HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Preparation & Project CorrespondenceC~ Ao NOTICE F E TIO1~T & PIi,OJECT C ESPONDEI~TCE ~, J./*GJs. v - ~3ad6~~e "~ Q 'a~ Applicants Revised Notice of Preparation of An Environmental Impact Report DATE: February 23, 1990 PROJECT SPONSOR: Applicant: Bedford Development Co. 27405 Ynez - Rancho California, CA 92390 Engineers/Rep: Turrini 8 Brink NBS Lowry 3242 Halladay, Ste 100 40925 County Ctr Dr. fF120 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Rancho California, CA 92390 PROJECT CASE N0./TITLE: Change of Zone No. 5617, Parcel Map No. 25213, Vesting Tract Map No. 25214, Vesting Tract Map No. 25215 ' PROJECT LOCATION: South of Winchester Road and East of Margarita Road ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To change the zoning on eight (8) lots totaling 130.6 acres from R-R (Rural-Residential) and A-2-20 (Heavy Agriculture) to R-1 (One-Family Dwellings), R-2 (Multifamily-Dwellings), R-3 (General- ResidenLial), R-5 (Open Area Combining Zone-Residential), C-0 (Commercial- Office), C-1/C-P (General Commercial), and Parcel Map No. 25213 which proposes to subdivide 130.6 acres into 11 parcels, Vesting Tract Map No. 25214 which proposes to subdivide 27.9 acres into 146 lots, and Vesting Tract Map No. 25215 which proposes to subdivide 21.5 acres into 65 lots. Pursuant to the Riverside County Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required. OPTION TO REVISE PROJECT: Upon receipt of this notice, the project sponsor may revise the project to avoid or mitigate any adverse impact. If the' potential adverse effects are substantially mitigated by the revised project", an EIR shall not be required and a Negative Declaration (statement of no significant effect) shall be prepared. APPEAL: The staff requirement to prepare an EZR may be appealed to the Planning Commission within teh (10) days of receipt of this notice. The appeal must be made in writing and contain brief discussion of how the project will avoid the environmental effects listed on the attachment. The appeal must be accompanied by: (1) adhesive labels containing the names and addresses of sll property owners within 300 feet of the project boundaries; and (2) a filing fee of 587.00 4080 LEMON STREET, 9TH FLOOR 79733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE E RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 BERMUDA DUNES, CALIFORNIA 92201 (714)"f97^61$-1- 275-3286 (619) 342-8277 Applicants Revised Notice of Preparation of An Environmental Impact Report Page 2 PREPARATION OF THE DRAFT EIR: It has been determined that the project sponsor is responsible for the preparation of the Draft EIR, and should seek the services of an environmental consulting firm to prepare the draft document. The Draft EIR must meet the form and content requirement of the Planning Department (see attached sheet for required topics). The sponsor should advise the consultant to meet with the staff on a regular basis to insure an adequate document is prepared in a timely fashion. A preliminary draft shall be submitted for review and if determined acceptable, the consultant will be notified of the appropriate number of final draft copies to be provided for distribution to state and local agencies, and interested parties. The Draft EIR must be submitted within 120 days of this Notice unless an extension of not more than thirty (30) days is received and granted by the Department. FEES: A fee of 85,906.00 must be submitted to the Planning Department within thirty (30) days of this notice. Note: The fees for processing this Draft EIR were paid on December 18, 1990. PROJECT PRESUMED ABANDONED: Unless the fee and the Draft EIR are submitted within the time periods specified .above, the project will be presumed abandoned, and the application will be immediately returned to the sponsor with no further action. If you have any questions, please contact Randy Wilson at (714) 275-3286. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Joseph A. Richards, Planning Director Rand Wi1so Planner II f~:1RW: 199 u ervisors Walter P. Abraham Commissioners Dave Turner NOP TRANSMITTAL LIST STATE AGENCIES Air Resources Board Dept. of Resources Office of Planning Research Regional Water Quality Board ~8 CALTRANS District 8 So. Cal. Assoc. of Governments So. Cal. Gas Company So. Cal. Edison STATE CLEARINGHOUSE RIVERSIDE COUNTY ;.,. Administrative Office Agricultural Commissioner ssessors Office Building 8 Safety Dept. Dept. of Economic 8 Dev. Agency Fire Dept. - Planning and Engineering Flood Control Health Dept. LAFCO Open Space Resources Comm. Parks Dept. Road Dept. Sheriff Dept. Superintendent of Schools MISCELLANEOUS AGENCIES Eastern Municipal Water District General Telephone Company Metropolitan Water District Pacific Telephone Company Rancho California Water District San Bernardino Museum/ Attn: Bob Reynolds Sierra Club, San Gorgonio Chap. Temecula Union School District U.C.R. Coop. Ext. Ser. U.S. Fish 8 Wildlife U.S. Postal Service County Services Area 143 Citv of Temecula Ron Parks, Mayor Karel F. Lindemans, Mayor Pro Tem Patricia H. Birdsall Peg Moore J. Sal Munoz Frank Aleshire - (Acting) City Manager ~~;; ISSUES TO BE INCLUDED IN DRAFT EIR The draft environmental impact report shall address all topics required by Article 9 of the State CEQA Guidelines. In addition, the concerns listed below shall be thoroughly addressed in the report. Any additional concerns raised in the responses to the notice of preparation shall also be addressed. Landform and Tooograohv: Briefly describe the general characteristics of these elements as they pertain to the project site. Also, indicate any proposed modifications to existing conditions based on anticipated grading or other activities required for site improvement or development. Soils and Agriculture: Assess the agricultural potential and viability of the site and potential impact on agriculture (both on-site and surrounding the site). Biology: Flora and fauna should be inventoried. Rare and endangered species should be locationally identified with their range and habitat mapped. Geology and Seismicity: Describe existing conditions, known fault zones, slopes, and erosion. Describe how these conditions may constrain or modify development of the project. Seismic potential should be delineated in terms of magnitude, intensity, ground acceleration, duration, frequency, and recurrence. Address liquefaction potential, provide a geologic mapping of the site, and discuss any potential for paleontological resources. Hydrology Flooding and Drainage: Address impacts the proposed development will have on the project site with respect to the water courses throughout the site. Impacts on groundwater resources in terms of overdraft and/or pollution should be addressed, as well as potential impacts to downstream properties and flood control improvements. Climate and Air Quality: Estimate and evaluate air quality impacts, both immediate and cumulative. The air quality section should be in accordance with the "Air Quality Handbook for Preparing Environmental Impact Reports - Revised April 1, 1987," which was prepared by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. ~J ISSUES TO BE INCLUDED ZN DRAFT EZR Page 2 Scenic Hiahwavs: Discuss any County or State scenic highways that may be in the vicinity of the project site. Outline mitigation measures for impacts resulting from incompatible design and appearance of new structures. Paleontoloav: The project site lies within an area in which a high potential for significant paleontological resources exists. Possible impacts shall be addressed and a plan for mitigation of potential impacts must be outlined. Water Quality: Evaluate potential impacts on local water quality which may result. Address availability for all uses, irrigation for open space areas, and water rights. Noise: Address potential impacts of noise generated by project on surrounding land uses. Outline mitigation recommendations. Enerav Resources and Conservation: Assess the energy resource potential and viability of the site potential impacts. Identify energy conservation techniques in building design. Circulation and Traffic: Address available circulation to the site and identify potential impacts, and possible extension and upgrading of existing roads with respect to major access corridors. Public Facilities and Services: Identify existing infrastructure and. potential impacts to existing public services. The discussion should include the possible extension and upgrading of public facilities to service the project site. The following topics should be addressed by subject: -- Airports -- Libraries -- Water Facilities -- Sewer Facilities -- Flood Control Facilities -- Solid Waste -- Fire, Police, Emergency Services -- Local Utilities, Easements -- Schools -- Cost Analysis, relating to extension and/or construction of facilities necessary to serve project - - Health Services - - Parks and Recreation, Trails, and Equestrian Trails Land Use Compatibility: Address the issue of compatibility of proposed land uses with established surrounding land uses. Fiscal Impact Analysis Growth Inducing Impacts Cumulative Impacts Unavoidable Effects -term iicoe of mangy Alternatives to Proposed Proiect - - -, . _ _ _ `~ ~~L~~~~~~ C ~ ~ ~~6 I~Wl/IROR1aAEWYAL ASSESSRA~RiT f~ORAA REVISED EPdVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) NUMBER: 34350 MODULE NUMBER(s): 119 PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) AND NUMBERSIs$ CZ 5617 APPLICANT'S NAME: Bedford Development NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPARING EA: Randy Wilson - 1. PROJECT INFORkAAT10N A. DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size and uses as applicable): Change the zone from P.-R and R-2-20 to R-1. R-2, R-3, R-5, C-0, C-1/C-P B. C. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES 130.6 ~ orSOUARE FEET ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): 910-130-008 911-170-004 0 921-090-001, 004, 017 D. E. F. EXISTING ZONING: R-R and A-2-20 LS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? No PROPOSED 2QNING: R-1, R-2, R-3, R-5, C-1/C-P ~ THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? STREET REFERENCESC-0 G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 25 T75 R3W H. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING EPMRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND TTS SURROUNDINGS: Open Fields ~. t~dAR1 APEN f$PACE AND Ch~lc 9Pea opprop~te optlon(e) '' and proud eceardingy. ®AN or part of 94a Rrol"ct alb b in "Adopted Spacifie Plans," "REMAP" or "Rancho Yllages Community paltry Armes" Compote 5~:41ons 114 N (B and C only), d and !/I. Ap or part of ffra protaat ~ ~ ~ "~ Not Designatsd as Open Space". Complete Sections III. N (A, B and D OJdy), b and VI. A8 or pert of 4ha protxt ails has en Opan Space and Consiarvation designation other then those mentioned hove. Complain S~tona 111, N (A, B, and E only), d and M. START®AR® I:!