HomeMy WebLinkAbout073190 CC AgendaPastor Tim Riter Rancho Christian Church Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, MuRoz, Parks Certificate of Appreciation: Traffic Controller Program S-U-pporters speak, please. come forward and .lllll~ Pllli'" ttveCm~'il ~mt, to tim Item. TI~e is a. five. (5trninute tim Illted under. .C/M,,,:,p, kt-'Cilildi, are ~.to be ~mnd all :~:by one rgaAI caltvote, There wI~bm rwaw,~.~r~sion oftheme Vr~rns '__-~ofthe CJtV~mquest mpecmc ~wnm be removed'from the 1.1" i: · .~, te wMve'l~ raiding of the text of *all ordinances included in the agenda. 'RECOi,fL~t&,~ATtON: 2.1 AdOlrc an ordinance entitled: _ON, PiIiiRTY LOCa'; ON TIE :NORTiNIST ~: OF ItA~A :ROAD All) STATE tIIHNVA Y 3 ~e FreewW~,ldabl~~e Agreement and authorize the S RECO~ATION: -AuUmrize the CWy Idanager to enter into a lease agreement between the City of Ternecula .and VVindsor Partners - Rancho IrKJustr~ for office space Iotated art Windsor Park 1, 43180 Business Park Drive, Suite 200, for a period. of five months. 6 Trayel AD!~r~ f~ -6.1 Approve plrdcipalJon of Idayor FieMid J, Perks with the Valley Group for the purlrowe of traveling to Washington, D,C, to meet with congressional mpmsentltivee and other officials rebated to RECOMMENDATION: Approve Plot Plan No. 2, a revised permit for county Plot Plan No. '11222, based on the findings contained in the staff report and subject to the conditions of approval as amended by the Pinning commission on July 16, 1990. e2 Approve Tentative Parcel No 23430, Revised No 1, based on the findings contained in the County Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of approval with the deletion of Road Condition 125. C/TY MANAGER REPORT Next meeting: August 14, 1990, 7:00 PM, Ternecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, Cafifornia 07DIm0 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB# TITLE: Standard Ordinance DEPT HD r4TG: 7-31-90 Adoption Procedure CITY ATTY DEPT: C.C1. CITY MGR Prepared by Deputy City Clerk June Greek RECOMMENDA T/ON: Approve a policy to place an item on each agenda which allows the City Council to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances on the agenda. BACKGROUND: In an effort to simplify the procedure Council must go through on the adoption of ordinances we recommend this addition to each Council agenda which will allow all ordinances to be either introduced or adopted with one motion. This item will be automatically inserted in the Consent Calendar portion of the City Council agendas in the future if it meets with your approval. When an ordinance is introduced, the City Attorney will read the title only before Council acts. When an ordinance is placed on the agenda for second reading, it may be placed on the Consent Calendar with the addition of this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT.' None ORDINANCE NO. 90.-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SAID CITY IN THE CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION CONTAINteD IN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. ~563, CHANGING THE ZONE FROM R-R (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO CPS (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) ON PROPERTY LOCAT~-n ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MARGARITA ROAD AND STATE HIGHWAY 79 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Public hearings have been held before the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Temecula, State of California, pursuant to the Planning and Zoning law of the State of California, and the City Code of the City of Temecula. The application land use district as shown on the attached exhibit is hereby approved and ratified as part of the Official Land Use map for the City of Temecula as adopted by the City and as many be mended hereafter from rime to time by the City Council of the City of Temecula, and the City of Temecula Official Zoning Map is amended by placing in affect the zone or zones as described in Change of Zone No. 5563 and in the above rifle, and as shown on zoning map attached hereto and incorporated herein. SECTION 2. Notice of Adoption. Within 10 days after the adoption hereof, the City Clerk of the City of Temecula shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be posted in at least three public places in the City. SECTION 3. Taking Effect. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption. PASSF-r}, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of July, 1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor ATTEST: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 90-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TE/vI~t~t.~LA AMENDING PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 90=04 PERTAINING TO CONSOLmATED FEES FOR LAND USE AND BRL&TED FUNCTIONS. ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FO'HOWS: SECTION 1. City Ordinance No. 90-04 adopted by reference cerUtin portions of the Non-Codi~ed Riverside County Ordinances, including Ordinance No. 671. Ordinance NO. 671 is hereby amended to read as follows: *The City Council of the City of Temecula may adopt by resolution a schedule of fees for land use and related functions. The City Council may subsequently mend from time to time such schedule of fees by resohtion." SECTION 2. RF:VF-RABII.1TY. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining pans of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. The City shall cenif~ to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be posted as required by law. ~ETION 4. ~.~l~C-l'lv~- r)ATF. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted in three designated posting places. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED titis 14th day of July, 1990. Ronald J. Parks, Mayor A'frP_~f: June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 3/Otdsg0-14 ]. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XO XX X2 - X3 X4 :L5 Z6 Z7 ].8 Z9 20 2Z 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 3X 32 33 34 35 36 3"7 38 39 40 4]. 42 43 44 45 46 4'7 ~e Board of Sapen'bon of the ComaiT of B. Itasli Orddu, SECHONI. Odbamcel~71bbenl~ammdedmmdatbBomm The purpose of this ordinenoo is to provide for the aonsolidation of oer~uin sahodules of Zoos related to the 1And us~ miters as provided Zor ~n the seperete ordinenoes, resolutions end rules oZ the County of Riverside mntionod hereih, The Beenine of any particular vord or phue appearing henin shaXl be der, aratned by roLeForm t.o rat ord:Lnance, resolution, or ruXe to vhtch LI: relates. Shou3.d any roe provi. dmd here:Ln be ruJ, ocl-.:tneaXLd Oz~ unmnforcmabXe, reich dmt:erm.tnatton mlaal. l. not: allot, t: 1:ha vai. ldl~-y of aXX rmi. nXncJ fee provimXonm, 3. 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZO Z2 Z3 Z4 Z8 17 Z9 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 ORDINANCE 671.4 S~'.ON 2. ORDINANC/NO. 34S FgF, S · he fees rot Ordinance No. 348, relating land use shall be as follows: (a) ~he folioring fees shall be paid to the plannlng DIrector and deposited in the general fired, the L'tmcl of the Flood Control District: or agenoy that provides ~he flood hazard repoz'c, the appropriate road or gas tax fund, and the Parks Department fund: aBBMZI ~^ P~lDn4n- P,!aJa/4on- a. Oensral~ . J. l~lannlnq DegarUent 111. ioe~DePebvamra (If · Roed Condition Is Appealed) Casprehenslve Transportation Plan 1, ~lanAinq Delmrt:sent LL . ......Zavlronsen~,al Xealth iti. Fire DaMresent b. !rL..o~d.. Coatrol Distri~ d, load Del~,-taant (traffic study, required_) e, loadDepazt:asa~:- Ccmpreh.e~s..ive Transportation plsn Fiscal Year 1990-91 328 215 438 26 2746 19 336 145 155 641 220 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 · ) .)17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Yeu 199(~91 a3) Con'44tional U~i_XZT3,t~ a. General. Fund 3815 11. ~nvirormental Healt. b 167 Fire 531 24 8ball equal 1 · 5 j,~ ',-~_ "" " teLLmated/-~-T .__.,~.-~ .*~.:t to · max:laxm ~ - e. Rgmd De;mx'taent (tra~Rlc study, Road Department - Comprehensive Transportation Plan 435 S 651 641 3O5 (4) li. Znvtrormntal Health : 'ill. Fire Department, lv. Bulldlnq end Safety b. rlood Co~tz'ol District plus $5 par lot or site c. Road Departmsnt....(gsneral) 3533 167 531 24 600 5 735 1 2 3 · S 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 ORDINANCE 671.4 Final Yeax 199(~91 Fee plus $2 per 1.or or sits ~,c~r2--.-__, · ,~f ~o a maximus total ~ ~ ~ -~ 000 s. Rc~d Department (traffic s~mdy, if required) ............. f., ]toad Department - Cosprehensivs ?r~nsport~.tion Pl.~ ..... r~n,411. t~nsl Use ~ ~rkl ii. Invirormenr~sl Wealth ill. fire Department' ' _. iv. Building sad 8~lety ...... (s) b. lloodC~mtrol DistriCt plus Sip or lot or si~e c. Road HS~L'U~nt fqenerei) J plus $2perlot or site .... 2 .. 641 .... 283 3190 167 531 24 67 435 S 73S 641 4 ORDINANCE 67L4 F[~sl Year 1990-91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 lO Z2 13 Z5 16 - 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (6) (v) (s) g. R~md Dspartssn~ - CO~r_..O. mn.S..ive ~rans~orU~ion Plan Compnhesive ~ans~orUtioa ii. ....~i..~.._._nmmnt~l Ssalth- ili...~i.rS..tm~artmmnt '~. b. Road Oq~rmmst (tntttG study, r~qulnd)... c. Road Omparmmn~: - Compr~_._._~__i.v_e_~ranspomtion Plan ii, Znvironmmstsl Health ili..~!_r~_..._.Dspar~,msnt b. Smad kpartmnt (traffic stay, if c. it~md Dslmrtmsn~ - CmsprshensiVs Transls~~- 255 261 19 113 21 352 113 641 28 307 642 5 ORDINANCE 671.4 199~91 '1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 , (9) tii. Fire Departsent b. Road Department e. Parks Department d. Road Department - I ---[-- ........ 1 .............. I"' 4128 36 366 368 355 Coa)rebeUive ~:8n~porUtlon Plea ti. lavironaenUl Health Ill. FLreDeparUont. "'.J_zt~ent d. Road Departsant - Comprehensive Transportation Plan ii. Fire Departsant b. Road Departsent c. Road De;arment required) 330 (traffic study, 43.4g 36 366 368 355 340 3906 273 96 105 641 6 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 ')~ 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ORDINANCE 671.4 d. Road Department: - Cosprehensi_ve...~por~at:ion Pla~.__.__ (13) Biv~-e4 Pe~I,LM Wh~,,,h bau~ra * a, General Fund ~-)q .~4-M rire De~r~ment: b. Road De~4rtmmst: o. goad oeSmruwmt: (mrf/o study., required) d. Road Oeida-Csent: - ~ -~ ~ ? ~ [T~LC~,TDortat:ion Plan Per appli~ut:ion iii. Buildinq and Safety Road DeperUent: - Cospnhensive Trunsportat:ion Plan if Cosprehensive Tranmportat:ion .. Plan (Direc~or*s Hearing for Outdoor Adver~lsing) ._l~..r kpplicat:ion '1 Fiscal Year 1990-91 ..22 590 94 X55 641 47 253 262 31 2O 21 7 :t X 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 Z1 12 Z3 Z4 15 Z6 ') Z9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 199~91 PlOt: Plxn WhiP-h T~t: From (r'~-nAI k,t: imRe~,trmq to hI '1'ranEmitted DIRiX:Glent t^ ot'hI- e-,~vern~mn~a l a. Genera~ Fund ....... -- __ LI. gnv/ronamntal HeaZth b. Flood ConlLrol District 548 120 407 400 678 m. Road meetmerit (traffic gudy, if required) '. f. Road IMi~'laent - Comprehensive ~:anBportation plan s. ~M i. ~ ~~t ~) i Omsprmbm~ vm 1~anEpoztation Plan 641 44 176 641 14 2 3 4. s. 6 I 9 10 17 .20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE 67L~ RscaJ Yea: 1990-91 (X7) · ._li, Snvironmental ~$alth ill, Fire DeLm~._._.r~ iv, Sulldinq and. 8afe~y · ~...-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'~,,~.rl~ · .y? ~....4 c.: .... -.. . .. 1483 407 24 400 _.__,rgrxr,.--'~. ,~ .,,s.~ to · maximum- - "-, -,b 000 e. Road Departaent (mff/ommdy~ Lr Road Delmrtaent - Cosprehensivs .....Tr.m.._~po_rt4tion Plan (18) p,.w'~ 4,.,- ua~ a, General Fund i, PlaAnlnq Dslsa_..r_..tm~n._._t ii, znvironmenUl Health ilL.-Fire Oelm._r_~aent iv. Buildinc/and Safe~y b. Flood Control DlstriO_~ c. Road Departsent (general) 641 3707 I 625 I 375 I 678 9 2 3 4 S 8 9 ~0 ~2 ~3 :L4 ~S ~8 ~9 20 2~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3~ 32 ORD]~IANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 estimated ~ k _,,: ~.~ s'~-~-r ,-,, _. ' ' -- e. Parks f, Boad Departmen~ - Compfth.m~...iv, Tranmlx}rl3~Lon P::LBA (Lg} ~t~-nnd Un4+ ~ a. General 7Und i. ~iannLnq Department li.......~vLx~rsen~al Health b. Flood Co~._~ol Dls~r~c~ c. Boad Departsent: d. Road Departmn~, - -' Comprehens'tve 'L'nnnlmm on Plan _. _l~,_lm $33 ~ qz'oss am it.. ..!nvfA'onaenUl Health ilL. FiFe Delmartaen~ b. Flood Control c. Roed Del~...rt:men't: 355 297 83 335 245 244 142 250 2O 9254 33 649 800 2105 10 C# · 2 3- 4 S 10 12 .t3 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 199~91 d. Parks Deparlm_en~ e. aoad Deparlment: - BBi~.~ ~..TT~FFlt~or~a~ion Plan 355 74:0" (22) BRBe-t ft~- plan - Roid, SR~-t flP plan a. Road !)elmrtment: ...... 4039 '~' .~ 343 27 li. Environmental Heal~:h b. ~oad Delmrtmen~ c. ~oad Deparmen~ - Cem~rahensivs ~ranspor~atimm Plan 59 138 106 (25) :ZiI,~ Usedraft. N^4. T^ w't,et~LAiaG i. Plsnninq Delmrtsent ii. Znvimmmental Health iv. $mildir~ and safe~w b. ~mad DeVartment c. Read Departman~ - Comprehensive Transporta~ion Plan 1407 36 140 24 147 113 11 X 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 X0 XX X2 X3 X4 XS X7 X8 Xg 20 2X 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3X 32 33 34-- ORDINANCE 671.4 ii. Znvirormental Health iii. Fire Departzent b. Road Department c. Road-Delmrtaent- Coaprehe~ive Transportation Plan (37) V~rlanee Tiled klan, a. GeneralFund i. Planninq Departaent ii. !nvironaental Health iv. SulldirW and. Sare'~-y Coaprehensive Transportation Plan (28) Accesson, IlRCH hea~,,d' f,r,l,,Gii1 tq~14fnrntli wnviP,,~nlten~l n,-l tt,v ~ a. Ganmral ~ i. planninq Departmant ii. rix~ De~art~n~ ili. load Deportant - CasF~~lve Transl~mtion )lan (29) ~ lltyw M,,~- htlrd. ft-,l_l~bl ~til 4 fOt~liT:T~ t'nviPotllln~al n, sl 41..v Fiscal Year 1990-91 Fee 571 48 315 79 46 1476 48 315 3Z 118 372 360 3O 553 ORDINANCE 671.4 F~aJ Yea: 1~)4~91 1 2 3 4 5 7 S 10 13 '16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 ii. Fire !)e~attaeAt lii, Road DeptFtaent - Cosprehensive Transporta~Lon Plea (30) cosm~-4,m uu~ PtER~ a. GenertlAmd . i, Planninq DoRatruant "' ii, 'SnviromenUl Smlth' 360 44 3045 19 ill, Fire ~-.'~- 360 · :- - , ~ :~r- '~neral) I ..... 668 d. Road oepattmAt - Cos~.rehensive Tnns~rUtion Plea (31) a, Gsnsva~Funcl . L..,_ EnvironRental Health 244 SO0 (32) ~hnirsi Tnfomtion va~er a, CsenerLZ Paid i- PlamdJIq I)el~z~:melt 18 Road DeparUent - Couprehensive TransporUtion Plan (33) vax. am lrauilv Day ~arsHoas a. GeneralFund i,. PlanaiM I)elmtl~eAt ii. EnvironRental Health ilL.,. Fire Depam~nt b. Flood Control Distri~ 436 78 255 400 13 1 2 3 4 S 6 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ORDINANCE 671.4 FLed Year 1990-91 c, Road D!__.Mrlm...ent f_aeneral) shall equal 1,5 -~b~ ,.' ~ I.~-- ..,~ .... e, Road Depart:sent: (~a~c 8~udy, required) Z, Road Depertxant Comprehenaive Transportation Plan (34) Razardous Waste Fa~,!14+y f44,(r~ ~ a. eef~~ ~-~F~P~.,:- DePartment · - pxu $36 pera_.cmI b. Flood Oor~,Tol Distri~ e, Road lMi~t'eamnt - Cou~rehene~veTraneportatlon Plan plus $3 I~r qroes am (35) r4nnele and Oattaries Jlhieh*"21 l, Lm~eaeed unda~ fac4-i^n 11.4q i. planninq Department lll.'load Department - CoepreheneiveTransporl:atlon Plan 678 641 35 10683 36 lOOO 450 764 641 855 3 331 30 26 14 ORDINANCE 671,4 FL~al Ye~ 199(~91 Fee 1 2 3 4 6 ii, EnvironRental Health 7 ill, SherifZ*s 8 9 10 eoaprehensivo Transportation Plan Z2 13 14 IS 16 ii, Znviro..mn..tal Health X7 ili, aheriff'S......DO. pa__r~t I ').-) IS b, Road Depertmm.~_ . .... I 19 20 o, Road DepartRent - Cosprebensive Tren..s. por~ution Plon 2Z 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Comprehensive Transportation 29 30 31 32 33 34 lOS 3:L 27 8 424 3Z 27 68 34 73 6 789 1S 2 3 · 5 6 7 8 9 XO XX X2 13 14 15 X7 Z8 X9 20 21 22 23 ORDINANCE 671.4 li. Road Deparment - Comprehensive TransporUtion Plan (40) B~D, la~y ~ehtd,,l e been hal,4 Before an~ ~1 n^t: t',,tSVt' IProR the ~slifo~n4~ lt~v4tmDiln4'-I a. General ~md li. Road DeparUent - Cosprehenstve ~ransSmrU~ion Plan a. General ~ " Cospreh~rmive 'l'ranapomt. J. on F~caJ Year 199~91 63 850 68 407 33 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 '10 X3 ~4 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2g 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 42 ORDINANCE 671.4 Li. Road Department - Comprehensive Tranmpomtion PXan B. Whenever an application rot a change or gone, peruit, or variance is terminated for any reamon, the PXanninV Deparlaent may, Xn accordance vith the itmt~tnd Polic./Staf'.aent adoi~ed by the Board of Supervbore, re~md fees paid, upon lie written request of the applLoum:. ' Zf any portion of the application foes have been paid by the Planning Department. ~o another Juriedic~ion, agency, or deparUent for the perro~ of senices reigned ~o the application,- th, ~lanntng cmpartaent viII not reined any such portion of Ctmir foes until the other Juried/c~Lon, egency, or~*dWiMix-l~erit- eu~bor/gem the pIanntng tMpar~aent U do go. Xn the absence of much eu~horXsation, it viII be the applicant's responsibility to ~ontact' the o~her Jurimiic~ion, agency, or d~t for a refund of the foes paid ~o it, in accordance vith the Refund Policy SUnmont. c. The plannLng Departmant mIX rough a processing foe of $75 from the 'total aount to be refunded. Fiscal Year 1990-91 2 75 The fees for Ordixmma No. 43X, .rmguXatiJW and controlling the l~Cion ~ o~raCion or h~ ~, mIX ~ u rollre: New PmrRitAPnliem~4^n PH a. GonereX Fund i. Planning Department 1639 17 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 Fee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g XO 11 12 13 14 X6 X7 X8 19 20 2X 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (2) (3) ii. Road Depar~en~ - Comprehensive Transportation Plan · Road EMpertmen~: - Cbsprehensive ?ransperta~ion Pl8~ $l per ZOO hogs vith · sinisua of $lO regardless or the staid:mr of hoql allramble a. Gmmx*al~ i. l, lanning Deperemem: aS Imz~eit or the required insl~ion fee Cosprehensive Transportation ' Plan S perodrt'of the required inslM~cion fee 131 16 127 1 10 2t 26 2 [ ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 1 2 3 4. S (s) 6 7 9 10 CcmprebeneLve Tx-anspam~aa 11 12 13 14 IS 17 18 X9 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 b fees rot ordl~saoe ao. 458, relating to the reg~ation or flood hss&rd ~zes~ ~nd ispleseating ~ NatJoel rl~ ~ t~,u, ~ll M u tollmz (x) ~+4^n vnvslv4rV LiD4 Which v.4em Dmmerribmd in ~m-d. 4sn 't ^f rsrd4ni/lgI a. GmnmraX Fund i. Bui.l_d_inq and Safety b. Flood .Control Distri~ Plus $180 rot e~ch b~Llding mitt shovn_oa the awlioBtion (3) b. 11.o9d. Control Oistri~ 32 33 for each building site shorn on the sppll~.ti.._on ' 34 35 36 37 (3) ~rml lrmtiOM for an Xs'l, peml Or VsP4tneo a. Clerk of ~ Board o~ Supervisors 169 X4 410 180 119 545 180 6O 1 2 3 4 6 8 l0 11 12 16 17 18 ~' 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ORDINANCE 671.4 SECTION 5~ ORDINANCE N0~'460 FEES- The fees for Ordinance No. 460, relating to the division of land shall be as lollors: A. The folloving fee shall be paid to the Road Coaslsslonsr aid deposited into the general t~md: X. aPP~Nh. ~rUrl4~ NO. L. Survey B. The toXlovi~J tees slmll be paid to the Planning D/rector end deposited Lnto the general fund, the fund for the Flood Control District or sgaioy that Eramidas the flood hazard rei~rt, the appropriate road or gas tax i~nds, and the Parks Departseat i~mds ;lus $21 per ~ross a~re ii. Znvironsental !kalth ili. Fire Departsent ( 2 ) Flood ~mt~ol Distri~ · . tm-'-~_~r~ss am (4) Bond DepartBent (~A'af~iO study, (s) Road ~eperUent - Cmprshensive ~'z'snspamtion Plan Fiscal Year 1990-91 Fee 25 4764 65 21 362 544 600 8 277 641 381 ORDINANCE 67L4 F/s~l Year 199~91 Fee 1 2 3 4 6 1Q 12 D 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (4) ~oad .... (r, rarrlc study, .I ( s ) Road DeperUent - _. .C..osprehensJ. ve 'rransportatlon Plan ..9.1ua $5 ~r unit DIns $2 per qross am c. Pavts~d Statutory Condosinlns Sutdlvlalon I~p Filing (Within ~eo Yetre of Original kFproval) (1) Gesez~l 9land . ._1. Plknnlng Depaztaent Dlu $70 D~r additional trait plus $22 pot additional gross tl... Bnvlzonaental Bealth 111. FIre DeFaztaent pr each additional unit 21 5 2 4764 65 21 783 544 600 8 300 641 381 5 2 5131 70 22 203 159 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 lee 1 ( 2 ) Road _Depa_rtaen.t_ .. ( 3 ) Road DepartRent: (traffio s~udy, 300 642. 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ( 4 ) Road Departmint - _ ._C_O_aprehermive Transpo_rta.t_lon. Plan .... ~..lUs $6 .~er additional unl~ .._ plU ..~2 per__a. dd~tional qroes acre plus $22 per e~cb eddit~on~ · ii. Znviromn~al Health ili, Fire Departmat (2) .Rmd Department ...................... : (3) ~rdrequb~Tm) t,(trafrio otudy, (4) ned Departant - Comprehensive TrusporUtion Plan · . Ll~'-r additional unit plus $1 per additional qross acre 0 (2.) enere2. Fund 1. Plm'mtr~.....De~~. .......... plus $20 per lo~ plus $2o per gross a~re 410 6 2 5131 70 203 '.. 178 300 641 410 6 2980 20 20 2 3 · '5 6 7 8 9 ZO Z2 Z3 Z5 Z6 Z9 20 2Z 22 23 24 25 26 27 ORDINANCE 671.4 Znviromntal Health Fire DepartRent: ( 3 ) Fl~.t...COntrol ....... J Pl.s $5 Per Lot ................... J (ZaT~rovesent plan ~L...._~_~_. [. I ( 4 ) load Depaztant If required) ( 5 ) Parks DeSmrtment (6) load Deimztsent - Ccmprehensive ?rsnspor~ation Plan plus $2 per lot J ~~ Mr aross acre J (4) Road DepartBent (l:ratf.'Lc study, if required) ( 5 ) PLrJm DepeFlaent "1' Fiscal Ye~ 1990-91 362 547 600 641 355 238 2 2980 20 20 783 547 600 5 761 641 355 l 2 3 · S 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Z9 '20 21 32 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE 57L4 ( 6 ) Road Depar~Ren~ - Couprehens ive Transportation Plan plus $2 per lot plus $2 per qross acre ~lD~st4veRssiden~ial lfaive~ of IP4nll N~ (1) General Fund l. Plenninq $86 per lot ........... [ ........ ii. Zn~ironsen~l Health I I I (2) Ylood ~mtrol Distri~ · . ~l*;-r lot (Zsproveuent Plan Check) ( 4 ) Road study, hrks RDad 'Deimrtaeat - : Cos~rehensive Translmrtatian Plan Flus $7 per lot d, ~saestivs Issidsntial Parcel Man Without Waivs~ ^f tiql],,J[IR - (3.) GeMnZ rmvS i. I,/,unlx~ Delarcaem: · . ~.m-~r lot iii. yizm Fiscal Year 199~91 Fee 238 2 2 1332 86 295 547 260 300 5 52 318 641 355 107 7 1213 9O 326 547 24 (', 1 3 4 5 ? 9 't0 X3 17 20 2m 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3m ORDINANCE 671.4 .rl. ood_ Control D__iS_~.!Gt: p..l. us_$S ~er !.0._~ ................ Road .. Oepertment .............. -(4) ~tdz. equ_~U~m~t:':'(~-'~t'fie study, rid (S) Ptrkg'Del~rtment ............................. (6) Road Oeptrtnent - ~ ~ ~ -~rtation Plan ~_luS~_$7 I~_r lot ' plus $84 pet eeQ additional lot ii. Environmental Health J ill. Fire Department .... J" (3) ]toad IMptrtment "I" (3) L~R~dre~b~~)t (trefflo mmdy, ~ 4 )' Peru Departrant = (s) Road Department - Comprehenmive Transpomtion Plan RluS,. $~_.psr _.such.. additional lot J ltmeimed IMpeel Maw Pi14n~ and Industrial It~-,.~el MaDe After Years nf ~tn-~ (1) ~1 ~ F~cal Yea: 1990-91 300 S ......... 318 97 7 351 84 101 1~9 248 641 178 28 351 1 2 3 4 S 8 9 10 Z1 13 14 15 16 Z7 Z8 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 ORDINANCE 671.4 plus $44 per each addl~ional . i.i-_ ....._Znv_Irorms_nt_a.1 Health [' · ..i_i..i__,._ P_ira Dela._z~_.s_n.t:__' . .......... ]" ( 2 ).. Road Deparlmsnl: ._ ' ......... ]' . (3) Road Delmmsn~ (tnZZio 8tndy, _..i~ .required.) .... ( 4 ) l~rks Delmrlmsn~ ...... [' ( 5 ) Road. Delmr~sent - Cosprehensive Transportation )lea plus $4 per each. additio..nsl_ 1..or .... I ... Revised Residential pst~*tt.J~ f/~i~er ~ sf oPte4nlJ~ARBv~vsll i, Planning Departseat .. plus $100 per tu~h edditioml lo~ ii, lnvironuenUl Health I ili, Fire Delmrtmn~ I' ~~ ufud Deua~cnent: I ' (3) Lfi~d~~i: (tnUi. o st'ud7~ (4) im:ks DeFarimen~ ....... (S) ~ I)el~ztmen~ - Cm~rehensive'Z'ransl~r~.ation PZsn pzus $8 per ..e..s.ch.__kddi...t!o.nsl_ lot_ _1 ............. 26 Fiscal Year 1990-91 ( 101 170 318 6.41 178 28 4 414 / 100 113 318 641 1'78 33 2857 1 2 "3 4 S 7 I 9 ZO 12 Z3 15 Z6 '1'7 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28' ORDINANCE 671.4 (3) Road (4) Road Department (traffic study, if requi_red) ..... Fizal Y~ 199(~91 !2 362 S44 600 S 896 641 355 229 2 4990 90 21 362 S44 24 600 S 896 641 ) 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 12 13 :1.5 :1.8 20. 21 32 23 24 25 36 27 28 29 30 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 Fee ( 5 ) Road Depar~mant - C0mp.r.._~..._en,.tve ~ranspor~ation Plan . plus .5'7 per lot .plus $2 per qros8 acre plus $20 per qrosa acre ii. Invironaental Health ill. rite plus$Sper lot (4) iP~~t (trafflQ study, red (5) iqudm Depart:mint (6) lad Delmrt~ut - CaWrebensive ?ruslmmtion Plan per lot plm $3 ~er m am (:L) aeertt Vund i. P:Leaning umparmmut plus $62 per each additional 399 7 2 2857 82 20 S44 600 5 896 641 355 229 7 2 279~.__ .... 62 3 3. S I 9 XO X2 't3 '~4 X5 X7 X8 X9 20 2~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 plus $19 per ts~h sddition~l qzoss acre_ .... Znvirorment&l Health ( 2 ) ..Rind.._oegettuent: ...... (3) __~_.~t (trufflo study, (4) u,,-d IMpetUent: - e. RlY,,LIf f.,,W, d4v4m~on Nae (W44-1s4n ~ Yetan ^f r~4~74n,t'1 a~t, eV=,11 (1) (kutzIZ IPlznd i. Pl~nnin~ Delmrtmmt .................... plus $62 per eaoh additional lot plus $19 per each midit~Lonl~ ..eraas acre ii. Znvirormental HMlth ( 2 ) Roed Depez'e:aen't ' _ (3) iZS~K!~t (traffic etudy, 19 -- I.... 20.3._ I 159 641 234 ! 2 2798 62 19 203 178 318 641 (4) Road Ccaprehenaive plus $S.pe~._e~.._r~. sdditiorml lot plus $3 per m~ch additiorml gross 224 S -) 29 ], 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ZI 12 :],3 14 :],S :1,6 19 20 21 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 ORDINANCE 671.4 ii. Znvironsen~ul !iealt, h i..xJ. ~J~ ue~rtmem: ( 2 ) Flood' c~..ntrol Distric~ plus. $57_ l~_r._ acT_e ........... ( 3 ) Road_ Oe_pe~~. .................. (4) Road 9epa~'ement (raffia study, i i~zmqu red) ............... (s) hrks Depart:sent (6) Road Oepa~caeng - Cosprehensive 2Tensportation p~an plus $7 per .uni~ plus $2. F4~. gross am b. Vestina Tenutive Pt"~tI,H2 (l) 2emral Fund i. Plsnnin~ DepartBent · . LLm-'-z lc:4: plm_..$21 _,;er_qzoss am ii, ln~izo~_tm.l._ .Bealt:h ..... ill. FJ.z'e..De;m~t. I ( 2 ) rleed Con~...1 .. Di_stric~ I I Fiscal Year 1990-91 ( 4983 9O Plus $57 per lot ( 3 ) aoa. d_ tmparten~ 21 783 544 600 63 974 641 355 ~" 399 7 2 4846 88 21 783 544 600 57 974 ], 2 3 4 S 6 8 9 10 13 ].S ) ]..8 19 20 2], 22 23 24 25 ORDINANCE 671.4 Year 199~91 (4) :~l~a~dr~~[a~~)t (traffic study, . ( S ) Parks D~lmrU~nt (6) Road oeptruent - Cos~rehensive Transitoration Plan olus $7 Rer lot o. 3~11~t~'' ?tlltativs Sinale-family (1) Gene~'al Fund RluS $84 ~er lot, Rlus $20 Mr qross aore ii, ZnviroraenUl H~alth ill., Fire Hartant (3)/'Z _ood Control Distriot (4) Road DeparUent if..required) (traffio study, (S) ;~..._ka.. DeDarc:se~t (6) Road D~|mrl:s~nt - Colurehensive TransportatiOn plan 641 355 388 7 2 4698 84 783 544 600 57 974 641 355 .I 376 ..p.l_us $7 per lot pluS $3 per gross acre 7 2 31 1 2 3 4 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 34 25 26 37 38 29 30 31 32 33- 34 35. 36 ORDINANCE 671.4 C. The following fees shell be peld to the Planning DepartRent end deposltod in the g~neral ~und or appropriate Road DepartBent or ~lood Control Dlstrt~ Fund: AlmaliB r.e-~d~vsalon~ 11. Ylre Departsent (If fire conditions appealed) (a) (3) (4) b. Roed Deparement (ZR road conditions appealed). o. RosdDepartaent - eomprehenslveTransporUtion Plan Cmaprehensive Trznsporratlon ~lsn il. invirOrd~l wealth iii. 9ire D~pertsent ~e Couprehenalve Trenspomtlon Fiscal Year 19~91 Fee 331 215 126 26 93 356 23 104 28 100 32 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 7 I 9 XO XX 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 30 21 22 23 24 25- 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 (s) (6) ('7) (8) ORDDiANCE 671.4 qpT~ 'I'PS'I S* ~e Oaapz~e~alve S~AapomtAo~ 91a~ !mr~4on ,~f 94at (m,.,k,q4v4mion~ a. e, eneeraX ~ ii. aoad Deparment - Omap~ive ?:w~apomtlea 9la~ /diDd_DAXAi4on nni4- NaV r414,~ a. generaX Fund i. Planninq Departant it..._YJZe Demarment ilL. we~d Departsent - .ii, laviron~n~l Xtslth b. flood ...Control DIstrict c. Road De _p~rtent d. Road ;emarmet - Comprmhmnsive Transportation Plan Rsca~ Year 1990-91 xo4 8 268 21 274 22 187 104 15 430 2O 3O 138 34 ,) 33 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 25 3O ORDINANCE 67L4 Fjsud Yea: 1~)(~91 Fee (9) M{nor r~*n~ a. General Fund L. PXmnnLr~ Department 1t. Firm b. Road Delmrtsent c. Boad Dep~rtaent (tx'affic study, d. Boad Department - Comprehensive Txlnsporl:atlon Plan a. Gan~al Ftmd L, PlannfiW Del art:... n...t 470 104 124 641 38 459 a. :~/L~E L~~~~)t: (trafila study, d. ltoedDep&rtment-- CcmDz'ebenaLve ~qu~l~mtion Plan (11) MePatP of Cont.tm,o,,i Pmrcmll I 104 134 641 37 494 a. GmnsralFund i. plmnnXnq Department 500 4O 392 104 .................. 6,sv 34 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 :1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ORDINANCE 671.4 c. Road Department Cospre~...ens_.l,.ye 7rans~X~..rr, at:l, on_P].an (13) Sue,'.ia't earvice Latter a. Genera]. FusM Cosprehensive ~nsporUtion i~d , n~l-Familv Reaidential ~rs~ts (1) General Fund Flus $10 per acre ~].tll rl~ordl ~ol t f ill, Road bpartaent~ - Coapnhensive Trusportation plus $1 per lot chanqe plus $1 per q~oss am (x) ~eneruX Fund- i, i~lanni.M Departsent :K~Ius $16 per lo4: plus $9 per gross acre plus recordation fee ill, Road Department - CosprehensiveTrenspert~tion Plan plus $1 per lot I '1 Fm~d Year 1990-91 ..32 1.83 15 1709 18 ~0 didiV 137 1 1 1592 16 9 QdiQ,/ 127 1 35 1 2 3 4 S 6 8 9 X0 12 13 14 15 16 17 II 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fisc~ Yeas · x99o-gx( Fee plus .$1 per~ross acre I 1 D. The Zollovi~/fees shall be ;mid to the Road Cmissioner and de;melted into the general fund, the gas m fm~d and the a~r~prie~e fl~mi control ftmd or dis~i~ Z~ for ~e distri~ ~Mu~lon ~e Z~I (3) (4) e. General IPunci ' - ' ' "'~lum'~ecorda~ion fee - -lu re~rda i n Zoo m-M4vtmi~MmV IPtli~sa i. Plannin~ Department plus $l , par qt~s8 'am .................. J ( 147 101 1 (5) linal Parcel Maw 141.4h a. ~2hedule JR" -(X) ~eneral Fund i. .Plarm!r~J..Depar'caen~ 101 ') r ORDINANCE 67L4 wIPe ('hm, wl{%h mimes plus $X ~er lot.- ili, Sold De,~~v~ - natim .. plum 0 per lot ~o 8t~mdulm mXm olus Sl ram: marcre1 ili, ~ DeSmrtment - ~ive 1~sportatio. n 37 .... ~lus 0 Mr Nr~el Fiscal Year 199~91 1 1470 8 0 X36o 4 0 54 1 2295 4 X 2 3. 4 S 9 XO XX X2 X3 X4 XS X7 X9 20 2X 22 23 24 25 26 2~ 28 29 30 3X ORDINANCE 671.4 (6) ....... pl~s $1 Def lo~ F/seal Year 199(~91 10 lO1 1205. 8 2 3 4 S' 6 8 9 ZO Z2 Z3 X4 X6 :7 ZI X9 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 3:]. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4Z (9) ORDINANCE 671.4 plan r~tek'lne. ~ t:^ 4,.!,if Deuattment for both road and ~l,-,--:=-am. At +l~L,~ of ftl 4n~ ^f pl anl f~P ~tek4 n- Road Departs $2.S00 I ~e~osnt of ~he es~lsa~sd end ut~ZL~y ~ons~_~/on (3) rZood _-:-: --oZ l__pe~O~m__t of romdandlsd~lic (2) rlood ContTol DistriCt Z SN~oeat o~bondedvalue o~ saLntaLned Flood ConZ:ol Fac~l~tLes 39 Fiscal Yea: 1990-91 lee 52 5S 2 ~ 3 ~ X~ 1 2 3 '4 5 7 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14 lS · 16 ) 17 1,9 20 21 22 23 ORDINANCE 671.4 Survey Hon,,ilnt: F 1 · 1,4 Tner~ec.t: 4 on Schedule A-C and B- GeneraX fund S1.ZZVey us $2 ~4rq~oee acre 1. Survey pXu~ $. so 200 c. S~edule' kP-H (X) GonereX Fund i, Survey pXum $3( Rarcel (x) ie pXue $,S0 per groee a~re over 200 ($3,SOOKaxLaua) (x) GoneFaX Fund 1. Survey 1O Ipmt or orLg~ fee Fisca/Yea: 1990-91 Fee 635 2 865 ,S0 340 20 740 SO 50 t 4O ~. 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZO ~2 Z3 't6 Z7 ~8 Z9 20_ 22 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ORDINANCE 671.4 FXLIXG rzzs FOR EXPIRED RBCORDABLB · UBDZ'VZS'rON liSP8 'i. Xe · tentative trac~c map is mabslt~od to recordable 8ubd~vimion map on Use sam propar~ and Use nev Umta~lve tnct mp is no ~rerent than the Zinu of Use M~~n 4,WI l~vtn,, Fees Shall be F^I (x) emuz'eZ Z, und a, Planninq Depax-~sen~ ;lus $15 )e~ lo~ ;lus $15 ~e~ elx~ss acre ( 2 ) Flood Control D/strict ;lus $S per lot (3) Road (4) Road Department:.- ~ -} .~ ~ ~ -;,,rearion PIn plus .$1 per lot: ;lus $1 m qross am Lieu of the Filing Fees Provided for Baltt-faully Residential tracts ~n and b or Paragraph this aecl:lon, the Foilwing Foes shall be Psitit (l) General Fund ·. Planning. F~c~ Ye~ 1990-91 1681 15 15 600 5 150 134 1 1 1829 41 2. 2 '3 4 S 6 7 8 9 lO Z2 Z3 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ORDINANCE 671.4 plus $16 per qross acre (2) Flood Con~:rol Dil~riC~ .... p.1..uo_....$S.. pe:.. gFoss acre ( 3 ) Ro~d Delmrtsen~ (4) Road OeperUong - ConpFehenaive TFenoportetion Plan plus $1 per 9ross scr.e .... plus $1 per lot plus $s per lot ill, Road Departmat - Couprehensive ?rensporUt.ion. plus 0 per lo~ (2) r. tjlLt_Jj~4~y '~^ndominium Man aoGemzul/Und plus $1 I~r lee ~erVJmssacreever 10 plus $3s per groea e~re ($1,2S0 mix) ............ Irerod ~t - Comprehensive Trmmpo~tion Pl&n 42 Fiscal Year 1990-91 16 600 8 1S0 146 101 1 603 8 101 1 600 25 8 2 3 4 "'S 6 8 9 ZZ 13 14 17 Z8 20 22 23 24 25 36 27 28 29 30 3Z 32 33 34 35' 36 ORDINANCE ~lus 0 per lot For t~h~e purpoeel o~ this 8zbleG'r. ion, expired r~~le s~lvision mp ~ ~ epp~ ~Utive m~ mp for ~si~, ~e r~l up ~e for si~~, ~ ~e f~ mp subdivision map shall be Bade by tht Road Coamis~ioner. Nothing mined in~hia subso~tion shall bo~onstruedtoprevaut or -. proaibitthe lsposition of additional or diffarenta~ditions on the nee ..... tentative map. b riling foes ~mtainod in the subsection shall be applicable if any changes or altArnatives are required to be made to the tentative mp or final sap or to 2o tsprovem~ plans as a ~ resml~ of the isposition by the of additional or different ~lit~onsJ or~~f l saps or to the iaproveaent plans ~hieh are uo~ l~e dlzm~ result of the iqNMitAOn Of additional or .diZferent conditions by the Count, the land divider shall be required to pay all the filing foes specified in Subsetions & through D of thia Section. F~scal Year 1990-91 43 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z0 Z2 14 15 Z6 Z7 18 19 20 '} 2Z 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 39 40 4Z 42 43 44 F. Air r~,altty v-lfmant IPat Xn addition ~o ~e Zees se~ ~o~ in 'S~se~lons k, B, ~d ! o~ ~is S~lon, ~e a~ll~ Zor any r. id~tial~ t~Utive s~ivision Mp or resid~tial 1ot ~ ~e appll~ for ny sUtuto~ ~~iu ~ivision mp ~all ~y · fee of SIX ~r ~lt for ~e ~m of p~ri~ ~ ~Xaen~i~ ~ air ~all~ elu~ of ~e qaral ply, (I) Air rmili~v v,l~ $II Star. lot or unit a. Gantral Pund i. Plannlnq D~par~snt G. Raf~,nd ^~ letis ^f Ot, d4naneL Nh. 460 1. Ifhenever u appZiution for a Ia,ml division or related application is tera~nated for any reason, the planning Departrant nay, in aacordanee vieb the Refund Poliay S~ateaent adopad by applicant. If any portion of the application fen has been paid by the ampiztauttodoso. In thembsenceof smi~sation, it viII ha the appllaant'8 responsibility to eorataet the othezJ:~ic~ion, aqenoy or departmud: for a refund of the fees paid to it, in aooordance with the Refund PollcT Itateaen~. The Planning DepartRent shall reUin a promsing fee of $75 frOU the toUl 11 75 44 (~., X 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 X0 12 X3 14 15 16 17 18 X9 2O 22 24 25 26 27 29 3X 32 33 34 35 ORDINANCE 671.4 SECTION 6~ ORDDIANCB S46: the County Fire Chief and deposited into the general Zund, and shall be as foilross (1) Plan Ch~ks-Su41StnRI (6) "_lmd:~,',ks ~ p~-~ ,"~m~d e.~anerulFund i. Fire beS~rtaent Fiscal Year 1990-91 558 138 84 560 558 .. 354 45 -) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 Z2 13 14 15 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fire safety rnsM~tonl (t.tcglf4 carel (1) Ftr,~ rnBctton (NOv t.t~tntt~ me6 or 11lI (1) General Alnd a. Fire (1) General Fund a.. F._ire Delmmen~ (4) F"~tlP'Vk'im a. General~ i. Fire C. lA73_liZj TnlD~'tiO.' (1) a. rl~*hwsllgh '.499 (1) General Fund a.r..Lre DeMrment b. · · aM +hs~B~h 4. egg ~tq. IPI-. (:t) aeaerax rums _ a. F~._~~ ............... (3.) ames3. Z, md ·. _..r!~_.._oepartaent: (a) IalallDe4eg a. Genena rmd i._;._..i~_ Depaz4:ent (3) ~al&mLLt. Fiscal Year 1990-91 81 162 81 40 16 58 82 124... 124 82 46 ~- 2 3 4 --S ORDINANCE 671.4 b, a. OOO m,., IP~. hr Bore (1) oneral fund ._. a. r_ire. Department (4) Restaurants a. J~h~M~h 4.999 ~-.1~:. (1) General fund a. fire Devartaent F~d Ye~ 199~91 124 82 8 9 10 (1) gena~l And -- a, fire .Deoarmen~ 124 12 :L3 14 11 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 olus $3 ~4fun~ plus $32 per addi~LonaZ (3) 1Mrsr S VEt in FXovTsEt a. rdmr~hnd i. ~irm....._Oe~a..___rtJa~ Per hydrant 82 92 121 2.08 32 121 47 2 3 4 S 6 7 9 lO ll 12 X4 15 ~ X7 X9 2O 22 23 24 25 27 28 2g 30 3X 32 33 .- 34. 35 36 .. 37 ORDINANCE 671.4 S~ON 7. ORDINANCE S47 FEES, The fees for Ozdinance 14o. 547 ralatinq to the lsplesenUtion of the Alquist-Priolo Special S~dies Zones Ac~, shsll be is foilors: (3.) ttlin~ of - eSle~le~l~- Re,~or4' for ADrPewal i. Plsnninq Depaz~ment for a Irareal lO acres Ln size or less plus $X6 for each adaitionaZ acre to a maximm fee ~f $637 Coapz'ebensive ~r~nspomtion Plsn for a paz~l 10 sofas in sLss or leu plus $Z for each additional am to a naziram fee o~ $~0 "- Caprohanaiva s~u~pamtioa plus an additional $Z6 upon submission to the State · eologist of rec~aaendation or approval of v~vier by ~ Geologist. F~cal Year 1990-91 Fee 453. 627 36 2 SO 58 324 5 26 48 ~. 2 4 S 7 $ 10 12 20 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE 67L4 The feee for Ordinance No. SSS, relatJ~g ~o the ~upleuenUtion of ~e ~a~ ~ ~ ~lmti~ ~ of XgtS, ~ll ~ u foilrot i. Plsnninq DeR~z'~sm~ if. Znvirmmentsl Seslt~ b. Flood Control Distria~ d. Road De~arUm~ (raffia study, if B.~-~ ~ ~ -~,mtioa -SlsA _. (3) Raelm4,4^n plans Nutmitt. aS f^t,, Vaua~M ~BIZRLLgBI e,..,md.,e4.ed Ai~er ..Tsnuaw "t . eoGeosrel/Und c. need eepu'taent (traffic study., if (3) FIscal Year 1990-91 3723 20 24 450 819 641 355 298 1727 410 641 307 62 49 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fiscal Year 1990-91 1 2 7 9 lO 12 13 14 15 16 '~' 18 -19 20 21 22 23 24 '. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 (4) (s) (~) c. Ro~d Department - __ Comprehensive Transportation Plan ~Ri~_ 4 $1 TnlRI~ 4 ^n Perei~ a. General fund i. B~ildinq and Safety a. G~neral Fund Ii. ~d H~~~ - ~~e~lve ~~tion ._ i · PX~~ fees for O~ No. 559, relating to teaoval of trees, shall be as foliowax (1) ~L~li~tion for a Permit or ere Native a,.aeneralrund i. Pl~ ~~' ' ii. ~ ~~t ~ive ~~ie 25 113 199 16 785 63 214 17 ,o L X 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 XO XX X2 :L3 X4 X5 X6 X8 X9 2O 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 ORDINANCE 671.4 szcnoN ORDm q. CS.' ·' The tees for Ordinance leo. 578, providing for the es~ablishnent og historic preservation districts shall be as ~ollovsz a. General Fund i. 9lanninq De;mrtant (2) a. GeneralFund i, Planninq Department ii, Road Department - Couprehensive TransporUtioa Plan "1 The fees for Ordinsn~s No, 6S0, regulating the disclarge of sewage in the ~rporut6d territory of t~e ~o~nty of Riverside end providing penalties for violations 8baXl be as Zollo~sz For tueh ParesT !e^~ .tn +hk.~iBl_Bd]~ Division. Fax, saw, +hmn 10.000 a,,. 1~. tn 2JiP- ~ 1, an Xdmne4'f(md ~,e-4~Area ~ ~ e4~t ~v-l,,itton tl_Blllij~lil (Submurfaem DisusereX -eVStmm~ as e4neral Fund i, Environmental Health per parcel F~aJ Yea~ 1990-91 189 Ill X5 106 8 89 51 X 2 3 4 S 6 7 9 XO X3. X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X? X8 X9 20 2X ~3 ~4 25 26 27 2g 30 3X 32 33 34 35 36 37 ORDNANCE 671.4 (a) (3) lt'nv- Mt, l~.4d~ll ps~-r, slI Within r~n~ ntvtlion (~,,hsurfaes D~s~saX I. ~ach Of ~~t I. ~eral ~ (a) ~L~en~al Beal~ ~r b. For ~ ~X v~ ~e ~ X~ d~v~s~on at~ ~e ~LD~ i~ (4) ~ls v~n ~ X~ d~v~BLon I. ~~l ~ (a) ~vL~en~al Beal~ pr 8ub-mlrfaes'gmmaa D,suossl Plan (4) ~tsrns~ive and h~sriaen~-I DinVeal Svstess rrmludiM nn-si~t ~rmlmtion'and Plan i, ~~1 (5) ~ ~1-F4~ 4n ~n4,,~4~n Wi~k ' ~m~ ~om DiStal a.~M (6) Fiscal Year 1990-91 Fee 89 37 37 346 173 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 3.0 11 12 13 ~4 ~S X7 II X9 20 32 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40. ORDINANCE 671.4 The teem for 0mUAam~ IIo. 653, ewe, RblLlhing tees for ansination of Rooord~ of Suremy and corner bcmrda by ~he County surveyor snail bs as tollre: (2) i. Survey ........... plus rm~ordinq ice i. SurV._ey 53 F~al Year 199~91 27 67 73 36 600 7 ,) 1 2 3 4 S 8 9 10 ],:L 12 13 14 ],5 Z8 ,, 19 20 21 23 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 ORDINANCE 671.4 SBCFION D.. Bales ~r Rhwdde Coun~ Implementing the California Environmental Quilt7' Act' (CEQA) The fee8 and EZM. depoe:LU for environmenl~al rev/ev p,u-suanl: t,o t. he "lu.T. e8 for RLvereLde County bid. ement: the C~l:LrornLa ~xvironaeneal Qual~t~ k~ (CIQA), .aim rollovi~V al~lications shall be paid to 1:he PlannJaV 2epax'l:aen~ as rollins (x) a. eemrall'und L. l,.annLM De.,erUen~. IAue $S per acre So a aaxima $2179 Coup~ehensive Transpor~lon Plan 54 FLsca.l Year 1990-91 ( .( 594 S 48 X 2 3 4 S 7 9 XO 13 14 lS 16 20 22 33 24 25 26 27 21 29 30 33. 32 ORDINANCE 671.4 plus 0 per acre (2) ]lkw91 .I "LG,LIXI f^F r~l Wt n-1 lettermr. ~9J:]JJrvit:{nn ~tvstem IMrmit:s (Courmez'~,tal a, General. Fro'K1 i, ._.P. larm.t. Aq' !)epert::aeAt ..... plus $5 per Vross acre Fiscal Year 199~91 to · maximm or..$1gg7 ...... plul $278 per gross BegsWit ~~jm_~lied for LL, hd lMpar'lment - QmpreheM ve TraMpOLlUtiOn (3) plus per qross acre plus $33 r gross megava.