HomeMy WebLinkAbout022790 CC AgendaC~LL TO ORDBR** Invocation Flag Salute ROLL CALL: PRESENTATIONS/ PROCL~NATIONS PUBLIC COMMBNTB CONBENT CALENDAR T~MECUL~ CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING FEBRUItRY 27 · 1990 Next in Order~ Ordinance: 90-04 Resolution:90-23 Pastor Blake Withere, Las Brisas Bible Fellowship Birdsall, Lindemans, Moore, Munoz, Parks NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items to be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. ApDrov&l of Parcel Map 23426 Consisting of two lots, totaling 24.18 gross acres, located between Ynez Road to the east and Margarita Road to the west, generally situated between Solana Way and Rancho California Road. RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve Parcel Map 23426 2/AGENDA/022790 1 02/23/90 &pprov&~ 0£ Tr&ot Xl~ ,93160 Consisting of 10.75 gross acres, located east of Margarita Road, generally situated between Solana Way and Rancho California Road. RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve Tract Nap 23160 Resolut4on approving PaFaont of Demands RECOMMENDATION 3.1 Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- ~ RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHgCUL~, ~LLOWIN~ CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS 2t~ SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. 0 Resolution Denying Plot Pl&nMo 1170 A Resolution denying a Plot Plan to permit construction of an outdoor advertising sign. RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Adopt a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 90- 2t RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLaN NO. 1170 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOOR BDVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR SANCHO CALXFORMX& NO,M) AND FRONT STREET 2/AGENDA/022790 2 02/22/90 ~paal o£ Planning Deoart&®nt den~&! o£ Plot Plan ,1168 An appeal filed by Outdoor Media Group for an Outdoor Advertising Display located generally 10t from south property line on Rancho California Road and 330t east from centerline of Front Street. RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Deny the appeal Ordinance adoutinq portions of Riverside County~Ordinances A hearing to consider adoption, by reference, of portions of the non-codified Riverside County ordinances. ~ECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Introduce and read by title, only, waive further reading and adopt an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES CBDMEETZNG *********************** (Tab. held at 8:00 p.s.) PXeasa see separate agenda *********************** COUNCIL BuaINE88 Mello Roos &d Hoc Negotiating Co.~ittee Report RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Provide staff with appropriate direction· 2/AGENDA/022790 3 02/22/90 CZTYliA)IA~BR8 RBPOR~ ~T¥ &TTORMBYS RBI~RT ~ZTY COUII~L RBIq)RT Next meeting: March 6, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. to be held at the Rancho California Water District Community Room, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, California Next regular meeting: Temecula Community California. March 13, at 7:00 p.m. to be held at the Center, 28816 PuJo1 Street, Temecula, 2/AGE#0A/022~P0 4 02/22/90 P. '£/3 OFF'ICB OF' ~ ROAD CO!~1SS.[OI'~. ~ COUI,1T¥ SORVE¥OR .:,' COUNT~ OF RIVI~RS/DI~. LeRoy Do Scoot Road Commissioner and County Surveyor couat~ Administrative Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone (714) 787-6554 February 21, 1990 SUB~ITTALTO FRANE ALESHIRE, CITY MAI4AG~ OF THE CITY O~ TEI~J3~A FROM: &cting City Engineer [or the City o£ ?e~ecula SUBJECT: Parcel Hap 23426 in the First Superr!sofia1 District Pursuant ~o ~ S~dX~o~ ~a~ A~ and ~S REOUSS?~D ~a~ ~e C~ Co~c~ a~p~o~ sa~d map. Acting City Engineer IPT:GAS:MSB:rdb The City of Temecu]a Re: Parcel Map 23426 2 Februazy 14, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the following agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond No. 1203075) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Bond No. 1203076) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Bond No. 1203077) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bonds No. 1203075 and 1203076) in the amounts of $54,500 and $3,750 are also attached. The above referenced bonds are issued by Amwest Surety Insurance Company. This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: Lots "A" and "B" and ths abuttots rights of access for public road and public utility p'urposes, and as part of the City Maintained Road System. OFFICE OF T~IE ROAD COMMISSIONER AND COUNTY SURVEYOR COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot Road Comissioner and County Surveyor County Administrative Center Mailing Address: PO Box 1090 Riverside, CA 92502 Telephone {714) 78?-6554 February 21, 1990 SUBMITTAL TO FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA FROM: Acting City Engineer for the City of Temecula SUBJECT: Tract Map 23160 in the First Supervisorial District SPECIFIC REQUEST: Pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance it is REQUESTED that the City Council approve said map. All required certificates and documents have been filed and the map is ready for recordation. Ivan F. Tennant Acting City Engineer IFT:GAS:MSB:rdb The City Counsel of the City of Temecula Re: Tract 23160 2 February 13, 1990 The developer wishes to enter into the following agreements to cover the improvements within this subdivision for: IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS (Bond No. 1203078) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (Water to be supplied by Rancho California Water District) (Bond No. 1203079) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM (Service to be provided by Eastern Municipal Water District) (Cash security posted) SETTING OF LOT STAKES AND SUBDIVISION MONUMENTS (Cash security posted) MATERIALS AND LABOR (Bonds Nos. 1203078, 1203078 and 1203080 in the amounts of $52,500, $51,750 and $1,000 are also attached. The above referenced Bonds are issued by Amwest Surety Insurance Company. This map complies in all respects with the provisions of Division 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code and applicable local ordinances. The dedications made on said map are for: 1. Lot "A" and the abutters rights of access for public road and public utility purposes and as part of the City Maintained Road System. 2. Drainage easements are dedicated to public use. RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A. as follows: The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order Section 1: That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A have been audited as required by law, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amounts hereinafter set forth. Section 2: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of February 1990. ATFEST: Ronald J. Parks, Mayor F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk [SEAt.] Resos/90-#'5 02/22/90 11:49am CK # 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 ~2 183 184 CK DATE 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-2%90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 02-27-90 CITY OF TEMECULA FEBRUARY 27, 1990 LIST OF DEMANDS AGAINST CITY & PAYROLL VENDOR Aleshire, F.D. Anderson & Co. Appleone Bastanchury BoGraphics Californian County of Riverside CSUSB Davlin Freeman's GTE Golden State Trading Company June Greek Cindy Harmon Inland Empire Manager's Assoc. League of Calif. Cities Karel F. Lindemans PIMA Press Enterprise Price Security DESCRIPTION Reimbursement for expenses January Accounting Services Temp. Receptionist Services W/E 01/27/90 Water Supplies Printing Public Notices and Employment Ads Office Supplies Furniture Delivery Hreha 1990's Info Systems Conference Fee Video Taping & Audio of Council Meetings Office Supplies Telephone Charges Printers (2), Software & Peripherals Reimbursement for Expenses Reimbursement for Expenses City Manager's Association Dues Hreha Cable TV Workshop Fee Reimbursement for Expenses/Payment of P.O. Box for City of Temecula City Hall Liability Insurance Public Notice ad Alarm Maintenance - March AMOUNT 50.24 422.75 519.20 24.00 146.67 88.48 214.89 115.24 170.00 1,450.00 1,231.07 129.12 4,242.56 101.27 7.34 15.00 85.00 120.00 1,305.03 59.17 35.00 185 02-27-90 R&B Bldg. Maim. January Cleaning of City Hall 391.00 -- offices February Cleaning of City Hall 498.33 offices 186 02-27-90 Radisson P.S. Hreha 1990's Info Systems Lodging 80.00 Conference Fees 187 02-27-90 Sir Speedy Agenda Copying 1,052.58 Priming Resolution Form 122.64 188 02-27-90 Temecula Valley City Hall Commission ads 150.00 Business Journal 189 02-27-90 Waxie Office Supplies 90.06 Office Supplies 44.73 190 02-27-90 X/A Business Phase I Computers (3 PC's) 6,534.00 Systems 191 02-27-90 Pat Birdsall Month of February 1990 300.00 192 02-27-90 Karel Lindemans Month of February 1990 300.00 -~3 02-27-90 Peg Moore Month of February 1990 300.00 194 02-27-90 J. Sal Munoz Month of February 1990 300.00 195 02-27-90 Ronald Parks Month of February 1990 300.00 (NOTE: Valley Unified School District for reimbursement of January rent was VOIDED. amount of $3,156.95 was issued to replace said check.) PAYROLL: 28 29 30 33 31 32 TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE: $ 20,995.37 Regarding List of Demands dated 1/23/90 - Check #155 in the amount of $3,812.67 to Temecula Check #164 in the 02-15-90 F.D. Aleshire 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 3,710.52 02-15-90 June S. Greek 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 928.45 02-15-90 Cynthia C. Harmon 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 1,066.78 02-15-90 Teresa A. Maley 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 435.06 02-15-90 Rose R. Perea 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 517.92 02-15-90 Kathleen V. Turner 1/31/90 thru & incl. 2/14/90 617.59 SUB TOTAL PAYROLL: $ 7,276.32 27 02-18-90 EDD -~'6 02-18-90 Overland Bank California Income Tax Federal Tax Deposit TOTAL PAYROLL: GRAND TOTAL PAYMENTS AND PAYROLL: 619.21 3.704.84 11,600.37 32,595.74 I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: -'~ F. D. Aleshire - Interim City Manager sff/AGD15222 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: MEETING DATE SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER/CITY COUNCIL SCOTT F. FIELD, CITY ATTORNEY ~ FEBRUARY 22, 1990 FEBRUARY 27, 1990 PLOT PLAN 1170 - APPLICATION FOR BILLBOARD AT FRONT STREET AND RANCHO CALIFORNIA. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council adopt the attached Resolution, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLAN NO. 1170 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND FRONT STREET." DISCUSSION: At its February 13, 1990 Meeting, Council conducted a public hearing on Plot Plan No. 1170, an application to construct a billboard near Rancho California Rd. and Front St. In order to approve such a plot plan under the present Land Use and Zoning regulations, the following key issues had to be resolved: 1. Was the billboard in the 1-15 viewshed? Was the billboard compatible with existing and future development? Was the billboard consistent with the future general plan? Based on the testimony received at the hearing the Council directed Staff to draft a resolution of denial, which is attached. It indicates that the Council could not make any of the above findings, and consequently, that the Plot Plan must be denied. For the Council's reference, attached are the portions of the Southwest ARea Plan ("SWAP") pertaining to the 1-15 scenic corridor. -1- sff/AGD15222 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 90-__ denying Plot Plan No. 1170; Portions of the SWAP pertaining to the 1-15 scenic corridor. Staff Report from 7-20-90 Public Hearing. -2- sff/RES15222 RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLAN NO. 1170 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND FRONT STREET. WHEREAS, Outdoor Media Group filed Plot Plan No. 1170 in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, which the City has adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 57376; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Director considered said plot plan on January 16, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Director's hearing, the Director approved said Plot Plan; WHEREAS, William L. Bopf of Bedford Properties appealed the Director's determination to the city Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said appeal on February 13, 1990 at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a copy of the Director's proceedings and Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan appeal; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the'following findings: A. All outdoor advertising displays (#billboards#) must satisfy Section 19.3 of the provisions of County Ordinance No. 348, including the requirement that plot plan approval be obtained pursuant to Section 18.30 (§ 19.3(b)(1).) -1- sff/RES15222 B. Pursuant to Section 18.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: (1) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of State law and City ordinances. (2) The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. C. Pursuant to Sections 19.3(a) (2) and 19.2(o), no billboard may be located within the boundary of any scenic highway so designated pursuant to the California Street & Highways Code. D. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. -2- sff/RES15222 (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. E. The Southwest Area Plan ("SWAP") was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has not adopted SWAP as its General Plan. However, the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. Moreover, until the City adopts its General Plan it requires all development to be consistent with the SWAP, because the future General Plan is likely to be substantially similar to the SWAP. F. The Plot Plan site proposed for the billboard does not conform to the logical development of its proposed site, and is not compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. The proposed site is located in the heart of the business district of the City and near the entrance to "Old Town# Temecula. The appearance of a billboard at this location would impair the logical commercial development of the surrounding property. G. The site proposed for the billboard is adjacent to a vacant lot. The proposed location of the billboard, if approved, would impair the viability of the future commercial development of said vacant property. Generally, permitting the location of billboards in advance of the development of adjacent commercial properties would impede the orderly development of such adjacent properties. H. Interstate 15 is designated a scenic highway in the SWAP. The SWAP further provides -3- sff/RES15222 that outstanding scenic vistas and visual features, such as the ridgeline west of Interstate 15, shall be preserved and protected. The large size of the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15 and across the adjacent vacant lot. Because the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15, it is inconsistent with the SWAP, and consequently, if the Plot Plan were approved, it would likely be inconsistent with the City's future general plan. SECTION 2. Because the required findings for discretionary approvals found in Section 18.30 of County Ordinance 348 and Government Code Section 65361 cannot be made for the reasons cited hereinabove, the City of Temecula City Council denies Plot Plan 1170. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this , 1990. day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the day of , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK -4- CGPA 52 "EXHIBIT A" I,~!f~/~Ci-_~rT-r~ TEXT CHANGES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL PLAN AND FI-, SWAP LAND USE POLICIES Ae General Land Use Policies Administrative Policies be The land use allocation map associated with the SWAP shall determine the extent, intensity and location of land uses. In addition to the SWAP policies, all land use policies, objectiv~e, programs and standards in the Administrative, Regional, Public Facilities and Services, Housing, and Environmental Hazards and Resources Elements shall apply in the determination of general plan consistency for a land use development proposal. c. Zoning consistent with the SWAP as provided in the Zoning Consistency Guidelines Figure II.28.2 shall be applied throughout the SWAP area. General Design Considerations ae Proposed land uses will be reviewed for compatibility in light of existing and approved land uses within the surrounding area. Additional factors which will enter into the review for compatibility include the intensity of use, hazards, nuisances, aesthetics and design. b. Drought tolerant and non-toxic plant materials shall be utilized for street trees and landscaping. c. The planting of fire resistant vegetation shall be promoted in high fire hazard areas, such as the Santa Rosa Plateau and the Sage area. d. Outstanding scenic vistas and visual features, such as the ridgeline west of Interstate 15, shall be preserved and protected. e. The maintenance and conservation of native trees, natural vegetation and other features shall be promoted where feasible. f. Landscaping should be provided along bike paths and equestrian trails. Development shall not encroach upon existing or planned natural open space areas. Preservation of views from such natural open space areas shall be encouraged. All street lights and other outdoor lighting on electrical plans shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for plan check approval and shall comply with the requirements of Riverside County Ordinance No. 655 and the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. k. Adequate buffers shall be encouraged in order to minimize land use conflicts between agricultural operations and other land uses. 132.3 Ce e Within the area of imaginary approach surfaces, both the French Valley Airport and Skylark Airport shall be kept free of all high risk land uses. In §eneral, high risk land uses have one or more of the following characteristics: - high concentration of people - critical facilities - flammable or explosive materials ~ The following is a list'of examples of land uses which have these high risk characteristics. This list is not complete and each land use application will be evaluated for its appropriateness given airport flight activities. - Places of assembly: auditoriums, churches, schools, carnivals and drive-in theaters. - High patronage services: motels and banks. bowling alleys, restaurants, theaters, - Large retail outlets. - Residential lot sizes smaller than 2.5 acres. - Cri~cical facilities: telephone exchanges, radio/television studios and hospitals. - Flammable products: bulk fuel storage, gasoline and liquid petroleum service stations, manufacture of plastics, breweries, feed and flour mills. d. Aviation easements shall be obtained by the proponent in the airport-influenced area. e. Residential development with a 2.5 acre minimum lot size, agricultural uses and limited manufacturing and commercial land uses are permitted within the area of significant safety concerns. f. All proposed land uses within the airport-influenced area shall be reviewed by the Airport Land Use Commission in order to provide recommendations to the Planning Director. g. Future construction in the vicinity of the French Valley Airport and Skylark Airport shall be consistent with the Airport Land Use Plan for Riverside County. Scenic Hiqhways The SWAP area contains two Eligible County Scenic Highways, Interstate 215 and State Highway 79 South, and one Eligible State Scenic Highway, Interstate 15 (See Figure II.28.6). The following policies shall apply to uses proposed along these corridors. 132.11 FROM: CITY OF TEMECULA COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT This item should be: / Placed on agenda as a receive and file item Action taken at your discretion a. Outstanding scenic vistas and visual features shall be preserved and protected for the enjoyment of the traveling public. b. Vista points with interpretive displays, roadside rests and information kiosks shall be developed along scenic corridors. c. When feasible, recreational trails and other compatible public recreation facilities shall be incorporated within scenic corridors. d. The design and appearance of new structures and/or equipment within scenic corridors shall be compatible with the setting or environment. ee All new development within scenic corridors shall maintain at least a 50 foot setback from the edge of the right-of-way, whenever feasib,l~. The size, height and type of on-site outdoor advertising displays within scenic corridors shall be the minimum necessary for identification. The design, materials, color and location of the displays shall blend with the environment, utilizing natural materials where possible. g. Within scenic corridors, trees and other roadside planting shall be utilized to protect and enhance the view from the road. he Earthmoving operations which expose soil surfaces shall be required to reestablish vegetation to bind the soil, prevent water or wind erosion and reestablish a natural vegetative appearance. Any new electric or communication distribution lines or the relocation of existing overhead facilities in proximity to, and which would be visible from, scenic corridors shall be placed underground whenever feasible in accordance with Public Utilities Commission regulations. Mapped Land Use Categories and Related Policies Administrative All the following land use categories are mapped designations on the SWAP Land Use Allocation Map. Future changes to the land use allocation map shall be in conformance with state and local requirements for general plan amendments. All amendments to the SWAP shall be consistent with the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan. Any proposed amendments that would permit a more intense use shall conform to the following: The existing available level of public facilities and services must be adequate for the more intense land use or there is a reasonable assurance that an adequate level of services will be available in the near future, e.g. one to five years. The proposed amendments are compatible with surrounding designations and will not create future land use incompatibilities, {"buffers" may be utilized to ensure compatibility). 