HomeMy WebLinkAbout041790 CC AgendaCALL TO ORDER= ROLL CALL: Invocation AGENDA TEMECUL~ CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING APRIL 17· 1990 Flag Salute PRESENTATIONS/ PROCLAMATIONS Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 90-05 Resolution: No. 90-39 Pastor Kenneth Molnar New Community Lutheran Church Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Muhoz, Parks PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council about an item not listed on the Agenda, a pink "Request To Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address. For all other agenda items a "Request To Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk before the Council gets to that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 2/agenda/041790 I 04/12/90 &pplication for &lochclio Beverage License An application filed by Roger Quarles, Sr. for Stadium Pizza, Inc. located at 27314 Jefferson Street, Temecula, California. RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Receive and File Ordinance and Resolution Regarding Parks and Recreation Commission RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Read by title only, waive further reading and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OFT HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER ~3.0L TO THE TEHECUL~ HUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE EST~BLIBHHENT OF A TF~ECULA PARKS AND RECREATION CO~ISSION 2.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TE~ECULA ESTABLISHING THE ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, ~ RESPONSIBILITIES OF ~ TE~ECULA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Ordinance and Resolution Regarding Public Safety Cowmission RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Read by title only, waive further reading and introduce an ordinance entitled: ORDII~%NCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TE~ECULA ~DDING CHAPTER LX.0X TO THE TEHECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTARLISHHEI~TOF A TEMECULAPUBLIC S~%FETY CO~ISSION. 2/agenclaj041790 2 04/12/90 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OFTEMECUL~ ESTABLISHING THE ORGANZZATZONv OBJECTIVES, RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TEMECUL~ PUBLIC S~FETY COMMISSION Ordinance and Resolution Reqardinq Traffic Co~ssion RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Read by title only, waive further reading introduce an ordinance entitled: 4.2 and ORDINANCE NO. 90- XNORDII~qNCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OF TEHECUL~ ADDING CNAPTER 12.01 TO THE TEMECUL~ MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TEMECUL~ TRAFFIC COMMISSION Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUL~ ESTABLISHING THE ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TEMECULA TRAFFIC COMMISSION. COUNCIL BUSINESS e e City Hall Lease With Purchase AnalYsis RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Authorize the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement between the City of Temecula and Windsor Projects for a City Hall located at Windsor Park I on Business Park Drive for a period of five years. Building and Safety Services Presentation by T. H. Ingram, Director of Building and Safety for Riverside County. 2/agencla/04.1790 3 04/12/90 ~ill~an Contract RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OF TEMECULA APPOINTING AN ACTING CITY ENGINEER AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND AN aCTING PLANNING DIRECTOR 7.2 Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for Planning and Engineering services with Willdan Associates. 7.3 Authorize the City Manager to notify the Riverside County Board of Supervisors that as of April 6, 1990, all new planning and engineering applications will be processed by the City of Temecula. Rancho California Road Reimbursement aqreement RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement with Bedford Properties for improvements on Rancho California Road. City Limits Sign License agreement RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement for City Limits monument signs 10. Buildin~ Inspection Contract 10.1 Authorize the City Manager to call for proposals for providing building inspection and grading services for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. 11. Sphere of Influence Study RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Appoint two Councilmembers to serve on a Sphere of Influence Committee. 2/agenda/041790 4 04/12/90 CITY H]tNAGER REPORT 12. Request to Bpeak Follow-up Report. 13. Comments North County Landfill CITY ATTORNEY REPORT CITY COUNCIL REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: April 24, 1990, 7:00 p.m., Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street, Temecula, California 2/agenda/041790 5 04~12/90 COPY I~t detmde.~ReterN all ~1~ ~ N~Wr~ ~e l~ U~ H~er~ O~e O~ly APPLICATION ~R-~COHOUC ~WGi UCENSE(S) ~.~T~)~IC~E(S) FILE NO. To: .~r~ent of Alcoh~ ~verage ConSol ~'~ ~ '~'~ ~ RECEIPT NO. Sacramento, CaliL95818 : GEOGRAPHICAL · (OlSTEICT SERVING ~.OC&TION) ~Z~G FLACE CODE 3300 The undersign~ ~reby applies f~ ' Date licerims descri~ as fol~s~ Issu~ Temp. Permit 2. NAME(S) OF APPLICANT(S) S?ADZUN PZ/,T,A, ILK:. ~I~ARL~S, RCH~rt mr. -]Prom, Applied under Sec. 24044 [] Effective Date: ]-1-90 3. TYPE(S) OF TRANSACTION(S) QUApT~_~, ~ &.. Treoourer/Sec. ANNUAL Effective Date: FEE LIC. TYPE $ 300.00 41 198.00 4_ Nome oL6usiness 5. L~afionofBusin~s--Numberand Street 27314 Je££e~onBt~ ?e~uT-d ~' RiveroAd. County TOTAL 498.00 6. If Premises Licensed, 7. Are Premises Inside Show Type of License 41-221475 (to be surr. upon iss.) City Limits? YES 8. Mailing Address (if different from $)--Number and Street (Temp) (Perre) 9. ~e you ever been c~vict~ of a felony? 10. Have you ever violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act or regulations of the Department per- '/ ~ '~ raining to the Act? ~) 11. Explain a "YES" answer ~ items 9 or 10 on an attachment which shall be deemed part of this application. 12. Applicant agrees (a) that any manager employed in on-sale licensed premises will have all the qualifications of a licensee, and (b) lhat he will not violate or cause or permit to be violated any of the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage.Control Act. 14. APPLICANT ~'1 "~ / I ' " IGN HEREMy ~MM~ ~--w ~ I ~ r 15. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Coun~ of ...................................... Date ............................. 16. Name(s)of Licenses(s) 17. Signature(s) of Licenses(s) 18. License Number(s) 19. Location Number and Street City and Zip Code County Do Not Write Below Thi~ Line; For De~artraenl Use Only Attached:[] Recorded notice, [] Fiduciary papers, * / " [] ...................................................cOP,ES M^,L D ___%/_ ......'___' ........................... j ec/AGD12115 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ~ APRIL 5, 1990 APRIL 17,1990 ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMECULA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Council introduce and adopt at its next regularly scheduled meeting, the attached Ordinance and Resolution regarding the establishment and procedural rules for the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission. DISCUSSION: Council previously established by minute order that there would be a Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission. Although the search process has already commenced regarding the selection of the Commission members, Chapter 2.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code requires that the Council formally adopt an Ordinance or Resolution creating the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission. I have prepared the enclosed Ordinance establishing the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission and the enclosed Resolution setting forth the procedural rules and regulations relating to the Commission. I would recommend their introduction and adoption. -1- ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER 13.01 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMECULA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 13.01 is hereby added to the Temecula Municipal Code as follows: "13.01.010 Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission - Established. There is hereby established a Temecula Traffic Commission. 13.01.020 Time and place of meeting. The time and place of the meetings of the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall be established by resolution of the Commission. 13.01.030 Duties. The duties of the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall be established by resolution of the City Council." SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day April, 1990. ATYEST: RONALD J. PARKS MAYOR June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 2/0rds/90-07 04/12/90 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI~ ESTABLISHING THE ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TEMECULA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION as follows: The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: Establishment of Commission. Pursuant to Section 13.01 of the Temecula Municipal Code, there is hereby created an advisory commission which shall be known as the '~I'emecula Parks and Recreation Commission." Section 2: Commission Membership. The Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of five (5) members to be nominated and appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.06.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 3: Staff Assistance. The City Manager shall ensure that adequate staff will be allocated to provide necessary technical and clerical assistance to the Commission. Section 4: Time and Place of Meetings. The Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall establish a regular date, time and place for Commission meetings, which shall be open to the public. Said meetings shall occur no less frequently than once a week. Section 5: Term. The Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall continue in effect pursuant to Chapter 2.06.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 6: Duties of Commission. The duties of the Temecula Parks and Recreation Commission shall be as follows: A. Review and make recommendations to the City Council concerning the Parks and Recreation element of the General Plan and work with the Temecula Community Services District, the Temecula school district and other city departments and community groups to provide parks and recreation services and programs for the community. Resos/9041 04/12/90 7:29pm Resolution 90- Page 2 Section 7: This Resolution shall become effective concurrently with the effective date of the City Ordinance adding Chapter 12.01 of the City Municipal Code. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Re$o$/9041 04/12/90 7:29~ jec/AGD12357 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ~ APRIL 5, 1990 APRIL 17, 1990 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TEMECULA POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Council introduce and adopt at its next regularly scheduled meeting, the attached Ordinance and Resolution regarding the establishment and procedural rules for the Temecula Police Advisory Commission. DISCUSSION: Council previously established by minute order that there would be a Temecula Police Advisory Commission. Although the search process has already commenced regarding the selection of the Commission members, Chapter 2.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code requires that the Council formally adopt an Ordinance or Resolution creating the Temecula Police Advisory Commission. I have prepared the enclosed Ordinance establishing the Temecula Police Advisory Commission and the enclosed Resolution setting forth the procedural rules and regulations relating to the Commission. Both the Ordinance and Resolution have been modeled after the City of Rancho Mirage Police Advisory Commission which was approved and adopted by that City. I would recommend their introduction and adoption. -1- ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER 11.01 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMECULA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 11.01 is hereby added to the Temecula Municipal Code as follows: "11.01.010 Temecula Public Safety Commission - Established. There is hereby established a Temecula Public Safety Commission. 11.01.020 Time and place of meeting. The time and place of the meetings of the Temecula Public Safety Commission shall be established by resolution of the Commission. 11.01.030 Duties. The duties of the Temecula Public Safety Commission shall be established by resolution of the City Council." SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 1990. ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS MAYOR F. D. ALESHIRE, City Clerk 2/0rds/90-05 04/12/90 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TEMECULA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1: Establishment of Commission. Pursuant to Section 11.01.010 of the Temecula Municipal Code, there is hereby created an advisory commission which shall be known as the "Temecula Public Safety Commission." Section 2: Commission Membership. The Temecula Public Safety Commission shall consist of five (5) members to be nominated and appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.06.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 3: Staff Assistance. The City Manager shall ensure that adequate staff will be allocated to provide necessary technical and clerical assistance to the Commission. The Police Chief shall serve as staff liaison to the Commission. Section 4: Time and Place of Meetings. The Temecula Public Safety Commission shall establish a regular date, time and place for Commission meetings, which shall be open to the public. Said meetings shall occur no less frequently than once a week. Section 5: Term. The Temecula Public Safety Commission shall continue in effect pursuant to Chapter 2.05.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 6: Duties of Commission. The duties of the Temecula Public Safety Commission shall be as follows: Review and make recommendations to the City Council concerning law enforcement, fire suppression and prevention, and disaster planning for the City of Temecula. Resos/9039 04/12/90 6:16pm Resolution 90- Page 2 Section 7: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOFrED this 17th day of April, 1990. ATFEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/9039 04/12/90 6:16pm jec/AGD12050 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY .c '~ APRIL 5, 1990 APRIL 17, 1990 ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMECULA TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Council introduce and adopt at its next regularly scheduled meeting, the attached Ordinance and Resolution regarding the establishment and procedural rules for the Temecula Traffic and Transportation Commission. DISCUSSION: Council previously established by minute order that there would be a Temecula Traffic and Transportation Commission. Although the search process has already commenced regarding the selection of the Commission members, Chapter 2.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code requires that the Council formally adopt an Ordinance or Resolution creating the Temecula Traffic and Transportation Commission. I have prepared the enclosed Ordinance establishing the Temecula Traffic and Transportation Commission and the enclosed Resolution setting forth the procedural rules and regulations relating to the Commission. I would recommend their introduction and adoption. -1- ORDINANCE NO. ~- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADDING CHAPTER 12.01 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMECULA TRAFFIC COMMISSION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECUI.~ DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 12.01 is hereby added to the Temecula Municipal Code as follows: "12.01.010 Temecula Traffic Commission - Established. There is hereby established a Temecula Traffic Commission. 12.01.020 Time and place of meeting. The time and place of the meetings of the Temecula Traffic Commission shall be established by resolution of the Commission. 12.01.030 Duties. The duties of the Temecula Traffic Commission shall be established by resolution of the City Council." SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day April, 1990. ATTEST: RONALD J. PARKS MAYOR June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk 2jOrds[90-.06 04/12/90 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TEMECULA TRAFFIC COMMISSION The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: Section 1: Establishment of Commission. Pursuant to Section 12.01.010 of the Temecula Municipal Code, there is hereby created an advisory commission which shall be known as the "Temecula Traffic Commission." Section 2: Commission Membership. The Temecula Traffic Commission shall consist of five (5) members to be nominated and appointed pursuant to Chapter 2.06.050 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 3: Staff Assistance. The City Manager shall ensure that adequate staff will be allocated to provide necessary technical and clerical assistance to the Commission. Section 4: Time and Place of Meetings. The Temecula Traffic Commission shall establish a regular date, time and place for Commission meetings, which shall be open to the public. Said meetings shall occur no less frequently than once a week.. Section 5: Term. The Temecula Traffic Commission shall continue in effect pursuant to Chapter 2.06.060 of the Temecula Municipal Code. Section 6: Duties of Commission. The duties of the Temecula Public Safety Commission shall be as follows: Review and make recommendations to the City council on traffic matters within the City such as speed zones, stop signs and signals, pavement markings, traffic design and engineering. The commission will also recommend traffic enforcement measures and coordinate City activities with the California Highway Patrol, Sheriff, County Road Department and other regional traffic management and planning agendes. Resos/9040 04/12/90 Resolution 90- Page 2 Section 7: This Resolution shall become effective concurrently with the effective date of the City Ordinance adding Chapter 12.01 of the City Municipal Code. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 1990. ATTEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/90&O 04/12/90 7:09pm DATE= TO: FROM= SUBJECT= CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT April 10, 1990 city Manager/City Council Joe Hreha, Manager of Information Systems~~ city Hall Lease With Purchase Analysis RECOMMENDATIONS: DISCUSSION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a lease agreement between the city of Temecula and Windsor Projects for a City Hall located at Windsor Park I on Business Park Drive for a period of five years. On April 3, 1990, I presented a City Hall lease offer from WestMar Commercial Brokerage, acting of behalf of Windsor Projects. The City Council approved Staff's recommendation adopting Transition Plan II. The lease has been prepared and is enclosed as Attachment A. The enclosed lease is summarized as follows: Building D (city Hall) Lease Period Free Rent Annual Rental Increases Rent NNN NNN/Square Foot Tenant Improvements 6,805 square feet 65 months First five months Five percent fixed $0.78 per sqft $0.12 - $0.14 Fully built-out Building C Lease Period Free Rent Annual Rental Increases Rent NNN NNN/Square Foot Tenant Improvements 20,223 square feet 65 months First five months Five percent fixed $0.70 per sqft $0.12 - $0.14 Fully built-out Total tenant improvement allowance: $405,420, based upon $15.00 a square foot for both buildings. 30 day first right of refusal for other Windsor Park I neighboring properties (three buildings that total 44,615 square feet). TRANSITION PLAN II: Tenant improvements on half of the new Building C completed by August 15, 1990. City Hall moves into half of the new Building C (10,223 sqft office space) by August 31, 1990. Tenant improvements old City Hall - Building D completed by November 1, 1990. City Council meetings begin in Old City Hall Building D on November 6, 1990. First Annual city Hall Open House December 1, 1990 celebrating our first year as a City. Tenant improvements on other half of the new Building C completed by January 1, 1991. Applying the free rent offer: Jul 90 through Aug 90 rent: Sep 90 through Jan 91 rent: Feb 91 through Mar 91 rent: Apr 91 through May 91 rent: Jun 91 rent: $ 7,625.34 $ 0.00 $17,174.64 $29,695.84 $23,435.24 FY91 total rent payments: FY92 total rent payments: $77,931.06 $278,975.08 The City Attorney has reviewed the enclosed lease. After the April 3, 1990 City Council meeting, Staff was asked to prepare a lease vs. purchase analysis to be presented at the time the lease was returned for Council's approval. Enclosed at Attachments B and C is the lease vs. purchase analysis. ATTACHMENTS: (A) Lease Agreement (B) Lease vs. Purchase (C) Narrative Summary Lease vs. Purchase NET INDUSTRIAL LEASE IND. NNN 11/86 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. LEASE OF PREMISES ....................................................... 1 2. EXHIBITS AND ADDENDA .................................................... 1 3. DEFINITIONS ............................................................... 1 4. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION ................................................. 2 5. ACCEPTANCE .............................................................. 2 & USE; LIMITATIONS ON USE .................................................. 2 7. RENT; OPERATING EXPENSES ................................................ 3 8. TAXES; ASSESSMENTS ...................................................... 3 9. MAINTENANCE ............................................................. 4 10. UTILITIES AND SERVICES .................................................... 4 11. INDEMNITY AND EXCULPATION; INSURANCE ................................... 5 12. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, IMPROVEMENTS .................................... 5 13. MECHANICS' LIENS ......................................................... 5 14. DESTRUCTION ............................................................ 6 15. CONDEMNATION ............................................................ 6 16. ASSIGNMENT ............................................................. 7 17. DEFAULT ................................................................... 7 18. ADVERTISING .............................................................. 8 19. LANDLORD'S ENTRY ON PREMISES .......................................... 8 20. OFFSET STATEMENT, ATTORNMENT, SUBORDINATION ........................... 9 21. NOTICE ................................................................... 9 22. WAIVER ................................................................... 9 23. SALE OR TRANSFER OF PREMISES .......................................... 9 24. ATTORNEYS' FEES .......................................................... 9 25. SURRENDER OF PREMISES; HOLDING OVER .................................. 9 26. ABANDONMENT ............................................................ 10 27. QUIET ENJOYMENT ........................................................ 10 28. FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................... 10 29. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES .................................................. 10 30. GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................... 10 NET INDUSTRIAL LEASE Windsor Partners - Rancho Industrial This Lease between a General Partnership ("Landlord"), and The City of Temecula a California Corporation ("Tenant"), ~s dated April 12 , 19 90 1. LEASE OF PREMISES. 1.1. In consideration of the Rent (as defined in Section 7.1) and the prows~ons of this Lease, Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the Premtses shown by diagonal lines on the floor plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and further described in Section 3.13. The Premises are located w~thin the Building and Park described m Section 3.14. Tenant shall have the non-exclusive rigl~t (unless otherwise prowded heres) in common w~th Landlord. other tenants, subtenants and ~nvitees, to use of the Common Areas (as defined at Section 3,5). 1.2. Tenant has examined the Premises and is fully informed of their condition. 1.3. This Lease confers no rights either with regard to the subsurface of the land below the ground level of the Premises or with regard to airspace above the top of the roof of the building that is a part of the Premises. 2. EXHIBITS AND ADOENDA. The exhibits and addenda listed below (unless lined out) are incorporated by reference in this Lease: 2.1. Exhibit "A" -- Floor Plan showing the Premises. 2.2. Exhibit "B"-- Site Plan of the Park. 2.3. Exhibit "C"-- Building Standard Work Letter. 2.4. Exhibit "D"-- Rules and Regulations. 2.5. Addenda: See Addendum DEFINITIONS. As used in this Lease. the following terms shall have the following searungs: 3.1. Base Rent: $ See Addendum 3,2. Base Year: The calendar year of ' See Addendum 3.3. Baker(e) and Sales Agent(a): WestMar Commercial Brokerage per year. 3.4. Commencement Date: See Addendum 3.5. Common Areas: All areas within the exterior boundaries of the Park that are provided and designated by Landlord, from time to time. for the general use and convenience of the tenants of the Park and which are not leased or held for the exclusive use of Tenant or other tenants of the Park. Common Areas include, but are not limited to, pedestrian walkways, patios, landscaped and planted areas, sidewalks, sen/ice corridors, restrooms, stairways, throughways. loading areas, parking areas, driveways and roads. 3.6. Cost of Livin~ Adjustment Range: (Fill in, if applicable.) Minimum five percent (5%) % Maximum five percent (5%) O/o. 3.7. Expense Stop: (Fill in, if applicable.): $ N/A 3.8. Expiration Date: See Addendum, unless otherwise sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Lease. 3.9. Index (Section 7.2): United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, Los Angeles/Long BeachlAnahe~m Average. Subgroup "All Items" (1967 =, 100). 3.10. Landlord's Mailing Address: 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite 200 Temecu] a, CA 92390 TenonI'm Mailing Address: P.0. Box 3000 Temecu] a, CA 92390 ($19,464.00) 3.11. Monthly Installments of Base Rent: $ nineteen thousand four hundred sixty-four & 00/].00 per month. 3.12. Parking: Tenant shall be perm;tted to park See Addendum cars on a non-exclusive basis in the area(s) designated by Landlord for parking. 3.13. Premises: 1~ of Buildings C and O of the Park containing approximately 27,028 square feet of Rentable Area, shown by diagonal lines on Exhibit "A." 3.14. Park: A multi-tenant industrial/commercial real properly development of Landlord located at 43].7Z and 43].74 Business Park Drive and described in Exhibit "B." The Park includes the land, the Buildings and all other improvements located thereon, including the Common Areas. The Park is known as Windsor Park [ 3.15. Rentable Area: As to the Premises. the measurements of floor area as may, from time to time, be subject to lease by Tenant and all tenants of the Park, respectively, as determined by Landlord and applied on a consistent basis throughout the Park. 3.16. Security Deposit (Section 7,4): $ See Addendum 3.17. Tenent's First Adjustment Date (Section 7.2): The first day of the calendar month following the Commencement Date plus twelve (12) months. 3.18. Tenant's Pro Rata Share: 37.73 %. Such share is a fraction, the numerator of which is the Rentable Area of the Premises, and the denominator of which is the Rentable Area of the Park, as determined by Landlord from time to time. 3.19. Tenant's Use Clause (Article 6): General Office 3.20. Term: The period commencing on the Commencement Date and expiring at midnight on the Expiration Date. 3.21. Trade Name: The City of Temecula 3.22. Miscellaneous Definitions: Alteration: Any addition or change to, or modification of, the Premises made by Tenant after the fixturing period, including, without limitation, fixtures, but excluding trade fixtures, and Tenanl's improvements. Authorized Representative: Any officer, agent, employee, or independent contractor retained or employed by either Party, acting within authority given him by that Party. Damage: Inju~/, deterioration, or loss to a person or property caused by another person's acts or omissions, Damage includes death. Damages: A moneta~/compensation or indemnity that can be recovered in the courts by any person who has suffered damage to his person, property, or rights through another's act or omission. Destruction: Any damage to or disfigurement of the Premises. Encumbrance: Any deed of trust, mortgage, or other written security device or agreement affectir. g the Premises, and the note or other obligation secured by it, that constitutes security for the payment of a debt or performance o! an obligation. IND NNN Expiration: The coming to an and of a time Denod specifie~ in the Lease, including, without limitatton. any exte~smo~ of the ter~ rasultmc~ from the exercise of an option to extancl. Good Condition: The goocl physical condition of the Premises and each {~x)rtion of the Premises. including, without I~mitatJon, signs, windows, show windows. appurtenances, and Tenant's personal property. "In good condition" means first-class, neat, clean. and broom-clean, and is equivalent to similar phrases referring to physical adequacy in appearance and for use. Hold Harmless: To defend and indemni~ from all liability, losses, penalties, damages, costs. expenses (including, without limitabort, attorneys' fees), causes of action, claims, or judgments arising out of or related to any damage, as defined herema13ove, to any person or property. Law: Any judicial decision, statute, constitution, ordinance, resolution. regulation, rule, administrative order, or other requirement of any municipal, county, state, federal, or other government agency or authority having jurisdiction over the Parties or the Premises. or both, in effect either at the time of execution of the L~es~ or at any time during the term, including, without limitarran. any regulation or order of a Quasi-official entity or Ix)dy (e.g., board of fire examiners or public utilities). Lender: The beneficiary, mortgagee, secured Party, or other holder of an encumbrance, as defined hereinabove. Lien: A charge imposed on the Premises by someone other than Landlord, by which the Premises are made security for the performance of an act. MoSt of the liens referred to in this Lease are mechanics' liens. Maintenance: Repairs, replacement, repainting and cleaning. Party: Shall mean Landlord or Tenant; and if more than one person or entity is Landlord or Tenant. the obligations imposed on that Party shall be joint and several. Person: One or more human beings, or legal entities or other artificial persons, including, without limitation, partnerships, corporations, trusts, estates, associations, and any combination of human beings and legal entities. Provision: Any term, agreement, covenant, condition, clause, qualification, restriction, reservation, or other stipulation in the Lease that defines or otherwise controls, establishes or limits the performance required or permitted ~ either Party. Restoration: The reconstruction, rebuilding, rehabilitation, and repairs that are necessary to return destroyed portions of the Premises and other property to substantially the same physical condition in which they were immediately before the destruction. Successor: Assignee, transferee, personal representative, heir, or other person or entity succeeding lawfully, and pursuant to the provisions of this Lease, to the rights or obligations of either Party. Tenant: A person or entity (or their successor in interest) who has signed a valid existing lease for a space in the Park. Tanant's Improvement: Any addition to or modification of the Premises made by Tenant before, at, or near the commencement of the term, including, without limitation, fixtures (not including Tenant's trade fixtures). Tenant's Personal Property: Tenant's equipment, furniture, merchandise. and movable property placed in the Premises by Tenant, including Tenant's trade fixtures. Tenant's Trade Fixtures: Any properS/, installed in or on the Premises by Tenant for purposes of trade, manufacture, ornament. or related use. Termination: The ending of the term before expiration for any reason. 4. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. 4.1. If for any reason Landlord does not deliver possession of the Premises to Tenant on the Commencement Date, Landlord shall not be subject to any liability for such failure, the Expiration Date shall not change and the validity of this Lease shall not be impaired, but Rent shall be abated until delivery of possession. "Delivery of possession" shall be deemed to occur on the date Landlord completes Landlord's Work as defined in Exhibit "C." If Landlord permits Tenant to enter into possession of the Premises before the Commencement Date, such possession shall be subject to the prowagons of this Lease, including, without limitation, the payment of Rent. 5. ACCEPTANCE. 5.1. Tenant's taking possession of the Premises on commencement of the term shall constitute Tenant's acknowledgement that the Premises are in good condition. USE; LIMITATIONS ON USE. 6.1. Tenant shall use the Premises solely for the purposes set forth in the Tenant's Use Clause and for no other use without Landlord's written consent. Tenant shall conduct its business at the Premises under the trade name set forth in the Tenant's Trade Name Clause and under no other trade name unless first obtaining the written consent of Landlord. Tenant's use of the Premises as provided in this Lease shall be in accordance with the following: 6.2.1. Tenant shall not do, bring, or keep anything in or apout the Premises that will cause a cancellation of any insurance covering the Premises. If the rate of any insurance carried by Landlord is increasecl as a result of Tenant's use. Tenant shall pay to Landlord within ten (10) days before the date Landlord is obligateq to pay a premium on the insurance, or within ten (10) days after Landlord delivers to Tenant a certified statement from Landlord's insurance carrier stating that the rate increase was caused solely by an activity of Tenant on the Premises, as permitted in this Lease, whichever date is later, a sum equal to the difference between the original premium and the increased premium. 6.2.2. Tenant shall comply with any master Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which encumber the real property on which the Premises are located. 6.2.3 Tenant shall comply with all laws concerning the Premises or Tenant's use of the Premises, including, without limitation, the obligation at Tenant's cost to alter, maintain, or restore the Premises in compliance and conformity w~th all laws relating to the condition, use, or occupancy of the Premises during the term. 6.2.4. Tenant shall not use the Premises in any manner that will constitute waste, nuisance or an unreasonable annoyance to the quiet enjoyment of the tenants of the Park in which the Premises are located (including, without limitation, the use of loudspeakers or sound or light apparatus that can be heard or seen outside the Premises). Tenant shall not use the Premises for sleeping, washing clothes, cooking or the preparation, manufacture, or mixing of anything that might emit any odor or objectionable noises or lights. 6.2.5. Tenant shall not do anything on the Premises that will cause damage to the Premises. Any overloading of electrical circuits shall be the responsibility of Tenant. No machinery, apparatus, or other appliance shall be used or operated m or on the Premises that will in any manner injure, vibrate, or shake the Premises. 6.2.6. Tenant shall not display or sell merchandise or allow carts, portable signs, devices or other objects to be stored or remain outside the defined exterior and permanent doo~vays of the Premises. 6.2.7. Tenant shall not conduct or permit any sale by auction on the Premises. 6.2.8. Tenant shall have for its use and benefit the non-exclusive right in common with Landlord and future owners, other tenants and their agents, employees, customers, licenseees, subtenants and all others to whom Landlord has granted or may grant such rights, to use the Common Areas during the entire term of this Lease, or any extension thereof, for ingress and egress, roadway, automobile parking and sidewalks. Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to use the number of parking spaces designated in the Parking Clause. However, Landlord shall, at all times, have the right and privilege of determining the nature and extent of the Common Areas and of making such changes which in its opinion are deemed to he desirable. Such changes may include. but shall not be limited to, converting the Common Areas into leasable areas, constructing additional parking facilities ~n the Common Areas, increasing or decreasing common Area land and/or facilities, the location and reidCation of driveways, entrances, exits, automobile parking spaces. the direction and flow of traffic, installation of prohibited areas. landscaped areas. and all other facilities thereof. Tenant acknowle<:lges that such activities may result in occasional inconvenience to Tenant. Nothing contame~l herein shall be deemed to create any liability upon Landlord as a result of said changes or for any damage to motor vehicles of customers or employees or for loss of propen'y from within such motor vehicles, unless caused by the negligence of Landlord, its agents, servants or employees. w~thin such motor vehicles. unless caused by the negligence of Landlord. ~ts agents, servants or em0toyees. Lancelord shall. at all times during the term of this Lease, have the sole and exclusive control of the Common Areas. and may. at any time dunng the term hereof. exclude and restrain any person from use or occupancy thereof, exce0tmg, however. pond fide CUStOmers. patrons and serwce-suppliers of Tenant. and other tenants of Landlord who make use of said areas ~n accordance with the rules and regulations estabhshed by Landlord from time to time w~th respect thereto. The r~gnts of Tenant hereuncler, in and to the Common Areas. shall. at all t~mes. be subject to the rights of Landlord. other tenants of the Park and all others to whom landlord has granted such nghts, to use the same ~n common with Tenant. Tenant shall not, at any t~me, ~nterfere w~th the nghts of landlord. other tenants. or any other person entitled to use the Common Areas. It shall be the duty of Tenant to keep all Common Areas free and clear of any obstructions created or permitted by Tenant or resulting from Tenant's operation and to permit the use of any of the parking and roadway access areas only for normal parking and regress and egress by the said customers. patrons and se~ce-suppliers to and from the building occupied by Tenant and the other tenants of the Park. If, in the opinion of Lanqlord, unauthorized persons are using any Common Areas by reason of the presence of Tenant in the Premises, Tenant. upon demand of Landlord, shall enforce such rights against all such unauthorized persons by appropriate proceedings. Nothing herein shall affect the rights of Landlord. at any time, to remove any such unauthorized persons from the Common Areas or to restrain the use of any of the Common Areas by unauthorized persons. 6,2.9. Tenant agrees to comply with such reasonable rules and regulations in the use of the Premises and the Common Areas as Landlord may adopt from time to time for the orderly and proper operation of the Park. Tenant shall use its best efforts to cause others who use the Common Areas with Tenant's express or implied permission to abide by Lanotord's rules and regulations. Such rules may include, but are not limited to. the following: (i) Normal business hours; (ii) The hours during which the Common Areas shall be open for use; (iii) The restricting of employee parking to a limited, designated area or areas and the imposition of finus for violations of such restrictions or designations; and (iv) The regulation of removal, storage and disposal of Tenant's refuse and other rubbish. 6.2.10. Tenant shall not use, store, handle or dispose of any hazardous wastes or substances on the Premises or any part of the Park. The term "hazardous wastes or substances," is used in this section in its very broadest sense and includes, but is not limited to, petroleum base products, paints and solvents, leads, cyanide, DDT, printing inks, acids, pesticides, ammonium compounds, asbestos. PCBs and other chemical products. 7. RENT; OPERATING EXPENSES. 7.1. All costs and expenses which Tenant assumes or agrees to pay to Landlord under this Lease shall be deemed additional rent (which together with Base Rent is sometimes referred to herein as the "Rent"). Tenant shall pay to Landlord, without deduction, set off, prior notice, or demand, the Rent, in advance, on the first day of each month, commencing on the Commencement Date and continuing during the Term. Base Rent for the first month or a portion of it shall be paid upon execution of this Lease. Base Rent for any partial month shall be prorated at the rate of 1/30th of the Base Rent per qay. Thereafter rent shall be payable in accordance with the terms of this Section. The total consideration for the term of this Lease shall be increase~l by the amount of any such prorated installment hereby required. All rent shall be paid to Landlord at the address provided at the beginning of this Lease. 7.2. The amount of Base Rent (and the corresponding Monthly Installments of Base Rent) payable hereunder shall be adjusted annually (the "Adjustment Date"), commencing on Tenant's First Adjustment Date. Adjustments, if any, shall be based upon increases (if any) in the Index. The Index in publication three (3) months before the Commencement Date shall be the "Base Index." On each Adjustment Date, the Base Rent shall be increased by a percentage equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the Index in publication three (3) months before the Adjustment Date (the "Comparison Index") over the Base Index ("adjusted Base Rent"). In the event the Comparison Index in any year is less than the Comparison Index (or Base Index, as the case may be) for the preceding year, the Base Rent shall remain the amount of Base Rent payable during that preceding year. When the adjusted Base Rent payable as of each Adjustment Date is determined. Landlord shall give Tenant written notice of such adjusted Base Rent and the manner in which it was computed. The adjusted Base Rent shall thereafter be the "Base Rent" for all purposes under this Lease. If at any Adjustment Date the Index no longer exists in the form described in this Lease, Landlord may substitute any substantially equivalent official index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics or its successor. Landlord shall use any appropriate conversion factors to accomplish such substitution. The substitute index shall then become the "Index" hereunder. In no event shall the Base Rent be adjusted to reflect an increase greater or lesser than the percentages (if any) described in the Cost of Living Adjustment Range Clause. 7.3. If this Lease terminates before the expiration date for reasons other than Tenant's default, Base Rents shall be prorated to the date of termination, and Landlord shall immediately repay to Tenant all Base Rent then prepaid and unearned. 7.4. On execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the Security Deposit for the performance by Tenant of the provisions of this Lease. If Tenant is in default, Landlord can use the Security Deposit, or any portion of it. to cure the default or to compensate Landlord for any damage sustained by Landlord resulting from Tenant's default. Tenant shall immediately on demand pay to Landlord a sum equal to the portion of the Security Deposit expended or applied by Landlord as provided in this Section so as to maintain the Security Deposit in the sum initially deposited with landlord. If Tenant is not in default at the expiration or termination of this Lease, landlord shall return the Security Deposit to Tenant, less any amounts required to restore the Premises to good condition and repair, including damage resulting from the removal by Tenant of its trade fixtures or equipment. landlord's obligations with respect to the Security Deposit are those of a debtor and not a trustee. landlord can maintain the Security Deposit separate and apart from Landlord's general funds or can commingle the Security Deposit with Landlord's general and other funds. Landlord shall not be required to pay Tenant interest on the Security Deposit. 7.5. For purposes of this Article, Operating Expenses shall mean all direct costs of operation and maintenance, as determined by standard accounting practices, including, but not limited to, Common Area expenses, real property taxes, maintenance, repairs, utilities, services and insurance. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional rent, Tenant's Pro Rata Share of such Operating Expenses in the following manner: 7.5.1. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional rent, on the first day of each calendar month of the term of this Lease. an amount equal to Landlord's best estimate (based on Landlord's budgeted figures) of Tenant's monthly Pro Rata Share of the Operating Expenses. 7.5.2. Within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar year, landlord shall furnish Tenant with a statement covering the calendar year just expired (certified as correct by an authorized representative of Landlord, or if requested by a malonty of the tenants in the Park, by a certified public accountant) showing (i) the total Operating Expenses; (ii) the amount of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of such Operating Expenses for such calendar year; and (iii) the payments made by Tenant with respect to such period as set forth in Section 7.5.1. If Tenant's payments exceed Tenant's Pro Rata Share of such Operating Expenses, Tenant shall be entitled to offset the excess against the next payments due landlord as set forth in Section 7.5.1. However, if Tenant's Pro Rata Share of such Operating Expenses exceeds Tenant's payments, Tenant shall pay landlord the deficiency within ten (10) days after receipt of such statement. In addition, Tenant's Pro Rata Share of the total Operating Expenses for the previous calendar year shall be used as an estimate for the current year and paid to landlord pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.5.1. 7.5.3. Landlord may, at its option, by service of written notice on Tenant, choose to alter any payment periods provided for by this Lease under the Articles titled "Rent; Operating Expenses," "Taxes; Assessments," "Maintenance" and "Indemnity and Exculpation; Insurance." 8. TAXES; ASSESSMENTS. 8,1. Tenant shall pay, before delinquency, all taxes. assessments, license fees and other charges ("taxes") that are levied and assessed against Tenant's personal property installed or located in or on the Premises. and that become payable dufing the term. On demand by Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with satisfactory evidence of these payments. Whenever possible, Tenant shall cause said trade fixtures, furnishings, equipment and personal property to be separately assessed. If, however, any taxes on Tenant's personal property are levied against Landlord or landlord's property, or if the assessed IND. NNN 11/~ value of the Premises is increased by the inclusion of a value place<:] on Tenantis personal property. and ~f Landfore Days the taxes or, a,~y ol the,..e items or the taxes based on the increased assessment of these ~tems. Tenant, on demand. Shall immediately re~mt)urse Landford for the sum of the taxes lewed against Landion:l, or the bropott~on of the taxes resulting from the ~ncreese in Landford's assessment. Landlord shall have the right to pay these taxes regardless of the validity of the levy. 8.2. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in the manner provided in Section 7.5, Tenant's Pro Rata Share. of all real property taxes and general and special assessments ("real property taxes*') levied and assessed against the land, building, and other improvements of which the Premises are a pan. 8.3. If any general or special assessment is levied and assessed against the Premises which under the laws then in force may be evidenced by improvement or other Ponds and may be paid m annual installments, only the amount ol such annual installment. with appropriate proration for any partial year, and interest thereon, shall be included within a computation of taxes and assessments levied against the Premises. 8.4. Tenant shall pay to Landlord any and all excise, privileges and other taxes (other than net income and estate taxes) levied or assessed by any federal, state or local dutYrarity ("taxing authority") upon the rent received by Landlord hereunder. Tenant shall also pay to Landlord any business tax imposed upon Landlord by any taxing authority whether or not such tax is based or measured, in whole or in part, by amounts charged to Tenant or received by Landlord from Tenant under this Lease. 8.5. If at any time during the term of this Lease, any taxing authority shall alter the methods and/or standards of taxation and/or assessment ("tax plan"), in whole or in part, so as to impose a tax plan in lieu of or in addition to the tax plan in existence as of the date of this Lease, such taxes or assessments based upon such altered tax plan including: (i) any tax, assessment, excise, surcharge, fee, penalty, bond or similar imposition ("impositions") whether or not in lieu, partially or totally, of any impositions assessed against the land, building, and other improvements of which the Premises are a part prior to any alterations in the tax plan; (it) any impositions on Landlord's right to rent or other income from the Premises or egainst Landlord's business of leasing the Premises; (iii) any ~mposit~ons allncabte to or measured by the area of the Premises or the rent payable hereunder, including without limitation any impositions levied by any taxing authority with respect to such rental or with respect to the possession, leasing, operation, management, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy by Tenant of the Premises or any portion thereof; (iv) any impositions upon this Lease transaction or any document to which Tenant is a party which creates or transfers any interest or estate in or to the Premises; and (v) any special, unforeseen or extraordinary impositions however deScribed, shall also be considered taxes for the purposes of this Lease. 8.6. Tenant's liability to pay real property taxes shall be prorated on the basis of a 365 day year to account for any fractional portion of a fiscal year included in the term at its commencement and expiration. 9. MAINTENANCE, 9.1. Except as provided in Section 9.4. and the Articles titled "Destruction" and "Condemnation," Tenant shall, at ~ts sole expense, maintain the entire Premises in good tenantable condition and repair. including without limitation all additions and ~mprovements made by the Tenant as well as all items of maintenance. alteration, or reconstruction that may be reduired by a governmenlal agency hawng jurisdiction thereof. If Tenant fails to keep the Premises in said condition, Landlord shall have the right, at Landlord's option, to enter the Premises in order to place same in the required condition and repair. Tenant shall immediately pay to Landlord the cost thereof, together with interest at the maximum rate allowed by law. 9.2. Landlord shall not have any responsibility to maintain the Premises. Tenant, as a material part of the consideration rendered to Landlord, in entering into this Lease, hereby waives the provisions of Civil Code Section 1941 and 1942 with respect to Landlord's obligation for tenantability of the Premises and Tenant's right to make repairs and deduct the expense of such raba~rs from rent. 9.3 Landlord shall, at Tenant's cost, keep and maintain all window and door glass, utilities, fixtures and mechanical equipment, including any heating and/or air conditioning units servicing the Premises and used by Tenant (excluding Tenant's personal propony and trade fixtures), in good order, condition and repair. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in the manner provided in Section 7.5, Tenant's Pro Rata Share of all such maintenance and repair costs. 9.4. Landlord shall keep in good condition and repair the roof and structural components of the Premises, except when such maintenance and repair is necessitated by reason of Tenant's negligence, alteration of or addition to the Premises, or Preach of any term or condition of this Lease. Landlord shall have no obligation to make any such repairs until Landlord has received written notice from Tenant with respect to the need for such repairs, and Landlord shall not be deemed to be in default with respect to its obligation to repair unless and until Landlord has (i) received said written notice and (it) failed to make such repairs within a reasonable period following the receipt of said notice. Landlord shall, after receiving written notice, exercise due diligence in making such repelrs. Tenant hereby waives any provisions of law permitting Tenant to make repairs at Landlord's expense. Landlord shall enforce any construction warranties for the benefit of Tenant to the extent that they are available. 9.5. Landlord shall, at Tenant's cost, maintain the Common Areas in a neat, clean and orderly condition and repair, properly lighted and landscape~, and shall operate the Park, in Landlord's sole discretion, as a first class industrial/commercial real property development. All expenses of maintenance in connection with the Common Areas shall be charged and prorate(] in the manner set forth in Section 7.5. It is understood and agreed that the phrase "expenses in connection with said Common Areas" shall include, but shall not be limited to, all sums expended in connectran with said Common Areas for all general maintenance and repairs, resurtac~ng, painting, restriping, cleaning, sweeping and janitorial services, maintenance and repair of sidewalks, curbs, and Park signs (other than Tenanl's sign), sprinkler systems, planting and landscaping; lighting and other utilities; painting of all exterior surfaces of the building or buildings in the Park; directional signs and other markers and bumpers; maintenance and repair of any fire protection systems, automatic spnnkler systems, lighting systems, storm drainage systems and any other utility systems; personnel to implement such service, including, if Landlord deems necessary, the cost of security guards and/or all costs and expenses pertaining to a security alarm system for the tenants; police and fire protection services; personal property taxes levied on or attributable to personal property owned by Landlord which is consumed in the operation or maintenance of the Common Areas; depreciation and maintenance on operating machinery and equipment (if owned) and rental paid for such machinery and equipment (if rented); any parking charges, surcharges or any other costs levied or assessed by local, state or federal governmental agencies in connection with the use of parking facilities; fees lor required licenses and permits; abeduate public liability and property damage insurance on the Common Areas; reserves for exterior painting and other appropriate reserves; and a reasonable allowance to Landlord for Landlord's supervision of the said Common Areas, which cost shall not exceed three percent (3%) of the total of the aforementioned expenses for said calendar year. Landlord may, however, cause any or all of the said servc~es to be provided by an independent contractor or contractors. 9.6. Landlord's exercise of any right or obligation to maintain or repair the Premises, Common Areas and/or other areas of the Park shall not entitle Tenant to any abatement of rent, compensation or damages for injun/, loss or inconvenience occesioned thereby. 10. UTILITIES AND SERVICES. 10.1. Except as provided in Section 10.2, Tenant shall make all arrangements for and pay for all utilities and services furnished to or used by it, including, without limitation, gas, electricity, water, telephone service, and trash collection, and for all connection charges. 10.2. In the event that any utlities are furnished by Landlord, Landlord shall only be required to provided heating, a~r conditioning and ventilation during normal business hourS. Normal business hours shall be defined from time to time by Landlord in the rules governing the use of the Common Areas. Tenant shall pay for such utilities and any amount paid by Landlord shall thereupon become due to Landlord from Tenant. as additional rent. Tenant shall pay a reasonable proportion of all charges which are jointly metered. the determination to be made by Landlord based upon Tenant's proportionate share of the occupied square footage of the building or buildings serviced by such meter and any extraordinary uses which may be made by Tenant. 10.3. Landlord shall, during all normal business hours, maintain and keep lighted the common stairs. common entries and toilet rooms in the building of which the Premises are a part. Landlord shall not be liable for. and Tenant shall not be entitled to. any reduction of rental by reason of Landlord's failure to furnish any utilities when such failure ~s caused by accident, breakage, repairs, strikes, lockouts or other lapor disturbances or laPor disputes of any character. or by any other cause. similar or dissimilar, beyond the reasonable control of Landlord. No such failure or interruption shall entitle Tenant to terminate this Lease. Landlord shall not be liable. under any circumstances for a loss of or injury to property. however occurring. through or ~n connection with or incidental to failure to furnish any of the foregoing. Wherever heat generating machines or equipment are used ~n the Premises which affect the temperature otherwise maintained Dy the air conditioning system, Landlord reserves the right to install supplementary air conditioning units m the Premises and the cost thereof, including the cost of installation, and the cost of operation and maintenance thereof shall be paid by INO NNN Tenant to Landlord upon demand by Landlord. 10.4. Tenant may. at its expense, elect to install ,Is own meter for any utilities which are io,ntly tastered by wnttan notice delivered to Landlord thirty (30) days pr~or to the ~n~t~at~on by Tenant of any work to effectuate such change. 11. INDEMNITY AND EXCULPATION; INSURANCE. 11.1. Tenant does hereby ~ndemmfy, is liable for. and holds Landlord harmless from any loss by reason of iniu~f ~o any person or property. from whatever cause, all or in part connected w~th the condition or use of the Premises or the improvements or personal property located therein. including without limitation, any liaDdity for ~nlury to the person or property of Tenant. ~ts agems. officers. employees. ~nwtaes. or trespassers. Tenant shall. at Tenant's expense, resist and defend any suc~ action, suit. or proceeding or cause the same to be resisted or defended by counsel designated by Tenant and approved by Landlord. Tenant's obligation hereunder shall survive the termmarion of this Lease, if the incident requirmg such defense occurred during the Lease term. 11.2. Tenant. as a material part of the consideration rendered to Landlord, ~n entering into this Cease. hereby waives all claims against Landlord for damages to goods. wares and merchandise in, upon and about the Premises and for iniury to Tenant. ~ts agents. employees. ~nvitees, or any third person m or about the Premises from any cause at any time. 11.3, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. 11.3.1. Landlord shall maintain, at Tenant's expense, a policy or policies of insurance protecting agamst the following: (i) Fire and other perils normally included in the extended coverage insurance with special form. to the extent of at least one hundred percent (100%) of the insurable value of the building and other ~mprovements on the Premises exclusive of trade fixtures and equipment belonging to Tenant; (it) Rent loss insurance to the extent of at least one hundred percent (100%) of the annual gross rentals from the Park of which the Premises constitutes a part; and (iii) Public liability and property damage insurance and products liability insurance with respect to Common Areas for the joint benefit of Landlord and Tenant in amounts (i) not less than $1,000.000 for injury or death to any one person, (it) not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, and (iii) not less than $250,000 per occurrence for damage to property. Said amount shall be subject to adjustment every three (3) years to the then prevailing limits normally required for operations of the type conducted by Tenant on the Premises. 11.3.2. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional rent, and in the manner provided in Section 7.5. Tenant's Pro Rata Share of the cost of insurance required in Sections 11.3.1 and 11.3.6. 11.3.3. Tenant shall maintain in force a policy or policies of fire and extended coverage insurance with respect to its fixtures and equipment located in the Premises with vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements to the extent of at least one hundred percent (100%) of their insurehie value. During the term of this Lease. the proceeds of any such policy or policies of fire insurance shall be used soley for the repair or replacement of the fixtures or equipment so insured. Landlord shall have no claim or interest in sa~d insurance and will sign all documents necessary 1o effectuate the settlement of any claim or loss by Tenant. 