~t, (lOf) ·WIFe~ for I. Plannin~ Departsent (4) "'1 420 S 1997 278 34 22 207 Road Depertaent - - Comprehensive Transporr4tion &l i rw,htr S,,,)l 4 eat form a. Genexll/md i. . Plannine 'Deparusnt plu~ $5 per qros8 ·cre to · [" uaximmof $2061 17 568 S 206Z load Department - Cosprehensive Transportation Plan plus $0 per gross acre 45 S5 .t 2 .-3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ZS 16 "'- 17 · -; 18 / 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ORDINANCE 671.4 Jibenever ~vo or Bore applic4tionl are filed concuFFen1:ly by the sm applictn1: for the sane propez'cy, only one fee for the required, c. The deposits requlFed for the preporal:ion of the daft: ZZlt 8ball be paid 1:o the PlannincJ EMpar'caen1: as follows: r~raf4' eTR e, ~4neFsl Fund it.. lnvi.rormenUl Health iv, load IMperi:aent - (2) a. General Fund I. PZann~W Fiscal Year 199~91 Fee 6202 154 422 496 1021 154 422 82 X 2 3 4 S 6 7 9... XO X3 X3 14 1S 16 X9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3:]. 32 33 34 35 ORDINANCE 67L4 o. The fees for tollovJ. ng environRental ~oXXM~ (1,) 11'a,,14, Watard Rsnoz. t a. Genez-aX Fund t. 3,XannJ. ng Department: 2o~ 'c.~e f LzwI: X 0 aortas i pXua $3 per each ~ s ~ of $~ (3) It~4e ~ s. aanaz. a3.~ LL · plus $366 vben Eulm~tted t:o Plan ~zu 13t vlmn eUmitte~ to (3) 57 Fatal Year 1990-91 53.6 Z8 734 41 2 58 121 366 XO 29 349 28 ORDINANCE 671.4 Fisc~ Year 199~91 Fee l 2- 3 4 S 6 8 9 lO ll 13 14 17 ) 11 20 22 23 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 The tees required Zor ~n appeal de~eruine~lon to require an BIR proJet.: shall be as follows: a. General Fun4 i. Plann~nq DeparUen~ LL. load Depart:sent: - Cosprehensive TransporUtion (2) ARRSA~ ,^ sa~ ~ ~,'Rld~J~a ... a. General Fund i. Plinninq Delmrtamnt: ii, Road Depertmn~ - Coupreaensive Tanspotation 93 7 9 in liverside County mIX be as foilms The appropriate fee, as listed be~ov, Jail 8ocxmlmny the application and im 1371 103 103 1 2 3 S 6 7 xO IZ :1.2 Z3 14 17 :3,9 31 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3Z 32 33 34 35 ORDINANCE 671.4 (3) Conpreheno~ve TnnoporUt~on Plan ..plu $8. per ovner'8 pe~ion per contra~t upon approve1 application_ (non-re.fun4~..1..e) __ ,riI4,-k14~IRIDt' ,,~T, t'vil~ ,'~@ art ,P, VPl,'~14m-al Preserve oener,s petition plus $103 per Conprehensive TrensporUtion '1" (3) (4) a, OeneraXb I. p~enning Depertsent per ~ontru~ Cuap~lve Transportation Plan Fiscal Year 1990-91 110 8 103 103 8 8 103 8 1345 100 59 !j 1. .2 3 4 S 6 ? 8 9 3.0 X2 Z3 X4 XS 3.6 Z9 20 2X 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3X 32 33 34 35 36 37 38. 39 ORDINANCE 671.4 (s) (6) of an ~o Fee N^+4q of N^n-vttttlLL General Fund i. Planning Depar~men~ ii, Road Delmrtaent - Coaprehensive Transportation Zoos rot Resolution No. 85-330, fixing slmll be paid to the County Surveyor and deposited into the (ZonereX l~ml, and sdmll be u lollms Berylfie Easements Put~uan~ and n4~XS_~Ja.aj~tnn S~O0. (~) General ye~ation- e, Genaral rund i, Survey (2) S~"'Fy e, General ~ i, Survey (X) f~a.B~m4-4n~ lk,k14e !eiir. LiZfi i, Burvery ~lus $65 per otroe~ name Year X99~gX (' 53 4X55 920 22.0 65 65 6O L, X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g XO XX X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X8 X9 20 2Z 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4Z 42 43 ORDINANCE 671.4 · he foliovim/fees are hereby esUblished to defray the estisated reasonable ~osU of providing searches of County archives end parlorsing remrch on planning infomtion relst. edto land use Batters, as and when toquestad. The fees shall be paid to the Planair.- Departant and deposi~.l in the ~~ at $6.75 pr m~ Z/4 or f~ion ~e~f rot ~fom~on or d~U ~l~ an Mt m~ly avail~le ~ i, pl~~ ~p~nt. Znfo~tion $4S ~ ~ of muff t~ ~t~ at $XX.25 ~r or Zn~ion ~e~Z for ~fomtion or ~~ ~l~ are avail~le ~ a. ~nl ~ · varifi~tion 048 ~ ~ of surf t~ a,~~ 6X Fueal Year 1990-91 4s/hr, 4s/hr. 1 2 3 4 S 6 '7 8 10 1.1. 12 3.3 14 15 -.1.6 18 1.9 20 33. 33 33 34 35 26 2"7 28 30 3:1. 32 33 34 35 36 35 39 40 41 42 43 44 SECTION ~- This Ordinsn~ shsll ~k~ effect 60 cl~ s/t~r tl~ cl~ of adoption GERALD A. MALONE~ Clerk of r. he Board BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUI OF ~F,, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 62 · 5 6 8 9 10 :1.1 :1.2 3.3 14 15 16 17 18 Z9 20 23 24 25 28 29 30 3:1. 32 33 34 35 36 37 31 39 40 42 43 44 46 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF IUVEI~SID!Z) I HISU~Y CER~ that at · rsgular inssting of the Board of Sularvisors of said amnty Item on "' ,19 , tim foregoing ordino,,ce consisting of sections was adopted by said Board by the following vote: AYES: NOF. S: Sopel~_rl OE~4LD ~, ~L4LONEY Cl8'kttthsBoard (,s~) md671.4 63 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LAND ,DEVELOPMENT/INSPECTION SERVICES Lecml Documents FEE SCHEDULE ( JUNE 1990 ) Lot Line Adjustment Certificate of Correction Certificate of Compliance Conditional Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Parcel Merger Vacations Summary/Full Document Clearance and Processing Condemnation ( initial deposit ) Reversion to acreage -' Map Checkincl $600.00 $6oo.oo $6o0.00 $6oo.oo $800.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 deposit $750.00 Parcel Map Monument Review Tract Map Monument Review Amended Map ( parcel i; tract ) qth and subsequent submittals $750.00+$20/Iot 5~ of mon. bond or $250.00 minimum $7S0.00+$2011ot 5~ of mon. bond or $250.00 minimum $200.00 per sheet $100.00 par sheet Studies FEMA Study Review (CLOMR, LOMR) LOMA Drainage (Prior to project approval) Traffic (Prior to project approval) $1,200.00 up to 150 ec. $2, qO0, O0 over 150 $780.00 PLAN CHECKING The initial submittal dr improvement plans and final maps for Engineering Dep~t~e:~t review shall be accompanied by the design engineer's construction cost estimate (based upon Riverside County Road Department unit mats) and full payment of land development checking fees as specified hereln. The City Engine shall prepare the final construction cost estimate and establish the final plan check fee. Should the initially submitted plan checking fees be determined to be Inadequate, the balance due shall be paid prior to the approval of any maps or plans. -I- June, 1990 Improvement Plans On -site Off-site Revisions Gradinq Plans One lot residential Plot Plans, Conditional Use Permits, Public Use Permits Stockpile Subdivisions Rough Grading Plan (Total cost of construction) First. $20,000 q% Next $80,000 3.5% Over $100,000 3.25% ( Total cost of construction ) First $20,000 q% Next $80,000 3.5% Over $100,000 3.25% $200.00 or as directed by City Engineer the $300.00 ( 0-500 cu. yd. ) $500.00 ( 500 cu. yd. and above) $500.00 ( 0-5,000 cu. yds. ) $750.00 (5,000-100,000 cu. yds. ) $1,000 + $501for each addt'l 10,000 cu. yd. over 100,000 $300 (0-500 cu. yd. ) $qO0 (5,000-100,000 cu. yd. ) $500 ( over 1 O0.000 cu. yd. ) $500 ( 0-5,000 cu. yd. ) $750 (5,ooo-loo, ooo cu. yd. ) $1,000 + $50/for each addt'l 10,000 cu. yd. over 100,000 -2- June, lggO Precise Grading Plan $511ot (0-50 lots) $250 + $~llot (50-100 lots) $q50 + $311ot (over 100 lots) Plan Revision Landscapinq Plans ( CSD } $200 or directed by City Engineer On-site, off-site 1-3 submittals q rtn g submittal I1~ of cost estimate $1001sht. INSPECTION AND TESTING Engineering Inspection end Testing fees shall be based upon the final umstruction cost estimate and established as specified herein. All fees for inspection and testing shall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit. Improvements Off-site ( Total cost of construction ) On-site (parking lot) Overtim Inspection First $20,000 q. 0~ Next $80,000 3.5% Over $100,000 3.25% Cost + 11)~ Landscapinq ( CSD ) 1-3 submittals qth return and submittal q% of cost estimate $100/sheet Rouqh Gradinq 0-500 cu. yd. SIN)- 10,000 cu. yd. 10,000 & above cu. yd. $250.00 $350.00 $700.00 Soils TestinQ Subdivision per lot retest Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Trenches Mainline g Laterals I test every 300 linear feet Cost + 10% -3- June, 1990 PERMITS Pools Prior and post construction Gredinq 50 cu. yd. or less 51 - 100 cu. yd. 101 - 1,000 cu. yd. 1,001 - 10,000 cu. yd. 10,001 to 100,000 cu. yd. 100,001 cu. yd. or more Camstruction Cancrete sidewalk Pedestrian Benches Bus Stop Ares Drainage Structure Parkway Drains Cancrete Gutters Street Lights DrivewaylCc,,,iK;, 'cial Driveway/Residential Curb/Curb i; Gutter Excavation/Street Xing Excavation/Parallel $100.00 $15.00 $22.50 $22.50 for I st 1 O0 cu. yd. $10.50 for each addt'l 100 cu. yd. $117.00 for 1st 1,000 cu. yd. $9.00 for each addt'l 1,000 cu. yd. $198.00 for 1st 10,000 cu. yd. f40.SO for esch addt'l 10,000 yd. $562. O0 for I st 100,000 cu. yd. .' $22.50 for esch addt'l 10,000 cu. yd. Issuance Fee $25.00 + $50.00 + O.051LF over 100' Issuance Fee $25.00 esch Issuance Fee $25,00 + + 5% e. st. cost Issuance Fee $25.00 + $500,00 each Issuance Fee $25.00 + 5~ est, cost Issuance Fee $25,00 + $qO.OO esch Issuance Fee $25,00 + $50,00 rain + $0.151LF Issuance Fee $25,00 + 5~ est. cost $100.00 es. $75.00 ea. $75.00 $125 rain or $11LF $125 + $.251LF June, 1990 Other Permits Block Party Movie Filming Tree Trimming Optional Monthly Blanket Pemit ( Utility companies only ) Service Cuts Main Line USA Service Street Closures Pedestrian Protection Blockwall ( incl. retaining ) Miscellaneous Construction Transportation Peruits Oversized or Overweight Vehicles SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Land and Assessment Division Applications with amended assessment diagram without amended ; ssnsment diagram Special Districts Formation/Application Issuance Fee $25.00 Issuance Fee $25.00 + $50.00/day Issuance Fee $25.00 + $25.00 each Issuance Fee $25.00 + $10.00/cut $25, + $11LF of excavation $25, + $1/LF of excavation No Fee $25.00 + $50 for ea. calendar day of pproved closure 125.00 $25, + 5% of cost estimate $25, + amount deter- mined by the City Engineer Annual Pemit $60.00 Single Trip Pemit $20.00 $375 + $151parcel $575 + $151parcel $2,000 initial de- posit + 1% of bond issue cost -5- Sht. 1 of 4 (lOOt of btiaated r~,jaf, xk-v4^,, (SOt o~ b'L*Laated t"'sfmett'rnt',,t"'f^~ rrke,l..j..l' b Boed Samants to the amzeg 8500,00, 2of4 CCb'~ q.O0 90.00 40.00 9.00 10.00 6.00 ~elqOO.QO ~.O0 4.QQ ~.OQ 6q.O0 7q.O0 qq.O0 ~40~.00 e~O00. O0 flubtota].l 20% ConCiageacy: ~mlmm. waB 11/8~ Sht:. 30:[ 4 S= it' gad"wrl 10* 1')· 1a1-~,.1 'trio 4= 10= 1,~= ~.,,= ,,u,,h ,-.r: ,, ( S · ) ~'b.e ,,j.~,_.,4-, (4') 40 a'fy. lt'4t-t. 4nGZ,,t 6" Wfq,'~. l'4'J-l-4nlFe 10' llllC/Ftffm 20% ~ ~ ,qpncyt XZ/89 !he. Sht, 4 oZ 4 TT~ 4' V.P-.P. S' V.P.P. A' V.(?.P. 10' V.~.P. 12° V.C.P. RfmMmI-.4 9.00 11 .O0 11.00 18.00 · 22.0, S4000.O0 e4000.oo qoo~,Oo 9q.O0 ':tO0.O0 100.00 90.00 aW1T]WT, BTIbtDt~J.l · | $ ,e · : : · g$1$ElRlJ$6 FEE COtPMISOR FOR SMPLE ~S as of June 16, I~ IllliE LOT COIIERCI& Ibp: O lots !alr. leo.: S20,004 cut eat. 6.P. liev.t 425 c.y. I#. losJet.: $20,094 cost Total Cost: BiliLL iES. IEVELOP~ENT Nap: iopr. leo.: 3 lots 636,004 cut fit. 3 dents 6.P. liev.: 3,000 c.y. IN- Iraopec.: S3i,0M cost eat. : : Total Cost: : : :tiED. $ES, IEV. (15 lots) : Rap: 15 lots : !opr. liev.: $120,04)0 cost oat. : 5 detts : : 6.P. lev.: ]5,04e c.y. : : lap. Irapet.: S120,004 cost oat. : : : Total Cost: : : LG. lIES. KV. (75 lots) : Rap: 75 lots : let. leo.: H50~000 cost oat. : i2 skeets : 6.P. left.: 105,004 c.y. : : : IN. iespec.: H20,004 cost ost. : : : Total Cost: : : Proposed : City of City of : Norato Timcola: Valley I I I I I $500.04: S504.04 I I M04.04: M04.04 : S2,104.04: $2,10e.04 : I ! : di0.04: SIS0.00 $J,260.00: $1,260.00 : : S504.04: S500.00 I : $i,2&0.00: : : ....... $3,130.04: $3,830.00 : : : 91,050.04: $1,050.00 S3,904.04: t3,904.04 : : $750.00: S750.00 : : t3,900.04: S3,1e0.04 : : S9,604.04: S~,&04.04 : : S2,250.04: 62,250.04 $i4,625.04: $14s&25.04 : : $1,000.04: S1,004.00 S50.04: S50.04 : S14,&25.04: $14,625.00 : : ..... S32,550.H: $32,550.04 : : City of : City of Corona : Cbie : : S1,204.04: Sl,202.04 $525.04: $94.97 : N3. 2 : M04.00: $4d0.04 -. : : : : $2,&25.04: S800.52 $1,620.00: $i.502.50 : S566.50 : $1,500.00: $296.48 : S3&.24 $1,440.00: S762.50 : $267. l 0 : $7,185.0e: S4,251.M : : : S2,9ZS.04: H,200.04: $i,930.50 : Sl,&0e.00: 9489.62 : $111.61 : S4,M0.04: : $976.50 $i3,525.0~: S|0,7i4.73 : : : H,425.00: S2,H0.20 : $5,375.00 '. $1,b0e.00: t1~562.65 S180.00 ', t63.60 : s16,Oeo.oe .. Ht460.04 : s2,700.04 : s39,950.00: $25,141.45 County of liverside $1,060.04 $1,420.00 S720.04 H5.04 11,0M.04 S3,265.04 S1,355.00 $2,400.00 S45.04 $15.00 $3,600.04 $7,415.04 Sl,955.04 $t,004.04 $174.00 $13,500.04 S24,&26.04 ASSUMPTIONS FOR '*TYPICAL" DEVELOPMENTS 1. Single Lot/Commercial Development Single Lot: No Map Improvement Cost: 11120,000. O0 3 Sheets of Improvement Plans Grading: ~25 C.Y. 3 Lots: Improvement Cost: 2. Small Residential Development Parcel Map Required $12,000.00 Per Parcel = $36,000.00 3 Sheets of Improvement Plans Grading: 3,0000 3. Medium Residential Development 15 Lots: Improvement Cost: Grading Tract Map Required $8,000.00 Per Lot = $120,000.00 S Sheets of Improvement Plans 15,000 C.Y. II. IJrge Residential Development 75 Lots: Improvement Cost: Grading: Tract Map Required :1;6,000. O0 Per Lot -- 14150, 000. O0 12 Sheets of Improvement Plans 105,000 C.Y. CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB#: TITLE: DEPT HD ~ MTG: 7/St Iq~ ROUTE 15 CXTY ATTY DEPT:Gt,~mu-..~.t' FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CITY MGR /-~ ?~ RECOMMENDATION That the City Council APPROVE the attached Freeway Maintenance Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign said agreement. DISCUSSION The County of Riverside, prior to the incorporation of the City of Temecula, has previously agreed and consented to certain adjustments of the then County Road system required for the development of State Highway Route 15 as a freeway. The City has incorporated these areas from the County and has assumed the obligation of maintenance of specified portions of this system from the County under these agreements. The attached agreement, promulgated by CalTrans, is to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility as to separation structures, City streets or portions thereof, and landscaped areas within the freeway limits and to replace the County with the City in these requirements. The specific maintenance responsibilities are detailed in the agreement. SUMMARY Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached agreement for freeway maintenance and specified portions of Route 15. STATE C/CAUFOINIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 231 SAN BERNARDIt, K), CALIFORNIA 92402 TDD (714) 38,1-4609 ~l.l. ne 4 ~ 1990 Frank Aleshire City Manager P. O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 J U N 5 ,ggO 08-RIV-15 PM 3.2/7.6 GEC~GE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor Dear Mr. Aleshire: Enclosed are three originals of a Freeway Maintenance Agreement and three copies of the vicinity map and exhibits for Route 15. Because of the many stages of development of the freeway system in the County and the subsequent incorporations/annexations by the Cities, there are a number of maintenance documents involving both the Cities and the County. We are currently updating these documents relating to freeway matters between the City/County and the State for ease of reference by both parties and to further clarify areas of control and maintenance responsibilities. The accompanying agreement details the maintenance responsibilities of the State and the City relative to the freeway and related City facilities and conforms with the Freeway Agreement(s) entered into by the County and the State. If, after review, the Freeway Maintenance Agreement appears to be in order, will you please arrange to have the necessary signatures placed thereon. Please execute and return two copies, along with an original of the City's resolution sheet to this office, retaining the other copy for your files. A fully executed copy will be provided for your files when approved. If you have any questions, please call Bob Bader at 383-4596. · GREG B. ~IREZ, P. E Maintenance Engineer RAB / rw Enc FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into, in duplicate this day of , 1990, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "the STATE", and the City of TEMECULA, hereinafter referred to as "the CITY", witnesseth: WHEREAS, freeway agreements were executed between Riverside County and the STATE, wherein Riverside County agreed and consented to certain adjustments of the COUNTY road system required for the development of that portion of State Highway Route 15, within the current limits of the CITY OF TEMECULA, as a freeway, and the CITY has annexed areas within the COUNTY and has assumed the obligation of maintenance from the COUNTY and WHEREAS, said freeway has now been completed (or: is nearing completion) and the parties hereto mutually desire to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility as to separation structures, and CITY streets or portions thereof and landscaped areas, with the freeway limits, and WHEREAS, under the above freeway agreements, the CITY has resumed or annexed control and maintenance over each of the relocated or reconstructed CITY streets except of those portions thereof adopted as a part of the freeway proper. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27b of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction or other improvement. (b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. (c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other. weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, structure or facility." 1 NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: When a planned future improvement has been constructed, a minor revision has been effected within the limits of the freeway herein described or when limits have been revised by annexation, which affect the division of maintenance, the Department will provide a new dated and revised Exhibit "A", which is made a part hereof by this reference, which will supersede the original exhibit and which will become part of this agreement. 2. VEHICULAR OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the deck surface except as hereinafter provided. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the deck and/or surfacing and shall perform such work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all portions of the structure above the bridge deck, as above specified, including lighting installations, as well as all traffic service facilities (signals, signs, pavement markings, etc.) that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic. At such locations as shall be determined by the STATE, screening shall be placed by STATE on STATE freeway overpasses on which pedestrians are allowed (as directed by Section 92.6 of the Streets and Highways Code). All screens installed under this program will be maintained by the STATE (at STATE expense). 3. VEHICULAR UNDERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain the structure proper. The roadway section, including the traveled way, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, walls (including eliminating graffiti), drainage installations, lighting installations and traffic service facilities that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic will be maintained by the CITY. 4. PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the top of the concrete deck surface, exclusive of any surface treatment thereon. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the top of the concrete deck surface, together with any surface treatment thereon, and all portions of the structure above the concrete deck surface, EXCEPT SCREENING which will be maintained by the STATE at STATE expense, and shall perform such other work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all traffic service facilities provided for the benefit or control of pedestrian traffic. 5. PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSING The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. The CITY will maintain all drainage and lighting installations and will be responsible for all cleaning and painting, including but not limited to keeping the structure free of debris and graffiti. 6. SOUND WALLS The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. If there be any responsibility for cleaning and painting to keep the CITY's side of the structure free of debris and graffiti, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 7. LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES If there be any responsibility for maintenance of any plantings or other types of roadside development lying outside of the area reserved for freeway use, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 8. INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is the responsibility of the STATE to provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges including ramp connections to local streets. The STATE will not pay for the maintenance, repair, servicing, or power for ordinary street lighting; however, lighting at intersections which qualifies as safety lighting under current warrants will be paid for by the STATE. The maintenance and operation costs of safety lighting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices at ramp connections to CITY streets shall be shared, between the STATE and the CITY on a prorate basis in the same ratio as the number of legs of the interchange under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. Timing of traffic signals shall be the responsibility of the STATE. 9. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither the STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Freeway Maintenance Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, the CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. The CITY waives any and all rights to any type of express and implied indemnity against the STATE, its officers and employees arising from any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement supersedes previous Freeway Maintenance Agreements entered into by the STATE and the CITY on Route 15 and shall be effective upon the date of its execution by the STATE, it being understood and agreed, however, that the execution of this Freeway Maintenance Agreement shall not affect any pre-existing obligations of the CITY to maintain designated areas pursuant to prior written notice from the STATE that work in such areas, which the CITY has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Freeway Agreement, has been completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF Mayor City Clerk Approved as to form and procedure: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROBERT K. BEST Director of Transportation Attorney Department of Transportation District Director City Attorney By 5 W U '"r X UJ 0 ~ CO a 0 /° -r x uj o o ,~ '~ ~o E ~ --_1 '- u~: u O\ 0 FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into, in duplicate this __day of , 1990, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "the STATE", and the City of TEMECULA, hereinafter referred to as "the CITY", witnesseth: WHEREAS, freeway agreements were executed between Riverside County and the STATE, wherein Riverside County agreed and consented to certain adjustments of the COUNTY road system required for the development of that portion of State Highway Route 15, within the current limits of the CITY OF TEMECULA, as a freeway, and the CITY has annexed areas within the COUNTY and has assumed the obligation of maintenance from the COUNTY and WHEREAS, said freeway has now been completed (or: is nearing completion) and the parties hereto mutually desire to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility as to separation structures, and CITY streets or portions thereof and landscaped areas, with the freeway limits, and WHEREAS, under the above freeway agreements, the CITY has resumed or annexed control and maintenance over each of the relocated or reconstructed CITY streets except of those portions thereof adopted as a part of the freeway proper. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27b of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction or other improvement. (b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. (c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, structure or facility." NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: When a planned future improvement has been constructed, a minor revision has been effected within the limits of the freeway herein described or when limits have been revised by annexation, which affect the division of maintenance, the Department will provide a new dated and revised Exhibit "A", which is made a part hereof by this reference, which will supersede the original exhibit and which will become part of this agreement. 2. VEHICULAR OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the deck surface except as hereinafter provided. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the deck and/or surfacing and shall perform such work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all portions of the structure above the bridge deck, as above specified, including lighting installations, as well as all traffic service facilities (signals, signs, pavement markings, etc.) that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic. At such locations as shall be determined by the STATE, screening shall be placed by STATE on STATE freeway overpasses on which pedestrians are allowed (as directed by Section 92.6 of the Streets and Highways Code). All screens installed under this program will be maintained by the STATE (at STATE expense). 3. VEHICULAR UNDERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain the structure proper. The roadway section, including the traveled way, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, walls (including eliminating graffiti), drainage installations, lighting installations and traffic service facilities that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic will be maintained by the CITY. 4. PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the top of the concrete deck surface, exclusive of any surface treatment thereon. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the top of the concrete deck surface, together with any surface treatment thereon, and all portions of the structure above the concrete deck surface, EXCEPT SCREENING which will be maintained by the STATE at STATE expense, and shall perform such other work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all traffic service facilities provided for the benefit or control of pedestrian traffic. 5. PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSING The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. The CITY will maintain all drainage and lighting installations and will be responsible for all cleaning and painting, including but not limited to keeping the structure free of debris and graffiti. 6. SOUND WALLS The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. If there be any responsibility for cleaning and painting to keep the CITY's side of the structure free of debris and graffiti, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 7. LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES If there be any responsibility for maintenance of any plantings or other types of roadside development lying outside of the area reserved for freeway use, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 8. INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is the responsibility of the STATE to provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges including ramp connections to local streets. The STATE will not pay for the maintenance, repair, servicing, or power for ordinary street lighting; however, lighting at intersections which qualifies as safety lighting under current warrants will be paid for by the STATE. The maintenance and operation costs of safety lighting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices at ramp connections to CITY streets shall be shared, between the STATE and the CITY on a prorate basis in the same ratio as the number of legs of the interchange under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. Timing of traffic signals shall be the responsibility of the STATE. 9. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the 3 legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither the STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Freeway Maintenance Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, the CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. The CITY waives any and all rights to any type of express and implied indemnity against the STATE, its officers and employees arising from any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement supersedes previous Freeway Maintenance Agreements entered into by the STATE and the CITY on Route 15 and shall be effective upon the date of its execution by the STATE, it being understood and agreed, however, that the execution of this Freeway Maintenance Agreement shall not affect any pre-existing obligations of the CITY to maintain designated areas pursuant to prior written notice from the STATE that work in such areas, which the CITY has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Freeway Agreement, has been completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF By Mayor City Clerk Approved as to form and procedure: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROBERT K. BEST Director of Transportation Attorney Department of Transportation By District Director City Attorney By 5 / 0 ~' I 0 ~,~ :I:: X I.u I,- W uj uj uj 9 ,1 $ u~ u Ox, 0 I- W uJ W uj 6 Z · tEE h 0 o H 0 ,.-- t- 0 _,j -- u 0 FMATEMEC. UI.A FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into, in duplicate this __day of , 1990, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "the STATE", and the City of TEMECULA, hereinafter referred to as "the CITY", witnesseth: WHEREAS, freeway agreements were executed between Riverside County and the STATE, wherein Riverside County agreed and consented to certain adjustments of the COUNTY road system required for the development of that portion of State Highway Route 15, within the current limits of the CITY OF TEMECULA, as a freeway, and the CITY has annexed areas within the COUNTY and has assumed the obligation of maintenance from the COUNTY and WHEREAS, said freeway has now been completed (or: is nearing completion) and the parties hereto mutually desire to clarify the division of maintenance responsibility as to separation structures, and CITY streets or portions thereof and landscaped areas, with the freeway limits, and WHEREAS, under the above freeway agreements, the CITY has resumed or annexed control and maintenance over each of the relocated or reconstructed CITY streets except of those portions thereof adopted as a part of the freeway proper. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27b of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction or other improvement. (b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. (c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, structure or facility." NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: When a planned future improvement has been constructed, a minor revision has been effected within the limits of the freeway herein described or when limits have been revised by annexation, which affect the division of maintenance, the Department will provide a new dated and revised Exhibit "A", which is made a part hereof by this reference, which will supersede the original exhibit and which will become part of this agreement. 2. VEHICULAR OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the deck surface except as hereinafter provided. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the deck and/or surfacing and shall perform such work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all portions of the structure above the bridge deck, as above specified, including lighting installations, as well as all traffic service facilities (signals, signs, pavement markings, etc.) that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic. At such locations as shall be determined by the STATE, screening shall be placed by STATE on STATE freeway overpasses on which pedestrians are allowed (as directed by Section 92.6 of the Streets and Highways Code). All screens installed under this program will be maintained by the STATE (at STATE expense). 3. VEHICULAR UNDERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain the structure proper. The roadway section, including the traveled way, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks, walls (including eliminating graffiti), drainage installations, lighting installations and traffic service facilities that may be required for the benefit or control of CITY street traffic will be maintained by the CITY. 4. PEDESTRIAN OVERCROSSINGS The STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, the entire structure below the top of the concrete deck surface, exclusive of any surface treatment thereon. The CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, the top of the concrete deck surface, together with any surface treatment thereon, and all portions of the structure above the concrete deck surface, EXCEPT SCREENING which will be maintained by the STATE at STATE expense, and shall 2 perform such other work as may be necessary to provide an impervious and otherwise suitable surface. The CITY will also maintain all traffic service facilities provided for the benefit or control of pedestrian traffic. 5. PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSING The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. The CITY will maintain all drainage and lighting installations and will be responsible for all cleaning and painting, including but not limited to keeping the structure free of debris and graffiti. 6. SOUND WALLS The STATE will maintain the structure from a structural standpoint. If there be any responsibility for cleaning and painting to keep the CITY's side of the structure free of debris and graffiti, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 7. LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES If there be any responsibility for maintenance of any plantings or other types of roadside development lying outside of the area reserved for freeway use, it shall lie with the CITY and not with the STATE. 8. INTERCHANGE OPERATION It is the responsibility of the STATE to provide efficient operation of freeway interchanges including ramp connections to local streets. The STATE will not pay for the maintenance, repair, servicing, or power for ordinary street lighting; however, lighting at intersections which qualifies as safety lighting under current warrants will be paid for by the STATE. The maintenance and operation costs of safety lighting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices at ramp connections to CITY streets shall be shared, between the STATE and the CITY on a prorata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs of the interchange under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. Timing of traffic signals shall be the responsibility of the STATE. 9. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither the STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Freeway Maintenance Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, the CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. The CITY waives any and all rights to any type of express and implied indemnity against the STATE, its officers and employees arising from any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this agreement. 10. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement supersedes previous Freeway Maintenance Agreements entered into by the STATE and the CITY on Route 15 and shall be effective upon the date of its execution by the STATE, it being understood and agreed, however, that the execution of this Freeway Maintenance Agreement shall not affect any pre-existing obligations of the CITY to maintain designated areas pursuant to prior written notice from the STATE that work in such areas, which the CITY has agreed to maintain pursuant to the terms of the Freeway Agreement, has been completed. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF By Mayor City Clerk Approved as to form and procedure: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROBERT K. BEST Director of Transportation Attorney Department of Transportation By District Director City Attorney By 6 ',, vl u_ ~' 0 I- W IM 3: I,- W uj /° i .-- \ -1,- x LI.J 1 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB#: 7/31/90 HTG: DEPTyM'IS TXTLE: RECOMMENDATION: CITY HALL LEASE AGREEMENT That the City Council Manager to enter into DEPT ATT, f~ CZTY CXTY HGR authorize the City a lease agreement between the City of Temecula and Windsor Partners - Rancho Industrial for office space located at Windsor Park I, 43180 Business Park Drive, Suite 200, for a period of five months. BACKGROUND: The City Hall purchase is scheduled for the August 14, 1990 City Council Meeting. The attached lease is recommended for approval now so that telephones could be installed, the computer network can be moved, and Finance Department can be relocated to the new space as soon as possible. When the City Council approves the City Hall purchase, this lease will become null and void and new lease executed in conjuction with the City Hall purchase. The current City Hall is severely overcrowded. The City Manager has expressed his desire to hire new employees in the very near future; therefore, additional office space is required. Next to Willdan in Building "A" is an 1,057 square foot office space currently vacant and improved. The lease period is five months and will expire either on December 31, 1990 or upon the Council's approval of the City Hall purchase, which ever occurs first. The lease payments are $1.12 a square foot, exactly the same amount charged for the Willdan office space. The City Manager desires to move the entire Finance Department to this area in order to create more office space at the current City Hall and to locate the Finance Department, which is tasked with cashiering and contract administration, closer to the Community Development functions. FISCAL IMPACT: Monies are available in this year's office rent budget. A TTA CHMENT: Lease Agreement. NET OFFICE LEASE TABLE 0F CONTENTS 1. LEASE OF PREMISES ................................................... 1 2. EXHIBITS AND ADDENDA ................................................ 1 3. DEFINITIONS .......................................................... 1 4. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION ............................................. 2 5. ACCEFTANCE .......................................................... 2 6, USE; LIMITATIONS ON USE .............................................. 2 7. RENT; OPERATING EXPENSES ........................................... 3 8. TAXES; ASSESSMENTS .................................................. 3 9. MAINTENANCE ........................................................ 4 10. UTILITIES AND SERVICES ............................................... 4 11, INDEMNITY AND EXCULPATION; INSURANCE ............................... 5 12. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, IMPROVEMENTS ............................... 5 13. MECHANICS' LIENS ..................................................... 5 14. DESTRUCTION ........................................................ 6 15 CONDEMNATION ....................................................... 6 16. ASSIGNMENT ......................................................... 7 17. DEFAULT .............................................................. 7 18. ADVERTISING .......................................................... 8 19, LANDLORD'S ENTRY ON PREMISES ...................................... 8 20. OFFSET STATEMENT, ATrORNMENT, SUBORDINATION ...................... 9 21. NOTICE ............................................................... 9 22 WAIVER .............................................................. 9 23 SALE OR TRANSFER OF PREMISES ...................................... 9 24. ATTORNEYS' FEES ..................................................... 9 25 SURRENDER OF PREMISES; HOLDING OVER .............................. 9 26 ABANDONMENT ........................................................ 10 2/. QUIET ENJOYMENT ..................................................... 10 28 FORCE MAJEURE ...................................................... 10 29. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES .............................................. 10 30. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................. 10 NET OFFICE LEASE I~ndsor Partners - liancho Zndustr~al General Partnership The Ctty of Temecula California Corporation Jul~ 18 1. LEASE OF PREMISES. 1.1. In consideration of the Rent (Is defined in Section ?.1) and the provisions of this Lease. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tin·n· ~ from Landkxd the Primate shown by dilgonit lines on the floor plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A; ' and further described in Section 3,1~t The Premises are located within the Building described in Section 3,14. Tenant ·hall have the non-exclusNe right (unlesS ethanvise pKwlded harem) in common with Landlord, olher Saints, sulXenents and invifees, to use of the Common Areas (as defined 1~.. Tenant has examine<l the Premises and is fulh/inlonned of their condition. 