132.13 Commercial Policies a. A variety of commercial uses,(~enerally those uses permitted in the C-1/C-P and C-P-S zones) including highway-oriented commercial, service commercial, neighborhood commercial and regional commercial, are permitted. b. The growth of commercial uses into compact, well-organized and accessible centers with adequate parking and circulation shall be encouraged. c. New developments shall be compatible with surrounding land uses. d. Any commercial development proposal, including any land division, of 30 acres or larger in size, shall be approved as a "Planned Commercial Development" as provided in Ordinances Nos. 348 and 460. Any prop~al 100 acres or greater should be approved as a Specific Plan of L~nd Use. Office Commercial Policies a. The Office Commercial designation is applied to areas where, due to traffic and circulation impacts or potential land use incompatibilities, commercial uses -must be limited to those which generate low traffic volumes, or result in limited commercial activity and ~perate primarily during daylight hours, such as professional offices. It excludes hotels, motels, fast food, major restaurants, (except support food service such as walk up service, snack bars, employee's cafeteria}, service stations and similar uses. b. Policies 6b, 6c and 6d shall also apply in the Office Commercial designation. Resort Conmercial Policies a. The Resort Commercial designation is a special classification which may be applied to areas where a resort project is existing or proposed. b. Uses such as hotels, motels, spas, golf courses, restaurants and support retail commercial uses are consistent with this designation. Industrial Policies a. General Policies (1) The following shall be encouraged with respect to Industrial des i gnati ons: - orderly, high quality development - a variety of industrial uses - compatibility with surrounding land uses - sufficient local employment opportunities 132.16 FROM: This CITY OF TEMECULA COUNTY PLANNING item should be: DEPARTMENT Set and noticed for public hearing Placed on agenda as a receive and file item Action taken at your discretion I hereby certify, u~der the i~enalty of perjury that the above and lore~,oin8 ,s a true and correct copy of an oriBinal o~ deposit within the records of the City of Temecuta. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Temecula this 2(o'p~' day of ~.~..,,19~..~0. Notice of Public Hearing THE CITY OF TENECUL~ 43172 Business Park Drive Temecul&, California 92390 X PUBLIC HEXRING has been scheduled before the CITY COUNCIL to consider the applications(s) described below. The Riverside County Planning Department has approved the Plot Plan. The CITY COUNCIL will consider an appeal. PLACE OF HEARING: Temecula Community Center 28816 Pujol Street Temecu!a DATE OF HEARING: Tuesday. February 13. 1990 Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before the hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the approval of this project at the time of hearing. If you challenge any of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. The proposed project application may be viewed at the public information counter, Temecula City Hall, 43172 Business Park Drive, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Questions concerning this project may be addressed to John Ristow, County of Riverside Planning Department, (714) 787-6567. OUTDOOR ADVERTISEMENT 1170, Exempt from CEQA, is an application submitted by Outdoor Media Group for property located in the Temecula area and First Supervisorial District and generally described as 10' from west property line on Front Street an~ 300' from centerline of Rancho California Road, and which proposes an Outdoor Advertising Sign. TIME OF HEARING: 7:00 D.m. · I JFO~NI& Temecula County of 1ti e side ~o~, Robert Linares, Buildinq & Safety Department ~ ~:m=, County Off-Site Siqn # // 70 Per field inspection, there are no residences within 150' of proposed site. There are no other Outdoor Advertising displays within 500' of proposed site. The proposed. sign display meets the requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section 19.3(a)(2). GEN. F~,iM 4, 3/65 DATE: 1-16-90 RiVER: iDE count.,:' PLAnnin( Di:,-ARCEIEnC TO: $URYEYOR ROAD BUILDING AND SAFETY FLOO0 CONTROL HEALTH FI RE: 'PROTECTI ON RE: Plot Plan No. 1170 Environmental Assess~nt No. N/A Regional Team No. 5 On 1-16-90 the Riverside County [XX] Planning Con~nission L J Board of Supervisors took the the above referenced plot plan: Planning Director [ ] following action on XX , subject to the subject to the , subject to , subject to APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit A attached conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit , attached amended conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached amended conditions. UPHELt3 the appeal. DENIED the appeal. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the appeal request. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the Plot Plan. DENIED the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the Negative Declaration on the Environmental Assessment noted above. 2-89 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT -. Rqs~ow- P~anner 46-209 OASIS STREET. ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 RZVERSZOE CO~JIqTY PLAJqNZNG DEPARTIqEHT ¢0~0 LEMON STREET, NZNTH FLOOR RXVERSZOI:, CAL ZFORN ]A gg$O! Roger $. Streeter, Planntng 01rector As prescribed under the provisions of County Ordinances, this is to notif;), ~,ou that the application referenced bel~ has been received to be conslder~ b7 the Riverside County Planning ~par~ent. .. A~ permen ~shtng to c~n: on the p~Ject ~st suite ~ttten c~nt3 ~ the Pltnntng ~ple~nt at t~ above address before O~ce~qr ~. ~989. ~_PUBLIC ~AR~G on.the application shall be held before I ~clslon 1s rode unless I nearing ~s raftsted tn ~ttlng prior to the afor~ntlon~ date b~ the applicant oe other a~fected ~rson, or If the Planning Otrectoe dete~lnes Chit 8 publlc he8etng should be re~l~d. ~ a ~bllc heartng ts sch~uled ~foel the Plin~tng Olrector, 7ou sha~l be notified. The p~posed project application ~ ~ vle~d at the publlc ;Info,eton counter, Mond~ though Frldt7 fr~ g:00 a.m, until 4:00 p.m. If ~u have e~ c~nts :O submit'or wish to request a public hearing,' please ~tuen thls sheet end return to. thls offlce b7 the above ~ntloned date. Outdoor ~verttsemnt ~70, Exe~ %ram CE~, ls an application submitted b7 Outdoor ~dta ~roup for' propert~ ~ocated In the T~cula Area and Ftrst Su~tsortal 01strict and genital17 described as the Nort~ side of ~nCho California Road, ~st of HighweT 395 and which proposes an Outdoor Advertising Sign CASE & NO. Ou~r_Advertisement ! do not wtsh to submit cements tn regards to this project. x Z am requesting that a public hearing be held on this case for the following etasons: ,Gene~l]¥. ~v cpm~a~v ~.~ nqt ;~/zpnrt ~pl~n.t}qn ! understand that ] will'be nottftecl of the ttme and date of the public councY PLAnn;n; DF.;'A:I:;I;1F.n; DATE: 1-16-90 RE: Plot Plan No. 1170 Environmental Assessment No. Regional Team No. 5 N/A Bear Applicant: On 1-16-90 the Riverside County [)~ Planning Director [] Planning Con~nission L] Board of Supervisors took the following action on the above referenced plot plan: XX APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit A condi ti ons. ~ APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit' amended conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit attached conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit attached amended conditions. UPHELD the appeal. DENIED the appeal. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the appeal request. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the Plot Plan. DENIED the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the Negative Declaration on the Environmental Assessment noted above. Temecula City Council This action may be appealed to the ~[X] )>)~fi~&YgXX)~l~i(~b>(~)~)~ [] Board of Supervisors within ten (lO) days of the date of this notice.. The appeal must be made in writing and submitted with a fee in accordance with the fee schedule to the appropriate department. An appeal of any condition constitutes an appeal of the action as a whole and requires a new public hearing before the appropriate hearing body. , subject to the attached , subject to the attached , subject ~o the , subject to the Very truly yours, cc: Representative File RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter, Planning Director _n H. Ristow - Planner 295-43 Revised 8-10-88 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787'6181 46'209 OASIS STREET, ROOM 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342'8277 RiV -R iDF. councv PLAnninG D PA:IcrilF. nC CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Off-stte Advertising 18.30( M-SC ) Outdoor Advertising Plot Plan No. 1170 o o go ]0. lhe development of the premises shall conform substantiall~ with that as shown on Plot Plan marked Exhibit "A" on file with 18.30{ M-SC Outdoor Advertis3ng Plot Plan No. 1.170 . Any advertising structure shall conform with all provisions of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. Any deviation from the standards set forth within Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 shall require a separate application for a variance pursuant to Section 18,27 of said ordinance. The advertising structure may not be less than 500 feet from other off-site advertising structures, or 150 feet from any residential structures in resi- dential zones {as per Ordinance 19.3 a The maximum surface area of the display shall not exceed 300 square feet. The maximum height of the display shall not exceed 25 feet from the roadway surface, or 25 feet from grade level, whichever is greater. Prior to the construction of the advertising structure a building permit shall be obtained from the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety. No outdoor advertising structures shall be permitted within "significant resource" areas as defined within Section 19.2 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348. A maximum of two steel poles per advertising structure shall be permitted as support for a maximum of two sign faces on a single structure. The sign faces may be oriented back-to-back, or on a V-board with maximum separation between faces of 25 feet. Illumination of.the sign is permitted provided it is no~ visible beyond the sign face. Flashing, intermittent, or vari'able intensity lighting is not permitted. Within the Mt. Palomar Special Lighting Area, low pressure sodium vapor lighting or overhead high pressure sodium vapor lighting with shields or cutoff luminares, shall be utilized. Each advertising structure shall have the sign company name located upon the face of each sign and clearly visible from the roadway. Roa Parks ]vim~ Pm 'rem ilarel F. Linde. mens SENT BY FACSIMILE CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 3000 Temocu¼, California 92390 (714) 694-1989 FAX ~14) 6~1~9 December 26, 1989 Patricia H. Bird.sail Peg Moore J. Sal Muaoz County of Riverside Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street Rivorside, CA A~TENTION: JOHN RISTO PLOT PLAN 1]gS, 1170 2 BILLBOARDS 1N TEMECULA Please conduct public hearing and rofer %o City Council for final action. Sincerely, F. D. Aloshire City Manager FDA:¢ch : RiVER3iDF. county PLAnnine; COUNTY OFF-SITE SIGN NO. ll~O OFF-SITE SIGN APPLICATION (To be used in conjunction with application for 18.30 Plot Plan pursuant to Business and professions Code Sections 5200 et seq.