HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-13 Harveston Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMRP).pdfOHARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROG)RAMCrry /AGENcYVnnrrrclttoxPnennetnsrtrAcrroxlssuance ofBuildingPcrmits.DevelopmentPlan Reviewlssuance ofBuildingPermits lorPhasc 2.Final maprecordalionRrsponsrnleMorurronrx<;City ofTemecula,Planning andBuilding andSafety Dept.City ofTemecula,PlanningDepart.City ofTemecula,CommunityServicesDept.City ofTemeculaPlanningDept.SrnctrlcPnocsssReview andapproval ofDesign PIansand PlantPalettes.Review andapproval ofpark Iighting.Notifyingresidents aboutcommunitypark nightReview oflighting andcompliancewith CountyOrdinance No.655.RRspoNslnLeDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)2. Prior to the issuance of building perntits..ltolPhase !, thecommunity park lighting shall be reviewed and approvedby the Community Services Director as part of the reviewprocess of the construction plans.3. The Master Developer shall provide the prospectivehomebuyers notice that the 16.5-acre community park willinclude sports lield lighting for evening use. proofofthisnotification shall be provided to the Planning Directorto the recordation of the finalIn order to mitigate potential impacts to the Mt. PatomarObservatory, all lighting shall be reviewed by the City toassure H{il i#litxx#Jo'*-pruss,rHe.+r+,Ciunr,v*porJanrpsisl$elCiqr*rlxeve+lt-{rp\+ard.+l+aril+at.ior+i-+n<-l-com pl i ancewith the €eunty Ordinance No. 655.4.MntclrronDuring development plan review process, all architecturaland landscape design plans and plant palettes shall bereviewed and approved by the Ciry.No significant inrpacts have bcen identified: therefore no mitigation nreasures are necessaryOn-Site andSurrounding UsesCreate a visuallypleasing view andunique, but not incontrast with theuses.The proposed ball lieldlighting.Mount PalomarObervartoryGeneration of light andglare.FROM EIRGsxnnlt, IunlcrPATIBII.ITYR:tS hlf.renon SP1PC Drxr\MMp Evi*rt O5Oml.dE8-l
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMCrrv/AGENCYVERtFrcATtoNlssuance ofOccupancyPermitslssuance ofOccupancyPermitsPREREQUISITEAcrroxFon:PnRrspoxstu.nMoNrronlncCity ofTemccula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.lmplementationof intersectionimprovementslmplementationof on-siteRoadwaylmprovementNeeds andpayment of DIFSprcrrtcDeveloper(s)Developer(s)REsPoNstRr-EPlnrvPrior to issuance of I o occupancy pcrmit for Phase IResidential and l" occupancy prmit for Phase I servicecommercial, the developer(s) shall implement theimprovements for intersections28,29,304' 308 and 3loutlined in Table 6 and Exhibits 26A-26C of this ElR.Prior to issuance of 326'h occupancy permits for the Phase IResidential and morc than 8 acres of Phase I ServiceCommercial dcvelopment (i.e. the southem lnrtion ofPlanning Area t2), thc developer(s) shall implement theimprovements or establish a fundins mechanism for thecomoletion of the improvemcnts for intersections 4 and 5outlined in Table 6, Exhibits 26A-26C of this EIR' and listedbelow.2a. Prior lo issuance of occupancy lrrmits for Phase l, thedeveloper(s) shall implemcnt the Roadway ImprovementNeecls identified below. Exhibit 10, Development andRoadway Phasing Plan identil'ies the proJnsed timing for on-site Roadway Inrprovement Needs. A fair-share program forthe improvements listed below with an " * " ehallteeempleteC mav be established to fund the improvements tothe satisfaction of the City and the developcr'Complete 4-lane widcning of Margarita Road toArterial highway standards between Santa GertrudisCreek and Date Street. *The proJnsed South Residential Access Road and lnopAccess Road will be constructed to provide adequateaccess to the first phase of the Harveston project. Thiswill include at a minimum, the fiollowing key on-sitecirculation components:South Residential Access Road, which providestwo lanes in each direction with provisions for amedian left-tum lane at the intersection withMargarita Road.oaPhase I Scenario - Year 2002MrrrclrtoN MEASUREPhase I -2002ln this scenario therewill be an increase intraffic levels. Theimpact is mitigated withproject improvementsand mitigationmeasures.FROM EIRIMPACTCTRCULATIONTRANSPORTA.)n Shrc Dcs\MMP Evisd O508Ol (lx8-2
nn\-xvES.IR"#oTONProject Buildout -2005ln this scenario therewill be an increase intraffic levels. Theimpact is mitigated withproject improvementsand mitigationmeasures,8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGDeveloper(s)Proiect Build-Out Scenario - Year 20053. Prior to the issuance ofoccupancy permits for the Phase llbuild-out of Residential (i.e., beyond 476 single familyunits and 346 multi-family units) and Servicc Commercial(i.e., beyond 20 net acres in Planning Area l2), andVillage Center neighborhood commercial (i.e., beyond8,(X)0 square feet), the developer(s) shall pay+heir+al+-@ cause the comoletion of theintersection improvements outlined in Table 8 of the ElR.The City shall qgy also develop a funding mechanism rocover the balance of the fair share for each of the identifiedimprovements. The specific timing of project 2fi)5 build-out improvements (Phase 2 through Phase 4) shall beconsistent with the Traffic Mitigation Monitoring Program(TMMP), as required in Mitigation Measure 5 below.Comnletion ofPslmnsof#air+hareimpr€+ementeests&+theintersectionimprovementsCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.lssuance o[OccupancyPermitsCnY/AGENcYVsntrrcrrroNlssuance ofOccupancyPermitsPnsnneulslrEAcnoxFon:RssPot{srnLeMoNltonrxcPlnrvCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.SpncrncPnocnssImplementationof on-siteRoadwayImprovementNeeds andpayment of DIFDeveloper(s)RnspoxslrlrPrnrYMrrrcerrox MEASUREEast Residential Access Road (i.e., extension ofRustic Glen), which provides one lane in eachdirection with provisions for a median left tumlane at Margarita Road and the intemal loopAccess Road.loop Access Road, which provides a single lanein each direction with a center two-way left-tumlane. Additionally, turn lanes may be needed atkey intersections (refer ro Exhibits 26A-26C).Curbside parking should not generally beprovided along the intemal l-oop Access Roadexcept where required by the City of Temecula.The provision of curb parking should considersight distance limitations, which may occuralong the interior of the loop Access Road.Bike lanes shall be provided on the threeprincipal on-site roadways described above.2b. