MAINLINE PIPE TO AIR VALVE. 5. SEE RW-1 FOR LOCATION OF AIR VALVE. 6. AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF AIR VALVES, CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE OR REPAIR ALL DISTURBED OR DESTROYED UTILITIES AND PUBLIC AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS AS DIRECTED BY THE DISTRICT AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. 7. THE 8-INCH AIR VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED SIMILAR TO RW-11 AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN THEREON. ALL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO RW-11 SHALL ALSO BE CONSIDERED TO BE APPLICABLE TO THIS DETAIL WITH THE SIZE INCREASED TO 8-INCHES ACCORDINGLY. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION BURIED CATHODIC PROTECTION LINE BELOW - BURIED CATHO WARNING TAPE: POLYETHYLENE, 6" WIDE, APWA RED, IMPRINTED CONTINUOUSLY WITH: CAUTION, BURIED CATHODIC PROTECTION LINE BELOW IN BLACK ##8 AWG STRANDED RHH/RHW (BLACK) CASING TEST WIRE hO' SPACING MIN. (TYP.) KLrLKLNUL LLLUIKUUL PER RCWD STD DWG RW-50 WARNING TAPE U %2" AUGURED HOLE TYP. -T--L CASING PIPELINE IRE NUT AND 3M SPLICE KIT (TYP.) TO ADDITIONAL ANODES INSTALL 8 SACRIFICIAL ANODES PER RCWD STD DWG RW-50 CONSISTING OF 60 LB (130 LB PACKAGED) HIGH POTENTIAL MAGNESIUM ANODES. NOTES: 1. INSTALL PLASTIC WARNING TAPE ALONG ENTIRE HORIZONTAL RUN OF WIRES. USE 6" WIDE 4 MIL THICK INERT PLASTIC TAPE PRINTED WITH "CAUTION CATHODIC PROTECTION CABLE BELOW." 2. INSTALL ALL HORIZONTAL WIRE RUNS IN 2" SCH 40 PVC CONDUIT. 3. ALL WIRES SHALL BE CONTINUOUS AND NO SPLICES WILL BE PERMITTED IN ANY WIRE EXPECT FOR THOSE SHOWN ON ANODE HEADER WIRE. 4. SATURATE ANODES WITH MINIMUM 20 GALLONS OF WATER RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER CASING ANODES 9 -) NTS -31 DATE ENGINEERING DATE I OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS DETAILS DRAWING C 35 SHEET 6 OF 8 RCWD H1826P CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN PROVIDED HEREIN DESCRIBES THE GENERAL SEQUENCING APPROACH THAT THE CONTRACTOR IS EXPECTED TO FOLLOW TO MAINTAIN WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND TO MINIMIZE THE SHUTDOWN ASSOCIATED WITH THE WATER AND SEWER RELOCATION WORK. THIS N SEQUENCING PLAN IS INTENDED TO BE APPLIED TO THE WORK AREA FROM STATION 108+00+/- TO STATION < 116+00+/- OF THE NICOLAS ROAD CENTERLINE AND STATION 10+00 TO STATION 14+00+/- OF THE CALLE I o 0 GIRASOL CENTERLINE. PROPOSEDLL z 0 TRAFFIC CONTROL, SWPPP, ENCROACHMENT PERMITS, AND OTHER GENERAL CONDITION REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE HEADWALL m IMPLEMENTED FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE PROJECT AND SHALL BE COORDINATED AND INTEGRATED INTO THIS SEQUENCING PLAN BY THE CONTRACTOR PRE -CONSTRUCTION: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING WATER SERVICE LOCATIONS ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF NICOLAS i ROAD NEAR STATION 115+00 AND VERIFY SUPPLY SOURCE WITH RCWD. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HIGH -LINE PIPING OUTSIDE OF WORK AREA TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY SERVICE UNTIL AFTER INSTALLATION OF CULVERT BRIDGE AND ASSOCIATED SMALL DIAMETER PIPING ACROSS THE CULVERTS IS COMPLETE, ACCEPTED, AND IN-SERVICE. EXISTING M ~ w 3. THE ANTICIPATED HIGH LINE CONNECTION POINT FOR SOURCE WATER IS THE EXISTING WATERLINE SURFACE coo � o w r- LOCATED AT NICOLAS ROAD AND LIEFER ROAD INTERSECTION NEAR STATION 103+25. c0 0 < - _ z_ 4. LAYOUT OF TEMPORARY PIPING SHOWN IS SCHEMATIC. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE TEMPORARY PIPING + z JUj LAYOUT AND PLACEMENT WITH FIELD CONDITIONS AND AT THE DIRECTION OF THE DISTRICT AND � x oo_ 0: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. N ;I- O THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH THE RCWD OPERATIONS FIELD STAFF THAT ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA ARE LOCATED AND HIGH -LINED PRIOR TO STARTING THE STAGED CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE w ~ OUTLINED BELOW. O - orn STAGE 1 EARTHWORK: PROPOSED rl- 1. AS PART OF THIS WORK, THE EXISTING SMALL DIAMETER WATERLINES IN THE VICINITY SHALL BE SURFACE O LO HIGH -LINED WITH AN 8-INCH TEMPORARY LINE TO MAINTAIN SERVICE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN CALLE 11 STAGE 3 GIRASOL AND NICOLAS ROAD AND SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE UNTIL THE INSTALLATION OF THE 0.82% REPLACEMENT WATERLINE ARE COMPLETE AND IN SERVICE. STAGE 1 EARTHWORK AND EARTHWORK SEWER DEMOLITION 2. EXISTING WATER METERS IN THE WORK AREA WILL BE IMPACTED BY GRADE CHANGES DURING THE PROJECT. ALL EXISTING METERS SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AND SHALL BE PROTECTED IN PLACE AND REMAIN ACCESSIBLE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE THE OVER EXCAVATION AND RECOMPACTION OF THE SOIL MATERIALS NORTHERLY OF THE EXISTING 15" SEWER. STAGE 2: SEWER 4. THE EXISTING SEWER SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT -IN -PLACE THE CONSTRUCTION EXISTING SEWER AND MANHOLES. AND DIVERSION STAGE 2 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND DIVERSION: 1. AFTER COMPLETION OF STAGE 1 EARTHWORK, THE REPLACEMENT 15" SEWER AND CASING SHALL BE INSTALLED USING AN OPEN -CUT TRENCH INSTALLATION IN THE STAGE 1 EARTHWORK RECOMPACTED FILL. a. SEWER PIPE AND MANHOLES CAN BE PLACED DURING STAGE 1 CONSTRUCTION AT AN ELEVATION OF FILL THAT MINIMIZES THE EARTHWORK. PIPELINES SHALL BE PLACED IN AN EXCAVATED TRENCH CONDITION AND NOT IN A COMPACTED EMBANKMENT CONDITION. 2. PROPOSED MANHOLES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OVER THE EXISTING SEWER LINE AS SHOWN IN DETAILS ON SHEET C-47. IL ,M � P w N z � w w APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX + �= �n ~ REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL _ i `n N _x LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY + z o GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE Lny GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT x w 3. THE SEWER SHALL BE TESTED, CCTV INSPECTED, AND EMWD SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON NEW SEWER LINE AND MANHOLES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED STAGE 4: 54" 4. ONCE ACCEPTED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE EXISTING PIPE WITHIN MANHOLE TO DIVERT FLOWS INTO MARCH 18, 2020. WATER THE NEW PIPING STARTING AT DOWNSTREAM MANHOLE. CONSTRUCTION MIR PROPOSED SURFACE J O w Un J Ch U U' Y w z_ JW O= EX GRADE @ CL OF O o0 0000 PROPOSED PIPE N ILO N th STAGE 5 EARTHWORK, CULVERT PLACEMENT, AND 8" WATER LINES w� pi fw- A H- Q_ 1 < < O N N � r- LO U = - r7 r- z ao rn � 0 N + - L0 �,I+/Z- +OZ I� w z_ J W_ N I-N • N O O CLO P+�2 0 O- w- PROPOSED HEADWALL rnlww C° o -N I 5. ONCE FLOWS ARE DIVERTED, CONTRACTOR SHALL PLUG AND GROUT FILL THE EXISTING DOWNSTREAM AND DIVERSION SECTION A -A PORTION OF REMAINING SEWER AND RECHANNELIZE THE MANHOLE BASE. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BYPASS PIPING AND/OR PUMPING EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED TO \\ - \ \ \� -� ,9 ° ° ° ° (� ° ° Q ° ° ° ° COMPLETE THE MIGRATION OF FLOWS INTO THE NEW SEWER. off \ \ rj ° E EoH ° ° _ O PROPOSED RETAINING �- C> O `BRIDGE HEADWAL STAGE 3 EARTHWORK AND SEWER DEMOLITION: �„ ° C _ u �00 1. ONCE THE NEW SEWER IS IN SERVICE AND THE TRENCH HAS BEEN BACKFILLED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL �€oH WALL, SEE SHEET C-27 O \ O O \ ° Ex. COMPLETE THE OVER EXCAVATION AND RECOMPACTION OF THE SOIL MATERIALS NORTHERLY OF THE - - EoH - �'` \ O ° \` L ' EXISTING 54" WATER MAIN. EoH E EoHpp 2. THE EXISTING 54" WATER MAIN SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL - - _ _ _ STAGE 2 SEWER \ \ \ V \ oN�� PROTECT -IN -PLACE THE PIPELINE AND APPURTENANCES. APPROX I MATE STAGE L I M I TS OF OVEREXCAVAT I 0 CONSTRUCTION _ \ v \ \ O \ \ \ \ 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE EXISTING 15" SEWER THAT IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE DURING THE AND WATER LINE RELOCATION WORK. STAGING AND DIVERSION— 100 \ \ c) \ \ COURSE OF THE EXCAVATION. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMITS OF �' \ STAGE 4 54" WATER CONSTRUCTION AND DIVERSION: OVEREXCAVATION PROVIDED IN THE GEOTECHN I CAL \ \ \ \ \ l \ REPORT AND THE ACTUAL CONNECTION POINT AS 1. AFTER COMPLETION OF STAGE 3 EARTHWORK, THE PROPOSED 54" WATER AND 78" CASING SHALL BE ADJUSTED FOR FIELD CONDITIONS, SEE GENERAL_ ----- \ v \ INSTALLED USING AN OPEN -CUT TRENCH INSTALLATION IN THE STAGE 3 EARTHWORK RECOMPACTED FILL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. ------------- AND STAGE 3 AREAS EXTENDING OUTSIDE OF THE RECOMPACTED FILL. 11 .38% EXISTING SURFACE I I I \�- PROPOSED SURFACE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF OX REMOVE AND RECOMPACT. ACTUAL. LIMITS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SEE GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT AND ALL ADDENDUMS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 18, 2020. \ TALE 1 ARTHWORK PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' NOTE: STA(ff NG L I M I TS SHWON REPRESENT GRADES AT THE SURFACE. LAYBACKS OR SHORING SHALL BE USED TO PROTECT IN PLACE THE 54" WATER LINE AND OTHER UTILITIES AS SHOWN AND DESCRIBED I THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ADDENDUM 1. 2. THE EXISTING 54" WATER LINE SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE DURING PLACEMENT AND TESTING OF THE STREET IMP OVEMENT - " \ \ O v \ \� n O \ O , \ = O v �7\ \ / EX. SEWER MANHOLE, PER SHEET C-12 Nico �'- - STAGE 4 54 WATER �� \ O \ O C, \ O O O O \ \ PROPOSED 54" WATER LINE. _ _ _ _ _ .� - LAs R EX . 15 EMWD \ \ �� \ O °\O ^^0 \ SEE SHEET C-12 a. WATERLINE AND CASING CAN BE PLACED DURING STAGE 3 EARTHWORK AT AN ELEVATION OF FILL THAT 1 • `OAU CONSTRUCTION AND SEWER PER D-26813 \ O\ O11 MINIMIZES THE EARTHWORK. PIPELINES SHALL BE PLACED IN AN EXCAVATED TRENCH CONDITION AND DIVERSION -I-- - NOT IN A COMPACTED EMBANKMENT CONDITION. TRENCH CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PER RCWD STANDARDS. PROPOSED RCWD 8" WATER`--- 3. THE PROPOSED PIPELINE AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE DISHED HEAD LOCATIONS SHOWN IN DETAILS 1 AND 2 ON SHEET C-35 - 4. THE PIPELINE SHALL BE TESTED, CCTV INSPECTED, AND RCWD SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW WATER LINE AND APPURTENANCES. - - J --- - 5. ONCE DEWATERED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE THE CONNECTION POINTS AND SURROUNDING AREA TO FACILITATE CONNECTION OF THE PROPOSED 54" PIPE AND EXISTING 54" PIPE. 54" WATER X. RCWD 12"mil 6. ONCE ACCEPTED, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH RCWD FOR SHUT DOWN OF THE EXISTING 54" WATER ,CONNECTION - - - -WATERLINE PER MAIN. THE EXISTING PIPELINE SHALL BE DEWATERED AFTER SHUTDOWN. POINT - - - - - - C-377-62 7. ONCE DEWATERED AND CONNECTION POINTS ARE EXPOSED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT THE PROPOSED EXCAVATION ` - - - - - - - - PIPING INTO THE EXISTING SYSTEM AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 1 AND 2 ON SHEET C-35.- 8. AFTER CONNECTIONS ARE MADE, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH RCWD FOR REPRESSURIZATION OF THE 54" PIPELINE AND RETURN TO SERVICE. STAGE 5 EARTHWORK, CULVERT PLACEMENT, AND 8"WATER LINES:- 1. ONCE THE NEW 54" WATER MAIN IS IN SERVICE AND THE TRENCH HAS BEEN BACKFILLED, THE CONTRACTOR G E N E RAL NOTES. SHALL COMPLETE THE OVER EXCAVATION AND RECOMPACTION OF THE SOIL MATERIALS SOUTHERLY OF THE EXISTING 54" WATER MAIN. 1. STAGING LIMITS SHOWN ARE SCHEMATIC AND INTENDED TO DELINEATE LOCATIONS THAT WILL ALLOW \ 2. THE EXISTING 4"/8"/12" WATER LINES WITHIN THE OVEREXCVATION AREA SHALL BE REMOVED DURING THE EXISTING UTILITIES TO BE PROTECTED IN PLACE WHILE OVER EXCAVATION IN THIS AREA Is COURSE OF THE OVEREXCAVATION. PERFORMED AND THE PROPOSED UTILITIES ARE INSTALLED. 3. THE 4"/8"/12" WATER LINES WITHIN THE FILL AREAS BUT NOT WITHIN THE OVEREXCAVATION AREA CAN BE 2. THE OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED IN PROTECTED IN PLACE AND REMAIN IN SERVICE UNTIL THE PROPOSED REPLACEMENT PIPELINES ARE THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. STAGING LIMITS SHOWN SHALL ONLY BE ADJUSTED WHEN NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCTED, ACCEPTED, AND PLACED INTO SERVICE. ACCOMODATE LAYBACK REQUIREMENTS AND PROTECTION OF UTILITIES BASED ON ACTUAL FIELD 4. ONCE THE OVEREXCAVATION, CULVERT PLACEMENT, AND FILL TO ROUGH GRADED EARTHWORK IS COMPLETE, LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES. THE PROPOSED 8" AND 12" LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED. 3. REFER TO THE GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED MARCH 5. THE WATERLINES SHALL BE TESTED, CCTV INSPECTED, AND RCWD SHALL PROVIDE WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF 18, 2020 AND ALL ADDENDUMS. THE NEW WATER LINE AND APPURTENANCES 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT THE PROPOSED PIPING INTO THE EXISTING SYSTEM AS SHOWN IN DETAILS 3 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OVER EXCAVATION (OX) UNDER EXISTING PIPES THAT ARE TO REMAIN IN AND 4 ON SHEET C-35. PLACE. 7. THE TEMPORARY HIGH -LINES SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE ALL SERVICES HAVE BEEN RESTORED. 8. ANY REMAINING SECTIONS OF PIPING TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE SHALL BE GROUT FILLED. 5. AT CONNECTION LOCATIONS, THE 10' HORIZONTAL SETBACK WILL DICTATE LIMITS OF OX/REMOVAL. \ \ DURING BACKFILL OPERATIONS OF STAGE 3 AND STAGE 5, SOME BENCHING INTO NATIVE SOILS TOWARDS PIPE (AND THE FUTURE CONNECTION POINT) MAY TAKE PLACE AS COMPACTED FILL i \ \ ELEVATIONS INCREASES TO WARDS EXISTING PIPE. THIS WILL PROVIDE COMPACTED FILL \ UNDERLYING THE NEW PIPE CLOSER (<10') TO THE CONNECTION POINT. THE LIMIT OR DEPTH OF HORIZONTAL BENCHING WILL BE CLOSELY MONITORED AND DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. \ REVISIONS SCALE AS SHOWN � QOFEss fowl NUMBER DATE INITIALS DESCRIPTION `v0 T A0 Michael Baker N'IyF,p �y DESIGNED z M C L�jW No.60132 � I N T E R N A T I O N A L DRAWN it Rancho California Water District VIV�� 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Know what's eloW. IA s�91 CI Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD Call before you dig. CHECKED F 4F CAME TEMECULA, CA 92590 Y g MC PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 LINE "J" PER STAGE 3 SEE SHEET \ \� ° O \ \ Q O O \ \° w , ^ �\ \ \ 'EARTHWORK AND - -_ \O Q O ° Q\ Q C� \ `\ I - �� \ \ \ ISEWER DEMOLITION CULVERT BRIDGE �� \ \ \ O r O O \ O O \ CELLS ( TYP ) EX. RCWD 54" \ \ ° CE ATER VALVE,` \ \ O ° - _ CML & C STEEL \ \� ° 4SE HEET C-12 I \ \ \ \ ° ° ° ° PIPELINE PE \ \ \ 0-810 PHASE I - - - - -- � - � n IQ ° ° ° ° �� Q, � \\ \ \ EX.• W POLE, O \ SEE SHEET C \ s° O O �� O i EX. RCWD LINE "F" PER \ '� Q \ \ \ 8" WATER SEE SHEET C-23 \ % \ \,PER RC-37776 STAGE 5 EARTHWORK , O CULVERT PLACEMENT , PROPOSED RCWD 8 WATER \ \O O \ \O ° C AND 8 WATER L I NES O EX. OH LINES----' \ I\ ° ,-\ O � O #1GE °HEADWALL WD\O O �\ \ \ O % PROPOSED \ \ POWER POLE 0 0 54" WATLK CONNECTION DINT EXCAVATION SED WALL,` HEET C-27\ O �� ! -�• �� /� o; RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS DATE UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING DATE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE SEQUENCING STAGING EX H I B I T . I • / I CU DRAWING SHEET 7 OF 8 RCWD H1826P .. w z 0 0 ck w H- z w n a U c� 0 C6 0 0 0 0 Ln i z O a U O J W 0 0 U J 0 / w H- Q 0 0 Q U / 0 Ln r` i a a 0 Know what'sbelow. Call before you dig. PROP GAURD — EoH PROP FE EoH _ NIC Oda a mr- a _ zIII IV, 1 ]:11:a=BL•�1211111111111■IzIIIILI REVISIONS D1*YN:a12114IN SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED MC DRAWN IA CHECKED MC Quo TA �^ r� r m No.60132 ^� `ram 0IVL� 9lF 4F C A�IE�� I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L 40810 County Center Drive, Suite 200, Temecula, CA Phone: (858) 614.5000 - MBAKERINTL.COM CALLE GIRASOL Rancho Water Rancho California Water District 42135 WINCHESTER ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92590 PHONE: (951) 296-6900 FAX: (951) 296-6863 PROP BIKE PATH EX 15" EMWD SEWER (EMWD DWG D-26813) TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED PROP STORM DRAIN EX 54" RCWD WATER LINE (PER RCWD DWG RC-684) EX CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OVER 54" PROP CITY WATER LINE PER RCWD MAIN ESMT DWG RC-684 (TYP) NOTE: LAYOUTS SHOWN ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE ACTUAL PLACEMENT FOR TEMPORARY PIPING BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. .1W 1. ALL WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR. IF THE CONTRACTOR CANNOT RECONNECT WATER SERVICES TO THE REPLACEMENT PIPING WITHIN THE DISTRICT'S ALLOWABLE SHUT DOWN WINDOWS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY HIGH LINE SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD REQUIREMENTS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE SHUTDOWN LIMITS OF THE WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE AND CONNECT TO THE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS OR PROVIDE A TEMPORARY CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING PIPELINES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PLAN SHALL ALSO INCLUDE ALL TEMPORARY SERVICE HIGH LINES. TEMPORARY LINES SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM FUSED -JOINT HDPE PIPE MATERIAL. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE NSF APPROVED FOR USE WITH POTABLE WATER AND SHALL HAVE NEVER BEEN USED TO CONVEY WATER THAT WAS NOT POTABLE WATER. THE PIPELINE SHALL BE PLACED IN A SHALLOW TRENCH AND SHADED TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE SOLAR TEMPERATURE GAIN AND BE CONSTRAINED AGAINST THERMAL MOVEMENT. THE DESIGN OF THE HIGH LINE SYSTEM IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 4. A COMPLETE SUBMITTAL SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE TEMPORARY SERVICE LINES AND INCLUDE THE NUMBER OF SERVICES THAT WILL BE CONNECTED TO THE TEMPORARY LINE AND THE FLOW CAPACITY OF THE TEMPORARY LINE. ALL TEMPORARY LINES SHALL BE TESTED AND DISINFECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RCWD REQUIREMENTS. 5. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 3, E. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER DATE ENGINEERING DATE I OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DATE zI 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1"=20' RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS WATER PIPELINE RELOCATIONS UTILITY RELOCATIONS CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING -TEMP HIGH LINE EXH Z 0 0 0 O U Ld 0 3 U DRAWING C=37 SHEET 8 OF 8 RCWD H1826P on PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE PER PROPOSED GRADE FILL ABOVE EX EXISTING GRADE OVER q OF PIPE GRADE OVER OF PIPE PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT MWD MAXIMUM GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ALLOWABLE FILL LIMITS — 1 1 5 0 — 1150 zuz - - - a �� L.L N O\ N O\ CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT COVER 1- 0000 n 1- 0000 OVER THE EXISTING PIPELINE WILL r-co ) CD 106 NOT EXCEED MWD MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE N . � J n FILL OF 8.0 FEET, EXCEPT IN AREAS w PROPOSED OX PER ro0 -Jc:6 "� . � -j o � w w \ +� UHH {� NOTED WITH LIGHTWEIGHT CELLULAR a- o a GEOTECHNICAL REPORT --H mwo O CONCRETE (LCC) +� UHH N w O a --H MO-0 1140 �7 1140 S=0.00 - .0 16 > z N — O S=0.0015 > Z z > NO � OO + O N � OF PIPE N N� + + + -tom 1130 EX 54" RCWD WATER LINE WITH 78" CASING PER RC-684 PROPOSED ROAD PROFILE OVER SD PIPELINE NO 2 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 --- -\ . - „ \ \ —NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -------��— ---= —�--�� \ s �_\ _ _ ----- �,----------------------- _ \ \ \ \ \ \'\ \ �� \ \ 1. ALL WORK NEAR THE EXISTING PIPELINES MUST FOLLOW THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) AND RANCHO Ld z Q� \ '� \� \ \ cS JURISDICTIONAL CONSTRAINTS CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (RCWD) REQUIREMENTS. \ \ Liw rn \, \ \\ \ \ \\ \ (DO NOT DISTURB) 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTAL(S) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL o zQ w \ CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO MWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY MWD PUBLICATION "GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF J \� \ \ \ \ EX 54" RCWD WATER LINE \ r' METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK IN THE o0 �� 0 \ \ \ \ WITH 78" CASING VICINITY OF MWD'S PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE SD PIPELINE NO 2 N \ \ \ \ \�` PER RC-684 \ S PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF SOIL OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. EX 48 MWD WATER LINE �LLI OVER EXCAVATION \ \ \ \ OVER EXCAVATION �\ (B-69679) LIMITS OF \ \ \ \ LIMITS OF 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS, DISTURBANCE \ \ \ 106 \ �` \ \�` �� DISTURBANCE THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TO THE PLACING \ \ ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). - 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE IMPACTS OR VIBRATORY LOADS. - �° - TO I 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN VIBRATORY MODE BE USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL AROUND AND ABOVE THE X PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD \ \ \ '-� PIPELINES. PER SHEET C-9 A PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD SD PIPELINE NO 1 z \���� V `� ' PER SHEET C-9 ,> w 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE EX 54 MWD WATER LINE ~' w \ \ \ \ \ 0 LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER THE PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING (B-69679) PER SHEET C-39 0 �, , - _ n w \ \ \ \ \ - of \ OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD AND SHALL BE DONE UNDER METROPOLITANS SUPERVISION. J//',t 7 - 8. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN AASHTO H-10 LOADING. \ \ \ \ -0 \ \ \ 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET OVER THE METROPOLITAN _ - —W— ", ��— o _ \ \ �`�► 1 \ ,- - WATER LINES, EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH VVL- ` - - -- — W IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. \� < \ �I \ `. - 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET, ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED. O Q y \ \\ 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. �� LE G o STREET I MPROVEMENT vv v �� v �� p- -� o PER SHEET C-9 \ \ \ \, J "� \ J 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE (951)710-5853, AT LEAST Of TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF OUR FACILITIES. POTHOLE LOCATION H N bi \ \ \ \O 14. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO RCWD THAT SHALL INCLUDE OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS OF DUSTURBANCE - - - - - \ wo /\ \ \\ �� \ \ \ ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND RESULTING DEFLECTION IN THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON \ \ 50 WIDE PERMANENT METROPOLITAN WATER A \ \ G, 0 \ �` \ ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE \ \ \ \\, SPECIAL PROVISIONS. DISTRICT EASEMENT NO. 1953-1484 o O \ \ 120 WIDE PERMANENT METROPOLITAN WATER \ I \ \ DISTRICT EASEMENT NO. 1949-3112 1118 T 389 \ \ \ NOTE: \ THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN _20' • — \ WATER DISTRICT'S (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER SCALE 1 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., y�� 4081000 \ \ \ \ \ \ B-69679. THE RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL SUITE 200 o 20 10 0 20 40 60 Michael Baker I DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE RECORD LA, TEMECULA, CA 92591 CONSTRUCTION NOTES DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW PHONE: 80 N T E R N A T I O N A L MBAKERINTL.COM COMMENTS THE VERTICAL DATUM OF THE SCALE: 1"-20' Know what's below. 106 INSTALL 2.5 THICK 27-30 PCF LCC OR APPROVED EQUAL RECORD DRAWINGS I S NGVD29 . LD 20-1 1 14 Call before you dig. PER MANUFACTURE AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE QROV E S S ION9 l 0 • T AN,y�� yQ`` �� DESCIFGNED BY D CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. C=38 CONTRACTOR CF/BHBY HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF 0�0 r m F_ °F Tic TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 & CFD N0. 16-01 INSPECTOR � ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL f9l IV1� DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS a F ��r � METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT 3H DATE COMPLETED o��~ F OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER rro ya p44o4 �� EXISTING 48 WATER LINE N/A Ct`�1E R.C.E. 6ANN R.C.E. 44223 SD PIPELINE NO 2 OF88 SHEETS N O N \ N w z w Q c� w z 0 cn c� 0 0 z 00 i T) O L0 J 0 Cif Q 0 0 Q c� L O LO r- Q Q 0 no PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE OVER q OF PIPE MWD MAXIMUM OVER q OF PIPE ALLOWABLE FILL LIMITS ILL ABOVE EX w ADE_\ -- -- -- -_ -- -1150 - w �NZ� - _� 0_r_ O-- LL 0 0\_ — _ — — X — N Z N O � �--� � > Q LL O� -- J � � � / O 0)-- o F_ o 00 x PROPOSED D S I DE w Q� O H U 00 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT COVER - w w • • — _ _ SLOPE PER � 0 o r-rn ) xo GEOTECHNICAL bi-i OVER THE EXISTING PIPELINE WILL rn Ch J o ,_ REPORT n N 0 J p 0_= PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE �- NOT EXCEED MWD MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE w ± - o a PER GEOTECHNICAL `� w w F ILL OF 8.0 FEET, EXCEPT I N AREAS NOTED WITH LIGHTWEIGHT CELLULAR � H mwo REPORT 106 N� CLoa - -H m0_0 CONCRETE (LCC) o PROPOSED OX PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 1140 S= .0 9 S=0.0011 z �n - Ln - > 00 00 > _Z co M 00 EX 54" RCWD WATER '� 0 + �o� 0o00 ro 0 PPE LINE WITH 78" CASING PER PER RC-684 � N M 1130 PROFILE SCALE PROPOSED ROAD PROFILE OVER SD PIPELINE N 1 HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' I I 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 _ _ _ NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: - - - - - - - - - - - - - s- -L -\�' - - - ��- - - -- _ \ _ _ _ 1. ALL WORK NEAR THE EXISTING PIPELINES MUST FOLLOW THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) AND RANCHO - - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (RCWD) REQUIREMENTS. JURISDICTIONAL CONSTRAINTS P. \ (DO NOT DISTURB) 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTAL(S) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL w .J a � � - � CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO MWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY wow \� \ ,- \\ >, o z Q .per \� \ \ \ ��, \ ` MWD PUBLICATION GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF �1' w \ \ \ \ \ ��� �� METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK IN THE VICINITY OF MWD'S PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE l\ G' - \\ \ N, PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF SOIL OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. 0 o_ \ O \ \ \ \ EX 54 RCWD WATER LINE m OVER EXCAVATION \ ` WITH 78" CASING --� - 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS, \ Ld SD PIPELINE NO 2 LIMITS OF \ \ \ \\ PER RC 684 THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TO THE PLACING DISTURBANCE \ EX 48" MWD WATER LINE \ \ ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). _ — — — — (B-69679) PER SHEET C-34 "IN ;^ 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE IMPACTS OR VIBRATORY OVER EXCAVATION k� LOADS. — — — — — — — \ �\ LIMITS OF �,, , — — W— — - ►� - ISTU_RBANCE 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN VIBRATORY MODE TO BE ��— — W— - W—USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. � � — W W —� W— — — W— — - - 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL AROUND AND ABOVE THE ` `\�pJ X X _ PIPELINES. PROP EASEMENT \ �� I `� \ ACCESS FOR MWD Ci \ \ \ 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE PER SHEET C-9 O \ \ \ \'; PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER THE PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING SD PIPELINE NO 1 w Po \ \ _ PER SHEET C-9, _ EX 54 MWD WATER LINE w ,A\ �.\ \ \ \ OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD AND SHALL BE DONE UNDER METROPOLITAN'S SUPERVISION. (B-69679) a V• \� 8. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CQ X w X " RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN AASHTO H-10 LOADING. �~ \ \ �\ \ �� �� D 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET OVER THE METROPOLITAN - ,' \ WATER LINES, EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH Cn - o \� y \ \ IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. _ 10 �\ \ 1�H-�-- /j�� - _- --f- 13 _ 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET, ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED. 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. J ` \ 106 \ \ \\ \'J 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE (951)710-5853, AT LEAST LEGEND o STREET IMPROVEMENT \ \ r \ �� TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF OUR FACILITIES. PER SHEET C-9 \\ \ 13. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO RCWD THAT SHALL INCLUDE 0-1 N POTHOLE LOCATION H F_- \ Ld \ \ \� \ \ „ ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND RESULTING DEFLECTION IN THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS OF DUSTURBANCE - - - - - \ 0 \ \ ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE \\ \ SPECIAL PROVISIONS. O \\ \ \\ �� \ 50' WIDE PERMANENT METROPOLITAN WATER \ �� \LO \ \ / CONSTRUCTION NOTES DISTRICT EASEMENT NO. 1953-1484 0 0 INSTALL 2.5 ' THICK 27-30 PCF LCC OR APPROVED EQUAL 20, \ 120' WIDE PERMANENT METROPOLITAN WATERNo > \\ _� PER MANUFACTURE AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS SCPCE T \ DISTRICT EASEMENT NO. 1949-3112 1118 389 v \ \ \ \\ NOTE: 20 10 0 20 40 60 \ THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., • �� \ WATER DISTRICT'S (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER ` \ \ ` SUITE200 o ` ` B-69679. THE RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=20' Michael Baker I TEMECULA, CA 92591 DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE RECORD PHONE: (951) 676-8042 DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. COMMENTS THE VERTICAL DATUM OF THE LD 20-11 14 Call before you dig. RECORD DRAWINGS IS NGVD29. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESSIp l N9 0 T ANHF� DESIGNED BY DHS RAWN BY CHECKED�BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CONTRACTOR yQ`` 0�0 • r �� m C=39 HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF �oFTc TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED W No . 60132 m � ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 INSPECTOR � ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL f9l IV1� DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS a F ��r METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT N/A 39 OF88 SHEETS DATE COMPLETED o��~ F OF R.C.E. 60132 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro ises 4°4 ^�•�p4 �� EXISTING 54 WATER LINE CKV R.C.E. 44223 SD PIPELINE NO 1 MWD MAXIMUM ' ALLOWABLE FILL LIMITS EXISTING GRADE - MWD MAXIMUM PROPOSED GRADE ' OVER OF PIPE _ ALLOWABLE FILL LIMITS OVER OF PIPE w ' F ILL ABOVE EX �� ( oN� EXISTING GRADE GRADE o rn 0 PROPOSED FILL ACCESS - OVER OF PIPE � ' wo � <� DRIVEWAY GRADE OVER ; I_U O OF PIPE PROPOSED S I DE SLOPE (6 N " / x / o w � -74 PER GEOTECHNICAL N - / / � o o 1200 J ' REPORT r-o M +N UHF =w 1210 / P7— ILOQ mCLO ' :7PROPOSED SIDE , 10 (CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT COVER SLOPE PER PROPOSED OX PER GEOTECHNICAL / / MIN;' GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OVER THE EXISTING PIPELINE WILL NOT EXCEED MWD MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE REPORT ' w / PROPOSED SIDE FILL OF 15.0 FEET, EXCEPT IN ° EX 60" RCWD / °N°z SLOPE PER AREAS NOTED WITH LIGHTWEIGHT G\ EOTECHNICAL CELLULAR CONCRETE (LCC) N ' WATER LINE O `n OPER RC-700 REPORT w a\ t—H PROPOSED o 0o� 106 ww .. EX 12" RCWD _� r7 z OX PER o w D WATER LINE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT _ Vir- CL Jo PER RC-700 + M N N �- 1200 +— N— U�� ILOQ -H m 9 0 771- OF PIPE P IN 1190 5- =0.00 36 > z z z o— C co N PROPOSED ROAD PROFILE OVER D PIPELINE NO 3 PROFILE SCALE 04 o H + _ VERT. 1" = 4' a) — EASEMENT LEGEND 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: �+ POTHOLE LOCATION 1. ALL WORK NEAR THE EXISTING PIPELINES MUST FOLLOW THE METROPOLITAN WATER — — — — — OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE \ \\ \ \ •A \ 1 - — — — — — — — — — DISTRICT (MWD) AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (RCWD) REQUIREMENTS. \ \' - 70' WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES RECORDED 4/4/1968 AS INST. N0. 1968-37774 O.R. LINE "F" PER SHEET C-23 \ \ \ \ � � � - 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTAL(S) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE - 50' WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE >, CONTRACTOR TO MWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY MWD PUBLICATION EX 60 RCWDWATER PURPOSES RECORDED 3/7/1960 AS INST. N0. 1960-20189 O.R. �(1215) "GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF iC ll LINE PER RC-700 METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO - 40' WIDE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE �1 1 \ J 3 STARTING WORK IN THE VICINITY OF MWD'S PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE PURPOSES RECORDED 6/29/2001 AS INST. NO. 2001-300190 O.R. - Iy \ \ THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF — MWD R/W =r SOIL OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. 4 - 10' WIDE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE \ PURPOSES RECORDED 4/21/1988 AS INST. NO. 1988-105939 SD PIPELINE NO 5 ,2�6 \ \ \ \ \ 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS, THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS �� \ EX 96" MWD WATER LINE \� CONSTRUCTION NOTES \�\\ ' w AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TO THE PLACING ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING (B-67080) PER SHEET / l \ I-__ < / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). 166 INSTALL 2.5 THICK 27-30 PCF LCC OR APPROVED EQUAL PER MANUFACTURE C-41 STREET IMPROVEMENT AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS z w 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE \ \ PER SHEET C-15 a o 0 OF DISTURBANCE IMPACTS OR VIBRATORY LOADS. \ s \ \ Jo (D 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN — — — - — W— — W — — W— — `—v3� — — �— — WW— — — °- ~ - / 0 � VIBRATORY MODE TO BE USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE ` \ \ w AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. \ \ m L) SD PIPELINE NO 4 / / �� » PROP EASEMENT ACCESS AND \\ '� w 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL EX 99 MWD WATER LINE / 1 \ \ n \ �y� � AROUND AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT FOR MWD / / (B-50406 ) PER SHEET C-42 \ �\ \ �� ' �� Cn "I" / \ �` \ PER DETAIL ON SHEET C-18 / l�� ^� \ \ \ \ ; ^� �0 \ PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD o 0 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET / "J" / ON SHEET C 18� METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER ,-A \ PER DETAIL \ \ THE PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD my,��-\� �� AND SHALL BE DONE UNDER METROPOLITAN'S SUPERVISION. 8. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, z z EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN 1210) < Ld AASHTO H-10 LOADING. \ — \ ~ w \ SD PIPELINE NO 3 i / 106 \ �� % ��' J N 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET „ — _ / 'A�\ \ EX 75 MWD WATER LINE — \ �,` �,) Q_ w � / \ , 1' OVER THE METROPOLITAN WATER LINES EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD M I TS \ /y� I i� ��f / U/� �� o ' ���- / OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS (B-13753) i `. WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN OF DISTURBANCE ,( \ \ \ \ w 1 /� C„ THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. T r'o / \ \ \ \ T / ✓ o N 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET, ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT 1 13 0�1 \ \ \ \ I _� o j- SHALL BE USED. i 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES \ \ `� \ �� 1 < SHALL NOT INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. \ \ -MWD R/W-- — — — \ 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE (951)710-5853, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF OUR FACILITIES. \ 1„ w 13. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO EX 60 RCWD WATER LINE wo w EX 12" RCWD WATER \ �\ \ RCWD THAT SHALL INCLUDE ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND 40811COUNTY CENTER DR., NOTE: \ \ W— \ — W w M RESULTING DEFLECTION IN THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED BY THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT'S LINE PER RC-700 ISUITE 0 o THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE Michael Baker EX 12" RCWD WATER LINE TEMECULA,CA92591 (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER B-50406, B-13753 & B-67080. THE \ I �J `� — 4-0 ( SPECIAL PROVISIONS. PHONE: (951) 676 8042 RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE \ \ / ! W-� W 20 10 0 20 40 60 20' N T E R N A T I 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's b@SOW. RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW COMMENTS THE \ \ �/ � Sc Nk_E / � LD 20-11 14 VERTICAL DATUM OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS IS NGVD29. \ / \\\ �� \ / II Ca before you dig. \ PROD CT PW __ - NO . 20-14 SCALE. 1 -20 E CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESSIp l NY 0 T AN,y�� DESIGNED BY DHS RAWN BY CHECKED�BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CONTRACTOR yQ`` 0�0 • r �� m C=40 HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF �oFTc TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED o. W N60132 m ��� °; . CFD N003-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 INSPECTOR ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL f9l 1VIV DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS a F METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT N/A 40 OF88 SHEETS DATE COMPLETED o��~ F OF Ct`�\E R.C.E. 60132 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER r Tro isN 4°4 ^�•�p4 �� EXISTING 75 WATER LINE R.C.E. 44223 SD PIPELINE NO 3 CL L() N 0 N r` N w z w Q c� w z 0 cn c� 0 0 z L0 r` i T) 0 L0 r` J 0 Cif Q 0 0 Q c� LO 0 L0 r` Q Q 0 no 1215 i 1185 EXISTING GRADE OVER q OF PIPE SEEM_''--■■■ ■ _■ �� __� NONEPROPOSED GRADE D■■■ NONE PIPE "■E■ i4�gji ?c,7��,�1 c7Fi 11t1 ;�11rf� t �• ���r .■ ■m�■ NOON■ ■\ �� € j >F , ��l,� a��y�F' j�s�€��`� <• I PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE PER GEOTECHNICAL - REPORT OF PIPE � 1 10 F; .. - NOON ■■ ..■ GEOTECHNICAL ■■ w w 00 0 NZN W no--_ O CT)—G) m Q\ H UO00 WJ .. I� cfl 7 U' I-r- OWD ..Q�JO N 00 W O �0) =W +— UHH N_ WOQ �+I ma-0 EX 12" RCWD WATER LINE PER RC-700 5=0.0070 z EX 60" RCWD LINE PERERC-700� ___j____ PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE PER GEOTECHNICAL _ REPORT w w cooZ0 W U-) 0'-- 0 M - rn o_ a\ UO� W J .. N � 7 U MU-) OWD OJ0 �m w0 V-)rn =w + — UHH ram= =oa H mw0 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT COVER OVER THE EXISTING PIPELINE WILL NOT EXCEED MWD MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FILL OF 15.0 FEET, EXCEPT IN AREAS NOTED WITH LIGHTWEIGHT CELLULAR CONCRETE (LCC) 1215 1205 1185 PROPOSED ROAD PROFILE OVER SD PIPELINE N PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. : 1" = 20' I I i i l l l l l VERT. : 1" = 4' 10+00 1 1 +00 _12+00 13+00 14+00 NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: EASEMENT LEGEND 1 ALL WORK AND RANCHOCALIFORNIA NEAR EXISTING WATERPDPIPELINES (RCWD)OLLOW THE REQUIREMENTSROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) POTHOLE LOCATION \\ \ \` �\ \ `� 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTALS) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS - - - - - OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO MWD FOR REVIEW AND LINE "F" PER SHEET C-23 APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY MWD PUBLICATION "GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION \ \ \ \ PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM A - 70 WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ;p' OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK IN THE VICINITY OF MWD'S PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL WATERLINE PURPOSES RECORDED 4/4/1968 AS INST. NO. 1968-37774 O.R. � \� \ � S' \�\ EX 60" RCWD WATER INCLUDE THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF SOIL A - 50' WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE ` 1 �> LINE PER RC-700 1215) OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. PURPOSES RECORDED 3/7/1960 AS INST. NO. 1960-20189 O.R. �� \ t �� `� 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND A - 40' WIDE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE - MWD R - -� - - - - \ -S \ \ - - - - - - - - REQUIREMENTS, THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PURPOSES RECORDED 6/29/2001 AS INST. N0. 2001-300190 O.R. \ PRIOR TO THE PLACING ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). SD PIPELINE NO 5 10' WIDE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE Y,206 \\ \ \ \ \ =��\ 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE IMPACTS PURPOSES RECORDED 4/21/1988 AS INST. NO. 1988-105939 EX 96 MWD WATER LINE �y \� \ -- - w OR VIBRATORY LOADS. (B-67080) / / / r \ \ < < 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN VIBRATORY STREET IMPROVEMENT OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS Z W MODE TO BE USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE AND ABOVE THE 202 / / � �� \\� p \ PER SHEET C-15 F_ O PIPELINES. \ \ OF DISTURBANCE F_ \ 10 - - - 11 - \ -\ - 1 .� 14 0 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL AROUND AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. w 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET SD PIPELINE NO 4 PROP EASEMENT ACCESS AND / / \ �\ 1,�,� w 0 METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER THE " CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT FOR MWD / \ \ s �=� 0 PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD AND SHALL BE EX 99 MWD WATER LINE NE / � � �y � (B-50406) PER SHEET C-42 PER DETAIL "I" ON SHEET C-18 \ �\ �� \ �� DONE UNDER METROPOLITAN'S SUPERVISION. / / f� i ^ � �� PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD - 0 PER DETAIL "J" ON SHEET C-18 00 8• DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN AASHTO H-10 LOADING. 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET OVER THE 10 11 / r'p i 3 - \\ - - - _ 14 / \ METROPOLITAN WATER LINES EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR zziz WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. s \ w 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SD PIPELINE NO 3 _ _ _ / / p \ \ \ \ / J � Q EX 75" MWD WATER LINE ' �� \�-/ / ��\ \� \ / CL w USED. (B-13753) PER SHEET C-40 _ OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS ` \ \ 1 � 1 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT OF DISTURBANCE \\ \ 1 /� "' INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. 10 o A/ \ \\fir o 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE — ��W — — W— i — W — � k /-1A1 I A —A�� o (951)710-5853, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF o w OUR FACILITIES. 0- SOP' (1200) \ �� 13. MWD'S SAN D I EGO PIPELINE NOS. 4 AND 5 ARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE (PCCP). _ PCCP IS SUBJECT TO CATASTROPHIC FAILURE IF DAMAGE OCCURS TO THE PRESTRESSING WIRE. SUCH 20 10 0 20 40 60 r -MWD R/W-- - - - (1205)` �- \ \ ) DAMAGE COULD OCCUR BY DIRECT IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT UPON THE PIPE. SUCH DAMAGE \ L \\ \ COULD ALSO OCCUR IF THE MORTAR COATING THAT PROTECTS THE PRESTRESSING WIRE WERE DAMAGED OR CRACKED AND CORROSION OCCURRED. DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF PCCP EXTREME CARE MUST SCALE: 1"=20' BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING IN ITS VICINITY. THE MORTAR COATING SHALL NOT BE CRACKED, CHIPPED, \ \ / EX 60>,RCWD WATER LINE w m • NOTE: EX 12" RCWD WATER �y \ o N SCRATCHED OR OTHERWISE. 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., ' vv— rV— — W- - a THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT S / LINE PER RC-700 \ - w M 14. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO RCWD THAT Michael BakerSUITE 200 EX 12" RCWD WATER L I NE (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER B-50406, B-13753 & B-67080. THE �_ 0 SHALL INCLUDE ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND RESULTING DEFLECTION IN TEMECULA, CA 92591 \ � V�� � RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE \ �. � �� \ THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS PHONE: (951) 676 8042 \ / WN- \ — — N T E R N A T I 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's b@SOW. RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW COMMENTS THE �� \ �lj ` \ DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. LD 20-1 1 14 VERTICAL DATUM OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS IS NGVD29. \ \\ `�`� Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROfESSIp l DESIGNED BY DHS RAWN BY CHECKED�BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. 0 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • T AN,y�� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF = �oFT c TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 C=41 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: a F METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT DATE COMPLETED f9l IV1� o��~ JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS ��r �� N/A F OF Ct`�1E R.C.E. 60132 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER rro.seE p44o4 EXISTING 96 WATER LINE 41 OF88 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 SD PIPELINE NO 5 N N 0 N N w z w w Q 0 w z 0 cn c� 0 0 z i Ln 0 L0 J 0 Of w Q 0 0 Q c� LO 0 L0 Q Q 0 no q OF PIPE PROPOSED OX PER J ECHNICAL REPORT PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE S=p 0331 ---------------- PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT DENTICAL POINT - PROPOSED GRADE OVER C OF PIPE EXISTING GRADE OVER OF PIPE < r � �tr�v-ti r �.r5 C•i'.;• ty�,.t�.:,....--�v � x, , i — • II al • MIN EX .0 " RCWD WTER LINE NONE PAER - .. EX 12" RCWD PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE WATER LINE PER GEOTECHNICAL PER RC-700 REPORT PROPOSED OX PER- GEOTECHNICAL REPORT , 11+00 `/`C . \ a POTHOLE LOCATION \\ \ - - - - - OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE \' LINE "F" PER SHEET C-23 \ \ \ \ \ \ A - 70' WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES RECORDED 4/4/1968 AS INST. NO. 1968-37774 O.R. A 50' WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE \ 1 PURPOSES RECORDED 3/7/1960 AS INST. NO. 1960-20189 O.R. A - 40' WIDE RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE -MWD R PURPOSES RECORDED 6/29/2001 AS INST. NO. 2001-300190 O.R. \ SD PIPELINE NO 5 \ \ A - 10' WIDE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC EASEMENT FOR POWERLINE EX 96" MWD WATER LINE \ PURPOSES RECORDED 4/21/1988 AS INST. NO. 1988-105939 (B-67080) PER SHEET C-41 10 11 — — W —W 1A1 I1A1 I / SD PIPELINE NO 4 r'0 EX 99" MWD WATER LINE PROP MWD EASEMENT ACCESS PER (B-50406) DETAIL "I" ON SHEET C-18 ce SD PIPELINE NO 3 EX 75" MWD WATER LINE (B-13753) PER SHEET C-40 C - 10 W— W — W_ �Ev 2�, 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1"=20' ABOVE EX _ - PROPOSED GRADE - DRIVEWAY GRADE -- I OVER � OF PIPE EXISTING GRADE OVER � OF PIPE�_V4 / O i INI 1200 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT COVER - OVER THE EXISTING PIPELINE WILL NOT EXCEED MWD MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FILL OF 15.0 FEET, EXCEPT IN AREAS NOTED WITH LIGHTWEIGHT - CELLULAR CONCRETE (LCC) 1190 ism EASEMENT LEGEND 10+00 Z 00 — � N O � O + 00 IL 00 O NZN LL. LO O\ O (j) O 0_ Q\ UO� wJ .. Ln � 7 U r L0 OwZ .Q�JO d 00 IL O �O =w + — UHF N— a_OQ �+I mCL0 PROPOSED ROAD PROFILE] OVER SD PIPELINE NO 4 PROPOSED SIDE SLOPE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT w � a_ 00 O LL 0 o� O m. �N UO� c0 7 -i C� cot . O JQ r_(Da_0 - VnO =w +N UHH Pl) H moo 1210 SRO . > z > CO - z Ln n -Oc0 6 co + O Un N _+o 1200 12+00 13+00 14+00 NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: 1190 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ. 1" = 20' VERT. 1" = 4' 1. ALL WORK NEAR THE EXISTING PIPELINES MUST FOLLOW THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (RCWD) REQUIREMENTS. \ \ 2 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTALS) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO MWD \ \ s \� - \ \ FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY MWD PUBLICATION "GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND \\ \ CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND \\ \ \� EX 60" RCWD WATER RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK IN THE VICINITY OF MWD'S \\ LINE PER RC-700 PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF SOIL OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS, THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT s PRIOR TO THE PLACING ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE IMPACTS OR VIBRATORY LOADS. Ld < < 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN VIBRATORY STREET IMPROVEMENT MODE TO BE USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE AND ABOVE THE \ \ �\ OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS Z LL PER SHEET C-15 OF DISTURBANCE F_ o PIPELINES. - - �— w = 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL AROUND _ __ _ _ _---_ _ 14W�� _ 0 AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. \ \ ' \ — 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER THE PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD AND SHALL BE Cn DONE UNDER METROPOLITAN'S SUPERVISION. PROP EASEMENT ACCESS FOR MWD o 8, DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, EQUIPMENT �y �\ PER DETAIL J ON SHEET C-18 SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN AASHTO H-10 LOADING. \ r 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET OVER THE 14 METROPOLITAN WATER LINES, EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR \ < (12,- WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. bi w 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET, ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE o a USED. \ )) 0_ w of U 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT bj- INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. \ \ w cn 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE 13 0 /� \ — - \IAI r \vv— — '~ - (951)710-5853, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF w OUR FACILITIES .--�� cn-,Y-v n \ \ \ \ J \ o< 13. MWD'S SAN DIEGO PIPELINE NOS. 4 AND 5 ARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE (PCCP). \ \ \ \ PCCP IS SUBJECT TO CATASTROPHIC FAILURE IF DAMAGE OCCURS TO THE PRESTRESSING WIRE. SUCH \ \ �� \ \ \ \� \ DAMAGE COULD OCCUR BY DIRECT IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT UPON THE PIPE. SUCH DAMAGE \ \ L \ \ \ \ \ \ COULD ALSO OCCUR IF THE MORTAR COATING THAT PROTECTS THE PRESTRESSING WIRE WERE DAMAGED OR CRACKED AND CORROSION OCCURRED. DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF PCCP EXTREME CARE MUST \\\ \ INE EX 60" RCWD WATER LJ` W BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING IN ITS VICINITY. THE MORTAR COATING SHALL NOT BE CRACKED, CHIPPED, \ \ o w SCRATCHED OR OTHERWISE. • NOTE: EX 12" RCWD WATER �y _ —\_ \ iV— — W_ _ Q 4081000UNTY CENTER DR., • THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT'S / LINE PER RC-700 \ \ \ \ - w M 14. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO RCWD THAT Michael Baker ISUITE 200 0 EX 12" RCWD WATER L I NECD TEMECULA,CA92591 (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER B-50406, B-13753 & B-67080. THE \ \ �_ \ SHALL INCLUDE ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND RESULTING DEFLECTION IN PHONE:(951)6768042 RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE \ / �� W\_ \ W� — — THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS N T E R N A T I 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW COMMENTS THE �\ \ �lj \ ` DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. LD 2O- 1 1 1 4 Know what's below. VERTICAL DATUM OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS IS NGVD29. \\\ \ `�'' �i Call before you dig. \ ��ay \ PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE Q%OV E S S 1 pN9 l DESCIFGNED BY DDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. CF/BHBY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEM ECU LA 0 CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL yQ`` 0�0 • T AN,y�� r �� PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF m �oFTc TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED W No . 60132 m ��� °; CFD NO.03-02 & CFD N0. 