HomeMy WebLinkAbout052009 CC Budget WorkshopIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BUDGET WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE MAY 20, 2009 - 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Maryann Edwards FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Roberts ROLL CALL: Comerchero, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Edwards PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five minute (5) time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RDA PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS RDA ADJOURNMENT RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 1 Review of the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operatina Budget RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Review and discuss the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operating Budget, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. 2 Review of the Proposed FY 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Review and discuss the proposed fiscal year 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide direction to staff as appropriate. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: City Council Regular, Tuesday, May 26, 2009, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with the regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The agenda packet (including staff reports) will be available for viewing at the Main Reception at City Hall (43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula) or at the Temecula Library (30600 Pauba Road, Temecula) after 4:00 PM the Friday before the City Council meeting. At that time, the packet may as well be accessed on the City's website - www.citvoftemecula.ora Supplemental material received after the posting of the Agenda Any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review at the Main Reception at City Hall (43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula - 8:00 - 5:00 PM). In addition, such material will be made available on the City's web - www.cityoftemecula.org - and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. If you have any questions regarding any item of business on the Agenda for this meeting, please contact City Clerk's Department - 951-694-6444. ITEM NO. 1 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Review of the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operating Budget PREPARED BY: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance Heidi Schrader, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review and discuss the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operating Budget, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. DISCUSSION: Attached for your review is the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operating Budget, which includes the following information for the City, Community Services District, and Redevelopment Agency: Summary schedules of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance; Revenue detail by fund; and, Expenditure line item detail by fund or department. Current Condition/State of California May Revision Budget The May Revise to the Governor's Budget reflects a $15.4 billion budget gap. This gap assumes the passage of Propositions 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 1 D, and 1 E on the May 19th ballot. Should these measures fail the budget will be an additional $5.8 billion out of balance in fiscal year 2009-10. In order to close the total potential $21.2 billion budget gap, the proposed Governor's Budget includes the reorganization, consolidation, and capitalization of state assets which will result in the elimination of numerous state departments. In addition the proposal also includes program cuts to various social services, medical programs, correctional facilities, and higher education. As a contingency proposal, should the various Propositions fail, the Governor has included borrowing from Local Government in an amount of $1.982 billion. Proposition 1A (2004) prohibits the Legislature from reducing the share of property tax revenues going to the Cities, County, and Special Districts, and shifting those shares to the schools or any other non-local government function. However, the Legislature may suspend the property tax revenue protection provision of Proposition 1A under the following conditions: • The borrowing is limited to eight percent of the property revenues; The Governor must issue a proclamation declaring a severe fiscal hardship; • The Legislature must enact an urgency statute suspending Proposition 1 A property tax protection with a two-thirds vote of each house; • The Legislature must enact a law providing for full repayment of the borrowed funds plus interest within three years; and, • The Legislature must not enact a suspension more than twice in anyten year period. This potential State take away is estimated to impact the City of Temecula in the amount of $1.78 million. Legislation is proposed to create a joint powers authority to allow local agencies to borrow against the state repayment as a group. Staff will continue to monitor the status of this proposed contingency plan and any additional impact to the City. Current Condition - General Fund Despite current economic conditions, the City of Temecula remains in a healthy financial condition, able to meet operating expenditures without any reductions in City public service levels and without dipping into reserves. Based upon the Finance Department's revised estimate of revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year, it appears that most revenue estimates will be met or exceeded, and that actual expenditures will be less than the budgeted appropriation amounts. General Fund Revenues The projected General Fund revenues are $57.2 million forfiscal year 2009-10, which reflects a $1.6 million reduction from fiscal year 2008-09 revenue estimates. The primary decreases are due to a decline in sales activity and development growth. This downturn is not unique to the City but is indicative of the current status of the economy throughout California and the United States. There remain some significant increases projected from the current fiscal year, which is summarized below: • $1,045,950 in Tribal Gaming Mitigation Fund • $579,837 in Operating Transfers In Measure A Funds • $236,801 in Transient Occupancy Tax • $223,333 in Franchise Fees The increases were offset by other categories due to the current economic downturn and a reduction of development activity within the City. Some of the significant decreases are summarized below: • $1,031,016 reduction in Property Tax income • $593,932 reduction in Motor Vehicle in Lieu • $575,489 reduction in Investment Interest • $825,217 reduction in Prop 1B Funds The City is maintaining sales tax levels consistent with fiscal year 2008-09. Staff does not anticipate a drop in the revenues due to new commercial development and the recent expansion of the Promenade Mall which is attracting premium retailers. General Fund Expenditures The proposed budget of $55.1 million reflects a decrease in General Fund expenditures of $3,722,046 or 6.3% from the fiscal year 2008-09 budget. The primary reductions contributing to this decrease include: 1) reduction of 12.75 staff positions and maintaining 26 positions unfunded due to attrition and early retirement packages; 2) reduction of the REST contribution for the library due to the County abnegating contract costs for years 2007, 2008 and 2009; and, 3) completion of the sales tax reimbursement obligation related to the Redhawk annexation agreement with the County of Riverside. In an effort to streamline workload and reduce staffing cost, City staff has undertaken a significant personnel reorganization. This has resulted in a reduction of 12.75 authorized positions and maintaining 26 positions unfunded. As a result of these changes and in accordance with the budget process, the City Manager's Office has reviewed the organizational structure of each department to ensure that employees are effectively functioning to address the level of service needs of the department and are in accordance with the City's classification plan. A summary of proposed position reclassifications / upgrades are as follows: Department FY 08109 Positions Reductions FY 09110 Positions Reclasses Unfunded Building & Safety 21 1 20 1 4 City Clerk 10 0 10 0 0 City Council 5 0 5 0 0 City Manager/HR 11 0 11 1 1 Community Services 43 2 41 0 1 Finance/PD (Analyst) 17 0 17 1 2 Information Systems 11 0 11 1 1 Plan nin /Redevelo ment 25 4 21 4 4 Fire 3 0 3 0 0 Public Works 63.75 5.75 58 5 13 Total 209.75 12.75 197 13 26 The City has unfunded 26 full-time positions resulting in additional savings of $2,882,070. The status of these unfunded positions will be re-evaluated in 12 months when staff is better able to determine whether the current decline in development activity within the City has stabilized or is increasing. Furthermore, the City has focused on reorganizing department structures in an effort to streamline processes and enhance efficiencies without reducing essential public services to the community. The following is a summary of significant items by department in the Proposed FY 2009-10 Preliminary Operating Budget: City Council: No significant changes. Community Support: No significant changes. City Manager: No significant changes. City Clerk: Reduction of $90,000 for non-election year. City Attorney: No significant changes. Finance: 1) Reduction of $125,000 in consulting related to Development Impact Fee Study and for a User Fee Study which was budgeted last year, and, 2) Unfunded two positions within the department. Human Resources: Reduction of $40,000 for one unfunded position. Planning / Code Enforcement / Building and Safety: 1) Decrease in personnel costs of $728,000 as a result of early retirements and reorganization which resulted in the elimination of four positions and unfunding of seven positions; and, 2) Decrease of $470,000 in consulting services related to Old Town Specific Plan and annexation studies budgeted in fiscal year 2008-09. Public Works 1 Land Development 1 CIP Administration: 1) Decrease in personnel costs of $844,995 as a result of early retirement and reorganization which resulted in the elimination of 5.75 positions and the unfunding of thirteen positions; and, 2) Maintains adequate funding to continue the City's road maintenance and traffic programs Police: 1) Increase of $308,951 in total operating budget from the prior fiscal year; 2) Continue to maintain the City's ratio of one sworn officer per thousand residents; 3) Addition of one School Resource Officer to mitigate the impact of TVUSD no longer funding three Officers; 4) Temecula Police will work in conjunction with the City of Murrieta Police Department to operate the joint Southwest County Youth Court; and, 5) Continued funding to support the CommunityAction Patrol ("CAP") Program which would utilize citizen volunteers to perform certain functions. Fire: 1) Continued funding for 4.0 staffing on Engines; and, 2) Reduction in contract services for Inspection and Plan Check services. Non-Departmental: 1) The "REST" Program contribution to the TCSD Citywide Fund is proposed to be increased by $82,458, from $5,619,794 to $5,702,252; 2) The "REST" Program contribution to the TCSD Service Level B Fund (Street Lighting) is $317,057 an increase of $93,816 from the prior year; 3) The "REST" Program contribution to the Temecula Public Library is proposed to be eliminated due to adequate fund balance available as a result of the renegotiation of the contract with Riverside County. This is a reduction of $1,134,905 from the prior year; and, 4) GASB 45 ARC (Annually Required Contribution) Payment of $350,000 to CERBT at CalPers. Operating Transfers Out: 1) Debt Service of $1,540,387 for the 2007 Certificates of Participation (COP) bonds; and, 2) A transfer of $13,926,324 to the Capital Improvement Program is proposed. Fund Balance: The proposed fiscal year 2009-10 budget provides for an excess of revenues over expenditures of $2,142,398 and $602,011 after operating transfers for the COP bonds. The designation for economic uncertainties is $11,016,910, an amount equal to 20% of General Fund Appropriations for fiscal year 2009-10. In addition, a Secondary Fund Balance has been designated in the amount of $9,700,000 from construction savings associated with the Civic Center Project. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (TCSD) TCSD Revenues: Overall, a $651,183 (3.1 decrease in revenues is projected for TCSD. The fiscal year 2009-10 revenue estimates includes an increase of $21,372 for the special tax at the authorized rate, and an increase of $336,379 for trash assessments as a result of population growth and trash rate CPI adjustment to cover the costs of providing the service. The "REST" program revenue, from the City's General Fund, is proposed to be $6,019,309, a $958,631 decrease from prior fiscal year. TCSD Expenditures: The proposed Community Services District budget reflects a $563,591 (2.6%) decrease in total expenditures from the current year budget. A summary of significant items is as follows: City-wide Operations: Services are provided status quo due to the current economic environment: • Maintains the same level of service in recreation programs as FY 2008109 • Includes operating costs forthe Temecula Community Center expansion plus the Temecula Pantry • Includes operating costs for two (2) new parks in Wolf Creek and the Murrieta Creek Trail System Service Level B: A $53,313 increase in street lighting costs due to new residential street lights and increased utility costs as result of rate increases from service providers. Service Level C: A $179,726 decrease in contract landscape maintenance and rehabilitation costs at a maintenance level determined by the property owners in this service level. Service Level D: A $334,055 increase in refuse hauling costs is reflected, pursuant to conditions of the Franchise Fee Agreementfor refuse and recycling which allows a consumer price index adjustment. Library: A $410,444 decrease bringing the budget to $940,503, which represents a full- year of operation of the Temecula Public Library. Some specific items include: Library services contract with the County of Riverside in the amount of $400,000 based on the renegotiation of the terms of the existing contract resulting in an ongoing annual savings Information Systems charges to maintain the 113 workstations located atthe facility in the amount of $171,200, a reduction of $63,700 from the prior year Support Services charges of $48,500 for maintenance of the 16 copier/printers at the facility, a reduction of $63,131 from the prior year TCSD Fund Balance: Surplus fund balance has been used over the past several fiscal years to fund ongoing operations and maintenance costs. The proposed fiscal year 2009-10 budget continues to utilize surplus fund balance in the following amounts: • Citywide Operations $267,041 • Service Level "D" $4,914 • Service Level "R" $22,494 • Service Level "L" $23,734 • Library $742,497 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) RDA Revenues: A summary of the significant items included in the proposed operating budget is as follows: Low/Moderate Income Housing: Includes an increase of $477,363 in revenues due to sale of property as well as additional tax increment as a result of increased assessed valuation related to retail and industrial development in the project area. Redevelopment: Reduction of investment interest due to Operating Transfers out of fund balance to CIP projects. This is offset by a $900,000 operating transfer in from the debt service fund. Debt Service: Includes an increase of $721,399 due to additional tax increment which is partially offset by a reduction of investment interest due to operating transfers out to fund CIP projects. RDA Expenditures: A summary of the significant items included in the proposed operating budget is as follows: Low/Moderate Income Housing: Funded $1,665,000 for a First-Time Homebuyers Program. Redevelopment: Includes the Old Town Building Facade Improvement Program of $80,000. Debt Service: A $10,353,088 decrease is reflected due to the payment of the obligation in FY 2008/09 for the parking structure at the mall pursuant to an Owner Participation Agreement with the developer funded in the previous year with the proceeds from the 2007 Tax Allocation Bonds. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: The following is a discussion of significant items in the proposed Internal Service Fund Budgets: Insurance: Includes minor reductions in property insurance premium costs and anticipated claim expenditures. Vehicles: No additional vehicle purchases programmed for the fiscal year. Information Systems: Includes reductions for staff costs due to one unfunded position and the elimination of project staffing. Support Services: Includes an increase in staff costs as the result of the transfer of one position from the City Clerk department to provide support due to the elimination of project staffing. Facilities: Includes an increase of $116,404 for the maintenance costs associated with the new parking structure in Old Town and the Civic Center Town Square for a partial year. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed fiscal year 2009-10 General Fund operating budget is a balanced budget that provides for an excess of General Fund revenues over operating expenditures of $2,142,398 ($602,011 after operating transfers for COP bonds). The proposed budget also provides for an $11.016 million designation for economic uncertainties with an additional Secondary Designated Fund Balance of $9.7 million as a result of construction contract savings associated with the new Civic Center. ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary Annual Operating Budget Fiscal Years 2009-2010 TH EI i I E T U ,::LA-- ~tx _ _ ~ ` J -4C:- 1989 PRELIMINARY' ANNUAL OPERATING THE TEM-EC TA F IT Y/ 0 INC_ 1989 Preliminary :annual Operating Budget - Fiscal Year 2009-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Nos. SUMMARIES 1-14 General Fund .........................1 Gas Tax Fund .........................3 State Transportation Fund .........................3 CDBG Fund .........................4 Law Enforcement Fund .........................4 City COP Debt Service Fund .........................5 Internal Services Funds .........................6 TCSD Funds .........................7 TCSD Citywide Funds .........................8 Service Level "B„ Fund .........................8 Service Level «C„ Fund .........................9 Service Level "D„ Fund .........................9 Service Level "R„ Fund .......................10 Service Level «L„ Fund .......................10 Library Fund .......................11 TCSD Debt Service Fund .......................11 Low/Moderate Housing Fund .......................12 RDA Capital Projects Fund .......................12 RDA Debt Service Fund .......................13 REVENUES 15-24 General Fund .....................15 Gas Tax Fund .....................16 State Transportation Fund .....................16 CDBG Fund .....................16 Law Enforcement Fund .....................16 City COP Debt Service Fund .....................16 TCSD Citywide Fund .....................17 All Service Level Funds .....................20 Library Fund .....................21 TCSD Debt Service Fund 21 Internal Services Funds .....................22 Redevelopment Agency Funds .....................23 SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS 25-30 Building & Safety .................................................................26 City Clerk ............................................................................26 City Council .........................................................................26 City Manager/Human Resources ........................................26 Preliminary Annual Operating Budget - Fiscal Year 2009-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page 2 Pace Nos. Community Services ............27 Finance ............27 Fire 28 Information Systems ............28 Planning 28 Public Works ............29 Redevelopment ............29 CITY COUNCIL 31-38 Organization Chart ............31 Line Item ............32 Goals & Objectives ............35 COMMUNITY SUPPORT 39-40 Line Item ............39 Goals & Objectives ............40 CITY MANAGER 41-50 General Administration 1 Emergency Management Organization Chart ............41 Line Item ............42 Goals & Objectives ............45 ANIMAL CONTROL 51-52 Line Item ............51 Goals & Objectives ............52 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 53-62 Line Item ............53 Goals & Objectives ............58 HUMAN RESOURCES 63-68 Line Item ............63 Goals & Objectives ............65 CITY ATTORNEY 69-72 Organization Chart ............69 Line Item ............70 Goals & Objectives ............71 CITY CLERK 73-78 Organization Chart ............73 Line Item ............74 Goals & Objectives ............77 Pagae Nos. FINANCE 79-90 Organization Chart .........79 Line Item .........80 Goals & Objectives .........83 PLANNING (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) 91-100 Current Planning/ Advanced Planning Organization Chart .........91 Line Item .........92 Goals & Objectives .........96 BUILDING & SAFETY (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) 101-110 Line Item .......101 Goals & Objectives .......106 PUBLIC WORKS ..........111-130 Organization Chart .......111 Line Item .......112 Goals & Objectives .......123 CIP (PUBLIC WORKS) ..........131-136 Line Item .......131 Goals & Objectives .......133 LAND DEVELOPMENT (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) ..........137-142 Line Item .......137 Goals & Objectives .......140 POLICE ..........143-162 Organization Chart .......143 Line Item .......144 Goals & Objectives .......153 FIRE ..........163-176 Organization Chart .......163 Line Item .......164 Goals & Objectives .......172 NON-DEPARTMENTAL ..........177-178 Line Item .......177 Mission Statement .......178 TCSD ..........179-222 Organization Chart .......179 Line Item .......180 Goals & Objectives .......214 Prel ndnary Annual Operating Budget - Fiscal Year 2009-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page 3 Prelindnary Annual Operating Budget -Fiscal Year 2009-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page 4 Pale Nos. TCSD SERVICE LEVEL and DEBT SERVICE 223-232 Line Item .............223 RDA- AFFORDABLE HOUSING 233-240 Organization Chart .............233 Line Item .............234 Goals & Objectives .............239 RDA - REDEVELOPMENT 241-246 Line Item .............241 Goals & Objectives .............246 RDA- DEBT SERVICE 247-248 Line Item .............247 INSURANCE 249-250 Line Item .............249 Goals & Objectives .............250 VEHICLES 251-252 Line Item .............251 Mission Statement .............252 INFORMATION SYSTEMS I GIS 253-270 Organization Chart .............253 Line Item .............254 Goals & Objectives .............264 SUPPORT SERVICES 271-274 Line Item .............271 Performance Measures .............273 FACILITIES 275-282 Line Item .............275 Mission Statement .............282 GENERAL FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Reused Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 63,212,233 58,862,869 57,226,946 (1,635,923) -2.8% Expenditures by Dept: City Council 446,238 413,729 427,132 13,403 3.2% Community Support 267,750 182,900 150,400 (32,500) -17.8% City Manager 1,210,048 1,229,141 1,256,994 27,853 2.3% Economic Development 789,435 1,037,846 905,032 (132,814) -12.8% City Clerk 978,076 1,133,715 1,030,100 (103,615) -9.1% CityAttomey 832,930 821,300 821,300 - 0.0% Finance 2,024,217 2,161,004 2,032,064 (128,940) -6.0% Human Resources 624,809 594,746 556,064 (38,682) -6.5% Planning 3,766,684 3,048,360 2,169,840 (878,520) -28.8% Building & Safety 2,516,684 2,875,522 2,437,445 (438,077) -15.2% Land Development 1,918,103 1,625,715 1,464,093 (161,622) -9.9% Public Works 6,656,090 6,415,146 5,567,456 (847,690) -13.2% CIP Admin 2,540,321 2,877,441 2,469,035 (408,406) -14.2% FEMA - Storm Damage 50,540 - - - 0.0% Police 18,695,646 20,741,930 21,050,881 308,951 1.5% Fire 4,253,870 3,956,221 4,479,473 523,253 13.2% Animal Control 169,037 175,000 171,000 (4,000) -2.3% Non-Departmental: REST Contribution 7,492,086 6,977,940 6,019,309 (958,631) -13.7% Retiree Medical Contribution - 227,158 350,000 122,842 54.1% Sales Tax Sharing- Redhawk 570,550 564,291 - (564,291) -100.0% Property Tax Admin 170,399 219,000 225,570 6,570 3.0% CFD 88-12 Tax 1,544,971 1,528,492 1,501,360 (27,132) -1.8% Total Expenditures 57,518,485 58,806,595 55,084,548 (3,722,046) -6.3% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 5,693,748 56,274 2,142,398 2,086,123 Operating Transfers Out: Debt SeNce - Civic Center COPs - (1,111,916) (1,540,387) (428,471) Total Revenues over Civic Center COPs 5,693,748 (1,055,642) 602,011 1,657,652 Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund (1,330,713) (13,999,881) (13,926,324) 73,557 Total Revenues over CIP Transfer 4,363,035 (15,055,523) (13,324,313) 1,731,209 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out 4,363,035 (15,055,523) (13,324,313) 1,731,209 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GENERAL FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 43,932,334 44,723,340 43,667,698 (1,055,642) -2.4% Revenues 63,212,233 58,862,869 57,226,946 (1,635,923) -2.8% Expenditures (57,518,485) (58,806,595) (55,084,548) 3,722,046 -6.3% Operating Transfers Out: Debt Service (1,111,916) (1,540,387) (428,471) 38.5% Capital Improvement Fund (1,330,713) (13,999,881) (13,926,324) 73,557 -0.5% Retiree Benefits (3,572,029) - - - 0.0% Estimated Budget Savings(FY08/09) - 13,999,881 (13,999,881) -100.0% Fund Balance, End of Year 44,723,340 43,667,698 30,343,385 (13,324,313) -30.5% Detail of Fund Balance Reserved for long-term advance to RDA 870,176 668,187 668,187 ` - 0.0% Reserved for deposits and prepaid items 17,843 107,959 107,959 - 0.0% Reserved for inventory 3,088 3,586 3,586 - 0.0% Reserved for encumbrances 1,130,579 - - - 0.0% Unreserved: Designated for continuing appropriation 200,543 200,543 200,543 - 0.0% Designated for economic uncertainty (20% of Appropriations) 12,573,569 11,761,319 11,016,910 (744,409) -6.3% Secondary designated fund balance reserve (Civic Center Savings) 9,700,000 9,700,000 - 0.0% Designated for comprehensive ' annual leave 1,381,327 1,465,426 962,864 (502,562) -34.3% Designated for open space/Dulch Villages 150,000 150,000 150,000 - 0.0% Designated for Liberty Quarry EIR 266,908 266,908 266,908 - 0.0% Designated for future CIP 23,699,881 13,999,881 - (13,999,881) -100.0% Undesignated 4,429,426 5,343,889 7,266,427 1,922,539 36.0% 44,723,340 43,667,698 30,343,385 (13,324,313) -30.5% 2 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDrruRES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Operating Transfers Out Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out Fund Balance, Beg. of Year Fund Balance, End of Year GAS TAX FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 1,753,967 1,612,596 1,618,207 5,611 0.3% - - - - 0.0% 1,753,967 1,612,596 1,618,207 5,611 0.3% (1,945,467) (1,613,036) (1,618,207) (5,171) 0.3% (191,500) (440) - 440 191,940 440 - 440 - - STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues - 2,374,070 960,707 (1,413,363) -59.5% Total Expenditures - 1,455,935 - (1,455,935) -100.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures - 918,135 960,707 42,572 4.6% Operating Transfers Out: To General Fund (6,821) (918,135) (960,707) (42,572) 4.6% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out (6,821) - - - Fund Balances, Beg. of Year 6,821 - - Fund Balances, End of Year - - - *An additional $515,000 in re\enue and $1,455,035 in e)pendibxes have been programmed in the CIP budget for State Transportation Funded (Prop 1B) Projects 3 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2009-2,01 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BU DGET CDBG FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Reused Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 308,169 2,493,839 2,077,309 (416,530) -16.7% Total Expenditures 56,456 59,267 56,180 (3,087) -5.2% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 251,713 2,434,572 2,021,129 (413,443) -17.0% Operating Transfers Out: CIP Fund (251,713) (2,434,572) (2,021,129) 413,443 -17.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out - - - - 0.0% Fund Balances, Beg. of Year - - - Fund Balances, End of Year - - - L,AW ENFORCEMENT FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 190,850 167,132 100,000 (67,132) -40.2% Total Expenditures - - - - 0.0% Excess of Revenues OUer (Under) Expenditures 190,850 167,132 100,000 (67,132) -40.2% Operating Transfers Out: To General Fund (190,409) (167,573) (100,000) 67,573 -40.3% Excess of Revenues OUer (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out Fund Balances, Beg. of Year Fund Balances, End of Year 441 (441) - - 441 - 441 - - 441 -100.0% 4 CITY COP DEBT SERVICE FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Operating Transfers In: General Fund Operating Transfers Out: CIP Fund 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 2,043,009 12,000 12,000 - 0.0% 1,203,000 1,115,341 z 1,578,773 463,432 41.6% 840,009 (1,103,341) (1,566,773) (463,432) 42.0% 1,111,916 1,540,387 428,471 38.5% (30,660) (30,660) 0.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out 840,009 8,575 (57,046) (65,621) -765.3% Fund Balances, Beg. of Year - 840,009 848,584 Fund Balances. End of Year 840.009 848.584 791.538 *Add itionalFY08-09 appropriaton of $425 being requested June 10, 2009 to budget for actual trustee fee expenditure 5 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, 1XPENDrruRES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET INTERNAL SERVICES FUNDS Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues by Fund: Insurance 714,352 389,300 655,640 266,340 68. 4% Vehicles 354,914 374,342 126,395 (247,947) -66. 2% Information Systems 2,353,302 2,216,270 2,114,839 (101,431) -4. 6% Support Services 369,393 382,061 428,217 46,156 12. 1% Facilities 627,760 801,500 916,215 114,715 14. 3% Total Revenues 4,419,721 4,163,473 41241,306 771833 1. 9% Total Expenditures by Fund: Insurance 711,431 685,718 655,794 (29,924) -4. 4% Vehicles 314,021 337,130 296,708 (40,422) -12. 0% Information Systems 2,391,340 2,460,476 2,301,491 (158,985) -6. 5% Support Services 347,290 353,361 394,688 41,327 11. 7% Facilities 633,049 767,319 883,723 116,404 15. 2% Total Expenditures 4,397,131 41604,004 4,532,404 (71,600) -1. 6% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 22,590 (440,531) (291,098) 149,433 -33. 9% Operating Transfers In (Out): General Fund (Vehicles) - - - - Excess of Revenues and Operating Transfers Over (Under) Expenditures 22,590 (440,531) (291,098) 149,433 Retained Earnings, Beg. of Year 4,902,918 41925,508 4,484,977 Retained Earnings, End of Year 4,925,508 4,484,977 4,193,879 6 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDrruRES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET TCSD FUNDS 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Proposed Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues by Fund: Citywide Operations 11,309,407 11,071,508 11,115,380 43,872 0.4% Service Level B 630,626 865,196 959,004 93,808 10.8% Service Level C 1,982,050 1,590,435 1,584,432 (6,003) -0.4% Service Level D 5,256,831 5,704,551 6,033,496 328,945 5.8% Service Level R 10,919 1,576 4,606 3,030 192.3% Service Level L 204,437 229,400 227,836 (1,564) -0.7% Library 1,388,547 1,311,277 198,006 (1,113,271) -84.9% Debt Service 2,095 - - - 0.0% Total Revenues 20,784,912 20,773,943 20,122,760 (651,183) -3.1% Total Expenditures by Fund: Citywide Operations 10,923,067 11,244,063 10,900,980 (343,083) -3.1% Service Level B 786,663 884,389 937,702 53,313 6.0% Service Level C 1,520,697 1,708,275 1,528,549 (179,726) -10.5% Service Level D 5,070,349 5,704,355 6,038,410 334,055 5.9% Service Level R 6,373 12,300 27,100 14,800 120.3% Service Level L 237,836 281,091 251,570 (29,521) -10.5°x6 Library 1,524,326 1,350,947 940,503 (410,444) -30.4% Debt Service 494,455 497,025 494,040 (2,985) -0.6% Total Expenditures 20,563,766 21,682,445 21,118,854 (563,591) -2.6% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 221,146 (908,502) (996,094) (87,592) 9.6% Operating Transfers In (Out): Citywide Operations Service Level B Debt Service Total Operating Transfers: Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers In (Out) Fund Balances, Beg. of Year Fund Balances, End of Year (554,455) (497,025) (481,441) 15,584 -3.1% 60,000 - - - 0.0% 494,455 497,025 481,441 (15,584)-3.1% - - - - 0.0% 221,146 (908,502) (996,094) (87,592) 9.6% 2,230,595 2,451,741 3,783,052 2,451,741 1,543,239 2,786,958 09/10 Library Fund Balance increased by $2,239,813 due o County abnegation of library costs for FY07, FY08 and FY09 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET TCSD CITYWIDE FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 11,309,407 11,071,508 11,115,380 43,872 0.4% Total Expenditures 10,923,067 11,244,063 10,900,980 (343,083) -3.1% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 386,340 (172,555) 214,400 386,955 -224.3% Operating Transfers Out (554,455) (497,025) (481,441) 15,584 -3.1% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out (168,115) (669,580) (267,041) 371,371 -55.5% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 1,352,917 1,184,802 515,222 Fund Balance, End of Year 1,184,802 515,222 248,181 SERvIcE LEVEL "B" FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 630,626 865,196 959,004 93,808 10.8% Total Expenditures 786,663 884,389 937,702 53,313 6.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (156,037) (19,193) 21,302 40,495 -211.0% Operating Transfers In 60,000 - - - 0.0% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers In (96,037) (19,193) 21,302 40,495 -211.0% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 116,143 20,106 913 Fund Balance, End of Year 20,106 913 22,215 8 SERVICE LEVEL "C" FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beg. of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beg. of Year Fund Balance, End of Year 1,982,050 1,590,435 1,584,432 (6,003) -04% 1,520,697 1,708,275 1,528,549 (179,726) -10.5% 461,353 (117,840) 55,883 173,723 -147.4% 87,149 548,502 430,662 548,502 430,662 486,545 SERVICE LEVEL "D" FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 5,256,831 5,704,551 6,033,496 328,945 5.8% 5,070,349 5,704,355 6,038,410 334,055 5.9% 186,482 196 (4,914) (5,110) -2607.1 % 31,408 217,890 218,086 217,890 218,086 213,172 9 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET SERvicE LEVEL "R" FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 10,919 1,576 4,606 3,030 192.3% Total Expenditures 6,373 12,300 27,100 14,800 120.3% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 4,546 (10,724) (22,494) (11,770) 109.8% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 34, 759 39 ,305 28,581 Fund Balance, End of Year 39, 305 28 ,581 6,087 SERVICE LEVEL "L" FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 204,437 229,400 227,836 (1,564) -0.7% Total Expenditures 237,836 281,091 251,570 (29,521) -10.5% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (33,399) (51,691) (23,734) 27,957 -54.1% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 293,522 260,123 208,432 Fund Balance, End of Year 260,123 208,432 184,698 10 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, IXPENDITuRES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET LIBRARY FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 1,388,547 1,311,277 198,006 (1,113,271) -84.9% Total Expenditures 1,524,326 1,350,947 940,503 (410,444) -30.4% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (135,779) (39, 670) (742, 497) (702,827) 1771.7% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 304,193 168, 414 2,368, 557 Fund Balance, End of Year 168,414 128, 744 1,626, 060 09/10 Lbrary Fund Balance increased by $2,239,813 due to County abn egatbn of Ibrary costs for FY07, FY08 and FY09 TCSD DEBT SERVICE FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Current Revised Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 2,095 - - - 0.0% Total Expenditures 494,455 497,025 494,040 (2,985) -0.6% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (492,360) (497,025) (494,040) 2,985 -0.6% Operating Transfer In 494,455 497,025 481,441 (15,584) -3.1% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers In 2,095 - (12,599) (12,599) 0.0% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 10,504 12,599 12,599 Fund Balance, End of Year 12,599 12,599 - 11 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET LOWIMODERATE HOUSING FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Capital Projects * Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out Fund Balance, Beg. of Year Fund Balance, End of Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 4,718,031 4,475,771 4,953,134 477,363 10.7% 572,291 2,846,023 2,709,214 (136,809) -4.8% 4,145,740 1,629,748 2,243,920 614,172 37.7% 4,570,373 9,781,960 6,090,000 (3,691,960) -37.7% (424,633) (8,152,212) (3,846,080) 4,306,132 16,491,245 16,066,612 13,914,400 16,066,612 7,914,400 10,068,320 'Note: Programmed in the CIP Budget 2009-10 beginning fund balance increased by $6,000,000 due to monies programmed in 2008-09 for affordable housing units attt-ie Warehouse at Creekside Development. The payment has been deferred unti 120 10- 11 RDA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 1,126,856 341,040 48,645 (292,395) -85.7% Total Expenditures 605,045 1,839,386 936,889 (902,497) -49.1% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 521,811 (1,498,346) (888,244) 610,102 -40.7% Capital Projects * - 800,000 875,000 75,000 94% Operating Transfers In - 525,000 900,000 375,000 714% Operating Transfers Out (1,699,438) (19,325,049) (13,655,518) 5,669,531 -29.3% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out (1,177,627) (21,098,395) (14,518,762) 6,579,633 Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 23,365,947 22,188,320 15,574,696 Fund Balance. End of Year 22.188.320 1.089.925 1.055.934 'Note: Programmed in the CIP Budget **2009-10 Beginning Fund Balance Increased by $898,685 due to City of Temecula not required to remit 2008-09 ERAF Shift payment per April 30, 2009 court ruling in California Rede\elopment Association, et al., v. Michael C. Genest, etc., et al. plus $13,586,086 in funds not yet transferred for CIP projects budgeted again in FY09-10. 12 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET RDA DEBT SERvicE FUND 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Proposed % Audited Revised Preliminary Increase Increase Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 31,234,500 16,366,518 17,087,917 721,399 44% Total Expenditures 14,943,267 26,196,871 15,843,783 (10,353,088) -39.5% Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 16,291,233 (9,830,353) 1,244,134 11,074,487 -112.7% Operating Transfers Out CIP - - (3,524,608) * * (3,524,608) -73.8% O&M - (3,431,355) (900,000) 2,531,355 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out 16,291 ,233 (13, 261,708) (3,180,474) 10,081,234 Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 720 ,660 17, 011,893 7,181,540 Fund Balance. End of Year 17.011 .893 3. 750.185 4.001.066 Operating transfer out to O&M not made precious year plus interest will be made to fund CIP in 09-10. FY09-10 Beginning fund balance increased by $3,431,355 due to not performing operating transfer out budgeted in 08-09 13 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FISCAL YEAR 2008201 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 14 GENERAL FUND ACCT NO 001 GENERAL FUND FY 07-08 ACTUALS FY 08-09 REVISED ESTIMATES FY 09-10 ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT 4083 -Grants DEPT 161 PLANNING -Various 700 ,572 628 .000 651 ,877 23 ,877 3.80% DEPT 162 BUILDING & SAFETY -Various 1.611 .214 1.331 .639 1,575 ,803 244 ,164 18.34% DEPT 163 LAND DEVELOPMENT -Various 1.020 .532 654 ,000 406 ,301 (247 ,699) -37.87% DEPT 164 PUBLIC WORKS -NPDES Permit Fee 82 ,383 54 ,610 11 .585 (43 .025) -78.79% DEPT 170 POLICE 4055 -Citations and Bookings 206 ,475 250 ,000 200 ,682 (49 ,318) -19.73% 4059+4060 -Miscellaneous 99 ,958 115 ,025 112 ,525 (2 ,500) -2.17% 4067 -Vehicle Impound Fees 139 ,429 129 ,950 129 ,950 - 0.00% 4,076 -Reimbursements 147 ,419 140 ,000 102 .500 (37 ,500) -26.79% 4083+4228 -Grants 130 ,334 182 ,241 (182 ,241) -100.00% DEPT 171 FIRE -Various 784 ,575 659 ,994 453 ,262 (206 ,732) -31.32% 4083 -Grants 9 ,006 11 ,620 2 ,614 29.03% DEPT 199 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4010 -PropertyTax 5.404 .525 5,428 ,000 4,722 ,360 (705 ,640) -13.00% 4012 -Property Tax (Unsecured) 234 ,932 115 ,000 115 ,000 - 0.00% 4013 -SupplementalTax - AB 2345 935 ,123 540 ,000 214 ,624 (325 ,376) -60.25% 4016 -Property Transfer Tax 512 ,513 488 ,000 497 ,906 9 ,906 2.03% 4018 -Franchise Fees 3,415 ,217 3,218 ,000 3,441 ,333 223 ,333 6.94% 4020 -T rans i e nt 0 ccu p ancy T ax 2,417 ,726 2,100 ,000 2,336 ,801 236 ,801 11.28% 4023 -Sales and Use Tax - Triple Flip 6,914 ,480 6,155 ,114 5,257 ,541 (897 ,573) -14.58% 4024 -Sales and Use Tax - State of Calif 20,501 ,319 17,800 ,000 18,699 ,059 899 ,059 5.05% 4025 -FEMA Grants 50 ,170 17 ,480 (17 ,480) -100.00% 4028 -Homeowner Property Tax Relief 80 ,134 75 ,000 75 ,825 825 1.10% 4043 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu - Triple Flip 6.714 .601 6,782 ,155 6,343 ,349 (438 ,806) -6.47% 4046 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu - State of Calif 928 ,757 696 ,000 540 ,874 (155 ,126) -22.29% 4047 -Vehicle Code Fines 881 ,313 775 ,000 864 ,923 89 ,923 11.60% 4053 -Bids & Proposals 11 ,830 34 ,543 11 ,000 (23 ,543) -68.16% 4056 -Business Licenses 333 ,896 318 ,500 319 ,000 500 0.16% 4059 -Right of Way Advertising 71 ,550 25 ,000 25 ,316 316 1.26% Various -Miscellaneous 23 ,911 30 ,660 17 ,500 (13 ,160) -42.92% 4065+4545 -Investment Interest 2,757 ,746 1,690 ,000 1,114 ,511 (575 ,489) -34.05% New -Interest Eamings-RDA Loan Repayment 238 ,633 238 ,633 0.00% 4076 -Reimbursements -Tribal Gaming Mitigation Fund 983 ,597 954 ,050 2,000 ,000 1,045 ,950 109.63% 4076 -Reimbursements-Miscellaneous 14 ,775 87 .000 30 ,000 (57 ,000) -65.52% 4082 -Reimbursements-Redevelopment Agency 110 ,000 110 ,000 110 ,000 - 0.00% 4083 -R eimbursem ents-Capital I mprvm nt Prgrm 1,839 ,878 2,877 ,441 2,469 ,035 (408 ,406) -14.19% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Gas Tax 1,945 ,467 1,613 ,036 1,618 ,207 5 ,171 0.32% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Prop 42 - 918 ,135 960 ,707 42 ,572 4.64% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Measure A - 675 ,000 1,254 ,837 579 ,837 85.90% 4090 Operating Transfer In-COPS 190 ,409 167 .573 100 ,000 (67 ,573) -40.32% 4090 Operating Transfer In-Other 82 ,675 0.00% 4400 -Financing Reimbursement 182 ,798 192 .500 192 ,500 - 0.00% 4402 -Prop 1B 750 ,000 825 ,217 (825 ,217) -100.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 63.212 .233 58.862 .869 57.226 .946 1,635 ,923 -2.78% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GAS TAx FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 100 GAS TAX FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 8,963 3,596 7,639 4,043 112.43% 4700 -Gas Tax 2106 379,057 341,000 335,531 (5,469) -1.60% 4701 -Gas Tax 2105 579,917 538,000 542,198 4,198 0.78% 4702 -Gas Tax 2107 776,030 720,000 722,839 2,839 0.39% 4704 -Gas Tax 2107.5 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 0.00% TOTAL GAS TAX FUND 1,753,967 1,612,596 1,618,207 5,611 , 0.35% STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 101 ST. TRANSPORTATION FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 19,962 4,828 (15,134) -75.81% 4160 -Traffic Congestion Relief 898,173 955,879 57,706 6.42% 4165 1 -Proposition 1 B Streets/Roads 1,455,935 1,455,935 -100.00% TOTAL ST. TRANSPORT. FUND - 2,374,070 960,707 (1,413,363) -59.53% CDBG FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 140 CDBG FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest - 0.00% 4081 -Com m unity Developm ent Block Grant 308,169 2,493,839 2,077,309 (416,530) -16.70% TOTAL CDBG FUND 308,169 2,493,839 2,077,309 (416,530) -16.70% LAw ENFORCEMENT FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 160 LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 2,530 - 0.00% 4085 -AB3229 (COPS) 188,320 167,132 100,000 (67,132) -40.17% TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FUND 190,850 167,132 100,000 67,132 -40.17% CITY COP DEBT SERVICE FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 370 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 8,009 12,000 12,000 - 0.00% 4090 -Operating Transfer In 1,111,916 1,540,387 428,471 38.53% 4800 -Bond Proceeds 2,035,000 0.00% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 2,043,009 1,123,916 1,552,387 428,471 38.12% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET TCSD GITYVnDE FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 190 TCSD FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT 180 NON DEPARTMENTAL 4004 -Special Tax 3,672,858 3,710,339 3,731,711 21,372 0.58% 4051 -Contributions 25,000 5,000 (5,000) -100.00% 4060 -Miscellaneous Non Taxable 231 260 (260) -100.00% 4062 -Recovery of Prior Year Expense 598 (598) -100.00% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 39,964 27,000 10,199 (16,801) -62.23% 4073 -TCSD Admin Fee CrediV'Rest" 5,898,839 5,619,794 5,702,252 82,458 1.47% 4076 -Reimbursements 30,663 31,000 31,000 - 0.00% 4077 -Lease Income 39,857 53,440 50,368 (3,072) -5.75% 4084 -Reimbursements (CIP) 6,115 15,256 15,000 (256) -1.68% 4104 -Extension of Time 2,242 1,960 1,568 (392) -20.00% 4105 -Tract Maps (573) 1,356 2,727 1,371 101.11% 4107 -Parcel Maps 699 2,084 1,109 (975) -46.79% 4119 -Development Plan 7,625 7,295 5,835 (1,460) -20.01% 4121 -Major Modification 4,079 6,398 3,935 (2,463) -38.50% 4123 Specific Plan 15,560 - 0.00% 4130 CEQA Environmental Impact Rpt 5,222 7,605 12,675 5,070 66.67% 4131 Development/AnnexationAgmt 8,177 8,177 0.00% 4135 -Parcel MapNVaiver 211 205 205 0.00% 4139 -Condo Tract Map 464 663 663 - 0.00% 4151 -Parcel Map Check 635 321 310 (11) -3.43% 4152 -Tract Map Check 32 1,070 1,070 - 0.00% 4192 -Specific Plan Amendment 876 - 0.00% 4284 -Plan Check (4,543) 1,383 2,051 668 48.30% 4290 -InspectionFees (4,562) 1,567 (1,567) -100.00% 4291 -Inspection Fees - Contract 250 - 0.00% 4360 -Improvement Plan Ck Off-Site 560 9 9 0.00% 4370 -Landscape Plan Check 1,614 (1,614) -100.00% 4371 -Landscape Inspection 4,562 1,567 (1,567) -100.00% 4390 -Street Lighting Fees 5,900 2,482 3,240 758 30.54% TOTAL DEPT 180 9,752,766 9,500,052 9,584,104 84,052 0.88% DEPT 181 SR. CENTER 4051 -Donations 400 400 0.00% 4980 -Classes/Activities 1,721 1,314 2,000 686 52.21% 4983 -Transportation 1,014 1,146 900 (246) -21.47% 4986 -Excursions 3,581 4,384 3,999 (385) -8.78% 4990 -Indoor Rentals 27,009 16,255 17,994 1,739 10.70% TOTAL DEPT 181 33,325 23,099 25,293 2,194 9.50% DEPT 182 CRC 4980 -Classes/Activities 25,360 24,560 20,000 (4,560) -18.57% 4990 -Indoor Rentals 43,728 45,188 36,010 (9,178) -20.31% TOTAL DEPT 182 69,088 69,748 56,010 (13,738) -19.70% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I 0-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET TCSD CITYVVIDE FUND (CONTINUED) ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 190 TCSD FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE DEPT 183 RECREATION 4070 -Cash Over & Short (15) 0.00% 4980 -Classes/Activities 0.00% New -After School Program 5,400 5,400 0.00% New -Rythms Dances 2,400 2,400 0.00% 4982 -Contracted Classes 376,621 378,983 355,000 (23,983) -6.33% 4984 -Day Camp 93,718 114,895 112,050 (2,845) -2.48% 4985 -Harveston Lake Paddle Boats 600 - 0.00% 4986 -Excursions 6,817 3,052 4,820 1,768 57.93% 4989 -Picnic Shelter Rentals 11,651 7,720 6,995 (725) -9.39% 4992 -Special Events 19,080 25,937 20,005 (5,932) -22.87% 4995 -High Hopes 330 420 1,510 1,090 259.52% 4998 -Skate Park 14,961 11,689 10,000 1,689 -14.45% TOTAL DEPT 183 523,763 542,696 518,180 24,516 -4.52% DEPT 184 TCC 4980 -Classes/Activities 1,418 976 1,000 24 2.46% 4990 -Indoor Rentals 14,078 3,968 6,010 2,042 51.46% TOTAL DEPT 184 15,496 4,944 7,010 2,066 41.79% DEPT 185 MUSEUM 4980 -Classes/Activities 2,666 3,120 (3,120) -100.00% 4984 Day Camp 1,485 3,900 3,900 0.00% 4985 -Magazines 2,506 2,331 (2,331) -100.00% 4990 -Indoor Rentals 949 1,390 1,200 (190) -13.67% 4991 -Museum Admissions 8,678 7,811 8,000 189 2.42% TOTAL DEPT 185 16,284 14,652 13,100 1,552 -10.59% DEPT 186 AQUATICS 4970 -Swim Lessons 98,811 98,752 98,010 (742) -0.75% 4971 -Lap Swim 6,930 8,494 6,000 (2,494) -29.36% 4972 -Public Swim 220 4,133 34,012 29,879 722.94% 4973 -Family Night Swim 117 - 0.00% 4974 -Pool Rentals 22,300 28,359 24,500 (3,859) -13.61% 4976 -Non-resident Swim 8,005 8,050 7,000 (1,050) -13.04% TOTAL DEPT 186 136,383 147,788 169,522 21,734 14.71% DEPT 187 SPORTS 4960 -Adult Softball 73,590 63,650 74,250 10,600 16.65% 4961 -Adult Basketball 2,443 0.00% 4963 -Tournaments 87,108 77,668 70,000 (7,668) -9.87% 4964 -Adult Leagues (non-resident) 9,190 5,020 6,250 1,230 24.50% 4965 -Youth Leagues (non-resident) 7,560 9,770 8,000 (1,770) -18.12% 4966 -Open Gym 2,068 1,465 2,600 1,135 77.47% 4988 -Field Rentals/Lights 83,446 94,000 94,000 - 0.00% 4997 -Sports Concessions 16,087 13,344 12,900 444 -3.33% TOTAL DEPT 187 281,492 264,917 268,000 3,083 1.16% DEPT 188 CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 4987 -Memberships 5 0.00% 4991 -Museum Admissions 98,674 99,366 104,003 4,637 4.67% TOTAL DEPT 188 98,679 99,366 104,003 4,637 4.67% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I 0-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET TCSD CITYVVIDE FUND (CONTINUED) ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 190 TCSD FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE 0.00% DEPT 189 COMMUNITY THEATER 4051 -Donations 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 100.00% 4070 -Cash Over& Short (30) 0.00% 4900 -T he aterSecurity 429 0.00% 4901 -T heater Ushers 13,296 11,102 12,100 998 8.99% 4906 -Theater - Stagehand Labor Reimb 93,959 107,900 99,396 (8,504) -7.88% 4907 -Theater-Ticket Services Reimb 66,327 67,059 64,750 (2,309) -3.44% 4910 -Theater-Temecula Presents 86,381 60,885 (25,496) -29.52% 4990 -Theater Rentals 83,007 82,020 80,775 (1,245) -1.52% 4991 -Theater Adm iss ions 94,256 23,242 23,200 (42) -0.18% 4997 -Concessions 41 1,791 5,002 3,211 179.29% 4999 -Theater-Equipment Rentals 16,761 18,046 16,800 (1,246) -6.90% TOTAL DEPT 189 370,046 398,541 364,908 (33,633) -8.44% DEPT 190 CULTURAL ARTS 4980 -Classes/Activities 8,030 2,965 2,500 (465) -15.68% 4981 -Film Festival 90 0.00% 4992 -Special Events 3,965 2,740 2,750 10 0.36% TOTAL DEPT 190 12,085 5,705 5,250 (455) -7.98% TOTAL TCSD 11,309,407 11,071,508 11,115,380 43,872 0.40% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET ALL SERVICE LEVEL FUNDS ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 192 SERVICE LEVEL "B" FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 627,389 641,255 641,435 180 0.03% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 2,521 296 296 0.00% 4073 -TCSD Admin Fee Credit/REST 223,241 317,057 93,816 42.02% 4090 -Operating Transfers In 60,000 0.00% 4390 -Street Lighting Fees 264 700 216 (484) -69.14% 4395 -Pro perty Owner Election Costs 452 0.00% TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "B" FUND 690,626, 865,196, 959,004 93,808 10.84% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 193 SERVICE LEVEL "C" FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 1,529,080 1,582,729 1,582,337 (392) -0.02% 4073 -TCSD Admin Fee CrediV'Rest" 415,242 0.00% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 10,031 5,000 2,095 (2,905) -58.10% 4076 -Reimbursements 8,589 0.00% 4291 -Inspection Fees - Contract 4,500 0.00% 4370 -Landscape Plan Check 6,656 2,706 (2,706) -100.00% 4371 -Landscape Inspection 7,500 0.00% 4395 -Pro ert Owner Election Costs 452 0.00% TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "C" FUND 1,982,050 1,590,435 1,584,432 (6,003) -0.38% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 194 SERVICE LEVEL "D" FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 5,200,216 5,663,861 6,000,240 336,379 5.94% 4025 -Grants 24,962 25,690 26,240 550 2.14% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 26,604 10,000 2,016 (7,984) -79.84% 4096 -Recycling Program 5,049 5,000 5,000 - 0.00% TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "D" FUND 5,256,831 5,704,551 6,033,496 328,945 5.77% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 195 SERVICE LEVEL "R" FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 9,868 576 3,687 3,111 540.10% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 1,051 1,000 919 81 -8.10% TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL'R" FUND 10,919 1,576 4,606 3,030 192.26% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 196 SERVICE LEVEL "L" FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 192,961 221,000 221,151 151 0.07% 4007 -Harveston Lake Boat Revenue 1,302 2,400 2,600 200 8.33% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 10,174 6,000 4,085 (1,915) -31.92% TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "L" FUND 204,437 229,400 227,836 (1,564)1 -0.68% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I 0-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET LIBRARY FUND ACCT NO 197 LIBRARY FUND FY 07-08 ACTUALS FY 08-09 REVISED ESTIMATES FY 09-10 ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+4545 -Investment Interest 65,121 40,000 49,591 9,591 23.98% 4070 -Cash Over & Short 278 0.00% 4073 -TCSD Admin Fee Credit/REST 1,178,005 1,134,905 (1,134,905) -100.00% 4271 -Fines & Fees 98,943 90,762 100,000 9,238 10.18% 4272 -Lost Damaged Materials 6,191 6,117 6,125 8 0.13% 4273 -Printing & Copies 21,543 24,228 24,750 522 2.15% 4274 -Facilities Rentals 17,678 15,090 17,540 2,450 16.24% 4997 -Library Concessions 788 175 (175) -100.00% TOTAL L IBRARY FUND 1,388,547 1,311,277 198,006 (1,113,271) -84.90% TCSD DEBT SERVICE FUND ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 390 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 2,095 0.00% 4090 -Operatin_iTransferIn 494,455 497,025 481,441 (15,584) -3.14% TOT-L DEBT -ERVICE FUND 496,550 497,025 481,441 15,584 -3.14% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET INTERNAL SERVICES FUNDS ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 300 INSURANCE FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 58,775 44,000 37,340 (6,660) -15.14% 4076 -Charges for Services 652,883 345,300 618,300 273,000 79.06% 4086 -Special Event Insurance Fees 1,834 0.00% ,4095 -Claims Recovery 860 0.00% TOTAL INSURANCE FUND 714,352 389,300 655,640 266,340 68.42% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 310 VEHICLES FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 24,573 16,000 16,495 495 3.09% 4076 -Charges for Services 323,636 355,800 109,900 (245,900) -69.11% 4550 -Gain on Disposal of Assets 6,705 2,542 (2,542) -100.00% TOTAL VEHICLES FUND 354,914 374,342 126,395 247,947 -66.24% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 320 INFO SYSTEMS FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4050 -Pay Telephone Revenue 56 0.00% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 25,114 17,000 10,139 (6,861) -40.36% 4076 -Charges for Services 2,328,132 2,199,270 2,104,700 (94,570) -4.30% TOTAL INFO SYSTEMS FUND 2,353,302 2,216,270 2,114,839 101,431 -4.58% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 330 SUPPORT SERVICES FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 12,432 8,000 7,217 (783) -9.79% 4076 -Charges for Services 356,961 374,061 421,000 46,939 12.55% TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES FUND 369,393 382,061 428,217 46,156 12.08% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 340 FACILITIES FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4065+454 -Investment Interest 4,311 3,000 2,115 (885) -29.50% 4076 -Charges for Services 623,449 798,500 914,100 115,600 14.48% TOTAL FACILITIES FUND 627,760 801,500 916,215 114,715 14.3126REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS ACCT NO 165 LOW/MOD HOUSING FUND FY 07-08 ACTUALS FY 08-09 REVISED ESTIMATES FY 09-10 ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4015 -Tax Increment 3,748,345 4,012,800 4,263,400 250,600 6.25% 4060 -Miscellaneous 2,782 0.00% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 346,024 258,000 208,417 (49,583) -19.22% 4066 -Loan Interest 71,850 23,682 23,682 0.00% 4072 -Sale of Property 295,499 314,635 314,635 0.00% 4075 -Rental Income 139,250 138,000 143,000 5,000 3.62% 4076 -Reimbursements 81,250 21,971 (21,971) -100.00% 4077 -Forgivable Loan Repayment 33,031 45,000 (45,000) -100.00% TOTAL LOW/MOD HOUSING FUND 4,718,031 4,475,771 4,953,134 477,363 , 10.67% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 280 REDEVELOPMENT FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4051 -Donations 1,500 0.00% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 990,282 337,040 48,645 (288,395) -85.57% 4066 -Loan Interest 5,557 0.00% 4075 -Rental Income 4,517 4,000 (4,000) -100.00% 4077 -Forgivable Loan Repayment 125,000 0.00% 4090 -Operating Transfers In 525,000 900,000 375,000 7143% TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUND 1,126,856 866,040 948,645 82,605 9.54% ACCT FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 REVISED NO 380 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUALS ESTIMATES ESTIMATES $ CHANGE % CHANGE 4015 -Tax Increment 14,993,382 16,051,200 17,053,600 1,002,400 6.25% 4065+454 -Investment Interest 451,118 315,318 34,317 (281,001) -89.12% 4800 -Bond Proceeds 15,790,000 0.00% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 31,234,500, 16,366,518, 17,087,917, 721,399 441% REVENUE DETAIL, FISCAL YEAR 2009-20 I 0-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 24 SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FISCAL, YEAR 2009-2,01 O-PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET Buildina & Safet ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR II BUILDING INSPECTOR III BUILDING OFFICIAL (NEW) CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II OFFICE ASSISTANT OFFICE SPECIALIST PARK RANGER PLAN CHECK COORDINATOR SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST Building & Safety Subtotals: City Clerk ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT CENTRAL SERVICES COORDINATOR CENTRAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR CITY CLERK/DIR OF SUPPORTS ERV DEPUTY DIR OF SUPPORT SERVICES OFFICE ASSISTANT OFFICE ASSISTANT- AM OFFICE ASSISTANT- PM OFFICE SPECIALIST RECORDS MANAGER City Clerk Subtotals: City Council COUNCILM EM BER City Council Subtotals: City ManaaerlHuman Resources ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (CM) ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER DEPUTY CITY MANAGER ECON. DEVELOPMENT ANALYST I ECON. DEVELOPMENT ANALYST II EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST OFFICE SPECIALIST- HR SENIOR HR ANALYST SEN10R MANAG EM EN T ANALYS T City Manager/Human Resources Subtotals Authorized Minimum Maximum Exempt! Count Non-Exempt 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 N E 7.0 4,429.47 5,670.00 N E 1.0 4,794.11 6,137.38 N E 1.0 7,930.73 10, 215.67 E 2.0 4,244.03 5,433.17 N E 2.0 4,670.07 5,976.99 N E 1.0 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE 1.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 N E 2.0 3,773.28 4,830.52 N E 1.0 5,092.19 6,559.32 N E 1.0 3,023.58 3,870.63 N E 20.0 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 N E 1.0 3,014.81 3,858.11 NE 1.0 3,531.55 4,649.03 N E 1.0 8,327.69 10, 658.34 E 1.0 6,403.03 8,198.63 E 1.0 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE 0.5 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE 0.5 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE 2.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 N E 1.0 4,590.05 5,912.49 E 10.0 5.0 0.00 860.00 E 5.0 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 N E 1.0 11, 264.80 14, 419.95 E 1.0 0.00 23, 821.00 E 1.0 11,147.00 14, 268.33 E 1.0 5,284.07 6,762.64 E 1.0 5,618.63 7,193.69 E 1.0 4,642.51 5,943.16 E 1.0 5,108.64 6,538.35 E 1.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 N E 1.0 5,618.63 7,193.69 E 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E 11.0 26 SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS-DRAFT FY2009- I O SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONs-DRAFT FY2009- 1 O Authorized Minimum Maximum Exemptl Count Non-Exempt Community Services ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE AQUATICS SUPERVISOR 1.0 4,354.30 5,573.51 NE COMMUNITY SVCS SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 6,702.49 8,579.54 E CULTURAL ARTS ADMINISTRATOR 1.0 6,683.70 8,556.98 E CUSTODIAN 3.0 2,630.13 3,366.92 NE DEPUTY DIR. OF COMMUNITY SVCS 1.0 7,966.81 10,197.22 E DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 1.0 9,944.09 12,728.35 E FACILITY SERVICES MANAGER 1.0 4,475.86 5,731.39 NE HUMAN SERVICES/TEEN MANAGER 1.0 5,003.63 6,403.77 E LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR 2.0 3,731.55 4,774.07 NE LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER 4.0 3,682.68 4,711.42 NE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 E MAINTENANCE SUPT. - TCSD 1.0 6,332.85 8,105.88 E MAINTENANCE WORKER 4.0 3,127.59 4,003.45 NE MUSEUM SERVICES MANAGER 2.0 4,475.86 5,731.39 NE OFFICE SPECIALIST 3.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 NE PARK/LANDSCAPE MAINTSUPV 1.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 E PATRON SERVICES COORDINATOR 1.0 3,731.55 4,774.07 NE RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 6,683.70 8,556.98 E RECREATION SUPERVISOR 3.0 4,354.30 5,573.51 NE SENIOR LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR 1.0 4,287.90 5,489.55 NE S EN 10R MANAGEM ENT ANALYST 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E SENIOR RECREATION COORDINATOR 2.0 3,911.98 5,005.88 NE THEATER TECHNICAL COORDINATOR 1.0 3,731.55 4,774.07 NE THEATER TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR 1.0 3,911.98 5,005.88 NE THEATRE MANAGER 1.0 5,398.08 6,909.98 E Community Services Subtotals: 41.0 Finance ACCOUNTANT 1.0 4,522.22 5,789.03 NE ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 1.0 2,924.59 3,742.82 NE ACCOUNTING MANAGER 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST 3.0 3,383.19 4,327.99 NE ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST-PAYROLL 1.0 3,383.19 4,327.99 NE ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1.0 7,895.37 10,108.26 E BUSINESS LICENSE SPECICASHIER 2.0 3,023.58 3,870.63 NE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1.0 9,944.09 12,728.35 E FISCAL SERVICES MANAGER 1.0 6,933.05 8,875.26 E PURCHASING COORDINATOR II 1.0 3,715.89 4,786.48 NE REVENUE MANAGER 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E SR MANAGEMENT ANALYST {NEW} 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E SENIOR DEBT ANALYST 1.0 6,206.30 7,945.50 E Finance Subtotals: 17.0 SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS-DRAFT FY2009- 1 O Authorized Minimum Maximum Exempt! Count Non-Exempt Fire ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE OFFICE SPECIALIST 1.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 NE SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 1.0 3,023.58 3,870.63 NE Fire Subtotals: 3.0 Information Systems ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE DEPUTY DIR OF INFO SYSTEMS 1.0 6,702.49 8,579.54 E DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.0 8,327.69 10,658.34 E GIS ADMINISTRATOR 1.0 5,738.91 7,344.06 E GIS ANALYST 1.0 4,369.34 5,593.78 NE I. S. A DM IN IS TRATO R 1.0 5,738.91 7,344.06 E INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 1.0 4,700.15 6,017.08 NE SR. GIS PROGRAMMER 1.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 NE SR. I.S. SPECIALIST 2.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 NE WEBMASTER 1.0 4,369.34 5,593.56 NE Information Systems Subtotals: 11.0 Plannina ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER 1.0 11,264.80 14,419.95 E ASSISTANT PLANNER 3.0 4,546.02 5,820.36 NE ASSOCIATE PLANNER 3.0 5,156.25 6,598.50 NE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING/REDEVELOP. 1.0 9,944.09 12,728.35 E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TECH 3.0 3,661.37 4,688.86 NE DEVELOPMENT PROC. COORDINATOR 1.0 4,671.31 5,979.49 NE OFFICE ASSISTANT 1.0 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE PRINCIPAL PLANNER 1.0 7,486.90 9,584.48 E SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 2.0 3,023.58 3,870.63 NE SENIOR PLANNER 1.0 6,512.04 8,335.21 E Planning Subtotals: 18.0 28 SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS-DRAFT FY2009-1 O Authorized Minimum Maximum Exempt! Count Non-Exempt Public Works ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE ASSISTANT ENGINEER 7.0 5,081.06 6,507.03 NE ASSISTANT SIGNAL TECHNICIAN 1.0 3,682.68 4,711.42 NE ASSOCIATE ENGINEER 10.0 5,975.73 7,648.54 E CITY ENGINEER 1.0 9,944.09 12,728.35 E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TECH 1.0 3,661.37 4,688.86 NE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 1.0 6,080.99 8,049.51 E JUNIOR ENGINEER 1.0 3,949.58 5,056.00 NE LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER 4.0 3,682.68 4,711.42 NE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 E MAINTENANCE SUPT. - PAN 1.0 6,332.85 8,105.88 E MAINTENANCE WORKER 6.0 3,127.59 4,003.45 NE MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1.0 5,618.63 7,193.69 E OFFICE ASSISTANT 2.0 2,457.21 3,145.13 NE OFFICE SPECIALIST 3.0 2,650.18 3,391.98 NE PRINCIPAL ENGINEER 2.0 8,025.70 10,272.41 E PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1.0 10,345.83 13,242.58 E PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 3.0 4,465.83 5,716.36 NE SENIOR ENGINEER 4.0 7,045.83 9,019.37 E SENIOR OFFICE SPECIALIST 1.0 3,023.58 3,870.63 NE SENIOR PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 3.0 5,134.95 6,573.43 NE SENIOR SIGNAL TECHNICIAN 1.0 5,154.99 6,597.23 NE SPECIAL PROJECTS ENGINEER 1.0 5,975.73 7,648.54 E SR. CIP SPECIALIST 1.0 4,438.36 5,681.65 NE Public Works Subtotals: 58.0 Redevelopment ADM IN ISTRATNE ASSISTANT 1.0 3,513.52 4,497.15 NE MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1.0 5,618.63 7,193.69 E SENIOR PLANNER 1.0 6,512.04 8,335.21 E Redevelopment Subtotals: 3.0 Department Totals FY 09110 Building & Safety 20.0 City Clerk 10.0 City Council 5.0 City Manager/Human Resources 11.0 Community Services 41.0 Finance 17.0 Fire 3.0 Information Systems 11.0 Planning 18.0 Public Works 58.0 Redevelopment 3.0 Total Authorized Positions: 197.0 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 30 CITIZENS OF TEMECULA MARYANN EDWARDS JEFF COMERCHERO Mayor Mayor Pro Tempore RONALD ROBERTS CHUCK WASHINGTON 11 11 MIKE NAGGAR Council Member Council Member Council Member DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 C17Y COUNCIL, 100 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 61,487.78 55,000.00 36,000.00 -20,000.00 -35.71 % 999 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 1,799.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 RETIREMENT 7,158.76 8,303.00 8,593.00 290.00 3.49% 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,227.80 522.00 522.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 0.C0 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,634.40 1,260.00 11140.00 -120.00 -9.52% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 922.47 945.00 1,050.00 105.00 11.11 % 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 442.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,847.00 680.00 637.00 -43.00 -6.32% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 16,567.38 32,500.00 54,600.00 22,100.00 68.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,941.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 300.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1,009.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 124,938.90 124,210.00 126,542.00 2,332.00 1.88% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 8,497.51 6,850.00 6,850.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,127.08 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 1,046.96 840.00 850.00 10.00 1.19% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 62,509.00 61,500.00 62,900.00 1,400.00 2.28% FY2009-I0 1 League of CA Cities 22,615.00 2 League of CA Cities 100.00 3 National League of Cities 7,432.00 4 Southern CA Assn of Govts 8,500.00 5 US Conf of Mayors 5,260.00 6 Intl Conf of Shopping Ctrs 50.00 7 Western Regional Council of 18,943.00 Governments 32 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY COUNCIL 100 999 5228 PLBLICATIONS 162.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 153.07 250.00 240.00 -10.00 -4.00% 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,070.45 11000.00 750.00 -250.00 -25.00 % FY2009-10 1 5 cell phones $150 each 750.00 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 7,500.00 7,500.00 31200.00 -4,300.00 -57.33% FY2009-10 1 State of the City Address 3,200.00 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 2,089.85 1,500.00 12,000.00 10,500.00 700.00% FY2009-10 1 Video Services/Special Events 10,500.00 2 Misc 1,500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 300.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 17,448.63 15,900.00 21,000.00 5,100.00 32.08% FY2009-10 1 League of CA Cities 3,000.00 2 National League of Cities 15,200.00 3 LIS Conf of Mayors 2,800.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 37,242.10 20,000.00 71500.00 -12,500.00 -62.50% FY2009-10 1 Closed Session Meals 6,500.00 2 Workshops 1,000.00 999 5265 RECOGNITION PROGRAM 6,167.10 6,750.00 4,000.00 -2,750.00 -40.74% FY2009-10 1 State of the City Mayoral 500.00 Program 2 Commission Recognition 3,500.00 Program 999 5270 CITY PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM 10,000.00 0.00 -10,000.00 -100.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 145,313.75 133,290.00 119,990.00 -13,300.00 -9.98% 999 5330 INSURANCE 14,505.00 6,824.00 18,700.00 11,876.00 174.03% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 68,686.00 46,157.00 43,400.00 -2,757.00 -5.97% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 26,561.00 23,148.00 26,100.00 2,952.00 12.75% 999 5350 FACILITIES 66,234.00 80,100.00 92,400.00 12,300.00 15.35% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 175,986.00 156,229.00 180,600.00 24,371.00 15.60% 33 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY COUNCIL 100 999 5501 OFFICE FLRNISHINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 446,238.65 413,729.00 427,132.00 13,403.00 3.24% CITY COUNCIL Total 446,238.65 413,729.00 427,132.00 13,403.00 3.24% 34 DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL - - - PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL MISSION: The City Council is elected by the citizens of Temecula to set overall policies, legislative and otherwise, to give direction to the City Manager to ensure his effective and efficient operation of the City, and to identify the types and levels of programs and services to be provided to its residents. