HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-13 2001 Harveston Specific Plan - Original (Superseded).pdf �," "' Harveston Sp��ific Plan �enraa� �'o�nmunities Prepared For: City of Temecula Planning Department 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Prepared By: EDAW, Inc. 17875 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 with � William Hezmalhalch Architects, Inc. and RBF Consulting SEPTEMBER 1999 REVISED JANUARY 2001 ADOPTED AUGUST 2001 HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.0 UTILITIES PLAN AND PUBLIC SERVICES...................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Utilities .....................................................................•------.........--•-•-•-•----........................ 7-1 7.1.1 Electricity..........................................................•---•---•--..................................... 7-1 7.1.2 Natural Gas........................................�---�........................................................... 7-1 7.2 Public Services..........................................•----................................................................ 7-1 7.2.1 Police Protection..................................................................................•---......... 7-5 7.2.2 Fire Protection.........................................................................................•---...... 7-5 7.2.3 Schools.............................................................................................................. 7-5 7.2.4 Libraries ..........................................................................................�--............... 7-6 7.2.5 Public Transit.................................................................................................... 7-6 S.0 GRADIN�PLAN...................................................................................................................... $-1 8.1 Grading Plan Description.................................................�-----�----.....---�--........................ 8-1 8.2 Grading Plan General Development Standards.............................................................. 8-1 9.0 LANDSCAPING PLAN............................................................................................................ 9-1 9.1 Landscaping Plan Description.............................................................�------.................... 9-1 9.2 Landscape Plan General Development Standards.......................................................... 9-1 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 Landscaping Design Guidelines.......................................�-----�-..................................... 10-1 10.1.1 Introduction........................�.................................---......................................... 10-1 10.1.2 Major Community Streetscenes ....................................................................... 10-3 10.1.3 Minor Community Streetscenes:and Internal Neighborhood Edge i onditions....:................................................... 1D-14 10.1.4 Community Edge Conditions and Boundaries............................................... 1d-19 10.2 Plant Material Guidelines..............................................................................•---�--....... ID-25 10.2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................... iD-25 10.2.2 Plant Palette................................................�-�---.............................................. 10-�3 10.2.3 Planting Schedule.................�---.....................--�-��-----...................................... 10-37 10.2.4 Landscape Requirements for Slopes ............................................................. 1d-38 10.2.5 Climate Constraints........................................................................................ �0-38 10.2.6 Horticultural Soils Test Requirements........................................................... 10-39 10.2.7 Irrigation...........................................................•........................................._... 1�-39 10.3 Community Elements.................................................................................................. Ifl-44 10.3.1 Community Entry Monumentation................................................................. 1��d 10.3.2 Community Fences and Walls........................................................................ I0�5 10.3.3 Landscape Requirements................................................................................ 1�-57 10.3.4 Parks and Recreation Amenities..................................................................... 1�-bl 10.3.5 Maintenance Responsibility........................................................................... 1D-65 10.3.6 Outdoor Lighting..................................................... ....-•-�----... 10-C� Harveston Specific Plan 1] NR01\VOLI�PRO]FILE11998�BN1620I�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PL4MREVISED HARVESTOMTOC.DOC HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.4 Residential Architectural Guidelines.......................................................................... 10-67 10.4.1 Purpose...................................................��----��---............................................. 10-67 10.4.2 Design Intent and Elements of a"Great Neighborhood"............................... 10-67 10.4.3 Architectural Forward Standards .................................................................. 10-68 10.4.4 Architectural Styles........................................................................................ 10-68 10.5 Principle Design Criteria........................•----�---•-•-----.................................................... 10-79 10.5.1 Plotting, Massing and General Neighborhood Criteria.................................. 10-80 10.5.2 Garage Placement........................................................................................... 10-83 10.5.3 Building Elevations........................................................................................ 10-85 10.5.4 Secondary Exterior Elements......................................................................... 10-86 10.6 Service Commercial Architectural Guidelines............................................................ 10-88 10.6.1 Siting and Orientation.................................................................................... 10-88 10.6.2 Form, Scale and Massing............................................................................... 10-89 10.6.3 Architectural Features and Details................................................................. 10-89 10.6.4 Exterior Materials and Colors........................................................................ 10-90 10.6.5 Roof Forms and Materials..............................................•---•-.......................... 10-91 10.6.6 Walls and Fences..................................................•-•--�......-------........--�--.......... 10-93 10.6.7 Accessory Structures and Services................................................................. 10-94 10.6.8 Street/Plaza Furniture and Bus Shelters......................................................... 10-94 10.6.9 Lighting.......................................................................................................... 10-94 10.6.10 Mechanical Equipment................................................................................... 10-95 10.7 Mixed-Use"Village Center"Architectural Guidelines.............................................. 10-95 11.0 I)EVELOPMENT STANDARDS........................................................................................... 11-1 11.1 Introduction................._....................................................---......................................... 11-1 11.2 Planning Objectives...................................................................................................... 11-1 11.3 Planning Area Development Standards........................................................................ 11-3 11.3.1 Planning Area 1 —Low Medium Density Residential and Community Park Description.......................................................................... 11-3 11.3.2 Planning Area 2—Medium 1 Density Residential Description...................... 11-5 11.3.3 Planning Area 3 —Medium 2 Density Residential,Lake,Lake Park, Paseo Park,Village Green and Mixed Use Overlay Zone Description........................ 11-7 11.3.4 Planning Area 4—Low Medium Density Residential, School, and Mixed Use Overlay Zone Description...................................................... 11-9 11.3.5 Planning Area 5 —Medium 2 Density Residential Description................... 11-11 11.3.6 Planning Area 6—High Density Residential and Mixed Use Overlay Zone Description............................................................................. 11-13 11.3.7 Planning Area 7—Low Medium Density Residential Description............... 11-15 11.3.8 Planning Area 8—Medium 1 Density Residential Description.................... 11-17 11.3.9 Planning Area 9—Medium 2 Density Residential and Arroyo Park Description......................................................................... 11-19 11.3.10 Planning Area 10—Low Medium Density Residential Description............. 11-21 11.3.11 Planning Area 11 —Medium 2 Density Residential Description.................. 11-23 11.3.12 Planning Area 12—Service Commercial Description................................... 11-25 11.4 Zoning Ordinance...........................................................�--......................................... 11-28 11.4.1 Low Medium(LM)Density Residential Zone (3-5 du per acre).................. 11-28 11.4.2 Medium 1 (M1)Density Residential Zone(5-7 du per acre)........................ 11-33 Harveston Specific Plan 111\UR01\VOLI�PRO1FiLE\I998�BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PLAMRE`�ISEDHAR�ESTOMTOC.DOC HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 11.4.2 Medium 1 (Ml)Density Residential Zone(5-7 du per acre)........................ 11-33 11.4.3 Medium 2(M2)Density Residential Zone(7-13 du per acre).:.................... 11-37 11.4.4 High(H)Density Residential Zone(13-20 du per acre)............................... 11-41 11.4.5 Mixed Use Overlay Zone.............................................................................. 11-46 11.4.6 Service Commercial...................................................................................... 11-59 11.4.7 Signage........................................................................................................�-- 11-67 11.5 Exceptions to Development Standards....................................................................... 11-76 11.6 Product Approval ............................................................•--•...----�--.............................. 11-76 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMIIVISTRATION.......................................................o...... 12-1 12.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 12-1 12.2 Phasing Plan...........................................�-................................................................---- 12-1 12.2.1 Phasing Plan General Development Standards............................................... 12-1 12.3 Financing Mechanism ................................................................................................. 12-7 12.4 Maintenance......................................................................................•-......................... 12-7 12.4.1 Master Homeowners Association.................................................................... 12-7 12.4.2 Residential Neighborhood Associations......................................................... 12-9 12.4.3 Commercial and Business Park Areas-----------------------•--................................... 12-9 12.4.4 Open Space and Parks.............................�--------............................................... 12-9 12.4.5 Project Roadways............................................................................................ 12-9 12.4.6 School Site................•---�-•----............................................................................ 12-9 12.5 Public Facilities Site Phasing Plan..........................................................•--.-•---------.--... 12-9 12.5.1 Public Facilities Phasing Description.............................................................. 12-9 12.5.2 Public Facilities Phasing Schedule.................................................................. 12-9 12.6 Specific Plan Modifications....................................................................................... 12-10 12.6.1 Acreage................................................................................................•......... 12-10 12.6.2 Conceptual Dwelling Prototypes................................................................... 12-10 12.6.3 Roadways and 1'rails...............................................................•---.................. 12-10 12.6.4 Lot Size and Configuration........................................................................... 12-10 12.7 Future Development Proposals .................................................................................. 12-11 12.8 Severability............................�-----................................---------..--•--............................... 12-12 APPENDICES A. GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY B. LARGE SCALE TOPOGRAPHIC AND GRADING MAPS Harveston Specific Plan IV P:\1998�BN16201�1ATESTSPECIFICPL4MFEBRUARYSPECIFICPL4N�TOC.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Regional Location Map............................................................................................... ... 2-3 • 2.2 Vicinity Map (aerial map)...................�..----....................................................---.................... 2-4 2.3 General Plan Map ................................................................................................................ 2-5 3.1 Conceptual Land Use Plan ...............................................•-............--•-•---..........................---. 3-2 3.2 Cherry Street Connection Land Use Plan..............................................................................3-8 4.1 Circulation Plan ................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.1a Circulation Plan-Cherry Street Altemative..........................................................................4-4 4.2 Roadway Cross Sections ..........................................