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits for Phase l, thedeveloper(s) shall pay the curent City's established DlF. lnlieu of the DIF payment, at the City's discretion, thedeveloper(s) may implement the off-site lmprovement Needsidentilied previously in Mitigation Measures I and 2a above.oooGnupnll lrr,rp,lcrTnl,xsponrlrron /CInculrrIor.l(Conr'o)FROM EIRR:\s nHreson ShFC D.EsWMp Eviscd 050t0l.dx-8-3
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMCrrY/AcsxcvVnnrncerroxPREREQUISITEAcrrox Fon:Issuance ofOccupancypermitsCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.RESPoNSTBLEMoNrroRtNcPlnrvSppctrtcPRocEsslmplementationof the on-sitcRoadwayImprovementNeeds andpayment of DIFRrsponslnlePanrvDe velope(s)4a. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits for the build-out ofresidential and service commercial (Planning Area l2), thedeveloper(s) shall implement the Roadway lmprovementNeeds identified below. Exhibit 10, Development PhasingPlan identifies the proposed timing for on-site Roadwaylmprovement Needs. A fair-share program for theimprovements listed below with an " * " ehsU ry becompleted to the satisfaction of the City and the developerConstruct Date Street between the Service CommercialAccess Driveway and Margarita Road as a Glanerestricted access Urban Arterial. The exact alignment ofDate Street (or Cherry Street) needs to be coordinatedwith study efforts related to the proposed future DateStreet (or Cherry Street) interchangc. *Realign and extend Ynez Road from current terminusto just south of Date Street as a 4lane Major. *Construct Ynez Road from the northem projectboundary tojust south of Date Street as a 4-laneArterial. *Construct the North Residential Access Road betweenDate Street and the intemal [,oop Access Road as a 4-lane road with provisions for a median left-tum lane atthe intersection with Date Street.Construct the intemal lnop Access Road as a twolaneroadway with center two-way left tum lane. Curbsideparking shall not generally be provided along the [oopAccess Road except where required by the City ofTemecula. The provision ofcurb parking shall considerright distance limitations that may occur along theinterior side of the loop Acccss Road.Bike lanes shall be provided along the [.oop AccessRoad and all three project access roads from Date Streetand Margarita Road.aaaaaaMrrrcerron MEASUREFROM EIRGnxeml IrrplcrTnexsponrlrton/Crncuutlox(Coxr'o)h SPlrc DocsWMp Gvisd OsOtol.&E8-4
N-) ')\./ 8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRXftCmy/Acnucylssuance ofOccupancypermitsRecordation ofthe first map orthe approval ofthe firstdevelopmentPrior to theapproval ofthefirst final mapin eachsubsequentphase (e.g., 2,3, and 4), or asapproved byPublic WorksDept.PnnneqursltnFon:City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.R.usponsrnlrMoruronrncP.lnryCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.Specrnclmplementationof the on-siteRoadwaylmprovementNeeds andpayment of DIFDedication ofarea for thefutureinterchangeImplementationof a TrafficMitigationMonitoringProgram(TMMP)lilrsp<lNsrnlnDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Mrrrceto issuance ofoccupancy permits for the build-out ofrcsidential and service commercial (Planning Area l2), thedeveloper(s) shall pay the current City's established DlF.ln lieu of the DIF payment, at rhe City's discretion, thedeveloper(s) may implement the off-site Roadwaylmprovement Needs identified previously in MitigationMeasures 3 and 4a above.4c. Prior to the recordation of the first map or the approval of thefirst development application in Planning Area 12, whichever (rccurs first, the Applicant will dedicate the area neededfor the future interchangb (approximately l0 acres) to theCity of Temecula. The precise size and location of this area4b. Priorthewill be determinedof Public Works.s Circulation Elenrent policies, theHarveston project shall implenrent a Traffic MitigationMonitoring Program CIMMP) related to the project's trafficimpacts. This program would include a series of focusedtraflic studies that address the potential incremental trafficimpacts and roadway system needs associated withsubsequent development phases of the project. The EtRtraffic study has identified the project-related traffic impactsand roadway system improvement needs at both build-out ofthe project and for Phase I ofthe project. This traffic studyalso provides a measure of the overall project's mitigationresponsibilities. The intent of the Traffic MitigationMonitoring Program is not to re-define mitigationresponsibility, but rather to assist in the refinement of areaimprovement needs and the timing of these improvements.The Traflic Mitigation Monitoring Program proposes that afocused traffic study be prepared prior to occupancy ofdevelopment included in each of the future developmentphases (e.g., 2, 3, and 4). The focused traffic study would:l) document ambient traffrc volumes conditions;2) estimatetrip generation for the particular development phase; anrl3) assess traffic conditions with the traffic added by theparticular development phase. The exact study area to beaddressed in each ofthe focused traffic studies should bedefined through discussions with the City Traffic EngineerIn general the study area should include the immediate5.Consistent with the City'TnrrttlsponrlrlonClncur,lrlon(CoNr'o)FROM EIRlupecrClncuuarron(Corw'n)RirS Ffllu$q Shrc hxsWMp nvircd O5$0l.doc8-5