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Adopted the revised Noise Ordinance ■ Established city/county schools partnership ■ Construction completed on parking structure at Promenade Mall ■ Increased General Fund Reserves to $23 million ■ Established Business Recognition Program ■ Completed Bike Trails Master Plan ■ Began implementation of Youth Master Plan ideas ■ Cal State San Marcos opened in Temecula and classes started ■ Temecula Higher Education Foundation established ■ Animal Shelter Joint Powers Authority issued bonds for a new animal shelter ■ Groundbreaking of Parking Garage in Old Town ■ Liquid Natural Gas and Compressed Natural Gas Station construction completed ■ Instituted the Mayor's Youth Employment Program GOAL 1: PROVIDE A SAFE, SECURE, CLEAN, HEALTHY, AND ORDERLY COMMUNITY BY BALANCING THE UTILIZATION OF OPEN SPACE, PARKS, TRAIL FACILITIES, QUALITY JOBS, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, AND ADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTIVES: ➢ Encourage recreational and educational programs for all age groups Preserve natural resources while stimulating technology and promoting commerce Adopt City Ordinances using sound fiscal policy Enhance and revitalize historic areas Adopt policies and procedures using legislative action consistent with City goals Encourage local job creation through retention and attraction efforts DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL - - - - PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL GOAL 2: TO WORK COLLABORATIVELY WITH THE CITY MANAGER TO EN SURE THAT ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS OPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AN D EFFECTIVELY AS POSSIBLE OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide clear policy direction to City staff in programs and services offered by the City ➢ Entrust City Manager to provide appropriate staff development and training for the betterment of City operation ➢ Support the City Manager to continue to identify and implement efficiencies within the Community Development process GOAL 3: EN HANCE COMMUNICATION TO ENSURE THAT CITIZENS ARE WELL INFORMED ON COMMUNITY ISSUES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Organize Town Hall meetings in an effort to address public issues ➢ Maintain regular updates and accessible information on City website ➢ Distribute City newsletters to update the community on capital projects, recreational events, and other community items of interest ➢ Use City Council meeting intermissions to disseminate community information ➢ Introduce content and coordinate educational government channels through local cable providers GOAL 4: IMPROVE THE CITY'S INFLUENCE IN INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS AND INTRAGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Lobby State legislators to ensure they support positions that further the City's interest Lobby Federal legislators to obtain funds for the City's transportation needs, as well as other City priorities Continue City Council member attendance and participation on local, regional, statewide, and national boards and commissions Continue joint meetings with the Temecula Valley Unified School District Board so that the two governing entities are working towards common goals Work closely with City of Temecula Commissions through joint meetings and Commissioner participation during Council meetings Continue to support the Temecula Sister City Association to enhance foreign relations with Temecula's Sister Cities Maintain cooperative working relationships with the Pechanga Tribe DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL - - - PROGRAM: CITY COUNCIL GOAL 5: EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT AND ADMINISTER THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN OBJECTIVES: ➢ Continue joint meetings with the City of Murrieta, particularly in the areas of traffic circulation and economic development ➢ Meet regularly with Temecula Valley Unified School District on issues of mutual concern and work to develop consensus on solutions Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Percent of citizen concerns responded to within three 97% 98% 97% 97% business days of receipt Number of citizen concern 200 433 200 200 correspondences addressed Number of outside organization 500 469 500 500 meetings 37 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 38 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 COMMUNITY SUPPORT 101 PROJECT 999 999 5267 COMMUNITY SERVICES FUNDING 172,500.00 90,000.00 80,000.00 -10,000.00 -11.11 % FY2O09-10 1 Community Services 60,000.00 2 Rape Crisis Center 10,000.00 3 SAFE 10,000.00 999 5280 SISTER CITIES 28,588.43 22,900.00 22,900.00 0.00 0.00% FY2OO9-10 1 Summer Student Visit - 250.00 Nakayama 2 15th Anniversary 4,500.00 3 Student Sponsorship (17 3,400.00 travelers @ $200) 4 Adult Trip (2 @ $2,375 ea) 4,750.00 5 TSCA Sponsorship 7,500.00 6 Restock of Exchange Gifts (gift 2,500.00 for both cities) 999 5285 CCLNCIL DISCRETIONARY 46,662.00 50,000.00 47,500.00 -2,500.00 -5.00% FY2OO9-10 1 Susan G Komen (plus City 22,500.00 support costs) 2 $5000 for each Council Member 25,000.CO 999 5286 TEMECULAVALLEY ARTS COUNCIL 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 -20,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 267,750.43 182,900.00 150,400.00 -32,500.00 -17.77% Project Total 267,750.43 182,900.00 150,400.00 -32,500.00 -17.77% COMMUNITY SUPPORT Total 267,750.43 182,900.00 150,400.00 -32,500.00 -17.77% 39 DEPARTMENT: CITY COUNCIL - - - PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SUPPORT MISSION: The Community Support Program is responsible for funding various special programs within the City, such as the Community Services Funding Program, Sister Cities Program, and other non-profit organizations. It also funds the Temecula Valley Arts Council and the Temecula Valley Playhouse providing cultural events to the community. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Sponsored Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure ■ Continued support for various community service agencies ■ Supported Rape Crisis Center ■ Supported S.A. F. E. Program ■ Assisted with the student exchanges to and from both Sister Cities, Nakayama, Japan, and Leidschendam-Voorburg, Netherlands ■ Continued support of annual Children's Matsuri Japanese Festival GOAL 1: FUND LOCAL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH PROVIDE THE CITIZENS OF TEMECULA CULTURAL EVENTS, NEEDED SERVICES, OR EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Number of organizations funded Total funding for organizations/community Number of students funded for exchange trips to Sister Cities Projected FY 2007-OS Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 40 40 40 40 $281,400 $267,750 $246,000 $246,000 17 40 23 17 15 CITY MANAGER Shawn D. Nelson ASSISTANT CITY MANAGERS Aaron Adams Bob Johnson GENERAL EMERGENCY AINISTRATION MANAGEMENT DEPUTY CITY MANAGER Grant Yates ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Public Information Preparedness Business Attraction Intergovernmental I Coordination I Business Retention I Public Relations Training [ . Marketing I ..........I.......... Animal Control Emergency Operations • Labor Development Center Old Town Promotions HUMAN RESOURCES 41 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY MANAGER 1 10 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 658,471.52 708,571.00 742,950.00 34,379.00 4.85% 999 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATIO 15,177.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 PERS RETIREMENT 142,565.33 145,550.00 155,104.00 10,554.00 7.25% 999 5104 MEDICARE 10,129.88 10,095.00 10,773.00 678.00 6.72% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,617.94 1,260.00 1,140.00 -120.00 -9.52% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 1,217.63 1,134.00 1,050.00 -84.00 -7.41% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,915.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 12,446.68 9,239.00 9,200.00 -39.00 -0.42% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 17,403.04 68,250.00 71,352.00 3,102.00 4.55% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,214.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 3,025.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 283.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEM 7,187.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 413.03 7,575.00 0.00 -7,575.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 28,513.14 8,000.00 0.00 -8,000.00 -100.00% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 565.00 0.00 -565.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 728.65 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 418.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 908,327.55 967,039.00 999,369.00 32,330.00 3.34% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 3,011.18 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - 927.22 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,555.84 3,593.62 2,000.00 -1,593.62 -44.35% 999 5222 PRINTING 25,446.84 2,000.00 1,000.00 -11000.00 -50.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 14,998.00 16,325.00 5,325.00 -11,000.00 -67.38% 42 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I CITY MANAGER 1 10 FY2009-I0 1 CAPIO 200.00 2 ICMA 4,500.00 3 CCMF 300.00 4 MMASC 300.00 5 IEMA 25.00 999 5228 PLBLICATIONS 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING FY2009-10 1 Misc Postage 850.00 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES FY2009-10 1 Federal Lobbyist 42,000.00 2 State Lobbyist 42,000.00 3 State of the City 2010 7,000.00 4 Group One Productions (2 4,200.00 vig-iettes) 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES FY2009-10 1 Various 500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 999 5258 CONFERENCES 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS FY2009-10 1 Community Workshops 500.00 2 Working Lunches 1,000.00 3 Various Meetings 1,500.00 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 999 5262 MILEAGE 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE 999 5278 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FY2009-10 1 Radios, cell phones, satellite 3,500.00 phones 2 Public Safety Expo 1,500.00 712.68 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00% 21,613.14 1,000.00 850.00 -150.00 -15.00% 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00% 309.70 500.00 800.00 300.00 60.00% 85,200.00 91,600.00 95,200.00 3,600.00 3.93% 3,329.93 1,000.00 500.00 -500.00 -50.00 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,988.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,657.27 3,000.00 31000.00 0.00 0.00% 2,05626 0.00 0.00 0.00 684.67 700.00 1,000.00 300.00 42.85% 4,609.39 3,500.00 31500.00 0.00 0.00% 7,761.86 7,500.00 51000.00 -2,500.00 -33.33% 43 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY MANAGER 1 10 999 5279 AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 179,862.89 135,568.62 122,925.00 -12,643.62 -9.33% 999 5330 INSURANCE 14,505.00 7,557.00 18,700.00 11,143.00 147.45% 999 5335 VEHICLES 7,221.00 7,300.00 2,600.00 -41700.00 -64.38% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 68,018.00 71,607.00 69,600.00 -2,007.00 -2.80% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 7,066.00 8,269.00 6,400.00 -11869.00 -22.60% 999 5350 FACILITIES 25,048.00 31,800.00 37,400.00 51600.00 17.61% 999 5374 HOMELAND SECURITY GRA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 121,858.00 126,533.00 134,700.00 8,167.00 6.45% Project Total 1,210,048.44 1,229,140.62 1,256,994.00 27,853.38 2.27% CITY MANAGER Total 1,210,048.44 1,229,140.62 1,256,994.00 27,853.38 2.27% 44 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION MISSION: The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the organization. The City Manager's Office coordinates the implementation of policy and programs established by the City Council. The City Manager provides overall direction to the administration of City programs and services; coordinates economic development and marketing activities; inter- governmental relations, lobbying, and public relations efforts; oversees inter-departmental programs for Human Resources, strategic planning, emergency preparedness and animal control. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Successfully produced Temecula Outreach Videos, website, and collateral materials ■ Creation, implementation, and sending out of inaugural issue electronic newsletter to better communicate with Temecula residents ■ Produced and sent out inaugural electronic newsletter to Temecula residents and businesses ■ Produced and sent out two newsletters to every Temecula resident and business ■ Worked to support and pass annexation legislation - Senate Bill 301 ■ Increase use of City's Government Education Channel to keep the public better informed ■ Worked with the Promenade Mall to place an LCD monitor at the mall to show the City's Government Education Channel ■ Produced four vignettes for the City's Government Education Channel ■ Cal State San Marcos opened in Temecula and classes started ■ Temecula Higher Education Foundation established ■ Down's Fueling groundbreaking ■ Through Lobbying and Legislative Efforts, obtained $3.349 million for the Murrieta Creek Restoration Project, and $142,500 for the French Valley Airport Study GOAL 1: COORDINATE THE WORK EFFORTS OF ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS TO ACHIEVE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY GOALS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct weekly staff meetings with all department directors to ensure work efforts are coordinated effectively Conduct a retreat for department directors to establish service level and program goals Encourage and provide resources for continued education and staff development Respond to all citizen complaints within a timely manner 45 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION GOAL 2: COORDINATE AND PROVIDE TIMELY AND ACCURATE INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC AND MEDIA REGARDING CITY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Prepare timely press releases regarding City events and activities ➢ Conduct monthly press briefings as appropriate for dissemination of public information ➢ Develop and publish the community newsletter Continue to have open communication with media regarding City programs ➢ Coordinate existing uses of media (website, cable, print, workshops) for the benefit of public education GOAL 3: UPHOLD THE CITY'S SUPERIOR LEVEL OF CUSTOMER SERVICE BY PROACTIVELY SUPPORTING EMPLOYEES IN MAINTAINING POSITIVE CITIZEN RELATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide training to all employees on the importance of positive customer service and public relations efforts to ensure great customer service is provided continually to all residents Facilitate staff and City Council workshops to obtain public input regarding City projects GOAL 4: REPRESENT THE CITY'S INTERESTS IN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AF FAI RS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Attend monthly Western Riverside Council of Governments Technical Advisory Committee Meetings Track legislative bills and provide support/opposition as requested or required Encourage State and Federal legislatures to use City Hall as community resource Encourage department directors or assigned staff to attend relevant intergovernmental meetings and report on pertinent issues Assign staff to represent the City on the Southwest Legislative Council for the region Assign staff to represent the City on the annual coordination of the Legislative Summit 46 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER - - - - - - PROGRAM: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-11 Number of legislative responses 5 3 5 5 submitted N um ber of com m unity workshops 7 7 5 6 held Number of community newsletters 4 4 2 4 published 47 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER - - - - - PROGRAM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MISSION: In case of emergency, the City Manager is the Disaster Director. The mission of this program is to implement, monitor and coordinate the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This program also provides overall coordination and training, and monitors the operational readiness within the various sections of the emergency management organizational structure. This program promotes increased preparedness of the City to respond to disasters. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Installed backup generator at the Temecula Library to enhance communications during an emergency ■ Additional training, special events, and activities for membership within Temecula Citizens Corps (TCC) ■ Completed second Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trailer ■ Quarterly Speaker Night Community Workshops to provide Emergency Management information to the community ■ Conducted one Emergency Operations Center (EOC) disaster drill and one Temecula Citizens Corps disaster drill ■ Assisted Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in earning Disaster Preparedness Badges • Assisted middle schools and high schools with community service hours ■ Applied for grant monies and received $9,500 of Emergency Management Performance Grants for reimbursement, and $11,620 of Homeland Security Grant Program funds for equipment GOAL 1: ENSURE ALL CITY EMPLOYEES ARE ADEQUATELY TRAINED ON HOW TO REACT AND WHAT ROLE TO ASSUME DURING AN EMERGENCY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide employees with required National Incident Management System (NIMS) ➢ Continue to work through the emergency management committee for the benefit of citywide preparation ➢ Continue to train employees by simulating actual City disasters and cross train employees in different functions GOAL 2: INFORM/INVOLVE THE COMMUNITY IN THE CITY'S DISASTER PLANS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Continue the citywide Temecula Citizen Corps Training Program ➢ Coordinate with the Temecula Citizen Corps Program to develop a plan to involve homeowners' associations with disaster preparedness plans ➢ Increase City communication during emergencies 48 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of employees trained in NIMS 160 22 50 50 emergency training courses Number of meetings and training drills 30 30 35 35 held Number of CERT trainings/classes 4 3 5 2 Number of active members of TCC 300 325 330 276 49 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 50 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ANIMAL. CONTROL 172 PROJECT 999 999 5255 ANIMAL CCNTROL 156,000.00 160,000.00 155,000.00 -41000.00 -2.50% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 156,000.00 160,000.00 155,000.00 -4,000.00 -2.50% 999 5453 VECTOR CONTROL 13,036.81 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 13,036.81 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 169,036.81 175,000.00 171,000.00 -4,000.00 -2.29% ANIMAL CCNTRCL Total 169,036.81 175,000.00 171,000.00 -4,000.00 -2.29% 51 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: ANIMAL CONTROL MISSION: The City of Temecula receives animal control services from Animal Friends of the Valley (AFV), a 501 c(3) non-profit agency, dedicated to fulfilling the animal control needs through contractual agreements. AFV monitors dog licensing, patrols City neighborhoods, and ensures the safety of not only Temecula residents, but also animals found and detained from this area 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Cared for and sheltered over 8,000 animals at the shelter Conducted 12 low cost vaccination clinics Through AFV's humane education program, 9,108 children and 512 adults were taught responsible pet ownership, bite prevention and compassion Voted non-profit of the year for 2008 by Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce Nominated non-profit of the year by Wildomar Chamber of Commerce Provided 52 licensing clinics at Petco in Temecula for citizens convenience Successfully, and without any injuries, removed 104 live animals and 204 dead animals from a Temecula citizen in a hoarding case. Purchased a new modular after the tragic shelter fire in which we now have triple the space to house small dogs, a cat isolation room, storage, a groom room, and an animal control office GOAL 1: PROVIDE EFFECTIVE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR TEMECULA RESIDENTS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE CITY'S ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION OBJECTIVES: ➢ Routinely patrol neighborhoods to ensure that animals are properly contained ➢ Respond to citizen complaints regarding barking, dangerous or vicious, and stray animals ➢ Monitor the City's dog licensing program to ensure timely processing and compliance with the State and City's mandated vaccination and licensing laws ➢ Provide a safe and clean shelter facility for sheltered animals ➢ Enforce rabies control laws ➢ Adopt homeless animals into loving homes Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-OS FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of new licenses issued 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 Number of license renewals 1,700 3,026 2,000 2,250 issued Number of administrative hearings 20 27 30 34 conducted THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONOMC DEVEL.OPIVIENT 1 1 1 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 168,843.45 257,323.00 280,337.00 23,014.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 34,435.59 54,324.00 59,309.00 4,985.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,251.14 3,950.00 4,065.00 115.00 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 2,300.00 2,400.00 21400.00 0.00 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 260.00 378.00 570.00 192.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 281.55 879.00 525.00 -354.00 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 957.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 2,617.32 2,708.00 2,366.00 -342.00 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,555.86 26,250.00 27,300.00 1,050.00 999 5114 DENTPL INSURANCE 704.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 217.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 2,395.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 -2,500.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 339.07 15,070.00 0.00 -15,070.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 565.00 0.00 -555.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 200.00 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 780.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BE NEFITS Total 225,140.57 367,347.00 377,872.00 10,525.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 513.08 750.00 750.00 0.00 999 5222 PRINTING 0.00 825.00 1,000.00 175.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1,050.00 80.00 51300.00 5,220.00 FY2009-10 1 Nat'l Assn of Office Properties 3,000.00 (NAIOP) 2 International Council of 300.00 Shopping Ctrs (ICSC) 3 Assn of Corp Real Estate Exec. 300.00 4 BIOCOM San Diego 1,200.00 5 Calif Assn Econ Dev 500.00 53 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONOMC DEVEL.OPIVIENT 1 1 1 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 999 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 999 5258 CONFERENCES 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS FY2009-10 1 NAIOP Sponsored Events 2 BIOCOM Sponsored Events 3 SW CA Business Summit 4 ICSC Idea Exchange 5 EDC, Riverside County EDA, Chamber 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 999 5262 MILEAGE 999 5264 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FY2009-10 1 Chamber of Commerce 2 Inland Empire Film Commission 3 Temecula Valley Convention & Visitor's Bureau 4 Riverside County EDA 5 Economic Development Corp (EDC) 999 5265 RECOGNITION PROGRAM FY2009-10 1 Business Retention & Industry Recognition Plaques 1 and Framed Articles 2 Reception 999 5266 SPONSORSHIP 445.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00% 867.22 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 4,900.00 35,750.00 0.00 -36,750.00 -100.00% 1,483.35 31,245.00 11000.00 -30,245.00 -96.80% 3,443.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,370.58 7,000.00 71000.00 0.00 0.00% 100.00 125.00 500.00 375.00 300.00% 348.05 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 337,400.00 339,650.00 272,760.00 -66,890.00 -19.69% 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 136,260.00 5,000.00 108,000.00 17,000.00 6,500.00 243.52 1,500.00 51000.00 3,500.00 233.33% 4,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 110,000.00 94,500.00 94,800.00 54 300.00 0.32% THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPOiRMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GENERAL FUND 001 ECONOMC DEVEL.OPIVIENT 1 1 I FY2009-10 1 Balloon & Wine Festival 26,775.00 2 Film & Music Festival 45,900.00 3 Int'I Jazz Festival (plus City 5,625.00 Support Costs) 4 Gospel Festival 2,500.00 5 2009 Fall Rod Run Shuttle Cost 7,000.00 6 2010 Spring Rod Run Shuttle 7,000.00 Cost 99D 5270 CITY PRCMOTIONAL PRCGRAM FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 25,176.06 55 84,566.00 76,500.00 -8,066.00 -9.54% THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrrms, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 FY2009-I t1 1 Business Kits 6,000.00 2 Demographic Insert) Design & 5,000.00 Printing Cost 3 Guide to On-Line Business 3,500.00 Resources 4 Retail Insert 5,000.00 5 On-Line Business Newsletter 500.00 6 Photography for marketing 5,000.00 materials, website, ads 7 Business Brochure 5,500.00 8 Stock Photos / Output of Film 1,500.00 for Marketing 8 Materials 0.00 9 SD, Orange Cty Bs burnals - 15,000.00 $5,000- 9 I.E. Film Production Chide - 0.00 $3,000- 9 SD Daily Transcript - $2,5C0- 0.00 9 Trade Publications - $4,500 0.00 10 Ad Design - Graphic Insert for 7,000.00 City Sponsored 10 brckers/business ads 0.00 10 Event Programs, film 0.00 production guide, 11 Promotional Items Gift 5,000.00 Baskets for E.D. 11 Tradeshows, events, giveaways 0.00 12 Testimonial Insert 5,000.00 13 Available Site Tour/Venues - 8,000.00 Prospective Business 13 NAIOP Bus Tour - $3,000 0.00 13 Prospective Business Tours 0.00 $3,000 13 SD / Orange & LA Go Broker 0.00 Outreach $2,000- 13 & Brokers- 0.00 14 Workforce Development- 3,000.00 14 Support Mayor's Summer Youth 0.00 Prog & 14 College/Vocational Invitational, 0.00 & Workforce 14 Dev. EDA 0.00 15 Claritas, Dataquick Info. 1,500.00 999 5271 BANNER PROGRAM 43,229.40 43,809.48 16,000.00 -27,809.48 -63.48% 56 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OIL TRADmoNS, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 ECONOMC DEVEL.OPIVIENT 1 1 1 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 532,570.20 644,050.48 483,860.00 -160,190.48 -24.87% 999 5330 INSLRANCE 4,352.00 2,097.00 9,300.00 7,203.00 343.49% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 21,511.00 17,987.00 24,400.00 6,413.00 35.65% 999 5345 SLPPORT SERVICES 2,007.00 1,565.00 3,300.00 11735.00 110.86% 999 5350 FACILITIES 3,855.00 4,800.00 6,300.00 11500.00 31.25% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 31,725.00 26,449.00 43,300.00 16,851.00 63.71 % Project Total 789,435.77 1,037,846.48 905,032.00 -132,814.48 -12.80% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Total 789,435.77 1,037,846.48 905,032.00 -132,814.48 -12.80% 57 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MISSION: The Economic Development Program is responsible for maintaining a sound and diverse economic base for business development, workforce development and tourism for the City. The Economic Development partners have been a key component in Temecula's success as they have worked together with City Council and City staff. Through various professional affiliations such as the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau, Riverside County Economic Development Agency, Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California, Riverside County Workforce Development Agency, and the Inland Empire Film Commission, many partnerships have been formed which have helped to create a strong healthy economy and enhance our exceptional quality of life. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Abbott Laboratories - completion of two new buildings totaling 300,000 square feet of office, lab, manufacturing space, and parking structure ■ Professional Hospital Supply ("PHS") - 600,000 square foot distribution center and headquarters expansion with an anticipated 20 to 30 percent growth in jobs over the next five years ■ Promenade Mall - March 2009 opening of its 126,000 square foot expansion which includes a new upscale retail outdoor lifestyle center, and ring road improvements and the completion of two parking structures ■ Crown Plaza Hotel - approximately 125,000 square foot, five-story, full service hotel with 168 guest rooms and suites proposed ■ Spring Hill Suites - 142 unit, three-story hotel on approximately three acres under construction ■ California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) - accelerated nursing program underway with enrollment of 49 nursing students and over 500 applications submitted for 80 spots for next nursing cohort program ■ Awarded the Community Engagement Award for the City of Temecula's role in founding CSUSM's first off-campus branch ■ Chapman University, which occupies 3,875 square feet at the Temecula Education Complex, entered into a lease agreement with Mt. San Jacinto College ■ National University opened a unique online information center allowing potential students access to National University's online courses ■ Established a 501c(3) nonprofit Higher Education Foundation ■ Expansion of Old Town Promotions Program ■ Old Town Visitors Intercept Survey ■ Old Town marketing and special events DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL 1: DEVELOP A DIVERSE ECONOMIC BASE TO INCLUDE A RANGE OF MANUFACTURING, RETAIL AND SERVICE ACTIVITIES, AND VINTNERS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Attract new business including high tech, semi-conductor, and health technology and manufacturing, biomedical and biotech, tele- communications, electronics, office, vintners, Temecula business suppliers, and research and development space ➢ Promote retail and other support activities that provide a broader selection of high quality goods and services for residents, workers, and tourists, including automobiles, apparel, general merchandise, home furnishings, appliances, and restaurants ➢ Develop and adopt a Quality of Life Master Plan which will include business attraction, business retention, workforce development, tourism, higher education, and aviation components ➢ Establish a Blue Ribbon Committee that will guide the Master Plan process in conjunction with a hired consultant. The Committee will discuss the scope and mission for the master plan. Members of the Committee will include the Economic Development Subcommittee, staff, and business leaders ➢ Acknowledging Temecula businesses and industries via the "Companies in my Background" Recognition Program GOAL 2: DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN AN ECONOMIC BASE THAT PROVIDES A SOUND FISCAL FOUNDATION FOR THE CITY, AS WELL AS QUALITY COMMUNITY FACI LITI ES AND HIGH SERVICE LEVELS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Promote Temecula as a major retail hub along Interstate-15 corridor to help lure high-end retailers and restaurants Monitor existing businesses and remain engaged in monthly business retention and expansion efforts Continue to update the Economic Development section on City of Temecula's website Provide site selection assistance through updated City GIS search capabilities and demographics and personal site tours Update economic demographic data base Create niche marketing materials for targeted business attraction efforts Nurture relationships with local commercial broker industry and provide them with current development and demographic information Incorporate economic development strategies into community events by giving local businesses an opportunity to provide goods and services at city sponsored events, thus, supporting the Temecula Chamber's "Shop Temecula First" campaign DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL 3: ESTABLISH A DIVERSE EDUCATION, TRAINING AND JOB PLACEMENT SYSTEM, WHICH WILL DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN A HIGH QUALITY WORK FORCE IN TEMECULA OBJECTIVES: ➢ Work with colleges and universities on developing multiple higher education opportunities ➢ Support and develop activities in higher education and skills training for excellent workforce development with the school district, local colleges, and Riverside County EDA Support job placement through City website, job databases, job fairs, and posting system ➢ Concentrated effort for job creation through business expansions and relocations with marketing partners and business and broker communities ➢ In support of the Temecula Youth Master Plan goals and in partnership with Temecula's Human Services Manger, the Temecula Unified School District, Temecula Higher Education Partners, Temecula Chamber and Workforce Development Center, encourage an increase of apprenticeship, internship and youth employment opportunities. GOAL 4: DEVELOP TEMECULA AS A COMPREHENSIVE, RECOGNIZABLE TOURIST DESTI NATION, WITH A RANGE OF ATTRACTIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Increase the number of tourists visiting Temecula and increase attendance at all special events through the Marketing Outreach and Promotional Program ➢ Work cooperatively with subcommittee or working group of Merchantsfremecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau to establish annual programming ➢ Promote Temecula as a prime tourist destination in cooperation with the winery industry and the Temecula Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau and special event organizations ➢ Support and utilize the new Temecula Valley Southern California Wine Country brand in City's marketing and promotions ➢ Revitalize and enhance Old Town to expand its role in local tourism and improve its attractiveness, accessibility, and economic vitality through the development of the Children's Museum, Temecula Valley Museum, Community Theater, and special events DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of Alliance and City inquiries 46 500 82 163 100 000 100 000 and web page views" , , , , Number of Alliance and City leads and 450 722 150 500 trade show inquiries"* Number of retention visits 30 19 25 24 Number of commercial broker 3 4 4 5 meetings and events Number of trade shows and expos 15 9 13 5 Number of City and Alliance business 18 16 12 10 resources Number of special events sponsored 7 7 7 8 Filming and photo shoot leads** NIA 2,120 2,790 2,125 Filming and photo projects"* NIA 22 9 9 Film production days"* NIA 49 41 29 Film Industry Trade Shows/FAMs"* NIA 4 4 4 " The Southwest California Economic Al liance organization dissol ved. There wil l be no more reporting beginning fiscal year 2008-2009. Riverside County EDA and EDC replace the Alliance reporting beginning fiscal year 2008-09. "*Inland Empire Film Commission Report for calendar yea r 2008 Inl and Empire 61 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 62 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 HUMAN RESOURCES 150 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 317,025.46 295,409.00 285,892.00 -9,517.00 -3.22% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 63,111.83 65,367.00 59,853.00 -5,514.00 -8.44% 999 5104 MEDICARE 4,583.13 4,430.00 4,145.00 -285.00 -6.43% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 2,300.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,077.57 882.00 570.00 -312.00 -35.37% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 681.25 662.00 525.00 -137.00 -20.69% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,842.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 3,490.00 2,641.00 2,379.00 -262.00 -9.92% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 36,750.00 27,300.00 -91450.00 -25.71 % 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 288.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEM 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 -500.00 -16.67% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 2,505.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 872.70 1,400.00 1,000.00 -400.00 -28.57% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 160.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5199 BENEFITS ADVANCED -4,293.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 397,195.05 413,041.00 385,564.00 -26,477.00 -6.41% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 990.26 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,850.88 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 4,471.31 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 92.96 200.00 100.00 -100.00 -50.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 1,850.04 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 11,012.80 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00% 63 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 HUMAN RESOURCES 150 FY2009-20 1 Horizon Health 10,000.00 2 Organizational Needs 3,000.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 23,521.44 21,000.00 16,000.00 -5,000.00 -23.81 % FY2009-I0 1 Dept of Justice 5,500.00 2 DOT Random Drug Pool Prog 2,000.00 3 Uhisource 1,500.00 4 Health Point (1st Care) 5,500.00 5 CALPACS 1,500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 46,073.75 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 659.01 600.00 600.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5259 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 10,499.44 10,000.00 11,000.00 1,000.00 10.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 6,436.69 1,000.00 21000.00 1,000.00 100.00% FY2009-20 1 Management Retreat 1,000.00 2 Mid-Manager Retreat 1,000.00 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 4,746.29 4,500.00 11000.00 -3,500.00 -77.78% 999 5262 MILEAGE 596.63 600.00 500.00 -100.00 -16.67% 999 5265 RECOGNITION PROGRAM 52,029.40 21,150.00 17,000.00 -4,150.00 -19.62% FY2009-I0 1 Employee Quarterly Luncheons 7,500.00 2 Enhanced Safety 500.00 3 Team PACE 3,500.00 4 Gift Giving / Race for the Cure 500.00 5 Service Awards / Gifts 5,000.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 166,430.90 116,950.00 105,600.00 -11,350.00 -9.71% 999 5330 INSURANCE 10,153.00 4,827.00 9,300.00 4,473.00 92.67% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 31,543.00 30,788.00 30,600.00 -188.00 -0.61% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5,128.00 11,940.00 61100.00 -5,840.00 -48.91% 999 5350 FACILITIES 14,359.00 17,200.00 17,900.00 700.00 4.07% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 61,183.00 64,755.00 63,900.00 -855.00 -1.32% Project Total 624,808.95 594,746.00 556,064.00 -38,682.00 -6.50% HJMAN RESOURCES Total 624,808.95 594,746.00 556,064.00 -38,682.00 -6.50% 64 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES MISSION: Human Resources is responsible for providing a comprehensive Human Resources Program throughout the City. Responsibilities include the administration of labor relations, recruitment, selection, equal opportunity, classification, salary, employee benefits, workers' compensation, discipline, training development, employee relations, and development and implementation of administrative guidelines and personnel policies. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Successfully went "live" with an on-line applicant tracking program in coordination with Information Systems ■ Provided high level of consulting and coaching services to management and general employees ■ Created and implemented the City's Injury and Illness Prevention Program ■ Amended CaIPERS contract to include a two-year additional service credit option ■ Successfully managed the City's Safety Program ■ Successfully managed employment, special projects and benefits ■ Conducted a benefit fair to educate employees ■ Provided customer service, CPRIAED, and other miscellaneous safety training sessions GOAL 1: PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT TO ALL DEPARTMENTS IN THE AREAS OF LABOR RELATIONS, RECRUITMENT, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, WORKERS' COMPENSATION, EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE AND LABOR RELATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Meet routinely with employee labor and management team to discuss areas of mutual interest Maintain a six-week recruitment processing timeline Assist and support newly retired employees Administer employee benefit programs to include streamlining the automation of the annual open enrollment, benefit fair, and providing input to benefit providers via a City Benefit Committee made up of representatives from each City department, along with educational topics Performance Management - evaluation, training and support, career paths, cross training, performance guidelines and goal setting, and automated performance management system Serve as internal coaches and consultants to ensure organization is running effectively ➢ Maintain the bulletin boards in all City facilities DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL 2: PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYEES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct a fully integrated training needs assessment Conduct on-line training of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program Proactively involve employees in training opportunities, both in-house and outside Provide three training days per year for each City Employee Elevate mid-managers participation GOAL 3: PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT IN THE AREA OF EMPLOYEE MORALE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Administer and improve upon the Employee Recognition Program Transfer Employee Luncheon responsibilities to Team PACE Promote "You Make the Difference" Program Facilitate and direct Administrative Support group Facilitate and direct Special Assignment Committee and participate in mid-managers group Recognize public safety employees at December quarterly luncheon and Public Traffic and Safety Commission meetings GOAL 4: PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT IN THE AREAS OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND SAFETY FOR CITY EMPLOYEES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct monthly employee safety meetings to implement the City's injury and illness prevention program Conduct fire drills and safety inspections Promote injury prevention programs Continuous heightening of "Safety First" awareness by offering safety training Administer Tailgate Safety Program Administer Safe Driving Program DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER PROGRAM: HUMAN RESOURCES PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Number of recruitments conducted Percent of recruitments within a six- week timeline Number of applications processed Number of employee safety meetings Number of mid-management meetings Number of training days provided per employee Number of employees receiving recognition awards Number of employee quarterly luncheons Number of administrative support group meetings Percent of evaluations processed within prescribed timeframes Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 50 38 42 25 90% 95% 90% 95% 2,000 1,700 1,800 1,000 11 10 11 11 12 8 12 12 3 3 3 3 55 46 60 52 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 90% 90% 90% 90% 67 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 68 CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY Peter M. Thorson CITY MANAGER Shawn D. Nelson DEPARTMENT: CITY ATTORNEY THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNMEs FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY ATTORNEY 130 PROJECT 999 999 5246 LEGAL SERVICES - CONTRA 807,467.94 801,300.00 801,300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5247 LEGAL SERVICES - H.R. 8,506.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 815,973.94 821,300.00 821,300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5311 LEGAL SERVICES-LITIGATI 16,955.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 16,955.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 832,929.90 821,300.00 821,300.00 0.00 0.000/0 CITY ATTORNEY Total 832,929.90 821,300.00 821,300.00 0.00 0.000/0 70 DEPARTMENT: CITY ATTORNEY PROGRAM: CITY ATTORNEY MISSION: The City Attorney serves as legal advisor to the City Council, City Manager, and the various City departments, commissions, committees, and boards. The City Attorney prepares and approves for legality the majority of proposed City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other legal documents. The City Attorney also represents the City in all litigation. GOAL 1: PROVIDE SOUND LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY MANAGER, AND CITY STAFF, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS ON ALL MATTERS CONCERNING THE CITY AND ADMINISTRATION OF CITY POLICY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Render legal advice on all City matters to Council and staff in a manner that permits timely and appropriate action ➢ Review and advise staff in a timely manner on court decisions and new laws that affect City operations ➢ Advise and represent the City on litigation matters in a complete and timely fashion ➢ Review all ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements in a complete and timely manner THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 72 CITY CLERK / DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES Susan W.Jones DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF SUPPORT SERVICES Michaela Ballreich CITY CLERK I Council Support I Elections I Legislative History I Public Information I Records Management SUPPORT SERVICES Reception Services DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY CLERK 120 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 543,606.20 553,894.00 527,570.00 -26,324.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 112,745.48 118,027.00 111,401.00 -6,626.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 7,879.74 8,627.00 7,781.00 -846.00 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 4,800.00 41800.00 0.00 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,461.37 504.00 684.00 180.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 2,107.31 1,890.00 1,470.00 -420.00 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 3,329.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 5,992.00 4,595.00 31325.00 -1,271.00 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 30,143.88 84,000.00 76,440.00 -7,550.00 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 3,837.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 8,626.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 288.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 4,791.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 25,986.70 19,947.00 7,546.00 -12,401.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,428.00 283.00 -1,145.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 413.89 3,000.00 11500.00 -1,500.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 1,854.79 3,200.00 21800.00 -400.00 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 921.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 758,586.62 804,913.00 746,600.00 -58,313.00 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,175.55 1,700.00 1,200.00 -500.00 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 41.65 800.00 800.00 0.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,323.71 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 FY2009-10 1 Acid free paper 600.00 2 Permanent record binders 900.00 3 General Supplies 2,500.00 999 5222 PRINTING 932.14 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 74 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOitTUNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY CLERK 120 999 5225 ELECTION COSTS 0.00 90,000.00 0.00 90,000.00 -100.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 1,415.00 1,600.00 11500.00 -100.00 -6.25% FY2009-10 1 IIMC (3) 325.00 2 CCAC (3) 350.00 3 Notary Association (3) 385.00 4 ARMA (2) 440.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 2,958.35 3,600.00 31600.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 West Code State Updates 3,150.00 2 Elections Code 150.00 3 Press Enterprise 180.00 4 The Californian 120.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 2,085.76 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 390.02 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5244 SIGNS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 5,725.59 6,700.00 71500.00 800.00 11.94% FY2009-10 1 Municipal Code Supplements 6,500.00 2 Notary Insurance & Fees 300.00 3 Flag Etiquette 100.00 4 Recorder Fees 200.00 5 Miscellaneous 400.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 457.06 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 4,015.98 4,000.00 41000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 2,183.18 1,400.00 0.00 -1,400.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 601.16 300.00 0.00 -300.00 -100.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 3,823.69 250.00 1,000.00 750.00 300.00% FY2009-10 1 CMC Recertification (1) 1,000.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 290.97 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 241.40 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5277 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 29,899.38 31,221.52 27,000.00 -4,221.52 -13.52% 75 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CITY CLERK 12C) FY2009-10 1 Storage Express - $1,125 per 13,500.00 month 2 Cintas Document Shredding 5,000.00 (Citywide) 3 Iron Mountain (IS Backup Tape 5,000.00 Storage) 4 Cneil Software (Barcode 300.00 Labels) 5 Data Conversion 2,700.00 6 General Records Supplies 500.00 CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 60,560.60 151,471.52 57,000.00 94,471.52 -62.37% 999 5330 INSURANCE 24,657.00 11,652.00 26,100.00 14,448.00 124.00% 999 5335 VEHICLES 1,486.00 1,500.00 11100.00 -400.00 -26.67% 999 5340 INFGRMATICN SYSTEMS 70,200.00 85,950.00 113,000.00 27,050.00 31.47% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 15,413.00 16,628.00 17,000.00 372.00 2.24% 999 5350 FACILITIES 47,172.00 61,600.00 69,300.00 7,700.00 12.50% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 158,928.00 177,330.00 226,500.00 49,170.00 27.73% 999 5506 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CA PITAL CUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 978,075.22 1,133,714.52 1,030,100.00 -103,614.52 -9.14% CITY CLERK Total 978,075.22 1,133,714.52 1,030,100.00 -103,614.52 -9.14% 76 DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK PROGRAM: CITY CLERK MISSION: To compile and maintain the official records of the City and to make them readily accessible to all; to conduct fair and impartial municipal elections; to prepare, certify, and/or adhere to public notice requirements with regard to legal documents, ordinances, resolutions, public hearings, etc.; to codify and disseminate the City's Municipal Code; to promote public awareness of the processes of government; to provide meeting, administrative, and legislative support to the Mayor, City Council Members, and its Commissions and Committees. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Successfully completed 2008 Election for two open Council Member positions ■ Managed City-wide electronic agenda process ■ Maintained complete agendas, including agenda reports, available via City's website ■ Successfully implemented the Temecula Achievement Patch Program designed to target elementary age students in learning about local government and their community ■ Conducted annual Youth in Government program for the three Temecula High Schools (Chaparral, Temecula Valley, and Great Oak) ■ Electronically scanned all agendas, minutes, resolutions, and ordinances as adopted ■ Provided appropriate support of the timely processing of City documents to the City Council, City staff, and the community ■ Managed a comprehensive City-wide records management program, including implementation of a bar-coding system for off-site records center, and the electronic scanning of permanent documents, including large sized maps ■ Made more City documents available via the internet for public information purposes GOAL 1: PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY STAFF, AND THE COMMUNITY REGARDING THE TIMELY PROCESSING OF CITY DOCUMENTS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Prepare and distribute agenda packets to the City Council at least 72- hours prior to all meetings Provide timely processing of ordinances and resolutions within one week of adoption Process contracts and agreements within ten days of City Council action Provide more documents via the City's website to provide more public access to City records DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK PROGRAM: CITY CLERK GOAL 2: CONTINUE THE YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT PROGRAM UTILIZING ALL THREE HIGH SCHOOLS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Work in conjunction with the school district to select 20 senior advanced placement government students to participate in the program Hold a mock election and choose Youth City Council Members Establish a job shadow for City Council Members, department directors and key staff Develop a "mock" City Council Meeting for students to participate as their designated City official GOAL 3: CONTINUE TO ADMINISTER AND ELECTRONICALLY UPDATE A COMPREHENSIVE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ➢ Continue the scanning of permanent records such as City Council agendas, minutes, resolutions, ordinances, and agenda packets immediately upon adoption ➢ Provide updated training on the usage of Laserfiche and other electronic tools utilized in the City Clerk's office ➢ Ensure proper implementation of technology to ensure efficient records retrieval and archiving ➢ Continue to provide excellent customer service by handling all records requests within a ten day period ➢ Provide additional records via web-link technology to enhance review of public documents via the internet Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Average time for distribution of City Council agenda packets prior 96 hours 96 hours 96 hours 96 hours to meetings Average processing of ordinances and resolutions from time of 6 days 6 days 6 days 6 days adoption Average processing of contracts 6 days 6 days 6 days 6 days from time of City Council action 78 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Genie Roberts FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES BUDGETING FINANCIAL REPORTING REVENUE MANAGEMENT DEBT ADMINISTRATION PROCUREMENT OPERATING ACCOUNTS CASH and DEBT SERVICE PAYABLE INVESTMENTS RISK CAPITAL ACCOUNTS BUSINESS DISCLOSURE MANAGEMENT RECEIVABLE LICENSE REPORTING POLICE and FIRE PAYROLL GRANTS CONTRACT ADMINISTRA' GENERAL LEDGER ANNUAL REPORTS DEPARTMENT: FINANCE THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 140 PROJECT999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 1,194,342.84 1,069,064.00 1,145,719.00 76,655.00 7.17% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 243,564.78 261,189.00 242,133.00 -19,056.00 -7.30% 999 5104 MEDICARE 17,874.77 18,007.00 16,695.00 -1,312.00 -7.29% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 4,800.00 41800.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 3,015.09 1,701.00 1,653.00 -48.00 -2.82% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 3,432.85 3,382.00 3,110.00 -272.00 -8.04 % 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 7,130.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 10,940.00 8,399.00 71335.00 -1,054.00 -12.67% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,421.93 162,750.00 152,880.00 -9,870.00 -6.05% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 4,229.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 11,451.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 939.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 4,355.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 13,092.04 28,000.00 0.00 -28,000.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 63,229.78 60,475.00 5,676.00 -54,799.00 -90.61% FY2009-10 1 Part Time Accounting Specialist 5,676.00 - 6 Week 1 Matemity Leave 0.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 104.00 213.00 109.00 104.81% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5,271.88 1,500.00 0.00 -1,500.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 3,384.87 6,200.00 51600.00 -600.00 -9.68% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 4,604.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 1,603,881.12 1,625,571.00 1,585,814.00 -39,757.00 -2.45% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 926.75 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,561.09 7,000.00 6,000.00 -1,000.00 -14.29% 999 5222 PRINTING 12,415.10 17,000.00 12,000.00 -5,000.00 -29.41% 80 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 1,40 FY2009-I0 1 Operating Budget 1,500.00 2 CIP Budget 1,500.00 3 CAFR 1,500.00 4 Business License Certificates 1,000.00 5 Stationary 1,500.00 6 Business Cards 500.00 7 Check Stock (A/P & Payroll) 1,500.00 8 Receipt Books 1,500.00 9 Tax Forms 1,500.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 2,450.00 2,000.00 21500.00 500.00 25.00% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 1,808.44 3,000.00 21000.00 -1,000.00 -33.33% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 14,857.97 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,268.55 2,500.00 900.00 -1,600.00 -64.00% 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 85,591.10 207,040.00 78,600.00 -128,440.00 -62.04% FY2009-10 1 Sales Tax Analysis & Recovery 3,600.00 2 Property Tax Analysis 20,000.00 3 Audit Services 50,000.00 4 Street Report 0.00 5 Sympro 5,000.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 14,354.31 8,100.00 21100.00 -6,000.00 -74.07% FY2009-10 1 GFOA Award Program 1,000.00 2 CAL Muni Statistics 500.00 3 State Controller Confirmation 100.00 4 Equipment Repair/Maintenance 500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 41.44 500.00 250.00 -250.00 -50.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 3,837.13 1,200.00 0.00 -1,200.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 1,490.70 700.00 500.00 -200.00 -28.57% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 6,852.64 1,485.00 2,400.00 915.00 61.62% FY2009-10 1 Continuing Education 600.00 2 APA A/P Year End/1099 600.00 3 Accounting Skills Training 600.00 4 Risk Management Training 600.00 81 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FINANCE 1.40 999 5262 MILEAGE 416.32 700.00 500.00 -200.00 -28.57% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 153,871.55 267,225.00 123,750.00 -143,475.00 -53.69% 999 5330 INSURANCE 46,411.00 21,938.00 54,200.00 32,262.00 147.06% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 125,955.00 130,660.00 134,200.00 3,540.00 2.71 % 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 27,396.00 33,710.00 34,100.00 390.00 1.16% 999 5350 FACILITIES 66,702.00 81,900.00 100,000.00 18,100.00 22.10% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 266,464.00 268,208.00 322,500.00 54,292.00 20.24% 999 5506 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 2,024,216.67 2,161,004.00 2,032,064.00 -128,940.00 -5.97% FINANCE Total 2,024,216.67 2,161,004.00 2,032,064.00 -128,940.00 -5.97% 82 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES MISSION: The Finance Support Services Program is responsible for Risk Management and Procurement (Purchasing and Contract Administration). 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Implemented an online bidding module which allows the City to streamline the solicitation process while preserving competition ■ Implemented an insurance management module which tracks certificates of insurance for companies doing business with the City ■ Implemented an emergency management module so the City can maintain and retrieve up-to-date information on vendors who provide goods and services in the event of an emergency GOAL 1: MINIMIZE CITY LIABILITY THROUGH THE PROPER ADMINISTRATION OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct quarterly and as-needed field inspections of right-of-ways and parks with the insurance carrier's loss control administrator Review all certificate of insurance documents naming the City as an additional insured, and review all labor, material, and performance bonds for surety admittance to the State of California Conduct a preliminary review of all claims within ten calendar days of receipt Actively participate in monthly Safety Committee meetings Update the Risk Management Policy and Safety Manuals GOAL 2: ENSURE A CUSTOMER SERVICE ORIENTED PROCUREMENT (PURCHASING AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) OPERATION WHICH PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR ALL CITY PURCHASES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Process 100% of all purchase requests within 48-hours of receipt Use California Multiple Award Schedules to streamline the purchasing time line and take advantage of competitive pricing Frequently update and train staff on contract requirements for professional services, maintenance and construction agreements Assist staff in the preparation and review of Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: FINANCE SUPPORT SERVICES PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of purchase orders processed Percent of purchase orders processed within 48-hours of receipt Percent of claims processed within ten days of receipt Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 3,600 3,414 4,800 3,755 100% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: BUDGETING MISSION: The Budgeting Program is responsible for the preparation of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget document and preparation of the Annual Operating Budget. Additionally, this Program administers the public safety contracts of Police and Fire. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Received the Award of Excellence in capital budgeting from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for the fiscal year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program Budget ■ Received awards from CSMFO and GFOA for excellence in operational budgeting for the City's fiscal year 2008-2009 GOAL 1: PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CI P) FOR THE CITY THROUGH THE CIP BUDGET PROCESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Prepare a CIP budget document in accordance with the CSMFO award criteria ➢ Work collaboratively with departments individually and in workshops to ensure completeness and consistency throughout the CIP process. GOAL 2: PROVIDE A SOUND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR THE CITY THROUGH THE BUDGET PROCESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Continue to utilize the five-year financial plan to determine the future impact of proposed programs and capital improvement projects to ensure long term fiscal stability ➢ Prepare an Annual Operating Budget which complies with the CSMFO and GFOA award criteria GOAL 4: PROVIDE CONTRACT COORDINATION AND OVERSIGHT OF THE CITY'S POLICE AND FIRE SERVICES CONTRACTS WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Negotiate annual service contracts that provide the highest level of services to the City Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 GFOA award winning CAFR documents prepared with unqualified 1 opinions CSMFO and GFOA award winning operating budgets prepared 85 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: FINANCIAL REPORTING MISSION: The Financial Reporting Program is responsible for managing the City's financial operations in accordance, internal audit, payroll, accounts payable and receivable, financial oversight, and administration of all City funds and accounts. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Received Award for Excellence from the Government Finance Officers (GFOA) in financial reporting for the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ■ Accurately prepared checks for City employees and service and commodity suppliers ■ Delivered to City Council compiled quarterly financial statements and analytic review procedures of all City Funds GOAL 1: PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE AND METICULOUS GENERAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS TO ENSURE THE CITY OF TEMECULA MAINTAINS A SOUND FINANCIAL CONDITION OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide timely and accurate check runs for accounts payable and processing of payroll Provide timely and accurate financial reports, including the CAFR to the decision makers and operating departments Continue to prepare the CAFR, obtain an unqualified audit opinion, and comply with the CSMFO and GFOA award criteria PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Projected Actual Projected Projected FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 20094 0 Percentage of bank reconciliations performed before the close of the 100% 100% 100% 100% subsequent month Invoices processed per year 16,500 13,373 18,000 12,645 Payroll checks/direct deposits 6,600 9,690 6,900 8,050 processed per year Management letter comments as a 0 1 0 0 result of City's annual audit 86 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: REVENUE MANAGEMENT MISSION: The Revenue Management Program is responsible for managing the City's financial operations in accordance with established fiscal policies. Primary responsibilities include cash and investment management, financial reporting and administration of all City funds and accounts. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Completed the annual business license renewal cycle for businesses operating in the City of Temecula ■ Implemented Remote Deposit System (RDS) to electronically submit to the bank checks received by using check images which immediately processes deposits making funds available in the City's bank account and available for investment ■ Managed investments in compliance with the City's Investment Policy ensuring safety and liquidity ■ In an effort to improve records management, implemented document imaging of business license applications, renewals, and checks, reducing storage costs and creating staff efficiencies ■ Improved coordination with Community Development Department to verify applicable business information prior to issuance of licenses ■ Implemented control process to reconcile Community Development Permits Plus receipts issued to those collected in Cashier Point of Sale (POS) System ■ Successfully implemented the annual fee update for development impact fees, user fees, and pass-through fees ■ Using existing systems, participated in implementing an improved process to monitor, collect, record, and reconcile code compliance citations GOAL 1: PROVIDE A SOUND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Manage the investment portfolio with the safety of principal as the primary objective, and the return on investment as the secondary objective, while maintaining liquidity to meet the City's obligations Prepare and monitor capital and operating budgets to allocate resources in a cost-effective manner, consistent with goals of the City Council ➢ Prepare and maintain finance records and documents in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal and contractual provisions Prepare, complete, and submit the Treasurer's Report to Council within 30 days of month end > Perform in-house internal control reviews and enhancements, as needed DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: REVENUE MANAGEMENT GOAL 2 PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE BUSINESS LICENSE PROGRAM WHICH ENCOURAGES 100% PARTICIPATION BY CITY BUSINESSES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Encourage and promote participation of the online business license renewal program, with a goal of 9% increased participation in fiscal year 2009/10 Coordinate administrative action with Code Enforcement for businesses that do not have an active business license Quarterly review business license and sales tax data to identify businesses that do not have a sales permit number GOAL 3: ACCURATELY BILL, COLLECT, RECORD, AND REPORT ALL CITY REVENUES. OBJECTIVES: ➢ Issue accounts receivable invoices to customers in a timely basis Follow up for collection on delinquent accounts Complete monthly Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule, taking appropriate follow up action steps Projected Actual Projected Estimated PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Management letter comments as a result of City's annual audit 0 1 0 0 Number of business licenses issued 7,500 9,500 8,500 9,000 Number of on-line business license N/A N/A 1 100 1 200 renewals , , Percent of monthly Treasurer's Reports completed and distributed 100% 100% 100% 100% within 30 days of month end 88 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: DEBT ADMINISTRATION MISSION: The Debt Administration Program is responsible for managing the City's outstanding debt obligations in accordance with established bond documents. Primary responsibilities include making required debt service payments, cash and investment management, payment of developer invoices, and reimbursement of City administration costs. Additionally, the position administers the annual levy process for the Community Facilities Districts & Assessment District, oversees the Community Facilities Block Grant Program (CDBG). 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ 2008 City COPS were upgraded to A+ by Standard & Poors ■ All developer requests for payment were completed within 30-day timeframe ■ Maintained timely investment of bond cash reserves to maximize investment earnings GOAL 1: ENSURE ALL DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS AND DISCLOSURE REPORTS ARE COMPLETED BY THE REQUIRED DATES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Track debt service due dates Wire transfer funds as needed for City held debt service funds Confirm timely payment of debt service by trustee Work with consultant and trustee to verify proper dissemination of annual disclosure reports as well as reporting of significant events GOAL 2: PROVIDE TIMELY RECONCILIATION OF MONTHLY TRUSTEE BANK STATEMENTS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Verify accuracy of debit and credit transactions on trustee bank statements Post transactions to Sympro accounting system Reconcile fund balances between Sympro and Eden GOAL 3: OVERSEE THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CDBG PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Coordinate the CDBG application process with the non-profit service providers to inform and assist them through the grant application process Prepare and provide City Council with documentation for approval and subsequent review and approval by the County of Riverside Prepare timely grant reimbursement requests ensuring compliance of CDBG guidelines 89 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE PROGRAM: DEBT ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Average turn-around time for consultant invoices paid Projected Actual Projected Projected FY 2006-07 FY 2006-07 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 14 days 10 days 14 days 14 days Property owner complaints to management regarding special tax administration responses, records requests, or tax reimbursements ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Bob Johnson CITY PLANNER Patrick Richardson CURRENT ADVANCED PERMIT CENTER PLANNING PLANNING Development General Plan Permit Issuance Review Public Information: : Ordinance :Public Information: Development f.......... CEQA CEQA Management Management f.......... Agency Review DIRECTOR OFSPUBLIC WORK BUILDING OFFICIAL Greg Butler Rich Johnston DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Dan York BUILDING SERVICES Permits Plan Review/ :Check Processing: Plan Checks . Park Rangers . . f . .f........:: Inspection Map Recordation : f Services . Development Code Inspection Enforcement Plan Review 91 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 07-08 Actuals GENERAL FUND 001 PLANMNG 161 CODE ENFORCEMENT 61 1 611 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 329,833.76 611 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATIO 8,329.67 611 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 63,747.80 611 5104 MEDICARE 6,279.04 611 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 611 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 453.60 611 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 1,910.92 611 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,187.56 611 5112 WORKERS' COMP 8,527.96 611 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 21,796.52 611 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 611 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 933.33 611 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 611 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 108,470.58 611 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 611 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5,668.99 611 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 768.00 611 5185 PREPAID LEGAL 611 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 1,685.70 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 560,593.43 611 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 8,420.87 611 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - 4,381.66 611 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQU 476.40 611 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 806.13 611 5222 PRINTING 370.86 611 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 625.00 611 5228 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 611 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 4,690.09 611 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 430.40 611 5242 SMALL TCOLS/EQUIPMENT 17,022.45 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 92 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PLANNING 161 611 5243 UNIFORMS 2,286.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 9,904.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 2,751.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5258 CONFERENCES 2,077.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 319.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATI 2,552.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5262 MILEAGE 158.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHI 12,274.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 69,548.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5330 INSURANCE 15,954.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5335 VEHICLES 11,843.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 72,062.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 791.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5350 FACILITIES 4,840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 105,490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5440 WEED ABATEMENT 51,070.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 51,070.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5501 OFFICE FURNISHING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 786,702.