16-01 C=42 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 � N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL t DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: a F METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED N/A 9lF 0 F C t`�\E�� R CJOHNED 60132ER III PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER EXISTING 99 �rTro :seE p44o4 " WATER LINE OF88 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 SD PIPELINE NO 4 OVER EXCAVATION LIMITS- / OF DISTURBANCE N110o �1VI A I i r . (1200 -MWD R/W- - - - - T) 0 N N 0 N N L0 w z w a_ Of Q c-) w z 0 cn 0 0 z rn Ln 0 L0 J 0 Of w Q 0 0 Q c� LO 0 L0 Q Q 0 no CL w 4t m p 0 0_ 00 O a00 Ln O p N p 0 O r n O N I N N DO O O � O 00 O 0 NO00"t pN + +rn Nam' �� Mr7 � � . Ln EX GRADE `tN N + N o PROPOSED + N AT CIL `V N ;I- N GRADE AT CL N 0.73% 0 28% 0 20% 4- N 1 08% v f r OSED SID 1 2 1 0 SLOPE PER rGEOTECHNICAL r r n X r r rREPORT o FILL ABOVE EX r --- r r r r r r r r r r r GRADE r r r r r rr r r r r r 12' EX Fcvv[)W TE AT R IN E WATER PROPOSED OX PER R F C- 00 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 1200 _+tCA I � Vo w O Li Z z >w �z 1 190 �Z1��� Who(0� W ��CY) J OW Zz J • I-W LLJ+ N0- ff) X 00 Ln 0_ - F-- N O) O O �Z� w WLd+ — CL z Lo N. pQ� �Q O — W0 Lo 1h+ OCL Ln _(n z MQ-_o 1 185 PROFILE SCALE SECTION n q n nAn /`1 HOR I Z . 1 - 40 VERT. 1" = 4' 140+00 141+00 142+00 143+00 NOTES TO CONTRACTOR: 1. ALL WORK NEAR THE EXISTING PIPELINES MUST FOLLOW THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (RCWD) REQUIREMENTS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE COMPLETE SUBMITTAL(S) INCLUDING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PROPOSED FOR USE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO MWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS REQUIRED BY MWD PUBLICATION "GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROPOSED IN THE AREA OF METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY". A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING WORK IN THE VICINITY OF MWD'S PIPELINE. THE SUBMITTAL SHALL INCLUDE THE EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED FOR THE PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF SOIL OVER AND ADJACENT TO MWD'S PIPELINE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER AND FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MWD GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS, THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PRIOR TO THE PLACING ADDITIONAL FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING / OVER EXCAVATION (OX). 4. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY PROCEDURE THAT COULD SUBJECT THE PIPELINES TO EXCESSIVE IMPACTS OR VIBRATORY LOADS. 5. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW ANY MAN-MADE INDUCED VIBRATIONS AND VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT IN VIBRATORY MODE TO BE USED WITHIN A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM THE FACE AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. 6. MWD DOES NOT ALLOW THE USE OF VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT TO COMPACT THE BACKFILL SOIL AROUND AND ABOVE THE PIPELINES. 7. DURING CONSTRUCTION, WHEN THE COVER OVER MWD'S PIPELINE IS LESS THAN 4- FEET METROPOLITAN'S PIPELINE LOADING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY. THE ACTUAL COVER OVER THE PIPELINES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY POTHOLING OR OTHER MEANS ACCEPTABLE TO MWD AND SHALL BE DONE UNDER METROPOLITAN'S SUPERVISION. 8. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER ABOVE THE PIPELINE IS BETWEEN 3 AND 4 FEET, EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN AASHTO H-10 LOADING. 9. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS GREATER THAN 2 FEET BUT LESS THAN 3 FEET OVER THE METROPOLITAN WATER LINES, EQUIPMENT OPERATED NEAR AND ABOVE THE MWD WATER LINES SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THAT WHICH IMPOSES LOADS NO GREATER THAN THAT OF A TRACK -TYPE TRACTOR WEIGHING A MAXIMUM OF 12,000 POUNDS. 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,WHEN THE COVER IS LESS THAN TWO FEET, ONLY HAND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED. 11. NO STOCKPILING IS ALLOWED WITHIN MWD'S FEE PROPERTY OR EASEMENT. STOCKPILES SHALL NOT INDUCE STRESS INTO METROPOLITAN'S FACILITIES. 12. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY TROY CHILDS OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS GROUP, TELEPHONE (951)710-5853, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK IN THE VICINITY OF OUR FACILITIES 13. MWD'S SAN DIEGO PIPELINE NOS. 4 AND 5 ARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE (PCCP). PCCP IS SUBJECT TO CATASTROPHIC FAILURE IF DAMAGE OCCURS TO THE PRESTRESSING WIRE. SUCH DAMAGE COULD OCCUR BY DIRECT IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT UPON THE PIPE. SUCH DAMAGE COULD ALSO OCCUR IF THE MORTAR COATING THAT PROTECTS THE PRESTRESSING WIRE WERE DAMAGED OR CRACKED AND CORROSION OCCURRED. DUE TO THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF PCCP EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING IN ITS VICINITY. THE MORTAR COATING SHALL NOT BE CRACKED, CHIPPED, SCRATCHED OR OTHERWISE. 14. CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A PIPELINE PROTECTION PLAN FOR APPROVAL TO RCWD THAT SHALL INCLUDE ENGINEERING • NOTE: CALCULATIONS SHOWING THE LOADING AND RESULTING DEFLECTION IN THE RCWD PIPELINES BASED ON ACTUAL EQUIPMENT USED 4081000UNTY CENTER DR., THESE PLANS ARE DRAWN PER METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT'S BY THE CONTRACTOR AND FOR VARIOUS DEPTHS OF COVER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Michael Baker ISUITE 200 o (MWD) DRAWING NUMBER B-50406, B-13753 & B-67080. THE TEMECULA,CA92591 PHONE:LA80RECORD DRAWING VERTICAL DATUM WAS NOT INDICATED ON THE 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED. PER MWD REVIEW COMMENTS THE LD 20-11 14 Call before di VERT I CAL DATUM OF THE RECORD DRAWINGS IS NGVD29 . . you y g PROJECT N0. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROf ESSIO l N9 DESCIFGNED BY D CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. CF/BHBY CONTRACTOR 0 yQ`` �TA m C=43 HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED No . 60132 �OFTc ��� °r� CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 INSPECTOR N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS { DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: VERTICAL sf9l �1vI JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED o���� F F PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER r Tro 1989 Qo4 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT N/A OF C p`1 R.C.E. 60132 R.C.E. 44223 - NOp4 SECTION "A"- "A" 43 OF 88 SHEETS 0 N N O N r` N Ln w z w w Cif U r w z 0 cn CD 0 Li J 0 w 0 w 0 0 0 Q w Ln O L0 i J 0 Of w Q 0 0 Q c� LO O L0 r` Q Q 0 no PROJECT 21 LOCATION 15 HOT S? ROAD 0 15 S GIRASOL ®Lu ¢o Gry - TEMECULA m cn c\p CALIFORNIA LPN VICINITY MAP NO SCALE AGENCY UTILITY RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT WATER METROPOLITAN WATER SUBSTRUCTURES TEAM WATER SOCAL GAS-MURRIETA GAS SOCAL EDISON-SAN JACINTO ELECTRICAL CITY OF TEMECULA STREET IMPROVEMENTS CHARTER CABLE FRONTIER CABLE * CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PER DIG ALERT ®I ® ® re SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T I O N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. APPROVED Call before . 1 a REGISTERED 4 ER NO. (yG13 2— DATE QROfESSIpy9\ ��® ® TA co rn L No.60132 0 NO. I DATE I INITIAL CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA BitNO Edo N , REVISIONS DESCRIPTION LANAYA VOELZ ALEXANDER ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF PLANNING, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION APP'VD/DATE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE REFERENCES DATE HOT SPRINGS ROAD PROJECT LOCATION GIRASOL w o TEMECULA W m 1011101111musmilk= 11. NO SCALE 0 Sri N -0 N 10 \ W z 0 Of w I- z w n Q U SHEET INDEX I0 ', SHEET NO. FILE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 D-62013 TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP, LOCATION MAP AND SHEET INDEX 2 D-62014 SHEET INDEX MAP, GENERAL SEWER NOTES, LEGEND, AND ABBREVIATIONS 3 D-62015 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 112+29.84 TO 115+99.19 4 D-62016 DETAILS EA�TERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT — � , DESIGNED MC �' t :7 DRAWN IA PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC PROJECT ENG. APPROVALS INSPECTION SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE: MAINTENANCE U) L 0 i z 0 Q U O w w J 0 / w Q SPEC NO. XXXX o 0 DATE EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I.D. U-8U-25 4/28/20 RNERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNRA S . A. 32 4/28/20 NICOLAS RD & CALLS GIRASOL W.O. 0 15" SEWER RELOCATION C.O. COORD. 10-C-34 TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP, SHT 1C o444 Q n LOCATION MAP AND SHEET INDEX D-62013 EXISTING EoH E E- - CATV— G G T T S a. PP 11r1 ® B-577 CLOSED VALVE 6" FIRE HYDRANT i-� FxH ADAPTER WATER MAIN ELECTRIC (OVERHEAD) ELECTRIC (UNDERGROUND) CABLE TELEVISION (OVERHEAD) GAS TELEPHONE (OVERHEAD) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STREET CENTERLINE PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT FENCE POWER POLE BUSHES,, TREES, GROUND COVER THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY IS THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ZONE VI,NAD83 (EPOCH 2O07.00) AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY A LINE BETWEEN CONTINUOUS OPERATING REFERENCE STATIONS (CORS) MAT2 AND BILL BEING N47-35-57.46E AS DERIVED FROM GEODETIC VALUES PUBLISHED BY THE CALIFORNIA SPATIAL REFERENCE CENTER (CSRC) AND/OR NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS), RESPECTIVELY. BENCHMARK: RIVERSIDE COUNTY BM:T-46-81 RESET 1997 ELEVATION:1097.163 (NGVD29) 3j" ALUMINUM DISK STAMPED "T-46-81 RESET 1997" LOCATED ON W'LY SIDE OF S'LY SIDEWALK ON THE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK, APPROX. j MILE N. OF NICOLAS ROAD 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., LTA ffQ " SUITE 200 ® ® ® TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM • ! ' • APPROVED • - •REGISTERED 03; . DATE 1. SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMWD'S STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEWER SYSTEMS. 2. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PIPELINE, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND VERITY ITS EXISTING ELEVATION(S) AND LOCATION(S). 3. GRAVITY SEWER PROFILE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FLOW LINE (CONDUIT INVERT). 4. MANHOLES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DRAWINGS SB-53, SB-58, AND SB-61, AS APPLICABLE. SEWER MAINS MAY BE LAID THROUGH THE MANHOLES AND USED AS A FORM FOR THE INVERT. ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE LOCATION OR INVERT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH WORK. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXPOSE EXISTING SEWER AND VERIFY ITS EXISTING ELEVATION AND LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINT. WHERE GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED, ALL VCP PIPE SHALL BE TREATED FOR ABSORPTION RESISTANCE PER EMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS. 5. STATIONING SHOWN IS BASED ON CENTERLINE OF NICOLAS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. 6. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHOULD OBEY THE FOLLOWING SEPARATION STANDARDS UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON PLAN: A. PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION: THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCE BETWEEN EXISTING POTABLE WATER MAINS AND PROPOSED SEWER FORCE MAIN SHALL BE AT LEAST 10 FEET (OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF PIPE). B. PERPENDICULAR CONSTRUCTION (CROSSING): EXISTING POTABLE WATER MAINS SHALL BE AT LEAST ONE -FOOT ABOVE PROPOSED SEWER MAIN WHERE THESE LINES MUST CROSS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE STANDARD WILL REQUIRE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS REQUIRED ON THE PLANS. 7. AFTER THE PIPELINE IS BACKFILLED, BUT BEFORE THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IS COMPLETED, THE PIPELINE SHALL BE TESTED BY EMWD AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO INSURE THAT THE JOINTS ARE INTACT AND PROPERLY INSTALLED. 8. ALL PIPE ZONE BEDDING & TRENCH BACKFILL ARE TO BE PER EMWD STANDARD DRAWINGS SB-157,SB-158 AND SB-159. THE CONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PIPE BEDDING DESIGN AND PROVIDE CALCULATIONS FOR REVIEW BY EMWD. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED THAT THE WORK ON THIS PROJECT MAY INVOLVE WORKING IN A CONFINED AIR SPACE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR "CONFINED AIR SPACE" ARTICLE 108, TITLE 8, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 10. EMWD INSPECTION MUST BE ON SITE OVERSEEING OPERATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEWER MAIN AND APPURTENANCES. NOTIFICATIONS AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY: 1. EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, FIELD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: (951) 928-3777, EXT. 4830 PERMIT AGENCIES: A. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA), 811 B. ALL OTHER AFFECTED UTILITIES: 1. CITY OF TEMECULA, 951-694-6411 2. RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT, 951-296-6900 IN ADDITION TO THE TWO WEEKS PRIOR NOTIFICATION, ALSO NOTIFY EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WITHIN 48 HOURS SO PERSONNEL IS AWARE CONSTRUCTION IS BEGINNING SOONER THAN TWO WEEKS. RESEARCH ON UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAS RESULTED IN FACILITY LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. HOWEVER, THE LOCATIONS, AND ELEVATIONS SHOWN SHOULD BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASCERTAIN THE MOST RECENT UNDERGROUND UTILITY FACILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR FULL RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD DAMAGE TO AN UNDERGROUND FACILITY OCCUR AS A RESULT OF THIS PROJECT. QRpFESS10N'\ T AMNF� rn m No.60132 rn C1 V IV �lF OF C A�-��o� 1. APPROVAL BY EMWD IMPLIES NO PERMISSION OTHER THAN THAT WITHIN THE EMWD'S JURISDICTION. ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW AND NOT ALREADY OBTAINED BY THE EMWD SHALL BE ACQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR. REQUIREMENTS OF EMWD SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES ONLY WHERE EMWD REQUIREMENTS ARE MORE STRINGENT. 2. THE PROPOSED WORK SHALL BE SUBORDINATE TO ANY OPERATIONS EMWD MAY CONDUCT AND SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH SUCH OPERATIONS AS DIRECTED BY EMWD. 3. LINEAR FEET OF PIPE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE HORIZONTAL MEASUREMENTS AND EXTEND THROUGH MANHOLES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS IN PLACE. SAID EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL INCLUDE BUT SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO PIPES, BERMS, DITCHES, DRIVEWAYS, FENCES, AND PLANTS. ANY REMOVAL OR DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER AND EMWD. 5. ALL MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION OF PIPE SHALL BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AWWA STANDARDS AND EMWD. FAILURE TO MEET SAID REQUIREMENTS WILL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION. 6. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, EMWD, AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE SHORING PLANS FOR TRENCHES AND JACKING PITS PREPARED AND SIGNED BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER TO EMWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCTION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL (CDF) AS BACKFILL FOR ALL OPEN CUT UTILITY CROSSINGS. CDF SHALL BE PLACED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION TO THE CENTER GRADE OF THE THE UTILITY, AND SHALL EXTEND 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE PER SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02252. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING TO EMWD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS PRIOR TO START OF EXCAVATION: EXCAVATION TRENCH PLAN, JACK/BORE PIT SHORING, DEWATERING OF TRENCHES, AND DEWATERING OF PIPELINES. 10. THE EXISTING SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM SHALL REMAIN IN CONTINUOUS OPERATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY BYPASS PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEMS AS NEEDED TO KEEP THE COLLECTION SYSTEM IN CONTINUOUS OPERATION AT ALL TIMES. ALL BYPASS PUMPING MUST BE APPROVED BY EMWD. MAINTENANCETICOORDINATION NO. STATION ITEM AND PURPOSE REQUIRED SHUTDOWN REMARKS NOTIFICATION DURATION COLLECTION EX MH N0.11 4-WEEK SYSTEM TO 1 STA 108+77.38 SEWER BYPASS 2-WEEK REMAIN IN NICOLAS RD 24-HR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. COLLECTION EX MH NO.14 4-WEEK SYSTEM TO 2 STA 118+91.42 SEWER BYPASS 2-WEEK REMAIN IN NICOLAS RD 24-HR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. 3 APPROVED: DIRECTO. O OPERATIONS APPROVED: DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE REVISIONS EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT -- NO. DATE INITIAL DESCRIPTION APP'VD/DATE DESIGNED MC '',f DRAWN IA DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED REFERENCES PROJECT ENG. INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC n APPROVALS INSPECTION SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE: MAINTENANCE ABD ABANDONED ACP ASBESTOS CONCRETE PIPE AV/AR AIR VACUUM/AIR RELEASE ASSEMB BO BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY BOP BOTTOM OF PIPE BFV BUTTERFLY VALVE CDF CONTROLLLED DENSITY FILL COMP COMPOUND CPLG COUPLING CTV CABLE TV CML&C CEMENT MORTAR LINED AND COATE CG CENTER GRADE q CENTERLINE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL EOH ELECTRICAL OVERHEAD EX EXISTING FAB FABRICATED FO FIBER OPTIC FH FIRE HYDRANT FLG FLANGE FxF FLANGE BY FLANGE FxH FLANGE BY HUB GV GATE VALVE GB GRADE BREAK HxH HUB BY HUB V INVERT MJ MECHANICAL JOINT PE POLYETHYLENE PZ PRESSURE ZONE RED REDUCER RSGV RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY RW RECYCLED WATER S SEWER S= SLOPE STL STEEL ST STREET TELE TELEPHONE TOP TOP OF PIPE UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTIO W WATER W/ WEST OF EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT i. .s • ....1 MUM . Lei 0 a -- N{ 0 N co w z 0 cn w z w N Q Us c� 0 N 0 0 1 cn I 0 Ln r- i z 0 Q 0 J w. 0 w 0 w Q SPEC NO. XXXX o I.D. U—$ U-25 S. A. 32 r fie. W.O. 0 Ln C.O. COORD 1 O-C-34 . SHT 2 OF 4 Q 0 D-62014 PROP MULTI -USE PATH PROP 60" MANHOLE PROP 15"/21"VCP NO. 2 SEWER PROP MULTI -USE PATH [PROP 60" o / XGRADE MANHOLE NO. 3 N J PROP MULTI -USE PATH v� MANHOLE ABANDONMENT o W a ° V ° L; ° �/ ° y ° a ° J ' y` TRENCH ZONE DETAIL SEE RIGH'o / aaa O .ry r BACKFILL PER EMWD �� / REMOVE EXISTING 2 , �' MANHOLE FRAME AND�aa a�� �� �//�a STD. DWG. SB-158 o C>, a�a 'acaa a41 � E COVERLij NEW SECTION OF 15" 2' "aa Q °� a°� o°a as VCP SEWER PIPE i as �i 00 LL_O° u°� O°�a Lz a° a o i �a Ui 'a J REMOVE° a �/ X X X X x- a tea° °� a��a � CLSM FILL TO SPRING " PROP FENCE < rMANHOLE SHAFT d o _ aaaa!aaaa'��� �aj�/� LINE OF PIPE - `PROP GUARDRAIL �:w-. �� �"" ' ' a a''� �% (aa ��ia as as L✓�/a PROP GUARDRAIL „ a%°C% �° "� �° �° PROP FENCE PROP 15 /21 �� / //� / INSTALL BAND SEAL VCP SEWER L/i COUPLINGS TO PROP 60„ EX 15" VCP .w.. ; - - 0 / -� >� %'� �� a a MANHOLE NO. 1 SEWER TO BE � � � � � � CONNECT NEW SECTION /J OF VCP SEWER TO EX REMOVED--''r %' 's °- Q VCP SEWER l a a°� t nb a �Jul, as a CONCRETE MANHOLE FRAME STA 112+29.84 CONCRETE MANHOLE FRAME STA 115+75.43 - �T REMOVE ' 2_ EXISTING MANHOLE BASE , •.. Z ��� z : ° � ��° CUT PIPE TO A < EX 1 VCP a¢' SEWER NEAT CLEAN 2 ± ���� � � � a BEYOND MANHOLE ao ° ��'BASE INSTALL BAND SEAL a ° COUPLINGS TO CONNECT SUPPORT PIPE TO ®R Q J 4 a NEW SECTION OF VCP MAINTAIN GRADE AND SEWER TO EX VCP SEWER � SLOPE DURING _, ---" ' \ BACKF I LL OPERATION ° REMOVAL AND DEMO OF EXISTING MANHOLE ADDITION OF NEW SECTION OF SEWER PIPE CLASS "B" CONCRETE CONCRETE MANHOLE RING AT GRADE CONCRETE RING DETAIL 1 -MANHOLE ABANDONMENT DETAIL 2 t c t j Q t \ ^M t � Q t PROP 15"/21" INSTALL MECHANICAL PLUG AND f VCP SEWER GROUT FILL 2'-0" OF EX 15" SEWER AFTER DIVERSION OF FLOWS PROP 15"/21" VCP SEWER INSTALL MECHANICAL PLUG AND INSTALL CONCRETE ABANDONMENT GROUT FILL 2'-0" OF EX 15" BLOCK (MIN 18"X 27") AFTER PROP 60" MANHOLE SEWER AFTER DIVERSION OF FLOWS DIVERSION OF FLOWS NO.1 INSTALL CONCRETE ABANDONMENT EX 15" VCP SEWER / BLOCK (MIN 18"X 27") AFTER EX 15 VCP ESREMOVED c EX 15" VCP SEWER (PROTECT IN PLACE) PROTECT IN PLACE a DIVERSION OF FLOWS EX 15" VCP SEWER _ TO BE REMOVED T \ FILL EX CHANNEL , PROP 60" ' FILL EX CHANNEL AFTER AFTER PROP SEWER IS MANHOLE N0. 4 PROP SEWER IS PLACED PLACED IN SERVICE c IN SERVICE c L CONNECTION DETAIL STA 112+29.84 3 CONNECTION DETAILT 1 + 4 C L F SPEC NO. XXXX C OfESSip REVISIONS EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EAS ERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DATE EASTERN MUNICIPAL. WATER DISTRICT I.D. U-8 U-25 ' 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., QR M,.< DESIGNED MC 4/28/20 RNERSWE COUNTY CALFORNIA S.A. 32 SUITE 200 c�0 jgHN NO. DATE INITIAL DESCRIPTION APP'VD/DATE L ® o F NICOLAS RD CALLE GIRASO W , 0 g TEMECULA, CA 92591 ,�� ����'�� � f DRAWN IA 4/28/20 L PHONE: (951) 676-8042 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING DATE PROJECT MANAGER DATE CHECKED C • 0 N T E R NATIONAL MBAKERINTLCOM w No.60132 ^� 15" SEWER RELOCATION COORD. 10—C-34 F - a � REFERENCES INITIAL DATE SUBMITTED MC REFERENCES J PROJECT ENG. Know what's el®W. APPROVED BY ___ s�9 cl v 1` ���� APPROVALS INSPECTION sHT 4 of 4 DETAILS _6 — 7 Call before you di REGISTERED E IN R N0. �- DATE 3 2 rF OF C k�1E0 SEWER OPERATIONS SCALE. 2®1 6 Y � MAINTENANCE v V O v O. t Li Li L t' D t D 0 0 D 5 z J J 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 0 LVA ffQ' �, � ' i SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED v EoH '—' W O W U ,_, Z — �— —7vv CL� • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATEIACC'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A k 116 `� ' 1 QROfESS10N�l TAN,y�� �y z W No.60132 ^� 01VIN, 'lF OF C A�1�`�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 T r Q NJM— W O ~— W U co Z RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 26 MODIFIED ARTERIAL HIGHWAY LIGHTING PER COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STD. 1001, PROVIDED BY S.C.E., PER SEPERATE PLANS. LUMINAIRE TO BE MOUNTED ON SCE POLE. 20 10 0 20 40 60 SCALE: 1"=20' LID 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET LIGHT PLAN SHEET NO. S Lm 1 48 OF 88 SHEETSI EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC NEEDED WITHOUT WIRE MESH SUPPORT STEEL OR ATTACH FILTER FABRIC WOOD POST SECURELY TO UPSTREAM SIDE OF POST W!_q FLow 10' MAXIMUM SPACING WITH WIRE SUPPORT FENCE 6' MAXIMUM SPACING WITHOUT WIRE SUPPORT FENCE STEEL OR WOOD POST ."-36" HIGH MAX. PONDING HEIGHT 71,PONDING HEIGHT FLOW 12" IN. Z,,x6" TRENCH WITH ^^COMPACTED BACKFILL 9" MAX. STORAGE HT. 12" MIN. FLOW 3/4" MIN. DRAIN ROCK 8" INSTALLATION WITHOUT TRENCHING NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY. 2. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY. 9" MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED STORAGE HEIGHT. 3. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF —SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 71 SILT FENCE DETAIL 0SE-1" PER CASQA STANDARD CATCH BASIN (FLOW BY OR SUMP) 3" MIN. OPENING BETWEEN BAGS ON TOP ROW. 70 GRAVEL BAG INLET PROTECTION DETAIL "SE-10" PER CASQA STANDARD 2 BAGS MIN GRAVEL BAGS TYP OVERLAPPING LEVELS TYPICAL SECTION N TS 1/2 I NTERVALS _ _ _ — _ _ CF DIRECTION _ / FLOW s CL FOR VEHICLE PATH 00 60' TYP CF 1 INTERVALS PFR GRAVELBAG PLAN N TS STREET GRADE LENGTH <4% 200' MAX. 4% TO 9% 100' MAX. >9% 50' MAX. 72 VELOCITY REDUCERS DETAIL "SE-6" PER CASQA STANDARD SECTION DD-DD GRAVEL BAGS (TYP.) GRAVEL BAGS (TYP.) O SECTION PROFILE GRAVEL BAGS DETAIL "SE-6" 75 PER CASQA STANDARD 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED • • o Know what's beIow. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE NOT TO SCALE BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 ACING TABLE ABOVE SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A SPACING EVERY 10 VERTICAL FEET PARALLEL TO CONTOUR STRAW WATTLE E� GR��NO 8" MIN.(TYP.) TYPICAL FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION NOT TO SCALE 2"X2"X24" STAKES STAKED AND ENTRENCHED STRAW WATTLE (SEDIMENT ROLL) DIAMETER (8" MIN.) SEDIMENT LADEN RUNOFF FILTERED g° MIN. RUNOFF 5" MIN. O FINISHED GRADE 12" ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 74 FIBER ROLL DETAIL "SE-5" PER CASQA STANDARD QRpfESS1pN9\ TAcm rm z No.60132 ce- 01 V IV 9lF OF C k0�`�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 CITY OF TEMECULA EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. FILTERED RUNOFF. ALL RUNOFF SHALL BE FILTERED PRIOR TO DISCHARGING FROM A SITE OR TO ANY TYPE OF PRIVATE OR PUBLIC STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM (NATURAL WATERCOURSES, STREETS, GUTTERS, CONCRETE -LINED V-DITCHES, STORM DRAINS, FLOW -LINES, INLETS, OUTLETS, ETC.). ALL NON -PERMITTED DISCHARGES ARE PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM YEAR-ROUND. 2. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S). YEAR-ROUND, POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES, ALSO KNOWN AS BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S), MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY FIELD ACTIVITIES. BMP HANDBOOKS CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT HTTP://WWW.DOT.CA.GOV/HQ/CONSTRUC/STORMWATER/MANUALS.HTM. ADDITIONAL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (WPC) MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED PRIOR TO AND THROUGHOUT EACH RAINY SEASON. THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WPC MEASURES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT FOR ALL CLEARING, DISKING, GRADING, EXCAVATING AND STOCKPILING ACTIVITIES, AND ON ALL EXPOSED SLOPES AND INACTIVE PADS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SITE. THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DISCHARGES FROM SUBCONTRACTORS. a. STOCKPILING OF BMPS. ADDITIONAL WPC MATERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE SITE FOR IMMEDIATE USE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO ANY FORECAST RAIN. ON EMERGENCY SITUATIONS, THE DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY MAKE EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS AVAILABLE TO PROTECT THE SITE. 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROLS. ALL WPC MEASURES SHALL BE INSPECTED, RESTORED, REPAIRED OR MODIFIED YEAR- ROUND THROUGHOUT THE SITE TO PROTECT PERIMETERS, ADJACENT PROPERTIES, ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS AND ALL PRIVATE/PUBLIC STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. IF ANY EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROLS FAIL DURING ANY RAIN EVENT, MORE EFFECTIVE ONES WILL BE REQUIRED IN THEIR PLACE. a. EROSION CONTROLS. EROSION CONTROLS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO APPLYING AND ESTABLISHING: VEGETATIVE COVER, WOOD MULCH, STAPLED OR PINNED BLANKETS (STRAW, COCONUT OR OTHER), PLASTIC SHEETING (MINIMUM 10-MIL), POLYPROPYLENE MATS, SPRAY -ON CONTROLS TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OR OTHER MEASURES APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. JUTE NETTING SHALL NOT BE USED AS A STAND-ALONE EROSION CONTROL. FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 4:1, PROVIDE FIBER ROLLS AND EITHER A BONDED FIBER MATRIX PRODUCT APPLIED TO A RATE OF 3500 LB/ACRE OR A STABILIZED FIBER MATRIX PRODUCT APPLIED TO A RATE OF 10 GAL/ACRE. THE CITY ENGINEER MAY APPROVE DIFFERENT APPLICATION RATES FOR SLOPES LESS THAN 4:1. b.SEDIMENT CONTROLS. SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHALL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: DESILTING BASINS, GRADED BERMS, FIBER ROLLS, SILT FENCES, GRAVEL BAG CHEVRONS (FILLED WITH MINIMUM �4"GRAVEL), CHECK DAMS, DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION, ETC. FIBER ROLLS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 15-FOOT INCREMENTS MEASURED ALONG THE FACE OF THE SLOPE. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG INTERIOR STREETS AND COMBINED WITH GRAVEL -BAG OR SILT FENCE CHEVRONS INSIDE THE SIDEWALK RIGHT-OF-WAY OR BACK OF CURBS. 4. STATE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. IF THE PROJECT DISTURBS, EXPOSES OR STOCKPILES ONE ACRE OR MORE OF SOIL, THE SITE MUST BE COVERED UNDER THE STATE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. A WASTE DISCHARGE IDENTIFICATION (WDID) NUMBER, A RISK LEVEL DETERMINATION NUMBER AND THE QUALIFIED "STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN"(SWPPP) DEVELOPER (QSD) SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT. A SWPPP SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT AND SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE TO CITY AND STATE INSPECTORS AND UPDATED TO REFLECT CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT: WWW.WATERBOARDS.CA. GOV/WATER_ISSUES/PROGRAMS/STORMWATER/CONSTRUCTION. 5. PERIMETER PROTECTION. PERIMETER PROTECTION MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING ACTIVITIES. CLEARING SHALL BE LIMITED TO AREAS THAT WILL BE IMMEDIATELY GRADED OR DISTURBED. A COMBINATION OF WPC MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IN AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN CLEARED. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF AN INACTIVE SITE, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, SHALL ALSO BE PROTECTED. 6. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS POINTS. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS POINTS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH A COMBINATION OF ROCK AND SHAKER PLATES YEAR-ROUND TO PREVENT TRACK -OUT. INTERIOR ACCESS POINTS (ALL PROPOSED DRIVEWAYS, MATERIAL STORAGE AND STAGING AREA ENTRANCES/EXITS, ETC.) SHALL ALSO BE PROTECTED WITH ROCK TO PREVENT TRACK -OUT ONTO INTERIOR STREETS. ROUTINE STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE PERFORMED ON ALL PAVED STREETS WHERE TRACKING IS OBSERVED. VACUUM SWEEPERS SHALL BE USED WHEN STREET SWEEPING BECOMES INEFFECTIVE. CONTROLLED STREET WASHING SHALL ONLY BE ALLOWED PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF ASPHALT SEAL COATS, AND ONLY WHEN ALL PERTINENT DRAINAGE INLETS ARE PROTECTED. 7. DESILTING BASINS. DESILTING BASINS SHALL BE DESIGNED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDANCE PROVIDED IN CASQA'S CONSTRUCTION BMP HANDBOOK. IMPOUNDED WATER SHALL BE SECURED FROM THE PUBLIC. SIGNAGE INDICATING "PONDED WATER - DO NOT ENTER, "OR AN EQUIVALENT WARNING NOTICE, SHALL BE POSTED. 8. MATERIAL STORAGE. MATERIAL STORAGE AND STAGING AREAS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. FUEL TANKS, PORTABLE TOILETS, LIQUIDS, GELS, POWDERS, LANDSCAPE MATERIALS AND STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE STORED AWAY FROM ALL PRIVATE/PUBLIC STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS, SIDEWALKS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND FLOW -LINES AND SHALL HAVE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT. INACTIVE STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE COVERED AT ALL TIMES. ACTIVE STOCKPILES SHALL BE COVERED PRIOR TO A FORECAST RAIN. 9. CONSTRUCTION WASTE. CONSTRUCTION WASTE AND MISCELLANEOUS DEBRIS SHALL BE PLACED IN WATER -TIGHT BINS. WIRE MESH RECEPTACLES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. WASH -OUT STATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR CONCRETE, PAINTS, STUCCO AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE, AND SHALL BE LINED WITH PLASTIC AND LOCATED AWAY FROM PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS, FLOW LINES, ETC. PRIOR TO ANY FORECAST RAIN, BINS AND WASH -OUTS SHALL BE COVERED WITH LIDS OR PLASTIC TARPS. 10. SLOPE PROTECTION. STORM WATER RUNOFF SHALL NOT BE DIRECTED OVER SLOPES WITHOUT PERMANENT DOWN DRAINS INSTALLED. WPC MEASURES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL EXPOSED SLOPES UNTIL SUFFICIENT/PERMANENT LANDSCAPE IS ESTABLISHED. THERE SHALL BE 100% SLOPE PROTECTION IN PLACE PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. 11. PORTABLE MIXERS. ALL PORTABLE MIXERS SHALL HAVE PLASTIC LINERS UNDERNEATH THEM WITH GRAVEL -BAGS PLACED ON THE DOWN -HILL SIDE OF THE LINERS TO CONTAIN DISCHARGES. 12. MAINTENANCE. ALL ONSITE AND OFFSITE FLOW LINES (I.E., V- AND BROW -DITCHES, TERRACE DRAINS, RIBBON GUTTERS, CURB GUTTERS, ETC.), STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS, CHECK DAMS, CHEVRONS, SILT FENCES AND DESILTING BASINS SHALL BE FREE OF SEDIMENT, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, WASTE, MISCELLANEOUS DEBRIS AND DETERIORATED WPC MEASURES YEAR- ROUND. 13. OBSTRUCTIONS. NO OBSTRUCTIONS, OTHER THAN BMP'S, SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN ANY STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM, UNLESS ALTERNATIVE DRAINAGE FACILITIES HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 14. OTHER CONSTRUCTION NOTES. REFER TO SEPARATE NOTES FOR "GENERAL," "GRADING" AND 'PAVING" REQUIREMENTS. 15. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION. REFER TO THE CITY OF TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.18 "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL" RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS SHEET NO. EC=1 1A4A A. - —s —s —s_ Asn � _d- —� x x x -�-� ->: x x-- x -- = x �— x --— x— r OHL— CHI — nHL OHL OHL A OHL OHL 11 6' �-- x x — x = X_ OHL OHL OHL- 13- _-- -- - —_—_ - _— co (30 o) W — �+ (TYP) 72 — 84S— —S— �— —S— — — — —S— — —S— �6 — —S— —5�— —�— 87 W---W---W-- W W---W---W---W--�1i-11'—W---W---W--- —vv- - (� c— — — G---G---G---G--- o—{-G---G---G�--G---G---G---G— (TYP) 42i %K 6 ,�N (1144 ) 10 X LEGEND FLOW DIRECTION 0000o GRAVEL BAGS ADCXXDCh x m STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION i V �, CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY UNIT 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 1718 LF 72 INSTALL GRAVEL BAG VELOCITY REDUCERS PER CASQA SE-6 AND 481 EA DETAIL ON EC-1 N -C —AA 1140 W o = O O co + vow O H - —_ ZUco Z _--M �-- / U _ M 46i — 3 G ONE z w J U 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SILT FENCE Michael BakerSUITE 200 SCALE: 1 "=30' TEMECULA, CA 92591 FR FIBER ROLLS PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-1114 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QROVESSIO l DESIGNED N D BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY O F TEMECULA SHEET NO. N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �o TA NN CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL y� oho F�� `^6, PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF z oFTc TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED � No . 60132 ���� °l9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 EC=2 INSPECTOR DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS O F DATE COMPLETED VERTICAL sl9l 01 V IV ` JOHN D . TANNER III PATR I CK A. THOMAS �9df � STA. 77+00 TO STA. 91+50 N/A F �F �`1E PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro ices �4 R.C.E. 60132 R.C.E. 44223"`p4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 50 OF84 SHEETS N r7 0 0 N 0 N co \ N 0 0 cn Q c-) z Q J m c� 0 U W 0 L0 0 L0 r- / U) / W 0 m m / 0 / z Q J 0 Q c� Ln 0 Ln m / 0 0 m / 0 U EL U Elf Y Q m Of m W Q U W W / LEGEND FLOW DIRECTION 0000o GRAVEL BAGS x K STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SILT FENCE Michael Baker SUITE 200 , TEMECULA, CA 92591 FIR FIBER ROLLS PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. Callbefore you dig. CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED HORIZONTAL SEE SHEET 1 1 AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A U W H W 0 =04 Q O W co O CO) Q W V H Z _ CO) J Z 2 U QR�f � . z W No.60132 � H9/ CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY UNIT 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 1747 LF 72 INSTALL GRAVEL BAG VELOCITY REDUCERS PER CASQA SE-6 AND 482 EA DETAIL ON EC-1 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA 0 a�U. �w Q J � O W J Z W J m = W C.)W CO) 30 15 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1"=30' LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS STA. 103+00 TO STA. 111+00 EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET NO. EC-3 51 of 84 M U W F— W � W Q O Cl) 0LO W X N coW CO) O W U F- _Z_cr) J Z 2 U Q 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker'l SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED • • o Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE IN LEGEND 13 FR BENCH MARK SEE SHEET FLOW DIRECTION GRAVEL BAGS STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE FIBER ROLLS SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QRpfESS1pTA Cm N9\ No.60132 Or- V L �� 9lF OF C k���`�� CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY UNIT 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 3080 LF 74 INSTALL FIBER ROLL PER CASQA SE-5 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 2000 LF 75 INSTALL GRAVEL BAGS PER CASQA SE- 6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 315 EA DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA LO W W LU :0cf)o W oc WNW C � ' O � WUW Z— J Z U Q 30 15 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1"=30' LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS STA. 102+50 TO STA. 111+00 EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET NO. EC-4 52 OF 84 1 r/1rwIP1 MATCHLINE — SEE SHEET BELOW RIGHT NICOLAS ROAD STA. 116+00 716 9� r\PJ\1,957-090-01 8 --4(1168) b titi I k I ° ti k � I �i AI PIN1.J57JJJJJJ 1 -9 / FLOW DIRECTION GRAVEL BAGS STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE FR FIBER ROLLS 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED DATE I BY Q R 2be10W. K D W Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE i v vs MATC RUNE - NI Cp SEE LAS ROAp SHE ET EC,4 STA. 111+ OD BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O HORIZONTAL `�� ��0 TA r AS NOTED � No. 60132 VERTICAL 0 I V 1 \' N/A 'lle, 0 C A�1�`�� \ \ 0 1167)-----__ APN,JO57— 1 50-01 6 1\11 C C CA/IL CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY UNIT 70 INSTALL STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-10 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 275 EA 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 2321 LF 72 INSTALL GRAVEL BAG VELOCITY REDUCERS PER CASQA SE-6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 94 EA 74 INSTALL FIBER ROLL PER CASQA SE-5 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 1833 LF 75 INSTALL GRAVEL BAGS PER CASQA SE- 6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 652 EA DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 MATCHLINE — SEE SHEET EC-6 NICOLAS ROAD STA. 120+00 i III' o T r I T I i iI T �1 J R 0r1 D rr I )V r j\/1 r j\l F) I 71 i �, / 71 T 1 I 70 1 � 1 1 1 1 � T CN a 3 R Jr\ D I I 1 r\ 1\1 D T � I I rlR'r\S0L I I T C) V r 1\/1 r 1\l r B I T I I I I c I I I I 1 1 T k c, I I 1 QI I I T I I 01 ; 1 I I I II --0 169) T N 1 I I I I I 1 01 1 " Z 1 T I I �\ �I (:bI I V) I I T 71 tj Li MATCHLINE — SEE SHEET ABOVE LEFT NICOLAS ROAD STA. 116+00 st-1, 30 15 0 30 60 90 SCALE: 1"=30' n 1k� 40' 1 LID 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 c: %amu NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS STA. 111+00 TO STA. 120+00 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 53 OF88 SHEET' Q O N O N LO J w w w J J w z 0 CD 0 O 0 N U Q W V) W IW W= zCO) J = W UW Hcf) Q 1 190) O O M = 0 cf) W I > W O z Im J Q UW Qcf) 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., 0'i SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 INTERNATIONAL MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED I W Q �LL 0 • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE LEGEND FLOW DIRECTION 0000o GRAVEL BAGS } STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION ` 0 SILT FENCE FR FIBER ROLLS 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 125 126 127 CONSTRUCTION NOTES QUANTITY UNIT 70 INSTALL STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-10 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 199 EA 71 INSTALL SILT FENCE PROTECTION PER CASQA SE-1 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 5419 LF 72 INSTALL GRAVEL BAG VELOCITY REDUCERS PER CASQA SE-6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 568 EA 74 INSTALL FIBER ROLL PER CASQA SE-5 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 180 LF 75 INSTALL GRAVEL BAGS PER CASQA SE- 6 AND DETAIL ON EC-1 463 EA SCALE QROf ESSIpN�\ O TA NN�, y HORIZONTAL F r F` r AS NOTED No. 60132 VERTICAL O I V 1 \, N/A 'lF OF C A�1�`�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 129 v 130 131\ f 75 J W Jlk RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 40' 1 24/ 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' LID 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEM ECU LA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 C: NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS STA. 120+00 TO STA. 143+00 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 54 OF88 SHEET' N N N O N LO ry W_ J W n W J J W z a 0 0 SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES 1. STRIPING, SIGNING, OR PAVEMENT LEGENDS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FIELD INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THE INSPECTOR. 2. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGN LOCATIONS MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE STRIPING BEGINS. THE INSPECTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LIMITS OF THE MATCH STRIPING. 3. ALL R1 SIGNS AND WARNING SIGNS SHALL USE HI -INTENSITY GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING AND BE A MINIMUM OF 30"X30". OTHER REGULATORY OR GUIDE SIGNS MAY BE ENGINEERING GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING. 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ALL STRIPING SHALL BEGIN AND TERMINATE AT QUARTER DELTA OF THE CURB RETURN, OR BACK OF THE CROSSWALK OR STOP BAR. 5. ALL R1 SIGNS WILL BE LOCATED 2 FEET BEHIND CURB AT THE B.C.R. OR AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN. 6. ALL STOP BARS WILL BE LOCATED AT THE PROLONGATION OF THE CENTER DELTA OF THE CURB RETURN OR BEHIND THE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS RAMPS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN. 7. THE STOP LEGEND SHALL BE 8 FEET BEHIND THE STOP BAR. IF REQUIRED, DIRECTIONAL ARROWS SHALL ALSO BE 8 FEET BEHIND THE STOP BAR OR 8 FEET BEHIND THE STOP LEGENDS. 8. ALL PAVEMENT MARKERS, STRIPING, AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST VERSION OF THE CALIFORNIA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD), AND CALTRANS STANDARD PLANS: A20-A THROUGH A24-E. 9. STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS AND MAY BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE R1 SIGN OR AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLAN. 10. THE POST MATERIAL SHALL BE "TELESPAR QWIK-PUNCH"OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH RECEPTIVE 30-INCH OR 36-INCH ANCHOR ASSEMBLY. 11. ALL PAVEMENT STRIPING AND LEGENDS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER SECTION 84.3 OF THE CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 12. ALL CONFLICTING PAVEMENT LEGENDS, STRIPING, AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE REMOVED BY WET SANDBLASTING PER SECTION 15 OF THE CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 13. ALL PAINTED STRIPING SHALL BE DOUBLE COATED IN NOT LESS THAN 7 DAYS, BUT NO MORE THAN 14 DAYS FROM DATE OF INITIAL INSTALLATION. 14. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS, PAVEMENT LEGENDS, AND LINES 8"OR WIDER SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. 15. ALL PAVEMENT STRIPING SHALL HAVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKINGS (RPM) PER SECTION 85 OF THE CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. M = G Q c W LU Z0 _J Q o W W aco MULTI -USE TRAIL i "STOP" IS CITY OF R1-1 (BK) TEMECULA CUSTOM TRAIL RP SIGN ASSEMBLY - - NICOLAS RD 276 200' — R/W _ IS R44A(CA) IS W6-3 - 76 (34 ' ) (TYP) 5 -(`ISW6-3 — — AR (10) — 77 V — —I — 78 — �— 14' 79 (23') VARY — 4-- _ (12') o- _ S18 R2-1(45) R7-9A(MOD) R1-1 RP R81� d41S Rl --- - Ls 86 o - - - - - 85 84 (12') �. (12' ) �. Ln R2-1(45) f LO 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 0- Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS IDATE 'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 d- N [STING PAINTED MEDIAN NICOI-AS RD . — — — R/W — 4' 87 — — --_R/W--- SCALE QROf ESSION9\ 0 T ANN � y HOR I ZONTAL z rm AS NOTED � No. 60132 VERTICAL sl 01 V I v N/A 9lF OF C k�1E�� 539' — — 'R/W -U 526 ' 530 ' — — � 528' 80 I— _+ MULTI -USE TRAIL � ^ LO in 4', r rn O N — 8� (12'L-4-- r (12 i � CP 0 N O O SIGN LEGEND: SPEED LIMIT 45 IKE LAN R2-1(45) R7-9a(MOD) BIKE PATH NO STOP T p MOTOR VEHICLES OR MOTORIZED BICYCLES R1-1 (BK) R1-1 R44A(CA) 30" X 30" B�GINI 0 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK RECREATIONAL TRAIL TRAIL RULES MULTI -PURPOSE TRAIL 0 EVE R81A(CA) CITY OF TEMECULA CUSTOM TRAIL SIGN ASSEMBLY 3951' 4 950' 3 950' / O / N N 12 Oj 12' - \ �Q Q o �� �� CO 22 537 / � / / � / ' 270533' � � co DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ALI M. SHAHZAD SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND: OE EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) ® INSTALL NEW STRIPE (DETAIL # PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN) IS FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN(S) & POST (IF APPLICABLE) RF REFRESH EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS RP REMOVE EXISTING, CONFLICTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS TP INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKING (THERMOPLASTIC) TO RS REMOVE AND SALVAGE SIGN RL RELOCATE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGN EXISTING SIGN PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN (ON STREET LIGHT) (12') EXISTING LANE WIDTH 12' PROPOSED LANE WIDTH SNS STREET NAME SIGN Q MATCH EXISTING STRIPING/END PROPOSED STRIPING (L) LEFT (R) RIGHT ❑1 INSTALL 12" WHITE CROSSWALK �2 INSTALL 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE �3 INSTALL 4" WHITE SOLID LINE ® INSTALL 4" YELLOW SOLID LINE ❑5 INSTALL 4" WHITE ANGLED STRIPE AT 30' O/C 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' LD 20-1114 PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 r LJ= I NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD STA.76+00 TO STA. 92+50 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 55 of 84 / / T ftfti LIEFER FRJINTArr I]\/1FROVr NJr NTS — — — — R/W — — — — — — — — — — — — R2-1(45) AA 3 902 ' TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP / 4 901' MULTI -USE TRAIL N ICO LAS ROAD Ln 38 W1-7 IS 120' TYPE IV ARROW (L) / 890' 27B N-4(CA) 3 900' ` / 155' 4 -- 22 96 0 m= CP mom= i mm mCP Ln vN O — _- 1 ' PROPOSED STRIPED MEDIAN Sr RAPJ-JJINA rROINTArr IMPROVr NJr NTS I I TYPE P MARKER (L) LO 3 92 R1-1(F + 4 92' SNS O♦=n R1-1(BK) IS � _v 3 92 22 82 L 4' 4' CO) I `W / -- ---- W 12' Z m 10' J Q 12' RP W I.1.I 5 m D Q 82' 38 RP 85' 27B R14-1(MOD) IS R3-7 TYPE IV ARROW(L) R5-2(MOD) 1\IIQOI��3 ROAD AJ\10 XX �r�l I r rJkASOL W p /IMPkOilr Mr N rS LL lo JI� TYPE P MARKER (R) �I - TP "STOP" CITY OF IS TEMECULA 101� TP 2 22 25' CUSTOM TRAIL W6-3 IS 01 SIGN ASSEMBLY 38 200' R1-1(BK) IS R44A(CA) IS ----- - — — — 12' 1' Ecv 9 , M � 12'�i R/W 29 5' — RP — — — — — -3 N I CO LAS ROAD r-1 100 Q I W I - — -12'� — — — 106 —I — —-- --- ---------90' BAY TAPER — — — — — — — — — — RP 12RP 12' 10' RP 10' 12' 12' — `n -- — —R/W -- — — L(M)TYPE IV RP 22 200 TP TYPE IV ARROW (L) ARROW (L) R2-1(45) TP "45" G8-22(CA) R1-1 SNS MULTI -USE TRAIL 10' .� 12' _6' CITY OF IS TEMECULA CUSTOM TRAIL_ _ TP "45"— SIGN ASSEMBLY IS W6-3 IS R44A(CA) IS W6-3 LC) r — r= I j - - - a 900' BAY TAPER RP W J 22 Z 249 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ L 276 268 • — TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP = W W4-7 I 697' t 697' 1 1 I 1 4' 1 u VI ° O O 3 697' O 27B 96' V' a 109 1 — — — C W W ZCl) J IW 1 = W 1 W1-1a RS -- -- — 1 R/W-- -- —� m 1 Q 485' 29 1 27B 123' 1 PROPOSED STRIPED MEDIAN 1 M C O IA' S R OA D A l\l O 1 L IEFER FROJNITAGE m BEL CA L I r rJRAS0L I ]\/J PR OV r l\/1 r J\1TS I l\/l.P k Oil r IM r ]NITS SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES: SEE SHEET PD-1 FOR SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND: OE EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) ® INSTALL NEW STRIPE (DETAIL # PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN) IS FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN(S) & POST (IF APPLICABLE) RF REFRESH EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS RP REMOVE EXISTING, CONFLICTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS TP INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKING (THERMOPLASTIC) TD RS REMOVE AND SALVAGE SIGN RL RELOCATE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGN EXISTING SIGN PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN (ON STREET LIGHT) (12') EXISTING LANE WIDTH 12' PROPOSED LANE WIDTH SNS STREET NAME SIGN Q MATCH EXISTING STRIPING/END PROPOSED STRIPING (L) LEFT (R) RIGHT ❑1 INSTALL 12" WHITE CROSSWALK ❑2 INSTALL 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE �3 INSTALL 4" WHITE SOLID LINE ® INSTALL 4" YELLOW SOLID LINE SIGN LEGEND: THRU SPEED TRAFFIC LIMIT STOP MERGE 45 LEFT W4-7 R2-1(45) R1-1 RIGHT LANE TRUCK ROUTE MUST ovER 3 TONs TURN RIGHT t R5-2(MOD) R3-7 R14-1(MOD) It OO �O O W1-7 N-4(CA) W6-3 O SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK RECREATIONAL TRAIL TRAIL RULES MULTI -PURPOSE TRAIL _/� �YTOE L DG CITY OF TEMECULA CUSTOM TRAIL SIGN ASSEMBLY BIKE PATH NT0 OR VEHICLESOR TO e°iJ (LT) (RT) ccs__/ <O t LA SERENA WA TYPE P MARKER(CA) R44A(CA) W1-1a G8-22(CA) STOP R1-1 (BK) 30" X 30" • 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., , SCALE: 1 "=40' Michael Baker SUITE 200 0 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-1114 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE Q OfESSIp l DESIGNED N D BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY O F TEMECULA SHEET NO. � N9 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HORIZONTAL ��`` �0 T ANN�� �y AL I M . SHAHZAD CONTRACTOR PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF t� z SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER of Tic TM 37368 — ROR I PAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AS NOTED Cm W No . 60132 m ��°r9 CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 PD=2 INSPECTOR SEE SHEET 1 � N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL C DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: d F NICOLAS ROAD DATE COMPLETED l9l 1VL� p��~ JOHN D. TANNER III PATRICK A. THOMAS9d, I j N/A F OF C t`�1EUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro ices �4 STA. 92+50 TO STA. 110+00 R.C.E.R . C . E . 60132 ^� • � p4 56 OF 84 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN Lc� 0 0 N 0 N co N 0 1 0 cn Q U z Q J m c� 0 0 EL 1 N n 0 i In CD In / U) / w 0 m m / > / 0 z Q J C) Q C-) In CD In CL / 0 0 m / 0 U EL 0 U W Y Q m Of m L� Q U w w / SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES: SEE SHEET PD-1 FOR SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES. I FC..FNn. 944'4 T 83' CENTERLINE TRANSITION 120' 38 90' CENTERLINE TRANSITION - r W U EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) (V 210 22 _ 2 SHOULDER Q J INSTALL NEW STRIPE (DETAIL # PER CALTRANS \ 2 SHOUL ER STANDARD PLAN) _ 2 SHOULDER 3' O IS FURNISH & INSTALL SIGN(S) & POST (IF APPLICABLE) -f� 112 12' 12' 90 OPENING w W J RF REFRESH EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS 10' - 114 + - I 10'— - �� - 11 - �- - UJ - - I- + - ? m RP REMOVE EXISTING, CONFLICTING Q 90 OPENING = PAVEMENT MARKINGS PROPOSED -� 12' F7,,, 12' \ STRIPED MEDIAN 3' 3' w V W TP INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKING (THERMOPLASTIC) 152' 29 L120' 38 TP TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP TYPE IV ARROW (L) (n Tp RS REMOVE AND SALVAGE SIGN R/W, R1-1 RS 389,�6 TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP 210' 22 51g' 276 283' 32 RL RELOCATE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGN NTYPE IV ARROW (L) R1-1 � RAM EXISTING SIGN — — — — — — — —"STOP" TP \ -SNS 7- 777 1-T I ... i I 17 1777 r RAW T 177----- .- .-...........---17T 17 I 1 1 1.6 LTA � 1jjW7 � PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN (ON STREET LIGHT) EXISTING LANE WIDTH PROPOSED LANE WIDTH STREET NAME SIGN MATCH EXISTING STRIPING/END PROPOSED STRIPING 12" WHITE CROSSWALK 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE INSTALL 4" WHITE SOLID LINE INSTALL 4" YELLOW SOLID LINE SIGN LFGFND-- W1-7 LO r H Cl) W 40 20 0 40 80 120 W O m SCALE: 1"=40' J Q `A 600' 3 NICOLAS ROAD 600' 600' 4 3 MULTI -USE TRAIL 600'276 - ----R/W--- - -- -- -- ---R/W--- -- - - -- - - - - - � + LO N+7 r 13 IL V) W Ill W Z J W V W C0 _ - - --- 4�- - 3' - --- 12' o - - - - 10'� - - - + - 1 - - - 12' LO 3' Fnn' 97R 600' 32 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., Michael Baker I SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 PHONE: (951) 676-8042 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LD 20-11 14 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD IDATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED REVISIONS IDATEIACC'DI BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QR� v E S SN9\ 0 r� r No.60132Or- )) a H � �p�1F��� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY CF/BHS CF/BHS JT/CF PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: JOHN D. TANNER III R.C.E. 60132 RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ALI M. SHAHZAD SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STA. 110+00 TO STA. 125+50 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN SHEET NO PD=3 57 OF 84 SHEETS 0 N N 0 N N 0 0 Cn Q U z Q J m c� 0 O Lid N M r Q a V) W W W Z J W W UCZ) Q LID + Cl) W I > WO Zm J Q UW Q MULTI -USE TRAIL 3 722' 4 722' 3 ' 722 — j❑ — 727' 276 -R/W— 3' 12' - - - -10' I 12' J Mr. IS CITY OF "STOP" ,T TEMECULA 3 CUSTOM TRAIL SIGN ASSEMBLY IS R44A(CA) -3 - R/W SNS1 IS_ 1422 210' - - R1-1(BK) IS - - 3, T� 12' LV I LJ I V^ +- 90' OPENING NICOLAS ROAD . AA .