} APPLICANT: Name Address P~one No. Ci ty/State ~ ' Address Ci ty/State Phone No. ASSESSOR'S STATE PARCEL NO. ~Z-L- O(c~-D7.-~L PERMIT NO. ~(~ THOMAS MAP GUIDE PG. & COOR. ~_FS. ~.~ APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. INCORRECT OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THIS APPLICAITON. e Evidence that he/she is owner of the property involved, or that he/she has written permission of the owner to make such application Legal description of the property upon which the sign is to be placed including the Assessor's Parcel Number Elevation drawing(s) of proposed sign showing dimensions of each panel; distance between top of panel and ground; number, size, and material of uprights; illumination; and shape of sign Ten copies of a scale drawn 18.30 plot plan with only the following informatidn included on the exhibit: a. Name, address, and telephone number of applicant b. Name, address, and telephone number of owner c. Assessor's Parcel Number of parcel on which sign is to be located d. Scale {number of feet per inch} e. North arrow {top of map north) f. Overall dimesions of the property and location of adjoining lot lines g. Precise location and orientation of proposed sign h. Property lines and dimension i. Location and distance to nearest off-site signs within 500 feet, residential dwellings and other structures within 150 feet in each direction J. Location and distance of off-site sigh with respect to specifically planned future road right-of-way lines, and setback lines 1. Copy of current State of California Advertising Permit, paid receipt and application for State Outdoor Advertising Structure Permit m. Elevation of adjoining right-of-way if sign is below grade n. Zoning of property within 500 feet o. Thomas Map Guide page and coordinate number OUTDOOR ~RTISING B~CH ~o ~A~N B~m~ tin8 H Imam, P.O. Bea ~ae~4, BAe~Me~ ~Ae4a~4.m~ Dii~c~ .......... ~.......... ~..,. OUTDO0 ~o.d ......................................... APPLICA~ON FOR STA~ R ~..,~,,. , .................................... ADVERTIS~G STRUCTURE PERMIT A~d,, ~ ..................................... Dlep~pe: General Ad,,~e~n~ ~ ~,q, Ca,tar ~ ~.~ ~,,~.d ............~ ~a ............ Ezcep~on (S405 et leq.) ' · CampIsle ill Sec~o,i. A cop7 ~ll be returned ~or 2our rocorall. Z,,uance o~ ~ plait Applesalaam Fee (,e~uadable) ............. ~30.00 .............. Fimll Fee (re,edible I~ epFIleaUen sol eFp~ed ,,leee pro,loudly clie~ ...~ ....... JO.~ 8 ~9.,9~ ............. Y-,haped Fen~ ~ (eeleased It ep~l~ial Flil~ lepiri~l dilpll~l ud ~11~ae~ Aevle~ Ae~ieel Fee ~1 4eM~ Ir ~lee Is ~qieete~ ............. I0.~ I .................... 3. DISPLAY O~R ~R ~TA ~ ~N ~~ ~6525 u~-~-~ A~ ~A, ~~ 92362 2. PROPER~ O~E~ OR PERSON ~ CO~ROE O~ PROPER~ UPON WHZCH DiSP~Y ~ ~nient ~ placing Io ~lLten i cop~ oF ~e c6noent documen~ mu.L be ~cludl~ PROPER~ O~ER MU~ SIGN ~RE ~ ~noent Is ~RBAL · ' 3. Dl.ph~ ~ be ~i~lled In ~;~;~" / on ~o ~ olde or 4. P~ied Inib!la~ion d.te ~ O~er'J Iden~citfon No. 14 9 ~ displl~ hi been d~d. NoUco N~ S. To be pheed b~ ~ 26525 d~t'~ A~ ~A, ~~ 92362' e. Di.plsy ~citlon Sketch: Show U.S. or S~te Rou~ Numbers or Name o[ 8~ee~ $how Niml o[ Ne~ot Cro.~ad, 0vet~nde~uo; or Nestea: Landmark; Indicate Single PaGe] thus--V. Show dla~nce o[ display [ram interoecUon. N 7. DESCRI~ION OF DJSP~Y Matedal (chrC~ W~E~II8 8PACE FOR ~T/ON P~eh Height I0' ~ngth. ~' Wood · Metal ~ Other ~ Uprights: Number I Size ~4~ ~ ~ ~ 8 Diet&nee between panel end ground Illumination? ~ Reflector Material1' Copy one side D Both oldes ladleate feelag ~J/~ M o~a ¥-sbapod display ~ 8. Advertising Cop3n Ae~ INillenbf otdlaineeo. bd any ethos o~plleible repletions. The ippllel~l serifflea Md umde~tiad. ~ml ~7 Inee~eel etmle~e~ .r root real be ~ad. far the denial or ~A, ~ 92362 Neve~e aide must ~ o~.~, NOTE REVERSE SIDE FO~ P~CEMENT CRITER~ PAY TO THE ORDER OUTDOOR MEDIA GROUP ~ JEFFEP..qON AVENUE 714~T7-2121 ~JnJon Bank Department of Transportation & N0/100 October 16 3960 I$ / ,Jefferson Avenue Mur..r!eta, Collfornla 92362 dtdoor Media Group RENTAL AGREEMENT [7t4] 677-2121 FAX gt4] 677-9194 M-SC DATE: 16 OCT 89 ,. The undersigned Lessor, hereby grants to OUTDOOR MEDIA GROUP hcrea~cr called the Lessee, the exclusive fight to use and occupy a portion of the real property described as, · Adc~ess: E/L JEFFERSON AVENUE N/O RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD APN: 921-060-024 in the City of County of RIVERSIDE State of CALIFORNIA , for the purpose of consrrucdag and malnudaing ONE (1) 10'x30' BACK TO BACK OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE (BILLBOARD) and devices, including illumination f'u~turcs and aH necessary equipment for a period of five years. The Lessee shall have the right to erect, place and main- tain advertising sign structure/s and equipment on the premises and post, paint, illuminate and maintain advertisements on such structure/s. deemed to have bee~automatica~ly exercised unless the Lessc~notify the Lessoi~of its intention not to renew thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of such additional years. This Lease shall continue in full force and effect for its term and thereafter for subsequent successive like terms unless terminated at the end of such term or any successive like term upon written notice by the Lessor or Lessee served by certified or registered mail thirty (30) days before the end of such term or subsequent like term, provided that Lessee shall have the right to terminate the Lease at the end of any monthly period upon written notic~ to Lessor served not less than thkty (30) days prior to the end of such monthly period. 5. Lessor shall have the fight to terminate the Lease at any time during the period ofthis Lease if the Lessor is to improve the unimproved propert)' by erecting thereon a permanent private commercial or residential building. Lessee shall remove its sign/signs within ninety (90) days after receipt of a copy of the applicable building permit. If the Lessor faih to commence the erection of the private commercial or residential building within thirty (30) days after Lessee removes its sign/signs, Lessee shall again have the right to occupy premises and maintain advertising sign/signs subject to the provisions of this Lease. If any portions ofthe property are not to be utilized for such building. the Lessee has the option to use the remaining portion on the same tcrms. f ,~pt that the rent shall be proportionately reduced. . Lessor hereby ~rants Lessee and Lossee's personnel the right to ingress and egress over Lcssor's premises for the purpose of erecting and maintaing the display and illumination service and repairs at all times during the term of this Lease. 7. The Lessor a~ees not to obstruct or permit any other person to obstruct the view of the advertising displays or devices on his property in any manner whatsoever. 8. IfLessee is prevented by law, or state, local or national emergency, or other cause beyond Lossee's control, from illuminating its advertising sign, the rental provided for herein shall be reduced'by fifty percent ($0%) with such reduced rental to remain in cffcct as long as such conditions continues to exist. 9. Lessee may cancel this a~ecment at any time if they arc unable to obtain necessary City/County or State Permits. 10. Unless $pecilicany stated otherwise herein, tbe Lessor represents and warrants that Lessor is either the owner or the agent of the owner of the premises above described and has full authority to make this least. Lessor will not permit Lessce's sign or signs m bc obstructed. In the event of any transfer of Lessor's interest in the above described premises, Lessor a~rccs to promptly give Lessee notice of such u'ansfcr and to deliver to Lcssor's t~ansfcrcc written notice of the existence of this lease and a copy thereof. I I. In the event of any litigation to determine the right~ of either party under this lease or to construe the saic[ Lease, or the obligations of either party in regard thereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to such reasonable atlomcys' fees and aU court costs as shall be awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction. 12. It is expressly understood that neither the Lessor nor the Lessee is bound by any stipulations, representations or agreements not printed or written in this Least. This Lease shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the personal rcprcscntetives, successors and assi~u of the parties hereto. 13. This Lease shall bc construed according to, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of the State of California. ] 4. Lessee shall protect and save harmless Lessor from all damages to persons or property by reason of accidents resulting from the neglect or willful acu of iu agents, employees or workmen in the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of its si~. 15. In the event th~ agrecmcnt is terminated before the end of its term (or renewal ~creof) .the Lessor agrees to. refu.nd~o the_ .Lessee a,,~ unearned prepaid rental. Leasor's obligation contit:toned upon lessor's written approval. o: ,ocaczon~oorl_ Accepted by OUTDOOR MEDIA GROUP lessee's advercisinR aiRn struccure/s and , _ ./ '. Si ed " or' ,,,,,~1 ,,~ ,, .~,~/ /) By~OB MF~NKE, _C,~ne~l/Parcaer.., L ~ (~.,+ ~) (Lessee) ~i~/D,i.6/H~qNDELAND , General Partner(Lessor) Date Approved WARREN HALE, Lea$inq Manaqer Address 3090 7~RIZ)TI'E AVE. LONG BE~CH, CA 90808 Title Telephone(213) 431-1283 SS or TAX #: ~-c~o~11..