HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-6 Campos Verdes Specific PlanScreencheck S.P./E.I.R.: July 18, 1991 Second Screencheck Submitted: March 3, 1992 Draft S.P./E.[.R. Submitted: 7-9-92; 12-15-92; 1-27-93; 3-5-93; 5-2-94 Planning Commission Approval: July 18, 1994 City Council Approval: September 13, 1994 Amendment No. 1 Approved: March 23, 1999 ~1C°~1~~ ~~~ ~®o ~~~ ~cC1I~~ ~~®~®Il ~~ Prepared by: O T~xB PLANNING CONSULTANTS INC. Planning Consultants 3242 Halladay, Suite 100 Santa Ana, California 92705 (714)662-2774 Contact Person: Barry Burnell In Association with: Wilbur Smith Associates, Traffic Engineering NBS Lowry, Civil Engineering Nuttall-Uchizono, Architecture HRP LanDesign, Landcape Architecture Converse Consultants, Geotechnical Douglas Wood & Associates, Environmental Analysis Natelson, Levander & Whitney, Fiscal Analysis Lead Agency: CITY of TEMECULA Contact Planner: Patti Anders (714)694-6400 Adopted on September 13, 1994 Amendment No. 1 Adopted on March 23, 1999 O 'FABLE OF ~O1V7'ENTS SECTION ~®~..,~I~)E ~ PAGE I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................... I-1 A. DOCUMENT PURPOSE .............................................. 1-1 1. Environmental Procedures ................................. 1-1 2. Format .................................................. I-1 3. Discretionary Actions and Approvals ......................... I-2 4. Effects Found Not to be Significant .......................... 1-3 B. - CEQA TOPICS LOCATION ........................................... 1-3 II. SUMMARY ..................................................... ......II-1 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................... ......II-1 1. Location and Site Description .......................... ..... II-1 a. Existing On-Site Land Uses and Zoning Designations ..... 11-1 b. Surrounding Land Uses ......................... ..... lI-1 O 2. Land Use Plan ....................................... .....li-2 3. Project Objectives ................................... ..... 11-8 4. Project Phasing ...................................... ..... II-8 B. EIR SUMMARY MATRIX AND MITIGATION MEASURES ................... ..... II-9 C. EIR MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM .......................... .... II-10 III. SPECIFIC PLAN ................................................. .... 1[I-1 A. DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND STANDARDS ............................ .... III-1 1. Specific Land Use Plan ............................... .... III-2 a. Project Description ............................. .... III-2 b. Land Use Development Standards ................ .... III-5 2. Circulation Plan ..................................... .... III-9 a. Circulation Plan Description ..................... .... 111-9 b. Circulation Plan Development Standards .......... .... III-9 3. Drainage Plan ....................................... ... III-16 a. Drainage Plan Description ....................... ... III-16 b. Drainage Plan Development Standards ............ ... III-17 4. Water and Sewer Plans ............................... ... III-20 a. Water and Sewer Plan Description ............... ... III-20 b. Water and Sewer Plan Development Standards ..... ... III-21 TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I. R. NO. 348 i SECTION PAGE O 5. Grading Plan ....................................... .... III-28 a. Grading Plan Description ...................... .... III-28 b. Grading Plan Development Standards ............ .... III-28 6. Open Space/Recreation and Landscaping Plan .......... .... 111-31 a. Open Space/Recreation and Landscaping Plan Description .................................. .... III-31 b. Open Space/Recreation and Landscaping Plan Development Standards ....................... .... III-32 7. Project Phasing Plans ............................... .... lil-36 a. Project Phasing Plan Description ................ .... 111-36 b. Project Phasing Standards ..................... .... III-36 8. Maintenance Plan .................................. .... III-39 a. Common Areas ............................... .... III-39 - b. Project Roadways ............................ .... III-39 c. Park/Detention Basin (Planning Area 1) .......... .... III-39 d. Detention Basin/Drainage Facilities (Planning Areas 1 and 2) ................................ .... III-39 B. PLANNING AREA DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS ....................... .... III-4O 1. Planning Area 1: Park ............................... .... II[-41 O a. Descriptive Summary .......................... .... III-41 b. Land Use Development Standards ............... .... III-41 c. Planning Standards ........................... .... III-41 2. Planning Area 2: CommerciaVOffice/Detention Basin .... .... IlI-44 a. Descriptive Summary .......................... .... [11-44 b. Land Use Development Standards ............... .... 111-04 c. Planning Standards ........................... .... III-44 3. Planning Area 3: Low Medium Density Residential ....... .... III-48 a. Descriptive Summary .......................... .... III-48 b. Land Use Development Standards ............... .... [II-48 c. Planning Standards ........................... .... III-48 4. Planning Area 4: Commercial ........................ .... Ill-51 a. Descriptive Summary .......................... .... III-51 b. Land Use Development Standards ............... .... III-51 c. Planning Standards ........................... .... III-51 5. Planning Area 5: Low Medium Density Residential ....... .... [II-54 a. Descriptive Summary .......................... .... III-54 b. Land Use Development Standards ............... .... III-54 c. Planning Standards ............................ ... III-54 TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC Pwv NO.1, AMenuMENT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 ii ~. SECTION PAGE 6. Planning Area 6: Low Medium Density Residential ..... ...... Ill-57 a. Descriptive Summary ........................ ...... 1[I-57 b. Land Use Development Standards ............. ...... Ill-57 c. Planning Standards ......................... ...... III-57 7. Planning Area 7: Elementary School ................. ...... Ill-59 a. Descriptive Summary ........................ ...... III-59 b. Land Use Development Standards ............. ...... III-59 c. Planning Standards ......................... ...... Ill-59 8. Planning Area 8: Low Medium Density Residential ..... ...... III-61 a. Descriptive Summary ........................ ...... 111-61 b. Land Use Development Standards .............. ..... 111-61 c. Planning Standards .......................... ..... III-61 _ 9. Planning Area 9: Low Density Residential ............. ..... III-64 a. Descriptive Summary ......................... ..... III-64 b. Land Use Development Standards .............. ..... III-64 c. Planning Standards .......................... ..... III-64 C. ZONING ORDINANCE ........................................ ..... III-68 1. Low & Medium Density Residential Districts ........... ..... III-68 2. Commercial/Office & Commercial Districts ............ ..... III-73 3. ParWDetention Basin Districts ....................... ..... III-89 IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES ........................................... ...... N-1 A. PURPOSE AND INTENT ....................................... ...... IV-1 B. LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES, PLANTING GUIDELINESANDCOMMUNrfY ELEMENTS ............................................... ...... N-2 1. Introduction ...................................... ...... IV-2 2. Landscape Design Guidelines -General Guidelines ..... ...... IV-4 a. Community Streetscenes ..................... ...... N-4 b. Major Community Streetscenes ................ ...... N-5 c. Community Edge and Boundaries .............. ..... IV-20 3. Plant Material Guidelines ............................ ..... N-28 a. Introduction ................................ ..... N-28 b. Community Streetscene Landscape Development Zone Tree Palette ................................. IV-28 c. Community Entry Accent Tree Palette ................ N-31 d. Landscape Buffer Trees ......................:..... IV-32 e. Park Plant Palette ................................. IV-32 f. Community Plant Palette ........................... IV-33 g. Planting Time .................................... IV-37 TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDES SrectF7c Pun No.l, AMENDMenT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 iii SECTION C. PAGE h. General Landscape Requirements ................... N-37 i. Climate Constraints ............................... N-38 j. Horticultural Soils Test Requirements ................ N-39 k. Irrigation ........................................ N-39 1. Landscape Maintenance Standards .................. N-39 m. Maintenance Responsibility ........................ N-40 4. Community Elements ................................... N-41 a. Entry Monumentation .............................. N-41 b. Walls and Fences ................................. IV-51 c. Landscape Requirements .......................... N-60 d. Park and Recreation Amenities ..................... N-63 e. Outdoor Lighting ................................. N-67 ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES ....:................................. N-69 1. Purpose ............................................... IV-69 2. Basic Theme (Master Style) .............................. N-70 3. Architectural Guidelines ................................. IV-71 a. General Criteria .................................. N-71 1) Form, Scale and Massing ..................... N-71 2) Roof Forms and Materials .................... N-73 3) Exterior Materials and Colors ................. [V-74 4) Fenestration ............................... N-75 5) Private Walls and Fences .................... N-77 6) Architectural Features and Details ............. IV-80 a) Chimneys ........................... N-80 b) Porches and Balconies ................ N-81 c) Garage Doors ........................ N-82 7) Accessory Structures ........................ N-83 8) Shade and Shadow ......................... IV-83 b. Low and Low Medium Density Housing .............. N-83 1) Siting and Orientation ....................... IV-84 2) Form, Scale and Massing ..................... IV-84 3) Roof Forms and Materials .................... N-85 4) Exterior Materials and Colors ................. IV-85 5) Fenestration . ............................... IV-85 6) Private Walls and Fences .................... IV-86 7) Architectural Features and Details ............. N-86 a) Porches and Balconies ................ IV-86 b) Exterior Stairways ..................... N-86 c) Mailboxes ........................... N-87 TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.1 ~ AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO. 348 IV O SECTION PAGE 8) Accessory structures and Covered Parking ...... N-87 c. Commercial ..................................... IV-89 1) Siting and Orientation ................. ...... N-90 2) Form, Scale and Massing ............... ...... [V-9] 3) Exterior Materials and Colors ........... ...... IV-92 4) Roof Forms and Materials .............. ...... N-92 5) Fenestration ......................... ...... N-93 6) Walls and Fences ..................... ...... IV-94 7) Architectural Features and Details ....... ...... N-94 8) Accessory Structures and Services ....... ...... IV-95 9) Lighting ............................. ...... IV-95 10) Mechanical Equipment ................ ...... 1V-96 11) Signage ............................. ...... IV-96 _ a) General Guidelines ............. ...... IV-97 b) Monument Signs ................ ...... IV-97 c) Building Mounted Signs .......... ...... N-98 d. CommerciaVOffice .......................... ...... IV-99 1) Siting and Orientation ................. ...... N-99 2) Form, Scale and Massing ............... ..... IV-100 O 3) Exterior Materials and Colors ........... ..... IV-101 4) Roof Forms and Materials .............. ..... IV-102 5) Fenestration ......................... ..... IV-102 6) Walls and Fences ..................... ..... IV-103 7) Architectural Features and Details ....... ..... IV-103 8) Accessory Structures and Services ....... ..... IV-104 9) Lighting ............................. ..... IV-104 10) Mechanical Equipment ................ ..... IV-105 Il) Signage ............................. ..... IV-105 a) General Guidelines ............. ..... IV-105 b) Monument Signs ................ ..... IV-106 c) Building Mounted Signs .......... ..... IV-106 12) StreeVPlaza Furniture and Bus Shelters ... ..... IV-107 4. Suggested Architectural Styles, Description and Applica- tion . ............................................ ..... IV-108 a. Spanish Eclectic ............................ ..... IV-108 b. Italian Eclectic ............................. ..... IV-110 c. Post Modern ............................... ..... IV-111 O CAMPOS VExnES SPECIFIC Pwv V SECTION PAGE O V. GENERAL PLAN/ENVIRONMENTALANALYSIS ............................ V-1 Note: Chapter V -General Plan/Environmental Analysis is bound separately from Chapters I through N of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan. See Volume II of the three volume set that contains the complete text of the Specific Plan, EIR, Technical Appendices, and other assorted documents for Chapter V. O TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDFS SPECtetc PLaN No.l, AMENnMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O vi O (LIST OF (FIGURES FIGURE PAGE II-I Regional Map ................................................. .. II-3 II-2 Vicinity Map .................................................. .. II-4 II-3 Project Site & Surrounding Zoning ............................... .. li-5 11-4 City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Map ..................... .. 11-6 11-5 Surrounding Land Uses ........................................ ..11-7 III-1 Specific Land Use Plan ......................................... . III-3 III-2 Circulation Plan ............................................... III-12 III-3 Roadway Cross Sections ....................................... III-13 III-4 Roadway Cross Sections ....................................... III-14 [II-4A -Circulation Improvements ...................................... III-15 III-5 Drainage Plan ................................................ III-18 III-5A Regional Drainage Facilities .................................... 111-19 III-6 Master Water Plan ............................................ 