� 276 900' 32 500' • — — — - R/W • — — — — — — — — — — — — IS R44A(CA) W6-3 IS IS W6-3 3 532' --- �— R/W•--� 3' 12' - _10' - 12' 3' R/W - 532' NICOLAS ROAD 309' I - -10' 12' I I I r CITY OF TEMECULA CUSTOM TRAIL i SIGN ASSEMBLY TCiCJ1-1 (mv`i 0 L0 1125' 125' 3 ILL - R/W - W Q J 10 III Z W J m V W _4 -4 3 12' 10' 12' 3 3 38 120' 128TP 32 80' Q TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP ' Al( TYPE IV ARROW (L) IS N4(CA) 29 — — — — — — —R/W- — — — — — — — — — w C V I W MULTI -USE TRAIL IS CITY OF "STOP IS— LTEMECULAR44A(CA) OM TRAIL 163 IS 1 ASSEMBLY Y /W �R/ 1-1 1 W6-3 RSNS 537 R1-1(BK) IS 90' OPENING TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP 120 ' 38 --- R/W -- .3'. 12' -10' 12' 3' 22 210' TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP IS R1-1(BK) TP 2 3 317' 4 316' 3 316 3140 ' TP 1 12' - 10' 12' 3' IS W1-7 177' 29- N-4(CA) PROPOSED PAINTED MEDI) SDCITY OFTEMECU CUSTOMLTRAIL MULTI -USE (RAIL SIGN ASSEMBLY IS W6-3 — _W6-3 IS - - R44A(CA) IS / 4 ' - 303 ' 27B R/W_ - 4 22 101' 3 ' 12, � 90' BAY TAPER 10'- 12' 3' ly 744(15 � TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP TYPE IV ARROW (L) TP (15 100' 38 Raw SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES: SEE SHEET PD-1 FOR SIGNING AND STRIPING GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND: EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) INSTALL NEW STRIPE (DETAIL ## PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN) IS FURNISH & INSTALL SIGNS) & POST (IF APPLICABLE) RF REFRESH EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS RP REMOVE EXISTING, CONFLICTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS TP INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKING (THERMOPLASTIC) TO RS REMOVE AND SALVAGE SIGN RL RELOCATE EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGN EXISTING SIGN : PROPOSED SIGN PROPOSED SIGN (ON STREET LIGHT) (12') EXISTING LANE WIDTH 12' PROPOSED LANE WIDTH SNS STREET NAME SIGN a MATCH EXISTING STRIPING/END PROPOSED STRIPING (L) LEFT (R) RIGHT 0 INSTALL 12" WHITE CROSSWALK 0 INSTALL 12" WHITE LIMIT LINE 0 INSTALL 4" WHITE SOLID LINE ® INSTALL 4" YELLOW SOLID LINE SIGN LEGEND: BIKE O NO SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK MOTOR STOP RECREATIONAL TRAIL VEHICLES OR TRAIL RULES MOTORIZED BICYCLES R44A(CA) R1-1 O O OOOO MULTI -PURPOSE TRAIL W 1-7 N-4 (CA )VELDA It STOP CITY OF TEMECULA W6-3 R1-1 (BK) CUSTOM TRAIL SIGN 30" X 30" ASSEMBLY 40 20 0 40 80 120 40810 COUNTY CENTER DR., • Michael Baker I SUITE 200 0 TEMECULA, CA 92591 SCALE: 1 "=40' PHONE: (951) 676-8042 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L MBAKERINTL.COM Know what's below. LID 20-11 14 Call before you dig. PROJECT NO. PW 20-14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC' D BENCH MARK SCALE QROV E S S IO l DESIGNED CF/BH GNED BY DCHECKED CHED BY N9 RECOMMENDED BY: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET N0. C TAN,y�y AL I M . SHAHZAD DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL y '� r� z PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF SENIOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER of T TM 37368 - ROR I PAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED No . 60132 ����O°r� CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 PD=4 INSPECTOR ACCEPTED BY: DATE: N I COLAS ROAD AND CALLE G I RASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS VERTICAL f CI V1� DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS F NICOLAS ROAD DATE COMPLETED 9l p�� JOHN D. TANNER III �r N/A F `1F PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Tro ises 4°4 STA. 125+50 TO STA. 144+00 OF Ep R.C.E. 60132 R.C.E. 44223 ^� • p4 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN 58 OF 84 SHEETS N Ln N 0 N N \ 0 I- 0 Cn Q U z Q J m C7 S P E c SI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED A Know what's belOW. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE IACC'D I BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VL-1 VL-1 %-%L 1 VtJ 1 1_\J LJ".VIVI V 1 VV 1 ".V 1. THE BRIDGE IS DESIGNED FOR SITE CONDITIONS AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. THE PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUITABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE TO THE SITE. 2. CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY ALL CONTROLLING FIELD DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. PRECAST UNITS, HEADWALL AND WINGWALLS MUST BE PRECAST AND INSTALLED PER THE SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEETS S-13 AND S-14. 4. ONLY SPECS MAY PROVIDE THE STRUCTURE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS. USE OF ANOTHER STRUCTURE SUPPLIER VOIDS ANY CERTIFICATION AND WARRANTY OF THIS DESIGN. SPECS ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THE DESIGN OF ANY ALTERNATE STRUCTURE USED WITH THESE PLANS. 5. COVER ALL WINGWALL CORNERS AND JOINTS WITH A 3'-0" WIDE STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC. 6. SHOP DRAWINGS FOR THE PRECAST ARCH, HEADWALLS, AND WINGWALLS ARE TO BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AFTER CONTRACT AWARD. 7. SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS FOR DEFERRED ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. THE DEFERRED ITEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. �O QROFESS/ON q 0 KAREN L DOLL 2� VERTICAL I ��� N/A z o. 68444 A xp.09 30 2021 sT CIVIL \P \F of CALIF�R� 0 DESIGNED BY I DRAWN BY I CHECKED BY KLD I KLD I KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF v Sjj�(21 DATE. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 DESIGN: AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, 6TH EDITION, AND THE CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS, PREFACE DATED JANUARY 2014. DEAD LOAD: SOIL 7 = 120 PCF MAXIMUM SOIL HEIGHT OVER ARCH = 5-0" LIVE LOADING: H L-93 CONCRETE: fy = 60 KSI f'c =4KSI PRECAST CONCRETE: fy = 70 KSI (WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT) fy = 60 KSI (REBAR) f'c = 6 KSI (ARCHES) f'c = 4 KSI (HEADWALLS, WINGWALLS, NOSE CONES) RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE SITE PLAN LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-i 59 OF 88 SHEE CIP RETAINING WALL 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL LINE D CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN 1311-7, ALONG THE TOP OF ALL WALLS CIP RETAINING WALL 10"DETACHED BPRECAST HEADWALL Ct LINE B CIP RETAINING WALL 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL CE LINE C T .77==-- ]7 03 LINE A L = 132'-0" 15 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-11 1/2" WIDE 2 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 5-11 3/4" WIDE PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH SPAN UNITS PLUS 16 - 1/2"± JOINTS DETAIL 4A OR 4B O '� 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL LINE A 5'-11 3/4" LINE B L = 157'-0" 18 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-11 1/2" WIDE 2 - 22'-0" SPAN x 1 V-2" RISE x 6-5 3/4" WIDE PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH SPAN UNITS PLUS 19 - 1/2"± JOINTS (' 2'-11 3/8" BLOCKOUT FOR 24" 0 RCP INV ELEV 1159.50 0 0 N N �1 LINE C L = 183'-0" 22 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-11 1/2" WIDE 1 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-0" WIDE PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH SPAN UNITS PLUS 22 - 1/2"± JOINTS L 5'-8 1/4" BLOCKOUT FOR 36" 0 RCP INV ELEV 1159.70 LINE D L = 231'-0" 28 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-11 1/2" WIDE 1 - 22'-0" SPAN x 11'-2" RISE x 7'-0" WIDE PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH SPAN UNITS PLUS 28 - 1/2"± JOINTS 5'-11 3/4" CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN 1311-7, ALONG THE TOP OF ALL WALLS 0NN 0N 0 L 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL FLOW PRECAST NOSE CONE DETAIL 9A OR 9B 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL FLOW PRECAST NOSE CONE DETAIL 9A OR 9B 10"DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL FLOW 22'-0" 10" DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL FLOW o 79'-3" 7'_pIf 7'-111/2" 34 if WINGWALL1---------- ---- ------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -/�G�q DETAIL 3A OR 313 s P �C�s 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETE • Know what's belOW. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D Q 2'-7" BLOCKOUT FOR 24" 0 RCP INV ELEV 1160.11 BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFESS/0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 xp 09 30 2021 VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CALIfa Q 2'-1" BLOCKOUT A FOR 18" 0 RCP INV ELEV 1160.86 STRUCTURE PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF AW),�vj DATE. IG( 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 2'-9 5/8" BLOCKOUT FOR 18" O RCP INV ELEV 1160.12 DETAIL 5 260 LD 20-1114 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 37368 -RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 S�2 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE STRUCTURE PLAN 60 OF 88 SHEETS SP SUPPORT LOCATION F OUTER FOOTINGS INNER FOOTINGS WINGWALL FOOTINGS NOTE: PRIOR TO THE INSPECTION, T THAT: A. ANY UTILITY B. THE FOUND) c L: 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFEssioNq� HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL �= Z AS NOTED 1 o. 68444 z SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 VERTICAL sT CIVIL �P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� 133'-0" \/ \ STRUCTURE PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xw J, p� 2 ! DATE.. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: LID 20-1114 ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE FOUNDATION PLAN S-3 61 OF 88 SHEE DETAIL 1 S P �C�sI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED a on SEE SHEETS S-17 & S-18 I P1IL Ir- 1/4" = 1'-0" 10" FILL ENTIRE KEYWAY MIN WITH GROUT —\ 3" 3" • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D 0 N } w 0 Y � 1'-10" 1'-10" M 5'-0" DETAIL 1 1/2" = 1'-0" INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK. SEE SHEETS S-17 & S-18 -#5@12"O.C. 6 - #6 TOP & BOTTOM PROVIDE 3' WIDE STRIP 5 10" 10" INSIDE FACE OF MIN MIN PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT 3" 3" Q wH FILL ENTIRE KEYWAY p WITH GROUT Y � 1'-9' 1'-9" 0 N #2 AGGREGATE (NOMINAL SIZE = 2 1/2" TO 1 1/2") DETAIL 2 1/2" = 1'-0" SIEVE SIZE 3" 2 1/2" 2" 1 1/2" ill 3/4" AMOUNTS FINER (% PASSING) 100 90 TO 100 35 TO 70 0 TO 15 - 0 TO 5 BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFESS/0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL 2`-' Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, jj�( DATE. 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: #2 AGGREGATE INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK, TYP. SEE SHEETS S-17 & S-18 -#6@9"O.C. 7 - #6 TOP & BOTTOM ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 RECAST CONCRETE RCH, TYP CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368—RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE SECTION A AND FOOTING DETAILS LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S�4 62 OF 88 SHEE T/HW 1173.10 T/HW 1174.20 CHAIN LINK RAILING NOT SHOWN ON WINGWALLS FOR CLARITY. SEE SHEETS S6 & S7 FOR DETAILS 00 co CO -E' J J C,) N j c� z_ 0 1 N a u 0 N T/WALL 1163.17 T/WALL 1164.40 CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN B11-7 T/HW 1173.10 S P �C�s 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 23'-8" DETACHED PRECAST CONCRETE HEADWALL 23'-8" DETACHED PRECAST CONCRETE HEADWALL T/HW 1173.60 23'-8" DETACHED PRECAST CONCRETE HEADWALL 23'-8" DETACHED PRECAST T/HW 1173.80 CONCRETE HEADWALL II - II II _ --- ------_—__` I I --__—__` I I ------_—_` ---_-- _--_ �__--_oo J`I �JI ILA y � 1 if I� CHAIN LINK RAILING PER /- A I T Pl A A I el r% T A A 1 r% A P'1 r% LINE D INV ELEV 1158.77 ENVIROFLEX ARTICULATED CONCRETE BLOCK, TYP. SEE SHEETS S-17 & S-18 • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D LINE C INV ELEV 1158.64 BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFESS/0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL 26-' Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CAUfo LINE B UPSTREAM END ELEVATION 1 /411 = 1'-011 INV ELEV 1158.64 LJV V V I VV 1 1 \L/"%IVI LI IL.J LLL V 1—% 1 IVI V 1/4" = 1'-011 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, jj�( DATE. 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 LINE A INV ELEV 1158.64 1 0 0.1 CHAIN LINK RAILING NOT SHOWN ON WINGWALLS FOR CLARITY. SEE SHEETS S6 & S7 FOR DETAILS CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368—RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE END ELEVATIONS Z O c') 1 LO AILING NOT ✓INGWALLS . SEE SHEETS DETAILS 1. P LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. S�5 63 OF 88 SHEE ENVIROFLEX ARTICUL CONCRETE BLOCK SEE SHEETS S-17 2 S P �cSI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED A Know what's belOW. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE V VI tlVI\L I L- LJ LV VI\, I I I . SEE SHEETS S-17 & S-18 WINGWALL 2 DEVELOPED ELEVATION CHAIN LINK RAILING PER /CAI Tr]A AIC1 0-rA AIr%A Mr% 1 /4" = 1'-0" WINGWALL 1 ELEVATION CC'D BENCH MARK SCALE Q?OFESs/ON � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CALIFOR� 1 /4" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, Sjj�(21 DATE. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 _U J J Q DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 1 & 2 ELEVATIONS LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-6 64 OF 88 SHEE S P �C�sI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED c • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D T/WALL 11 E BENCH MARK SCALE �O QROFESSI0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CAUfo ,'al&A WINGWALL 4 ELEVATION 1 /4" = 1'-011 CHAIN LINK RAILING PER I� A l T M A A I O OT A A I r1 A r') r% WINGWALL 3 DEVELOPED ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, jj�( DATE. 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: 0 1 N :OFLEX ARTICULATED ,RETE BLOCK, TYP. 'HEETS S-17 & S-18 ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 -RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 3 & 4 ELEVATIONS LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-7 65 OF 88 SHEE S P E c SI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D �D r1CT A 11 7 -*D BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFESS/0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CAUfo WINGWALL 2 PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" WINGWALL 1 PLAN 1 /4" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, jj�( DATE. 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: :CAST CONCRETE ;H UNIT PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH UNIT ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 1 & 2 LAYOUTS LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-8 66 OF 88 SHEE s P �C�sI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED PRECAST CONCRE ARCH UI PRECAST CONCRETE ARCH UNIT BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE �o QRCFESS/ONE\ HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL �= Z AS NOTED o. 68444 xp 09 30 2021 A} VERTICAL sT CIVIL �P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xw J, p� 2 ! DATE.. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE WINGWALL 3 & 4 LAYOUTS LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-9 67 OF 88 SHEE CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN B11-7 CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN B11-7 10" DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL INV ELEV 1157.70 PRIMER COMPATIBLE WITH JOINT WRAP TOP OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT DETAIL 8 PRIMER COMPATIBLE FILL LIFTING INSERT POCKET WITH JOINT WRAP WITH GROUT AND FINISH FLUSH 7/8" X 1 3/8" BUTYL 9" SQUARE PIECE OF JOINT WRAP ROPE F PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT TYPICAL JOINT SEAL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 1'-0" . 1'-611 911 DAYTON SUPERIOR 1 1/4"0 x 7 1/2" F-58 EC INSERT STAINLESS co w 1 1/4"0 x 1'-6" COIL ROD ui DOUBLE NUT AND WASHER SPACED AT 2'-10" O.C. 9" JOINT WRAP PRECAST ii ��q ARCH UNIT 3"0 HOLE GROUT SOLID IN 11-911 FIELD AFTER INSTALLATION OF COIL ROD DETAIL 8 1 /2" = 1'-0" s P �C�sI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED TYPICAL LIFT POINT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFEssioNq� HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL �= Z AS NOTED � o. 68444 z SEE SHEET 1 xp 09 30 2021 VERTICAL sT CIVIL �P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� STRUCTURE LIMITS = 157'-0" ALONG CENTERLINE LINE B 0.6% SLOPE SECTION B - B CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALT^AKiel elTl AAIPAMr—% x 00 ti 0 O z 75 0 N 3/16" = 1'-0" SECTION C - C 1 /2" = 1'-0" '0 PERFORATED IPE WITH CAPPED NDS, typ NOTE: FILL GAP BETWEEN TOP OF FOOTING AND BOTTOM OF WINGWALL AND BOTTOM OF ANCHOR AND LIP OF ANCHOR WITH GROUT BEFORE WALL IS BACKFILLED. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD RECOMMENDED BY: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF x a oc c z_ 1 C\ CHAIN LINK RAILING P'l r 171 !- A l T r'l A A I Cl I I SECTION D - D 1 /2" = 1'-0" ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: KAREN L DOLL PATRICK A. THOMAS R.C.E. 68444 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 10" DETACHED PRECAST HEADWALL PRECAST CONCRETE NOSECONE INV ELEV 1158.64 PERFORATED PIPE WITH )PED ENDS, typ OTTOM LID 20-1114 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I SHEET NO. TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 S� 10 NICOLAS ROAD AND CAALE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE SECTIONS AND DETAILS 68 OF 88 SHEE CL8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS PRECAST WINGWALL 0 INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT 0 CL 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS PRECAST WINGWALL 0 Ir 1 " X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-1) 4 1/2" 4 1/2" FE GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER DETAIL 3A (@ UNIT LEG) NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL 1" = 1'-0" BACKFILLED. NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL BACKFILLED. CL8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1 " 0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS PRECAST WINGWALL 0 DETAIL 5 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS 1 " X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-3) R GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) PRECAST WINGWALL 1 " X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-1) 4 1/2" 4 1/2" T GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER DETAIL 7 NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL 1" = 1'-0" BACKFILLED. PRECAST HEADWALL T T 1" X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-1) 4 1/2" 4 1/2"' R GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) DETAIL 3 B (@ HEADWALL) 1" = 1'-0" E GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) 1" X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-4) PRECAST WINGWALL 4 1/2" moo, PRECAST WINGWALL CL8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS INSIDE FACE OF 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT TWO BOLT PRESETANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS DETAIL 6A (@ UNIT LEG) 1" - 1'-0" INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PROVIDE 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" KEYWAY FULL HEIGHT OF INTERIOR LEG & HEADWALL OF EACH UNIT. FILL WITH CONCRETE AS SHOWN AFTER BRIDGE UNITS ARE SET 1'-3" RAID. PRECAST CONCRETE NOSING 2'-0" 10" 4" 10" PRECAST WINGWALL Fe GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" 41/2" (PW-1) 1 If X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-2) CL 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR INSIDE FACE OF TWO BOLT PRESET PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" DETAIL 4A (@ UNIT LEG) 1 if = 1'-0" E GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) 1" X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-4) PRECAST HEADWALL NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL BACKFILLED. THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL R GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) 1 If X 14" X 10" GALV P (P-2) PRECAST HEADWALL BACKFILLED. DETAIL 4 B (@ HEADWALL) 1 If = 1'-0" A� NiT PRECAST WINGWALL moo, CL 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1"0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS DETAIL 6B (@ HEADWALL) _ INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT #2 AGGREGATE 2 x 6 TEMPORARY FORM (TO BE REMOVED AFTER PLACEMENT OF GROUT) 1 1/2" DEEP x 2 1/2" WIDE KEYWAY FOR TEMPORARY FORM 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" KEYWAY 3/4" 0 x 12" DOUBLE HEADED STUD @ 1'-0" O.C. 1'-1" _I_ 1'-1" n FTA I I c-)A (@ UNIT LEG) 1 If = 1'-0" 1 " = 1'-0" 3'-0" WIDE STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC 2'-0" 10" 4" 10" INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT INSIDE FACE OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PROVIDE 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" KEYWAY FULL HEIGHT OF INTERIOR LEG & HEADWALL I #2 AGGREGATE OF EACH UNIT. FILL WITH CONCRETE AS i I 2 x 4 x 12" @EACH ROD SHOWN AFTER BRIDGE UNITS ARE SET 3/4" x 12" PLYWOOD SHEET I II I as iri J C° 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" KEYWAY J O Q 3/4" O x 2'-3" _r I 1>w THREADED ROD 1'-3" RAID. PRECAST CONCRETE NOSING 1'-1" _ _ 1'-1" _ l n FTA I I q R (@ HEADWALL) 1 of = 1'-0" • S P �C�s 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 Know what's below. PH: (858) 790-1890 Call before you dig. LID 20-1114 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QFtOFESS/ON DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SHEET NO. KLD KLD KLD RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CONTRACTOR KAREN L DOLL of T SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED o. 68444 A o��� PG CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 INSPECTOR xp 09 30 2021 �.� IG( a NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ' ACCEPTED BY: DATE: r;.., ..;,�;`;`.� VERTICALS CIVIL DATE. PATRICK A. THOMAS e = ARCH BRIDGE CONNECTION DETAILS DATE COMPLETED T�TF OF CALIFoR�\P PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 'r ::.ieNO KAREN L DOLL N/A R.C.E. 68444 '� • �° R.C.E. 44223 69 OF 88 SHEETS S E c SI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED PRECAST 1'-2" HEADWALL U) w ry Q 6'-0" CIP WALL END ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE PRECAS' EXTEND PERFORATED PIPE V PAST HEADWALL 4" PIPE, PERFORATED PIPE, WITH CAPPED END AND WRAPPED IN ELEVATION "E" CC'D BENCH MARK SCALE Q?OFESs/ON � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CALIFOR� 1 /4" = 1'-0" PRECAST HEADWALL INE D DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, .Sjj�(21 DATE. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 4" WEEPHOLE RECOMMENDED BY: FOOTING REINFORCING PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET S-4 P 1'-2" CIP WALL SECTIUN 1 /2" = 1'-0" WITH CAPPED TEXTILE FABRIC, PRECAST LD 20-1114 ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE CIP WALL DETAILS S-1 21 70 OF 88 SHEE 20'-0" 17'-9" 5'-0 3/8" 8'-2 1 /8" 8'-10 1 /8" 9'-1 " 8'-7 1 /2" 9'-9" 7'-1 " 8'-3 3/4" 4'-3 1 /2" 20'-0" WALL 5P WALL 50 WALL 5N WALL 5M WALL 5L WALL 5K WALL 5J WALL 51 WALL 5H WALL 5G WALL 5F WALL 5E ANGLE PT 1173.50 TW 1173.90 TW ANGLE PT 1160.00 TF 1160.00 TF 1173.40 TW 1160.00 TF 1172.50 TW 1160.00 TF 1169.50 TW CHAIN LINK RAILING PER x 1160.00 TF CALTRANS STANDARD PLAN 1311-7 1163.00 TW 1160.00 TF o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 25" O OPENING FOR 18" O RCP PIPE INV ELEV 1161.44 50'-11 5/8" 36-3 5/8" 39'-8 1 /8" 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACC'D CHAIN LINK RAILING PER CALTRANS STANDARD ^' " "' BENCH MARK SCALE �o QROFESS/0/v � F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL Z AS NOTED O. 68444 A SEE SHEET 1 it xp 09 30 2021 � VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� 12" THICK RIP RAP PER SHEET C-25 WINGWALL 5 DEVELOPED ELEVATION 1 /4" = 1'-0" WINGWALL 5 DEVELOPED ELEVATION 1 /4" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xW J, jj�( DATE. 21 KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 FG 1168.50 TW 1160.00 TF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS WALL 5 ELEVATION LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-1 31 71 OF 88 SHEE 2'-3 5/8" 3'-6" 6'-0" 4'-0" 4'-3" 4'-3" 4'-6" 5'-0" DETAIL 10 I I I I I I I DETAIL 11 41 m m m m m m m m 0LO 0LO 0L 0 F T 8'-10 1 /8" 9'-1 " 8'-7 1/29'-9" WALL 5L WALL 5K WALL 5J WALL 51 ,O 25"0 OPENING FOR 73 ss, QQ' 18"0 RCP PIPE I NV ELEV 1161.44 C, �P WALL 5 hgQP ��A 3/16" = V-0" F� WALL IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF NICOLAS RD AND CALLE GIRASOL F� INTERSECTION. REFER TO SHEET C-29 'o., 1 /4" GAP T GALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" (PW-1) 41/2" 1" X 23 1 /8" X 10" GALV R (P-6) PRECAST WINGWALL — tj� b" UHY I UIN JUF'tKIUK TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1 "0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS �o o '9C, �o � o <\4Q� 9so., 134 ° DETAIL 11 1" = 1'-0" NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL BACKFILLED. C 8" DAYTON SUPERIOLR TWO BOLT PRESET ANCHOR FOR 1 "0 X 6" THREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS -PRECAST WINGWALL CHAIN LINK RAILING 1/4" GAP PER CALTRANS ll IEGALV WASHER 4" X 4" X 1/2" STANDARD PLAN B 11-7 1 �Q 4 1/2" (PW-1) 1 X 22 5/8 X 10 GALV P (P-5) CL8" DAYTON SUPERIOR PRECAST WINGWALL TWO BOLT PRESET `l• �Q ANCHOR FOR 1 "O X 6" HREADED ROD (2) WITH DOUBLE NUTS _ Q� o M PRECAST O 7'-1 1/2" MAX WINGWALL 0 QQ,� �� DETAIL 7 z 8" DAYTON SUPERIOR �36 TWO BOLT PRESET N 3"O PERFORATED �0,, ANCHOR FOR 1 "0X 6" - PIPE WITH CAPPED QQ,� THREADED ROD (2) WITH ENDS, typ DOUBLE NUTS cy, 10" DETAIL 10 NOTE: APPLY FILTER FABRIC PER a ` a NOTE 5 ON SHEET S-1 BEFORE PLATE IS ATTACHED AND WALL CD BACKFILLED. N a a GROUT �QQ' #4 @ 12" o.c. NOTES: a 2'-6" 3 - #6 TOP &BOTTOM 1. FOR DETAIL 7, SEE SHEET S-11 NOTE: FILL GAP BETWEEN TOP OF FOOTING AND BOTTOM OF ® SECTION D - D WINGWALL AND BOTTOM OF Ica - 1/2" - 1'-0" ANCHOR AND LIP OF ANCHOR �O S P �C�s- WITH GROUT BEFORE WALL IS BACKFILLED. 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 Know what's below. PH: (858) 790-1890 Call before you dig. LD 20-1114 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QFtOFESS/0N DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY SHEET NO. KLD KLD KLD RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF KAREN L DOLL TM 37368-RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN pF TS�l 4 SEE SHEET 1 AS NOTED w o 68444 m 1 Gti�� P� CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 INSPECTOR xp �� AW),�vj +',NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS 09 30 2021 �DATE. I ACCEPTED BY: DATE: �:' `� VERTICAL sT CIVIL \P PATRICK A. THOMAS :,A.,AA.. WALL- 5 LAYOUT DATE COMPLETED qT KAREN L DOLL �,rJ :9:: N/A F OF CAL0 R.C.E. 68444 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 88: a , ° R.C.E. 44223 72 OFBB SHEETS SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND DESIGN OF PRECAST THREE SIDED ARCH BRIDGE SYSTEM 1. DESCRIPTION THIS WORK CONSISTS OF FURNISHING AND CONSTRUCTING A PRECAST THREE SIDED ARCH STRUCTURE, HEADWALLS AND WINGWALLS. MANUFACTURE OF PRECAST PIECES MUST CONFORM TO THE MORE STRINGENT OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS OR ASTM C1504. 2. DESIGN THE PRECAST UNITS ARE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS "LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS", 6TH EDITION, AND THE CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS, PREFACE DATED JAN UARY 2014. 3. MATERIAL - CONCRETE 3.1 ALL PRECAST ELEMENTS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO FREEZE - THAW MUST BE AIR ENTRAINED AND COMPOSED OF PORTLAND CEMENT, FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATES, AND AN AIR ENTRAINED ADMIXTURE THAT CONFORMS TO AASHTO M154. CONCRETE MUST HAVE 6 ± 2 PERCENT AIR. THE AIR ENTRAINED ADMIXTURE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M154. 3.2 PORTLAND CEMENT MUST CONFORM TO ASTM C150 TYPE I, TYPE II, OR TYPE III CEMENT 3.3 COARSE AGGREGATE MUST MEET ASTM C33 SPECIFICATION AND HAVE A MAXIMUM SIZE OF 1 INCH. AGGREGATE MUST BE CERTIFIED TO BE INNOCUOUS BY A TESTING AGENCY INDEPENDENT OF THE AGGREGATE SUPPLIER. 3.4 WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURES FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING THE WORKABILITY OF THE CONCRETE MAY BE SUBMITTED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL 3.5 CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR ADMIXTURES CONTAINING IT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ADDED TO THE CONCRETE 3.6 CEMENT CONTENT MUST BE IN EXCESS OF 564 POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD OF CONCRETE 3.7 MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MUST BE SPECIFIED ON SHOP DRAWINGS OF STRUCTURE 4. MATERIAL -STEEL REINFORCEMENT AND HARDWARE 4.1 ALL WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT USED IN THE PRECAST ELEMENTS MUST CONFORM TO ASTM SPECIFICATION A1064. DEFORMED BILLET STEEL MUST CONFORM TO ASTM A615, GRADE 60. STEEL REINFORCING MUST HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH OF 60,000 PSI. STEEL REINFORCING MUST BE PLACED ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS AND PLANS SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. WELDED WIRE REINFORCING USED FOR THE CIRCUMFERENTIAL STEEL MUST HAVE A MINIMUM SPACING OF 2 INCHES AND MAXIMUM OF 4 INCHES. 4.2 BOLTS AND THREADED RODS FOR WINGWALL CONNECTIONS MUST CONFORM TO ASTM A307. NUTS MUST CONFORM TO AASHTO M292 (ASTM A194) GRADE 2H. ALL BOLTS, THREADED RODS AND NUTS USED IN WINGWALL CONNECTIONS MUST BE MECHANICALLY ZINC COATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM B695 CLASS 50. 4.3 WINGWALL CONNECTION PLATES AND PLATE WASHERS MUST CONFORM TO AASHTO M270 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED (ASTM A709) GRADE 36 AND MUST BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED PER AASHTO M111 (ASTM A123). 4.4 INSERTS FOR WINGWALL CONNECTIONS MUST BE 1 INCH DIAMETER TWO -BOLT PRESET WINGWALL ANCHORS MANUFACTURED BY DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION, MIAMISBURG, OHIO, (800) 745-3700. 4.5 FERRULE LOOP INSERTS MUST BE F-64 FERRULE LOOP INSERTS MANUFACTURED BY DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION, MIAMISBURG, OHIO, (800) 745-3700. 4.6 HOOK BOLTS USED IN ATTACHED HEADWALL CONNECTIONS MUST CONFORM TO ASTM A307. 4.7 DETACHED HEADWALL CONNECTIONS: INSERTS MUST BE AISI TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL, F-56, F-58, OR F-60 EXPANDED COIL INSERTS MANUFACTURED BY DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION, MIAMISBURG, OHIO, (800) 745-3700. COIL RODS AND NUTS MUST BE AISI TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL. WASHERS MUST BE EITHER AISI TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL PLATE WASHERS OR AASHTO M20 (ASTM A709) GRADE 36 PLATE WASHERS HOT DIP GALVANIZED PER AASHTO M111 (ASTM A123). 4.8 REINFORCING BAR SPLICES MUST BE MADE USING THE DOWEL BAR SPLICER SYSTEM MANUFACTURED BY DAYTON SUPERIOR CORPORATION, MIAMISBURG, OHIO, (800) 745-3700 AND CONSIST OF THE DOWEL BAR SPLICER (DB-SAE) AND DOWEL -IN (DI). 5. FABRICATION OF PRECAST ELEMENTS 5.1 FORMS MUST BE SUFFICENTLY RIGID TO MAINTAIN STRUCTURE SHAPE. 5.2 REINFORCEMENT MUST BE BENT TO APPROXIMATELY MATCH THE OUTSIDE CORNER OF THE STRUCTURE. REINFORCEMENT MUST BE WELDED WIRE REINFORCING IN A SINGLE OR MULTIPLE LAYERS (NOT TO EXCEED 3 LAYERS) AND SUPPLIMENTED WITH A LAYER OF DEFORMED BILLET STEEL BARS WHEN NECESSARY. 5.3 THE COVER OF CONCRETE OVER THE OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL REINFORCEMENT MUST BE 2 INCHES MINIMUM. THE COVER OF CONCRETE OVER THE INSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL REINFORCEMENT MUST BE 1-1/2 INCHES MINIMUM. THE CLEAR DISTANCE OF THE END CIRCUMFERENTIAL WIRES MUST NOT BE LESS THAN 1 INCH NOR MORE THAN 2 INCHES FROM THE ENDS OF EACH SECTION. THE ENDS OF THE LONGITUDINAL DISTRIBUTION REINFORCEMENT MUST NOT BE MORE THAN 3 INCHES AND NOT LESS THAN 1-1/2 INCHES FROM THE ENDS OF THE BRIDGE UNIT. 5.4 REINFORCEMENT FOR PRECAST HEADWALLS AND WINGWALLS: THE COVER OF CONCRETE OVER THE LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT MUST BE 2 INCHES MINIMUM. THE CLEAR DISTANCE FROM THE END OF EACH PRECAST ELEMENT TO THE END OF REINFORCING STEEL MUST NOT BE LESS THAN 1-1/2 INCHES NOR MORE THAN 3 INCHES. 5.5 TENSION SPLICES IN CIRCUMFERENTIAL REINFORCING MUST BE MADE BY LAPPING AND MUST CONFORM TO AASHTO FOR SMOOTH WELDED WIRE FABRIC. THE DEFORMED WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT MUST CONFORM TO AASHTO LAPS MAY BE TACK WELDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES ONLY. FOR SPLICES OTHER THAN TENSION SPLICES, THE OVERLAP MUST BE AT LEAST 12 INCHES FOR WELDED WIRE REINFORCING OR 24" FOR DEFORMED BARS. OVERLAP OF WELDED WIRE REINFORCING MUST REVISIONS I DATE IACC'D I BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 BE MEASURED FROM OUTER MOST CROSS WIRES OF EACH FABRIC SHEET. OVERLAP FOR DEFORMED BARS MUST MEET AASHTO 5.11.5. 5.6 CURING: THE PRECAST CONCRETE ELEMENTS MUST BE CURED FOR A SUFFICIENT LENGTH OF TIME SO THAT THE CONCRETE DEVELOPS THE SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IN 28 DAYS OR LESS. USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS OF CURING: 5.6.1 STEAM CURING: THE PRECAST ELEMENTS MAY BE LOW-PRESSURE STEAM CURED BY A SYSTEM THAT WILL MAINTAIN A MOIST ATMOSPHERE. 5.6.2 WATER CURING: THE PRECAST ELEMENTS MAY BE WATER CURED BY ANY METHOD THAT WILL KEEP THE SECTIONS MOIST. 5.6.3MEMBRANE CURING: A SEALING MEMBRANE CONFORMING TO ASTM C309 MAY BE APPLIED AND MUST BE LEFT INTACT UNTIL THE REQUIRED CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IS ATTAINED. THE CONCRETE TEMPERATURE AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION MUST BE WITHIN 10 DEG F OF THE ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE. ALL SURFACES MUST BE KEPT MOIST PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF THE COMPOUNDS AND MUST BE DAMP WHEN THE COMPOUND IS APPLIED. 5.7 STORAGE, HANDLING AND DELIVERY 5.7.1 STORAGE: BRIDGE ELEMENTS MUST BE LIFTED AND STORED IN "AS -CAST" POSITION. HEADWALL AND WINGWALL UNITS ARE CAST, STORED AND SHIPPED IN A FLAT POSITION. PRECAST ELEMENTS MUST BE STORED IN A MANNER TO PREVENT CRACKING OR DAMAGE. THE UNITS MUST NOT BE MOVED UNTIL THE CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH HAS REACHED A MINIMUM OF 2500 PSI. 5.7.2 HANDLING: HANDLING DEVICES MUST BE USED IN EACH PRECAST ELEMENT. SPREADER BEAMS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE LIFTING OF PRECAST BRIDGE ELEMENTS TO PRECLUDE DAMAGE FROM BENDING OR TORSION FORCES. 5.7.3 DELIVERY: PRECAST CONCRETE ELEMENTS MUST NOT BE SHIPPED UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS ATTAINED THE SPECIFIED DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 6. QUALITY ASSURANCE THE PRECAST PLANT MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL PRECAST CONCRETE ASSOCIATION'S PLANT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OR PRECAST/PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INSTITUE PLANT CERTIFICATION PRIOR TO AND DURING PRODUCTION OF ALL PRECAST ELEMENTS. THE PRECAST PLANT MUST RETAIN AN INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY TO PERFORM TESTS FOR AIR ENTRAINMENT AND COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. THESE TESTS ARE TO COMPLY WITH ASTM C231 OR C173 FOR AIR ENTRAINMENT AND ASTM C39. THESE TESTS ARE TO BE DONE AT INTERVALS STATED IN SECTION 7 OF THIS SPECIFICATION. THE AGENCY MUST PROVIDE THE PRECAST PLANT CERTIFICATION, BY A LICENSED ENGINEER, STATING THAT THE PLANT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE TESTS. THE PRECAST PLANT MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF COMPLIANCE OF THIS SECTION UPON REQUEST. SCALE �o QROFESS/ONE\ �- F HORIZONTAL KAREN L DOLL �= Z AS NOTED uj o. 68444 z xp 09 30 2021 VERTICAL sT CIVIL �P N/A qTF OF CAL0R� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD KLD PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF xw J, . p�2 ! DATE. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 7. TESTING AND INSPECTION COMPRESSION TESTING MUST BE DONE ON CONCRETE CYLINDERS. A MINIMUM OF 4 CYLINDERS ARE TO BE MADE FOR EACH GROUP OF CONCRETE ELEMENTS CAST FROM THE SAME CONCRETE MIX ON THE SAME DAY. CYLINDERS ARE TO BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C39. CYLINDERS MUST BE CURED IN THE SAME ENVIRONMENT AS THE BRIDGE ELEMENTS. WHEN THE AVERAGE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF ALL CYLINDERS TESTED IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, AND NOT MORE THAN 10% OF THE CYLINDERS TESTED HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH LESS THAN THE DESIGN CONCRETE STRENGTH, AND NO CYLINDER TESTED HAS A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH LESS THAN 80% OF THE DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, THE ELEMENT IS ACCEPTED. IF THE CYLINDERS DO NOT MEET THIS CRITERIA, A MINIMUM OF THREE CORES MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE PRECAST ELEMENTS MADE WITH THE SAME CONCRETE MIX FROM THE FAILED CYLINDERS. CORES MUST BE OBTAINED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C42. IF THE AVERAGE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, THE CORES ARE ACCEPTABLE. WHEN THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF ANY CORE IS LESS THAN THE DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, THE PRECAST ELEMENT THE CORE WAS TAKEN FROM MUST BE REJECTED. THE REMAINING PRECAST ELEMENTS MADE FROM THE SAME CONCRETE MIX ON THE SAME DAY ARE TO BE REJECTED, UNLESS AT THE OPTION OF THE PRECAST PLANT, EACH ELEMENT CAN BE CORED AND ACCEPTED INDIVIDUALLY. CORE HOLES MUST BE PLUGGED AND SEALED BY THE PRECAST PLANT IN A MANNER TO MEET THIS SPECIFICATION. THE OWNER OR OWNER'S AGENT MAY INSPECT THE MATERIAL, MANUFACTURE AND FINISHED PRECAST ELEMENTS AT THEIR DISCRETION. EVERY MANUFACTURER FURNISHING PRECAST ELEMENTS UNDER THIS SPECIFICATION MUST FURNISH ALL FACILITIES AND PERSONNEL NECESSARY TO CARRY OUT THE TESTS REQUIRED. 8. PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS THE INTERNAL DIMENSION MUST NOT VARY MORE THAN 1% OR 1-1/2 INCHES, WHICHEVER IS LESS, FROM THE DESIGN DIMENSIONS. THE SLAB AND WALL THICKNESS MUST NOT BE LESS THAN THAT SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS BY MORE THAN 1/4 INCH. A THICKNESS MORE THAN THAT SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS IS NOT CAUSE FOR REJECTION. VARIATIONS IN LAYING LENGTHS OF 2 OPPOSITE SURFACES OF THE BRIDGE UNIT MUST NOT BE MORE THAN 1/2 INCH IN ANY SECTION, EXCEPT WHERE BEVELED ENDS FOR LAYING OF CURVES ARE SPECIFIED BY THE PURCHASER. THE LAY LENGTH OF THE BRIDGE UNITS MUST NOT VARY MORE THAN 1/2 INCH OVER THE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. WINGWALLS AND HEADWALLS ARE TO BE MANUFACTURED SO THAT THE LENGTH, HEIGHT AND THICKNESS DOES NOT VARY MORE THAN 1/2 INCH FROM WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 REINFORCEMENT PLACING MUST NOT VARY MORE THAN 1/2 INCH FROM THAT WHICH IS SHOWN ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. REINFORCING CONCRETE COVER MUST NEVER BE LESS THAN 1-1/2 INCHES FOR THE OUTSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL STEEL OR BE LESS THAN 1 INCH FOR THE INSIDE CIRCUMFERENTIAL STEEL. 9. JOINTS BRIDGE UNITS UTILIZE BUTT ENDS AND ARE TO BE MANUFACTURED SO THAT WHEN PLACED NEXT TO EACH OTHER, THEY PROVIDE A CLEAN, CONTINUOUS LINE OF SECTIONS THAT ARE FREE OF ANY IRREGULARITIES. THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE JOINT MUST BE A MAXIMUM OF 3/4" 10. WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH PRECAST ELEMENTS ARE TO HAVE A SMOOTH STEEL FORM OR TROWELED SURFACE. THE ENDS OF BRIDGE UNITS MUST BE NORMAL TO THE WALLS AND CENTERLINE OF THE ARCH. THE PRECAST ELEMENTS MUST BE FREE OF ANY SUBSTANTIAL FRACTURE OR BLEMISH. REPAIRS TO A PRECAST ELEMENT BECAUSE OF FRACTURES OR BLEMISHES CAUSED BY HANDLING OR INSTALLING, MAY BE APPROVED, IN THE OPINION OF THE OWNER, IF THE REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY FINISHED AND CURED TO MEET THIS SPECIFICATION. 11. REJECTION PRECAST ELEMENTS MAY BE REJECTED ON ACCOUNT OF ANY OF THE SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. INDIVIDUAL PRECAST ELEMENTS MAY BE REJECTED FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 11.1 FRACTURES OR CRACKS PASSING THROUGH THE WALL, EXCEPT FOR A SINGLE END CRACK THAT DOES NOT EXCEED ONE HALF THE THICKNESS OF THE WALL. 11.2 DEFECTS THAT INDICATE PROPORTIONING, MIXING, AND MOLDING NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THESE SPECIFICATIONS. 11.3 HONEYCOMBED OR OPEN TEXTURE 11.4 DAMAGED ENDS, WHERE THE DAMAGE WOULD PREVENT MAKING A SATISFACTORY JOINT 12. MARKING EACH PRECAST ELEMENT IS TO BE MARKED BY PERMANENT WATERPROOF PAINT ON THE INSIDE OF THE VERTICAL LEG OF THE BRIDGE SECTION. THE MINIMUM MARKING MUST INCLUDE THE DATE OF MANUFACTURE, TRADEMARK OR NAME OF PRECAST PLANT, AND SPAN AND RISE. CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 -RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS NO. 1 LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-1 51 73 OF 88 SHEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND DESIGN OF PRECAST THREE SIDED ARCH BRIDGE SYSTEM 13. CONSTRUCTION THE BRIDGE UNITS AND WINGWALLS MUST BE INSTALLED ON CAST IN PLACE FOUNDATIONS PER THE PLANS. THE PROJECT ENGINEER MUST VERIFY THAT THE FOUNDATION SUBGRADE IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE PROJECT. DO NOT OVER EXCAVATE FOR FOUNDATIONS UNLESS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER MUST CERTIFY THAT THE DESIGN BEARING CAPACITY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE FOOTING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTOR POURING THE FOOTINGS. A KEYWAY MUST BE FORMED IN THE TOP SURFACE OF THE BRIDGE FOOTING AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. NO KEYWAY IS REQUIRED FOR THE WINGWALL FOOTINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS. THE FOOTINGS MUST HAVE A SMOOTH FLOAT FINISH. THE SURFACE OF THE FOUNDATION MUST NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 1/4 INCH WHEN MEASURED WITH A 10 FOOT STRAIGHT EDGE. THE FOOTINGS MUST HAVE REACHED A MINIMUM OF 2000 PSI BEFORE INSTALLATION OF ANY PRECAST ELEMENTS. DO NOT START BACKFILLING OPERATIONS UNTIL THE FOOTING HAS REACHED THE FULL DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS MUST MATCH THOSE THAT ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT A CRANE OF THE CORRECT LIFTING CAPACITY IS AVAILABLE TO HANDLE THE PRECAST CONCRETE UNITS. SITE CONDITIONS MUST BE CHECKED WELL IN ADVANCE OF SHIPPING TO ENSURE PROPER CRANE LOCATION AND TO AVOID ANY LIFTING RESTRICTIONS. THE LIFT ANCHORS OR HOLES PROVIDED IN EACH UNIT ARE THE ONLY MEANS ALLOWED TO LIFT THE ELEMENTS. PRECAST ELEMENTS MUST BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SPECIAL CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO VERIFY THAT ELEMENTS ARE PLACED TO FOLLOW THE DESIGNATED CENTERLINE OF THE STRUCTURE. BRIDGE STRUCTURES AND WINGWALLS ARE TO BE PLACED ON MASONITE OR STEEL SHIMS TO ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 1/2" CLEARANCE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF PRECAST ELEMENT AND TOP OF FOOTING. THE GAP BETWEEN THE KEYWAY AND THE BRIDGE UNIT, AND THE GAP BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF THE WINGWALL AND THE TOP OF THE FOOTING MUST BE FILLED WITH CEMENT NON -SHRINK GROUT WITH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI. GROUT TO BE COMPOSED OF PORTLAND CEMENT AND WATER OR CEMENT MORTAR COMPOSED OF ONE PART PORTLAND CEMENT AND THREE PARTS SAND BY VOLUME. VIBRATE GROUT AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT THE ENTIRE KEYWAY AROUND THE BRIDGE ELEMENT IS COMPLETELY FILLED. IF A PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT IS SHIPPED WITH HORIZONTAL CABLE TIES OR TIE RODS, THE GROUT MUST REACH A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 1,500 PSI BEFORE THE CABLE TIES OR RODS ARE REMOVED. IF DUE TO SITE RESTRICTIONS THESE CABLE TIES OR RODS MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE BRIDGE UNITS, THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE SUPPLIER AND REQUEST AN ALTERNATIVE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE. BUTT JOINTS BETWEEN BRIDGE UNITS MUST BE COVERED WITH A 7/8" X 1 3/8" BUTYL ROPE AND A 9" WIDE STRIP OF JOINT WRAP THE SURFACE MUST BE FREE OF DIRT BEFORE APPLYING THE JOINT MATERIAL. A PRIMER COMPATIBLE WITH THE JOINT WRAP S �C�sI 1106 2ND ST., #636 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 PH: (858) 790-1890 CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED MUST BE APPLIED ON EACH SIDE OF THE BUTT JOINT. JOINT PROTECTION MUST EXTEND FROM BOTTOM OF ONE LEG, UP OVER ARCH AND DOWN OPPOSITE THE LEG. ANY LAPS MUST HAVE 6" OF OVERLAP AND HAVE OVERLAP RUNNING DOWN HILL. THE EXTERNAL WRAP MUST BE EITHER EZ-WRAP RUBBER BY PRESS -SEAL GASKET CORPORATION, SEAL WRAP BY MAR MAC MANUFACTURING CO. INC., OR APPROVED EQUAL. LIFT HOLES ARE TO BE FILLED, PRIMED AND COVERED WITH JOINT WRAP. EDGES ALONG THE HEADWALL COLLAR AND TOP OF BRIDGE UNIT MUST BE COVERED WITH JOINT WRAP AND PRIMER. HEADWALLS THAT ARE CAST INTEGRAL WITH A BRIDGE UNIT REQUIRE NO TYPE OF JOINT PROTECTION. JOINTS BETWEEN WINGWALL SECTIONS AND JOINTS BETWEEN A WINGWALL AND BRIDGE UNIT MUST BE SEALED WITH A 2' WIDE STRIP OF FILTER FABRIC. BACKFILL IS DEFINED AS ALL REPLACED EXCAVATION AND NEW EMBANKMENT MATERIAL THAT IS ADJACENT TO THE THREE SIDED STRUCTURE, WINGWALLS AND HEADWALLS. BACKFILL MATERIAL WITHIN ZONE B MUST MEET THE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS OF AASHTO SOIL TYPE Al OR A3. SPANS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 24' WITH FILL HEIGHT LESS THAN 12' MAY ALSO USE AASHTO SOIL TYPE A2 OR A4. ZONE B IS DEFINED AS 4' HORIZONTALLY FROM THE OUTSIDE FACE OF EACH LEG AND 2' ABOVE THE TOP OF THE ARCH SLAB (OR FINISHED GRADE IF LESS THAN 2' COVER). DO NOT BACKFILL DURING WET OR FREEZING WEATHER. DUMPING FOR BACKFILLING IS NOT ALLOWED ANY NEARER THAN 3 FEET FROM THE PRECAST BRIDGE LEG. THE FILL BEHIND WINGWALLS MUST BE PLACED AT THE SAME TIME AS THAT OF THE BRIDGE FILL. ALL BACKFILL IN ZONE B IS TO BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 95% STANDARD PROCTOR PER AASHTO T-99. IF THE FOUNDATION INCLUDES VERTICAL PEDESTAL WALLS, ZONE B EXTENDS DOWN TO THE TOP OF THE HORIZONTAL PORTION OF THE FOUNDATON, BUT THE HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF ZONE B DOES NOT CHANGE. THE OUTSIDE OF THE PEDESTAL WALLS MUST BE BACKFILLED PRIOR TO SETTING THE PRECAST ARCHES. SPECIAL CARE IS TO BE TAKEN DURING BACKFILLING TO PROTECT THE PLACEMENT OF JOINT WRAP OR ANY WATERPROOFING MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT WITH AXLE WEIGHT OR TOTAL WEIGHT GREATER THAN THE DESIGN LOAD MUST NOT BE OPERATED ON THE STRUCTURE WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. MECHANICAL TAMPERS OR APPROVED COMPACTING EQUIPMENT MUST BE USED ON ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL THAT IS DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND OVER THE TOP OF THE STRUCTURE UNTIL THERE IS AT LEAST 1' OF COVER OVER THE TOP. BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ZONE B MUST BE PLACED IN 8" LIFTS (MAXIMUM) BEFORE BEING COMPACTED. AT NO TIME MUST HEAVY CONSTRUCTION OR BACKFILLING EQUIPMENT IN EXCESS OF 12 TONS BE PERMITTED OVER THE STRUCTURE OR WITHIN 3' OF ANY STRUCTURAL ELEMENT WITHOUT AT LEAST 2' OF COVER OVER THE STRUCTURE UNLESS THE STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED FOR LESS COVER. DURING BACKFILLING, AT NO TIME MUST THERE BE MORE THAN A 24 INCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BACKFILL HEIGHT ON EACH SIDE OF THE CULVERT. REVISIONS I DATE IACC'D I BENCH MARK SEE SHEET 1 SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A QROFESS/CN\ q � 2 KAREN L DOLL �= Z Uj o. 68444 z xp 09 30 2021 sT CIVIL �P F qTCF CALIF�R� FOR FILL HEIGHTS OVER 12', NO BACKFILLING MAY BEGIN UNTIL A BACKFILL COMPACTION TESTING PLAN HAS BEEN COORDINATED WITH AND APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING SETTLEMENT AND HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT OF THE FOUNDATIONS TO ENSURE THEY ARE WITHIN THE ALLOWABLE LIMIT PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER. THE FIRST MEASUREMENT MUST BE MADE AFTER THE ERECTION OF ALL PRECAST BRIDGE ELEMENTS, A SECOND AFTER COMPLETION OF BACKFILLING, AND A THIRD BEFORE OPENING THE BRIDGE TO TRAFFIC. THE MAXIMUM DIFFERENCE IN VERTICAL DISPLACEMENTS MUST NOT EXCEED 1 INCH ALONG THE LENGTH OF ONE FOUNDATION. The in place density of all /Ybackfil1l over the arch — � + Y + 1,.�..., A +kl A; N soil unit BRIDGE BACKFILL DIAGRAM Acceptable Soil For Use in Zone B Typical USCS Classification AASHT GROUP AASHTO SUBGROUP Percent Passing US Sieve No. Character of fraction passing #40 sieve #10 #40 #200 115 Liquid Limit Plasticity Index GW, GP, SP A-1 A-1a 50 Max 30 Max Max 6 Max GM, SW, SP, SM A-1 b 50 Max 25 Max 6 Max GM, SM, ML, SP, GP A-2 A-2-4 35 Max 40 Max 10 Max SC, GC, GM A-2-5 35 Max 41 Min 10 Max SP, SM, SW A-3 51 Min 10 Max Non -plastic ML, SM, SC A-4 136 Min 40 Max 10 Max DESIGNED BY KLD Span Fill Height Acceptable Material Inside Zone B 24'-01, > 12'-0" Al or A3 <_ 24'-0" < 12'-0" Al, A2, A3, or A4 > 24'-0" All Al or A3 DRAWN BY CHECKED BY KLD KLD I RECOMMENDED BY: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF XW J, . p�2 ! DATE. KAREN L DOLL R.C.E. 68444 Finish Gi Compacted Mat (Same as unit bac Precast Winc Type A - 3'-2" 1'-0" LGrout nits of Critical ickfill Zone B WINGWALL BACKFILL DIAGRAM ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TM 37368 —RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO.03-02 & CFD NO.16-01 NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARCH BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS NO. 2 Roadway Embankment (Zone A) of Wingwall II Zone LID 20-1114 SHEET NO. S-1 61 74 OF 88 SHEE CULVERT FOOTING/RI WALL UPSTREAM CUTOFF WA SEE DETAIL A - CLOSURE POUR CULVE FOOTII WALL SEE C CULVERT FOOTING/RETAINING E N V I R O F L E X WALL SECTION A DOWNSTREAM CUTOFF WALL L JCV I IVIV 0 0 SEE DETAIL B - CUTOFF WALL W/ EYEBOLT CONNECTION UPSTREAM EDGE CULVERT WIDTH PER PLAN VL/V VI VJI IXL/ IVI LV VL I W ULVERT DOTING/RETAINING /ALL =E DETAIL A - LOSUREPOUR CARRY ENVIROFLEX INTO NEXT CULVERT AND ACROSS APRON AS REQUIRED AT UPSTREAM/DOWNSTREAM LOCATIONS "OFF WALL W/ �ov� I vlVrv��, PION TYPICAL ENVIROFLEX ° LINED CULVERT AND APRON N. T. S. SOIL RETENTION TgYPRODUCTS INC. 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (800) 346-7995 W W W. S 0 1 L R E T E N T 10 N. C 0 M CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED TURBULENT ZONE NOTE: SEE SHEET C-27 FOR THE TURBULENT ZONE AREAS. SEE S-18 FOR DETAIL. • • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QRoF ESS/ON BENCHMARK: �� A 0 q� HOR I ZONTAL `S�o��F�� AS NOTED No. 64108 EXP. 12/31 /20 Y BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTICAL T s� C I V \ \- N/A 9TF OF CNO\ TAPERED, VERTICALLY INTERLOCKING ARTICUALTING CONCRETE BLOCK (ACB) SYSTEM BURIED UNGROUTED RIP RAP PER CIVIL PLANS ENVIROFLEX BLO( (1) #4 REBAR O a o. EXTEND BELOW SCOUR DEPTH (TYP) VI\/111V I\Vl�f\ Y,VVV rJl CONCRETE DETAIL A - CLOSURE POUR N. T. S. FINISH GRADE 6.0" (1) #4 REBAR MIN. 2' oo 12" (TYP) OR AS a. REQUIRED BY CIVIL ENGINEER CABLE CRIMP CABLE 4,000 PSI CONCRETE 6.0" MIN. 0 4,000 PSI CONCRETE CABLE CABLE CRIMP ENVIROFLEX BLOCK HEX NUT 4" DIA. CLEAN MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 CRUSHED OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAIN ROCK 3" MIP MIN. EMBED CAST —IN —PLACE OPTION (FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY) 2" x 6" GALVANIZED EYEBOLT (SPACING 3' O.C.) L 3" (MIN) MIN. EMBED EPDXY OPTION (FOR EXISTING AND NEW CONCRETE) CUTOFF WALL DETAIL B - CUTOFF WALL W/ EYEBOLT CONNECTION* �G (1) #4 REBAR CABLE /-- CABLE CRIMP N. T. S. * APPLY AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM ENDS f DIRECTION OF FLOW (TYP) ENVIROFLEX BLOCK �- I I —III —I l l l � ll I l i III 31I MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 III a DIA. CLEAN CRUSHED OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAIN ROCK APPROVED SUBGRADE 4" ENVIROFLEX BLOCK MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 J OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" DIA. CLEAN CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK DETAIL C - CONCRETE ANCHOR TERMINATION N. T. S. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DO/CJ CJ DO PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DARIEN A. OSBORNE R.C.E. 64108 TE: 08/26/2020 RECOMMENDED BY: TE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TYPICAL SECTION (W/ 4" DRAINAGE LAYER) N. T. S. 4" 2" L 21.5" 2" x 6" GALVANIZED EYEBOLT (SPACING 3' O.C.) IN DRILLED HOLE BONDED W/ "HILTI HIT HY-150" OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" ENVIROFLEX DESIGN CRITERIA VL/V VI VJI IXL/ IVI LV VL I W ULVERT DOTING/RETAINING /ALL =E DETAIL A - LOSUREPOUR CARRY ENVIROFLEX INTO NEXT CULVERT AND ACROSS APRON AS REQUIRED AT UPSTREAM/DOWNSTREAM LOCATIONS "OFF WALL W/ �ov� I vlVrv��, PION TYPICAL ENVIROFLEX ° LINED CULVERT AND APRON N. T. S. SOIL RETENTION TgYPRODUCTS INC. 