HomeMy WebLinkAbout052708 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title I I] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE MAY 27, 2008 - 7:00 PM 6:15 P.M. -Closed Session of the City Council regarding instructions to real property negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding the fallowing real properties: a) Real property owned by Stephen Sweatt and Andrea Lovvarn, which is commonly known as 45009 Muirfield Drive, Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Assessor's Parcel Number 961-042-001. City of Temecula negotiator Coral Chiodo, Property Agent, regarding instructions to negotiator concerning terms. City negotiator may negotiate with the property owners Stephen Sweatt and Andrea Lovvorn. b} Real Property owned by Patricia Rodriguez, which is commonly known as 41878 4t" Street, Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Assessor's Parcel Number 922-032-026. City of Temecula negotiator Carol Chiodo, Property Agent, regarding instructions to negotiator concerning price and terms for the Right of Entry. City negotiator may negotiate with the property owner Patricia Rodriguez. c) Real property owned by David and Ramona Castro, which is commonly known as 41868 4t" Street, Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Assessor's Parcel 922-032-025. City of Temecula negotiator Carol Chiodo, Property Agent, regarding instructions to negotiator concerning price and terms for the Right of Entry. City negotiator may negotiate with property owners David and Ramona Castro. c) Real property owned by Mrs. Paula DePena, which is commonly known as 41850 4t" Street, Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Assessor's Parcel Number 922-032-024. City of Temecula negotiator Carol Chiodo, Property Agent, regarding instructions to negotiator concerning price and terms for the Right of Entry. City negotiator may negotiate with the property owner Mrs. Paula DePena. e) Real property owned by Ms. Debbie McCully, which is commonly known as 41844 4t" Street, Temecula, and identified as Riverside County Assessor's Parcel Number 922-032-023. City of Temecula negotiator Carol Chiodo, Property Agent, regarding instructions to negotiator concerning terms for the Right of Entry. City negotiator may negotiate with the property owner Ms. Debbie McCully. Public Information concerning existing litigation between the City and various parties may be acquired by reviewing the public documents held by the City Clerk. Next in Order: Ordinance: 0$-d3 Resolution: 08-42 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mike Naggar FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Pro Tem Edwards ROLL CALL: Comerchera, Edwards, Roberts, V1lashington, Naggar Certificate of Achievement presented to Robert Scott Lindow II for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout Certificate of Achievement presented to Ryan Houghton for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout Federal Legislation Update PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. Far all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five minute (5) time limit for individual speakers CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not an the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action 1 Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 3 Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008; 3.2 Approve a transfer from Development Impact Fees Public Facilities of $473,011 to Library and Fire Protection Facilities in the Development Impact Fees Fund; 3.3 Approve an increase of $1,161 in Operating Transfer Out in the AB 3229 COPS fund to General Fund, with corresponding increase in operating transfers in the General Fund; 3.4 Approve an increase of $72,000 in Police Department Grant revenues for the Office Traffic Safety Grant in the General Fund; 3.5 Appropriate $121,000 in Property Tax Admin fees in the General Fund. 4 Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Special Tax Administration Services RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve the Fourth Amendment with NBS for special tax administration services in the amount of $59,680.63 for fiscal year 2008-09 for consultant costs related to the annual administration of special tax districts (CFD's) and applicable delinquency management costs. 5 Parcel Map No. 34715 Legacy at Redhawk RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve Parcel Map No. 34715 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval; 5.2 Approve the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and accept the Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds as security for the agreement; 5.3 Approve the Subdivision Monument Agreement and accept the Monument Bond as security for the agreement. 6 Professional Services Agreement for Landscape Inspection Services David Neault Associates, Inc., Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Improvements - Proiect No. PW99-11 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve an agreement with David Neault Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,375.00 to provide as needed landscaping inspection services for the Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Improvements, Project No. PW99-11, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; 6.2 Authorize the City Manger to approve Extra Work Authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $4,037.50, which is equal to 10% of the agreement amount. 7 French Valley Parkway I Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements, Praiect No. PW02-11; Amendment No. 1 to Design Cooperative Agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO EXTEND THE TERMINATION DATE OF AGREEMENT NO. 8-1217, A DESIGN COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE DESIGN OF A NEW INTERCHANGE {FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY) ON ROUTE 15 BETWEEN THE EXISTING 1NINCHESTER ROAD {STATE ROUTE 79 NORTH) INTERCHANGE AND THE I-15II-215 JUNCTION 8 Acceptance of agreements and bonds for public improvements in Parcel No. 34711 (located northwest of the intersection of Calle Girasal and Jeffrey Heights Road) RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Accept the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Subdivision Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bond as security for improvements and labor and materials for Parcel Map No. 34711; $.2 Accept the Subdivision Monument Agreement and Subdivision Monument Bond as security for monumentation for Parcel Map No. 34711. 9 Sixth Amendment to on-call traffic signal maintenance service agreement with Republic ITS for FY 2007-2008 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve the Sixth Amendment to the Contract Agreement with Republic ITS (formerly Republic Electric) to perform additional On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services and traffic related projects for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. 10 First Amendment to Agreement for Plan Review Services with Esgil Corporation RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Approve a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consulting Services with Esgil Corporation in the amount of $30,000.00 to provide Plan Check Services for a total agreement amount of $230,000.00. 11 First Amendment to Agreement for Plan Review Services with Interwest Consulting Group RECOMMENDATION: 1 1.1 Approve a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consulting Services with Interwest Consulting Group in the amount of $25,000.00 to provide Plan Check Services for a total agreement amount of $75,000.00. 12 Change Street Name Calle Empleado to Fuller Drive RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING THE STREET NAME OF CALLE EMPLEADO TO FULLER DRIVE 13 First Amendment to Agreement for Weed Abatement with Inland Empire Property Services, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve a First Amendment to the Agreement with Inland Empire Property Services Inc., to provide Weed Abatement for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 in the amount of $20,000.00 for a total agreement amount of $40,000.00. 14 Resolution Adopting FY 2008-2009 Solid Waste Rates RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 0$- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SOLID WASTE RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 15 Press Enterprise Article -April 9, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Receive and file report. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two {2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five {5) minute time limit far individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" farm to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 16 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Approve the minutes of May 13, 2008. 17 Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. 18 Second Amendment to Prudential Overall Supply Agreement RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Approve the Second Amendment with Prudential Overall Supply in the amount of $25,000.00 for Uniform, Floor Mat, Dust Mop and Towel Cleaning/Rental Service for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 19 First Amendment to the Janitorial Services Agreement for Park Restrooms and Picnic Shelters with Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services, Inc. or Fiscal Year 2008-2009 RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Approve the First Amendment with Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services Inc, for $63,780.00 to provide Janitorial Services for Park Restrooms and Picnic Shelters and extend the agreement to June 30, 2009; 19.2 Authorize the General Manager to approve additional work not to exceed the contingency amount of $6,378.00 which is equal to 10°to of the Amendment. 20 Second Amendment to T & T Janitorial Agreement for City Facility Janitorial Services RECOMMENDATION: 20.1 Approve the Second Amendment with T and T Janitorial in the amount of $123,625.44 for Janitorial Maintenance Services at the various locations and extend the agreement to June 30, 2009. 21 First Amendment to the Elevator Services and Monitoring Agreement with ThyssenKrupp Elevator for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 RECOMMENDATION: 21.1 Approve the First Amendment with ThyssenKrupp Elevator in the amount of $25,000.00 for Elevator Services and Monitoring for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 22 First Amendment to the Tree Trimming Maintenance Services Agreement with West Coast Arborist, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 RECOMMENDATION: 22.1 Approve the First Amendment with West Coast Arborist, Inc. in the amount of $50,000.00 for Tree Trimming Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 23 Whitney Vail Wilkinson Collection (at the request of Mayor Naggar) RECOMMENDATION: 23.1 Approve the agreement to accept the donation of the Whitney Vail Wilkinson Collection and transfer the collection to the Temecula Valley Museum. 24 Agreement with Central Security Services, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: 24.1 Award contract to Central Security Services, Inc. for Alarm Monitoring, Inspection, and Repair Services in the amount of $34,844.00 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 25 Agreement with Richardson Technologies Inc. for Heating and Air Conditioning Services RECOMMENDATION: 25.1 Award contract to Richardson Technologies, Inc. for Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services in the amount of $56,868.00 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 26 Agreement with Marine Biochemists for Water ManagementlMaintenance Services RECOMMENDATION: 26.1 Award contract to Marine Biochemist, for Water Management/Maintenance Services at the Harveston Lake Park and Temecula Duck Pond in the amount of $83,200.00 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. 27 First Amendment to Graphic Design Agreement with Adkins Consulting RECOMMENDATION: 27.1 Approve the Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Adkins Consulting in the amount of $4,000.00 for a total agreement amount of $34,000.00 for the design of the 2009 Temecula Presents brochure and season calendar of Temecula Presents events and authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement. 28 Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to solicit construction bids far the Temecula Community Center Expansion, Project No. PW06-05 RECOMMENDATION: 28.1 Approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize the Public Works Department to solicit construction bids for the Temecula Community Center Expansion, Project No. PW06-05. CSD DEPARTMENTAL REPORT 29 Community Services Department Monthly Report CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING RDA PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two {2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five {5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 30 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 30.1 Approve the minutes of May 13, 2008. 31 Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: 31.1 Receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008; 31.2 Approve an increase of $362,000 for the sale of the Black property to the City; 31.3 Approve an increase of $81,250 for project cost reimbursement in the Low Mod Fund; 31.4 Approve an increase of $600,000 for investment interest in the RDA CIP Fund; 31.5 Approve an increase of $450,000 for investment interest in the Debt Service Fund. RDA DEPARTMENTAL REPORT 32 Redevelopment Departmental Monthly Report RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS RDA ADJOURNMENT RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing ar may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing 33 Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CS DA) for the purpose of financing the acquisition and rehabilitation for the Creekside Apartments RECOMMENDATION: 33.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION AND REHABILITATION OF THE CREEKSIDE APARTMENTS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 34 Public Works Department Monthly Report 35 Planning Department Monthly Report 36 City Council TravellConference Monthly Report 10 37 Economic Development Department Monthly Report CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: City Council Regular, Tuesday, June 10, 2008, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. 11 PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °' *~ °~' ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ O ~ ~ ~ '~ ~~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ Z ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N r~~' ~ ,ty'' OW ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 G ti r ~ F~-I ~ ' ~ ~ r~" ~--~ o ~ ~ Fy ~ -~ ~ U '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ z~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ 5 ~ ~, ~ z c~ ~ ~ ~ U o c ,y .~,~' ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ 0 ~ N I~ ~ ~ ~ .~ I ~ ~ ~ : ~ / U ~,, 4 ~ ~ .~Q O © ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ o ~ .,~ . ~ ~ ~,,~ ~ . ~ o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ c ~ ~ ~' o ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ . r., ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ o ~ U cU N ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ °' '~ ~ °' ~ ~ ~ U ~' O ~ , ~ '~ ~ U ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ai ~ N O ~ a o o W ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ '~ x~ ~ °.~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ N ry o' hf1 O cci ci ~ '~ i~--~ 5 r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ y U o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~, .~ c ~, ~ a ~' °~ o~ . ~ `~ ~ ~--~ ~, ~ ~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 43 G . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,.., ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~,, ~~ o ~ U N cU ~ CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM RI~J. 1 ITEM RI~J. 2 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: List of Demands PREPARED BY: Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager Jada Yonker, Accounting Specialist RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution List of Demands RESOLUTION NO. a8- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLON-ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $5,814,834.45. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27th day of May, 2008. Mike Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA } I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 08- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of May, 2008, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk CITY 4F TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 05/08/2008 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 05/19/2008 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 05/15/2008 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 05/27!2008 COUNCIL MEETING: BY FUND: $ 4,455,527.10 868,374.03 490,933.32 $ 5,814,834.45 CHECKS: 001 GENERAL FUND $ 1,152,119.83 165 RDA LOW/MOD - 20% SET ASIDE 59,498.25 190 TEMECULA CONIIvfUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 236,052.20 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 69,263.17 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 13,967.27 194 TCSD SERVICELEVELD 1,219.04 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 9,046.83 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 8,519.68 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 178,574.73 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -CIP PROJECT 5,062.12 300 INSURANCE FUND 9,508.59 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 74,357.67 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 1,692.37 340 FACILITIES 16,123.38 700 CERBT CALIFORNIA EE RETIREE-GASB45 3,488,896.00 001 GENERAL FUND $ 320,491.74 165 RDA LOW/MOD - 20% SET ASIDE 5,474.49 190 TEMECULA COMIvI[_TNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 113,461.73 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 127.43 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 5,468.71 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 873.36 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 604.56 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND 379.76 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY -CIP PROJECT 2,394.11 300 INSURANCE FUND 1,308.06 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 28,329.37 330 STJPPORT SERVICES 4,045.71 340 FACILITIES 7,974.29 5,323,901.13 490,933.32 TOTAL BY FUND: $ 5,814,834.45 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 05!0812008 1:53:d OPM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 1056 05/0?J2008 D11657 CALIF STATE OF PUBLIC post retirement health benefits 3,488,896.00 3,488,896.OD EMPLOYEE 123799 05/06/2008 OD0411 RIVERSIDE CO FLOOD CONTROL plan fees:RDA habitatlhumanity prjt 526.93 526.93 123800 05/06/2008 011949 VALDES, NANCY&JOSE L. VEGA release claims agreement pmt 3,ODO.DD 3,OOO.OD AVALOS 123801 05108120D8 D05126 A E G SOLUTIONS mist supplies:pw CIP div 220.57 22D.57 123802 05/08/2008 OD4973 ABAGHERLI, LINDI TCSD instructor earnings 880.OD 880.OD 123803 05/08!2008 009374 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES Piano repair:Theater 330.00 330.00 123804 05/08!2008 003821 ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT mist tools:fire stn 73 174.32 174.32 123805 05/08/2008 OD4240 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES blood & alcohol draws:palice 571.00 blood & alcohol draws:police 296.00 blood & alcohol draws:police 370.00 blood & alcohol draws:police 185.00 1,422.00 123806 05108!2008 000936 AMERICAN RED CROSS Misc supplies:aquatics pgrm 208.00 208.D0 123807 05/08!2008 000101 APPLE ON E INC temp help 04/19 D.Marrisan 600.80 600.80 123808 05/0812008 OD3203 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY bal due/promo items:eco dev 1,070.77 deposit:team shirts:IS dept 539.29 Promo items:fire dept 734.32 2,344.38 123809 05/08!2008 011961 AT&T MOBILITY Apr ~ooc-3465 cellular usage 188.64 188.64 123810 05/08!2008 002648 AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN Membership:btaylor:code enf 47.00 47.00 CALIF 123811 05/08!2008 011923 BACHMAN, SALLYANNE W. Entertainment:mather's day:mpsc 150.00 150.00 123812 05/0812008 003814 BALLREICH, MICHAELA reimb:ccac conf 4121-22 bkrsfld, ca 195.44 195.44 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 05/08/2008 1:53:4 0PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123813 05/08!2008 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRVS Channel silt removal:pw maint div 2,840.00 INC Channel silt removal:pw maint div 3,500.00 Channel silt removal:pw maint div 7,500.00 Vallejo Channel Silt Removal:PW Mntc 13,615.00 27,455.00 123814 05/08/2008 OD4D4D BIG FOOT GRAPHICS TCSD instructor earnings 560.00 Entertainment:spring egg hunt 3/22 250.00 810.00 123815 05/08!2008 004262 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES DUI drug & Alcahol:Police 762.40 DUI Drug & Alcohol:Police 627.93 1,390.33 123816 05/08!2008 008605 BONTERRA CONSULTING Silt remaval:RRSP Chnl 5,655.00 Silt removal:RRSP Chnl 7,717.50 13,372.50 123817 05/08!2008 006908 C C & COMPANY INC mother's day tea:5/10:sr ctr 200.00 200.00 123818 05108!2008 OD0638 CALIF DEPT OF CONSERVATION 1st qtr pmt:strong motion 2008 4,968.67 4,968.67 123819 05/08/2008 OD4248 CALIF DEPT OFJUSTICE- drug & alcohol analysis:police 1,610.00 1,610.OD ACCTING 123820 05/08/2008 011724 CHARTHOUSE LEARNING CORP. cust svc trng:4/24108 6,750.00 6,750.00 123821 05/08/2008 D03534 CLOUD PRODUCTIONS entertainment:tcsd expo 5131/08 5D0.00 500.OD 123822 05/08/2008 004414 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN Profdsgn svc:Pechanga 1,434.19 1,434.19 GROUP 123823 05/08/2008 DD0442 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS Alarm install:fire stn 95 2,863.16 2,863.16 123824 05/08!2008 000447 COMTRONIX OF HEMET Fire Stn 84:radio repairs 204.12 204.12 123825 05/08!2008 006303 CONDUIT NETWORKS, INC network services:city hall 169.60 169.60 123826 05/08/2008 001264 COSTCO WHOLESALE water for every 15 min pgrm:police 343.31 refreshments:every 15 min pgrm 77.07 refreshments:every 15 min pgrm 234.91 refreshments:every 15 min pgrm 147.18 refreshments:every 15 min pgrm 235.33 1,D37.80 123827 05/08/2008 OD3986 COZ4D & FOX INC 11!18-12116 Srvcs:RRSP ChnllDesilt Pond 9,461.00 9,461.00 Paget apChkLst 05/08/2008 1:53:40PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 3 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123828 05/08!2008 008758 CROSSROADS SOFTWARE INC Comp equip:Police 17,301.62 17,301.62 123829 05/08/2008 009808 CRUISIN OLDIES CONCERTS shake rattle & roll:theater:4/27 6,501.66 6,501.66 123830 05/08/2008 011953 DANKWORTH, JEANETTE ee computer purchase prgm 1,861.67 1,861.67 123831 05/08/2008 011951 DESGARENNES, JANANN refund:dupl pmt/nsf check 8.00 8.00 123832 05/08!2008 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELING fuel:city vehicles:police 48.90 INC fuel:city vehicles:code enflplanning 632.73 681.63 123833 05/08!2008 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 317-25!08 Express mail services 369.01 369.01 123834 05/08!2008 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE prelim title report:pw CIP div 500.00 500.00 COMPANY 123835 05/0812008 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER SOUTHWEST AIRLINES GYAirfare:thamey/police:417 289.00 DEJA VU TRAVEL INC GY Trav svc fee:brijkefjgutierrez:fire 70.00 NORTHWEST AIRLINES/KLM GYAirfare:sistercitynether:brijke 1,046.66 NORTHWEST AIRLINES/KLM GYAirfare:sistercitynether:jgutierrez 1,046.66 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL TRAIN GY Emp trng:bgutierrez:HR 100.00 CTR COUNTRY GARDEN GY Union brkfst mtg:4/16:HR 39.16 RESTAURANT COSTCO WHOLESALE GY Refresh.:Cust svc Trng:4/24 126.12 YAHOO! TRAVEL JC airfare svc fee 7.00 AMERICAN AIRLINES JC Airfare:NGL conf:5114:KS 250.00 HILTON RR HtI:SCAG RC mtg:412:san gabriel 152.40 MILLENNIUM MCCORMICK HP HtI:CPRS Ldrshp:415-10:az 752.08 RESORT AMERIMARK DIRECT HP:promo prod:earth day 439.76 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER HP Stateladdr:4/17:Pechanga 160.00 OF COMMERCE PAYPAL GR Verisign PayFlow Pro Transaction 59.95 COSTCO WHOLESALE GY Refreshments:HRICM lunch mtg 267.18 ONTARIO AIRPORT HP Prkg:CPRS Ldrshp:4/5-10 68.00 4,873.97 Page:3 apChkLst 05/08/2008 1:53:40PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 4 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123836 05108!2008 010493 FOREST CITY COMMERCIAL May lease pmt: mall storefront 1,458.33 1,458.33 MGMT 123837 05/08!2008 011145 FOSTER, JILL C. TCSD instructor earnings 224.00 224.00 123838 05/08/2008 011865 FREESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHIC Misc supplies:high hopes art fair 112.39 112.39 SUPPLIE 123839 05/08/2008 007866 G C S SUPPLIES INC Computer printers tonerlcartridge 474.02 Computer printers toner/cartridge 2,020.30 2,494.32 123840 05/08/2008 010326 G E TONICS INC Apr maim fee: Stn 73 52.00 equip maint:stn 73 61.03 equip maim: stn 73 23.71 136.74 123841 05/08!2008 011351 GBA MASTER SERIES, INC. comp maim mgmt sys:is dept 14,223.95 14,223.95 123842 05/08!2008 011376 GENEVA SCIENTIFIC INC Pet waste disp:Harveston 603.00 603.00 123843 05108!2008 003815 GFB FRIEDRICH & ASSOCIATES Dec-Feb prof srvc: Pave Rehab prjt 5,319.97 5,319.97 INC 123844 05/08/2008 005664 GOSCH TOWING & RECOVERY towing services:Police 288.75 288.75 123845 05108!2008 002174 GROUP 1 PRODUCTIONS State of the City video production 8,500.00 8,500.00 123846 05108!2008 005056 GUTIERREZ, BETH reimb:rfrshmnts/customer srvc trng 4124 96.65 96.65 123847 05/08!2008 000378 HAFELI, THOMAS reimb:wall bracket:foc bldg 269.35 269.35 123848 05/08/2008 001135 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL Emp industcare svcs:HR 50.00 50.00 GROUPING 123849 05/08/2008 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE Misc supplies:high hopes 373.98 misc supplies:pw maim div 219.54 593.52 123850 05/08/2008 006713 INTEGRATED MEDIA SYSTEMS Equip repair & maint:info sys 9,600.00 9,600.00 123851 05108!2008 001407 INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPLY Pool sanitizing chemicals:CRC 979.45 979.45 INC 123852 05/08/2008 003571 INTL ASSN OF PLUMBING AND Mech code index tab:B&S 231.76 231.76 Page:4 apChkLst 05/08/2008 1:53:40PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 5 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123853 05/08!2008 001186 IRWIN, JOHN TCSD instructor earnings 686.00 TCSD instructor earnings 661.50 1,347.50 123854 05/08!2008 003860 JOE'S SHEET METAL II sheet metal:fire eng 95 290.92 sheet metal:Fire eng 95 323.25 614.17 123855 05/08/2008 011955 JOHNSON, REV. MARK R. release claims agreement payment 1,975.00 1,975.00 123856 05/08/2008 011622 JOHNSON, ROBERT G reimb:devfield trip:ping:5/5/D8 290.52 reimb:airfarelsister city-netherlands 1,247.50 1,538.02 123857 05108!2008 002424 KELLEY DISPLAY INC Banners:wine festival:eco dev 3,529.91 3,529.91 123858 05/08!2008 004481 KIMLEY HORN & ASSOCIATES Prof des:Santiago:PW06-12 24,060.07 INC Prof des:Santiago:PW06-12 7,223.06 31,283.13 123859 05108!2008 001690 LAUTZENHISERS STATIONERY city clerk:perm record books 1,532.10 1,532.10 INC 123860 05108!2008 008610 M C R STAMPS entertainment:high hopes pgrm 5!2 25.00 25.00 123861 05/08!2008 009080 M V P LIMOUSINE & GROUND transport srvcs:sister cities trip 217.00 TRANS transport srvcs:sister cities 4126108 190.OD 407.00 123862 05/08!2008 011332 MAC NEIL AUTOMOTIVE Veh floor mats:fire chief vehicle 118.18 118.18 PRODUCTS 123863 05/08!2008 001967 MANPOWER TEMPORARY temp help wle 04120 A. Paed 715.20 715.2D SERVICES 123864 05/08/2008 000217 MARGARITA OFFICIALS ASSN Apr officiating srvcs:tcsd sports prgm 3,960.00 3,960.00 123865 05/08/2008 011920 MASTER CONCEPTS LLC TCSD Instructor Earnings 2,110.50 TCSD Instructor Earnings 399.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 756.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 1,008.DD TCSD Instructor Earnings 945.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 315.00 5,533.50 123866 05/08!2008 011956 MATTHEWS, AARON computer purchase prgm 1,859.52 1,859.52 123867 05/08!2008 011179 MC MILLIN REDHAWK LLC TCSD Instructor Earnings 112.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 455.00 567.00 123868 05/08!2008 007210 MIDORI GARDENS irrigation repairs:wolf creek linear pk 157.33 157.33 Pagea apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 05108!2008 1:53:4 0PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123869 05/08!2008 011440 MILLMORE'S WAX CREW Gity vehicles detailing svcs:PW Depts 100.00 City vehicles detailing svcs:Planning 20.00 120.00 123870 05/08/2008 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS business cards: J. Kanigowski 44.95 city stationery: Finance 132.78 business cards: M. Clark/P. Jackson 89.90 business cards: M. Waterman 44.95 business cards: K. Hannah-Meistrell 44.95 357.53 123871 05/08/2008 004534 MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES Apr EOC Stn Satellite Phone Svcs 72.88 72.88 LP 123872 05/08/2008 000883 MONTELEONE EXCAVATING Culvert & channel maint:Via Lobo 10,200.00 10,200.00 123873 05/08/2008 010990 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN Dec-Mar consult srvcs:youth master plan 12,682.66 12,682.66 INC 123874 05/08/2008 007564 MURRAYS HOTEL & Shelving:theater snack bar 340.06 340.06 RESTAURANT 123875 05/08/2008 010797 MUSSER, DAVID TCSD Instructor Earnings 105.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 126.00 231.00 123876 05/08!2008 001986 MUZAK-SOUTHERN CALIFORNI A May music broadcast:Old Town 69.11 69.11 123877 05/08!2008 004508 NAGGAR, MICHAEL S. reimb:mtg wlplanning commissioners 52.64 52.64 123878 05/08!2008 000233 NELSON, SHAWN reimb: Apr Internet services 44.99 44.99 123879 05/08!2008 002898 NION EGLI EQUIPMENT equip repair & maint:pw maint div 236.89 COMPANY equip repair & maint:pw maint div 90.40 327.29 123880 05/08!2008 010244 NO LIMITS SILK SCREEN 1st place wntr leag awards:tcsd sports 1,982.77 2nd plc wntr leag awards:tcsd sports prg 537.44 2,520.21 123881 05/08/2008 009337 NOLTE ASSOCIATES INC 3/144/10 eng design srvcs:ped bridge 7,247.63 7,247.63 123882 05/08/2008 009570 O C B REPROGRAPHICS Apr dup blueprint srves:var.City prjts 212.03 212.03 123883 05/08!2008 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle Maint Svcs:Police 36.27 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Maint 87.50 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Maint 43.75 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:PW Maint 58.58 City Vehicle Maint Svcs:TCSD 279.40 505.50 Page6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 05/08/2008 1:53:4 0PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123884 05/08!2008 001171 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY Supplies for Citywide Special Events 542.03 INC Supplies for Citywide Special Events 321.64 Supplies for Citywide Special Events 216.00 Misc. supplies:Date Nights 169.25 Supplies for Citywide Special Events 265.10 Misc. supplies:carnival fun day 219.12 misc supplies:volunteer recagniticn 5I1 217.60 promo items:csd expo 214.35 2,165.09 123885 05108!2008 008871 ORIGINAL LIFEGUARD INC Lifeguard uniforms:Aquatics prgm 123.37 123.37 123886 05/08!2008 002256 P & D CONSULTANTS INC Mar bldg insplpln ck srvcs:B&S Dept 14,700.00 14,700.00 123887 05108!2008 002734 P V P COMMUNICATIONS INC communication kit:police motor 504.04 504.04 123888 05/08/2008 002800 PACIFIC STRIPING INC street striping program:PW Maint 110,114.99 110,114.99 123889 05/08/2008 001320 PELLETIER, JULIE reimb:uniform util belt:pk ranger 74.22 reimb:class evaluaticn 56.00 reimb:photos-smr/fall '08 brochure 60.00 reimb:park ranger uniform 86.16 276.38 123890 05/08!2008 000249 PETTY CASH Petty Cash Reimbursement 450.26 450.26 123891 D5/0812008 010338 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS pool supplies & chemicals:aquatics 390.46 390.46 INC 123892 05/08/2008 011913 PREMIER FENCE & STAIN Res Imprv Prgm: Digioia, Joe & Lisa 2,390.00 2,390.00 123893 05108!2008 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT Apr 01-OS-38009-0 T.C.C. 59.26 Apr Various Water Meters 1,474.84 1,534.10 123894 05108!2008 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN City veh repair & maint:pw boom truck 489.02 489.02 MERCURY 123895 05/08/2008 000271 RBF CONSULTING Jan prof svcs:l-15/795 Ult. Intrchng 895.09 Jan prof srvcs:Old Town Infrastructure 8,800.41 Dec prof srvcs:Old Town Infrastructure 15,533.89 25,229.39 123896 05108!2008 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL Street maint:City R.O.W.'s 10,000.00 10,000.00 MANAGEMENT 123897 05/08!2008 002110 RENTAL SERVICE equip rental:PW mntc 11.93 CORPORATION equip rental:PW mntc 43.74 55.67 Page:? apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 05108!2008 1:53:4 0PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123898 05/08!2008 004498 REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT install 8' isns and Iamps:BtrFld Stage 1,562.69 install 6' isns and Iamps:MarglWnchstr 1,302.30 2,864.99 123899 05108!2008 001592 RIVERSIDE GO INFO Marradio rental & maint:Police 1,685.88 TECHNOLOGY Feb radio rental & maint:Police 1,685.88 3,371.76 123900 05108!2008 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT traf.coll.reconstr:HoctorlGrip 4121-5l2 846.00 traf.coll.investlped bicycle:5114-16 240.00 vice investigation 612 6 police officers 165.00 1,251.00 123901 05/08/2008 010336 ROSSINI, SUSAN reimb:I.C.C. certificaticn 180.00 180.00 123902 05/08/2008 000815 ROWLEY, CATHY TCSD Instructor Earnings 378.OD TCSD Instructor Earnings 378.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 504.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 441.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 63.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 504.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 882.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 189.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 189.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 378.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 504.00 4,410.00 123903 05/08/2008 002226 RUSSO, MARY ANNE TCSD Instructor Earnings 822.50 TCSD Instructor Earnings 822.50 1,645.00 123904 05/08/2008 000277 S & S ARTS & CRAFTS INC mist supplies:familyfuv nights 147.66 147.66 123905 05/08!2008 008404 SAFE CHECKS A!P checks:finance dept 1,169.71 1,169.71 123906 05/08!2008 011511 SCUBA CENTER TEMECULA TCSD Instructor Earnings 672.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 504.00 1,176.00 123907 05/08/2008 009568 SEW WHAT? INC. commando cloth:theater 579.73 579.73 123908 05/08/2008 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC Jazz @ the Merc 511!08 493.50 493.50 123909 05/08/2008 004814 SIMON WONG ENGINEERING INC Mareng srvcs:main st bridge pw03-05 27,134.71 27,134.71 123910 05/08/2008 001544 SKANSKA USA CIVIL WEST Add'I prof srvcs:Diaz Property 50,736.41 50,736.41 123911 05/08!2008 000645 SMART & FINAL INC misc. supplies:high hopes pgrm 160.55 mist supplies:Team PACE events 78.65 239.20 Page:B apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 05!0812008 1:53:40PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total 123912 05/08!2008 000537 SO CALIF EDISON Apr 2-2&904-7706 Overland Trail 154.56 Apr 2-29-223-8607 Old Twn PED 1,477.80 Apr 2-29-224-0173 Fire Stn 1,630.55 Apr 2-00-397-5042 City Hall 5,489.35 Apr 2-02-502-8077 Maint Fac 1,352.82 Apr 2-29-953-8447 VUIf Vlly Rd PED 15.80 Apr 2-28-629.0507 Library 7,036.62 Apr 2-30-220-8749 Wolf Crk Dr 501.80 Apr 2-19-171-8568 Wedding Ghpl 52.57 Apr 2-29-953-8249 Wolf Crk Dr PED 15.75 Apr 2-29-953-8082 Wolf Valley 19.34 Apr 2-29-Z95-3510 Wolf Vlly 875.67 Apr 2-29-657-2332 Redwood Rd PED 15.80 Apr 2-18-937-3152 T.Museum 594.76 Apr 2-02-351-4946 MPSC 875.18 Apr 2-29-458-7548 Wolf Crk PED 66.34 Apr2-00-397-5067 various meters 1,430.83 21,605.54 123913 05/08/2008 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY Apr 129 582 9784 3 FOG 208.00 Apr091-085-1632-0 T. E.S. Pool 21.70 Apr 101-525-1560-6 Fire Stn 73 278.99 508.69 123914 05108!2008 005244 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN 8108-7109 mbrshp:D.Lanier 00516994-0 160.00 160.00 RESOURCE MGM 123915 05/08!2008 011863 SOLANA TECHNOLOGIES minor maint:wifi sys citywide 350.00 350.00 123916 05/08/2008 007341 SOUTH COAST WINERY, INC. balance due:Vol.Recogn. 5/1108 485.00 485.00 123917 05108!2008 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL Apr pest control srvcs: City facilities 593.00 INC pest control:btrfld stage 418 84.00 pest control srvcs:Target center 3117 84.00 761.00 123918 05/08!2008 005786 SPRINT Mar 26-Apr 25 cellular usage 7,785.73 7,785.73 123919 05/08!2008 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD SRVCS misc equip & supplies:library 96.96 misc equip & supplies:library 140.04 misc supplies: aquatics pgrm 8.58 misc supplies:volunteer recognition 511 33.36 misc recreation supplies: tcc 173.85 recreation supplies: family fun nights 255.33 misc. supplies:'08 Spring Egg Hunt 40.00 teen program supplies:csd rec pgrm 41.61 misc. office supplies:pw dept 83.99 873.72 Page9 apChkLst 05108!2008 1:53:40PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 10 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123920 05/08!2008 011957 TAYLOR, TOM refund:eng deposit/tr 25055 995.00 995.00 123921 05/08/2008 009500 TEMEC ELECTRONICS, 1NC mist tools & equip:pw traffic div 55.42 55.42 123922 05108!2008 010679 TEMECULA AUTO City veh repair & maint:fire prevention 127.48 127.48 REPAIRIRADIATOR 123923 05/08/2008 000310 TEMECULA CREEK INN INC Htl accommodations:'08 every 15 min 1,570.27 1,570.27 123924 05108!2008 010848 TEMECULA PLANTSCAPE Apr lease pmt:plants @ library 400.00 400.00 123925 05108!2008 011736 TEMECULA TROPHY INC award ribbons:high hopes art fair 90.51 90.51 123926 05/08!2008 000306 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE & Apr supplieslrepair:csd maint/harv lake 1,482.09 1,482.09 SUPPLY 123927 05/08!2008 010276 TIME WARNER CABLE Apr high speed Internet MPSC 44.95 44.95 123928 05/08/2008 002452 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL misc. supplies:pw maint div 23.86 23.86 123929 05/08/2008 007433 TOVEY SHULTZ CONSTRUCTION Mar prgs pmt # 18:FOC Bldg 52,199.81 52,199.81 INC 123930 05/08/2008 004759 TWIN GRAPHICS vehicle graphics:Police Units 565.69 565.69 123931 05/08!2008 011852 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES "'08 Fire Protection" books:Fire Prev 424.00 424.00 INC 123932 05/08!2008 004261 VERIZON Apr xxx-2676 general usage 33.74 Apr xxx-2016 reverse 911 120.39 Apr xxx-5696 Sports Complex 33.74 Apr xxx-7786 C. Washington 34.39 Apr xxx-9897 general usage 88.03 Apr xxx-3526 fire alarm 101.26 Apr xxx-5706 Field OPS Cntr 303.78 715.33 Page:10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 05lD8J20D8 1:53:40PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : Check # union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Date Vendor (Continued) Description Amount Paid Check Total 123933 05/08/2008 006612 WEATHERPROOFING TECH, INC roof repair/maint: west wing 720.00 roof repairlmaint: city hall 2,700.D0 rcofrepairlmaint: t. museum 370.00 roof repairlmaint: wedding chapel 150.00 rcofrepairlmaint: tcc 600.00 roof repairlmaint: crc 3,970.DD roof repairlmaint: mpsc 1,080.00 roofing repairs: stn 84 4,250.00 13,840.00 123934 05108!2008 003730 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 4l1-15!08 tree trimming srvcs:Citywide 13,552.00 13,552.00 123935 05/08!2008 000621 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL Mar'08TUMF Payment 266,137.48 266,137.48 OF 123936 05/08!2008 008402 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNTY Mar'08 MSHCP payment 66,414.81 66,414.81 123937 05/08/2008 011959 WESTSIDE BUSINESS CENTRE refund:pln depositlsales trailer 1,700.00 1,700.00 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 4,455,527.10 Page:11 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 05l178J2QQ8 1:53:40PM CITY OF TEMECIJLA 140 checks in this report. Grand Tatal All Checks: 4,455,527.10 Page:12 apChkLst 05119/2008 8:25:46AM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 1 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 1057 05/15/2008 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) State Disability Ins Payment 22,763.93 22,763.93 1058 05115!2008 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) FederallncomeTaxesPayment 91,033.31 91,033.31 1059 05115!2008 000389 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT OBRA-Project Retirement Payment 3,620.38 3,620.38 SOLUTION 1060 05115!2008 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Nationwide Retirement Payment 20,740.13 20,740.13 SOLUTION 1061 05115!2008 000246 PERS (EMPLOYEES' PERS ER Paid Member Contr Payment 126,696.32 126,696.32 RETI REM ENT) 1062 05114!2008 010493 FOREST CITY COMMERCIAL reimb:cfd dep acct bal 52,348.10 52,348.10 MGMT 123939 05115!2008 004594 2HOTACTIVEWEAR Unifarms:Policemators 1,796.14 1,796.14 123940 05/15!2008 011965 AGT 1 THEATER ARTS Tckts:Theater:Woods:5l10-11 715.63 715.63 123941 05115!2008 008552 ADKINS DESIGN CONSULTING graphic design svcs:theater 3,610.75 3,610.75 123942 05/15/2008 005068 ADKISSON, CAN DICE reimb:high hopes:cadkisson 57.77 57.77 123943 05/15!2008 009374 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES Piano repair:Theater 140.00 140.00 123944 05115!2008 007242 AMERICAN REGISTRY FOR cons maint fee:internet:IS Dept 100.00 100.00 INTERNET 123945 05115!2008 004446 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL mbrshp:ASCE:m de la torre 103.00 103.00 123946 05115!2008 005772 AMTEK INC hands-free headsets:IS 300.00 300.00 123947 05/15/2008 002187 ANIMAL FRIENDS OF THE animal control svcs:feb'08 13,OOO.DD 13,000.00 VALLEYS 123948 05115!2008 000101 APPLE ONE INC temp help:pw:dmorrisan PPE4126 600.80 600.80 123949 05/15/2008 003203 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY Spec event:shirts:Fire 276.92 276.92 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 05119!2008 8:25:4 6AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123950 05115!2008 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRVS Chnl silt removal:PW 3,380.00 3,380.00 INC 123951 05/15/2008 004262 BIO-TOX LABORATORIES DUI Drug & Alcohol Screening:Police 315.00 315.00 123952 05/15/2008 010232 BLOOMFIELD, CARL western days'08:cbloomfield 350.00 350.00 123953 05/15/2008 009437 BRENNER FIELDER & ASSOC, Water pump equip:Harv 426.95 426.95 INC 123954 05/15/2008 004126 BROOKS, JIM entertain:west days:JB:S/17-18 500.00 500.00 123955 05115!2008 009082 C B C TECHNICAL INC Misc Iightlsound:Theater 172.19 172.19 123956 05/15!2008 010349 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT Support Payment Case # DF099118 25.00 25.00 123957 05115!2008 000647 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER renew lic:cpa:groberts 200.00 200.00 AFFAIRS 123958 05/15!2008 000647 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER renew lic:prof eng:Wm hughes 125.00 AFFAIRS renew lic:prof eng:mde la tone 125.00 250.00 123959 05/15!2008 004248 CALIF DEPT OFJUSTICE- Dec drug analysis:Palice 70.00 ACCTING Mar drug analysis:Police 1,890.00 Mar fingerprinting:Police 3,735.00 5,695.00 123960 05/15/2008 004228 CAMERON WELDING SUPPLY Helium tank refill: TCC 40.60 40.60 123961 05/15/2008 009640 CERTIFION CORPORATION Ssubscrp:lnvest dbase:PD 167.90 167.90 123962 05115!2008 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES Community Health Charities Payment 136.00 136.00 123963 05115!2008 002945 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL Elect supplies:TCSD:Parks 484.38 DIST. Elect pedestal:Presley 1,185.25 1,669.63 123964 05115!2008 001264 COSTCO WHOLESALE Misc supplies:Theater 10.81 Misc supplies:Theater 112.78 Misc supplies: Fire Stn 84 297.66 Misc supplies:Team PACE 140.54 Prof mtg supplies:Fire 12.26 Misc supplies: Fire Stn 84 76.76 650.81 Paget apChkLst 05/19/2008 8:25:46AM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 3 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123965 05115!2008 010650 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING &HVAC HVAC Svcs:Old Town 1,014.13 INC Plumbing svcs:MPSC 85.00 1,099.13 123966 05115!2008 011950 CROSS TOWN COWBOYS, THE entertain:west days:cowboys:5117 500.00 500.00 123967 05/15/2008 004123 D L PHARES & ASSOCIATES May Iease:PD:OLD TOWN 2,681.52 2,681.52 123968 05/15/2008 003210 DALLAS MIDWEST Chairs/storage caddy:MPSC 4,183.51 4,183.51 123969 05115!2008 002990 DAVID TURCH & ASSOCIATES Fed lobby svcs:CM Ofc 6,700.00 6,700.00 123970 05/15!2008 006150 DIALOGIC COMMUNICATIONS Emerg comm:Supp Svcs 7,000.00 CORP. Emerg comm:Supp Svcs 4,879.OD 11,879.00 123971 05/15!2008 003945 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL Port restrm svcs:Var Pks 25.53 SRVCS Port restrm svcs:Var Pks 33.23 Port restrm svcs:Var Pks 25.53 Port restrm svcs:Var Pks 25.53 Port restrm svcs:Var Pks 45.53 155.35 123972 05115!2008 002701 DIVERSIFIED RISK spec events premiums:Apr'08 3,863.04 3,863.04 123973 05115!2008 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELING fuel far City vehicles 256.51 256.51 INC 123974 05115!2008 001669 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION Misc graffiti supplies:PW 185.35 Misc graffiti supplies:PW 36.34 221.69 123975 05115!2008 004829 ELLISON WILSON ADVOCACY State lobby svc:CM Ofc 3,500.00 3,500.00 LLC 123976 05/15!2008 002939 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS GIS Trng:JDlKB1AM 1,470.00 1,470.00 RESEARCH 123977 05115!2008 009953 FEDERAL CLEANING Clean svc:PD mall storefront 410.00 410.00 CONTRACTORS 123978 05/15/2008 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER FISH HOUSE INC. staff trng:DUlSFlPR 55.20 55.20 123979 05/15!2008 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Support Payment Case # 452379267 75.00 75.00 Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 05119!2008 8:25:4 6AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123980 05115!2008 011973 FRANK R WEBB ARCHITECTS, refund:devfees:PA07-0337 2,700.00 ATTN: STEVE ROSSON refund:devfees:PA07-0336 1,248.00 3,948.00 123981 05115!2008 011967 FULL VALUE ENTERTAINMENT tickets:Merc:theater:519 136.50 136.50 123982 05/15/2008 007866 G C S SUPPLIES INC Camp printers/toner IS 1,134.13 1,134.13 123983 05/15/2008 010028 G M BUSINESS INTERIORS ergonomic ofc chairs:library 1,918.54 1,918.54 123984 05115!2008 005664 GOSCH TOWING & RECOVERY Tow services:Police #0266 165.00 Tow services:Police #F~ocxch 165.00 330.00 123985 05115!2008 011968 GOVERNOR'S OFC OF, oper bklts:fire:gpatterson 216.59 216.59 EMERGENCY SVGS-FIRESCOPE 123986 05115!2008 003792 GRAINGER Misc parts:C. Museum 126.07 126.07 123987 05/15/2008 008361 GRAPE STOMPERS SO DANCE TCSD instructor earnings 146.30 CLUB TCSD instructor earnings 203.D0 349.30 123988 05/15/2008 000378 HAFELI, THOMAS reimb:replace batteries:IS 210.08 210.08 123989 05/15/2008 011969 HALLWORTH, ANTHONY Ref:S-212 Wildland trng 135.00 135.00 123990 05115!2008 003299 HAYES, BARNEY entertain:west days:bhayes 500.00 500.00 123991 05/15!2008 001135 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL Emp Indust care svcs:HR 85.00 GROUPING Emp Indust care svcs:HR 115.00 200.00 123992 05/15!2008 011970 HERNANDEZ, HEATHER tcsd instructar:4120 1,890.00 1,890.00 123993 05115!2008 011872 HI HOPES IDENTITY DISCOVERY Entertain:High Hopes:4118 300.00 300.00 123994 05/15!2008 007792 HINTON, BEVERLY L. TCSD instructor earnings 109.90 109.90 123995 05/15/2008 005748 HODSON, CHERYL A. Support Payment 6.64 6.64 123996 05/15/2008 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT-PLAN I C M A Retirement Trust 457 Payment 11,321.11 11,321.11 303355 Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 05119(2008 8:25:4 tiAM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 123997 05115!2008 001123 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION misc supplies:pw maint div 199.59 199.59 GROUP 123998 05/15/2008 DD3183 INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC ITE annual mtg:J Gonzalez 475.00 475.OD ENGINEERS 123999 05/15/2008 OD1407 INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPLY Pool sanit chem:CSD Maint 832.69 832.69 INC 124000 05/15/2008 OD3296 INTL CODE COUNCIL mbrship:m harcld:3/1108-2128/09 25.OD 25.OD 124001 05/15/2008 010119 IRS - OIC Sup Pmt Offer#1000497587 452379267 140.11 140.11 124002 05/15/2008 OD4776 M P SIGNS Vehicle lettering:fire 530.00 530.OD 124003 05/15!2008 004141 MAINTEX INC Custodial supplies:historyrnuseum 163.63 Misc custodial supplies:theater 649.04 Custodial supplies:foc 152.79 Misc custodial supplies:city hall 1,155.12 Misc custodial supplies:library 710.81 Misc custodial supplies:crc 549.03 3,380.42 124004 05/15/2008 OD4307 MARINE BIOCHEMISTS svc&support: Harveston Lake Prk 3,000.00 3,000.00 124005 05/15/2008 011179 MC MILLIN REDHAWK LLC TCSD Instructor Earnings 385.OD 385.OD 124006 05/15/2008 010945 MEDIA DISTRIBUTORS Supplies:info systems 2,392.05 2,392.05 124007 05115!2008 011972 MEDLEY, CARRIE A. & DARRIN L. Refund Dep:PM34820 995.00 995.00 124008 05115!2008 007210 MIDORI GARDENS Irrigation repairs:Birdsall Park 306.27 306.27 124009 05115!2008 007669 MILES, KATRINA TCSD Instructor Earnings 294.00 294.00 124010 05/15/2008 01144D MILLMORE'S WAX CREW Mobile car wash: CIP Division 125.00 125.OD 124011 05/15/2008 OD1892 MOBILE MODULAR Module lease:the pantry license agrmt 1,033.33 1,033.33 124012 05115!2008 002898 NNON EGLI EQUIPMENT Equip repair & maint: PVV 438.24 438.24 COMPANY Pagea apChkLst 05119!2008 8:25:46AM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 6 Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 124013 05/15!2008 009570 O C B REPROGRAPHICS Pechanga Pkwy str imp phll 10.47 10.47 124014 05/15/2008 004473 OLD TOWN TEMECULA Entertain:old twn gunfighters 1,400.OD 1,400.00 GUNFIGHTERS 124015 05/15/2008 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE Vehicle repairlmaint:B&S 229.22 229.22 124016 05/15/2008 011971 PALMETTO ELEM SCHOOL, refund:imagination wkshp:?J25 35.00 35.00 ATTN: LAURIE BOONE 124017 05/15/2008 001958 PERS LONG TERM CARE PERS Long Term Gare Payment 377.54 377.54 PROGRAM 124018 05/15/2008 009796 PERVO PAINT COMPANY pavement markers paint supplies:pw 9,489.76 9,489.76 124019 05/15!2008 000249 PETTY CASH Petty Cash Reimbursement 521.60 Petty Gash Reimbursement 445.60 967.20 124020 05115!2008 010338 POOL & ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Poal supplies & chemicals:aquatics 51.54 INC Pool supplies & chemicals:aquatics 146.41 197.95 124021 05/15!2008 003493 PRO-CRAFT Res Imp Prgm: DiGioia, Jae & Lisa 1,810.00 1,810.00 124022 05115!2008 009717 PSOMAS Weed abatement admin services:Code 5,000.00 5,000.00 124023 05/15/2008 004529 QUAID TEMECULA HARLEY- Repair & maint veh:PD April 2008 7,755.11 7,755.11 DAV I DSON 124024 05/15/2008 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT AprlVarious Water Meters 471.70 2-29-479-2981 Hghwy 79S 96.81 Various Water Meters 71.08 Various Water Meters 701.89 Apr Various Water Meters 26,457.13 27,798.61 124025 05/15/2008 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN Veh repair & maint:code enforce 75.55 75.55 M ERGU RY 124026 05/15/2008 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL Channelllot easement:City Channels 9,525.00 9,525.00 MANAGEMENT 124027 05/15/2008 004498 REPUBLIC INTELLIGENT Street light maint: April 08 2,341.83 2,341.83 124028 05/15!2008 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT rms clets billing 7!1107-6/30108 200,852.00 200,852.00 Page6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 05119(2008 8:25:4 tiAM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 124029 05115!2008 003587 RIZZO CONSTRUCTION INC Install flooring:CRC 24,920.00 24,920.00 124030 05/15/2008 OD1097 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC Misc maint supplies:stenciltxuck: PW 2,866.39 2,866.39 124031 05/15/2008 006815 SAN DIEGO, COUNTY OF Support Payment Account # 581095025 12.50 12.50 124032 05/15!2008 010089 SECURITAS SECURITY SRVCS Security srvcs: Harveston 2,065.00 USA Security srvcs: Redhawk Park 1,820.00 3,885.00 124033 05115!2008 008529 SHERIFF'S CIVIL DIV -CENTRAL Support Pmt LO File # 2007052618 100.00 100.00 124034 05115!2008 009213 SHERRY BERRY MUSIC Theater Admissions: 518/08 364.00 Theater Admissions: 517108 283.50 647.50 124035 05/15!2008 000537 SO CALIF EDISON Apr 2-30-066-2889 Rancho Vista PED 15.67 Apr 2-10-331-2153 TCC 755.66 Apr 2-20-798-3248 C. Museum 896.15 Apr 2-27-80x3194 Theater 3,240.98 2-01-202-7603 arterial st lights 25,163.00 2-29-974-7568 Ynez Rd TC-1 54.41 2-01-202-7330 various mtrs 69,148.99 2-05-791-8807 various mtrs 9,740.23 2-29-974-7899 Ynez Rd LS-3 43.D8 109,058.17 124036 05/15/2008 000926 SO CALIF EDISON Murrieta Creek PW01-27 4,269.23 4,269.23 124037 05/15/2008 011863 SOLANATECHNOLOGIES Minormaint:TroposRadios 492.00 492.00 124038 05/15/2008 OD0519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTRO L Pest control srvcs~ Redhawk 84.00 84.00 INC 124039 05/15/2008 007851 SOUTHCOAST HEATING & AIR HVAC srvcs:CRC 241.16 241.16 124040 05115!2008 011894 SPHINX ORGANIZATION Ent:Theater 5127108 4,500.00 4,500.00 124041 05/15!2008 008023 STATER BROTHERS MARKETS refreshments:Event dinner fire dept 86.19 86.19 124042 05/15/2008 002366 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET Carpet cleaning:crc 185.00 185.00 CLEANING 124043 05/15/2008 OD6145 STENO SOLUTIONS Transcription Svcs: April 08 3,210.08 3,210.08 TRANSCRIPTION Page:? apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 05/19/2008 8:25:4 6AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 124044 05/15!2008 003840 STRONGS PAINTING Fire dpt painting:Prevention 650.00 650.00 124045 05/15/2008 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD SRVCS CRC Teen prgm: Teen Roam 333.99 333.99 124046 05/15/2008 008292 TEMECULA DIESEL AUTO & dump/AC patch truck svc/repair: pw 309.66 309.66 TRUCK 124047 05/15/2008 000515 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER State City Addr:4117:CB JH SS 120.00 OF M. Ballreich & G. Flores: April 17, 08 160.00 280.00 124048 05/15/2008 OD0306 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE & Misc maint supplies:tcsd maint 533.79 SUPPLY Misc maint supplies:tcsd maint 86.91 620.70 124049 05/15/2008 005970 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYERS Steal magnolias prod 4128-5111 6,138.11 6,138.11 124050 05/15/2008 011974 TITOV, BILL refund: S-212 wildland trng:btitov 135.00 135.00 124051 05/15!2008 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE INC Safety gear:PVV Maint: Apr'08 2,625.28 2,625.28 124052 05/15!2008 004036 U S FLAG ETIQUETTE U.S. flage etiquette:csd 60.00 60.00 124053 05115!2008 007766 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT Alert tickets: April 08: PW 268.50 268.50 124054 05/15!2008 008517 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF Install fence: FrontlPujol 26.40 26.40 CA,INC 124055 05/15!2008 000325 UNITED WAY United Way Charities Payment 69.00 69.00 124056 05/15/2008 004261 VERIZON Aprxxx-39101st St Irrigation 37.06 Apr xxx-5509 general usage 144.50 Apr xxx-1999 general usage 38.97 Apr xxx-6620 general usage 32.66 xxx-8900 GIS Library 786.91 Apr xxx-7530 GIS Library 443.49 Apr xxx-5180 79S Irrg Cntr 37.08 Apr xxx-1540 Old Town Prk Lot 88.03 1,608.70 124057 05/15/2008 004279 VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. access-CRC phone line 356.16 access-C. Mus.phone line 658.23 1,014.39 124058 05/15/2008 004624 VOLVO ROAD MACHINERY INC asphalt roller equip parts: pw maint 814.05 814.05 Page:B apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 05119!2008 8:25:4 6AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank : union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 124059 05115!2008 001890 VORTEX DOORS station maint: stn 84 1,093.75 1,093.75 124060 05/15/2008 001881 WATER SAFETY PRODUCTS INC Lifeguard gear:Aquatics Prgm 1,210.30 1,210.30 124061 05/15/2008 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC Sanitary supplies:crc 700.27 Misc custodial supplies:west wing 392.56 1,092.83 124062 05/15/2008 011290 WE JUST DELIVER Rfrshmnts: Council mtg 418 241.79 241.79 124063 05115!2008 003835 WEST COAST SAFETY SUPPLY Equip supplies:pw maint div 1,043.35 1,043.35 CO. Grand total for UNION BANK OF GALIFORNIA: 868,374.03 Page9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 05!1912008 8:25:46AM CITY OF TEMECIJLA 131 checks in this report. Grand Tatal All Checks: 868,374.03 Page:10 ITEM RI~J. 3 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 PREPARED BY: Jason Simpson, Assistant Finance Director Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager RECOMMENDATION: The City Council: Receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. 2. Approve a transfer from Development Impact Fees Public Facilities of $473,011 to Library and Fire Protection Facilities in the Development Impact Fees Fund. 3. Approve an increase of $1,161 in Operating Transfer Out in the AB 3229 COPS fund to General Fund, with corresponding increase in operating transfers in the General Fund. 4. Approve an increase of $72,000 in Police Department Grant revenues for the Office Traffic Safety Grant in the General Fund. 5. Appropriate $121,000 in Property Tax Admin fees in the General Fund. BACKGROUND: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Please see the attached financial statements for an analytical review of financial activity. Staff has reviewed the City's financial activity for three quarters and is recommending several adjustments. The Development Impact Fees (Public Facilities) transfer is needed to cover the completed projects expenditures for the Library and Fire Station Wolf Creek. The proposed increase in AB 3229 COPS fund is due to interest earnings to the fund. The increase in grant revenues is necessary due to additional police expenditures which qualify for reimbursement. The City of Temecula fees have historically been set by property tax code Ad Valorem. However, the County is now including both the Triple Flip adjustment and the Property Tax in Lieu of VLF swap amount with the State in the calculation. Staff will be pursuing additional information from the County of Riverside regarding the accuracy of this significant increase. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the nine months ended March 31, 2008 Combining Statement of Net Assets {Internal Service Funds) as of March 31, 2008, and Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets (Internal Service Funds) for the nine months ended March 31.2008. CI N OF TEMECULA Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance for the nine months ended March 31, 2008 and Combining Statement of Net Assets {Internal Service Funds} as of March 31, 2008, and Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets for the nine months ended March 31, 2008 {Unaudited} Prepared by the Finance Department crrY of rEMecuc~ Combining Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2008 General Gas Tax State Trans Dev Impact CDBG Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Assets: Cash and Investments Receivables Due from Other Funds Advances to Other Funds Deposits Inventory Total Asset Liabilities and Fund Balances: Liabilities: Due to Other Funds Other Current Liabilities Deferred Revenue Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Reserved Designated Undesignated Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fwid Balance: NOTE: These Balances are Unaudited $50,797,337 $3,685,620 $19,065 2,618,529 $135,058 41,734 136,219 1,863,456 106,465 3,586 $55,525,592 $135,058 $3,727,354 $19,065 $135,058 $11,195,711 2,043,218 13,238,929 135,058 4,980,321 37,306,342 $17,659 $19,065 17,659 19,065 3,709,695 3,709,695 $3,727,354 $19,065 42,286,663 $55,525,592 $135,058 1 CITY DF TFMECULA Combining Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2008 2048 AB 2766 AB 3229 Measure A CIP Debt Service Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund TOTAL Assets: Cash and Investments $469,435 $7,206,550 $42,718,524 $832,000 $105,728,531 Receivables 4,025 $1,161 264,843 618,411 3,683,761 Due from Other Funds 136,219 Advances to Other Funds 1,863,456 Deposits 106,465 Inventory 3,586 Total Asset $473,460 $1,161 $7,471,393 $43,336,935 $832,000 $111,522,018 Liabilities and Fund Balances: Liabilities: Due to Other Funds $1,161 $99,520 $235,739 Other Current Liabilities 1,205,230 12,437,665 Deferred Revenue 2,043,218 Total Liabilities 1,161 1,304,750 14,716,622 Fund Balances: Reserved $4,980,321 Designated $473,460 $7,471,393 42,032,185 $832,000 91,825,075 Undesignated Total Fund Balances 473,460 7,471,393 42,032,185 832,000 96,805,396 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance: $473,460 $1,161 $7,471,393 $43,336,935 $832,000 $111,522,018 NOTE: These Balances are Unaudited 2 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual General Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 REVENUES: Sales Tax -State Sales Tax -Triple Flip Developmental Services: Planning Building & Safety Land Development Police Fire Grants Motor Vehicle In Lieu -State Motor Vehicle In Lieu -Triple Flip Homeowner Property Tax Relief Property Tax Property Transfer Tax Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax Prop 1 B Reimbursements - Financing Reimbursements -Others Reimbursements from RDA Reimbursements from CIP Investment Interest Business Licenses Vehicle Code Fines Miscellaneous Right-of--Way Advertising Operating Transfers In TOTAL REVENUES Annual Amended Budget YTD Activity Percent of Budget $21,719,940 6,914,840 558,831 1,944,192 787,815 493,166 947,114 59,000 900,000 6,714,601 78,000 6,335,000 500,000 3,127,000 2,500,000 750,000 181,000 976,935 110,000 2,152,838 2,394,526 308,000 800,000 19,000 80,000 2,109,581 $63,461,379 $12,158,942 3,126,144 515,310 1,258,272 777,190 419,879 626,808 130,334 365,448 3,357,301 26,364 4,532,965 391,026 2,597,136 1,773,767 750,000 141,233 951,488 82,500 1,373,825 2,629,174 296,878 426,825 21,179 61,811 1,626,647 $40,418,446 56% 45% 92% 65% 99% 85% 66% 221% 41% 50% 34% 72% 78% 83% 71% {1) {2} {3) {4) {5} {6) 100% 78% 97% {7} 75% 64% 110% {8} 96% {9} 53% {10} 111% 77% 77% 64% NOTES -Revenues: 1) The quarterly sales tax clean up payment for March 31st is scheduled to be received by the end of June 2008. 2) The second portion of Property taxes and "Triple Flip" revenues are scheduled to be received by the end of May 2008. 3) Office of Traffic Safety grant received for qualified police expenditures is higher than anticipated. 4) The annual Motor Vehicle in Lieu payment for Redhawk annexation is expected to be received by June 2008. 5) The second and final Motor Vehicle backfill payment is expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 6) The second Homeowner Property Tax Relief is expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 7) The variance is primarily due to TASIN/SB621 monies for Police programs received in July of this fiscal year. 8) The variance is due to higher than anticipated cash balance and timing of payment during this quarter. 9) The variance in Business License revenue is due to the processing of renewals in December and January of this year. 10) The variance is clue to January, February and March payments which are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 3 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual General Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Expenditures City Council Community Support City Manager Economic Development City Clerk City Attorney Finance Human Resources Planning Building & Safety Land Development Public Works CIP Administration Disaster Relief Police Fire Animal Conh•ol Non-Departmental Total Expenditures (Excluding Transfers) Revenues Ovel•/(iJnder) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (uses): Transfers Out Revenues Ovel•/(iJnder) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources(uses) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual YTD Amended I'TD Activity & Percent Budget Activity Encumbrances Encumbrances of Budget $502,945 $353,378 $28,434 $381,812 76% 281,400 219,280 2,020 221,300 79% 1,284,378 879,879 33,195 913,074 71% 893,164 535,523 108,927 644,450 72% 1,039,518 714,917 7,851 722,768 70% 710,000 619,225 619,225 87% 2,150,920 1,493,664 15,418 1,509,082 70% 717,119 487,040 51,209 538,249 75% 4,046,941 2,726,792 238,219 2,965,011 73% 2,658,938 1,856,636 141,004 1,997,640 75% 2,056,047 1,446,222 24,036 1,470,258 72% 7,679,737 4,811,807 571,131 5,382,938 70% 2,850,251 1,867,503 3,572 1,871,075 66% 60,000 50,540 94 50,634 84% 20,342,785 13,141,715 192,643 13,334,358 66% 4,979,042 3,298,825 96,098 3,394,923 68% 170,000 101,452 101,452 60% 9,662,086 6,464,195 6,464,195 67% 62,085,271 41,068,593 1,513,851 42,582,444 69% 1,376,108 (650,147) (4,899,393) (995,523) (3,523,285) (1,645,670) 43,932,333 43,932,333 $40,409,048 $42,286,663 NOTES -Expenditures: 11) The variance is due March payment is scheduled to Ue paid by the end of May 2008. (11} 4 Cify of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Gas Tax Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Section 210-2107 Investment Interest. Total Revenues Other Financing Sources (uses): Transfers Out Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget $1,722,500 $1,164,391 68% 7,594 1,722,500 1,171,985 68% (1,914,440) (1,363,925) 71% Revenues Over/(Under) Other Financing Sources(use: (191,940) (191,940) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 $191,940 $191,940 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 5 Crty of Tefnecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual State Transportation Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Traffic Congestion Relief Investment Interest Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget $1 Total Revenues Other Financing Sources (uses): Transfers Out ($6,821) (6,822} Revenues Over/(Under) Other Financing Sources (uses) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 (6,821) (6,821) $6,821 $6,821 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Development Impact Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31. 20Q8 Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget Revenues: Open Space $198,331 $71,770 36% Investment interest 176,450 Quimby 117,244 126,805 148% Street improvements 2,847,592 242,600 9% Traffic signals 403,547 81,025 20% Parks 571,855 171,609 30% Corporate facilities 337,544 113,019 33% Fire protection 190,361 52,307 27% Library 260,349 106,391 41% Public Art 48,176 22,797 47% Police 159,191 38,413 24% Total Revenues 5,134,190 1,203,186 23% (1) Expenditures: Oher Expenditures 362,000 362,000 100% Total Expenditures 362,000 362,400 100% Other Financing Sources(uses): Transfers Out (13,107,959) (4,885,137) 37% (2) Revenues Over/(iJnder) Other Financings Sources (uses) (7,611,769) (4,043,951) 53% Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 7,753,646 7,753,646 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 $141,877 $3,709,695 Notes: 1) The variance in revenues is due to a continued decline in building activity for residential and commercial developments. 2) The variance in expenditures is due to Capital Improvements Projects funded with DIF drat have started but not yet completed during this quarter. 7 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Community Development Block Grant for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget Revenues: Grant Revenue $2,120,808 $191,768 9% (1) Total Revenues 2,120,808 191,768 9% Expendituues: Other Outside Services 63,346 56,457 89% Total Expenditures 63,346 56,457 89% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures 2,057,462 135,311 Other Financing Sources(uses): Transfers Out ($2,057,462) ($135,311} (1) Revenues Over/(Under) and Other Financing Sources(uses): Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Notes: 1) The Temecula Community Center Expansion is in early stages and the Old Tov~m Gymnasium has not yet begun. Revenues are based on reimbursements related to the projects. 8 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual AB 2766 Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget Revenues: AB 2766 $108,000 $56,845 53% (1) Investment Interest 11,927 Total Revenues 108,000 68,772 64% Expenditures: Other Outside Services Total Expenditures Revenues Over;~(tJnder) Expenditures 108,000 68,772 (175,974) (2) Other Financing Sources (uses): TrarLSfers Out Revenues Over;~(tJnder) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources(uses) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 (67,974) 68,772 404,688 404,688 $336,714 $473,460 Notes: 1) The third quarterly paynnent from South Coast Air Quality is not scheduled to be received until the end of May. 2) The .Alternative Fueling Station and Temecula Park and Ride Projects budgeted in this fund have not yet started. 9 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual AB 3229 COPS for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Investment Interest AB 3229 -COPS Total Revenues Expendituues: Other Outside Services Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources(uses): Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (uses) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2048 Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget $1,161 $188,320 188,324 140% (1) 188,324 189,481 141% (1) 188,324 189,481 ($188,324) ($189,481) 141% (1) Notes: 1) The annual payment from the State was received in Febi~ary 2408. 10 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Measure "A" forthe Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Measure "A" Investment Interest Total Revenues Expenditures: Debt Service -Principal Debt Service -Interest Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (uses): Transfers Out Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures and Other Financing Sources(uses) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual Amended Total Percent Budget Activity of Budget $3,925,440 $2,271,944 58% (1) 192,043 3,925,444 2,463,947 63% 517,447 386,523 75% 48,147 37,611 78% 565,554 424,134 75% 3,359,446 2,439,813 (5,923,661) (525,040) (2,564,215) 1,514,813 5,956,580 5,956,580 $3,392,365 $7,471,393 Notes: 1) March 48 revenues are expected to be received by the end of May 2008; Also, Measure "A" revenues, which are an allocation of Sales tax, are lower than expected due to Statev~ade economic downturn in retail sales. 11 City of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Capital Improvement Projects Fund for the N ine Months Ended March 31, 200E Annual Percent Amended YTD Total of Br-dget Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget REVENUE: Operating Transfers In $73,391,729 $5,456,326 $5,456,326 12% Grants 13,979,186 21,153 21,153 0% Reimbursements 2,601,467 405,226 405,226 16% Reimbursements- TUMF 6,507,495 40S,9S7 40S,9S7 6% Reimbursements-TASIN/SB621 2,228,119 1,526,119 1,526,119 82% Bond Proceeds 22,500,000 22,500,000 Investment interest 309,710 309,710 TOTAL REVENUES $121,207,999 $33,927,551 $11,427,551 9% EXPENDITURES: Mumeta Creek Bridge/Overland Extension 165-602 163,620 12,743 $94,217 106,960 65% Pauba Road Improvements II 165-606 9,956 9,945 9,945 100% Abbott Corporation Improvement -Phase 2 165-620 740,100 0 0% Medians- City Wide 165-622 190,000 159,571 159,571 100% Rancho Cal Wide Old Town Front 165-624 1,609,609 1,36S,6S7 116,452 1,455,139 92% Highway 79 South Medians 165-625 17,332 11,171 11,171 64% Western Bypass Comdor - Phase I 165-625 237,931 52,560 131,789 154,649 7S% Diaz Realignment Vincent Moraga 165-632 1,632,965 1,517,637 79,905 1,597,542 98% Closed Caption TV Install SR79S Pechanga 165-635 183,679 33,520 101,120 134,640 73% Old Town Infrastructure-Mercedes/Main Sts. 165-636 2,622,462 45,912 25,618 74,530 3% SR 79 S / Pechanga Parkway Dual Right Turn Lanes 165-637 406,429 76,233 1,350 77,SS3 19% Winchester Rd / SR 79 N Comdor Beautification 165-635 3,341,849 222,175 23,414 245,SS9 7% Alternative Fueling Station 165-639 150,000 0 0% Emergency Communications Projects 165-640 60,000 0 0% I-15 Sign Replacement Temecula Pkwy/Hwy 79S 165-641 135,026 134,731 134,731 100% Old Town Infrastructure Projects -Civic Plaza 165-643 2,416,137 121,341 91,014 212,355 9% Old Town Infrastructure- Parking Structure/office/R e 165-644 18,488,888 657,795 490,125 1,147,920 6% Old Town Infrastructure -Relocate/Grading/Demo. 165-645 928,034 SS,492 8,755 67,250 7% Old Town Infrastructure -Underground Utilities 165-646 2,083,475 5,532 5,532 0% Pavement Rehabilitation 165-655 2,000,000 16,700 16,700 1% Pavement Rehabilitation - De Portola Road 165-656 2,056,067 55,035 59,308 144,343 7% Pavement Rehabilitation-STPL Project 165-657 3,084,179 164,069 SS,S7S 219,947 7% Western Bypass Bridge/Mumeta Creek 165-660 345,950 2,406 299,371 301,777 S7% I-15 / 79S Interchange- Ultimate 165-662 797,554 21,472 65,751 57,223 11% Temecula Park & Ride/i'ransit Center 165-664 207,000 0 0% Santiago Detention Basin 165-666 159,644 73,330 55,811 159,141 100% Pechanga Parkway Improvements 165-665 13,676,249 752,040 32,643 7S4,6S3 6% Signals- Butterfield Stage @ Welton 165-669 129,000 10,165 1,835 12,000 9% (1) (2) 12 Clty of Temecula Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Capital Improvement Projects Fund for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 200E Annual Percent Amended YTD Total of Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget Flashing Beacons 165-670 20,000 0 0% Temecula City Entry Monumentation 165-671 25,000 0 0% Signals- Meadows at McCabe 165-672 225,000 10,443 1,558 12,001 5% Signals-Rancho Cal at Business Park West 165-673 321,000 269,545 51,418 320,966 100% Bridge Fencing Architect Enhancements 165-674 205,500 156,962 156,962 91% Highway 79 South Stripping I-15 Pechanga 165-676 161,250 5,225 426 5,654 4% Temecula Creek Crossing Highway 79 South 165-677 150,000 0 0% Diaz Road Extension at Cherry St. 165-654 300,000 274 274 0% Traffic Signal Equipment Installation 165-712 344,986 0 0% French Valley Parkway S.S. off Jefferson 165-719 715,614 373,099 339,686 712,755 100% Butterfield Stage Rd. Extension 165-723 20,825,000 0 0% French Valley Parkway I-15 Overcrossing 165-726 8,522,209 423,071 1,439,522 1,562,593 22% Fire Station Wolf Creek 165-733 591,954 125,826 73,686 199,512 34% Mumeta Creek Improvements 165-735 150,000 0 0% Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge - CHS 165-735 516,445 32,884 134,573 167,457 32% Santa Gertrudis Creek Pedestrian Trail 165-739 470,000 0 0% Fire Station Roripaugh Ranch 165-741 641,185 12,554 340,013 352,567 55% Maintenance Facility Expansion 165-742 2,354,127 2,265,056 74,734 2,342,790 100% Main St. Bridge / Mumeta Creek 165-743 1,244,204 SS,S55 424,827 510,652 41% Long Canyon Detention Basin 165-746 239,520 0 0% Temecula Park & Ride 165-747 154,645 S1,4S1 62,581 144,062 93% Old Town Properties Master Plan 165-751 5,012,462 1,331,259 3,556,917 4,888,206 9S% Roller Hockey Rink 190-137 271,000 17,504 17,504 6% Mumeta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail 190-142 2,560,203 125,652 1,465,381 1,594,033 62% Redhawk Park Improvements 190-144 299,087 21,750 162,297 154,077 62% Vail Ranch Park Site D 190-160 33,000 0 0% Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 190-173 463,658 39,794 39,794 9% Play Structure Retrofit at Various Parks 190-179 62,805 62,505 62,805 100% Multi-Trails System Citywide 190-155 5,036 672 672 8% Old Town Gymnasium 190-156 497,095 25,195 334,375 359,573 72% Ronald Reagan Sports Channel Silt 190-157 457,050 144,799 38,414 153,213 40% Dog Parks Areas Various City Parks 190-190 109,613 57,019 57,019 52% Roripaugh Rancho Open Space Trails 190-195 59,126 12,622 12,622 21% Temecula Community Center Expansion 190-197 2,101,715 223,363 40,027 263,390 13% TES- Swimming Poll Renovation 190-195 3,189 2,475 2,475 78% Temecula Children's Museum Refiubish 190-675 100,000 11,639 218 11,857 12% Library 199-129 796,676 54,488 250,000 304,488 3S% Old Town Land Acquisition 199-131 9,530 5,617 463 9,080 95% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 108,895,610 11,616,408 10,603,629 22,220,037 20% (2) Revenues Over/(Under} Expenditures 12,312,389 22,311,144 Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 19,721,041 19,721,041 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 $32,033,430 $42,032,155 NOTES: 1} The variance is primarily due to a majority of TASIN/SB 621 budget for CIP projects received during this fiscal year. 2) The variances in the Capital Improvement Fund revenues and expenditures are due to the fiming of when the various projects aze actually started and costs are incurred 13 City of Temecula Certificates of Participation Debt Service Fund- 2008 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Investment interest Transfer In Total Revenues Expenditures: Debt service -Financing Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Begimung Fund Balance, July 1, 2047 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Percent Budget Activity of Budget $2,435,000 $1,731,481 85% 2,435,004 1,731,481 85% 899,482 899,481 100% 899,482 899,481 140% 1,135,518 832,044 $1,135,518 $832,400 73% 14 Clty of Tefnecula Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Net Assets As of March 31, 2008 Information Support Insurance Vehicles Systems Services Facilities Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total ASSETS: Cashandinvestments $1,360,474 $648,037 $944,463 $346,870 $190,507 $3,490,351 Receivables 14,917 6,223 11,257 2,952 1,779 37,128 Prepaid assets 354,083 354,083 Property, plant and equipment (net of 1,335,506 495,571 118,453 1,949,530 accumulated depreciation) TOTAL ASSETS $1,729,474 $1,989,766 $1,451,291 $468,275 $192,286 $5,831,092 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSET'S: LIABILITIES: CLUrent Liabilities $459,960 $227,437 $21,684 $54,419 $763,500 Capital Leases Payable 164,404 164,404 TOTAL LIABILITIES 459,960 0 227,437 186,088 54,419 927,904 NET ASSETS: TOTAL NET ASSETS $1,269,514 $1,989,766 $1,223,854 $282,187 $137,867 $4,903,188 NOTE: These balances are unaudited. 