�-----•�-•-------........................................... 4-5 4.3 Roadway Cross Sections ...................................................................................................... 4-6 4.4 Roadway Cross Sections ....................................................................�-•--••--•-----�--�-------........ 4-7 4.5 Roadway Cross Sections ...................................................................................................... 4-8 4.6 Roadway Cross Sections ..............................................................................................•-�---.. 4-9 4.7 Bicycle Plan..........................................................�------------................................................. 4-10 5.1 Drainage Plan ..--•-•....................................••-•----...........--••----�-�---........................................... 5-2 5.2 Water Plan ..............................................................................................�•---..........................5-6 5.3 Sewer Plan...........................................��-----•....................................................................... 5-11 6.1 Open Space and Recreation Plan ......................................................................................... 6-2 6.2 Conceptual Mini Park Detail................................................................................................ 6-5 6.3A Original Community Park Detail ......................................................................................... 6-6 6.3B Community Park Altematives................................................................................................6-7 6.3C Community Park Altematives...................................................................�•--•---•....................6-8 6.3D Community Park Altemative.................................................................................................6-9 6.4 Conceptual Lake/Lake Park/Village Green Detail..............................................................6-10 6.5 Conceptual Paseo Park Detail..............................•--•--------�-----..............................................6-11 7.1 Typical Utility Location...................... .. .. ... 7-2 7.2 Conceptual Lighting Standard Location...:............................................................................7-3 7.3 Typical Lighting Standard Detail .....................................•--•�----�-•---.....................................7-4 7.4 Public Transit Plan.................................................................................................................7-8 8.1 Existing Topography ............................................................................................................ 8-3 8.2 Grading Plan ...................................................................................................�--.................. 8-4 8.3 Grading Sections .................................................................................................................. 8-5 8.4 Grading Sections.........................................•-........................................................................ 8-6 8.5 Grading Sections.........................................................•..................__.......---.......----........,........ 8-7 8.6 Slope Planting...................••--�--...-�------.................................................................................. 8-8 10.1 Preliminary Landscape Plan..................................•-.....---.................................................... 10-2 10.1-1 Date Street at Arroyo Park.................................................................................................. 10� 10.1-1A Date Street.......-�.................................................................................�----............................. 10� 10.1-1B Date Street............................................................................................................................ 10-5 10.1-2 Date Street at Service Commercial...................................................................................... 10-5 10.1-3 Ynez Road at Service Commercial Land Use Edge............................................................. 10-9 10.1� Margarita Road.................................................................................................................... 10-9 10.1-5 Major Entry Road .............................................................................................................. 10-12 10.1-6 Minor Entry at Date Street................................................................................................. 10-12 10.1-7 Minor Entry at Margarita Road ......................................................................................... 10-13 10.1-8 Loop Road and Loop Road with Altemative Parking....................................................... 10-13 10.1-9 Loop Road at Lake Edge.................................................................................................... 10-16 Harveston Specific Plan V \UR01\VOLI�PRO]F7LE�1998�8NIfi?011DECEMBEfL_SPECIFIC_PIANUtEVISEDHARVESCOMTOCDOC HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN LIST OF FIGURES 10.1-10 Loop Road at Community Park.......................................................................................... 10-16 10.1-11 Village Center Road ............................................................................•�----........................ 10-18 10.1-12 Residential Entry-Typical............................................................................................... 10-18 10.1-13 Paseo Park.......................................................................................................................... 10-20 10.1-14 Residential Local Road at Lake Park................................................................................. 10-20 10.1-15 Lake Edge atLake Park...................................................................................................... 10-21 10.1-16 Service Commercial Adjacent to I-15................................................................................ 10-21 10.1-17 Business Park to Off Site Land Use Edge......................................................................... 10-22 10.1-18 Residential at Santa Gertrudis Creek................................................................................. 10-22 10.1-19 Residential Rear Lot Set Back......................................•--.................................................. 10-24 10.1-20 Residential Rear Lot Set Back........................................................................................... 10-24 10.2 Major Community Entry Monumentation Plan...................................... .. 10�2 ......................... 10.3 Minor Community Entry Monumentation Plan................................................................. 10-43 10.4 Community Fencing and Walls Plan................................................................................. 10-49 10.5 Community Fencing and Wall Details............................................................................... 10-50 10.6 Community Fencing and Wall Details .............................................................................. 10-51 10.7 Community Fencing and Wall Details............................................................................... 10-52 10.8 Interior Theme Fence Typical Enlargement Plan.............................................................. 10-53 11.1 Planning Area Detail 1........................................................................................................ 11� 11.2 Planning Area Detail2........................................................................................................ 11-6 11.3 Planning Area Detail3........................................................................................................ 11-8 11.4 Planning Area Detail4...................................................................................................... 11-10 11.5 Planning Area Detail5................................................................................................�----. 11-12 11.6 Plannin�Area Detail6.--•----------------�--------�--��-----..........-•---�-----�-----�--�----..---�----,................. 11-14 1 t.7 Planning Area Detail7...................................................................................................... 11-16 11.8 Planning Area Detail8.................................................................................................•--.. 11-18 11.9 Planning Area Detail9........................................................•---......-•-•-•---�•-------................_. 11-20 11.10 Planning Area Detail 10.....................�-•----..........................................--••---....................... 11-22 11.11 Planning Area Detail l l................................................................................. .............. 11-24 ..... 11.12 Planning Area Detail 12.................................................................................................... 11-26 11.12a Planning Area Detail 12 -Cherry Street Alternative ........................................................ 11-27 11.13 Conceptual Rear Access Landscaping............................................................................... 11-32 11.14 Mixed Use Village Center Conceptual Plan with Building Placement andLandscape Treatment.................................•--�-�-��-----......................................--•--....... 11-55 11.15 Mixed Use Village Center Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation and Parking ............... 11-58 12.1 Development and Roadway Phasing Plan .......................................................................... 12-2 12.1a Development and Roadway Phasing Plan-Cherry Street Altemative................................ 12-3 12.2 Maintenance Plan................................................................................................................ 12-8 12.3 Preliminary Public Facilities Phasing Plan...................................... ...........................�----.. 12-13 Harveston Specific Plan Vl \VROI\VOLI�PRO1FlLEl1998�6N16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOhITOC.DOC HARVESTON SPECIFIC PLAN LIST OF TABLES 3.1 Detailed Land Use Summary................................................�--..............-�-•------..................... 3-3 5.1 Estimated Domestic Water Demands ................................................................................... 5-5 5.2 Estimated Wastewater Flows.............................�-----�----...-•-----�•---�---..................................... 5-8 5.3 Estimated Wastewater Flows by Reach................................................................................ 5-9 5.4 Estimated Wastewater Flows by Reach and EMWD Regional Sewer............................... 5-10 11.1 Summary Development Standards for LM(Low Medium Density Res.)Zone............... 11-31 11.2 Summary Development Standards for M1 (Med.Dens. Res. 5-7 DU's/AC)Zone.......... 11-36 11.3 Summary Development Standards for M2 (Med.Dens. Res. 7-13 DU's/AC)Zone........ 11-40 11.4 Summary Development Standards for H(High Dens. Res. 13-20 DU's/AC)Zone......... 11-45 11.5 Development Standards—Service Commercial for Development on a Separate Lot...... 11-64 12.1 Development Phasing.................••---•--................................................................................ 12-4 12.2 Public Facilities Phasing.................................................................................................... 12-14 Harveston Specif c Plan Vll\�R01\VOLI�PROIFILEl1998�8N162011DECEMBE(ZSPECfFlC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMTOC,DOC SECTION 1.0 -SUNIlVIARY 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to comply with Government Code Section 65451, which reqwires that a Specific Plan include"all detailed regulations, conditions,programs, and proposed legislation that may be necessary or convenient for the systematic implementation" of each of the seven requirements of the General Plan. The Harveston Specific Plan has been prepared to meet these requirements of the City of Temecula General Plan, and provides a cohesive and comprehensive working document, which describes guidelines and standards for implementation of the development. This document has been prepared to assist the City of Temecula in the implementation of a comprehensive master plan, consistent with all regulatory standards in accordance with the Temecula General Plan. The Harveston Specific Plan provides a detailed description of proposed land uses and infrastructure requirements. Design and development standards have been prepared to assist in creating an architectural theme and community character symbiotic to the surrounding community, while providing criteria for each planning area within Harveston. 1.2 ORGAIVIZATION The Harveston Specific Plan is divided into twelve sequential sections. Section 1.0 presents a brief overview of the Specific Plan. Section 2.0 is intended to establish the purpose, scope, location and setting of the Specific Plan. Section 3.0 provides an extensive description of the development Land Use Plan. Sections 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 present discussions of transportation/circulation, infrastructure, open space and recreation, public services and utilities, grading, and landscaping as they relate to the Land Use Plan. Section 10.0 and 11.0 present a detailed description of the design guidelines and development standards, which are necessary to guide and control new development and carry out the goals and policies of the Specific Plan and the City's General Plan. Section 12.0 outlines the measures and programs necessary to implement and administer the development proposed by the Harveston Specific Plan. Appendix A includes an analysis of the Specific Plan's consistency with the City of Temecula General Plan, and Appendix B presents the large scale topographic and grading maps for the project. The Harveston Specific Plan document has been organized in a manner so as to distinguish clearly between policy statements, guidelines, and zoning regulations. The sections containing policy statements and guidelines would be adopted by resolution. The Harveston zoning regulations and design standards would be adopted by ordinance. Harveston Specific Plan 1-1\VR01\VOLI�PRO1FllE\I998�SNIfi201�DECEMBFRSPECIF7C PLANV2E�'ISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIAhDI'_.DOC SECTION 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PURPOSE AND INT.ENT The Specific Plan is intended to serve the following purposes: • Promote quality development consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Temecula General Plan. • Provide for comprehensive planning that assures the orderly development of the site in relation to the surrounding community. • Assure appropriate phasing and financing for community facilities, including cir�ulation impra�ements, domestic water, urban runoff and flood contro� facilities, sewage disposa[ facili[ies,edu�ational faciliti�s and parlcs. • Establish development regulations pernutting a variety of residential products. • Develop a plan that is econamically feasible and capable of being implemented based on existing and anticipated future ecanamic Gonciitions such that no economic burden to the City would occur. 