HomeMy WebLinkAboutParcel Map 17440 Parcel 3 Precise Grading & Storm Drain 0I IL 41 ' .i,. Rancho Califncr►la' it I 0 (J) E LO I "Mae%" TPROJECT � ° HS � � Q VICINITY MAP � � � > LO O � � (1) 0 O N. ND FIGS gHatt 8E P1406-0 ON EXISr/N6- OROUNp UAITItTHE ROUNQ KSSU) 8C.-CA1 OfffiRED OF WIFEL9, DEBQIS� ANa OTNEIZ Ll=!fT&RIOUS MATERIgC. THE0 /A\ 11 IN 11 A r�� 7 RD 11 A K11c� U Cd pQOJECT S011g &VIONCER SNAG 09,96*Rve THE 6W)DOX-0 wowo SUQFUCE +-I OF FICC akFfig P��Oa TO P140CMIFNr OF ANSI FlIt. /-?CC FICG MgTFR�qG SNAU, � a � Q 3E COMR.40TUO ro A MINIMUM OF go% OF M4XIMUM JEWS/TY AS ° 8y ASTM TEST METHO.0 a /557. 7K& PRGVECT SOl64Z)ErE-2M11VE0 �NEEQ, OR A REl'aESENrATNE OF THE SAME, SHAI.0 $E PRESENT v •° W VURINO- Fltt P08CMENr 7-0 089ERVE SOlC CONOIROWN0- 4NO LO WIMPACTION PROCEE2/N89 r� e Q LO (D � O � Vtoyobi�10 OU26t- lr� GENERAL NOTES �� �5, FFor .0i8 $ 20 �� o -- 1060 - -- 1060 - 3 � 1. All grading shall conform to the Uniform Building Code, Chapter 70, as 1059 cqo 3.� W� emended by Ordinance 457. - 1058 - v1 U<�/ I 0. 0 m� 2. Minimum building pad and drainage swalesloFe shall be =1% if cut or - 1057 - �� ' qp' V ►� fill is less than 10' ,2 if cut or fill is greater than 10' . Drainage - 1056 - � q' �^ti^� - 1055 � LL0 swales shall be a minimum of 0.2' deep and be constructed a minimum of; � �a• da r%*ft 2' From the top of cut or fill slopes. - 1055 -1054 ��� o0 3•� Q � - LO 3. Maximum cut and fill slope = 2:1 . - 1053 iN . 4. Provide 5' wide by 1 ' high berm or equivalent along the top of all - 1052 - ` c� X fill ;..-)-,,Lopes over „ � :,i.�h, - 1051 - "^ - - G 1050 0 @OWN" m 5. All grading shall be done under the supervision of a competent soils - 10500 ONE" - engineer who shall certify that all fill has been properly placed and (13who shall submit a final compaction report for all fills over 1 ' deep. r Are SECTION A,,--,A---., istered Civil En ineer shall submit to the Building and Safety6. g 9 � Qr Department written certification of completion of rough grading in accordance with the approved grading plan prior to issuance of the building permit. Certification shall be to line, grade, elevation and location of cut fill slopes. 7. Provide a brow ditch, designed to handle 100 year Q storm flows, along � tG top cut of s1oF�. h� 8. Final compaction report will be required for all fills greater than one toot. - 12' - 1060 - 9. All grading shall be done in conformance with recommendations of the 1060 preliminary soils investigation bIna � p y 9 Y k d Gaw�„o�er S�Co. . - 1059 - dace�: 8-ZZ 89 Two sets of the Final uc��•action report _ _ s��? b��6� p��'' s�`�� �I v��`��� shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department which shall 1058 Z% 2�0 '��� include foundation design recommendations and certification that - 1057 - y S �- s grading has been done in conformance with the recommendations of the - 1056 - �\ preliminary soils report. - 1055 1055 - 10. The contractor shall notify the District Building and safety - (054 - Department at least 24 hours in advance requesting finish lot grade and