11.3.4. Tenant shall maintain during the term of this Lease, with an insurance company acceptable to Landlord, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy, endorsed with a "broad form" endorsement, with respect to the Premises. for the joint benefit of Landlord and Tenant for personal injury in amounts of not less than $500,000 for injury or death to any one person, and in an amount not less than $1,000.000 per occurrence, and for property damage m an amount of not less than $250,000 Der occurrence. The amounts of such public liability insurance shall be increased from time to time as Landlord may reasonably determine. Tenant shall name Landlord as additional insured on such policy. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with a certificate of insurance with respect to such policy or policies prior to entry of the Premises. 11.3.5. Landlord and Tenant hereby mutually release each other from liability and waive all right to recover against each other from any loss from perils insured against under their respective fire insurance policies, including any extended coverage and endorsements to said policies. It is provided, however, that this subparagraph shall be inapplicable if it would have the effect, but only to the extent that it would have the effect, of invalidating any insurance coverage of Landlord or Tenant. The Parties shall obtain, if available, from their respective insurance companies, a waiver of any right of subrogation which said insurance company may have against the Landlord or the Tenant, as the case may be. In the event that the insurance company of Tenant does not wawe the right of subrogation against Landlord and its insurance company, Tenant shall (i) maintain during the term of this Lease fire legal liability coverage with respect to the Premises and (ii) shall pay to Landlord upon demand, Landlord's cost incurred in securing fire legal liability protecting Landlord ~n the event of the destruction of Tenant's property. 11.3.6. Landlord may maintain, at the Tenant's expense (pro rated in the manner described in Section 7.5), boiler and machiner~ ~nsurance on all boilers, heating equipment. air conditioning equipment. and other pressure vessels and systems that may be located ~n, on, or about the Premises. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the insurance prowdad by Landlord under this subparagraph in accordance with the terms set forth in Section 11.3.2. 11.3.7. All the insurance required under this Lease shall: (i) Be issued by insurance compames authorized to do business in the State of California. with a financial rating of at least superior status as rated in the most recent edition of Best's Insurance Reports; (it) Be issued as a primary policy; (iii) Contain an endorsement requiring thirty (30) days written notice from the insurance company to both Landlord and Landlord's lender before cancellation or change ~n the coverage, scope, or amount of any policy. Each policy. or a certificate of the policy, together with evidence of payment of premiums, shall be deposited with the other Party at the commencement of the terms, and as to renewal of the policy not less than twenty (20) days before expiration of the term of the policy. 12. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS, IMPROVEMENTS. 12.1 Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements to the Premises. Any alterations, additions or improvements desired by Tenant shall be made by Landlord only after Tenant submits detailed final plans and drawings to Landlord and obtains Landlord's approval of such plans. Any such alterations, additions or ~mprovements shall be in conformity with the laws of all applicable government authorities and excepting movable furniture, trade fixtures, machinery and other trade equipment shall become part of the realty and belong to Landlord, However. Landlord can elect, within thirty (30) days before expiration of the term, or within five (5) days after termination of the term, to require Tenant to remove any alterations, additions or improvements Tenant has made to the Premises. If Landlord so elects, Tenant at its cost shall restore the Premises to the condition designated by Landlord in its election, before the last day of the term, or within ten (10) days after termination of the Lease, whichever is first. 12.2. Tenant may install trade fixtures, machinery or other trade equipment in conformance with the laws of all applicable government authorities. Tenant may remove any of such trade fixtures or machinery upon the expiration or termination of this Lease; provided that, Tenant is not in default under the terms and conditions of this Lease. 12.3. In the event that Tenant installs trade fixtures, machinery or other trade equipment, Tenant shall return the Premises on expiration or termination of this Lease to the same condition as existed at the date of entry, reasonable wear and tear excepted. In any event, Tenant shall repair any damage resulting from the removal of trade fixtures, machinery or other trade equipment of Tenant. 13. MECHANICS' LIENS. 13.1. Tenant shall pay, when due, all costs for construction done by it or caused to b~ done by it on the Premises as permitted by this Lease. Tenant shall keep the building, other improvements, and land free and clear of all meshanton' liens resulting from construction done by or for Tenant. Tenant hereby indemnifies and holds Landlord harmless against loss, damage, attorney's fees and all other expenses on account of claims of lien of laborers or materialman or others for work performed or materials or supplies furnished for Tenant or persons cia~ming under it. Tenant shall have the right to contest the correctness or the validity of any such lien if, immediately on demand by Landlord. Tenant procures and records a lien release bond issued by a corporation authorized to issue surely bonds in California in an amount equal to one and one-half times the amount of the claim of lien. The bond shall meet the requirements of Civil Co,de Section 3143 and shall provide for the payment of any sum that the claimant may recover on the claim (toga{her with costs of suit, if it recovers INO. NNN 11/~6 in the action). 14. DESTRUCTION. 14.1. If, during the term, the Premises are totally or partially destroyecl by a risk covered by the ~nsurance descnbed ~n Section 11.3, rendering the Premises totally or pathally inaccessible or unusable. Landlord shall restore the Premises to subetantlally the same condition in which they were immediately before destruction. The process of such restoration styall begin w~thin ninety (90) days after the date of destruction. Such destruction shall not terminate this Lease. If the existing laws do not permit the restoration, either Party can term0nate th,s Lease immediately by giving notice to the other Party. If the cost of the restoration exceeds the amount of proceeds received from the insurance recluired under Section 11.3.3, Landlord can elect to terminate this Lease by giving notice to Tenant within fifteen (15) days after determining that the restoration cost will exceed the insurance proceeds. In the case of destruction of the Premises, if Landlord elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant, within fifteen (15) days after receiving Landlord's notice to terminate can elect to pay to Landlord, at the time Tenant notifies Landlord of its election, the difference petween the amount of insurance proceeds and the cost of restoration: in which case, Landlord shall reslore the Premises. Landlord shall give Tenant satisfactory evidence that all sums contributed by Tenant as provided in this Section have been expended by Landlord in paying the cost of restoration. If Landlord elects to terminate this Lease and Tenant does not elect to contribute toward the cost of restoration as provided in this Section, this Lease shall terminate. 14.2. If, during the term, the Premises are totally or partially destroyed from a risk not covered by the insurance described in Section 11.3, rendering the Premises totally or partially inaccessible or unusable, Landlord shall restore the Premises to substantially the same condition in which they were immediately before destruction. The process of such restoration shall beg0n within ninety (90) days after the date of destruction. Such destruction shall not terminate this Lease. However, if the cost of restoration exceeds five percent (5%) of the then replacement value of the portion of the Premises that are destroyed, Landlord can elect to terminate this Lease by giving notice to Tenant within fifteen (15) days after determining the restoration cost and replacement value. In the case of destruction to the Premises, if Landlord elects to terminate this Lease. Tenant. within fifteen (15) days after receiving Landlord's notice to terminate, can elect to pay to Landlord, at the time Tenant notifies Landlord of its election, the difference between five percent (5%) of the then replacement value of the Premises and the actual cost of restoration; in which case. Landlord shall restore the Premises. Landlord shall give Tenant satisfactory evidence that all sums contributed by Tenant as provided in this Section have been expended by Landlord in paying the cost of restoration. If Landlord elects to terminate this Lease and Tenant does not elect to perform the restoretlon or contribute toward the cost of restoration as provided in this Section, this Lease shall terminate. If the existing laws do not perm0t any restoration as described in this Section, either Party can terminate this Lease ,mmeO~ately by giving notice to the other party. 14.3. If Landlord is reduired or elects to restore the Premises as provided in this Article. Landlord shall not be required to restore alterations made by Tenant, Tenant's improvements, Tenant's trade fixtures. and Tenant's personal property, such excluded items being the sole responsibility of Tenant to restore. Without interfering w~th Lanqlord's restoration process, Tenant shall commence and diligently prosecute the restoration of such alterations and improvements and shall replace all trade fixtures, equipment and personal property promptly upon delivery of the Premises to Tenant. 14.4. If Landlord is required or elects to restore the Premises as provided in this Article, Tenant shall continue the operation of its business on the Premises. during the restoration period, to the extent reasonably practicable from the standpoint of prudent bus~ness management, and to the extent that it will not interfere with the restoration process. 14.5. Tenant shall not De entitled to any compensation or damages from Landlord as a result of any partial or total destruction of the Premises or for any inconvenience, loss, or damage that Tenant may incur as a result of the restoration process. 14.6. In the event that either Party elects to terminate this Lease under the enabling provisions of this Article, Tenant shall surrender to the Landlord all proceeds from the insurance policies described in Section 11.3, excluding proceeds for Tenant's trade fixtures and equipment. 14.7. In case of destruction caused from a risk covered by the insurance provided in Section 14.1, there shall be no abatement or reduction of rent. In case of destruction caused from a risk not covered by the insurance provided in Section 14.2, there shall be an abatement or reduction of rent, except any percentage rent, between the date of destruction and the date of completion of restoration, based on the extent to which the destruction interferes with Tenant's use of the Premises. 14.8. Tenant waives the provisions of Civil Code Section 1932(2) and Civil Code Section 1933(4) with respect to any destruction of the Promises. 15. CONDEMNATION. 15.1. "Condemnation" means (a) the exercise of any governmental power, whether by legal proceedings or otherwise. by a condemnor, and (b) a voluntary sale or transfer by Landlord to any condemnor, e~ther under threat of condemnation or while legal proceedings for condemnation are pending. 15.2. "Date of taking" means the date the condemnor has the right to take possess0on of the property being condemned. 15.3. "Award" means all compensation, sums, or anything of value awarded, paid or received on a total or partial condemnation. 15.4. "Condemnor" means any public or quasi-public authority, or private corporation or individual, having the power of condemnation. 15.5. If, during the term or during the period of time between the execution of this Lease and the date the term commences, there is any taking by condemnation of all or any part of the land, building, or other improvements, of which are a part of the Premises. or any interest in this Lease. the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be determined pursuant to this Articte. 15.6. If the Premises are totally taken by condemnation, this Lease shall terminate on the date of taking. 15.7. If any portion of the Premises is taken by condemnation, this Lease shall remain in effect, except that Tenant can elect to terminate this Lease if the remaining portion of the Premises is rendered unsuitable for Tenant's continued use of the Premises. If Tenant elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant must exercise its right to terminate pursuant to this Section by giving notice to Landlord within thirty (30) days after the nature and the extent of the taking have been finally determined. If Tenant elects to terminate this Lease as provided in this Section, Tenant also shall notify Landlord of the date of termination, which date shall not be earlier than thirty (30) days nor later than ninety (90) days after Tenant has notified Landlord of its election to terminate. Provided, however, that this Lease shall terminate on the date of taking if the date of taking falls on a date before the date of termination as designated by Tenant. If Tenant does not terminate this Lease w~thin the thirty (30) day perled, this Lease shall continue in full force and effect, except that Rase Rent shall be reduced pursuant to Section 15.8. 15.8. If the parking area of the Premises is taken by condemnation, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Prowded, however, that if fifty percent (50%) or more of the parking area is taken by condemnation, either Party shall have the election to terminate this Lease pursuant to this Section. If either Party elects to terminate this Lease, it must terminate pursuant to this Section by giving notice to the other Party within thirty (30) days after the nature and extent of the taking have been finally determmecl. The Party terminating this Lease also shall notify the other Party of the date of termination, which date shall not be earlier than thirty (30) days or later than ranely (90) days after the terminating Party has notified the other Party of its election to terminate. Provided. however, that this Lease shall terminate on the date of taking if the date of taking falls on a date before the date of termination des~gnatecl ~n the notice from the terminating Party. If th~s Lease ~s not terminated within lhe thirty (30) day period. it shall continue ~n full force and effect. If any porhon of the Premises ~s taken by condemnahon and th~s Lease remains ,n full force and effect. on the date of taking the Base Rent shall be reduced by an amount that is in the same ratio to Base Rent as the value of the area of the port~on of the Premises taken bears to the total value of the Premises ~mmedistely before the date of taking. 15.9. If, within thirty (30) days after the date that the nature and extent of the taking are finally betermmed. Landlord not~fies Tenant that Landlord at ~ts cost will add on to the remaining Premises' parking area so that the area and the aDproxlmate layout of the Prem,ses and parking area wdl be substantially the same after the date of taking as they were before the date of taking. and Landlord commences the restoration ~mmeOiately and completes the restoration w~thm ninety (90) days after Landlord not~fias Tenant. th~s Lease shall continue ~n full force and effect w~thout any reduction ~n Base Rent. except the abatement or reduction made pursuant to Section 15.12. 15.10. Each Party waives the prov~s,ons of Code of Civil Procedure Section 1265.120 allowing e~ther Party to petition the suoer~or court to terminate this Lease ~n the event of a partial taking of the Premises. 15.11. If there is a partial taking of the Premises and th~s Lease remains m full force and effect ~)ursuant to Section 15.7. Landlord at its cost shall accomplish all necessary restoration. 15.12. Rent, except for any percentage rent. shall be abated or reduced during tr~e period from the date of taking untd the completion of restoration. but all other obligations of Tenant under this Lease shall remain ~n full force and effect. The abatement or reduction of rent shall be based on the extent to which the restoration interferes w~th Tenant's use of the Premises. 15.13. The award shall belong to and be paid to Landlord, except that Tenant shall receive from the award the following: A sum attributable to Tanant's improvements or alterations made to the Premises by Tenant in accordance with this Lease. which Tenant's ~mprovements or alterations Tenant has the right to remove from the Premises pursuant to the prowsions of th~s Lease but elects not to remove; or, if Tenant elects to remove any such Tenant's improvements or alterations. a sum for reasonable removal and reidcation costs not to exceed the market value of such improvements or alterations. A sum attributable to any excess of the market value of the Premises (exclusive of Tenant's improvements or alterations for which Tenant is compensated under this Section) for the remainder of the term, over the present value at the date of taking of the Base Rent payable for the remainder of the term. A sum attributable to that portion of the award constituting severance damages for the restoration of the Premises. 15.14. The taking of the Premises or any part of the Premises by military or other public authority shall constitute a taking of the Premises by condemnation only when the use and occupancy by the taking authority has continued for longer than 180 consecutive days. During the 180 day period, all the provisions of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Provided, however, that rent, except for any percentage rent, shall be abatad or reduced during such period of taking based on the extent to which the taking interferes with Tenant's use of the Premises. Landlord shall be entitled to whatever award may be paid for the use and occupation of the Premises for the period involved. 16, ASSIGNMENT, 16.1. Tenant shall not voluntarily assign or encumber its interest in this Lease or in the Premises, or sublease all or any part of the Premises, or allow any other person or entity (except Tenant's authorized representatives) to occupy or use all or any part of the Premises, without first obtaining Landlord's consent through strict accordance with the following procedure: 16.1.1. Tenant must first give to Landlord a written notice of intent to sublease or assign (referred to herein as "Tenant's Notice") at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prmr to the effective date of any proposed subletting or assignment. Tanant's Notice must contain the following: (i) whether Tenant proposas to assign or sublet; (ii) the identity and trade of the proposed assignee o~ sublessee (each of which is referred to herein as the "Transferee") with accompanying financial statements for both the individual Transferee and its business entities; (iii) a signed statement from both the Tenant and the proposed Transferee stating all the terms and conditions of all their transactions concerning the Premises; and (iv) in the case of a subletting, a copy of the proposed sublease. 16.1.2. Tenant must at all times promptly notify Landlord of any change and/or alteration of the items required to be in Tenant's Notice. Tenant's failure to do so, or any misrepresentation or untruth contained in Tenant's Notice, by either the Tenant or the proposed Transferee, shall constitute a default by Tenant, and landlord shall have the right to elect to terminate this Lease Agreement. 16,1.3. After receipt of Tenant's Notice, landlord may, at any time within ninety (90) days of said receipt, cancel this Lease by mailing a written cancellation notice to Tenant. Such cancellation will become effective thirty (30) days after receipt of said notice by Tenant. 16.1.4. If Landlord fails to exercise its right to cancel this Lease within the before-mentioned ninety (90) day period, said cancellation right on the part of the landlord shall be deemed waived, but only with respect to the assignment or subletting specified in Tanant's Notice. Tenant may thereafter assign this Lease or sublet the Premisss in accordance with the terms of Tenant's Notice and the restrictions of this Article. Any mortgage, pledge or assignment of this Lease, or if Tenant is a corporation, any transfer of this Lease from Tenant by merger, consolidation, reorganization or liquidation or any change in the ownership of or power to vote the majority of the outstanding voting stock of Tenant, shall constitute an assignment for the purposes of this section. Any assignment, encumbrance, or sublease made without obtaining landlord's consent, according to the procedure described above, shall be voidable and, at Landlord's election, shall constitute a default. landlord's consent to any assignmenl, encumbrance, or sublease shall not constitute a further waiver of the prewsions of this Section. landlord shall not unreasonably withhold consent, but reserves the right to require Transferee to be as financially stable as Tenant and for Trensferee's business to be of the same character and quality as Tenant's business and as the entire Park in general. Tenant agrees to reimburse landlord for Landlord's attorneys' fees incurred in conjunction w~th the procassmg and documentation of any requested assignment of this Lease or subletting of the Premises, Consent by Landlord to an assignment or a subletting shall neither release Tenant from its primary liability under this Lease nor from its obligations as stated in this Article. 16.2. Without in any way limiting any other rights available to landlord at the time of any proposed assignment, landlord expressly reserves the right to adjust the Base Rent according to any change in the Consumer Price Index as specified in Section 7.2, whether or not such an adjustment would othen~vise be due at that time. 16.3. One half (1/2) of any consideration received by Tenant for either assigning this Lease or from entering into a sublease contract, as well as one half (1/2) of any continuing rent paid to Tenant from a Transferee in excess of the rent Tenant was obligated to pay to landlord at the time of the assignment or sublease, shall be paid to the Landlord in consideration for landlord's consent to any consignment or subletting. Tenant's failure to pay to Landlord said required consideration shall constitute a default by Tenant and landlord shall have the right to immediately terminate this Lease Agreement in addition to all other remedies. 16.4. Tenant immediately and irrevocably assigns to landlord, as security for Tenant's obligations under this Lease, all rent from any subletting of all or a part of the Premises as permitted by this Lease, and Landlord, as assignee and as attorney-in-fact for Tenant, or a receiver for Tenant appointed on landlord's application, may collect such rent and apply it toward Tenant's obligations under this Lease. Provided, however, until the occurrence of default by Tenant, Tenant shall have the right to collect such rent. 16.5. No interest of Tenant in this Lease shall be assignable by operation of law (including, without limitation, the transfer of this Lease by testacy or intestacy). Each of the following acts shall be considered an involuntary assignment. 16.5.1. If Tenant is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or institutes a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act in which Tenant is the bankrupt; or, if Tenant is a partnership or consists of more than one person or entity, if any partner of the partnership or other person or entity is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; 16.5.2. If a writ of attachment or exeCution is levied on this Lease; 16.5.3. If, in any proceeding or action to which Tenant is a Party, a receiver is appointed with authority to take possession of the Premises. An involuntary assignment shall constitute a default by Tenant and landlord shall have the right to elec~ to terminate this Lease; in which case, this Lease shall not be treated as an asset of Tenant. If a writ of attachment or execution is levied on this Lease, Tenant shall have 10 days in which to initiate removal of the attachment or execution and six (6) months to remove the same. If any involuntary proceeding in bankruptcy is brought against Tenant, o~ if a recewer is appointed, Tenant shall have sixty (60) days in which to have the involuntary proceeding dismissed or the receiver removed. Landlord shall have the option to extend said time limitations. 17. DEFAULT. 17.1. The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute a default by Tenant: INO. NNN 11/~8 17.1.1. The failure of Tenant to pay or cause to be paid when due any rent, moines. or charges required by mis Lease ~o be naia by Tenant: 17.1.2. The abandonment of the Premises by Tenant as such term ~s defined ~n the Article titled "Abandonment;" 17.1.3. Tenant causing or permitting, without pr~or wrdten consent of Landlord, any act when th~s Lease reduxres Landlord's prior written consent or prohibits such act; 17.1.4. Failure to Derform any other provision of this Lease, if the failure to perform is not cured within 30 days after no~ice has boen given to Tenant. If the default cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, Tenant shall not De in default of this Lease if Tenant commences to cure the default within the 30 day per~o<:l and diligently and in gooa faith continues to cure the default. Notices given under this Section shall specify the alleged default and the applicable Lease provisions, and shall demand that Tenant perform the provisions of this Lease or pay the rent that is in arrears, as the case may be, within the applicable period of time. or quit the Premises. No such notice shall De deemed a forfeiture or a termination of this Lease unless Landlorcl so elects in the notice. 17.2. Lendlord shall have the following remedies if Tenant commits a default. These remedies are not all incluswe; they are cumulative in addition to any remedies now or later allowed by law. 17.2.1. Landlord can continue this Lease in full force and effect and shall have the right to collect rent when due. The Lease will continue in effect as long as Landlord does not terminate Tenant's right to possession. During the period Tenant is in default, Landlord can enter the Premises and refet them, or any part of them, to third Parties for Tenant's account. Tenant shall be liable immedlatefy to Landlord for all costs Landlord incurs in reletting the Premises, including, without limitation, brokers' commisss~ons, expenses of remodeling the Premises required by the reletting, and like costs. Relefting can be for a period shorter or longer than the remaining term of this Lease. Tenant shall pay to Landlord the rent due under this Lease on the dates the rent is due, less the rent Landlord recewes from any reletting. No act by Landlord allowed by this subparagraph shall terminate this Lease unless Landlord notifies Tenant that Landlord efects to terminate this Lease. After Tenant's default, and for as long as Landlord does not terminate Tenant's r~ght to possession of the Premises, if Tenant obtains Landlord's consent, Tenant shall have the right to assign or sublet its interest in this Lease pursuant to Section 16.1 of this Lease. 17.2.2. Landlord can terminate Tenant's right to possession of the Premises at any time. No act by Landlord other than giving notice to Tenant shall tsrmiante this Lease. Acts of maintenance, efforts to refet the Premises, or the appointment of a receiver on Landlord's initiative to protect Landlord's interest under this Lease shall not constitute a termination of Tenant's right to possession. On termination, Landlord has the right to recover from Tenant: (i) The worth, at the time of the award, of the unpaid rent that had been earned at the time of termination of this Lease; (it) The worth, at the time of the award, of the amount by which the unpaid rent that would have been earned after the date of termination of this Lease until the time of award exceeds the amount of the loss of rent that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; (iii) The worth, at the time of the award, of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term atler the time of award exceeds the amount of the loss of rent that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; and (iv) Any other amount, and court costs, necessary to compensate Landlord for all detriment proximately caused by Tenant's default. "The worth, at the time of the award," as used in (i) and (it) of this subparagraph is to be computed by allowing interest at the rate of 10% per annum. "The worth, at the time of the award," as referred to ~n (iii) of this subparagraph is to be computed by discounting the amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of the award, plus 1%. 17.2.3. If Tenant is in default of this Lease, Lendlord shall have the right to have a receiver appointed to collect rent and conduct Tenant's business. Neither the filing of a petition for the appointment of a receiver nor the appointment itself shall constitute an election by Landlord to terminate this Lease. 17,2.4. Landlord, at any time after Tenant commits a default, can cure the default al Tenant's costs. If at any time, by reason of Tenant's default, Landlord pays any sum or does any act that requires the payment of any sum, the sum paid by Landlord shall be due immediately from Tenant to Landlord at the time the sum is paid, and if Tenant pays such sum at a later date, d shall bear interest at the rate of 10o,,b per annum from the date the sum is paid by Landlord until Landlord is reimbursed by Tenant. The sum, together with accrued interest, shall be additional rent. 17.3. Rent not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the date due until paid. 17.4. In the event any payment of rent required hereby shall not be paid within five (5) days after the same shall be due and payable, a late charge by way of damages shall be immediately due and payable. Tenant recognizes and acknowledges that default in making, when due, payments of rent required hereby will result in Landlord incurring additional costs and expenses. Such costs and expenses include, but are not limited to, processing and accounting charges. legal costs, late charges that may be imposed on Landlord by the terms of any encumbrance and note secured by any encumbrance covering the Premises. and loss to Landlord of the use of the money due. Tenant hereby agrees that, in the event of any such late payment, Landlord shall be entitled to damages for the detnment caused thereby, but that it is extremely difficult and impracticable to ascertain the extent of such damages. Tenant therefore agrees (i) that a late charge equal to five Dement (5%) of each payment of rent that becomes delinquent ~s a reasonable estimate of said damages to Landlord and (it) to pay said sum on demand. Acceptance of any late charge, or any part thereof, shall not constitute a waiver of Tenant's default with respect to the overdue amount, or prevent Landlord from exercising any of the other rights and remedies available to Lendlord. If rent is not received by the due date, Landlord shall notify Tenant and Tenant shall, on demand of Landlord, immediately cure the default by presentment of rent and late charge to Landlord. 