/AL.UATIORf III. ENVIRON@AEPITAL HAZARDS AND RESOURCES BSSESEt`aERT'f A. Indicate the nature Of the Proposed lantl use 88 datermirtod from ills descriptions es found in Comprehensive General Plan Figure V1.3 (Circe Onel• This information is rtscessary to determirta the appropriate Isnd use suitability retings in Section III.B. NA • Not Applicable Critical Eosart~l Nomml-Htgh Risk Normal•Low Risk B. Ind~ate with a yes (Y) or mo (N) whether any environrnarrtal he=ardand/or ret,~outee iasuas maY aSgnif~anllY afteci or be affected by the ProPOael. All referenced figures are conteinGtl M the Cortrprsf>6nsiva las+e^aal Plan. For any Issue rtrarked yes (Y) write additional data sources, agencies twnsuttsd, fintlings of fee! and any mitigation m~surea under Section V. Also, where indicated. Grde the appropriate land use sultebAlty or noise axeptaDQity reting(a). (Soa definitions at bottom of this pegel• 44A~OS 1 N 2 Y 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7.~1` _ g N g N 10. Y 1 1.~L. Alquist-Priolo Spacial Studies or County Fault Hazard Zones (Fig. VI.1) NA PS U R (Fig. VI.3} Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. VI.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.4) Grountlshaking Zone (Fig VI.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. VL5) Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Seale Slope Maps) Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Seismic Maps or On•site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfall Hazard (On-site Inspection) Expansive Soils (U.S.DA. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Erosion (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Soit Surveys) Wind Ersosion 8 Blowsand (Fig. V1.1, Ord. 460, Sec. 14.2 8 Ord. 484) Dam Inundation Area (Fig. VI.7) FloodPlains (Fig. VI.7) NA U R (Fig. VI.B) 12. N Airport Noise (Fig. 11.18.5, 11.18.11 8 VI.12 8 1984 AICUZ Report, MA.F.B.) NA A 8 C D (Fig, VI.11) 13. ~ Railroad Noise (Fig. VI.13 • V1.16) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 14. Y Highway Noise (Fig. V1.17 - V1.29) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 15. _ Other Noise NA A B C D (Fig, V1.11) 16. N Project Generated Noise Affecting Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. VI.11) 17. N Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. VI.11) 18. Y Air Quality Impacts From Project 19. ~ Project Sensitive to Air Quality 20. Y Water Quality Impacts From Project 21. ~ Project Sensitive to Water Quality 22. N Hazardous Materials and Wastes 23. N Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30 - VI.31) 24. _ Other 25. _ Other RESOURCES 26.E-- Agriculture (Fg. Vt.34 - V1.35) 32.E Scenic Highways (Fig. Vt.45) 27 N In or Near an Agricultural Preserve 33. N Historic Resources (Fig. VI.32 • VI.33) (Riv. Co. Agricultural Land Conversation 34~_ Archaeological Resources Contrail Maps) (Rg. V1.32 - VI.33 8 VI.46 - VI.48) 28 Y Wildlife (Fig. Y1.36 - V1.37) 35 Y Paleontoogical Resources 29 N Vegetation (Fig. V1.38 - VI.40) (Paleontological Resources Map) 30 N Mineral Resources (Fig. VI.41 - VI.42) 36._ Other 31 Y Energy Resources (Fig. VI.43 - VI.44) 37` Other ~41ni41ons 90l• Ise1d Use Sut4abill4y end R1ois~ Acc~p4ablli4y Ra4ings NA -Not Applicable S -Generally Suitable PS -Provisionally Suitable U -Generally Unsuitable R -Restricted A -Generally Acceptable B - Condkionally Acceptable C Generally Unacceptable D -land Use Discouraged ( R/. 6A'kD UsSE ®El'ER~"llNelTloR1 i A Comptate 91is D~ unbsa the propct hr loaded to "Adopted Spxffic tans". "REMAP" or "Rancho Vltlagas Community Ro!!cy Areas." 1. OPEN SPACE AfdD CONSERVATION PAAP DESIGfdATlOld(s): Not Designated as Open Space 2. 6APdD USE PLAPINING AREA: Southwest Terrace 3. SUBAREA IF ANY: Southwest Area caRrnulity Plan 4. COMAAUNfTY POLICY AREA, IF ANY: Southwest Area Community Plan - 5. CON1fJIUfdITY PLAPd, IF ANY: Southwest Area Community Plan 8. COIWMUNIIY PLAfd DESIGFdAT10Pl(s), IF ANY: 8-16 Du/A. and 2-5 DU/A. C-0. C 7. SUAAIWARY OF POLICIES AFFECTING PROPOSAL• 8-16 DU/A-0ategorv I and 2-5 DU/A = (`a+cnnnr 77 lcval of ecryi eg C-0 (Commercial/Office) and C - Comrescial B. For all pro)acts, inidcate with a yes (YI or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or services issues may significanty affect or ~ affected by the proposal. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive General Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write daffi sources, agendas consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. PUBLIC F@~CIL(YIES @.R1D SERVICES 1 Y Circulation (Fig. N.1-N.11. Disarss M Sac V Foisting, Pfanrrsd 8 Required Roads) 2 Y Bike Trails (Fig. N.12 • N.13) 4 Y Sawar (A6~Y Ltt6ers) S Y Fire SaMaaa (Fig. N.18 - N.18) 8~L S7rrlif S (Rg N.9 7 • N.18) 7.X. 8cPtooln (Fig. N.17 - N.1 B) B..L @a°A Wft^€soa (Rg. N.17 - N.1 B) f9 Y P~vlcs and R~Ron (Fig. N.t 9 • N20) 10~L Equestrian Traits (Fig. N.19 • N24/ Riv. Co. 800 Scale Equestrian Trail Maps) 11 Y Utllitias (Fig. N25 • N26) 12 Y Ubrarias fFig. N.17 - N.18) 13~~ Ffast7r Saroices (Fig. N.17 - N.18) 14,..X_ Atrpottrt (Fig., [Ll B$ - Q.18.10 8 N27 - N.38) 95 N D+~ssler Prsparc~raas 98 N City Sphere of tr~Huance 97~ Oihar C. p d or pat of f+ha Dro',°et b tt>~ to °A Sp~fle Pismo°. `REtuIAP" of "Rartdto Vi!lsgas Community Policy ArD~a". r6vNder b @21~ fha cp~iitC g to Bra propose!, and ffr2 Yolla~r4rg: 9. SBlte she relarbint Mnd trca drr(el: 2. Bid on ffr~ fn>f~l tlAtdy, b fi'ra propo~l eorroiaffirrt rrlQfr 1R3 Dd'~s acrd daslgnatiorrs Ot the appropriaffi doaan2rrt, tnd tfrarefore eor>siatsnt 1^,Jpt1 Ct3 C~ Ps~HI P~r17 IP ti0t, ettpffiin: ms~o nee, i van W. 6AA1D U>aE DETERCAIltlAl70Ri (con4lnuod) D. k dt or t~ of Cm pro~ct [site fa to "Arses rrot Designated as OPT SPa~", and is not to n Community Plan, complete ''; s 1, 2, a 8 and 7. Compote 4, 5, 6 and 7 k k fb to a Community Plan. r 1. Hand uaa 'rns) reocessary ~ auPD«t tha Proposed Pro; A~ indicate land use type (Le. naaidentiai, cornrnercial, etc.) a. Conant end use eategory(ias) for the ake based on existing conditions. Also indicate land use type (Is. residential, oommarcial, etc.) 3. k D.1 dkfers from D2, eb(il Csa dtfleren~ ba resotvad at Ca ds+raloprr~nt otage? Explain: ~ - 4. Communty Plan designations): $-16 DU/A 2-5 DU/A C C-0 5. IS the Proposed D-olect consistent with the policies and designations of tha Community Plan? M not, explain: Yes 8, o Cta proposal compatible wkh existing and proposed surrounding and uses? k not, explain: Y G 7. Bated on Shia tnkial study, ~ Csa P-oPOaal consistent tvtCs Cra Comprdsansiva General PIan1 k trot, refsrsatoa ify Sschon and lssua idumtaar Crone isauas idenklying trroor+sisLoncias: Yes E. a otl or Part of pea Pra"oct db to to ~ C!p^a+ ~ crd C+ +. Cra following: 9. S3tate Bea mss}: 3. b Bra f t ~ Bra alT B teat o>~= a on Beni Mimi aardy, to Bea propo~i car,sis~+t ~+ am c~ C~narai Plan? q rsot_ toisr~e by sit cJtd 6mua a'a,mbar Broaa t tdaMllytng xos:- ffi7D(ka 1II/dr) 4 ~, A. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION OETERNINAT1pN ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECENED (YES/NODA7t1 All NOP - EIR 8. For each issue maAced yes (Y) under Sections 111.8 and N.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the folbwing, in the fomlat as shown below: t. List all additional relevant data sources, including agencies consuRed. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental cons®ms. 3. State specific mkigation measures, if ident'rfiable without requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. If additional information is required before the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to Subsection A. 5. If additional sheets are needed to complete this section, cheek the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. I SECTION/ LSSUE NO. ITS (' mn SOURCES AGENCIES r hensive ('PnPral CONSULTED FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: Plan I in~iafartinn FTR III BTO Cn~D rehPnclVP ('anaral Plan ~lnnrinlainc FTR III 614 Comp rehensive General Plan I , Hiahwav Noise IR III 618 Comp rehensive General Plan Air Qualitv EIR I III B20 III 626 Comp Comp rehensive rehensive General General Plan Plan . Water Qualitv. EIR Agr' T*iiro rTR III 628 Comp rehensive General Plan Wildlife EIR III B3I Comp rehensive General P]an Energy Racnurrac FTR III 632 Comp rehensive General Plan Scenic Hiahwavs EIR III 634 Comp rehensive General Plan ArchaPningiral RPGOIIrreG EIR III B35 IV B1 Comp Road rehensive General Plan Department Comments Palaontologiral Racrnirrac FiR I i Circulation EIR IV g2 ~ IV B Comp Comp rehensive rehensive General General Plan Plan Bike Trails FIR Water EIR 285-701New 12/87 5 , - b. IPIFOR SECTION/ ISS<lE NO. IV 64 IV 65 IV 66 IV 67 IV B8 IV 69 IVIV B11 IV 612 IV 613 IV 614 N 317 IV B10 FlRIDIR1CaS OF SIEASURES (eonflnuod) SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MRIGATION AAEASURES: Comprehensive General Plan, Sewe~EIR Comprehensive General Plan Fire Services, EIR Comprehensive General Plan Sheriff Services, EIR Comprehensive General Plan Schools EIR Comprehensive General Plan Solid Waste EIR Comprehensive General Plan Parks and Recreation, EIR Comprehensive General Plan Utilities. EIR Comprehensive General Plan Libraries, EIR __ Comprehensive General Plan Health Services, EIR Comprehensive General Plan Airports EIR Site is within the City of Temecula Corrmrehensive General Plan Ecruestrian Trails EIR O Sea attached pages. ^ The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negatnre Declaration may be prepared lor) ^ 7ha project could have a significant affect on the environment; however, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described in Section V have been applied to the project and a Negative Declaration may be prepared. (or) ® The project may have a significant erf~:t ~ the envirmnirFBnt and an Environmental Impact Report is required. / ~~ //~ ~~ /~ Na /6. r Vi/ / Yom! - _~1ate: ~~/~ Pr red ~ dandy n 29570 INaw 12/871 8 . _ _' . _ _ _ [#:RiHIROR1AflERiY~,L @,SSESSRAERIY ~®RRA: SY@~R1®&+R® E!/ALUAYIOW ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) NUMBER: 34499 MODULE NUMBER(s): ~ 19 PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) ANO NUMBERS(s): Parcel Map No. 25213 APPLICANTS NAME: Bedford Develogresit NAME OF PERSON(S) PREPARING EA: Randy W~ ~ eon - I L PFIOJECT INFORIVI@ITION J A. DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size And uses as Applicable): Subdivide 132.9 acres into 11 parcels and a remainder part B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES 132.9 or SOUARE FEET C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): 911-170-004, 911-170-005 910-130-008, 921-090-001, 921-090-002 D. EXISTING ZONING: R-R and A-2-20 IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED ZONING: R-1, R-2, R-3, R-5, C-1/C-P ~ THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? C-O South of Winchester Road and east of Ynez Road F. STREET REFERENCES: G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: H. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL S£TTiNG OF THE PROJECT SRE AND TTS SURROUNDINGS: Fields Q. COlAPREW~RlL OPEN BPdCE APoO C~ idea ope aptEOre(s) tralo~ and pn~ camdh+eN• ^ A8 er psp at toha pn>~c4 >~ b to "Adopted Spoolfit Plmns," "REMAP" w "Rancho Villages Community Pali>ry An~u"• Campbte Sactform UI, N (B and C only), V and VI. ® AE of PaR oT 8'S3 pn~c4 tithe b to "Areas R',ot DeaignAtsd »t Open Space". Complete Sections III, N (lL B end D ontyl, V and VL ^ AJ! or pap a? 4ha pn~et nMe Ptls tN Open Space And ConoeroAtion designation other than those mentioned obese. Complete S 111, N (Ar B, and E ony). V and M. Itl. ~H161ONRAERfT~1L HdBRiRDS AR1D RESOURCES ISSSESSkAENY J A. Fredienta the nature of the proposed land use oa dattxmir~d hom the deaerfptbns na found in Comprehensive General Plan Figu, Vi.3 (Chet One). This Information io rroeaaary tD dotarmirq the Oppropriaffi land uoe auitabilhy ratings in Section III.B. NA • Itbt Applicable Cntteal Eaaontiel 0.bmwt•Hlgh Rink Normal•Low Riak g, trtdleaffi wIM a yea (Y) rn no (NI w sny mvironrr>antal horard orb/or resource mauas rtwy aignificandy affect a be affected by the proposal. All referenced figures ore Conffiiresd b the Comprphenaiva General Plan. For ony issue rnortced Yes (Y) write edditbnal data sourCOA OganCiaS eonaultsd, findings of fact end any mRigation rnaasures under Section V. Also, where indicated. Cfrota tNe appropriate Isnd ura aultobAity or noise acceptabtlity mthrg(s). (Sae definitions at bottom of this page). b~R®S 1 „j~L_ a0uiet•Prioio Spadd Studies or County Fault 12. N anion Noise (Fig. 11.18.5,11.18.11 Hazard Zones (pig. M.1) 8 VI.12 & 1984 aCUZ Report, MAF.B.) NA PS U R (Fig. V1.3) NA A B C D (Fig, V1.11) 2 Y Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. VI.1) 13. N Railroad Noise (Fig. VI.13 • VI.16) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.4) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 3 N Groundshaking Zone (Fig V1.1) 14. Y Highway Noise (Fig. VI.17 • Vt29) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.S) NA A B C 0 (Fig, VI.11) 4 Y Slopes (Riv. Co. B00 Scale Slope Maps) 15. N Other Noise 6..i~_ Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale NA A 8 C D (Fig, Vi.11) Seismic Maps or On•ske Inspection) 16. N Project Generated Noise Affecting NA S PS U R (Fig. V1.6) Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. VI.11) 6~PL Rrxkfall Hazard (On•ake Inspection) 17. N Nose Sensitive Project (Fig. VI.11) 7 N Expansive Soils (U.S.DA. Soil 18. Y ar Quality Impacts From Project Conservation Service Shc Surveys) 19. N Project Sensitive to Air Quality 8 Y Erosion (U.S.DA Soil Conservation 20. Y Water Quality Impacts From Project Service Soii Surveys) 21. N Project Sensitive to Water Ouality 9 N Wind Eraoalon 8 Blaraand (Fig. V1.1, 22. N Hazardous Materials and Wastes Ord. 460. Sac. 142 & Ord. 484) Z3. N Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. V1.30 • VI.31) 10 Y Dam Inundation Area (Fig. V1.7) 24. _ Other 11,N_ FloodPlaina (Fig. V1.7) 25. _ Other NA U R (Flg. VI.B) G3~S®IJRC ~S 28 Y ire (Fig, V1.34 ' VI.35) 32 Y Sconce Hq~ruyo (Fig. M.45) 27 N to or A!aar on Agrieulblrol Pracanre 33.E Historic Reaouroan (Fig. M32 • VI.33) (Riv. Co. AgrfadWrcJ lrnd Conr~istlori 34~. Arehesological Roaouroas Coritrcct (papa) iFig. M.32 • Vf.33 8 M.46 - M.48) 88 Y L~I(8 (Ffg. lil,'~8.1fl37) 33~Z Pa~~tto.'o9ied Rooources 2S N (Fkg. W.3$ • 1/L40) (ieol Roaouroaa Map) sa N ~ain~d Ra~t,r~:, (Fie w.a1- w.42) as~ oar 51.E Ert~gy (Fkg. HL43 - N(.44) S7~ Oihar @~4ifli4iofla 4oe I~it1~ lDt3® ~u148~i1i4y anf~ Rlolse @,ccop4r9billYy ~a4ings 0.A - R4at A¢PI(eab:3 S - Y Sulfable PS - prpvlaipnally Suitable U • (3~nera(y Lfnaulmble R - Rcatrtc£ad A • Generally AccsPtFlbk ®- Ponditlonalty Aarapfabb C • G~taratty LlntsccePmb~ D -Land Ua2 Diacouroged sss-~o ms. , ~mn z I w. LB~ID LIB DETERMINi~TION I A Compble ffiis part unbss tha pro;ox:t is lOCtsffid to "Adoptsd Sp~ific Pins", "REPAAP" or "Rancho VlAages Community Policy Areas." 1. pPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION MAP DESIGNATION(s): Not Designated as Open Space ~, 2. LAND USE PLANNING AREA: Southwest Territory Land Use Plann; nQ Area 3. SUBAREA, IF ANY: Southwest Area Ccanmuiity Plan 4. COMMUNRY POLICY AREA, IF ANY: Southwest Area COIf[IfLni ty_ Plan 5. COMMUNITY PLAN, IF ANY' Southwest Area Community Plan 6. COMMUNITY PLAN DESIGNATION(s). IF ANY: S-i 6 DU /A. ~-S rxT /a r~ r 7. SUMMARY OF POLICIES AFFECTING PROPOSAL $-16 DU/A =Category I-Level of service, and 2-5 DU/A = Cateaory ZI level of service C~ (Conmercial Officel (' - Conriercial B. For all pro)acts, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or services issues may Significantly affec! or t?a affected by the Droposal. All referenced figures are conffiined in the Comprehensive General Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write daffi sources, agendas consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. EsIJBLIC FACILJYIES @~R1D SERVICES 1 Y Cirwlation (Fig. N.1-N.11. Di¢wss in Ssa V Existing, Planned 8 Required Roads) 2 i' Bike Troils (Fig. N.12 • N.13) 4~ Ssvrar (ASS' Litters) S Y FGe SsMOen (Fig. N.18 • N.18) g ~` Ssrvtoaa (Flg N.17 - N.18) 7,..1. 8choola (Fr& N.17 - N.18) 8 1' Bofrd Wt~ (Ftg. N.17 - N.98) g Y Poetrs and tk~ticn (FEg. iV.19 - N.20) 10 Y Equestrian TnnBs (Fig. N.19 - N24/ Riv. Co. 800 Scale Equestrian Trail Maps) 11 Y Ufilifias (Fig. N25 - N28) 12,E L~rarias (Fig. N.17 - N.18) 13.E I{'sslth Saroices (Fig. N.17 • N.18) 14 '_ Airports (Fig., 8.18.8 • x.18.10 8 N27 - N36) 9 S N Dieter Preparcdrgss 18 N Gty Spls~e at bMuarxe y7 Y Oppr Within rite of T~necula C. a E4 to p^!t Q1 tPt'd ptD~oCt t3 IOeafad G1 °AdaPlcd c P~.11s". `3iEMAP" Or "Rancho V'dloges Communty Poltcy ". f6ti~ri"J hl t£^aoall 54a [' Gds Opplyfng SD flea p'rr~a'Lal, 6C1d oomph fh3 fallav~mQ: 9. grd 1tJ~vd ~ ura deaEgs(a)~ 2. @Saed crt fhb Init~l eh=dy. f$ Cra ptopoaal eortsiBteM evtth 1h2 polidas tdnd dasignetions Of fhe appropciaffi €nd 9harelora Ott eyfCt the Co+nprshansiva C~re1 Pin? M not, explain: asro xx , z~ R!. 6~D U5E DETEtiCAIR161TIOW (oorrelnuod) D. H oil Or Part Of Ufa Prokotit d~ ~ ~ " not Deafgnated as Opa~ Space", and is not to a Community Plan, eomplete gtCa64ons 1. 2, 3, 8 rand 7. Compute Grrastions 4, 3, 6 and 7 M R f6 fn a Community Plan. 1. Lend use eategortgies) rescessary b support the Prod Prom i~Lso indicate land use type (Le. residential, eornmerdal, etc.) 2. Conant end use category(ias) for She site based on existing oonditiwrs. Also indicate Isnd use type (Le. n9sid6ntiel, corrrrnarCial, etc.) 3 H D.1 dIP(ers from D2, will ttra df(lersnce tsa resotvdd at the davelopmant stage? Explain: 4. Community Plan designation(s): 8-16 DU/A, 2-5 DU/A, C C-0 5. IS the ProPOSed Project Consistent with the policies end designations of fha Community Plan? H not. explain: Yes 6. Oa the Proposal oompatiWe with existing and Droposed surrounding land uses? M not, explain: Yes 7. Bawd on this initial study, ~ the P tent with the Comprelransfve General Plan? g tsar. ~~~ by Ssction and meua Plumber those issues idenritykeg tnconsistsrecias: Y c E (a s~9 or part at flea prC; at db b to tr ~ SSA rnd C~rvation dtion. oom~ the foffowing: 9. >~lte tpea d(ek 3. b 9ha f oane~nt r.+ith the man q rtat. +: S t3~d on tPus tnM~l aUtdY. ~ ~ P~ oonsa~snt erlTh ttea Comprs~neiaa Ganarai Pin? a not, rte by Soil t7td tazasra R".surtbar tohtra tasuas tdentHying ~~. ~s>o ~ eaxa'n A ADDfT10NAL IfdFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: DATE DATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ INFORMATION I+VFGRMATION INFORMATION t>f1EAMB1At10N ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECENED SYES/NDAATE) All iWP -EIR 8. For each issue marketl yes (Y) under Sections 111.6 and N.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the folbwing, in the format as ahoam b21ow: 1. List all additional relevant data sources, including agencies consuRed. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental concerns. 3. State specific mkigatbn measures, H identifiable without requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. It additional information is required Detore the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to Sutrsectbn A 5. If additional sheets are needed to complete this section, check the box at fhe end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. SECTION/ ISSUE NO. SOURCES AGENCIES CONSULTED FINDINGS OF FACT MRIGATION MEASURES: III B2 Cc~rehensive C-Pneral Plan T i rniofar+' n FTR III B4 " " " 4lnrwc FTR III B8 Erosion, EIR III B10 Dan Inundation FTR III B14 " " " Ni ahsn~ Nni co FTR III B18 Air Quality EIR _ III B20 " n n Wa+or Ch l +}L FTR I III B26 " " Am-i rtil ti r FTR III B28 " Wildlife EIR III B31 Energy Resources, EIR ZII B32 Scenic Hiahways, EIR III B34 Archaeological Resources, EIR III B35 " " " Paleontnlnairal Rocrnirrac FTR IV BI Road Depaztment Cents Circulation FTR IV B2 Ca~rehensive General Plan, Bike Trails, FOR IV B3 Water EIR IV B4 " " '~ Sewer, EIR ,....., ,.~ ...,,., s v a . v. P~F OF t=ACT ARID MPriGAT10R1 MEASURES (continued) SECTIORI/ ISSUE P10. SOURCES, AGEPdCIES COPdSULTED, F1PdDIMGS OF FACT, MITIGATIOPJ MEASURES: IV BS Co ~rehensive General Plan Fire SPSVices, EIR ~ B6 " Sheriff Services, EIR ~ B7 " " Sclwols, EIR ~ B8 " " Solid Waste, EIR IV B9 " " Parks and Recreation, EIl2 IV B11 " Utilities EIR TV B19 ° ~ " ° 7ihrari p¢ FTR IV B13 " Health Services, EIR IV B14 " „ " Airports, EIR IV B17 Site is within the City of Temecula nt n7 n. Co mprehensive General Plan Ecruestrian Trail c FTR D Sae att~ctrad pagan. ® Yh$ pro)oct ~ erot 4enva n ~lfitant t tm iota environment and n I~gatnre D~rotaratian maY ~ Irk ® YPva proaet easrld Pv1va o oFgnMiennt r:iset on 4ha crroironmant: Ptocnaver, share ratll rsot as n oignifieant met fn Phis Ps~nue2 9ha mitigation maeaures dascrits2d In Sodion d Penve bean opa~d to the pro~ct and n Wegatke Declar~or+ may tra prepared. (r#) ® The pto~Ct may hstro n OlgnHleant ~,Pfset tm ffra cnvironmant and an Environmental Impact Report b PC)QtJir6d• /1 _ a Rl7rna: ~ by Planner II D/93/FB .••,. _ _ _ o ~~~L~~~~ ~ Q 6~ r [$RIVIRORiRAEWTAL @,SSESSRAER(T FORAA: STl~W®&~F3® EdALUAYIORI ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) NUMBER: 34497 MODULE NUMBER(S): 1 i g PROJECT CASE TYPE(s) AND NUMBERS(s): Vestin4 Tract No 25214 - APPLICANT'S NAME: Bedford Develont[p~t - NAME OF PERSON(S) PREPARING EA: Randy Wilson - L PROJECT lNFOR@AATiON _ A DESCRIPTION (include P-oposed minimum !ot size end uses as applicable): Subdivide 27.9 Acres into 146 Lots B. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES 279 ~ or SQUARE FEET C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): 921-090-002 921-090-003 D. EXISTING ZONING: A-~-~n LS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED ZONING: R-2 IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? F. STREET REFERENCES: North of Mar arita Road East of Ynez Road G. SECTION, TOVNNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 25, T7S, R3W H. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTIPdG ENVIRONAAENTAL SETTItdG OF THE PROJECT SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS: Fields a ~IPREaa~n~ R~ENERA6 I~u+ ®P>'EN gPac~ awD CONSEWNATION DEStmNAT10N t 0'ra oa~ta) ~atorr and Prooc.