~"0 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OUTDOOR ADVERTISINO BRANCH PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF CHAPTER 32. STATUTES OF tg3g AND AS AMEN DED PERMISSION tS GRANTED TO PLACE AND MAINTAIN AN AOVERTISING DISPLAY, JJUF, J,~CI' I, 191 PERMIT NUMBER HIGHWAY DISTRICT ROUTE DISPLAY LOCATION DISPLAY OWNER ADDRESS OWNER 363 16 ~sPLAY, 8 cou~ RIV POST M,LE Front-W, 500' W/I-15 Mc-Cor-Lin ~ ~'~ 11717 Sor ' San Diego, ~A 9~121 FEE PAiD $1000 PENALTY APPLICATION PRIOR YR. TOTAL PAJD $ DA, EISSUED: 10/30/89 S,ZE: 10X30 THIS PERMIT DOES HOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF ANY ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION ~15g PROVIOES THAT THE ISSUANCE OF APE RU1T DOE S NOT A,r F E CT 1 HE 06UGATION OF THE OWN[R OF THI; ADV~ R'rts~O O~P%AY T 0 COUP1.Y WiTH A ZONING OROtNANCE APPI. ICASLE TO THE AOVERTtSING (XSP1..AY UNOER THE PROVI,~IONS OF T)4$ CHAPTER NOR O0~.S TH~ PERMIT PREVENT THE ENFORCEuEN! OF THE APPLICABLE OROINANCE BY THE EXPIRATION DATE DECEMBER 31, 1989 DEPUTY DIRECTOR DATE: 1-16-90 ::IiV -::I iDF. county PLAnriin( TO: SUK'IrL-YOR ROAD BUILJ>ING 1:1.000 CONI'ROL HEALTH FIRE 'PROTECTI C)N I~E: Plot Plan No. ]]68 Environmental A~sessment No. N/A Regional Team No. 5 On 1-16-90 the Riverside County [X ] Planning Co~nlssion L J Board of Supervisors took the the above referenced plot plan: Planning Director [ ] following action on , subject to the subject to the , subject to , subject to APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit attached condi ti ohs. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit , attached amended conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit the attached amended conditions. UPHELt) the appeal. DENIED the appeal. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the appeal request. APPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the Plot Plan. DENIED the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the Negative Declaration on the Environmental Assessment noted above. 2-89 Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUN"FY PLANNING DEPARTM£NT R~S. Streeter, Planning Director J~~n H/. ~istow - Planner 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787'6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, ROOk; 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 RiV;R iD; county PLArlnin; o;PARcrn;n; DATE: 1-16-90 RE: Plot Plan No. 1168 E~vtronmental Assessment No. Regional Team No. 5 N/A Dear Applt cant: On 1-16-90 the Riverside County IX] Planning Director [] Planning ¢omnission L] Board of Supervisors took the following action on the above referenced plot. plan: APPROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit conall ti ons. A2PROVED the Plot Plan, Exhibit amended condi tions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit attached conditions. APPROVED the Plot Plan, Revised Exhibit attached amended conditions. UPHELD the appeal. DENIED the appeal. ABPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the appeal request. ABPROVED the WITHDRAWAL of the Plot Plan. , subject to the attached , subject to the attached , subject to the , subject to :he XX DENIED the Plot Plan based on the attached findings. ADOPTED the Negative Declaration on the Environmental Assessment noted above. Temecula City Council This action may be appealed to the ~[~ )~)i~)q~xx~c&~X&h [] Board of Supervisors within ten (lO) days of the date of this notice.. The appeal must be made in writing and submitted with a fee in accordance with the fee schedule to the appropriate department. An appeal of any condi tion constitutes an appeal of the action as a whole and requires a new p,~lic hearing before the appropriate hearing body. Very truly yours, cc: Representative File RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Roger S. Streeter,.' Planning Director 295-43 Revised 8-10-88 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TM FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 46-209 OASIS STREET, RO©M 304 INDIO, CALIFORNIA 9220'1 (6'19) 3,42-8277 RiVER )iDE count.u -PL nnirlG DEPARC Erlc January 17, 1990 Outdoor Media Group 26525 Jefferson Murrieta, CA 92362 Dear Sirs: Planning staff has reviewed your application for an Outdoor Advertising Display, Plot Plan 1168, and found it to be inconsistent with the Southwest Area Plan (SWAP) and in conflict with ORD. 348. The proposed sign location is within the Highway 15 Scenic Corridor, as recognized by SWAP, which does not allow for billboards. Also, the sign is within 500 feet of another proposed billboard on the same side of Rancho California Road. Therefcre, Planning staff has denied your application for Plot Plan 1167. This action may be appealed to the Temecula City Council within TEN days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DE?ASTME::7 Roger S. Streeter, Planning Director H. Ristow,.. Planner JHR:bam 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 (714) 787-6181 79733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE E BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 (619) 342-8277 '~on P&rks ~rtor Pro Tem garel F. IAndcmaas CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. BO~ ~0 Tem¢cula, C~11fornia 92390 December 26, 1989 SENT BY FACSIMILE County of Riverside Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street Rivorside, CA A~TENTION: JOHN RISTO~'./ -- PLOT PLAN 1]gS, 1170 .. 2 BILL~OARD~ 1N TEMECULA Please conduct public hearing and rofer to City Council for final action. Sincerely, F. D. Aloshire City Manager FDA:cch NOV 0 3 1989 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR'FMENT RiVER: iDE counct, PLAnnin DEPARC!TIEnC COUNTY OFF-SITE SIGN NO. I ILO~/ OFF-SITE SIGN APPLICATION (To be used in conjunction with application for 18.30 Plot Plan pursuant to Business and professions Code Sections 5200 et seq.) APPLICANT: OLKi~R MEDIA GRDLTP Name (714) 677-2121 Phone No. 26525 ~:~,SO?] AVE. Address MUPP, IETA, CA 92362 City/State Zip OWNER: Chaparral Investments (21 3)431-1 283 Name Phone No. 3090 Arlotte Ave. Lonq Address BeaChEl CA 90808 'ty/State Zip ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NO. 921-060-024 STATE PERMIT NO. 3631 5 THOMAS MAP GUIDE PG. & COOR. 125 E-3 APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED WITH THE FOLLOWING INFOEMATION. INCORRECT OR MISLEADING INFOPJqATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OR DENIAL OF THIS APPLICAITON. 1. Evidence that he/she is owner of the property involved, or that he/she has written permission of the owner to make such application 2. Legal description of the property upon which the sign is to be placed including the Assessor's Parcel Number 3. Elevation drawing(s} of proposed sign showing dimensions of each panel; distance between top of panel and ground; number, size, and material of uprights; illumination; and shape of sign 4. Ten copies of a scale drawn 18.30 plot plan with only the following information included on the exhibit: a. Name, address, and telephone number of applicant b. Name, address, and telephone number of owner : c. Assessor's Parcel Number of p~rcel on which sign is to be located d. Scale {number of feet per inch) e. North arrow (top of map north) f. Overall dimesions of the property and location of adjoining lot lines g. Precise location and orientatto'n of proposed sign h. Property lines and dimension i. Location and distance to nearest off-site signs within 5DO feet, residential dwellings and other structures within 150 feet in each direction J. Location and distance of off-site sigh with respect to specifically planned future road right-of-way lines, and setback lines 1. Copy of current State of California Advertising Permit, paid receipt and application for State Outdoor Advertising. Structure Permit m. Elevation of adjoining right-of-way if sign is below grade n. Zoning of property within 500 feet O. Thomas Map Guide page and coordinate number 5. 3 sets of address labels for property owners within a 500-foot radius .......... ~ ..... ~l hn,~n~r~p~ upon which the ~roD~sed outdoor 26525 Jeffemon Avenue Murrleta. C~111~rnla 92362 Outdoor Media Group RENTAL AGREEMENT ('7t4) 67'7-2t21 FAX 0't4} 677-9494 C1/CP tzsl property descn~e4 as, Address: N/L RANCliO CALIFORNIA ROAD E/O JEFFERSON AV~INUE APN: 91)1-060-024 in the City of County of RIVERSIDE State of CALIFORNIA for the purpose of ¢onstructins and maintaiaing ONE (1) 10'X30' BACK TO BACK OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE (BILLBOARD) October l&, 1989 DATE: ~ unda~si~nM Lessor. hereby ~'~n~ to OUTOOOR MPDIA OROUP harem'tot called th0 I.~ssee. the exclusive ri/hi to us~ sad o~upy I portion ofth~ .......... ' .... *NOTE: /sI~oe s sf~Ur~ */~.ssee 4. ~e ~ee b ~nted ~e option of renew~i ~[s a~eement under the s~e ~ r a er ~g~ o ve yearn; such rcnewg opdon sh~ be deemed ~ have ~en automa~c~lly exercised unless ~e ~sse~o~ ~e Lessor~fi~ intention not ~ renew ~ (30) days prior m ~ ~ addi~onal ye~. Thb Lease shall con~ue in ~H force ~d effect for i~ t~ ~d ~erea~r for subsequent successive hke tern u~ess t~m~t~d end o~such ~ or ~y suresalve ~ke te~ u~n whiten riodee by ~ ~ssor or L~sse~ se~d by ce~fied or re,stared mail t~a~ (30) days ~for~ of such te~ or subsequent ~ke tc~. provided ~tt ~ssee sh~l have ~c d~t to tc~inste ~e ~ase at ~c end of~y inanely ~d~ u~n wdt~n nod~ Lessor se~cd not less ~an ~ (30) days prior ~ ~e end of such mon~ly ~d~. 5. ~ssor shgl have ~e g~t to ten.ate ~e ~ase at any gme dudn~ ae ~dod bf ~is ~ase iF the Mssor is to ~prove the u~mprovcd pro~ by erect~ ~ereon a pc~anent private commercial or residential buildSaD Lessee sh~l r~move iu sissies wi~ ninc~ (90) d~ys ~ar ~ceipt · e appUc~ble bulldial ~iL If ~e ~ssor fd~ to co~ence ~e crcc~on or ~c pdv~ commercial or residential buildin~ wi~m ~i~y (30) days ~e r L~see removes i~ sissies, ~ssec shall q~n have ~e d~t m ~cupy premises ~d ma~ adve~sini si~si~ subject to a~ provisions Le~e, If~y ~o~ of~e property ~e not ~ ~ u~lized for such b~ld~ ~e Lessee h~ the op~on ~ use ~c rcmaa~l ~aon on ae pt ant ~e ~nt s~11 be pro~niona~ly rcduce~ b. ~ssor hereby ~ ~ssee sad ~ssee's ~rso~el ~e H~t m ~ess ~d eDess over Lessor's premises for ~c pu~se orcrec~l ~d m~n~l display a~ ~l~nn~on seaice ~d rep~ at ~ gmes du~l ~e tc~ of ~is 7. ~e ~ssor a~s not w obs~ct or petit any o~er ~on to obs~ct ~e view or ~e advea[s~t displays or devices on ha pro~ny m~et wh[~vgr. 8. If~s~e ~ pr~en~ by law, or s~, local or natSong emeriency, or o~cr cause ~yo~ Leasee's contel, from illum~a~l lu advertises ren~l provided for herein ~all ~ reduced'by fi~ ~cnt (50%) wia such reduced rcn~ ~ reintin ~ effect ~ 1oni ~ such con~s tongues to 9. ~ssee may c~cel ~is a~eement at any gme ~ ~ey ~e ~nble ~ obtain necessa~ City/Coun~ or S~tc Pc~iu. 10. U~ess spec~cn!ly stated o~e~ise herein, the ~ssor represen~ ~d wa~ ~at Lessor is eider ~e owner or ~c a[ent of ~c owner or~e premises a~ve descg~d ~ h~ ~11 authoN~ m m~e ~s lease. ~ss~ will not ~mit L~ssc~'l sip or silas a ~ obs~cted. In ~o event ~ ~y u~s~er of ~ssoFs ~terest ~ ~e above desc~d p~mises, ~ssor n~ees to prompUy live ~ssec nogce of such usnsfcr ~d to de~ver m ~ss~'s u~sfcrcc notice of ~e exis~nce of ~s le~e ~d a copy ~ercof. 