HomeMy WebLinkAboutAcoustical Analysis0 a coo ~~®~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 0 0 1~®fls~ Assa'ss>~nneun4 ff®u- ~llne - ~®unun~y ®ff lf8nv~~su~le Prepared for Douglas ~b'ood ~i Associates 567 San Nicholas O Suite 301 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Prepared by Fred Greve, P.E. William Bloomer Mestre Greve Associates 280 Newport Center Drive Suite 230 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-0891 May 11, 1990 (Revised June 5, 1991) O Report # 91-120 Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 1 O Noise Assessment for the Campos Verdes Project County of Riverside 1.0 EXISTING NOISE ENVIRONMENT I.1 Introduction The proposed project calls for the development of the Campos Verdes Project which is a 132.9 gross-acre pazcel located immediately east of Margarita Road m the County of Riverside. The proposed project calls for the development of a mixed residential and commercial land use. 1.2 Noise Criteria Community noise levels are measured in terms of the "A-weighted decibel;' abbreviated dBA. A-weighting is a frequency correction that correlates overall sound pressure levels with the frequency response of the human ear. Exhibit 1 provides examples of various noises and their typical A-weighted noise level. The "equivalent noise level," or Leq is the average noise level on an energy basis for any specified time period. The Leq for one hour is the energy average noise level during the hour, specifically, the average noise based on the energy content (acoustic energy) of the sound. It can be thought of as the level of a continuous notse which has the same energy content as the fluctuating noise level. The equivalent noise level has the units of dBA, therefore, a sound measured for one hour may be expressed as a one hour Leq of 57 dBA. Several rating scales have been developed for measurement of community noise. These account for: (1) the parameters of noise that have been shown to contribute to the effects of noise on man, (2) the variety of noises found in the environment, (3) the variations in noise levels that occur as a person moves through the envimnment, and (4) the variations associated with the dme of day. The predominant raung scale now in use in California for land use compatibility assessment is the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). The CNEL scale represents a time weighted 24 hour average noise level based on the A-weighted decibel. Time weighted refers to the fact that noise that occurs during certain sensitive ume periods is penalized for occurring at these times. The evening time period (7 p.m. to 10 p.m.) penalizes noises by 5 dBA, while nighttime (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) noises are penalized by 10 dBA. These time periods and penalties were selected to reflect people's increased sensitivtty to noise during these time periods. The day-night or Ldn scale rs srtrulaz to the CNEL scale except that evening noises are not penalized. A CNEL noise level may be reported as a "CNEL of 60 dBA," "60 dBA CNEL," or simply "60 CNEL." Typical noise levels in terms of the CNEL scale for different types of communities are presented in Exhibit 2. The criteria used to assess the acceptability of community noise levels varies with the municipality. The County of Riverside uses 65 CNEL as the critical criterion for assessing the compatibility of residential land uses with noise sources. The Counry of Riverside recommends that the exterior living areas (yazds and patios) for new residential land uses do not exceed 65 CNEL. In addition, for multi-family residential projects, the California Noise Insulation Standazd O CNEL Outdoor Location ~- Apartment Next to Freeway ~~ 3/4 Mile From Touchdown at Major Airport d Downtown With Some Construction Activity ~----Urban High Density Apartment <E- Urban Row Housing on Major Avenue . <E Old Urban Residential Area c Wooded Residential ~-Agricultural Crop Land ~ -Rural Residential ~-Wilderness Ambient lExhibiY ~ ~'ypical ®utdoor Noise ]Levels MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 2 (California Administrative Code, Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, Article 4) requires that the O indoor noise levels