15 City of Tefnecula Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Internal Service Funds for the Nine Months Ended March 31.2008 REVENUES: Investment Interest Charges for Services TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES: Salaries & Wages Operating Expenses Interest Depreciation TOTAL EXPENSES Revenues Over/(Under) Expenses Net Assets, July 1, 2007 Net Assets, March 31, 2008 Information Support Insurance Vehicles Systems Services Facilities Fund Fund Fund Fund Funcl Total $43,118 $20,966 $18,099 $8,383 $2,842 $93,408 466,226 246,498 1,711,481 250,867 441,561 3,116,633 509,344 267,464 1,729,580 259,250 444,403 3,210,041 39,649 1,015,319 119,360 215,395 1,389,683 473,020 596,618 69,388 234,838 1,373,864 10,155 10,155 238,830 150,422 46,815 436,067 512,629 238,830 1,762,359 245,718 450,233 3,209,769 (3,285) 28,634 (32,779) 13,532 (5,830) 272 1,272,799 1,961,132 1,256,633 268,655 143,697 4,902,916 $1,269,514 $1,989,766 $1,223,854 $282,187 $137,867 $4,903,188 16 ITEM RI~J. 4 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Special Tax Administration Services PREPARED BY: David Bilby, Senior Debt Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Fourth Amendment with NBS for special tax administration services in the amount of $59,680.63 for fiscal year 2008-09 for consultant costs related to the annual administration of special tax districts (CFD's) and applicable delinquency management costs. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula has six existing Community Facilities Districts (CFD), and one Assessment District (AD): CFD 01-2 Harveston; CFD 03-1 Crowne Hill; CFD 03-2 Roripaugh Ranch; CFD 03-3 Wolf Creek; CFD 88-12 Ynez Road; CFD 03-6 Harveston II; and AD 03-4 John Warner. On May 23, 2006, the Council approved athree-year professional services agreement with N BS for an annual amount of $48,250 for fiscal year 2006-07, $49,215 for fiscal year 2007-08, and $50,199.30 for fiscal year 2008-09 for special tax administration for the City's Community Facilities Districts and Assessment District. Additional services, including sending letters to delinquent taxpayers and customary out-of-pocket expenses were not included in the annual contract amount approved by Council. On May 22, 2007, the Council approved the First Amendment to the Agreement increasing the amount of the total contract by 10%. These costs were projected based on invoices received in fiscal year 2006-07 for delinquency letters sent, postage costs, reproduction fees, etc. Thereafter, on July 24, 2007, the City Manager approved the Second Amendment to the Agreement extending the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2008. On October 9, 2007, the Council approved the Third Amendment to the Agreement increasing the amount of payment for the fiscal year 2007-08 in the amount of $9,270, for a total 2007-08 contract amount of $63,407.00 for additional special tax administration services primarily related to delinquency follow-up. The Fourth Amendment to the agreement is necessary to authorize the funding of $55,219.26 for fiscal year 2008-09, and an additional $4,461.37 for additional delinquency managementfor a total of $59,680.63. FISCAL IMPACT: The additional costs are $4,461.37 forfiscal year2008-09. Funds for the administration of special districts are included in the annual special tax levies for each of the Districts. ATTACHMENTS: Fourth Amendment to Agreement between City of Temecula and NBS Government Finance Group for Additional Special Tax Administration Services FIN08-0 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND N B S GOVERNMENT FINANCE GROUP FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIAL TAX ADMINISTRATION SERVICES THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008, by and between the City of Temecula ("City") and N B S Government Finance Group ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On May 23, 2006, the City entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for Special Tax Administration Services" (Agreement) in the amount of $48, 250 for fiscal year 2006/07. B. On May 22, 2007, the City approved the First Amendment to the Agreement increasing the amount of payment for the fiscal year 2007/08 in the amount of $4,922, for a total 2007!08 contract amount of $54,137 for additional special tax administration services. C. On July 24, 2007, the City approved the Second Amendment to the Agreement extending the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2008. D. On October 9, 2007, the City approved the Third Amendment to the Agreement increasing the amount of payment for the fiscal year 2007108 in the amount of $9,270, for a total 2007108 contract amount of $63,407 for additional special tax administration services. E. The parties now desire to increase the amount of payment for the fiscal year 2008109 an additional $4,461.37 for a total 2008/09 contract amount of $59,680.63 for additional special tax administration services and extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 2. Section 1 -Term is hereby amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall commence on May 23, 2006, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2009, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Section 4a,- Payment is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment, as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based on actual time spent of the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. The First Amendment amount shall not exceed Three R:1Finance\Purchasing~Agreements.07-08.M-Z\NBS.Spcl Tax Admin.Amend3.FIN07-02 10/09/07 1 Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Five Dollars and No Cents {$3,365.00) for additional special tax administration services. The Third Amendment shall not exceed Nine Thousand Two Hundred Seventy Dollars and No Cents ($9,270.00) for additional special tax administration services. The Fourth Amendment amount shall not exceed Four Thousand Four Hundred Sixty One Dollars and Thirty Seven Cents ($4,461.37) for additional special tax administration services. The maximum amount of payment under this Agreement shall not exceed the total Agreement amount of Fifty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Dollars and Sixty Three Cents ($59,680.63)." 3. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full farce and effect. R:IFinance\Purchasing~Agreements.07-08.M-Z\NBS.Spcl Tax Admin.Amend3.FIN07-02 10/09/07 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA BY: Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Janes, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Consultant: NBS Attn: Greg Davidson 32605 Highway 79 South #100 Temecula, CA 92592 Phone: 951-296-1997 Fax: 951-296-1998 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: {Two Signatures Required For Corporations} 3 Attachment "A" Below hereto and incorporated herein is the revised District Administration Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2008109. Consultant shall be paid based on the fee schedule added thereto and set forth in full, but in no event shall the total sum for fiscal year 2008/09 exceed $59,680.63 for the total term of the Agreement. Exhibit B -Payment Rates and Schedules Revised District Administration Fee Schedule (Special Tax Administration Contract Price Update) District # District Name Base Fee 07108 + CD 10% Contin Council Approved FY 08!09 FY 08109 DM Ad"ust. Total FY 08109* CFD 88-12 Ynez Corridor $ 7,022.70 $702.27 $ 7,724.97 $0 $ 7,724.97 CFD 01-2 Harveston A & B $ 8,583.30 $858.33 $ 9,441.66 $1,370.80 $10,812.46 CFD 03-1 Crowne Hill A & B $ 7,542.90 $754.29 $ 8,297.19 $882.85 $ 9,180.04 AD 03-04 Wolf Creek $ 7,022.70 $702.27 $ 7,724.97 $1,823.86 $ 9,548.83 CFD 03-3 Harveston II $ 7,022.70 $702.27 $ 7,724.97 $383.86 $ 8,108.83 CFD 03-6 Rori au h Ranch $ 9,623.70 $962.37 $10,586.07 $0 $10,586.07 CFD 03-2 John Warner Rd. $ 3,381.30 $338.13 $ 3,719.43 $0 $ 3,719.43 Totals $50,199.30 $5,019.33 $55,219.26 $4,461.37 $59,680.63 CD =Continuing Disclosure *FY 08/09 are estimated. 4 ITEM RI~J. 5 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Parcel Map No. 34715 Legacy at Redhawk Dan York, Deputy Director /City Engineer PREPARED BY: Chris Vlahos, Junior Engineer- Land Development RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve 1) Parcel Map No. 34715 in conformance with the Conditions of Approval 2) Subdivision Improvement Agreement and accept the Faithful Performance and Labor and Materials Bonds as security for the agreement, and 3) Subdivision Monument Agreement and accept the Monument Bond as security for the agreement. BACKGROUND: Parcel Map No. 34715 is a one (1) parcel subdivision map for condominium purposes for 97 residential condominium units on 8.9 acres within Planning Area 13 of the Redhawk Specific Plan, generally at the southeast corner of Deer Hollow Way and Peach Tree Street. Certain street improvements associated with the development of this map are required. The survey monuments are required to be set. The owners of the property: Artisan Communities, LLC A California Limited Liability Company. On February 7, 2007, the City of Temecula Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 34715, with the appropriate Conditions of Approval. This final map is in conformance with the approved tentative parcel map. Artisan Communities, LLC A California Limited Liability Company has met all of the Conditions of Approval. The approval of a final subdivision map, which substantially complies with the approved tentative map, is a mandatory ministerial act under State Law. The site is currently vacant. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Development Fee Checklist 2. Fees & Securities Report 3. Project Vicinity Map 4. Parcel Map No. 34715 CITY OF TEMECULA DEVELOPMENT FEE CHECKLIST CASE NO. PARCEL MAP N0.34715 Staff reviewed the following fees relative to their applicability to this project. FEE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Flood Control (ADP) Paid. Development Impact Fee This fee will be collected prior to issuance of building permits. CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEES AND SECURITIES REPORT PARCEL MAP N0.34715 DATE: Mav 27, 2008 IMPROVEMENTS FAITHFUL SECURITY PERFORMANCE MATERIAL & LABOR SECURITY Street and Drainage $ 1,253,500.00 $ 626,750.00 Water $ 223,000.00 $ 111,500.00 Sewer $ 288,000.00 $ 144,000.00 TOTAL $ 1,764,500.00 $ 882,250.00 Monumentation $ 7040.00 DEVELOPMENT FEES RCFC&WCD (ADP) Fee $ Paid Development Impact Fee $ *TBD SERVICE FEES Planning Fee $ 319.00 Fire Fee $ 226.00 TCSD Fee $ 155.00 Plan Check Fee $ 3,557.00 Monumentation Inspection Fee $ 300.00 Fees Paid to Date $ 4,557.00 Balance of Fees Due $ 0.00 *To Be Determined 'Tl C~ 7 9 ~, -~ ~, ~ ~= m ,p ~ ~ ~p Q Pc,S Foy ~ ~ ~ yyc REDS WK PKWY, ~~P~ 9A \~~ RD 'p,~~ ~p~~-fit F~ q'L F ~'~ cy~~~sq 15 ~~ ~' AWK QK~ ~~ C o~ L RED ~ Z o~q y ~o~~'p`N o O'9 16 ~~~ NOT TO SCALE ~ ~~~~ PROJECT SITE ~~ti ~~ VICINITY MAP N.T.S. TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SECTION 28 S.B.M. & M PARCELS: t SrEEr 1 CF 8 SHEETS LEITEAED LOTS: ] A A 4 715 RECCNiDEft'S STA71]ENT ACREAGE: 6.,tD A< • . i;LEa TN~S _ DAY Or 2009 REAGE: 2.G0 "° IN THE CfTI' OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RNERSIDE Ar Y h BOOK_CY FARCEL YAPS, R OE COHDOAnHR)Y UNITS: 97 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AT PACE AT nlE REOVES'. CF THE CRY cLFRK fA rNL cr.Y a itutc;n,A cc`r, A sunortsrr+ cr n PoaTyl DF PARra 20 or PAGC=L YAP TN1- 2AJ97, A; ~.rTWU a1 A YaF rL~D I`: !a. PCCAt 164, PA ;ES 5 iHPCI.l1 7D, ING L:.",F GF PAF~I YA :,. IY"Cn.f5 OF RNFRSC£ C!)Uhi7, i1i'FORtI'A rtE ADAMS - STRELTER, CML ENGINEERING, INC. JAN A iADAMS, R.C.E 21687 IFRNY W- Waco. ca.~Fltt n55E55oR. CLERK AND RECORDER DAIS Of SL/RVEY: AUGUST, 2006 AND NOVEl18ER, 2006 Rr- O(T`Jtt FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES sunrsr}r+ GuARro. rr: FlFST AiffRIC lft TITLE COMPANY xE rI ~v_DV slAr ~HAr m Ake Tht CNIIENS a nrE LAND :NauD_D Wf*>+ nn :.UDUVSSpr :IIONl1 r.i RFON: THAT WF ARE n.{ ONLY PFPSfktS WIOSF Cfe.".,ENT I$ NEl£SSAVI IU PASS L11:AN it ilf :U SNO LAH`J. THAT m CV.SENf IU THE YMING AW RCCC/%D"c .'Y nVS $DOGINSICN YAP AS 910'/!1 Wn1IN nl[ dST.NCTIVF T10RpCR IMC. xE Ir_;=-ar ~E nlcA:t ro Pu6uc u;t Euf sTRttr AND ruLClc url:sv f':T~~oss Lor 'A' (DEER N!ILLON WAY) ANp L07 "B" (PEACH TREE STREET) m LSO NEREAY UEpCAIE TO DUBITD USE AN EASEMENT FOR PVERIf, Ui!U TY PURFOSES ARU LY pTESSJECRESS FOR CNERf.EI1CY AhD STRVfi VLmCtC ACCCSS CUR OSES AS SNDVM rl[4F pl A$ A Cp,L`!nON p :OT 'A' (CFSR HOLLOW WAY) ANU lOT "6" (: F.AGr TREE STREET), 711E ONN[TtS ? PAR[fl ARIITTJif, nl'S IIIGI WAY AHD OI1Rt4f.:,1:fN nYE WI L HAVE NO RIGHT; Cf ACCESS E+CEPi fHE (7_NERAL EASEuENT W f4AV£L E%CEPr p1E 1600 COpT A.CCEiS CFEt:ING CH CEER HCAI OA' WAY AS SNOAN ANU IN?. 6a.8/ iGS`I AI,D 57.'A TOOT ACTS; OFENINO G'1 PEACH 1RE£ STREET AS l+UNfL. ANY CHANCE CF AUCJ+VENi CR WatN INAT 4ESU.IS IN r:lE VACAfICN nM1_REa' :HALL I7XYINAf"_ iN5 CpIDIRp1 Or ACCESS RI(x/TS AS TD THE PART 'J0.CATE0 `-'lce ff C,:=:i.'•N. .'f_:=.:!?_ '~ f:~Tw'.:: `." Nt. NEREb Y~pEDiU :E 10 RANCHD UUf ORNIA WATER D:S1R'CI ('G151K.C I'j A I'EkPE 7UAL CASEY[Ni ANp RIGHT CF W.4Y :0 CfXISiRUCT, YAINTA'!i, Ei.LAFGE. I.`tCCNSTRUCT. R[LOYE AND PEPLAEE. fxEPATE, IN :PEG'. REPAIR, IYfFCvF AND RELOCATE WATER FACUnES, ALL A$ SHOWN ON I'ri; `_- YAi' WDIIN n!f SI:EiGiY1SCM AtiO CF 9fNATI.D "WA iFR FA`.FYIN 1" GEOICA TEC' HERECN ^.ED'EP xt [- iNE k!Cafi (F PCCES$ HO A`YJ FRUV SAID EASEN:. r.' F.".R Rir :URPU`Y C( F%F RC: :'NC Tiff P.ICJIIi CPAN iEU IN SAID EA:?EUEhi OMIER F'E iA:N$ THE P:(>Hi TO USE THE EASENEIiI AREA i'RUYGFJ INAT ON.EN SHALL NOi CONS iFLCI CR ERSCT ELLLD NGS. YASp:N't 'N+_L5. YA',C<JJRY FENCES AND OTHfR STRUCTL'Ri` OR 14Pk0'vFWriTS, f:R PI Arli [Nt fPOW' iR?f$ OP. 51.4UB5, CR b1Ar.CE iNE SURfACF f.HAUE fp INST+TL PRIYA'ELY OMiED f`.REJ•iCS WM(x;T THE FNIpt W+1 (TEN CCN S_Nr fS IMF JIS .-. OWNER: aRnslw LecACr. LLc. A asFabw luerG ;wDU nr !bfs`ANr Br: ARnSAN COMMUNRIES, LLC. A fjj)i CFC1Y 111rD ! VBIIfIY COY'Ntf ITS~:/~YfYRFR EIY: FLY3L ; K;IA ~ RS uFLEER :?u ww was T+IPARFD fn YE oR ur.,R'Tt w ENRECncN A1O s BASED uPDn A NEID sulaET N CCTf ORLIWC! Wl 1.1 IIR RlCVaFJ4NR' a 114 AFAtF,4aCN YM ACl AND lOClL ORDINANCE Ai 111E PEOL£5t OF P.El4A'/. COMIAiN^:ES. MC., A GldC1Z4N COF.F112AIYiN, ON A,G S, 20.'16. I !~R>,BY iGF DSAT Nl VJMJSENiS AkE C! D;E CItNAC1EN A\11 OCCL'fA' TIY GpSL!KZb w'KATCD UR RYT THEY NRL ~ SET PP.ICR tU fFbRI.WTr', 20'C PR M1fYN : rFAR FiNJU PENT'YIIG C< 4\ WTIN n£ COLritt PE CL:'.k N. if2 VOr.'WEpISli+f, 0+ Nil bt, y"r*ICRN' f0 JJNLI IK 9.'IhEY ID dE F£'t6ACEU, N+0 'SAT ;-TS ('NA'_ Y4''suB'SCH/ftLLr COriFOR5t5 TD THE CaiG7E~NAl1Y ,'F: V.TD 'ENTAP.£ YW- TN6 S_.<t.EY I$ :F',: NE7 COYf;E1ED A$ 91DwN- Mlrt`. g-" L QRCECSfiOf.. . Zca ,~~~A AD{~, f ~ =' 'N: r6a7s ~. DFINES # SQI. 70. 10tH / , ':~ crva ~~ ~. ,vN waif. -v N.~' '` tf CAtitG GP- DATE: 9J5'%M RANCHO GAUFORNIA WATER DISTRICT ACCEPTANCE STATEMENT: 1 HERE dY STATE IMAI INE E,A-`24EN IS DEUIf.AIED ON rtes YAP 10 Nfi RANDIO CAUf DRNIA WATER DISTRICT ARE HEREBY ACLEP fED ANO 7NE DuSTRICT CCNSENR TO THE NECONDAl10N :HEREOF' BY :r; DVLY AV DIORf ZED OFFICER. B~. 9RADTr 4G NC 4TAE M~r4~bF4 TAX BO ^EREDY CnDFY nIAT A PbVO IY DIE .UY OF I{_ NA$ dEFr. L%LCIJTFD A\D FILED WIN INE BOARD CA SUHERNSORS CF INE CCVNIT OE Rn£R9DE. CALIF OF•~t1A. Cp.01 T1CNED UP'.f: IY.E PA ntNi Cf ALL TANF S. STATE COVNIY YU\.CPAL OR :CN..AL AND ALL S:{C1Al A$S['i`.+fEN T`.; CU„CC'FP A TA%F5, WNif.N AT '•fi nYC Of .IUNC Of D•:S YA? WM DHC CUJNIT FECL:EtUER APE A L~LtI gGANST SAID FRG'EN fY ITJT NJI rET PAYAFAF AND $IVD BpiO NAS PEEN CJ_Y AFr'o0'.•:~ DY SA'D DOARU OF S.TLRVISORS. STRATFORD RANCH PARTNERS, LLC, A GfuwARL ul: r_U UAtlIJit C(RAPANT, AS DE tiF F.~Ak1 UNDfR ~FEEI f:F Ti ~? FFI.DRDEO Y.AY 31. 100] A$ INSrRUYENT N0. 2(A']?-r:.'.E•C]NI OF C3F1','IA_ REl!f ;1C. ME dFNEf ICIAL Pi FERES'$ mRE A55TGVE0 dY I;:YL~YE!.T kCCJRC: •: VAY ~„ rOi AS INS.'RVYENi NU. 200)-0.56016?. P' Or.1GIAL RFC[ac-_ iT'!: ESA STRATFORD PARR4ER5, L P., a r~FO?N'a L'YIID P1Rt1rSF5NP, rtS YNV!,IKC uE)A[iCR Br-. ENTREPRENEURMIL-SHEFFIELD ASSOCIATES, LLC, A Oi TAWAM IIYIIIO IAL41a/ CCYVAN" ITS: CCrvfP:.' r'ARiNFR dl: CDPPFTNEURVL rc'L°EADF.S CCFY'VR.IrICN, A hEYAlN. Ca!tCfull ` -- __ - -- PANOI:L C LCCC f17E51DEM sY: sflemEw coYYxaes. Pc. Irs- YEtIBER 9r- _ ~- f'J.ri Y. ~, x PR~jACNI TEMECULA VALLEY BANK, A$ BEhU1CART VNOER ICED f{ TF~$T PCCOFGED A/l+C 22. 2007 A$ INSiRLWfNT NG 200]-OA01232 OE ffTlr~~ALCAR.E~CORGS TRIG. F}.ECUDVT V',CF FRCSIDEM IRArArv.r IL` 5l DTNMi 66456 UI f18 SUECAYF.RW YIP ACI Ilff SICEYTURFS Cf i!( iC(FONNG DAN£k5 P' EASFYENS AND/Ofl OTHER N1ERE515 EVLE ikFN OYTTED I A R[ t OF WAY FCA ttTCHES AIU CAN4S itlPN'.E$ A$ f115FRYT0 DY TNF lal:FO STATES OF lJIEPM.I ti TIIE PAiFH: REGORGED PARCH IA, 19A4 N BOGC 61., PACE 567 CF OF (GV: NDT ~ ROTTED -~ P,ECORC; 2. AN FASUIENI fCfi aJ(E TINES, COK1LtIS, UNk RGk0UN0 IACSJIES Ni0 IhCIOCRIAL RURFCbES, 0: ?ALCWt Cf WNONN~I EIECIRIC It1AER COIMAIff, RECOFmlD WY 2. 1917 AS BOLA( 8}a, PILC 162 D< O.R (f}tJYT [tE (DG1FJ FROU M ;ECORO). 3. IN FAS'wENi FOR F9lE IINFS, CaAAAIS, IlNT1EflOROUND fACUTIES VIII INCI[4NIAE PUFP05E5. A fAVt7f OE GL110RNN EllC1RIC PaRCR CYIYPIXY. PECORDED JANIyRI 23, 1951 IS CUOt 1238. PILE E9 U DR. (CANNOT ~ L9CAlEU /ftOY R4 Mf+'DRD) ~. w,V fJSEASAN' ~JC FL'frL',' :"'L/>r[> .' 'n'C "'f ~v; /iL ~'CT°O5E5 :<"JI'.^F .~Ji /5'n Sr,FUMENS ~L.o. p)-SSQSG7'Of rOff~C.AL'4ECO.FCS, NOTARY ACKNOWlFOGMENTS: SEE 4HCFT H0. 2 PRDSCIEO SFCna1 Zd. 1.85. R.2 N. SB BhY C.t91 iAx dpJ PAUL uCDONNEy COlal rY IAN C..l_~CTON BY:_ DiauTT \-ARCM PC'uEaO CLERK :> n.E d0AN0 P' AIPCRY.SORS BY: DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE: •rERFUY CEPDFY DIRT ACCYN:OWC TD tHE PE COR,IS G" TNiS OFECF. A$ OF TH+S DATE. DIERE AF£ hD LIENS AGAINST INE CkC('Ek TY sN:WN P`I 1NE WT>r'N MAT' FCn VNDAID STATE, CCUNiY. V,INrCDAi OR ;GCN TAxFS OR :,PCCAr w$:S S!'AAFNT$ C:%I FCITD AS TAatS, E%CDT TA%E$ OR SPE(?AL AS$ESSYEN7S Co1EC1EU A5 iA%CS NUW A !TEN Bui 1:01 TCT RAYABIE. MN:CM ARE CS^YATED TO B_ t OT: D~uTY I .E7i BY STATi ' ~•: fr;L w•v ::)r,'a ~IUA: OF F~~117 (N1 ,ti ['s IIAi itFEN f)MFMFU ftt YF OR UNDER W SL6`ER45SION =A^ ICH. rvn ._ _ S!:36TMfIL•~E" 1!IC SWE =_. F ePPEAPCC CN iHC iET A^.e Y4 OF cAkx wv rz~ ~~:r ~s uLL,.c,G Irc'ka.EC ~; HIE c"• _< t!YlcuLA ?i IEDkDANY ). 2002, nR. EFPR41F1N CA!F ::'rP; F;flkuAh '. ;0111, TENT NI TYnr:'ixY:; OF Ar`Fl.CXlE SiAfE Uw AKJ CITY P?0._L CN. !-A._ 3~EN C^NL"H.-' W1iM. Nil !'Y. 1 fAl J7~"'^ 'µAT TN5 1lAP LS IfCYA21:1Y CORRTCT wTE¢ sooa Cwti~ A YCl7', R.C.E. 45212. L.S. 1962 -- C"' lNGifF IR. C:IT a II Ylf.:11A E%?RATON DOTE 3/?tj [n9 THE GIY CLY AVL:t p III! C!Y OF II YI CUI F, :ii:i DI CNX~rNl (tt i!+ .Tr Cif R%, R=J.V W JaQ$, Y4C iQFCHY aPPRO.'E$MEP.4':'SL YAP nh~A~if"]~!!u!1F50•id~:<: /,pf :`/._"=;Pf R/iGf O1Y 55 JY AkJ Lc" :": %E/.'-4 Yn'Lf S'Ef::' A)J.^,f Nr.<'EOF /:X ~Uy:.'i .Mii:± a•:~ .i-dii:.'[. 'Y !''+'o(N~S S~'JIfC' TO MM<"/:YAfF1'l' ::1LK1RL'L; l ~ /t'ACL(X J:'~:- :,'; s:4'.f ~: fY .s: Ar~J4. s nF VSD acct: r ; Ne OE:.-::Anew O.`E45En'Erors ' P'6LC _%,x,: r vpuYL^,~E3 aM1 i,'i+'E~Sj F:/LS%.'.--1'E:+'LC,.f.~'GY A`'"'+-OFF /':'E 1_N'GLC.i==f_~S /+!.YJ.K ii.'EO A'EK'01' ,H ",.^~ -_._ ___ _:,f G`.tEC :.. n~..,,.ya.~vO.`JS.::i!!A'S .(','CiHS Of,4„!L'ESS ~_~ .mss+. _. 1^l5' lt-Tl"4V7 f_ J,; r_.. ti_.~Ai J£O.'^.lT~'1 /,F4LOti~ OALFD: . ICCFt bY: _ _ _ SUSAN W JONES. M.YC OIY CLFRA, RfY a IEYEC.AA PAACEIS: 1 `~° `°~ 2 PARCEL MAP N0 34715 ACREADE_ 6.9a k . :REACe 7.60 Ac IN THE Cf1Y OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RNERSIDE R Of CUN[N)YINSUY UNf15: 97 STATE OF CALIFORNIA eECr a suacrnoN aF a Fr~na; of Pt CE: :c of P;aaE w~~ No- :a3al, as ~~r~wN cw ; Yu~ IIIFD iN EAUK 164, PAGES 5 IHRCUv! 2G, R;CELSI.~ OF PARGEE LAPS, ftECi7~'GS P RNEF '~E CUUNTY, i:,LIFURNN ADAMS - STREETER, CML ENGINEERING, BJC. JAN A ADAMS, R.C.E 21687 DATE OF SURVEY: AVGUSr, 2006 AND HWEIIBFR, 2006 Sr.,ET 2 O~ 9 SF+~ETS FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES NorARY ncKNOwIFOC-1Exr: STATE 6 G11iUR1AA G'G,xrr OF SAN ~IOv /} CN iNS ~3 CNY OE -~P{c~±r bliL _. Y47. t#fCa>< uE_ ~',o.PldA rayi~d,{_~i~_ A NOTAF! i'UDUC. PF_R50laN1T APFfIF.E~ ~ l- _~___....._-..__. _ ..._.~FY __ ~~ _~~__-_ PE~SCNNIY 1(NCMN i0 YE (AR-PRG1'FD-F911E a. it£ bt95 CE SATISFACi(Yir FeOENCFj TO PF 1NE PERSrn(s) wno~ rwt{s) s/A1i1 wescPem ID -.a M?nsn u.<rewort ARD AywNrcoaD rD uE THAT NE/S/S/iNE1 EiRCU'ED ~ SALE RI I15/I~T?/nIRFi AUDICPoA~D GPACIfY(S). HID IIiaT Bf ur;;ltx/INw+'.~G11AIGkE~ al 1!{ xrRUUFnr IHI F1RTU1IS), aN nc ENnn uPCN DLNNf a wNlat nt PER:(N,(;) ACTm, E.~wrv nlE n;Tw.,v:?r;. WITNESS w! ~tA.vt: ANU filKV~[~ /Y~" ~ ..C4IF[F I!f PWCaA~ PV.CE~pF ft1SP1E5S ~~~ N HT' PU[R1C A'L ~R :4D~;~1A'[ 5 IN SAY '~?~'w"D~Ky ~.. ~f~ A ~1 o~i.(o2- /i-+'i~~ yr CODUr>,rON ExP.s~ NOV /S~.Zd/O yr COL~V:StOII A./la'4R /7GO3/b NOTARY ACKNOWLEDCiMENT~ sl,17E C+FG~/Fae v„r ~ ss LOCWTY Gam ~ 4_ _^~ ON 7H/S~.1A'CA`~,y~y~2R~7, BffLRf l~ ~-1st. 11i (~~y, s r~ A ,av77ARY RcM/C, IER,SOv;ICLY f7lfJREO ~~1 _ _.x/11 4f 7/lEIERS..'1sig, il' ~N~K:,(CJ ,'S//AY5UE5C-C~fD 7O '+= wi'Th.'l,V <aS7.PU'1fA'TAvp ,(bxmir'=fJGfO i7J/Lf .±a'A°NE/f.Mrj ~.a~Y E/-K:-:?O iNE Af,.i'.S%Sf~T.'(iKAY12isMl!/' un+un;~sJ,,I.;~ ra,-er.c~a/r,: v~;-~sa si:,..YUas(sJ av ~,:_<wsneo~e v> >.~E TR.^ia?'~ ae7HE EvTJTY UAJN 3f.~t< F Of 41xY.r 1J!'FPEw'sav~AGlO, EYECUT:a 7,.E ns.'~r,EAT i11/?..N~E__SS NY nus:7.a~r~ (rF,L,%r= SEat ~oi~n.~e.v~wvfae`suvs E 'r'firnr.+ier.'ACeaFavsarLSs L/se-/n ~WDtUrJT M'LO4dS5.f1/fXY,'K~S-~nLS 2010 ifw'r,vv-E rrco-.Yksso-v,'AZexlfv /(o727H~ NOTARY ACKNOWLEOGMENi: S'AiF Cv GVIFON.tUA 55 CCI.Ni? a I~~~ryyff(~AAUaa...ff{[[L~~~ t ON nG ~ ;Ni G {a,a• .7007. EFFaIE YF, ~~ ~!"'~~ A NO?AFf PU[41C. FQ..pIW1Y APf4MID '/*~'- `nT.` y 14R".1iJ1d1T NNf:W!1 t0 Yl. (ItiI 1TffAff) ;Ia;fa-i:~F+S:E) IC !a_ nl( RI!SOe.isj Mb`.{ 1NW 1~ I`/N+f `;Af,{;F!IUU tC :1S WIi-Ntll MS +LNi III V_, NY-tIGMtIIIC~I:~ '~ Yi rNAi HE; sHE/TMEr ~cECU?ED IeF `1LE N e15/N~raa wn+o~"u GPrnrrEc.;. N,o rK,r sr Ib/wZ/'ak+N yauTUNELdI a+ nr mINIANNT ne PCRSON~. oP na ENnrr t`'ny utlt•L ;,; W?9Q1 nq PIRSwIS) AefID. ExEa>;m nc INSTa,A[xi. W/fnT'N(~/E155, DUr ~~o HIS :~ti,lu $FlE _! "_ _ ._ ___ NY FlviCk'K Fl1LE Ca WSYESS HOT/Rf PU9UC itl N7 F~5'ATE IS N ll /E.fS/dE Ca,'NiY _~4q,Q.G f? ~11~..T7 2- LY CAN ~;Atll u~.~ES 9~6~//-- L1 'CY4`.':I:Y, N'.IY~= IIJ¢1F9; NOTARY ACKNOWLEDCMENi: SA1F rc GL'~CRtaA ~ ~ ~ - I:DI?1tt ~ ) • ON T1iS 1d~ CAT Ci ~'v _ '00T/ FFyf.E 1F_. /1J{LysL~e~ A 110LiR? RIUU::, `E?_-0W~IIY MPFM.ED _...I~d~LHfC~j-C~- ~.ff~/-_ FfP50M(lT KNOWN r0 LF (UR FR0.1D 10 Y: ON i!6 fYu15 CF SAP3ALiORY ENOFNCE) 10 DE ?NE FER.,CI{iJ WHOSE tJLE('sJ"I$/bftC SL65OP.DED r0 7I( WR1i1N NSiR61FNI Alb AO'NGNLEDOED TO YE TrNT HF/9CjfyH'EA000IED IIK SWE N N6/!~/ruElrE IJJfWfAlED GPACIY(/F3), AND INA.i BY 1C~/3PjiE}1R SN.NARIRE(E~ a/ iK 7151P1;lENT TIf PERSON(eJ, OR T4C ENnn 14a1 DEIYLF OE •?W71 ~a rLRS(N(i1'~:.ItD. EYCCJ'ID ne INS:v,AENI ,,.W~1I/TNESS ~ ~Nt !_Vt:~ ~tvG~OFF~[,~x7/~-»d (_!3.S.fll7LLL~4i5.}!i4YSJ _ ___ Y! I4WKS'N PIACE 0: BUSNF SS N7/7~~I~f hhh ([~/IN A!r I/pH_SA/JJ ~:'i ~/ IS dl OR4.VfrE ~UNTf /lCirC~PI~~K i-L~LLL.S ~D..._ __ W COON ExFxSi~lY/~.4~'~ZD ~~ FmhT rM.Rw1fE WY crA~cttuN t;,lu~a /733 :/G~, PARCEL MAP N0. 34715 SHEET 3 of B SHEET IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~iF:G h SUBth X01: CF ~ =C4710M1 Of FiF.CFI 20 Gf F:,F~EL NAP N Za391, :S SNOMT7 CN S Y~ F7CE:^, ~: L91E DATA UBLE fJCgN 164, PAGES v TNROI,GN 20, Rr~c ~Sh'E OF PA~..^2 YAPS, 9::^RCS OF R'.fRSICf COUNTY. CAUFORM1A ~ Y° Y -1- ' . ~ AOAYS - STREETER, CML ENGINEERING, INC..LW A. ADAMS, R.C.E 21687 151 1 A/ 'P -~ ,a, 12N s:4 YtA R1 _ DATE OF SURVEY: AUGUST 2008 ANO NOVEMBER 2006 rr . a~vE a T ~ P,, A~` ~ , :,,, ,,,,,,~ o~ ! ~ 2~1'-1 BOUNDARY CONTROL SHEET ba - .t ~' ~ P2 c1 orao!• aASi _+amao r~ FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES ~'t `- ~2" .34 C! 4,11 1DO.cawR R? - BOUNDARY SURVEY MAP T.. Z'. -F1~IM R2 97rA i3 - ' a7 Y!A 117 ~ - , _ _ ! 2S 9 7 141.4 M. W.i ,'Q) ~ ,, ~p ~ ~T ws~ _ I x 4 a (ris _- 'SLJ ~ J'V.fYAC - ~N'}'IS 11q-' '~' ~-~ ~ I ='=-RVn N7 ~iF 21x.61 '• UJf Y.f= w r;_t L__._'r' u P t- 3 ~_~ - ' 97.1a vti ~lu..= - BASIS OF BEAftINCS: / Pe, 5lt » dJ~d~-' ~ ~. t1~, pwSS 6 D +. ~ .-u.N NEFE;rI MF ,/V ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRVNT NOTE: i ~ FLSED Crl h. : n f OEFA IL U.Ow ~ S 5 I I (6.s ~ ) fi188 R.) t !1 - wAY. A$ IDAV G 1 -.L r0 73C65-! Y P. It' .bl..5 GJC-OC ~' ~ E .i i l I ~ r1„1PC+aGh Al Rh 'Ae,' ~~~ ^ - 181/71 ,P _~Inc r.1-.. _ C ~ • i `[ i,..! ~ •1' t 1 f.;f561 Pa S' / / i - t?s !1' 2949 I`AO 00 A3 ' ~ ... iii - IEE- A.TC M 7 5 Y:F ~~ •4 .5 Oh F.F C! ih C"i CE GF ' ' / . , x n P? .282 Ra t 14 d l!.i / INE C^Y ENph ELR C'7: :~F ~i tFS~CwN w EC.S ~ 0 ".J1J`rr ~_4~ _ ' 1951 Yiq P! ~(~\ _A E'a3(M1_ PALE'+S k'FEC~S Ati PA4G; l5. - ~~ ~ '-~',/ 1 4 LJST Of ABBREVIATIOKS I ,' ~~_ \ / ~ _\N ~ ~ ` \ S.F.N.-S1P0~ FCUNG rum v; , ~( 1 ~ n /~ ~ ~ \~• -~ / ' I "E~ ~rfj. / ~ ON.-OCNN \ ~~/ ~~ //• -_-t _, ~ \ 'E A~ YSR-uEISI'~fJ U10 ?ECJ%: -~~~ _ _ " ~ ~ ~ / ,c~Q~`Q~.N'0 - ~ ~t =, it" ~p T' 1 4J _-_--~ I ~' ~ ' \+ ~ EASEMENT NOTES: (~ EA$ENENT DEDICA-EO FLT . / ~ , ' ~E~ ~ F'UOUC u m PCRPO`x'> , ~ 4` I ~ ~a -~ Y ~ ,~ . _ y _ ` ~ .± a ANO INGF~55/EGRESS F[~ CuERCEr~' AND 5E';.rE ~ ~ ~~` / `N- ~ ya a tee ~ , ~ i4 f ~~ NiN COURT .F.REti E +:.CESS PU?R,~ ~ W ,.` ,,'l~ ~J - C; ^~-f\ .--- ~St ~ ~ \ ~°, --'_ r: El.'"NFN• DE'JMa'EC TO `~ PYnCNC C.IkORNA Na1ER 14./ ~ ~•r _ O8 "rw'C. II ' I,' ~,ti ~~N - ~,r~- c 015- ~. FJR NAIER CwES ANO MP~-^.iWNCE '' + 1 `~"~ ~ ~ / ~ - - I G unun EASEUan crunro ;o sas E~ L U R " ~~ ~) G n A FUA EL60N v O C04PAVr, RFC."RD[D 8/31/07 % ~ ,- . N _ INS. ND- 2oo2-assesc2 /. L< ~~~ ~ i oR; / ` ,~ ;l ~ j . 1 ~ . _ - \S' _ ~ ' ' ¢ -F 8114N OOU(iT ' IL 1, ~ ~ ,l .' ~ r J , ~ F~ y1 e - ~ 1 ~~' -- 6~ '~ 14, - - ~ _ 8j ~ - ~ ~, ~.1 ~N. f ~ 8 ~ ~ g ~ ~• ' ~ri ^ ~ a , 'L` ~ Q ~ ~ 1 ' C ~ 1, Q s ~' rr.~gFO ~~o _ og2 ~F, io m ~ ~, - - fr.• ti'1 •'1v w,'PUC ~ ~ ~ F 3's ~, ~ 16151-. On c 11' 1\ ~~. ~~ ~ ~; f - ~,, ,.~ MONUMENT NOTES• SEE DETAIL 'E~~_-- r- • ~NDxj-ES FouvD IrxJYC~T A5 tar:DSRr. 7 -- ~ - }} \ ~,> .;~ p ~,nclu-E5 SFhRLHFC Feurm norRwe. ~ Y I,P. ~ ~' _\i~ ~~ \ ~ - rACCe• 'R c E 21 sar nL~F cR FE/D AnD Tti. I ~ ~~----"" w.Al!U Ti C.E. ?".+'%- CF SPWE A+0 HASHER iq'„`,R• ' \ ~~ .•_r}~ 'R.C E. 1'EE7' unCESS C!NERnSc NJ>Z. ' N ~. • IN"AfATES FDUND '/1- SAASS C15C N/ %1NCN ~ \ C}~ MA18!i'v BLS. 4547-, Fli~•I PER Ri , 1 I \ •\d •w:.ICA. cS FOUNO 1 '%2• [WAS; D".f. ~/ PJNC! °= ~ ~ YUWE7 LS. 45A7-, RLSN iEF LE+rCJ.`E O." ~ ~ 5 L4)__ - CORRECIOn DOC. 1 1DD5-01124 28 GR_ REC. 1'~, ~ r. ail??Y-~- ~-~ FEBRIx=+' 2J. ?D:::ra TR ti?. ?~fS-1. N8. ~'" ?81/1'-79 INCKARS FOUND P ~. hAi, NO '/C, P~LSN NO ~ I~SFK ~ -. SEE DETAIL ~A~ ACCE9iEL` .OR FCSIM1r•4 NJKJl7ED f11 Ylf. ^ ., ~ '- SREET 8 SVRVEY NOTES: 5'.. ~., ~ , •+- 1n,x;atES Rt[. Luu PER CFx+alurF a ccwRicrrn '~. '~~., ~ COC. /:005-00Aty,, RLC Ytl 19, 200.1 FOfl ~ ~', TRACT Y]. 13065-s. Y.B. S3C/71-+4 b ~' 1 . 21= INGU FEC. CAA PER 1'.JCT tA. 11:h5-1, Y': 31,/12-13 `s. ,~ , 1 t}= wGU 5 PEC. CATA PER TRACT N0. ?3:f,5-1, Y6 181/21-78 \~$.~~ ~~,?/ ii- wDiU cs REC. CATA Fc? CRANF CEEU '0 TEYFCtJ.A ":tilL~' CNif 40 S.'NC4L xSTP.Li P.ECCNDED A,YI15T k, 7001 A5 ~ rp~ ~ ) ~ ~- INS~:vE!.' 40. 200?-4Fh813 O P. i` ' / Ys= wDIGI--~ REC. DAtA FER W 21787, ~ Y El 184/5-2: \ V ~- ~ r -v~ "j'~• 1 ~\/j !ry\ ~ ~ ~~ / f8- wDht PFC. D0.1A FER ti411i1GFF 6 CORNECTICN OOC. x~/ ~• \ -~ [b , i.' N0. ?005-D+42118 0~ REC(>ACEO Fib 13, ?005 ~09 TRACT ~ \ ~.k ;' ND 11E5-, Ne. 2s V2+-1e \%'o` ,,~ ~~. f L`- INDIG:ES RFC. DATA PER FASFYCHT PT[ JAN 1S, 2001 A5 \\ l .. ~.I Itb?R'J1g1.T NO, 10D7 ~itl ~/1 ~WIJ ~: IND~CAtlS ADUrT+.f>= Frc1F; CF aCCa:`, DEpCA~:C HEREON \ -~! _.u /~~~. R Ps \ \ ?t , ,, ~`,t ~. Jy ^`~%. ~, ~; / /~ ~ r.. ~~ 3T / , ~ O / VEC~fY MAP N.T.S. TOwNSMP E SOU1N, PIJICE 2 WEST, SFC`.1JN 2A S.B.Y. ~ Y /t. °~ e ~"~ PARCEL MAP N0. 34715 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RNERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA dE U{G A SUE`M.~.tUN CF a P(1piiUN t* PARCEL :C a 7ARC.EI YAP till. 713A 7, AS 5HClA`! C': ~ A1AP F:i ~ v! BOCK IGi, F+~fS 5 TF4. ;t{C`1 1U, iNCIUSIYE CF FFP.CEE I/APS, F'ECGRJS OF =.'.T_R9^.E CCnC:il', Cl~L1FGR`:J. AD415 - 5fREETFIt, CMl ENGRIEERINO, INC. ,IAN A. ALLAYS, R.C.E 21887 DATE OF SURVEY: AUCUSf, 2006 ACID NOVEMBER 2008 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES GNAYI{IC SC.Vl: ( IN iEEf ) :ncn r !0 It. cogj / i / 094 f ~ . c9 ~h QP /. PQ~ r // ~o ~~~ a / ~o~~ ~~ ti~ ~ / i' C ~' ~ ,' ~ I / \ / ~ h/ / \ ~ h~~~ / / / \ / i .~ / - / ,/; --~ ~-' ~'+/ O~ ~~ ~oyo~ ~ , ~~ ~ \\ \\ \\ \\ ~, ~ --oQ~_---~--- t=~.. ~ QP SHEET INDEX MAP u_ / // // ~ ~ li ~!~ 5 OF 8 s"~ PARCEL MAP N0. 34715 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA UEIVG A SUBDrASIUN D. A i'i;HIC'I C* :'A~tCE1 20 of rARCEI VAP ND. 2A,}A7, ti S110NlI (11 A M~ FEiLU IN DOOI! 16E, PACES r i~n~"JUGN 2O. 1.'1ClUS"rE 0: PARCEL N:F'S. HECDRDS ~ P^.tRSICf CIXl!:iY, Cp11FC.'t:bl ADAMS - STR£ETER, CML ENGINEERING, INC. ,W1 0. ADAMS, R.C.E 27887 DATE OF SURVEY: AUGUST, 2006 AND NOVEMBER. 2008 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES GRAPHIC SCALE 10 o t] ?C 60 f..'0 1 _ ( ,,: Feet 1 _, ~ ~ 1 - _- .: ' `~ __ ~~ \' ~ ' ~ 811.97%' ~{Nl.'Sl ~= 5: ~ waT]c'o(+I S~~ Oµ ' ~ ~ 0 1EOC_ ysro' H E -._ __ -- ^ -- -- Nrct»-r __- _.- `•0'%K~11 gIfNN ~ ~~• ~~-~__ ~' '• 11Cf~5 ~ {' Oy! WA'I j1T17 9v lu`J5- ~ ya1.90• ~%--~-i~,~ - _- - r ' \Bt OEfR HOIL i ,~. ~rr~~~is ~~ ~:4'rr_- ~'~`C~ - p.1TTY11TE _ __ _ _ `- I ; \~ ce .y<EIPl- ~ ~; ~S r..g-, ` 1 Yg~ ~Q~c~'' Tzsest cc ~ I! % 19 ~5{Ff ti , I a 1 i ~' fix/ /<~ S~a~' '~ ~~' ~ gar, l9`~ ~ `^ ~ I • ~ ~~ -' ~'~\,~ ' MT~i 1-'~~~y~~ Ft. l ~~~ ~1~'1 6 j, ~;yYSX - e~•f~~ ('~/? y~, t~,~sn.\~ I ~ L~~~t ~~" \ J ~\Id gl\iS~1 ~Ilf E % 1J7~~\~E i 9°~" / / \ 9/~~w~~~ ~ r~~~ C~ ~-'-i'9a' °tl r~ ~1\ to S 1 A9~ P.~~ i i ~1 \1•~t%C ~6. 1y ~ ~~.. ~ ~~ CO ° \ 1 ~,l~,n 1 1/~ e6c~~ y, 16 -~.i~al a11~yt ~ j \ya , f ; ',` QQ 3 'RI ~ u ~~^` ~E71 ~~- ., ,~ m` \ ; ' -~cva~'~ VA ~I,~,~,jslt yJ?~~-` W ~ ~ sl Y \;~, X31<r. ~,r r~E---ns~s c °' ;~ •ti* ~~'"y\~ `PC^ r v l= 1p +`` (n °_ 11 tw Cam'`' 15 \NE,S °'j~~i ~f~°~~1s ~-..c ~q /`~ syep~.~` ~s'"ti'(T .r'_ ~9 ~~ j~~ 0 '~~ W 9'Ctt ~';PS flUi - N 15 ~~~~~~ ~3i\C+P \ef I ~1,r ~~By / QY'G~ ~ <Y ~o ._~p.~," : e* icM1 /`$4 /~1 ~s \ / / ;E_ s ,! c YYY /$~ fG1 ~ w. (~-cb `'< ~ /~ !' _.. .-,\ ._ - -N80'28'.SS~ V '\i - ~S °S ~9 s~ \ Q _~ .\ ily ~~-~ ` ~,. _ ~3 ~- • c~' ~ - 'al\ i // _ -_ - Nti91' ,' SEE SHEET 6 JASM gNE}DRiVE LEGEND: -- '• - :'-0A(%JES AIt11TER' RIGHTS a ACCESS OEI7UTFD IIffL~ON. U n.9N'11E5 EASEVENT NOTES FfF'EH TO a1=~T 3 FOR FASEYEAT ff SCHIRIION. NOTES: SEE SNFiT R iCR CU/~ AVO UNE DATA LAjii ~i 2. SFF 51ffE' 3 FCR BG~9+AY, BA55 C+ 9fMIN' ~. Wt:VAIENT N!1TE5. SURYEI' tATES AVD FASLFIIT NOTFS ~` ,; DETAIL ° B" Isrs• .cuss DEER HOLLOW WAY " " NN36'Of1l MT76'Or•~ ~"~ LOT A zor~-- ssv~- ~~-~- N.ns'Ixr t~ISO• ~ ~ \ - 190.10" ~~ US ~-. ..~ •-_- MiCW'ti ~ T I 1-G6 1 _ t. ~ v ~-_-_ ' s - ~ 9.1. ~ ,f ~~_` \N1 __ 7161 - ....3i i:I'SYF 2d1T i~' •.1 -I_ SEE DEfAA 'F" v HEREOk RIVE JASMINE p mrls'N- - N1n3 ssr '_' 91• ` :"• 1 " " ~ DETAIL D r:ot r1~ .wt WE OR1E`,~ ~ JAS-~ ~.~yiVA1E ~ _ _- N1r]]'tCr 611.90 - / I I s DETAIL °G" DETAIL "C" t: ]" TO Sb.:F •~:~1 lU 5..~.= DETAIL "E" t:Ot TO :fl.:E 6 ~ B SHEE15 PARCEL MAP N0. 34715 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEINi, A 9JGUI'.'F1U:+ ti(A PORT'CN OF PARCCL i0 OF PARCEL NAP NO 2a3&7, AS SIh:AV ON A NA ERFC IN BOCt! t6a, PACES 5 'NROiIGH ~0, R.CLUSN'E OF PARCEL un ~. PECfr'7US C: Hf1ER51C£ CCJNIY, C.\e'ORNIA. ADAMS - STREER7t. CMl ENGINEERING, INC. JMI A. ADAMS, R.C.E 21687 DATE QF SURVEY: AUGUST, 2006 AND NOVEMBER, 2008 LEGEND: FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES GRAPIEIC SCALE 'vU+.JAIES AFV17FR5 HIGHS OC ACCFS'- C_DICl.TEO •!-'~v. 15 30 60 t 70 ~ w01CwTE5 EASIENI NOTES. AETER iG s~[T_i 3 f Uu - FASENEM CE~C41FTgN NOTES: ( w EEE1 ) SEE S"i!ET_T 6 FOR. CUR11 ANO 4'NE CA1A 7N7CE5 t ,~,.n - 3o c. 2. sEE sNEEr 3 FaR Enuxaurr, 6~ss a etARIN.s. uavuuo,• ........ t SUR/FY hVTES AND EASENENi NOTES. Jam` Ii ~ ~'i lta '.I fl{r,. .,"ii%'. t~. __ _-__ at ... ___-__ \I •_- - - - - ~ ~ ,, ~, a yARyoE RDrO Q DEER HOLLOW WAY rcl a p(ptlm+ 9q'Rx ON RNtCEl Nw + - - - - -- N+z2r,6[ LOT .A~ i ~ ` ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ I -----'-- ~ _ .I _yy_`_ SEE DETAIL -G~ ,•i ?o: ~; ~~~ v`y / _ ~~ t /rl 1' ~'t _ - - 3 Na72S]fC - -1 ~.b ~a ^ r--- t o ^,I c3' J~rc ~ "'i ;d =.y xC723':rE J ~" [,~ it3T ~_~ I cs+`d~'"~ WV JI' L~1J azt(~ ~\ 30.12' v"'t ~9 I lolm I ~MTRS _ "' vArn[S ti ^I ~ ~ 31 ~ ~~ .,v~ % OQCIE. r___Q S". I I I \ I. ~ I r L20 Jz ~~- H~ t I • I A -L .r`fCR `''~~ ~• ti~ I ~\~~ ? :8 T9_, .i 6_t_3P5S R_312 rJ0' r Z g`i - ~ <J. UC'"~ ~ ~$C.'~tly ~-I ' ~° 333. .~ I . ~Q b .~y. 1F 'P U) ' - 7 --- C 9607' 7 ) a'~ "~~ `,F Z~YJ)l.a ~ ~ i / _^ ~., ! ~ wr~ y"~LRI .~ ~ S,~ c6o , ~ .~ aj tic ~~ 3 - ~~E 6_uta'~s R..woro v~' p~c?' ' `t ~.. I x2r36•t~. - .aso6. ~,~ " - __, et_ ' ~T s'RCETI ~ ,l ~ - " 6 rf ~~' G~ + / '~ ~,o- ~ ~C(Ri r 3 .....'...~ - H11S6-~ _ x..12 ( ''1 -- -_ .. ... ~ 1 ,. ~ .lr. t 0363 = R-190.00' - ~~._ - a0 t7 - E. V" r .rai YI 1 !a'Tw • S£ ~CIFI RY• ..j. '~ t\ L-ap.67 `RONS'{OH ~oT.~i, -~ yb:~ ~ ex :,OZ l~'.r .il`•a~y~ `~i~ S, I &'s ,.`,9~ __ - ~~vr , ~r... ~ 1S1• 6,i CG b qa 1 µy'+0 •._ 3 ~ ~ _r P.H~ ~t t8 7~' ~ Nl >>"C. y ~ 'lam ~ ~.,ea-~"~`1 e~/ b °7 ~, < N \ { bid ../^ ~/~. ~~~ -°./ -mot h., &;!~ sr~ R ~ (n ~1-- -_ _. __ w?2i'orC v -'y~6./ J Sru,'~ 1e ~2 9~ ~+~~., ~ c. ^l~ -- - _ 9ddr J'i:{~ F'l1 :.. 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JAN A ADAMS, R.C.E 21887 DATE OF SURVEY: AUGUST, 2006 AND NOVEMBER, 2008 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES SEE SHEET 6 1 v ?s~ ,~'" °':, f ~°F~8 ~a 'fit?"?'bs. e,~' w. ~y tip i \\ Yy J a \ C}]c_ 8. ~ `b~ a~ u, \: ~. T ""~ to e' . ~~e cirSt cl~ ,fie 7.,~y~t_~l ~e~~ ~ 'o 1 ~ i ~; ' u t~ ~~ _ r ~~ E 1 ~ ;r~_`' ' a i '`iTrv tsw~ - - ~pN ti ~ ~ E6 QQ ~ ..,!~ . /t.'f. 1 1 J ~' I SEE OOµ~ . E ~' 1 ~, ~( r.. 1 ~~• sx 1 HEREON = ~~~; '-liy.>. 1 _vx'+r~ ~ x~~~ ~ ~'°s~ 1 i~v`~ f ~' r` ull SEE DE1AA ~ A n `' 2i , ~ 1 F. ON SHEET 8 a ~ .c, 1 Iy,1 ~ ~ ,,. 1 '' t .e` U ~~I I. 1 ~ _ ~' 1 ~' 1 J ~~ 1 1 11 , ll ~/ 1 1 ~.p, DETAIL ' ~' 1 ~ l_' _ ~t`~s~/ _I'S.`~,5'~E- LEGEND: ~ ~ $ R" I -_ ~~ . rnS e ~ t ti sT,~CI"1\ NOTES: __,.. ., c~L ~ \'~,' _ i , , ;~ 5re1T ~ 'OA CU?,E u:; uvE Gr- --5.ES ~ ~ ~ _. SE SY_=Ei ? SOP. HCU~Ok?f. 9ASIS 0. :. ~.'~rr,, u. •._~i;i.' `i'_ S!R'.E'! 1.'~i:5 u,7 EA<"IVE!," NJiS. SHEET B OF 8 SHEETS PARCEL MAP N0. 34715 IN THE CITY OF TEMECUTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A >L9G,•tSIUN U A FORLInv CE PFRCEL 2G GF PARCEL W.° NO- zi]e7, AS St10 nv ;'1 n I/AF r,CD I!1 BOOK IE4. PAGES 5 FMR•OUGH ?0. INCLUS."rE O P0.iCEL WVS, FFLOFOS Ci RI'rERS.GE :Ul.':IY. ;1~:'C•+'a-- AOAAIS - SEREEfER, CML ENGINEERING, INC. JM! A ADAMS, R.C.E 21687 DATE OF SURVEY: AUGUST, 2008 AND NOVEMBER, 2008 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES LINE DATA TABLE u~E LEX[rn xu:.w: Lt 250 7_L?'?5.[. i1 ~ '5.50 Y7TIT15°W j 7.50 nt7 t1'JSE Lt P..J9 h•.?a5't YW L` 18.50 \"T a7"SW / l6 '500 vt ra t•7Sw L7 IOJ N_:7'SSF J' 9.34 ~53a~ISW L9 J_00 naT?_"f SE LID ' 2..bJ tia r-!.~.Tw 1 Lt1 176,30 I ^~; `dW Lt] t55D n:'a!'7s'N g1 lia O.Si n~i •~SS'E a L15 1$,50 HT 'D'N '~_ y/~ t- Lt6 '.00 naT2)'SSE ` 3, ~' .1~ 1; ~ ltT I tJ.76 nJ; a7.2'y'W '~ "y, '~ yfl t IN ~ L18 17.17 XI tl'}SE >_~ ~,$, 'a'R~ 1.; -.~ Lt5 t1.9I narJ6'oYW ~~ ~~~,~ M1~ < 1, L20 15.50 na723"5Yi Y,gr ,a* -~ ~~.Q~;- l7t 9.00 va .'0 w girt i 6.y7t tS l11 15,50 Ila r~l^ i.s]~ I% °~ OFEt':..!' ^ l1} 3.16 n'- s'a~ t..q ~.Jh.,(__ W,tt~Y`~ LIt IS.A N' SE $'y5 < ~ M~ -/ ~:! ~ L15 15.50 r 'E ;DTI 555 ~` L26 IB 00 r^ x /r ~ - N ORS ~V _L?7 tJ97 A9a~ c +r 1~, ~ = J9 s- `~-ft/~.,~QGREE ,PEC11 ~• Lie r,r -...a<t a,'sSE • t;3[ '"~ o t`IPPNA~' ~ L'9 15.00 M18?1r'0'W 'I a~ ;' L3U 18.0: vOt'a15SE ~.~'•'lL~-'f . ~ ~H ~~ ~1 ~; ~ ~tl UI 9.00 nddtl'OYW U7 td 00 v0 47'5 E .n'~. Ir. f $t - X40 ~~I r° -.-T UJ 7. S • IT'J'.ft ~ 5Y L3.`. 77.1'_ r,a'tF,_07x 5) V - i;~r?J5-2;~ l36 L16 ,. -0'H ~r;~~' ,~ u7 I as La- OYx ~~at~_ I I - Esc. faM- _ 'S~ N Sa,•G µ0 ~' UB 2f4 ti,_ J-5YE E~ ,~yz ~ ~ ' 14 ~p FOP., u9 t7.17 na J6'Ur'N V V F%-, {PEE lU 79.1! va~23`.Tt_ 0~~5: I ~ ~ v;~ ~ rrN~~ ut ?,oc va.IJ'ZJ'E p II tin la' 1.8 ba~tf JrA Y ~€C V ~ y f o ~ e ~~i ~`P\ .t\ U_ 98`l.Na: SS r~fE ~ ~ 1 ~~ O , ~ ! lu 5 EB ~ N??9'S1'W I yyyyy =`•;~ ~ ~ X'O U5 77. V:?`I'S1'W oL'=p1jV ~~~'6 I ~tP 8''~ ' r l16 1541 ns ".~'01'E p 7"w'n ~~4 p'a `~ \~7-.~ t :, L47 JlU 4E 9'W 8~ ~ $ an LS is°s a ^~~ P';+ ~._ ~~~~ L.s t o Xt-_ '.W ^ F , l19 07 ' v'7 t 51'W rn 5~1. k , •t `C !x - a83 •. 'U 3Sf to 8. e ~`A, u' r,,o +rz 91Sw ~ffi"~ ~T _,.SY ~C' Q~ '• ISS to.77 SEE ~9'OYE e W t 9 1 Ayr 5'OYE S9 ~lyp 11 n~~ ~~ ~ L36 1e.3 vs 4tiC . L' e": ~~ ~. L9 5.50 ~'w .. aGE,a_ E:, O~. LEI 100 l: ZSE •~ l67 500 w' 3 E' 5' '~~' g` ~sv a+ ~~&[ LEJ oo n5d27'D4-f.- '$s '.~ ` 1`~~F~~Ef~tF Et l6a 2C a0 v4raT25W '~,~~ ~ yt'.v .f l03 t5.5J N4r47'75'N $ «=~ `!j~ ~jCS`'P~k 'NP l66 109 tai 35E ~, 1~0N1N~ l67 J 00 ti .* 'ta' E 5 i '~~ ~ t!E _ L63 721 E ' Fy55a l70 9 I I.. 4 LT7 t53 _ ll_ ,. ~~ ~~. W _ 1 SF?, _ 1i _~ __ ~ H., s9'oSE L75 c31 ~,: ,- s'W :78 0.4C vE?'5'47E L77 2.15 v1'aT2SW l78 I t_W x17.2"JS'E l79 I ts3 Na 735-OrA LB"i ! t7_E9 nr?a7'75'W DETAIL "A" is GD Ar_+: JSE :52 tS50 iN7-a7'7SW 3.00 T3SE ._~-r Ii.17 ~ ~h' L87 - LEGEND: ._._-_ wo,::.<.aurtEa-. _: _. -; ¢' ~..cE> uEG~•'.'rr[ •'tsfor, IVC:.t 5 i1uE?1EV' '~~ ~ FEFEr? "0 <_.•,ER J E,,., i/.;ENE.ut ~'1ESCF '7 :N NOTES: "" SN 3 : ' BOU1:0~-r, S.L:o OF 3E~ •.;E, uC`;C V,r.' r,rltFS. ,,,?..Y NOffS >,'.~ FASE05vt ,','iE ~. CURVE DATA TABLE WR4E : LE: i,tH PADt,S CfLiA taM^.Et:t C1 J1.f0' J8-00' ~ 4423'aY 1708' _ -~ C1_ 7.ST IZ.`.C- IC::v7 3.80' C} ~ 2:EE' Kx' art t'a! IS Ja' CI K µ• 36 0:: 9: C5'2'' 33.09' C5 '398' _ 3C. r' ~ 3?09_i6~ :D.JB' C6 I 393' 250' oJIXI ,~' 2.50" C8 .-72' t5.o' I IdO raj 2.32' C7 ~ alt' J.3; I !-7bi ts: 3.OC' CIO 7.dT 2_`0~ I IdOt'a' 3.97' cn 767r J3.2 4J2r3r 15. u' ^_t1 C1J 21r ~ 5752' t65.0. ~ SOC ;f' Ras7i F,;, 1'~" :.12' - 16.19' Cfa '. cis ~.EJ' f s7r S.Ct ~ sai t84":~ _~ne_~r 0.8Y J19 _ C1E tc t5' 188 C•: ?07'SCr 907 Ctl I 5S2' S72~C' O'J515 2.95" C78 I ;7.42' 1iJ.R:' 1 19'IS'2Y W.JO' Ct9 I 23.45' 572:0' ?o0-Oy II,9_" C10_ C2 2_'J?' I X.16' 1t3.OG' t 3800' ? '750'17 5t•5725 t1.7 t' C71 I 5305 50.5 ~T3J L 9.St' C'.} •~ J2 tJt Ji 5 6~ _ a 6' _ C2a 7E 5r 1St '~ 7. <~ I tS.J.' C75 I a6 t32 t1'• 1 a;i C26 a 1 2.iC' I lT _'_ ' I6' C7 I a,8 .: I r 130' ad Cj9 C.,D JE9 119 2J 01 J0. 75 ~` Ifi~'C 7 J __ 1 •t r9 t_' _ SJ ., I' G,v: a786 SC CCU ~.' a5.9a• C]7 C33 J.67 i 3d '_C-CO" Sr X'~ i 1 G'_ ' 17 E :' 1.3J'_ t..4a' C34 to- 1 ~0. I 7 it Si ~ IC.04' C35 2C.12 50 OC 1TOJ'3Y t010' CJ6 ~ 7 `ri.JC I ttl G J" 160' C37 [3e 71 i ] }.OC 7 0 yR~C qR Trr~r ar 300' . oa Can . E `•- tl 4• Ca•0 :. 3. 50.x•_ t'.O8 C17 31 $ ~_' S 1 .91' C43 E1 19" . ° A4' C44 1 t2 T C.tt' Ca5 :Y+ ~.. I f9' C46 I }N J_ t J- ' ' Ss' C18 1I 155 Y' ftlrt ~ 5CC' C43 I + tYt: ..ta' C50 r'S 2 I _ 1.57' C57 1 J 90 ti.'- a C -- t7.M' C51 20I/ Y ' '021' C5a •E 6J 5 ~ ~ 6.61' CS5 '~ L78 5..:' s t2.6E' Ct '2aa' 10 .C 939' CSd 1 797 .200?' R 'i I./5' C59 i •595' i5.t t t I 3.26' CEO ' `, JS• }: ,r tg 1'.C I !0.39' [6: i i 62 -I __'1-55' I 2J SE' 25.7C' Y3 S' ~ STJa•SF -tolE'}Y 7.Sa• '231' C63 : 51 &-:. I n tJ.36' C64 w- 9 2iC t Y.ES' C65 CEE 15 ~5 5 15S raE : f :t,1T 571' C67 cw ~ T ~ 7z 25..' z i' S a 5 ~ 17.99' ssi• Cl9 C71 CT7 C71 C7a C75 C76 Cif C78 2- 7 Jli' 61 HI' ]t 97' 61.39' _• 95 7'J.D 21 ~' t755' 5-O; 1ST I S]7a SS:OG aD O: 5._7 S' SI JB `v-- ~ 30.Ci ~ i E_ d3"5 OE4'S ~ OS ~ Sf ~ 9RI}IJ^ T_113_i_ ~ C la'-F t/'a`ai ~ }Ja 'J 13-00 3.67'_ ~2,a3'_ ~15-9/' " ap.15'- 76.13' - 1007 _ 119t' ?.71' C79 729' 50.0." /'; •"" I t.t4' [81 ce2 I N.Ct' 5a>a" 51:9' - ~ 13ao_ I ~~•.,.y _.___ _.. zzJ~r , ?.Or _ 1 ?7sr C83 1 2a u' ISE 3'I 1?Ir1' '?. U' Cda Sato' ~ ~. Fav;" :7.25' _CP.S I tiJ5'_ J3:C I ~, -.. J90T NO. 36715 34715 PARCEL MAP N0 5 ~'~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~'~ .;` . , :~ N . ~ IECN]gEC4Y. F•LCE4V 0(1;ERIIf C•^ 4•f^MN' IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RNERSIDE cPLi~dv_E No. 656 STATE OF CALIFORNIA tl~; SEIVG A SU6Cr,;5•,CV Of A FCRi1CN CF PeF.CEI. 70 OF PA2CEl N.k'`iC ?4Z87, U Sk0'Ml CN + Utc ri:EC •:. TwxuZ LICCNE~~S 5441 OC ~~>' `N!E :d BOGC 16e, PL'ES S TiIF!,'{lpf 20, INu.ISr,~E OF P~. ~cL N~PS, ;;:1ROS CF k'.fRSICf COI,v'~'. CaIIFORN:t. RNO :.ESIRUC*PV5' ADAMS - STREE7ER, CMl ENGMEERINC, INC. JJW A ADAMS, R.C.E 21687 GATE Of SURVEY: AUGUST. 2008 AND NOVEMBER. 2008 ~ . `~ , df ~' RVE DATA rAeEE FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES . a , ~ - - - ~ ~ ' Ta 41 i':ooo ra:a R.0 CRAPFIIC SCAI.£ _- 91Ar IIYO.! 11AR ;2 100 0 50 100 ^.00 A00 _ - - _- 9140_1 a9i~l ':YO:'K~NhR Y.1 • _- ry/R~ 11-•, --- ~f .- y~1T ll_ ~_ J.U i;mx N - ~ I as O.?E : I ~ IK FEET) - /- ~'1 9le! c adR X11 1 inch = 100 tl . _ f~ 1S1r .,x<wa+R.~ 1 - 6 :l . r , -Na T!s,',]1v Ii0 JY 4dX R!]- /~' ~ I ~' •g•f, ,/' NHS":iT / ~. ~" \~ .°l1 o-- ~ ~ ~.. .`~^ F 4. ~;~1 ~a -- _ ~ I ~• ~ ,ot~ C ~~ t., I = /~ ~y ~y~, 4~ , (~ ° I; ---E BWN COURT ~. ~ o F~•" ~~ ~ ~ o' ~ ~ ~'.'q 2 ~ - ~ o`~ ~ao o `~' ~ ` ~ - FOUt-0 I'm wIFCUi - •\ a. r ~ Y •t, - .~ ~ ~ r TG57', Dn. 0.15. ~RysQ tf~LF y L; Y{~' '7A r FER RS ~ `L, ~q _ __ {~ fii J ?" 1 ~ I (q 1 1 / ` \ ;? ~~~ ; SEE OETNL 'E' / ) _ \ ~'; ,1N - (;t ~ A ~' _~ ~ / ~ MONUMENT NOSES: I .~ • iw:v}rFS Faunc v,,;uua- t n~~D ~- il ~ ~ ~• p u.CU~s sEUx~s, Teunc rr--.a,. sEr ; Lt }'" -~~ x c E z•es-' r2~ >R n::~, xvc *,:. \ \:' 9 ~ R ~ \ c, . LLa r.~ 'R.C.E ?:507' Ca SF'~E /NU w44+ER TWOCEO ~ - C~~/ ~ `cE Tf6ar' EgESS c:rE9R$E vcrE'c • ~'?G.7ES fC'_NC 1 1/?' UX..4`, ,`.u',," Wi 1Kr1 1 c y?f 571E ~.^i . \ / ~ VA=2r 15 a5a", IL'J.'rf a ?. `\'~ 'I ~~ ._-._ -..- - \ ,;ry /• •Itw^!CA7ES f01:ti 1/T' 0?AS: I:S. W/ PUNS ,,,$$$ N+Fi!(FD t5. AStY, RESH Cf_R CERni1GTE G __ _ ~~S.F.1E ~ SEE DETA0. ~A' ,_ COR$E'ION GX. + 2D05-Claiaig OR. REC. ~;~ \ - SHEET 8 r=_aeDaRr is. x~cs FoR ~,v M.- ;sob:-7. ~e 1 ~ `.~ '' \ w S ~,,uiFS 1Carvp e.: N~.~t rti, raG. RUSN NJ Rte. ~~ i °•.• ` \ I ~_ .!ED F0. -:5`TirnC NCtCZ'D ON Ewa. ~Ly,A ~. y ~ \ - / F~C~MFM NOTFS• L}~ • I $y p , ' \ ~} l i iJ:;EUC 1i CE_rr}tc F:R. FL..C ~"1lftY PUIJ'CSfS ~ ° 1`.j 'NG.?ESS; ECF'_i5 FOR ENE:.]WCr 41D \ ~~`jj~` ~ 1 c°!/ Ci bE.aICLFS 4'CLS PJRi'Cii a~. s-C ~~~ li \ f:. -,• 1 ~ j~~ (2,` ftiEYE•rt CEDU7F'J t0 PInCM CJ11EIX1nu w+'ER .n't'v°`w ~ • ~ E ,:..r. FcR w,~ ~n=s u+c .twR>=whcc a Wr ~ `° w~os6s ~C~~".__ ~ ~ , 1. ,s",. 1 ~: ~ ~'~ s,.. <~; 3~ i Q E-tr. G%NCN' cRAr,-rD v so:m~a. - _ , '~'`! = rRO.mcr srrE ~ ; . ,, GESaRNU EDlscr.. xiNPUn. xis sp,7D7 \ \ "-r., 4>~ ~/ FER NST. NO- 2007-055056] J R VIGNfTY MAP \ , ~ " ~ ~.I EecEr,D: N.T.S. \` S,F N./J vOC+tlES ABUt1CR5 PoC~:S C3 ACCESS OCdCArcD FzFEON r~ a s+>uTM. RANGE x wESf. SECOON 2! SB.E1. a u • BOOK _T _, PAGE ITEM RI~J. 6 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement for Landscape Inspection Services David Neault Associates, Inc., Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Improvements Project No. PW99-11 PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Deputy Director of Public Works Amer Attar, Principal Engineer Steven Beswick, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve an agreement with David Neault Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,375.00 to provide as needed landscaping inspection services forthe Pechanga Parkway Phase I I Street Improvements, Project No. PW99-11, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. 2. Authorize the City Manger to approve Extra Work Authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $4,037.50, which is equal to 10 % of the agreement amount. BACKGROUND: The Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Improvements, Project No. PW99-11 will require landscape inspection services for quality assurance and control. The contract with David Neault Associates, Inc. will provide the needed professional services for the project. On April 22, 2008, the City Council awarded a construction contract for the Pechanga Parkway Phase I I Street Improvements, Project No. PW99-11, to All American Asphalt. Thereafter, City staff evaluated two proposals received for landscape inspection services for the subject project. David Neault Associates, Inc. was selected to provide the needed services based upon their proposal, their experience with similar projects, previous work performed in Riverside County, and their expertise with specific task assignments. FISCAL IMPACT: The Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Improvements, Project No. PW99-11, is a Capital Improvement project funded with Development Impact Fees -Street Improvements, a Pechanga Indian Tribe Contribution, a Public Lands and Highways Grant, and the Wolf Creek Community Facilities District. Adequate funds are available in the project account (Account No.210-165-668-5805) forthis $44,412.50 requestwhich includes the $40,375.00 contract plus $4,037.50 contingency. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map and Project Description Contract Exhibit A Exhibit B CITY OF TEMECULA AGREEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE INSPECTION SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND DAVID NEAULT ASSOCIATES, INC. PECHANGA PARKWAY PHASE II STREET IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. PW99-11 THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 27, 2008, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and David Neault Assoicates, Inc. (Consultant). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on May 27, 2008, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2009, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Consultant shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE. Consultant shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contractor from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website http://www.dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub-contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $50.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 5. PAYMENT. A. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Consultant shall not bill the City for any travel time and expenses associated with it, nor shall the Consultant charge a set minimum number of hours for each site visit. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Forty Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars and No Cents ($40,375.00) for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 B. Cansultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. The City Manager may approve additional work up to ten percent {10%) of the amount of the Agreement. Any additional work in excess of this amount shall be approved by the City Council. C. Cansultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty {30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of consultant's fees it shall give written notice to Consultant within 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. A. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Cansultant the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 5 7. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT. A. The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Cansultant. If such failure by the Cansultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered a default. B. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Cansultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have {10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 2 R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. A. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three {3) years after receipt of final payment. B. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. C. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Consultant shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Consultant. 9. INDEMNIFICATION. A. Indemnity for Professional Services. In the connection with its professional services, Consultant shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify City, District, and/or Agency and its elected officials, officers, employees, servants, designated volunteers, and agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City or Agency officials, {collectively, "Indemnitees"), from any claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (collectively, "claims"), including but not limited to death or injury to any person and injury to any property, arising out of, pertaining to, or relating to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant or any of its officers, employees, sub-consultants, or agents in the performance of its professional services under this Agreement. Consultant shall defend the Indemnities in any action or actions filed in connection with any such claims with counsel of City's choice, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including actual attorney's fees, incurred in connection with such defense. B. Other Indemnities. In connection with all claims not covered by Paragraph A, Consultant shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City, District and/or Agency and its elected officials, officers, employees, servants, designated volunteers, and agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials, (collectively, "Indemnitees"), from any claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (collectively, "claims"), including but not limited to death or injury to any person and injury to any property, arising out of, pertaining to, or relating to Consultant's performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall defend Indemnitees in any action or actions filed in connection with any such claims with counsel of City's choice, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including actual attorney's fees, incurred in connection with such defense. 3 R:1Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 10. INSURANCE REQUIREIUIENTS. Consultant shall procure and maintain far the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Consultant owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Consultant has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Consultant shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. 4) Professional Liability Insurance shall be written on a policy form providing professional liability for the Consultant's profession. B. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this projectllocation or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. 4) Professional Liability coverage: One million ($1,000,000) per claim and in aggregate C. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City Manager. At the option of the City Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles orself-insured retentions as respects the City, District, and/or Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 4 R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 1) The City, District, and/or Agency its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, District, and/or Agency its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2.) For any claims related to this project, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, District, and/or Agency its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the City, District, and/or Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, District, and/or Agency its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be cancelled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty {3Q) days' prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is cancelled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer, phone, fax and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. E. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. F. Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Consultant's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. A. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. B. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, ar other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable far compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 12. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Consultant shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. 13. RELEASE OF INFORMATION. A. All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena ar court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. B. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant andlor be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 6 R:\Agreements\Mastersll]esign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 14. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (I) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. To City: City of Temecula Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager To Consultant: David Neault Associates, Inc. 41877 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 140 Temecula, California 92890 Attention: David Neault, President 15. ASSIGNIUIENT. The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Consultant. 16. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 17. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer ar employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 7 R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 19 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further farce or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 20. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Cansultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Michael 5. Naggar, Mayar ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT: David Neault Associates, Inc. 41877 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 140 Temecula, California 92890 Telephone (951) 296-3430 FAX (951) 296-3431 By: Name: David Neault Title: President By: Name: Peggy Newman, Title: Office Manager [Signatures of Two Corporate Officers Required] 8 R:\Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED The specific elements (scope of work) of this service include: 9 R:1Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE ~o R:1Agreements\MasterslDesign Professional Form Agreement 2007 ver2 ro 0 io H ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K ~ N ~x~. y ~ G A b~ ~~ ~. ~, b FOY O ~ n r ~'{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~/ ' la ~ ~ A w a n ~ n w ~ n h rn ~ ry~ ~ G m~ O m ~w.. a ~ ~ (D ~ N h O" P n a ~"~, h r' b a ~ ~ p, m m ~ rn rn 7 7 w i-r w ^ ~ ~ O ti y ~~aticR4 ~~x~g:~K N ry OC N .. ~ypf ~ ~ N C1 ~p P w ~ y. ~ y ~t,~d ww n ~ P O N :p ~r ~ M C x ~~ g~n_~ w ~ ~ :P ~ n YH V o~ o' .~. M ~ ~~~~~s~~ V D A A N «~ A to a A O IJ IJ co ~A o owN~ O ~' O O O J cn ~` O O O vi W A bi H3 ffl b9 (fl fA 4A b 9 b9 ~ In W .- . O w ~O O ~ ~D CO Vi W b' 00 (D O W ~ m d ? ~ W ~ v W A • -• O N O 0o J to IJ 1D A `~ O ~ 0 W O W W N O O , O O O W '-' p .. N w .+ N OO N .-~ N N oo N C ~ ~ A U o O' N N W O J t n ~ 'P O 0 0~ ~ l O 0 0 n ~ ooo~oooo . . m N U' b N O 0 N O. O H N. N. ~ . N.' Vi HifA VS fAFA'fA. Hi .. ~ n~ W OG ,. ,. tJ .+ -N lJ ' ° o '~ +D 00 N In O W O V W O b + "'~' A in O O N N v, O A ~] J C O O lJ A 0 0 " * ~ a oooa~aoo' D to O O O ~7 00 O O N H .' d In b 0 A ~'h Y P b f. ~ ^o a, a' Y' O ~ n• ~ ~. ~ ~ O ^ .. m o~y O ~+ ~ 0 a fD r' ~ O ~~ ~~'o ti N ~ n o~ y ~ ~ O ~, ~ H a. o. ~~ a n' &~ a O N ~: ~ N: ~ (/Q d h A R' O- 00 ~.~ o ~' H O M (o n `D w a " d H O q ~ d a' C N. O ~ a~ P~ ~ ~ O ~o o ~ M ~ `. O ~-n C m a: w `< ~ ~_ ~y a°+ rn ~ a. ~; O O ~~ C~.~ m' ~ ~^ a: ~ ~- a.N~~, ° ~ro w "~ o ro `C M ro ~. n K M t, H i ~7 b 'G ro ],r ~c C a: N (~D M'+ ,. t David f1EN1LT ASSOCIATES Inc. PECHANGA PARKWAY MEDIANS LANDSCAPE INSPECTION PROPOSAL April 2, 2008 revised May 7,2008 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF TEMECULA Prepared For: Mr. Steven W. Beswick, P.E. Associate Engineer -Capital Projects 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 694-6411 Prepared By: David Neault Associates, Inc. 41877 Enterprise Circle North, Suite 140 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 296-3430 Suzanne@dnassociates.com ~ECEiv MAY Q 7 2008 CITY OF TEAAECtfLA ENGINEERING DE,PARTAIENT qualifications for landscape architectural services .:,~ '<- May 7, 2008 Mr. Steven W. Beswick, P.E. City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Re: RFP No. 161- Landscape Inspection Services, Pechanga Parkway Landscape Medians Phase II Street Improvements, Project PW99-11 Dear Mr. Beswick, Thank you for the opportunity to present our qualifications and a proposal for the Landscape Inspection Services for Pechanga Parkway Landscape Median Street Improvements. It is our sincere hope that the enclosed qualifications will establish us, David Neault Associates, Inc. as a trusted landscape architectural firm that the City of Temecula can turn to for landscape improvement projects. David Neault Associates, Inc. staff has had over 25 years of developing, managing and implementing landscape plans throughout Riverside County and specifically in the City of Temecula. Our firm consists of a strong team of landscape and irrigation designers that collectively bring a wealth of experience and an extensive background in streetscape design and inspection. We have a long history of working with the planning department and TCSD through the development of Harveston, Redhawk Parkway Medians and the many residential developments in Temecula. Specifically, we worked with the City of Temecula on the landscape improvements and inspections for Winchester and Ynez Road as it related to the street widening by Lennar for the Harveston Development. We believe that you will find us to be very responsive, readily available and a great addition to your team. Thank you again, Sincerely, Davi Neault Associates, I c. Suzanne M. Palmer, RLA #3639 CA, #695 NV 41877 enterprise principal circle north -suite 140 temecula. ca 92590 951 ' 296-3430 I ph 951 ~ 296-3431 ,fax www.dnassociQtes com ca Icense 2884 n v license Oh94 David f1EAULT ASSOCIATES Inc. David f1EA11LT I~SSOCIATES Iric. INTRODUCTION David Neault Associates Incorporated (DNA) is a local Temecula Valley Landscape Architectural firm that has been in the City of Temecula since 1991. Prior to the incorporation of both the City of Temecula and the City of Murrieta, David Neault Associates, Inc. has been working side by side with those that have shaped this Valley. We realize that the ultimate product is more than a set of plans and that the final installation is the project vision reflected in the field for future generations. PROJECT APPROACH David Neault Associates, Inc. (DNA) realizes that the landscape inspection process is an integral part of the street improvements and our participation as a project team member means that we will need to be constantly communicating with the City of Temecula Public Works Department, the contractor and the other trades that make up the team. This ensures that the separate components of the project flow together to create a final design free of cross-discipline incompatibilities. After establishing a direction for the project and the project schedule, we will proceed with the TCSD inspections collaborating with the Project Engineer in order to meet the project timeline, maintaining plan compliance, documentation, and ensuring the landscape street improvements are installed to meet the City of Temecula standards. Ultimately, the landscape project inspections will be dependent upon the overall construction schedule. DNA has extensive experience in collaborating with the project team and contractor to maximize the installation inspections by grouping tasks in order to meet intermediate timetable milestone goals. We take pride in our work and continually evaluate the quality of our work and hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of design and construction standards, while adhering to budgetary constraints and client timelines. Managing Landscape inspections, project reporting, and maintaining proper documentation through the same principles we use to design and prepare landscape designs is the approach that our company philosophy is built upon. DNA believes that careful attention to quality design, excellent listening skills, and close working relationships with the rest of the project team, are the key components to producing a successful project. Our company culture is one of collaboration with the other team members and looking to fill any gaps on the projects. We feel the importance of looking at the project as a whole, rather than a myopic focus on our particular job. Our clients and the agencies that we team with have found this proactive level of service, attention to detail, and budget minded approach refreshing and cost effective. INSPECTION SERVICES Proiect Scope of Work Inspections DNA's scope of work is based upon the Pechanga Parkway Medians Streetscape Plans dated approved by TCSD 10.30.07. The actual number of inspections is predicated on the construction schedule and the installation compliance with the approved plans and specifications. The scope of work will include these services but are not limited to the following as required by the TCSD specification standards and the construction schedule: Areas to be Included A. Pechanga Parkway Medians and Mainline at Northside of Parkway- TCSD maintained 8. Hazit Market -TCSD Pechanga Mainline in Private Area, repair and replace existing C. U-Store It -TCSD Pechanga Mainline in Private Area, repair and replace existing D. Rainbow Canyon Road -Street Improvements affecting the existing landscape areas. TCSD maintained north of the bridge west side and private maintenance at Gas station. E. Rainbow Canyon Road -Street Improvements affecting the existing landscape areas. TCSD maintained south of the bridge southwest side and northside of Pechanga Parkway. F. Grass line Channel Retrofit for Recycled Water -TCSD Maintained. qualifications fa landscape architectural cervices David t1E/WLT nssocu-Ta~r,~. Anticipated Tasks to be Included Pre- Job Meeting Conference • Pre-job conference meeting Irrigation and Site Preparation • Verify existing mainline installation and locations • Inspect new mainline installation • Sleeving installation pressure testing • Mainline and wiring installation, backfill, pressure testing • Lateral line and Valve System Layouts inspection • Mainline equipment, backflow, flow sensor installation inspection • Finish grade and drainage inspection • Coverage test inspections • Irrigation Controller installation and certification inspection Planting • Weed abatement inspection • Plant material inspection prior to planting • Shrub Planting and Tree layout inspection • Planting Installation and finish grade inspection • Mulch installation inspection Site Completion • Final inspection prior to start of maintenance • 30 day progress inspections (30, 60 and 90 days) • Final acceptance, Turn over items, As-builts Documentation and Reports DNA will prepare and distribute the City approved punch list and inspection reports. As designated by the City the written report will be provided via a-mail and a signed written report will follow within two working days following the inspection. • Estimate approximately 89 Documents/Reports/Minutes during the 52 week construction process Pre-Job Conference - 1 hour anticipated v Irrigation/Site Preparation Inspection Documentation -1 hour per Inspection anticipated :- Planting Inspection Documentation -1 hour per Inspection anticipated Site Completion Inspection Documentation - 1 hour per Inspection anticipated • Meeting Minutes - 1 hour anticipated per progress meeting, pre-job conference or on-site meetings Meetings DNA will attend meetings, prepare and distribute the City approved meeting minute notes associated with the landscape inspections, and be available to schedule, attend and conduct all pre-construction, progress and inspection meetings. • On-site review of existing conditions with TCSD -anticipate One (1) - 4 hour Meeting on site • Progress Meetings anticipate 1 meeting every two weeks- Thirteen (13) - 2 hours per Meeting anticipated Invoice Review DNA's Design Team will, upon request by a City representative, review and approve or disapprove all payment requests submitted in a timely manor by the construction contractor(s) and will review and negotiate with staff any and all change orders on the project submitted by the contractor. quaRficafions for landscape architectural services i~o~~a nl:nu~T nssocu-r~s!nc. FEES AND SCHEDULES Fee Assumption Methodology The methodology for the estimated fees is based on hourly Inspection Assumptions based upon the tasks listed in the Scope of Work at the associate hourly rate. The inspection hours estimated assume the installation of the medians and mainline to be constructed in one phase. • Estimate 70 inspections based on the 6 areas to be inspected and the TCSD Inspection requirements and assuming an estimate of 4 hours per Inspection/Pre-Job Meeting • Estimate 13 meetings @ 2 hours per meeting based on 1 meeting every two weeks during a 26 week construction schedule per the RFP • Estimate 1 Pre-Job Conference and 5 pre-job meetings for a total of 6 Areas to be inspected at 4 hours each. • Estimate 89 Documents/reports and or meeting minutes at 1 hour each. • Estimate total of 6 Invoice Reviews at 1 hour each. Fee Schedule Estimated Fee Services will be billed hourly at the associate rate without a minimum requirement per inspection and is based upon the tasks noted in the Scope of Work. Anticipate $380.00 per Inspection at the associate rate. Fee Estimate for Areas A- E Areas Athrough E - Inspections/Docs/Meetings $ 36,575.00 Area F- Grass Channel -Inspections/Docs/Meetings $ 3,800.00 Estimated total fee for Scope of Work ................................. $ 40,375.00 DNA Hourly Rates David Neault $145.00 per hour Principal/ Supervising Inspector $120.00 per hour Associate/Inspector $ 95.00 per hour Administrative $ 55.00 per hour qualifications for landscape architectural services David nEAUIT ASSOCIATES Inc. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE DNA Design Team Suzanne Palmer, R.L.A. #3639 CA, #695 NV Principal, Landscape Architect Inspection Project Manager Suzanne M. Palmer, Principal is a licensed Landscape Architect in both California and Nevada. Suzanne will be the direct contact and manager for the inspection services for the Landscape improvements for Pechanga Parkway. She has managed design and implementation for projects throughout Riverside, Orange and Ventura Counties for the past 20 years. Most recently, the past 6 years she has prepared the plans and supervised implementation of the streetscape and park landscape improvements throughout the Harveston Community and its surrounding streetscape improvements. She has comprehensive experience in planting and irrigation design, installation, observation documentation, and punch list communication. Suzanne's experience includes private, public, and military projects, single and multi-family residential developments, common areas, open space, parks, streetscapes, monumentation, erosion control, mitigation, monitoring, site observation, inspections, documentation and much more. Suzanne graduated from Cal Poly Pomona in 1988 with a B.S. degree in Landscape Architecture and a Minor in Irrigation Design. Before joining David Neault Associates, Inc., Suzanne also taught Landscape Architectural Design at Cal Poly Pomona for three years. Suzanne's project experience as it directly relates to site inspections includes: • Harveston streetscapes and Parks Phase 1 through Phase 3 -Temecula, CA • Ynez and Date Streetscape -Temecula, CA • Winchester Road Commercial Landscape Street Enhancement -Temecula, CA • Lincoln Ranch Streetscape, Trail and Mitigation- MCSD, Murrieta, CA • Multiple project installations from Riverside, Orange County and Ventura Counties since 1993 A partial list of Suzanne's project design experience includes: • Splash Canyon Water Park -Temecula, CA • Harveston Streetscape and Park Plans -Temecula, CA • Juniper and CStreet -Murrieta, CA • Veteran's Memorial -Murrieta, CA • Winchester Ridge -Valley Wide, Unincorporated Area of Riverside County, CA • Emperor Village -Valley Wide, Unincorporated Area of Riverside County, CA David S. Neault, A.S.L.A., R.L.A. #2884 CA, #694 NV President, Landscape Architect David Neault has over 26 years of experience providing landscape design for commercial and residential developers in the County of Riverside. His expertise includes land planning, landscape architecture, and golf course architecture in the southwest region of the United States and overseas. Under David's leadership, David Neault Associates, Inc. has won such prestigious awards as the Building Industry Association's SAM Awards and the Inland Empire Sales and Marketing Council Laurel Awards. David's extensive project experience has spanned over a variety of projects from small commercial developments to the master planning of communities and the installation coordination of streetscape improvements for projects such a Redhawk. David holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Geography from San Diego State University and a Certificate Degree in Landscape Architecture from University of California at Irvine. He served on the North City West (now Carmel Valley) Planning Board in the City of San Diego for six years. David is a licensed Landscape Architect in both California and Nevada. He is a member of A.S.L.A. and Urban Land Institute Inland Empire where is chairperson of the Sustainability Committee. qualifications for landscape architectural services David ntaanT ASSOCIATES lnc. David provided landscape design services for an extensive list of projects including: • Sykes Ranch Historical Monument -Murrieta, CA • Jasper Crossings at Calexico Mega Park -Calexico, CA • Redhawk and Redhawk Parkway Medians- Temecula, CA • Pasadera at PGA West - La quinta, CA • The Masters at PGA West - La Quinta, CA • Eagle Bend at PGA West - La Quinta, CA • Tract 30910 -Coachella, CA • Tierra Del Sol -Coachella, CA • Buena Vista - EI Centro, CA • Northstar Ranch -Murrieta, Ca. Bryan Love Associate Bryan Love has over five (5) years of design experience. His past projects include residential and community developments from design through the installation phase. Bryan graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a BS degree in Landscape Architecture. He is proficient in AutoCAD and his experience includes serving as project manager of landscape architecture for several different master planned communities including Serramar in La Mesa, California, Pell Place in Crown Valley, California and Rancho Coronado in San Marcos, California, as well as commercial centers in Coachella, and median island streetscape plans for Murrieta Community Service District. He draws upon this experience and knowledge when he is requested for site observation plan compliance and reports. Shane Preston Designer Shane Preston has over twenty (20) years of experience providing landscape architectural design services for commercial, public agency, recreation, and residential community projects. Shane's work experience has developed his expertise in design, design materials, plant selection, and graphic communication. The diversity of his knowledge in landscape architecture and graphic abilities has been expressed through recent projects such as Calexico Mega Commercial Park, Sunrise Hills 359-acre Landscape Master Plan, Murrieta Veteran's Memorial, and past projects like North County Regional Education Center and Century Stadium Promenade. REFERENCES Public Agency References Multiple MCSD Projects, City of Murrieta - CSD Bob Kast, Maintenance Superintendent, (951) 461-6115/ rkast@murrieta.org Juniper and CStreet - Streetscape Plans, City of Murrieta -Engineering Department Jeff Hitch, Associate Civil Engineer, (951) 461-6076/ jhitch@murrieta.org Veteran's Memorial and Park, City of Murrieta Jim Holston, Deputy City Manager, (951 X161-6116/jholston@murrieta.org Winchester Ridge, Valley-Wide Recreation & Park District Sam Goepp, General Manager, (951) 654-1505/ goepp@linkline.com Recycled Water Use Exhibits, Eastern Municipal Water District John Wuerth, Senior Engineering Technician, (951) 928-3777 x4334/ WuerthJ@emwd.org qualifications for landscape architectural services 0 • l~avld ftEAUIT ASSOCIATES InC. Builder /Developer References Ben Rocca, General Manager -Capital Pacific Homes (951) 279-2447 Anna-Lisa Arminino, Project Manager -Discovery Development (949) 367-9400 Mel Mercado, Project Manager - Corman Leigh Communities (951) 296-5070 Jarnne Valdez, Senior Project Manager - Lennar (951) 817-3567 Suzanne Green, Harveston HOA -Merit Property Management (951) 693-4076 Resources Staff number and classifications: Total Staff: 5 Landscape Architects: 2 CAD Professionals: 2 Administrative: 1 General Services and Requirements Office location: 41877 Enterprise Circle North, Ste. 140 Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 296-3430 E-mail: david@dnassociates.com Web Site: www.dnassociates.com DNA agrees to and is able to provide and/or perform all the general services and requirements set forth in the request for proposal for providing Landscape Architectural Services prepared by The City of Temecula dated March 19, 2008. DNA agrees to execute a standard City Agreement for this scope of work, provide evidence of insurance as required and abide by the City's Risk Management procedures. David Neault, President and Peggy Newman, Office Manager will provide the corporate signatures as required by the City for contract signatures. Declaration David Neault Associates, Inc. here by declares that David S. Neault and Suzanne Palmer are registered Landscape Architects, and are in good standings with the State of California and the State of Nevada where they hold licenses to practice landscape architecture. Authorized Signature David S. Neault, Presi ent • qualifications for landscape architectural services ~ ~~ 7 N ~ O N ,C 7 m 3 ~ m 3 C 3 Z m ~ ~ D ~, ~ -W ' j N J N ~ N N. N b :r '"~: j ~; O ~ A C Cm1 ~ n ~ A n ~'Z' 7 m U a' ~ 3 (~ 3 ~ 7 .