1-q This LIIIe cOnbff, nO rights either with regard to the aubeudace of the lind below the ground level of the Premises or with regard TO m above the lop of the mot of the building that is a part of the Premiles. 2, EXHIBITS AND ADOENDA. The exhlits and addendl listed below (unless lined out) Ire incorporated by telfenCe in this Lease: 2.1. Exhibit 'A" -- Floor Pin Showing the Premises. 2.2. Exhibit "B"-- Site Plan of the Proiect. 2.4. Exhibit "D"-- Rules and 2~ i: See Addends RI oaecl in mis I. else, the lollowing terms sh/li haw the following meanings: 3.1. b Rent: $ Fourteen Thousand Two Hundred Stx and 08/100 .................. ($14,206,08) 3~. lase ~br. TM calendar War of 1990 3,t leeira(e) Iml kles Agent(I): lesttier Cramerda1 Brokerage per year. 3,4. COlfi. 411Ceff4,'~l Dlte: Jul.y 18, 1990 3.5. C~mmim Atoll: All areas within the exterior bounder:as of the Project trlit are provided and designated by Landlord, froff~ time to time, for the general Use and convenience of the tenants of the Building and which are not liased or held for the exclusive use of Tenant or other tenants of the Building. Cammarl Areas include, but are no~ limited to, pedestrian wllkw~ys, ~itio$, lindsclped ~ planted IreH. Ik:lewitks, mice corrk:lors, restrooms, mairways, throughways, loading ere·S, parking areas, driveways and rOads. 3.6 Colt Of Living NNultment RInSe: (fill in it ipplicable) Minimum 5 ol Mlximum 5 %. -qT. ~ Stop: (fi, in if applicae4e): $ N/A 3J. Expimlxl DIre: December 31, 1990 , unlifa otherwise mr terminated m accordlace with the provisionl of this Lease. 3.1.Mdex (See·los 7.2): Unilcl Stmes Department of Labor. Bureau of Lalxx Stitistecs Consumer Pace Index for All Urban Conlumevt LOI AngelislLong Beich/Anlheim Average, Subgroup "All Items" (1167 . 100). 3,10.Landlal'a Mailing &ddmss: 29377 Rancho California ROad, Suite ZOO Temecul a, CA 92390 TenIra'· Me·ling Ntdmss: 43180 Business Park Drive, Suite ZOO Temecula, CA 92390 ($1,183,84.) 311. Monthly istellmente of ~ Rent: $ One Thousand One Hundred E~ohty Three and 84/],00 ..... par month. 312. llrtong: Telant Shitl be parrre·led TO park 4 Cat~ on · non-excluSive besS· in the area(s) designated by Landtorcl tar parkrag 3,13. PromSial: That 13o~4xl of the Building containing Ipproximitely 1,057 square feet Of ~ Area, m~wn by chagonal lines on Exhit~t "A." 3.14. Proleer: A aldti-tonlm office/commercial real property development of Landlord locited It 43].80 lius~ness Park Drive, $utte ZOO, Teaecula, CA 92390 and described In Exhibit "B" The Plqect includes the lind, the Building and III olhet improvements located thereon, including the Common Areas. The ProWct m known aS lltndsor Park ! 3.15 Rentebl Am8: As to the Premraes. the measurements of ftoo~ area aS may. from tffne to time, de subject to lease by Tevlnl Ind MI mints of the Buitding, mspeclrvely, aS cletermmed by Llndlorcl and ippilid on · coniCtent ~ throughout the Building 3.16 lecurtty Spa·it {Section 7,4): $ IlIA 3.17. TenlN's Fiat t qb'ate, ~1~Di~(iect~n7~2):The~r~cliyofthecItencirm~nthtOli~qtheC~m~nca~t~t.Dmep~us !we,re (12) months. 3.18, Tenl~'e Pm RE·8 ~ism: 1,5 Ii. Such share is I hlction, the numeralor of which is the Ran·able Am· of the Promrues, lad the ~lenominator of which il the RentibM Area of the 8uiKling, aS cletermined by Landlc~cl from time to t~ne. 3.1~. lyreare UN CIMSe (Ames I): Benoral 0ff~ce 320. Tens: The parioel oommencing on the Commencement Date anti expiring It midnight on the Experet~on Date. 3.21. 1aide NMm: The City of Temecula 3.22. Allmilton: Any liditK)n or Chlnge io, or ~lon of, the Premises made by Tenant Ifier !he lixturing period, including, ~ Rlp,.lelvl: Any officer, IgeN, lmploWe, o~ inclepandent contrlctor riteSned or Iff~ by ~ Plfly, acting w~hinauthOrifygwenhimbythitParty. CMmage: Inlury, deteradmire, or lois to · par·on or m clueeel by lad·her pert, on'· Icts or milsions. Damage inducles Denap~:Ammearycm¶penM~morir~emnifymItcanberecwere~mthe;~urtsbyanypem~w~hassuffemddama~e Desltuct~n: Any demlge to or tlfiguflfiwnl of the Premises. Encumbrance: Any 0acl of tn~. mortgage. or deer wrmen security dewce ~' Igreement affecting the Premises, and the note or offier ctligilton slcurecl by ~t, Ihat corlstdutaS $ecurlly for the payment of a deDt or performance of in oOtiglt~on Expiration' The Com:n~ TO In end of a time DerKX:I spec:hec ~n the Lease. Including, without lim,tat~on. lay exlens~on of the term resuRmg tram tlqe exercise of an oDhon TO extend 1 WTNDC);gNET ~12~1 ~I~86 C_-ood__ ConditK)n: The good phys~cit cOndit,on of the Primrues anti each port:on o~ the Premises, mcluding, without limitsimon, Fe~',~, windows. show inniOwa, ippurtenlnces, end Tenint's personal property "In good condition' means firsl-cless, neat. clean. t~;eTrcleen, Ilxl iI equwelent to s~miler phrms referring !0 physical adequacy m appearance and for use. Hold Hlrff~: To cl~ Ind in~mfy from ell lisl~ity, __q__ , penaRes, cleftrages. __,,J~t__. expenses (including, without I:fnttst~on. Ittomey's lees). causes of icfion, cleims, of judgments arising out of of rallied Io any dimage, Is defined hereinshore, to any person of re- Law: Any judiciit decision, STITUTe, constitution, ordinlnce, lute. regulation, rule, edministretivl {xder, ex other requirement OI Iny munK:q)ll, county, Ilite, federal, Of othof government agency of luthonty hlving junsdictson over the Pities cx' the Premises, Of belh, in effect either It the time o~ execution of the Lease Of it Iny time during the term, including, without limitation, any regulit,On Of on:lof of I Quasi-official entity Or body (e.g., board of fire examiners ot public utilities). Lien: A chlrge im~_e~__ on the Premises by m other then LandlOrd, by which the Premises ire mlcle SeCurity for the Ixdv,,,ance of in act. Molt of the liens referred to in this I,ahtse ire roechin,ca' liens. Mainename: Ripearl, rll;ilcement, repelnting Ind ctllning. Plrty: Shah mean Llndkxd Of Tenant; IN:l if morn than one perIon m entity is Landkxcl of Tenant, the obligitions imposed on thit Pen? shall he joint and ssvofel. Penon: One Of more human beings, Or legal entities Of other Irtificiel persons, including, without limitation, pa~nerships, m, fluits, estates, assoCiitlons, and any combination of human beings end legN antitea. Provision: Any term, Igreement, covenant, condition, clause, cluefificition, reiriction, resen~t,on, Or nthof stipulate in the Lalse thit defines Or otherwise conlmis, astal)lishes, Of limits the lance required Of permaid by either Pldy. Flestoretm: The rf,,~,mctidn, rebuilding, rehabilitation, end replhl thit Ire necessary to return clestroyed portions of the F~ Incl other praperty to lulxlntielly the same phyml condition in which flee/m immediately bekxe the destruction. b m of this Lease, to the rights Of obligations ot either Parly. Tenant: A person Of INity (Of their successor in interest) who has signed · valid ixisting lease for I Iplce in the Project. Tenant's Improvement: Any Idclition to o~ modification of the Premises made by Tenant before. at, Of heir the commencement of the lerrn, including, without limitation, fixtures (not including Tenant's Irade fixtures). Tenant's Personal Propely: Tenem's eduq:)mem, furniture, merchandise, Ind movable pm~ pieced in the Premises by Tenant, including Tenent's Im0e fixtures. Tenant's Trade Fixtures: Any Woperty rolled in ~' on the Premises by Tonlnt lot purposes of trade, mlnufacture, ofnlment, Ternanal:on: The ending of the term before ex4xratmn for any relso~. 4.1. If !or lny relson lendlOrd cloe$ no~ deliver possession of the Premises to Tenin on the Commencement Dale. lendlord shall nol be Sub/act to any liability kY Such failure, the Expiret,on Dite shill not change end the velidity of this Lease shall not be impaired, I)UT Rent shall be abited until detwofy of ~:~_~s___cession. "Delivery of possession" shill be deemed to occur on the date lendlorcl complies Llndtcm:!'s Work as defined in Exhibit "C.' ff Landlord permits Tenant to enter into I~"~t____eee, SiOn of the Premises bofore the Commencement Date, luch ~N~S__SeSS~ ehell be lubject to Ihe provisions of this Lease, including, without Imlltatlon, the payment of Rent. 5.1. Tenlnt's taking m~on of the Premises on conlmence,~4nt of the m shill constitute Tenant'l Icknoadldgc,,cnt that the I~ Ire in good con(lition. 6. USE; LIMITATIONS ON USE. 6.1. Tenant Ihell use the Prenises solely for the purposes set ~ m me Tenant's Use Clause end for no mr use without I, Bndk3~'s writeft Tenant shall condua its Qusines~ at the Prem:ses under the trade name set forlh in the Tenant's Trade Name Clause end under no othe Irade name unless firi mining the written consent of Landlord. 6-2. Tenlnt's use of the Premises as provided in this Lease Shill be in iccofdance with the followrag: 5.2.1. Tenant shall hat Clo, bring, Ot keep anything in Or liDout the Prime thlt will cause S cancellltion of any insurance COvering the Prime. If the rate of any insurance caffiecl by Landlord is increased as · result of Tenant's use, Tenant shall pay to Landlord within ten (10) dlys belOre the clite Landlofcl is obhgated to pay I premium on the insurance, o~ within ten (10) days liter Lindlofcl delivers to Tenant · cerlilisd statement from Landlord's insurance carrWr Stating thit the rite increase was caused solely by in activity of Tenant on the Promises, as permitIN:l in this Lease, whichever date is later, · sum equal to 1he difference between the Original premium the incmasecl mum. 5.2.2. Tenlnt shall comply with Iny mister Covenants, Conclitmns and Remnctions which encumber the reel property on which the Pre~Nses ere located. 6.23 Tenant shall comply with Ill laws concerning the Premises Or Tenant'S use of the Premises, including, without limillid6, the obligation it Tenant's cast to liter, maintain, Of restore the Premises in com¢4isnce and conformity with ell laws relating to the condition, ule, Of occuglncy of the Premises during the term. 6.2.4. Tenant shell nol use the Premises in any miranet that will constitute waste. nuisance of an tmrelsonible annoyance I0 the quail enjoymlfit of the m of the Building (including, without limitation, the use of loudspeakers Or lotand Or light Ipparetus the can be heard Of seen outlkte the Premises). Tense shell not m ~e Prwnises lot leaping. washing clothes, cooking. Of the preparm,on, manufacture, Of mixing of anyruing mit m.~r,t emit any udof of c~jectmnable nomes or ligms. 6.2.5. Tenant shell not do anything on the Premises thit will cause damage to me Premises. Any overloading of Ilectficof circuits Ihel! be Ihl fllponlibility of Tenant. No enlchmery, Ipplretus. Of other ipplilme 111111 be uled or operated in of on me Pm, mises that will in any manner' injure, vilyme, Of shake me Premises. 5.~'.6 Tenant .hall not displey Of sell merchandise Of Illow ca~. portable signs. devices Of other objects to he stored Or amain Outside the cMinld m In(I paffnanent ~c.~-,ayl of the Premises. 5.2.7. Aftm alxNng lot business. Tenant Ihell cominuouely remain open kx Ixaliness it least those dlys end hours as is cumamary Ims business of e ko character in the city m which the Promrues are situated. 5.2A Tenam shell not conauct Of permit iny site by auction on the Premises. 6.29. Te~lnt shill hive for its ,ale Ind benefit the non-asclulive ~gN in common with Landlord and future owners, other lieants Ind their agents, employees, customere, lienslea, mjIXinints anti ell others to whom landlOrd his grinted ~ ely grant such rights, to use the Common AreIs {luring the entire term of this Lelle, Of any extenmon thereof, for ingress end Igress, roadway, lutomoble parking Ind siclewllks. Tenlnt shell hive the nor~ush~ right to use the number of parking Iplces ctes|gnited in the Plrkq Cllule. However, LandleRI shall, it ill times, hive N rigN Ind PfiW of determin:ng the nature and actant of the Common AreIs Ind 01 making such chingas which in its otxmon ire Seemed to be clesirebM. Such changes may include. but Shill nol he limited TO. cBnvefiing the Comm~ Arel~ m lelllble IreIs. cofiltructing I~lit~OnN parking llcilites m lhe Common Areas. increasing Or cleofeuing Goretoo6 Aree land analof ficilit,es. the loce~ofi Ind rNocit|on of Or,veweys. entrences. exits. eutofnobile parking spaces. me cleecl,on and flow of ireif:c. elelllt,ofi of prohibited ereas. lendsclped eress. and ell other facilites thereof Tenlnt ecknowiedges mat such actlv~ws may result in OCClSeOnll inconvenmnce to Tenant. Nolhlng Contimed herein Shall be ~teemed to creale any liability upon Landlore as · result ot se,:l changes m for any damage to motor vehicles of cuatome~ ~ employees or for lOSS of property from wiifw~ SuCh malof veh,cles. vnins caused by the noghgence of landlord. its agents. minis o~ employees W|NDO~Cl~ hIE' i129) 11~86 patrols and servsCe-_e'_~%~dlerS of Tenant. and other tenints of Landlord who mike use el slid Ireis ;nm with the rules and fegulatm istablished by Landloccl from time to time wdh respect thereto. The nghts of Tenlnt hereunder. ,n and to the Common Areas, Ihatl, at III times, be sulc~cf to the rights ~ Landkx'd, other tenants of the Bulldin~ and Ill others to whom Landlot6 his grinted such ~ to ule the lime m cosmos1 with Tenant. Tenant shatl not, at any lime, intarlere with the rkOhts el Landlord, other tenants, of ~ny~If~rp~r~m~ntit~ec~tou~NC~mm~nArO~s~lt~h~bethedu~yelTen~nttok~p~C~mm~nAre~fme~ndcM~of~ny otmlTvctions created of permitted by Tenant of resulting from Tenanr$ operation and to permit the u~e of any of the perking and roadway H, in the opinion of Landlo~l, unauthorized m am umng any Common Areas by reason of the penerie of Tenant in the IraTemiss, Tenant, ulxe dimand el Landlo~, shill m such Fights against III $uch unauthor~T, ed m by Ippfl:q)~le Nothie9 heroin slmll iifect the rights of Landlord, at iny time, to remove any such unluthorized persons h'om the Common Areas of to rislrmn the m el any el the Common Area by unauthorized persons. 6,2.10, TenIN agrees to comply with such relsonable rules ind regulltfons in the use of the Premises and the Common AreIs u Landinn:l rely Idopt from time to time for th~ ofderly and proper opmition of the Project. Tenant shatl m its ~ Ifforts Io cause othms who use the Commo~ Ar~u with Ten~nt's express of implied mission ~o mbide by Landiord's rum ind re~ulm~ons. ~__,d~_ ruiss ram/inclucle, but are m limited to, the following: (~ Normal business bourn; (i) The hours dum~ which the Common Areas shatl be open for use: (i') The restricting el eml:~4oyee parking to I limited, cissi~nmed area or ~reis ancl the imposition of fines for h m~ulat~on of removal, mofa~e Ind dispml of Tenlm's r~u$~ and other rub~sh. 6,2.11. Tenram shall m use, sisre, h~ndle of m el Iny hez~rdous wa~es of sum on the Premises or any pro1 el the I~ct. The tarm "l'mzmdous u~ates of substances," is ~ in this sectm in im ~ m sense and includes, but mbmslo~, PCBs Ind olher chemical products, 7.1. All co~s and m w~ich Ten~,m Issumes or m~rees Io pay to Landlofd under this Le~e shall be deemed idditionat Isl-elf, prm~ notice, of deff~nd, the Rent, in edvance, on the first dey of i~ch month, commencing on the Commencemere Date con~inuif~duhn~theTem.B~seRentforthe~ratm~mh~p~nionelit~h~bep~idup~nexecuti~nofthisLam~BameRemf~t ~nyp~niNmonth~h~bepmrmec~atthemteof1~3~thoftheE~se~q*n~perd~y.Them~flermntsh~bep~y~blein~cc~rdancewith h~ mcluimd. AH m ShNI be paid to Landford at th~ eddrm prayidol at the I~inning el this 7.2. The Iraaunt of Blse Rent (and the corresponding Monthly Inatatlments el Blse Rent) paylble herlund~ shill be ~djumed Innually (the "Adjuslmen~ DIe'*), commencing on Tenlnt's First Adjustment Date. Adjustments, i~ Iny, shill be ~ upon increases (if Iny) in the Incisx. The Index in Ix~tilicat~on thrse (3) months befofs the Commencemere D~te shNI be the "BIs~ Iridex." On eish Ad~nt Die, the Blse Rent shill be increised by i parcentage equal to the percentage increm, if any, in the Inclex in publr, ation rome (3) months before the Adjustmere Date (the "Compa,son Index") over the B~se Index ("ldjusted Base Rent"). In the event the Compar~so~q ~ in Iny y~ir is less then the Comparison Index (of ~ Index, is the case my be) for the preceding War, the Base ~c1m~ha~mmainN~mou~tofB~meRemp~/ab~eduringthe~3~(;~:~ingy~When1h~c~ju~edB~eRentp~y~b~eisofeachAdjustment i is cidermined, ~ shill 0n~ Tenant writtin nohce of Such Icljulted Bame Rim ind the mennar in which it wls computed. The ~ljuated Bus Rent shatl merHfilr be the "B~se Req~t*' Iof ill mjr,~o~es undm th~ Lea. ff at Iny ~ Date the Ins'Ix no Ion~er lists in the form Clescribed in this LalSe, LanctforCl my subetituta iny sul~tenti~lly eclui~iem ~ inclm laul~ish~l by the Burelu of ~ Stmist~cs of its successor. I, mqdlofcl Shatl use m'q ~X~ri~tl conyemen letore to accoml~ish such submitre,on. The substitute inclex shatl then decores the "Index" 'hemunCler. me Cos~ of Livin9 Adjusm~t Rings Cl~usl. 7~. If this ~ terminates before the ~xl~ratio4q clme for telsons other th~n Ter~nt's default, B~se Rent shill be prorated to the date of Wminatm, Ind Landlord Shill immm:liately repay to Tenant Ill Blse Pent th~n preplid ind unelrned. 7.4. On I=~cutfon of this Lolse, Tenant shill deposit with LandlOrd tht ~cufity Deposit for the performlnce by Tenant of the peows~ons of this L~. If Tenant is m default. Landlord can use the ~Curity Dipo~it, or any portion of it, to cure the cl~lult of to compensate Landto~ Iof any {tamag~ suslain~d by Landlord resulting from Tenant 'S Cllfault. Tenira shill immediately on demand pay to Llnclinfd i sum eQuil to the port|on of the S~curity Deposit i~pended of Ipplild by Landfo~d is provided in th~ Section Io is to mlmtein the Sicmy Depos:t in the sum initillly dipsshed with Landtotal. ff Tenant ~$ nil in default at the ispirat|o~ or termination of Ih~ Lease. Lancltofd shatl raturn the ~urity Deposit to Tenlnt, ~ any Iraaunts required to matore th~ Primira to ~ canalman and repair, i.r~_.~__,dq~. dln~ge resulting from the removal by Tinant of its trade fixtures of ~cluipment. Landfo~d's o~ligatH~ns with respecx in Ih~ ,~urity ~ m ~ of I dNxor and n~ i truatse. Landlord cln mlmtain the Sl~urity ~ separatl and apart from Landford's ~ fu~ts of can commit~le the Security Deposit with Landford's general Ind omer fun{Is. Lanclio~l sl~ll n~ be rocluired ~o p,y Tenam intorest on the S~curity Deposit. 7.5. FoI' putpoles of thm Arlicis. Operating Expenm Shall meln III elitact ~ of operation Ind meintenance, is determined by ~ ~ prlctic~ incfudmg. ~ not limited to. Common Area expertre, real properly taxes, meintermnce, rapiers, utilittes, Tenlnt Shall ply to Landford, is Idditio~ll rent, TenIm's Pro Rite Shire of such Operating Expemes in the Ioffowing sinnat: 7.& 1. Tenam shah pay to Landlord, Is eddit~onal refit, on the first {Sly of each calendar month of the term el this Lea_se, m~m~n~(NattoL~ndk~rs~Nat~atimae(b~sedonL~ndfon:r~-h`~---~---~---v--`"~dIfgum~)ofTen~n~m~th~yPf~Ri~S~w~eelthe~pereting Expemms. 7.5.2. Wiminth~y{3~)daysfe~kxvingtheendofeachcNendaryear~LandfordshaHfu~ahTenamwlth~mmemenfc~vering thecalenaryearjuste;ired(cer~ifisdIsc~ectbyanauth~ized~pris~datraofLandfom~ofifrequesi:~byamaj~rityofthetanants in N Building by I cartif~d public accountant) showing (i) the total Operating Expanses; (ii) the Iraaunt of Tenlm'l Pro Rata Sham el such Ol)eratm9 Expefiles Iof such calendar yelr; and (iii) the payments made by Tenint with respect to such period Is Set forth in Sectio~ 7~I. If Tee~nl's peyments e~cled Tenlnt'l PrO Rata Shire el such Operating Expermes, Tenants Ilalt de entitled to offset the moils 191mat the net paymess due Landkxd Is sat forth in Section 7.5.1. However, H Tenant 's Pro Rata Shire of such Operating Expenses m Tefant's plymints, Tenant shall ply LandfoR! the ~leficisncy within te~ (10) days Iftef fecmpl of such Itatament. In additmn, Tenanrs Pro Rata Share of the total Operating Expenles Tm' the previ(xas calef~dar yelr shatl be used Is In Istimate for the c~ffeet yeer and pokl to LifetoN p~rsuant to the m of Sictie, 7.5.1. 7.5~ LJndtordmay~atits~ixm~byserV:ceofwrine~n~ticeonTenam.ch~setoaIfer~nypeyme~tparfocispr~vK:~ed for by this Lease under the Adicles titled "RaN; Operatkng ExDefises:' "TaxIs: A.Heuments," "idNntenance" end "lndemn~/and I, TAXES; AIRMEN11. 6,1. Tenlnt slsatl ply, before de~h'~luency, atl axes, Illellments, license fees Ind other chlrges ("fixes' ') that Ire levied Inlssed aglansl Tenlnrs plflonat property inatatled of located in of on the Press, In(I that tiecOme payll)le durmg the term. On demand by Landlord, Tefianl shatl furnish Landlord with set~iflctory evidence of thele plymints. Whenever polsd)le. Tefilnt shill cause se:cl trade fixtures. furnishrags, eduipment and personat property to be separately Issessed It. however. any taxes on Tenant's pefsonll pro;erty am lev~:l againin Landlord or Landlord's Ic)rol)erty. o~ it the Issessed val~, of The Prim;sis :S :ncrelsed I)y the ~ncluslon of a value placed on Tenant's personal property. and :f Landlord pays the taxes on any of these 4eros of the taxes lased on the mcreised assessment of these items. Tenant, on demand. shall ~mmedjatily re:ml)urse WINDOFF NET (12~11~6 Laft~:~thesumofthet~es~ev~:~gain~Landkxd~ormeF~z~nofthetaxesres~mn~am~s~ Landkx(i shill hive the nglM to pay these taxes regardless of the validity of the levy. 82 Tenant shill ply to Landlord, m the manner provide<l :n Sechon 7,~. Tenlnt'S Pro Rata Shire. of Ill real oro0~ly taxes lad genwll and special assessments ("real property taxes") livid and assessed agamst the lend. buiidq. and other ~mpr0v~mentS of which the Premises are · part. [3. ~ lay generll or Ipeci~l aeSlll ~,ant m ~ and assessed mgiin~ the Premises which uriclet the laws then m ~ ram/I~ lvidlnc~d by iml:m:wement or ofhet ~o,~.5 and rely be ~ in annual in~t~l|ments. only the amount of SuCh ·nnu·l iniflllmont. wilh ~ IXOtlt~orl Ior Iny parlill y~lr. IrlcI interest thorIon. shill be includl~ within · computif0on OI ~ ~ &4. Tw..mnt shall pay to Lindlord any and all ~xciH. i~'tvi~ and other taxes (tXher than ·if income and aslifo tmxoS} levlecl or ms··sod by any todeml. sial· or local ·umority ("taxi.~g authority"} upon the rant recewo<l by Lindlorcl hereunder. Tenant shall ·iso pray to LlndlO~ lay business fix impotod upon Llndlo~l by any tlxing authority whether Or not such tlx s blmKI or mo~sureCI. e or in part, by amounts chargod to To~lm or ricewOol by Landlord fre~ Tenant undot ths Lore4. 8.5. ~Ifany~im0c~urif~th0~0rmofthisa~0ny~xingauthoritysha~Iftmth~mIfh~d~and/orIfandan:~softoxIfmand/or t IsI w..;.M {"llx pimn"}, in who~ or in pan. I0 as to umpooo a tlx pfan in lieu of or in addition to the tax pfan in o~istonco u of tho / of ~ Lllle. luch 11xo$ or asle~sm~nts ~ upo~ such/tored fix pfan including: (i) any tlx. If40ssmont. lacclt4. surch~r~fi. fat ponllty, ~,,~, or limiler imposition ("impositio,f') whether or nof in lieu. partially or tolally. o~ any impol4t~ons asoost4cl against tho llncl. builc~. Incl ~ i~ of which the Premises am · parl poor to lay Ifterations in the tlx plln; (ii) any imposit~qs on Lindlord's ti~ to re~ or olhor i~come from the Prominos or ogainsl Landlord's business of leasing the Prem~4s; (iii) any imposit~qs ~ to or molsured by the ma of the Prernim or tho rent payable heroundor. including without limitmt~o~ lay impositions lev~d by any laxlag authority with raspoct to such rental or with respect to the ~-os____*essson. leasing. operation. rnanagoment. mainton·ace. Mlmmlion. mpmir. use or occupancy by Tenant of the Prem~sos or any pottin therfiof; (iv) any impositions upon this Liase trannction er any documom to which Tenam is a pa~/which oroifes or transfers any interes~ or estate m or to the Premmes; and (v} any spic~al. &G. Tenln!'s liability to pay ~ property tmxes fill De proreted o~ the basis of a 365 day mr to account for any Irectmnal Fortinn of · fmcaJ year included in the tim at its Comm~nc~rtmnt aod exl~rlhon. I MAINTENANCE, maimam the enlim Premises in ~ lenantal~ con~ibon ·nd raptar, including without lirn:lat~on Ifl 8dditmP4 and imptorments made by the Tenant as ~ as all ilems of maintenance, ·llerif~on, or reconstructs0· mif may be require0 by · governmental agency having ~ W. If Tenant fails to keep the Premises in Hid cond,t~on, Lindkxd sh·ll ~ the nght, I~ Llndtord's o~X~on, to enter ell ~ in 0Kfaf to piece ·1me in !he rl(luired condit~ofi and raplit. Tenint Shall ~mmediltely pay to Lindlord the cost thereof, ~ w~h inletelf It the mlximum rife IIIow~l by isw 9.2. Lindtotal Ihlll mX hlvl Ifly rl~3onsibility to Ill·tim the Prem~es. Tenlnt. at · mltefial part of the cortsiOeflt~n rendered to Landlofi:l. ifi 8Hating irdo this Lelse. Ileflby walv$$ the Fovis~ns of Civd Code S4ct~ofi 19dl and 1942 with respGcl to Lindloed's obligificn tot lenantability ol the Promises and Tenant's ,ght to make repairs and deduct the expense of such repairs !tOm rent 9.3. I. Indtord shall. If Tenant's co~t. keep and maintam all widow and door glass. utilitms. fixlureS and mechlnal IQuipment. including any heating and/or air conditioning units senncing the Praises and used by Tenant (excluding Tenant's personal Ixo0eqy lad tm0e fixtures). in ~ or0et. condition and replir. Tenam shall pay to Landlofcl. in the manner I:)fovided in Sectwon Tlnafll's Pro RIll Share of lit such ramate·lace and repair costs 9.4, I.mn(:Notd shall keep in 9otx:i conditK)n and rsplur the roof an0 sltucturel ms. its of the Primrues. exclpl when such ~ and raplit is rmcHsitifld by mason o4 Tenant'l negIHalence, alteration o/or ICk:ht~n to the Praises, or beeuGh of any IMm or condition of this Lellt Lindk:)fd fill ~ no C4:)l~lt~n to make any Such replirs until Landlord hll ticaired wf~ln f~X~ce tn}m Tinam with ~ to the need for such replirs, and Lindlottl shall not be deemed to be in 0etanit with telpact to ds to tapir unless Ind until Landlord has (i) received aid wrmen riolace and (ii) failed to make SuCh rapmrS within a re·Ion·hie period Iolowin9 the receipt ol aid notice. ~ sheIt, liter ~lceiving written no(ice. exerc:f,e due diligence in making such replirs. Tenlit heq4W m lay Fovisions of IIw pe~milting Tanlit to mike replirs It Lindlord's Ixpense. Lindlof~l shill eftforce any construcho~ eaTlies Ior the befiefit of Tenant to the ixtent that they Ire Maim. 9.5. Landk)rd 111111. If Tenlnt's cost, mainilia the Commo~ Areas in · nero, Cleln and orderly co·tilt:off lad raplit, I:)fopedy lagbled In(I ilndiclped, and shifl operife the PTO~eCt, in Lindiord's SOle discre;off, IS · full cfass officelcoe'nmercill rill I:)foperty ~.,IOpT. S~t. NI I~penses of maintenance in CormaCtiOn with the Common Arias shill be charged and prorife<l in the manner set Iollh in SeclKx17.5. it is understood lad ~ thlt the phrase "ape·sis in COnneCtion with said Commo~ Arias" shill mclude, ~ ~ f~t be liffljtod to, III sums ~xpefxled in connection with said Common Areas for III 9enerel maintenance and replirs. laintin9, rellq)in9, cfaanlng. Iwee~ng lad ilnitorill services; mainlena·ca lad repair of sidewllks. curbs, and Buik:ling mgns (ofher than ksant's qn}, ~,~,-ade systems, pfantin9 and rang; eghting and ottw utilities; paint,t of aH exawtor euHaces of the 9uadm9 m ~ in the I:~qed; direchonal signs and o~her markers and bumpers; maintenance and replif of any ~rl pf01$Ctl0fl m, au~mM~icsixi~MmsyIfems~ightingmmormminagesymemsandany~meruti~itysystoms;pers<mne~toimpiememsuchsehqce, im:luding, il ~ daems necessary, the COif of secur~ guards and/or 811 colts and expenm parlaining to · security alarm system ~or~hetoeants~p~iceandikeFeactensewicas;peq~nalpr~perty~Ises~ev~e{~onormthbab;etopef~a~m~wnedbyLandkXd which is coa4am~ in the operation or maintenance of the Commo~ Areas; dapreciatio~ and mmn(e~ance on operating nilchine·/ and eq~w~lnt ~ff owned) and rentll laid for luch mlchinery mn(I Iquipment (H rsmed); any parking chitgas, sufChlrges or any other ca~s~eVle~oraesessedby~ca~morfadere~9~vemmenta~a9encesinc~nnectm~withtheuseofparkingfacitities~faesf~required liclfllms Im:l permits; adequifl public Ifal~lity and prope~/damlge mlurance on the Commo~ ,Areas; resetN~s for exteo0t Hinting sma~w~m~tiasm;sn~mss~ns~fa~i~vencetoLsnd~xdiorLindtord~ssupsvsionoftheseidC~mm~nAreas~wh~-h cssss sny or sl of gs ssid sst, wces to be Ixovids:l by sn indspsnds,'~ tonirector or commclors. 10.1. Es:elX as IxoviOsd in Sec~idn 10.2, 'lbnam shall tusks al/srrengernems Ior and lay for all utilities and serv,ces fumishsd 10.2. in IM evsm thif any ufiitm are furnished by Lindtord, ssndlor~ Shsl| only be required to Ixov~e heating, sir conditioning ~ mores in ths building of which the Proroses am · part. Lsndlord shall noI be lis~e ks', and Yenera shsll noI be smitled to, any mductS~ of mnts~ by resson of Lindlord's failure to furrash any utilitSas when such/allure ss csus~d by sccidsm, Ixesksge, m IOODUB or ~thef ~ dimufoances or ~ clisOu~s of any chsrec~er, or by shy othor csuse, ssmilsr or clissSmiler, beyond The undm any ciecumlances Ior · ~ of or injury to property. however occufflng. through or m connection with or inCidenlal to tli|ufe to fwnlh In,/ot the !Oregoing. Wherever halt ganerifing talchines or I(lu;pment ire ~ m the Primisis which afiecl the ethanrole maillied i)y Ihe mr conditioning system. Landlord raserveS the rghl to if'~,lll kapp4enll~ll~/lit CW~:litlofi~ng units in Primisis in(I Ire ~ ttwrlot, mcluding the cost of inltIIlatm. ·nd the cost of 0peraim and Nin~nlnce themot shill be ;}lid by 10.4 Tenam may. al ~ expense, elect to mifall ~ own m~er toe any rodrues which am loamy malerod by while· 11.1. Ten~ntd~e~hem~indem~ty~s~ieb~ek~ndhof~sLand~rdh~rmlessfrom~ny~sstwmas~nof~uryto~ Of Ixoperty. from ~ CIUM, all 0f in ~rl co fifie, ctod with the cofidit.)n Of usa of the Premises 04, the im~nts Of personal mvilaeL Of tm~plssl~ Tenant shill, II Tenam'· expense. resist and detend any such acbon, suit, or Ixoceeding Of cause the same 10 lie M Or ditended by counsel defagnited by Tenant and II~:)roved by Landlord. Tenlm's 0~ligition he~jnder shill survive me Wninabon of Sis Lease, if the incident requiring Such de~nsa occurred during the Lease term. 11.2. Tenant, Is I ~ pan of the consideration refxlerad TO Landlord, in entering into this Lease, hereby waives all claim· eraploWs·, invites·, Of any third pwson in or about the PremiSes from any cause al any lima. 11.31. LaRdlord shill enaimlin, It Tenant'$ expenle, a policy Of policies of insurance pmtoctiAg against the following: (i) Fire and othe~ pa~iis normally included in the extended coverage insurance with special form. to the extent of It telit one hundred procent (100~) of the inlurable v/us of the Ixjilding and other improvements on the Premises exclusive of Irade fattufts and equipment belonging to Tenant; (is') Rent loss insurance 10 fill rotten of It least one hundred pefcem (100%) of the annual gross rentals from ('i') Public liability and proItaly damage insurance and Ix~ducts liability insurance with respect to Common Areas for the joint bene~t of landlord and Tenant in amoums (i) mX less than $1J00,000 for inlury or death to any one person, (iS) not less than $1,{XX).000 I~' __hc~__,ffence, and (iii) m31 ~ thin S250,1~0 per occurrence for damage to property. bid amount ·hall be subject 10 adjustment every Ihme (3) 1fairs to the then primSling limits normally required for opm'Itions of the type conducted by Tenant on 11.3.2. TenIra shill ply Io Landlord, Is additional rent, and in the manner Wovided th Section 7,5, Tenlm's Pro Rata Share of ~le coil d inssince mquir~l in Sectldn~ 11.3.1 Ind 11.3J. 11.3.3. Tenlnt shall malntlin in force I liticy Of policies of fire Ind ext~led coverage insurance with respect to its ~ix~ums and equipment ~caed in the Pmmises with vandalism and malicicus mischief endmaments to the emnt of It leam ~ne hundred ~ (100~) of their insurlble vllue. During the term of this Lease, the proceeds of any such policy Of policies of fire insurance Shill Ix ulld sony for the split or replacement of the fixtures Of equipment so insurad. Landlord shall have nO Claim o~ interera in Mid in~mnCe and wil ~gn all 6ocumants nscessaff to effectuSe me soillament of any claim or ldss by Tenant. 11 -~4. Tenlnl shill malf~in during the tara of this Lalse, with an insurance company acceptable to Landlofd, a ~,,,p4tL~ve genl,ll Itability insurance policy, ~ with I "lxold Iorm" Inclorsement, with respect to the Premises. for Ihe pint baneIll ot landlord and Tenlnt for personal injuff in amo, nts ot not less than $500,000 tof injury Of death to any one person, and in an Imoum mx Ii~ than $1,0Q0,000 per occuffence, and for Ixoptrly damage in In amount of not less thin $250,000 per occurra~ce. Tl~ Imounts of such ~ liability insurance shall de iocraased from time to time Is Landlord may ralsonably datermini. Tenant shall nlme Landlord Is additional insured on such policy. Tenant ·hell furnish Landlord with · certificate of insurance with respect to such policy IX policis$ prkx to entry of the Premises. 11.3.5. Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually release each other from liebilily and waive all right to recover against each {Xher from any loss from perils insured aglinst under their respective lira insurance pohc~es, including any extendeel coverage and endo~ements to said policies. It is provided, however, that this subparagraph shall be inapplicable it it would hlv~ the effect, but only 10 the 8merit thlt it would have the effect. of invalidating any msurance coverage of Landk~l o~ Te~lnt. The Pans shall olXain. if Ivailble. from meir respectwe slurinCa companies. · wawer of any righi of subrogatmn which said insurance company may have against the Landkx~l Of the Tenant, Is the case sly be. in the event that the insurance cornpiny ot Tenant does noI waive the right of subrogmicn aglinst ~ Ind i~ insurance company, Tenlnt ·hill (i) mainlain during the term of this Lelse firs legal lilt)italy coverage with aspect 10 the Premises and (iS) shall ply to Landlord upon mind. Landkxd'l colt inCurred in socuring fire legal I~ll~lity prolacking Landlo~lmtheevemofthedestrucbonofTenant'spmperly. 11,16 LaNltord m~y mal,ntmn, It the Tenant'$ expense (Ixo rated in the manna' described in Secbon 7,~), boils and roachmen/msurance oel all Ix~iers, heating equipment, lit conditions9 eduipment, and ofher pressure vessels and systems that may be lociled m, on. or Itmut the Praises. Tenant Shah rmmburae Landlofd Iof the mluranCe provided by Landkxd undm' this subparagraph in accordance with the terms set foflh in Sectton 11.32. 113.7. All the ,nsurance required under this Lease ·hall: (i) Be ~ssued by snsuranOe coalames luthorszed to do business in the State of Californii, with a financial rating el It least superie stalus as rated in the most recent ed,t~on Of Best's Insurance Reports: (ii) Be =sued as a Iximary policy: (iii) Contain an endo~ement requiring thifly (30) (lays writtIn riolice horn the insurance company to IxXh Landlord Ind Llndlord'· ands before cancellation of change in the coverage, sco~e, Of Imount Of Iny pohcy Elch policy, or I cetificl~e of the policy, logether with ev~enOe Of payment Of Ixemiums, shall be deposited with the mr Plrty It the Con,,'~Llnclhint Of the lefms. and Is t~ rewwal of the poticy ncl less than twenty (20) dlys before e~piration Of the term 12. Ai3ERATIONS, ADDITIONS, IMPROVEMENTS. desired by Tenam sMII be made by Lanexa only ~ter Tenant submits detailed fmal I~ans and drawings to Landlord and oblains Landlord's Ippeovl Of such ptans. Any such alterationS, Ick:libon· or imlXOvemems Ihal~ be in contorrndy with the lies Of all Ipplicable government luffmdlies ind exce¢ing movit34e rumslurs, trials fixtures, mlchinofy Ind other trade equipment shill blcome part of the realty and ~Ni~ng10~"and~Of:~Hewe~Land~Mc~nalect~withinttw1y(3~)days~xfommotthe~erm~OfwithinfNe(~)daY&~ertorminati~n of~he~11~tof~cp~i~Tef1~v~1yal1er~tic~ddifi~Of~(~4h~iTe~nth~f11~detothe~femiseS~ Imm, ofwimin ton (10) days mftm'larminitmn Of the Laase. whichever is fiPq. 12.2. Tenant may install Irlde f, ma, ls, machinery o~ elher trMle equipment in contormance with the lies Of all Ippticit~e ~l~4,~w.~ suthofitieL Tenant m~/remove any of such eade fixtures Of machinery upon the expiration or Im'minaticn Of this Lelso; Wevided the, Tenant is nee in default under the ~effns and conditions of this Lease. 12.3 16 N eenl ~ TartaN mils trade fixtures, machinery Of othe~ trade equipment, Tenint shitl mum the Premises on eof lemineldn of the Leale10 the lame condate Is ~ It the dete of entry, masonable wear and !ear exceplld. In Iny event, Tenlnt shel split Ire/{leaage mlulting f~m the ~ ertra~e fixtures, mlchinary or other trade equipment of Tenlnt. 13.1. Tenant~hItip~y~w~en~utal~cQIt~forc~n~ucti~nd~nebyitOfcius8dtobed~nebyIt~ntheP~Is ~ by this Lease. Tenant shall keep the building, emer improvements, and land bee and mr ot all mechanics' liens resulting mnd~othOfmpen~e~on--m~.~`---~ntOfcimmsOfiienOf~alxx8raOfmieri~menOfothersf~rw~k~x~xmeaOfm~e~Ofsuppiies tumlehedforTenamofperlonSoflimingunderif. TN~nt ~ he4 the fight 10 ~ The m Or the validby of any such lien if, immediitity on demand by I.in01o~, Tenlnl W01NraS Ind ricotall I lien rilelie bond isauld by · cofpomt~on luthofized to ~ SurNy bonds in C41ifomis in an Imount equal to one an(I one-hitf times the amount of the clam of lien. The bond shall rnett the re(luiramentS of Civil Coae Section 3143 IN:I Shall IxovKle kx the payment of any ~ that the claimant may recover on the claim (together wifh costs Of suit. if ~t recovers m me 5 WINDOFF NET it29i 11/86 14.1. if, (lunng the term. the Premises are totlily of part:ally destroyed by a nsk covered by the mlurlnce describe(I m ~ 113, rlfKlofmg the Prem,ses rally of partially inlccet~ble of unulible, Lindlord shatl restore the Prorheas to subatantlllly the lime COnclifton m which they were ~mmediately before destruchon. The process of such restorehen Shill begin with· ninny (90) {lays allm me date of iNstrucllon, Such destruclmn shill nil le{minate this Lem. ~ the existing laws do nof permit the rsltorltion, either Party can terminate Lease immedimely by giving mice to the ·he{ Party. If the colt of the matoration exceeds the ranaunt at proceeds received from the insurance required under Section 11 ,~1, Lindlord cln Illct to terminate this Lilse by giving rioface to Tenlnt within fifteen (15) dlys Ifter determining thai the restoration ~ will excted the inlumnce proceeds. In the came of destructm of the Premises, if i, lndlord elects to terminate this Lnase, Tenant, within fifteen (15) 6lye after receiving Landlord'· mice to terminate can elect to pay to Lindkxd, at the time Tenant notifies Landlord of its electson, the dillsfence beN·an !t~ amount of insurance proceeds and the colt 01 reatoratson; in whx:h case, Lindloccl shatl restore the Premises. LIn~lofd shill giv~ Tenlnt satisfaclory evidence that lit lures Conlrtl~ by Tenlnt Is I}KNided in ~ Section hive been expanded by Landlord in paying the cosl of rastoration. IfL~nd~¢c~ecistotormin~to~hisLe~seandTen~nt~e~m~4ecttoc~ntribute~rdthec~s~ofraat~mtmMpr~videdin ~ Section, this Lease shall torminNe. 14.2. H, ~ the term, !~ Premises era tolllly of padility mroyed horn I risk nof covered by the insurance described Siclion 11,3, rendering the Premises toeally ix pert|atly inaccessible of unusabta, LindtOKI Sh~ll restore the Premises to substantially I~ lame condifion in which they were immediately before destruction. The process of such mstofatlo~ Ihlll begin within ninely (~0) ~ ~er the ~ et deatruct~on. Such destructson shall nof terminate lh~s Lease, Howeve{, if the coat of realoration exceeds five percent (5%) of the then replacement value of the portion of the Premises that ~re{~eimyed~L~ndlOK~c8neiscttotarminatethisLeasebygivingnoficetoTenantwithin~ftsen(15)days8fte{date{min|ngmerastomti~n in the case of deslruction to the Promrues, if I, Indlo~d elects to terminate this Lille, Telrant, within fifteen (15) dlys ·fie{ receiving ~'· nol~ce to terminate, cln elect to pay to Landlord, at the time Tenlnt nil·lies LerKllord of ill election. the difference between five percent (5%) of the then replacement value of the Premises and the ictcal cost of fistoration; in which case, Landlord shall restore the Premises. Lendlord shall g,ve Tenant satisfactory evidence that all sums contrilmjtld by Tenant es provided in this Sealion been expende<l by Landlord in laying the cost of restofatson. If Landlord ~ to le{minlte this Lease and Tef~ant does nof elect to perform the reslofatson of contribule loward the ¢011 of rastoratmfi Is Ixovided in this Sect·, this Leue shill terminate. if the axisling laws do nof permit any realoration Is described in this Sect·, eifhe{ Parly can terminate this Lease immediately by ~B nol~ce to me ether party 14~ if Landlord is requifacl or ~ to reinore the Premises Is provided in this Articte. Lincllord ~'~atl nof be reCluirecI to mstofe alteratsons ~ by Tenant. Tenant's smprOvements. Tenlnt's Irl~e fixlurK. and Tenant's personIS property, ksch excluGecI items being the safe reSpOnsibility of Tens· to restore. Without interfering w~th Li~dlord's feslofatlon process, Tenant shall congruence and allgently prosecute the restoration of such liters,ins and improvements and shatl replace lit trade fixtures, equipment and perlenil property promp!ly upon delivery of the Premises to Tenant. 14.4. if I.Indlord L~ requireq Or elects to restore the Premises as provided in this Article, Tenant ·hall continue the Opera,On of its buS·ass on the Promrues, during the restorlt~on period. to the extent reasonably practm from the Standpoint of I~'udent I~Jsines~ manlgement. and to the exlent that il will nix anteflare w~th the reitorat,on Ixocess. 