HomeMy WebLinkAbout06_002 CC Ordinance III ORDINANCE NO 06 02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO PQA3O41S SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO 2 TO AMEND THE RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR PLANNING AREA 33B FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL L TO OPEN SPACE OS TO ACCOMMODATE PARK AND RIDE AND TRAIL HEAD USES AND TO RELOCATE THE PARK AND RIDE FACILITY FROM PLANNING AREA 11 TO PLANNING AREA 33B GENERALLY LOCATED NEAR THE FUTURE INTERSECTIONS OF NICHOLAS ROAD AND BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AND MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD AND BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Findinas The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find determine and declare that A On December 17 2002 the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted an approved Planning Application PA94 0076 Environmental Impact Report PA99 0298 General Plan Amendment PA94 0073 Annexation PA94 0075 Specific Plan Development Code Amendment and Specific Plan Zoning Standards PA94 0075 Change of Zone PA99 0299 Development Agreement PA01 0253 Tentative Tract Map 29661 and PA01 0230 Tentative Tract Map 29353 B On January 11 2005 the City Council of the City of Temecula approved the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 1 PA04 0371 to change Planning Area 7B from Open Space OS to Low Medium Residential LM Planning Area 10 from Low Density Residential L to Low Estate Residential L E and make other changes to the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan C On November 9 2005 Ashby USA LLC filed Planning Application No PA04 0341 Specific Plan Amendment No 2 to change the land use designation for Planning Area 33B from Low Density Residential L to Open Space OS to accommodate park and ride and trail head uses and to relocate the park and ride facility from Planning Area 11 to Planning Area 33B Application in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan Development Code CEOA Guidelines and California State CEOA Guidelines Project R IOrds 200610rds 0602 III D Ashby USA LLC filed Planning Application No PA06 0009 General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designation for Planning Area 33B of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan from Low Density Residential L to Open Space OS E The Project was processed including but not limited to public notice in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law F The Planning Commission considered the Application on February 1 2006 at duly noticed public hearings as prescribed by law at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or opposition to this matter G At the conclusion of the Commission hearings and after due consideration of the testimony the Commission recommended approval of the Application subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder H The City Council considered the Application on February 14 2006 at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or opposition to this matter I At the conclusion of the Council hearing and after due consideration of the testimony the Council approved the Application approved a Notice of Determination after finding that the project proposed in the Application conformed to the City of Temecula General Plan as amended J That the City Council in approving the Application hereby makes the following findings as required in Chapter 17 16 020 E of the Temecula Municipal Code Section 17 16 020 E 14 1 The Specific Plan amendment is consistent with the General Plan Planning Application No PA06 0009 is a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designation for Planning Area 33B of the Roripaugh Specific Plan from Low Density Residential L to Open Space OS The proposed Specific Plan Amendment to change the Specific Plan land use designation for Planning Area 33B would be consistent with the General Plan The relocation of the park and ride facility from Planning Area 11 commercial designation to Planning Area 33B proposed as open space is consistent with the General Plan goals for providing alternative transportation facilities additional economic development opportunities and ensuring neighborhood compatibility The park and ride facility relocation will allow for additional commercial land area within Planning Area 11 for development The facility design will be reviewed to ensure it is compatible with adjacent residential uses The Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan includes specific requirements to be R IOrds 2006l0rds 0602 2 III provided at the facility The subject site in Planning Area 33B is physically suitable for the park and ride and trail head uses that will be developed on the site Section 2 Environmental Compliance On November 26 2002 the City Council adopted Resolution No 02 111 certifying the Environmental Impact Report EIR for the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan and Related Planning Applications including the Development Agreement The City Council finds based on the administrative record that the EIR property addressed all of the environmental issues encompassed within the Specific Plan Amendment No 2 to the Roripaugh Specific Plan and that 1 there have been no substantial changes in the Project which require major revisions of the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects 2 no substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the Project has been undertaken which require major revisions of the EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects and 3 no new information of substantial importance exists which was not know or could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time of the certification of the EIR which shows the Project would have one or more significant effects or a more severe significant impact not discussed in the EIR or that mitigation measures or alternatives not found feasible would in fact be feasible or that other mitigation measures or alternatives would substantially reduce one or more of the significant effects Therefore neither a subsequent nor a supplemental EIR is required and the Director of Planning will file a Notice of Determination Determination of Consistency for which an Environmental Impact Report was previously adopted Sec 15162 Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations Section 3 Specific Plan The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby approves the Specific Plan Amendment known as the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 as shown on Exhibit A the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 and subject to the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit B on property locate near the future intersection of Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Butterfield Stage Road R IOrds 200610rds 0602 3 I PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of February 2006 Ron Roberts Mayor ATIEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ss CITY OF TEMECULA I I Susan W Jones MMC City Clerk of the City of Temecula do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No 06 02 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 14th day of February 2006 and that thereafter said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of February 2006 by the following vote AYES 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS Comerchero Edwards Naggar Washington Roberts NOES 0 ABSENT 0 ABSTAIN 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBERS None None COUNCIL MEMBERS None Jones MMC City Clerk I RIOrds 200610rds 026 4 III j EXHIBIT A RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 0 I i I JD 0 W I ln1 JAN 2 4 2006 1J By Planning Department I Planning CommIsSion Recommendationfor Approval Dale 10 30 0 CIty CouncIl Appl9val Dale 11 26 02 Rnal RevisIons Completed 325 03 Amendment No 1 APproved by City Council 1 11 05 RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO 2 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula CA 92950833 tel 951 694 6400 fax 951 694 1999 Prepared for Ashby USA LLC 470 E Harrison Street Corona CA 92879 tel 951 898 1692 fax951 898 1693 Prepared by Matthew Fagan Consulting ServIces 42011 Avenida Vista Ladera Temecula CA 92592 tel 951 699 2338 fax 951 694 4474 January 20 2006 III SECTION I INTRODUCTION TO AMENDMENT NO 2 DESCRlPTlVE SUMMARY OF CHANGES SectIon I Sectioni ofthe SpeCific Plan Amendment No 2contains the following modifications on revised pages 9and 10 and Figure 13 1 2 1 Evaluate Opportunities for Open Space Corrected the open space acreage and insertedareference to the park and ride facility SectiOn II Section II of the Specific Plan Aniendment No 2 contains the foUowing modificationson revised pages1 2 4 6 7 20 23 24 25 52 and 53 and Figures 2 1 22 25c and 2 11 2 1 1 Project DescrIption Valley Neighborhood Lenguage wasadded designating Planning Area 338 as the location ofthe Park and Ride and trail head facUities and adds a brief disCussion ofthe park and ride under open space components 2 1 2 Residential Uses Corrected the acreage to reflect the designation of Planning Area 338 as Open Space Table 22 Separated Planning Areas 33A end 338 2 1 3 Land Use Project Development siandards Incorporated the parl and ride into the proJeci description added total rlesidelnlil rlesidelnlil acreage andremoved Planning Area338 from the listofresidential areas 226 Phasing of Road Improvements Modified Item 9 to reflect the park and ride in Planning Area 338 227 Alternative Transportation Textual changes Were made designating Planning Area 338 as the loCation of the Parl and Ride facility 2 29 Project Development Standards Textual changes were made designating Planning Area 338 as the location ofthe Park and Ride facility and referencing the correct corresponding Figures 281 Identified the parl and ride as an open space component of the project and corrected the total open space acreage Section III Section In ofthe Specific Plan AmendmElntNo 2 contains thefollowing modifications onrevised pages 33 34 95 96 97 98 and Figure 328 3 11 1 Descriptive Summary Language was incorporated describing the Parl and Ride facility arid designating Planning Area 338 as its location 3 11 3 Planning Standards Circulation Standards Remove references to the parl and ride facility 330 1 Descriptive Summary Adjust the acreage and remove references to Planning Area 338 330 3 Planning Standards