111-22 III-6A Regional Water Facilities ....................................... III-23 III-6B Water Improvements .......................................... III-24 III-7 lIl-7A Master Sewer Plan ............................................ Regional Sewer Facilities ....................................... III-25 lil-26 III-7B Sewer Improvements .......................................... III-27 III-8 Grading Plan ................................................. III-29 III-9 Landscaping Plan ............................................. III-34 III-10 Conceptual Phasing Plan ....................................... III-38 III-11 Planning Area 1 ............................................... III-43 1[I-12 Planning Area 2 ............................................... [II-47 III-13 Planning Area 3 ............................................... III-50 III-14 Planning Area 4 ............................................... III-53 III-15 Planning Area 5 ............................................... III-56 III-16 Planning Area 6 ............................................... 111-58 [II-17 Planning Area 7 ............................................... 111-60 III-18 Planning Area 8 ............................................... III-63 Ill-19 Planning Area 9 ............................................... lil-66 N-1 Conceptual Landscape Plan .................................... . N-3 N-2 Winchester Road Streetscene at Commercial Land Use -Section ............................................................ . N-7 N-3 Winchester Road Streetscene at Residential Land Use - Section ...................................................... . IV-9 N-4 Winchester Road Streetscene a[ Commercial and Residential O TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS Vesnes Srec-e~c PLAN No.l,AMENDMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 vii 0 Land Uses-Plan .............................................. N-10 N-5 Margarita Road Streetscene at Residential, Commercial and Detention Basin Land Uses -Section ............................. N-12 N-6 Margarita Road SUeetscene at Residential and Commercial Land Uses-Plan .............................................. N-13 N-7 North General Keamy Road Streetscene at Residential, School, Commercial and Park Land Uses -Section ................. IV-15 N-8 North General Keamy Road Streetscene at Residential, School, Commercial and Park Land Uses -Plan .................... IV-16 N-9 Campos Verdes Lane Streetscene at Commercial or Residential Land Uses -Section ................................. IV-19 IV-]0 Residential at Commercial Land Use Edge -Section ................ [V-21 IV-11 School Site at Single Family Residential Land Use -Section .......... N-23 N-12 _ Single Family Residential at Off-Site Single Family Residential Land Use Edge-Section ....................................... IV-24 IV-13 Park at Commercial Land Use Edge -Section ...................... IV-26 IV-14 Commercial & Detention Basin at Off-Site Land Use Edge - Section ...................................................... IV-27 N-15 Major Entry Monumentation Plan ................................ N-42 N-16 Major Entry Monumentation Elevation ............................ N-43 IV-17 Minor Entry Monumentation Plan ................................ N-45 [V-I8 Minor Entry Monumentation Elevation ............................ IV-46 N-19 CommerciaVOffice Entry Monumentation Plan .................... N-47 IV-20 Residential Entry Monumentation Plan at North General Kearny Road and Camino Campos Verdes ............................... IV-48 N-21 Neighborhood Entry Monumentation at North General Kearny Road - Sideyard and Rearyard Conditions ......................... IV-50 IV-22 Neighborhood Entry Monumentation at Campos Verdes Lane ........................................................ N-52 N-23 Community Fencing Plan ....................................... IV-53 IV-24 Community Theme Walls and Fencing Elevations .................. IV-55 IV-25 Campos Verde Park Site 10.8 Acres .............................. IV-64 IV-26A Boundary Edge Buffer -Sections ................................. N-65 N-266 Boundary Edge Buffer -Plan View ............................... [V-66 Note: Figures V-1 through V-24 may be found in Chapter V -General Plan/Environmental Analysis which is bound separately from Chapters 1 through /V. Chapter V is located in Volume /f of the three volume set that contains the complete text of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan, E/R, Technical Appendices, and other assorted documents. TABLE O V111 O 1C.IST OF ~'ABLFS TABLE PAGE I Detailed Land Use Summary .................................... . [II-4 11 Development Phasing Plan ..................................... III-37 IIA-1 Schedule of Permitted Uses -Residential Districts .................. III-68 IIA-2 Development Standards -Residential Districts ..................... III-70 IIB-1 Schedule of Permitted Uses - CommerciaVOffice & Commercial Districts ...................................................... III-73 [IB-2 Development Standards - CommerciaVOffice & Commercial _ Districts ...................................................... III-81 IIC-1 Schedule of Permitted Uses - Park/Detention Basin District .......... III-89 Note: Tables 111 through XV/ may be found in Chapter V -General Plan/Environmental Analysis which is bound separatelyhom Chapters /through /V. Chapter V is located in Volume 11 of the three volume set that contains the O complete text of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan, EIR, Technical Appendices, and other assorted documents. TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPOS VERDFS Srec~F7c Pun No.l, AMeNnMenrr No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 ix l[. ILNTIi,®I)UCTI®1V L~. IIDOCUMENT (PURPOSE This document has been prepared for the purpose of delineating amixed-use land development plan and evaluating potential environmental impacts resulting from implementation of the plan as set forth in this document. The development proposal, called the Campos Verdes Specific Plan, encompasses 132.9 acres of land located within the incorporated City of Temecula within Riverside County, California. 1. ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) portion of this document (Section V) has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, as amended (Public Resources Code Section 15000, et sea•). An Initial Study of the project has been prepared by the County of Riverside and utilized by the City of Temecula. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an EIR and a description of potential adverse impacts were distributed to the State Clearinghouse, responsible agencies and other interested parties on March 12, 1990. The objective of distributing O the NOP was to identify and determine the full range and scope of environmental issues of concern so that these issues might be fully examined in the EIR. The County Planning Department determined that an EIR should be prepared which addresses a full range of specific environmental factors. The County subsequently turned the project files and Lead Agency responsibility over to the City of Temecula. Comments received during the NOP process are addressed in Section V.C, V.D, and V.K. The NOP distribution list and comments resulting from distribution are contained in the Technical Appendices. 2. FORMAT The format of this document is designed to be a combination Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. The Specific Plan portion of this document is encom- passed in Sections III and IV. The EIR portion of this document is encompassed in Sections I, II, and V. Sections I and II cover the summary requirements of CEQA by providing a project description, Environmental Impact Report summary, and Environmental Impact Report Mitigation Monitoring Program. Due to the unavailability of a general plan from the recently incorporated City of Temecula, Section V follows the format of the Riverside County Comprehensive General Plan (General Plan) and its various elements. General Plan consistency is assessed utilizing the Riverside County General Plan Land Use O I. INTRODUCTION CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1/E.LR. NO.348 I-1 Determination System and the Southwest Area Community Plan (SWAP). Land use appropriateness, General Plan land use consistency and Community Plan consistency are discussed under Sections V.A and V.B. Issues identified in the Initial Study and NOP, prepared by the County of Riverside and utilized by the City of Temecula, are discussed in Sections V.C and V.D. of this document and are formatted under two elements of the General Plan: Environmental Hazards and Resources and Public Facilities and Services. Under each issue, an analysis is performed to determine the amount and degree of impact associated with the project. For all significant negative impacts, mitigation are delineated to reduce the impact to a level of insignificance. If, however, impacts cannot be'reduced to a level of insignificance, then a statement of ovemding consideration will have to be prepared. Analysis of impacts and mitigation set forth are derived through technical reports and information which are included as an appendix to this document. In conjunction with this analysis, consistency with the General Plan is also determined through the relationship between project design and proposed mitigation and General Plan standards delineated-for each issue. 3. DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS AND APPROVALS This EIR will be used by the following public agencies in connection with the following decisions: ~p CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COD'IlIIISSION Recommendation to the City Council as to EIR certification. Recommendation to the City Council regarding adoption of the Specific Plan by resolution. Recommendation to the City Council regarding approval of the change of zone to Specific Plan (5P). QO CITY OF TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL EIR certification. Adoption by resolution of the Specific Plan. Adoption by ordinance of the change of zone to Specific Plan (SP). O I. INTRODUCTION CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1/E.I.R. NO. 348 O I-2 4. EFFECTS FOUND NOT TO BE SIGNIFICANl'* (~J} Within the Initial Study, two issues were determined not to be significant, Airports and Mineral Resources. Therefore, these issues do not require additional analysis in the Draft EIR. ]~. ~lE~ TOPICS LLOCATION The table below provides a quick reference in locating the CEQA required sections within this document. CEQA TOPICS LOCATION Environmental Procedures Section I.A.1 Effects Found Not to be Significant* Not Applicable Environmental Impact Report Summary Section II.B EIR Mitigation Monitoring Program Section II.B O Cumulative Impact Analysis Section V.H.1 Growth Inducement Section V.H.4 Alternatives to the Proposed Project Section V.H.3 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts Section V.H.2 The Relationship Between Short-Term Uses of the Section V.H.5 Environment and Maintenance/Enhancement of Long- Term Productivity Irreversible/Irretrievable Commitment of Energy Sup- Section V.H.6 plies and Other Resources Organizations, Persons and Documents Consulted Section V.H.7 O I. INTRODUCTION Cnl~os VEBDES SPECIFIC PLAN No.1/E.LR. N0.348 I-3 o ~~. ~~ .~. (PROJECT IIDESCRIPTION 1. LOCATION AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Campos Verdes Specific Plan project site is comprised of 132.9 acres and.is located east of Margarita Road and south of Winchester Road, in the City of Temecula. (See Figure II-1, Regional Map and Figure II-2, Vicinity Map) The project site lies on both sides of North General Kearny Road, which traverses the southern portion of the site. a. Existing On-Site Land Uses and Zoning Designations The project site is characterized by low rolling hills and associated southwest-trending drainages with a maximum relief of about 100 feet. The existing zoning of the site is Rural Residential (R-R) for the northern portion of the project and Heavy Agriculture (A- 2-20) for the southern portion. (See Figure II-3, Project Site and Surrounding Zoning.) The City of Temecula General Plan designates this site for the following uses: High Density Residential (13 - 20 du/ac max.); Medium Density Residential (7 - 12 du/ac max.); Low Medium Density Residential (3 - 6 du/ac max.); Community Commercial; Profes- sional Office; and Open Space/Recreation. (See Figure II-4, City of Temecula General O Plan Land Use Map.) The project site has most recently been used for dry land farming, and in the past the site was once used as pasture. In surrounding areas, there are several foundations from razed buildings and abandoned ponds which do not appear to have held water for sometime. b. Surrounding Land Uses The Campos Verdes site is located in an area which supports many approved and pending Specific Plans. (See Figure II-5, Surrounding Land Uses.) To the northwest of the project site is the Winchester Hills Specific Plan (S.P 255), a 569-acre project which is currently being reviewed by the City for approval, combining residential, commercial, business park, schoo]/park sites, greenbelt/paseos, and an extensive circulation network. Directly west across Margarita Road, is the Temecula Regional Center (S.P. 263). This 201-acre Center is envisioned as a high quality, commercial center, offering the convenience of retail, office, institutional, mixed use and hotel uses, along with a well planned circulation system and pedestrian walkways to generate accessibility in a convenient and efficient manner. Through a strong cohesive design, the Temecula Regional Center will provide regional commercial opportunities to residents of the Temecula community and is currently under review by City staff. O CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PIaN No. 1/E.LR. No. 348 II-1 Immediately northeast of the project site is the approved Roripaugh Estates (S.P. 184), O located east of Route 79 in the vicinity of Nicolas Road. (See Figure II-5, Surrounding Land Uses.) This 205-acre Specific Plan has been approved for construction of 710 dwelling units and 73 acres of industrial use. The industrial element of the Specific Plan is located adjacent to Nicolas Road. This area has Specific Plan zoning and is designated as "Low Medium Density Residential (3 - 6 du/ac max.)" and "Open Space/R,ecreation" on the General Plan. That portion of the site which lies south of General Kearny Road is bordered by an existing residential neighborhood and also by vacant land. As can be seen on Figure II-4, the vacant area south of the project site and east of the General Kearny Road curve is designated by the General Plan for "High Density