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000/0 PROJECT999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,505,942.06 1,407,331.00 1,105,087.00 -302,244.00 -21.48% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMBVT 303,876.80 311,130.00 202,302.00 -108,828.00 -34.98% 999 5104 MEDICARE 21,280.37 21,710.00 18,357.00 -3,353.00 -15.44% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 9,200.00 6,720.00 5,120.00 -1,600.00 -23.81 % 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 3,217.10 1,046.00 414.00 -632.00 -60.42% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 4,257.68 4,281.00 2,457.00 -1,824.00 -42.61% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 8,875.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 24,968.00 15,210.00 9,683.00 -5,527.00 -36.34% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 64,443.07 195,825.00 129,584.00 -66,241.00 -33.83% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 6,323.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 93 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PLANMNG 161 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 11,819.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 1,595.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 1,675.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 261.05 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 34,180.55 33,536.00 7,572.00 -25,954.00 -77.42% FY2009-10 1 Office Technician III 1,572.00 2 Planning Commissioners 6,000.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 788.00 284.00 -504.00 -63.95% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 2,934.01 3,000.00 31000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 3,367.87 7,660.00 51080.00 -2,580.00 -33.68% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 4,806.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 2,013,024.38 2,009,237.00 1,488,940.00 -520,297.00 -25.90% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 3,817.35 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 232.49 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 123.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,498.53 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.C0 % 999 5222 PRINTING 1,079.87 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 167.01 1,000.00 500.00 -500.00 -50.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 5,040.00 5,500.00 16,500.00 11,000.00 200.00% FY2009-10 1 APA/ULI/AEP/ICSI/AICP 5,500.00 2 Clean Cities Coalition (WRCOG) 10,000.00 3 Clean Cities Coalition (Southern 1,000.00 CA) 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 950.29 1,300.00 11000.00 -300.00 -23.08% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 11,120.85 8,000.00 81000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 4,535.33 21500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 371,030.59 478,666.07 0.00 -478,666.07 -100.00% 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 138,446.78 134,827.50 115,000.00 -19,827.50 -14.71% 94 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PLANNING 161 FY2009-I0 1 Architectural Review (100% 40,000.00 Pass through) 2 Landscape Review and 55,000.00 Inspection (100% 2 Pass-through) 0.00 3 Telecom Consultant (100% 20,000.00 Pass-through) 999 5254 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 19,056.88 22,300.00 22,000.00 -300.00 -1.35% FY2009-10 1 Press Enterprise 7,000.00 2 SC Signs - Public Hearings 15,000.00 999 5258 CONFERENCES 9,331.10 2,520.00 0.00 -2,520.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 5,461.55 3,500.00 31500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 18,582.35 4,000.00 41000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Professional Development / 1,500.00 AICP / CE 2 US Green Building Council 2,500.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 448.42 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.C0 % 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 511.84 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5272 PLANNING COMMISSION 8,664.49 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 605,098.74 679,613.57 188,500.00 -491,113.57 -7226 % 999 5330 INSURANCE 55,116.00 34,855.00 65,000.00 30,145.00 86.49% 999 5335 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 215,860.00 228,701.00 275,800.00 47,099.00 20.59% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 43,612.00 20,853.00 52,400.00 31,547.00 151.28% 999 5350 FACILITIES 47,270.00 75,100.00 99,200.00 24,100.00 32.09% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 361,858.00 359,509.00 492,400.00 132,891.00 36.95% 999 5501 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 2,979,981.12 3,048,359.57 2,169,840.00 -878,519.57 -28.82% PLANNING Total 3,766,683.38 3,048,359.57 2,169,840.00 -878,519.57 -28.82% 95 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: CURRENT PLANNING MISSION: The Current Planning Program provides a variety of planning services to the community, including reviewing and processing of development proposals for conformance with City policies and regulations and implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Current Planning Division also includes the City's Permit Center which provides the City's building permitting function, distribution of plans for review by other agencies or City departments; issuing building permits after plans are completed and corrected; and issuing certificates of occupancy. In addition, staff provides support to the Planning Commission and City Council and assists the general public and development applicants with planning information and application processing. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Began development of the Old Town Specific Plan Amendment to address the ten goals and recommendations resulting from the community visioning process Began preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Old Town Specific Plan Amendment Review and approval of multiple development plan modifications for tenant facades within the Promenade Mall Expansion, and completion and opening of the 126,000 square foot expansion area including P.F. Chang's, Yard House, Lucile's Barbeque, the Lazy Dog Cafe, Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, and other retail uses Planning Commission approval of a new Mercedes-Benz dealership Planning Commission approval of a new 125,000 square foot/168 room Crown Plaza Hotel Completed the CEQA Environmental Review Procedures Handbook for private development and CIP projects GOAL 1: UPDATE THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN OBJECTIVES: ➢ Complete amendment of the Specific Plan to implement the ten recommendations resulting from the Old Town Visioning Process ➢ Adopt detailed Design Guidelines for the Old Town Specific Plan area to assist developers to ensure high quality development Adopt a parking management strategy to effectively manage existing public and private parking lots, and develop a strategy for increasing the parking supply as needed in the future Complete an Environmental Impact Report DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: CURRENT PLANNING GOAL 2: STREAMLINE ENTI TLEM ENT APPLI CATION AND PERMIT PROCESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Perform a beginning to end efficiency and performance analysis of the entitlement application and permit process Simplify application forms and application submittal requirements Eliminate repetitive processes in the entitlement and permit process Reduce staff time spent on application and permit review and move applications through the process more quickly Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of public hearing cases 72 63 72 60 submitted Number of pre-application meetings 20 27 20 30 scheduled Number of "fast track" projects 5 7 5 5 97 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - - - - - - PROGRAM: ADVANCE PLANNING MISSION: The Advanced Planning Program is responsible for a variety of long term planning issues affecting the community, including implementation and maintenance of the City's General Plan and Municipal Code, preparation of special land use studies, and utilization of vital demographic and geophysical information. This Program also provides support services to other departments and agencies, and develops special projects in response to City Council direction. Additionally, this Program provides a variety of planning services to the community, including review of development proposals of neighboring jurisdictions, monitoring regional agencies and programs, and coordinating with outside agencies to protect the quality of life within the City of Temecula 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Completed and circulated an Environmental Impact Report for the Santa Margarita Annexation Area and submitted a Sphere of Influence Expansion and Annexation Application to LAFCO ■ Completed and submitted a Draft Housing Element Update to the Department of Housing and Community Development ■ Created and adopted the City's first Heritage Tree Ordinance ■ Created and adopted the City's first Small Wind Energy Conversion Ordinance ■ Began development of the Temecula Sustainability Plan ■ Began development of a Green House Gas Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan ■ Began development of the Temecula Energy Efficiency Improvement Program under AB 811 ■ Began development of the Sustainable Communities Strategy (Smart Growth Concept Map) under SB 375 ■ Submitted Caltrans Multi-Jurisdictional Corridor Planning Grant for the Jefferson corridor ■ Completed nineteen environmental reviews for City and regional projects, including a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Western Bypass Bridge at Murrieta Creek ■ Processed Municipal Code updates, amendments, and performed routine maintenance DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - - - - - - PROGRAM: ADVANCE PLANNING GOAL 1: UPDATE THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AND LAND USE MAP REGARDING RURAL PRESERVATION POLICIES FOR NICOLAS VALLEY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Complete preparation of a Land Use Plan that meets the needs of residents and preserves a rural lifestyle based on property owner and resident surveys ➢ Initiate steps for Assessment District formation for paving existing dirt roads if supported by property owners ➢ Complete a Draft Community Plan to revitalize neighborhoods within the Nicolas Valley Rural Preservation Area if supported by property owners GOAL 2: DEVELOP A SUSTAINABLE CITYIGREEN DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Monitor AB 32 and SB 375 and participate the implementation of these programs Establish a Green Building Program Establish and energy efficiency loan program for existing buildings Prepare a draft of the City's first Sustainability Plan Complete the Green House Gas Emissions Analysis and Climate Action Plan GOAL 3: COMPLETE THE SANTA MARGARITA AREA ANNEXATION OBJECTIVES: ➢ Obtain approval from Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission to annex the site GOAL 4: BEGIN PREPARATION OF THE JEFFERSON CORRIDOR PLAN OBJECTIVES: ➢ Secure transportation/planning funds for studies Study appropriate density and intensity of development along the corridor Study methods of improving mobility Study transportation system impacts 99 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 100 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING & SAFE IY 162 CODE ENFORCEMENT 61 1 611 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 0.00 308,281.00 478,274.00 169,993.00 55.14% 611 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 95,261.00 100,458.00 51197.00 5.46% 611 5104 MEDICARE 6,545.00 7,041.00 496.00 7.58% 611 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 126.00 114.00 -12.00 -9.52% 611 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,701.00 1,365.00 -336.00 -19.75% 611 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5112 WORKERS' COMP 6,979.00 8,113.00 1,134.00 16.25% 611 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 52,500.00 70,980.00 18,480.00 35.20% 611 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5116 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 60,047.00 0.00 -60,047.00 -100.00% 611 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 3,500.00 71302.00 3,802.00 108.63% 611 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 2,000.00 21600.00 600.00 30.00% 611 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 0.00 536,940.00 676,247.00 139,307.00 25.94% 611 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Aircards For Wireless Data 3,600.00 Transmission 2 Sprint Cell Phones 5,400.00 611 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 8,000.00 81000.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 250.00 500.00 250.00 100.00% 611 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500.00 11500.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5222 PRINTING 1,500.00 1,000.00 -500.00 -33.33% 101 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BI-IILDING & SAFETY 162 611 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 800.00 500.00 -300.00 -37.50% 611 5228 PUBLICATIONS 250.00 500.00 250.00 100.00% 611 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 6,624.00 3,500.00 -3,124.00 -47.16% 611 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 % 611 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5243 UNIFORMS 2,500.00 41000.00 1,500.00 60.00 % 611 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 611 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 8,000.00 15,000.00 7,000.00 87.50% FY2009-10 1 Admin Hearing Officer Services 5,000.00 2 Green Pool Abatements 8,000.00 3 Nuisance Abatement 2,000.00 Contractors 611 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 10,000.00 31000.00 -7,000.00 -70.00% FY2009-20 1 Bee Hive Removal Services 1,000.00 2 Web Database Property Owner 2,000.00 Info 611 5258 CONFERENCES 1,362.00 0.00 -1,352.00 -100.00% 611 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 2,690.00 21690.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5262 MILEAGE 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 611 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 68,476.00 65,190.00 -3,286.00 -4.80% 611 5330 INSLRANCE 10,287.00 22,400.00 12,113.00 117.75% 611 5335 VEHICLES 12,100.00 4,200.00 -7,900.00 -65.29% 611 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 74,361.00 38,300.00 -36,051.00 -48.49% 611 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 12,308.00 700.00 -11,608.00 -94.31% 611 5350 FACILITIES 8,900.00 7,500.00 -1,400.00 -15.73% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 117,955.00 73,100.00 -44,856.00 -38.03% 611 5440 WEED ABATEMENT 50,000.00 40,000.00 -10,000.00 -20.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 50,000.00 40,000.00 -10,000.00 -20.00% 611 5501 OFFICE FLRNISHINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 102 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 HI-IILDING & SAFE IY 162 CAPITAL CUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 0.00 773,372.00 854,537.00 81,165.00 10.49% PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 1,166,392.34 1,126,574.00 845,186.00 -281,388.00 -24.98% 999 5102 RETIREMENT 250,144.64 242,219.00 161,629.00 -80,590.00 -33.27% 999 5104 MEDICARE 18,170.79 17,850.00 12,389.00 -5,461.00 -30.59% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 6,720.00 1,920.00 -4,800.00 -71.43% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 2,235.18 605.00 205.00 -400.00 -66.12% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 4,665.98 5,206.00 2,184.00 -3,022.00 -58.05% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 8,530.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 26,371.00 19,954.00 12,035.00 -7,919.00 -39.69% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 97,870.51 161,700.00 113,568.00 -48,132.00 -29.77% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 8,431.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBLRSMENT 8,723.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 499.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 1,502.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 128,703.28 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 100.00 % 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 110,057.91 30,435.00 5,192.00 -25,244.00 -82.94% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 2,925.00 195.00 -2,730.00 -93.33% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 4,845.68 5,000.00 41000.00 -1,000.00 -20.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 1,891.08 6,360.00 41160.00 -2,200.00 -34.59% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 3,047.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 1,846,681.98 1,626,549.00 1,162,663.00 -463,886.00 -28.52% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,535.03 7,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 14.29% FY2009-10 1 Air Cards for Wireless Data 3,000.00 Transmission 2 Sprint Cell Phones 5,000.00 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 10,258.37 10,200.00 10,200.00 0.00 0.00% 103 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING & SAFETY 162 FY2009-10 1 Inspector Vehicles - Oil 10,200.00 Changes and Maintenance 1 (7 Vehicles) 0.00 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQU IPME 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 5222 PRINTING 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS FY2009-10 1 International Code Council 180.00 2 California Building Officials 215.00 3 National Fire Protection 150.00 Association 4 IAPMO (Int. Assoc. of Plumb. 250.00 and Mech.) 5 International Electric Code 250.00 Council 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 999 5234 RENT-FACILITIES 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT FY2009-10 1 Miscellaneous Tools 4,000.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES FY2009-10 1 ESGIL Plan Check Services 125,000.00 (Pass Through) 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 999 5258 CONFERENCES 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION FY2009-10 1 SB 1608 Disabled Access 5,500.00 Certification 2 Certification Training Building 3,500.00 Inspectors 999 5262 MILEAGE 1,394.25 1,500.00 11500.00 0.00 0.00% 4,241.11 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00% 4,787.43 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 2,022.00 1,000.00 11045.00 45.00 4.50% 12,172.79 3,500.00 31500. 00 0.00 0.00% 1,088.61 1,500.00 11500. 00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 2,009.67 11,500.00 4,000. 00 -7,500.00 -65.22% 4,986.41 4,000.00 21500. 00 -1,500.00 -37.50% 291,620.21 125,000.00 125,000 .00 0.00 0.00% 2,440.94 500.00 500. 00 0.00 0.00% 5,240.03 4,725.00 0. 00 -4,725.00 -100.00% 351.28 500.00 500. 00 0.00 0.00% 19,179.67 8,500.00 91000. 00 500.00 5.88% 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 104 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 BUILDING & SAFETY 162 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHI 14,750.01 15,500.00 13,000.00 -21500.00 -16.13% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 381,077.81 200,925.00 185,245.00 -14,680.00 -7.31 % 999 5330 INSURANCE 63,819.00 20,573.00 31,400.00 10,827.00 52.63% 999 5335 VEHICLES 19,950.00 18,500.00 4,400.00 -14,100.00 -76.22% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 143,843.00 166,576.00 119,800.00 -46,776.00 -28.08% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 12,487.00 14,327.00 16,100.00 11773.00 12.38% 999 5350 FACILITIES 48,825.00 54,700.00 62,300.00 71600.00 13.89% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 288,924.00 274,676.00 234,000.00 -40,676.00 -14.81% 999 5501 OFFICE FURNISHINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 2,516,683.79 2,102,150.00 1,582,908.00 -519,242.00 -24.70% BUILDING & SAFETY Total 2,516,683.79 2,875,522.00 2,437,445.00 -438,077.00 -15.23% 105 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - - - - - - PROGRAM: BUILDING SERVICES MISSION: The Building Services Program is responsible for enforcing the City and State Building and Safety Codes; performing plan checks on construction documentation to ensure that project proposals meet these Codes; distributing plans for review by other agencies or City departments; issuing building permits after plans are completed and corrected; completing final inspections; and, issuing certificates of occupancy. The Program also performs special inspections; implements certain state laws, such as the California Disabled Access Regulations; is responsible for updating Building and Fire Codes required by the State of California (including local amendments); provides guidance to the general public and development community regarding the Uniform Building Codes and is responsible for inspections of private development projects, construction within the public right-of-way exclusive of capital projects, and erosion control enforcement. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Automated inspection processing through the use of Accela wireless. ■ Tracked project time for fee study update ■ Automated Permits Plus for the processing of certificate of occupancy ■ Completed the PC832 programs to combine resources of the building inspectors and code enforcement officers ■ Performed 18,912 building inspections GOAL 1: AUTOMATE ON LINE PERMITS FOR THE STANDARD PLAN OVER THE COUNTER MISCELLANEOUS PATIO, BLOCK WALL TYPE PERMITS OBJECTIVES: ➢ This automation will eliminate the need for citizens and builders to come into City Hall to obtain permits, and will free up time technicians spend at the front counter issuing permits GOAL 2: AUTOMATE ISSUING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY VIA E-MAIL OBJECTIVES: ➢ This will allow shop owners and the commercial community to receive release of occupancy certificates via e-mail resulting in a more efficient process, and also help the Green Program with emissions reductions 106 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - - - - - - - - PROGRAM: BUILDING SERVICES GOAL 3: AUTOMATION OF PLAN CHECK WITH THE ALLOWABLE USE OF PLAN SUBMITTALS ON CD'S OBJECTIVES: ➢ The industry has made improvements in placing all construction documents, plans, construction details, and specification onto CD's which allows the Plan Reviewer to make corrections over the internet improving the plan review time to days and some cases hours The automation will assist not only for plan check but for microfiche, plan storage, and permit-tech processing. Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Initial plan reviews within 12 working 100% 100% 100% 100% days Residential plan re-reviews within 5 100% 100% 100% 100% to 7 working days Commercial plan re-reviews within 7 100% 100% 100% 100% to 10 working days Combination building inspections 100% 100% 100% 100% performed "Bonus" inspections performed 2 750 3 184 2 950 2 800 which were not requested , , , , Certificates of Occupancy 170 492 175 204 inspections performed 107 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: CODE ENFORCEMENT MISSION: The Code Enforcement Program is responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the standards of the City of Temecula Municipal Code. The Program works closely with local agencies to improve and preserve all neighborhoods throughout the City. The program helps facilitate a clean and attractive environment. The Code Enforcement Program has proactively provided assistance to the general public regarding City Municipal Codes. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Implemented use of Accela Wireless for all Code Enforcement Officers which allowed the use of new reports to monitor and manage the investigation process and tracking through Accela/Permit Plus Improved comprehensive enforcement internally and externally by improving case documentation and record keeping practices to include foreclosed properties in correlation with GIS Completed weed abatement assessment for timely property tax roll recording GOAL 1: HAVE A COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF INTERNAL PROCESSES WITH BUILDING CODES ON SUBSTANDARD STRUCTURES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Have the code officers become more familiar with building code regulations and study the conditions of structures affected by abandonment from foreclosure Enhances the proficiency in recognizing elements that have become substandard or life safety items in the assessment of open rundown properties GOAL 2: PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE STANDARD FORM LETTER FOR ALL PROCESSES IN EXTERNAL NOTIFICATION OF VIOLATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ The ability to electronically generate standard notification in regards to violations will increase efficiency and expedite the case process The record keeping will be more stream-lined so as to enhance work performance and effectiveness of the code officer and support staff GOAL 3: CREATE A WEBSITE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THE USE AND OPTIONS OF A COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP FOR NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION. OBJECTIVES: ➢ Create an effective means to provide on-line assistance for the City's Municipal Code 108 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: CODE ENFORCEMENT PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of code enforcement concerns responded to within three working days Percent of complaints contacted at the close of cases Percent of weed abatement activities commenced by May 1 st Percent of resource information made available to the public within 24-hours Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 9,000 7236 10,500 10,800 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 109 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 110 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Greg Butler CITY ENGINEER Dan York LAND DEVELOPMENT r . _ . _ . . _ . _ .i I Permits 1 I Plan Checks I I Map Recordation I Development i Inspection F1=NfA~rojeot7 i I Floodplan I L Administration Bond Administration N DP ES i I Compliance $ I L . _ Inspection _ j Development i I Plans Review & I L. _Conditions_ I Planning . Commission L._._._._._.~ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Traffic/Safety Commission I Traffic Census I Traffic Device Inventory 1 I Speed Surveys I Traffic Signal Maintenance Traffic Signal 1 Timing i Traffic Analysis Investigation Public Service i Requests Traffic Detour Plans L. - MAINTENANCE Pavement Management 1 I Signing/Striping I I Tree Trimming 1 I Weed Abatement I L._._. [Trdinage i I Channels/ Catch L . _ . Basins_ _ I Special Events 1 I Graffiti Removal 1 r . _ . _ . I . _ . _ . i Contract Administration Public Service i Requests Emergency (Service Response. L._._._._._.i CAPITAL PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Project Development -rant I Application / I L. Administration r ._._.Z. _._.1 i Plans & . Specifications L. _._._._._.J r Requesfs~or 1 I Proposals/Public I L Bidding _ Construction Management 1 Construction Inspection 1 i Assessment / CFD Districts L. i Measure A & 1 I TUMF I L . Administration. 111 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 07-08 Actuals GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 MAINTENANCE 601 601 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 601 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 601 5104 MEDICARE 601 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 601 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 601 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 601 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 601 5112 WORKERS' COMP 601 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 601 5114 DENTALINSURANCE 601 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 601 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 601 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) FY2009-10 1 Admin/Clerical Support 2,250.00 601 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 601 5121 OVERTIME WAGES FY2009-20 1 Special Events, Call-outs, 56,565.00 Emergencies 601 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 601 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 601 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 5,150.28 FY2009-20 1 Maintenance Supervisor 750.00 2 Stancby Phone 750.00 601 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 67,020.95 FY2009-20 1 Scheduled Vehicle Maintenance 50,000.00 2 BACT Reqirement (2 Trucks) 30,800.00 601 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 30,915.57 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 887,354.00 8871354.00 170, 367.00 170, 367.00 13, 720.00 13, 720.00 2,560.00 2,550.00 407.00 407.00 2,657.00 2,657.00 0.00 0.00 38, 506.00 38, 506.00 138, 502.00 138, 502.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 21250.00 84.00 84.00 56,565.00 56,555.00 5,140. 00 5,140.00 0. 00 0.00 1,318,112 .00 1,318,112.00 3,573.00 1,500. 00 -2,073.00 0.00% -58.02% 50,000.00 80,800.00 30,800.00 61.60% 36,075.43 36,000.00 -75.43 -0.21% 112 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2009-10 1 mobile light towere 2 Minor Engine Repair/Maintenance 3 Pressure Washers 4 Vacron 5 Arrow Boards 6 Sand Blaster 7 Radio Maintenance 8 Backhoe 9 Miscellaneous 601 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FY2009-10 1 Asphalt Mix (Patch Crew) 2 Graffiti Paint 3 Thermal Plastic (Stencils) 4 Erosion Control Materials 5 Hazardous Waste Cleanup Materials 601 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 601 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS FY2009-10 1 Business Park Assoc. Dues 601 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 601 5234 RENT-FACILITIES FY2009-10 1 Sunrise Rotary Bus Bench Maintenance 601 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT FY2009-10 1 Skip Loader 2 Low Flow Pumps 601 5240 UTILITIES FY2009-10 1 Mobile Water Meter 2 Habitat Restoration (Margarita Rd) 601 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 601 5243 UNIFORMS 601 5244 SIGNS 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 70,000.00 41,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 8,200.00 13,200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 179,193.71 167,153.00 156,000.00 -11,153.00 -6.67% 195.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 8,200.00 8,200.00 500.00 500.00 13, 200.00 13, 200.00 4,378.23 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00% 5,193.57 3,500.00 6,500.00 3,000.00 85.71 % 19,572.82 81800.00 8,800.00 5,488.63 3,920.00 3,920.00 58,266.87 51,847.00 60,000.00 113 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 8,153.00 15.73% THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOiRMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2009-10 1 Advance Warning Signs 17,000.00 2 Regulatory Sig-is/Caltrans 20,000.00 3 Construction Signs 5,000.00 4 Street/Specialty Sig-is 6,000.00 5 Poles/Sleeves/Hardware 12,000.00 601 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 1,217.94 20,781.42 15,000.00 -5,781.42 -27.82% FY2009-10 1 Pavement Management Update 15,000.00 601 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 363.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 601 5258 CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 1,149.14 60.00 0.00 -60.00 -100.00% 601 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 4,798.00 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Mandatory Egaipment/Vehicle 2,000.00 Training 601 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 48,362.12 35,000.00 38,000.00 3,000.00 8.57% 601 5275 ASSESSMENTS 20,281.29 25,000.00 22,000.00 -3,000.00 -12.00% FY2009-10 1 921-720-016 (Ynez/Overland) 1,300.00 2 921-830-034 (N. General 20,000.00 Kearny) 3 921-830-036 (Santiago 700.00 Detention) OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 451,547.13 411,709.85 459,420.00 47,710.15 11.59% 601 5330 INSURANCE 0.00 73,900.00 73,900.00 601 5335 VEHICLES 0.00 21,600.00 21,600.00 601 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 0.00 219,900.00 219,900.00 601 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 0.00 29,800.00 29,800.00 601 5350 FACILITIES 0.00 108,500.00 108,500.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 0.00 453,700.00 453,700.00 0.00% 601 5401 DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAINTENAN 327,901.16 160,000.00 160,000.00 0.00 0.00% 114 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrrms, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 FY2009-I0 1 Catch Basins (1x yr) 17,500.00 2 Vallejo Channel 15,000.00 3 Jedediah Road Channel 15,000.00 4 Margarita Rd/De Portola 5,000.00 Channel 5 Nada Lane Channel 3,000.00 6 De Portola Channel 3,000.00 7 Walcott V-Ditches 3,000.00 8 Preece Channels 3,000.00 9 Murrieta Creek Crossing 3,000.00 10 Miscellaneous Channels 10,000.00 11 Emergency Channel 25,000.00 Maintenance 12 Via Lobo Channel 22,500.00 13 Pala Road Channel 10,000.00 14 Margarita Desilting Pond 10,000.00 15 Murfield Channel 3,000.00 16 Overland Channel 3,000.00 17 Via Lobo/Nicolas Rd. Acquisition 3,000.00 18 Crown Hill 3,000.00 19 Murrita Creek Clean-up event 3,000.00 601 5402 ROUTINE STREET MAINTENANCE 1,813,845.77 2,027,949.26 1,489,118.00 -538,83126 -26.57% FY2009-10 1 City-Wide Slurry Seal 825,218.00 2 City Wide Tree 100,000.00 Trimming/Replacement 3 City Wide PCC Repairs 200,000.00 4 City Wide AC Repairs 200,000.00 5 ROW Weed Abatement 75,000.00 6 Emergency Repairs, Grading, 88,900.00 etc. 601 5403 FLOOD CONTROL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601 5410 STRIPING/STENCILING 259,999.69 275,000.00 275,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 City Wide Street Program 225,000.00 2 Intersection Program 50,000.00 601 5430 HAZ-MAT DISPOSAL AND STORAGE 8,264.50 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 2,410,011.12 2,477,949.26 1,939,118.00 -538,83126 -21.75% 601 5510 EQUIPMENT 87,619.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 115 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ A,ctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 CAPITAL CLFFLAY Total 87,619.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 2,949,177.97 2,889,659.11 4,170,350.00 1,280,690.89 44.32% TRAFFIC 602 602 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 602 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 602 5104 MEDICARE 602 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 602 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 602 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 602 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 602 5112 WORKERS' COMP 602 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 602 5114 DENTALINSURANCE 602 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 602 5116 VISION INSURANCE 602 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 602 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 602 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) FY2009-20 1 Admin/Clerical Support 2,250.00 2 Traffic Gommissioners 4,450.00 602 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 602 5121 OVERTIME WAGES FY2009-I0 1 Sig,)al Technicians 15,000.00 602 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 602 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 602 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,242.74 FY2009-I0 1 Sig,)al Techs 1,000.00 602 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 6,617.38 602 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 4,412.01 490,427 .00 490,427.00 96, 549 .00 96, 549.00 7,426. 00 7,426.00 1,560. 00 1,550.00 108. 00 108.00 1,092. 00 1,092.00 0. 00 0.00 6,632. 00 61632.00 57,057 .00 57,057.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 6,700. 00 6,700.00 251.00 251.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 2,140.00 2,140.00 0.00 0.00 684,942.00 684,942.00 0.00% 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 8,000.00 81000.00 0.00 0.00% 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 116 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLJC WORKS 164 602 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 999.76 1,300.00 11300.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 3,000.00 602 5222 PRINTING 207.30 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 512.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5228 PUBLICATIONS 88.63 250.00 500.00 250.00 100.00% 602 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 29,997.35 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2O09-20 1 Replace Batteries (BBS) 9,000.00 2 Upgrade Traffic Signal 5,000.00 Controller 3 Replace Emergency Pre- 26,000.00 Emption Equipment 602 5243 UNIFORMS 2,113.21 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5244 SIGNS 2,325.25 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5248 CCNSULTING SERVICES 21,644.16 10,000.00 28,000.00 18,000.00 180.00% FY2OO9-20 1 Traffic Engineering System 10,000.00 2 Licensed Traffic Engineer 18,000.00 602 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 44,052.55 44,150.00 43,500.00 -650.00 -1.47% FY2OO9-20 1 Update Annual City Wide Count 23,500.00 Census 2 CCTV Equipment Maintenance 20,000.00 602 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602 5258 CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 854.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 602 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 551.67 1,600.00 11600.00 0.00 0.00% FY2OO9-20 1 Signal Timing Certification 600.00 2 Signal Timing Training 400.00 3 Traffic Engineering Studies 600.00 602 5262 MILEAGE 3.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 O.C0 % 602 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 2,237.29 3,000.00 31000.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5268 BLUEPRINTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 118,858.31 112,600.00 132,700.00 20,100.00 17.85% 117 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 602 5405 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 60,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.C0 0.00% FY2009-I0 1 Republic ITS 50,000.00 (repair/replacement) 602 5406 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 62,235.00 12,741.50 12,700.00 -41.50 -0.33% FY2009-10 1 CCTV Multi-Plexer/DeMulti- 12,700.00 Plexer 602 5410 STRIPING/STENCILING 17,999.24 3,700.00 31700.00 0.00 0.00% 602 5412 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 17,333.62 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Replace Yellow Signal Lamps 10,000.00 w/LED OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 157,567.86 76,441.50 76,400.00 -41.50 -0.05% 602 5510 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 276,426.17 189,041.50 8947042.00 705,000.50 372.93% SPECIAL. PROJECTS 603 603 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 603 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 603 5104 MEDICARE 603 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 603 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 603 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 603 5112 WORKERS' COMP 603 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 603 5114 DENTALINSURANCE 603 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 603 5116 VISION INSURANCE 603 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 603 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 603 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 603 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 603 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 15,945.55 14,440.00 0.00 -14,440.00 -100.00% 2,935.07 3,066.00 0.00 -3,066.00 -100.00% 240.88 224.00 0.00 -224.00 -100.00% 24.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.25 74.00 0.00 -74.00 -100.00% 102.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 419.00 314.00 0.00 -314.00 -100.00% 1,096.95 2,625.00 0.00 -2,625.00 -100.00% 60.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 992.77 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 50.00 100.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00% 118 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 21,915.84 21,843.00 0.00 -21,843.00 -100.00% 603 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE F 6,047.48 12,000.00 0.00 -12,000.00 -100.00% 603 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 3,151.22 4,000.00 0.00 -4,000.00 -100.00% 603 5240 UTILITIES 16,720.50 18,000.00 0.00 -18,000.00 -100.00% 603 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 603 5243 UNIFORMS 33.13 750.00 0.00 -750.00 -100.00% 603 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 39,687.56 35,000.00 0.00 -35,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 65,639.89 70,750.00 0.00 -70,750.00 -100.00% 603 5319 STREET LIGHTING 12,399.23 20,000.00 0.00 -20,000.00 -100.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 12,399.23 20,000.00 0.00 -20,000.00 -100.00% 603 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 29,996.93 33,000.00 0.00 -33,000.00 -100.00% 603 5416 REHA81LITATICN 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 39,996.93 33,000.00 0.00 -33,000.00 -100.00% Project Total 139,951.89 145,593.00 0.00 -145,593.00 -100.000/0 ADMINISTRATION 604 604 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,598,788.08 1,586,371.00 0.00 -1,586,371.00 -100.00% 604 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 307,918.88 339,124.00 0.00 -339,124.00 -100.00% 604 5104 MEDICARE 23,402.41 24,248.00 0.00 -24,248.00 -100.00% 604 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,840.00 1,920.00 0.00 -1,920.00 -100.00% 604 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 3,486.88 1,361.00 0.00 -1,361.00 -100.00% 604 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 5,010.07 4,744.00 0.00 -4,744.00 -100.00% 604 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 10,259.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5112 WORKERS' COMP 74,855.00 52,708.00 0.00 -52,708.00 -100.00% 604 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 74,401.41 249,270.00 0.00 -249,270.00 -100.00% 604 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 10,851.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 1,264.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5116 VISION INSURANCE 1,647.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEM 1,666.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 24,747.39 6,000.00 0.00 -6,000.00 -100.00% 119 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUBLIC WORKS 164 604 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 7,704.71 7,500.00 0.00 -7,500.00 -100.00% 604 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 356.00 0.00 -356.00 -100.00% 604 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 56,135.90 60,000.00 0.00 -60,000.00 -100.00% 604 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 2,924.59 9,496.00 0.00 -9,496.00 -100.00% 604 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 3,052.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 2,209,956.94 2,343,098.00 0.00 -2,343,098.00 -100.00% 604 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,701.95 1,500.00 0.00 -1,500.00 -100.00% 604 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - 277.20 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 604 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,204.95 6,000.00 0.00 -6,000.00 -100.00% 604 5222 PRINTING 1,093.75 1,500.00 0.00 -1,500.00 -100.00% 604 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 0.00 2,300.00 0.00 -2,300.00 -100.00% 604 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 7,323.13 8,200.00 0.00 -8,200.00 -100.00% 604 5228 PUBLICATIONS 488.73 600.00 0.00 -600.00 -100.00% 604 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 3,040.67 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100.00% 604 5234 RENT/FACILITY 12,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 -15,000.00 -100.00% 604 5240 UTILITIES 3,015.19 14,000.00 0.00 -14,000.00 -100.00% 604 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 269.36 6,916.18 0.00 -6,916.18 -100.00% 604 5243 UNIFORMS 1,705.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 604 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 203,284.51 40,605.72 0.00 -40,605.72 -100.00% 604 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 8,609.16 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 604 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00% 604 5258 CONFERENCES 495.00 550.00 0.00 -550.00 -100.00% 604 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 195.26 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 604 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATI 1,919.53 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100.00% 604 5262 MILEAGE 1,503.34 1,500.00 0.00 -1,500.00 -100.00% 604 5271 PERMITS 545.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 252,672.21 108,271.90 0.00 -108,271.90 -100.00% 604 5330 INSURANCE 73,943.00 35,234.00 0.00 -35,234.00 -100.00% 120 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUHUC WORKS 164 604 5335 VEHICLES 84,277.00 89,600.00 0.00 -89,600.00 -100.00% 604 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 115,540.00 117,735.00 0.00 -117,735.00 -100.00% 604 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 22,376.00 20,482.00 0.00 -20,482.00 -100.00% 604 5350 FACILITIES 80,947.00 100,500.00 0.00 -100,500.00 -100.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 377,083.00 363,551.00 0.00 -353,551.00 -100.00% Project Total 2,839,712.15 2,814,920.90 0.00 -2,814,920.90 -100.000/0 NPDES COMPLIANCE 605 605 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 134,656.72 132,301.00 191,104.00 58,803.00 44.45% 605 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 26,438.70 28,022.00 39,139.00 11,117.00 39.67% 605 5104 MEDICARE 1,939.48 1,991.00 2,909.00 918.00 46.11% 605 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,000.00 1,000.00 605 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 147.24 0.00 48.00 48.00 605 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 283.49 378.00 410.00 32.00 8.47% 605 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 936.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 5112 WORKERS' COMP 3,197.00 2,502.00 3,210.00 708.00 28.30% 605 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,976.92 15,750.00 21,385.00 5,635.00 35.78% 605 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 0.00 4,550.00 4,550.00 FY2009-10 1 Inspector Support 4,550.00 605 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 171.00 171.00 605 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 3,737.41 5,000.00 51000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 Sr. PW Inspector 5,000.00 605 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 600.00 800.00 200.00 33.33% 605 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 538.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 175,852.27 186,544.00 269,726.00 83,182.00 44.59% 605 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 2,496.73 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00% 605 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 1,703.38 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 121 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 PUHUC WORKS 164 605 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 605 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 100.00 250.00 250.00 0.C0 0.00% 605 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 171.35 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 605 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 442.13 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 605 5243 UNIFORMS 66.25 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 605 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 55,521.54 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 FY2O09-10 1 AEI-CASC 5,000.00 605 5258 CCNFERENCES 0.00 550.00 0.00 -550.00 -100.00% 605 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 605 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 510.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% FY2OO9-10 1 NPDES Training 400.00 605 5262 MILEAGE 225.70 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 605 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 3,052.94 2,100.00 21100.00 0.00 0.00 % OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 64,290.02 8,500.00 13,950.00 5,450.00 64.12% 605 5321 NPDES COMPLIANCE 210,679.84 180,887.00 219,388.00 38,501.00 21.28% FY2OO9-10 1 Annual RWQCB Permit 18,594.00 2 Annual Implementation MSR 200,794.00 Oder INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 210,679.84 180,887.00 219,388.00 38,501.00 21.28% Project Total 450,822.13 375,931.00 503,064.00 127,133.00 33.82% PUBLIC WORKS Total 6,656,090.31 6,415,145.51 5,567,456.00 -847,689.51 -13.21% 122 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: NPDES COMPLIANCE MISSION: The mission of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) division is to establish, implement, and maintain programs for the protection, preservation, and enhancement of water quality in Temecula's local water courses. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Worked with various cities, counties, utility districts, flood control districts, Resource Conservation districts, Bureau of Reclamation, State agencies, and environmental groups to effectively address local and watershed-wide policies and practices to comply with State regulations Managed the permit inspection requirements for construction projects, existing businesses, municipal activities, non-point source illicit discharges, and dry-weather monitoring Fulfilled training requirements for the inspection programs, including training for the new post-development runoff for Water Quality Management Program (WQMP) requirements Reviewed Erosion and Sediment Control plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP), and WQMPs for private developments and municipal projects Managed the progress of the City's GIS-based inventory of storm water conveyance systems, including but not limited to, catch basins, storm drains, improved channels, and Blue-Line watercourses to comply with the permit Worked with in-house staff to generate or modify policies, standards, fee recovery schedules, and project approval processes Provided the most current NPDES information on the City's website for developers, engineers, contractors, residents, and business owners Generated the annual report for the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) Active member in various technical committees and watershed groups, including the Technical Advisory Committee JAC) for the Santa Margarita River Total Maximum Daily Load (SMR TMDL) Investigative Order, and the Executive Management Team (EMT) for the SMR Watershed modeling effort 123 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: NPDES COMPLIANCE GOAL 1: ENHANCE THE QUALITY OF URBAN RUNOFF THROUGHOUT THE CITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Implement inspection programs to minimize polluted discharges from construction sites, commercial and industrial businesses, municipal activities, and residential communities. Continue updating the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Map (MS4) to maintain current storm water drainage system information Provide quick responses to Service Order Requests (SORs) Provide outreach and education to all sectors of the community Assist developers in designing post-construction pollution-prevention controls into their projects Partner with other stakeholders PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Construction Inspections Business Inspections WQMPs reviewed Erosion and Sediment Control Plans reviewed SORs completed MS4 Map updates (CBs mapped) Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 3,277 3094 2,500 2,500 500 361 550 200 20 17 20 15 60 31 50 20 60 106 80 60 2,000 1,975 2,000 2,000 MS4 Map updates (Stormdrains 120 miles 112 miles 120 miles 120 miles mapped) 124 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS - PROGRAM: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING MISSION: To ensure that the integrity of the City's General Plan Circulation Element is maintained by improving traffic circulation, addressing safety related issues, and maintaining traffic signal operations. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Using the closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, monitored traffic signal coordination conditions on the arterials from City Hall and implemented temporary traffic signal timing to modify signal operation during traffic incidents and provided response assistance to Police Department, Public Works, and C I P ■ Installed and upgraded CCTV communication equipment at various locations to monitor and improve traffic signal coordination conditions on City arterials including Temecula Parkway and the Promenade Mall ■ Installed and upgraded traffic signal equipment at various intersections to improve traffic signal operation and optimize the operation of the intersection ■ Refined and implemented traffic signal coordination timing plans at various intersections on City arterials ■ Implemented special time of day plans at various intersections adjacent to elementary, middle, and high school sites throughout the City ■ Developed and installed a working traffic signal lab in the City yard to be used for performing diagnostic testing of traffic signal controllers and equipment ■ Implemented geometric improvements at various locations to mitigate traffic circulation ■ Installed traffic signals and multi-way stop signs at various locations to improve traffic safety ■ Performed on-going routine maintenance of 117 signalized locations throughout the City ■ Collected traffic data at numerous intersections to improve traffic signal coordination timing and improve traffic circulation along City arterials ■ Provided technical assistance for special events to ensure mitigation measures were implemented to enhance safety and traffic circulation ■ Conducted traffic investigations related to citizen concerns and implemented appropriate action ■ Performed review of traffic signal operation related to citizen concerns and implemented appropriate action ■ Revised City's Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program policies and added traffic calming measures to the program to enhance neighborhood traffic safety ■ Performed the review of traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, street improvement plans, traffic control plans, and development site plans ■ Performed the review of traffic impact analysis reports for proposed developments 125 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS - PROGRAM: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING GOAL 1: CONTINUE TO EXPAND THE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) NETWORK OBJECTIVES: ➢ Install additional CCTV cameras to monitor traffic conditions and signal operations on the City's major arterials to improve circulation Develop traffic signal timing plans that will respond to congestion and provide incident management along the City's arterial corridors Install additional hardwire and wireless traffic signal communication equipment to monitor traffic signal operation and improve progression along the City's arterial corridors GOAL 2: PROVIDE AN EXCEPTIONAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Enhance the responsiveness to traffic signal operation issues Conduct routine maintenance and identify preventative measures ➢ Monitor the City's intersections and respond to traffic congestion issues in a timely manner Maintain the City's Traffic Signal System to ensure that traffic signals and synchronization system are operating properly and providing optimal circulation GOAL 3: PROACTIVELY MITIGATE POTENTIAL TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ISSUES THROUGH TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND REVIEW PROCESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Review all development projects, site plans and traffic impact studies to asses private development impacts and identify mitigation measures ➢ Develop Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines to assist in the preparation of traffic impact reports Maintain Citywide traffic census program to identify traffic circulation patterns and develop growth management strategies GOAL 4: ENSURE OPTIMAL TRAFFIC CIRCULATION THROUGHOUT THE CITY BY MONITORING CONDITIONS AND IDENTIFYING AREAS OF CONCERN OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct timely investigation of traffic incidents to identify preventative measures Ensure the traffic signals and synchronization systems are operating properly and providing optimal circulation Monitor City activities and special events to ensure public and traffic safety mitigation measures are implemented Develop and implement traffic signal coordination timing plans as necessary to ensure progression along the City's major arterials Work closely with the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to improve 126 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 Citizen generated traffic investigations 150 157 160 160 Work orders resulting from 50 54 50 50 investigations Days to complete traffic investigations 10 10 10 10 Traffic signal operation investigations 230 234 200 200 Number of traffickonstruction plans 250 237 250 250 reviewed Days to complete plan reviews 10 6 10 10 Number of traffic census locations 160 150 160 180 monitored Number of traffic signals installed 5 3 3 3 Traffic signals reviewed for timing 100% 100% 100% 100% Citizen Web Contact Requests 0 0 80 80 127 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE MISSION: The mission of the Public Works Maintenance Division is to provide a well-maintained public right-of-way system that supports the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrian traffic. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Planted new street trees throughout residential neighborhoods under the "Trees for Temecula" tree-planting program ■ Provided support for various special events sponsored by the City ■ Provided emergency response through the Public Works "After-Hours Call-Out Program" ■ Maintained 800 miles of public right-of-way, including related drainage systems, tree trimming, graffiti removal, and weed abatement ■ Completed 70,000 square feet of pavement repairs ■ Cleaned 2,500 catch basins GOAL 1: PROVIDE A RESPONSIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE CITIZENS AND ENSURE PUBLIC SAFETY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Respond to all service order requests within a 24-hour period Ensure service requests requiring emergency repairs are completed within 48-hours Remove graffiti within a 24-hour period Administer a Pavement Management System that addresses a minimum of 85% of all pavement projects Re-stencil Citywide street legends twice per year Continue improvement of routine and major maintenance programs of City streets, sidewalks, street trees, and weed abatement Monitor and improve the storm drain systems in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Upgrade response and field procedures for emergency situations Provide special event assistance 128 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Number of service order responses Number of legends stenciled Number of street signs replaced Square feet of graffiti removed Square feet of sidewalkskurblgutters repaired Miles of City streets slurry sealed Street trees planted Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 1,050 900 1,000 1,000 2,400 2,319 2,300 2,300 850 721 850 850 100,000 112,353 100,000 120,000 18,000 13,000 18,000 18,000 32 100 11.4 20 12.5 0 100 50 129 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 130 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIP PUBLIC WORKS 165 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,600,782.37 1,838,942.00 1,578,409.00 -260,533.00 -14.17% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 330,509.03 392,630.00 318,695.00 -73,935.00 -18.83% 999 5104 MEDICARE 23,369.61 27,804.00 23,472.00 -4,332.00 -15.58% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,380.00 1,440.00 21160.00 720.00 50.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 2,938.63 1,588.00 11129.00 -459.00 -28.90% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 3,682.65 5,078.00 3,575.00 -1,503.00 -29.60% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 10,377.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 43,585.00 34,589.00 27,524.00 -7,055.00 -20.43% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 86,241.50 208,740.00 168,714.00 -40,026.00 -19.18% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 12,509.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 7,022.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 1,504.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 5,825.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 9,961.41 3,000.00 0.00 -3,000.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 43,502.40 19,604.00 11,351.00 -8,253.00 -42.10% FY2009-10 1 Admin/Clerical Support 2,250.00 2 Inspector Support 9,101.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,375.00 426.00 -949.00 -69.02% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 35,853.51 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 Inspectors 29,000.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 2,932.14 7,952.00 5,480.00 -2,472.00 -31.09% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 5,063.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 2,227,040.72 2,571,742.00 2,169,935.00 -401,807.00 -15.62% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 6,237.85 6,500.00 6,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 3,528.68 6,000.00 61000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,038.64 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 445.91 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 131 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 CIP PUBLIC WORKS 165 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 2,688.25 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 270.11 784.00 0.00 -784.00 -100.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 161.99 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,232.93 216.00 1,000.00 784.00 352.95% 999 5243 UNIFORMS 397.50 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 O.C0 % 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 0.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 15,000.00 1,000.00% FY2009-10 1 CIP Emergeny Projects 1,500.00 2 Right-of-Way Expert 15,000.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 2,409.00 3,500.00 31500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 0.00 700.00 700.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 297.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 187.05 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 7,460.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 2,074.17 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.Co % 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 4,355.71 5,600.00 51600.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 37,285.34 37,300.00 52,300.00 15,000.00 40.21% 999 5330 INSLRANCE 69,999.00 32,717.00 57,500.00 24,783.00 75.75% 999 5335 VEHICLES 5,908.00 6,000.00 21100.00 -3,900.00 -65.00% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 160,230.00 174,980.00 110,600.00 -64,380.00 -36.79% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 14,464.00 7,902.00 24,700.00 16,798.00 212.58% 999 5350 FACILITIES 25,380.00 46,800.00 51,900.00 5,100.00 10.90% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 275,981.00 268,399.00 246,800.00 -21,599.00 -8.05% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 14.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 14.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 2,540,321.49 2,877,441.00 2,469,035.00 -408,406.00 -14.19% CIP PUBLIC WORKS Total 2,540,321.49 2,877,441.00 2,469,035.00 -408,406.00 -14.19% 132 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION MISSION: The Capital Improvement Program Division is dedicated to providing high-quality engineering and project management services for the development, design, and construction of cost-effective circulation, infrastructure, park, and redevelopment projects that support and enhance the quality of life for residents, businesses, and visitors of the City of Temecula. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Town Square, Mercedes, and Main Streets - completed construction of a Civic Plaza, street improvements, and pavement rehabilitation • Underground Utilities - completed construction to underground overhead utility lines including power, telephone, and cable television ■ Parking Structure, Office and Retail Project - started construction of three-story parking structure to accommodate 380 parking spaces and integral office and retail shells Old Town Civic Center - pre-qualified bidders, bid and awarded the construction contract; completed light grading, site preparation and demolition of two buildings; moved the Escallier house and barn to its new site on Pujol Street; and started construction of the Civic Center Pechanga Parkway Phase II - nearly completed construction of full width street improvements, including widening, pavement rehabilitation, curb and gutter, storm drain systems, medians, landscape and irrigation, and traffic signals Pavement Rehabilitation / Rancho California Road - completed design, received Federal authorization for construction, awarded a contract and started construction of the rehabilitation of the pavement between Ynez Road and Butterfield Stage Road Pavement Rehabilitation / De Portola Road - completed design, received Federal authorization, and started construction for the rehabilitation of pavement between Jedediah Smith Road and Margarita Road Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail - completed construction of new park improvements between Diaz Road and Murrieta Creek, including multi-use trails, benches, hardscape, landscaping, and irrigation Temecula Community Center Expansion - completed grading and started construction of the building that will add 3,653 square feet of office and meeting space Roller Hockey Rink - completed replacement of dasher boards at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park Roller Rink Traffic Signal Installation - completed the design and awarded construction contract for the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Welton Street/Channel Street and the intersection of Meadows Parkway at McCabe Drive Citywide Concrete Repairs - completed two projects which repaired curb, gutter, and sidewalks at various locations Slurry Seal Program - completed application of rubberized slurry seal to residential streets in the Paloma del Sol and Meadowview 133 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ■ Butterfield Stage Road - started the preparation of the bid package for Phase I of the Roripaugh Ranch Priority Public Improvements ■ Winchester Road Beautification - completed the design and began processing federal authorization to solicit construction bids ■ French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements Phase I - continued preparation of plans and specifications to construct a new southbound off-ramp, auxiliary lane, improvements to the existing southbound off-ramp at Winchester Road, and portions of the French Valley Parkway ■ French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements Phase II - made significant progress towards completion of the Environmental Document and the Project Report, including the approval of the New Connection Report, and initiated acquisition activities with two existing businesses ■ Interstate-15/State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange - obtained approval of the Project Report, the Environmental Document, and the Modified Access Report, and approved a design agreement with a consulting firm and initiated design activities for preparation of plans and specifications to reconfigure the southbound ramps, modify the northbound ramps, and revise the lane configuration on Temecula Parkway ■ Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek - completed preparation of plans and specifications to construct a new bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek connecting Chaparral High School and the City Trail System ■ Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) - completed the preparation of plans, specifications, and the environmental studies to replace the existing bridge ■ Nicolas Valley Assessment District (Liefer Road) - started the design of the street improvements of Liefer Road and adjacent streets ■ Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension - continued the design of the bridge that will cross over Murrieta Creek and extend Overland Drive to Diaz Road ■ Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek - started the design of the bridge over Murrieta Creek at State Route 79 South / Temecula Parkway ■ Redhawk Park Improvements - completed the design of the first phase of improvements to four parks in the Redhawk area ■ Temecula Park and Ride - continued preparation of plans and specifications to construct a new facility at the corner of Temecula Parkway and La Paz Street ■ Pavement Management Program - completed the update of Citywide database used to develop and implement cost-effective pavement maintenance treatments and strategies ■ Completely revamped the boilerplate bid specifications for Federal projects ■ Completed the fiscal years 2009-2013 five-year Measure A Local Streets and Roads Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance of Effort with the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) to ensure funding for the City's Federal and State funded projects ■ Submitted updates to RCTC and the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) to properly identify and secure project funding through the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program ■ Submitted Annual Amendment of the City's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) to the State in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 134 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION GOAL 1: DEVELOP SOUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Prepare accurate project cost estimates and schedules Identify funding sources and forecast revenues Assimilate 5-year plan to deliver projects based on priorities, funding forecasts, estimated costs, estimated schedules, and available staffing GOAL 2: IMPLEMENT THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OBJECTIVES: ➢ Ensure compliance with environmental law Use good engineering practices and employ sound decision making to develop "biddable and buildable" construction plans and specifications Advertise, award, and administer contracts in accordance with the Public Contract Code ➢ Provide thorough inspections to ensure a high quality, final product Make safety of the public and construction workers top priority GOAL 3: GUARANTEE QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain up-to-date accounting of project budget and schedules Employ a reliable system of checks and balances Establish clear policies and procedures Regularly disseminate lessons learned GOAL 4: MAINTAIN ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN REGIONAL GROUPS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE MANDATES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Attend monthly RCTC and WRCOG Technical Advisory Committee meetings to ensure participation in all state and federal funding programs Coordinate with RCTC to maintain the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) for the administration of State and Federal funding for Public Works Projects Communicate with federal agencies to ensure conformance with federally mandated regional policies Continue to update the City's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 135 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION GOAL 5: PROVIDE EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide complete information and sound recommendations to decision makers ➢ Coordinate with other City departments ➢ Consider the goals and objectives of outside agencies and utility companies ➢ Improve citizen satisfaction by soliciting input, responding quickly to inquiries, minimizing disruption during construction, and providing good public relations Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES:* FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Total capital project costs incurred $49,000,00 $11,200,000 $65,000,00 $65,000,00 Percent of projects completed within 95% 95% 95% 90% budget Percent of projects completed on 90% 90% 90% 90% schedule "Total includes anticipated Roripaugh Ranch Community Facilities District/Assessment District projects. "*Roripaugh Ranch Community Facilities District did not move forward as expected. 136 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 LAND DEVELOPMENT 163 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,167,318.75 963,112.00 879,405.00 -83,707.00 -8.69% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 234,715.94 211,690.00 168,156.00 -43,534.00 -20.55% 999 5104 MEDICARE 16,699.63 14,775.00 13,061.00 -1,714.00 -11.60% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,380.00 1,440.00 31120.00 1,680.00 116.67% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,875.39 454.00 171.00 -283.00 -62.33% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 2,991.57 3,045.00 2,058.00 -987.00 -32.41 % 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 7,970.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 26,830.00 16,244.00 13,329.00 -2,915.00 -17.95% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 62,343.48 137,865.00 107,562.00 -30,303.00 -21.98% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 6,091.