in multi-family residential development do not exceed a CNEL of 45 dB. The County of Riverside indoor noise standazds are consistent with the state standards. The County of Riverside requires that both single family and multi-family developments achieve an indoor noise standard of 45 CNEL. Commercial retail and office land uses are also included as part of the project. The California Department of Health Services has published guidelines for determining the compatibility of various land uses with noise levels. The guidelines are summarized in Exhibit 3. The guidelines rate compatibility in terms of "normally acceptable, conditionally acceptable, normally unacceptable, and cleazly unacceptable." The guidelines aze used to assess the compatibility of the proposed project with the noise environment. The County of Riverside does not have any noise standards for commercial retail, office and hotel land uses. It is our recommendation that a 55 CNEL interior noise standard be applied to the commercial retail areas; and a 50 CNEL interior standazd be applied to general office spaces. It is recommended that private offices comply with a 45 CNEL interior standazd. 1.3 Existing Traffic Noise Levels The highway noise levels projected in this report were computed using the Highway Noise Model published by the Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model,' FHWA-RD-77-108, December, 1978). The FHWA Model uses traffic volume, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and roadway geometry to compute the "equivalent noise level." A computer code has been written which computes equivalent noise levels for each of O the time periods used in the calculation of CNEL. Weighting these noise levels and summing them results in the CNEL for the traffic projections used. CNEL contours are found by iterating over many distances until the distances to the 60, 65, and 70 CNEL contours are found. For the roadway analysis, worst-case assumptions about future motor vehicle traffic and noise levels have been made and were incorporated in the modeling effort, specifically, no reductions in motor vehicle noise have been assumed in spite of legislation requiring quieter vehicles at the time of manufacture. Existing traffic volumes and estimated speeds were used with the FHWA Model to estimate existing noise levels in terms of CNEL. Traffic volumes were obtained from the Campos Verdes Project Traffic Study, by Wilbur Smith Associates (May, 1991). Standazd traffic mix distributions were used for the arterial roadways, and are based on traffic data obtained at 31 sample intersections located throughout Orange County. The distances to the CNEL contours for the roadways in the vicinity of the project site are given in Table 1. These represent the distance from the centerline of the road to the contour value shown. Note that the values given in Table 1 do not take into account the effect of any noise barriers or topography that may affect ambient noise levels. O Land Uu Category Community Noise Exposure Ldn or CNEI., dB 55 60 65 70 75 60 Raidentiil -Low Density ~~~ ' ~~ Single Family, Duplex, Mobile Homa tR'T+~.ST . .....~ ~~.~ , .. Residential -Multi le Family p Transirnt Lodging -Motels, Hotels Schools. Libraries, Churches Hospitals, Nursing Homes ':.....:. .^:. ..' :. ... .: Auditoriums, Concert Halls, Amphitheatres Sports Aren0. Outdoor Spxtator Sports . e° Playgrounds, Neighborhood Parks Coif Courses, Riding Subles Water Reaeuion, Cemeteries ?~~ ~da' ~`k~~ ~?."~. Office Buildings, Business '"#~+8?, ;~`w,~4i~' ~%^ ~>?~:' Commercial and Residentiil Industrial, Menufuturing Utilities >°~~:w~e <; ?