17.5. Landlord shall be in default of this Lease if it fails or refuses to perform any prowsion of this Lease that it is obligated 1o Derform if the failure to perform is not cured within 30 days after written notice of the default has been g~ven by Tenant to Landlord. If the default cannot reasonably be cured within 30 days, Landlord shall not be in default of this Lease if Landlord commences to cure the default within the 30 day period and diligently and in good faith continues to cure the default. 17.6. If Landlord is in default of this Lease, and as a consequence Tenant recovers a money judgment against Landlord, the judgment shall be satisfied only oul of the proceeds of sale received on execution of the judgment and levy against the r~ght. title, and interest of Landlord in the Premises, and out of rent or other income from such real property receivable by Landlord or out of the consideration received by Landlord from the sale or other disposition of all or any part of Landlord's right, title, and interest in the Premises. The obligations of Landlord under this Lease do not constitute personal obligations of Landlord or the individual partners. shareholders, directors, officers, employees or agents of Landlord. Tenant shall look solely to Landlord's interest in the Leased Premises, and to no other assets of Landlord, for satisfaction of any liability in resbect of this Lease, and shall not seek recourse against the ind~wdual partners, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, or agents of Landlord or any of their personal assets for such satisfaction. 18. ADVERTISING. 18.1. Tenant shall not affix any s~gns, advertising placards. names, insignias, trademarks or other descriptive materials on any window or upon the exterior of any Building, unless Tenant has received the prior written approval of Landlord as to s~ze. type, color. location, copy, nature and display qualities of any such proposed materials. Tenant shall not d~splay, store or sell any merchandise outside the defined exterior walls and permanent doorways of the Premises. Tenant shall not install any exterior lighting, amplifiers or s~milar devices, or use in or about the Premises any advertising media which may be heard or seen outside the Premises. such as flashing lights. searchlights, loudspeakers, phonographs or radio broadcasts. 19. LANDLORD'S ENTRY ON PREMISES. 19.1. Landlord and its authorized representatives shall have the right to enter the Premises at all reasonable t~mes for any of the following purposes: 19.1.1. To determine whether the Premises are in good condition and whether Tenant is complying wdh its obhgations unaer this Lease: 19.1.2. To make alterations, additions and to do any necessary maintenance and repairs, and to make any restoration to the Premises, or the building and other ~mprovements m which the Premises are located, that Landlord has the r~ght or obhgat~on to Derform: 8 IND NNN 11186 19.1.3. To serve. post, or keep posted any notices required or allowed under the provisions of this Lease. ,9.1.4. To post "for sale" signs at any t~me during the term, to post "for rent" or "for lease" s~gns during the I~ 3 months of the term. or clurmg any benod wn~le Tenant ~s ~n 0efault. 19.1.5. To show the Premises to prospective brokers, agents, buyers, Tenants, or persons interested ~n an exchange. at any time during the term; 19.1.6. To shore the foundations, footings. anq walls of the Premises anq to erect scaffolding and protective barrK:ades around and about the Prem~sas. Out not so as to prevent entry to the Premises. and to do any other act or thing necessary for the safety or preservation of the Premises ~f there ;s any excavation on any adjacent property or nearby street, With Landlord's consent. Landlord's right under this subparagraph extends to the owner of the adjacent property on which excavation or construct~ofi Is to take place and the adiacent property owner's authorized representatives. Landlord srlall not be liable in any manner for any inconvemence, disturbance, loss of business, nuisance. or other damage ans~rK:J out of Landlord's entry on the Premises as provided in this suPparagraph except damage resulting from the acts or omiss~ts of Landlord or its authorized representatives. Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement or reduction of rent, it Landlord exercises any r~ghts reserved in this subpara~lph, to the extent that Landlord's entry and activities intedere with Tenant's business on the Premises. Provided, hc~,~'~r. it Landlord's entry and activities on the Premises result from Tenant's default, Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction of rent. Landlord shall conduct its activities on the Premises, as allowed in this subparagraph, in a manner that will cause t11e ~ ix~sible inconvenience, annoyance, or disturbance to Tenant. 20. OFFSET STATEMENT, ATTORNMENT, SUBORDINATION. 20.1. Within ten (10) days after request therefor by Landlord, or in the event that upon any sale, assignmerit or hYlXXhecatN~fi of the Premises by Landlord, an offset statement shall be required from Tenant, Tenant agrees to deliver e certificate, in recordable form. to any proposed lender or purchaser, or to Landlord, certifying that this Lease is in full force and effect and is unmodified or, if modified, stating the nature of such modification, and that there are no defenses or offsets thereto, or stating those claimed by Tenant. Tenanl's failure to deliver such statements within such time shall be conclusive upon the Tenant 1hat this Lease is in full force and effect, except as and to the extent any modification has been represented by Landlord, and that there are no uncured defaults in Landlord's performance an(~ that not more than one month's rent has been paid in advance. 20.2. Tenant shall, in the event any proceedings are brought for the foreclosure of, or in the event of exercise of the power of sale under any deed of trust made by Landlord covering the Premises, attorn to the purchaser upon any such foreclosure or sale and recognize such purchaser as Landlord under this Lease. 20.3. Upon the reduest of Landlord, Tenant will subordinate its rights hereunder to the lien of any deed(s) of trust or the lierl resulting from any other metbed of financing or refinancing, now or hereafter in rome against the Premises or upon any buildings here~ter placed upon the Premises, and to all advances made or hereafter to be made upon the security thereof. This section shall be self- operative if no further instrument of supordination is reduired by any lender. 20.4. Tenant. upon request of any Party in interest, shall execute promptly such instruments or certificates to carry out the intent of Sections 20.2 and 20.3 above as shall be requested by Landlord. Tenant hereby irrevocably appoqnts Landlord as attorney-~n-fact for Tenant with full power and authority to execute and deliver in the name of Tenant any such instruments or certificatee. If fifteen (15) days after the date of a written request by Landlord to execute such instruments, Tenant shall not have executed the same, Landford may. at its option, cancel this Lease without incurring any liability on account thereof; and the term hereby granted is expressly limits,:l accordingly. 21. NOTICE. 21.1. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication that either Party desires or is reduired to gn~ the other Party or any other person shall be ~n writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-crass mail. registered or certified, return receipt requested. Any notice, demand, request, consent approval or communication that either Party deeires or ,~ requim,:l to give to the other Party shall be addressed to the other Party at the address designatari at the beginning of this Lal~e. Either Party may change its address by notifying the other Party of the change of address. Notice shall be deemed commumcated within 48 hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. 22. WAIVER. 22.1. A delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of Landlord on any default by Tenant shall neither impair such right or remedy nor be construed as a waiver. 22.2. The receipt and acceptance by Landlord of delinquent rent shall not constitute a waiver of any other default; it shall constitute only a waiver of timely payments for the particular rent payment involved. No payment by Tenant, or receipt by Landlord, of a lesser amount than the rent payment herein stipulated shall be deemed to be other than on account of the rent, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment as rent by deemed an accord and satisfaction, (unless Landlord expressly agrees to an accord and satisfaction in a separate writing duly executed by Landlord). Landlord may accept any check or payment w~thout preludice to Landlord's right to recover the balance of such rent or pursue any other remlKly provide~ in ~s Lease. 22.3. No act or conduct of Landlord, including, without limitation, the acceptance of the keys to the Premises, shall constitute an acceptance of the surrender of the Premises by Tenant before the expiration of the term. Only a notice from Landlord to Tenant shall constitute acceptance of the surrender of the Premises and accomplish a termination of the Lease. 22.4. Landlord's consent to or approval of any act by Tenant requiring Landlord's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary Landlord's consent to or approval of any subsequent act by Tenant. 22.5. Any waiver by Landlord of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provisions of the Lease. 23. SALE OR TRANSFER OF PREMISES. 23.1 Upon consummation of a sale, exchange, assignment or other transfer of all or any portion of the Premises, Landlord shall be released from any liability thereafter accruing under this Lease. If any Security Deposit or prepaid rent has been paid by Tenant, Landlord can transfer the Security Deposit or prepaid rent to Landlord's successor. Upon such transfer, Landlord shall be dischargecl from any further liability in reference to the Security Deposit or prepaid rent. 24. ATTORNEYS' FEES. 24.1. In the event Landlord or Tenant retains an attorney to enforce any provision of this Lease against the other, the Party which establishes a breach of this Lease shall be entitled to recover from the other all expenses incidental to such enforcement incurred in any legal proceeOing whatsoever (including but not limited to insolvency, bankruptcy, arbitration, declaratory relief, unlawful detainer or other litigation), regardless of whether or not suit is brought. Such expenses include, but are not limited to, attorneys' fees, service of process, filing fees, court and court reporter costs, investigative costs, expert witness fees, and the cost of any bonds, whether taxable or not. Such reimbursement shall be included in any judgment or final order issued in any proceeding. Any expenses to which Landlord is entitled shall be considered as rent and are payable within ten (10) days of notice to Tenant of the amount due. 25. SURRENDER OF PREMISES; HOLDING OVER. 25.1. Upon expiration of the term or within ten (10) days after termination of the Lease, Tenant shall surrender to Landford the Premises and all Tenant's improvements and alterations in good condition, except for: (i) ordinary wear and tear occurring after the last necessary maintenance made by Tenant; (ii) destruction to the Promises covered by the Article titled "beetruction;" or (ii~ altaretion~ that Tenant has the right tO remove or is obligated to remove under the provisions of Section 12.1. Tenant shall remove all its personal property, and perform all restoration made necessary by such removal, prior to surrem:lenng the Premises to Landlord. Landlord can elect to retain or dispose of (in any manner) any alteratioAa or Tenent's personal property that Tenant does not remove from the Premises on expiration or termination of the Lease by giving st least 10 days' notice to Tenant. Title to any such alteretruria or Tenants' personal property that Landlord elects to retain or diSlX~e of after expiration of the ten (10) day parind shall veer in Landlord. Tener~ wan~ all claims agaJnst Landlord for any damage to Tenant resulting ~ Landfo~'s retent~o~ or distx~eiticn of any ~uch stleretions INCl. NNN ~'1/~ or Tenant's personal property Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for Landlord's costs for stonng. removing, and d~sDosmg of any alterations or Tenants bersonal property. If Tenant fails to surrender the Premises to Landlord upon expiration or 10 days after termination of the Lease as reclu~reo by this Article, Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from all clamages resulting therefrom, including, w~th limitation. claims made by a succee<:hng Tenant resulting from Tenant's failure to surrender the Premises. 25.2, If Tenant, w~th Landlord's consent, remains m bossession of the Premises after expiration or termination of the Lease. or after the date in any notice given by Landlord to Tenant terminating th~s Lease, such possession Dy Tenant shall be deemed to be a month-to* month tenancy terrainable on 30 days' notme g~ven at any t~me by either Party. During suc~ month-to*month tenancy, Tenant shall pay all rent required by this Lease. If percentage renl is required by the Lease, ~t shall be pa~d monthly on or before the 101h day of each month. All prows~ons of this Lease except those pertaining to term shall apply to the month-to*month tenancy. 25.3. The voluntary or other surrender by Tenant or a mutual cancellation of this Lease shall not work a merger, and shall. at the election of Landlord, either terminate all or any existing subleases or subtenancies or may operate as an assignment to it of any or all of such subleases or subtenancies. Landlord shall exero~se ~ts elect~on w~th~n thirty (30) days of the event so requmng 26, ABANDONMENT. 26.1. Tenant shall not vacate nor abandon the Premises at any t~me dunng the term of this Lease, nor permit the Premises to remain unoccupied for a period of longer than ten (10) consecutive days during the term of this Lease. If Tenant shall abandon the Premises, any personal proper'b/belonging to Tenant and let1 on the Premises shall be dealt with or d~sposed of as provided in Section 25.1. 27. QUIET ENJOYMENT, 27.1. Notwithstanding any subordination as provided ~n the Article titled "Offset Statement, Attornment, Subordination," if Tenant is not in breach under the covenants made in th~s Lease. Landlord covenants that Tenant snail have peaceful and quiet enioyment of the Premises without hinderance on the part of Landlord. and Landlord will defend Tenant ~n the peaceful and quiel enloyment of the Premises against claims of all persons claiming through or under the Landlord. 28. FORCE MAJEURE. 28,1. Any prevention. delay or stoppage due to str~kes. lockouts, labor disputes, acts of God, inability to obtain labor or materials or reasonable substitutes therefor. governmental restrictions, regulations, or controls. enemy or hostile governmental action. c~wl commohon, fire or other casualty, and olher causes beyond the reasonable control of the Party obligated to bedorm, shall excuse the performance by such Party for a period equal to that resulhng from such prevention, delay or stoppage. except those obligations of Tenant to make payment for rental and other charges pursuant to the terms of this Lease. 29. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. 29.1. The relat;onsh~p of the Part;es hereto ~s that of Landlord and Tenant. and ;t ~s exoressly understoo~ and agreed that Landlord is not in any way or for any purpose a partner of Tenant, or a ]omt venturer w~tn Tenant in the conduct of Tenants business or otherwise. 30. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 30.1. Time is of the essence of each brovision of th;s Lease. 30.2. Whenever consent or approval of either Party ~s required, that Party shall not unreasonably w~thhold such consent or approval. 30.3. If either Party ~s a corporation. that Party shall deliver to the other Party, on execution of th~s Lease a certified copy of a resolution of its board of directors authoriz;ng the execution of this Lease and naming the officers that are authorized to execute th~s Lease on behalf of the corperat~on. 30.4. This Lease shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the Part;es and their successors, except as prowded in Section 14.1, and all of the Parties hereto shall be Io;ntly and severally liable for the covenants contained hereto. 30.5. Rent and all other sums payable under this Lease must be pa~d m lawful money of the Urnted States of America. 30.6. Except as provided in the Article titled "Default," if a Party elects to terminate th~s Lease as provided hereto. the Part;es shall be release0 from further liabdities and obligations on the date the Lease terminates. Lancllord shall return to Tenant any unearned rent, as long as Tenant is not in default on the date the Lease terminates. 30.7. All exhibits referred to are attached to this Lease and incorborated by reference herein, 30.8. This Lease shall be construed and interpreted m accordance with the laws of the State of Califorma and all amendments thereto which occur subsequent to the execution of this Lease. 30.9. This Lease contains all the agreements of the Parties, and cannot be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed by all of the parties to this Lease. 30.10. All prows]ohs, whether covenants or conditions, on the part of Tenant shall be deemed to be both covenants and conditions. 30.11. The definitions contained in this Lease shall be used to interpret this Lease. 30.12. The use of the masculine, feminine or neuter gender and the singular or plural number shall be deemed to include the others whenever the context so requires. 30.13. The uneforceability, invalidi~, or illegality of any provision shall not render the other Drovis;ons unenforceable, ~nvahd, or illegal. 30.14. The headings or titles 1o the Articles of this Lease and the Lease Provisions Summary are for convemence only and do not in any way define, limit or construe the contents of such Articles. 30.15, Except as may otherwise be expressly stated, each payment required to be made by Tenant shall be ~n addition to and not in substitution for other payments to be made by Tenant. 30.16. Tenant's execution of this Lease is conditioned upon Landlord's execution on or before the thirtieth (301h) day following the date of this Lease. EXECUTED as of the day and year first above written. at County, California. LANDLORD WINDSOR PARTNERS - ~NCHO INDUSTRIAL TENANT THE CITY OF TEMECULA By: _ By: Mathew Pollack - General Partner Frank Aleshire - City Manager By: L&ndlo~d's InJtJals RXtlIRI'r Tenant's Initials Tenant: Address: Space #: The City of Temecula 43172, 43174 Business Park Drive Buildino C, D EXHIBIT "C" WORK i,ETTER AGREEMENT In consideration of the terms and conditions of the Lease and the terms and conditions hereinafter contained, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: SECTION I - LANDLORD'S STANDARD WORK 1.O1 Landlord has selected certain building standard materials and building standard designs for the improved portion of Premises (hereinafter "Landlord's Standard Work"). Except as provided in Section 2 of this Work Letter Agreement, Landlord shall furnish and install Landlord's Standard Work in the Premises. Landlord's Standard Work shall include the following: 1.01-1 Heating. Ventilation and Air Conditioninm A complete year round air conditioning system will be provided in- cluding ducted supply distribution and return air in im- proved space only. 1.01-2 Ceilings Suspended 2' x 4' accoustical ceiling in- stalled in accordance with the building standard ceiling design. Ceiling height 8'-6". 1.01-3 Li~htin~ Fixtures - Recessed 2' x 4' fluorescent lighting fixtures installed in accordance with the build- ing standard lighting design with four (4) fluorescent tubes per fixture. 1.01-4 Partitions Building standard 5/8" drywall partitions erected to the underside of suspended ceiling. 1.01-5 Paintin~ - One (1) coat coverall on walls throughout the Premises, in colors selected by Tenant from Landlord's standard paint colors. l.,)1-6 Doors - Interior Building standard 3'-0" x 6'-8" doors with building standard frames, hinges, latch sets and stops; exterior building standard doors with Building standard hardware including lockset and closers. 1.01-7 Electrical and Telephone Outlets Regular 120 voit duplex electrical outlets required by the local building code and one telephone outlet per office, not including wiring, equipment or fixture customarily furnished by telephone suppliers. 1.01-.~ C, arpeiing Bulldi,~g standard carpeting and base throughout the Premises of a type and color selected by Tenant from Landlord's standard types and colors. 1.01-9 Toilet - Shall consist of water closet, lavatory with paper towel dispenser, toilet paper holder, one light, and exhaust fan if required, building standard door and frame with building standard hardware including privacy lock, accoustic ceiling, V.C. tile floor and base and painted walls with 4 foot wainscott on two sides. SECTION 2 - TENANT'S NON-STANDARD WORK 2.O1 Teqant may request work in addition Landlord's Standard Wnrk (hereafter Work"). to or different from "Tenant's Non-Standard 2.02 Landlord sl~all, upon T~..nant's request in accordance with Sec- tions 3 and 4 of this Work Letter Agreement, install the fol- lowing T~.nant's l~on-Standard Work: 2.02-1 Qualities of Landlord's Standard Work in excess of those provided by Landlord; 2.02-2 Additional improvements beyo,~d Landlord's standard installati 2.02-3 Additional lighting fixtures and/or any mechanical equipment in other than building standard design or locations. 2.02-4 Additional mechanical and electrical equipment and controls required by Tenant's design or use of the Premises generating loads in excess of those described in subparagrapi~ 1.01-1 of this Work Letter Agreement. 2.03 Tenant may request Landlord to install any other Tenant's Non- Standard Work in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of this Work Letter Agreement Including but not limited to substitution of materials or change in design from Landlord's Standard Work. Any such request shall be subject to written approval of Landlord, which Landlord may withhold in its sole discretion. 2.04 Landlord shall, upon Tenant's request and at Tenant's expense, alter, remove and/or replace accoustical ceiling tiles or ex- posed mechanical suspension system after initial installation due to installation of Tenant's telepi~one or intercommunica- tion system. 2.05 All Tenant's Non-Standard Work shall be located within the Premises. SECTION 3 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF LANDLORD AND TENANT 3.01 From the information provided by Tenant, Landlord and/or Landlord's Architect shall prepare a fully-dimensioned floor plan and a reflected ceiling plan which Landlord shall submit to Tenant. Expense of the above shall be paid according to Section 4 of this Exhibit. 3.02 Tenant shall have ten (10) calendar days to review and approve such plans. Tenant shall also, at or prior to the time of approval, select paint color(s) and carpet type(s) and color(s) from Landlord's standard types and colors, and provide Landlord with any additional information Landlord needs in order to prepare working drawings and specifications. 3.03 Foilowi~{$ Tena~{t's approval of the floor plan and reflected ceiling plan, selection of paint colors, selection of carpet tyye and color, and Landlord's receipt of necessary information, Landlord and/or Landlord's Architect and Engineer sh;!11 prepare working drawings and specifications. If Tenant ha:{ not requested Tenant's Non-Standard Work, Landlord shall, upon completion of the working drawings and specifications, an,{ receipt of a building permit, authorize Landlord's Con- tractor to commence construction. 3.04 If Tenant has requested and Landlord has granted necessary ap- provals for Tenant's Non-Standard Work, Landlord shall then submit working drawings and specifications to Tenant for ap- proval and to Landlord's Contractor to obtain a firm price for any Tenant's Non-Standard Work. Tenant shall review and ap- prove the working drawings and specifications within five (5) calendar days. Upon receipt, Landlord shall submit to Tenant La~dlord's Contractor's firm price for Tenant's Non-Standard Wo~.k. Tenant sl~all review and approve Landlord's Contractor's price within five (5) calendar days. Upon Tenant's written apI)roval of Landlord's Contractor's price, Landlord shall sub- mir architectural and engineering plans to the local building del,artment for approval and the issuance of a building permit. Up,,n the receipt of same, Landlord shall authorize Landlord's Co~ltractor to commence construction. In the absence of such written approval, Landlord shall not be required to authorize commencement of construction. 3.05 Tenant shall be responsible for delays in completion of the Premises and additional costs in completing Landlord's Stand- ard Work and Tenant's Non-Standard Work caused by: 3.05-1 Tenant's failure to timely furnish information or approvals. 3.05-2 Requests for materials, finishes, or installations other than Landlord's Standard Work; 3.05-3 Tenant's changes in any plans, drawings or specifications; 3.05-4 Inaccuracies, omissions, or changes in any information provided by Tenant; and 3.05-5 Delays in delivery of special materials requiring long lead time. 3.06 No Landlord's Standard Work or Tenant's Non-Standard Work shall be performed by Tenant or Tenant's contractor. SECTION 4 - FINANCIAL 4.01 If Tenant does not request any Tenant's Non-Standard Work, Landlord shall Install and furnish Landlord's Standard Work at Landlord's expense, including expense related to preparation of the fully-dimensioned floor plan, reflected ceiling plan, and the working drawings and specifications. 4.02 If Tenant requests Non-Standard Work, Tenant shall pay Landlord all costs related to Tenant's Non-Standard Work, in- cluding but not limited to: 4.02-1 The cost of professional services (including services of architects, engineers and consultants) required to in- corporate Tenant's Non-Standard Work into the working drawings and specifications; 4.02-2 The cost of materials other titan Landlord's Standard Work materials and the cost of installing such materials; and 4.02.3 The cost of any structural changes in the Building. 4.03 Prior to the commencement of any work performed under Sections 3.0i and 4.01 of this letter, Tenant shall pay to the Landlord a n~n-refundable fee of $ ~/A This is applicable to the cost of Tenant's Non-Standard Work. In the event Tenant accepts Landlord's Standard installation, this fee shall be returned to Tenant upon their taking possession o! premises. 4.04 Prior to the commencement of Tenant's Non-Standard Work, Ten{~nt shall pay to the Landlord fifty (50) percent of the timated cost to improve Tenant's space. 4.05 Following commencement of construction, Landlord shall propor- tionately bill Tenant monthly for the remaining balance of the cost ol Tenant's Non-Standard Work. Tenant shall pay Landlord the entire amount of each statement within ten (10) days after receipt. 4.06 Notwithstanding Section 7.5.3 of the Lease, any sums payable by Tenant to Landlord under ti~is Work Letter Agreement wi~i¢ii shall not be paid upon the due date shall bear interest at a rate equal to the Prime Rate of Bank of America plus three (3) percentage points, as that rate may vary from time to time. Whether or not Tenant requests Tenant's Non-Standard Work, Tenant shall not be entitled to any credits whatsoever for Landlord's Standard Work not utilized by Tenant. Date Tenant Tenant Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecu{a Date Land ! ord Mathew Pollack Genera{ Partner Windsor Partners Rancho Industrial EXHIBIT "D" RULES AND REGULATIONS ~[XCaot with the Drier written consent pt the Landlord. no Tenant shall sell. or i~rmlt the sale. at retail of newsoa~ers. magazines. per~x~cals. or meetre tickets. m or from the Prommss. NO s~gn. placard. picture. advertisement. name or notice shall be ~nscrlbe0. displaysQ. printed or affixed on or to any pail Of the Budding w~thout the prior written consent of LanOlord LandlOrd snarl have the r<Jht to remove any such s~n. placard. p~cture. advertisement. name or notice. w*thout notice to. and at the expense of Tenant. All a~oroved signs or lettering on (~3ors shall De pnnle~. painted. affixed or mscnDeO at the expense of Tenant by a person approveQ by Landlord. Tenant shall no( place. or allow to De placed. anything near the glass Of any w~ndow. door. pastion or wall which may appear unsightly from outage the Proml~. However. Landlord may furrash aria mslall a Building Standard w,'toow covenng at all exterior widows. Tenant shall no( apply any mater~al (sunscreen or othef'w~se) to any window w~thout pr~or written consent of Landlord. In the event of a wolation of the forecjomg by Tenant. Landlord may remove same wdhOut any hab~idy. and may charge to any Tenants v~oiatmg th~s rule the ex0ense iocurreO by such removal and/or any damage caused thereby. 4. Tenant snail not obstruct the s~dewalks. halls. Dessages. exits. entrances. elevators and stairways or use them lot any purpose other than for ingress and egress from me Premises. The halls. passages. entrances. elevators. stairways. balconies and roof are not for the use of the general public. and Landlord shall in all cases retire the right to control and prevent access thereto to all persons whose presence. ~n the ludgment el Landlord. shall be prelUdlClal to the SafMy. character. reputation and roterests pt the Building and ~t$ Tenants. However. nothing cotfilmed heres shaJl be co~strue~ to prevent such acc~ to persons wffh whom Tenant normsfly delta in the o~dma~ course Of Tenant's bus~nass. unless such persons are angag~<l in dlegbl aclwWes. NO Tenant or employee Of any Tenant shall go upon the roof Of Iha budding wW'iout the wnnen consent of the Landlord. NO iwnlng~ OF Other brolections shall be attaChed to the doteida walls of the building withOUt the prior wrltlen con~nt of Landlord. NO cur;sins. bhnOs. shades or screens shall be att~Ch~ to OF hung In, or u~ m conn~ion with, ~ny wlnd~ ~ d~r ~ fh~ P~ml~8, wlthou~ f~ ~ wrl~ ~ ~ ~rd. Tenant snail only .netall m a manor pro~rl~ ~ ~nd~ s~h bh~s M diaries of SUCh qualny. ~. des,an and col~ ~ ~esignated by Landld~. 