HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Status - Ashby, issued by the California Secretary of State and from the California Franchise Tax Board State of California Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY I, BRUCE McPHERSON, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify:That on the 8th day of March, 2001, ASHBY USA, LLC, became recognized under the laws of the State of California by filing its Articles of Organization in this office; and That according to the records of this office, the said limited liability company is authorized to exercise all its powers, rights and privileges and is in good legal standing in the State of California; and That no information is available in this office on the financial condition of this limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this -certificate-ancLaffix-tbeJGreat Seai of the State of California this day of February 17,2006. BRUCE McPHERSON Secretary of State NP-25 (REV 03/31/05) sk OSP 05 92450 State of California Bill Jones *@S^ Secretary of State LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION A $70.00 filing fee must accompany this form. IMPORTANT -Read Instructions before completing this form. 1. 2. 3. 4. ^WliillODT? FILED h ttw Office of the Secretary of Stats of to State of California MAR -8 2001 BILL JONES, Sowtary of State This Space For Filing Use Only Name of the limited liability company (end the name with the words "Limited Liability Company," " Ltd. Liability Co.," or the abbreviations "LLC" or "LJ-.C.") ASHBY USA, LLC The purpose of the limited liability company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which a limited liability company may be organized under the Beverly-Killea limited liability company act. Name the agent for service of process and check the appropriate provision below: John Kendrick, Esq. [X] an individual residing in California. Proceed to item 4. [ } a corporation which has filed a certificate pursuant to section 1 505. Proceed to item 5. If an individual, California address of the agent for service of process: Address: 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Ste 270 Oty: Irvine state: CA 5. The limited liability company will be managed by: (check one) [X] one manager [ J more than one manager [ ] single member limited liability company [ 6. 7. 8. 9. which is Zip Code: 9271 5 ] all Simited liability company members Other matters to be included in this certificate may be set forth on separate attached pages and are made a part of this certificate. Other matters may include the latest date on which the limited liability company is to dissolve. Number of pages attached, if any: fjone Type of business of the limited liability company. (For informational purposes only) Land Developer DECLARATION: It is hereby declared that I am the person who executed this instrument, which execution is my act and deed. ^^ y'/y/7£^2 Edna L PerrV 'signature of Organizer s^\ Type or Print Name of Organizer March 6, 2001 10. Date RETURN TO: — . NAME I John Kendrick, Esq I HRM Kendrick & Jackson ADDRESS 1 980° MacArthur Bl vd. , Ste 270 CITY/STATE lrvine' CA ZIP CODE l!2715 J SEC/STATE (REV. 12/99) FORM LLC-1 -FILING FEE $70.00 Approved by Secretary of State State of California Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING CALIFORNIA UK/SITED LIABILITY COMPANY I, BRUCE McPHERSON, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify:That on the 20th day of April, 2005, TANAMERA/RORIPAUGH, LLC, became recognized under the laws of the State of California by filing fts Articles of Organization in this office; and That according to the records of this office, the said limited liability company is authorized to exercise all its powers, rights and privileges and is in good legal standing in the State of California; and That no information is available in this office on the financial condition of this limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this day of February 27,2006. BRUCE McPHERSON Secretary of State \n OSf IS State of California Kevin Shelley xHi?' Secretary of State LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION A $70.00 filing fee must accompany this form. IMPORTANT -Read Instructions before completing this form. Fte#20051 IS 102 61 t* 1 1 F" n^ In the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California APR 2 0 2005 This Space For Fling Use Only ENTITY NAME (End the n»me with the words limited Liability Company." "Ud. LiaWlty Co.." or me abbreviations "UC* or t_L.C.") 1. NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Tanamera/Roripaugh, LLC PURPOSE (The following statement Is required by statute and may not be altered.) 2. THE PURPOSE OF TOE LIMfTED LIABILITY COMPANY IS TO ENGAGE IN ANY LAWFUL ACT OR ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MAY BE ORGANIZED UNDER THE BEVERLY-KILtEA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT. INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS (if the agent is an Individual, the agent must reside In California and botn Kerns 3 and 4 must be completed, if the agent is 9 corporation, the afiont must have on file with the California Secretary of State » certificate pursuant to Corporations Code section 190$ and Item 8 must M completed Heave Item 4 blank). 