~ 3 ~ 3 j A ~ n ~ m f ", ~ j ~ j ~ n ~ m ~ ~ O ~ lD ~C m ~ m fq m ~ m ~ m Z N n N~ 5 ~ v v m v ~ 5 ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ aaa~n`m' T N ~ N m N m N j. N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C .O° m' ° °m' ~ ~ 0 4 o m o ° ' o ~ ~ ~ Z (~ ° m m d m ' D ' v ~ a m c 3 n cn c 3 n t c 3 a c 3 ~• c 3 a • m d m d~ N m m ~ ... ~ ~ o ~ 7 d 7 m ~ a ~ co : N _ N ~ m 7 N m 3 N d N ` N j ~ 3 ~ j N~~~~ (~ c. . .. ~ t y 0 _ ~~ m 3 j 7 j 0t 3 j d 7 j d 7 C m ' Q m~ N N C1 .~ ~ ~' n m a m n m n m a d n 3 ~ x m U ~ m m !a m ~ ~. ~ v> ~ 2 ~ m Q m o m m s m n~ N _ N ~ N ~ _ rp 0 N ~ N ,m,~ n ~, y d ~ ? d d Z 0 ~ C 7C C ~ ~ O ~ d ti ~ ~I m ~ 6t 'O v 00 ~ m j g ~ = ~ m ~a ~ d m m ~ N ,. m m j n ~ O 6t 4 a a 4 m mm' jC 7 a a ~ ~y S d m m ~ ~ a ,< ~ 'H m ` ~ N H ~ ~ ` ~ m o v s~~ ~ :,•:k m ~ Q ~ w o00 7 7 7 y.~ m j O m m m ~, s',_ _ A O A (I~ m ~ a O 1 (J~ N AO m ~ ~ j N , r m ~ O C -% ~ ~' C C ~~~ ~ ` ~ 1 a ~ A A 3 `~ , j ~, W O~ O~ W A ~ ;~" ~Q- M p " Q7 ~~ . * ~ ~ ~ N .~ a 3 ~ ~ m m m Q K >^, : - . a t0 ~ 8. .~.. O ~ m O ~ ~ O ~ (D ~ t0 ~ 0 m ~ ~ O N y .~ ~ ~ `'e m ~ m S ,, ' - `i m^ ~ m ~ ~•„ H m ;:~ - v ~ ~ < ,, ~' m a. y ~ F a 4 m m ° ~ H m D. d J m" 4i ~ ~ Z to J N Q O f7l ~ ~ .. ~ ~ m m m m oWO aWO m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ 7] O O m O O O O „n~ m ~ ~ (n O -~ m ~ 7 3 ~ to O O ~ ~ r . m N o ~ N: to A O ~.• (n A ~ A CT A O -. tli N A . a O] O -1 O J O O O t N d A ~~. H7 W W t (fl A E/3 A 69 W EA ~ N O ~ ~ N a O V V 1~1. -ICn O 'J (T N Cn O O N Cn O O ~. ,1 m m m n D Z 'i1 '~ mD mD D ~ ~CC C ~ D "~ ~ D O Z Z ~ ~ n Dm_ ~ Z m n ~_ Z ITEM Na. 7 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: French Valley Parkway /Interstate-15Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements, Project No. PW02-11; Amendment No. 1 to Design Cooperative Agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Deputy Director of Public Works - CIP Avlin R. Odviar, Senior Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO EXTEND THE TERMINATION DATE OF AGREEMENT NO. 8-1217, A DESIGN COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE DESIGN OF A NEW INTERCHANGE (FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY) ON ROUTE 15 BETWEEN THE EXISTING WINCHESTER ROAD (STATE ROUTE 79 NORTH) INTERCHANGE AND THE I-15/I-215 JUNCTION BACKGROUND: On September 16, 2003, City Council adopted Resolution No. 03-122 which approved a design cooperative agreement (Agreement), No. 8-1217, between the State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the City of Temecula. The Agreement set the terms and conditions for developing, designing, and financing the French Valley Parkway / Interstate-15Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements, Public Works Project No. PW02-11. Unless the term is extended, the Agreement will terminate on June 30, 2008. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 08-_. 2. Amendment to Agreement No. 8-1217. RESOLUTION NO.08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO EXTEND THE TERMINATION DATE OF AGREEMENT NO. 8-1217, A DESIGN COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA FOR THE DESIGN OF A NEW INTERCHANGE (FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY) ON ROUTE 15 BETWEEN THE EXISTING WINCHESTER ROAD (STATE ROUTE 79 NORTH) INTERCHANGE AND THE I-1511-215 JUNCTION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Temecula {City} has entered into a Design Cooperative Agreement, District Agreement No. 8-1217 (Agreement}, with the State of California, Department of Transportation {Caltrans} for the development, design, and financing of the French Valley Parkway Interchange (Interstate-15 Over-Crossing and Interchange Improvements, Public Works Project No. PW02-11. Section 2. Said Agreement will terminate on June 30, 2008 unless extended through a mutually agreed amendment. Section 3. The City and Caltrans desire to amend said Agreement to extend the term to December 31.2015. Section 4. The City and Caltrans desire to maintain all other terms and conditions of said Agreement. Section 5. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 8-1217, District Agreement No. 8-1217 A11, be and is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to attest to the Mayor's signature. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27th day of May, 2448. Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA } I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 48- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of May, 2448, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk 08-Riv-15-KP 8.9/14.1 In the City of Temecula, Construct Interchange (French Valley Parkway) on I- 15 between Winchester Road (SR 79N) and I-15/I-215 Junction in the City of Temecula 08303-432700 District Agreement No. 8-1217 All AMENDA~IENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 8-1217 This Amendment to Agreement, entered into etTective on , 2008, is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and CITY OF TEMECULA, a body politic and a municipal corporation of the State of California, referred to herein as "CITY." RECITALS 1. The parties hereto entered into an Agreement on September 16, 2003, said Agreement defining the terms and conditions of a project improvements consisting of a new interchange (French Valley Parkway) on Route 15 between the existing Winchester Road (State Route 79 North) Interchange and the 15/215 junction in the city of Temecula, referred to herein as "PROJECT." 2. It has been determined that PROJECT will not be constructed prior to the termination date of said Agreement. IT IS THEREFORE MUTUALLY AGREED: 1. The termination date specified in Section III, Article (18) of the original Agreement shall now be December 31, 2015 instead of June 30, 2008. 2. The other terms and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 3. This Amendment to Agreement is hereby deemed to be part of Agreement No. 8-1217. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE: District Agreement No. 8-1217 A/1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WILL KEMPTON Director By: MICHAEL A. PEROVICH District Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND PROCEDURE: By: Attorney, Department of Transportation CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS: By: District Budget Manager CERTIFIED AS TO FINANCIAL TERMS AND POLICIES: By: Accounting Administrator CITY OF TEMECULA By: MICHAEL S. NAGGAR Mayor SUSAN W. JONES City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND PROCEDURE: PETER M. THORSON City Attorney 2 ITEM Na. S Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Agreements and Bonds for Public Improvements in Parcel No. 34711 (Located northwest of the intersection of Calle Girasol and Jeffrey Heights Road) PREPARED BY: Daniel York, Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: ACCEPT Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Subdivision Faithful Performance and Labor & Materials Bond as security for improvements and labor and materials for Parcel Map No. 34711. 2. ACCEPT Subdivision Monument Agreement and Subdivision Monument Bond as security for monumentation for Parcel Map No. 34711. BACKGROUND: On March 18, 2008, the CityCouncil approved Parcel Map No. 34711, and entered into Subdivision Improvement Agreements with Odette S. Derobert and Michele N. Hapiot. The original subdivider has recently sold the project to The Temecula Valley Corporation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Temecula Valley Corporation of Jehovah's Witnesses has submitted substitute bonds and agreements. The following lists existing securities and agreements secured by Odette S. Derobert and Michele N. Hapiot and posted by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America to be released: Faithful Performance Bond No. 105037361 in the amount of $180,500 to cover street, drainage, sewer, and water improvements. Labor and Materials Bond No. 105037361 in the amount of $90,250 to secure labor and materials. Monumentation Bond No. 105037362 in the amount of $3,500 to secure monumentation. Accompanying the agreements submitted by the new owner are the following substitute bonds posted by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America as follows: Faithful Performance Bond No. 105037356 in the amount of $180,500 to cover street, drainage, sewer, and water improvements. Labor and Materials Bond No. 105037356 in the amount of $90,250 to secure labor and materials. Manumentation Bond No. 105037357 in the amount of $3,500 to secure monumentation. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Project Location Map Substitute Subdivision Improvement Agreement (on file) Substitute Subdivision Monument Agreement {on file) Substitute Subdivision Faithful Performance Bond (on file) Substitute Subdivision Labor and Material Bond (on file) Substitute Subdivision Monumentation Bond (on file) ITEM Na. 9 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Sixth Amendment to Contract Agreement for On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 PREPARED BY: Ali Moghadam, Principal Engineer -Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the Sixth Amendment to the Contract Agreement with Republic ITS (formerly Republic Electric) to perform additional On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services and traffic related projects for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. BACKGROUND: On June 22, 2004, the City Council approved the contract agreement with Republic ITS in the amount of $50,000.00 to provide emergency and non-emergency after hour and weekend on-call traffic signal maintenance services for traffic signals, safety lighting, flashing beacons and other electronically operated traffic control devices. The maintenance schedule is a yearly contract, which began on July 1, 2004. This contract does contain a provision that allows the contract to be extended on a yearly basis by mutual agreement of both parties for up to three (3) years not to exceed June 30, 2008. The First Amendment to the contract was approved by the City Council on March 8, 2005 for maintenance of an additional 16 traffic signals on Winchester Road and Temecula Parkway (formerly Route 79 South), and several other traffic improvements and upgrade projects throughout the City. The Second Amendment for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 was approved by the City Council on June 14, 2005 which extended the Contract term through June 30, 2006 and was for an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. The Third Amendment for an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 was necessary to cover the installation and maintenance cost of the traffic signal battery back-up system at 17 locations. The Fourth Amendment was approved by City Council on June 27, 2006 for an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 and extended the term to June 30, 2007 for continued On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2006-2007. The Fifth Amendment was approved by City Council on June 26, 2007 for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 and extended the contract term to June 30, 2008 for continued On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Republic ITS initially was selected based on the firm's qualifications, ability to provide services, responsiveness to the request for proposal, relevant experience in performing similar work and ability to respond to a "call-out" within one (1) hour. Republic ITS has responded to all call-outs in a timely manner and has completed several projects such as installation of battery back-up cabinets, pole relocations, removal and replacement of conduits, wiring, detector loops and cameras in addition to the emergency call outs. Currently, the majority of call-outs are responded to by the City's Traffic Division Maintenance staff. Due to unforeseen emergency repair work associated with the construction of other improvement projects and several pole "knockdowns", Staff is requesting an amendment to the existing contract for an additional $10,000.00 for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2007-2008. It should be noted thatthe cost to repair or replace the majority of "knockdowns" is recovered through claims against the responsible party's insurance company. However, the recovered funds are deposited directly into the City's General Fund, instead of the Traffic Signal Maintenance Account. The total contract amount for this agreement is as follows: Sixth Amendment is $10,000.00, Fifth Amendment was $50,aa0.a0, Fourth Amendment was $100,OOa.aa, Third Amendment was $40,000.00, Second Amendment was $100,000.00, First Amendment was $50,000.00, and original contract amount was $50,000.00 for a total contract amount of $400,000.00, for the past four {4) years beginning July 1, 2004. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the FY 07/08 operating budget from Public Works, Traffic Division accounts for the Sixth Amendment FY 07/x8. ATTACHMENTS: Sixth Amendment SIXTH AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND REPUBLIC ITS ON-CALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES FY2007-2008 THIS SIXTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and Republic ITS ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On June 22, 2004 the City and Contractor entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services" ("Contract") in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00). B. The contract was amended an June 26, 2007 (Fifth Amendment) in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00) and for a Company Name Change and again on June 27, 2006 (Fourth Amendment) in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($100,000.00) and again on November 8, 2005 (Third Amendment) in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($40,000.00} and again on June 14, 2005 (Second Amendment) for an amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($100,000.00} and again on March 8, 2005 (First Amendment} in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00} for additional On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services. C. The parties now desire to increase the payment amount for services in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($10,000.00} amend the Contract as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 3.A. -PAYMENT of the Contract Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: A. "The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the Cost Proposal set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent providing on-call traffic signal maintenance services and described in this Sixth Amendment for an amount of Ten Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($10,000.00} for a total contract amount, of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($400,000.00}. 3. Exhibit "A & B" to the contract is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except as otherwise provided herein, all other terms of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. R:AgreementstTraffic1fy07-08\Republic ITS Sixth Amendment 7 FY07-08 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR: Republic ITS 715 Debra Lane Anaheim, California 92805-6334 (714) 535-0550 James Wagner, Vice President -Engineering Jeff Ash, Treasurer (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) z R:AgreementstTraffic1fy07-08\Republic ITS Sixth Amendment 7 FY07-08 EXHIBIT "A & B" SCOPE OF SERVICES AND COST PROPOSAL 3 R:AgreementslTraffic1fy07-081Republic ITS Sixth Amendment 7 FY07-08 SCOPE OF SERVICES ON-CALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE Republic Electric will provide emergency and non-emergency after hour and weekend call-out service for traffic signals, highway safety lighting, flashing beacons and other electrically operated traffic control or warning devices. Response to emergency after hour and weekend call-out services will be within one (1) hour of receipt of call. Republic Electric will provide a certified traffic signal technician with a minimum of three (3) years experience in traffic signal maintenance and repair. The technician shall be familiar with programming and trouble shooting type 170 controllers equipped with Bitrans 200 program. Republic Electric will provide all required tools, equipment, apparatus and materials to perform all work necessary to repair the traffic signals and flashing beacons identified in Exhibits "B" and "C" of the Request for Proposal (RFP) 127, On-Call Traffic Signal Maintenance Services for the City of Temecula dated May 5, 2004. 4 R:AgreementstTraffic1fy07-08\Republic ITS Sixth Amendment 7 FY07-08 COST PROPOSAL Labor- Hourly Rate Schedule Hourly Rate Signal Maintenance Superintendent (Foreman)* $ 89.29 Signal Maintenance Technician {Journeyman Electrician)* $ 73.50 Traffic Signalman {Journeyman Electrician)* $ 73.50 Engineering Technician (Journeyman Electrician)* $ 73.50 *Republic Electric complies with all City/Local, State and Federal laws regarding prevailing wage and overtime rates. Equipment Rate Schedule Service Truck $ 10.50 Crane Truck $ 78.75 Hydraulic Man-Lift Truck (Bucket Truck) $ 26.25 Compressor/Jackhammer $ 10.00 Concrete SawlWater Truck $ 10.00 Loop Resealing Per Linear Foot $ 2.88 Loop Replacement $ 309.75 Material Mark-UA 15% Method of Invoicing Republic Electric will submit a monthly bill to the City of Temecula for all service calls performed far the previous month. R:~AgreementstTraffic1fy07-08\Republic ITS Sixth Amendment 7 FY07-08 ITEM N~}. 1a Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mark Harold, Director of Building and Safety DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to Agreement for Plan Review Services with Esgil Corporation RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approves a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consulting Services with Esgil Corporation in the amount of $30,000 to provide Plan Check Services for a total Agreement amount of $230,000.00 BACKGROUND: On June 12, 2007, the City and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for Plan Check Review Services, in the amount of $200,000.00. The adoption of the 2007 California Codes has resulted in an activity increase beyond projected numbers. As a result of the increased plan review activity a contract amendment is necessary to complete this fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriate funds are available for Account Number 001-162-999-5248 "Consulting Services". No other funds are required to subsidize this request. ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment for FY 2007/2008 and Attachment A. FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND ESGIL CORPORATION FOR PLAN CHECK SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008, by and between the City of Temecula ("City"), a municipal corporation, and Esgil Corporation ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with the respect to the fallowing facts and purposes: a. On June 12, 2007, the City and Consultant entered into that certain Agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement far Plan Check Review Services", in the amount of $200,000.00. b. The parties now desire to change the payment rates and schedule and increase the payment in the amount of $30,000 for services and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 4.a. Payment, of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based on actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. The first amendment amount shall not exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars and No Cents {$30,000.00) for additional consulting services for a total agreement amount of Two Hundred Thirty Thousand, Dollars and No Cents {$230,000.00)." 3. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment A to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880162.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed the day and year first above written. BY: BY: BY: BY: CITY OF TEMECULA Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Janes, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT Esgil Corporation Attn: Kurt Culver 9320 Chespeak Dr. #208 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 560-1468 (858) 560-1576 Fax (Signature) (Printed Named) BY: TITLE: (Sig nature) NAME: (Printed Named) 2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880162.doc ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT B Esgil Corporation's plan review fee shall be 75°l0 of the inspection portion of the City's Permit Fee. The fee for "Structural Only Plan RevievJ' is valuated at 45% of the fee collected for a full review. Plan check fee for repetitive identical buildings shall be 75% of the inspection portion of the City's Permit Fee as noted above for the first, or basic building, and 15% of the inspection portion of the City's Per Fee as noted above for each additional building. The single fee includes all rechecks and there are no additional charges for preliminary plan check conferences at our office, expedited processing, or checking plans that are eventually found to be incomplete. Revisions to previously approved plans will be at Esgil Corporation's published hourly rates. C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880162.doc ITEM N~}. 11 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mark Harold, Director of Building and Safety DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to Agreement for Plan Review Services with Interwest Consulting Group RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approves a First Amendment to the Agreement for Consulting Services with Interwest Consulting Group in the amount of $25,000 to provide Plan Check Services for a total Agreement amount of $75,000.00 BACKGROUND: On June 12, 2007, the City and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula for Plan Check Review Services, in the amount of $50,000. The adoption of the 2007 California Codes has resulted in an activity increase beyond projected numbers. As a result of the increased plan review activity a contract amendment is necessary to complete this fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: Appropriate funds are available for Account Number 001-162-999-5248 "Consulting Services". No other funds are required to subsidize this request. ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment for FY 2007/2008 and Attachment A FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC. FOR PLAN CHECK SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008, by and between the City of Temecula ("City"), a municipal corporation, and Intennrest Consulting Group ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes: a. On June 12, 2007, the City and Consultant entered into that certain Agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement far Plan Check Review Services", in the amount of $50,000. b. The parties now desire to change the payment rates and schedule and increase the payment in the amount of $25,000 for services (Exhibit B) and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 4.a. Payment , of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based on actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. The first amendment amount shall not exceed Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents {$2x,000.00} for additional consulting services far a total agreement amount of Seventy-Five Thousand, Dollars and No Cents {$7x,000.00). " 3. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment A to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 1 C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1880213.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be executed the day and year first above written. BY: BY: BY: 2 CITY OF TEMECULA Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Janes, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. Attn: Paul Armstrong 9300 W. Stockton Blvd. #105 Elk Grove, CA 95758 (916) 206-7776 BY: (Signature) NAME: (Printed Named} BY: (Signature) {Printed Named) TITLE: C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1880213.doc ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT B Interwest Consulting Group's plan review fee shall be 75°l0 of the inspection portion of the City's Permit Fee. The fee for "Structural Only Plan RevievJ' is valuated at 45% of the fee collected for a full review. Plan check fee for repetitive identical buildings shall be 75% of the inspection portion of the City's Permit Fee as noted above for the first, or basic building, and 15% of the inspection portion of the City's Per Fee as noted above for each additional building. The single fee includes all rechecks and there are no additional charges for preliminary plan check conferences at our office, expedited processing, or checking plans that are eventually found to be incomplete. Revisions to previously approved plans will be at Interwest Consulting Group's published hourly rates. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1880213.doc ITEM N~}. 12 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mark Harold, Director of Building and Safety DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Change Street Name Calle Empleado to Fuller Drive PREPARED BY: Mark Harold, Director of Building and Safety RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING THE STREET NAME OF CALLE EMPLEADO TO FULLER DRIVE BACKGROUND: On October 5, 2006, the Building and Safety Department received a request from Tim Fuller, President and CEO of Plant Equipment Inc., to change the street name of Calle Empleado to that of Fuller Drive. In Mr. Fuller's request he offered that Plant Equipment, Inc. now Plant CML, was relocated to Temecula from Orange County in 1981 by his father John H. Fuller, the company founder. Mr. Fuller's father passed away in 2004 and his intention with this proposal is to honor his father's memory. Notification of this proposed street name change was sent to all five (5) property owners adjacent to Calle Empleado to obtain support or opposition to this name change. It is important to note that there are no properties that front directly onto Calle Empleado. There were no objections to this proposal received. In January of 2007, Mayor Chuck Washington directed Mr. Fuller to meet with the City Manager, Shawn Nelson regarding this proposal. At that meeting the City Manager informed Mr. Fuller that public funds could not be used for the project. This request is now being brought back with the employees of Plant CML proposing to incur any costs associated for the street name change. Public Works has communicated these costs to Plant CML and will install the signs after they are purchased by them. FISCAL IMPACT: The sign blades will be purchased directly by Plant CML under direction from Public Works Department. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 08- RESOLUTION NO.08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING THE STREET NAME OF CALLE EMPLEADO TO FULLER DRIVE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find determine and declare that: A. Section 34091.1 and 34092 of the Government Code provides for changing the name of a public street. B. There has been a request to change the name of Calle Empleado to Fuller Drive. C. The City Council has determined that such a change is in the public interest. D. The City notified all of the property owners with property adjacent to Calle Empleado by first class mail of the proposed change of name of Calle Empleado to Fuller Drive. Section 2. The City Council hereby orders that: A. The name of Calle Empleado is changed to Fuller Drive. B. The name change described in Section 2A shall be effective within sixty (60} days of approval. C. The City Clerk is hereby ordered to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County as required by Government Code Section 34092. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27th day of May, 2448. Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA } I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 48- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of May, 2448, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk ITEM N~}. 13 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mark Harold, Director of Building and Safety DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to Agreement for Weed Abatement with Inland Empire Property Services, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approves a First Amendment to the Agreement with Inland Empire Property Services Inc., to provide Weed Abatement for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 in the amount of $20,000.00 for a total Agreement amount of $40,000.00 BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is responsible for the weed abatement of properties with hazardous growth not maintained during the spring and summer seasons. The city contracts with a local contractor to bring specifically identified parcels into compliance with the Temecula Municipal Code. The parcel owners are then billed to recover the contractor costs plus an administrative fee. If the owners do not remit payment for the billing notice, the city will then place a lien as required to facilitate cost recovery for the property. This requested increase for the contract is a direct result of additional cost that were incurred for the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 and the additional Code Enforcement cases resulting from winter and recent spring rains in Temecula. The final numbers for 2008 liens will be ready on June 23, 2008. Invoices will be processed and we will provide a lien exhibit we anticipate bringing forward to City Council from approval at the July 22, 2008 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted and in the FY 07/08 forAccount Number 001-161-611- 5440 "Weed Abatement". ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment for FY 2007/2008, Attachment A. and Exhibit B FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES WEED ABATEMENT SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the City of Temecula ("City"), a municipal corporation, and Inland Empire Properly Services ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes: a. On July 1, 2007, the City and Contractor entered into that certain Contract entitled "City of Temecula" Contract for weed abatement services, in the amount of $20,000.00. b. The parties now desire to increase the payment for services in the amount of $20,000.00 and amend the Contract as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 1. TERM. This Contract shall remain and continue in effect until tasks herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2008, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Contract. 3. Section 5.a. PAYMENT. Section 5a. of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. The First Amendment amount shall not exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for additional weed abatement services for a total Contract amount of Farty Thousand Dollars ($ 40,000.00}." 4. Exhibit "B" to the Contract is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: By: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Inland Empire Property Services 15860 Oro Glen, Moreno Valley, CA 92551 {951 } 924-6905 BY: {Signature) NAME: (Printed Named) TITLE: BY: (Signature) NAME: (Printed Named} TITLE: TWO SIGNATURES REQUIRED FOR CORPORATIONS 2 ATTACHMENT A Attached hereto and incorporated herein is the additional scope of work and associated cost as provided by the Consultant /Vendor 1 Contractor. 3 EXHIBIT "A" TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Scope of Work The contractor shall provide Weed abatement services to the City of Temecula in accordance with the Exhibit, "A" which consists of Part 1 Procedures, Part 2 Instructions, Conditions, and Legal Requirements, and Part 3 Schedule of Fees. PART 1: PROCEDURES TRACTOR NlOWIIVG 1. General mowing of vegetative ground cover may be accomplished provided that an approved, heavy duty mower is used, and that the vegetation is cut to a distance of no higher than four (4") inches from the solid surface and as close to adjoining improvements as possible. Contractor shall mow at an appropriate speed to effectively mow the vegetation but not so fast that it knocks the weeds down permitting them to stand back up days later. 2. Operation and Maintenance -Tractor mowers will be operated by a qualified, cooperative, experienced operator. They will be operated and maintained in good condition by the contractor at his expense and on his own time. 3. Safety Shields -All tractor mowers are to be equipped with safety shields to prevent or reduce the throwing of rocks or other material that could result in injury or damage to private property. 4. Clean up of Streets and Sidewalks -All streets and sidewalks are to be left in a clean condition. Necessary tools for cleaning streets and sidewalks are to be available on the job site. The charge for this operation shall not be separate, but will be included in the unit price for cleaning the parcel. At a minimum, clean up shall be consistent with current NPDES regulations. 5. Discing Weed abatement by discing shall not be an approved method of hazardous vegetation removal. 6. Dust Control -During windy conditions, the firm shall postpone work until the wind subsides or watering is provided to minimize blowing dust. EQUIPMENT -The firm selected shall furnish tractors, mowers, etc. in all areas suitable to complete the job of mowing the property. The firm shall provide transportation to and from the job sites, for his equipment and all necessary fuel, etc., at hislher own expense. 1. Fire Fighting Safety Equipment -All tractors are to be equipped with an approved spark arrestor when not equipped with turbo charger and also an approved 2-112 gallon pressurized water type fire extinguisher and shovel. 2. Transport Truck -The transport truck for hauling the tractor and mower shall be of suitable size and horsepower to easily maneuver and negotiate all terrain traveled to reach the job sites. Transports should have a tilt type bed for easy loading and unloading. All equipment C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc must meet highway specifications and safety regulations. Trucks will be in good mechanical condition and will be operated and maintained at the expense of the firm and at a time before ar after working hours. 3. Flagman - If required or necessary for any reason, the firm will furnish, at no expense to the City, flagpersons for loading and unloading of equipment. The primary equipment allowed for weed abatement will be tractors with mowers. The use ofnon-authorized equipment or methods will result in non-payment by the City. STANDARD FOR CLEARING The purpose of removal is for the reduction of fire and safety hazards and will be accomplished by turning under and mixing weeds with the soil or by mowing, hauling, trimming, and grubbing using manual labor or by any combination of methods that are approved and included in the scope of the contract. All clearing must meet the specifications of the Hazard Reduction Program and must be approved in writing by the Code Enforcement Division. 1. Method of Clearing -Parcels of five {5) acres and less will be cleared completely. Where the acreage consists of more than five (5) continuous acres, a one hundred (100) foot wide strip shall be cleared at the perimeter of the property, and through the remainder of the property there shall not be any portion of land larger than two and one-half {2-112) acres which is not enclosed by itself within such a strip, which shall be a fire break. If the clearing is made in accordance with this standard, the payment will be based on fifty {50) percent of the total square footage of the parcel. It may be determined that only a portion of a parcel exceeding five {5} acres needs to be cleared to adequately provide the necessary fire protection to the surrounding improvements. In these cases, payment would be based on actual square footage mowed. The Code Enforcement Division will make this determination when necessary. 2. Tumbleweed Abatement -The awarded firm will also be used in tumbleweed abatement in all areas during the months of August through October if the Planning Director determines this is necessary. HAND CLEANING AND HAULING 1. General -Whenever it is impractical by reason of topography, location of trees, shrubbery, buildings, fences or type of vegetative cover to use a tractor mower and when authorized by the Director of Planning, or designee, the vegetation shall be removed or thinned by hand labor using hand labor type tools. Handcrews shall consist of not less than two people. Additional manpower may be used, however no additional compensation will be allowed. 2. Disposal of Cuttings -The excess accumulated material cut down by hand labor shall be disposed of by hauling the material to the nearest County landfill site, or an approved "clean green waste" compost facility. 3. Required Tools and Equipment -The contractor shall furnish all hand tools, power equipment and safety equipment necessary to accomplish the specified work. 4. Supervision Furnished by Contractor -the contractor at his own expense will furnish Supervision of hand crews. All supervisors must be experienced and verbally capable of communicating with the Code Enforcement Officers. 5. Hauling Trimmings -Hauling of trimmings due to hand cleaning are considered one and of the same type of operation and therefore billing will be considered the same. C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc 6. Type of Work Authorized -The amount of work and type of work to be performed shall be under the direction of, and only with, the authorization of the Director of Planning, or designee. 7. Hand Cleaning Charges to Include Loading -Hand cleaning charges on parcels to be cleaned will include the loading of vegetative materials that are to be removed to the nearest landfill site or compost facility. Removal charges can be added if a landfill tipping fee receipt is presented with the billing. 8. Travel time to Landfill -Travel time to and from the landfill or compost facility shall not be charged. The contractor's charge for the truck are included as part of the rate. RUBBISH, REFUSE AND DIRT 1. General -Whenever it is impractical by reason of location of rubbish, refuse, and dirt to use a tractor mower and when authorize by the Director of Planning, the rubbish, refuse, and dirt shall be removed. The degree of removal to be accomplished on any parcel will be specified by the Code Enforcement Division. Definition of rubbish, refuse, and dirt are as follows, discarded asphalt and concrete, abandoned foundations, litter, trash, trees, piles of dirt; making clearing the parcel impossible. Contractor shall photograph the debris prior to removal and a second photograph shall show the trash in the haul away vehicle for comparison. Photographs shall show the date and Assessor's Parcel Number. Digital photographs are the only acceptable method of documentation. 2. Disposal of Rubbish, Refuse, and Dirt -The material shall be disposed of by hauling the material to the nearest County landfill site. 3. Required Tools and Equipment -The contractor shall furnish all equipment necessary to accomplish the specific work. 4. Supervision Furnished by Contractor -Supervision of crews will be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. 5. Charges: Rubbish, and Refuse -The charge far clearing of rubbish and refuse from a parcel will include the cleaning and loading of the materials that are to be removed to the landfill site and the hauling of the materials to the landfill site are considered one and of the same type of operation and therefore billing will be considered the same. 6. Travel Time to Landfill -Travel time to and from the landfill shall not be charged. This charge is included in the rate. 7. Piles of Dirt -All parcels that have piles of dirt shall be leveled in a matter authorized by the Code Enforcement Division. 8. Exceptions -Any exceptions to the foregoing regulations will be at the discretion of the Director of Planning, or designee, should special circumstances exist. PART 2: INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS, and LEGAL REQUIREMENTS C:\Program Files (x86)1Neevia.Com\Document Converterltemp\880568.doc 1. All services provided by the Contractor shall be performed in strict accordance with the City of Temecula Municipal Code 8.16 and Ordinance 1103.2. of the 2001 California Fire Code. 2. Contractor shall identify those services, if applicable, that will be out-sourced to a subcontractor. The prime Contractor will be responsible for verifying the qualifications and validity of all licenses, permits and quality of work for any out sourced work to sub-Contractors. The prime Contractor is also responsible for paying its employees and any sub-Contractors the prime Contractor hires. 3. The contractor is required to comply with all existing State and Federal labor laws. Selected Contractor is also responsible for complying with all OSHA standards and COSHA standards and requirements. If Contractor outsources any work or job to asub-Contractor, it will be the prime Contractors responsibility to ensure that all sub-Contractors meet the requirements as stated in this RFQ. 4. The contractor shall be an independent contractor, and nothing shall be construed to cause the Contractor to be deemed or represent itself as an agent or employee of the City. 5. The Contractor shall be excused from performance hereunder during the time and the extent that he/she is prevented from obtaining, delivering, repairing, or performing in the customary manner, by acts of God, fire, war, strike, and loss or shortage of transportation facilities. Contractor shall provide the City satisfactory evidence that non-performance is due to other than fault or negligence an the Contractors part. 6. The selected Contractor agrees to maintain a City of Temecula Business License far the duration of the contract. 7. All work shall be done by qualified personnel. Contractor shall provide copies of all Federal, State, County and City licenses or certificates required by this contract. 8. Contractor agrees that all service by the contractor shall be to the satisfaction of the City's Code Enforcement personnel. In the event that the Contractor defaults on performance of any of these requirements, then the City shall have the right to terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice delivered to the Contractor by certified mail or courier. The Contractor shall maintain the contract during the termination period. Termination of the contract will not relieve the Contractor of any liability to the City for damages sustained by the City because of any breach of contract by the Contractor, and the City may withhold any payments to the Contractor until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the Contractor is determined. 9. The term of the contract shall commence upon award by the City Manager/City Council and continue through June 30, 2008. The City reserves the option to extend the contract(s) under the same terms and conditions for an additional three years. Price adjustments may occur during the first thirty-six (36) months of this agreement. Upon request of the contractor and agreement by the City, the item prices may be adjusted by the amount equal to the increase or decrease, during the previous twelve (12) months, in the Riverside, San Bernardino All Urban Consumers Index to determine the percentage of increase or decrease, the term "previous twelve months" shall mean the twelve month period ending June 30t" of that year, or if not available, the prior month. 10. The contract between Contractor and the City is non-transferable. Contractor shall under no circumstances assign the agreement without written permission of the City. Contractor C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc shall notify the City, in writing, of any change in shop ownership at least thirty (30) days prior to said change. 11. The City's terms for payment are net thirty (30) days upon receipt of invoice. Contractor shall submit invoices between the first and fifteenth business day of each month for services provided the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30} days of receipt of each invoice as to all undisputed fees. 12. The City reserves the right to add or eliminate parcels and neighborhoods to the scope of work of the Weed Abatement Contract, as circumstances require. Contractor agrees pricing will be the same for any additional parcels. 13. Prohibited Interest - No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct ar indirect, in this agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Cantractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event that any such interest is discovered whether or not law or this agreement prohibits such interest. 14. The awarded firm shall at all times take precautions (where necessary) to insure the protection of the public and meet OSHA and COSHA requirements. All work performed shall be done in a prompt, thorough, lawful and professional manner. Contractor shall perform work in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, ordinances, regulations, and permit conditions. The contractor shall review and be familiar with the conditions of approval of the weed abatement permit issued by the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service related to weed abatement on sensitive habitats. 15. The Contractor shall take clear and concise pictures of the area demonstrating need for abatement. These pictures will be taken immediately "before" and "after" abatement work is done and submitted to the department. If pictures do not show justification of charge, payment will not be made. Each picture shall include time and date picture was taken and the parcel number it represents. Digital photographs are the only acceptable method of documentation. Each "after" picture shall be taken from the same location as the "before" picture, showing some outstanding landmark. 16. The contractor shall not miss more than two (2) consecutive days or more than five (5) days out of a twenty (20) day period, when work has been assigned, regardless of the reasons {i.e., equipment failure, illness, etc.} 17. In case of default by the contractor, the City may procure the work, or services from an alternate firm. The City may deduct any excess cost from any unpaid balance due the assigned firm, or may bill for the same at the City's discretion. The prices paid by the City, in such events shall be considered the prevailing market price at the time of purchase. C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc 18. The work, labor and/or materials which the contractor proposed to furnish to the City must comply in all respects with the appropriate equipment and safety regulations of all Federal, State and local regulatory commissions whether such equipment or safety features have been specifically outlined ar required in these specifications or not. 19. Where there are locked gates to the property, the firm will be given instructions on how to enter the property. The firm will be responsible for any damage done not in accordance to given instructions. 20. All mowing or other services must be done during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday except City recognized holidays. 21. Complaints -The contractor will be responsible for promptly answering inquiries and complaints of the Planning Department or private property owners or citizens relative to any work, charges, damage or any other questions that may arise as a result of abatement operations by the contractor. 22. Operations may be suspended at any time by the Director of Planning, or his designee, until appropriate corrective measures are taken, if any, of the conditions set forth in this contract are found to exist. 23. Final Decisions -All scheduling of cleaning operations will be determined by the Director of Planning, or his designee. At any time during the cleaning operations, should a controversy arise as to the number of lots cleaned, the amounts of work done, or not to be done, or the size of parcels cleaned by the contractor, the matter will be studied and explained fully and the decision made by the Director of Planning, or his designee, shall be final. 24. Hold Harmless Clause -The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Temecula, its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, loss or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them or any of them for injury to, or death of persons; or damage to property arising out of or in any manner connected with the negligence or lack of care of the contractor, his officers, agents, or employees in the performance of this contract. This provision shall include any and all claims arising from sub- contractors retained by the contractor. 25. Reports of Damage -The contractor will promptly notify the Code Enforcement Division of any damage to private property as a result of abatement operations. 26. Supervision -The contractor shall be responsible for providing qualified supervision in all areas of operations. Supervision will be provided at the expense of the contractor. The supervisor will make necessary reports and work directly with the Code Enforcement Division in planning and scheduling the work. 27. Transportation -All transportation of equipment and personnel to and from the jab site will be arranged by the contractor. C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc 28. Sanitary Facilities -The contractor shall be responsible for making available the sanitary facilities necessary for all his personnel. Aforementioned sanitary facilities shall meet the standards of State and local law. 29. Parking Equipment -The contractor shall make arrangements for parking sites for his equipment at night and on Sundays or holidays. Equipment shall not be parked or stored on private property without the express permission of the property owner. 30. Removal of Private Property -Under no condition will the contractor or his agent or workmen remove any item or items from any private property except that which has been authorized by the Director of Planning, or his designee. 31. Operations -The cantractor is required to provide sufficient operable equipment, replacements, and personnel during hazard abatement cleaning as deemed necessary by the Director of Planning, or his designee. Removal of any such equipment designated to the Abatement Program without an immediate replacement must be approved by the Director of Planning, or his designee. 33. Termination of Operations - Final authorization to terminate abatement operations will be made by the Director of Planning, or his designee. 34. Furnish Manpower and Equipment - The contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, equipment and tools such as, but not limited to tractors, trucks, mowers, whip hoes, rakes and other tools and equipment as required for the removal of weeds, debris and vegetative growth from parcels, within the City of Temecula. 35. Unauthorized Work -Payment will not be made to the contractor for work accomplished that was not authorized by the Director of Planning. 36. Interpretation of Specifications -Should it appear that any matter relative to these specifications has not been sufficiently detailed or explained, the Contractor shall contact the Code Enforcement Division for clarification. In the event that satisfaction has nat been reached, the contractor may appeal to the Planning Director. 37. Error or Omission of Specifications -The contractor will not be allowed to take advantage of any error or omission in these specifications and plans. Full instructions will always be given by the Director of Planning or his designee, when such error or omission is discovered. C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc C:iProgram Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\880568.doc EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE 1. Weed removal shall be billed at a rate of $99.75 plus a fuel sure charge of $4.75 for the first acre or fraction thereof. This does not include handwork. 2. Every acre or fraction thereof after the first acre shall be billed at a rate of $89.75. This does not include handwork. 3. All parcels that are one quarter acre {0.25 acre) or less in size shall be billed at a rate of $100.00. This shall include all handwork. 4. In the event dust control is necessary, the contractor may charge an additional fee for use of a water truck. Water trucks shall be billed at $100.00 per hour, four (4) hour minimum plus water charges. 5. Trash removal shall be billed at a rate of $105.00 per cubic yard for trash and debris and $125.00 for all asphalt and concrete. This does not include dump fees. 6. Handwork along property edges fence lines shall be billed on a per hour basis and shall be billed on a per man basis at the rate of $45.00 per man. 7. Handwork on slopes and similar places that are not accessible by tractors or other similar vehicles shall be billed at $45.00 per hour. Slopes cleared by specialized tractors shall be billed at $125.00 per hour. Contractor Signature: Chuck Maciel, CEC Inland Empire Property Services ITEM N~}. 14 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Resolution Adopting FY 2008-2009 Solid Waste Rates PREPARED BY: Barbara Smith, Senior Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING SOLID WASTE RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the existing solid waste franchise agreementwith CR&R, Incorporated, the rates charged for refuse collection and recycling for residential and commercial services in the City of Temecula are subject to annual review and modification. The franchise agreement provides for adjustments based upon changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), #2 Diesel Fuel Index,(both provided by the U.S. Department of Labor) and changes to the Riverside County Landfill Tip Fees. The annual average CPI increase as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics-Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange Co; for All Urban Consumers is 3.3%. The #2 Diesel Fuel Index increased by 8.6% in calendar year 2007. The County of Riverside Waste Management Department has increased their tip fee for FY 2008-2009 at their landfills by 4.2%. The solid waste commercial rates for fiscal year 2008-2009 reflect an approximate 3.5% overall increase from FY 2007-2008. The TCSD Board of Directors are scheduled to review the single- family residential refuse and recycling collection rate on June 10, 2008 as part of the proposed TCSD Rates and Charges budget for FY 2008-2009. The attached Exhibit "D" reflects the new rates for solid waste collection for all collection services to become effective July 1, 2008. FISCAL IMPACT: No additional costs will be borne by the City of Temecula since these services are paid for directly by the customers receiving the services. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Revised Exhibit "D" Consumer Price Index - U.S. Department of Labor #2 Diesel Fuel Data - U.S. Department of Labor RESOLUTION NO.08- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE SOLID 1NASTE RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Temecula (the "City"} and C R & R Incorporated (The "Grantee") entered into an exclusive agreement on May 28, 1991 for the collection, transportation, recycling, composting, and disposal of solid waste and construction debris and for providing temporary bin/roll off services in the City. A. The franchise agreement provides for periodic rate adjustments based on certain predefined criteria, specifically the annual average change in Consumer Price Index {"CPI"), percent change to #2 Diesel Fuel Index and the Riverside County landfill tipping fee adjustments. B. The franchise agreement further provides a formula to calculate the fee adjustments to be made to the agreement on an annual basis using the following factors: a. The CPI adjustment of 3.3% will be used for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 rates. b. The #2 Diesel Fuel Index adjustment of 8.6°~ will be used for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 rates. c. The County of Riverside Waste Management Department landfill tip fee adjustment of 4.2°lo will be used far Fiscal Year 2008-2009 rates. C. The franchise agreement provides that the solid waste fee adjustments are to be adapted by the City Council by Resolution. Section 2. That the City of Temecula approves the solid waste fee adjustments as shown in Exhibit "D" far fiscal year 2008-2009. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of the Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27th day of May, 2448. Michael S. Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA } I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 48- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of June, 2448, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk CITY of TEMECULA Exhibit "D" Schedule of Rates (effective July 1, 2008) 1 2. 3 4. Mechanized single family detached residential collection, recycling, composting, transfer, and disposal grantee billing Monthly Rate: $ 17.93 Mechanized single family detached residential collection, recycling, composting, transfer, and disposal parcel charge Monthly Rate: $ 17.93 Mechanized single family detached residential additional refuse, and composting container grantee billing Monthly Rate: $ 7.65 Single family detached residential additional bulky item pick up -grantee billing Pick Up Rate: $ 9.11 5. Commercial. industrial, and multi-family residential refuse monthly bin rates (one 2 cubic yard bin) with the following pick ups per week: 1 x week $ 84.88 2 x week $ 169.76 3 x week $ 254.64 4 x week $ 339.52 5 x week $ 424.40 6 x week $ 509.28 7 x week $ 594.16 Compacted 2 Cubic Yard monthly rate: 2.5 x monthly rate 6 Commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential refuse monthly bin rates (one 3 cubic yard bin) with the following pick ups per week: 1 x week $ 97.75 2 x week $ 195.50 3 x week $ 293.25 4 x week $ 391.00 5 x week $ 488.75 6 x week $ 586.50 7 x week $ 684.25 7 Compacted 3 Cubic Yard monthly: 2.5 x monthly rate Commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential recycling monthly bin rates (one 3 cubic yard bin) with the following pick ups per week: 1 x week $ 43.18 2 x week $ 86.36 3 x week $ 129.54 4 x week $ 172.72 5 x week $ 215.90 6 x week $ 259.08 7 x week $ 302.26 8. Commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential refuse monthly bin rates (one 4 cubic yard bin) with the following pick ups per week: 1 x week $ 110.66 2 x week $ 221.32 3 x week $ 331.98 4 x week $ 442.64 5 x week $ 553.30 6 x week $ 663.96 7 x week $ 774.62 Compacted 4 Cubic Yard monthly rate: 2.5 x monthly rate 9. Commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential recvcline monthly bin rates (one 4 cubic yard bin) with the following pick ups per week: 1 x week $ 57.18 2 x week $114.36 3 x week $171.54 4 x week $228.72 5 x week $285.90 6 x week $343.08 7 x week $400.26 10. Temporary 3 cubic yard bin rate: $ 85.84 11. Exri•a Temporary or Regular Service pick up: $ 45.78 per pick up (Includes all bin sizes 2, 3 and 4 yards) 12. Redeliver and reinstatement rate: $ 35.79 per occurrence 13. Roll-off Delivery Fee: $65.00 per bin 14. Roll-off disposal rate: $201.95 MRF/landfill fee 15. Roll-off recycling rate: $201.95 plus market valve 16. Roll-off compactor rate: $281.18 MRF/landfill fee 17. Roll-off recycling compactor rate: $281.18 plus market valve 18. Scheduled Extra Green Waste pick up (up to 10 bags): $10.00 per pick up 19. Non-Scheduled Extra Green Waste pick up (up to 10 bags) : $25.00 20. E-Waste Pick up: no charge 21. "Hard to service" vehicle usage rate: no charge 22. "Hard to service" bin moving rate: no charge 23. Special bin lids (locking/CBL) rate: no charge 24. Deodorizing /replacing bin rate: no charge Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Page 1 of 1 U.S. Department ~ :; ~~ . ; .. -J \. ~ of Labor ~~~ j Bureau of Labor - Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics Data WWW,b~S.90V J Advanced Search ~ A-Z Index BLS Home ~ Programs & Surveys ~ Get Detailed Statistics ~ Glossary ~ What's New ~ Find It! In DOL Change Output From: 2007 ~ To: 2007 ~ ~' Options: r include graphs New! 1~9ore Formatting Options..- Data extracted on: April 7, 2008 (4:32:22 PM) Consumer Price Index -All Urban Consumers Series Id: CUURA421SA0 Not Seasonally Adjusted Area: Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA Item: All items Base Period: 1982-84=100 Year Annual 2007 217.338 12 Months Percent Change Series Id: CUURA421SA0 Not Seasonally Adjusted Area: Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, Item: All items Base Period: 1982-84=100 Year Annua 2007 3.3 Back to Top www.dol.gov Frequently Asked Questions ~ Freedom_of_Information Act ~ Customer Survey ~ Important Web Site Notices Privacy & Security Statement ~ Linking and Cooyright Information i Accessibility Technical (web Lquestion ~ Other comments U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 www.bls~ov I Telephone: (202) 691-5200 IDo you have a Data question? http://data.bls.gov/PDQ/servlet/Survey0utputServlet 4/7/2008 Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Page 1 of 1 --_ U.S. Department T:~ '~ ~.;~,, ..~ -.. . . of Labor • , , ~Y 1 Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics Data WWW.L?/S.90V J Advanced Search ~ A-Z Index BLS Home ~ Programs & Surveys ~ Get Detailed Statistics ~ Glossary ~ What's New ~ Find It! In DOL Change Output From: 2007 ~ To: 2007 Options: I-include graphs New! h9ore Formatting optionsy Data extracted on: April 7, 2008 (4;31:27 PM) Producer Price Index-Commodities 12 Months Percent Change Series Id: WPU057303 Not Seasonally Adjusted Group: Fuels and related products and power Item: #2 diesel fuel Base Date: 8200 Year Annual 2007 8.6(P) P :Preliminary. All indexes are subject to revision four months after original publication. Back to Ton www.dol_gov Frequently Asked Questions I Freedom of Informatiorr_Act (Customer Survey I Important Web Site Notices Privacy & Security Statement I Linking and Copp~right Information I Accessibility Technical (web) question I Other comments U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20212-0001 www.bls.gov I Telephone: (202) 691-5200 ~Do you have a Data question? http://data.bls.gov/PDQ/servlet/Survey0utputServlet 4/7/2008 ITEM N~}. 15 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Press Enterprise Article -April 9, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file report BACKGROUND: On May, 13, 2008, a letter was sent to Maria DeVarenne, Editor of the Press Enterprise, requesting that a correction be made to the following article written by reporter Jeff Horseman. In this April 9, 2008 article, Mr. Horseman wrote "The (RCIP) settlement helped advance the extension of Newport Road, which was needed for Winchester Hills, a planned 5,600- home community funded by investors organized by developer Dan Stephenson." At the April 22, 2008 City Council meeting, Public Works Director Bill Hughes, 3~d District Supervisor Jeff Stone, and County Transportation Director Juan Perez spent nearly 90 minutes clarifying that the Newport Road extension was the result of a condition of approval back in 1997. Further, the Community Facilities District (CFD) for Newport Road was formed well before the City initiated its RCIP lawsuit and was funded and under construction at least 6 months prior to the Cooperative Agreement being approved. This discussion made it extremely clear that the RCIP Cooperative Agreement had no affect on advancing the construction of Newport Road. On May 21, 2008, I received a response to my letter from Managing Editor John Gryka. Mr. Gryka stated that the Press Enterprise does not think a correction or clarification is warranted because in a May 13, 2008 article reporter Jeff Horseman wrote: "In 2001 Stephenson encouraged Winchester Hills landowners to set up a community facilities district to pay for the extension, and the lawsuit put projects paid for with such districts on the fast track." While Mr. Horseman's statement does inform the public that Mr. Stephenson started the process to form the CFD well before the RCI P settlement was approved, it misses the main point of the letter and the reason a correction was requested in the first place. The RCIP Cooperative Agreement had nothing to do with advancing Newport Road. The Newport Road CFD was already formed, funded and under construction prior to the RCIP lawsuit and approval of the Cooperative Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: May 13, 2Q08 Letter to Ms. QeVarenne May 21, 2Q08 Letter to Shawn Nelson City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive•Temecula, CA9Z590•MailingAddress: P.O. Box 9033•Temecula, CA 92589-9033 (951(506-5100 • Fax (95t(694-6499• wv~rvv.ciryoftemecula.org May 13, 2008 Ms. Maria DeVazenne, Editor The Press Enterprise 3450 14s' Street Riverside, CA 92501 Deaz Ms. DeVazenne: The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the following statement that appeared in a news article in the Press Enterprise on Apri19, 2008 is ittcorrect and that we request you publish a correction of this error and the attached article responding to it. In this article, reporter Jeff Horsemen writes: "i'he (RCIP) settlement helped advance the extension of Newport Road, which was needed for Winchester Hills, a planned 5,600-home community funded by investors organized by developer Dan Stephenson." The above statement was written in relation to assertions from some members of the public that Newport Road was expedited ahead of Winchester Road as a result of RCIP Cooperative Agreement. The above statement is not a quote but appears to be a statement of fact asserted by Mr. Horseman. In response, Mayor .Mike Nagger. placed an item on the April 22, 2008 City Council agenda in which a complete analysis of the RCIP cooperative agreement between the Ciry of Temecula and the County of Riverside was thoroughly discussed: This agreement suggests an annual review of the status. What resulted was a 90 minute discussion that included the County Supervisor Jeff Stone, County Transportation Director Juan Perez, and Ciry Public Works Director Bill Hughes. As a result of this discussion, it was confmned that the Newport Road extension was the result of a condition of approval back in 1997. Further, the CFD for Newport Road was formed well before the City initiated its RC1P lawsuit and was funded at least 6 months prior to the cooperative agreement being approved. The result of this discussion made it extremely clear that the RCTP Cooperative Agreement had no affect on advancing the construction of Newport Road. Since Mr. Horseman's statement is clearly. false and inaccurate, I am requesting a correction of this statement. ~~~~~~ Ms. Maria De Varenne . May 13, 2008 Page 2 Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions or comments regarding this, please feel free to contact me at (951) 694-6440. Sincerely, i~~~ ~ Shawn Nelson City Manager City of Temecula CC: Temecula City Council Peter Thorson, City Attorney THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE John Gryka Managing Editor May 21, 2008 Shawn Nelson City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Mr. Nelson: Thank you for your May 13, 2008, letter concerning the April 9, 2008, article by Jeff Horsemen titled "Critics accuse Temecula of favoring developer." i appreciate you sharing your viewpoint. But after reviewing the article, public documents and previous Press-Enterprise stories, as well as talking with Jeff and other reporters and editors about previously reviewed material related to this subject matter, I do not believe a correction or clarification is warranted. The statement, "The settlement helped advance the extension of Newport Road, which was needed for Winchester Hills, a planned 5, 600-home community funded by investors organized by developer Dan Stephenson, "was similar to what we reported in a December 2, 2007, story by David Danelski, and was attributed to interviews and public records. Your point that the CFD for Newport Road was formed well before the city initiated its RCIP lawsuit and was funded at least six months prior to the cooperative agreement being approved is noted by Horseman in the May 13 article: `7n 2007 Stephenson encora~aged Winchester Hills landowners to set up a community facilities district to pay for the extension, and the lawsuit put projects paid for with such drstricts on the fast track " If you would like to submit a letter to the editor or an opinion piece on Newport Road and the CFD, in conformance with our standard guidelines described on our website, the editors who handle the opinion pages have assured me that they certainly will consider publishing it at the fast opportunity. Asntdicated in our guidelines, all letters and op-ed pieces are subject to editing. If you would like to provide any additional information to me fox our consideration, or if yon have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~{,~, John Gryka Managing Editor 3450 Fourteenth Sheet, Riverside, CA 92501-3878 ~ (951) 368-9420 ~ FAX (951) 368-9023 ~ jgrykaQpe.com TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ITEM N~}. 1G MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MAY 13, 2008 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 8:37 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 5 DIRECTORS: Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Comerchero ABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None Also present were City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Thorson, and City Clerk Jones. PUBLIC COMMENTS No input. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 13 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve the minutes of April 22, 2008. (Director Washington abstained on this issue. 14 Sixth Amendment to the Midori Gardens, Inc., Maintenance Services Contract RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Approve the Sixth Amendment with Midori Gardens, Inc., for continued landscape maintenance services and the addition of new and supplemental landscape maintenance service areas in the amount of $885,408 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009; 14.2 Authorize the General Manager to approve additional work not to exceed the contingency amount of $88,540.80, which is equal to 10% of the amendment. 15 Sixth Amendment to the Excel Landscape, Inc., Maintenance Services Contract RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Approve the Sixth Amendment with Excel Landscape, Inc., to provide continued landscape maintenance services and the addition of new and supplemental landscape maintenance service areas for $1,668,486 far Fiscal Year 2008-2009; R:\Minutes\051308 15.2 Authorize the General Manager to approve additional work not to exceed the contingency amount of $166,848.60, which is equal to 10% of the amendment. 16 Tract Map No. 23103-2 -Service Level B, Service Level C, and Service Level D Rates and Charges RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 08-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO SERVICE LEVEL B, SERVICE LEVEL C, AND SERVICE LEVEL D RATES AND CHARGES FOR TRACT MAP NO. 23103-2 BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH MOTION: Director Edwards moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Director Naggar seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exception of Director Washington who abstained on Item No. 13.1. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT Director of Community Services Parker thanked the City Council and community for attending the dedication of park site numbers 37 and 38; and informed that the new Guide to Leisure Activities recreation brochure will be mailed to the public the weekend of May 16, 2008. CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT No reports at this time. CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS Director Naggar relayed his enthusiasm with the dedication of the two new park sites and commended staff for its efforts. R:\Minutes\051308 2 C5D ADJOURNMENT At 8:39 p.m., the Temecula Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 5:30 p. m. for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk/District Secretary [SEAL] R:\Minutes\051308 ITEM N~}. 17 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 PREPARED BY: Jason Simpson, Assistant Finance Director Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. DISCUSSION: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Community Services District for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Please see the attached financial statements for an analytical review of financial activity. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: -Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 -Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual for the nine months ended March 31, 2008 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual for the nine m©nths ended March 31, 2008 {Unaudited} Prepared by the Finance Department Tefnecula Cominunlty Services Dlstrlct Combining Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2008 Assets: Cash and investments Receivables Due fi•om other funds Total assets Liabilities and fund balances: Liabilities: Due to Other Funds Other current liabilities Fund balances: Reserved Designated Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances Please note that these balances are unaudited Parks & Service Service Service Recreation Level B Level C Level D $831,412 $23,204 $206,658 $55,687 42,553 855 4,448 9,794 194,520 $1,068,485 $24,059 $211,106 $65,481 $95,000 $642,903 268 $21,333 $1,852 642,903 95,268 21,333 1,852 425,582 (71,249) 189,773 63,629 425,582 (71,249) 189,773 63,629 $1,068,485 $24,059 $211,106 $65,481 1 Temecula Cominunlty Services Dlstrlct Combining Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2008 Assets: Cash and investments Receivables Due fi•om other funds Total assets Liabilities and fund balances: Liabilities: Due to Other Funds Other current liabilities Fund balances: Reserved Designated Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances Please note that these balances are unaudited 2001 Service Service Debt Level R Level L Library Service Total $34,453 $247,669 $1,737,620 $127,878 $3,264,581 386 2,699 17,358 85 78,178 194,520 $34,839 $250,368 $1,754,978 $127,963 $3,537,279 $95,000 $12,854 $714,606 1,393,816 12,854 714,606 1,488,816 $127,963 127,963 $34,839 237,514 1,040,372 1,920,500 34,839 237,514 1,040,372 127,963 2,048,463 $34,839 $250,368 $1,754,978 $127,963 $3,537,279 2 Temecula Community Services District Citywide Operations Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Annual Percent Amended YTD Total Total Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity Activity Revenues: Special tax $3,663,817 $1,863,881 $1,863,881 51% (1) TCSD admin fee creditl"REST" 5,898,839 4,479,129 4,479,129 76% Recreation programs 1,474,563 1,085,191 1,085,191 74% Investment interest 31,888 29,448 29,448 92% Development services 152,206 69,785 69,785 46% (2) Lease Income 39,713 29,978 29,978 75% Reimbursements/CIP 5,000 4,310 4,310 86% Total Revenues 11,266,026 7,561,722 7,561,722 67% Expenditures: Parks, medians and arterial street lighting 7,168,370 4,912,469 $562,539 5,475,008 76% Seniors 214,408 162,524 9,608 172,132 80% Community Recreation Center (CRC) 531,668 371,953 39,986 411,939 77% Recreation programs 744,488 501,088 83,289 584,377 78% Temecula Community Center (TCC) 182,900 119,089 8,102 127,191 70% Museum 245,573 178,814 12,851 191,665 78% Aquatics 590,573 356,547 16,567 373,114 63% Sports 291,959 206,348 15,139 221,487 76% Children's Museum 338,767 231,817 13,090 244,907 72% Community Theater 1,095,837 812,767 48,203 860,970 79% Cultural Arts 151,230 81,186 15,644 96,830 64% Total Expenditures 11,555,773 7,934,602 825,018 8,759,620 76% Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures (289,747) (372,880) Transfers Out Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures and Transfers Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 (554,455) (554,455) 264,708 (927,335) 1,352,917 1,352,917 $1,617,625 $425,582 Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 2) The variance is due to decreasing activity in development services during this quarter. 3 Temecula Community Services Dlstrlcl Service Level B -Residential Street Lights Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD YTD Total Percent Budget Activity Encumbr Activity of Budget Revenues: Assessments $640,459 $327,305 $327,305 51% Investment Interest 2,000 1,276 $1,276 64% Street lighting fees 12,000 264 $264 2% Property Owner Election fees 800 452 $452 57% Transfers In 60,000 60,000 $60,000 100% Total Revenues 715,259 389,297 $389,297 54% Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 6,635 4,844 $4,844 73% Street lighting 760,000 571,805 $571,805 75% Operating Expenditures 17,700 5,040 $5,040 28% Total Expenditures 784,335 576,649 5,000 581,649 74% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (69,076) (187,352) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 116,143 116,143 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 $47,067 ($71,209) (3) Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 2) The variance in Street lighting is due to timing for developer pulling permit. 3) Due to timing difference, the assessments are expected to be received at the end of May 2008. (1) (2) 4 Temecula Community Services District Service Level C -Perimeter Landscaping and Slope Maintenance Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2aa$ Revenues: Assessments R.E.S.T Plan check and inspections Property Owner Election fees Investment Interest Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and wages Landscape maintenance Operating Expendittues Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Encling Fund Balance, Match 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Budget Activity $1,579,857 $793,369 415,242 415,242 20,971 27,245 800 452 5,014 2,016,870 1,241,322 264,365 175,836 1,059,965 660,832 475,894 302,030 Total Percent Encumbrances Activity of Budget 793,369 50% (1) 415,242 100% 27,245 130% (2) 452 57% 5,014 1,241,322 62% $175,836 67% $219,314 880,146 83% 5,967 307,997 65% 1,800,224 1,138,698 225,281 1,363,979 216,646 102,624 87,149 87,149 $303,795 $189,773 Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 2) The variance in Plan check and Inspections is due to increased activity in project development dtuing this quarter. 76% 5 Temecula Community Services District Service Level D -Refuse Collection, Recycling and Street Sweeping Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2QQ8 Revenues: Assessments Grants Recycling Program Investment Interest Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries and wages Refuse hauling Operating Expendittues Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Annual Amended Budget $5,297,628 24,962 5,000 4,000 YTD Activity $2,712,761 $24,962 5,049 13,913 5,331,590 2,756,685 EncumUrances. Total Activity $2,712,761 $24,962 $5,049 $13,913 $2,756,685 48,174 32,627 $32,627 5,222,034 2,656,760 $2,656,760 64,500 35,077 $9,000 $44,077 5,334,708 2,724,464 9,000 2,733,464 (3,118) 32,221 Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 31,408 31,408 Ending Fund Balance, Match 31, 2008 $28,290 $63,629 Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 2) The second payment for trash services are expected to be paid by June 2008. Percent of Budget 51% (1) 100% 101% 348% 52% 68% 51 % (2) 68% 51% 6 Temecula Community Services District Service Level R -Streets and Roads Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Assessments Investment interest Total Revenues Expenditures: Emergency Street Maintenance Property Tax Admin fees Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, Match 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Budget Activity $10,061 $5,384 400 1,070 10,461 6,454 6,200 6,345 4,161 80 34,759 34,759 $38,920 $34,839 Total Percent Activity of Budget $5,384 54% (1) 1,070 268% 6,454 62% 6,345 29 6,374 102% 29% 101% Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 7 Temecula Community Services District Service Level L -Lake Park Maintenance Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD YTD Total Percent Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity of Budget Revenues: Assessments $200,000 $98,746 49% (1) Harveston Lake Boat fees 2,000 $1,302 $1,302 65% Investment interest 7,561 7,561 Total Revenues 202,000 107,609 8,863 53% Expenditures: Salaries & Wages 28,076 20,247 20,247 72% Lake maintenance 62,000 38,727 $11,042 49,769 80% Operating Expendittues 171,400 104,643 40,619 145,262 85% Total Expenditures 261,476 163,617 51,661 215,278 82% Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenclitures (59,476) (56,008) Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 293,522 293,522 Ending Fund Balance, Match 31, 2008 $234,046 $237,514 Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessments are expected to be received by the end of May 2008. 8 Temecula Community Services District Temecula Library Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: TCSD admin fee creditl"REST" Library Concessions Library Facilities Rental Library Services Investment interest Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries & Wages- Part-Time Project County Reimbursement Operating expendihu~es Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Encling Fund Balance, Match 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Budget Activity $1,178,005 $958,504 3,658 788 19,125 13,758 118,763 91,675 42,237 42,791 1,361,788 1,107,516 1,107,516 81 53,905 9,070 9,070 1,000,000 $1,000,000 1,000,000 595,100 362,267 $55,378 417,645 1,649,005 371,337 55,378 1,426,715 (287,217) 736,179 304,193 304,193 $16,976 $1,040,372 Notes: 1) No billings for Library Services received from the County of Riverside yet as required by the agreement. Total Percent Encumbrances Activity of Budget $958,504 81% 788 22% 13,758 72% 91,675 77% 42,791 17% 100% (1) 70% 87% 9 Temecula Community Services District Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Inveshnentinterest Tra7lsfer 171 Total Revenues Expenditures: Debt service -principal Debt service -interest Operating Expenditures Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(iJnder) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Budget Activity $2,079 $494,455 494,455 494,455 496,534 Total Percent EncumUrances. Activity of Budget $2,079 494,455 100% 496,534 100% 255,000 255,000 255,000 235,605 120,225 120,225 3,850 3,850 $3,850 7,700 494,455 379,075 3,850 382,925 117,459 10,504 10,504 $10,504 $127,963 100% 51% 200% 77% 10 ITEM N~}. 18 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Prudential Overall Supply Agreement PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Second Amendment with Prudential Overall Supply in the amount of $25,000.00 for Uniform, Floor Mat, Dust Mop and Towel Cleaning/Rental Service for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Uniform, Floor Mat, Dust Mop and Towel Cleaning/Rental Services on April 14, 2006. The TCSD received several proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of their pricing. Prudential Overall Supply was determined to be the lowest qualified bidder for the required services. A two year contract with the option of (3) one- yearextensions was awarded to Prudential Overall Supply effective July 1, 2006 thru June 30, 2008 in the amount of $25,000.00. Based on Staff recommendation the Board of Directors approved the First Amendment on May 22, 2007 which authorized a one year extension in the amount of $25,000.00. The Second Amendment is now requested to authorize the second one (1) extension, as permitted per original contract. The cost to provide uniform, floor mat, dust mop and towel cleaning/rental services for fiscal year 2008-2009 is $19,485.40 and an estimated $5,514.60 is being requested for additional supplemental services. The current contract is for $25,000.00. The cost to provide services for fiscal year 2008-2009 is $25,000.00. The additional year of service will increase the total contract amount to $75,000.00 FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available in the current operating budget and are also programmed in the FY2008-2009 Annual Operating Budget in the following accounts: 190.180.999.5243, 190.188.999.5250, 190.181.999.5250, 190.185.999.5250, 190.184.999.5250, 190.189.999.5250, 197.180.999.5250, 190.182.999.5250, 340.199.702.5250 and 340.199.701.5250 ATTACHMENTS: 1) Amendment No 2 R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2008-2009\Agenda Report Prudential 2008-2009.doc SECOND AMENDMENT TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May27, 2008 byand between the Temecula Community Services District, a municipal corporation ("City") and Prudential Overall Supply ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions setforth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On July 1, 2006 the City and Contractor entered into certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement in the amount of $25,000.00 for Uniform, Floor Mat, Dust Mop and Towel Cleaning/Rental Services" ("Contract"). B. The original Agreement was amended on May 22, 2007 in orderto extend the term of the Agreement and increase the payment for additional services in the amount of $25,000.00. C. The parties now desire to increase the payment of the Agreement in the amount of $25,000.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. TERM. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 3. PAYMENT. The first paragraph of Section 3, "PAYMENT" of the Agreement is amended to read: "The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000.00) for Uniform, Floor Mat, Dust Mop and Towel CleaninglRental Services, for a total contract amount of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars and 001100 Cents ($75,000.00) for the term the Agreement, unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement." 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth an Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878763.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Janes, MMC City ClerklBoard Secretary Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Prudential Overall Supply P.O. Box 11210 Santa Anna, CA 92711 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878763.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" 2008-2009 PAYMENT SCHEDULE CUSTODIAL ITEMS Location Qty. Sizelltem Unit Price Weekly Price Annual CITY HALL 3 4x6 mat (charcoal) $2.90 $8.70 3 3x5 mat (teal) $1.80 $5.40 2 24" dust mop $0.66 $1.32 10 3X5 Mat $1.80 $18.00 20 Towels (blue) $0.10 $2.00 Total $35.42 $1,841.84 MAINTENANCE FACILITY 1 4x6 mat (teal) $2.90 $2.90 4 3x5 mat (teal) $1.80 $7.20 1 24" dust mop $0.66 $0.66 10 Towels (white) $0.10 $1.00 Total $11.76 $611.52 OLD TOWN TEMECULA SENIOR CENTER 3 4x6 mats (charcoal) $2.90 $8.70 1 36" dust mop $0.86 $0.86 4 3X5 mats (charcoal) $1.80 $7.20 20 Towels (blue) $0.10 $2.00 $18.76 $975.52 TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER 3 4x6 mats (blue) $2.90 $8.70 1 3x5 mat (blue) $1.80 $1.80 1 3x10 mat (blue) $3.30 $3.30 1 36" dust mop $0.86 $0.86 20 Towels (white) $0.10 $2.00 $16.66 $866.32 TEMECULA VALLEY MUSEUM 2 4x6 mat (tan) $2.90 $5.80 1 3x5 mat (tan) $1.80 $1.80 1 24" dust mop $0.66 $0.66 10 Towels (white) $0.10 $1.00 $9.26 $481.52 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878763.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER 5 4x6 mat (gray) $2.90 $14.50 3 3x5 mat (gray) $1.80 $5.40 2 36" dust mop $0.86 $1.72 2 48" dust mop $1.26 $2.52 40 Towels (white) $0.10 $4.00 $28.14 $1,463.28 PERFORMING ARTS $~ MERCANTILE BUILDINGS 12 4x6 mat (gray) $2.90 $34.80 0 3x5 mat (gray) $1.80 $0.00 2 36" dust mop $0.86 $1.72 2 48" dust mop $1.26 $2.52 40 Towels (white) $0.10 $4.00 $43.04 $2,238.08 CHILDREN'S MUSEUM 3 4x6 mats (charcoal) $2.90 $8.70 1 36" dust mop $0.86 $0.86 4 3X5 mats (charcoal) $1.80 $7.20 20 Towels (blue) $0.10 $2.00 $18.76 $975.52 PUBLIC LIBRARY 4 4X6 mats (gray) $2.90 $11.60 2 3x5 mats (gray) $1.80 $3.60 $15.20 $790.40 Total for Facilities $10,244.00 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converteritemp1878763.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED UNIFORM SERVICE Unit Location Qty. Sizelltem Price Weekly Price Annual Community Serv ices 12 Workers 60 Dark Brown Pants $0.90 $54.00 Orange or White Shirt Long or Short Sleeve $54.00 $2, 808.00 "Miscellaneous Fees" Not To Exceed-100 Ball caps $8,10 ea $810.00 $3,618.00 Public Works 13 Workers 65 Dark Brown Pants $0.90 $58.50 Orange or White Shirt Long or Short Sleeve $58.50 $3, 042.00 "Miscellaneous Fees" No t To Exceed $ 810.00 $ 3,852.00 Contingency Fees 10°l0 1,771.40 ANNUAL TOTAL 19,485.40 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878763.doc ITEM N~}. 19 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Janitorial Services Agreement for Park Restrooms and Picnic Shelters with Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Approve the First Amendment with Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services Inc, for $63,780.00 to provide Janitorial Services for Park Restrooms and Picnic Shelters and extend the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 2. Authorize the General Manager to approve additional work not to exceed the contingency amount of $6,378.00 which is equal to 10% of the Amendment. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Park Restroom and Park ShelterJanitorial Maintenance Services on March 26, 2007. The TCSD received three (3) proposals, which were evaluated to determine qualifications and to assess the competitiveness of their pricing. Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services, Inc. was determined to be the lowest qualified bidderforthe required services. A one (1) year Contract with the option of three (3) one-year extensions was awarded to Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services Inc., effective July 1, 2007 thru June 30, 2008 in the amount of $70,584.00. The First Amendment is now requested to authorize the first one (1) year extension as permitted per original contract. The cost to provide janitorial maintenance services for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 is $63,780.00 plus an additional 10% contingency of $6,378.00. This additional year of service will increase the total contract amount to $134,328.00. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the FirstAmendment for services to be provided through June 30, 2009 is $63,780.00. Sufficient funds have been included in the Annual Operating Budgets for FY 2008 - 2009 in the following accounts: 190-180, 196-180 and 001-164. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Amendment No 1. FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANING SOLUTIONS & SERVICES, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Temecula Community Services District, a municipal corporation ("City") and Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On July 1, 2007 the City and Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services Inc., entered into an agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for Janitorial Maintenance Services" (Agreement) in the amount of $70, 548.00. B The parties now desire to increase the payment of the Agreement in the amount of $63,780.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. TERM. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 3. PAYMENT. The first paragraph of Section 3, "PAYMENT" of the Agreement is amended to read: "The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Anyterms in Exhibit B otherthan the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars and No Cents ($63,780.00) for janitorial maintenance service for a total contract amount of One Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Eight Dollars and No Cents ($134,328.00) for the term of the Agreement, unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement." 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment A to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Exceptforthe changes specifically set forth herein, all otherterms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 111111 C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\878768.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Janes, MMC City ClerklBoard Secretary Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Environmental Cleaning Solutions & Services 23885 Corinth Drive Murrieta, CA 92562 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\878768.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF TEMECULA PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE PRICING SHEET PARK NAME 1 RESTROOM LOCATION ADDRESS PRICE PER MONTH PRICE PER YEAR Sam Hicks Monument Park 41970 Moreno Road $188.00 $2,256.00 6t Street Parking Lot Restroom 41952 Sixth Street $188.00 $2,256.00 Pala Community Park 44900 Temecula Lane $188.00 $2,256.00 Ronald Reagan Sports Park (Rancho Vista field) 30875 Rancho Vista Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Skate Park Restroom {At Ronald Reagan Sports Park} 42569 Margarita Road $188.00 $2,256.00 NorthlSouth Restroom {At Ronald Reagan Sports Park} 42775 Margarita Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Kent Hintergardt Memorial Park 31465 Via Cordoba $188.00 $2,256.00 Paloma Del Sol Park 32099 De Portola Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Harveston Lake Park (Boat House Restroom} 40233 Village Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Harveston Lake Park (Tot Lot Restroom) 40233 Village Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Temeku Hills Park (Playground Restroom) 31367 La Serena $188'00 $2'256'00 Temeku Hills Park {Snack Bar Restroom) 31367 La Serena $188.00 $2,256.00 Temecula Duck Pond 28250 Ynez Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Winchester Creek Park 39950 Margarita Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Margarita Community Park 29119 Margarita Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Meadows Park 43110 Meadows Parkway $188.00 $2,256.00 Pauba Ridge Park 33405 Pauba Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Crowne Hill Park 33203 Old Kent Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Temecula Elementary School Pool Restroom 41951 Moraga Road $188.00 $2,256.00 Temecula Valley High School {Adjacent to Football Stadium) 31555 Rancho Vista Road $188.00 $2,256.00 C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converterltemp\878768.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED Harveston Community Park (Community Room) 28582 Harveston Drive $188.00 $2,256.00 Harveston Community Park (Snack Bar} 28582 Harveston Drive $188.00 $2,256.00 Patricia H. Birdsall Sport Park (Snack Bar Restroom) 31621 Deer Hollow $188.00 $2,256.00 Patricia H. Birdsall Sport Park {Play Ground Restroom) 31621 Deer Hollow $188.00 $2,256.00 Wolf Creek Park 45898 Wolf Creek Drive North $188.00 $2,256.00 SUBTOTAL A $4,700 $56,400 Contractor's Signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\878768.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED GAZEBOIPICNIC SHELTER MAINTENANCE ADDRESS PRICE PER MONTH PRICE PER YEAR Sam Hicks Monument Park (1 Shelter) 41970 Moreno Road $25.00 $300.00 Harveston Community Park (priced as three shelters 28582 Harveston Drive $70.00 $840.00 Harveston Lake Tot Lot (priced as two shelters) 40233 Village Road $50.00 $600.00 Harveston Lake Wedding Gazebo {1 shelter) 40233 Village Road $25.00 $300.00 Winchester Creek Park {2 Shelters) 39950 Margarita Road $50.00 $600.00 Rancho California Sports Park {1 Shelter) 41569 Margarita Road $25.00 $300.00 Meadows Park (2 Shelters) 43110 Meadows Parkway $50.00 $600.00 Pauba Ridge Park (2 Shelters) 33405 Pauba Road $50.00 $600.00 Crown Hill Park 1 Shelter 33203 Old Kent Road $25.00 $300.00 Pala Community Park {3 Shelters) 44900 Temecula Lane $70.00 $840.00 Margarita Community Park {2 Shelters) 29119 Margarita Road $50.00 $600.00 Temecula Duck Pond (1 Shelter) 28250 Rancho California Road $25.00 $300.00 Temeku Hills Park {1 Shelter) 31367 La Serena Way $25.00 $300.00 Patricia H. Birdsall Sport Park {Snack Bar Tables 31621 Deer Hallow Way $50.00 $600.00 Wolf Creek Park (1 Shelter) 45898 Wolf Creek Drive North $25.00 $300.00 SUBTOTAL B $615 $7,380 RESTROOM MAINTENANCE AND GAZEBOIPICNIC SHELTER MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL (Subtotal A $5,315 $63,780 +B ) Contractor's Signature ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED ADDITIONAL SERVICE ITEMS C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\878768.doc DESCRIPTION SCOPE OF WORK PRICE PER PRICE PER MONTH YEAR Maintain an additional park May be added to contract as new restroom, which will include men facilities are constructed. More then and women areas, totaling one restroom building may be approximately 500 s.f. to 900s.f. added during contract term. Maintain per above $188.00 $2,256 Specifications/Scope of Wark, Exhibit A above. Provide Supplemental Restroom Provide Staff to clean and stock Maintenance Services far park restroom facility {both men and Special Events. women restrooms} hourly rate. Per Exhibit "A" Daily Requirements. $25.00 Provide General Janitorial Provide Specified general janitorial Maintenance Services maintenance services, such as cleaning office areas, kitchens, office or recreation building restrooms, hallways, multipurpose $25.00 rooms, etc. Contractor's Signature C:\Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Converter\temp\878768.doc ITEM N~}. 2d Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Second Amendment to T & T Janitorial Agreement for City Facility Janitorial Services PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Second Amendment with T and T Janitorial in the amount of $123,625.44 for Janitorial Maintenance Services at the various locations and extend the Agreement to June 30, 2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for City Facilities Janitorial Services on April 14, 2006. The TCSD received six (6) proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide janitorial maintenance services. T and T Janitorial was determined to be the lowest qualified bidder to provide the required janitorial maintenance services. TCSD entered into a $119,486.88 contract with T & T Janitorial which expires June 30, 2008. Earlier this year the custodial service for the new Temecula Public Library was added to the contractors duties. Additional funding is being requested to provide continued custodial service at the Library. Based on Staff recommendations the Boards of Directors approved the First Amendment on May 22, 2007 in order to increase the payment for additional services at the Temecula Public Library in the amount of $48,965.00. The Second Amendment is now requested to authorize the first one (1) year extension, as permitted per original contract. The cost to provide janitorial services for fiscal year 2008-2009 is $123,625.44. The current contract is for $168,451.88, the additional amount of service will increase the total contract amount to $292,077.32. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are available in the current operating budget and are also programmed in the FY2008-2009 Annual Operating Budget in the following accounts 190.188.99-5250, 190.181.999.5250, 190.185.999.5250, 190.184.999.5250, 190.189.999.5250 and 197.180.999.5250. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Amendment No 2. R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2007-2008\Agenda Report T&T Janitorial 2007-2008.doc SECOND AMENDMENT TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND T & T JANITORIAL THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May27, 2008 byand between the Temecula Community Services District, a municipal corporation ("City") and T & T Janitorial ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with respect to the fallowing facts and purposes: A. On June 13, 2006 the City and Contractor entered into certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement in the amount of $119,486.88 for Janitorial Maintenance Services" ("Contract"). B. The original Agreementwasamended on May 22, 2007 in order to increase the payment for additional services at the Temecula Public Library in the amount of $48,965.00 C. The parties now desire to increase the payment of the Agreement in the amount of $123,625.44 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. TERM. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 3. PAYMENT. The first paragraph of Section 3, "PAYMENT" of the Agreement is amended to read: "The City agree to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this references as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spend on the above tasks. Anyterms in Exhibit B otherthan payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Five Dollars and 44!100 Cents {123,625.44) for City's Facilities Janitorial Maintenance Services and, for a total contract amount of Two Hundred Ninety Two Thousand Seventy Seven Dollars and 32!100 Cents {292,077.32) for the term of the Agreement unless additional payment or change order is approved as provided in this Agreement" 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878771.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk/Board Secretary Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney T & T Janitorial, Inc. P.O. Box 26401 San Diego, CA 92196 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878771.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF TEMECULA PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE PRICING SHEET FACILITY LOCATION SQ. FT. ADDRESS PRICE PER MONTH PER. SQ. FT. *** TOTAL PRICE PER MONTH TOTAL PRICE PER YEAR Temecula Community Center 5,900 28816 Pujol St. 12 708.00 8,496.00 Mary Phillips Senior Center 6,148 41845 6th St .12 737.76 8,853.12 Temecula Valley Museum 7,200 28314 Mercedes St .12 864.00 10,368.00 Imagination Workshop 7,600 42081 Main St .12 912.00 10,944.00 Temecula Public Library 34,003 30260 Pauba Rdad .12 4,080.36 48,964.32 C)Id Town Temecula Community Theater 30,000 42051 Main Street .10 3,000.00 36,000.00 SUBTOTAL 10,302.12 123,625.44 ADDITIONAL SERVICE ITEMS DESCRIPTION SCOPE OF WORK HOURLY RATE Per Man Per Man Per Man Regular Hour Over Time Holiday Provide Additional General Provide Specified general 8.50 12.75 15.00 Janitorial Maintenance janitorial maintenance services, Services for Special Events such as cleaning office areas, Request by the City kitchens, office or recreation Representative building restrooms, hallways, multipurpose rooms, etc. C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converteritemp1878771.doc Contractor's Signature C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converteritemp1878771.doc ITEM N~}. 21 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Elevator Services and Monitoring Agreement with ThyssenKrupp Elevator for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Approve the First Amendment with ThyssenKrupp Elevator in the amount of $25,000.00 for Elevator Services and Monitoring for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for all City elevators, to provide inspection, monitoring and repair services on April 4, 2007. The TCSD received two (2) proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide elevators maintenance services. ThyssenKrupp Elevator was determined to be the lowest qualified bidder to provide the required services. A one (1) year Contract with option of two (2) one-year extension was awarded to ThyssenKrupp Elevator effective July 30, 2007 thru June 30, 2008 in the amount of $30,000.00. The First Amendment is now requested to authorize the first one (1) year extension as permitted per original contract. The cost to provide inspection and monitoring services for Fiscal Year2008 -2009 is $8,300.00 and an estimated $16,700.00 is being requested for repairs and additional supplemental services. This additional year of service will increase the total contract amount to $55, 000.00 FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the FirstAmendment for services to be provided through June 30, 2009 is $25,000.OO.Sufficient funds are available in the current operating budget and are also programmed in the FY2008-2009 Annual Operating Budget in the following accounts 190-182, 190-185, 190-189, 340-701, 340-702, and 340-703. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Amendment No 1 R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2008-2009\Agenda Report Elevator 2008-2009.doc FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR COMPANY THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Temecula Community Services District, a municipal corporation ("City") and ThyssenKrupp Elevator Company. ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions setforth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On July 30, 2007 the City and ThyssenKrupp Elevator Company, entered into an agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement to provide roof preventive maintenance services" (Agreement) in the amount of $30,000.00. B The parties now desire to increase the payment of the Agreement in the amount of $25,000.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. TERM. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 3. PAYMENT. The first paragraph of Section 3, "PAYMENT" of the Agreement is amended to read: "The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Anyterms in Exhibit B otherthan the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000.00) for roof preventive maintenance program and services, for a total contract amount of Fifty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($55,000.00) for the term of the Agreement, unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement." 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment A to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Exceptforthe changes specifically set forth herein, all otherterms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 111111 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878773.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Janes, MMC City ClerklBoard Secretary Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ThyssenKrupp Elevator Company 1601 S. Sunkist Street, Suite E Anaheim, CA 92806 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878773.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CITY OF TEMECULA PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE PRICING SHEET ADDRESS ELEVATOR NAME PRICE PER PRICE LEVATOR LOCATION MONTH PER YEAR City Hall 43200 Business Park Montgomery $125.00 $1,500.00 Drive Model: S411-95 Maintenance Facility 43210 Business Park GMS Elevator! $125.00 $1,500.00 Drive Elevator Controls Corp. H-800 Temecula Valley Museum 28314 Mercedes Drive Westcon $125.00 $1,500.00 Motion Control Eng. HMC-1000 PHC Community Recreation 30875 Rancho Vista Porch-Lift $100.00 per $400.00 Center Model L0194WL Quarter Temecula Old Town 42051 Main Street Mitsubishi $125.00 $1,500.00 Community Theater ModeI:HMC-1000 Series PHC Temecula Old Town 42051 Main Street Genesis-Lift $100.00 per $400.00 Community Theater Model: 139737 Quarter Field Operations Center 43230 Business Park Mitsubishi $125.00 $1,500.00 {FOC) Drive Model: HMC-1000- PCH Seria1:3233809 Total $8,300.00 111 111 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878773.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED DESCRIPTION SCOPE OF WORK PRICE PER PRICE PER ELEVATOR PER MONTH YEAR Monitoring Elevator This monthly fee should include $5.00 $360.00 for Emergency Phone cost to re-program phone, repairs 6 Elevators and monthly monitoring fee ADDITIONAL SERVICE ITEMS DESCRIPTION SCOPE OF WORK HOURLY RATE Premium portion of overtime If City requires work covered by this $114.OO/hr. hourly rate per man for Maintenance Contract to be emergency repairs performed outside of the Vendors requested by City outside of normal business hours. The rate Vendor's normal business shown is the premium portion of hours the overtime rate which would be paid by City. Vendor will absorb the straight time portion of the overtime hourly rate. Straight time hourly rate for Hourly rate charged by vendor for $162.00/hr work performed by Vendor repairs requested by City which are for repairs outside the scope not covered in Exhibit A of Exhibit A Provide Services far New May be added to contract as new $125.00 per Sites facilities are constructed. Maintain month and $5.00 per Scope of Work Exhibit A and phone monitoring Rates Schedule Pricing Sheet fee. Exhibit B Contractor's Signatu C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878773.doc ITEM N~}. 22 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Tree Trimming Maintenance Services Agreement with West Coast Arborist, Inc. for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Approve the First Amendment with West Coast Arborist, Inc. in the amount of $50,000.00 for Tree Trimming Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. BACKGROUND: In March 26, 2007 the Public Works Department sent a Request for Proposal (RFP) and specifications for the Citywide Tree Trimming Maintenance Services to twenty (20) trimming contractors. On April 18, 2007 seven (7) proposals were received for tree trimming maintenance services, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide tree trimming maintenance services. The Temecula Community Services District utilizing Public Works Department (RFP) entered into a (1) year contractwith option of three (3) one-year extension with West CoastArborist, Inc. effective July 10, 2007 thru June 30, 2008, in the amount of $100,000.00 for parks/slope tree trimming maintenance services. The First Amendment is now requested, to authorize the first one (1) year extension as permitted per original contract. The cost to provide tree trimming maintenance services for Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 is $50,000.OO.This additional year of service will increase the total contract amount to $150,000.00 FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the FirstAmendment for services to be provided through June 30, 2009 is $50,000.OO.Sufficient funds are available in the current operating budget and are also programmed in the FY2008-2009 Annual Operating Budget in the following accounts: 190-180 and 193-180. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Amendment No 1 R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2008-2009\Agenda Report West Coast 2008-2009.doc FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND WEST COAST ARBORIST, INC. FOR CITYWIDE TREE MAINTENANCE SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Temecula Community Services District, a municipal corporation ("City") and West Coast Arborist, Inc. ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On July 10, 2007 the City West Coast Arborist, Inc., entered into an agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for Citywide Tree Maintenance Services" (Agreement) in the amount of $100,000.00. B The parties now desire to increase the payment of the Agreement in the amount of $50,000.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. TERM. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended to extend the term of the Agreement to June 30, 2009. 3. PAYMENT. The first paragraph of Section 3, "PAYMENT" of the Agreement is amended to read: "The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Anyterms in Exhibit B otherthan the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00) for Citywide Tree Maintenance Services, for a total contract amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents {$150,000.00) for the term of the Agreement, unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement." 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment A to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Exceptforthe changes specifically set forth herein, all otherterms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. !!1111 C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878775.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Janes, MMC City ClerklBoard Secretary Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney West Coast Arborist, Inc. 2200 E. Via Burton Street Anaheim, CA 92806 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878775.doc ATTACHMENT "A" EXHIBIT B CITY OF TEMECULA CITYWIDE TREE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 - 09 Based on Approximately 7,500 Trees in Various Locations throughout the City of Temecula SERVICE UNIT PRICE UNIT DESCRIPTION STREET TREE TRIMMING -CLEARANCE TRIM $ 20.50 EACH STREET TREE AESTHETIC TRIMMING -FULL TRIM $ 50.00 EACH SLOPE TREE AESTHETIC TRIMMING-AERIAL UNIT $ 75.00 EACH SLOPE TREE AESTHETIC TRIMMING-CLIMBER $100.00 EACH PALM TREE TRIMMING $ 25.00 EACH COMPLETE TREE 8 STUMP REMOVAL $18,00 DIAMETER INCH STUMP REMOVAL $ 6.00 DIAMETER INCH ROOT PRUNING WITHOUT ROOT BARRIER $ 50.00 EACH ROOT PRUNING WITH ROOT BARRIER (10' x 18' DEEP ROOT OR EQUIVALENT} $100.00 EACH TREE PLANTING: 15 GAL. WIROOT BARRIER 15 GAL. W/0 ROOT BARRIER 24 INCH BOX W/ROOT BARRIER 24 INCH BOX W/0 ROOT BARRIER TREE WATERING $145.00 $120.00 $ 225.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 EACH EACH EACH EACH DAY CREW RENTAL - 3 MEN, AERIAL UNIT, DUMP TRUCK 8~ CHIPPER $120.00 HOUR CREW RENTAL - 2 MEN, AERIAL UNIT, DUMP TRUCK 8~ CHIPPER $ 80.00 HOUR CREW RENTAL -1 MEN $ 40.00 HOUR EMERGENCY WORK CALL OUT - 3 MEN INCLUDING ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT, DISPOSAL FEES, $~ ZERO MATERIAL MARK - UP $240.00 HOUR Contractor's Signatu C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp1878775.doc C:1Program Files (x86)1Neevia.ComlDocument Converteritemp1878775.doc ITEM N~}. 23 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Whitney Vail Wilkinson Collection PREPARED BY: Martin Betz, Cultural Arts Administrator RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the agreement to accept the donation of the Whitney Vail Wilkinson Collection at the request of Mayor Mike Naggar and transfer the collection to the Temecula Valley Museum. BACKGROUND: In September of 2007 Mr. Wilkinson, a descendant of Sandy Wilkinson who was a long time employee of the Vail Ranch, offered the Board of Directors of the Temecula Valley Museum the gift of a significant collection of artifacts relating to the Vail Ranch. Early in his determinations of how best to preserve the collection, Mr. Wilkinson contacted the Huntington Library and the San Diego Historical Society. These organizations were very interested in the collection, but would only make it available for researchers. With these stipulations he felt it was best to offer the collection to the City of Temecula. After careful analysis by Museum staff it has been determined that the collection is probably one of the most extensive archives of material pertaining to local history that has been seen to date. The collection consists of: antique maps (hand drawn one of a kind maps from the 1800's), surveys and plots of Temecula, titles and deeds, photographs documenting daily life, and correspondence and personal letters detailing the business operations of the ranch. Realizing the importance of this collection and the impact it will have on the education of the citizens of Temecula, Mayor Mike Naggar proposed this item be brought forward to the City Council for consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: It has been estimated by staff that the cost of documentation, preservation and restoration of the collection will have an initial cost of $20,000.00 per year for the next five years. Staff will budget the necessary funds beginning fiscal year 2008-2009. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement with Mr. Whitney Wilkinson 4 September 18, 2007 Fred Lamb Board of Directors Temecula Valley Museum 28314 Mercedes Street Temecula Ca. 92590 Dear Mr. Lamb: Let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Whitney Vail Wilkinson, my father was James "Sandy" Wilkinson and my great grandfather was Walter Vail. The purpose of this letter is to let you know of the desire my family and I have to gift the Temecula Valley Museum the large amount of historical information, photographs, maps and other items from the Vail Ranch. When my father passed away a year ago, I took on the daunting task of collecting all of the history That my great grand father, grandmother and father saved regarding the Vail Ranch. After spending countless hours going through the many terns it became increasingly clear that the predominance of what was kept deserves to be in a museum for others to share not stored by one individual. I have spoken to several museums (Huntington, San Diego, and Tucson) about the collection, or parts of it, but I feel strongly that the best place for it is in its entirety, and in Temecula. My concerns and conditions before making such a gift are that the collection be handled with the following criteria: - That conservation is accomplished on a specific number of items which are most fragile. (Several of the oldest maps, ledgers and other documents) - That an inventory and catalogue be prepared in a timely manner by professionals. And that inventory and catalogue be provided to myself - That the collection remains intact and not be divided among other institutions without my approval. - That proper storage and exhibition for the collection be provided. And that a certain percent of the collection is displayed pennanendy at the museum. - That the collection be digitally recorded for future publication and access by researchers and scholars. And that alt items in the collection are available to copy, or borrow temporarily, free of charge to any descendants of Walter Vail or by the Vail Ranch Restoration Association, - That any images from the collection that are to be used for advertising or promotional purposes have my prior approval I look forward to hearing from you and hope that the process for conserving this material can go forward. Sincerely, /~ v ~ Whitney Wilkinson 3815 Liggett Dr. San Diego Ca. 92106 H (619)225-1096 C (619) 972-1396 AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND WHITNEY WILKINSON FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF ALL RIGHTS IN VAIL RANCH RELATED HISTORICAL COLLECTION This assignment of Historical Collection agreement (the "Agreement"), effective May 27, 20Q8 ("effective date") is between the City of Temecula ("City") and Whitney Wilkinson ("Donor"). RECITALS A. Donor is the sole and exclusive owner of a historical collection consisting of photographs, maps, reports, titles, deeds, correspondence and other documents and items ("Historical Collection") compiled by Donor. B. Donor desires to donate to the City, free of charge, the Historical Collection, which is to be placed in the Temecula Valley Museum and which will enhance and contribute to the appreciation of history of Vail Ranch and the Temecula Valley within the City of Temecula. C. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 37354 and 37355, the City may accept such a gift under the terms and conditions prescribed in this Agreement. D. The City is hereby made an express beneficiary of this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the rnutual promises and undertakings contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties, each intending to be legally bound, hereby promise and mutually agree as follows: Section 1. Assi nm~ent. Donor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally donates, transfers and assigns to the City, free of charge, all rights, title and interest in the Historical Collection to the City. Section 2. Acceptance. Pursuant to Government Code Section 37354, City hereby accepts the donation of the Historical Collection upon its delivery to the City. Section 3. City Responsibilities. City gratefully accepts the donation of the Historical Collection and agrees to the following responsibilities with regard to the Historical Collection: A. Make an inventory and index of all items in the Historical Collection in a timely manner; B. Provide a copy of the index of all items in the Historical Collection to Donor; C. Research the Historical Collection and develop a conservation program; C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267.~OC D. Properly store the Historical Collection; E. Exhibit a portion of the Historical Collection in the Temecula Valley Museum: F. Digitally record the recordable items in the Historical Collection for future publication and access for researchers and scholars; G. Make copies, free of charge, of any items in the Historical Collection to the Donor at Donor's request. H. Allow access, free of charge, to items in the Historical Collection for research purposes to the Donor's siblings and heirs, as specifically listed in the attached Exhibit "A", incorporated herein and by this reference made part hereof, the Vail Ranch Restoration Association and to the Empire Ranch Foundation, with copying costs to be paid at the requestor's expense; I. Obtain prior approval from Donor, for the duration of Donor's lifetime, to copy images for advertising purposes or promotional purposes unless related to the promotion of the Historical Collection; and J. Not donate or divide the Historical Collection to other institutions without the prior approval of Donor. Section 4. Ownership Ri ts. Any and all rights in and to the Historical Collection are hereby reserved by City. Donor acknowledges City's exclusive rights in the Historical Collection and further ackno~rledges that the Historical Collection is unique and original and that City is the owner thereof. Donor acknowledges the value, goodwill and rights of City in the Historical Collection. Donor agrees that the Historical Collection is, and shall remain, the property of City and that Donor obtains no right, title, or interest in or to the Historical Collection. Donor waives all claim of and to ownership of any rights in the Historical Collection and agrees that it shall not at any time dispute or contest, directly or indirectly, City's ownership of the Historical Collection, City's exclusive right and title to the Historical Collection and right to use the Historical Collection, or the validity of the Historical Collection, nor shall Donor assist others in doing so. Section 5. Indemnification. Donor represents and warrants that Donor is the lawful owner of the Historical Collection and that no claim or controversy exists as to Donor's right, title and interest to the Historical Collection and that Donor has the legal authority to transfer title to the Historical Collection to the City. To the full extent authorized by law, Donor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its City Council and each member thereof, and every officer, employee, attorney, representative and agent of the City from any and all claims relating to the ownership of the Historical Collection, including, but not limited to, all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, liabilities, costs and expenses or actions by creditors of Donor and others claiming any right, title or interest in the donated Historical Collection. Said indemnification shall include but not be limited to all costs and expenses required to perfect title to the donated Historical Collection including attorney fees and costs. C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267~OC Section 6. Cooperation. Donor, at its sole cost and expense, will cooperate fully and in good faith with the City for the purpose of securing, preserving and protecting the City's rights in and to the Historical Collection. Section 7. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all previous negotiations and agreements, oral or written, with respect thereto. No representation, promise, inducement, statement or intention has been made by any parties hereto that is not embodied herein, and no party shall be bound or liable for any alleged representation, promise, inducement, or statement not set forth herein. There are no representations, warranties, promises, covenants or understandings other than those contained herein. Section 8. Modifications. This Agreement may be modified, amended, superseded, or cancelled only by a written instrument signed by both of the parties hereto, and any of the terms, covenants, representations, warranties or conditions hereto may be waived only by a written instrument executed by the party to be bound by any such waiver. Section 9. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any dispute between the parties hereto arising out of the subject matter of this Agreement, the out-of-pocket costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees of the prevailing party incurred in resolving, settling or litigating the dispute shall be paid by the losing party in addition to any other relief or damages to which the prevailing party may be entitled. Section 10. Jurisdiction and Disputes. The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. All disputes under this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts of the State of California, including the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of such courts, agree to accept service of process by mail, and hereby waive any jurisdiction or venue defenses otherwise available to them. Section 11. Third Parties. The City shall not be obligated or liable under this Agreement to any third parties under this Agreement. Section 12. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given: (i) if delivered personally or sent by facsimile transmission (confirmed electronically), on the date given, (ii) if delivered by a courier express delivery service, on the date of delivery, or (iii) if by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, seven (7) days after mailing, to the parties addressed as follows, or to such other addresses as such party may designate by written notice in the manner provided herein: If to City: City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Attention: Herman Parker Director of Community Services Attention: Director of Community Services C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267~?OC Copy to: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 If to Donor: Whitney Wilkinson 3815 Liggett Drive San Diego, California 92106 Section 13. Non-Waiver. The waiver, express or implied, by any of the parties hereto of any right hereunder or with respect to any failure to perforni or breach hereof by the other party hereto, shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of any other right hereunder or of any other failure to perform or breach hereof by any such other party hereto, whether of a similar or dissimilar nature thereto. Section 14. No Agency or Joint Venture. The parties hereto understand and agree that this Agreement does not make them an agent or legal representative of each other for any purpose whatsoever, and that no partnership, franchise or joint venture is intended to be created hereby. No party hereto is granted, by this Agreement or otherwise, any right or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of the other party hereto, or to bind the other party hereto in any manner whatsoever. Section 15. Authority. Each party hereto represents and warrants that its execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly and validly authorized, and that this Agreement is binding upon and enforceable against such party in accordance with the terms hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, have each caused this Agreement to be signed in its name by a duly authorized officer or representative thereof. CITY OF TEMECULA C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267~OC A Municipal Corporation MICHAEL S. NAGGAR Mayor of the City of Temecula, California. ATTEST: SUSAN W. JONES City Clerk WHITNEY tA'ILKINSON: WHITNEY WILKINSON APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: PETER M. THORSON SHAWN NELSON City Attorney City Manager HERMAN PARKER Director of Community Services Exhibit A Siblings and heirs Donor Sibling Sibling C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267~OC Whitney Wilkinson Heirs Taylor Wilkinson Jamie Wilkinson Riley Wilkinson Mary Eliza Schreckenberger Heirs Claire Schreckenberger Milissa Schreckenberger Anne Nanni Heirs Andria Nanni Alexander Nanni C:1Program Files (x86)\Neevia.Com\Document Conveiterltemp\880267~?OC ITEM N~}. 24 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Agreement with Central Security Services, Inc. PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Award contract to Central Security Services, Inc. for Alarm Monitoring, Inspection, and Repair Services in the amount of $34,844.00 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Alarm Monitoring, Inspection and Repair Services on March 20, 2008. TCSD received three (3) proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide Alarm Monitoring, Inspection and Repair Services. Central Security Services, Inc. was determined to be the most qualified bidder to provide the required services for Alarm Monitoring, Inspection and Repair Services. FISCAL IMPACT: The amount to provide Alarm Monitoring, Inspection and Repair Services is $14,844.00. In addition an estimated $20,000.00 is being requested for non scheduled repairs and supplemental services. Sufficient funds have been included in the Annual Operating Budgets for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the followings accounts: 340.199.701.5250 and 5212, 340.199.702.5250 and 5212, 340.199.703.5250 and 5212, 190.180.999.5250 and 5212, 190.999.181.5250 and 5212, 190.182.999.5250 and 5212, 190.184.999.5250 and 5212, 190.185.999.5250 and 5212, 190.188.999.5250 and 5212, 190.189.999.5250 and 5212, 197.180.999.5250 and 5212, 001.171.999.5250, 001.164.999.5250. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Contract R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2008-2009\Central Security Services Inc. 2008-2009.doc TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MINOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR ALARM MONITORING, INSPECTION AND REPAIR SERVICES THIS MAINTENANCE SERVICES CONTRACT, made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Community Services District, ("District"} and CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICES, INC ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on June 16, 2008 and shall remain and continue in effect until June 30, 2009 unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The District reserves the option to extend the contract under the same terms and conditions for a maximum of three (3) additional one-year terms per the attached pricing schedule in "Exhibit B". 2. SCOPE OF WORK. Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. {"Work") and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required far the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work. 3. PAYMENT. The District agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount shall not exceed Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Four Dollars and 00 Cents ($34,844.00) for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment or change order is approved as provided in this Agreement. a. Contractor shall submit invoices monthly for actual services performed detailing the work performed in a form acceptable to the Director of Finance. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (3Q) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non- disputed fees. If the District disputes any of contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 4. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. DISTRICT APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of the District ar its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3., above, Contractor shall submit to District, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this contract; the acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc constitute a waiver of all claims against the District under or arising out of this Contract except those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and the general rate far holiday and overtime work in this locality far each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Consultant from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub-contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $50.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 8. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The District may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the District suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension ar termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the District shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the District. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the District pursuant to Section 3. 9. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall have no obligation ar duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc b. If the General Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the District shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, Agency, and/or District its officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, Agency and/or District its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Contract, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City, Agency, and/or District. 11. LIABILITY INSURANCE. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: {1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (CG 00 01 11 85 or 88 (2} Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 06 92 01 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, anon-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3} Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has na employees while performing under this contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the General Manager. At the option of the General Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self- insured retentions as respects the District, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, ar be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) Far any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be cancelled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the District. (6) If insurance coverage is cancelled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two {2} business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the District via certified mail, C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the District. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the District with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the District. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the District before work commences. As an alternative to the District's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Contractor, by executing this Contract, hereby certifies: "I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workman's Compensation or undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract." 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this Contract. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the District a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither the District nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the District. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation ar liability whatever against the District, or bind District in any manner. a. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, the District shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for District. District shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The District, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc 15. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by the District for purposes of letting this Contract out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Contract. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 16. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the General Manager his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, officer, or employee of the District shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract of the proceeds thereof the Contractor, ar Contractor's sub-contractors for this project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represent to the District that no officer or employee of the District has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or the Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further aggress to notify the District in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Contract. 18. BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 19. UTILITY LOCATION. The City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 20. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS. Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 21. DISCRIMINATION. Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Contract must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, {ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or {iii} mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice: C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc To District: Temecula Community Services District 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: General Manager To Contractor: Central Security Services, Inc. 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 Phone: (951} 676-7121 Contact Person: William M. Joyce 24. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the District. 25. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full farce and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 26. GOVERNING LAW. The District and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal City court with jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force ar effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 28. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comercheo, President Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk/Board Secretary Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Central Security Services, Inc. 43174 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 Phone: {951) 676-7121 Contact Person: William M. Joyce By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: {Two Signatures Required for Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK Contractor recognizes' and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the District and the Contractor for the future alarm monitoring and inspection services, upon real and personal property of the District. Work will include alarm monitoring, inspection and repair services. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: 1. Director of Community Services ("Director") or his designee shall submit to Contractor a written "Request for Work". The Request for Wark shall include a description of the work to be completed, the time for completion of the work, and the plans and specifications, if any, work. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Work, Contractor shall respond in writing to the Request for Work and advise Director whether it can perform the work and specify the cost of material which will be required and the estimated cost of labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the labor and equipment rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. In the event emergency performance is required, the Director may transmit the Request for Work orally to the Contractor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Contractor and Director shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency performance undertaken. Upon acceptance of the Contractor's response by the Director, the Contractor shall proceed with the work. The performance of the work shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. These specifications and scope of work applies to each City location listed in this exhibit. Monitor fire and security alarm systems seven days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day at all (15) fifteen locations, listed in this exhibit. Monthly monitoring fee excludes all monthly phone line fees. The Selected Vendor will be responsible for programming systems to dial the selected Vendor's central office, this includes costs for any modification of City equipment or any other fees, which may be required to transfer system monitoring to the Selected Vendor's central office. All fire and security equipment, wiring, panels, detectors, keypads, etc. will remain the City's property. The Selected Vendor will maintain the systems, system programs and equipment in an "unlocked state", thereby allowing the City or any other contractor the City may choose to service or program the equipment. No equipment or system program modifications may be made without first receiving written approval from the City. 4. The monitoring fee will include any costs for changing security access codes and training supervisory staff, from time to time, throughout the term of the agreement, as C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc directed by the City. 5. Monitoring fee will include monthly "opening & closing" reports for each location. Fire sprinkler monitoring and alarm systems at all facilities will be inspected in accordance with the California Fire Code Chapter 9 and NFPA 72. Fire system inspection, testing and maintenance will be reported on the National Fire Alarm Code form, with a copy sent to the City for its records. It is recommended that Vendor and/or Vendor's technicians be NICET Level II certified and are also certified by the manufacture to service their alarm equipment. Facility Locations and System Types/ManufactureslModels Numbers City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive Fire Alarm:AFP 200 Notifire Security Alarm: DCS MAXSYS PC 4020 Key Pad-LCD 4500 2. West Wing, 43210 Business Park Drive Fire Alarm:Silent Knight 5204 Security Alarm: DCS MAXSYS PC 4020 Key Pad-LCD 4500 3. Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road Fire Alarm:Radionics Omegalarm D8112 Fire Alarm Annunciation: Radionics Security Alarm: Radionics D 7212 Key Pad-Radionics 4. Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street Fire Alarm:Silent Knight 5140 Security Alarm: DSC PC 3000RK 5. Mary Phillips Senior Center, 41845 6th Street Fire Alarm:AdemcolVista 5140 XM Security Alarm: Ademco Key Pad Ademco 6. Temecula Valley Museum, 28314 Mercedes Drive Fire Alarm:Vista 100 Security Alarm: Vista 100 Key Pad-6139 7. Temecula Wedding Chapel, 28300 Mercedes Drive Fire Alarm:Vista 30 Security Alarm: Vista 30 Key Pad-Ademco 16821 C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc EXHIBIT A -CONTINUED 8. 6th Street Restroom/Parking Lot, 41952 6th Street Fire Alarm:None Security Alarm: PC 1855 Key Pad-DSC PC 1555 RKZ 9. Temecula Children's Museum, 42081 Main Street Fire Alarm:Silent Knight 5808 Security Alarm: DCS PC1555 Keypad- DCS 10. Police Sub-station (PD3), 28410 Old Town Front Street, Ste. 105 (Old Town Front Street) Fire Alarm:None Security Alarm: Radionics 11. Old Town Community Theater, 42051 Main Street Fire Alarm:Notifire NFS 640 Security Alarm: DMP XR500 12. Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Rd. Fire Alarm:Notifire NFS 640 Security Alarm: Bosch D9412G 13. Patricia Birdsall Sports Park, 31621 Deer Hollow Way Fire Alarm:Mircom FX 2000 Security Alarm: Security Command XR 500 14. Field Operations Center, 43230 Business Park Drive Fire Alarm:Notifire Security Alarm: Basch 15. Roripaugh Ranch Fire Station Security Alarm: XR40-G DMP Alarm Control Panel 7060-W LCD Keypad Fire Alarm:Notifire AFP - 200 C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc EXHIBIT "B" PRICING SHEET Monthly Fee Monthly Fee Yearly Total Fee Per FACILITY LOCATION Fire System Security Location Monitoring & System Monitoring & Inspection Inspection Monitoring City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 West Wing, 43210 Business Park Drive $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Mary Phillips Senior Center, 41845 6t" Street $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Temecula Valley Museum, 28314 Mercedes Drive $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Temecula Children's Museum, 42801 Main Street $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Old Town Community Theater 42051 Main Street $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Temecula Public Library 30600 Pauba Rd. $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Patricia Birdsall Sports Park 31621 Deer Hollow Way $49.00 $40.00 $1, 068.00 Temecula Wedding Chapel, 28300 Mercedes Drive $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc EXHIBIT B-CONTINUED 6 Street RestroomlParking Lot, 41952 6th Street NSA $40.00 $480.00 Police Sub-station, Old Town Front Street NSA $40.00 $480.00 28410 Old Town Front Street, # 105 Field Operations Center 43230 Business Park Drive $49 pp $40.00 $1,068.00 Roripaugh Ranch Fire Station $49.00 $40.00 $1,068.00 Total $14, 844.00 ALTERNATE BID ITEMS-For repair or extra work authorized by City MARK-UP ADDED TO VENDOR'S WHC}LESALE PRICE OF PARTS & EQUIPMENT 40% HOURLY RATE PER REGUALR MAN HDUR-8am To 5pm Monday through Friday $89.00 HOURLY RATE PER OVERTIME MAN HDUR-After-hours, Weekends, Holidays, etc. $133.50 Vendor's Signature C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880120.doc ITEM N~}. 25 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Agreement with Richardson Technologies Inc. for Heating and Air Conditioning Services PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Award contract to Richardson Technologies, Inc. for Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services in the amount of $56,868.00 for Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Repair Services on March 20, 2008. The TCSD received six (6) proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualification and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services and Repairs. Richardson Technologies, Inc. was determined to be the most qualified bidder to provide the required Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services. FISCAL IMPACT: The amount to provide Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Services is $26,868.00. In addition an estimated $30,000.00 is being requested for non scheduled repairs and supplemental services. Sufficient funds have been included in the Annual Operating Budgets for FY 2008 - 2009 in the following accounts: 190-180, 190-181, 190-182, 190-184, 190- 185, 190-188, 190-189, and 197-180, 001-164, 001-171, 340-701, 340-702 and 340-703. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Contract TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MINOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES THIS MAINTENANCE SERVICES CONTRACT, made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Community Services District, ("District"} and RICHARDSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2008 and shall remain and continue in effect until June 30, 2009 unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The District reserves the option to extend the contract under the same terms and conditions for a maximum of three (3) additional one-year terms per the attached pricing schedule in "Exhibit B". 2. SCOPE OF WORK. Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. {"Work") and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required far the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work. 3. PAYMENT. The District agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount shall not exceed Fifty Six Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Eight Dollars and 00 Cents ($56,868.00) for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment or change order is approved as provided in this Agreement. a. Contractor shall submit invoices monthly for actual services performed detailing the work performed in a form acceptable to the Director of Finance. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (3Q) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non- disputed fees. If the District disputes any of contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 4. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. DISTRICT APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of the District ar its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3., above, Contractor shall submit to District, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this contract; the acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc constitute a waiver of all claims against the District under or arising out of this Contract except those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and the general rate far holiday and overtime work in this locality far each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Consultant from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub-contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $50.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 8. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The District may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the District suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension ar termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the District shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the District. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the District pursuant to Section 3. 9. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall have no obligation ar duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc b. If the General Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the District shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, Agency, and/or District its officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, Agency and/or District its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Contract, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City, Agency, and/or District. 11. LIABILITY INSURANCE. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: {1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (CG 00 01 11 85 or 88 (2} Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 06 92 01 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, anon-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3} Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has na employees while performing under this contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the General Manager. At the option of the General Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self- insured retentions as respects the District, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, ar be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) Far any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be cancelled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the District. (6) If insurance coverage is cancelled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two {2} business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the District via certified mail, C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the District. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the District with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the District. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the District before work commences. As an alternative to the District's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Contractor, by executing this Contract, hereby certifies: "I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workman's Compensation or undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract." 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this Contract. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the District a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither the District nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the District. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation ar liability whatever against the District, or bind District in any manner. a. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, the District shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for District. District shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The District, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc 15. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by the District for purposes of letting this Contract out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Contract. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 16. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the General Manager his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, officer, or employee of the District shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract of the proceeds thereof the Contractor, ar Contractor's sub-contractors for this project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represent to the District that no officer or employee of the District has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or the Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further aggress to notify the District in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Contract. 18. BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 19. UTILITY LOCATION. The City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 20. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS. Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 21. DISCRIMINATION. Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 22. UVRITTEN NOTICE. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Contract must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, ar (iii} mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice: C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc To District: Temecula Community Services District 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula. California 92590 Attention: General Manager To Contractor: Richardson Technologies, Inc. 40469 Calle Katerine Temecula. CA 92591 Phone: (951} 526-6820 Contact Person: Eric Richardson 24. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the District. 25. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 26. GOVERNING LAW. The District and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal City court with jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 28. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comercheo, President Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk/Board Secretary Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Richardson Technologies, Inc. 40469 Calle Katerine Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: {951) 526-6820 Contact Person: Eric Richardson By: Name: Title: By: Name: Title: (Two Signatures Required for Corporations) C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK Contractor recognizes' and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the District and the Contractor for the future heating and air conditioning services, upon real and personal property of the District. Work will include heating and air conditioning preventive maintenance and repair services. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: 1. Director of Community Services ("Director") or his designee shall submit to Contractor a written "Request for Work". The Request for Work shall include a description of the work to be completed, the time for completion of the work, and the plans and specifications, if any, work. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Work, Contractor shall respond in writing to the Request for Work and advise Director whether it can perform the work and specify the cost of material which will be required and the estimated cost of labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the labor and equipment rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. In the event emergency performance is required, the Director may transmit the Request for Work orally to the Contractor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Contractor and Director shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency performance undertaken. Upon acceptance of the Contractor's response by the Director, the Contractor shall proceed with the work. The performance of the work shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. HVAC PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE DUTIES FOR CITY OF TEMECULA SPECIFICATIONSISCOPE OF WORK Preventative maintenance duties described in this Scope of Work are to be performed on the HVAC equipment and vent fans at the following ten lacatians in Temecula: • City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive • Maintenance Facility, 43210 Business Park Drive • Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road • Temecula Community Center, 28816 Pujol Street • Mary Phillips Senior Center, 41845 6th Street • Temecula Valley Museum, 28314 Mercedes Street • Chapel of Memories, 28300 Mercedes Street C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc EXHIBIT "A" CONTINUED • Temecula Children's Museum, 42081 Main Street • Fire Station 84, 30650 Pauba Road • Fire Station, 32364 Overland Trail • Fire Station 92 Wolf Creek • Fire Station 73, • Old Town Community Theater 42051 Main Street • Harveston Community Park 28582 Harveston Drive • Temecula Valley Library Pauba Road • Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park 31621 Deer Hollow Way • FOC Field Operations Center 43230 Business Park Drive 1. The items in this scope of work are to be completed four times a year at each location, unless noted otherwise. The tentative schedule is for this to be completed in July, October, January and April each year during the term of the contract. 2. Preventative maintenance duties to be performed at each location, four times a year are as follows: • Test and observe heating/cooling operation all equipment. • Furnish and replace all air filters to manufacturer's specification. • Nate size and quantity of each filter for each HVAC unit. • Check for correct amperage draw out/unit components. • Check refrigerant system for leaks/proper charge. • Check and clean condensate pans, drains and drain lines. • Check all electrical contacts/relays for wear/tube as needed. • Clean equipment of excessive grease and oil. • Secure all panels, covers, guards, etc. • Inspect drive belts {replace if needed) for tension, wear, and alignment. • Inspect/adjust equipment operation and safety controls. • Inspect/adjust furnace burners, ignition equipment, heat exchangers and gas valves. • Inspect fan bladeslblowers wheels for balance, condition and cracks. • Check shaft/bearings condition and lubricate as required. • Check all electrical connectors for conditionltightness. • Clean evaporator and condenser coils. • Brush/clean all return air grills. • Observe air distribution devices for restrictions and adjust as needed. • Check thermostat/time clock system settings and operation. Adjust as directed by Maintenance Supervisor. • Notify Maintenance Supervisor of any needed repairs. 3. Once a year at City Hall, during July's preventative maintenance period, use high-pressure air to blow all condensation drain lines. 4. The Contractor will complete the "Preventative Maintenance Program" form (see Exhibit "A-3') far each HVAC unit at each of the fifteen facilities. This form is completed each time preventative maintenance is performed. 5. Alt thermostats shall have an identifying number physically applied to its exterior. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc EXHIBIT "A" CONTINUED 6. This thermostat number wit! then be applied to the exterior of the air handler and compressor units controlled by that thermostat. The Contractor will provide a numbering system, for each of the ten facilities, which meet the Maintenance Supervisor's approval. Contractor wilt apply identifying numbers during the first preventative maintenance check in July. 7. "Exhibit A-4" is an equipment inventory list for all HVAC units. It should be noted that all filters are located in standard locations in each unit except for units at City Hall. Air filters on most City Hall units have been removed from the air-handler units and are now located in the return air registers. It should be noted that "Exhibit A-4" might not show all kitchen hood exhaust fans and bathroom vent fan equipment. Contractor is responsible for lubricating and checking belts on these vent fan units. 8. Provide free estimate for additional repairs requested by City representative. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc EXHIBIT "B" PRICING SHEET HVAC PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION PRICE PER QUARTER PRICE PER YEAR CITY HALL HVAC $1,071.00 $4,284.00 MAINTENANCE FACILITY HVAC $324.00 $1,296.00 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER HVAC $1,116.00 $4,464.00 TEMECULA COMMUNITY CENTER HVAC $185.00 $740.00 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER HVAC $302.00 $1,208.00 TEMECULA VALLEY MUSEUM HVAC $232.00 $928.00 CHAPEL OF MEMORIES HVAC $120.00 $480.00 TEMECULA CHILDREN'S MUSEUM HVAC $278.00 $1,112.00 FIRE STATION 84 HVAC $278.00 $1,112.00 FIRE STATION 92 HVAC $325.00 $1,300.00 FIRE STATION 73 HVAC $120.00 $480.00 FIRE STATION ON OVERLAND HVAC $278.00 $1,112.00 HARVESTON COMMUNITY PARK HVAC $120.00 $480.00 OLD TOWN COMMUNITY THEATER HVAC $371.00 $1,484.00 TEMECULA VALLEY LIBRARY HVAC $934.00 $3,736.00 PATRICIA H. BIRDSALL PARK HVAC $185.00 $740.00 FOC, FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER HVAC $478.00 $1,912.00 $26,868.00 C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc EXHIBIT "B" CONTINUED ALTERNATE BID ITEMS-For repair or extra work authorized by City MARK-UP ADDED TO CONTRACTOR'S WHOLESALE PRICE OF PARTS & EQUIPMENT 2$°!0 HOURLY RATE PER REGULAR MAN HOUR-8am To 5pm $87'01 Monday through Friday HOURLY RATE PER OVERTIME MAN HOUR-After-hours, $107.00 Weekends, Holidays, etc. Signature of Authorized Representative: Name and Title Vendor's C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880118.doc ITEM N~}. 26 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Agreement with Marine Biochemists for Water Management/Maintenance Services PREPARED BY: Jerzy Kanigowski, Facility Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: 1. Award contract to Marine Biochemist, for Water Management/Maintenance Services at the Harveston Lake Park and Temecula Duck Pond in the amount of $83,200.00 for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services Department (TCSD) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Water Management/Maintenance Services for Harveston Lake Park and Temecula Duck Pond on March 20, 2008. TCSD received three (3) proposals, which were evaluated to determine the qualifications and competitiveness of each Vendor to provide Water Management/Maintenance Services. Marine Biochemist was determined to have provided the most qualified proposal for the Water Management/Maintenance Services. FISCAL IMPACT: The amount to provide scheduled Water Management/ Maintenance Services is $58,200.00. In addition an estimated $25,000.00 is being requested for non scheduled repairs and supplemental services. Sufficient funds have been included in the Annual Operating Budgets for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in the followings accounts: 196.180.999.5250, 190.180.999.5250, 196.180.999.5212 and 190.180.999.5212. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Contract R:\SIRE REPORTS ET AL\Maintenance\Agenda Report 2008-2009\Marine Biochemist 2008-2009.doc TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MINOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL LAKE & POND MANAGEMENT SERVICES THIS MAINTENANCE SERVICES CONTRACT, made and entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between the Community Services District, ("District") and MARINE BIOCHEMISTS ("Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2008 and shall remain and continue in effect until June 30, 2009 unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The District reserves the option to extend the contract under the same terms and conditions for a maximum of three (3) additional one-year terms per the attached pricing schedule in "Exhibit B". 2. SCOPE OF UVORK. Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. ("Work") and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work. 3. PAYMENT. The District agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount shall not exceed Eighty Three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars and 00 Cents ($83,200.00) for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment or change order is approved as provided in this Agreement. a. Contractor shall submit invoices monthly for actual services performed detailing the work performed in a form acceptable to the Director of Finance. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non- disputed fees. If the District disputes any of contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 4. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. DISTRICT APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of the District or its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3., above, Contractor shall submit to District, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this contract; the acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims against the District under or arising out of this Contract except C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING 1NAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Consultant from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub-contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $50.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 8. SUSPENSION OR TERIUIINATION OF AGREEIUIENT 1NITHOUT CAUSE. a. The District may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten {10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the District suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the District shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the District. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the District pursuant to Section 3. 9. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall nat be considered a default. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc b. If the General Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the District shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, Agency, and/or District its officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, Agency and/or District its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Contract, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City, Agency, and/or District. 11. LIABILITY INSURANCE. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: {1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (CG 00 01 11 85 or 88 (2} Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 06 92 01 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, anon-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3} Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has na employees while performing under this contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Employer's Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self- insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the General Manager. At the option of the General Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self- insured retentions as respects the District, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, ar be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) Far any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the District, City and Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be cancelled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the District. (6} If insurance coverage is cancelled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two {2} business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the District via certified mail, C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the District. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the District with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the District. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the District before work commences. As an alternative to the District's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Contractor, by executing this Contract, hereby certifies: "I am aware of the provision of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Workman's Compensation or undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract." 12. TIIUIE OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this Contract. 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the District a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither the District nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor ar any of Contractor's officers, employees or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the District. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation ar liability whatever against the District, or bind District in any manner. a. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, the District shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for District. District shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The District, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 15. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Contract, as a result of failure to make the C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by the District for purposes of letting this Contract out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Contract. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 16. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the General Manager his affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, officer, or employee of the District shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract of the proceeds thereof the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represent to the District that no officer or employee of the District has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or the Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further aggress to notify the District in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Contract. 18. BOOKS AND RECORDS. Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 19. UTILITY LOCATION. The City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 20. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS. Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 21. DISCRIMINATION. Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices an the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 22. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Contract must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice: C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc To District: Temecula Community Services District 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: General Manager To Contractor: Marine Biochemists 2940 B East La Jolla St. Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714} 632-5253 Contact Person: Bill Thomas 23. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the District. 24. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full farce and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 25. GOVERNING LAW. The District and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal City court with jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 27. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY: Jeff Comercheo, President Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk/Board Secretary Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Marine Biochemists 2940 B East La Jolla St. Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 632-5253 Contact Person: Bill Thomas {Two Signatures Required for Corporations} C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK Contractor recognizes' and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the District and the Contractor for the future water managementlmaintenance services, upon real and personal property of the District. Work will include water managementlmaintenance services. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: 1. Director of Community Services ("Director") or his designee shall submit to Contractor a written "Request for Work". The Request for Work shall include a description of the work to be completed, the time for completion of the work, and the plans and specifications, if any, work. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Work, Contractor shall respond in writing to the Request for Work and advise Director whether it can perform the work and specify the cost of material which will be required and the estimated cost of labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the labor and equipment rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. In the event emergency performance is required, the Director may transmit the Request for Work orally to the Contractor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Contractor and Director shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency performance undertaken. Upon acceptance of the Contractor's response by the Director, the Contractor shall proceed with the work. The performance of the work shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. HARVESTON LAKE PARK AND TEMECULA DUCK POND WATER MANAGEMENTIMAINTENANCE SERVICES SPECIFICATIONSISCOPE OF WORK Preventative maintenance duties described in this Scope of Work are to be performed on lake and pond at the following locations: A. Harveston Lake, 29005 Lake House Road, 8.4 acres, approximately 22,800,000 gallons: water supply: recycled water and potable water. B. Temecula Duck Pond, 28250 Rancho California Road, 2.5 acres approximately 4,100,000 gallons water supply: potable water and off site runoff. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc SCOPE OF WORK FOR HARVESTON LAKE PARK / TEMECULA DUCK POND Services to the Lake & Pond will be provided three or two times per week, please see EXHIBIT "B" PRICING SHEET for more information. 1. Each service visit by the vendor will include the following: Inspect the entire waterscape system • Clean pump intake screens and skimmer baskets • Remove all trash and debris within 20 feet of the Lake/Pond edge (includes floating debris and bottom debris} • Inspect all LakelPond circulation equipment and aeration equipment for proper operation (notify City immediately if not operating properly) • Provide routine maintenance of Lake/Pond mechanical equipment (circulation pumps, aeration pumps and diffusers} • Monitor LakelPond water condition and provide required water treatments (both chemical and manual) • Contractor shall supply and apply all required labor, materials/chemicals to maintain and promote a healthy and aesthetically acceptable LakelPond condition at all times (provide labels & MSDS for all materials to be used) • Contractor shall provide aquatic vegetation control measures to maintain an aesthetically acceptable condition at all times • Contractor shall notify the City representative immediately of any abnormal water condition Contractor shall provide insect control measures to manage the aquatic borne insect population at an acceptable level at all times Contractor shall provide a monthly report of the services performed and chemicals applied and a general observation of the LakelPond water condition 2. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to notify the City when any equipment is faulty or in need of repair, or if the LakelPond water chemistry is in a condition deemed hazardous and/or unsightly. The City has the option, to use City staff, the Vendor or another contractor to perform repairs. 3. Additional work may be requested by the City of Temecula, at the rate shown in the Pricing Sheet (Exhibit "B"). 4. A weekly report, showing service times, tasks performed and dates shall be provided on a monthly basis. Schedule will be delivered to the Maintenance Supervisor for review and approval. ~. Vendor shall meet a minimum of one time per month with designated City representative, to review performance and LakelPond condition. C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc EXHIBIT "B" PRICING SHEET PROFESSIONAL LAKE & POND MANAGEMENT SERVICES PRICE PRICE PER PER DESCRIPTION MONTH YEAR Harveston Lake Park To be serviced three times per $3,975.00 $47,700.00 week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) Harveston Lake Park To be serviced twice a week $3,300.00 $39,600.00 (Tuesday & Friday} Temecula Duck Pond To be services three times per $880.00 $10,560. week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) Temecula Duck Pond To be serviced twice a week $600.00 $7,200.00 (Tuesday & Friday} ALTERNATE BID ITEMS -for emergency repairs or extra work authorized by City MARK-UP ADDED TO VENDOR'S WHOLESALE PRICE OF PARTS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 15% HOURLY RATE PER REGULAR MAN HOUR (8am TO 5pm Monday through Friday $65.00 HOURLY RATE PER OVERTIME MAN HOUR -After-hours, Weekends, Holidays, etc. $95.00 Company Name: Signature of Authorized Representative: Title: Date: C:1Program Files (x86}1Neevia.Com~Document Converterltemp1880116.doc ITEM N~}. 27 Approvals ~Q City Attorney s~~~ Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Graphic Design Agreement with Adkins Consulting PREPARED BY: Martin Betz, Cultural Arts Administrator RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Adkins Consulting in the amount of $4,000 for a total agreement amount of $34,000 for the design of the 2009 Temecula Presents brochure and season calendar of Temecula Presents events and authorize the General Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the District. BACKGROUND: On July 1, 2007, the City Manager executed an Agreement for graphic design work with Adkins Consulting for the Old Town Temecula Community Theater. Some of the services provided by Adkins Consulting have been: • Design and implement the Theater website • Design and layout the semi-annual Cultural Arts Brochure • Design print ads and other collateral materials One of the City's goals in operating the Theater has been to maintain a readily identifiable design so that all theater materials and City-produced performances will be easily recognized by patrons. Adkins Consulting has created an integrated and united design for all theater materials. Based on the City's desire to preserve and expand the use of the design, Adkins Consulting is a sole source for the theater graphic design services. Staff is preparing for the fourth season of City-produced performances including printed materials. Although authorized in the Scope of Work in the original Agreement, the volume of work has increased requiring an additional 50 hours of professional services at $75/hour plus an additional $250 in materials to complete the season brochure for Temecula Presents and the season calendar of Temecula Presents events. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the additional graphic design services for the fourth season Temecula Presents offerings is $4,000, making the total agreementwith Adkins Consulting $34,000. Sufficient funds are available in the TCSD fiscal year 2007/08 budget. ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment to Agreement with Adkins Consulting sae i+'` _ isa_. m31RlSV.T.~7Tt ~ _~9A'!s OLD TOWN TEMECULA COMMUNITY THEATER FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND ADKINS CONSULTING THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and the Temecula Community Services District, CONSULTING ("Consultant"). In consideration herein, the parties agree as follows: entered into as of May 27, 2008 by and between municipal corporation ("District") and ADKINS of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On July 1, 2007, District and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "Agreement for Consultant Services" ("Agreement"). B. The parties now desire to increase the not-to-exceed amount stated in Section 4.a. of the Agreement to $34,000.00. 2. Section 4.a. of the Agreement is hereby amended to add the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000) to the maximum expenditure to bring to the total amount of the Agreement to a sum not to exceed thirty four thousand dollars ($34,000.00) 3. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Shawn Nelson, General Manager Attest: Susan Jones, MMC, City Clerk/District Secretary Peter M. Thorson, Counsel for the District CONSULTANT: Robbie Adkins, Principal Adkins Consulting 45981 Classic Way Temecula, CA 92592 951.695.2662 -Voice and Fax BY: Robbie Adkins, Principal ITEM N~}. 28 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to solicit construction bids for the Temecula Community Center Expansion, Project No. PW06-05 PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Deputy Director of Public Works Bill McAteer, Construction Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Plans and Specifications and authorize the Public Works Department to solicit construction bids for the Temecula Community Center Expansion, Project No. PW06-05. BACKGROUND: On April 8, 2008, the Board of Directors awarded a contract for the grading of the Temecula Community Center Expansion project. The grading project prepared the site for the S.A.F.E. building as well as the Escallier House and Barn. The grading project is now substantially complete and the contract has been awarded for the relocation of the historic buildings. The next phase of this project will construct an approximately 3,600 square foot building which will consist of office space, a multi purpose room and restrooms, the project also includes parking lot and landscape improvements. The Plans and Specifications for the building project are complete and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the City Engineer's office. The Engineer's Construction Estimate for this work is $1,500,000. The County of Riverside, who administers the Federal Community Development Block Grant program, has authorized the City to approve the plans and specifications; however we can not bid the work until they have completed their review which may delay the award of the project. FISCAL IMPACT: The Temecula Community Center Expansion project is a Capital Improvement Program and is funded through a Community Development Block Grant, Development Impact Fees and Quimby. Adequate funds are available for this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Description 2. Project Location r` rF .--~ ci w F ~o ~. ~Q w ~ ~ ~ h A V r E"~ .~ ~. ,~ ~ eC ~ O 't7 ti ~ 'Cf ~ 'd ~ cti ~ e.> O ~ ~ '~ 7-Y O .~ U a ~ v a~ s~ ~ a ~ ~... ~ ~ O ~ ~ U ti O .[~'' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' o `~ U ~ cci '.~ N ~ "~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ .a O `~ .~ ~ ~ ~' C~. ~ y ~~--o . ~ cn c~a ~ ~T'1.. U O ~ 0 i ~' 4R'-.fie d' U vi 6. }' ~ OA O vMi p. ~ ~ ~ U ~~ ¢~ k U d ~k ~L U ~, A a 0 G~ _O N O z O U '¢ I N U .~ C1} 11S Q d U a~oocnooc~~ o~;~nooooo~ H~roo~oo~r of O O ~ o O .~ vt L" ti M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ {~ ~ ~"' N ~ 6A bR ti3 bFi 5A ~ N ~--t C N r-t r-t i C O N ~ ° o *" o ' ~ °o ~ N .~ W ~.. ~ O ~ ~ 0 ~ CO~t ~. N U O ~ '~ 'z7 N v '~ ~. CJ ~ "~ ~ ++ 3 ~ ~ ~ U ~ U A e~ N ~ ~~,, v° U .~ Q4 .~+ H Ot Q O M O O N V'1 O O Q Q Q W ~ o o ~ o o ~t ~ ~ n ~ o ~ ~ +--~ N 5A bA 64 69 ba 6R3 69 ,--~ t~ CO N N N N ~~ .~ .~ ~~ 0 . w ~ ti .~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' U ~. Vi S t~A i"' i~, N ~. v~E~ 0 0 0 0 0 °a 00 0 00 n ~ ~ ~ IN 69 bf3 ~ EA I~ ,J o~ ~a N ~ ~w ~" U O ~ ~' ~ 'G a w ~ ~ CG ~aH ~+ w t~ V }r '~ c W N .»+ TCSD DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM N~}. 29 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Monthly Departmental Report PREPARED BY: Gail Zigler, Administrative Assistant The Redhawk Parks Improvement project is currently in the design development stage. The project architect, RJM Design Group, is currently preparing the plans and specifications for Phase I of the improvement project. The Phase 1 project includes improvements to Redhawk Community Park and Redhawk Dog Park. This project will include a restroom facility, ADA improvements, turf and irrigation modifications, half-basketball courts, and a permanent dog park which includes water fountains, picnic tables, ornate fencing, landscaping and concrete walkways. The Community Services Department, in conjunction with the Public Works Department, has completed the design for the Murrieta Creek Multi-Purpose Trail project. Aground breaking ceremony was held on March 18, 2008 and construction is underway on this project. Improvements will include multi-use trails, picnic areas and landscaping improvements. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on May 13th for Wolf Creek Park and Wolf Creek Trail Park sites. These two park sites bring the total number of park sites for the City of Temecula to 38. Wolf Creek Park is a six acre neighborhood park with parking, restrooms, basketball courts, tot lots, picnic areas and open turf. On May 31St, the City of Temecula Community Services Department will host a Community Services Expo. This event will take place on Saturday, May 31St from 10:OOam to 2:OOpm at Temeku Hills Park. The Community Services Department will be highlighting many of the special events, classes and activities offered throughout the summer and fall, and residents will have an opportunity to meet the instructors and register for classes. The 2008 Summer/Fall Guide to Leisure Activities was mailed to all Temecula residents this month. The recreation brochure features over 250 different classes, several special events and information on all of our recreation and community facilities. The brochure is a well received publication and many of our classes and activities are sold out. The City of Temecula Community Services Department co-sponsored a Household Hazardous Waste Clean-up, along with the County of Riverside, on Saturday May 10t" at Temecula City Hall. In addition, the City of Temecula Community Services Department, along with CR&R, hosted a City- wide Clean-up event for Temecula residents held an Saturday May 17t" at Chaparral High School. The Cultural Arts Division continues to program and carry-out the classes and activities as outlined in the 2008 WinterlSpring Guide to Leisure Activities, and the Old Town Temecula Community Theater's musical and theatrical performance line-up. In addition to classes and activities, there are many special events including theater performances, excursions, etc. The Cultural Arts Division is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Old Town Temecula Community Theater, the Temecula Valley History Museum and the Imagination Workshop, Temecula Children's Museum. The Development Services Division continues to participate in the development review for projects within the City, as well as overseeing the development of parks and recreation facilities, and the contract for refuse and recycling, cable television services and assessment administration. The TCSD Maintenance Division continues to oversee the maintenance of all City parks and facilities, and assist in all aspects of City-wide special events. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEM N4. 34 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAY '13, 2008 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 8:39 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, at 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 5 AGENCY MEMBERS: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar Washington, Roberts ABSENT: 0 AGENCY MEMBERS: None Also present were City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Thorson, and City Clerk Jones. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public input. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 17 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Approve the minutes of April 22, 2008. MOTION: Agency Member Edwards moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Agency Member Comerchero seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exception of Agency Member Washington who abstained. RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT No reports at this time. RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS No reports at this time. R:\Minutes1051308 RDA ADJOURNMENT At 8:41 p.m., the Temecula Redevelopment Agency meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California Ron Roberts, Chairperson ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk/Agency Secretary [SEAL] R:\Minutes1051308 ITEM N~}. 31 Approvals ~Q City Attorney s~~~ Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Agency Members FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Financial Statements for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 PREPARED BY: Jason Simpson, Assistant Finance Director Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the Agency Members: 1. Receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. 2. Approve an increase of $362,000 for the sale of the Black property to the City. 3. Approve an increase of $81,250 for project cost reimbursement in the Low Mod Fund. 4. Approve an increase of $600,000 for investment interest in the RDA CIP Fund. 5. Approve an increase of $450,000 for investment interest in the Debt Service Fund. BACKGROUND: The attached financial statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Redevelopment Agency for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Please see the attached financial statements for an analytical review of financial activity; and, as a result of the analytical review, staff is recommending the following adjustments: - the $362,000 represents the first installment on the sale of the Black property to the City with the use of Quimby Funds pursuant to the promissory note approved by the City Council on March 27, 2007; - the $81,250 represents a reimbursement received from EMWD forjoint project costs incurred; - the increase in interest revenue is necessary due to cash balances from the bond proceeds of the 2006 and 2007 Tax Allocations Bonds. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: -Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 -Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 TEME~ULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENOY Combining Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2008 and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual for the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Unaudited} Prepared by the Finance Department Temecula Redevelopment Agency Combining Balance Sheet As of March 31, 2008 Assets: Cash and investments Receivables Land held for resale Total assets Liabilities and fund balance: Liabilities: Other current liabilities Deferred revenue Total liabilities Total Fund balance: Reserved Total liabilities and fund balance Please note that these balances are unaudited Low/Mod CIP Debt $7,298,568 $24,637,835 $14,479,995 $46,416,398 7,116,009 26,858 12,777 7,155,644 6,616,177 98,484 6,714,661 $21,030,754 $24,763,177 $14,492,772 $60,286,703 $27,347 $49,813 $1,865,931 $1,943,091 6,545,858 125,400 6,670,858 6,573,205 174,813 1,865,931 8,613,949 14,457,549 24,588,364 12,626,841 51,672,754 $21,030,754 $24,763,177 $14,492,772 $60,286,703 1 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Redevelopment Agency LowlModerate Income Housing Far the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Property tax increment Investment interest Rental income Forgivable Loan RepaymentlMisc. Sale of Property Reimbursements Total Revenues Expenditures: Sala<•ies and benefits Operating and adminisri•ative expenditures Affordable housing /future obligations Affordable housing units Residential rehabilitation programs Habitat II Old Tawn Iv4ixed Use Temecula Education Center Old Tuwn I,li~ed Use- Dalton III Total Expenditures Revenues Ovei•/(Under) Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual Amended YTD Total Percent Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity of Budget $3,517,615 $1,886,903 $1,886,903 54% 280,733 246,534 246,534 88% 126,000 132,000 132,000 105% 45,000 31,970 31,970 71% 362,000 362,000 81,250 81,250 3,969,348 2,740,657 2,740,657 69% 326,377 213,063 213,063 65% 505,161 192,918 $110,479 303,397 60% 305,000 305,000 305,000 100% 4,000,000 230,047 108,020 27,803 135,823 59% 250,000 126,164 24,586 150,750 60% 961 961 961 100% 892,937 529,188 225,704 754,892 85% 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 100% 9,810,483 4,774,353 389,533 5,163,886 53% (5,841,135) (2,033,696) 16,491,245 16,491,245 $10,650,110 $14,457,549 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Notes: 1) The second half of Special Assessment are expected to be received by the end of May 2008.. 2) The annual rent from Temecula Gardens was received in March of this year. 3) The amount represent the sale of the Black Property with Quimby Funds. 4) The variance is due to reimbursements for joint project cost with EMWD. 5) The Affordable Housing Units project has been moved to fiscal year 2008-09. 2 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual Redevelopment Agency-CIP For the Nine Months Ended March 31. 2008 Revenues: Investment interest L oan interest Reimbursements/Misc. Rental Income Bond Proceeds Total Revenues Capital Projects: Old Town Building Facades Erle Stanley Gardner Old Town Sixth Siteet Bollards Operating Expenditures: Salaries and wages Operating and administrative expendituues Old Town plan implementation Total Expendituues Revenues Over/(Under} Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses}: Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under} Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses} Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund Balance, March 31, 2008 Annual Percent Amended YTD Total of Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity Budget $20,000 $431,846 $431,846 13,000 5,557 5,557 43% 20,000 2,800 3,317 2,752,518 2,752,518 2,752,518 100% 2,808,318 3,193,238 3,189,921 114% 280-813 93,973 17,453 $2,500 19,953 21% 280-834 2,680 280-841 30,000 135,046 105,806 105,806 78% 362,539 205,975 48,550 254,525 70% 201,028 136,510 23,139 159,649 79% 825,266 465,744 74,189 539,933 65% 1,983,052 2,727,494 (20,710,340} (1,505,077} (18,727,288} 1,222,417 23,365,947 23,365,947 $4,638,659 $24,588,364 Notes: 1} Investment interest was higher than expected due to higher cash balances versus timing of payments on the Civic Center Phase I projects. (1} 3 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund B alance -Budget and Actual Redevelopment Agency -Debt Service For the Nine Months Ended March 31, 2008 Revenues: Property tax increment Investment interest Bond Proceeds Total Revenues Expenditures: Trustees admin fees Property Tax AdminFees Pass-through agreements Debt service -principal Debt service -interest Debt service Financing Total Expenditures Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses): Annual Amended YTD Total Percent Budget Activity Encumbrances Activity of Budget $14,070,462 $49,460 13,037,482 27,157,404 $7,547,612 $316,957 13,037,482 20,902,051 $7,547,612 $316,957 13,037,482 20,902,051 54% (1) 641% (2) 100% 12,577 11,402 $650 12,052 123,291 74,081 74,081 9,880,951 5,366,614 5,366,614 755,000 828,841 828,841 2,907,102 2,197,457 2,197,457 573,517 517,475 517,475 14,252,438 8,995,870 650 8,996,520 12,904,966 11,906,181 7 7°.~0 96% (2} 60% (3} 54% (1} 110% (4} 7b% (4} 90% (4} 63% Transfers Out Revenues Over/(Under} Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses} Beginning Fund Balance, July 1, 2007 Ending Fund B glance, March 31, 2008 12,904,966 720,660 $13,625,626 11,906,181 720,660 $12,626,841 Notes: 1} The second half of Special Assessment are expected to be received by the end of May 2008.. 2} Trustees admin fees for RDA TAB's are paid in August of this fiscal year. 3} Property Tax Admin Fees are recorded in January and May as RDA tax increment is received. 4} Debt service principal and interest expenditures for RDA TAB's represent payments made in August of this fiscal yeaz•. 4 RDA DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM N~}. 32 Approvals ~Q City Attorney s~~~ Director of Finance City Manager TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Agency Members FROM: John Meyer, Redevelopment Director DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Redevelopment Departmental Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. REDEVELOPMENT Old Town Strateaic Plan The Agency has worked with the Planning Department to conduct a series of public workshops that will establish a new vision for Old Town. This effort includes, looking at the scale and massing of the buildings, evaluating the market conditions in Old Town and establishing an appropriate long term parking strategy. Six community workshops were held. The recommendations from the workshops were presented to the Old Town Local Review Board at its February meeting. The Board was supportive of the recommendations with a few minor additions. The recommendations were then presented to the Planning Commission on March 19, 2008. The Planning commission was also supportive and recommended the Strategic Plan to the City Council. On March 25, 2008, the Strategic Plan was presented to the City Council and received approval to move forward. Town Square Market Place As part of the Civic Center Master Plan, the City has created a development opportunity for approximately 52,000 square feet of commercial and office development surrounding the Town Square along the reconfigured Main Street. The Agency has issued a Request for Interest to select a preferred development partner. Initially six firms were interviewed and a second round of interviews took place in early April. Council and Staff have heard presentations from the two finalists. A site visit was also conducted. It is anticipated that an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with a preferred developer will be brought to the City Council in the next 30 - 45 days. Facade Improvement Program The Facade Improvement Program provides funding assistance to Old Town business and property owners to provide exterior improvements to their buildings and property. Funding in the amount of $80,000 is available during FY 2007-08. The following fapade improvements are in processor recently completed: Palomar Hotel - Paint Exterior, New Windows and Doors La Menagerie - Design and Install Sand Blasted Wood Signs The Bank of Mexican Faod - Paint Exterior Door & Window Frames Butterfield Square - Paint Exterior European Living - New Signs HOUSING Housing Element Update The Agency is assisting with the Planning Department's Housing Element Update. The Housing Element is a chapter of the City General Plan and is required to be updated every 6 years. The Housing Element provides goals and policies for meeting the projected housing needs within the City. The City received comments back from Housing and Community Development {HCD) and updates and revisions were made to bring the Housing Element into better compliance. Diaz Road Exclusive Negotiation Agreement The Agency issued a Request for Interestto select a preferred development partner for the 30 acre site located on Diaz Road. Seven firms have responded. The Agency is negotiating an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement {ENA} with a preferred developer. Habitat for Humani Construction is complete on the five single-family homes on Habitat Way. The dedication of the homes took place on May 3rd. Habitat for Humanity has planned for the close of escrow bythe end of May. Dalton III Mixed On March 28, 2006 the Council approved an Owner Participation Agreement with the D'Alto Partners to build amixed-use affordable housing project. The project consists of 22 units over 4,700 sq. ft. of retail/commercial. The project is located on the north side of Fifth Street, west of Mercedes. The Residential units have been occupied. The Warehouse at Creekside The Agency is currently working with Bill Dalton on a new development on 3`d Street in Old Town. The proposed development includes 32 units of affordable housing and 3500 square foot ground floor of commercial. The project includes 1 dedicated parking space for each residential unit. First Time Homebuyers Program The Agency is currently evaluating the economic feasibility of the program. An increase in the budget for this program is being considered and is awaiting approval as part of the fiscal year 2008- 2009 budget. Residential Improvement Programs The program budget for FY 07-08 is $230,940.17, with $36,950 funded on 16 units. The amount available to each participant is $7,500. OLD TOWN PROMOTIONSIMARKETING Farmers Market On November 6t",the City Council approved the Second Amendment to the License Agreement with Farmer's Market Management Inc. {The Cunninghams). Since November 10, 2007 staff has conducted seven (8) surveys revealing an average of 34 farmers, 23 retail vendors, 23 food vendors and 7 Old Tawn merchants per week. Old Town Marketina and Promotions In response to the merchant's request to be more involved in marketing and promotions in Old Town a public meeting was held in which it was determined that a working group of key stakeholders including the Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitor's Bureau, The Downtown Association and the Old Town Temecula Business Association be established. The purpose of the working group is to re-evaluate the marketing program for Old Town. This working group meets every 3 weeks. The Group has been evaluating upcoming Western Days and Street Painting Festival events and is considering ways to expand both events. This year's Western Days will include a Chili Cook-off and the Street Painting Festival will include a Plein Air Art Competition. Old Town Trolley In an effort to alleviate the impacts of the construction on Mercedes and Main Streets, the City implemented a pilot program to provide a free horse drawn trolley on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Beginning Saturday, May 17, the Trolley will run along Old Town Front Street from the Stampede Parking lotto 6t" Street. Western Days Western Days was held in Old Town May 17 & 18, 2008. This year, the event featured a Chili Cook Off on Sunday, May 18. Old Town Temecula's Gun Fighters hosted a competition between Southern California gunfight clubs both days. At high noon both days the Temecula Gunfighters treated the crowd to a comical bank robbery featuring dozens of bad guys in a final shoat out with the sheriff and his posse. Gunfight shows and competitions were held hourly at the corner of Fourth and Front Streets. Live western music, a working blacksmith, pony rides and stagecoach rides were part of the Old West fun. Pony rides and stagecoach rides were available for a minimal fee. Street Painting Festival Muralists and visual artists will join on the streets of Old Town Temecula during the eighth annual Old Town Temecula Street Painting Festival June 28 and 29. During the weekend over100 artists will paint murals on the asphalt of Temecula. Utilizing pastel chalk, these muralists and master painters will recreate old masters paintings, originals and modern art in a unique performance of art experience. While the artists are painting asphalt, plein air artists will be recreating scenes on canvas around Old Town Temecula during the Ralph Love Plein Air Festival. A new addition to the Street Painting Festival, the Plein Air Festival will be on Friday and Saturday, with awards and auction Saturday night. Street Painting awards will be given on Sunday at 3:30 after the last mural is completed. Professional artists from cities throughout Southern California will paint many of the estimated 300 murals on the asphalt of Old Town Temecula's streets. This year's featured artistwill be 20-year-old Hannah Tawater of San Diego. Tawater won the 2007 Best of Show for her 10-foot by 12-foot portrait titled "Carol and Clark." Plein Air artists will vie for a best of show and purchase award. Organized by the Arts Council of Temecula Valley, the Plein Air applications are available at www.artistinthevalley.org. While professional and amateur artists spread a palette of color and artistic culture, multi-cultural bands will play along the walkways. Music includes Javid Flamenco Guitar, Duchicelas Pan Flutes, Older Than Dirt Band, and Menifee Campus Jazz Ensemble. Other upcoming events will include Hot Summer Nights beginning July 11 through August 29. . v ~awars a~ V ~ ~ i ~ i i.~i •J. i.~ V V 1i~1 ~,>~ ~, ~~~ ,~,~ . .~, ` ~-~ ~i : ti;~~~: _ ~E :~ ._ . - Saturday d~c Sunday x~~~. ~~ -~ Ma ~ Z tic ~ 8 - Y 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. High Noon Shoot Out ~f ~• F~ presented by the Old Town Temecula Gunfigthers ~~~ ~ These zany gunslingers try to Rob The Bank ~- , a ,# ` ~:~~, at Front and Main Wild West and Gunfight Skits s 4:.. ``'~, Stagecoach Rides Saturday d~c Sunday 12:30-3:30 ~.~,,, . Calf Roping ~.~.~~~ .,. _ Lessons r ~~ With Jim Brooks 12-3 p.m. Each Day Pony Rides - ~ small fee hour beginning at noon MUSIC Satarday 12:30-3:30 Buffalo Sryan drc the Crosscountry Cowboys Sunday 12:30-3:30 Older than Dirt Pony Rides * Blacksmitls ICS Sanctioned Chile Cook Off Plus People's Choice Competition Sunday, May 18th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -w' '~ -,;~, ;~- i~* .^ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM N~}. 33 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: John Meyer, Redevelopment Director DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSDA) for the Purpose of Financing the Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Creekside Apartments RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION AND REHABILITATION OF THE CREEKSIDE APARTMENTS BACKGROUND: The City Council is being requested to approve the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds by the California Statewide Communities DevelopmentAuthority (California Communities) for the purpose of financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Creekside Apartments located on the west side of Pujol Street south of 1St Street. The purpose of the approval is to allow the financing to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code). Bettencourt Properties has requested California Communities to issue multifamily housing revenue bonds in the amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring and rehabilitating the 49 unit apartment project. The proposed project will invest over $800,000 in the rehabilitation of the Creekside Apartments Improvements include but are not limited to new roofs, kitchen cabinets and countertops and will improve handicap accessibility to the entire site. The project is currently an affordable senior housing project and the restrictive covenants will be extended an additional 55 years. This hearing provides an opportunity for all interested persons to speak or to submit written comments concerning the proposal to issue the debt and the nature or location of the project. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct or indirect financial impact to the City of Temecula as a result of this proposed financing. The Authority will issue tax-exempt revenue bonds on behalf of the Project. The tax-exempt revenue bonds are payable solely out of the revenue derived by the Borrower from the applicable Project. No financial obligations are placed on the City for project financing costs or debt repayment. ATTACHMENTS: Attachments RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITIONS AND REHABILITATION FO THE CREEKSIDE APARTMENTS WHEREAS, the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (the "Authority") is authorized by the laws of the State of California (the "Law") to execute and deliver multifamily housing revenue obligations for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction/rehabilitation and development of multifamily residential rental facilities located within the area of operation of the Authority which are to be occupied, in part, by very low and low income tenants; and WHEREAS, Bettencourt Properties, Inc. or a limited liability company or other limited partnership to be formed by Bettencourt Properties, Inc. (the "Borrower") has requested the Authority to issue and deliver multifamily housing revenue obligations in the anticipated principal amount of $2,000,000 (the "Obligations"), the proceeds of which may only be used for the purpose of financing the acquisition and rehabilitation of a 49-unit multifamily residential rental facility, commonly known as the Creekside Apartments, located at 28955 Pujol Street in the City of Temecula, California (the "Project"}; and WHEREAS, the Obligations which are expected to be issued and delivered to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Project would be considered "qualified exempt facility bonds" under Section 142 (a) of the Internal revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and Section 147(f} of the Code requires that the "applicable elected representative" with respect to the Project hold a public hearing on the issuance and delivery of the Obligations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temecula as the "applicable elected representatives" to hold said public hearing, has held said public hearing at which all those interest in speaking with respect to the proposed financing of the Project were heard. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: correct. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the foregoing recitals are true and 2. For purposes of the requirements of the Code only, the City Council hereby approves the proposed financing of the Project by the Authority with the proceeds of the Obligations. 3. The issuance and delivery of the Obligations shall be subject to the approval of and execution by the Authority of all financing documents relating thereto to which the Authority is a party and subject to the sale of the Obligations by the Authority. 4. The adoption of this Resolution is solely for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the Code and shall not be construed in any other manner, the City nor its staff having fully reviewed or considered the financial feasibility of the Project or the expected financing or operation of the Project with regards to any State of California statutory requirements, and such adoption shall not obligate (i) the City to provide financing to the Borrower for the acquisition, rehabilitation and development of the Project or to issue the Obligations for purposes of such financing; or (ii) the City, of or any department of the City, to approve any application or request far, or take any other action in connection with, any environmental, General Plan, zoning or any other permit or other action necessary for the acquisition, rehabilitation, development or operation of the Project. 5. The City Clerk of the City shall forward a certified copy of this Resolution and a copy of the affidavit of publication of the public hearing notice to: Thomas A. Downey Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation 650 California Street, 18t" Floor San Francisco, California 941 Q8 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27 day of May, 2448. Mike Naggar, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA } I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. - was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27 day of May, 2448, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS ITEM N~}. 34 Approvals ~ City Attorney s~~~ Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Public Works Department Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the attached Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Reports for the months of March and April, 2008. MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: ~~ Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent DATE: April 7, 2008 SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report -March, 2008 The following acfivities were performed by Public Works Departrnent, Street Maintenance Division in-house personnel for the month of March: I. SIGNS A. Total signs replaced 2p B. Total signs installed 49 C. Total signs repaired 77 II. TREES A. Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns 4 III. ASPHALT REPAII2S A. Total square feet of A. C. repairs X472 B. Total Tons 76 IV. CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned 138 V. RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement 0 VI. GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. Totallocafions 57 B. Total S.F. 33,016. VII. STENCILING A. 8 New and repainted legends B. 20,287 L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping R:~AIAINTAIMMOACI'RPT Also, City Maintenance staff responded to 38 service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to 54 service order requests for the month of February, 2008. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 198 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of March. 2008 was 14 305.00 compared to 69 076.93 for the month of February. 2008. Account No. 5402 Account No. 5401 Account No. 999-5402 $ 12,650.00 $ -0- $ 1,655.00 cc: Dan York, Deputy Director of Public Works /City Engineer Greg Butler, Deputy Director of Public Works Ali Moghadam, Principal Engineer - (Traffic) Amer Attar, Principal Engineer - (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer - (Land Development) R:NAAINTAIMMOACTRPI' O d O N ~ j ~ ~ QI . S a QGIm N m T E a m ~ ~ d y :? ~ n d oina Y C W ~+dUeo J ~ Q N zA ~ ~ F N LL>z LL ~:. d' OQ~} Z ~ = f N QOyLL LL~ w 0 ~~ LL~ ~ ~" U y y K' O LL a' J ~F. ~.,. Q y Q O -+r F O b ei O ~ O O O O O O ~~ b M O < m O w O O O M N t9 O A 0 0 O A ~ O ai of M r H H O~ O O N N N of of bf ~ O t0 O O M O N m vi y M H t9 ~ O M ~ ~ O O O ~ h O O N a N t9 O O N tpD ~ M N tN+! n" A ~ ~" 7 p~4!r N o O O 0o 10 O O M O M W O fp N OJ M LL W~ ' N O G n ~ o V 0 0 o t oM G O u;o r M i o o M , b N M r d e O'V' < n O ~G tV ~ J! ! O N M V Ol i0 ~ N ~ s M N Cf V O O N O m,y/, ~ N N V N N M Of ~ M W M ~ O`' ~' O i q r a- W W N n y i 4r J, q; .n w W W W 191R N N w i ~~ y 0 ,=i tii,. ,~'', f",. a oe o 0 00 ov mo a m o 0 0 o o N o N m o a m a Ko ei o0 o v c is or oio d ai O~ n 1RN bJ ~ O N ~ N V W e N r LL x .. ~ _ _ ~ ~ f9 IR 19 f9 fA M O Q N U ~ ^ 0 0 o m rv e o a o ~ c ~ M ~ C FO uS Y K J x O i oQ ~ U r ~~" N O O N O O OJ O O M OJ O m O O P O O N C O N W O ' O O Fr ~ ~ N O O N O O Yf O N t+l fp W O A LL ~ ' W WYi OD 19 O aD O N V oD 1~ N t9 N N V S V M O N W M N %%~~O/f0; w ~ ww ~~ ~v ~ ~ LL /~ ~ H y ~ ~ r ~ ~ ; . ~ ~ a O O O ~ N M M O W ~ ~ ~ h ~ ' O U W N! ~ n a Y ~" or ~~J ~ O , 0.m 3y 4LL o , . ~ ~t V r ;.; ~ ~~i,~ rl lid r r~~ /I " ~ V ' O O O O O h O m - {p ~ tp O 1~ ~ ~..~ ~ Q% I 7 r ~ ~~A V 01 O O O O O O O O O N O N O O O N N t0 N f0 O O O M / l , / ~ N M 19 19 W O A N h M N 1~ W OJ ~ //~,~rr// N e9 M M N O CA M M r ~ V M V A l: / LL ~ 19 1R 19 tl! N l li us ",~~,xca O " ( t ~. 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Q r~ Q' ' yy :: lJ ri~illl ONn ~ N N ~ N fA N O O n O N O m M ~ fA Ln N V' p~ r O O <O ~ V ~ E9 ~ N u7 ~ O O ~ M O ~ W MmmO ¢J O N M W V Q n to M N V u7 M~nO.M N N ~- t+J c r ~ O tOJ W ~ 43 Ong O OM ~ f~~ Y~ ~ r O) ~ NN ~ ~ ~ ~~ V Q M.~- cNp o? ~ r ~~ (O W V r N ~ V ' F~ ° M v m rr ~? vi ~ m ~ pi ~ ~ " m a rs ~ ~ ti E ~ r z= ~ a c G m ~ ~ O N d ~N i %.i W. Z ~( ~y ?~ 4/ I rrJ+l i i ~i t l~Il~ l r/J r l1 r ~ , ., r l ~, ~ :1 ~f , e', ;;%?4 t r,~ Sera; ,,rg; ~; rr ,~ ; W / ~a kA Y ~~ 000 0 00 0 X0 0 ~ O NVMd'O W.~M(O O J ° ° ~ ° o ° o _ v S U ~ °~ N ~ ~ M , N U OCUo ~ ~ ~ ~ y o 7 ~ N ao~ LL 0 3 w ~„~;an~yt ~ w > Yi rrr~l~ Z U ~ W Z¢ yr % r,Y%d i~ M ~ ~ o O O o O M M r i% ~ OO M OD m0 M V ~ O _ m O MOO N V M O O: W LL . I N V M N (D O c m (O ~~ m a z t'lr W v ~- ~~'!4'i;;%; rat r r., ,ray r .¢ ~ ~i~~~ ~ oo u~ °o p ll~r~ O O N ~ O O ~ V 0 ~ N ~ N M c fp 0 0 ~ O ~ ~ r,P'S ~ O (O ~ T m m (p ~~ ~ N %~7i.~lQ2 ilr;,h; W i ~ O M ~ V 0 n N y/,;„ht';g,. a ri~i,~~~j~SS~ » e» i» e» b'rr 4' ,. f i,~ri~;7r;;1 ll rirr~i,:^ ~ F r'%/ ~~ lrE W ~ ~ ~ r^ A vp h r Z m i O K O' N U ° ~ m iy r t~ r N l W a ~ m q Irrif4~~ ~ d c ~ li C V Z ¢ d a a O d $fir~ N ip c N ~ N Q a s N } M Z a U a¢ d- K m N fir';/[~~ 3 a s N F a16i m N F ~~ f~/1 ~ N F c~ N m °~ m m U N o ~ illr ca 'r" ' m W o o ~ __ -= o z ~~ o a o z -° ~ ~ e ~, a y e o ~j i(v~i ; ~a;m N U J ¢ ~m U O tl d H K U N U dmmc~~ 00~ 5 m U ~~~~;)~ f/ ~ ~ ~ a f m~ ~ a ~' ~' J a 3 ~ a ~ K r v ._ 3 ~ _ ~ " ~ i~ ~4%'~t ~ a c ~ l - Z O a ~ '~ F - W a i a i. l - ~ 1 - yy F c c cLi d 0~ ° m Q ;f<rilr;!1;Qr6 dl ~ m o ¢vo` O ~ ~ m ~c 0 K i d O O ~ m m R d ~ O ;.,, ,r~ n ~ r ~~ r z ~ v inmvr~z¢wc~ ~ STREET MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS The following contractors have performed the following projects for the month of March. 2008. DATE DESCRII'TION TOTAL COST ACCOUNT STREET/CHANNELBRIDGE : OF WORK SIZE':: " Date: 03/08 CITYWIDE TRASH, DEBRIS & WEED ABATEMENT # 5402 TOTAL COST $ 5,000.00 Date: r # TOTAL COST Date: TOTAL COST Date: 03/21/08 CITYWIDE A.C. SAW CUTTING FOR CITY PATCH CREW # 5402 TOTAL COST $ 7,650.00 Date: TOTAL COST Date: 03/12/08 SERVICE LEVEL "R" GRADING OF ALL ROADS FOR CITY PATCH CREW # 999-5402 TOTAL COST $ 1,655.00 Date: TOTAL COST TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5401 $ - 0 - TOTAL .COST ACCOUNT #5402 $ 12,650.00 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #99-5402 $ .1,655.00 R:~MAIN'tAINN10ACTRPT CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION ASPHALT (POTHOLES) REPAIRS MONTH OF MARCH, 2008 DATE ~,ms.:, .M ; ~ , ~ ," ~OG~'~,``IOI~ ~ `~ , ~~ y ~~+~~~`S .v..~ 5....s..,~-... "*l~P..: ~ COE~~OF ~'®`$I~~ ) Xv. a if iw .... ~ ~~E t .. ...r ... .v `1;OTEYL , .. ' 03/03/08 CITYWIDE POTHOLE REPAIRS . . 206 .... v_... 3 03/04/08 LA PAZ AGT YNEZ / CORONADO A.C. OVERLAY 1,540 I1 03/05/08 OLD TOWN A.C. OVERLAYS 404 3 03/10/08 CITYWIDE POTHOLE REPAIRS 176 3 03/11/08 JACARANDA COURT R & R A.C. 486 12 03/17/08 DE PORTOLA AGT MARGARITA POTHOLE g ~ 03/17/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY POTHOLES 21 1 03/17/08 SANTIAGO AT AMERITA A.C. OVERLAY 164 ~ 03/17/08 43071 AGENA A.C. OVERLAY 257 J 03/17/08 NICHOLAS POTHOLE REPAIR 4 2.5 03/18/08 VIA RAMI AT AMARITA R & R 12 ~ 03/1808 RIMOLA AT CALLE CEDRA R & R 56 j 03/18/08 SANTIAGO AT CORTGE ALMOHTE A.C. OVERLAY 243 1 03/18/08 POTHOLES CITYWIDE POTHOLES 4 2.5 03/19/08 NICHOLAS AT JOSEPH POTHOLES 24 ~ 03/19/08 MILKY WAY AT ASTEROID A.C. OVERLAY 18 j 03/19/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MARGARITA A.C. OVERLAY 195 1 03/19/08 PAUBA AT SHOWALTER POTHOLE 6 1 03/19/08 DE PORTOLA AT MARGARITA POTHOLE 4 j 03/19/08 42931 CORTE ABANILLA SINKHOLE 4 j 0319/08 MARGARITA BETWEEN PIO PICO & JEDEDIAH SMITH POTHOLE 7 1 03/19/08 28822 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET E.P. REPAIR 156 2.5 03/20/08 OLD TOWN FRONT AT SANTIAGO R & R 71 03/20/08 OLD TOWN FRONT AT SANTIAGO OVERLAY & E.P. REPAIRS 130 2.75 R:Vv1AINTAIN~ WKCMPLTD\ASPHALT.RPR DATE ~~ ~; x ~` „ ~~OCAT~d' ~~ - t~ iZZ. ~.., '~;S~OP~~QF~~ORT~~ ow>;.~ _ ~ :.y .~ ~: ~' SF ~ ?. x~TOTQL (p~ , ..~~J 03/24/08 CORTE CALANDRA R & R A.C. 233 6 03/25/08 AVENIDA CIMA DEL SOL R & R A.C. 265 10 03/26/08 CITYWIDE POTHOLE REPAIR 328 4.5 03/27/08 MARGARITA ROAD R & R A.C. 178 5.5 03/31/08 MARGARITA ROAD AT RANCHO VISTA R & R A.C. 2g2 g TOTAL S.F. OF REPAIRS 5.472 TOTAL TONS 76 R:N-IAINTAIN~ W KCMPLTDW SPHALT.RPR CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE MONTH OF MARCH, 2008 ;, AAT~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~x~~,~ ~ ~ ~ '~~` ~~LyOCA.TION~ w ~4i. ~~,.