6. Tenant shall not alter any lock or install any new Or ~dddional locks or bolts on any doors or Wli.K~.ows Of the Premises. Tenant Shall. udon the terminalion pt Tenant's tenancy restore to Lanofor~ aJI keys pt offices and rest rooms either furrushed to or ofhei'mse procured hy Tenant. TenIn{ Shall pay to Landlo~ the COSt of any Keys so lurmsheO wmch are nct returned to Landlord. The toilet room. urinals. washbowls and other apparatus shall not be use~l for any putpeas cthor than that tot which they were constructed. NO ~ore~gn substances of any i(ind wh~ shall be place~] therein. The expense of any bre~l stoppage or damage resulting from the viletips of this rule shall be borne by the Tenant who caused such damage (or whO~a aml~40~ or invit~ hew cau~ such damage.) Tenant shall not dyeHead the floor of the Premises. No Tenant shall sam. pain{. drill ~n{o or ~n any way petace any pan of the exterior of the PremiSes. or the budding Of which the Premi~ ~S · paR. No 13erisa. cuffing or stringing of w~res o.'1 [he exterior of the Premises sl'~ be pe~n~l excel~ with the prior wrdten consent O( Landleto. and under Landk~d's dlrectio~ Lmn(~to~l agrees that such consent arxl/or d~roction shall not De unreasonably wdhheld or riblayer. 9. Tenant agrees that exlraordinary waste. such as crates. cartons. boxes. lurndure ~ ~<lulpmen{. Cortstrucfion debris. etc.. shaJl be removed from the Budding and the Real Pro~erty on which the Building is located by Tenant. at Tenant's own cost and expense. At no time shall Tenant place any waste of any kind in any budtic areas. if Tenant shall place any waste ~n the pul)lic Imaa. the Tenant agrees that everything so place<~ ~s abam~oAed and of no value to Tenant. and Landlord may have the same removed and disposed Of at Tenan{'s expense. This remedy le in aOdltion to any ctner remsOres Landlord may have meister Tenant shall not use. keep or perrod to be use~ or qaot any foul or sexsOuS gas or suDetaoce in t~ Pmmi~. Tenet shall ~ ~rmll or suffer t~ Prem~S~ to ~ ~Cupl~ or U~ manner Offens~ or obeidsable Io ~ndlord or othe~ ~cupan{s of the Building by reas~ ~. ~OB I~r vibrations. Tenant s~all n~ intedere m any way wdh other tenants of the 8ui~ing or th~ hawng bus~ne~ thereto. 11. No cooking shill be done dr perm~lted by on the Premises. nor shall the Premises by used for (i) the manufaotunng or stories of merchandise. i,} washrag clothes. (i,) Io<3glng. or (W) any ~mproper. phiactionable or ~mmoral purlx)sex. 12. Te~lnt shall not uSe or keep ~n the Premises or the Buck:ling any kerosene. gaserisa. inflammable or oombustibte fiUl~ or material. The location of teteohonel. call boxes. and other Office e(:lwomenf athxed to the Prem~ ~hall De suDleCt to the ~ ~ a~ Of La~. L~ shall dff,(:l I*~ct nc~tne as to where end how tete0no~e an~ tel~ap~ wires are to ~ ml~. NO ~ ~ c~l~ for wlrel will ~ all~ withal the ~ ~n~ Of I~ ~d~rd. 14. In the even{ Of invasion. moO, riot, pubhc excitement. or other commotion. Landldrd reserves the right to prevent acce~..s Io tS Building dunng the continuance Of such commotion by closmg the doors or Othef~v~. Ior t~ ~ O( the tenants aria pn~ct~n Of the Budding ~tsel/and all property wffhm the Building. 15. Landlord reserves the r~ht to exclude or expel from the Budding any Derson w~O. in the ~udgment of Landlord. is in{oxicll~ or under the mflue~ce Of liquor or drugs. or who shall in any manner do any act ~n violet~xl Of any Of the rules ~ regulations Of the Building. 16. NO vending machine or machines Of any description snail be installdel. mamtaln6d or operated upon the PremiSes withoot ~h~ prio~ wrctan conSent Of the Landlord. t7 Landlord shall have the right. exercisable without no(ice and without liability to Tenant. to change the name and street address Of the Building of which the Premises are a par;. 18. Tenant shall not disturb. S~C~, or canvass any OCcupant of the Building or Buddings and shall cooperate to prevent same. Tenant shall ~ metall or operate any phonograph. musical ,nstrument. radio receiver or similar device in the building in such manner as to disturb or annoy other Tenants of the building or the ne~jnborho(x:l. Tenant shall not ~nstall any antennae. aerial wires or other adu.pmen{ on the Building or on the real property on which the Building ~s ldcatad w~thout the prior wntlen approval of Lar~lofd. 19. Without the wnnen conse~ Of Landlo~t. Tenant shall not use the name pt the Building in connection with or in promoting or aOverf~ng the business O( Tenant excel:x as Tenent's 20. All entrance and sewice deere to the Premises shall be locked when the Premises are not in use. 21. Tenant snail close all wtndow~ and turn off all lights and other electrical equipment upon leawag the Premises at the close of business. 22. Tenant shall not usa or install space heaters. individual alr-conditldnmg units. of exhaust fans without pr~or approval of Landlord 23. NO Tenant shall cover the floors of the Improved area of the Premises with any material other than carl:)eflng of a similar or superior grade to that originally msialied by the Landlord. 24. Tenant shall MOt amptoy am/pemort or peruone for the purpose O( cleaning or wm~ow WMhlng the leas~ preml~ Wilbur the c~nt of Landlord. ~ndlord shall ha~ no hablii~ to TenIN for any loss O( p~ from ~e proml~. h~Mr ~currlng. or for any damage done to the eff~ of Tenant any ~n. i~ludtng. but not hmiteO to. Jamto~. agents. or empl~s of ~ndldr~. Tenant shall n~ cau~ unn~e~aW lair by rea~n Of Tenan{'s carelessness and indifference m the pier,etlon of g~ order and cleanliness. The requirements of Tenant wdl be aUended to only upon application at the office Of Landlord. Landlord's employees shall not (i) perform any work (i~) do anything OUtSide Of their ragulit dulles; or (ill) admit any perso~ (Tenant or otherwise) to any office. wdhout instructions from the Office Of Landlord Tenant shall not allow anythmg to ba placed on the outs~e window ledges Of the PremiSes or to be thrown out of the wlndow~ of the Building. No animal or bird shall be brought *nto the offices. halls. corr~ors. elevates or any ~r pan ~ the Bui~i~ ~ Tenant ~ the a~n~. erupts or ~ovdees Of Tenant. Tenant snail n~ place or ~rmlt to ~ placed any obltru~lon or mfu~ m any public pan ~ the Building. Tenant shall (:J~ve Landlord prompt notice of any accidents to or datecte In the water pipes. gas Ii~s. electric lights and fixtures. heating apparatus. or any other Sewsca equipment. 28. Normal budmess hours shall be 7:00 A.M.- 6:00 P.M. Morn:lay - Friday. La~lord's InltiaJs Tenant's Initials ADDENDUM TO NET INDUST~/AL I~A~E BY AND BETWEEN TH~ CIT~ OF T~C~LA, TENAI~T, AND WINDSOR PARTNERS - RANCHO INDUSTRIAL, LANDLORD, DATED APRIL 12, 1990 2.5 Addends: a. Tenant Improvement Allowance (T.I.A.): Total T.I.A. credited towards construction of offices, restrooms, etc. is $405,420. b. First Right of Refusal~ Tenant shall have a thirty (30) day first right of refusal upon written notification by Landlord for other Windsor Park I neighboring properties, excluding Building B Suite 102, to be vacated by existing tenants (three buildings that total 44,615 square feet). c. Transition Plan For the purpose of outlining in broad and general terms the City adopted Transition Plan II, the following should serve as an approximate time table envisioned by both Tenant and Landlords - Tenant improvements on the northern half of the new Building C completed by August 15, 1990. - City Hall moves into half of Building C (10,223 square feet) by August 31, 1990. - Tenant improvements to old City Hall- Building D (6,805 square feet) completed by November 1, 1990. - City Council meetings begin in Old City Hall Building D on November 6, 1990. - First Annual City Hall Open House December 1, 1990 celebrating our first year as a City. - Tenant improvements on the southern half of the new Building C (10,000 square feet) completed by January 1, 1991. d. Scheduled Payments= F~ 1991 AMOUNT (MO~mLY) 9/1/90 - 1/31/91 2/1/91 - 3/31/91 4/1/91 - 5/31/91 6/1/91 - 6/30/91 - 0 - $ 7,156.10 NNN $12,464.00 NNN $19,464.00 NNN 1992 AMOUNT (MONTHLY) 7/1/91 - 1/31/92 2/1/92 - 3/31/92 4/1/92 - 5/31/92 6/1/92 - 6/30/92 $19,464.00 NNN $19,821.81 NNN $20,087.21 NNN $20,437.21 NNN FY 1993 AMOUNT (MO~mLY) 7/1/92 - 1/31/93 2/1/93 - 3/31/93 4/1/93 - 5/31/93 6/1/93 - 6/30/93 $20,437.21 NNN $20,812.91 NNN $21,091.58 NNN $21,459.08 NNN FY 1994 7/1/93 - 1/31/94 2/1/94 - 3/31/94 4/1/94 - 5/31/94 6/1/94 - 6/30/94 AMOUNT ~ MONTHLY) $21,459.08 NNN $21,853.56 NNN $22,146.16 NNN $22,532.03 NNN FY 1995 7/1/94 - 1/31/95 2/1/95 - 3/31/95 4/1/95 - 5/31/95 6/1/95 - 6/30/95 AMOUNT (MONTHLY) $22,532.03 NNN $22,946.24 NNN $23,253.47 NNN $23,658.63 NNN FY 1996 7/1/95 - 1/31/96 2/1/96 - 3/31/96 4/1/96 - 5/31/96 AMOUNT (MONTHLY) $23,658.63 NNN $14,960.34 NNN $ 8,508.55 NNN 3.1 Base Rent: Building C Building D 3.2 Base Yeart 20,223 S.F. 6,805 S.F. $14,156.10 NNN per month. $ 5,307.90 NNN per month. Building C - 1990 Building D - 1990 3.4 Commencement Dates Lease term shall commence in three (3) stages as set forth belows 10,223 S.F. (Building Cs North) 6,805 S.F. (Building D) 10,000 S.F. (Building C: South) February 1, 1991 April 1, 1991 June 1, 1991 3.8 Expiration Date: Lease shall expire in three (3) stages as set forth belowt 10,223 S.F. (Building C: North) 6,805 S.F. (Building D) 10,000 S.F. (Building Cs South) January 31, 1996 March 31, 1996 May 31, 1996 Tenant shall have the option to renew any portion of the aforementioned lease for one (1), five (5) year period at market rate. 3.12 Parking~ Tenant shall be permitted to park ninety-five (95) cars on a non-exclusive basis from 8~00 a.m. to 5~00 p.m. in the areas designated by Landlord for parking. Before 8~00 a.m. and after 5~00 p.m. Tenant shall be permitted to park in any of the available one hundred ninety-one (191) parking spaces provided within Windsor Park I. 3.16 Security Deposits Tenant shall pay security deposit upon execution of lease document calculated as followst $14,156.10 for Building C 5.307.90 for Building D $19,464.00 for Total Security Deposit LEASE VS. PURCHASE LEASE PURCHASE PURCHASE WINDSOR BUS INES S CHURCHILL PARK I PARK PLAZA BUILDINGS CENTER CENTER SQUARE FOOTAGE 27,028 28,871 21,472 PARKING RATIO LEASE COST PER SQUARE FOOT 3.5 BH 2.2 5.1 7.1 CMH $0.86 N/A N/A PURCHASE COST PER SQUARE FOOT N/A $78.64 $175.00 AVAILABILITY TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS - LEASE NOW JAN 91 PARTIALLY LEASED $278,975*** N/A N/A TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS - PURCHASE N/A $324,803* $481,001'* PURCHASE PRICE N/A $2,270,595 $3,758,080 BH = BUSINESS HOURS CMH = COUNCIL MEETING HOURS *PURCHASE- PURCHASE PRICE WITH $15 A SQUARE FOOT FOR IMPROVEMENTS AMORTIZED OVER 30 YEARS AT 11% PLUS $0.14 A SQUARE FOOT NNN. **PURCHASE-PURCHASE PRICE WITH $15 A SQUARE FOOT FOR IMPROVEMENTS AMORTIZED OVER 30 YEARS AT 11% PLUS $0.20 A SQUARE FOOT NNN. ***LEASE - SQUARE FOOTAGE COSTS PLUS $15 A SQUARE FOOT FOR IMPROVEMENTS PLUS $0.14 NNN MULTIPLIED BY TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE. NARRATIVE SUMMARY LEASE VS. PURCHASE - 3.5 PARKING SPACES PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF BUILDING SPACE IS CONSIDERED THE MINIMUMREQUIRED BY CITYHALL DURING BUSINESS HOURS. DURING COUNCIL MEETINGS A 5.1 PER 1,000 IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRED. - BUSINESS PARK CENTER DOES NOT MEET THE MINIMUM PARKING NEEDED TO SUPPORT A CITY HALL DURING BUSINESS HOURS AND COUNCIL MEETINGS. ANNUAL PURCHASE COSTS EXCEED ANNUAL LEASE COSTS BY $45,828. I COULD NOT FIND AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING FOR SALE THAT HAD 27,000- 37,000 SQUARE FEET, 3.5 PARKING SPACES PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET DURING BUSINESS HOURS AND 5.1 PER 1,000 DURING COUNCIL MEETING HOURS, AND HAD EXPANSION CAPABILITIES. THEREFORE, EFFORTS WERE FOCUSED ON OFFICE BUILDINGS VICE INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. - CHURCHILL PLAZA SATISFIES THE PARKING NEEDED TO SUPPORT A CITY HALL WITH 5.1 PARKING SPACES PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OF OFFICE SPACE. HOWEVER, THE PURCHASE COSTS EXCEED ANNUAL LEASE COSTS BY $202,026. CITY HALL WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PERFORM ALL REQUIRED OPERATIONS DUE TO ZONING OF OFFICE BUILDING SITE, E.G., MOTOR POOL, MAINTENANCE, ETC. - LEASING OF WINDSOR PARK I: THE PARKING MINIMUM OF 3.5 PER 1,000 DURING BUSINESS HOURS AND 5.1 PER 1,000 DURING COUNCIL MEETING HOURS IS SATISFIED. - THE SQUARE FOOTAGE IS WITHIN THE DESIRED RANGE. COSTS PER SQUARE FOOT IS ONLY $0.86, WHICH IS $0.34 A SQUARE FOOT LESS THEN RIVERSIDE COUNTY FOUND, $77.78 A SQUARE FOOT LESS THEN A PURCHASE OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, AND $174.14 A SQUARE FOOT LESS THEN A PURCHASE OF AN OFFICE BUILDING. EXPANSION IS POSSIBLE DUE TO THE 30 DAY FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL FOR THREE OTHER BUILDINGS LOCATED WITHIN WINDSOR PARK I. AREA IS ZONED M-S-C (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) WHICH WILL ALLOW ALL CITY FUNCTIONS, E.G., MOTOR POOL, MAINTENANCE, ETC., TO BE PERFORMED AT CITY HALL. BUILDINGS ARE AVAILABLE NOW, WHICH WILL SOLVE THE OVERFLOW PREDICTED TO OCCUR THIS SUMMER. OVER $124,000 WILL BE SAVED BY THE CITY WITH THE FREE RENT OFFER OF FIVE MONTHS APPLIED TO THE THREE PHASES OF TRANSITION PLAN II. ALSO, THIS PHASED TRANSITION PLAN WILL FACILITATE THE MOVE TO A PERMANENT CITY HALL AT THE TERMINATION OF EACH STAGE OF THE LEASE. PURCHASING A CITY HALL AT THIS TIME IS NOT THE DESIRED ALTERNATIVE. PURCHASING INVOLVES SOME LEVEL OF RISK. IF WE PURCHASE A BUILDING TO SATISFY OUR NEEDS OVER THE SHORT TERM WHILE WE BUILD OUR PERMANENT CITY HALL, WHAT GU~%RANTEES DO WE HAVE THAT WE CAN SELL THE FIRST BUILDING. WHEN AND IF WE DO SELL, WE WILL PROBABLY BE REQUIRED TO RESTORE THE BUILDING TO ITS PRE-BUILT-OUT STATE, WHICH WILL COST THE CITY OVER $433,000 PLUS ANOTHER $100,000 TO DO THE RESTORATION. WE DO NOT KNOW WHO WE ARE, HOW FAST WE ARE GOING TO GROW, WHAT OUR EXACT REVENUES WILL BE, WHEN WE WILL ADOPT VARIOUS SERVICES, WHAT OUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE WILL LOOK LIKE, WHAT OTHER PROJECTS WE WILL WANT TO BUY, E.G., COMMUNITY RECREATION BUILDING, CITY HALL, POLICE HEADQUARTERS, ETC.,ANDWHERE WE ARE HEADED. UNTIL WE HAVE A BETTER GRASP OF THESE ISSUES, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND A PURCHASE OF A CITY HALL AT THIS TIME. REAL ESTATE .;ountrv 4EAL ESTATE April 11, 1990 "Diversified Real Estate &ales and Consuimi~, The Honorable Ron Parks, Mayor and City Council Members CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Park Drive Te~ecula, CA 92390 Re= Sale Offer on Three Building Complex Dear Mayor Parks and City Council Members: On behalf oft he owner, Hawthorne Development Company, Wine Country Real Es~a~e in conjunction with Grubb and Ellis is pleased to submit an offer to the City of Temecula for themtopurchase three bulldogs, ~hetotal am-unt of square footage of 42,035 sq. ft. for a to~al price of $2,693,190. The above sales price provides you with approximately 17,000 more square footage than con~mnpla~ed in an earlier lease and is provided at a cost that is approximately $270,000 per year: which is less than the original proposed lease. Need Fo~ P~wk~na: All properties that the City may consider in the MSC zone, the zone where you presently lease your facilities, are generally parked at a ratio of two ~o three spaces per thousand square feet of occupied building. This zoning does not contemplate, nor does it allow for full office usage. The normal perktJag ratio for office use is five spaces per thousand square feet of occupied building. Asthe Cityproceeds t O occupy its full 25,000 square feet, you will need approximately 125 spaces. None oft he sitescurren~ly on themarketintheMSC zoning provide this type of perking ratio. As lmen~/onedinthe earlier memo, the City mustabidebythe Code perking ratio t o preclude others from seeking a similar exception. Further, f.u. ll office usage is not practical without a 5 ~o parking rat&o. If ~he City were to purchase 25,000 square feet building in the ~SC parking ratio, they would be from 50 to 75 spaces shor~ of the required parking.. The proposal to purchase three buildings provides one building of so~e 17,000 square feet that can be used for interior parking and the motor pool. 28924 Front Street. Suite 106, Temecula, California 92390 · Teleohone (714~ 694-162g · Fax t'71~t~ ~ioa_~'¥>'~ Mayor and City Council Members City of Temecula April 11, 1990 Page 2. Use of the Third Buildin= for Parking: The 17,000 square foot building and the parking spaces attributed to it as an MSC use allow the City to have between 145 to 160 parking spaces. This number will be more than enough to accommodate the full office build-out of 25,000 square feet. In addition to using a portion of the building for covered parking, you may wish to take approximately 1/3 of the building and use it for your motor pool operations. This use will not significantly detract from your parking ratio. By parking in the building, you provide security for your vehicles, covered parking during inclement or hot weather, and you actually make an investment for expansion and eventual sale of this building. Planned Un.~t Development: The complex proposed for sale has been developed under a planned unit development concept. This provides that it is possible to sell individual buildings to a varied number of buyers. In order to achieve this end, it has been necessary to start the processing of this project in the County a n,,mher of months ago. All that remains to implement this procedure is approximately one month of ministerial activities to accomplish the sale of any portion of the complex. It is very unlikely that any other complex involving a series of buildings has been developed under this process. If they have not, it may take a n-m~er of months prior to being able to sell individual buildings without the planned unit authority. Leasing Offset: While the City is awaiting the completion of the proposed three buildings, Hawthorne Development Company will provide $8,333.00 per month for a period of six months to assist the City in any additional leasing costs they may have during this interim period. Regardless of the cost to the City, the owner will provide this offset cost beginning as soon as a binding purchase agreement is executed by both parties continuing for the full period of six months. Mayor and City Council Members City of Temecula April 11, 1990 Page 3. Council Chambers Construction: As a further advantage to purchasing~he proposed complex of buildings, the owner - Hawthorne Development Company - will construct a Council Chambers for the City of Temecula. This Council Chambers will be constructed not to exceed 3,000 feet and be commenced as soon as possible at the close of escrow. The Chambers will be provided at Hawthorne's expense and will include a Council dais sufficient for Council Members and staff, a riser area for seating for 200 seats, the appropriate wiring for sound and closed circuit video systems. In addition to the Council Chambers, Hawthorne Development Company will also construct an Executive Session Room in the approximate size of 15' X 20'. This will be located immediately behind the council chambers. This room can also be used for a conference room for other meetings as appropriate. Ft~st Rtaht of Refusal for Expansion: In addition to the three buildings proposed, Hawthorne Development will grant the City of Temecula the First Right of Refusal to purchase Building L, which is contiguous to Building K, the larger one being offered to the City. During the first three years, Hawthorne Development Company will lease this building on a not-to-exceed three year lease basis, rather than sell the building, so that it will be available to the City for future expansion. The attachment to this letter contains the actual detail of the sale offer which has been summarized in this memo. In view of the City's budget, their expanding need for space, and the essential requirement for adequate parking, the proposed offer for the three buildings more than adequately meets the needs of the City. As mentioned earlier, by accomplishing this purchase through Certificates of Participation, the City can acquire needed facilities that will also be available for a subsequent sale. All of the payments made toward the retirement of the debt on this building will be in the form of an investment in equity as opposed to a total lease payment. Based on a realistic rate of appreciation, the City should not only recover the major portion of its debt service payments, but benefit from the raise in value as well. Mayor and City Council Members City of Temecula April 11, 1990 Page 4. Alternative Sale: Should you choose to proceed with the purchase of only two buildings, I & J, equal to 25,046 square feet, the price for these two buildings is $1,639,872. We make this alternative offer in case you can reconcile a lower parking ratio than required. If the lower parking ratio is acceptable elsewhere in this zone, we can offer these two buildings. The leasing offset under this alternative is reduced to a total of $30,000 ~nd the Council Chamber build-out is limited to 2,000 square feet without an Executive Session Room. As soon as you choose to proceed with either of these purchase offers, Wine CountryReal Estate will provide at no additional cost consulting services and coordination with your selected bond counsel or financial consultant to accomplish the issuance of Certificates of Participation or other funding devices to accomplish this purchase. Your favorable action on this offer is respectfully solicited. Wine Country Real Estate, Grubb and Ellis, and Hawthorne Development stand ready to serve you as you proceed with this project. Sincerely, WINE COUNTRY REAL ESTATE WL~=aw Enclosures OFFER Wine Country Real Estate ("WCRE"), in conjunction wi~h Grt~bb & Ellis, are pleased to submit the following purchase proposal to the City of Temecula on behalf of the owners of Business Park Center, Hawthorne Development Company ("HDC"). WCRE has attempted to address each and every concern of the City in this proposal, but would be pleased to consider other relevant points that may have been inadvertently o~itted. PROJECT NAME SITE: BUILDING DESIGNATION: SQUARE FOOTAGE: Business Park Center Business Park Drive at Rancho Way. City of Temecula. Buildings "I" "J" and "K" per the enclosed site plan. Building "I": Building "J": 11,882 Square feet 13,164 " " Office Sub-Tot. 25,046 " Building "K": 16,989 (For Covered & Secured Parking) Total: 42,055 " " PARKING: On Site : 92 Inside "K" : 56-67 Total : 148-159 NOTE: Requirement for pure office use is 5:1. At 25,046 square feet of office use, the City's requirement is 125 spaces. The configuration in this proposal is more than adequate, allowing the City the flexi- bility of having a motor pool. SALES PRICE: Building "I" Building "J" : Building "K" $ 784,212- $ 855,660* $1,053,318' City of Temecula Sale Offer April 11, 1990 Page 2 Tenant Improvements : $ 125,000 Total Cost : $2,818,190 *Included in these prices is the cost of completed buildout on 6,300 square feet per HDC's standard buildout letter for the project. COMMENT: For future expansion, the City can budget $250,000 for the balance of 12,500 square feet at approximately $20.00 per foot. This cost can be included in the acquistion budget or done on an incremental basis per fiscal year as needed. START OF CONSTRUCTION: TIME OF COMPLETION: OWNER'S OFFSET DURING CONSTRUCTION: Estimated to be May 1, 1990 Estimated to be September 15, 1990 (5 and 1/2 months from inception) In consideration for entering into a binding purchase contract, HDC will provide the City of Temecula a Transition Offset in the amount of $50,000 payable at the rate of $8,333 per month for six (6) months, beginning on the day a binding purchase agreement is executed by the City. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT: HDC will provide a tenant allowance to be negotiated towards the construction of a new City Council Chambers not to exceed 3,000 feet, with the following items included at HDC's expense: City of Temecula Sale Offer April 11, 1990 Page 3. 1. An elevated Council dais, sufficient to seat the full Council and the City's staff. 2. A sloping seating area for 200 seats, not including seats. 3. Sound-proofing. 4. Wiring and jacks for sound system. 5. Wiring and jacks for closed-circuit video system. 6. A 15x20 Executive Session room immediately behind the Council diaz. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL: Under this purchase agreement, HDC will grant the City First Right of Refusal to purchase Building "L", which is contiguous to Building "K". HDC plans to lease this building on a shor~ term basis in the interim. During construction ofthethree referenced buildings, HDC will co- ordinate with the City's space planner to create an office environment conducive to City business. Upon the City's acceptance oft his proposal, WCREand Grubb & Ellis will assist HDC to prepare purchase and escrow instructions fort he City's review and execution. We look forward to the new City of Temecula finding the best possible home for their Council, staff and visitors to our great city! Respectfully submitted, Managing Partner WINE COUNTRY REAL ESTATE LEASE VSo PURCHASE Lease Payment Less Purchase Payments Plus Equity Buildup $1,547,000 (910,000) 490,000 Equals Advantage of Purchase $1,127,000 0 CD ,,-,,¢ ~ 0 0 CD C~ 0 0 C~ CD 0 0 0 0 CD - +- Ra · u~ PC~Z~ · CC U8 I ARITA I I April 6, 1990 Mr. F. D. Aleshire City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA 43172 Business Circle Drive P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 Dear Mr. Aleshire: I am writing to confirm previous telephone discussions which we have had in recent weeks concerning the Building Department's interest in and ability to provide contract services to the City of Temecula after June 30, 1990. As I have indicated to you previously by phone, I am not as a matter of general rule interested in providing ongoing contract services to a new city unless for some unusual reason the city feels very strongly that they want the County Building Department to continue. I believe that in a typical situation, the constituency has expectations that they can have better control, and therefore, better results by establishing a city. That expectation generally takes the form of increased demands and increased levels of service. In order for me as the Building Official of the County, to satisfy those expectations on a contract basis, I would need to add additional staff. I would also need to reassign existing staff within the County to train and assist that new staff in order to support the City. The reassignments would decrease the level of service of our County government, which I believe, would be viewed dimly by the constituents of the areas affected. I have discussed this matter at length with our local office manager, Ed Gaines, and have reviewed a report from him identifying the number of active permits that have been issued within the City jurisdiction. I believe the number and type of permits are small enough that a contract service could manage. There is, of course, the added possibility that some of my staff might choose of their own volition to seek employment with either that contracting service or the City of Temecula; and while I would regret their loss, I recognize it is a natural part of the over all process. I have attached a copy of Mr. Gaine's report for your information. ( CONTINUED ) Administration (714)682-8840 · (714)787-2020 Mr. Aleshire - City of Temecula Under the circumstances, I question the need for my participation in the scheduled workshop on April 17. If you agree, please let me know. If for some reason, on the other hand, the City desires that we provide ongoing contracted services, then of course, we will do that to the best of our ability. In conclusion, I believe I am aware of some of the many problems involved in making this type of a transition and can assure you we will make every effort to assist your staff and whomever you or your council selects to assume the responsibilities of the new building official. Please let me know what your needs are. I can be reached at (714) 682-8840 and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Director of Building and Safety THI/dc ATTACHMENT Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 ACTIVE PERMITS - CITY OF TEMECULA AS OF April 4, 1990 PATIOS .................................. 266 POOLS ................................... 104 COMMERCIAL .............................. 112 DWELLINGS ............................... 248 MISCELLANEOUS ........................... 587 1,317 PLAN REVIEW ............................. 119 1,436 GRADING ................................. 