2.2 SCOPE OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN The Specific Plan dacument for Harvestvn has been written c�nsistent with the framework establistted by the State[�f California Ga�emment Cade as speci�ied in Article 8, Section 6545� et, seq. The fotlowing is a brief analysis of the Specific Plan legal requirements and Harveston consistency with the respective criteria. According to Section 65451 of the Ca�ifornia Ga�ernment Code, the content of a Specific Plan shall inctude the following narrative and �ap�ic descxiptions. The text provided in italics is the actual Government Code requirements. The text below each requirement states where the requirement is met within the Specific Plan document. The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. Section 3.0 of this Specific Plan includes the location of various land uses including residential, open spacelrecreation, circulatian, and public/institutional. Section 6.0 provides a detailed discussion of open space, parics, and recreation. The pr-oposed distributior�, docation, extent, and intensity of rnajor camponerats af public and privccte t�•ansportatiata, sewage, water, drai�aage, sadid waste disposal, energy, a�zd other esseniia2 facilities proposed to be tocated wrthin the area cavered by the pdart and jzeeded to suppart the datsd atses described in the plan. Section 4.0 of this Specific Plan a�dresses these issues by pro�iding a cir�ulation plan, which delineates the arterial and colle�toz' streets within the Spe�ific Plan, as well as the necessary off-site connections. Sections 5.0 and 7.0 of the Specific Plan outline the essential infrastructure and services for the community. Standards and criteria by which development would proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. Section 3.0 of the Specific Plan includes the Land Use Plan, which addresses the provisions for the identification and conservation of natural resources of the site. Section 10.0 Design Guidelines and Harveston Specific Plan 2-1 P:\I996�BN16201�DECEM9EfZ5PECIFIC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI•IIANDII.DOC SECTION 2.0 INTRODUCTION Section 11.0 Development Regulations, which will be adopted by ordinance, address the development of regulations that define the criteria by which development would proceed. A progr�tm of irrzple��entaxion nteasures including regudaiions, programs, public works projects, and finan�ing measures�.ecessary ta carry out the preceding paragraphs. The Specific Plan includes implementa[ian measures, (Sections 12.0, Xrnplezx�.entatinn and Administration), which address phasing, financing, pern�its, maps, plans, and agreements that would �uide the future de�elapment. 2.3 PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING The Harves[on Speci�c Plan project site is locat�d adjacent to and east of Interstate 15 Freeway (I-15) in the City of Teme�ula, Catifornia, in southwesi Ri�erside County, south of the City of Los Angeles and north of the City of San Diego. The location of the Hazveston Specific Plan in relatian to the Iacal and regianal se[ting is displayed in Figures 2.1 and 2.2,regional and local vicinity maps.Figure 2.2 prQ�ides an aerial perspective of the site. I-35 and its connecting arterials pro�ide the Temecula Va11ey with con�enient links io 5an l]iego, Drange and Los Angeles Counties. Temecula Valley is centrally lacated, hordered by the eastern portiar� of Orange County to tk�e west, t�e northern portian of San Diego County to the southwest, az�d Ri�erside Caunty to the narth and east. Fro�n the I-15, direct access to the praject site is pro�ided by Winchester Road (Highway 79 Nor[h} and Yne2 Roa.d, both l�caced near t�e south�m houndary of the site, and Masga�ita Raad, wf-�zci� rur�s along the eastern boundary vf the site. WanchesEer R�ad runs near ihe southern �d�e of the project site and continues north adjacent to Chaparral High School. The area's expanding employment hase, and a�ariety of local amenities, including Murrieta Hot Springs, the Tezxi.ecula Wine Country, Old Town Temecula, Texriecula V�11ey Promenade, the Cleveland National Forest, schools, and several golf caurses make the Har�estan location at[racti�e and competiti�e. The project's clase proximity to these rnarkets, yet its relati�ely exclusive locati�n, places Harves[an in a superiar market. 2.4 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The Har�estan Speci�c Plan ser�es as a planning guide to irr�plernent the intent of [he City's General Plan. The Specific PIan developrzxent concept has been prepared to be consisient with all appliGable gaals and prograrrts contained within the General Plart and ta effectively iznplenaent the palicies of the General P1an, and the applicabie Zoning requirements ant€ guidelines. The issues and goals identified within each eleanent of the General Plan have been evaluated, aiad a statement of compliance with the General Plan has been included as Appendix A. The Gerteral 1'ian lartd use designations pro�ide the palicy directian and authority for this Spe�i�ic Plan. Figure 2.3 gra�hi�ally i�lustrates the existing City of Teme�ula Genexal Plan Designations for the Specific Plar� area. The portions of the Speci�c Plan prqposed f�r de�elopment are all within the followzng Genexal Pian la�d use designations: The gropased Harveston Sp�ci�c Plan land use densities and intensities fall within the existin� density and intensity le�els of the City of Terxkecrala Generai Plan. The densities intended under the existing Generat I'lan have no[ been increased with the current Generai Plan Amendment. �ther prapflsed 5peci�c Flan land uses (i.e., �axk,recreation, and school) are also consistent with the General Plan. Harveston Specifzc Plan 2-2 P.\I998�9N76?OI�DECEMBER SPECIFIC PL4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-11AI�'DI±DOC �-_ 1': � ��'-� _�:. ��.�'��S���1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r °�" '� f� �J :ntaria _�__ ,� � Yucaipa - �Riverside 62 60 ,. � i - -- t �' � � �g Palm Springs �� �' 215 , �: , Hemet ' T4 ���_.._ , Ir�ine �� - Palm Desert�-- � � 7� - � � �Lake Elsinor��:� �� �� � 1 �-�- -." '�, PRv�Fcr S�rE --- � � 371 � �Temecula �`� , . � �San Clemente � . ,i���� �, �. � �_ � ..'� .-� � �Oceanside a,c�,�:c �G� Escondido •. - � � ` 78 � .�� J �Piway - � � �� '� Figure 2.1 � � � N.T.S. Febn�ry 2001 Regional Location Map �ir� -ti-.:-..---.-� � .. ----•.:._^..,»�..-,.--..- - '�� ' . . . . .�. -- _F' � ' .-� ' ---' WARM SPRINGS � ' ' '��" ..,_ _ .r '^ • � . -_ : •_-.� �� •�" � � SPECIFIC PLAN• -=- ': .� T : �, ---_�--�- ._� *"-- ;;;�,,,,a _ _ ,�,� _ _ ' C�TY nF MURFi�ETA -- -- -- -- �ARS�RWAL`KI _ '�*`='�� � .�_ "�� �_ .��_ - ; '�`..-_ ^— . ; CI,.�T�'�F TEMEGtJL'A � �UVARM SPRINGS �--,� - ^...,_. �i� , T �7'3r�'.�u'�D3� ; `�r,�. �� : ,_ �..a; �; � . r-�-,� ._�,� Lr r:;�- � ' Specific Plan ,:'�.=i' =� �y ^� _�„� '�", �/ e' ` ' .- a - ���'`-•��`.:" a=y = � � • -- Lennar Comnrunitie.r ". -� `�,` , - _. � � =i _����- _ � ���-���.�. ,. ��� � �.. I �• ___ �:�_�_ i `��� .� . � `. - — , . _ __ ;-. - - - -_ _..- � �-- COUNTY DF RIVERSlDE i=�`�.;� � :�'°°;-'��_ _ .;- .. � .- . . ' ClTY OF TEMECULAr ,a DATE_ST:_ �--- ., :�� -- i��`--� i. !i _ � Q ~, :ry�:- .- �L�,�'w ' 1 >� �' _ '���' t� .J �+ � � �!r-�~v ' r�s1��. I� :`.�t.: _.���: iyRT\ '.�y, N - --�^`r. :i. �, '-�.'.�T-� . '�i • � 1: Q � -�-''-�— n-c�-'�: : ':� �1!. ..' � 7 �,� � N �--i��f-r'^''�'i f�"}"n �_ !q. .'���y� . �}.l I�' �.-- �: - _���"��''f' �y:L=--� _. . .. . . ' ' r '¢ �� ����~•tl���l � a � H�l�1/��T�N � � �s,:� � � — �:r:;:f�;,s�- �� Q -- �•"�fr��;i Z�a. `,a „ �� � . _ � �.`�r.•,.��-,-Y��i-.- 'i LL� WItuCHE57ER,}.�::� . ���=��i� � :� ; F- CR�EkC PARIC�� • :31I__ .�•1� '9►A . � ! i _ .. .•�, 'I_n�w7R���]r`� 'Y• _.� a�.- _" �. f ' ' ••"1'^.-n.- .�•�.—. '_.:.-f � � _ �� ,� OUT ;.;.''�a4!.. =f_.!l-_?ti,�,_!';'r n�'=� � t.��,.--• � F-. 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'' •w-. _ -�� ss� ,<< �'- �-.� .= - - • '- -- -ei,� ' �-• '=q�;.-�� p �.r. , :� . �J "1';��.���A=. ..� -�;_.��-�.� •. - � . . , f 7T I'. -,-;; ;-+;-�.��:,' , •�,� � � y � � MALL ��. _ . ' �; ��:� _,{. ,�'�;� � -„ �I 4y ,�_ _ _ '� J� y ry f�• . •' • •�" 4'/_'%Y ^�� R AD �'�. '�' _ - . ' . _ . �i�` '��SiL�.� ��.�� � �� ' -� F- . �.,�� � . . r" „ _ y.S.�.� � . . . • --� - � y,. - . . -r� � / -. • �� ��� :_�`' �` ''�-.{� .-.. -_ ._ � fr.' - ` '.-'-.,-� ' --. _ •.- -� - ---- ' '.��._-..._ __ . ��` . �-`', .� � •' :_ _r �_rr .. �s,e-=-:i.S'�.. �`qyI'f�a Photo by:Analytical Photogrammetric Surveys,Inc.Date Flown:9-28-2000 F1gL1Ye 2.2 o zoo 400 800 � Local Vicinity / Surrounding Land Uses February 2001 coN�u�riN� CITY OF MURRIETA - �����w����a�r�i�i�r�a������■r���;��R���� �-.�:= � � - =,�'��. „ � - � ■ �}�.]['�'�5���3 � � � � Specific Plan ■ M � Lennar Communities a ; � �� � ■ o � � � ■ � � . � � COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE � • r�����r���r���i�■�ii������■ ����sxo� � 1 - - - _ _ - �� S.�R��-� �`� � , � n� r LE GEND � � �d�s Specific Plan Boundary � LM " Residential Uses �; � � Low Medium (3-6 du/ac max.) LM w � �� � � Medlum (7-12 du/ac mag.) M � 1 S� � �; p �S High (13-20du/ac max.) H � � � i � ' � Non-Residential Uses z � Neighborhood Commercial NC ■ � a � P Service Commercial SC � M f $ ■ Open Space/Recreation OS j . �i���t�� , Public/Institutional P a#■���� �t� �� � .,� a* ��'-� L� � f� �� �• � � � H ,. ��qo� ■ A �p f'`4 s' 1 RG �R����r ■ ��■r . � � �. s ��*��� �++ �*����s WINCHESTER ROAD Source:City of Temecula General Plan Figur e 2.3 o ,�� � � General Plan Map I'-__�---1= _ : -==I � ' February 2001 { � CITY OF MURRIETA :R _ - � - e�=a�na e� ee aA aa�,aa�oo��ol 1 � ,� _ �� Q � � . a � -�- �`-�-e-'- ' � ME�IUM 2 - I �. :.:;.r3�- � � 8.a AG. 10 �S�'��s��I71 r $�UNI7S LOW MEDIUM a a � Specific Plan 1 �p 46.2 AC. = 191 UNITS � Lennar C'ommunitie.r � ' I'--� � ; I - - - MEf]IIJM 2 ' 8.6 AC. � ���� � Yop�xi3a�. --- --8311iVIT5 ��� _ _x _ COl1NTY0FRIVERSIDE �a DATESTREET �_'�. � ctii;s ��Q f -- _ --_-;_��----- -- --- -- ---- --- ------- -------- �� -, �f � c �:,+ — i � `�� �f�- 3 � a LE GEND � � LOW MEDIUM � � � � 39.1 AC. o m� � � -: - _- ----� _ _ 140 UNITS ° Specific Plan Boundary � MEDIEJM 1 :• ��� _ � � = 39.0 AC. z ` ,9% 234 UNiTS - � k LOW-MED DENSITY � � SERVICE � � (3-5 du./ac. max.) F COMMERC#A� _ � _ 9 � EXISTING MEDIUM DENSITY 1 � 192.5 AC. � � �P � C�s�s� (5-7 du./ac. max.) - M�owM� � r��❑?�rn z � _. .. . . . 4D.�AC. ,��.9AC:. ➢ - - �TED I�r�t� l Y�N�1T7' � OUTPARCEL 241 ElNfFS �KEPARK SCHOOL " (7-13 du.�ac. max.) �AC�urr 3,3�J�11TS 12.0 AC. 1 � 2.5 AG. �7.3 AC I — � — � - � (13-20 du.�ac. max.) Q V � - -- - c�-�aR ��, � � R�s��y � PARK iOUT PARCEL �� 4�' � � �, LYJ °'��� � �� i 1_3 AC. � p� �� s ° a 1.3 AC. �c�� ��.�� ' LOW MEDIUM � ' � �9 � � ••� 24.5 AC. SCHOOL y,�La. R° ' � � - 83 UNITS $ ��°'��s q q�° .r°� - COMMUNITYPARK �. ��$ y,,�14 �, 'Ifi.5 AC. � �:S�-} �h��EG USE OVERLAY � \ MIXED USE � a _ - �}�� �9� ��°.��0 �� _-� _ �GH ��a SERVICEICC]MMER{:IAL �� � ° � --- -- �� ��.�A1�i- ca - . . � �� 30Q UNI�'S .� ¢ MP I'FL�111��1? _ �o:° �„`� +.�� !'�L. ,- ' yP ��ux � � r'SL1rJli� `•''��� Ck��g 0 �m�'.� . ! LOW MEDIUM '� �( NOTE: r 41.1 AC. 4"�P � � E � 1. Roadway alignment within Service Commercial is conceptual. ; 164 UNITS ,� 2. The location of Mini Parks (MP) is conceptual (1.5 AC. minimum) ° � � p \ S ' o�� Individual size and program varies. o e�,o� P�" G E � � 3. The Ynez Road alignment and the alignment of Date Street at the I-15 O' 40 are conceptual at this time. These alignments are contingent upon `fl,�''��m P N � P .� Caltrans' final approval of the Project Study Report (PSR), which is S � currently being conducted. � � WINCHESTER ROA� Figure 3.1 o �� � �� Conceptual Land Use Plan F I f I � ' �°"� , . Revised Augist 14,2001 SECTION 3.0 LAND Ll�SE PLAN 3.1 SPECIFIC LAND USE PLAN DESCRIPTION Harveston is envisioned as a high quality, master-planned community. Through strong cohesive community design,the Harveston Specific Plan will offer a diverse, convenient living environment for its residents. The Harveston property will be a highly amenitized community offering certain elements not found among many standard master-planned communities, such as a centrally located lake/park complex. This central lake/park facility, "the heart" of Harveston will offer a wide variety of recreational opportunities to fulfill the needs of its residents who reside within the specific plan area, as well as Temecula residents outside the specific plan community. Additional amenities include an expansive, landscaped parkway and trail system located adjacent to local, collector, major, and arterial roadways. In addition, a paseo system will provide recreational opportunities and altemative modes of transportation (pedestrian,bicycle)through the site. An elementary school and parks will provide facilities for organized and passive forms of recreation. Another significant feature of the proposed plan is the "Village Center." Located central to the Harveston community, the Village Center is where residents can come together for recreation or social events, as well as daily service and shopping needs. The Village Center is proposed to include a variety of uses such as retail, restaurant, office, daycare, worship, and a private club facility (Village Club) and fitness center. Additionally, uses such as recreation, education and residential dwellings will be provided adjacent to or within the Village Center. The Harveston property will be identified and unified through design elements such as architecture, signage, landscaping, color, walls, fencing and entry treatments. Variability of design will be allowed so individual development enclaves and neighborhoods within the overall community will be able to establish their own individual design character,yet maintain compatibility. The proposed Land Use Plan is illustrated in Figure 3.1, Conceptual Land Use Plan, and is summarized in Table 3.1, Statistical Summary. As depicted in Figure 3.1, the Land Use Plan has been divided into twelve (12) distinctive Planning Areas. The boundaries of the Planning Areas were dictated by different types of land uses to be developed within the Harveston Specific Plan.For specific information regarding each of the (12) individual Planning Areas, please refer to Section 10.0 and 11.0, Design Guidelines and Development Standards. The proposed land uses within the Specific Plan include: 3.1.1 Residential A variety of residential areas are proposed throughout the site, reflecting a combination of low—medium, medium 1, medium 2, and high density residential, with an average of 6.3 units per net residential acre. The overall project density is 3.4 units per acre. It is the intent of the Master Developer to allow for a variety of product types within each development phase (Please refer to Section 12.1, Phasing). Generally, the lower density residential units are located outside the proposed Loop Road, while the higher density units are located inside the Loop Road, with the exception of proposed multi-family units which are adjacent to the mixed-use "Village Center"area. Harveston Specifzc Plan 3�1\�R01\VOLIWROIF[LE1199818N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONVLEVISEDI-IIAhD12DOC CITY OF MURRIETA ,.