~>;~~s' %~'~~:~s3r:~fia?';:: Agriculture Normally Acceptable Specified Land Use is Satisfactory, Based Upon the Assumption that My Buildings Involved are of Normal Conventional Construcdon, Without My Special Noise Luulation Requirements. ® Condirionilly Acceptable New Construction or Development Should be Undertaken Only Afrer a Detailed Milysis of the Noise Reduction Requrement is Made and Needed Noise Insulation Pastures Included in the Design. Conventional Construction but with Closed Windows aqd Fresh A'r Supply ` Syatema or Air Condi[ioning, Will Normally Su[fice. Normally Unacceptable New Construction or Development Should Generally be Discouraged. If New Conswction or Development Does Proceed, a Detailed Milysis o[ the Noise Reduction Requirements Must be Made and Needed Noise Insulation Features Included in the Design Q Clearly Unacceptable New Construction or Development Should Generally not be Undertaken. ~' Jl;-flll-Di~ ~ kalif®rnia ILan~- 1Use ~®a~pa~ik~i-igy ~tu~-ies MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 3 Table 1 O EXISTING NOISE LEVELS Roadway I-15 Distance to CNEL Contour From Centerline of Roadway (Feed 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL Winchester-Date Street 169 364 784 South of Winchester 161 346 746 DIAZ ROAD South of Winchester RW 53 115 JEFFERSON AVENUE N, of Date Street RW 59 128 Cherry Street -Santa Gertrudis RW 59 127 Santa Geraudis -Winchester RW 72 156 South of Winchester RW 95 205 YNEZROAD North of Winchester RW RW 106 Winchester Rd.-Solana Way RW 102 221 South of Solana Way RW 76 164 MARGARITA ROAD South of Solana Way RW RW 82 NICOLAS ROAD South of Winchester RW RW 74 MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD North of Winchester- RW RW 84 WINCHESTER ROAD Diaz Road-Jefferson Av. RW 73 157 Jefferson Av. - I 15 55 119 257 I 15 -Ynez 56 121 260 Ynez-Mazgarita Road RW 79 171 Nicolas Road-Murrieta Ht. Spgs. RW 73 156 East of Murrieta - RW 55 118 SOLANA WAY Ynez Road-Mazgarita Road RW 55 119 Mazgarita Road-East RW RW 63 RW -Contour falls on roadway. O O Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 4 O The data in Table 1 indicate that a major noise corridor exists along Interstate I-15. Noise levels directly adjacent to the interstate exceed 70 CNEI.. Other roadways m the project vicinity have low levels of traffic and correspondingly low levels of noise. 2.0 POTENTIAL NOISE IMPACTS Potential noise impacts are commonly divided into two groups; temporary and long term. Temporary impacts aze usually associated with noise generated by construction activities. Long term impacts are further divided into impacts on surrounding land uses generated by the project and those impacts which occur at the project site. 2.1 Construction Noise Construction noise represents a short term impact on ambient noise levels. Noise generated by construction equipment, including trucks, graders, bulldozers, concrete mixers and portable generators can reach high levels. Grading activities typically represent one of the highest potential for noise impacts, however, most of the grading should occur away from existing residential land uses. However in some azeas grading will be occurring adjacent to newly developed azeas. For these situations, the most effective method of controlling construction noise is through local control of construction hours. When construction occurs adjacent to an existing residential development the hours of construction should be limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Construction should not be permitted for these circumstances on weekends or federal holidays. O 2.2 Impacts on Surrounding Land Uses The proposed development of the Campos Verdes Project project site will generate traffic, and as a result may alter projected noise levels in the surrounding areas. To assess the impact of the proposed project on land uses adjacent to streets that will serve the project, the change in roadway noise along these streets was determined. Due to future development which has already been approved there will be an increase in traffic in the surrounding area with or without the proposed Campos Verdes Project. The change in noise was calculated for these roads and is shown below in Table 2. Column 1 contrasts existing traffic noise levels with noise levels as a result of ultimate buildout including the Campos Verdes Project. Column 2 contrasts the existing traffic noise levels with existing noise plus traffic noise specifically associated with the project. O Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 5 Table 2 FUTURE NOISE LEVEL INCREASE (dB) Roadway Name Fem. EXISTING +PROJECT EXISTING EXISTING I-15 Winchester-Date Street 3.8 0.2 S. of Winchester- 3.7 0.0 DIAZ ROAD S. of Date St. 3.6 0.0 JEFFERSON AVENUE N. of Date St. 3.1 0.1 Date St.-Cherry St. 3.4 0.2 Cherry St.