Circulation Standards MiscellarieousStandards Remove the disCussion ofthe parl and rideand Planning Area 338 331 Create anew Section containing the proviSions for Planning Area 338 and the parl and ride facility Rorip8ugh Ranch SIlecific Plan Amendment No 2 51 I1I SECTION I INTRODUCTION TO AMENDMENT NO 2 Secllon IV SeclIon IV ofthe Speclfic Plan Amendment No 2contains the following modification 4 13 10 Modify Fi9ure oto remove the parle and ride from the commercial center Secllon V SectionVof theSpecific Plan Amendment NO 2contains the following modilicationson revised pages 1 4 1 8 18 19 and 20 5 1 Remove Planning Area 33B from lowDensity anddescribePlanning Area 33Basa parle and rideunder 3 Parks and Open Space discussion 531 DescriptiOn of Residential Districts low Density Residential Planning Area 33B was deletedfrom thiS section 53 3 Development Standards Remove Planning Area 33B from the list of Low Density Planning Areas 55 Add Planning Area 33B to the list of OpenSpace Planning Areas 552 Use Regulations Add Planning Area 33B to1he list of Planning Areas for the Open Space 2 district Add Paik and Ride to the schedule of uses Designate Parle and Ride as apermitted use in the Open Space 3District 553 Development Standards Add Planning Area 33B under the fist fist of Planning Areas subject to the OS requirements Inserted the language to require Planning and COmmunity Services approval of devilIopmentin Planning Area 33B as directed Roripaugh Ranch Specffic Plan Amendment No 2 S2 III GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY Goal 8 Develop Temecula as a CQmprehensive recognizable tourist destination with arange of atlraclions throughout and beyond the Sphere of Inlluence Notapplicable 1 1 11 General Plan ConsIstency Basoinl this analysis the proposed project Is consistent with ttie goals policies and objectives of the C ofTemecula General Plan 12 GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGIESAND ACnoNPLAN 1 2 1 Growth Management Stnltegles and lAlocn Plan On Maroh 21 2000 the C CounciladOpted a GrowIhManagement Program Action Plan GMPAP to plan for and accommodatefulure growth in the City The GMPAPidentifies anumberofactions to be taken by the C that do notdirecUy affect the proposed Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan such as IAngetnecry Coordination Seclion 1 The following anaJysis demonstrates thattheopposeid project Is consistent with applicable GMPAP sections and measures Inter Aaencv Coordination This section applies to C activities and is not project specific Redirect Urban Develoornent to Urban Areas The project is is not totally consistent with this directive of the plan but the property has been designated for suburban density development for many years andis being developed atalevelthat is almost20 percent less dense that is allowed Itwill also complete theEastemBypass Corridor which will help fonn an urban development limit for the City Cluster Densities related to Soecific Plans According to theGeneral Plan the project site Is designated for aSpecific Plan with an oVer811 dens of30units per gross acre GP Figure 1 3 The proposed project has anet residentialdensity of426 units per acre but actually has a gross density of256units per acre thatusesclustering topreserve over200 acres ofbiological habitat Higher dens single filmily residential uses ie 5 000 square foot lots are proposed in thePlateau area butseparated by setbacks andlandscaped buffering from the top ofthe slope and views from Nicolas Valley Higher dens housing is also located in the central portion oftheValley area east of Butterfield Stage Road while lowerdens usesare located around the periphery of the site adjacent to rural uses to the east and south In these Ways the proposed project provides appropriate clustering within the Specific Plan and thus is consistentwith this requirement ofthe GMPAP Evaluate OoDOrtunities for Ooen Soace Approxirnately a third 283 285 acres or 33 percent of the proposed project is reserved for open space including 202 7 acres for the AD 161 SubRegional Habitat Conservation Pian recently approved by Riverside County and the U S Fistl and Wildlife Service The project is therefore consistent with this requirement of the GMPAP Goal B of thisseclion addresses the City s Development Review ProcesS and directs the Planning Commission to consider approving residentialprojecls atthe lowestallowable density in each density category It further stateS the Commission may Consider approving a project above the lowest dens if the project provides onsiteor commun amenities The project amenities include a commun park aneighborhood park 3 private recreational facilities trails open spaceconsistent with the AD161 SHCP provision ofmajor ensile andoffsite public improVements and rseegrvioinng Rorilaugh Rench Specific Plan AmendmentNo 2 19 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY I roads i e Murrieta HotSprings Road and Butterfield Stage Road flood control facilities anewfire station a park and ride facility an elementary school siteand a middle school site lPVreesl Ooen Soace The first nicommended goal in this section Is toacquire vltel Open space and resource areas The project as proposed does contain significant open space and habitat resources which have been incorpomted into the recently approved Assessment District 161 SubRegional HabItat Conservation Plan The large permanent open space of the project fulfills this requirement The second action item is to condition Specific Plans to preserve a s1gnificantarnount of open space The proposed Rolipaugh Ranch plan includes 2m7 acres of land for biological habitat mainly for the Califomia gnatcatcher and Quino checkerspot butterfly The majority ofthe proposed open space land Is adjacent to the Johnson Ranch open space I8nds 10 be included in the Assessment District AD 161 RSeguionbal Habitat Conservation Plan SHCP recently approved bY the County and the U S Fish and Wildlife Service The proposed project therefore meets this requirement ofthe GMPAP I The third action item is to maintain large parcelsizes in rural areas Parcelsizes should i e as e the greater the distance from urbancoreareas Encourage downzoning and parcel merging 10 maintain large rural lot sizes The proposed Rolipaugh Ranch plan alsocalls for suburban densitll3S and lot sizes in the Plateau area consistent with development to thewest along Murrieta Hot SplingsRoad and larger lots adjacent to therural areas tothe south and east hi these Ways the proposed project is consistent with this requirement ofthe GMPAP The remaining action items address funding mechanisms for preserving open space such as laX advantages or state bond funds and conducting a study 10 identify the amount and cost f open spaCe land remaining inthe City Traffic Circulation Svstem ImDrovements The GMPAP addresses traffic circulation system improvements and the first goal is to ensure that infrastructure Is constructed ahead of new development while the third goal is to COntinue to condition new development to ensure that infrastructure is constructed in conjunction with development impacts The Rolipaugh Ranch Specific Plan identifies a valiety of improvements needed for overallgrowth in the project area as well as specific improvements needed to serve the proposed project The project EIRand traffic study identified the timing and fair share contributions required for specific intersection and roadway improvements In this Way the proposed project is consistent with this requirement of the GMPAP Other action itemsunderthis goal are for theCity to implement the Capital Improvement Program CIP and 10 workwith other agencies regarding the timing and funding of improvements Maximize Existina Transoortation Network Efficiencv This section mainly addressl3S City programs and responsibilities regarding public transit that arenot directly relatedtci the Rolipaugh Ranch project However the project wm make the following contributions to improve circulation 1 G9mme ial 6eG iA PlaAAlng a 11 Planning Area33B will include 50designated park and Iide spaces 2 the project will make a3yearcontributioi1 tothe RTA for a shuttle program for project residents and 3 provide Clther transit related features deemed approprtate by the City duling the design review phase ofdevelopment In thisway theprojectwin be consistent with this requirement of the GMPAP I Roripallllh Ranch SoeciflC Plan Amandment No 2 1 10 11I SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS COMPREHENSIVE LAND USEPLAN The intent of the Land Use Plan component of this Specific Plan is to desmbe the general type location distribution and intensity of the land uses proposed for Roripaugh Ranch The primary objective is to eslablish the specific type and intensity of land uses permitted within the Roripaugh Ranch as weD as their relationship to land useson adjoining properties both existing and proposed 2 1 1 Project Description 21 The proposed Land Use Pian for Rorlpaugh Ranch provides for a residential community with a maximum of2015 residential dwelUng units resulting inan overall density of25 unitsper gross acre which is less than the 30dwelling unitspergross acredensity permitIed undertheTemeculaGeneral Plan Additionally the plan proposessupportive land uses including schools psar1 private recreation centers neighborhood cioammeln and open space The Land Use Plan as depicted in Figures 2 1 and2 2 identifies the proposed land uses and development patterns for thecommunity The project site is comprised ofthree distinct neighborhood areas A the Plateau Neighborhood B the Valley Neighborhood and C the Habitat Neighborhood see Figure 22A The three neighborhoods are discussed beloW Plateau Neiahborhood See Figure 22A and41 This neighborhood is generally Iocatadwest of Butterfield Stage Road and Includes Planning Areas 1A through 6 10 11 and 12 This area ise1evated well above the existing rural residential development in Nicolas Valley and Is roughly at grade with the future Rancho sella VISta development to the north Murrieta Hal Springs Road willprovide the primaryaccess tothe Plateau Neighborhood The Plataau Neighborhood will include 665 single family residential units on approximately 148 3 acreswith a density of45 dulac This area will include 11 Lciw Density residential lotswith a minimum lot siZe of 20 000 square feet Planning Area 10 509tilw Medium Density residential lots with a mlnlmum lot size of 5000 square feet Planning Areas 1A 2 3 4A and 