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMFROM EIRCrry /AcrncYVERIFTcATIoNPREREeUtstrEAcrronFon:Approval ofFinal MapDevelopmentReview ofMapsDevelopmentRcvicw ofMapsRnspot{sInLeMoxlrontrvcPrnrvCity ofTemeculaPublic WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public Worksand PlanningDepts. andRTACity ofTemccula,CommunityServices andPlanningDepts.SppcrrrcPRoCESSCompliancewith the City'sultimateCirculation Planthrough ROWdedicationReview of tractmaps ordevelopmentplans during thedevelopmentreview processReview of tractmaps ordevelopmentplans to ensureprovision ofadequatepedestrianfacilitiesRnsponsrnlePlnrvDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Mnlcerlorq MnAsuREaccessand roadways, which would serve thenew development phase and those critical off-siteintersections and roadways that will provide p{rn3ry accessto the new development. Critical intersections / roadwaysare defined as those facilities that are experiencing highlevels of peak period traffic congestion (at the time thefocused traffic study is to be performed). The focusedtraffic study findings would assist the City in proactivelyplanning for area roadway improvements.6. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the developer(s) shalldemonstrate to the satisfaction of the City's Department ofPublic Works that the project will allow for the facilitation(i.e., through ROW reservation and dedication) of the City'sultimate Circulation Plan.Traffic Demand and Svstems Manaeement Measures:ln addition to the previously roadway and/or intersectionimprovements identified in Mitigation Measures I through 6above, the following transportation system management /transportation demand management (TSM / TDM) measuresare recommended to help reduce vehicular trips and trafficcongestion:7 . Prior to the approval of a tentative map or development plan,the developer will forward tract maps to the RiversideTransit Agency (RTA) for review and comment regardingbus trunouts, shelters, etc. Transit-oriented facilities anddcsign featurcs will be incorporated into the design of theproject as appropriate, to the satisfaction of the City and theRTA.8. Prior to the approval of a tentativc map for individualplanning areas or development plan, ttre developcr and Citystaff will review plans, especially for multi-family housingareas, commcrcial uses, and parks for the provision ofappropriate, necessary, and adequate pedestrian and bicyclefacilities.IuplcrTransportation /Circulalion (Cont'd)City Buildout -+ln this scenario therewill be an increase intrafhc. Project'scontribution to theincreased traffic ismitigated withmitigation measures,however, cumulativeCity build-out impactsremain unavoidable.in SP\PC Docs\MMp cvircd O5080l.doc8-6
"Qo"rtooN8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGDeveloper(s)AIRShort-TermThe daily exceedance ofthe threshold for Nox;the addition ofemissions to an airbasin designated asnon-attainmentl. Prior to grading and construction, the developer shall beresponsible for compliance with the following:A. During clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation,maintains equipment engines in proper tune.B. After clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation:l) Wet the area down, suflicient enough to form acrust on the surface with repeated soakings, asnecessary, to maintain the crust and prevent dustpick up by the wind.2) Spread soil binders; and3) Implement street sweeping as necessary.C. During construction:I ) Use water trucks or sprinkler systems to keep allareas where vehicles move damp enough toprevent dust raised when leaving the site;2) Wet do'*,n areas in the late moming and afterwork is completed for the day;3) Use low sulfur fuel (.05% by weight) forconstruction equipment.D. Discontinue construction during second stage srnogalerts.Prior to grading and construction, the developer shall beresponsible for compliance with the following:A. Require a phased schedule for construction activitiesto minimize daily emissions.B. Schedule activities to minimize the amount ofexposed excavated soil during and after the end ofwork periods.C. Treat unattended construction areas with waterOn-site gradinginspection toensure measuresA-D underMitigationMeasure I areimplementedOn-site gradinginpsection toensure measuresA-K undcrMitigationMeasures 2 areimplementedCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.On-goingduring GradingandConstructionOperationsDevcloper(s)City ofTemecula,Public WorksDcpt.On-goingduring GradingandConstruciionOperationsFROM EIRCnY/AcnxcyVnnlplctrlonPnnnnqulsrreAcrroxFon:DevelopmentPlan ReviewRnspoxsrnr.nMoxrronrxcPanrvCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.Spe'crrrcPnocrssPreparation ofTDM plansRrspoxsrnlnPlnrvDeveloper(s)MIrrclttox MEASURE9. During the development plan review, major employers (i.e.,more than 250 employees) who locate their businesseswithin the project shall prepare Transportation DemandManagcment (TDM) plans in accordance with the RiversideCounty Transgrrtation Commission/Wcstem RiversideCouncil of Governments (RCTC / WRCOG) guidelines.IupecrR:\s hHft$(tn SFPC Docr\MMp avircd ot0tol.de8-7