~W -~~._ ~ W~®r CO ~ ~ „ lyIPLETED `` 03/03/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 19 CATCH BASINS 03/05/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 3 CATCH BASINS 03/10/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 9 .CATCH BASINS 03/17/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 12 CATCH BASINS 03/18/08 LOW FLOW CLEANED & CHECKED 5 CATCH BASINS 03/19/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 8 CATCH BASINS 03/20/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 27 CATCH BASINS 03/24/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 10 CATCH BASINS 03/26/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 11 CATCH BASINS 03/31/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 34 CATCH BASINS TOTAL CATCH BASINS CLEANED & CHECKED 138 R:\h1AINfAtMW KCMPI.ETD\CATCfBAS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MONTH OF MARCH, 2008 xA,'t1:TE ~ ~ ` LOCAI~ION '~ €: t ~ WQRK~CO~V~PLE~~D '~ '` 03/03/08 31130 SOUTH GENERAL KEARNY REMOVED 179 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/03/08 TARGET CEWNTER REMOVED 78 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/03/08 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK REMOVED 37 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/03/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT VIA LA COLIMA REMOVED 323 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/03/08 REDHAWK REMOVED 56 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/05/08 31130 SOUTH GENERAL KEARNY REMOVED 89 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/07/08 REDHAWK PARKWAY REMOVED 16 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/10/08 I-15 FWY N/B & S/B REMOVED 164 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/10/08 AREAS 1, 2, 5 REMOVED 993 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/11/08 PECHANGA BRIDGE ~ REMOVED 78 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/11/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD BRIDGE REMOVED 204 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/11/08 WOLF STORE BRIDGE REMOVED 300 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/11/08 MIRA LOMA EDISON PLANT REMOVED 270 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/12/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD BRIDGE REMOVED 15,465 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/13/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY CHANNEL REMOVED 65 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/14/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY AT SAN DIMAS REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/14/08 CITYWIDE REMOVED 58 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/17/08 WINCHESTER BRIDGE REMOVED 30 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/17/08 I-15 AT CITY LIMITS REMOVED 12 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/17/08 I-15 AT TEMECULA CREEK BRIDGE REMOVED 1,316 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/17/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT CALLE TAJO REMOVED 27 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY AT WOLF CREEK REMOVED 380 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 WINCHESTER AT BOSTIK COURT REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI R:NAAINTAIM W KCMPLTD\GRAFFITII `DATE ''~ ~ xa k~ ~~ ' ' 't~ ..°. ; c ~_„ ~ I;®(~AT=TyON. ,.. r ' ~ ~ "~` `. "~,' '~ '?'~'O 'n, a j K~GOMPLETk-D.. .,* ,'. 03/18/08 CAMINO GONZALES AT CORTE SANCHEZ REMOVED 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 27919 JEFFERSON REMOVED 15 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 WOLF STORE CHANNEL (SOUTH) REMOVED 1,368 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 BUTTERFIELD BRIDGE REMOVED 4,352 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/18/08 WOLF STORE CHANNEL (NORTH) REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 NICYLEN AT VAIL REMOVED 1 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 SUNBEAM AT VAIL REMOVED 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 VAIL AT CUTCHOGUE DRIVE REMOVED 8 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 REDHAWK AT REDHAWK REMOVED 12 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 31758GALITO REMOVED 6 S.F.OFGRAFFITI 03/19/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY AT TEMECULA PARKWAY REMOVED 36 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 JEFFERSON AT VIA MONTEZUMA REMOVED 15 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/19/08 REDHAWK AT NIGHTHAWK REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 PUJOLFIELD REMOVED 159 S.F.OFGRAFFITI 03/24/08 AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REMOVED 901 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 CALLE TAJO REMOVED 54 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 REDHAWK BRIDGE REMOVED 560 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 TEMECULA CREEK CHANNEL REMOVED 170 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 I-15 FWY CITY LIMITS TO CITY LIMIT REMOVED 229 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/24/08 LEIFER ROAD BRIDGE REMOVED 33 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/25/08 TIERRA ALTA REMOVED 16 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/25/08 PECHANGA BRIDGE REMOVED 1,377 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/25/08 REDHAWK BRIDGE REMOVED 1,050 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/25/08 WALCOTT AT CALLE CHAPOS REMOVED 80 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/26/08 NIGHTHAWK /VAIL RANCH REMOVED 21 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/29/08 RAINBOW CANYON BRIDGE REMOVED 21 S.F. OF GRAFFITI R:\MAINT/ilN\ W KCMPLiD\GRAFF]TI\ 03/31/08 FELIX VALDEZ AT 6TH STREET REMOVED 148 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REMOVED 35 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 VAIL AT NIGHTHAWK REMOVED 6 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 MIRA LOMA EDISON PLANT REMOVED 14 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 EMPIRE CREEK CHANNEL REMOVED 1,160 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK REMOVED 918 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 03/31/08 I-15 FWY NB & SB REMOVED 63 S.F. OF GRAFFITI TOTAL S.F. GRAFFITI REMOVED 33,016 TOTAL LOCATIONS 57 R:VvIAINTAIMWKCMPLTD\GAAFFITt\ O O w way F''O~ O E'' r'L' ~-+ w N W A ~ 7 ~.~ a U .a d' T ~ ~ ~ A ti ~ p: ~ w~ d~ ti ti d"~ O Z f~ U W O O Z F U O F- a w a J 7 W Z Q J_ a a m Z LL ~^l I b ~ M ~ ~ ti ~ ~ o ~ ~y ,~ ~ N s.A~ w° o .~ E" o. R ~ ++ p ~ o F W ~ U rn '. M ~ l~ oo O a ~ W Vl M M F O ao W ~ ~ ~ ~ .n ~ ti w ~ Q ~ ~ ti Q rn O z A v 000oooooaooooo000000000000 0000000oooooaooooo00000000 00000000000000000000000000 r01 hLpM rO1 h~M r01h 1nM rO1 htnMr~h ~M r ~~t ~~~ ~M MMM MNN NN Nr rrr r CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SERVICE ORDER REQUEST LOG MONTH OF MARCH, 2008 ;DATE REC'D' ..~ '". < LOCATrON " REQUEST DATE WORK COMPLETED 03/03/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY POTHOLE 03/03/08 " 03/03/08 31357 PAHUTA TREE BRANCH DOWN 03/03/08 03/04/08 YNEZ COURT DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/04/08 03/04/08 CALLS MEDUSA POTHOLE .03/04/08 03/06/08 43650 BUCKEYE HYDRAULIC SPILL 03/06/08 03/06/08 29893 AVENIDA CIMA DEL SOL TREE TRIMMING 03/06/08 03/06/08 29901 AVENIDA CIMA DEL SOL TREE TRIMMING 03/06/08 03/07/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT YNEZ DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/07/08 03/07//08 42110 TEA TREE COURT TREE TRIMMING 03/07/08 03/07/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MORAGA DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/07/08 03/10/08 42097 VIA CUESTA DEL SOL DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/10/08 03/10/08 JOSEPH ROAD SAND REMOVAL 03/10/08 03/12/08 MAIN STREET AT FRONT DEBRIS REMOVAL 03/13/08 03/13/08 32879 LEVI COURT TREE REPLACEMENT 03/13/08 03/14/08 33348 CRESTVIEW DRIVE S.N.S. 03/14/08 03/17/08 31465 VIA CORDOBA SINKHOLE 03/17/08 03/17/08 30500 SHENANDOAH COURT TRIM TREE 03/18/08 03/17/08 JOSEPH ROAD SAND REMOVAL 03/18/08 03/18/08 41799 BOREALIS DRIVE TREE REMOVAL 03/19/08 03/18/08 40291 TANGER CIRCLE CRACKS 1N ROAD 03/19/08 03/18/08 DE PORTOLA AT MARGARITA POTHOLE 03/19/08 03/18/08 PAUBA AT SHOWALTER POTHOLE 03/19/08 03/19/08 41848 ASTEROID WAY TREE REMOVAL 03/19/08 03/19/08 CORTE UTNEHMER AT VIA CAVALLO DEBRIS REMOVAL 03/20/08 03/19/08 WINCHESTER AT YNEZ POTHOLE 03/19/08 15ATE ` RECD ~` ~ r ~<- .- ~ ~. ~, . ` '~ ~ LOCATION ~ F. ,~~~ ~ ~ 'REQUEST u ~ ~ , . ~ - , ,. . °~;AATE WORK COMPI;ETED 03/20/08 42471 AGENA TREE REMOVAL 03/20/08 03/21/08 REDHAWKPARKWAY POTHOLES 03/21/08 03/24/08 OVERLAND TRAIL DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/24/08 03/24/08 MORAGA DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/24/08 03/24/08 JEFFERSON AT WINCHESTER DOWN SIGN 03/24/08 03/24/08 NICHOLAS AT LIEFER STANDING WATER 03/24/08 03/25/08 TEMECULA GARDEN APARTMENTS STANDING WATER 03/25/08 03/25/08 42095 VIA LA VIDA DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/25/08 03/25/08 NICOLAS ROAD AT VIA LOBO DEBRIS PICK-=UP 03/25/08 03/25/08 WINCHESTER AT JEFFERSON DEBRIS PICK-UP 03/25/08 03/26/08 NICOLAS ROAD POTHOLES 03/26/08 03/26/08 RAINBOW CANYON ROAD POTHOLES 03/26/08 03/27/08 MARGARITA ROAD AT AVENIDA BARCA TREE TRIMMING 03/27/08 TOTAL SERVICE ORDER REQUESTS 38 R:\AIAINTAIMW RKCOMPLTD\SORS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SIGNS MONTH OF MARCH , 2008 z ~ .. DATE , .... ~ ~.~ ~~ LOC'A~'~1N ~ ~ ~ ` vv .t .'. w.,... ~' ~-~ ~~~ O ~~~ONII' ET~LI~ , 3 ~' 03/04/08 PAUBA E/O MARGARITA INSTALLED 6 R-26, 2 "C" PKG. 03/04/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 1, REPAIRED 2 03/10/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 1, REPAIRED 2 03/11/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 1, REPAIRED 5 03/11/08 TEMECULA PARKWAY AT OLD TOWN FRONT INSTALLED 24 DELINEATORS 03/11/08 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REPLACED 9 DELINEATORS 03/14/08 CITY HALL PARKING LOG REMOVED TWO SIGNS 03/17/08 JEFFERSON AT WINCHESTER REPLACED 1 R4-7 03/18/08 YNEZ AT PROMENADE MALL REPLACED R4-7 03/18/08 REPAIRED REPAIRED R7-9 03/18/08 JEFFERSON AT OVERLAND REPAIRED W l l-1 03/18/08 TIERRA ALTA AT ALVARADO REPAIR SNS & Rl-1 03/18/08 WINCHESTER AT REMINGTON REPLACED Rl-1 03/19/08 HARMONY AT VAIL REPAIR Rl-1 03/19/08 TEZRICH AT VAIL REPAIR Rl-1 03/19/08 WINCHESTER AT REMINGTON REPAIR SNS 03/19/08 ZEVO AT WINCHESTER REPLACED Rl-1 03/19/08 DIAZ AT VIA DOS PICOS REPAIR R2-26 /SNS 03/19/08 CALLE EMPLEADO AT WINCHESTER REPAIR R4-7 03/19/08 EQUITY AT COUNTY CENTER REPAIR R4-7, W4-2 & R-26 03/19/08 DATE AT YNEZ REPAIR R4-1 03/19/08 HARVESTON AT SAVANNAH REPAIR R2-26 03/19/08 HARVESTON AT ST. AUGUSTINE REPAIR SNS R:\MAINTAIN\WKCMPL'tD\S[GNS\ DATE' 3/19/08 ~,~ x~ IJO~ ~Ia ~P ~° ~~' ~, tiw, ,..... ~, ~: a~. ~>. HARVESTON SCHOOL AT HARVESTON DRIVE M ~~ ` ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~WC2RK~C0I~SIPT,L3'r1~ED ~ ~ >, a~. _~~, w . ,. , t„ x REPAIR R2-26 03/19/08 DATE AT MARGARITA REPAIR R4-7 3/19/08 WINCHESTER AT YNEZ REPAIR R4-7 03/20/08 JEFFERSON AT OVERLAND REPAIR R4-7 03/24/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 2, REPAIRED 3 03/25/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 2, REPAIRED 14 03/25/08 VIA ANGELES INSTALLED 2 R2-25 03/26/08 VIA LA COLORADA INSTALLED 15 R26-5 03/27/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 6, REPAIRED 9 03/29/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 2, REPAIRED 13 03/31/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 1, REPAIRED 9 TOTAL SIGNS REPLACED 20 TOTAL SIGNS INSTALLED 49 TOTAL SIGNS REPAIRED 77 R:N1AINTAIMWKCMPLTD\SIGNS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION STENCILS / STRH'ING MONTH OF MARCH, 2008 DATE y x L~OO~'~ATION n ` ~ '`~^ s : WORTS C01V1~PT,ETED 03/06/08 DEER HOLLOW REPAINTED 4 LEGENDS 03/17/08 DIAZ AT WINCHETER REPLACED 340 L.F. CROSSWALKS 03/18/08 AREA #1 RED CURB 2,435 L.F. RED CURB 03/18/08 SANTIAGO ROAD REPAINTED 1 LEGEND 03/19/08 AREA #1 (RED CURB) REPAINTED 3,880 L.F. RED CURB 03/20/08 AREA #1 (RED CURB) REPAINTED 4,646 L.F. RED CURB 03/24/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 3,325 L.F. RED CURB 03/25/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 1,822 L.F. RED CURB 03/25/08 VIA ANGELES INSTALLED 3 LEGENDS 03/26/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 3,391 L.F. RED CURB 03/27/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD REPLACED 660 L.F. THERMO PLASTIC CROSSWALK TOTAL NEW & REPAINTED LEGENDS 8 NEW & REPAINTED RED CURB & STRIPING L.F. 20,287 MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Hughes, Director of Public Works FROM: ~ f h Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent DATE: May 7, 2008, 2008 SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report -April, 2008 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in-house personnel for the month of April, 2008: I. SIGNS A. Total signs replaced 55 B. Total signs installed 68 C. Total signs repaired gg II. TREES A. Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns 23 III. ASPHALT REPAIRS A. Total square feet of A. C. repairs 8,777 B. Total Tons 106.75 N. CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned 227 V: RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement 0 VL GRAFFTfI REMOVAL A. Total locations 62 B. Total S.F. 5.253 VB. STENCILING A. 4 New and repainted legends B. 34.707 L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping R:NIAINTAINN.OACTRP'C Also, City Maintenance staff responded to 36 service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to 38 service order requests for the month of April, 2008. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 28 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of April, 2008 was 32 455.00 compared to 14 305.00 for the month of April, 2008. Account No. 5402 Account No. 5401 Account No. 999-5402 $ 5,000.00 $ 27,455.00 $ -0- cc: Dan York, Deputy Duector of Public Works/City Engineer Greg Butler, Deputy Director of Public Works Ali Moghadam, Principal Engineer - (Traffic) Amer Attar, Principal Engineer - (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer - (Land Development) o d O N p~ J ,m T=9 m = m ~ m m` 'O .d+ T m m a ~ a ~ '~ R :: a m ~ d ^~na Y ~~ 3av°o ~~a~ m Zo ~~~p 6) Z N LL f Q ~ °a~W Z Y Q O N LL w~ O LL J a fU (/! m C. IL Q J 1-. } as O J r ' ~ N m OI O N O O O O G O t9 M N M aC M d ai O ~ O O 00 m M N N• O n O d O n ~ m O Oi Oi M r M i9 O O O G N O Nb ai ai t9 ~ O M O 00 M d O ON aD vf" d M M M ' C Of M r W O O O IR n O Cf M N V m M O O W 01 m ~ M m • N M A n n~ O Q W N n O O O O N n O O O M O m O f0 O m O M n s d N O O b M m M m M LL~ m N 0 N N N m O N N O IR m Ol t +1 N N r M ~ y J m m d d m O N A ~ N Q a m m N ~ N ~ m w N bJ ~ M r M N d U y ~ N w ui t9 ~ bs n J LL ~ ~ 0 = F w z O o LL• F N O U O W y w o Oaz 3 0~ U W Y s -0o LL~ H O U D wm o 1'J Oa> 30~ U ~ w 00 N O O O 00 N O m O m a ~ 6 I O d M O O w w d N O D O m' O N ~ o m N m a m N o O . Of ~ r M 19 u~ m n N o o d m d Yl M d m m O d N ~ O N r 19 tlJ b1 1R f9 N 19 n f ~ ~ ~ ~ O U nm oo m a m m M na M m m o ~ n 0 0 m m m N N M N n r t N N G ~ m m R' W ~ J 3~a oa U ~ C W D m p A O a Of ip Vi C O~ o J `~"J O N G Q Y jp A LL W IL U 'L ~ LL W m L ~ a w v d : 0 m z ~ W 6 W Q J f N N W N ~ 3 H I- W N U ~ W W LL U' W J J ~ ~) O ~ O LL ~ W ~ W J W W eC ~ Z W Z H ~ J f H W Z N K U m O j Z j = W W Q N Q Q O N Q Y ] N W W O 0 W j W W H U' Q Z N Z 2 N W = 3 N Q ~ d ~ NJ N LL ' Z ~ U K J y ~ F = U U ' Q Q _ Q Q W LL O Z _ ' Z O Q fq W 4! N U D W Q C' F J STREET MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS The following contractors have performed the following projects for the month of April, 2008 DATE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST ACCOUNT STREET/CH1NNELBRIDGE OF WORK SIZE '' ;, -CONTRACTOR. ~. ~..> > ~, ,;. ra-,,,. ~, ~ .. ,:?; BECKER ENGINE~RINCr ~ -^~ ~ '°~ . ~ ~=` ~ a' ~ Date: 04/23/08 JOHN WARNER RETENTION POND REMOVE SILT & DEBRIS FROM DESILTING POND # 5401 TOTAL COST $ 2,840.00 Date: 04/29/08 MIRA LOMA CHANNEL INLET REPAIR GRATES DUE TO DAMAGE FROM HEAVY RAINS # 5401 TOTAL COST $ 7,500.00 Date: 04/29/08 EMPIRE CREEK OUTLET GRATES REPAIR GRATES DUE TO DAMAGE FROM HEAVY RAINS # 5401 TOTAL COST $ 3,500.00 Date: 04/29/08 VALLEJO CHANNEL REMOVE SILT & DEBRIS FROM CHANNEL # 5401 TOTAL COST $ 13,615.00 CONTRACTOR: R ~._ ENE'S;COMMERCIALA MANAGI+MEN F ,;: ~ ~;...,. T r' _~, ..._. .. _ ,.., ~,,._. , t Date: 04/08 CITYWIDER.O.W.'S REMOVAL OF TRASH, DEBRIS & WE EDSFROM CITY R.O.W.'s # 5402 TOTAL COST $ 5,000.00 Date: TOTAL COST Date: Date: TOTAL COST TOTAL COST TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5401 $ 27,455.00 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5402 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #99-5402 $ 5,000.00 R:UTAIN]'AIMMOACTRPf CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION ASPHALT (POTHOLES) REPAIRS MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 g DACE a >~ u~ ~ >~,.r ..~ c"*s-~ ~ CATION , ?, ~~ ~ >; ~~ ~ w2~: , . ;:- ,_~~:?~~ ~..~. ~<.,~ ~fia fi ~~ ~ E .~-~. e x SOPL OF vVORK ~~ ) ~Y , rte., ~. , ~c ~ S'1~ ~ ~ ~ AL., TOT TONS 04/01/08 RANCHO VISTA AT MARGARITA R & R A.C. 132 7 04/02/08 CUESTA DEL SOL A.C. OVERLAY 259 4 04/03/08 PALOMA DEL SOL SLURRY AREA R & R A.C. 13 3.5 04/07/08 AMARITA WAY R & R A.C. 382 7 04/08/08 MONTELEGRO WAY R & R A.C. 420 I1 04/10/08 AMARITA WAY R & R A.C. 532 I1 04/14/08 AMARITA / VIA AVALINA R & R A.C. 234 5 04/15/08 MONTELEGRO AT LEENA WAY R & R A.C. 410 10.5 04/16/08 MONTELEGRO AT LEENA WAY R & R A.C. 162 5 04/17/08 VIA PUESTA DEL SOL A.C. OVERLAY 309 3.5 04/18/08 NB JEFFERSON AT BUECKING POTHOLE 2 TEMP AC 04/21/08 LEENA WAY AT CORTE BENAVENTE R & R A.C. 743 11 04/22/08 LEENA WAY AT CORTE BENAVENTE A.C. CAP 750 7 04/22/08 MONTELEGRO WAY AT CORTE BENAVENTE R & R A.C. 32 ~ 04/23/08 CITYWIDE POTHOLES 56 3.5 04/25/08 SANTIAGO AT ALMONTE A.C. O/L 648 5 04/28/08 CITYWIDE "POHTOLES" POTHOLES 98 1.75 04/29/08 SANTIAGO AT VIA ALCORISA R & R 300 8 04/30/08 SANTIAGO AT AMERITA WAY R & R 195 8 TOTAL S.F. OF REPAIRS 5.777 TOTAL TONS 106.75 R: WiAINTAIN~WICChIPLTDV.SPHALT.RPR CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 DA~sE >s..... .mss ~~~; „,>,~^x~ ~ ~ ~` ~~,~~s~~, LOCATION ~ ~~ ' ~~a ~~" ~ ~~~ ~ WORD CONII'LETED; , ~~;, .;:..-. 04/03/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 11 CATCH BASINS 04/07/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 23 CATCH BASINS 04/08/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 30 CATCH BASINS 04/09/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 23 CATCH BASINS 04/10/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 10 CATCH BASINS 04/14/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 27 CATCH BASINS 04/17/08 AREA #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 30 CATCH BASINS .04/21/08 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 23 CATCH BASINS 04/22/08 AREA #5 CLEANED & CHECKED 11 CATCH BASINS 04/23/08 AREA #5 CLEANED & CHECKED 9 CATCH BASINS 04/24/08 AREA #5 CLEANED & CHECKED 5 CATCH BASINS 04/28/08 CITYWIDE HOT SPOTS CLEANED & CHECKED 21 CATCH BASINS 04/30/08 JEFFERSON AT WINCHESTER CLEANED & CHECKED 2 CATCH BASINS 04/30/08 AREA #5 CLEANED & CHECKED 2 CATCH BASINS TOTAL CATCH BASINS CLEANED & CHECKED 227 R:\MA W TRIM W KCMPLETD\CATCHBAS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 BATE ~ , ~. ... / n ~ ~ '` ~ ;OAT O ~ ,~ '~ ~. ~ ~ ?st ~~ ei... .. `. ) 3155 ....,`... >>.14 s` c`'s >>.....i ..., 4 ~ , WORK ~ LE1D ~ '. .. r. ~..~~... :. f.. wY ...YR ~' ,01 &r ." f 04/01/08 42128 TEA TREE REMOVED 19 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/01/08 BEDFORD COURT REMOVED 28 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/01/08 PUJOL STREET REMOVED 385 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/01/08 I-15 FWY AT TEMECULA CREEK REMOVED 50 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/02/08 PUJOL LOT REMOVED 10 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/03/08 PUJOL AT 6T" STREET REMOVED 40 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/03/08 VAIL RANCH PARKWAY AT JOHNSTON REMOVED 26 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/04/08 CALLE MADERO AT NADA LANE REMOVED 9 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/04/08 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REMOVED 5 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/07/08 6T" AT FELIX VALDEZ REMOVED 220 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/07/08 GRANNY'S ATTIC REMOVED- 80 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/07/08 AVENIDA DEMISSIONES REMOVED 70 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/07/08 VIA RIO TEMECULA REMOVED 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/07/08 41540 AVENIDA BARCA REMOVED 27 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/10/08 VAIL RANCH BRIDGE REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/11/08 AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REMOVED 66 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/0-8 CALLE TAJO REMOVED 77 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 HUMBER CHANNEL REMOVED 20 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 VIA GILBERTO REMOVED 46 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 RAINBOW CANYON ROAD REMOVED 45 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 EMPIRE CREEK REMOVED 107 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 YNEZ AT YENZ COURT REMOVED 450 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 SANTA GERTRUDIS AT W INCHESTER ROAD REMOVED 756 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/14/08 I-15 FWY, N & S/B REMOVED 50 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/15/08 MARGARITA AT SOLANA WAY REMOVED 17 S.F. OF GRAFFITI .. ~ ? ff.' 04/16/08 ~ ~ r~ .. ~~~.^,~, ~' ~j,~('1~..__ },!~,f~~~T•.} ?'~ ~4 ,( /T,...',~ MARGARITA AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD ~~~ .nwf:.A.) REMOVED ~~~~ ~T ~!2`u` '" E~R b 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/17/08 CLUBHOUSE REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/18/08 S/B REDHAWK PARKWAY 100 YARDS PAST VIA SALTIO REMOVED 4 S. F, OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REMOVED 159 S. F. O.F GRAFFITI 04/21/08 VAIL RANCH PARKWAY AT EASTRIDGE REMOVED 13 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 REDHAWK PARKWAY AT PEPPERCORN REMOVED 3 S.F.OFGRAFFITI 04/21/08 VIA PUEBLA AT REDHAWK PARKWAY REMOVED 3 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 VIA SALTIO AT CALLESITA ORDENES REMOVED 8 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 NICYLYN AT VAIL RANCH PARKWAY REMOVED 1 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 PECHANGA PARKWAY AT MUIRFIELD REMOVED 9 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/21/08 CITYWIDE REMOVED 373 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/22/08 LA SERENA AT VIA HALCON REMOVED 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/22/08 DEL REY AT VIA MEDIA REMOVED 3 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/22/08 CAMINO DEL ESTE AT CAMINO VERDE REMOVED 287 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/22/08 42081 MAIN STREET REMOVED 10 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/23/08 CALLE KATERINE AT WINDSOR ROAD REMOVED 6 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/23/08 LEIGH LANE REMOVED 24 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/24/08 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK REMOVED 18 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/24/08 MARGARITA BETWEEN OVERLAND AND SOLANA REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/24/08 MARGARITA AT COURTNEY PLACE REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/25/08 GRAFFITI CITYWIDE HOT SPOTS REMOVED 145 S. F. OF GRAFFITI 04/25/08 REDHAWK AREA REMOVED 65 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/28/08 CITYWIDE HOT SPOTS REMOVED 84 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/28/08 YNEZ COURT AT CREEK REMOVED 977 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/29/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE AREA BRIDGE REMOVED 406 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 04/30/08 PAUBA ACROSS FROM MORMAN CHURCH REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI TOTAL S. F. GRAFFITI REMOVED 5.253 TOTAL LOCATIONS 62 R:\MAINCAIM W KCMPLTD\GRAFFl'fI\ U W ~ D $ 0 Z r U < O ~ 3 F a O O w ~ ~ a W ~ O O ~ ~I W ~ N W A a w c7 J 7 W ~ Z Q J _ er p , Q m LL Z Q 00000000000000000000000000 00000 000000000000000000000 00 00000000000000 0000 O 000 rM IMAM r0 f~119M rMf~ lAM r~ PIAM r~f~ LAM r lACI"d' V ~ ~M MMM MNN NN Nr rrr r ~ h ~ 7 a a ~ i ~ ~ ~ p 'n ~ ° O ?, ~ ~ h ' E ~ ~ 'C ~ ~ >, ca a ~ > m ~w '~¢ ~' titi~~ oz q , , n ~ a ~ N, ~ ~ d ~ p .wC ~ N '. is Q H ~ . O O w~ E" ~ " ~ . , ;.~ .., c O H ~ w ~' ~ U W UI T" r W ~ ~D M W O N h M h ~ F .'~. M ao ~' ~ A N a~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ ti w; " ~` d ' ~ ti ' ~ ~ O z A CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION RIGHT-OF-WAY TREE TRIMMING MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 y- DA~TE~ .: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ~" ~ ~ , ~,.~:,, . ~LO.C~TION* ,~M....w . ., ~ `: ~Y ~ ~; ~~~WO h~ . a t ; ~ Rx'~COMPLETED :. b~ ~ , -- 04/01/08 MARGARITA ATAVENIDABARCA TRIMMED 3 RxO.W.TREES 04/02/08 VIA DOS PICOS TRIMMED 3 R.O.W. TREES 04/09/08 OLD TOWN TRIMMED 3 R.O. W. TREES 04/11/08 VERANDOS TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES 04/25/08 VIA PUERTA TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 BUSINESS PARK AT SINGLE OAK TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 DIAZ ROAD AT BLACK LOOP TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 27485 COMMERCE CENTER TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 HACIENDAS AT DEL RIO TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 28190 JEFFERSON TRIMMED 1 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 YNEZ AT DATE TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES 04/28/08 HUMBER AT AVENIDA BARCA TRIMMED 4 R.O.W. TREES TOTAL R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 23 R:\MAINTAIMWRKCOMPLTD\TREES CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SERVICE ORDER REQUEST LOG MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 DATE, RED'-D ~ ~ s LOCATION y >..:,. u~...~ 7 R~QI7EST . ^ W DATE WORK, > C0~1dPLETED , 04/01/08 ALLEY 3RD AND MAIN GRADE ALLEY 04/01/08 04/02/08 NICOLAS ROAD AT CALLE MEDUSA POTHOLES 04/02/08 04/03/08 30065 VILLA ALTURAS TREE TRIMMING 04/03/08 04/07/08 41150 VIA HALCON RAISED SIDEWALK 04/07/08 04/08/08 MORAGA DEBRIS PICK-UP 04/08/08 04/08/08 30150 CASA CHATA PLACE STANDING WATER 04/08/08. 04/08/08 NICOLAS ROAD SAND DEBRIS 04/08/08 04/08/08 41918 KAFFIRBOOM TREE REMOVAL 04/08/08 04/09/08 PASEO BRII.LIANTE A.C. CRACKS 04/09/08 04/09/08 PASEO RAYO DEL SOL A.C. CRACKS 04/09/08 04/09/08 CORTE BACCARRO SNS TURNED 04/09/08 04/10/08 CORTE TAQUITA S.N.S. MISSPELLED 04/10/08 04/10/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MEADOWS PKWY R4-7 DOWN 04/10/08 04/14/08 27493 DANDELION COURT CRACK IN A.C. 04/14/08 04/14/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT TOWN CENTER POTHOLE 04/14/08 04/14/08 WELTON WAY GRAVEL IN ROAD 04/14/08 04/14/08 45827 RICARDO TREE TRIMMING 04/14/08 04/14/08 41591 EAGLE POINT WAY C & G REPAIR 04/14/08 04/14/08 30214 VILLA ALTURAS TREE REMOVAL 04/14/08 04/16/08 31746 PASEO DE LAS OLAS TREE TRIMMING 04/16/08 04/16/08 28790 PUJOL STREET TREE TRIMMING 04/16/08 04/17/08 MORAGA ROAD DEBRIS PICK-UP 04/17/08 04/17/08 JEFFERSON BETWEEN CHERRY & BUECKING POTHOLE 04/18/08 04/18/08 28475 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET TREE REMOVAL 04/18/08 04/21/08 45972 VIA LA COLORADA CELL PHONE IN CATCH BASIN 04/21/08 R:\MAINTNMWRKCOMPLTD\SORS\ DATE 'REC'D i ,::., s ,~ .~ " ;; ,LOCATION ~ >x REQUEST - o v ~ . -., DATE WORK COMPLETED 04/21/08 VIA RAMOS AT CALLE BALLARISA SNS DOWN 04/21/08 04/22/08 28256 TIERRA VISTA ROAD CONCRETE GUTTER 04/22/08 04/22/08 31944 WHITE TAIL LANE TREE 04/23/08 04/23/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT FRONT STREET DEBRIS 04/23/08 04/23/08 RUSTIC GLEN TREE TRIMMING 04/23/08 04/24/08 CONGRESSIONAL DOWN LIMB 04/24/08 04/24/08 41800 SKYWOOD DRIVE TREE DISEASED 04/24/08 04/25/08 43035 CORTE FRESCA TREE TRIMMING 04/25/08 04/28/08 MORAGA DEBRIS PICK-UP 04/28/08 04/29/08 RUSTIC GLEN TREE TRIMMING 04/29/08 04/30/08 SCARBOROUGH S.N.S. MISSPELLED 04/30/08 TOTAL SERVICE ORDER REQUESTS 36 R:N3AINTAIM WRKCOMPLTD\SORS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SIGNS MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 s `DATE.... iW. ",~$?" ~ ? ''r`te" : ~ .. ~~ N. ...j LOGA~~N-.~~.. ,.' ~ . .:,:... ,.~~>~ ; ~ '. - > >z `"/ 1 : ~~M- ;_ WO~COMPLE~ED 04/01/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 3 REPAIRED? 04/02/08 CITYWIDE REPAIRED3 04/03/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 5 REPAIRED2 04/04/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD REPLACED 5 DELINEATORS 04/04/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 4 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 2 04/07/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 7 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 10 04/OS/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 10 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 12 04/09/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 4 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 10 04/10/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 3 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 3 04/11/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 2 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 2 04/15/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 3 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 8 04/16/08 CITYWIDE REPLACED 3 DELINEATORS REPAIRED 2 04/17/08 CITYWIDE REPAIRED5 04/18/08 AREA #4 INSTALL 16 RPM'S 04/18/08 AREA #4 INSTALL 52 NON-REFLECTIVE DOTS 04/18/08 AREA #4 REPLACE 3 DELINEATORS 04/18/08 CORBIE AT TIBANO REPLACE 1 R1-1 04/18/08 VIA PUEBLA AT REDHAWK PARKWAY REPLACE 1 R4-7 04/18/08 RUBANO AT VAIL RANCH PARKWAY REPLACE 1 R4-7 - 04/18/08 BALLOREAZA AT REDHAWK PARKWAY REPAIR 2 SNS 04/21/08 PAUBA ROAD AT MEADOWS PARKWAY REPLACE 1 R1-1 04/21/08 E/B RANCHO VISTA E/O HIGH SCHOOL REPLACE 1 R1-2 04/21/08 NICOLAS ROAD AT CHAPARRAL HIGH REPLACE 12 DELINEATORS 04/21/08 RANCHO CALIF. ROAD W/O BUTTERFIELD STAGE REPAIR 1 DELINEATOR 04/21/08 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MEADOWS PKWY REPAIR 1 R4-7 04/21/08 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT PASEO DE LAS OLAS REPAIR 1 R4-7 04/21/08 CALLE PIMA COLADA AT NO. GENERAL KEARNY REPLACE 1 OM4-3 R:\MAINTAIN\WKCMPLTD\SIGNS\ x I~A'~mE 04/22/08 ~ „~ LQGATIQ~~ ~ , ~ DE PORTOLA AT BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD ~~ ~ ~ ~; W©F~~ CO~[PI~ETED~~v ~ 3 REPLACE 1 R4-7 04/22/08 NICOLAS ROAD AT WINCHESTER REPLACE 2 DELINEATORS 04/23/08 S/B YNEZ ROAD AT EMPIRE CREEK REPAIR 1 R4-7 04/24/08 MARGARITA AT OVERLAND REPLACE 1 OM1-3 04/24/08 DATE STREET ATKINGWOOD REPLACE 1 R4-7 04/24/08 DATE STREET AT KINGWOOD REPAIR 1 TYPE K MARKER 04/25/08 AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REPLACED 3 REPAIRED 1 04/28/08 REDHAWK PARKWAY AT CALLE TAHOE AREA REPLACED 5 REPAIRED 6 04/30/08 BUTTERFIELD STAGE AREA REPLACED 2 REPAIRED 9 TOTAL SIGNS REPLACED 55 TOTAL SIGNS INSTALLED 68 TOTAL SIGNS REPAIRED 88 R:\MAINTAIMWKCMPLTD\SIGNS\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION STENCILS /STRIPING MONTH OF APRIL, 2008 ~.. DATE ~. l t S W v ~ , u~~,~ ~yY ~T.OCA~ION ~ k ~~ '~ .J ~ ~., 'i ~ W®RK~"C~OMPLETN~D~ 04/07/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 5,276 L.F. RED CURB 04/08/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 3,971 L.F. RED CURB 04/09/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 2,889 L.F. RED CURB 04/10/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 2;003 L.F. RED CURB 04/14/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 3,437 L.F. RED CURB 04/15/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 2,889 L.F. RED CURB 04/16/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 1,636 L.F. RED CURB 04/21/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 2,536 L.F. RED CURB 04/21/08 AREA #1 REPAINTED 24' OF 12" BAR 04/22/08 AREA #3 REPAINTED 2,580 L.F. RED CURB 04/23/08 AREAS # 3 & #4 REPAINTED 3,430 L.F. RED CURB 04/24/08 AREA #4 REPAINTED 1,528 L.F. RED CURB 04/28/08 AREA #4 REPAINTED .3,359 L.F. RED CURB 04/29/08 MARGARITA AT VERDES LANE NEW INSTALL 3 CROSSWALKS 04/30/08 AREAD #4 & #5 REPAINTED 1,573 L.F. RED CURB TOTAL NEW & REPAINTED LEGENDS 4 NEW & REPAINTED RED CURB & STRIPING L.F. 34,707 R:\MAW TAW \WRKCOMPLTD\STRIP W G CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 1 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esa rnPraJdar~1 FAID (',~j PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Raripaugh Ranch Fire Station The majority of work was completed by April of 2006. Roripaugh Developer (Ashby} Tovey Shultz Construction, Inc. $3,298,000 schedule shows access and utilities to the site in August 2007. Because of this there was Approved Change Orders $212,768.24 cost to re-mobilize and complete the project when the aforementioned items are complete, PW03-01 I ° o 93 /° these casts are reflected in an approved change order fatal, which is the responsibility of the McBride { } 12107 developer. In addition, a fire engine/truck venting system (requested/added on 2/06) will be installed when the Contractor is re-mobilized, this cast is also included in the approved change order total. Temecula Education Center Rough Grading This project will provide far the grading of the proposed Temecula Education Center. Contractor: Yeager Skanska, Inc. $3,155,810 Construction started on 5/1/06. CCO#1 to relocate/modify all impacted utilities along Diaz and Approved/ Pending Change drders of 100°/° Road adjacent to the project was approved by the RDA Board on 10/10/06 and Diaz Road PW06-03 I $2,590,802.30 David original work 99°t° original was brought up to grade. All work was completed on March 28, 2007. Other ongoing work McBride 104°I° CCO#1 97% CCQ#1 under this contract involves EMW D work outside of the project limit which was completed in work late July. The properky was prepared for the rainy season and we are in the process of resolving all issues with EMWD. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Most punch list work is complete. The City, consultant and contractor are working to resolve Facility and Corporate Yard) -Phase 2. the stem wall to curtain wall connection leak that happened during the last major storms. PWtl3-Q6 I Contractor: Tovey Shultz Construction. David 99% 91% Contract Amount: 6,690,000 McBride { 10107 } Approved Change Orders: $185,516.85 Diaz Road Realignment, Phase II This project will realign Diaz Road beginning just south of Rancho Way to Vincent Moraga Contractor: Elite Bobcat Service Road at Rancho California Raad. Business Park Drive will be a T-intersection at Diaz. The PW95-27 I Contract Amount: $2,519,695 Jon Salazar 100°/° 100°!° existing traffic signal at Rancho Cal Rd and old Diaz Rd will be removed. The project was Approved Change Orders (1-8}: $340,294.59 { 4108 } accepted by Council at the April 22nd meeting, and is now complete. Rancho California Raad Widening ,did Tawn This project will construct an additional eastbound lane to provide for a right turn lane to Front Street to I-15 (Southside} southbound I-15, as well as modify the existing median to accommodate dual left turn lanes Contractor: Sean Malek Engineering & from westbound Rancho California Road to southbound Old Town Front Street. AT&T has PW02-19 I Construction $1,732,447 and approved change David 99°/° 6B% removed the excess encasement of their facilities to allow the construction of the missing orders totaling $71,778.36. McBride {11107} storm drain. This allowed the City to complete the storm drain construction. Construction is complete. Project acceptance and f fling the Notice of Completion will be done in the near future. Community Recreation Center (CRC) Rainfall on 12/01/07 prompted the City Council to declare a Local Emergency an 12/11/07 Emergency Channel Grading due to an unforeseen flood condition at the CRC. P/UV Staff negotiated with TCSD's Annual Contractor: Tiger Equipment, Inc. Agreement Contractor to complete the grading work; construction was completed on PW07-13 I Contract Amount: $38,900 Wrllram 100% 100% 12/13/07. Staff received advanced authorization from USAGE and is currently seeking after- Becerra the fact authorization from CDFG. Mitigation is required for the impacts to the channel; staff is incorporating resolving mitigation requirements with PW05-13. Murrieta Creek Multi Purpose Trail This project will build equestrian and bike trails along Murrieta Creek between Rancho Contractor: IAC Engineering, Inc. 1,308,148.48 Laura California Road and Diaz Raad. Riverside County Flood Control has issued the PW01-27 I Bragg/ 15% 10°I° Encroachment Permit. The Notice to Proceed was issued for March 17, 2008 and a Amer Attar { 09108} Groundbreaking Ceremony took place on March 1 B, 2008 at 3:30prn. Construction has commenced. W PSQ514D8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 2 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esc nPib~ dar<1 FAI)J (',~) Traffic Signal -Rancho California Road @ Under this project, a traffic signal will be installed on Rancho California Raad at Business Business Park Drive, West 0% Park West. All work on this project is complete. The signal was turned an on Tuesday PW07-42 I Amer Attar {1108} 4% 02/26/08. We are working with the contractor to close out this contract. Old Tawn Infrastructure Project -Town Square This project includes the construction of the Tawn Square and street improvements on and Mercedes & Main Street Improvements Mercedes & Main Streets. On March 18, 2008, the City Council awarded the construction PW06-47 I Contractor: LH Engineering David 0% 0% contract L H Engineering Company, Inc for $3,458,495.00. Construction is underway. (1 C & 1 E) Contract Amt: $3,458,495.00 McBride { ) Old Tawn Infrastructure Projects This project will effectively underground all overhead utility lines along Old Town Front - Underground Utility District Street, between 2nd and 6th streets, all of Main Street east of Murrieta Creek & Mercedes Street between 2nd and 6th streets. The City's (Rule 208} and SCE's (Rule 20A) bidding PW06-07 I Greg Butler/ g0% IWA closed 31618 and a low responsive contractor was identified. Street improvement plans have {i B} McBride { 4108 } been forwarded to the utilities. U/G utility construction is being closely coordinated with the street improvement project and is anticipated in May 2008. Citywide Concrete Repairs FY 2007-OB This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, Contractor: International Pavement Solutions, Kendra 0% curb and gutter, crass gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains. Contract PWOB-01 I Inc. Hannah- {06/30) 0% was awarded to International Pavement Solutions for $82,969.00 an 04/08/06 and the pre- Contract Amount: $82,969.00 Meistrell construction meeting was held on 05/13/2008. Construction is expected tc begin 05/27/08. Citywide Slurry Seal Project FY 2007-2008 Kendra This project will slurry seal streets mainly in the Paloma del 501 area. Contract was PW08-42 I Contractor: All American Asphalt Hannah- ° 0 /° 0% awarded to All American Asphalt far $361,199.88 on 04/08106. Contract Amount: $361,199.88 Meistrell ( ) Pechanga Parkway Improvements -Phase II, This project will widen Pechanga Parkway to its ultimate width from Temecula Parkway to from Temecula Parkway to City Limits @ Steve Pechanga Raad. Caltrans HO and FHWA has authorized the project for construction. The PW99-11 I Pechanga Raad. Beswick/ 0°l° 4% project was awarded at the April 22, 2008 Council meeting. The road work is scheduled to (Phase [I) Contractor: All American Asphalt Amer Attar begin at the end of June 2008 after the Pechanga's recycled waterline project between Wolf Contract Amount: $8,131,964.98 Valley Road and Loma Linda Road is completed . PROJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY CONSULTANTS Pechanga Parkway Storm Drain Improvements - This project includes construction of new wetlands as part of the Wolf Valley Creek Environmental Mitigation Channel -Stage I. The mltigatlon site is located along the north bank of Temecula Creek Consultants: Community Works design (within the floodplain and floodway area}. The environmental regulatory agencies have $29,840 approved this new mitigation area and would not have accepted the 5-year maintenance on the Pala Raad Bridge mitigation site unless this new mitigation project was provided by the Steve City. New landscaping and an irrigation system will be installed. Once the mitigation area is PW99-11EM I Beswick/ 9§% ° 95 /° constructed, the City will perform a 5-year maintenance and monitoring plan. RCFC & WCD Mayra De La stated that the proposed mitigation site is not within their maintenance area and they have Torre no significant comments regarding the installation. The consultant provided signed mylars to the Cityfar signature. The contract bid document and technical specifications are being finalized. The appraisal for three easements is now complete and offers for purchase of the property will be made to owners. W PSt)514D8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 3 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Es° nPib J dar<1 FAID (',~) Murrieta Creek Bridge and Overland Drive The project includes the extension of Overland Drive from Commerce Center Drive to Diaz Extension from Commerce Center to Diaz Rd Road with a bridge aver Murrieta Creek. Coordination with RCFC & WCD and the U. S. Consultant: Project design Consultants Army Corp of Engineers is required. The Corps completed their HEC-RAS Study for Contract: $466,940 Steve Murrieta Creek. The access ramps to the creek and under crossings at bridges are now Beswick/ 7p°~ included in the HEC-RAS cross-sectional data. According to RCFC &WCD, the Corps will PW00-26 I Mayra De La 60% not provide a guarantee that this is the last study; however, the new HEC- RAS study now ' Torre provides 4 feet of freeboard for the proposed bridge (1 mare than is needed far the Corps and RCFC &WCD criteria}. CIP has decided to proceed with 100% design plans. CIP staff has met with the consultant and a f final revised scope of work is being negotiated. Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek This project will replace the existing Main Street Bridge over Murrieta Creek. design (Replacement} consultant Simon Wong Engineering (SWE} and the City are continuing to pursue Consultant: Simon Wong Engineering environmental permitting and coordination issues associated with pursuing the bridge Contract amount: $317,719 replacement as a project separate from the Army Corps of Engineer's Murrieta Creek Amendment Na. 1: Contract term extension improvement project. Recently completed hydraulic modeling has indicated a potential Amendment Na 2: Contract term extension Jan Salazar/ g0% overlapping condition for the bridge in a 100-year flood event, which may have serious PW03-05 I Amendment No. 3: $322,305 Amer Attar (1109 } 50% implications as to the viability of the project. Revised hydraulic modeling has produced results indicating a far less critical overtopping condition far the 100-year event, and should allow the design process to continue unimpeded. Environmental consultant EDAW has begun biological field studies. Geacon has completed an Environmental Site Assessment that will be submitted to Caltrans for review. Diaz Road Extension to Cherry Street David This project is "On-hold"' as it is some what dependent on the final state of the PW00-10 I Consultant: Kimley-Horn and Assoc. McBride NIA°f° WA% Education Center property. $167,101.00 Multi-Trails System - Margarika Raad Under This project will construct a trail far bicycles and pedestrians along Santa Gertrudis Creek Crossing under Margarita Raad. Data regarding existing utilities are being incorporated intathe Consultant: LAN Engineering design. RCFC has provided an Encroachment Permit. This project cannot be constructed PW04-13 I Contract Amount: $114,426.00 W~Iliam 100% 100% until adequate funds are identified. An application was submitted for State Bicycle Becerra Transportation Account (BTA}funds an 12/1/06. Plans & Specs will be completed soon and the project will be shelved until funding is identified and appropriated. Western Bypass Corridor -Alignment Study This project will complete an alignment study far the northern portion of the Western Consultant: URS Corporation Bypass Corridor (from Cherry Street to just south of Rancho California Road). The City has Contract Amount: $265,180 received the Final Report and the final Plans from the consultant (URS}. The proposed PW05-10 III Amer Attar 95% 130% alignment will be brought before the Planning Commission for their approval at the June 6th meeting. Subsequent to that, it will betaken to the City Council for final approval and adoption. Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis This project includes the construction of an approx. 150' ped/bike bridge over Santa Creek Gertrudis Creek near Chaparral H.S. This is a federally funded project, which will involve a Consultant: Nolte Associates NEPA document. Preliminary Environmental Study (PES}form is to be submitted to Contract Amount: $132,807 Jan Salazar/ 23% Caltrans within the next month. Coordination between the City and Rancho California PW05-11 I Amer Attar (10/09) 14% Water District to acquire a portion of an RCWD-awned parcel needed to construct the bridge continues. Field work for foundation investigation was pefformed on 3/18/08; the report is forthcoming. 30% design plans submittal received 5/9/08 and is undergoing staff review. W P5t)514i)8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 4 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esc nPib~ dar<1 FAID (',~) Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Sllt This project includes restoring the Best Management Practices (BMP) of the Stormwater Removal & Desiltation Pond Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP} and the Env. Consultant: BonTerra Consulting requirement of RWQCB by desiltingthe basin located near the Sports Park. City's -Contract: $67,340 environmental consultant, BonTerra, continues to work on the environmental clearance PW05-13 I -Amendment No.1: $25,520 William 65°!° 79°f° process; regulatory permit applications were submitted on 12/13/07. Civil design was design Consultant: Cozad&Fox Becerra (os/as) initiated utilizing the Annual Agreement consultant. Staff is reviewing 90%submittal. -Contract Amt.$24,220 Mitigation requirements by regulatory agencies have prompted adawn-sized construction scope of work. A monitoring mitigation strategy is being reviewed by the regulatory agencies. Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek This project involves the design, environmental clearance, and construction of a new bridge Consultant: TYLIN International aver Murrieta Creek at the westerly terminus of Temecula Parkway (79S} and an extension Contract Amt: $378,776.20 of Pujol Street to the new structure. Once constructed, this will serve as the southerly PW06-04 I William 30°f° 2$°/, connection of the Western Bypass Corridor. This project has been on hold, but is now Becerra (TBl}) being restarted. Staff has received an amended proposal far the design and is expected to seek City Council Approval an June 10, 2008. Temecula Community Center Expansion The grading contract was awarded on April 8 to Addison Equipment Rental. They have Consultant :Meyer and Associates completed all grading work and the grading portion of this project is scheduled to go to PW06- Qriginal contract: $138,880.00 gg% Council on May 27 for Acceptance. The Building portion of this project is scheduled far bid 05CSD III Amendment#1: $70,052.50 Bill McAteer { 07108 } 80% authorization on May 27, 2008; however we will need to wait until the EDA approves the plans and specif ications before we can go to bid. The relocation of the Escallier House and Barn are scheduled for May 13 through May 19. Redhawk Park Improvements This project will add amenities to four park sites in the recently annexed Redhawk area. Consultant: RJM design Group, Inc. Due to budgetary restraints, the construction was divided into phases over a number of Contract Amount: $164,574 years. At the December 11, 2007 meeting, the City Council approved an agreement with Kendra ° 0 f° RJM for the construction drawings of the chosen amenities, which include a half court PW06-06 I Hannah- ( } 0°f° basketball court, ADA accessible parking, and dog park at Redhawk Community Park; a Meistrell seatwall and shade structure at Sunset Park. A kick off meeting with the design consultant was held on 02/05/08. The preparation of the construction drawings continues. Qld Tawn Infrastructure Projects This project involves demolishing the existing non-historic structures on the City owned -Site Demolition and Site Prep parcels at the intersection Main and Mercedes to make way for the Main Street PW06-07 I Greg Butler/ g0% NIA Realignment and the Old Town Parking Structure. The remaining relocations to occur under {1A} Qe La Torre { 06108 } this contract are the Escallier House and Barn, which are scheduled to be relocated in May/June 2008. Old Tawn Infrastructure Projects This project will construct a parking structure, including office frontage as part of phase 1 of -Parking Structure & Off ice/Retail frontage Mayra de La ° Old Town Civic Center project. The 3rd plancheck submittal is anticipated by the end of May PW06-07 I Torre/ 90 /° yi°f, 2008. Encroachment Permit applications have been submitted to Caltrans for the retaining (1D} Greg Butler (7108) wall and storm drain facilities. Qld Tawn Civic Center Phase 2 Under this project the design and construction documents for phase two of the Civic Center PW06-07 I Schematic design, design Development and Greg Butler 22% ° 10 /° Project will be developed. design consultant NMR continues the schematic design process. Ph2 Construction Document for base two of the p (9/08) NMR is finalizing the departmental floor plans and exterior elevations. Civic Center Project W PSt)514D8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 5 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esc nPib J dar<1 FAI1J (',~) Temecula Parkway (formerly79 South} Park & This projeck will design and construct a park and ride facility on Temecula Parkway Ride (formerly 79 South} at La Paz. The re-design of this project is 70% complete and we are PW06-09 1 Consultant: AAE Inc. Bill McAteer 74°I° 65% currently reviewing these documents. The Los Ranchitos HOA is also reviewing the design. Contract Amt: $109,085 We expect to return comments to the designer by 6/08. This project is scheduled far construction in 2 phases. FY2008/09 and 2010/11. De Portala Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project involves rehabilitating De Portola Rd pavement from Jedediah Smith to (from Jedediah Smith to Margarita} Margarita Rd. This is a federally funded project. The Environmental Document (Categorical Consultant: GFB-Friedrich & Assoc, Inc. Exclusion} was approved by Caltrans on August B, 2007. design consultant GFB Friedrich PW06-10 I Contract Amount: $146,100 Jon Salazar 75% 53% submitted 70%plans in late February. Design coordination meeting held in March resulted (10108) in identification of the need to expand the scope of drainage work associated with khis project; consultant submitted the proposal for revised scope of work on 5/1 /OB. It is being reviewed. Pechanga Pkwy-Dual Right Turn Lanes from This project includes the design and construction of two, right turn lanes on eastbound Temecula Parkway (R79S} Steve Temecula Parkway (formerly Highway 79 South} to southbound Pechanga Parkway. The Consultant: Cozad & Fox Beswick/ project includes the widening of Temecula Parkway at Pechanga Parkway and relocation of PW06-11 I Contract: $29,010 Mayra De La ~'% 95% traff is si nal oles. 100% desi n tans are com lete; and si ned m tars were submitted to g P g P P g Y Torre the City. A portion of a property will need to be purchased to add the traffic lanes. When the R/UV is secured, construction will be scheduled. Santiago detention Basin Steve This project includes the design of a one acre desilting basin. The proposed basin is located Consultant: Kimley Horn Beswick/Ma 50% an the south side of Santiago Raad between Vallejo Avenue and Orsmby Road. 100% PW06-12 I Contract: $65,250 yra De La (5/08) 40°~ design plans will be submitted to the City at the end of May. Torre Pavement Rehab - STPL Project This project will rehabilitate Rancho California Raad from Ynez Rd. to the City limits on the east. Consultant submitted the 90% design package to the City for review. Comments were PW06-14 Kavon s5% 95°/, forwarded backtothem couple of weeks ago. City has received the signed PES farm and Haghighi the CE from Caltrans. Winchester Road /State Route 79 North -North This federally funded project will design and construct landscaping and irrigation Corridor Beautification enhancements to the existing raised medians along Winchester Road between Ynez Road PW06-15 Kavon 135% 9§% and the easterly City limits. The consultant is working an the 100% design package. The Haghighi City received the signed PES and CE from Caltrans. French Valley Parkway /Interstate 15 Over- City continued design work. Status is as follows: Crossing and Interchange Improvements -Phase > PS&E -Preparing 95%. 1 (P5&E} > Type Selection for Retaining Walls -Approved November 2007. Consultant: Moffatt & Nichol ~ Right of Way -Establishing limits of dedication. discussions are continuing with owners Amend. No. 1: $ 507,881.00 Avlin Odviar of affected parcels within Phase 1 work. Amend. No. 4: $ 632,058.00 I William ° 64 I° > Declaration of Units -Caltrans Approved Metric Exception for this phase. PW07-04 I Amend. No. 8: $1,087,300.00 gecerra! (05110 } 51 % ~ Utilities -Updated pothole plans are under Caltrans review. Notes: Amer Attar > Conceptual Landscape/Aesthetics -Concept was selected, with Murrieta, Caltrans, and > Amend. Nos. 1, 4, & 8 amend original IBC concurrence. agreement under PW02-11. > Amendment amounts represent portion Other: appropriated for PW07-04. > Maintenance Agreement -City preparing exhibit for first draft. W PSt)514i)8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 6 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Es° nPib~ dar<1 FAID (',~) Old Tawn Gymnasium This project is an hold until we can acquire the property required for constructicn. PW07- Consultant: WLC Architects a°/a 05CSD ll Contract Amount: $307,390.00 Bill McAteer { 09108 } N/A Re-Stripe Route 79 South to 8 lanes from This project will provide four lanes in each direction on Temecula Parkway (formerly State Pechanga Parkway to I-15 Kendra Route 79 South} from I-15 to Pechanga Parkway. City is reviewing 90% design plans. PW07-08 I Consultant: J M Diaz, Inc. Hannah- g0% 90% Construction will be coordinated with the following project: Pechanga Parkway Dual Right Contract Amount: $5,500.00 Meistrell Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway, Project No. PW06-11. Pavement Management System Update 2008- This project will update the City's Pavement Management System for the years 2008-2013. PW07-11 I 2013 Kavon 5% 0% The City has completed negotiations with WILLDAN Engineering. The Council approved an Haghighi agreement with this f irm on March 1 Bth. Notice to proceed was forwarded to the consultant last week. PRDJECTS BEING DESIGNED BY STAFF Localized Storm Drain Improvements 20% This project will fix the drainage problem at the south end of Front Street (at the MW D PW04-42 II {NIA} NIA easement). Baseline right of way, utilities, and mapping are established. This project is currently cn hold. long Canyon Detention Basin -Access Road 0% Plans and specifications are 90% complete. City is seeking FEMA funds to remove excess PW04-07 I ??????? NIA silt deposited within the basin before constructing the access road. Project is on hold ~ } until FEMA determination is finalized. Roller Hockey Rink Twa Bids were received far this project on March 20, 2008. After disqualifying one bidder as Dasher Board System non responsive, Yakkar was selected as the lowest qualified bidder. A contract was PW07-12 Bill 100°!a NIA awarded on April 8, 2008 and the dasher board system is being manufactured. The McAteer demolition of the old rink and the installation of the new Dasher Board System is scheduled for early July. ~~~, d~I'T~ ,!1!f T~-!~ ~d A fll~lllAdf® ~T1~1=~ W PSt)514i)8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 7 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO. PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~~ CONTRACT $`s PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE Esc nPib~ dar<1 %a CONTRACT FAID (',~) CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS I-15 / SR 79S Ultimate Interchange City continued development of design geometries, technical studies, and reports. Status is Project Report (PR} as follows: Consultant: RBF Consulting ~ draft Project Repork -Approved January 2008. Contract Amount: $ 325,944.00 > Project Report -Under Caltrans review. Amendment Na. 1: 98,196.00 > Advisory Design Exceptions -Approved Oct 2006. Extra Work Auth. No. 1: 13,426.00 ~ Mandatory design Exceptions -Approved Oct 2006. Extra Work Auth. No. 2: 17,732.00 > Stormwater Data Report -Under Caltrans review. (Extra Work Auth. Na. 3: 18,428.00} > Traffic Study -Approved Sept 2006. (Extra Work Auth. No. 4: 5,032.00} ~ Modified Access Report -FHWA Determination of Acceptability, approved July 2007. Nate: EWA No. 3 and 4 will be paid with unused Avlin 90°I° Final approval pending approval of the Final Environmental Document. PW04-OS I portion of Amend No. 1. Odviar/ { 07108 } 86°!° > Geometric Approval Drawings -Under Caltrans review. Amer Attar ~ Initial Study Assessment -Approved Sep 2005. > Acoustic Evaluation -Approved Dec 2005. > Air Quality Assessment -Approved PM10 Nav 2005 and PM2.5 Jul 2006. ~ Nat Environmental Study -Approved May 2006. > Cultural Studies -Approved Nov 2006. > Draft Environmental Document -Approved Dec 2007 and publicly circulated 2/20/08 - 3/21/08. > Final Environmental Document -Under Caltrans review. > FHWA Air Conformity - 2nd submittal under Caltrans review. French Valley Parkway /Interstate 15 Qver- City continued development of the Project Report and Environmental Document. Status is Crossing and Interchange Improvements as follows: (PA & ED} > Draft Project Report -Approved June 2006. Consultant: Moffatt & Nichol ~ Project Report -Final preparation pending approval of Environmental Doc. Agreement Amount: $1,091,693.00 > Draft Environmental Document -Under Caltrans review. Amend. No. 1: 202,652.40` > New Connection Report (NCR} -Under FHWA-HQ review. Amend. No. 2: 21,630.00 ~ Traffic Operations Analysis -Approved 02/05/08. CCd No. 1: 25,000.00 > Exception to 20-yr Traffic Design -Approved 12/17/07. CCd No. 2: 8,000.00 > Stormwater Data Report - Preparingfinal report. CCO No. 3: 18,008.00 ~ Mandatory design Exceptions -Approved 07/16/06. CCO No. 4: 11,320.00 > Advisory Design Exceptions -Approved 07/18/06. CCd No. 5: 37,645.00 Avlin Odviar > Exception to Ramp Metering Policy -Approved 07/05/06. PWtl2-11 I Amend. No. 3: 283,982.52 /William 90°I° o 83 /° ~ Geometric Approval drawings -Approved 07/18/06. Amend. No. 4: See PW07-04 Becerra! 09(08 { 1 > Revised Geometric Approval Drawings -Approved 01/11/08. Amend. No. 5: 169,000.00 Amer Attar > Storm Drain Study -Approved 03/21/08. Amend. No. 6: 110,917.00 Amend. No. 7: 14,573.36 Other: Amend. No. 8 See PW07-04 > Declaration of Units -Request for Metric Exception denied by Caltrans. Notes: ~ FreewayAgmts -Preparing revised exhibits for Caltrans-HG2 review. ~ Amend. No. 1 also applies to PW07-04. See > Risk Mgmt Plan - Updating as necessary. PW07-04 far add'I apportionment. > Project Charter - 1st draft is under Caltrans review. ~ Maintenance Agmt -Preparing 1st submittal for Caltrans review. > Financial Plan -Preparing 2nd submittal for Caltrans review. W PSQ514i)8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 8 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esc nPib~ dar<1 FAID (',~) Temecula Creek Crossing - Access to Highway The project consists of doing an alignment study to set a specific horizontal and vertical 79 South (Temecula Parkway} alignment far an extension of Avenida de Missions southerly to gain vehicular access to Bridge Alignment Study - Avenida de Missions Kendra 0% Loma Linda Rd., including abridge crossing over Temecula Creek. Negotiating Agreement PWOS-03 II over Temecula Creek Hannah- { j 0% with Nolte Associates, Inc. for the Bridge Alignment Study. Consultant: Meistrel I Contract Amount: PROJECTS WAITING IN THE WINGS III Butterfield Stage Road - Roripaugh CFD Amer Attar ( °~ } NIA All work has been on hold while Developer finalizes construction financing. PW00-29 II Citywide Master Drainage Plan ???????? °l4 } NIA Postponed. Sam Hicks Monument Park Playground This project will replace the playground at Sam Hicks Monument Park to comply with new PW06-16 Replacement Kavon 0% NIA standards. The funding for this project is through Community Development Block Grant. Haghighi Funding for this project has been reallocated. Postponed until funds are allocated. Auxiliary Lanes on I-15 in Temecula A feasibility study will be conducted to determine if auxiliary lanes can be added between on and off-ramps on I-15 in Temecula to improve the freeway operation. An RFP to conduct Laura the study was published an the City's website on 02/14107. Proposals were received an PW06-17 I Bragg/ 0% NIA 03/16/07. The City reviewed the proposals and selected a consultant. Due to funding Amer Attar constraints, this project is being delayed until Fiscal Year 200912010. Funding this project will be reviewed again during the FY200812009 budget process. RIGHT OF WAYRELATED PROJECTS French Valley Parkway/ I-15 Overcrossing and Have met with bath owners and architect has provided preliminary drawings to both; Basics Interchange, Project Report (PR} Carol Etc continues to work with the Business Park Assn to determine if variances are possible; PW02-11 I Chiodc N/A NIA will need to set up another meeting with Mortuary; have initiated appraisal process Pechanga Parkway Settlement reached with all but one of the owners; Council approved ; all residential Carol properties are in escrow; awaiting signed agreements from U-Store It and Temecula Creek PW99-11 RV Storage; Council approved settlement with U-Stare It at Jan. 8 Council meeting; will be Chiodc filing condemnation action on one remaining property week of Jan. 14 CED 03-02 Butterfield Stage Road - Roripaugh CFD Carol working with the Co. of Riverside to take City's position in Purchase and Sale Agreement Chiodc PW 95-27 I Diaz Realignment Carol Settlement reached in Morter matter ~?a $235,000; approved I Closed Session an 12/11; Chiodo Paula will provide final legal dacs PW 06-11 Pechanga Parkway (right turn lanes} Carol Appraisals reviews are being finalized Chiodc PW 99-11 Pechanga Parkway (mitigation land} Carol Appraisals reviews are being finalized Chiodo Surplus Land :Diaz Raad Realignment Carol Had scoping session with appraiser an 1/7; appraisal due in approx. 45 days Chiodc W PSD514D8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 9 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asiisi2aag PROJECT : PROJECT Nt~14IE, DESCRIPTION, PROJECT % TIl11E °~o NO. PRIORITY CONTR~CTOR.~C CONTRACT $'s ENGINEER COMPLETE C:ONTR~1 (Esccomplaelaare> FAID ($ Riverside County Flood Control Parcels-Old Town Carol Chi odo Santa Gertrudis Ped. Bridge Carol PW07-OS Chi odo Policy re: Site Assessments Carol I I I ivuscenaneaus rtignt or way neiatea rcems I ha^~~^ I On-going I NIA (review or cattrans procedures; worKing an aratt at rseiocation Handout required ny iaw I SPECIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Raripaugh Ranch CFD Processing Bid Packages and Reimbursement Requests. CFD 0302 Amer Attar N/A g% CFD 0102 Harveston CFD Amer Attar NIA 18% Processing Reimbursement Requests. All bid packages are complete. Harveston CFD Processing Reimbursement Requests. All bid packages are complete. CED 030ri Amer Attar N(A 58o~a CFD 0301 Crown Hill CFD Amer Attar N/A g% Processing Reimbursement Requests. All bid packages are complete. CFD 0303 Wolf Creek CFD Amer Attar NIA 300 Processing Reimbursement Requests. All bid packages are complete. Serena Hills CFD Processing Reimbursement Requests. All bid packages are complete. CFD 0208 Amer Attar N!A aofa Tracking, preparing, and processing Federal and Various Projects. Various I C4afe Fi inrJe Reimhi irmmenfe Julie Dauer On- oin g g NIA Various ~ I PW01-27 I PWd6-il} I PWd3-05 PW05-11 I I 3 Road Pavement Rehabilitation ay Bridge Replacement & Rehabilitation im (HBRR} -Main Street Bridge Safe Routes to School Program - trian/Bicycle Bridge over Santa Gertrudis to Chaparral High School Julie Dauer ~ On-going ~ NIA Julie Dauer NIA NIA Julie Dauer NIA NIA Julie Dauer NIA NIA Julie Dauerl NIA I NIA ~reparauon, review and training as required for ciN protect contracts, amendments, extra vork authorizations & change orders. Providing assistance to staff in processing contracts u~d purchase orders for all CIP division projects. 3equest for Authorization' has been approved for construction. TCSD to develop ca-op rgreement with Riverside County Flood Control. Awaiting Encroachment Permit from 3CFCD. Bid Opening August 15, 2007. Prepared "justification Form' for Caltrans for update >n project status for the quarter ended 9/30.107. 3eceived approved PES, CE and NES(MI}for environmental clearance on October 30, '007. lgreement approved between City and Simon Wangfor the environmental processing for his project. Total HBRR funds $3,920,000. n process of preparing PES, ISA checklist and NES(MI} documents for environmental eview. Agreement prepared between the City and Nolte Associates to provide additional environmental review and assistance as needed for environmental clearance. SR2S funding ids been awarded in the amount of $425,520. No State funds are to be allocated for this iroject, therefore NEPA environmental processes will be required. In addition to SR2S unding we have been awarded $132,000 in SB821 funding. Various I Julie Dauer NIA NIA W P5D514D8 CITY OF TEMECULA PAGE 10 OF 1U CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - MONTHLY WORK PROGRESS SHEET asi15~2aag PROJECT NO PRIORITY PROJECT NAME, DESCRIPTION, CONTRACTOR ~ CONTRACT $` PROJECT ENGINEER °,~o TIl1-1E COMPLETE %a CONTRACT CURRENT STATCJS Rr PROG=RESS . ~ s Esc nPib J dar<1 FAID (',~) TE -Transportation Enhancement PE5 & Field Review farms and NES (MI) and ISA Checklist have been prepared and Winchester Road/State Route 79 North Corridor submitted to Caltransfor environmental review. Received comments from Local Assistance PWd6-15 I Beautification Project Julie Dauer N/A NIA and have completed responses and submitted for additional review by Caltrans. Total funds awarded perTE Funding adjustments $1,133,000. PW99 11 Pechanga Parkway Phase II Street Have received environmental approval and are currently in process of completing the right- (Phase II) I Improvements -Public Land & Highways Funded Julie Dauer NIA N!A of-way processes. Completed RFA package will be submitted upon ROW certification. CIP Project Files Continue process of review of current and completed CIP projects for archiving. Varicus I Julie Dauer NIA NIA Various I Grant Files Julie Dauer NIA NIA On-going review and update of all grant f files for the CIP Division. Formulating a list and crass-references for current and active grant programs and projects. Varicus I Bond Releases Julie Dauer NIA NIA On-going processing of bond releases for City Clerk's office far various completed CIP projects. 2006/07 Bicycle Transportation Account 2006/07 BTA funds approved for the preliminary engineering of our Santa Gertrudis Creek TBD I BTA Funds Julie Dauer N!A NIA Bicycle Trail Extension and Interconnect project. Total award $395,000. Quarterly Review Review of Federal and State funding of CIP projects for preparation of reimbursement Various I Julie Dauer N/A NIA invoices for costs incurred during each quarter. Also include review of administrative costs for CIP projects and prepare reports for Finance. Standardize the format of the Specifications for Specifications library is continuously being updated and amended. The boiler-plate section all projects David is also being reviewed and updated. McBride On- cin g g NIA Circulation Element Implement Plan This Project is to identify all future projects necessary so that the current Circulation Amer Attar! Element of the General Plan is fully implemented. Data entry into the database is complete. I NIA NIA The tasks of field verification, cost estimates preparation, and aerial mapping have all been Laura Bragg completed. This completed project information was submitted to Greg Butler/Bill Hughes on March 27, 2008. Update Plans to Reflect As-Built Conditions for City receives blue prints from many contractors marked with As-Built conditions for various All Recent Projects ?~~?~~ On- oin g g NIA projects. Some of these As-Built conditions have never been transferred to the project mylars. As-Built plans will be created for all recent projects, if it was not done at the time of submission. Consultant Selection An Access database was created for our Consultant Selection List. Information is available Varicus I Laura Bragg On-gcing N!A an the City's web-site on how to be placed an the list and responses are being entered into the computer as they are received. W PSt)514D8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Monthly Activity Report Prepared By: Amer Attar Submitted by: William G. Hughes Date: May 27, 2008 PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1. Fire Station -Northeast Site (Roripaugh Ranch) This project will construct a new fire station in the north part of the City. The majority of work was completed by April of 2006. Roripaugh Developer (Ashby) schedule shows access and utilities to the site in August 2007. Because of this there was cost to re-mobilize and complete the project when the aforementioned items are complete, these costs are reflected in an approved change order total, which is the responsibility of the developer. In addition, a fire engine/truck venting system (requested/added on 2/06) will be installed when the Contractor is re-mobilized; this cost is also included in the approved change order total. 2. Temecula Education Center- Rough Grading This project will provide for the grading of the proposed Temecula Education Center. Project was awarded on 4/11/06. Construction started on 5/1/06. CCO#1 to relocate/modifyall impacted utilities along Diaz Road adjacent to the project was approved by the RDA Board on 10/10/06 and Diaz Road was brought up to grade. All work was completed on March 28, 2007. Other ongoing work under this contract involves EMWD work outside of the project limit which was completed in late July. The property was prepared for the rainy season and we are in the process of resolving all issues with EMWD. 3. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Facility and Corporate Yard) -Phase 2 This project will constructthe second phase of the City's Field Operation Center, which includes the building and the corporate yard. Most punch list work is complete. The City, consultant and contractor are working to resolve the stem wall to curtain wall connection leak that happened during the last major storms. 4. Diaz Road Realignment to Vincent Moraga Under this project, Diaz Road will be realigned starting just south of Rancho Wayto Vincent Mdraga Road at Rancho California Road. Business Park Drive will be a T-intersection at Diaz. The traffic signal at existing Diaz Road and Rancho California Road will be removed. The project was accepted by Couhcil at the April 22nd. meeting, and is now complete. 5. Rancho California Road Widening, Old Town Front Street to I-15 (Southside) This project will construct an additional eastbound lane to provide for a right turn lane to southbound I-15, as well as modify the existing median to accommodate dual left turn lanes from westbound Rancho California Road to southbound Old Town Front Street. AT&T has removed the excess encasement of their facilities to allow the construction of the missing storm drain. This allowed the City to complete the storm drain construction. Construction is complete. Project acceptance and filing the Notice of Completion will be done in the near future. 6. Community Recreation Center (CRC) Emergency Channel Grading Rainfall on 12/01/07 prompted the City Council to declare a Local Emergency on 12/11/07 due to an unforeseen flood condition at the CRC. P/W Staff negotiated with TCSD's Annual Agreement Contractor to complete the grading work; construction was completed on 12/13/07. Staff received advanced authorization from USACE and is currently seeking after-the fact authorization from CDFG. Mitigation is required forthe impacts to the channel; staff is incorporating resolving mitigation requirements with PW05-13. 7. Murrieta Creek Multi Purpose Trail This project will build equestrian and bike trails along Murrieta Creek between Rancho California Road and Diaz Road. The project is funded in part by a $1,214,000 federal grant. Riverside County Flood Control has issued the Encroachment Permit. The Notice to Proceed was issued for March 17, 2008 and a Groundbreaking Ceremony took place on March 18, 2008 at 3:30pm. Construction has commenced. 8. Traffic Signal Installation -Rancho California Road at Business Park West Under this project, a traffic signal will be installed on Rancho California Road at Business Park Drive West. All work on this project is complete. The signal was turned on on Tuesday 02/26/08. We are working with the contractor to close out this contract. 9. Old Town ihfrastructure Projects -Street Improvements, Mercedes St (2nd - 6th) & the Realignment of Main St. and Construction of the Town Square This project includes the construction of the Town Square and street improvements on Mercedes & Main Streets. On March 18, 2008, the City Council awarded the construction contract L H Engineering Company, Inc for $3,458,495.00. Construction is underway. 10.OId Town Infrastructure Projects -Underground Utility District This project will effectively underground all overhead utility lines along Old Town Front. Street, between 2"d and 6'h streets, all of Main Street east of Murrieta Creek and Mercedes Street between 2nd and 6th streets. The City's (Rule 20B) and SCE's (Rule 20A) bidding closed 3/6/8 and a low responsive contractor was identified. Street improvement plans have been forwarded to the utilities. U/G utility construction is being closely coordinated with the street improvement project and is anticipated in May 2008. 11. Citywide Concrete Repairs FY 2007-08 This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, curb and gutter, cross gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains. Contract was awarded to International Pavement Solutions for $82,969.00 on 04/08/06 and the pre-construction meeting was held on 05/13/2008. Construction is expected to begin 05/27/08. 12. Citywide Slurry Seal Project FY 2007-2008 This project will slurry seal streets mainly in the Paloma del Sol area. Contract was awarded to All American Asphalt for $361,199.88 on 04/08/06. 13. Temecula Community Center Expansion This project will add approximately 4000 square feet of space to the existing Temecula Community Center to accommodate more human services programs. The grading contract was awarded on April 8 to Addison Equipment Rental. They have completed all grading work and the grading portion of this project is scheduled to go to Council on May 27 for Acceptance. The Building portion of this project is scheduled for bid authorization on May 27, 2008; however we will need to wait until the EDA approves the plans and specifications before we can go to bid. The relocation of the Escallier House and Barn are scheduled for May 13 through May 19. 