^d ccc~dh+eN• ® A6 or art a1 6ha txo("~ct alGa ~t to "Adopted SPxHx Pk~na," "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages CommunHy Pfls~ "•~pjte Il6 N (B and C ony), V and VI. ® qg ~ part pt tts9 ptpj;cq aIB2 b to "Aroma Not Daelgnntsd Om Open Spae®". Complete Sections III, N (L>, B and D tJrtly), V and VL ® A~ or part a? 9Ra sits h~o on Open SPxo ffi+d COrroervation designation other than those mentioned CJ~a. Compl2Va Sections 111. N (A, B, and E only). V [md M. III. (E64F/IRONRAENYl~6 HABdRDS AND RESOURCES ASSESSCAENY I A Mdkale the nature of the Proposed fond use m determirxod from the deacrlPtions oa found in Comprehensive General Plan VL3 (Clrcla Ona). Thin intonnatlon is r>oeoamry to datermirea the ~~~~ brb tree aultabllity mnngs in Section III.B. NA • Not APplit:aWe CAnieal Ea06nti61 Nonnal•Hlgh Risk Normal-Low Risk ®. trttltente erlfl+ o yae (V) or reo M) ~naa,or any CrwironmaMel harard and/a reaourt:a mauaa maY significantly ettea or be affected DY ifs WoPO~~ All relerencatl figures are eonteirr~ In the Comprehensive General Plan. For any Issue marked yes (Y) write oddnio+utl data aoun~s, agencies eonauhsd, findings of foot and any minganon measures under Section V. Alan, where indicated. drdo the appropriate land u~ suitability or noise aoceptobYtly rating(s). ISsa definitions at Dottom of this pager ~~R®.ci 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 Y S,~L 6 N 7._N_ 6 Y 9 N 10 N 11•..ZL_ 28 i' 27,E 3i~ ~.~L Sp N 91 Y Alquist-Priolo Special Studies or County Fault Hazard Zones (Fig. V1.1) NA PS U R (Rg. VI.3) Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. V1.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. Vt.4) Groundshaking Zone (Fig V1.1 j NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.51 Slopes (Riv. Co. 800 Seale Slope Maps) Landslide Risk Zone (Riv. CO. B00 Scale Seismic Maps or On-site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rocktall Hazard (On-site Inspection) Expansive Soils (U.S.DA Soil ConservaGOn Service Soil Surveys) Erosion (U.S.DA Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Wind Eraosion 8 Blowsand (Fig. V1.1, ord. aso, Sec. 1 as a ord. 4sa) Dam Inundation Area (Fig. V1.7) FSOOdP~na (Fig. VI.7) PdA U R (Fig. M.6) 12. N Airport Noise (fig. II.18S,11.18.11 8 V1.12 81984 AICUZ Report, MAF.B.) NA A B C D (Fig, VL11) 13. N Railroad Noise (Fig. VI.13 • V1.16) NA A B C D (Fig, V1.11) 14. N Highway Noise (Fig. VI.17 • VI.29) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 15. N Other Noise 16. N NA A B C D (Fig, V1.11) Protect Generated Noise Affecting Noise Sensitive Uses (Fig. VI.11) 17. N Noise Sensitive Project (Fig. VI.1 1) 18. Y Air Quality Impacts From Project 19. N Project Sensitive to Air Quality 20. N Water Quality Impacts From Project 21. N project Sensitive t0 Water Quality 22. N Hazardous Materials and Wastes 23. N Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. VI.30 • VI.31) 2a. other _ 25. _ Other ' I~~SGU~CES AgricuMuro (Fig. M.34 • VL35) 32 1- M w Naar an AgrieutWml Procanre 33 N (Rlv. Ca AgrtadWral Land Cotnamslion 34 Y ColitrCet (`JIaQa) lr 35 t"Jltdfils (Fig. V1.38 • liL37) ~ „ o (FIg- M3S - !ALSO) l`akterd Rec0urt>~ (FI9~ WL11 •1fl,42) 36~ Energy Recoureoo (Flg. VIA3 • WAB) 37,_ SconiC Highcyoya (Fig. V1.45) Historic Reoources (Fig. M.32 - M.33) ArCltoologieal Resources (Flg. M.32 - M.33 b 1fl.46 • VI.48) R~bortfaogieol Reaourees (Pal6orttofogiwl Retsources Map) Ofhar @o4fe114Ion8 4of 6faa~ 43DO ~ial4~ibII14y 81~ Wola® @aCCOp4®blll4y ~a4ings RtA - R!ot F~P(~a S • gsJl~bka PS - ProvisionlalN Suitable U • Gerlaraly UtlaSUfDabla R - Rcatrte~d A - Gener0ily AcceDffible ®• t,.orldMiorlbUly AxoPtObla C - t~xr;,r011y lklearap4~bi2 D - Lltnd Ueo Discouraged 1` sss•ys rx~ »xm z ~. InwD usE A Compete this part unbar the pro;aet la located to "Adopted Spoclfrc Plans". "REMAP" or "Rancho VUktges Community Policy Aroas." 1. OPEN SPACE AIdD COPdSERVAT10Pd PAAP DESIGidATIOPI(a-: Not' Designated as Open Space 2. LAPdD USE PLAidPdIP1G AREA: Southwest Territory band Use Planning Area 3. SUBAREA, tF APdY: Southwest Area Coamuroity Plan 4. COMMUNITY POLICY AREA, IF AP1Y: Southwest Area CCn[RLni tv Plan S. COMMUP1fTY PLAW, IF AfdY: southwest Area Cor[rmuiity Plan 8. COMMUNITY PLAPI DESIGPIATIOhi(a), IF APIY: 2-5 DU/A, 8-16 DU/A T. SUMMARY OF POLICIES AFFECTIfdG PROPOSAL: 2-5 DU/A requires Category II level of services and 8-10 rerniires a Category I level of services B. For all projects, inidcate with a yes (YI or ra (fv) whether any Public facilities and/or services issues may significantly affect or be affected by the proposal All referenced figures are Contained in ttfa Compref>ensive General Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consulted, findings of fact, and mitigation measures under Section V. t~IBLIC FACILITIES ARID SERVICES 1 Y Circulation (Fig. N.1-N.11. Diswss Fn Sea V Ercisting, Pfarinod 8 Required Roads) 2 i' Brlce Tmils (Fig. N.12 • N.13) 3 Y Water (Agency L~Ytars) 4~ Samar (Agency Litters) S~ Y Flra S2roiCSa (Fig. N.18 • N.18) . 8 Y 53tsAf7 S^srvfc~i (Fig N.97 - N.18) 7r,y_ SCPoao10 (Fig. N.9 7 - N.18) B~. tiWid Watts (Fig. N.17 - N.98) PJ Y Parks tnd Raa~tion (Fig. N.99 - N20) 10 Y Epuasfian Trails {Fig. N.19 - N24/ Riv. Co. 800 Seale Equestrian Trail PAaps) 11 Y Util'rtbs (Fig. N25 • N26) 12 Y LLtb ararias (Ftg. N.17 - N.18) 13 Y f~;111h Services (Ftg. N.17 • N.18) 14 Y pirporb (Fig., dt 8.8 • p.18.10 8 N27 - N.36) 15 Y Di[_tster Prspsrsdtraas 98 Y CItY Sphere of trr8u~e 17 Y ddsar C: q cd of pmt of 0'p profit B toa~t~ to °Rdapfc~d yS~~~ c Pia', `~SEMAP" er~"R~ortdye~o Villages CommunRY ~i<Y ~~i7". P6Vl3V'Y In dF7~II 8't3 pQlxiaa '-i"1+,7"'tl tD f~3 pfD~l. tlld w.,y~'°.° ~Yd 9: 9. St>ato 0'ra ro.irtt l9rtd ura I:): 8. Bid orf 9'11'3 fnitbl a0rdy, fa 9ha propoa~I eoro6isbrtt tel4h fft8 poiiCbs and dasignstlone Of 9ha appropriate document. ~11d therefore Cmla!>3~r1t 1"~1 the ~ Caar1'a'raI Piro? h roof. ottplain: ~m~ mien w. LARtD use De7efaCAtlVA710Ri foontlnu~d) I D. i? dl or part of the pro)SCt olte ~ to "Arses not Designalsd as Op^`n Space". and is not In a Community Plan, complete s 1, 2, 3. 8 and 7. Complete 4, S, 8 and 7 H K k to a Community Plan. 1. Land uae eaffigoryt'ras) n^.cessary >a aupport the ProAOegd pro;sct. Also Indicate land use type (Le. rssiderttial, eommerCial, etc.) 2. Current tend use category(ies) for the atte based on existing conditions. Also indicate lend use type (Le. resider+tial, eornmarcial, etc.) S is D.1 dMlers from 02, w(II the difference ba resotvad at the daratOpment at~a? Explain: 4. Community Plan designationis): 2-5 DU/A 8-16 DU/A 5. IS the proposed project consistent with the pdiCies and designations of the Community Plan? M not, explain: Yes 6. Ia the proposal Compatible with existing and proposed surrounding land trams? M trot explain: Yes 7. t3easd on this initial study. !a the propoaal oortsistertt rtlttt the Compre4tanaiva Cxasaral Plan? N root reference bY,s"c 'ton and losua Potxnbar those issues idantlfytng htcorraie&~ctas: Yes E. [d [3N or p~ o? fire tuo;"`ct alts b to rn ~ Spa rnd Cvr~on dasignatton, t the following: 5. 53~te 9Pra daatgtta~rdak a. f3 fha p ~Ittt ~ qon a ~. o>t~trt: a on thfa tnM~l tmrdy, to Etta propaz<al cant rise Comprside Cssr,aral Plan? p trot by >~on snd ~ R!umbar ~xa t,~s tdamlrrina tr>conais+er~ebs:_ ~sros~ ram i A ADDRIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL A$$ESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: pA~ DATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ IPIFORMATION INFORMATION INRECENED N fyF.SM10DATE1 ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED All NOP -EIR B. For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sections 111.8 and N.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the folbwing, in the format es shown b21ow: 1. List all additional relevant data sources, inGuding agencies eonsuked. 2. State all findings of fact regarding environmental concerns. 3. State specific mitigation measures, k identkiable wkhout requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) 4. k addtional information is required before the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to Subsection A 5. If additional sheets are needed to complete this section, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary sheets. SECTION/ ISSUE NO. III B4 III B8 SOURCES AGENCIES CONSULTED FINDINGS OF FACT MRIGATION MEASURES: Comorehensive General Plan -Slopes EIR " -Erosion, EIR III B18 -Air 4uality, EIR IZI B26 -Agriculture EIR TTT RJR " " - Wi lrllifo EIR ZII 831 - Energy-Resources EIR III 832 „ " -Scenic Highways, EIR III 834 l - Archaeological Resources EIR III 835 " " -Paleontological Resources, EIR ~ B1 ~~ " -Circulation EIR IV• B2 " " -Bike Trails, EIR IV B3 " " -Water, EIR IV B4 " " -Sewer EIR IV B5 " " -Fire Services. EIR IV B6 " " -Sheriff Services EIR IV B7 " " -Schools, EIR IV B8 " " " -Solid Waste, EIR ~3A Ih.x tZ/a71 6 a .. ..• d. IRIFORDrNATIORi 540URCE5, FIWDIWCdS OF FACT ARID l~fTiCiATIORI l~EI~SURES (continued) SECTION/ SUE NO. SOURCES. AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MRIGATION MEASURES: IV B9 Ca~rehensive General Plan, Parks and Recreation EIR IV B11 Utilities EIR IV B12 Libraries EIR T\7 R17 " " HPalth SPTS71 f'PS FTR IV B14 Airports, EIR N B17 Site is within City of Temecula {~. ~. n7 R10 O S~ ottaclrad Rat3~• ® Yh3 tea ~ trot ha~a a e~+fEav+t pct on 9ha gMronr~nt and n R!r~getiva DcWratan ~Y ~ t• 1~) ® 4tn pn~ct eoald haw a olgnMtcont ~fsct on ffe2 snviranne^:r+t Peorravat. thare riul not ba a olgnificant c~lset fn th18 ~ tr~nuea tha mfffgatior, n~aesurea dascxfbad h Ssztfor+ d hIIVe t>dan apa~d to the profit and o Rkagativa D6ckvatbn ~' Y isa propared. (e~ Yha pn~et Inay tt~ n ~+~nt c~sct on 4ha p+vironrtr~t Ilnd on Environrtrantal hnpeCt Report b n30utrsd. R+.srrea: ~' xesm mom, i ~i e -, . _ s ~{i1N1l~O~RAERIY,~L ~1SSESSRAEAIT t~ORAA: ST@aAl9AF-t® E1l~.LUATIORI ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (EA) NUMBER: 34498 MODULE NUMBER(S): 119 PROJECT CASE TYPE(S) AND NUMBERS(s): Vesting Tract No 252E - APPLJCANTS NAME: Bedford Develog~it NAME OF PERSON(s) PREPARING EA: Randy Wilson I L PROJECT INFORW9AT10N 1 0. DESCRIPTION (include proposed minimum lot size and uses as applicable: B.. TOTAL PROJECT AREA: ACRES 21.5 • or SOUAAE FEET C. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.(s): 921-090-001 921-090-002 D. EXISTING ZONING: A-2- 0 RS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? E. PROPOSED ZONING: R-1 IS THE PROPOSAL IN CONFORMANCE? F. STREET REFERENCES: North of Margarita Road and PaG} ~f v.,o~ Rnad G. SECTION, TOWNSHIP, RANGE DESCRIPTION OR ATTACH A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec 25, T7S, R3W H. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE AND ffe SURROUNDINGS: L1 CO~APREH~CNSIFIE AEW<:lR@+L ( AP{:Ri SBPACE ARID CONSERVAYION ®ESIGNATTON ; Ctt2ctc t~42 opprr~rista aPtfine(e) balorr r~,d tad oxordlneN• ® AB or part at Etna ProY~;t ~ b ~ "~~ ~~ Plans," "REMAP" or "Rancho Villages Community PollCy Arryas" Ctxnplate S~tlono III. N (8 t]nd C only). V and VI. ® A9 ar paR at 942 p~"aet 61D2 ES tit "Areoe Not peeignatsd as Open Space". ComP1ete Sections III, N (A, B and D only), V and VL ® Atl w part of 9PS2 Proloct trite has on Op~r Spaoa rand Corros-vatian designation other than those mentioned [ ComPiete Soc~rrs III. N (A, B, and E onty), V and VI. ,. III. EIVVIRORI~lER1YAL HBiB&ROS ARID RESOURCES pSSESSRAEIVT J A. fndiesto the nature of the proposed lend uoe sa tlatermir~d from tfq desaiptlona as found in Comprehensive General Plan Figure' M.3 (Circle On2). This information la r~oeamry to datermirq the appropriate land uoe auttabllMy ratings in Section III.B. RIA • 'AAt Applirl~ble CrMieal Esoantial fl'omrol•Hlgh Risk Nomral•Low Risk B. trtdieate evlCr a yes (Y) or no (NI whaUser say cxwironmanml ftaznrd and/or raaource issues may aigntfiCanoy affect or be affected by the Dropoael. All rolerenoed figures Ore eontair~d ~ the Comprehensive General plsn. For any issue marked yes (Y) write otlditionol data souroea, ageneieE tbnauMsd, fmdinga OI tact and any mfUgetion measures under Section V. Also, where indicated. drda the appropriate fond u~ suitabUity or noise acoaptabutty rating(s). (Ssa definitions at bottom of this page). a@~AR®.S 1 N 2 N 3?