4B and 145 clustered Medium Density resldentiallols with aminimum lot size of3000 square feel iPnninlgl Area 12 In addition this neighborhood will include a 03acre private mini park Planning Area 1B a4 8acre privatencrealiori center Planning Area 5 and a51 acre neighborhood park Planning Area 6 Planning Areas 1 through 5will be gated Planning Areas 10 and 12 are planned to be gated using a card key Residentiallols withinthe Plateau area thatare within 175feetofthe southam property line and are visible from homes along the northside of NicolasRoad shall either have additional rearyard building setback or additlonallanclscaping to help screen the reSidential units from Nicolas Valley Vallev Nelahbomood See Figure2 2Aand42 This neighborhood is generally ldocati east ofIlutterfleld Stage Road adjac8nt to North Loop Road and South Loop Road and Includes Planning Areas 14 through 24 and Planning Areas 27 through 33B The Valley Neighborhood will include 1 350 single family residential units on latpperolxyim 349 8 acreswith a density of39dulac This area will include 97 Low Density residentlallols with a minimum lot size of 20000 square feet Planning Areas 19 20 21 and 33A amI 338 430 Low Medium Density residential lotswith aminimum lot size of8 000 square feet Planning Areas 17 and 18 and 5 000 square feet Planning Area 16 122 Medium Density lots designated as Medium Density Standard with a minimum lot size of4 000square feet Planning Areas 23and24 and701 Medium Density Clustered maximum of20k canbe zero IoIUne with a minimum Iot size of 3000 square feet Planning Areas 14 15 22 and 31 In addltlon this portlcin ofthe project will Include a 19 7acre active Community SportS Park Planning Area27 4 0 acre Recrealiori Center Planning Area 30 a 20 0acre middle school sne Planning Area28 a 12 0acre elementary school site Planning Area 29 a 23acre 65paOce park and rat1llhderaed facility PlannIng Area 33B and a 2 0 acrafire station site Planning Area 32 Roripaugh Ranch Speclfic PIe Amendment No 2 2 1 SECTION V SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS 1 OVERVIEW Section V ofthe SpecifIC Plan Amendment Addendumcontains modificationsto Table 2 1 Residential land Uses by Land Use Designations Table 2 2 Proposed Land Uses by Planning Areas PA andSection 2 10 Walls and Fences Master Plan based on changes to Planning Areas lA 78 10 12 and 27 In addition a footnote has been added to Table 2 2 which indicates the specific Planning Areas where single story elevationswill be required Singlestory elevations will be required in Planning Areas in which th minimum lot sizesare 5 000 square feetand larger These Planning Areas are 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 33A 338 All other Planning Areas will not qntain minimum lot sizes that are conducive for singlestory elevations 21 2 Project Land Uses Residential Uses See Figure 2 1 The project proposes amaximum of2 015 residentialdwelling units on a variety oflot sizes ranging from 3 000 square feet to one acre in size The following table is a breakdown of the residential component ofthe project Table Table 21 Residential land Uses by Land Use Designations 1 Land Use Planning Acres Dwelling Density Percentage DesIgnation Areas Units Low 19 20 21 8M 97 0 9 4 8 Residential 33Aend 33Il 101 8 l 6lp et 10 8 1 14 1 7 0 7 Low Medium 1A 2 3 4A 1896 945 4 8 46 8 Res LM 46 16 17 and 18 Medium 23and 24 21 5 122 57 6 1 Residential Ml SllaRdor Medium 12 14 15 88 9 637 9 4 41 6 Residentlal 22 and 31 M2 Standard and Clustered Project Total 48l4 2 015 4 9 100 4Q8 2 A maximum of20 cluster housing can bezero lot line as illustrated in Figures 4 78 and 4 81 I I 2 2 RQripauQh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS I A 3acre PMairnki See Figures 2 1 3 1 arid49 is planned adjacent toPlanning Areas 1Aand 2 in the Plateau Neighborhood This will beaprivate recreation facility serving the residents ofRorlpaugh Ranch Park and RIdeITrallhead Planning Area 33B will contain a 50 space park and ridefacility as well ae a trailhead facility that connects to the project tralla network The design of the park and rldli and trailhead facUltkis will beapproved by the 8Dctonl1l of Planning and Community ServiCes PB8eo and Tnll Systems The Public Parks and vPaire Recreation Centers are linked atthe planning area level by a series of paseos or walking paths Nature Walk Plateau See Figures 2 11 412 and415A The Nature Walk will be located withinthe landscaped slope area of Planning Area 7Aadjacent to Planning Areas 1A through 4B This walk will link each planning area to the Neighborhood Park in Planning Area 6 The walk will not be lighted RiverWalk See Figures 2 11 413 and414 I The RiverWalk is located on the north north and south side of the Long Valley Wash Flood Control Channel Planning AreaS 25 and 26 The River Walk will be linked to the community sports park middle school elementary schOol arid Mega Center byapedestrian bridge thatcrossesthe channel and aseries ofplanning area level paseos Ifthe Riverside County Flood Control District determines lhatthe River Walkcan not be located withinthe channel roighft way then the trailwill berelocated outside ofthe channel Separate walks shall bedesigned and shown on thetentative tracImap rB maponly for review and approval located outside theflood control roighftway The walk will not be lighted UMseuTrlatill See Figures 2 11 413 and416 The UMseuTraltHl runs along the southern andeastern boundary oftheproject from the Fire Station site atButterfield Stage Road Planning Area 32 to the connection pointwith the UCR Propertywithln Planning Areas 19 20 and21 The trail can be used by horses bicycles or hikers This trail wm not be lighted Future Trail See Figure 2 11 A Future Trail is proposed on the MWD waterline easemen adjacent to Planning Areas 33A 33B 48 6 7A 8and 9A This trail is not being constructed as apart of this project Schools The project plan includes a 12 0acre elementary school site Planning Area 29 and a 20 0 acre middle school site Planning Area28 for the Temecula Valley UnifiedSchool DistrictlWSD The school sites are depicled In Figures 2 1 323 3 24 410 and 411 One or both of the proposed school sites can beconverted to residential uses provided that all the following are met 1 approval of a Specific Plan Amendment is obtained from the City for conversion from Education Schools Designation to Low Medium Residential Designation 2 the schoollfJStricl has indicated in wrilingthat they areno longer iinleterde in using Planning areas 28or 29as school sites and 3 thetotal number o residential units for the entire project does not eXceed 2 015 I RorIllallllhRanch SIledfiC Plan Amendment No 2 24 III SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS Table 2 2 Continued Proposed LandUses by Planning Areas PA Land Use Density Acres Density Mln Lot Size sfj Unll8 26 Open SpacelFlood 8 2 NlA NlA N A Control 26 Open SpacelFlood 22 1 NIA NlA NlA Control Z7 Sports Pari 21 1 NlA NlA NlA 28 Middle School 20 0 NlA NlA NlA 29 Elementary School 12 0 30 Recreetion Center 4 0 NlA NlA NlA private 31 Residenllal Medium 2 24 6 9 1 3000 224 Clustered 32 Public Insl utional Fire 2 0 NlA NlA NlA Station 33 Resldenllal Low PA 11 8 tA 20 000 15 A 33A 127 Resi eAtial b PA 3 8 3l3 33 Open Space 2 3 N1A N1A N1A B PubllclPrivate Roads 45 2 NlA NlA N1A TOTAL 804 7 2 5 2 015 J Planning Area5 where single story elevations will be required Single story eleva ons will be required in Planning Areas in which the minimum lot sizes are 5 000 square feetand larger 2 1 3 Land Use Project Development Standards In order to ensure the orderly and sensitive development of the r idential ciommercial and recrea onal uses proposed for the Rorlpaugh Ranch Specifia Plan special techniques 91 mitigations have been created for each Planning Area These area specific stadnisdcaurdssed In detallln Sec on 3 0 Planning Areas and Development Standards will assistInaccommodating the proposed developmentand provide adequate transitions to neighboring land uses In addition to these specific techniques pwroidjecet development standards have alsO been prepared to complement those applicable to each indMdual Planning Area These gaeneli standards are 1 Th Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan shall bedeveloped with amaximumof2 015 dWelling usni on approximately 804 7 acres as illustrated on the Land Use Plan Figure 2 1 Reslden al uses include 1 169singlefamily units and 646 clustered fsalnmgiley residential units maximum of 20 cian be zero lot line 169 units 410 5 alresare pro teecdfor re ldential U8e 15 4acres of neighborhood commercial uses 32 0 acres for two school sites elementary and middle school B Bacresfor twoprivate ercreation clenteJ 24Sacres for two public park sites a 0 3 acreprivate pmairilkl a 23 acre park and ride and trajlhead a 20acre fire station site 39 1 acres for flood control purposes 202 7acres of open space and 21 2acresof landscape slope Roripaugh Ranch Spedflc Pion Amendment No 2 26 1II SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS 2 A written request for density transfer shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval that meets thefollowlng criteria a Transfer ofdwelling units may occur belween planning areas provided thatthetransfer doell not exceed the maximum density for each planning area as established In the General Plan Transfer of units shall not be allowed Into Planning Areas 10 19 20 21 and 33A aAd 338 Regardless ofany unittransfers the overall numberof unitsallowed In the Roripaugh RanCh Speclfic Plan for each land use category shall notexceed the project overall total of 2015 dwelling units or the General Plan land use density designation as follows Low Density 20 ldauc LoW Medium 60 ldauc Medium 12 0 10800 b Any proposed transferof density will require arevised land use plan submitted totheCity for approval c Any transfer of density to a non residential planning area shali only be permitted with approval ofaSpecific Plan Amendment d Transfer of density except as provided herein shall not increase the number of units within a Planning Area bymore than20 of the number ofunits as shown In theSpecific Plan Land Use Plan 3 AS a part of the proposed project the unincorporated portion of the site Valley Neighborhood will need to be annexed into the CityofTemecula according totheCountys Local Agency Formation Commission LAFCO requirements 4 Priorto recordation ofany final mapin Plimning Areas 1 through 5 th8developerwill provide theAirport