14. Pechanga Parkway Improvements- Phase II (Temecula Parkway (formerly SR 79 South to Pechanga Road) This project will widen Pechanga Parkway (formerly Pala Road) to its ultimate width from the Pechanga Parkway Bridge to Pechanga road. Caltrans HO and FHWA has authorized the project for construction. The landscape consultant is making final modifications to the irrigation plans to accommodate recycled water due to newly adopted State laws and RCW D regulations. Plans are available for purchase and the bid opening date is April 10, 2008. The award of the project is schedule for April 22, 2008. PROJECTS BEING ADVERTISED FOR BIDS None PROJECTS IN DESIGN 1. Pechanga Parkway Storm Drain Improvements -Environmental Mitigation This project includes construction of new wetlands as part of the Wolf Valley Creek Channel -Stage I. The mitigation site is located along the north bank of Temecula Creek (within the floodplain and floodway area). The environmental regulatory agencies have approved this new mitigation area and would not have accepted the 5-year maintenance on the Pala Road Bridge mitigation site unless this new mitigation project was provided by the City. New landscaping and an irrigation system will be installed. Once the mitigation area is constructed, the City will perform a 5-year maintenance and monitoring plan. RCFC & WCD stated that the proposed mitigation site is not within their maintenance area and they have no significant comments regarding the installation. The consultant provided signed mylars to the City for signature. The contract bid document and technical specifications are being finalized. The appraisal for three easements is now complete and offers for purchase of the property will be made to owners. 2. Murrieta Creek Bridge -Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road This project includes studying alignments, design and construction of an extension of Overland Drive, westerly to Diaz Road, including a new bridge over Murrieta Creek. Coordination with RCFC & WCD and the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers is required. The Corps completed their HEC-RAS Study for Murrieta Creek. The access ramps to the creek and under crossings at bridges are now included in the HEC-RAS cross-sectional data. According to RCFC &WCD, the Corps will not provide a guarantee that this is the last study; however, the new HEC- RAS study now provides 4 feet of freeboard for the proposed bridge (1' more than is needed for the Corps and RCFC &WCD criteria). CIP has decided to proceed with 100% design plans. CIP staff has met with the consultant and a final revised scope of work is being negotiated. 3. Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) This project will replace the existing Main Street Bridge over Murrieta Creek. Design consultant Simon Wong Engineering (SWE) and the City are continuing to pursue environmental permitting and coordination issues associated with pursuing the bridge replacement as a project separate from the Army Corps of Engineer's Murrieta Creek improvement project. Recently completed hydraulic modeling has indicated a potential overtopping condition for the bridge in a 100-year flood event, which may have serious implications as to the viability of the project. Revised hydraulic modeling has produced results indicating a far less critical overtopping condition for the 100-year event, and should allow the design process to continue unimpeded. Environmental consultant EDAW has begun biological field studies. Geocon has completed an Environmental Site Assessment that will be submitted to Caltrans for review. 4. Diaz Road Extension to Cherry Street This project is "On-hold"' as it is some what dependent on the final state of the Education Center property. 5. Santa Gertrudis Bicycle/ Trail Undercrossing at Margarita Road This project will construct a trail for bicycles and pedestrians along Santa Gertrudis Creek under Margarita Road. Data regarding existing utilities are being incorporated into the design. RCFC has provided an Encroachment Permit. This project cannot be constructed until adequate funds are identified. An application was submitted for State Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) funds on 12/1/06. Plans & Specs will be completed soon and the project will be shelved until funding is identified and appropriated. 6. Western Bypass Corridor -Alignment Study This project will complete an alignment study for the northern portion of the Western Bypass Corridor (from Cherry Street to just south of Rancho California Road. The City has received the Final Report and the final Plans from the consultant (URS). The proposed alignment will be brought before the Planning Commission for their approval at the June 6th meeting. Subsequent to that, it will be taken to the City Council for final approval and adoption. 7. Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis- Creek This project includes the construction of an approx. 150' ped/bike bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek near Chaparral H.S: This is a federally funded project, which will involve a NEPA document. Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) form is to be submitted to Caltrans within the next month. Coordination between the City and Rancho California Water District to acquire a portion of an RCWD-owned parcel needed to construct the bridge continues. Field work for foundation investigation was performed on 3/18/08; the report is forthcoming. 30% design plans submittal received 5/9/08 and is undergoing staff review. 8. Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal & Desiltation Pond This project includes restoring the Best Management Practices (BMP) of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and the requirement of RWQCB by desilting the channel & pond located near the Sports Park. City's environmental consultant, BonTerra, continues to work on the environmental clearance. process; regulatory permit applications were submitted on 12/13/07. Civil design was initiated utilizing the Annual Agreement consultant. Staff is reviewing 90% submittal. Possible mitigation requirements by regulatory agencies have prompted adown-sized construction scope of work. A monitoring mitigation strategy is being reviewed by the regulatory agencies. 9. Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek This project involves the design and cbnstruction of a new bridge over Murrieta Creek at the westerly terminus of SR-79S and an extension of Pujol Street to the new structure. Once constructed, this will serve as the southerly connection of the Western Bypass Corridor. This project has been on hold, but is now being restarted. Staff has received an amended proposal for the design and is expected to seek City Council Approval on June 10, 2008. 10. Redhawk Park Improvements, Four Sites This project will add amenities to four park sites in the recently annexed Redhawk area. Due to budgetary restraints, the construction was divided into phases over a number of years. At the December 11, 2007 meeting, the City Council approved an agreementwith RJM forthe construction drawings of the chosen amenities, which include a half court basketball court, ADA accessible parking, and dog park at Redhawk Community Park; a seatwall and shade structure at Sunset Park. A kick off meeting with the design consultant was held on 02/05/08. The preparation of the construction drawings continues. 11.OId Town Infrastructure Projects -Site Demolition and Site Preparation This project involves demolishing the existing non-historic structures on the City owned parcels at the intersection Main and Mercedes to make wayfor the Main Street Realignment and the Old Town Parking Structure. The remaining relocations to occur under this contract are the Escallier House and Barn, which are scheduled to be relocated in May/June2008. 12.OId Town Infrastructure Projects -Parking Structure & Office/Retail frontage This project will construct a parking structure, including office and retail frontage as part of phase 1 of Old Town Civic Center project. The 3rd plan-check submittal is anticipated by the end of May 2008. Encroachment Permit applications have been submitted to Caltrans for the retaining wall and storm drain facilities. 13. Old Town Civic Center Phase 2 Under this project the design and construction documents for phase two of the Civic Center Project will be developed. Design consultant NMR continues the schematic design process. NMR is finalizing the departmental floor plans and exterior elevations. 14. Temecula Parkway (formerly 79 South) Park & Ride This project will design and construct a park and ride facility on Temecula Parkway (formerly 79 South) at La Paz. The re-design of this project is 70% complete and we are currently reviewing these documents. The Los Ranchitos HOA is also reviewing the design. We expect to return comments to the designer by 6/08. This project is scheduled for construction in 2 phases. FY2008/09 and 2010/11. 15. De Portola Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project (from Jedediah Smith to Margarita) This project includes rehabilitating De Portola Road from Jedediah Smith Road to Margarita Road. This is a federally funded project. The Environmental Document (Categorical Exclusion) was approved by Caltrans on August 8, 2007. Design consultant GFB Friedrich submitted 70% plans in late February. Design coordination meeting held in March resulted in identification of the need to expand the scope of drainage work associated with this project; consultant submitted the proposal for revised scope of work on 5/1/08. It is being reviewed. 16.79 South to Pechanga Parkway -Dual Right Turn Lanes This project includes the design and construction of two right turn lanes on eastbound Temecula Parkway (formerly State Route 79 South) to southbound Pechanga Parkway.. The design includes the widening of Temecula Parkway and relocation of traffic signal poles. 100% design plans are complete; and signed mylars were submitted td the City. A portion of a property will need to be purchased to add the traffic lanes. When the R/W is secured, construction will be scheduled. 17. Santiago Detention Basin This project includes the design of a 1 acre desilting basin. The proposed basin is located on the south side of Santiago Road between Vallejo Avenue and Orsmby Road. 100%design plans will be submitted to the City at the end of May. 18. Pavement Rehabilitation - STPL Project This project will rehab Rancho California Road from Ynez Rd. to the. City limits on the east. Consultant submitted the 90% design package to the City for review. Comments were forwarded back to them couple of weeks ago. City has received the signed PES form and the CE from Caltrans. 19. Winchester Road/79-North Corridor Beautification This federally funded project will design and construct landscaping and irrigation enhancements to the existing raised medians along Winchester Road betweenYnez Road and the easterly City limit. The consultant is working on the 100% design package. The City received the signed PES and CE from Caltrans. 20. French Valley Parkway Phase 1 -Southbound Off-Ramp to Jefferson, Auxiliary Lane, and Widening the Bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek at the Winchester Southbound Off-ramp A southbound off-Ramp to Jefferson, an auxiliary lane, and widening the bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek at the Winchester southbound off-ramp are the components of Phase 1. The City and Caltrans have agreed that immediate action is required to relieve congestion at the Winchester Road southbound off-ramp. Status is as follows: - PS&E -Consultant is preparing 95% plans (retaining walls and landscape/irrigation). - Type Selectidn for Retaining Walls -Approved November 2007. - Right of Way- Establishing limits of dedication. Discussions are continuing with owners of affected parcels within Phase 1 work. - Construction Cooperative Agreement -Caltrans comments received on 2nd fact sheet submittal; City is preparing additional information requested. - Maintenance Agreement -City preparing exhibit for the first draft. - Declaration of Units -Caltrans Approved Metric Exception for this phase. - Utilities -Updated pothole plans are under Caltrans review. - Conceptual Landscape/Aesthetics -Concept was selected, with Murrieta, Caltrans, and IBC concurrence. Selection was incorporated into Draft Structures PS&E submittal. 21.OId Town Gymnasium This project will construct a gymnasium in old town, adjacent to the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club site is too small for the proposed Gymnasium. This project is on-hold until we can acquire the property required for construction. 22. Re-Stripe Route 79 South to 8 lanes from I-15 to Pechanga Parkway This project will provide four lanes in each direction on Temecula Parkway (formerly State Route 79 South) from I-15 to Pechanga Parkway. City is reviewing 90% design plans. Construction will be coordinated with the following project: Pechanga Parkway Dual Right Turn Lanes from Temecula Parkway, Project No. PW06-1 t 23. Pavement Management System Update 2008-2013 This project will update the City's Pavement Management System for the years 2008-2013. This project will update the City's Pavement Management System for the years 2008-2013. The City has completed negotiations with W ILLDAN Engineering. The Council approved an agreement with this firm on March 18th. Notice to proceed was forwarded to the consultant last week. 24. Localized Storm Drain Improvements This project will fix the drainage problem at the south end of Front Street (at the MW D easement). Baseline right of way, utilities, and mapping are established. This project is currently on hold. 25. Long Canyon Detention Basin -Access Road This project. will construct an. access road to the Long Canyon Detention Basin. Plans and specifications are 90% complete. City is seeking FEMA funds to remove excess silt deposited within the basin before constructing the access road. Project is on hold until FEMA determination is finalized. 26. Roller Hockey Rink Dasher Board System Two Bids were received for this project on March 20, 2008. After disqualifying one bidder as non responsive, Yakkar was selected as the lowest qualified bidder. A contract was awarded on Apri18, 2008 and the dasher board system is being manufactured. The demolition of the old rink and the installation of the new Dasher Board System is scheduled for early July. PROJECTS IN THE PLANNING STAGE 15. I-15/ SR 79 South Interchange -Project Report (PR) This project will modify the I-15/ SR 79 South Interchange to accommodate projected future traffic. This is the next step of project development after the completion of the Project Study Report. City continued development of design geometrics and environmental technical studies. Status is as follows: - Draft Project Report -Approved January 2008. - Project Report -Under Caltrans review. - Advisory Design Exceptions -Approved 10/18/06. - Mandatory Design Exceptions -Approved 10/20/06. - Stormwater Data Report -Under Caltrans review. - Traffic Study- Approved 09/11/06. - Modified Access Report- FHWA Determination of Acceptability was approved in July 2007. Final approval pending approval of the Final Environmental Document. - Geometric Approval Drawings -Under Caltrans review. - Initial Study Assessment -Approved September 2005. - Acoustic Evaluation -Approved December 2005. - Air Quality Assessment -Approved PM10 Nov 2005 and PM2.5 Jul 2006. - Nat Environmental Study -Approved May 2006. - Cultural Studies -Approved November 2006. - Draft Environmental Document -Approved Dec 2007 and publicly circulated 2/20/08 - 3/21 /08. - Final Environmental Document -Under Caltrans review. - FHWA Air Conformity - 2nd submittal under Caltrans review. 16. French Valley Parkway Overcrossing and Interchange, Project Report (PR), Plans Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Preparation This project will construct an interchange between Winchester Road Interchange and the I-15/I-215 split. The project is moving through the Caltrans process. Current status is as follows: - Draft Project Report -Approved June 2006. - Project Report -Final preparation pending approval of Environmental Document. - Draft Environmental Document -Under Caltrans review. s - New Connection Report -Under FHWA-HO review. - Traffic Operations Analysis -Approved 02/05/08. - Exception to 20-yr Traffic Design -Approved 12/17/07. - Stormwater Data Report -Preparing final repgrt. - Mandatory Design Exceptions -Approved 07/18/06. - Advisory Design Exceptions -Approved 07/18/06. - Exception to Ramp Metering Policy -Approved 07/05/06. - Geometric Approval Drawings -Approved 07/18/06. - Revised Geometric Approval Drawings -Approved 01/11/08. - Storm Drain Study -Preparing submittal for Caltrans review. - Freeway Agreements -Preparing revised exhibits for Caltrans-HO review. - Risk Management Plan -Updating as necessary. - Project Charter - 1 st draft is under Caltrans review. - Declaration of Units -Request for Metric Exception denied by Caltrans. - Maintenance Agmt -Preparing 1 st submittal for Caltrans review. - Financial Plan -Preparing 2nd submittal for Caltrans review. 9 ITEM N~}. 35 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Monthly Report The following are the recent highlights for the Planning Division of the Community Development Department for the month of April 2008. CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITIES New Cases The Division received 59 new applications for administrative, other minor cases, and home occupations including 4 applications for public hearings during the month of April. The new public hearing cases are as follows: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION OF TIME MINOR MODIFICATION SECOND DWELLING UNIT SPECIAL PROJECT5 & LONG RANGE PLANNING ACTIVITIES The Long Range Planning Division commits work efforts toward larger scale and longer time frame projects for both private and public purposes. These activities can range from a relatively simple ordinance or environmental review to a new specific plan or a general plan amendment. Some of the major special projects and long range planning activities currently in progress are described in the paragraphs below: Temecula Regional Hospital -This project was approved by the City Council on January 22, 2008. The CEQA challenge period forthe Supplemental EIR expired on February28, 2008. No legal challenges were filed regarding the SEIR. The CEQA challenge period for the second reading of the Zone Change expired on March 14, 2008. The City Attorney filed a Return to the Writ of Mandate for the project with the Riverside County Superior Court on March 20, 2008. A ruling from the Court regarding compliance with the Court's order is expected by the end of May 2008. (PAPP) General Plan Housing Element Update -State law requires the City to adopt an update to the Housing Element by June 30, 2008 and it must be certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development {HCD} by December 31, 2008. A draft version of the Housing Element was sent to HCD on February 12, 2008 to begin its 60-day review and comment period. Staff received comments on the draft Housing Element from the California Department of Housing and Community Development {HCD} on April 13, 2008. Based on these comments, staff will prepare a revised draft and submit to HCD for a second 60 -day review. A revised timeline has been prepared that anticipates Planning Commission hearing in August 2008 and a City Council hearing will be held in September, 2008. (PAPP) Nicolas Valley Rural Preservation Area -Staff has prepared a conceptual land use plan and conceptual financing options to pay for needed road improvements. A third workshop was held on November 29, 2007 where information on infrastructure options and recommended density was provided to residents and interested parties. The results of a surveyconducted that evening indicated that a majority of property owners favor the formation of an assessment District and favor increased density. Staff held a briefing meeting with the Nicolas Valley City Council Subcommittee on January 31, 2008 to discuss findings and to seek further direction. Staff met with the City Manager in March to discuss scope of work, timing and budget. (PAPP) Transit Center and Transportation Planning - Prior to moving forward with the transit center design, a supplemental EIS is necessary; however, a letter confirming the location of the transit center within the Murrieta Creek Recreation Basin is needed from the ACOE in order far RTA to move forward with the EIS. Staff met with RTA and Murrieta staff on April 17, 2008 to discuss the RTA route restructuring and the Harveston Trolley route. Meetings with RTA and Murrieta staff will continue through the route restructuring process. (WEST) Heritage Tree Ordinance -Staff has prepared a Heritage Tree Ordinance which will protect certain tree species and other large trees throughoutthe City. The draft Ordinance includes a policy manual and a tree inventory. Staff proposes revisions to the policy manual and tree inventory, but feels the Ordinance can move forward independentlywhile the policy manual and tree inventory are revised. The item was reviewed bythe Planning Commission on April 16, 2008 and the Planning Commission continued the item for 45 days to allow staff time to amend the draft Ordinance. This item is tentatively scheduled for City Council in July, 2008. (PAPP) ^ Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance -AB 1881 requires local governments to adopt the State of California recently adopted Model Ordinance or an equally effective ordinance by 2010. Due to the severity of the water situation across the State, staff is pursuing revisions to the City's existing Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance in advance ofthe 2010 deadline. During the latter part of February, the State released proposed changes to the existing State model ordinance. The State anticipates adopting the proposed changes by January 2009. Staff has prepared a revised Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and is scheduled for public hearing at the June 18, 2008 Planning Commission meeting and the July 22, 2008 City Council meeting. (WEST} Massage Ordinance -Staff is working with the Temecula Police Department to develop a new massage ordinance that is more restrictive than the existing ordinance and will be implemented and monitored directly bythe Police Department. The proposed ordinance will require each employee to undergo several hundred hours of training, to wear identification at all times and includes more severe penalties for violators and business owners. The City Attorney has been making revisions to the draft Ordinance based on comments received from PD and local business owners working in conjunction with PD. Temecula PD will be scheduling briefing meetings with members of the City Council when the final draft Ordinance is completed . (PAPP) Hillside Development Policy- The policies are being examined for integration into the draft- grading ordinance. Staff is working with GIS to analyze topography, soil types, environmental {habitat), and other constraints. (PAPP) Procedures to Implement CEQA -The Planning Department has hired Environmental Science Associates to prepare a policy document that will identify thresholds of significance to provide direction to staff regarding the level of environmental analysis required for new projects. This project will also include local guidelines and a procedure manual for processing CEQA documents, including the adoption of local exemptions, significance thresholds, and procedures for the City to contract for the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports. This effort has been expanded to include internal procedures for coordinating the environmental review of Capital Improvement Projects. (KITZEROW ! DAM KO ) Sustainable Development Program -Staff is participating on a subcommittee of the WRCOG Planning Directors TAC to review and develop a recommendation regarding the California Green Building program; a voluntary program that the BIA is supporting. The WRCOG Executive Committee endorsed the program and has requested that member jurisdictions adopt a resolution to implement the program on a voluntary basis. Staff is also following the progress of AB 32 -Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which will result in a Scoping Plan containing strategies that California will use to reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause climate change. An Inland Empire Chapter of the United States Green Building Council {USGBC} is now established. The USGBC-IE will provide training opportunities for LEED and assistance to public agencies far developing a green building program. Staff will meet with the Planning Commission on May 21, 2008 to brief the Commissioner on staff's progress with developing a sustainable city program, which will initially include a municipal green building policy, a recommendation to adopt the California Green Building program as an entry level program for green building standards, and an updated water efficient landscape ordinance. Staff anticipates bringing forward a recommendation to the Planning Commission at their June 18, 208 meeting, and then a recommendation to the City Council at their July 22, 2008 meeting. (WEST) Santa Margarita Area Annexation -The public comment period forthe draft EIR ended April 7, 2008. Once staff has received all comments, staff will work with the consultant and City attorney to prepare responses to the comments received. (WEST) Development Code Update -Staff is preparing an update of the Development Code that considers allowing second dwelling units on large single family residential lots within the front yard, amending the duration of time allowed for temporary use permits, prohibiting brand name advertising on permanent signs, reducing the required parking for congregate care facilities, and other minor clarifications within the Code. Staff anticipates bringing forward a recommendation to the Planning Commission on June 18, 2008 and then to the City Council on July 22, 2008. (UVESTILOWREY) i r ~~ v 0 >~: a 0~ a i~ ~~. `~~ ~~ R Legend Planning Status -April 2008 • 1. Recently Approved 0 2. Scheduled for Hearing • 3. New Submittals Pending DRC Meeting pF PCMg~,fi ;~ ~;. ~`. 5u,\.o~~ 1989 oa~.~ or~~s.~~aaw ~/ l I '-0312 Planning Agenda Report 04-01-08 through 04-30-2008 Recently Approved APN tt • PA08-0024 OLD TOWN CORVETTE SHOW 922073024 KNUTE NOLAND A Major Temporary Use Permit for the Old Town Corvette Show to be held in the Temecula Stampede Parking Lot, 28721 Old Town Front Street on April 13, 2008. Submitted Date Approved Date --- __ 1 /28/2008 I 4/10/2008 1 of4 Planning Agenda Report 04-01-08 through 04-30-2008 2. Scheduled for Hearing APN q PA06-0389 Rancho Self Storage 921480045 DANA SCHUMA A Conditional Use Permit and a Development Plan to construct a 26,418 square foot self storage facility expansion. The expansion includes nine new storage buildings and 42 covered RV parking spaces located at 41705 Overland Drive east of Commerce Center Drive. (APN 921-480-044 & 045) (Related to PA01-0605) Submitted Date DRC Meeting Date Planning Commision 12/19/2006 2/22/2007 6/4/2008 APN # • PA07-0239 Vail Ranch Headquarters 960010044 BETSY LOWREY A Development Plan for the restoration of the Vail Ranch Headquarters which includes adaptive re-use of the historic site and new construction to include retail, restaurant and office tenants totaling 27,128 square feet comprising of 13,390 square feet of existing historic structures and 13,738 proposed additional historically appropriate new construction on 4 acres within the Vail Ranch Specific Plan, located at 32115-32125 Temecula Parkway, generally located at the southeast corner of Redhawk Parkway and Temecula Parkway [APN 960-010- 044) Submitted Date DRC Meeting Date Planning Commision 8/20/2007 9!20/2007 5/7/2008 APN # • PA07-0312 Rancho Pueblo Condo TPM 959070028 BETSY LOWREY A Tentative Parcel Map Application for condominium purposes for one existing commercial building to be divided into 10 separate condos (Rancho Pueblo Offices) located at the northeast corner of Temecula Parkway and Avenida de Missiones. This project is related to Certificate of Compliance PA08-0043. Submitted Date DRC Meeting Date Directors Hearing 11 /2/2007 6/19/2008 2 of4 Planning Agenda Report 04-01-08 through 04-30-2008 3. New Submittals Pending l)RG Meeting APN # • PA07-0003 TEMECULACEMETERYMODULAR saaozoooa UNIT KNUTE NOLAND A Major Temporary Use Permit to install a modular office structure at the Temecula Cemetery located at 41911 C Street (APN: 944-020-004) Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date Administrators Hearing 1 /5/2007 6/10/2008 APN # • PA07-0309 PDO-6 Zoning Amendment sssosooo7 ERIC JONES A Zoning Amendment application to amend the Rancho Pueblo Planned Development Overlay (PDO-6 ). The site is generally located on Temecula Parkway approximately 325 feet east of Jedediah Smith Road. Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date No Hearing Planned 11 /1 /2007 APN # • PA08-0035 USED CAR TENT SALE s7o73oo7z KNUTE NOLAND A Used Car Tent sale located at the Promenade Mall, 40820 Winchester Road, between Macy's and Johnny Carinos. Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date Administrators Hearing 2/ 11 /2008 6/10/2008 F\YN A • PA08-0061 Zevo Drive Monopine 909360034 KATIE LECOMTE A Wireless Telecommunication Application (Conditional Use Permit) to construct a 60-foot monopine which includes 12 panel antennas, a 4-foot parabolic dish antenna, a new Telco panel, 2 GPS and 4 outdoor equipment cabinets within a 750 square foot fenced enclosure composed of 2 wrought iron walls and 2 block walls, located adjacent to an existing industrial building located at 42210 Zevo Drive (APN: 909-360-034). Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date No Hearing Planned 3/5/2008 4/3/2008 APN # PA08-0098 TEMECULAVALLEYJAZZ szzo3so3s FESTIVAL KNUTE NOLAND A Major Temporary Use Permit for the Temecula Valley Jazz Festival located in Old Town Temecula on July 10, 2008 to July 13, 2008. Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date Administrators Hearing 4/22/2008 7/10/2008 APN # • PA08-0099 Taste of China alcohol MCUP 960020077 KATIE LECOMTE A Minor Conditional Use Permit to upgrade an existing Type-41 ABC license (Beer and Wine-general eating place) to a Type-47 ABC license (On-Sale General eating place) to allow for Taste of China to serve beer, wine and distilled spirits on the premises located at 32413 Temecula Parkway (APN: 960-020-071). Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date No Hearing Planned 4/22/2008 5/22/2008 3 of4 Planning Agenda Report 04-01-08 through 04-30-2008 APN a PA08-0104 TASTE OF BEL VILLAGIO sziasoo~o ERIC JONES A Temporary Use Permit for the "Taste of Bel Villagio" to allow for a center courtyard event outside of Oggi's Pizza for various BeI Villagio restaurant tasting, with a 70' x 30' tent, a bounce house, and K-FROG on May 31, 2008 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. located at 41301-41413 Margarita Road. Submitted Date Anticipated DRC Meeting Date No Hearing Planned 5/2/2008 4 of4 ITEM NCB. 36 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn D. Nelson, City Manager DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: City Council Travel/Conference Report -April 2008 PREPARED BY: Sue Steffen, Executive Assistant RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file On April 2, 2008 Council Member Ron Roberts traveled to Los Angeles to attend the Southern California Association of Governments Administration, Transportation & Communications Committee, and Regional Council Meetings. On April 26, 2008 Council Member Ron Roberts traveled to Leidschendam-Voorburg in the Netherlands to visit our Sister City there. Attachments: Meeting Agendas a~f SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA •~ ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS MEETING OF THE Main Office 818 West Seventh Street PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN TIME i2th Fl°or Thursday, April 3, 2008 Los Angeles, California 90017-3435 (~ 9,00 a.m. ~ 10,00 a.m. t (213) 2364800 f (213)2364815 SCAG Offices wwwscag.ca.gov 818 West 7t" Street, 12t" Floor Conference Room San Bernardino Officers President LOS Angeles, CA 90017 Gary Ovitt, San Bernardino County F P id i 213 236 1800 irst V res ce ent . . Richard Dixon, Lake Forest Second Vice President Harry Baldwin, San Gabriel Immediate Past President If members of the public wish to review the Yvonne 6.8urke, Los Angeles County attachments or have any questions on any of the Policy Committee Chairs agenda items, please contact Carmen Summers at Administration 213.236.1984 or summers@scag.ca.gov Ronald O. Loveridge, Riverside Community, Economi<and Human Development Ion Edney, El Centro Agendas and Minutes for the Administration Committee Energyand Environment are also available at: Debbie Cook, Huntington Beach Transportation and Communications www. scag. ca. gov/committees/ac. htm Alan D. Wapner Ontario SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommodation in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please contact SCAG at (213) 236-1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reasonable arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact (213) 236-1868. The Regional Cowcil is comprised of ]5 elected officials represeming 18] cities, six counties, four CoantyTransponation Commissions, and a4ibal Governmem representative within Southern California. :kr~ ai;iAS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 TIME PG# 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Hon. Ron Loveridge, Cl:nir) 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD -Members of the public desiring to speak on items on the agenda, or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of the Council, must fill out and present a speaker's card to the Assistant prior to speaking. A speaker's card must be turned in before the meeting is called to order. The Administration Committee may consider and act upon any of the items -isted on the agenda. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The chair may limit the total time for all comments to twenty minutes. 3.0 REVIEW and PRIORITIZE AGENDA ITEMS 4.0 CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1 AnurovalItems 4.1.1 Minutes of March 6, 2008 Meetin>T Attachment 4.1.2 Authorize Executive Director to enter Attachment into and Execute an MOU with SANBAG and RCTC for Section 5316/5317 (7ARC/New Freedom) 4.1.3 Resolution #08-496-2 Renewin>? Attachment Bank of the West Line of Credit 4.2 Receive & File 4.2.1 Contracts/Purchase Orders and Attachment MOUs between $5,000 - $250,000 O1 08 10 16 #144296v1 ADMIN AGENDA APRIL 2008 4:06:49 PM 3/26/2008 C.SUMMERS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of60VERNMENTS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 ~ TIME PG# 5.0 ACTION ITEMS 5.1 Adjustment to FY08 Attachment 5 min 33 General Fund Budeet (Wayne Moore, CFO) Recommended Action: Adopt and forward the adjusted FY08 General Fund budget to the Regional Council. 5.2 FY 07-08 OWP Budget Amendment 3 Attachment 5 min 35 (Wayne Moore, CFO) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution # 08-496-3 approving OWP Amendment 3 and forward to the Regional Council for adoption. 5.3 FY09 Pro-posed General Attachment 5 min 39~ Fund Budeet (Wayne Moore, CFO) Recommended Action: Adopt and forwazd the proposed FY09 General Fund budget to the Regional Council, and then to the General Assembly, to adopt said budget. 5.4 Harbor Subdivision Alternative Anal Attachment 5 min 41 (Philip Law, SCAG) Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to execute in substantial form the MOU with Los Angeles County MTA regarding the Harbor Subdivision Alternatives Analysis. 1 ~.. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of 60VERNMENT5 #144296v1 ADMIN AGENDAAPRIL 2008 4:06:49 PM 3/26/2008 GSUMMERS l ICJ 5.5 Congestion Pricing Ooerating_Plan for Los Angeles County (David Rubinow, SCAG) Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to execute in the substantial form the MOU with the Los Angeles County MTA regarding the Congestion Pricing Operating Plan. 5.6 Central County Corridor Maior Investment Studv (Philip Law, SCAG) Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to execute in substantial form the agreement with OCTA regarding the Central County Corridor Major Investment Study. 5.7 Amendments Greater than $75,000 (Aggregate Value) (Ceylon Morgan, SCAG) Attachment Attachment Attachment Recommended Action: Approve Contracts: Fregonese Calthorpe Associates; Cambridge Systematics. 5.8 Request for Payment for Attachment Additional Stipends (Gary Ovitt, SCAG President) Recommended Action: Approve payment of additional stipends requested by Regional Council member Alan Wapner. TIME PG# 5 min 58 S min 5 min 5 min 59 80 87 #144296v1 ADMIN AGENDA APRIL 2008 4:06:49 PM 3/26/2008 C.SUMMERS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 5.0 ACTION ITEMS-Continued SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA iii ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 TIME PG# 6.0 AUDIT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (Hon. Paul Nowatka, Clair) 7.0 PERSONNEL SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (Hon. Richard Dixon, Chair) 8.0 DISTRICT EVALUATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (Hon. Larry McCallon, Chair) 8.1 District Evaluations Process Attachment and Recommendations ' Recommended Action: Recommend that the Regional Council Approve the Recommendation of the District Evaluations Subcommittee. 9.0 INVESTMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (Hon. Ronald Loveridge, Chair) 10.0 CONTRACTS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (Hon. Paula Lantz, Chair) 11.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 11.1 The Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Comprehensive Budget (Wayne Moore, CFO) 11.2 CFO Monthly Financial Report (Wayne Moore, CFO) 12.0 STAFF REPORT 13.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Attachment Any Committee member or staff desiring to place items on a future agenda may make such request. 5 min 15 min 5 min 89 104 0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA iv ASSOCIATION of 60VERNMENTS #144296v1 ADMIN AGENDA APRIL 2008 4:06:49 PM 3/2 612 0 0 8 C.SUMMERS ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ,, AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 TIME PG# 14.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 15.0 ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Administration Committee will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario California. ~.r;~J #144296v1 ADMIN AGENDA APRIL 2008 4:06:49 PM 3/26!2008 C.SUMMERS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~ ASSOCIATION Of60VERNMENTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Main OHice 818 West Seventh Street 11th Floor t.os Angeles, California 90017-3435 t (L 3) 3361800 f (31313361815 www.ttag<a.gov Officers Presidem Gary Ovitt. San Bernardino County first Yce President Richard Dixon, lake Forev Second Yce President Harry Baltlwin, San Gabriel Immediate Past President Yvonne B. Burke, Los Angeles County Policy Committee Chairs Admin¢sra6on Ronald O. Loveridge, Riversitle Community, Economic and Human Development lon Edney, EI Centro Energy and Environment Debbie Cook, Huntington Beach Transportation and Communications Alan D. Wapner, Ontario PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN TIME Thursday, April 3, 2008 10:00 a.m, - 12:00 p.m. SCAG Offices 818 West 7t" Street, 12'" Floor San Bernardino Conference Room Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.236.1800 If members of the public wish to review the attachments or have any questions on any of the agenda items, please contact Cathy Alvarado at 213.236.1896 or alvarado @ scag.ca.gov Agendas and Minutes for the Transportation and Communications Committee are also available at: www.scag.ca. gov/committees/tcc. htm SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommodation in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please contact SCAG at (213) 236-1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reasonable arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact (213) 236-1868. the flegional Council is comprised of ]5 eleaed officials representing IB7cities, six counties, four COUnryTransponation Commissions, and a hibal Government representalNe within Somhern Cafilomia. MEETING OF THE TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE ~`~ AGENDA ' APRIL 3, 2008 TIME PG# 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Alan Wapner, Chair ) 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD -Members of the public desiring to speak on items on the agenda, or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of the Transportation and Communications Committee, must fill out and present a speaker's card to the Sr. Administrative Assistant prior to speaking. A speaker's card must be turned in before the meeting is called to order. The Transportation and Communications Committee may consider and act upon any of the items listed on the agenda. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The Chairman may limit the total time for all comments to twenty minutes. 3.0 REVIEW and PRIORITIZE AGENDA ITEMS 4.0 CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1 AnarovalItems 4.1.1 Minutes of Mazch 6.2008 Meeting Attachment 5.0 ACTION ITEMS No items. 6.0 AVIATION TASK FORCE REPORT (Hon. Alan Wapner, Chair) 7.0 MAGLEV TASK FORCE REPORT (Hon. Lou Bone, Chair) Doc.143i 16lTCC C. Alvarado SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION ofGOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION 8z COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTE AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 8.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 8.1 2008 RTP Update (Naresh Amatya, SCAG Staff Staff will report on the status of the 2008 RTP update. 9.0 CHAIR'S REPORT (Hon. Alan Wapner) 10.0 STAFF REPORT (Naresh Amatya, SCAG) 11.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS TIME Attachment 90 min. PG# 9 ,~ Any committee member or staff desiring to place items on a future agenda may make such request. 12.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.0 ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Transportation & Communications Committee is scheduled for Thursday, May 8, 2008, at the Ontario Convention Center. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS ii SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION Of GOVERNMENTS Main OHice 878 Wes[ Seventh Street 12th Floor Los Angeles, California 90017-3435 t (313)33Gt90a f (213) 23G48S wswes<ag ca.gov Off~wrs President Gary Ovitc San Bernardino County First Vi<e President gichard Dixon, lake Forest 5¢cond Vice President Harry galtlwirt San Gabriel Immediate Past President Yvonne B. Burke Los Angeles County Policy Committee Chars Admmisvacon Donald O. LOVeritlge, giverside Community, Economic and Human Development ton Edney, EI Centro Energy and Environment Debbie Cook, Huntington Beach hansportation and Communications Alan D. Wapner, Omario N0.496 MEETING OF THE PLEASE NOTE DATE & TIME CHANGE Thursday, April 3, 2008 12:15 p.m. -1:15 p.m. SCAG Offices 818 West 7t" Street, 121h Floor San Bernardino Conference Room A ~ B Los Angeles, CA 9001 213.236.1800 If members of the public wish to review the attachments or have any questions on any of the agenda items, please contact Shelia Stewart at 213.236.1868 or stewart @ scaq.ca.gov Agendas and Minutes for the Regional Council are also available at: www.scag.ca.gov/committees/rc. htm SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommodation in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please contact SCAG at (213) 236-1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reasonable arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact (213)236-1868. The Regional Council Is comprised o(75 elated o(&iafs represeminq 181 cities, six counties, four CountyiransportationCornmissions, and aTribal GovemmeN repretemative within Southern California. REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 PG# 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Hon. Gnry Ovit1, President) 2.0 PUBLIC COMMF,NT PERIOD -Members of the public desiring to speak on items on the agenda, or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of the Council, must fill out and present a speaker's card to the Executive Assistant prior to speaking: A speaker's card must be tm•ned in before the meeting is called to order. The Regional Council may consider and act upon any of the items listed on the agenda. Comments will be limited to three mimites. The President may limit the total time for atl comments to hventy minutes. 3.0 CONSENT CALENDAR 3.1 AnnrovalItems 3.1..1 Minutes of March 6, 2008 Meeting Attachment 1 3.1.2 Authorize the Executive Director of SCAG to Execute Attachment t0 `-- au MOU with SANBAG and RC"CC for Section 5 316/ 5317 (JARC/New Freedom 1 3.1.3 Resolution #08-496-2 Renewing Bank of the West Attachment 12 Liue of Credit 3.2 Receive & File Items 3.2.1 Amendments. Contracts and Purchase Orders, between Attachment 18 $5,000- $250,000 3.2,2 CFO Monthl ~ Report Attachment 35 4.0 PRESIDENT'S REPORT 4.1 Committee Appointments 4.2 Request for Payment of Additional Stipend Attachment 38 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS i REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 ~ P~# 5.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS/ACTION ITEMS 5.1 Nominatim~ Committee Renort Recommended Action: Approve 5.2 Consideration of Proposed Chances to the Regional .Attachment 40 Council Policy Manual Recommended Action: Approve Reconm~endations 5.3 Administration Committee Report (Hnn. Ron Lnveridge, Chair) 5.3.1 Adjustment to FY 08 General Fund Budeet Attachment 55 Recommended Action: Approve adjustments to the FY 08 General Fund Expenditure Budget. 5.3? FY 07-08 OWP Budeet Amendment 3 Attachment 57 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution #08-496-3 approving OWP Amendment 3. 5.3.3 FY 09 Proposed General Fund Bud~;*.et Attachment 61 Recommended Action: Approve >.3.4 Harbor Subdivision Alternative Analysis Attachment 63 Recommended Action: Authorize the E?xecutive Director or his designee to execute the MOU with L.A. County MTA. 5.3.6 Congestion Pricing Oneratin~ Plan. for L,A County Attachment 80 Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director of SLAG or his designee to execute in substantial form the MOU with Los Angeles Cotimty MTA regarding the Congestion Pricing Operating flan. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA '~ ASSOCIATIONOfGOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 PG# Administration Committee Report - Cont'd 5.3.7 Central County Corridor Major hn~esunent Stuch. Attachment 8t Recommended Action: Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to execute the agreement with OCTA regarding the Central County Corridor Major Investment Stud}-. 5.3.8 Amendments Greater than $7.000 (Aggretrate Value) Attachment 102 Recommended Action: Approve Contracts: Fregonese Calthorpe Associates; Cambridge Systematics. 5.3.9 Regioual Council District Evaluations Process and Attachment 10G Recommendations (Hon. Larry Mc Callon, Chair) Recommended Action: Approve ~.4 Community, Economic & Human Development Committee (CEHD) Report (Hon. Jon Edner, Chair) 5.~ Energy & Environment Committee Report (EEC) (Hon. Debhie Cook, Claais) S.G Transpot•tatiou & Communications Committee ("CCC) (Hon. Alan Wapner, Chan) 5.7 Membership & Communications Subcommittee (Hon. Glen Becerra, Chair) 6.0 ILXRCIJTIVr DIRTCTOR'S RTPOIZ'T (Hasan Ikhrata) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS iii REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 3, 2008 ) PG# 7.0 LEGISLATIVE REPORT 7.1 Presentation ti~om Senator (Steinbers~) on SB 375 7.2 SCAQMD Air Pollution Fee (SB 1646 Padilla) Attachment 121 SB 1646 would extend indefinitely the SCAQMD's authority to impose a $1 fee on vehicle regishation renewals to fiord clean fuels prog~rants. Recommended Action: Support 7. i S.1499 (Senators Boxer and Feinstein Attachment 123 Recommended Action: Support 8.0 CLOSED SESSION ITEMS .4 closed ses.rinn will he held only if nece.crcu}~ to report sis,~nificarar '~ developments or to lake reduir•ed crclio~rs. 8.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existin>r Litigation (Subdivision (a) of Section X54596.9) City of La Mirada v. SCAG; Superior Court County of Los Angeles -Case No. BS 109 479 8? C'.onferenec with Legal Counsel -Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (h} of Section X54956.9: ('Two potential cases} 9.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 10.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 11.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Any committee member desiring to place item on a future agenda may make such a request. 12.0 ADJO[IRNMENT The next meeting of the Regional Council will be held on May 8, 2008 in conjunction with the General Assembly at the Ontario Convention Center. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION ofGOYERNMENTS iv SISTER CITY VISIT - 15T" ANNIVERSARY LEID S CHENDAM-V OORBURG APRIL 26-MAY 3, 2008 RON ROBERTS SATURDAY, APRIL 26. 2008 11:00 am Depart Los Angeles Int'1 Airport on United Flight #0942, arrive Chicago at 4:54 pm 5:56 pm Depart Chicago on United Flight #0908, arrive Amsterdam at 9:20 am Apri127 SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2008 Breakfast with the Mayor. Official visit to Swaensteijn (previous City Hall) with Council Members. Visits to Voorburg & Leidschendam. MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2008 Arrangements pending TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2008 Flower Auction in Naaldwijk Meet & Greet with a Vegetable & Flower Company in Westland Lunch in the City of Delft Visit to Michiel van Haersma Buma (previous Mayor) in his new position of the Dike Delfland, including a tour of the Delflandhome back in the 16`x' century. Dinner in Voorburg WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2008 Queen's Day -Arrangements pending THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2008 Breakfast at City Hall Tour with current Mayor celebrating Queen's day activities Sister City Board Member Band & Dinner FRIDAY. MAY 1, 2008 Anrangements pending SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2008 Official Dinner with Mayor and Council Members SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2008 11:15 am Depart Amsterdam on United Flight #0909, arrive Chicago at 1:19 pm. 5:00 pm Depart Chicago on United Flight 0941, arrive Los Angeles at 7:15 pm City Council of Temecula Mayor mister M. Nagger P.O. Box 9033 TEMECULA CALIFORNIA 92589-9033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Datum 26 February 2008 ons kenmerk 2008/5405lcabinet RECEIVECD ~::: a ;;~ zoos CITY MANAC,ER'~ OFFICE Uw bdeflkenmerk Contactpersoon Mr. P.C.J. Bekkering Telefoon +31-70-3009105 fax +31-70-3009399 Bijlegen ~~ Gemeente Leidschendam-Voorburg dro. J.W, van der SlulJs Burgemeester Raadhulsplein 1 Leidachendam Postbus 905 2270 A7C Voorburg Telefoon (070) 300 9000 Faz (070) 320 13 02 waw.leidschendam-voorburg. nl info@leidschendam-voorburg. nl cc: Council R. Gilliland ondenverp invitation celebration 15th anniversary of the Sister Cities Dear mister Nagger, For the 15'~ anniversary of our Sister Ciry partnership it is my pleasure to invite you and a delegation of Council Members and the Temecula Sister City Association to visit Leidschendam-Voorburg. In the now four month that I am Mayor I learned that in the past fifteen years there were many successful exchanges. I am convinced that international twinning arrangements increase the knowledge about and of one other, of one another's culture, morals and customs, and enhance mutual solidarity and understanding. For the upcoming visit I understand that the liaison officers, Robin Gilliland and Cor Bekkering, already made preparations about the itinerary in April this year. Together with our Sister City Association we will prepare an interesting programme for our guests from Temecula. I am looking forward to meet and get acquainted with you and the members of your delegation and really looking forward to visit Temecula later this year. With ki regards. Ha~ra erR~'" Sluijs Mayor Graag bij uw antwoord datum en ons kenmerk vermelden. ITEM NCB. 37 Approvals ~Q City Attorney Sv Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Aaron Adams, Assistant City Manager DATE: May 27, 2008 SUBJECT: Economic Development Department Report for Month of April 2008 PREPARED BY: Gloria Wolnick, Marketing Coordinator RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. The following are the recent highlights for the Economic Development Department for the month of April 2008. SITE VISIT Staff and a Temecula Valley Chamber representative attended a site visit with Bianchi International General Manager Peter Kirton on April 1st. BAE Systems, a British-based provider of defense and aerospace systems, who owns Bianchi International and Safariland will move its operations together to Ontario, CA. OUTREACH MATERIALS/MEDIA Staff prepared the article for the May issue of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce newsletter. The City expressed its appreciation to the Temecula Youth Employment Expo Committee: Temecula Valley Unified School District, Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Development Agency, Partners in Education Committee and Riverside County of Education for their partnership on the Temecula Youth Employment Expo which was held on April 12th. The City of Temecula was pleased to be a part of this collaboration that attracted approximately 1,500 students! Local commercial brokers and staff submitted commercial retail property and Old Town information to include in the Riverside County EDA Resource Guide of Available Properties for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Convention in Las Vegas, May 18-21. Team Riverside will have a booth and will represent our region at the show for selective retail development. Staff met several times regarding updating the Economic Development Department's website. Staff is looking to add site selection services, workforce development, business assistance, higher education, business testimonials, and transportation components to the site. EVENTS/CONVENTIONS Staff attended the Mt. San Jacinto College Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their Business & Technology Center, Menifee Valley Campus on Friday, April 4~". Thetwo-story, 35,700-square- foot building offers computer and multi-media labs and smart classrooms with wireless Internet connections. Staff participated at the Temecula Youth Employment Expo held on Saturday, April 12th at the Community Recreation Center. The Expo was for Temecula Valley youth ages 16 - 22. Workshops were offered on job search, resume writing, interview preparation, and employment application. Local employers were on hand offering summer employment. The City of Temecula, Riverside County Office of Education, Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, Temecula Valley Unified Schaal District, and Workforce Development Agency partnered on this expo. City Council and staff attended the State of the City Address held on April 17t" at Pechanga Resort & Casino. The Mayor's theme was "Winning Championships." The City has worked with community partners to provide a great community to live in that includes wonderful parks, a great new library, community center, and theater, just to name a few of the championships that Temecula has won. The Mayor talked about past accomplishments and upcoming endeavors such as the new Civic Center in Old Town, Hospital, and the implementation of the Youth Master Plan. On April 17~", staff met with Concordia University who has a proposal on the table to take the lead on a major college fair for youth and adults. The City has offered its support and advertising and facility use and staff is looking at a date in late September. The vision would be to have all local higher education institutions participate & other regional schools invited as well, with the Temecula Valley Unified School District to partner, invite financial aid resources, and other higher education related vendors. This will be of great value for our youth and others seeking higher learning opportunities. The City of Temecula participated at the CoreNet Global in San Diego which was held May 3-7. Riverside County EDA and the Southwest California Economic Alliance represented Temecula at the Riverside County EDA booth in the Team California Pavilion. Temecula and Temecula Valley Winegrowers were sponsors of the Grand Opening Reception held in the lounge area at the San Diego Zoo on Sunday, May 4t". There were a series of drawings throughout the evening (prizes provided by various team membercities and EDC's). Thiswasa greatwayto meetand network with attending site selectors and real estate executives. The City of Temecula will partner with Team Riverside County and the Southwest California Economic Alliance an attending the 2008 Bio International Convention in San Diego at the Convention Center on June 17-20. This is a great opportunity to have contact with aver 20,000 biotechnology professionals and brand our region as the place to be for start-up businesses, expansions and/or relocate needs. Temecula will be well represented at Bio International this year. The Temecula Valley Wine Growers has donated wine for the Team California reception. Staff will be attending and Temecula will have marketing materials at the Riverside County EDA booth. MEETINGS Staff met several times and assisted California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) with space needs for their interim Temecula higher educational facility. On April 8th, staff attended a meeting with CSUSM and Scott Crane of UHS to discuss a possible partnership with the university and hospital on lab and classroom space. Staff attended the Southwest Regional Committee Regional Meeting for the Workforce Development Center at Mt. San Jacinto College on April 2"d. Board members will be appointed at the May meeting. Staff met with Jurgen Woehl of International Rectifier on April 8`" regarding higher education efforts in the Temecula Valley. Staff attended the Southwest California Economic Alliance Partners Meeting on April 30th at the Alliance office. The Partners were updated on the CoreNet Glabal Summit and Bio International Convention which will be held in San Diego in May and June. The Partners were provided updates on Alliance marketing materials, commercial broker breakfast and Alliance website. Staff attended the Partners in Education Committee Meeting on April 14`" atthe Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce office. Updates were provided on the Career Preparation Certification Program & Committee, Temecula Youth Employment Expo and Perkins IV Overview. The Youth in Government is planned for June 4`n & Stn Staff made a presentation to the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Development Group on April 16`". The presentation included a recap of the State of the City presentation and an update on new projects in Temecula. Staff met with the organizers of the Temecula Valley International Jazz Festival on April 29`" to discuss their plans for their July 2008 Festival. OTHER ITEMS In April, staff contacted local companies to fill out a Zone User Letter of Interest for the Foreign- TradeZone #244. The Foreign-Trade Zone #244 needed more local supportforthe FTZ Expansion Application in Riverside, Moreno Valley, Corona, Temecula, etc. Staff is working with several professional photographers on getting updated photographyfor use on the City's and Southwest California Economic Alliance website, marketing materials and advertising. ATTACHMENTS: Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Activities Report Southwest California Economic Alliance Activities Report TEYE Y BER COMMERCE '[FAOWGTHEWAY' May 7, 2008 26790 Vnez Court Suite A, Temecula, CA 92591 P: 951.676.5090 F 951.694.0201 wuiwtemecula.org info@temerulo.org Shawn Nelson, City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Shawn, Attached please find the April Monthly Activity Report as per our contract with the City of Temecula. Chamber staff assisted 4 businesses interested in relocating to Temecula. The Chamber provided each inquire with a business demographic package. Restaurant Association Forum: The Chamber and Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau are partnering to organize a new forum for the local restaurants. Their first meeting was held, Tuesday, April 22, about 15 restaurant owners and general managers attended. Franco Vessia, Frankie's Steak and Seafood, was elected chair of the committee. The next meeting will be on June 3 at the Chamber. The mission of the group is to develop a solid relationship with wineries, marketing group efforts, share information and develop education programs. Newsletter Update: The Chamber is gradually implementing some changes to the Temecula Today. The focus will be on assuring the content resourceful to our members and is information they would not readily find elsewhere. The intent is also to include many more pictures from Chamber events, including full page pictures on the cover. Advertising cost in the newsletter to members has been reduced to making it affordable to all members. Another change the Chamber is considering and currently surveying our members on, is printing Temecula Today only every other month. To supplement this change we would revitalize our e-newsletter and send it out the opposite months. Business Development Resource Committee: The Chamber Spotlight winner for April was Colette Boutique. The Mystery Shopper winner was Temecula Ace Hardware and Volunteer Businesses of the Month, chosen by the SWCLC, were Elsinore Valley Municipal and Chamber Advocacy. The Business Success Forum was on Tuesday, April 8. The topic of discussion was Advertising. The 55+ Networking group changed their name to Baby Boomer Spotlight to better represent their purpose. They hosted their second event on Friday, March il, 7:30-gam. The Sphere of Influence, Weddings, was Tuesday, April 22. Over 50 businesses attended. One new member signed up at the event and 9 other business requested to be contacted about membership. The event was a success, the next Sphere event is Tuesday, June 24, the target market will be Marketing. Valley Young Professionals: A committee has been formed for the Valley Young Professionals Group. The Group is called VYP (Valley Young Professionals). This group is focusing on Civic; Education; Networking and Exchanging Resources. A committee meeting was held April 10, where we discussed the many goals of the group and the details of future events. The committee and staff are working on creating a website and an application. Anew email has been created, vyp@temecula.org. The first event will be held June Z6, at Ponte Winery. Membership Committee: 30 businesses joined the Chamber in the month of April and 104 renewed their membership. Staff and Ambassadors attended 12 Ribbon Cutting events in April. They are listed below: • Yvonne A. Ruiz -Certified Loan Signing Agent White Lime Frozen Yogurt • Answers to Aesthetics Law Offices of Dennis F. Fabozzi, APC • Mt. San Jacinto College Spa Escape Business & Technology Center Cocoa Nut Cove Restaurant • Temecula Valley Elks #2801 Prestige Developers, Inc. (PDI) • Cornerstone Surety Insurance Agency Sam's Club • Temecula Recycling April's Power Networking Workshop was attended by 30 Members where they were able to work on their networking skills. The April Mixer was held at the Temecula Public Library, 30600 Pauba Road and attended by approximately 275 members. Anew event, Chamber Coffee Connection, occurred on April 4, and was a great success. It was held at the Chamber office and was attended by 25 individuals who were able to re-connect with fellow Chamber Members. Ambassador Training was hosted by the Chamber on April 15 and welcomed 3 new members to the Ambassador program. The Networking Breakfast was held April 23• with an attendance of 80 members. The Networking Luncheon was attended by 75 Members and was hosted by Kelsey's at Pechanga. Additional welcome visits were made to new businesses by Chamber CEO, staff and Ambassadors. Southwest California Legislative Council: Legislative Review -The following is a list of positions taken at the April, 2008 meeting: o HR 5012 On Time Act -Support o AB 2127 Flexibility in the Workplace -SWCLC supported but was defeated o SB 1539 Meal Periods -Support -Follow up to maintain final verbiage is not modified. o AB 2383 Social Security Numbers -Oppose o AB 2716 Paid Sick Leave -Oppose o Prop 98 & 99 -The SWCLC is looking at Propositions 98 & 99 which addresses eminent domain issues and will be included on the June 4, 2008 ballot. Positions on these items are pending further analysis. o Air Resource Board - On Road Diesel Rule -The SWCLC discussed the negative financial impacts on agricultural businesses, which forces them to replace diesel engines in farm equipment twice within a nine year period. o Cal Chamber Legislative Summit -Representatives from Temecula, Murrieta and Lake Elsinore will attend the Cal Chamber Legislative Summit in Sacramento May 22 and 23. Appointments have been scheduled to meet with our local representatives. State of the City: The State of the City event was held on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at Pechanga Resort & Casino by the Honorable Mike Naggar. Over 540 community members and leaders attended. Pictures from the event are posted on www.temecula.ora and an article recapping the event is running in the May, Temecula Today. Chamber Golf Classic: The Chamber is coordinating the 17`h Annual Chamber Golf Classic to be held on Friday, May 2, 2008 at Temecula Creek Inn. Paradise Chevrolet Cadillac is the Title Sponsor for this year's event. Over 170 golfers have signed up to participate in the tournament. Healthcare Expo: The Chamber will be holding a Health & Wellness Expo this year. The task force planning the event will begin meeting to discuss the logistics of the event. 2008-2009 Trip Update: The Chamber is currently organizing a Washington D.C. trip in October and will be offering a trip to Italy in March 2009 and a China Trip in November 2009. Tourism Highlights (Bulk brochure distributors) Activity Report: • 125 each, visitor guides, winery brochures, street maps, demographic information and tourism maps were given to various real estate agents in the month of April for new home owners • 300 Winery Brochures were given to Executive VIP Airport Shuttle for tourists. • 25 each, visitor guides, winery brochures, street maps, demographic information and tourism maps were given to Welks Resorts for visitors to the area. Also, attached are the meeting minutes for the Business Development Resource, Southwest Legislative Council, and Membership committees. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call me at (951) 676-5090 or a-mail asullivanCa~temecula.org. Thank you. Sincerely, Alice Sullivgfi, IOM President/CEO cc: Mayor Mike Naggar Councilman Ron Roberts Shawn Nelson, City Manager Grant Yates, Deputy City Manager Aaron Adam, Assistant City Manager Bob Johnson, Assistant City Manager Mayor Pro Tem Maryann Edwards Councilman Jeff Comerchero Councilman Chuck Washington NCC Board of Directors Gloria Wolnick, Marketing Coordinator BCD Director Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Monthly Activity Report flprif 2008 Chamber Year-To-Date PHONE CALLS This Month Total TOURISM Tourism Referrals 835 2,855 Calendar of Events 432 1,489 Special Events 244 1,020 General Information 1,489 5,832 TOTAL TOURISM CALLS 3,000 11,196 Relocation 256 1,014. Demographics 231 976 Chamber 898 3,418 Miscellaneous 733 2,891 TOTAL PHONE CALLS 2,118 19,495 WALK-INS Tourism 231 852 Calendar of Events 166 601 Special Events 234 830 General Information 1,376 5,231 Relocation 128. 601 Demographics 164 720 Chamber 721 2,506 Miscellaneous 532 2,065 TOTAL WALK-INS 3,552 13,406 MAILINGS Tourism 1,286 2,526 Relocation 54 240 Demographics 167 653 TOTAL MAILINGS 1,507 3,419. E-MAIL Tourism 147 382 Relocation 51 245 Miscellaneous 578 1,887 TOTAL E-MAIL 776 2,514 WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS 15,289 60,898 GRAND TOTALS This Month Year-To-Date PHONE CALLS 5,118 30,691 WALK-INS 3,552 13,406 MAILINGS 1,507 3,419 E-MAIL 776 2,514 WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS 15,289 60,898 Annual Volume Comparisons Chamber Chamber Percentage Apri12007 Apri12008 PHONE CALLS TOURISM Tourism Referrals 219 835 375% Calendar of Events 144 432 285% Special Events 172 244 142% General Information 3,074 1,489 47% TOTAL TOURISM CALLS 3,609 3,000 81% Relocation 122 256 166% Demographics 125 231 196% Chamber 776 898 113% Miscellaneous 422 733 172% TOTAL PHONE CALLS 5,054 2,118 41% WALK-INS Tourism 160 231 123% Calendar of Events 1.11 166 150% Special Events 136 234 156% GeneralInfoFination 2,449 1,376 54% Relocation 128 128 103% Demographics 117 164 152% Chamber 562 721 122% Miscellaneous 374 532 146% Visitor Center Walk-Ins ' TOTAL WALK-INS 4,037 3,552 85% MAILINGS Tourism 2,467 1,286. 52% Relocation ` 76 54 88% Demographics 43 167 414% TOTAL MAILINGS 2,586 .1,507 59% E-MAIL Tourism 66 147 217% Relocation 69 51 78% Miscellaneous 311 578 171% TOTAL E-MAIL 446 776 163% WEBSITE USER SESSIONS 8,674 15,289 173% * Chamber referrals reflect faxes, walk-ins and phone calls TE~hE~ULA . . 'LFARIIJG TtIE WA1!° There are a lot of NEW Things Happening at the TVCC.. . VYP is Here Calling all Young Professionals, 21 and .over, to come connect with your peers to collaborate, inspire and positively impact the Valley as the new powerful generation. VYP. meets the first Thursday of each month at Sam at the Temecula Valley Chamber office located at 26790 Ynez Court. All young professionals are invited; you do not need to be a Chamber member. RSVP to VYP@temecula.oro or 951-676-5090. The VYP will host its kick-off social event, "VYPER," Thursday, June 26. 5:50-7:30pm at Ponte Winery. Tours by Grapeline. For more information visit www.TemeculaVYP.ora. Baby Boomer Spotlight is a Resource for the Community The Baby Boomer Spotlight is about bringing Chamber & Community Members. together who are a part of or who serve the Baby Boomer Generation. The purpose of this group is to: • Promote. & find resources for all. aspects of life • Get information on issues affecting the BB Generation • Build relationships & networking • Share experiences & enrich lives The Baby Boomer Spotlight meets the 2nd Friday of each month, 8-gam. Meetings are held at the Temecula Chamber office at 26790 Ynez Court. The meetings are open to all community members and are free to attend. For more information call Emily 951-676-5090. TVCC Launches Online Member Community! All members of the TVCC have received an email from My 5 Minute Networking. A free profile has been established for all members. Follow the instructions in the email or connect to the site through www.temecula.oro by clicking on "Member Services"then "TVCC Online Community." If you don't know your logon information, you have the option to reset it from the "TVCC Online Community" page. Chamber Coffee Connection Friday, June 6, 8-9:30am At the Chamber An 'open house' style event held the first. Friday of each month at the Chamber, 8- 9:30am. This event provides a casual way to reconnect with other Chamber members. No reservations needed. Due to the holiday, July's event will be July 11, 8-9:30am: For more information kuhler@temecula.ora The. Sphere of Influence is a Great Success On Tuesday, April 22, The Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and its Business Development Resource Committee hosted their first Sphere of Influence event with the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce " 26790 Ynez Court, Temecula CA 92592' www.temecula.orc' info Qtemecula.oro' 951-676-5090 (5/2008) topic of Weddings. Businesses that market to brides and grooms were invited to come and networking with each other and build relationships. Over 50 businesses were in attendance and thought this new event was a great, unique way to meet people in their industry. Two more Sphere of Influence events are scheduled for this year. On Tuesday, June 24, the Sphere of Influence event will highlight those in the Marketing Industry. And on Tuesday, September 23, all businesses in the Home Improvement industry will be invited to network with on another. For more information on this innovation new event please contact Emily at 951-676-5090 or Emilv(~temecula.oro mission of the association will be moving forward. The chair of the. association is Franco Vessia, Frankie's Steak and Seafood. A co-chair for the group and a final mission statement will be determined at the next meeting on Tuesday, May 20; 2:30-3:30pm. The group will meet at the Chamber office, 26790 Ynez Court. The Restaurant Association Forum is support by the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Temecula Valley Visitor's & Convention Bureau. All restaurant owners and general managers in the area are invited to attend to partner with their peers to discuss issues as weltas a variety of other topics in the industry. For more information on the group you may contact Alice Sullivan at the Temecula Chamber at 951-676.-5090 or asul livan @ temecula.ora. Restaurant Association Forum The Restaurant Association Forum held its first meeting at the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce office on April 22. Fifteen .area restaurant owners and general managers attended the meeting and discussed a variety of issues and what the Shop Temecula First - It Makes Cents We want you to think of Temecula first when you spend your shopping dollars because bustling business fosters a vibrant community. When you Shop Temecula First, you are supporting the businesses that support Temecula and everyone benefits! More than one half of the city's General-Fund Revenue is derived from Sales and Use Tax S I'"10 P and goes directly back into their community for police and fire services, road improvements, park development, park maintenance; etc. It just makes sense...keeping sales tax dollars here in the local rEn~ECU~,o, area benefits the entire FIRST community. The vitality of our local businesses and the high quality of life we enjoy irTemecula are largely dependent upon each resident's preference to do their shopping within the City. When taxable purchases are made within Temecula's boundaries, the City receives a percent of the taxable sale. Sales tax revenue is essential for funding projects, programs, and services the community enjoys and relies on. Make your tax dollars work for you and your community.