14.5. Tenant shill nix be ant|tied to iny compensation O~ dlm,lges from Lindlof~l Is I resull of shy pert~ll or tlxat deatructm of the Primsees of kx any mconvemence, loss, or 6arnlge that Tenant may ·cur Is · risult of the realO~at~on proceSs 14.5. in the event mat ether Party elects to terminate th~s Lease under the enabling provisions of this Article, Tenant shill luffef~er tithe Lendlo~l IIt proceeds from the inlurance pofscm delcribed m Seclmfl 113, excluding proceeds fof Tenant'· trade 14.7. In clse of dellruc,on caused from · risk covered by the tourinca Ixovided in Sect·6 14.1, m shall be no rant of reductm of rent. In case of 0estruct~on caused from I risk not covered by the inlurance peavaried in Section 14.2, there shell be an abatement of s~luction of rent, excapl any percentage rent, behveen the dale of destruchon Ind the date of co·plat|on of IIsIofltion, I)ised oll the extenl to which the destruction interferes with Tenlnt's use of the Premises. 14.8. Tens· waives the prowssons of Civil Code Section 1932(2) Ind Civil Code Section 1933(4) with re~pect to any destructiOn of the Premises. 15. CONDEMNATION, 15.1. "Condenmat~on" means (I) the exercise of any governmental power, whether by legal procledings of othe{wise, by ~,,-,~emnof and (b) · voluntary Isle of trinefar by Lendlorcl to any condemned, either unclar thrall of cOndm~nat,on of while legal proceedings tar cantleran·son ·re pending. 15.2. '*Die of liking" mains the date the r~,-,~emnOr hes the sign to possessson of the property being condemned. 15~ ~Aw~d~.me~m~c~mpef~atlOn.sums~of~nythingofv~ue~we{ded~p~id.ofmceivedon·tola~ofperti~c~ndemnat~n~ 15.4. "Condemf~"' mains Ira/public o~ quire-public ·uthOrify, Or private COqx)rat~on Oe' individuat, having the power of 155. H, dunng the term of do~ing the period of time between the execution of this Lem and the cite the term commences, there is any taking by Condeft·mean of II1 of any pert of the lind. building, of mr improvements, Ot which ·re · part of the Premises, of any interest in the Lease, the nghts and o~iigations of the Part· Ihall be daerminecl pursuant to this Article. 15.6. If the FNsmises are totally taken by condemnm~on, this Lease ·hall terminate On the {late of taking. 15.?. ~ any Ixxllon of the Pramme· is taken by condemnation, this Lelle Ihlll remain in effect, exclpl that Tenant can elect to le{minate this L_k~__e- if the remithang portion of the Prim·eel is rendarid unlultable kX Tenlnt's continued uee of the Premises. If Tenant elects to tern·'tale tt,s Lease, Tenant musl exe{cse its right to terminate puracant to this Section by giving nofsce to Landlord ~ thirty (30) days she{ the nature and the extant of the taking heve been finally ~etormmed. if Tarrant elecll to terminate this Lease Is Ixovided in this Section, Tenant 8·so shall riolily Landlord of the det· of teffnination, which date shah nof be eartim than thirty (30) deys nor later than ninaty (~0) days after Tenant has rim·lied Lindlore of its election to te{minate. Provided, however, that this Lease Ihall le{minme On me ~late of taking if the date of taking fatis On I date before the cite of termination Is designlied by Tenant. ff Tenant does mX Wminme this Lease within the thirty (30) day parsed, ths Lease shell continue in full fat'ca Ind effecl, excepl that Blse Rent 15J. ~thepmkinge{e~ofthePmmisesist~kenbyc~n~lOmn~ti~thisL~a~e~h~mmaininfut~tofce~ndeftect.Pr~vided~ however. that if fifty peacent (50%) of morn of the parking area is teken by condemnatloe~, e~he{ Party Ihall have the elect~on to terminate if eithe~ Plrty elects to le{mm thin Lease, it mum ta~ninle puraulnt to this Secl~on by giving mice Io the other Plrly within thirty (30) days W the nature and extent of the taking have teen finally date{mined. The PIny terminating thm lee ·ls~ shall riolily the ofhe{ Party of the m of terminateart, which date Shell nof be earlier then third/(30) {lays of liter than ninety (~0) dlys after me temllnitlng Party Ills nolinecI The ofher Party of its election to term,hate ProvSOecl, however. that this Lease Ihatl term·nile on the date of taking if the i of liking fills on · elate before the date of terminal|on 0ef,~nated m the nof~ce from the terminating Party. ff this Lelse ~s nix lefminaW:l wimin me thirty (30) day period, it shall contmue in full fOrcl Ind iffect. if irn/porlmn of the Premmes ~1 liken by condemnation Ind th|s Lease tlffllini in full force Ind efflct. on the ~late of taking the 81se Refit shill be reduced t}y In Iraaunt thal iS m the same ratio to Base Rent Is the vNue of the e{el of the porlm of The Premises taken I}ears to the tolal value of the Premises immeOlltely lafore The date of lakerig 159 If. wslhm thirty (30) ~lyS lifer the date that the nature Irld extent of the lak~ng Ire frolily d~e{m,ned. Landlord Tellint Nt LendlifO I! fts coil will Idd on to the remaining Premises' parking arel Io thlt the iral and the Ipprox~mate layout of th~Pr~mmes~n(~p~rki~m~wi~s~stanti~ythe~me~terth~dat~Of~k~t~e~N~of~k~ng~~ cc, w~n Jnces the restartion ey and cOmp4~es the restoration within nineS/(90) days after LandtoKI riotHies Tenant. the Lease shal~c~mm~amfu~ceandewec~w~utanymduc~icnin~aseRen~ceptmea~RmenHxr~duc~mn~pu~m~m 1612. 15.10, ElCh Plrly wlim the pmvtSeons Of Code Of Cewl Procedure Section 1265.120 aliowmg eelher Party to petition the superxx COu;~ to tarfie t~s I. me in the Mnt Of a pittill akin9 Of the Premises. 15.11, If there is I part~ taking of the Primass and thm Lease remains in full fo~ and effect pursuant to Sachaft 157, Lanelo~ ,e i~ col shah R~amp4is~ d nsc~,san/astorstick. 1&12. Rent. ecept lot any I)e~entage rent, shall be abited or reduced dunng the period ham the date Of taking until the campiNion Of teatoration. but iH mr of)ligltml ol Tenon uMer this La~,e shall amain in full lotre an~ effecl. The Ibatament or reduction Of rent shah be bid on the etam to which the r~orstion intarleres w~h Ter~'s use of the Pmmm~s. 15.13. The award sham belong tO and be paid to Landlord, except that Tenant shall receive from the award the ~;owing: A sum afirdN~ to Tormnt*s improvements or alterations made to the Premises by Tenant in accordance with this Lease, whr, h Termm's improvemere or alterat:Ins Tenam has the right tO remove from the Premises pursuant tO tt~ provrs~ons of this Lease but alecta net to rmnov~; or, if Tenant elects to remove any such Tenlm'l imlxovements or alterationS, a sum for masonable removal and Illicition coils net Io excled the market value Of such improwments or alterations. A sum sttritx~a~ to any excess Of the markel value Of the Premises (exclusive cl Tenam's impn:wme~ or aliarations tar which Tenantisce~pensmedunde~thisSectm)fortheremalnderOftheta~n~verthepmsentva~ueatthedateOftakingOftheiRent payable kx the mmainder of the tarm. A sum attribut~ Io that portia, Of the mrd cor~stiluting severance danmess tar the mton of m Premises. 15.14. The taking Of the Premises or any pad Of the Premises by military or ether public authority shitl constitute a taking Of I~ Premises by col~ls;,~qation only when the use and occupancy by the taking authority has continued for Io~er than 180 co,secutive eys. Du, ng me 180 day peiod, all the provisions of this Lelee shill remlin in full fo~ and effect. Provital, however, that rant. excem fat Ira/percemlge ant. ~ be ebited or reduced during such perkxI of taking baled on the exlm to which the taking interferes with Tenanrs use Of the Premises. I.~ndlord shall be emitled m whirever Nrd I111y be pak:l for the ule Illd occuplk~q of the Premises IortheperkXlinveed. t &IIR3RMENT. 16.1. Tenant shall ne valuntarfiy usign or encumber ita interest in this Leue or in the PremiseL or sublease Ill or any pa~l Of the Premises. or ale any mhe person or enlity (excepl Tenlnt's authoriz~l mpref, entatives) to ~ccupy or use all or any pan of IN Premil~, without firsl ofc)lNni~ Landtord's c~sent through strict accordInca with N blowing procedure: 10,1.1. Tenant must first gNe to Landlord a w,tten nilice Of intent tO sublease or u~ign (rarefied tO herein as "Tenlnt's Niltoe") at least one hunme ~ twenty (120) days prior to the effective date el any propose sublettrig or es~ignmeN. Tenam's Notice mustceqtamN~of~wing:(~wheherTenan~p~%`~-=JstoIs~gnorsub~st;(~)theidentifyandtradeOfthe~Isalgneeor~ub~eIsee (elch Of which is raterid tO heroin es the "hn~eree' ') with accompanyin~ financial matemints Ior IxXh the individual hnsleree and NI iNsiness entities; (iii) I signed sammint from both the Tenam and the ~ Tm stating 811 the tarms end conditions Of all Iheir Iransactm concerning the Premises; and (iv) in the case Of a sublethnV, a copy Of me ~ subtease. 16.1.2. Tenant must at all limes IxomlXly mify Landlord o4 any c~nge and/or aherit~on Of the items required to be in Tenant's hkx~ce. Tenant's failure to do so, or any misrepresentation or untruth comained in Tenant's Nilice, by either the Tenant or the I;m3posed hnsferee, shall constitute a clatlult by Tenira, Ind Landtotal shill hav~ the right to elect to terminate this Lease ~reement. 161.3. After mcmpl Of Tenant'S No~icl, Landlord may, al any tim within ~ (90) days Of slid receipl, clncel this Lelse lOP/mailing I written cancelstion mice to Tenant. Such cancellltion will become effective thirty (30) days after receipl of said mice by Tenant. 16.1.4. ~ Llrdord llils to exercise ils right to cancel this Lease wdhin The before-mentioned mflety (90) day period, said Cancellation right on the part Of the Landlord Shall be mmed waived, but only with respect to the assignment or subliming specified in Tenant's Notce. Tenam may thereahr Is,qn this Lease or sublet the Premises in accordance with the terms Of Tenant's N<Xce am:l m mstm Of this Aniclt Any railW, pMdVe or Iss~nment of this Lelse, or ff Ter~nt is I COqXH'NIOn, Iny trlrlsfef Of this LIIse from Tenlnt by am'Vet, consolidatKm, rso~anizltion or kluH:lit;On or any change in me Ownership Of or power to vote the majority Of the outmandin9 voting stock Of Tenlnt. Ihlll constitute an Iss;gnment for the purposes of rues section. Any Iss:Vnment, encum~lnce, or subtaase made wffhout obtainir~ Landtord's cousiN, according to the Facedate described Ibove, shill be voidable Ind. at Landlord's election, shall constitute I default. Landiord's consent tO Iny assignment, encuml3elnce, or sublease shill n(X con~itute a further warvat of the provisions of this Section. Landtorcl shall not unreasoaably withhokl COnsent, t~t riseryes the reVnt tO require Transferes to be as financially stable is TonaN anci fOr Transferee's busmess to be of the same cherlctar Ind Qullity IS Tenlnt's business and Is the entire Project m general. Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord tar Landiord's attorneys' lees incurTed in conluncho~ with the processing and documentat|on of any requested assignmeN of this Lease or subletting of the Premises. Consent by Landlord to an asS;gnmem or a subletting shall neither release Tenant from its FiNn/liarlily under this Lease n~' from its of:digltK}ns IS stated in this Article. 162. WittlO~ in lay wly limdlng any other rights availalOe to Landlord it the time Of any proposed IIs~nment, Lindlord mprlMly resets the nght to Kljust ~ Base Rent Iccordin9 Is any chlnge in the Co~umer Prce IS IS Ipecified in Sicfish 7.2, whether or nil such an ediustment would othenvme be due It that time. 163 O~e hal! {v~) of any consideration received by Tenam lot either reigning this Lelse or ham antera9 into a sublease tonitact. IS well IS o~e hilt (~a) Of any continuing rent pa~l tO Tenant from a hnsfeme in eces$ Of the ~lnt Tenlnt w~ o431igited to ply to LandlOrd It the time of the IM~nment or sublea. IMII be paid to the LandlOrd in CO~ide~atm Ior Landtord's cogent to any c~nmgnment of subleamg. Tenlm's failwe to pay to Landkxd said required consideration shall cormRule 8 default by Tenant Mid Landlord shall Mve the right to immediately tlrminitI the Lelse Agreement in Iddition to all olhef timedies. 164. Tee~immedmta~yandirmv~cab~aw~nstoLand~orc~ISsecurity~orTenant~sel~igati~emw~erthi~Lea~e~al~mntfmm ~ny~a.d]~e~ingofaHor~p~r~OfthePremisesISpe~nit~edbythisLaase~IndLanel~rQ~as~signeeandesattomey.in.facttorTee~8nt~ or a mceiv~ kx Tenant apf,~r. ed on Landk~l's a,WUcat~on. may ccioc~ such rant am ~ it toward Tenant's ob, Iatms uocw' this Lelle. P/twioe(:l, hOwevM, until the occunlflce Of deelult by Tenlnt. Tenlnl Ihall hive the light to coflect luch renL 16.5. N~kemstofTen~n~mthisL~seN`~at~be~ignab~eby~perationOf~w(incfudi~g~with~ut~imitstio~Ntmndorof ~ ~ by totIcy or intoilCy). Elch Of the foE)wing Icta 111111 be conlider~ In invofufitln/assignmeN, 16~.1. ~ 1Mint is or becomes henkrupl or insoh~t, makes an assignmere for the benefit el creditors. or institutes a proceeding ueder the Bankruplcy Act in which Tenant is the blnkrup(; or, if Tenant is I partnmhip m cormira Of more than one pareart or ~mity. if any pannor Of the plrtnership or elN~ person or efitity is or m blnkrupl or inletvent, or mikes an eaignment for IN benefit Of creditors; · 16,5.2. if a writ Of attachmere or esecution is levied on this Lease; 1653`if~many~x~ceedingoracti~ntowhichTenantisaPany~amisN}~xmtedwimauthorityto~a~epmaeni~n otthe Pmmises. An invofunll~/Ilalgnment shall corqstitute a clefsuIt by Tenm and ~ ~1111 lllve the ~ to atec't to ter~inlle this, I.IIN!; ~avmtofa~achmen~orexecutionistaviedonthisLease~Tenantsha~have1~daysmwhichtOinifi~temm~valOf~hemment ~reuecuti~nan<~six(6~mer"hstomm~vethesame`ifanyinvofuntan/~x~ceedingin~ankruptcyis~x~ugNagainstTenam.orifam is appointed. Tenam Shall have sixty (60) de~ in which to heva the invofuntan/Ixoce~linV dismined or the receiver removed. Landlore shall have the eplmn tO exland said ttme limitations. 17. DEFAULT. ~7.1. The occuffence Of any of the feesrang shall constitute a default by Tenant: 17.1.1. The tadunt, of Tenant to pay or cause to he paid when Oue any rent. man,as. or chatVia require0 by this Lelse to be paKI by Tenant: 17.1.2, The abandoftment el the Prermses by Tenant as such term i· defined in the Art;cle Idled "Abanclonment:" 17.13. TeOlnt cauSing or pertaining, vethour ~ wrmen con·aN. el Landlord, any act when this Lease requires LandlOrcl'S prior written consent or prO~itHts SuCh aCl; 17.1.4. FitIra tO perform any other pmvisK~ el this Lease, ~ the failure tO perb'm is not cured within 30 days afte~ notice Ms blen given tO TonIn·. ff the clefauK cannot mlsmllbly be cured within 30 cllyl, Teolm shill no( be m default el thrs Lelse if Tenant c4)e~,,~lnces Io cure the default within the 30 clly petocl anti diligently and m ,_hoOd__ faith COntinues tO cure the default. Nolices grven uncle this Section shall specify the sieged default and the applicable Lease Wovislons, and shall demand that Tenant pelfram the WovisiOnS of this Lease or pay the rent that a in arrears. as the case ely be, within the Ipplicable period el tiN, Of clult the Premises. No such note ShlH be tieseed · k)deifure of I teffninit~o~ of this LaMe unM·s Landlord su elects in the nofte. 17.2. ~ IMII hem the lOllOwing remeclm if TenIn· commits I doflult. These ram·deS Ire not all incluswe; they are 17.2.1.Landk~c~c~nc~NinuethisLe~~~infu~~~~ceandof~ec~~nc~sha~~havetheri~~1oc~~~ectrantwhendue~TheLem d~c~ntinueinof~ectasinn~asL~ndi~K~d~esnnttorminIte11~Mnt~right1opeseui~n.Duf1ngthepe~1~Tenantisinde(~ult~Landlord cln ofef the Premises and re~ them, Of any pert el them, tO third Pitties Ior Tenant's account. Tenant Shall be liable ~mmedmtely tO Landlord Iof all ~ LancRofd incurs in rata·tang the PTemeMe, mclucling. without limifmlort, beokere' commisulons, expenses o( remode4ing the Premises required by the raM·tin9, and like corn. Rate·tin9 can be for I period shorter or longer than the remaining from Ira/resorting. No act by Landlord ellowed by this ·ut~plragrap~ shall letre·hate this LaMe unless Landlord ncXifms Tenant that Landinto ~ 1o term this Lease. Afler Tenant'· clelault, and for as long as Landlord does nGI termirWe Tenan·'· ri~hl to possession 01 the Promise·. if TOfilnl ot~in$ Landlord's cogent, Tenin· Ihatl hive the ngnt tO ii~n or lut)lat its inlet·st in this Laa,,e pursuant 17.2.2. ~ cln tore·nat· Tonant'l righi tO poueSsion et the Prl~nises at any tm~e. No act by landlord mher than giving nolloe tO Tenant Ihltl tartruants this Lal~e. Acls el maintenlnce, efiof~ 1o rate( the Premises. or the appO, ntmant el a receiver on Landtord's inltmtive tO peteel Landlord's ~nterest under this Lease shall ncX conmifute a terrainabort el Tenant'· right to posses·ran. (i) The worth, at the time el the award, el the unpmcl rent that had been earned at the time el terrainalton Of 0i) The worth, at the time of the award, el me Imount by which the unpaid rent that would have been earned oflm' the date el terminllton el this Lalle until Ihe time el award exceeol the Imoont of the loss of rent that TenIn· prcwes could have (iii) The wofth, It the t~ma of the Iw, rd, of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time el award exceeds the amount el the Ms· el rent that Tenant proves could have been reasonal~y avoided; and (iv) Any ether amount. Incl coufi __,:,~__, necessary tO compensate Landlotcl ·of Ill detriment Foxarea·ely caused by Tenam's clefsuit. "The worlh, at the time of the Iward;' as used m (i) and (ii) el this subplragraph is to be computeq by allowing interest 81 the rite el 10~ per annum. "The worlh, It the tithe Of Ihe Iwlrd." as referred tO in (iii) of this subparagraph it tO be computed by discounting the amount at the discount rate el the Federal Reserve Bank ot Ban Francisco at the time of the award, plus 1%. 17.2.3. If TenIn· is m default of this LaMe, Landlord ·hall have the neht tO have l receiver iplx:Hnted tO colaset rent and conduct Tonint's business. Noifher the filing el · patit;on for the appointment Of I receiver nOr the Ippointmant it·eft Shall constitute an Nectmn by Landlofcl 1o laminate this Lean. 17.2.4. Lancltofd, at any time altar Tenant commits · clefauIf, can cure Ihe clefsuit It Tenan·'· colts. If at any time, by el Tonanrs default, Landlofcl pays any sum or does any Ict that requires the payment Of any Sum, the Sum paid by Landlord artIll be due m from Tenant tO Landlord at the tithe the Sum is paK:l, and if Tof~lt pays Such Sum It · later date. if Shall hear ire··st at the tie el 10e/o pe annum from the cllte the sum s pNcl by Landlord untd Landlord is rmmbursed by Tenant. The sum, tOga·her with accrued mterem, shell be eclditional rant. 173. Rent not peld when clue ·hall bear interest at the rats el 10ea pe annum from the date due until paid. 17.4. In the event iny payment el rent requira(I her·by Shall not be paid within Ins (5) cllys Ifter the ·1ms shell be due and payable, · me charge by way el parnlges shall be immeclmtely due and paylids. Tenant recognizes and icknoMeclees that default In re·kin9. when C}ue, payments Of rent requlrs(I hereby will result in LandlOrd incurring MlditloMI COltS Ind expenses. Such costs and expelrues include. but are not limited tO, processing and accounting charges, legal costs, isle charges that may be imposed on Landlord by the terms of any encumbrance Ind ncXe secured by any encumbrance COvering the Premises. and loss tO LandlOrd of the use of 1hem~neyckae.Tenan~heraby~9ree$that~intheeventel~ny~uch~mp~yment~Land~K~sh~ilbeen1if~ed1oc~am~gestorthedatrimant clusecl thereby. IN· that It is extremely difficult Ind imprlcticll:de to IlCertein the extent Of such dlmlges. Tenant that·lore agrees (1)thIta~Itechargeequa~1ofhepe~cent(5h)eleachpaymentelrentth~bec~mesdeiinc~Uentisarea~orab~eeItimateelsaldc~am~ges Io LardofcI ancl (ii) to pay said Sum on demand. ,a~,~lnce Of Iny a chlree, Of any part Nreof, shall not cooItifute · diver el Tenant'· default with respect to the overdue · nouN, or prevent Landlord from execism9 any el the mr righ~ and rameclms available tO Landlord. ff rent is not received by the due dale, Landlord shall ncXify Tenant and Tenant shalt, on demand of Landlord, |romecite·ely cure the {Maul· by presentment o4 rent 17.5 Landlord shadl be in default of this Lease if if fails of reluses tO perform any provision of this Lease that if is obligited tO patiofro if the litlure 1o peftofi~ is not cure(I within 30 clays of·el ·flatten ncltte of the cisflult Ms been given by Tenant tO Landlord. if the cletlkdt canna m be cured within 30 days, Lanelord shall nm be in cletlult el this Lalse if Landlord commences tO Cura IN default within IN 30 clay perloci and diligently end in good fNth continues tO cure the default. 17.6. ff ~ is in cloflult el this Lease, and as a consequence Tenant recovers a money judgment seains1 Landlord, the juclgnmm shill be sitisfisd o~ly out of the Foceeds el sale receW~ on execution of the juclement end levy IgainIt the ngnt, titM, imeraatelL~M~m~inthe~rami~es~nc~utelrentor~theinc~mefr~m~uchree~pr~per1yNbyL~nd~rc~or~utelthec~n- Ndemmnrsceivedbyi~and~edh~mthe~ateof~thmdisp~iti~nof~Ofanypaf1ofLandlord~sright~tif~e~andintereatinme~remim~ Thl obligltlosm et i. lndtoKI Uriclet this Le-__-e do nm ~,~,-ltute personIf oprigltlo~ of Landlord of the individull perlnars, shamoldms. dim, eli·cars, eraploWs· of agents el Landlord. Tmmnt shal~ Io~ ~ tO Landlofd's iraere in me Leased Premises, ~nc~ton~he~atselLenc~loN~of8atjMact;~nelany~is~)ityinmpectelth:sLeese~endshe~n~tseekrec~ursee9amsttheindivldua~ pannet shareholders, diractoel, officers, employees, of Igents oi Landlorcl of ~qy of their perions· Islets for such satisfaction. 11, ADVERTISING, 111. TonIn· IMII fl~ Iffix any signs. Idvedising placlrcis, names, ansigrim·, tmclemlrks or other descriptive mitefills on any window or upofi the emeriOr el the Buirding. unless Tenant has received the prfot written N3provat of Landlord as to raze. type, COtor. incltmn, copy. Mlure Irld ~ qualities of any such prepoM(I miterilia. Te~lnt IMII nol mY, Itom or ·Ill any fflefchlno~e Outside the dlaned exten(x wds Ind permanent Goo,-,~lys el the PiImses. TenIn· IMII n(X in·till Iny extofior lighling, implihers of Similar devices, or use m of Ibout the Premises Iny ao'veflising maclie em~'h my be Msrcl Of seen Outside the Premmes, such as ltuhing lights, searchl:gnts, IOUClS;IIRe, L phonographs Of rldlo IXOaClClStS. 1t, LANDLORD'S ENTRY ON PREMISES. 19.1. Llndlorcl and i15 iuthorized rlFelmltltwe· Ihlll hive the right to eNer the Premmes It III re·so,able timel for any of 19.1.1. To clatormee whether the Prammes Ire in ~ conClifton ancl wheher Tenant ~s comp;ying wnh its obligations under th~s Lease. 191.2 To make ilterit~OnS. acids·ion· and to clo any necissary mlfnlanlnce ·nd ref)s~rs. Ind tc make any restoration to WINe)01:t NET ;1~9, 11~6 ~lmeW~m. ordu~ngmnyNncxlwt. MTmmmi~indeCauX. ~ ~ M mr ~n ~ mm ~ ~ ~. ~ ~H m~ mmm dim ~ l) ~ ~ ~ Wn (101 ~y ~ ~11 1 in U~. WIN(X:FFNET (126) ot Tenant's personal property Tenant Shill be liable to Llfidlord for landlord 'S cOStS for stofin4j removmg. aM ~$posstTg 04 any alterm~ons ot Te~ant's personal pt~3eny If Tenant fads to surfeider the PTem~ses to landlOrd upon exD|rition O~ 10 alys aftof termln/tlon (X the Lease i$ required by N ArtK:le, Tenant shill hold Landlord harmless from all damages result:rig therefrom, mcluQing, with hiltethan, clt,ms made by I ~_,c~eeding Tenant resultart9 fro~ Tenint's fadure to surrender the Prim:re. 25.2. ~fT~nant~wifh~sc~nsent.rem~in~mp(~e~K)n04~hePmmise~qxratidn(~te~Nn~nof~he~~ the dlte in Iny I',X~ce (]wen by Lendlo~ to Tenant termre·rig this Lelse, such p~___uJsSion by Tenant shill be deemed tO be a month-to- month In·Icy terrainable on 30 days' netice given It any time by either Party. Duril~ such month-to-mOnth tenancy, Tenant shill pay al rent required by this Lease. If percentage rent ~s required by the Lease, it shall be paid mO~hly on Of bel(xe the 10 thclly of elch month. All provisions 04 this Lease except those pertaining to term shall Ipply to the month-to-month tenancy. 25,3. The voluntlry o~ other surTender by Tenlnt (x a mutual cancollation 04 this Lease ·hell n(X work I mMger, and shall, It the election 04 LandlOrd, either terminate all of any existing subleases of sublenanc~es of may aperIte as an 8qnmem to it O4 any of IN 04 such subleases of subtanancies. Landlord Ihefl exercise its elichin within thirty (30) clays 04 the event so requiring. 21, ABANDONMENT, 261. Tenant ·hell nil vacale nor abandon the Premises at any time during the term 04 this L,else, my permit the Premises to remlin unoccupied for I period O4 longer then ten (10) consecutive Clays during the term 04 this Lelse. If Tenant shall iI:)and(x) the Premi~e$~eny~em~n~mb~lO~ingtoTe~nt~nd~oftonthePrem~e~h~bec~eat~with~dikT~`~4d04~pmvidedinSec~n2~-1. 27, QUIET ENJOYMENT, 27.1. N(Xwithatanding any subordinatidn as I~ovided in the Artcle titled "Offset Statement, Ntomment, Subordinatm." if Tenant is not in Ix~ach uncIof the covehints made in this Lease, Landlord COvehints that Tenant shall have peaceful and quie enjoyment Of the Premises without hindersIce on the part O4 landlord. and Landlord will defend Tenant in the peaceful and quiet entoymem Of the Promises 8gainst cllim· 04 Ill parsons clllm:ng Ihrough of under the Lendkxd. 1t, FORCE MAJEURE. 28.1. Any prevention, defay (y sloppage due m strike·, locko~s, labof disputes, Icts Of God, inability to 04xain labof of materials ofmas~nabesu~xMutesthem~x~g~vemmenta~re$trictm~regu~at~qs~ofm~enemy(xh~stiieg~vemmenta~act~n~cNi~c~mmotm~ fire of other casualty, and other causes beyond the reasonable control 04 the Party Obl~gIted to pertarm, ·hill excuse the performance by Iuch Party kx s period equal to that resulting from such DriveNion, 0Nly of stoppage. except m obtigltions 04 Tenant to rake plymen· tof rental lncI (Xher charges pursuant to the term· (24' thi· Lelse. 2t RELATIONSHIP OF PANTIES, 29.1. The re~mi~nship 04 the Partm hereto is that 04 LendlOrd and Tenant~ ~nd it is expressh/ un4~e~-q~-nd--.--- ~nd aVm~K~ that Lend~rd is not in any way of fat any I~rpose a partner of Tenant, of · ioint venturer with Tenant in the conduct 04 Tenant's t~jsiness of otherwise. 311. GENERAL PROVLSION$. 30.1. Time ~s 04 the essence 04 each pro~qslon 04 this Lease. 303. If either Parly G a corporitton. that Party shall deliwr to the other Party, o~ execut~o~ O4 this Laasea certif~d copy of a res04utuo~ 04 its boare of directore authofizm9 the execution 04 this Lease and naming the offcarS that are authorized to e~ecute this Lease on behalf Of the cOtpo,"attOn. 30.4. This Lelse Shell be binding on and artore to the 13~n04il of the Partial and thmr ·ucc~llofi, Ixcept as provitlvd in ~tctlon 14.1, end all 04 the Part·e· hetefo shell be lathfly and Severlily lllbla for the cavillint· cofillinld herlift. 30.5. Rent and III other sums payable under this Lease must be paid in IIv~ul money 04 the United ,States 04 Amerecl. 30.~ Except as prowdid in the Amcle ,tied "DefaulL' ff a Party elocts to terminate this Lease Is ~ herein, the Parties M be relelsecI from further habilit~es and o0hgltlona {m the date the Lelse termir4tas. Landlord Ihlit mum to Tenlit any una~rned rant, 8s long as Tenant is not in default on N clate the Lease terminatas. 30.7. All exhibits referred to are attach~l to this Lelse and inca, fro,·ted by reference he~ein. 30~,. This Lease ·hall be construed and Interprefed in accordance with the laws 04 the Stlte 04 CNif(xnia lid all amendments thereto which occur ·ubseduant Io the execution of ·hi· Lalse. 30.9. This Lease contains Ill the agreements 04 the Patois, and cannlX be amended or modified except by I written agreement ligned by Ill 04 N pert|Is to ·hi· Lelse. 30.10. NI proviston$, wh~her Covenants of conditions. on the part Of Tenant Shill be deemed to be bolh coq4nlms and conditto·. 30.11. The definitions contained in this Lelle Shill be ulld to inlerpr~ this Lelse. 30.12. The use 04 the masculine, leminice of neuter genclof and the ·angular of pturel numl3~ shill be deemed to include the ottwm whenever the context Io r~luires. 30.14. The heldir~s ot titles Io the Articlss Of this Lelse InCl the Ltlse Provislofis Summa~ Ire kx convenmnce only Ind clo not in 8ny way define, limit ot construe the contents Of such Articles. 30.15. Except ms may otherwise be expreseh/·tied, elch payment muir~l to be made by Tenant shatl be in acldit~on to encl not in substitution kx other payments to be made by Tenant. 30.16 Tenant's execution Of this Lease is conclitloned upon Lendkxd'· execution on of bekxw the thirtieth (30th) clay f04towing the EXECUTED as 04 the clay ancl year firm above wTiften, at County, CaMoils. LANDLORD TENANT TI~ CiTY OF TEIT, CtlLA By: ~Ww Po11·ck, General Partner By: David Dtxon, Ctt~ NInige~ N~ID NNN 1~ ADDENIX)M:I: JkDDDIDOM TO LBA,SB BY AID BRTIIBB!I THE CZTT OF TKIIBCUIA~ AS TElANT, AID IZM!)SOR P~-RANCHO TIF)USTR.T. AL, AS DATED d'l]Z,Y 18, 1990 In the event that the City of Temecula and Windsor Partners - Rancho Industrial fail to reach an agreement on the lease or purchase of buildings C and D, then the City agrees to pay Windsor Partners, in addition to the base rent, $930.16 par month of occupancy on the 1,057 square feet of office space in Building A occupied by The City of Temecula. The City of Temecula agrees to professionally clean said space in Building A at its sole cost and expense after they vacate. SSCITY1 .ADD Z · 0 ;1 Landlord's Initials 1'21IIRIT '8' Tenant's !nittals EXHIBIT "D" RULES AND REGULATIONS 14 TM ~ ~ ~. C~ ~H. ~ ~r ~ ~u~ ~mm~ tO On Saturday. S,hdeVs. and ~mm hobdays. and on other ~IM~OE~PM.~I~AM N~.zcmmtMPrlmtMs. !e ~ ~ ~ N ~. m~i Wff~ ~e ~ Wt~t ImPelfly tO ~m I~l ~ ~ e aM turn ~ lit m~ I~ m~ ~r~al ~umpment m~u~ ~ns ~m mn~ m a ~ ~ ~ Mmt,~ w mar ~de~ m~r than mare ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ N ,~ m ~ t~ ~ wnh any N ) ~nm~'l e~(e ~1 ~ toni ~ c~an,~ ~ cl~ IN ~ ~hef man (wm,~ ~l~l S~lt ~ M ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~nlm 't Clm~lMSs and ~e~e m m ~mm~ m ~ ~r ~ C~inl;~l T~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ TO ~ly ~ W~II~ I the ~ ~ ~O'l ~ ~ ~ I*) ~ ~ m (v) ~ a~,~ ~m~ Of tM,r ~ m m M ~n ~t ~ N ~ ~ ~ lu,W,ng ~ INNI m ~ S~l M DrO~ht O~ R Iq is/e6 CrFYOFTEMF, CULA AGENDA I~i~ORT TRAVEL APPROPRIATIONS FOR PARKS TO WASHINGTON, D.C. RONALD RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve participation of Mayor Ronald J. Parks with the Valley Group for the purpose of traveling to Washington, D.C. to meet with congressional representatives and other officials related to economic development and other city-related business. BACKGROUND Mayor Ronald J. Parks has been approached by the Valley Group, which is a group made up of business and community leaders within the Moreno Valley, Perris, and Temecula valleys. The Valley Group is coordinating a Washington, D. C. trip with other community groups from Corona and Hemet. The group is hoping to influence and obtain support for relocation of the Los Angeles Space Systems Division to March Air Force Base in Riverside County. The attendees will also meet with congressional representatives on other city- and area-wide concerns. A tentative list of subjects and programs is attached for your information, as well as other material that may be of interest to you. FINANCIAL IMPACT The cost associated with the trip is $1500. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the City Council approve an amount up to $1500 to cover costs associated with this activity. JUNE 22, 1990 TO~ VALLEY GROUP MEMBERSHIP CORONA GROUP PRESIDENT HEMET GROUP PRESIDENT CITY MANAGERS SPECIAL INVIT=D GUESTS FROM: SUBJECT MARION ASHLEY, AL SYKES, JOE KUEBLER TRIP COORDINATORS WASHINGTON D.C. TRIP SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 Please confirm with Beverly Buckley, (714) 242-7716, if you are going to participate in this most important trLp or not. The group as a whole will leave early Monday morning September 10th and return Saturday September 15th. ~ ! Approximate airline rates from America West and U.S. Air (round trap) are as follows~ GRQUp RATES (10 OR MORE). Non-refundable NON GROUP.(NO CMA~GES) $405 (Group must travel together) 9-10 to 9-15 $447 J~UT.~R PRICES .(WITH ~XCHANGES ALLOWED) Straight (any time) $724 To book and pay for your airline t~ckets please call~ Gail Quirk Uniglobe Travel 676-0046 or Fax 699-6196 Of course you are all welcome to make your own travel arrangements. Page i of 2 VALLEY GROUP WASHINGTON D.C. TRIP SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 15, 1990 We have hooked rooms for the roup at the Washington Marriott Hotel which is only ~ blocks from the White f House. Room prices are as ollows= =. Single Rate .......... $ 165 Dou e Rate ..... 180 Hospitality Suite 250 Friday and Saturday Night Rate - 99 * Frida & Saturday Night Rates include a free breakfast' Please let Beret1 Bucklay know your intentions b~ July 6, 1990. ~so, don't for et to make your axr travel arrangements directly to Uniglo~e Travel. (Identify yourself as part of The Valley Group) Please call if you have any questions. Page 2 Of 2 VALLEY GaOUP ET AL WASHINGTON D.C. TRIP TENTATIVE GROUP SCHEDULE A~D PROGRAM MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 TO FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1990 ~F~TR~R~ ~0. 1990 6m00 P.~. Recap;ion In Bob wolf's suite J.W. Harriet= Hotel Dinner at Old Ebbere Grill nenr out hotel 7,30 A.X. Con%inental breakfame and orientation mee%ing in Bob wol£'s suite a~ the J.W. ~IO~ HOTEL 9xOO A.M. ~o 5mO0 P.M. - Regular scheduled meetingm and visits 7s30 P.M. Nc hos~ dinner in =he "Torpedo Factory" Res~auran~ at Alexandria, irginla 7:30 A.M. =o Noon - Leave the ho~el tot the Pentagon tcr a hemted breakfast and mem~ln with Air Force O~ficers. Ag3nda =o include Los Angeles Air Force Ba~e move of "Space Systems Division" to .M.A.F.B. end Norton A.F.9., M.A.F.B. groundwater ollution, M.A.F.B. Hus4~m and onher br~efings am approprtaZe. lx00'P.H. =o 5800 P.~. - Regular mchedule meetings end vimi~s. Wednesda~ evening - On your ow~ Breakfast - On your own 9m00 A.x. to ~m00 P.M. - Regular mchedule~ meetings end visits. 6aOO Reception f=: all an~endeee and quests a~ %he Sewall-Belmon~ House ~r other o~her suitable facility. PAGE I of 2 ~ VM.,~EY GROU~, ST AL TENTATIVE GROUP SCXSDU~E AND PROGR.~ 'COn~,inued Page 2 oZ 2 K~eak~aS~ on :your own day bum ~our {O~ a%l attendsms lis~u:n home a~ your dis~:e~lon TENTATIVE LIST OF SUBJECTS AND PROGRAM~ WASHINGTON D.C. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10# 1990 TO FRIDAY S=PTEMBZR 14, 1990 · · e INCUD;~G Bp4~?A~T - ONE ~aT,,,F DAy Boa=wriVht w SSD - Space S e~ems Division move =o M.A.F.B. and Nor=on A.~.B. w Groundwa~er pollu=ion at ~.A.T.B, , (G& VeI=} (Ruber~ Parll * M.A.~.B. MUSeum ) · H.A.F.S. Hospl=al and health services and o~her subjects RRIEFING VALLEY GROUP, ET AL TZNTAT=VE LOGISTIC2~L SURVEY WASHINGTON~ D,C, TRI~ MONDAY SEPTEXBZR 10/1990 TO FRIDAY SEPTEIdlSER 14,199) ALR T~VEL PACKA~ ~T~L - J.W. MARRIOTT HOTKL p~) WOT.F VAT.LaY ~a~U~ B~C~PTION - Upon arrival Monday evening and Tues morning a~ k~b Wol{'~ oul~e a~ J.W. Marrio= Xo~el. NO ~T~Nt~.~ - Monday evening dinner at "Old ~r~" De~r Ho~el. Tuesday evening dinner a~ Ebbe~s "The TOrpedo Feo=ory" Alexandria, Virginia, Tr~ - Pen=agon half-de viein Frida~ his~orica~ bus ~our Whi~e House tour Departmen= visit end briefing 8~ ~T~T NR - Marry Saldi~ch - Press En=er$=ise, : ~on~~ Bob Wol~ or assi nee, Consider'inviting Na==~ 8aldi:c[ =o selec=ed mee=[ngs. ~reno Valley Tamsouls COrona Beaumo~= Banning Xeme~ THANK YOU GIFT~ ~ E~P'S CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB#: MTG: DEPT: TITLE: PLOT PLAN NO. 2 A REVISED PERMIT FOR COUNTY PLOT PLAN NO. 11222 DEPT HA~T~- CITY CITY NGR, Reu,,,e,.e. ,daMon That the City Council APPROVE Plot Plan No. 2, a revised permit for County Plot Plan No. 11222, based on the findings contained in the Staff Report, and subject to the Conditions of Approval as amended by the Planning Commission on July 16, 1990, and APPROVE Tentative Parcel Map No. 23q30, Revised No 1, based on the findings contained in the County Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval with the deletion of Road Condition #25. Project Information Applicant: Bedford Properties Representative: Greg Erickson Location: Southwest corner of Winchester Road and Ynez Road. Proposal: 1. To revise a plot plan for an approved ql 3,228 square foot commercial project on ~1 acres as follows: a) An a 12,73~ square foot retail building. b) Reconfigure building square footage with a total net gain in square footage of 15,9~7 square feet for a total of ~29,175 square feet. c) Request for Special Review of parking. To revise the subdivision for the site into 9 commercial lots. Analysis On February lq, 1990, the County Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel map No. 23~30, Revised No. 1, and adopted a Negative Declaration for the project. Minutes from that meeting are attached and incorporated herein. The Temecula Planning Commission, on July 16, 1990, recommended approval of Plot Plan No. 2 to the Council· Normally, final decisions on plot plans are made by the Planning Commission or Planning Director; once they receive their approvals, they are forwarded on to the City Council as "Receive and File" items. However, in this case, these were some recommended mitigation measures proposed by the applicant {see letter dated July 16, 1990) at the Planning Commission meeting which Staff did not have the opportunity to review and comment on. Consequently, the City Attorney recommended that the Commission make a recommendation for approval to the Council and that the item be set for public hearing in order to allow Staff the opportunity to assess the proposed mitigation measures and report their findings to the Council. Staff has reviewed the proposed mitigation measures and has determined the following: Condition No. 22, of the County Flood Department Conditions letter dated December 2, 1989, requires that the following improvements be in place and operational prior to occupancy: ao Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities. Winchester Road at Ynez Road. Ynez Road at Center driveway. As there is some question as to the feasibility of this occurring prior to the proposed opening of the Mervyn's Store, the applicant has requested the following condition: a. Replace Condition No. 22 as follows: "That the developer be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the Winchester/Ynez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. The developer will be responsible for monitoring intersection traffic levels and pay for traffic directors when needed at the time of the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the same level of service at the intersection at current operational level." While Staff is supportive of this proposal, there are some issues which staff feels need to be addressed and resolved. These are: Currently, there is adequate daylight to safely control traffic via the use of traffic directors. However, in a few months, because of the decreasing duration of daylight hours, it may be hazardous to attempt to control traffic via this method without some source of supplemental lighting l if this is feasible). Also, as the City is located within the Palomar Lighting District, there may be some concern about the intensity of the supplemental lighting and its temporary impact on the observatory. If it can be demonstrated that these concerns can be satisfied, then Staff would agree to the Condition as proposed. To this end, Staff has added some wording to require the submittal of a plan to satisfy these concerns, In addition to the applicant proposed mitigation measures, the Commission 2 recommended that the following changes be made to the plan: That the trash enclosure at the north side of Building No. 9 be relocated to the westerly side of the 18 parking stalls north of the building. 2. That a landscape buffer be added behind Buildings I and 2. The extension of the parapet wall for Building 2 to screen the loading and trash areas from view from Apricot Street. The addition of landscape fingers behind Buildings 11 and 13. These Conditions have been incorporated into the revised plans dated July 20, 1990, which were distributed to the Council with this agenda packet. In addition to the request for additional retail space and reconfiguration of buildings, the applicant has requested a modification of the Parking Standards under Ordinance #3~8 to reduce the parking requirements from a ratio of 6.21 per 1,000 square feet of commercial square footage to 5.72 per thousand. The basis for the request was that there are different parking demands based on whether the use is predominantly daytime or nighttime; e.g., in this case, the theatre use offsets the parking demand for the retail commercial uses which typically create the heaviest parking demand during the daytime hours. Because, in this case, the theatre would generate a substantial parking demand {627 cars) and that demand would be created largely during the nighttimes hours and/or weekends, it is StafPs opinion that the parking reduction from 2,~95 stalls to 2,~08 is justified based on the evidence presented by the applicant. R~u,,~.w~nd~tion Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 2, and APPROVE Plot Plan No. 2 based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval as revised below: Condition No. 22: "Developer shall be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the WinchesterlYnez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. As mitigation, the developer will monitor intersection traffic levels and pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the same level of service at the intersection at current operational level." Additionally applicant shall, prior to occupancy of any building, submit a plan to the City for review and approval indicating how they propose to utilize traffic directors under adverse lighting conditions. Said plan shall also include an analysis of any proposed supplemental lighting for consisting with the Palomar Lighting District; and APPROVE Parcel Map No. 23~30, Revised No. 1, based on the Findings made in the County Planning Commission, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval with the deletion of Road Condition No. 25. X-, CITY OF TEMECULA PLANN I NG DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT DATE: CASE NO.: RECONIAENDATION: JULY 2, 1990 I JULY 16, 1990 PLOT PLAN NO. 2, A REVISED PERMIT FOR PLOT PLAN NO. 11222, AMENDED NO. ~ APPROVAL PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Applicant: 2. Representative: 3. Proposal: Location: 5. Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Surrounding Land Uses: 8. Project Statistics: Bedford Properties Crag Erickson Revise an approved 413,228 square foot commercial project on 41 acres to include: a) An additional 12,73q square feet retail b) c) building. Reconfigure building square footages with a total net gain in square footage of 15,9~7 square feet for a total of 429,175 square feet. Request for Special Review of parking. Southwest corner of Winchester Road and Ynez Road. C-P-S Scenic Highway Commercial North: South: East: West: CPS - Scenic Highway Commercial MM - Medium Manufacturing Mostly CPS - Scenic Highway Commercial Across Interstate 15 - Commercial North: South: East: West: Commercial Center Manufacturing Cardiovascular) Vacant (Specific pending ) Interstate 15 (Advanced Plan submittal Approved Total Square Footage: Proposed Total Square Footage: No. of Acres: No. of Approved Parking Spaces: q13,228 sq.ft. ~2g,175 sq.ft. ql acres 2,511 No. of Proposed Parking Spaces: 2,qO8 Percent Increase of Building Square Footage: No. of Driveways on Winchester: 0 No. of Driveways on Ynez: 3 No. of Driveways on Apricot alignment: 0 ANALYSIS Project. Des~DtJcm and B~c:karound On July 2, 1990, the Temecula Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this proposal and instructed Staff to further explore traffic impacts, landscape opportunities, and flooding impacts. Those items have received additional review and associated materials have been attached to this report. This commercial project was originally approved by Riverside County on November 6, 1989. It consisted of a 413,228 square foot commercial project on a 41 acre site. The major anchor tenant for the site is a Mervyn's Department Store, which is now under construction. The project is located at the Southwest corner of Winchester and Ynez Roads. Three driveways service the center from Ynez Road. The project has 1-15 frontage, which plays a major role in the project design and marketing strategy. The site is currently being graded under permit from Riverside County. The grading plan is based on the originally approved plot plan. Differences between the approved plot plan and proposed revised permit do not affect the grading substantially. The revised permit application seeks approval for an additional 12.73q square foot building which the applicant has indicated will be a furniture showroom. Construction of that building will impact the parking allocation both in terms of creating additional demand for parking and losing parking spaces to construct the building. The applicant has requested that the parking allocation be reviewed pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 3~8 titled "Request for Special Review of Parking". A Parking analysis is contained in this report as is the justification provided by the applicant. Additionally, the developer seeks shifts in building oonfkJurations which adds approximately 3,213 square feet (0.8% increase exclusive of the furniture showroom )of space to the site. The total proposed increase is 15,9~7 square feet of additional retail area. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS An initial study was conducted for this project end has been attached for review. Staff identified the following imports as potentially significant: 1. Location of the project within 100 year flood zone boundaries, 2. Traffic impacts associated with the entire development as revised and expanded. -2- Staff concluded that with proper health and safety mitigations, the project was not likely to create significant or unavoidable impacts. The initial study and Notice of Determination have been attached which describe potential harmful effects and mitigation measures. The Planning Staff is recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration for the project. BUILDING CONFIGURATION CHANGES BuildiN No. ts 10 thrmmh 22 This major building segment backs up to Interstate 15 and is comprised primarily of the Mervynls Department Store, a theatre complex, a supermarket/warehouse store, a Pier 1 Store and a mix of smaller shops and restaurants. A net gain of 1,280 square feat would be realized in this building grouping if the revised permit application is approved. The only significant footprint change is the shift in the theatre building which improves its frontage on Interstate 15. The change in elevations for building No. 's 10, 11, 17, and 22 have not bean described or depicted in the application. Buildinca No. I This 12,73q square foot building constitutes the bulk of the proposed changes. It replaces area previously allocated for parking. The architecture is acceptable and compatible with the rest of the center. The additional square footage constitutes approximately a q% increase of building area for the project. Staff finds the proposed increase acceptable and without significant impact. The executive traffic summary prepared in July, 1990, concluded that approximately 7 peak hour trips would be added as a result of this building. BuildiN No.~s 2 throuqh 9 This building grouping lies along Ynez Road. It is comprised of a K-Mart, two savings and loans, two restaurants (not drive-thru's) and three small commercial buildings. The approved site plan did have two drive-thru restaurants, but those ere no longer part of the application. A net gain of 2,:3~; square feat would be realized for this building grouping if the revised permit is approved. The proposed increase is not significant. The executive traffic study concludes that this general increase would result in approximately 8.l~ additional peak hour trips. BulldiM No. ~s 23 throuah 27 This centrally located building grouping is proposed for a total 39 square foot reduction in apace. It is comprised of mostly small merchant shops and a Music Plus audio/vide store. The proposed changes to this section of the site plan are not significant. CIRCULATION Circulation on-sita is adequate. Threa driveways service the project from Ynez Road. One driveway is right-in, right-out only. The central major driveway has 2 lanes turning in, and 3 lanes turning out, the third most southerly driveway also has a left turn pocket from Ynez; all controlled through a traffic signal the developer is required to construct. The traffic signal should provide ample left hand turn opportunity into the most southerly driveway. -3- Two additional traffic signals have been required to be constructed on Winchester Road prior to the project opening, although not at the developerrs direct expense. Improvements to both sides of Ynez Road will be constructed at the applicants expense rather than through the area assessment district. The traffic study was reviewed and accepted as adequate by the Engineering Department. Mitigation measures arising from the impacts of this project are attached in the Conditions of Approval. An executive traffic summary was submitted July 10, 1990. It concluded that additional proposed building area constituted negligible peak hour impact. It further pointed out that the study had been predicated on a total site build-out of approximately 26,000 square feet mere than now proposed. _ PARKING ANALYSIS On May Q, 1990, the applicant submitted a Request for Special Review of Parking (see attached information dated May Q) . Ordinance No. ~ allows for shared use of facilities when it can reasonably be projected that parking needs will occur at different times of the day. The theatre use would occur primarily at night and requires space for 627 cars. 50% of those spaces would be equivalent to 31Q required ~tces, which is the permitted maximum parking reduction allowed by the code. The furniture store is primarily a day use. As detailed in the request, the parking reduction appears reasonable. CONSISTENCY WITH THE SOUTHWEST AREA C0111UNITY PLAN The Southwest Area Community Plan (SWAP) has been adopted as a policy guide for land use decisions by the City Council. This project is consistent with the land use designation suggested by the plan. The project is consistent with the Goals contained in SWAP, with the exception of Goal E, which suggests that open space be retained in areas subject to seismic impacts ( liquefaction ) and flooding. The original Plot Plan No. 11222 has been previously approved, however, end the site is most appropriately utilized in a commercial capacity given its proximity to major roads and the freeway. The project is basically consistent with the Scenic Highway policies mined in SWAP, in terms of design, use, and setbacks. PROBABLE CONSISTENCY WITH i HE FUTURe: GEN/:RAL PLAN Due to the level of consistency that this project maintains with SWAP Goals and Policies, and based on previous determinations made for Plot Plan No. 11222 by the County of Riverside, Staff finds that Plot Plan No. 2, a revised permit for Plot Plan No. 11222, is likely to be consistent with the Cjtyts Future General Plan when it is miopted by the City of Temecula. FINDINGS AND SUPPORTING FACTS The site for the proposed use is suitable in size to accommodate the proposed project, -4- Facts in Support of Findlrm Adequate area is provided for all proposed structures. Adequate parking is also provided. Landscaping on site exceeds Ordinance No. 3q8 requirements in terms of required percentages. The internal circulation/parking plan should not create traffic conflicts as design provisions include driveways and parking areas in confomance with adopted City standards. The Special Review of Parking indicated adequate parking will be provided. Findinu The proposed intensity of use will not have a substantial adverse impact on adjacent properties. Fects in Support of FindiN; The proposal is similar in intensity beth to the original plot plan approval and to surrounding properties. A regional mall is proposed gross Ynez Road. A q-story manufacturing facility is proposed immediately to the south. Adequate area and design features provide for siting of proposed facilities in terms of landscaping. parking and internal traffic circulation. Findino The project as conditioned will not likely have an adverse impact on traffic circulation. Facts in Suplxtt of Findin~ The proposal is a large project conditioned to provide an infrastructure level commensurate with its size. Winchester, Ynez and Apricot Roads will all be appropriately improved to avoid adverse impact. Reference potential off-site circulation impacts and recommended mitigation measures contained in the Conditions of Approval and noted above and discussed further in the approved traffic study and Executive Summary. The proposed use will not likely generate excessive noise, vibration, or other disturbance resulting from use of the site, FEet in Sumxrt of Findin. The project does not propose any use that would create any extreme noise or disturbance. The surrounding properties include commercial, manufacturing, and transportation uses. -5- 5. Findin~ The project is considered consistent with the current zoning of the subject site. Fact in Sumxx't of Findirm The proposed use conforms with those uses listed as "Allowed" within the project site's existing CPS (Scenic Highway Commercial) land use designation. Findin~ The project will not have a significant adverse affect on the environment. Fact in SuNart of Findinu A Negative Declaration is recommended for adoption. Impact mitigation is realized by conformance with the project's Conditions of Approval. Findin. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the City's General Plan, once adopted, based on analysis contained in the staff report. Fact in Sulxxe't of Find(N; The project is under construction in an area generally recognized as commercial property. The project is consistent with the SWAP land use designation. FiNtna There is not a probability of detriment to, or interference with the future General Plan if the proposed use is ultimately inconsistent with the new General Plan. Fact In Sumxe't d~ FindiM The project is in substantial conformance with existing and anticipated land use and design guidelines and recommendations as discussed in the project Analysis. Findirm The project should not inhibit or restrict future ability to use active or passive solar energy systems. Fact in Sumart of Rndin~ Adequate structural exposure exists for passive solar heating and landscaping, and architectural features are provided for shading/cooling during summer months. 10. Rndinq The site of the proposed use is provided adequate access. Fact in Sumxx-t of Finditto The project currently proposes three independent driveways accessing Ynez Road which has been determined to be adequate by the City Engineer. 11. Rndirm The lawful conditions stated in the approval are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Fact in Support of Findiem Ae The conditions stated in the approval are based on mitigation measures necessary to reduce or eliminate potential adverse impacts of the project as discussed in the above Findings, Facts, body of the Staff Report. and initial Environmental Study. 12. Rndirm That findings stated above are supported by minutes. maps, exhibits. correspondence and environmental documents associated with this project and herein incorporated' by reference. Fact in Support d Findir~ Reference the attached Staff Report, Exhibits, Initial Study and Conditions of Approval. RECOIIAENDATION Staff, zcc,,,~lends that the Planning Commission: ADOPT the Negative Declaration for Plot Plan No. 2. and APPROVE Plot Plan No. 2 based on the analysis and findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. SJRIks Att: :!t,~nta: 1. Conditions of Approval 2. Initial Study 3. Traffic Study q. Amended Site Plan 5. Letter dated 7-10-90 from Applicant 6. Hydrolegy Report -7- July 16, 1990 VT~ HAND D~.T.IVERY BEDFORD PROPERTIES Mr. Gary Thornhill Director of Planning CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 PaLM Pla~ PP#2 ~NDED ]1 Dear Gary: The plot plan will go before the Planning Commission tonight. I will bring up a Road Department condition requiring that the Winchester/Ynez signal and Winchester Road from 1-15 to Ynez be completed prior to occupancy. We will request this condition to be modified as follows: "Developer shall be allowed to occupy 60% of the leasable area of the center prior to completion of the Winchester/Ynez traffic signal and Winchester Road improvements from 1-15 to Ynez Road. As mitigation, the developer will monitor intersection traffic levels and pay for traffic directors when needed at the intersection after opening until the improvements are completed, so as to keep the same level of service at the intersection at current operational level." There is a traffic report to support the above recommendation. I have discussed the matter with Dave Dixon and he supports our proposal. I hope to have staffms support at tonight's hearing. Sincerely, Greg~AS~Eri~ck n so Area Manager /dh Enclosure cc: Tim Serlet Bedford Pr~.perties, Inc. A Diversified Real Estate Development and Management Company Mailing Address P.O. Box 9016 Temecula, California 92390-0736 28765 Single Oak Drive Suite 200 Temecula, California 92390 'telephone 714 676-5641 MAP COMPILED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT. JANUARY 1982 :% I'IIINI' aIq'IIO, XBAIT ICALI: TO 4.1'6 MILil IIl~!llllll CO UNTV R.ilN6 DIF'AIITMENT July 23, 1990 BEDFORD PROPERTIES RECEIVED .jUt 2 3 1990 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Sam Reed Planning Department CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 SUBJECT: PP #2, CITY COUNCIL Dear Sam: The Planning Commission made various recommendations in a resolution to the City Council on July 16th. I've had the site plan revised to reflect their requests as follows: o Relocate trash enclosure on Pad 9. o Added landscape buffer behind Buildings 1 and 2. o Added screen wall at Building 2. Height matches Mervyn's as requested by the Council. o Added landscape fingers behind Buildings 11 and 13. We are looking forward to the City Council adopting the Planning Commission's recommendations for approval on July 31st. Mervyn's will also attend the hearing. I've enclosed 8 site plans for your distribution and reduction. Sincerely, Grego'~A. Erickson Area Manager GAE/dh Enclosures cc: Gary Thornhill F ,If,, d l'rnperties, Inc. .,\ l )ix.,-; ':' '. - ~f,.d Real Estate I ',,: v,-l,T,nent and ~ l ~nor .~ m?nt CornFaro, - ,, , Mailing Address P.O. Box 9016 l'en~ecula, California 92390-0736 28765 Single Oak Drive Suite 200 Temecula, California 92390 Telephone 714 676-5641 APPROV~.n PP #11222 I~I~VTSI~.D pI~.T~MTT #~- CI~ANG~. 2 86,887 3 7,500 4 4,050 5 3,400 6 3,793 7 7,600 8 2,500 9 6,000 10 10,000 11 52,826 12-16 44,292 17 76,500 18-23/18-22 65,389 24-28/23-27 33.~91 13,812 +13,812 86,479 - 408 7,855 + 355 4,050 -0- 3,400 -0- 4,450 + 657 7,600 -0- 5,000 + 2,500 5,240 - 760 10,020 + 20 52,826 -0- 44,377 + 85 76,186 - 314 66,532 + 1,143 33.~93 - 68 404,028 Sq. ft. 421,050 Sq. ft. +17,022 PARXING RATIO: 6.21/1000 5.72/zooo Overall increase in area is 4%. Increase is .8% without Building One. Building One use is home furnishings, requiring 1/750 parking. Bore: Building numbers shifted by one digit due to elimination of a building number on the revised permit. BEDFORD PROPERTIES lay 4, 1990 Planning Department CIT~ OF T~!ECUIA 43172 Business Park Drive Teaecula, CA 92390 ~z R.IVIBBDI!ItIaT CI~l PP #2~ NLLM PIJ, BA Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this morning. We have an application and fee paid for Plot Plan e2. However, based on our conversation, we are now requesting an alternate procJramfor parking in accordance with Ordinance e348. The specificpartion of the alternate program is the shared parking section. Under this section, we can request up to a 50% reduction in rsquirsments based on night and day uses. - Nighttime use is a 29,650 sq. ft., 1880 seat cinema requiring 627 cars (1/3 seats). - Daytime use is a home furnishing retail user (Interior 2urroundings) for 13,812 sq. ft. - Overall center parking Is 2408 stalls, 2,495 are required. The canter is 87 cars short or 3.5t overall. ~asedonthe 50% reduction of the cinema requirement to 313.5 cars, thecenter would exceedtheovsrallparking requiredby226.5 cars. The 226.5 excess parking figure is computed as follows: SOt reduction of cinm adds 313.5 cars to the 2,408 spaces provided to 2,721.5 cars. Subtracting the parking required of 2,495 from 2,721.5 leaves 226.5 excess spaces. The above shared parking analysis closely matches the parking assessment provided by Linecart, law & Greenspan ~ngineers dated lipril 20, 1990. In their report, they determined t hat the shopping center, with the addition of Building 1, would still have 250 excusparktngstalls. Be~ord P~pe~es, ~c. A I~,v~s:-.:ie~ Real E~ate D~'elopmer.: and RL-~agemem Company Mailing Address P.O. !~x 9016 Teme,-ula. Callfen'trim 28765 Smile Oak Drive State 200 Teme~.tla. California 92390 'Iel~Fh~:;~ 67~.-F,:,41 !tr. San Reed Planning !)epartmen;c CX'A' OF May 4, 1990 - Page 2 Finally, if the total project square footage of 421,050 is compared to the 2,408 spaces provided, the parking ratio is S.72/1,000. · ccording to the ULI parking requirements for shopping centers, projects with 400,000-600,000 square feet require an average of 4.~/1,000. This provides an excess of 513 cars. I look forward to hearing the results of the staff meeting on Nay 17, 1990 regarding the project. Sincerely, ~reaXanager (4) Shared Perklq Requireaunts: The Plannlng DIrector my, upon application by the owner or lessee of any J~,~pe, kY. authorize shared use of perking facilities under. tM conditions specified hereIn: tip to fiftY percent (SOl) of tim required perking facilities of · use matdared to he Ftmrl mighttime ese;. am aF to fifty perGet (t3) Of the kmq.Frimlred perking fKI Ilttee for a use considered to rlly e nighttim matY he provided b7 the larktel facilities of I lie Geesidereal to he primarily · daytime ese; Iwevtded, hoarere that such Factprice I perking Irrangements She I I be reject to the ceedltloes set forth tn Paragraphs l, b end c helen of this subsection. TIm folioring uses ire t~plcal primarily daytim mean: hanks, hellmess offices, prefesslonal offices, medical clinics, Service stores, retat l stores (vlth Italted ho, rs), menulecturer/wholesale stores (irlth Italtad heurlJ, grade schools, end high schools. The fol Iolrlng ales Ire typlCa I I)rlmerl ly nighfilm uses: leiltng alle),s, dance he1 theterse restaurants (with !Illted hours), bern, nightclubs, aodltortuas, end meeting ha1 Is. uses, such as cherchos, schools and g)anasla or offices conbleed vtth recreational facilities, lay IIIov use of shared perking fact Itttes.' Conditions required for shared larklng are: e. The hat Idtng or use for vhtch an applt'catton ts being lade shell be lecat4d vtthtn 150 feet of the existing off-street perktrig facilitY. b. SelfIcier ivtdence lhll I be presented to the Planning Delartaent demonstrating that no substantial conflict tn the prtnctlal hours or FarINs of peak and of the structures or eses for ,hlch tim Jotnt use 11 proposed w111 exist. c. Parties cancerend In'the use of shared use of off-street perking facilities shell evidence agreeBent for such Joint use IW a proper legal tastrum.t recor~d tn 1M office ¥ CoUnty · tM Iscorder u~th lao coplea thereof filed wlth the ktldteg end bfetY Oelartaont. t but for Sl~c al lay ev of Parking. Farking re(lucttons or modifications excee(ltng the maxtime speclfted In bctton 18.12 (e) (l). (3) real (4) my M Kented as pert of a review of · davelolment plan, plot plan, subdivision, coMltlonai ell peruIt, public use pemtt, suffice LINSCOTT, LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGINEERS TRANSPORTATION PLANNING · TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, PARKING 8885 RIO SAN DIEGO DRIVE, SUITE 247, SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92108, (619) 299-3090 Apd 20, X990 Mr. Greg Erichon Bedford Properties P.O. Box 9016 Temecula, CA 92390-0736 PHILIP M. UNSCOTT, P.E JACK M GREENSPAN. P.E. WILLIAM A. LAW, P.E. PAUL W. WILKINSON, LEON D. WARD, P.E. DONALD W. BARKER, P.E Subject: ~alrn P]avn Assessment, Temecula, California Dear Greg: Per your request we have prepared the following assessment of the parking needs for the 430,000 square foot Palm Plaza project, located in the southeast quadrant of 1-15/ Winchester Road in Temecula. The project is proposing to provide 2,408 parking spaces. You indicated that the parking calculations prepared by others for your project did not lake into account the characteristics of specific project land uses. You are correct in assuming that theaters complement retail uses, not compound the parking demand, as outline! below. SHARED PARKING CONCEPT A shared use parking demand analysis was performed by time-of-day for weekdays and Saturday. The shared parking concept considers the fact that in a multiple-use environment, not all of the land uses experience their peak parking characteristics at the same time. For example, planned retail uses traditionally have daytime parking peaks, while theater and restaurant uses generally peak during the evening hours. Rather than simply adding the peak parking need of each land use, as is usually done in a lypica] code parking computation, the demand generated by each use has realistic demand pattern which illustrates the most probable number of parking spaces needed to support the planned mix of uses throughout the day. The Urban Land lnstitute's (ULI) Shared Parkjar* hourly demand factors represent a methodology for determining parking need which takes into account differing demand patterns as they occur in real operations. The extent of shared parking depends on the type, size and character of the land uses involved, as well as other factors such as location, surrounding land uses, social/economic environment, and availability of alternative modes of ~nation. *Shared Partial: de Utbe~ Land Institute:, WadtinVon. D.C-, 19e3: p~. 47. OTHER OFFICES · CObrA MESA' (714) 641-1587 * PASADENA: (213) 681-2629 AN LG2WB COMPANY Bedford Properties April 20, 1~0 ~ge ~o Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers The shared use concept was incorporated into this analysis but only the theater parking accumulation percentages have been modified to reflect the results of similar parking studies undertaken by Linscott, Law & greenspan (LLG). ULI shows that the theaters are at 70% of the maximum parking demand between 1:00 and 6:00 PM, every day of the week. This does not seem reasonable and is not supported by local studies. MIXED-USE CONCEPT The mixed use parking concept considers the fact that when two or more complimentary land uses are located close to one another (i.e. within walking distance) they ten to support one another. Persons patronizing one !and use may also patronize a second out of convenience without generating any additional parking demand. Consider the example of a hotel located adjacent to a retail/restaurant development. ULI studies of this situation show that greater than 75 percent of the hotel guests are likely to patronize the adjacent retail/restaurant uses during their hotel stay with out creating any additional parking demand. The mixed-me parking effects for the Palm Pl.'.~za project are considered to be potentially significant between the theater or restaurant and the smaller retail shops. However, the exact magnitude of these effects is hard to determine without very specific and detailed research. The effects of mixed-use parking demands have not been included in this analysis with the intention of generating a conservative estimate of the peak parking demand. PARKING DEMAlXq2) ANALYSIS The parking demand analysis is based on the following assumptions: I) The land uses consist of the uses outlined on the Site Plan prepared by SGPA dated April 5, 1990. 2) Parking demand was derived using a "shared use" analysis. The parking demand rates are from ULI and ITE, without adjustment. 4) The accumulation curves are based on data derived by the ULI, however, the theater accumulation percentages have been modified to better reflect LLG's experience on similar projects and the specific uses of this project. Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Bedford Properties . ru page three s) The project will experience a "mixed-use" parking demand to some degree. However, m~ed-use characteristics were not accounted for in this analysis in order to obtain a conservative parking demand estimate. The enclosed Tables 1 and 2 show the gross parking demand for each individual planned land use for a weekday or Saturday, respectively. The number of spaces shown in the right-hand column reflects the cumulative parking demand by time-of-day for both weekdays and Saturdays. Table 3 contains the hourly accumulation percentages used to calculate peak demand. The following paragraphs summarize the parking demand characteristics for each of the proposed !and uses on a Saturday, which is the worst case. Retail Parking Demand Maximum parking accumulation for the combined retail uses is estimated to be 1,869 spaces at 2:00 PM. In the evening, the demand l~r the retail uses is expected to drop significantly. The Saturday demand rate of 5 spaccs/KSF is conservative and ULI indicates the 4.2. space/KSF would be appropriate. The higher rate used allows for better customer service during the holiday season. Financial Parking Demand Maximum parking accumulation for this use is estimated to be 31 spaces from 11:00 AM to 1.'00 PM. The parking generation rate is 2.1 spaces/KSF. Banks and Savings and Loans are busiest on weekdays, especially Friday. Saturdays traditionally have had a very low parking demand, but this has been changing recently. Parking accumulation rates are assumed to be the same as for office uses, since UL] does not specifically identify financial uses. Restaurant Parking Demand Maximum parking accumulation is projected to be 233 spaces from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Friday and Saturday nights are typically the busiest. Parking accumulation rates were taken directly from ULI and have not been modified. Bedford Properties Apr~ 20, 1990 page four Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers Movie 'l~eater Parking Demand Maximum parking accumulation for this use is estimated to be 564 spaces at 9:00 PM. The parking generation rate of 0.30 space/street is from ULI for both Friday and Saturday. The other days of the week are lypically much lower. This rate is higher than the rate derived from parking surveys conducted by LLG over the past ten years. Our studies show that the "newer generation" of multi-plex theaters have about 60% occupancy due to the staggering of movie start times and that all of the theaters in the complex are not full simultaneously or all showing block buster movies. COMBINED PARKING ACCUMULATION The total parking accumulation has been calculated by hour of day for Saturday. It is anticipated that a maximum combined demand of 2,139 spaces will occur at 3:00 PM. The parking lots will provide 2,408 spaces. The supply will typically exceed the anticipated demand by over 250 spaces. We would be pleased to provide you with supf;oning documentation as necessary and call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, LINSCOTr, LAW & GREENSPAN Senior Transportation En~nccr .]PK/pb ~-900392 TABLE 1 MEEKDAY PARKING ACCUHULATION BY HOUR PROOECTz PALH PLAZA, LL8 CZNENA ACCLJHULATION, 4/19/90, 3929. NK1 USE SIZE PARKXN8 RATE II:I)SS SPACES FINANCIAL RETAIL RESTAURANT CINEMA 14.69 KSF 373.88 KSF 11.65 KSF 1880 SEATS 4.2/KSF 3.8/KSF 20/KSF 0.3/SEAT 62 SPACES 1421 SPACES 233 SPACES 564 SPACES HOt jR OF DAY NET SPACES NET SPACES NET SPACES NET SPACES 6~00 A. 2 0 0 0 7~OOAN 12 114 5 0 8:00 AI'I 39 256 12 0 9:00AM 58 597 23 0 lO:OOAlq 62 966 47 0 11:00 ~ 62 1236 70 17 12500 Nn 56 1378 117 17 1500 PM 56 1421 163 23 2:00 PM 60 1378 140 39 3500PPI 58 1350 140 39 4500 PPI 48 1236 117 39 5:00 PH 29 1123 163 73 6:00 P!~ 14 1165 210 203 7500F'I'i 4 1265 233 299 8:00 PM 4 1236 233 412 9:OOPH 2 867 233 508 10:00 PIq 2 455 210 564 I1:00 PPI 0 185 163 344 12:00 rid 0 0 117 305 TOTAL NET SPACES 2 131 306 678 1075 1385 1568 1662 1618 1587 1440 1388 1592 1801 1885 , $ , 1609 $ 1230 | 692 421 1885 2280 PARKING NEED WITH SHARED USE: PARKING NEED WITHOUT SHARED USE: TABLE 2 SATURDAY PARKING ACCUHULATION BY HOUR PROOECT-' PRLM PLAZA, LLS CINEt'I~ ACCUMULATION, 4/19/90, 392B. NK1 USE SIZE PARKIN8 RATE GROSS SPACES HDURC)F'iX~Y 6zOO N'I 9:00 N'I 10=00 ~ 11=00 12zOO Mn 1:00 PI'I 2:00 4:00 PH 5:00 PI'I 6s00 PI'I 7=00 PH 8=00 PN 9s00 PI'I 10=00 P'I'I 11:00 F~ 12=00 ~d FINANCIAL RETAIL RESTAURANT CINEMA 14.69 KSF 373,88 KSF 11.65 KSF 1880 SEATS 2,1/KSF 5/KSF 20/KSF 0,3/SEAT 31 SPACES 1869 SPACES 255 SPACES 564 SPACES NET SPACES NET SPACES NET SPACES NET SPACES 0 0 0 0 6 56 5 0 19 187 7 0 25 561 14 0 25 841 19 0 31 1364 25 17 31 1589 70 85 25 1776 105 107 19 1869 105 135 12 1869 105 152 12 1682 105 169 6 1402 140 245 6 1215 210 316 6 1121 221 344 6 1028 25~ 406 0 748 255 564 0 710 221 519 0 243 198 254 0 0 16~ 20~ PARKING NEED NITH SHARED USE: PARKING NEED WITHOUT SHARED USE: TOTAL NET SPACES 0 67 212 599 884 1456 1774 2012 2128 2139 , 1969 1790 1747 169:~ 1675 1545 1450 695 3,66 2697 TABLE 3 m PERCENTAEES OFF ICE RETA ! L RESTAURANT LILI LILI tILl tILl ULI ULI NO NO NO NO NO NO NKDY BAT I, IKDY SAT W-.DY SAT 3:¢ OX OX OY, OX 0/. 20/. 20X 8X 3X 2X 2X 637. 60X 187. IOX 5X 37. 937. 807. 42X 307. 107. 6X IOOZ 807. 6BX 457. 20X 87. 100:¢ 1007. 877. 73'/. 307. IOX 90X IOOX 97X 85Z 50:¢ 30X 90X 80Z IOOX 95X 70X 45X 97X bOX 97X 1007. 60X 45X 93X 40X 95X IOOX bOX 45X 77X 40X 87X 90~ 50~, 45X 47Z 20X 79X 75X 70X 60~, 23~, 20:( B2X bSX 90X 90X 7~, 20Z 89X 60X 1007. 95X 7Z 20X 87X 55Z IOOX IOOX 3~( OZ 617. 407. IOOX 1007. 3~, 0~. 32~. 38'/, 90X 95~. 07. OX 13X 13X 707. 857. OX OX OX OX 50X 70X CINEHA LL6 LL6 P:~T OX OX OX OX OX 4X 24X 27X 30X 13X 72~ 100~ 45~ P 31/. 13 '~ 16:32 TO 714 6'76 3385 FROH Hilbur ~th Rs, Ph~, T-52e P,~ WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS · PLANNERS 2d06 S. 241h STI~FF:T--~.UITE L.2~0, HI IOENIX. AZ, ~5034 · {6~1 275-5'14~. · TELEX b73439 July 3.3, 1990 1~..: PAI~ PLAZA In response to your recent request, Wilbur Smffh Associates has completed an aueument of peak-hour traffic conditions in the tmmcdtatc vicinity of Palm Plaza for the following o 60 percent bm'ld-out of Palm Plaza; o Projected opening in October, o Improvement of Ynez Rond to six lanes adjacent to site; o Existing intersection approach lane con~2uration on Winchester Road at Ynez Road; o Existing approach isme con~Suration at the southbound Ynez Road approach to Winchesxer Road; o Four-way stop control at Ynez Road/Winchester Road intersection; o Si2~nHntion of the Winchester Road/I-13 ramp intersections; and o St~,tlt?~tion of the Main Palm Plaza access driveway intersection with Ynez Road. Ai BANY.NY · ALL lANCe.OH · CAIF~'C).FGYPT · CI.U',~FSTON.SC, COLLIMB~A. SC · FALLS CH~H.VA · NC)NG, KONG · HOU~TO N.,X, KNOXVILI E.TN KUA .A tUMPUI~.MALAYSIA · LEXING I(3N,KY · MIAMI.FL · NEW HAVEN.CT · O~LAN[.)O.FL · PHOENIX.A7 · PiTTSBUitGN.PA · Pi'~VlDI:NCEIfi r?ALLIGH.NC · RICHIVlOND.VA · IIOSFL iFJl · SAN FRANCISCO.CA e SINGAPORE, TORONTOCANADA · WASHING1ON.DC · WOODBI;qDGF.NJ The analysis addresses PM peak-hour conditions since this is when projea-related traffic and non-project (ba~d) traffic arc m $:i~ ~ k~l.. McthocioloZX used in the ana!~ included Highway Capacity Manual methodology for four-way stop conditions and ICU ~-me g~ Fatlmated 1990 PM peak-hour vohnncs with 60 percent project build-out arc depicted in Figure I. Trsmc forecasts were developed in the following manna: o Evcnin2 pcak-hour traffic counts taken in latc 198~ wcrc incrcascd by 15 percent to estimate back{round traffic for October, o Projea traffic ~eneration and mieZxment assumes: - 60 percent dcvclopmcnt of Pakn Plaza (approxixnatcly 2j7,{~0 square fcct of 2ross leasable floor arca); - 15 percent Imss-by Uidic; and - Same distribution pattern ss in previous Palm Pl_s~ studies. o BackSround trmdc and new project traffic were combined to arrive at total traffic volumes at project openi~ It should be noted that the estimated project traffic (at projcct opening) represents a conservative estimate since the maximum patronage/sales expectations are not typically achieved at project opening and often take several years to be resli-cd. Tfm~lc Ammabrsls FireinStants Anaby2 of the bur-way stop control at the Ynez Road/W'mchester Road intersection indicated an estimated Level of Service D capacity of approximately 3,0~0 v~hicles per hour and a PM peak service volumc at project opening o[ 2 3UL 16 'ge 819:52 TO 714 6?6 3395 FROH Wilbur Smith Re. Phx. T-5'3~ P. B2 ap~,mxlmately 3,220. This would put the peak-hour Level of Service into the E ranSe of operation. The ICU analysis of ~e signsli~,ed Winchester Road intersections at the 1-15 access ramps ruulted in borderline Level of Service C/D or better during the critical PM peak hour. o The ICU analysis of the signalized Main project access driveway intersection on Ynez Road indicated Level of Service A operation during the PM peak hour. Based on the conservative estimate of background and projea-related traffic volumes, the analysis results indicate less than desirable traffic conditions would be experienced at the four-way stop controlled Ynez Road/Winchester Road intersection during the critical PM peak hour. In our jud~ement, the intersection would likely operate at borderline Level of Service D/E. In any case, less critical AM and Midday peak periods would more than likely operate at "D' or better. RecommeWkd Mtt~V.tion Given the uncertainties regarding the acnud trip generation of the partially completed Palm Plaza, we would propose the fonowing mitigative actions be taken: 1. Implement all improvements assumed on page one of this analysis. 2. At project opening, carefully monitor traffic operation at the Ynez Road/Winchester Road intersection during the AM, Midday, and PM peak periods with the four-way stop control Maintain a traffic control officer on duty monitoring in the event that traffic operation is determined unacceptable with the bur-way stop control The monitoring program should be undertaken for at least 3. Based on observations of traffic conditions during the initial monitoring program, peak periods would be identified in which traffic control officers would be needed to provide, acceptable operatinS conditions at the intersection. A recommended program would be provided to the City for approval. JLIL 1G 'eJe 8t9:53 TO 714 G?G 3385 FROrl Idilbur ~m~th Rs. Phx. T--538 P.~3 4. Periodic monitoring would be continued on a monthly basis until the permanent tmfBc si2nal is installed at the intcrscction. The Traffic Control Officer Program would maintain or improve the existing service levels at the intersection after Palm l'~=,~ opera. If you have any questions regarding our analysis and/or recommendations, please don't huitatc to call SiDcerely~ Robert A. Davis Senior Transpox',ation Bngineer RAD/Sn Attachment 257600 4 .jelJl_ 13 'cJ9 16:35 TO 714 6~ ~ ~ Wilbur Smith A$.Phx, T~ P,~ 11~1 los--, ~448- .:: .._, 221~ 987 Figure 1 Estimated 1990 PM Peak Hour Traffic With 60% Project Build-Out Palm Plaza July 10, 1990 BEDFORD PROPERTIES VTA RAND nRT.TV~.Ry Mr. Gary Thornhill Director of Planning CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 8UB~ECTt PLOT PLAN Dear Mr. Thornhill: I would like to respond to the Planning Commission's concerns raised at the public hearing on July 2, 1990. I felt that there were three different areas of discussion: design, engineering and traffic issues. These will be addressed in order. Backup information, plans and studies are enclosed with this letter. Please forward this to the Planning Commission. nesign.* Building 2 screen wall. We will include a screen wall that faces toward the future Apricot Street. Please see enclosed plan. - Landscape fingers. We will add two fingers behind Buildings 11 and 13. They have been added to the amended #1 Site Plan. Landscape theme, Plans, canopy trees, shrubs and grass make up the street scape theme. I enclosed a small rendering of a section along that road to provide the Commission with a clear picture. There is an enclosed rendering for reference. Building area. The site plan is revised from our previous exhibit. The plan increases the area by 31 square feet. Please refer to the Plot Plan #2, amended #1 Site Plan enclosure. e~_aineer4nqt - HTdraulic/hydrolog~ study. A study was prepared by J.F. Davidson dated April 1990 and approved by the Riverside County Bedford Properties, Inc. Mailing Address 2878 Single Oak Drive Telephone A Diversified Real Estate P.O. Box 9016 Suite 200 Development and Temecula, California Temecula, California 676-5641 Management Company 92390-0736 92390 Nr. Gary Thornhill Director of Planning CITY OF TENECULA auly 10, 1990 - Page 2 Flood Control District. The recommendations of the study were incorporated into our grading and improvement plans and later approved by the District. A copy of the report is enclosed. Traffic2 Mello P~os District, The District has been formed. Currently, the City of Temecula is requesting proposals from engineers for design services. The bonds should sell in September 1990. Construction could start on Apricot in approximately 15-18 months. Dedication of land for Apricot. The City Council has designated Apricot a regional benefit for the City of Temecula. Therefore, the CSty Council has determined right- of-way should be acquired by the District. apri~t tlignment. The alignment plan is included as an Exhibit. Adequate land is set aside to accommodate the right- of-way. ACSts plot plan (PP #1) also reflects this alignment. The same engineer is handling both projects. Traffic study. Wilbur Smith & Associates performed the traffic study in July 1989. Subsequent to that study, various other focused studies were done. There is also an executive summary to address the Commissions comments included as an Exhibit. - aegicnal improvements. The site in the planning process set aside land for Apricot, loop ramp and Ynez Road to 134 ROW. The traffic study had the following findings: o Project size in the study in July 1989 was 455,230 sq. ft. This is over 5% larger than now proposed, therefore covering our requested increase in area. This provides a favorable margin of error. The Executive Summary and a previous update reflects 3 (not'4) driveways. A specific studyaddressed the left turn in movement (no left out) at the south intersection and determined the movement to be safe due to gaps caused by spacing of traffic signals. !