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (800) 346-7995 W W W. S 0 1 L R E T E N T 10 N. C 0 M CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED TURBULENT ZONE NOTE: SEE SHEET C-27 FOR THE TURBULENT ZONE AREAS. SEE S-18 FOR DETAIL. • • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE QRoF ESS/ON BENCHMARK: �� A 0 q� HOR I ZONTAL `S�o��F�� AS NOTED No. 64108 EXP. 12/31 /20 Y BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTICAL T s� C I V \ \- N/A 9TF OF CNO\ TAPERED, VERTICALLY INTERLOCKING ARTICUALTING CONCRETE BLOCK (ACB) SYSTEM BURIED UNGROUTED RIP RAP PER CIVIL PLANS ENVIROFLEX BLO( (1) #4 REBAR O a o. EXTEND BELOW SCOUR DEPTH (TYP) VI\/111V I\Vl�f\ Y,VVV rJl CONCRETE DETAIL A - CLOSURE POUR N. T. S. FINISH GRADE 6.0" (1) #4 REBAR MIN. 2' oo 12" (TYP) OR AS a. REQUIRED BY CIVIL ENGINEER CABLE CRIMP CABLE 4,000 PSI CONCRETE 6.0" MIN. 0 4,000 PSI CONCRETE CABLE CABLE CRIMP ENVIROFLEX BLOCK HEX NUT 4" DIA. CLEAN MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 CRUSHED OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAIN ROCK 3" MIP MIN. EMBED CAST —IN —PLACE OPTION (FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY) 2" x 6" GALVANIZED EYEBOLT (SPACING 3' O.C.) L 3" (MIN) MIN. EMBED EPDXY OPTION (FOR EXISTING AND NEW CONCRETE) CUTOFF WALL DETAIL B - CUTOFF WALL W/ EYEBOLT CONNECTION* �G (1) #4 REBAR CABLE /-- CABLE CRIMP N. T. S. * APPLY AT UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM ENDS f DIRECTION OF FLOW (TYP) ENVIROFLEX BLOCK �- I I —III —I l l l � ll I l i III 31I MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 III a DIA. CLEAN CRUSHED OR APPROVED EQUAL DRAIN ROCK APPROVED SUBGRADE 4" ENVIROFLEX BLOCK MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 J OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" DIA. CLEAN CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK DETAIL C - CONCRETE ANCHOR TERMINATION N. T. S. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DO/CJ CJ DO PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DARIEN A. OSBORNE R.C.E. 64108 TE: 08/26/2020 RECOMMENDED BY: TE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TYPICAL SECTION (W/ 4" DRAINAGE LAYER) N. T. S. 4" 2" L 21.5" 2" x 6" GALVANIZED EYEBOLT (SPACING 3' O.C.) IN DRILLED HOLE BONDED W/ "HILTI HIT HY-150" OR APPROVED EQUAL 4" ENVIROFLEX DESIGN CRITERIA W/ 4" DRAINAGE LAYER CRITICAL SHEAR STRESS PSF 18 VELOCITY LIMIT FT/SEC 23.3 HYDRAULIC VALUES ESTABLISHED BY TESTING PER FHWA RD-89-199 ' 22.9" ENVIROFLEX° BLOCK DETAILS N. T. S. 4" ENVIROFLEX BLOCK F- 0 W LL �L� 00 (TYP) LD 20-1114 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 29353 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLANS�l 7 gh NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS ENVIROFLEX DETAILS 75 OF 84 SHEETS E N V I R 0 F L E X� ENVIROFLEX CONTINOUS HOLE (MULTIPLE BLOCK CONNECTION) ENVIROFLEX HOLE (SINGLE BLOCK CONNECTION) ENVIROFLEX° BLOCK CONNECTION OPTIONS N. T. S. ENVIROFLEX BLOCK SAW -CUT OPTIONAL - (NO SMALLER THAN %2 A BLOCK) CABLE CRIMP 6.0" IN. (1) #4 REBAR 4,000 PSI CONCRETE CABLE DIAGONAL BLOCK TO CONCRETE EDGE DETAIL SOIL RETENTION TgYPRODUCTS INC. 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (800) 346-7995 W W W. S 0 1 L R E T E N T 10 N. C 0 M CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED N. T. S. • • Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE CABLE CRIMP TAPERED, VERTICALLY INTERLOCKING ARTICUALTING CONCRETE BLOCK (ACB) SYSTEM UPSTREAM nnn DCI (-nKlr`D? TG SAW -CUT OPTIONAL - (NO SMALLER THAN % A BLOCK) DOWNSTREAM U F_ U W 0 (1) #4 REBAR 6.0" MIN. ENVIROFLEX BLOCK DIAGONAL BLOCK TO UPSTREAM CONCRETE EDGE DETAIL CABLE CRIMP N. T. S. SAW -CUT OPTIONAL - (NO SMALLER THAN % A UPSTREAM LL LL LL O z O �- L AbLC DOWNSTREAM (1) #4 REBAR ENVIROFLEX BLOCK 6.0" MIN. DIAGONAL BLOCK TO DOWNSTREAM CONCRETE EDGE DETAIL C' D BENCH MARK SCALE QRoF ESS/0l, BENCHMARK: �� A 0 q/ HOR I ZONTAL `S60 <� � AS NOTED No. 64108 EXP. 12/31 /20 Y BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTICAL T N/A 9TF OF CN01 � N. T. S. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY DO/CJ CJ DO PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DARIEN A. OSBORNE R.C.E. 64108 TE: 08/26/2020 RECOMMENDED BY: UPSTREAM EDGE CLOSURE POUR u u u u u u u u u u u u u V•V a V•V a vv a vv u u u V u u V u u v u u v u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u • u u • u u • u u • u u u WE u u • u u • u • u u V•V � �•� a vv V AN �•.J `•.J `.J `•.J `•.J � V u v u u `•.J `.J `•.J `•.J � V u v u u �•.J `•.J `•.J `•.J `•.J `•.J u u V u V u u V•V a �•� � vv u u u u u • u u u u u u u u u u u a u V u u v u u v u✓ u u u u V u V u u•u � u � u•u � u•V r I� CLOSURE POUR * FOR TURBULENT ZONE LIMITS SEE SHEET C-27 DOWNSTREAM EDGE TURBULENT ZONE DETAIL N. T. S. MIRAFI BXG110 (OR EQUAL) TO BE INSTALLED WITH TURBULENT ZONE ABOVE DRAIN ROCK TE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 f DIRECTION OF FLOW (TYP) 0 ENVIROFLEX BLOCK �- II;III-Illli�lll 3„ MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE 500 III a DIA. CLEAN OR APPROVED EQUAL CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK APPROVED SUBGRADE CUTOFF WALL TURBULENT ZONE* ENDS 10' INTO CULVERT FROM UPSTREAM EDGE TURBULENT ZONE* BEGINS 10' INTO CULVERT TO DOWNTOWN EDGE CUTOFF WALL TYPICAL TURBULENT ZONE SECTION N. T. S. LD 20-1114 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SHEET NO. TM 29353 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS ENVIROFLEX DETAILS 76 OF 84 SHEETSI RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLANS SITE MAP UTILITY COMPANIES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON (714)458-4440 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY (714) 364-2170 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER DISTRICT (909) 296-6900 PACIFIC BELL (714) 259-4443 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800) 422-4133 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (951) 928-3777 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED L0 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK BENCHMARK: SEE CIVIL PLANS BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I AM FAMILIAR WITH AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WATER USE. DATE: 08/05/21 v TIM JACHLEWSKI IN -SITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. 2907 SHELTER ISLAND DR. #105-417 SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 REGISTRATION NO: 4547 EXPIRATION DATE: 11/30/2021 SCALE �p�1DSDIP ����0 yach I eiVI./l/ Cyi HORIZONTAL � U .4 47 v C AS NOTED I, re 11- -21 R11-1- VERTICAL J> 08-05-21 N/A qTF OF DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TIM JACHLEWSKI JR NO. 4547 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: PROJECT DIRECTORY APPLICANT REPRESENTATIVE: DECATUR ADVISORS, LLC P.O. BOX 2016 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 CONTACT: THOM FULLER PH: 619-851-5121 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: IN -SITE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. 2907 SHELTER ISLAND DR. #105-417 SAN DIEGO, CA 92106 CONTACT: TIM JACHLEWSKI EMAIL: TIM@INSITELANDARCH.COM PH: 619-795-7603 CIVIL ENGINEER: MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 40810 COUNTY CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 200 TEMECULA, CA 92591 CONTACT: CANDICE FENTON PH: 951-506-2034 BIOLOGIST: HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, INC. 7578 EL CAJON BOULEVARD, SUITE 200 LA MESA, CA 91942 CONTACT: BARRY JONES PH: 619-462-1515 LANDSCAPE QUANTITIES RIPARIAN SCRUB - CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1.84 ACRES RIPARIAN SCRUB - ADDITIONAL CONVEYANCE BOTTOM 0.73 ACRES RIVERSIDIAN SAGE SCRUB NON -IRRIGATED HYDROSEED 1.5 ACRES TOTAL: 4.07 ACRES BARK MULCH (3" DEPTH) +/- 3.1 ACRES SHEET INDEX DWG NO. SHEET NO. DESCRIP 77 L.1-0 LANDSCAPE PLANS COVER SHEET 78 L.1-1 PLANTING PLAN 79 L.1-2 PLANTING PLAN 80 L.1-3 PLANTING PLAN 81 L.14 PLANTING NOTES, LEGEND AND DETAILS 82 L.1-5 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND SPECS 83 L.1-6 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 84 L.2-1 IRRIGATION PLAN 85 L.2-2 IRRIGATION LEGEND, CALCS, AND NOTES 86 L.2-3 IRRIGATION DETAILS 87 L.2-4 IRRIGATION DETAILS 88 L.2-5 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 89 L.2-6 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS ATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS J�� of TEyEc�9 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 w NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE PLANS COVER SHEET LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. L. 1-0 77 OF 89 SHEETS N O OIS CD U) z Q J 0- z _O I— U U) z O U Lu U U) 0 z Q J PLANT SCHEDULE - ABBREVIATED (SEE SHEET L.14 FOR FULL SCHEDULE) SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SHRUBS • ; ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS WILD TARRAGON BACCHARIS SALICIFOLIA MULE FAT ® POPULUS FREMONTII SSP. FREMONTII FREEMONT COTTONWOOD SALIX LASIOLEPIS ARROYO WILLOW SALIX EXIGUA SANDBAR WILLOW TOTAL RIPARIAN SCRUB HYDROSEED (TEMPORARILY IRRIGATED) (1.84 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT) (0.73 ACRES ADDITIONAL CONVEYANCE BOTTOM) SEE SHEET L.1-4 FOR SEED MIX ®RIVERSIDIAN SAGE SCRUB HYDROSEED (NON -IRRIGATED) (+/- 1.5 ACRES) SEE SHEET L.14 FOR SEED MIX r , 3" THICK PLANT'S CHOICE, INC. "STANDARD BARK MULCH" OR EQ. 3.1 ACRES) LANDSCAPE ARCF= 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED ASPHALT TRAIL PER CIVIL PLANS TT.�T'7i l gglffl I � I EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PLANTING NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY MARK ALL UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING ALL UTILITIES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRING DAMAGED UTILITIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING OR REPLACING ANY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN OR OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMIT OF WORK. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY ERADICATE, REMOVE, AND DISPOSE OF ALL EXISTING WEEDS AND PLANT MATERIALS FROM PROPOSED PLANTING AREAS. THROUGHOUT THE GRADING PHASE, INSTALLATION PHASE, AND MAINTENANCE PHASE. WEEDS SHALL BE CONTROLLED, AS NECESSARY, BEFORE THEY SET SEED AND/OR BEFORE THEY REACH 12 INCHES IN HEIGHT. WEED CONTROL METHODS WILL INCLUDE MAINLY HAND -PULLING AND LIMITED SELECTIVE SPOT SPRAYING OF HERBICIDES FOR HIGH PRIORITY INVASIVE SPECIES THAT MAY RE -SPROUT FROM TAPROOTS OR RHIZOMES. LIMITED USE OF SELECTED HERBICIDES IS ALLOWED WHEN NO OTHER EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE IS AVAILABLE TO REMOVE AND CONTROL WEED SPECIES AND WILL BE AUTHORIZED ONLY BY THE PROJECT PROJECT BIOLOGIST. PRE -EMERGENT CHEMICALS SHOULD NOT BE USED AT ANY TIME. 4. THE PLANTING PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PLANT QUANTITIES AND SQUARE FOOTAGES ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PLANTS TO FULFILL THE INTENT OF THE PLANS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE PROJECT RESTORATION SPECIALIST FOR THE REVIEW OF STAKED IMPROVEMENT AREAS AND STAKED PLANT MATERIAL LOCATIONS PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF PLANT MATERIALS. EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY ASPHALT TRAIL PER CIVIL PLANS �� ------ — — r CD I - I —G— _ G o -40- 0 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK BENCHMARK: SEE CIVIL PLANS BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS S ROAD SCALE HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A SCAPF\ Jach 1 e'VI./I U .4 47 v 91gm re 11--21 aeewaiome 08 O5 21 \Q- qTF OF CA�_\F��� G� �G G� i 104 97 G� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF DATE: 08/05/21 TIM JACHLEWSKI JR NO. 4547 EXISTING RIGHT OF MOM LL LLI J Lu O 00 Q Lu Lu r W r W Z Q r r / G/ 0' 20' 40' 80' 120' NORTH RECOMMENDED BY: KEY MAP ATE: ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS of TEyEc�9 TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 w NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS yrTroNs_198.p44o4 PLANTING PLAN LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. L.1-1 78 OF 89 SHEETS j6> W I W I C)� a o f W W PLANT SCHEDULE - ABBREVIATED W z (SEE SHEET L.1-4 FOR FULL SCHEDULE) J SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME = 19 U SHRUBS ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS WILD TARRAGON 7 k j1� l J?(9 / I? / a d Mona- �_�� —moo �s���� ----�-•_..._�_. i ASPHALT TRAIL PER CIVIL PLAN ROCK LINED SWALE PER CIVIL PLANS -TYP D DRIVEWAY EXTENSION PER CIVIL PLANS -TYP. 0' 20' 40' 80' 120' NORTH -•- - • - - • - • • • •••� Z�'���/� r �� • � � • ■ � ■ ■ • • • � � ����_ _ I�/� c � � �%lei I ��. �i / � / � � c � � ��A��,' �.�� _ � ��� � �� Aft 1 1 1 , - . • �� / '" .• f �A�i '.�'�Il ' 1 it-�� 1�\��' 4l c �, , nEwAd-VA il FIR%- mw, SlAff LANDSCAPE / , )Jf) c, Z,,. f `�.w.� I� f'hl; • /Q ,,y ice, •_ � ` I w I N S I E ARCF=CTURE, INC. , \\\\ San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com 'Al CONSTRUCTION RECORD BENCHMARK: J',�ADSCAP,� RECOMMENDED : DATE: SEE CIVIL PLANS N'ach I CONTRACTOR k", .4 47 PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 — RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN mm "CFD NO. • • NO. . • 11-1-21 INSPECTOR DATE:•: • ACCEPTED DATE: • ROAD & CALLE GIRASOLIMPROVEMENTS DATE COMPLETED__ __ SEE CIVIL PLANS•TIM JACHLEWSKI JR -.TRICK OF A\NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER PLANTING PLAN 80OF89 SHEETS R.C.E. 44223 CV 0 I 00 U) z 0- z _O F— U U) z O Lu Q U U) 0 z Q PLANT SCHEDULE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME QUANTITY QUANTITY PLANTS PER GROUPING SIZE CONSERVATION CONVEYANCE ACRE SIZE EASEMENT BOTTOM SHRUBS • ; ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS WILD TARRAGON 166 70 90 5 PER GROUP 1 GAL BACCHARIS SALICIFOLIA MULE FAT 920 371 500 7 PER GROUP 1 GAL ® POPULUS FREMONTII SSP. FREMONTII FREEMONT COTTONWOOD 37 16 20 PER PLAN 1 GAL SALIX LASIOLEPIS ARROYO WILLOW 184 76 100 PER PLAN 1 GAL k SALIX EXIGUA SANDBAR WILLOW 276 100 150 PER PLAN 1 GAL TOTAL 1,583 632 3" THICK PLANT'S CHOICE, INC. "STANDARD BARK MULCH" OR EQ. 3.1 ACRES) RIPARIAN SCRUB HYDROSEED SCHEDULE (TEMPORARILY IRRIGATED) : SEED LB/ACRE* %PURITY/ % GERMINATION AMBROSIA PSILOSTACHYA WESTERN RAGWEED 5.5 2.2 3.0 45/45 ACMISPON AMERICANUS SPANISH-CLOVER 3.7 1.5 2.0 98175 CROTON CALIFORNICUS CALIFORNIA CROTON 1.8 0.7 1.0 90/40 DATURA WRIGHTII JIMSON WEED 3.7 1.5 2.0 90/75 ERIOGONUM FASCICULATUM CALIFORNIA BUCKWHEAT 5.5 2.2 3.0 55/20 HELIANTHUS ANNUUS WESTERN SUNFLOWER 1.8 0.7 1.0 90/80 HELIOTROPIUM CURASSAVICUM VAR. SALT HELIOTROPE 5.5 2.2 3.0 15/50 OCULATUM HETEROTHECA GRANDIFLORA TELEGRAPH WEED 1.8 0.7 1.0 60/55 LUPINUS BICOLOR MINIATURE LUPINE 5.5 2.2 3.0 98/85 TOTAL 34.8 13.2 APPLICATION PRODUCT RATE LBS/ACRE CONWED 1000 WOOD FIBER 3,680 1,460 2000 LBS/ACRE ECOLOGY CONTROLS M-BINDER/TACK 368 146 200 LBS/ACRE TRI-C SOLUBLE HUMATE 1.84 0.73 1 LBS/ACRE SPACING WATER USE 5-0" O.C. (WITHIN GROUP) LOW 8'-0" O.C. (WITHIN GROUP) LOW 15'-0" O.C. (MIN.) MED 10'-0" O.C. (MIN.) HIGH 12'-0" O.C. (MIN.) LOW 2. 3. 7. C! 1. NATIVE CONTAINER STOCK OR CUTTING (SET CONTAINER STOCK ROOTBALL 1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE) 2. FERTILIZER PACKET (BIO PAKS ® FERTILIZER PACKET (10 GRAMS WEIGHT). EACH PACKET SHALL CONTAIN NITROGEN, AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID AND SOLUBLE POTASH PLUS MINOR NUTRIENTS. THE NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS, AND POTASSIUM SHALL BE COATED WITH A POLURETHANE COATING TO PROVIDE 15.69 PERCENT COATED SLOW -RELEASE NITROGEN, 5.09% COATED SLOW -RELEASE AVAILABLE PHOSPHATE, AND 6.8% SLOWLY AVAILABLE SOLUBLE POTASH. BIO PAKS ® MEETING THESE SPECIFCATIONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM REFORESTATION TECHNOLOGIES INC.) 3. NATIVE SOIL PLANTING BACKFILL 4. FINISH GRADE WHEN LEVEL 5. FINISH GRADE WHEN PLANTING OCCURS ON SLOPES P-02 NATIVE TREE OR SHRUB CONTAINER GROWN SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ® RIVERSIDIAN SAGE SCRUB HYDROSEED SCHEDULE (NON -IRRIGATED): SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SEED LB/ACRE* TOTAL WEIGHT 2. SEED (LB) ACMISPON GLABER DEERWEED 2.0 3.4 3. ARTEMISIA CALIFORNICA CALIFORNIA SAGEBRUSH 2.0 3.4 DEINANADRA FASCICULATA FASCICLED TARWEED 2.0 3.4 4. ERIOGONUM FASCICULATUM CALIFORNIA BUCKWHEAT 3.0 5.1 ERIOPYHLLUM CONFERTIFLORUM GOLDEN YARROW 3.0 5.1 GNAPHALIUM BICOLOR BICOLOR CUDWEED 2.0 3.4 ------------------------ LUPINUS BICOLOR MINIATURE LUPINE 3.0 5.1---------------- MIMULUS AURANTIACUS MONKEY FLOWER BUSH 3.0 5.1 a a , _______ __________ ____________ _- _-_ -- PLANTAGO OVATA WOOLY PLANTAIN 2.0 3.4 _____"- III111 1III111 SALVIAAPIANA WHITE SAGE 2.0 3.4 _ IIIIIIIII-III-III IIIIII-III STIPA PULCHRA PURPLE NEEDLEGRASS 3.0 5.1 -III-IIIIII-III j , III -III IIIIIIIII-III-III-IIIIII-III- - -1 III-1 I I1 I I1 I I I I-1 i, l l III-1 I I1 I I1 I I1 I I-1 I I, -III , ,III ,III , ; ,III SISYRINCHIUM BELLUM BLUE-EYED GRASS 2.0 3.4 =III III -III III III 1 =I I =1 I 1 I � =III III = =11 III -III III -III I -III,! III III III -III III III 11- PRODUCT APPLICATION RATE 11 1=1 1=1 1I 11=11 1 1=111=1 I-III-1-I 11I 11=1 1=1 11=111=1 1=� II I ..III1 I I ..III . I I, � � I 1 11 1I 1 11 1 11 I I III -I 1 11 1 11 I I I ,III- CONWED 1000 WOOD FIBER 2000 LBS/ACRE 3,000 -III1 1 I I -III 1 III III I = =III = II (- ECOLOGY CONTROLS M-BINDER/TACK 2W LBS/ACRE 300 -III III -I 1I- BIOSOL FORTE 7-2-1 ORGANIC FERTILIZER 800 LBS/ACRE 1,000 TRI-C SOLUBLE HUMATE 1 LBS/ACRE 1.5 24" AM-120 MYCORRHIZAL INOCULUM 60 LBS/ACRE 90 1. HARDSCAPE/PAVEMENT 2. 3" MULCH LAYER 3. ORIGINAL GRADE 4. GRADE TRANSITIONS TO ACCOMODATE MULCH LAYER 1/2" BELOW HARDSCAPE SURFACE MULCH/ GRADE TRANSITION AT HARDSCAPE P-01 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 0 �II\�JID^�l LANDSCAPE O I _ fs v v � Qo� 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 Know what'sbelow. San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com Call before you dig. LID 20- 1 11 4 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE DE&GNED BY DRA N BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA SHEET NO. BENCHMARK: �p�1DSCAPF�TJ/RM SEE CIVIL PLANS �c�<c.� �achles� �C'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HORIZONTAL �, �,PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF CONTRACTOR U 4 47 L OF . TEMPO TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN -4 INSPECTOR AS NOTED ,s -21 CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 -0'�21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: 0805NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS BASIS of BEARINGS: VERTICAL �y� ���� DATE: 08/05/21 PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED SEE CIVIL PLANS N/A F0F cm-\�o NIO. 547LEWSKI JR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 'JTro-11 19a9 04 PLANTING NOTES, LEGEND & DETAILS 81 OF89 SHEETS 044 R.C.E. 44223 N O 0 U) z Q 0- z O U N� LL U) z O U Lu U U) 0 z Q PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED The contractor shall provide all labor, materials and appurtenances necessary for installation of the welded ornamental steel fence system. 1.02 RELATED WORK Section - Earthwork Section - Concrete 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The manufacturer shall supply a total fence system of (Montage Plus) Welded and Rackable (ATF - All Terrain Flexibility) Ornamental Steel M esticj_The system shall include all components (i.e., panels, posts, gates and hardware) required. B. Material for pickets shall be 3/4" square x 18 Ga. tubing. The rails shall be steel channel, 1.5" x 1.4375" x 14 Ga. Picket holes in the rail shall be spaced (4.675" o.c. for standard picket space). Fence posts and gate posts shall meet the minimum size requirements of Table 1. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Pickets, rails and posts shall be pre-cut to specified lengths. Rails shall be pre -punched to accept pickets. B. Pickets shall be inserted into the pre -punched holes in the rails and shall be aligned to standard spacing using a specially calibrated alignment fixture. The aligned pickets and rails shall be joined at each picket -to -rail intersection by Ameristar's proprietary fusion welding process, thus completing the rigid panel assembly (Note: The process produces a virtually seamless, spatter -free good -neighbor appearance, equally attractive from either side of the panel). 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE C. The manufactured panels and posts shall be subjected to an inline electrode position coating (E-Coat) The contractor shall provide laborers and supervisors who are thoroughly familiar with the type of construction process consisting of a multi -stage pretreatment/wash, followed by a duplex application of an epoxy primer involved and materials and techniques specified. and an acrylic topcoat. The minimum cumulative coating thickness of epoxy and acrylic shall be 2 mils (0.058 mm). The color shall be (Black). The coated panels and posts shall be capable of meeting the performance 1.05 REFERENCES requirements for each quality characteristic shown in Table 2 (Note: The requirements in Table 2 meet or ■ ASTM A653/A653M - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc -Iron Alloy exceed the coating performance criteria of ASTM F2408). Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot -Dip Process. ■ ASTM B 117 - Practice for Operating Salt -Spray (Fog) Apparatus. D. The manufactured fence system shall be capable of meeting the vertical load, horizontal load, and infTll • ASTM D523 - Test Method for Specular Gloss performance requirements for Commercial weight fences under ASTM F2408. ■ ASTM D714 -Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering in Paint. ASTMD822 -Practice for Conducting Tests on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials using Filtered E. Gates with an out to out leaf dimension less than and including 72 inches shall be fabricated using ■ Open -Flame Carbon -Arc Light and Water Exposure Apparatus. Montage Plus ornamental panel material and 1-3/4" sq. x 14ga. gate ends. Gate leafs greater than 72 inches shall be fabricated using ForeRunner rails, 17 gauge pickets, intermediate uprights, gussets and 1-3/4" sq. x ■ ASTM D1654 - Test Method for Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive 14ga. gate ends. All rail and upright intersections shall be joined by welding. All picket and rail intersections Environments. shall also be joined by welding. ■ ASTM D2244 - Test Method for Calculation of Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates. ■ ASTM D2794 - Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid Deformation PART 3 - EXECUTION (Impact). ASTM D3359 -Test Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test. 3.01 PREPARATION ■ ASTM F2408 - Ornamental Fences Employing All new installation shall be laid out by the contractor in accordance with the construction plans. • Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets. 1.06 SUBMITTAL 3.02 INSTALLATION The manufacturer's literature shall be submitted prior to installation. Fence post shall be spaced according to Table 3, plus or minus'/4". For installations that must be raked to follow sloping grades, the post spacing dimension must be measured along the grade. Fence panels shall be attached to posts with brackets supplied by the manufacturer. Posts shall be set in concrete footers having a 1.07 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE minimum depth of 36" (Note: In some cases, local restrictions of freezing weather conditions may require a Upon receipt at the job site, all materials shall be checked to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping greater depth). The "Earthwork" and "Concrete" sections of this specification shall govern material or handling. Materials shall be stored in such a manner to ensure proper ventilation and drainage, and to protect requirements for the concrete footer. Posts setting by other methods such as plated posts or grouted against damage, weather, vandalism and theft. core -drilled footers are permissible only if shown by engineering analysis to be sufficient in strength for the intended application. 1.08 PRODUCT WARRANTY A. All structural fence components (i.e. rails, pickets, and posts) shall be warranted within specified limitations, by the manufacturer for a period of 20 years from date of original purchase. Warranty shall cover any defects in material finish, including cracking, peeling, chipping, blistering or corroding. B. Reimbursement for labor necessary to restore or replace components that have been found to be defective under the terms of manufactures warranty shall be guaranteed for five (5) years from date of original purchase. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 MANUFACTURER The fence system shall conform to (Montage Plus standard picket space) Welded and Rackable (ATF -All Terrain Flexibility) Ornamental Steel, (for standard picket space, Majestic) design, flush bottom rail treatment, 2-Rail style manufactured by Ameristar Fence Products, Inc., in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2.02 MATERIAL A. Steel material for fence panels and posts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A653/A653M, with a minimum yield strength of 45,000 psi (3 10 MPa) and a minimum zinc (hot -dip galvanized) coating weight of 0.60 oz/ft2 (184 g/m2), Coating Designation G-60. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 3.03 FENCE INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE When cutting/drilling rails or posts adhere to the following steps to seal the exposed steel surfaces; 1) Remove all metal shavings from cut area. 2) Apply zinc -rich primer to thoroughly cover cut edge and/or drilled hole; let dry. 3) Apply 2 coats of custom finish paint matching fence color. Failure to seal exposed surfaces per steps 1-3 above will negate warranty. Ameristar spray cans or paint pens shall be used to prime and finish exposed surfaces; it is recommended that paint pens be used to prevent overspray. Use of non-Ameristar parts or components will negate the manufactures' warranty. 3.04 GATE INSTALLATION Gate posts shall be spaced according to the manufacturers' gate drawings, dependent on standard out -to -out gate leaf dimensions and gate hardware selected. Type and quantity of gate hinges shall be based on the application; weight, height, and number of gate cycles. The manufacturers' gate drawings shall identify the necessary gate hardware required for the application. Gate hardware shall be provided by the manufacture of the gate and shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations. 3.05 CLEANING The contractor shall clean the jobsite of excess materials; post -hole excavations shall be scattered uniformly away from posts. 0 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D r N W J m H L F 1-4 J m L MINIMUM SIZES ,. MONTAGE PLUS POSTS FENCE POSTS PANEL HEIGHTS 2.5" x 16 ga. up to & including 6' heights GATE LEAF GATE HEIGHT up to L including 4' over 4' up to L including 6' up to 4' 2.5" x 16 gauge 2.5" x 14 gauge 4'1" to 6' 3" x 12 gauge 3" x 12 gauge 6'1"to 10' 4" x 11 gauge 4" x 11 gauge 10'1" to 16' G" x 311 G" wall 6' x 3/16" wall PERFORMANCECOATING QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS ASTM TEST METHOD PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ADHESION 03359 -METHOD R Adhesion (retention of coating) over 90% of test area (tape and knife kit test). CORROSION RESISTANCE 0117, D714, D1654 Corrosion resistance over 1,000 hours (scribed per D1654; failure mode is accumulation of 118' coating loss from scribe or medium 88 blisters) IMPACT RESISTANCE D2794 Impact resistance over 60" Ih. (forward impact using 0.625' ball). WEATHERING RESISTANCE D822 D2244, D523 (60' method) Weathering resistance over 1,000 hours (failure mode is 60% loss ofgloss orcolor variance of more than 3 delta-E color units). SPAN MONTAGE PLUS POST SPACING BY BRACKET Classic, Genesis, Majestic & Warrior /8' nominal (91.95" rail) 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 1 3" 2.5" 3" POST SIZE BRACKET TYPE Montage Plus Uni- versal (BB1I2SR) Montage Plus Line Blvd. (BB I14SR) Montage Plus Flat Mount (BB1I1SR) Montage Plus Swivel (BB113)* POST SETTINGS +.25" O.C. 95" 95" 95" 95.5" "95" 955' 'When using B8113 swivel brackets on either or both ends ofa panel installation, care must be taken to ensure the spacing between post and adjoining pickets meets applicable codes. This will requim trimming one or both ends of the panel. 1. ROUND POST CAP 2. CORNER, TERMINAL, GATE POST - 2.875 INCH O.D., (LINE POSTS = 2.375 INCH O.D.) 3. TOP RAIL AND BOTTOM RAIL - 1.66 INCH O.D. 4. CHAIN LINK FABRIC - 9 GAUGE CORE, 2" MESH, KNUCKLE TOP AND BOTTOM, ATTACH TO STREET SIDE 5. RAILTIE - 12" O.C. MAX. 6. STRETCHER BAR AND FASTENERS (10" O.C. MAX.) 7. CONCRETE FOOTING (DOME TOP) 8. CANE BOLT WITH PADLOCK 9. 1/2" DIA. GALVANIZED 1/2" TRUSS ROD AT CORNERS, TERMINAL POSTS, AND GATES 10. INSTALL 3/4" DIAMETER GALVANIZED STEEL: SLEEVE 2" DEEP, FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE TO ACCEPT CANE BOLT 11. TENSION WIRE C-01 BENCH MARK SCALE BENCHMARK: �NOSCAPF9 SEE CIVIL PLANS HORIZONTAL ��5���achletvs,'QC'y/ v .4 47 AS NOTED " p BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS VERTICAL °. N/A qTF OF CA0F��� C NOTES: • ALL STEEL COMPONENTS SHALL BE COATED WITH PERMACOAT® THERMAL STRATIFICATION COATING PROCESS, COLOR: BLACK • PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL • VALUE'S SHOWN ARE NOMINAL, INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS C-02 4 L. VVCLU %-/INI WlJ/\ "IIVVC `-F1 3. 4" SQUARE X 11 GAUGE POST 4. CONCRETE FOOTING 5. LOCKABLE GATE LATCH 6. GATE CANE BOLT 18' WIDE TUBULAR STEEL DOUBLE SWING GATE 5' HEIGHT - AMERISTAR - MONTAGE PLUS - MAJESTIC SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE, AND VEHICULAR GATES SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF 5. DATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: TIM JACHLEWSKI JR PATRICK A. THOMAS NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 1. KNUCKLE TOP AND BOTTOM CITY OF TEMECULA TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION DETAILS & SPECS 5. 6. 2. 1. 5. 6. 3. 4. LD 20-11141 SHEET NO L.1-5 82 OF 89 SHEETS I N I O I O Cn Z Q J n Z O U Cn Z O U Q U 0 Z Q SECTION 329300 NATIVE PLANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY: A. The work includes all services, labor, materials, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work indicated on the Drawings and as specified. The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS: A. Nicolas - Calle Girasol Road and Channel Improvements Project Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) dated August 21, 2019. 1.03 SUBMITTALS: A. Letter from native plant nursery stating Seed Mixes, collection date(s), collection location(s) and container stock list. 1.04 GUARANTEES AND REPLACEMENTS: A. Plants used for replacement shall be the same kind and size as specified in the plant list. They shall be furnished and planted as originally specified. The expense of all repair work on existing improvements damaged during replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. The Landscape Sub -Contractor shall be experienced in successfully completing native restoration projects including maintenance and establishment. Landscape Sub -Contractor shall meet the following criteria in order to qualify for this project: 1. Knowledge and experience in native wetland habitat restoration projects including erosion control and naturalized beautification. 2. Knowledge and experience to distinguish weeds from native plants. 3. Knowledge and experience with temporary irrigation installations including watering schedules that successfully establish plants and successfully weaning native plants off temporary irrigation during establishment. 1.06 MAINTENANCE: A. The Contractor shall continuously maintain all involved areas during the progress of the work and during the maintenance period until the final acceptance of the work. B. The Maintenance Period begins on the first day after written acceptance of planting operations. C. Maintenance shall occur per the maintenance schedule noted in the HMMP. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. The term "Planting Area" shall mean all areas to be planted with trees, shrubs, and seed. B. Actual planting shall be performed during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. When possible, the planting of woody vegetation shall be accomplished during the dormant season between October 1 and May 15. C. Prior to excavation for planting or placing of plant materials, locate all underground improvements, utility lines, etc. and take proper precautions to avoid damage. In the event of a conflict between such lines and plant locations, notify Restoration Specialist and receive direction prior to proceeding. The Contractor assumes responsibility for making repairs for damages resulting from work as herein specified. D. Grading and soil preparation work shall be performed only during the period when beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. If the moisture content of the soil should reach such a level that working it would destroy soil structure, spreading and grading operations shall be suspended until the moisture content is increased or reduced to acceptable levels and the desired results are likely to be obtained. E. Adequately stake, barricade, and protect irrigation equipment, manholes, utility lines, and other existing property during all phases of the grading operations. F. Rejection and Substitution: Plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective, and such plants, whether in place or not, shall be marked as rejected and be immediately removed from the site of the work and replaced with acceptable plant materials. The plant materials shall meet all applicable inspections required by law. Plants shall be of the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condition as specified herein and/or as indicated on the drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution of plant species, variety, or reduced sizes for those listed on the accompanying drawings, except with the expressed written consent of the Restoration Specialist or project biologist. G. Fertilizer will not be applied except in extraordinary circumstances and only at the written direction of the project Biologist. H. No post -installation pruning is necessary unless otherwise directed by the project Biologist. 1.08 SEED PROTECTION A. Protect from contamination during delivery, on -site storage, and handling. at any time before or during progress of work, for size, variety, condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site immediately. F. Substitutions will not be permitted. G. Quantities shall be furnished as needed to complete work as shown on drawings. H. The Restoration Specialist reserves the right to observe root condition of any species, particularly those grown from seed, and if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the defective sample. I. Identify plant species or varieties correctly on legible, weather-proof labels attached securely at the job site. There shall be a minimum of one labeled plant for each 5 plants in a lot. J. See plans and HMMP for additional requirements. 2.03 SOURCE OF PLANT MATERIALS: A. It is preferred that the source of all propagules and seed used for the project be from the site or adjacent areas. If not available, the remainder of propagules and seed required will be from wild sources within western Riverside County, and collected as close to the project site as possible to preserve regional genetic diversity. Plants used for replacement shall be the same kind and size as specified in the plant list. They shall be furnished and planted as originally specified. 2.04 CONTRACT GROWING OF PLANT MATERIALS A. Contract growing of all container plants shall be conducted by a local experienced native plant nursery. Substitution of plant material at the time of planting depends solely upon the discretion of the project restoration specialist. Any substitutions that are approved will be documented in the annual monitoring report. 2.05 HERBICIDE: A. Weed Contact Spray, post emergent, systemic product with no soil residual activity formulated as a water soluble liquid containing 50% glyphosate and 14.5% surfactant. 2.06 HYDROSEED: A. See drawings for hydroseed schedules. 2.07 AM FUNGI INOCULUM A. AM Fungi (arbuscular mycorrhiza) 60 liters/acre (approximately 3,600,000 live propagules/acre.) (For Riversidian Scrub areas only, not riparian areas.) 2.08 WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH A. Use virgin materials of wood -based (100 percent) hydraulic mulch. Processed to contain no growth or germination -inhibiting factors and dyed an appropriate color to facilitate visual metering of materials application. Composition on air-dry weight basis: 9 to 15 percent moisture, pH range from 5.5 to 8.2. Use with hydraulic application of seed and fertilizer. 2.09 WATER: A. Source of water shall be of suitable quality for irrigation, containing no elements toxic to plant life. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FINISH GRADING: A. Finish grades shall be as indicated on civil drawings. Contractor shall notify Restoration Specialist for a decision should any discrepancies exist between the drawings and site conditions. B. Finish grades shall be measured as the final water compacted and settled surface grades and shall be within + 0.1 foot of the spot elevations and grade lines indicated. Grades adjacent to hardscape shall be within +/- .01 feet of the grades indicated on the drawings. C. Take every precaution to protect and avoid damage to erosion control materials, sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other underground utilities during grading and conditioning operations. D. Final finish grades shall insure positive drainage of the site with all surface drainage away from buildings, walls, and toward roadways, drains and catch basins. E. Final grades shall be accepted by the Owner's Representative in writing on company letterhead prior to digging planting pits and/or before planting operations will be allowed to begin. 3.02 PLANTING: A. The layout of locations for plants shall be accepted by the Restoration Specialist in writing prior to digging plant pits for planting. All such locations shall be checked by the contractor for possible interference with existing underground piping prior to excavation of holes. If underground construction or utility lines are encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for the planting may be selected by the Restoration Specialist at no additional cost to the owner. Damage to existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the contractor. B. Planting Trees and Shrubs: 1. All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of the minimum sizes indicated on drawings. Holes shall be, in all cases, large enough to permit handling and planting without injury or PART 2 - PRODUCTS breakage of root balls or roots. 2. Excavation shall include the stripping and stacking of all acceptable soil 2.01 PLANTING BACKFILL: A. Planting backfill shall be native soil from on site, or other native soil that is weed and weed seed free to the extent practicable. 2.02 PLANT MATERIALS: A. See list of plant material on drawings. B. Quality and size of all plants shall be vigorous, of normal growth, free from disease, insects, insect eggs, and/or exceed the measurements specified or the American standards for nursery stock. C. Container stock shall have grown in containers for at least six months, but not over two years. No container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth, when taken from the container, shall be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with damaged roots or broken balls shall be planted and no shrubs, shall be planted that are "pot bound" or that have damaged roots. D. Observation of Plant Materials, required by governing authorities, shall be a responsibility of the contractor, and where necessary, the contractor shall have secured permits or certificates prior to delivery of plants to site. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 Sp Diepga%VAN b %139 - % o`W'rM6WA+fif roval or rejecti CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED encountered within the areas to be excavated for plant pits and planting beds. Protect all areas that are to be trucked over and upon which soil is to be temporarily stacked pending its re -use for the filling of holes, pits and beds. 3. Excess soil, generated from the planting holes shall be used to create watering rings per details and remaining shall be spread evenly on the site. 4. The plants shall be placed in the planting pits, which have been hand tamped, and water settled to the rootball base levels prior to the placement of the plants. After setting the plants, the remaining backfill material shall be carefully tamped and settled around each rootball to fill all voids. 5. Each tree and shrub shall be placed in the center of the hole and shall be set plumb and held rigidly in position until the planting backfill has been tamped around each rootball. 6. All plants shall be set at such a level that after settling they bear the same relationship to the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line grade in the container, unless otherwise noted. 7. No plant will be accepted if the rootball is broken or cracked, either before, during, or after the process of installation. 8. Plants shall be thoroughly watered into the full depth of each planting hole immediately after planting. 0 9. The contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs, and vines. i?f: 3.03 HYDROSEEDING: A. Hydroseeding shall be applied in the areas indicated on the drawings in Know what's below. accordance with the mix specified on the drawings. at theCiMN06te you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK B. Apply seed within twenty four hours after seed bed preparation and within one hour of mixing hydroseed slurry. Do not seed when ground is muddy, frozen, snow covered, or in an unsatisfactory condition for seeding. If special conditions exist that may warrant a variance in the above seeding dates or conditions, submit a written request to the Owner's Representative stating the special conditions and proposed variance. C. Contractor shall exercise care to protect container stock from hydroseed overspray D. Hydroseeding Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of fertilizer, seed, and slurry of prepared wood pulp or fiber with tackifiers as specified on the drawings. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing 1,200 pounds of mulch and seed. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall provide even distribution of the slurry. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,350 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit, which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be sprayed so as to provide uniform distribution without waste. E. Application Method: Mix seed, Fiber Mulch, and AM Fungi to produce a homogeneous slurry. Seed shall be mixed to ensure broadcasting at the rate as indicated on the plans. Spray the soil with a uniform visible coat of slurry at a rate of 2,000 pounds, dry weight, per acre. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream, so as to fall like rain allowing the slurry to build upon each other, until a complete, even coverage coat is achieved. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, material shall form a blotter like cover. The slurry shall be thoroughly mixed and properly adhere to the earth without being lumpy or runny. F. Once the seed and AM fungi inoculums are added to the hydroseed mixing tank, the application must be made within one hour. G. Water shall be applied as a rate sufficient to insure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 18" without runnoff, erosion, or slope failure. Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times 20-24 days after planting or until the new growth of the plants are sufficiently well established. H. Hydroseeded areas shall be protected against foot traffic and other use immediately after hydroseeding is completed by placing warning signs and temporary twine and flagging around the areas. I. Re-hydroseeding of bare areas (if needed) shall be done 30 days after initial application and again prior to the 90-day plant establishment period (if needed) for any remaining bare areas at no additional cost to the owner. 3.04 HERBICIDE APPLICATION: A. Herbicide or pesticide applications shall be performed only when necessary for noxious weed eradication ONLY AFTER all natural Best Management practices have been exhausted and after hand weeding operations have failed. or as directed by the Restoration Specialist B. Herbicide or pesticide applications shall be performed only by personnel licensed for such work by the State of California. 3.05 CLEAN-UP: A. As the project progresses on a daily basis, the contractor shall maintain all areas in a neat manner and remove unsightly debris or trash as necessary, remove all containers used in accomplishing work and sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt, and concrete areas adjacent to plantings. 3.06 WEEDING: A. The contractor shall have knowledge and experience to distinguish weeds from native plants. B. Throughout the grading phase, installation phase and maintenance phase, weeds shall be controlled, as necessary, before they set seed and/or before they reach 12 inches in height. Weed control methods will include hand -pulling and limited selective spot spraying of herbicides for high priority invasive species that may re -sprout from taproots or rhizomes, or as authorized by the project Biologist. Pre -emergent chemicals shall not be used at any time. 3.07 SITE OBSERVATION & WALK-THROUGHS FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: A. General Observation: The Restoration Specialist will visit the construction site at interim times during the construction process to access construction progress regarding installation of plant material to be in compliance with the drawings, details, specifications and site conditions. The Restoration Specialist will prepare a site report after each visit noting progress of installation, verbal communication with the contractor and identifying any field adjustments necessary that require modifications to the planting. A copy of this site report will be delivered to both the owner and the contractor. The contractor is responsible to immediately address each item on the site report before proceeding with further construction. B. Walk Through For Substantial Completion (Punch List): 1. Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: (a) The entire planting area is completely installed including irrigation. (b) Letters of acceptance as described above have been obtained from the Landscape Architect, project biologist and/or owner's representative. If the contractor failed to notify the Restoration Specialist for any of the above items as listed above than the contractor assumes full responsibility for any design modifications directed by the Restoration Specialist during the walk through for substantial completion any of these issues at no additional cost to the owner. (c) All invoices, pinto tags and receipts have been delivered to the Restoration Specialist and/or owner's representative. 2. Once the Walk Through for Substantial Completion has been completed the Restoration Specialist will provide a copy of all punch list items to the owner for review and distribution to the contractor. It is the contractor's responsibility to repair, replace, and adjust all items on the punch list. END OF SECTION 329300 SECTION 32 3113 - CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES PART 1-GENERAL 1.1SECTION INCLUDES [o SCALE BENCHMARK: N�SCAP �` F,9 SEE CIVIL PLANS HORIZONTAL ��5��hlet�s�'QC'y/ v.4 47 BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS AS NOTED VERTICAL `P� �$ °1-Z, qTF OF C� N/A The work consists of furnishing and installing chain link fencing complete with all posts, braces, gates, and all other appurtenances DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: Manufacturer's catalog cuts indicating material compliance and specified options. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Company operating in the United States having U.S. manufacturing facility/facilities specializing in manufacturing chain link fence products with at least 5 years experience. B. Fence contractor: Contractor having 5 years experience installing similar projects in accordance with ASTM F567. C. Tolerances: ASTM current specification and tolerances apply and supersede any conflicting tolerance. D. Substitutions: Alternate chain link products may be acceptable by the architect as equal if approved in writing ten days prior to bidding provided that the items submitted meet the specifications contained in this document. E. Single source: To ensure system integrity obtain the chain link system, framework, fabric, fittings, gates and accessories from a single source. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver products to site per contract requirements. B. Storage: Store and protect products off the ground when required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC A. The material for chain link fence fabric shall be manufactured from galvanized steel wire. The weight of zinc shall meet the requirements of ASTM F668, Table 4. Galvanized wire shall be PVC -coated to meet the requirements of ASTM F668. The class of the fence fabric shall Class 2B - Fused and Bonded. B. Selvage: Top edge (specify knuckled) and bottom edge (specify knuckled). C. Color: The coating color for the fence fabric shall be Black. Reference ASTM F668 and ASTM F934. D. Wire Size: The size of the steel wire core shall be 9 gauge. 2.2 STEEL FENCE FRAMEWORK A. PVC Coated - Steel pipe Type II: Cold formed electric resistance welded steel pipe complying with ASTM F 1043 Group IC having minimum steel yield strength of 50,000 psi (344 MPa). External protective coating F 1043 Type B, 0.9 oz/ft2 (270 g/m2) minimum hot -dip zinc coating plus a chromate conversion and a clear polymer coating, plus a minimum 10 mil (0,254 mm) thermally fused PVC color coating in accordance with F 1043. Internal coating F 1043 Type D, 81 % nominal zinc pigmented coating minimum 3 mils (0.0076 mm) thick or Type B, minimum 0.9 oz/ft2 (275 g/m2) zinc. 2.3 FITTINGS - PVC Coated A. All fittings to be PVC thermally fused color coated having a minimum thickness of 0.006" (0.152 mm) per ASTM F626. PVC color to match fabric and framework. Moveable parts, nuts and bolts to be field coated with PVC liquid touch up after installation. B. Post caps: ASTM F626 galvanized pressed steel, malleable iron, or aluminum alloy weather tight closure cap for tubular posts. When top rail is specified provide line post loop tops to secure top rail. C. Rail ends: Galvanized pressed steel per ASTM F626, for connection of rails to post using a brace band. D. Wire ties: 9 gauge (0.148") (3.76 mm) galvanized steel wire for attachment of fabric to line posts and rails. or double wrap 13 gauge (0.092") (2.324 mm) galvanized steel wire for rails and braces. Pre -formed hog ring ties to be 9 gauge (0.148") (3.76 mm) galvanized steel or aluminum for attachment of fabric to tension wire. Tie wire and hog rings per ASTM F626. E. Brace and tension (stretcher bar) bands: ASTM F626 galvanized 12 gauge (0.105") (2.67mm) pressed steel by 3/4" (19mm) formed to a minimum 300 degree profile curvature for post attachment. Secure bands using minimum 5/16" (7.94 mm) galvanized carriage bolt and nut. F. Tension (stretcher) bars: Galvanized steel one piece length equal to 2 inches (50 mm) less than full height of fabric with a minimum cross-section of 3/16" x 3/4" (4.76 mm x 19 mm) per ASTM F626. Provide tension (stretcher) bars where chain link fabric is secured to the terminal post. G. Truss rod assembly: Galvanized steel minimum 5/16" (7.9mm) diameter truss rod with pressed steel tightener, in accordance with ASTM F626 2.4 TENSION WIRE A. Tension wire: ASTM A824 Type II, zinc coated (galvanized) steel wire, 7 gauge, (0.177") (4.50 mm) diameter wire having a tensile strength of 75,000 psi (517 MPa). 