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 3,371.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 1,04326 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 1,989.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 9,960.07 5,910.00 0.00 -5,910.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 3,539.14 3,642.00 11,351.00 7,709.00 211.67% FY2009-10 1 Admin/Clerical Support 2,250.00 2 Inspector Support 9,101.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 137.00 0.00 -137.00 -100.00% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 18,187.17 15,000.00 10,000.00 -5,000.00 -33.33% FY2009-10 1 Inspectors/Engineers 10,000.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 993.84 5,052.00 4,040.00 -1,012.00 -20.03% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1,681.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 1,568,983.19 1,378,366.00 1,212,253.00 -166,113.00 -12.05% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,751.71 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Inspector Phones 4,000.00 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 4,935.59 11,400.00 11,400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 476.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 44.48 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 137 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 LAND DEVELOPMENT 163 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,291.47 2,741.00 3,000.00 259.00 9.45% 999 5222 PRINTING 257.59 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 64.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 930.00 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 368.05 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 99.98 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 239.91 700.00 100.00 -600.00 -85.71 % FY2O09-10 1 LD Inspector Items 50.00 2 Digital Cameras; Accessories 50.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 574.67 1,300.00 11300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5248 CCNSI LTING SERVICES 106,902.32 19,159.00 20,000.00 841.00 4.39% FY2OO9-10 1 Maps/Legals Checking 15,000.00 2 County Geologist 5,000.00 999 5249 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5258 CCNFERENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 75.77 100.00 100.00 O.CO 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 2,717.05 390.00 390.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5262 MILEAGE 507.77 500.00 500.00 0.00 O.C0 % 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 11,531.66 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5268 BLUEPRINTS 206.35 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 136,974.78 53,940.00 54,440.00 500.00 0.93% 999 5330 INSLRANCE 44,615.00 21,066.00 38,800.00 17,734.00 84.18% 999 5335 VEHICLES 14,397.00 12,500.00 41400.00 -8,100.00 -64.80% 999 5340 INFORMATICN SYSTEMS 102,767.00 97,426.00 75,300.00 -22,126.00 -22.71 % 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 5,014.00 4,317.00 6,500.00 2,183.00 50.57% 999 5350 FACILITIES 45,352.00 58,100.00 72,400.00 14,300.00 24.61% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 212,145.00 193,409.00 197,400.00 3,991.00 2.05% Project Total 1,918,102.97 1,625,715.00 1,464,093.00 -161,622.00 -9.94% 138 THE l E CV LA t ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 CtTyz "nl.a TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxlvNmes FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I LAND DEVELOPMENT Total 1,918,102.97 1,625,715.00 1,464,093.00 -161,622.00 -9.94% 139 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: LAND DEVELOPMENT MISSION: The mission of the Land Development Division is to protect, preserve, and enhance the environmental and development objectives of the City by promoting informed and sound decision making at the neighborhood, local, and regional levels, and providing excellent, consistent and accurate public service delivery. 2009-2010 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Processed residential and commercial improvement plans and subdivision maps Provided field inspection of grading, street, underground utilities and on site improvements for all private projects in the City Provided inspection and enforced compliance of NPDES and FEMA programs Updated Laserfiche data by scanning all new plans, maps and documents, mapped all new storm drain systems and sub-drainage areas as a GIS layer, and continue to accommodate public access to updated and current standard drawings, notes, agreements, and related ordinances via the City website Scanned 4,000 sheets/mylars of Land Development (LD) and Capital Improvement Project (CIP) plans, with a total of 24,733 sheets/mylars on file, and 90% of LD technical reports archived and scanned; and 75% of completed C I P files archived Provided inspection and engineering oversight for the completion, Certificate of Occupancy, of 75 multi-family and single family units/homes Wolf Creek Development (North of Wolf Valley Road) - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of the six acre park and 85% of the single family residences Wolf Creek Development (South of Wolf Valley Road) - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of the fire station and 70% of the single family residences Harveston Development - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of Phase I, 95% completion of Phase II, and 50% completion of Final Phase Roripaugh Ranch Development - Provided inspection and engineering oversight to ensure adequacy and functionality of the erosion and sediment control mitigation measures and provided information and technical support to City Attorney's office in order to conclude pertinent terms of agreement to obtain funding to construct ensuing improvement to accommodate access to the Roripaugh Fire Station Temecula Parkway Corridor - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of Walmart Superstore Expansion, Fresh & Easy at Redhawk Pavilion, Redhawk Tire Store & Car Wash, Temecula Creek Plaza (offices and stores), Temecula Creek Villages (offices, stores and condominiums), Butterfield Square, Butterfield Station, Altura Credit Union, Margarita Professional Building, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Summerhouse 140 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: LAND DEVELOPMENT Professional Hospital Supply (PHS) Verizon Fiber Optic - completed a two year project to provide high- speed internet and television service to residents and commercial business throughout the City; project provided service to over 44,000 residents Old Town - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion for the Dalton II & III; Old Town Plaza One; Ahmed Medical; Warehouse at Creekside; Pujol Street Apartments Commercial and Industrial - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of Southwest Riverside family YMCA, Plaza Rio Vista, De Portola Professional Center, Temecula Professional Building II, Rancho View Professional Center, Ruby Tuesday, Panera, American AG Credit, First Bank, Easy Lube, Downs Energy, Rancho Self Storage, Calvary Baptist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Spring Hill Suites Temecula Regional Mall Expansion - provided inspection services and engineering oversight for the completion of the east and west parking garage, ring road, utilities' infrastructure and development improvements GOAL 1: PROVIDE OVERSIGHT, REVIEW, AND GUIDANCE OF PRIVATE LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOCUSED ON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY, STATE, AND FEDERAL STANDARDS AND POLICIES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Review, update, and standardize development inspection policies, procedures, and guidelines with supporting checklists ➢ Provide public access to development review policies, procedures, guidelines, standards, and checklists on the City's website ➢ Deliver thorough and timely development review comments in accordance with adopted policies, procedures, and guidelines ➢ Amend Improvement Standard Drawings in compliance with Circulation Element of City of Temecula General Plan and 2007 California Building Code GOAL 2: PROVIDE THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AND QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE TO THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Refine intra-department coordination through the Permits Plus Work Flow Program ➢ Maintain monthly plan check status reporting through the SQL Reports Program ➢ Increase public and staff accessibility of land development documents through the LaserFische scankatalog process ➢ Provide development review plan check within three weeks of submittal and subsequent plan checks within two weeks ➢ Provide encroachment permits within one week of complete application and routine encroachment permits, such as driveway, 141 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: LAND DEVELOPMENT GOAL 3: UPDATE THE CITY'S FLOODPLAIN LIMITS AND PRIORITIZE A DRAINAGE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Analyze Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), and identify unmapped areas within the City ➢ Coordinate with Riverside County Flood Control on existing and future regional drainage facility improvements needs ➢ Maintain a Master List of Drainage Improvement Needs that identifies implementation costs and possible funding mechanisms GOAL 4: DEVELOP AND FORM AN AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST TO PROVIDE AIQUIST- PRIOLO EARTHQUAKE FAULT REPORT REVIEW SERVICES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Contact County of Riverside Planning Department Engineering Geologist to negotiate and form certain procedure for the County Geologist to provide review and approval services of geotechnical studies for project sites located in seismic hazard zones Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Documents scanned into 4 600 7 800 5 000 5 500 LaserFiche , , , , Legal documents and tract and 35 38 30 35 parcel maps reviewed Grading and improvement plans 153 57 50 55 reviewed Grading and encroachment 275 289 300 325 permits issued Permit inspection within 24-hours of request 100% 100% 100% 100% First plan check turnaround time 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks Subsequent plan checks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks turnaround time Map changes turnaround time 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks Development review turnaround 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks time Use permits turnaround time 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 142 POLICE CHIEF Andre O'Harra POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE LIEUTENANT POLICE LIEUTENANT Ron Heim Jeff Kubel Mike Judge Charles Wilhite INVESTIGATIONS TRAFFIC / CITY / PATROL CITY LIAISON / SPECIAL TEAMS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOLS SERVICES Administrative School Resource Mall / Storefronts : Detectives Support Officers Patrol Officers I.......... I.......... I.......... ..........I.......... Special Volunteers Enforcement Traffic Unit K-9 Officer .......Team I.......... ..........I.......... Special Events Patrol CSO's Training 143 DEPARTMENT: POLICE THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 LLEBG -JAG 602 502 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 18,046.56 11,011.54 0.00 -11,011.54 -100.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 18,046.56 11,011.54 0.00 -11,011.54 -100.00% Project Total 18,046.56 11,011.54 0.00 -11,011.54 -100.000/0 OTS GRANTS 603 503 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 503 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATI 1,642.67 4,357.33 0.00 -4,357.33 -100.00% 503 5279 OVERTIME-OTS 53,910.73 34,130.77 0.00 -34,130.77 -100.00% 503 5280 OTSDUI MINI GRANT CF-E 9,511.51 22,510.00 0.00 -22,510.00 -100.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 72,564.91 60,998.10 0.00 -60,998.10 -100.00% 503 5506 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 19,800.00 10,200.00 0.00 -10,200.00 -100.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 19,800.00 10,200.00 0.00 -10,200.00 -100.00% Project Total 92,364.91 71,198.10 0.00 -71,198.10 -100.000/0 GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY 606 505 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000/0 CA ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL GRANT 606 506 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 55,050.00 0.00 -55,050.00 -100.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 55,050.00 0.00 -55,050.00 -100.00% 506 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,500.00 0.00 -2,500.00 -100.00% 505 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATI 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100.00% 506 5288 SWORN STAFF 15,212.00 0.00 -15,212.00 -100.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 21,212.00 0.00 -21,212.00 -100.00% Project Total 76,262.00 0.00 -76,262.00 -100.000/0 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 84,899.87 88,645.00 51,340.00 -37,305.00 -42.08% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 21,651.77 18,971.00 12,637.00 -6,334.00 -33.39% 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,032.38 2,230.00 1,788.00 -442.00 -19.82% 999 5108 LIFE INSLRANCE 323.59 252.00 114.00 -138.00 -54.76% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 1,761.18 1,948.00 315.00 -1,633.00 -83.83% 144 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) FY2009-10 1 Storefront Staffing - Old Town 72,000.00 and Mall 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 637.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,035.00 775.00 574.00 -201.00 -25.94% 5,115.85 10,500.00 51460.00 -5,040.00 -48.00% 1,409.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 520.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 139.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,716.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66,176.72 65,160.00 72,000.00 6,840.00 10.50% 0.00 2,444.00 21250.00 -194.00 -7.94% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 400.00 400.00 200.00 -200.00 -50.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 187,819.88 191,325.00 146,678.00 -44,647.00 -23.34% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 11,445.27 13,900.00 12,420.00 -11480.00 -10.65% FY2009-20 1 CSO ZACHARY 720.00 2 CPL COHEN 840.00 3 DEP BROSCHE 840.00 4 DEP KUH~ - SET 1 840.00 5 DEP E. HERNANDEZ - SET 2 840.00 6 DEP GATHRIGHT - SET 3 840.00 7 SGT EPPS - SET 4 840.00 8 CPL VICLETTE - SET 5 840.00 9 DEP DE LA TORRE - SET 6 840.00 10 CSO S. LOPEZ - SET 7 480.00 11 DEP JOSE - SET 8 840.00 12 DEP MARTINELLI - SET 9 840.00 13 CSO THOMAS - SPRINT 660.00 14 CSO SALAZAR - SPRINT 720.00 15 CAP 780.00 16 SGT SOUTHERN 660.00 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 51,063.84 63,565.00 48,000.00 -15,565.00 -24.49% 145 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Pctuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 Harley Davidson 40,000.00 Maintenance/Repair 2 Honda Maintenance/Repair 3,000.00 3 BMW Maintenance/Repair 2,000.00 4 Mule Maintenance/Repair 1,000.00 5 Radar Trailer 500.00 Maintenance/Repair 6 Command Post 1,000.00 Maintenance/Repair 7 CAP Vehicle 500.00 Maintenance/Repair 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME FY2009-10 1 RADAR/LIDAR Equip. Repair 3,000.00 and Batteries 2 LIDAR Recalibration 1,500.00 3 Copier Maintenance 1,200.00 4 Motor Helmet Repair 500.00 5 EPAS Repair 450.00 6 Traffic Camera Maintenance 300.00 7 SEGWAY Repair 1,500.00 8 Bicycle Maintenance 1,000.00 9 Decibel Meter Repair 300.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 999 5221 COMPUTER SUPPLIES FY2009-10 1 Entersect Police Online 2,000.00 2 Forensic Expert Auto Statistics 300.00 3 Fatal Reconstruction Software 770.00 999 5222 PRINTING FY2009-10 1 Business Cards 500.00 2 Letterhead & Envelopes 350.00 3 Parking & Traffic Citations 1,000.00 4 Taxi Decals 200.00 5 Parent Workbooks - Parent 1,275.00 Project 6 Penal Code Books 250.00 7 Crime Free Pamphlets/Sig,)age 2,000.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 12,326.67 12,588.91 91750.00 -2,838.91 -22.55% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,558.28 3,070.00 3,070.00 0.00 5,856.80 13,425.00 385.00 146 375.00 0.00% 5,575.00 -7,850.00 -58.47% 375.00 0.00 0.00% THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 SATAI Accident Investigators 200.00 2 CCPOA 35.00 3 NASRO 140.00 999 5229 SATELLITE OFFICE 69,358.82 88,936.00 93,704.00 4,768.00 5.35% FY2009-I0 1 Old Town Storefront Lease 26,214.00 2 Old Town Storefront CAM 7,980.00 3 Old Town Storefront Alarm 480.00 4 Old Town Storefront Shredding 420.00 5 Old Town Storefront Electric 7,000.00 6 Old Town Storefront Cleaning 9,480.00 7 Old Town Storefront Office 2,600.00 Supplies 8 Old Town Storefront Copier 450.00 Lease 9 Storefronts Carpet Cleaning 1,000.00 10 Mall Storefront Alarm 480.00 11 Mall Storefront Cleaning 6,000.00 12 Mall Storefront Electricity 10,000.00 13 Mall Storefront Office Supplies 1,800.00 14 Mall Storefront Shredding 300.00 15 Mall Storefront Lease Payment 17,500.00 16 Mall and Old Town Storefronts - 2,000.00 Emergency Repairs 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 6,797.78 9,080.00 91000.00 -80.00 -0.88% FY2009-I0 1 PO Box Rental 400.00 2 Postage 8,200.00 3 Express Shipments 400.00 999 5234 FACILITY CHARGE 250,628.62 263,160.00 268,284.00 5,124.00 1.95% FY2009-20 1 Southwest Station Facility 268,284.00 Charge from the County 999 5235 EXPLORER POST PROGRAM 5,442.72 6,100.00 6,400.00 300.00 4.92% 147 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 Explorers Uniforms 500.00 2 Posse Uniforms 500.00 3 BCTC Explorer Academy 1,500.00 4 CAP Team Uniforms 500.00 5 Awards and Recognition 500.00 6 CPA Team Brochures - 1,000.00 Advertising 7 Training and Safety Tools 700.00 8 Professional Membership Dues 500.00 9 Posse Award 200.00 10 Posse Membership Dues 500.00 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT FY2009-10 1 13 Motorcycle Radios 19,900.00 2 2 Mobile HTs 314.00 3 Commercial Vehicle Radio 1,100.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT FY2009-10 1 Parent Project Videos 225.00 2 Motor Helmets 900.00 3 YAT Drug Screen Test 550.00 4 Snacks for Parent Project 1,325.00 5 DMV Publications - Traffic 250.00 6 Flash Drives 250.00 7 LIDAR Batteries 850.00 8 Traffic Rolemeters 200.00 9 Equipment for Commercial 200.00 Vehicle 999 5243 UNIFORMS FY2009-10 1 Traffic Uniforms 6,000.00 2 City Patches 500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 20,356.68 24,435.00 21,314.00 -3,121.00 -12.77% 32,885.83 44,513.00 4,750.00 -39,763.00 -89.33% 12,640.49 9,100.00 61500.00 -2,600.00 -28.57% 107,095.95 132,070.00 73,150.00 -58,920.00 -44.61% 148 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 Data Ticket Citation Processing 35,000.00 2 Towing Vehicles - TC/Command 9,000.00 Post 3 Graphics for Patrol hits 3,150.00 4 Steno Solutions Report 10,000.00 Transcription 5 Forensic Rape Exams 10,000.00 6 Crime Scene Cleanup - City 6,000.00 Facilities 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 999 5262 MILEAGE FY2009-10 1 Black and White Mileage 659,992.00 2 Plain Vehicle Mileage 6,416.00 (Unmarked) 3 Motorcycle and CAP Fuel 17,946.00 Expense 999 5273 BOOKING FEES FY2009-10 1 Bookings at Jail 249,192.00 999 5279 OVERTIME FY2009-10 1 Deputy Sheriff 121,926.00 2 Investigator 71,802.00 3 Motor Team 17,429.00 4 Accident Investigator 46,949.00 5 CCP/Ma II 19,135.00 6 K-9 Officer 620.00 7 Sergeant 42,666.00 8 SET Team 39,032.00 9 SRO 3,976.00 10 Task Force Officer 19,405.00 11 CSC) 11 25,297.00 12 CSC I 10,440.00 999 5281 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICERS 136.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,469.76 29,500.00 25,000.00 -4,500.00 -15.25% 580,059.15 694,795.00 684,354.00 -10,441.00 -1.50% 0.00 41,534.00 249,192.00 207,658.00 499.97% 463,781.36 470,780.00 418,677.00 -52,103.00 -11.07% 1,279,175.16 1,519,968.00 1,744,704.00 224,736.00 149 14.79% THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 00 I POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 CSO II (18 x 40.96/hr x 2080 1,533,542.00 hours) 2 CSO I (3 x $33.84/hr x 2080 211,162.00 hours) 999 5284 CPL ID 999 5288 SWORN STAFF FY2009-10 1 Patrol Officers (38 x $121.99 x 8,251,404.00 1780 hours) 2 Gang Task Force Officer 118,539.00 ($56.99 x 2080 hours) 3 SET Officers (7 x $121.99 x 1,519,995.00 1780 hours) 4 Mall Officers (4 x $121.99 x 868,569.00 1780 hours) 5 FY09-10 Projected Savings -300,000.00 999 5291 SCHOCL RESOURCE OFFICER FY2009-10 1 SROs (4 x $67.61 x 1780 571,643.00 hours) (1 x 67.61 x 1335 1 hours) 0.00 999 5292 CRIME PREVENTION - SLPPLIES FY2009-10 1 Crime Prevention Supplies 13,000.00 2 Mall Handout Materials 200.00 999 5294 K-9 OFFICER - DOG OFFICER FY2009-10 1 K9 Officer 217,173.00 2 K9 Differential 3,640.00 3 K9 Daily Rate 2,588.00 999 5295 LIEUTENANT FY2009-10 1 2 Lieutenants (2 x $94.08 x 391,373.00 2080 hours) 999 5297 SERGEANTS(POP/CSO) FY2009-10 1 Sergeants (3 x $82.23 x 2080 513,115.00 hours) 2 Sergeant (1 x $82.23 x 1040 85,519.00 hours) 999 5299 TRAFFIC OFFICERS 80,774.00 84,224.00 85,908.00 1,684.00 2.00% 9,430,874.21 10,329,959.00 10,458,507.00 128,548.00 1.24% 370,831.20 364,484.00 571,643.00 207,159.00 56.84% 12,523.53 13,200.00 13,200.00 0.00 0.00% 201,307.13 215,031.00 223,401.00 8,370.00 3.89% 355,050.72 378,435.00 391,373.00 12,938.00 3.42% 447,898.18 552,057.00 598,634.00 46,577.00 8.44% 3,092,701.68 3,532,587.00 3,516,389.00 -16,198.00 -0.46% 150 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 Motorcycle Officers (10 x 2,171,728.00 $104.41 x 2080 hours) 2 Motor Differential ($1.75 x 36,400.00 20,800 hours) 3 Sergeant Differential ($2.60 x 5,408.00 2080 hours) 4 Accident Investigators (6 x 1,302,853.00 $121.99 x 1780 hours) OPERATICNS AND MA INTENANCE Total 16,932,425.14 18,910,871.91 19,543,274.00 632,402.09 3.34% 999 5303 TASK FORCE OFFICER 210,334.40 212,097.00 217,142.00 5,045.00 2.38% FY2OO9-10 1 Task Force Officer ($121.99 x 217,142.00 1780 hours) 999 5323 FIELD TRAINING (NEW OFFIC ERS) 200,947.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5324 FINGERPRINTING-DOJ 39,270.00 47,380.00 50,000.00 2,620.00 5.53% FY2OO9-10 1 Fingerprinting - DOJ 50,000.00 999 5325 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYST EM 200,852.00 213,005.00 213,005.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5327 K-9 FOOD & SUPPLIES 4,660.37 2,817.00 4,200.00 1,383.00 49.09% FY2OO9-10 1 Casper - Training 2,500.00 2 Casper - Medical Services 700.00 3 Casper - Food and Supplies 1,000.00 999 5328 BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS 72,153.77 102,100.00 86,000.00 -16,100.00 -15.77% FY2OO9-10 1 American Forensic Nurses 40,000.00 2 BioTox Alcohol Analysis 26,000.00 3 DOJ Alcohol Analysis 20,000.00 999 5330 INSLRANCE 10,034.00 71295.00 6,900.00 -395.00 -5.41% 999 5335 VEHICLES 16,706.00 31,500.00 91500.00 -22,000.CO -69.84% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 999 5345 SLPPORT SERVICES 999 5350 FACILITIES 999 5370 SPECIAL EVENTS 107,381.00 151,208.00 128,500.00 -22,708.00 5,367.00 9,189.00 61900.00 -2,289.00 3,849.00 4,700.00 51900.00 1,200.00 72,862.55 92,011.00 97,554.00 5,543.00 151 -15.02% -24.91% 25.53% 6.02% THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GENERAL FUND 00 I POLICE 170 FY2009-10 1 4th of July 2009 20,000.00 2 Rod Run 2010 20,000.00 3 Help Ride 2009 12,266.00 4 Fall Car Show 2009 20,000.00 5 Christmas Parade 2009 5,047.00 6 Race for the Cure 7,000.00 7 Temecula Triathlon 5,044.00 8 Western Days 3,153.00 9 FIT Run 5,044.00 999 5371 EVERY 15 MINUTES PROGRAM FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 15,409.74 15,000.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 6.67% 999 5372 EXTRA DUTY PATROL 420,387.99 507,959.00 494,328.00 -13,631.00 -2.68% FY2009-10 1 Extra Duty Sergeant ($79.60 x 44,047.00 553 hours) 2 Extra Duty Deputy/Motor 450,281.00 ($53.90 x 8,354 hours) 999 5374 TEMECULA CITIZEN CO RP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL SER VICE ALLOCATION Total 1,380,215.03 1,3 ,261.00 1,335,929.00 -60,332.00 -4.32% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 84,774.68 85,000.00 25,000.00 -60,000.00 -70.59% FY2009-10 1 Traffic Motorcycle (with all 25,000.00 accessories) CAPITAL CUTLAY Total 84,774.68 85,000.00 25,000.00 -60,000.00 -70.59% Project Total 18,585,234.73 20,583,457.91 21,050,881.00 467,423.09 2.27% POLICE Total 18,695,646.20 20,741,929.55 21,050,881.00 308,951.45 1.49% 152 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: POLICE ADMINISTRATION MISSION: Police Administration is comprised of dedicated professional officers committed to reaching out to the citizens we serve. In this ever- changing society, this department strives to maintain the highest level of training and expertise in dealing with new arising issues. It is a community police department, working closely together with the citizens of Temecula, as well as our surrounding neighbors with the integrity and professionalism they deserve. Police Administration works in partnership with the City Manager, other departments, and City Council in order to enhance the quality of life in our community. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: OBJECTIVES: Maintain police training to continue 100% compliance of P.O.S.T. standards ■ Added three additional grant funded Automated License Plate Recognition Systems to City patrol units, to allow officers to quickly identify vehicles involved in criminal activity ■ Continue tracking and monitoring of zone deployment program to increase and ensure efficiency ■ Facilitate mall storefront move within the Promenade Mall GOAL 1: PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM TO ENSURE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR TEMECULA'S RESIDENTS THROUGH THE USE OF VOLUNTEERS AND UPDATED TRAINING OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain and enhance positive relations between police managers and businesses in the Retail Zone District ➢ Expand volunteer groups through recruitment programs to further enhance community involvement ➢ Continue to work on the expansion of in-house training of officers Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 P.O.S.T. Training Compliance 100% 100% 100% 100% Number of Trainees 15 15 NIA" NIA" *No added personnel for fiscal year 2008-09 153 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT TEAM MISSION: The primary focus of the Special Enforcement Team involves the aggressive targeting and monitoring of known and identified offenders living within the boundaries of the City and surrounding areas. These offenders include those on parole, probation, sex and drug registrants, and identified gang members. Historical data has consistently shown that criminal recidivism is high among these groups and the Team's goal is to proactively target these individuals through parole/probation searches, surveillance, and high-visibility directed patrol enforcement to prevent them from gaining a foothold in the community and impacting the quality of life through their criminal activity. The Unit also oversees the Crime Free Multi- Housing Program among the City's apartment complexes. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Obtained $70,000 grant to conduct operations in coordination with ABC to bring licensed providers of alcohol into compliance with state laws and City codes ■ Focus on quality-of-life issues in addition to previously stated mission ■ Numerous operations conducted in coordination with Gang Task Force and Southwest Narcotics Task Force ■ Sex offender registration near 100% compliance ■ Formulated and implemented the new Massage Ordinance ■ Continue to work closely with the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Team (SAFE) to monitor registered sex offenders GOAL 1: ENSURE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Severely impact the supply and availability of controlled substances within the City of Temecula and Southwest County area Identify, monitor, and target high-risk parolees, probationers, and sex registrants living within the City and surrounding areas Continue efforts to meet 100% compliance of sex, narcotic, and gang registrants Collaboratively work with the Southwest Corridor Narcotic Task Force and the Temecula/Murrieta Gang Task Force to target known or identified offenders 154 DEPARTMENT: POLICE - - - PROGRAM: SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT TEAM Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 On-Sight Felony Arrests 100 150 60 150 On-Sight Misdemeanor Arrests 150 286 150 300 Felony Warrants Served 75 48 50 60 Misdemeanor Warrants Served 50 86 50 100 Search Warrants 30 15 25 20 Parole Searches 75 180 80 160 Probation Searches 150 305 100 250 155 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS UNIT MISSION: The Investigations Unit conducts follow-up investigation of initial reports handled by Patrol Services. Periodically, at the direction of the Chief of Police, they will also conduct special investigations from the onset to conclusion in order to maintain confidentiality of the investigations. The Investigations Unit is comprised of a Crimes Against Persons Division and a Crimes Against Property Division. However, investigators from either division may be called upon periodically to assist or act as a lead investigator in order to speed up the investigative process. The primary focus of the Unit is to take initial investigations where there are leads, suspect information, or additional necessary interviews that cannot be accomplished by Patrol Services Personnel, and conduct the necessary steps to complete the investigation, and when warranted, forward the completed investigation to the District Attorney's Office for prosecution. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Obtained conviction of two individuals responsible for over 100 residential burglaries, involving over $1,000,000 worth of stolen property ■ Assisted Central Homicide Unit with three murder investigations. All suspects identified, in-custody, and awaiting trial ■ Investigated an off-duty officer involved shooting of a Costa Mesa PD Officer ■ Investigated attempted homicide and child kidnapping case. Child located in Northern California, suspect arrested and awaiting trial ■ Investigated an aggravated sexual assault cold case. The case consisted of a child victim in 1999. Suspect identified, arrested, and awaiting trial ■ Second investigator trained in computer forensics, with emphasis focused on internet predation. ■ Upgrade of interview recording equipment to digital format is 90% complete ■ Conducted 15 community/business education seminars ■ Continued successful assignment of Domestic Violence Investigator to work with DV Unit (Grant funded) ■ Collaborated with Crime Analyst to identify specific crime patterns within the City and implemented programs to proactively seek out offenders based on the crime data ■ Case closure rate increased to 90% 156 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS UNIT GOAL 1: PROVIDE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT INVESTIGATION OF CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Create stronger relationship with patrol and Special Teams to increase the investigation effectiveness and provide better service to the community. ➢ Conduct a proactive enforcement operation to address vice-issues in the community. ➢ Increase briefing training in regard to patrol function within various investigations. ➢ SAFE investigator to continue domestic violence training. ➢ Complete upgrade of recording equipment. ➢ Continue public and commercial education regarding on-going regional crime trends Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Case closure rate 80% 90% 85% 90% Open case average per detective 25 22 20 20 Number of community seminars 15 15 17 20 conducted 157 DEPARTMENT: POLICE - - PROGRAM: TRAFFIC TEAM MISSION: The Traffic Division provides enhanced enforcement of traffic laws, issuance of citations and collision investigations throughout the City of Temecula. The Traffic Division has been incorporated into Zone Policing and conducts enforcement, investigations, and programs geared toward accomplishing the goals of Zone Policing. Collision Investigations range from non-injury to fatal and involve the use of accident reconstruction investigators. The officers assigned are highly trained in accident investigation, use of radar, and the detection of drivers under the influence of narcotics or alcohol through the use of high profile enforcement techniques and public education. The team also conducts sobriety checkpoints and weekly DUI and ABC enforcement programs. The program also focuses on various alcohol-related offenses involving minors and includes presentations at local schools. Traffic is also responsible for the coordination of 10 special events in the City, with an operating budget for special events of $100,000. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■ Obtained $30,000 Driving Under the Influence Grant ■ Implemented Handheld Collision and DUI Documentation Report Writers ■ Purchased and outfitted commercial enforcement vehicle and implemented enforcement program ■ Wrote 8,300 citations for hazardous violations ■ Made 335 arrests for driving under the influence ■ Wrote 4,021 citations for excessive speed ■ Wrote 2,868 SLAP citations based upon more accurate accounting system ■ Wrote 1,254 neighborhood enforcement citations ■ Assisted with the "Every 15 minutes" program at the local high school GOAL 1: ENSURE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Utilize data from Crossroads Database to track future problem areas and proactively address those areas. Reduce the number of injury traffic collisions through enforcement and public education in traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle safety. Conduct weekly DUI patrol operations, focusing on DUI enforcement and ABC violations Conduct quarterly commercial enforcement programs. 158 DEPARTMENT: POLICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . PROGRAM: TRAFFIC TEAM PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Citations issued for hazardous violations Number of DUI arrests Number of DUI Checkpoints conducted Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 12,000 10,364 19,500 12,000 350 386 400 350 12 14 159 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: PATROL SERVICES MISSION: Personnel assigned to Patrol Services typically provide first response to law enforcement related public safety calls for service, maintain safety and order in the community, and conduct minor follow-up investigations. Patrol staff are assigned to one of three specific zones and are responsible for reducing crime by utilizing community oriented policing and problem-solving strategies, including on-going interaction with community members and the development of programs designed to eliminate or reduce identified problems. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Continued efforts to integrate Zone 1 and Retail Zone operations so as to provide greater information sharing and policing services to retailers and shoppers at the Promanade Mall and surrounding businesses Continued an overall reduction in both crimes against property and violent crimes as measured by the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, despite an increase in population Continued lowering response times for priority one calls for service School Resource Officer School Incident Plans updated Continued proactive coordination with the City Park Rangers and other stakeholders to address graffiti, alcohol violations, and loitering in city parks School Resource Officers interacted and mentored students, developed relationships, and provided immediate response to administrative concerns of criminal activity on and near school campuses GOAL 1: ENSURE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Expand the Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) program to include more patrol vehicles and a larger database of information Continue downward trend in both violent crimes and crimes against property Continue reducing response times to priority one calls for service Continue and enhance cooperative efforts with Park Rangers to maintain safety and beauty of Temecula's open spaces and parks 160 DEPARTMENT: POLICE PROGRAM: PATROL SERVICES Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of general patrol officer hours 205 201.5 210 210 provided per day Response time for Priority One calls Response time for Priority Two calls 4.5 4.62 4.0 4.0 minutes minutes minutes minutes 6.3 8.77 6.00 8.00 minutes minutes minutes minutes 161 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 162 FIRE CHIEF Glenn Patterson FIRE PREVENTION EMERGENCY Sean Dakin OPERATIONS 1. Fire Marshal/Battalion C 2. Fire Safety Supervisors 3. Fire Safety Specialist 4. Fire Inspectors Information and Education ................1............... . Planning and Engineering Enforcement ..........I Annual Business : Inspection Fire Suppression : ...I........ Emergency Medical Services I.......... All Risk Responses Non-Response Activities 1. Battalion Chiefs 2. Fire Captain / Paramedic Coordinator 3. Fire Stations 163 DEPARTMENT: FIRE THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 GRUMP HOMELAND SECURITY 505 505 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 7,592.00 11,620.00 4,028.00 53.05% FY2009-10 1 FY 2008 HSGP Funded 11,620.00 Equipment OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 0.00 7,592.00 11,620.00 4,028.00 53.05% 505 5510 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL CUfLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.C0% Project Total 0.00 7,592.00 11,620.00 4,028.00 53.06% FIRE PREVENTION 7 10 710 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 151,887.50 87,867.00 92,179.00 4,312.00 4.91% 710 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 37,271.95 27,852.00 19,396.00 -8,456.00 -30.35% 710 5104 MEDICARE 3,759.87 2,345.00 1,597.00 -748.00 -31.90% 710 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 294.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,651.67 755.00 958.00 202.00 26.72% 710 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 969.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,876.00 824.00 504.00 -320.00 -38.83% 710 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 21,000.00 21,840.00 840.00 4.00% 710 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 735.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 1,012.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 230.13 7,100.00 0.00 -7,100.00 -100.00% 710 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 104,256.12 33,635.60 17,928.00 -15,708.60 -46.70% FY2009-10 1 Fill behind Office Specialist - 17,928.00 800 hours 710 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 672.00 672.00 710 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 7,003.88 7,960.00 0.00 -7,950.00 -100.00% 710 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 332.41 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00% 710 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1,748.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 313,030.12 190,140.60 155,874.00 -34,266.60 -18.02% 710 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 4,324.07 4,981.40 4,980.00 -1.40 -0.03% 710 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 17,104.81 22,500.00 10,000.00 -12,500.00 -55.55% 710 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8,313.16 8,500.00 8,500.00 0.00 0.00% 164 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 710 5222 PRINTING 657.91 2,000.00 500.00 -1,500.00 -75.00% 710 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 429.95 2,550.00 2,500.00 -50.00 -1.95% 710 5228 PUBLICATIONS 15,044.31 12,500.00 61000.00 -6,500.00 -52.00% FY2009-10 1 Annual Code Book Lpdates 6,000.00 710 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 1,363.40 1,500.00 11000.00 -500.00 -33.33% 710 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5,740.35 10,000.00 6,000.00 -4,000.00 -40.00% 710 5243 UNIFORMS 423.46 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 710 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 35,031.70 13,400.00 61000.00 -7,400.00 -55.22% 710 5251 FIRE SERVICES 694,728.00 647,112.00 -47,616.00 -6.85% 710 5258 CONFERENCES 326.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 3,151.27 2,000.00 11500.00 -500.00 -25.00% 710 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 7,557.55 5,100.00 51000.00 -100.00 -1.95% FY2009-I0 1 Required Training For Code 5,000.00 Updates 710 5262 MILEAGE 71.45 250.00 200.00 -50.00 -20.00% 710 5296 PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION 13,964.53 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00% CPERATICNIS AND MAINTENANCE Total 113,504.74 792,509.40 711,292.00 -81,217.40 -10.25% 710 5330 INSLRAICE 13,054.00 61192.00 7,500.00 1,308.00 21.12% 710 5335 VEHICLES 21,455.00 15,800.00 41900.00 -10,900.00 -68.99% 710 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 140,895.00 91,770.00 78,500.00 -13,270.00 -14.46% 710 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 9,144.00 6,154.00 14,100.00 7,946.00 129.12% 710 5350 FACILITIES 26,950.00 28,300.00 24,500.00 -3,800.00 -13.43% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 211,498.00 148,216.00 129,500.00 -18,716.00 -12.63% 710 5501 OFFICE FURNISHING 11,695.31 10,678.30 0.00 -10,678.30 -100.00% CAPITAL CIJTLAY Total 11,695.31 10,678.30 0.00 -10,678.30 -100.00% Project Total 649,728.17 1,141,544.30 996,666.00 -144,878.30 -12.69% FIRE PARAMEDICS 71 1 711 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 2,832.30 2,500.00 11750.00 -750.00 711 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 0.00 3,525.00 5,500.00 1,975.00 -30.00 % 56.03% 165 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 711 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,420.30 2,000.00 1,500.00 -500.00 -25.00% 711 5222 PRINTING 222.61 500.00 500.00 0.C0 0.00% 711 5228 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 0.00% 711 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 7,084.66 5,350.00 4,250.00 -1,100.00 -20.55% 711 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 6,646.14 5,000.00 51000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 AED Medical Direction 5,000.00 711 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 297.53 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 711 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 8,888.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 711 5279 AED - AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR 14,962.60 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 FY2009-20 1 Defibrillator - City AED Program 6,000.00 711 5296 PUBLIC SAFETY EDLICATICN 300.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 -500.00 -33.33% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 42,654.39 21,625.00 26,750.00 5,125.00 23.70% 711 5311 PARAMEDIC SUPPLIES 51,073.13 46,775.00 45,500.00 -1,275.00 -2.73% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 51,073.13 46,775.00 45,500.00 -1,275.00 -2.73% 711 5510 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 93,727.52 68,400.00 72,250.00 3,850.00 5.63% PROJECT999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,486.96 54,409.00 57,079.00 2,670.00 4.91% 999 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 0.00 11,555.00 11,991.00 435.00 3.76% 999 5104 MEDICARE 0.00 789.00 828.00 39.00 4.94% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 0.00 189.00 210.00 21.00 11.11 % 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 0.00 272.00 259.00 -13.00 -4.78% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 10,500.00 10,920.00 420.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 166 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 1,486.E 78,115.00 81,687.00 3,572.00 4.57% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 3,715.29 3,630.00 750.00 -21830.00 -79.34% FY2009-10 1 Station 92 Internet Service 750.00 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 61,614.02 111,582.36 89,850.00 -21,732.35 -19.48% 167 THE E C CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY2009-10 1 Facility Extermination Service - 1,600.00 Station 95 2 Anticipated Plumbing Repairs - 3,000.00 Station 73 3 Pest Control - Station 73 350.00 4 Station Grounds/Landscape - 2,500.00 Station 73 5 HVAC Maintenance/Repairs - 3,000.00 Station 73 6 Roof - Station 73 1,000.00 7 Station Generator - Station 73 1,500.00 8 Garage Doors - Station 73 5,000.00 9 Electrical Repairs - Station 73 500.00 10 Emergency Repairs - Station 73 3,500.00 11 Air Duct Cleaning - Station 73 4,200.00 12 Carpet Cleaning - Station 73 500.00 13 Drinking Water Filtration 150.00 System - Station 73 14 Plymovent Maintenance - 1,000.00 Station 73 15 Replacement Fixtures, Bulbs - 800.00 Station 84 16 Water Treatment System - 500.00 Station 84 17 Electrical Repairs - Station 84 2,000.00 18 Gate Maintenance - Station 84 1,500.00 19 Plumbing Repairs - Station 84 2,000.00 20 Pest Control - Station 84 800.00 21 Landscaping Maintenance - 8,000.00 Station 84 22 HVAC - Station 84 4,000.00 23 Garage Doors - Station 84 6,000.00 24 Plymovent Maintenance - 1,000.00 Station 84 25 Generator Yearly Service - 1,000.00 Station 84 26 Air Compressor - Station 84 750.00 27 Training Room - Table and 1,000.00 Chairs - Station 84 28 Roof Maintenance - Station 84 2,500.00 29 Fuel Pump Maintenance 5,000.00 (Station 84, 92 & 95) 30 Replace 10 Mattresses - Station 4,000.00 84 31 Facility Repair/Maintenance - 1,700.00 Emergency - Station 31 92 0.00 32 HVAC - Station 92 1,300.00 168 THE E C CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOiRMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY2009-10 33 Pest Control - Station 92 500.00 34 Landscape Repair/Maintenance 6,000.00 - Station 92 35 Generator Maintenance - 800.00 Station 92 36 Compressed Air Inspection - 2,500.00 Station 92 37 Plymovent Maintenance - 1,000.00 Station 92 38 Garage Door Maintenance - 2,000.00 Station 92 39 Plumbing Repairs - OATC 750.00 40 Pest Control - OATC 400.00 41 Landscape Maintenance - OATC 2,500.00 42 HVAC Maintenance - OATC 1,000.00 43 Security and Facility Lighting - 750.00 OATC 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE FY2009-10 1 Apparatus Wax and Polish - 1,500.00 Station 12 2 GEM Cars Maintenance - 2,000.00 Station 84 3 City Squads MS-84 and 2-84 - 8,000.00 Station 84 4 Apparatus Wax and Polish - 1,000.00 Station 92 5 Division Chief Vehicle D10 - 2,500.00 Battalion Chief 6 Maintain Chief Relief Vehicle 2,500.00 Repa irs 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 11,937.22 17,300.00 17,500.00 200.00 1.16% 9,346.74 16,225.00 11,000.00 -5,225.00 -32.20% 169 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrrms, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 FY2009-20 1 Maintenance of city owned Equipment - Station 12 2 JAWS Maintenance - Station 73 3 Gas and Sensor Replacement - Station 73 4 Thermal Imager Maintenance - Station 73 5 Chain and Rotary Saw Maintenance - Station 73 6 KING HT Battery Supply - Station 84 7 Gas Monitor - Station 84 8 Thermal Imaging Camera - Station 84 9 Rescue Tools Maintenance - Station 84 10 Themal Imaging Camera, JAWS and Monitor 10 Maintenance - Station 92 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES FY2009-20 1 Station 12 2 Station 73 3 Station 84 4 Station 92 5 BC's & DC Supplies 999 5222 PRINTING 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 999 5234 RENT/FACILITY 999 5235 EXPLORER POST PROGRAM 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 999 5240 UTILITIES 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 999 5251 FIRE SERVICES 1,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 0.00 3,695.80 5,000.00 6,250.00 1,250.00 25.00% 1,500.00 750.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 716.39 500.00 500. 00 0.00 0.00% 524.84 2,350.00 250. 00 -2,100.00 -89.35% 489.58 90.00 100. 00 10.00 11.11 % 460.41 1,000.00 500. 00 -500.00 -50.00% 11,554.98 11,500.00 91200. 00 -2,300.00 -20.00% 3,877.64 11100.00 1,100. 00 0.00 0.00% 1,661.21 2,400.00 0. 00 -2,400.00 -100.00% 56,476.99 67,000.00 67,000 .00 0.00 0.00% 63,777.43 40,477.62 16,990 .00 -23,487.62 -58.03% 9,753.66 12,068.58 0. 00 -12,058.53 -100.00% 2,828,394.78 2,070,784.00 2,910,560 .00 839,776.00 40.55% 170 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) GENERAL FUND 001 FIRE 171 999 5257 VOLUNTEER SUPPORT 3,378.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5258 CONFERENCES 25.00 1,105.00 0.00 -1,105.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 959.59 1,600.00 11600.00 0.00 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 9,973.41 7,380.00 91700.00 2,320.00 FY2009-10 1 FETN Online Training for CE's 6,200.00 2 Management Supervisor 2,000.00 Academy 3 HAZMAT Continuing Education 1,500.00 -100.00% 0.00% 31.44% 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5274 T.I.P. FUNDING 5,930.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 3,088,263.60 2,384,592.56 3,154,350.00 769,757.44 32.28% 999 5330 INSURANCE 22,352.00 34,300.00 38,100.00 3,800.00 11.08% 999 5335 VEHICLES 81,279.00 91,600.00 31,100.00 -60,500.00 -66.05% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 193,847.00 44,095.00 77,600.00 33,504.00 75.98% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 4,817.00 7,437.00 1,100.00 -6,337.00 -85.21 % 999 5374 TEMECULA CITIZEN CORP 30,085.60 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 50.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 332,380.60 187,433.00 162,900.00 -24,533.00 -13.09% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 88,282.06 88,543.72 0.00 -88,543.72 -100.00% 999 5552 INVENTORY COMPUTER HARDWARE 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 88,282.06 88,543.72 0.00 -88,543.72 -100.00% Project Total 3,510,413.22 2,738,684.28 3,398,937.00 660,252.72 24.11 FIRE Total 4,253,868.91 3,956,220.58 4,479,473.00 523,252.42 13.23% 171 DEPARTMENT: FIRE PROGRAM: PREVENTION MISSION: The mission of the Temecula Fire Services Fire Prevention Bureau is to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Temecula through the application of a comprehensive fire and hazard prevention program. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Attended numerous public safety fairs and community events ■ Participated in Temecula Citizen Corps projects ■ Continued development of the Annual Fire Life Safety program GOAL 1: CONDUCT AN ONGOING, PERPETUAL PUBLIC INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM OF FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY WITH A STRONG FOCUS ON FIRE PREVENTION OBJECTIVES: ➢ Educate citizens of all ages in proper fire and life safety practices Purchase, stock, and distribute an adequate supply of handouts with fire and life safety messages to the stations for dissemination at fairs and during station tours Participate in existing Fire and Safety Expo Institute smoke detector and battery checks/change program in all residences while on responses at those residences Evaluate and purchase technological delivery messages for prevention education GOAL 2: DETERMINE THE ORIGIN AND CAUSE OF ALL FIRES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Track trends and patterns for serial and/or suspicious fires, coordinating with Cal Fire Law Enforcement at Perris Headquarters Coordinate with Building and Safety, Planning, and Public Works for any fires related to construction and/or development issues GOAL 3: ENSURE A REASONABLE DEGREE OF LIFE SAFETY IN ALL BUILDINGS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH ENFORCEMENT OF, AND COMPLIANCE WITH, APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND STANDARDS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide in-depth inspections of new construction in a timely fashion Perform Hazardous Occupancy inspections Educate and assist engine companies in inspection practices 172 DEPARTMENT: FIRE PROGRAM: PREVENTION Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of businesses inspected 2,800 875 2,800 1,000 Number of plan checks 3,000 1,443 3,300 1,155 Number of fire prevention bureau inspections 3,500 4,125 8,000 3,300 Number of education contacts at 4 346 4 400 schools 70 , students 250 , students Number of fairs, expositions, and 150 177 450 180 station tour contacts 173 DEPARTMENT: FIRE - PROGRAM: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MISSION: The Temecula Fire Department is dedicated to protect life, property, and the environment throughout the City. We accomplish this through a comprehensive emergency service response program utilizing responsible fiscal management, a highly trained work force, progressive technology, and modern equipment. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Reduced the average loss per fire by 32.5% ■ Reduced on scene resource commitment time by 15% GOAL 1: SAFELY RESPOND TO AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTIONS ON ALL FIRES, MINIMIZING THE LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY TO THE CITIZENS OF TEMECULA, ARRIVING IN FIVE MINUTES OR LESS 90% OF THE TIME OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain five-minute service level as the City grows geographically and demographically Apply extinguishing agent in seven to eight minutes (prior to flashover) Full first alarm assignment in operation in eight minutes Provide seventeen personnel to first alarm assignments as recommended by NFPA 1710 Continue to expand and develop technology solutions to enhance fire service delivery capabilities Maintain and replace equipment as needed to maintain operational readiness Maintain appropriate training levels and fire performance standards GOAL 2: SAFELY RESPOND TO AND TAKE APPROPRIATE MITIGATING ACTIONS ON MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, MINIMIZING THE LOSS OF LIFE AND LIMB TO THE CITIZENS OF TEMECULA, ARRIVING IN FIVE MINUTES OR LESS 90% OF THE TIME OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain five-minute service level as the City grows geographically and demographically Initiate ALS patient care within five to six minutes Provide a minimum of one Paramedic and one EMT level personnel on scen e Maintain and replace equipment as needed to maintain operational readiness Maintain appropriate training levels and EMS certifications 174 DEPARTMENT: FIRE - PROGRAM: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS GOAL 3: ACHIEVE AN ISO (INSURANCE SERVICE OFFICE) RATING OF CLASS THREE FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain four person staffing on all city engine companies Acquire and install facility alerting systems to provide a secondary means of emergency incident notification Maintain staff training records and equipment maintenance records as required by ISO Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Average response time 5.0 5.0 min 5.0 min 5.0 min minutes Percentage of calls on scene in five 76% 79% 78% 80% minutes or less 175 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 176 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET GENERAL FUND 001 NON-DEPAR MMENTAL. 199 PROJECT 999 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX PDMIN FEES 999 5276 SALES TAX REIMBURSEMENTS FY2009-10 1 CFD88-12 Sales Tax 1,501,360.00 Reimbursement (Current Year FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 170,399.32 219,00100 225,570.00 6,570.00 3.00% 2,115,520.80 2,092,783.00 1,501,360.00 -591,423.00 -2826 % 1 Debt Service) 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 2,285,920.12 2,311,783.00 1,726,930.00 -584,853.00 -25.30% 999 5382 TCSD ADMIN CHARGES 7,492,086.00 6,977,940.00 6,019,309.00 -958,631.00 -13.74% FY2009-20 1 REST to Citywide (190) 5,702,252.00 2 REST Program - Service Level B 317,057.00 3 REST Program - Library 0.00 999 5387 RETIREE MEDICAL CCNTRIBUTICN 0.00 227,158.00 350,000.00 122,842.00 54.08% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 7,492,086.00 7,205,098.00 6,369,309.00 -835,789.00 -11.60% 999 5901 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 4,902,742.00 15,111,797.00 15,466,711.00 354,914.00 2.35% FY2009-20 1 2007 City COPS Debt Service 1,540,387.00 Principal, Interest 1 and Trustee Admin Charges 0.00 2 Transfer to Capital 13,926,324.00 Improvement Fund (210) Total 4,902,742.00 15,111,797.00 15,466,711.00 354,914.00 2.35% Project Total 14,680,748.12 24,628,678.00 23,562,950.00 -1,065,728.00 -4.33% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 14,680,748.12 24,628,678.00 23,562,950.00 -1,065,728.00 -4.33% GENERAL FUND Total 62,421,225.63 73,918,391.83 70,551,259.00 -3,367,132.83 -4.56% 177 NON-DEPARTMENTAL MISSION: The Non-Departmental Program is a cost center for general administrative expenditures such as sales tax reimbursements, the "Revenue Excess Sharing for Temecula" REST program and property tax administrative fees. 178 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Herman D. Parker CULTURAL ARTS RECREATION COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Park Acquisition Park Maintenanc e P Youth & Adult Theater Sports . . . . . . . . 1.......... ' I :Park Development: Median Children s Special Events . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance Museum I. . . . . . . . . . I.......... . Development Plan: Slope History Museum Volunteer & Review . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance Cultural Services . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . ........I.......... Capital Teen & Improvement Facility Public Art Recreational P.ro'ects..... : Maintenance .....Services I.......... I . . Master Plan Landscape Historic Senior & Human Process Review Maintenance Resources Services I.......... I.......... Plan Check Aquatic Program : Library Services Review Services . I I.......... Contracted Contracts Internal Services Classes Services 179 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1 80 PROJ ECT' 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 1,617,882.58 1,697,511.00 1,498,521.00 -198,990.00 -11.72% 999 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATIO 262.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 335,861.59 367,152.00 309,150.00 -58,002.00 -15.80% 999 5104 MEDICARE 24,563.03 26,481.00 22,848.00 -31633.00 -13.72% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 3,777.49 1,953.00 1,357.00 -596.00 -30.52% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 5,903.46 7,424.00 5,316.00 -2,108.00 -28.39% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 10,110.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 69,514.51 51,330.00 46,478.00 -4,852.00 -9.45% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 68,776.76 234,150.00 203,112.00 -31,038.00 -13.26% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 15,549.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 3,594.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 1,742.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 16,221.34 13,000.00 12,920.00 -80.00 -0.62% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 113,560.94 81,767.00 53,155.00 -28,611.00 -34.99% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 2,432.00 1,993.00 -439.00 -18.05% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 44,741.09 24,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 2,543.65 8,920.00 7,440.00 -11480.00 -16.59% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 3,933.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 2,343,141.02 2,520,920.00 2,191,091.00 -329,829.00 -13.08% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 16,929.71 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE F 100,621.85 128,528.82 122,000.00 -6,528.82 -5.08% 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - 22,763.05 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - 5,639.08 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,590.04 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 63,831.32 82,700.00 80,000.00 -21700.00 -3.26% 180 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrrms, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 180 FY2009-10 1 Recreation Brochure 76,000.00 2 Envelopes, Letterhead, 3,500.00 Business Cards 3 Departmental Promotional 500.00 Items 999 5224 LEGAL DOCUMENTS/MAPS 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 3,315.00 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 California Parks and Recreation 1,000.00 Society 2 So Cal Municipal Athletic 350.00 Federation 3 League of California Cities 350.00 4 NRPA 300.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 702.17 700.00 500.00 -200.00 -28.57% FY2009-20 1 California Parks and Recreation 200.00 Society 2 Western Cities/Trade 150.00 Magazines 3 Newspapers 150.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 33,326.31 19,000.00 19,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 7,835.10 15,200.00 12,900.00 -2,300.00 -15.13% 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 5,986.99 24,117.26 22,800.00 -1,31726 -5.46% FY2009-20 1 Portable Toilets 10,000.00 2 Sound/Stage Equipment 3,500.00 3 Scissor Lift 1,000.00 4 Trailers 800.00 5 Pump, Augers, Jack Hammers, 1,000.00 etc. 6 Licht Towers 6,000.00 7 Emergency Equipment Rental 500.00 999 5240 UTILITIES 633,985.73 730,500.00 700,000.00 -30,500.00 -4.18% FY2009-20 1 Water 408,800.00 2 Electricity 291,200.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 22,057.84 11,942.72 11,000.00 -942.72 -7.89% 999 5243 UNIFORMS 12,377.70 12,000.00 11,000.00 -1,000.00 -8.33% 181 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 180 FY2009-10 1 Recreation 5,000.00 2 Maintenance 6,000.00 999 5244 SIGNS 14,391.48 8,800.00 10,000.00 1,200.00 13.64% FY2009-10 1 Park Rules & Reclaimed Water 10,000.00 Sig )age 999 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 29,066.24 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 2,068.77 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 196,362.16 168,580.00 170,000.00 1,420.00 0.84% FY2009-10 1 Restroom Custodial Contract 65,000.00 (22 sites) 2 Water Management (Duck 18,000.00 Pond) 3 Pest Control Services 5,000.00 4 Alarm Monitoring Services 1,500.00 5 Control Link Services Fee (5 3,000.00 sites) 6 Ballfield Relamping (RRSP/RV; 35,000.00 TES; HCP) 7 Security Guard Services 29,500.00 8 Kitchen Equipment Services 5,000.00 9 HVAC Preventative 1,500.00 Maintenance 10 Recreational Services 5,000.00 11 Health Department Services 1,500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 7,261.82 8,500.00 9,000.00 500.00 5.88% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 14,045.75 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 3,747.93 2,000.00 11500.00 -500.00 -25.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 11,423.07 1,500.00 11000.00 -500.00 -33.33% FY2009-10 1 QAC/ISA Continuing Education 600.00 & Gertification 2 Playground Safety Institutes 400.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 869.29 750.00 1,500.00 750.00 100.00% 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 53,922.69 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5275 ASSESSMENTS 31,056.62 31,000.00 31,000.00 0.00 0.00% 182 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 180 FY2009-10 1 Temecula Duck Pond 16,000.00 2 Long Canyon Creek 15,000.00 999 5286 TEMECULAVALLEY ARTS COUNCIL 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 -40,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 1,338,177.71 1,398,318.80 1,311,200.00 -87,118.80 -6.23% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 3,399.30 5,200.00 41000.00 -1,200.00 -23.08% 999 5319 STREET LIGHTING 420,976.88 488,500.00 505,000.00 16,500.00 3.38% 999 5330 INSURANCE 159,258.00 83,059.00 133,100.00 50,041.00 60.25% 999 5335 VEHICLES 59,114.00 69,400.00 24,000.00 -45,400.00 -65.42% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 419,418.00 397,021.00 366,300.00 -30,721.00 -7.74% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 89,256.00 59,153.00 107,800.00 48,647.00 82.24% 999 5350 FACILITIES 100,375.00 125,200.00 135,700.00 10,500.00 8.39% 999 5374 ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION 22,809.40 27,000.00 24,000.00 -3,000.00 -11.11 % INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 1,274,606.58 1,254,533.00 1,29 900. 45,367.00 3.62% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 1,567,044.70 1,522,800.00 1,549,500.00 26,700.00 1.75% FY2009-10 1 Contract Landscape Services 1,526,400.00 2 Tree Trimming 23,100.00 999 5416 REHABILITATION 165,611.29 97,110.05 48,000.00 -49,110.05 -50.57% FY2009-10 1 Soccer Fields Drill & Fill 25,000.00 Drainage Improvements 2 Redhawk 23,000.00 Me d is ns"grades /Me ters/Cont rollers 999 5417 FIELD MAINTENANCE 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Contractual Reimbursement to 21,000.00 TVUSD 999 5418 EMERGENCY REPLACEMENT 25,033.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 1,778,689.81 1,640,910.05 1,618,500.00 -22,410.05 -1.37% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 8,012.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY Total 8,012.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5901 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 554,455.00 497,025.00 481,441.00 -15,584.00 -3.14% Total 554,455.00 497,025.00 481,441.00 -15,584.00 -3.14% 183 THE l E CV LA t ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 CtTyz "nl.a TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxlvNmes FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 Project Total 7,297,082.23 7,311,706.85 6,902,132.00 -409,574.85 -5.60% TCSD NCN-DEPARTMENTAL Total 7,297,082.23 7,311,706.85 6,902,132.00 -409,574.85 -5.60% 184 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-SENIOR CI NtrER IS I PROJEC7'999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 34,880.14 67,432.00 70,741.00 3,309.00 4.91% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 9,410.86 14,302.00 14,840.00 538.00 3.76% 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,541.05 1,949.00 11948.00 -1.00 -0.05% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 49.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,850.30 1,939.00 1,470.00 -469.00 -24.19% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 251.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 4,082.22 4,578.00 4,569.00 -9.00 -0.20% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,525.93 10,500.00 10,920.00 420.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 704.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 72,613.91 63,604.00 63,604.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 2,430.00 2,385.00 -45.00 -1.85% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 3,857.58 2,210.00 2,210.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 308.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 133,075.89 169,344.00 173,087.00 3,743.00 2.21 % 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 5,912.09 9,000.00 71000.00 -2,000.00 -22.22% 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 105.88 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,724.18 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 241.64 0.00 500.00 500.00 999 5240 UTILITIES 21,103.83 23,000.00 24,500.00 1,500.00 6.52% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 17,000.00 2 Water 5,000.00 3 Gas 2,500.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5,373.11 11000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 185 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-SENIOR CI NtrER 161 FY2009-10 1 Vaccum 250.00 2 Carts, Mops & Brooms 250.00 3 Repair Items 500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 19,656.68 20,850.00 35,500.00 14,650.00 7026 % FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 1,200.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,200.00 3 Pest Control 500.00 4 Environmental Health Permit 1,000.00 5 Floor Mat/Towel Service 800.00 6 Kitchen Equipment 500.00 Service/Inspection 7 Bottled Water 500.00 8 Carpet Cleaning 1,000.00 9 Roof System Preventative 1,100.00 Maintenance 10 Contract Custodial Services 11,000.00 11 Medical Supply Boxes 500.00 12 Senior Nutrition 15,000.00 13 Recreational Services 1,200.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 863.41 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAI NTENANCE Total 54,980.82 55,450.00 71,100.00 14,650.00 25.95% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 6,634.79 7,750.00 7,000.00 -750.00 -9.68% 999 5350 EXCLRSIONS 5,299.25 4,500.00 41500.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 11,934.04 12,250.00 11,500.00 -750.00 -6.12% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 8,989.65 9,500.00 9,500.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Maintenance Contract 8,000.00 2 Annual Color 1,500.00 999 5416 REHABILITATION 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 -15,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 18,989.65 24,500.00 9,500.00 -15,000.00 -61.22% Project Total 218,980.40 262,544.00 265,187.00 2,643.00 1.010/0 TCSD-SENIOR CENTER Total 218,980.40 262,544.00 265,187.00 2,643.00 1.010/0 186 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 182 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 142,042.50 149,204.00 156,526.00 7,322.00 4.91% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 30,239.84 31,712.00 32,903.00 1,191.00 3.76% 999 5104 MEDICARE 4,119.57 3,482.00 3,608.00 126.00 3.62% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 245.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 4,140.29 2,904.00 4,830.00 1,926.00 66.32% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 900.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 10,328.55 7,237.00 7,289.00 52.00 0.72% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 31,500.00 32,760.00 1,260.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 509.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 139.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 145,372.38 86,550.00 87,881.00 1,331.00 1.54% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 3,246.00 31296.00 50.00 1.54% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 5,440.38 4,400.00 41400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 1,200.00 11200.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 343,478.47 321,935.00 334,693.00 12,758.00 3.95% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 27,761.33 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 707.43 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,405.95 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 241.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 0.00 2,200.00 21200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 74,006.17 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 65,000.00 2 Water 13,000.00 3 Gas 12,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,407.55 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5243 UNIFORMS 258.00 175.00 200.00 25.00 14.29% 187 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CONIlVIUNITY RECREATION CENTER 182, 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 15,373.75 18,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 4,500.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,200.00 3 Pest Control 1,100.00 4 Environmental Health 1,000.00 5 Floor Mat & Towel Service 1,500.00 6 Kitchen Equipment Service & 1,000.00 Inspection 7 Bottled Water 1,000.00 8 Roof System Preventative 1,000.00 Maintenance 9 Elevator Inspections/Service 500.00 10 Gym HAVC l hits/AWD Audit & 1,600.00 Permits 11 Generator & AWD Permits 1,200.00 12 Generator P&M/Fuel 2,000.00 13 Medical Supply Box Services 400.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 456.62 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 123,618.46 144,875.00 146,400.00 1,525.00 1.05% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 3,867.14 4,200.00 4,200.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 3,867.14 4,200.00 4,200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 26,999.25 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 29,220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 56,219.25 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 527,183.32 498,010.00 512,293.00 14,283.00 2.87% TCSD-COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER Total 527,183.32 498,010.00 512,293.00 14,283.00 2.87% 188 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-RECRI~ATION 183 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 207.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 6,529.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,528.37 2,366.00 2,181.00 -185.00 -7.82% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 4,687.62 4,325.00 2,100.00 -21225.00 -51.45% 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 4,312.00 3,028.00 2,662.00 -366.00 -12.09% 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 187,225.19 150,402.00 150,395.00 -6.00 0.00% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 6,008.00 5,640.00 -368.00 -6.13% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 227.59 3,000.00 0.00 -3,000.00 -100.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 205,717.84 169,129.00 162,979.00 -6,150.00 -3.64% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 38.48 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 645.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 763.13 600.00 800.00 200.00 33.33% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 1,447.03 800.00 1,000.00 200.00 25.00% 999 5305 SKATE PARK 4,597.11 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5320 CLASSES/ACTIVITIES 6,825.79 11,000.00 12,000.00 11000.00 9.09% 999 5330 CONTRACTED CLASSES 243,876.95 246,900.00 261,000.00 14,100.00 5.71 % 999 5340 DAY CAMP 32,710.98 34,025.00 34,025.