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMFROM EIRCrcv IAGENCYVnnlnlcertoNPREREQI-IISITEAcrroxFon:On-goingduring GradingandConstructionOperationlssuancc ofGradingPermitsRssponrsrnr,BMormonrncPanrrCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.SPECIFIcPRocEssOn-site gradinginspection toensure thepaving of allaccess apronsand themaintenance ofthe paving underMitigationMeasure 3 isimplcmentedOn-site gradinginspection toensure properemission controlequipment underMitigationMeasure 4 isimplementedRESPoNSRLEPenrvDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Mrnclrrox Melsunn(disturbed lands which have been, or are expected tobe unused for four or more consecutive days).D. Require the planting of vegetative ground cover assoon as possible on construction sites.E. Install vehicle wheel-washers before the roadwayentrance at construction sites.F. Wash off trucks leaving site.G. Require all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or otherloose substances and building materials to be covered,or to maintain a minimum freeboard of two feetbetween the top of the load and the top of the truckbed sides.H. Use vegetative stabilization, whenever possible, tocontrol soils erosion from storm water especially onsuper pads.I. Require enclosures or chemical stabilization of openstorage piles of sand, dirt, or other aggregate materials.J. Control off-road vehicle travel by posting drivingspeed limits on these roads, consistent with Citystandards.K. Use electricity from power poles rather thantemporary diesel or gasoline power generators.3Prior to grading and construclion, the developer shall bcresponsible for the paving of all access aprons to theproject sitc and the maintenance of the paving.4.Prior to issuance of grading permits, the developer shall beresponsible for assuring that construction vehicle is equippedwith proper emission control equipment to substantiallyreduce emissions.Arn Qrtat,trv (Coxr'o)rn ShFC Dxs\MMp rcvisd O5O80l.da8-8
#n"rroNo1fud,r8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGCmY/AGENCYVBnrrrcenoNPnnnrqursnuFon:lssuance ofGradingPermitsDuringBuilding /ConstructionOperationsRnspoxsrnlnMoxtronrncPlnryCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.On-site gradinginspection toensure measuresA-E underMitigationMeasure 5 areimplementedOn-site gradinginspection toensure measuresA-C underMitigationMeasure 6 areimplementedSpscrFrcPnocessRrspoxslnlrPanryDeveloper(s)Developer(s)5. Prior to issuance ofgrading permits, the developer shall beresponsible for the incorporation of measures to reduceconstruction related traffic congestion into the projectgrading permit. Measures, subject to the approval andverification by the Public Works Department, shallinclude, as appropriate:A. Provisionofrideshareincentives.B. Provision of transit incentives for constructionpersonnel.C. Configuration of construction parking to minimizetraffic interference.D. Measures to minimize obstruction of through trafhclanes.E. Use of a flagman to guide traffic when deemednecessary.6. Prior to the building /construction operations, individualcontractors will commit in writing to the following:A. Avoid scheduling receipt of construction materialsduring peak travel hours (i.e., 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 4:fi)- 6:fl) PM);B. Routing construction traffic through areas of leastimpact sensitivity; andC. Limiting lane closures and detours to off-peak travelTTON MEASUREAnQulurv (Conr'n)FROM EIRGrrnmllupacrR:\S Ftlrecm ShPC DocsWMp rvied 0s0t0l.dc8.9
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMFROM EIRCrrv /AGENCYVERIFICATIONPREREQUTSITEAcrrox Fon:Review ofTentative Mapsand/ordevelopmentplansApproval ofDevelopmentPIansApproval ofDevelopmentPlanslssuancc ofBuildingPermitlssuancc ofBuildingPermitRrsponsrnr,eMoxrronrncPlnrvCity ofTemecula,Public Worksand Buildingand SafetyDepts. andRTACity ofTemecula,Planning andTrafficEngineerCity ofTemecula,Planning andTrafficEngineerCity ofTemecula,Planning andTrafficEnginecrCity ofTemecula,Planning andTrafficEngineerSpncrprcPRocEssReview of tractmaps/streetimprovementplansReview ofdevelopmentplans to ensureprovision ofadequatepedestrian andbicycle facilitiesReview ofdevelopmentplans to ensureprovision ofadequate parkand ridefacilitiesContribution tofair-share ofimprovementsContribution tofair-share ofimprovementsRf,sPoNsrBLEPlnrYDeveloperis)Develope(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Mrrrcarron Mresunr7Prior to the approval of tentative maps and / ordevelopment plans, developers will subnrit tract mapsand/or street improvement plans to the RTA for review andcomment regarding bus turnouts, shelters, etc. Transit-oriented facilities and design features will be incorporatedinto the design ofthe project as appropriate, to thesarisfaction of the city. city staff will focus on the reviewplans for commercial uses to provide transit relatedfeatures.8. Prior to the approval of a development plan, City staff willreview plans, especially for commercial and park uses, forthe provision ofappropriate, necessary, and adequatepedestrian and bicycle facilities.9. Prior to the approval of a development plan, City staff willreview plans for att service commercial uses to encourage theprovision of park and ride facilities.10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shallprovide proof to the City's Traffic Engineer that the projecthas contributed its fair-share towards regional trafficimprovement systems (i.e., traffic impact fees) for the area.This shall include efforts to synchronize traffic lights onstreets impacted by project development.I I . Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shallprovide proof to the City's Traffic Engineer that the projecthas contributed its fair-share towards regiond trafficimprovement systems (i.e., traffic impact fees) for the area.This shall include efforts to synchronize tralfic lights onstreets impacted by project development.GnxnruuluplcrArnQulltrv (Conr'o)Long-TermThe daily exceedance ofthe thresholds for CO,Nox, PM16 and ROG;the addition ofemissions to an airbasin designated asnon-attainment.i SnFC DailMMp Evii.d 05$01.&rcl0