Residential (13 - 20 du/ac max.)", "Low Medium Density Residential (3 - 6 du/ac)" and "Open Space/R,ecreation'". The 1,108-acre Winchester Properties (S.P. 213) is located north of Roripaugh Estates and east of Winchester Road. It is approved for construction of 2,478 residential units and 268 acres of IndustriaUCommercial use. Another approved Specific Plan in the area is Warm Springs (S.P. 220). The Warm Springs Specific Plan is generally located south of Murrieta Hot Springs Road and west of Winchester Road as shown in Figure II-5. The 475-acre project has been approved for construction of 1,886 dwelling units as well as approximately 37 acres of retail, office and neighborhood commercial uses. 2. LAND UsE PLAN The proposed Campos Verdes Specific Plan project development requests approval of O Specific Plan No. 1. Approval of this development request will establish the instruments for implementing the comprehensive development proposal and the Goals and Objectives of the City of Temecula General Plan. The Campos Verdes Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan and will implement the Goals and Objectives of the General Plan. The Campos Verdes Specific Plan combines commercial, mixed-residential, office, school, and recreational uses with a road network within a comprehensive plan. The Campos Verdes Specific Plan will be a quality mixed-use project, designed to respond to urban trends in the Temecula and neighboring Rancho California areas. The Campos Verdes Specific Plan will be constructed in compliance with a site design that is consistent with applicable City of Temecula Ordinances, development standards and policies. The Specific Plan is designed to consider access links, compatible land use transitions with neighboring properties, views and landform relationships. As indicated on Figure III-1, Specific Land Use Plan, a total of 132.9 acres are proposed for development. II. SUMMARY CAn~os VExnES SPECIFIC PLAN No. 1/E.LR. No. 348 O II-2 0 To Hemet 74 74 z S \ Lake Elsinore O NNURRIETA 15 TEMECULA GAS Lake Skinner 73 REGIONAL I~/IAP ~~~ ®~ ~ p~~~~~ FIGUREII-1 \\\\\J// p~ Q ~QQ' T6iB Planning Consulrancs II-3 1/ICIIVITYMAP ~~~~~~ ~T~~~~~ ~c~ n-2 ~ Q ~ T&B Planning Comulcanos ~ q ~ s..u ~ , ~:,,; ;; ~,n.,.~~~ P a . ~ a«o--u~,~, ;;~~: II-4 _~ O W C .,,~ - J g 3 . J U w j.. 5 c ~ ~ Q Y z ~Q W J Q N } ~ O ~~ ~ ~ U N Q D g ~ r- --+ c U U_' U ~ i- c c l w LL QOJ ~ Q`~ ~ =c Q U }a QCJ J ~ Q F - ~ Z~ ~L >~ U Z W~ W W U O ~ Q ~W ~ r- W t 'WV' ~/ C N C v ~ (I (J N U~ ~? ~~ 2 v N O ~ ~ •-- Q N N t'7 ~ d. d. a ~ ~ d Z c~ C e ~~ G a O y, ~ U 80 ~r ~P Nq C ~ ~ ~~: >.: ~ N~ y~ ~ OU ZV c. ~`z ~d Cl < m W _~ oo`~ ~zS r 2 z l-' ~ ~ N h ~O a ~:v a ~ `~.- ~. \ ..__.. _- ~\ ~\ \ ,, 0 0 ., . ~ . . !~. e i ~= ~ .` x,5 ~. .~ , . 1_LL / ? ,. ~I ,`J , {~ / \ / @~ U/] L% O A ` f~ ~ U ~ ~ 4 ~ W ~ ~ ~a d ~. _.~ _.~ i-. .~ a+ q ~ V W ~ ^ N ~ ~ C7 O ~ ~ ~°. ~4 ,o C $~ SF_ ~~ ~~ •~ ~~ tt~ O" ~s ?s o. 5 zj` ~ o C1a =~ ~g ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Qo a [r ~ v a J C Q N } c U ~ O C ~ ~ D w w Q c~ Q Z ~ Q e L W G W Q J O m ~ ~ ~ LL c z O c ~_ J ~n ~ 0 N O w w ~ q p 0 ~ ~ Q ~ c ~ ~ w U Z w "' o O ~ ~ z U ~ g oo ~ ~ N v w C9 ~ _ ~9 " O > c z ~ m w a "' ~ >~ O Z ~ = a v",i m a O ~ wm a ^ ^ Z U = ~ ~ m ~ O 0 ^ ~ Q ~ Q i o v. .. ¢ U Q p = '4 ~ Q ~ ~ U Q ~ N .i O J ~ ~ N w./ ~ ~ Q w c N ^ v ~ ~ O ^' v y ~ ~ W ~ V_ s U U L m ~•/', ~'v' a ~a rig ~) J ~ ~ 2 1 O Q 0 v ri U Q R O n ~ 4 _a $ ~ _~ a a _~ N N a c k' Z w U J N Q a o w w = c ~ S a w Q ~ ;° e ~~ G < °a O ~., ~ U 8a ~~, WN N~ G ~°~ ~~ n G "+' z ~ ~ ~ ¢V ~U ~ C-. ~Z WO C~ 2~ 00 Yl e2 ~2 ~]O a ~;v v v~ O O O 3. PROJECT OBJECTIVES It is the intent of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan to be unified in overall theme, but varied in individual character and to provide complimentary land uses. Specific objectives are as follows: Establish a development that results in logical coordinated growth. Construct all required on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements in order to provide a coordinated development schedule consistent with surrounding land uses and in accordance with requirements and needs of local utility and service districts. a To reinforce the community identity of the project vicinity through control of project design elements such as architecture, landscaping, site planning, color, paving, walls, fencing, signage, and entry treatments and through a viable circulation network. Reflect anticipated market needs and public demand by providing a variety of land uses which will be marketable within the developing economic profile of the Temecula area. O O Develop an environment that is visually attractive and efficiently and effectively organized, including a pleasing landscape palette. To attract commercial and office uses that will serve community needs and the needs of the surrounding area while supplying an employment base for local residents of Temecula, conveniently located to minimize commuting distances. 4. PROJECT PHASING The entire Campos Verdes site is projected to be developed within an approximated five- year period. Future area demographics and market trends would have significant influence on actual project development completion. Specific Plan phasing will guide the timing and sequencing of development in accordance with grading, infrastructure requirements and infrastructure availability. The objective of the phasing program is to provide flexibility to effectively respond to dynamic market trends and conditions. Since development within each phase is infrastructure dependent, development within phases can occur concurrently or consecutively, provided that adequate consideration for infrastructure has been made. II. SUMMARY CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN No. 1/E.LR. No. 348 II-8 O IB. IEIDE$ SUMMARY 1lRATRIX To be provided by EIR Consultant. O O CA~os VEitoES SPECIFIC PLAN No. UE.LR. No. 348 II-9 O ~, lEglE$1lhIITIGATION 1VILONTTORING (PROGRAM To be provided by EIR Consultant. O II. SIrnIMnxY CAnIPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN No. UE.LR. No. 348 II-10 dII~. SPECIFIC FLAN A. IDEVELOPMENT PLANS AND STANDARDS ~ PLANNING OBJECTIVES This Specific Land Use Plan has been prepared within the framework of a detailed and comprehensive multi-disciplinary planning program and the City of Temecula General Plan. In addition to considering issues such as engineering feasibility, market acceptance, economic viability, development phasing and local community goals, certain planning objectives were targeted to assure the environmental compatibility, aesthetic satisfaction and functional integrity of the Specific Plan as a whole. With these goals and objectives in mind, the Campos Verdes Specific Plan objectives are as follows: o To reflect anticipated marketing needs and public demand by providing a variety of land uses which will be marketable within the developing economic profile of the City of Temecula, as well as the County of Riverside generally. O o To reinforce the community identity of the project vicinity through control of project design elements, such as architecture, landscaping, site planning, color, lighting, paving, walls, fencing, signage and entry treatments and through a viable circulation network. o To establish a development that results in logical coordinated growth. O o To develop an environment that is visually attractive and efficiently and effectively organized, including a pleasing landscape palette. o To construct all required on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements in order to provide a coordinated development schedule consistent with surrounding land uses and in accordance with requirements and needs of local utility and service districts. o To attract commercial and office uses that will serve community needs and the needs of the surrounding area, while supplying an employment base for local residents of Temecula, conveniently located to minimize commuting distances. GIM1IPOS VEItDES PIaN No. 1, AMENDMENT NO. No. 348 Ill-1 I. SPECIFIC LAND USE PLAN o a. Project Description The Campos Verdes project is envisioned as a high quality, mixed-use project, offering a mix of residential products conveniently located adjacent to school, commercial and office uses. Along with a 3.1-acre park these uses will be linked via a planned circulation system and pedestrian walkway to generate accessibility in a convenient manner. An open space/paseo buffer area of forty feet (40') in width shall be created along the eastern edge of the site along the entire portion of the project boundary that borders the existing Meadowview project. An eight foot (8') wide multi-purpose trail will meander through the open space/paseo buffer. The Campos Verdes property will be identified and unified through design elements such as architecture, landscaping, color, walls, fencing and entry treatments consistent with themes already established in the area. Variability of design will be allowed, so that individual development areas will be identifiable and compatible with the overall project and will be able to establish their own individual design character. The Campos Verdes Specific Land Use Plan is illustrated in Figure III-1 and is summarized on Table 1, Detailed Land Use Summary. For specific information regarding the Planning Areas, please refer to Section III.B, Planning Area Development Standards and Section 1[I.C, Zoning Ordinance. O The proposed land uses within the Specific Plan include: o Low DENSITY RESIDENTIAL: A total of 16 residences will be constmcted on approxi- mately 11.3 acres in Planning Area 9. The minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet. The single family detached homes will be separated from existing off-site large lot residential uses by a 40 foot wide landscaped buffer. Low MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTLAL: A total of 226 dwelling units will be developed on approximately 46.6 acres at a density of between 3.0 du/ac and 6.0 du/ac. The single family detached homes will be located in Planning Areas 3, 5, 6, and 8 on lots ranging in size from 4,500 to 10,000 square feet. COMMERCWI/OFFICE,/CHURCHRND DETENTION BASIN: Planning Area 4 will be developed as 17.5 acres of commercial property along Margarita and Winchester Roads. Planning Area 2 (21.4 acres total) will be developed with a detention basin on 11.1 acres; commercial/officeand/nr church uses will be constructed on 10.3 acres of the parcel, adjacent to North General Kearny Road. The developer shall not receive any park credit for the detention basin facility in Planning Area 2. PuN VERDE$ SPECIFIC PLAN NO. t, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.LR. NO. III-2 M V' ~--i ~ ~ ---~ N f~l V :.7 2 ~ .=+ Q Q 0 00 r ~; _~ Q .7 ~ .~ ...7 U1 C~~ n ~--~ O M M N N V W V ` w z, w ~ a O ~ V ~ 7 ~ O :n W W H a Q cn n - W n- ¢ ~ V V C> ~ ~ ~ O lf\ ~1 hj h~ n 1 V Z O /'. ~,.: 1 r W r~ V r c/1 3-~ .N a W A w ~~ O TABLE I ®ETAILED LAND USE ~UMAtARY Land Use :Planning Density Dwelling Desi nation `Area '' Densi Ran a Units Acres. RESIDENTIAL Low 9 ].4 .5-2 Du/AC 16 11.3 Low Medium 3 5 6 8 5.2 6. ] 6.0 3.0 3-6 Du/AC 3-6 Du/nc 3-6 ou/AC 3-6 Du/AC 75 63 46 42 14.6 10.3 7.6 14.1 Subtotal 43. 224 57.9 NON-RESIDENTIAL Commercial 4 -- -- -- 17.5 CommerciaVOffice/- Church & Detention Basin' 2 -- -- -- 21.4 Middle School 7 -- -- -- 20.0 PazkZ 1 -- -- -- 3.1 Roads -- -- -- -- ] 3.0 Subtotal -- 75.0 PROJECT TOTAL 1:8 242 132.9 Notes ' Approximately 10.3 acres in Planning Area 2 shall be utilized for commerciaUofFce uses adjacent to North General Keamy Road. The remaining 11.1 acres shall include a drainage azea and detention basin. No park credits will be given for the detention basin by the City. z The developer shall receive full park credits from the City for 3.1 acres of parkland within Planning Area 1. //~~,, III. SPECIFIC PLAN ~~ CAMPOS VE1tDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.LR. NO. 348 III-4 o pARx: A 3.1-acre park is planned along North General Kearny Road in Planning Area IdO It is anticipated that this park will contain on-site parking, tot lots, open turf fields an picnic areas. The park will serve the purpose of providing a much needed public park to the community. The 3.1 acres will count fully toward City park requirements. o MIDDLE SCHOOL: A 20.0 acre middle school site is proposed for Campos Verdes in Planning Area 7. This school will be operated by the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Recreational facilities located on the school grounds may be available for public use at the discretion of the School District. o ROADS: Major roadways totaling 13.0 acres will be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. The Circulation Plan for Campos Verdes is consistent with the General Plan Circulation Plan and will adequately serve the traffic volumes for both the site and region (See Figures III-2, III-3 and III-4, Master Circulation Plan and Roadway Cross- Sections). b. Land Use Development Standards In order to ensure orderly and sensitive development, the specific land uses described above will require infrastructure, public services, and facilities and special techniques or mitigation in each Planning Area to accommodate the uses proposed and provide adequate transportation to neighboring uses. Project-wide development standards have been prepared to manage implementation of general or unique conditions in each Planning Area. GeneralO standards are listed below. For specific Planning Area standards, refer to Section III.B. 1) The total Specific Plan shall be developed on 132.9 acres, as illustrated on Figure III-1, Specific Land Use Plan. Generally, the uses permitted shall include low and low medium density residential uses; retail commercial uses; office professional and/or church uses; a park; and a detention basin. 2) Uses and development standards shall be in accordance with the zoning regulations established for this Specific Plan as well as the Planning Area Development Standards, Section III.B, and shall be defined by Specific Plan objectives, future detailed tract maps, development plans and potential conditional use permits as appropriate. 3) The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory require- ments of all Temecula City Ordinances and state laws and shall conform substantially with approved Specific Plan No. 1 as filed in the office of the City of Temecula Planning Department, unless otherwise amended. CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.LR. NO. 111-5 O 4) Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall be required to obtain clearance from the City of Temecula Planning Department that all pertinent conditions of approval have been satisfied implementing cases of the Specific Plan for the phase of development in question. 