-Santa Gerttvdis 3.7 0.2 Santa Gertrudis -Winchester 3.6 0.2 Winchester -Apricot 0.9 0.0 Apricot Ave.-south 0.2 0.0 YNEZROAD County Ctr. St.-Winchester Rd. 5.7 0.2 Winchester Rd.South 2.5 0.0 N. of Apricot Ave. 1.4 0.0 N. of Solana Way 2.9 0.0 S. of Solana Way 4.2 0.7 MARGARITA ROAD A St. to B St. 11.0 1.9 B St. to Winchester 12.8 3.0 S. of Solana Way 7.1 0.8 NICOLAS ROAD Winchester -Roripaugh Rd 4.4 0.1 S. of Winchester- 3.4 0.1 MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD N. of Date Street 4.3 0.1 Date St: Winchester 6.3 0.1 SOLANA WAY Ynez Road-Mazgarita Road 4.2 1.0 O O O Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 6 O Table 2 (Continued) FUTURE NOISE LEVEL INCREASE (dB) R EXISTING +PROJECT Roadway Name EXISTING EXISTING WINCHESTER ROAD Diaz Road -West 2.4 0.1 W. of Jefferson Av. 0.7 0.1 Jefferson Av.-I-15 1.0 0.2 I-IS-Ynez 3.1 0.5 Ynez-Mall Road 3.9 1.0 Mall Road -Regional Center Rd. 3.4 1.0 Regional Center Road -Maragarita Rd. 3.9 0.9 Mazgarita Rd. -Roripaugh Rd. 3.8 0.6 Roripaugh Rd -Nicolas Rd. 3.4 0.4 East of Nicolas Rd. 3.8 0.5 West of Margarita Hot Springs 3.7 0.5 East of Margarita Hot Springs 4.9 0.3 In community noise assessment changes, noise levels greater than 3 dBA are often identified as (~/1 significant, while changes less than 1 dBA will not be discernible to local residents. In the range of 1 to 3 dBA residents who are very sensitive to noise may perceive a slight change. No scientific evidence is available to support the use of 3 dBA as the significance threshold. In laboratory testing situations humans are able to detect noise level changes of slightly less than 1 dBA. However, in a community noise situation the noise exposure is over a long dme period, and changes in noise levels occur over yeazs, rather than the immediate comparison made in a laboratory situation. Therefore, the level at which changes in community noise levels become discemible is likely to be some value greater than 1 dBA, and 3 dBA appears to be appropriate for most people. The data in Column 1 of Table 2 indicate that the future noise levels will increase substantially (greater than 3 dBA) over existing noise levels for sensitive land uses along some streets in the vicinity of the project. These increases are due to the project and other projects planned in the azea. The substantial increases are generally due to the relatively low amount of traffic currently in the area. A maximum change of 12.8 dB exists along Margarita Road (between B Street and Winchester Road) which will have a noise exposure just less than 70 CNEL at roadway right- of-way edge. Areas along I-15, Diaz Road, Jefferson Avenue, Ynez Road, Margarita Road, Nicolas Road, Murrieta Hot Springs Road, Winchester Road and Solana Way will also experience noise increases greater than 3 dB. Those roadways that have noise increases greater than 3 dB and future noise levels greater than 65 CNEL are considered significant impacts if existing residential developments are adjacent to the roadways. Such roadways include Mazgarita Road, Winchester Road, Murrieta Hot Springs Road and Nicolas Road. For planned residential areas that are not yet developed roadway noise can be mitigated by the developer at the time of construction. O Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 7 O The future noise levels are likely to increase slowly over the years rather than immediately. This problem is a regional problem due to the intense development throughout this area. The Noise Element of the General Plan is intended to develop strategres to address regional problems. The Noise Element for this portion of the County should be updated to address this area. (The California Department of Health recommends that Noise Elements be updated every five yeazs.) The future noise increase levels due solely to the project aze identified in Column 2; and are all less than 3 dB except for Margarita Road between B Street and Winchester Road. However, this segment of Margarita Road is currently undeveloped, and therefore will not experience significant noise impacts due to the project. Therefore, the project will contribute slightly, but insignificantly to the noise increase problem in the azea. 2.3 Noise Levels On-Site Traffic volumes reported in the