~ 4 Y 5`N 6 N 7~~1 8 Y 9~N 10 N 11?`N Alquiet-Priolo Spacial Studies or County Fault Hazard Zones (Fig. VI.1) NA PS U R (Fig. VI.3) Liquefaction Potential Zone (Fig. Vi.1) R1A S PS U R (Fig. V1.4) Groundshaking Zone (Fig V1.1) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.S) Slopes (Riv. Co. B00 Scale Slope Maps) Lantlslide Risk Zone (Riv. Co. 800 Scale Seismic Maps or On-site Inspection) NA S PS U R (Fig. VI.6) Rockfell Hazard (On-sfte Inspection) Expansive Soils (U.S.DA. Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Erosion (U.S.DA Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys) Wind Eraoslon 8 BlOwaand (Fig. VI.1, Ord. 460, Sac. 142 8 Ord. 484) Dam Inundation Area IFig• V1.7) FloodDlaina (Fig. V1.7) RIA U R (Fig. V1.8) 12. _.DL Airport Pdoiae (Fig.11.16.5,11.18.11 8 V1.12 8 1964 AICU2 Report, MAF.B.) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 13. N Railroad Pfoise (Fig. V1.13 • VI.16) NA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 14. N Highway Noise (Fig. VI.17 • V129) PlA A B C D (Fig, VI.11) 15. N Other Noise NA A B C D (Fig, Vl.it) 16. ~ Project Generated Hoise Affecting Noise Sensitive Uses IFig. VI.11) 17. N fdoise Sensitive Project (Fig. VI.11) 1 B. ~ Air Quality Impacts From Project 19. ~L Project Sensitive to Air Quality 20. ,~ Water Quality Impacts From Project 21. _~L Project Senstive to Water Quality 22. SL Hazardous Materials and Wastes 23. ~ Hazardous Fire Area (Fig. V1.30 • V1.31) aa. _ other as. _ other (~~SAIiRCES 26 Y AgriaAWre (Fig. VL34 • M.35) 32 Y 27~1Y En or Rear an Agrlwtb+rd Preceroe 33..L (Riv. Co. AgrfarPbxd Lund Conv,~Ition 34 Y Cmftrlxt L`Aopa) a8 Y N~IHa (Fig. yL3g • yL37) 3S.i SAS RAinard Roeourrx~, (Fie• Ni.41 - N1.42) 38._ 31,_,Y Energy Resotmoas (Ftg• VI.a3 -!li.44) 37.._ Soanie Highvyoya (Fig. V1.45) HistorlC Resources (Fig. VI32 • M.33) Archssotogieal Resources (Feg. Vi.32 - VL33 8 V1.46 - VI.48) Pnt~rtEO•ogical Resources (Polsorrtologicai Resources MaP) [xx~. Oi<'tar E~flnl4iont3 for i~1n~ ~>zo ~d14>a~Ili4y Ind R1ois® Acctap4Sb1114y r~S4ing~ (,~ - R'~ ~~p(a S • GAY Suitable PS -Provisionally Suitable U -Generally Unsuitable R - Rcatrtt:~d A -Generally Acceptable S • Condltlonolry Acrmp>rabb C - G~rniry lkta~eptable D' -Land U>im Diacoursged 1' ~t i~> r Rf. LAW® USE DE'iERI'~IIUA41sOIV A Complete Lhis paR unless the prgoct k located to "Adopted SD~Ific Plans". "REIv1AP" or "Rancho VWagas Community Polley Areas." 1. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION AAAP DESIGPdAT1ON(e): Not Designated as Open Space 2. LARID USE PLAPdNING AAEA: Southwest Territorv Land Use Planning Area _ 3. SUBAREA, IF AiVY: Southwest Area Canmu~ity Plan 4. COAAMUNf11' POLICY AREq tF ANY: Southwest Area CommuLity Plan 5. COMMUNITY PLAN, IF ANY: Southwest Area CarQmmity Plan 6. t:OMMUNRY PLAN DESIGIdATIOfd(s), IF ANY: 2-5 DU/A 7. SUMMARY OF POLICIES AFFECTING PROPOSAL' 2-5 Du/A rern,i r~c_ a Cateaorv II l PvP1 of a~n~i ceG B. For all projects, inidcate with a yes (Y) or no (N) whether any public facilities and/or services issues may sipn'rficanty affect or b® affected by the proposal. All referenced figures are contained in the Comprehensive General Plan. For any issue marked yes (Y), write data sources, agencies consulted, findings of fact, and mRipation measures under Section V. PUBLIC FACILITIES ARID SERMCES 1 Y Circulation (Fig. N.1-N.11. Diswes in 10 Y Equestrian TraOS (Fig. N.19 - N24/ Soz. V Existing, Planned & Required Roads) Riv. Ca 800 Seale Equestrian Trail Maps) 2 Y Bike Trails (Fig. N.12 - N.13) 11 Y Utlllfias (Fig. N25 - N26) ~ Y y ~prs) 12_1 L~rari3a (Fig. N.17 - N.18) 4 Y ~r (Ag'"7tCy troltars) 13 ~' ksalCr Sarvioss (Rg. N.17 - N.18) 3 Y Fire Sarvfoai (Fig. N.1 B - N.18) 14~L Akpartrs (Fig. It.18.2 -11.18.4, 8, Y 8lrnrlf4 ~r (Fig N.97 - N.98) [ 8 N27 - N36) 7L Bdsoota (Flg. N.97' N.18) 95 N Di~tar Peaas 8„ Y t4o~d t (Fig. N.17 - N.18) 18 ~ CIIY a of hrHuarece g y ~yks ~d R (Frg. lV 1 g . ly2p) y 7,~_ ~ W; th City of Temecula a a ~ o>• D~ as Etra pto,'set ~ fn "Rdoptsd Spoufic Plona", `~tEIVIAP" ar '~orxteo v'rstagas Community Policy ~~", rri to idea epsciRC t 9 in 4ha ptopoa.N. end Oornp'.ste 54a fotlaritr+g: 9. Bhite idea tra"~+rant !^t+d txa dasignatiors(s): 3. 68asd oft fdtb trtlPtal dudY, f$ the propoaal cormistent wt7r fha policfas cnd des d the appropriate doa.rtrtant. t'std 1ht~torB Ott IYfit'1 9dea Cflrnprehanaiva Goal Pin? K rm2. explain: ats~nrt~, tzran ~/. ~ 6APlD USE DETERRAIRIB~T10Rt (wrrtlnrad) D. H dl or part of th3 Profit olte ~ fn "Area3 not Designated as ~n Space", and is not !n a Community Man, complete motions 1. 2, 3, 8 and 7. Compete Wraations 4. S, 8 and 7 M k is fn a Community Plan. 1. Land use category(ias) fto'Cessary to auPP«t the proposed txoaCt Afso indicate land use type (Le. residential, commercial. etc.) a. Conant end use category(ias) for the nMe based on existing conditions. Also ff+dicate land use type (La, residential, eornmarcial, etC.) 3. if D.1 differs from D2, will the diPlersnce ba reaoh~d at the davebpmgnt atage7 Explain: 4. Community Plan designationjs-: ~_c nrT ip 5. Is the proposed project consistent with the policies and designations of the Community Plan? M not, explain: Yes 6, to ttre proposal compatible wRh existing and proposed surrounding Isnd uses? M no; explain: Yes 7. Bassd on this initial study, k 4he proposal consistent with the CmnPrefranaivra C+enaral Ptan7 E not, reference by Sxtion and issue Poumbar thoee issues identifying trxbnsistenccraas: Yac E a ~ ~ t>~ ~ ~ t ~ b trr ~ Can ~ >~ Ovation designation, compFata 4he folbwring: 9. ate 4ha Nak a. a titre ocrmfatartt rndtit ~ mar q rto; a on Shia initial tttudy, to thz tub conaiswr,t ~, tits Compretra,snra t^rftaral Plan? a root, rotes by + ~+d Mara tuba t idan+Mybrg hrconsislenc'ras• ~>o~,~,„ 0. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CAN BE COMPLETED: PATE GATE ADEQUACY SECTION/ IPIfORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION DETEAMWAl10N ISSUE NO. REQUIRED REQUESTED RECENED (YESRJDAATEI All DIOP -EIR B. For each issue marked yes (Y) under Sections III.B and N.B, identify the Section and issue number and do the folbwing, in the format es shown below: t. List all additional relevant data sources, including agencies consulted. 2. State flII findings of tact regarding environmental concerns. 3: State specific mttigation measures, if identifiable wtthout requiring an environmental impact report (E.I.R.) - 4. If additional information is required before the environmental assessment can be completed, refer to Subsection A 5. If additional sheets fire needed to complete this section, check the box at the end of the section and attach the necessary shcets. b SECTION/ 6SUE NO. SOURCES AGENCIES CONSULTED FINDINGS OF FACT, W9TTIGATION MEASURES: III B4 Cor ~rehensive General Plan Slo a FTR III BS •" Erosion, EIR III B18 Air Quality, EIR III B26 Agricultural EIR III B 28 Wildlife FTR - III B31 " " " F7iar~ Racn r ac FTR III B32 Sc i xi~yc FTR III-B34 "i Archaeological Resources,- EIR III B35 " " " Palpnntnl miral Roennrr-oc FTR IV B1 Circulation, EIR IV .B2 Bike Trails, EIR ' IV `g3 „ " " Water, EIR IV B4 „ " „ Saur~r FTR IV B5 Fire Services EIR IV B6 Sheriff Services EIR IV B7 " " Schools EIR IV B8 " Solid Waste, EIR 89570 h"'.a~ 12BT 6 o ~ . b. BI~FORMAYIORI iOURCES, FIIdDIRf<36 OF IFAt:Y AWD MITIC3AT1ON MEASURES (eontinuod) SECTION/ SUE NO. SOURCES, AGENCIES CONSULTED, FINDINGS OF FACT, MITIGATION MEASURES: IV B9 Ca~rehensive General Plan Parks and R_k'reat;t~n FTR IV Bll Utilities EIR IV B12 " '~ " Libraries, EIR IV B13 „ " " Health Services FTR IV B14 A; ~'T,~orts EIR IV B15 D;Saster FTR _- IV B17 Site .is within the City of Temecula IV B10 Ca~rehensive General Plan FauPStr;an m,- '~ FTA O Saa ntt peges. HL ® 44ea P r~ rtOt hive a oignifxont ePicet on ~ha cxivlronmant and n I~agativa psclaration may ba 1~I ® Yha t Could hnva n olgntRcant c`dsct on ffsc 6mrirOr+mank Rovaaver, Share e~ili not b2 n tylgnfficant 4 fn 4hfo CSae baenuce 9ha mitkgation m~suree daeeritrad In Saetion d have tsaan BpPliad to the and 0 V~agathre Dsclaratlon may Isa PraErnred. (~) ® Yha pn~tt meY hnva n okynltie9nt 67lsct on 9ka r~ttrironrtr~t and en Environmental Impact Report b t¢~ked./~ ~ ., ~ A Mntna: prepared by Ran y Wilson II x..,n -'- ,~A,, e ~ Oa!!. ~lsv~as ev.ee.e... .Ot:ATIONAL MAP, j ' I NGHEST ~~ ~~ EP PO...... ..... ~ R / 1//// i!' (A-2-20 . R-2i" ~~ z \, / . (, ~ tr ~~ N ~' J ` J ` F 1 L Q d V 5¢E ® . D r„ <' ]J I 7 i ~ > cbF i I ~~- yG T 1 T EL SO ; i I y µd a ~/ 0/ ~~ TD ~~ ` '~ .~ !t ` _ aa N li: t t:i 1 ~ 4i~ a ~~~~ ~~ ~I~ p 1 ~ t2~. 6 - ~ ~ ~ e!. e: w~;G~~ ~l p' ' ¢ ~'il _ ' ('~;~ `~ „-i . e ~' iu .~~ ! i o // -,. 3 n . ~' -._- -- :---'~ is -~ J ~ ~j ~ 1 ,- _ .... .._r . ~ ~_'°, : ,\ ~~ ~~ ~ viii ~~{. t u t- .,,`_ _ 1 ~-~~ F ii ,i 1. ~ 4, < ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 1 ° - z / ~ u ~:l~ ~ ~ '~ ~ o ~} ~ ~. f E., ~ ~ ~~ f j ~:. . ~~ .. ... ; l _ ti ~\ ;; \ ~ ,. I ;~ I - ~; -_ i• .i s "o a ,~ ~ W ~i~ i~~~ a ~E~L 6~ ~~ ,~ e ~~, ~ 4E~1~ ,o ;° ~~: l ~~. ~~i . _~ /711 '~hS i yq_ ~ A ~ a -~.~i Y ~~ I . ? e 1 0 a ~„ a i I ~E ~• = =m ,._ ~~L~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~ . a I - ~ ~ ~ q _~ i _~-~ g ii ~ ~~~ 4 ! 9 .- SI E . gg 4„ EIL ~~~ 9 E?!~ iil ,. /~~_ ' ~- /: p ./ ` J n E1~ i 1 8a ' ~ t - ~ ~ ! E;~31 ~ I ~'~0 ,~:~ ~m ,`~\ ~ ~ 1 \~ ti -~~ ~ -' _ a a P` 1 , is ~ ~!~ P ~a d d ~p a Y 0 !N Y I Tt I I I ~~! c~: iii i i~ ~l=~ i6,~ . `"r h 5 t ~ . 's3`rk"'." STATE OF UtIFORNIA-OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ~.-~~ GEORGE ~EUKMEJIAN, Goamor OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH '" ~.~ 1400 TENTH STREET '-''x' --S4CRAMENTO. CA 95814 DATE: March 12, 1990 T0: Reviewing Agencies ~; The Riverside County Planning Department's NOP for CZ 1x`5617, Tentative Parcel Map /k25213 SCH1k 89020139 Attached for your comment is the Riverside County Planning Department's Notice of Preparation of a draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) forthe C2 5617, Tentative Parcel Map 25213. Responsible agencies must transmit their concerns and comments on the scope and content of the EI.R, focusing oa specific information related to their own statutory responsibility, within 30 days of receipt of this notice. We encourage commenting agencies to respond to this notice and eapress their concerns esrly in the environmental review process. ?lease direct your comments to: Randy ?dilson Riverside County Planning 4080 Lemon Street, 9th floor ,Riverside, CA 92501 with a copy to the~Office of ?lanniag and Research. ?lease refer to the SC3 number noted above in all cor-.espoadeace concerning this project. If you have any questions about the review process, call Lynne Coughlin at (916) 445-0613. Sincerely, ]avid C. Nuaen_kamo Deputy Director, ?emit Assistance ?.