11. In ae event of~y ~gSa~on to d~tem~e ao d~u o~eiacr p~ under ~a Icrc or m cons~c ~c said ~ase, or ae obhis~ons ofttact p~ rel~d ~ereto, ~e prevd~l p~ shgl ~ engOed to such reportable anom~ys' fees and ~ court cosu ~ sh~11 ~ aw~dcd by a co~ of com~tent jugs~cgo~ 12. It is expossly undcmt~ ~at nciacr ~e ~ssor nor ~e ~ssee is ~und by ~y stipulatiom, represen~ons or a~cemenu not p~ or ~is ~e, ~s ~ase shall inure to ~e benefit of and ~ b~ng u~n the pe=on~ rcprcsen~vcs, succcsso~ and assi~ of ~e p~s hcrc~. 13. ~s ~ase shgl ~ co~cd accord~t to, md ~e d~hts of ~e pa~es shall be Soycreed by, the I~ws o~ ~e S~ of Cg~L 14. ~ssee shah pro~ct ~d save hapless Lessor from ~I d~aies ~ ~rsons or pro~ by reason of~ccidenu rcsul~ni from ~c nc~ect or of iU altars, employees or worsen ~ ~e cons~cgon, maintenance, rcps~ or removal of i~ si~s. 15, In ~e event ~ nsreement ii~t~d befo~ ~M o~ i~ tern for ~enew.1 ~ereo~ ~ssor aBrees t~rc~d tn the Ms~cnU une~ed prepaid ren~ ~ensors ODiXgac~on conazK~oneo upon ~eaaor s ~rzccen approval o~ ~he localfan o[- Accep~dby OUTDOOR MEDIA GROUP leasee's advertis~nR.si~n s~mc~ure/s and equipnen~% . C~~L ~~S ~ (~/ ~9 (Lessee) Approved WARRP. N HAT,I~., Leasing Manager Title Telephone(~13 ) 431-1283 ByBOB ~ENKE, General Partner (L~s~or) M.]~.-I'fANDELAND . General l, art:nar (I~,~r) Data 10/16/89 Address 3090 ~RT~T'~. AVE.. TOt',~ ~IFA("'~I, CA 9(]808 SS or TAX ITATa OF GAI. JFORNIA--DaPAIIqTMI'NT OF TRAHIPOIqTATION T~z48~on'r&TtoN BUI~.OIH~ tiao ~ BTIqlS&'T, P.C). Box s4se74, 5ACI~&MIh'I'O. CA 14s74-e00! APPLICATION FOR STATE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING STRUCTURE PERMIT Dlspley'Z%/ps: General AdverUsln~ [] Mes,l~s Canter l~-zcep~on (S40~ it esq.) r-] . Complete all Sections. A copy will be returned for your records. Issuance era permit wili be delayed unless Do not write In t~le spice Dishes .......... Co: .......... EL0 ........... ,~ Road ......................................... '"~ Post Mils : .................................... .o Audit No ...................................... Date ~&ntsd ............ C.R. No ............. ord D,~kc., payable to the Dep&rtment of Transportation. ' and the proper fees remitted. Make checks, money I ~..u.~p.o. ............. Application !tee (non*tofund·ble) ............. $30.00 Permit Fee (tohudable tr application not appruved uuless previously cited) ........... 10.00 Pea&It7 Fee (useseed tr applicant placed structure prior ~o opptovs]) ................ 10.00 Prullmbsa~ Review Request Fee (oul~ ir pretovlew le toquested) ............. 30.00 I. DISPLAY OWNER 81..o.~9.Q ............. V-shaped ,tructurel &re separate displays and $ .................... requir. e aep&r-to applications. All permits expire December 31. OUTDOOR M;'DTA GROUP PAINT N~d~ OF FJAM 0 WNINO $TAUCT'UAK./~IGM MARVIN GUND~N 26525 JEFFERSON AVENUE MURRIETA, CALIFORNIA 92362 PAIA'T AI,4~41 OF OWNlS OF FIM $TA~ICT,4:)~I4r~J P.O, JOX C~IT 2. PROPERTY OWNER 0R PERSON IN CONTROL OF PROPERTY UPON WHICH DISPLAY IS SITUATED U con0ont ~ pllclnf is ~lt~n a copy of the cdnoent document must be ~cludo& : PROPER~ O~ER MUST SIGN ~RE ~ consent is ~RBAL 3. Dhplsy ~ be ~s~11ed in ~~ '" ~ / on ~he S side of P~po,d In, elation date ~ O~er'a Ident~cat~on No. 149 ~ diapla~ has been c;~d, Notice No. Tobepl~ced by ~ 26525 ~~ A~ ~~A, ~I~ 92362' M4M~ OF FI~ D~p]ay ~caL~on SkeLch: Show U.S. or S~at. Ro6L. Numbor, o~ Nares of SLreeL; Show Name Crossroad. Over/Underpa88; or NeereaL Landmark; ~nd~caLo Single Panel Lhu~-- I; Ind~caL, V:ahaped Tills BPACE FOR LOCATION thus--V. Show distance of display from intersection. N 7. DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY Material (check) W+E Panel: Height iD' Length ~o' Wood [] Metal [2] Other [] Uprights: Number 1 Size 3~," [-1 [] [] S DJstuco between p~Aol and ground ~:~' lllumin·tion? ~ Reflector Muterl·l? Copy one side [] ~/~dBoth oldes g~] Indic·te facing (t~,1. L WJ ½ of · V-sh~ped display [] 8. Advertising Copy: VAP~OUS T~o applicant hereby mireel to place end milnti|n the advertSsins described above In accordsrice With the previalofts of the Outdoor Ad raffia In i 81GN HER~~~ - 26525 ~~ A~ California, 10/f ~ ,10 8q F O,~ld DMO-M-OOA'l (Pdv. T/Or) MURRIETA, CA 92362 NOTE REVERSE SIDE FOR PLACEMENT CRITERIA RoYOf'Be side mull be completed for FodersFAld primary and Intofutile HJg hwey'l. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OUTDOOR ADVERTISING BRANCH PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF CHAPTER 3~. STATUTES OF 1939 AND AS AMENDED PERMISSION IS GRANTED TO PLACE AND MAINTAIN AN ADVERTISING DISPLAY. PERMIT NUMBER HIGHWAY DISTRICT ROUTE DISPLAY LOCATION 36315 OWNER DISPLAY 8 COUNTY R IV ~ST M,LE Front-W, 500' W/I-15 Mc-Cor-Lin _ ~ ~SPLAYOWNER 11717 Sor d DA~E,SSU~ ^~DnESS San Diego, ~A 9q121 S~ZE FEE PAID PENALTY APPLICATION TOT AJ. P~JD $ 10/30/89 10x30 %$000 THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF ANY ZONING ORDINANCE SE CTIO~t S~g PROV~)£ $ T k~Al '~H~E ISSUA, NCE DI~ A PER~,IIT DO( S NOT A~ F E C T '~l.'l~ O~LIC~ TiO~ O~ l H~ (~ R C~C TH~ AZ~ RT~ ~ AY lO COldPLY WtlH k ZONING O~O4tqLA/4C E APSE TO TME ADVEnT~a4HG D~S.OL,AY UI,4OER IH[ P~OVtSaON~ C~: l~lS C,~A.OTEJ) NC~ DO(.S l'~ PERMIT PR~V*EHT ~ ENFORC~kJ~NT ~ ~ ~[ ~ BY ~ ~. DEPUTY DIRECTOR ~PIRATION DATE DECEMBER 31, 1989 Count of 11i e side "~o, Planning Deoa>tment ~oM, Robert Linares, Buildin~ & Safety Department ~z, County Off-Site Siqn # Per field inspection, there are no residences within 150' of proposed site. There are no other Outdoor Advertising displays within 500' of proposed site. The proposed sign display meets the requirements of Ordinance No. 348, Section 19.3(a)(2). GleN. F,.;;",M 4, 3/65 RIVERSZDE, CA4IFOR~IA (n4) 787-e 82 9250[ Roger S. Streeter, Plannlng Dlrector As prescribed under the provisions of County O~dtnances, this 15 to notlfy you that the appltcatlon referenced below has been recelved to be considered by the Riverside County Planning ~par~.ment. Any parlor wlshlng to comment on the project must submlt w~ltten comments to the Pl&nnlng l~partmnt at the above address blfore Declmber 26, lgSg, ~ PUBLIC HE~ING on the application shall ~ held ~fore a dects~on ~s ~de unles~ I ~tarlng t; re~e;ted tn wrltlng prior to the a(or~ntloned d~te by the tppl{cant or other afflcted ~rson, or tf the Planning 01rector 3teethes thlt a ~bltc heirtrig ;hould'~ required. If a public hmarlng ts sche~u~e~ ~fore the Plannlng Director, ~U sha~l ~ notified. : The proposed project application' may be viewed at the publlc. Information counter, Monday through Frtday from g:00 a,m. until 4:00 p.m. If you have ar~), c~nt$ to su~mtt or wish to raquest a public heartng, please return th~s shtet and ~turn to* this office by the above mentioned data. Outdoor Advertisement 1168, Exempt from C£qA, is an application submitted by Outdoor ~dla Group for property located in the Temecula Area and First Supervtsorlal District and generally described as the North side of Rancho California Road, West of Highway 395 and which proposes an Outdoor Advertising Sign CASE & NO. Outdoor Advertlse~ent,1168 I do no~ wlsh & public hearing tO be held on this case, but I tO submit comments in regards to this project. would like I am rlquesttng that a public hearing be held on this case for the following reasons: billboards in the City I unders~nd that I will be notified of the time and data of the publ lc Drive 92390 Ztp j ec/PNT18990 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA UPON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE NON-CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Temecula will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall located at 43172 Business Park Rd, Temecula, California, on February 27, 1990 beginning at the hour of 7:00 o'clock, p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on the adoption of an ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE PORTIONS OF THE NON-CODIFIED RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCES One copy of said Ordinance and one of the Riverside County Ordinances proposed to be adopted by reference are on file with the City Clerk at his office in the Temecula City Hall and are open to public inspection. The purpose of the Ordinance is to adopt by reference pertinent portions of the Riverside County Ordinances as the City's own ordinances. The subjects of the Riverside County Ordinances to be considered for adoption are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto. Any person interested in the subject matter of the proposed Ordinance may appear before the City Council at the public hearing at the time and place above designated and be heard. [PUBLISH ON FEBRUARY 17, AND 20, 1990. POST IN THREE LOCATIONS.] Ordo 190 213 217 258 265 269 323 328 331 339 340 354 358 366 369 374 376 381 396 397 402 403 TABLE OF CONTRNTS (Numerical Order) Sub4ect Public Nuisance (Parts of Trees; Domestic and Cultivated Fruit Trees) Coroner and Public Administrator Peddling, Regulating and Licensing Herding & Grazing Animals / Wild Flower Reserves Building Restrictions: Mission Blvd. Height Limits, March Air Field Building Restrictions: Jurupa Avenue Parks and Recreation Camps Gaming Loitering, Persons under 18 years of age Water Wells Public Use and Travel, Yorba Street ~ Business Hours, County Offices Dances Sewage or Waste, Disposal Sheriff's Reserve Corps / Disaster Service Workers Fish and Game Commission Judicial District Communications Department Capital Outlays Fund Building Restrictions: 45th Avenue Juvenile Institutions 1 EXHIBIT A 409 413 421 423 425 427 431 434 438 442 446 448 452 458 459 463 465 468 469 470 471 475 48O 484 487 488 Setbacks: Spec. Locations Vehicles: Parking Excavations, Covered Proper~:y, Sale of Unclaimed Setbacks: 56th Avenue Chicken & Hog Manure Hog: Ranches Annual Tax, Bond Principal and Interest Taxes: Sales and Use Chief Administrative Officer Tires: Tires Chains Airport Operations Speed Limits Flood Hazard Areas / National Food Ins. Program Purchasing, Policies and Procedures House N~m~ering System Swi~ing Pools, Semi-Public Diseases: Livestock Peace Officers Patrol Services Riders and Hikers! Trails Setbacks: Central Ave, Mead Rd., Pico Rd. Surveyor Sand Blowing Airport Operations Employers~ Suggestion Program 2 490 492 493 495 496 497 499 500 502 503 506 507 508 509 510 512 513 514 515 516 517 520 523 524 525 527 CATV: Ca. Water & Telephone Company Food Establishments Restaurants Taxes: Uniform Transient Occupancy Warrants, Duplicate Public Guardian Encroachments and Excavations, Highway Vehicles: Weight of Vehicles Firearms: Minors CATV: Procedures for Issuance of Licenses Work Furlough Program Sales, Closing Out and Relocating Fortunetelling Agricultural Preserves Assessment Appeals Board Highways: One-way Repealed (Effective 2-17-89) Firearms: Use and Discharge of Delinquency Prevention Commission Taxes: Transfer of Real Property Underground Utility District Abandoned - Public Nuisance Vehicles: Flies Vehicles: Oversize and Overweight Water Backflow Prevention Devices Flies & Fly Abatement Committee 529 53O 531 533 534 535 536 538 54O 541 542 543 544 546 547 55O 551 554 555 556 558 559 560 563 564 565 Disasters: Animals: Prisoners Vehicles: Off-Road Vehicles Boats Meetings, Board of Supervisors Relief Domestic - At-large Refuse Disposal Facilities Disasters: Tax Relief Cesspools & Similar Facilities Rubbish, Removal of Solicitations, Charitable Human Exposure Claims Fire Protection Zones Act Housing Commission Bees Repealed (Effective 1-1-88) Surface Mining and Reclamation Act Ordinance Violations / Statutes Bingo, Game of Trees, Removal of Dogs & Cats: Spay & Neuter Clinic Agriculture Commodities Southeast Desert Air Basin Poultry Ranches 4 566 56? 