Operator with avigation easements for all the parcels In Planning Areas 1 through 5and send acopy ofthatproof tothe Community Development Department 5 Prior to recordation of any final map in Planning Areas 1 through 5 the developer shall provide the Community Development Departmenlwith proof thai avigation easements have been obtained for all the lots in Planning Areas 1 through 5 6 Prior to recordation of any final maps in Planning Areas 1 through 5 the developer shall demonstrate to theCommunity Development Department that buyer information contains a statement regarding avigation easements This information shall be provided either in the White Report or supplementary information with an affidavit of disclosure provided by the developer 7 One or both oftheproposed school sites canbe converted to residential use provided thatall thefollowing are met 1 approval ofaS c Plan Amendment is obtainedfromthe City for conversion from Educational Designation to Low Medium Residential Designation 2 the school district has indlcBted in writing thai they are no longer interested in using Planning Areas 28 or29 as school sites and3 thetotal numberof units for theentire project does not exceed 2015 units Uses and development standards will be In accordance with the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance the City ofTemecula Developmenl Code and all TCSD standards and will be further defined by Specific Plan objectives the Specific Plan design gulde lnes and futUre detailed development proposals including subdivisions development plan and conditional use permits If the Specific Plan issllenl on any issue relating to uses and development standards the City s currentcodes shall be enforced 8 ROripaugh Rancll Soecffic Plan Amendment NO 2 2 7 I SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS Revised DEIR In general the supplemental trafIic studies will 1 document ambient trafIic volume condlticms 2 estimate trip generation fOr the particular development phase and 3 assess traffic conditions with thetraffic added by the particular development phase The exactstudy area tobe addressedin each ofthe traflic studies should bedafinedthrough flSCUssions with the City Traffic Engineer In general the study area should Includa the immediate access intersections and roadways whichwoold serve thenew development phase and those cIrilia offsite Intersections and roadways thatWill provide prim8IY access to thenew development Criticallntersectionslroadways are defined as those facUltiesthatareexperiencing high levelS of peak period traffic congestion at the time thetraffic study is to be peIfonned The traffic study findlngs would assistthe City in proactivaly planning for area roadway inlPlW8ments Phase 1 prior to issuance of 1 building pennit in Planning Areas 14AB 6 and 32 1 1 15Freeway southbound ramps atRancho C8IiforniaRoad southbound left turri lane west bound free truigmht lane eastbound free righttum lane and southbound free right tum lane 2 1 215 Freeway southbound ramps at MulTieta HotSprings Road sOulhbOundleft tum lane southbound truigmht lane eastbound through lane e8tbound right tum lane westbound throiJgh iane and westbound free truigmht lane Ynez Road atWinchester ROad southbound right tum overlap Ynez Road at Rancho California Road eastbound through lane Norlh General Keamy Road at Nicolas Road trafIic signal Butterfield Stage Road at Rancho Califomia Road traffic silInal Muirieta Hot Springs Road at Alta Murrieta in the City of MUlTielli lane improvements as yet undetennined The developer shall provide the City of Temeculawith a letter from theCity of Murrieta stating thata fair share contribution to Identified improvements atthis intersection has been made Phase2 prior to issuance of 1 building permilin Planning Areas 10 12 14 24 27 31 and 33A and 338 34 I 567 I 1 1 15 15 Freeway southbound ramps atWinchester Road southboundlefHum lane southbound truigmht lane and eastbound right tumlane westboundthrough lane eastbound through lane and eastbound free right turn lane 2 Traffic signal and related intersection improvements as wananted at the intersection of La Serena Way and Meadows Parkway 3 1 15 Freeway northbound ramps at Wmchesler Road riorlhbound left tum lane norlhbound free right tum lane westbound through lane and westbound free truigmht lane 4 1 15 Freeway southboundremps at Rancho California Road southbound leftturn lane southbound eastbound and westbound free truigrhnt lanes 5 1 15 Freeway riorlhbound ramps at Rancho California Road norlhboundleft tum and truigrhnt lanes RlohrillalJ Ranch SJleCific Plan Amendment No 2 2 20 III SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS The following transportation system managementJlransportatlon demand management TSMlTDM measures are proposed to help reduce rperolaJteecdt traffic impacts 8 Priorto theapproval ofdevetopment plans for Planning Area 11 thedeveloper shall provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities in these areas to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department 9 The developer is required to provide 50 Park NRide spaces in Planning Area 44 338 IRitiaAy a teFR eF8P fasRiRistluEfing lighli g 16 FeeEdtuh te be prgJideEf PFiefte ita UYaRGB of any IndlstRD 1Pi81ma fer PIaRRins Areas 10 12 14 1tllewg 31 Sf gaB p8AJ18R9At The facility Is required to be completed PFe JiEled prior tothe Issuance of the first residential buIldIng pennlt In Pha8s 2or 3 any eseilpaRGy pAeilFlsI wllllln Planning erea 11 lie wlspsr s all leineaetRe wiIR the City te keep the fasil speR IRlle Planning slea 11 it underoonslRlGtian The designs of thetemllllRlFY and pelll18llent facility iii faGilililis lIRl subject to approval of of RTA and the Director ofthe Community Services 10 Prior to the issuance of the first building permit in Phase 2 the developer shan fund the operation ofashuttle bus services to and from theproject The developer shall pay the RTA to operate the shuttle bus seMce for a period of 3years for project residents but may be expanded to setve areas outside of the project on a fair share contribution basis This measure shaU be implemented to the satisfaction of the Planning Director and the RTA 11 Priorto tentatiVe tract map approval In each phase the developer shall coordinate with the RTA to Incorporate trrealantseidt facilitiesand design features to the satisfaction ofthe City Public Wsori Department In conjunction with constructing Nicolas Road offsile in PhSse 1 the developershall installa 6fool wide temporary asphalt path so residents along NIColas Road can accessthe public facilities in the project east of Butterfleld Stage Road e g sports park middle school etc This path shan bebuiltto thesatisfaction ofthe ofthe Temecula Community eSSDeeparrtvmeknt andPublic Works Department at thetime adjacent improvements are installed The asphalt path shall be extended from 450 feet east ofthe Nicolas RoadCaDe Girasol intersection to the bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek during Phase 2 13 Priorto the Issuance of thegrading permits and building permits the developer shall provide theCity with aletter stating that all contractors will be prohibited from using Nicolas Road for construction related traffic 12 14 Prior totentative mapapproval for Planning Area 19 the 15footwide umsuelti trail within a 3Dfoot fuel modificationzoneshall bedesignated to bescreened from offsite homes on an as needed basis Screening shall beaccomplished through the use ofeither landscaping or topography to the greatest extent feasible However the primary goal of this trail is to provide access to the trail from adjacent onsile and offsite lots 15 Prior to the Issuence ofbuilding permits in theappropriate phase the developer shan make a fairshare contribution to four planned intenreclion improvements along MurrietaHot Springs Road within the City of Murrieta 1 1 215 southbound ramps 2 A1ta Murrieta Drive 3 Margarita Road and 4 WinchesterRoad 2 Alternative Transportation A pkai and ride site is proposed withinthe Roripaugh Ranch projectsite as ialIIuslfla in FiguFe 4 SO The fwaciililtyl be located in the NelghlleFlleed CemmsRlialsenter Planning 11 Plenning Area 338 and will include 50 designated parking spaces Direct access shall be provided to the facility eaptcabxle 10 the Riverside Transit Agency RTA and the City Appropriate lighting will also be incorporated into the facility to ensure safety and promote usage A trailheadfor thetrail network will also be Integrated in the facility Rlolh1pall Ranch SIl8Ciftc Plan Amendment No 2 223 SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS I 228 1I In addition the developer will also provide RTA stops at Munieta Hot Springs Road and Pourroy Road near 81 the peril end ride fSOinllritanning Area 11 and at North Loop Road in front of the middle school Additional stops or modifications to these stops may be approved by the Planning Director after consuttation with the RTA AU bus shetters will be designed so they are consistent with the design theme of the project Pedestrian Bicycle Circulation The Specific Plan provides for both pedestrian and bicycle circulation for residents as well as project visitors see Figure 25C 2 50 2 11 412 4 13 and 414 The circulation within the project site has been separated into two systems This includes the Private Trail System and the Public Trail Systems All trails within the project site with the exception of the future trail proposed within the MWD property will be constructed by the developer Private Trail Svstem See Figures 2 11 4 12 413 and 4 14 A River Walk will be located along both both sides of Long Valley Wash between Butterfield Stage Road and the Loop Roads as illustrated in Figure 4 13 This walk will be fully improved with all weathersurface and fencing and will service the private use of the Roripaugh Ranch residents If the Riverside Flood Control District determines that the River Walk cannot be located within the channel rligfht way then the walk will be relocated outside of the channel Separate walks shall be designed and shown on the B tentative tract map in the Valley for review and approval located outside the flood control rligfht way In addition a pedestrian bridge is proposed within Planning Area 26 as illustrated in Figure 2 11 and Figure 414 that will connect Planning Areas 22 through 24 to the sports park Planning Area 27 and the two school sites Planning Areas 28 and 29 A Class II 5 wide bicycle lane is planned along both