HomeMy WebLinkAbout041001 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE APRIL 10, 2001 -7:00 P.M. At approximately 9:45 P.M., the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 P.M. and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Prelude Music: Invocation: Flag Salute: ROLL CALL: Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 2001-06 Resolution: No. 2001-24 Mayor Jeff Comerchero Kurt Jordan Reverend Howard Brown of Winchester United Methodist Church Councilman Stone Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone, Comerchero PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Buildinq & Safety Week Proclamation Public Health Month Proclamation California Parks and Recreation Society Awards Presentation PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter no__t listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. R:~Agenda\041001 1 2 3 4 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of January 16, 2001, Joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting. Resolution Approvinq List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 2001 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 2001. R:~Agenda\041001 2 5 Approval of Funds for Plan Review Services with Esqil Corporation RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for Plan Check Services with Esgil Corporation. 6 License Aqreement between RCFCD & WCD and the City of Temecula for Via Montezuma Low-Flow Crossinq at Murrieta Creek - Project No. PW99-15 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve the License Agreement between Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCD & WCD) and the City of Temecula for the Via Montezuma Low-Flow Crossing at Murrieta Creek - Project No. PW99-15. 7 Award of Construction Contract for the installation of a traffic si.qnal at Marqarita Road and Stonewood Road - Proiect No. PW00-18 RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Award a contract for the installation of a traffic signal at Margarita Road and Stonewood Road - Project No. PW00-18 -to DBX, Inc. for $132,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract; 7.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $13,200.00 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; 7.3 Approve a transfer of $80,000.00 Development Impact Fees - traffic signals, Pala Road at Loma Linda Road, and $80,000.00 from Pala Road at Wolf Valley Road for the installation of a traffic signal at Margarita Road and Stonewood Road. 8 Award of a Contract for the Liqht Emittinq Diode (LED) Traffic Siqnal Conversion Proqram - Project No. PW01-03 RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Award the contract for the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program - Project No. PW01-03 - to Fluoresco Lighting & Signs for the corrected bid amount of $332,681.73 provided that they furnish and install the LED units by the June 1,2001, deadline set by the California Energy Commission and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract; 8.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $33,268.17 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount; 8.3 Approve a transfer of $59,000 from Capital Project Reserves - Rainbow Canyon South Interchange - and $31,000 from Flashing Beacons 2000 for the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program. R:~Agenda\041001 3 9 10 Solicitation of Construction Bids and Approval of the Plans and Specifications for Proiect No. PW01-07 - FY2000-01 - Slurry Seal Proiect RECOMMENDATION; 9.1 Approve the Construction Plans and Specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for Project No. PW01-07 - FY2000-01 - Slurry Seal Project. Second Readinq of Ordinance No. 01-05 (Monthly Compensation for City Commissioners) RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 01-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION NO. 2.40.100 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO MONTHLY COMPENSATION FOR CITY COMMISSIONERS RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE TEMECULA AREA IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT R:~Agenda\041001 4 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. CSD 2001-01 Resolution: No. CSD 2001-06 CALL TO ORDER: President Jeff Stone ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Comerchero, Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item no__t on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR Completion and Acceptance for the Rancho California Sports Park Desiltation Proiect - Proiect No. PW00-01CSD RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Accept the Rancho California Sports Park Desiltation Project - Project No. PW00-01CSD as complete; 1.2 File a Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one- year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract; 1.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven months after filing of the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. R:~Agenda\041001 5 2 Ratification of Election Results - Tract No. 29286 RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 0l- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MAIL-IN BALLOT ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 5, 2001 DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW 3 Authorization to Release a Formal Bid for the Chaparral High School Aquatic Facility Proiect RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize the release of a formal public bid for the Chaparral High School Aquatic Facility Project. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2001,7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:~Agenda\041001 6 I TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLTO ORDER: Chairperson Ron Roberts ROLL CALL AGENCY MEMBERS: PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided Next in Order: Ordinance: No. RDA 2001-01 Resolution: No. RDA 2001-02 Comerchero, Naggar, Pratt, Stone, Roberts so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item no~t on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. Convene a Joint Meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency AGENCY BUSINESS Formation of Joint Exercise of Powers Authority; Approval of Deposit/Reimbursement Aqreement RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA R:~Agenda\041001 7 1.2 That the Redevelopment Agency adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO, RDA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE CITY OF TEMECULA 1.3 That the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency execute the joint exercise of powers agreement creating the Temecula Public Financing Authority. Recess City Council Meeting EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBERS' REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2001, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:'~Agenda\041001 8 TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY Next in Order: Ordinance: No. TPFA 2001-01 Resolution: No. TPFA 2001-01 CALL TO ORDER: President Jeff Comerchero ROLL CALL DIRECTORS: Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone, Comerchero PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item no.~t on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. AUTHORITY BUSINESS Administrative Matters and Initial Actions relatinq to Formation of Community Facilities District RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Appoint, by minute order, a Chairperson from among its Board of Directors; 1.2 Adopt resolutions entitled: RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGARDING MEETINGS, ESTABLISHING A SEAL FOR THE AUTHORITY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF FORMATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE, AND ESTABLISHING THE RULES FOR ITS PROCEEDINGS R:~Agenda\041001 9 RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ADOPTING LOCAL GOALS AND POLICIES FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF PETITIONS TO FORM A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REPORTS ADJOURNMENT R:~Agenda\041001 10 RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL BUSINESS 11 Consideration of Subcommittee to consider Homeless Proqrams and Services (as requested by Councilman Naggar) RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Consider the formation of a subcommittee to make recommendations to the City Council regarding Homeless Programs and Services. 12 Consideration of Limitations on Campaiqn Contributions (as requested by Councilman Naggar) RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Discuss limitations on Campaign Contributions and provide direction to staff. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:~Agenda\041001 11 PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS m< ITEM 1 ITEM 2 The minutes for the January 16, 2001, Joint City Council/Planning Commission workshop will be delivered in your packets on Monday. MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP JANUARY '16, 200'1 CALL TO ORDER The City Council and Planning Commission convened in an adjourned regular joint workshop at 7:00 P.M., on Tuesday, January 16, 2001, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLLCALL Present: Councilmembers: Naggar, Pratt, Stone, Roberts Planning Commissioners: Chiniaeff, Mathewson, Telesio, Guerriero. Absent: Councilmember: Comerchero Planning Commissioner: Webster ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Councilman Naggar. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS Councilman Stone advised that Mayor Pro Tem Roberts and he had participated in a South County tour, sponsored by Lennar, to review architectural designs and streetscapes, noting that the tour was educational, informative, and will assist in the evaluation of this particular and future projects. Mr. Stone encouraged each Councilmember and Commissioner to partake in such a tour. COUNCIL/COMMISSION BUSINESS 1 The Roripau,qh Ranch Specific Plan RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Consider the information provided by staff and provide direction to staff. Briefly reviewing the staff report (of record), Deputy City Manager Thornhill reviewed the purpose of this workshop, noting that staff will present information to the City Council and Planning Commission in an effort to obtain direction and input with regard to this project, noting that the obtained information would then be incorporated into the Specific Plan and the design of the project. At this time, Mr. Thornhill introduced Project Planner Naaseh, who proceeded with a detailed overview of the project, clarifying the following: R:~linutes\011601 1 · That the applicant has worked with staff in an effort to revise the old Specific Plan in order to achieve a higher quality development in the City; · That previous City Council/Ad hoc Committee direction was to process the Specific Plan based on the importance of the Butterfield Stage Road connection from Murrieta Hot Springs Road to Rancho California Road; that it was determined that the fiscal impacts of this project would be minor; · That this project was originally submitted in the 1990s and since has undergone numerous Land Use Plan changes; that original Land Use Plan was submitted at over 2,000 dwelling units; that the Plan has been driven by a number of constraints on the site: Open space area requirements as per AD 161; Fixed alignment of Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Butterfield Stage Road, which will dictate how the land use patterns will be developed on this particular site; · Other constraints include the fixed location of Nicolas Road, which dictates the location of the loop road; another fixed location is Calle Chapos s is the Long Valley Channel, and the open space areas; · That the proposed density for this Specific Plan will be two dwelling units per acre and that the General Plan permits up to three dwelling units per acre; that a total of 1,700 dwelling units are being proposed, including the 381 apartment units or multi- family units; · That the lot sizes will range between 5,000 square feet to 21/2 acres; · That the area to the east (existing 21/2 acre lots) will be buffered by l-acre, 10,000- square foot and 6,000-square foot lots; that the area to the south (5-acre lots) will be buffered with 20,000-square foot lot; that the elevation of the perimeter of the project is significantly higher and, therefore, the proposed buffering would be viewed as adequate. Mr. Naaseh requested City Council/Planning Commission input with regard to the buffering issue; · That the Village Center would be located next to the 21/2-acre tots; that after reviewing the land use pattern and location, it was determined that the Village Center should only be located at the major intersection at Butterfield Stage Road and Murrieta Hot Springs Road and the commercial core. At this time, Public Works Director Hughes addressed major components of the road system, which would be the backbone of this project, noting the following: · That the projected $20 million, financed through the Communities Facilities District (CFD), will fund the infrastructure improvements for this project - the primary improvements would include Murrieta Hot Springs Road (full width as an arterial roadway for the project's connection with Butterfield Stage Road); Butterfield Stage Road from Murrieta Hot Springs Road down to the southerly project limits of Roripaugh (full street improvements - 4-lane major collector); project boundaries of the Roripaugh project to Rancho California Road to include the westerly half of Butterfield Stage Road; easterly half of Butterfield Stage Road along that route would remain in the County of Riverside and no available funding is foreseen in order to complete the easterly half of this improvement; discussions with the County have included the County's participation in City improvements, especially in the grading costs of the east side; · That the City is actively pursuing available grant funding to as well complete the east side; that if the County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) were available, the easterly half would be a viable project to be funded by such source funding; R:\Minutes\011601 2 · That three east/west connections are being included in the CFD from Butterfield Stage Road into the existing roadway system - Nicolas Road, Calle Chapos, and La Serena Way; that once these connections are completed as well as Murrieta Hot Springs Road and the connection to Rancho California Road, it will provide a major connection for the City in providing an alternate north/south route; that the projected average daily trips, at buildout, is estimated at 35,000; · That another major component of the CFD is the drainage channel - the undercrossing. Providing additional information as it relates to density, Project Planner Naaseh noted that Low/Medium Density includes 240 acres at a total of 886 dwelling units and that Low Density (more rural) includes a total of 155 acres at a total of 265 dwelling units. Mr. Wes Hyland, representing the applicant, project consultant, advised that at the last Planning Commission workshop, this project was proposed at 2,058 dwelling units. Mr. Hyland proceeded with providing background information with regard AD 181, noting that the initial fiscal analysis proposed to fund a portion of the school fees by a CFD and a portion of improvements by the CFD; that after further discussions with the City, a desire was expressed to have the CFD fund as much of the road improvements as possible; that the applicant has agreed to this and has committed the necessary funds ($20 million) to construct the facilities and, in addition, has agreed to pay off the AD 161 debt used to build portions of Winchester Road and improvements of Winchester Road and Murrieta Hot Springs Road. In closing, Mr. Hyland stated that the applicant has attempted to address issues raised by the City and has provided the means to accomplish these issues. By way of overheads, Mr. Kevin Evertt, representing the applicant, further described the Roripaugh Specific Plan, commenting on the habitat hub and the various neighborhoods of the Plan (Villas, Vineyards, Village Center, and habitat, which will include two 3.6 acre lots). Mr. Everett advised that the residents of Nicolas Valley will not be able to see the Villas (property located above the Nicolas Valley); that the Vineyard lots (east and south) are located higher than the Nicolas Valley lots and that the closest home would be 10' to 15' above the existing residences; that the Village Center (46.6 acres) will consist of a maximum of 15 acres of commercial, a maximum of 381 apartment units, a fire station, a religious institution (5 acres), along with other traditional uses of linkage. Further commenting on the project, Mr. Everett noted the following: School Sites have been approved by the School District - 20-acre middle school site and 12-acre elementary school site; that the applicant has met the park requirements by providing three park sites - 10.4 acre, 10.1 acre, and 3.0 acre parks; Linkages include the following: · Biketrail system · Trail system (rvlWD easement) to link the Village Center and parks · Pedestrian pathway system around loop road as well as 15' easement for horse trail system · East side of property will have a 15' easement for an equestrian riding system to link with the UCR property and to Johnson Ranch and to the outskirts of the habitat. Mr. Evertt noted that the road system in the Villas area will be a loop road system - one which is not growth inducing - and that no roads will enter into the surrounding perimeter. R:\Minutes\011601 3 By way of diagrams, Mr. Pat Hersch, landscape architect, further elaborated on the three proposed parks - a passive 10.1-acre park, an active 10.4 acre park, and a 3.0 neighborhood park, commenting on location and correlation to the school and advising that the walkway system through Murrieta Hot Springs Road through the Village Center will as well link the three parks. City Council Discussion For Councilman Naggar, Deputy City Manager Thornhill advised that because of resident concern with regard to growth inducing, Calle Contento will be eliminated from the Circulation Element and that because of the number of trips carried through that area, staff had agreed with the elimination. Mayor Pro Tern Roberts as well noted that Calle Contento has been a dirt road which recently has been asphalt paved but not to City specifications; that the road runs through the citrus/vineyard district; and that he would concur with eliminating Calle Contento from the Circulation Element. It was noted, for Councilman Naggar, that the proposed open space area has been designated as habitat, which would be dedicated to the County and then maintained by a non-profit agency for permanent habitat; and that the open space area will be fenced off; and that any issue regarding the habitat area will have to be approved by the Fish and Game and Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Councilman Naggar noted his support of providing some Iow-impact uses for the open space area. For Councilman Naggar, Project Planner Naaseh advised that the multi-family component (381 apartment units) is being proposed on the south side of the Village Center and that, at this point in time, no other details have been presented. In response to Councilman Naggar, Public Works Director Hughes advised that Murrieta Hot Springs Road would ultimately be improved to a four-lane arterial road; further elaborated on the Butterfield Stage Road improvements, advising that it is estimated that Butter~ield Stage Road will carry 34,000 trips per day which would be equivalent to Margarita Road, south of Winchester Road; that if the County were not to proceed with its improvements, a two-lane facility (which would accommodate 16,000 to 18,000 trips per day as long as restricted access be maintained along that route), south of Roripaugh Ranch project would be sufficient; that the 34,000 trips per day is a forecasted figure for buildout which will not be reached for many years. Further addressing Councilman Naggar's questions, Mr. Hughes advised that the completion of Butter~ield Stage Road and Murrieta Hot Springs Road projects would provide another alternate route for the residents and, therefore, SR 79 South, Rancho California Road, Margarita Road, and Winchester Road would actually experience a reduction in traffic trips. In the long-term range, Mr. Hughes advised that it would be expected that Butterfield Stage Road would continue north from Murrieta Hot Springs Road and eventually connect at SR 79 North (outside of City limits), dependent on how that road will be established, it could function as an Eastern Bypass and in that case, added trips would be expected on SR 79 North. As this project proceeds, Councilman Naggar requested that a comprehensive trail diagram be provided in order to determine how it would incorporate with the City's Trails Master Plan and encouraged the applicant to meet with the City's Trails Master Plan consultant. In response to Councilman Naggar's concern with regard to future school funding, Deputy City Manager Thornhill and City Attorney Thorson advised that City's are limited in the imposition of additional school impact mitigation measures and, therefore, the State had adopted a large R:\Minutes\011601 4 bond issue to fund school construction. Mr. Thorson noted that a more detailed explanation of alternative with regard to that issue would be provided at a later time. Mr. Hyland reiterated that the applicant has been negotiating two school sites with the School District, particularly the construction of the Elementary School. Councilman Naggar requested that a timeline of this project be provided. Councilman Pratt commented on the autoculture and the need for public transportation as well as public education. For Mr. Pratt, Mr. Hyland advised that buildout of the project is estimated at 5 to 7 years for most sections of the project with some being completed within the 7 to 9 year range. Commenting on the City's partnership with the Temecula Valley Unified School District in maximizing the use of sports fields, Councilman Stone suggested that the proposed active park be located adjacent to the school fields; questioned whether consideration had been given to reversing the location of the park with the school in an effod to provide buffering for the residents in Planning Area 22; questioned whether the sales tax revenue generated by the proposed 15-acre commercial area could support City services for the estimated dwelling units and whether the proposed 15 acres would be sufficient to accommodate the needs of the residents; noted that the multi-family units would buffer the 7,200 square foot lots in Planning Area 13 if some of the density in Planning Area 12 were reduced to create a larger commercial core; expressed concern with locating two parks across the street from each other, viewing it as poor utilization of open space; stated that he would prefer a passive park closer or adjacent to the school in Planning Area 6 or somewhere within the Plan around Planning Area 21; and suggested the utilization of paseos to link parks to the open space area. For Councilman Stone, Deputy City Manager Thornhill noted that AD 161 will not be funding the internal street; that the General Plan incorporated traffic studies of this project at a density of three dwelling units per acre which would equate to a total of 2,400 dwelling units, noting that the proposed dwelling units will be 20% less; and that all assumed improvements, as per the General Plan, are being completed, noting that a minor change with the alignment of Murdeta Hot Springs Road. Community Services Director Parker stated that the project meets the Quimby requirements. Project Planner Naaseh advised that Nicolas Road has been downgraded to a 78' right-of-way and that Johnson Ranch (approximately 5,000 units) has been deleted. For Councilman Stone, Project Planner Naaseh noted that a new traffic study is being completed and that the proposed development will be phased as necessary to aid the traffic study and the Development Agreement. Deputy City Manager Thornhill stated that similar conditions, as those imposed on Wolf Creek, would be imposed on the proposed project, specifically as it relates to permitting development based on Level of Service as to the pulling of building permits and that AD 161 will have to be in place prior to pulling a building permit. Planning Commission Discussion For Councilman Naggar, Chairman Guerriero advised that a fire gate will be installed at Calle Contento. R:\Minutes\011601 5 For Mr. Guerriero, Public Works Director Hughes noted that the Circulation Element does not reflect the installation of landscaped medians for the arterial roads. Mr. Guerriero relayed his desire to have landscaped medians installed. Project Planner Naaseh clarified that the applicant is in the process of completing a trails map which would be intended to provide connections through sidewalks, trails, design of the subdivision, adequate pedestrian access to all schools, parks, and open space areas. Further addressing the project, Chairman Guerriero requested the option for senior housing; commented on the need for an additional high school; expressed concern with splitting the two larger parks, noting that Wolf Creek is providing a 40-acre park; and stated that the proposed buffering of ¼ acre parcels for lots 17 and 19 would be inadequate. In response to Chairman Guerriero's suggestion, Deputy City Manager Thornhill suggested that a senior housing component with increased density be considered at the Butterfield Stage Road/Nicolas Road intersection in exchange for reducing densities at the lower-end of the project. Mr. Thornhill also noted that another Police Substation is not being proposed. For Commissioner Mathewson, staff noted the following: · That the project buildout would be at approximately 1,700 units and 5,100 individuals; · That the CFD would adequately fund the major backbone infrastructure as planned but that it would not include the east half of Butterfield Stage Road which is located in the County; · That the proposed open space drainage (east of Butterfield Stage Road) will not be a grass channel; · That a 5-acre religious institution in the Village Center will be a permitted use, commenting on built-in time limits. In response to Commissioner Chiniaeff, Public Works Director Hughes advised that the Circulation Element reflects Butterfield Stage Road as a restricted access corridor. Mr. Hyland, representing the applicant, noted that the grading of the roads would have to be completed in conjunction with the land adjacent to it, advising that the dirt for the roads, particularly Butterfield Stage Road, will come from the adjacent land. It was noted that the first phase of the panhandle would include Murrieta Hot Springs Road, Butterfield Stage Road to Nicolas, and Nicolas. Project Planner Naaseh, for Commissioner Chiniaeff, advised that staff would further explore the County's Land Use Plan and would provide information at a later date. With sufficient elevation change, Commissioner Chiniaeff stated that the proposed buffering of ~ acre lots to the existing 21/2-acre to 5-acre lots would be sufficient. For Mr. Chiniaeff, it was noted that the originally Johnson Ranch was to function as the Village Center. For Commissioner Telesio, Project Planner Naaseh advised that Planning Areas 8, 9, 10, and 11 have been designated as permanent habitat areas; that currently no other uses are permitted for these Areas; and that any changes from the current use would have to be approved by the Fish and Game and Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Public Works Director Hughes informed Commissioner Telesio that approximately 90% of the necessary easements for both east and west halves of Butter[ield Stage Road have already R:\Minutes\011601 6 been obtained and that some slope encroachments along with some right-of-ways still need to be acquired. Public Comments Mr. Bob Larson, 39673 Granja Court (resident to the east of the project), representing the Neighborhood Watch Group, advised that the Group has neither taken a position in support or opposition of this project; advised that over the past years, the Group has met several times with the project representatives; stated that the project representatives have been accommodating, informative, and responsive; and commended the applicant on his efforts to reduce the originally proposed density. With regard to the project, Mr. Larson relayed the following desires of the residents: · No through street to Calle Contento · Uniform bordering on the east end versus a chainlink fencing · No street lights in bordering areas - transition street lights into the higher-density areas · Increased buffer for the south end Commending the developer on the planning of the equestrian trails, Mr. Kenneth Ray, P.O. Box 891333, Temecula (property owner of a 5-acre parcel at the far southwest corner, adjacent to the panhandle), informed the Council/Commission that he does not oppose the project and stated that diligent planning efforts have been put forth with regard to it. Mr. Ray requested grading and layout modifications to avoid severe erosion problems on his parcel and to the two 21/2-acre parcels to the east of him. In closing, Mr. Ray expressed concern with regard to school funding and requested that no street lights be installed on the panhandle. Mr. Bill Vazzana, 39605 Avenida Lynell (located on the easterly side of the proposed project), requested that 21/2-acre parcels be placed along the southerly and easterly border and relayed his opposition to extending Calle Contento. Mr. Ed Picozzi, 31480 Nicolas Road, questioned the Council/Commission as to what considerations have been given to the existing residents on Nicolas Road as it relates to their change in lifestyles as a result of this project. Although Dr. John Mize was not present, City Clerk Jones informed the Council/Commission of a video Dr. Mize had presented to staff in hopes that it would be shown this evening. At 8:47 P.M., Mayor Pro Tem Roberts called a recess and reconvened the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Council Discussion In response to Councilman Stone, Deputy City Manager Thornhill commented on the difficulty with reversing the location of the park and school, commenting on staff's efforts to work with the Temecula Valley Unified School District to achieve better school access, noting that placing the school site along the' highway would restrict the ability to provide more than one or two access points and that placing the school site at a more internal location would create better and more access points. Mr. Thomhill as well commented on staff's desire to provide internal linkages such as a pedestrian bridge across Planning Area 24 from the lower Planning Areas. R:\Minutes\011601 7 Respecting the School District's decision as to location of the school, Councilman Stone requested that the athletic fields be located to the west side in order for the City and the District to work out a partnership with lighting. With regard to the proposed project, Councilman Stone noted the following: · Would not favor the chainlink fencing along the open space corridor · Desirous of quality streetscape as well as paseos to line open space areas to public parks · Commercial area in Planning Area 12 to be expanded from 15 acres to a minimum of 20 acres · Could support Planning Area 27 to a multi-family senior living facility · Park in Planning Area 27 to be adjacent to the school site and connected to Murrieta Hot Springs Road and adjacent to the school fields in Planning Area 6 if possible · 20,000 square foot lots completely extended around the perimeter from the east to the south and transition 20,000 to 10,000 square foot lots without minimizing the density · Development to be phased with finished infrastructure · Overlays on the Specific Plan indicating what would be impacted along the periphery of this Plan · Supports light transitioning from denser residential to the more rural areas · Supports a fire wall at Calte Contento · Incorporate traffic calming architectural standards · Construct homes with front accessibility and garages in the rear In response to Councilman Stone, Public Works Director Hughes advised that AD 161 would be paying for the infrastructure improvements to Nicolas Road but that those improvements would not include full street improvements such as curbs, cutters, etc; and that Nicolas Road was intended to be a 110' right-of-way but that it is being proposed to lower it in classification to a 78' right-of-way. For Councilman Pratt, Mr. Pat Hersch further described the location of the open space areas as well as the view fence. Mr. Pratt relayed his opposition to the chainlink fencing and requested the developer to participate in public transportation efforts. Mayor Pro Tern Roberts relayed his support of pedestrian linkages from Planning Areas 19 and 20 to the school site and requested that such linkages should be discussed and possibly included in the trail system; noted that in order for the equestrian trails to be functional, they must be properly designed; requested a Homeowners Association horse arena and facilities; and expressed support for not extending Calle Contento. Relaying his support of transitioning the street lighting, Councilman Naggar concurred with minimizing street lighting for the larger parcels as well as the smaller parcels in an effort to retain the rural atmosphere. Mr. Naggar encouraged staff and the developer to address the multi-family component in the early stages of the project and requested that staff discuss with the appropriate agencies the possibility of a passive use for the open space areas. Commission Discussion In an effort to better accommodate the children and to achieve better accessibility, Commissioner Telesio suggested that the school sites as well as the park sites be located more internally of the project, removing those sites from the main streets; encouraged the use of R:\Minutes\011601 8 parkways to narrow streets to create traffic calming as well as enhancement to the neighborhoods; and relayed his support of a multi-family component with senior facilities in order to address that need in this community. Providing input with regard to the proposed project, Commissioner Chiniaeff stated the following: · Placement of future land use signs in an effort to avoid problems with individuals not knowing what will be constructed on future sites such as multi-family housing, etc. · Designation of Village Center should be removed and should be redesignated as Neighborhood Commercial · Supported either 15,000 or 20,000 square foot lots as buffering for the east and south sides Because of the substantial amount of elevation change, Commissioner Chiniaeff noted that he would not view Planning Area 15 as a high-density area. With regard to this project, Commissioner Mathewson stated that if the dwelling units in Planning Areas 17 and 18 were reduced in an effort to obtain larger lots in placement for a second multi-family component in Planning Area 13, the following concerns would be raised: · Land use transition to the adjacent 7,200 square foot lots to the east · Increased number of dwelling units by 15% of overall project Mr. Matthewson echoed concerns as to the size (smallness) of the Village Center; relayed concerns with future school funding such as at the time of buildout; desirous of additional active ball fields; recommended that street lighting be addressed in the lower-density parcels; encouraged pedestrian linkages (paseos, parkways, smaller streets) throughout residential neighborhoods for traffic calming effects; and expressed concern with the County not completing the eastern portion of Butterfield Stage Road and its impacts on Rancho California Road. In closing, Chairman Guerriero made the following comments with regard to the proposed project: · Would favor a senior housing element in Planning Area 13 · Increase the commercial area from 15 acres to 20 to 25 acres · Concerned about the lack of usable open space - no regional park in the area · Encouraged the School District to explore property for a future high school site · Landscaped medians on Butterfield Stage Road · Address street lighting · Would favor Overlays for the area off Nicolas Road · Would favor pedestrian linkage connection to the school site from Planning Area 19 In response to Chairman Guerriero, Deputy City Manager Thornhill noted that staff would address Mr. Ray's drainage concerns to ensure the grading plan satisfies his concerns. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Looking forward to proceeding with this project, City Manager Nelson expressed appreciation to the City Council and the Planning Commission for the valuable comments and input. R:\Minutes\011601 9 ADJOURNMENT At 9:34 P.M., Mayor Pro Tem Roberts formally adjourned the Joint City Council/Planning Commission Workshop to the next City Council regular meeting on Tuesday, January 23, 2001, 7:00 P.M., and to the next Planning Commission regular meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 200'1~ 6:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Jeff Comerchero, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] R:\Minutes\011601 10 ITEM 3 RESOLUTION NO. 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the Office of the City Clerk, have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $1,204,167.22. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] R:/Resos2001/Resos 01- ! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, hereby do certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 01 - was duly adopted at a regular meeting ofthe City Council of the City of Temecula on the 10th day of April, 2001 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk R:/Resos2001/Resos 01- CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 03/22/01 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 03~9/01 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 04/10/01 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 03/29/01 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR B4/10/01 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: 001 165 190 192 193 194 195 210 28O 300 320 33O 34O 399 GENERAL FUND RDA DEr-LOW/MOD SET ASIDE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D TCSD SERVICE LEVEL R CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ. FUND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY~:IP INSURANCE FUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT SERVICES FACILITIES TCSD - DEBT SERVICE 100 165 190 192 193 194 280 300 320 33O 340 GENERAL FUND RDA-LOW~OD SET ASIDE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY~::IP INSURANCE FUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT SERV1CES FACILITIES TOTAL BY FUND: ~rAWN~IELSON, CITY MAt~AGER $ 123,328.56 356,875.42 508,090.35 215,872.89 299,190.51 13,284.25 56,325.79 4,682.16 214.28 155,880.52 4,070.83 38,429.32 56.91 2,726.86 430.39 757.30 5,866.01 $ 988,294.33 215,872.89 $ 1,204,167.22 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 8 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 165 RDA DEV- LOW/MOD SET ASIDE 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP 300 INSURANCE FUND INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES TOTAL AHOUNT 67,874.93 4,062.89 24,756.41 1,46~.59 6,888.97 110.74 310.23 16,521.25 989.07 347.48 123,328.56 VOUCRRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 1 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT 68155 03/19/01 004467 WOLFVISION INC REPAIR OVRHD PROJECTOR #153691 320-199-999-5210 1,276.40 1,276.40 68158 03/22/01 000434 ACCELA.COM SIERRA CONF:JIM MC BRIDE 001"171-999-5261 350.00 350.00 68159 03/22/01 002877 ALTA LOMA CHARTER LINES EXCURSION BUS-GETTY MUSEUM 190-183-999-5350 321.19 68159 03/22/01 002877 ALTA LOMA CHARTER LINES ADDITIONAL HOURS 190-183-999-5350 156.00 477.19 68160 03/22/01 004022 AMERICAN MINI STORAGE, APR RENT:CITY RECORDS STORAGE 001-120-999-5277 124.00 124.00 68161 03/22/01 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. TEMP HELP W/E 03/03 SIMPKINS 001-161-999-5118 476.78 476.78 68162 03/22/01 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRV MFG/INSTALL NEW GATE:YNEZ/OVRL 001-164-601-5401 1,325.00 1,325.00 68163 03/22/01 002377 BEST BUY COMPANY IRC BATTERY FOR PW DIGITAL CAMERA 001-164-604-5220 64.49 64.49 68164 03/22/01 002377 BEST BUY COMPANY INC EE COMPUTER PURCHASE PRGM 001-1175 2,000.00 2,000.00 68165 03/22/01 003138 CAL MAT PW PATCH TRUCK MATERIALS 001-164-601-5218 126.65 126.65 68166 03/22/01 001267 CALIF DEPT OF MOTOR VEH VEHICLE REGISTRATION:3VVD024 001-110-999-5214 237.00 237.00 68167 03/22/01 CALVET, AL REFUND:TENNIS-INTR./ADV.ADULT 190-183-4982 55.00 55.00 68168 03/22/01 003021 ClNGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-120-999-5208 108.22 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9'3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-140'999'5208 57.33 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-161-999"5208 603.02 68168 03/22/01 003021 ClNGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-162-999-5208 672.84 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 190-180-999-5208 699.58 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 280-199-999-5208 90.19 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVGS 320-199-999-5208 197.23 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-163-999-5208 227.57 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-164-601-5208 235.74 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9o3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-164-602-5208 108.22 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-164-604-5208 54.11 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR ~IRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-165-999-5208 281.68 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-100-999-5208 399.76 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR ~IRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-110-999-5208 192.93 68168 03/22/01 003021 CINGULAR WIRELESS (CELL 2/9-3/8/01 CELLULAR PHONE SVCS 001-150-999-5208 54.11 68169 03/22/01 000912 CITY CLERKS ASSR OF GAL CLERK ASSOC CF:JONES/BALLREICH 001-120-999-5258 600.00 3,982.53 600.00 68170 03/22/01 004123 D L PHARES & ASSOCIATES APR RENTAL OF SATELLITE OFFICE 001-170-999-5229 1,150.00 68170 03/22/01 004123 D L PHARES & ASSOCIATES CAM CHGS FOR SATELLITE OFFICE 001-170-999-5229 511.73 1,661.73 68171 03/22/01 001716 DANS ROOFING LEAKING ROOF REPAIRS:MUSEUM 190-185-999-5212 65.00 68171 03/22/01 001716 DANS ROOFING LEAKING ROOF REPAIRS:CRC GYM 190-182-999-5212 65.00 130.00 68172 03/22/01 004450 DENNIS A HIBBERT PLUMBI INSTALL WTR HEATER:SUB-STATION 001-164-603-5250 295.00 68172 03/22/01 004450 DENNIS A HIBBERT PLUMBI CHLORINATE WTR LINES & HEATER 190-185-999-5212 502.00 797.00 68173 03/22/01 DON VEASEY CONSTRUCTION REFUND:ENG DEPOSIT:LD97-O88GR 001-2670 500.00 500.00 VOUDHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 2 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWN5 COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68174 03/22/01 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELIN 68175 03/22/01 001544 E L YEAGER CONSTRUCTION 68176 03/22/01 001380 E S I EMPLOYMENT SERVIC 68176 03/22/01 001380 E S I EMPLOYMENT SERVIC 68177 03/22/01 000523 EASTERN MUNiCiPAL WATER FUEL FOR CiTY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CiTY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CiTY VEHICLES FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES REIMB:ENDROACH PER. 0899-60P-0 TEMP HELP W/E 02/23 THURSTON TEMP HELP W/E 02/23 THURSTOM 95366-02 DIEGO DR LDSC 190-180-999-5263 001-163-999-5263 001-161-999-5263 001-162-999-5263 001-165-999-5263 001-164-601-5263 001-164-604-5263 210-165-615-5802 190-186-999-5118 190-186-999-5118 193-180-999-5240 150.65 28.37 89.22 109.75 76.57 301.45 16.90 2,782.50 896.32 569.28 8.71 772.91 2,782.50 1,465.60 8.71 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINOHE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68178 03/22/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 68179 03/22/01 002060 EUROPEAN DELI & CATERIN CRC LIGHT FIXTURE LENSES DOWN TYPE LENS DFO24F96. SALES TAX CRC LIGHT FIXTURE LENSES SALES TAX ELECT SUPPLIES & REPAIRS ELECT SUPPLIES & REPAIRS SALES TAX REFRESHMENT:CLOSED SFSSION 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-183-999-5370 190-183-999-5370 190-183-999-5370 001-100-999-5250 99.30 85.96 13.89 59.58 4.47 398.71 535.80 70.09 310.01 1,267.80 310.01 68180 03/22/01 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE CLEAN-UP SVD:FLD DTRL NADA LN 190-180-999-5212 750.00 750.00 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER XX-3083 NAGGAR:NATVL LEAGUE 001-100-999-5258 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKDARO CENTER XX-2576 NELSON:MTGB IN TOWN 001-110-999-5260 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER XX-5288 JONES:EARTHLINK.NET 320-199-999-5211 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER XX-52~ JONES:FUJIROM & ESE 320-199-999-5210 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER XX-5288 JONES:SCAHSOFT 320-199-999-5228 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKDARD CENTER XX-52~ dONES:AARON BROTHERS 001-100-999-5250 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER XX-5288 JONES:REFRSHMT COUNCIL 001-100-999-5260 68181 03/22/01 003347 FIRST 8ANKCARD CENTER XX-6702 MEYER:PROF MTG IN TOWN 165-199-999-5260 68182 03/22/01 000173 GENERAL BINDING CORPORA 68182 03/22/01 000173 GENERAL BINDING CORPORA LAMINATION SUPPLIES COPY CTR BINDING SUPPLIES COPY CTR 330-199-999-5220 330-199-999-5220 660.00 119.88 932.48 500.21 63.69 124.16 11.90 65.00 97.53 244.28 2,477.32 341.81 68183 03/22/01 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PROOUCT MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES:COPY CTR 330-199-999-5220 68183 03/22/01 00017/ GLENNIEB OFFICE PROOUCT MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES:CITY DLRK 001-120-999-5220 44.74 83,83 128.57 68184 03/22/01 001609 GREATER ALARM COMPANY I APR-JUN ALARM MONITOR-CABOOSE 001-170-999-5250 68184 03/22/01 001609 GREATER ALARM COMPANY I ALARM MONITORING: BICRTE PARK 190-180-999-5250 75.00 114.00 189.00 68185 03/22/01 GUZONj ALVIN 68185 03/22/01 GUZON, ALVIN 68185 03/22/01 OUZON, ALVIN REIMB:GUZON BLDG. PER.BOO-2429 001-162-4285 REIMB:GUZON BLDG. PER.BOO-Z429 001-162-4285 REIMB:GUZON BLDG. PER.BOO~2429 001-2290 68186 03/22/01 002906 HEMET FENCE COMPANY RES IMPR PRGM:BRUNO, JUDY 165-199-813-5804 310.80 95.80 3.67 1,275.00 410.27 1,275.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 3 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERI'OS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 68187 03/22/01 HINCHLIFF, JOANNE REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT 190-2900 100.00 68188 03/22/01 001517 INTEGRATED INSIGHTS DBA EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM 001-150-999-5248 502.20 100.00 502.20 68189 03/22/01 001407 INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPL POOL SANITIZING CHEMICALS 190-186-999-5250 190.28 190.28 68190 03/22/01 000388 INTL CONFERENCE BLDG OF 2001 IBSW SUPPORT MATERIAL PK 001~162-999-5228 52.68 52.68 68191 03/22/01 001186 IRWIN, JOHN DJ FAMILY FUN NIGHT - DISCO 190-183-999-5371 125.00 125.00 68192 03/22/01 003683 JAMAR TECHNOLOGIES INC SALES TAX INV 37'337 & 34855 001-164-601-5242 34.88 68192 03/22/01 003683 JANAR TECHNOLOGIES INC SALES TAX INV 37337 & 34855 001-16~-602-5242 143.38 178.26 68193 03/22/01 JANES, REZA EE COMPUTER PURCHASE PRGH 001-1175 1,608.71 1,608.71 68194 03/22/01 JOHNSTON, ALYCE REFUND:COOKING-AMAZING CHEFS 190-183-4982 10.00 10.00 68195 03/22/01 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 03/04 CARPENTER 001-150-999-5118 53.20 68195 03/22/01 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 03/04 CARPENTER 001-110-999-5118 53.20 68195 03/22/01 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMP HELP W/E 03/04 dAUREGUI 001-140-999-5118 106.40 212.80 68196 03/22/01 001091 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIAT FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:PUJOL ST. 165-199-999-5250 590.00 590.00 68197 03/22/01 000945 L P S COMPUTER SERVICE HP PRINTER SUPPLIES 320-199-999-5221 523.53 523.53 68198 03/22/01 0019~ LA SALLE LIGHTING SERVI PRKLOT LIGHT REPAIRS:SPORTS PK 190-180-999-5212 266.95 68198 03/22/01 001973 LA SALLE LIGHTING SERVI PRKLOT LIGHT REPAiRS:SPORTS PK 190-180~999-5212 7'30.55 997.50 68199 03/22/01 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMOR WHITMORE CF:YATES:4/26-27/01 001-110-999-5258 425.00 425.00 68200 03/22/01 004087 LOWE'S HARDWARE SUPPLIES:FiRE DEPT 001-171-999-5212 407.74 407.74 68201 03/22/01 003669 MARC FAULKENBURY PAINTI RES IMPRV PRGM: A. DAWKINS 165-199-813-5804 1,297.89 1,297.89 68202 03/22/01 004107 MASSA-LAVITT, SANORA 3/06-15/01 CONSULTING SVCS:PLN 001-161-999-5248 2,152.60 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CiTY VEHICLES 001-163-999-5263 34.98 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-164-601-5263 19.59 68203 03/22/01 00446/, MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLFS 001-164-604-5263 24.37 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-165-999-5263 73.33 68203 03/22/01 00446/, MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-170-999-5262 292.36 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL 8USINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-110-999-5263 28.10 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 280-199-999-5262 20.55 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-161-999-5263 19.81 68203 03/22/01 00446~ MOBIL BUSINES~ FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 190-180-999-5263 42.69 68203 03/22/01 00446/* MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 330-199-999-5262 12.45 68203 03/22/01 004466 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL USAGE FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-170-999-5262 105.30 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL USAGE FOR CiTY VEHICLES 001-111-999-5262 13.55 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL USAGE FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-164-604-5263 29.43 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-170-999-5262 90.71 68203 03/22/01 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES 001-165-999-5262 18.66 2,152.60 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 4 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMSER 68203 68203 68204 68204 68204 68205 682O6 68206 68207 68207 68207 68207 68207 68208 68209 68210 68211 68211 68211 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68212 68213 68213 68213 68213 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR DATE NUMBER NAME 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 00446~ MOBIL BUSINESS 004464 MOBIL BUSINESS 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000883 MONTELEOME EXCAVATING 001214 MORNINGSTAR MUSICAL PRO 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS S 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS S 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TOVN TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TO~N TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TO~N TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TOUN TIRE & SERVICE 002668 OMEGA LAKE SERVICES PARRICK, LORA 004074 PARTY CITY OF TEMECULA 003218 PELA 003218 PELA 003218 PELA 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000249 PETTY CASH 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN 0002S4 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN ITEM DESCRIPTION FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES CREDIT:FINANCE CHARGES STREET CLEANING:WALCCTT/C.CHIO R&R CURB/GUTTER/SIDEWALK:MARG MARGARITA CHANNEL CLEANING GENERATOR EQUIP:EVERY 15 MIN OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR HR DEPT OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT SALES TAX CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT MAR DUCK POND WATER MAINT SVC REFUND:EXERCISE-BELLY DANCING HIGH HOPE PROM SUPPLIES FEB LDSCP PLAN CK SVCS-TCSD FEB LDSCP PLAN CK SVCS-TCSD NOV-DEC PLAN CK SVCS:PLANNING PETTY CASH REIMBURSEhENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT FEB DISPL ADS:VAR CZP UPDATES CAREER/MFG EXPO ADVERTISING FEB VARIOUS PUBLIC NTCS:C.C. FEB VARIOUS PUBLIC NTCS:C.C. ACCOUNT NUMBER 190-180-999-5263 001-170-999-5262 001-164-601-5402 001-164-601-5402 001-164-601~5401 001-170-999-5371 001-150-999-5220 001-140-999-5220 001-164-601-5214 001-162-999-5214 001-162-999-5214 190-180-999-5214 190-180-999-5214 190-180-999-5250 190-183-4982 190-183-999-5320 190-180-999-5248 193-180-999-5248 001-161-999-5250 190-180-999-5258 001-171-999-5212 001-171-999-5261 001-100-999-5260 001-1990 001-162-999-5242 190-180-999-5212 001-1990 001-162-999-5260 001-111-999-5220 001-162-999-5260 001-161-999-5260 001-140-999-5260 001-120-999-5220 001-110-999-5260 001-1990 001-161-999-5263 001-1990 001-165-999-5256 001~150-999-5254 001-120-999-5256 001-120-999-5256 ITEM AMOUNT 38.98 14.35- 2,128.00 3,555.00 15,000.00 96.00 91.16 5.98 39.30 222.~ 7.71 193.~ 29.99 800.00 30.00 43.89 1,530.00 1,125.00 5,115.00 50.00 14.84 20.00 7.97 20.00 19.71 44.82 20.00 44.02 13.42 44.00 7.00 16.14 9.65 27.00 27.00 21.04 55.00 1,026.00 750.00 560.61 2,010.52 CHECK AMOUNT 850.51 20,683.00 96.00 97.14 493.48 800.00 30.00 43.89 7,770.00 461.61 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECUIA PAGE 5 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 68213 68213 68214 68214 68215 68215 68216 68216 68217 68217 68217 68218 68219 68220 68220 68220 68220 68221 68222 68223 68224 68225 68225 68226 68227 68228 68228 68228 68228 68228 68228 68229 60229 68229 CHECK DATE 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAME 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPAN 0027/6 PRIME MATRIX INC 002776 PRIME MATRIX INC 003493 PRO-CRAFT OVERHEAD DOOR 003493 PRO-CRAFT OVERHEAD DOOR 004453 R C ENTERPRISES 004453 R C ENTERPRISES 001364 R C P BLOCK & BRICK INC 00136~ R C P BLOCK & BRICK 001364 R C P BLOCK & BRICK INC 000947 RANCHO BELL BLUEPRINT C 002176 RANCHO CALIE BUS PARK A 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST 003591 RENES COHMERCIAL MANAGE 001365 RIVERSIDE CO ENVIRONMEN 001592 RIVERSIDE CO INFO TECHN RIVERSIDE COUNTY PRINTI 000271 ROBERT BEIN WM FROST & 000271 ROBERT BEIN NM FROST & 003544 ROBERT SHEA PEROUE REAL 004270 RUFFIAN SPECIALTIES 001942 S C SIGNS 001942 B C BIGNB 001942 S C SIGNS 001942 S C SIGNS 001942 S C SIGNS 001942 S C SIGNS 003801 SELF~B JANITORIAL SERVl 003801 SELF'S JANITORIAL EERVI 003801 SELF'S JANITORIAL SERVI ITEM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NUMBER FEB VARIOUS PUBLIC NTCS:C.C. CREDIT:DUPLICATE BILLING 001-120-999-5256 001-120-999-5256 FEB CELLULAR SVCS:SR VAN FEB CELLULAR SVCS:CITY VAN 190-180-999-5208 190-180-999-5208 RES IMPRV PRGM: I. SMALL 165-199-813-5804 CRDT:PORTION PAID BY CUSTONER 165-199-813-5804 SELF INKING DATE STAMPS/C.C. SALES TAX 001-120-999-5220 001-120-999-5220 MARGARITA PARK/WALL CAP END CUT TO 161' LONG. SALES TAX 190-180-999-5212 190-1B0-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 DUPL BLUEPRINTS:JEFFERSON AVE 210-165-656-5804 APR-JUN BUS.PK ASSOC.DUES:DIAZ 001-164-604-5226 FEB 01-02-98000-0 STN 84 FEB 01-02-98010-0 STN 84 VARIOUS WATER METERS VARIOUS WATER METERS 001-171-999-5240 001-171-999-5240 190-180-~-5240 193-180-9~0-5240 WEED ABATEMENT/MURRIETA CREEK 001-164-601-5401 RENEW ANNUAL HEALTH PERMIT 190-186-999-5250 FEB EMERG. RADIO RENTAL: P.D. 001-170-999-5238 REPORT-MITIGATION FEE REVIEW 001-140-999-5228 JAN CONSULT:I-15/79S/SABTIAGO 210-165-~2-5802 JAN CONSULT:I-15/79S/SANTIAGO 210-165-705-5802 APPRAISAL FEE:INDUSTRIAL BLDGS 210-165-719-5802 HELMET BAG FOR ENGINE 8/* 001-171-999-5242 DEC INSTALL PUBLIC NTC SIGNS DEC INSTALL PUBLIC NTC SIGNS FEB INSTALL PUBLIC NiC SIGNS FEB INSTALL PUBLIC NTC SIGNS JAN INSTALL PUBLIC NTC SIGNS JAN INSTALL PUBLIC NTC SIGNS 001-120-999-5244 001-161-999-5256 001-120-999-5244 001-161-999-5256 001-120-999-5244 001-161-999-5256 MAR CUSTODIAL SVCS:VAR PARKS MAR TES/AQUATIC CUSTODIAL SVCS NAR OLD TOWN CUSTODIAL SVCS 190-180-999-5250 190-186-999-5212 001-164-603-5250 ITEM AMOUNT 2,169.00 2,169.00- 38.32 26.54 885. O0 50.00- 134.40 10.08 34.02 4.00 2.85 164.47 1,813.72 9.96 112.58 587.57 318.62 5,000.00 420.00 282.75 24.25 467.64 174.36 3,300.00 77.94 585.00 585.00 130.00 715.00 260. O0 585.00 3,440.00 210.00 210.00 CHECK AMOUNT 4,347.13 64.86 835.00 144.48 40.87 164.47 1,813.72 1,028.~3 5,000.00 420.00 282.75 24.25 642.00' 3,300,00 ?7.94 2,860.00 3,860.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 6 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 68230 68231 68232 68233 68233 68234 68235 68235 68235 68235 68235 68236 68236 6~236 68236 68236 68236 68236 68237 68238 68239 68239 68239 68239 68240 68241 68241 68241 68242 68242 68243 68243 68243 68243 68244 68245 CHE:K VENDOR VENDOR DATE NUMBER NAME 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 002681 SILVER LEGACY RESORT & 002681 SILVER LEGACY RESORT & 003297 SKATE CITY 0006~5 SMART & FINAL INC 000645 SMART & FINAL INC 002536 SMITH, ZENAIDA B. 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 000537 SO CALIF EOISOM 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY SWH CORPORATION DBA:MIM TEATOR~ CARA 003677 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LL 003677 TEMECULA MOTOMSPORTS LL 00367"/ TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LL 0036?-/ TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LL 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY COMPANY 004274 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURIT 004274 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURIT 004274 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURIT VALENZUELA, PATTY VALENZUELA, PATTY 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 004261 VERANO, JOSE VERIZON CALIFORNIA ITEM DESCRIPTION HTL:ACCELA CF:#369585924199 RTL:ACCELA CF:~r~69686088661 DAY CAMP EXCURSION 03/19/01 HIGH HOPE PROM SUPPLIES HIGH HOPE PROGRAM - SUPPLIES RELEASE CLAIMS AGREEMENT PMT MAR 2-22-331-0400 G.KEARNY MAR 2-10-331-1353 STN 8/* MAR 2-00-397-5059 VARIOUS MTRS MAR 2-07-626-6063 R.VISTA SPRG FEB 2-20-140-9299 VARIOUS MTRS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS MAR GAS METERS VAR LOCATIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-171-999-5261 001-162-999-5261 190-183-999-5350 190-183-999-5320 190-183-999-5320 300-199-999-5207 190-180-999-5319 001-171-999-5240 190-180-999-5240 193-180-999-5240 190-180-999-5319 190-180-999-5240 190-181-999-5240 190-182-999-5240 190-186-999-5240 190-184-999-5240 190-185-999-5240 340-199-702-5240 REFUND=LANDSGAPE BOND:PA980064 001-2650 REFUND:COOKING-AMAZING CHEFS MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/MAINT:TEM PD MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/MAINT:TEM PD MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/MA~NT:TEM PO CREDIT:P.D. INSTALLED PARTS WALL OF HONOR - GRACE MELLMAN LOCKSMITH MATERIALS-MARG PRK LABOR SALES TAX 190-183-4980 001-170-999-5214 001-170-999-5214 001-170-999-5214 001-170-999-5214 190-180-999-5250 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999~5212 REFUND:SEC.DEPOSIT:MS01-O018 190-2900 ADD~L MRS FOR ROOM RENTAL 190-181-4990 SAFETY VESTS/JACKETS:CIP/L.D. SAFETY VESTS/JACKETS:CIP/L.D. SALES TAX SALES TAX 001-163-999-5242 001-165-999-5242 001-163-999-5242 001-165-999-5242 REFUND:ERG DEPOSIT:LD98-142GR 001-2670 MAR XXX-O073 GENERAL USAGE 320-199-999-5208 ITEM AMOUNT 246.40 246.40 100.00 171.80 56.89 310.~3 58.84 799.83 3,152.22 14.26 684.99 89.21 172.07 944.11 3,000.00 217.62 224.12 347.48 1,490.00 5.00 195.40 151.60 489.68 55.00- 77.09 450.50 245.00 33.~ 100.00 40.00- 313.09 313.08 21.92 21.91 995.00 1,727.59 CHECK AMOUNT 246.40 246.40 100.00 228.69 310.23 4,710.14 4,994.61 1,490.00 5.00 781.68 77.09 '. ..~.' 729.29 60.00 670.00 995.00 VOUCRRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 7 03/22/01 10:30 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 68245 68245 68245 68245 68246 68246 68246 68247 68247 68248 68249 68249 68250 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 03/22/01 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 003866 VORTEX DATA SYSTEMS 003866 VORTEX DATA SYSTEMS INC 003866 VORTEX DATA SYSTEMS INC MAR XXX-OOT& GENERAL USAGE MAR XXX-1941 PTA CD TTACSD MAR XXX-3566 ALARM MAR XXX-50~2 GENERAL USAGE 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 320-199-999-5208 ZENWRKS/DESKTOPS 3:KK/DB:3/5-9 320-199-999-5261 ZENWORKS/DESKTOPS 3:TH:3/26-30 320-199-999-5261 CREOIT:NOT ATTENDING TRN 3/26 320-199-990-5261 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY I TRASH CAN LINERS FOR VAR PARKS 190-180-999-5212 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY I SALES TAX 190-180-999-5212 003730 WEST COAST ARBORISTS IN CITYWIDE TREE PLANTING 001-164-601-5402 000345 XEROX CORPORAT%ON BILLI XEROX FAX SUPPLIES CITY HALL 330-199-999-5220 000345 XEROX CORPORATION BILLI COPIER TABS FOR COUNCIL AGENDA 330-199-999-5220 004364 YNEZ PROPERTY CFD 88-12 REIMBURSEMENT 001-2030 TOTAL CHECKS ITEM AMOUNT 253.55 54.82 54.82 6,946.93 3,990.00 1,995.00- 382.47 28.69 331.60 454.73 135.34 1,354.20 CHECK AMOUNT 9,037.71 3,990.00 411.16 331.60 590.07 1,354.20 123,328.56 VOUCNRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 10 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUND 165 RDA DEV- LO~/MO0 SET ASIDE 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 195 TCSO SERVICE LEVEL R 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - 300 INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES 390 TCSD DEBT SERVICE TOTAL AMOUNT 156,312.44 9,221.36 31,569.38 31.84 3,215.57 214.28 1,050.00 10,100.85 11,411.25 336.29 5,609.27 834.8~ 7,033.84 119,934.21 356,875.42 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 1 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCRER/CRECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CRECK NUMBER CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT DATE NUMBER HAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 10323 03/23/01 84?88 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 8~788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 84788 03/29/01 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INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 192-2070 13.85 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 193-2070 305.23 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 194-2070 87.39 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEOERAL 280-2070 181.56 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 300-2070 72.39 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 320-2070 1,030.61 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 330-2070 223.21 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 FEDERAL 340-2070 478.28 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 001-2070 5,580.70 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 165-2070 143.20 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 190-2070 1,355.22 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 192-2070 2.20 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 193-2070 92.02 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 194-2070 16.10 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 280-2070 59.50 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 300-2070 24.86 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 320-2070 209.76 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 330-2070 64.02 600431 03/29/01 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) 000283 MEDICARE 340-2070 138.06 119,934.21 35,255.83 41,011.92 600469 03/29/01 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 SDI 001-2070 76.49 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 2 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 600469 68253 68254 68255 68256 68257 68258 68259 68259 68260 68261 68262 68262 68263 682~ 68265 68266 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR DATE NUMBER NAME 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EOD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX (EDO) 000444 INSTATAX (EDO) 000444 INSTATAX (EDO) 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 000444 INSTATAX CEDD) 000444 INSTATAX 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 001523 A M BEST COMPANY, INC. 004421 A PLUS GRAPHIC EDGE 000745 A T & T WIRELESS SERVIC 000440 AGLOW PHOTOGRAPHY 001373 004240 004240 000936 003279 000101 000101 000195 AMAHT%NE, ALISA AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSE AMERICAN RED CROSS ANZA PACIFIC APPRAISALS APPLE ONE, I~. APPLE ONE, INC. ASCOM HASLER MAILING SY BALIAN~ ALEX S. & LAURA BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 003582 BROWN JR., WILLIAM E. ITEM DESCRIPTION 000444 SDI 000444 SOl 000444 SDI 000444 SDI 000444 SDI 000444 SDI 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE 000444 STATE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION-RISK MGMT FAC IMPR PRGM:RHYTHM & BREWS CELLULAR PHONE SVCS:POLICE DPT COUNCIL-MEMBERS PHOTOS REFUND: MOCK SET UP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL:JACK HODSON CITY LIMITS BLOO0 DRAWS-PD/CHP CITY LIMITS BLCX]O DRAWS-PD/CHP LIFEGUARD TRAINING SUPPLIES LEASE RATE APPRAISAL:2~500 JEF TEMP HELP W/E 03/10 BRUNER TEMP HELP W/E 03/10 rIMPKINS POSTAGE METER RENTAL & RESETS RELEASE LDSCP AGREEMENT PMT ACCOUNT NUMBER 165-2070 190-2070 193-2070 280-2070 330-2070 340-2070 001-2070 165-2070 190-2070 192-2070 193-2070 194-2070 280-2070 300-2070 320-2070 330-2070 340-2070 300-199-999-5228 280-199-813-5804 001-170-999-5208 001-100-999-5250 190-182-4990 001-163-999-5226 001-170-999-5328 001-170-999-5328 190-186-999-5261 280-199-999-5250 001-162-999-5118 001-161-999-5118 330-199-999-5239 210-165-631-5804 REFD: SECURITY DEPST MS00-2513 190-2900 MILEAGE REIMB-PW SIGNAL TECH 001-164-602-5262 ITEM AMOUNT 4.91 123.70 2.80 1.16 6.87 4.21 6,735.27 147.04 1,096.46 4.03 65.45 24.97 55.53 15.11 221.73 46.67 99.87 95.65 1,592.27 246.96 68.80 25.00 125.00 21.00 348.00 1,190.00 500.00 196.23 440.22 218.73 1,500.00 100.00 88.32 CHECK AMOUNT 8,732.27 95.65 1,592.27 246.96 68.80 25.00 125.00 369.00 1,190.00 500.00 636.45 218.73 1,500.00 100.00 88.32 68267 03/29/01 003809 C & N ENTERPRISES RADAR HOLSTER FOR POLICE DEPT 001-170-999-5610 100.97 68267 03/29/01 003809 C & N ENTERPRISES SALES TAX 001-170-999-5610 7.36 68267 03/29/01 003809 C & N ENTERPRISES RADAR HOLSTER FOR POLICE OEPT 001-170-999-5610 95.