traffic study were used with the FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Model to project future unmitigated noise levels for all of the roadways. The modeling results are reported in the form of distances to the 60, 65, and 70 CNEL contours. These projections do not take into account any barriers or topography that may reduce noise levels. Future traffic noise levels impacting the project site were presented in Table 3. For the project site the data is also presented graphically in Exhibit 4. Exhibit 4 shows the 60 and 65 CNEL noise contours for the project site. The data in Table 3 indicate that limited portions of the project site proposed for residential use O may experience traffic noise levels greater than 65 CNEL without some form of mitigation. Specifically, lots along Mazgarita Road and General Keamy Road will experience noise levels greater than 65 CNEL unless mitigated. Measures will be necessary to ensure that residential azeas planned along these roadways will experience outdoor noise levels less than 65 CNEL, and indoor noise levels less than 45 CNEL. The usual form of mitigation is through the construction of sound walls and sound insulation for the buildings. The residential azeas along Margarita Road and General Kearny Road will experience noise levels less than 70 CNEL. According to the California Land Use/Noise Compatibility guidelines (Exhibit 3) residential land uses inside the 70 CNEL zone are "conditionally acceptable", new construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirement is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning, will normally suffice. Exhibit 4 indicates that the residential area along Winchester Road will fall outside the 65 CNEL contour due to the set back distance of the top of slope. Along Campos Verdes Loop residential areas will also experience traffic noise less than 65 CNEL. According to the California Land Use/Noise Compatibility guidelines (Exhibit 3) residential land uses insrde the 65 CNEL zone are "conditionally acceptable", new construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirement is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning, will normally suffice. O ~t ~~ N 7 D N O m $ O O N O ri to ~: O m O ~ OI (N~ fO] N y~ O N ~ ~ • t r m l'' N (7 q W u ~~~,s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nnnnnnn ~~ ~s'~,~ ;r ,ao«~ +~ 1 I ~ I W ~ ~. ~ \ ~ ./. ~i; - ,, , .' •,s ~ ~ "1 i,` i~ . . O /n /F \~~ ~ N a ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~` v ~~ !ry! `tl I, ~~~~ , ~ o ~ ao-°__ . '~ .~~. `- ,t . y p~ ~ - . RYA / ~i / ~; _~ ' ~/. _,(. i / ~'!~ /, ~ ' `/. 1 ~( ` `'- \ ~ ®y/ _ :~ ~`\I J ' ~ 1, f 1 • _ ,''.. _ <. ,;~o - - Z~ 1, g ~ , Q~h o. • - ' 111 a. - .... ~~~ ~~~ ~NEP ." ' I .~ % _- - .~ ~- 1 1 1 1 Q-~ `~ l8j ~'~' aCN 111 W 1 ~ /•/ l ~ a,` I / ~, 1 ~ 1 i+. ~ 1, ® ~ ' - d '•.1. u.1 1 ' 1. ~ 1 ill ~ '~e~ . 1 W /h^~~ I I ` ~ aW~ 1,-j,\ h O a I ' ~..+ . .~E n` 1'. 1 ~ ~ /1 ~~ ~ / ~• ..0.f ~ t ,. l as 1 ~ r!.. fsr P ~ I' - m ~ } ,~~/~ \ Ilti _ ~Y wa a~ ~ ` _ I ~ 'yyy~~~~ ~ 1 , p ` ~I. V1 0 '~,` / ~ 3 - ~ ~ ... 0 • 'U ;< ~. f-1 ~-°•_ ~ r~...F O ._ ~ r~ b '` - •~ O I~ N N a Lil C U yam. W 0 Table 3 Future Noise Levels With The Project Distan ce to Contour (feet) Roadway Name Extent 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL I-15 Winchester -Date Sveet 302 650 1401 S. of Winchester - 284 612 1318 DIAZ ROAD N. of Date St. - RW 92 199 S. of Date St. - 58 126 271 N. of Winchester - RW 104 224 S. of Winchester - RW 93 201 ADAMS AVENUE N. of Date St. - RW RW 86 S. of Date St. - RW 53 115 JEFFERSON AVENUE N. of Date St. - RW 96 207 Date St. -Cherry Sl. RW 100 216 Chcrty St. -Santa Gertrudis RW 104 223 SantaGertrudis -Winchester 58 126 271 Winchester -Apricot Ave. 51 109 235 Apricot Ave. -south RW 98 212 MADISON AVENUE N. of Date St. - RW 93 200 YNEZ ROAD N of Date Street - RW 102 220 Date Street - C - SL RW 105 227 C - St. -County Ctr. St. RW 106 228 County Ctr. St. -Winchester Rd. 55 118 255 Winchester Rd. -South 70 152 326 N. of Apricot Av. - 59 127 273 N. of Solana Way - 64 138 298 S. oC Solana Way - 67 145 313 N/S REGIONAL CTR. ROAD N. General Kearny - RW 80 173 S. General Kearny - RW 80 173 LINCOLN AVENUE N. of Date S[. - RW RW RW "B" STREET