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5350 EXCURSIONS 4,586.52 8,445.00 8,445.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5370 SPECIAL EVENTS 159,736.87 259,752.90 198,000.00 -61,752.90 -23.77% 189 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-RECRI~ATION 183 FY2009-10 1 F.I.T. Program 14,000.00 2 Teen Funding 1,500.00 3 Civic Center Parking/TCC Grand 2,000.00 Opening 4 Teen Concerts 5,000.00 5 Skaters Challenge 2,000.00 6 Family Fun Series 6,000.00 7 4th of July Parade 5,500.00 8 4th of July Fireworks Show 59,000.00 9 Aglow Balloon Festival 8,100.00 10 F.I.T. 5k/lCk Walk Run 3,800.00 11 9/11 Commerative Event 2,800.00 12 Senior Anniversary Party 3,800.00 13 Health Fair 2,500.00 14 Pumpkin Carving 1,000.00 15 Halloween & Harvest Festival 5,500.00 16 Christmas Tree Lighting 4,250.00 Ceremony 17 Santa's Electric Light Parade 11,000.00 18 Holiday Lights & Festive Sights 3,750.00 19 Breakfast with Santa 5,500.00 20 Holiday Craft Workshop 1,250.00 21 Parent Date Night 7,250.00 22 Easter Egg Hint 9,500.00 23 Dog Day Afternoon 3,000.00 24 Teen/Youth Fesival 5,000.00 25 Community Services Expo 10,000.00 26 City's 20th Anniversary 15,000.00 Celebration 999 5371 NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5372 "SMART" PROGRAM 16,747.69 2,441.00 0.00 -2,441.00 -100.00% 999 5373 HIGH HOPES PROGRAM 5,750.95 5,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5374 VOLLNTEER RECOGNITICN 7,972.66 81000.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5376 HLMAN SERVICES EVENTS 21,000.00 21,000.00 190 THE l E CV LA CtTyz t ~ ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 "OLD TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxIVNITIESn FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-RECREATION 183 FY2009-10 1 Rythmns Dance 16,000.00 2 After School Enrichment 5,000.00 (Doghouse) INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 483,155.52 5,563.90 552,470.00 -28,093.90 Project Total 690,320.39 750,492.90 716,449.00 -34,043.90 TCSD-RECREATICN Total 690,320.39 750,492.90 716,449.00 -34,043.90 -4.84% -4.54% -4.54% 191 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 184 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 33,238.14 77,476.00 82,756.00 5,280.00 6.82% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 8,559.26 16,420.00 17,530.00 1,110.00 6.76% 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,213.15 2,129.00 2,367.00 238.00 11.18% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 49.12 0.00 228.00 228.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,174.19 2,007.00 1,680.00 -327.00 -16.29% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 251.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 3,850.00 5,115.00 5,335.00 220.00 4.30% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,526.05 10,500.00 10,920.00 420.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 704.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 48,472.99 79,320.00 79,473.00 153.00 0.19% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 2,525.00 2,980.00 455.00 18.02% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 3,967.19 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 308.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 105,315.18 195,892.00 204,669.00 7,777.00 3.95% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILIT Y 5,178.06 7,500.00 19,500.00 12,000.00 160.00% FY2009-20 1 Temecula Community Center 8,500.00 2 SAFE Building - New 5,500.00 3 Community Pantry - New 5,500.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 106.17 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 505.88 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 241.64 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 19,043.86 26,375.00 26,375.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 Electricity 18,000.00 2 Water 6,375.00 3 Gas 2,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 40.60 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00% 192 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-7EMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 184 FY2009-10 1 Vaccum 250.00 2 Mops, Buckets, Brooms 250.00 3 Ice Maker 500.00 4 SAFE & Pantry Supplies 1,000.00 5 Tables & Chairs 500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 13,068.50 24,375.00 27,875.00 3,500.00 14.35% FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 750.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,200.00 3 Pest Control 750.00 4 Environmental Health Permits 400.00 5 Floor Matrfowel Service 750.00 6 Kitchen Equipment Service & 1,000.00 Inspection 7 Bottled Water 500.00 8 Carpet Cleaning 500.00 9 Roof System Preventative 1,000.00 Maintenance 10 Contract Custodial Services 9,500.00 11 Medical Supply Boxes 1,000.00 12 Pantry Trailer Rental 8,800.00 13 SAFE & Pantry Services 1,725.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 1,349.45 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 39,534.16 64,250.00 79,750.00 15,500.00 24.12% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 4,316.25 4,200.00 4,200.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALL OCATION Total 4,316.25 4,200.00 4,200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 4,884.60 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 TCC 6,000.00 2 Safe building 500.00 3 Community Pantry 500.00 999 5416 REHABILITATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 4,884.60 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 154,050.19 272,342.00 295,619.00 23,277.00 8.55% TCSD-TEMECI LA COMMUNITY CENTER Total 154,050.19 272,342.00 295,619.00 23,277.00 8.55% 193 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-MUSEUM 185 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 90,448.01 79,885.00 84,041.00 4,155.00 5.20% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 19,796.70 16,960.00 17,648.00 688.00 4.05% 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,013.18 1,873.00 1,701.00 -172.00 -9.18% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 112.24 25.00 23.00 -2.00 -8.00% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,519.20 1,504.00 1,071.00 -433.00 -28.79% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 581.13 0.00 0.00 0.C0 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 2,963.42 2,246.00 1,857.00 -389.00 -17.32% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,689.30 11,550.00 12,012.00 462.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 650.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 168.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 51,624.15 39,688.00 31,961.00 -7,727.00 -19.47% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,800.00 11199.00 -601.00 -33.39% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 1,331.17 1,300.00 11300.00 0.C0 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 440.00 440.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 176,897.41 157,272.00 153,253.00 -4,019.00 -2.55% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4,660.99 7,000.00 71000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 History Museum 5,000.00 2 Chapel 2,000.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 182.79 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,543.87 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 7,798.32 10,000.00 0.00 -10,000.00 -100.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 461.00 100.00 250.00 150.00 150.00% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 38.78 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 5,895.11 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 13,442.78 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.C0 0.00% 194 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD Twwrrms, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD-MUSEUM 185 FY2009-10 1 Electricity 13,000.00 2 Water 2,500.00 3 Gas 1,500.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 533.35 11600.00 1,600.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Mops, Buckets, Brooms 500.00 2 Exhibit Items 500.00 3 Tables & Chairs 600.00 999 5243 LNIFORMS 220.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 35,622.85 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 900.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 2,400.00 3 Pest Control 1,200.00 4 Floor Mats & Towel Service 500.00 5 Bottled Wate 600.00 6 Carpet Cleaning Service 1,000.00 7 Roof System Preventative 2,000.00 Maintenance 8 Elevator Inspection & Service 1,600.00 9 Elevator Permit 300.00 10 Contract Custodial Services 1,000.00 11 Medical Supply Boxes 500.00 12 Vail Ranch Artifacts Restoration 20,000.00 13 Summer Explorer's Camp 3,500.00 14 General Exhibit Services 9,500.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 9.60 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAI NTENANCE Total 70,439.95 88,400.00 78,550.00 -9,850.00 -11.14% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 1,266.38 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5350 EXCLRSIONS 436.35 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE AL LOCATION Total 1,702.74 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2,497.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAI NTENANCE Total 2,497.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 195 THE l E CV LA t ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 CtTyz "nl.a TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxlvNmes FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-MUSEUM 185 Project Total 251,537.41 248,672.00 234,803.00 -13,869.00 -5.58% TCSD-MUSEUM Total 251,537.41 248,672.00 234,803.00 -13,869.00 -5.58% 196 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSDAQUATICS 186 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 38,019.16 67,432.00 80,905.00 13,473.00 19.98% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 17,270.10 14,302.00 18,269.00 3,967.00 27.74% 999 5104 MEDICARE 4,200.34 3,927.00 4,154.00 227.00 5.78% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 46.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 7,030.14 5,519.00 9,282.00 3,763.00 68.18% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 222.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 9,711.00 7,155.00 7,532.00 376.00 5.25% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 10,500.00 13,104.00 2,604.00 24.80% 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 270,511.03 197,420.00 199,601.00 2,181.00 1.10% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 7,403.00 7,140.00 -263.00 -3.55% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 1,591.24 6,000.00 61000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 200.00 400.00 80.00 -320.00 -80.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 348,802.01 320,059.00 346,067.00 26,008.00 8.13% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILIT Y 8,884.42 12,500.00 12,500.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 CRC Pool 8,000.00 2 TES Pool 4,500.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 136.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 904.69 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 90.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 295.19 700.00 700.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 2,074.54 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 75,320.33 63,737.00 77,000.00 13,263.00 20.81% FY2009-I0 1 Electricity 26,000.00 2 Water 8,000.00 3 Gas 43,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 14,797.43 5,832.33 7,500.00 1,667.67 28.59% 197 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-AQUATICS 186 FY2009-10 1 Test Kits 1,000.00 2 Chlorine, Acid Pumps & Tanks 1,000.00 3 Lane Lines & Pool Cover 4,000.00 4 Recreation Equipment 1,500.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 6,657.07 6,000.00 61500.00 500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 42,073.11 52,672.00 53,000.00 328.00 FY2009-10 1 Bottled Water Service 1,000.00 2 Pool Heater Annual 3,500.00 Preventative Maintenance 3 Health Department Permits 1,000.00 4 Pool Chemicals 23,000.00 5 Pool Maintenance Contract 24,500.00 8.33% 0.62% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 2,818.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5262 MILEAGE 324.67 550.00 550.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 154,376.20 147,791.33 163,550.00 15,758.67 10.66% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 5,102.24 5,000.00 51000.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 5,102.24 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5416 REHABILITATION 2,845.05 14,985.00 20,000.00 5,015.00 33.47% FY2009-10 1 Repair, Prep & Paint Slide and 20,000.00 Stairs 999 5418 POOL MAINTENANCE 40,184.25 75,000.00 75,000.00 O.CO 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Contractual Reimbursement to 75,000.00 TVUSD for CHS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 43,029.30 89,985.00 95,000.00 5,015.00 5.57% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 0.00 11,378.57 0.00 -11,378.57 -100.00% CAPITAL CU-rLAY Total 0.00 11,378.57 0.00 -11,378.57 -100.00% Project Total 551,309.75 574,213.90 609,617.00 35,403.10 6.17 TCSD-AQUATICS Total 551,309.75 574,213.90 609,617.00 35,403.10 6.17% 198 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-SPORTS 187 PROJECT999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 64,614.73 67,432.00 70,741.00 3,309.00 4.91% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMB\IT 21,666.55 14,302.00 14,840.00 538.00 3.76% 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,456.10 2,421.00 2,440.00 19.00 0.78% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 98.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 1,925.11 2,754.00 1,890.00 -864.00 -31.37% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 486.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 6,999.00 5,192.00 5,130.00 -62.00 -1.19% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 7,493.14 10,500.00 10,920.00 420.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,409.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 150.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 114,128.01 95,000.00 95,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 3,563.00 3,563.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 1,191.35 3,500.00 21500.00 -1,000.00 -28.57% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 222,618.35 205,064.00 207,424.00 2,360.00 1.15% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 120.59 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5,911.69 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2O09-10 1 Brick Dust 2,000.00 2 Chalkers/Chalk 1,500.00 3 Hoses/Brooms/Rakes/Snap 1,000.00 lines 4 Hoops & Nets 1,000.00 5 Bases & Base Pegs 1,500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 30,333.15 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2OO9-10 1 Umpire Services - Adult Softball 40,000.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 957.13 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINT ENANCE Total 37,322.55 47,800.00 47,800.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 10,516.67 12,300.00 12,300.00 0.00 0.00% 199 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-SPORTS 187 FY2009-10 1 Softballs:60dz/season*3 6,300.00 seasons*$35/dz 2 Portable Mounds 6,000.00 999 5313 AWARDS 13,092.53 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Adult Softball: 1st Place 675.00 Plaques 2 Adult Softball: 2nd Place 675.00 Plaques 3 Adult Softball: 1st Place 6,010.00 Sweatshirts 4 Adult Softball: Set-up Cost 7,500.00 $500/League 5 Adult Softball: 2nd Place T- 5,040.00 shirts 6 Set LAD Costs 100.00 INTERNAL SER VICE ALLOCATICN Total 23,609.20 32,300.00 32,300.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 283,550.11 285,164.00 287,524.00 2,360.00 0.83% TCSD-SPORTS Total 283,550.11 285,164.00 287,524.00 2,360.00 0.83% 200 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CHILDRENS MUSEUM 188 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 86,394.88 79,886.00 84,041.00 4,155.00 5.20% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 20,809.11 20,876.00 22,241.00 1,365.00 6.54% 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,739.58 2,817.00 2,748.00 -69.00 -2.45% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 130.54 25.00 23.00 -2.00 -8.00% 999 5109 LNEMPLOYMENTTRAININ 2,648.33 2,655.00 1,701.00 -954.00 -35.93% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 569.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 4,730.00 3,476.00 3,135.00 -341.00 -9.81% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 720.20 11,550.00 12,012.00 462.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 650.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 28.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 102,661.43 102,800.00 102,878.00 78.00 0.08% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 3,136.00 2,633.00 -503.00 -16.04% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 4,818.08 2,600.00 2,600.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 200.00 440.00 440.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 227,100.63 230,261.00 234,452.00 4,191.00 1.82% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE F 10,168.92 12,000.CO 12,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQU 211.33 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 816.11 900.00 900.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 1,047.02 0.00 500.00 500.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 775.00 700.00 500.00 -200.00 -28.57% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.00 -100.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 29.91 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 2,074.54 2,400.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 15,413.20 20,000.00 22,500.00 21500.00 12.50% 201 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD Twwrrms, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CHIL.DRENS MUSEUM 188 FY2009-10 1 Electricity 17,000.00 2 Water 4,500.00 3 Gas 1,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 58.94 750.00 750.00 0.00 FY2009-10 1 Vaccum,Cart, Buckets, Mops 350.00 2 Electronics, Motors & Pumps 400.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 275.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 17,889.65 29,108.13 30,000.00 891.87 FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 1,200.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,200.00 3 Pest Control 500.00 4 Floor mat/towel service 500.00 5 Bottled Water 1,000.00 6 Carpet cleaning service 500.00 7 Roof system preventative 2,200.00 maintenance 8 Contract custodial services 12,400.00 9 Medical Supply Boxes 500.00 10 Kitchen Equipment 500.00 Service/Inspection 11 Recreation programs 3,500.00 12 Winter Special Eventer - Snow 6,000.00 0.00 % 3.05% 999 5254 ADVERTISING 675.00 1,550.00 1,050.00 -500.00 -3226 % 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 31.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 1,280.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 286.85 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 51,033.67 68,908.13 72,000.00 3,091.87 4.49% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 9,478.00 9,000.00 91000.00 0.00 0.00% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 9,478.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 12,406.00 25,000.00 0.00 -25,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 17,406.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 -25,000.00 -83.33% Project Total 305,018.30 338,169.13 320,452.00 -17,717.13 -5.24% 202 THE l E CV LA t ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 CtTyz "nl.a TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxlvNmes FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CHILDRENS MUSEUM Total 305,018.30 338,169.13 320,452.00 -17,717.13 -5.24% 203 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD-COMMUNITY THEATER 169 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 281,733.46 276,087.00 294,248.00 18,161.00 6.58% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 74,279.60 62,742.00 71,848.00 9,106.00 14.51% 999 5104 MEDICARE 8,231.90 8,274.00 6,760.00 -1,514.00 -18.30% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 650.37 25.00 251.00 226.00 904.00% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 5,633.39 7,065.00 4,011.00 -3,054.00 -43.23% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,938.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 15,323.20 8,110.00 7,627.00 -483.00 -5.95% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 18,184.94 43,050.00 44,772.00 1,722.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,059.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 457.00 0.00 0.00 0.C0 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 262,292.35 235,485.00 163,999.00 -71,486.00 -30.35% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 8,474.00 3,515.00 -4,959.00 -58.52% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 40,628.77 40,000.00 81000.00 -32,000.00 -80.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 568.48 1,640.00 11640.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 381.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 712,364.02 690,952.00 606,671.00 -84,281.00 -12.20% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 10,332.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 2,231.00 5,670.00 3,700.00 -1,970.00 -34.74% 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 358.05 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,150.97 2,350.00 1,500.00 -850.00 -36.17% 999 5221 COMPUTER SOFTWARE-SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 999 5222 PRINTING 14,110.09 12,150.00 13,000.00 850.00 7.00% FY2009-10 1 Temecula Presents 2009/10 6,900.00 Brochure 2 Temecula Presents 2009/10 300.00 Season CD 3 Mid-Season Brochure 2,450.00 4 Buckslips 1,450.00 5 Ticket Envelopes 1,900.00 204 THE E C U A ' - L CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOitTUNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CONIlVIUNITYTHEATER 189 999 5226 DIES & MEMBERSHIPS 700.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 178.90 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 7,222.61 8,000.00 81000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT 320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 2,074.41 3,500.00 31500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 LFFILITIES 54,230.89 70,000.00 77,000.00 7,000.00 10.00% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 62,500.00 2 Water 4,800.00 3 Gas 9,700.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 6,260.08 17,803.00 2,000.00 -15,803.00 -88.77% FY2009-20 1 Vacuum Cleaner 500.00 2 Carts, Mops, Buckets, Squeeges 500.00 3 Lighting 1,000.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 557.88 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5244 SIGNS 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 82,047.47 74,820.00 94,500.00 19,680.00 26.30% 205 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD-COMMUNITY THEATER 169 FY2009-10 1 HVAV Preventative 1,500.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,500.00 3 Pest Control 1,200.00 4 Environmental health permits 2,000.00 5 Floor Mat/TowelService 2,000.00 6 Kitchen Equipment Service & 500.00 Inspections 7 Bottled Water 1,000.00 8 Carpet/LDholstery Cleaning 3,000.00 Service 9 Roof System Preventative 7,300.00 Maintenance 10 Elevator Preventative 2,500.00 Maintenance & Inspection 11 Elevator Permit 1,000.00 12 Window Cleaning Service 1,500.00 13 Rent equipment special events 0.00 14 Custodial Services 40,000.00 15 Backstage Union Wages 11,000.00 16 Showear Service Fee 18,500.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 10,446.09 12,700.00 81000.00 -4,700.00 -37.01 % 999 5258 CONFERENCES 531.27 540.00 0.00 -540.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 131.74 200.00 150.00 -50.00 -25.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 215.38 270.00 200.00 -70.00 -25.93% 999 5262 MILEAGE 892.49 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 194,991.33 221,903.00 225,950.00 4,047.00 1.82% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 3,992.95 4,000.00 41000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5309 THEATER STAGE LIGHTING/SOUND SUPPLIES 20,516.40 6,500.00 61500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5311 THEATER-PRODUCTION CONTRACTS 138,358.52 165,397.00 140,000.00 -25,397.00 -15.35% FY2009-10 1 Temecula Presents 100,000.00 2 Bistro Stage 30,000.00 3 Cultural Arts Performances 10,000.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 162,867.87 175,897.00 150,500.00 -25,397.00 -14.44% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 2,498.91 1,030.00 2,500.00 1,470.00 142.72% 206 THE l E CV LA CtTyz t ~ ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 "OLD TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxIVNITIESn FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD-<--OMMUNITY THEATER 169 FY2009-10 1 Contract 2,000.00 2 AnruaI Color 500.00 999 5416 REHABILITATICN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 2,498.91 1,030.00 2,500.00 1,470.00 142.72 % Project Total 1,072,722.13 1,089,782.00 985,621.00 -104,161.00 -9.56% TCSD-COMMLNITY THEATER Total 1,072,722.13 1,089,782.00 985,621.00 -104,161.00 -9.56% 207 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 'TCSD-CULTURAL, ARTS 190 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 1,594.05 10,544.00 11,296.00 752.00 7.13% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 1,517.02 2,255.00 2,390.00 135.00 5.99% 999 5104 MEDICARE 463.23 553.00 419.00 -134.00 -24.23% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 32.15 25.00 23.00 -2.00 -8.00% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 765.00 750.00 441.00 -309.00 -41.20% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 64.18 0.00 0.00 0.C0 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 890.00 573.00 361.00 -212.00 -37.00% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 719.95 1,050.00 1,092.00 42.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 140.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 28.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 30,547.54 21,060.00 17,085.00 -3,975.00 -18.87% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,015.00 641.00 -374.00 -36.85% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 737.60 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 37,500.38 38,365.00 34,288.00 -4,077.00 -10.63% 999 5222 PRINTING 10,462.51 4,300.00 5,000.00 700.00 16.28% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 245.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 8,577.49 8,000.00 81000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-20 1 Sound & lighting vendors 5,000.00 2 Youth Media Festical Event 3,000.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 2,341.18 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5262 MILEAGE 364.55 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 21,990.73 14,800.00 15,500.00 700.00 4.73% 999 5301 RECREATION SUPPLIES 2,729.00 2,500.00 21500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5330 CONTRACTED CLASSES 283.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5370 SPECIAL EVENTS 63,264.12 54,326.35 56,000.00 1,673.65 3.08% 208 THE l E CV LA CtTyz t ~ ~ Tj ,J~ I Nc. 1989 "OLD TwwrrloNS, NEW OPPoxIVNITIESn FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERYICES DISTRICT 190 TCSD-CUL.TURAI. ARTS 190 FY2009-10 1 Summer Concert Series 38,000.00 2 Movies in the Park 3,000.00 3 Film Festival 12,000.00 4 Gallery C)penings @ the Merc 3,000.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 66,276.62 56,826.35 58,500.00 1,673.65 Project Total 125,767.73 109,991.35 108,288.00 -1,703.35 TCSD-CULTLRAL ARTS Total 125,767.73 109,991.35 108,288.00 -1,703.35 2.95% -1.55% -1.55% 209 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD Twwrnow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 190 OLD TOWN MAINTENANCE 191 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMB\IT 999 5104 MEDICARE 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY FY2O09-10 1 Sound System 5,000.00 2 Restroom Building 3,000.00 3 HVAC System 1,000.00 4 Drinking Fountain/Backflow 1,000.00 5 General Repairs 2,000.00 999 5218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 999 5240 UTILITIES 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 999 5243 UNIFORMS 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 15,148.00 15,148.00 3,181.00 3,181.00 220.00 220.00 53.00 53.00 0.00 0.00 254.00 254.00 2,730.00 2,730.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 21,686.00 21,686.00 12,000.00 12,000.CO 4,000.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00% 210 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA COMMUNITYSERVICES DISTRICT 190 OLD TOWN MAINTENANCE 191 FY2009-10 1 Boardwalk Repair & 5,000.00 Maintenance 2 Street Light Repair & 5,000.00 Maintenance 3 Repair/Treament(Trash Cans, 4,000.00 Benches & Planters) 4 Painting(Street Lights Poles, 5,000.00 ect) 5 HVAC Preventable Maintenance 1,000.00 6 Alarm Monitoring 1,500.00 7 Pest Control Services 1,500.00 8 Sound Vendor Services 7,000.00 9 Restroom Custodial Services 5,000.00 OPERATIONS AND MAI NTENANCE Total 999 5319 STREET LIGHTING INTERNAL SERVICE AL LOCATION Total 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FY2009-10 1 Old Town Area 27,000.00 2 Gateway Area 3,000.00 999 5416 REHABILITATION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total Project Total OLD TOWN MAINTENANCE Total 72,750.00 72,750.00 0.00% 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00% 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00% 144,436.00 144,436.00 0.000/0 144,436.00 144,436.00 0.00% -3.05% TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Total 11,477,521.96 11,741,088.13 11,382,421.00 -358,667.13 211 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 197 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 180 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 362.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 140.10 580.00 177.00 -403.00 -69.48% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 274.95 0.00 210.00 210.00 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,503.51 755.00 217.00 -539.00 -71.30% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 9,913.29 40,000.00 12,240.00 -27,760.00 -69.40% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,500.00 459.00 -1,041.00 -69.40% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 12,194.17 42,835.00 13,303.00 -29,533.00 -68.94% 999 5202 REIMBURSEMENT COUNTY 1,000,000.00 539,813.00 400,000.00 -139,813.00 -25.90% 999 5203 COLLECTIONS DEVELOPMBVT MAINTENANCE 820.26 29,966.26 30,000.00 33.74 0.11% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 8,498.80 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 3,010.10 5,500.00 71000.00 1,500.00 27.27% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,036.79 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 999 5222 PRINTING 99.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 39.35 0.00 0.00 O.CO 999 5240 UTILITIES 121,942.62 140,000.00 140,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2O09-10 1 Electricity 120,000.00 2 Water 16,000.00 3 Gas 4,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 5,028.76 22,500.00 14,000.00 -8,500.00 -37.78% 999 5244 SIGNS 13.78 1,500.00 11000.00 -500.00 -33.33% 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 67,348.13 75,500.00 79,500.00 4,000.00 5.30% 212 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 197 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 180 FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 7,000.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,700.00 3 Pest Control 1,200.00 4 Fire Sprinkler System 2,000.00 Preventative Maintenance 5 Floor Mat/Towel Service 1,500.00 6 Emergency Lighting System PM 1,000.00 Service 7 Bottled Water 1,000.00 8 Carpet/LDholstery Cleaning 2,000.00 Service 9 Roof System Preventative 3,500.00 Maintenance 10 County Health Permit 2,100.00 11 Contract Custodial Services 42,500.00 12 Window Cleaning Service 6,000.00 13 Medical Supply Box Service 500.00 14 Interior Plantscape Service 3,500.00 15 Emergency Generator PM 2,000.00 Service/Fuel 16 Emergency Generator Permits 2,000.00 (AQMD/Rco EH) 999 5254 ADVERTISING 0.00 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 1,21 838. 831,779.26 691,000.00 -140,779.26 6.93% 999 5340 INFCRMATICN SYSTEMS 225,384.00 234,900.00 171,200.00 -63,700.00 -27.12% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 60,909.00 111,631.00 48,500.00 -63,131.00 -56.55% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 286,293.00 346,531.00 219,700.00 -126,831.00 -36.60% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 15,000.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 15,000.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 113,301.00 0.00 -113,301.00 -100.00% CAPITAL CUTLAY Total 113,301.00 0.00 -113,301.00 -100.00% Project Total 1,524,325.76 1,350,947.26 940,503.00 -410,444.26 -30.38% TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 1,524,325.76 1,350,947.26 940,503.00 -410,444.26 -30.38% TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND Total 1,524,325.76 1,350,947.26 940,503.00 -410,444.26 -30.38% 213 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS SERVICES MISSION: The Cultural Arts Services Program is responsible for providing and array of Cultural Arts programs and activities that are both educational and entertaining for the community. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Offered over 100 arts classes, excursions and other activities, Youth Band Jam and after school programs • Produced six cultural arts brochures • Produced the annual Summer Concert Series, the Harveston Concert Series and the Movies in the Park series ■ Implemented gallery program at the Merc (eight exhibitions) ■ Produced 2"d annual Youth Film Festival ■ Completed CIP projects at the Children's Museum ■ Produced two editions of the High Country Magazine • Implemented six exhibitions at the Temecula Valley History Museum • Produced the third season of Temecula Presents • Launched "Jazz at the Merc" performances every Thursday night ■ Received CPRS Award of Excellence in the category of "Single Focus Brochure" for the Theater and Temecula Presents • Developed and implemented "Arts Connection" program • Produced three Traveling Arts Carnivals • Facilitated the fountain design for the new Civic Center • Facilitated the mosaic design for the new Civic Center GOAL 1: DEVELOP A LONG RANGE STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CULTURAL ARTS DIVISION OBJECTIVES: ➢ Establish an annual Division retreat to formalize the planning process ➢ Develop long-term planning on a continual basis throughout the year by dedicating one meeting per month to review and evaluate strategies, goals, and objectives GOAL 2: DEVELOP PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES THAT STIMULATE, ENCOURAGE,AND SUPPORT THE ARTS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Develop and implement a variety of art classes and activities ➢ Offer family day activities and public lectures that demonstrate the relatedness of historical and artistic traditions ➢ Develop and distribute various marketing materials to encourage participation in arts and programs, including banners on Rancho Vista Road ➢ Implement a community-wide special event that highlights visual and performing arts ➢ Continue to monitor operations and develop programming at the 214 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS SERVICES GOAL 3: PRESENT AND PROMOTE THE PERFORMING ARTS AND THEIR ABILITY TO ENRICH COMMUNITY LIFE OBJECTIVES: ➢ Program and market Temecula Presents' 3rd season Create Temecula Presents' Td season brochure Work with concessionaire to ensure success with the "Club at the Merc" and all theater concessions Refine strategic presenting partnerships with other regional performing arts organizations Develop and implement performing arts programming in the Merc Expand arts-in-education outreach opportunities GOAL 4: OVERSEE THEATER OPERATIONS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Oversee theater operations Expand "Arts Connection" GOAL 5: OVERSEE AND ADMINISTER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITY'S ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: ➢ Work with the development community to ensure compliance with the City's Public Art Ordinance Continue to develop Old Town as a Public Arts District GOAL 6: FOSTER AN AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION OF HISTORIC SITES, ARTIFACTS, AND HISTORY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Act as a City liaison to the Temecula Historical Society Continue to acquire significant artifacts in building the Temecula Valley History Museum's collections and research facility thereby intensifying the importance of the Museum as a regional center. Archive the Wilkinson Collection Continue to develop educational and stimulating exhibits GOAL 7: PROVIDE SCIENCE BASED PROGRAMMING TO CHILDREN AND FAMILIES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Increase quality programming in conjunction with the Friends of the Temecula Valley Children's Museum Analyze exhibits to determine renovation and changes; assist with CIP projects Continue to expand a community outreach program Develop a complete membership package, including a marketing strategy 215 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: CULTURAL ARTS SERVICES Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Implementation of art classes and 90 90 90 90 activities Develop Cultural Arts publications 5 5 5 5 After school program for middle 12 14 14 14 schoolage 216 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: RECREATION SERVICES MISSION: The Recreation Services Program is responsible for providing a comprehensive City-wide recreation program that meets the recreation and human service needs within the community. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Successfully implemented key elements of the Temecula Youth Master Plan ■ Planned, programmed and implemented four "Rhythms" teen dances ■ Successfully planned, programmed and implemented "Special Games" event for special needs youth ■ Enhanced the annual 4th of July Extravaganza to include a Family Fun Play Area GOAL 1: PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY RECREATION AND LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES THAT MEET THE DYNAMIC NEEDS OF OUR DIVERSE POPULATION, CREATE A STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY, AND PROMOTE PARTICIPATION IN RECREATIONAL EXPERIENCES THAT ENHANCE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OBJECTIVES: ➢ Plan, program, and implement four "Rhythms" dances for teen's ages 15-18 years Plan, program and implement an after-school program in joint effort with the Temecula Unified School District. This program will be a component of an overall effort entitled T.A.S.C. (Temecula After School Collaborative) and will take place at one (1) middle school site Plan, program, and implement the Annual Community Services Department Expo. This event highlights the classes and activities offered by the Community Services Department and allows for early registration of recreation programs GOAL 2: PLAN, DEVELOP, AND IMPLEMENT NEEDED HUMAN SERVICES, VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS, AND ACTIVITIES THAT MEET THE INCREASING DEMANDS OF A GROWING COMMUNITY AND FOSTER HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Implement multiple components of the Youth Master Plan including planning, programming, and implementing an intramural sports program, Youth Advisory Council (Y.A. K.), and the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program Implement the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program by providing professional training and summer employment for 250 resident's ages 14-24 years Plan, program, and implement a College Fair 217 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: RECREATION SERVICES GOAL 3: PRESENT AND PROMOTE THE PERFORMING ARTS AND THEIR ABILITY TO ENRICH COMMUNITY LIFE OBJECTIVES: ➢ Program and market Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Rhythms Teen Dances 0 0 4 4 Placement of Youth in Mayor's Summer Youth Employment 0 0 0 250 Program T.A.S.C. After-school Program 0 0 1 1 Sites 218 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES MISSION: The Development Services Program is responsible for library services, park site acquisition, recreation facility development, assessment engineering, community development review and solid waste 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Completed construction of the Murrieta Creek Trail Project Completed the construction documents for Phase I of the Redhawk Park Improvements Completed Trails and Bikeways Guide Completed the 2009 Recycling Calendar Organized two Community Clean-up events Facilitated three Household Hazardous Waste Events Facilitated the construction of the YMCA building in Margarita Community Park Complete the conceptual design for the Old Town Gymnasium Introduced the "Book Buzz" After School Reading Program at the library Implemented new Automated Payment Machine (APM) in the library to enhance customer service Hosted Sister Cities visits and added additional Dutch books to Language collection Offered twenty-four children's programs per month and thirty teen programs per year through partnership with the Friends of the Temecula Library Expanded outreach program to children and staff at school campuses to provide library cards and book delivery on campus GOAL 1: PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE, BALANCED NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM THROUGHOUT THE CITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Seek grant funding opportunities ➢ Complete the construction of the Temecula Community Center expansion, and Escallier house and barn ➢ Complete construction of Phase I of Redhawk Park improvements GOAL 2: PROVIDE THOROUGH REVIEW OF ALL PROPOSED CITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES: ➢ Participate in the City's development review process for Specific Plans, Development Plans, Environmental Impact Reports, and Tentative Maps ➢ Provide appropriate conditions of approval for future development ➢ Review and approve final maps, grading plans and CC&R's 219 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES GOAL 3: EXPAND CUSTOMERS SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES AT THE LIBRARY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Work with the Information System Department and Finance Department to accept debit and credit card payments at the library Work with Information System Department and Finance Department to utilize the APM payment module in the library Research the possibility of using Comprise to accept payments via the Internet Offer computer classes for seniors and young adults Increase teen programming outreach in conjunction with the TCSD Human Services Manager and the Youth Master Plan GOAL 4: PROVIDE MORE EFFICIENT METHOD OF DISCHARGING AND ROUTING INTER-LIBRARY BORROWED MATERIALS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Program Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system to discharge library materials from other branches Work with Information System Department and representatives from the organization LSSI so that paperback materials will integrate with the automated library systems GOAL 5: CONTINUE TO DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN LIBRARY COLLECTIONS TO KEEP PACE WITH THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY AND ENSURE THAT OUR OFFERINGS ARE UP-TO-DATE, RELEVANT AND AVAILABLE TO LIBRARY USERS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide funding to purchase new and replacement materials for library patrons PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of capital projects completed Number of public parks completed as conditioned by development Increase library collections Tag paperback book with RFID tags Projected Actual Projected Projected FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 4 4 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2000 0 0 0 10,000 220 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE SERVICES MISSION: The Maintenance Services Program is responsible for providing effective landscape and facility maintenance services for parks, slopes, medians, recreation facilities, and City Administrative offices. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Completed numerous park and facility rehabilitation and repair projects (Temeku Hills Park Spilt Rail Fence Replacement, Loma Linda Park Lighting Installation, Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park Buildings Anti- graffiti Coating, Pala Community Park, Paloma Del Sol Sports Park, North, South, and Upper Soccer Fields, Temecula Middle School Sports Field Re-tamping, Temecula Duck Pond Veterans Memorial Phase 3 Paver Installation, Margarita Community Park Tennis Court Windscreen Replacement) Completed thorough construction plan review of several landscape maintenance service areas (Temecula YMCA at Margarita Community Park, Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail Project, Old Town Civic Center Town Square) Assisted with construction oversight of several City facilities and landscape maintenance service areas (Temecula Civic Center Town Square, Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail, Pechanga Parkway Road Widening and Landscaped Median, YMCA at Margarita Community Park, Jefferson Road Median at the Marriott) Completed several Capital Improvement Projects (Veterans Memorial Paver Installation Phase 3, Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park Play Structure Retrofit, Imagination Workshop Kitchen Improvements, Ronald Reagan Sports Park Dasherboard System and Scoreboard Installation) Provided support and maintenance at all City facilities, City events and programs, and City sponsored events GOAL 1: PROVIDE SAFE AND ATTRACTIVE FACILITIES, PARKS, MEDIANS, AN D TRAIL SYSTEMS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Ensure City parks and facilities are safe and clean for our residents use and enjoyment ➢ Identify and develop priorities for site repairs, renovations, and improvements ➢ Complete site repairs, renovations, and improvement based upon available budget and priorities ➢ Extend the current landscape maintenance services agreements through June 30, 2010 ➢ Monitor and ensure performance compliance of City maintenance contractors and repair contractors ➢ Work closely with Rancho California Water District to identify and take advantage of any available water use efficiency and irrigation system retrofit incentive programs 221 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT PROGRAM: MAINTENANCE SERVICES GOAL 2: ENCOURAGE THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ATTRACTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICE AREAS TO CONSERVE OUR VALUABLE RESOURCES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Provide thorough review of new City facilities and proposed TCSD maintenance services areas Promote the design of water wise landscapes to minimize water use and utilize recycled water where available Promote maintenance friendly landscape designs which will minimize long term maintenance costs Oversee construction completion and acceptance of City-wide landscape construction projects GOAL 3: IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES AT CITY FACILITIES, PARKS AND LANDSCAPE AREAS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Promote the design and construction of more sustainable City facilities, parks and landscaped areas Identify facilities, parks, and landscaped areas in need of improvements to become more energy efficient and water friendly Identify incentive programs, rebates, and other programs to provide possible funding sources and assistance for efficiency improvements Prioritize and complete proposed efficiency improvements based upon available funding and site benefit analysis Initiate awareness programs to encourage City staff to be more energy efficient and reduce our impact on the environment Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Number of rehabilitation projects 5 5 5 5 completed Number of park/landscape 4 4 4 4 construction projects completed Number of service order 100 100 100 100 responses 222 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B"STREET LIGHTS 192 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 5,501.92 5,126.00 5,375.00 249.00 4.86% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 1,090.34 1,097.00 1,137.00 40.00 3.65% 999 5104 MEDICARE 78.20 74.00 78.00 4.00 5.41% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 16.20 13.00 11.00 -2.00 -15.38% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 9.45 9.00 11.00 2.00 22.22% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 31.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 33.12 25.00 24.00 -1.00 -4.00% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 525.00 546.00 21.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 140.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 6,921.21 6,889.00 7,202.00 313.00 4.54% 999 5225 ELECTION COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE 0.00 8,500.00 10,500.00 2,000.00 23.53% 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5262 MILEAGE 2.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 5,002.51 13,500.00 15,500.00 2,000.00 14.81% 999 5319 STREET LIGHTING 774,739.36 864,000.00 915,000.00 51,000.00 5.90% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 774,739.36 864,000.00 915,000.00 51,000.00 5.90% Project Total 786,663.08 884,389.00 937,702.00 53,313.00 6.03% TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 786,663.08 884,389.00 937,702.00 53,313.00 6.03% TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET 786,663.08 884,389.00 937,702.00 53,313.00 6.03% LIGHTS Total 223 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C"LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 193 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 178,478.48 155,028.00 143,425.00 -11,603.00 -7.48% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 34,099.55 32,998.00 30,202.00 -2,796.00 -8.47% 999 5104 MEDICARE 2,605.14 2,248.00 21109.00 -139.00 -6.18% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 388.35 126.00 114.00 -12.00 -9.52% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 519.69 463.00 431.00 -32.00 -6.91% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,191.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 9,787.00 3,816.00 2,932.00 -884.00 -23.17% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,120.78 25,725.00 22,386.00 -3,339.00 -12.98% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,645.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 957.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 307.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 6,007.92 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 240.00 980.00 820.00 -160.00 -16.33% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 158.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 242,507.16 221,384.00 204,419.00 -16,955.00 -7.66% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 29,053.38 57,560.00 57,700.00 140.00 0.24% 999 5225 ELECTION COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 9,937.98 7,900.00 5,800.00 -2,100.00 -26.58% 999 5240 UTILITIES 355,097.64 427,800.00 436,550.00 8,750.00 2.05% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 26,100.00 2 Water 410,450.00 999 5243 UNIFORMS 256.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 2,300.00 1,300.00 21250.00 950.00 73.08% 224 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL`YC" LANDSCAPEISLOPE 193 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL. 180 999 5262 MILEAGE 48.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 396,694.01 494,560.00 502,300.00 7,740.00 1.57% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 872,156.22 982,371.00 797,520.00 -184,851.00 -18.82% 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 9,340.08 9,960.00 24,310.00 14,350.00 144.08% CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 881,496.30 992,331.00 821,830.00 -170,501.00 -17.18% Project Total 1,520,697.47 1,708,275.00 1,528,549.00 -179,726.00 -10.520/0 TCSD NCN-DEPARTMENTAL Total 1,520,697.47 1,708,275.00 1,528,549.00 -179,726.00 -10.52% TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" 1,520,697.47 1,708,275.00 1,528,549.00 -179,726.00 -10.52% LANDSCAPE/SLOPE Total 225 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "Dn REFUSE/RECYCLING 194 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 36,124.75 49,228.00 51,629.00 2,401.00 4.88% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 7,310.18 10,522.00 10,916.00 394.00 3.74% 999 5104 MEDICARE 507.66 714.00 749.00 35.00 4.90% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 104.80 101.00 91.00 -10.00 -9.90% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAININ 75.63 104.00 116.00 12.00 11.54% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 212.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 239.00 243.00 231.00 -12.00 -4.94% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 653.08 5,775.00 6,006.00 231.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 127.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 27.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 120.00 220.00 220.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 52.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 45,974.96 66,907.00 69,958.00 3,051.00 4.56% 999 5222 PRINTING 8,752.01 8,752.01 0.00 -8,752.01 -100.00% 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 6,280.81 5,138.00 7,500.00 21362.00 45.97% 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE 6,604.94 9,000.00 11,100.00 2,100.00 23.33% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 9,893.00 14,559.94 25,690.00 11,130.06 76.44% 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 6,051.02 7,243.98 5,200.00 -21043.98 -28.22% 999 5256 PUBLIC NOTICES 9,457.36 10,000.00 6,750.00 -3,250.00 -32.50% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATI 50.00 174.00 150.00 -24.00 -13.79% 999 5262 MILEAGE 98.35 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00% 999 5265 RECOGNITION PROGRAM 1,570.53 2,850.00 0.00 -2,850.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 48,758.02 57,817.93 55,590.00 -1,227.93 -2.12% 999 5315 WASTE HALLING 4,975,616.21 5,579,630.00 5,911,862.00 332,232.00 5.95% 226 THE l E CV LA CtTyz E)F TEJ- INC. 1989 "C)I-1)1hnUiiIONS, [`lr:w FY2009-1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL `TD° REFUSE/RECYCLING 194 'TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 FY2009-10 1 Waste Hauler Rate for 5,911,862.00 Residential Services INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 4,975,616.21 5,579,630.00 5,911,862.00 332,232.00 5.95% Project Total 5,070,349.19 5,704,354.93 6,038,410.00 334,055.07 5.86% TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 5,070,349.19 5,704,354.93 6,038,410.00 334,055.07 5.86% TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE/RECYCLING Total 5,070,349.19 5,704,354.93 6,038,410.00 334,055.07 5.86% 227 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNITIES FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "Rn STREET/ROAD MAINT 195 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1 80 PROJECT999 999 5231 PRCIPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE 28.34 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00% CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 28.34 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5402 EMERGENCY STREET MAIN 6,345.00 12,200.00 27,000.00 14,800.00 121.31 % CPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 6,345.00 12,200.00 27,000.00 14,800.00 121.31 % Project Total 6,373.34 12,300.00 27,100.00 14,800.00 120.33% TCSD NCN-DEPARTMENTAL Total 6,373.34 12,300.00 27,100.00 14,800.00 120.33% TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "R" 6,373.34 12,300.00 27,100.00 14,800.00 120.33% STREET/ROAD MAINT Total 228 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 196 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL 180 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 20,476.76 41,939.00 39,589.00 -2,350.00 -5.60% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 4,007.58 8,926.00 8,335.00 -591.00 -6.62% 999 5104 MEDICARE 282.74 608.00 581.00 -27.00 -4.44% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 51.90 38.00 34.00 -4.00 -10.53% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 56.70 123.00 116.00 -7.00 -5.69% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 148.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,295.00 1,472.00 1,289.00 -183.00 -12.43% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,230.21 6,825.00 6,006.00 -819.00 -12.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 191.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 42.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 423.28 0.00 500.00 500.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 20.00 260.00 220.00 -40.00 -15.38% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 28,227.00 60,191.00 56,670.00 -3,521.00 -5.85% 999 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 7,540.62 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 4,527.75 2,500.00 21500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 539.28 700.00 700.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5240 UTILITIES 46,016.12 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 36,000.00 2 Water 19,000.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 791.78 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5243 UNIFORMS 34.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 88,204.79 90,000.00 69,500.00 -20,500.00 -22.78% FY2009-10 1 Security Services 20,000.00 2 Pest Control 500.00 3 Water Fowl Depredation 2,500.00 Services 4 Restroom Maintenance Services 6,500.00 5 Water Quality/Lake 40,000.00 Management Services 999 5262 MILEAGE 8.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 229 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 196 TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL. 180 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 147,663.03 159,400.00 138,900.00 -20,500.00 -12.85% 999 5380 CITY ADMIN CHARGES 0.00 9,500.00 21500.00 -7,000.00 -73.68% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 0.00 9,500.00 2,500.00 -7,000.00 -73.68% 999 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 46,969.96 47,000.00 50,500.00 3,500.00 7.45% FY2009-10 1 Maintenance Contract 43,500.00 2 Tree Trimming 7,000.00 999 5416 REHA81LITATICN 14,976.00 5,000.00 31000.00 -2,000.00 -40.00% FY2009-20 1 Rehabilitate landscape 3,000.00 damaged by fowl OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 61,945.95 52,000.00 53,500.00 1,500.00 2.88% Project Total 237,835.99 281,091.00 251,570.00 -29,521.00 -10.50% TCSD NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 237,835.99 281,091.00 251,570.00 -29,521.00 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. Total 237,835.99 281,091.00 251,570.00 -29,521.00 -10.50% -10.50 ° o 230 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIE3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) TCSD 2001 COPTS DEBT SERVICE 390 NON-DE PARTNENTAL. 199 PROJECT 999 999 5227 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES 3,850.00 6,300.00 3,850.00 -2,450.00 -38.89% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 3,850.00 6,300.00 3,850.00 -2,450.00 -38.89% 999 5390 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 255,000.00 265,000.00 275,000.00 10,000.00 3.77% 999 5391 INTEREST EXPENSE 235,605.00 225,725.00 215,190.00 -10,535.00 -4.67% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 490,605.00 490,725.00 490,190.00 -535.00 -0.11% Project Total 494,455.00 497,025.00 494,040.00 -2,985.00 -0.60% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 494,455.00 497,025.00 494,040.00 -2,985.00 -0.60% TCSD 2001 COP'S DEBT SERVICE 494,455.00 497,025.00 494,040.00 -2,985.00 -0.60% Total 231 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 232 CITY PLANNER Patrick Richardson HOUSING Affordable Housing Compliance Processing and Monitoring ..........1.......... Residential Improvement Programs Land Acquisition . . : I.......... Affordable : Housing Project Development REDEVELOPMENT Capital Projects . . : ..........1.......... :Old Town Specific: Plan ;..Implementation Community Liaison 233 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I NC. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOitT ME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DE PARTNIENTAL. 199 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUTURE OBLIGATIONS B 1 1 811 5804 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00 -305,000.00 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00 -305,000.00 -100.00% Project Total 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00 -305,000.00 -100.000/0 CIP 812 812 5804 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UN 0.00 8,750,000.00 0.00 -8,750,000.00 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 0.00 8,750,000.00 0.00 -8,750,000.00 -100.00% Project Total 0.00 8,750,000.00 0.00 -8,750,000.00 -100.000/0 RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS B 13 813 5804 RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROG 135,448.44 251,992.30 0.00 -251,992.30 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 135,448.44 251,992.30 0.00 -251,992.30 -100.00% Project Total 135,448.44 251,992.30 0.00 -251,992.30 -100.000/0 HABITAT 2 823 823 5700 LAND ACQUISITION/CCNT 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000/0 DIAZ ROAD PROPERTY 836 835 5801 ADMINISTRATION 7,309.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 835 5804 CONSTRUCTION 572,005.06 165,328.51 0.00 -165,328.51 -100.00% 835 5805 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER 610.00 9,639.04 0.00 -9,639.04 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 579,924.40 174,967.55 0.00 -174,967.55 -100.00% Project Total 579,924.40 174,967.55 0.00 -174,967.55 -100.000/0 OLD TOWN MIXED USE DALTON III B3B 838 5704 CIP - CONTRIBUTION 3,300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3,300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 3,300,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000/0 CIP-NW RDA PROPERTY GRADING NPDES B39 839 5801 ADMINISTRATION 25,000.00 0.00 -25,000.00 -100.00% 839 5802 DESIGN & ENVIRCNMENTA 25,000.00 0.00 -25,000.00 -100.00% 839 5804 CONSTRUCTION 250,000.00 0.00 -250,000.00 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS CUT Total 300,000.00 0.00 -300,000.00 -100.00% Project Total 300,000.00 0.00 -300,000.00 -100.000/0 234 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 199 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 213,992.60 404,343.00 380,164.00 -24,179.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 43,240.45 80,973.00 67,805.00 -13,168.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 3,174.33 5,694.00 51512.00 -182.00 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,450.00 960.00 21480.00 1,520.00 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 512.99 554.00 460.00 94.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 739.51 794.00 620.00 -174.00 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,056.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 3,722.94 5,831.00 4,865.00 -956.00 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,115.71 33,600.00 34,034.00 434.00 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,257.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 309.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 119.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 1,400.00 390.00 -1,010.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 13,406.75 38,324.00 0.00 -38,324.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 400.00 1,280.00 11580.00 300.00 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 522.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 293,021.06 573,753.00 497,910.00 -75,843.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 575.17 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.C0 999 5222 PRINTING 126.12 250.00 250.00 0.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 6,128.00 6,753.00 7,400.00 647.00 FY2009-20 1 CA Redevlopment Association 6,375.00 2 APA 500.00 3 ULI 50.00 4 CA Downtown Association 225.00 5 Miscellaneous 250.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 19.47 250.00 250.00 0.00 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 23,712.00 0.00 0.00 235 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPART NT:-,NTAL, 199 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 18,691.24 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 3,025.00 18,025.00 18,025.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 41,928.40 178,219.00 202,922.00 24,703.00 13.85% FY2009-10 1 Financial Consultant 60,000.00 2 Appraisals 20,000.00 3 Lot Book Reports 7,500.00 4 Weed Abatememt 2,500.00 5 Award Entries 2,500.00 6 Final Map 35,422.00 7 Old Town Specific Plan EIR 25,000.00 8 Jefferson Corridor Study 40,000.00 9 Miscellaneous 10,000.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 0.00 2,000.00 21000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 0.00 4,365.00 0.00 -4,355.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 207.35 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 110.75 3,330.00 3,330.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-I0 1 CRA 1,280.00 2 U -I 850.00 3 CA Debt Advisory 550.00 4 Center for Organization 650.00 5 Miscellaneous 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 0.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 94,523.51 316,892.00 338,077.00 21,185.00 6.69% 999 5330 INSLRANCE 7,251.00 31462.00 3,700.00 238.00 6.87% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 36,502.00 28,009.00 17,000.00 -11,009.00 -39.31 % 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 3,865.00 3,307.00 16,800.00 13,493.00 408.01% 999 5350 FACILITIES 8,608.00 10,600.00 13,100.00 2,500.00 23.58% 999 5380 CITY ADMIN CHARGES 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5383 CCLNTY ADMIN FEES 18,520.35 0.00 47,627.00 47,627.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALL OCATION Total 184,746.35 155,378.00 208,227.00 52,849.00 34.01% 236 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 NON-DEPARTMENTAL. 199 999 5448 SPECIALIZED HOMEBUYER 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 -100,000.00 -100.00% 999 5449 FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER P 0.00 1,600,000.00 1,665,000.00 65,000.00 4.06% 999 5450 EMPLOYEE RELOCATION P 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 -100,000.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 0.00 1,800,000.00 1,665,000.00 -135,000.00 -7.50% Project Total 572,290.93 2,846,023.00 2,709,214.00 -136,809.00 -4.81% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 5,142,663.77 12,627,982.85 2,709,214.00 -9,918,768.85 -78.55% 237 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% SET ASIDE 165 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 800 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUTURE OBLIGATIONS 8I I 811 5804 CCNSTRUCTION 305,000.00 305,000.00 OPERATING TRANSFERS CUT Total 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00% Project Total 305,000.00 305,000.00 0.00% AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS 812 812 5804 CCNSTRUCTION 5,500,000.00 5,500,000.00 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 5,500,000.00 5,500,000.00 0.00% Project Total 5,500,000.00 5,500,000.00 0.00% RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROGRAM 813 813 5804 CCNSTRUCTION 200,000.00 200,000.00 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00% Project Total 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00% NW RDA PROPERTY GRADING NPDES 839 839 5801 ADMIN 5,000.00 5,000.00 839 5802 DESIGN & ENVIRCNMENTA 10,000.00 10,000.00 839 5804 CCNSTRUCTION 70,000.00 70,000.00 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 85,000.00 85,000.00 0.00% Project Total 85,000.00 85,000.00 0.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Total 6,090,000.00 6,090,000.00 0.000/0 RDA AFFORDABLE HOUSING 20% 5,142,663.77 12,627,982.85 8,799,214.00 -3,828,768.85 -30.32% SET ASIDE Total 238 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM: HOUSING MISSION: The Housing Program is responsible for the development, rehabilitation and preservation of affordable housing, removing blight, and promoting economic revitalization in the redevelopment project area. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Re-established the First Time Homebuyer's Program ■ Residential Improvement Program ■ Entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with the RC Hobbs Company for the development of 39 affordable units ■ Entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Continental Homes for the acquisition of 11 affordable units ■ Purchased land for the development of Habitat for Humanity ■ Partnered with Warehouse at Creekside LLC, for the development of 32 affordable units ■ Entered in a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Jamboree Housing for the sale and 55 year covenant of 11 affordable units ■ Monitoring of Agency Assisted Developments GOAL 1: PROVIDE QUALITY HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES AND TO EXPAND THEIR AVAILABILITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Prepare Housing Strategic Plan ➢ Ensure compliance with State Redevelopment Law ➢ Monitor existing affordable housing covenants ➢ Administer the First Time Homebuyer and Residential Improvement Program ➢ Acquire land and develop projects to support new affordable housing opportunities ➢ Encourage private investment in the expansion of affordable housing ➢ Partner with non-profit and for-profit developers to construct affordable family and senior housing ➢ Study housing feasibility in the Jefferson Corridor PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Projected Actual Projected Projected FY 2007_08 FY 2007_08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009_10 Number of additional affordable housing 88 27 2 121 units provided Number of affordable housing units 30 45 65 98 rehabilitated Number of first time homebuyers 2 0 25 25 assisted 239 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 240 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- CIP PROJECT 280 NON-DE PARTNENTAL. 199 OLD TOWN BUILDING FACADES B 13 813 5804 CIP-OLD TOWN BUILDING 30,254.64 102,500.00 0.00 -102,500.00 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 30,254.64 102,500.00 0.00 -102,500.00 -100.00% Project Total 30,254.64 102,500.00 0.00 -102,500.00 -100.000/0 CIP-AUTO MALL SIGN 642 842 5804 CCNSTRUCTION 800,000.00 0.00 -800,000.00 -100.00% OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT Total 800,000.00 0.00 -800,000.00 -100.00% Project Total 800,000.00 0.00 -800,000.00 -100.000/0 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 96,901.05 121,772.00 152,934.00 31,162.00 25.59% 999 5101 DEFERRED COMPENSATIO 78.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 19,472.83 27,145.00 32,358.00 5,213.00 19.20% 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,533.56 1,882.00 2,218.00 336.00 17.85% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1,150.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSLRANCE 203.71 315.00 251.00 -64.00 -20.32% 999 5109 LNEMPLOYMENTTRAININ 432.65 425.00 305.00 -120.00 -28.24% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 487.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,427.66 1,077.00 1,469.00 392.00 36.40% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,113.25 15,750.00 15,834.00 84.00 0.53% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,222.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBLRSMENT 103.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 39.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBLRSEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 7,500.00 390.00 -71110.00 -94.80% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 14,000.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 400.95 300.00 0.00 -300.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 200.00 600.00 580.00 -20.00 -3.33% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURA 174.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 139,941.84 177,966.00 207,539.00 29,573.00 16.62% 241 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- GIP PROJECT 280 NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 199 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 986.72 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5213 TENANT IMPROVEMENT-CAL STATE UNIVERSI 115,000.00 0.00 -115,000.00 -100.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 233.57 1,000.00 500.00 -500.00 -50.00% 999 5222 PRINTING 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5226 DIES & MEMBERSHIPS 2,042.00 2,667.00 3,150.00 483.00 18.11% FY2009-10 1 CRA 2,125.00 2 APA 500.00 3 LLI 50.00 4 CA Downtown Association 225.00 5 Miscellaneous 250.00 999 5228 PLELICATIONS 0.00 1,020.00 600.00 -420.00 -41.18% FY2009-I0 1 Downtown Idea Exchange 150.00 2 Downtown Promotion Report 150.00 3 Kiplinger 150.00 4 Miscellaneous 150.