2.5 CHAIN LINK SWING GATE A. Swing gates as indicated on drawings. B. Fabricate chain link swing gates in accordance with ASTM F900. Gate frame to be of welded construction. Weld areas to be protected with zinc -rich paint per ASTM A780. The gate frame members are to be spaced no greater than 8' 0" (2.44 m) apart horizontally or vertically. Exterior members to be 1.900" (48.3 mm) OD pipe, interior members when required shall be 1.660" (42.2 mm) OD pipe. Pipe to be Grade 2 ASTM F 1043 Group IC per section 2.03. Chain link fabric to match specification of fence system. Fabric to be stretched tightly and secured to vertical outer frame members using tension bar and tension bands spaced 12" (304.8 mm) on center and tied to the horizontal and interior members 12" (304.8 mm) on center using 9 gauge galvanized steel ties per section 2.04. C. Hinges, hot dip galvanized pressed steel or malleable iron, structurally capable of supporting gate leaf and allow opening and closing without binding. Non -lift-off type hinge design shall permit gate to swing 180' (3.14 rad) D. Latch: Galvanized forked type capable of retaining gate in closed position and have provision for padlock. Latch shall permit operation from either side of gate. E. Double gates: Provide galvanized drop rod with center gate stop pipe or receiver to secure inactive leaf in the closed position. Provide galvanized pressed steel locking latch, requiring one padlock for locking both gate leaves, accessible from either side. F. Gate holdback: Provide galvanized gate hold back keeper for each gate leaf over RECOMMENDED BY: 5' (1524 mm) wide. Gate keeper shall consist of mechanical device for securing free end of gate when in full open position. G. Gate posts: Grade 2 pipe ASTM F 1043 Group IC per section 2.03, OD as indicated on drawings. Gate fabric height up to and including 6 ft. (1.2m) Gate leaf width Outside Diameter over 4 ft. to 10 ft. (1.2 to 3.05 m) 2.875 in. (73.0 mm) 2.6 POST SETTING MATERIALS A. Concrete: Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi (20 MPa). PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SITE EXAMINATION A. Ensure property lines and legal boundaries of work are clearly established. B. Survey of fence location to be provided by fence contractor. C. Verify areas to receive fencing are completed to final grade. 3.2 CHAIN LINK FRAMEWORK INSTALLATION A. Install chain link fence system in accordance with ASTM F567 and manufacturer' instructions. B. Locate terminal post at each fence termination and change in horizontal or vertical direction of 30' or more. C. Space line posts uniformly maximum 10' (3048 mm) on center. D. Concrete set posts: Excavate holes in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. Holes shall have diameter 4 times greater than outside dimension of post, and depths approximately 6" (152 mm) deeper than post bottom. Excavate deeper as required for adequate support in soft and loose soils, and for posts with heavy lateral loads. Set post bottom 36" (914 mm) below surface when in firm, undisturbed soil. Place concrete around posts in a continuous pour. Trowel finish around post and slope to direct water away from posts. E. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and maintain in position during placement and finishing operations. F. Bracing: Install horizontal brace and truss assembly at mid -height or above for fences 6' (1829 mm) and over at each fabric connection to the terminal post. The diagonal truss rod is installed at the point where the brace rail is attached to the terminal post and diagonally down to the bottom of the adjacent line post. Place the truss rod in tension by adjusting the turnbuckle. G. Tension wire: Install tension wires so that it will be located 4" (101.6 m) up from bottom the fabric. If top rail is not specified, install the tension wire so that it will be located 4" (101.6 mm) down from the top of the fabric. Stretch and install tension wire before installing the chain link fabric and attach it to each post using wire ties. H. Center Rails: Install mid rails between line posts and attach to post using rail end or line rail clamps. A center rail is required for fabric height 12' (3 65 8 mm) and over. I. Bottom Rails: Install bottom rails between posts and attach to post using rail end or line rail clamps. 3.4 CHAIN LINK FABRIC INSTALLATION A. Fabric: Install fabric on security side, pull fabric taut; thread the tension bar through fabric and attach to terminal posts with tension bands spaced maximum o 15" (381 mm) on center and attach so that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released. Install fabric so that it is 2" (50 mm) +/- 1" (25 mm) above finish grade. B. Secure fabric using wire ties to line posts at 15" (381 mm) on center and to rails and braces 24" (6 10 mm) on center, and to the tension wire using hog rings 24" (610 mm) on center. Tie wire shall be secured to the fabric by wrapping it two 360 degree turns around the chain link wire pickets. Cut off any excess wire and bend back so as not to protrude so as to avoid injury if a pedestrian may come in contac with the fence. 3.5 CHAIN LINK GATE INSTALLATION A. Swing gates: Installation of swing gates and gate posts shall be per ASTM F567. Direction of swing shall be as shown on drawings. Gates shall be hung plumb in the closed position with minimal space from grade to bottom of gate leaf. Double gate drop bar receiver shall be set in a minimum concrete footing 6" (152 mm) diameter by 24" (6 10 mm) deep. Gate leaf holdbacks shall be installed on all double gates and all gate leafs greater than 5' (1524 mm) in width. 3.7 ELECTRICAL GROUNDING A. Grounding when required shall be the responsibility of a licensed electrical contractor and included in Contract Section 33 79 00. 3.8 SITE CLEAN UP A. Clean up area adjacent to fence line from debris and unused material created by fence installation. END OF SECTION 32 31 13 ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: TIM JACHLEWSKI JR PATRICK A. THOMAS NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 LD 20-11141 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I SHEET NO TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN L. 1 -6 CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 183OF89SHEETS N O 00 O U) Z Q J 0- Z _O I-_ C) U) Z O U LU U U) 0 Z Q IRRIGATION LEGEND (ABBREVIATED, SEE SHEET L.2-6 FOR FULL LEGEND) WATER METER 4D SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER NOTE: ALL LATERAL LINES CROSSING THE N ISOLATION BALL VALVE H. MP 1000 ON RISER LOW FLOW CHANNEL SHALL BE BURIED 18" 1 BELOW GRADE BETWEEN THE EXTENTS OF BACKFLOW PREVENTER goo MP 2000 ON RISER 1 I Dirt ) / THE LOW FLOW CHANNEL WIDTH I ' Z,2 / c� x 66I PRESSURE REGULATOR 66 i MP 3000 ON RISER I _ _ CONSERVATION ' I �!� EASEMENT I O CONTROL VALVE MP 3500 ON RISER / 0 / CBS, EASEMENT - - RISER MP N ER RIPRAP PER x j I QUICK COUPLER VALVE ® S O S I MP CORNER II CIVIL PLANS i - �I �,1 1 r' CITY OF TEMECULA O x 1161,E i 1, ;z„ zlz 1 MAINTENANCE EASEMENT ■ ■ PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE ADDITIONAL 1Y2" 14 1 LATERAL LINE (ON-GRADE-TYP. , BURIED AT CHANNEL PER NOTE) CONVEYANCE I -x4,1 BOTTOM lk' I i z z n c BS �' x 6?4 f i r 11 1Y" i i 1Ya° x 1161,8 CONSERVATION , %a" , 1 , 1 , 1 STATION NUMBER / 1 1Y2" 1165, 7 EASEMENT I1Ya" x 1162,1 GALLONS PER MINUTE I \X161J 1,i / x '' 1Y21 I x 11722 I / �1„ / 1 I / 1„ I 1 lk' 1 1Ya" 1Y 2" x x 1160,7 / , 1 i %a" 1 /3 VALVE SIZE I / i x 1162, 6a' , A` x 11 0, , 0 I LOW FLOW CHANNEL / ; )51 2" � ,. / 1 I x 1163,7 2 �" • I / I 1 FIELD VERIFY l, / I 4 1 2" 1 O %a" 1 1 %a" 1 %a 1 1 �� 1Y4" 1 „ 2" a // x 11 74 / 164,9 1 1161 1° O HOC o O I x 1161,2 � �- � 1„ I �- _ _ 2,. I i / I x 1163,8 -- Y4° 14' 1 I i '/, v 3 1� 1Y4" i 1 r 1„ x 116 c 1 2" 3,, 2„ 1/a" /a° �,� , 1 i --� 1 2„ �1 • a I � � 19, B� 1° / ' 1 1Ya„ 1Yz° 1,. 1Yr, i 1/° x5 / �O 2„ - � ■ 1Y4', , , - oO 0 1Ya" 1" 1„ �o a 0 x 1158,7 / 1 - I■ I : 1 o c 1 �4" \4 I■ 000S �I1Y4° �4" 1Y4" o I ADDITIONAL � 2„ %a° � 1 , 1 I� � AM= I ■ � � � .� CONVEYANCE � , u, 1 , ' 1Y" 1" 1Y" -1Y4" 1 1„ 1 , 1 ; I ■ 2„ 1 �� ' / CFC NOTE BOTTOM � � % % 3 , 1 '' � '�I � � I � � R WCD i . / x 159, 8 2" 1Ya" -� PAVED ACCESS - � NO OVERHEAD IRRIGATION IS ALLOWED WITHIN 24" 1 ■ _ ,1 - v OF A NON -PERMEABLE SURFACE. FIELD ADJUST ALL �, /a' OB x 1159,4 RIPRAP PER �' SPRINKLERS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO �' 3 � _ 1Ya" 1 , 1 _ _ /a _ ' 1 _ _ _ - - - _ �� �I I 1 : 1 off = CIVIL PLANS SIDEWALKS OR DRIVEWAYS. 656 z z 2 %a" 3 _1��- PAVED ACCESS ROAD 1 � LL �- ' CBS, - I �- J I PER CIVIL PLANS rn I I w - _ - -- - 1a" ����� : 1 x1153,3 OBS 1152.8 , 1 x 11522 _ - - #�-- - APPROXIMATE AREA OF CDFW _ �- %!!l��' _ _ -~� _ - _ _ x 1164,3 __ - _ 4 0 0 TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED � - � - ` D _ x116. APPROXIMATE AREA OF CDFW NIC01,P5 11612 u I - - TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED - RIGHT OF WAY Ix 1160, 9 IG -- - - - _ - I I . I x 1164,5 \ 1165,1 x11 6 I ', ��I x1163,4 \ \ x11 00, \ 1153,7 _ \ 'I I \ / I I, \ 1161,7 A \ x1 157 p x1153.6 �� o ��� j �- 11I I A x 1153, 3 �� I II x 1154, ;II ; II x 1162,5 x 1165,8 \ \\ x � 0 i Q a ® 0' 20' 40' 80' 120' 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 Know what's below. NORTH San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com Call before you dig. LD 20- 1 1 1 4 CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: CITY OF TEMECULA SHEET NO. BENCHMARK: �pPiDSCAPF9TJ/RM SEE CIVIL PLANS =��� �achle�,s� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR HORIZONTAL v •� ,4 47 �� � PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN Teo L.2-1 INSPECTOR AS NOTED 15 a_21 �~ 9 CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 ae-ACCEPTED BY: DATE: � NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTICAL J']qT os0 szl ��\� DATE: 08/05/21 PATRICK A. THOMAS DATE COMPLETED SEE CIVIL PLANS N/A FOF CA\0 NO. 547LEWSKI JR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 9rTro-19a9 °¢ R.C.E. 44223 NEW LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN 840F89SHEETS Ng o44 - PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATIONS IRRIGATION LEGEND IRRIGATION NOTES STATIC WATER PRESSURE: TBD IN FIELD PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION WORST CASE VALVE NO: 1 WORST CASE VALVE SIZE: 1.5" WORSE CASE VALVE GPM: 28 A. TOTAL LATERAL SYSTEM LOSS: 4.4 PIPE PIPE PSI MAINLINE SECTION TYPE SIZE LENGTH GPM LOSS A SCH 40 2" 335' 28 2.1 B. TOTAL MAINLINE SYSTEM LOSS: 2.1 MISCELLANEOUS LOSS/ GAIN WATER METER: 4.6 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 13.0 BALL VALVE(S) 0.3 CONTROL VALVE 1.8 HEAD LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM (ELEVATION X 0.433 = PSI (1.6) C. TOTAL MISC. LOSS/ GAIN 21.3 D. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS/ GAIN (A+B+C) 28 E. FITTING LOSSES (15% OF TOTAL LOSSES) 4.2 F. MIN. REQUIRED PRESSURE AVALIABLE AT HEAD 45 G. DESIGN PRESSURE (D+E+F) 77.2 CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IS STATIC PRESSURE IS LOWER THAN DESIGN PRESSURE. CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTED LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION WATER USE POC CALLE GIRASOL Process Hydrozone Number Step N. 1 2 Evaporation Rate (in./yr.) Temecula = 55.4 in./yr. 1 55.4 55.4 Area of Hydrozone (sq. ft.) 2 2,520 698,322 Plant coefficient (KC) (See table N. 3) 3 0.3 0.3 Irrigation system Distribution Efficiency (See table N 1) 4 0.70 0.85 Proposed Irrigation Operation Efficiency (See table N. 2) 5 0.85 0.85 Yearly plant Water Demand (Step 1 x Step 3) result in (in./yr.) 6 16.6 16.6 Total Area Water Demand (0.083 x Step 6 x Step 2) result in (cu. ft.) 7 3,476 963,307 Irrigation Efficiency (Step 4 x Step 5) 8 0.60 0.72 Hydrozone Water Demand (cu. ft.) (Step 7 / Step 8) result in (cu. ft.) 9 5,842 1,333,297 Allowable Project Demand (0.083 x 0.8 x Step 1 x the total of all step 2's) 10 2,578,089 Cubic Feet per Year Total of all Hydrozone Water Demands 11 1,339,140 Cubic Feet per Year 51.94 % of Allowable Project Demand Hydrozone 1 - Shrub MP Rotator Hydrozone 2 - Shrub Rotor 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 0 0 °off Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D ITEM MANUFACTURER MODEL ® WATER METER SEE CIVIL ENGINEERING PLANS 1" METER 1.5" SERVICE LATERAL NISOLATION BALL VALVE KING BROTHERS INDUSTRIES BTU OR WLT (SEE DETAILS) LINE SIZE BACKFLOW PREVENTER FEBCO LF825Y V.I.T. PRODUCTS STRONGBOX SBBC-45SS PRESSURE REGULATOR WILKINS 500XLHLR CONTROL VALVE DIG CORPORATION LEIT1 ILV-100 LEIT1 ILV-150 QUICK COUPLER VALVE HUNTER HQ44 - LRC-AW ■ ■ PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE AS APPROVED SCH 40 PVC (UNDER 2.5") LATERAL LINE (ON -GRADE*) AS APPROVED SCH 40 UV RESISTANT BROWN PVC NO SYMBOL SWING CHECK VALVE NO SYMBOL SPRING CHECK VALVE ® SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER Q. H. F. a ai MP ROTATOR ON RISER 0 Goo MP ROTATOR ON RISER 664% MP ROTATOR ON RISER F1 MP ROTATOR ON RISER MP STRIP ON RISER NDS KSC-(LINE SIZE)-S DESCRIPTION DETAIL 1-02 1.5" LEAD FREE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WITH 2" WYE STRAINER 1-03 SMOOTH TOUCH ENCLOSURE LEAD FREE PRESSURE REGULATOR 1-04 1" VALVE WITH SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER (1 TO 20 GPM) 1-11 1.5" VALVE WITH SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER (20 TO 50 GPM) HQ VALVE, LOCKING RUBBER YELLOW COVER, ACME KEY SOCKET, 1-01 ANTI -ROTATION WINGS REFER TO DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION 1-05, 1-06 STAKE ON GRADE AT 10' O.C. 1-07 *SEE NOTE ON PLANS REQUIRING BURIAL AT LOW FLOW CHANNEL CROSSINGS SWING CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE, 1 DOWNSTREAM OF EACH RCV WHEN RCV IS LOWER THAN THE EMITTERS NDS KC -(LINE SIZE)-S SPRING CHECK VALVE, LINE SIZE, 1 DOWNSTREAM OF EACH RCV IMMEDIATELY ABOVE HUNTER PGP-00-CV-6 ROTOR HEAD ON RISER, WITH DRAIN CHECK VALVE 1-09 ON 3/4" SCH 80 RISER ADJUSTABLE ARC 6 NOZZLE AT 45 PSI. RADIUS 43' AND 6 GPM HUNTER PROS-00-PRS40-CV MP 1000 ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 8'-15' 90 DEGREE. 0.21 GPM 1-10 SHRUB ROTATOR ON FIXED RISER ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 8'-15' 180 DEGREE. 0.42 GPM 1-10 40 PSI REGULATOR & CHECK VALVE ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 8'-15' 360 DEGREE. 0.84 GPM 1-10 ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PS1.8'-15' 45 DEGREE. 0.19 GPM 1-10 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS40-CV MP 2000 ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 13'-21' 90 DEGREE. 0.43 GPM 1-10 SHRUB ROTATOR ON FIXED RISER ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 13'-21' 180 DEGREE. 0.77 GPM 1-10 40 PSI REGULATOR & CHECK VALVE ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 13'-21' 360 DEGREE. 1.48 GPM 1-10 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS40-CV MP 3000 ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 22'-30' 90 DEGREE. 0.86 GPM 1-10 SHRUB ROTATOR ON FIXED RISER ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 22'-30' 180 DEGREE. 1.82 GPM 1-10 40 PSI REGULATOR & CHECK VALVE ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 22'-30' 360 DEGREE. 3.64 GPM 1-10 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS40-CV MP 3500 ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 31'-35' 90 DEGREE. 1.28 GPM 1-10 SHRUB ROTATOR ON FIXED RISER ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 31'-35' 180 DEGREE. 2.86 GPM 1-10 40 PSI REGULATOR & CHECK VALVE HUNTER PROS-00-PRS40-CV MP SIDE STRIP ROTATOR HEAD ON RISER AT 40 PSI. 5-30'. 0.86 GPM 1-10 SHRUB ROTATOR ON FIXED RISER 40 PSI REGULATOR & CHECK VALVE I NUMBER PER MINUTE r,L_v� QIZE v BENCH MARK SCALE BENCHMARK: SCAPF� SEE CIVIL PLANS achlew HORIZONTAL �� �� S�� y/ U 4 47 v AS NOTED s;g.a re 11--21 aeewaiome BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTI CAL J']9 as os 21 �\Q SEE CIVIL PLANS TF N/A OF CA��F�� DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TIM JACHLEWSKI JR NO. 4547 RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: ATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 1. THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED USING BASE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE ACCURACY OF THE PLANS COMPARED TO ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND BEGINNING WORK. IF THERE ARE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANS AND FIELD CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER TO WORK OUT A SOLUTION AGREEABLE TO THE OWNER. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO NOTIFY THE OWNER OF THE DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO BEGINNG WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL LABOR AND MATERIALS AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER TO RESOLVE SUCH DISCREPANCIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS AND BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY MARK ALL UTILITIES AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING ALL UTILITIES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRING DAMAGED UTILITIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO OWNER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING OR REPLACING ANY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN OR OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMIT OF WORK. 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING AND VERIFYING ALL CONDUIT AND IRRIGATION SLEEVING WITH OTHER CONSTRUCTION TRADE CONTRACTORS. 5. THE LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT SPRAY ON STRUCTURES. FIELD ADJUST ALL SPRINKLERS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, WALLS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, OR HARDSCAPE. 6. OBTAIN A STATIC WATER PRESSURE READING AT THE POINT -OF -CONNECTION PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH INSTALLATION. IF THE WATER PRESSURE FOUND IS DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN ON PLANS, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. 7. IRRIGATION PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM AS -NEEDED TO ACHIEVE UNIFORM COVERAGE. 8. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DEVICE SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW TESTOR. 9. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS of TE��� TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 w NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS °JTI0Ns98�044�4�� IRRIGATION LEGEND, CALCS & NOTES LD 20-1114 SHEET NO. L.2-2 85 OF 89 SHEETS N O O U) z Q J In z O U U) z O U LU U U) 0 z Q 9. 10. 1-05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 10" ROUND VALVE BOX (DO NOT CUT) 2. QUICK COUPLING VALVE 3. TOP OF MULCH (OR SOIL WHEN TURF) 4. PVC SCH 80 THREADED NIPPLE 5. 1" MIP X FIP SCH 80 STREET ELL (2 REQUIRED) 6. 3/4" GRAVEL UNDER AND AROUND VALVE BOX - FILL TO TOP OF HOLES, WRAP WITH FILTER FABRIC 7. PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE AND FITTINGS - SEE PLANS FOR SIZE 8. GALVANIZED (SCH 40) 36" STAKE WITH SPRINKLER TIES 9. 1" X 8" SCH 80 NIPPLE 10. 1" PVC SCH 80 STREET ELL QUICK COUPLING VALVE SCALE: N.T.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WIDTH PER SPECIFICATIONS 1. HARDSCAPE PAVING 2. BACKFILL MATERIAL (FREE OF ROCKS AND DEBRIS GREATER THAN 1 ") 3. CONSTRUCTION GRADE SAND 4. DETECTOR TAPE (ABOVE EACH SLEEVE) 5. PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE SLEEVE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS TRENCH BELOW HARDSCAPE SCALE: N.T.S. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED L0 0 J?F: Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SEE CIVIL PLANS BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS 1-06 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Q 1. 10" ROUND VALVE BOX (DO NOT CUT) 2. TOP OF MULCH (OR SOIL WHEN TURF) 3. ISOLATION BALL VALVE WITH OVAL HANDLE 4. 8" DIAMETER CL 160 PVC SLEEVE (SET ON TOP OF VALVE) 5. SLIP X MIPT PVC SCH 80 ADAPTER (2 LOCATIONS) 6. SLIP X SLIP 45 DEGREE ELL (4 LOCATIONS) 7. 3/4" GRAVEL UNDER AND AROUND VALVE BOX - FILL TO TOP OF HOLES, WRAP WITH FILTER FABRIC 8. PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE - SEE PLANS FOR SIZE 9. BRICK SUPPORT (4) LOCATIONS ISOLATION BALL VALVE FOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE UP TO 2 1/2" SCALE: N.T.S. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. MULCH WIDTH PER SPECIFICATIONS 2. FINISH GRADE 3. BACKFILL MATERIAL (FREE OF ROCKS AND DEBRIS GREATER THAN 1 ") 4. DETECTOR TAPE (ABOVE EACH PIPE) 5. PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS 6. CONSTRUCTION GRADE SAND (6" ABOVE AND BELOW PRESURE SUPPLY LINE) TRENCH IN LANDSCAPE SCALE: N.T.S. I�L'1A� HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A �p,�1DSCAPF\ U .4 47 v C OB-o 55 21 \Q- 9�F DIRECTION OF FLOW �� 1. BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE 2. PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE, PER LEGEND. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS 3. CONCRETE PAD 4. 1 C.F. THRUST BLOCK, EACH LEG 5. WYE STRAINER 6. BRASS THREADED NIPPLE RISERS (2) AND BRASS UNIONS BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY SCALE: N.T.S. 10' ON CENTER TYPICAL 3. 1. 2. �. 4. 1. FINISH GRADE 2. UNDISTURBED SOIL 3. ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT SCH. 40 PVC PIPE, SEE SPECIFICATIONS, SEE DRAWINGS FOR PIPE SIZE 4. V.I.T. PIPE STABILIZER MODEL PS18, INSTALL 10 FT ON CENTER NOTE: • ALL PVC PIPE INSTALLED ON GRADE TO BE SCH. 40 ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT PVC. • ALL PVC FITTINGS INSTALLED ON GRADE TO BE SCH. 40 ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT PVC. ON -GRADE PIPE TO BE USED ONLY PER FIELD INSPECTOR DISCRETION. PIPE ON GRADE SCALE: N.T.S. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TIM JACHLEWSKI JR NO. 4547 RECOMMENDED BY: 3. 11. 12. 13 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 8. 10. 1. TOP OF MULCH. 2. PURPLE VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE LID. 3. PRESSURE REGULATOR, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS. 4. SEE VALVE IDENTIFICATION TAG DETAIL 5. SHC 80 PVC T.O.E. NIPPLE, 3" MIN., 2 REQUIRED 6. SCH 80 PVC SLIP COUPLING, 2 REQUIRED 7. PVC MAINLINE TO MASTER VALVE, PIPE PER SPECIFICATIONS 8. BRICK SUPPORT (4) LOCATIONS 9. 3-INCH MIN. DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL 10. LANDSCAPE FABRIC 11. BRASS NIPPLE TYPICAL 12. BRASS UNION 13. PVC MAINLINE FROM P.O.C. NOTE: USE 45 DEGREES ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE PRESSURE REGULATOR ASSEMBLY PRESSURE REGULATOR ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA ATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: PATRICK A. THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS IRRIGATION DETAILS LD 20-11141 SHEET NO L.2-3 86 OF 89 SHEETS I N O O cn z Q i n z _0 U U) z 0 U Lu U U) 0 z Q 1-09 1. SHRUB ADAPTER SPRAY/ROTOR HEAD, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION 2. SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE, SIZE PER INLET LENGTH AS REQUIRED, 2 REQUIRED 3. ANTI -DRAIN VALVE WHERE REQUIRED 4. VANDAL -PROOF CLAMP USE IN 3 PLACES 5. REBAR STAKE, #4 X 30" LENGTH 6. ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT PVC STREET ELLS, 2 REQUIRED, AND UVR PVC TEE OR ELL 7. ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT SCH 40 PVC PIPE, SEE PLANS FOR SIZE 8. FINISH GRADE 9. V.I.T. PIPE STABILIZER MODEL PS18, INSTALL 10 FT ON CENTER NOTE: ALL PIPE INSTALLED ON GRADE TO BE SCH 40 ULTRA -VIOLET RESISTANT PVC. SPRINKLER HEAD ASSEMBLY TO BE INSTALLED PLUMB. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD ASSEMBLY CLOSER THAN 36" TO SIDEWALKS, CURBS, DRIVEWAYS OR PEDESTRIAN AREAS. SHRUB SPRAY ON RISER WITH ON -GRADE LATERAL LINE SCALE: N.T.S. DIG'S SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER SERIES LEIT1 TYPICAL LAYOUT DETAIL FOR 3/4'' OR 1" LEGEND NOTE: INSTALL SO THAT RISER ASSEMBLY IS PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE 1. MP ROTATOR 2. PROS-00-PRS40 SPRAY BODY 3. HCV HUNTER CHECK VALVE HC-50E-50M 4. SCH 80 PVC NIPPLE 5. SCH 40 THREADED COUPLER 6. TOP OF MULCH (OR FINISH GRADE) 7. V.I.T. SPRINKLER TIE (2 PLACES) 8. PRE -ASSEMBLED TRIPLE SWING JOINT 9. SCH 40 TEE OR ELL 10. PVC LATERAL LINE 11. #4 X 36" REBAR MP ROTATOR ON RISER SCALE: NTS 5. 8. 6. 9. 10. LEGEND O SINGLE STATION SOLAR 3 O1 SINGLE STATION SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER WITH POWERED CONTROLLER WITH RAIN SENSOR CONNECTION RAIN SENSOR CONNECTION O AND INLINE VALVE (IP68) AND INLINE VALVE (IP68) DIG MODEL# LEIT1 ILV-150 DIG MODEL# LEIT1 ILV-075 WITH 1 1/2" INLINE VALVE WITH 3/4" INLINE VALVE DIG MODEL# LEIT1 ILV-100 5 DIG MODEL# LEIT1 ILV-200 WITH 1" INLINE VALVE a WITH INCLUDING INLINE VALVE ADAPTER INCLUDING VALVE ADAPTER III III MO EL: 30-920LVE MODEL: 30-920 ORAIN SENSOR WIRE 6 O RAIN SENSOR CONNECTION WIRE CONNECTION OSWIVEL FITTING DIG MODEL O SWIVEL FITTING DIG MODEL 3/4" 23-004, 1" 23-003 MODEL: 23-152 1.5' MODEL: 23-202 2" SCH 80 MALE OPVC ADAPTER O PVC SCH 80 MALE OADAPTER 5 PVC SCH 80 90 DEGREE ELL OPVC SCH 80 90 DEGREE ELL O6 PVC SCH 80 VERTICAL LINE 6 O PVC SCH 80 VERTICAL LINE O BACK UP NPT PVC BALL VALVE 7 BACK UP NPT PVC BALL VALVE IRRIGATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DIG'S SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER SERIES LEM SCALE: N.T.S. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED �0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE IACC'D I BENCH MARK SEE CIVIL PLANS BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS DIG'S SOLAR POWERED CONTROLLER SERIES LEIT1 Y"a HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A TYPICAL LAYOUT DETAIL FOR 1 1 /2" OR 2" "p,NDSCAPF\ U .4 47 /v Tl 08-05-21 \Q- �9TF OF CA0F��� IRRIGATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF RECOMMENDED BY: ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: TIM JACHLEWSKI JR PATRICK A. THOMAS NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 1]»_\Boa IAIa01we] SI1J:l1[MVi01ONF1(.`l TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS IRRIGATION DETAILS LID 20-11141 SHEET NO IW�1 87 OF 89 SHEETS r N O O U) z Q n z O CU ry U) z O U LU U U) 0 z Q SECTION 328400 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY: A. This section covers the furnishings of all materials and performing all operations to provide a complete operable landscape irrigation system as shown on the drawings including the following: 1. Trenching, stockpiling excavated materials and refilling trenches. 2. Irrigation system components including but not limited to: piping, backflow prevention devices and enclosures, valves, fittings, rotors, spray heads, controllers, wiring and final adjustments as determined by the landscape architect to insure efficient and uniform distribution. 3. Pipe connections to irrigation pump stations, water meters and backflow prevention devices. 4. Testing and inspection of irrigation system. 5. Clean-up and maintenance B. The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS: A. Section 329300 Landscaping B. Section 320533 Landscape Maintenance 1.03 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Code Requirements shall be those of State and Municipal Codes and Regulations locally governing this work, providing that any requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, not conflicting therewith but exceeding the Code Requirements shall govern, unless written permission to the contrary is granted by the Landscape architect. B. Conform to the requirements of the reference information listed below except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in the most current set of construction documents: 1. American Society for Testing Material (ASTM), for test methods specifically referenced in this section. 2. Underwriter's Laboratories (UL), for UL wires and cables. C. Work involving substantial plumbing for installation of brass piping, backflow prevention devices and other related work shall be executed by a licensed and bonded plumbing contractor. Any necessary permits shall be obtained prior to beginning work. D. Specified depths of pressure supply lines, laterals and pitch of pipes as stated in this section are minimums. Settlement of trenches lower than grades specified on the final grading plans is cause for removal of finish grade treatment, refilling trenches, recompacting and repairing of finish grade treatment. E. Follow current printed manufacturer's specifications and drawings for items or information not specified or graphically indicated in the most current set of construction drawings. F. Scaled dimensions are approximate and at times it is not possible to indicate offsets, fittings and other related equipment graphically on the construction drawings. Contractor shall be responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions of related landscape architectural elements, utilities and landscaping and furnish and install required fittings. G. Do not install the irrigation system as shown on the construction drawings when it is obvious that actual field conditions such as physical obstructions, grading discrepancies and field dimensions vary from those recorded on the construction drawings. Immediately bring any such discrepancies to the attention of the landscape architect prior to proceeding with work. If immediate notification is not given and such discrepancies exist, the contractor shall assume full responsibility for necessary revisions, as determined by the landscape architect. 1.03 EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS: A. Preserve and protect all existing trees, plants, monuments, structures, hardscape and landscape architectural elements from damage due to work in this section. In the event that damage does occur to inanimate object and structures, the contractor shall repair or replace such damage to the satisfaction of the owner or owner's representative. Damage or injury to living plant material shall be replaced by the contractor at the contractor's expense. B. Trenching or other work required in this section under the limb spread of existing trees shall be done by hand or by other methods so as to prevent damage or harm to limbs, branches and roots. C. Trenching in areas where root diameter exceeds 2 inches shall be done by hand. Exposed roots of this size shall be heavily wrapped with moistened burlap to avoid scarring or excessive drying. Where a trenching machine is operated in proximity to roots that are less than 2 inches, the wall of the trench shall be hand trimmed , making clean cuts through roots. D. Trenches adjacent to or under existing trees shall be closed within 24 hours, and when this is not possible, the side of trench closest to the tree or trees affected shall be covered with moistened burlap. E. Protect, maintain and coordinate work with other contracts, specifications, trades, and utilities. Extreme care shall be exercised in excavating and working in the area due to existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages caused by their operations. In the event that damage does occur, the costs of such repairs shall be paid by the contractor unless other arrangements have been made with the owner. F. Use caution where trenches and piping cross existing roadways, sidewalks, hardscape, paths or curbs. In the event that damage does occur, the contractor will repair such damage at the contractor's expense. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com 0 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. 1.04 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: A. Submittals 1. Submit 1 (one) PDF file of all irrigation equipment to be used, manufacturer's brochures, service manuals, guarantees, and operating instructions for approval to the landscape architect prior to beginning work. Submittals should be in a bound form complete with table of contents. The contractor shall not proceed with work in the field until this submittal is approved in its entirety by the landscape architect. B. Service Manuals 1. The Contractor shall furnish (4) four service manuals to the owner prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion. Manuals shall be submitted in a bound form complete with a table of contents, and workmanship form on company letterhead copy of contractor's warranty and shall contain complete enlarged drawings of all equipment installed showing component warranties and catalog numbers together with the manufacturer's name and address. Manuals shall include operation instructions. Manuals shall be subject to approval by the owner or owner's representative as to completeness. C. Record Drawings/As-builts 1. Prior to beginning work in the field the contractor shall secure a complete set of irrigation plans at the original scale complete with details and specifications. The contractor shall be responsible for making a set of prints for every week on the project. At the end of each working day, the contractor shall record all work accomplished for that day on the set of prints in red ink. These record drawings shall be brought up to date at the end of each work week by a qualified draftsperson. The drawings should indicate the following: (a) Any zoning changes. (b) Dimension from two permanent points of reference (building corners, fixed hardscape corners, road intersections, or permanent existing utilities) the location of the following items: (1) Water meters. (2) Pump stations. (3) Connection to existing water lines. (4) Routing of pressure supply lines at every 100' along routing. (5) Backflow Prevention Devices (6) Flow Sensors (7) Master Valves (8) Isolation Ball Valves (9) Quick Coupling Valves (10) Air Release Valves (11) Electric Control Valves (12) Drip Valve Assemblies (13) Flush Valve Assemblies (14) Swing Check Valves (15) Central Control System Controllers (16) Grounding rods. (17) Control wire routing (if routed separately from pressure supply line). (18) Control wire splices that are outside of the controller. (19) Weather Station Equipment (20) Communication Equipment for Central Control System (21) Other equipment as directed by the landscape architect. 2. Prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion, provide a record set of field as -built drawings as described above to the landscape architect for review. After review, the landscape architect will return the as -built set to the field foreman requesting further information or will notify the owner that the record set of field as-builts drawings are complete. After approval from the owner, a walk through for substantial completion may be scheduled. 3. Prior to scheduling the final walk through, the final set of irrigation as -built drawings shall be professionally drafted in AutoCAD by the landscape architect. 4. The landscape architect and the contractor shall verify the final as-builts at the time of the final walk through and once successful the landscape architect shall deliver the final set of as -built drawings to the owner or owner's representative prior to initiating the maintenance period for the contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING A. General Piping: 4. Pipe sizes shown are nominal inside diameter unless otherwise noted. 5. Pipe shall be identified with the following indelible markings: (a) Manufacturer's name. (b) Nominal pipe size. (c) Schedule or class. (d) Pressure rating. (e) NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval. (f) Date of extrusion. 6. All pipe shall be purple for Recycled Water points of connection. B. Solvent Weld Pressure Supply Line: 1. Solvent Weld Pressure Supply Line: (downstream of Backflow prevention device) PVC CL315BE (1" - 3") CONSTRUCTION RECORD DATE I BY REVISIONS DATE ACC'D BENCH MARK SCALE BENCHMARK: �N�SCAPF9 SEE CIVIL PLANS �achlew, 'QX HORIZONTAL �� .F �: CONTRACTOR U .4 47 CC INSPECTOR AS NOTED „ - -21 DATE COMPLETED BASIS OF BEARINGS: VERTICAL N/A Bore-zi �Q SEE CIVIL PLANS 'eOF (a) Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2241 and ASTM D1784; cell classification 12454-B. (b) Type 1, Grade 1. 2. Fittings: Standard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM D1784 and D2466, cell classification 12454-B. (a) Threads- Injection molded type (where required) (b) Tees and Ells- side gated 3. Threaded Nipples: ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. 4. Joint Cement and Primer: Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and fittings. C. Non -Pressure Lines Above Grade: 3. Non -Pressure Lines: (downstream of electric remote control valve) Ultraviolet Resistant PVC SCH 40, conforming to ASTM D1785-83. 4. Fittings: Standard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, complying with ASTM D1784 and D2466, cell classification 12454-B. (a) Threads- Injection molded type (where required) (b) Tees and Ells- side gated (c) Threaded Nipples: ASTM D2464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. 5. Joint Cement and Primer: Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe and fittings. 6. On -Grade Pipe Stabilizer Bars: 5/16" hot rolled "J" Hook with protective vinyl tubing, welded to #4 rebar stake. D. Sleeving and Conduit: 1. All PVC sleeving for pressure supply line and non- pressure supply line shall be twice the nominal size of the pipe within and used for sleeves below grade as indicated in the following sleeve and conduit schedule: 2. Sleeving and Conduit Material Under Hardscape: (a) PVC SCH 40 for V-2 1/2" pressure supply line. (b) PVC SCH 40 for 3" and larger pressure supply line. (c) PVC SCH 40 for non- pressure lines. (d) (1) one 1/4" PVC SCH. 40 conduit for up to 5 wires. (e) (1) one 1" PVC SCH. 40 conduit for up to 8 wires. (f) (1) one 1 1/4" PVC SCH. 40 conduit for up to 15 wires. (g) (1) one 1 1/2" PVC SCH. 40 conduit for up to 20 wires (h) (1) one 2" PVC SCH 40 conduit for up to 30 wires. (i) (1) one 2 1/2"" PVC SCH 40 conduit for up to 35 wires. 0) (1) one 3/4" PVC SCH 40 wire conduit for flow sensing cable. (k) (1) one 3/4" PVC SCH 40 wire conduit for master valve wire. 3. Flow sensing cable and master valve wires shall be installed in their own conduit separate and apart from all other wires. 4. Sleeving and Conduit Material Over Concrete V-Ditches: (a) Galvanized SCH. 40 for V-2 1/2" pressure supply line. (b) Galvanized SCH. 40 for 3" and larger pressure supply line. (c) Galvanized SCH. 40 for non- pressure lines. 5. On -Grade Pipe Stabilizer Bars: 5/16" hot rolled "J" Hook with protective vinyl tubing, welded to #4 rebar stake. C. Brass Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pressure Supply line (from point of connection through Backflow Prevention Device) Brass pipe shall be regular weight, 85% red brass, ANSI Schedule 40 screwed pipe. 2. Fittings: Medium brass, screwed at 125 pound class. 2.02 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE 2" AND SMALLER A. As specified on drawings. 2.03 WYE STRAINER A. As specified on drawings. 2.04 PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE A. As specified on drawings. 2.05 ISOLATION BALL VALVES FOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE A. As specified on drawings. 2.06 ISOLATION GATE VALVES FOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE A. As specified on drawings. 2.07 QUICK COUPLING VALVES A. As specified on drawings. 2.08 AIR RELIEF VALVES FOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE A. As specified on drawings. 2.09 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVES A. As specified on drawings. 2.10 ALL IRRIGATION EMISSION DEVICES: All irrigation emission devices must meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers'/International Code Council's (ASABE/ICC) 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard, All sprinkler heads installed in the landscape must document a distribution uniformity low quarter of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014. DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF RECOMMENDED BY: 2.11 CHECK VALVES: A. Swing Check Valves: PVC, Slip x Slip check valves, for non -pressure lateral line applications on slopes. B. Spring Check Valves: for pop-up sprayheads and sprayheads on risers and 3/4" for popup rotors and rotors on risers. 2.12 VALVE BOXES: A. Rectangular valve boxes shall be 9-1/2 inch wide by 16 inch long and 11 inch high. Round valve boxes shall be 10-inch diameter and 10 1/4 inch. All valve boxes shall be constructed of rigid polyolefin. B. Valve boxes shall have locking covers secure with a 3/8-inch stainless steel bolt and washer. C. Rectangle valve boxes shall be used for control valves, master control valves, pressure regulators, flow sensors, wye strainers, filtration devices, ball valves and pull boxes. D. Round valve boxes shall be used for gate valves quick coupler valves, flush valve assemblies and spare wires. E. All valve boxes to be green in color unless otherwise specified for use of reclaimed water. All valve boxes for reclaimed water shall be purple in color and bare the reclaimed water warnings as well as the international "Do Not Drink" symbol. F. Heat brand all box lids with the appropriate two-inch high identification letters and/or numbers. G. All valve boxes shall receive landscape fabric. Landscape fabric shall be constructed of 5.0 oz. weight proven polypropylene weed barrier with burst strength of 225 P.S.I. and capable of 12 gallons per minute of water flow and puncture strength of 60 lbs. Dewitt Pro, Mirify or approved equal. H. All valve boxes shall receive 2 cubic feet of 3/4-inch gravel. I. Valve Tag: Manufactured from UV stabilized plastic with 180lbs pull out resistance and hot stamped for maximum visibility. Top hole shall be designed to pass a 16 gauge or smaller solenoid pigtail or attach with a nylon tie. 2.13 IRRIGATION HEADS (GENERAL): A. All irrigation heads shall be the size, type, and provide the same rate of precipitation with the same radius of spray, pressure and discharge in G.P.M. as listed on drawings B. All irrigation heads shall have a factory installed check valve or have an aftermarket check valve installed. C. All other requirements for non -pressure lateral line pipe to be as specified in fitting specification section. D. In no case shall the irrigation head spacing exceed the maximum manufacturer's recommendation. E. Irrigation heads along walks, curbs, paving, etc. shall be positioned 1 inch above finish grade. Irrigation in turf areas shall be positioned 2 inches above finish grade. F. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grades. G. All sprinklers in turf areas shall have a minimum pop-up height of six (6) inches. H. All sprinklers in planter/slope areas shall have a minimum pop-up height of twelve (12) inches. 2.14 SPRAY HEADS/ ROTATOR HEADS ON RISER: A. As specified on drawings. 2.15 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER UNIT A. As specified on drawings 2.16 ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE WIRE A. As specified on drawings 2.17 PIPE JOINT RESTRAINTS A. All pressure line fittings 4 inch and larger shall be iron ductile deep bell type constructed of grade 65-45-12 and shall be in accordance with ASTM A536. Rubber for gaskets in fittings shall be in accordance with ASTM-477. All iron ductile fittings shall have stainless steel exterior lugs to secure a joint restraint system. 2.18 SAND BEDDING A. Sand bedding shall be construction grade. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Examine field conditions prior to beginning work described in this section. Grading operations shall be completed and approved prior to beginning work. B. Verify all sleeve locations below future hardscape and/or across concrete v-ditches prior to beginning work in this section. Flag all existing sleeves and conduits installed by other trades. Report any conflicts and discrepancies to the landscape architect immediately. C. Irrigation system shall be constructed to the sizes and grades at the locations shown on the drawings. Mark with powdered lime or marking paint routing of pressure supply line and stake the location of each head, rotor, electric control valve and other related equipment for the first three zones. Landscape architect shall review staking and direct any necessary changes with the contractor prior to proceeding to other zones. This review does not in any way alleviate the contractor from the responsibilities associated with proper uniformity and distribution of head placement after staking. D. Install sleeves, to accommodate pipes and wires, under paving, hardscape areas, sidewalks, and paths prior to asphalt and concrete operations. Compact backfill around sleeves to 95% Modified Proctor Density within 2% of optimum moisture content in accordance with ASTM D1557. 3.02 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES A. Trench excavation shall as much as possible follow the layout shown on the drawings. Trenches shall be straight in alignment and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Remove rocks and debris greater than 1" in diameter. Over excavate as required ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: TIM JACHLEWSKI JR PATRICK A. THOMAS NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS LD 20-11141 SHEET NO L.2-5 88 OF 89 SHEETS N i O i 00 U) Z Q J n Z _O U U) Z O U Q U Z Q for bedding material. B. Depth of Trench (in landscape areas): 1. Pressure Supply Line: 24" from top of pipe to finish grade. 2. Non -Pressure Line: 12" from top of pipe to finish grade. 3. Control Wiring: directly at side and bottom of pressure supply line. 4. Pressure Supply line Locator Tape: 6" above top of pipe. C. Depth of Trench (under asphalt, paving, or concrete): 1. Pressure Supply Line: 36" from top of pipe to finish grade. 2. Non -Pressure Line: 24" from top of pipe to finish grade. 3. Control Wiring: directly at side and bottom of pressure supply line. 4. Pressure Supply line Locator Tape: 6" above top of pipe. (a) Piping located under asphalt paving or concrete shall be installed with the appropriate sized sleeve and backfilled with sand bedding (6" below pipe and 6" above pipe). (b) Compact backfill material in 6" lifts at 90% maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 using manual or mechanical tamping device. (c) Set in place, cap, and pressure test piping in the presence of the owner or owner's representative prior to backfilling. D. Width of Trench: 1. Pipe Greater than 3": 14" minimum. 2. Pipe Less than 3": 7" minimum. E. Width between Trenches: 1. Irrigation Trench to Irrigation Trench: 6" minimum. 2. Irrigation Trench and other Trade Trenches: 12" minimum. F. Boring: Boring will only be permitted where pipe must pass under an obstruction that cannot be avoided or removed. Backfill shall match surrounding soil density and grain. Boring under existing paving, sidewalks, or hardscape may be permitted at contractor's own risk. Contractor is responsible for any repairs or damage to such items at their own expense. G. Backfilling: Backfilling of trenches may not be done until all required testing for the irrigation system has been completed. 1. Material: Excavated material is generally considered to be adequate for backfilling operations. Before beginning the backfilling operation, insure that backfill material is free from debris and rocks greater than 1" in diameter. These materials after separated from backfill, shall be legally disposed of at contractor's expense. 2. Bedding: Bed pressure supply line with construction grade sand 6" above and 6" below pipe as shown on details. Remaining backfill may be as described above. 3. Bed all electrical control wire trenched separate from pressure supply line, with construction grade sand 6" above and 6" below wires. 4. When backfilling, slightly mound filled trenches for settlement after backfilling is compacted. Compact backfill to a 90% maximum density in accordance with ASTM D1557 with a mechanical tamper. Do not leave trenches open for a period greater than 48 hours. Open trenches shall be protected in accordance with current OSHA regulations. 5. Smooth trenches to finish grade prior to requesting a walk through for substantial completion with the landscape architect. 3.03 POINT OF CONNECTION(S) A. Point of connection shall be approximately as shown on drawings. Connect new underground piping and valves and provide all flanges, adapters, or other necessary fittings. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF SOLVENT WELD POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) A. Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall be cut with an approved PVC pipe cutter designed only for that purpose. B. All plastic -to -plastic solvent weld joints shall use only the solvent recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Do not install solvent weld pipe when temperature is below 40' F. C. Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with MEK, or approved equal, before welding solvent is applied. Welded joints shall be given a minimum of 15 minutes to set before moving or handling. D. Pipe shall be snaked from side -to -side on trench bottom to allow for expansion and contractions. E. All changes of direction over 15 degrees shall be made with appropriate fittings. F. When pipe laying is not in progress at the end of each working day, close pipe ends with tight plug or cap. G. Install pressure supply line locating tape along the entire length of pressure supply line. H. Coordinate pressure supply line with sand bedding operations. I. No water shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have been completed and a period of at least 24 hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. J. J. Center load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF GASKET -END POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE A. Lay pipe and make pipe to fitting or pipe to pipe joints following OR70 recommendations (Johns- Manville Guide for Installation of Ring-Tite Pipe), or pipe manufacturer's recommendations. B. Pipe shall be snaked from side -to -side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contractions. C. All changes of direction over 15 degrees shall be made with fittings. D. Install pipe joint restraints on all gasket end fittings as specified above and as shown on details. 2907 Shelter Island Drive #105-417 San Diego, CA 92106 619-795-7603 www.insitelandarch.com CONSTRUCTION RECORD I DATE I BY CONTRACTOR INSPECTOR DATE COMPLETED 0 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. REVISIONS I DATE ACCD I BENCH MARK SEE CIVIL PLANS BASIS OF BEARINGS: SEE CIVIL PLANS E. When pipe laying is not in progress and at the end of each working day, close pipe ends with tight plug or cap. F. Install pressure supply line locating tape along the entire length of pressure supply line. G. Center load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. H. Coordinate pressure supply line with sand bedding operations. I. No water shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have been completed and a period of at least 24 hours has elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing J. Group electric control valves together as specified on the drawings allowing a maximum of 12 " between each valve box. Install valve boxes in the same direction and parallel with one another and perpendicular to paving, hardscape, sidewalks and paths. K. Install electric control valves on slopes within two feet from toe of slope. Use same trench as toe of slope non -pressure lateral line for pressure supply line and wire routing see section 3.02 B and C for pipe and wire depths. 3.06 CHECK VALVES A. Install swing check valves as specified on drawings. B. Install spring check valves as specified on drawings. 3.07 VALVE BOXES A. Install valve boxes with each type of irrigation equipment so that top of valve box is above finish grade as specified on the detail drawings. Valve box extensions are not acceptable. B. Place gravel sump below and around each valve box prior to installing valve box as specified on the drawings. Place remaining portion of gravel inside valve box allowing full access in and around all fittings. Valve box shall be fully supported by gravel sump. No wood supports are allowed. C. Brand valve box lid of associated equipment as follows: 1. Electric control valve box lid with "Controller Letter and Station Number". 2. Quick coupling valve box lid with the letters "QC". 3. Isolation ball valve box lid with the letters "BV". 4. Air relief valve box lid with the letters "AR". 5. Spare Wire box lids with the letters "SW" 6. Wire Splice box lid with the letters "WS". (a) Letter and number size of brand shall be no less than 1" and no greater than 1 1/2" in height and shall be 1/8" maximum in depth. Provide sample branding to the owner or owner's representative prior to commencement of work. D. Walk through for substantial completion will not be allowed until all branding is complete. 3.08 SPRAY HEADS, ROTATOR HEADS, AND ROTORS A. Install spray heads, rotator heads, and rotors as specified on drawings allowing minimum distance between paving, hardscape, sidewalks, and paths. B. Spray heads, rotator heads, and rotors shall not exceed the maximum head and row spacing specified on the drawings or staked in the field by the landscape architect. In no case may spray heads, rotator heads, or rotors be installed at a distance between heads that exceeds the manufacturer's recommended distance. C. Angled nipples on swing joints below spray heads and rotors shall not exceed 45' nor be less than 10°. D. After installation adjust nozzle sizes, arcs and radius of throw to allow head to head uniform distribution. Adjust all spray heads, rotator heads, and rotors to correct height above sod as detailed. Adjust all shrub nozzles on risers and rotors on riser's perpendicular to finish grade and as specified on the drawings. No over spray will be allowed on paving, hardscape, sidewalks, and paths. E. Adjust adjacent plant material so that it does not interfere with uniform distribution of each spray head, rotator heads, or rotor. F. Landscape architect may request nozzle changes and/or adjustments without additional cost to the owner. 3.09 QUALITY CONTROL A. Preconstruction Meeting: The contractor is responsible for contacting the landscape architect prior to beginning construction and/or ordering materials to establish a meeting to review and discuss project objectives, concerns and to review the construction documents to insure a complete understanding of required installation procedures. B. General Observation: The landscape architect will visit the construction site at interim times during the construction process to access construction progress regarding installation of irrigation equipment to be in compliance with the drawings, details, specifications and site conditions. The landscape architect will prepare a site report after each visit noting progress of installation, verbal communication with the contractor and identifying any field adjustments necessary which require modifications to the designed irrigation system. A copy of this site report will be delivered to both the owner and the contractor. The contractor is responsible to immediately address each item on the site report before proceeding with further construction. C. Pressure Testing the Pressure Supply Line: After backfilling, flushing, and prior to the installation of each electric control valve, isolation ball valve and quick coupling valve the irrigation system shall be pressure tested. 