568 569 57O 573 575 576 577 578 580 581 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 Green Corn Food Handlers Embalming Fees Lettuce Mosaic Disease Milk Market Fees County Service Areas, Charges School Dedications Airport Ambulance Services Historic Preservation Districts Mobile Food Preparation Units Juvenile Facilities Corporation Auditor-Controller Drug Paraphernalia, Minors Vehicles & Pedestrian Traffic Boundaries, Supervisorial Districts Redevelopment: Palm Desert Home Mortgage Finance Program Deputy Marshals & D. A. Investigators California Penal Code 1203.1b, Probation. Sewer Use Garage Sales Training, Supervisors Elect Alarm Systems Massage Industrial Development Authority 598 599 601 602 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 612 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 Real Property Weights and Measures Compensation of Jurors Redevelopment: San Jacinto Affidavit, Cash Statements Redevelopment: La Quinta Mobile Homes Rent Review Commission Redevelopment: La Quinta Dead Bodies Redevelopment: San Jacinto Fruits & Vegetables, Inspection of Redevelopment Agency (Unincorporated Territory) Waste Disposal Land Use Fees Hazardous Waste: Storing, Treating, Recycling Parking Violations Hazardous Substances (Underground Storage Tanks) Regulation and Prohibition of Smoking Surplus Property Authority Weighing and Measuring Instruments Inspec. Charges Facilities Access Tax Within CFD No. 84-2 Special Tax Within Impvt. Area No. A of CFD #85-1 Special Tax Within Impvt. Area No. B of CFD #85-1 Special Tax Within CFD #85-2 Agricultural Activities for Nuisance Defenses County Parking Lots: Regulating Use Thereof Regulating Picture Arcades 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 640 641 642 645 646 647 648 649 65O 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 659 Statute of Limitations of Administrative Decisions Prohibiting Bathing, Swimming, Boating, or Entering Irrigation Canal, Ditch, or Drain in Unincorporated Areas of Palo Verde Valley Regulating of Dogs and Cats & Suppression of Rabies Special Tax Within CFD #86-1 Redevelop Unincorp. Area by Moreno Valley Redev. Agency Appoint Directors to Resource Conservation Districts Commercial Filming within the Unincorporated Areas Establishing Health Service Development of Real Property in the Mira Loma Area Open Field Asparagus Burning in Coachella Valley Adopting the Redevelopment Plan for Project No. 2-1987 Adopting the Redevelopment Plan for Project No. 3-1987 Adopting the Redevelopment Plan for Project No. 4-1987 Adopting the Redevelopment Plan for Project No. 5-1987 Special Tax within CFD No. 87-5 Sewage Discharge in Unincorporated Territory Hazardous Materials Inventories Disclosure Disclosure to Non-Profit Organization of Funds Fees Examination of Survey & Corner Records Fees for Services Rendered - Treasurer-Tax Collector Regulating Light Pollution Prohibiting Aids Discrimination Regulating Collection and Removal of Solid Waste Development Mitigation Fee for Residential Development 660 661 662 663 665 667 668 669 670 671 674 Parimutuel Wagering Distribution at National Date Festival Special Tax Within Community Facilities District No. 88-4 Appointment of Directors to Resource Conservation Districts Establishing the Riverside County Stephens Kangaroo Rat Habitat Conservation Plan and Setting Interim Mitigation Fees Adopting Boundary Change and Establishing County Boundary ' Redevelopment Plan, Amdmt No. 1-Redev. Project No. 2 Redevelopment Plan, Project No. Airports-1988 Real Property and Recording Evidences of Title Assessed Valuation of Replacement Property - Proposition 90 Consolidated Fees for Land Use and Related Functions Public Leaseback of New Site For County of Riverside Hospital 8 jec/ORD13221a ADDENDUM OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE 460 461 (As amended through Ordinance No. 460.93) Subdivision (As amended through Ordinance No. 461.6) Road Improvement Standards The Official Zoning Map of the City of Temecula entitled "Temecula/Rancho California Zoning Area# dated January 1, 1988. ~%FF~D~VIT OF POSTIN~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) CITY OF TEMECULA ) SS I, F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that on the 16th day of February, 1990, I caused to have posted the attached Notice of Public Hearing, regarding: Adoption of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Temecula, adopting by reference portions of the non- codified Riverside County Ordinances. at the following locations: Offices of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, 40945 County Center Drive, Suite C 2. County Library, Rancho California Branch, 2733A Ynez Road 3. Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City Council of the City of Temecula, California, the 22nd day of February,_ 1990 . / F. D. Aleshire, City Clerk Parks, .!~zxlsall. DATE: TO: FROM: February 7, 1990 All Interested Parties County Service Area 143 Advisory Committee Riverside County Service Area '143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite t05 - Rancho California, CA 92390 [744] 699-0235 * Fax [714] 699-4390 FEB 0 9 1990 ' SUBJECT: Minutes of the CSA 143 Advisory Committee Special Budget Meeting of February 6, 1990 CAI~. TO ORDER Mr. Kulberg called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Doug Kulberg, John Sterling, Dennis Chiniaeff, Doug Davies, ,Bill Bopf (arrived at 3:15), and Hugh Stites (arrived at 3:20) MEMBERS ABSENT Allan McDonald: II~[ERESTED PARTIES IN ATTENDANCE · Mel Bohlken - ~SA A',d~,~ inistrator, ~Jeanine R.~_..Overson-- CSA i43 Director; Kris Hatcher -CSA 143 Recreation Coordinator; Rebecca L. Stein - CSA 143 Superv~szng Office. Assistant I. ' ' 1990191 Fiscal'Year~Mutlget Information Ms. Overson'~n~ormed'~tAe committee ve~littl~ budget.material was available to date due to~:th~ :fa¢~' tw~,eomRuters ~ere: ~tQl~e~,from the ,CSA 143. office. ~he staff ,xs '~n the proces; of com~il~g'al~ ~rtxnent1 infoz~]a~on and hopes to have the~i, infdrmation'by February15;-~1990;---The sta~;'-again'-this year, is having sO~e difficulty retrieving information from developers and to {late .approximately half, of the budget, ietters have been returned to the CSA office. ~otals to,'~d~e are,~qnping around four (4) million dollars. ADJOURN blotion made by Mr. Stites to adjourn to the Temecula Valley Unified School ])ist. rict/Temecula Community Service District]CSA joint agreement meeting to be held at 5:00 p.m. Second by Mr. Davies. Passed ~-0. S~:rF'.DUI~D MEETIIgG DATE The next Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, February 15, 1990, at 9:00 a.m. in the Temecula To~ Center located at 28816 Pujol, Temecula, CA. Approved: Doug Kulberg, Chairman DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 15, 1990 Riverside County Service Area 143 JEANINE R. OVERSON, DIRECTOR 29377 Rancho California Road, Suite t05 - Rancho California, CA 92390 [7t4) 699-0235_~* Fax [7t4) 699-4390 All Interested Parties County Service Area 143 Advisory Committee Minutes of the CSA 143 Advisory Committee Special Meeting of February 15, 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT l)oug Kulberg, John Sterling, Dennis Chiniae£f, Allan McDonald, and Bill Bopf (arrived at 9:18am) HEMBER~ ABSENT Doug Davies, and Hugh Stites INTERESTED PARTIES IN ATTENDANCE Jeanine R. Overson 7~ CSA 143 Director; Robert Kast - CSA 143 Facilities Caretaker; Kris Hatcher - CSA 143 Recreation Coordinator; Rebecca I,. Stein -CSA 143 Supervising' O~fice Assistant I; Frank Aleshire - CSD Manager. CALL TO ORDER , i.~, .- Mr. Kulberg called the~:meeting to:order at.'9:b5 a.m. APPROVE MINUTES Motion made by Mr.* Chiniaeff to appr0Ve~ ,~hei~m~nutes f?p[;n the January 18, 1990 and February 6, 1990 meetings. Second by Mr. Sterling.' Approved 4-0 OLD BUSINESS " . Park and Recreation Report - Following discussion on Ms. Hatchef's recreation reports.Ms, Overson stated the City Council passed the construction of the retaining wall at the Rancho California Sports Park, Ihe bids will go out in approximately two weeks and construction should start shortly after a bid is picked. Ms. Hatcher stated a ,neeting will be held on February 27, 1990 with CSA and the Temecula Unified School Distr~ct regarding possible use of school fields. Mr. Chiniaeff requested a status on the Plaster Plan and the non-resident fee. Ms. Overson stated the non- resident. fee has gone to County Counsel for approval. Ms. Overson stated the non-resident fee can not be enacted until July 1, 1990 as user fees have now been paid, Mr. Sterling stated he has presented a letter to ['Is. Pat Birdsall, CSD President. This letter gave a history of Rancho Iemecula Community Park usage and Mr. Sterling hoped this information would be o£ use to the CSD. The committees continued consensus is all. scheduling should be equitable to all users. Mr. Kulberg asked for thoughts or suggestions from bit'. A]e,'~hire concerning the ~ield scheduling. Mr. Aleshire. stated he had addressed a letter to Ms. Overson requesting answers on statements from the CSD meeting. CSA 143 Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 15, 1990 Page 2 Hr. Bomf made a motion for staff to met an mnmwer to the Questlonm from the ~ Manager ~ hmv~_ rhnt pre. p~red within one week. The CSA committee and two representatives of each user p, ZOAI~ to attend a meetin? in two weeks. Second bvMr. ~hini~eff. Passed 4-0. park .and Recreation Master ~ This item delayed as Mr. Stites was not at meeting. next age,da. Item will be placed on $heri[f's Report Deputy Derails Engichardt was unable to attend the meeting. 