¢�. rn c�_q a, y.p��p e s e�a� e n�sa p o�p q v v�o d d q o e�e v n e� - . . �.r �; x ..—�.:.�-�.-� F� -°-- ' e�'�- a � M�D�U�2 I ��.�'��i���� � ti 9.4 RC. 1� a a � 94LiAliTS LOWMEDIUM Specific Plan �a � 51.0 AC. � Lennar Communitie.r 206 UNITS � �i � I� J � I�ED1UM 2 � � .. 8.6 aC. J _ 4�139 P�• 83 UIVt1'S � COUNn OF RIVERSIDE oA�s��r - P�oYO -- a — -- - - F . .�'` —- ___ ___ '��u Y'n�u a�m��e��r e'[�fw P�"��`�'[f s'�p-� / � �` - � - - — -�— - � ------ -� LEGEND � �21 � o � � � �� SERVICE LOW MEDIUM ' CQMMERCIAL � 39.1 AC. Specific Plan Boundary ��' i�2.1AC. - ---- -- =- _-- _ -_- _--__ 140UNITS ° MEOIt}M 1 - � ��- �- J � � 34.8 AC. � � �-� � LOW-MED DENSITY .= 2Q7 IfNITS =- �• a (3-5 du./ac. max.) r�F`j • ..Y,�:.. . . � � = '"r 4� � MEDIUM DENSITY 1 � v . � � � � ��� � ¢ P/INCHESTER .. • _ �� � 3 CREEKPARK (5-7 du./ac. max.) � - �1P �. - MEaIUM� � �E����� � _ NiEDILTM I]ENS3TY 2 � d�_�qG_ a (7-13 d�t.�ac. max.) aur�nRCE� 35.9 F�C. 2 5 AC 2A1 UNITS SCHOOL �nKEPARK 33[�11P�i�S 12.0 AC. t73�AC. (13-20 du.�ac. max.) ° PARi� e� �OUTPARCEL ��pp'G � ^RUS�j�gLElypRNE o � t.3 AC. _ p��Q�� " � � � LOW MEDIUM ' SCHOOL r � � � t ¢OPCS o�� �a r'f � ♦ �' . �1,� � �. 24.5 AC. �Y �`.� � � �-' � �� . ' 83 UNITS ,r MIXED USE "��,.�Y y " � COMMUNffY PARK � �� -- ���{Fp USE OVERLAY� ��qq o��G` � 16.5AC. � s ; �°w SLRVICE/COM�ERCIAL � ��� - HIGH g �f r � [� 16.8AC. Q�� C��y qs u 3�D UIV�75 � ��o���E M� F��t�lUh1? ��,y �� -r r AC. ��' !.J N OTE: 9 � 7r Utd{75 ,-$=-.ti m�� y�e 1. Roadway alignment within Service Commercial is conceptual. � LOW MEDIUM ��� 2. The location of Mini Parks (MP) is conceptual (1.5 AC. minimum) 0 40.6 AC. �'�G C R E E K Individual size and program varies. � 162 LiNITS P�� S 3. The Ynez Road alignment and the alignment of Cherry Street at the , R � � 1 I-15 are conceptual at this time. These alignments are contingent upon � �'y�a� E R � ��'y aQ Caltrans' final approval of the Project Study Report (I'SR), which is 9 �m A�' A e- currently being conducted. °�'� 5 �, �' � �� � � � � Q � WINCHESTER ROAD Figure 3.2 o ,Sa � 6�' d ' Pp � RevisedAugust14,2001 Conceptual Land Use I'lan - Cherry Street Connection Alternative f =l --1 =1 -U..�-..��o � � < � d�a o � " � " w � w' > r.� � � � 1-1 � ;� C py� � F � � '� �..� r"'� � � � � � � � ��� > A z � OO � � � NN � eM � o�'oo�o � M Q �'� 5 F" w7 T" �ea w G�"' �� � wC " E Z � � � �� � u L E a 61 y '� +^�j � ^ v� m � 9 � E � � � �w W y, 9 Q O � �D � OOJO ON ��D � [; `� � � � e [.� � MM � M 'v �0 'S001 � 01 � T � � �CJ �p � W � a � a ��v ; C '" "' E� � � � .,,n � N�y j o` i `s ""w � � o - � � bD U" u w O�' � d� � M M M M � � Q� V� Vi Vi Vi � C i [� � --� �--i � � . 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It is anticipated that these residential homes will be located on average 5,000 square foot lots (at various configurations) and will be targeted for a variety of single family detached products. ■ Medium Density 1 (ranging from 5 to 7 du/ac., with a target density of 6.0 du/ac) - Residential areas include approximately 475 dwelling units on 79.1 acres of land located in Planning Areas 2 and 8. It is anticipated that these residential homes will be located on average 3,500 square foot lots and will be targeted for a variety of single family small-lot detached (i.e., rear access, patio homes, clustered)products. • Medium I)ensity 2 (ranging from 7 to 13 du/ac., with a target density of 9.7 du/ac) -Residential areas include approximately 568 dwelling units on 60.0 acres of land located in Planning Areas 3, .5, 9 and 11. It is anticipated that these residentaal homes will be located on average 2,500 square foot lots and will be targeted for small-lot single family detached (i.e., rear access patio homes, clustered)and a variety of small-lot single family attached(townhomes)products. • High Density (ranging from 13 to 20 du/ac., with a target density of 17.8 du/ac) - Residential areas include approximately 300 dwelling units on 16.8 acres of land located adjacent to the main entrance to the community off of Margarita Road, in Planning Area 6. It should be noted the City's General Plan allows a density bonus for seniar housing projects. Where high-density housing types are planned,private recreation facilities and common open space shall be provided to supplement community open space uses. Private recreational areas and complexes may include facilities such as pools, spas, or barbecue areas. The exact design and layout of these facilities will be accomplished in conjunction with detailed Development Plan review. 3.1.2 Service Commercial The Harveston site will contain a service commercial center on approximately 112.5 acres. This acreage excludes the 110 foot right-of-way (ROW) for Date Street and 78 foot ROW for the Industrial Collector. It also excludes the full ROW and landscape development zone (LDZ) far Ynez Road (110 foot ROW plus 13 feet remaining LDZ on each side). The commercial uses proposed would be service and community commercial uses for onsite and offsite residents. Commercial development will consist of a mixture of"big box" commercial, officefprQfessional uses, and support service uses that could serve the adjacent business park developments. This area could also accommodate the expansion of e�sting adjacent Business Park uses. It is anticipated that the commercial development will ultimately serve the needs of and provide employment opportunities to the Harveston community. This development will also assist in meeting the regional employment needs. The service commercial site is located in Planning Area 12, west of Ynez Road and adjacent to the I-15 freeway. The Service Commercial designation is intended to provide for intensive commercial uses, selected light manufacturing uses that typically require extensive floor area, and limited business park uses south of Date Street to provide a transition from existing business park uses to the south. Warehousing and light manufacturing may be pemutted as supporting uses for a business that is consistent with the Service Commercial designation. Typical commercial uses include mid-rise office buildings, home improvements stores, discount retail stores, furniture stores and auto service and repair. Harveston Specifzc Plan �-.J�VR01\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�BN16?OI�DECEMBER_SPECIFlC_PIAN�REVISEDHARVESTOMREV�SF.��-�1ANDI2DOC SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN Business park uses shall be allowed south of Date Street to include administrative off'ice, research, and development laboratories, custom made product manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, and fabrication of goods, such as jewelry, furniture, art objects,clothing, on-site wholesale of goods produced, and labor intensive manufacturing and assembly. 3.1.3 Greenbelt/Paseos and Landscape Development Zones The proposed project will include a system of greenbeldpaseos, roadway paseos, slopes, and Landscape Development Zones (LDZs). These paseos serve several functions which link the community's neighborhoods to each other while providing alternative modes of travel (pedestrian, bicycle, etc.) to major destination points (schools,recreation facilities and commercial facilities) within the community. A paseo following the Loop Road will provide Harveston residents the opportunity to walk and jog around the entire community within a "park-like" setting (refer to Figures 10.1-8 and 10.1-10 in section 10.0 of this document).With the exception of the"loop road"paseo, the other large paseos (i.e., Arroyo Park and Paseo Park) generally follow drainage courses; however, the majority of off and on-site water will be carried through an underground system of pipes. (Refer to Section 5.1, Drainage). S�me major roadways shown on the Specific Plan will also have greenbeldpaseos (parkways) expanded from the standard right- � of-way. (Refer to Section 10.0, Design Guidelines). The greenbeldpaseo system will provide a major aesthetic and unifying amenity for the entire project. 3.1.4 Mixed-Use Overlay The proposed plan allows for a 13-acre mixed-use zone overlaying area designated as the "Village Center." The development concept for this area allows for a mix of potential uses such as, retail, restaurant, off'ice, daycare, worship, and private clubhouse (Village Club). Additional uses such as recreation (i.e., Village Green or private recreation within multi-family residential), education (i.e., elementary school in Planning Area 4), and residential (i.e., multi-family residential) will be provided adjacent to or within the Village Center. A maximum of 20,000 square feet of commerciaUretail, which may include residential, recreation and education uses, is pernutted in this zone along with future office uses and a 2.0-acre Village Club. 3.1.5 School Twelve(12) acres will be set aside for an elementary school site. The elementary school site is located in Planning Area 4, adjacent to the Mixed-Use Overlay zone. The community Loop Road will provide access with secondary access off Margarita Road. 3.1.6 Parks A 16.5-acre community park is planned in Planning Area 1 to serve residents of the community as well as the City of Temecula. This park would include recreational facilities and related uses, such as sports fields (baseball, softball, and soccer), outdoor barbecue,picnic areas, a tot lot, a concession stand, an equipment storage building, public restrooms, and required parking facilities. The park will provide ball field lighting for night use and team sports activities. Mini parks are planned in Planning Areas 1, 7 and 10. These mini parks totaling a minimum of 1.5 acres will be provided for the benefit of Harveston neighborhoods. These parks shall contain recreational amenities, which may include tot lots, shade structures, picnic areas, benches or ornamental gardens. The location and size of mini parks is conceptual. In addition, it is anticipated that further recreational facilities may occur within the high- density residential area. The proposed plan also includes three linear type parks: 1) Arroyo Park is located in Planning Area 9 and includes an adjacent walking trail and possible public parking and Harveston Specific Plan 3-6 P.\I999V4N16?OI�DECEMBER_SPECIFlC PIAN�REVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDI-11ANDI2DOC SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN density residential area. The proposed plan also includes three linear type parks: 1) Arroyo Park is located in Planning Area 9 and includes an adjacent walking trail and possible public parking and interpretive kiosk; 2) Paseo Park also includes a paseo/trail. The Paseo Park connects the Community Park to the central Lake Park; and 3) the central Lake Park, which provides a variety of recreational opportunities for Harveston as well as the residents of the City of Temecula. (Refer to Figure 6.1, Open Space and Recreation Plan in Section 6.0 of this document). Class II bike lanes will be provided along the project entry roads, the proposed Loop Road, Date Street, Margarita Road and other roadways. (Refer to Figure 4.7,Bicycle Plan in Section 4.0 of this document). 3.1.7 Roads Major roadways will be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. The City of Temecula Circulation Element� as proposed, will adequately serve future traffic volumes for both the site and region. On-site traffic will be handled by a hierarchical roadway system consisting of arterial, major, collector and local roadways. A Loop Collector Roadway will provide interior traffic to higher traffic carrying major and arterial roadways. (Refer to Figures 4.1 and 4.2 through 4.6, Circulation Plan and Roadway Cross-Sections in Section 4.0 of this document.) 3.1.8 Cherry Street Connection Alternative The Cherry Street Connection (Overcrossing / Interchange Alternative) is consistent with the recently adopted Circulation Plan roadway configuration within the City of Murrieta. Figure 3.2 depicts the Land Use Plan which results from the implementation of a Cherry Street Connection (i.e., Overcrossing / Interchange). The objectives of this alternative Circulation Plan were: 1) to maintain the Cherry Street Connection and any associated improvements wholly within the Temecula City Limits, and 2) maintain an alignment, which is consistent with City Traffic Engineering Design Standards. It should be noted that the exact alignments of Ynez Road and Cherry Street(I-15 connection) are conceptual at this point in time pending CALTRANS' adoption of the final project study report. This alternative is analyzed in Section 6.3 of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR. The major effects of the Cherry Street connection Alternative on the proposed Land Use Plan(Figure 3.1) include the following: • The acquisition of the 2.5 and 1.3 acre out parcels becomes necessary to implement the revised Ynez Road alignment. • The acreage of the Service Commercial (Planning Area 12)is slightly reduced(±0.4 acre). ■ The acreage of Residential Planning Areas 10 and 11 is increased (±6.2 acres). • The acreage of Residential Planning Area 8 is decreased(±4.4 acres). Harveston Specific Plan 3—/\�IR01\VOLINROIF4.E11998�eN1620ILL.ATE5T5PECIFlCPLAMFEBRUARYSPEC�ICPL.4MREVI5ED1-IIANDI2.