O N. of Margarita Rd. - RW 51 110 RW -Contour falls on roadway. Table 3 (Continued) Future Noise Levels With The Project Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Name Extent 70 CNEL ti5 CNEL 60 CNEL CHERRY STREET Adams Av - ]efferson Av. RW 42 91 "C"STREET ]ackson Ave. -Equity Drive RW 66 141 "A"STREET W. of Margarita - RW RW RW COUNTY CENTER DRIVE Ynez -West RW RW 66 WINCHESTER ROAD Diaz Road -West RW 105 227 W. of Jefferson Av. - RW 81 174 Jefferson Av. - f-15 65 139 300 I-15 -Ynez 90 193 417 Ynez -Mall Road 67 144 311 Mall Road -Regional Ctr Rd. 62 133 286 Regional Ctr Rd. -Margarita Road 67 144 310 Margarita Rd. - Roripaugh Rd. 63 135 290 Roripaugh Rd. -Nicolas Road 59 128 275 E. of Nicolas Rd. - 60 129 279 West of Margarita Hot Springs 59 128 275 East of Margarita Hot Springs 54 116 249 CAMPOSVERDESLOOPROAD Margarita Road - North C Street RW 55 119 North CStreet -General Kemy Rd. RW RW RW APRICOT AVENUE W. of Jefferson Av. - RW 71 153 I-15 - Yncz RW 101 217 Ynez - Rgional Ctr. Drv. RW 106 228 Regional Ctr Rd. -Margarita Road RW 75 161 GENERAL ICEARNY ROAD Regional Ctr Rd. -Margarita Road RW 86 185 Margarita Road - H St. RW 89 192 H SL -Campos Verdes Lp RW 81 175 Campo Verde Lp -East RW 88 189 SOLANA WAY Ynez Road -Margarita Road RW 105 226 Margarita Road -East RW RW 76 RW -Contour falls on roadway. O `i./ O O Table 3 (Continued) Future Noise Levels With The Project Distance to Contour (feet) Roadway Name Extent 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL MARGARTTA ROAD N. of Date Street - RW 88 191 Date Street - A Street RW 83 179 A Street - B - St. RW 85 182 B - St. -Winchester Rd. 52 112 240 Winchester Rd. -Campos Verdes Lp. RW 93 201 Campos Verdes Lp. -General Kearny RW 85 184 General Kearny -Apricot Ave. RW 97 208 Apricot Ave. - Solana W 52 112 241 S. of Solana Way - 52 112 242 NORTH "C" STREET Campos Verde Loop - Roripaugh Rd. . RW RW 61 A-STREET General Kearny Rd. - "E" St. RW RW RW O E-STREET "A" Street - Rori au h Rd RW RW RW p g . RORIPAUGH ROAD S. of Winchester - RW 44 95 North "C" St. - E. St. RW 44 95 E. St. -Nicolas Rd. RW 44 95 NICOLAS ROAD Winchester Rd. - Roripaugh Rd. RW 68 146 S. of Roripaugh Rd. - RW 58 126 MURRDiTA HOT SPRINGS ROAD N. of Date St. - RW 75 162 Date St. -Winchester RW 103 221 S. of Winchester - RW 80 172 DATE STREET W. of Adams Av. - 51 111 239 Adams Avenue -Jefferson Av. 52 111 240 Jefferson Av. -Madison Ave. 54 117 252 Madison Ave. - I-15 56 120 259 I-15 -Business Pazk St. 56 120 259 Business Pazk St. -Jackson 55 119 257 Jackson -Lincoln Ave. RW 91 196 Lincoln Ave. -East RW 88 189 W. of Margarita Rd. - RW 88 191 O Margarita Rd. -East RW 80 173 W. of Murrieta Rd. - RW 60 129 RW -Contour falls on roadway. Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 8 O The commercial/officelanti uses to be developed Margarita Road, Winchester Road, General Kearny Road and Campos Verdes Loop will experience noise levels less than 70 CNEL. According to the California Land Use/Norse Compatibility guidelines (presented previously as Exhibit 3) commercial retail and office land uses inside the 70 CNEL zone are "conditionally acceptable", new construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirement is made and needed noise insulation features included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning, will normally suffice. The pazk land use along General Keamy Road will experience maximum noise levels just greater than 65 CNEL. According to the Califomia Land Use/Noise Compatibility guidelines (presented previously as Exhibit 3) pazk land uses just outside the 65 CNEL zone are "normally acceptable" based on the assumption that any buildings involved are of normal conventional construction, without any special noise insulation requirements. 3.0 MITIGATION MEASURES 3.1 Construction Noise Impacts Construction adjacent to existing residential development should be limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Construction should not be allowed on weekends or federal holidays. 3.2 Off-Site Noise Impacts Significant off-site impacts due solely to the project aze not anticipated. Off-site noise impacts O due to the large amount of development already planned for this area will occur and are a regional problem. The County of Riverside should update the Noise Element of the General Plan for this portion of the County. 