1990/91 f. isc81 Year Budget Review Ms. Overson informed the committee budget iniormation is still in Riverside. Ihe information given to the committee is a tentative budget for their review arid comments. NEW BUSINESS Scome of Landscape - Industrial Landscape on Streets and Commercial Tract Map - Mr. Chiniaeff stated the County Road Department is now requiring landscaping plans be approved from the curb to the edge of the right-of- way (property line) in all projects. The CSA landscape standards and Road Department standards are different. Ms. Overson stated the Road Department will accept the CSA standards. DIREUIOR' S REPORT l',evenue and Appropriation reports were discussed. Ms. Overson informed the committee the city will go along with the trash collection arid an RFP will be completed in the next few weeks. ADJOURN Motion made by Mr. Chiniaeff to adjourn to the Special recreation meeting March 5, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Mr. Sterling. Passed 4-0. NEXT SCHEDULED ME~TING DATE ..Tile next Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Monday, March 5, [990, at 7:00 p.m. Location to be determined at a later date. App roved: Doug Kulberg, Chairman Mrs. Patricia Birdsall President, CSD City of Temecula. California Dear President Birdsall With al] the pub] ic and media remarks. accusat ions and recommendations concerning the Sports Park. CSA. CSD and Temecula City Council, I would like to present a view of the park from a different perspective. A few years ago. a number of individuals and businesses volunteered to build the ~irst phase of the park on donated property. The R~nc],o Ca~~-&~'on~nunit¥ Parks Associat Jot, was formed to administer the facility. The governing board ~f this association was comprised of two members from each user group plus a couple of people whose children did not use the park nor who it themselves. With this make-up of members. the meetings as yc,u can imagine, could get. pretty lively. This group was responsible for establishing the rules and fees fo~ park use. WIll le there were conflicts from time to time, compromises were made and for the most part worked satisfactori Among the early rules approved by the user groups were maintenance and fee schedules. The general maintenance (lawn mowing. rock picking. field lining. etc.) was performed by each user during a specific part of the year. January maintenance (din which time the park was closed) and other ma jo]- work was accomplished by whatever volunteers that could be mustered. The R.C.C.P.A. voted on and appr¢,ved that fees would be due prior to each user season. This system worked well initially but as time passed. fewer and fewel' user groups felt inclined to participate on the con~nittee on a regular basis not' did they care to continkle their agreement for maintenance. Thus the start of outs]de maintenance and ever increasing costs. The subject of partial payment'.s has been brought. up again recently. Although it has been made to sound like a new idea, it was in fact tried some time ago. It did not work. Contrary to what som~ media have described as "fo]klol"e" payments were not always mada as promised. On occasion payment was not received until the user group was informed that they would not be scheduled for the next season unless all fees were up to date. The "in" subjects now seem to be no fees or ! educed fees specific users and p]'~ority for specific users. If there ]s indeed any thought of clinging t,:~ the or.igJnal concept of a Communi Park. then all user groups should participate if fees can eliminated or reduced. The subject of priority ol preference come up many times over the years. Tile adults have c]aimad that th~ kids were given preference. the kids have claimed the opposite. The women have claimed tha Men were given preference. wh] 1~ the men claimed the opposite. In the past we have always had one group claiming another was given prefere;',ce and now in a sw~tch ,_,f we have one group saying that they sh,>u]d be aiv=n p,*~fe~ Somewhere in all of this we l~a'~.'e lost sight of wl~at a C,>mmun]ty Park is all about. It is obvious that these and other problems are greatly magnifie,'l by this areas inadequate park facilities. This lack of parks is not the fault of the CSD or the CSA. Criticizing the CSD for taking the time to study their newly inherited park problems in order to come up with equitable solutions hal-dly seems fair. The same can be said concernin.g the CSA for enforcin~ the rules that for the most paYt were established by the user groups themselves. The over crowding of the parks mandate that some tough decisions be made and then adhered to. In my view this can best be accomplished by calm, meaningful dialogue between representatives of the user groups involved rathe]' than reacting to the various demands of individual groups and certain media types. Compromise and fair appraisal. rather than public rock throwing will help ease the strain, while awaiting future parks. With that type of effort we have a chance of keeping the meaning of "Community" in our Con,unity Park. Good luck in your decisions. Sincerely John Sterling Teme c u 1 a s'f f/RES15222 RESOLUTION NO. 90- 24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLOT PLAN NO. 1170 TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAY NEAR RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND FRONT STREET. WHEREAS, Outdoor Media Group filed Plot Plan No. 1170 in accordance with the Riverside County Ordinance No. 348, which the City has adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 57376; WHEREAS, said Plot Plan application was processed in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law; WHEREAS, the Planning Director considered said plot plan on January 16, 1990, at which time interested persons had an opportunity to testify either in support or opposition; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the Director's hearing, the Director approved said Plot Plan; WHEREAS, William L. Bopf of Bedford Properties appealed the Director's determination to the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing pertaining to said appeal on February 13, 1990 at which time interested persons had opportunity to testify either in support or opposition to said Plot Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a copy of the Director's proceedings and Staff Report regarding the Plot Plan appeal; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Temecula City Council hereby makes the following findings: A. All outdoor advertising displays (#billboards#) must satisfy Section 19.3 of the provisions of County Ordinance No. 348, including the requirement that plot plan approval be obtained pursuant to Section 18.30 (§ 19.3(b) (1).) -1- ~ff/RES15222 B. Pursuant to Section 15.30(c), no plot plan may be approved unless the following findings can be made: (1) The proposed use must conform to all the General Plan requirements and with all applicable requirements of State law and City ordinances. (2) The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare; conforms to the logical development of the land and is compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding property. C. Pursuant to Sections 19.3(a) (2) and 19.2(o), no billboard may be located within the boundary of any scenic highway so designated pursuant to the California Street & Highways Code. D. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65360, a newly incorporated city shall adopt a general plan within thirty (30) months following incorporation. During that 30-month period of time, the city is not subject to the requirement that a general plan be adopted or the requirements of state law that its decisions be consistent with the general plan, if all of the following requirements are met: (1) The city is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of the general plan. (2) The planning agency finds, in approving projects and taking other actions, including the issuance of building permits, each of the following: (a) There is a reasonable probability that the land use or action proposed will be consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. -2- ~ff/RES15222 (b) There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the proposed use or action is ultimately inconsistent with the plan. (c) The proposed use or action complies with all other applicable requirements of state law and local ordinances. E. The Southwest Area Plan (#SWAP#) was adopted prior to the incorporation of Temecula as the General Plan for the southwest portion of Riverside County, including the area now within the boundaries of the City. At this time, the City has not adopted SWAP as its General Plan. However, the City is proceeding in a timely fashion with the preparation of its General Plan. Moreover, until the City adopts its General Plan it requires all development to be consistent with the SWAP, because the future General Plan is likely to be substantially similar to the SWAP. F. The Plot Plan site proposed for the billboard does not conform to the logical development of its proposed site, and is not compatible with the present and future development of the surrounding property. The proposed site is located in the heart of the business district of the City and near the entrance to #Old Town" Temecula. The appearance of a billboard at this location would impair the logical commercial development of the surrounding property. G. The site proposed for the billboard is adjacent to a vacant lot. The proposed location of the billboard, if approved, would impair the viability of the future commercial development of said vacant property. Generally, permitting the location of billboards in advance of the development of adjacent commercial properties would impede the orderly development of such adjacent properties. H. Interstate 15 is designated a scenic highway in the SWAP. The SWAP further provides -3- ~ff/RES15222 that outstanding scenic vistas and visual features, such as the ridgeline west of Interstate 15, shall be preserved and protected. The large size of the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15 and across the adjacent vacant lot. Because the billboard is designed to be visible from the Interstate 15, it is inconsistent with the SWAP, and consequently, if the Plot Plan were approved, it would likely be inconsistent with the City's future general plan. SECTION 2. Because the required findings for discretionary approvals found in Section 18.30 of County Ordinance 348 and Government Code Section 65361 cannot be made for the reasons cited hereinabove, the City of Temecula City Council denies Plot Plan 1170. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2?th February , 1990. day of RON PARKS MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 27th day of February , 1990 by the following vote of the Council: AYES: 4 COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: ! COUNCILMEMBERS thl ll~ove ~nd ;oregoing ,s a ',rue and correct copy of an orilir~al on de:.,osit within the records of the City of Temocula. In winess whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Temecula this :~7?'~ d~y of/'~"~. 19°K3· by: F. D. ALESHIRE CITY CLERK -4-