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN Additionally, it should be noted that in the immediate vicinity of the Harveston project, the Draft Proposed Circulation Plan differs from the existing City of Temecula Circulation Plan, and build-out model assumptions, in the following ways: + The General Plan Circulation Element Map shows a conceptual location of an interchange with I-15 connecting to an east-west roadway between Ynez Road and Jefferson Street. At this time, two alternatives are being reviewed to comply with the General Plan requirements for an interchange. The locations under consideration are Date Street and Cherry Street. The fmal location shall be based upon Caltrans'final approval of the Project Study Report(PSR); ■ A new grade separation of Date Street and Murrieta Hot Springs is proposed along with the re- designation of State Route 79 from Winchester Road to Date Street; and, • The Western Bypass now turns east and assumes an alignment just south of Cherry Street instead of continuing north into the City of Murrieta. 3.2 SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGN OBJECTIVES Throughout the planning of Harveston, the underlying design philosophy has been to create a community character and quality that reflects the context of the region, the site's topography, and its surrounding community. The integration of site planning, architecture and landscape principles into neighborhood design (see Section 10.0) is a fundamental goal for Harveston. Section 10.5 of this document includes a detailed discussion of the Design Criteria for Harveston. Neighborhood Design Objectives include the following: 1. Create a high standard in neighborhood design and implement it consistently over an entire new community. 2. Provide small scale intunate neighborhoods. 3. Create attractive and comfortable street scenes and street space. 4. Provide "local"open space where neighbors can meet and children can play. 5. Reduce the appearance of"mass production"in housing. 6. Create neighborhood designs that integrate architecture, site planning and landscape. 7. Implement the goals of the General Plan and the Growth Management Plan. Harveston Specifzc Plan 3-1 P.\199313N16201�DECEMBER_SPECIFIC_PLANViEVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIANDI?.DOC SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN 3.3 SPECIFIC LAND USE PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The Harveston Specific Plan project is a combination of residential, commercial, open space, and community uses, and an extension of existing and planned development occurring in the Temecula area. The specific land uses described will require infrastructure, public services and facilities, and special techniques or mitigations in each Planning Area to accommodate the uses proposed and provide adequate transportation to neighboring uses. Project-wide development standards have been prepared to manage implementation of general or unique conditions in each Planning Area. General standards are listed below. For specific Planning Area standards, see Section 11.0,Development Standards. 1. The total Specific Plan shall be developed to a maximum of 1,921 dwelling units on 549.5 acres (306.8 acres of residential and related uses, 112.5 acres of Service Commercial, 60.2 acres of major streets and slopes, and two 1.3 and 2.5-acre outparcels), as illustrated on Figure 3.1, Conceptual Land Use Plan. Generally, the uses permitted shall include residential, service commercial, business park, recreation, school, open space and circulation. The plan will also include a Mixed-Use Overlay zone that will have a variety of uses such as retail, restaurant, office, daycare, congregate care, worship, private club house, recreation, educational and residential. No more than 1,921 units are permitted, not including any density bonus for senior housing as allowed pursuant to the City of Temecula General Plan. 2. Uses and development standards shall be in accordance with the zoning regulations established for this Specific Plan as well as the Planning Area Development Standards (Section 11.0), and shall be defined by Specific Plan objectives, future detailed tract maps, development plans and potential conditional use permits as appropriate. 3. The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory requirements of all City of Temecula and state laws and shall conform substantially with the approved Specific Plan as��led in th���ice of the�ity of Temecula Planning Depa.�ment,unl�ss otherwise amen�?ed. 4. Any development standard not addressed in the Specific Plan shall be subject to the Development Code and Citywide Design Guidelines. 5. An environmental assessment, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), may be required for each tract, development plan, Specific Plan Amendment or any other discretionary permit required to implement the Specific Plan. At a minimum, the environmental assessment shall utilize the evaluation of impacts addressed in the EIR prepared for this Specific Plan. 6. Tentative maps prepared shall be in conformance with the Development Standards contained in this Specific Plan. 7. A Specific Plan Amendment, may be required, as determined by the Planning Department with a subsequent development application, if the proposed use varies substantially from the use(s) provided for by the zoning standards established by this Specific Plan. 8. Design features, such as special architectural treatments, perimeter and interior landscaping, and buffering of parking lodloading zone areas shall be incorporated into project design to minimize any potential conflict between business park/commercial uses and any abutting residential enclaves. Harveston Speeifzc Plan 3-lUUR01\VOLI�PROJFQ.ElI99B�SN16?OIHATESTSPECIFICPUMFEHRUARYSPECff7CPUNU2EVISEDI•IIANDl?DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN 9. The proposed school development has been reviewed and approved through other concurrent actions with the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TViJSD) as the lead agency (not the City of Temecula) for the environmental and entitlement processes. Therefore, an additional review and approval through the Specific Plan process will not be required. 10. Future residential lotting shall employ the following passive solar heating techniques, whenever possible. Passive systems involve orienting buildings properly (i.e., north/south lot orientation), planting trees to take advantage of the sun, seeing that roof overhangs are adequate, making sure that walls aze properly insulated, and simple heat storage systems, including such elements as dual-paned windows. 11. Final development densities for each Planning Area shall be determined through the appropriate development application up to the maximum density identified based upon, but not limited to the following: a. Adequate availability of service. b. Adequate access and circulation. c. Innovation in housing types, design, conservation or opportunities. d. Sensitivity to neighborhood design through appropriate lot and street layouts. 12. All plans for proposed TCSD maintenance areas including public pazk facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Services prior to approval of the respective fmal map. 13. The TCSD only considers the acceptance of perimeter slopes adjacent to single family residential development for maintenance purposes along roadways with a 66' ROW or larger. All other azeas must be privately maintained. In addition, the TCSD does not accept fee title ownership of perimeter landscape or open space maintenance areas. (Said responsibilities aze typically offered to the TCSD as a maintenance easement on the final map - ownership remains with the homeowner's association or underlying property owner). However, the City (not the TCSD) accepts the dedication of public park facilities pursuant to City Council acceptance of a grant deed. 14. For the security and safety of future residents and users, the applicant and/or developer shall incorporate the following design concepts into site plans for individual planning areas: a. Circulation for pedestrians, vehicles and police patrols. b. Lighting of streets, walkways, bikeways, commercial and industrial areas and safety lighting within the various park facilities (public and private). c. Visibility of doors and windows from the street and between buildings. d. Fencing heights and materials, including landscaping that serves security needs. Harveston Specifzc Plan 3-11 P:\1998�8N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC_PLP.hV2EVI5EDHARVESfOMREVISEDI-IIANDI2DOC SECTION 3.0 LAND USE PLAN 15. Maintenance associations, if formed, shall be established as follows: The master property owners' association, commercial property owners' association, office professional owners' association and the business park owners' association shall be charged with the unqualified right to assess their own individual owners who own individual units for reasonable maintenance and management costs which shall be established and continuously maintained. Each property owners' association shall be responsible for private roads, parking, open space areas, signing, landscaping, irrigation, common areas and other responsibilities as necessary. 16. The Harveston Specific Plan is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare. 17. Overall project density shall not be exceeded. 18. The project shall comply with all City of Temecula curb-side recycling programs. 19. A separate noise study shall be done (at Final Map phase) to deternune appropriate noise attenuation devices such as fence types and construction materials to mitigate noise from the surrounding roads/freeway to ensure the development is in compliance with the General Plan residential noise standards at buildout conditions. Harveston Specific Plan 3-12\URO]\VOLI�PROJFILE\i998�9N16201�DECEIv�ERSPECQ3C_PIAMREVISEDHARVESTONIREVISEDI•IlAWl1DOC . ' ��� � ��� � � ..i r �� f� � ���`Ytf �'`( �► � � � � '� �1�� � . '"s��`����� GI oi��I}E��. AFPROVAL � CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNiNG DEPT. pftAJEC7 MEETS ZONING STANDARDS . � _ P�RMiTS ARE REQUIRED � } � •• +N i SfGNATUR / DA7E �l � � ! � � a � �r �.r+ � � � � . � • � .J... .. ......�. � � ����i�1+J �G���s-(� ��� ►��-�i�r� . / � t �� � � ��� '� ��`���.� V�� � � , � � ��► ���r� SECTION 4.0 CIRCULATION PLAN 4.1 CIRCULATION PLAN DESCRIPTION Figure 4.1, Circulation Plan, illustrates the project roadway concept, based on the City's Circulation Element, input from the City Traffic Engineering Division and Wilbur Smith and Associates,the project's traffic consultant, and Figure 4.1a shows Cherry Street Overcrossing/Interchange altemative. The Traffic Study was prepared by Wilbur Smith and Associates on March 24, 2000 and revised on July 19, 2000. The main objective of the Circulation Plan is to provide direct and convenient access to individual residential enclaves, employment and service land uses through a safe and efficient network including Arterial, Secondary, Collector, and Local Roadways, and a pedestrian traiUsidewalk system. Typical roadway cross-sections are shown on Figures 4.2 through 4.6. 4.1.1 Bicycle Plan Figure 4.7 (Bicycle Plan) of the Specific Plan depicts the projects' proposed bike lanes. Class II bike lanes are proposed along Margarita Road, Ynez Road, Date Street, the major and minor project entries and on both sides of the Loop Road. A ten-foot wide multi-use trail has been provided that circles the Lake Park. This multi-use trail connects to an 8-foot paseo through the Paseo Park, then continues through the Community Park and connects to the Class II bicycle path on Ynez Road. The Class II bike lanes provided on Date Street and Ynez Road connect to other portions of the Cities of Temecula and Murrieta, as well as portions of Riverside County. The Class II bicycle lane on Margarita Road also connects into the Santa Gertrudis Creek Class I bicycle lane. The Santa Gertrudis Class I bicycle path is anticipated to ultimately connect into other Class I facilities within the area. It is also anticipated that the community facilities within the project will serve to attract area-wide residents and visitors to the project. The project proposes a comprehensive and cohesive bicycle path system that will provide the residents of the community as well as area-wide residents the opportunity to cycle to the recreational amenities within the Harveston Specific Plan area. 4.2 CIRCULATION PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. The proposed project includes an efficient and safe circulation design that shall accommodate traffic from land uses as well as public safety, security and public transportation needs. The Master Circulation Plan outlined in the project Traffic Analysis (EIR Technical Appendices) shall serve as the composite circulation analysis for the Harveston Specific Plan. All onsite roadway improvements illustrated shall be phased in accordance with the Infrastructure Phasing Plan. 2. Heavy through traffic shall be eliminated from residential neighborhoods. Major roadways (Margarita Road,Ynez Road and Date Street)shall be implemented as non-access roadways, with residential neighborhoods served by smaller residential collectors. 3. Provisions shall be made for a safe and efficient paseo, urban trail and sidewalk network, providing pedestrian and bicycle circulation in conjunction with the roadway network. A sidewalk system shall be developed along Date Street, Margarita Road, Ynez Road, collector Streets and along most of the other project roadways. Pedestrian traffic shall be separated from vehicular traffic,particularly in commercial and high density areas. Harveston Specific Plan 4-1 P:\I998�8N16�OI�DECEMBEfZSPECIF7C PlANU2EVI5EDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-llAND12DOC SECTION 4.0 CIRCULATION PLAN 4. Bicycle paths shall be located along interior and exterior streets where they will be safe and effective in serving local residents' needs. (Refer to Figute 4.7,Bicycle Plan). 5. All subdivisions shall comply with the street improvement recommendations/mitigations outlined in the project Traffic Analysis and as determined by the Director of Public Works. (See EIR Technical Appendices). 6. In selected iocataans,raised planiers may be used as local street rnedians to pro�ide a higher level of street character and �isual inEerest. .Speci�C tocations wiil be identified at the tentati�e tract map stage. 7. All residential local streets may have curb-separated sidewalks creating continuous street tree planting strips between curb and sidewalk. 