*_tschmeats cc: Randy ?dilson ^ a 3'9 ~~^, 39 ~~A S9 a~i n~ r9 = C3 s_. w~ -u~6= '4=z~ C43'' '~ 'cA '~ ~~~^^^^^o~~ + -~~ +..q~p +°vnn +wan° ~ QSg : ~ p p a+ _ ?g~ga ~9 ~~`: Sgi~j ~i9 x.7 Q°~~a 398y3 ~ ~%1~3d^_ ~ v •: ~:'1oR °i~S{5~ q~3 tl?'s"~. ."+. ~i is- 31'?4: ~'7 ../ e a z a 7 p - d0 ~ m 2GoAi +m~~2 24 a3~ vu._u~ 3'^9a euall. t. 59 o4i aw~ Z '~^ ~' < - +u~a> _ ~9 a ~: $"~O _ c= N £~io_ c~a=: c~-:: y~?E: ~Sa° X333; ~~;^ 9 u~. ~' q'-9Ew _a mod: 8?ra av _ sa:j "?~73 ~~?~._ '3A ~ ~~~ aH ~~6' y 8 $` ' o > » ~ > S ° y_~ v =~ 3 ^ ^ u(„+na a; 5~~n5 =a~ er~CyCg3 ri2g- ~+pr~S2~ mg s p~ ^ ^ ~~ a a ~.. 5 E3; a;i,'~r ?a" ~ Tex'` 5 o w~a'o 9~ > C- y a y+a a C .^+ ~3~~e? ~~- A. Y' v d f IC ~agFAa S e ~ ~a' ^'C~ ~ ~ n '3 I a 6 c i \S V wS~y n ~1 tl~ P 5 ~. a"~=: 9~~'_'~ aBSw ao°`e a5 O` ~~, :agd e4-~a =_P-_°-~ n w O1 s~w~~= s~'3.+ e was n ~. n _> Y 8 U u~q' u~Cp s9'^'-~ ~~'~ r nit Y~.. aY_. ~''S,s~:' ~'~,sra: Y~8 ~^ Y ~• w ~ p 3 $ 3 ^ ^ ~ .~ n~ '30~' S9"_ 5, ~• sy m5; .°..e oi.~ °~- .yY ' ya e +° 23 "S9 n: C+=a3 ~; i~> =y=~•~ 5 - ~R~~ :~ 3 g~~~~= "a_~~~~3 3 >>7-: 5~~~~~ ~w+ ° ~1L ~~ Q~ a ^ °~ n~ C~ a 9= +. ~ 3~ 6, ~~~~on ~+gc~ ; +~3,3 ,^ ~i ,y-i "• s ,' ~ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; a +.n~ np +.napu6 +.npO~.a n sa w n ~-,7 p eV a +a- aa~ ~ n S3°Aa; <:~rs> S?~sa~ ~ a~5e'.~ a3~S~6 j3="~z a§~A=_ w;°~~ }ke~.7 e: ~CSa ~a °j Ee <ayjE7 .. ~~a~< qa L?~> wa raa Y~°a ~.~za~ C.3.a °]; - -R' .a -3- S uA =_ _"~a< C~Wa'- us~i~ 3~~'~e ~+n.~~ a 3 Y e NY T ~- - 'a$ ~Si e~ $> o e ? ° -? °~ a° SR ...B Si ~ is 3 ~>^ C2 3. Q 3~ ~ ~ e - 3 e' a: !YS ~s Cz e i c di m o 03 ~_ ~1 ~? >~~ ~; i 4 i a ; _ ~ i r a 2 ^ l~ IJ > P.,. w ~.aP P~~n +Wn (- C~ ~ =~ ~> > '> "Q ^~'S~ Task : a a ((~~ o >3C ' t1 o>ZZ > w v'r ~ -ni- j'~~ =7 . _ ~> a 7Y_z . . . ga _ ..?n n a __Gg ± _~ I mo 0~-C win^ - w a V~pa > C - a z u z - A $: a ~= z ~ V !! s^_ s s C'a~ i~ a ~~ . R n ~~ a 9 U ^ ^ ^ ^ ' 5 3 = =~ a~ , ~ x i ~1 a ~3 i- ~ ; aa~a ~Nw ~~ as ~,-n 3Y .°~•>a $,'~.'~ s azC- ^ iy ~ '3 n { Ma n L:r ? ~ ya~ ~l•:w . a3 s s> '' M°~ s 4~~ 3z < 3 ~ ~ '> ~ ~ e 3 e a>sa V o ~ a 3 oo a < :~ 9 T ~ ~Na3 w i3 ~» ' z o ~ i e e a i ~ ~ ^: d y z astern ~unicipa~~ater~istrict - General Manager 1. Andrer Srhknse a( Coutuel fledwine and Sherrill Direr~ar of The MetropoLtm Water District afSouthem CaG%arnia Doyle F. B«n Trea,urcr RoSeta M. Coa March 26, 1990 ,. aa.,d uJDlrce,ar,. Richard G KeOry, Pttaidmt Itodgv D. Siem~ Vice Prcaidw Wm. G AMrid6e John M. Coudurm Chaster G CiWert Seoetary Jumea 4 Machek ifif~R 3'C jce~ k ~l !~ Mr. Randy Wilson, Planner I I ,., ,,,,,., ,~ f,_~, ~ ,- Riverside County Planning Department "~``'"r"' ~-~ • ~~<%~~-~~i 4080 Lemon Street - 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 SUBJECT: CZ 5617/Pq 25213/VTA9 25214, 25215 -Environmental Impact Report Dear Mr. Wilson: This is in response to your 2/23/90 request for information regarding the subject project. Please refer to the attached 12/5/89 correspondence referencing CZ 5617 - EIR for a discussion of those items which we believe should be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report. Very trul yours, ~' (~ David G, Crosley Associate Civil Engineer Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 714/766-1880. Enclosure DGC:nI 37/AP/nl 90-633 Mail Tu: Pust Office Bux 8300 San Jacinto, California 92383.1300 Telephone (714) 925-7676 • Fax (714) 929-0257 MainOtfice:20455. SanJacinroStreet,SanJacinto CuscomerService/EngineeringAnnex:440E.OaklandAvenue,Heme[,CA pastern ~unicipa~ ~ater ~istrict Geard Mrauger Donald C S~erart Lrgr! Co,nrrsf Red,rim and Sherrill DirMw of Tbr Mnropof~.n tVme. Dfrrrvt a{Saarberw G4Ja.nir Doyle F. Boon Tress... Rogers M. Cm December 5, 1989 Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attention: Randy Wilson, Planner I Pond o{ Direcrorr Richard C Kelley, Pmidew Rodger D. Skins, Vi¢ Pm~ Wm. G. AMridge John M. Cddum Cd~esar C Giiher, Srrrn.ry , Juaniu L Machek `~~ e] ~/~~ ~ j i !,1 ~ ~ I `.v~ t 1 I 1, f IV~U f ~ f ~~ ..f SUBJECT: Cfiange of Zone 5617-Environmental Impact Report Dear Mr. Wilson: As requested, we are herein providing to you a list of those items associated with the subject project with which we are most concerned, and believe should be fully addressed in the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The Eastern Municipal Water District is responsible for providing reclaimed water and sewer services to the subject project. These services include the following: RECLAIF'~D HATER Distribution Delivery SAPIITARY SERER Collection Transmission Treatment Disposal Discussions of projected reclaimed water demands, sewage flows, and proposed District facility improvements should appear in the Draft Environmental Impact Report- The provision of adequate levels of service to the proposed project by the District may require the construction of offsite improvements. In addition, the report should also include a discussion of the possible means by which treated effluent (reclaimed water) originating from the subject project's sewage may be reused and/or disposed. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at (714) 766-1880. Very truly yours, David G. Crosley Associate Civil Engineer DGC/lp #89-3922 Mail To: Posr Office Box 8300 San Jacinro, California 92363-1300 Telephone (714) 925-7676 Fax (714) 929-0257 Main Office: 2045 S.SanJacincoScreer,Sanjacinco CuscomerService/Engineering Annex: 440 E. Oakland Avenue,Hemer,CA. L tJ 3737 Easy Calafldaa SveeC Second Flaor Mana~m, Ceglarn~a DZDD7 I March 12, 1J9U Riverside County Planning Department 4U~U Lemon Street, 5thrioor Riverside, Ca. 52501 PAC1FiC-:~~BEi.L~ A Pac~l~c Telesis COmUany '- : ieia '~ P+9A? 15 ~°~0 .i Attention: kandy Wilson kE: Rancho Caii~arnia - South of Winchester koad, East or Margarita Road - rrcliminarY to E.:.R. Lear kandy Wi'-son: lueneral telephone will provide Facilities for this prcjeet. Any additional inrormation you desire ataout ~acific Bell's service may be directed to me in Anaheim on 1714)ti66-5657. Sincerely, Jaijlp E. Siewart, Jr. Rig t of Way, i,iaiso f, y,~;i SAS RERNAR®INO COUiVl'V fV1USEUf1~ ~~~11111,~~~jj CGENERALOSERVNCES AGENCI 2024 Orange Tree Lene • Redlands, CA 92374 iii ~~~ DR. ALLAN D. GRIESR (714) 792.1334 • 792-0052 • 825-4825 625-4823 ~ ~//IlII~~~~ Director March is. lssu -: - ,-' r: n,~? r ; ~=;'~ << ~, ;r Randy Wilson, Planner li ~~ ~ ~+ill,!? 7 .( j~~! ?~ Riverside County Planning Department 9080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor ..:...:.:.... .....i, :. i s Riverside CA 9201 " ' "" '• ;" "~ ...~; r ._YC. , . i ... .. _. ... re: CZ 5617, PM 25213, TRACE 25214, 25215, S. OF WINC'fiELSYER ROAD The notice of issues to be addressed in the EIR for the abo~~e-referenced project is correct in regard to paleontologic resources. 'Ilia EIR needs to address impacts to nonrenecaable paleontologic resources in the fossilifcrous Pauba Formation which underlies the project site. Sin~c~e~reQl~y, Dr. Allan D. Griesemer Museums Director ~J `~;..es .. . ..., .. "/ GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Gewemor '~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCI' - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~-: DISTRICT 8, P.O. BOX 491 NIA 94402 SAN BERNARDINO, CAUFOR TDD (714) 1834609 OS-Riv-79-17. 3 March 23, 1990 j~~?~i~ Ij~j7~~1 Mr. Randy Wilson Planning Department ~.I:tk~o:U_, ~.„` , ~ ;, County of Riverside "LH~~II'lGD~';;ii!'.~,dl ' 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor - Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Mr. Wilson: We have reviewed a Notice of Preparation of a Draf252131innthetal Impact Report for Zone Change 5617 and Parcel Map County of Riverside and request consideration of the following: The Draft Environmental Impact Report should include a traffic study that (allatraffic generated by the ultimatesbuildoutlof all viewpoint, parts of this project, including the medium density residential and commercial parcels): existing and future average eaklhour), traffic (ADT) volumes, traffic generation (including p traffic distribution, analysis of peak hour demand and capacity, intersection capacity utilization (ICU) analysis along withwa s ~vSrEIIt r7I1~ $rDjEDte~i capacities of local roads, state hig Y and freeways that might be impacted. It should include the Route 79/Interstate 15 Interchange and the Rancho California/ Interstate 15 Interchange. Discussion of the impacts should also include traffic growth, traffic safety, drainage, and any impact associated with the construction, maintenance, and operation of any anticipated highway improvements. In addition, the Report should list the funding source of any potential improvements to the state highway. Given the intense population growth coupled with increasing traffic congestion, demand mitigation programs are a necessary solution to congestion. The County of Riversidoolinds to develop a plan that facilitates the use of carp 9~ vanpooling, public transit, and accommodations for both pedestrians and bicycles as mitigations for the effect of cumulative traffic. In addition, the City should implement a program where each project contributes towards a county-wide Park and Ride Program which will reduce the number of homebased work trips. iU°~`~~:`. u ~H~~ J ,~_ _ COONTY OP RIVERSIDE nR~4 9 ` 21dtl TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT }~j~jlZjB '$ ~N~~bnl Ivan F. Tennant Acting Road Commissioner and County Surveyor. County Administrative Center Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1090 Riverside, Ca 92502 Telephone - (714)'275-6840 April 9, 1990 ;j;'~~j~?~~?~}~]~~~ Joseph A. Richards, Planning Director ~' Riverside County Planning Department ~ ~ AFR 1 2 I~~O 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 hiNc„Ji/".'l.;liJiG{'! '~~h1~t,lil~!G DAP,",f~CTi~°~+VT ATTN: Randy Wilson RE: COZ 5617, PM 25213, VTM 25214, VTM 25215 DEIR Dear Randy: The Transportation Planning staff requests that a requirement for a traffic study, in conformance with the Transportation Department required format, be added to the topic of "Circulation and Traffic." ncerely, LT:RK:lg Lawrence A.`Toerper Division Engineer l J OFFICE OF THE ROAD COFOuIISSIONER AND CODNTY SIIR9EYOR CODATrY OF RI9ERSIDE LeRoy D. Smoot County Administrative Center Road Commissioner and Flailing Address: P.O. Hox 1090 County Surveyor Riverside, Ca 92502 Telephone - (714) 787-6554 November 21, 1989 Mr. Roger Streeter, Planning Director Riverside County Planning Department D ~ ~ p 0~ 4080 Lemon Street 1116e n Riverside, CA 92501 I~''~'~ ATTN: Randy Wilson NOV 2 g ~ggg RE: COZ 5617 RI4ERSIOECQUtdiY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Wilson: The Transportation Planning staff requests that a traffic study be submitted for the above referenced change of zone. There is a great concern about the traffic generation resulting from the increase density and use of the land. ~~.aa<'. LT:RK:lg Sincerely, ~~~ Lawrence A. Toerper Road Division Engineer ~" KENNETH L EDWARDS CNIEF ENGINEEF 1995 MARKET STREET P.O. 80% 1033 TELEPHONE (71a) 78%-2015 FA% NO. Ot41 788.9965 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND R E C E 1 !