oHARVESo1RA{,ITON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGFROM EIRCrrY/AGENCYVenlrrcltlottNorsePnnnrgrnslrnAr:rronFon:lssuance ofBuildingPermitGradinglnspection;FinalInspectionBond Release.ConstructionlnspeclionConstructionlnspectionPrior toapproval ofFinal MapRnsponsrnlrMonrronrxcPlnrvCity ofTemecula,Building andSafetyCity ofTemecula,Public Worksand Buildingand SafetyCity ofTemecula,Public Worksand Buildingand SafetyCity ofTemecula,Pub. WorksBlds & SafetvCity ofTcmecula,PlanningDept.SpecrrlcPnocpssContribution tosaving energy,per UBCrequirements0n-site gradinginspectionOn-siteconstructioninspection.On-siteconstructioninspection.Implementationof noisereductionmeasures asidentified indetailedacousticalstudies.RespoxsrnmPlnrvDcveloper(s)Developer(s)Dcveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Mtrtclrrox MEASTJREI 2. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shallprovide proof that energy saving features will be installed inproject homes as required by the Califomia Building Code.Features may include: solar or low-emission water heaters,energy efficient appliances, dual paned windows, lowpressure sodium parking lights, and may include solar rooftiles, etc. Additionally, residential products constructed bythe home building division of lennar shall incorporate"Comfort Wise" energy efficiency features.As spccified in City of Temecula Ordinance No. 94-25, noconstruction may occur within one-quarter ( l/4) of a mileof any occupied residence during the following hours:A. 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., Monday through Friday.B. Before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:30 p.m., Saturday.C. At any time on Sunday or any nationally recognizedholiday.2.All construction equipment shall use properly operatingmufflers, and no combustion equipment such as pumps,generators or motors shall be allowed to operate withinone quarter (l/4) mile of any occupied residence from6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. unless such equipment issurrounded by a noise protection earthen berm or solidbarrier.3. All construction staging shall be performed as far aspossible from occupied dwellings.4.A noise mitigation analysis shall be performed, at the finalmap stage (for individual planning areas), for all futureproject noise-sensitive uses potentially exposed to noiselevels in excess of 60 dB CNEL to verify that plannednoise protection will meet City of Temecula standards.A. Exterior recreational areas shall be protected toachieve noise levels of less than 65 dB CNELB. lnterior living areas shall be protected to achieveGnxnnll lvplcrArnqu.llmv (Conr'o)Short-term noiseimpacts associated withproject construction.[.ong-term noiseimpacts to the area usesNorss (CoNr'o)R:\S hf,lwnon Shrc DocsWMp rcvial O5$0 I .&E8-t I
HARVESTONGBor.ocv lxo Solls(coNr'D)Seismicity (Cont'd)2. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, therecommendations contained in Section 6.0 of thegeotechnical study, located in Appendix Eofthisdocument shall be incorporated into the earthworkactivities of the proposed project to the satisfaction of theCity Engineer. Earthwork activities include gradingremovals, subdrains, permanent slopes, temporary slopeexcavations, utility trench backfill, and site drainage.Additional recommendations are presented to mitigate thepotential impacts related to liquefaction, expansive soils,and shrinkage and subsidence.8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMDeveloper(s)Compliancewith gradingrecommenda-tions in thcgeotechnicalstudyCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDcpt.lssuance ofgrading permit;lssuance ofBuildingPermit.FROM EIRCmv/AcrxcvVnnrrrctrronGnolocv lxn SotlsPnsnreursrrnAcrrox Fon:Review andApproval ofTentalive TractMapRnspoxsrnr.rMonlrontxcPanrvCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.;SpeclncPnocnssPreparation ofan updatedgeotechnicalreportRrspoxsrnleI'lntvDeveloper(s)Mrrrcerlox MEASUREnoise levels of less than 4-5 dB CNEL.Substantial perimeter walls separating rear yards from theroadway right-of-way along Date Street are anticipated tobe necessary. The visible wall height shall be limited tosix (6) feet, however, a berm/wall combination oradditional setback shall be permitted as optional methodsfor noise standards compliance along Date Street. Precisewall geometrics shall be determined once exact setbacksand building pad grades are established.Moderately upgrading window treatments shall benecessary along Date Street in upstairs bedrooms closestto the roadway. Minor acoustical upgrades shall beneeded along Margarita or Ynez beyond simply closingwindows to shut out roadway noise. The building coderequires that supplemental fresh air ventilation beprovided in rooms where window closure for traffic noiseprotection is necessary. A detailed noise attenuationevaluation shall be conducted in a supplementalacoustical study to be submitted when the tract map isfiled with the aprrropriate agency.During staff review of the tentative map for individualplanning areas, an updated geotechnical/geologic reportshall be prepared to include any necessary revisions toearthwork, foundation, design, and constructionrecommendations.Gnxnnel lMplcrSeismicityLateral spreading in theevent of a strong groundmotion.lssuance ofBuildinsCity ofTemeculaCompliancewith structuralDeveloper(s)3. Prior to the issuance of a building prmit, therecommendations contained in Section 7.0 of thero SP1PC Docr\MMp cviscd O5O8OI.dat2