8. Specific roads (shown in Figutes 4.1 and 4.2 through 4.6)shall be constructed as: a. (Section 1) Urban Arterial (134') - Date Street (from Margarita Road through Planning Area 12). b. (Section 2) Collector (63') - Village Center (end of Loop Road terminating with roundabout at school site). c. (Section 3) Arterial (110')-Ynez Road (adjacent to Planning Area 12). d. (Section 4) Arterial(half ROW 55' and full ROW 110')-Margarita Road (from Date Street to Planning Area 1 boundary,passed Major Entry). e. (Section 5) Entry Collector(106')-Major Entry at Margarita Road without parking. f. (Section 6) Entry Collector(100')-Major Entry at Date Street. g. (Section 7) Entry Collector(82')-Minor Entry at Margarita Road. h. (Section 8) Residential Collector(66')-Loop Road. i. (Section 9) Residential Entry(66')-Residential Entry from Loop Road. j. (Section 10) Residential Local(56') -Internal neighborhood street. k. (Section 11) Residential Local(60') -Internal neighborhood street. 1. (Section 12) Industrial Collector(78') -Service Commercial. Harveston Specifzc Plan 4-2 P:\1998�8N16201�DECEM6ER_SPECIF7C PIANU2EVISED HARVFSTOMREVISEDl-1 fA.W 1'_.DOC ' � I/� CiTY�F,14l�RRIETA ,�e._ 0o em�oo��ee�e 7n Qz ao aa�ed��a�d� nm� � � �oe Q` _r;�� � 8 �� �� q � 1P�d . I➢ �� MEDlUM 2 ° �a.F'�����P$3 ' " w� 8.4 AC. 10 � o >v Specific Plan / ; 80 11NIT5 __ LOW MEDIUM B � MP , 46.2 AC. � Lennar C'ommunatie.r o � —— 191 UNITS � � � o a � �! ➢ % MEDIUM 2 � ` � 8.6 AC. ° � s � G 83 UNITS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DATE STREt� � a � K13BP � -- - • — --- — -- ---.:. — � -- � �R�.�pPAR _ . _.:— .. .......-.- - T -_- - -_ �.� �: -7 - __ -- -- --- __-- �— - - ,� � - -- - - -- p ._ — - LE GEND � �:;�s;�, * � � o � � � �� �_� - � - Specific Plan Boundary � "4J LOW MEDIUM Planning Area I .�, � � � � 39.1 AC. � ^ Urban Arterial (134') � � 3 MEDIUM 1 � z 8 �--. � -- �- _ 140 UNITS (Date St�eet) � � � 39.0 AC. _ - • ---_ ----- � � Urban Arterial (134') � � 1� � 234 UNITS (Date St�eet) � f, a SERVICE � ' � � �z ��w�� Collector (63') ' COMMERCIAL � � FaasTrrrc (Village Centet) L_� � wnvc�s�rex 112.5 AC. � 3 MP CREEK PARK Q ����� Arterial (110') o ± MEDIUM 1 � MEDIUM 2 � (Ynez Road) � 40.1 AC. � � OUT PARCEL 241 UNITS L4KE PARK 330 UN TS SCHOOL � � �@��� Arterial (110') � 2.5 AC. FACILITY 12.0 AC. (Mazgarita Road) ° � i 7.3 AC. ; �n � Q �oa■� Entry Collector (106') 1 ,�o�'� �� �d B��. 7 � (Majox Entty at Nfargarita Road) � � OUTPARCEL SE��P¢� � ��� � �� ���N°��'� � �'�`��• Entry Collector (100') / � 1.3 AC. pP � 1�'Iajor Enhy at Date Street) � � LOW MEDIUM ° ��� 1.3 AC. O � � �� 24.5 AC. � � e � e � s Entry Collector (82') ��m nr°��°���z R�� m Co�SM��nRK � ��BAC.N �� 83UNITS (MinorEntryatMazgaritaRoad) �'' wti��'� Y�� 16.5 RC. � � MIXED USEOVERLAY � as Residential Collector (66�� �a m� ��e �a _ _� � � �,00p Road) oa �o q�° y��� �s HIGH � O iiiiiiiiiiiiii Residential Entry (66'� ���� ��° 5 �.4�� 300 UN TS '"�� (Residential Entty ftom I,00p Road) 9 MED�2�`-' -� �o (�Iorshown) Residential Local (56') MP � � 7.5 AC. � (Intemal Neighboxhood Street) �� � 0 � 75UN � ��� 17 (�Iorsho�n) Residential Local (60') � � � (Intemal Neighhorhood Street) C� 4�.- LOW MEDIUM . � 0 41.1 AC. �_ ' �z (Norsho�n) Industrial Collector (78') ` 164 UNITS �� (Service Commercial) NOTE: 1. The Ynez Road alignment and the alignment of Date Street o �am� at the I-15 are conceptual at this time. These alignments � ❑e�a=�'� ,��' are contingent upon Caltrans' final approval of the Project 4�,a� �' Study Report (I'SR), which is currently being conducted. �o �� � � � � —Q WINCHESTER ROA� � Figure 4.1 o ��� � � . -� Circulation Plan I I _ I —I � n'�.'.i�._''._i Febn�ary 2001 �:"'�- ��TTr;.'�Y S Si.�l!�r�L+�'�AJ� Specific Plan Lennar Cosnsnunitie.r � Raised Landscape Median �n'Miedian I 5' 7' 1 d' 7�' 1�' 1�' rC. 3 4' 12' 12' 10' 7' 5' Class II � Class II Parkway Walk Walk arkway Bike Lane Bike Lane 134' R/W R/W Urban Arterial � Date Street Clty of Temecula Gas�nty of Riverside-By Others � Raised Landscape Median I I � 14' dian 5' 7' 10' 12' 12' 14' � 14' 12' 12' 10' 6� 5' Y Class II � B kle anle Walk Parkway Walk arkwa Bike Lane 134' R/W R/W Urban Arterial �A Date Street 12' 10' 9' 8' 5' 12' Turn�ane 12' 5' 8' 9' 10' Village Planter Parallel Drive Aisle Drive Aisle Parallel , Planter Village Center Walk 6 Parking Class II � Class II Parking s Center Walk Bike � Bike Lane � Lane R/V�/ 63' R/W � Collector � Village Center Road Figure 4.2 � Roadway Cross Sections February 2001 CONSIJLTING �� �._ �:.. �. l: .r�"^��f' . -i . ��.T'W'����0�1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r � Raised Landscape Median 5' 7' 1 p' 12' 14' 14'Median 14' 12' 1 p' 7' 5' Waik Pa�kway C]ass II � Class II Parkway Walk j�� Bixe I�ane Bike Lane 12� 110' R� 3 Arterial R� Ynez Road Raised Landscape Median 1 5' 7` 10' 12' 14' 7' Walk Parkway Class II j� Bike Lane i 55� R/W R/W � Arterial �Half RIW} Y Margarita Road Raised Landscape Median 20'Median i 5' 7' 5' 12' 14' 10' ; 10' 14' 12' 5' 7' 5' � Walk Parkway Class II � Class II Parkway Walk Bike Lane Bike Lane R/W 106' R/W Ent Collector � Major Entry at Margarita Road without Parking Figure 4.3 � February 2001 Roadway Cross Sections C�NSLILTING �� T Y.��..w !L Ji�PJ.1T���.'.�i''L�� Specific Plan Lennar Communities Raised Landscape Median 5' 7' 5' 12' 14' 14'Median 14' 12' 5' 7' 5' Walk Parkway Class II � Class II Parkway Walk Bike Lane � Bike Lane R� 100' RNV � Entry Collector � Major Entry at Date Street 5' 7' 5' 12' 12' 12' 12' 5' 7' 5' Walk Parkway Class II � Class II Parkway Walk Bike Lane ! Bike Lane RNV 82 R/W �1 Entry Collector � Minor Entry at Margarita Road Figure 4.4 � February 2001 Roadway Cross Sections CONSLJLTING �r�l� ;:l^.�-�` ��1�"�'��1��L��3 Specific Pla� Lennar Cammunitie.r �Meandering Paseo 12' g� 6' 5' 1 2' Turn�ane 1 2' 5' Min. 8` Walk Class II Drive Aisle � Drive Aisle Cfass II Parkway ** Bike Lane � Bike Lane � 1 4� �� 66' � �c* See Figure 10.1-9 for alternative * See Figure 10.1-8 for alternative walk location at Lake Park n Residential Collector with parking bay and Village Green LoDp Fio�d i 5' 8' 20' � 20' 8' 5' Walk Parkway � Parkway Walk R/W 66 RNV g Residential�r�try Residential Entry from Loop Road Figure 4.5 � February 2001 Roadway Cross Sections CONSLILTING ti r��'��. g 11�.�'�r��'���1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r � 5' 5' 18' � 18' 5' 5' Walk Parkway � Parkway Walk * R/W 56 * Alternate Street Section-5'curb � Residential Local adjacent walk. in "� Internal Neighborhood Street I 5' 5' 20' � 20' 5' 5' Walk Parkway � Parkway Walk * R/W 60 R/W * Alternate Sueet Section-5'curb � Residential Local , adjacent walk. Internai {�aighbarh�ad 5#reet I 5' g' 28' � 28' 6' 5' Walk Parkway � Parkway Walk 11' 5g� 11' R�W 78 R/W �Industrial Collector in _ '` Service Gommercial Figure 4.6 � RevisedAugust14,2001 Roadway Cross Sections CONSIJLTING SECTION 4.0 CIRCULATION PLAN 9. Landscaping requirements shall be deternuned based on street width. (Refer to Figures 10.1.1 - 10.1.20,Typical Landscape Sections, in Section 10.0). 10. Unless changed through this Specific Plan, roads shall be constructed to ultimate City standards as a requirement of the implementing subdivisions for the Specific Plan, subject to approval by the City of Temecula. 11. The project proponent shall participate in the City's Development Impact Fees-Street System Improvement component as approved by the City Council. 12. The project shall comply with the conditions and requirements set forth by the City of Temecula. 13. Bus turnouts and shelters shall be provided as required by the Riverside Transit Authority (RTA)and approved by the Department of Public Works. 14. The developer shall install all traffic signals within the Specific Plan area as required by the Department of Public Works. Harveston Specific Plan 4-11 P:\1998�8N16201�DECEMBFJZSPECIFIC_PL4MREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI•IIA`1DI?DOC SECTION 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 5.1 DRAINAGE 5.1.1 Drainage Plan Description There are five subbasins contributing runoff to the project site from the east. At the north portion of the project site are four separate subbasins. Santa Gertrudis basin, a master-planned hasin wzthin the Murrieta Creek Drainage Plan [RCFC and WCD, 1985}, is a�so tributary to rhe praje�t site frorn nartheast. Also, there are two smaller basins tributary to southwest of the project site. The site is under the jurisdiction of the City of Temecula and the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conser�atian I)istrict (RCFC & WC�). The applicant has de�eloped a Master D�inage Plan for t�e site, in oz'der to pratect the proposed project site from l0a-year #7aad potential. (Refer to Figur� 5.1, Drainage Plan). The proposed drainage pian utilizes the project streets and starzn drains to �arry storm water to the existing natural drainage cotzrses and to the drainage facilities under the I-15 freeway. A storm drain system is proposed to carry storm water that exceeds surface stxeet capa�ity. Please refer to Fi;ure 5.1, Drainage Plan for the size and tocatian of all storm drain facilities. 5.1.2 Drainage General Development Standards 1. 17rainage and flvvd cantral facilities and improvernents shal� be pra�ided in accordance with the City of Teznecula and tt�e Ri�erside County Flaod Control and WaEer Conser�ation District requirements. 2. It is anticipated that the major backbone drainage/flood control facilities will be maintained by the City of Temecula and/or the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Local drainage devices will be maintained by the City of Temecula or a similar public/private entity. 3. All projects proposing construction activities including: clearing, grubbing or excavation shall obtain the appropriate State general pernut for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) pernuts and pay the appropriate fees. All development within the Specific Plan boundaries shall be subject to future requirements adopted by the City to implement the NPDES program. Mitigation measures may include, but not be limited to: onsite retention; covered storage of all outside storage facilities; vegetated swales; and monitoring programs. Please refer to the Harveston Specific Plan EIR for a more detailed discussion. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be prepared in accordance with the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Order No. 92-08-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Pernut No. CAS000002. This SWPPP complies with Best Available Technology Economically achievable(BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate stormwater pollution from areas of a construction activity. The SWPPP document will be certified in accordance with the signatory requirements of Standard Provisions C.9 in the State General Construction Stormwater Pernut(Permit). Harveston Specific Plan .J-1\UR01\VOLI�PROIFll.E1199B�BN16?OI�DECEMBER SPECIFIC_PL4NU2EVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IlAND12DOC CITY OF MURRIETA �. _ � � �-- � --— —- CITY OF TEMECULA_ .__-- —— �� , ; � ,. �¢ � . � ��;�`� .�i._��-. n1� � I MEDIUM 2 � u L7. ' : ' 8.0 AC 11�a'�'����rl � � � 80 UNITS LOW MEDIUM ��,, ���� �- 191� UNI S �2" Specific Plan �' •••'' Lennar Communitie.r 3 i i `u 1I 'I � � ; ; � : � • MEDIUM 2 I d � � `9'' •. ��;- AC 83 �NIT� `y I I � + c��OYC PARK 13.8 AC _�__� � � � - �2� COUNTY OF_RIVERSIDE` � •„ _�-- ' _ , : , . , - - - -- � 1- � ' `s "`� --- --- �A�E �� 7-------—+--— � __.�._ Q � Q,a�s�,-���^ ;�� ,. ' � ,_�-- ; �� � LEGEND � ' ��T + �����Ji���' ' �� i �"� ~ i � ��` ' �r....". • s �� �`� ' � � 1 + ' l 1 � '� %// PHASE 1 + ~�'- �� r� �-J � �� I (Llndex Construction) i� � � � ' � i � � � � _�__ - �-- �•`-� C PHASE 1 , �.•�+ � � MEDIL'M 1 � �� ~~�);`��- -��"~ �--�;~� �: I , � -• 39.0 AC r� . - �� '� � ` � PHASE 2 ,. . I � / �: r-, � � � ;;.-`"� 234 UNITS ' - '<< ' � ' - --' , ; '� ^:�jl� ' {� ,� I � �� PHASE 3 � r •�/, r� �- � ' i+� •� � •}�'S f .7'_ , . '- _ . ,'��JI i _ _'G,i_ j I �, i+l {' � � � ,1/ . �. .i I I ! � PHASE 4 f i . _ �' � I• MEDIUM 1 - ;. � ' % . ; . � , � �; ` 40.1 AC � � ; �� � �� . . 'i�,s � � , , ' r/ ouT Ji'I 241 UNIT ,',•' ' 'F��rf�r��f•,�,�,� �f�f' �� �' i r PARCEL fF� ,•+ �J': �".�'.:�f.� �'J � ' / 2.5 AC i� - f . � � ► , i �• � - r i , � � r' -' . ' j-_ � •�. 1 I � � li �� Yi ' � �ff•:'� . .� " _.i' - '�r� 7 D {i ! �'�'+ � _ti � . �, ,��' __r Px�:-_ tii .. " 1. ri���� ,F � �� fr.�[IST��, G r � 1 3 AC 1 i _ '�,'• t �a' i-.. �*�r �'• �� �-� f (e �,,��.r. 3 ac _ � �_. - � " ' �� r'� ' ' _ �'� �J 'r;''f -� � I N �R��E �C�}r r.�F - ,� t ��j� !� m I�I/ , ^. �: � '. 11. :.��;y:�.. 1�, � �� ;�-',' . i i .ri.."�. _�f i�;, - _ ,� r "F , ` `� � ` � �1 , 9� =' __ i� Q� r. �` + , e� �� , ���j _` / v ��. ~��M1Lr� •• �o ��l ,� r OG �- r r� � F =.�--�r w•� ��� ��' i � -^��w�� � � • :- 1 , ` � ` f� �+ . � �'y ' _ � ��w � „'��I _ , , : �. =�� ��`� LEGEND . y� - .-�Y '�"' - _ r1 �r,� � �ti� I lV`- � /� .'