/ E WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1 A' RIVERSIDE. CALIFORNIA 92502 JAN •1 2 1990 January 8, 1990 BUSINESS PARKS OEV. Riverside County Planning Department County Administrative Center Riverside, California Attention: Regional Team No. 1 Randy T9ilson Ladies and Gentlemen: Re: Change of Zone 5617 _'r.ie is a proposal to ch.nae cbe zone of '_3G•c acres from R3 and A-`1-20 to R-1, P.-2, R-3, R-5, C-C and C-1/C-P., The site is lo- ca*_ed south of T9incheste•' R.oa^" east of Ynez Road. The property is traverses by a Fairly large watercourse along the so :4nern portion. Floor control facilities or floodproofing will oe required to fully dev_iop t.o the implied densities. The Dis- trict does not object to =his r_hange of zone, Qu;..;`iona 1_oncernirg this ratter may be referred *_o Zully Smith of this office at :14j787-233~~ c: Bedford Development "LS:slw ery truly yc{~~ s, 1 CHN H. riASHUBA enior Civil Engineer JA~1 _ ......, r U Serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties Tahquitz Group ~ Los Serranos Group D ~ ~ ~ ~ U San Bernardino Mtns. Group ~ Moiave Group 'UU/ n S68 N. Mountain View Ave., Suite 130 I''f~''IJ Sea $ernardino, cA s24o 1 DEC 14 1989 (714) 381-SO1S RIVERSIDE COIIPdTY December S, 1989 PLAlVPJI,J~ C~a~+.?T:'EP?T Riverside County Planning Department 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 To: Mr. Randy Wilson, Planner I Re: Change of Zone N5617 The Sierra Club appreciates the opportunity to comment on this proposed zone change. We believe the following are the important points to be considered in the EIR. 1) Under the proposed zoning change will the land use be compatible with and consistent to the existing County General Plan? 2) What relationships will this project have to the County's Growth-Management Plan? i.e.: is it well designed and appropriate? 3) Possible Biological Impacts require careful study and analysis. 4) What impacts to Air Quality will this change of zone and proposed development have? Are they w~thi;/ acceptable limits, if not, what are the planned mitigation measures? 5) What measures are planned to safeguard the paleontological resources in the project site area? Can these resources remain safe in light of the proposed development? Again, we appreciate the opportunity to comment and will be most interested to review the EIR when it becomes available. Sincer ly, a Anne J. Denni Conservation Coordinator ~.. •~ ... To explore, enjoy and preserve the nation's forests, waters, wildlife, and wilderness ... ~"_ ~S~if~ SER~lAR®If~O COUftITV R/iUSEU~fI \\\~t1il'/~~~/~ CGENERALSERVNCESAGENCY ,. _ ?024 Orange Traa Lane • Rodlanda, CA 92374 ~%// ~ ~~ \\\\ DR. ALAN D. GRIESEMER 7141792-1334 792.0052 • 825.4825 • 825.4823 /~~~/II1~~~\\ Oiractor November 29, 1989 Riverside Cotmty Pl gnni n9 Dew ~Tt 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Flaor Riverside, CA 92501 attn: Rarx~v Wilson, Planner re: CZ 5617, 1 13SV, 9. QF ~,+~~ ~, g, Qg p ~ The assessment is correct in recognizing a high potential for paleontologic resoun~ea. A resource mitigation program must be presented in the EIR. Sincerely, ~~ ~ . Dr. Allan D. Griesemer Museti~s Director ADG:RER/jr DEC u 1 19d~ D 'IANa•!!r~r__ ,fit-?an--p~~NT iJ A~.:y ..aM '~-~'' ~""" NOV 2 1 1989 Southern Ca//fore/a Edison Company _ F. o. eox lee p1 R^yI'v, ~ /K.'5~J}i~~tCCf(AA?FnU~ t4 (rY RIALTO. CALIFORNIA 92378 ~~{.l'11,N~~G VE~nRT P>4ENT 2885 FOOT HILL BOULEVARD JOHN D. WYATT SAN 9ERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 92402 REGIONAL AFFAIRS MANAGER EASTERN DIVISION November 9, 1989 Mr. Randy Wilson County of Riverside 4089 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, California 92501 Dear Mr. Wilson: SUBJECT: County of Riveraid® Chanq® of Zone No. 5165 Environmental impact Report No. 294 TELEPMOHE o lAl ezo-szza This is to advise the County of Riverside that the subject property is located within the service territory of the Southern California Edison Company, and that the electric load of the proposed commercial center is within the parameters of the overall projected load growth which we are planning to meet in this area. Unless the demand for electrical generating capacity exceeds our estimates, and provided that there are no unexpected outages to major sources of electrical supply, we expect to meet our electrical requirements for the next several years. Very truly/ y~ours,~ h'~- 1.~.~(, ~ V ~_ ~ s ~ ~' Cf ~~Y ~ ~} ~ j f; ~ D ~~[~Od~nn . ~,. ,~ ~J b~rf, T\~~ NOV 21 1989 RIb'ERSIDE COUfdTY PLAiVP11WG DEPARTAAERlT County Administrative Office November 17, 1989 Mr. Roger S. Streeter Planning Director COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92507 Attention: Randy Wilson Re: Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report Change of Zone Number 5617 Dear Mr. Wilson: The Administrative office has reviewed the project referenced above and has the following comments: We concur with the decision not to require a fiscal impact analysis. However, the acreage affected when developed may require such a study. If you desire additional information, please contact me at (714) 787-1580. Respectfully, ~~~.~~ John Johnson Senior Administrative Analyst C Robert T. Andersen Administrative Center 4080 LEMON STREET o 12TH FLOOR o RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 0 17141 7872544 •"4TE Of CALIFORNIA--RESOURCES AGENCY _ _ GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor EPAR?MENT OF WATER RESOURCES P O 90>< 6596 LOS ANGELES ~~ 900551598 .rs,• ,fit ; '' i~ ~CJ`'~``~ ~p~~~~ j LAY 1 ~p County of Riverside 4080 Lemon Street, 9th Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Attention: Randy Wilson ~ f~1AY 1 ~ 1990 ~ ..~ rat=.,r~c Iz- ^...,, Subject: Notice of Preparation of DEIR for Project Case, Change of Zone 5617, Parcel Map 25213, Vesting Tract 25214,. Vesting Tract 25215, dated February 23. 1990 Your referenced document has been reviewed by our Department staff. Recommendations, as they relate to water conservation and flood damage prevention, are attached. The Department recommends that you consider implementing a comprehensive program to use reclaimed water for irrigation purposes in order to free fresh water supplies for beneficial uses that require high quality water. For further information, you may wish to contact John Pariewski at 213-620-3951. Thank you For the opportunity to review and comment on this report. Sincerely, ~ ~-_~-~ Charles R. White, Chief Planning Branch Southern District Attachments cc: Office of Planning .and Research State Clearinghouse - 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento; CA 95814 DEPA6iYt~EgY OF FRfAYE6B RE30URCES PiECOt4~R~EWDl9YlOg3 P009 ~IAYEW COgSEiitlAYBORI ARID ~/AYE69 PdECdAC'JAYYOq To reduce water demand, implement the water conservation measures described here. Wogeleod The following State laws require water-efficient plumbing fixtures in structures: o Health and Safety Code Section 17921.3 requires low-flush toilets and urinals in virtually all buildings as follows: "After January 1, 1983, all nea buildings constructed in this state shall use water closets end associated flushometer valves, if any, which are water-conservation water closets as defined by American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2, and urinals and associated flushometer valves, if any, that use less than an average of 1-1/2 gallons per flush. Blowout water closets and associated flushometer valves are exempt From the requirements of this section." 0 Efficiency Standards) establishes efficiency standards that give the maximum flow rate of ell nea showerheads, lavatory faucets, and sink faucets, as specified in the standard approved by the American National Standards Institute on November 16, 1979, and known es ANSI A112.18.1N-1979• o Title 20, California Administrative Code Section 1606(b) (Appliance Efficiencv Standards) prohibits the sale of fixtures Shat do npL LnmAly with regulations. No new appliance may be sold or offered for sale in California that is not. certified by its manufacturer to be in compliance with the provisions of the regulations establishing applicable efficiency standards. 0 {California Enemy Conservation Standards for New BuildinRS) prohibits the installation of fixtures unless the manufacturer has certified to the CEC compliance aith the floc race standards. o Title 24, California Administrative Code Sections 2-5~52(i) and (i) address pipe insulation requirements, which can reduce water used before hot water reaches equipment or fixtures. These requirements apply to steam and steam-condensate return piping and recirculating hoc water _. piping in attics, garages, crawl spaces,.or unheated spaces other than between floors or in interior .walls. Insulation of water-heating systems is also required. ,_ ~,. o Health and Safety Code Section 4047 prohibits installation of residential water softening or conditioning appliances unless certain conditions are satisfied. Included is the requirement that, in most instances, the installation of the appliance must be accompanied by water conservation devices on fixtures using softened or conditioned water. ~' J o Government Code Section 7800 specifies that lavatories in all public facilities constructed after January 2, 1985, be equipped with self-closing faucets that limit flow of hot water. Yo bo Imgiomon4od arhoeo npplleoblo Interior• 1. Supply line Pressure: Water pressure greater than 50 pounds per square inch (psi) be reduced to 50 psi or less by means of a pressure-reducing valve. 2. Drinking fountains: Drinking fountains be equipped with self-closing valves. 3. Hotel rooms: Conservation reminders be posted in rooms and restrooms.° Thermostatically controlled mixing valve be installed for bath/shower. 4. Laundry facilities: Water-conserving models of washers be used. 5. Restaurants: Water-conserving models of dishwashers be used or spray emitters that have been retrofitted for reduced flow. Drinking water be served upon request only.° 6. Ultra-low-flush toilets: 1-1/2-gallon per flush toilets be installed in all new construction. Exterior•O 1. Landscape with low water-using plants wherever feasible. 2. Minimize use~of lawn by limiting it to lawn-dependent uses, such as playing fields. When lawn is used, require warm season grasses. 3. Group plants°of similar water use to reduce overirrigation of low-water-using plants. 4. Provide information to occupants regarding benefits of low-water-using landscaping and sources of additional assistance. °The Department of Water Resources or local water district may aid in developing these materials or providing other information; C'1 5. Use mulch extensively in all landscaped areas. Mulch applied on top of soil will improve the water-holding capacity of the soil by reducing evaporation and soil compaction. 6. Preserve and protect existing trees and shrubs. Established plants are often adapted to low-water-using conditions and their use saves water needed to establish replacement vegetation. 7. Install efficient irrigation systems that minimize runoff and evaporation and maximize the water that will reach the plant roots. Drip irrigation, soil moisture sensors, and automatic irrigation systems are a few methods of increasing irrigation efficiency. 