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 979.75 1,100.00 11100.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5234 RENT/FACILITY 16,062.00 19,200.00 19,500.00 300.00 1.55% FY2009-20 1 Old Town Restrooms 10,000.00 2 Old Town parking Lease 9,500.00 Agreement 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 67,692.22 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5248 CONSLLTING SERVICES 3,025.00 15,800.00 15,800.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-I0 1 Audit 7,000.00 2 Miscellaneous 8,800.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 130,908.87 251,014.11 256,500.00 5,485.89 2.19% 242 THE E C U ' - jLA CTy I t T EI Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- CIP PROJECT 280 NON-DEPAR'rNENTAL, 199 FY2009-10 1 Financial Consultant 65,000.00 2 Property Appraisals 6,000.00 3 Lot Book Reports 500.00 4 Old Town Sound System 15,000.00 Upgrade 5 Quality of Life Master Plan 0.00 6 Jefferson Corridor Study 160,000.00 7 Miscellaneous 10,000.00 999 5254 ADVERTISING 0.00 1,000.00 500.00 -500.00 -50.00% 999 5258 CONFERENCES 1,195.00 1,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 1,405.09 1,400.00 11400.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 964.50 1,050.00 1,050.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 CRA 1,050.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 43.37 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5271 BANNER PROGRAM 1,478.24 7,163.30 0.00 -7,163.30 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 227,016.33 455,414.41 337,100.00 -118,314.41 -25.98% 999 5330 INSURANCE 2,901.00 1,365.00 3,700.00 2,335.00 171.05% 999 5340 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 8,492.00 9,336.00 10,700.00 1,364.00 14.61% 999 5345 SUPPORT SERVICES 1,289.00 1,741.00 2,600.00 859.00 49.34% 999 5350 FACILITIES 7,685.00 8,200.00 91800.00 1,600.00 19.51% 999 5362 CLD TOWN PLAN IMPLEMENTAT ION 187,464.83 184,179.08 285,450.00 101,270.92 54.99% 243 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- CIF PROJECT 280 NON-DE PAR rNENTAL. 199 FY2009-10 1 Hot Summer Nights 43,000.00 2 Quilt Show 3,050.00 3 Halloween 0.00 4 Earl Stanley Gardner 7,250.00 5 Winter Holiday 27,500.00 6 Bluegrass Festival 30,300.00 7 Western Days 10,100.00 8 Street Painting Festival 10,250.00 9 Seasonal Holiday Lights 50,000.00 10 Seasonal Ice Rink 60,000.00 11 Music License 3,000.00 12 Old Town Promotion 40,000.00 13 Banners 1,000.00 999 5387 ERAF SHIFT 999 5388 OLD TOWN BUILDING FACADES 898,685.00 0.00 -898,685.00 -100.00% 80,000.00 80,000.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 207,831.83 1,103,506.08 392,250.00 -711,256.08 -64.45% 999 5901 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 1,699,437.54 19,325,049.00 13,655,518.00 -5,669,531.00 -29.34% Total 1,699,437.54 19,325,049.00 13,655,518.00 -5,669,531.00 -29.34% Project Total 2,274,227.54 21,061,935.49 14,592,407.00 -6,469,528.49 -30.72% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 2,304,482.18 21,964,435.49 14,592,407.00 -7,372,028.49 -33.56% 244 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- CIP PROJECT 280 CAPITAL.. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 800 AUTO MALL SIGN 842 842 5804 CCNSTRLCTION 875,000.00 875,000.00 OPERATING TRANSFERS CUT Total 875,000.00 875,000.00 0.00% Project Total 875,000.00 875,000.00 0.000/0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Total 875,000.00 875,000.00 0.000/0 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP 2,304,482.18 21,964,435.49 15,467,407.00 -6,497,028.49 -29.58% PROJECT Total 245 DEPARTMENT: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROGRAM: REDEVELOPMENT MISSION: The Redevelopment Program is responsible for stimulating the development and revitalization of the Redevelopment Project Area with an emphasis in the Old Town Historical District. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Request for Information (RFI) selection of and entrance into a Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Development Partner for the development of the Town Square Marketplace Old Town Promotions Advisory working group Farmers Market License Agreement renewal Funded the Old Town Infrastructure Improvements and Parking Structure. Entered into a loan agreement with the Temecula Valley Automobile Dealers Association, Inc. for the development of a new Auto Mall Marquee sign Completed the Mall expansion Facade Improvement Program GOAL 1: WORK TO ELIMINATE BLIGHTAND INCREASE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY I N TH E REDEVELOPM ENT PROJ ECT AREA OBJECTIVES: ➢ Work with merchants, property owners, civic groups, and the development community to stimulate private investments within the project area ➢ Develop projects that will revitalize the economy and assist in the private rehabilitation of buildings in the project area ➢ Promote and encourage participation in the Facade Improvement Program ➢ Recruit new businesses to open in the project area ➢ Fund infrastructure projects within the project area or with a direct benefit to the project area ➢ Study transportation and redevelopment of the Jefferson Corridor PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Projected FY 2007-08 Actual FY 2007-08 Projected FY 2008-09 Projected FY 2009-10 Number of facade improvement 15 8 15 20 projects completed Number of historical structures 1 1 1 1 assisted Number of redevelopment projects 1 0 1 6 negotiated and completed 246 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPORTUNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) RDA DEBT SERVICE FUND 380 NON-DEPAR MMENTAL. 199 PROJECT 999 999 5227 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES 11,402.05 12,750.00 14,153.00 1,403.00 11.00% 999 5231 PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEES 126,699.00 231,200.00 190,509.00 -40,691.00 -17.60% 999 5241 PASSTHROUIGH AGREEMENTS 10,581,709.78 11,079,000.00 11,838,000.00 759,000.00 6.85% OPERATICNS AND MAI NTENANCE Total 10,719,810.83 11,322,950.00 12,042,662.00 719,712.00 6.35% 999 5383 CCUNTY ADMIN FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5390 DEBT SERVICE-PRINCIPAL 755,000.00 680,000.00 710,000.00 30,000.00 4.41% FY2O09-10 1 2006 TAB's Series A Principal 245,000.00 Payment 2 2002 TAB Principal Payment 465,000.00 999 5391 INTEREST 2,897,307.14 3,193,921.00 3,051,121.00 -142,800.00 -4.47% FY2OO9-20 1 Interest on General Fund 0.00 Advance 2 2002 TAB Interest 1,310,11626 3 2006 TAB Series A Interest 751,93626 4 2006 TAB Series B Interest 147,68126 5 2007 TAB Interest 841,387.50 999 5393 COST OF ISSLR\lCE 182,648.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5395 UNDERWRITERS DISCOUNT 236,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5397 ORIGINAL ISSUE DISCOUNT 152,100.80 0.00 0.00 O.CO INTERNAL SERVICE AL LOCATICN Total 4,223,456.55 3,873,921.00 3,761,121.00 -112,800.00 -2.91% 999 5501 DEVELOPER AGREEMENT 11,000,000.00 40,000.00 -10,950,000.00 -99.64% FY2OO9-I0 1 Abbott OPA 40,000.00 Total 11,000,000.00 40,000.00 -10,950,000.00 -99.64% 999 5901 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 0.00 3,431,355.00 4,424,608.00 993,253.00 28.95% FY2OO9-I0 1 Operating Transfer Out to RDA 900,000.00 (280) 2 Operating Transfer Out to CIP 3,524,608.00 (210) Total 0.00 3,431,355.00 4,424,608.00 993,253.00 28.95:0 Project Total 14,943,267.39 29,628,226.00 20,268,391.00 -9,359,835.00 -31.59% NON-DEPAR TMENTAL Total 14,943,267.39 29,628,226.00 20,268,391.00 -9,359,835.00 -31.59% RDA DEBT SERVI CE FUND Total 14,943,267.39 29,628,226.00 20,268,391.00 -9,359,835.00 -31.59% 247 THE EM-EC ULA C-ITY/ - OF T INC. 1989 "C)Li) TEtAUi'EIUNS, NhW 011KJE2fUNEi'IE•:5" 248 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INSURANCE FUND 300 NON-DE PAR'1"NENTAL. 199 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 42,402.07 42,229.00 42,943.00 714.00 1.69% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 8,385.20 9,010.00 9,063.00 53.00 0.59% 999 5104 MEDICARE 601.16 612.00 623.00 11.00 1.80% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 105.37 63.00 57.00 -6.00 -9.52% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 94.54 95.00 105.00 10.00 10.53% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 242.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 5,283.77 209.00 193.00 -16.00 -7.66% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 5,250.00 5,460.00 210.00 4.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 1,861.24 2,500.00 0.00 -2,500.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 100.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 59,075.78 60,168.00 58,644.00 -1,524.00 -2.53% 999 5200 LIABILITY INSURANCE 235,900.42 220,500.00 220,000.00 -500.00 -0.23% 999 5204 PROPERTY INSURANCE 308,136.84 242,000.00 250,000.00 8,000.00 3.31 % 999 5205 CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR 15,914.77 25,000.00 19,000.00 -6,000.00 -24.00% 999 5207 CLAIMS 65,568.01 75,000.00 50,000.00 -25,000.00 -33.33% 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 151.95 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5246 LEGAL SERVICES 26,683.16 50,000.00 28,000.00 -22,000.00 -44.00% 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 0.00 12,000.00 30,000.00 18,000.00 150.00% FY2009-10 1 PlanetBids Online Bid 10,000.00 Management System 2 Property Appraisal 20,000.00 999 5258 CONFERENCES 0.00 900.00 0.00 -900.00 -100.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 652,355.15 625,550.00 597,150.00 -28,400.00 -4.54% Project Total 711,430.93 685,718.00 655,794.00 -29,924.00 -4.36% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 711,430.93 685,718.00 655,794.00 -29,924.00 -4.36% INSURANCE FUND Total 711,430.93 685,718.00 655,794.00 -29,924.00 -4.36% 249 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: INSURANCE MISSION: This Internal Service Fund was established to fund and account for the City's liability and property insurance costs. Costs reflected in the Insurance fund include property, liability, and automobile insurance, claims administration services, as well as legal and other costs directly relating to claims and potential litigation. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Conducted a complete review and insurable property value assessment of all City property and facilities ■ Renewed the City's general liability and excess liability insurance policies with a reduction of $14,042 in annual premium and maintained a $150,000 self insured retention with a $15 million limit COST ALLOCATION: Charges to departments are allocated based on the number of full-time equivalent personnel in each department 250 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIE3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) VEHICLES FUND 310 NON-DE PARTNENTAL. 199 PROJECT 999 999 5360 DEPRECIATION 314,020.89 337,130.00 295,708.00 -40,422.00 -11.99% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 314,020.89 337,130.00 295,708.00 -40,422.00 -11.99% Project Total 314,020.89 337,130.00 296,708.00 -40,422.00 -11.990/0 NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 314,020.89 337,130.00 296,708.00 -40,422.00 -11.990/0 VEHICLES FUND Total 314,020.89 337,130.00 296,708.00 -40,422.00 -11.990/0 251 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: VEHICLES MISSION: The Vehicle Fund is used to account for the acquisition, depreciation, and replacement of City vehicles. COST Charges to departments are calculated based on the number of vehicles ALLOCATION: allocated to each department. 252 DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS Tim Thorson APPLICATIONS and CLIENT SERVICES Jessica Ross CLIENT SERVICES 11 11 APPLICATIONS 11 11 NETWORK OPERATIONS Help Desk Customer: Custom Programming : Data Backup/Restore Support Information Systems Data Reporting and Data Storage / Storage: Training Analysis f. Area Network Audio Visual / Council : . . Permit and Inspection : Data Center Chambers Automation 1 Operations Emergency Operations: Public Works Phone Systems Applications/ R911 1 Automation 1 Library Automation Geographic Remote Site Client Information Systems Support Mapping & Analysis Theater Automation Hardware Support : II ............1 GIS Web I Arc IMS ' . Web Development GIS Layer Development: Information Security & Maintenance Electronic Records E-Government Management Library Hardware Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automation...... Database Financial Systems . Physical Security Administration Automation f:::::::::::: Systems :Temecula Outreach TV Community Services Data Network Automation [ Operations Agenda Management : Emergency Automation Communications AM 1610 253 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 NON-DEPART"MENTAL, 199 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 646,623.62 609,337.00 661,754.00 52,417.00 8.60% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 132,968.79 134,051.00 131,391.00 -2,660.00 -1.98% 999 5104 MEDICARE 10,579.04 9,980.00 91595.00 -385.00 -3.85% 999 5106 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,600.00 4,800.00 41800.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 1,363.25 755.00 467.00 -289.00 -38.23% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 2,465.13 2,579.00 1,449.00 -1,130.00 -43.82% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 3,871.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 13,171.20 9,360.00 81364.00 -996.00 -10.64% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,894.05 73,500.00 75,348.00 1,848.00 2.51 % 999 5114 DENTPL INSURANCE 1,244.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 2,120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5116 VISION INSURANCE 66.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 4,791.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 84,194.22 33,814.00 6,900.00 -26,914.00 -79.59% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 1,295.00 259.00 -1,036.00 -80.00% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 10,241.82 5,000.00 71800.00 2,800.00 56.00% 999 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 17,507.29 25,000.00 0.00 -25,000.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 1,164.05 2,800.00 21760.00 -40.00 -1.43% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 1,911.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 943,778.67 912,272.00 910,887.00 -1,385.00 -0.15% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 169,352.46 178,000.00 168,000.00 -10,000.00 -5.62% 999 5209 RADIO SYSTEM CHARGES 5,888.50 14,800.00 10,000.00 -4,800.00 -32.43% FY2009-10 1 Muzak(Hold Music) 4,000.00 2 Tower Lease 6,000.00 999 5210 AUDIO/VIDEOSIPPLIES 431.41 7,500.00 71300.00 -200.00 -2.67% 254 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 199 FY2009-10 1 Production Tape 800.00 2 Audio Tape 1,000.00 3 D\/D's/CD's 1,000.00 4 Microphone 1,500.00 5 SDLT Tapes 3,000.00 999 5211 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE FY2009-10 1 Planet Bids 9,000.00 2 Track-It 3,000.00 3 Eden 35,500.00 4 Microsoft (300 Seats) New 75,000.00 Enterprise Agreement 5 HDL Business License 8,500.00 6 Laserfiche 16,000.00 7 Safari 13,500.00 8 Active POS Plus / Safari Online 14,500.00 Registration 9 Sire Agenda Manager 3,700.00 10 DCC Communicator 5,500.00 11 Virus Protection 3,000.00 12 Websense 7,000.00 13 O'Neil Barcode (RSSQL) 2,500.00 14 GBA Masters 12,000.00 15 Verisign (Library, City Hall, 2,500.00 TCSD) 16 Sympro 4,400.00 17 Permits Plus / Accela Wireless 34,000.00 18 Web Registration 100.00 19 AutoCAD 2,500.00 20 Misellanecus (Event Pro 7,000.00 Theater, TEAPAC Traffic, 20 GFI) 0.00 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 187,710.62 284,303.40 259,200.00 -25,103.40 -8.83% 41.68 400.00 48,998.84 50,900.00 255 0.00 -400.00 -100.00% 55,800.00 4,900.00 9.63% THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrrms, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 NON-DEPAFZ'17MENTAL, 199 FY2009-10 1 Access Control 7,000.00 2 Radio System 2,300.00 3 Audio/Video System 5,000.00 Maintenance 4 Shoretel Phone Maintenance 8,000.00 5 HP Printer/ Scanner/ Plotter 7,000.00 Maintenance 6 SAN Support 5,000.00 7 Data Room / UPS Maintenance 20,000.00 8 Cisco Router 1,500.00 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES FY2009-10 1 Pens, Notebooks, Labels 3,000.00 999 5221 COMPUTER SUPPLIES FY2009-10 1 Tape Cartridges 1,000.00 2 DVD Diskettes 1,000.00 3 Printer Toner Cartridges 47,000.00 4 SCSI Drives 2,000.00 5 Back Up Exec 9,0 500.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS FY2009-10 1 MISAC (150.00 x 2) 300.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS FY2009-10 1 Windows Magazine, PC 100.00 Magazine, State Computer 1 Report 0.00 2 Computer Support Professional, 100.00 Info Reports 3 Subscription, MSDN Developer 100.00 Subscription 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 999 5238 RENT EQUIPMENT FY2009-10 1 Misc Equipment (Networking, 1,500.00 AV ect..) 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,169.95 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00% 44,198.11 45,000.00 51, 500.00 6,500.00 14.44% 479.97 800.00 300.00 -500.00 -62.50% 551.90 1,000.00 300.00 -700.00 -70.00% 414.60 800.00 400.00 -400.00 -50.00% 1,790.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 -2,000.00 -57.14% 125,483.93 84,690.00 77,340.00 -7,350.00 -8.68% 256 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 199 FY2009-10 1 Computer Workstations 25,000.00 2 PCS Replacement Phones 2,000.00 3 Notebook Computers 7,500.00 4 Wireless IP Phones 800.00 5 Extensions and Mailboxes 1,800.00 6 Wireless Phone Headsets 600.00 7 Monitor Replacements 10,000.00 8 ID Printer Equipment 280.00 9 Bar Code Scanners 600.00 10 Mag Strip Reader 160.00 11 PC6 Thermal Printer (3) 400.00 12 Mini Keyboards 700.00 13 Ergonomic Keyboards 500.00 14 APC Smart LPS 1,000.00 15 LPS Battery Replacement 3,000.00 16 IP Camera (4) 2,800.00 17 Kodak Scanner Lamp (8) 600.00 18 Kodak Scanner Imaging Guide 600.00 19 Notebook Batteries 600.00 20 outdoor Wireless Access Point 1,000.00 21 Patch/LSB/Fiber Cables 300.00 22 Replacement Microphones 1,000.00 23 LCD Projector 900.00 24 LCD Projector Lamp 2,200.00 25 SATA Drives 1,000.00 26 HP Access Point (4) 2,000.00 27 Tropos Access Points (2) 10,000.00 999 5243 LNIFORMS 1,881.31 2,000.00 11000.00 999 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 22,489.85 3,500.00 17,500.00 FY2009-10 1 Network Services 10,000.00 2 A/V Services 7,500.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 18,977.57 28,700.00 26,600.00 -1,000.00 -50.00% 14,000.00 400.00% -2,100.00 -7.32% 257 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 NON-DE PAFZ'rMENTAL. 199 FY2009-10 1 Cabling Services 5,000.00 2 Annual Storage Fee LEXIS 700.00 Nexus 3 12 Miles Clot (Streaming Video) 15,000.00 4 Zoomerang 400.00 5 Constant Contact 1,500.00 6 WIFI 4,000.00 999 5258 CCNFERENCE/EDUCATICN 4,076.99 3,600.00 21500.00 -1,100.00 -30.55% FY2009-10 1 National Association of 1,500.00 Broadcasters 2 MISAC (2) 1,000.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 1,271.05 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 15,166.18 5,000.00 16,000.00 11,000.00 220.00% FY2009-10 1 City Hall User Training 14,000.00 2 IS Department Staff Training 2,000.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 872.62 1,500.00 1,000.00 -500.00 -33.33% 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 356.27 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINT ENANCE Total 653,603.81 720,493.40 700,740.00 -19,753.40 -2.74% 999 5360 DEPRECIATION 201,235.89 197,078.00 175,947.00 -21,131.00 -10.72% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLO CATICN Total 201,235.89 197,078.00 175,947.00 -21,131.00 -10.72% 999 5550 LOSS CN DISPOSAL OF ASSETS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Project Total 1,798,618.37 1,829,843.40 1,787,574.00 -42,269.40 -2.31% N01\1-DEPARTMENTAL Total 1,798,618.37 1,829,843.40 1,787,574.00 -42,269.40 -2.31% 258 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 GISGEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 610 PROJECT' 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 222,341.24 242,158.00 206,213.00 -35,945.00 -14.84% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 46,695.93 48,363.00 43,382.00 -4,981.00 -10.30% 999 5104 MEDICARE 3,116.01 3,501.00 2,990.00 -511.00 -14.60% 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 519.83 504.00 217.00 -287.00 -56.94% 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 620.93 977.00 494.00 -483.00 -49.44% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,622.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 4,799.00 3,680.00 21729.00 -951.00 -25.84% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 16,876.73 30,000.00 25,662.00 -4,338.00 -14.46% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 735.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 1,797.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 350.00 0.00 -350.00 -100.00% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 65.63 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 387.88 800.00 940.00 140.00 17.50% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 299,578.77 330,833.00 282,627.00 -48,206.00 -14.57% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 481.86 600.00 0.00 -600.00 -100.00% 999 5211 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 18,931.71 17,700.00 19,717.00 2,017.00 11.40% FY2009-10 1 ESRI Maintenance Agreement 14,142.00 2 ER mapper Maintenance 1,575.00 Agreement 3 Map Logic Maintenance 1,500.00 4 Lattitude Geographics 2,500.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 7,858.46 8,000.00 1,000.00 -7,000.00 -87.50% FY2009-10 1 Daisy Wheel Plotter Cartridges 500.00 2 Office Supplies 500.00 999 5221 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 6,325.31 6,400.00 91600.00 3,200.00 50.00% 259 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 GIGGEOGR4PHIC INFORMATION SYS MN4S 610 FY2009-I0 1 GIS Ink 6,600.00 2 GIS Paper 3,000.00 999 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 655.00 1,000.00 11000.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 LRISA 600.00 2 APG for GIS Administrator 200.00 3 MISAC 200.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 509.54 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 GIS World 150.00 2 GIS Technology 150.00 3 ARCNEW & ARC User 200.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,050.55 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% FY2009-10 1 External Harddrives 500.00 999 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 16,550.00 7,300.00 15,000.00 7,700.00 105.48% FY2009-10 1 Resource Systems 3,500.00 2 Nobel Systems 2,500.00 3 ESRI 5,000.00 4 Lattitude Geographics 4,000.00 999 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 9,735.13 33,850.00 9,500.00 -24,350.00 -71.94% FY2009-10 1 Centerline Data 2,500.00 2 2008 / 2009 Aerial 7,000.00 999 5258 CONFERENCES 1,314.55 1,350.00 0.00 -1,350.00 -100.00% 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 33.85 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 4,078.54 4,900.00 31000.00 -1,900.00 -38.78% FY2009-10 1 ESRI GIS Software Training 3,000.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 233.82 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00% OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 67,758.32 83,200.00 60,917.00 -22,283.00 -26.78% Project Total 367,337.09 414,033.00 343,544.00 -70,489.00 -17.02% GIS-GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Total 367,337.09 414,033.00 343,544.00 -70,489.00 -17.02% 260 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 INFORMATION SYSTENV -LIBRARY 620 PROJ ECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 59,207.08 81,295.00 62,800.00 -18,495.00 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 14,185.64 20,443.00 13,163.00 -7,280.00 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,177.23 1,554.00 911.00 -643.00 999 5108 LIFE INSURANCE 98.12 252.00 0.00 -252.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 450.90 392.00 158.00 -234.00 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 465.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,512.28 1,594.00 11051.00 -543.00 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,808.79 10,500.00 81190.00 -2,310.00 999 5114 DENTPL INSURANCE 509.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 24,568.50 16,700.00 0.00 -16,700.00 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 1,247.49 500.00 0.00 -500.00 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 0.00 400.00 300.00 -100.00 SALARY AND BEN EFITS Total 112,230.41 133,630.00 86,573.00 -47,057.00 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 20,187.18 20,000.00 18,000.00 -2,000.00 999 5210 AUDIO/VIDEO SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 FY2O09-10 1 DVD's / CD's 1,000.00 2 SDLT Tapes 1,000.00 999 5211 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 15,824.62 8,500.00 20,000.00 11,500.00 FY2OO9-20 1 Track-It (Help Desk) 1,500.00 2 Microsoft (125 Seats) 7,000.00 3 Microsoft Server 1,000.00 4 Microsoft SQL 1,500.00 5 Safari Verisign (Credit Card 1,000.00 Processing) 6 Comprise 8,000.00 999 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPM E 34,771.90 25,000.00 22,500.00 -2,500.00 261 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNMESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 INFORMATION SYS'MMS-LIHRARY 620 FY2009-I0 1 Telephone System Support 2,500.00 (Shoretel) 2 Audio/ Video System Support 3,000.00 3 Access Control System (Door 5,000.00 Security) 4 BIN Sorter and Library 12,000.00 Equipment (ITG) 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,628.60 2,000.00 4,800.00 2,800.00 140.00% FY2009-10 1 Thermal Printer Paper, CD 2,000.00 Labe Is 2 Plotter Supplies / Irk 2,800.00 999 5221 COMPUTER SOFTWARE-SUPPLIES 1,961.79 2,000.00 21500.00 500.00 25.00% FY2009-10 1 CD-R DVD Diskettes 1,000.00 2 Back Up Exec 9.0 1,500.00 999 5228 PUBLICATIONS 313.57 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 15,647.73 4,635.00 5,500.00 865.00 18.66% FY2009-10 1 Computers (3) 3,000.00 2 Telephones 1,000.00 3 Tools 500.00 4 SAN Equipment 1,000.00 999 5248 CCNSLLTING SERVICES 1,525.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 FY2009-10 1 Lenel Security 2,500.00 999 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 18,502.95 13,019.53 6,000.00 -7,019.53 -53.92% FY2009-10 1 Cabling Service 2,000.00 2 Data Center Support 4,000.00 999 5258 CONFERENCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5260 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 109.88 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 505.33 450.00 0.00 -450.00 -100.00% 999 5262 MILEAGE 169.07 500.00 0.00 -500.00 -100.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 113,147.62 77,104.53 83,800.00 6,695.47 8.68% 999 5510 EQUIPMENT 5,865.00 0.00 -5,865.00 -100.00% CAPITAL CUTLAY Total 5,865.00 0.00 -5,865.00 -100.00% 262 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I NC. 1989 "OIL TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNME3 FY2009-10 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) INFORMATION SYSTEMS 320 INFORMA'nON SYSMMS-LIBRARY 620 Project Total 225,378.03 216,599.53 170,373.00 -46,226.53 -21.34% INFORMATION SYSTEMS-LIBRARY Total 225,378.03 216,599.53 170,373.00 -46,226.53 -21.34% INFORMATION SYSTEMS Total 2,391,333.49 2,460,475.93 2,301,491.00 -158,984.93 -6.46% 263 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS MISSION: The Information Systems Fund is used to account for the acquisition, depreciation, and replacement of computer and communications equipment. It also provides centralized information systems support and services, as well as computer software and City enterprise application support. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Installed citywide Shore Tel Voice over IP phone system ■ Moved Mall Police Substation during Promenade Mall Expansion ■ Installed Government Channel 3 in Promenade Mall Food Court ■ Installed AM 1610 Emergency Radio Station ■ Automated Traffic Management Maintenance with GBA Masters ■ Implemented Accela Wireless on Toughbooks for Building & Safety ■ Planning Commission Agenda Automation ■ Municipal Code Citation and International Building Code Fee Collection Automation ■ Foreclosure Registration Automation ■ Finance Automation - Purchasing Enhancements ■ Implemented Automated Applications Saving The City 4,858 Hours Annually ■ Installed emergency power generator for Temecula Public Library GOAL 1: IMPROVE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES AND CUSTOMER SERVICE LEVELS FOR THE CITY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Use Information Systems Performance Measurements (Metrics) to evaluate Customer Support calls and system outages to enable root cause analysis and trend reporting on equipment performance and customer satisfaction Provide all necessary resources to facilitate the implementation of best-practice automation tools throughout the City, including specialized software such as Eden Financials, Human Resources, Payroll, LaserFiche, and Permits Plus Provide tools to allow City departments to better serve the public, which includes provisioning online services supporting our e- government strategy. This includes the necessary information security measures to protect enterprise applications and data Define, test, and implement remote access capabilities, to meet the needs of City Council Members and staff for all communications methods, including offsite and wireless capabilities 264 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - - - - - - PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS GOAL 2: MANAGE THE CITY'S RAPIDLY GROWING INFORMATION SYSTEMS NEEDS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Move internal and external websites to the Windows Content Management Server to support XML and Share Point services Develop secure online services in compliance with Payment Card Industry standards Maintain the Information Systems Strategic Plan that covers the next cycle of innovation and system usability Maintain the data and systems current and reference architecture that charts a technology roadmap for migration to new technologies Build an environment and working relationships, which allow and foster collaborative, secure and manageable use of information between departments Enhance the productivity of City staff, both in the office and in the field through increased technology Create a Citizen Request webpage with Portal Technology to develop citizen relationship management. GOAL 3: IMPROVE DISASTER RECOVERY PREPAREDNESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Plan for load balanced Data Center services between the Data Center in City Hall and Temecula Public Library Data Center Provide a highly available Data Center with a consolidated maintenance contract Maintain and upgrade the City's own radio communications assets Begin deployment of wireless communications for EOC use Establish high-confidence and high-performance links between City Hall and Fire Station 84 complex, which can provide life-safety, resilient communications COST Charges to departments are calculated based on the number of computer ALLOCATION: workstations supported by Information Systems staff in each department 265 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: INFORMATION SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE MEASURES Goal 1: Process Improvement Number of Help Desk Hours Assigned Goal 2: Web Presence Use click stream analysis to determine website page hits Goal 3: Manage Growth Computers installed/supported Goal 4: Emergency Operations Amount of data backed up on the SAN Projected Actual Projected Projected FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 10,000 14,894 20,000 25,000 2.5 M 2.75 M 400 440 4.5 TB 5 TB 4.OM 5.OM 4750 550 7.0 TB 8.0 TB 266 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . PROGRAM: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) MISSION: The GIS Fund accounts for the acquisition of computer equipment, software, and GIS data used in the application support and service of the City's system. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Provided GIS analysis and mapping for the cleanup of the General Plan Land Use Map ■ Provided mapping and analysis for the Census 2010 Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) ■ Extended the alignment to the Southern Emigrant Trail through Riverside County and collected historic location data for the Historic Temecula Virtual Interactive Website ■ Created existing trail system for TCSD Citywide brochure ■ Performed studies and analysis for Old Town Specific Plan update ■ Provided mapping and analysis for studies being performed in the Nicolas Valley (RPA) area in association with the formation of a proposed community facilities district ■ Provided mapping and analysis for the proposed Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve annexation ■ Provided mapping and analysis in support of the General Plan Housing Element Update ■ Provided mapping and analysis for the City's su stai n abi I ity project ■ Developed system for identifying foreclosure properties ■ Provided departmental Geocortex training GOAL 1: OPERATE THE CITY-WIDE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GI S) TO MEET LOCAL DATA AND INFORMATION NEEDS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Perform on-going updates to the City's GIS Data, and develop additional data layers to support City departments and programs and to increase efficiency in providing public information Ensure GIS data integrity Produce reports and map exhibits for various City departments in support of their operations and for the community to improve customer service Evaluate the cost and feasibility of the clean-up of Parcel and Centerline layers and assuming full maintenance responsibilities 267 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) GOAL 2: INCREASE USABILITY OF GIS DATA FOR CITY STAFF OBJECTIVES: ➢ Conduct periodic City-wide training for ARCIMS program ➢ Add additional GIS Layers on the ARCIMS GIS website for City staff ➢ Refine and update the GIS data dictionary, library, and metadata and make available to City staff and outside agencies and jurisdictions ➢ Update and monitor Permits Plus database to ensure successful and efficient integration with GIS GOAL 3: COORDINATE WITH OUTSIDE AGENCIES, JURISDICTIONS AND CONSULTANTS TO IMPROVE DATA UPDATE PROCEDURES AND ACCURACY AND EXPLORE DATA SHARING OPPORTUNITIES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Take part in SCGIS Council meetings and subcommittees Participate in regional user group (IEGIS) activities and discussions Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 GIS Layers supported 450 460 550 550 City Derived GIS Layers maintained 300 348 400 400 Number of GIS requests completed 1,000 1,010 1,100 1,200 268 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: LIBRARY MISSION: The Temecula Public Library Information Systems Fund is used to account for the acquisition, depreciation, and replacement of computer and communications equipment. It also provides systems support and services, as well as computer software and automation support. 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Library website upgraded with new Aqua browser ■ Community Room Audio Usual System upgraded ■ R F I D tagging system upgraded for more granular book sorting ■ Automatic Payment Machine upgraded ■ Safari POS extended to the Library for facility reservations ■ Library Printing Services upgraded to support print pooling ■ Library wireless access enhanced with Firetide GOAL 1: IMPROVE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES AND CUSTOMER SERVICE LEVELS FOR THE LIBRARY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Use Information Systems Performance Measurements (Metrics) to evaluate customer support calls and system outages to enable root cause analysis and trend reporting on equipment performance and customer satisfaction Provide all necessary resources to facilitate the implementation of best practice automation tools Define, test, and implement remote access capabilities to improve Library uptime Create dynamic web templates to define editable regions, allowing Library employees to manage the content on their public website GOAL 2: MANAGE THE LIBRARY'S RAPIDLY GROWING PUBLIC UTILIZATION WITH AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain the Library's Strategic Plan that covers the next cycle of innovation and system usability Develop and implement an Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) strategy Manage Library's website with net technology for disseminating policies and scheduling information 269 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: LIBRARY GOAL 3: IMPROVE DISASTER RECOVERY PREPAREDNESS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Upgrade the Library systems infrastructure for improved data center environmental support, data protection, and fail-over for distributed data processing capabilities ➢ Manage load balanced data center services between the Library Data Room and the Data Center in City Hall ➢ Provide a highly available data center with a consolidated maintenance contract Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-11 Self check-out volume (number of books) 150 ,00 219 ,051 230, 000 270 ,000 Books returns sorted through bin sorter (number of books) 600, 000 801 ,086 850, 000 900 ,000 Number of patrons counted by security gates 300, 000 410 ,571 410, 571 450 ,000 Computer usage 80, 000 86, 163 88, 000 90, 000 Library web hits 100, 000 204 ,000 220, 000 250 ,000 270 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADrnow, NEW OPPOMNMEse FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) SUPPORT SERVICES 330 NON-DEPAR'1 N ENTAL, 199 PROJECT 999 999 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 94,707.44 92,590.00 153,333.00 60,743.00 65.60% 999 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 20,407.44 24,387.00 32,236.00 7,849.00 32.19% 999 5104 MEDICARE 1,683.40 2,041.00 2,305.00 264.00 12.93% 999 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 294.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 984.50 945.00 630.00 -315.00 -33.33% 999 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 603.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,612.00 1,337.00 723.00 -614.00 -45.92% 999 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,577.51 21,000.00 32,760.00 11,760.00 56.00% 999 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 3,511.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5117 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT 825.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 4,596.84 4,400.00 0.00 -4,400.00 -100.00% 999 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 24,186.50 27,585.00 5,659.00 -21,926.00 -79.49% 999 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 535.00 212.00 -324.00 -60.45% 999 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 561.04 1,500.00 11500.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 17.16 4,000.00 0.00 -4,000.00 -100.00% 999 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 300.00 800.00 11200.00 400.00 50.00% 999 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 158,868.24 181,121.00 230,558.00 49,437.00 27.30% 999 5208 TELEPHONE SERVICE 311.05 360.00 0.00 -350.00 -100.00% 999 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 41.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5217 REPAIR & MAINT.-OFF.EQUIP 65,812.65 80,000.00 78,600.00 -1,400.00 -1.75% FY2009-10 1 IDS - Ciy Hall copiers 60,000.00 2 IDS - Library copiers 14,000.00 3 OCE Maintenance Agreement 1,300.00 4 Folder & Folder Inserter 1,000.00 Maintenance Agreement 5 Postage Meter Maintenance 2,300.00 Agreement 999 5220 OFFICE SUPPLIES 36,892.42 40,000.07 38,000.00 -2,000.07 -5.00% 271 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) SUPPORT SERVICES 330 NON-DE PAFZ'rMENTAL. 199 FY2009-I0 1 Paper 33,000.00 2 Lamination Supplies 1,000.00 3 Binding Supplies 500.00 4 Kinko's 750.00 5 Fax Supplies 2,000.00 6 Postage Meter 750.00 999 5230 POSTAGE & PACKAGING 1,275.00 1,950.00 2,950.00 FY2009-10 1 Box Fee 1,200.00 2 Postage Meter rate change - 2x 1,500.00 a year 3 Standard Bulk Mail Permit 250.00 1,000.00 51.28% 999 5239 EQUIPMENT LEASE 1,076.44 1,100.00 0.00 -1,100.00 -100.00% 999 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,295.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5261 STAFF TRAINING/EDUCATION 2,521.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 999 5262 MILEAGE 3,232.16 3,500.00 3,250.00 -250.00 -7.14% 999 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 241.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 113,699.52 126,910.07 122,800.00 -4,110.07 -3.24% 999 5360 DEPRECIATION 61,896.15 30,330.00 30,330.00 0.00 0.00% 999 5391 INTEREST 12,826.06 15,000.00 11,000.00 -4,000.CO -26.67% INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATION Total 74,722.21 45,330.00 41,330.00 -4,000.00 -8.82% Project Total 347,289.97 353,361.07 394,688.00 41,326.93 11.70% NON-DEPARTMENTAL Total 347,289.97 353,361.07 394,688.00 41,326.93 11.70% SUPPORT SERVICES Total 347,289.97 353,361.07 394,688.00 41,326.93 11.70% 272 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: SUPPORT SERVICES MISSION: The Support Services Fund is the cost center for central duplicating services, mailroom services, City Hall reception services, and duplicating equipment maintenance/lease for City Hall and its off- site facilities 2008-2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ■ Ensured proper copier/printer/fax equipment needs for City Hall, Library, and off-site City facilities ■ Managed cost effective relocation of copiers/printers versus the purchase of new equipment GOAL 1: ENSURE COST EFFECTIVE STANDARDS ARE UTILIZED WHEN PURCHASING CENTRAL SERVICES PRODUCTS OBJECTIVES: ➢ Continue to explore purchasing options for paper goods and all Central Services products by way of piggybacking on county/state contracts, internet, etc. GOAL 2: PROVIDE TIMELY, HIGH QUALITY, AND EFFICIENT DUPLICATING/POSTAL SERVICES OBJECTIVES: ➢ Maintain efficient usage/optimal functioning levels of all duplicating equipment and fax machines through the maintenance agreement Ensure staff is crossed trained to ensure high customer service to internal staff GOAL 3: PROVIDE THE UTMOST CUSTOMER SERVICE AT THE RECEPTION DESK OBJECTIVES: ➢ Keep all pertinent information current to ensure the highest customer service levels to the public Track relevant information such call volume, walk-in customers, etc. to determine needs, improvements, and effectiveness Proper training on the new phone system 273 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS PROGRAM: SUPPORT SERVICES COSTALLOCATION: Charges to departments are calculated based on the number of color and regular copies made by each department, as well as the number of on- site personnel for each department Projected Actual Projected Projected PERFORMANCE MEASURES: FY 2007-08 FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Total number of copies printed 4,200,000 3,300,250 3,300,000 3,380,000 Total number of calls received 48,000 40,000 43,000 41,000 274 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACILITIES 340 NON-DEPARTNEWAL, 199 FACILITIES CITY HALL 701 701 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 206,294.44 193,648.00 247,008.00 53,350.00 27.55% 701 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 38,618.57 40,404.00 52,016.00 11,612.00 28.74% 701 5104 MEDICARE 3,027.99 3,054.00 3,626.00 572.00 18.73% 701 5108 VCL LIFE INSURANCE 480.55 88.00 125.00 37.00 42.05% 701 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 842.79 1,541.00 1,124.00 -417.00 -27.05% 701 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,385.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5112 WORKERS' COMP 13,918.30 8,740.00 10,289.00 1,549.00 17.72% 701 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 13,563.70 38,325.00 47,502.00 9,177.00 23.95% 701 5114 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,648.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5115 MEDICAL REIMBURSMENT 352.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5116 VISION INSURANCE 419.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 2,736.62 3,000.00 31060.00 60.00 2.00% 701 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 113.00 115.00 2.00 1.77% 701 5121 OVERTIME WAGES 8,183.81 14,000.00 13,000.00 -1,000.00 -7.14% 701 5126 COMPENSATED ABSENCES -4,257.88 13,000.00 0.00 -13,000.00 -100.00% 701 5180 WELLNESS PLAN 314.80 1,460.00 11740.00 280.00 19.18% 701 5190 LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE 258.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 287,788.41 317,373.00 379,605.00 62,232.00 19.61% 701 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 46,251.01 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00% 701 5214 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 677.53 4,000.00 11500.00 -2,500.00 -62.50% 701 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 0.00 3,500.00 51000.00 1,500.00 42.85% 701 5226 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 9,300.04 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00% 701 5240 UTILITIES 91,934.73 127,125.00 127,000.00 -125.00 -0.10% FY2O09-10 1 Electricity 108,000.00 2 Water 19,000.00 701 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 3,495.62 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 O.CO % 701 5243 UNIFORMS 337.61 1,200.00 11200.00 0.00 0.00% 275 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACILITIES 340 NON-DEPART"MENTAL 199 701 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 34,676.85 40,000.00 42,500.00 2,500.00 FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 4,300.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring/Inspection 3,500.00 3 Pest Control 1,000.00 4 AQMD Environmental Permits 1,600.00 5 Riverside Co. Haz Mat Permit 700.00 (Generator Fuel) 6 Floor Mat/Towel Service 1,500.00 7 Bottled Water 6,000.00 8 Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning 6,000.00 Service 9 Roof System Prevenative 2,700.00 Maintenance 10 Vending Services 5,000.00 11 Window Cleaning Service 2,500.00 12 Elevator Preventative 2,000.00 Maintenance/Insp. 13 Elevator Permit 500.00 14 Generator Permit 1,000.00 15 Emergency Generator P&M/Fuel 2,500.00 16 Medical Supply Boxes 1,000.00 17 City of Temecula Flags 700.00 6.25% 701 5262 MILEAGE 55.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 701 5263 FUEL EXPENSE - CITY VEHICLES 0.00 200.00 11200.00 1,000.00 500.00% OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 186,728.53 226,025.00 228,400.00 2,375.00 1.05% 701 5335 VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL SERVICE ALLOCATICN Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 701 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 20,864.94 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 0.00% 701 5416 REHA81LITATICN 21,100.00 30,758.00 20,000.00 -10,758.00 -34.98% FY2009-10 1 Repair Parking Lot (Patching) 20,000.00 OPERATICNS AND MAINTENANCE Total 41,964.94 51,758.00 41,000.00 -10,758.00 -20.79% Project Total 516,481.88 595,156.00 649,005.00 53,849.00 9.05% FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 702 702 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMBVT 881.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 702 5104 MEDICARE 340.94 195.00 195.00 0.00 0.00% 276 THE E C U1A CTy I U, F T E' - I Nc. 1989 _ - "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPOMNITIESe FY2009.10 PRELIMINARY [OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ ACtuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACILITIES 340 NON-DEPARTMENTAL, 199 702 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 499.30 364.00 210.00 -154.00 -42.31 % 702 5110 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.C0 702 5112 WORKERS' COMP 1,269.00 687.00 685.00 -2.00 -0.29% 702 5113 HEALTH INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 702 5118 TEMPORARY HELP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 702 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 24,049.05 13,470.00 13,464.00 -6.00 -0.04% 702 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 505.00 505.00 0.00 0.00% SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 27,039.85 15,221.00 15,059.00 -162.00 -1.05% 702 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 7,807.77 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00% 702 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 0.00 2,500.00 21000.00 -500.00 -20.00% 702 5219 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 21000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00% 702 5240 UTILITIES 24,446.58 27,000.00 27,800.00 800.00 2.95% FY2009-10 1 Electricity 22,800.00 2 Water 3,000.00 3 Gas 2,000.00 702 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 122.70 21500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00% 702 5250 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 10,630.21 15,000.00 13,400.00 -1,600.00 -10.67% 277 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACILITIES 340 NON-DE PAR'17N ENTAL. 199 FY2009-10 1 HVAC Preventative 1,300.00 Maintenance 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,200.00 3 Pest Control 600.00 4 Elevator Permit 300.00 5 Floor Mat/Towel Service 1,000.00 6 Kitchen Equipment 0.00 Service/Insp. 7 Bottled Water 2,500.00 8 Carpet/LDholstery Cleaning 0.00 Service 9 Roof System Preventative 1,000.00 Maintenance 10 Vending Services 2,500.00 11 Window Cleaning Service 1,000.00 12 Elevator Preventative 1,500.00 Maintenance/Insp. 13 Medical Supply Boxes 500.00 OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 43,007.26 59,000.00 57,700.00 -1,300.00 -2.20% 702 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00% 702 5416 REHA81LITATICN 3,241.00 5,000.00 21500.00 -2,500.00 -50.00% FY2009-10 1 Facility Expansion Modification 2,500.00 Request OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 3,241.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 -2,500.00 Project Total 73,288.12 80,221.00 76,259.00 -3,962.00 FACILITIES FIELD OPERATION CENTER 703 703 5100 SALARIES & WAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 703 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 306.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 703 5104 MEDICARE 118.65 369.00 177.00 -192.00 703 5109 LNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 228.53 687.00 210.00 -477.00 703 5112 WORKERS' COMP 3,167.88 1,298.00 623.00 -675.00 703 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 8,504.35 18,614.00 12,240.00 -6,374.00 703 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT 0.00 954.00 459.00 -495.00 SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 12,326.27 21,922.00 13,709.00 -8,213.00 703 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 4,620.55 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 703 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 0.00 2,500.00 21500.00 0.00 -41.67% -4.94% -52.03% -69.43% -52.00% -34.24% -51.89% -37.46% 0.00 % 0.00% 278 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADmoNS, NEW OPPORMNMEs FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 07-08 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Actuals Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) FACILITIES 340 NON-DE PAF71"MENTAL. 199 703 5219 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 703 5240 UTILITIES 14,662.31 31,000.00 33,000.00 2,000.00 6.45% FY2009-20 1 Electricity 27,000.00 2 Water 5,000.00 3 Gas 1,000.00 703 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 1,994.49 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00% 703 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES 6,674.93 16,000.00 25,000.00 9,000.00 56.25% FY2OO9-I0 1 HVAC Precentative Maintenance 2,000.00 2 Alarm Monitoring 1,500.00 3 Pest Control 800.00 4 Elevator Permit 500.00 5 Floor Mat/Towel Service 1,000.00 6 Medical Supply Box Service 1,000.00 7 Bottled Water 2,500.00 8 Carpet/LDholstery Cleaning 1,200.00 Service 9 Roof System Preventative 2,000.00 Maintenance 10 Vending Services 2,500.00 11 Window Cleaning Service 500.00 12 Elevator Preventative 1,500.00 Maintenance/Inspections 13 Generator Permits 1,000.00 14 Emergency Generator P&M/Fuel 3,000.00 15 Wash Bay Hazardous Material 4,000.00 Interceptor Service OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 27,952.29 62,500.00 73,500.00 11,000.00 17.60% 703 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 3,000.00 3,520.00 3,000.00 -520.00 -14.77% 703 5416 REHABILITATION 0.00 4,000.00 31000.00 -1,000.CO -25.00% FY2OO9-I0 1 FOC Expansion Items 3,000.00 OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 3,000.00 7,520.00 6,000.00 -1,520.00 -20.21 % Project Total 43,278.56 91,942.00 93,209.00 1,267.00 1.38% CMC CENTER TOWN SQUARE 704 704 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 704 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 279 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 ..OLD TRADrrlow, NEW OPPORMNME3 FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 07-08 Actuals FACILITIES 340 NON-DE PAR'1"1VEWAL. 199 704 5104 MEDICARE 704 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 704 5112 WORKERS' COMP 704 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) 704 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 704 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACILITY 704 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQUIPME 704 5219 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENTS 704 5240 UTILITIES FY2009-10 1 Electricity 7,500.00 2 Water 2,500.00 704 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 704 5248 CONSULTING SERVICES 704 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES FY2009-10 1 Pest Control 500.00 2 Supplemental Custodial 500.00 Services 3 Fountain Maintenance Services 1,250.00 4 Sound, Stage & Lighting 500.00 Services OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total 704 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 704 5416 REHA81LITATICN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Total Project Total CMC CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE 705 705 5100 SALARIES & WAGS 705 5102 P.E.R.S. RETIREMENT 705 5104 MEDICARE 705 5109 UNEMPLOYMENT TRAINING TAX 705 5112 WORKERS' COMP 705 5119 PART-TIME (PROJECT) FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 3,750.00 3,750.00 1,250.00 11250.00 11250.00 1,250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 20,250.00 20,250.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 20,250.00 20,250.00 0.000/0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280 THE E C U1A CtTy U, TE i - I Nc. 1989 "OLD TRADmoNs, NEW OPPORTUNITIES FY2009.1 O PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 07-08 Actuals FACILITIES 340 NON-DE PAR'1"1VEWAL. 199 705 5120 PART-TIME RETIREMENT SALARY AND BENEFITS Total 705 5212 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FACIL ITY 705 5215 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE - EQU IPME 705 5219 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENTS 705 5240 UTILITIES FY2009-20 1 Electricity 15,000.00 2 Water 5,000.00 705 5242 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 705 5250 OTF-ER OUTSIDE SERVICES FY2009-I0 1 HVAC Preventative 2,000.00 Maintenance - Store Fronts 2 Alarm Monitoring 500.00 3 Pest Control 500.00 4 Elevator Permit 750.00 5 Floor Mat/Towel Service - Store 500.00 Fronts 6 Carpet/LDholstery Cleaning 500.00 Service - Store Fronts 7 Roof System Preventative 1,000.00 Maintenance 8 Window Cleaning 250.00 9 Elevator P&M and Inspections 1,250.00 10 Custodial Services 2,500.00 11 Photovoltaic System 2,500.00 Maintenance 12 Repair Services 2,750.00 OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total 705 5415 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 705 5416 REHABILITATION OPERATIONS AND MAIN TENANCE Total Project Total NON-DEPAR TMENTAL Total 633,048.56 FAC ILITIES Total 633,048.56 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 Adjusted Requested Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Inc/(Dec) 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00% 3,750. 00 31750.00 1,250. 00 11250.00 11250. 00 1,250.00 20,000 .00 20,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 43,750.00 43,750.00 0.00% 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 0.00% 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.000/0 767,319.00 883,723.00 116,404.00 15.17% 767,319.00 883,723.00 116,404.00 15.17% 281 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - - PROGRAM: FACILITIES MISSION: The Facilities Fund is used to account for the cost of operating and maintaining City Hall. COST ALLOCATION: Charges to departments are calculated based on the square footage of space utilized by each department at City Hall and the City Maintenance Facility. 282 ITEM NO. 2 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 20, 2009 SUBJECT: Review of the Proposed FY 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program PREPARED BY: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review and discuss the proposed fiscal year 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and provide direction to staff as appropriate. BACKGROUND: The CIP is the City's plan for providing public improvements which exceed $30,000 in cost, have long-term life spans, and are nonrecurring. The proposed CIP document serves as a planning tool for the coordination of financing and scheduling of all capital improvement projects over the next five years. CIP DEVELOPMENT The bound document is presented for City Council review and comments and is separated as follows: • General Information regarding the Capital Improvement Program • Revenue and Project Cost Summaries • Circulation Projects • Infrastructure / Other Projects • Parks / Recreation Projects • Redevelopment Development Agency (RDA) /Housing Projects • Future Years Projects The proposed CIP is a culmination of four staff CIP workshops, which incorporates previous City Council direction and addresses each project for feasibility, necessity, funding sources, and timing. All departments that were involved in the process contributed significantly to the discussions resulting in a realistic and comprehensive proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. CIRCULATION PROJECTS There are twenty-seven (27) Circulation projects in the CIP with projected costs of $272,627,863. The Circulation projects represent the majority of the available funding. The following are of particular interest: ➢ French Valley Parkway/Interstate-15 Over-Crossing Interchange Improvements ➢ Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange ➢ Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) ➢ Pavement Rehabilitation - STPL Project (Rancho California Road) ➢ Western ByPass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek ➢ Winchester Road / Highway 79 North Beautification The first fiscal year, 2009-10, of the CIP has a total circulation funding requirement of $69,277,456, and contains twenty-one (21) priority one projects. All of these projects will have a significant impact on traffic circulation and, ultimately, the quality of life in the City. INFRASTRUCTURE 1 OTHER (PUBLIC FACILITY) Within the Infrastructure section of the CIP, there are eighteen (18) projects with a projected cost of $70,971,743. The more significant projects include the following: ➢ Civic Center ➢ Old Town Gymnasium (design) ➢ Temecula Children's Museum Refurbishment ➢ Temecula Community Center Expansion The fiscal year 2009-10 funding is over $46 million for Infrastructure/Public Facility projects. PARKS / RECREATION PROJECTS The total projected cost for sixteen (16) Park projects is $9,080,307. Park projects of interest include the following: ➢ Redhawk Park Improvements ➢ Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit -Various Sites REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) / HOUSING PROJECTS There are nine (9) RDA / Housing projects, with a projected cost at $40,949,175 over a five-year CIP. These projects include: ➢ Affordable Housing ➢ Auto Mall Sign ➢ Old Town Infrastructure projects ➢ Residential Improvement Program Within the first year of the CIP, RDA/Housing projects total over $24.6 million. COSTS/REVENUE OVERVIEW Overall, the total projected cost as identified in the CIP is $393,629,088. A total of seventy (70) projects are included in the program, consisting of twenty-seven (27) Circulation projects, eighteen (18) Infrastructure projects, sixteen (16) Park projects, and nine (9) Redevelopment Agency / Housing Projects. The following illustrates the associated costs for each project classification and total cost: Number of Cost of Type of Project j j ects Pro ects Pro Circulation 27 $272,627,863 1 nfrastructure / 18 $ 70 971 743 Other , , Parks / 16 $ 9,080,307 Recreation RDA / Housing 9 $ 40,949,175 TOTAL 70 $393,629,088 Projected revenue from identified sources for the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program is $340,541,754, which is sufficient to fund the funded remaining project costs of $334,829,555 (projected costs of $393,629,088, less unspecified amounts of $58,799,533). Through the first two years of the five-year program, there is adequate funding for all proposed projects with over $142 million in funded projects in the first year alone. Also, included in this five-year plan are thirty-one (31) projects which currently do not fit into the five- year window, but warrant consideration and review in this document. These projects are listed as future years and are listed by project type on pages 167-168 of the attached document. FISCAL IMPACT: The adoption of the Fiscal Year 2010-2014 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) establishes the project appropriations of fiscal years 2009-10. Formal approval of the CIP is scheduled for the June 9, 2009 City Council Meeting. ATTACHMENT: Proposed City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 Te Ie T .LLJr C 4 = v r yz - EE, - U Ll"c - -1 A9 S -9 FISCAL YEARS 2010.2014 Tii¢z~+~J~ J EC: ~~I lu<-. 1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL INFORMATION Description of Revenue Sources 1 Description of Priorities 4 SUMMARIES Projected Revenue Summary 5 Project Summary by Type of Project 8 Expenditure Summary by Project 14 CIP Major Revenue Sources 15 Comparison Between Projected Revenue and Costs 16 CIRCULATION PROJECTS Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements 25 Butterfield Stage Road Extension Beltway Project 27 Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System 29 Closed Circuit Television Installation on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway 31 Flashing Beacons 33 French Valley Parkway/ Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 35 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements - Phase I 37 Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange 39 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) 41 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane 43 Medians and Parkways - Citywide 45 Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road 47 Nicolas Valley - Community Facilities District (Liefer Road) 49 Pavement Rehabilitation Program-Citywide ...................51 Pavement Rehabilitation-De Portola Road ...................53 Pavement Rehabilitation- STPL Project ...................55 i rrY TE.1'v[ E C U L.lA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED Page Pechanga Parkway - Dual Right Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway 57 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II .............59 Road and Storm Drain Repair at Rancho California Road .............61 Road Reconstruction at Jedediah Smith Road .............63 Slurry Seal at Paloma Del Sol and Temeku Hills 65 Temecula Creek Crossing for Access to Temecula Parkway 67 Temecula Parkway Re-Striping of Eight Lanes from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway .............69 Traffic Signal Installation - Citywide 71 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation 73 Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek 75 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification 77 INFRASTRUCTURE / OTHER PROJECTS Citywide Storm Drain Improvements .............80 Civic Center .............82 Erosion Control Measures for the Access Road on Margarita Road at Long Canyon 84 Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade .............86 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site .............88 History Museum Expansion .............90 Library Parking Lot Expansion .............92 Murrieta Creek Improvements .............94 Old Town Gymnasium .............96 Old Town Police Substation 98 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System 100 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect ...........102 TeenNoung Adult Center ...........104 Temecula Children's Museum Refurbishment ...........106 Temecula City Entry Monumentation ...........108 Temecula Community Center Expansion ...........110 Temecula Park and Ride ...........112 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) ...........114 H G: irrx 8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONnNUE'D PARKS/ RECREATION PROJECTS Children's Museum Parking Lot Renovation Dog Park Areas - Various City Parks Neighborhood Park Security Lighting Pala Park Retrofit Tennis Court Lights Play Structure Retrofit at Various Parks Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit - Various Sites Redhawk Park Improvements Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desiltation Pond Ronald Reagan Sports Park North / South Fields Back Stops, Dugout and Parking Lot with Trash Enclosure Roripaugh Ranch Open Space Trails Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement Santiago / Ynez Park Site Design Skate Park Drainage Improvements Vail Ranch Park Improvements Vail Ranch Park Site D REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/RDA HOUSING PROJECTS Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Projects - Future Obligations Auto Mall Sign NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance Old Town Infrastructure Projects- Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square............ Old Town Infrastructure Projects- Parking Structure, Office and Retail Old Town Infrastructure Projects- Relocation of Existing Structures/Demolition and Grading Old Town Sound System - Retrofit Residential Improvement Programs Page ....117 ....119 ....121 ...123 ...125 ....127 ....129 ....131 ....133 ....135 ....137 ....139 141 143 145 147 .....150 .....152 .....154 .....156 .....158 .....160 .....162 .....164 .....166 iii CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS - CONTINUED Page FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS Circulation ...................................................................167 Infrastructure ...................................................................167 Parks ...................................................................168 1v THE 1 ~ ~~lJ CtTy eF- TO, ,NC_ ,9S'q /H A/ /V /N CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 Assembly Bill 2766 (AB 2766) - State funds that are available to implement programs and projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles. Assessment District - Bonds are issued to generate proceeds to be used to finance the construction of various capital improvements. Bonds are repaid using assessments received from benefiting property owners within the district property boundaries. Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) - State funds that are available for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters. Capital Project Reserves - City General Funds retained for capital improvement projects. Certificates of Participation (COPs) - Certificates of Participation are issued to generate bond proceeds to be used for capital projects. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Federal funds allocated to local government, usually through a local clearinghouse (Riverside County Economic Development Agency), based on a formula, but required to be applied for and used within a broad functional area such as community development. Community Facilities District (CFD) - A tool that allows the City to construct desired and authorized public improvements with costs of the projects paid for by the benefited properties within the boundaries of a designated area. The costs are then financed through the issuance of bonds payable over a period of years. Development Impact Fees (DIF and DIF-Various) - Fees generated by development applications to offset the effect of development to include infrastructure, fire protection, public facilities and services, libraries, roads, schools, parks, traffic signal mitigation and open space/public art. Fees are determined by the cost of the project at the time of application. Donations - Funding pledged from other agencies or individuals to finance the construction of capital public improvements. Economic Development Initiative (EDI) - This is a federal grant designed to improve public facilities at the local government levels. 1 THE E CU CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 Federal Funding Request - Federal funding has been requested from legislators to help finance construction of the Old Town Gymnasium project. Highway Bridge Rehabilitation & Replacement (HBRR) - Authorized by the Federal Transportation Equity Act for the 21 St Century (TEA - 21), this program provides for the replacement or rehabilitation of public highway bridges over waterways, other topographical barriers, other highways or railroads. Indian Gaming MOU - The passage of Propositions 94, 95, 96, and 97 preserves tribal gaming agreements and increases the percentage of revenues Indian tribes pay to the State. These propositions also require local jurisdictions to negotiate memorandums of understandings with local Indian tribes to offset the impacts of Indian gaming on public services and infrastructure. Measure A Local Streets and Roads 1 Measure A Highway Program - Funds generated from the one-half percent sales tax levied throughout Riverside County to carry out transportation projects by the County and cities. Proposition 1B (Traffic Light Synchronization Programs - TLSP; Streets and Roads) - State funds from proposition 1 B bond measure that shall be used to fund traffic light synchronization projects to improve safety, operations, and the effective capacity of local streets and roads. Proposition 42 - As part of the State's Traffic Congestion Relief Plan, these funds are available for street and highway maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of necessary associated facilities. Public Lands and Highways Program (PLH) - This is a federal grant used for the improvement of roads and highways. Quimby - The City's park-in-lieu or park development fee is assessed under provisions of the Subdivision Map Act which allows the City to require the dedication of land or the payment of a fee in lieu of land to be used for the purchase (or development) of park property. Redevelopment Agency Tax Increment Bond Funds (RDA) - This Agency has the authority to pay for public improvements that will be repaid from tax revenue received by the Agency. The size of the bond issue is dependent on the amount of tax revenue received. No additional tax is paid by properties within the redevelopment area. The Agency receives its revenue from its ability to collect the full amount of taxes paid by all new development (above a base figure established by the County), rather than sharing this tax growth with other agencies, except as specified in various pass- through agreements. 2 THE E CU CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 RDA/Low/Moderate Housing (RDA Housing) - Funding source is available from the City's Redevelopment Agency. State law requires that 20% of gross RDA proceeds be set aside to fund housing opportunities for low-and moderate- income families. Reimbursements/Other - Funding made available from other agencies or sources on a reimbursement, donation, and contribution basis. The actual reimbursement agreement states the conditions of reimbursement specific to a particular project. Rule 20A (Southern California Edison) - The California Public Utilities Commission's (CPUC) Rule 20 sets policies and procedures for the conversion of overhead power lines and other equipment to underground facilities, a process called "undergrounding." Rule 20A projects are paid for by all Southern California Edison (SCE) ratepayers. The city and county governments choose these projects and apply for funding Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act - Legacy for Users (SAFETEA - LU) - Signed into law on August 10, 2005, and provides for highways, highway safety, and public transportation to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and other activities related to solving transportation problems. This new program takes off where STP, TEA-21, and ISTEA left off. Safe Routes to School Program (SR2S - Federal; SRTS - State) - Competitive Grant through CalTrans to construct facilities that enhance the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Senate Bill 621 and Senate Bill 288 (Special Distribution Funds) - Represents a regional organization made up of tribal governments primarily within Riverside and San Bernardino counties. TASIN member tribes contribute a percentage of their gaming revenues to the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund (SDF), as established by the State Legislature, to offset the impacts of Indian gaming on public services and infrastructure. State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Augmentation - State funds from a proposition 1 B bond measure that shall be used as additional augmentation funding for the five-year State Transportation Improvement Programs. Surface Transportation Program (STP) (STPL) and Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) - Federal funds available for local agencies to improve the safety and efficiency of the local transportation system. Funds are available for both the planning and construction phases of projects. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) - Multi-jurisdictional development impact fee paid for by new development to provide the transportation infrastructure necessary to accommodate new development. 3 Tu11 T E MECUL _ INC- 7989 '~''tTy/ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fiscal Years 2010-2014 PRIORITY I: The project is urgent and must be completed as soon as feasible. Failure to address the project may impact the health, safety, or welfare of the community or have a significant impact on the financial well being of the City. The project must be initiated or financial opportunity losses may result. PRIORITY II: The project is important and addressing it is necessary. The project impacts safety, law enforcement, health, welfare, economic base, and/or quality of life. PRIORITY III: The project will enhance quality of life and will provide a benefit to the community. Completion of the project will improve the community by providing cultural, recreational, and/or aesthetic value. PRIORITY Ill: The project will be an improvement to the community, but does not necessarily need to be completed within a five-year capital improvement program time frame. 4 C-77~I 11 Z/ ~1 ll Ir~c__ -1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 '1 1 IN III IDA X TA 0110,111 DE MO 107 1.111 •r k I Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Available Fund 200912010 201012011 201112012 201212013 201312014 Funds FUNDING SOURCE Balance Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Future Years Available Assembly Bill 2766 Assessment District Capital Project Reserves Certificates of Participation Community Development Block Grant Community Facilities Districts Development Impact Fees (DIF) Old Structure: Road Median Improvements Development Impact Fees (DIF) - New Structure: Corporate Facilities Fire Facilities Library Facilities Open Space and Trails Parks and Recreation Police Facilities Public Art Quimby Street Improvements Traffic Signals Donations Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Grant Highway Bridge Rail Replacement (HBRR) Measure A (Local Streets and Roads) Measure A (Highway Program) Proposition 1 B - (TLSP) Proposition 1 B - (Streets and Roads) Proposition 42 Public Lands and Highways Program (PLH) $473, 724 $118,545 $119, 730 $120, 927 $122, 137 $123, 358 $1,078, 421 0 4,857, 966 13,926,324 533,700 200, 000 125, 000 19,642, 990 22,695, 533 92,151 22,787, 684 2,021,129 300, 000 1,710, 000 4,031, 129 43, 498, 601 375,541 91 ,198 4,088, 508 48, 053, 848 10, 765 10, 765 301, 432 196,323 376, 650 483, 237 551, 996 72, 013 1,981, 651 191, 916 118,426 205, 262 209, 487 204, 204 69, 350 998, 645 126, 976 72,563 413, 657 719, 942 913, 999 128, 170 2,375, 307 492, 540 64,609 251, 573 394, 618 469, 660 134, 436 1,807, 436 31, 548 221,661 672, 014 993, 982 1,128, 742 429, 318 3,477, 265 320, 514 103,656 149, 187 169, 912 195, 003 79, 014 1,017, 286 184, 112 23,085 36, 185 52, 585 64, 335 26, 185 386, 487 384, 828 31,390 126, 972 437, 380 558, 532 398,882 1,937, 984 3,321, 445 3,050,184 2,712, 029 1,305, 292 759, 316 255, 653 11,403, 919 814, 819 433,185 395, 349 194, 956 117, 755 36, 188 1,992, 252 401, 000 401, 000 162, 000 162, 000 4,337, 981 4,337, 981 5,853, 277 862,163 1,052, 098 1,151, 568 1,302, 553 1,498, 762 11,720, 421 10,000, 000 10,000, 000 20,000, 000 515,000 515, 000 1,455, 935 1,455, 935 88, 000 88, 000 1,489, 482 1,489, 482 5 FUNDING SOURCE State and Federal Grants: Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) STI P Augmentation STP STPL Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) Safe Routes to School Program (SR2S) Redevelopment Agency (RDA) TAB 2006 Redevelopment Agency (RDA) TAB 2007 RDA Housing Reimbursements/Other Senate Bill 621 Senate Bill 821 TUMF Available Fund Balance 14,611,224 3,524,608 12,473,856 1,280,101 8,400,807 Projected 2009/2010 Revenue 164,227 1.133.000 458,990 2,720,000 425,520 520,971 22,658 31,636 2,255,051 999.450 132,000 8,994,418 Projected 2010/2011 Revenue 3,200,000 1,999,772 3,983,705 Projected Projected Projected Projected 201112012 201212013 201312014 Funds Revenue Revenue Revenue Future Years Available 10,545,000 21,000,000 2,034,931 2,070,790 2,107,325 50,000 59,036,086 10,212,740 3,000,000 164,227 3,200,000 1,133,000 31,545,000 458,990 2,720,000 425,520 520,971 14,633,882 3,556,244 22,941,725 6,313,256 8,400,807 132,000 81,243,244 TOTAL REVENUE $125,394,527 $45,911,319 $85,655,167 $41,549,557 $32,584,022 $9,447,162 $340,541,754 6 THE i I E L A-- 19F - - Inc. 1989 -rsm ~'lY i JJL ' . ~9g9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 PROJ ECT SUM MARY PROJECT Actuals to Future Total Cost to Project Source of Funds 200940 2010-11 201142 2012-13 201344 Date Years Project Cost Complete CIRCULA TION Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements Capital Project Reserves 750,000 750,000 750,000 Butterfield Stage Road Extension Beltway Project CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) 118,464 25,470,518 13,238,387 38,827,369 38,708,905 TUMF 1,438,000 1,438,000 Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System DIF (Traffic Signal) 103,000 100,000 203,000 203,000 Proposition 1B (TLSP) 515,000 515,000 515,000 Unspecified' 400,000 400,000 400,000 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Installation on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway Senate Bill 621 99,360 314,058 413,418 314,058 Flashing Beacons DIF (Traffic Signals) 40,000 20,000 60,000 60,000 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over- Crossing and Interchange Improvements Capital Project Reserves 322,730 325,000 200,000 125,000 972,730 972,730 TUMF (WRCOG)' 2,144,242 32,583,657 6,152,740 3,000,000 43,880,639 43,880,639 DIF (Public Facilities) 75,360 75,360 TUMF (RCTC)" 3,787,315 3,514,599 3,990,750 11,292,664 7,505,349 Measure A-Local Street and Road 975,000 1,368,876 2,343,876 1,368,876 Measure A-Highway Program 10,000,000 10,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 CFD (Harveston) 1,005,840 1,005,840 Federal Highway Administration 8,000 8,000 SAFETEA - LU 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 Reimbursements/Other (Land Donation) 6,000,000 6,000,000 STIP Augmentation- 10,545,000 21,000,000 31,545,000 31,545,000 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over- Crossing and Interchange Improvements- Phase I DIF (Street Improvements) 444,203 444,203 Measure A-Local Street and Road 630,008 1,352,211 48,500 48,500 2,079,219 1,449,211 TUMF (RCTC)` 158,142 2,806,195 9,200,000 4,060,000 16,224,337 16,066,195 Project Source of Funds Actuals to 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Total Cost to Date Years Project Cost Complete Interstate-15 /State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange CFD (Crowne Hill) 502,211 Reimbursements/Other (Morgan Hill) 1,190,582 SAFETEA-LU 1,600,000 Senate Bill 621 2,133,825 2,517,540 5,413,887 TUMF (RCTC)` 4,352,000 100,000 5,900,000 Unspecified" 12,267,113 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) Capital Project Reserves 41,729 DIF (Street Improvements) 702,567 2,656,044 HBRRP 4,337,981 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane AB 2766 266,380 Medians and Parkways-Citywide DIF (Medians) 10,548 DIF (Street Improvements) 350,000 750,000 Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road Capital Project Reserves 213,600 DIF (Street Improvements) 310,821 1,581,522 2,030,000 2,130,000 Unspecified' 7,015,000 Nicolas Valley- Community Facilities District (Liefer Road) Capital Project Reserves 55,766 167,604 CFD 4,088,508 Pavement Rehabilitation Program-Citywide Measure A 1,130,000 995,000 1,095,000 1,290,000 1,490,486 Pavement Rehabilitation - De Portola Road Measure A 221,940 1,203,674 STP 458,990 Pavement Rehabilitation - STPL Project Measure A 367,531 1,645,631 STPL 2,720,000 Pechanga Parkway - Dual Right Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway DIF (Street Improvements) 207,063 Senate Bill 621 264,939 155,322 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II AD 159 (Deer Hollow Way) 2,455,521 AD 159 (Wolf Valley Channel) 4,839,554 CFD (Wolf Creek) 5,905,365 3,459,836 DIF (Street Improvements) 1,959,424 72,702 PLH Program 2,510,518 1,489,482 Reimbursements/Other (Bonds) 20,910 Reimbursements/Other (Pechanga Indian Tribe Contr.) 4,400,000 Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) 227,162 94,870 Road and Storm Drain Repair at Rancho California Road Proposition 1B (Streets and Roads) 340,694 Road Reconstruction at Jedediah Smith Road Proposition 1B (Streets and Roads) 295,347 Slurry Seal at Paloma Del Sol and Temeku Hills Proposition 1B (Streets and Roads) 819,894 Temecula Creek Crossing for Access to Temecula Parkway DIF (Street Improvements) 99,494 18,029 Unspecified' 502,211 1,190,582 1,600,000 1,600,000 10,065,252 7,931,427 10,352,000 6,000,000 12.267.113 12.267.113 41,729 3,358,611 2,656,044 4,337,981 4,337,981 266.380 266.380 10,548 10,546 1.100.000 1.100.000 213,600 6,052,343 5,741,522 7.015.000 7.015.000 223,370 167,604 4,088,508 4,088,508 6000.486 6.000 486 1,425,614 1,203,674 458,990 458,990 2,013,162 1,645, 631 2J20.000 2.720.000 207,063 207,063 420.261 155.322 2,455,521 4,839,554 9,365,201 3,459,836 2,032,126 72,702 4,000,000 1,489,482 20.910 20.910 4,400,000 322,032 94,870 340.694 340.694 295,347 295,347 819.894 819.894 117,523 18,029 16,661,115 16,661,115 16,661,115 9 Actuals to Future Total Cost to Project Source of Funds 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Date Years Project Cost Complete Temecula Parkway Striping Modification from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway DIF (Street Improvements) 40, 403 216, 607 257 ,010 216, 607 Traffic Signal Installation - Citywide DIF (Traffic Signal) 465, 000 465,000 550,000 1,480 ,000 1,480, 000 Unspecified' 550,000 275,000 825 ,000 825, 000 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation DIF (Traffic Signal) 10, 014 344, 986 355 ,000 344, 986 Unspecified' 400,000 400 ,000 400, 000 Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek Capital Projects Reserves 290, 097 210, 923 135,000 636 ,020 345, 923 Reimbursements/Other (Developer) 3,983,705 3,983 ,705 3,983, 705 TUMF (WRCOG) 429, 382 7,361,679 7,791 ,061 7,791, 061 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification Capital Project Reserves 39, 800 39 ,800 CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) 1,186, 914 1,186 ,914 1,186, 914 DIF (Street Improvements) 309, 604 735, 532 1,045 ,136 735, 532 TEA 1,133, 000 1,133 ,000 1,133, 000 TOTAL CIRCULATION PROJECTS $48,184, 159 $69,277, 456 $99,620,565 $55,249,733 $25,965,000 $5,853,994 $16,661,115 $320,812 ,022 $272,627, 863 INFRASTRUCTU RVOTHER Citywide Storm Drain Improvements Capital Project Reserves 53, 466 362 ,500 415966 362, 500 Unspecified' 504,025 504025 504, 025 Civic Center Capital Project Reserves 4,594, 565 16,460, 449 21,055 ,014 16,460, 449 COPS 473, 215 22,787, 684 23,260 ,899 22,787, 684 DIF (Corporate Facilities) 800, 000 800 ,000 800, 000 DIF (Public Art) 40, 000 40 ,000 40, 000 Erosion Control Measures for the Access Road on Margarita Road at Long Canyon Capital Project Reserves 25, 740 81, 983 107 ,723 81, 983 Reimbursements/Other (FEMA) 160, 000 160 ,000 160, 000 Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade DIF (Fire) 150,000 950,000 1,100 ,000 1,100, 000 Unspecified' 460,000 460 ,000 460, 000 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) 1,911, 834 609, 685 2,521 ,519 609, 685 Reim bursements/Other(Riverside County) 2,097, 100 2,097 ,100 History Museum Expansion Unspecified' 1,250,000 1,250 ,000 1,250, 000 Library Parking Lot Expansion Capital Project Reserves 21, 654 21 ,654 Unspecified' 1,510,887 1,510 ,887 1,510, 887 Murrieta Creek Improvements Capital Project Reserves 125, 985 50, 000 50,000 225 ,985 100, 000 Unspecified' 50,000 50,000 50,000 150 ,000 150, 000 10 Project Source of Funds Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Years Total Project Cost Cost to Complete Old Town Gymnasium Boys & Girls Club Donation 401,000 401,000 401,000 CDBG 56,688 343,312 300,000 1,710,000 2,410,000 2,353,312 Reimbursements/Other' 50,000 50,000 50,000 EDI 162,000 162,000 162,000 Old Town Police Substation DIF (Police Facilities) 440,000 440,000 440,000 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System DIF (Open Space/Trails) 32,726 268,162 300,888 268,162 Reimbursements/Other (Harveston Contribution) 150,000 150,000 SB 821 132,000 132,000 132,000 SRTS 425,520 425,520 425,520 SR2S 520,971 520,971 520,971 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension And Interconnect Bicycle Transportation Account (STA)' 164,227 164,227 164,227 Capital Project Reserves 30,529 44,471 75,000 44,471 Unspecified" 7,139,166 7,139,166 7,139,166 AB 2766 68,166 68,166 68,166 TeenNoung Adult Center Unspecified' 3,675,000 3,675,000 3,675,000 Temecula Children's Museum Refurbishment DIF (Parks and Recreation) 48,141 201,859 250,000 201,859 Temecula City Entry Monumentation Capital Project Reserves 150,000 150,000 150,000 Temecula Community Center Expansion CDBG' 612,834 1,677,817 2,290,651 1,677,817 DIF (Parks and Recreation) 295,859 295,859 295,859 DIF (Quimby) 101,490 101,490 Temecula Park and Ride AB 2766 59,028 70,000 337,573 466,601 407,573 Capital Project Reserves 272,967 272,967 Unspecified' 1,057,427 1,057,427 1,057,427 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) DIF (Police) 100,000 100,000 100,000 DIF (Corporate Facilities) 1,210,000 1,210,000 1,210,000 Unspecified' 3,650,000 3,650,000 3,650,000 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTUREIOTHER PROJECTS $10,667,962 $46,254,665 $350,000 $5,428,887 $7,570,000 $4,229,025 $7,139.166 $81,639.705 $70,971343 11 Project Source of Funds Actuals to 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Total Cost to Date Years Project Cost Complete Children's Museum Parking Lot Renovation Unspecified' Dog Park Areas - Various City Parks DIF (Parks & Recreation) Neighborhood Park Security Lighting DIF (Parks & Recreation) Pala Park Retrofit Tennis Court Lights DIF (Quimby) Play Structure Retrofit at Various Parks DIF (Parks & Recreation) Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit - Various Sites Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) Redhawk Park Improvements DIF (Parks & Recreation) Donations DIF (Quimby) Reimbursements/Other (CSA) Reimbursements/Other (Wolf Creek) Unspecified' Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation DIF (Parks & Recreation) Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond Reimbursements/Other (Fema)` Unspecified" Capital Project Reserves Proposition 42 Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/South Fields Back Stops, Dugout and Parking Lot with Trash Enclosures DIF (Quimby) DIF (Parks & Recreation) Roripaugh Ranch Open Space Trails DIF (Open Space) Reimbursements/Other (County) Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement DIF (Parks & Recreation) Santiago / Ynez Park Site Design DIF (Parks & Recreation) Skate Park Drainage Improvements DIF (Parks & Recreation) Vail Ranch Park Improvements DIF (Parks & Recreation) Vail Ranch Park Site D DIF (Parks & Recreation) Unspecified' 40,000 15,000 60,000 500,000 6,040 176,007 440,643 839,458 35,000 128,264 223,670 157,946 183,630 23,700 88,000 35,423 9,626 30,000 140,000 200,000 93,750 424,000 880,000 600,000 23,700 23,700 23,700 23,700 659,138 197.392 105,500 175,000 55,000 120,000 234,000 800,000 843,000 1,000,000 140,000 200,000 55,000 93,750 60.000 500.000 424,000 6,040 880,000 616,650 839.458 600.000 35.000 351,934 94,800 365,276 88,000 500,000 424.000 880,000 440,643 839,458 600.000 35.000 223,670 94,800 207,330 88,000 659,138 659,138 197,392 197,392 150,549 115,126 30,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 234,000 234,000 800,000 800,000 843,000 843,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 140,000 200,000 55,000 93,750 60.000 TOTAL PARKS / RECREATION PROJECTS $533,680 $2,385,027 $73,700 $538,200 $2,168,980 $1,986,700 $1,927,700 $9,613,987 $9,080,307 12 Project Source of Funds Actuals to 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Total Cost to Date Years Project Cost Complete Affordable Housing RDA Housing 5,500,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 19,500,000 19,500,000 Affordable Housing Projects - Future Obligations RDA Housing 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 1,830,000 1,525,000 Auto Mall Sign RDA (Bonds) 875,000 875,000 875,000 NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance RDA Housing 107,869 85,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 342,869 235,000 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square RDA (Bonds) 3,747,902 1,450,260 5,198,162 1,450,260 Reimbursements/Other (EMWD) 59,738 59,738 Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) 30,100 30,100 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Parking Structure, Office and Retail Capital Project Reserves 522,919 522,919 DIF (Police Facilities) 499,049 499,049 499,049 RDA (Bonds) 3,279,559 15,228,473 18,508,032 15,228,473 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Relocation of Existing Structures / Demolition and Grading Capital Reserves 211,249 211,249 RDA (Bonds) 132,359 486,393 618,752 486,393 Old Town Sound System - Retrofit RDA (Bonds) 15,000 135,000 150,000 150,000 Residential Improvement Programs RDA Housing 105,016 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,105,016 1,000,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENTIHOUSING PROJECTS $8,501,711 $24,644,175 $6,690,000 $3,555,000 $3,555,000 $2,505,000 $49450,886 $40,949175 TOTALS $67,887,512 $142,561,323 $106,734,265 $64,771,820 $39,258,980 $14,574,719 $25,727,981 $461,516,600 $393,629,088 13 THE -CU ' 49F I NC. 1989 Capital Improvement Program - FY 2010-2014 RDA PARKS $40,9491)175 INFRASTRUCTURE $70,971,743 IATION $272,627,863 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES: $393,629,088 14 THE ~j Ej I~ECULA CIT L y _ INC. 1969 Capital Improvement Program - FY 2010-2014 FEDERAL RDA STATE OTH 20) DIF 8% 35% PROJECTED FUNDS AVAILABLE: $340,541,754 =CIAL DISTRICTS 14% CITY 12% 15 T.it ` ~ C T~ ~-1~` l% e1Tye ' : T E_ -JL .J lvc. "'79819 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 Available Fund Actuals to Balance Date 2009-10 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension And Interconnect Temecula Park and Ride Total Cost Total Revenue 2,455,521 68,166 2010-11 201142 201243 201344 Future Years 266,380 Total Project Cost To Funds Cost Corrplete Available 266,380 266,380 68,166 68,166 2,455,521 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 4,839, 554 4,839,554 Total Cost 7,295 ,075 7,295,075 Total Revenue 1 1 Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements 750,000 750,000 750, 000 Citywide Storm Drain Improvements 53, 466 362,500 415,966 362, 500 Civic Center 4,594 ,565 16,460,449 21,055,014 16,460, 449 Erosion Control Measures for the Access Road on Margarita Road at Long Canyor 25, 740 81,983 107,723 81, 983 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 322,730 325,000 200,000 125,000 972,730 972, 730 Library Parking Lot Expansion 21, 654 21,654 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) 41, 729 41,729 Munieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road 213, 600 213,600 Munieta Creek Improvements 125, 985 50,000 50,000 225,985 100, 000 Nicolas Valley - Community Facilities District (Liefer Road 55, 766 167,604 223,370 167, 604 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Parking Structure, Office and Retail 522, 919 522,919 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Relocation of Existing Structures/ Demolition and Gradinc 211, 249 211,249 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond 157, 946 183,630 23,700 365,276 207, 330 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension And Interconnect 30, 529 44,471 75,000 44, 471 Temecula City Entry Monumentation 150,000 150,000 150, 000 Temecula Park and Ride 272, 967 272,967 Western ByPass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek 290, 097 210,923 135,000 636,020 345, 923 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification 39, 800 39,800 Total Cost 6,658 ,012 18,784,290 533,700 200,000 125,000 26,301,002 19,642, 990 Total Revenue 4,857,966 13,926,324 533,700 200,000 125,000 16 Available Fund Actuals to Total Project Cost To Funds Project Balance Date 2009-10 2010-11 201142 201243 201344 Future Years Cost Complete Available Total Cost Total Revenue Butterfield Stage Road Extension Beltway Project Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site French Valley Parkway l Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements Interstate-151 Temecula Parkway Ultimate Interchange Nicolas Valley - Community Facilities District (Liefer Road, Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II Winchester RoadlHighway 79 North Corridor Beautification Total Cost Total Revenue DIF - Corporate Facilities Civic Center Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) 118,464 25,470,518 13,238,387 1,911,834 609,685 1,005,840 502,211 5,905,365 3,459,836 800,000 4,088,508 38,827,369 38,708,905 2.521.519 609.685 1,005,840 502,211 4,088,508 4,088,508 9,365,201 3,459,836 800,000 800,000 Total Cost 800,000 1,210,000 2,010,000 2,010,000 Total Revenue 301.432 196.323 376,650 483.237 551,996 72.013 1.981.651 DIF- Fire Facilities Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade Total Cost 150,000 950,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 Total Revenue 191,916 118,426 205,262 209,487 204,204 69,350 998,645 DIF- Library Facilities Library Advanced Payment" Total Total Rei DIF- Open Space Rorpaugh Ranch Open Space Trails Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System 35.423 9,626 105,500 150,549 115126 Total Cost 68,149 277,788 105,500 451,437 383,288 Total Revenue 492,540 64,609 251,573 394,618 469,660 134,436 1,807,436 17 Old Town Gymnasium 56,688 343,312 300,000 1,710,000 2,410,000 2,353,312 Temecula Community Center Expansion 612,834 1,677,817 2,290,651 1,677,817 Project Available Fund Actuals to Balance Date 2009-10 2010-11 201142 201243 201344 Future Years Total Project Cost Cost To Funds Complete Available D!F- Parks/Recreation Dog Park Areas - Various City Parks 200,000 200,000 200,000 Neighborhood Park Security Lighting 40,000 15,000 55,000 55,000 Play Structure Retrofit at Various Parks 60,000 60,000 60,000 Redhawk Park Improvements 424,000 424,000 424,000 Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation 35.000 35.000 35.000 Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/South Fields Back Stops Dugout and Parking Lot with Trash Enclosures 197, 392 197,392 197, 392 Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement 175 ,000 175,000 175, 000 Santiago /Ynez Park Site Design 55, 000 120 ,000 175,000 175, 000 Skate Park Drainage Improvements 234 ,000 234,000 234, 000 Temecula Community Center Expansion 295 ,859 295,859 295, 859 Vail Ranch Park Improvements 800, 000 800,000 800, 000 Vail Ranch Park Site D 843 ,000 843,000 843, 000 Temecula Children's Museum Refurbishment 48141 201 ,859 250,000 201, 859 Total Cost 48141 597 ,718 50,000 409 ,000 1.252, 392 963 ,000 424,000 3,744,251 3.696, 110 Total Revenue 31,548 221 ,661 672,014 993 ,982 1,128, 742 429 ,318 3,477,265 DIF- Police Facilities Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Parking Structure, Office and Retail 499,049 Old Town Police Substation 440,000 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) 100,000 Total Cost 1,039,049 Total Revenue 320,514 103,656 D1F- Public Art Civic Center 40,000 499,049 499,049 440,000 440,000 Total Cost 40,000 40,000 40,000 Total Revenue 184,112 23,085 36,185 52,585 64,335 26,185 386,487 DIF- Public Facilities French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 75,360 75,360 Total Cost 75360 75,360 Total Revenue DtF- Quimby Pala Park Retrofit Tennis Court Lights Redhawk Park Improvements Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/South Fields Back Stops, Dugout and Parking Lot with Trash Enclosures Temecula Community Center Expansion Black Properly Agreement"` 101,490 93,750 659,138 880,000 93,750 93,750 880,000 880,000 659,138 659,138 101,490 Total Cost Total Revenue DtF- Road Median Improvements Medians and Parkways-Citywide Total Cost 10,548 10,548 10,548 Total Revenue 10.765 10.765 18 Available Fund Actuals to Total Project Cost To Funds Protect Balance Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Years Cost Complete Available DIF- Street Improvements French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements-Phase 1 444, 203 444, 203 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) 702, 567 2,656,044 3,358, 611 2,656, 044 Medians and Parkways-Citywide 350,000 750,000 1,100, 000 1,100, 000 Munieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road 310, 821 1,581,522 2,030,000 2,130 ,000 6,052, 343 5,741, 522 Pechanga Parkway - Dual Right Turn Lanes From Temecula Parkway 207,063 207, 063 207, 063 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 1,959 ,424 72,702 2,032, 126 72, 702 Temecula Creek Crossing for Access to Temecula Parkway 99, 494 18,029 117, 523 18, 029 Temecula Parkway Striping Modification from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway 40, 403 216,607 257, 010 216, 607 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification 309, 604 735,532 1,045, 136 735, 532 Total Cost 3,866 ,516 5,837,499 2,780,000 2,130 ,000 14,614, 015 10347, 499 Total Revenue 3,321,445 3,050,184 2,712,029 1,305 ,292 759,316 255,653 11,403,919 DtF- Traffic Signals Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System 103,000 100 ,000 203, 000 203, 000 Flashing Beacons 40,000 20 ,000 60, 000 60, 000 Traffic Signal Installation - Citywide 465,000 465,000 550 ,000 1,480, 000 1,480, 000 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation 10, 014 344,986 355, 000 344, 986 Total Cost 10, 014 952,986 465,000 670 ,000 2,098, 000 2,087, 986 Total Revenue 814,819 433,185 395,349 194 ,956 117.755 36,188 1,992,252 Old Town Gymnasium Redhawk Park Improvements Total Cost Total Revenue 401,000 401,000 401,000 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) Total Total Rei 19 Available Fund Actuals to Total Project Cost To Funds Project Balance Date 2009-10 2010-11 201142 201243 201344 Future Years Cost Complete Available French Valley Parkway /I nterstate-15 Over-Crossing and French Valley Parkway /I nterstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 975,000 1,368,876 2,343,876 1,368,876 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements-Phase 1 630,008 1,352,211 48,500 48,500 2,079,219 1,449,211 Pavement Rehabilitation - De Portola Road 221,940 1,203,674 1,425,614 1,203,674 Pavement Rehabilitation- STPL Project 367,531 1,645,631 2,013,162 1,645,631 Pavement Rehabilitation Program-Citywide 1,130,000 995,000 1,095,000 1,290,000 1,490,486 6,000,486 6,000,486 Total Cost 2194,479 6,700392 1,043,500 1,143,500 1,290,000 1,490,486 13,862,357 11.667,878 Total Revenue 5,853,277 - 862,163 1,052,098 1,151,568 1,302,553 1,498,762 11,720,421 Grant OF Public Land and Hi hwa g y Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 2,510,518 1,489482 4,000,000 1,489,482 Total Cost 2,510,518 1,489,482 4,000,000 1,489,482 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 8,000 8,000 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 10,545,000 21,000,000 31,545,000 31,545,000 Interstate-151 State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange 1,600,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 Pavement Rehabilitation - De Portola Road 458,990 458,990 458,990 Pavement Rehabilitation - STPL Project 2,720,000 2,720,000 2,720,000 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail Systerr 425,520 425,520 425,520 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail Systerr 520,971 520,971 520,971 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension And Interconnect 164,227 164,227 164,227 Winchester RoadlHighway 79 North Corridor Beautification 1,133,000 1,133,000 1,133,000 Total Cost 8,000 5,422,708 3,200,000 10,545,000 21,000,000 40,175,708 40167,708 Total Revenue 5,422,708 3,200,000 10,545,000 21,000,000 40,167,708 20 Available Fund Actuals to Total Project Cost To Funds Project Balance Date 2009-10 2010-11 201142 201243 201344 Future Years Cost Complete Available iti iti P 42 d P 1B ropos on an ropos on Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System 515,000 515,000 515,000 Road and Storm Drain Repair at Rancho California Road 340,694 340,694 340,694 Road Reconstruction at Jedediah Smith Road 295,347 295,347 295,347 Slurry Seal at Paloma Del Sol and Temeku Hills 819,894 819,894 819,894 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond 88,000 88,000 88,000 Total Cost 2,058,935 2,058,935 2,058,935 Auto Mall Sign 875,000 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square 3,747,902 1,450,260 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Packing Structure, Office and Retail 3,279,559 15,228,473 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Relocation of Existing Structures/ Demolition and Gradinc 132,359 486,393 Old Town Sound System Retrofit 15,000 875,000 875,000 5,198,162 1,450,260 18, 508, 032 15,228,473 618,752 486,393 Total Cost 7159,820 18,055126 135,000 25,349,946 18.190,126 Total Revenue 18,135,832 54,294 18,190,126 '1 Housing 1 Affordable Housing 5,500,000 6,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 19,500,000 19,500,000 Affordable Housing Projects - Future Obligations 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 305,000 1,830,000 1,525,000 NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance 107,869 85,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 342,869 235,000 Residential Improvement Programs 105,016 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,105,016 1,000,000 Total Cost 517,885 6,090,000 6,555,000 3,555,000 3,555,000 2,505,000 22,777,885 22,260,000 Total Revenue 12,473.856 2,255,051 1.999,772 2,034.931 2.070.790 2,107,325 22,941,725 Erosion Control Measures for the Access Road on Margarita Road at Long Canyor 160,000 160,000 160, 000 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site 2,097, 100 2,097,100 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements 6,000 ,000 6,000,000 Interstate-15 ! State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange 1,190 ,582 1,190,582 Old Town Gymnasium 50,000 50,000 50, 000 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square 59, 738 59,738 Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square 30, 100 30,100 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 20,910 20,910 20, 910 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 4,400, 000 4,400,000 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II 227, 162 94,870 322,032 94, 870 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail Systerr 150, 000 150,000 Reclaimed Water Irrigation Retrofit - Various Sites 500,000 500,000 500, 000 Redhawk Park Improvements 176, 007 440,643 616,650 440, 643 Redhawk Park improvements 839,458 839,458 839, 458 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond 128, 264 223,670 351,934 223, 670 Rocpaugh Ranch Open Space Trails 30, 000 30,000 Western ByPass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek 3,983,705 3,983,705 3,983, 705 Total Cost 14,488,953 2,279,551 3,983,705 50,000 20,802,209 6313,256 Total Revenue 1,280,101 999,450 3,983,705 50,000 6,313,256 21 Available Fund Project Balance Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 201142 Total Project 201243 201344 Future Years Cost Cost To Funds Complete Available Senate Bills 621 and 821 Closed Circuit Television Installation on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway 99,360 314,058 413,418 314,058 Interstate-15 /State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange 2,133,825 2,517,540 5,413,887 10,065,252 7,931,427 Pechanga Parkway - Dual Right Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway 264,939 155,322 420,261 155,322 Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail Systen 132,000 132,000 132,000 Total Cost 2,498,124 3,118,920 5,413,887 11,030,931 8,532,807 French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements-Phase I Interstate-151 State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange Western ByPass Bridge Over Murriela Creek Total Cost Total Revenue Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System Citywide Storm Drain Improvements Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade History Museum Expansior Interstate-15 /State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange Library Parking Lot Expansion Munieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road Murrieta Creek Improvements Redhawk Park Improvements Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension And 1,438,000 43,880,639 43,880,639 11,292,664 7,505,349 16,224,337 16,066,195 10,352,000 6,000,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 504,025 504,025 504,025 460,000 460,000 460,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 12,267,113 12,267,113 12,267,113 1,510,887 1,510,887 1,510,887 7,015,000 7,015,000 7,015,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 150,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 23,700 23,700 23,700 23,700 94,800 94,800 Interconnect 7,139,166 7,139,166 7,139, 166 TeenNoung Adult Center 3,675 ,000 3,675,000 3,675, 000 Temecula Creek Crossing for Access to Temecula Parkway 16,661,115 16,661,115 16,661, 115 Temecula Park and Ride 1,057,427 1,057,427 1,057, 427 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) 3,650,000 3,650,000 3,650, 000 Traffic Signal Installation - Citywide 550,000 275 ,000 825,000 825, 000 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation 400,000 400,000 400, 000 Vail Ranch Park Site D 1,000 ,000 1,000,000 1,000, 000 Total Cost 22,724,127 6.123300 5,527 ,725 24,423,981 58,799,533 58,799, 533 Total Revenue Grand Total Cost 67,887,512 142,561,323 106,734,265 64,771,820 39,258,980 14,574,719 25,727,981 461,516,600 393,629,088 Grand Total Revenue 125,394,527 45,911.319 85,655,167 41,549,557 32,584,022 9,447,162 340,541,754 " The Measure A Loan Debt Service and Library Debt Service costs are not reflected in the total cost reported at the end of the schedule -This agreement establishes a payment from Quimby for property located at the Old Town Theater- it is not reflected in the total cost reported at the end ofthe schedule 1,438,000 2,144,242 32,583,657 6,152,740 3,000,000 3,787,315 3,514,599 3,990,750 158,142 2,806,195 9,200,000 4,060,000 4,352,000 100,000 5,900,000 22 THE rT.EMECU1LA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS CIRCULATION PROJECTS Abbott Corporation Roadway Improvements . ..25 Butterfield Stage Road Extension Beltway Project 27 Citywide Adaptive Traffic Light Synchronization System 29 Closed Circuit Television {CCTV} Installation on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway.. 31 Flashing Beacons ..33 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over- Crossing and Interchange Improvements 35 French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 Over- Crossing and Interchange Improvements- Phase 1 ..37 Interstate-15 / State Route 79 South Ultimate Interchange 39 Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) 41 Meadows Parkway Bike Lane 43 Medians and Parkways-Citywide .....................45 Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road ....................................47 Nicolas Valley - Community Facilities District (Liefer Road) 49 23 Pavement Rehabilitation Program-Citywide..... 51 Pavement Rehabilitation - De Portola Road ....53 Pavement Rehabilitation - STPL Project .........55 Pechanga Parkway - Dual Right Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway ...................................57 Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase ll..59 Road and Storm Drain Repair at Rancho California Road .................................................61 Road Reconstruction at Jedediah Smith Road.63 Slurry Seal at Paloma Del Sol and Temeku Hills ...................................................................65 Temecula Creek Crossing for Access to Temecula Parkway ...........................................67 Temecula Parkway Striping Modification from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway .................69 Traffic Signal Installation - Citywide .................71 Traffic Signal Interconnect Equipment Installation ........................................................73 Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek..75 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North Corridor Beautification ....................................................77 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: ABBOTT CORPORATION ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ~ ALFiyjQq OFD SO< Nv~ qo~ G~ ~LE.T0 Wy VAIL BROOK DR y RD D OVERkAMD DR m > O N p D y ~T Sp ti ELF p VIA LA VIDA 9 ~ ~Np,W P g0 'per W ~ W O ~ m Q O K y O T P~ Q Q O N O DFt X00 ARGARITA RD y,~o A 24 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: ABBOTT CORPORATION ROADWAY INIPROVEMENTS Circulation PRIORITY: 1 Design and construct roadway improvements to improve traffic circulation on Motor Car Parkway, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, and Solana Way. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.620 Scope of Project: Project will include the improvement of Motor Car Parkway, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, and Solana Way. Benefit: Project will provide improved access and circulation. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-2014 Cost Administration $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Construction $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Totals $ - $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 750,000 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: $ $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ 5,000 Annually $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ 750,000 25 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION BELTWAY PROJECT L1J T F?JNGS ROAD O ~ ? F ~ ~rEFER R O RO ° ~0?1V1 LOpp~ O z ° n L Y z ~ O~ m ¢ w SOUTH LOOP RD Ni m AMBE Yc~~ ~ 0 J JST4OF Q W o ~O A w w ARME~~rq VANp~T U c~R KAHW EA LA SERENA WY 26 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD EXTENSION BELTWAY PROJECT PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Complete Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road to Murrieta Hot Springs Road; Murrieta Hot Springs Road from Butterfield Stage Road to the City limits; and Nicolas Road from Butterfield Stage Road to Calle Girasol, totaling approximately 4.2 miles. Street improvements within the incorporated City limits will include curb, gutter, sidewalks, drainage facility, and streetlights in addition to the pavement. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.723 Scope of Project: Project includes the formation of a community facilities district, acquisition of right-of-way, environmental analysis, design, and construction. The design and construction will include the four lanes on Butterfield Stage Road from Rancho California Road to Murrieta Hot Springs Road; four lanes on 1\/lurrieta Hot Springs Road from Butterfield Stage Road to the City limits; and four lanes on Nicolas Road from Butterfield Stage Road to Calle Girasol. Benefit: Project will improve traffic circulation. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 130,746 $ 550,000 $ 657,294 $ 1,338,040 Acquisition $ 1,425,718 $ 300,000 $ 256,081 $ 1,981,799 Acquisition Facilities* $ 16,300,000 $ 16,300,000 Construction $ 7,870,518 $ 11,575,012 $ 19,445,530 Construction Engineering $ 250,000 $ 350,000 $ 600,000 Design $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 300,000 Environmental $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 300,000 Totals $ 1,556,464 $ 25,470,518 $ 13,238,387 $ - $ - $ - $ 40,265,369 Source of Funds: CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) $ 118,464 $ 25,470,518 $ 13,238,387 $ 38,827,369 TUMF $ 1,438,000 $ 1,438,000 Total Funding: $ 1,556,464 $ 25,470,518 $ 13,238,387 $ - $ - $ - $ 40,265,369 Future O & M Cost: $ 18,000 Annually Note: Assumes that only minor right-of-way acquisitions would be necessary and that all major right-of-way dedications are voluntary. *Reimbursements for competed facilities. Cannot exceed bond proceeds and what is needed for constructing Phases 1 and 2. **Construction funding is for Phase 1 in 2009-10 and Phase 2 in 2010-11 27 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC LIGHT SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM s I ~e9 9L U?yD N ~~P ORTE ;pQ \ W Y ppy F.Qs g'~ ~ SAS ~ p _ wNG1a Yv° ~ ~qL \G ' i O ~~~R \ R i' DDR ~L DEL \ YAO AP~~p PLA Nl SOLANA WY / OL / 76 A \ pAU~p~ o& sa 1 - A(JCH ALl ORN~A~n i / N \ Q) ShNFSS Gip Vls, c \ ~FrO Y , ` ~ JgA R~ ~ G ~ p \ P ~ , OHO A DE PORTOLA D o G.i O ~~~hAGORD 9,Q~T s a / - is q vc ~ . 1 \ ~ N \ o pia N ~ ~A cyA~} Py ~ 0 \ ~ sT9 > \ c~ r 28 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Design Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Traffic Signal) Proposition 113 (TLSP) Unspecified* Total Funding CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC LIGHT SYNCHRONIZATION SYSTEM Circulation PRIORITY: I Implement an adaptive traffic signal synchronization system along seven transportation corridors. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.501 Purchase, install, and implement an adaptive traffic signal synchronization system along designated segments of Winchester Road, Rancho California Road, Temecula Parkway, Margarita Road, Jefferson Avenue, and Ynez Road to continually analyze and evaluate traffic data and select the most appropriate traffic signal timing for the condition. Project will improve traffic safety, operations, and capacity by minimizing traffic delays and reducing congestion. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 $ 10,000 $ 566,500 $ 41,500 $ - $ 618,000 $ Future O & M Cost: $ $ 103,000 $ 515,000 $ 618,000 $ 1,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. _ 2011-12 2012-13 $ 10,000 $ 450,000 $ 40,000 $ 500,000 $ $ 100,000 $ 400,000 $ 500,000 $ Total Project 2013-14 Cost $ 20,000 $ 1,016,500 $ 81,500 $ - $ 1,118,000 $ 203,000 $ 515,000 $ 400,000 $ - $ 1,118,000 29 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) INSTALLATION ON TEMECULA PARKWAY AND PECHANGA PARKWAY N A 30 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION (CCTV) INSTALLATION ON TEMECULA PARKWAY AND PRIORITY: 1 PECHANGA PARKWAY Project Type: Circulation Description: Design and install fiber-optic cable in existing conduit on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway. Install closed circuit television cameras at six intersections to monitor traffic flow and adjust traffic signal timing. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.635 Scope of Project: Design and install fiber-optic cable in existing conduit on Temecula Parkway from Old Town Front Street to Butterfield Stage Road. First year funding allows for the installation of infrastructure and CCTV cameras at major intersections on Temecula Parkway and Pechanga Parkway. Additional funds will be required for fiscal year 2010-11 to install cameras on the remainder of the project to maximize the overall efficiency of the system. Benefit: Provides monitoring of highway and intersection operations at several key locations in the southern portion of the City. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Construction $ 99,360 $ 234,058 $ 333,418 Design $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Totals $ 99,360 $ 314,058 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 413,418 Source of Funds: Senate Bill 621 $ 99,360 $ 314,058 $ 413,418 Total Funding: $ 99,360 $ 314,058 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 413,418 Future O & M Cost: $ 5,000 Annually 31 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: FLASHING BEACONS 32 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: FLASHING BEACONS PRIORITY: 1 Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Design Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Traffic Signals) Total Funding: Circulation Install flashing beacons including solar powered panels, chargeable batteries, and programmable timers to advise motorists of the school zone and reinforce the posted speed limit of twenty-five miles per hour when students are present. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.670 Install flashing school zone beacons as the school district improves new school sites. Project will improve traffic safety at the new school sites. Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 6,000 $ 32,000 $ 16,000 $ 48,000 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 6,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 40,000 $ 20,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 60,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually 33 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS 0 ~9as o LU ~k 3 LL CT ~L GOO ~ ~~5~ P G~ FS 4 C ~ ~QUITyD~ y9 ~G Gd P~ SAT F~ sp 2 N a~aZ ~O Q~~gO GIR NO OVERLAND R 34 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE PRIORITY, IMPROVEMENTS Project Type: Circulation Description: Study, process, design, and construct a bridge over-crossing over Interstate-15 from Jefferson Avenue to Ynez Road and construct a new freeway interchange. Project will consist of designing a new interchange to address traffic circulation in the City's northern areas. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.726 Scope of Project: Project will consist of designing and constructing a freeway over-crossing over Interstate-15 and construct a new freeway interchange. Project would also include curb and gutters, pavement, sidewalks, and new traffic signals. Benefit: Project will improve traffic circulation. Project Cost: Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total Project Cost Administration $ 761,038 $ 320,610 $ 325,000 $ 200,000 $ 125,000 $ 1,731,648 Acquisition $ 8,936,172 $ 3,896,234 $ 15,872,147 $ 28,704,553 Caltrans Oversight $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 20,000,000 Construction $ 20,302,260 $ 19,697,740 $ 18,000,000 $ 58,000,000 Design $ 2,154,305 $ 3,133,603 $ 5,000,000 $ 10,287,908 Totals $ 11,851,515 $ 7,350,447 $ 48,499,407 $ 26,897,740 $ 24,125,000 $ - $ 118,724,109 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves $ 322,730 $ 325,000 $ 200,000 $ 125,000 $ 972,730 TUMF (WRCOG)* $ 2,144,242 $ 32,583,657 $ 6,152,740 $ 3,000,000 $ 43,880,639 DIF (Public Facilities) $ 75,360 $ 75,360 TUMF (RCTC)** $ 3,787,315 $ 3,514,599 $ 3,990,750 $ 11,292,664 Measure A-Local Street and Road $ 975,000 $ 1,368,876 $ 2,343,876 Measure A-Highway Program $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 20,000,000 CFD (Harveston) $ 1,005,840 $ 1,005,840 Federal Highway Administration $ 8,000 $ 8,000 SAFETEA - LU $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Reimbursements/Other (Land Donation) $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 STIP Augmentation*** $ 10,545,000 $ 21,000,000 $ 31,545,000 Total Funding: $ 11,851,515 $ 7,350,447 $ 48,499,407 $ 26,897,740 $ 24,125,000 $ - $ 118,724,109 Future O & M Cost: $ 8,000 Annually *TUMF Zone funding pursuant to WRCOG Agreement 05-SW-TEM-1064 for a total of $4,078,000 ($1,165,000-PA&ED, $2,913,000-PS&E) also see Phase I. **TUMF Regional funding pursuant to RCTC Agreement 06-72-048-00 for a total of $7,517,000($5,715,000-ROW; $2,000,000-PS&E) also see Phase I. ***STIP Augmentation is dependent upon State's ability to bond for transportation funds. 35 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE I 0 ~9as o LU ~k 3 LL CT ~L GOO ~ ~~5~ P G~ FS 4 C ~ ~QUITyD~ y9 ~G Gd P~ SAT F~ sp 2 N a~aZ ~O Q~~gO GIR NO OVERLAND R 36 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY / INTERSTATE-15 OVER-CROSSING AND INTERCHANGE PRIORITY: IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE I Project Type: Circulation Description: Project will construct portions of the French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15 over-crossing and interchange improvements (Project No. PW02-11) which include adding a new southbound off-ramp from Interstate-15 to French Valley Parkway, constructing the northern half of French Valley Parkway from the off-ramp to Jefferson Avenue, widening of the existing southbound off-ramp from Interstate-15 to Winchester, and constructing a new auxiliary lane between French Valley Parkway and the Winchester Road southbound off-ramp. This project is included in the RTIP as "French Valley Pkwy (FVP) - Phase 1: Design and construct FVP (1-15 - Jefferson), SB exit ramp (1 LN), SB aux lane (FVP - Winchester Rd) & widen Winchester SB exit ramp (1 to 2)." Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.719 Scope of Project: Project will include design, right-of-way, utility relocation, and construction activities. Project requires oversight by Caltrans and coordination with the City of Murrieta. It will be designed to compliment the ultimate interchange project (Project No. PW02-11). Other features include permanent and temporary retaining walls, erosion control and irrigation, and a new traffic signal and roadway improvements at the intersection of French Valley Parkway and Jefferson Avenue. Benefit: Project will improve traffic circulation. Project Cost: Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total Project Cost Administration $ 240,601 $ 159,791 $ 48,500 $ 48,500 $ 497,392 Caltrans Oversight $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,060,000 $ 3,460,000 Construction $ 2,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 13,000,000 Design $ 991,752 $ 61,615 $ 1,053,367 Environmental $ 87,000 $ 87,000 MSHCP $ 650,000 $ 650,000 Totals $ 1,232,353 $ 4,158,406 $ 9,248,500 $ 4,108,500 $ - $ - $ 18,747,759 Source of Funds: DIF (Street improvements) $ 444,203 $ 444,203 Measure A-Local Street and Road $ 630,008 $ 1,352,211 $ 48,500 $ 48,500 $ 2,079,219 TUMF (RCTC)* $ 158,142 $ 2,806,195 $ 9,200,000 $ 4,060,000 $ 16,224,337 Total Funding: $ 1,232,353 $ 4,158,406 $ 9,248,500 $ 4,108,500 $ - $ - $ 18,747,759 Future O & M Cost: $ 15,000 Annually *TUMF Regional funding pursuant to ROTC Agreement 06-72-048-00 for a total of $7,517,000 ($5,715,000-ROW; $2,000,000 PS&E) 37 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: INTERSTATE-15 / STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH ULTIMATE INTERCHANGE o Fzp L LITA RD O gp,N~~AC' ~ ~ F J ~Z a fi v ~ O VIA NoRC G O ~'L a o CC 4 o~,pc~ f ~ ~QPti YN~Z R1~ coRR/o C0 VALLEJo N AV A ,vEMCULAP l~ nG GELINE CT GAFNoLN i' ~~y GA~1NO Eg~RiBO ~~G'q 38 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: INTERSTATE-15 / STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH ULTIMATE INTERCHANGE PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Construct a ramp system that will improve access to Interstate-15 from Temecula Parkway/State Route 79 South to accommodate traffic generated by future development of the City's General Plan land use and regional traffic volume increases forecast for the year 2025. The project is needed because projected traffic volume increases will exceed the capacity of the existing interchange improvements constr ucted by Riverside County Transportation Department in 1998. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.662 Scope of Project: Project will include the right-of-way acquisition, design, and construction of an improved interchange system. Benefit: Project will improve circulation, freeway access and level of service at the Interstate-15 and Temecula Parkway/State Route 79 South intersection. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 137,936 $ 100,800 $ 108,000 $ 108,000 $ 454,736 Acquisition $ 7,413,992 $ 20,000 $ 7,433,992 Construction $ 104,088 $ 9,350,887 $ 12,159,113 $ 21,614,088 Construction Engineering $ 2,475,000 $ 2,475,000 Design $ 522,602 $ 2,496,740 $ 3,019,342 MSHCP $ 980,000 $ 980,000 Totals $ 8,178,618 $ 2,617,540 $ 12,913,887 $ 12,267,113 $ - $ - $ 35,977,158 Source of Funds: CFD (Crowne Hill) $ 502,211 $ 502,211 Reimbursements/Other (Morgan Hill) $ 1,190,582 $ 1,190,582 SAFETEA-LU $ 1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 Senate Bill 621 $ 2,133,825 $ 2,517,540 $ 5,413,887 $ 10,065,252 TUNE (RCTC)* $ 4,352,000 $ 100,000 $ 5,900,000 $ 10,352,000 Unspecified" $ 12,267,113 $ 12,267,113 Total Funding: $ 8,178,618 $ 2,617,540 $ 12,913,887 $ 12,267,113 $ - $ - $ 35,977,158 Future O & M Cost: $ 6,000 Annually TUMF Regional funding pursuant to RCTC Agreement 06-72 for $4,452,000 ($4,352,000-ROW; $100,000-PA&ED) "Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 39 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: MAIN STREET BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK (REPLACEMENT) G011111 Rp~CNp CAy ~~pRNIARD 9 T G Om d 6 U P P RIDGE PARK DR O 0 clt~`~ygc l G O N A o \Ckn.. 40 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: MAIN STREET BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK (REPLACEMENT) PRIORITY: 11 Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design MSHCP Totals Source of Funds: Circulation Replace the existing Main Street Bridge with a new bridge meeting current safety standards and compatible with both the City's circulation element and the planned Murrieta Creek Improvement Project. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.743 Project will include the design and construction of a bridge and approach roadways to include bridge removal, pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk and storm drain facilities, environmental studies and mitigation. Project will improve traffic safety and circulation. New bridge would meet the United States Army Corps of Engineer's (USAGE) Creek Improvement Project needs and cost would count toward City contribution to the USACE Project. Actuals to Date $ 164,815 $ 579,481 2009-10 $ 309,555 $ 6,100,000 $ 250,510 $ 28,960 $ 305,000 Total Project 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 474,370 $ 6,100,000 $ 250,510 $ 608,441 $ 305,000 $ 744,296 $ 6,994,025 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,738,321 Capital Project Reserves $ 41,729 $ 41,729 DIF (street Improvements) $ 702,567 $ 2,656,044 $ 3,358,611 HBRRP $ 4,337,981 $ 4,337,981 Total Funding: $ 744,296 $ 6,994,025 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,738,321 Future O Sr M Cost: $ 6,000 Annually 41 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: MEADOWS PARKWAY BIKE LANE 0 n Pp,O < V6 DANA DR m m ~ ~ p~QP V3 ~ p w m ~ o ~P `~`~O q~ CT GLICVC p z ~ ~ P N n q<<~ GO Fz~~ O GQyP~ G~ ~ ~3 ROTNEN ERG D O ~ O C') ~ SP ~ G~ r' ADEN C G D PQe F' M NP R g~NG LP 4~ GP ~~GO~ ~ 0 9~Lj SUNNY MEADOWS DR OT C B CqQ GO CAMPO D oNO~ N gyp' aF- O $ ~ D q(UP GP PNO ~EGp,Ft17 > ROSACT ~O GP COR C RRIGAN CT 42 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: MEADOWS PARKWAY BIKE LANE PRIORITY: 1 Project Type: Circulation Description: Widen Meadows Parkway to the west between McCabe Drive and Pauba Road. The widened roadway will accommodate a Class II (on the street) bicycle lane for southbound bicyclists. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.502 Scope of Project: The project will consist of designing and constructing a six-foot widened section of Meadows Parkway including pavement, curb and gutter, utility adjustment or relocation, twelve-foot meandering sidewalk, landscaping, irrigation, striping, and signing. Benefit: The project will improve safety and opporutnity for non-motorized travel. Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: AB 2766 Total Funding: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Future O & M Cost: $ 500 Annually $ 65,880 $ 150,000 $ 10,500 $ 40,000 $ 266,380 $ $ 266,380 $ 266,380 $ $ 65,880 $ 150,000 $ 10,500 $ 40,000 $ - $ 266,380 $ 266,380 $ - $ 266,380 43 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: MEDIANS AND PARKWAYS - CITYWIDE 44 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Construction Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Medians) DIF (Street Improvements) Total Funding: MEDIANS AND PARKWAYS - CITYWIDE Circulation Project will complete the missing portions of the raised landscaped median island on Jefferson Avenue between Del Rio Road to 600 feet north of Rancho California Road, and on Rancho California Road between Moraga Road to Lyndie Lane. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.622 Construct or provide credits for the construction of raised landscaped median islands pursuant to the Conditions of Approval. Project will improve traffic circulation. Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 360,548 $ 750,000 $ 1,110,548 $ - $ 360,548 $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,110,548 $ 10,548 $ 350,000 $ 750,000 $ - $ 360,548 $ 750,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,110,548 PRIORITY: 11 $ 10,548 $ 1,100,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 45 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AND OVERLAND DRIVE EXTENSION TO DIAZ ROAD aR Et UAIL BPO° a/ERLAN~ oR ~j 4p U b Ptk NAU V~pA 8y ~4 w a ` m m ~ A bl t pp Y o 4$' o Pry ~P L jjN ro NnS 7 \ ~ ~O ie +ti row~RR y r ~J 46 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Acquisition Construction Construction Engineering Design Environmental MSHCP Totals Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves DIF (Street Improvements) Unspecified* Total Funding: MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AND OVERLAND DRIVE EXTENSION TO DIAZ ROAD PRIORITY: 1 Circulation Design and construct a new bridge crossing over Murrieta Creek between Rancho California Road and Winchester Road, including acquisition of right-of-way and the installation of a new signal at Diaz Road. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.602 Project will include studying suitable locations for a new crossing, environmental studies, mitigation, new Diaz Road traffic signal and construction. Project will improve traffic circulation and access to Overland Drive freeway over-crossing. Actuals to Date $ 93,000 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 $ 92,943 $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,980,000 $ 2,570,000 $ 5,610,000 $ 350,000 $ 431,421 $ 88,579 $ 524,421 $ 1,581,522 $ 2,030,000 $ 85,000 $ 280,000 $ 9,145,000 $ Total Project 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 485,943 $ 5,950,000 $ 5,610,000 $ 350,000 $ 520,000 $ 85,000 $ 280,000 - $ - $ 13,280,943 $ 213,600 $ 213,600 $ 310,821 $ 1,581,522 $ 2,030,000 $ 2,130,000 $ 6,052,343 $ 7,015,000 $ 7,015,000 $ 524,421 $ 1,581,522 $ 2,030,000 $ 9,145,000 $ - $ - $ 13,280,943 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 47 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: NICOLAS VALLEY - COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (LIEFER ROAD) w sum MFk Fi ran cJ ~~O J y } BR MURRlE rp N07SPR~ NOS RD z 0 a O CAMINO CIELO o LLI GRFF y Cu m U zz 0 ~ ¢ 0 r z ~ ce m 9 f 2 LIEFER RD s ti N LL o b Q w LL ❑ C w o _ NORTH LOOP RO O ~ t q, ❑ ❑ Lu ° w z z ❑ w m Lu w r m SOUTH LOOP RD N co z A v N ~p ~ o A 48 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: NICOLAS VALLEY - COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (LIEFER ROAD) PRIORITY: 11 Project Type: Circulation Description: Complete street and minor storm drain improvements on the unimproved portions at certain streets within Nicolas Valley (Liefer Road area). Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.504 Scope of Project: Project will study district feasibility and formation, if supported, formalization of right-of-way dedications, environmental analysis, design and construction of unimproved roads to allow for acceptance into the City system of maintained streets. Benefit: Project will eliminate dirt roads, reduce maintenance, and improve local circulation. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design MSHCP Totals Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves CFD Total Funding: $ 8,730 $ 44,100 $ 1,254,809 $ 1,307,639 $ 2,800,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 21,809 $ 21,809 $ 47,036 $ 123,504 $ 170,540 $ 11,890 $ 11,890 $ 55,766 $ 167,604 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,088,508 $ 4,311,878 $ 55,766 $ 167,604 $ 223,370 $ 4,088,508 $ 4,088,508 $ 55,766 $ 167,604 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,088,508 $ 4,311,878 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually 49 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM- CITYWIDE 50 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM - CITYWIDE PRIORITY: I Benefit: Circulation Using computer-assisted methodology, develop and implement cost-effective pavement maintenance treatments and strategies. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.655 Project will include the environmental processing, design, construction of pavement rehabilitation, and reconstruction of major streets. Project will improve the quality of City roadways. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 110,000 $ 95,000 $ 100,000 $ 125,000 $ 90,000 $ 520,000 Construction $ 860,000 $ 750,000 $ 845,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,310,486 $ 4,765,486 Construction Engineering $ 80,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 80,000 $ 40,000 $ 350,000 Design $ 80,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 $ 365,000 Totals $ - $ 1,130,000 $ 995,000 $ 1,095,000 $ 1,290,000 $ 1,490,486 $ 6,000,486 Source of Funds: Measure A $ 1,130,000 $ 995,000 $ 1,095,000 $ 1,290,000 $ 1,490,486 $ 6,000,486 Total Funding: $ - $ 1,130,000 $ 995,000 $ 1,095,000 $ 1,290,000 $ 1,490,486 $ 6,000,486 Future O & M Cost: NIA 51 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION - DE PORTOLA ROAD RFC 00 ~q .off F~Fq~,op ~<GCFR Q\oo Opp c QUO r 7 m R~ o\PNSM~~N z Na CEO m ~ Rid o y vo 40 a~F o~QO~~O P~~ p o Q ~ ~NGNOPUEB`oRD GV~PARKWAY YNEZ RD TEME O 2 a P~ m2 LARD vk R10'(EMEG N A N 52 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -DEPORTOLAROAD PRIORITY: 1 Project Type: Circulation Description: Project will rehabilitate De Portola Road between Jedediah Smith Road and Margarita Road. Approximately 6,400 lineal feet of roadway, or 256,400 square feet of pavement. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.656 Scope of Project: Project will include the environmental processing (federal clearance required), design and rehabilitation. Benefit: Project will improve the quality and extend the service life of De Portola Road. Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: Measure A STP Total Funding: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 77,886 $ 120,160 $ 198,046 $ 1,509,300 $ 1,509,300 $ 33,204 $ 33,204 $ 144,054 $ 144,054 $ 221,940 $ 1,662,664 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,884,604 $ 221,940 $ 1,203,674 $ 1,425,614 $ 458,990 $ 458,990 $ 221,940 $ 1,662,664 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,884,604 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually 53 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION - STPL PROJECT Y ttr " ¢1 U r x a y{j 7o R C ILLOW v~ ~ LONG z VALLEY DR `t ~ fR b U - D yam ~ 15~ G z O LEVANDE pL . G 0,0 PL G~ p CD~ N Rs CE o Ton O gGENA ST 'OF qO Sokyf TERN RD CRASS ~ r0~~ O 0RA C Q G SPICAG Z ~c~, ~ mot O0 c ~ 50 oRq ~ MOONTIDE CT N ~a O US m C 'Li ~Q 5 Z D W Q -J U) w RANCHO ~'Tp ti ~J rn t= O ' VISTA RD Pl G 54 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION - STPL PROJECT PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Using computer-assisted methodology, develop and implement cost-effective pavement maintenance treatments and strategies. Department: Public Works -Account No. 210.165.657 Scope of Project: Project will include the environmental processing (federal clearance required), design, and rehabilitation of segments of Rancho California Road that qualify for federal funding. Benefit: Project will improve the quality of City roadways. Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: Measure A STPL Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 165,040 $ 250,038 $ 415,078 $ 4,035,000 $ 4,035,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 202,491 $ 593 $ 203,084 $ 367,531 $ 4,365,631 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,733,162 $ 367,531 $ 1,645,631 $ 2,013,162 $ 2,720,000 $ 2,720,000 $ 367,531 $ 4,365,631 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,733,162 N/A 55 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PECHANGA PARKWAY -DUAL RIGHT TURN LANES FROM TEMECULA PARKWAY 4 RD A 56 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PECHANGA PARKWAY - DUAL RIGHT TURN LANES FROM TEMECULA PARKWAY PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Construction of dual right turn lanes on eastbound Temecula Parkway to southbound Pechanga Parkway. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.637 Scope of Project: Project will require the right-of-way purchase and the construction of dual right turn lanes on eastbound Temecula Parkway to southbound Pechanga Parkway. Benefit: Project will ease traffic congestion on eastbound Temecula Parkway at Pechanga Parkway. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 99,709 $ 47,435 $ 147,144 Acquisition $ 131,100 $ 136,900 $ 268,000 Construction $ 161,000 $ 161,000 Construction Engineering $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Design $ 34,130 $ 4,000 $ 38,130 MSHCP $ 8,050 $ 8,050 Totals $ 264,939 $ 362,385 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 627,324 Source of Funds: DIF (Street Improvements) Senate Bill 621 $ 207,063 $ 264,939 $ 155,322 $ 207,063 $ 420,261 Total Funding: $ 264,939 $ 362,385 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 627,324 Future O & M Cost: $ 300 Annually 57 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PECHANGA PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II Y~~2 0 ` 1/' R0 Fc DE POR~OyP Rfio VALLEJO AV hq~ rEMECUWV Y Bq eGA FMO y1NpARD P A ti OR T V ta SpCTjO - n N ~O= I N Ue 3 yea A ~c oc 9 \ dA~ y N m 58 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Acquisition Construction Construction Engineering Design Environmental* MSHCP Totals Source of Funds: AD 159 (Deer Hollow Way) AD 159 (Wolf Valley Channel) CFD (Wolf Creek) DIF (Street Improvements) PLH Program Reimbursements/Other (Bonds) Reimbursements/Other (Pechanga Indian Tribe Contr.) Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) Total Funding: Future a & M Cost: PECHANGA PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II PRIORITY: Circulation Design and construct full-width street improvements of Pechanga Parkway from Temecula Parkway to Pechanga Road. Full width is 134 feet from Temecula Parkway to Via Gilberto, and 110 feet from Via Gilberto to Pechanga Road. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.668 Project will include the design, acquisition, environmental studies, mitigation, and construction of road impro vements to include curb, gutters, sound wall, and storm drain facilities from Deer Hollow Way to Temecula Creek. Project will improve traffic circulation. Actuals To tal Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 1,948,336 $ 37,255 $ 1,985,591 $ 359,706 $ 359,706 $ 18,787,364 $ 3,833,059 $ 22,620,423 $ 203,853 $ 231,060 $ 434,913 $ 998,285 $ 11,426 $ 1,009,711 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 575,000 $ 575,000 $ 22,297,544 $ 5,137,800 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,435,344 $ 2,455,521 $ 2,455,521 $ 4,839,554 $ 4,839,554 $ 5,905,365 $ 3,459,836 $ 9,365,201 $ 1,959,424 $ 72,702 $ 2,032,126 $ 2,510,518 $ 1,489,482 $ 4,000,000 $ 20,910 $ 20,910 $ 4,400,000 $ 4,400,000 $ 227,162 $ 94,870 $ 322,032 $ 22,297,544 $ 5,137,800 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 27,435,344 $ 3,000 Annually 'Environmental Costs includes the creation of a mitigation site for Pechanga Parkway. 59 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: ROAD AND STORM DRAIN REPAIR AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD 60 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: ROAD AND STORM DRAIN REPAIR AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD PRIORITY: 1 Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Circulation Project will replace approximately 140 feet of aging corrugated metal pipe under Rancho California Road, east of Hope Drive, with reinforced concrete pipe, and reconstruct that portion of the roadway. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.510 Project will include environmental processing, design, and reconstruction of the roadway segment affected by the failing drainage pipe. Project will improve safety and circulation while maintaining the integrity of the streets during inclement weather. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-2013 2013-2014 Future Years Total Project Cost $ 86,071 $ 86,071 $ 209,623 $ 209,623 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ 340,694 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 340,694 Source of Funds: Proposition 113 (streets and Roads) $ 340,694 $ 340,694 Total Funding: $ - $ 340,694 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 340,694 Future O & M Cost: N/A 61 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AT JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD N 62 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AT JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD PRIORITY: I Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: Proposition 113 (streets and Roads) Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: Circulation Project will rebuild 28 feet of roadway striping and asphalt berms at Jedediah Smith Road between Temecula Parkway and Cabrillo. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.511 Project will include environmental processing, design, and reconstruction of the road segment. Project will improve the quality and extend the service life of Jedediah Road. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-2013 2013-2014 Future Years Total Project Cost $ 43,036 $ 43,036 $ 215,000 $ 215,000 $ 17,311 $ 17,311 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ 295,347 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 295,347 $ 295,347 $ 295,347 $ - $ 295,347 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 295,347 N/A 63 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: SLURRY SEAL AT PALOMA DEL SOL AND TEMEKU HILLS 'f IAGO 64 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: SLURRY SEAL AT PALOMA DEL SOL AND TEMEKU HILLS Circulation PRIORITY: I Slurry seal to specific streets within the Paloma Del Sol and Temeku Hills development as identified in the Proposition 113 Application. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.512 Project will include environmental processing, design, and rehabilitation. Project will improve the quality and extend the service life of the roadways. Project Cost: Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-2013 2013-2014 Future Years Total Project Cost Administration $ 86,071 $ 86,071 Construction $ 700,000 $ 700,000 Construction Engineering $ 33,823 $ 33,823 Totals $ - $ 819,894 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 819,894 Source of Funds: Proposition 113 (streets and Roads) Total Funding: $ 819,894 $ 819,894 S - S 819,894 $ - S - S - S - $ - S 819,894 Future O & M Cost: N/A 65 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA CREEK CROSSING FOR ACCESS TO TEMECULA PARKWAY o tik Rio ~p 5 p~ ~e~ yN~ZRp ~ Y yF0 VALLEJO,gV N ~Gp~4RR~P o p fi Ago N A 66 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Acquisition Construction Construction Engineering Design Environmental MSHCP Totals TEMECULA CREEK CROSSING FOR ACCESS TO TEMECULA PARKWAY PRIORITY: II Circulation Design and construct a new bridge crossing over Temecula Creek in the vicinity of Avenida de Missiones. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.677 Project will include studying a suitable location for a new crossing, environmental studies, mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, as well as the design and construction of a new approach roadway and bridge. Project will improve traffic circulation in the southwest portion of the City. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 $ 16,308 $ 4,500 $ 83,186 $ 13,529 $ 99,494 $ 18,029 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,661,115 $ 16,778,638 Total Project 2013-14 Future Years Cost $ 472,790 $ 493,598 $ 1,017,625 $ 1,017,625 $ 11,816,000 $ 11,816,000 $ 147,700 $ 147,700 $ 2,363,200 $ 2,459,915 $ 253,000 $ 253,000 $ 590,800 $ 590,800 Source of Funds: DIF (Street Improvements) Unspecified* $ 99,494 $ 18,029 $ 117,523 $ 16,661,115 $ 16,661,115 Total Funding: $ 99,494 $ 18,029 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,661,115 $ 16,778,638 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 67 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA PARKWAY STRIPING MODIFICATION FROM INTERSTATE-15 TO PECHANGA PARKWAY ~fl to q~~ YN~Z RD VALCEJO AV O~ O~A~NQL TEMF-OULAPK`~ rs N pF cti A~A 68 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEMECULA PARKWAY STRIPING MODIFICATION FROM INTERSTATE-15 TO PECHANGA PRIORITY: PARKWAY Project Type: Circulation Description: Project will re-stripe Temecula Parkway from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway from six lanes to eight lanes. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.676 Scope of Project: Project will include removing the existing striping on Temecula Parkway from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway and re-striping it to accommodate eight lanes of through traffic -four in each direction. The current width of Temecula Parkway from Interstate-15 to Pechanga Parkway will accommodate the new striping. No widening of the existing road is necessary. Benefit: The re-striping will increase traffic circulation. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 14,434 $ 79,945 $ 94,379 Construction $ 95,000 $ 95,000 Design $ 25,969 $ 9,228 $ 35,197 MSHCP $ 32,434 $ 32,434 Totals $ 40,403 $ 216,607 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 257,010 Source of Funds: DIF (street Improvements) $ 40,403 $ 216,607 $ 257,010 Total Funding: $ 40,403 $ 216,607 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 257,010 Future O & M Cost: N/A 69 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION - CITYWIDE Cost to Signal Location Complete Year Funding Source Meadows Parkway at Pauba $ 232,500 2009-10 DIF (Traffic) Rancho California. Road at Yukon $ 232,500 2009-10 DIF (Traffic) Vail Ranch Parkway at Tehachapi Pass $ 232,500 2010-11 DIF (Traffic) Rancho California Road at Promenade Chardonnay $ 232,500 2010-11 DIF (Traffic) Butterfield Stage Road at Rancho Vista Road $ 275,000 2011-12 DIF (Traffic) Rancho California Road at Avenida de la Reina $ 275,000 2011-12 DIF (Traffic) Meadows Parkway at De Portola $ 275,000 2012-13 Unspecified Meadows Parkway at Campanula Way $ 275,000 2012-13 Unspecified Meadows Parkway at Leena Way $ 275,000 2013-14 Unspecified $ 2,305,000 Fiscal Year 2009-10 Fiscal Year 2010-11 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Fiscal Year 2012-13 Fiscal Year 2013-14 TOTAL $ 465,000 $ 465,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 275,000 $ 2,305,000 70 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION - CITYWIDE PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Install traffic signals at various locations throughout the City including, traffic signal upgrades on Winchester Road and Temecula Parkway, and Redhawk annexation area. Department: Public Works Scope of Project: Project will include the design and construction of traffic signals throughout the City. Benefit: Project will improve traffic safety and circulation throughout the City. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 45,000 $ 375,000 Construction $ 360,000 $ 360,000 $ 420,000 $ 420,000 $ 210,000 $ 1,770,000 Design $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 20,000 $ 160,000 Totals $ - $ 465,000 $ 465,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 275,000 $ 2,305,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Traffic Signal) Unspecified* Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: $ 465,000 $ 465,000 $ 550,000 $ 1,480,000 $ 550,000 275,000 $ 825,000 $ 465,000 $ 465,000 $ 550,000 $ $ 500 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 550,000 $ 275,000 $ 2,305,000 71 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION CH CHILLC 2 ~O G~ PRE)t~ ESONO p2Pp.\ ~Q GP O LO VALLE DR p L K P ~7 P FypNCHO CALIFORNIARO D P )p CORTE MON EL fie' )5AP p m llm CRy 51 PY PJ ~ P~ERP pQ-c~0~ 9A Ste' J~ CO m A ,T< pNZP OFE(E CORTETU RP1 i~ P~ AttP ~~pp>, sM.coP NOPp'O ao GCAII RR K~ O O COR P S H p G O U w A RtE P w 9 F N G APGG 4~ AOENAST GO OERRITO OWYOY` l GPI ORRE~~ ~~z o~ e' SF F~9A ~ .11P~E~ GP Pt o V ONDA PL O~ (7 ~ y p T ICACT a M)NO MO P'G~P m MOONTIDE CT GP G aP A A PGJ Qv o i RANCHO VISTPR PV$pRp 9! y/AgLhq GGP" GPI O / A m 'O( P ER\MO~ ?A y C+ L E 1 Q~~ )U-O A VILLA ALT(/~S tn` OPGPRR O ?~~P O~ `~F` O~S,PR~ o pR p Q p ~3' Zp icgy ~ Aa A p p D ¢ D PAUBA ~ N Sr y~ O v ~ G m ti O p 9 9~ D [Ay N C) W m o f rERO sr w P ' `s' ~ p D e A ¢O v G~O\~P a p VP z F 9 A 5 0 RIE RAE LN ARR/SA > < GRP~J\VV m O ~O~O p m IA COR O D o ~ GP p c ~ Q-V M ~O w pFF AFLO E n ANTI A00 A/ypO EL O P VE ¢ 9 Nq W) O O O~ '\tc RTF grgF %A ~~y A \ z OLITA RD ~ 2 S,9 q< y 0 r os ~ S 2~ e1' CL 3 ~ ~ F ~P T pBEJA m y y N VP1.VE)OP, G ON OR u W PESCgOOO A9s pREZ -p: A F Q R py O y/O p m 1(-- ~O U~ 1 72 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION PRIORITY: Project Type: Circulation Description: Install traffic signal interconnect conduit and cable. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.712 Scope of Project: Project will consist of installing signal interconnect conduit and cable on various roadways to connect additional signals and complete missing links. Benefit: Project will improve circulation by connecting several existing and future signals to the existing signal system. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 Construction $ 10,014 $ 319,986 $ 375,000 $ 705,000 Design $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 30,000 Totals $ 10,014 $ 344,986 $ - $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ 755,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Traffic signal) $ 10,014 $ 344,986 $ 355,000 Unspecified* $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Total Funding: $ 10,014 $ 344,986 $ - $ 400,000 $ - $ - $ 755,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 500 An nually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 73 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: WESTERN BYPASS BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK 1 SaNr[AGO RD ~ o r ~ coo Z O N~ ~~O~~SO 9tip 9~F ~~'O ,po ~p 9 9L TF 5, N ~ 'Oky Q~ A s 74 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: WESTERN BYPASS BRIDGE OVER MURRIETA CREEK PRIORITY: 1 Project Type: Circulation Description: The City will construct a new bridge crossing Murrieta Creek at the Western Bypass / Temecula Parkway. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.660 Scope of Project: Project includes finalizing and updating the existing bridge design, constructing the bridge, the approaches roadways, curb and gutters sidewalk, storm drain facilities, environmental studies and mitigation. Completed project will tie southern leg of Western Bypass. Benefit: Project will improve traffic safety and circulation. New bridge will meet Army Corps of Engineers (ALOE) Murrieta Creek Improvement Project needs. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 57,312 $ 134,923 $ 135,000 $ 327,235 Acquisition $ 76,000 $ 76,000 Construction $ 10,384,985 $ 10,384,985 Construction Engineering $ 311,550 $ 311,550 Design $ 232,785 $ 409,382 $ 642,167 Environmental $ 20,000 $ 129,600 $ 149,600 MSHCP $ 519,249 $ 519,249 Totals $ 290,097 $ 640,305 $ 11,480,384 $ - $ - $ - $ 12,410,786 Source of Funds: Capital Projects Reserves $ 290,097 $ 210,923 $ 135,000 $ 636,020 Reimbursements/Other (Developer) $ 3,983,705 $ 3,983,705 TUMF (WRCOG) $ 429,382 $ 7,361,679 $ 7,791,061 Total Funding: $ 290,097 $ 640,305 $ 11,480,384 $ - $ - $ - $ 12,410,786 Future O & M Cost: $ 6,000 An nually 75 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: WINCHESTER ROAD/HIGHWAY 79 NORTH CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION vp Promenade Mall 76 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: WINCHESTER ROADMIGHWAY 79 NORTH CORRIDOR BEAUTIFICATION PRIORITY: 1 Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) DIF (Street Improvements) TEA Total Funding: Circulation Improve existing raised concrete median along Winchester Road with landscaping, hardscape, irrigation, and architectural embellishments. In addition, left turn pockets will be extended. The scope of the project will be reduced to compete with the approved funding. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.638 Winchester Road/Highway 79 North from Interstate-15 at Ynez Road to City limits south of Willows Avenue. Project will enhance the corridor. Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 147,431 $ 228,404 $ 375,835 $ 2,728,800 $ 2,728,800 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ 201,973 $ 8,242 $ 210,215 $ 349,404 $ 3,055,446 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,404,850 $ 39,800 $ 39,800 $ 1,186,914 $ 1,186,914 $ 309,604 $ 735,532 $ 1,045,136 $ 1,133,000 $ 1,133,000 $ 349,404 $ 3,055,446 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,404,850 Future O & M Cost: $ 900 Annually 77 THE rT.EE CUI A ~ ~ ~J I vc. 1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Citywide Storm Drain Improvements .....80 Civic Center 82 Erosion Control Measures for the Access R oad on Margarita Road at Long Canyon 84 Fire Station 73 Living Quarters Upgrade 86 Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch Site .....88 History Museum Expansion 90 Library Parking Lot Expansion 92 Murrieta Creek Improvements .....94 Old Town Gymnasium .....96 Old Town Police Substation 98 Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek to Chaparral High School and City Trail System .....................................100 Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect ............................102 TeenNoung Adult Center 104 Temecula Children's Museum Refurbishment 106 Temecula City Entry Monumentation 108 Temecula Community Center Expansion 110 Temecula Park and Ride 112 Temecula Police Station (Tenant Improvement) 114 78 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 79 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: CITYWIDE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITY: I Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Design and construct storm drain improvements to correct intersection and street flooding at various locations. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.715 Scope of Project: Project will focus on improvements that would correct flooding problems on several streets that flood during each storm event. Benefit: Project will improve safety and circulation while maintaining the integrity of the streets during inclement weather. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 18,778 $ 50,000 $ 71,000 $ 139,778 Acquisition $ 62,500 $ 62,500 Construction $ 29,280 $ 250,000 $ 280,500 $ 559,780 Design $ 5,408 $ 50,000 $ 57,000 $ 112,408 Environmental $ 19,000 $ 19,000 MSHCP $ 12,500 $ 14,025 $ 26,525 Totals $ 53,466 $ 362,500 $ - $ - $ - $ 504,025 $ 919,991 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves $ 53,466 $ 362,500 $ 415,966 Unspecified* $ 504,025 $ 504,025 Total Funding: $ 53,466 $ 362,500 $ - $ - $ - $ 504,025 $ 919,991 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 An nually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 80 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: CIVIC CENTER A 81 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: CIVIC CENTER PRIORITY: I Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Acquisition Construction Construction Engineering Design Fixtures/Furn/Equip Utilities Totals Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves COPs DIF (Corporate Facilities) DIF (Public Art) Total Funding Future O & M Cost: Infrastructure Project will construct an approximately 93,000 square-foot, three-story City administration building and Council Chambers, along with a 3,500 square-foot Community Room. The project will be located near the intersection of Mercedes Street and Main Street in Old Town. Planning/Public Works - 210.165.751 Project will include design and construction of a three-story City Administration Building, Council Chambers, and Community Room on City owned parcels located east of Mercedes Street and Main Street. Project will continue to promote the revitalization of Old Town and provide a permanent facility for administrative staff through build-out. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 $ 125,854 $ 598,367 $ 25,800 $ 56,200 $ 476,271 $ 34,450,621 $ 352,000 $ 3,985,211 $ 1,235,789 $ 147,080 $ 3,392,720 $ 307,564 $ 2,436 $ 5,067,780 $ 40,088,133 $ $ 4,594,565 $ 16,460,449 $ 473,215 $ 22,787,684 $ 800,000 $ 40,000 $ 5,067,780 $ 40,088,133 $ $ 900,000 An nually Total Project _ 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 724,221 $ 82,000 $ 34,926,892 $ 352,000 $ 5,221,000 $ 3,539,800 $ 310,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 45,155,913 $ 21,055,014 $ 23,260,899 $ 800,000 $ 40,000 S - S - S - S 45,155,913 82 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE ACCESS ROAD ON MARGARITA ROAD AT LONG CANYON o A O i O J Tr O g~ ~Q <m z ~ 2 't~~~O U n0 ~5 O a '011 g M Q A1~-BROOK R GP~~S pE.L REY Rp O X05 0 OF MONTE VERDE ~O ct O ICOLE LN ~w N GPI VIA LA VlDa ~sF CO ,20 F-- COR~~ CAR 83 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FOR THE ACCESS ROAD ON MARGARITA ROAD AT PRIORITY: II LONG CANYON Project Type: Infrastructure Description: The project will design and construct slope protection and erosion control measures along the access road between the desilting basin and the down stream detention basin, which serves as a weir and frequently washes out and becomes impassable during storm events. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.746 Scope of Project: Project will install concrete cut-off walls, slope paving and riprap. Benefit: Project will maintain the integrity of the road and eliminate the depositing of silt into the environmental creation area downstream of the road. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 8,353 $ 43,650 $ 52,003 Construction $ 170,000 $ 170,000 Construction Engineering $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Design $ 15,720 $ 15,720 Environmental $ 17,387 $ 2,613 $ 20,000 Totals $ 25,740 $ 241,983 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 267,723 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves $ 25,740 $ 81,983 $ 107,723 Reimbursements./Other (FEMA) $ 160,000 $ 160,000 Total Funding: $ 25,740 $ 241,983 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 267,723 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually 84 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: FIRE STATION 73 LIVING QUARTERS UPGRADE 85 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: FIRE STATION 73 LIVING QUARTERS UPGRADE Infrastructure Increase living, sleeping and bathroom space to properly accommodate the number of staff working and living at the facility. Fire PRIORITY: 11 Scope of Project: Project will be phased as to not interrupt functionality of current station. Will add two restroom/shower facilities and larger sleeping quarters. Living space will be expanded. Benefit: Health and safety benefit for the large number of personnel assigned to Fire Station 73. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 30,000 $ 120,000 $ 150,000 Construction $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 Construction Engineering $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Design $ 120,000 $ 30,000 $ 150,000 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ 1,410,000 $ - $ 1,560,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Fire) $ 150,000 $ 950,000 $ 1,100,000 Unspecified* $ 460,000 $ 460,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ 1,410,000 $ - $ 1,560,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A *Project cannot be constructed until funding source is identified. 86 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: FIRE STATION RORIPAUGH RANCH SITE O~ U LIEFER RD `r w ORS LOOP RD N c~ w rl) ~ W O u- m ? r SOUTH LOOP RD r m z U ~fsT9 O ~O F,O O N VISTA _L M 1 87 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: FIRE STATION RORIPAUGH RANCH SITE PRIORITY: I Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Acquire, design, and construct a City Fire Station at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Calle Chapos. Department: City Fire Services/Riverside County Fire Department - Account No. 210.165.741 Scope of Project: Project will include the acquisition, design, and construction of a fire station. Benefit: Project will provide fire protection and enhance response time to the northeast portion of the City. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 10,297 $ 51,934 $ 62,231 Construction $ 3,301,954 $ 437,852 $ 3,739,806 Construction Engineering $ 301,381 $ 18,687 $ 320,068 Design $ 13,686 $ 27,428 $ 41,114 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 381,616 $ 73,784 $ 455,400 Totals $ 4,008,934 $ 609,685 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,618,619 Source of Funds: CFD (Roripaugh Ranch) $ 1,911,834 $ 609,685 $ 2,521,519 Reimbursements/Other (Riverside County) $ 2,097,100 $ 2,097,100 Total Funding: $ 4,008,934 $ 609,685 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,618,619 Future O & M Cost: $ 900,000 Annually 88 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: HISTORY MUSEUM EXPANSION P Gam. 7 RQ 6 N z y 0 N h'cy OAR A q y ~yo ~Q ORT ~ r CqD ~ G{J GP ~ d LE OAK DR 50 `~9 ~SM11N 0 p" RAy O"O f ~6m ~p N AO ~D AVgA eG 4i' e X 9 RIDGE PARK DR PpP FO D 9~ O ~L M C ✓ AC O~s r 5L'GO ~O ' RRiro t 5 N e F` C 'd SAtyT4AG0 R G K 89 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: HISTORY MUSEUM EXPANSION PRIORITY: III Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Add an additional 3,000 square feet to the existing History Museum. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Construct additional square feet of exhibit space to the existing History Muse um. Benefit: The proposed space will be used to house an extensive local history display a nd accommodate traveling exhibits. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 135,000 $ 135,000 Construction $ 965,000 $ 965,000 Design $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - 7 -1,250,000 $ - $ 1,250,000 Source of Funds: Unspecified* $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,250,000 $ - $ 1,250,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 6,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 90 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: LIBRARY PARKING LOT EXPANSION RANCHO RD N 91 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Environmental MSHCP Totals Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves Unspecified* Total Funding: LIBRARY PARKING LOT EXPANSION Infrastructure PRIORITY: 1 Expand the existing parking lot of the Temecula Public Library to the west to accommodate approximately 40 more spaces. Community Services / Public Works Project will include the design and construction of the expansion of the existing library parking lot. Project will provide additional parking for library patrons, meetings and special programs. Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 7 $ 119,993 $ 120,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 21,647 $ 95,894 $ 117,541 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 21,654 $ - $ - $ 1,510,887 $ - $ - $ 1,532,541 $ 21,654 $ 21,654 $ - $ Future O & M Cost: $ 5,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. $ 1,510,887 $ 1,510,887 $ 92 $ 21,654 $ 1,510,887 $ - $ 1,532,541 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: MURRIETA CREEK IMPROVEMENTS N 93 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: MURRIETA CREEK IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITY: Project Type: Infrastructure Description: This project will provide for the City's share of the design of the proposed United States Army Corps of Engineers / Riverside County Flood Control Murrieta Creek Improvements. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.735 Scope of Project: Project will include the design of proposed United States Army Corps of Engineers / Riverside County Flood Control improvements to Mun ieta Creek within the City limits. The design money allocated represents a portion of the City's share for the project. Benefit: Project will help prevent flooding of Old Town Temecula. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 125,985 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 375,985 Totals $ 125,985 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 375,985 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves Unspecified' Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: $ 125,985 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 225,985 $ 125,985 $ 50,000 $ $ 1,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 50,000 $ 94 50,000 50,000 50,000 $ 150,000 150,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 375,985 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN GYMNASIUM FELIX VALDEZMVE 70 p 9U PPVgPR T~ O ' RIDGE PARK DR PypQ' 0 J Fn G ` 9G F~ 5 in C 4 7 ~ G✓p< GD~O '~'qC/O <S r p S~ Vt S RR~TO <Q' co p O co G GgN'CIAGOR O a G gT~~p 9 N N F 95 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: OLD TOWN GYMNASIUM PRIORITY: 11 Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Infrastructure Design and construct an 8,500 square foot gymnasium to be located adjacent to the Boys & Girls Club. Project may be done in two phases depending upon timing of funding. Phase I to include parking lot, underground utilities, and foundation. Community Services - Account No. 210.190.186 Design and construct a gymnasium that will include a full-sized basketball court, bleacher seating for approximately 200 spectators, restrooms, storage, and a small office. Project will provide additional recreational facilities for City residents and with a joint-use agreement, this facility will provide additional activities for the Boys & Girls Club, which is located adjacent to the gym site. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration S 23,283 S 26,717 S 25,000 S 75,000 $ 150,000 Construction S 250,000 S 2,000,000 S 2,250,000 Construction Engineering S 25,000 S 73,000 S 98,000 Design S 33,405 S 316,595 $ 350,000 Fixtures/Furn/Equip S 175,000 $ 175,000 Totals S 56,688 7 _343,312 S 300,000 S 2,323,000 S - $ - S 3,023,000 Source of Funds: Boys & Girls Club Donation S 401,000 S 401,000 CDBG S 56,688 S 343,312 S 300,000 S 1,710,000 S 2,410,000 Reimbursements/Other* S 50,000 $ 50,000 EDI S 162,000 $ 162,000 Total Funding: S 56,688 7 _343,312 S 300,000 S 2,323,000 S - $ - S 3,023,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 5,000 An nually *County Supervisor 3rd District Discretionary Funding Advance of CDBG Funds will be requested in FY 2011-12 to complete the project. 96 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN POLICE SUBSTATION 0 N A 97 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Fixtures/Furn/Equip Utilities Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Police Facilities) Total Funding: OLD TOWN POLICE SUBSTATION PRIORITY: 1 Infrastructure This project will provide a new location for the City's police substation in the new Old Town Parking Garage. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.513 Project will consist of designing and construction of necessary tenant improvements to a portion of the office space fronting the Old Town Parkig Garage. Project will continue to promote the revitablization of Old Town and provide a permanent facility for the police near the Old Town Civic Center. Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Years Total Project Cost $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 440,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 440,000 $ 440,000 $ 440,000 $ - $ 440,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 440,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 98 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TO CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL AND CITY TRAIL SYSTEM / ype> CT PaG~ e~~sT Q of s o Q iO Z sTON PL ~ ~O p o~ 2 41 ~Rks~OF a oR o S/y! y ANb! G NP RD Q a N S pLRS Ra L U~ m RlgN JON ~ NR1$T1gNPL ~ ~ m G~ Z~ ~ NARVFS os~~ roN~Y ~Qe- T M Rp.CT O,pi qV NNq O O ) QOR RORr C MS~}7~NO RO A9GO'y ROSFgRY R,~O~l, agSg4q R C '~O SFti cT O~CT [/SrONC., KD =r Cr FNA of = S ORT~N ~~<<p VALLE OLVERA ~rFN~F9 C9 y~ DoT ter' P oy ~ o= \~PGtR N o sT9 '~,p SAN ~O 9ClRMAD~RO A Z 2~ LARK T Y °'Ao C'~, Y U 99 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE BRIDGE OVER SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TO CHAPARRAL HIGH PRIORITY: 11 SCHOOL AND CITY TRAIL SYSTEM Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Design and construct a pedestrian/bicycle bridge from Margarita Road, near Harveston Way, over Santa Gertru dis Creek, to Chaparral High School and the City trail system on the south side of Santa Gertrudis Creek. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.738 Scope of Project: Project will consist of a planning study, the establishment of easements, environmental review, Flood Control District approval, and the design and construction of a pedestrian/bicycle bridge spanning approximately 200 feet over the Santa Gertrudis Creek. Benefit: . Project will provide a safe route for pedestrians and bicyclists to access Chaparral High School and the Sa nta Gertrudis Multi- Purpose Trail from Margarita Road. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 71,446 $ 49,965 $ 121,411 Acquisition $ 4,408 $ 4,408 Construction $ 1,150,000 $ 1,150,000 Construction Engineering $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Design $ 106,872 $ 69,188 $ 176,060 MSHCP $ 57,500 $ 57,500 Totals $ 182,726 $ 1,346,653 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,529,379 Source of Funds: DIF (open space/Trails) $ 32,726 $ 268,162 $ 300,888 Reimbursements/Other (Harveston Contribution) $ 150,000 $ 150,000 SRTS $ 425,520 $ 425,520 SB 821 $ 132,000 $ 132,000 SR2S $ 520,971 $ 520,971 Total Funding: $ 182,726 $ 1,346,653 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,529,379 Future O & M Cost: $ 500 Annually 100 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE TRAIL EXTENSION AND INTERCONNECT ~0 Promenade Mall 101 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE TRAIL EXTENSION AND PRIORITY: 11 INTERCONNECT Project Type: Infrastructure Description: To implement project planning and preliminary engineering for the extension and interconnec t of the existin g Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail from Ynez Road to the Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.165.739 Scope of Project: Project design to include the extension of the existing Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail and pr ovid e access and under-crossings at Ynez Road, Interstate-15, and Jefferson Avenue, and a continuous paved trail along the Sant a Gertrudis Creek to interconnect with the Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail. Benefit: Project will provide additional space for human services for the community. Project Cost: Actuals Future Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Years Cost Administration $ 15,820 $ 20,000 $ 378,000 $ 413,820 Construction $ 6,000,000 $ 6,000,000 Construction Engineering $ 33,000 $ 33,000 Design $ 14,709 $ 256,864 $ 271,573 Environmental $ 428,166 $ 428,166 MSHCP $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Totals $ 30,529 $ 276,864 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,139,166 $ 7,446,559 Source of Funds: Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA)* $ 164,227 $ 164,227 Capital Project Reserves $ 30,529 $ 44,471 $ 75,000 Unspecified* * $ 7,139,166 $ 7,139,166 AB 2766 $ 68,166 $ 68,166 Total Funding: $ 30,529 $ 276,864 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 7,139,166 $ 7,446,559 Future O & M Cost: N/A *Reimbursable amount only pennissible for actual design document costs. **Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 102 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEEN/YOUNG ADULT CENTER 103 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEEN/YOUNGADULT CENTER PRIORITY: II Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Construct a teen/young adult center of approximately 7,000 square feet. Location is to be determined. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Construct a 7,000 square feet teen/young adult center. Benefit: This project will provide additional programs and services for teens and young adults of the community. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 210,000 $ 210,000 Construction $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 Design $ 315,000 $ 315,000 Fixtures/Fum/Equip $ 1,050,000 $ 1,050,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,675,000 $ 3,675,000 Source of Funds: Unspecified* $ 3,675,000 $ 3,675,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,675,000 $ 3,675,000 Future O M Cost: $ 400,000 Annually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 104 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA CHILDREN'S MUSEUM REFURBISHMENT Q C RANGOR{J1AR 0 COR7E MA BIND T O ~ ~ ~G M RCEDES y ~ y ~FPSP ~O TIERRAVISTARD GHQ- ~ ~'~FSC q !u U eVC'C' ~ PAP Q~~ ~i L~ 1DGE PARK DR t 5 0 r Q O OJQ Q m z o~o~ o P v P rFRN o UT~ 6P 5~ 0 O X ~ G Q ~ d o o 0 G A w G P`r ~ G O~ s~ o n 0 c,~~ ~ U U TA ~ -n ~v R c o q w N a co A 105 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEMECULA CHILDREN'S MUSEUM REFURBISHMENT PRIORITY: III Project Type: Infrastructure Description: This project will assist in refurbishing and replacing of exhibits in the Temecula Children's Museum. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.675 Scope of Project: The project will refurbish existing exhibits and design new exhibits. Benefit: This project will help with upkeep and redesign of this heavily used facility. It will help keep the facility contemporary and up-to- date. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Construction $ 48,141 $ 156,859 $ 205,000 Design $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Totals $ 48,141 $ 201,859 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks and Recreation) $ 48,141 $ 201,859 $ 250,000 Total Funding: $ 48,141 $ 201,859 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 250,000 Future O & M Cost: NIA 106 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA CITY ENTRY MONUMENTATION 1V JCOt4 3 RD O o L ~\~G A N A D DR 107 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEMECULA CITY ENTRY MONUMENTATION PRIORITY: II Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Design and construct an entry monument to replace the monumentation at the north end of the City. The monument will be designed and constructed by the Developer pursuant to the Fee Credit Agreement, dated October 9, 2007. The Developer will be reimbursed pursuant to Section 4.1-1. of the Agreement. The Developer's obligation for this project is $36,0 00. Department: Community Services/Planning - Account No. 210.165.671 Scope of Project: Design and construct an entry monument at the north end of the City along Interstate-15. Benefit: Project will provide identification and recognition for the City. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Construction $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Totals $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 Source of Funds: Capital Project Reserves $ 150,000 $ 150,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 5,000 Annually 108 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER EXPANSION FELIX VALDEZMVE 70 p 9U PPVgPR T~ O ' RIDGE PARK DR PypQ' 0 J Fn G ` 9G F~ 5 in C 4 7 ~ G✓p< GD~O '~'qC/O <S r p S~ Vt S RR~TO co p GgNTIAGOR O G gT~~p 9 N N F 109 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER EXPANSION PRIORITY: III Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Infrastructure Add 3,653 square feet of space adjacent to the Temecula Community Center to accommodate additional human services programs. Also includes site preparation, utilities, and tenant improvements for the relocation of the Escalier house and barn. Community Services - Account No. 210.190.197 Project will include the design and construction of an additional 3,653 square feet of office and meeting space. Project will provide additional space for human services for the community. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 131,489 $ 196,287 $ 327,776 Construction $ 339,425 $ 1,652,236 $ 1,991,661 Construction Engineering $ 8,602 $ 51,398 $ 60,000 Design $ 234,808 $ 53,755 $ 288,563 Fixtures/Furn/Equip $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Totals $ 714,324 $ 1,973,676 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,688,000 Source of Funds: CDBG* $ 612,834 $ 1,677,817 $ 2,290,651 DIF (Parks and Recreation) $ 295,859 $ 295,859 DIF (Quimby) $ 101,490 $ 101,490 Total Funding: $ 714,324 $ 1,973,676 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,688,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 An nually *TCC Expansion Project $1,740,651, and Temecula Community Pantry Project $550,000 110 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA PARKAND RIDE o \ 0 4 ~O N N Cq$~~LLOAV 44 P~'~ yNEZRp W VALLEJO AV AFc~g1, -vv Cu~PKY ~0L GpN11N0 Fs7p,160 N A 111 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: TEMECULA PARK AND RIDE PRIORITY: 11 Benefit: Infrastructure Acquire land, design and construct a park and ride facility in the vicinity of Temecula Parkway and La Paz Street. Public Works - Account No. 210.165.747 Project will include the acquisition of property, design, and construction of a parking facility. Entire facility will be designed and then constructed in phases as available funds allow. Project will enable and encourage Temecula residents to carpool during commuting hours. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 37,701 $ 25,000 $ 150,000 $ 212,701 Acquisition $ 187,530 $ 187,530 Construction $ 1,125,000 $ 1,125,000 Construction Engineering $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Design $ 106,764 $ 45,000 $ 10,000 $ 161,764 MSHCP $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Totals $ 331,995 $ 70,000 $ - $ 1,395,000 $ - $ - $ 1,796,995 Source of Funds: AB 2766 $ 59,028 $ 70,000 $ 337,573 $ 466,601 Capital Project Reserves $ 272,967 $ 272,967 Unspecified* $ 1,057,427 $ 1,057,427 Total Funding: $ 331,995 $ 70,000 $ - $ 1,395,000 $ - $ - $ 1,796,995 Future O & M Cost: $ 900 An nually *Project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 112 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: TEMECULA POLICE STATION {TENANT IMPROVEMENT} 113 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: TEMECULA POLICE STATION (TENANT IMPROVEMENT) PRIORITY: 111 Project Type: Infrastructure Description: Project will provide a Police Station within City limits to house Temecula Police Department Operations. Department: Police - Account No. 210.165.514 Scope of Project: Tenant improvements to existing 30,000 square foot facility. Construction will include demolition of most of the interior of both floors and construction of new walls to house functional units. It will also include construction of two locker rooms for staff. Parking will be enclosed with a secure wall around all but the front parking spaces and will include an internal locked parking area for vehicles undergoing investigations. Benefit: Centralized location for Police operations. Project Cost: Actuals to Date Administration Construction Design Fixtures/Fum/Equip Site Improvements 2009-10 2010-11 $ 40,000 $ 60,000 2011-12 2012-13 $ 224,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 336,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Total Project 2013-14 Cost $ 264,000 $ 3,300,000 $ 396,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Totals $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 4,860,000 $ - $ 4,960,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Police) $ 100,000 $ 100,000 DIF (corporate Facilities) $ 1,210,000 $ 1,210,000 Unspecified* $ 3,650,000 $ 3,650,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 4,860,000 $ - $ 4,960,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 500,000 Annually *This project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 114 THE rT-EE CUI A ~ ~ ~J I vc. 1989 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS Children's Museum Parking Lot Renovation.. 117 Dog Park Areas - Various City Parks .119 Neighborhood Park Security Lighting .121 Pala Park Retrofit Tennis Court Lights . 123 Play Structure Retrofit at Various Parks........ . 125 Reclaimed Structure Retrofit at Various Parks .127 Redhawk Park Improvements .129 Ronald Reagan Monument Site Preparation . 131 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal and Desilting Pond .133 Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/ South Fields Back Stops, Dugout and Parking Lot with Trash Enclosures .................135 Roripaugh Ranch Open Space Trails ............137 Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground Replacement ..................................................139 Santiago / Ynez Park Site Design 141 Skate Park Drainage Improvements 143 Vail Ranch Park Improvements 145 Vail Ranch Park Site D 147 115 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM PARKING LOT RENOVATION FELIX VALDEZMVE 70 O 9U PPVgPR T~ O ' RIDGE PARK DR PypQ' 0 J Fn G ` 9G F~ 5 in C q 7 ~~F ✓p ~p y pp ''Ci0 vt S RR~TO co v ~ GgNTIAGOR O all G gT~O 9 N N F 116 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM PARKING LOT RENOVATION PRIORITY: III Project Type: Parks Description: This project will replace the existing parking lot at the Children's Museum. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Project will demolish the existing parking lot, over excavate the soil and co ns truct a new base and AC parking lot . Benefit: Project will renovate the existing parking lot for the Children's Museum. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Construction $ 105,000 $ 105,000 Design $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - - T -140,000 $ - $ 140,000 Source of Funds: Unspecified* $ 140,000 $ 140,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - 7 -140,000 $ - $ 140,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 500 Annually *This project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 117 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: DOG PARK AREAS - VARIOUS CITY PARKS 118 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: DOG PARK AREAS - VARIOUS CITY PARKS PRIORITY: III Project Type: Parks Description: Design and construct park improvements at various city parks including minor landscaping, fenced off-leash dog area, concrete walkways, picnic tables, and benches. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190 Scope of Project: Project will design and construct improvements to include landscaping, irrigation, walkways, picnic tables, fencing, and shade structure at the north area of the City. Benefit: Project will provide an additional community dog park. Project Cost: Administration Construction Design Totals Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2414-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) Total Funding: $ Future O & M Cost: $ 7,500 Annually $ 10,000 $ 175,000 $ 15,400 $ 200,000 $ $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 175,000 $ 15,000 - ~p GVV,V VV $ 200,000 - ID GVV,V VV 119 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECURITY LIGHTING 120 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SECURITY LIGHTING PRIORITY: I Project Type: Parks Description: Add low intensity security lighting in various neighborhood parks. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.151 Scope of Project: Addition of low intensity security lighting in neighborhood parks which may include Nicolas Road Park, Riverton Park, and Loma Linda Park. Benefit: Enhance the safety of the City of Temecula residents in neighborhood parks and facilitate police patrols in these areas. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 4,000 $ 1,500 $ 5,500 Construction $ 30,000 $ 11,000 $ 41,000 Design $ 6,000 $ 2,500 $ 5,500 Totals $ - $ 40,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 55,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) Total Funding: Future O & M Cost: $ 40,000 $ 15,000 $ 55,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 55,000 $ 5,000 121 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PALA PARK RETROFIT TENNIS COURT LIGHTS yN~zRO 0 DE PORTOLA RD J~ Q O ~ aG VALL SPPOP,~S % GDS~~yO yt PA EJO AV ~ pP~1©L p < TEMECULA PKY SA NTHA LN UP~~O L hVRp,?Q voopx 05 GPI O O LL L 9~F /~4 v1P5~~+0 G m 0. q 9 ,4, A' y W p O O 2 fi ~ 0 ~ =ro 3 9sA a' ~ N U s FZy^ y p~Jv G~ y ~ A U Gus Qv ~ Jae ss~ ~ ~ 0 0 i 122 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PALA PARK RETROFIT TENNIS COURT LIGHTS PRIORITY: III Project Type: Parks Description: Install an electronic timed tennis court lighting system at the tennis courts at Pala Park. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Project will upgrade the existing facility lighting fixtures. Benefit: Project will improve the safety and energy efficiency of the tennis courts. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Construction $ 75,000 $ 75,000 Design $ 11,250 $ 11,250 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 93,750 $ - $ 93,750 Source of Funds: DIF (Quimby) $ 93,750 $ 93,750 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 93,750 $ - $ 93,750 Future O & M Cost: $ 200 Annually 123 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: PLAY STRUCTURE RETROFIT AT VARIOUS PARKS 124 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: PLAY STRUCTURE RETROFIT AT VARIOUS PARKS PRIORITY: Project Type: Parks Description: Retrofit existing play structures at parks throughout the City pursuant to a State mandate. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.179 Scope of Project: Project will upgrade the existing play structures to be in compliance with new State regulations. Benefit: Project will improve the safety of the play structures. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 4,800 $ 4,800 Construction $ 48,000 $ 48,000 Design $ 7,200 $ 7,200 Totals $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 60,000 $ 60,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 60,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 200 Annually 125 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION RETROFIT - VARIOUS SITES 126 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION RETROFIT - VARIOUS SITES PRIORITY: I Project Type: Parks Description: Retrofit irrigation systems at various slopes, medians, or park sites to promote the use of recycled water. Department: Community Services / Public Works - Account No. 210.190.150 Scope of Project: The project identifies irrigation areas throughout the City and retrofits these sites in order to provide reclaimed water use and promote the preservation of potable water. Proposed sites may include medians, slope areas, or park sites. Staff will work closely with Rancho California Water District and pursue reimbursement for the areas that are retrofitted. Benefit: City will save costs used to irrigate landscaping. Project Cost: Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Year s Total Project Cost Administration $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Construction $ 400,000 $ 400,000 Design $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Totals $ - $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 Source of Funds: Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 127 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: REDHAWK PARK IMPROVEMENTS ECU~"P4 CRWANULA WOLB gTOR~~ N TEM HULA CREEK iTRAIL PARK RFO / A c °rF~O QgPL1~AARD REDHAWK cbMMUWIT~Y ~'paoR PARK EMBASSY PJ a~J O SUNSET RN+r~PS PARK 0 J ~.0 4 G ~ r a C D 4 '$O pG PASEO N GAL'LANTE PARK A y 128 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: REDHAWK PARK IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITY: I Project Type: Parks Description: Phase I will construct shade structures, picnic tables, restroom, dog park, and other amenities to improve the quality of existing park sites. Phase II will include tot lot improvements, shade structures, drainage improvements, and accessibility. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.144 Scope of Project: This project will include the design and construction of passive park recreational amenities in four existing park sites within the Redhawk community. Benefit: These improvements will help bring four existing park sites in the newly annexed Redhawk area to City standards. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Fu ture Years Cost Administration $ 13,408 $ 213,000 $ 112,000 $ 338,408 Construction $ 8,600 $ 972,026 $ 1,600,000 $ 2,580,626 Construction Engineering $ 26,443 $ 26,443 Design $ 160,039 $ 55,132 $ 192,000 $ 407,171 Utilities $ 13,500 $ 13,500 Totals $ 182,047 $ 1,280,101 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,904,000 $ 3,366,148 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 424,000 $ 424,000 Donations $ 6,040 $ 6,040 DIF (Quimby) $ 880,000 $ 880,000 Reimbursements/Other (csa) $ 176,007 $ 440,643 $ 616,650 Reimbursements/Other (wort' Creek) $ 839,458 $ 839,458 Unspecified* $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Total Funding: $ 182,047 $ 1,280,101 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,904,000 $ 3,366,148 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually *This projected cannot be constr ucted until a fundi ng source is identified. 129 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RONALD REAGAN MONUMENT SITE PREPARATION Q" pR =Q~ Y'TeR~CC O ~ MDDNTip~ CT N NO ~~ST~ RD 4 pRUgp RD 2 > o D : Ix ~ z w O z > m1~ w O ESTERO ST v 130 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: RONALD REACTAN MONUMENT SITE PREPARATION Parks Basic site preparation for the Ronald Reagan Monument at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park, to include irrigation redesign and the concrete base. PRIORITY: 111 Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Redesign of existing irrigation and the construction of the concrete base for the proposed Ronald Reagan Monument Benefit: Project will provide the site preparation for the proposed Ronald Reagan Monument. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Construction $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Design $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Totals $ - $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 35,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 35,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 131 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK CHANNEL SILT REMOVAL AND DESILTING POND V V' ~ AGE ~ 9~~T O~ SKY ERR 9~ EMORA ST 2 O Sp1Cq Cr OG w OO Qz CALLS NTIp~C7- AOENAg( m -J lvO&A NC ~ ~ No Vi Q sra ~o ~ ~ 04 PgU$R ~ `-C GoLiPIAVE DE -J w Z N W L ~o~ ~ w W U ~r Q Q C0 m4e U U 132 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK CHANNEL SILT REMOVAL AND DESILTING PRIORITY: POND Project Type: Parks Description: Remove silt from the channel located in Ronald Reagan Sports Park and the desiltation pond west of the sports park. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.187 Scope of Project: Project will include excavating, hauling away, and disposing of silt in the channel area and desiltation pond, and environmental mitigation. Part of this project was completed in December 2007, in accordance with City Resolution 07-105, Declared Local Emergency. Benefit: Project will increase the flow capacity of the channel in order to prevent flooding in the sports park, and increase the capacity of the pond to hold storm water and reduce down stream sedimentation. Project Cost: Actuals Future Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Years Cost Administration $ 89,204 $ 70,875 $ 2,700 $ 2,700 $ 2,700 $ 2,700 $ 2,700 $ 173,579 Construction $ 41,850 $ 387,061 $ 428,911 Design $ 155,156 $ 15,918 $ 171,074 Environmental $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 105,000 MSHCP $ 21,446 $ 21,446 Totals $ 286,210 $ 495,300 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 900,010 Source of Funds: Reimbursements/Other (F-a)* $ 128,264 $ 223,670 $ 351,934 Unspecified" $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 94,800 Capital Project Reserves $ 157,946 $ 183,630 $ 23,700 $ 365,276 Proposition 42 $ 88,000 $ 88,000 Total Funding: $ 286,210 $ 495,300 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 23,700 $ 900,010 Future O & M Cost: $ 20,000 Annually *Part of this project was completed in December 2007 in accordance with City Resolution No. 07-105, Declared Local Emergency. Requires FEMA approval for additional funds **This project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 133 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RONALD REGAN SPORTS PARK NORTH 1 SOUTH FIELDS BACK STOPS, DUGOUT AND PARKING LOT WITH TRASH ENCLOSURES ?OQQ / Lp sA j05 CORTS Al AMAR N CO{ ~N~~ ~~ty CROSS RD TC A~ SpVTH CE~y'C FV GU 9Q p SKI TERRACE. SPIOq Cr G~ U MppNTlp~ Cr AG~~P 9,pC 9 y O CHO V1S rp RO ~O z z a r PA08A RD q j z ur r~ ~p L ¢ O L~u U 4 ~ U U N ESTERO 3T 4 O U p~,\C,~' A O 134 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Quimby) DIF (Parks & Recreation) Total Funding: RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK NORTH/SOUTH FIELDS BACK STOPS, DUGOUT AND PRIORITY: III PARKING LOT WITH TRASH ENCLOSURES Parks This project will replace backstops and dugouts on two fields, and construct a new asphalt parking lot and trash enclosure. Community Services Project will consist of the removal and replacement of backstops and dugouts on both north/south fields, grading and construction of asphalt concrete paving adjacent to north/south fields, with a trash enclosure. Project will expand the recreational opportunities available at this site and improve the facilities for park visitors consistent with other park sites. Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 672,530 $ 672,530 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ 87,000 $ 87,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - -T -856,530 $ - $ 856,530 $ 659,138 $ 197,392 $ 659,138 $ 197,392 $ - $ - $ - $ - -T-856,530 $ - $ 856,530 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 Annually 135 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RORIPAUGH RANCH OPEN SPACE TRAILS CT Q)IR i HI E D o 0 MDRRIETq N v W w Y Z o", R N z vv w tt ¢ a a p U U vl d' RD _ Y ]~o U w ~ O t U F CAMINO CIELO OR/p q UO q O 2 RO A ~P { y z LIEFER RD QP 6` N N O N V m w_ a P ~ w ~S~ /NORTH LOOP RD ¢ Q- NOO O tt /N P o a ~ a ~ 2 0 M~ vN ~ S M y o H e ~ z w ~ a P`I ° W O h SO SOUTH LOOP RD GpLLE GHA S C LLE OIRASOL C LE CONTENTO 9P~ AND EACIR A U F ~ O Z A y e e° N o ° J `Srgo srgOE M P NAUNC n ONrE OR EY 1\ A RO O 136 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: RORIPAUGH RANCH OPEN SPACE TRAILS PRIORITY: III Project Type: Parks Description: Design and construct the first phase of the future Roripaugh Open Space Trails Master Plan. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.195 Scope of Project: Design and construct the first phase of the future Roripaugh Open Space Trails Master Plan. Benefit: Project will provide additional trail opportunities for the community. Project Cost: Administration Construction Design Totals Source of Funds: DIF (Open Space) Reimbursements./Other (County) Total Funding Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 10,816 $ 5,500 $ 16,316 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 54,607 $ 9,626 $ 64,233 $ 65,423 $ 9,626 $ - $ 105,500 $ - $ - $ 180,549 $ 35,423 $ 9,626 $ 105,500 $ 150,549 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 65,423 $ 9,626 $ - $ 105,500 $ - $ - $ 180,549 Future O & M Cost: $ 20,000 Annually 137 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: SAM HICKS MONUMENT PARK PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT eGS,NF ~ SSAll o o p Y ~ vL O .~P SINGLE OAK DR .y NCNOCALIFOft~tAftD r° O a 2' CORTEMA BIND °RTRgip ftA ~ s[N T ~ SAM HICKS MONUMENT PARK rn L ~ P~ ~O ,P p5 p fi ~ ~y OO TIFRRAVIgTA GHQ- r~'~ Z ~F v S BUC O ~ OP~ ~ C U WW Y P4 RIDGE PARK DR ~ 0P ~,Z.9 n ~ r 4 ~ JQ- m ~aQ. r ° ~~cFO o ~ ~ SP 6U~~R~' ° Fs o o U TD 0P 5~ sr ~~F /RCTO 3, ~G0 ~O 5 ~P O o O 3 m c AGE `w c N A FQ"~ w SENT U OR O ~ 138 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: SAM HICKS MONUMENT PARK PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT PRIORITY: III Project Type: Parks Description: Design and construct a new play structure to replace the existing equipment. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.138 Scope of Project: Project will consist of the removal of existing equipment, installation of new equipment, and resurfacing according to ADA . guidelines. Benefit: Project will provide an enhanced play environment and improved access for the disabled. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Construction $ 155,000 $ 155,000 Design $ 12,500 $ 12,500 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ 175,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 175,000 $ 175,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ 175,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 139 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: SANTIAGO / YNEZ PARK SITE DESIGN OO Vf SERRlTO ~ o CO << o U ~'4 fi z ~ LOLITA RD R GAT AV O COQ C, F d'-y a O C} AJON DR p a O o s v ~%F o ~ 0 WESTER BY SS a N 1 5 4 A0 O a 140 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: SANTIAGO / YNEZ PARK SITE DESIGN PRIORITY: 111 Project Type: Parks Description: Design of a passive park on a 7.5 acre site at Santiago and Ynez Roads. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Design of a passive park, including turf areas, picnic facilities, garden area, restrooms, and parking. Benefit: Project will provide additional passive park amenities for the community. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 Design $ 50,000 $ 115,000 $ 165,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 55,000 $ 120,000 $ 175,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks &Recreation) $ 55,000 $ 120,000 $ 175,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 55,000 $ 120,000 $ 175,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 141 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: SKATE PARK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ?OQQ / Lp sA j05 CORTS Al AMAR N CO{ ~N~~ ~~ty CROSS RD TC A~ SpVTH CE~y'C FV GU 9Q p SKI TERRACE. SPIOA Cr G~ U MppNTlp~ Cr AG~~P 9,pC 9 y O CHO V1S rA RO ~O z 0 z a r a pA08ARD 4 j z ur LLJ O CD U 4 ~ U U N ESTERO 3T 4 a C) Air p~,\C,~' O 142 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: SKATE PARK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITY: Project Type: Parks Description: Design and install a drainage system around the perimeter of the skate bowl. Department: Community Services - Account No. 210.190.196 Scope of Project: Project will include the design and installation of a drainage system around the perimeter of the skate bowl. Benefit: Project will minimize water intrusion into the skate bowl. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 27,000 $ 27,000 Construction $ 180,000 $ 180,000 Design $ 27,000 $ 27,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ 234,000 $ - $ - $ 234,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 234,000 $ 234,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ 234,000 $ - $ - $ 234,000 Future O & M Cost: $ 2,000 Annually 143 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: VAIL RANCH PARK IMPROVEMENTS ?pmcN RD l-1ANNEL 5 to JkA. OgCUG L 5C F SAO Os ~k ¢ o+- ~ s o ca P AN ~ANCIR?_~ e~TT qyC m 'v 7 ~~T tics 13 ~N G'G 20 ¢OMERO DfZ U~ 5 TF 00 0. CALLS CANTU O xwl °g~~~p4z G4 p91r .4 OVERLAND pR SCR A m q~'jc y ~~O 00 Oho G q ylSLOP wy 93 y 2 q~ICNy Co n C,O~T m~ Rp«wOp Cr Q~`y ~G\yes \ y< F Qc SUP? DR ° /f jq 2 sHERC) O CT sgty- ~O~PJ e pT rN G~Q~ nch Pa !p ~ti~F{os p a ~~Se`~ O Si y O VNONERNAN 5 ~ ~\\~G\Fz 9s~'P G~Q~ ~G2 2p~ m o \~O¢U6AN0 GP ~J~~ NJA`\~~ LEV4G~ m O a G CAL ALFRSQO , 5KR\G~L F n o GAP ~y G\R ~`z~A RfiRSfq wv K v o 5N HVpq r COQ- ~O~ O R a \~G~p a RFGINADR U Y y G) 04~~ ~'~G m SID vALENTVND`1`~~ N oa¢ YUCCA S r ~vgC ~ qs s A ~ qp/p ° AGNST 5x s PPY o ~ALO <cy~~'s~C pNI N co e R 144 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: VAIL RANCH PARK IMPROVEMENTS PRIORITY: Project Type: Parks Description: Add various park amenities to existing park, including restrooms and a drainage system. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Project will consist of improvements to the site to bring this park up to Temecula Community Services standards. Benefit: Project will provide additional activities and restroom facilities for park visitors. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 90,000 $ 90,000 Construction $ 600,000 $ 600,000 Design $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - -T-800,000 $ - $ 800,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 800,000 $ 800,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - -T-800,000 $ - $ 800,000 Future O Sr M Cost: $ 40,000 Annually 145 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: VAIL RANCH PARK SITE D SRO R "~ti~~GU1.ApKY v~ ~O~F 0 ~o OVERLAND T GJ \O fC~TCT Q \P~ ~Fp p DR J e9~i G SOTELO DR a N Aso ~G~ o= ON r ON \4 5ER ~~OQP~ OUA~ ~~\G~~GS d4\~ ~.~G LEVI G( O Q~ U~~ ~~Q~P~~~ SUP F~~ES1A WY o VIA CORD013 A W~ ~ 146 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: VAIL RANCH PARK SITE D PRIORITY: II Project Type: Parks Description: Design and construct the 2.2 acre park site with recreation amenities. Department: Community Services Scope of Project: Project will consist of the construction of a tot lot, picnic shelter, turf area, landscaping, an d other recreation am enities. Benefit: Project will provide additional recreational amenities for community residents. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 173,000 $ 173,000 Construction $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Design $ 170,000 $ 170,000 Totals $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,843,000 $ 1,843,000 Source of Funds: DIF (Parks & Recreation) $ 843,000 $ 843,000 Unspecified* $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Total Funding: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,843,000 $ 1,843,000 Future O M Cost: $ 20,000 Annually *This project cannot be constructed until a funding source is identified. 147 THE T.EmE ~,C:U F I NC. 1989 (=lrY_/ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - Fiscal Years 2010-2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS REDEVELOPMENT / HOUSING PROJECTS Affordable Housing 150 Affordable Housing Projects - Future Obligations 152 Auto Mall Sign 154 NW RDA Property Grading and NPDES Compliance 156 Old Town Infrastructure Projects -Mercedes Street, Main Street, and the Town Square 158 Old Town Infrastructure Projects -Parking Structure, Office and Retail 160 Old Town Infrastructure Projects -Relocation of Existing Structures / Demolition and Grading...... 162 Old Town Sound System - Retrofit 164 Residential Improvement Programs 166 148 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING RANCHO CALIFORNIA R 5 O o ° EEu)(VA EZ VE ~igpo z 2 p F~ Rr m ye o J ~ 9 oPO,~ qo-e SINGLE OAK DR O cNN`~ND RO ~t gN 9 J f O ao ~ 900 RIDGE PARK DR 0 A 0P O JQ- ~o ~ sr 4 0 UO X0 0 ~A SERRITO U 10 10 AGO RD G O a ~ J P~~E~O N A °gMNo OAT ~<<O or 149 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRIORITY: I Project Type: Affordable Housing Description: Mixed-Use Development in Old Town. Department: Housing/Redevelopment -Account No. 165.800.812 Scope of Project: Work with development partner to deve lop a mixed-use project comprising of affordable housing and commercial uses. Benefit: Project meets State Planning and Redevelopment mandates and fulfills the goals and policies of the City's General Plan and Redevelopment Implementation Plan. The project also furthers the revitalization of Old Town consistent with the Old Town Specific Plan. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Rehab Assistance $ 5,500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 19,500,000 Totals $ - $ 5,500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 19,500,000 Source of Funds: RDA Housing $ 5,500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 19,500,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 5,500,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 19,500,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 150 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS FELIX VALDEZMVE 70 O 9U PPVgPR T~ O ' RIDGE PARK DR PypQ' 0 J Fn G ` 9G F~ 5 in C 4 7 G✓O< da yROiO <S r O Vt S RR~TO co v GgNTIAGOR O all G gT~O 9 N N F 151 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS PRIORITY: I Project Type: Housing Improvements Description: Future funding obligation for Mission Village affordable housing projects. Department: Housing / Redevelopment - Account No. 165.800.811 Scope of Project: Project will include the design and construction/rehabilitation of affordable housing for the Mission Village project to meet State mandated housing goals. Benefit: Project will increase the preservation and development of affordable housing. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Construction $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 1,830,000 Totals $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 1,830,000 Source of Funds: RDA Housing $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 1,830,000 Total Funding: $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 $ 1,830,000 Future O & M Cost: N/ A 152 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: AUTO MALL SIGN 153 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: AUTO MALL SIGN PRIORITY: I Project Type: Housing / Redevelopment Description: Provide funding mechanism for replacement of existing Auto Mall Marquee Sign Department: RDA - Account No. 280.800.842 Scope of Project: Project will provide for replacing and updating the Auto Mall Marquee Sign. Benefit: Project will provide for better visibility of Auto Mall and increase auto sales. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Construction $ 875,000 $ 875,000 Totals $ - $ 875,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 875,000 Source of Funds: RDA (Bonds) $ 875,000 $ 875,000 Total Funding: $ - $ 875,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 875,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 154 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: NW RDA PROPERTY GRADING AND NPDES COMPLIANCE N 155 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: NW RDA PROPERTY GRADING AND NPDES COMPLIANCE PRIORITY: Project Type: RDA Description: Project will rough grade the RDA owned property at the NW corner of Diaz Road and Dendy Road. Department: RDA - Account No. 165.800.839 Scope of Project: Project will complete rough grading and compacting by redistributing surcharge materials across the entire site and then implement . storm water BMP's for sediment and erosion control and complete annual maintenance of the storm water BMP's. Benefit: Work will prepare the site for future development or for marketing to the development community while ensuring compliance of the storm water regulations. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 198 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 20,198 Construction $ 107,671 $ 70,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 312,671 Design $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Totals $ 107,869 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ 342,869 Source of Funds: RDA Housing $ 107,869 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 342,869 Total Funding: $ 107,869 $ 85,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ 342,869 Future O & M Cost: $ 1,000 An nually 156 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - MERCEDES STREET, MAIN STREET, AND THE TOWN SQUARE 11 09 'LF 0 op,~ <<~ ~'~o tP Z- O~ ` TIERRA VISTA RD 5 p,QT~ n0 v Lu m O U O¢ c~ CP o~ ~1~PFPN ~ QO~~ p~0 Q~ X00 v N AFsl Sl 8mr,"4G0 RD 157 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - MERCEDES STREET, MAIN STREET, AND PRIORITY: 1 THE TOWN SQUARE Project Type: Housing/Redevelopment Description: Project will continue the Old Town streetscape enhancements along Mercedes Street between Second Street and Fourth Street, and on realigned Main Street. In addition, the pavement on Mercedes Street between Fourth Street and Sixth Street will be widened to its ultimate width along with rolled curb and gutter. A town square will be constructed within the confines of the realigned portion of Main Street. Department: RDA/Public Works - Account No. 210.165.636 and 210.165.643 Scope of Project: Project will include design and construction of Old Town streetscape enhancements including rolled curb and gutter, streets, storm drains, sidewalks, and street lighting. Project will include constructing a town square park like setting within the newly created Main Street "Y." Benefit: Project will continue to promote the revitalization of Old Town. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 281,168 $ 75,121 $ 356,289 Construction $ 2,878,254 $ 1,264,209 $ 4,142,463 Construction Engineering $ 94,808 $ 17,264 $ 112,072 Design $ 583,510 $ 93,666 $ 677,176 Totals $ 3,837,740 $ 1,450,260 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,288,000 Source of Funds: RDA (Bonds) Reimbursements/Other (EMWD) Reimbursements/Other (RCWD) $ 3,747,902 $ 1,450,260 $ 5,198,162 Total Funding Future O & M Cost: $ 59,738 $ 59,738 $ 30,100 $ 30,100 $ 3,837,740 $ 1,450,260 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,288,000 $ 4,000 Annually 158 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS -PARKING STRUCTURE, OFFICE AND RETAIL 0 N A 159 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Project Cost: Administration Construction Construction Engineering Design Fixtures/Furn/Equip Totals Source of Funds: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - PARKING STRUCTURE, OFFICE AND RETAIL PRIORITY: Housing/Redevelopment Project will construct a three story parking structure east of Mercedes Street at Third Street, to accommodate roughly 400 parking spaces, as well as integral office`retail shells fronting Mercedes Street. RDA/Public Works - Account No. 210.165.644 Project will include design and construction of a three story parking structure on Mercedes Street at the foot of Third Street. Project will include approximately 8,500 square feet of office/retail space. Project continues to promote the revitalization of Old Town. Actuals to Date $ 43,604 $ 2,303,556 $ 80,115 $ 1,375,203 2009-10 $ 225,396 $ 14,601,803 $ 242,385 $ 192,938 $ 465,000 Total Project 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost $ 269,000 $ 16,905,359 $ 322,500 $ 1,568,141 $ 465,000 $ 3,802,478 $ 15,727,522 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,530,000 Capital Project Reserves $ 522,919 $ 522,919 DIF (Police Facilities) $ 499,049 $ 499,049 RDA (Bonds) $ 3,279,559 $ 15,228,473 $ 18,508,032 Total Funding: $ 3,802,478 $ 15,727,522 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,530,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A 160 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - RELOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES / DEMOLITION AND GRADING N A 161 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - RELOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES / PRIORITY: DEMOLITION AND GRADING Project Type: Housing/Redevelopment Description: Project will relocate two historical buildings and perform grading of City properties in Old Town. Department: RDA/Public Works - Account No. 210.165.645 Scope of Project: Project will include design, construction and relocation of existing facilities on City owned properties in O ld Town. Project will ready the sites for future development and install interim erosion control measures. Benefit: Project will continue to promote the revitalization of Old Town. Project Cost: Actuals Tot al Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Administration $ 36,399 $ 1,103 $ 37,502 Construction $ 253,388 $ 466,611 $ 719,999 Design $ 53,821 $ 18,679 $ 72,500 Totals $ 343,608 $ 486,393 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 830,001 Source of Funds: Capital Reserves $ 211,249 $ 211,249 RDA (3onds) $ 132,359 $ 486,393 $ 618,752 Total Funding: $ 343,608 $ 486,393 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 830,001 Future O & M Cost: N/A 162 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: OLD TOWN SOUND SYSTEM- RETROFIT 163 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: OLD TOWN SOUND SYSTEM - RETROFIT PRIORITY: 11 Project Type: RDA Description: Design and install a new Old Town Sound System with the head end in the Old Town Civic Center (OTCC). The system should be capable of supporting simultaneous broadcasts or separate instances between Old Town Front and the Town Plaza. Department: Information System - Account No. 210.165.515 Scope of Project: This project will include a preliminary study that identifies the Old Town sound system requirements. This study will result in a competitive request for quotation for vendor selection. The goal of this project is to move the sound system head end, replace the speakers and amplifiers, and provide discreet separation between events on Front Street and the Town Plaza. Benefit: This system will replace obsolete equipment and upgrade the system to support the new Old Town venues. It will also integrate . system control in the new Civic Center and allow discrete separation to support multiple events by providing options for customized sound zones and improved user interface. Project Cost: Administration Construction Design Fixtures/Furn/Equip Installation Preliminary Study Totals Source of Funds: RDA (Bonds) Total Funding: Actuals to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Future Years Total Project Cost $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 $ 20,000 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 135,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 $ 15,000 $ 135,000 Future O & M Cost: N/A $ 150,000 $ 15,000 $ 135,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 164 PROJECT LOCATION Project Title: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 165 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS PRIORITY: 1 Project Type: Description: Department: Scope of Project: Benefit: Housing Improvements Provide financial assistance for the rehabilitation of existing housing units in assigned neighborhoods to increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing in the City in accordance with State law. Planning / Redevelopment - Account No. 165.800.813 Project will establish programs that distribute funds to rehabilitate existing housing units. Housing set aside is not restricted only to the Redevelopment area. Project will meet State Planning and Redevelopment mandates, fulfill the City's General Plan and Redevelopment Implementation Plan goals and policies, and assist in the removal of blight. Project Cost: Actuals Total Project to Date 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Cost Rehab Assistance $ 105,016 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,105,016 Totals $ 105,016 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,105,016 Source of Funds: RDA Housing $ 105,016 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,105,016 Total Funding: $ 105,016 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 1,105,016 Future O & M Cost: N/A 166 THE ~~IN~c. 79819 <=,urI/ eF FY 2010-14 CIP BUDGET - FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS CIRCULATION INFRASTRUCTURE Auxiliary Lanes on Interstate-15 in Temecula Public Works $ 5,025,000 Cherry Street Extension Diaz Road to Jefferson Avenue Public Works $ 11,180,000 Diaz Road Widening from Winchester Road to Rancho California Road Public Works $ 1,500,000 Jefferson Avenue Median from Winchester Road to Rancho California Road Public Works $ 2,300,000 La Paz Street Widening from Ynez Road to State Route 79 South Public Works $ 2,500,000 Pauba Road Improvements - east of Margarita Road on the north side Public Works $ 130,000 Rainbow Canyon Road Widening from Pechanga Parkway to City Limit Public Works $ 8,000,000 Rancho California Road East of Meadows Parkway Public Works $ 470,000 Rancho California Road Widening from 1-15 to East of Ynez Road Public Works $ 705,000 Rancho Way Extension from Diaz to Margarita Road Public Works $ 28,337,000 Western Bypass Corridor - Phase I Public Works $ 10,536,600 Western Bypass Corridor - Phase 11 Public Works $ 11,300,000 Ynez Road Widening from Rancho Vista Road to La Paz Street Public Works $ 6,344,000 Ynez Road Widening from Tierra Vista Road to Rancho Vista Road Public Works $ 580,000 TOTAL $ 88,907,600 Fire Station Promenade Fire Department $ 4,083,000 Ice Skating Facility Community Services $ 8,740,000 Margarita Under-Crossing Public Works $ 1,650,000 Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge Overcrossing Into Old Town Planning $ 1,890,000 Senior Center Community Services $ 4,600,000 Southside Branch Library Community Services $ 6,640,000 Southside Recreation Center Community Services $ 4,500,000 TOTAL $ 32,103,000 167 FY 2010-14 CIP BUDGET - FUTURE YEARS PROJECTS PARKS Botanical Garden Community Services $ 300,000 Butterfield Stage Park Restroom Community Services $ 150,000 Community Recreation Center Upgrades and Refurbishing Community Services $ 93,750 Pablo Apis Park Expansion (Redhawk Parksite G) Community Services $ 750,000 Paloma Del Sol Park Parkway Landscaping Community Services $ 100,000 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Upper Soccer Paving and Materials/Equip Storage Bays Community Services $ 481,250 Santiago Park Site Community Services $ 2,174,500 Shade Structures Community Services $ 100,000 Sports Complex - Joint Use (Riverside County Flood Control District) Community Services $ 8,250,000 Ynez Road and Overland Landscaping Community Services $ 200,000 TOTAL $ 12,599,500 168