sides of North and South Loop Road within the private areas These lanes will link to the public Class II bicycle lanes within the public portion of the Loop Roads The bicycle lanes within North and South Loop Roads will provide a secondary transportation system linking the public parks and schools to the private parks and neighbomoods Planning areas will be linked to one another by a paseos system These paseos will create access through the planning areas to the private and public parks project trails schools and neighborhood commercial center within the project site by encouraging walking or bicycling to reduce the demand for internal automobile trips A Nature Walk is located within Planning Area 7A as illustrated in Figure 4 12 and 4 15A The walk will be 10 wide with an all weather surface and provide an intemal pedestrian link between the planning areas within the Plateau area connectin9 to the Neighborhood Park Planning Area 6Public Trail Svstem See Figures 2 11 412 4 13 and 4 16 A multi use trail system Compliments the private multi use trail system planned for Roripaugh Ranch Class II bicycle lanes are planned along both sides of North Loop Road Road South Loop Road Butterfield Stage Road Murrieta Hot Springs Road and both A and B Streets as illustrated in Figure 4 23A through 4 31 In addition a Class I bicycle lane will be located along the west side of Butterfield Stage Road between Nicolas Road and Munieta Hot Springs Road A 15 wide muuseltjtrail is planned along the southern and eastern boundaries of the project site adjacent to Planning Areas 19 20 21 and 32 as illustrated in Figure 2 11 4 13 and 416 The trail will be accessible to the residents within these planning areas as well as the general public A home owners association within Roripaugh Ranch will maintain the trail Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan AmendmentNo 2 2 24 I1I 29 SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS Project Development Standards 1 All tentative tract maps shall comply with the oosite and off site street improvement recommendationsmitigations as stated In the Specific Plan and Mitigation Monitoring Program The mitigation measures wUlbe Incorporated as conditions of approval for the tentative tract maps The soitfef improvements associated with each tentative tract map shall be coordinated with the overall road ilmprovementlIhasil plan 2 Major roadways including Murrieta HotSprings Road BuIlerfield Stage Road NicolasRoad North Loop Road and South Loop Road shall have resbicted accessexcept atapproved street Intersections to provide better flow of traffic Driveway locations tocommercial office and residentialareas shall be approved atthe development plan stage 3 All public roads and private roads as shown in thisdocument shall beconstructed per City Qf Temecula standards and approved street cross sections In the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan 4 Street parkways shall be landscaped in accordance with the recommendations for street landscaping as approved In this document and resDstandards 5 Developer shall coi1struct a safe and efficlent sidewalk bicycle path and umsuelli trail networl 6 Sidewalks and bicyCJe lanes shall be provided on all major Streets including Murrieta Hot Springs Road Butterfield Stage Road Nicolas Road A Street B Street North Loop Road and South Loop Road Sidewalks shall alsobe included onpublic and private streets with the exception ofthe east side of Butterfield Stage Road adjacent to Planning Areas 13 and 14 In addition umsuelli trails and lberisd shall be provided as identified lrithis document to improve the overall circulation 7 Aparl and ride facility shall beprovided in Planning Area338 as illustrated In F39lQures 328 aRd 4 Illl This facility shall include 50designated parking spaces Direct acoess shall be provided to the facility acceptable to the RiVerside Transit Agency Appropriate lighting shall be incorporated into the facility to ensure safety and promote usage 8 Bus tumouts and shelters shall be provided as required by the Riverside Transll Authority RTA and approved by the Departmentof PsublicWorl All shelters shall beconsistent with the design theme ofthe project 9 BuSPedestrian shelters and tumouts shall be installed concurrently with street improvements 10 The developer shall provide RTA stops atMurrieta Hot Springs Road and Pourroy Road at the parl and ride facility in Planning A 338 and at North Loop ROad in front ofthe middle school Additional stops or modifications to theSe stops may be approved by the Planning Director after consultation with the RTA 11 Road andtraffic signal improvements shall beinstalled orcontributed to on afairshare basis in accordance with the phasing as stated in Section 226 of the Specific Plan 12 The project shall comply with all subsequent conditions and requirements for road design improvements and roighft way dedication imposed by the City ofTemecula 13 The developer shall comply withthe Citys Developmeni Impact Fee requirement 14 Efficient safe vehicular and pedestrian connections shall be provided to both school sites acceptable to the school district and the City aRuogrhiI Ranch SPeclflc Plan Amendment No 2 2 25 I1I 2 8 SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS OPEN SPACE AND RECREATIONAL MASTER PLAN 281 Project Description A tOtal of 24 8acres of improved public parilland 202 7acres of open space 39 1 aCres of flood control 23acrea ofpark and r1deltrallhead and 21 2acres oflandscape slope WIll be proVIded In Roripaugh Ranch Thesa 290 1 acres ofparkland and open space represents approximately 36 ofthe tOtal project acreage The design ofthe project will preserve significant features ofthe natural landscape such as drainage ways and important habitats andrequires provisions for active and passive recreational opportunities The need for a comprehensive approach to parks and open pace planning is essential as the increasing demand for urtlan development continues ThaOpen Space and Recreation Master Plan is shown on Figure 2 11 The AreaWide Open SPace Concept Plan is shown on Figure2 12 Public Parils See Figures 2 1 2 11 36322 43and4 The project includeS two public parks enompasslng atotal of24 8acres to provide recreational opportunllles for the project residents The Valley neighborhood area see Figure 2 2A Includes a 19 7acrecommunilysport s park site PllInning Area 27 This park willInclude lighted Ilftelds just west of and adjacent to the middle school site Planning Area 28 This location willallow the sports park and the school to take full advantage of joint use programs and facilities A smaller Neighborhood Paril Planning Area 6 is proposed on 5 1 acres east of the Plateau area and the MWDproperty just south of Murrieta Hot Springs Road The City policy allows full parkland dedicatiOn credit for these public recreation facilities Private Recreation See Figures 2 1 2 11 31 35325 45throilgh4 9 The project Includes 9 1 acres of private recreation sites This entails a 401lcre site Planning Area 30 east of the elementary School site Planning Area 29 a 48 acre site in the Plateau area Planning Area 5 and a03 acre PMalnrili Planning Area 1B The City SubdMslon Ordinance only allows up to half credit for private recreation facilities so the project may receive Quimby credit for 455 acres of parilland Proieel Parilland Reaulrements The project s anticipated buildout population is 5743 residents based on the Citys recommended household factor2 85persons per household The City alsohas a Quimby Adparldand requirement of five 5 acresofparillllnd per thousand residents Therefore the proJect Is required to provide 28 7 acres of parilland 5 743 residents times 50 acresI1 OOO residents The Temecula Community Services Department TCSD has indicated that the project will only receive Quimby credit for the two public parils 24 8acres plus an additional 4 55 acres for the privllte parilland half credit for 91 acres Thus the project will provide theequivalent of29 35acres ofplIrldand 24 8 4 55 The project lI1erefore exceeds its Quimby parkland requirement of28 7 acres ofPlIri1land by 65 acres The conceptual design ofthe Proposed paril facilities are depicted In Section 40ofthis Specific Plan Roripaugh Ranch will provide 24 8 acres ofdedicated pUblic parkland In tum for providing fully improved parils Roripaugh Ranch may receive credits against the park andrecreationcomponent of the Citys Development Impact Fees pursuant to a Development Agreement orParillmprovement Agreement RoriDaugh Ranch Soeclllc PllIn Amendment No 2 252 SPECIFIC PLAN COMPONENTS I ODen Soace See FigUres 2 1 2 11 2 12 and37A378 and 37C The Open Space component of Roripaugh Ranch has been designed tocomplement the awriedae open spaceJhabitat conservation progl8meslablished within theJohnson Ranch and Rancho Bella V1sla ScpecIf Plan areas Approximately26i 265 acres or 33 oftheproject acreageere reserved as open space flood control purposes and landscape slOpes The resulting open spacewill provide visual relief as well as buffer the various land uses both aonnd soltfef This open space preserves ecologically significant environments such as riparian vegetation nabJral drainage and seasonal wetlands As depicted In Figure 2 11 Open Space areas are preselVed throughout the project Figura 2 12 depicts the projecfs proposed open space as Itretates to soltfef open space areas Open Space In Planning Areas 7A 8 9A 9Band 13 willinclude limited grading or disturbance with the exceptionof fuel modification adjacent to residentialdevelopment as illustrated in FigUres 344A 3448 a3n4dC4 and for road and ftood control purposes Open SpaCe in Planning Area 13 may include limited grading to allow for dl8inage and revegetation The habitat in Planning Area 13 will evenbJally be oWned by the appropriate habitat maintenance agency and a fuel mcxfrficalionzone including an access road witl beconstructed to sepal8te thehabitat Planning lima 13 from residentialuses This area will alsohave specific 9uidelinesfor landscaping lighting fencing fuel modification and trails at the time Itis transferred to the appropriate habitat maintenance agency 1 The Open Space areas within RorIpaugh Ranch are intended to maintain theland in as natural state as possible without iknltrnu from recreational or otherusesand subject toapproval by the California Depertment of FISh Game and U S Department of Rsh Wildlife Minimal naturarlZed improvementswill be madeto implement proposed fuel modification