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TENECULA PAGE 3 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOUS VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER CHECK VENDOR VENDOR ITEM DATE NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION 68267 03/29/01 003809 C & N ENTERPRISES SALES TAX 68268 68268 68269 68269 68270 68270 68271 68271 68271 68271 68272 68273 68275 68274 68275 68275 682?'5 68275 68275 68275 68276 68276 68276 6~277 68278 68279 68280 68281 68281 68281 68281 68281 68281 68281 68281 68281 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 004442 CAD NETWORK 004442 CAD NETWORK 004248 CAL1E DEPT OF JUSTICE/A 004248 CALIF DEPT OF JUSTICE/A 002520 CALIF T~S BY TRANSCEND 002520 CALIF TlS BY TRANSCEND 003629 CALTROP ENGINEERING COR 003629 CALTROP ENGINEERING COR 003629 CALTROP ENGINEERING COR 003629 CALTROP ENGINEERING COR 004093 CARDIO CARE PLUS 003940 CHESHERS CUSTOM EMBROID 003940 CHESHERS CUSTOM EMBROID ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-170-999-5610 AUTOCAD/CIVIL DESIGN TRAINING 001-165-999-5261 AUTOCAD/CIVIL DESIGN TRAINING 001-163-999-5261 NOV BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS SVC 001-170-999-5328 DEC BLeD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS SVC 001-170-999-5328 CANVAS BAGS:TEN MARKETING PGRM 001-111-999-5270 SALES TAX 001-111-999-5270 JAN DESIGN SVCS:I ST BRIDGE 280-199-807-5801 JAN DESIGN SVCS:I ST BRIDGE 280-199-807-5801 FEB ENG SVCS:I ST BRDG INSPECT 280-199-807-5801 CREDIT;CHARGES NOT IN CONTRACT 280-199-807-5801 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 MNTC JACKETS ~/CITY SEAL:TCSD 190-180-999-5243 SALES TAX 190-180-999-5243 004203 CHILD SUPPORT COLLECTIO 004203 AR CHILD 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARIT 004405 CHC 002147 COMPLIMENTS COMPLAINTS 002147 COMPLIMENTS COMPLAINTS 002147 COMPLIMENTS COMPLAINTS 003272 DAISY WHEEL RIBBON COMP 002990 DAVID TURCH & ASSOCIATE 002954 DIAMOND ~ARAGE 004275 DISCOUNT CRAFTS LLC 001380 001380 001380 001380 001380 001380 001380 001380 001380 E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC E S EMPLOYMENT SERVIC 190-2140 001-2120 190-2120 193-2120 194-2120 330-2120 340-2120 SUNNY SUIT RENTAL:SPRG EGG HUN SALES TAX DEPST:FAMILY NGHT AMAZING DANA 190-183-999-5370 190-183-999-5370 190-183-999-5371 DAISY WHEEL PLOTTER PAPER 001-161-610-5220 RETAIN ADVOCACY FIRM:FED FUND 001-110-999-5248 RES IMPR PROM: NARON, LARRY 165-199-813-5804 RECREATION SUPPLIES:TCC 190-184-999-5301 TEMP HELP W/E 03/09 RUSH TEMP HELP WE 03/09 EBON TEMP HELP WE 03/09 EBON TENP HELP U/E 03/09 TNURSTON TEMP HELP W/E 03/09 BROWN TEMP HELP W/E 03/09 VOSHALL TEMP NELP W/E 03/09 OBHANN TENP HELP ~/E 01/26 lEER TENP HELP U/E 03/09 HEER 001-161-999-5118 340-199-701-5118 340-199-702-5118 190-184-999-5118 001-164-604-5118 D01-161-999-5118 001-171-999-5118 001-162-999-El18 001~162-999-5118 ITEM AMOUNT 7.36 2,400.00 2,400.00 350.00 2,695.00 308.00 23.10 908.00 4,742.00 3,182.00 214.00- 156.80 155.00 11.63 156.77 118.50 5.60 .60 .20 5.50 .60 300.00 22.50 75.00 521.21 4,000.00 640.00 51.14 1,Tf4.40 853.80 284.60 1,465.60 3,415.23 1,608.28 1,463.77 2,057.76 CHECK AMOUNT 210.69 4,800.00 3,045.00 331.10 8,618.00 156.80 166.63 156.77 131.00 397.50 521.21 4,000.00 640.00 51.14 15,209.84 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 4 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOB VOUCHER/ CHECK HUMBER ~8282 68282 68282 68282 68282 68283 68284 68284 68285 68285 68285 68285 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68286 68287 68288 68289 ~290 68290 68290 68290 68290 68291 68292 68293 68294 CHECK VENDOR VENDOR DATE NUMBER NAME 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 004130 ELSINORE ELECTRICAL SUP 003665 EMERITUS COHMUNICATIONS 003959 EVERETT & EVERETT PAINT 003959 EVERETT & EVERETT PAINT 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEOERAL EXPRESS INC 000165 FEOERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INE 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS IRC 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CO 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD - W 000172 G A S B 004105 GIFTS GALORE 004105 GIFTS GALORE 004105 GIFTS GALORE 004105 GIFTS GALORE 004105 GIFTS GALORE 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCT GRIECO, SHEILA RILLBERG, DON HILLIARD, MICHAEL A. & ITEM DESCRIPTION ENERGY CONSERVATION EQUIPMENT ELECT. PLATES 14 SENSOR SWITCH. FREIGHT SALES TAX FEB LONG DISTANCE PHONE SVCS RES IMPR PRGM:UNDERHILL,EDWARD RES IMPR PRGM:WESTLAKE~CAROLE IRRIGATION REPAIRS:WINCHESTER REMOVE TREE ON CORTE SANTOS REMOVE TREES:CALLE BAHIA VISTA REMOVE TREES ON MARGARITA ROAD EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES EXPRESS MAIL SERVICES LOT BOOK REPORT: LUBRIEWSKI,S. 002982 ST DED ONE YEAR RENEWAL:ALL DOC/REPTS 4DOZ SPRG EGG HUNT MINI BASKET 4DOZ FILLED FLYER 4002 SMALL FILLEO PAIL 5DOZ LARGE FILLED PAIL FREIGHT MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES:POLICE REFUND: COOKING-AMAZING CHEFS REIMB:REFSHMNTS FOR FIRE CREW RELEASE LDSCP AGREEMENT PMT ACCOUNT NUMBER 340-199-701-5610 340-199-701-5610 340-199-701-5610 340~199-701-5242 340-199-701-5610 320-199-999-5208 165-199-813-5804 165-199-813-5804 193-180-999-5212 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 193-180-999-5415 001-164-604-5230 001-162-999-5230 001-110-999-5230 001-150-999-52~0 001-140-999-5230 001-120-999-5230 320-199-999-5230 190-180-999-5230 001-118-999-5230 001-162-999-5230 001-165-999-5230 165-199-999-5250 190-2140 001-140-999-5228 190-183-999-5370 190-1~-999-5370 190-183-~-5370 190-183-999-5370 190-183-~-5370 001-170-999-5229 190-182-4980 165-199-999-5260 210-165-631-5804 ITEM AMOUNT 2,604.00 43.60 325.50 13.35 222.98 1,483.27 1,725.00 1,600.00 1,116.14 100.00 1~.00 210.00 11.00 31.12 12.92 12.92 14.83 23.92 83.24 104.23 25.19 29.41 11.00 150.00 244.88 160.00 66.00 113.50 163.50 300.00 64.30 39.64 10.00 146.25 1,500.00 CHECK AMOUNT 3,209.43 1,483.27 3,325.00 1,601.14 359.78 150.00 244.88 160.00 707.30 39.64 10.00 146.25 1,500.00 68295 03/29/01 HOLY TABERNACLE CHURCH REFUND:SECURITY DEPT & RENTAL 190-2900 100.00 68295 03/29/01 HOLY TABERNACLE CHURCH REFUND:SECURITY DEPT & RENTAL 190-182-4990 155.00 255.00 VOUCHRE2 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 68296 03/29/01 68296 03/29/01 68296 03/29/01 68297 03/29/01 68298 03/29/01 68298 03/29/01 68299 03/29/01 68300 03/29/01 68301 03/29/01 68301 03/29/01 68301 03/29/01 68302 03/29/01 68302 03/29/01 68302 03/29/01 68302 03/29/01 68303 03/29/01 68304 03/29/01 68305 03/29/01 68306 03/29/01 68306 03/29/01 68306 03/29/01 68307 03/29/01 68308 03/29/01 68308 03/29/01 68308 03/29/01 68308 03/29/01 68309 03/29/01 68309 03/29/01 68310 03/29/01 68311 03/29/01 68312 03/29/01 68313 03/29/01 68314 03/29/01 VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAME 004179 INTERNATIONAL EZ-UP 004179 INTERNATIONAL EZ-UP 004179 INTERNATIONAL EZ-UP 001186 IRWIN, JOHN 002140 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS 002140 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS JENNINGS, DIANE dOHNSTON, ALYCE 003986 KEVIN COZAD & ASSOCIATE 003986 KEVIN COZAD & ASSOCIATE 003986 KEVIN COZAD & ASSOCIATE 004413 KLAHATH SAY 004413 KLAMATH BAY 004413 KLAMATN BAY 004413 KLAMATH BAY 003289 KRIEGER & STEWART 000945 L P S COMPUTER SERVICE 001534 LA MASTERS OF FINE TRAV 004041 LUBEHASTER CONSTRUCTION 004041 LUBEHASTER CONSTRUCTION 004041 LUBEMASTER CONSTRUCTION 003428 M V P TEMECULA SHUTTLE 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 004141 MAINTEX 004141 MAINTEX 004068 MANALILI, AILEEN 003669 MARC FAULKENBURY PAIMTI MARSHALL, NANCY 002693 MATROS, ANDREA 001905 MEYERS, DAVID WILLIAM CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS ITEM DESCRIPTION CUSTOM GRAPHICS W/CITY SEAL ARTWORK CHARGE SALES TAX TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS NETNORK CLIENT SERVICES NET~RK CLIENT SERVICES REFUND: SECURITY OEPOSIT REFUND:COOKING-AMAZING CHEFS FEB PROF SVCS:STARLGHT RIDGE ADOPT SURVEYING SVCS:STARLGHT CREDIT:CHARGES NOT IN CONTRACT CRIME PREVENTION:JR DPTY BAOGE SALES TAX CRIME PREVENTION:BOOKMARKS SALES TAX VAIL RANCH ANNEXATION MODIFIC. HP PRINTER SUPPLIES AIRFARE:SIERRA CF:MCBRIDE:4/30 LUBERCANTS FOR PW MHTC EGUIP FREIGHT SALES TAX SHUTTLE:CPRS CF:3/14-18/Ol:S.N CONST NTC SIGN:dEFFERSOM AVE SALES TAX CONST NTC SIGN:MARG/STONEWOOO SALES TAX CRC CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES CRC CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES TCSO INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS RES IMPRV PRGM: M. JOSLYN REFUND:SEC.DEPOSIT:M¢O0-2513 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-170-999-5242 001-170-999-5242 001-170-999-5242 190-183-999-5330 320-199-999-5248 320-199-999-5248 190-2900 190-182-4980 210-190-141-5802 210-190-141-5802 210-190-141-5802 001-170-999-5292 001-170-999-5292 001-170-999-5292 001-170-999-5292 001-163-999-5248 320-199-999-5221 001-171-999-5261 001-16/*-601-5218 001-164-601-5218 001-164-601-5218 001-110-999-5258 210-165-656-5804 210-165-656-5804 210-165-714-5804 210-165-714-5804 190-182-999-5212 190-182-999-5212 190-183-999-5330 165-199-813-5804 190-2900 190-183-999-5330 190-183-999-5330 ITEM AMOUNT 344.00 316.16 49.52 440.00 323.58 436.10 100.00 10.00 2,260.00 1,260.00 100.00- 209.39 15.00 1~8.07 11.93 2,600.00 520.64 174.00 317.50 39.36 23.82 154.10 1,500.00 112.50 750.00 56.25 81.29 261.09 1,568.00 1,550.00 100.00 480.00 288.00 PAGE 5 CHECK AMOUNT 709.68 440.00 759.68 100.00 10.00 3,420.00 404.39 2,600.00 520.64 174.00 380.68 154.10 2,418.75 342.38 1,568.OO 1,550.00 100.00 480.00 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 6 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CNECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER 68314 03/29/01 68315 03/29/01 68315 03/29/01 68315 03/29/01 68315 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 68316 03/29/01 VENDOR NAME 001905 MEYERS, DAVID WILLIAH 00138~ MINUTEMAN PRESS 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS 00097'5 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI 00097~ MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI 000973 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI 000975 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI 000975 MIRACLE RECREATION EGUI 0009~ MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI 0009?'3 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUI ITEM DESCRIPTION TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS BUSINESS CARDS:N.DAVIDSON SALES TAX BUSINESS CARDS: J. COMERCHERO SALES TAX VARIOUS PARKS SWING SEATS SWING HANGER HARD~AR£ FREIGHT SALES TAX MARC~RRITA PARK HANDHOLD RUNG FREIGHT SALES TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER 190~183-999-5330 001-171-999-5222 001-171-999-5222 001-100-999-5222 001-100-999-5222 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 ITEM AMOUNT 480.00 38.25 2.87 102.50 7.69 372.00 130.00 26.86 37.65 24.00 5.00 1.80 CHECK AMOUNT 768.00 151.31 597.31 68317 03/29/01 68317 03/29/01 68317 03/29/01 68317 03/29/01 68318 03/29/01 68318 03/29/01 68318 03/29/01 68319 03/29/01 68320 03/29/01 68321 03/29/01 68322 03/29/01 68322 03/29/01 68322 03/29/01 68322 03/29/01 68323 03/29/01 68323 03/29/01 68324 03/29/01 68324 03/29/01 68324 03/29/01 68324 03/29/01 68324 03/29/01 68325 03/29/01 68326 03/29/01 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 00088~ MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING 002257 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAI 002257 MOST DEPENDA8LE FOUNTAI 002257 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAI 001986 MUZAK INC NAGGAR, MIKE 000233 NELSON, SHAWN 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES- ATT 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES- ATT 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES- ATT 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES- ATT 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS S 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS S 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TCR4N TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE.& SERVICE 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 001171 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPAN 004045 ORVAC ELECTRONICS STREET CLEANING-LOS RANCHITOS 001-164-601-5402 PUMP WATER-PAUBA DESILTING PND 001-16~-601-5401 CITYWIDE STREET MAINTENANCE 001-164-601-5402 GRADE VAR ROADS DUE TO RAINS 195-180-999-5402 PARTS FOR VAR PARK FOUNTAINS FREIGHT SALES TAM 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 190-180-999-5212 APR MUSIC BROADCAST:OLD TOWN 001-164-603-5250 REIMB:LAND USE LAW/PLN CF:1/26 001-100-999-5258 REIMB:PARKB/REC CF:3/14-17/01 001-110-999-5258 HR RECRUITMENT AD:VAR POSITION HR RECRUITMENT AD:REC ASSIST HR RECRUITMENT AD:BLDG IHSPECT FEB DISPL ADS:SALE/TNADING PST 001-150-999-5254 001-150-999-5254 001-150-999-5254 280-199-999-5254 OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR FINANCE 001-140-999-5220 001-140-999-5220 CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & HAINT CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINT SPRING EGG HUNT SUPPLIES 190-180-999-5214 190-180-999-5214 190-180-999-5214 190-180-999-5214 001-161-999-5214 190-183-999-5370 MISC ELECTRONIC EQUIP A/V 320-199-999-5210 1,920.00 808.00 2,531.00 1,050.00 432.00 10.00 32.40 59.50 20.00 27.62 190.00 17.50 12.50 87.54 45.09 35.16 17.00 178.89 19.15 78.32 83.90 1,187.22 156.54 6,309.00 474.40 59.50 20.00 27.62 307.54 80.25 377.26 1,187.22 156.54 68327 03/29/01 003762 P M x MEDICAL SPECIALTY PAILRMEDIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 001-171-999-5311 224.63 68327 03/29/01 003762 P M X MEDICAL SPECIALTY PARM4EDIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 001~171-999-5311 1,263.59 68327 03/29/01 003762 P M X MEDICAL SPECIALTY PARAMEDIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 001-171-999-5311 451.58 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEMECULA 03/29/01 10:03 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE ? VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK VENDOR VENDOR iTEM ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE NUMSER MANE DESCRIPTION NUMBER ITEM AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT 68327 03/29/01 003762 P M X MEDICAL SPECIALTY 68327 03/29/01 003762 P M X MEDICAL SPECIALTY PARAMEDIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES PARAMEDIC MEDICAL SUPPLIES 001-171-999-5311 001-171-999-5311 68328 03/29/01 PALO VERDE COMM. COLLEG LAWS-ARREST/S.& S.:12/4-8:S.B. 001-161-999-5261 129.88 48.91 22.00 2,098.59 22.00 68329 03/29/01 001958 PERS LONG TERM CARE PRO 001958 PERS L-T 001-2122 154.60 154.60 68330 03/29/01 002110 PRIME EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL-PW ~LRZNT CREW 001-164-601-5238 129.00 129.00 68331 03/29/01 PROJECTS FOR PUBLIC SPA 3 PUBLICATIONS FOR PLANNING 001-161-999-5228 39.00 39.00 68332 03/29/01 002176 RANCHO CALZF BUS PARK A APR-JUN BUS.PRK ASSOC DUES:C.H 340-199-701-5226 68333 03/29/01 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIST VARiOUS WATER METERS 190-180-999-5240 68333 03/29/01 000262 PJ~NCHO CALIF WATER DIST VARIOOS WATER METERS 193-180-999-5240 1,319.07 189.50 705.51 1,319.07 895.01 68334 03/29/01 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN HER PARAMEDIC SQUAD VEHICLE REPAIR 001-171-999-5214 68334 03/29/01 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN HER CITY VEHICLE REPAIR 001-110-999-5214 68334 03/29/01 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN MER ADDWL CITY VEHICLE REPAIRS 001-110-999-5214 68335 03/29/01 001500 REGIONAL TRAINING CENTE SUPERVISOR~S ACADEMY:JD/SB 001-161-999-5261 68335 03/29/01 001500 REGIONAL TRAINING CENTE SUPERVISORWS ACADEMY:MW/JW/CA 190-180-999-5261 68336 03/29/01 003591 RENES COHMERCIAL MANAGE NADA LANE CHANNEL CLEANING 001-164-601-5401 68337 03/29/01 RIBBLE~ ANNA REFUND:TINY TOTS-CREATiVE BEG 190-183-4982 295.12 431.00 467.22 900.00 1,350.00 2,850.00 30.00 1,193.34 2,250.00 2,850.00 30.00 68338 03/29/01 001365 RIVERSIDE CO ENVIRONMEN OPE~LRTING PERMIT APPL.FEE-TCSD 190-180-999-5250 65.00 65.00 68339 03/29/01 0008?3 ROBERTS, RONALD H. REIMB:CITIES LEAG CF:3/09-13 001-100-999-5258 68340 03/29/01 003027 ROUFTEK RES IMPRV PRGM: P. DEROEUX 165-199-813-5804 68341 03/29/01 RUSSO, MARIE RELEASE LDSCP AGREEMENT PMT 210-165-631-5804 365.7'7 1,826.50 500.00 365.7T 1,826.50 500.00 68342 03/29/01 002226 RUSSO, MARY ANNE TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-~-5330 68342 03/29/01 002226 RUSSO, MARY ANNE TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 68343 03/29/01 003?34 SHER~300, ALAN K. TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-~9-5330 68344 03/29/01 003766 SMAIL, SANDRA K. TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 190-183-999-5330 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-21-518-0340 HWY 79 190-180-999-5319 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-11-007-0455 6TH ST 001-164-603-5240 ~345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EOISON MAR 2-14-204-1615 FRLr ST RDIO 340-199-701-5240 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-18-937-3152 MUSEUM 190-185-999-5240 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-22-496-3439 WINCHESTER 190-180-999-5319 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-21-981-4720 HWY 79 210-165-631-5801 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-02-351-4946 SR CTR 190~181-999-5240 68345 03/29/01 000537 $0 CALIF EDISON HAR 2-21-560-5874 MARGARITA 190-180-999-5319 68345 03/29/01 000537 SO CALIF EDISON MAR 2-18-049-6416 FRONT ST PED 001-164-603-5319 672.00 392.00 96.00 460.00 218.72 261.05 18.21 443.63 150.25 12.10 684.?3 43.93 185.51 1,064.00 96.00 460.00 VOUCHRE2 03/29/01 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 68345 68345 68346 68347 68348 68348 68349 68350 68350 68350 68351 68351 68351 68351 68351 68352 68353 68354 68354 68354 68355 68356 68~56 6B357 68357 68357 68357 68357 68357 68357 10:03 CHECK DATE 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 VENDOR VENDOR NUMBER NAME 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY STABLES~ PAMELA 004465 STITCH PRO 004465 STITCH PRO STREET TREE SEMINAR INC 000305 TARGET STORE 000305 TARGET STORE 000305 TARGET STORE 003067 TEMECULA R V 003067 TEMECULA R V 003067 TEMECULA R V 003067 TEMECULA R V 003067 TEMECULA R V 000919 TEMECULA VALLEY UNIFIED 0044~ TEMECULA VALLEY ~OMANS 004056 THANKS COMPANY, THE 004056 THANKS' COMPANY, THE 004056 THANKS COMPANY, THE 003949 THORNTON WINERY 000319 TOMARK SPORTS INC 000319 TOMARK SPORTS INC CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS PAGE 8 ITEM ACCOUNT ITEM CHECK DESCRIPTION NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT MAR 2-19-171-8568 WED CHAPEL 190-185-999-5240 60.11 MAR 2-20-817-9929 PD SATELLITE 001-170-999-5229 16/+.98 MAR 095-167-7907-2 STN 84 001-171-999-5240 540.87 55.00 REFUND:TENNIS - INTELREDIATE 190-183-4982 STITCHING-CAP UNIFORM SHIRTS 001-170-999-5243 93.00 SALES TAX 001-170-999-5243 6.98 TREE & BOTANICAL GUIDE - TCSD 190-180-999-5228 76.00 RECREATION SUPPLIES FOR TCC 190-184-999-5301 163.77 RECREATION SUPPLIES FOR SR CTR 190-181-999-5301 35.80 PHOTO DEVELOPING:EVERY 15 MIN 001-170-999-5371 274.39 INSTALL EQUIPMENT-P.D.VEHICLE 001-170-999-5214 315.00 REPAIR & MAINT:COMMAND POST TR 001-170-999-5214 22.50 LABOR FOR REPAIR:COMMANO POST 001-170-~-5214 35.00 SALES TAX 001-170-999-5214 1.69 SALES TAX FOR PARTS/INV#437~O0 001-170-999-5214 10.50 JAN-FEB PW VEHICLE MAINT SVCS 001-164-601-5214 707.02 FY 00-01 COMM SVC FUNDING AWRD 001-101-999-5267 5,000.00 BALLOONS-VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 190-183-999-5370 28.80 LAPEL PINS-VOL. RECOGNITION 190-183-999-5370 600.00 INVITATIONS-VOL. RECOGNITION 190-183-999-5370 150.00 REFRESHMNTS:WELCOME/1EMECULA 001-111-999-5270 464.03 TCSD SPORTS EQUIPMENT TCSD SPORTS EQUIPMENT 190-187-999-5301 158.67 190-187-999-5301 116.27 000389 U S C M WEST (OBP, A) 000389 PT RETIR 001-2160 1,107.52 000389 U S C M WEST COBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 165-2160 100.92 000389 U $ C M WEST COBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 190-2160 1,110.70 000389 U S C M WEST COBRA) 0O0389 PT RETIR 193-2160 23.38 000389 U S C M WEST COBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 280-2160 29.68 000389 U S C M WEST COBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 330-2160 57.26 000389 U S C M WEST COBRA) 000389 PT RETIR 340-2160 35.12 68358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 001-2120 127.05 68358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 165-2120 8.75 68]58 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 190~2120 27.60 ~358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 192-2120 .10 68358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 193-2120 2.20 68358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 194-2120 .50 68358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 280-2120 2.50 ~358 03/29/01 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 U~ 320-2120 5.00 2,243.22 540.87 55.00 99.98 76.00 473.96 384.69 707.02 5,000.00 778.80 464.03 274.94 2,464.58 VOUCHRE2 03/29/01 VOUCHER/ CHECK NUMBER 68358 68358 68359 68359 68360 68360 68361 68362 68363 68363 68364 68365 68366 68367 68367 10:03 CHECK DATE 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VENDOR VENDOR ITEM ACCOUNT NUHBER MANE DESCRIPTION NUHBER 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 Ij~ 330-2120 000325 UNITED WAY 000325 UW 340-2120 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 000524 VAN TECH ENGINEERING SA 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA SAFETY JACKETS-PW TRAFFIC DIV SALES TAX MAR XXX-2626 PD SATELLITE STN MAR XXX-3526 FIRE ALARM 001-164-602-5242 001-164-602-5242 001-170-999-5229 320-199-999-5208 WARREN, CURTIS RELEASE LDSCP AGREEMENT PMT 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY ! CRC MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 000339 NEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CITY HALL LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 000339 NEST PUBLISHING COMPANY CITY HALL LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 003850 WET PAINT GRAPHIC DESIG ARTWORK:ARTS/COUNTRY FEST.BNR 003?56 WHITE HOUSE SANITATION 210-165-631-5804 190-182-999-5212 001-120-999-5228 001-120-999-5228 001-111-~99-5271 PORTABLE TOILET SVC:BTRFLD STG 190-180-999-5250 NOODSIDE HOMES OF CALIF REFUND:ENG DEPOSIT:LD99-O19GH 001-2670 003776 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATIO PARAMEDIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001-171-999-5311 003776 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATIO PARAMEDIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 001-171-999-5311 ITEM AMOUNT 5.00 .60 248.61 17.40 266.75 82.23 750.00 160,86 107.00 71.19 335.00 50.00 35,000.00 224.55 495.53 PAGE 9 CHECK AMOUNT 179.30 266.01 348.98 ~0.00 160.86 178.19 335.00 50.00 35,000.00 720.08 TOTAL CHECKS 356,875.42 VOUCHRE2 CITY OF TEHECULA PAGE 03/29/01 10:27 VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIODS FUND TITLE 001 GENERAL FUNO CAPITAL IHPROVEHENT PEOJ FUND TOTAL AHOUNT 75,003.14 433,087.21 508,090.35~'/~ VOUCHRE2 03/29/01 10:27 VOUCHER/ CHECK CHECK NUMBER DATE 68370 04/10/01 68371 04/10/01 68372 04/10/01 68373 04/10/01 68374 04/10/01 68375 04/10/01 68375 04/10/01 68375 04/10/01 68376 04/10/01 68376 04/10/01 68377 04/10/01 68378 04/10/01 68378 04/10/01 68379 04/10/01 68380 04/10/01 68381 04/10/01 68382 04/10/01 CITY OF TEMECULA VOUCHER/CHECK REGISTER FOR ALL PERIOOS VENDOR VENDOR ITEM NUMBER NAME DESCRIPTION 002187 ANIMAL FRIENDS OF THE V ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRV 002900 DANIEL MANN JOHNSON 000164 ESGIL CORPORATION FEB PLAN CHECK SVCS 003640 GRAYNER ENGINEERING OESIGN SVCS: MERCANTILE BLDG 001719 L P A IRC FEB DESIGN SVCS:LIBRARY PRdT 001719 L P A IRC REIMBURSABLES:LIBRARY PRJT 001719 L P A INC 004383 MACKENZIE ELECTRIC IRC 004383 NACKENZIE ELECTRIC INC 003218 PELA 004029 R J M DESIGN GROUp INC 004029 R d M DESIGN GROUP INC 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS D FEBRUARY 2001 BOOKING FEES 000357 RIVERSIDE CO TRANSPORTA OCT-DEC 2000 QTRLY MAINT SVCS 003544 ROBERT SHEA PERDUE REAL APPRAISAL FEE:DATE/CHERRY:O024 003599 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 2/3-3/2/01DSGN SVCS:R.C,/MURR ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-172-999-5255 R&R UNDER-SIDEWALK DRAINS 001-164-601-5402 dAN SVCS:PALA RD IMPR PHASE II 210-165-668-5802 001-162-999-5248 210-190-167-5802 210-199-129-5802 210-199-129-5802 CREDIT:CHRGED RENDERINGS TWICE 210-199-129-5802 PRGB PMT#3:SPRTS PK LBHT:O0~19 210-190-174-5804 RET W/H PMT#3:SPRTS PK:O0-19 210-2035 dAN-FEB PLAN CHECK SVCS:PLN 001-161-999-5250 DEC DSGN SVCS:AGUATIC FAC PH 2 210-190-170-5802 JAN OSGN SVCS:AGUATIC FAC PR 2 210-190-170-5802 001-170~999-527'5 001-164-602-5405 210-165-719-5802 210-165-710-5802 ITEM AMOUNT 6,839.40 9,640.00 8,734.05 10,898.94 5,700.00 58,754.60 2,324.30 6,310.00- 341,778.50 34,177.85- 13,525.00 18,409.91 8,388.48 9,604.80 24,495.00 14,400.00 15,085.22 PAGE 1 CHECK AMOUNT 6,839.40 9,640.00 8,734.05 10,898.94 5,700.00 54,768.90 307,600.65 13,525.00 26,798.39 9,604.80 24,495.00 14,400.00 15,085.22 TOTAL CNECKS 508,090.35 ITEM 4 APPROVAL CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance ~ DATE: April 10, 2001 SUBJECT: City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 2001 PREPARED BY: Tim McDermott, Assistant Finance Director ~'- Pascale Brown, Senior Accountant ~ RECOMMENDATION: as of February 28, 2001. That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's Report DISCUSSION: Reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio, receipts, and disbursements are required by Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 respectively. Attached is the City Treasurer's Report which provides this information. Also attached are reports that provide information regarding the City's assets, liabilities, and fund balances as of February 28, 2001. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 as of February 28, 2001. FISCAL IMPACT: None Attachments: 1. City Treasurer's Report as of February 28, 2001 2. Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Equity as of February 28, 2001 3. Fund Equity Detail by Fund as of February 28, 2001 City of Temecula City Treasurer's Report As of February 28, 2001 Cash Activity for the Month of February Cash and Investments as of February 1,2001 Cash Receipts Cash Disbursements Cash and Investments as of February 28, 2001 $ 60,393,076 3,164,432 (4,672,291) $ 58,885~217. Cash and Investments Portfolio: Maturity/ Contractual/ Termination Market Type of Investment Institution Yield Date Value Petty Cash City Hall n/a $ 1,500 General Checking Union Bank n/a 412,897 Sweep Account Union Bank 4.560 % 325,000 (Money Market Account) (Highmark U.S. Treasury) Beneffi Demand Deposits Union Bank n/a 29 Local Agency Investment Fund State Treasurer 6.169 % 51,694,099 Certificate of Deposit Community Bank 6.020 % 271,441 (Retention Escrow) Various U.S. Bank Various 244,087 (Retention Escrow) Checking Account Union Bank n/a 4,726 (Parking Citations) Trust Accounts- CFD 88-12 U.S. Bank (First Am. Treasury) 5.460 % 640,402 (Money Market Account) Reserve Account- CFD 88-12 CDC Funding Corp 5.430 % 9/1/2017 1,531,469 (Investment Agreement) Delinq. Main. Reserve Account - CFD 88-12 CDC Funding Corp 5.422 % 9/1/2017 500,000 (investment Agreement) Trust Accounts- CFD 98-1 U.S. Bank (First Am. Treasury) 5.460 % 346,002 (Money Market Account) Reserve Account- CFD 98-1 State Treasurer 6.169 % 960,487 (Local Agency Investment Fund) Trust Accounts-TCSD COPs U.S. Bank (First Am. Treasury) 5.460 % 548 (Money Market Account) Reserve Account-TCSD COPs Bayerische Landesbank 6.870 % 10/1/2012 502,690 (Investment Agreement) Trust Accounts-RDA Bonds. U.S. Bank (First Am. Treasury) 5.460 % 920 (Money Market Account) Reserve Account-RDA Bonds Bayerische Landesbank 7.400 % 2/1/2013 1,448,920 (Investment Agreement) Pa~Book Balance 412,897 (1) 325,000 29 51,694,099 (2) 271,441 244,087 4,726 548 920 (1)-This amount is net of outstanding checks. (2)-At February 28, 2001 total market value (including accrued interest) for the Local Agency rnvestment Fund (LAIF) was $46,615,658,939. The Ciys proportionate share of that value is $52,357,654. All investments are liquid and currently available. T~e City of Temecula's portfolio is in compliance with the investment policy. Adequate funds will be available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City of Temecula for the next six months. City of Temecula Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances As of February 28, 2001 Assets: Cash and investments Receivables Due from other funds Land held for resale Prepaid assets Deposits Fixed assets-nct Totslasscts Community Community Sen/ices Redevelopment Facilities CE,/(1) District A~ency Districts (2) Total $ 43,038.548 $ 2,165,863 $ 8,967,011 $ 4,713,795 $ 58,885,217 7,010,650 130 2,350,779 6,621 9,368,180 1,432,987 19,220 5,059 1.457,266 530,401 2,103,053 2,633,454 205.753 205,753 396,756 396,756 1.328,825 1,328,825 $ 13,420,843 $ 4,725,475 $ 74,275,452 $ 53,943,921 $ 2,185,213 Liabilities and fund equity Liabilities: Due to other funds Other liabilities Deferred revenue Total liabilities Fund equity: Contributed capital Retained earnings Fund balances: Resel~ed (3) Designated (3) Undesignated Total fund equity Total liabirities and fund equity $ 1,452,207 8,520,169 508,238 $ 255,327 $ 5,059 $ 1.457,266 $ 962,464 4,652,482 14,390,442 1,007,464 1,515,702 10,480,614 255,327 1,969,928 4,657,541 17,363,410 1,095,474 14,570,494 24,113,003 2,402,556 43,463,307 $ 53,943,921 $ 1,095,474 10,967,485 26,655,624 483,430 67,934 25 476,608 2,402,556 1,929,886 11,450,915 67,934 56,912,042 2,185,213 $ 13,420,843 $ 4,725.._~475 $ 74,275,45~2 (1) Includes General Fund, ClP Fund, Gas Tax Fund, and other special revenue funds. (2) Includes CFD 88-12 (Ynez Cerridor) and CFD 98-1 (Winchester Hills). (3) Reservations and designations of fund balance are detailed on the following pages. ITEM 5 APPROVAL CITY AI-I'ORNEY CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CiTY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/City Manager Anthony J. Elmo, Chief Building Official April 10, 2001 Approval of Funds for Plan Review Services with Esgil Corporation RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Approve an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for Plan Check Services with Esgil Corporation. DISCUSSION: The Building and Safety Department has experienced a large volume of plan review activity over the past several months. To be responsive to this plan review workload, the services of Esgil Corporation has been utilized, with whom Building and Safety currently maintains a Professional Service Agreement. In July, 2000, the City Council approved an expenditure of $75,000 for Plan Check Services with Esgil Corporation. Over the past several months plan review activity has increased. As a result, the need to utilize the plan check services of Esgil Corporation will exceed staff's previous estimates. This additional expenditure approval will provide adequate funding for the balance of the fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in Account Number 001-162-999-5248, "Consulting Services". The cost is supported by plan review fee revenue collected. R: \BROCKMEI\AGENDA\ ESGIL 50K MORE. DOC 4/5/01 ITEM 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City ManagedCity Council APPROVAL ¢,/, ,'J~l CITY ATTORNEY ~ II DIRECTOR OF FINANCE..~. II CITY MANAGER -'~'~ II William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 10, 2001 License Agreement between RCFCD & WCD and the City of Temecula for Via Montezuma Low-Flow Crossing at Murrieta Creek, Project No. PW99-15 PREPARED BY: Scott Harvey, Associate Engineer - Capital Projects RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the License Agreement between Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCD & WCD) and the City of Temecula for the Via Montezuma Low-Flow Crossing at Murrieta Creek, Project No. PW99- 15. BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2001 the City Council awarded the Low-Flow at Via Montezuma, Project PW99-15 to Terra-Cai Construction, Inc. prior to obtaining the necessary environmental permits due to the restrictions for clearing Murrieta Creek. Environmental regulations limit the time for the initial clearing of the creek to October 15 thru March 15. The creek was cleared prior to the March 15 deadline. The Streambed Alteration Agreement, 401 Certification, and the 404 permit have been obtained. Now, the License Agreement has been written for the approval of City Council. In the meantime, R.C.F.C.D. has issued the City an encroachment permit begin the preliminary stages of the construction of this project. Work started on Monday, April 2, 2001. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: License Agreement with RCFCD & WCD I R:~AGDRPT~2001\0410\PW99-15 RCFCD AGREEMENT. DOC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LICENSE AGREEMENT VIA MONTEZUMA LOW FLOW CROSSING AT MURRIETA CI~EEK (Project Number 7-0-0020 / PW99-15) Thc RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, hereinalter called "DISTRICT", and the CITY OF TEMECULA, hereinafter called "CITY", hereby agree as follows: RECITALS A. DISTRICT owns, operates and maintains a reach of the Murrieta Creek Channel located in CITY, hereinafter called "CHANNEL", within the rights of way shown in concept outlined in blue on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a parl hereof.; and B. CITY is currently planning a number of projects to improve traffic circulation in the CITY including but not limited to, the construction of bridges crossing Murrieta Creek at Rancho Way and Avenida Alvarado; and C. The planning, design and construction of the bridge crossings is estimated to take many years, therefore, in an effort to get some immediate relief from traffic congestion CITY has planned, designed and funded a temporary low flow dip crossing of Murrieta Creek at Via Montezuma that crosses and encroaches on CHANNEL, hereinafter called "PROJECT", as shown in concept in red on Exhibit "A"; and , D. CHANNEl, is an essential, critical and integral part of DISTRICTS collection and disposal system of flood and surface waters within the area, however, the flood control aspect of CHANNEL is sporadic in nature, thereby allowing CITY the opportunity to develop, for public use, PROJECT for road purposes which is a compatible use within CHANNEL rights of way; and E. PROJECT is unsafe and not useable during storms because of periodic severe .flooding which pose a public safety hazard; and -I- 5 6 7 8 9 10 I] 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 F. CITY desires to construct PROYECT ,vithin CItANNEL rights of way since it m compatible with the prima~ p~.]rpose of CHANNEL and CITY is agreeable to ensure public safety by providing necessary and proper maintenance to PROJECT; ,and G. DISTRICT is willing to allow CITY to utilize CHANNEL to construct PROJECT within CIIANNEL rights of way since it is compatible with and will not adversely aflEct/he primary purpose o£ CHANNEL; and 11. A portion of PROJECT is located within a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mapped floodplain/floodway and may affect "waters of the United States", "wetlands" or "jurisdictional streambeds", therefore, CITY mum obtain written concurrence from FEMA that PROJECT would create a negligible effect on the water surface clcvation for the current FEMA regulatory floodplain/floodway. CITY may also be required by Federal and State law to obtain permits, approvals or agreements from thc various resource/regulatory agencies for the construction, operation and maintenance of PROJECT, including but not limited to those issued by the U.S. Army CORPS of Engineers ("CORPS"), California Regional Water Quality Control Board ("CRWQCB"), California Department of Fish and Game ("DFG") and the Califon~ia State Water Resources Control Boaxd ("CSWRCB"); and I. It is in thc best interest of the public Io proceed with PROJECT at the earliest ~ossible date. NOW, THEREFORE, thc parties hereto mutually agree as follows: SECTION I CITY shall: 1. Submit plans and specitications for PROJECT to DISTRICT for review prior ~ advertising for construction contract bids and pay DISTRICT, within thirty (30) days after receipt of periodic billings from D/STRICT any and all such amounts as are deemed reasonably -2- ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944. I necassary by DISTRICT to cover DISTRICT'S costs associated with thc review of plan~ and .specifications for PROJECT and v~th lhe processing and administration of this Agreement including periodic inspections of PROJECT to assure general compliance with the plans. 