drainage inspection. This inspection must be approved prior to - 1053 - building permit final inspection per each lot. - 1052 - 11 . Cut slopes equal to or greater than 5' in vertical height and fill - 1051 slopes equal to or greater than 3' in vertical height shall be planted - 1050 with grass or ground cover to protect the slope from erosion and - 1050 - instability in accordance with Ordinance No. 457 prior to the approval ' O VJ of final inspection. "APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY OR ITS AGENTS DOES LEGEND NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT AND HIS ENGINEER FROM THE 72, SEC Q84V6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS O - Exist. Center Line -- Exist. Property Line SECTION B�BI DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. UPON REgUEST, THE.-, .,,. .,r ,h; h f> > > � APPROPRIATE PLAN REVISIONS SHALL BE PROMPTLY ,,SUBMITTED �� Q '�. I,. stPtr s�Opir.4 t,.rrain .,..c.. G �»n 4 c . ._ � �� to he placed, it ___ must ►.;e cleared, YeyCc1, ar.d ixncnec.� i�,i.� �i.�u �:atucal �uil roc ,:��I� Exist. Rlyht-Of-Way TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. support. Preparation shall be approved by a Registered Engineer prior W Exist. Waterline CjENERAL NOTES FOR STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION U Q to placement of Fill material. 50/7EXist, Sewer Line gas Exist. Gds Line W .� nu h rad�no operations and prior to construction of peCmc�?�t Fm Exist. Force Main I. An encroachment permit Is requked before any work may begin to or Haar 9. Structural section shown wffMn the State right of way is for estimating � Z ]9. r�r�.na r q g � P �r�y,,,,y� w���rF��' t�;n,�,c,14rY c:.U;.,�age c�r►tro]. Ghould w.. r.. .:.`�� *c Tei Exist. Telephone Line the State right of way. purposes only. The actual section r+M be desi9t�d by a f0M �°er � n/ prevent ponding water and damage to adjacent properties. -�r- EXI81. POWeI' P018 after native soN testing hog bNn eompNt�d. A fra/fle index (TO of 53.?� Exist. EIeVOtlofl 2. AN work within the State right of way shall conform to the latest State ��9 shall be used In the design of the travelled way, and a TI of _ ]5. Dust shall be controlled by watering or other approved methods. Standard Plana and Specifications or as directed by the State's repro- �0 shall be used for the shoulder deaign. The laboratory reports �' � n/ ---- Exist. Contour Elev. sentative. and the design calculations shah be submitted to the States repreaen ��■■ ct site must continue to Exist. Pavement totive for approval prior to construction of the structural section. V 16. All existing drainage courses on the probe �,� function, especially during storm conditions. Protective measures and � Exist. Water VOIV9 3. No equipment or materials may be stored on the State right of way. temporary drainage provisions must �e used to protect adjoining � Exist. Fire Hydrant 10. All State drainage structures must first be completely cleaned o� debris P� Y 9 W properties during grading operations. - - Exist. Storm Drain Pipe 4, All