No buildings orotherlllruclures arepennitled within this designation to preseIVe the quarrty ofthe natural habitat habitat areas Trans IUPedestrianslBicvcleelMulti See Figures 2 11 412 413 414 415A and416 The entire Roripaugh Ranch community win beconnected by aseries ofsidewalks paseos and bike laneswhich will offer non vehicular accessto other educational commercial and recreational facilities within the Specific Plan area and evenbJally to adjacent development A multiuse trail is proposed along the southem and eastern boundaries ofthe Valley area This trail will allow equesbians to continue riding their horses along the rolling hills between the Temecula wine country and the Johnson Ranch open spacelhabitat preserve area A future trail is also proposed along the MWO easement just west of Planning Areas 6 33B and 33A from north to south which will not be constructed as part of this project Sidewalks and Class II bikeways are included in all the project major streets including Murrieta Hot Springs Road Butterfield Stage Road NiColas Road A Street B Street North loop Road and South loop Road see Figures 2 3and 2 50 In addition a 11o2ot Class I bicycle trail will be constructed along thewest sideof Butterfield Stage Road from Murrieta HotSprings Road to NiColas Road A 12 footwide asphalt path will be maintained along both sides of long Valley Wash and a pedesbian bridge willbe installed about 2000 feeteast of Butterfield Stage Road toprovide residents living south of the channel access tothe community park the private recreation cenler middle school and elementary school The surrounding tracts will be designed with landscaped paseos as non vehicular access points to the 11o2ot wide asphalt path and the pedestrian bridge that crossesover long Valley Wash Park and RldeITrallhead Planning Area 338 will contain a 50space park and ride facility as well as a trailhead facility that connects to the project trail network The design of tile park and ride and trailhead I facilities will be approved by tile DlrectolB of Planning and Community Services RorioaUllh Ranch SDecIftc Plan Amerxfmenl No 2 263 III PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 311 PLANNING AREA 11 311 1 Descrtptlve Summary Planning Area 11 as depicted on FIgures 39 and 490 provides for development of 15 4acres of Neighbomood Commercial uses CSomrlnelrSClall withinthe planning area shall notexceed 110 000 square feet The Neighborhood Commercial use Is Intended to provide for awide variety of differenttypes ofland uses One unique character wlIh thisplanning area Is pedestrian open spaces which willbe placed wlIhin the planning area t1iat offer places for resting sitting areas andotheropportunities Sidewalks will be placed adjacent to storefronts ami wide enough to encourage browsing stopping totalk or to walk through 3 121 Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Section 5 0 SpecifiC Plan Zoning Ordinance 3 131 Plarinlng Standards Circulation Standards 1 Access to the planning area will be provided from Murrieta Hot Springs Road Butterfield Stage Road and A Street Potential s points as depicted ere conceptual Access points Intothe planning area offof MurrietaHot Springs Roadand A Street shan belocated a minimum of 200 feetfrom Butterfield Stage Road The access off of A Street shaUbe located direcUy acrossfrom B Street Off set IOnlernsesct shall not be permitted The exact location and number of access points for this planning area shall be Sibject to review and approval by the City atthetentatiVe tract map stage Access points shall be designed and located toprovide adequate and safe access from a traffic and fire safilty standpoint paFk SRg Fide fasilFty it pieRRe AtRiR Planning a 1 PlaRRIAg Alee 38 BE iIIYd llJd in FigUFeS 3 g 3 28 ami 4 00 This fasilil will inGlude 50 designated palK and Rde spaces These paFkiRg Gpases s all R9t be lGAte9d in th total lFireeqd kpiAagl ferlle GGFRFRsFSial slla This facility sllall be Iasatedln elasa proximity kl Street Nleelas Rllad kl ensure aooessibillty The design efthe fasility shall be appFeVed by the RiveAlido TFaRSitAgenBy CRTA pRorkl tile aIlflFll al ofaDevelopment Plan in the neighllemssd neighllemssd eemmerelalella RIis fasility shall beGsnetrustedpRor hkel ISGUMSe ofany bllildlng peRllils In PlannlR9 Areas 10 12 1f 31 ir3A9 ii8 pFGpFiate liihtiRg GRail be iROOFta9F8leEl fR 1h8faGilitrteeRSYFe eafetj and promsle IIsage I bUG shelteFS shall bedesigned se hey are eensislenl liththe design theme ofthe PFllJesl 3 Ifthis planRing area is Rat senstruslelllly the issuanee oflluildlngpeRllils in P anning eae 10 12 14 29 31 33ft or 33B the Developer sllall pF9ilIe 50 lempoFalypaFk and Fide spaGes in Planning Area 11 Planning Irea 338 aooeplable klthe RTA and the City IIRliI sooh time the peAl13neRt paFk and Rile faGility is GGnslJuslell The De Jeleper ia requirelllli flRWide 50 lIesignated PalK I Ride spaaes in Planning rea 11 Planning sea 33B lnitlally a lemfapeeiFlitByFinsllldiRgligllliRg Is required kllle pmllillelf pFier klthe issllanS8 of any buillllng peAllils for Planning Areas 10 12 14 hFllUgh 31 33 or 338 A peAIIBneRt faGRil 8 erq ierd tG be pEmleyi pFier t9iSSY3Rse af9RY 8sSllpansypermits JithiR PlaARiRg kea 11 338 The designs ef belll facilities are subjest kl apPFll al by RTA The de eleper lsalll SEloRlinale llilh ltle City kl keep lhe faGility open i1e PlanniR9Nea 11 is IInderGGnslruGtien 4 2 Pedestrian connectivity shall beprovided between theneighborhood commercial center and the surrounding area as illustrated In Figure 39 412 and413 2 Roripaugh Ranch Scecific Plan Amendmenl NO 2 333 PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1 landscsce and Recreation Standards 3 A Parllway landscape Treatment as illustrated in the landscape Master Plan Figures 2 13 426A and426B shall be provided along Murrieta Hot Springs Road 6 4 AParllway landscape Treatment as illustrated In the landscape Master Plan Figures 2 13 and423E stiall be provided along Butterfield Stage Roacl I 75 A Parkway landscape Treatment as iIlustTated in the landscape Master Plan Figures 2 13 430A and430B shall be provided along AStreel 86 Commercial buildings adjacentto A Street shaUhave enhanced landscaping acceptable to theCity that Is Incorporated along the rearofbuildings toscreen views from Planning Areas 6 and 12 9 7 Eating establishments along Butterfield Stage Road and along the eastern portion of A Street are strongly encouraged to have outdoor seating areas that are oriented to take advantage ofviews looking to the SOutlleastandeasl Miscellaneous Standards w e Parking shall not be located along Murrieta HotSprings Road Butterfield Stage Road and A Street 9 Tower elements shall be ilPnltCeOOdl into thedesign ofthe neighborhood commercial center buildings so that future telecommunication facilities can be Incorporated into the tower design The developer shall contacttelecommuniaitioncompanies prior to the submittal ofa Development Plan to inquire about the intent of locating telecommunication facilities within thetowers 4210 Please refer to Sectioil2 1 through Section 2 10 for the foUowIng Development Plans and Standards that apply swiidtee 21 Comprehensive land Use Plan 22 Circulation Master Plan 2 3 Drainage Master Plan 24 Water Master Plan 25 Sewer Master Plan 26 Grading Master Plan 27 Phasing Plan Public and Private Facilities 28 Open Space Recreation and Trails MasterPlan 2 9 landsCape Master Plan 210 Walls and Fences Master Plan 43 11 Please see Section 4 0 Design Guidelines for criteria related to the development of Planning Area 11 TIminCl and ResDOnsibililV of ImDrovements 4412 Please see Section 60 Timing and Responsibility of Improvements for phasing of improvements within Planning Area 11 I Roripauoh Ranch Speclfjc Plan Amendment NO 2 334 III PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 330 PLANNING AREAS 33A and 338 330 1 Descriptive Summary Planning Areas 33A and 338 as depicted on Figure 328 provides fOr development of444 181 acreswith Low Density Residential use This area is planned for 15 single family residentiiiJ dWelling unitsata density of4001 27dulac This Low Density Rasldentlal usehas been planned for this area In an effOrt to bUffertheexisting LowDensity Residential uses adjacent to Roripaugh Ranch Lotswill range in size from 5acre to one acre In lot size Entrance into Planning Areas 33Aand 330 Jill be off of Nicolas Roacl lDelinguAillIl iue net permitted in P1anRillg Area 33B One acre lots shaD be located along the westem perimeter toprovide e bufferbetween the soilfefpropeIllesand 5 acrelots will be located elsewhere in the planning area 330 2 Land Use lind Development Standards Please refer to Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance Section 50 330 3 PlannIng Standards Circulation Slandards 1 Access to the planning area will beprovided from from INaiCs Road Potential accesspoints as depicted are conceptual The exact location and numberofaccess points for this planning area shaD be subject to revieW and approval by the city at the tentative tract map stage Access points shall be designed and located to provide edequete and safe access through adjacent planning areas from atraffic and fire safety standpoint The access into Planning Area 33A shall be located directly acroSli from B Street as illustrated In Figure 8 23 paFt and Fide faGility is planned within Planning 11 as i11lllllratlld in figures 3 93 2 BREi gO This f3silily IAU iRsluae 59 deEIgRated paFk sRd Fide EfJae8s hes8 paFkiRg spaGes sllall net beoounted in the llllal required parlIing mr the oommeFGial site This facility sllall be leGated in GIese pRIIlIllimit Street III ensure aSGessibility The desigFi sf the faGility sllalllle appro ed by the Ri1eFSilIe TraAsit Agensy RTA pFier III the appFeval af a ge elepment Plan in tile neighbemeed GemmeF6ial site Thisfacilily sll3ll be oonstruGled pFierlll the issuanse sf any building peFmilll in Planning reas10 12 14 24 31 33Aar33B ApprepFi lighting 189111 be iRSeFJ1eFated iAte DIe lily te BR6HFB safety aAa pFeFRSte usage ldl bus shellers shall bedesigned so they are consistentwith the design theme ofthe project 4 If this planning area is netoonstructed by the liasnGsEl sf building peFmilll in Planning Areas 10 12 14 29 31 33A er 238 tile Developer sallpmvide 50 tempepFet raanld Fide spaGes in Pfleannaing 11 8sGeplablole the RT A andthe City ulllil SUGII lime the pOFmanent paFt and Fide fasllily is ssnslRlstecl The 1Je 8loper is required III previde 50 