5) An environmental assessment shall be required for each tract, development plan, Specific Plan Amendment or any other discretionary permit required to implement the Specific Plan. At a minimum, the environmental assessment shall utilize the evaluation of impacts addressed in the EIR and its Addenda prepared for this Specific Plan. 6) Parcels created pursuant to this Specific Plan and tentative maps shall be in conformance with the development standards of the zones ultimately applied to the property. 7) A City change of zone application, which would constitute a Specific Ptan Amendment, may be required, as determined by the Planning Department with a subsequent development application if the proposed use varies substantially from the use(s) provided for by the zoning standards established by this Specific Plan. The City's Draft General Plan includes land use designations with a Specific Plan overlay. Therefore, depending on the type of Specific Plan Amendment, a General Plan Amendment may also be necessary. 8) Design features such as perimeter and interior landscaping, and buffering of land uses ^ will be incorporated into project design to minimize any potential conflict between ( ) adjacent land uses. 9) Passive solar heating techniques will be employed wherever possible within the project. Passive solar systems do not utilize sophisticated hardware. Passive systems involve orienting buildings properly insulated, and simple heat storage systems, including such elements as dual-paned windows. 10) Roadways, infrastructure, flood control improvement areas and other public facility features may be coordinated by and paid for through an assessment or community services district or area to facilitate construction, maintenance and management. l l} Final development intensities for each Planning Area shall be determined through the appropriate development application up to the maximum intensity identified based upon, but not limited to the following: a) Adequate availability of service; b) Adequate access and circulation; c) Innovation in building types, design, conservation or opportunities; and d) Sensitivity to design through appropriate parcel and street layouts. III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDFS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. I, AMENDMENT NO.I/E.I.R. NO. 348 III-6 12) Development plans submitted for Planning Department review shad be heard by theO appropriate hearing body. 13) Improvement plans for developed common open space areas, including construction, planting and irrigation plans, shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the stage of development in question and for review by the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD). These landscape improvement plans shall be prepared and reviewed for substantial conformance by a licensed Landscape Architect. 14) For the security and safety of future residents, the applicant and/or .developer shall incorporate the following design concepts within each individual tract or development plan: a) Circulation for pedestrians, vehicles, and police patrols; b) Lighting of streets and walkways; c) Visibility of building entrances, pedestrian walkways and windows from the street and between buildings; and d) Fencing heights and materials including landscaping that serve security needs. 15) Common areas identified in the Specific P-an may be owned and maintained by permanent master maintenance organizations, to assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities for all common areas, circulation systems, and landscaped areas. The organizations maybe public or private. Common areas that are for the sole use of either O commercial occupants or residents of a development should be maintained by a homeowners association or commercial association. 16) Maintenance associations, if formed, will be established as follows: The master commercial property owners' association (sometimes known as Reciprocal Easement Agreement) shall be charged with the unqualified right to assess their own individual owners who own individual parcels for reasonable maintenance and management costs which shall be established and continuously maintained. The property owners' association shall be responsible for private roads, parking, open space areas, signing, landscaping, irrigation, common areas, and other responsibilities as necessary. 17) Specific Plan 1 is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminar. CAMPOS VERDFS SPECIFIC Platy NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO. I[I-7 O 18) A 20.0 acre middle school site has been identified in Planning Area 7, adjacent to the intersection of Camino Campos Verdes and North General Kearny Road. The site will yield twenty (20) acres of usable land for school uses and facilities. O O III. SPECIFIC PLAN Cantros VettDFS SPt:ctt7c Ptah No. 1, Antt:NOnteNT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III-8 2. CIRCULATION PI_4N O a. Circulation Plan Description Figure III-2, Circulation Plan, illustrates the project roadway concept, based on the City General Plan Circulation Plan, input from the City Transportation Engineering Department and the project Traffic Analysis prepared by Wilbur Smith & Associates (see Technical Appendices). The main objective of the Circulation plan is to provide direct and convenient access to individual planning areas through a safe and efficient network of roads including Urban Arterial, Arterial, Secondary, Industrial Collector, Collectorand Local Roadways. Typical roadway cross-sections are shown on Figures 1[I-3 and III-4. Figure III-4A, Circulation Improvements, shows the phasing of the improvements. The project Traffic Analysis estimates that 12,071 vehicle trips per day will be generated by the project (Please refer to Section V.D.). b. Circulation Plan Development Standards 1) The proposed project includes an efficient and safe circulation design that will accommodate traffic from land uses as well as public safety, security and public trans- portation needs. The Master Circulation Plan outlined in the project Traffic Analysis (Technical Appendices) will serve as the composite Circulation Plan for the Campos Verdes Specific Plan. All on-site roadway improvements illustrated will be phased in O accordance with this plan, where appropriate. 2) Major roadways such as Winchester Road and Margarita Road should be implemented as non-access roadways, with smaller collector streets serving the individual planning areas. Provisions will be made for a safe and efficient sidewalk network, providing pedestrian circulation in conjunction with the roadway network. A sidewalk system will be developed along Winchester Road, Margarita Road, North General Kearny Road, and the other project streets. The pedestrian sidewalk network within each planning area shall provide easy access and convenience, linking commercial nodes and public gathering places. 4) The subdivision shall comply with the street improvement recommendations/mitigation outline in the project Traffic Analysis and addendum (See Section V.D). 5) Specific roads (shown in Figure III-2) will be constructed as: 111. SPECIFIC PLAN CnMVOS VEItDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO.34S O III-9 O - Urban Arterial (134' ROW): Winchester Road - Arterial (110' ROW): Margarita Road - Secondary Road (88' ROW): North General Kearny Road - Industrial Collector (78' ROW): Campos Verdes Lane - Local Street (60' ROW): Camino Campos Verdes; interior residential streets. 6) Landscaping requirements will vary based on street widths. Landscape Development Zones (LDZ), as detailed in Section N.B., Landscape Design Guidelines will be provided on most project roadways. TCSD will maintain only those parkways located on roadways with aright-of-way of 66 feet or wider and which lie adjacent to single family residential development. All other parkways shall be maintained by a homeowners association or other private entity. 7) Major roadwayimprovementsmaybemanagedthroughanassessmentdistrictorsimilar financing mechanisms. 8) All roads shall be constructed to City standards, as a requirement of the implementing subdivisions for the Specific Plan, subject to approval by the City of Temecula. Detailed traffic analyses will be required to be submitted concurrently with tract map submittal packages. The analyses shall indicate when specific roadway improvements shall be triggered. All required street improvements must be completed in the final phase of O Specific Plan development if they are not already in place by commencement of that phase. 9) The project shall comply with the conditions and requirements set forth by the City of Temecula. 10) Upon preparation and submittal of detailed site plans, tract maps or internal circulation plans, it may be necessary and/or desirable to make minor modifications to access driveway locations, and specific operational characteristics (e.g., restricted movements) at potential access driveways. Such design issues would have to be reevaluated based on more detailed development plan and prevailing traffic conditions. Minor deviation from anticipated roadway characteristics within this Specific Plan will not require an amendment of this plan, and are encouraged to provide the most safe and efficient circulation solution. 11) City of Temecula improvements to Margarita Road and North General Kearny is for two lanes only with over-crossings for drainage and/or utility improvements. The balance of the ultimate improvements shall be constructed by the developer. O CAMPOS VExDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1 IFIC PLAN No. 348 III-10 12) The City of Temecula and the developer shall enter into a reimbursement agreement forO the purposes of reimbursing the City of Temecula for al] costs associated with the construction of interim improvements on Margarita Road and North General Kearny Road, including, but not limited to, grading, storm drain, A.C. paving, signing and striping, etc., prior to the recordation of the first final map within the Specific Plan. 13) Individual residential access shall be taken from interior local streets only. No access shall be taken from collector streets or greater for single residences. 14) A 25-foot-wide transportation corridor shall be provided adjacent to the Winchester Road right-of-way. This corridor is intended to provide future opportunities for transportation uses including Light Rail Transit (LRT), bus-only lanes and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. All roadway crossings and access points through this corridor must be approved by both Caltrans and the City of Temecula. 15) Class [I bicycle trails shall be provided on-site and constmcted per City standards at the locations depicted on Figure III-2, Circulation Plan. Bicycle trails on Margarita Road and North General Kearny Road shall be designed to intercept with the proposed City of Temecula, Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 16) On-street parking shall be provided along the south side of North General Kearny Road, adjacent to the planned public park in Planning Area 1. The Class II bicycle trail along the park side of this street shall be designed to permit on-street parking. O III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEtrvES SPECIFIC Pl.nta NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.lIE.I.R. NO.3480 III-11 o o c ~ ~ c c O O '_ ~ -~ C ~ o .. U ~ C ~ ~ O C ~" c ~ pp c Z g Z ~ Q -w ~ Q ~ ? ~ Um (~ /`~J r~ °o (`_~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ x 0 Q~ C Q C9 z Z g a ~~ aD v z d ~. 3W~ LL Q LL W N , i Z m ~ O ~ $^ QQO W= p W> E-=s :s Vm ~ Z p o N U W W QOs~ ~Q3 v~ I t.:.. • i.: ~:i '.:. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... .. .. .. «..... .. ... ~I •..;:........ ..• ..:..::.......•... .....:::.~~:~'::•::~~.•.::........;,.:~~' LANE .. .. ~. BIKE O' ........ BIKE'..,.:: ...... LANE ~ 2' 46' 1 S' 6 12' 134' URBAN ARTERIAL (WINCHESTER ROAD) O BIKE ARTERIAL (MARGARITA ROAD) '~ 11'• ~I SECONDARY (NORTH GENERAL KEARNY ROAD) ROADWAY CROSS SECTIONS ,may ~~ ®~ ~ p~ ~~ ~ ~ I~I FIGURE III-3 \/\/~1 ~ \\\\V// Q I- ~ T66 Planning Cnnsul~ana JJJlll ~a 'O ~1 Yxl~nw Cr~ll~VTf ~n..sV ~~~ v ~SnxpIGO.U ~l ~V~1~~6TSM.W TTT' 1 '1 BIKE BIKE LANE LANE 0 11' ' 56' 78' INDUSTRIAL COLLECTOR (CAMPOS VERDES LANE) t:.'.'.:'~:.':.•~:t~1.:~~::~~:'~:::~:':..~:.::: i::vi:::::.. ~::~: ~~~jl•:: ~ii•:'.i't 4i. ~.1:. .~.. .... ..:~-"mot ~. .i:i~:::,'...f.." 10' 4 0' 10' 6 0' 11' LOCAL (CAMINO CAMPOS VERDES, RESIDENTIAL STREETS) ROADWAY CROSS SECTIONS FIGURE III-4 ~ Q ~ T66 Planning Consulmnts TiT- ] 4 U U W W O 68.8 689 U c O ~ w Z J ~ a~w Oz> w ~.o ~ X00 ~^ U >vaia w0 ~c~ ~z U 0 ° 0 Q 0 ~ w ~ z~ w m m N ~ ~ LL ~onaQLL Oy zp.p yt-~O~ dUw w Lwc~w~~a >~~>a~Z~ OccaJ}wop> OC9~ w ~waCaQZO~ aQ~t-zcaQcO Qx~OZOJOp~ Z~ w w a a LL w O-Z ZN~Zc cow~a cga c ~~w~Na~ap a~yo~pC~z k'~~OUj~ az O~~caZOO~a m n•--~ 0 A /~~ ~~~~ ~ ®. /~~\ ~. /~~ ~ ~ ^ A,cDp ~`~~~ ~~~ ~ ~f~ ~. ~: ~z ~~w e~z~2a 0 Cr .~ G ~" ~ C _~vzo~-- p w {z7. / U ~ Q C p o 0 o p p o 0 _~..,.w Mnp_, ~/e f~ I ~I ~_y ~~d.. ? ~~_ _ °~ T ~3 {~___ _ i +T ~~~ /y! .J N" i (y4 3 ~.. ry.. 1 ~i ~+~1~ ~ / / `\ ~ n ~ i,~ i9 u ~ . ~ ~ ` _i. \ 'J ' f~ ' / `~ ~~ ~' \ Q-~- ~ N \ ~ ; A V ' C •(•f ~ ~ W N Z > Z Q ~ i . (, OtA zUN / ,r G w Y C° =J ~ m0 p~3 ~~ d N J ~ Q~~ W N ~ cUC ~ C y' ~G ~Qa ~~ S O O ~'~ . . ~~~ ~.3 ;Q'~a /~ o Oo/ a nn ~ ~L~ aD U tz ~, :d 3 r y ~ tee, ~tl ~~ Ze ^~ .