(^,rlnu"rtoNoaRA-rd8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGFROM EIRCtrY/AGENcYVnnlrrclnoxPnenneulsttsAcrronFon:Permitlssuance ofBuildingPermitsRssPoNslur,pMoxmoRrNcPanrvBldg. andSafety Dept.City ofTemecula,Bldg. andSafety Dept.SpecrnrcPRocBssdesignrecommenda-tions in thegeotechnicalstudyCompliancewith UBCseismic designstandardsRrspoustnlnPlnrvDeveloper(s)Mrrrcrnox MEASUREgeotechnical study, located in Appendix E of this document,shall be incorporated into the structural design of theproposed project to the satisfaction ofthe Chief BuildingOfficial. Structural design activities include: foundationdesign; retaining walls; slabs-on-grade; and appurtenantfacilities.4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, it shall be proven tothe Department of Building and Safety that all structuresshall be designed in accordance with the seismic designprovisions of the Califomia Building Codes or StructuralEngineering Association of Califomia to prornote safety inthe event of an earthquake.GnnnnulupacrR:|s ruleeoo SFFC Docs\MMp cviG, 050ml.d(t8- 13
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMFROM EIRCmY/AGENcYVrntnlcttrotr'Ilynnolocv lno DrurrulcnPnnnneurstrpAcrron l'on:lssuance ofGradingPermits.lssuance of theGradingPermitsRrsporsrnlnMorvnonrxcPlnrvCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.SppclrlcPnocessSubmittal of a"Notice ofIntent"(NOI),along with therequired feeProvision of aWater QualityManagementPlan inconformancewith NPDESRrsporrslnlnPirnrYDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Mtrlclrlox MEASUREPrior to issuance ofany grading pcrmits, the developer shallsubmit a "Notice of lntent" (NOl), along with the requiredfee to thc Rcsional Water Oualitv Control Board or te-theState Water Resources Control Board to be covered underthe State National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Ceneral Construction permit and provide the Citywith a copy of the written reply containing the developer'sidentification number.2. Prior to the issuance of the grading permits, the developershall provide a Water Quality Management Plan showingconformance to all NPDES requirements (enacted by theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) and RegionalWater Quality Control Board, San Diego Region) forreview and approval by the City Engineer. The plan shallreduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extentpractical using best management practices, controltechniques and systems, design and engineering methods(see Mitigation Measures 3 and 4 below), and such otherprovisions (see Mitigation Measures 5 and 6 below)which are appropriate.GENERAL IMPACTIncreased water runoff.HvonolocY IND DRATNAGE (Coxr'n)otr ShPC DGSWMp avisd O5Ot0l.drc--\-Js-r+
{\-naRArfiHARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGFROM EIRCrrY /AGENcYVnnrprcerrotPREREeutsrrEAcrrox Fon:lssuance of theGradingPermitsOn-goingOn-goingOn-goingRrspoxstnleMonttontxcP,lRtYCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.City ofTemccula,CommunityServiccsDepartmentSprcrrrcPnocBssDevelopment ofa maintenanceprogram forcatch basinfiltersCleaning ofcatch basinsPosting of signInformationregarding City'sor County'scollectionprogramRESPoNSIBLEPlnrvDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Dcveloper(s)MtrrcrnoNMEAsuRE3. Catch Basin Filters: Storm water runoff may containquantities of oil and grease lrom the use of vehicles. Catchbasin filters could be installed on the on-site catch basinsto absorb these contaminants before they get into the stormdrain system. Catch basin filter is a filter which utilizes anatural absorbent material called Amorphous Aluminasilicate (Fossil Rock) to filter out oil and grease and alsomaintain sufhcient flow rate. Exact design of the filtersmay vary according to the characteristics of the proposedcatch basins. A maintenance program would need to bedeveloped, ifpossible to make this practice practical. Sucha program typically includes periodic inspections, debrisremoval, local area cleanup, and replacement of filterabsorbent materials. The developer shall be responsiblefor installation ofthese facilities, and an entity (i.e., City ofTemecula or prop€rty owner) would need to be identiliedto carry out the maintenance program.4. Catch Basin Cleanine: Cleaning of catch basins would beperformed regularly to remove debris and reduce pollutantconcentrations before the first flush during storm seasons.Cleaning would also minimize clogging of the catch basinfilter and underground drainage system. This catch basincleaning practice should be at minimum provided once ayear before the wet season to eliminate debris accumulatedduring the summer.5. Storm Drain Svstem Sisnaee: The Standard "No Dumping"signs would be posted at all the catch basins on-site.6. Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Education:lnformation regarding the City's or County's mobilecollection program, or a stationary collection site if theCity or County has one in the area, or businesses in thearea certified to take in such waste could be given to newhome buvers bv the homebuilder at the time of new homeGnnnmlluplcrStorm Water QualityAddition of pollutantstypical of urban runoff.Ilvonolocv luoDnlnrcr(CoNT'D)R:\S hf,l@son SP\FC D.*sWMp avisl 05080l.dr*8-r 5
