HomeMy WebLinkAboutProof of Publication Notice of Public Hearing in Press Enterprise as Required by TPFA Reso 04-08
04/25/2006 16:15 FAX 9516941999 E1003 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Riverside I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid.
I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to, or interested in the above entitled matter. I am an authorized representative of THE CALIFORNIAN An Edition of the North Counly
Twifl a newspaper of general circulation, published DAILY in the City of Temecula, California, 92590, County of Riverside, Three Lake Judicial District, and which newspaper has been
adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Rivereide, State of California, under the date of February 25,1982, Case Number 147342; that the
notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement
thereof, on the following dates, to wit: September 7 2004 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjuiy that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, this
7th day of September, 2004 SignatureLegal Advertising Representative TMe NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Temeeula I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Nolico is Hornby given *al on Auguit 24,
2004, ITU BoarQ adopted a RusSuSon emitted •* Fftsolutlon ol lha Board ol dahnfl lit Intention To Esiablish A Community Fadllllee Distr Ranch 03-02."" Pursuant 10 Hie Mello-Roos CommunitDirectors
ol The Temeeula Public Financing Authority . sctora or lha Tsmecuja Public Flnanslnq Authority De-And ToAuihorlze The Levy OLSpecW. faxes Thatem -.....r,™ nlly Facilities ACI of AutHbrllJ
hereby gives notice as loliows; A. The loxt of said Resolution ol Intention is as lollowa: 3llO-FI(JOS Community FRCjjilios Act ot 1982, constituting Section 53311 el snq. of Ihc California
icvglfimirrit Code (iho "Law"), this Board of Sroclors may cOrtirnanca pttiGeodirfgS for tho establishment of a community •-'Itas district; and WH fSaccyil WHEREAS, there naa been auDinltied
lo this Board pi Pjrjcu Dionersy In me Ftortpaugh Ranch development w thin itw utyai.......___.--—-,--,, j . ^ --••_..-j lormfllfon bv this Boiiro 0 Dfoctnrs of a communily faciliuas
district undar Ihn Law lobe known as Iho flnSrwing authority"Commun% Focllitios District No. 03-02 (RoripaUgh Ranch) {lha 'Delnof); and WHEREAS, unclertlie Law, Ihis Board ot Directors
is The Ingtotam/e body foj the proposed district and Is empowered wilh the authority to ealsDIleh the Dlsrrlcl and levy special TW""= «**»n iho Dinner, and WHEREAS, this Board of Directors
now (lealres to proceed wild me actions neceseary to conalder the'eatabllshmenl of ins District.' NOW, THEREFORE. Bi IT RESOLVED by ihn Board ol Directors ol The Tomacula Public Financing
Authority as follows: section 1 THIS Board of Directors propoaee to begin the proeeodlnsis necessary 10 eslabNsh ihe Dlstrlcl pursuant to Ihe Law. Recslplor me Petitions to loifii tfie
TSIsirlcl fs'liemby acknowledged. Section 2 The name propcsod tar the Dleiricl'ls Temacuia Public Plnanclng Aumonty community FacHlllea District No. 03-02 (HDflpsUgh Ranch). this Heft
feepsstively, whlcli Exhlbli Is by thla reorence Incorporali iter into a lolnt community tacllttlBS aqreemenlwfth ihu City of"fiiSacuJH the County Ol RIVaroKJe the Riverside COUnlyjISOS
Ojnlrol ond Waler ConsonralloriThslncI, the Tomocula COfflrnunlly Seryfcse DlSlricl. ,*a Eastern Municipal Waler [tane!..Ihs dallfompa Dopartmont of TransportaliDn ara:I with pjiy other
public entity that will own ana/or oporaie ony of iho Facilities, such agreements lo us rn a torm pruviaea cy oono funds are otherwise available to Ihe Dlstrfello wy(9rJh».Ei Inclpal
and Interest as It becpmes due on bonds of *c Dt faxUW,*W*^^'^n<>Zf;8$<5X3£$?!&t any olns Counsel, aad Dislriel lo ssumate tlia maximum amount suen.ewnor wiii nayo it VSSXSSft SKWt'^.eSM^SiBid^SSiB
r F^cilftias and tho elimination Disirict issued 16 par for the •• saeurad by reeonflallon of "—'"' and collected In (he .--, -..T*lors or ns dfjslgnen and mslhijd S apportionment n
allow each landowner within ... rich specifics Ihe tax year after id which otliarwlee compiles won ' by ihla reference Incorporated *%sJ^Kti$S8^^ inappllbabie 15 me Bisinci. ni3l datanriTne
at n raio no to oxoood Lhb maximum fate of Inlsreat la may be autenwdty applioabta bw at SisrlFsEKbSKt. and phaU SaiurB not to exceed 40 years from tfia date of fto issuanoo thamrf.
•ves to iisolftho righl and authority to allow anv InterBBlaiJ owner of proporty.in tho^ lion 533^41 ol the Calllornla Qovemmenl Code and sush raquimrnnnte ae n any appllnflblfl prepayment
pena|lles,as prescribed in I" aSv bonds ToriifloV the Dlfltricirio lenfler.li) the Troasuror of iho Ai wKKle^^. sr ihe California Government Coda. apaslal lax In th.6 Djetrlcl shell
bs sub]Brt lo the approral of Uw Authority for the Dis'trict and any siipenses ol the ot. Socttan 10 Tho Director ol Public Works ol Ihe City of Temeeula Is herow dlraciod lo ^dy*B propiOMd
F|CimiaB lor SicTDisirict and Ihe Prior Lien and to make, or cause to bs ma*, and life wilh the Seerebry a reporUn wrdlng, presenting ihn fallowine: (a)' A brief description af.t|io
Facilities allglbfc to be lunded fry the District and Ihe Pnor Uon. K^3E^'&$&S!!$S£^^ TerneeuTa aommistrativo cosfs and all other rslated cSBta. Said report ehall be made a part'of Ihe
record of iho public heofbig provldatl lor below. ' rfon n' Tuesday. SBplember2B.2Q04.;at7:00p,rn. prassoopilhDnjDflDr.asthcimattajmav.SJ "U'ft'D.lpg,™fl^2r lolinQ plBCB of ttiie Boaftl
Of DtratlWfi, Cjlty Gquncli Cnomoars^ Temacuia City Hall, 43ZOO Ruelrwss r«tK WvSi J5 of Dlfeclors!l||a le'pjiiatlve'bodyloi 1 tormation o! the Dl&lriCl consular and finally determine
wr-1' and ITO levy of aaia special tax » Section 12. The"Secretary la hereby directs! 'LjbllehecUnihsaresoT.mei;1 In a news sel'ioFSkid heSHnb"; „., . ,,v mjUicaiion ofSid notice sfiall
be' l nation shall ba subetanllally In the lorm of Ivm by puBltaallcn one ti<™ (iralet93at loasl sovon days lOTftC hereto. [1 \f\ T*I|I(U, (««.!, M"1"1 **• l)imm>« t-l-P BnQ . lai Guniuliant,
undorwrltar, appraSsr. Bond c -W~L Tho Esoouilve Director Is heVeby author lha Dlema provided mat alltees arid expenses ol _-_..--^-^^.r District or me proceeds.orihe bonds, if any.
issued by the Au«TOrtl> Sootion 14., 0n November 2B, 20! cpBclfii " " Bwlroi lundad y& QDIDDIIl^i WJLI1 DBIU lUIMU.IUI Ultjll ' uable solely from deposits by Sir me District.
04/25/2006 16:16 FAX 9516941999 1^004