2. Prior to any modification of PROJECT, submit to DISTRiCT for review, plans lbr any work and/or improvements within CIIANNEL, and pay DISTRiCT the cost of reviewing said modification to plans. 3. Should it be detemfined that approval from FEMA or the CORPS is required, prepare, or cause to be prepared, any required special studies and submit said studies to DISTR1CT tbr review prior to forwardihg said studies to the CORPS or FEMA for their review and approval and pay DISTRICT the cost of reviewing said studies. 4. Furnish DISTRICT with draft copies of all permits, approvals or agreements required by the various resource/regulatory agencies for the construction, operation and maintanance of PROJECT. Such documents include but are not limited to, a Section 404 Authorization issued by the CORPS, a Section 401 Water Quality Certification issued by the CRWQCB, a Section 1601 Stre~mbed Alteration Agreement issued by the DFG and those issued by the CSWRCB. DISTRICT shall review and approve all such documents prior to final execution by CITY. 5. Assume Lead Agency role and all responsibility for all communication and coordination required in the preparation of PROJECT documentation required pursuant to the California Environnrental Quality Act of 1970 ("CEQA"). 6. Provide DISTRICT copies of all required CEQA PROJECT documentation. 7. Construct or cause to be constructed, PROJECT pursuant to a public works administered contract and pay for all costs for the permitting, design, construction, contract administration, inspection and all other costs not specifically agreed to be paid by DISTRiCT. -3- 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 66944. I 8. Notify DISTRICT (Attention: Dale V. Anderson or Stephen C. Thomas) in writing, at least twenty (20) days prior to the start of construction of PROJECT. Construction shall not begin on PROJECT, for any reason whatsoever, until DISTRICT has issued a written Notice to Proceed authorizing CITY to initiate construction. Such v, xitten Notice to Proceed shall not be unduly withheld by DISTRICT. 9. Require its contractor Io comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Area-Wide Municipal Stormwater Permit (NPDES No. CAS~108766) issued by tho ~Jnited States Environmental Protection Agency ("NPDES PERMIT') and administered by CRWQCB - San Diego Region. This Municipal Stormwater Permit regulates both stormwater and non-stormwater discharges associated with CITY'S construction activities. 10. CITY and/or CITY'S contractor shall be responsible for all costs and for any liability imposed by law as a result of CITY and/or CITY'S contractor's failure to comply with the requirements of any permits, approvals or agreements required lbr PROJECT, including but not limited to, compliance with the applicable provisions of the NPDES PERMIT and any Federal, State and local regulations. For the propose of this paragraph, costs and liabilities include but are not limited to, fines, penalties and damages whether assessed against CITY, CITY'S contractor or DISTRICT, including those levied under the Federal Clean Water Act and the State Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act. 11. If CITY should install/construct any improvements and/or equipment or if CITY uses or allows use of which, in the opinion of the General Manager-Chief Engineer, would be detrimental to the continued operation and maintenance of CHANNEL, upon written request of the General Manager-Chief Engineer, remove said improvements and/or equipment or cease said use. In conjunction with PROJECT, CITY waives any rights it may have against -4- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23 24 27 28 D1STRICT for dtunage to PROJECT in CHANNEL rights of way that result from the operation, maintenance and use of CHANNEL by DISTRICT. 12. Assume the obligation to maintain PROJECT, including but not limited to, repairing and/or replacing roadway and the routine removal of accumulated litter, trash and debris associated with CITY'S or public's use of PROJECT within CHANNEL rights of way and assume all liability in conjunction with the public use including claims of third persons for injury or death or damage to property. Said obligation shall not include any inverse condemnation liability of DISTRICT by mason of the location of CHANNEL or DISTRICT'S improvements thereto unless such liability is the result of CITY'S operations or use of the properly by the public mrsuant to CITY'S actual or tacit consent. 13. Be solely responsible tbr providing security and sa~ty for the public in the mblic's use of PROJECT within CHANNEl, rights of way. 14. To ensure the salary of the public who may use PROJECT, routinely conduct afety inspections and promptly repair any surthee crocking and damage to PROJECT which may be necessary to safeguard the public. 15. In its use of PROJECT under the license rights herein granted, promptly repair any damage occurring to DISTRICT'S improvements within CHANNEL, unless such damage is caused by DISTRICT'S operation, maintenance or improvements to DISTRICT facilities within CHANNEL rights of way. 16. Not mitigate for any required compensatory mitigation associated with any permits, approvals or agreements associated with PROJECT within the project limits for the CORPS' Murrieta Creek Flood Control and Enviromnental Restoration and Recreation Project "CORPS PROJECT") or within the project limits for DISTRICTS' Murrieta Creek Channel /laintenance Plan. -5- 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 !1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944. [ 17. Cease all public use of PROJECT and remove PROJI':CT in its entirety inchiding all associated improvements from within CHANNEL rights of way within 60 calendar days of receipt of written notice from DISTRICT, pursnant to Section II.5 or Section IliA, herein, and re,ore CI-LANNEL section to its prior existing condition. SECTION II DISTRICT shall: 1. Upon completion of C1TY'S CEQA requirements pursuant to Section 1.5. herein, take all ncc6ssary appropriate actions required as a Responsible Agency to comply with CEQA. 2. Hereby grant CITY, by execution of this Agreement, a temporary license to utili?e CHANNEL to construct, operate and maintain PROJECT to promote public uses which are compatible with DISTRICT'S primary flood control purpose and which do not interfere with or impair tho DISTRICT'S ability to operate and maintain CHANNEL or any of its appurtenant works. Said license shall be temporary and remain in effect so long as CiTY adheres to the terms and conditions of this Agreement with reject to PROJEC. T or until either a new bridge is constructed across Murricta Creek within CYI'Y limits or until notified by DISTRICT, pursuant to Section II.5., herein, that the CORPS' PROJECT is to be advertised for construction contract bids, whichever occurs first. 3. Review and comment on plans and specifications prepared by CITY for PROJECT prior to the start of construction of PROJECT and shall observe and make periodic inspections of PROJECT to assure general compliance with the plans. 4. Give written notice to CYJ'Y of any use being made of PROJECT by CITY nol in conformity, with this Agreement or which could adversely affect the flood conlrol function of -6- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944.1 CHANNEl, or DISTRICT'S ability to operate and maintain CItANNEL, and give Cf'FY thirty (30) days from and after such notice to correct any such nonconforming use. 5. Give 60-day xvrittcn notice to CITY that CORPS' PROJECT is Io be advertised for construction contract bids and that PROJECT and all associaled improvements shall be removed in its entirety from within CHANNEL rights of way in accordance with Section 1.17, herein. 6. Specifically excepting the portion of CHANNEL which constitutes the PROJECT hereunder, maintenance of which shall remain the responsibility of CITY, continue to maintain the structural integrity aspects of CHANNEL, including, but not limited to invert, sideslopes, inlets, fences, ramps and access roads to ~ch an extent that CI1ANNEL functions as a flood control facility to its design level. 7. Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, assume no responsibility, obligation, or liability whatsoever, for the construction, operation and maintenance of PROJECT or for thc public's use of PROJECT or for any damage caused by DISTRICT'S operation and maintenance within CHANNEL property. 8. Keep an accurate accounting of ali DIS'I'RiCT costs associated with the review of plans and specificatimts for PROJECT, the processing and administration of this Agreement and any periodic inspections. SECTION Ill IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. All work associated with PROJECT shall be inspected by CITY and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as complete by CITY. 2. DISTRICT personnel may observe and inspect all work being done on PROJECT and shall provide any quality control comments to CITY personnel who as the -7- 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 13 ~4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944. I contract administrators shall be responsible for all such official communication with the contractor during the construction of PROJECT. 3. This Agreement is applicable for the construction of PROJECT to the limits as shown on the plans. CITY must obtain written approval fi.om DIS'FPdCT should CITY desire to increase the limits where PROJECT is to be constructed. 4. DISTRICT reserves the right to terminate CITY'S license to utilize CHANNEL for public use purposes, if in the sole and exclusive exercise of its discretion, DISTRICT determines that CITY'S use of CHANNEL is not compatible with CIlANNEL'$ primary purpose. 5. PROJECT, to: CITY shall require its contractor(s), during the term of construction of (a) Provide and maintain comprehensive liability insurance coverage which shall protect CITY from claim from damages for personal injury, including accidental and wrongful death, as well as from claims lbr property damage which may arise from CITY'S construction of PROJECT or the performance of its obligations hereunder, whether such construction or performance be by CITY, by its contractor or subcontractor, or by anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them. Such insurance shall name DISTRICT as additional insured with respect to this Agreement and the obligations of CITY hereunder. Such insurance shall provide for limits of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence. Co) Cause its insurance carrier(s) which shall be authorized to transact the · business of insurance in the State of California to furnish DISTRICT -8- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 with certificate(s) of insurancc showing that such insurance is in full three and effect, and that DISTRICT is named as additional insureds with respect to this Agreement and the nbligations of CITY hcreunder. Farther, said certificate(s) shall contain the. covenant of the insurance carrier(s) t_hat thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to DISTRICT prior to modification, cancellation or reduction in coverage of said insurance coverage, which provides the types and amount of coverage required by this section, as determined and approved by DISTRICT, shall be considered as being in compliance herewith. 6. Within CHANNEL rights of way or otherwise associated with ~his Agreement, indemnify and hold DISTRICT, its officers, agents, employees and independent contractors free and harmless from any liability whatsoever, based or asserted upon any act or omission of CITY, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, independent contractors, guests and invitees for property damage, bodily injury or death (CITY employees included) or any other element of damage of any kind or nature, including bu~: not limited to arty State or Federal proceedings involving environmental issues, related to or in any manner connected with or arising from CITY'S use of CHANNEL or PROJECT, or responsibilities in connection therewith or the condition thereof, and CITY shall defend, at its expense, including attorneys' fees, DISTRICT, its officers, agents, employees and independent contractors, in any legal action based upon such alleged acts or omissions. Not withstanding the foregoing, each party, as to any and all loss, damage, claim for damage, liabilily, expenSe or cost, including attorneys' fees, which arises out of such party's (including his employees, contractors, subcontractors or agents) act or omission regaxding any work to be performed by or authority delegated lo such party as a result of this Agreement, -9- I 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 shall indemnify, defend, save ,and hold harmless the other party and its officers and employees from all liability Ibr death or it[jury to person, or damage to property, or claim therefor, 7. Any waiver by DISTRICT or by CITY of any breach of any one or more of the terms of this Agreement shall not be construed to he a waiver of any subsequent or other breach of the same or of any other term hereot: Failure on the part of DISTRICT or CITY to require exact, full and complete compliance with any terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as in any manner changing the terms hereof, or estopping DISTRICT or CITY from enforcement hereof. 8. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenfomeable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 9. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Stale of Calilbrnia. 10. This Agreemem is intm~ded by the parties hereto as a final expression of their understanding with respect to the subject matter hereof and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms and conditions thereof and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, oral or written, in connection therewith. 11. Any and all notices sent or required to be sent to the parties of this Agreement will be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the following addresses: RIVERSIDE COLrNTY FLOOD CONTROL CITY OF TEMECULA AND WATER CONSERVATION D1STRICT 43200 Business Park Drive 1995 Market Street Temecula, CA 92590 Riverside, CA 92501 12. Any action at law or in equity brought by any of the parties hereto for the purpc~se of enforcing a right or rights provided for by the Agreement, shall be tried in a court of -10- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944.1 competent jurisdiction in the County of Riverside, State of California, and the parties hereto waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in such proceedings to any other county. 13. This Agreement is the result of negotiations between the parties hereto, and the advice and assistance of their respective counsel. The fact that this Agreement was prepared as a matler of convenience by DISTRICT shall have no import or significance. Any uncertainty or ambiguity in this Agreement sh',dl not be construed against DISTRICT because DISTRICT prepared this Agreement in its final form. 14. This Agreement may bc executed and delivered in any number of counterparts or copies, hereinafter called '~COUNTERPART". by the parties hereto. When each party has signed and delivered at least one COUNTERPART to the other parties hereto, each COlYNTERPART shall be deemed an original and, taken together, shall constitute one and the ~qme Agreement, which shall be binding and effective as to the parties hereto. l/ l/ -11- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 66944. l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pm'tics hereto have executed this Agreement on (to be filled in by Clerk &the Board) RECO~;DED FOR APPROVAL: By DAVr P. U0 General Manag~er Engine~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: WI1J,IA,M ~ KATZENSTEIN County Counsel Deputy Dated q ~- ~_'_%~ ~3] RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT By JAMES A. VENABLE, Chairman Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Distr'ct Board of Supemsors ATTEST: GERALD A. MALONEY Clerk of the Board By Deputy (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. PETER M. TI-IORSON City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA By JEFF COMERCHERO Mayor ATlas'ST: By. SUSAN W. JONES, CMC City Clerk (SEAl,) DVA:bjp 04/05/01 -12- VIA MONTEZUMA EXHIBIT "A" ITEM 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL ¢"/,/,..~"" II ClTYATTORNEY ~ II DIRECTOR OF FINAN/~ MANAGER ' II CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April 10, 2001 Award of Construction Contract for the Installation of a Traffic Signal at Margarita Road and Stonewood Road, Project No. PW00-18 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Senior Engineer Scott Harvey, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Award a contract for the Installation of a Traffic Signal at Margarita Road and Stonewood Road, Project No. PW00-18 to DBX, Inc. for $132,000.00, and authori;~ the City Manager to execute the contract. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $13,200.00, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. Approve a transfer of $80,000.00 Development Impact Fees - Traffic Signals, Pala Road at Loma Linda Road, and $80,000.00 from Pala Road at Wolf Valley Road for the Installation of a Traffic Signal Installation at Margarita Road and Stonewood Road. BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2001, the City Council approved the plans and specifications, and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit public construction bids. This project will provide a fully actuated traffic signal along with new access ramps and an interconnect system to both Solana Way and Moraga Road. Seven (7) bids were received and publicly opened on March 22, 2001 and results were as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DBX, Inc ................................................................................................. $132,000.00 Sierra Pacific Electrical .................................................................................. $138,167.00 T & M Electric ................................................................................................ $142,600.00 Matt Gardner Construction ............................................................................. $145,787.00 New West Signal ............................................................................................ $149,783.00 Steiny & Company .................................................................................... $158,856.00 L A Signal, Inc ................................................................................................ $169,927.00 The Engineer's estimate for this project is $100,000. Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found DBX, Inc. of Temcula to be the lowest responsible bidder for this project. DBX, Inc. has complete several traffic signal projects in the past for the City. Staff has contacted references and determined that DBX, Inc. has satisfactorily performed similar type of work in the past. The specifications allow ninety (90) working days for completion of this project. A copy of the bid summary is available for review in the City Engineer's office. The fund transfers from the Pala Road / Loma Linda Road, and Pala Road/VVolf Valley Road signals are recommended due to the postponement of the Interim Pala Road Improvements. The two Pala Road Signal projects are expected to be funded with the upcoming Capital Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: This project is a Capital Improvement Project and is funded through Development Impact Fees - Traffic Signals. Adequate funds are available for the requested $160,000.00 transfer to cover the construction, materials testing and contract administration costs. The total construction cost is $145,200.00, which includes the contract amount of $132,000.00 plus the 10% contingency amount of $13,200.00 ATTACHMENT: 1. Project Location 2. Project Description 3. Contract 2 CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. PWO0-'I8 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION A T MARGARITA RD & STONEWOOD RD THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 10th day of April, 2001, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and DBX, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That CITY and CONTRACTOR, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. PW00-18, TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT MARGARITA RD & STONEWOOD RD, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (1992 Ed.) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Associated General Contractors of California (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW00-18, TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT MARGARITA RD & STONEWOOD RD. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building New, incorporated 3055 Overland Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (213) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provision, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW00-18, TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT MARGARITA RD & STONEWOOD RD. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shalt take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting podions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT CA-1 R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pw00-18\biddocpw00-18 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: PROJECT NO. PW00-18, TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT MARGARITA RD & STONEWOOD RD All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the ~rovisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by CITY. CITY APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of CITY or its authorized representatives. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHDULE. The CITY agrees to pay, and CONTRACTOR agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: ONE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS and NO CENTS ($132,000.00), the total amount of the base bid. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed Ninety (90) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by CITY. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by CITY. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. PAYMENTS LUMP SUM BID SCEHDULE: Before submittal of the first payment request, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City Engineer a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and suppoded by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the City Engineer may require. This schedule, as approved by the City Engineer, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the CONTRACTOR's payment requests. UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within thirty (30) days after submission of a payment request to the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid a sum equal to ninety percent (90%) of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the thirtieth (30th) day of each successive month as the work progresses. CONTRACT CA-2 R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pwOO- 18\biddocpwO0-1 8 The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made sixty (60) days after acceptance of final payment and the CONTRACTOR filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the CITY on forms provided by the CITY. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within thirty (30) days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. In accordance with Section 9-3.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Section 9203 of the Public Contract Code, a reduction in the retention may be requested by the Contractor for review and approval by the Engineer if the progress of the construction has been satisfactory, and the project is more than 50% complete. The Council hereby delegates its authority to reduce the retention to the Engineer. WARRANTY RETENTION. Commencing with the date the Notice of Completion is recorded, the CITY shall retain a portion of the Contract award price, to assure warranty performance and correction of construction deficiencies according to the following schedule: CONTRACTAMOUNT $25,000 0 $75,000 RETENTION PERIOD RETENTION PERCENTAGE 180 days 3% $75,00 - $500,000 180 days $2,250 + 2% of amount in excess of $75,000 Over $500,000 One Year $10,750 + 1% of amount in excess of $500,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - EXTENSION OF TIME. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, CONTRACTOR agrees to forfeit and pay to CITY the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of, the CONTRACTOR including delays caused by CITY. CONTRACTOR is required to promptly notify CITY of any such delay. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the CONTRACTOR has disputed the amount of the CONTRACT CA-3 R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pwO0-18\biddocpwO0-1 8 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. payment, the acceptance by CONTRACTOR of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the CITY related to the payment. CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract, from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the City Clerk. Copies may be obtained at cost at the City Clerk's office of Temecula. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Section 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, CONTRACTOR shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of CONTRACTOR alone. CONTRACTOR agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (CONTRACTOR's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by CONTRACTOR, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the CITY for any and all costs incurred by the CITY as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The CITY shall deduct such costs from Progress Payments or final payments due to the CITY. GRATUITIES. CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to CITY's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. CONTRACTOR further warrants that no person in its employ has been employed by the CITY within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an CONTRACT CA~1 R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pwOO- 18\biddocpwOO-18 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to CITY. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CONTRACTOR's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the CITY. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by CITY and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plans of CONTRACTOR and any of its suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. DISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex age, or handicap. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. Any litigation concerning this Contract shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event of litigation between the parties concerning this Contract, the prevailing party as determined by the Court, shall be entitled to actual and reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs incurred in the litigation. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the contract of the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the contractodconsultant covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. ADA REQUIREMENTS. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101- 336, as amended. CONTRACT CA-5 R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pwO0-18\biddocpwO0-1 8 23. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the CONTRACTOR as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the CITY addressed as follows: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 CONTRACT CA~ R:\cip\projects\pwOO\pwOO- 18\biddocpwOO-1 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR DBX, INC. 42066 Aveinda Alvarado, CCC Temecula, CA 92590 909-296-9909 By: Jim Perry, President DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk CONTRACT CA-7 R:\cip\projects\pw00\pwO0-18\biddocpwO0-18 ITEM 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT APPROVAL CITYATTORNEY ~ II DIRECTOR OF C MANAGER TO: FROM: City Manager/City Council ,~l'~/illiam G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: April 10, 2001 SUBJECT: Award of a Contract for the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program, Project No. PW01-03 PREPARED BY:,~mer Attar, Senior Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Award the contract for the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program, Project No. PW01-03, to Fluoresco Lighting & Signs for the corrected bid amount of $332,681.73, provided that they furnish and install the LED units by the June 1, 2001, deadline set by the California Energy Commission, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $33,268.17, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. Approve a transfer of $59,000 from Capital Project Reserves, Rainbow Canyon South Interchange and $31,000 from Flashing Beacons 2000 far the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program. BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2001, the City Council approved the Plans and Specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit bids for the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signal Conversion Program. The City of Temecula received a grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) in the amount of $140,870. The purpose of the grant is to replace incandescent traffic signal lights with Light Emitting Diode (LED) at each traffic signal and intersection within the City of Temecula. The California Energy Commission has implemented this retract rebate program to all state, local and regional agencies to encourage the replacement of incandescent lights with those using LED in an effort to reduce peak electricitydemands throughout the State of California. Eight (8) bids were received and publicly opened on March 6, 2001 and the mathematically corrected results were as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Fluoresco Lighting & Signs ............................................................................. $332,681.73 Republic Electric .......................................................................................... $368,714.25 L A Signal, Inc .............................................................................................. $369,841.00 Dynalectric .................................................................................................. $378,498.60 DBX, Inc ...................................................................................................... .$$387,882.72 S & K, Inc .................................................................................................... .$.398,756.00 Macadee Electrical Construction .................................................................. $409,800.00 Steiny & Company, Inc ................................................................................. $.416,494.70 1 r:~agdrpt\2001\0410\pw01-03.award~ajp Staff reviewed all bid proposals and found that the Iow bidder, Fluoresco Lighting & Signs, did not include a cost for Bid Item # 15, Salvaging Existing Signals Equipment to City Maintenance Facility. Upon further discussion with Fluoresco, they have provided staff with a letter indicating that Bid Item #15 is a "No Cost Item." In addition, Fluoresco's bid proposal listed the bid amount as $314,606.04. This amount was mathematically incorrect and the corrected amount is $332,681.73. The recommendation to award the contract to Fluoresco Lighting & Signs is contingent on the company's ability to furnish and install all LED units by the June 1, 2001, deadline set by the California Energy Commission. This requirement supercedes all other time requirements identified in the bid documents. Failure to meet this deadline would subject Fluoresco to any penalties assessed against the City by the California Energy Commission and any liquidated damages set in the bid documents. A copy of the bid summary is available for review in the City Engineer's office. This program will provide funding for approximately 40% of our replacement costs associated with each traffic signal and intersection within our City. The grant award amount is $140,870.00; our costs are $227,845 for a total project cost of $368,715, without the 10% contingency. The energy cost savings are substantial and our overall estimated savings as a result of replacement of the traffic signal incandescent lights with LED is approximately $93,552.00 per year. This savings would provide a project payback in less than two (2) years. FISCAL IMPACT: This project is funded by a State of California Energy Commission grant in the amount of $140,870.00 and Capital Project Reserves. The total amount available for this project is $315,870, which was appropriated on January 9, 2001. Adequate funds from Capital Project Reserves are available for the requested $90,000 transfer to cover the total project cost, which includes the contract amount of $332,681.73 plus the 10% contingency amount of $33,268.17. ATTACHMENT: Contract 2 r;~agdrpt~001\04 lO\pwO 1-03.award~ajp CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. PW0t-03 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSION PROGRAM THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 10~' day of April, 2001, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and Fluoresco Lighting and Signs, hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That CITY and CONTRACTOR, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. PW01-03, LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSION PROGRAM, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (1992 Ed.) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by the Joint Cooperative Committee of the Southern California Chapter of the American Associated General Contractors of California (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW01-03, LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSION PROGRAM. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: Building New, Incorporated 3055 Overtand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90034 (213) 202-7775 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provision, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW01-03, LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSION PROGRAM. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT CA-1 R:~CIP\PROJECTS~PW0 l\PW01-03~Contract.docContract The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: PROJECT NO. PW01-03 LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONVERSION PROGRAM All of said work to be per[ormed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by CITY. CITY APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of CITY or its authorized representatives. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHDULF The CITY agrees to pay, and CONTRACTOR agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: THREE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY ONE DOLLARS and SEVENTY THREE CENTS ($332,681.73), the total amount of the base bid. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the work NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2001. Any penalties assessed by the California Energy Commission (CEC) against the City for failure to complete the installation by June 1, 2001, will be back charged to the contractor. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Liquidated damages shall also be assessed against the contractor, as set fodh in Section 8 of this contract, for each calendar day after June 1, 2001. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by CITY. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. PAYMENTS LUMP SUM BID SCEHDULE: Before submittal of the first payment request, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City Engineer a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the City Engineer may require. This schedule, as approved by the City Engineer, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the CONTRACTOR's payment requests. CONTRACT CA-2 R:~CIP~PRO,JECTS~PW01~PW01-03tContract docContract UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within thirty (30) days after submission of a payment request to the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid a sum equal to ninety percent (90%) of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the thirtieth (30th) day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made sixty (60) days after acceptance of final payment and the CONTRACTOR filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the CITY on forms provided by the CITY. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within thirty (30) days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. In accordance with Section 9-3.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Section 9203 of the Public Contract Code, a reduction in the retention may be requested by the Contractor for review and approval by the Engineer if the progress of the construction has been satisfactory, and the project is more than 50% complete. The Council hereby delegates its authority to reduce the retention to the Engineer. WARRANTY RETENTION. Commencing with the date the Notice of Completion is recorded, the CITY shall retain a portion of the Contract award price, to assure warranty performance and correction of construction deficiencies according to the following schedule: CONTRACT AMOUNT $25,000 0 $75,000 RETENTION PERIOD RETENTION PERCENTAGE ' 1 §0 days 3% $75,00- $500,000 180 days $2,250 + 2% ofamountin excess of $75,000 Over $500,000 One Year $10,750 + 1% of amount in excess of $500,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - EXTENSION OF TIME In accordance with Government Code Section 53069,85, CONTRACTOR agrees to forfeit and pay to CITY the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated CONTRACT CA-3 R:~CIP~PROJECTS~PW0 I~PW01-03~Contract.docConb'act damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of, the CONTRACTOR including delays caused by CITY. CONTRACTOR is required to promptly notify CITY of any such delay. 10. 11. 12. 13. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the CONTRACTOR has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by CONTRACTOR of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the CiTY related to the payment. CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract, from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the City Clerk. Copies may be obtained at cost at the City Clerk's office of Temecula. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Section 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, CONTRACTOR shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of CONTRACTOR alone. CONTRACTOR agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (CONTRACTOR's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by 'CONTRACTOR, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the CITY for any and all costs incurred by the CITY as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The CITY shall deduct such costs from Progress Payments or final payments due to the CITY. GRATUITIES. CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to CITY's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. CONTRACT CA~I R:~ClP~ROJECTS~PW01 ~PW0 l~)3~Contract.dccContract 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. CONTRACTOR fudher warrants that no person in its employ has been employed by the CITY within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to CITY. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CONTRACTOR's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the CITY. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by CITY and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plans of CONTRACTOR and any of its suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. DISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex age, or handicap. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. Any litigation concerning this Contract shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event of litigation between the parties conceming this Contract, the prevailing party as determined by the Court, shall be entitled to actual and reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs incurred in the litigation. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the contract of the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the contractor/consultant covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether CONTRACT CA-5 R:~CIP~OROJECTS~PW01~PWOl~3\Contract,docContract 22. 23. contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. ADA REQUIREMENTS. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101- 336, as amended. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any pad of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the CONTRACTOR as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the CITY addressed as follows: Mailing Address: William G. Hughes Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Street Address: William G. Hughes Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CONTRACT CA~ R:~CIP~PROJECTS~PW01~PW01-03\Contract.docContract IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR Fluoresco Lighting and Signs 2778 Pomona Blvd. Pomona, CA 91768 (909) 592-0870 By: Title: (Print Name and Title) DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA By: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk CONTRACT CA-7 R:~CIP~PROJECTS~PW0 ltPW0 l~)3\Contract,docContract ITEM 9 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council /)'~Villiam G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer April10,2001 Solicitation of Construction Bids and Approval of the Plans and Specifications for Project No. PW01-07, FY2000-01 - Slurry Seal Project ~,~.- PREPARED BY: t~J"Ward Maxwell, Associate Engineer Bradley A. Buron, Maintenance Superintendent RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Construction Plans and Specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for Project No. PW01-07,'FY2000-01, Slurry Seal Project. BACKGROUND: With the Pavement Management System (PMS) in place, a five (5) year Slurry Seal Project has been formulated. All streets within the City were physically inspected, evaluated and prioritized during the implementation of the Pavement Management System. Certain streets have been grouped into areas to provide the most cost-effective projects. This year's Slurry Seal Project will be using rubberized sealing agent called, "Rubberized Polymer Modified Emulsion (RPME)", which is a preventive maintenance measure where an asphalt concrete surface has become dry or brittle. This rubberized agent will be placed over the existing asphalt concrete pavement to replace the fine materials/oils and seal the pavement surface against water intrusion. This treatment will extend the life of the existing asphalt concrete pavement from five (5) to seven (7) years. The work to be performed in this project includes the following: Application of RPME, crack sealing, treatment of all oil stains, traffic control, and replacement of all striping and street legends. The Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents have been completed and the project is readyto be advertised for construction. These Plans and Specifications are available for review in the City Engineer's office. All plans used in the construction of this project are City of Temecula Standard Plans approved by the City Council in October 1998. The Engineer's estimate for this project is $312,568.00. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the Public Works Department Street Maintenance Account 001-164-601-5402. ATTACHMENT: Attachment "A" 1 r:\agd rpt~2001\0410\pw01-07 bid/AJP SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000- 2001 PAGE 1 LOCATION SQ. FT. VIA EL GRECO - RANCHO VISTA RD. TO PASEO GOLETA 1,655X 37 61,235 280 X 33 9,240 CORTE CAMAR1LLO - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET IIOX20 2,200 11,440 260 X 33 8,580 CORTE SAN LEANDRO - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET 130 X 25 3,250 11,830 560 X 33 18,480 CORTE MALLORCA - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET 135 X 20 2,700 21,180 468 X 33 15,444 140 X 37 5,180 CORTE MADERA - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET 90 X 11 990 21,614 575 X 33 18,975 150 X 20 3,000 CORTE PACHECO - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET 100 X 14 1,400 23,375 620 X 33 20,460 CORTE TUNAS - VIA EL GRECO TO END OF STREET 130X 18 2,340 22,800 PASEO GOLETA - RANCHO VISTA ROAD TO RANCO VISTA ROAD 3,020 X 41 123,820 900 X 33 29,700 CORTE MONTIEL - PASEO GOLETA TO END OF STREET 150 X 40 6,000 35,700 1,225 X 33 40,425 CORTE PADRERA - PASEO GOLETA TO END OF STREET 200 X 20 4,000 44,425 1,156 X 33 38,148 CORTE POSITAS - PASEO GOLETA TO END OF STREET 160 X 37 5,920 44,068 550X33 18,150 CORTE MONTECITO - PASEO GOLETA TO END OF STREET 165 X 25 4,125 22,275 CALLE SANTA ANA - RANCHO VISTA ROAD TO CORTE ROSARIO 138 X 32 4,416 1,080 X 33 35,640 CORTE ROSARIO - CALLE SANTA ANA EAST TO END OF STREET 146 X 28 4,088 39,728 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE ONE 487~906 SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000 - 2001 PAGE TWO LOCATION SQ. FT. 220 X 33 7,260 CORTE ROSARIO - CALLE SANTA ANA WEST TO END OF STREET 140 X 26 3,640 10,900 1,005 X 37 37,185 CORTE SONORA - PASEO OOLETA TO END OF STREET 185 X 20 3,700 40,885 VIA LOMAS VISTA - CORTE SONORA TO PASEO DE LAS OLAS 410 X 37 15,170 270 X 37 9,990 PASEO DE LAS OLAS - VIA LOMAS VISTA TO END OF STREET 165 X 20 3,300 13,290 PASEO DE LAS OLAS-VIA LOMAS VISTA TO MEADOWS PARKWAY 2,680 X 37 99,160 CALLE TAJO - PASEO DE LAS OLAS TO RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD. 255 X 41 10,455 1,210 X 37 44,770 CORTE SALINAS - PASEO DE LAS OLAS TO END OF STREET 175 X 24 4,200 48,970 670 X 37 24,790 CORTE TORTOSA - PASEO DE LAS OLAS TO END OF STREET 145 X 18 2,610 27,400 650 X 37 24,050 CORTE ENCINAS - PASEO DE LAS OLAS TO END OF STREET 190 X 30 5,700 29,750 CAM1NO ROMO- RANCHO VISTA ROAD TO CORTE VILLOSA 1,3t0 X 40 52,400 940 X 32 30,080 140 X 30 4,200 CORTE MENDOZA - CAMINO ROMO TO END OF STREET 120 X 12 1,440 35,720 1,385X40 . 55,400 CORTE VILLOSA - PAUBA ROAD TO END OF STREET 160 X 30 4,800 60,200 600 X 33 19,800 CORTE CASTRO - CORTE VILLOSA TO END OF STREET 140 X 25 3,500 23,300 650X33 21,450 145 X 25 3,625 VIA AZALEA - CORTE CASTRO TO END OF STREET 110 X 10 1,100 26,175 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE TWO 493~775 SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000 - 2001 PAGE THREE LOCATION SQ. FT. VIA TORRES - PAUBA ROAD TO CORTE BACARRO 155 X 41 6,355 455 X 37 16,835 CORTE BACARRO - VIA TORRES TO END OF STREET 150 X 25 3,750 20,585 1,810 X 37 66,970 CORTE PARADO - VIA TORRES TO END OF STREET 160 X 22 3,520 70,490 880 X 37 32,560 CAMINO MERANO - CORTE PARADO TO END OF STREET 160 X 56 8,960 41,520 CAMINO SENECO - CORTE PARADO TO VIA REINA 1,200 X 37 44,400 VIA REtNA - MEADOWS PARKWAY TO CORTE CARMELA 390 X 37 14,430 CORTE CARMELA - VIA REINA WEST TO END OF STREET 200 X 63 12,600 800 X 33 26,400 CORTE CARMELA - VIA REINA EAST TO END OF STREET 155 X 25 3,875 30,275 1,840 X 37 68,080 CAMINO NUNEZ - CORTE PARADO TO CORTE FLORECITA 135 X 50 6,750 74,830 CORTE FLORECITA - CAMINO NUNEZ WEST TO MEADOWS PKWY. 180 X 37 6,660 1,100 X 37 40,700 CORTE FLORECITA - CAMINO NUNEZ EAST TO END OF STREET 135 X 23 3,105 43,805 CAMINO DE LA TORRE - CORTE FLORECITA TO VIA VASQUEZ 900 X 37 33,300 CORTE VALENTINE -CAM1NO DE LA TORRE NORTH TO END OF 725 X 33 23,925 STREET 200 X 20 4,000 27,925 935 X 33 30,855 CORTE ZAMORA - CAMINO NUNEZ TO END OF STREET 145 X 25 3,625 34,480 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE THREE 461~655 SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000 - 2001 PAGE FOUR LOCATION SQ. FT. CAM1NO CASANA - CAM1NO NUNEZ TO CORTE LARA 1,450 X 37 53,650 545 X 33 17,985 CORTE LARA - CAMINO CASANA TO END OF STREET 140 X 26 3,640 21,625 775 X 33 25,575 CORTE PALACIO - CAMINO CASANA TO END OF STREET 136 X 20 2,720 28,295 VIA BALDERAMA - CAMINO CASANA TO RANCHO VISTA ROAD 705 X 37 26,085 VIA VASQUEZ - CAMINO CASANA TO CORTE CANEL 850 X 37 31,450 300 X 33 9,900 CORTE CAMARA - VIA VASQUEZ TO END OF STREET 140 X 22 3,080 12,980 720 X 37 26,640 CORTE DE CERRO - VIA VISTANA EAST TO END OF STREET 150 X 24 3,600 30,240 605 X 37 22,385 CORTE CANEL - VIA VISTANA WEST TO END OF STREET 150 X 24 3,600 25,985 CORTE MONTIA- CORTE CANEL TO END OF STREET 140 X 66 9,240 VIA VISTANA - CORTE CANEL TO RANCHO VISTA ROAD 235 X 40 9,400 VIA JABILI - RANCHO VISTA TO CAMINO MAREA 136 X 41 5,576 CAM1NO MAREA - VINTAGE HILLS DRIVE TO CORTE SEDA 2,760 X 37 102,120 330 X 37 12,210 CORTE SEDA - CAM1NO MAREA TO END OF STREET 140 X 20 2,800 15,010 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE FOUR 371~656 SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000-2001 PAGE FIVE LOCATION SQ. FT. 635 X 37 23,495 CORTE PERGAMINO - CAMINO MAREA TO END OF STREET 125 X 15 1,875 25,370 CORTE BALBOA - CAMINO MAREA TO END OF STREET 140 X 71 9,940 VIA TOP. ENO - RANCHO VISTA ROAD TO CAMINO MAREA 360 X 41 14,760 865 X 37 32,005 CORTE LA PUENTA - VIA TORENO TO END OF STREET 145 X 30 4,350 36,355 350 X 37 12,950 CORTE HIGUERA - CAMINO MAREA TO END OF STREET 175 X 32 5.600 18,550 VIA ASTUR1AS - CAMINO MAREA TO CORTE SOLED/H) 280 X 37 10,360 210X37 7,770 CORTE SOLEDAD - VIA ASTURIAS WEST TO END OF STREET 120 X 21 2,520 10,290 780 X 37 28,860 CORTE SOLEDAD - VIA ASTURIAS EAST TO END OF STREET 140 X 32 4,480 33,340 190 X 70 13,300 CORTE AMALIA - CORTE SOLEDAD TO END OF STREET 160 X 20 3,200 16,500 CALLE RESACA - VINTAGE HILLS DRIVE TO RANCHO VISTA ROAD 2,620 X 37 96,940 820 X 33 27,060 CORTE LAS CURCES - CALLE RESACA TO END OF STREET 145 X 20 2,900 29,960 720 X 33 23,760 CORTE SANTA CATALINA - CALLE RESACA TO END OF STREET 140 X 24 3,360 27,120 630 X 33 20,790 CORTE VICENTE - CALLE RESACA TO END OF STREET 160 X 24 3,840 24,630 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE FIVE 354~115 SLURRY SEAL LIST 2000 - 2001 PAGE SIX LOCATION SQ. FT. 825 X 32 26,400 CORTE CORONADO - CALLE KESACA TO END OF STREET 140 X 20 2,800 29,200 330 X 33 10,890 CORTE CHATADA - CALLE RESACA TO END OF STREET 150 X 23 3,450 14,340 VINTAGE HILLS DRIVE - CALLE RESACA TO RANCHO CALIF. RD. 210 X 42 8,820 TOTAL SQUARE FEET FOR PAGE SIX 52~360 TOTAL SQUARE FEET ALL SIX PAGES 2~221~467 ITEM 10 ORDINANCE NO. 01-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING SECTION NO. 2.40.100 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO MONTHLY COMPENSATION FOR CITY COMMISSIONERS. THE FOLLOWING COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findin,qs. The City Council for the City of Temecula hereby finds the following: A. That the City Council wishes to amend Section 2.40.100 to provide monthly compensation for City Commissioners. B. Monthly compensation for Commissioners is currently set at: Planning Commission Public Safety/Traffic Commission Community Services/Parks Commission $100 per month $100 per month, and $ 50 per month Section 2. Section 2.040.100 of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby amended to read: "City Commissioners shall receive monthly compensation as follows: Planning Commission Public Safety/Traffic Commission Community Services/Parks Commission $100 per month $ 50 per month, and $ 50 per month." Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall publish a summary of this Ordinance and a certified copy of the full text of this Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk at least five days prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. Within 15 days from adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall publish a summary of this Ordinance, together with the names of the Councilmembers voting for and against the Ordinance, and post the same in the office of the City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] Ord$/01-05 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance No. 01-05 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 27th day of March, 2001 and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 10~h of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk Ords/01-05 2 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ITEM 1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL j~, ~,~r~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ II DIRECTOR OF FINANC'E..,~/~4-.-.~ GENERAL MANAGER ~ II TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT General Manager/Board of Directors Herman Parker, Director of Community Services April 10, 2001 Completion and Acceptance for the Rancho California Sports Park Desiltation Project, Project No. PW00-01CSD PREPARED BY: ."~.~_ illiam G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer -- Steve Charette, Assistant Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: Accept the project "Rancho California Sports Park Desiltation Project, Project No. PW00- 01CSD", as complete; and File a Notice of Completion, release the performance Bond, and accept a one (1) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract; and Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after filing of the Notice of Completion, if no liens have been filed. BACKGROUND: On October 24, 2000, the Board of Directors awarded the contract to Clubb Grading & Pacific Roofing for an amount of $104,888.16. Two contract change orders for an amount of $13,997.20 were approved by the General Manager and the Board of Directors. This brings the total cost of the project to $118,885.36. The project included the removal of approximately 15,000 cubic yards of silt from the basin which had filled in the eastern shoreline over the last few years. The work also included the installation of additional fencing to completely enclose the site. The Contractor has completed the work in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and within the allotted contract time to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The construction retention for this project will be released on or about 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded. FISCAL IMPACT: The contract amount for this project was $104,888.16. Contract Change Orders No. 1 and 2 were approved in the amount of $13,997.20 for a total construction cost of $118,885.36. This project was funded by Capital Project Reserves with adequate funds appropriated into Account No. 210-190-171-5804. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Maintenance Bond 3. Contractor's Affidavit R:~AGDRPT~2001\0410\PWO0-01 .ACC.DOC/smc RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The City of Temecula is the owner of the property hereinafter described. 2. The full address of the City of Temecula is 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. 3. A Contract was awarded by the City of Temecula to Lighting Contract Services to perform the following work of improvement: Rancho California Sports Park Desiltation Project Project No. PW00-01CSD 4. Said work was completed by said company according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Temecula and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on April 10, 2001. That upon said contract the American Contractors Indemnity Company was surety for the bond given by the said company as required by law. 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: PROJECT NO. PW 00- O1CSD. 6. The street address of said property is: Rancho Vista Road at Southern Cross Road Dated at Temecula, California, this 10~ day of April, 2001. Susan W. Jones CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California and do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temecula, California, this 10t~ day of April, 2001. Susan W. Jones CMC, City Clerk R:\cip\p~ojects\pwgg~pw99- 20~complem.~ot/smc BOI~ID N0. 131616 PR]~II~!: $237.00 ' CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE BOND PROJECT NO. PWOO-OICSD RANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS PARK DESIL TA TION PROJECT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT THAT: CLUBB GRADING & PACIFIC ROOFING AND DESIGI~ OF SO. CJ~I.II:OR1Cit ENI'gRPKISF~ NAME AND ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S a CORPOP. ATION (fill in whether · Corporation, P~'fnersl~ or indiv~dueO hereinafter called Principal, and AI~,.R/CAll CONTRACTORS INOEt41qI'rY CONPANY 10231 SLATER AVE, SUITE 202 POIINTATN VAT.I.lq~, CA 92708 NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY Elewen hereinafter called SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF TEMECULA, hereinafter called OWNER, in the penal sum of Thousaad Eight Hundred S/xl:y Eight DOLLARS and 80/100 ....... CENTS ($ ~.1,868.80 -~--) in lawful money of the United States, said sum being not less Ihan ten (10%) o[ the Contract value payable by the said City of Temecula under the terms of the Contract, for the payment of which, we bind ourselves, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Principal entered into a certain Contract with the OWNER, dated the 241h day of October ,20 00, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof for the construction of PROJECT N~. PW00- 01CSD, RANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS PARK DESILTATION PROJECT. WHEREAS, said Contract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for the period of on.___~e (1) year after approval of the final estimate on said job, by the OWNER, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent during said period; and WHEREAS, the said Contracl has been completed, and lhe final estimale was approved on 6th February ,200__1. · NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, thai if within one year from the date of approval of the final estimate on said job pursuant to lhe Contract, the work done under the terms of said Contract shall disclose poor workmanship in the execution of said work, and the carrying out of the terms of said Contract, or it shall appear that defective materials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain in full force and vidue, otherwise this instrument shall be void. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified, costs and reasonable expenses and fees shall be included, including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by MAINTENANCE BOND ' r ~ R:~ip~projec~z~,~O~) 1Vaid doc the City of Temecula in successfully enforcing this obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The Surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder, or to the specifications accompanying the same, shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work, or to the Spscifications. Signed and sealed this 28th day of t4J~ca ,20 0] (Seal) At. IE/~ CAN COIq'I3U[C~OI{S (Name) ATTORlqEY-Ilq-FACT (Title) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CLUBB GRADING & PACIFIC ROOFING AND DESIGN OF SO. CALIFOIIltIA Elfl'F. IIPRISE$ PRINCIPAL (Title) By: (Name) (Title) MAINTENANCE BONO M-5 R:~p'tproJecls~vO0~ 1 ~bld doc CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California / ss. County of ORANGE / On _1~.__~C~28~ 2~0_0~1 .... before me, P_egg~ ~_t~_u_r_~_~___R_o..t__a_~.__~_u_~_l~_c- personally appeared Ariel Heredia Nmme(s) IX~ersonally known lo me I t proved Io me on Ihe basis ol salisfactory evidence to be the person(,~ whose name(fi) is/a~jt subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he,~J~R~lj~j~y executed the same in his/l~ authorized capacity(~), and that by his/h~,~l~ signature(~) on the instrument the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~) acted, execute~l.~e instrument. WlTNE~and ~ye:,.~ "~ OPTIONAL Though lhe informalion below is nol required hy law, il tony prove vahmble lo persons relying on lbo documenl Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: BOi',TD NO. 131616 Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: [] Individual [] Corporate Officer-- Title(s): [] Padner-- [] Limited [] General ~ Attorney in Fact [~ Trustee I I Guardian or Conservalor E3 Other: Signer lsRepresenting: American Contractors Indemnity Company_ Top of thumb here American Contractors Indemnity Company Los Angeles, California POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW At,t, MEN BY 'I'III:,$E I~RI;,SI;,NTR: Thai AMI~,RICAN CONTRACTOI~,~ INI)I;,MNITY COMPANY, a Cafif~rnia Corporation Ariel Heredia as its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fast, in amount of $ 1,500,000.00 , lo execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and nil bunds and unclcrhlkings rcc(~gniznnces, contr;icls of indcmnily und othc![ wrilings ohligal~ry iii thc numre thereof, which nreor may be ulhiwcd, rcllUhed m' I)Crulilied by hlw, slalulc, IIi1[~, icgulaiiml, clalh'acl m' .th~'t wise, and thc cxccnlioli nf such hislrumenl(~) in putsunncc of Ihese plcscnls, sllall be us I)ilnling npon Ibc said AMERICAN C()NTI~ACI'( )RS INI)I~MNH'Y (.'OMI'ANY, lis lillly Inld ulnply, lo nil talents and purposes, as if thc same had been duly cxeculcd aad acknowledged by ils regularly elected officers at ils principal office. ~is Power of Attorney is ex~ut~, and may ~ certified to and may ~ revoked, pu~uant to and by authority of resolutions adop~ by ~e Bo~ of Directom of AME~CAN CO~CTORS INDEMNITY COMPLY, at a m~ting call~ and held on ~e 6~ day of ~m~r, 1 ~. ~ RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer, President or any Vice President, Executive ~ce President, Secret~ or Assis~t S~re~, shall have power and authority. 1. To appoint Attorney(s)-in-fact and to authorize them to execute on ~half of the Company, and attach the Seal of ~e Company thereto, bonds aed unde~akings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligato~ in the nature ~er~f and, 2. To remove, at any time, any such Attoruey-in-fact and revoke the authority given. RESOLVED ~RTHER, that the signature of such o~eers aed the seal of the Cmnpany may ~ a~x~ to any such ~wer of attorney or any ccrti~cate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or cedificale bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile s~l shall be valid and bindiag upon the Company and any such power so cxeculed aad certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the C~mq~m~y in the future with respcel lo any bond or undeHaking to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMERICAN CONTRACTO~ INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused this instrument to be sign~od i~ co.rate seal to be affixed by its authoriz~ officer this 17tn day of August STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On August 17, 2000 Andy Fau~t, President before me, Deborah Reese , personally appeared Andy Faust personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CERTIFICATION Commission # t205480 Nota~ Public -- California I, the undersigned officer of AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that same are correct transcripts thereof and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunlo sol my hand Ihis ZSth (lay of I4ARCH 2001 Branch 07 CITYOF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT AI~D FINAL RELEASE PROJECT NO. PWOC~OI CSD RANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS PAI~; DESIL TA TION PROJECT This is to certify that , (h,;reinafter the ~CONTRACTOR') declares to the City of Temecuta, under oath, that he/she/it has [:aid in full for art materials, supplies, labor, services, tools, equipment, and all other bills contracted for by the CONTRACTOR or by any of the CONTRACTOR's agents, employees or subcontractom used or ir~ COntribution to the execution of it's contract with the City of Temecul~, with regard to the building, erection, construction, or repair of that certain work of impmw;ment known as PROJECT NO. PW00- 01CSD, RANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS' PARK DESILTATION PROJECT, situated in the City of Temecuta, State of California, mom particularly described as follows: RANCHO CALIFORNIA SPORTS P~RK DESILTATtO~ PROJECT The CONTRACTOR declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Contract which would COnstitute grounds for any third p~rty to claim a Slop Notice against of any unpaid sums owing to the CONTRACTOR. Furlher, in connection with the final payment of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR hereby disputes the following amounts: Description Dollar Amount to Dispute Pursuant to Public Co~rt~a~.~Is Code §7200, the CONTi:b~CTOR does hereby fully release and acquit the City of Temecula and alt agents and employe¢;s of the City, and e~jch of them, from any and att claims, debts, demands, or cause of action, which exist or might exist in favor of the CONTRACTOR by reason of payment by the C~! of Te ~necula of any contract amount which the CONTRACTOR has not disputed above. CONTRA, CTOR Print Nante a~d Titl~ ITEM 2 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE_.~. CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OFTEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Board of Directors Shawn D. Nelson, General Manager Susan W. Jones City Clerk/Director of Support Services April 10, 2001 Ratification of Election Results - Tract No. 29286 PREPARED BY: Cheryl Domenoe, Administrative Secretary RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 01-._ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MAIL-IN BALLOT ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 5, 2001 DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW BACKGROUND: At the meeting of December 12, 2000, the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. CSD 2000-19, which called for a Special Election to be held among the property owners of the parcels within Tract No. 29286. The purpose of this election was to establish Service Level B rates and charges for fiscal year 2001-02. This election was conducted by mail with a final date for acceptance of ballots to be no later than 3:30 p.m. on April 5, 2001. At 4:00 p.m. on that date, the City Clerk acting in her capacity as the City's Election Official and as the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District declared the receipt period for receiving ballots closed. At 4:00 p.m., the Elections Canvassing Board duly appointed and consisting of City Clerk Susan Jones, Deputy City Clerk Michaela Ballreich and Administrative Secretary Cheryl Domenoe, conducted the canvass of the results. The results of the votes cast, returned within the time allowed and publicly counted, are included within the body of the proposed resolution. Agenda Repods\Election CSD Tract 29286 I Staff recommends adoption of the resolution ratifying the results of this election. FISCAL IMPACT: election results. There is no direct fiscal impact as a consequence of the ratification of the ATFACHMENTS: Resolution No. CSD 01- Official Tally of the Votes Vicinity Map Agenda Reports\Election CSD Tract 29286 2 RESOLUTION NO. CSD 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MAIL-IN BALLOT ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 5, 2001 DECLARING THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATrERS AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, a Special Mail-in Ballot Election was held and conducted in the City of Temecula, California, on April 5, 2001, as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the election was given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that the special election was for the purpose of obtaining approval by property owners within Tract No. 29286, for establishment of the annual levy for Service Level B rates and charges at $25.68/per lot on the parcel was properly established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. CSD 2000-19, adopted December 12, 2000, the ballots were returned to the office of the City Clerk/Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District; the results were received, canvassed in public and are herein set forth in Section 2. NOW THEREFORE, THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the whole number of ballots cast in the homeowners election was one (1) and the whole number of provisional batlots cast in the election was none (0). Section 2. That the whole number of ballots cast for establishment of the annual levy for Service Level B rates and charges at $25.68/per lot on the parcel identified on the ballot were as follows: Yes No 1 0 Incomplete0 Section 3. The Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District does declare and determine that as a result of the election, a majority of the voters voting on the measure relating to the establishment of Service Level B Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2001-02 pursuant to Article XIIID, Section 6 of the California Constitution, did vote in favor of the measure and that the measure was carried, and shall be deemed adopted and ratified. Section 4. The City Clerk/Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) shall enter in the minutes of the TCSD Board of Directors, a statement of the result of the election, showing: (1) The whole number of ballots cast in the City; (2) The votes in favor, (3) The votes in opposition and (4) Those received incomplete. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, President Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTYOF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk/District Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. CSD 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District on the 10w day of April, 2001, by the following roll call vote. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISTRICT MEMBERS: DISTRICT MEMBERS: DISTRICT MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC Ci~ Clerk/Distri~ Secretary Resos. CSD\01- OFFICIAL TALLY OF THE VOTES FOR TCSD LEVY/SPECIAL TAX TRACT NO. 29286 BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 2001/02 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SERVICE LEVEL B, PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL STREET LIGHTING RATES AND CHARGES Yes N.~o TOTAL TOTAL ELECTION BOARD ~Susafi~City Cle~--rk Michaela A. Ballreicl~puty City Clerk Election Officer C-~h/eryl D~menoe, Administrative Secretary Election Officer R:\ELECTION - GENERAL\CANVASS.DOC L~ N.T.S. CONSULTING T.C.S.D. MAINTAINED SLOPE AND LANDSCAPE AREAS FOR TRACl' NO. 29286 Vicinity Map ITEM 3 CITY ATTORNEY ~vv~d~ FINANCE DIRECTOR I CITY MANAGER .,-~'"~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OFTEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Board of Directors Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services~'/ April 10, 2001 Authorization to Release a Formal Bid for the Chaparral High School Aquatic Facility Project PREPARED BY: Phyllis L. Ruse, Deputy Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directom approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize the release of a formal public bid for the Chaparral High School Aquatic Facility Project. DISCUSSION: On June 27, 2000, the Board of Directors approved the Master Plan for the Chaparral High School Aquatic Facility. The City and the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) had previously entered into a joint use agreement for the proposed pool facility. The facility will be sited at the Chaparral High School and will be available for school use during the school year and to the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) for recreational and educational purposes during the summer months. A project committee consisting of Mayor Pro Tern Roberts and Council Member Stone, a TCSD Commissioner, TVUSD representatives, members from the community, and City staff met on several occasions to discuss the design of the facility and the ultimate amenities it would have. The Master Plan calls for a 25 meter, equal depth competitive pool, a separate three lane pool with shallow end for lessons and a deep end with diving board, a zero depth water spray play area, spectator seating, shower and locker room accommodations, pump room and staff offices. Upon approval of the Master Plan, the design consultant, RJM Design Group, began work on the construction drawings. The plans and specifications for the project have been submitted to the Division of State Architect (DSA) and City staff for review, comment and approval. The finalized plans and specifications are on file with in the Public Works Department. In coordination with the TVUSD, staff envisions bidding the project and awarding a construction contract so that major construction on the site will take place during the school break this summer. This will allow to final work to take place within a fenced area when students are on campus next fall. The project is scheduled to be completed by early next calendar year. FISCAL IMPACT: The Engineer's cost estimate for this project is $2,350,000. The joint use agreement with the TVUSD provides for the District to reimburse the City a total of $1,000,000 for the project over a five-year period. The project is funded by Quimby Fees and Capital Projects reserves. The project is included in the Capital Improvement Program in fund 210-190-170. Annual operations and maintenance costs for the facility are estimated at $150,000, excluding staffing. The City will reimburse the TVUSD for one-third of the actual maintenance costs each year. R:',RUSEP~AGENDAS~bid solicitation-chaparral pool.doc REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEM 1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: iCity Attorney Director of Finan~,e City Manager..//? CITY OFTEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council/Redevelopment Agency City Manager/Executive Director Shawn D. Nelson April 10, 2001 Formation of Joint Exercise of Powers Authority; Approval of Deposit/Reimbursement Agreement RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 0'1- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA 2. That the Redevelopment Agency adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE CITY OF TEMECULA That the City and the Redevelopment Agency execute the joint exercise of powers agreement creating the Temecula Public Financing Authority. BACKGROUND: Ashby Development Company, Inc., Calloway 220, LLC (collectively, the "Developers"), have requested that a community facilities district be formed to assist in the financing of public improvements in the Roripaugh Ranch area by means of the formation of a community facilities district under the provisions of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982. The Developers have agreed to pay all City out of pocket expenses in connection with the proposed financing. City Staff, with the advice of the City's consultants, have recommended that various actions be taken in order to allow formal consideration of the Developers' request. R:'~Caravelli Denise',AGENDAS'~Agendas Butterfleld Stage~StaffRptCity.doc CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Formation of Joint Exercise of Powers Authority Page 2 The City Attorney has recommended that the City and the Redevelopment Agency form a joint exercise of powers authority in order to conduct the proceedings related to the proposed financing. Under California law, a joint exercise of powers authority is a separate legal entity from the public agencies that create it, and its debts and liabilities are not those of the public agencies that create it. It is proposed that the City and the Redevelopment Agency form the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority"), which would then consider the formation of a community facilities district and the issuance of bonds necessary to finance the public improvements. Because the Authority will be a separate legal entity from the City and the Redevelopment Agency, no funds or assets of the City or the Redevelopment Agency will be liable for the payment of debt service on any bonds issued by the Authority. The bonds will be secured solely by the proceeds of special taxes levied on land included within the boundaries of the community facilities district. The City Council members will act as the Board of Directors of the Authority, so that they can control all aspects of any Authority bond issue. It is expected that the Authority will form a community facilities district in connection with the proposed financing. The proposed financing structure will ensure that only properties included within the proposed community facilities district will be taxed to pay for the bonds, and the bonds will be payable solely from the proceeds of those special taxes. The bonds will not be general obligations of the City or the Redevelopment Agency, but only limited obligations of the Authority, payable from special taxes levied on land included within the boundaries of the community facilities district. The Authority may establish other community facilities districts in the future in connection with the financing of public improvements in the City other than in the Roripaugh Ranch area and could also be used in connection with other City and Agency financings. SPECIFIC ACTIONS: In order to begin the process to consider the formation of the community facilities district and the issuance of the bonds, the following actions must occur: The City and the Redevelopment Agency each must consider the adoption of a resolution authorizing them to enter into a joint exercise of powers agreement to create the Temecula Public Financing Authority. The City resolution also approves a deposit/reimbursement agreement with the Developers and makes a finding that the formation of the Authority, and the contemplated formation of a community facilities district and issuance of special tax bonds by the Authority are not a "Project" under the California Environmental Quality Act. Following the adoption of their respective resolutions, the appropriate officers of the City and the Redevelopment Agency must execute the joint exercise of powers agreement. CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Formation of Joint Exercise of Powers Authority Page 3 The Temecula Public Financing Authority will then, by minute order, appoint a Chairperson, and consider adoption of a resolution with respect to meetings and other administrative matters. The Authority will also consider adoption of a resolution adopting local goals and policies for its Mello-Roos districts. Under applicable State law, a new community facilities district cannot be formed unless the entity which forms it has first adopted local goals and policies which satisfy certain requirements of law. The suggested local goals and policies only pertain to the specific financing contemplated by the Authority, and would not apply to any community facilities district that may be created in the future by the City. The Temecula Public Financing Authority will then consider adoption of a resolution of intention acknowledging receipt of a petition to form a community facilities district, and authorizing and directing the engagement of consulting firms and other actions related to the proposed community facilities district. FISCAL IMPACT: The Developers have agreed to pay all out of pocket expenses incurred relative to the proposed financing. Costs of issuance of the proposed bond issue will be paid from the proceeds of the bonds to be issued by the joint exercise of powers authority. All annual costs of administering the bond issued will be paid by special taxes levied on the properties in the community facilities district. Neither the City nor the Redevelopment Agency will have any responsibility for the payment of debt service on any bonds issued by the Temecula Public Financing Authority. Attachments: Resolutions (2) Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, MAKING CEQA DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING DEPOSIT/REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Temecula (the "City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula (the "Agency") desire to assist in the financing and refinancing of public capital improvements in the City; and WHEREAS, in connection with such assistance, the City and the Agency propose to form a joint exercise of powers authorities pursuant to Article I (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code, to exercise the powers of the City and the Agency, and to enable the use of financing techniques that may reduce local borrowing costs, and to otherwise promote the greater use of existing and new financial instruments and mechanisms, all in accordance with the financing and refinancing of public improvements by and through community facilities districts to be formed by such joint powers authority; and WHEREAS, a form of joint exercise of powers agreement (the "Joint Powers Agreement") between the City and the Agency creating the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority"), has been filed with the City Clerk, and the City Council, with the aid of City staff, have reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to approve the Joint Powers Agreement, and to authorize its execution and delivery; and WHEREAS, Ashby Development Company, Inc. and Calloway 220, LLC (collectively, the "Developers") have requested that the Authority form a community facilities district and have advanced funds to pay costs of the City and the Authority related thereto; and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into a Deposit/Reimbursement Agreement with the Authority and the Developers (the "Deposit Agreement"), regarding the disposition of funds advanced by the Developers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Temecula as follows: Section 1. Formation of Joint Powers Authority. The City Council hereby authorizes the officers and staff members of the City to assist in the organization of a joint exercise of powers authority between the City and the Agency to be known as the "Temecula Public Financing Authority." The City Council hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor to execute and deliver and the City Clerk to attest the Joint Powers Agreement forming said joint exercise of powers authority, in the form on file with the City Clerk together with any changes therein deemed advisable by the City Attorney, the approval of such changes to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the City of the Joint Powers Agreement. Section 2. Deposit Agreement. The City Council hereby approves and authorizes the City Manager to execute and deliver the Deposit Agreement, in the form on file with the City Clerk together with any changes therein deemed advisable by the City Attorney, the approval of such changes to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the City of the Deposit Agreement. Section 3. No CEQA Project. The City Council hereby determines that the formation of the Authority, and the contemplated formation of a community facilities district and issuance of community facilities district special tax bonds involving the Authority, in accordance with Section 15061(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines are not a "Project," as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines, and are therefore exempt from the requirements of CEQA. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(d) and 15062, the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a Notice of Exemption to be prepared, executed and filed in regard to the foregoing determination. Section 4. Official Actions. The Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk and all other officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions and do all things necessary or desirable hereunder with respect to the formation of said joint exercise of powers authority and the implementation of the Deposit Agreement, including but not limited to the execution and delivery of any and all agreements, certificates, instruments and other documents, which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or desirable and not inconsistent with the purposes of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula, at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan Jones, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 10th day of April, 2001, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NAYS: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNClLMEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secmtary RESOLUTION NO. RDA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING FORMATION OF A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AUTHORITY WITH THE CITY OF TEMECULA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula (the "Agency") and the City of Temecula (the "City") desire to assist in the financing and refinancing of public capital improvements in the City; and WHEREAS, in connection with such assistance, the Agency and the City propose to form a joint exercise of powers authority pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code, to exercise the powers of the Agency and the City, and to enable the use of financing techniques that may reduce local borrowing costs, and to otherwise promote the greater use of existing and new financial instruments and mechanisms, all in connection with the financing and refinancing of public improvements by and through community facilities districts to be formed by such joint powers authority; and WHEREAS, a form of joint exercise of powers agreement between the Agency and the City creating the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Joint Powers Agreement"), has been filed with the Secretary of the Agency, and the members of the Governing Board of the Agency, with the aid of Agency staff, have reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement and now desire to approve it and authorize its execution and delivery. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula as follows: Section '1. Formation of Joint Powers Authority. The Governing Board of the Agency hereby authorizes the officers and staff members of the Agency to assist in the organization of a joint exercise of powers authority between the Agency and the City, to be known as the "Temecula Public Financing Authority." The Governing Board of the Agency hereby approves and authorizes the Chairperson to execute and deliver and the Secretary to attest the Joint Powers Agreement forming said joint exercise of powers authority, in the form on file with the Secretary together with any changes therein deemed advisable by counsel to the Agency, the approval of such changes to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the Agency of the Joint Powers Agreement. Section 2. Official Actions. The Chairperson, Executive Director, Secretary and all other officers of the Agency, are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions and do all things necessary or desirable hereunder with respect to the formation of said joint exercise of powers authority, including but not limited to the execution and delivery of any and all agreements, certificates, instruments and other documents, which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or desirable and not inconsistent with the purposes of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Governing Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Chairperson Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan Jones, Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. RDA 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Governing Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula on the 10th day of April, 2001, by the following roll call vote: AYES: AGENCYMEMBERS: NAYS: AGENCYMEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCYMEMBERS: ABSTAINED: AGENCYMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT This Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (the "Agreement"), dated April 10, 2001, is by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation and public body, corporate and politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (the "City"), and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, a public body corporate and politic duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (the "Agency"). WI TNES S E TH: WHEREAS, agencies formed under Articles 1-4 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Act") are permitted to provide financing for any of their members or other local public agencies in the State of California in connection with the acquisition, construction and improvement of public capital improvements, working capital requirements or insurance programs of such members or other local agencies; and WHEREAS, the City and the Agency wish to form an agency under the Act for the purpose of providing an entity which can assist in providing financing and refinancing for public capital improvements in the City and for other purposes which are authorized under the Act. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the mutual promises herein contained, the City and the Agency do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in this Article shall, for the purpose hereof, have the meanings herein specified. "Act" means Articles 1 through 4 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California. "Agency" means the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula. "Agreement" means this Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, as originally entered into or as amended from time to time. "Associate Member~' means a Public Agency which is a party to an Associate Membership Agreement entered into by the Authority and such Public Agency pursuant to Article VII hereof. "Associate Membership Agreement" means an agreement between the Authority and an Associate Member as described in Article VII hereof. "Authority" means the Temecula Public Financing Authority established pursuant to Section 2.02 of this Agreement. R:\Caravelli Denise~AGENDAS~Agendas Butterfield Stage~JPAAgreement.doc "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Authority referred to in Section 2.03. "Bond Law" means the Marks-Roos Local Bond Pooling Act of 1985, being Article 4 of the Act (commencing with Section 6584), as now in effect or hereafter amended, Article 2 of the Act as now in effect or hereafter amended, or any other law available for use by the Authority in the authorization and issuance of bonds to provide for the financing of Obligations, Working Capital Requirements, Public Improvements and/or liability or insurance needs of any Public Agency. "Bond Purchase Agreement" means an agreement between the Authority and the City, the Agency or any Public Agency, pursuant to which the Authority agrees to purchase Obligations from the City, the Agency or such Public Agency, as the case may be. "Bonds" means bonds, notes or other obligations of the Authority issued pursuant to the Bond Law or pursuant to any other provision of law which may be used by the Authority for the authorization and issuance of bonds, notes or other obligations. "City" means the City of Temecula, California. "Directors" means the representatives of the City appointed to the Board pursuant to Section 2.03. "Fiscal Year" means the period from July 1 in any calendar year to and including June 30 in the succeeding calendar year. "Members" means the City and the Agency. "Obligations" has the meaning given to the term "Bonds" in Section 6585(c) of the Bond Law. "Public Agency" means any public agency authorized by the Act to enter into a joint exercise of powers agreement with the City and the Agency. "Public Improvements" has the meaning given such term in Section 6585(g) of the Bond Law. "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Authority appointed pursuant to Section 3.01. "Treasurer" means the Treasurer of the Authority appointed pursuant to Section 3.02. "Working Capital Requirements" means the requirements of any Public Agency for funds to be used by, or on behalf of, such Public Agency for any purpose for which such Public Agency may borrow money pursuant to Section 53852 of the Government Code of the State of California. -2- ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2.0t. Purpose. This Agreement is made pursuant to the Act providing for the joint exercise of powers common to the City and the Agency, and for other purposes as permitted under the Act, the Bond Law and as agreed by one or more of the parties hereto. A primary purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the financing and refinancing of Public Improvements or Obligations through the formation by the Authority of one or more community facilities districts, the acquisition by the Authority of such Public Improvements, and/or the purchase by the Authority of Obligations of the City, the Agency or any Public Agency pursuant to Bond Purchase Agreements and/or the lending of funds by the Authority to the City, the Agency or any Public Agency. Another primary purpose of the Authority is to assist the City in connection with City lease and installment sale financings and refinancings. Section 2.02. Creation of Authority. Pursuant to the Act, there is hereby created a public entity to be known as the "Temecula Public Financing Authority". The Authority shall be a public entity separate and apart from the City, the Agency, any Associate Member and any other Public Agency, and shall administer this Agreement. Section 2.03. Board of Directors. The Authority shall be administered by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) Directors, unless and until such number is changed by amendment of this Agreement. The Directors of the Authority shall be comprised of the members of the City Council of the City. The Board shall be called the "Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority". All voting power of the Authority shall reside in the Board. Section 2.04. Meetings of the Board. (a) Regular Meetings. The Board shall provide for its regular meetings; provided, however, that at least one regular meeting shall be held each year. The date, hour and place of the holding of regular meetings shall be fixed by resolution of the Board and a copy of such resolution shall be filed with the City and the Agency. (b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called in accordance with the provisions of Section 54956 of the Government Code of the State of California. (c) Call, Notice and Conduct of Meetings. All meetings of the Board, including without limitation, regular, adjourned regular and special meetings, shall be called, noticed, held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act of the Government Code of the State of California. Section 2.05. Actions Taken. The Secretary shall cause to be kept records, consistent with City policy, of all actions taken by the Board at all meetings of the Board and shall, as soon as possible after each meeting, make such records available for inspection by each Director and the Members. Section 2.06. Votin.q. Each Director shall have one vote. -3- Section 2.07. Quorum; Required Votes; Approvals. Directors holding a majority of the votes shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except that less than a quorum may adjourn from time to time. The affirmative votes of at least a majority of the Directors present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be required to take any action by the Board. Section 2.08. Bylaws. The Board may adopt, from time to time, such bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings as the Board may deem necessary or advisable for the purposes hereof. ARTICLE III OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Section 3.01. Chairperson1 Executive Director and Secretary. The City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby designated as the Executive Director and Secretary, respectively, of the Authority. The Board shall select a Chairperson from among its members who shall serve as Chairperson until such person is no longer a City Councilmember or a new Chairperson is appointed by the Board. The officers shall perform the duties normal to said offices. The Chairperson or the Executive Director (or any other person authorized by resolution of the Board) shall sign contracts on behalf of the Authority, and the Chairperson shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Board. The Executive Director shall administer the day- to-day affairs of the Authority and shall execute the policies and directives of the Board. The Secretary shall countersign all contracts signed by the Chairperson or the Executive Director on behalf of the Authority (unless otherwise specified by resolution of the Board), perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Board and cause a notice of this Agreement to be filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to the Act. Section 3.02. Treasurer and Auditor. Pursuant to Section 6505.6 of the Act, the City Treasurer is hereby designated as the Treasurer of the Authority and the City Finance Director is hereby designated as the Auditor of the Authority. The Treasurer shall be the depositary, shall have custody of all of the accounts, funds and money of the Authority from whatever source, shall have the duties and obligations set forth in Sections 6505 and 6505.5 of the Act and shall assure that there shall be strict accountability of all funds and reporting of all receipts and disbursements of the Authority. As provided in Section 6505 and Section 6505.6 of the Act, the Auditor shall make arrangements with a certified public accountant or firm of certified public accountants for the annual audit of accounts and records of the Authority, which audit may be combined with any audit of the accounts and records of the City, the Agency and/or any Public Agency. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to prepare or cause to be prepared such audits and reports as required pursuant to Section 6505 of the Act and by order of the Board. Section 3.03. Officers in Charge of Records, Funds and Accounts. Pursuant to Section 6505.1 of the Act, the Treasurer shall have charge of, handle and have access to all accounts, funds and money of the Authority and all records of the Authority relating thereto; and the Secretary shall have charge of, handle and have access to all other records of the Authority. Section 3.04. Bondin.q Persons Having Access to Authority Records. From time to time, the Board may designate persons, in addition to the Executive Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Auditor, having charge of, handling or having access to any records, funds or accounts or any Public Improvement of the Authority, and the respective amounts of the official bonds of the Executive Director, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Auditor and such other persons pursuant to Section 6505.1 of the Act. Section 3.05. Legal Advisor. The City Attorney shall act as the legal advisor of the Authority, and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Board. Section 3.06. Other Employees. The Board shall have the power by resolution to appoint and employ such other consultants and independent contractors as may be necessary for the purposes of this Agreement. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinances and rules, all pension, relief, disability, workers' compensation and other benefits which apply to the activities of officers, agents, or employees of a public agency when performing their respective functions shall apply to the officers, agents or employees of the Authority to the same degree and extent while engaged in the performance of any of the functions and other duties of such officers, agents or employees under this Agreement. None of the officers, agents, or employees directly employed by the Board shall be deemed, by reason of their employment by the Board to be employed by the City or the Agency or, by reason of their employment by the Board, to be subject to any of the requirements of the City or the Agency. Section 3.07. Assistant Officers. The Board may by resolution appoint such assistants to act in the place of the Secretary or other officers of the Authority (other than any Director), and may by resolution provide for the appointment of additional officers of the Authority who may or may not be Directors, as the Board shall from time to time deem appropriate. ARTICLE IV POWERS Section 4.01. General Powers. The Authority shall exercise the powers granted to it under the Act, including but not limited to the powers set forth in the Bond Law and the powers of each of the Members as may be necessary to the accomplishment of the purposes of this Agreement, subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 4.04. As provided in the Act, the Authority shall be a public entity separate from the City, the Agency, any Associate Member and any other Public Agency. Section 4.02. Power to Issue Bonds. The Authority shall have all of the powers provided in the Act and in the Bond Law, including the power to issue Bonds thereunder. Section 4.03. Specific Powers. The Authority is hereby authorized, in its own name, to do all acts necessary for the exemise of the foregoing powers, including but not limited to, any or all of the following: -5- (a) to make and enter into contracts; (b) to employ agents or employees; (c) to acquire, construct, manage, maintain or operate any Public Improvement, including the common power of the City, the Agency and any Associate Member to acquire any Public Improvement by the power of eminent domain or any other lawful means; (d) to sue and be sued in its own name; (e) to issue Bonds and otherwise to incur debts, liabilities or obligations; provided, however, that no such Bond, debt, liability or obligation shall constitute a debt, liability or obligation of the City, the Agency, any Associate Member or any other Public Agency; (f) to apply for, accept, receive and disburse grants, loans and other assistance from any agency of the United States of America or of the State of California; (g) to invest any money in the treasury pursuant to Section 6505.5 of the Act which is not required for the immediate necessities of the Authority, as the Authority determines is advisable, in the same manner and upon the same conditions as local agencies, pursuant to Section 53601 of the Government Code of the State of California; (h) to apply for letters of credit or other form of financial guarantees in order to secure the repayment of Bonds and enter into agreements in connection therewith; (i) to carry out and enforce all the provisions of this Agreement; (j) to make and enter into Bond Purchase Agreements and any other agreements, assignments and documents of any nature whatsoever as may be necessary or convenient in the exercise of its powers hereunder or under the Act; (k) to purchase Obligations of or to make loans to the City, the Agency, any Associate Member or any other Public Agency for the purposes hereof, or to refinance indebtedness incurred by the City, the Agency, any Associate Member or any other Public Agency in connection with any of the purposes hereof; (I) to establish community facilities districts under the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended; and (m) to exercise any and all other powers as may be provided in the Act or in the Bond Law. Section 4.04. Restrictions on Exercise of Powers. The powers of the Authority shall be exercised in the manner provided in the Act and in the Bond Law, and, except for those powers set forth in the Bond Law, shall be subject (in accordance with Section 6509 of the Act) to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising such powers that are imposed upon the Agency in the exercise of similar powers. -6- Section 4.05. Obli.qations of Authority. The debts, liabilities and obligations of the Authority shall not be the debts, liabilities and obligations of the City, the Agency, any Associate Member or any other Public Agency. Section 4.06. Non-Liability for Obliqations of Authority. No Member, Associate Member, Director, officer, agent or employee of the Authority shall be individually or personally liable for the payment of the principal of or premium or interest on any obligations of the Authority or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of any obligations of the Authority; but nothing herein contained shall relieve any such Member, Associate Member, Director, officer, agent or employee from the performance of any official duty provided by law or by the instruments authorizing the issuance of any obligations of the Authority. ARTICLE V CONTRIBUTIONS;ACCOUNTSAND REPORTS;FUNDS Section 5.0'1. Contributions. The Members may in the appropriate circumstance when required hereunder: (a) make contributions from their treasuries for the purposes set forth herein, (b) make payments of public funds to defray the cost of such purposes, (c) make advances of public funds for such purposes, such advances to be repaid as provided herein, or (d) use its personnel, equipment or property in lieu of other contributions or advances. The provisions of Government Code Section 6513 are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section 5.02. Accounts and Reports. To the extent not covered by the duties assigned to a trustee chosen by the Authority, the Treasurer shall establish and maintain such funds and accounts as may be required by good accounting practice or by any provision of any trust agreement entered into with respect to the proceeds of any Bonds issued by the Authority. The books and records of the Authority in the hands of a trustee or the Treasurer shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by representatives of the Members. Within 180 days after the close of each Fiscal Year an annual report of all financial activities for such Fiscal Year shall be presented to the Members, to the extent such activities are not covered by the report of such trustee. The trustee appointed under any indenture or trust agreement shall establish suitable funds, furnish financial reports and provide suitable accounting procedures to carry out the previsions of said trust agreement. Said trustee may be given such duties in said indenture or trust agreement as may be desirable to carry out this Agreement. Section 5.03. Funds. Subject to the applicable provisions of any instrument or agreement which the Authority may enter into, which may provide for a trustee to receive, have custody of and disburse Authority funds, the Treasurer of the Authority shall receive, have custody of and disburse Authority funds as nearly as possible in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, and shall make the disbursements required by this Agreement or to carry out any of the provisions or purposes of this Agreement. Section 5.04. Annual Budqet and Administrative Expenses. The Board may adopt a budget for administrative expenses, which shall include all expenses not included in any financing issue of the Authority, on or about July 1st of each year. The estimated annual administrative expenses of the Authority shall be allocated in such budget by the Authority to the Members in such proportion as the Board shall determine. ARTICLE VI TERM Section 6.01. Term. This Agreement shall become effective, and the Authority shall come into existence, on the date of execution and delivery hereof, and this Agreement and the Authority shall thereafter continue in full force and effect for at least forty (40) years (unless earlier terminated by the Members and any then Associate Members), but in any event so long as either (a) any Bonds remaining outstanding or any material contracts to which the Authority is a party remain in effect, or (b) the Authority shall own any interest in any Public Improvements or land. Section 6.02. Disposition of Assets. Upon termination of this Agreement, all property of the Authority, both real and personal, shall be conveyed to the City; provided that any surplus money on hand shall be returned to the Members and any Associate Members in proportion to the contributions, if any, that they have made (or, if none of them have made any contributions, to the City. ARTICLE VII ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENTS Section 7.01. Power to Enter Into Associate Membership Agreements. In addition to those powers specified in this Agreement, the Authority shall have the power to enter into Associate Membership Agreements with any city, county or city and county located in California upon the approval thereof by the Board. Section 7.02. Contents of Associate Membership Agreements. Each Associate Membership Agreement shall: (a) State that the prospective Associate Member is an associate member of the Authority; (b) Specify that the purpose of the Associate Membership Agreement is to facilitate the financing or refinancing of public improvements located within the jurisdiction of the applicable Associate Member; (c) Restrict the powers of the prospective Associate Member with respect to the Authority to those enumerated in this Article VII; (d) Specify that the prospective Associate Member shall not have the power vote on any action to be taken by the Authority and no officer, councilmember, boardmember or employee of the Associate Member shall become an officer of the Authority or a Director; and (e) Specify the fees, if any, to be charged the prospective Associate Member for its participation in financings of the Authority. -8- Section 7.03. Approval of Associate Membership Agreements. In determining whether to approve an Associate Membership Agreement with a prospective Associate Member, the Directors may take into account any criteria deemed appropriate to the Directors, including but not limited to the financial viability of the project within the jurisdiction of the Associate Member proposed to be served by the public improvements to be financed. ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 8.01. Notices. Notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sufficient if delivered to the notice address of each party hereto for legal notices or as otherwise provided by a party hereto in writing to each of the other parties hereto. Section 8.02. Section Headin.qs. All section headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and are not to be construed as modifying or governing the language in the section referred to or to define or limit the scope of any provision of this Agreement. Section 8.03. Consent. Whenever in this Agreement any consent or approval is required, the same shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 8.04. Law Governing. This Agreement is made in the State of California under the Constitution and laws of the State of California, and is to be so construed. Section 8.05. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended at any time, or from time to time, except as limited by contract with the owners of Bonds issued by the Authority or by applicable regulations or laws of any jurisdiction having authority, by one or more supplemental agreements executed by both of the parties to this Agreement either as required in order to carry out any of the provisions of this Agreement or for any other purpose, including without limitation addition of new parties (including any legal entities or taxing areas heretofore or hereafter created) in pursuance of the purposes of this Agreement. Section 8.06. Enforcement by Authority. The Authority is hereby authorized to take any or all legal or equitable actions, including but not limited to injunction and specific performance, necessary or permitted by law to enforce this Agreement. Section 8.07. Severability. Should any part, term or provision of this Agreement be decided by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any law of the State of California, or otherwise be rendered unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected thereby. Section 8.08. Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors of the City or the Agency, respectively. Neither the City nor the Agency may assign any right or obligation hereunder without the written consent of the other. -9- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and attested by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized and their official seals to be hereto affixed, on the day and year set opposite the name of each of the parties. CITY OF TEMECULA Date: April 10, 2001 By: Jeff Comerchero, Mayor ATTEST: By: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA Date: April 10, 2001 By: Chairperson ATTEST: By: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary -lo- TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ITEM 1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Attorney Director of Financ~ City Manager TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING'AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT Temecula Public Financing Authority Executive Director, Shawn D. Nelson April 10, 2001 Administrative Matters and Initial Actions Relating to Formation of Community Facilities District RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Authority, by minute order, appoint a Chairperson from among its Board of Directors. 2. That the Authority adopt the resolutions entitled: RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGARDING MEETINGS, ESTABLISHING A SEAL FOR THE AUTHORITY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF FORMATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE, AND ESTABLISHING THE RULES FOR ITS PROCEEDINGS RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ADOPTING LOCAL GOALS AND POLICIES FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF PETITIONS TO FORM A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO BACKGROUND: Ashby Development Company, Inc. and Calloway 220, LLC (collectively, the "Developers") have requested that a community facilities district be formed to assist in the financing of public improvements in the Roripaugh Ranch area. The City and the Redevelopment Agency created the Authority, by execution of a joint exercise of powers agreement, to provide an independent governmental entity that could consider the proposed financing and act as the issuer of any bonds. The Authority, being newly created, must first appoint a Chairperson from among its members. The Authority must then adopt a resolution as to certain administrative matters, such as meetings and rules for proceedings of the Authority. The resolution provides for compensation to Boardmembers in the amount of $100.00 for each meeting of the authority that they attend, with a maximum of $200.00 per month for each Boardmember. The Authority will then consider the adoption of two resolutions related to the formation of a community facilities district. The CFD will only include land owned or controlled by landowners who desire to participate in the financing program. The Developers have requested that the CFD issue bonds to finance the public improvements so that development of the land can proceed. The Developers have agreed to pay all City and Authority costs related to the proposed CFD formation and bond issue, and have submitted petitions and a deposit/reimbursement agreement with respect thereto. The bonds would be payable solely from special taxes levied on land in the CFD and collected by the Authority. SPECIFIC ACTIONS: In order to continue the process, begun by the City and the Redevelopment Agency by creating the Authority, to consider the formation of the community facilities district and the issuance of the bonds, the following actions must occur: The Authority, by minute order, should select a Chairperson from among its members. The Authority will consider the adoption of a resolution regarding its meetings, a seal, and establishing rules for its proceedings. The Authority will then consider adoption of a resolution approving local goals and policies for its Mello-Roos districts, which must be adopted under State law prior to the formation of a community facilities district. The Authority will then consider adoption of a resolution accepting the Developers' deposits, approving a deposit/reimbursement agreement with the City and the Developers and engaging professionals to assist the City and the Authority in forming the CFD and issuing bonds of the Authority for the CFD. FISCAL IMPACT: The Developers have agreed to pay all out of pocket expenses incurred relative to the proposed financing. Costs of issuance of the proposed bond issue will be paid from the proceeds of the bonds to be issued by the Authority. All annual costs of administering the bond issued will be paid by special taxes levied on the properties in the community facilities district. The bonds will not be obligations of the City or the Redevelopment Agency, but will be limited obligations of the Authority, payable solely from special taxes levied on land in the community facilities district. The procedural resolution of the Authority provides for compensation to Authority Boardmembers in the amount of $100.00 per Authority meeting that they attend, with a maximum of $200.00 in any month. Said amounts are expected to be paid initially from administrative levies on land in the community facilities district, and otherwise from monies derived by the Authority from its activities. Attachments: Resolutions (3) Local Goals and Policies for Community Facilities Districts Deposit/Reimbursement Agreement RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGARDING MEETINGS, ESTABLISHING A SEAL FOR THE AUTHORITY, DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF FORMATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE, AND ESTABLISHING THE RULES FOR ITS PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the City of Temecula (the "City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula (the "Agency") have adopted resolutions authorizing the formation of a joint powers authority under Articles 1-4 (commencing with Section 6500) of Chapter 5, Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California to be known as the "Temecula Public Financing Authority" (the "Authority"), and the execution of a joint exercise of powers agreement in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the City and the Agency have executed said agreement and the Authority, being duly formed, now desires to take certain actions relative to its administration as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority as follows: Section 1. Meetinqs. A. Regular meetings of the Authority shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the months at 7:00 p.m., and may be combined with meetings of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula. The Authority shall be required to hold at least one meeting annually on the second Tuesday of July on each year, or the date of the first City Council meeting in the month of July each year, whichever occurs latter. B. Noticing of regular, special or adjourned meetings of the Authority, posting of agendas, public comments to the Authority Board, closed sessions, and other procedural matters affecting meetings of the Authority shall be governed by the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Section 54950 et seq. ("Brown Act"). Section 2. Meetinq Place. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City, unless the Board of Directors shall adjourn to or fix another place of meeting in a notice to be given thereof, or unless prevented by flood, fire or other disaster. Said regular meeting place is hereby fixed and established at the City Council Chambers, Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Section 3. Rules of Proceedin.qs. A. Public Meetings. All meetings of the Authority shall be open to the public, unless a closed session is held as permitted by provisions of the Brown Act. B. Meeting Procedures. Unless otherwise specified by this Resolution, all proceedings of the meetings of the Authority shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Brown Act and the ordinances, resolutions or written policies governing the conduct of meetings of the City Council of the City of Temecula. C. Quorum. Three (3) of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 4. Contracts; Agreements. All contracts or agreements on behalf of the Authority shall be signed by the Chairperson or the Executive Director, and countersigned by the Secretary, after having been authorized to do so by action of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise specifically provided by resolution of the Board of Directors. Any contract or agreement involving less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) may be executed by any of such officers without the need for any approval by the Board of Directors. Section 5. Seal. The Authority shall have an Official Seal consisting of two (2) concentric circles with the words "Temecula Public Financing Authority" within the outer circle and the date of formation of the Authority within the inner circle. The Secretary shall obtain the Seal at the Authority's expense and shall have custody of the Seal. Section 6. Secretary of State. Bond Counsel to the Authority is hereby directed to file a notice of the formation of the Authority with the Secretary of State of the State of California, as required by Sections 6503.5 and 53051 of the California Government Code. Section 7. Office and Mailing Address. The office of the Authority and its official mailing address are hereby fixed and established at Temecula Public Financing Authority c/o City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92589, Attention: Executive Director. Section 8. Conflict of Interest Code. The Conflict of Interest Code of the City is hereby adopted as the Conflict of Interest Code for the Authority. Section 9. Compensation to Boardmembers. Compensation for members of the Board of Directors is hereby established at one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each meeting attended by a member of the Board of Directors. The maximum compensation per month for each member shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00). Compensation shall be paid as of the date of the first meeting of the Authority. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority at a meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Chairperson Susan W. Jones, CMC City ClerldAuthority Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan Jones, Acting Secretary of the Temecula Public Financing Authority, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. TPFA 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority on the 10th day of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: BOARDMEMBERS: NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC Authority Secretary/City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ADOPTING LOCAL GOALS AND POLICIES FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS WHEREAS, Section 53312.7(a) of the California Government Code requires that the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority") consider and adopt local goals and policies for community facilities districts ("CFDs") prior to the initiation of proceedings by the Authority to establish a CFD under the provisions of Chapter 2.5 of Part I of Division 2 of Title 5 of the California Government Code (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, this Board of Directors intends to consider the establishment of a CFD related to the financing of public improvements in the Roripaugh Ranch area, and desires at this time to adopt local goals and policies for CFDs so that it may commence proceedings for establishing a community facilities district to finance public improvements in such area; and WHEREAS, Authority staff has caused to be prepared a draft of goals and policies for CFDs of the Authority (the "Goals and Policies"), the form of which is on file with the Secretary, and this Board of Directors has duly considered said Goals and Policies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority that the Goals and Policies, in the form on file with the Secretary, are hereby adopted as the local goals and policies of the Authority for CFDs, and are intended to meet the requirements of Section 53312.7(a) of the Act. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority at a meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2001. Chairperson ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan Jones, Secretary of the Temecula Public Financing Authority, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. TPFA 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority on the 10th day of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: BOARDMEMBERS: NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC Authority Secretary/City Clerk 2 RESOLUTION NO. TPFA 01- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF PETITIONS TO FORM A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO WHEREAS, Ashby Development Company, Inc. and Calloway 220, LLC (collectively, the "Developers") have submitted to the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority") Petitions (Including Waivers) (the "Petitions") requesting that the Board of Directors conduct proceedings under Section 53311 et seq. of the California Government Code (the "Act") to create a community facilities district to be designated "Temecula Public Financing Authority Community Facilities District No. 01-1 (Butterfield Stage Road)" (the "CFD"); and WHEREAS, the Developers have also submitted checks in the amounts referred to in the Petitions (the "Deposit") and a Deposit/Reimbursement Agreement (the "Agreement"), among the Developers, the City of Temecula and the Authority, and this Board of Directors now desires to accept the Petitions, authorize the execution and delivery by the Authority of the Agreement, employ certain consultants necessary for the formation of the CFD and the sale of bonds of the Authority for the CFD, and authorize and direct Authority staff to take actions necessary to present to this Board of Directors for approval the documents necessary to form the CFD and issue bonds of the Authority for the CFD. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority as follows: Section 1. Receipt by the Authority of the Petitions and the Deposit are hereby acknowledged. The Director of Finance of the City of Temecula is hereby authorized and directed to accept the Deposit, and to use the Deposit in the manner contemplated by the Agreement. The Executive Director of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement for and on behalf of the Authority, and to take all actions necessary, in his discretion, to implement the Agreement. Section 2. City staff, acting for and on behalf of the Authority, are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary or advisable to present to the Board of Directors for its review and approval all proceedings necessary to create the CFD and issue bonds of the Authority therefore. The passage of this Resolution shall in no way obligate this Board of Directors to form the CFD or issue bonds of the Authority for the CFD. Section 3. The firm of Stone & Youngberg LLC is hereby designated as underwriter to the Authority for any bonds to be issued for the CFD. Section 4. The firm of David Taussig and Associates, Inc. is hereby designated as Special Tax Consultant to the Authority for the CFD, the firm of Fieldman Rolapp & Associates is hereby designated as financial advisor to the Authority for the CFD, the firm of Quint & Thimmig LLP, is hereby designated as Bond Counsel to the Authority for the CFD, and the firm of McFarlin & Anderson is hereby designated as Disclosure Counsel to the Authority for the CFD. The Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute agreements with said firms for their services in connection with the CFD, in form and substance acceptable to the Executive Director. The fees and expenses of such consultants shall be payable solely from the Deposit and/or the proceeds of bonds, if any, issued by the Authority for the CFD. Section 5. The Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to engage an appraiser to appraise the property subject to the special taxes to be levied within the CFD, and a market absorption consultant to analyze the proposed development in the CFD, on such terms as are acceptable to the Executive Director. The fees and expenses of such consultants shall be payable solely from the Deposit and/or the proceeds of bonds, if any, issued by the Authority for the CFD. Section 6. The Executive Director, Treasurer, Secretary, legal counsel to the Authority and all other officers and agents of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary or advisable to give effect to the transactions contemplated by this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority at a meeting held on the 10th day of April, 2001. ATTEST: Chairperson Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Authority Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF. TEMECULA ) I, Susan Jones, Secretary of the Temecula Public Financing Authority, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. TPFA 01- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Temecula Public Financing Authority on the 10th day of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: BOARDMEMBERS: NOES: BOARDMEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARDMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC Authority Secretary/City Clerk 2 DEPOSIT/REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Temecula Public Financing Authority Community Facilities District No. 01-1 (Butterfield Stage Road) THIS DEPOSIT/REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is by and among the City of Temecula (the "City"), the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority") for itself and on behalf of the proposed Temecula Public Financing Authority Community Facilities District No. 01-1 (Butterfield Stage Road) (the "CFD"), Ashby Development Company, Inc. ("Ashby") and Calloway 220, LLC ("Calloway" and, together with Ashby, the "Developers). RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Developers have requested that the Authority consider the issuance of bonds for the CFD (the "Bonds") under Sections 53311 et seq. of the California Government Code (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, the Developers are willing to deposit funds with the Authority to ensure payment of the costs of the Authority and the City in forming the Authority and otherwise in connection with the issuance of bonds for the CFD and the proposed expenditure of the proceeds thereof, provided that such funds so advanced are reimbursed to the Developers from the proceeds of any bonds issued by the Authority for the CFD to the extent provided herein; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developers now desire to specify the terms of said deposit and reimbursement. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants set forth herein, and for other consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. The Deposit: Additional Advances. Ashby has provided to the City $113,500 and Calloway had provided to the City $18,500 (collectively, the "Deposit"), to be used by the City to pay the costs in conducting proceedings for the issuance of bonds for the CFD (as more fully described in Section 2(a) below, the "Initial Costs"), said amounts having been heretofore delivered by the Developers to the Finance Director of the City by means of checks made payable to the "City of Temecula." The City, by its execution hereof, acknowledges receipt by the City of the Deposit. The checks representing the Deposit have been cashed by the City, and the Deposit may be commingled with other funds of the City for purposes of investment and safekeeping, but the City shall at all times maintain records as to the expenditure of the Deposit. The Developers hereby agree to advance any additional amounts necessary to pay any Initial Costs incurred by the City or the Authority, in excess of the amount of the Deposit, promptly upon written demand therefore by the Finance Director of the City; provided that (a) Ashby shall contribute 86% of any such additional amounts requested and Calloway shall contribute 14% of any such additional amounts so requested; and (b) the amount of the Deposit, plus any such additional amounts (the "Additional Deposits" and, collectively with the Deposit, the "Deposits"), shall not exceed $200,000 without the prior written consent of the Developers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager may direct City and Authority staff and consultants to cease all work related to the issuance of the Bonds and/or the formation of the Authority and the CFD until any additional amounts so demanded has been received by the City. Section 2. Use of Funds. The Deposits shall be administered as follows: (a) The Finance Director of the City may draw upon the Deposits from time to time to pay the Initial Costs, including but not limited to: (i) the fees and expenses of any consultants to the City or the Authority employed in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and the proposed expenditure of the proceeds thereof (such as engineering, legal counsel, including the City Attorney, Bond Counsel and financing and special tax consultants); (ii) the costs of appraisals, market absorption and feasibility studies and other reports necessary or deemed advisable by City staff or consultants in connection with the Bonds; (iii) costs of publication of notices, preparation and mailing of ballots and other costs related to any election with respect to the CFD, the rate and method of apportionment of the special taxes to be levied therein and any bonded indebtedness thereof; (iv) a reasonable charge for City staff time, as determined by the City Manager in his sole discretion, in analyzing the CFD, the Bonds and the expenditure of the proceeds thereof, including a reasonable allocation of City overhead expense related thereto; and (v) any and all other actual costs and expenses incurred by the City or the Authority with respect to the CFD or the Bonds after the date of execution of this Agreement. The Developers hereby acknowledge that, at a minimum, the following amounts will or may be charged against the Deposits, whether or not the CFD is formed and the Bonds are issued: (i) up to $30,000.00 to David Taussig and Associates, Inc., special tax consultant, (ii) up to $30,000.00 to an appraiser, (iii) up to $12,000.00 to Richards, Watson & Gershon, City Attorney and general counsel to the Authority, (iv) up to $15,000.00 for a market absorption analysis related to the CFD, (v) up to $20,000.00 to Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates for financial advisory services, and (vi) up to $25,000.00 to the City for City Staff time in analyzing the CFD, the Bonds and the expenditure of the proceeds thereof, including a reasonable allocation of City overhead expense related thereto, including all other actual costs and expenses incurred by the City. (b) If the Bonds are issued under the Act by the Authority secured by special taxes levied upon the land within the CFD, the Authority shall provide for reimbursement to the Developers, without interest, of all amounts charged against the Deposits, said reimbursement to be made solely from the proceeds of the Bonds and only to the extent otherwise permitted under the Act. On or within ten (10) business days after the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds, the Finance Director of the City shall return the then unexpended Deposits to the Developers, without interest, less an amount equal to any costs incurred by the City or the Authority or that the City or the Authority is otherwise committed to pay, which costs would be subject to payment under Section 2(a) above, but have not yet been so paid. (c) If the Bonds are not issued, the Finance Director of the City shall, within ten (10) business days after adoption of the resolution stating the intent of the Authority to terminate proceedings under the Act with respect to the issuance of the Bonds, return the then unexpended Deposits to the Developers, without interest, less an amount equal to any costs incurred by the City or the Authority or that the City or the Authority is otherwise committed to pay, which costs would be subject to payment under Section 2(a) above but have not yet been so paid. -2- (d) The Deposits shall be charged, and reimbursements and/or returns of unexpended funds shall be allocated, 86% to Ashby and 14% to Calloway. Section 3. Reimbursement of Other Developer Costs, Nothing contained herein shall prohibit reimbursement of other costs and expenses of the Developers or any successor in interest thereto with respect to the land in the CFD incurred in connection with the CFD from the proceeds of the Bonds, including, but not limited to fees and expenses of legal counsel to the Developers and/or their successors in interest and special consultant expenses. Any such reimbursement shall be made solely from the proceeds of the Bonds and only to the extent otherwise permitted under the Act and otherwise provided for, at the reasonable discretion of the Authority, in the proceedings for the issuance of the Bonds. Section 4. Agreement Not Debt or Liability of City or Authority. It is hereby acknowledged and agreed that this Agreement is not a debt or liability of the City or the Authority, as provided in Section 53314.9(b) of the Act. Neither the City nor the Authority shall in any event be liable hereunder other than to return the unexpended and uncommitted portions of the Deposits as provided in Section 2 above and provide an accounting under Section 7 below. Neither the City nor the Authority shall be obligated to advance any of their own funds with respect to the CFD or for any of the other purposes listed in Section 2(a) hereof. No member of the City Council, the Board of Directors of the Authority or officer, employee or agent of the City or the Authority shall to any extent be personally liable hereunder. Section 5. No Obliqation to Issue Bonds. The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way obligate the City or the Authority to issue any bonds, or to expend any of their own funds in connection with the CFD. Section 6. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall be given effect to the fullest extent reasonably possible. Section 7. Accountin.q. The City Finance Director shall provide the Developers with a written accounting of moneys expended under this Agreement, within ten (10) business days of receipt by the Finance Director of the City of a written request therefore submitted by an authorized officer of a Developer. No more than one accounting will be provided in any calendar month and the cost of providing the accounting shall be charged to the Deposits. Section 8. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Section 9. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year written alongside their signature line below. Executed on: April __, 2001 DEVELOPERS: ASHBY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. By: Its: Executed on: April __, 2001 CALLOWAY 220, LLC By: Its; Executed on: April __, 2001 CITY: CITY OF TEMECULA By: City Manager Executed on: April __, 2001 AUTHORITY: TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, for itself and on behalf of the proposed Temecula Public Financing Authority Community Facilities District 01-1 (Butterfield Stage Road) By: Executive Director TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY LOCAL GOALS AND POLICIES FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS (adopted April 10, 2001) I. INTRODUCTION. Section 53312.7(a) of the California Government Code requires that the Temecula Public Financing Authority (the "Authority") consider and adopt local goals and policies concerning the use of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the "Act"), prior to the initiation of proceedings to establish a new community facilities district ("CFD") under the Act. The following goals and policies are intended to meet the minimum requirements of the Act, and may be amended or supplemented by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Authority at any time. II. GOALS. The Authority will consider the use of the Act for financing public facilities and services, and refinancing existing liens levied or bonds issued to finance public facilities, only in connection with the prospective development of land in the City of Temecula (the "City"), or as otherwise referenced in an owner participation or development agreement to which the City or the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula is a party. Any request for a CFD which is not integral to the development of land will require amendment of these goals and policies, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All Authority and noncontingent consultant costs incurred in the evaluation and establishment of new CFDs will be paid by the proponents of the CFD. The Authority shall use all reasonable efforts not incur any expense for processing a CFD which are not eligible to be reimbursed from CFD bond proceeds. Expenses incurred by the Authority that are not chargeable to the CFD shall be borne by the proponent of the CFD. Ill. ELIGIBLE PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SERVICES. The improvements eligible to be financed by a CFD must be owned by a public agency or public utility, and must have a useful life of at least five (5) years, except that up to five pement of the proceeds of an issue may be used for facilities owned and operated by a privately owned public utility. The improvements must be consistent with any relevant specific plan approvals. A CFD shall not vest any rights to future land use on any properties, including those which are responsible for paying special taxes. The list of public facilities eligible to be financed by a CFD include, but are not limited to, the following: · Freeway Off ramps · Street Improvements · Street lighting · Traffic signals and safety lighting · Landscaping in public right-of-ways · Governmental facilities · Sanitary sewer facilities · Storm drain facilities · Flood control facilities · Potable and reclaimed water facilities · Convention Center · Utility relocations · Elementary and secondary school sites and facilities · Libraries Public utilities Police and fire protection facilities Public parking structures Cultural facilities Child care facilities Parks and recreational facilities The funding of public facilities to be owned and operated by public agencies other than the Authority or the City shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the proposed facilities are appropriate for financing by a CFD and are consistent with approved land use plans for the property, the Authority may consider entering into a joint community facilities agreement in order to finance these facilities. A joint agreement with the public agency that will own and operate any such facility must be entered into prior to the adoption of the resolution of formation relating to the formation of any CFD, except as otherwise permitted under the Act. The Authority will consider on a case-by-case basis CFDs established for the provisions of services eligible to be funded under the Act. Eligible services are as specified in the Act. IV. PRIORITIES FOR CFD FINANCING. Priority for CFD financing shall be given to public facilities which are necessary for development. V. CREDIT QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CFD BOND ISSUES. All CFD bond issues should have at least a three to one property value to public lien ratio after calculating the value of the financed public improvements to be installed and any private improvements for which financing is reasonably assured, unless the Board of Directors of the Authority finds and determines that the proposed bonds do not present any unusual credit risk or, by a four-fifths vote, that the proposed bond issue should proceed for specified public policy reasons. Property value may be based on either an appraisal or on assessed values as indicated on the county assessor's tax roll. Any appraiser shall be selected by the Authority (or the City on behalf of the Authority), and the appraisal shall be based on standards determined applicable by Authority staff and consultants. The appraisal must be dated within six months of the date the bonds are issued. The public lien amount shall include the bond issue currently being sold plus any public indebtedness secured by a fixed lien on real property currently existing against the properties to be taxed. A reserve fund equal to the lesser of (i) ten percent of the original proceeds of the bond issue, (ii) the maximum annual debt service on the bonds, or (iii) one hundred twenty-five percent of the average annual debt service on the bonds is considered as appropriate for any bond issue where less than seventy-five percent of the buildable acreage has been developed. A smaller reserve fund may be appropriate for bond issues in CFDs where over seventy-five percent of the buildable acreage has been developed. The reserve fund may be maintained by or on behalf of a public financing authority, if such an authority purchases the CFD bonds, and need not be held under the fiscal agent agreement pursuant to which the CFD bonds are issued. Less than a three to one property value to public lien ratio, excessive tax delinquencies, or projects of poor economic viability may cause the Authority to disallow the sale of bonds or require credit enhancement prior to bond sale. If the Authority requires letters of credit or other security in connection with the issuance of bonds for a CFD, the credit enhancement shall be issued by an institution, in a form and upon terms and conditions satisfactory to the Authority. Any security required to be provided may be discharged by the Authority upon the opinion of a qualified appraiser, retained by the Authority, that a value-to-lien ratio of three to one has been attained. As an alternative to providing other security, a portion of the bond proceeds may be placed in escrow with a corporate agent in an amount sufficient to assure a value-to-lien ratio of at least three to one on the outstanding proceeds, or other appropriate release requirements. VI. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS. PROPERTY A. Disclosure Requirements for Developers. Developers who are selling lots or parcels that are within a CFD shall provide disclosure notice to prospective purchasers that comply with all of the requirements of Section 53341.5 of the Government Code. The disclosure notice must be provided to prospective pumhasers of property at or prior to the time the contract or deposit receipt for the purchase of property is executed. Developers shall keep an executed copy of each disclosure document as evidence that disclosure has been provided to all purchasers of property within a CFD. B. Disclosure Requirements for the Resale of Lots. The Treasurer of the Authority shall provide a notice of special taxes to sellers of property (other than developers) which will enable them to comply with their notice requirements under Section 1102.6 of the Civil Code. This notice shall be provided by the Treasurer of the Authority within five working days of receiving a written request for the notice, unless otherwise permitted under the Act. A reasonable fee may be charged for providing the notice, not to exceed any maximum fee specified in the Act. VII. EQUITY OF SPECIAL TAX FORMULAS AND MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAXES. Special tax formulas for CFDs shall provide for minimum special tax levels which satisfy the following expenses of a CFD: (a) 110 percent gross debt service coverage for all CFD bonded indebtedness, (b) the projected administrative expenses of the CFD, and (c) amounts equal to the differences between expected earnings on any escrow fund and the interest payments due on bonds of the CFD. Additionally, the special tax formula may provide for the following: (a) any amounts required to establish or replenish any reserve fund established in association with the indebtedness of the CFD, (b) the accumulation of funds reasonably required for future debt service, (c) amounts equal to projected delinquencies of special tax payments, (d) the costs of remarketing, credit enhancement and liquidity facility fees, (e) the cost of acquisition, construction, furnishing or equipping of facilities, (f) lease payments for existing or future facilities, (g) costs associated with the release of funds from an escrow account, and (h) any other costs or payments permitted by the Act and applicable law. The special tax formula shall be reasonable and equitable in allocating public facilities' costs to parcels within the CFD, unless otherwise agreed to by at least a majority of the property owners to be subject to the special tax. Exemptions from the special tax may be given to parcels which are publicly owned, are held by a property owners' association, are used for a public purpose such as open space or wetlands, are affected by public utility easements making impractical their utilization for other than the purposes set forth in the easements, or have insufficient value to support bonded indebtedness. -3- The total projected property tax levels for any CFD shall not exceed any maximum specified in the Act. The annual increase, if any, in the maximum special tax for any parcel shall not exceed any maximum specified in the Act. The increase in the special tax levied on any parcel as a consequence of delinquency or default by the owner of any other parcel shall not exceed any maximum specified in the Act. The Authority (or the City on behalf of the Authority) shall retain a special tax consultant to prepare a report which: (a) recommends a special tax for the proposed CFD, and (b) evaluates the special tax proposed to determine its ability to adequately fund identified public facilities, Authority administrative costs, services (if applicable) and other related expenditures. Such analysis shall also address the resulting aggregate tax burden of all proposed special taxes plus existing special taxes, ad valorem taxes and assessments on the properties within the CFD. VIII. APPRAISALS. The definitions, standards and assumptions to be used for appraisals shall be determined by Authority staff on a case-by-case basis, with input from Authority consultants and CFD proponents, and by reference to relevant materials and information promulgated by the State of California. In any event, the value-to-lien ratio shall be determined based upon an appraisal by an independent MAI appraiser of the proposed CFD. The appraisal shall be coordinated by and under the direction of the Authority (or the City on behalf of the Authority). All costs associated with the preparation of the appraisal report shall be paid by the proponents of the CFD through an advance deposit mechanism. The Authority shall have discretion to retain a consultant to prepare a report to verify market absorption assumptions and projected sales prices of the properties which may be subject to the maximum special tax in the CFD. IX. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BONDS. All terms and conditions of any CFD bonded indebtedness shall be established by the Authority, after consultation with the Authority's consultants, City staff and the proponents of the CFD. The Authority will control, manage and invest, or cause to be controlled, managed and invested, all CFD bond proceeds. Each bond issue shall be structured so as to minimize any impact on the bonding capacity or any credit rating of the Authority or the City. All statements and material related to the sale of bonds shall emphasize and state that neither the faith, nor general credit of the Authority or the City is pledged to security or repayment of the bonds. The sole source of pledged revenues to repay CFD bonds shall be the special taxes, bond proceeds and reserve funds held under the bond document, and the proceeds of foreclosure proceedings and additional security instruments provided at the time of bond issuance, unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing by the Authority. X. CFD INITIAL COSTS. All Authority and consultant costs incurred in the evaluation of CFD applications and the establishment of CFDs will be paid by the proponents of the CFD by advance deposit increments. The Authority shall use reasonable efforts not to incur any non- reimbursable expenses for processing and administering CFDs. In general, expenses not chargeable to the CFD shall be directly borne by the proponents of the CFD. XI. USE OF CONSULTANTS. The Authority (or the City on behalf of the Authority) shall select all consultants necessary for the formation of the CFD and the issuance of bonds, including the underwriter(s), bond counsel, financial advisors, appraiser, market absorption study consultant and the special tax consultant. Prior consent of any proponent of a CFD shall not be required in the determination by the Authority of the consulting and financing team. XlI. EXCEPTIONS TO THESE POLICIES. The Authority may find that a waiver of any of the above stated policies is reasonable given identified Authority benefits to be derived from such waiver. Such waivers only will be granted by action of the Board of Directors of the Authority. ITEM 11 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCL~/~_____ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manager~3,~ L/ April 10, 2001 Consideration of Subcommittee to Consider Homeless Programs and Services (Requested by Councilmember Naggar) RECOMMENDATION: Consider the formation of a subcommittee to make recommendations to the City Council regarding Homeless Programs and Services. BACKGROUND: At your March 27, 2001 meeting, Supervisor Buster presented on a report outlining the need for homeless shelters and other issues regarding homeless persons in Southwest Riverside County. Following Supervisor Buster's presentation, Councilmember Naggar suggested that the Council consider establishing a subcommittee that would further discuss this matter and make recommendations to the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A R:IOGRADYJiAGENDA REPORT- HOMELESS ISSUES, APRIL 10, 2001,D0C 1 4/3/01 ITEM 12 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANC~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor and Members of the City Council City Manager Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manager./I/, April 10, 2001 Consideration of Limitations on Campaign Contributions (Requested by Councilmember Naggar) RECOMMENDATION: Discuss limitations on Campaign Contributions and provide direction to staff BACKGROUND: At your meeting of March 27, 2001, Councilmember Naggar requested that the City Council consider the establishment of limitations on campaign contributions. For Council's background information, in April of 1997 the City Council did adopt an ordinance providing a voluntary expenditure ceiling equal to one dollar (91) per resident of the City. This ordinance was adopted following the enactment of Proposition 208 that permitted cities to establish such voluntary ceilings. A copy of the staff report and ordinance (numbered 97- 04) is attached. Following a legal challenge to Proposition 208, in January of 1999 the City adopted an urgency ordinance that suspended Ordinance 97-04. A copy of this ordinance is also attached. Recent court opinions appear to indicate that cities may once again ~dopt such voluntary ceilings. Should the City Council express such an interest in such a measure, the appropriate action would be to provide preliminary direction to the City Attorney regarding the desired content of such an ordinance, and direct the City Attorney to research this issue and provide a report and ordinance for consideration at a subsequent Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ATTACHMENT: 1. Staff Report and Ordinance 97-04, An Ordinance Establishing a Voluntary Campaign Expenditure Ceiling 2. Ordinance 99-06, An Urgency Ordinance Suspending Ordinance No. 97-04 R:JOGRADYJ[AGENDA REPORT- CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITATION$, APRIL 10, 2001.D0C 1 4/3/01 Attachment #1 STAFF REPORT AND ORDINANCE # 97-04 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE CEILING DATED MARCH 18, 1997 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ,i~____.~_ FINANCE OFFIC~R~ CITY MANAGER)~L CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City Manager/City Council Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney March 18, 1997 implementation of Provisions of Proposition 208 Enacted by the Voters on November 5, 1996 Allowing Establishment of Voluntary Campaign Expenditure Limits and Increased Campaign Contribution Limits for City Elections RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Introduce an Ordinance Entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 97- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING SECTION 2.08.060 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE CEILING FOR ELECTIONS TO CITY OFFICES AND PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION LIMITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1996 (PROPOSITION 208)" 2. Adopt a Resolution Entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 97- "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE NUMBER OF RESIDENTS OF THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE VOLUNTARY EXPENDITURE CEILING FOR CITY ELECTIONS, AS ESTABLISHED IN SECTION 2.08.060 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE" The Council may also wish to consider whether to provide an additional optional incentive to those candidates who accept the local voluntary expenditure ceiling, should one be adopted. Proposition 208 provides to State candidates the additional incentive of a free candidate's statement in sample ballot materials for those candidates who accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling. Proposition 208 does not require that local jurisdictions supply this incentive. However, some attorneys have argued that an additional incentive would strengthen the argument that the ordinance complies with Constitutional requirements for voluntary expenditure limits. The City Clerk estimates the cost of the candidate's statement to be approximately $500 per candidate. The City Council must determine whether it intends to impose the voluntary expenditure ceiling permitted by Proposition 208 and, if 'so, in what amount. Further, if the City Council declines to take any action regarding this matter, the campaign contribution limit established by Proposition 208 will continue in effect. Again, that limit is $100 per election, per candidate, rather than the $250 limit which would take effect if the Council adopts a local expenditure ceiling, for those candidates who accept the ceiling. R:\Agenda. Rpt\Prop208 3 ORDINANCE NO. 97-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING SECTION 2.08.060 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE CEILING FOR ELECTIONS TO CITY OFFICES AND PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE CAMPAIGN CON'~RIBUTION LIMITS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1996 (PROPOSITION 208) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. "The California Political Reform Act of 1996" passed by the voters as Proposition 208 on November 5, 1996, permits cities to establish voluntary expenditure ceilings for candidates for elective office and the controlled committees of such candidates. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 85400(c), effective January 1, 1997, such a local voluntary expenditure ceiling may be established in any amount not to exceed one dollar ($1) per resident of the jurisdiction. Section 2. follows: Section 2.08.060 is hereby added to the Temecula Municipal Code to read as Article III. Election Campaign "Section 2.08.060. Election campaigns. Ceiling. Voluntary Expenditure (a) Pursuant to Government Code Section 85400(c), a voluntary expenditure ceiling is hereby established for each candidate in each election to City elective office in an amount equal to one dollar ($1) per resident of the City. As used in this Section, the term "City elective office" shall mean the offices of Member of the City Council. (b) The City Council shall determine the number of residents in the City for the purposes of this Section by resolution adopted not less than seven (7) months prior to each regular City election. (c) Prior to accepting any contributions, each candidate for City elective office shall file with the City Clerk a statement of acceptance or rejection of the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein. (d) No candidate for City elective office who accepts the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein and no controlled campaign committee of such a candidate shall make campaign expenditures cumulatively in excess of the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein. Ords\97-04 1 (e) Each candidate who rejects the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein shall be subject to the contribution limit set forth in Government Code Section 85301, as the same may be amended from time to time. (f) Each candidate who accepts the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein shall be subject to the contribution limit set forth in Government Code Section 85402, and not the contribution limit set forth in Government Code Section 85301, as either section may be amended from time to time. In addition, as to each such candidate the City Clerk shall provide notification to voters that the candidate has accepted the voluntary expenditure ceiling established herein, as required by Government Code Section 85602 and any applicable regulations. (g) Except as provided herein, the provisions of the California Political Reform Acts of 1974 and 1996, Government Code Sections 81000, et seq. (collectively, "the Acts"), and applicable regulations adopted pursuant thereto, as the same may be amended from time to time, shall govern the interpretation and application of this Section. (h) The penalties and remedies for violations of this Section shall be those set forth in the Acts." Section 3. If any sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each sentence, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Temecula shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same or a summary thereof to be published and posted in the manner required by law. Ords\9%04 2 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of April, 1997. ATTEST: Patricia H. Birdsall, Mayor June S. Greek, CMC/AAE City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDED) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, June S. Greek, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 97-04 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 18th day of March, 1997, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 8th day of April, 1997 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS:Ford, Lindemans, Roberts, Stone, Birdsall NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS:None ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: None June S. Greek, CMC/AAE City Clerk Ords\97-04 3 Attachment #2 ORDINANCE # 99-06 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE SUSPENDING ORDINANCE # 97-04 ORDINANCE NO 99-06 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUSPENDING THE OPERATION AND EFFECT OF ORDINANCE NO. 97-04 AND SECTION 2.08.060 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES PENDING RESOLUTION OF LEGAL CHALLENGES TO THE CALIFORNIA POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1996 (PROPOSITION 208) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMCULA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. Proposition 208, "The California Political Reform Act of 1996," (the "Act") was passed by the voters of the State of California on November 5, 1996. The Act provides for limits on campaign contributions and authorizes cities to establish voluntary expenditure ceilings for campaigns for candidates for elective office and the controlled committees of such candidates. B. On April 8, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 97-04 adding Sections 2.08.060 to the Temecula Municipal Code establishing a voluntary campaign expenditure ceiling for the campaigns of candidates for election to the city council and provided for an increase in the campaign contribution limits pursuant to the Act and ' specifically Government Code Section 85400(c). C. On. January 6, 1998, United States District Court Judge Lawrence K. Karlton in the case of California Prolife Council v. Scully, et al (case no. ClV S-96-1965 LKK/DAD) ruled that the contribution limits imposed by the Act are unconstitutional and he enjoined the Fair Political Practices Commission from enforcing any part of the Act. D. The Fair Political Practices Commission ("FPPC") ordered its lawyers to immediately appeal Judge Kadton's entire decision to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition, the FPPC decided not to seek a stay of Judge Kadton's order enjoining enforcement of the Act, citing the additional confusion such a stay would likely cause during the 1998 election cycle. E. On January 5, 1999, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Judge Kadton to conduct a full trial on the issues of the case and upheld the preliminary injunction prohibiting the FPPC from enforcing the provisions of Proposition 208, but did not resolve the legal questions at'issue in the case. Ords/99-06 F. Section 2.08.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code is now unenforceable given the Court's order in California Prolife Council v. Scully, et al. because the legal authority for Section 2.08.060 is Government Code Section 85400(c) which is part of Act which was invalidated by the court and the enforcement of which was enjoined by the Court. G. Substantial confusion will occur in the electoral process for the City's November 1999 elections if the City Council does not cladfy the effect of the Court's ruling in California Prolife Council v. Scull¥, et al. upon Ordinance No. 97-04 and Section 2.08.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code. H. Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 36934 and 36937, the City Council hereby finds and determines that a current and immediate threat to the public health, peace, safety and general welfare exists which necessitates the immediate enactment of this Ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, safety and general welfare, based upon the facts set forth in this Ordinance and the facts presented to the Council. SECTION 2. Pending the resolution of the legal issues concerning The California Political Reform Act of 1996 in the case of California Prolife Council v. Scully, et al (case no. CIV S-96-1965 LKK/DAD) or further action of the Council with respect to this Ordinance, the operation and effect of Ordinance No. 97-04 and Section 2.08.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code are hereby suspended. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this Ordinance, and each and all provisions thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more of said provisions may be declared to be invalid. SECTION 4. This Ordinance being an Urgency Ordinance shall be effective as of the date is adopted and shall remain in effect in accordance with its terms. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance as an urgency ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. Ords/99-O5 PASSED AND APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 26th day of January, 1999. ATTEST: _ ~'.- ..~ i Steven J. Ford, Mayor Su~an ~. Jones, CMC .' city%~l~'rk ..d/ [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecuta, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 99-06, was duly adopted and passed as an urgency measure at a regular meeting of the City Council on January 26, 1999, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: 4 NoEs: 0' ABSENT: 1 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Comerchero, Lindemans, Roberts, Ford ' None Stone Susan W. Johes, CMC ~',...~..~ City Clerk Ord$/99-06 3