` a~i ~~e x^ ~,~ Ham{ hs ~o a ~:v a ~ C ~ O 3. DRAINAGE PLAN a. Drainage Plan Description The majority of the project area is located within the Santa Gertrudis Valley, to the north of the confluence of the Santa Gertrudis and Murrieta Creeks. An existing 100-year flood plain occupies the southeastern portion of the site, east of North General Kearny Road. This wash discharges through an existing 10' x 5' Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) under Margarita Road. The total area tributary to the basin outlet at Margarita Road is approximately 2,300 acres. The total study area is 2,500 acres Off-site to the southwest, the unnamed dry wash discharges under Ynez Road through an existing double 10' x 5' RCB under Ynez Road, located approximately 1,200 feet north of Solana Way. This RCB can adequately convey a Flow of 1,250 cfs. The area tributary to this RCB generates a 100-year storm runoff peak well over the existing 1,250 capacity. The proposed drainage system incorporates a drainage channel and detention basin that is located in portions of Planning Area 2. The detention basin has been designed so that the park in Planning Area 1, as well as the commercial/office/church uses in Planning Area 2, will be dry even following a 100-year storm. The proposed detention basin is planned to function as a passive open space and habitat restoration area. Trees and small shrubs are allowed on the slopes and around the perimeter of the detention basin. The bottom of the detention O basin will be limited to natural herbaceous materials that are consistent with habitat restoration plans approved for the site. The 100-year runoff generated within the 1,670 acres tributary to the detention basin is calculated to be 1,233 cfs. The area will also produce 8,376 cubic yards (5.2 acre-feet) of debris. The total available storage volume for the detention basin is calculated to be approximately 90 acre-feet. The outlet structure, a double 6' x 5' RCB, will be used to limit the outflow from the basin. For aesthetic reasons, a minimum 50 foot setback from the Margarita Road right-of-way for the downstream end of the detention basin has been used as a design criteria for sizing the basin. The detention basin will be constructed when needed by the nearby Temecula Regional Center development. The characteristics of the basin as proposed at maximum stage are as follows: The storage volume utilized for debris and storm flows is 46 acre-feet, a depth of 14 feet above the flow line of the outlet, corresponding to elevation 1056' and an outflow of 662 cfs. The 46 acre-feet of storage utilized at maximum stage represents a debris storage capacity of approximately 5.2 acre-feet and a storm Flow storage of approximately 40.8 acre- feet. III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDes SPECIFIC PLAN No. ],AMENDMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 III-16 A 36" RCP will collect runoff from Planning Areas 4 and 5 in Campos Verdes and convey stormO flows under Margarita Road in an existing double 30" RCP system through the Temecula Regional Center site. The project site lies within the jurisdiction of the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The project site is located within the Temecula Valley Area of the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan, and there are drainage fees of $1,970 (or the most current fee) per acre associated with developments within the Drainage Plan area. b. Drainage Plan Development Standards 1) Drainage and flood control facilities and improvements shall be provided in accordance with Riverside County's Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the City of Temecula requirements. 2) The detention basin will be installed by the City of Temecula Public Works Department in conjunction with construction of the regional mall west of Margarita Road. The detention basin will be maintained by the property owner for five years at which time it will become the responsibility of the City's Public Works Department for maintenance. The drainage area behind the park site in Planning Area 1 will be maintained by the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD). The drainage area behind the commercial office/church area of Planning Area 2 will be maintained by the City of Temecula Public Works Department if the drainage channel is constructed according to O City standards. Otherwise, the drainage area will be the responsibility of the property owner for maintenance. 3) The project developer shall pay drainage fees in accordance with the Murrieta Creek Drainage Plan. III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VErtDes SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.I/E.I.R. HO.34S O III-17 w N a~°a =oo ~ Z Z ~ ~Qa ~ ~ o Zoe ~ ~ N r ~ w = z cN r0- m ~ ~ Z w w 3~ ~ N > > c >_ U z ~Q O oz o o g ~z LL coo N~ N y a XO O: ~wZ r(~ O~ O O ~ OZ O wC> ~f aC a a O a~ z U~w 4a ~ ~ O a~., ya QUa adS o_ a LL Q~ w e zZ w QO~~- cUNo X r~ a 7 n nn ~L~ aD y C ~ .. < U ~ ~~ c°r ~e ~ G. z2 3Q .. Q] ~ e c =~ ~> ~oy a ~;v v S~~ / O O . ~ P~ W O O ~~ W ...JI w~ 0 Q ~^ UW ~~ ~~ ~w Q c0 G Z O a ~ a Z N ~ dS c a ~ c m ~ oW ~w Z ~ O ~ _ f/ ~ U Q a m W a lal. x W LL 0°~ O z Z O Q LL "1 m c w O n L5 c a ~P o ~e ~ U eo s~ m ~N hP ~ ~ j m ~ ~. r. ~- ~- ~ ¢V ZU O C. -Q. 2 W O uVi ~ ~ e, ~yy ~U "~2 °`2 ~~H(/ H m N ISO a ~;v arm O 4. WATER AND SEWER PLANS a. Water and Sewer Plan Description The proposed project is located within the Rancho Califomia Water District (RCWD) water service area. RCWD relies on local groundwater and imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) for water supply. The MWD is the sole water importer agencywithin the project area. MWD provides imported water for its member agency Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) who in turn provides wholesale water to the RCWD. The imported water is available to RCWD from the MWD's San Diego aqueducts. Further, RCWD has an abundant water supply capacity in its underlying groundwater basins within its service area. Currently, four existing wells are located near the project site. These wells would augment the District's underlying groundwater well production system as the primary source of water for this project. The imported water could be utilized to supplement the groundwater supply. According to RCWD staff, water storage for the project site is provided by the existing Norma Marshall Reservoir and the Ace Bowen Reservoir. Water can be supplied to the Campos Verdes project by connecting to the existing 16" water main within Winchester Road and to the existing 16-inch waterline within Calle Pina Colada. The Campos Verdes project will be required to construct a 24" pipe within the proposed Margarita Road right-of-way and to O relocate the existing waterline within General Kearny Road into the new road alignment. In addition to these improvements, a minimum 8" looped network will be required to serve the entire site. (See Figure 111-6 -Water Plan.) Additionally, an 8"water line exists in Sanderling Way. This main could serve a section of the western portion of the project or be looped into the system mentioned above. The proposed project is located within the Eastern Municipal Water District sewer service area. Currently, a Sewer Master Plan Study is being prepared by the District to identify the ultimate sewer facilities required within the Winchester Assessment District which the proposed project is a part. The ultimate Sewer Master Plan will involve the construction of two major trunk sewers, the Warm Springs trunk sewer and the Santa Gertrudis trunk sewer, which will convey the collected flows from the Winchester Assessment District to the Temecula Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility (TVWRF). The proposed 36" Warm Springs trunk sewerwill be located northwest of the project and the proposed 27", or greater, Santa Gertrudis trunk sewer will run along Santa Gertrudis Creek parallel to Winchester Road which borders a small northern portion of the project. The existing and proposed sewer improvements within the project are shown on Figure III-7. lll. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO. 348 III-20 Currently, a 15"sewer main runs southerly in Winchester Road continuing easterly to conned to the TVRWRF. The existing 15" sewer would provide service to the proposed project. According to the EMWD, the entire site can be provided sewer service by connecting 8" and 12" branches to the existing 15" gravity sewer located in Winchester Road. Additionally, an 8" gravity sewer line exists in Sanderling Way. This sewer line could be extended to serve a section of the western portion of the site. EMWD is in the process of master planning adistrict-wide reclaimed water system, although no reclaimed water lines or facilities currently are available in the project area. EMWD may require the project to construct reclaimed water lines on-site so that when the regional system is complete, the project can ultimately utilize reclaimed water for certain types of irrigation. b. Water and Sewer Plan Development Standards 1) All water and sewer lines shall be placed underground. 2) All lines will be designed per the Eastem Municipal Water District's and Rancho California Water District's requirements. 3) The infrastructural system will be installed to the requirements of the Eastern Municipal O Water District and Rancho Califomia Water District. 4) Water and sewerage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Riverside County Health Department. 5) The project will comply with EMWD for installment of on-site reclaimed water lines, as required. III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAmPOS VeRDes SPecle-c Pwv Ho. 1, AMeNnnrelvr No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O 111-21 w w w Q = Q J c c Nc N ~~ 03 03 N3 a oo a 'O ~ 'a 89.9 9.9.9 ...0 ~~~ {)~? " ~:J *) ~ -~~~ ,/ .~ 'y.l V C n1-' -. ~z 6 a ~ caz~za Q,w~?°~e C~~ v z~~~ a OwW. /' O q~gjj C M^ O1Y ,l _ ~~ CI -- J Op^!~ ~l. .~ ~ i 4~ ~~ I~ ~f R._ !_ Q~ c^ ~y_ V^^ 3 ~ ~!~ \ .-. GS~~ S`S "~ ~D ~N Q V' r..~j^ :: ~ ~_ s~ ~ b \\, ~ ~~ aD U ~ ~ .. C ro 7 ~ ti ry ~ U ~ ~~ bqo; i e p e r-I~+ [fir '} ~e ISO D Q'~C7 v r~ ~ ~ C ~ 0 0 W O V ne~ ISGO w W Z Z ~ ~ ~ = c Q w Z ~ CCZ N O Q ~c u1 41 a 0 O O O 0 0 0 °o Z Z O Q D LL c W c O w x m c < oP O w~ ~ U 8o N^ cv en W ~~ a~ ro e'v Zu ~ ~Z ~O ~ i~ mw r~ 00' ,~ 2 a 2 l~ n~ NM ~o, a ~;v v ~ o O O ~Q~~. ~O O ~,'-~~ 0~ ~~ ~ ~~-= n- E^= :.'- - °°~~_ ~!-~ n r ~~~ ~~ .,~ ~s O ~B.9 N ~ Z U `c ~ Z m ~~ r- o U m ~ m f~= O O ~ Fii a ~ 3 ~ Eo3 W ~ ~ ma YW z~m ppp> QU~ ~ p c ,~;~ :.. z W O ~mU =Q~ N N ~pU u,zz wap Q ~ H ~`w"~> QO wpI.UO p 3pQ~ ~~pQ a~~~ W Q~ OOZE t \ ..., . ~, ~~ o o ~-~ ,, ~ ~° 0 ~O1/ O~f\~ _~ O I/r 0 i P" ~~ O ~ ~ O ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B ~~~ 0 /~ ® O /~e~ ~'~ /,~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~. .~ ~~~ NUK~~G ~ Q ~° 0 -0~'-~- • ~ ~y-O~O~poo°D° p~ - -~_ ° a ~: o :o ~~ f t. O M~ ¢~r- }~ Q °'^_° ~ po '~ ~~~ 600 ~ Q O~ ~: ~~~. ~~ 4 0 ~~~ ~.0 o ~~ _ <<~- ~.~ o ~: ~ o ~~. o ~Qy~ _ - o ~vJi i~ ~t ~ OO 3~~ ~~ !. 2 ~~~\~1, O C .. ~J b \ d_` .y~~, ~ ~= ~ ~ o -, ~. o j \ .~ ~, o T . . ,Oo OQO \rt ~.. ° 4¢ . ~, ~p,~w ~~. `~ i#' ~p ~w5 ~o~~~ ~\ ~~.~"~ S~~v~~ CO ~~ aD C~ y 7 ~ ~` N U _ ~ ' `" me_ ~~ .: ~~~ 2v °' Si ~s ~x ~ F-~~~s ~~ ~o a ~:v v~ ~~ p >o mw C f- J Q =mm~ N W J Z > > > ypJZ ZQ20 oc pW oW c ~OpU. ~ g~ ~~ ~~ ~~ oaQ~ aio a° a~ u~~ a`v~UO ~ cZ&? ~O~O~Z rr^^ N a p w v J ~ ~ ~ ~ Q.w ~ w ~ NO~~> wwa0 ~Q~~C ~ ~aN~~ r ~n .. III ID_\ ;~~~~ ro C_j ~ ~ ~ v; ~~ 3i ,3 x a. ` . 3 m`e ~~ ~3 LSO a ~:v a ~ @~ O s'~~ O w W ~ ~ u ~ " Z ~ o ~ c z c _ c ~ ~ c ^ ~" N z U ao `s~ N vJ Z O 0 C "~ 'z_ ~xij a ~ r 'eu iv l li d ~ ~+, ~Z ~O ii Cl ¢ ¢ m W O J ® _. o0 °e m¢ ~ '~ 9 0° m non ~n~~jn / y~ / ~ 6e o C ~ 1 e V V ~ e c w C~ o° ~ D Qs~ ~-L °d O v bra O O q /v~~v~ ~ C 2 °~°~ ~ aD .~ m~Qa ~ (f) z J Z U '_ ~ ~ r- QNw Z cE ~ Q O = _ ~ ~ o z~°'O ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~, cV wQ_=U U °' c ~ ~ ongo ~~ w ~a wawZ ^;> ~~ OdSww~ ~~ z~ cdc.~N J~J~ d ~ L N J a W ail 3 O ® 3a~Ua ~~~ ~~ o ~ w o ~wpQQpQ.. ~o W ~ ~ ~ O~OxO a ~v r /~ ~ ~ Z a f- ~n C v. ~ ~ ~ V .. ~~~ ~ 0 /~ ~ 0 0 -~~ `~ ~ ~ 0 %~ ~ n C:. n' 'n 7 ~~.._ ~ iy i _ i ~~ G:. c:_ J W /~'~ ~ /_.:^~ r'.. _ / ~ ^ ~~ ~\ ~z ~C7~ x ,~ N~7z< i~'~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ooh, ~ A °_- Q 0 x i F 6 6 ~~ ~O s~ 0 bra @~ ~~ C. i ~" 7~ 0,~, !~ ~f V~ U~'~ 5~~~ V O 'f -- ;: C: ~ N ~ ~ <~ O 5. GttnDING P[arv a. Grading Plan Description The Campos Verdes Grading Plan, as shown on Figure III-8, reflects the conceptual approach utilized from the Tract and Parcel Maps. It is intended that land uses within the project be separated by manufactured slopes when possible. According to the project engineer, the proposed grading plan results in 2.6 million cubic yards of cut and 370,000 cubic yards of fill. The balance of earthwork may be relocated on the Temecula Regional Center proposed to the west. Approximately 350,000 cubic yards have been "borrowed" from this site for development in the area. These include 100,000 cubic yards for the Costco site; 100,000 cubic yards for Margarita Meadows and 150,000 cubic yards for improvement to the Santa Gertrudis Creek by AD-161. This figure may vary significantly as final grading plans are developed based on land use. The Conceptual Grading Plan establishes a basis for appropriate treatment of drainage requirements and accommodates a street system that meets City of Temecula standards for acceptable grades. b. Grading Plan Development Standards 1) All grading activities shall be in substantial conformance with the overall Grading Concept Plan (Figure lIl-8), and shall implement any grading-related mitigation measures outlined O in: Seismic Safety (Sec. V.C.I.), Slopes and Erosion (Sec. V.C.2.) and Geotechnical Investi- gations (Technical Appendices). 2) Prior to any development within any area of the Specific Plan, an overall Conceptual Grading Plan for the portion in process shall be submitted for both Planning and Engineering Department approval. The Grading Plan for each area shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual stages of development within that area, and shall include: Techniques employed to prevent erosion and sedimentation during and after the grading process; approximate time frames forgrading; and preliminary pad and roadway elevations. 3) All streets shall have a gradient not to exceed 12%, or as approved by the City. 4) Slopes exceeding five feet (5') in vertical height, shall be hydromulched prior to final acceptance and prior to the beginning of the rainy season (October -March). 5) Landscaping plans shall be required for all cut and fill slopes higher than five feet (5') 111. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VEttDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMervnMErvT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III-28 (~ \:J Lr:\i ` J W W J O Z ~ O U U ~ a' ~ a ~ W ~ a' m ~ F... W a z ~F ~ `~ ' ~.:~ ,. ~ , ~?) ,If p;; i . ~.. _ ~~~: ' `- ~ r ~r 4' i \. ' 1 ~ _... ~- ', - ., ~/A , 0 r~ ~ ~J~ _~ aD ~ N 1ro+ J' o y O gn moo, `! ~ (V ~V Ze {li Ci. ;z 3y e rti °.jj ? E-~s '° h~ ~~ a ~%v a i O 6) Graded slopes shall be oriented to minimize visual impacts to surrounding areas if possible. 7) The overall shape, height and grade of any cut and fill slope shall be developed in concert with the existing natural contours and scale of the natural terrain of a particular site where possible. 