~. ~ry ~hoz~d~ill Director of Planning CITY OF TENECUL& July 10, 1990 - Page 3 o Apricot overcrossing intercepts Ynez approximately 1/4 mile south of the main entrance signal. This spacing is generally acceptable for signalized intersections. Growth. The traffic study addressed the development of the Temecula Regional Center, various other projects and long range growth forecast. These projections were used to determine future needs. Service levels. The project with mitigation provides service levels of "C" or better at opening in 1990-1991. This is within the acceptable range. The project with the required'road improvements will improve service levels over the existing construction conditions due to the extensive mitigations. The 1-15 Winchester overcrossing will operate at service level "D". The overcrossing would function at service level "D" with or without Palm Plaza. Apricot timing. The Mello Roos District timing is starting construction in 15-18 months. The District, including acquisition and construction, is being administered by the City. The Kunzman study performed for the Cityand the Mello Roos District early this year concluded that the Apricot overcrossing would not be needed until 1993-1995. Apricot is not a condition of this project. We feel that rising a 13,000 sq. ft. building to this citywide regional improvement that is already in process may be an unreasonable condition to impose. Traffic mitigation. The improvements include both sides of Ynez Road to the-full 134 ROW, a traffic signal at main entrance and signals at the freeway overcrossing. Approvals and permits have been obtained for Winchester Road and Winchester/Ynez signals. Bedford's cost is approximately $1.3M to provide this infrastructure. The property also provides funding for various traffic improvements through Assessment District #161 and the Mello Roos District 88-12. These improvements exceed minimum requirements for the project plus existing conditions. Mr. Gary Thornhi11 Director of Planning CITY OFTEMECULA July 10, 1990 - Page 4 I trust that I have addressed the issues to your satisfaction. The proposed building and minor square footage adjustment increases the total square footage by only 4%. The traffic study covers this building increase plus an additional 25,000 sq. ft.' This is a service level "D" area per SWAP that will function at service level "C" with improvements except for the overcrossing. The traffic study fits with and has been coordinated with the property directly east. We strongly feel that approval of this building will benefit the City through increased revenue without having a detrimental impact. I strongly urge the Planning Co!ission to approve Plot Plan #2 as requested at the hearing scheduled for July 16, 1990. Sincerely, eeaganAa&eErricks°n Enclosures cc: Sam Reed JUly 5, 1990 BEDFORD PROPERTIES VTA MaMrs D~T.TV~.Ry Nr. Dave Dixon City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 SUBSlOT: PaLM PLaJA SHOPPING CENTER Dear Mr. Dixon: We are developing the 421,050 sq. ft. Palm Plaza Shopping Center located at Winchester/Ynez Roads here in the City of Temecula. The center is under construction and scheduled to open in mid-October. We are anchored by Mervyn*s and they have a fixed opening date of October 19th. We are concerned that not all of the off site improvement requirements imposed by the County of Riverside as a condition of occupancy will be complete by Mervyn*s scheduled opening. The following is a list of off site requirements and their status: Tries load: Both sides along the project frontage will be developed to a 134' ROW prior to occupancy. This is nowunder construction. Funding by Bedford Properties. Project entrance signal on Ynes: This will start in early August and will be completed prior to project opening. Funding by Bedford Properties. Winchester overcrossing signals: Bedford is providing funding and constructing the signals on the overcrossing. This work will start by July 20th and will be completed prior to - Winohester/Ynes traffic signal: This improvement is funded by CountyTraffic Mitigation Funds. Plans have been approved by beth Caltrans and the County. The County is now going through the public bid and award process. We estimate construction on the signal will start in late September or early October along with the associated widening Winchester Road. The completion of this off site improvement prior to Mervyn*s occupancy is our concern. ~edford Properties, Inc. ~. Diversified Real Estate Development and Management Company Mail~g Address P.O- Box 9016 Temecula, California 9239O-O736 28765 Single Oak Drive Suite 200 Temecula, California 9~90 Telephone 714 676-5641 Nr. Dave Dixon City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA July 5, 1990 - Page 2 Bedford Properties will complete the improvements that are in our control. The process of approval for the Winchester/Ynez signal and associated street plans with Caltrans and the County has been time consuming, causing a potential delay of completion 60 days after Mervynes occupies. However, we have realized the potential delay and have taken various steps to accelerate the process. This problem has been discussed with Tim Serlet. The steps include: 1) paid for the design of the signal at Winchester/Ynez ahead of the County; 2) ordered long lead time signal equipment for the County, which will arrive in early August to a preclude future material availability delay7 3) took a very active role in processing plans for approval. Mervyn*s will generate approximately $10M in taxable sales between their October opening date and Christmas. If Mervynts cannot open this October, they will have to delay their opening until March. This delay would provide a needless loss of revenue to the City of Temecula. The traffic engineer for the project feels that occupancy can be accommodated and still be within acceptable standards. I will provide you with his written comments early next week. Mervynts and Bedford are requestingthatthe condition to have the signal and associated Winchester Road work at Winchester/Ynez complete prior to occupancy be modified to allow occupancy. We estimatethatthe improvements should be complete 60-75 days after Mervynes occupancy. Please let me know when you are available to discuss how to accomplish this. Sincerely, Gregory A, Brickson Area Manager CC: Lana Milligan, Mervynts Tim Serlet, Planning Department, City of Temecula Lisa Peterson, Bedford Properties CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLOT PLAN NO. 2 (REVISED PERMIT FOR PLOT PLAN NO. 11222, AMENDED NO. ~) CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: PLANNING DEPARTMENT This approval shall be used within two 12) years of the original County approval date; otherwise it shall become null and void and of no effect whatsoever. By this approval within the two (2) year period which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval. o The development of the promises shall conform substantially with that as shown on Plot Plan No. 2, or as amended by these conditions. In the event the use hereby permitted ceases operation for a period of one ( 1 ) year or more, this approval shall become null end void. Any outside lighting shall be hooded end directed so as not to shine direally upon adjoining property or public rights-of-way, end shall comply with Ordinance No. 655. All landscaped areas shall be planted in accordance with epproved landscape, irrigation end shading plans prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. An automatic sprinkler syatom shall be installed and all landscaped areas shall be emintsined in a viable growth condition. Planting within ten (10) feet of an entry or exist driveway shall not be pemitted to grow higher than thirty (3) inches. Prior to the issuance of building permits. a phasing plan for the shopping center must be submitted and approved to coincide with the approved landscape plan. Prior to the issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant shall submit seven (7} copies of an 18.12 perking, landscaping, shading and irrigation plot plan to the Planning Department end shall be accompanied by · filing fee as set forth in Section 18.37 of Ordinance No. 3~8. A minimum of 2583 perking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Section 18.12, Riverside County Ordinance No. 3q8. The parking area shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete paving to · minimum depth of three (3) inches on four (q) inches of Class II base. -2- A minimum of 25 handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as shown on the approved plot plan. Each parking space reserved for the handicapped shell be identified by a permanently affixed raflectorized sign constructed of porcelain on steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the International Symbol of Accessibility. The sign shall not be smaller than 70 square inches in area and shall be centered at the interior end of the perking space at a minimum of height of 80 inches from the bettom of the sign to the parking space finished grade, ground, or sidewalk. A sign shall also be posted in 8 conspicuous place, at each entrance to the off-street parking facility, not less than 17 inches by 22 inches in size with lettering not less than one ( 1 ) inch in height, which clearly and conspicuously states the following: "Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for physically handicapped persons my be towed away at owner:s expense. Towed vehicles my be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." In addition to the above requirements, the surface of each parking place shall have surface identification sign duplicating the symbol of accessibility in blue paint of at least three (3) square feet in size. Prior to the issuance of s building permit, the applicant shall obtain clearance and/or permits from the following agencies: Road Department Environmental Health Riverside County Flood Control Fire Department Written evidence of compliance shall be presented to the Land Use Division of the Department of Building end Safety. Roof-mounted equipment shall be shielded from ground view. Screening material shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Eighteen (18) trash enclosures which are adequate to enclose s total of 18 bins shell be located within the project, and shall be constructed prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Each enclosure shell be six feet in height and shell be made with masonry block and a gate which screens the bins from external view. (Amended per Director's Hearing on 11/6/89) Landscape screening shell be designed to be opaque up to a minimum height of six (6) feet. Landscaping plans shell incorporate the use of the specimen canopy trees along the freeways, streets, and within the perking areas. This project site is within s significant groundshaking zone. Mitigation shall be the application of the proper Uniform Building Code standards in the development of this project. 18, 20, 21. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Prior to issuance of any building pemit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, · California Licensed Structural Engineer ·hall certify that the intended structure or building is safe end atructur·lly integrated. This certification ·hell be based upon, but not limited to, the ·its specific seismic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, epproprlate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. Twelve Class II bicycle racks shall be provided in convenient locations to facilitate bicycle access to the project are. Prior to issuance of building permits, performance securities, in amounts to be dstemined by the Director of Building and Safety to guarantee the installation of plantings, walls end fences in accordance with the epproved plan, and adequate mintenance of the planting for one year shall be filed with the Director of Building end Safety. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, ell required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed and be in a condition acceptable to the Director of building end Safety. The plants shall be healthy end free of weeds, disease or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed end in good working order. All utilities, except electrical lines rated 33kv or greater, ·hall be installed underground. Prior to the sale of any structure as ·hewn on Plot Plan No. 2, · lend division · hall be recorded in accordance with Riverside County Ordinance No. ~60 and any other pertinent ordinance. For use on projects located outside SKR study ares which contain occupied SKR Habitat: Prior eo to the issuance of a grading or building permit: The Secretary of the Interior must have epproved the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan end any proposed taking of the SKR must be in compliance with the epproved Plan: The Secretary of the Interior must have issued to the County, the Section 10( a ) Permit required by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 end said Pemit must be in effect: end Co A report, prepared by a biologist pemitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to trap the Stephens' Kangaroo Rat for scientific purposes, documenting the amount end quality of occupied Stephens' Kengarco Rat Habitat subject to disturbance or destruction must have been submitted to epproved by the Planning Director. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 663 by paying the appropriate fees set forth in that ordinance. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fee required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required by the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. FIRE DEPARTMENT With respect to the conditions of approval regarding the above referenced plot plan, the Fire Department recommends the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/or recognized fire protection ataexhrds: 3e The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in Ordinance No. 5q6. 2q. The existing water system per water improvement plan approved for Plot Plan No. 11222 will provide sufficient fire protection for the proposed project. 25. Install a complete fire sprinkler system in all buildings requiring a fire flow flow 1500 Glum or greater. The post indicator valve and fire department connection shall be located to the front, within S0 feet of a hydrant, and a minimum of 25 feet from the building(s). A statement that the building(s) will be automatically fire sprinklered must be included on the title page of the building plans. Install a supervised waterflow monitoring fire alarm system. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation, as required by the Uniform Building Cede. In lieu of fire sprinkler requirements, building ( s ) must be are separated into square foot compartments, approved by the Fire Department, as per Section 505 (a) of the Uniform Building Code. Install panic hardware and exit signs as per Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code. 29. Certain designated oreas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 2A-10BC. Contact · certified extinguisher company for proper placement of equipment. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/developer shall be responsible to submit a check or money order in the amount of $al13.00 to the Riverside County Fire Department for plan check fees. Prior to the Issuance of building permits, the developer shall deposit with the Riverside County Fire Department, a check or money order equaling the sum of $.25 per square foot as mitigation for fire protection impacts. This amount BUSt be submitted separately from the plan check review fee. final conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed in the Building and Safety Office. All questions regarding the meaning of conditions shall be referred to the Planning and Engineering staff. HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Environrental Health Services has reviewed Plot Plan No. 2 end has no abjections. Sanitary sewer and water services are available in this area. Prior to building plan submittal, the following items will be requested: ellViII-serve" letters from the water and sewering agencies. Three complete sets of plans for each food establishment will be submitted, including a fixture schedule, a finish schedule, and a plumbing schedule in order to ensure compliance with the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT This is a proposal to construct a shopping center in Rancho California between Ynez Road and the freeway south of Winchester Road. The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Gertrudis Creek to the north and a large unnamed wash to the south. Santa Gertrudis Creek is contained by newly cBnstructed facilities. The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its 100 year peak flow rate of 1259 cfs. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and join with runoff from a local watershed of 300 acres. These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property. Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an existing 7: wide x 3: high reinforced concrete box beneth Interstate 15. As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a CelTtans interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south. This project proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a temporary offsite along the east side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channd along the south side of this project. The applicant indicates that the ponding elevation upstree of the freeway is 10~3.7, and their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that all new buildings would be flood proofed to at least that elevation. The County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Murrleta CreeklTemecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for the purpose of collecting drainage fees. Those fees are used to construct needed flood control facilities within the particular ·re·. The Area Drainage Plan fees apply to new land divisions and other types of development. Virtually all new development causes increased storm runoff. These increases are particularly troublesome in those watersheds where an Area Drainage Plan has been adopted. In order to mitigate the downstream impacts brought about by increased runoff, the District ,ecc,,,,~nds that Conditional Use Cases, Plot Plans and Public Use Cases be required to pay a flood mitigation charge. Mitigation charges, where appropriate, will be similar to the current Area Drainage Plan fee rate. Following are the Diatrict's ,.ec~,,l~endations: A flood mitigation charge shall be paid. The charge shall equal the prevailing Area Drainage Plan fee rate multiplied by the ·tee of new development. The new development in this case includes a total of ~ acres. At the current fee me of $1,970.00 per acre, the mitigation charge equals $86,680.00. The c~arge is payable to the Flood Control District prior to issuance of permits. If the full Area Drainage Plan fee or mitigation charge has already been credited to this property, no new charge needs to be paid. The preservation of the 10~3.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. The p, op~ssJ interim channel on the east side of Ynez Road should be umatructed with the first phase of this project. The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres. The 8~0 cfs breakout should ·leo be carried unless upstream facilities have been ·pproved. Maintenance should be provided. The RCB under Ynez Road and the channel along the south boundary of the project should have capacity to carry the 100 year peak runoff from its tributary area with full development assumed. If they do not have capacity they should be enlarged or other measures should be taken. The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards including those relating to design, alignment and access. If the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay · maintenance charge. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be exmtained within drainage easements. Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions. Off·its drainage facilitiea should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be recorded and · copy submitted to the District prior to the issuance of permits. -7- A copy of the improvement plans and grading plans along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations should be submittad to the District for review and approval to the issuance of grading or building permits. COUNTY GEOLOGIST We have revleeed the liquefaction aspects of your report entitled "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, ql + Acre winchester Plaza Shopping Center, SWC of inchester Road. and Ynez R~d. Temecula, CA," dated April 14, 1989, and your response latter, dated. August 10, 1989. Your report determined that: There is a moderate liquefaction potential at the site for soils at depths between 20 and/t0 feet. Approximately I to 3 inches of liquefaction-induced settlement might occur at the subject site. Your report, ~.oeme(,nded that: To mitigate the liquefaction potential of the site. the near-surface soils within prr, ex~s,d building areas should be rernovad to a minimum depth of 5 feet below the existing ground surface or ~ feet below the deepost footing. whichever is greater. Deepor localized removals to competent soils should be anticipated. Overexcavations should extend a minimum lateral distsnca of 5 feet beyond the outer edges of exterior footings. Prior to fill placement. the exposed soils should be scarifiad to a depth of 6 to 8 in and compacted to a minimum of 90~ relative compaction (ASTM D 1557). A 1-foot layer of gravel (1-1/2 in maximum size) should then be placed in the bottom of the excavations and compacted to at lest 90~ relative compaction ASTM D 1557 ). To mitigate the potential effects of liquefaction, continuous footings should be used for all Pe~l~seJ structures. Square footings may be considered but should be constructed as a combined or continuous footing. Two #4 reinforcing bars placed in the top and 2 in the botten of the continuous footings ere r;u,,,,~ended to provide uniform support of the foundation system. A Structural Engineer should evaluate configurations and reinforcement refiuirements for combined footings, structural loads. shrinkage and temperature stresses, with special consideration given to the possible effects of liquefaction. The design structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions and standard practices of the Structural Engineers Association of California. -I- Foundation and grading plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnlcal Engineer to assure conformance with the intentions of the, ;cc-,,,~ndations umtained in this report. It is our spinion that the report was prepared in a competent runner and satisfies the additional information requested under the California Environrental Quality Act review and the Riverside County Cemprehensive General Plan. Final approval of the rqart is hereby given. The, ~.c,,..~!~lstions made in your report for mitigation of liquefaction potential shall be adhered to in the design and construction of this project. It should be noted that the r, ce.,,,~ndations for liquefaction mitigation made in this report supersede those made in County Geologic Report q18. prepared by Leighton and Associates on ~ 16. 1985. ENGINEERINC DEPARTMENT DRAINAGE The developer shall comply with the requirements of the City Engineer based on the, u.c,,,hcndations of the Riverside County Flood Control District. The Development shell accept and properly dispose of all offsite drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the City Engineer permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. q60 will apply. Should the quantities exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage pu, isles, the shall provide adequate facilities as approvad by Engineering Department. All lots shall drain tmeard the street unless otherwise approvad by the City Engineer. All concentrated drainage directed toward the public street shell be diverted through undersidewalk drains. A detailed drainage study will be required to be submitted to the City Engine for review and approval. The study shall be prepsreel by m Registered Civil Engineer end shall Include existing interim and prqasad editlets, including Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations. GRADING Pr;or to the issuance of a grading permit. the developer shall submit four ( ~ ) espies of · soils report to the Engineering Department. The report shall address the soils stability and geological conditions of the site. Prior to issuance of a grading permit. the developer shall submit four (~) copies of · comprehensive grading plan to Engineering Department. The plan shell camply with the Unlf~rm Building Code. Chapter 70. and as my be additionally provided for in these conditions of approval. The plan shell be -9- drawn on 2q" x 36" mylar by a Registered Civil Engineer. ,/ A grading pemit shall be obtained from the Engineering Department prior to commencement of any grading outside of the City mintsined road right-of- way. The developer shall provide bonds and agreements, clearances from all applicable agencies, and pay all fees prior to the approval of the plans. The street design and improvement concept of this project shall be coordinated with adjoining developments, including median cuts. Street improvements for Winchester Road and Ynez Road shall be completed prior to issuance of certificates ~n~. /~ e TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Prior to the issuance of building permits the developer shall deposit with the Engineering Department a cash sum based on the current fee schedule as mitigation for traffic signal impact. CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING DEPARTMENT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY II Backaround 1. less of Proponent: R~dfnrd DPv~looment Address and Phone lumber of Proponent: P.O. Box 9016. Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-5641 Date of Envjzosental Assessant: May 8, 1990 4. Agencx Xequ.i:~g ~ssessssnt: Nmmof~l, ff applicable: Palm Plaza P.P. Revision 6. Locstton ofProposal: Southwest corner of Winchester and Ynez Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are provided on attached sheets.) Yes 1. Earth. Will the propoul result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? be Disruptions, displacements, compac- tion or overcovering of the soil? Substantial change in tq~grsphy or ground surface relief features? de The destruction, covering or modi- timion of any unique geologic or physical features? Any substantial increase in wind or water erasion of soils, either on or or off site? Maybe No X X X BLANKIF, S/FORMS -1- Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltat·on, deposition or erosion which my modify the channel of river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any biiy, inlet or lake! Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth quakes, landslides, mudslid·s, ground failure, or similar hazards! Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? The creation of objectionable odors? Cii Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, whether locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Substantial changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? be Substantial changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the me and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? de Change in the 8mount of surface water in any water body? e$ Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen er turbidity? Alteration of the direction or me of flow of ground waters? Maybe N_9 .X X X X X X X BLANKIESIFORMS -2- go Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct addi- tions or withdrawals, or through interception of an equifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flood- ing or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or number of any native species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? Introduction of new species of plants into an area of native vegetation, or in a barrier to the normal replenishant of existing q=eciei? de Substantial reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including rep- tiles, fish end shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? be Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Ye__~s X Maybe N._~o X X X X X X X X BLANKIF, S/FORMS -3- Noise. Will the proposal result in: Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light sad Glare. Will the proposal produce substantial new light or glare? Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned lead use of an area? Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: Substantial increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? Substantial deplation of any non- renewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pearecedes, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emerg- sacy response plan or an emergency evacuation plan~ Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth me of the human population of sa area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. Will the i,. {,potel result in: Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement! Ye.S .Maybe No X X X X X X X BLANK IF, S/FORMS -~- Effects on existing parkin9 facili- ties, or demand for new parking? c. Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? d, Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people end/or goods? e. Alterations to waterborne, reil or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have substantial affect upon, or result in a need for new or sitered governmental services in any of the following areas: e. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Perks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? Energy. Will the ~oroposel result in: e. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increJse in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new eourct~ of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in · need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a. Power or natural gas? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X BLANKIESIFORMS -5- b. C4xamunlcations systems! c. Water? d. Sewer or septic tanks? e. Storm water drainage? f. Solid waste and disposal? Human Health. Will the proposal suit in: Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding rental health ) ? be Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? 20, Cultural Resources. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? be Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic offms to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? [lees the proposal have the potential te cause m physical change which mid affect unique ethnic cultural values? de Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes No X X X X X X X X BLANKIES/FORMS -6- 21. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of m fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? be Does the project have the potential to Khieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environ- mental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of tim while long- term impacts will endure well into the future, ) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumu- latively considerable? (A project's impoct on two or more separate resources may be relatively but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substan- tial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Ye_,~s ,Maybe No X X BLANKIESIFORMS -7- III Discussion of the Environmental Evaluation BLANKIESIFORMS -8- ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and · NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have · signi- ticant effect on the environment, there will not be a signi- ticant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on attached sheets and in the Conditions of approval have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED, I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. Date 6-11-90 Samue] Reed For CITY OF TEMECULA BLANKIESIFORMS -9- 1 .s. -f. legs Air 2.a.-c. liter 3.a. 3.b.-c. 3.d. -e. 3.f. No. the proposed addition of a 13,812 square foot building and 2,8q8 square feat of additional floor space will not involve significant additional amounts of grading to approved Plot Plan No. 11222. No. The project site is identified on the Riverside County General Plan Seismic Geological Map as being located within a fault zone, liquefaction or subsidence area, and appropriate building design will be required to mitigate potential impacts. No. The additional square footage of commercial space adds incrementally to the deterioration of air quality locally and regionally. Temecula's rate of growth regionally is significant. This individual project's impact is not significant. No. There ere no marine or fresh waters on the site. No. Sheet flow will continue to be channeled into the streats and drainage facilities. Development activities on open land generally decreases water absorption by the installation of concrete structures. Construction activities also compact soil which effects absorbability. This impact is not deemed significant and will not be increased if the revised permit application is approved. The closest intermittent body of water to the site is Tucalots Creak. The proposed project will not effect the amount of Tucalots Creak's surface water or alter the surface water quality. Yes. See Flood Control letter dated June 18, 1990. Conditions to avoid significant impact have been attached. No. The proposed project is an amendment to the approved Plot Plan No. 11222 and would not edditic~nally effect the quality of flow of ground waters. No. The proposed project will not affect the public water supply. Yes. See Flood Control letter dated June 18, 1990. The project site is located within a dim inundation area end is subject to 100 year storm flow. Development on the site is subject to the land use standards for floods implemented through the Riverside County Ordinance No. q58 - Flood Plan Management. See Flood Control latter dated June 18, 1990. Mitigations will prevent significant impact. Pbnt Life ll..a.-c. No. The proposed project is to add additional square footage to an already approvad Plot Plan No, 11222. The proposed project will not additionally effect the existing plant life. No. There are no agricultural crops on the site to be affected. Animal Life No. Since the proposed project is an amendment to an approved Plot Plan No, 11222, there will be not additional impacts to animal life, .a6 Maybe. the proposed additional commercial space may increase traffic volumes to the site during certain times of the day resulting in possible increased traffic noise, This potential impact is not considered significant, No. The proposed project will not expose people to severe noise levels. No. The proposed project will not produce additional substantial light glare as will already be produced by Plot Plan No. 11222. The project site is located within the Mr. Palmar Observatory Street Lighting Building Area which recommends the use of low pressure sodium vapor (LPSV) light to avoid interference with the Mr, Palmar Observatory Land Use No. The southwest Area Plan designates the site as commercial, Plot Plan No, 11222 has previously been approvad for this site. Natural Resources No. The proposed 13,000 square foot commercial building will not substantially increase the rate of use or cleplation of any natural resource. li~k d UDeet lO.a. No. The proposed project will nat require the closure of any hazardous substances. r-. lO.b. No. The proposal will not involve the closure of any streets. -3- No. The addition of 13,000 square feat will not allow the location. distribution, density, or growth rate of human population within the area. 12. No. The addition of 13,000 square feat of commercial space will not create a significant number of jobs which would affect the area's housing demand. TrensmrtmtlenlCirculmtlen 13.a., c.,f. Maybe. There may be an increase in traffic during peak hours. The transportation related conditions of approval for Plot Plan No. 11222 shall apply. 13.b. No. Approved Plot Plan No. 11222 provides 2,N)8 stalls. By allowing a shared parking reduction, due to the nighttime use of the theater and daytime use of the retail store, Palm Plaza will have adequate perking. 13.d. -e. No. The proposed additional commercial space will not alter the present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods. There are not waterberne or rail facilities within the vicinity of the project. Public Services No. The proposed addition of 13,000 square feat of cc,,,,,e~cial space will nat generate a need for additional public services. 15 .a. -b. No. The proposed project will not result in the substantial use or increase a and of fuel or energy. 16.l.-f. No. The proposed project will not generate a need for additional utilities. 17.a.-b. No. the proposed 13,000 square feat of commercial space will not create · health hazard or increase human exposure to hazardous materials. No. The proposed will not present an impact to any scenic vistas. Itenlatbn No. The proposed project will not affect the ·rea's recreational opportunities. Culttrd Resources 2O.·.-d. No. All cultural resource impacts will be eddreased by Plot Plan No. 11222. Maablm~ Findines of SIQnificance 21 .a.-c. No. The proposed 13,000 square foot commercial building will not impact the biological environment, achieve short term goals to the disadvantage of long term environmental impacts, or have cumulative impoct,. 21 .d. No. The traffic study for Plot Plan No. 11222 has ben analyzed to determine if the additional 16,668 square feat of commercial space will hove a significant impact on the transportation system in the immediate are. No significant impacts are expected from the additional retail SUBIqITrAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TEECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRON: RZVERSZDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTNENT SUBNZTYAL DATE: SUBJECT: TEI~'ATIVE PARCEL NAP NO. 23430, REVISED PER!qZT NO. 1, MENDED NO. 2 RECOIlENDED ROTION: ADOPTION of a 'Negative Declaratfon for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 based onthe f.t~nd. tngs that the proposed project wtll not have a significant effect on the'environment; and, .~APPROVAL. of/~IBTATIVE PARCEL ~ NO, 23430, .REVISED PERNIT NO. l, ANENDED NO. 2 "..~'based~on:~tl~;flr~d~!r~gS~?and!'*conclustons 'found w~thtn the staff report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. PRO~ECr LOCATION: Nest of Inez Road and South of k/Inchester Road. BACKGROUND: Land Use andZontnq: The stte ts currently vacant. Surrounding land uses tnclude commercial uses to the north, vacant land and a pasture to the east, l~ghttng manufacturing uses to the south and various commercial and Industrial uses to the west across Z-15, The stte ts zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning Includes C-P-S, to the north, R-R and A-2-20 to the northeast and east, N-N to the south and the Z-15 freeway to the west. Comprehensive General Plan: The project Is located w~th~n the Southwest Area Community Plan. The land use designation ts C (Commercial). The established zoning on the property conforms with the proposed land use designation for thts area, and therefore this project ts consistent wtth the Southwest Area Community Plan and w~th the Comprehenshe General Plan. Envt tonmental Assessment: The tn~t~al study conducted for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 ~ndtcated liquefaction and floodtrig hazards, ~mpacts to local ~mport farmland w~ldllfe and the Z-15, and Eligible State Scenic Htghway. All of these concerns or tmpacts have been mitigated to an level of non-significance whtch w~11 be 1mplenented through the conditions of approval. GG:sc 3/26/90 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COI4MISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 (AGENDA ITEM 3-3 - Tape 3A, 3B) PARCEL HAP NO. 23430, REVISED NO. 1, AMENDED NO. 2 - EA 34048 - Bedford Properties, Inc.'- Rancho California Area -Ftrst Supervtsorial Dtstrict- west of Ynez Rd and south of WInchester Rd - 9 lots - 44.07~ acres - Schedule E Hearing was opened at 2:32 p.m. and was closed at 3:02 p.m. STAFF RECOI~ENDATION: Adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 34048 and approval of Tentative Parcel Hap No. 23430, Revised Permit No. 1, Amended No. 2, based on the findings and conclusions listed in the staff report. The applicant proposes to divide 44.07 acres into 9 conmercial lots located west of Ynez Road and south of Winchester Road. The site, which is currently vacant, is zoned-C-P-S. Surrounding land uses are conmercial uses, lightsmanufacturing uses,-a pastUre'an~d vacant property. Surrounding zoning is C'P-S, R-R, A-2-20 and M-M. The project site is located within the Southwest Area Cemmunity Plan and is designated as Commercial, therefore, the proposal is consistent with the Plan. Staff added the f~lowing three findings as follows: 6. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied by the City of Temecula or which will be studied within a reasonable time by the .Ct.ty .of 'Tmecul a. 7. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference wtth the City of Temecula's future adopted General Plan If the project is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. 