TIONCmv/AGENCYIssuance ofGrading Permitlssuance ofBuildingPermitslssuance o[BuildingPcrmitsPnenreursrrsCity ofTemecula,Building andSafety Dept.;RiversideCounty FireDept.City ofTemeculaBuilding andSafety Dcpt.City ofTemeculaPlanningDepartmentRnspoxslnurMoNrroRrNGPenrvlmplementationof404 and 1603PermitConditionsPayment of FireProtectionImpactMitigation FeesCompliancewith Section3202 of theUBCSpncrnrcPRocEssDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)RrspoxsrnlBPlnrvPrior to the issuance of building permits, developer ofindividual projects shall pay the Development lmpact Fee -Fire Protection Facilities Component per dwelling unit andper square foot of commercial spaces as adopted by theCity of Temecula.2. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer willdemonstrate that all structures on-site shall be constructedwith fire retardant roofing material as described in Section32O2 of the Califomia Building Code. All roof materialsshall be a class "8" rating and shall be approved by theFire Department prior to installation.Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the developershall provide proof to the Department of Public Works andPlanning that the conditions of 404 and 1603 permitspertaining to the Arroyo Park restoration have been bondedfor and shall be implemented consistent with the timingrequirements of the permits.Mrrlcerroxpurchase. lf a homeowners association (HOA) is formedfor this development, similar information could bedisseminated on a regular basis (newsletters, billings, etc.)through this organization. The HOA and homebuildercould obtain information on programs from and coordinatewith the City's Community Services Depattment.Firelncreased demand forfi re protection services.To reduce potentialimpacts to sensitivespecies.SERvrcEs AND UrrltrlnsIuplcrBIoLoGICALFROM EIRHARVESTONPunuc Senvrcgs ANDUnlrrrns (Coxr'o)8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMDeveloper(s)rancePrior to the issuance of building permits, the developerwill demonstrate that all water mains and fire hydrantsprovide required for flows and shall be constructed inaccordance with the appropriate sections of the TemeculaMunicipal Code Ordinance No. 99-14 and No. 99-23,subject to approval by Temecula Fire Services duringdesign review.with appropriatesections of theRiversideCountyOrdinance No.460 and 546City ofTemcculaBuilding andSafety Dcpt.and RiversideCounty FireDept.lssuancc ofBuildingPermitsrn SI1PC Docs\MMp rcv&cd O5060l.dat6
(\--,aR/rffTHARVESTON8.0MITIGATION MONITORING PROGFROM EIRCtrY/AcnncvVnnlrrclrroxPREREqustrEAcrlon Fon:lssuance ofBuildingPermitsApproval ofdevelopmentplansRnspoxsrnr,RMoNlronrncPARTYCity ofTemeculaBuilding andSafety Dept.and RiversideCounty FireDept.City ofTemecula,PoliceDepartment(CrimePreventionOfficer).SppcrrrcPnocnssCompliancewith designrequirements ofCity ofTemecula andCounty ofRiversideReview andapproval ofdesign plans foreach tract mapRrspoxstnmPARTYDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Mnlclrrox MEASURE4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developerwill demonstrate compliance with lire flow, street width,and design requirements as established by the City andCounty departments, as appropriate.5. Prior to the approval ofdevelopment plans, the developershall incorporate the following crime prevention measureswithin the detailed design plans for each tract mapsubmitted to the City for review. The City of Temecula,Crime Prevention Officer shall review detailed plans forproposed residential and commercial uses in order to insureincorporation of these measures:o On-site street, walkways and bikeways shall beilluminated in order to enhance night time visibility;o Doors and windows shall be visible from the streetand between buildings in order to discourageburglaries and potential suspect hiding places;. Fencing heights and materials utilized are intended todiscourage climbing;e The numbering identification system utilized on-siteshall be visible and readily apparent in order to aidemergency response agencies in quickly frrndingspecific locations; andr Walls along backbone streets will utilize graffitiresistant materials in their construction. ln addition,shrubs, vines and espaliers shall be plgnted along theoutside of these walls in order to provide coveragethereby further discouraging grafhti and climbing.Gnxn,ulftuprcrPoliceProject design, whichenhances lawenlorcement services.R:\S P$lffiq SP1FC Doca\MMF Evircd O5080l.dr8-t7
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMCrrv /AGENCYVERTFTcATIoNRecordation ofTTMs for e$€hdevelopmentphase l.Recordation oflinal tract mapPnpnnernsnnAcnox Fon:TemeculaValleyUnifiedSchoolDistrict;City ofTemecula,Building andSafety Dcpt.TemeculaValleyUniliedSchoolDistrict;City ofTemecula,Building andSafety Dcpt.Rnsponsrnr.eMoxrronrxcPanrvConveyance ofany school sitesin accordancewith Districtpolicies in effectat the time ofdevelopmentMitigationAgreement withthe TemeculaValley UnifiedSchool DistrictSpecrrrcPnocessDeveloper(s)RrspoxslnuPnnrvDeveloper(s)The conveyance of !hgs!e!Ig!-E!rv school sites h6 anCfur{s€ilitM}eil'-occurred i n accordance wi th Di strictpolicies in effect at the time of development.4ny+elleel@i€n-Theaqrccrncntrcqardins convcvancc shall hc providctl t(t thc Citv priorto the recordation of the tentative tract maps for eeehde+elopmentr Phase L7Mrrrcarlon MEASURE6. The project developer shall--balentered into a MitigationAgreement with the Temecula Valley Unified SchoolDistrict to insure the provision ofadequate facilities at thetime of project occupancy.@i€t+. Thedeveloper *iU-X--lpS-bSg!-required to provide e-middfeseheel+it+cnd an elementary -school site 4gUoraaynentthe3e-€lesents p4lebggl_fegs pursuant to thc aqreement.EIRGBxsRAr. IMplctPusr-lc SenvtcEs ANDUnltrms(Conr'n)Schoolslncreased demand foreducational facilities.Ion SP\FC DocdMMp rcviscd O508Ol .d<x-'-\-)s-rs"l