1. Pressure testing shall be performed in the presence of the landscape architect and owner or owner's representative utilizing the following procedure: (a) Pressurize the irrigation system to 150 psi for a period of no less than 3 hours. The pressure gauge used for the pressure test shall not exceed readings greater than 300psi. Pressure pump and other equipment necessary for the test shall be furnished by the contractor. (b) Test is acceptable if no leakage occurs within the system for the duration of the testing period. 7-11112 HORIZONTAL AS NOTED VERTICAL N/A �ASCAPF\etas�9�Cyi U .4 47 'v OB-o 55-21 \Q- 9�F OF CA` 1�11 (c) If leaks occur, repair said leaks and begin pressure test again. Repeat this operation until no leaks occur in the irrigation system. (d) Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion, the entire irrigation system shall remain under pressure for a period of no less than 48 hours. 2. The contractor is responsible for notifying the landscape architect three days in advance of the pressure test. D. Flushing: Center load all piping prior to flushing. After all new irrigation piping and risers are in place and connected and all necessary diversion work has been completed and prior to the installation of sprinkler heads, rotors and quick coupling valves, thoroughly flush piping system under full head of pressure. After the furthermost riser from the point of connection begins to flush, continue flushing for a duration of five minutes. After the system is thoroughly flushed, cap all risers. E. Walk Through For Substantial Completion: 1. Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: (a) The entire irrigation system is completely installed, flushed and satisfactorily pressure tested. If the contractor failed to notify the landscape architect for the pressure test and flushing procedures stated above than the contractor assumes full responsibility for any design modifications directed by the landscape architect during the walk through for substantial completion regarding pressure and flushing issues. (b) All valve boxes have been branded. (c) All automatic controllers are fully operable and communication has been certified in writing and checked at central control system by the central control system manufacturer on their letter head. (d) Record as -built drawings have been submitted to the landscape architect for review as to completeness. (e) (4) Four Services manuals have been delivered to the owner or owner's representative. 2. Once the above requirements have been met a walk through for substantial completion may be requested. The following procedures will be used during the walk through: (a) Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communication for the entire length of the walk through. (b) All valve box lids shall be removed from valve boxes and placed face up adjacent to the valve box prior to beginning the walk through. (c) The walk through will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: (1) Visual Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system and examining all components of the system without turning on zones. A punch list will be established of deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system as compared to the construction drawings, details, and specifications. (2) Operational Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation system observing each zone in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller unit (Manual bleeding of individual electric control valves will not be acceptable). A punch list will be established of deficiencies in the operation of each zone in the irrigation system evaluating but not limited to head spacing, row spacing, nozzle sizing, correct radius of throw, correct stationing, as compared to the construction drawings, details, and specifications. 3. Once the Walk Through for Substantial Completion has been completed the landscape architect will provide a copy of all punch list items to the owner for review and distribution to the contractor. It is the contractor's responsibility to repair, replace, and adjust all items on the punch prior to requesting a final walk through. F. Final Walk Through: 1. Before commencement of a final walk through is requested, the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: (a) Each item on the walk through for substantial completion has been thoroughly addressed and resolved by the contractor. (b) All final record as -built drawings and controller charts have been produced for review by the landscape architect and contractor at the final walk through. 2. Once the above requirements have been met a final walk through may be requested. The following procedures will be used: (a) Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communication for the entire length of the walk through. (b) Only those valve box lids shall be removed from valve boxes as indicated on the walk through for substantial completion punch list. The valve box lids shall be placed faced up adjacent to the valve box prior to beginning the final walk through. (c) The final walk through will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: (1) Visual Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the punch list items created at the time of the walk through for substantial completion, examining all components of the system without turning on zones. Any remaining deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system as compared to the punch list generated at the time of the walk through for substantial completion, construction drawings, details and specifications will be noted. (2) Operational Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY TJ/RM TJ/RM TJ PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF RECOMMENDED BY: punch list items created at the time of the walk through for substantial completion and observing each zone in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller unit (Manual bleeding of individual electric control valves will not be acceptable). Any remaining deficiencies in the operation of each zone in the irrigation system including but not limited to head spacing, row spacing, nozzle sizing, correct radius of throw, correct stationing as compared to the punch list generated at the time of the walk through for substantial completion construction drawings, details, and specifications. 3. Once the Final Walk Through is completed and all items created on the final punch list have been addressed the maintenance period may begin. Any additional walk throughs required due to contractors' inability to address all issues on the punch lists described above will be provided at the contractor's expense. 3.08 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. The Maintenance Period shall be for ninety (90) days after notification from the landscape architect of a successful final walk through and will begin once all items on the final walk through punch list have been satisfactorily addressed by a written statement indicating such from the landscape architect to the owner. 1. The contractor is responsible for obtaining and following any maintenance manuals created specifically for the project from the owner at the beginning of the maintenance period. 2. At the end of the maintenance period and prior to turning the project over to the owner, the contractor shall deliver the following to the owner: (a) Five (5) pop-up spray heads with nozzles of each type used, for every 100 pop-up spray heads installed on the project. (b) Five (5) rotor heads with nozzles of each type used, for every 100 rotors installed on the project. 3. Once the contractor has fulfilled all maintenance agreement obligations and has provided the above items to the owner, the maintenance period will end see section 320533 Landscape Maintenance, for maintenance responsibilities. B. Refer to the Maintenance Specifications for weather -based or soil moisture -based controller settings during the maintenance period. END OF SECTION 328400 ATE: I CITY OF TEMECULA DATE: 08/05/21 ACCEPTED BY: DATE: TIM JACHLEWSKI JR PATRICK A. THOMAS NO. 4547 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 44223 TM 37368 - RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN CFD NO. 03-02 & CFD NO. 16-01 NICOLAS ROAD & CALLE GIRASOL IMPROVEMENTS IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS LD 20-11141 SHEET NO L.2-6 89 OF 89 SHEETS N O O U) Z Q J n Z _O U U) Z O U Q U Z Q EXHIBIT "C" BID SHEET FOR NICOLAS ROAD EXTENSIONS & IMPROVEMENTS PW20-14, CFD 16-01 (RORIPAUGH RANCH PHASE II) DATE TO THE CITY CLERK OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA BIDDER Contact: Firm Name: Address: Phone: The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to furnish any and all materials, labor, and services for the following: See SCHEDULE OF PRICES next page Page 8 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 EXHBIT "C" SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR NICOLAS ROAD EXTENSIONS & IMPROVEMENTS PW20-14, CFD 16-01 (RORIPAUGH RANCH PHASE II) PROJECT BID ITEMS WITH 15-INCH PIPELINE (BASE BID ITEMS) Extension No. Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Amount E-1 Mobilization (10%) 1 LS $ $ E-2 Abandon Exist. 15" Sewer 370 LF $ $ E-3 Furnish & Install 30" Steel Casing 250 LF $ $ E-4 Replace 15" VCP {jacking pipe) 250 LF $ $ E-5 Replacement 15" VCP(standard pipe) 135 LF $ $ E-6 Sewer Manhole (5' Dia) 2 EA $ $ E-7 Sewer Manhole over Exist. Pipe 1 EA $ $ E-8 Demo Exist. Manhole 1 EA S S - E-9 SWPPP and Erosion Control 1 LS $ $ SUBTOTAL $ PORTION OF PROJECT BID ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH SEWER UPSIZING TO 21-INCH PIPELINE (ADDITIVE BID ITEMS) Extension No. Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Amount AE-1 Mobilization (Additional Amount) 0.035 LS S $ AE-2 Replace 21" VCP (Jacking Pipe, LF Additional Amount for Upsize) 250 $ $ Replacement 21" VCP {Standard AE-3 LF Pipe, Additional Amount for Upsize) 135 $ $ SUBTOTAL $ - Page 9 of 9 Reimbursement Agreement Between City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Upsizing for Nicolas Road Extensions & Improvements, PW20-14 RESOLUTION NO.2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A COST -PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR SEWER PIPELINE RELOCATION AND IMPROVEMENTS RELATED TO THE NICOLAS ROAD AND CALLE GIRASOL PROJECT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval of Agreements. The City Council hereby approves the agreement entitled "Cost -Participation Agreement" between the City of Temecula and Eastern Municipal Water District for Sewer Pipeline Relocation and Upgrades relating to The Nicolas Road Extension and Improvement Project (PW20-14), and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City in the form presented to the City Council with such non -substantive changes as may be approved by the City Attorney as necessary and convenient to implement the purposes of the Agreement. Section 2. City Manager AuthoritX. The City Manager is authorized and directed to take all actions necessary and convenient to implement the Agreement and to enter into such additional agreements as may be necessary and convenient to implement the agreements, including but not limited to, executing operating memoranda and agreements, certifications, escrow, amendments to the Agreement, and similar agreements and actions. Section 3. Environmental Review. The City of Temecula shall be responsible for obtaining any and all environmental permits and approvals as may be necessary for the project including, but not limited to, compliance with requirements imposed under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") as may be applicable. Section 4. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of September, 2021. Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of September, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Item No. 13 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract to JFL Electric, Inc., for Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05 PREPARED BY: Nick Minicilli, Senior Civil Engineer Anissa Sharp, Office Specialist II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Award a construction contract to JFL Electric, Inc., in the amount of $690,340.50, for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $69,034.05, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade, PW 18-05, is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) fees. BACKGROUND: In April 2015, the Caltrans Division of Local Assistance announced the Cycle 7 Call for Projects for the 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). On July 28, 2015, the City Council approved Resolution 15-43 approving the filing of the project application for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 7 funding through Caltrans, Division of Local Assistance. The purpose of adopting the resolution was to approve the filing of the project application, accept the terms of the grant agreement, and appoint the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to, applications, agreements, amendments and payment requests which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned process. On July 31, 2015, the City of Temecula submitted a project application in response to the Call for Projects for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 7 funding. On December 2, 2015, grant awards were announced to include the City of Temecula as an award recipient of HSIP Cycle 7 funding, in the amount of $1,208,200, for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project. On March 9, 2021 the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids and made a finding of CEQA exemption for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade project, PW18-05. The Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade project will install fiber optic communication system upgrades including conduits, cables, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, traffic signal controllers, and related communication equipment to improve safety and operations with optimized traffic signal timing coordination. Various signalized intersections will be improved along the Winchester Road, Rancho California, and Temecula Parkway corridors. The construction contract was publicly advertised for bids between June 23, 2021 and July 27, 2021. On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, fourteen bids were electronically opened and publicly posted on PlanetBids. The results are as follows: Rank Bidder Amount 1. JFL Electric, Inc. $690,340.50 2. Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. $737,875.00 3. Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. $794,144.50 4. Alfaro Communications Construction, Inc. $869,807.50 5. DBX, Inc. $919,012.00 6. Econolite Systems $950,837.87 7. Select Electric, Inc. $978,500.00 8. GA Technical Services $997,197.50 9. California Professional Engineering, Inc. $1,026,486.00 10. HMS Construction, Inc. $1,250,000.00 Baker Electric, Inc. Non -responsive International Line Builder, Inc. Non -responsive Ferreira Coastal Construction Company Non -responsive Asplundh Construction, LLC Non -responsive Baker Electric, Inc, International Line Builder, Inc, Ferreira Coastal Construction Company, and Asplundh Construction, LLC. have all been deemed non -responsive because they did not provide the contract minimum 5% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal nor did they provide a DBE Good Faith Effort justification. Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found that JFL Electric, Inc. of Los Angeles, California to be the lowest responsible bidder for this project. JFL Electric, Inc, Inc. has public contracting experience and has completed similar projects for other public agencies in Southern California. The Engineer's Estimate for the construction contract was $1,165,025.00 which included $273,000 for City purchased equipment. The Specifications allow for 90 working days for construction, which is approximately four and one half months. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) Fee Remittance and Collection Policy adopted by Resolution 07-04 however, due to exponential increases in certain commodities, including specialty vehicles, to facilitate the purchase of the new vehicles the department hereby requests the appropriation of additional vehicles and equipment funds in the amount of $76,000 on September 10, 2007. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Since July 1, 2008, the RCA has required that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90-days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right of way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis, while fees for typical right-of-way improvements projects are 5% of construction costs. Projects funded by TUMF or Measure A are exempt from MSHCP fees as those programs contribute directly to MSHCP. The Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade project is exempt from MSHCP fees because it is a safety project funded primarily with federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. In addition, the work to be performed will be within the existing public right of way and there is no new disturbed area. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade project is identified in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. It is funded with Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant funding and Measure S. Adequate funds are available in the project accounts for the contract amount of $690,340.50, plus the 10% contingency amount of $69,034.05, for a total encumbrance of $759,374.55. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. Project Description 3. Project Location Map CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE PROJECT NO. PW18-05 FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL - 5459 (026) THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 1411 day of September 2021, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and JFL Electric, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE, PROJECT NO. PW18-05, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL - 5459 (026), Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (latest edition) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE, PROJECT NO. PW18-05, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL - 5459 (026). Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provision, and Technical Specifications for FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE, PROJECT NO. PW18-05, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL - 5459 (026). In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed, completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. SCOPE OF WORK. Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE, PROJECT NO. PW18-05, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL - 5469 (026). All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE. The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: SIX HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS ($690,340.50), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed Ninety (90) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS. a. Lump Sum Bid Schedule. Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. b. Unit Price Bid Schedule. Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within thirty (30) days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work* completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the thirtieth (30t") day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made sixty (60) days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. C. Payment for Work Performed. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within thirty (30) days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME. a. Liquidated Damages. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time. Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. 8. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at: rPtir)://ww%ij.dir.ca.gov The Federal minimum wage rates for this project as predetermined by the United States Secretary of Labor are included in Exhibit "B" of the project specifications. Future effective general prevailing wage rates which have been predetermined are on file with the California Department of Industrial Relations and are referenced but not printed in the general prevailing wage rates. Contractor shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and if there is a difference between the minimum wage rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and the general prevailing wage rates determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of labor, Contractor shall pay not less than the higher wage rate. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from Progress Payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12. GRATUITIES. Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 18. DISCRIMINATION. Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. CONTRACT ASSURANCE. The Contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such remedy, as recipient deems appropriate. 20. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 21. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. 22. ADA REQUIREMENTS. By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. 23. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works/ City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 24, CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an "unresolved dispute" and payment, if any, shall be as later determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: 031202-1 o _a ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR: JFL Electric, Inc. 8257 Compton Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 581-4400 jloera@jflel '' ' inc.com By:.%� Feliciano Loera Print or type NAME President Print or type TITLE* By. ; Adrian Loera Print or type NAME Secretary Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers require for Corporations) CITY OF TEMECULA Maryann Edwards, Mayor �A]k] City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2022-26 Capital Improvement Program FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEM UPGRADE Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project will install fiber optic communication system upgrades including conduit, cable, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, traffic signal controllers and related communication equipment to improve safety and operations with optimized traffic signal timing coordination. Various signalized intersections will be improved along the Winchester Road, Rancho California Road and Temecula Parkway corridors. Benefit: his project will upgrade the City's fiber optic communication and traffic signal system equipment. Core Value: A Safe and Prepared Community Project Status: This project will be completed in Fiscal Year 2021-22. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.550 / PW18-05 Level: I A Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2021-22 2020-21 Proposed 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Project Cost Administration 89 11 25,000 25,100 Construction 1,201,300 (273,000) 928,300 Construction Engineering 255,000 255,000 Design & Environmental 119,078 722 119,800 Furnishings & Equipment 273,000 273,000 Total Expenditures 1 119,1671 1,202,033 280,000 1,601,200 Source of Funds: HSIP-Highway Safety 1,208,200 1,208,200 Improvement Program Measure S 113,000 280,000 393,000 Total Funding 113,000 1,208,200 280,000 - 1,601,200 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs I I I Notes : 1. The negative budget amount in FY21-22 reflects the transfer of Construction costs to Furnishings & Equipment costs. 2. Highway Safety Improvement Program - HSIPL-5459(026) 3. Fiscal Year 2021-22 adds construction oversight costs - City administration, consultant -construction management/inspection services and the purchase of specialized equipment (FF&E). lim S Y LOCATION MAP —WINCHEt` ER ROAD COiRIDOR 41111e F Vid Tpti [ �ah�aa Fd scre, a wer MEAVOWYIE�v � , Ro RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD CORRtQQRo-`a' ' .4u H—'Pnxn. kaY M� laze Y�uGE w.rwe Raache£alsfnrtrra rl�r:k�nxo: Souris Parkaf 9a Nupa Rd n a Y 9dT P.e �ry :oi%AiYCiYlYoS 0 to � ` EeI1W k TEMECULA PARKWAY CORRIDOR QA SB z � � S LEGEND CORRIDOR LIMITS s 2000 1000 0 2000 4000 6000 SCALE: 1"=4000' CITY BOUNDARY VmrnGf.Hnes mac¢ .Ae L7 ol y� w••rr�r_ O Cl Wo lint ' B4� e L �S' y r•ALOea m£t SOL S c E ocq�and 0 lop 1a�1�3 P �0'r Papacy % w ®2015 Nokia ®ANP ®2015 MicrozoN fomd2tii JECT LOCATION VICINITY MAP Item No. 14 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Authorize the Purchase of Traffic Signal Controllers for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW 18-05 PREPARED BY: Nick Minicilli, Senior Civil Engineer Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the purchase of traffic signal controllers for the Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project, PW18-05, in the amount of $134,088.75. BACKGROUND: The Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project will install fiber optic communication system upgrades including conduits, cables, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, traffic signal controllers, and related communication equipment to improve safety and operations with optimized traffic signal timing coordination. Various signalized intersections will be improved along the Winchester Road, Rancho California, and Temecula Parkway corridors. The construction contract for Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project was publicly advertised for bids between June 23, 2021 and July 27, 2021. On Tuesday, July 27, 2021, fourteen bids were electronically opened and publicly posted on PlanetBids. As part of another September 14, 2021 City Council agenda item, City staff will recommend an award of a construction contract to the low bidder, JFL Electric. The Engineer's Estimate for the construction contract was $1,165,025.00 which included $273,000 for City purchased equipment. In August 2021, the Public Works Department obtained a sole source quotation from McCain, Inc for the purchase of traffic signal controllers. McCain traffic signal controllers are proprietary equipment that are utilized at all traffic signal locations in the City. The City furnished traffic signal controllers are necessary for the functionality of the fiber optic communication system. FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiber Optic Communication System Upgrade Project is identified in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. It is funded with Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant funding and Measure S funds. Adequate funds are available in the project accounts for the purchase cost of $134,088.75. ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 15 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Michael Heslin, Director of Information Technology and Support Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Purchase of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Helixstorm HPE Support and Maintenance for the Citywide Surveillance System Infrastructure PREPARED BY: Paula Crowell, IT Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the purchase of the Helixstorm HPE Support and Maintenance for the Citywide Surveillance System Infrastructure, in an amount not to exceed $70,212.60. BACKGROUND: In May 2018 the City entered into a three-year purchase and install agreement for a surveillance system to enhance public safety by consolidating the aging system(s) into a single platform. The purchase and install agreement included infrastructure to archive the recordings of cameras at 24 City -owned sites, 25 traffic intersections, and several viewing stations for emergency operations, traffic control, and public safety. This agreement covered all maintance and support for the first 3 years. This approval will authorize the purchase of a support and maintenance agreement for the surveillance system infrastructure. This will ensure the core system has 24/7 support and no cost hardware replacement by the manufacturer. The purchase of this support maintenance contract is essential to ensuring the reliability, security, and maximum life span of this critical system relied on by public safety. This purchase from Helixstorm, Inc., is utilizing the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) Contract. The NCPA is a leading national government purchasing cooperative working to reduce the cost of goods by leveraging the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states. NCPA purchasing contracts ensure all public agencies are receiving products of the highest quality at the lowest prices. Helixstorm is a local vendor and existing provider of infrastructure services for the City. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds have been budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Information Technology operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: Helixstorm Quote HEUISTORM WE m a k E IT E a s i E P f o r y o u 27238 Via Industria, Temecula, CA 92590 Direct: 951-225-3491 Mobile: 951-225-3491 Email: aaron.schneider@helixstorm.com City of Temecula Network 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Phone: (951) 308-6300 Email: network@cityoftemecula.org QUOTE Number HLXQ5344 Date Jul21, 2021 City of Temecula Paula Crowell 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Phone: (951) 694-6403 Email: paula.crowell@temeculaca.gov Aaron Schneider j Ground Net 30 DescriptionQty Service Start Date: 08/02/2021 Ends: 08/01/2022 1 Total Contract Price: $70,212.60 $70,212.60 1 HPE NS CS5000 Hybrid Base Array $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS 2x16Gb FC 2p Adptr Kit $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF Hybrid 21OTB HDD Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF Hybrid 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5000 Hybrid Base Array $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS 2xl6Gb FC 2p Adptr Kit $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF Hybrid 21OTB HDD Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF Hybrid 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 21OTB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 21OTB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 210TB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 210TB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 210TB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 21OTB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 21OTB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 Continued on Next Page... Approved : vmwAIre Soluflon Prorfd�r GOLD PARTNER [NTERPRaSE •- 1 of --T-Unit Price 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 210TB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS/SF ES2 Shelf 5.76TB Cache Bndl $0.00 $0.00 1 HPE NS CS5/7000 ES2 21OTB 4.8TB Shelf $0.00 $0.00 Please contact me if I can be of further assistance. SubTotal $70,212.60 Tax $0.00 Shipping $0.00 Approved B- ��jj ^^ r �A,II rr11 Solurlvn Provider Date: f-�f5� I IV�R ENT[kPk+ E Page 2 of i Item No. 16 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Award a Construction Contract to Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. for the Sidewalks — Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek), PW20-02 PREPARED BY: Avlin R. Odviar, Senior Civil Engineer William Becerra, Associate Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Award a Construction Contract to Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. in the amount of $159,267.30 for the Sidewalks — Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek); and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $39,816.83, which is equal to 25% of the Contract amount; and 3. Make a finding that the Sidewalk — Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek), PW20-02 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) fees. BACKGROUND: On June 8, 2021, the City Council approved the project plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Sidewalks — Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Front Street to Murrieta Creek), PW20- 02. The Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Old Town Front Street to Murrieta Creek) Project (Project) will provide for construction of new sidewalks along the north side of Fifth Street, rolled curb, full -width street pavement grind and overlay, centerline ribbon gutter, signing and striping, street lighting, landscaping and irrigation, and bollards for the road terminus at Murrieta Creek. The Project improvements are designed in accordance with the Old Town Specific Plan. The construction contract was publicly advertised between June 24, 2021, and August 3, 2021. On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, ten bids were electronically opened and publicly posted on the City's online bidding service, PlanetBids. The results were as follows: Contractor Bid Amount 1. Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. $159,267.30 2. Vido Samarzich Inc. $169,701.50 3. LC Paving & Sealing, Inc. $169,859.19 4. Towo Enterprise Inc. $175,340.00 5. CT&T Concrete Paving Inc. $189,390.80 6. EBS General Engineering Inc. $200,779.31 7. CS Legacy Construction Inc. $203,371.42 8. Calpromax Engineering Inc. $317,685.00 IE General Engineering Inc. Non -responsive Kormex Industries Inc. Non -responsive The Statement of Technical Ability and Experience submitted by IE General Engineering Inc. did not include any work of a similar nature nor did it contain any references which would enable the City to judge his/her responsibility, experience, skill, and business & financial standing. Kormex Industries did not submit a Bid Bond nor did they submit a Non -Collusion Affidavit before the bid opening, which are requirements of the contract documents. Bids submitted by both IE General Engineering Inc and Kormex Industries Inc. have been deemed non -responsive. Of the remaining bids, staff found Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. of Perris, California to be the lowest responsive bidder. Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. has successfully completed components of this project for various public agencies. The Engineer's estimate for the project was $131,000. The specifications allow for forty working days for construction, which is two months. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) Fee Remittance and Collection Policy adopted by Resolution 07-04 on September 10, 2007. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Beginning July 1, 2008, the RCA started requiring that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90-days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right of way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis, while fees for typical right of way improvements projects are five percent of construction costs. This project combines road rehabilitation and construction of street improvements on previously disturbed areas, both within the existing public right of way. Such projects are exempt from MSHCP fees. FISCAL IMPACT: The Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements (Fifth Street from Old Town Front Street to Murrieta Creek) is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fiscal Years 2022-26 and is funded with Measure S. Adequate funds are available for the contract amount of $159,267.30, plus a 25% contingency amount of $39,816.83 for a total encumbrance of $199,084.13. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. Project Location Map 3. Project Description CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK) PROJECT NO. PW20-02 THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 141' day of September 2021 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Marin Concrete Construction, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK), PROJECT NO. PW20-02, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Standard Plans and Specifications, (latest edition), issued by the California Department of Transportation, where specifically referenced in the Plans, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK), PROJECT NO. PW20-02. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK), PROJECT NO. PW20-02. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK), PROJECT NO. PW20-02 All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN DOLLARS AND THIRTY CENTS ($159,267.30), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed 40 working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5. CHANGE ORDERS All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes, or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS a. Lump Sum Bid Schedule: Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. b. Unit Price Bid Schedule: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within 30 days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the 30th day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made 60 days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. c. Payment for Work Performed: Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest: Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME a. Liquidated Damages: In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of $1,000 per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time: Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. 8. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subcontractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1 (a), 1773.8, 1775,1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included), and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from progress payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12. GRATUITIES Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17. INSPECTION The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 18. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or will administer this project shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. 21. ADA REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 23. CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an unresolved dispute" and payment, if any, shall be as later determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: DATED: ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk CONTRACTOR: Marin Concrete Construction, Inc. 541 Placentia Ave. Perris, CA 92571 (951) 830-2569 Ivan@marinconstruction.org I SVgh 1"\C�r:L-\ Print or type NAME 2'f k.5 : CUV\�- Print or type TITLE* By: A u"w k1l &I /> c Z. Print or type NAME �irtiCG�a x- OF ®�%Lw�f✓o yl Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers required for Corporations) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA 0 Maryann Edwards, Mayor T'A@�7111ECIYYOF SIDEWALKS - OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS (FIFTH 17uN... typ.-.��r STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO MURRIETA CREEK) 'F..ati�.., 4 12.6 0 56.30 112.6 Feet This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site ar is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not t VGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere accurate, current, or otherwise reliabl Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIOI Legend F— Parcels Street Names Highways HWY . INTERCHANGE INTERSTATE OFFRAMP ONRAMP USHWY Hospitals City of Temecula Boundary [� Cities Public Facilities Parks Schools Notes ]7 f `l Ak Q The Heart or Scuihern a, Iurnia Wine Country SIDEWALKS -OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project is comprised of adding new sidewalks, paving, street lights and trees on north side of Fifth Street from Old Town Front Street to the Murrieta Creek Channel. The project also include completing the missing street improvements adjacent to the Palomar Hotel (north side of Fifth Street, just east Old Town Front Street). Benefit: This project will provide walking surfaces for pedestrians. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: Project is expected to be completed in Fiscal Year 2021-22. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.766 / Various Level: I City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2022-26 Capital Improvement Program Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2021-22 2020-21 Proposed 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Project Cost Administration 346,761 23 346,784 Construction 906,434 391,455 1,297,889 Construction Engineering 30,850 13,900 44,750 Design & Environmental 90,981 14,022 105,003 Total Expenditures 1,375,026 419,400 - - 1,794,426 Source of Funds: CDBG 849,426 849,426 Measure A 140,000 140,000 Measure S 400,000 405,000 805,000 Total Funding 1,389,426 405,000 1,794,426 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs IE,N Item No. 17 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve an Agreement with Mariposa Tree Management, Inc., for Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Stacey Biddle, Management Assistant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve an agreement with Mariposa Tree Management, Inc., for Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services in the amount of $500,000 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. BACKGROUND: On June 15, 2021, the Public Works Department Maintenance Division posted on the City of Temecula's online bidding service, Planet Bids, a Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 257 for Citywide Tree Trimming and Maintenance Services. The Public Works Department received six (6) electronic proposals. Selected panel members reviewed each proponent's submittal and after a thorough review and evaluation, and rating process, the top three were selected to conduct an oral interview with the panel members. Upon completion of the oral interview process, it was determined that Mariposa Tree Management, Inc. was the highest ranked firm and most qualified to provide Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services. Staff recommends the approval of an agreement with Mariposa Tree Management, Inc. for tree trimming maintenance services for the current FY2021-22, with an option to extend for four (4) additional one (1) year terms, through to June 30, 2026. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the Annual Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2021-2022. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement - Mariposa Tree Management, Inc. AGREEMENT FOR MINOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT, INC. CITYWIDE TREE TRIMMING MAINTENANCE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of September 14, 2021, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Mariposa Tree Management, Inc., a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on September 14, 2021, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2022, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The City may, upon mutual agreement, extend the contract for four (4) additional one (1) year term(s). In no event shall the contract be extended beyond June 30, 2026. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. ("Work"), and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work, Exhibit A. 3. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) for the total term of this agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. C. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees, it shall give written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Contractor 08/06/2021 shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 4. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Contractor shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this Agreement. The acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims against City under or arising out of this Agreement, except those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify Agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Agreement from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub -contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Agreement, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Agreement. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 8. REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Registration with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) is mandatory as a condition for bidding, providing certain services, and working on a public works project as specified in Labor Code Section 1771.1(a). Contractor and any subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations to be qualified to bid, or provide a proposal and/or time and material quote or be listed in a bid, proposal or quote, subject to the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 4104; or engage in the performance of any contract that is subject to Labor Code Section 1720 et seq., unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work 08/06/2021 pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. Contractor and subcontractors will be required to provide proof of registration with the DIR. For more information regarding registration with the Department of Industrial Relations, refer to hftp://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html 9. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 10. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 11. INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 08/06/2021 12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: Two Million ($2,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. C. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 08/06/2021 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Contractor shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self-insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City 's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. By executing this Agreement, Contractor hereby certifies: I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workman's Compensation or undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract. 13. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 14. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. 08/06/2021 b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 15. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 16. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Agreement, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by City for purposes of letting this Agreement out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Agreement. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 17. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Agreement, Contractor shall file an affidavit with the City Manager stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub -contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 08/06/2021 19. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Agreement, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 20. UTILITY LOCATION City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 21. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 22. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 23. WRITTEN NOTICE Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Contractor: Mariposa Tree Management, Inc. Attn: Brandon Williamson 6232 Santos Diaz Street Irwindale, CA 91702 24. ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. ;�X1NIyf'��Y�il 25. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 26. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 28. LABOR AND MATERIAL BONDS Within ten (10) business days from the City Manager approval of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide the City with a Labor and Materials Bond to secure payment to any contractor, sub -contractor persons renting equipment, or furnishing labor or materials for the work required to be constructed or installed pursuant to this Agreement in the additional amount of the Agreement. The bond shall be in substantially the form attached as Exhibit C, incorporated herein by this reference, and approved by the City Attorney. The surety shall be a surety admitted in the State of California and approved by the City. 29. PERFORMANCE BOND Contractor shall execute and provide to City concurrently with this Agreement a Performance Bond in the amount of the total, not -to -exceed compensation indicated in this Agreement, and in a form provided or approved by the City in Exhibit D. No payment will be made to Contractor until it has been received and approved by the City. 30. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/06/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT, INC. (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Terry Norieg , President By: By: 5- Randi Johl, City Clerk Dennis of Opei APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR retary & Vice President Mariposa Tree Management, Inc. Attn: Brandon Williamson 6232 Santos Diaz Street Irwindale, CA 91702 Ph. 626-960-0196 Brandon.williamson@mariposa-ca.com City Purchasing Mgr. Initials a d Date: 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City of Temecula and the Contractor, for citywide tree trimming maintenance services at the various locations upon real and personal property of the City. Work will include maintenance services, and emergency call -out. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: 1. The City Manager or his designee shall submit to Contractor a written "Request for Work". The Request for Work shall include a description of the work to be completed, the time for completion of the work, and the plans and specifications, if any, work. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Work, Contractor shall respond in writing to the Request for Work and advise the City Manager whether it can perform the work and specify the cost of material which will be required and the estimated cost of labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the labor and equipment rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. In the event emergency work is required, the City Manager may transmit the Request for Work orally to the Contractor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Contractor and Director shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency work undertaken. 4. Upon acceptance of the Contractor's response by the City Manager, the Contractor shall proceed with the work. The performance of the work shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 10 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE . NO i1dO DESCRIPTION w UOM PEE 1 PRICE TREE TRIMMING 1. Street Tree Trimming (Clearance Trim) Each $58.00 $68 00 2. Street Tree Aesthetic Trimming Each $93 00 3. Park / Slope Tree Aesthetic Trimming (Aerial Unit) Each Negotiate per instance 4. Park I Slope Tree Aesthetic Trimming (Climbing) Each 5. Palm Tree Trimming Each $68.00 6. Complete Tree and Stump Removal Diameter Inch $39.00 7. Complete Tree Removal Only Diameter Inch $29.00 8. Stump Removal Only Diameter 9. Root Pruning with Root Barrier (10 feet length x 18 inches Inch Each $16.00 depth — deep root or equivalent) $165.00 10. Root Pruning without Root Barrier Each $195 00 TREE PLANTING 11. 15 Gallon with Root Barrier Each $180.00 12, 15 Gallon without Root Barrier 24 Inch Box with Root Barrier Each $160.00 13. Each $375.00 14. 24 Inch Box without Root Barrier Each $355.00 15. Tree Watering Per Day $700.00 $261.00 16. Crew Rental (3 men, aerial unit, dump truck and chipper) Per Hour 17. Crew Rental (2 men, aerial unit, dump truck and chipper) Per Hour $174.00 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT "B" (continued) Crew Rental (1 man) Per Hour $87 00 Emergency Work Call -Out (3 men, Including all necessary Per Hour equipment, disposal fees, and zero material mark-up $321.00 Tree Inventory Data Collection Including GPS Data and Each T $3.00 Documentation of Tree Date: 06111 /2021 I 1 Signature of Au�hor.zed Officer Dennis Jones, Secretary & Vice President of Operations Print Dame of Authorized Offoer 12 08/06/2021 Item No. 18 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works / City Engineer DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Accept Improvements and File the Notice of Completion for Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Year 2020-21, PW20-10 PREPARED BY: Avlin R. Odviar, Senior Civil Engineer William Becerra, Associate Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Accept the improvements for the Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Year 2020-21, PW20-10, as complete; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the final contract amount; and 3. Release the Labor and Materials Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion, if no liens have been filed. BACKGROUND: On December 22, 2020, the City Manager, under the authorities delegated by the City Council of the City of Temecula in Resolution 2020-83, awarded a construction contract to IE General Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $157,789.00, and authorized the City Manager to approve changes up to $31,557.80, to construct the Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project, PW20-10 (Project). The completed Project includes repairs to concrete facilities at over 90 locations. Existing curb and gutter, sidewalks, access ramps, cross gutters, and under sidewalk drains were removed and replaced on City streets. IE General Engineering, Inc. has completed the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works / City Engineer. All work is warranted for a period of one year from July 2, 2021, the date the City obtained "beneficial use" of the Project. The retention for this project will be released pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code 7107. The final contract amount is $181,285.50, which includes the original contract amount of $157,789.00 and one contract change order totaling $23,496.50. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with accepting the Project and filing of the Notice of Completion. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Maintenance Bond 3. Contractor's Affidavit and Final Release RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 EXEMPT FROM RECORDER'S FEES Pursuant to Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The City of Temecula is the owner of the property hereinafter described. 2. The full address of the City of Temecula is 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California 92590. 3. The Nature of Interest is a Contract which was awarded by the City of Temecula to IE General Engineering, Inc., 1440 Beaumont Ave. Suite A2-130, Beaumont, CA 92223 to perform the following work of improvement: Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project No. PW20-10 4. Said work was completed by said company according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Temecula and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on September 14, 2021. That upon said contract the United States Fire Insurance Company, 305 Madison Ave, Morristown, NJ 07962 was surety for the bond given by the said company as required by law. 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: Citywide Concrete Repairs Fiscal Year 2020-21 Project No. PW20-10 6. The location of said property is: Various street locations within Temecula, California. Dated at Temecula, California, this 14t" day of September, 2021. City of Temecula Randi Johl, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temecula, California, this 14th day of September, 2021. City of Temecula Randi Johl, City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BOND NO. 606-100571-1 MAINTENANCE BOND for CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FY2020-21 PROJECT NO. PW20-10 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT THAT IE General Engineering, Inc., 1440 Beaumont Ave., Suite A2-130, Beaumont CA 32223 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR a Corporation (hereinafter called "Principal"), and (fill in whether a Corporation, Partnership, or Individual) United States Fire Insurance Company, 305 Madison Ave , Morristown, NJ 07962 NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY (hereinafter called "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TEMECULA (hereinafter called "Owner") in the penal sum of Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Twenty -Eight DOLLARS AND 551100 CENTS ($ 18,128.55 ) in lawful money of the United States, said sum being not less than ten percent of the Contract value payable by the said City of Temecula under the terms of the Contract, for the payment of which, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain Contract with the Owner, dated the C� day ofDeeenabp, 20Z,D, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FY2020-21, PROJECT NO. PW20-10. WHEREAS, said Contract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of one year after approval of the final estimate on said job, by the Owner, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said period; and WHEREAS, the said Contract has been completed, and was the final estimate approved on this the end day of July 2021 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if within one year from the date of approval of the final estimate on said job pursuant to the Contract, the work done under the terms of said Contract shall disclose poor workmanship in the execution of said work, and the carrying out of the terms of said Contract, or it shall appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain in full force and virtue, otherwise this instrument shall be void. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified, costs and reasonable expenses and fees shall be included, including reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City of Temecula in successfully enforcing this obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work, or to the Specifications. Signed and sealed this 6th day of August 2021 (Seal) SURETY: United States Fire Insurance Company By: UOL—'�� Mark D. Leskanic (Name) Attorney -in -Fact (Title) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney PRINCIPAL: IE Gener ngineering, Inc. By: (Name) (Title) in (Name) (Title) NOTE: Signatures of two corporate officers required for corporations. A Notarial Acknowledgement or Jurat must be attached for each of the Surety and Principal Signatures. CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Rv�5j'e- 0n AVt Wq [D, �( before me, L ( N Pat� 1 I [Here rt name andtte at the ❑ tceri personally appeared V l ( O-A/QC-1 - — - - who prov d to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person) whose me ss re subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she/they executed the same i is erlthelr authorized capacity ] and that by #ich her/their signature,( 'on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of the person'(,a acted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. DANA L. CAMPBELL Wofficial IT ESS my hand and ocial seal. N - CORM.# 2282589 -�_ � H�ii1RY PUBUC-CAIiFURMA RIYERWE COUNTY Mr Cow. UP. MO.2� �23 Notary Pu fic Signature (Notary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATIO DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCU LENT - NkA-(f2AAYe-, & (Title or description of attached document) fl D 0 5 ,-1 — (Tide or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document Date I CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ElIndividual (s) ElCorporate Officer (Title) ElPartner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other _ N Individual Acknowledgment State of County of On this } ss: day of , 2021, before me personally came to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same My commission expires Principal Acknowledgment State of } ss: County of Notary Public On this day of , 2021, before me personally came to me known and who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he is the of . the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation, that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his/her name thereto by like order. My commission expires Notary Public Surety Acknowledgment State of Massachusetts } } ss: County of Middlesex } On this 6th day of August , 2021, before me personally came Mark D. Leskanic to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/she is an attorney -in -fact of United States Fire Insurance Company the corporation described in and which executed the within instrument; that he knows the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the within instrument is such corporate seal, and that he signed the said instrument and affixed the said seal as Attorney -in -Fact by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporz tion and by authority of this office under the Standing Resolutions thereof. r My commission expires 9/26/2025 _ - Pu KRISTh4t. YEAGER IVct%ypdkCmw dt 6WC0MjftB#wSe*mber26. UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 1209 ORANGE STREIiT, WILMINGTON• DELAWARE 19801 STATEMENT OF ASSFTS, I .IARiI.TTiES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 AS$1vTS Bonds(Amortized Value) ................. .................. ....................................................... 1,378,263,279 PreferredStocks (Market Value) .......................... ..... .... .............................................. 2,500,000 Common Stocks (Market Value). ................ — ......... .... .. ....... ....................... ...................... 1,285,247,627 MortgageLoans (Market Value), ........... — .............. .. ........•......................................... 4,575,000 Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Short Term Invcstntents......................„„..........,,............................ 669,919,204 Derivatives..................................................... ...... ............................ — .................. 7,268.292 Other Invested Assets ............... .........I-- ......... ...... .......................... ..,.1............... ......... 26.1,067,722 Investment Income Due and Accrued .................... ....................... .............. ,....................... 12,069,093 Premiums and Considerations................... ......... ........................................................... 307,501,153 Amounts Recoverable from Reinsurers ................................................................................. 41,921,190 Funds Held by or Deposited with Reinsured Companies ... ......................... ......... ............... 18,044,399 Current Income Taxes Recoverable......................................................................................... 3,123,199 NetDeferred Tax Asset..................................................................................................... 170,616,521 Electronic Data Processing Equipment ................ ,._..... .................................. ........................ ... 2,530,714 Receivables Front Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......,,,,,,....................-,...,... 189,801,729 Other Assets ................. ............... .....................,........................._.................................. 83.3$0;064 _ TOTAL ASSETS— ... ........... .................... .,.. ..,,...,..,,•......... S 4,444,829.190 LIABELITMS, SURPLUS & O111ER FUNDS Loss", (Reported Losses Net of Reinsurance Ceded and Incurred But Not Reported Losses) ...................... ......................... .................................................... 1,608,110,571 Reinsurance Payable on Paid Losses and Loss Adjustment Expenses ............................................... 99,388,149 loss AdluslmentExpenses— ............................................................................................ 392,336,986 Commissions Payable, ContingenL Commissions and Other Similar L'hergea:............... ............ .......... 6,450,7611 Other Expenses (Excluding Taxes, Licenses and Fees)................................................................. 58,812,009 Taxes, Licenses and Fees (Excluding Federal Income Taxes)......................................................... 24,123,914 UnearnedPremiums................................................................................I.... I ............... I.... 622,338,241 AdvancePremium............................................................................................................ 10,107,620 Ceded Reinsurance Premiums Payable.................................................................................... 40,131,540 Funds Held by Company under ReinsuranceTreaties. — —_ . ....... __ ................ ................. ..... 30,307,801 Amounts Withheld by Company for Account of Others................,.,,...........,,....,.:.......I................ 87,984,822 Provisionfor Reinsurance ............... ...... ..................... I ....... ...............,..............,.................. 1,244,113 Payable to Parent, Subsidiaries and Affiliates. , ........... . ...................... ...... .......... __ ............... 4,801,800 OlherLiabilities.......................................................................................................... 62,614.441 TOTAL LIABILITIES— . .... . .................................. ............................ 3,Q38.752�7G8 CommonCapital Stock..................................................................................................... 14,943,000 Gross Paid In and Contributed Surplus................................................................................ 1,374,911,940 UnassignedFunds(Sutplus).................. .......................................................... • ............ 16.221.492 Surplus as Regards Policyholdels.................................................................... 1,406,076,422 . TOTAL LIABILTIIE,S, SURPLUS & OTHER FUNDS .......................................... $ 4,444.629,190 1, Carmine Scugliune, Senior Vice President and Onw-uSicr of UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, certify that the foregoing is a lair statement of Assets, Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds of this Company, at the close of business, December 31, 2019, as reflected by its books and records and as reported in its statcmenl On IIIC. with the lnsurnnee Department of the State of Delaware. i -e y iN'I1 S'1144(]1tiY IVlfI:R1:C)F, I have so my Nind and ArfiNcd114 M;t1 of tit¢ Company, this 3rd day or March, 2020, UNITED FIRr: 1NSURANCE.COMPANY POWEROF ATTORNEY UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PRINCIPAL OFFICE - MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 03094 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That United States Fire Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of Delaware, has made, constituted and appointed. and does hereby make, constitute and appoint Mark Leskanic. Matthew Leskanic. Greg Angel each, its true and lawful Attorney(s)-In-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver: Any and all bonds and undertakings of surety and other documents that the ordinary course of surety business may require, and to bind United States Fire Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds or undertakings had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of United States Fire Insurance Company at its principal office. in amounts or penalties not exceeding: Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000). This Power of Attorney limits the act of those named therein to the bonds and undertakings specifically named therein, and they have no authority to bind United States Fire Insurance Company except in the manner and to the extent therein stated. This Power of Attorney revokes all previous Powers of Attorney issued on behalf of the Attorneys -hi -Fact named above and expires on January 31, 2022. This Power of Attorney is granted pursuant to Article 1V of the By -Laws of United States Fire insurance Company as now in full force and effect. and consistent with Article ill thereof. which Articles provide, in pertinent part: Article IV, Execution of Instruments - Except as the Board of Directors may authorize by resolution, the Chairman of the Board, President. any Vice -President, any Assistant Vice President, the Secretary, or any Assistant Secretary shall have power on behalf of the Corporation: (a) to execute, affix the corporate seal manually or by facsimile to, acknowledge, verify and deliver any contracts, obligations, instruments and documents whatsoever in connection with its business including, without limiting the foregoing, any bonds, guarantees, undertakings, recognizances, powers of attorney or revocations of any powers of attorney, stipulations, policies of insurance, deeds, leases, mortgages, releases, satisfactions and agency agreements; (b) to appoint, in writing, one or more persons for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the preceding paragraph (a), including affixing the seal of the Corporation. Article III, Officers, Section 3.11, Facsimile Signatures. The signature of any officer authorized by the Corporation to sign any bonds, guarantees, undertakings, recognizances, stipulations, powers of attorney or revocations of any powers of attorney and policies of insurance issued by the Corporation may be printed, facsimile, lithographed or otherwise produced. In addition, if and as authorized by the Board of Directors, dividend warrants or checks, or other numerous instruments similar to one another in form, may be signed by the facsimile signature or signatures, lithographed or otherwise produced, of such officer or officers of the Corporation as from time to time may be authorized to sign such instruments on behalf of the Corporation. The Corporation may continue to use for the purposes herein stated the facsimile signature of any person or persons who shall have been such officer or officers of the Corporation, notwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be such at the time when such instruments shall be issued. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. United States Fire Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate officer and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 101" day of March, 2016. UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN1' ij t�v Anthony R. Slimowicz, Executive Vice President State of New Jersey} County of Morris ; On this I Ot" day of March 2016, before me, a Notary public of the State of New Jersey, came the above named officer of United States Fire Insurance Company, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described herein, and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument and affixed the seal of United States Fire Insurance Company thereto by the authority0f Ills ❑ffiec. SONiA SCALA 4aa-, NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY Sonia Scala (Notary Public) MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES3/25/2024 No. 2163686 i. the undersigned officer of United States Fire insurance Company, a Delaware corporation, do hereby certify that the original Power of Attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy is still in force and effect and has not been revoked. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of United States Fire Insurance Company on the 6thday of August 2021 tIN1TED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY t.:�-• � �Ja N S� �L Peter M. Quinn, Senior Vice President DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY IMPORTANT INFORMATION This Power of Attorney authorizes another person (your Agent) to make decisions concerning your property for you (the Principal). Your Agent will be able to make decisions and act with respect to your property (including your money) whether or not you are able to act for yourself. The meaning of authority over subjects listed on this form is explained in the Uniform Power of Attorney Act. This Power of Attorney does not authorize the Agent to make healthcare decisions for you. You should select someone you trust to serve as your Agent. Unless you specify otherwise, generally the Agent's authority will continue until you die or revoke the Power of Attorney, or the Agent resigns or is unable to act for you. Your Agent is entitled to reasonable compensation unless you state otherwise in the Special Instructions. This form provides for designation of one Agent. If you wish to name more than one Agent, you may name a Co -Agent in the Special Instructions. Co -Agents are not required to act together unless you include that requirement in the Special Instructions. If your Agent is unable or unwilling to act for you, your Power of Attorney will end unless you have named a Successor Agent. You may also name a second Successor Agent. This Power of Attorney becomes effective immediately unless you state otherwise in the Special Instructions. If you have questions about the Power of Attorney or the authority you are granting to your Agent, you should seek legal advice before signing this form. 1. APPOINTMENT OF MY AGENT. I, Gene Mathew Parker (hereinafter referred to as "Principal"), hereby execute this Durable Power of Attorney appointing the following named individual as my "Agent" (also known as Attorney -in -Fact): Name: Giovanni Agostino Nanci or Vincenzo A. Nanci Address: 24304 Topacio Ct Wildomar, California 92595 Phone Number: 951-760-8825 2. EFFECTIVENESS. This shall be effective from when I sign it. The authority of my Agent, when effective, shall not terminate or be void or voidable if I am or become disabled or in the event of later uncertainty as to whether I am dead or alive. 3. AGENT AS FIDUCIARY. I give my Agent the powers specified in this Durable Power of Attorney with the understanding that they will be exercised for my benefit, on my behalf and solely in a fiduciary capacity. 4. GENERAL AUTHORITY TO ACT. Except where specifically limited herein, I hereby grant my Agent, including any Successors or Co -Agents, the general authority to act on my behalf in the following subjects: (INITIAL ALL POWERS THAT APPLY) a. ommodities and options b. anks and financial institutions on behalf of IE General Engineering, Inc C. /Operation of entity or business on behalf of IE General Engineering, Inc i 5. SPECIFIC ACTS AUTHORIZED. In addition to the general powers authorized above, I specifically authorize my Agent to perform the following acts: (INITIAL ALL POWERS THAT APPLY) a. After -Acquired Property. The powers granted to my Agent in this instrument are exercisable equally with respect to interests in property I own when this instrument is executed and after -acquired property interests, wherever the property is located, and whether or not the powers are exercised or the Durable Power of Attorney is executed in the same state. b. Designate Rights of Survivorship. The power to create or amend designations of rights of survivorship. C. esgnate Beneficiaries. The power to create or amend designations of VcneVrciariies. In regards to IE General Engineering, Inc. d. Delegate Powers. The power to delegate or otherwise authorize another person to exercise the powers delegated to the Agent under this instrument. e. Waive Principal's Rights. The power to waive Principal's right to be a Beneficiary of a joint and survivor annuity, including a survivor benefit under a retirement plan. f. A,. Exercise Fiduciary Powers. The power to exercise fiduciary powers validly le ated by Principal. g. Refuse Property Interests. The power to disclaim, refuse, or release an interest in property or a power of appointment. h. Gifts to Agent. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Durable Power of Attorney, my Agent may make gifts in amounts not to exceed the annual federal gift tax exclusion to him or herself but only if my Agent is in need of funds to meet the reasonable expenses of the following: support in accordance with my Agent's accustomed manner of living; medical, dental, hospital, and nursing services, and other costs relating to the health care of my Agent; and my Agent's education. i. Nominating a Conservator. If proceedings are initiated for the appointment of a Conservator of my person or my estate or both, I authorize my Agent to nominate whomever he or she believes is appropriate as Conservator of my person or my estate or both, including appointing him or herself. I authorize my Agent to waive the requirement of a bond for any person appointed, if he or she believes a waiver is appropriate. j. Restrictions on Property Management Powers. Notwithstanding any other provision in this instrument, my Agent does not have any of the following powers related to property management: to use my property to discharge the legal obligations of my Agent, including but not limited to the support of the dependents of my Agent, except for those dependents to whom I also, along with my Agent, owe a duty of support; to exercise any incident of ownership over any insurance policy that I own and that insures the life of my Agent; or to exercise powers of a trustee under an irrevocable trust of which my Agent is the settler and of which I am a trustee. k. Beneficial Use. If my Agent is not my ancestor, descendant, or spouse, my Agent MAY use my property to Agent's own benefit and/or for supporting someone to whom the Agent owes a support obligation. 6. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. I further instruct my Agent as follows: a. Sign on Behalf of any or all matters concerning IE General Engineering, Inc. 7. AMPLIFYING POWERS a. Compensation i. My Agent will be entitled to reasonable compensation for services rendered as Agent under this Durable Power of Attorney. Factors that should be considered in determining the amount of compensation are as follows: A. The time expended by my Agent B. The value of the property over which my Agent exercises control and management C. The complexity of the transactions entered into by my Agent ii. My Agent may pay the compensation from my assets, and must keep records of the services performed, the time spent in performing them, and the date and amount of each payment. b. Reimbursement for Costs and Expenses. My Agent will be entitled to reimbursement from my property for expenditures properly made in performing the services conferred by me in this instrument. My Agent must keep records of any such expenditures and reimbursements. c. Reliance by Third Parties. To induce third parties to rely on the provisions of this instrument, I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, successors, and assigns, hereby waive any privilege that may attach to information requested by my Agent in the exercise of any of the powers described in this instrument. Moreover, on behalf of my heirs, successors, and assigns, I hereby agree to hold harmless any third party who acts in reliance on this power for damages or liability incurred as a result of that reliance. d. Ratification. I ratify and confirm all that my Agent does or causes to be done under the authority granted in this instrument. All contracts, promissory notes, checks, or other bills of exchange, drafts, other obligations, stock powers, instruments, and other documents signed, endorsed, drawn, accepted, made, executed, or delivered by my Agent will bind me, my estate, my heirs, successors, and assigns. e. Exculpation of Agent. My Agent will not be liable to me or any of my successors in interest for any action taken or not taken in good faith, but will be liable for any willful misconduct or gross negligence. f. Revocation and Amendment. I revoke any and all Durable Powers of Attorney that I have executed before executing this Durable Power of Attorney. I retain the right to revoke or amend this Durable Power of Attorney and to substitute other agents in place of my Agent. Amendments to this Durable Power of Attorney must be made in writing by me personally. They must be attached to the original of this document and, if the original is recorded, must be recorded in the same county or counties as the original, although failure to record any amendment will not alter its affect, S. GENERAL PROVISIONS a. Signature of Agent. My Agent must use the following form when signing on my behalf pursuant to this Durable Power of Attorney: [Principal] by [Agent], his or her Agent. b. Severability. if any of the provisions of this instrument are found to be invalid for any reason, that invalidity will not affect any of the other provisions of this power, and all invalid provisions will be wholly disregarded. c. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws rules. d. Reliance on This Durable Power of Attorney. Any person, including my Agent, may act in reliance upon the validity of this Durable Power of Attorney or a copy of it unless that person knows it has terminated or is no longer valid. This Durable Power of Attorney is executed by me on 41-1 , in California. Name: Gene Mathew Parker Signature: SSN or TIN: Address: 37097 Winged Foot Beaumont, California 92223 Phone Number: 951-230-3735 NOTICE TO PERSON ACCEPTING THE APPOINTMENT AS ATTORNEY -IN -FACT By acting or agreeing to act as Agent (also known as Attorney -in -Fact) under this Power of Attorney, you assume the fiduciary and other legal responsibilities of an agent. These responsibilities include the following: 1. The legal duty to act solely in the interest of Principal and to avoid conflicts of interest 2. The legal duty to keep Principal's property separate and distinct from any other property owned or controlled by you You may not transfer Principal's property to yourself without full and adequate consideration or accept a gift of Principal's property unless this Power of Attorney specifically authorizes you to transfer property to yourself or accept a gift of Principal's property. If you transfer Principal's property to yourself without specific authorization in the Power of Attorney, you may be prosecuted for fraud and/or embezzlement. If Principal is 65 years of age or older at the time that the property is transferred to you without authority, you may also be prosecuted for elder abuse. In addition to criminal prosecution, you may also be sued in civil court. You must stop acting on behalf of Principal if you learn of any event that terminates this Power of Attorney or your authority under this Power of Attorney; for example, the death of Principal; Principal's revocation of this Power of Attorney or your authority; or, if you are married to Principal, a legal action is filed with a court to end your marriage, or for your legal separation, unless the Special Instructions in this Power of Attorney state that such an action will not terminate your authority. If there is anything about this document or your duties that you do not understand, you should seek legal advice. I have read the foregoing notice and I understand the legal and fiduciary duties that I assume by acting or agreeing to act as Agent (Attorney -in -Fact) under the terms of this Power of Attorney. ACCEPTANCE BY AGENT Name: Signa to Giov ni Agostino Nanci re: Dated: lq6 c NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County off i C. (date), before me, nrkt O .i 5 1r-,2vQ L (notary), personally appeared Gene Mathew Parker, who proved to me on thei basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person( whose name(s f is/are-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheXwy executed the same in his/her/4� authorized capacity(ios), and that by his/herAheir signatures) on the instrument the perso*), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal.CAR[1t,_.. Notary Public . California ZRiverside County Signature (Seal) i Commission 0a 217813,1 My Comm. Expires jan i, 2o2' a®ao - -:;t-7( CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AND FINAL RELEASE for CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FY2020-21 PROJECT NO. PW20-10 This is to certify that IE General Engineering Inc. (hereinafter the "Contractor") declares to the City of Temecula, under oath, that he/she/it has paid in full for all materials, supplies, labor, services, tools, equipment, and all other bills contracted for by the Contractor or by any of the Contractor's agents, employees or subcontractors used or in contribution to the execution of its Contract with the City of Temecula, with regard to the building, erection, construction, or repair of that certain work of improvement known as CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS FY2020-21, PROJECT NO. PW20-10, situated in the City of Temecula, State of California, more particularly described as follows Citywide Concrete Repairs FY2020-21 ADDRESS OR DESCRIBE LOCATION OF WORK The Contractor declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Contract which would constitute grounds for any third party to claim a Stop Notice against of any unpaid sums owing to the Contractor. Further, in connection with the final payment of the Contract, the Contractor hereby disputes the following amounts: Description I Dollar Amount to ❑ispute Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 7100, the Contractor does hereby fully release and acquit the City of Temecula and all agents and employees of the City, and each of them, from any and all claims, debts, demands, or cause of action which exist or might exist in favor of the Contractor by reason of payment by the City of Temecula of any contract amount which the Contractor has not disputed above. CONTRACTOR: Dated: 08/20/2021 By. Signature Gc"u, M.?W(I- V9-In(Mor Print Name and Title Item No. 19 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 2021 CALL TO ORDER at 9:05 PM: President Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS The following individual(s) addressed the Board of Directors on agendized item(s): • Lanae Turley-Trejo (Item #13) CSD CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion by Edwards, Second by Stewart. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 11. Approve Action Minutes of August 10, 2021 Recommendation: CSD BUSINESS That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of August 10, 2021. 12. Approve Long Canyon Creek Park and Wolf Creek Park as the Locations for New Mini Pump Tracks (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Council Members Alexander and Schwank) Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Long Canyon Creek Park and Wolf Creek Park as the locations for new mini pump tracks. Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion by Edwards, Second by Stewart. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 13. Approve Wolf Creek Park as the Location for the New Pickleball Courts (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Council Members Alexander and Schwank) Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Wolf Creek Park as the location for the new pickleball courts. Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion by Edwards, Second by Rahn. The vote reflected unanimous approval. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT At 9:34 PM, the Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:30 PM for a Closed Session, with a regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Zak Schwank, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Item No. 20 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 PREPARED BY: Jordan Snider, Accountant II RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021. BACKGROUND: The attached Financial Statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Temecula Community Services District for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021. Please see the attached Financial Statements for an analytical review of financial activity. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2021 2. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance — Budget and Actual for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT COMBINING BALANCE SHEET as of March 31, 2021 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Receivables TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES: Other Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES: Unavailable Revenues TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES: Restricted For: Community Services TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, and FUND BALANCES NOTE: Balances are unaudited Parks & Service Service Level Service Level Recreation Level B C Slope D Refuse Street Lights Maintenance Recycling $ 1,774,993 $ 526,820 $ 2,025,190 $ 458,908 65,076 624 6,302 72,112 $ 1,840,069 $ 527,444 $ 2,031,492 $ 531,020 $ 740,935 $ 23,213 $ 432,888 $ 3,998 740,935 23,213 432,888 3,998 40,920 - - - 40,920 - - - 1,058,214 504,231 1,598,604 527,022 1,058,214 504,231 1,598,604 527,022 $ 1,840,069 $ 527,444 $ 2,031,492 $ 531,020 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT COMBINING BALANCE SHEET as of March 31, 2021 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Receivables TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES: Other Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES: Unavailable Revenues TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES FUND BALANCES: Restricted For: Community Services TOTAL FUND BALANCES Service Level R Service Level Street Road L Lake Park Library Public Art Maintenance Maintenance Total $ 28,064 $ 407,062 $ 439,238 $ 84,218 $ 5,744,493 2,403 1,132 4,390 108 152,147 $ 30,467 $ 408,194 $ 443,628 $ 84,326 $ 5,896,640 $ - $ 20,779 $ 26,684 $ - $ 1,248,497 - 20,779 26,684 - 1,248,497 2,350 305 3,045 - 46,620 2,350 305 3,045 - 46,620 28,117 387,110 413,899 84,326 4,601,523 28,117 387,110 413,899 84,326 4,601,523 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, and FUND BALANCES $ 30,467 $ 408,194 $ 443,628 $ 84,326 $ 5,896,640 NOTE: Balances are unaudited TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL CITYWIDE OPERATIONS for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total % Amended YTD Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget Budget REVENUES: Special Tax (Measure C) $ 1,880,264 $ 1,053,975 $ - $ 1,053,975 56% Recreation Funding(Measure S) 7,897,243 5,985,777 - 5,985,777 76% Recreation Program 907,385 327,182 - 327,182 36% Investment Interest 2,800 1,889 - 1,889 67% TOTAL REVENUES 10,687,692 7,368,823 - 7,368,823 69% EXPENDITURES: General Operations 3,276,238 2,403,240 56,883 2,460,123 75% Senior Center 608,661 259,470 11,777 271,247 45% Community Recreation Center (CRC) 968,396 534,765 81,408 616,173 64% Special Events 765,405 520,503 103,739 624,242 82% Temecula Community Center (TCC) 377,639 277,021 19,126 296,147 78% Museum 411,411 276,525 51,138 327,663 80% Aquatics 1,322,120 710,304 64,226 774,530 59% Sports 298,699 134,395 58,090 192,485 64% Children's Museum 82,535 37,378 11,057 48,435 59% Community Theater 1,134,938 697,949 72,676 770,625 68% Cultural Arts 168,011 130,674 7,191 137,865 82% Human Services 226,831 96,641 5,188 101,829 45% Margarita Recreation Center 240,108 97,587 15,572 113,159 47% Jefferson Recreation Center 55,220 27,751 6,348 34,099 62% Contract Classes 340,077 145,047 2,803 147,850 43% Park Rangers 430,574 374,679 3,253 377,932 88% Responsible Compassion 603,277 432,424 37,580 470,004 78% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,310,140 7,156,353 608,055 7,764,408 69% Transfers Out - - Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Transfers (622,448) 212,470 Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 845,744 845,744 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 $ 223,296 $ 1,058,214 NOTES: (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) These variances are due to the closures and cancellations due to COVID-19 pandemic. (1) (2) (2) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SERVICE LEVEL B - RESIDENTIAL STREET LIGHTS for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total YTD % of Amended Activity Budget Budqet REVENUES: Assessments $ 640,767 $ 348,491 54% (1) Recreation Funding(Measure S) 73,168 45,730 63% (2) Investment Interest - 706 - (3) TOTAL REVENUES 713,935 394,927 55% EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages 22,718 10,048 44% (4) Street Lighting Fees 540,000 129,072 24% (4) Property Tax Admin Fees 13,005 8,943 69% (1) TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 575,723 138,212 257,367 $ 395,579 $ 148,063 26% 257,367 504,231 NOTES: (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) The variance is due to the timing of the Measure S transfer journal. (3) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (4) The cost of Street Lighting fees and Salaries has decreased due to the acquisition of the street lights from Southern CA Edison and the conversion to LED bulbs. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SERVICE LEVEL C - PERIMETER LANDSCAPING AND SLOPE MAINTENANCE for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Amended Total YTD Total % of Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget REVENUES: Assessments $ 1,586,674 $ 871,200 $ - $ 871,200 55% Investment Interest 8,995 4,647 - 4,647 52% TOTAL REVENUES 1,595,669 875,847 - 875,847 55% EXPENDITURES: Zone 1 Saddlewood 40,049 26,745 6,990 33,735 84% Zone 2 Winchester Creek 44,961 21,037 15,598 36,635 81 % Zone 3 Rancho Highlands 48,865 24,465 10,290 34,755 71 % Zone 4 The Vineyards 6,418 4,365 925 5,290 82% Zone 5 Signet Series 39,413 24,187 7,034 31,221 79% Zone 6 Woodcrest Country 29,437 19,062 6,480 25,542 87% Zone 7 Ridgeview 14,386 9,202 1,838 11,040 77% Zone 8 Village Grove 150,412 91,692 36,745 128,437 85% Zone 9 Rancho Solana 5,773 2,089 1,846 3,935 68% Zone 10 Martinique 9,497 6,379 885 7,264 76% Zone 11 Meadowview 2,376 1,540 188 1,728 73% Zone 12 Vintage Hills 108,658 74,202 16,234 90,436 83% Zone 13 Presley Development 35,532 20,648 8,833 29,481 83% Zone 14 Morrison Homes 14,833 8,857 1,509 10,366 70% Zone 15 Barclay Estates 8,975 5,675 1,526 7,201 80% Zone 16 Tradewinds 62,157 15,020 17,460 32,480 52% Zone 17 Monte Vista 2,104 1,288 214 1,502 71 % Zone 18 Temeku Hills 114,355 65,178 21,913 87,091 76% Zone 19 Chantemar 67,382 49,929 9,236 59,165 88% Zone 20 Crowne Hill 228,560 115,725 50,134 165,859 73% Zone 21 Vail Ranch 302,372 170,924 75,897 246,821 82% Zone 22 Sutton Place 4,210 2,334 486 2,820 67% Zone 23 Pheasent Run 8,332 5,112 1,154 6,266 75% Zone 24 Harveston 181,464 131,295 22,102 153,397 85% Zone 25 Serena Hills 49,975 34,524 7,287 41,811 84% Zone 26 Gallery Tradition 2,240 1,349 240 1,589 71 % Zone 27 Avondale 8,869 6,672 956 7,628 86% Zone 28 Wolf Creek 361,805 184,066 97,037 281,103 78% Zone 29 Gallery Portrait 3,005 1,559 344 1,903 63% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,956,415 1,125,120 421,381 1,546,501 79% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (360,746) (249,273) Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01/2020 1,847,877 1,847,877 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 $ 1,487,131 $ 1,598,604 NOTES: (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) The variance in expenditures is due to encumbrances that are recorded for the entire fiscal year. (1) (2) (3) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SERVICE LEVEL D - REFUSE COLLECTION, RECYCLING & STREET SWEEPING for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Assessments Recycling Program/Grant Investment Interest Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages Department of Conservation Grant Refuse Hauling Operating Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 NOTES: Annual Amended Total YTD Encumbrances Total % of Budget Budget Activity Activity $ 8,634,245 $ 4,704,505 $ - $ 4,704,505 54% 18,500 5,000 - 5,000 27% 1,200 773 - 773 64% 23,000 - - - 0% 8,676,945 4,710,278 59,460 46,045 23,000 - 8,543,282 4,269,691 60,241 15,455 8,685,983 4,331,191 (9,038) 379,087 147,935 147,935 $ 138,897 $ 527,022 - 4,710,278 54% 46,045 - 4,269,691 388 15,843 388 4,331,579 (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) Recycling grant program revenues are expected to be received by the end of FY20/21. (3) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (4) The variance in expenditures is due to the second payment to CR&R for refuse hauling services is not due until June 2021. 77% 0% 50% 26% 50% (1) (2) (3) (4) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SERVICE LEVEL R - STREETS AND ROADS for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Total YTD % of Amended Activity Budget Budqet REVENUES: Assessments Investment Interest Reimbursement Charges TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Emergency Street Maintenance Property Tax Admin Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 $ 5,532 $ 120 7,050 12,702 15,000 150 15,150 (2,448) 20,778 3,307 76 7,050 10,433 2,984 110 3,094 7,339 20,778 18,330 $ 28,117 60% (1) 63% 100% (2) 82% 20% 73% 20% NOTES: (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) The variance is due to receipt of a FEMA claim for a prior year storm event. (3) The variance is due to timing of Emergency Street Maintenance services during previous fiscal year. (3) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL SERVICE LEVEL L - LAKE PARK MAINTENANCE for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Assessments Harveston Lake Boat Fees Recover of Prior Year Expense Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages Operating Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2019 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 Annual Amended Total YTD Total % of Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget $ 246,732 $ 141,776 $ - $ 141,776 57% (1) 4,200 3,717 - 3,717 89% - 390 - 390 100% 2,300 1,274 - 1,274 55% (2) 253,232 147,157 - 147,157 58% 25,849 20,280 - 20,280 78% 245,824 158,756 61,144 219,900 89% (3) 271,673 179,036 61,144 240,180 88% (18,441) (31,879) $ 400,548 $ 387,110 NOTES: (1) Special assessment taxes are primarily received in January and May each fiscal year. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) The variance in expenditures is due to encumbrances that are recorded for Lake Park, Rehabilitation, and Landscape maintenance TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL TEMECULA LIBRARY for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 REVENUES: Library Services Recreation Funding(Measure S) Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages Operating Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 Annual Amended Budget Total YTD Activity $ 2,583 $ 2,305 847,181 529,488 2,200 917 851,964 532,710 113,419 96,499 891,133 404,964 1,004,552 501,463 (152,588) 31,247 382,652 382,652 $ 230,064 $ 413,899 Encumbrances Total % of Activity Budget $ - $ 2,305 89% - 529,488 62% - 917 42% - 532,710 63% - 96,499 85% 105,496 510,460 57% 105,496 606,959 60% NOTES: (1) The variance is due to the timing of the Measure S transfer journal. (2) The variance is due to the change in the fair value on investments and fluctuating interest rates. (3) The variance in expenditures is due to the Library being closed to the public in February 2021. (3) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, and CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL PUBLIC ART for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Annual Amended Total YTD % of Budget Activity Budget REVENUES: Public Art Revenues Investment Interest TOTAL REVENUES Other Financing Sources (Uses): Operating Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources/(Uses) Transfers Out Beginning Fund Balance as of 7/01 /2020 Ending Fund Balance as of 3/31 /2021 $ 14,578 $ 27,510 200 184 14,778 27,694 14,778 27,694 56,632 56,632 $ 71,410 $ 84,326 189% (1) 92% 187% NOTES: (1) The variance is due to higher development activity than anticipated. The Public Art In Lieu fee is calculated as one -tenth of one percent of eligible development projects in excess of $100,000.. Item No. 21 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Erica Russo, Interim Director of Community Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve a First Amendment with Garden State Fireworks, Inc. for an Additional Fireworks Display PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the First Amendment with Garden State Fireworks, Inc for additional fireworks display and increase payment in the amount of $24,750. BACKGROUND: On March 23, 2020, the Board of Directors approved a Contractor Services Agreement with Garden State Fireworks to provide Fourth of July Fireworks Displays through 2024. As we were unable to host the traditional 2021 July 41h Celebration and only offer fireworks, we are planning instead to host Chilled in the Park on December 18, 2021 at Ronald Reagan Sports Park. Chilled in the Park will include live entertainment, food vendors, a fun zone for kids and a fireworks display. Garden State Fireworks has quoted the 15-minute, musical simulcast display at a price of $24,750. Staff recommends that the Board approve this amendment to increase the scope of work to reflect an additional fireworks show and increase the contract amount to include this cost. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds for the Chilled in the Park fireworks display of $24,750 have been allocated in the Temecula Community Services District's Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Operating Budget. ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND GARDEN STATE FIREWORKS, INC. FIREWORKS DISPLAY THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of September 14, 2021 by and between the Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Garden State Fireworks, Inc., a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On March 24, 2021, the City and Contractor entered into that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Fireworks Display," in the amount of $202,700.00. b. The parties now desire to add scope of work, increase the payment in the amount of $24,750, and to amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 1 of the Agreement entitled "TERM" is hereby amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall remain and continue in effect until tasks herein are completed, but in no event later than August 1, 2024 unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3. Section 4 of the Agreement entitled "PAYMENT" at paragraph "a" is hereby amended to read as follows: The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. The FIRST Amendment amount shall not exceed Twenty -Four Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and No Cents ($24,750), for an additional Fireworks Display, for a total Agreement amount of Two Hundred Twenty -Seven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars and No Cents ($227,450). 