8. The project canplies with all other applicable requirements of State law and 1 ocal ordtnances. Staff amended the Conditions of Approval by deleting Condition No. 17 as there are no trees on the site at present. 'Further, staff deleted Conditio~ No. 21 regarding the ECS note on trees as that condition is no longer needed. Cmmtsstoner Turner asked if a plot plan was previously approved by the Director for this proposed parcel map. Staff advised that there was an approved plot plan with conditions. Staff advised that the conditions for the plot plan are basically the same as for the parcel map, however, there was no mention of trees. Larry Toerper, Road Department staff, said that the conditions of approval for the plot plan require the project proponent to construct a 134 foot street, with more lanes along the frontage and the intersection than required of the Toyota dealership (CUP 3076). Therefore, the conditions of approval for the plot plan and parcel map would more than provide for the frontage. The project would improve Ynez and the intersection of Ynez and WInchester, and would also signalize both ramps at 1-15 and Winchester as well as the matn entrance to the shopping center, located about half way down Ynez. Mr. Vtckers asked whether the conditions for this map the same as imposed on the plot plan, and Toerper said yes. 32 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COleMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 CamtsstonerDonahoe referenced ttem 3 of the Road Department's letter dated January 23r. d,;:and Mr. Toerper recanmended delettng Ztem No. 3, as the full wtdth construction. of Mtnchester ts not required. There have been discussions about a regtonal center going tn on the southeast corner of WInchester and Ynez, and that would requirethe wfdentng of the bridge.and of WInchester. There are no submtttalsas';yet for the regtonal center. Staff advtsed that a spectftc plan ~as .been submitted. Canmfsstoner Beadltng asked where the "hang up" was that they-am not requiring everyone to pay tnto that btg Intersection. Mr. Toerper saidthat, hopefully, there wtll be a road Improvement dtstrtct formed to fund thtngs 11ke the overpass. By tts very nature, brtdges and overpasses are not part of frontage requirements. The Road Oepa~tment ts starttrig a program to.brtng many road Improvement districts to the Board to Institute, and to have saneone start paytng for then. He satd that a one year program will reflect a lot of the things these traffic studtes are potnttng the need for. TESTZMONY OF PROPONENT: Greg Ertckson, Bedford Properties, satd that they support the Toyota project (previous case) as they felt that tt would beneftt the ctty through sales tax and also the-Me11.o RoosOtstrtct, whtch ts pendtng. The property to the east ts also owned bythetr company and they plan on developing a regtonal mall, hotels, offlce buildings, restaurants, etc. They are processing a spectftc plan, an EZR, and associated studtes tn order to butld that project. He said that Bedford has been worktrig for a long ttme with the Road Oeparl=ent and Caltrans to try and resolve sane trafftc problems. They came tn wtth a trafftc study that showed a mtntmum level of Improvements which they agreed to provtde and, through the Road Department, they plan to provtde additional Improvements over and above what ts requtred by thts project. The extsttng Assessment 0tstrtct No. 161 wtll help alleviate the congestion at that Intersectton and overcrossing at least for a couple years. Mr. Ertckson satd that there are a couple long range problems, such as the wtdentng of the Mtnchester Road overcrossing and the construction of the Aprtcot overcrossing. They need beneftt districts to provtde for those Improvements. The Hello Roos 01strict, whtch has been adopted by the County and ts now before the'Ctty of Temecula, can provtde fundtng for the Apricot overcrossing. All thetr plans are tn various stages of plan check. Canmtsstoner Turner said that the Aprtcot overcrossing would be located at the bottan of the project. Mr. Ertckson Indicated on the exhtbtt where the Aprtcot overcrossing would go, and satd that the rlght of way would be spllt SO-SO between thetr property and the adjacent property owner (A.C.S.). They acquired the rtght of way on the west stde. A.C.S, through a bustness agreement, agreed to the rtght of my for Aprtcot, and are ccmlng tn wtth a plot plan demonstrating that tn the near future. Mr. Ertckson said that the trafftc studtes were done to provtde for Level of Servtce (LOS) "C" or "O," depending upon land use, and thts trafftc study was 33 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 conditioned to provide a LOS "D." This project has conditions to provide two lanes each way on Ynez without turn pockets, a signal at Winchester and Ynez, and a signalized road crossing. In addition to those improvements, they realize that as a major development in the area, future traffic can cause a 1 ot of problems, and they are sensitive to that issue. To meet those concerns, they are widening Ynez to a 134 foot right of way, which allows for six lanes, with the help of an assessment district. They will provide for double left turn pockets on Winchester and Ynez into the shopping center, and will signalize the overcrossing. They are working on right of way for Apricot and will set back the buildings voluntarily in order to provide room for a loop ramp, which would be required. Their timing is planned in order to get this project going later this year. He did not know if the Toyota project will be successful in having their conditions waived, but he would appreciate their cooperation in helping them get applicable encroachment permits and so forth. Cowntssioner Turner asked the timing on the Assessment District. Mr. Erickson said that Assessment District 161 was formed by selling Series B bonds. If the bonds do not come through in time, they will do upfront funding through a letter of credit and be reimbursed by the bonds. That would take care of Winchester Road. Ynez Road will be funded through developer funds as will the Winchester overcrossing. Apricot has been included within the existing Mello 'Roos District approved by the County, but that still needs to be approved by the City. If the city approves the District, then they will have the Apricot overcrossing built some time in the future. Caltrans has not given their approval, and that will probably take about two years to get. However, with the first phase of the Mello Roos District, they will fund the design and engineering, then hope to build the overcrossing in the second phase. Assessment District 161 includes the Winchester overcrossing, so that can be improved. Lacking those two, they can form a bridge benefit district, which they are doing with Rancho California Road. Commissioner Turner asked Mr. Erickson if they had any suggestions regarding the Toyota project. Mr. Erickson said they could meet with the proponents and let them know what their schedule is. Everything is now in plan check, but working with Caltrans takes a long time. Mr. Erickson said he had some questions regarding the Road Department letter, first page, item 2. He was not familiar with that condition and asked that that it be modified to make it consistent with this parcel map request by stating, prior to the recordation of the parcel map. He requested that the Road Department assist them in their attempts to meet those conditions, as they were concerned about the timing. He asked that item 5 be amended to read LOS "D" rather than LOS "C". Item 6 has already been explained (Apricot overcrossing). Ed Studor, Road Department staff, said in reference to item 2 that the South Coast Air Quality Management District is becoming more and more involved with projects and the Road Department is 1 ooking for a letter from them regarding whether they have any comments or concerns. This site is within the service 34 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COHMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 area of the Riverside Transit Agency. The population is growing in this area and, therefore, this site would be a candidate for RTA services in the future. The Riverside County Transportation Commission is expressing more and more interest in projects that have an impact on regional facilities. Commissioner Turner said that it does not say that they are 1 ooking for input or conments, but rather clearance from those agencies. He asked if some of those people would have the ability to shut down this project. Mr. Studor said that the Road Department is 1 ooking for any additional requirements that those agencies may ~sh to impose, and added that Caltrans has the ability not to issue a permit. Mr. Erickson said that he had no problem with Caltrans, but he did with the others. He does not know how 1 ong it would take those agencies to respond, as they may not be set up to provide clearances. Mr. Richards explained that the Southwest Area Plan set up two tiers of special policies regarding transportation and circulation. The first tier is all the physical improvements necessary. The second tier, in order to get to an acceptable level of service, is all the operational kinds of things that occur with respect to transportation management, such as car-pooling associations, etc. What is happening is that, technically, under SWAP, this parcel map should have been transmitted to those agencies initially. In an effort to move this along, the Road Department suggested requesting a clearance rather than having to transmit to those agencies at this time. Under SWAP, those are legitimate clearance agencies. Mr. Erickson said that it will take time before this item gets to the City Council, therefore, they can investigate this condition. As this is a parcel map, they would like the condition to read, '"prior to recordation" rather than "prior to issuance of building permits." They already have an approved plot plan and they will be trying to pull building permits soon. Mr. Toerper said that the only issue he sees would be if they tie this to recordation of the parcel map, and not to the building permits, and any of those agencies have requirements that may require even a slight redesign of the plot plan or some accommodation, then how would that be addressed if the building permits have been issued and construction started. Mr. Vickers said if Bedford pulls the parcel map, they can still build on this site, as they have an approved plot plan. This is a financing parcel map so that they can divide up and sell off the lots. He suggested changing that condition to read prior to recordation of the parcel map.. Mr. Toerper concurred. He added that Item 5 can be amended to read Level of Service "D," and that Item 6 could stay. Mr. Studor advised that a new Road Department letter will be issued with today's date. Commissioner Donahoe said that she was curious about the parcel map lines, in particular the jagged lines. Mr. Erickson explained that each parcel has to have parking for its own use. Commissioner Donahoe referred to Parcel 4, and Mr. Erickson said that he believed that that jog was in error. There was no one else who wished to comment. The hearing was closed at 3:02 p.m. 35 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1990 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended No. 2, proposed to divide 44.07 acres into 9 commercial lots in the Rancho California Area; the site is currently vacant; surrounding land uses include cemmercial uses, vacant land, a pasture and light manufacturing uses; the site is zoned C-P-S; surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20 and H-M; the site is located with the Southwest Area Community Plan; the land use designation is C {Commercial); environmental concerns include liquefaction and flooding hazards and impacts to farmland, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat and Scenic highways; there is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied by the City of Temecula or which will be studied within a reasonable time by the City of Temecula; there is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the City of Temecula°s future adopted General Plan if the project is ultimately inconsistent with the plan; and, the project complies with all other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances. The proposed project is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan within the Comprehensive General Plan and Ordinance 460; is compatible with area development; and, will not have a significant effect on the environment. MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Turner, seconded by Commissioner Donahoe, and unanimously carried, the Commission recommended to the City of Temecula adoption of the Negative Declaration for EA 34048, and approval of Tentative Parcel Map NO. 23430, Revised Permit No. 1, Amended No. 2, subject to the conditions of approval as amended this date, and based on the above listed findings and conclusions. 36 Zoning Area: Rancho California First Supervisorial District E.A. Number 34048 Regional Team No. 5 PARCEL ~AP MO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 AMENDED ND. 2 Planning Connission: 2-14-90 Agenda Item No. 3-3 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAMNIN6 DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 1. Applicant: 2. Engineer/Rep.: 3. Type of Request: 4. Location: 5. Existing Zoning: 6. Surrounding Zoning: 7. Site Characteristics: 8. Area Characteristics: Comprehensive General Plan Designation: 10. Land Division Data: 11. Agency Reconmendations: 12. Letters: 13. Sphere of Influence: Bedford Properties Inc. J.F. Davidson and Associates To divide 44.07 acres into 9 commercial lots. West of Inez Road, and South of Winchester Road. C-P-S C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20, H-M The site is currently flat and vacant with dry grasses. Conmercial uses, a pasture and vacant. Southwest Area Community Plan (C) Commercial Land Use: Category II Open Space/Cons: Areas not Designated as Open Space Total Acreage: 44.07 Total Lots: g See letters dated: Road: ~-~-!)&) 2-14-90 Health: 12-06-89 F1 ood: 12-06-89 Fire: 12-04-89 B1 dg. & Safety- Land Use: 12-13-89 Grading: 10-12-89 County Geologist: 8-15-89 Opposing/Supporting: None received Within City of Temecula's city 1 imi ts ANALYSIS: ~roject Descripti on Tentative Parcel Map No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended no. 2 is an application to divide 44.07 acres into g conmercial lots in the Rancho California area. The site is located west of Inez Road and south of Winchester Road. PARCI=I I..AP NO. 23430 REVISED PE]IIqIT NO. 1 ARE!IDEDRO. 2 Staff Report Page 2 Land Use and Zontng: The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include commercial uses to the north, vacant land and a pasture to the east, light manufacturing uses to the south and various commercial and industrial uses to the west across 1-15. The site is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, to the north, R-R and A-2-20 to the northeast and east, H-H to the south and the 1-15 freeway to the west. Cmprehenstve General Plan: The project is located within the Southwest Area Community Plan. The land use designation is C (Commercial). The established zoning on the property conforms with the proposed land use designation for this area, and therefore this project is consistent with the Southwest Area Camnunity Plan and with the Comprehensive General Plan. Environmental Assessment: The initial study conducted for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 indicated liquefaction and flooding hazards, impacts to local important farmland wildlife and the 1-15, an Eligible State Scenic Highway. All of these concerns or impacts have been mitigated to an level of non-significance which will be implemented through the conditions of approval. FINDINGS: 1. Tentative Parcel Hap No. 23430, Revised No. 1, Amended No. 2 proposed divide 44.07 acres into g commercial lots in the Rancho California Area. to 2. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include commercial uses, vacant land, a pasture and light manufacturing uses. 3. The site is zoned C-P-S. Surrounding zoning includes C-P-S, R-R, A-2-20, and 4. The site is. located with the Southwest Area Camunity Plan. The land use designation is C (Commercial). 5. Environmental concerns include 1 iquefaction and flooding hazards and impacts to farmland, Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat and Scenic highways. There is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (Added at Planning Ccmmis.sion 2-14-g0) PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REV/SED PERH/T RO. Z AMERDEDRO. 2 Staff Report Page 3 There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the project is ultimately inconsistent with the General Plan. (Added at Planning Canmission 2-14-g0) 8. The project canplies with all other applicatl e requirements of State law and local ordinances. (Added at Planning Canmission 2-14-90} CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the Southwest Area Community Plan within the Comprehensive General Plan and Ordinance 460. 2. The proposed project is compatible with area development. 3. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. RECOR4ENOATIONS: ADOPTION of the Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 34048 based on the findings that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment; and, APPROVAL of TENTATIVE PARCEL HAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERHIT NO. 1, ARERDED NO. 2 based on the findings and conclusions found within the staff report and subject to the attached conditions of approval. GG:sc:gs 1/23/90:3/14/90 ' I PM 23430 LANDUSE } I ' : i~ I ; "' ,~-',,,, / ~ ~ ~ .' '~.....,,'/ /,, , ;__'~ '~ ~F,^sTu.."' . '::!i="'~ :--'.."-', ! . · ~ KAISER DEVELOPMENT C'oMP. ~ /' ~ "' ~ '~,1 FREEWAY lIABLE I PM 23430 .... J EXISTING ZONING t 3 \ "' ' IN II i%% R-R /? )~ Ii I I ' II // / R-R "('~ .-... p ~!~!':i!i..:.. ~/" ~ 44.01 ACRES INTO l"~"'~' ;"' "' ,.~ t e, Area RANCHO CALIFORNIA Ist SelLlid. / ,, · · · · re · · , ·., ~'~ ..... ... I ! I'M 23430 f cz 4SlO& C I CP- SWAP 15 / ~| // // I/ RLI "',. 12-5 DU! A ~ . ~ ' '~ ~ 8-16 DU/AC --. .,,; · -;. ..,,Y -., ~'~,, I'AIIP. KAISER BEV, ELOPMENT COMP.j , i. be 44'.01 'ACRES INTO 8 LOTS ' "J · ,". .° e · ' ' :' ' ;"."Z. '.,,';,;.; ;";;. , :..,'Z;", .,.' -"- F. lemaet (~) FREEWAY VARIABLE ;tI I,. ..... E, ; ' . PLAMMING COI~ISSION HEARIRG DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 1990 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLARNIIIG DEPARTMENT COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL TEIlTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERMIT NO. 1, AIqEffi)ED NO. 2 The subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold hamless the County of Riverside, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, actfon, or proceeding against the County of Riverside its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the County of Riverside, its advisory agencies, appeal boards or legislative body concerning TBTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430, REVISED PERMIT NO. 1, AMENDED IK). 2, which action is brought within the time period provfded for in California Government Code Section 66499.37. The County of Riverside will promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the County of Riverside and will cooperate fully tn the defense. If the County fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any such claim, action, or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully tn the defense, the subdivider shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the County of Riverside. The tentative parcel map shall conform to the requirements of Ordinance 460, Schedule E unless modified by the conditions listed below. This approved tentative parcel map will expire two years after the Board of Supervisors approval date unless extended as provided by Ordinance 460. The final map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor subject to all the requirements of the State of California Subdivision Hap Act, Riverside County Subdivision Ordinance 460. All road easements shall be offered for dedication to the public and shall continue in force until the governing body accepts or abandons such offers. All dedications shall be free from all encumbrances as approved by the County Road Commissioner. Street names shall be subject to approval of the Road Commissioner. Easements, when required for roadway slopes, drainage facilities, utilities, etc., shall be shown on the final map if within the land division boundary. All offers of dedication shall provide for nonexclusive public road and utility access. All easements, offers of dedication and conveyances shall be submitted and recorded as directed by the Riverside County Surveyor. Legal access as required by Ordinance 460 shall be provided from the parcel map boundary to a County maintained road. TEIITATIVE PARCEL HAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERHIT NO. 1 NEM)ED NO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 2 10. 11. 12. 51 All delinquent property taxes shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map. Prior to any grading, a Grading Plan in canpliance with the Unifom Building Code, Chapter 70, as amended by Ordinance 457, shall be submitted to the County Department of Building and Safety. The subdivider shall comply with the street improvement recommendations outlined in the County Road Department's letter dated t-~3-GOy 2-14-90, a copy of which is attached. {Amended at Planning Canmission 2-14-g0) The subdivider shall comply with the environmental health recanmendations outlined in the County Health Department's transmittal dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shal 1 canply with the flood control recanmendati ons outlined in the Riverside County Flood Control District's letter dated 12-06-89, a copy of which is attached. If the land division lies within an adopted flood control drainage area pursuant to Section 10.25 of Riverside County Land Division Ordinance 460, appropriate fees for the construction of area drainage facilities shall be collected by the Road Canmissioner prior to recordation of the final map or waiver of parcel map. The subdivider shall canply with the fire improvement recanmendations outlined in the County Fire Department 's letter dated 12-04-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall canply with the recanmendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Land Use Section's transmittal dated 12-13-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall comply with the recanmendations outlined in the Building and Safety Department: Grading Section's transmittal dated 10-12-89, a copy of which is attached. The subdivider shall canply with the Geologic Report No. 418 update and in the dated 8-15-89, a copy of which is attached. recommendattons outlined County County Geologist transmittal TENTATIVE PARCEl, IqAP NO. 23430 REVISED PERMIT NO. 1 ANEIIDEDNO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 16. Lots created by this land division shall be in conformance with the development standards of the C-P-S zone. A;~ eMis~in9 (Fees ee ~ke sub~ee~ pFe~eF~y wi~k a ~FNnW diame~eF g~ea~eF ~kan ~eeF ~4~ inekes ska~ be pveseFved, Reeeva~ skiS; be a( ~ke d4sspe~iee ef ~he P4aenieg D4vee(ff, (Deleted at Planning Conmission 2-14-90} PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FILIAL MAP 18. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map, the following condition{s} shall be complied with: a. A copy of the Environmental Constraints Sheet {ECS} shall transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. be ENVIRO!I4ENTAL CO~STRAINT SHEET COIIDITIONS 19. An Environmental Constraints Sheet {ECS} shall be prepared with the final map to delineate identified environmental concerns and shall be permanently filed with the Office of the County Surveyor. Prior to the recordation of the final map, a copy of the ECS shall be transmitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. The approved ECS shall be forwarded with copies of the recorded final map to the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The following note(s} shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet. a. "The notice appearing in Section 6.a. of Ordinance ~o. 625, the Riverside County RtVht-to-Farm Ordinance, shall be placed on the Environmental Constraints Sheet, with Lots No. 1 thru g identified therein, in the manner provided in said Section 6.a., as being located partly or wholly within, or within 300 feet of, land zoned for primarily agricultural purposes by the County of Riverside." b. "County Archaeological Report No. 1203 was prepared for this property on 3-2B-BB by Christopher Drover, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. c. "County Biological Report No. 195 was prepared for this property in Narch lg88 by the Planning Center, and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23430 REVISED PEI~IT nO. 1 AMEI~EDNO. 2 Conditions of Approval Page 4 d. "County Geological Report No. 41B-update was prepared for this property on April 14, 19Bg by Highland Geotechnical Consultants and is on file at the Riverside County Planning Department. Specific items of concern in the report are as follows: liquefaction. e. "This property is located with thirty (30) miles of ,ount Palcmar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be frcm low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare." 20. The following note shall be placed on the final nap: "Constraints affecting this property are shown on the accompanying Environmental Constraints Sheet, the original of which is on file at the office of the Riverside County Surveyor. These constraints affects all parcels. ~, ~ke Envire~men(al Ge~e~rain( 8kee~ ska44 de~ieea(e ~he e, ea)yp(Hs (~ees amd oak ~ee Rear ~ke i,~ewsee~ie~ e~ Highway ~O and ¥ne~ R~ad as 4Mdiea~ed im G~m~y Bie~Jiea~ Re~ Nk ~e6~ A me~e ska4~ a~se be piened e~ ~he B,~vG, Ghee~ ~(a~img+ ~Ne sw~aee a~e~a~4~ e~ wm~a~ ~ ~ees skel~ Mew~ in the de~imea(ed a~ea, Rei~a~i~ ~ ~ep~aeeee( e( mkese ~ees ia sub~ee~ ~e mke appv~e~ ~ ~ke P4enni.~ Diwee~e~,u (Daleclad at Planning C~mission 2-1~90) 22. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superceded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior to the payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County ordinance or resolution. 23. This project is located within a Subsidence Report Zone. Pri or to issuance of any building permit by the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety, a California Licensed Structural Engineer shall certify that the intended structure or building is safe and structurally integrated.. This certification shall be based upon, but not be limited to, the site specific seismic, geologic and geotechnical conditions. Where hazard of subsidence or fissure development is determined to exist, appropriate mitigation measures must be demonstrated. GG:sc:gs 1/23/90 OFFICE OF ROAD COMMISSIONER & COUNTY SURVEYOR Lf. Roy D. Smoot I:}AD CDHHISSII3NI3 & COUNT}' SURVt~'OR February 14, 1990 ~m~uarT-~2er-ige~ COt,.'NTT AI)f4NISTRATI%T CL',TER HAII.NG ADOREiS; P.O. BOX 1090 aIDE. CALIFOR.NL~ 92502 (714) 117-6554 Riverside County Planning Commission 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 Ladies and Gentlemen: (Shopping Center) I~: PM 23430-Revised #1-Amend #2 Team 5 - SIft) #9 AP #111-111-111-9 *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 The Road Departanent has reviewed the traffic study for this project. The study indicates a projected Level of Service "C" on both Winchester Road and Ynez Road, based upon substantial improvement. The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies relative to Category II Land Uses states: "A minimum of Level of Service "C" is necessary for any new Category II land use." As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy. The following conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified in the traffic study which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level of service. The project proponent shall incorporate such demand programs as may be appropriate to comply with the goals and objectives of t31e Regional Mobility Plan and Air Quality Management Plan, including: a) design provisions to accommodate transit servicesl and b) Participation in regional corridor studies~ all as approved and confirmed by the Road CoHaissioner. Prior to the-iss~r~}e-et-~M~--b~~g-t~eemite~- recordation of ~he f~al ~p, ~e p~J~= pro~nent shall co~ult with ~d ob=ah cl~~e fr~ ~he follow~g agencies ~o assure c~li~e ~ coor~=e wi=h the Regio~l Mobility and ~ ~li~ M~g~n~ Pl~s~ a) Cal~r~s, Dls~ric~ 8~ b) T~ Sou~ ~as~r Quali~yM~ag~ District (S~Q~)~ c) The ~rside ~it Agency (RTA)~ ~d d) T~ Riverside Co~=y ~s~ation C~ission (R~). *As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER · 4080 LEMON STREET · RIVERSIDE, CAMIrON 92501 PN 23430-Revised #l-Amend ~2 aeRee~y-aa~-&99e February 14, 1990 Page 2 Ynez Road shall be constructed to a full width Urban Arterial standards, 134' right-of-way along the frontage of PH 23430. The project proponent construct the traffic signals at the freeway interchange. This is necessary to attain a Level of Service a{:- "D" . The plot plan should delineate the future Apricot right-of- way as proposed by the developer for informational purposes. After a review of the Operation Analysis submitted for the proposed access points for the project, the Road Department's requirements shall bez Install the primary entry to the Palm Plaza project as a standard intersection with a signal midway between Winchester Road and Apricot Street. Install two additional driveways, one as a right turn in/right turn out located midway between Winchester Road and the primary entry, and the other located midwaybetween Apricot and the primaryentry. The southerly driveway shall have a channelizedmedian opening for left turn in only, as long as access rights are dedicated on the eastside of Ynez, except for two access points. The southerly opening shall not line up with the left turn in opening With respect referenced item, recommendationst to the conditions of the Road Department approval for the above has the following Sufficient right of way along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) shall be conveyed for public use to provide for a 134 foot full width right of way. 10. Sufficient public street right of way shall be provided along Ynez Road to establish a 134 foot full width right of way including standard corner cutback. Developer shall dedicate to Riverside County all vehicular access rights along the east side of Yv~z Road from Winchester Road, southerly to the south line of this project, with only two access points allowed. The two access points shall bez (1) opposite the signalized entrance to this proJect~ (2) north of (not aligning with) the southerly drive approach to this project. · As amended at P.C. 2-14-90 · *As deleted at P.C. 2-14-90 PN 23430-Revised #l-Amend #2 aaR~ary-~g~-~99e February 14, 1990 Page 3 14. Prior to recordation or any use allowed by this permit, and prior to doing any work within the State highway right of way, clearance and/or an encroachment permit must be obtained by the applicant from the District 08 Office of the State Department of Transportation in San Bernardino. The project proponent shall enter into a written agreement with the County of R~verside and Caltrans District 08 to provide for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the following intersectionez a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road shall be improved with concrete curb and gutter located 110 feet curb to curb and match up asphalt concrete paving~ reconstruction~ or resurfacing of existing paving as determined by the Road Commissioner within a 134 foot full width dedicated right of way in accordance with County Standard No. 100A, iD~luding all necessary transitions as per Caltrans standards as approved by the Road Commissioner. The landdivider shall construct on Winchester Road and Ynez Road Ccmmttssioner. full width raised medians as approved by the Road Standard 35 foot curb return, cross access ramps shall he constructed Ordinance 461 where applicable. gutter, spandrel and in accordance with Six foot wide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road in accordance with County Standard No. 400 and 401 (curb sidewalk). Improvement plans shall be based upen a centerline profile extendinga minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and alignment as approved by the Riverside County Road Commissioner. Improvement plans shall include all traffic signal design plans as described in Condition #5 and 22. Major drainage is involved on this project and its resolution shall be as approved by the Road Commissioner. PN 23430-Revised tl-Amend #2 aam~aPy-aav~ggG--February 14, 1990 Page 4 2.~a. Drainage control shall be as per Ordinance 460, Section 11.1. All work dons within County right of way shall have an encroachment permit. All driveways shall County Standards improvement plans. conform to and shall the applicable Riverside be shown on the street All entrance driveways shall be channelized with concrete curb and gutter to prevent 'back-on" parking and interior drives from entering/exiting driveways for a minimum distance of 50 feet measured from face of curb. The primary Anterior driveways shall be kept free of all 'back-on" parking. Projects creating cut or fill slopes adjacent to the streets shall provide erosion control, sight distance control and slope easements as approvedby the Road Department. The project proponent shall be responsible for the design and construction of signals and related facilities at the locations listed below. Said signalized locations shall be operational prior to occupancy of any development projects= a. Winchester Road at 1-15 ramp facilities b. Winchester Road at Ynez Road c. Ynez Road at center driveway The above shall be designed and constructed at no cost to any government agency. Should tha project proponent request reimbursenent from the signal mitigation fund (except for location 'c'), it shell be made to the Board of Supervisors or governing agency and subject to their approval. The traffic signal at the center driveway shall be constructed and funded by the developer with no credit applied towards developer's signal mitigation fees. A striping plen is required for Winchester Road (State Highway 79) and Ynez Road. The removal of the existing striping shall. bathe responsibility of applicant. Traffic signing and striping shall be dons by County forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant. PM 23430-Revised #l-Amend #2 aaeaaPy-aa,-~99e- February 14, 1990 Page 5 The applicant shall comply with the Caltrans recon~end- ations as outlined in their letter dated July 11, 1989. Any landscaping within public road rights of way shall comply with Road Department standards and require approval by the Road Commissioner and assurance of continuing maintenance through the establishment of a landscape maintenance district/maintenance agreement or similar mechanism as approved by the Road Commissioner. Landscape plans shall be submitted on standard County Plan sheet format ( 24" x 36" ). Landscape plans shall be submitted with the street imp~ove. ent plans a~t shall depict ~ such landscaping, irrigation and related facilities as are to be placed within the public road rights-of-way. Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit district, the applicant shall prior to recordation make application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building permit. Prior to recordat ion, the Businessman' s Association easements for legal access Commissioner. applicant shall establish a to provide for reciprocal as approved by the Road Sincere ly, Road Division Engineer LTz Jw County of Riverside TO: RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. A1 '~NMENTAL FROM: DATE: December 6, 1989 HEALTH SPECIALIST IV RE: PARCEL HAP 23430, AMENDED NO. 2, REVISED NO. I Environmental Health Services has revieved Amended No. 2, Revised No. I dated November 17, 1989. Our current commmenta SM:tac ~ [ DEC 0 8 198~1 " ~'R'TMENT . COUNTY OF ]RIVERSIDE ..... DEPARTMENT ' "' ,._., of HEALTH -...-,.,.,. I1£. IIILI [9,I-et.~N, April 22. 1988 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. 4080 Lemon Street RIverside. CA 92502 Attn: Greg Ne, l ~4t. CA IsJll& &OJ SOUIN MI& .:OleOseA. CA litlo illlit leo eeOlevm ITmll IT. el-NO ~ I~111lt ¢I~KI. ~a ellis !It e~efee *~' ~ keNOil PU~; Parcel Hap 23430; That portion of Lots 115 and 116 of Tamecull Land and Water Company in the County of Riverside. State of California. as shown by map on file an Book 8. Page 359 of Naps. Records of San Diego County. California (Q Lots) Gentlemen: The Department of Public Health has reviewed Tent. alive Map No. 23430 and recommends that: A water system shall be artstailed accordahg to plans and specification as approved by the water company and the Health Department. Permanent prlndts of the plans of the water system shall be submitted in triplicate, with a man]mum scale not less than one inch equals 200 feet. along with the original drawing to the County Surveyor. The prints shall IhOv the internal pipe diameter. location of valves and fire hydrants; pipe and joint specifications, and the size of the main at the junction of the new system to the existing system. The plans shall comply in all respects with Div. S, Part l. Chapter 7 of the California Health and Safety Code. California Administrative Code, Title 22. Chapter 16, and General Order No. 103 of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. when applicable. Riverside County Planning Dept. Amended No.~ *1,-~ Page Two Attn: Grog Ne,l April 22. 1988 The plans shall be signed by a registered engineer and water company with the following cert~ficaLion: "I certify that the design of the v, ter system in P,rcel Map 23430 is in accordance with the water system expansion plans of the Rancho Calxforni, Water District and that the water service,storage and distribution system vii] be adequate to provmde water service to such parcel. This certification does not constitute , guarantee that it viii supply water to such parcel at any ,pecSfic quantities. flows or pressures for Fire protection or any other purpose". This certification sha/l be s~gned by , responsmble official of the water company. submitt~_~g,~D~_~gD~,Survevor's OFfice to ~ev~e~ least two weeks ~zor to the r~guest for the recordation of the Thms Department has a statement From the Rancho Calmfornia Water D~strict agreeing to serve domestic water to each and every lot mn the subdivxsmon on demand provxdXng satisfactory fmnancmal arrangements are completed with the ,ubdivzder. Zt will be necessary for the fznanc~] arrangements to be made prior to the recordatmon of the final map. This Department has a statement from the Eastern HunzcmVal Water Dzstr~ct agreein~ to allow the subd~viszon sewage system to be connected to the sewers of the Dzstr~ct. The sewer system shall be Installed according to plans and speciricatzons as approved by the D~strzct, the County Surveyor and the Health Department. Permanent prints of the plans oF the sever system shall be submitted Zn triplmcate, along vz-th the original drawing, to the County Surveyor. The prints shall show the Internal pipe diameter. location of manholes, complete profiles. pipe and joint speclFmcations and the sixe of the sewers at the Junction of the new system to the existing system. A single plat indicating location of sewer lines and' water lines shall be a portion of the sewage plans and profiles. The plans shall be sigmed by a registered engineer and the sewer dlstrict with the following certification: "I certify that the delign of the se~er system in Parcel Nap 23430 ~s in accordance with the swear system expansion plans of the Eastern Nunicipal Water D~str~ct and that the waste disposal system 3s adequate at this time to treat the anticipated wastes From the proposed parcel." Rzvers:de CounLy Planning Dept. Amended No. ~ q,,, Page Three AT]N: Greg Neal April 22, Z988 ~__!_~ns must_b_e submztted to the to rqv~ev at !