541 TOTAL: 1,977 Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPOINTING AN ACTING CITY ENGINEER AND TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND APPOINTING AN ACTING PLANNING DIRECTOR as follows: The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: Tim D. Serlet, P.E., Division Manager for Willdan Associates is hereby appointed Acting City Engineer and Traffic Engineer to perform all the duties of those positions. Section 2: Ross S. Geller, Division Manager, Planning Division for Willdan Associates is hereby appointed Acting Planning Director for the City of Temecula to perform all duties of that position. Section 3: The County of Riverside Road Commissioner is hereby appointed Interim City Engineer for the City of Temecula for the purpose of executing planning and engineering applications pending at the County of Riverside as of April 5, 1990~ The Road Commissioner is hereby authorized to designate his immediate subordinate to approve on his behalf any official City business under his jurisdiction when it is necessary for him to be absent from his place of work due to illness, official business or vacation. To expedite the approval of certain matters, the Road Commissioner may delegate to certain of his subordinates the authority to approve on his behalf City sanitary sewer and storm drain plans, tentative subdivision requirements, final tract and parcel maps and related documents, letters of transmittal and reports on activities. Section 4: The Riverside Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby appointed Deputy City Clerk for the City of Temecula for the purpose of signing such documents as are pending at the County of Riverside as of April 5, 1990. The County Clerk is hereby authorized to sign such documents as he has been authorized to sign in writing by the City Clerk. Resos/9044 04/12/90 5:56pm Resolution 90- Page 2 Section 5: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of March, 1990. ATI"EST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor June S. Greek, Deputy City Clerk [SEAL] Resos/9044 04/12/90 5:56pm CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB# 7 TITLE: DEPT HD. MTG 4-17-90 PLANNING AND ENGINEERING CITY ATTY DEPT CM ~-/ CITY MGR ~ RECOI!MENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve an agreement with Willdan Associates to provide engineering and planning service for the City effective April 6, 1990 and notify County of such action. BACKGROU~ The County entered into an agreement with Willdan Associates March 3, 1990 to take over processing of County planning applications and to coordinate transition to the City. Willdan Associates currently has received 12 applications which will be presented to City Council for action. On April 6, 1990, Willdan Associates established offices in city hall and is prepared to receive new applications for planning and engineering permits. If Council designates Willdan Associates as City Engineer and City Planner, then permits can be processed and approved by the City and will no longer be referred to the County. In addition, Willdan Associates can perform other engineering and planning functions for the City such as: carry out traffic studies, administer consultant contracts, write Requests for Proposals (RFP), meet with the public and perform other duties as requested by the City Council and the City Manager. This contract can be canceled by either party with 30-days notice. This contract in no way restricts the City from retaining other consultants to do any of the work nor from hiring city employees. The purpose of this contract is to provide better services at city hall immediately to the public, and to establish city control over development processing. In order to implement this agreement, we need to notify the County of this action. FISCAL IMPACT For processing applications, Willdan Associates will charge a percentage of the permit fee: 75% for Engineering Review 75% for Planing Review 100% for Public Works Permits and Inspection Fixed fee for capital projects and studies Hourly rate for services not otherwise covered It is difficult to estimate the value of this contract because the County has provided the City with no information on the expected volume of work in Temecula. Based on the McTighe Report and current experience, I would estimate Willdan Associates will receive over $1 million in development processing fees and about $500,000 in other payments as a result of its contract. This is an educated guess and will depend upon future workload. The City will also receive 25% more than we pay Willdan Associates for processing developments, but we will have to appropriate $500,000 or more for additional engineering and planning services in connection with general plan studies, traffic studies, preparing ordinances, and reports for the City Council and Planning Commission. ALTERNATZVES Before approving this contract the City Council may wish to interview other firms. BSI and P & 0 engineering were both highly rated during the competition for the County contracts. Another alternative would be to consider hiring in-house staff to service the City. I feel strongly that the City would be best served by going ahead with Willdan Associates now because: 1. Willdan Associates is on-board and ready to go. If another firm came on-board with the County and Willdan Associates already functioning, it would complicate and confuse the process. Willdan Associates came out number one after a rigorous process over a two-month recruitment by the County. We won't find anybody better. e There is an urgent need to have the Engineer and Planner in place before the Planning Commission is appointed. The Council is in need of a planning staff now. This can be considered an interim appointment to allow the new City Manager and Planning Commission to evaluate the performance and need. A change can be made whenever deemed necessary. Attach: Letter dated April 11, 1990 Proposal for Engineering Services CITY OF TEMECULA STAFF REPORT AB#: MTG: DEPT: 04/13/9£ TITLE: WilidanContract DEPT HD._~ CITY ATTY' v CC CITY MGR ~ J BACKGROUND The City Attorney has notified me this morning that the Willdan Contract is in the process of minor modificatiom. We will transmit this to you as a separate item just as soon as we receive the final draft and reproduce the necessary copies. June Greek Deputy City Clerk MEMORANDUM From: Date: Subject: Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ross Caller, Willdan Associates March 30,. 1990 WORK PROGRAM, APRIL 1 - JUNE 30 As per your request, the following outlines the objectives of both the Planning and Engineering functions through June 30, 1990: A. Transition ptans for processing County to Clty Planning, Engineering, and Bultdlng and Safety functions. Inventory all cases and projects currently submitted to County Planning Department, Road Department, Surveyors and Building and Safety Office. Create and file, at City Hall, all transferred files to assure an organized retrieving system. Develop a detailed work program and begin preparing an Arterial System Financing Program. The purpose of the study is to establish a Traffic Improvement Fee (T IF) to address improvements to the Cityis backbone street system. C. Assist In the establishment of a Code Enforcement Program. Willdan staff will work with the Clty Consultant currently preparing a C.E.P. work program. D. Create a functional organization chart for the provision of Engineering Services. Create functional divisions with the engineering division to address develop review, traffic, and public works inspection functions. E. Begin deflning a 5 year Capital improvement Plan. Work wlth City Council and staff in identifying priorities for Improvements. Work with staff to Identify anticipated revenues to earmark for Capital Improvement Programs. !rivesfigaro alternative methods of maintaining City streets. - Uslncj County t~oad Department. - Private contractor. - Develop Pavement Management Program. Work with both Planning Commissions. Define their roles. - General overview of CEQA and Subdivision Map Act. - Field trips to show how working plans to relate to "as built" projects in the field. Sphere of influence. - Begin prepat'ing LAFCO applications to establish a Sphere of influence. Create legal descriptions. - Identify existing property owners in the study area. - Develop workshops with Council and Commission alternative boundaries. Assess Engineering, Traffic and Planning computer needs. to Investigate Coordinate the development of a Geographic information System Establish the priorities for hardware and software. RSC:cf 89205/2000 M1/Planning WILLDAN ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Professional Consulting Services Since 1964 April 11, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive P. O. Box 3000 Temecula, CA 92390 Subject: Proposal for Miscellaneous Traffic Engineering Services Dear Mr. Aleshire: We are pleased to submit this proposal for traffic and transportation engi- neering services as per your request in our meeting on March 22, 1990, and your conversation with Mr. Doug Stewart on April 6, 1990. The following is a description of each task assignment, associated work de- scription, schedule for completing the task and estimated cost of service. TASK I - Review Present Traffic Operation on Rancho California Road be- tween Ynez Road and Moraga Road a. Conduct field reconnaissance, observe traffic operation and flow at this location. b. Recommend a solution to correct present traffic operation problem(s). c. Prepare a drawing showing proposed improvement(s) and a cost estimate and methods for financing these improvements, d. Meet with City staff to review results and develop a strategy for imple- menting the required improvements. ee On behalf of the City, meet with Riverside County Road Department staff, and discuss procedures and schedule for implementing the improvement( s ) Schedule The plan for the improvement(s) will be available within two (2) weeks from receiving the City's letter to proceed. 155 HOSPITALITY LANE . SUITE 110 · SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3317 . (714) 824-2143 . FAX (714) 888-5107 April 11, 1990 Page 2 Cost of Service The estimated cost for performing this task is estimated at $7,500. This in- cludes personnel cost and indirect cost related to performing the task. TASK 2 - Investigate the Traffic Flow and Operation on Calle Medusa between Nicolas Road and Riverton Lane a. Review the subdivision plan. neighborhood access and circulation plan. b. Observe the traffic flow and access on Calle Medusa and meet with com- munity group(s) to discuss their concerns. c. Conduct traffic speed survey on Calle Medusa. d. Recommend solution(s) to alleviate community concern and promote safety of travel. e. Review with City staff plans to promote neighborhood traffic safety, pro- cedures for implementation, associated costs and methods of financing. f. Meet with the County Road Department to review plans and to schedule needed improvements, Schedule The study will be completed in three (3) weeks following receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the City. Cost of Service The estimated cost of the study, including plan development is $8,500. This includes personnel cost for conducting traffic engineering survey, analysis and plan development, and indirect cost associated with the study. TASK 3 - Analysis of Traffic Operation at the Intersection of Front Street and Rancho California Road. a. Review intersection geometric design, traffic operation and traffic flow related to the intersection. b. Conduct manual counts of traffic movements during morning and evening peak traffic flow. c. Analyze traffic volumes, traffic operation, and present intersection geo- metric design, and identify intersection deficiency. d. Perform a capacity analysis of the intersection. April 11, 1990 Page 3 ee Recommend improvements to alleviate existing problems, develop a plan for depicting the proposed improvements, associates costs and methods of financing these improvements. f. Meet with City and County Road Department staffs to establish scheduling of these improvements. Schedule The project will be completed within one (1) week after receiving authoriza- tion to proceed from the City. Cost of Service The estimated cost of performing this task is $6,500. This estimate includes personnel cost and indirect cost related to conducting the study. TASK 4 - Conduct a Meeting(s), on Behalf of the City, with R.T.A. Staff a. Meet with the RTA staff to discuss bus service plan for the City of Temecula. be Meet with City staff to discuss RTA strategy and what is needed to pro- vide a public transportation service for the City, including local and commuter services, elderly and the handicap persons, and carpool and vanpool programs. Develop a plan for implementing public transportation services in the City of Temecula, including RTA services. The proposed plan will be- come a part of the City of Temecula's overall transportation plan. d. Establish a procedure for gradual implementation of the plan including City regulations, funding sources, and schedule of implementation. e. Make a presentation, in conjunction with RTA staff, to City staff and/or Council of the proposed transit plan for the City. Schedule The project will be completed within four (4) weeks after receiving authoriza- tion to proceeds from the City. Cost of Service The cost of service is $2,500 for conduction subtasks a and b or $10,000 for conducting all subtasks. April 11. 1990 Page 4 STUDY RESULTS The total study effort is designed to establish a public transportation plan for the City of Temecula. The proposed plan will be a part of the General Plan. The estimated cost of trat~fic and transportation engineering services for the four 14) tasks ranges from $25,000 to $32,500 depending on the level of study effort requested by the City to address public transportation needs and ser- vices. Willdan Associate's staff is ready to assist the City of Temecula in its effort to solve existing traffic and transportation needs. Our schedule reflects a fast track response to address the City's traffic and circulation problems. This Scope of Service and associated costs are within the City's contract agreement with Willdan. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City. acceptable, please sign below. If this scope of service is Respectfully submitted, Sayed M. Omar, Manager Transportation Services Ronald L. Espalin Vice President Authorized to proceed City of Temecula Frank Aleshire City Manager RLE:SMO/cf 89210/2000 T23/#30 April 12, 1990 Mr. Norton Younglove Chairman Board of Supervisors County Administrative Center 4080 Lemon Street, 14th Floor Riverside, CA 92501-3656 Dear Mr. Younglove: Pursuant to Government Code Section 57384, the City of Temecula has elected to assume responsibility for processing planning and engineering applications filed on or after April 6, 1990. This action only relieves the County of Riverside from processing all planning and engineering applications that will be filed at the City of Temecula City Hall on or after April 6; all other County services, such as building and safety, road maintenance, sheriff's services, etc. should be continued through the end of the fiscal year pursuant to Section 57384. The City has retained the services of Willdan Associates to serve the City as Planning Director, City Engineer, and City Traffic Engineer effective April 6, 1990. As to matters that were pending with the County prior to the effective date of our contract with Willdan, the County should continue to process these cases in accordance with its existing agreement with Willdan and pursuant to Section 57384. On behalf of the City of Temecula, let me extend my greatest appreciation to the Board for the services the County has been providing, as well as my thanks to County Staff for their assistance in beginning this transition from County to City staffing. Very truly yours, CITY OF TEMECULA Frank Aleshire City Manager RLE/FA:dmp JN 89205 L29/RLE sff/LTR19205 cc: Joe Richards, County Planning Director Ivan Tennast, Road Commissiner & County Surveyor AGREEMENT FOR CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND PLANNING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19u, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation located in the County of Riverside, State of California, hereinafter referred collec- tively to as "CITY" and Willdan Associates, a California corporation with principal offices at 155 Hospitality Lane, Suite 110, San Bernardino, Califor- nia, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT". WlTNESSETH WHEREAS, CITY has the need for city engineering, traffic engineer- ing. and city planning services; and CITY desires to contract for such services with a private WHEREAS, consultant; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT is experienced in providing such services for municipal corporations and is able to provide personnel with the proper experience and background to carry out the duties involved; and WHEREAS, CITY wishes to retain CONSULTANT for the performance of said services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants. benefits and premises herein stated. the parties hereto agree as follows: CITY, pursuant to the authority set forth at Government Code Section 36505, does hereby appoint CONSULTANT, in a contractual capacity, to perform the following services in accordance with the terms and conditions -1- hereinafter set forth; with the authorities, responsibilities, and consider- ation ordinarily granted to an officer of the CITY. CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES A. General CITY does hereby appoint CONSULTANT the City Engineer. B. Administrative Duties 1. When directed, attend City Council, and Planning Commis- sion meetings. 2. When directed, analyze the CITY's needs, and prepare and administer long and short range programs consistent with the economic capabilities of CITY. e Attend staff level meetings with the CITY staff, public officials, community leaders, developers, contractors and the general public. When directed, review and comment on planning programs and land development controls. When directed, recommend regulations and ordinances pertaining to engineering matters. When directed, supervise the accounting of State Highway Users Funds from the standpoint of meeting State require- ments for the expenditure of such funds. When directed, provide technical advice to CITY personnel assigned to public works activities. 8. Upon ClTY's request, advise the CITY as to engineering and construction financing available from other governmental agencies and when so directed, prepare and initiate application for such funding. 9. Establish working relationships and coordination with other public agencies, County Departments and private utilities involving engineering matters affecting CITY. Development Review 1. Perform the statutory functions of City Engineer pertaining to the review and checking of land divisions. 2. Review tentative maps and other submittals for land divi- sions for proposed developments and make recommendations as to engineering matters. 3. Check all improvement plans for facilities under the juris- diction of CITY. 4. Establish performance, labor and material bond amounts, when required, and require the posting of such securities and other development fees within the proper time sequence of such development review. 5. Provide field observation as a City Official during the con- struction of such improvements by private developers and at the proper time, recommend notices of completion and, acceptance of the work. 6. Provide such necessary and related functions as are the normal practice of CITY in the City Engineering review of private developments. -3- Public Works Permits and Inspection 1. As a City Official, provide on an as-needed basis a repre- sentative at City Hall to handle public works permits and other engineering related matters at the public counter. As a City Official, receive and process public works permit applications. 3. As a City Official, provide construction observation of permit work within City streets and rights-of-way. Check plans and specifications and provide construction administration and observation for CITY projects designed by others. Capital Proiects As requested, perform the following services: 1. Prepare plans and specifications for CITY projects. 2. Provide design survey; construction survey; real property engineering services; and construction administration and observation for CITY projects. 3. Provide special engineering reports regarding such matters as assessment district formation, annexations, developer fees, etc. Coordinate with utility companies in the relocation of affect- ed utilities. Process the plans and specifications through other agencies for review and approval in connection with special funding programs and permits when required. II TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES A. General CITY does hereby appoint CONSULTANT the Traffic Engineer. B. Administrative Duties: 1. Attend Planning Commission, Transportation Committee and Council meetings as requested or specific traffic related projects and considerations. 2. Upon request, conduct investigations and prepare reports regarding requests for traffic control device installations and modifications; such as, traffic signals, stop signs, parking regulations, speed zones, channelization, cross- walks, pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 3. Upon request, develop recommendations for corrective measures at locations experiencing accident rates higher than would normally be anticipated. Upon request, assess the potential traffic impacts associat- ed with proposed development/redevelopment projects. Identify mitigation measures and recommend traffic-related requirements and conditions of approval. 5. Upon request, prepare grant applications for funding from Federal, State and Regional agencies for traffic safety studies and improvements. 6. Upon request. advise. support and assist City depart- ments.committees, commissions and Council. In addition, provide an an interface with Regional and State transporta- tion agencies. Assist in the preparation of traffic-related portions of the CITY's operational and capital improvement budgets. e e Upon request, assist in the establishment and subsequent modification of the CITY traffic ordinance and development- /assessment fees for capital improvements and maintenance. Upon request, prepare plans, specifications and estimates and provide contract administration and construction ob- servation for traffic safety projects including geometric and channelization improvements, traffic signal installations and modifications, street and safety lighting installations and modifications, and traffic signing, striping and pavement marking improvements. Upon request, prepare safe route to school plan. IV CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT SERVICES A. General CITY does hereby appoint CONSULTANT the City Planning Director. B. Administrative Duties 1. Review site plans to determine compliance with the use, intensity, and other development standards and require- ments of the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivisions Ordinance, and the State Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act. 2. Review proposed land division applications for compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act. 3. Respond to zoning inquiries from homeowners, developers, or other citizens seeking direction or advice on planning or zoning-related matters. 11. 12. 13. Receive and process applications for various planning permits such as Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments and modifications to standards. Respond to zoning complaints and provide code enforcement as necessary. Prepare agendas for Planning Commission meetings. Attend Planning Commission/City Council meetings and make presentations on planning related matters as neces- sary. Attend meetings of other City Boards or Commissions as necessary. Prepare written responses as needed for permit applicants. Determine the level of environmental clearance required for proposed projects under the CEQA Guidelines and issue Categorical Exemptions or Negative Declarations, as appro- priate. Perform planning office management to assure the orderly disposition of all written applications, complaints, inquires, permit files, minutes, resolutions, etc. Provide secretarial assistance to prepare staff reports and correspondence generated by the Planning Department. Coordinate the activities of the Subdivision Review Commit- tee and attend any meetings thereof. Conduct annual review of and process amendments to the CITY's General Plan as appropriate. V OTHER MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES CITY may from time-to-time have the need for other services not specifically listed in this agreement for which CONSULTANT has the necessary experience and capabllltles to provide. Such services may include, but not timired to, ~eei property services, environmental planning. Community Development Block Grant administration and inspection services, park planning and design, st~eetscape design, traffic engineering studies, transitional services, assessment districts, construction observation, and related work, CITY, through its City Manager, may authorize CONSULTANT to perform such selected services on an as-needed basis. Vl COLLECTION OF FEES All fees to be collected from any applicant in connection with the carrying out of the functions as set forth in this Agreement. if collected by CONSULTANT, shall be collected in the name of the CITY. CONSULTANT shall employ record keeping measures accept- able to the CITY. If fees are collected by the CITY. CONSULTANT shall review the appropriate ordinances and fee schedules in effect by the CITY and shall p~ovlde to the persons designated by the CITY for collection of fees. the amount of such fees to be collected. VII FACILITIES AND RECORDS CITY shall provide ~easonable and appropriate offices for conducting the duties set fo~h in this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall assemble and maintain In these offices such records as are customarily main telned by a City in carrying out the duties covered herein. Such records are and at all times shall be the property of the CITY. Depending upon the details of the transfer of these functions from County to CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT shall obtain only those existing records that are necessary for the performance by CONSULTANT of the duties set forth in this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall assemble these records in an orderly fashion and store same, for at least three years, in a mutually agreed upon loca- tion so that they may be reasonably available to the public or to the officials of CITY as required. VIII COMPENSATION TO CONSULTANT The compensation hereinafter presented is predicated upon the as- sumption that the CITY will maintain an adequate and current fee structure. The compensation to CONSULTANT for the services rendered shall be as follows: A. For attendance at official public meetings of the CITY as set forth in Section I, Paragraph B1 that do not require special reports or utilization of other of CONSULTANT's staff person- nel, a retainer of $1,500 per month for the first three months and $1,200 per month thereafter. It is mutually agreed that the retainer may be reviewed for adjustments annually to account for labor and other coat increases or if the scope of services is changed. B. For those Items authorized under Section I Paragraph B2 through Section I Paragraph B9 requiring attendance at other meetings, special reports or the services of CONSULTANT~s personnel, the CONSULTANT shall be compensated at the then current hourly rates as reflected in Exhibit "A", or as it may be -9- adjusted annually each July 1 of this Agreement or at a ne9otiat- ed fixed fee amount. For services to be provided under Section I Para9raph C com- pensation to CONSULTANT shall be ?5% of the then current fees collected by the CITY. For plan checkin9 of private drains and hydrology studies compensation shell be at the then current hourly rates as reflected in Exhibit "A", or as It may be adjusted each July 1 of this Agreement or at a negotiated fixed fee amount. For service provided under'Section I Paragraph D 1 through :~ compensation to CONSULTANT shall be 100% of the current fees collected by the CITY. For services provided under Section I Paragraph D~ compensation shall be at the then current hourly rates as reflected in Exhibit "A", or as it may be adjusted each July 1 of this Agreement or at a negotiated fixed fee amount. For services to be provided under Section I Paragraph E; com- pensation to CONSULTANT shall be based on the then current hourly rates as are set forth in Exhibit "A", or as it may be adjusted each July 1, or on a negotiated fixed fee amount. Fees for a project or projects shall be detailed and confirmed by letter/memorandum agreement between the CITY and CONSULTANT. For services discussed above for projects involving funding from the Federal Highway Administration, the fee detail included within the letter/memorandum agreement shall be in accordance with Exhibit II Paragraph B of Section II of Volume I of the Local Programs Manual. Said fee end method of payment thereof shall be approved by the State of California Depa~ment of Transpor- tation Office of Local Assistance and such approval shall be received by the CITY prior to execution of the letter/memoran- dum agreement by the CITY and CONSULTANT. F. For services provided under Sections II and V for specially assigned services not specifically covered herein, CONSULTANT shall be compensated at the then current hourly rates, per Exhibit "A", or as it may be adjusted each July 1, or on · negoti- ated fixed fee amount. C. For services provided under Section IV compensation to CON- SULTANT shall be 75% of the then current fees collected by the CITY. For services provided under Section IV where no CITY fee is collected, compensation shall be the then current hourly rates, per Exhibit "A", or as it may be adjusted annually each July 1, or at a negotiated lump sum amount. H. For services that will be provided by Engineer at the then cur- rent hourly rates such services may be performed by Engineer when authorized In writing by the City Manager within the limits of this agreement or a CITY issued purchase order. I. CONSULTANT shall Invoice CITY for services rendered and CITY shall pay CONSULTANT as soon thereafter as CITY's regular procedures provide. -11 - IX TERMINATION This A9reement may be terminated at will by either party with or without cause upon 30 days written notice. !n the event of such termination, CONSULTANT shall be compensated for such services up to the point of termination. Such compensation for work In progress would be pro-rated as to the percentage of work completed at the date of termination. X GENERAL CONDITIONS A. CONSULTANT shall provide no services for any private client for projects located within the corporate boundaries of CITY during the period that this Agreement is In effect which projects would be subject to review or approval by the CITY. CITY shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the direct payment of any salary, wage or other compensation to any person employed by CONSULTANT performing services hereun- der for CITY. At! documents, including but not limited to plans and specifica- tions, prepared by CONSULTANT are instruments of services, only. They are not Intended nor represented to be suitable for reuse on extensions of this project or any other project. Any reuse without specific permission by CONSULTANT shall be at the users sole risk. CITY hereto agrees to save, keep and hold harmless WILLDAN from all damages, costs or expenses In law and equity including costs of suit and attorneys fees resulting from such reuse. ...... · .... -12- De CONSULTANT agrees to save, keep, hold harmless and indemni- fy CITY and Its officers, and employees from all damages, in law and equity caused by any wrongful or negligent act or omission to act on the part of CONSULTANT or any of Its officers, employees or subcontractors. CITY shall save. keep, hold harmless and indemnify CONSUL- TANT from all damages suffered in the performance of the work authorized by this Agreement that ave not the result of wrongful acts of the CONSULTANT, Its officers. employees or subcontractors. WILLDAN shall maintain in force at its own cost and expense at all times during the performance of this agreement (except as noted under Professional Liability Insurance) the following policy or policies of insurance: 1. WorkersI Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance as prescribed by applicable law. 2. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance [bodily injury and property damage), the timIts of which shall not be less than one million dollars I$1,000,000l combined single limit per occurrence and annual aggregate. 3. Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance, the limits of whle. h shall not be less than one mUllon dollars [$1,000,000) combined single limit per occur- rence. Such Insurance shall extend to owned, non-owned and hired automobiles used by CONSULTANT~s employees, agents or assigns in the performance of this contract. -13- Design Professional Liability Insurance covering negtigent acts, errors or omissions of CONSULTANT, the limits of which shall not be Jess than two million dollars per occurrence and annual aggregate. Each insurance policy required by this Agreement shall provide for thirty (:30) days prior written notice of cancellation to the CITY. Each insurance policy required by this Agreement, excepting policies for Workers~ Compensation / Employer's Liability and Professional Liability, shall name the City its officials and employees as additional insured and be primary and in excess of any coverages carried by the City. Prior to commencement of any work under this Agreement, WILLDAN shall deliver to the City insurance certificates confirming the existence of the insurance required by this Agreement, indicating policy expiration dates and including the applicable pr'ovisions referenced above. Xl RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL The individual directly responsible for the performance of the duties of and appointed the City Engineer as hereinabove set forth shall be Tim D. Setlet, a Registered Civil Engineer, California License No. 28738. The individual directly responsible for the performance of the duties of and appointed the City Traffic Engineer as hereinabove set forth shall be Tim D. Setlet, T.E. 569 The individual directly responsible for the performance of the duties of and appointed the City Planning Director as hereinabove set forth shall be Ross S. Geller. -::[4- Upon mutual agreement of the CITY, CONSULTANT may substitute other indivlduals tn the above capacities as responsible Individuals, One or more Deputy: City Engineers, Traffic Engineers, Building Offic~als, Planning Directors, may be designated by the responsible individuals, Xll IMPLEMENTATION The CITY shall provide CONSULTANT with written notice reasonably in advance of the date at which these services are to be implemented if different than the date of the Agreement. Xlll ATTORNEYS FEES In the event of litigation between CITY and CONSULTANT arising out of the performance of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys fees in addition to such other relief as may be granted. XlV ARBITRATION All claims, disputes, and other matters in question between the parties to this AGREEMENT, or the breach thereof, may be decided by arbitration in accordance with the then-most current rules of the American Arbitration Association, if the parties mutually agree. XV MISCELLANEOUS A. The titles used In this agreement are for general reference only and are not a part of the Agreement. -15- B. This Agreement shall be interpreted as though prepared by both parties. C, Any provision of this agreement held to violate any law shall not invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, D. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Callfornia IN W~TNES$ WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agree- ment to be executed by the duly authorized officers the day and year first above written in this agreement. CITY OF Wl LLDAN ASSOCIATES Mayor Vice President City Clerk Approved: City/Agency Attorr{ey Attachment - Exhibit A - Schedule of Hourly Ratee Exhibit "A" August 1, 1989 - June 30, 1990 Classification Engineering Sr. Consultant Principal Engineer Division Manager City Engineer Project Director Sr. Engineer Sr. Project Manager Project Manager Associate Engineer St. Designer (CADD) Designer (CADD) Supervising Engineer Engineering Associate Sr. Designer St. Design Engineer Design Engineer St. Drafter Designer Sr. Drafter (CADD) Drafter (CADD) Drafter Technical Aide Spvsr.-Public Works Observation St. Public Works Observer Public Works Observer Real Property services Sr. Real Property Agent RealProperty Agent Assistant Real Property Agent Burvevina Spvsr. Mapping Services Sr. Survey Analyst St. Calculator Calculator Survey Analyst Spvsr.-Survey Survey Party Chief Two-Man Field Party Three-Man Field Party Special Districts Spvsr. Special Districts Services Special Districts Coordinator Special Districts Analyst II Special Districts Analyst I Fee Rate Per Hour $125.00' 110.00 100.00 100.00 95.00 82.00 82.00 75.00 73.00 73.00 68.00 90.00 73.00 68.00 59.00 55.00 57.00 52.00 57.00 52.00 45.00 38.00 72.00 62.00 52.00 90.00 75.00 62.00 90.00 75.00 75.00 62.00 62.00 85.00 78.00 140.00 185.00 90.00 75.00 62. O0 52.00 o~/28/8~ e~rm~ 8/1/89 ~chedule of Hourly Rates August 1989 Page 2 Planninq Principal Planner St. Planner Planning Associate Planning Assistant Planning Technician Community Development Services Coordinator Sr. Community Development Specialist Community Development Specialist BUildin~ Plan Check Engineer Plans Examiner Spvsr. Building Inspection Building Inspector St. Permit Specialist Permit Specialist Landscape &rchitecture Principal Landscape Architect St. Landscape Architect Associate Landscape Architect Assistant Landscape Architect Computer Services Computer Time Manager-Computer Operations Sr. Software Engineer St. Program Analyst Program Analyst Programmer Computer Data Entry Fee Rate Per Hour $ 91. oo 75.00 68.00. 57.00 42.00 82.00 68.00 57.00 73.00 63.00 66.00 56.00 51.00 40.00 82.00 68.00 62.00 52.00 35.00 75.00 · 62.00 62.00 52.00 42.00 38.00 Other Word Processing 35.00 Consultation in connection with litigation and court appearances will be quoted separately. Additional billing classifications may. be added to the above' listing during the year as new positions are created. The above schedule is for straight time. Overtime will be charged at 1.25 times the standard ~ourly rates. Sundays and holidays will be charged at 1.70 times the standard hourly rates. It should be noted that the foregoing wage rates are effective through June 30, 1990. The rates may be adjusted after that date to compensate for labor adjustments and other increases in other costs. CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: RANCHO CALIFORNXA REIMBURSEMENT DEPT HD MTG: 04/10/90 AGREEMENT CITY ATTY DEPT: CM CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTZON It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Reimbursement Agreement with Bedford Properties for improvements on Rancho California Road. BACKGROUND Bedford has proposed to widen Rancho California Road in four places between Ynez and Margarita. The City has been asked to attempt to levy a fee on currently vacant properties when they apply for discretionary planning approvals. This proposal would provide a fully improved road this year--instead of a piecemeal improvement as properties develop. FISCAL IMPACT No cost to the City, except for time spent in processing the Agreement. 1\CmRpt\0410~0.032 - 1- 04/05/~) 5:4/,am VENTURA COUNTY OFFICE 2310 PONDEROSA DRIVE SUITE I CAMARILLO, CALIFORNIA 93010 {805) 987-3468 TELECOP~ER: {805} 48:~-9834 LAW OFFICES Bu~K~., WILLIAMS & SOR~,NSI~-N 3200 BRISTOL STREET SUITE ~40 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 9~6 545-~559 April 9, 1990 LOS ANGELES OFFICE ONE WILSHIRE SUILDING 624 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE, IITM FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 9OOI7 (213) ;:'36-0600 TEIECOPIER: (::'13} ::'36-;~700 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Re: Rancho California Reimbursement Agreement Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: Enclosed in your Agenda Packet for the April 10, 1990 meeting is a Reimbursement Agreement providing for the widening of Rancho California Road. As you may recall, this item was previously delayed at Bedford's request to address a potential drainage problem. Since then, I received the attached letter from Bedford, requesting modification of the Agreement to include drainage facilities. I concur in this request, and have revised the Agreement accordingly. The new Agreement is enclosed. The revision appears at page 2, and provides for widening the scope of work to include drainage facilities. In addition, Bedford subsequently asked for some minor changes at page 2 (concerning time for posting bonds) and page 5 (deleting an unnecessary reference to the Engineer's formula). I agreed with all of these changes, and they are reflected in the enclosed Agreement. This new Agreement should replace the Agreement included in your Agenda Packet. sff/LTR15011:bjj Respectfully submitted, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA cc: F. D. Aleshire, City Manager sff/AGR15311(040990-412 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR OFF-SITE STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1990, by and between the CITY OF TEMECULA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called CITY, and BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation, hereinafter called DEVELOPER. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council of the CITY, it is necessary that off-site street improvements be constructed which can be, or will be used to serve the hereinafter described property of DEVELOPER; and WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER, at his own expense will construct such street improvements; and, WHEREAS, such street improvements as constructed will provide a portion of the improvements which would be required of adjacent properties at a later date; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, CITY and DEVELOPER agree as follows: 1. In accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of CITY, DEVELOPER will, at his own expense, furnish all equipment and materials sff/AGR15311(040990-422 necessary and pay all costs incident to the construction of the following' off-site street improvements and appurtenant work: Widening the existing Rancho California Road in those areas depicted in Exhibit A as requiring widening, so as to correspond with adjacent four (4) lane portions of Rancho California Road; construct curbs, gutters and sidewalks and modify street signs, traffic signalization, overhead power poles and other utilities as necessary to correspond with new street widths; and install drainage facilities as reasonably necessary to accomodate the road widening (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Improvements"); to benefit DEVELOPER'S property described as follows: See Exhibit B attached hereto. 2. DEVELOPER shall construct the Improvements and shall cooperate with the City Engineer in the construction of the Improvements. 3. City Engineer shall inspect the Improvements at the expense of DEVELOPER and, after any deficiencies discovered by said Engineer have been corrected by sff/AGR15311(040990-432 DEVELOPER, CITY shall accept the Improvements for public use. 4. Until such time as the City has accepted the Improvements and their warranty period has expired, DEVELOPER shall save, keep and hold harmless CITY, its officers or agents, from all damages, costs or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damage to property, or of personal injury received by reason of or in the course of performing the work necessary for the construction of the Improvements which may be occasioned by any act or omission on the part of DEVELOPER, its agents or employees. 5. CITY shall not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage resulting from the Improvements prior to its acceptance by CITY. DEVELOPER shall remain responsible for satisfactory workmanship and material for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the work by CITY. 6. Upon award of the bids for the Improvements, DEVELOPER shall provide as security to the CITY: a. For Performance and Guarantee: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the work. With this security, DEVELOPER guarantees performance under sff/AGR15311(040990-442 this Agreement and maintenance of the Improvements for one year after its completion and acceptance against any defective workmanship or materials or any unsatisfactory performance. b. For Payment: A letter of credit, surety bond or other security, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the estimated cost of the Improvements. With this security, the DEVELOPER guarantees payment to the contractor, to his subcontractors, and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them or to the DEVELOPER. c. Upon acceptance of the Improvements as complete by the CITY and upon request of the DEVELOPER, the amount of the securities may be reduced according to the provisions of Section 66499.7 of the California Government Code. 7. After approval by the CITY of plans and specifications for the Improvements, DEVELOPER shall solicit contract bids through a recognized contract bidding agenda such as the Dodge Report. All bids will be submitted to the City Engineer for review. The City Engineer will determine an acceptable cost of the Improvements based on such bids and this cost shall be the cost reimbursed to DEVELOPER as hereinafter provided. sff/AGR15311(040990-452 8. CITY hereby agrees to use its best efforts to impose fees or exactions on the first discretionary development permit of property immediately abutting or adjacent to the Improvements (hereinafter, the #Benefitting Property"). Such fees and exactions shall be used to reimburse DEVELOPER for the costs of the Improvements. Owners of said property shall be conditioned on repayment to CITY of the costs of construction of one abutting lane of Rancho California Road, plus curb, gutter, sidewalk, parkway and drainage, and one-half of the cost of any utility relocation not borne by the utility. 9. Reimbursement as set forth in Paragraph 7 above shall be paid to the DEVELOPER from time to time as fees and exactions are collected for the Improvements as hereinbefore set forth, except that: All right of reimbursement shall cease ten (10) years after the date of this Agreement, whether fully paid or not; and be CITY is not liable to DEVELOPER for any reimbursement set forth in Paragraph 8 above, if CITY fails for any reason, including negligence, to impose the fee or exaction on the Benefitting Property. Rather, the sole sff/AGR15311(040990-462 remedy of DEVELOPER in enforcing reimbursement is to participate in, challenge, and appeal, if necessary, the impositon of conditions on the development permit approvals of the Benefitting Property. 10. no interest. 11. Amounts covered by this Agreement shall bear Reimbursement to be made under this Agreement shall be mailed to the address of DEVELOPER hereinafter shown unless written notice of change of address is received by CITY. 12. Rights to reimbursements due under this Agreement may be assigned after written notice to CITY by the holder of such rights as shown by the records of CITY. Such assignment shall apply only to such refunds or reimbursements becoming payable more than thirty (30) days after receipt by CITY of written notice of assignment. CITY sff/AGR15311(040990-472 shall not be required to make any reimbursement payment to more than a single developer or assignee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER Address: Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: ~ity Attorney BY CITY OF TEMECULA BY: MAYOR 04x05/~9~0 April 4, 1990 RANCHO CA DEU c'fq-4RR :'4-,::,:~ 714 6,76 884,"7 BEDFORD PROPERTIES P. 02 Mr. Scott F. Field, Esq. Burke, Williams & Soreasea 3200 Bristol Street, Suite 640 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Re: City of Temecula Rancho California Road Widening Dear Scott: It appears that the widening of Rancho California Road will include installation of drainage facilities. Therefore, the Reimbursement Agreement should include this in the description of work to be performed. Would you be so kind as to send to me a copy of the Reimbursement Agreement as I have not seen how you previously revised this. Thanks. Very truly yours, Lisa D. Peterson Vice President - Company Counsel /scs Bedlord l'roperties, Inc. A Diversified Real Estate Development and Management Cornp~ny Mailing Addre.~ P,O. Box 755 Rnncho California, Caliic~rni,~ 92390 28765 Single Oak Drive ,quite 200 P~ncho California, California 92390 'lillephone 714 676-5(-g'1 Ev["l~lT B ~F(9be~? cJgei~L, ~7~rilliasn ~70st ~ge./~ssoci~tes PROFESSIONAL {~NGINrcERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS 02 6, 1990 24120 LEGAL DESCRIPTION HAR~JTA ~OMhERCIAL SiTE PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL HAP NO, 22513, iN THE CiTY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 145, PAGES 70 AND 71 OF PARCEL ~PS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER or SAID COUNTY, VENTURA COUNTY OFFICE 23t0 PONDEROSA DRIVE SUITE I CAMARILL0, CALIFORNIA 93010 (805) 987-3468 TELECOPIER: {805} 482-9834 LAW OFFICES 3200 BRISTOL STI~EET SUITE 640 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA (714-)545-555~ L0~ ANGELES OFFICE ONE WILSHIRE BUILDING 6=~4 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE, IITM FLOOR LOS AN(~ELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 (213) 236-0600 TELECOPIER: (213) E36-2700 April 9, 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92390 Re: Rancho California License Agreement Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: Enclosed in your Agenda Packet for the April 10, 1990 meeting is a License Agreement providing for the City limits signs. Late last week, I received the attached letter from Bedford, requesting modification of the Agreement in several respects. I concur in this request, and recommend the approval of the enclosed Agreement, which includes the following: The Agreement may be terminated on twenty days notice. (However, it should be noted that we anticipate that the sewer line can be tunneled under the southern sign, and consequently, its removal will not be necessary.) The City will maintain the area within 70 feet of the signs. The City will indemnify Bedford for any liability resulting from the City's negligent activities. (This, in fact, was my intent in drafting the Agreement, but the word "License" instead of #Licensor# was mistakenly included at line 5, paragraph 6 of the Agreement in your packet.) Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council April 9, 1990 Page 2 Per Bedford's request, the Agreement will have a definite term. However, I have added that if the parties cannot agree to a new License, the City will have no obligation to clean the signs. Bedford has agreed to this change. This new Agreement should replace the Agreement included in your Agenda Packet. sff/LTR13243:bjj Respectfully submitted, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA cc: F. D. Aleshire, city Manager sff/AGR14477(040990-2) LICENSE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this day of , 1990, by and between Bedford Development Company, a California corporation, formerly known as Kaiser Development Company (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSOR#), and the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSEE#). WHEREAS, LICENSOR is the owner of certain real property, located in City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California, more particularly described as Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (hereinafter referred to as the #PROPERTY#); and WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to obtain permission to perform certain acts upon the PROPERTY; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE a license to use the PROPERTY for the purpose of maintaining a monument sign with LICENSEE's name on it, the design of the sign which must be approved by LICENSOR prior to the erection or construction of any lettering. 2. This License is non-exclusive and personal to the LICENSEE. It is not assignable, and any attempt to assign this license terminates it. -1- sff/AGR14477(040990-2) 3. This License is terminable upon twenty (20) days written notice by either party. 4. In the event LICENSEE shall utilize the PROPERTY for any other purpose or perform any other activity on the PROPERTY which is not authorized by this Agreement, or otherwise breach any covenant hereof, this License Agreement and all of LICENSEE's rights hereunder shall be terminated immediately. 5. During the term of this License, LICENSEE shall maintain the PROPERTY. LICENSEE shall be responsible for all cost of lighting, landscaping, water, repair and maintenance of its sign and the adjacent landscape area within 70 feet surrounding the sign. 6. LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and save harmless LICENSOR, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which the LICENSOR, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to, or death of persons, or damages to property arising out of LICENSEE's negligent performance of the terms of this License, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of LICENSOR. -2- sff/AGR14477(040990-2) 7. Notices shall be given pursuant to this License by personal service on the party to be notified, or by a written notice upon such party, deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service, first-class mail, addressed as follows: a. LICENSOR: b. LICENSEE: Bedford Development Company 28765 Single Oak Drive, Ste 200 Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: city Manager 8. This Agreement shall be effective for a period of one year from April 10, 1990 to April 9, 1991. It is further contemplated that the parties hereto will enter into a succeeding License. However, if there should not be a succeeding License, the City shall have no obligation to restore the monument sign on the PROPERTY to its appearance prior to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By RON PARKS, MAYOR -3- sff/AGR14477 (040990-2) APPROVED AS TO FORM: SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation By: (Name and Title) -4- BEDFORD PROPERTIES April 2, 1990 Scott F. Field, Esq. Burke, Williams, & Sorensen 3200 Bristol Street, Suite 640 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ~e: Temecula Monument Signs Dear Scott: Thank you for your revised License Agreement. Some of your changes won't quite work, as I will explain below. I have enclosed a newly revised copy of this Agreement in which I attempted to keep your changes as much as possible, tempered by the following: An indefinite term was initially discussed by the parties, but because temporary signage was erected, it was determined that the License should be limited and renegotiated after the "permanent" signage was designed. We want to encourage a permanent sign to replace the existing temporary sign. The 60-day notice has been changed to 20 days. The reason for this is that a sewer lift station is being installed adjacent to the southern sign, which will require the demolition or relocation of that sign. The relocation or demolition may take place within approximately 60 days from now, so we will be terminating the license as to this sign as soon as we know specifically when the work will commence. In your indemnity, you only offered to indemnify us against loss sustained by the City. One of my specific concerns to Frank Aleshire was third-party injury or damage, and loss to this company. If the City and/or its contractors or employees ar to be performing acts on our property, we should have no responsibility for the consequences of those acts. Clearly, we do not wish to give a gift for which we may end up with unforeseen liability. Bedford Properties, Inc. A Diversified Real Estate Development and Management Company /continued... Mailing Address 28765 Single Oak Drive Telephone P.O. Box 755 Suite 200 714 Rancho California, California Rancho California, California 676-5641 92390 92390 Scott F. Field, Esq. April 2, 1990 Page 2 Is the City exempt from State or Federal law? You removed the requirement of compliance with the law and, among other things, a right-of-way and federal freeway are immediately adjacent to the signs, resulting in restrictions on use. If the revised draft is acceptable, please advise as to the procedures for the City's execution. Very ~truly yo~. rs, ~Lisa D. Peterson Vice President - Division Counsel /scs encl. VENTURA COUNTY OFFICE 2310 PONDEROSA [3RIVE SUITE I CAMARILLO, CALIFORNIA 93010 {805] 987-3468 TELECOPIER; {605) 482-S634 lAW OFFICES BURKE, WILLIAI~S & SORENSEN 3200 BRISTOL STREET SUITE 6~0 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92~26 (71~,.)545-5559 LOS ANGELES OFFICE ONE WILSHIRE BUILDING 624 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE, IITM FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 (::' 13) 236-0600 TELEC0~IER: (213) 236-~700 March 23, 1990 Ms. Lisa D. Peterson Vice President-Division Counsel Bedford Properties, Inc. 28765 Single Oak Drive Suite 200 Rancho California, CA 92390 Re: License Aqreement With Bedford For Monument Siqns Dear Lisa: Pursuant to the request of the City Manager, I have reviewed and revised the License Agreement for the monument signs Bedford proposed. The revised Agreement is enclosed. It provides for an indefinite term and indemnification clauses that are a little more equitable as to the City as compared to the earlier draft. Please feel free to call me if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Scott F. Field City Attorney CITY OF TEMECULA sff/LTR14477:bjj cc: F. D. Aleshire sff/AGR14477 LICENSE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this day of , 1990, by and between Bedford Development Company, a California corporation, formerly known as Kaiser Development Company (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSOR"), and the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as #LICENSEE#). WHEREAS, LICENSOR is the owner of certain real property, located in City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California, more particularly described as Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein (hereinafter referred to as the "PROPERTY"); and WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to obtain permission to perform certain acts upon the PROPERTY; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE a license to use the PROPERTY for the purpose of maintaining a monument sign with LICENSEE's name on it, the design of the sign which must be approved by LICENSOR prior to the erection or construction of any lettering. 2. This License is non-exclusive and personal to the LICENSEE. It is not assignable, and any attempt to assign this license terminates it. -1- sff/AGR14477 3. This License is terminable upon sixty (60) days written notice by either party. 4. In the event LICENSEE shall utilize the PROPERTY for any other purpose or perform any other activity on the PROPERTY which is not authorized by this Agreement, or otherwise breach any covenant hereof, this License Agreement and all of LICENSEE's rights hereunder shall be terminated immediately. 5. During the term of this License, LICENSEE shall maintain the PROPERTY in a first-class condition. LICENSEE shall be responsible for all cost of lighting, landscaping, water, repair and maintenance of its sign and the adjacent landscape area within feet surrounding the sign. 6. LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and save harmless LICENSOR, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which the LICENSEE, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to, or death of persons, or damages to property arising out of LICENSEE's negligent performance of the terms of this License, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of LICENSOR. -2- sff/AGR14477 7. Notices shall be given pursuant to this License by personal service on the party to be notified, or by a written notice upon such party, deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Service, first-class mail, addressed as follows: a. LICENSOR: b. LICENSEE: Bedford Development Company 28765 Single Oak Drive, Ste 200 Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 ATTENTION: city Manager 8. This Agreement shall be effective from and after , 1990. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVED AS TO FORM: By RON PARKS, MAYOR SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: F. D. ALESHIRE, CITY CLERK //// -3- sff/AGR14477 BEDFORD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a California Corporation By: (Name and Title) -4- CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB# 10 TITLE: DEPT HD. MTG 4-17-90 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES CITY ATTY DEPT CM CITY MGR RECOIlHEll)B) ACTION It ts recommended that the City Council authorize the City Hanager to call for proposals to provide building inspection and grading services for the fiscal year beginning 4uly 1, 1990. BACKGROUND The County Building and Safety Department has advised the City that they do not wish to continue services to Temecula beyond 4une 30, 1990. The City, therefore, needs to provide those services under contract. There are several qualified firms who can provide these services for a percentage of the building permit fee. It is suggested that the proposals be received May 15, 1990 and that a council committee be designated to interview the candidates along with the City Manager and a representative from the County 0epartment. FISCAL I#PACT It is expected that building and grading fees will exceed $1 million next year. Activity Permits as of April 4, 1990 is attached. Attach: Activity Permits Letter April $, 1990, T.H. Ingram Oepartment of Building Safety Administrative Center · 1777 Atlanta Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 ACTIVE PERMITS - CITY OF TEMECULA AS OF April 4, 1990 PATIOS .................................. 266 POOLS ................................... 104 COMMERCIAL .............................. 112 DWELLINGS ............................... 248 MISCELLANEOUS ........................... 587 1,317 PLAN REVIEW ............................. 119 1,436 GRADING ................................. 541 TOTAL: 1,977 Administration (714) 682-8840 · (714) 787-2020 CITY OF TEMECULA CITY MANAGER'S REPORT AB#: TITLE: DEPT HD. MTG: Sphere oflnfluence Smdy CITY ATTY DEPT: CM CITY MGR RECOMMENDATION: City Council appoint two Councilmembers to serve on a Sphere of Influence Committee. BACKGROUND: On April 10, 1990, the City Council voted to retain the firm of Philip Anthony, Inc. to do a sphere of influence study for the City. The consultant has requested that two Councilmembers and the City Manager (or designee) be named to advise the consultant and to help organize the public input program. FISCAL IMPACT: None. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITYOF TEMECULA FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER ~ TERESA MALEY, ADMIN. SECRETARY APRIL 10, 1990 REQUEST TO SPEAK FOLLOW-UP MARCH 27 CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City of Temecula's official zip code is 92390. If an item is mailed with an address within the City boundary or the 92390 zip code boundary (see attached), it should be addressed Temecula. The Temecula Post Office will deliver mail addressed to Rancho California in a timely fashion. The difficulty, however, is when residents fail to use Rancho California and instead use Rancho, California. 