designateEl d b d am trip I B 12 14 tlhFeU 31 33 er 338 permanent faGilily Is I8quiRllllll be prelIiEl8EI prier III IssuanGe efany ejSGupaAll pmeillrl JiIIlln Planning Area 11 The designs sfbeth faGllitles are subjeGllll l8aplpbFye RTA The de 8leper sllall Geerdinate JiIIl tile City III keep the fasllily ahpelilne Planning rPea11 is underoonslRJGlion landScaDe and Recreation Slandards 3 e ACard Key Gated Secondary Entry as illustrated in Figures 3 28 42and 4 22C shall be provided off of Nicolas Road into Planning Area 33A 4AI An Auto and Pedestrian Gated Entry as illustrated in Figure420C shall be provided behind the Card Key Gated Secondary Entry Rl8ohUril Rench eScicflcPIBn Amendment No 2 935 PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I 5 A Parkway Street Treatment as illustrated in Figures 2 3 and 427 shall be provided adjacent to Planning Areas 3aA aAd33 68 A Primary oPjecil Monumentation as illustrated in rl9ures 328 42 and 4 17 will be provided at the iCSnltlaonJl of Bullerfiekl Stage Road and Nicolas Road Walls and Fences standards 7 A oPjeclWaill asUIus1rated in the Walls and Fences Master Plan Figures 2 14lind2 15 shall be located along the perimeters of the planning area An optionalV Fence may be substituted for the oPjecil Wall depending upon the results of a noisestudy Miscellaneous Standards 8 40 Notransfer of dwelling units shall be allowed in Planning Aiea a3A ResldenllalltlJeIllRg URits are Aet pSFmilteEl iR PmlagRr4sea 338 9 44 Please refer to Section 2 1 through Section 210 for the following Development Plans and lSndardls thet apply swiidtee 1 2 1 Comprehensive land Use Plan 22 Circulation Master Plan 23 Drainage Master Plan 24 WaterMaster Plan 25 Sewer Masler Plan 26 Grading Master Plan 27 Phasing PianPublic and Privale Facilities 28 Open Space Recreation and Trans Master Plan 29 landscape Master Plan 2 10 Walls and Fences Master Plan 10 Please see Section 4 0 Design Guidelines for criteria relaled to thedevelopmerit of Planning Area 33A aAd 33 11 43 Planning Area 3aA aBRdshall have a minimum one acre lots along the western boundary and minimum 5 acre lots elsewhere TimilKl and Resoonsibllitv of InmeDrnovtesl 12 44 Please see Exhibn A Timing and Responsibility of Improvements for phasing of Improvements within Planning Areas a3A and 331il I IRlaUoahr Ranch Specilic Plan Amendment No 2 936 III PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 331 PLANNING AREA 338 331 1 DescrlpUve Summary Planning Area 338 as depicted on FIgure328 provides for development of 23acres with 8 park and ridefacility and trailhead This ares Is planned for a sSpaOce park lInd ridefacility Combined withatrail head for the community trail networkNoresIdential unil8 8re allowed In this area 331 2 Land USe and Development Standards Please refer to Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance SectIon 60 331 3 PlannIng Standards Circulation Stand8rds 1 Access to the plannIng area will be provided from NIcolas Road Potential accesS points as depicted are conceptual The eialct location and number ofa points for this planning area shall besubject to review and 8pproval IJy the City 2 Apark and ride facility Is planned withinPlannIng Area 338as Illustrated In Figure 3 28 This facility will include 60 designated park and ride spaces The design of the facility shall be approved by the Riverside Transit Agency RTA 8nd the City of Temeculaprlor to any construction This facility shall be Constructed prior to the Issuance of any resldentJal building pennlts in Phases 2 or3 Appropriate lighting shall be incorporated into the facility to ensure safety and promote usage 3 AII bus shelters shall be designed sothey are conslstem with thedesign themeofthe project Landscape and Recreation Standards 4 A Parkway StreetTreatment as Illustrated In Figures 23and427 shall be provided adjacent to Planning Area 338 Miscellaneous Slandards 6 Please refer to Section 2 1 through Section 210for thefollowing Development Plans and Standardsthat apply swlldtee 21 Comprehensive Land Use Plan 22 Circulation Master Plan 23 Drainage Master Plan 24 Water Master Plan 2 5 SewerMaster Plan 2 6 Grading MasterPlan 27 Phasing Plan Public and Private Facilities 2 a Open Space Recreation and Trails Master Plan 2 9 Landscape Master Plan 2 10 Walls andFences Master Plan Roripaugh Ranch Specffic Plan Amondment No 2 gf I1I PLANNING AREAS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 6 Planning Area 338 shall provide at a minimum the following Improvements a A totsl ofafifty 50 parking space Par1c and Ride faci6ty b Six 6 parking spaces for trailers c Security Ughtlng d Passive recreational area with benches and tables e KIosk for interpretive infol1Tlation fOr the open space area f Drinking founteins g Water for equestrians h Staging area for equestrians l Landscaping Rgorihpa Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 938 III SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE 61 PURPOSE AND INTENT The zoning for the Specific Plan lIllaI is Specific Plan Overlay This section of the Specific Plan establishes zoning dlstricls and land use regulations and standilrds that will control land use and development in the land uses Identified for the Specific Plan area These regulatlona amend and supersede the regulations of the Temecula Development Code Where standards andregulatlons are not specified In this speclfic Plan therequlremenlS of the Temecula Development Code shall provide theregulatory authority This section also Identifies the procedures to be used to review site plans for development projects proposed within the Specific Plan area Special standards for residential developmentare also included here The Site Planning and Archileclural Design Guidelines In Section 40 are intended to be used in conjunction with the zoning and development standards stated here The following standardswill seNees the primary mechanismfor Implementation ofthe land land uses for theRorlpaugh Ranch Specific Plan These regulations provide an appiopriateamountof fIexibllity to anticipate future needs and to achieve compatibility between land uses Principal land uses for the Specific Plan shall be as follows 1 Residential Land Uses o lowDensity l FSelnmgilley Detached PA 10 19 20 21 and 33A and 331l o low IMluEm LM Density FSainmgllley Detached PA 14AB 16 18 o Medium M1 Density FSainmgllley Detached PA23 and 24 o Medium M2 Density FSainmgilley Deteched and Atteched clustered PA 12 14 15 22 and 31 2 Commercial o NceoigmhbmorheoordI lal P Aj11 3 Parks and Open Space o Privale Recreation Centers PA5 30 o Private PMairnkl PA 1B o Parks PA6 27 o Open Space Habitat OS1 PA 8 9A 9B and 13 Flood Control OS2 PA 7B 7C 25 26 and portiOns of 14 and 27 Park and TRra1llhdeaed 0531 PA 338 Landscape Slope 0S3 PA 7A and portion of6 4 Elementary and Middle School PA 28 and 29 5 Fire Station PA 32 Rorillallllh Ranch SpectftcPlan Amendment No 2 61 SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE I 5 3 1 DESCRIPTION OF RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAl L PLANNING AREAs NOS 10 19 20 21 AND 33A P 33B The Low Density Residential L zoning district is intendedto provide forlhe development of single family detached homes on large 1013with a unique character ofdevelopment Typical lot sizeS In the L zoning diStrict will be a minimum of 20 000 squara feet with 1 acre minimum lots along the exterior Perimetllr of Planning Areas 19 20 21 and 33A Private equestrian use will only be allowed on lots one acre or larger adjacent to the umSuleti trail in Planning Areas 19 20 21 Plannillll a 338 BRal1 n91 be developed aB a pall of Rorip8llgll RanGll Tllis plSRning aRIa 6Ilall 9llRlually lie G9RlbiRed JiIh the aajaseRt FeskieRtial Mas te the Rerth LOW MEDIUM DENSITY LM PLANNING AREAS NOS 1A2 3 4A otB 16 17 and 18 The Low Medium LM ioning district is intended to provide for the development of singlefamily homes on1013 of5000 square feetto6000 square feet Planning Areas 1 2 3 4A48 end 16 shllll hlIve a minimum lot size of 5 000 sq fl Planning Areas 17 and 18 shall have a milimum lot sIZe of 6000 sq fl MEDIUM DENSITY STANDARD M1 PLANNING AREAS NOS 23 AND 24 The Medium M zoning district is intended toprovide for the developmentof singlefamily homes on lots 4 000 minimum square feet 1 EDIUM DENSITY CLUSTE D M2 PlANNING AREAS NOS 12 14 15 22 AND 31 The Medium M zoning district is intended toprovide for thedevelopment of clustered singlefamUy development on minimum lot sizes of 3000 sq fl I Rorlpaugh Ranch Speclftc Plan Amendment No 2 64 SECTION VIII SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE 1I Table 5 2 Development Standards0ResIdential Districts ResIdential Dpevmeel nt L L E LM LM M1 M2 Standards 20 000 01000 5 000 5 000 4 000 Minimum LolSize in Foel Planning Area 19 20 10 lA 2 3 17 and 16 23 and 24 12 14 15 21 33A 4A 48 22 and 31 and 338 and 16 Minimum gross lot area square 20 000 10 000 5 000 6 000 4 000 3 000 feel 1 acreoLots In PA 19 20 and 21 that abut eastern and southern property boundary shall be a minimum of 1 acre Thirty 30 foot fuel modification zone shall nol be included In lot area Lots along the western perimeter ofPA 33A 338 shall be a minimum of 1 acre Dwelling units per net acre 1 2 dulae 1 7 dulae 5 2 dulae 4 0 dulae 6 1 dulae 10 1 dulee Minl llot frontage at front 30ft 25ft 25ft 25 ft 25 It NA orooe Une Minimum 101 frontage for a flag 25ft 20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft NA 101 at front property line Minimum width at required front 50ft 40ft 40ft 40ft 40ft NA yard setback area Minimum lot width 60ft SOft 40 ft 40ft 40ft 40ft The lot width for for both 20 000 sq ft lols and 1 acre lots shall be substantially the same Minimum lot depth 90ft SOft 80ft 80ft 80ft NA Minimum front yard setback 25ft 20ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 10ft Front entry 18ft 18ft 18 ft 18ft 18ft 18ft Side entry garages 10ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 10 ft 10ft Lots abutting Murrieta Hot Springs between pourroy Rd and the MWD easement may be reduced by three 3 feet MiUlmJkm corner side yard 15ft 15ft 15ft 15ft 15ft 15 ft se a Note Setbacks forstructures located adjacent to the FuelModification Zones shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage based on the criteria provided by the City Fire and Planning Departments I Roripau h Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 57 SECTION VIII SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE I1 Residentlal Development L LE