8) Cut and fill slopes shall be constructed at inclinations of not steeper than two (2) horizontal feet to one (1) vertical foot unless otherwise approved by the City. 9) Grading shall not be permitted prior to approval of grading permits for the development area in question. III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VExnFS SPECIFIC Pwv NO. 1, AmervnMeNT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III-30 6. OPEN SPACE/RECREATIONRND LANDSCAPING PIaN a. Open Space/Recreation and Landscaping Plan Description Implementation of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan will increase the demand for park and recreational facilities in the City of Temecula. Using the City's factor of .01295 per dwelling unit, approximately 3.1 acres of park land shall be required to satisfy the requirements of the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD). The Campos Verdes project proposes 242 single family homes. The Campos Verdes Specific Plan proposes a total of 3.1 acres of usable developed park land in Planning Area 1. Thus, the project will provide the exact amount of park land required by the TCSD. A portion of Planning Area 2 will be devoted to passive open space use in the form of a drainage area and a detention basin. The detention basin will be installed by the City of Temecula Public Works Department in conjunction with construction of the regional mall west of Margarita Road. The detention basin will be maintained by the property owner for five years at which time it will become the responsibility of the City's Public Works Department for maintenance. The drainage area behind the park site in Planning Area 1 will be maintained by the Temecula CommunityServices Department (TCSD). The drainage area behind the commercial office/church area of Planning Area 2 will be maintained by the City of Temecula Public Works Department if the drainage channel is constructed according to City standards. Otherwise, the drainage area will be the responsibility of the property owner for maintenance. The project developer is also providing a 2.0 acre open space/paseo buffer in Planning Area 9. The open space/paseo buffer will be planted with drought-tolerant and low maintenance shrubs, trees and ground covers. An eight foot (8') wide multi-purpose trail will run the length of the paseo along the eastern project boundary providing residents of Campos Verdes and surrounding developments with additional passive recreational options. This open space area will be privately owned and maintained. In addition to provisions for open space and recreation areas on-site, project landscaping will play an important role in maintaining project design themes, while emphasizing community continuity. (See Figure 111-9, Landscape Plan.). It should be noted that this Section, Landscaping Plan, is general in scope and detail. Furthermore, detailed landscaping concepts and plans are included within the Design Guidelines portion of this text (Section N.B., Landscape Guidelines). III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAmPOS VEItDES SPeclelc PLAN No. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O Ill-31 O Entry monumentation will provide initial definition for the site, and will be viewed when approaching the site from Winchester Road and Margarita Road. Once within the site, entry monumentationwillcontinuetobepresentatallkeyintersections. That monumentationwill be developed in a hierarchical format consisting of Major Entry Monuments, Secondary Entry Monuments, ParWCommercial Monuments, Minor Entry Monuments and Neighborhood Entry Monuments which will provide initial identification for each commercial or residential planning area. Entry monumentation and landscaping along Margarita Road will be compatible with those of the Temecula Regional Center across the street. Landscaping within the project site itself will articulate community design elements. Special treatments, including land use transition areas, will be provided between certain planning areas identified in Planning Area Development Standards (Section III.B.). Landscape buffers and edge treatments will be utilized to separate different or conflicting land uses such as between the commercial uses in Planning Area 4 and the multi-family residential develop- ment in Planning Area 5, and the commerciaUoffice uses in Planning Area 1 and the parWdetention basin (Planning Area 1). Landscaping will be used to identify the hierarchy of the street system, from major access roads to interior streets, creating definite landscaped corridors. This is accomplished by careful consideration of the relationship between street and plant materials characteristics, such as size, form, texture and color. Specific arrangement of plant materials creates a definite feeling of character which reinforces this identity. O Plant materials utilized along the roadways have been chosen to enhance the image of the area as a whole. The species chosen, as identified in Landscape Guidelines & Planting Guidelines (Section IV.B.), will adapt well to dry environments. b. Open Space/Recreation and Landscaping Plan Development Standards 1) The City will accept the 3.1-acre park site in Planning Area 1 of the Specific Plan in fee after completion of park and recreation improvements. Improvements to the park shall be required to be completed by the issuance of the 78th residential building permit for the overall project or within two (2) years of Map Recordation for the first phase lots, whichever comes first 2) All detailed landscaping programs for planning areas and roadways shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department staff as part of an administrative development plan review process. 3) The landscape and construction plans for the open space/paseo and multi-purpose trail in Planning Area 9 shall be approved by the Community Development Department. O CAMPOS VEttDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO.34S QI-32 4) Project entry statements have been designed with landscaping and architecturalO treatments that project a high quality image for the Campos Verdes development. 5) Special treatment areas will be designed to provide definition to certain Planning Areas as identified in Section N.B. 6) Major entrance roads into the Campos Verdes Specific Plan area will have planted medians and landscaped shoulders to define the project's design concept. The introductory landscape theme will include elements such as tree clustering to reinforce the project theme and character. 7) Planted raised medians (according to Ordinance 461 Standard No. 113) may be established within any roadway right-of-way as long as access and safety criteria can be met. 8) The landscaping design for the site will include trees, berms, shrubs, turf and ground cover compatible with natural vegetation on-site, where feasible. 9) Prior to issuance of building permits, improvement plans for the respective landscaped areas or plans to mitigate an environmental impact for that stage of development shall be submitted to the City Planning Department for approval. The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) shall also be included for plan review for all areas that they may/will be responsible for maintaining. The improvement plans may include, but will O not be limited to, the following: o Final grading plan. o Irrigation plans. o A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods; locations, type, size and quantity of plantings. o A hardscaping plan with location and type and quantity of potential recreational amenities/facilities (in very-high density areas). o Fence treatment plans. o Special treatment buffer-area treatment plans. ' 10) Prior to recordation of the final map, landscape construction drawings for project areas identified as TCSD maintenance areas and/or park sites shall be approved by the Director of Community Services Department. Security shall be posted guaranteeing the development of all TCSD maintenance areas and park sites. 11) All proposed TCSD maintenance areas shall be offered for dedication on the final map. The transfer of slope areas into the TCSD maintenance program shall be contingent upon QI. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEItnFS SPECIFIC PLAN IVO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO.34S O III-33 w ~ /~L~ Z o aD g wo ~ ~ a Z ~ `~ O UU w U w ~ ~ ~ g ~o U ry~ ~, (n cAZ '~a :a\m U i aR U_ U W ~ x e i' f^ °~ ~i °x vJ 0 ~0 E-'M~~, q 0 Z Zw ~ ~ ~ ? D ~+~ J - a ~ . ~ O 0 O O approval of a property owner election in compliance with state law; satisfactory completion of the improvements to City standards; and final acceptance by the TCSD Board of Directors. In the event TCSD cannot assume the maintenance responsibili- ties designated within the Specific Plan, a private homeowner's association shall be responsible for saidmaintenance. TCSD does not accept walls, fences and entry monuments for maintenance. The parkin Planning Area 1 shall be transferred to the City of Temecula by separate grant deed. 12) All park and/or recreation areas intended for transfer to the City "in-fee" shall be dedicated free and clear of any liens, assessments, or easements that would preclude the City from using the property for public park and/or recreational purposes. A policy of title insurance and a soils assessment report shall also be provided with the dedication of the property. 13) At the time of recordation of any final parcel map which contains common greenbelt or open space areas, the Parcel Map shall have those common areas conveyed to the master property owners association or appropriate public maintenance agency (either in fee title or as an easement). 14) The applicant and/or developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slope planting, common landscaped areas and irrigation systems until such time as these operations are the responsibility of other parties. O 15) Only non-required landscaping shall be constructed within the 25' Transportation Corridor Easement along Winchester Road. 16) A 37' wide Landscape Development Zone (LDZ) shall be provided from the face of curb along the portion of Winchester Road that borders the Campos Verdes project site. This LDZ shall be consist of an eight foot turf parkway adjacent to the curb, a six foot sidewalk, and another 23 feet of turf and planting area. lll. SPECIFIC PIaN O CAmPOS VEROes SreclFtc PInN No. 1, AMervnmerrr No.l/E.LR. No. 34S lil-35 7. PROJECT PHASING PIANS O a. Project Phasing Plan Description The Campos Verdes project will be phased over a five year period, in response to market demands, according to a logical and orderly extension of roadways, public utilities and infrastructure. (See Figure III-10 -Project Phasing Plan; Table II -Phasing Plan.) Due to changing market demands and marketing strategies, this plan is developed as a guideline only for City review and monitoring. Future market demands may dictate varying approaches to phasing, which shall be reviewed by the City for consistency. b. Project Phasing Standards 1) Prior to issuance of building permits, improvement plans for the respective land- scaped areas, or plans to mitigate an environmental impact for that stage of develop- ment, shall be submitted to the appropriate City departments for approval. The improvement(s) may include, but shall not be limited to the following: o Final grading plan. o Irrigation plans. o A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods, locations, O type, size and quantity of plantings. o Fence treatment plans. o Special treatment buffer area treatment plans. 2) The phasing sequence shown is conceptual, based on current marketing demand. Certain planning areas may be developed out of the expected sequence, as long as the required infrastructure and services are provided at the time of development. 111. SPECIFIC PLAN GIMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC Pwv NO. AMervnMENr No.t/E.I.R. No. 348 O III-36 0 O TABLE II DEVELOPMENT PHASING PLAN PLANNING `PHASE USE AREA ACRES UNITS PHASEI Years 1 and 2 Park 1 3.1 0 Middle School' 7 20.0 0 Low Medium Residential 3 14.6 75 Low Medium Residential 5 10.3 63 Low Medium Residential 6 7.6 46 Subtotal 55.6 I84 PHASE l[ Years 3 to 5 Low Residential 9 11.3 16 Low Medium Residential 8 14.1 42 CommerciaVOffice/Church & Drainagez 2 21.4 0 Commercial 4 ] 7.5 0 Subtotal 64:3 58 Pro'ect Roadwa s 13.0 GRAND TOTAL <132.9 242 Notes ' Phasing of the middle school will ultimately be determined by the School District. The District may elect to build the school in Phase 11. s The detention basin in Planning Area 2 may be developed earlier depending upon the phasing of the adjacent Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan. lll. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VEROes SPectetc P1nN No. 1, AMervonteNT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 III-37 0 ^ ~ oQOQ Z N ~ v~ ~ aD . to ~ NY>Z J Q ~ _ U LL HH w w ~w~UfL «g J ~ 'o 'o c >wmv~ OOww~ N ~ ~ ~ o ~ a~Q~U Q a~ U ~ ~c N ~g~ 'w U W W ~ ~Z QF-w cD O~ '~~w ~w^ Ch cd« ~~ "'~ (~L~l a y Q w w m ~ O" `z aR ~ `J ~j ~ r^ " J ® ~9 ? ~00 Q w ~- Q w Z _~ r, ~:x ~i F-~ ~ 3 h 3 L O ~ 6•• B,lJ ~ - - wCZQO UQQSE ';C~ Z o T ~ ~ `L J O~ p30 acv a~ O O ~tiN' / S~ O 8. MAINTENANCE PLAN Successful operation of maintenance districts and associations are important in maintain- ing quality in the project area. It is anticipated that maintenance responsibilities for common project facilities in Campos Verdes will be conducted by either a Master Commercial Property Owner's Association, a Homeowner's Association or the Temecula Community Services Department. This decision regarding maintenance assessment will be made at a future stage of project design and review in concert with City agencies. a. Common Areas All common areas within the commercial areas of the Specific Plan shall be owned and maintained by a Master Commercial Property Owner's Association. The Temecula Community Services Department will be responsible for the maintenance of perimeter slope areas and parkway landscaping adjacent to residential areas. The Public Works Department will maintain all public roadways. b. Project Roadways All project roadways within Campos Verdes will be designed and constmcted to standards acceptable to the City and will therefore be entered into the City system of roadways for operation and maintenance. O c. Park (Planning Area I) and Open Space/Paseo Buffer (Planning Area 9) The proposed park facilities in Planning Area 1 and the open space/paseo buffer (includ- ing the multi-purpose trail) in Planning Area 9 will be constructed by the project devel- oper. Maintenance of the park will be the responsibility of the Temecula Community Services Department. The open space/ paseo buffer in Planning Area 9 will be privately maintained. d. Detention Basin/Drainage Facilities (Planning Areas. I and 2) The drainage facilities in Planning Area 2 of the Campos Verdes Specific Plan will be constructed by the project developer. The detention basin will be installed by the City of Temecula Public Works Department in conjunction with construction