3.3 On-Site Noise Impacts Mitigation measures are needed to reduce noise levels in outdoor and indoor residential areas exposed to noise levels greater than 65 CNEL. Specifically, residential lots along General Kearny and Margarita Road may experience noise levels over 65 CNEL without some form of mitigation. These roadways will require further noise analysis when site plans and azchitectural plans become available. The measures below are presented to demonstrate feasibility, and should not be interpreted as design specifications. Amore detailed noise analysis will be warranted when grading plans are developed. The FHWA Model described previously and future traffic volumes were used to assess the feasibility of sound barriers in reducing the noise levels. A 5 foot observer height as recommended in the FHWA Model was utilized. II was assumed that a noise barrier would be constructed at the residential property line and that the observer was located 5 feet from the barrier. It has been assumed that no second story balconies will face the roadway for units located inside the 65 CNEL impact zone. In genera], second story balconies should not overlook major roadways due to potential noise impacts. However, if such balconies are planned additional noise mitigation will be necessary. O Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 9 O Noise barrier heights were calculated for sample locations along the above named streets. In most azeas the barrier will have to reduce the noise level by approximately 1 to 6 dBA. The noise barrier heights range from 3 to 6 feet. In no instances should the barrier have to exceed 7 feet. The noise barrier heights projected may be reduced considerably through site design, such as setbacks from the roadways, grade separations, and exterior living area orientation. The barriers could be a berm, wall, or a combination berm and wall. Walls should not contain holes or gaps, and should be constructed of slumpstone or other masonry material. Final noise barrier heights should be determined when final grading plans aze developed that show lot locations, house setbacks, and precise pad elevations. Exhibit 5 presents a standard condition utilized by the County of Orange. We recommend that a similaz condition be attached to this project. This will insure that the projects meet the indoor and outdoor noise standazds for the County of Riverside. Q O N1 All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected noise, ahich shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to excee8 an exterior standard of 65 dB CNEL in outdoor living areas and an interior standard of 45 d8 CNEL !n all habit- able rooms. Evidence prepared under the supervision of a County-certified acoustical consultant that these standards sill be satisfied in a manner consistent with applicable zoning regulations shall be submitted as foliose: A. Prior to the recordation of a final tract/parcal map or prior to tho issuance of Grading Permits, at the sole discretion of the County, an Acrouatical Analysis Report shall be submitted to the Manager, Develop- ment Services Division, for approval. The report shall describe in detail the exterior noise environment and preliminary mitigation meas- ucea. Acoustical design features to achieve interior noise standards raay be included in the report in ahich case it may also~sgtisfy °e° below. B. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, an acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Manager, Development Services Division for approval along with satisfactory evidence ahich indicates that the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report(s) have been incorporated into the design of the project. C. D. ]E~au~p-e ~®u~~Yegfl®~a ®g Appa~®val MESTRE GREVE ASSOCIATES Prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Dae and Occupancy, field testing in accordance with Title 25 regulations may be required by the Manager, Building Inspection Division, to verify compliance with STC and IIC design atandarde. Mestre Greve Associates Report # 91-120 page 10 O APPEI~IIDIX CONTPUTER 1VOISE iVIOIDEL IPIPUT IDATA