disturbed areas in the State right of way must be treated for erosion and/or silt, by the contractor prior to making the connection. Exists control (hydro:eedk�q or equivalent, or as directed by the State's ropre- Sewer Manhole sentotive). The reaponsibNify for mo(ntdnGnq erosion control will not be II. The contractor shall be reaponalbte for (nsurtnq that any State drainage 17. Stability calculations with a factor of at least one and five tenth New Curb, Gutter 8 Sidewalkopera- (1 ,5) W (1 .5) shall be submitted by a Soils engineer to the Building and released until the seeding is well estobUahed. The contractor will be facility which la connected to or directly affected by contractor's opera- � p� �th�r removed a relocated by the contractor. • New 0.30' A.C. on 0.60' A.B.C. (Class ]I A.B. responsible for the coat of Caltrans cleaning any drdnage structures and tion shall be clean and operotlonal prior to final acceptance of permit 15. AN eonfNetinq slgra ^ Safety Department for cut and fill slopes over 30 in vertical height. work by Stole. Adequate clean-outs and access openfnga shall be R�otabl� i{gns shah be inataNed as speclfhd on pias: or as determined L.L. ♦ ^ Q New 0.33' P.C.C. on 0.33' A.B.C. (Class II A.B. channels which have become cluttered with debris and/or aNt as a roault q right d certification of building pad elevation. Where specific elevations IOS2.0 in the ft�ld by the State's rtpr�s�ntative. of, or caused by, the construction protec . provided in any construction within the State's ri t of way for future 18. A Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor shall submit o � � � . � o.�d New 0.50 P.C.C. Oh 0.33 A.B.C. (Class IL A.B. tmdntona�ee and repair work, as needed. This work shill be turnitheNeW Top of Curb Elevation sewn w�l be mo(ntolned at ull times (work ins{de df no cost to ttt� 3tat�. 16. AM eonfNctMp striping and pav�►t markings not shown on the plans are required the elevation (with respect to mean sea level) shall be �p52.00G. New GU1fe1' EIeVOti0t1 5. Access control on the freeway �{ State rift of way must be fenced oft with no access to work area from shots b� removed from the pavement by sandblasti►q by the contractor. given. If an elevation with respect to adjacent ground surface is �pg� New Pavement Elevation freewa I. 12. WhK� survey mor�x�ent� exists such monuments shell be protected or 9 Y required, the actual distance above the adjacent ground shall be �pg2,00 slab NeW Concrete Elevation shah b� referenced and reset, pursuant to Business and Professions Code, 17, qN s�ph stripk►q and pov�nt marktnq� shah b� to eoMormone� wNh '��ep S/W closed or obstructed at any Sections 8700 to 8805 (Land Surveyor's Act). the current edition of the "Traffic Manual" pubN:hed by the State of ��~ �� given. ��g2•�� New Sidewalk Elevation 6, No freeway ramps a freeway lanes may be shall be planted with Rosea Ice - Direction of Flow time,, unless speciticaMy allowed in the encroachment permit and/or as California,, Deportment of Transportation; and the Special Provisions. � ����� railed slopes representative. 