of the regional mall west of Margarita Road. The detention basin will be maintained by the property owner for five years at which time it will become the responsibility of the City's Public Works Department for maintenance. The drainage area behind the park site in Planning Area 1 will be maintained by the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD). The drainage area behind the commercial office/church area of Planning Area 2 will be maintained by the City of Temecula Public Works Department if the drainage channel is constructed according to City standards. Otherwise, the drainage area will be the responsibility of the property owner for maintenance. O III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. I, AMENDMENT NO.I/E.I.R. NO. 348 III-39 B. PLANNING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS O Development standards and zoning regulations for the Campos Verdes Specific Plan have been established at four levels: 1) General Development Provisions, which were addressed in Sec. lil; 2) Design Guidelines, provided in Sec. N; 3) Planning Area Development Standards, to which this section is devoted; and 4) the Zoning Ordinance, as found in Sec. III.C. The zoning provisions within this Ordinance establish use restrictions for each Planning Area. The zoning provisions should be used in conjunction with the planning standards for each respective Planning Area. Planning Areas were selected on the basis of logical, separate units of development. Criteria considered in this process included uniformity of use as it pertains to zoning and relationship to adjoining development and surrounding topography. The Planning Area graphics for this section (Figures [II-11 through III-19) were derived from the Specific Land Use Plan (Figure 111-1). Although development may conform closely to some elements of the illustrative plans provided in Section IV, it is anticipated that actual site planning will not be determined until the Tract Map stage. O III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEItDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO.34S III-40 O O 1. PtaivNlNG Attea 1: PARK a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 1, as depicted in Figure 111-11, consists of 3.1 acres to be developed as a park site. This park will be designed with such facilities as on-site parking, restrooms, picnic areas, and adventure play areas. A conceptual site plan of this park is illustrated in Section N, Design Guidelines, Figure IV-25. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) Access to Planning Area 1 will be provided from North General Keamy Road. The location of access points, as depicted in Figure III-11; are conceptual except for alignment. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. 2) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures N-7 and N-8, shall O be provided along North General Keamy Road. 3) A landscape edge treatment, as depicted in Figure IV-13, will be provided at the interface between the park in Planning Area 1 and the commerciaUoffice and/or church site in Planning Area 2. 5) The City of Temecula will accept the 3.1-acre park site (i.e., Planning Area ]) in fee after satisfactory completion of park and recreation improvements and acceptance by the City Council. Improvements to the park shall be required to be completed by the issuance of the 78th building permit for the project or within two (2) years of Map Recordation for the first phase lots. 6) Please refer to Section N for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 7) The drainage/detention uses will be landscaped with hydroseeded annuals and wildflowers and for habitat restoration pursuant to approved plans subject to TCSD criteria and approval. III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDFS SPECIFIC Prarv NO. 1, AMEIVDMEIVT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 111-41 8) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: [ILA.I: Specific Land Use Plan [I[.A.2: Circulation Plan IILA.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.8: Maintenance Plan CAMPOS VeRDes Srecte~c Pwv No. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III-42 0 O O w \///~1n' V ~_ 7~ W C a z_ Z 3 a Y Q c^ a~ J W Z Z Q U W U' O ~~ o _: ~~ .-~ w Q LL C Z g _. w^ ~> ~~ 0 3~ c ~ aN ~JL~ W aD N ~~ r U ~ ~~ ~$` `e ~~~ y, m .~y^ ~` " w a ~' aa,e ~~ MM~`z w=R T^ y^ti I „F~"V',~J~'.5., ns L_..]O a ~:v v ~a ~~ ~~' ~ ~~ ~ O O z W ~~ Q~ ~~ w Z W c~ ~~ J Q LL U ~ ~ ~ c~' O 2. PLANNING AREA 2: COMMERCIAI/OFFICE/DETENTION BASIN a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 2, as depicted in Figure III-12, provides for the development of 10.3 acres with commerciaUoffice and/or church uses and 11.1 acres as a detention basin. The commer- cial/office/church uses will be located in the northern portion of the parcel adjacent to North General Kearny Road. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) Primary access to Planning Area 2 will be provided from North General Kearny Road with secondary access provided from Margarita Road. One right-in/right-ou[ access will be permitted from Margarita Road. The location of access points, as depicted in Figure 111-12, are conceptual except for alignment. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. O 2) One commerciaUoffice entry statement will be provided at the access from North General Kearny Road. (See Figure IV-19.) 3) A minor entry statement will be provided at the intersection of North General Kearny and Margarita Road, as depicted in Figures 1V-17 and IV-18. 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures IV-5, IV-6, IV-7 and N-8, shall be provided along North General Kearny Road and Margarita Road. 5) A landscape buffer, as depicted in Figure IV-13, will be provided at the interface between the parkin Planning Area 1 and the commerciaUoffice/church development in Planning Area 2. 6) A buffer will be provided between the commercial site and the off-site land uses, as depicted in Figure IV-14, with a minimum landscape buffer width of ten feet (10') being provided in Planning Area 2. 7) A detention basin is planned in Planning Area 2 to handle both on-site and off-site storm water runoff. The detention basin shall be maintained by the property owner 111. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.[.R. No. 348 O III-44 for five years at which time it will become the responsibility of the City's Public Works O Department for maintenance. The drainage area behind the park site in Planning Area 1 will be maintained by the Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD). The drainage area behind the commercial office/church area of Planning Area 2 will be maintained by the City of Temecula Public Works Department if the drainage channel is constructed according to City standards. Othervvise, the drainage area will be the responsibility of the property owner for maintenance. 8) The proposed detention basin is planned to function as a passive open space and habitat restoration area: Trees and small shrubs are allowed on the slopes and around the perimeter of the detention basin. The bottom of the detention basin will be limited to natural herbaceous materials that are consistent with habitat restoration plans approved for the site. 9) In compliance with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, Village Center Overlay and Land Use Element Goal 5 -Policies 5.5 through 5.10, it is important to create a quality environment which establishes a sense of place through careful consideration and integration of the following design elements: a) Pedestrian orientation. b) Pedestrian linkage. c) Narrow streets and driveways with pedestrian paseos and wide sidewalks. O d) Features such as paseos, arcades, plazas, courtyards, squares, galleries and outdoor cafes to encourage gathering. e) Gathering places such as pavilions, parks and bandstands. Festivals, entertain- ment, street vendors, outdoor markets and other special events should be encouraged. f) Incorporation of public art, fountains and water bodies. g) Unique architectural and landscape architectural themes for identity. h) Careful parking orientation. It is important to note that not all uses allowed are necessarily expected to occur. For this reason, some of the above design features may not be appropriate nor economi- cally feasible. 111 SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VsttnFS SPECIFIC P1AN No. 1, AMervnntervT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O III-45 O 10) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 11) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: [II.A.1: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.5: Grading Plan III.A2: Circulation Plan II[.A.6: Landscaping Plan [ll.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan [II.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8: Maintenance Plan O III. SPECIFIC PLAN Cnmtros VeeDes 5rectetc PLAN No. 1, AmervnmeN~r No.l/E.hR. No. 348 O III-46 v N W ~_ 0 N W Q (9 z z z 5 x c x w U gm UZ wOU ~zQ ~ w ~ O ;~ U ~ N w ll C Z g c `O O ~ ~ ~ c ~ aN Zw Zp w 2 ~ S O ~ ~ v J N gLL Z c ~ m cw ¢ m C W Z W Qh O (~ W ~ i' ~~ i~ ~ ~ ~~~ N Ufa,' -~ a; w .., ~ ,, ~, ,,. ~-" ~. C N 6 C Q C N N a ~~ ~~ /, ~~ ~z V `n FG ~ x ZO ¢ °~ V ~N ~ w~~~A ~~~ wW ~ oQ ~-~~p, ROAD ~~~~~ F- w ~ ~ w Q w a0 ~ U~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ , w Z w w ~~ 3~ ~ 7 -~ m C ~ Q i.~ w ~ a ~ ~ `i ~ "' O a~i U~ ,~ _ a W Y ~i% ~\ w ~ ~~ ~ ~ Q ~ c Z Z ~ w ~ Z ~ ~ N Z w Q w ~ ~ w ~ d - U `~ N ~ W W C N N 7 J Q LL U Q~ ~ ~/ t~. ~~ ~~ ~~ N O w ~ U~ Q O> J Lv Z H L O a c N IInnIIIffI ^^ ~u aD N c ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~~ ono ''° c 5, ti °~° '~ e~ ~~~ a'~ ~ ~' e e pU aaC: <Z $i e _y ry ti C E"' ~. 2 „ 2 Ty q ~o~ a ~:v d~ ~g~ O S. PLANNING AREAS: LOW MEDIUM DENSrIV RESIDENTIAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 3, as depicted in Figure III-13, provide for development of 14.6 acres with Low Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 76 single family homes are planned at a density of approximately 5.2 du/ac. b. Land Use Development Standazds Please refer to Section III.C., Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) The minimum permitted lot size in Planning Area 3 shall be 4,500 square feet. 2) Accesslo Planning Area 3 will be provided directly from North General Kearny Road and from Campos Verdes Lane via a local street through Planning Area 6. The locations of access points, as depicted in Figure III-13, are conceptual except for alignment. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. 3) Minor entry statements will be provided at the intersections of North General Kearny O~' Road/Margarita Road and at Campos Verdes Lane/Margarita Road, as depicted in Figures N-17 and N-18. 4) A neighborhood entry statement will be provided at the entrance into Planning Area 3 from North General Keamy Road, as depicted in Figure IV-21. 5) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures IV-5, IV-6, IV-7, IV-8 and IV-9, shall be provided along Margarita Road, North General Kearny and Campos Verdes Lane. 6) A landscaped manufactured slope, as depicted on Figure [V-11, will be provided along portions of the interface between the middle school site in Planning Area 7 and the single family development in Planning Area 3. 7) Please refer to Section N for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. O CAMPOS VERDFS SreclFlc PLAN No. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III-48 8) Please refer to Section III.A for the fol apply site-wide: III.A.I: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan IILA.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans lowing Development Plans and Standards that III.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.8: Maintenance Plan O III SPECIFIC PLAN CnMPOS Ve[cnes SPec~e-c PLArv No. 1, AMervnmervT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O Ill-49 w Q L O ~~ uJ M w Q Z Z g w a 0 ~ ~ D ~ Q 3 'O v O^ ~~ -~ z w ' a / w ~ C w Z a~ ~ ~ w w c ~ ~ ~ c °i U ~ N ~ ~ ~' ~ L KEARNY ROAD ~~G ~~ Q LL C Z g ~Z ~~ om o~ z cO ~z W ~i H Q n (n c Z Z ~ w ~ 0 ~ Z ~ z w w Q c z g N ~ °~, o> C ~ ~' mm ~QU~ w oW~Q ~ ~~ zN ~~~~ ~~~~ O a o .~ ~d a~ v~ O~ ~ O w C U a°zg J Q ~ ~ w ~ ~ c ~ ~ C~ Z ~QoS w Q U c N Q U O >_ 7 N ~~ aD U ~ "~ cu=o C ~` ~ a N 0.. si ~~ .. L.~O acv V z w Q w c ~~ QZ ~~ w w c~ N j J _~ Uw w ~ ~N z a0 ~? ~~ N c~ z °' W 7 0 Z_ ~ ~ ~ 4. PLANNING ARFA 4: COMMERCLAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 4, as depicted in Figure III-14, provides for the development of 17.5 acres of commercial uses. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) Access to Planning Area 4 will be provided from both Campos Verdes Lane and Margarita Road. However, only right-in/right-out access will be permitted from Margarita Road. The locations of access points, as depicted in Figure III-14, are conceptual except for alignments. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. 2) A minor entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Margarita Road and Campos Verdes Lane, as depicted in Figures IV-17 and N-18. O 3) A major entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Margarita Road and Winchester Road, as depicted in Figures N-15 and IV-16. 4) One commercial entry statement will be provided at the access from Campos Verdes Lane. (See Figure N-19.) 5) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures N-2, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6 and IV-9, shall be provided along Winchester Road, Margarita Road, and Campos Verdes Lane. 6) A landscape buffer, as depicted on Figure IV-10, will be provided at the interface between the commercial uses in Planning Area 4 and the single family residential uses in Planning Area 5 and Planning Area 6, with a minimum landscape buffer of ten feet (10') provided in Planning Area 4. 7) In compliance with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, Village Center Overlay and Land Use Element Goal 5 -Policies 5.5 through 5.10, it is important to create a quality environment which establishes a sense of place through careful consideration and integration of the following design elements: 111 SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEROFS SrectFtc Ptw No. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 O III-51 a) Pedestrian orientation. b) Pedestrian linkage. c) Narrow streets and driveways with pedestrian paseos and wide sidewalks. d) Features such as paseos, arcades, plazas, courtyards, squares, galleries and outdoor cafes to encourage gathering. e) Gathering places such as pavilions, parks and bandstands. Festivals, entertain- ment, street vendors, outdoor markets and other special events should be encouraged. f) Incorporation of public art, fountains and water bodies. g) Unique architectural and landscape architectural themes for identity. h) -Careful parking orientation. It is important to note that not all uses allowed are necessarily expected to occur. For this reason, some of the above design features may not be appropriate nor economi- cally feasible. 