LM LM Ml M2 Standards Minimum Lot Size In Foet 20 000 10 000 6000 6 000 Standard 4 000 Planning Area 19 20 10 1 2 3 4A 17 and 18 23 and 24 12 14 15 21 33A 4B and 16 22 and 31 aAEI 338 Minimum interior side yard 10ft 10ft 5ft 5ft 5 ft 3ft setback Minimum rearyard setback 20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft 15ft 15 ft front Setbacks for lols abutling 25ft loaded Planning Area 7A along the garage southem property Une shall have a 25 minimum rearyard setback Lots abutling MultIuse trail in PA 19 20 and 21 Setbacks for lots abutUng 50ft 5 ft rear Murrieta Hot Springs between 50ft loaded Pourroy Rd and the MWD garage ee emenl may be reduced by staff by three 3 feet Minimum rearYard Setbacks arages Deep Recessed Sft Sft 5ft 5ft Sft Sft Rear Access 3ft 3ft 3ft 3ft 3ft 3ft Maximum height 2 stories 2 stories 2 stories 24 2 20 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet stories 35 stories 35 stories 35 feet feet feel Maximum percentage of lot 50 50 60 60 60 60 coverage Minimum Garage Size Interior 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x20 20 x 20 space Fireplaces may project notmore than two 2 feet Into the side yard setback provided the width of the fireplacedoes not exceed eig t 8 feet inwidthNote Setbacks for structures locatedadjacent to the FuelModification Zones shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage based on the criteria provided by the City Fire and Planning Departments I ROrlP UQh Ranch SpecifIC Plan Amendment NO 2 sa SECTION VIII SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE I 55 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Planning Areas Nos 1B 5 6 7A 7C 8 9A 9B 13 27 25 26and 30 55 1 DESCRIPTION OF PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Parks P and Open Space OS zoning district Is Intended to promote a wide range of public and private recreational uses in the community These uses include community facilities golf courses health clubs public parks and recreation areas sports parks or other outdoorathletic facilities and similar outdoor commercial recreational uses 55 2 USE REGULATIONS The list ofland uses in thefollowing table shall be permitted in one or more ofthe park and open space zoning district as indicated in the columns corresponding toeach zoning district Whereindicated with a letter p the use shall beapermitted use Where indicated with a the use is prohibited within the zone Whereindicated with aletter C the use shall beconditionally permitted subject to approval ofa conditional use permit I Table 5 5 Schedule of Permitted Uses Parks and Recreational Uses Schedule Schedule of Uses P P OS OS OS Private Public Planning Area lB 5 and 30 6 and 27 8 9A 7C 25 Portions 9B and and 26 of6 and 13 7Aand 33B Agricultural Uses Athletic Field P P Bicycle paths P p P P Campground Caretakers quarters Cemeteries mausoleums and related uses Geme courts badminton tennis racquetball P P Golfdriving range not part ofa golf course Golfcourse and clubhouse P P Govemment and public utility facilities C C P P Gymnasium P P Microwave antennaltower1 Nature centersexhibits Nurseries P P Group Picnic Facilities I Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment NO 2 518 SECTION VIII SPECIFIC LAN ZONING ORDINANCE I Private parks and recreation facilities P P P P I Parking areas p P I Pam and Ride Public parks and recreational facUities P P P P Recreational vehicle park Riding stable public or private Shooting galleries ranges archery courses Singlefamily dwellings Tree Fanns 1 See Zoning Appendix ofPevelopment Code 17 40 for antenna infonnati n 2 Permitted in Planning Area 336 only 1I Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No 2 519 SECTION VIII SPECIFIC PLAN ZONING ORDINANCE 1 5 5 3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS In the Parks and Open Space districts development standards are as follows Table 56 Development Standards Parks and Open Space Standards Development Standards P OS Planning Area 16 5 6 27 and 7A 7C 8 9A 31 96 13 25and 26and 336 Minimum lot size 10 000 sq ft Maximum lot coverage 25 Maximum height 35 feet Floor area ratio 1 Setback for plarl g areas and structure 25 feet Minimum open spacellandscaping 75 100 2 1 Exdudes fight poles and communication faciUties 2 Design of Planning Area 338 subject to approval of Planning Director and Communi Services Director 1I RoripauQh Ranch Specific Plan Amendment NO 2 520 8 1 rn i IliIlRIIIImIBIDI 0 c 6 mBm ij g c 0 c 0 I o O OlCD H c n m 8 O 2g CD2 m g ga f 9 p li o8 W 0 o o UOtll ZIz i 0 El I w O j mmio InZ 0 j n 6 i e C 2 0 cog oiCDZZ 8 Ctnnl l0n1N m liil N L1 11 0 n b D a Rl o bQNi in u VI V 1 0 N t w c 2 0 fj Q 1 R Kif i 1ii aoo li i5 t t lilO eel 0 c i g g 0 111 I Ii fll OIg il S O if j g ii 3 or iiiQ D 1 if jiiil il2 11 a 9 e Q i i ii 3 jDO DO t 3i 3 D Ji r lIl b 03 ifia I l lli0iO a 6 ra iili i5l0 if J a g 6 i iIi 0 g i HI I I ff e Gi cm Prop lct se PI 1 I 11I 8Ii CIiqL Ji Hfj I lIDlI f io0 JII N it N grrfI III e lll o l r f tl f 0 n W C iN I i f jlll i I i o r I oe L l III7r2lIo iJj IrIoI i aJ C tIli m fB f 2 g y PI I Gi cum 1I wIIfI i tllrr ritL Q 3 21 QcJm III 8J I j 1Ma BI0rnrnll EN e i jt 1 U I i I 8Ul MOl 1 z ti2 J f Q fJ j iftritli t i j Ii e Iii a ir 0 Ii f t 0IWGJmrnl fit f i f i I 8 ft li r ii in i f iiif j 1 g a l 8i iiEflo j m J jr til l N II iat gt w Pedestrian a pla1 Gi cmlo 8 1 I l1C cr f l2 10 1I 1IIIIIi H U ti f r o i h lt ViilII il t 1 rIip I I I IIO i I I i g cbofw ri T II 1 f I ll i l 1 1 l JZ uJnmrnmmrn fii i fl jlt ff sm f ii0 XIrs It5v i iil 8i c g18 j 80 0 fwn fj fJ ilf ifIIi lj i EcO Conceptual Open Space e 2 LI t D 1 o Gic Il m 8 1 m tgI IIllmlI mooUIIlZ lO JID5 o ou 15 mm Z oo c Pp t 0 iln o n ng 1 n tn 84 mrn tiz m gi8a 0 ffi p w o8 tg 8 1rWJ 0ii Q ac a I C 0 0 2 P6rrq IJ 0 t ji3 wU l R b 0 I t 00 m N c g es L 1 8 I l fI I if g c 1M0 i r s r il g il i a0 if e I Iwoo rnrnrnrnill IBDrnrnrnrnillmml lfff H iY i fh f i it U HW if pvo ni JI JfiQ J 12 i 5 i BJ s rif g Is ob5i 0j1S l0J t 5 3 a a 5 if g Idlpi2 i a tI t mg I tlf fild cg U t l g l1 il8 f 2 IS rt 9 l 8 if i s EliJ m f gIf1ID g g s 2 f a r fiT 9 a b m g ij i fa ri i if j i JQ g fS if fa m i sl J D folm a 8 n O Kfll 1g a loi g illgil a a 01 1 m a be fU lI1 i 5 w Planning Areas 9A 98 13 a 2 5P 1 Tl 5cum 1 8o riQ 1I W OCor ljJt OOo 2 Ii II wwr olo CO o V z ijtlfco oaDO g r lt Hii BJ f ili j fg i fg rf l j f f n j n f iii f 1 1 5l S D lil g l S ill 8 IOC O J iltoiiIJlOlt 5 i 8 a B 3 e 2 f 9 2 0 w S fso D 8 sfI JJIJmmflJillITJi s p olcii go n Jf3 li t I lg fil gicio ji m ill0 Jlrnlrn fi I ft fl f l iiffifiiini f ffii I if frHoifl ffiit 1t1o ia rfl S I s A Q g 3lrc 2 lir on 0 a c III tfl5ifgls IIIm LImrU tg fr Ill m ts gj If J r am g Iot t tCD s 2 g II ag ii f g i Planning Area 12 I T1 Gl cu mo 8 I zt0 rE f t 5 a coij li 1 cnJ g o 1J C 0 g i oHJ g 1 a 5IfJXl C n 1 J 21 r n2 2 2 2 s g l I ffWgl eiiiofillJ0m FfI fiDllrrnf rimnrfFnaI rfg j liJf fiIl rbmErnfim3 fml frgonfrmfmi lJ mf i gg lEOat 2 tit 9 l 1 g i i all J ll I Iii 1 I 1 41 Y5 ft lj ii S g g m 2 I1r E sS ilIoS g 8m 3 tt3 a 17 1 m w g fs S J m Ill go g J l g Ii S nQc m Planning f en 1 VI W 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EXHIBIT B DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1I C IWINDOWSlapsdoclnettempI8532 ASQpdf795742 doc I EXHIBIT B CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No PA05 0341 Specific Plan Amendment No 2 Project Description An Amendment to the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan to change the land use designation for Planning Area 33B from Low Density Residential L to Open Space OS to accommodate park and ride and trail head uses and to relocate the park and ride facility from Planning Area 11 to Planning Area 33B DIF TUMF MSHCP Per DevlDpment Agreement Per Development Agreement Per Development Agreement 1 Approval Date Expiration Date February 14 2006 February 14 2008 PLANNING DIVISION Within Forty Eight 48 Hours of the Approval of this Project 1 The applicantdeveloper shall deliver to the Planning Department a cashiers check or money order made payable to the County Clerk in the amount of Sixty four Dollars 64 00 for the County administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination as provided under Public Resources Code Section 21108 b and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 If within said forty eight 48 hour period the applicantdeveloper has not delivered to the Planning Department the check as required above the approval for the project granted shall be void by reason of failure of condition Fish and Game Code Section 711 4 c General Requirements 2 The applicant and owner of the real property subject to this condition shall hereby agree to indemnify protect hold harmless and defend the City with Legal Counsel of the Citys own selection from any and all claims actions awards judgments or proceedings against the City to attack set aside annul or seek monetary damages resulting directly or indirectly from any action in furtherance I of and the approval of the City or any agency or instrumentality thereof advisory C IWINDOWSlapsdoclnettempI85321 ASQpdf795742 doc 3 agency appeal board or legislative body including actions approved by the voters of the City concerning the Planning Application The City shall be deemed for purposes of this condition to include any agency or instrumentality thereof or any of its elected or appointed officials officers employees consultants contractors legal counsel and agents City shall promptly notify both the applicant and landowner of any claim action or proceeding to which this condition is applicable and shall further cooperate fully in the defense of the action The City reserves the right to take any and all action the City deems to be in the best interest of the City and its citizens in regards to such defense Approval of this Specific Plan Amendment No 2 is contingent upon and shall not become effective nor shall it vest until approved by the City Council and a Notice of Determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA are approved by the City Council I 45 Applicant shall submit electronic version of all revisions to Specific Plan Developer shall submit a Development Plan for the Park and RidefTrail Head facilities in Planning Area 33B to the Planning Department subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission Added by Planning Commission 1 Applicants Signature Date Applicant s Printed Name I C IWINDOWSlapsdoclnettempI85321 ASQpdf795742 doc