13. The pav�t mwt be cut 2' from the � of pavement. The •awcufa � O � w 19. EROSION CONTROL: A11 g Pe P directed by the State's r��s t Plant at 12" on centers or another approved ground cover. Slopes over must b� p�rp�nd{culor parallel to the State Mghway centerline. 18. The exact locot{on of oN sign s shill be determined In the field by the � p��, a��,�� 15' in vertical height, in addition to ground cover, shall be planted EARTHWORK 7. AN fences relocated to faci�tafe construction of WS project inside State State's representative. � \ ��' �t'3�`93 with approved trees, shrubs, or combination thereof. Shrubs shall be ESTIMATED ' on centers; trees 20' on center; combinations, 15' on ONSITE FILL - 6358 CU. YD. right of way shall be replaced with CL-6 fence, as shown M the State's Iq, AN slant, roadside makers, electroNers, etc., shall be protected and/or planted at 10 � Standad Pram, or bloat woN M accordance wffh acceptab{e locd agency rtp{ae�d in kind to the current State Standard Plans and current Traifte �,�; •,.,,� � Slopes ' vertical height shall have permanent _ YD. Morlual, of no costto the 5tot�.centers. ..lopes over 4 in 9 CUT 0 CU. standards. eppr. �• � ices r U.P.C. f� ���� irrigation systems with bac.,flow prevention devices per Chapter lo.r. ACCESS ROAD FILL- 705 CU. YD. 8, where Type CL-6 t«�c� does not exbt, the right of way fence mwt pM N41 4 OEEEWOEXNW�be upgraded to Type CL-6 tes, as shown in the Standard Ptaa.ntdace 20. Finish grade shall be sloped away from all exterior walls at not less REVISIONS: PREPARED BY: Hype ", r foot for a minimum of 3 feet. � ���� MARKHAM 8+ ASSOCIATES CITY OF TEMECULA NeW`�m��m1�89 EI�NC�NVEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTOR �N � 41750 Winchester Rd., ste. NFacllmy drown than 1,2 pe 21. "No obstruction of flood plains or natural water courses shall be 2•1/2�� Bross Cop in Concrete CyUnder R.C.E. N0. 23464 REGISTRATION EXPIRES 12 /31/93 Temecula, Co. 92590 GRADING 8 DRAINAGE PLAN B.' . permitted".. 'l1w orattsberx.'e am location of any unoecgraxa utilities or structures shown p� �d� are obtained by a search of available records. 'Ib the best Marked T-2-81 (09 South o1 the � ppT�; 2�A�/G92 (714) 676 ' 6672 �� prat. shoot 22. All property corners shall be clearly delineated in the field prior to �, of Highway T9 at the N.E. Fence Q Q�J0►��V�vJA ADD CUe��ue►.i 5E�5K ' SCALE: BENCH MARK:P of avor Mtr+o�+1�0g� there are no existing utilities ext t those sham on thisY � APPROVED BY: &C. # � of construction railing. tan. 'iitie �ant,ractor is requicea to take all pcecautionary Measures to Corner of 6' Ch* Link Fence around Q ADO 15�A�1d5. ��aT�o►J5 �� SN��t2 �s s"'� �s # 7 catanencement o y /9 P ' ' 0N.E. FMC• ., � DoU81.As M. S ART R.C.t. 372lf4 (j pcot,�ct the utilities shown, am anY other lines or structures not shown on Weil Site. 9 S. 6 2 East f N theme lens, ono is responsible for the protection of, ane any aamage to COft1� with Fib�rglas Witness Post I' S. �J. ON Ac��55¢0 5E�SNIT 2 ,. � p�p�Y ply g � gyp, s-30-e1v �yow� ��jeG Le . P �Q�J.E�var�o�s6 6�5���'� 2 /�+c +r t GTY TEMECUTA theses• lines of structures. Of MOf1�)rt1ef11 - EIOV. • !0'S2.'SI4 � � DATE 3�yl7 W.0.494 FOR: F.B. rev. of 2 � . I� n DATE: y Qi CAV2dK15 YEZM if 3k QQ�-`10-(�•MC-Oclll v('` 2 -1 E i f AMA V 69, 6,eA nod r00010q A. rUMLo I JII- STA?ggr A Nd'10 1A,11 T !Ty off' TEMECU(.1} C� `� �� � T . lot. .SEE s D o !MPQ4V6,NFNr RAM. / \ / -♦—r CIL U) •� 5l.G9 \o �v titi Vj OR��� a� �ti (� \a ,o l� Cv�iCrT� CUl'� o lav�T � Di4o I - r Q� �n �o �o Cg17 ac LAO k�of aim" c5 u) ,woocow ti �a 102. Z-Fs 4qo lo��•� 2. --- -�-4 -- — — v`-' ;A \a o 411111 1 I LA�1 rOO ACC666 r-OA 5Z o > o OEM" Y . cn � NAjfi 36). \a I 7 Gomm" ej u AV 1� f-t / 09�11.......... 0 � � .� � � � .� 4•� Lo o ��• �� � iq�fcot DD 41 ,,,,,,,,,,, �� � �` �` �` ` �� �' ` ACU• - ---'- �� \c .h• 410C� p.�2 02 ID•DD !, ►r�.A��i ( 8�► 01. o4awe - F• 4 =90(p0000 P) DD' =9-41s �= Do' �.. -:,09 40 1ZD.00 L--I -�0' -f-!: 19-m bi `o `° �• '� C3 \0 V C(� �,-�D 161,431, A to 14.OD L I Il blo 14.43 �• \off �� � 10 � '� tq ,4 I �-- >> tiA I� . .► 0 �Ar� 1 n .000.3i 21.32Lc) Vj• 0 4 (D tit � v tq A-�,qvvvov law, U., 1�).ql -fo� 117.w, I f 9). A-t4Vff4,V" Vi oo' Loo',1-�V vc 4 ` N •'� - �� 4�: - ,� I 000100„ ?).5 2.00• L-_-3.14, � -r IVY--- _ � ___ M � �• �►--90°4aDD �5 A 2.04 �.I� (-2.DD \0 4� 51���/�L �� �� ti^ Ct3 A1129°22'I� py%2.00 L-4.� fa 2 Z.00 tita 10%.15 o\ \Q •h' G � \'o / CIS Q 9� �9'19'' Fi= Z•aD• �'-3.32 '10=2•I p — 4" • , s � �� � �MAV �� /j rhe�C�1 \off / Cl�i �o 0I 22 � t9 Do L 3 (,V A 40 :2.00 00 vs q ' % 6A 4 le--le U. �' m \d ti� � � s b `o co � p \o ,� �� p�M�' 15 LAtJ d5 2254,40 CUQ,6 QU7UT cn / r w _C cTY of TFNUCUcA 9TV. 4. 7:2 30/ sEEsrrET ,, �• �o �,. 1i.. IMPROVEMENT PUNS. woo 0 Q!b If6 �- �• _. 1 0 % I 0.yid A.G. W D. on 2 WWUefg, 1C1 UIALY. 1,Lv3 5Q.'F-f o_ �• .. �' ' dr ' SIC �U�� "boo u �% iv \� �• � � CD�lC�i�f'� I�LArJd� � D AOA LLJ 4v X1110 \ 0\ b. p. o A.C. o�► 0.too G,A 53 A r-ef- NA Q \ i 0 "1 � D (,e ICY> �, oo v-, col C ��� C� 49 2 o ? h `� •` ` z l000, koo ,\ Q / V / Flo �� i , , z �46 .0� Y) �. \D �p \0 �o ♦ �0 D (o � a 1 ■armor 0� co M e_ WOO 6,0f 6P �� �� J R i a \Q� ^ f.\ 40 VV %% V 4p 4mmmo \\j • . \4 �• �. 1 o 0 1 Ili 2ht4l. 1 aim T f G r REINHART NO 234U FYP:12-31-93 ?.,oxie;T- A.c,. i2wi� C A Ov OA ARGARITA D V 40 eo 111•rte y ==Poo, y r_ ' �-CALF SHEET 2 OF FLAOb �o4 MAOtgAP fA 00AQ i�ff0VEW1W-'b MARKHAM & ASSOCIATES2 $HEETS TEMECULA 41750rinchester d,, Ste. NCI�fY ��'- Temecu , Ca. 9 59 0 t,�v I�-fi a rt.�.t. j� �, (714) 676 -� 6672 DRAINAGE,� � Avg �a�� 5 r� 3 Wl66 "MfloifO Dd ACG �oa� �� �� APPROVED BY DATE BY APPROVED BY PREPARED BY DAT E e?01 l6'� Q A _. -------- PRINCIPAL. ENGINEER _r f O( fAMP CAVrKA0 /I , , PARK DEPARTMENT DOUGLAS W. STEWART RICE. 37254 � I'��� , ��I�f coli �, N�G. / TRAFFIC DIVISION DEPUTY CITY ENGI EEA EXP. 6/301) MARK REVISIONS APPR. DATE CHIEF W. ENGINEER CITY OF *�'E U JOHN R 'NkjArffr I DATE '� SCALE i'� = 20' HORIZ DATE- MARCH, 1990 JOB 9 Y DRAWN BY CHECKED BY R.C.E. NO. 23464 EXP. DATE: 12- 31--93 ES _ 0 CAL, 1T -D�11 r# r .. •fit-