- Shop Temecula First! Add Your Logo & Summary to Our Website There is a new advertising opportunity offered through the Membership Department. You can now add your business logo and a summary of your services to the online membership directory. With over 16,000 hits a month, this is an easy and effective way to increase your company's branding and make it easier for customers to find you. You can add just your logo or just the summary for $100 each; or you can do both for $150. The logo must be provided in a JPEG or GIF Format. The logo cannot exceed 70kb or be animated. Text is limited to 300 characters- The NCC reserves the right to edit the text as necessary. To learn more about this new opportunity, contact Kimberly Uhler at the Chamber 951-676-5090 or kuhlerQtemecula.org. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce' 26790 Ynez Court, Temecula CA 92592"www.temecula.orc' info@temecula.orc `951-676-5090 (5/2008) TE~k~CU v ~x COMAhERC~ E ~.sanrNC niewnr Business Development Resource Committee Wednesday, April 16, @ B:OOam TVCC Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book Committee Chair: Ginny Mulhern (present) Co-Chair: Barak Berlin (present) Board Liaison: Bill Seltzer (not present) Jeff Kurtz, (present), Nancy Austin (not present). Members Present: Lisa Fuess, Chad Hensley Staff Present: Emily Pulley, Alice Sullivan City Update -Aaron Adams Despite the economy, the City is very busy and has many projects going on. 1) Mall i) Garage done soon, will have pedestrian walk way to Mary's b) There will be a "main street' c) Confirmed New Store/Restaurants i) PF Changs ii) Black & W bite iii) Coach iv) Lucille's v) Several more but can't disclose at this time. d) All to be open by Easter 2009 2) Abbott a) There will be tours offered. May new jobs 3) PHS a) Largest expansion in the IE. Will increase workforce 20-30%- 4) Car Dealer a) FletcherJOnes Mercedes -north of Winchester, Aug 2009 5) Sales Tax a) City is strong. It has been a challenging year with adjustments in the housing market and cars sales. b) Cutting $2.5 million today. 6) Higher Education a) Lots of talk on this topic -while it was disappointing the education center project didn't go through, the alternative is even better i) CSSM will open in Aug 08 with nursing classes (with hospital coming to town) ii) Programs will be continually added. iii) Vision in 10-20 years is to have MBA programs in place iv) Is a possible once the school is established the name could be changed from San Marcos to Temecula: 7) Hospital a) Will break ground this year. b) 24 months to build c) Waiting on OSHPD clearance d) Possibility of schooling hospital with CSSM for at least nursing down the road. It is being discussed. 8) Old Town a) 5'h St- new buidlings i) New restaurants ii) Offices iii) Mixed used b) City offices relocating to new offices by 1~' quarter 2010 c) Street improvements will begin within 30 days. i) Mercedes St will be widened ii) Main St at Rosa's will `ry" with Park, and then 480 new free parking spaces will be added. iii) Utilities all going underground iv) Should all be completed in 2 years d) Civic Center i) With the City's responsible financial planning, it will be paid off in less than 10 years. 9) Youth Master Plan a) An exciting strategy has been laid out, but the City can't afford it all right now. But the plan wilt move forward in the future. b) The Youth Expo & Job Fair was a huge success at the CRC with over 1200 students in attendance. 10) Open Discussion a) Sullivan asked if the City was doing anything to help local struggling businesses in the current economy. i) Adams - we want to, but it is a bigger issue than the City. Short term vs. Long term solutions. (1) Long term -possible more mix use in all areas (2) Short term -City is open to ideas. and welcome suggestions from the TVCC members. (3) Shop Temecula First! agaroval orMlnutes March minutes approved Member Recognition Program for Mav Volunteer Businesses BDR Ginny Mulhern, One of a Kind Jewelry Barak Berlin, Keller Williams Realty Mystery Batteries Plus 41555 Margarita Rd, Ste 101-A Business Success Forum • Apol 8, Advertising • May 13, Human Resources Spotlight - Temecula Valley Music for Young Children Carol Meeks Partners in Learning The Mixer is tonight at the Library. Please park at the Ronald Reagan Sport Park near the CRC. Committee Update Sphere of Influence -Event is on track for Tuesday, April 22. We have had a really good response and are expecting a good size crowd. Baby Boomer Spotlight -Small turn out on April event. Sub-committee all assigned phone call and to distribute flyers. Sub-committee will to-asses the group after the June 13 event and decide if they will move forward. Board Update 1. The Chamber has launched 2 new committees a. VYP (Valley Young Professionals) b. Restaurant Committee 2. List of Upcoming Chamber Events a. Tonight, Networking Mixer, Temecula Library, Park at RR Sports Park, 5_:30-7:30pm - b. Thursday, April 17, State of the City Address at Pechanga c. Tuesday, April 22, Sphere of Influence, 9:30-11:30am d. Wed, April 23, Networking Breakfast; 7:30-gam, BJ's Restaurant e. Friday, May 2, Chamber Coffee Connection, 8-gam f. Friday, May 2, 1 Th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament g. Tues, May 6, Power Networking Workshop, 12-1:30pm h. Thurs, May 8, 5 Minu[e Networking at Inn at Churon i. Tuesday, May 13, Business Success Forum Adjournment Thank you for attending! NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 18, at B:OOam Location: TVCC Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book TE~{CULA~--~- v.~~ }-^~ ~~~y~~y? R. •. _ 'EE9D7taGTHSWAY' Membership Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 9,-2008 - 8:OOa.m. - 9:OOa.m. Chamber Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book Mission Statement: Develop programs to maintain and build a membership commensurate with the growth of the Temecula business community and simultaneous growth of the Chamber. Serve as goodwill representative and strive to enhance the value of membership encouraging ongoing dialogue between members. Committee Chair: Jackie Steed Co-Chairs: David Paget Adam Ruiz Julie Ngo Board Liaisons: Tony Berardino Dan Brunel) Committee Present: Nathan Garn, Lee McCollum, Luanne Jobgen, David Paget, Adam Ruiz, Jackie Steed, Bonnie Clark, Rosalyne Hall, Teresa Kosycarz, Teresa Fleege, Julie Ngo, Jennifer Peterson, Tony Berardino, Jami McNees and Michelle Deskin. Staff Present: Kimberly Freize-Uhler, Alice Sullivan and Katie Edmonds. Minutes Committee Chair called the meeting to order at 8:04a.m. Self-introductions of the committee followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Adam Ruiz and seconded by Lee McCollum which carried. Miscellaneous Open Discussion by Committee: The newest committee of the Chamber is VYP, Valley Young Professionals. The Mission of the group is: °VYP encourages advancement through professional, civic and social events with an approach that fosters collaboration and inspires Young Professionals to put ideas into action." Edmonds reported the committee will be holding its first meeting tomorrow. The committee has approved the proposed logo and will be moving forward with the website, email and details of the events. This is a very exciting new group! Steed announced the Chamber is offering a new opportunity for members to advertise on the website. Each member can place their logo and description of their business on the website directory, $100 for each or $150 for both. The Chamber is offering a FedEx Kinko's discount program for members. Any members who have joined before August 2005 will be able to take advantage of this discount and within 4-6 months all other Chamber members will have access to this discount as well. FedEx Kinko's membership was discussed. The Committee discussed raising the fee for mixer hosts. Currently the cost to host a mixer is $450 and the committee discussed raising it to$550 or $600. This would take place in the beginning of 2009. Freize-Uhler announced this would be brought before the board and staff will report back. Edmonds and Ruiz reported the Chamber has launched the TVCC Online Community. This is a free profile set up by 5 Minute Networking. This program was started to give our members an opportunity to network with each other online. Ruiz and Hall announced the Chamber Coffee Connection held its first event at the Chamber on April 4th with an attendance of 25 attendees. This is an open house Friday morning coffee event that gives existing Chamber Members and new Chamber Members an opportunity to connect will one another over a cup of coffee. Perks provided the coffee and Ernie B's provided the Danish. The next Chamber Coffee Connection will be held on May 2nd Networking Breakfast. Networking Luncheon. Mixers and 5 Minute Networking By Adam Ruiz: Ruiz reported the March mixer was great with approximately 350 attendees! The Networking luncheon will be held April 29~', RSVPs are required and sponsorship opportunities are available. Ruiz reported the changes the committee implemented for the Networking Breakfast went well. The Ambassadors were able to start self introductions to set an example for all other attendees to keep introductions short. Ruiz announced the Chamber is looking for breakfast sponsors and business spotlights. This is a great opportunity for members to get their name out there. Thank you to the Ambassadors who sat on the panel for the Power Networking Workshop on April 1~`. Ruiz announced the conference room was packed with attendees. Sub-Committee Reports Ambassador Program By David Paget: Paget announced Chamber staff and Ambassadors attended 15 Ribbon Cuttings in the month of March. It was reported the Ambassador Social was held March 25th and was a great event. It was hosted by Guaranty Bank on Margarita Road. Thank you to Vera Nedeljkovic for providing the fabulous venue. Paget announced the Ambassador training will be on April 15th at gam at the Chamber. Welcome & Retention By Julie Ngo: Ngo reported March was a slow month but the retention committee will be working hard in April to get all calls made. Ngo was able to meet with the committee and train members on making the calls. Ngo announced the first month calls have been great as members are excited and very responsive but the next month does get a little harder. Ngo reported the welcome committee will continue to make their scheduled calls to the new members. Monthlv Membership Report By Kimberly Freize-Uhler: The monthly membership report was discussed. Freize-Uhler announced the membership department made budget for new members but March was a slow month for renewals as many businesses were not able to renew due to lack of funds. Freize-Uhler also reported the Chamber will take payments for new members or renewing members. Hospital Report By Teresa Fleege: Fleege announced the City has approved the hospital and is now waiting for the final approval from the state. Qnce the state has approved the plans they will be working with the City to start the grading process. Fleege reported the Rancho Springs Medical Center expansion will be completed the end of 2008 and will consist of ER rooms, Labor and Delivery rooms, Post Partum rooms and will also have 17 NICU beds. Fleege also reported Inland Valley hospital is continuing with their expansion and expect it to be completed within 18 months. This facility will consist of ER rooms, a Trauma center, an Imaging center, many ICU beds and a Cardiology unit. When these facilities are completed it will be great for our community. City of Temecula Report By Alice Sullivan: Sullivan reported the City is working with Cal State University San Marcos to bring a facility to the Temecula area. Sullivan reported the Youth Employment Expo will be held this Saturday, April 12~'. Sullivan announced volunteers are needed for this event. This expo will be held from 9-11:30 and will consist of workshops, 50 exhibiters and the attendees will get a chance to go through the application and interviewing process. It was announced by Sullivan the Chamber China trip was a huge success with an attendance of 280 people and was a once in a lifetime experience. This trip was a lot of hard work for Chamber staff but they did a great job! Sullivan reported the Chamber will be planning a trip to Washington D.C. this September and will also be planning another trip to China in 2009. Board Report By .Kimberly Freize-Uhler and Alice Sullivan: Sullivan reported the Chamber recently went through a financial audit and the results were very good with only a couple of recommendations from the auditing company. Chamber staff is continuing to review the strategic plan and will be implementing many new programs this year. We will continue to review the plan throughout the year to reach the goals set for 2008. Sullivan reported the Chamber will be holding its annual State of the City Address on April 17~' at Pechanga. Sullivan also discussed the great partnerships the City has with the Community. Sullivan reported the County Supervisor has approved 9 $1,000 scholarships that will be given in the name of Ron Parks. Freize-Uhler announced the Golf Tournament will be May 2"d and sponsorships are available. Oven Discussion By Committee: Sullivan announced staff attended the ground breaking for the alternative fueling station on Diaz Road. They will be partnering with RTA and CR&R. Other Business The State of the City Address will be held.April 17"' at Pechanga Resort & Casino. The cost to attend will be $40 per person. The next mixer will be April 16"' at the Temecula Public Library on Pauba Road. The Sphere of Influence event will take place on April 22"d and the industry focus will be Weddings. Networking Breakfast will be held at BJ's Restaurant on April 23rd The Chamber's annual Golf Classic will be May 2m The Chamber Coffee Connection will be May 2nd from 8:00-9:30am at the Chamber office. Meeting adjourned: 8:59am -Thank you for your attendance. The Temecu/a Ya//eyChambe~ afCommerte is a business Organization of a/mostZ,400 members representing over25,000 emp/oyees. The Chamber works with city officio/s, /oca/businesses and the communityatlarge Eo promote the /oca/economy. TEIytECULA,.--' VALLEY (~ , -~ "` V~I~ E ~„ ~~ -'~C~F COMMERCE ZEADING THEWkY" Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Special Events Committee Update April 2008 2008 State of the Citv Address The 2008 State of the City Address was held on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at Pechanga Resort & Casino. The event "Winning Championships" was a huge success with over 540 in attendance. The Chamber appreciates both the new and some past sponsors to this year's event, which are Title Sponsors: DCH Auto Group of Temecula and North Island Credit Union, Program Sponsor: Commerce Bank of Temecula Valley, Corporate Partner: Pechanga Resort & Casino, and AfFliate Sponsors: Abbott Vascular, Bank of America Mortgage, Community Little Book Kaiser Permanente, Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury, San Diego County Credit Union, San Diego National Bank, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company, Southwest Healthcare and The Law Offices of Rosenstein 8c Hitzeman, AAPLC. 2008 Chamber Golf Classic The event is set to be held on Friday, May 2, 2008 at Temecula Creek Inn. Currently over 150 golfers are registered to attend. Paradise Chevrolet Cadillac will be presenting the event as the Title Sponsor. The committee is currently soliciting prizes for the drawings. 2008 Healthcare Symposium The committee is working on creating an event that will discuss current healthcare issues as well as easy ways to improve your health. SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL www.SouthwestCa[iforniaAdvocacy.biz Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce MEETING AGENDA Monday, April 21, 2008 12:OOpm Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Conference Room 26790 Ynez Court, Ste. A Temecula, CA 92591 Presiding: DennisFrank for Greg Morrison, Chair Call to Order and Roll Call Introduction of Guests Chair's Report • Recent Action Agenda 1. Aunroval of March 2008 Minutes ACTION 2. Caltrans' I-215 Widenin Protect INFORMATION 3. Proposition 98• Government Acquisition Regulation of Private Property ACTION 4. Proposition 99: Eminent Domain. Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence ACTION 5. Legislative Reuort #3 ACTION 6. Apuroval of a New Board Member ACTION Local, State, Federal Legislative Staff Updates Chamber Announcements • Murrieta Chamber's Annual Installation & Awards Dinner -South Coast Winery Resort & Spa -June 21s`, 2008 Announcements • California Chamber ~fCommerce Legislative Surnrnit. Mal: 2U-31, ?008. Adjourn The Southwest California Legislative Council Thanks Ovr Partners: Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury Metropolitan Water Disnict Near-Cal Corporation Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California The Gas Company Abbott Vasculaz Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce The Murrieta Temecula Group Temecula Valley Bank Arrowhead Credit Union Retail Development Advisors Corp. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce 1 CHAiR'S REPORT Southwest California Legislafive Council Apri121, 2008 Recent Action April 11, 2008 Submit Your Letter of Support on Two Important Transportation Proposals For Southwest California AB 1954 will allow for the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) to appl to the California Transportation Commission in regards to developing and operating high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, including the administration and operation of a value pricing program and exclusive or preferential lane facilities for public transit. C_1__i_c_k here to__subm__i_t Your letter of support on AB 1954! SB 1316 will give authority to the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) over the existing toll lane on State Highway Route 91 (SR-91) of the Riverside County portion. This bill essentially eliminates the Orange County Transportation Authority's (OCTA) rights and obligations of the riverside portion of SR-91. Click here to submit your letter of support on SB 1316! Y 'f! ~` `~' March 23, 2008 Southwest California Businesses Support Flexibility in the Workplace Proposal The Temecula Valley, Murrieta and Lake Elsinore Chambers of Commerce, through its ~~ regional business advocacy coalition the Southwest California Legislative Council, are cosponsoring and supporting the efforts of AB 2127. This proposed new law, authored ~~ by local Assembly Member John ]. Benoit, is designed to allow for employees and employers to have more flexibility in their work schedules. ~ Take Action! Click here to submit your letter. 3 ACTION AGENDA ITEM 1 Southwest California Legislative Council Apri121, 2008 Annroval of March 2008 Minutes SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL www.southwestcaliforniaadvocacv.biz Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce Murrieta Chamber of Commerce January 2008 SWCLC Meetine Minutes Monday, Mach 17, 2008 Chamber Advocacy: Shaun Lumachi 2008 Chair: Greg Morrison (Present) Directors Present: Kazen Wikert, Scott Crane, Lynn Effinger, Dennis Frank, Dr. Billie Blair, Isaac Lizartaga, Roger Ziemer, Gene Wunderlich, Glen Daigle, Michelle Penna .Directors Absent: Amy Minniear, Joan Spazkman, Cazl Johnson Members Present: Jeff Greene-Office of Kevin Jeffries,-Kati Reuther-Granite Constmction Tamra Ivliddlecamp-City of Temecula; Jolene Allted-Eastern Municipal Water District, Dave Wilhnon-League of California Cities, Jeff George-Wildomaz Chamber of Commerce, Denis Numrela-VitaLift, Vicki Carpenter-Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce, Kazen Brown- Congresswoman Mary Bono, Moms Myers-EDC, Imran Farooq-Green Valley Initiative, Larry Gilbert-Prop 98, Norma Arias-Lee, MWD, Dorena Ouattora-United Way, Adam Evantov-TMG Communications, Thomas McKenzie-Mission Oaks National Bank, Jolyh Murphy-Congressman Calvert's Office Staff Present: Alice Sullivan and Laura Tumbow -Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Kim Cousins -Lake Elsinore Chamber of Commerce Rex Oliver -Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Meeting called to order at 12:OSpm by Chairman Greg Morrison 1. Approval of January 2008 Minutes Motion was made to approve the February 2008 meeting as written. The motion was seconded and carried by a unanimous vote. 2. Chair's Renort -Transportation bill AB 1968 is scheduled to be heard on Monday, Mazch 24th. Morrison will be present at the hearing and speak on behalf of the SWCLC. E-Alerts were sent last. week addressing current issues. H.R. 5012 (Calvert) On Time Act -This legislation would provide arcade-based funding stream dedicated to high priority projects that will alleviated congestion in the nation's trade corridors. The bill would allow for a'/< of 1% bade fee (maximum of $500) on cargo entering through all ports of entry. The fees would be utilized To mitigate transportation projects throughout the U.S. Jolyn Murphy offered an overview on this bill. Riverside County would.. benefit as a great deal of cazgo travels through the county as it moves to other destinations. The motion was made to tentatively support the concept of this bill, contingent upon additional information on the economic impacts. The motion was seconded and carried by a unanimous vote. 4. Green Valley Initiative -Daniel Cozad and Imran Fazooq presented the Green Valley Initiative. Their mission is to transform the Riverside and San Bernazdino counties into a region that integrates people and business with natural resources to create jobs, greater oppomuuties and a higher quality of life. It is created to be a joint marketing effort for San Bernardino and Riverside counties to capitalize on green technologies and use as a unifying focus. They strive to create a balance of housing and employment and alleviate the need to couunute. The Green Valley Initiative requests the SWCLC's parficiparionby approving a resolution and appoinfing a coordinator to represent the group and assist with further development of the initiative. Individual chambers have the option to review and support the resolution or participate in this organization. 5. Propositions 98 & 99 -Larry Gilbert with Yesprop98.com addressed the council which prohibits a public agency from seizing private property for eminent domain for private use. Wilhnon stated that Prop 98 abolishes rent control in California. Willmon presented Proposition 99 which prohibits using eminent domain to take a home to transfer to another private party. Motions were made to continue Proposition 98 and 99 to the April meeting. The motions were seconded and carried by a unanimous vote. 6. Local, State and Federal Staff Undates Congresswoman Mary Bono-Mack- Kazen Brown distributed two handouts from Congresswoman Bono's office. Brown stated that homeowners can call (888) 995-HOPE regazding foreclosure assistance. Assembly member Kevin Jeffries Office - Jeff Greene distributed Assemblymember Jeffries bill package. City of Lake Elsinore -Cousins reported the Executive Duector of the Riverside County Transportation Committee will discuss the HOT lanes in I15 at the Luncheon Program on Thursday, Mazch 20, 2008 at the Diamond Club. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce -Oliver announced that the Reverse Drawing is set for Mazch 20, 2008 at Pechanga Resort & Casino. Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury is the key sponsor of this event. Their Installation banquet is set for June 21, 2008 at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce -Sullivan reported that State of the City is set fox April 17 at Pechanga Resort & Casino. Employers are needed for the Youth Job and Cazeer Fair, scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2008. A blood drive will be held on Mazch 19a' at Sizzler from 1:30 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. and is a replenishment drive for Will Sparkman. Meeting was adjourned at 1:20pm Next meeting will be Monday, Apri121, 2008 at the Temecula Chamber of Commerce, 26790 Ynez Court, Temecula, CA The Southwest California Legislative council thanks our partners: Southwest Riverside Country Association of Realtors Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury Metropolitan Water District Near-Cal Corporation Economic Development Corp. of Southwest California Elsinore Valley Municipal Water Dist. The Gas Company Abbott Vascular The Murrieta Temecula Group Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Arrowhead Credit Union Temecula Valley Bank Murrieta Chamber of Commerce Retail Development Advisors Corp. Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce INFORMATION AGENDA ITEM 2 Southwest California Legislative Council Apri121, 2008 Caltrans' I-215 Widenine Project Presentation Jeremy M. Harris Legislative Counsel Angela Meluski On Behalf of SANBAG San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) Information Item Only The SYVCLC will be updated on the Caltrans I-215 Yl'idening Project. Summary r This six-yeaz construction project involves adding amixed-flow lane and a carpool lane both northbound and southbound from just north of Interstate 10 to State Route 210. Flyover connectors from the 215 to the 210 will also be constructed as well as an auxiliary lane in each duecfion between 5th Street and the State Route 259 split, between 2nd Street and Mill Street, between 5th Street and Baseline, and in the southbound direction between the Route 210/I-215 interchange to University Pazkway. Sound walls and retaining walls will be constructed as well. Widening and realigning of the freeway will improve access to the west side of Interstate 215 and enhance safety with the.. removal of entrances and exits from the fast lane and the addition of more conventional diamond interchanges. The project is broken down into four phases with the first two well-underway at 5th Street Bridge and between Orange Show Road and Rialto Avenue. ACTION AGENDA ITEM 3 Southwest California Legislative Council Apri121, 2008 Proposition 98: Government Acquisition, Reeulation of Private Property Presentation Jeremy M. Harris Legislative Counsel Recommended Action Staff recommends a position of OPPOSE. Summary 1. Proposition 98, also known as the California Property Owners & Farmland Protection Act (CPOFPA) is on the ballot for the June 3, 2008 election. 2. Proposition 98 is a competing proposition with Proposition 99: Eminent Domain. Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence, also known as the Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act. 3. Proposition 98 aims to protect private property, including businesses and farms, from government profiting by seizing property from one private property owner and giving it to another private entity. 4. Private property may not be taken by eminent domain for private use under any circumstances (e.g. to build a shopping center, auto mall or industrial park). 5. Property maybe taken by eminent domain only for public use (e.g.. freeway construction, pazks, schools). 6. Property may not be taken by government and used for the same purposes (e.g. residential housing cannot be used for government housing). 7. Family farms and open space are protected from seizures by government for the purpose of selling the natural resources. Background 8. Provides full compensation to the property owner, even when property is seized for public projects. 9. Removes the current $10,000 cap on reimbursable expenses associated with legal or other expenses. 10. Property owners will be compensated for all reasonable costs associated with moving, loss of business, and reestablishment of the business. 11. Should a public agency take immediate possession of property, the owner is entitled to prompt release of the money offered while keeping the right to challenge the agency's offer, and its right to take the property. 12. Includes a provision that requires a public agency to return the seized property to its original owner if the public project is ever abandoned. Under this provision, property would also be taxed at the pre-condemnation value: This is known as the abandonment clause in the proposition. 13. Limits government's ability to decide the amount a property owner can charge to sell or lease his property. 14. Does not limit government's ability to use eminent domain for public projects like roads, pazks and water supply projects, nor does it limit local zoning ordinances and land use decisions, workplace regulations or projects that benefit the health and safety of a community or environment. Arguments in Support 15. The most controversial provision of the proposition is one that stops the government from setting "the price at which property owners sell or lease their property." It is argued, in a free society, it should not be controversial at all. 16. The Constitution of the State of Califomia provides that "All people by nature are free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property ..." Proposition 98 reaffirms and strengthens the private property protections set forth in our state consfitution. 17. According to Californians for Property Rights Protection, among the 1000 or more cases of eminent domain abuse in California, small business owners aze the most common victims. 18. Property rights are a fundamental, core value among California voters. Statewide survey research shows more than 67% support for an eminent domain reform ballot initiative -Republicans, Democrats, independents, seniors and baby boomers all support the initiative. 19. Enhanced farmland protections provided in this amendment increase support for this measure among environmentally concerned voters. Prohibiting sale or lease price regulations protects property owners when they sell or lease their property to others. 20. Nothing in Proposition 98 would prohibit or limit legitimate land use decisions, zoning, work place laws, or environmental protections. Nor would it expose public agencies to costly litigation. Arguments in Opposition 21. Wealthy landlords spent millions to get this proposition on the ballot to eliminate rent control as a hidden agenda and not about eminent domain. 22. Would allow landlords to raise. rents on seniors and working families by eliminating rent control. 23. Would stop future water projects, destroy local-use planning, erode. environmental protections and lead to higher taxpayer casts. 24. According to the Association of California Water Agencies Proposition 98 could deraIl needed groundwater and surface water storage projects aroundthe stateand calls this flaw in the measure "cause for alarm." 25. Proposition 98 could lead to thousands of fiivolous lawsuits and paralyze approval of new homes, businesses and other projects. 26. Opponents of Proposition 98 and Proponents of Proposition 99 azgue that in the definitions section of the Proposition 98 has a clause that would prohibit laws and regulations that "transfer an economic benefit to one or more private persons at the upense of the private owner. "Courts have ruled that virtually all local land-use decisions can transfer economic benefit from one party to another, which would lead to countless lawsuits. Supuort As of February 29, 2008 ' Central Solano Citizen/Taxpayer Group Property Rights Organizations Contra Costa Taxpayers Association Califomia Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights Howazd Jarvis Taxpayers Association Californians United for Redevelopment Education, Inland Empire Taxpayers Association Orange County League of Placer County Taxpayers Grantville Action Group National Tax Limitafion Committee Property Owners Association of Riverside County National Taxpayers Union Property Rights Alliance Sacramento County Taxpayers League Sonoma County Land Rights Coalition San Diego Tax Fighters Shasta County Taxpayers Association Taxpayer Groups Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association California Republican Taxpayers Association Sonoma County Taxpayers Association Califomia Taxpayer Protection Committee United Organizations of Taxpayers, Inc. United Taxpayers of Imperial County Ventura County Taxpayers Association Yolo County Taxpayers Association Agriculture California Canning Peach Association Califomia Dairies, Inc. California Farm Bureau Federation Fresno Cooperative Raisin Growers, Inc. Kern County Farm Bureau Al Montna, Montna Farms Nevada County Farm Bureau Sacramento County Farm Bureau San Diego County Farm Bureau Faith Based Capitol Resource Family Impact Victory Chapel, San Bernardino Business California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce National Federation of Independent Business Port Hueneme Chamber of Commerce Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council Housing Providers Apartment Association, Califomia Southern Cities Apartment Association of Greater Los Arigeles (AAGLA) Aparnnent Owner Association of California (AOA) Berkeley Property Owners Association California Housing Providers Coalition Califomia Mobilehome Parkowners Alliance Manufactured Housing Educational Tmst Manufactured Housing Institute Orange County Apartment Association Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association Political Califomia Federation of Republican Women. Califomia Republican Party Libertarian Party of Califomia Riverside County Libertarian Party Cities City of Rancho Santa Margarita City of Westminster Elected Officials -Statewide Senator Jim Battin Senator Dave Cox Senator Jeff Denham Senator Tom Harman Senator Dennis Hollingsworth Senator Tom McClintock Senator George Runner Assemblymember Toel Anderson Assemblymember John J. Benoit Assemblymember Chuck DeVore Assemblymember Ted Gaines Assemblymember Bob Huff Assemblymember Doug La Malfa Assemblymember Bill Maze Assemblymember Shazon Runner Assemblymember Jim Silva Assemblymember Audra Strickland Assemblymember Van Tran Assemblymember Mimi Walters Bill Leonazd, Boazd of Equalization Elected Officials -Local Stephen Atchley, Pomona City Council Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe City Council Jack Fuller, Oceanside City Council Kevin Hanley, Aubum City Council Calvin Hinton, Pacifica City Council Sue Home, Nevada County Boazd of Supervisors Bmce Kranz, Placer County Boazd of Supervisors Dan Logue, Yuba County Boazd of Supervisors Jack Lynch, Angels Camp City Council Jeff Miller, Corona City Council John Nicoletti, Yuba County Board of Supervisors Chris Norby, Orange County Board of Supervisors Glut Pringle, Anaheim City Council Gail Reavis, Mission Viejo City Council Leo Tmjillo, Santa Maria City Council Robert Twist, San Marino City Council Kurt Vander Weide, Turlock City Council Kim Dolbow Vann, Colusa County Boaxd of Supervisors Larry Wahl, Chico City Council Marie Waldron, Escondido City Council Eric Ziedrich, Healdsburg City Council OppOSQ As of February 29, 2008 Senior Rights Organizations AARP California Alliance for Retired Americans Older Women's Leage of California Gray Panthers Califomia San Francisco Gray Panthers Senior Action Network - Public Safety California Police Chiefs Association California Fire Chiefs Association Homeowner Rights Associations League of California Homeowners Golden State Manufactured-Home Owners League, Inc. (GSMOL) California Mobile Homes Resource and Action Association Coalition of Mobile Home Owners- Califomia Resident Owned Parks, Inc. (ROP) Califomia Coalition fox Rural Housing American Canyon Manufactured Home Owners Coalition Butte County Mobile-Home Owners Association GSMOL Chapter 1613 GSMOL Chapter 1539 GSMOL Chapter 1517 GSMOL Chapter 1279 GSMOL Chapter 708 Homeowners Association of Cameron Mobile Estates Mobile Home Owners Coalition Mobilehome Residents Alliance of Nevada County Mobile Pazks West Homeowners Association New Frontier Homeowner Association Neighborhood Friends Palos Verdes Shores Homeowners Association Santa Ana Mobile Home Owners Association Consumer Rights Organizations Consumer Federation of California Consumers Coalition of California Business California Black Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley Leadership Group Agriculture Western Growers Association Education California Teachers Association California School Boazds Association Association of California School Administrators Renter Advocates/Housing Providers Housing California California Housing Consortium (CHC) California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation Coalition for Economic Survival Coalition to Protect California Renters Tenants Together Eviction Defense Collaborative Coalition L.A. Council of Tenants- Los Angeles Evicfion Defense Network First Community Housing Housing Justice Campaign Community Housing Partnership Concilio de Inquilinos: Local 1012 Housing Rights Center Inquilinos Unidos Just Cause Oakland Lincoln Place Tenants Association Oakland Tenants Union San Diego Renters Union San Francisco Council of Community Houing Organizations San Francisco Tenants Union Santa Mohicans for Renters' Rights Tenderloin Housing Clinic (THC) Environmental National Wildlife Federation Sierra Club California California League of Conservation Voters Natural Resources Defense Council Wild Heritage Planners Defenders of WIldlife Environmental Defense Planning and Conservation League California Oak Foundation Greenbelt Alliance Healthy Homes Collaborative Mariposans for the Environment and Responsible Government Water Association of California Water Agencies Public Intetest/Community League of Women Voters of California Western Center on Law and Poverty San Francisco Planning and Urban Reseazch Association (SPUR) Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center Community Advocacy Center - Inner City Law Center Los Angeles Community Action Network Los Angeles Community Legal Center and Educational Miracle Mile Action Committee One Stop Imrnigration Counselor Our City People's CORE Union de Vecinos Labor State Building and Constmction Trades Council AFSCME 2712 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Marin County Building and Construction Trades Council Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance. Ethnic Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic Renaissance CDC Associations League of California Cities California State Association of Counties California Special Districts Association California Chapter of the American Planning Association California Redevelopment Association Faith California Church Impact. St. Anthony Foundation 10 ACTION AGENDA ITEM 4 Southwest California Legislative Council Apri121, 2008 Prouosition 99: Eminent Domain. Acquisition of Owner-Occupied Residence Presentation Jeremy M. Harris Legislative Counsel Recommended Acfion Staff recommends a position ofSUPPORT. Summary 1. Proposition 99, also known as the Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act is on the ballot for the June 3, 2008 election. 2. Proposition 99 is a competing proposition with Proposition 98: Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property also known as the California Property Owners & Farmland Protection Act (CPOFPA). 3. Aims to prohibit the government from using eminent domain to take a home to transfer to another private party. 4. Will not change state or local rent control laws or ordinances as Proposition 98 would abolish rent control. Background 5. Amends the California Constitution to respond specifically to the facts and the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Kelo v. City of New London, in which the Court held that it was permissible for a city to use eminent domain to take the home of a Connecticut woman for purpose of economic development. 6. Since that U.S. Supreme Court decision, more than 40 states have reformed their eminent domain laws. 7. Respects the decision of the voters to reject Proposition 90 in November 2006, a measure that included eminent domain reform but also included unrelated provisions that would have subjected taxpayers to enormous financial liability from a wide variety of traditional legislative and administrative actions to protect the public welfare. 8. Provides a comprehensive and exclusive basis in the California Constitution to compensate property owners when property is taken or damaged by state or local governments, without affecting legislative and administrative actions taken to protecf the public health, safety and welfaze. Arguments in Support 9. Tme eminent domain reform without the "hidden agenda" of eliminating rent control laws and ordinances. 10. Proposition 99 will not threaten California's water quality and supply as does Proposition 98, argued by proponents of this proposition. Arguments in Opposition 11. According to the Insritute of Justice, anon-profit organization, it says of Proposition 99, "Californians require real, substantive reform for everyone and the Act does not come close to providing it" 12. Argues that many provisions have been left out of Proposition 99, but are included in Proposition 98 such as "quick take" protection, abandonment clause and just compensation. Supporting 11 Homeowners League of California Homeowners Golden State Manufactured-Home Owners League, Inc. (GSMOL) California Mobile Homes Resource and Action Association Coalition of Mobile Home Owners- California Resident Owned Parks, Inc. (ROP) California Coalition for Rural Housing American Canyon Manufactured Home Owners Coalition Butte County Mobile-Home Owners Association GSMOL Chapter 1613 GSMOL Chapter 1539 GSMOL Chapter 1517 GSMOL Chapter 1279 GSMOL Chapter 708 Homeowners Association of Cameron Mobile Estates Mobdehome Residents Alliance of Nevada County Mobile Pazks West Homeowners Association New Frontier Homeowner Association Neighborhood Friends Palos Verdes Shores Homeowners Association Santa Ana Mobile Home Owners Association Senior California Alliance for Retired Americans Older Women's Leage of California Gray Panthers California San Francisco Gray Panthers Senior Action Network Public Safety California Police Chiefs Association California Fire Chiefs Association Environmental National Wildlife Federation Sierra Club California California League of Conservation Voters Natural Resources Defense Council Wild Heritage Planners Defenders of Wildlife Environmental Defense Planning and Conservation League California Oak Foundation Greenbelt Alliance Healthy Homes Collaborative Mariposans for the Environment and Responsible Government Business Silicon Valley Leadership Group Education- Association of California School Administrators Consumer Consumer Federation of California Consumers Coalition of California Faith California Church Impact Ethnic Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic Renaissance CDC Renter Advocates/Housing Providers Housing California California Housing Consortium (CHC) California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation Coalition to Protect California Renters Coalition for Economic Survival Eviction Defense Collaborative Tenants Together Coalition L.A. Concilio de Inquilinos: Local 1012 First Community Housing Housing Rights Center Inquilinos Unidos Just Cause Oakland Sacramento Mutual Housing Association San Diego Renters Union San Francisco Council of Community Honing Organizations San Francisco Tenants. Union Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights Tenderloin Housing Clinic (THC) Housing Justice Campaign Labor State Building and Constmction Trades Council SEIU 721 AFSCME 2712 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Marro County Building and Constmction Trades Council Ironworkers Union 433 Los Angeles Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance Public Interest/Community League of Women Voters of California Western Center on Law and Poverty Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center Community Advocacy Center Los Angeles Community Legal Center and Educational Los Angeles Community Action Network Miracle Mile Action Committee Our City People's CORE Union de Vecinos Associations League of California Cities California State Association of Counties California Special Districts Association California Chapter of the American Planning Association California Redevelopment Association Onaosine 12 As of February 29, 2008 National Federation of Independent Business Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Californians for Property Rights Protection 13 ACTION AGENDA ITEM 5 Southwest California Legislative Council April 21, 2008 Legislative Resort #3 Presentation Jeremy M. Harris Legislative Counsel Tabled Legislation H. R. 5102 tCalvertl ON TIME Act Recommended Position: SWCLC has conceptually supported KR. 5102. SWCLC asked Congressman Calvert's office to answer several questions and address some concerns from various board members as discussed at the March SWCLC meeting. Summary 1. The ON TIME Act is the Our Nation's Trade hrfrastmcture, Mobility and Efficiency Act. In its current fomr, this legislation will provide a frade-based funding stream dedicated to high priority projects that will alleviate congestion in the nation's trade corridors. 2. Examples of trade corridor improvements include truck-only freeway lanes (designed to free up other lanes) and underpasses or overpasses at train crossings so vehicles would no longer have to wait as trains crawl by. 3. The fee would be three-quarters of 1 percent of the value of each import or export shipment and capped at $500 per shipment. A shipment could be one or more cazgo containers. 4. It is estimated that the fee could raise $3 billion to $5 billion a yeaz annually during the 10-year life span of the bill. This includes up to $500 million a year for projects in Southern California. 5. The Act establishes an 80% federal, 20%non-federal funding matching requirement for projects within each state. 6. The ON TIME Act would sunset in 10 yeazs. Background The Goods Movement Challenge 7. The U.S and global economies continue to experience tremendous growth - driven lazgely by increases in international trade. 8. Increases in U.S. trade Have and will continue to result in an exponentially greater rise in the amount of goods moved into and out of our nation's ports of entry. 9. The growth in the amount of goods moving to and from our ports of entry increasingly concentrates transportation impacts in our nation's trade comdors. 10. Our nation lacks a national goods movement policy. Current funding mechanisms aze inadequate to address these specific challenges. Proposed Solution 1. The ON TIME Act would: o Direct Department of Transportation (DOT) to define National Trade Gateway Corridors; 14 o Establish strict and meaningful project eligibility; o Set forth a .075 % fee (capped at $500) on the value of freight moving in and out of our nation's ports of entry, all of which is dedicated to transportation proj ects in the Corridor in which it is collected; o Empower state transportation agencies to prioritize and select eligible projects; o Require an 80% Federal, 20%Non-Federal match; and Sunsets in 10 yeazs. 2. No more than 2% of the revenue generated by the fee will be set aside for administration of the fee. 2/3 of that 2% will go to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to collect the fee on the import side. 1/3 of that 2% will go to DHS and the Department of Commerce to collect the fee on the export side. 3. The Act apportions collected funds to State departments of transportation at a level equal to the annual amount of fees generated by the ports and gateways in each State. 4. Each State shall apportion its annual allotment of fees to eligible projects within the boundaries of the National Trade Gateway Corridor Fund. 5. Annual apportionments to eligible projects within the boundazies of a National Trade Gateway 6. Corridor must total the amount of fees collected at the Corridor's corresponding port or gateway. 7. If a comdor within the boundaries of one or more state the money will be distributed; 50% going to the total lane miles of Federal-Aid Highways and 50% going to the total vehicle miles traveled on lanes on Federal-Aid Highways. 8. The projects will be chosen by directing the Secretary to establish project selection guidelines which a State department of transportation shall follow in providing funds to eligible projects. 9. The selection guidelines shall include, but not be limited to, a requirement that a State department of transportation: o Consult with local governments, port authorities, regional planning organizations, as well as public and private freight stakeholders during the project selection process. o Adhere to already established metropolitan and/or statewide planning processes. Develop a selection process that is transparent, in writing, and publicly available. o Establish a process for rating proposed projects that clearly identifies the basis for rating projects in accordance with the purpose of this act. 10. The Secretary of Transportation shall allocate money to State transportation departments for eligible projects. 1 L .The National Trade Gateway Corridor defines that corridors cannot extend more than 300 miles from a port of entry. 12. The Secretary can determine that only a single corridor is necessary for multiple ports of entry. 13. The Secretary shall release its proposed National Trade Gateway Corridors no later than 180 days after the enactment of this law. 14. The Secretary will allow for 45 days of public comments by the public to receive comments regarding the boundaries of the corridors 15. The Secretary shall release its final National Trade Gateway Comdors no later than 360 days after the enactment of this law. 16. Directs the Secretary to issue regulations to carry out the objectives of the Act no later than one year after enactment. 17. Defines "eligible project" as a project or activity eligible for assistance under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code, or a publicly-owned interrnodal freight transfer facilities, access to the facilities, and operational improvements for the facilities (including capital investment for intelligent transportation systems), except that projects located within the boundaries of port temrinals shall only include the surface transportation infrastrncture modifications necessary to facilitate direct intermodal interchange, transfer, and access into and out of the port. SWCLC questions on H.R 5102 (Calvert) On TIME Act 18. What is the definition of a "container"? 15 A container is the actual physical entity that contains the shipment. 19. If a ship comes into port with a total of $4 million worth of goods butit is technically four "containers" valued at $1 million each, would they be chatged $500 for the entire ship or would each "container" be chazged $500 totaling $2000? The fee (.075% and capped at $500) is assessed to the shipment. Multiple shipments may be included in a container or scattered throughout many containers (or such as 4 containers as stated in the example above). 20. What if there are multiple "shippers" on one ship, how is the fee assessed? Each "shipper" is assessed the fee based on what is being shipped. 21. Do you have any numbers of the economic impact this fee would have on our local businesses? An example that was given by the Temecula ChambeYwas a local business has hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise (furniture) at the LA/Long Beach Port that they are not able to financially pay for. They are concerned that adding this fee will place further burdens on local businesses. The way the fee is structured helps us minimize the impact to businesses. Taking the example ofabove lets assume the company has $750,000 worth offurniture at the port. They would be assessed a fee of $500 when the furniture entered the U.S. If they are not the Beneficial Cargo Owner (BCO) at the time the items land in the US they would not be responsible. 22. Do you have any statistics on the amount of goods that enter at the LA/Long Beach Port that actually stay in Southern California? Congressman Calvert's offzce does not track, nor have any statistics, however anecdotally its believed to be around 40%. 23. Please explain the 2% cap on the administrafion costs. Is that 2% for the federal, state and local administration costs? They do not believe that 2% is sufficient to run this program The 2% cap on administration costs is for federal regulation/administration of the fee and at the federal level only. The On Time Act uses existing processes already in place and the US. Customs paperwork to administer the collection of the fee. The Act does not create additional bureaucracy. 24. Are you awaze of any other fees added on to imports that specifically go towards local infrastructure? There are several initiatives at the State level and at the port level. The funds from these programs are usually dispersed between many. d~erent "needs"and sometimes that includes infrastructure. Our bill is the only one that would dedicate every dollar to specific. transportation projects in areas they are most needed. We are also looking at pre-emption clauses that would stop state and local authorities from tacking on more fees for infrastructure. 25. This money does have to go through the State of California Deparhnent of Transportation, what guazantees do we have that the state will not siphon off some of the money and use it for other purposes (like they did with the state lottery money which was supposed to go to education)? The understanding is that these are federal monies collected via the On TIME Act Fee and can only be used for transportation related purposes (grade separations, road improvements, etc.) for the Act's defined trade gateway corridors (corridors extending 300 miles from the port collecting the fee). However, iffunds are siphoned/borrowed, restrictions are in place for the repayment of these fees. More bluntly it would be against the law to siphon or barrow money from each National Gateway Corridor account. 26. Is there a way to add a penalty clause to the legislation if the State uses the money for other purposes? A non issue based on the answer to question 8. 27. Has the California Chamber of Commerce taken a position on this legislation? 16 Currently, the Calchamber does not have a position on HR. 5102, however is tracking it as it moves through the necessary processes. New Legislation SB 1539 (Calderon) Meal Periods Recommended Position SUPPORT Summary 1. SB 1539 would allow the following: a. Employer shall provide an employee with one off-duty meal period after an employee has worked 5 hours per workday before the employee completes 6 hours of work. b. If an employee works no more than 6 hours per workday, the employer and employee may agree to waive the employer's duty of providing the employee with a meal period. c. Employer shall provide an employee who works more than 10 hours per day in a workday with a second off-duty meal period. d. If an employee works no more than 12 hours in a workday, the employer and employee may agree to waive the employer's duty of providing the employee with either the first or the second meal period, but not both. Background 2. Current law states that anon-exempt employee may not work more than five hours in a workday without being provided with a 30-minute meal period. 3. These provisions have been interpreted in vazious ways by state enforcement officials and the courts, contributing to significant confusion. 4. This confusion has lead to costly litigation against California businesses that now may face closure due to exorbitant settlements. 5. Meal period disputes aze currently 40 percent of all California class-action lawsuits and approximately half of all employment-related lawsuits filed in California each year. 6. Current enforcement interpretation requires the following: a. Employer must compel the worker to cease work during the meal period which requires the employer to police its workforce, watch the clock to ensure the meal period is taken at the prescribed time, for the entire time and without interruption. b. Employee may not voluntarily skip the meal period. c. Employee may not take the meal period at another time. d. Employee may not return eazly, leave late or do any work during the meal period. e. Non-compliaht, independent employee action with regards to their meal period creates a liability for the employer. £ The conditions which permit an on-duty meal period are so rigidly interpreted that most workplaces which should appropriately permit on-duty meal periods do not qualify. g. There is confusion over when the meal period should commence. 17 h. As a result of a recent court challenge, a collective bazgaining agreement does not supersede the statute (Beazden v. Borax). 7. To avoid liability under these interpretations, some employers have had to discipline or dischazge employees for not taking meal periods as directed. Arguments in Opposition None at this time. Opposing None at this time. Arguments in Support 8. SB 1539 will provide clarity and guidance for the compliance and enforcement of meal period laws. 9. This bill is a comprehensive solution that serves employers and employees across all. industries regazdless of size or union status, providing clarification so employees have the opportunity to take meal breaks, enter into on-duty meal period agreements in appropriate situations, and collectively bazgain for meal periods. t 0. Provides a comprehensive solution to compliance and enforcement of meal period laws that provides clazity and flexibility to employers and employees across all industries regazdless of employer size or union status in California. 11. SB 1539 provides a comprehensive solution to provide employees with flexibility, clarify when an employer and employee can enter into an on-duty meal period agreement, and addresses collective bazgaining agreements with respect to meal periods. Supporting California Chamber of Commerce California Manufacturers & Technology Association AB 2383 (Ruskin) Social Security Numbers Recommended Position: OPPOSE Summary 1. Prohibits a retail business from soliciting, requiring, or using an individual's social security number for any purpose unless that number is necessary for that business's normal course of business and there is a specific use for that number for which no other number may be used. 2. Requues that a retail business meet certain requirements with respect to any requested social security number. Background 3. Requires the use of apoint-of--sale (POS) device that encrypts the number before. transmission. 4. A retail business or a landlord that solicits, requires, or uses an individual's social security number shall meet all of the following requirements with respect to any requested social security number: a. The manner of the request shall not require the speaking of that number. b. The requestor-shall receive the number through a device that encrypts or secures the number on receipt. c. The number shall remain encrypted or secured in transmission and in any subsequent storage. 18 d. The number shall not be retained any longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was solicited. 5. Defines "Landlord" to mean a person or entity that offers, or arranges for, the rental of dwelling units, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 1940 of the Civil Code, when the entity offers, or arranges fox, the rental of 16 or more dwelling units per yeaz. 6. Defines "Retail business" to mean an entity that is engaged in the business of selling, renting, ox leasing goods to the public. A retail business does not include a supervised financial institution, as defined in pazagraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Secrion 22154 of the Financial Code. A retail business does not include any individual, firm, company, association, organization, partnership limited liability company, or corporation engaged in the business of insurance that is licensed or regulated by the Department of Insurance. 7. Defines "Social security number" to mean any consecutive portion of a social security number of three digits or more. Arguments in Opposition 8. AB 2383 is so broadly written that it prohibits use of social security numbers in any transaction made over phones. 9. Calling into check on a consumer account that uses the last four numbers of a social security number, as verification of the account holder over the telephone will be prohibited because phone lines do not encrypt the information. 10. Small independent retailers will be disadvantaged. Most have service contracts with vendors for POS devices and softwaze that allow them to accept credit and debit cards but not necessarily the ability to upgrade to a different system to accommodate the terms of this bill. 11. Indeed it may require an entirely different system. Furthermore, consumers maybe adversely affected by the lack of instant credit currently available in many retail stores and kiosks because those stores do not possess encrypted POS devices. Opposing California Chamber of Commerce Arguments in Support 12. The bill aims to protect individuals from unnecessazy access to their social security number. Supporting Califomia Office of Privacy Protection AB 2716 (Mal Emnlovment: Paid Sick Leave Recommended Position OPPOSE Summary 1. Unreasonably expands employer's costs and liability for a new protected and paid sick leave for employees. 2. AB 2716 mandates that all employers provide paid sick leave to an employee after seven days of workm a calendar year to caze for their own illness, or to provide care to a sick child, spouse; domestic pamrer, other relative, or some other person that they designate. 3. The mandate would extend to all employers and all employees, as specified. There aze no exceptions. Background 19 4. Most California employers participate in the California State Disability Insurance program (SDI), which is paid for through payroll deductions and provides temporary disability benefits for employees who aze disabled by anon-work- related illness or injury. 5. The employer is not required by law to offer paid sick leave to employees in addition to mandated SDI benefits. 6. In fact, payment of sick leave may reduce the SDI benefits to which an individual is entitled. 7. Many California employers provide paid sick leave and/or paid vacation time even though current law does not require it. 8. .Under current law, un1_ike vacation days, sick leave does not accme nor vest. Therefore, any unused sick leave maybe forfeited at the end of a designated period of time. 9. AB 2716 proposes to require unused paid sick time to cany over from yeaz to year. 10. Furthermore, AB 2716 proposes to expand current law: a. Requires employers to include on the itemized wage statement the paid sick leave accmed and used. b. Requires employers to allow employees who have no spouse or registered domestic partner to designate another person as to whom employees may use paid sick leave to care for. There is no requirement for a familial relationship. c. Requires the Department of Industrial Relations to administer and enforce the bill's provisions, including the promulgation of regulations, investigation of complaints, autigation, and relief of violations of these requirements. d. The bill- does not provide for state fundmg or appropriations for these requirements. At a time when the state budget is facing a huge deficit, it does not make sense to establish spending for enforcement of a new program that seeks to further depress our economy. e. .Establishes new sanctions and rights of action against employers related to this new paid protected leave. Under this bill, employers would be subjected to civil action in court and/or fines through the Department of Labor Standards Enforcement. California employers already operate under complex and punitive labor laws. Expanding leave opportunities for employees while creating new liabilifies for employers would further exacerbate this problem by layering on additional cost pressures for businesses I1. AB 2716 further expands employer liability by creating a rebuttable presumption of unlawful retaliation if an employer denies an employee's use of sick leave, or takes any adverse employment action towazds an employee that has filed a complaint or used theirpaid sick days. Arguments in Support 12. If enacted, AB 2716 would make California the first state in the nation to ensure paid sick days to all workers. 13. Neazly six million working Californians currently receive zero paid sick days through their employers. 14. AB 2716 will allow workers to earn paid sick days, which they can use for personal illness, family medical issues and to recover from domestic violence or assault. 15. A recent poll conducted by UCLA professor Ruth Millanan shows overwhelming support by Californians from all wallcs of life for paid sick days legislation. A large majority - 88 percent - of California adults surveyed indicated that they "agreed" or "agreed strongly" that there should be a law guaranteeing paid sick days for all California workers. 16. In 2006, San Francisco voters passed Proposition F that provided all workers in the city with the ability to earn and use paid sick days. Supporting California Labor Federation 20 Arguments in Opposition 17. The ever-increasing burden of costly mandates on employers can cumulatively result in lower wages, reducing available health insurance, limiting training programs and - in the worst case scenario- job loss or teduced work hours. 18. In an already troubled economy California should be seeking ways to stimulate job growth and avoid forcing costly mandates on employers. 19. Increasing the number of circumstances under which an employee is entitled to leave would cause undue hardships for employers. Employee absences are dismptive and interfere with production, necessitating reassignment of work and causing increased costs. Opposing California Chamber of Commerce SB 1240 (Kehoel: Air Pollution: Low-Carbon Fuel Standards Recommended Position OPPOSE Summary 1. SB 1240 requires the California Air Resources Boazd (ARB) to develop, implement, and enforce aloes-carbon fuel standazd to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels in California. 2. This bill requires on or before January 1, 2010 that ARB develops, implement, and enforce aloes-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) that achieves the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and at least a 10 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in furtherance of the greenhouse gas emissions limit established in AB 32. 3. The standard shall apply to all refiners, blenders, producers, and importers of transportation fuels in California. Background 4. In 2005, the Legislature passed AB 1007 (Pavley), which requires the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (CEC), in partnership with ARB and other specified state agencies, to develop and adopt a state plan to increase the use of alternative transportation fuels not later than June 30, 2007. The CEC adopted this plan in December 2002 5. In 2006, the Legislature passed AB 32 (Nunez), to establish a statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit such that by 2020 California reduces its greenhouse gas emissions to the level they were in 1990. Last yeaz, ARB included implementing aloes-cazbon fuel standard as an early action measure in meeting the goals of AB 32. 6. In January 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-O1-07 in which he ordered the establishment of a statewide goal of reducing the carbon intensity of California's transportation fuels by at least 10 percent by 2020 and ordered ARB to establish a LCFS for the state. 7. ARB is issuing the first draft of the LCFS regulation for public comment this month, and ARB staff that the ARB is on schedule to consider adoption of the low-carbon fuel standazd in December 2008. Arguments in Support 8. This bill provides necessary and helpful legislative direction that will assist, and not impede, the implementation of the low carbon fuel standard and ensure that fuels meet important air quality, environmental, sustainability and environmental justice criteria. 9. The author introduced this bill to codify aloes-cazbon fuel standazd rather than rely on an executive order. 21 10. The LCFS requires additional oversight, guidelines, and authorization. This bill makes the LCFS a statutory requirement and provides that it shall be implemented without weakening existing air quality laws and regulations. 11. This bill also subjects the LCFS to periodic reviews to identify its significant environmental and other impacts. The bill requires ARB to adjust the LCFS to address the identified impacts. Supporting American Lung Association Natural Resources Defense Council Arguments in Opposition 12. SB 1240 interferes with the development of a competitive alternative fuels mazket and threatens job creation in California by creating a costly Low Carbon Fuel Standard that conflicts with the existing standard created by Governor's Executive Order 5-7-04. 13. In order to meet increasing consumer demand, it is necessary that the fuels market is full of options and represents a mix of alternatives. 14. However, unlike the Governor's Execufive Order, this bill would limit the fuel technology providers could use to meet the 10% reduction standard. 15. Last year Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law the world's most sweeping legislation to control global greenhouse gas emissions, Assembly Bi1132. 16. This groundbreaking legislation establishes a process for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and requires the development of a comprehensive plan in a balanced and expeditious manner, including encouraging the use of alternative fuels. 17. The California Air Resources Board has been tasked with the duty to explore and develop regulatons to achieve the reductions required under AB 32. This process is currently underway. 18. SB 1240 (Kehoe) however, ignores this planning and prejudges. the outcome of AB 32 and the Governor's Low Carbon Fuel Standazd as created in his Executive Order eazlier this year. Opposing California Chamber of Commerce California Manufacturers and Technology Association Current Positions State Le¢islation Bill Author Title Position Status AB 1954 Jeffries High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Support 02/25/08 Passed out of committee AB 1968 Jeffries Transportation Infrastructure Emergencies Support 11/14/07 Bill pulled AB 2127 Benoit Small Business Family Scheduling Option 2008 Support 01/28/08 Failed SB 1316 Correa Transportation Facilities: Tolls: Orange & Riverside Support 02/25/08 Federal Lee islation Bill Author Title Position H.R 3195 Hoyer Restore Intent & Protection of the ADA of 1990 Oppose 02/25/08 22 ACTION AGENDA ITEM 6 Southwest California Legislative Council Apri121, 2008 Apuroval of a New Board Member Presentation Greg Morrison SWCLC Chair Kim Cousins PresidenUCEO Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce Recommended Action Review and approve Lake Elsinore Palley Chamber's appointed member to the SYVCLC board of directors. Background 1. The SWCLC has currently one vacancy on its boazd of directors. 2. The one (1) vacancy is from the Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce. 3. Chair Momson, in consultation, with the Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce President/CEO, Kim Cousins, recommends the approval of: Merrcy Moore Community Manager Ridgestone Apartments 23 Gl "°i : , ~~ . .,.:.._. _..__~,:. ~ ~.~,.:~-sue ....._..._~ ~ ~;~ .,~.,:..~..__~_._..~a-=~,._,..~r~;~ 4.. `~ ~ax ..~.... _,.~_~..,_...,_ ________a ..._.__ , ._ :_ Meeting Facilitator: Stevie Field, Executive Director Directors: Stevie Field, Economic Gloria Wolnick, City of Alliance Temecula Cathy Barrozo, City of Lake Sherrie Jared, County of Elsinore Riverside 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Agenda 3. Minutes 4. Financial Report 5. New Business 6. Continuing Business 7. Open Discussion e Cfr"4 .~ 6W2~- e -.,x~° 9n-:29..-? -i~mv... mwi~ ~~13 ^va3~~ ~m~~va'da L .Meeting Called to Order at 3:OSpm 2. Agenda -Motion to approve agenda by Cathy Barrozo and seconded by Gloria Wohrick 3. Minutes -Motion to approve minutes by Cathy Barrozo and seconded by Gloria Wolnick 4. Financial Report- Motion to approve financial report by Cathy Barrozo and seconded by Sherrie Jared 5. New Business - a. Southwest Airlines renewed contract, 15 new tickets valued at $600.00 each. We can turn in old tickets for a fee $50.00 each and get new tickets valued at $600.00 a piece. They are currently promoting their Business Select. b. Alliance Fiscal Year 08/09 -Press release new projects that have been approved by Supervisors council. c. Partnership/Membership - Make a list of all memberships that we belong to and how much they cost. d. Team California - We will join Team Ca and send them a ck. For $3000.00 for membership and last years Corel e. May Broker Breakfast -The next Broker Breakfast will be held on May 29, at 7:30am. £ Fall Site Selector Event- Fall site Selector Event will beheld in October; Golf. Wine tasting„ rent a coach bus a a tour. Developer can sponsor and attend the event. Partner with CVB's. g. Success story, what constitutes a success story, land development, etc. h. April meeting reschedule -April's meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday Apri130, at 8:OOam at the Frenc Valley Airport. 6. Continuing Business - a. CoreNet/Bio - at CoreNet/Bio the lounge will be a place to sit, have refreshments, music, and a fun environment b. Website - we are working on website updates. 7. Open Discussion a. Alliance Monthly Update b. City County Update i. Lake Elsinore ii. Murrieta iii. Temecula iv. County of Riverside 8.. Adjourn -Motion was made to adjourn meeting at 4:45pm by Cathy Barrozo and seconded by Sherrie Jared. 9. 10. ~ ct ..... _.:.... .. y ... ~ .. ~a u' d~ :'~.T~ 3 gn u`~s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl a ~ ~ ._ .. -~- ,, a.,_ xa=a .,...n -xy axe. ~t..~a~ -~,s.~os _..:.._., _, _~ -~~_mey.-.Fa~.».:_ :;:.~,;+..;~ ~011o~~p ' April