8) A 37' wide Landscape Development Zone (LDZ) shall be provided from the face of O curb along the portion of Winchester Road that borders Planning Area 4. This LDZ shall be consist of an eight foot turf parkway adjacent to the curb, a six foot sidewalk, and another 23 feet of turf and planting area. The portion of the LDZ adjacent to the commercial site will be privately maintained. 9) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. f 0) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan III.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III SPECIFIC PLAN (:rmtros VEtsDes SrECtetc Ptah No. 1, AmervnmervT No.l/E.I.R. No. 348 III.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan IIl.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.8: Maintenance Plan III-52 O w (Q V ~_ g U Q c w Z J 5 z 0 w ~ U N c ~ w ~ ~ O R W C Q z Z 3 a Q C ~Q O~ z w Q r c Z w ~' 3~ C ~ w ~ ON U '? O w y z w ~ C X w w m ~~SL~~, ~~ o`' Q w c Q ~ P w Z W ~ 7 ~_ Uw a ~~ ~~ r U Z ~° ~Z ~~ ¢~ ~- p c>- d Z~ w ~ O~ O ~ '.S Z ~ ~~d ~~~ I `~ 0 ~~ ~,~5~ ~~ Z w C w Q C h Q U a O >_ N N 7 .~ LL ~~ ~~ _-~ Z ~o z~ "' ~ Z Q ~~ w ~ C _ w ~ ~ } > Q ~ Z ~ U d3 w ~ ~ h c ~ ° ~~ a~ to j ~ ~? J U " a ~ ~~ c 0 c c O U z O C N Q C N C nnnn ~JL~ aD ~. N a h U ~' ~_ ~~e "~~ ~~~ a a.sZ a~` Q~ee ~ ~~ °2 ~^ -"i ~~., M agi, ~~ a ~v ad @~ O 5. PLANNING AREA 5: LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 5, as depicted in Figure III-15, provides for development of 10.3 acres with Low Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 63 dwelling units are planned at a density of approximately 6.1 du/ac. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) The minimum permitted lot size in Planning Area 5 shall be 5,000 square feet. 2) Primary access into Planning Area 5 will be provided from Campos Verdes Lane via a local street through Planning Area 6. Additional access into this Planning Area will be provided by a local street through Planning Area 8. A local roadway connection shall be made to the existing Starling Street which is constructed to the eastern boundary of Campos Verdes. A barricade that prohibits vehicular access but allows pedestrian access into and out of Campos Verdes along Starling Street shall be constructed in accordance with Public Works standards. The locations of access O points, as depicted in Figure III-15, are conceptual except for their alignments. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. 3) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures IV-3, IV-4, and IV-9, shall be provided along Winchester Road and Campos Verdes Lane. 4) A landscape buffer, as depicted on Figure IV-10, will be provided at the interface between the single family residential uses in Planning Area 5 and the commercial uses in Planning Area 4, with a minimum landscape buffer of 10 feet to be provided in Planning Area 4. 5) A landscape buffer, as depicted on Figure IV-12, will be provided at the interface between the single-family residential in Planning Area 5 and the off-site single-family residential. Ili. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLArv NO. 1, AMervnMENT No.llE.LR. No. 348 O Ill-54 6) A 37' wide Landscape Development Zone (LDZ) shall be provided from the face of O curb along the portion of Winchester Road that borders Planning Area 5. This LDZ shall be consist of an eight foot turf parkway adjacent to the curb, a six foot sidewalk, and another 23 feet of turf and planting area. The LDZ shall be maintained by the TCSD. 7) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 9) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: [ILA.I: Specific Land Use-Plan IILA.2: Circulation Plan IILA.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III. SPECIFIC PLAN CnnfPOS VeFtDES $PECIF7C PLAN No. 1, AMervnMENf No.l/E.LR. No. 348 III.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.B: Maintenance Plan III-55 O O w `Q V w Q C9 Z Z g a fh Q M ~ Q 3M 00 J r- W U Q LL C W H Z J J_ Q W W w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q X ~ ~+ ~ O O Q ~ Q Z c O~OQ ~ ~ Q ~ rn>UZ wooz ~a ;z CJW=g ¢m~a O I/ w N Q w ~ r (~ 7 w LQL Z (~ h w C C UI W ZC H W N m W Q H ~rQIV~^ ~\w-1 M~ ~~o; O a ^`` I \ ~ Q ~~V = F Z Q (~ o n Z U v~ mmc _~~ ~NU w N j C W d UC ~Qi O J Q H z W N _ C ~ Q ~ U ~ C j w ~ W Om U ~!' -~ i Z ~ ~ Q Z H ~ W Z W C ~ ~ 7 J UW d ~ ~~Y ~O z O c oS a c ~o ~v n ~~ aD ~. N ~. c o U .~¢e ae N ,u ? o. ~i 3~ ~=~ ~ 1~0 acv ad ~~ W (~ LJ w Q Z Z 3 w a D M ~ Q o~ J I~ ,- -~ H z llc! G Q W C f- w a Q ~, ~y y nn ~L~ aD {yT+ _N L' ~ c ~ _ U w a u >.'a a '- Qe i5 c e W e2 ~~~ ~O L.~O a w v r~ O O 6. PLANNING AREA fi: LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 6, as depicted in Figure III-16, provides for development of 7.6 acres with Low Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 46 detached single family homes are planned at a density of approximately 6.0 du/ac. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) The minimum permitted lot size in Planning Area 6 shall be 4,500 square feet. 2) Primary access into Planning Area 6 will be provided from Campos Verdes Lane. Additional access will be provided from North General Kearny Road and Camino Campos Verdes via local streets in Planning Areas 5 and 8. The locations of the access points, as depicted in Figure III-16, are conceptual except for their alignments. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments O shall be as shown. 3) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figure IV-9, shall be provided along Campos Verdes Lane. 4) A neighborhood entry statement shall be provided at the entrance into Planning Area 6 from Campos Verdes Lane as depicted in Figure IV-22. 5) A landscaped manufactured slope, as depicted on Figure N-I 1, will be provided along portions of the interface between the middle school site in Planning Area 7 and the single family development in Planning Area 6. 6) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 7) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan 1[I.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans 11[.A.8: Maintenance Plan III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.I/E.I.R. No. 348 III-57 O 7. PLANNING AREA 7: MIDDLE SCHOOL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 7, as depicted in Figure 111-17, will allow for the development of a middle school on a minimum of 20 usable acres. The gross site acreage is approximately 20.0 acres. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) Primary access into Planning Area 7 will be provided via Camino Campos Verdes. The location of the access drive on Camino Campos Verdes, as depicted in Figure 1[I-17, is conceptual. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignment shall be as depicted. 2) One residential entry statementwill be provided at the intersection of Camino Campos Verdes and North General Keamy Road. (See Figure [V-20.) O 3) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted onFigures IV-7 and IV-8, shall be provided along North General Kearny Road. 4) A landscaped manufactured slope, as depicted on Figure IV-11, will be provided along portions of the interface between the single family residential uses in Planning Area 3, 5, 6 and 8 and the middle school site. 5) A minimum of twenty (20) acres of usable land within Planning Area 7 may be utilized for a school site. 6) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 7) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan III.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans IILA.S: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.8: Maintenance Plan O CAMPOS VettDES SPECtetc Ptah No. 1, AMENDMENT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 Ili-59 W ~_ 4--~ Qn C Q Z_ z g a O 2 U N J Q O °°-o N w w Q C ~ O w> a~ z ~ w o~ ~~ c~ ~~ nn ~ ~ ~ ~L~ ,~ ~ aD a c a ;~ _$~ ~ ~ r w c ~ ~L ~° ~ y 3 a~ a ~~ ~ ~ U `'.e, r ' / ` 0.'Q < ,~~, ,z e ~~ 2~ O, ~O a ~:v a Z w c ~~ QZ U `~ ~^ w j w - ~~ N 7 ~ _~ Uw _ ~ ~? e ~ ~ w ~~~ ~~ ~,A LL ti c ~ z ~~~ ~~~~ °`~ o ~, w ~ ~ 8 °' _~ N ~ •S O a. ~' U ~, ~ W o ~Qo O Q ` ~` ~ ~ w w U lal C Z J H W p a~ w pLL U _ ~ LL ~ ~ H z_ J g w o~ w ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~~ O O H. PI.4IVNING AREAS: LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 8, as depicted in Figure 111-18, provides for development of 14.1 acres with Low Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 42 dwelling units are planned at a density of approximately 3.0 du/ac. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards I) Lot sizes in this Planning Area will range from a minimum of 6,500 square feet to more than 10,000 square feet in size. The minimum permitted lot size for all lots which front or abut residential lots in Planning Area 9 shall be 10,000 square feet. All additional lots shall be no less than 6,500 square feet in size. 2) Primary access into Planning Area 8 will be provided from Camino Campos Verdes. Additional access shall be available via a proposed local street in Planning Area 5. A local roadway connection shall be made to the existing Sanderling Way which is O constructed to the northern boundary of Campos Verdes. The locations of access points, as depicted in Figure III-18, are conceptual except for their alignments. Access locations to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their alignments shall be as shown. 3) One residential entry statement will be provided at the intersection of North General Kearny Road and Camino Campos Verdes. (See Figure IV-20.) 4) A landscape buffer, as depicted on Figure IV-12, will be provided at the interface between the single-family residential in Planning Area 8 and the off-site single-family residential. 5) A landscaped manufactured slope, as depicted on Figure IV-1 1, will be provided along portions of the interface between the middle school site in Planning Area 7 and the single family development in Planning Area 8. 6) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures IV-7 and IV-8, shall be provided along North General Kearny Road. III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMros VERDES SreclElc PLArv No. 1, AmervnmeNT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 III-61 7) Please refer to Section [V for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. O 8) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I: Specific Land Use Plan II[.A.S: Grading Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8: Maintenance Plan O III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEanES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z ~ AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. NO.34H III-62 O W ~7 J J 3a ~ J W w W ~ N ao o~ Q X00 O W H w ~ w00 Ua~ U w = Q m .- O w a Z Z a 0 N V a ~ Q O~ J z w ~ ~ wQ > U °~ ~^ w Z w C ~ ~ J Uw N I I s I ~Q~Q q,~ ~ N 1~ ~ ."' '~ 0 O I P ¢' 3 0 z zz c z ~ C Q w g C w O Z U w Z ~ =~O w w >aU~ O W U LaL C w _Z J g z -- w oZ w ~ c 7 S N U~ ~~/ .- ~ J J } W W H N ~ _ O 0 ~ gaz~ OoOQ LLoac9 wOOz U a N z U w = Q m .- a ~' I r VJ LL N LL O Q W ~U~ ~ c ~ ~~ c z ~ ~. ~JL~ aD U ~r ~µo ~m .~ya ash -~ roee z`: a~~ ~z W Q ~ry~ o~ ~os acv a 0 ~~ ~~ O 9. P1.AIVNING AREA 9: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 9, as depicted in Figure Ill-19, provides for development of 11.3 acres with Low density residential uses. A maximum total of 16 dwelling units are planned at a density of approximately 1.4 du/ac. b. Land Use Development Standards Please refer to Section III.C, Zoning Ordinance. c. Planning Standards 1) The minimum permitted lot size in Planning Area 9 shall be 20,000 square feet. 2) Primary access into Planning Area 9 will be provided from via a local street through Planning Area 8 from Camino Campos Verdes. Secondary access shall be taken from Sanderling Way in the northeastern portion of Planning Area 8. The locations of access points, as depicted in Figure III-19, are conceptual except for their alignments. Access locations to the individual Planning Areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. The number of access points and their O alignments shall be as shown. 3) A landscape buffer, as depicted on Figure IV-12, will be provided at the interface between the single-family residential in Planning Area 9 and the off-site single-family residential. 4) An open space/paseo buffer will be provided in Planning Area 9 to serve as a buffer between the on-site residential uses and the off-site Rural Residential area, Meadowview. The buffer will be a minimum of forty feet (40') in width and will be landscaped with drought tolerant and low maintenance plant materials. An eight foot (8') wide minimum multi-purpose trail will run along the edge of the paseo. The paseo area and multi-purpose trail will be privately maintained. 5) A minimum six foot (6') high solid wall shall be erected on the property boundary between the residential lots in Planning Area 9 and the adjacent forty foot (40') wide open space/paseo buffer. 111. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VERDES SPECIFIC Pun No. 1, AMENDn1eNT No.l/E.LR. No. 348 III-64 6) A 3-rail wooden fence, as depicted in Figure IV-24, shall be erected on the property O boundary between the off-site residential lots and the open space/paseo buffer in Planning Area 9. 7) Please refer to Section IV for Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 8) Please refer to Section III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1: Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2: Circulation Plan III.A.3: Drainage Plan III.A.4: Water and Sewer Plans III. SPECIFIC PLAN CAMPOS VEItDES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 1, AMENDMENT NO.1/E.LR. NO.348 III.A.5: Grading Plan III.A.6: Landscaping Plan III.A.7: Project Phasing Plan III.A.8: Maintenance Plan III-65 O a~ W ~_ Q ,o a 0 0, N C Q U Z Z Q g ~~ o^ i7 Y ~ ~/~ 0 3 C w LL ~ LL m ~ OW W fn h d ~ C _~ a J c~ Q G m N J w ~ N ~ ii N O Z N Q W U za m ~ C w N w ~ Cz~ ~ W W Q W c in > ~ VO ~ ~¢ I ~U I o0 4~ U~ Na I~OMQ vU ~--1 '--I ~~ -~ /, ~~ aD _~ ro a ~ N ~ Tin U ? ~, .~~a aa~ ;` ^= ~` = CY ~i ~`x~ c? I (~-~I/~3 :3 ISO a w v r~ W N Z W Z Q m W W LL W ~ C z l~ J J } W ll.l y ~ '_^ V ~~0~ O~~¢ nSUz ~OOz z U w QmF-g 0 0 O This page intentionally blank. O III. SPECIFIC PLAN O CAMPOS VERDES Srec~F7c PLAN No. 1 ~ AMENDMENT NO.1/E.I.R. No. 348 III-67