3. NAME OF INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS Builders Capital 4. «= AN INDMDUAL, AOORESS OF INITIAL ASENT FOR SERVICE OP PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA CFTY STATE CA MANAGEMENT (Chock only one) 5. THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WILL 8E MANAGED BY: [2] ONE MANAGER [~} MORE THAN ONE MANAGER HZ} ALL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MEMBER(S) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAQES, IF ANY, IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS CERTIFICATE EXECUTION ?. I DECLARE I AM THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THIS INSTRUMENT, WHICH EXECUTION IS MY ACT AND DEED, 4/2CV05 SIGNATURE OF ORGANIZER DATE"" Scott H.Whaley TYPf OR PRINT NAME OF ORGANIZER RETURN TO (Enter the name and the address of the person or firm to whom a copy of the filed document should be returned.) B. NAME ("KEN ROSE " ~~~ ' : 1 FIRM BUILDERS CAPITAL ADDRESS 28475 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET SUITE D cmvsTAT&ziP LTEMECULA, CA 92590 J LLC-1 (REV 132004) APPROVED BY SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD PO BOX 942857 SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0540 In Reply Refer To: 657:RLG Date : 02/24/06 ENTITY STATUS Note: This letter does not reflect the entity's status with any other agency. Entity Name : TANAMERA/RORIPAUGH, LLC Entity Number : 200511310261 0<3 1. The above entity is in good standing with this agency. d 2. The above entity is currently exempt from tax under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701 _. d 3. Our records indicate the above entity is not incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State to transact business in California. D 4. The above entity was incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State on . d 5-The above entity has an unpaid liability of $ for account period(s) ending ddd 6. Our records do not show that the above entity filed returns for account period(s) ending 7. The above entity was effective 8. The above entity's current address on record with this agency is: d 9. We do not have current information about the above entity. Comments: REPRESENTATIVE ; ASSISTANCE Telephone assistance is available year-round from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. From January through June, assistance is also available from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays. We may modify these hours without notice to meet operational needs. From within the United States, call (800) 852-5711 From outside the United States, call (not toll-free) (916) 845-6500 Website at: www.ftb.ca.gov Assistance for person with disabilities: We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with hearing or speech impairments please call TTY/TDD (800) 822-6268. FTB 4263A (REV 09-2002) State of California Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY I, BRUCE McPHERSON, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify:That on the 7th day of July, 2005, TANAMERA/RORIPAUGH II, LLC, became recognized under the laws of the State of California by filing its Articles of Organization in this office; and That according to the records of this office, the said limited liability company is authorized to exercise all its powers, rights and privileges and is in good legal standing in the State of California; and That no information is available in this office on the financial condition of this limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this day of February 27, 2006. BRUCE McPHERSON Secretary of State NP-25 (REV 03/31/05) bi OSP 05 94201 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD . PO BOX 942SS7 SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0540 In Reply Refer To: 657:RLG Date : 02/24/06 ENTITY STATUS Note: This letter does not reflect the entity's status with any other agency. Entity Name : TRADITIONS AT RORIPAUGH, LLC Entity Number : 20052551011 E3 1. The above entity is in good standing with this agency. Q 2. The above entity is currently exempt from lax under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701_. CJ 3. Our records indicate the above entity is not incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State to transact business in California. D 4. The above entity was incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State on . D 5. The above entity has an unpaid liability of $ for account period(s) ending Q 6. Our records do not show that the above entity filed returns for account period(s) ending. Da 7. The above entity was. effective 8. The above entity's current address on record with this agency is: Q 9. We do not have current information about the above entity. Comments: (^REPRESENTATIVE ASSISTANCE Telephone assistance la available year-round from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. From January through June, assistance is also available from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays, We may modify these hours without notice to meet operational needs. From within the United States, call (800) 852-5711 From outside the United States, call (not toll-free) (916)8*6-6500 Website at: www.ftb.ca.gov Assistance for parson with disabilities; We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons wiih hearing or speech impairments please call TTY/TDD (800) 822-6288. FTB 4263A («6V 09-JPOZ) State of California Secretary of State LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION A $70.00 filing fee must accompany this form. IMPORTANT -Read instructions before completing this form. 000519310084 This Spaoa For Filing Use Only ENTITY NAME (End the name with the words limited Liability company," "Lid, Liability Co.." or ths abbreviations 1LC* or "L.L.C.*} 1. NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Tanamera/Rorlpaugh II, LLC PURPOSE (Tha fallowing statement IK required by statute and may not be altered.) 