O O Campos Verde FHWA Model Input Traffic Data °°°° ADT (in thousands) 0000 O Speed Existing + Future Roadway Name Extent (mph) Existing Project w/ Project I-15 Winchester -Date Street 55 53.7 56.2 128.2 S. of Winchester - 55 49.8 50.0 117.0 DIAZ ROAD N. of Date St. - 40 - 0.2 21.6 S. of Date St. - 40 - 0.2 34.2 N. of Winchester - 40 - 0.2 25.8 S. of Winchester - 40 9.5 9.6 21.9 ADAMS AVENUE - N. of Date St. - 40 - 0.9 6.1 S. of Date St. - 40 - - 9.5 JEFFERSON AVENUE N. of Date St. - 40 11.1 11.3 22.9 Date St. -Cherry St. 40 - 11.5 24.4 Cherry St. -Santa Gertrudis 40 11.0 11.6 25.6 Santa Gertrudis -Winchester 40 14.9 15.7 34.3 O Winchester -Apricot Ave. 40 22.5 22.6 27.7 Apricot Ave. -south 40 22.5 22.5 23.7 MADISON AVENUE N. of Date St. - 40 - - 21.7 YNEZ ROAD N of Date Street - 40 - 0.1 25.0 Date Street - C - St. 40 - 0.2 26.2 C - St. -County Ctr. St. 40 - 0.2 26.4 County Ctr. St. -Winchester Rd. 40 8.4 8.8 31.2 Winchester Rd. -Apricot 40 25.2 25.4 45.3 N. of Apricot Av. - 40 - 25.4 34.7 N. of Solana Way - 40 20.4 20.6 39.5 S. of Solana Way - 40 16.1 18.7 42.6 N/S REGIONAL CTR. ROAD N. General Keamy - 40 - 0.8 17.5 S. General Keamy - 40 - 0.9 17.5 LINCOLN AVENUE N. of Date St. - ~ 40 - - 1.8 O A-1 Campos Verde FHWA Model Input Traffic Data 000o ADT (in thousands) aeoa Speed Existing + Future Roadway Name Extent (mph) Existing Project w/Project "B"STREET N. of Margarita Rd. - MARGARITA ROAD N. of Date Street - Date Sttet - A Street A Street - B - St. B - St. - Winchester Rd. Winchester Rd. -Campos Verdes Lp. Campos Verdes Lp. -General Kearny General Kearny -Apricot Ave. Apricot Ave. -Solana W S. of Solana Way - NORTH "C" STREET Campos Verde Loop - Roripaugh Rd. A-STREET General Kearny Rd. - "E" St. E-STREET "A" Street - Roripaugh Rd. RORIPAUGH ROAD S. of Winchester - North "C" St. - E. St. E. St. -Nicolas Rd. NICOLAS ROAD Winchester Rd. - Roripaugh Rd. S. of Roripaugh Rd. - MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD N. of Date St. - Date St. -Winchester S. of Winchester - 40 - 0.6 8.9 40 - 0.6 20.2 40 - 0.7 18.4 40 - 2.3 18.9 40 - 3.0 28.6 40 - 6.6 21.9 40 - 3.5 ]9.1 40 - 5.2 23.1 40 - 4.0 28.8 40 5.7 6.9 28.9 40 - 1.8 3.7 40 - 0.2 0.3 40 - 0.4 0.2 40 - 2.2 7.1 40 - 1.4 7.1 40 - 1.1 7.1 40 4.9 - 13.5 40 4.9 5.0 10.8 40 5.9 6.0 15.8 40 5.9 6.0 25.3 40 - 0.2 17.3 A•2 O O O Campos Verde FHWA Model Input Traffic Data aaaa ADT (in thousands) oaoo O ' Speed Existing + Future Roadway Name Extent (mph) Existing Project w/Project DATE STREET W. of Adams Av. - 40 - 0.2 28.3 Adams Avenue -Jefferson Av. 40 - 0.4 28.5 Jefferson Av. -Madison Ave. 40 - 1.1 30.7 Madison Ave. - I-15 40 - - 32.0 I-15 -Business Pazk St. 40 - - 32.0 Business Park St. -Jackson 40 - 0.1 31.6 Jackson -Lincoln Ave. 40 - - 21.1 Lincoln Ave. -East 40 - - 20.0 W. of Mazgarita Rd. - 40 - - 20.2 Mazgarita Rd. -East 40 - - 17.5 W. of Murrieta Rd. - 40 - - 11.2 CHERRY STREET Adams Av -Jefferson Av 40 - - 6.7 40 "C"STREET Jackson Ave. -Equity Drive o "A"STREET W. of Mazgarita - COUNTY CENTER DRIVE Ynez -West WINCHESTER ROAD Diaz Road -West W. of Jefferson Av. - Jefferson Av. - I-IS I-IS -Ynez Ynez -Mall Road Mall Road -Regional Ctr Rd. Regional Cv Rd. - Mazgarita Road Margarita Rd. - Roripaugh Rd. Roripaugh Rd. -Nicolas Road E. of Nicolas Rd. - West of Murrieta Hot Springs East of Murrieta Hot Springs 40 - - 12.9 40 - 0.1 1.3 40 - 0.1 4.1 40 15.1 - 26.3 40 15.1 15.5 17.7 40 31.6 33.0 40.0 40 32.2 36.2 65.3 40 17.1 21.6 42.1 40 17.1 21.6 37.2 40 17.1 21.1 42.0 40 15.9 18.1 38.0 40 15.9 17.5 35.0 40 15.0 16.9 35.7 40 15.0 16.9 35.0 40 9.8 10.6 30.2 O A•3 Verde FHWA Model InDUt Traffic Data Speed Existing + Future Roadway Name Extent (mph) Existing Project w/Project CAMPOS VERDES LOOP ROAD Margazita Road - North C Street 40 - 9.9 10.0 North C Stn;et -General Keamy Rd. 40 - 1.5 1.6 APRICOT AVENUE W. of Jefferson Av. - 40 - 0.2 14.6 I-15 -Ynez 40 - 0.6 24.5 Ynez - Rgional Ctr. Drv. 40 - 0.8 26.5 Regional Ctr Rd. - Mazgarita Road 40 - 0.8 15.7 GENERAL KEARNY ROAD Regional Ctr Rd. - Mazgarita Road 40 - 1.6 19.4 Mazgarita Road - H St. 40 - 3.9 20.4 H St. -Campos Verdes Lp 40 - 1.5 - 17.8 Campo Verde Lp -East 40 - 1.8 19.9 SOLANA WAY Ynez Road - Mazgarita Road 40 10.0 12.6 26.1 Marcarita Road -East 40 3.8 - 5.1 O O O A•4