. . .v`�- �;- �`� 03" Pipe Sizes �-- - _ ; �j" �"� Proposed Storm Dr�1n , _ - -- - / � , ' �•o, ,' ,� �— E�sting Storm Drain � / � � , � -- �--- WINCHESTER ROAD --------- Figure 5.1 0 li0 300 600 � February 2001 rainage P an CONSIJLTING SECTION 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN The objectives of the SWPPP are to(1)identify the sources of sediment and other pollutants from the construction site that affect the quality of storm water discharges and (2) to describe the practices to reduce sediment and other pollutants in storm water discharges generated from the construction site. 5.2 WATER 5.2.1 Water Plan Description The proposed Harveston Specific Plan area is located within the Rancho California Water District (RCWD) water service area. The proposed onsite domestic water distribution system is shown on Figure 5.2, Water Plan. The proposed water plan consists of 12-inch and 16-inch backbone pipelines for domestic and fire service to the proposed commercial,residential, and park land uses. The average and maximum water demand for the proposed Harveston development is estimated at 2.02 million gallons per day (MGD) and 3,503 gallons per minute (gpm), respectively, as outlined in Table 5.1, Estimated Domestic Water Demands. This includes irrigation demand for the parks and estimated lake replenishment supply. RCWD operates a District-wide recycled water distribution system and it may be feasible to extend the recycled system to supply the lake and irrigation demands of Harveston. However, according to J. Harlan Glenn Engineers, typical recycled effluent contains fairly high levels of nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates which can cause explosive "blooms" of algae or other aquatic plant growth. If irrigation water is withdrawn from the lake, the total loading of nutrients to the lake could be extremely detrimental to the aquatic community in the lake. If the only addition of water to the lake is make-up to cover evaporation and any residual seepage, the effect is less severe, but it does increase the maintenance cost and the water quality may not be aesthetically acceptable to the lake users. Full body contact sports (i.e., swimming) are not planned activities for the lake, and are almost universally banned in most man-made lakes. Incidental contact with the water, such as falling out of a boat or someone wading into the lake is not considered full body contact. Additionally, in drought conditions, water has never been denied to a lake with a live aquatic ecosystem such as the proposed lake within the Specific Plan area. Therefore, the lake would not be impacted during drought conditions and would keep its viability. The RCWD water facilities master plan (September 1997) includes future regional water supply facilities to serve Harveston. These proposed regional facilities include transmission pipeline and reservoir capacity. RCWD has completed construction of the first 1380 Zone Winchester Reservoir and the 1380 Zone Winchester Pump Station. The RCWD Water Facilities Master Plan includes a proposed second reservoir for the ultimate master plan 1380 zone and a transmission pipeline in or near the future alignment of Date Street between Margarita Road and Winchester Road. Based on discussions with RCWD, the transmission pipeline will be constructed for the initial phase of the Harveston development. RCWD will evaluate the need to construct the second reservoir and/or additional regional pumping capacity prior to ultimate development of Harveston Specific Plan area. Harveston Specifzc Plan S-3 P:\1998�BN16201�DECEMBEfZSPECIFIC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIANDI?DOC SECTION 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 5.2.2 Water Plan General Development Standards 1. All lines shall be designed per Rancho California Water District requirements. 2. Water facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Rancho California Water District. 3. Assurance for provision of adequate water service is required prior to approval of a subdivision map, and/or Plot Plan for commercial and/or industrial uses in accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act. 4. The project shall comply with Title 20, California Administrative Code Section 1604 (fl (Appliance Efficiency Standards), which establishes efficiency standards that set the maximum flow rate of all new showerheads, lavatory faucets, as well as Health and Safety Code Section 17621.3 which requires low-flush toilets and urinals in virtually all buildings. Harveston Specific Plan S�\VROI\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�BN16201�DECEMBFJZSPECIFfC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIANDI3DOC � g a 0 m N �4� Z � F � � � I � � � � � 0 .� �N > � � O O oo N V V V oo N oo �O � M oo ,,,.� O � � ,� � p� � � � [� O oo [� � N o0 00 [� G1 G1 0o G1 G1 M [� N .-� ,-y C O C u► V� V� Vr ,� .-i 'V � � �-+ M N [� .-i .-i ,� r-t � u � �� � LL d � a � � m A � � � o �' Q � � <'A � vl O � Vr pp M M � � 01 0o O [� G1 v) v) � c�T � P ��� � y N N M � � M N N � ,-n'-i � M CT 01 � oo ,-., G1 [� U? 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UNIT I --f��fir � "' + � OUT �r1 n 41�= ��,'f,:, i`:.�7r�� � . . .� � � + � r 2A5 AC >>� — • �:; '• i���,�.."• + � l ' � �o �� �. �'/ i + I �2 " . :' ; '� .,; i i � r � � � .""�.."'" ` : i L L�� '• /• �/f' F r � I � . �r'""' ' ,,. ,. : .�'�� ���: F ' � •� • � r'� -sr�.� �.�r,•. ,� � r�. .� � I i --- • lti"� l� �� h . ��(�I'� ����;� , , . :_r P:..,�... w '�J • , 'rI�~~ �5 � + , ,. •�+ x� '� f`r . .' , � 1 3 AC �t ►'�� �'�iT;/f:. �:r � � TlC � �� c�EN ORI •,`� 'i�i�1 3 AC + _ �r�r �..L� `�}'f. � ,' ,� , l VE 9' Y 1 • /� 'Y' � �' P�' ��.��s � _ ,..•:- � •.- �, ' � r`':'... . ,' il` � ', a r .� , , � r _ ��� - ��.. �, _ ,; +.� f � � �� � `'�1 � " y,•+ �� �/ �• _�� Existin�J fl� �•�_ l ` �,•' � - ,�`. � .' `� WQ l21" � `=�� ._' ���'+ �� ` �/;'��� (1305 ZONE) " ' '�..;--y r-"' ��;� ` •'/� o '—`_ _�� � ' ���� / r 'F -� L .�'� �4����-r. " �l l " i � ^ :.� 1 �.i 4 5 ^ � 7 'S ��'j� � �- n� :. :� �_ �.� ;,, �'" , ; Af_ _�- 1 '�`�: � % - , ��,r LEGEND �,,t, f �� �- �, �, f�� /� 12" Pipe Size 1�-- � % . � � �� Proposed �XTater (1380 ZONE) � / __�, � L___ � 0 Existing Water WINCHESTER ROAD Figure 5.2 0 I50 300 600 � February 2001 Water an coNsu�rin:� SECTION 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 5.3 SEWER 5.3.1 Sewer Plan Description Harveston Specific Plan area is located within the sewer service boundaries of Eastem Municipal Water District (EMWD). However, the wastewater flows are proposed to be treated at the Santa Rosa Water Reclamation Plant, which is owned and operated by the Rancho Califomia Water District. The plant is located at Elm Street and Washington Avenue. The estimated ulti.mate average and peak wastewater flow from Harveston is 0.723 MGD and 1,507 gpm, respectively, as outlined in Table 5.2, Estimated Wastewater Flow. Tables 5.3 and 5.4 describe estimated wastewater flows by reach and by reach and regional sewer. The proposed onsite collection system is shown on Figure 5.3, Sewer Plan. Sewer from the proposed project area will be directed to the EMWD sewer system along Santa Gertrudis Creek at two locations: one from the existing 15-inch sewer in Margarita Road, and one from the existing 12-inch sewer in Ynez Road. This scenario would require increased capaciry in the Ynez Road sewer system to serve the project. Excess capacity would have to be determined in the Margarita and Santa Gertrudis sewers, which are regional facilities serving other developments. A parallel 15-inch sewer line is planned in Ynez Road as part of the Harveston development. 5.3.2 Sewer Plan General Development Standards 1. All lines shall be designed per Eastem Municipal Water District(EMWD)requirements. 2. Sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Riverside County Health Department. 3. Assurance for provision of adequate sewer service is required prior to approval of a subdivision map, and/or Plot Plan for commercial andlor industrial uses in accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act. 4. The project shall comply with Tide 20, Califomia Administrative Code Section 1604 (fl (Appliance Efficiency Standards), which establishes efficiency standards that set the maximum flow rate of all new showerheads, lavatory faucets, as well as Health and Safety Code Section 17621.3 which requires low-flush toilets and urinals in virtually all buildings. Harveston Specifzc Plan 5-/\URO]\VOLIWROIFILEl1996�8N16?OI�DECEMBFIZSPECIF7C_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISED4l1AND11DOC ❑ W 7Ix7 y ZO L"r C oOMOtiON��00�N� 00000000 M '-' � N �O o0 M O N��n M�O oo°O O O O Op O O O O�N a� � ,�r„� w001N�O�M���N ��000000 Mo�OOM w��1 t�;, y C � � �� '��~ M O O O O O N N � --� � N M O OM�--�N O N O O O O O O O�O O O� O N � � � O O O O O O O O O O O� O O O O O O O O�Q � y ¢ y 1 � � yl � � � •� W y � � � H W i� � �0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � • m � ,r',.,,� N�O--�O� �V»0101N00000000�� y�„ u�i ��y M M�N 01��O N M O h 00 O O O O !�N N�LY !p � ,� � �001NMNOv�01M�M�0000000 ��O ei- l� qp [�. �" („) OO�OO�OOOOO� OOOOON 00 �0 9 +�� O O O 000 O O O O O M O O O O O� O O� O � �"' ,��, � � O O O O O O O O O� O � � Q a a T � � � "O 'J' O^00000p 00000'"' ''-'uu Q � � ��COhO��OOO �� OO ^^^O �� � y O C;,jON v�l�l�hOhl�l�00 ���"M,000� 0 l� -O ;�,,�a(,��--�ONOoO�vjo00�0�00000�OO �OM, � y �, � a � �OoON��OMV"�N� NN O �� � � 'b C N � 3 � � � O r� � a, �a., FC o0000000000 , oo ° � p F•-a �n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n � � � � ' �n v�, -a y � W �L N N N N N N N N N N N � � � � � N N � � U F � � N ¢ � y � � � ° a' �f1 y �,j ,� N n W F Q`ON �oMo����^oMo� o�o , � � 1 � � �� rn 3 � O � � � � N i i i � � � � � � � ~ � � O E"'� ►� y,�'� '� �" p 00 cd � �+� O lr� Q �% F" � � c c�i W � �00000000000 � ° y H QD00000rn00000 ; ; , � , , ; � ; � o � � � � . 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' �,Y, �.�,; ,,.�. -. , :� A S� :, �'"-�' ' '�� `- �• �� .'i/� : LEGEND � � ` ��'f��`'r � ��'t �_�J- ��,� g" Pipe Size , : � Existin , '� " Sewer � / .,.--�'' Proposed Sewer . . , , ,, �� --� �----- [� Existing Sewer � WINCHESTER ROAD . .. _�__�__ '. Figure 5.3 0 l50 300 600 � February 2001 Sewer P an CONSIJLTING SECTION 6.0 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN 6.1 Open Space and Recreation Flan Description A major feature of the Harveston Specific Plan is the system of parks and landscaped parkways with paseos, which link the lake complex, school facilities and the community park in the Open Space and Recreation Program. The Program is extensive and provides a vast array of recreational opportunities in which all members of the community can participate. Further, the program incorporates many diverse elements in a coordinated, cohesive plan that interrelates with and links the various neighborhoods of the community with each other and to certain destination points, such as the lake, school, parks and mixed- use village. Recreational opportunities vary from active(i.e., community park),with potentially structured recreational programs to passive (i.e., Arroyo Park). Varying types of activities will be available that will provide residents the opportunity to, 1) take quiet "wallcs in the park"; 2) participate in community meetings and social gatherings; 3) participate in active outdoor informal recreational activities; and 4) participate in potentially structured professionally organized and instructed sporting events. The project proposes a total of 74.1 acres of open space/recreation. A detailed discussion of uses, which comprise the 55.8-acre Harveston park program is provided below. The various recreational facilities are linked to each other and other elements of the community with an extensive parkway/greenbelt system. The parkway/greenbelt system will be landscaped as shown in the Design Guidelines (Section 10.0) and will, at a minimum, contain one or more sidewalks that are oversized and referred to as "paseos". A circular paseo, which follows the project's loop road will provide Harveston residents the opportunity to walk, jog, etc. around the entire community within a "park-like setting". This paseo (8-foot wide) is intended to accommodate pedestrian travel. Bicycle lanes (Class II) will be provided as shown on Figure 4.7, Bicycle Plan, in Section 4.0, Circulation Plan of this document. Additionally, a 10-foot multi-use trail will be provided around the Lake Park, and an 8-foot paseo will be provided through paseo park. The overall Harveston Recreation and Open Space concept is depicted in Figure 6.1, Open Space and Recreation Plan. The various elements of the Program are discussed below. 6.1.1 Park and Recreational Opportunities Recreational opportunities are those opportunities, which are available for the use and enjoyment of members of the Harveston community and City of Temecula. They are segmented and discussed as follows: 1. Lake 2. Lake Park 3. Mini Parks (1.5 acres) 4. Community Park 5. Paseo Park 6. Village Club* 7. V illage Green 8. Arroyo Park 9. Winchester Creek Park(existing and outside Specific Plan boundary) 10. Elementary School (not included in park acreage above) 11. Parkway Greenbelt System(not included in park acreage above) 12. Private Recreation Areas (condominiums and/or apartments) (not included in park acreage above)* �` These facilities will only be available for use of Harveston residents. Harveston Specific Plan 6-1 P:\1998�BN16?OI�DECEMBER SPECIFlC PL4MREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDI-IIANDI'.DOC ��'�II�' CITY OF MURRIETA _- , � �;� a + � l A�w14y .�am�anam�ma�m��amll�l�tzo��m� � ' O a�0 a o W�v 0 v a 1�e�C C n a s�y • � '� =`:, a��� ,�1 � e =' L��� _ ��� + g o�,.,n lVfED�UM� .. � gg� o�z� s.o Ac. 1D ��.r�����a� ' � . . — P }` " __—__ _' . " � n�„�vuv,L.,o�J r $°u�v'TS LOWMEDiUM H Specific Plan ; � ag J --_ .. _.. _. -� . 1�iP 4fi.2 AC. - - � � 9 �" ,Opmmaemi�aru+�l � R ennar ommunitie.r _ va af;.'� �91 UN37S - a � ` � � i� - -� � Q� ;e a� f ' g 6 � � *� • ■ jr. : . � � ie v� ' �i. . _ � ._ MEDIl1M 2 . is �j. 0 9 ,a e i la 8.6 AC. g _��'�i•�. _ 4 � e� iB ��� ,� apC� ,�3�1�1�,T,5 a �OUNTY(�F RIVER5I�E �3ATE STREEfe j - .�eQ ;o i 4 ��(A3• -�neuaaasecooc��au3e s oov_o avoo - ------ ..._ _ - ~-� �`�`•m m o ,j ;o ;i f * pRRp�ap -'"� �--<�—�—��.� .—.._ _—.-._::-.. _. . o-a���.�_��= __ _ .�,z��� ..—. . pa�o� =-$��'�m�ao��e: !s !I ij - _�_�� _ aopca�aao�paooaaeyoqvoocvn�• yAeeamoavcoaamcvr�va'a'vaonop�nqvcaawoaepoea""es�o vd � 9� ` ^ �-� ���w� s s!� ,■ _ o,p e�� !' . ■ y,' '�-- c,--•,. :- � , r 4�q�v�� ` �_e p o-q i a �,�� _� - - '`;a y�, � r^.� 1 +�i ! . nqa� ���saam�� ���-=� .-.... . R: �'4 l + ' �I� @ /+r ��Sema�a ���0°��4 l J I 6: 4� � �/ •, LEGEND �i 4r` '� �'wr-a a�� � �J p. ..0 9 � ao ,A° �I ��4 �g LD�f'F2DAD PASEq o ;o LaW�ME�CUM s� a„ Specific Plan Boundary � � ep:- a s� � !� o¢��ep.noao om4opaa� �p : s avapv.m.. 14bt1NIT5 `�a � �d. r� o� k MEI71l1M 1 po.p a�o�sa�;,me s�;�:.,° .o�" _ -".mmo o� , . �-o- � . s� o.' - o a.., 04 m�� - �!�a�r�e - �pi� rsQ-- � o� cr� s �- � a. c y� m �,/_ . --• �-" �a* 4�- � � � / � MP� Mini Parks (1.5 ac. min� � 9 a.� • : S 39.OAC. o .; n•� ��tr�-•---� - .�p� ��.._ P i a. .�- o; ., .�}q�1'A'-{�+ 0 9 • a �0 0 p p m a. O �i (Locadon is Conceptual-Size&Pcogxam Varies) .�� �, s 12 q: i 9 L.]'Y V1Y�lJ aa�a°p � e +'� sO •� _ _ _'-- __. • '• �� . „ 8 oP ° ; � '�.�°� a�� Proposed Parks and LDZ's a � SERVICE �' c o .,B a R 4 _ 6 ° a;u� 8 Q o COMMERCIAL a +;a i;;► � o i o �6 _ i i ex�sr[rr� exr � � 112.5 AC. r°; '� • .: s • � ; n - ` °i ; `M"c�sTex Existing Public Park 1 a = e; �� - � e a t , o �P �i ' CREEK PARK • Q o °' ��:a o°.� `� ME�IUM T � i i INE�IUM 2 0 ` °�a� s. � i :.e- - °'.: �4�.1 AC_ o r � a ��' t4 ��•• Private Recreation Area � p; a � s� a � - a a 35.9 AC. SCH��L = � a: I --------- ry;; B �a ;a a';`a:6lJTPARCEi � a 2�1 UNITS o lAKE P4R� 330 UNITS 12.0 AC. = s v� (Location is Conceptual) a � 2.5 AC. Q� � o FACIL1iY . ° ■ •I i � o° o or�a - - - - � � _ _ ' -a�`�as °4e y7.3kC. m � ,� A � esanaamo Multi-Use Trail(10�) q: ='d■�+ a' , a 9' 0 Da�dd�� � °o u ° �:��oya °- Village Center Walk(10') p ,��.-_ -' �o� 0• ." o !' Q . 4 0 0 . y -_ _e c � �"•�••" Paseos (8) 9 ���s���e �% � � e �� s o ��� e.r��n-- a .�r : i ��ed � \� + �6 ' - ---- __ — _ �, ■ � .