1 ~'ncmo\41090.001 -1- Mayor Ron Parks Mayor Pro Tem Karel F. Lindemans CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 (714) 694-1989 FAX (714) 694-1999 Councilmembers Patricia H. Birdsall Peg Moore J. Sal Mu~oz April 12, 1990 Ms. Sharon Colton Department of Planning and Land Use County of San Diego 5201 Ruffin Road (MS 0650) San Diego, CA 92123 COMMENTS ON DRAFT EIR/EIS FOR THE PROPOSED NORTH COUNTY LANDFILL (SCH# 89-071908) The City of Temecula herewith submits the enclosed comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement for the County of San Diego's proposed North County Landfill project. These comments were approved unanimously by the Temecula City Council at a regular meeting held on April 10, 1990. Please be advised that the City of Temecula objects to the fact that it was not notified or consulted in a timely manner during the early stages of the CEQA/NEPA process for this landfill project, even though both the Aspen Road and Blue Canyon sites directly and severely impact our community. Therefore, our comments are submitted under protest. For the reasons stated in our enclosed comments, the City of Temecula contends that the Draft EIR/EIS is incomplete and inadequate and should be rejected. The City of Temecula opposes both the Aspen and Blue Canyon sites unless and until acceptable environmental studies demonstrate that all negative impacts are known, understood and practical to mitigate. We request that the City of Temecula be informed and formally notified of all further activities on the proposed North County Landfill project. City Manager Enclosure RANPAC ENGINEERING CORPORATION April 12, 1990 Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager city of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 Dear Mr. Aleshire: I am pleased to enclose, for your use, the revised comments on the city's behalf relative to the landfill proposed in Northern San Diego County. The comments offered by Councilman Munoz and Mr. Bill Bopf at the recent City Council meeting have been incorporated into the Mitigation Measures section. If Ranpac can be of assistance in any other way, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, RANPAC ENGINEERING CORPORATION Director of Planning EAE:vhm Enclosure 27447 Ent~ Cirde West · Temecula, CA 92390 USA · TEL 714 676-7000 · FAX 7~4 676-8527 City of Temecula 43172 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92390 (714) 699-1989 Comments Regarding Draft EIR/EIS for the Proposed North San Diego County Class III Landfill General Comments From the perspective of the City of Temecula and Southwestern Riverside County in general, the greatest deficiency in the document is the apparent lack of coordination and consideration of impacts to these communities. Specifically, impacts upon these areas are dealt with in a very superficial and cursory manner. Where mitigation is suggested for Riverside County impacts, no definite commitments to implement such mitigation are provided. The apparent disregard of areas to the north is evident from the fact that the Draft document was not made available to any public resources (i.e., libraries) in Riverside County (see Section 2.0 in Chapter 7) nor did the list of persons and organizations consulted (Section 2.0 of Chapter 9) include any public officials in our area. This project appears to be another case of a jurisdiction placing an "undesirable" element in the extremity of its territories, to minimize impacts upon its constituents, perhaps at the expense of neighboring jurisdictions. This is clearly evident with the Blue Canyon site and the expressed intent to utilize Highway 79 and not Highway 76, and to a lesser degree with the Aspen Road site. The EIR/EIS does not include a mitigation monitoring section in response to State Public Resources Code Section 21081(a). The mitigation sections and commitments in the document are exceedingly weak, with little or no commitment toward implementation. The document should, with each proposed measure, identify the agency/entity responsible for implementing and monitoring the action and the timing thereof. The method of commitment to implement a measure should also be clearly stated. In our opinion, the EIR/EIS should be revised with proper input from Riverside County concerns. The document should include a thorough analysis of alternatives which do not impact Temecula and Riverside County. Finally, upon the incorporation of proper coordination and all of the comments 1 provided herein, the document should be recirculated for public review. Specific Comments PaGe 1 (Abstract) The need for supplemental documentation in the event of selection of any of the alternative sites is identified in the abstract. Consequently, it seems reasonable that this document should take the form of a Program EIR/EIS, which precisely addresses and defines the need for further analysis. Additionally, impacts which are not fully addressed and clearly mitigated to levels of insignificance must be considered significant until data is provided to prove otherwise. PaGe 2-9 (4.1 Aspen Road Site) The prudence of incurring the liability of siting a new landfill site in a populated area for a short term solution (15 year life of landfill) is highly questionable, particularly when one considers the distance this site is from its primary MSW generation sources. PaGe 2-12 (4.2 Blue Canyon Site) Once again, the location of a site an extreme distance from the primary source of MSW generation must be questioned, especially when one considers that substantial areas outside of the benefitting jurisdictions will suffer impacts related to noise, air quality, traffic, litter and roadway maintenance. The potentially active fault underlying the Blue Canyon site should be addressed in full detail at this stage of environmental review to allow a meaningful analysis of the site's potential and alternatives analysis. Page 2-18 (4.2 Blue Canyon Site) The EIR/EIS casually mentions the presence of active and intermittent springs on the site. Nowhere in the document is the significance of these springs discussed relative to wildlife and other biotic values. Natural water sources, particularly year-round ones, for wildlife and sensitive plant species are a unique and very valuable commodity, the significance of which should not be overlooked. The EIR/EIS must address the impact of modifying or eliminating natural springs and the cumulative impacts associated therewith. Page 2-20 (Figure 2-5) Highway 79 is incorrectly identified as Highway 78. Page 2-23 (Fiqure 2-6) The graphic should appear in the text in the chronological location following the reference to it. It should be relocated to before page 2-21 for the benefit of the reader. Page 3-11 (3.4.2 Blue Canyon Site) The sub-section relative to SR 76 indicates that the consideration of this route as an access to the Blue Canyon site "was also rejected in view of the many sharp curves, steep grades and comparatively greater number of residences and rural uses along that route, compared to the less developed SR 79 route with fewer curves and flatter grades". This statement can best be described as undocumented, unsubstantiated and subjective. It is felt that the selected access route to this site is a critical issue to Southwestern Riverside County and deserves a meaningful, quantitative analysis. SR 79, particularly between Aguanga and Sunshine Summit, is unsuitable for heavy trash and/or transfer truck traffic due to the characteristics associated in the EIR/EIS with SR 76. The document appears to ignore several thousand approved and vested residential units, schools and parks which will shortly be developed in the SR 79 corridor. Additionally, no mention is made of the impacts of the physical condition of Riverside County and Temecula roads, or for mitigating the cost of road maintenance which would apparently be borne by Riverside County and State-wide tax payers. Finally, no discussion or mitigation for litter control along SR 79 is provided. Page 4-15 (2.1.1 Aspen Road Site/2.1.2 Blue Canyon Site) As stated in a prior comment, the significance of natural springs on the Aspen Road and Blue Canyon sites is not discussed. Page 4-49 (6.2 Aspen Road Site) The air quality discussion for the Aspen Road site must address air flows and the transmission of airborne pollutants and odors to the Temecula Valley, which presently enjoys excellent air quality. Any potential impacts upon any remaining area in Southern California which enjoys relative pristine air quality must be considered significant. The unusually strong wind dynamic between the Temecula Valley and the Rainbow Gap and coastal air transmitted therethrough probably defy conventional wisdom regarding distances of odor impacts around landfills. A full scientific investigation is in order to assure preservation of local air quality. 3 Pages 5-7 and 5-8 (2.1.1 Aspen Road Site/2.1.2 Blue Canyon Site) Once again, the removal or modification of natural spring water sources must be addressed. The EIR/EIS should also include a water quality assessment addressing impacts along haul routes. Water quality degradation can be expected from the mixture of surface runoff and fugitive dust with refuse resulting from garbage truck traffic. Page 5-17 (Blue Canyon Access Route) The land use section must address land use impacts to not only existing development in the SR 79 corridor, but also to approved, vested development. Provisions must be made for roadside cleanup, maintenance and noise mitigation. Pa~e 5-30 (4.2.2 Blue Canyon) The traffic section of the EIR/EIS is inadequate with regard to impacts on SR 79, although it does correctly identify impacts upon this highway as significant. A complete traffic study which calculates ICU's and link-by-link LOS for all of Highway 79 is necessary to complete any environmental review of the Blue Canyon site. Additionally, the roadway geometrics along SR 79 need detailed analysis to ensure roadway adequacy and the manageability of grades and curves. Page 5-38 (5.2.3 Blue Canyon Site) Noise impacts along SR 79 appear to be significant with respect to existing development alone (in federal analyses, a 3 db(A) increase is generally considered to be a significance threshold which warrants noise barriers). The EIR/EIS should also address unconstructed approved development in the corridor. Finally, the noise analysis should include not only CNEL, but peak noise projections as potentially very noisy garbage trucks will disturb residents. Where mitigation is discussed, no specific commitments to install noise barriers are expressed. It is questionable whether mitigation would be feasible or would actually occur in all cases. Pa~e 5-55 (6.2.2 Blue Canyon) An analysis of pollutant concentrations at key intersections is required to complete the air quality assessment. The vinters and orchard owners of the Temecula Valley are vitally concerned with air quality, given the fragile nature of grape and citrus crops. The EIR/EIS should include use of theCaline 4 dispersion model to ascertain truck-related emission concentrations at key locations. In addition, the subregional wind dynamics described previously must be evaluated to ensure maintenance of good air quality. Page 5-70 (7.3.1 Aspen Road Site) Inadequate commitment is provided for mitigating biological impacts. It is (1) unclear when mitigation would occur; (2) unknown whether mitigation would be effective; (3) unknown whether impacts will be significant after mitigation; and (4) apparent that impacts to Cooper's hawk would not be mitigated sufficiently as no sites for oak woodland replacement have been identified. We are not aware of whether the replanting of Parry's tetracoccus has ever been successful. Empirical data should be provided on success rates, or the potential significant impacts of the inability to replant these species should be cited. In general, with regard to the mitigation of biotic impacts, responsibility for mitigating impacts cannot be deferred to other actions or other agencies. Pages 5-126 to 5-133 (Cumulative Impacts) Particularly with impacts to SR 79 and Southwestern Riverside County, the cumulative impact analysis fails to consider any projects in Riverside County and complete cumulative effects relating to noise, air quality, traffic, land use, water quality and socio-economic considerations. Summary The Draft EIR/EIS is, in our estimation, inadequate for certification, probably to the degree where corrections through response to comments and the Final EIR/EIS will not meet the true public disclosure intent of CEQA and NEPA. As a minimum, we would recommend extending the comment period for 30 days. Preferably, the document should be revised and recirculated for complete public review. 5 Mitigation for the Proposed North San Diego County Landfill Blue Canyon Alternative Site Traffic o Mitigation Measures for State Highway 79 South San Diego County shall contribute to Riverside County and City of Temecula Signal Mitigation Fees for Interstate 15 and Highway 79 interchange. A Joint Powers Authority (JPA) or other multi- jurisdictional organization should be organized to oversee mitigation implementation by acting as lead agency for an Assessment District (AD) or Community Facilities District (CFD) to finance and implement mitigation as identified in the draft EIR/EIS. The JPA should consist of San Diego County, Riverside County, the City of Temecula and CalTrans. Financing and bonding for an AD or CFD shall originate from San Diego County only. In lieu of .an AD or CFD, a San Diego County fee implementation mechanism shall be enacted. A separate supplemental EIR should be prepared for any mitigation improvements within Riverside County and the City of Temecula at Highway 79 as delineated in the EIR/EIS. Limit the use of Highway 79 by waste transportation vehicles to non-peak traffic flow hours of the day. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of the landfill. Noise o Mitigation Measures for Residential Developments along State Highway 79 South Construct noise barriers along Highway 79 at dimensions described in a detailed noise assessment prepared in conjunction with the above-mentioned supplemental EIR. These barriers should be placed on the north side of Highway 79 from the Margarita Road intersection westbound to the intersection of 6 La Paz Street. A barrier on the south side of Highway 79 will be necessary adjacent to Tracts 23267 and 23299 and on the south side adjacent to the condominiums at the intersection of Highway 79 and La Paz Road. Limit the use of Highway 79 by waste transportation vehicles to daylight hours on weekdays. Consideration shall be made relative to the placement of any noise reducing muffler devices on all waste transportation vehicles utilizing Highway 79 from San Diego County. Air Ouality Mitigation Measures for Localized Impacts Along Highway 79 South A Caline 4 analysis should be completed in conjunction with the aforementioned supplemental EIR to determine the extent of localized impacts along the Highway 79 corridor at sensitive residential and school land uses. Limit the type of waste transportation vehicles to gasoline powered only to eliminate particulate emissions from diesel engines. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of the Blue Canyon landfill. Mitigation Measures for Regional Southwest Riverside County Impacts Use of rail or other alternative transportation method for waste should be considered. Use of such transportation options to haul wastes to potential rail-capable sites such as Eagle Mountain should be analyzed. Consideration should be made for waste incineration alternatives within the San Diego County Air Basin. San Diego County should enact mandatory waste separation and recycling programs to reduce the use of landfills. A study should be prepared which compares air quality impacts and fuel consumption of trucking versus impacts of refuse incineration. 7 Water Ouality Eastern Municipal Water District and Rancho California Water District have been working on a live stream discharge of their highly treated waste treatment effluent into the Santa Margarita River Basin. The presence of the proposed Aspen Road Landfill has the potential to damage the basin through leachate and toxins. This could greatly affect the ability of the two water districts to achieve the badly needed live stream discharge. 8 Your 6 ratch The Ju 'Vol. V, Number 27 Frld; 7'he Road to Blue Canyon Riverside County Officials Not Told Of Landfill Plans Although the proposed truck route to the landllll the County arant~ to construct at Blue .2anyon ne~r Warner Springs foes thmu~ 22 miles of aeighbortng RivexMde County, ~fficia~ there have apparently been kept in the dark during the p~rtod l~lmg up to the releme of environmental documents on the zite earlier this year. 'They are a little bit ulmet, to say the leaat, about San Diego County not Informing them,' said Rob Walker, who owns and ope~tes the Sullahine $~mmlt Grocery, about two miles from the site. Walker said he has been in contact with Riverside County zupervisor Kay Centce. r~. who~ district en- g.,ace the area, a~ weft aa le~de~ In the newly-incor- porated city oi Temecula and repre~entattve~ of the media in the area, trying to line up allies in the fight against the hndfllL 'Most of the people I wa~ speaking to in that area knew nothing about it.* he said. ~ ior the landfill call for heavy truckz to brU~ tra~ to the site via Interstate 15 and State Highway 79. Just south of Tea~eeula and through the ~ commum//e~ of Aguanga. Oak Grove and Sunshine SitmmiC Olitclal estlmate~ say that as many as twenty trucks each hour will be m~ldng the trip. cont/nued on pooe 6 have a.Uamc- TemeauJa is Just boommg.' Temeeula. with an estimated population of Jtmt under 30,000, incorporated in December of 1989 and Is now governed by a Councfi member Sal Munoz said that he and other council mem- bern were unaware of San Diego southern Riveraide County until informed of it last week by a member of the pre~. 'It ha~ a significant potential tin?act on our community. and. we'd sum like to t=lk to some- body about it.' he ~atd. John Rollin of the San Diego County Department of Public heanng~ during the ~lte ~elec- tion proce~. said that no hemlng~ were held in R!vemlde County "because it's a San Diego County project.' Copies of the Environme~tal Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement were sent to the Rlver~de County Wa~te Management Division and the Chief ~,dm!nt~tl'ativ~ O~er, he a right to travel on ,rate high- .' He added that Ca!Trm~ determine whether the volume of traffic would cause any impact on the ro~d~ that The Blue Canyon Protection League. an orgzn~zqon of local residerim oppo~d to the landfill ~lte. will be meeting each blon- day up unt~ the March 26 public input d.~a!lne. Francis Hemabet. who chaired last Monday night'z meeting at Spence~ Valley School in Wynoia. said that the failure of County officia~ to hold publ/e hearings in the area of R!ver~de traffic needs to be ad~ before plans for the land~l! can proceed.. PA(~E 2 March 9, 1990 The Julian News EDt/DR/AL POLITICAL TRASH TRAVELS Reasons for opposing the proposed Blue Canyon t~nd~ill near Warner Springs are so numerous it is hard to know where to stnrt. From the mas- sive, tWO-COUllty trallSpO~60!l booBdogg~ that th~ I.qnd611 would create, to coucems over flooding, pollugon, the N~liv~ ~ i~ in the area, possible interfmencc with neaFoy Palomar Observatory and a host of a document rivaling the Cotmty*s own weighty Environmental Impact Report. Given this, coupled with the March 26 deadline for respouses to the EIR, it is difficult to cscapo the conclusion dmt the County is determined to go ahead at Blue Canyon despite the fac~. From a political perch the site is exUemcly attractive. It lies outside the jurisdiction of both the Julian Plan- ning Group and the Palomar Mountain Sponsor Group -- less dum all- powerful bodies, to be sure, but mo~ re!~*esentation than the Wam~ Springs area possesses. Few tears would be shed among the large voting blocks in north San Diego County should Blue Canyon be desecrated. But J~li_n~ residents should be alarmed at the prospect. It would ruin the primary route from the Los Angeles-Orange County area -- a source of much tourist revenue. And even though the projected route goes duough Tcmecula and not the Santa Ysabel. Lake Henshaw area, what guaran~.s exist that ten or twenty years down the road those routes will not be opaned as well? - But back country residents will not be the only losers should the Blue Canyon Lan&fill become a z~ility. As this newspaper has attempted to point out before, dependence on fossil fuels is a risky business. Not only does it make no sense to create one kind of poll~on (smog) in order to contain another (u'ash), it is also foolish to hang forty yea.rs of planning on the unpredictability of oil prices. At present, according to the Department of Public Works, it costs thirty cents to haul one ton of garbage one mile. Future ton-mile costs, however, axe unpredictable. Forty years ago, gasoline cost less than a quarter a gal. Ion at the pump. To choose a dump site as far removed from the major sources of trash as Blue Canyon is to place absolute faith in an industt~ with a record of un* reliability. Siting a landfill in such a remote and under-represented area is not only politically convenient, but riscally irresponsible as well BLUE CANYON COMMENTS, PART Where Will the Eagles Go? by Robin Hewttt Blue Canyon takes its head amid the steep upper slopes of the ,%qJauga Ridge. C.~iden eagles nest along this ridge, and Big-cone Douglas Fir forests in the eanyon's upper reaches offer suitable roost sites for bald Henshaw area. Further down-canyon, ~partan oak woodland and pure stands of deer grass serve as a lawrang arm for the reglon's deer herds. Sugarbush and Parry's begin to appear aloag the banks of Blue Canyon as it approaches its Junction with San Luis Rey in the Canada Aguanga. The San Diego horned lizard and the orange-throated whiptaft are likely to make their home in the open chaparral above the streambed. Both species are considered endangered by the San Diego Herpetologlcal The county'e proposal landfill in Blue Canyon would obUtemte all habitat on the landfill site. To construct the landfill, the Blue Canyon area would be stripped of all vegetation. Soil would be removed and the canyon Landfill construction and operation would certainly pact endangered bald eagles. Aside from the ouUight destruc- tion of potential eagle habitat, by intruding 1*dgh leve~ h!~mnn activity and noise into the sensitive ,aguauga Ridge area, the landffil project would disrupt roosting activiUes in the surrounding region as well. Nesting and roosting activtUes of golden eagles would be stmtlnrly The County proposes to mitigate this abaolute devesta- tion of the pristine Blue Canyon area by acquiring, for the BLtreau of Land Management, another parcel of land some- where in the Beauty Mountain location and resources of this hypothetical parcel are not specified, except for the blithe asmu-ance that there will be a public-benefitting land ex- change. Nice phrase: public-benefit- ~ Until you look behind the petty words to see what they In 1987, after completing its evaluation of five Wilderness stu~ ~ twa~), the BLM recommended to Congress that fume of the acreage in' the Beauty Mountain area be awar- ded Wilderness status. Of the 11,342 m in the Beauty Mountain WSA, a// but 54 ~r~ Management practices in the Beauty Mountain WS~ {such as burning of native vegetation) are ~tm,-d prmmnly at increasing' the amount of graze lancL Other activities include ORV use, hunting, and mintng--/ncim//r~ Not to worry, however. Al- though the land which the Count5, plans to acquire to replace Blue Caayon will un- doubtebly be burned for grazing and ploughed up by dirt bikes, or perhaps ~ bare/or a strip scarcely be evident: ]fire the rest of the s~ region, the Beauty Mountain Wildemesh Study Area wfil be ~slded from view by the s~og and eshatrot fumes from 5?0 diesel rigs per day erawttug In and out of the nearby Blue Canyon landfill- Want your views to be heard? Wxtte to Sharon Colton,. Department of Planning and Land Use, 5201 .l~.mn Road, Ms San Diego, CA Bm~u of ~ Man~-.ment, 400 South Far~ll Blvd., Suite 205, ~ $pnug~, CA 92262. The deadline for public corn- mere on tbe Dmf~ EIR/EI$ for the propoecd North County Cl~ Ill I~dfi!! ~ ~ 26. The JuUan News . hive'to dOl d i,,se t i' -I ' I I I LOMl~lar ~d dlBO $15 C~lr (mdlm)S30~ I ,S,':VE-- E SACK .3.).'N by protecting BLUE CANYON f'~orn becoming o~e of Sat, Diego County~s lar_ue.st Landfill dump site. TRAFFIC DANGERS ON HIGHWAY 7'9 Traffic FATALITIES could more friar, ~ou01e. * Uo to 1, 140 truck trips per day, 7 ~ays a week, to carry ~ewage, sludpe and ~arage it, from the coastal areas a~d deposit them ir~ ~.LUE CANYON. * Diesel fumes would oroduce 2,760 ~our~os of SMOG-prc. ducir~g chemicals PER DAY. WATER CONTAM!NAT(ON This 'vital watershed area is located at the heaOwaters of the San Luis Rey River'. * POLLUTION fr'c,r~ the ].andfill could corotamir, ate Lake Herm-':.naw, the Warr~er Grc,,~r~d Basir~ a~,d the entire San Luis Rey River. EARTHQUAKES B!...bE E:AN¥ON is located i~ ar, area of high seismic activity, between 2 ~aj,,:r EARFk~QUAKE FAULTS, the San Jacinto fault and the Elsir~ore fault. The Lar, df'il.t itself wc, uld be located atop the Aquanga fault trace. w.~.L.): .,.F~: IMPACTS ~.r,,.;=,cts t,-, enaar~gered Sc, utherr~ Bald Eagle. inciuoinq DESTRUCTION of ~oter~tial roost .sites. * DESTRUCTION of fawning habitat. ACT I M MED I A T EL Y APR 1 6 1990 To be cor~sidereo, comments must be in writing ar:d p,z, strnarked by M~H ~1~, ]990. Be sur'e to :(r, dicate that you are writir~g aoout BLUE CANYON as a corrm~er,~ c,r~ th:.:? clratt E. I. R.-E. I.S. for the proposed Nort~ County Class ilI Lar, c!fi!l. It is ih'~portar~t to ser~d co~ies of your letter to BOTW addr'.esses: SHARON COLTON Deoartmer~t c,f Pianr~ir~g a..'~d Lar~d Use 5201 Ruffin Road, MS 0650 Sar~ Diegc,, California RUSSELL KALDENBERG Bureau of Land Management 400 South Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Sorir, gs, California 92262 FOR MORE INFORMATION ARD DONATIONS (your hel~ is needed!!! !) Please make cnecP. s payable to: The Blue Canyon F-.'~-otectinr~ League, P.O. Box 3'99, Warr~er Sorir, gs, CA 92086 RoO Walker 782-3651 Susan Vasak 765-1965 Wendy Stephenson 782-0442 IMPORTANT MEETING T'he San Diego County Department of Public Works will hold a Public Meeting on THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1990 a~ ?:00pro at WARNER SCHOOL. 2 April 1990 Dear Friends of the Backcountry, The USDA Forest Service has announced that it will not con- sider County plans for a land exchange or a landfill at Blue Canyon. So long as the County has other viable alternatives (and it clearly does), Mike Rogers, Supervisor of the Cleveland National Forest, will not allow Forest Service land to become a County landfill. Hurray for our side! Now, it's also very important that we ~et the BLM to take a similar stance. So long as Blue Canyon re- mains in federal ownership, the County cannot use it for a land- fill. Please, take a few minutes to write to the BLM urging them to keep and to protect Blue Canyon. A letter in your own words will carry more weight than hundreds of form letters, so rather than offer a sample letter, we've just listed below the most im- portant points for the BLM: * BLM's Blue Canyon parcel is adjacent to the Cleveland National Forest and is thus an integral part of a large, public lands recreation and wildlife area. * Blue Canyon is an important scenic resource with large oak trees, deer grass meadows, and even a waterfall. * In its present, natural state, Blue Canyon is part of an important habitat area for eagles, owls, and other rare and endangered animals in the vicinity of Lake Henshaw and the Aguanga Ridge. * Blue Canyon is an important habitat for game animals such as deer and quail. * The Aguanga Ridge area, which includes Blue Canyon, is an important recreation area, popular with hikers, hunters, and mountain bike enthusiasts. Ask BLM to show good stewardship of our public lands by keeping and protecting Blue Canyon the way it is--for the sake of the animals who live there and for the people who come to visit. Write to Russell Kaldenberg, Area Manager Bureau of Land Management Palm Springs-South Coast Resource Area 400 South Farrell Drive, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 For more information, contact Rob Na%ker ~t. 782-3651, Larry Hendrickson at' 765-0385,_ Mar~ Engebretson.a~ 782-3780, or Francis Hemsher at 765-1047... . ~o ..... The-Blue Canyon Protection League The Effort to Sa /e Blue Canyon From Becoming a Coun Ls ndfill Goes On Thanks to everyone who contributed, we've been able to accomplish a great deal in a vow short time. Tasks Accomplished: In-depth comment and critique of the draft EIR/EIS, including - Photodocumentation cf a prevlou$!y unidentified water poilu,don threat from extensive faulting within the proposed Blue C~nyon landfill $~te. - Biological resources. A special Audobon Socie~ bird count identified addi:ion~l sensitive species withln Blue CAnyon. - Our analysis of County f~!es h-as idemified s~rlous inconsistencies and blazes in th~ siting process. ' Establish contact, with local, state, and federal agencies which are involved in San Diego County's landfill siting process. * On M~rch 17, Channel 8 'FV news did in-depth coverage of the Blue C~nyon I~ndfill issue. Good News! On March 29,.the US Forest Service a.r, nounced that as long as the County h~ts other a, lternatives, it will not allow its portion of Blue Canyon to be used for ~ landfill. But There's Still Lots To Do: Letter writing campaigns, Prepare for the sppaals process. * Msintain agency contacts. Folio;v-up with the v,~rious permltting authorities. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND DONATIONS (your help is still neededl'.!), please m~tke checks payable to: THE BLUE CANYON PROTECTtOH LEAGUE, P.O. Box 1823, Julian, CA 92036 Larry Hendrickson: 765-03.35 George Vetter: 782-3671 Francis Hemsher:765-1047 Susan Vaszk: 765-1965 SAVE THE BACKCOUNTRY! HELP KEEP BLUE CANYON F~OM BECOMING ONE OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY'S LARGEST LANDFILLS. SAVE THE BACK COUNTRY! by protecting BLUE CANYON from becoming one of San Diego County's largest landfill garbage durnt3s. THE JULIAN AREA WILL BE AFFECTED! TRAFFIC DANGERS ON HIGHWAY 79 Traffic FATALITIES c~_ j!d more than double. Up to 1,140 truck trips per day, 7 days a week, to carry sewage, sludge and garbage in from the coastal areas and deposit them in BLUE CANYON. Diesel fumes would produce 2,760 pounds of SMOG-producing chemicals PER DAY. WATER CONTAMINATION This vital watershed area is located at the headwaters of the San Luis Rey River. POLLUTION from the landfill could contaminate Lake Henshaw, the Warner Groundwater Basin and the entire San Luis Rey River. EARTHQUAKES BLUE CANYON is located in an area of high seismic activity, between 2 major FAULT ZONES, the San Jacinto fault and the Elsinore fault. The landfill itself would be located atop the Aguanga fault trace. WILDLIFE IMPACTS Impacts to endangered Southern Bald Eagle, including the DESTRUCTION of potential roost sites. DESTRUCTION of fawning habitat. Precious, critical wildlife and rare plant area unlike no other in San Diego County. ACT IMMEDIATELY To be considered, your comments must be in writing and postmarked by MARCH 26, 1990. Be sure to indicate that you are writing about BLUE CANYON as a public comment on the 'Draft E.I.R./E.I.S.' for the proposed North County Class III Landfill. It is important to send copies of your letter to BOTH: SHARON COLTON Dept. of Planning & Land Use 5201 Ruffin Road, MS 0650 San Diego, CA RUSSELL KALDENBERG Bureau of Land Management 400 South Farrell, Suite B-205 Palm Springs, CA 92262 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND DONATIONS (your help is needed!!!!), please make checks payable to: THE BLUE CANYON PROTECTION LEAGUE, P.O. Box 1823, Julian, CA 92036 Rob Walker: 782-3651 Susan Vasak: 765-1965 Wendy Stephenson: 782-0442 IMPORTANT !!! San Diego County of Public Works holds Public Meeting on THURSDAY MARCH 15th, 1990 at 7:00 PM at WARNER SCHOOL, Warner Springs, Hwy. 79. BE THERE!!! PLEASE HELP SAVE BLUE CANYON