2. THE PURPOSE OP THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY IS TO ENGAGE IN ANY LAWFUL ACT OR ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MAY 66 ORGANIZED UNDER THE BEVERLY-K1LLEA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT. INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS (If the agent is an Individual, the agent must reside in California and both Itam* a and 4 must be computed. If me agent Is a corporation, the a^errt must have on file with tne California Secretary of State a certificate pursuant to Corporations Code section 1505 and Item 3 must be completed (toavs Hem 4 blank). 3. NAME Of INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS Builders Capital 4. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ADDRESS OF INITIAL AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CAUFOWA CITY STATE CA ZIP core MANAGEMENT (Check only one) 5. THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY WILL BE MANAGED BY: HZ! ONE MANAGER [j| MORE THAN ONE MANAGER Q ALL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MEMBER'S) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION «. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGES, IF ANY, IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS CERTIFICATE. EXECUTION 7. I DECLARE I AM THE PERSON WHO EXECUTED THIS INSTRUMENT, WHICH EXECUTION IS MY ACT AND DEEP, SIGNATURE OF ORGANIZER Andrew Ping \* j*_ D6/30/2Q05 DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ORGANIZER RETURN TO (Enter the name and tha address of the p*rson or firm to whom a copy of the filed document should be return*!-; 6. NAME r FIRM ADDRESS crrr/sTATE/zip [_ 1 LL.e-1 (Rev 03/zoos) APPROVED BY SeCRFTARY OF STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD . PO BOX 942857 SACRAMENTO, CA 34257-0540 In Reply Refer To: 657-rJs Date : 02/24/06 ENTITY STATUS Note: This letter does not reflect the entity's status with any other agency. Entity Name : TANAMERA/RORIPAUGH II.LLC Entity Number : 20051931D084 [x] 1. The above entity is In good standing with this agency. D 2, The above entity is currently exempt from tax under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701_. DDDD 3. Our records indicate the above entity is not incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State to transact business in California. 4. The above entity was incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State on . 5. The above entity has an unpaid liability of $ for account period(s) ending _____ 6-Our records do not show that the above entity filed returns for account period(s) ending. 7. The above entity was effective . 8. The above entity's current address on record with this agency is: D 9-We do not have current information about the above entity. Comments: v -REPRESENTATIVe ASSISTANCE Telephone assistance is available year-round from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prom January through June, assistance is also available from B a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays. We may modify these hours without notice to meet operational needs. From within the United States, call (800) 852-5711 From outside the United States, call (not toll-free) (916) 845-6500 Website at: www.ftb.ca.gov Assistance for person with disabilities: We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with hearing or speech impairments please call TTY/TDD (800) 822-6268. ljfaA (REV 09-2005)1 State of California Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY I, BRUCE McPHERSON, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify:That on the 9th day of September, 2005, TRADITIONS AT RORIPAUGH, LLC, became recognized under the laws of the State of California by filing its Articles of Organization in this office; and That according to the records of this office, the said limited liability company is authorized to exercise all its powers, rights and privileges and is in good legal standing in the State of California; and That no information is available in this office on the financial condition of this limited liability company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this day of February 24, 2006. BRUCE McPHERSON Secretary of State NP-25 (REV 03/31/05) bi & OSP 05 92450 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD P.O. BOX 942857 SACRAMENTO, CA 94257-0540 In Reply Refer To : 657HEZ Date : 02/14/06 ENTITY STATUS Note: This letter does not reflect the entity's status with any other agency. Entity Name : ASHBY USA, LLC Entity Number -.200106710077 X 1. The above entity is in good standing with this agency. 2. This entity is currently exempt from tax under Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701. 3. Our records indicate the above entity is not . through the Secretary of State to transact business in California. 4. The above entity was incorporated, qualified, organized, or registered through the Secretary of State on 5. The above entity has an unpaid liability of $ for account period(s) ending . 6. Our records do not show that the above entity filed returns for account period(s) ending . 7. The above entity was effective . 8. The above entity's current address on record with this agency is: 9. We do not have current information on the above entity. Comments: V •seNTAtivs iv REPRESeflTATrVV ASSISTANCE Telephone assistance is available from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays. We may modify these hours without notice to meet operational needs. From within the United States, call (800)852-5711 From outside the United States, call (not toll-free) (916) 845-6500 Website at: vwvw.ftb.ca.gov Assistance for person with disabilities: We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with hearing or speech impairments please call TTY/TDD (800) 822-6268. FTB 4263A (REV 05-2002)