i\-HARVESTON3')Rlr(,I8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGFROM EIRCrrY/AcnucvVnntrtc,rrtoxPnsREeursrrnAcrronFon:Approval ofTentative MapApproval ofthe Final MapApproval ofthe Final MapIssuance ofsp€eifi€dnufiber+fBuildingPermits forPhasc 2.lssuance ofBuildngPermitsRsspoNsrnLeMourronrncPlnrvCity ofTemcculaCommunityServicesDept.City ofTemeculaCommunityServicesDept.City ofTemeculaCommunityServicesDept.City ofTemeculaCommunityServicesDept.City ofTemecula,Bldg. andSafety Dept.SpncrrtcPRocnssReview ofrecreationalfacilities parkingareasDedication oflandCertification ofopen space /conservationareas ownership& maintenanceDedication ofl6-acreCommunityParkPayment oflibrary facilitiesfees andcollection feesRnspoxstnlePenrvDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Mrrrclrlox MEASUREPrior to tentative map approval for individual planningareas, all recreational facilities shall be reviewed andapproved by the Temecula Community ServicesDepartment (TCSD) and the Planning Department, toensure that said facilities are in accordance with the Cityof Temecula standards.9Prior to the approval of the final map for individualplanning areas, the developer will dedicate land orcontribute to the City's in lieu park fees in accordancewith the City of Temecula Subdivision Ordinance.10. Prior to final map approval for individual planning areas,the developer will certify that ownership and maintenanceofall open space/conservation areas will be theresponsibility of a private entity and/or the TemeculaCommunity Scrvices Department, as determined by theTemecula Community Services Department.ilPrior to the issuance of the speeified-numbe+of buildingpermits for Phasc 2 specified in the Snecific Plan, thel6f-acre Community Park shall be completed _per TCSDrequirements and conveyecl by grant deed to the City ofTemecula.12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, developer ofindividual projects shall pay the Development lmpact Fee- Libraries Component.Gexrnel luplc"rPtmr.rc Snnvlccs ANnUilLttIes (CoNr'o)Parks and RecreationLibrarylmpacts to existinglibrary facilities.Public Transportationlmpacts are addressed in Section 5.3 of this ElR. Please refer to Mitigation Measures 6 through 8 in Transportation / Circulation of this Mitigation Monitoring Program.R:\S hHreson ShIt DGsWMp Gvir.d 0508Ol.dG8- r9
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMTIONCrrv/AGENCYPREREQUISITEAcrror Fon:RnspousrnleMoxmonrxcPanrvSpecrrrcRnsPoNsrBLEPlnr-vStorm Drainage / Flood ControlPlease refer to Drainage/Hydrology Section of this Mitigation Monitoring Program for a discussion of impacts related to storm drainage.Waterimpacts on water, sewer, flood control, electric, or natural gas utility systems, no mitigation nEasures are necessary.Sewerimpacts on water, sewer, flood control, electric, or natural gas utility systems, no mitigation measures arc necessary.FROM EIRltuplcr:on SFFC IX*s\MMp nvigl 050801.dc-\-.)s-zo
HARVESTON8.0 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAMPotentialpaleontologicalResourcesCULTURAL REsoURcEsGernml InrpecrFROM INITIALSTUDY/NOPlnspection personnel will monitor onsite grading, includingexcavated soil stockpiles, especially in areas where Paubaor unnamed Sandstone formations are disturbed, forevidence of paleontological, archaeological, or historicalartifacts (e.g., shells, fossils, bones, pottery, charcoaldeposits, arrowheads, etc.). lf any artifacts are discoveredduring grading, work will be halted and qualified personnelwill be retained to examine, evaluate, and determine themost appropriate disposition of the resource(s).Mrrlc.lrrox MEASUREDeveloper(s)RsspoNsrnLePARTYReview ofGradingSpncrrrcPnocessCity ofTemecula,Public WorksDept.RnspoxsrnunMonrronrxcPanrvContract withPaleontologistin place priorto issuance ofgrading permitPnnnrqurstre,Acrlon Fon:Crrv /AcnxcyVnntntcrrroxrn SnFC Docs\MMp aviscd O50801.&r))
I))PROGRA-rfiHARVESTON8.0 MITIGATIONMONITORINGluplcrGaslncreased demand fornatural gas services.lncreased demand forelectricity.lncreased solid wastegeneration.MrrrcATtoNdesignated natural gas provider shall be consulted withduring the building design phasc for further energyconservation measures.orlong permits,Edition (SCE) shall be consulted with during the buildingdesign phase for further energy conservation measures'fornlato lssuanceng permits,will inform all refuse gencrators within the project site, inwriting, about opportunities for recycling and wasterettuctJon (i.e., buy-back centers, curbside recycling, etc')'The use of suctr facilities witl be encouraged by thedeveloper, through information (e.g., materials accepted,location, etc.) provided in sales literature'16. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer willprovide adequate areas for collecting and lgadingiecyclable maierials (recycling areas) in tlre. commercialand multi-family residential areas. This will help the Citycomply with ihe California Solid Waste Reuse andnccyciing Access Act of l99l (AB 1327). The developerwill- also denronstrate compliance with establishedstandards for design, siting, and operation of recyclingareas and programs.l?. All residential units within the Harveston Specific Planshall participate in the City's three (3) bin recycling systemfor the coliection of solid waste, recyc-able, and greenwaste materials.18. All multi-family, commercial, and industrial wastes shallbe processed at the Materials Recovery Frcility in the Cityof Perris or similar recovery facility.be provided to TCSD that, construction debris,but not limited to lumber, asphalt' concrete,t9.5etcProof shallincludingtooccupancy P€rmlts,RESPONS|BLEPlrrvDeveloper(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)Developer(s)SPECIFICPnocnsswith electricityproviderwith natural gasproviderrecyclingopportunityProvision ofrecycling areasParticipation inthe City'srecyclingprogramProcessing ofwasteRecycling ofconstructionDidebriREsPoNstBt,EMoNrroRrNcPARTYCityTemecula,Bldg. andSafety Dcpt.Temccula,Bldg. andSafety.City ofTemecula,CommunityServicesDept.City ofTemecula,ComlnunityServicesDept.City ofTcmeculaComnrunityServicesDept.CommunityServicesDept.CornmunityServiccsPneneeursrrtAcrroxlssuanceBuildingPermitsBuildingPermitsOccupancyPermitslssuance ofBuildingPermitslssuance o[Certil'icate ofOccupancylssuance ofCertificate ofOccupancylssuance ofBuildingofFROM EIRCrrv/AcexcvVERIFICATIONR:\s PltrlGson SnFC D$s\MMl rcvis.d 05ot0l drr8.2t