8. Use pervious paving material whenever feasible to reduce surface water runoff and to aid in ground water recharge. 9. Crade slopes so that runoff of surface water is minimized. 10. Investigate the feasibility of using reclaimed waste water, stored rainwater, or grey water for irrigation. 11. Encourage cluster development, which can reduce the amount of land being converted to urban use. This sill reduce the amount of impervious paving created and thereby aid in ground water recharge. 12. Preserve existing natural drainage areas and encourage the incorporation of natural drainage systems in new developments. This aids ground water recharge. 13. To aid in ground water recharge, preserve flood plains end aquifer recharge areas as open space. J Pri000 OAR7B,(~E BaREtlEgYBOq In flood-prone areas, flood damage prevention measures required to protect a proposed development should be based on the following guidelines: 1. It is the State's policy to conserve water; any potential loss to ground water should be mitigated. 2. All building structures should be protected against a 100-year flood. 3. In those areas not covered by a Flood Insurance Rate Map or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the 100-year flood elevation and boundary should be shown in the Environmental Impact Aeport. 4. At least one-rouse of ingress and egress to the development should be available during a 100-year flood. 5. The slope and foundation designs for all structures should be based on detailed soils and engineering studies, especially for hillside developments. 6. Revegetation of disturbed or newly constructed slopes should be done as soon as possible (utilizing native or low-water-using plant material). 7. The potential damage to the proposed development by mudflow should be assessed and mitigated es required. 8. Grading should be limited Lo dry months to minimize problems associated with sediment transport during construction. Q.II~~Y ®IF ~IEl~Il IE(C~JILA Mayor Ron Parks Mayor Pro Tem Kazel F. Lindemann P.O. Box 3000 Temecula, California 92390 (714)694-1989 FAX (714) 694-1949 Councilmembers Patricia H. Birdsall® Peg Moom J. Sal Mufioz December 21, 1990 Douglas Wood Principal Douglas Wood E Associates 1000 Quail Street, Suite 165 Newport Beach, California 92660 SUBJECT: Comments on Campos Verdes Draft Environmental Impact Report. Dear Douglas: On December 19, 1990, the City of Temecula held a Special Preliminary Development Review Committee (Pre-DRC) Meeting, as the forum to conduct the City's first screen check of the Campos Verdes Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 348 (DEIR 348). .. The following Staff Members reviewed and commented on DEIR 348: Oliver Mujica, Planning Department SteveJiannino, Planning Department John Middleton, Engineering Department Kirk Williams, Transportation Engineering Department Based on the comments made by the Pre-DRC, I have prepared the following comments regarding DEIR 348: ENVIRONMENTAL IAAPACT ANALYSIS 1. Landform and Topography Acccrdiny to a statement under the Purpose and Objectives Section (2.4, page 15), the project will consider topographic environmental opportunities and constraints to create a design that generally conforms to the character of the land. However, under Project Impacts (page 221, a statement is made that the project will require alteration of the existing natural landform which involves 2.6 million cubic yards of cut and 376,123 cubic yards of fi~~. In addition, the geotechnical investigation indicates that 35 foot fill slopes and 38 foot cut slope are proposed. Therefore, these two statements are inconsistent with the policies of the plan and needs to be addressed in DEIR 348. Provide a conceptual grading plan, in order to allow the Engineering Department Staff to thoroughly analyze the Drainage Study and Geotechnical Reports. PLANNING\L56 - .--:. _ - ~ .. , .. . ~'~`=1:% ~ ~ i990 Mitigation Measures Specify slopes of greater height by providing a range (i.e. 35 to 38 feet). Climate and Air Quality No Comments. Mitigation Measures A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. Archaeology and Palec^tology No Comments. Mitigation Measures No Comments. 4. Vegetation and Wildlife DEIR 348 should make reference to and discuss the implications of eliminating the existing "Blue-Lined" Stream in the center of the site. Mitigation Measures Substitute the proposed mitigation measures with the following: Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the developer shall comply with Ordinance No. 663 by paying the fee required by that ordinance which is based on the gross acreage of the parcels proposed for development and/or the number of single family residential units on lots which are a minimum of one-half (1/2) gross acre in size. Should Ordinance No. 663 be superseded by the provisions of a Habitat Conservation Plan prior tc tl'~e payment of the fees required by Ordinance No. 663, the applicant shall pay the fee required under the Habitat Conservation Plan as implemented by County Ordinance or resolution. A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. Faults and Seismicity No Comments PLANNING\L56 Mitiqation Measures 6. 7. 8. 9 Since DEIR 348 has identified a portion of the subject site is within Skinner Dam Inundation Area, Mitigation Measures should include raising the building pads and or diverting the Inundation Area. A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. Hydrology Provide a copy of the Hydrology Map. Mitiqation Measures A mitigation measure must be included to address the development and maintenance of the Detention Basin. In addition, the recommendations of the California Department of Resource, as noted on page 50, should be included in the Mitigation Measures. Water Quality No Comments Mitiqation Measures No Comments Soils and Agriculture No Comments Mitiqation Measures A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. Land Use Compatibility This section should be modified to be consistent with SWAP 1 see Section 75 below), discuss any SWAP inconsistencies if any. Mitiqation Measures No Comments PLANNING\L56 10. Energy Conservation No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments 11. Circulation and Traffic The Traffic Study has been determined to be acceptable by the Transportation Engineering Department Staff. Mitigation Measures A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. 12. Noise " No Comments Mitigation Measures -~ A statement of overriding considerations must be prepared for the project and long term impacts associated with the build-out condition of the project. 13. Public Facilities and Services A. Water and Sewer No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments B. Fire Services No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments C. Sheriff Services No Comments PLANNING\L56 Mitigation Measures No Comments D. Schools ,No Comments Mitigation Measures E F G H PLANNING\L56 Payment of State Fee is not appropriate for the proposed Zone Change due to increased densities. Mitigations may require a Mello Roos District be established to provide for proper school facilities. Parks and Recreation The Quimby Act requires a minimum of three (3) acres and a maximum of five (5) acres of park land, in which the City has adopted a policy requiring five (5) acres. Therefore, the proposed project requires 13.17 acres of park land. In addition, there may be the possibility of the City's Community Services Department not accepting the park site within the Detention Basin. Mitigation Measures Provide the required parkland and park improvements within the site. Iltilitiac No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments Gn l i tl 1Nact P No Comments Mitigation Measures Include a Mitigation Measure incorporating acurb-side Recycling Program. Health Services No Comments ~J i'"" "` 1: Mitiqation Measures No Comments I. Libraries What mechanism will be utilized to collect the proposed $320.00 fee. Mitiqation Measures No Comments 14. Light and Glare No Comments Mitiqation Measures No Comments 15. General Plan Consistency I~,a According to Figure 14, the proposed project is inconsistent with "' SWAP, due to the following: ~, Land Use Medium Medium low Very High Commercial Comm. /Office Density 3.0 D.U./AC 5.2 D.U./AC 17.0 D.U./AC SWAP 2-5 D.U. /AC 2-5 D.U. /AC 8-16 D/.U./AC 8-16 D.U./AC and Commercial 8-16 D.U./AC Provide the following modifications to the policies of the plan (pages 129-134). Category 1 Density allocations must range from 8 to a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre, as opposed to 20 D.U. /AC. The proposed 3.8 acre site does not satisfy the Quimby Act requirements per the City's Ordinance. Category 2 Density allocations must range from 2 to a maximum of 5 dwelling units per acre, as opposed to 8 D.U./AC. PLANNING\L56 16. Toxic Substances No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments 17. Fiscal Impact Report Summary No Comments Mitigation Measures No Comments SUMMARY OF UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS Prepare an EIR Matrix Summary, similar to the Winchester Hills Specific Plan (SP2551, as follows: Impact Mitigations Location of Standards ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT 1. The Reduced Density Alternative should be modified to change the SWAP designation of the 48.1 acres from 5-8 D.U. /AC to 2-5 D.U. /AC. 2. Provide a Reduced Density Alternative II utilizing the following densities: 48.1 Acres at 3.5 D.U. /AC = 168 units 47.6 Acres at 12.0 D.U./AC = 571 units 3. Provide a Reduced Commercial Alternative which is consistent with SWAP, utilizing the densities of Alternative I I above. 4. Provide a Reduced Density Alternative I11 eliminating development .within the Detention Basin Area and utilizing the densities of Alternative I!. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Provide a summary table of the required statements of overriding considerations for the project. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Prepare a new section (9.0) with a proposed Mitigation Monitoring Program. PLANNING\L56 COfdCLUSIORI Based on the direction from both the Planning Commission and City Council, Staff, at this time, cannot support a Change of Zone request of this magnitude, due to the variety of proposed land uses and due to the absence of development proposals, especially within the multifamily zoned areas. In addition, it is difficult to determine the overall adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEI R 348 ) without a complete development plan. Therefore, Staff recommends that a Specific Plan or a complete development proposal (i.e. tentative tract maps and plot plans) should be submitted for the Campos Verde Project, in order for Staff to thoroughly evaluate the proposed project. I n addition, if additional information is submitted the appropriate modifications should be prepared for DEIR 348. Should you have any questions, or if I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (714) 694-6400. Sincer Oliver Mujica Senior PI ~/ Gary Thornhill Planning Director OM/GT:mb cc: Gary Thornhill Steve Jiannino John Middleton Kirk Williams Doug Stewart Eric Boos, Turrini E Brink Barry Burnell, Turrini S Brink Hector Correa, NBS Lowry PLANNING\L56