4. Exhibits A and B to the Agreement are hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES Garden State Fireworks, Inc. DISTRICT (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By �I Y r��� aew n�av u•� r� r• n r.. u Zak Schwank, President ATTEST: By Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By By: IX Nunzio Sa re, President By: ULG Augur . Santore, Vice President Peter M. Thorson, General CONTRACTOR Counsel Garden State Fireworks, Inc. Attn: Chris Santore 383 Carlton RD Millington, NJ 07948 Csantore32agmail.corn City Purchasing Mgr. initials a�F,J�� Date: LJ'{[¢[� EXHIBIT A Tasks to be Performed An assortment of shells listed below will be fired to make a 15-minute display for the December 18, 2021 Fireworks Display. Types of shells could include the following: 3" Assorted Color and Report Shells: Red Peony Flash Reports White Peony Spider Webs Blue Peony Aqua Peony Red, White & Blue Peony Variegated Chrysanthemums Green Peony Ring Patterns Yellow Peony Purple Peony Titanium Reports Golden Willow Multi -Salutes Crackling Chrysanthemum Silver Peony Rainbow Peony Red & Blue Wave Tiger Tails Color Changing Peonies Multi -Color Combinations 4"Assorted Color and Fancv Aerial Shells: Red Peony Golden Willow White Peony Brocade Chrysanthemum Blue Peony Crackling Chrysanthemum Red, White & Blue Peony Crackling Rain Willow Green Peony Tiger Tails Yellow Peony Red Wave Lemon Peony Green Wave Orange Peony Colors w/ Palm Core Centers Aqua Peony Peonies w/ Fancy Center Pistils Rainbow Peony Whistling Shells Multi -Color Combinations Red Crossettes Titanium Reports Green Crossettes Multi -Salutes Silver Palm Trees White Strobe Tourbillions & Serpents Red Strobe Silver Crown c/c Green Color Changing Peonies Gold Kamuro c/c Blue Flash Reports Red & Green Bees Spider Webs Variegated Fish Whistling Shells Thousands of Crackling Flowers Variegated Chrysanthemums Colors to Crackling Wave Ring Patterns Dragon Eggs Golden Strobe Glittering Willows Purple Peony Color & Timed Reports �" Assorted Color and Fancy Aerial Shells: "All colors and effects listed above in 4" display section Smile Face Patterns Aqua Crossette Heart Shape Patterns Whirl Flower w/ Strobe Pistil Lemon Crossette w/ Strobe Pistil Three Color Changing Peonies Variegated Strobes GlitteringGold to Purple Thousands of Flowers Red & Blue Wave Red Falling Leaves Green & Blue Wave Blue to White Flashing Willow White w/ Red Pistil Half Red and Half Blue Peony Purple with Green Pistil Green CoconutTree Red & Green Coconut Tree 6" A,s§prfgo_ Color and Fancy Aerial Shells: "All colors and effects listed above in 4" & 5" display section Star Shape Patterns Lemon to Purple w/Purple to Lemon Pistil Sky Waterfall Red Dahlia w/ White Strobe Silver Crossette Aqua Dahlia w/ Red Strobe Pistil Crackling Crossette Red to Silver Wave w/Blue Pistil Sea Blue Peony Nishiki Kanuro Niagra Falls Purple Bees Red Strobing Nishiki Kamuro Variegated Falling Leaves Reddish Gamboge to Green Thousands of Red, White & Blue Blue Circle w/ Twice Crackling Pistil Pink Peony Multi -Color Cycas Four Color Changing Peonies Lemon w/ Magenta Circle Red Coconut Tree Aqua to Lemon w/ Lemon to Aqua Pistil Magenta Crackling Comets Aqua to Lemon w/ Lemon to Aqua Reverse Pistil Silver Cascade to Red Twilight Glitter to Purple to Green Strobe Pistil Rainbow Pastel Umbrella Blue to White Flashing Strobe Willow Gold Strobe w/Blue Pistil Silver Kam uro w/Red Strobe Pistil Golden Wave to Red to Green Brocade Diadem Chrysanthemum w/ Green Strobe Magenta to Aqua to Flash w/ Flowers Glittering Silver to Red to Blue w/ Red Strobe Pistil Gold Glittering Umbrella Gold Flitter to Lime to Orange to Purple to Aqua Crackling Nishiki Kamuro Niagra Falls w/ Blue Pistil 12/31 /2020 EXHIBIT B The Contractor agrees to submit invoices each year and agrees to the following rates and schedule: Year1 July 4, 2020 Deposit of $19,250 due June 1, 2020 Remaining balance of $19,250 due July 4, 2020 Year 2 July 4, 2021 Deposit of $19,600 due June 1, 2021 Remaining balance of $19,600 due July 4, 2021 Additional Deposit of $12,375 due November 1, 2021 Display December 18, 2021 Remaining balance of $12, 375 due December 18, 2021 Year3 July 4, 2022 Deposit of $20,000 due June 1, 2022 Remaining balance of $20,000 due July 4, 2022 Year4 July 4, 2023 Deposit of $20,750 due June 1, 2023 Remaining balance of $20,750 due July 4, 2023 Years July 4, 2024 Deposit of $21,750 due June 1, 2024 Remaining balance of $21,750 due July 4, 2024 12/31 /2020 Item No. 22 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Erica Russo, Interim Director of Community Services DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Consider Update Regarding Winter Events, Including Temecula Rod Run, Santa's Electric Light Parade, and Chilled in the Park and Provide General Direction Regarding the Same PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive an update regarding Winter events, including Temecula Rod Run, Santa's Electric Light Parade, and Chilled in the Park, and provide general direction regarding the same. BACKGROUND: Signature special events have played a role in the traditions of Temecula residents and visitors throughout our 30+ year history. Over the past 18 months, staff have used their creativity to reimagine some of these events and bring new events to life. As events return to a more normal feel, Staff is prepared and excited to offer our signature special events presented "The Temecula Way." From August 2nd through August 17th, Community Services Manager Dawn Adamiak and Assistant City Manager Kevin Hawkins met with the Mayor and Council Members one-on-one to discuss upcoming Winter Events. Included in each discussion were: - Temecula Rod Run and the reduced parking for participants due to Old Town expanded (outdoor) dining - Santa's Electric Light Parade and potential challenges with the Old Town location due to large crowds and reduced space resulting from Old Town expanded (outdoor) dining - Chilled in the Park, a new event (conceptualized as "Fourth of July in December"). Great discussion and questions arose from each meeting, and each Council Member shared his or her comments, suggestions, and/or concerns. Based on this feedback, Staff recommends the following events and asks for direction on the location of the Santa's Electric Light Parade. Temecula Rod Run: This annual, signature special event has seen its share of weather challenges over the years due to the March date coinciding with the rainy season. After the 2019 show and with Council support, staff decided to move the show to May in hopes of better weather. While the dates for 2020 had perfect weather, unfortunately we had to cancel due to the pandemic. As the pandemic restrictions continued into the Spring of 2021 it was decided to move the Rod Run to November 5-6, 2021. However, with the very successful addition of Old Town expanded (outdoor) dining, parking has become more limited for the Rod Run. Creatively the Events Team has found parking for 440 cars. In 2019 we were able to accommodate 556 participants, so we are down 116 spaces. Staff have spoken with the local car clubs and all are excited to see the return of Southern California's Premier Car Show. The event will include the Friday Cruise Night from 5pm-8pm and the Saturday Show & Shine from 9am-4pm with an anticipated crowd of 60,000 over the two days. Each Council Member independently expressed support for this event. Santa's Electric Light Parade: A magical yearly favorite is back as Santa's Electric Light Parade will once again travel through Temecula on Friday, December 3rd beginning at 7pm. In 2010 the light parade moved from Jefferson Avenue, where it had been since 1992, to Old Town Front Street. Since 2013 the parade has included the same staging/de-staging areas and parade route. Over the 11 years we have been in Old Town, we have watched the crowd expand by the thousands; with attendance now reaching close to 30,000 spectators. We have also seen a growth in school marching band participation, larger parade entries, and semi -truck type floats. In 2019 we added pedestrian fencing along the entire parade route as an added layer of safety for our spectators, participants, and staff. As the parade has grown, Old Town continues to evolve and grow as well. We have watched parking lots transform into businesses and sidewalks and parking stalls transform into Old Town expanded (outdoor) dining. With the growth in Old Town comes a loss of space for parade spectators and a narrowing of the parade route. Due to these new challenges and loss of space in Old Town, Staff presented two location recommendations (which included any safety concerns) during each briefing for discussion: Recommendation A: Keep the parade route in Old Town as it's been since 2010. Due to space constraints, however, this recommendation changes the typical parade to a walking -only parade. This means there would be no motorized vehicles of any kind (with an exception for Riverside County Sheriff). It's anticipated there would be no floats, cars, or golf carts, but bikes, scooters, wagons would be allowed. This option could restrict some participants from entering if they cannot walk the entire length of the parade route. Recommendation B: Move the parade back to Jefferson Avenue where it originally started. Staging area would remain the same, but the parade would now start at the corner of Jefferson and Del Rio and travel north on Jefferson and end at Overland with de -staging on Overland heading westbound. This option keeps the parade in the typical fashion with floats and motorized vehicles. The width of Jefferson Avenue is 71 feet, whereas Old Town Front Street is currently only 24 feet. This additional space creates a much larger safety buffer for spectators and parade entries. During the one-on-one conversations, Council Members were divided over the preferred location for the Parade. Chilled in the Park: As our past two Fourth of July celebrations had to be altered due to pandemic restrictions, it's a great time to introduce a new event for 2021 and celebrate like it's Fourth of July in December. Join us at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park on Saturday, December 18th for an afternoon and evening of fun for the family. There will be live bands performing from the main stage, food vendors, a fun zone for kids and a 15-minute fireworks display to end the evening. Each Council Member independently expressed support for this event. In conclusion, Staff recommends proceeding with the Rod Run and Chilled events as described above, and seeks direction from Council regarding the Santa's Electric Light Parade. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditures for these events have been allocated as part of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Operating Budget. ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 23 THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Board of Directors FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 PREPARED BY: Rudy J. Graciano, Fiscal Services Manager Lauren Garcia, Accounting Assistant RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2021. BACKGROUND: The attached Financial Statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021. Please see the attached Financial Statements for analytical review of financial activity. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Statement of Fiduciary Net Position as of March 31, 2021. 2. Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position -for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021. STATEMENT OF FIDUCIARY NET POSITION As of March 31, 2021 Successor Agency to the Former RDA ASSETS: Cash, Restricted and Investments $ 13,969,407 Receivables 2,685 Prepaid Insurance 1,244,335 Land Held for Resale 98,484 Land 3,819,107 Property, Plant, and Equipment (net of accumulated depreciation) 23,596,446 TOTAL ASSETS $ 42,730,464 DEFERRED OUTFLOW OF RESOURCES: Deferred Amounts on Refundings $ 5,819,140 TOTAL DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 5,819,140 LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable $ 20,000 Advances from City-SERAF 5,250,954 Accrued Interest Payable 908,157 Net Bonds Payable 75,782,310 (1) TOTAL LIABILITIES 81,961,421 NET POSITION/(DEFICIT): TOTAL NET POSITION/(DEFICIT) $ (33,411,817) (2) NOTES: Note: Amounts are unaudited (1) Net Bonds Payable includes the TABs 2017 Refunding Bonds and related unamortized bond premiums/discounts. (2) The deficit balance is primarily attributed to SARDA long term debt, which will be reduced when future revenues are received and matched with their annual debt service payments. SARDA STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIDUCIARY NET POSITION For the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2021 Successor Agency to the Former RDA ADDITIONS: Investment Earnings $ 8,033 Reimbursement - Operating Transfer In 0 Bond Premium - Bond Proceeds - Property Tax Distribution 3,884,182 TOTAL ADDITIONS 3,892,215 DEDUCTIONS: Affordable Housing Obligations 295,000 Debt Service - Principal - Interest 2,391,285 Depreciation 884,998 Operations 3,740 Bond Insurance Premium 51,573 Operating Transfers Out 125,000 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 3,751,595 Change in Net Position 140,620 Net Position/(Deficit) as of July 1, 2020 (33,552,437) Net Position/(Deficit) as of March 31, 2021 $ (33,411,817) (1) Note: Amounts are unaudited (1) The deficit balance is primarily attributed to SARDA long term debt, which will be reduced when future revenues are received and matched with their annual debt service payments. Item No. 24 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE: September 14, 2021 SUBJECT: Approve the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) PREPARED BY: Brandon Rabidou, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE 2020-21 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) WITH THE ADDITION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SUBMIT THE REPORT TO THE US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) BACKGROUND: As an entitlement grantee for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, the City of Temecula is required to prepare a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to analyze and summarize program accomplishments of the preceding program year. The CAPER assesses the City's progress towards completing activities identified in the Annual Action Plan, which covers the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The CAPER also reports progress in meeting the overall Five -Year Consolidated Plan goals and priorities and identifies areas for improvement through self -evaluations and HUD performance reviews. The CAPER is an annual report required by HUD. Typically, it is to be completed within 90 days after the close of the fiscal year. All funding allocations and projects summarized in the annual report have been previously approved by City Council throughout the reporting period. ASSESSMENT OF FAIR HOUSING ACCOMPLISHMENTS In July 2015, HUD updated its guidelines on affirmatively furthering fair housing. The update obligates HUD grantees to analyze fair housing and set locally determined fair housing goals through the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH). The 2017-2021 City of Temecula Assessment of Fair Housing included four goals and associated action items intended to remove barriers to fair housing in the community. These strategies, which have been approved by HUD, have been incorporated into the Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans. Overall progress for the entire Consolidated Plan cycle is summarized below. Goal 1: Amend the Zoning Code to promote the development of affordable housing. Action Item: The Affordable Housing Overlay and Density Bonus Ordinance were adopted on September 25, 2018. Action Item: The City Council approved the 245-unit Cypress Ridge (now Rancho Soleo) project, which will offer options for families with special needs. Action Item: The City Council approved the Altair Specific Plan for the construction of up to 1,750 dwelling units, which allows for micro -units and accessory dwelling units. Goal 2: Increase and preserve affordable units for renters and homeowners. Action Item: The City partnered with Affirmed Housing to re-syndicate/rehabilitate Mission Village apartments. The project is estimated to be completed by end of 2020. The re -syndication will preserve the affordable units for an additional 55 years. As a part of the deal, the City also received an additional $1.3 million in affordable housing funds. Action Item: City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement with Temecula Pacific Associates on June 25, 2019 for the construction of 60 affordable housing units. The City will make both a land and a financial contribution to the project. Action Item: City Council approved a $10.1 million loan agreement with Community Housing Works for the construction of 77 affordable units in the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan area. Action Item: The City has translated its affordable housing brochure into Spanish. In addition, the City's website can be translated into 104 different languages. Action Item: The City funded four critical home maintenance repairs for low and moderate - income owner -occupants in 2019-20, with 31 over the life of the program. Action Item: On May 22, 2018, the City agreed to participate in the two-year County's Mortgage Certificate Program. Action Item: The City entered into an agreement with BRIDGE Housing for the installation of a photovoltaic system to reduce utility costs for Madera Vista. Action Item: Madera Vista, a 100% affordable housing development, completed the third and final phase of construction. Action Item: Rancho California Apartments have been completely rehabilitated and re - syndicated, adding an additional 55 years to the term of their affordability. Action Item: Las Haciendas was approved with 77 affordable units. Rancho Highlands (Arrive) was approved with 55 affordable units. Goal 3: Provide greater access to public facilities for persons with disabilities. Action Item: The Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Transition Plan is complete. Action Item: Construction of the Ynez Road and Mercedes sidewalk projects are complete. Action Item: The replacement of the Old Town Boardwalks is complete. Goal 4: Provide equal housing opportunities for protected classes Action Item: The City funded a fair housing program offered by the Fair Housing Council, which served 744 Temecula residents during the Program Year 2020-2021. Action Item: The City conducted a presentation on fair housing at Temecula Trekkers on August 15, 2018. Action Item: The City has a provided a link on its website to fair housing information and has disseminated fair housing information at various City facilities. CONSOLIDATED PLAN ACCOMPLISHMENTS During the 2020-21 Fiscal Year, the City of Temecula funded eight (8) public services, one (1) project from the ADA Compliance Program, and one (1) housing rehabilitation program. The City also provided one-on-one training to the public service providers, conducted desktop monitoring for its sub -recipient, and performed oversight of fiscal systems to track progress of the CDBG grant program. Accomplishments from the program year include the following: • In conjunction with the Fair Housing Council, provided fair housing services by assisting 744 clients, including 742 landlord -tenant mediation services and 2 anti -discrimination complaints • Provided 45 low- and moderate -income youth with clothing and school supplies through the Assistance League • Completed 7 housing rehabilitation projects through the Habitat for Humanity Critical Home Maintenance and Repair Improvement Program, for a total of 38 housing units over the life of the program • Served 53 persons experiencing homelessness, or those at risk of homelessness, through the City's Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program • Operated the City's Help Center to provide homelessness services • Provided hospice care through Hospice of the Valleys for 48 elderly persons • Assisted 73 victims of domestic violence through SAFE Family Justice Center • Provided case management for 105 persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness through Community Mission of Hope • Provided direct advocacy for 4 foster children through Voices for Children • Provided before and after school care for 7 children through the Boys & Girls Club • Provided COVID-19 relief funds to 35 small businesses through the Temecula Assist Program • Developed and implemented the Temecula Mortgage and Rental Assistance Program NOTICING A Notice of Public Hearing and the commencement of the 15-day public review period was published in the Press Enterprise on August 30, 2021, informing the public of the proposed adoption of the 2020-21 CAPER. FISCAL IMPACT: The timely submittal of the CAPER to HUD enables the City to continue to receive and distribute entitlement funds on an annual basis. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Exhibit A — Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report 3. Notice of Public Hearings (English and Spanish) RESOLUTION NO. 2021- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE 2020-21 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) WITH THE ADDITION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SUBMIT THE REPORT TO THE US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. A. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 11-42 on June 14, 2011 initiating the City to obtain entitlement community status from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and authorized the Director of Community Development to prepare and return for City Council approval all documents required for the designation as an entitlement city, including a Five -Year Consolidated Plan, an Action Plan, a Citizen Participation Plan, an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, and a Community Development Needs Assessment; B. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 11-78 on November 1, 2011, approving a Citizen Participation Plan that sets forth the City's policies and procedures for citizen participation in the development of its Five -Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plans, Annual Performance Reports, and any substantial amendments deemed necessary for direct administration of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. C. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 12-30 on April 10, 2012, approving the Five -Year Consolidated Plan required by HUD for the City to receive federal CDBG funds each year. D. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 17-24 on April 25, 2017 approving the 2017-21 Five -Year Consolidated Plan required by HUD to receive federal CDBG funds each year. E. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 2020-74 on April 28, 2020 approving the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan. F. The Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for 2020-21 has been prepared as required by HUD. G. The CAPER is an annual report that reviews the success of the City in achieving the goals outlined in the 2017-2021 Five -Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. H. The City is required to submit this report because of its annual receipt of CDBG funds. I. The City Council considered the CAPER at a publicly noticed meeting on September 14, 2021, and the City Council considered all information related to this matter, including any information and comments provided during the public review period or at the public meeting. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER), attached as Exhibit A; the City Manager or the City Manager's duly authorized designee is hereby authorized to insert into Exhibit A, a summary of public input provided during the meeting of September 14, 2021; delegates authority to the City Manager, or the City Manager's duly authorized designee, to submit the documents to HUD. Section 3. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of September, 2021. Maryann Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk, of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of September, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Exhibit A - 2020-21 CAPER 00* ''1 I The Heart of Southern California Wine Country 2020-21 Program Year Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 September 2021 This page is intentionally left blank. Table of Contents CR-05 Goals and Outcomes............................................................................................................ 1 CR-10 Racial and Ethnic Composition of (person/households/families) Assisted ....................... 10 CR-15 Resources and Investments................................................................................................ 11 CR-20 Affordable Housing............................................................................................................. 14 CR-25 Homeless and Other Special Needs................................................................................... 17 CR-30 Public Housing.................................................................................................................... 21 CR-35 Other Actions...................................................................................................................... 22 CR-40 Monitoring.......................................................................................................................... 28 CR-45 CDBG................................................................................................................................... 30 Appendices AppendixA — Public Notices........................................................................................................... A Appendix B — Summary of Citizen Participation Comments........................................................... B Appendix C — City Discretionary Community Services Grants ....................................................... C AppendixD — IDIS Reports.............................................................................................................. D City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER i This page is intentionally left blank. CR-05 Goals and Outcomes Progress the jurisdiction has made in carrying out its strategic plan and its action plan. 91.520(a) This document represents the City of Temecula's 2020-21 Program Year Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) related to the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Pursuant to the federal regulations applicable to the CDBG Program, the CAPER is prepared annually to evaluate the City's overall progress and performance in meeting the priority activities identified within its Strategic Plan and Annual Action Plan. The CAPER provides the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the public, and the City an opportunity to review Temecula's housing and community development accomplishments for the 2020-21 Program Year, with a special focus on those activities funded by the CDBG program. The City funded ten (10) public service activities, one (1) capital improvement project, and one (1) housing rehabilitation program in the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan. Some of the specific accomplishments for the 2020-21 Program Year include: • In conjunction with the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, a fair housing services program assisted 744 clients which comprised of 742 landlord -tenant mediation services and processing 2 anti -discrimination complaints. • Completed the replacement of the boardwalks in Old Town, implementing ADA accessible sidewalks. This Project is fully closed out with this CAPER. • Designed improvements to the Community Center to comply with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. • Provided 45 underserved low- and moderate -income youth with new clothing and school supplies through the Assistance Leagues Operation School Bell Program. • Completed 7 housing rehabilitation projects through the Habitat for Humanity Critical Home Maintenance and Repair Improvement Program, for a total of 38 housing units over the life of the program with an anticipated 6 more to be completed in program year 2021- 22. • Served 53 persons experiencing homelessness, or those at risk of homelessness, through the City's Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program. • City staff from the Community Services Department operated the City's Help Center to provide homeless services. • Provided case management for 105 persons experiencing homelessness or at -risk of homeless through Community Mission of Hope. • Provided hospice care through Hospice of the Valleys for 48 elderly persons. 1 • Assisted 96 domestic violence victims through two public service agencies. SAFE Family Justice Center provided assistance to 73 clients and Riverside Rape Crisis Center provided assistance to 23 clients. • Provided direct advocacy for 4 foster children through the Voices for Children program. • Provided before and after school care for 7 low-income children through the Boys and Girls Club. COVID-19 Allocations In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and it was signed into law on March 27, 2020, authorizing $2.2 trillion for a variety of measures to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the CARES Act, HUD provided special allocations of CDBG funds to the City of Temecula. In total, the City received $1,193,916 of CDBG-CV funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic as follows: CDBG-CV $1,193,916 Total: $1,193,916 CDBG-CV funds were used by the City of Temecula to address health, and housing needs of Temecula residents. Pursuant to the CARES Act, HUD awarded formula grant allocations of CDBG-CV funds to CDBG entitlement jurisdictions in two funding rounds. Several months elapsed between funding announcements. Accordingly, it was necessary for the City to amend its 2020-2021 Action Plan two times over a one-year period to receive CARES Act funds. CDBG-CV funds must be fully spent by June 24, 2026. The City of Temecula made significant progress toward each expenditure goal during the 2020-2021 Program Year by assisting 33 small businesses through the Temecula Assist Program and designed and implemented its Temecula MRAP (Mortgage and Rental Assistance Program) for those impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Table 1 provides a summary of the five-year and one-year accomplishments forthe period ending June 30, 2021, arranged by each of the Strategic Plan Goals included in the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan of the Consolidated Plan for the CDBG Program. Comparison of the proposed versus actual outcomes for each outcome measure submitted with the consolidated plan and explain, if applicable, why progress was not made toward meeting goals and objectives. 91.520(g) There were four capital improvement projects that were not closed out during the program year. The status of those projects is as follows: • Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground: The City has returned the funds to its line of credit for being unable to achieve a national objective when the project was canceled K due to the contractor not completing the work. The repayment was scheduled and completed in September 2020. Returned funds to the City's line of credit with HUD will be reprogrammed as part of the City's substantial amendment. • Old Town Boardwalk Enhancement 17-16: Construction completed. Final processing to be completed in 2020-21 Program Year. The Substantial Amendment was processed to add funds to this activity. • The City's ADA Westside Business Park Improvement project was awarded contract and is anticipated to be completed in program year 2021-22 • Public Facilities ADA Improvements Phase 1 18-16: The project is in the design phase and anticipated to be completed in program year 2021-22. 3 Table 1- Accomplishments — Strategic Plan & Program Year to Date 5-Year Strategic Plan 2020-21 Program Year 4 2020-21 PY Unit of Goal Category Indicator Percent Percent Amount Measure Expected Actual Expected Actual Complete Complete Affordable Local: $12.4 Affordable million Housing Housing Housing Units Provided 100 0 0% 0 0 0% Housing CDBG: Units Development $0 Owner Occupied Housing Affordable CDBG: Housing Rehabilitation Households 15 25 167% 5 7 140% Preservation Housing $50,000 Provided Fair Housing Affordable CDBG: Households Served Households 1,750 1,949 111% 360 744 207% Services Housing $20,000 Services for Low- and Non -Housing Moderate - Community CDBG: Public Services Provided Persons 600 359 60% 50 52 104% $10,982 Income Development Residents Services for Non -Housing Persons with Community CDBG: Public Services Provided Persons 300 347 116% 45 100 222% $21,964 Special Needs Development Services to the CDBG: homeless and $25,491 Homeless Persons Homeless Persons 350 611 175% 118 158 134% those at risk of Local Funds: Served homelessness $632,440 Disabled persons served Services to seniors and Seniors CDBG: Persons 160 146 91/ 30 48 160% $5,491 veterans City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 5-Year Strategic Plan 2020-21 Program Year 4 Goal Category 2020-21 PY Indicator Unit of Percent Percent Amount Measure Expected Actual Expected Actual Complete Complete Neighborhood Infrastructure Non -Housing Neighborhood, public and Public Community CDBG: facilities and Public 30,000 11,335 38% 6,685 0 0% $313,695 Facilities Facility Development Infrastructure improved Improvements Small business Non -Housing creation and Community CDBG: $0 Businesses Assisted Businesses 24 18 75% 8 N/A N/A expansion Development Affordable Housing AFH: Land use Affordable Overlay Zone and CDBG: $0 Other 2 2 100% - and zoning laws Housing Density Bonus Ordinances Adopted AFH: Non -Homeless CDBG: $0 One Plan Adopted Other 1 1 100% - - Inaccessibility Special Needs Planning and CDBG: Planning $111,906 Other Other - - - - - Administration City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER Assess how the jurisdiction's use of funds, particularly CDBG, addresses the priorities and specific objectives identified in the plan, giving special attention to the highest priority activities identified. As shown in Table 1, during the 2020-21 Program Year, the City and its housing and community development partners made substantial progress with its 2020-21 Program Year activities as well as its multi -year activities that were continued from the previous Program Years. All CDBG- funded activities addressed specific high priority objectives identified in the 2017-2021 Consolidated Plan. One of the highest priorities in the Consolidated Plan and Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) was to address Neighborhood Infrastructure and Public Facility needs. During the 2020-21 Program Year, the emphasis of the City's CDBG program was completing the installation or replacement of sidewalks to address the needs of low- and moderate -income persons as well as persons with disabilities. A second sidewalk project, the replacement of the wooden boardwalks in Old Town, was completed in July 2020. The removal of the boardwalks will eliminate barriers to those with disabilities. The preservation of the City's housing stock is another high priority of the CDBG program. In the 2020-21 Program Year, the City provided CDBG funds to Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley (HFHIV) for its Critical Home Maintenance and Repair Program. HFHIV was able to commit and expend all their remaining 2019-20 Program Year funds and was able to spend a large portion of the funds allocated in 2020-21. Because it is a capital improvement funded project funds are carried over. The small remaining balance from 2020-21 funds will be spent in the 2021-22 program year along with its upcoming funds that it was awarded in 2021-22. Seven housing units were completed during the 2020-21 Program Year. Six additional housing units are in the process and anticipated completion in program year 2021-22. Local community business organizations funded in program year 2020-21were able to address a variety of public service needs for Temecula residents. This was accomplished by funding the following ten public service programs: • Fair housing services through the Fair Housing Council • Clothing and school supplies for lower income student through the Temecula Valley Assistance League • Service to the homeless and those at risk of being homeless through the City's Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program • Case management for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness through Community Mission of Hope • Hospice care to the elderly through Hospice of the Valleys • Assistance to victims of domestic violence through SAFE Family Justice Center and Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center • Advocacy services for foster children through Voices for Children • Service dogs to persons with disability through Canine Support Teams • Before and after school care through the Boys and Girls Club City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 6 The City identified four goals in the 2017 Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) and made progress during the 2020-21 Program Year toward achieving those goals. See previous CAPER for additional accomplishments in achieving its five-year goals. Goal 1: Amend Zoning Code to promote the development of affordable housing. • City Council adopted the Affordable Housing Overly Zone and Density Bonus Ordinance on September 25, 2018. • The City Council also adopted an accessory dwelling unit ordinance. Goal 2: Increase and preserve affordable units for renters and homeowners. • The City has been actively negotiating with developers for the use of the $12.4 million of Tax Allocation Bond (TAB) proceeds. City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement with Temecula Pacific Associates on June 25, 2019 for the provision of 60 affordable housing units in the Vine Creek Apartment complex. The City is making both a land and a financial contribution to the project. The project is waiting for funding commitments from the State to begin construction. • The Rancho Highlands (Arrive) project was approved with 55 units (in addition to market rate units) in October 2020. • The City approved a $10 million loan agreement to construct 77 housing units in the Las Haciendas apartment complex. • The City has translated its affordable housing brochure into Spanish. In addition, the City's website can be translated into 104 different languages. • The City funded four critical home maintenance repairs for LMI owner -occupants. • On March 14, 2020, the City closed a deal with Affirmed Housing to re -syndicate and rehabilitate the Mission Village apartments. It is expected that the project will be completed in 2020. The re -syndication will preserve the affordable units for an additional 55 years. As part of the negotiations, the City also received an additional $1.3 million in affordable housing funds. • In 2019-20 Program Year, the City extended its participation in a two-year County's Mortgage Certificate Program. • The City entered into an agreement with BRIDGE Housing for the installation of a photovoltaic system to reduce utility costs for the affordable housing development. Goal 3: Provide greater access to public facilities and improvements for persons with disabilities. • The City completed its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and is currently prioritizing action items. The construction of one sidewalk project and the contract award of an upcoming ADA Westside Business Park project will provide improved access for persons with disabilities. Goal 4: Provide equal housing opportunities for protected classes • The City funded a robust fair housing program offered by the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, which served 744 Temecula residents during the 2020-21 Program Year. City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 7 Due to COVID-19, the Fair Housing Council saw a spike in their requests for service. The agency worked overtime and adjusted their service model to account for remote access to residents, and providing virtual workshops and meetings to address this need. • The City has a provided a link on its website to fair housing information and has disseminated fair housing information at various City facilities. • The City conducted a presentation on fair housing at Temecula Trekkers in the 2018-19 Program Year. Figure 1— Use of 2020-21 CDBG Funds Strategic Plan Goal /Activity Source Allocation Spent in 2020-21 Spent through 5/30/21 Percent Spent 1. Affordable Housing Development None Subtotal $ $ $ - - 2. Housing Preservation (14A) 2019 Critical Home Maintenance /Repair CDBG $ 40,000.00 $ 3,494.17 $ 40,000.00 100% 2020 Critical Home Maintenance /Repair CDBG $ 50,000.00 $ 46,965.00 $ 46,965.00 94% Subtotal $ 90,000.00 $ 50,449.17 $ 86,965.00 97% 3. Fair Housing Services 2020 Fair Housing Services (051) CDBG $ 20,00W)0 $ 18,977.25 $ 18,977.25 95% Subtotal $ 20,000.00 $ 18,977.25 $ 18,977.25 95% 4. Services for Low and Moderate Income Persons 2020 Assi sta n ce League of Temecula Valley (0513) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% 2020 Boys and Girls Club (051)) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% Subtotal $ 10,992.00 $ 10,992.00 $ 10,992.00 100% S. Services for Resid ent for Speci al N e eds 2020 SAFE (05G) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% 2020 Voices far Children (05N) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% 2020 Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% 2020 Canine Support Teams (05B) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ - $ - 0% Subtotal $ 21,964.00 $ 16,473.00 $ 16,473.00 75% 6. Services for the Hom el ess a nd At -Risk of Homelessness 2020 Community Mission of Hope (05W) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% 2020 Homeless Preve nti on/Dive rsi an (05W) CDBG $ 20,000.00 $ 19,924.61 $ 19,924.61 100% Subtotal $ 25,491.00 $ 25,415.61 $ 25,415.61 100% 7. Services for Seniors and Veterans 2020 Hospice of the Valley (05M) CDBG $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% Subtotal $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 $ 5,491.00 100% It Public Faci I iti es a nd Infrastructure Improvements 2017 Old Town Boardwalk Enhancement 17-16 CDBG $ 536,959.95 $ 536,959.95 $ 536,958.95 100% 2018 Public Facilities ADA Improvements Ph 118-16 CDBG $ 323,660.00 $ 53,787.92 $ 53,787.92 17% 2020 Public Facilities ADA Improvements Ph 11 CDBG $ 313,695.00 $ - $ - 0% Subtotal $1,174,313.95 $ SW,746.87 $ 59g746.87 50% 9. Small Business Creation and Expansion None CDBG $ - $ - $ - - 10. Planning and Administration 2020 CDBG Administration CDBG $ 111,906.00 $ 97,032.02 $ 97,032.02 8795 Subtotal $ 111,906.00 $ 97,032.02 $ 97,032.02 87% CDBG Totals $1,460,147.95 $ 815,566.92 $ 852,082.75 59% Note: No CDBG funds were set aside to address Strategic Plan Goals No. 1 (Affordable Housing Development), No. 10 (Amend land use and zoning) and No. 11 (Inaccessibility). City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 8 Figure 2 —Program Year Accomplishments by Strategic Plan Goal Strategic Plan Goal %Activity Unit of pleasure Expected Actual Percent 2. Housing Preservation (14A) 2020 Critical Home Maintenance /Repa'r -ioase-lods 3 Subtotal 5 7 140` 3. Fair Housing Services 2020 Fair Housing Services (05J) Dersons 360 744 207% subtotal 360 744 207% 4. Services for Low and Moderate Income Persons 2020Assistance League of Temecula Malley (05D) Dersons 44 45 102% 2020 Boys and Girls Club �05D) Dersons 5 7 117% subtotal s0 52 104% S. Servicesfor ResidentforSpecial Needs 2020SAFE (056) Persons 30 73 243% 20201foicesfor Children (05N) Persons 3 4 133% 2020 Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center Persons 10 23 230% 2020 Canine Support Teams (05B) Persons 2 0 0% Subtotal 45 100 M% .6. Services for the Homelessand At -Risk of Homelessness 2020 Community Mission of Hope (05W) Persons 70 105 150% 2020 Homeless Prevention/Diversion (05W) Persons 49 53 110% Subtotal 11g 15g 134% 7. Services for Seniors and Veterans 2020 Hospice of the Valley (05M) Persons 30 49 160% Subtotal 30 49 16096 g. Public Faci I iti es a nd Infrastructure Improvements 2017 Old Town Boardwalk Enhancement 17-16 Public Facility 1,703 1,703 100% 2018 Public Facilities ADA Improvements Ph 1 18-16 Persons 2,090 0 0% 2020 Public Facilities ADA Improvements Ph II Public Facility 1 0 0% subtotal 3,793 1,703 45% 9. Small Business Creation and Expansion No established goals Businesses 0 0 0% Subtotal 0 0 096 City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 9 CR-10 - Racial and Ethnic composition of families assisted Describe the families assisted (including the racial and ethnic status of families assisted). 91.520(a) Table 2a — Table of assistance to racial and ethnic populations by source of funds (housing units) CDBG White 6 Black or African American 1 Asian 0 American Indian or American Native 0 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 Multi-Racial/Other 0 Total 7 Hispanic 0 Not Hispanic 7 Table 2b — Table of assistance to racial and ethnic populations by source of funds (public services) CDBG White 783 Black or African American 1s1 Asian 42 American Indian or American Native 8 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 3 Multi -Racial 6 Other 109 Total 1102 Hispanic 484 Not Hispanic 618 Narrative Tables 2a and 2b provide aggregate data for the combined number of people, families, households or housing units served reported during the 2020-21 Program Year based on accomplishment data from all CDBG activities. Based on the information in these tables, a diverse array of persons, families, households or housing unit occupants benefitted from CDBG-funded housing or public service projects during the 2020-21 Program Year. City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 10 CR-15 - Resources and Investments 91.52O(a) Identify the resources made available Table 3 - Resources Made Available Source of Funds Resources Made Amount Expended Available During Program Year CDBG $559,529 $316,692.15 Narrative The resources described in Table 3 above included $559,529 in 2020-2021 CDBG formula grant funds. (The expended amount in the above table includes funds for carryover projects allocated in prior years as listed in Figure 1.) The City did not receive any CDBG program income. Under the CARES Act, HUD provided special allocations of CDBG funds to the City of Temecula. In total, the City received $1,193,916 of CDBG-CV funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic as follows: CDBG-CV $1,193,916 Total: $1,193,916 Identify the geographic distribution and location of investments Table 4 — Identify the geographic distribution and location of investments Planned Actual Target Area Percentage of Percentage of Narrative Description Allocation Allocation Public services mostly serve low- and Citywide 0% 0% moderate -income clients who live in target areas. Low- and Moderate- Public works projects are exclusively in 100 % 100 Income Areas low- and moderate -income areas. Narrative For the 2020-21 Program Year, the City expended $316,692.15 of its CDBG funds on Public Facilities and Infrastructure activities designed to benefit persons with disabilities on a citywide basis; however, the activities were also located in one of the City's low- and moderate -income areas. City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 11 Leveraging Explain how federal funds leveraged additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements were satisfied, as well as how any publicly owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that were used to address the needs identified in the plan. To address the housing and community development needs in Temecula, the City leveraged its CDBG entitlement grant with a variety of funding resources to maximize the effectiveness of available funds. To address the needs of the homeless population, the City used CDBG funds to expand its Responsible Compassion Program. In 2020-21, the City fund contribution for that program was $632,440. In addition, the City has been utilizing an existing City -owned building (the Help Center) to house the Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program. The CDBG-funded SAFE program is housed in a City -owned building for a nominal fee. The City leveraged CDBG funds with $30,000 of the City's Community Services funding for the various public services organizations. See Appendix C. To meet its affordable housing construction goals, the City Council approved a Disposition and Development Agreement with Temecula Pacific Associates on June 25, 2019 for the provision of 60 affordable housing units known as the Vine Creek Apartments utilizing its Tax Allocation Bond proceeds. Entitlements for this project are complete. In addition to a financial contribution, the City will contribute publicly owned land to this project. The City has also committed $10.1 million of its Tax Allocation Bond proceeds for the construction of a 77-unit apartment complex known as Las Haciendas. Also during the program year, The Rancho Highlands (Arrive) project was approved with 55 units (in addition to market rate units) in October 2020. Relocation and Real Property Acquisition — Indicate the number of persons displaced, the cost of relocation payments, the number of parcels acquired, and the cost of acquisition No persons were displaced or relocated because of the CDBG-funded projects. The City did not use any CDBG funds to acquire property. Table 5 — Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Parcels Acquired 0 $0 Businesses Displaced 0 $0 Nonprofit Organizations Displaced 0 $0 Households Temporarily Relocated, not Displaced 0 $0 City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 12 Minority Property Enterprises White Alaskan Households Asian or Displaced Total Native or Pacific Black Non- Hispanic Non - American Hispanic Hispanic Islander Indian Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 13 CR-20 - Affordable Housing 91.52O(b) Evaluation of the jurisdiction's progress in providing affordable housing, including the number and types of families served, the number of extremely low-income, low-income, moderate - income, and middle -income persons served. Table 6 — Number of Households One -Year Goal Actual Number of homeless households to be provided 0 0 affordable housing units Number of non -homeless households to be 0 0 provided affordable housing units Number of special -needs households to be 0 0 provided affordable housing units Total 0 0 Table 7 Number of Households Supported One -Year Goal Actual Number of households supported through rental 0 0 assistance Number of households supported through the 0 0 production of new units Number of households supported through the 5 7 rehab of existing units Number of households supported through the 0 0 acquisition of existing units Total 5 7 Discuss the difference between goals and outcomes and problems encountered in meeting these goals. All housing rehabilitation activities under the Habitat for Humanity Critical Home Repair Maintenance Program were completed by the end of the program year even with COVID-19 access restrictions. With adjusting to the stay-at-home orders early on in the pandemic to entering and rehabilitating the home in safe manner being alongside the homeowner Habitat was able to successfully meet its goal of completing 7 rehabilitations on a goal of S. One subrecipient — Canine support teams was unfortunately not able to meet contractual accomplishments and did not submit any requests for reimbursements during the program year. The City will reprogram these unused public service dollars into the next action plan as part of an upcoming capital improvement project. City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 14 The ADA project for Public Facilities Phase I is in the design stage and is expected to be completed in the 2021-22 Program Year. Delays due to the global COVID-19 pandemic cause large delays in having the appropriate job walks, pre -bid meetings and anticipated use of materials on backorder continue to plague all construction projects as firms continue to update procedures as to how workers continue key construction work during pandemic. No goals were set for the development of new affordable housing in 2020-21 Program Year with CDBG dollars; however, the City made substantial progress in meeting its five-year affordable housing goals. The City has approved two housing projects that would utilize the $12.4 million of Tax Allocation Bond (TAB) proceeds. The City fulfilled several of its goals for its FY 2020-2021 Action Plan in accordance with the FY 2017-2021 Consolidated Plan including the approved substantial amendment during FY 2020- 2021 that identified additional funding that the City received due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic. Because this pandemic hit the entire nation, local jurisdictions and its community - based organizations were forced to pivot their programs to respond to but also prevent the virus during various lockdowns and stay at home orders issued by the State of California. Temecula CDBG programs and its community -based organizations found creative and effective ways to still serve its residents through their programs. The City looks forward to continuing its relationships with its CBOs through upcoming CDBG fiscal years as they continue to be an important part of any successful federal program. Discuss how these outcomes will impact future annual action plans. The substantial amendment to its FY 2017-2021 Consolidated Plan impacted the FY 2020-2021 annual action plan through additional funding that the City received due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic. The City and its subrecipients continue to work toward effective programing that generates safe and effective results for its residents. With the advancements of technology and work functions that allow for remote accessibility, the City and its CBOs are able to deliver services that are well needed for its residents. This continuation of upgrading through the "new norm" is anticipated to continue through the next several annual action plans as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to be addressed. Include the number of extremely low-income, low-income, and moderate -income persons served by each activity where information on income by family size is required to determine the eligibility of the activity. Table 8 — Number of Families or Households Served Number of Families or Households Served CDBG Actual Extremely Low-income 1 Low-income 2 Moderate -income 4 Total 7 City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 1s Narrative Information The 2017-2021 Consolidated Plan -Strategic Plan identified high priority affordable housing needs including preserving the supply of affordable housing to lower -income households. During 2020- 21 Program Year, the City provided an additional seven housing rehabilitation grants to low- income households through the Habitat for Humanity (HFHIV) Critical Home Maintenance and Repair Program. An anticipated 6 additional units are currently underway in the application phase that would be utilizing the remainder of their 2020-21 Program Year CDBG grant and carry into the use of their already allocated 2021-2022 funds. In an effort to address worst -case needs, the City gave highest priority in addressing the needs based on its strategic plan goals by focusing its capital improvement projects on removing barriers to those with disabilities. The City looks to continue its progress on its capital improvement projects in the 2021-22 program year. The City has also identified homelessness as a worst -care need and allocated CDBG funds for the Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program. To address its affordable housing shortage and foster and maintain affordable housing, the City continued to fund its Home Maintenance and Repair Program in addition to negotiating with developers for the use of the $12.4 million of Tax Allocation Bond (TAB) proceeds, as mentioned above. In addition, the City has adopted an affordable housing overlay zone, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance and participates in the County's mortgage certificate program. The City continues to work with developers to streamline project approvals, as appropriate. City of Temecula 2020-2021 CAPER 16 CR-25 - Homeless and Other Special Needs 91.220(d, e); 91.320(d, e); 91.520(c) Evaluate the jurisdiction's progress in meeting its specific objectives for reducing and ending homelessness through: Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their individual needs Using CDBG funds through its the Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program, the City assisted 53 persons and families that were homeless or at risk of homelessness by providing services and financial assistance to help them retain or return to permanent housing. Due to Covid-19, the City was unable to conduct two of its homeless outreach days that would have provided case management, dental, medical, and job search services to individuals experiencing homelessness. However, the City's Help Center continued addressing homelessness remained open through the entire pandemic and has continued to operate since its official grand opening celebration on August 20, 2018. The Help Center provided resources, hand sanitizer, and masks for those individuals living on the streets as supplies were made available. The City of Temecula developed the Responsible Compassion program in 2014. This program is a multi -pronged approach to assist those in need within the City of Temecula. The primary focus is those experiencing homelessness. The City works collaboratively to provide the necessary resources to assist these individuals on the road to self-sufficiency. The program is comprised of one full-time city staff member, one part-time city staff member, one sergeant, and four full-time Ri