~st two w~_R~!gK_to It v:ll be necessary for fznanc~al arrangements to be made prior to the recordation o~ the final map. ILbvzJJ be necessary for the annexatzon proceedings to be completely/snalized prsor to recordat~on or the f~na! ~,ap. S:ncerely. · Sa"tN~a~' an ' EnvsronmentaJ Health Services £M:tac KENNETH L EDWARDS CHIEF ENdSINtER lggS MARKET STREET P.O. BOX 1033 TELEPHONE (714) 787-2015 FAX NO, (714) 788-9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERSIDE. CALJFORNIA 92502 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. Planner ~w,l/~ Area: Re: We have reviewed this case and have the following comments: Except for nuisance nature local runoff which may traverse portions of the property the project is considered free from ordinary storm flood hazard. However, a storm of unusual magnitude could cause some damage. New construc- tion should comply with all applicable ordinances. The topography of the area consists of well defined ridges and natural water- courses which traverse the property. There is adequate area outside of the natural watercourses for building sites. The natural watercourses should be kept free of buildings and obstructions in order to maintain the natural drainage patterns of the area and to prevent flood damage to new buildings. A note should be placed on an environmental constraint sheet stating, "All new buildings shall be floodproofed by elevating the finished floors a minimum of 18 inches above adjacent ground surface. Erosion protection shall be provided for mobile home supports." This project is in the Area drainage plan fees shall be paid in accordance with the applicable r~les and regulations. The proposed zoning is consistent with existing flood hazards. Some flood control facilities or floodproofing may be required to fully develop to the implied density. The District's report dated ~'- ~'C~ is still current for this project· The District does not object to the proposed minor change. This project is a part of free of ordinary storm flood hazard when improvements accordance with approved plans. · The project will be t n have been construc ed i The attached comments apply. KwNNLITH I_ EDWARDS CHIEF ENelNELI! fill MARK~'T rrRIET P. O. BOX 1033 I'Ei,EPHONE (714) 717-a012 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RIVERlIDS'', CAI, IFORNIA IZIO~ August 3, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 5 Gloria Maciel Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit This is a proposal to divide 44 acres into a 9 lot commercial subdivision in the Temecula area, on the southwest corner of Ynez Road and Winchester Road, and adjacent to Interstate 15. The site is on relatively flat terrain between Santa Gertrudis Creek to the north and a large unnamed wash to the south. Santa Gertrudis Creek is contained by newly constructed facilities. The unnamed wash has capacity for perhaps a third of its 100 year peak flow rate of 1250 cfs. The reinforced concrete box where the wash crosses North General Kearny Road is undersized. Large amounts of runoff from this wash will spill over onto an open field to the northeast of the subject property and join with run- off from a local watershed of 300 acres. These combined flows sheet across Ynez Road onto the subject property. Water ponds on the property as it seeks enough energy to pass through an exist- ing 7' wide x 3' high reinforced concrete box beneath Interstate 15. As the pond gets higher, some flow will outlet in a Caltrans interceptor channel toward more freeway culverts to the south. This project proposes to intercept the sheet flows with a tem- porary channel offsite along the east side of Ynez Road and carry them to the box culvert under Ynez Road to the channel along the south side of this project. The applicant indicates that the ponding elevation upstream of the freeway is 1043.7, that their project would not decrease the existing pond volume and that all new buildings would be flood- proofed to at least that elevation. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23q30 Revised Permit - 2 - August 3, 1989 Following are the District's recommendations: This parcel map is located within the limits of the Murrieta Creek/Temecula Valley Area Drainage Plan for which drainage fees have been adopted by the Board· Drainage fees shall be paid as set forth under the provi- sions of the "Rules and Regulations for Administration of Area Drainage Plans", amended February 16, 1988: Drainage fees shall be paid to the Road Commissioner as part of the filing for record of the subdivision final map or parcel map, or if the recording of a final parcel map is waived, drainage fees shall be paid as a condition of the waiver prior to recording a certificate of compliance evidencing the waiver of the parcel map; or At the option of the land divider, upon filing a re- quired affidavit requesting deferment of the payment of fees, the drainage fees may be paid to the Build- ing Director at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit for each approved parcel, whichever may be first obtained after the recording of the subdivision final map or parcel mapl provided however, this option to defer the fees may not be exercised for any parcel where grading or structures have been initiated on the parcel within the prior 3 year period, or permits for either activity have been issued on that parcel which remain active. The preservation of the 1043.7 pond elevation should be proven with appropriate hydraulic and topographic information. The proposed interim channel on the east side of Ynez Road should be constructed with the first phase of this project· The channel should have capacity to carry the storm runoff from the 300 acres. The 640 cfs breakout should also be carried unless upstream facilities have been improved· Maintenance should be provided. The RCB under Ynez Road and the channel along the south boundary of the pro]eet should have capacity to carry the 100 year peak runoff from its tributary area with full development assumed. If they do not have capacity they should be enlarged or other measures should be taken. Riverside County Planning Department Re: Parcel Map 23430 Revised Permit -3- August 3, 1989 The onsite channel should be constructed to District standards including those relating to design, alignment and access. If the District is to maintain the channel, the applicant will have to pay a maintenance charge. Offsite drainage facilities should be located within publicly dedicated drainage easements obtained from the affected property owners. The documents should be re- corded and a copy submitted to the District prior to recordation of the final map. Onsite drainage facilities located outside of road right of way should be contained within drainage easements shown on the final map. A note should be added to the final map stating, "Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions". A note should be put on the environmental constraint sheet stating, "Finished floors of buildings shall be constructed above elevation 1043.7". A copy of the improvement plans, grading plans and final map along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic cal- culations should be submitted to the District via the Road Department for review and approval prior to reeorda- tion of the final map. Grading plans should be approved prior to issuance of grading permits. Questions concerning this matter may be referred to the Subdivi- sion section of this office at 714/~87-2884. 1) 2) Ve r yJ t,~,~, iv~l ~ng~neer J. F. Davidson ~ssociat ~ancho California Development Co. KF:bjp fiRECHID 12-~.e9 tbeakC&m0t ATDh GLOIL~ )tACZF. L RKVZIKD PARCEL HAP 23i30 - A)fI:~F...D t2 ca rife Department Feesmends the follov~nJ fire protection ueeouree be provided 4eao~ofdmieear~Ch Liverside County Ordinances rid/or reeolnised fire protection standards: The valor mane ah&~l be capable of providing · potential fire flow of 5000 glq4 and an aceear fire flay avetreble from any on hydrant ehaZZ be 2000 ~ for hours duration aC 20 rsz residue1 operatinS pressure. Approved outer fire hydrants, (6'xi"x2-2|') ebb11 be located az each street intersection and spaced not mrs than 330 fast apart in any direstion, with no portion of any log frontale nora ttmn 165 feec ffou a fire hydrant. App14Lcauc/developer sba~l fernlab one copy of the wager eyeCos prune Co the /ire DeterMe for rmw. 1~0 eh~l c~o~ to fire hydrutt,,,, rotation be qud/~~ by · reiterated c~vtl e~ner ~ the 1oul uCer c~euy ~ the fo11~ certifiesclot 'Z cerCL~ c~C the desip or the ~ter eyetom U b accords vtch the requiremace proscribed by the Uveretde ~uucy Fire The required water eyetee includLuI fire hydrants shall be tnecaXZed and accepted by the appropriate racer qeEcy prior to any eoubustibte buildinS mtertL~ being p3.ued on u individual lot. ALe questions reSetdins the menial of the conditions shell be referred co the /ire DeparMt rle--4~l and hSiJieerLnl mtdf, IAXM0aD B. liars C~e~ rireh. parUtut rleuner guft Xm:A've11, rife leEely 8p.eciLIJJt Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 December 13, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department Attention: Gloria Guzman County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 RE: Parcel Map 23430 - Revised, Amended #2 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Land Use Division of the Department of Building and Safety has the following comments and conditions: The developer shall obtain Planning Department approval for all on-site and off-site signage advertising the sale of the parcel map pursuant to Section 19.5 of Ordinance 348. The site is located in a special studies zone -- G-418. Lot configuration shall conform to site development of PP 11222. Very truly yours, Senior Land Use Technician /sn Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 02/86/98 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE BUILDINO AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT GRADINO SECTION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: APN: PLANNING / GLO~A GUZKAN PM 23430 AMENDED The information provided on this pro~ect did not include'a conceptual grading plan. HoWever, sufficient information was supplied for us to recommend approval wi:h the following conditions. Prior to commencing any grading in excess of 50 cubic yards, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit and approval to construct from the Building and Safety Department. Grading in excess of 199 cubic Farde will require performance securi:y to be'posted with the Building and Safety department. NOTE: For the final grading plan, please provide ~he applicable information from Building and Safety Department grading forms: 284-120, 284-21,284-88. and 284-46. These forms are available at the Buildin8 and Safety Departme~ offices. McLaughlin, WM McLaugnlin Marjorie 8705 Glider Ave Los Angeles, CA 90045 911120020-8 118 Heberle, Jack Compton, Jeffrey P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 911130017-7. 913260040-4 1~'4' Blake, Joseph Stephens, Alber~ D C/O A.D. Stephens P.O. Box 6324 ' San Pedro, CA 90734 132 Margarita Prop 28530 Via Los Flores Murrie~a, CA 92362 913260019-5 Joseph Blake ll5 Alber~ Stephens C/O A D Stephens P.O. Box 6324 San Pedro, CA 90734 911-130-015-5 -~"u~ta Mayrl .9510 Avenida Del Sol Temecula, CA 92390 921-140-014 Jack Heberle 111' Jeffrey Compton P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 39 911-130-017-7 40 Donald J. & Marilyn K. Mowrer 29515 Avenida Del Sol Temecula, CA 92390 921-140-015 Victor Holchak 113 Noma Holchak 1602 W 65TH Street Los Angeles, CA 90047 911-130-020-9 Rancho Mobile Home Est 2312 W Olive Ave Ste A ~'rbank, CA 91506 921-290-001 46 Edwin Kirkpatrick 119 Dorothy Kirkpatrick 6745 S Elman Street San Diego,' CA 92111 ~11 _1 ~_~_1 Scharnagl, Gary F. Scharnagl. Paula K. ,0666 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 Werbil, J. Rex Werbil, Wanda J. 2208 E. Via Mariposa No. N Laguna Hills, CA 92653 919052001-7 29 27 Hepler, Kenneth R. Hepler, Ellen L. ~0735 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 919052003-9 25 Nelsen, Paul E. Nelsen, Susan G. 40685 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 919052005-1 Aanderud, Dianne L. 406~5 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 919052007-3 23 21 Paquet~e, Edward H. .... Paqueuze, jenne A. 40595 La Colima Rd. Rancho California, CA 92390 919052009-5 50 Toyota Motor Distribuuors, Inc. 19001 S. Western Ave. Torrance, CA 90509 921080039-6 919052002-8 Southward, Melvin F. Southward, Beverly J. ~0755 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 Hillin, William D. Hillin, Luana D. 40715 La Colima Rd. Elias, Hector Elias, Helen ~0665 La Colima Rd. Cooper, David Cooper, Dianne ,0625 La Colima Rd. 26 24 22 20 Downs, George Downs, Queen Ester A'0575 La Colima Rd. 49 Mission Chrysler Plymouth Inc. 298 N. Azusa Ave West Covina, CA 91791 921080040-6 Cambray, Micha~'L~l'ie ' Cambray, Chriszopher Brian Great Tree Nottingham Fee Ln Blewbury Didcot Oxon Oxll 9PG Englan ~ancho Calif Water P.O. Box 174 Temecula, CA 92390 911180019-u Heberle, jack Compton, jeffrey P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 913250020-5 Blair inv Corp Heberle, Jack i. 29377 Rancho Ca!if Rd Temecula, CA 92390 913260031-5 Pike, Audrey S. 102 S. Por:o!a Ln Tustin, CA 92680 91904i004-6 13 13 36 16 Epperson, Roger W. 28465 Fron; Szree; No. 113 Temecula, CA 92390 919042002-7 Tomond Prop C/O Terration Corp P.O. Box 2159 Escondido, CA 92025' 9210800~1-7 48 54 Coop, Donald W. Coop, Jennean P.O. Box 1234 Temecula, CA 92390 92108004~-0 Rancho Calif Dairy Assoc No. 2 C/O Rancho Calif. Prop 29400 Rancho California Rd ~"~ncho California CA 923 0 30 General Telephone Co of Calif 1 GTE P1 RC 3521 Thousand Oaks. CA 91362 919051010-2 47 Worldwide Executive Prop Inc. 40274 Paseo Sereno Rancho California Dairy Assoc. 29~00 Rancho California Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 0 8 921090 07- 42 Royfin NV 10960 Wilshire Blvd. No. 2224 Los Angeles, CA 90024 921090016-6 911170011-5 9 Day Bar.I C/O California Communities, Inc 12520 High Bluff Dr. No. 300 San Diego, CA 92130 Downs, George Downs, Queen Es:er 40575 La Colima Rd Parker, Leon Parker, Bari 40550 La Colima Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 9190,3001-9 Canevari, Paul A. Canevari, Ingrid B. 29720 Valle Verde Rd. Temecula, CA 92390 919051001-~ Holchak, Vic:or A. Holchak, Noma 1602 W. 65th St. Los A~zeles, CA 900~7 18 3~ 33 140 Studer, Francois D 28306 Borgona MissiOn Viejo, CA 92692 911130021-0 Ms:'sin, Mr & Brown Fred n Pembroke P.O. Box 619 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 911130023-2 Tekunoff, William Tekunoff, Betty 8441 Yarrow St Rosemead, CA 91770 911150006-9 Gallion, Mary M 901 Motto Bay Blvd No 33 Morro Bay, CA 93442 0 911160 05-9 120 139 Roripaugn, Leo E Roripaug~, Marjan E P.O. Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 911160027-9 Roripaugh, Leo .-Roripaugh, Marian .O Box 2 femecula, CA 92390 911160029-1 12 Day Bar I C/O Calif Communities Inc 12520 High Bluff Dr No 300 San Diego, CA 92130 91117000 6tl 14 Day BAr I C/O Calif .Communities, Inc 12520 High Bluff Dr No 300 San Diego, CA 92130 911170008-3 57 James L & Mary A Ramsay P.O. Box 52 Temecula, CA 92390 910-130-002 Randall Home Home Welding P.O. box 791 mecula, CA 92390 0 0 91-130-0 2 Jim McGell Rancho Muffler Specialist 27590 Jefferson Ave Temecula, CA 92390 57 57 Dez.n x & Connie M Hill 27622 Jefferson Ave Temecula, CA 92390 910-130-003 Connie M. Hill 27622 Jefferson Ave Temecula, CA 92390 910-130-004 55 56 Temecula Animal Medical Center 27622 Jefferson Ave Temecula, CA 92390 910-130-003 93 Hobie Rawlings Investment Co 26820 Jefferson Ave Murrieta, CA 92362 910-200-001 MDC Calif C/O L J Cornick 9699 Tierra Grande St San Diego, CA 92126 910-200-022 Jeffrey Compton P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 913-260-018 148 131 Ventura Pacific Capital Co 340 Rosewood AVe Ste D Camarillo, CA 93011 910-200-028 147 Kulberg Ltd 27710 Jefferson Ave No 310 Temecula, CA 92390 9110150-016 137 Kulberg Ltd 27710 Jefferson Ave No 301 Temecula, CA 92390 911-160-020 136 John E Roripaugh Box 203 Temecula, CA 92390 911-170-009 ll John E Roripaugh June R Tull P.O.,Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 lO John E Roripaugh June R Tull P.O. Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 911-180-014 Lawrence & Paula Murphy 30326 Calle Halcon Temecula, CA 92390 913-260-017 13C 52 Advanced Cardiovascular Syst 26531 Ynez Rd Temecula, CA 92390 921-080-036 53 Advanced Cardiovascular Syst 26531 Ynez Rd Temecula, Ca 92390 921-080-038 51 Advanced Cardiovascular Syst 26531 Ynez Rd Temecula, CA 92390 921-080-037 Key Comm Corp P.O. Box 7556 San Jose, CA 95150 921-080-038 53 Perry Norris Corp 567 San Nicolas Dr #306 Newport Beach, CA 92660 921-080-038 53 Orient U S Leasing Corp P.O. Box 3985 San Francisco, CA 94119 921-080-038 53 53 Advanced Cardiovascular Sys 26531 Ynez Rd Temecula, CA 92390 921-080-038 41 Rancho Solana Assoc Won Sang & Insook Yoo 5473 Kearny Villa Rd 210 San Diego, CA 92123012 921-090- 38 Meadowview Community Assoc 1 P.O. Box 788 Temecula, CA 92390 921-090-018 M & J Ramsay Corp Box . Temecula, CA 92390 910130016-9 61 M & J Ramsay Corp =ox 4 Temecula, CA 92390 910130020-2 94 Stretch Partners P.O. Box 686 Murrieta, CA 92362 910200032-9 Cooksey, James D. 23191 Peralta Dr Laguna Hills, CA 92653 910200036-3 95 Hobie'Designs Inc. 35605 Beach Rd- Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 910200047-3 98 M & J Ramsay Corp Box 4 Temecula, CA 92390 910130021-3 Tierra Silverado Ltd C/O Tierra Financial Inc 3325 Adams Ave San Diego, CA 92116 910200033-0 910200046-2 Walsh, Harold Walsh, Rosemarie C/O R P McAlister 25725 Hayes Murrieta, CA 92362 Schostag, Robert Schostag, Eleanor B 14621 Holt Ave Tustin, CA 92680 910200048-4 Asano, Hideo 469 Ena Rd No 2304 Honolulu, HI 96815 910200051-6 96 97 99 154 909120020-18' Rancho Calif Indus Complex Rancho Calif Indus Assoc C/O William Johnson P.O. Box 1027 Temecula, CA 92390 85 Rancho Calif Indus Complex P.O. Box 1027 Rancho California, CA 923[ 909120022-3 Rancho Core Assoc No 1 P.O. Box 1075 Temecula, CA 92390 90912002~-5 83 76 Gilbert, Gary Gilbert, Irene 2440 Camino Rey Fullerton, CA 92633 909270012-8 Riverside County Flood Cont P.O. Box 1033 Riverside, CA 92502 90927001~-0 910200049-5 100 Barkley, Matt A. _-~Webb, Tanneke j. /O Harold Brown 5729 Madrid Ln Long Beach, CA 90802 Port, Norman Port, Marlene ~ Jib St No. 16 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 910200055-0 Port, Norman Port, Marlene 4 Jib St No 16 Marina Del Rey, CA 90202 910200057-2 Port, Norman Port, Marlene a Jib St No. 16 Maraina Del Rey, CA 90292 910200062-6 M & J Ramsay Corp Box 4 .~Temecula, CA 92390 910130017-0 155 157 159 64 M & J Ramsay Corp Box 4 Temecula, CA 92390 910130019-2 60 Port, Norman Port, Marlene 4 Jib St No 16 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 910200056-1 Kuzmanic, Joseph J Kuzmanic, Kirk 1250 Pacific Coast Hwy Wilmington, CA 90744 910200061-5 Port, Norman Port, Marlene 4 Jib St No. 16 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 910200063-7 Pascoe, William T William T Pascoe 3rd P.O. Box 2550 Newport Beach, CA 92660 909070006-5 Pascoe, William T. P.O. Box 2550 Newport Beach, CA 92663 909110005-7 Diaz Road Inv C/O PM Prop Man 27840 Del Rio Rd Ste C Temecula, CA 92390 156 158 16o 91 9O 89 Blackmore, Kenneth J Blackmore, Terry J 42181 Avertida Alvarado Temecula, CA 92390 909270016-2 Coop, Donald Coop, Jonnean 45150 Via Vaquero Temecula, CA 92390 909270018-4 Cherry Partners Ltd 30137 Mira Loma Dr Temecula, CA 92390 909070008-7 72 7O 92 88 Diac Road Inv C/O PM Prop Mgt 27840 Del Rio Rd Ste C Temecula, CA 92390 909120019-1 86 Rancho Calif Indus Complex Rancho Calif Indus Assoc P.O. Box 1027 Temecula, CA 92390 909120021-2 84 Rancho Calif Indus. Complex i P.O. Box 1027 Rancho California, CA 9239( 909120023-4 Rancho Core Assoc No l P.O. Box 1075 Temecula, CA 92390 909120025-6 Rancho Calif Water Dist P.O. Box 174 Temecula, CA 92390 910110010-1 Channell Commercial Corp 620 W Foothill Blvd Glendora, CA 91740 910110043-1 Schoerfler Robert J ~choeffler, David A 41890 S Enterprise Cir Temecula, CA 92390 909270013-9 Varela, Ron Varela Cristy 109 N Maple Ste K Corona, CA 91720 909270015-1 Press Enterprise Co 3512 14th St- Riverside, CA 92501 909270017-3 Winchester Auto Partners 6150 Farrow Ste H Carlshad, CA 92009 909270019-5 909270020-5 Atkinson, William Atkinson Robert E -~'/O Creative'Blends Inc .O. Box 851 Placentia, CA 92670 Coop, Donald Coop, Jennean P.O. Box 1234 Temecula, CA 9239O 909270022-7 Kay, Arnold Kay, Vicki 5512 Voletta P1 North Hollywood, CA 91607 909270024-9 David Lowry 27715 Jefferson Ste 202 Temecula, CA 92390 909270032-6 Lowry, David 27715 Jefferson Ste 202 Temecula, CA 92390 909270037-1 74 73 71 68 80 78 67 66 150 Windsor Prtners Winchester High 29377 Rancho Calif Rd Temecula, CA 92390 910110039-8 910120003-6 Blake, Joseph Stephens, Albert D C/O A D Stephens P.O. Box 6324 San Pedro, CA 90734 Reeves, Donna Lee P.O. Box 1524 Temecula, CA 92390 910130012-5 59 909270021-6 Foli, Victor Foli, Billie J C/O Foli Family Trust ~718 Via Tola Fallbrook, CA 92028 Press Enterprises Co 3512 14th St Riverside, CA 92501 909270023-8 79 Omdahl, Howard L Omdahl, Debra K 801 Shade Tree Ln Fallbrook, CA 92028 909270025-0 Lowry, David 27715 Jefferson Ste 202 Temecula, CA 92390 909270036-0 77 65 Kemp, Karl Kemp, Edeltraut 234 Flower ST Costa Mesa, CA 92627 910100006-7 Rancho Calif Water Dist P.O. Box 174 Temecula, CA 92390 910110008-0 103 Nelson, Dorothy Nelson, Robert A 6737 Vesper Ave Van Nuys, CA 91405 910120007-0 M & J Ramsay P. O. Box 4 Temecula, CA 92390 910130013-6 15 58 Griffin Stephen Stanley Griffin Alan Miles 321 San Colla St La Jolla, CA 92037 911150005-8 Roripaugh, Leo E Roripaugh, Marjan E P.O. Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 911150007-0 Roripaugh, Leo Roripaugh, Marjan P.O. Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 911150012-5 1 Roripaugh, Leo Roripaugh, Marjan P.O. Box 2 Temecula, CA 92390 911160028-0 8 Day Bar I C/O Callf Communities Inc 12520 High Bluff Dr No 300 San Diego, CA 92130 911160030-1 13 Day Bar I C/0 Calif Communities Inc 12520 High Bluff Dr No 300 San Diego, CA 92130 911170007-2 116 Jaim. Terrence 34990 Orange Wlldomar, CA 92395 911130016-6 910100009-0 Blake, Joseph Willi~s, Richard +J. C/O Gerald Garrett 1766 Maplewood Orange, CA 92665 104 County of Riverside 3133 7th St Riverside, CA 92507 919119933-2 149 114 Williamson, Frances Eliz 328 37th Ave S W · Calgary ALB CAN T2S OV2 911130019-9 Rancho Calif Water Dist P.O. Box 174 Temeeula, CA 92390 911180007-2 Margarita Prop 23530 Via Los Flores Murrieta, CA 92362 913260019-5 132 913260030-4 Blake, Joseph R. Stephens, Albert D. C/O A D S e hens P.o. Box San Pedro, CA 90734 Woods, George M. Woods, Leslie F. 29615 Valle Olivera Deleon, Raymond E. Deleon, Aria M. 40435 Calle Madero Temecula, CA 92390 919042001-6 McMillan, Patrick L. McMillan, Vikki 40495 Calle Madero Temecula, CA 92390 919042003-8 Slater, Edmond Motdell Slater Alene Melton 26272 6th Highland, CA 92346 919042005-0 Klotsas, George M. Klotsas, Leah D. P.O. Box 922 Glendale, CA 91209 919043002-0 Suovanen, Thomas M. Suovanen, Debra M. 29715 Valle Verde ?emecula, CA 92390 919-51008-1 Royfin, N V 10960 Wilshire Blvd No 2224 Los Angeles, CA 90024 921090022-1 134 37 15 17 19 35 32 White, Kenneth Warren White, Gall Ellen 29573 Avenida Del Sol Temecula, CA 92390 Port, Norman Port, Marlene 4 Jib St No. 16 Signal Dev Corp 17890 Skypark Cir Irvine, CA 92714 910240014-7 161 101 Heberle, Jack Compton, Jeffrey P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 911060008-3 Moore, Claris M. P.O. Box 1083 Crescent City, CA 95531 911110007-6 107 105 122 McAsh, Charlotte H Pembroke P.O. Box 619 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 911120015-4 911120017-6 124 Alfaro, Jose A. Roger, David J. C/O Ernst Loelkes 29921 Villa Alturas Temecula, CA 92390 911120019-8 126 Cambray, Michael Leslie Cambray, Christopher Brian Great Tree Nottingham Fee Ln Blewbury Didcot Oxon Oxll 9PG England 128 Holt, Harold 2525 S W Marine Dr Vancouver BC CAN V6P 6C3 911120021-9 Moore, Gilbert S. 5481 Calle Ocho Carpinteria, CA 93013 911130004-5 108 Hewitt Montreal Tr Co 466 Howe St Vancouver BC CAN V6C2A8 911130013-3 Signal Dev Corp 17890 SkyparK Cir Irvine, CA 92714 910240002-6 Heberle, Jack Compton, Jeffrey P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 911050006-0 Heberle, Jack Compton, Jeffrey P.O. Box 1152 Temecula, CA 92390 911100005-3 Finlay, Catherine M 603 Trinity Ct Dixon, CA 95620 911120014-3 123 Schramm, April Schramm, Roy 10427 Ditson St Sunland, CA 91040 911120016-5 Kirkpatrick, Thomas E. Kirkpatric, Kathy S 2028 Notre Dame Barsrowe, CA 92311 911120020-8 Griffith, Reed O Reed O Griffith 609 W Sierra No 108 Fresno, CA 93704 911130003-4 Montgomery, Mary A. P.O. Box 533 Homeland, CA 92348 911130005-6 Blake, Joseph R Stephens, AlberS D P.O. Box 6324 San Pedro, CA 90734 911130014-4 1C 12 lO 12 12 10( 11( 112 · dVE'-DEDE coun PLAnninG DEPaq;ITiEi APPLICATION FOR LAND UIE AND DM LOPMENT DATE: ~une 16, 1989 0 PUILCUIIPERMn'NO. , DtRACtlIId~NO. _,_,_ O TI~R,',qYUSIPINMffNO. · · , i ~.;' DWqtUiC!NCX . , . . . ~L", ....~ - - 'E' 1, &Yt rename: R~FO~ pROpE!fi'ZgS, INC, tdjaqW: ~..271o5 Xnez Road Rancho CaZirornla, Ca 93390 teiall~neNck: f ?lq I 676-.S6~11 leJw.-llml t O,m~Neme: sam as above Telmmm~ W{t: ( I t IJL-I IuaJ MI~A~U': u...~aq .T,rre~,wnn. '~'~F ll~ lqanchn Cal4[a"'nZa, CA 93t90 TelllieNs: I ?rob I i~?d~-vvln IIBJL-IILI~I l. IIAIIJKt 1. peelem ofllNoom(I Fole~l:lOmbeMeMImf. eo.I ii~z'ova~ or !Wvlsod rentatSve Parcel Map 23e30 I- Imemmlmi~m_.l,..e:.r. mmmmmmmm: 41emm~ Im~J~uc ot ~.w~.*]a lloml, lim-Ux~c ot · &. _ ' ' emma: aa,0?t ac2,es IIKa ~k - mmmlmgmt.emwY~r,k,.mmalmmm,mOImmfleCeemW~MmYIramere I. ThenmlmewsPeeeNe. amiC ,:' ' ~ 125 !)-1, IINATIII II ImlI:MtlITYOIIIRIll 4010 LEe STREET, I"' FtOOR NVEIqSfDF... CALIFOmiI& INOtO, GAI, IFOmlL~ Illc IIIOUIIIID PROPERTY OWNEH8 NOTIFICATION INFORMATION AJi~llNFOR: NaGELM Ikl0FLDTIIL~Rmmw~EmMmdmie ~0idg 'Cf V.k~Jt8 - teemme: I ~fL'~ UM PfmdrTS VANANCES MiMe INII~Y CONMIJelON IVITIM Theimmmq memmdllm mmelme mme lmm ei lmeO ef lm mvw noMmee % ~ --t ore: 1. TWOldmMiiniMi~tmilebmmMiemem lli'X¶I~'immMIeMi~..TmeeemmeMIMmieme~iB memeeililmwemlmk:meilehellemmiimleilMe: :' V'I b. AMImellem 'A ~ - i.fik. illlabedm. Onelllm41wllelellmmlnlineef. II. OllllllmlIwIlmewll~. e. I~llLANODfVll;ONGllllOMkV:Amh-xS1-memmeedmeWnmammmm. 3~ Cln' tm'~lm, metmmmmmst~.enlmer.ermlmtthemIMllmommimeMmlmmm~e.TheTaa~l~ PROPERTY OWNERI CERTIFICATION ~8765 lln~le Omk Drive ..m,p:bo Ca:tarorn~., Cl..9,2)9o 1.__989 . OAIE: .... ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM PlmmmmmPmftmlmndUdiNmgmmmmmlmmlldNmmddllommlmm4~mummmdlnPmPim. Wm~m~y 1. WimtlmthmTelmlaimdmd? kQ.0? I. Illalmedmm4'p(' Yio~ilefthmmmmmmdl8? YEIC) NOB Z NUmimmmmmmmmmyemmutomemmmmiNmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~.) Irasurf u: IA,mi,a....m~dml 1. Iml~mlmmmmQmm~mmmll~N~m~m~aV 1475t Ilmmm~kldimZ, mm? I'EIC) TedMmwdmmlyeeflmmimleetllleeBtedlmlmllmB(lituillmeZoNLemmllmmklkk ... Mlllm~VZmme Mapl mvNiltle ltthe PMIdiG II fl .. -" mm, Gmmmm efilm lmmmieg Omi m~m.4.1nhe mmemet mwlmm m 8mo. m~wto O~fd?.l. mei~lheNl~wllt gte MNUil~. IfstmdhamimeonmemmV. mammok~x.~,qV~motWeeNmyee..cp" tho mem mm mm foen. WseWee of me ..-i '~.,f, mMa mgud. ems mev of me ee~mmemfon~ & tmtmmPmmjmmm mMmlnm hmmaqlmmhmgemmmmmmor,~ .*~ m*m~mmmmmmmmmmmmmofmm'lemmmSmmmy~m- memTeclmmllleeefr? ~l NOD T~dmiemwm~mmieemimmmmbmeitm)tmm9eei~icmmmimdmmkmmmyevemmmmidmmm~em~ab1Y&kieh EilmmmTeeNeiReemo(elmevNIIbleetmelmlmbl;k.k.... V.'m,~GommMmeltlmPammqOlll.k,/em. ItoNmueftoQumboeells'Ym.'emthoem,dM:~.'L~e6ooF~Pt~Ymmleeboetodim4,g mmmmmmmmWmitmmMMmmmkk,.,;dmeymmgmmemmemmmdmmemm,mmmmmmmqemm~mmmmWmumgmMmmemm llelmlldvll~OifiolSilllndioemiRkellldeedllPeddelmemmelthiff... lyommmNmmmlmmmlmmmmtoNmmmm~lummm~mdmmtmNmmmmedmmmm$1mma,4m~em.~d' T'D~lNIoWtorme~tio~ld.' W0mmmmmdmo. mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmeorm~tKY~r~ 4. tmummmmmm~mmmmmmwmmemmmlmmmm? ~TI~ NOD rNm?mmmmmmmmemummmmm(m) mmmmmmmWmmemmmmmmMm? Id,mmmlmdmmmmmmmmm !"ror~dmd b7 Ikmm:mbo CLl.&rm, mm~ iim~- D~mtr2~ 'FIMIl'il:AddllmelMIMdde IbeblmlammmlmMadluetmlme: tNIlei~(lllvl-_ 'kWm, Ro$'Mi ItldefplallellmPmle~el~wmamlelllmlollthede. WeelefleeeelmP mmlmmmmmm" · ltmmmmlmtmm,mkmmmmm~m4~_ ~mmtmmmm k 'rlmmmmdmdmSm~A, ~ ZAdee/eVmnp~,Ofawekdleeel4efee,e~ ,,,,m'~mmpmlimemmmU.l. QmVeiXVkneyl .'Y....,~mmmem · eldlnllMlu. leeelyltetlili~ ~ig ~ltllMMelMmliIMIItndllndlMefammmtmeNi~togemlff ' vk&m REOUIRED PROPERTY OWNERI NOTIFICATION INFORMATION AP~ICJkTIO NS FOR: PARCEL MAPS TRACTS ZONE CHANGES CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS PUBLIC USE PERMITS SURFACE MINING leEliMITS tARND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM Thelollow~dlemsdtneeeweedellfwlimeollibeOolllweboeeemedcaleefgitVW: Jr -!l MN fog.} re. Alf~,r'e,,ot the WeaA. eN4refilel~. e. FOllLANDDIVIIIONCASESONLY:Anr~'X 11'elNtN~alfftelenleMlelD. 2. Four ~ am ol gummeff aabe~. al ff~e 81~.mt owaef .eegewee .encl tNxmnIMNe web Nit eelrig M~'esse s. D · MCkueN:decme~etseemNai:da~end~weef~e4c~et~N~Nee.~ieee~iedd~eNiee~ed~n~MMf4eed~M~a PROPERTY OWNERI CERTIFICATION Sb~lton Janiko~ski June 19, 1989 I. . ¢eedy that aft tee,e, , ,;- .. 3.F. Davidson Associates, Inc. the Mtachee peoeeny oemees bSl was Werate~ tW .... Mmeeeeeee,-,e-e,,,eeeamme r''~iip~e~i~te;~e~d~te~'~p~pe~nd~f'i~4~ef1y~e~tee~1s'~Me3~ee~N~~m~ tie ~ iS ~ Mimes Ihe letter e,~_,,,~_,eO ~sleslmeN n 111'LEIREalSTRATION: . PleONE: Shelion Jenikovski Asst Planner/J.F.bvLdson 27349 Jefferson Ave Ste bnchoCalifornia, C& 92390 (714) 676-7710 taall.-ill,laJ cAe: -.V[ iDE councP -PLAnnine DEPAmnERC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (E.A.) NUMBER: .~)~ ~ c/.~ MODULE NUM.~BER(s): PROJECT CASE TYPE(S)AND NUMBERS: NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPA .: . I. PROJECT INFORMATION STANDARD EVALUATION DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size end uses as mpplicabte~.*'F'~n B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES C. ASSESSOWS PARCEL NO.(s): q ; or SQUARE FEET D. EXISTINGZONING: E. PROPOSEDZONING: N/t-? F. STREET REFERENCES: IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? IS THE ,,~~~N CONFORMANCE? He BRIEF DE~RlfflON OF ~E ~ISTING E~RONMEffiAL S~ING OF THE ~~ S~ AND ffS SURROUNDINGS II. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION DESIGNATION Check the appropriate option(s) below end proceed accordingly. ~ a ~ are ' t°J' ~I*AII or part of the Droject site is in "Adol:)ted Specific Plans," "R P or "Rancho Villages Commun Policy Areas". Complete Sections III, N (B and C only), V end VI. :p AII or girt of the project site is in "Ames Not Designated as Open Space". Complete Sections IIi, IV (A, B and D only), V and VI. r-! All or part of the project site has an Open SDace and Conservation designation other than those mentioned above. Complete Sections III, IV (A, B, end E only), V end VI. 295-1'0 (New 12~87' III. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES Ag'C;:sa~MENT A. ~ndicate~hena~re~fffepr~p~sed~andu~sde~erminedfromthec~e~cri~ti~nsu~undinC~mprehen~ve~P~anFigure VL3 (Circle One~ This information is necessary to cl~tr.,,,ine the 8pproWiste land use suital~lity ratings i.n .~v-H,,,n Pl, B NA - NOt AppliCJb~ CrtticaJ Ellenti81 tlo.,,,l' Iligh Risk ( Normal-Low Ris'~_- B. ~nC~k~ew~th8ye~(Y)~rn~(N)whether~nye~vir~nm~tih~rd~nd/~rre~um~i~Je~rn~y~igni~cant~y~ect~rbea~ected by the propolaL All referenced figures eta conflirted in the Co,,,p,'c.henlivt ~ Plln. For any illue mekecI yes (Y) write Idditionll cIIts sources, agencies cortlulted, ~ncling~ of faot Ind Imy, ,ltljglti0n ~ under Section V. AIm), where indicated. HAZARDS I__/V Alcluist-Prioto SpecjaJ Studies or County Fault 12./V ~ Noie (Fig. !1.18.5, 11.18.11 (Fig. Vl.1) & VL12 & 1984 AICUZ Report, M.A.F.B.) U R (Fig. VL3) ~ A B C D (Fig, Vl.11 ) ng~0Tine i~ Vl. 1)R (F~g Vl /%/E;se (Fig. Vl. 13- Vl. 16) 2._>/__ cti Pot ntiaJ Zone (Fig. Vt.1)Cr---ql~-~'lll~,~13. NA ndsSha . .~ A B C D (Fig, Vl.11 ) 3..~/_ ~ ki (F 14./xi ' way Noise (Fig. VI.17 - VI.29) S PS U R (Fig. VI.5) J C D (Fig, VI.11 ) 4-/V Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Slope MBDs) 15./"( i No A n '~tic Maps or On-site Inspection) 16. __ 6. i'~ fall S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Hazard (On-site Inspection) 17. 7./J Expansive Soils (U.S.D.A. Soil 18./' Conservation Service Soil Surveys) 19./'/ 8- / / Erosion (U.S.D.A. Soil Q:H'mervation 20. ~ Service Soil Surveys) 21. 9-/%/ Wind Ersosion & Blowsand (Fig. VI.1, 22. Ord. 460, Sec. 14.2 & Ord. 484) 23. 10./~J Dam Inundation Area (Fig. VI.7) 24. 11 ~ (~plains (Fig. VI.7) 25. U R (Fig. VI.8) Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. Vl.11 ) Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. Vl.11 ) Air Quality Impacts From Project Project Sensitive to Air Quality Water Quality Impacts From Project Project Sensitive to Water Quality Hazardous Matedls and Wastes Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30 - VI.31 ) Other Other (Riv. Co. Agricultural land Conversation Contract Maps) Wildlife (Fig. %/I.36 - %/I.37) Vegetation (Fig. VI.38 - VI.40) Mineral Resources (Fig. VI.41 - VI.42) Energy Resources (Fig. VI.43 - VI.44) ',,L,-tS'- eliSi Die sl'o-le $~nie Highwayl (Fig. VI.45} Hislorie 1:!~oure~ (FiO. ~.82 - V1.33} (F't. VI.S~ - ~.~ & ~.,t6 - Vl.4~} PaleontOtogical Resources (Paleontological Resources Map) Offer Definitions for Land Use Suitability and Noise Acceptability Ratings NA - Not Applicable S - Generally Suitable PS - Provisionally SuitaDle U - Generally Unsuitable R - Restricted A - Generally Acceptable B - Conditionally Acceptable C - Generally Unacceptable D - Land Use Discouraged 395-70 (New 12/87t LAND USE DETERMINATION CornDe ~is part unless the ¢.~ject is located in "Adopted Specific Plans", "REMAP" or "Rancho V'dlages Community Policy Areas." sP^c ONS .V^T,O. MAP 3. SUBAREA, IF ANY: / ~./-ljz-x-4 * ~ - 4. COMMUNITY POUCY AREA, IF ANY: COMMUNITY PLAN DESIGNATION(s), IF ANY: St}MMARY OF POLICIES AFFECTING PROPOSAL: For all projects, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or NNViCeS issues may significantly affect or be affected by the prolx~al. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive General Ran. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consuited, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBUC FACILITIES AND SERVICES 1 ._.y._ Circulation (Fig. IV.l-IV.11. Discuss in 10- Sec. V Existing, Ranned & Recluired Roads) Bike Trails (Fig. IV. 12 - IV. 13) Water (Agency Letters) Sewer (Agency Letters) Fire Services (Fig. IV. 16 - IV. 18) Sheriff Services (Fig IV.17 - IV. 18) ,Schools(Fig. IV.17- IV. 18) Solid VVaste (Fq). W.17 - IV. 18) Parks and Recreation (F'~I. IV.19 - IV.20) e 3.~ 4. 'Y 5.7 6,/Y 15./ 16-Y 17-N Equestrian Trails (Fig. IV. 19 - IV,24/ Riv, Co. 800 Scale Ecluestrian Trail Ma~s) Utilities (Fig, IV,25 - W,26) Libraries (Fig. W.17- N. 18) Healffi Services (Fig. IV.17 - IV. 18) Airports (Fig. 11,18,2 - 11.18.4, 11.18.8 - 11,18.10 & N.27 - IV.36) City 0~1,,,,~ Other C. If all or part of the project is located in "Adol}ted Specific Plans", "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community Policy 1. Slate the roterant land use designation(s): 2. Based on this initial study, is the proposal consistent with the policies and designations of the appropriate document. and therefore consistent with the Comprohensive General Plan? If not, explain: (New 12/81) N. LAND USE DETERMINATION (continued) D. ff all or part of the project site is in "Areas not Designated as Open Space", and is not in a Community Ran, comOlete questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7. Complete Questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 if it is in a Community Ran. 1. Land use category(ies) necessary to support the proposed_ project. Also indicate land use type (Le. residential, commercial, etc.) ~ r (; 'T'r-_ 3. If D.1 differs from D.2, will the difference be raeolved at the deve~ mage? Explain: 4. Community Plan designation(s): (q ~ ('/.T'vTv~,~. ~.(_.<'~, / .) 5. is the proposed project consistent with the i:K)licies and designations of the Community Plan? If not, explain: L/~. ~- 6. IS the proposal compatible with existing and proposed surrounding land uses? ff not, explain: L'C~-t-'L/ Based on this initial study, is the prolx~al consistent with the Comprehensive General Plan? If not, reference by Section and Issue Number those issues identifying inconsistencies: E. if all or part of the project site is in Ol~m Space and Conservation designation, complete the following: 1. State the designation(s): 2. is the proposal consistent with the nation(s)? ff not, explain: 3. Based on this initial study, is the proposal sisent with the Comprehensive General Plan? issues identifying inconsistencies: ff not, reference by Section and 295-70 fNew 12/871 V. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MF./3URES A. ADDmONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION DETBqlIIATION ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECEIVED (YES/NOJ)ATE} B. For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sections III.B and IV.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the following, in the format as shown below: 1. Lilt all additional relevant data sources, including agencies consulted. 2. State 811 findings of fact regarding environmental cortcems. 3. Stale specific mitigation measures, if identifiable without requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. ff additional information is recluired before the environmental asaesmnent can be completed, refer to Subsection A. 5. If additional sheets are needed to complete this section, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. SECTION/ ISSUE NO. I t l SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: V. INFORMATION SOURCES, FINDINGS OF FACT AND MITIGATION MEASURES (continue) SECTION/ ISSUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: :,,~.~:~:.~ ~: . . , k ,-~- W~' ":' ~,4 ~ ,L'~ ~.Z~.~. ~d~~:~ 7Zc.~,~ VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATION: lNrolect will not have · significant effect on the environment end 8 Negative Declaration may be (or) [] The project could have a elgnific, imt effect on fie environment; however, there will not be a significant effect in this oa~e because the mitigation measures described in Section V have been applied to the project and a Negative Declaration may be preparecl. (or) 11 The project may have a significant effect on the environment ancl an Environmental Impact Report is required. '~ ,. / ' C. / ~,,.,= ,,~,"~d',,,, c,., ..2' .,' ~ by 295-10 file, 12/87i A GENDA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER JULY 31, 1990 - 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PRESENTA 7IONS/ PROCLAMATION$ PUBLIC COMMENTS r~en, f~USlN;SS Lindemans, Moore, Mufioz, Parks, Birdsall Anoeal Procedures - CRn Rates end Charges RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Direct the City Manager to implement the procedures outlined in the staff report for evaluating appeals filed regarding the CSD City-wide rates and charges. MANA OER$ REPORT DIRECTORS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next meeting: August 14, 1990, 7:00 PM, Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT AB# TITLE: DEPT HD MTG: 7-31-90 Procedure for Evaluating TCBD CITY ATTY DEPT: C,M, Rates and Charges Appeals CITY MGR ~ Prepared by Deputy City Clerk June Greek RECOMMENDA T/ON: That the Community Services District Board of Directorrs review the procedures recommended by staff for implementation during the evaluation of appeals filed in connection with the levy of TCSD rates and charges. That if these recommendations meet with the Council's approval the City Manager be directed to implement the procedures during his review of the appeal forms submitted by the property owners. BACKGROUND: During the Public Hearing held before the Community Services District Board of Directors on July 24, 1990, I was asked to develop procedures for dealing with a number of appeal criteria which were discussed during the hearing. Listed below are the issues and the suggested policy/procedure which I feel is fair and reasonable in each case. Private Parks - Within the City there are a number of subdivisions who have private parks within the boundaries of that community. Since these park lands are owned and maintained from funds collected from the homeowners association members it is my feeling that the present vacant residential and/or vacant non-residential rates may be excessive. Since these are private parks, not open for use by the general public, I feel that some assessment for city-wide recreation is appropriate. Recommendation: Apply the agricultural land-use rate of $16.70 per acre. Ooen Soace Areas - A second category of land owned and maintained by homeowners is open space that, for a variety of reasons, can not be used for any other purpose. An example of this would be the riparian area along Pechanga Creek. Recommendation: Place this land in an exempt category. Agenda Report TCSD Appeal Procedure Page 2. Agricultural Land - Since agricultural uses vary significantly depending on the type of crop and growing method, I feel that the large land farmers who are required to have sizable acreage should be given special consideration. Recommendation: Assessment should be based on $16.70 per acre for agricultural land, with a designated maximum number of acres subject to charges. Council may wish to establish a 25 acre maximum for such cases. Mobile Home Park Sites - It appears that the County has placed Mobile Home Parks in a land use designation for non-residential (improved). Since this assessment will be billed to the owner of the Park, who presumedly will pass this cost on to the tenants, an adjustment may be in order. Recommendation: Base the total assessment on the number of spaces in the !}ark at $25.05 per space. This is the assessment applied to apartments and condominiums. Golf Courses - Currently the County land use category for courses such as the Temecula Creek Inn is vacant industrial/commercial for the entire parcel. Since much of this acreage is in open space and recreational use we believe an adjustment should be made. Recommendation: All acreage used for golf should be assessed at the agricultural rate of $16.70. All acreage used for hotel/motel, restaurant, club house, and parking should be assessed at the non-residential (improved) rate of $200.40 per acre. Hardship Criteria - This criteria seems to fall into the areas of the elderly and handicapped property owners who are on fixed incomes. Recommendation: Establish an annual fixed income level of $12,000 or less to qualify for a deferment of the assessment. FISC,4L IMPA C T: Unknown at this time.