� Q q � e a �a�oa B SI!C� �a d•• a �� OI�T PARCEL a�w o�' d_ o � 4 a a. � 4 a g •. p�'� � 'a « �': n•-■ *° g p' -- n � o + o; dn� �R e. : o� ��q i.3AC. � 9� � � aa an •e� oo��o�o� p �eotivoe fl /�lR'`,� {� �� e� Sidewalks (5') p ��:L p�/'��a 0 'i p�J�� @ D6�'��� L V Y Y 4�'4�V��� p� � '� . "4° 1.3 AC. A �� 1 J a. 4 ,9° 24.5 RC. a° r- 8 �� � � ��' +'�+ 83 UI�ITSa�� 4 o v a v o v v Sidewalks ��1�) �$@. �C�pT�;s,��Y��Z R��� � COMMUNETY PAF�t � � e°� � .d:� � �°, . �� ti, �� a 16.5 AC. r�° e � MI?CE�LISE OVEREAY q� `a.�. a� -l'Z'4.. �4 ❑p ,i+ n p a, ' f_4 � ge�. � �p .� � o� a� �o �...; � 0 �A ¢ _ , At Grade Crossing (see Note) o ��� �. s ,� n 4 yIGH 6 ° �J �� P 'p,, p ° Q}� aw�sa�_- �• a re � � 'vo p _ ' � c e o_ --...— 9 o e a4 q 16.8 AC. �� .'' ,� S chool Facility 0 0 ••�e 9 �RN• tQ� / 0 � G' � - �b�ae�svova� l :i l ao :� 30�lINITS , y�9&� �_ �P hhFpIU�A 2 °a. ''s �a F-°� -- � Residential � . 7.5 AC. e t poa_.��.. . 9 0�c,� �'C�R� a �1 75 IJNITS q Q� ���+. _ Service Commercial � , °�`- �_-- - a LaW MEQI{JM ��-�- � � x n es' +i.''p.--. . a 41.1 AC. �.`�- � � � � Mixed Use Overlay ° 154 UNf7S ,'a� R u � ` � � �: Q p��v� E �{ � e n� �. _ � Note: g ��n ��_- ����� � � A �Q At Grade Crossings will be defined $ �' � at the TTM stage and will include one �Q- or more of the following features; � specialty paving for crosswalks, crossing � signage, tapered intersections, signs, etc. Q �--- --- - - -- WINCHESTER ROA� Figure 6.1 ° '�°' 300' �°°' Open Space and Recreation Plan I I__. :I- I � � Febnlary 2001 SECTION 6.0 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN 1. Lake: The centerpiece of the Harveston community is the 8.4-acre public lake, which will provide a visual as well as a recreational value to the community. The general public may enjoy fishing from the lake shore with the payment of a use fee. Sailing and boating activities will be available to residents of Harveston through the boating facilities at the private village club. The general public may utilize the boating facilities with the payment of a use fee. An extensive trail system and public roads will link the neighborhoods to the lake. 2. Lake Park: Adjacent to the lake are amenities contained within the public park around the lake. The 6.9 acre public lake park may provide for recreational activities such as picnicking, walking, jogging, rollerblading, kite flying, frisbee, and volleyball. Cart vendors may be pemutted within this area. The lake park will be connected to the different neighborhoods via an extensive trail system and public roads (Please refer to Figure 6.4 Conceptual Lake/Lake Park/Village Green Detail). 3. Mini Parks: These mini parks totaling a minimum of 1.5 acres will be provided for the benefit of Harveston neighborhoods. These parks shall contain recreational amenities, which may include tot lots, shade structures, picnic areas, benches or ornamental gardens. Design of subdivisions and parks shall strongly encourage homes fronting on the parks. (Please refer to Figure 6.2, Conceptual Mini Park Detail). 4. Community Park: A 16.5-acre community park is planned in Planning Area 1. In addition to the original Conceptual Community Park Plan, five (5) Community Park design altematives were developed in response to suggestions and input from TCSD and the City of Temecula Planning Department (refer to Figure 6.3A). The park facility criteria provided by TCSD includes the following: e Four lighted 300' baseball/softball field with 2 full size soccer field overlays; • 100 parking spaces within the park off Equiry Drive; • 25 parking spaces within the park off the Loop Road; + Large snack bar/restroom facility(1,800 square feet); � Small restroom adjacent to tot lot and picnic areas; and ■ Ball field and park lighting to be approved by the City. Aside from the variation in the layout of park facilities, the five (5) proposed park design altematives incorporate the following modifications: 1) the realignment of Equity Drive, and 2) the utilization of the 1.3-acre out parcel in Altematives 1 through 4. The rational for these modifications are: 1)the Equity Drive realignment provides for greater buffer/ separation of the proposed park from the existing Winchester Highlands Business Park uses (i.e., Channel Commercial), and 2) the utilization of the 1.3-acre out parcel allows for a more balanced park parcel configuration, which result in a greater efficiency of park facility layout. Please refer to Figures 6.3B —6.3D for details of Community Park Altematives. Harveston Specific Plan 6-3\VROI\VOLI�PROJflLEl1998�8N1630ILLA7ESr5PECIFICPIAPI�FEBRUARYSPEC�'ICPIAMREVISEDI- l IANDI2.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 6.0 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN 5. Paseo Park: The primary trail linkage to the Community Park is a 2.0-acre greenbelt paseo, which will intercept Planning Areas 2 and 3, connecting to the Lake Park in Planning Area 3. It will contain an 8-foot paseo/trail to facilitate access between residential areas and the commercial, school and park uses (Please refer to Figure 6.5, Conceptual Paseo Park Detail).Minor changes in the trail alignments are allowed as a result of more precise design and engineering, as well as changes in land use pattems. 6. Village Club: The 2.0-acre Village Club is the place where Harveston residents can congregate to enjoy a swimming pool,fitness facilities,picnic areas, and community meeting facilities. 7. Village Green: The Village Green is a 1.8-acre entry to the Harveston community. Additionally, an informal amphitheater, built into the natural contours of the land, will provide the opportunity for community plays, concerts, or wedding ceremonies. This area will be utilized as an informal recreation area and a gathering place. It will also provide the opportunity for community activities, such as farmer's markets, art shows, concerts, etc. Cart vendors may be permitted within this area. 8. Arroyo Park: The Arroyo Park is a unique opportunity to recapture the more natural California landscape in a re-creation of a riparian environment. Although currently there are no natural open space areas, the proposed arroyo park will create such an area. This 13.8-acre park will offer the residents and the general community a different recreation experience. California native species will be used to replant the Arroyo Park to create a natural open space area, as currently there is no natural open space on the site. The park will include an adjacent walking trail and possible public parking and interpretive kiosk. 9. Winchester Creek Park: This is an existing 4.5-acre park, located on Margarita Road, across from the Harveston site. This park is not part of the Harveston Specific Plan area, however, it was dedicated to the City of Temecula, and through a prior agreement has been utilized as park credit iowards fulfilling the Quimby dedication requirement. 10. Elementary School: An elementary school will be located on 12.0 acres in Planning Area 4, adjacent to the Mixed-Use Overlay Zone area. Associated with and on the school grounds will be recreational equipment and fields for school children. Typical recreational equipment and sports fields will include playground equipment, basketball courts, and multi-purpose fields. It is also anticipated that residents of Harveston and the City of Temecula will have access to these facilities during off school hours. 11. Parkway Greenbelt System: An expanded parkway greenbelt system will be located adjacent to collector and higher volume roadways. The greenbelt system will be landscaped with turf, trees, and various additional plant materials. Community "theme" walls will be located adjacent to the parkways. The landscaped greenbelt area will vary in width. Some of the parkways will meander, thus creating interesting viewpoints for users of the greenbelt. Sidewalks will be provided on the greenbelt on both sides of the street throughout the development. Class II bicycle lanes will also be included on selected roadways (please refer to Figure 4.7,Bicycle Plan). 12. Private Recreation Areas (Condominiums, townhomes and/or Apartments): Planning areas designated Medium 2 and High may provide for private recreation areas.These areas may include pools,tennis courts,barbecue pits and sand volleyball courts. Harveston Specifzc Plan 6�Y P:\1998�BN16'_OI�DECEMBEfZSPECIFIC PL.4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI•IIAhDI?.DOC _ _ � , � � � I • � i; i' ._.r � � � � - -Y,_..�: � � � ' ' z -� �m�v����� C�- :«ati _ , �, � :�. � � � � � ' Specific Plan �' r r 1 ' �- —� -- �' � Lennar Communities _ _ LOOP ROAD �} � � � �ca� �TOT LOT WITH � --� y �� - `�' SHADE STRUCTURE � "SIDE-ON" � � - _ CONDITIONS � "SIDE-ON" � PICNIC�REA WTTH CONDITIONS SHADE.STRL'CTURE .� �� � � `^-� � �`� � � � • ��►� . '� �' - r1CTI V TTY LAWIV � _ `� �� �-. �I , �� ACTIVITY LAWN � - I :.�' � � � � � � r'C� _ SENIOR ASSISTED "SIDE-ON" � � =�� y'" LT��ING CONDITL��iS � � �, � _ G� .� . �► ;� - � - � � . _ ..� __ � � � �� �► _-`� � � � � �- � � F`� [� ��. � "SIDE-ON" � . � � . � � CONDITIONS � � � �' � -r � � � � � � ACTIVIT'Y LAWN � � TOT LOT � � GAZEBO � � � � � � � � �� �- � .�� �°'' � � •`s� y;�7� r _ _ � �`�� _ - �- - � !��._ - > : - �.00P ROAD _ - - � l� �"-��' �'"a -�. �- � . �-� -- � l' ' ~ �- - -r � � .�- � � � !� � - � � L:\KE PARK ; � � �� . �, � ,� .�. NOTE:"Rear-0n"C011C�1tr011S 5�13Il t7e minimi�ec� Figure 6.2 � • �y� N.T.S. February 2001 Conceptual I�'Iini Park Detail �rr'^'�� Har����on 5pec�f�.c Plan �.e�tnar C'omms�nitaes r r + `/ r` i , ! r� �' � FO'F L6T � - � I I TOTLOTANDi�.4clmf�� Rti 4�5T0 ' ADAAEQiF[RE.�TS•.Sn P ARFJ4 y I RESSUEI.7 SURFACE P 7p � ACCOI�fODATESYE ��^4"�-• � � BINCNES A � FOLR�'7'AL"r. `- � L—.— � EVERGREQIBACKGROUND � - ' RDVEIP.EES W1TH � TOT LAT DECIDUOUS ACCQi'f 1RE£S .� `• � � COMMUNI�TYTHEIr!£ �6-0 WmE RESIDENTIAL —PASEP `'� wut �wsxc nxFr. H - ' OUT PARCEL �� � . 1.2 AC � . • . . � . . � `` iCS3T51'P,t�f]P.. � �' 1 � � �a � 1 �PA5EOPARIC ' �' � � � 1,, �$ID��1. � • � �� � aNSTREEIPARKING � � '� , � , 50 SPACES � RESFHOOti7SIS1�tnCIC&AR;1 , AitK ACCENT TitE£ � MAiNTENANCESTOFV.G � BUII.DING(1,000 S.F.MAI.) SHADEARBOR • � �ow��a� q �,��;���� ` - VIEWING AFF 1 1 � SIDEI.INE L7lASN LLYK F�:CE �• _-_'_ .N ' �/ . ��� , C'_ �'—__�.4 NOTE: ', �_� - • 1.SOFf'BALL AND SOCCER FfELDS � SHALL BE LiGH7ED WITH"M[JSCO LIGHTING" � 70 ACCI7NM�AATE NIGHTUSE. 2.REFER 70 PLANT MATERIAL GUmELWES FOR TREE � VARIET�S AND SIZES. 3.PARK i5'C.GS.D,.LfAiNI'AINED. , � � � � � Figure 6.3A 0 300 600 1200 Conceptual Community Park Plan � February 2001 r l� - �li��v ��7l 7'5��9��L1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r � ! � , � , -- � �-�- �. -+ � �- .---� �:.�; � i �� . �-- � gt�� . � ° � L�� -� �-� -� -�:,�.__� -- �;r-n �O .. � �L� � �� _ ��� L.l _l_1�. � � Q ��`�� , ��..��• � 1 � ���� —, � �,��� _:..�__ � -�-� �- _ �. , -� �' . - � � � / r.� 1 �p � � ��w,� �� � �- � �� � � ��fy � _ I � �� � � �` � � � '}�� � V • l •,'�-., + y• � ` l � � � _ \ �—. � � � :. � �__ 1 �� � � i��� � � w,�. �.. / a ' .:. ��:.. - ry � ' � � �� 5 � � �1 I� ` �-.� / / � �� � . , :�.. �., - /�- � ���`� � j� ` _ ��. � ��� � � o . � 9� / . .�.:�_ � 7�/ /y � /� a % /� � / � .o� - � � -�. 1 � r — � / -=� .. ! �� . �. 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February 2001 �� .�-�_. _ �.�''�. 1i�d�.�'Y�8��3d'3 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r ~ t � L��.� � PC .. .. .�;�.xa�• � .� ..0 � .V;C�` ..r -' � Qu..� � r 4�v � 9r��vP��t_ P«Y a � � � � �� �l� �� /_ � . ..___._._.�I :F � � � �----- f d/ 1 � �...w.� r�ia ��� 1 � \ ��n' �� � ` � - � �-- ° ��� b ♦1�. � � , � � 1 ����-� � �� - � � f � � � 1� L � �� � ��,��, �_� 3e^f 3=0 � � � 1 � ��l � , � , � � � � ��� f�� �\�� 5�� �, ��� � r , \ Y � � zrx 36� � � Y : / � � �'� .'� :r�a � ����,� , < { _�.:� ,�� ��� �� 'e � .�� � � � ,,�� o �� . �\ '; y��o �� . .. a t ��� � �� � 26o y,+,� �� _ /� .` '� � / � '\ \ l�t��'Ila�7� �J � �` \ NOTE: If the Out-Parcel is not incorporated into the Parl� additional acreage will need to be provided elsewhere so that the total rernains 16.5 acres. Figure 6.3D Community Park Alternatives 1 ` N.T.S. February 2001 - �—: ,y���� ����T����3`1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r �? � � - - �� i=7 ` ._ �`;� •. `� y�;�s�, r--�� q G`,�_ ��� ^['` � • r , � " � ���"'� � f' f� �y' F. � . � � ,� S � NEIGHBORHOOD ;" y � ���" ,� •-r`"'"� ;}�* _ l� � L� rr�xx ' ,��` . � � '�' 'pG} . „� � ?''R �,. � � � � - � �� �r� ' �`� � � � s ::� :� � � � ��� �� � , � � � � �,�- � _ � � �� � � � � ���� � . ��� -] � , � �. f , � -��: �., � � � � � � � '� � � .�, . - ;` ;� ,� _ � � � � r'!�! !� � � �� : �� �, '^ �y L�. � � ��. � � , � �� �• � � ti , � � :� • �e • .�,�. � � ` \'EIGHSOR!!C]cJll 1 � }�`.' � � � � �.. •�, . � nY� ��[�°V' �df.. . - f4..,+ H�} � 'a PARK � �3 ��. � ��:G-' � •�� a �-_ � � � � -y ` _ � �,. �.� . . ..��. y � �L� � � � � � � `:' . �', � •.�i �` � �' '._ �. .'�`, �( ,i` � . �� � � � � � � �1. p �� �.� • . ...i-^ .� '_ } G: � ;� � � 1� , ;;� � ,�� `� � � �C�:� �' , ,.,,.,'"'4- . � ,��o^ , � � � ,� --� ' �. +, d � ' �c� . =� F;�; � ��`� - �'�I ,- :� �,. � � �� � � �' � `� ,-� :���;� ,; .._ ,,R� �' w. _ "� ��ll � � � � � � � � �, '� ��,-: j r `,�'i' �� •,' :.�r, 4t.���� ? • . 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POOL � �.A! � � LAW"1 `i�' I L � •� V 4 � � � i � � � '� _`� ,14' � � p P.�SEO P.�RK '� i' � � � ,�j 1 U�"• ' y 1�� ' � �,,�,� � � � � �� � � � � c, f �m� '; � � " � � .� �!!� _ ,� �_ •• - - -�- - Figure 6.4 � • y '� N.TS. Februar�� 2001 Conceptual La�e/Lake Par�/Village �reen Detail Y . _5... - �'S._..� r�-r•r _,. --r�': ��,�v����,n Specific Plan Lennar C'ammunitie.r � � � . � � . �. ����� - � �.:���� � r -�� 1.•�iSC P:iPi:ti � . ,���. � ��� ;� `� ��: � . - � � ���� �� � . . � i�Gti �' �, �.cra�r • - ��o�'� _�(,�► '� =: �.�w?v � wn� � _� � • �Y� � :� �, �� � _ ` Sr:����R � , �� _ . . . _ � .�L,t���:.�c; �.„ �� � . �t► � - � -F--�- � � � � r � � � � , �. r..' :�f � ,.4 � �� �• ':sS.�::1'l� — i +� � — � �� . ;�'1` � '� ,f.�.\�. � � � � � • �. ' v+'� � � - —� f o ; �, • __— :� -� a � � �� � � s •�_. a' � ` � `� � -�� -� ' �? > F� � � � •• �^/. r� l., � �t: 1 � � '� � 1 i: � r � � ' �� .� � �� _ � . J , _ ••ti� � � . ' _. ~ ��• a '. ;`�. •�`' - ��� _ � - �'•-�� �` - � - - {�'��y�� � � � Y_- � � — `— --— � 1 • � : �, �► � � _ � , , - . �, � . � . ; ....� . ' � � � J . '1 � \• �• Cblvf�hiis�i ITk' �� C'. � - �,� � ���� � Y�� � �_� ��_� � ._ � t� . � Note: Minor changes in the paseo park trail ali�lrrient are al.lotived as a result of more precise design and engineering, as well as cl�anges in land use patterns. Figure 6.5 �� -' ��' Febn�ary 2001 Conceptual Paseo Park Detail SECTION 6.0 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN 6.2 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. A minimum of three (3) private mini parks, totaling 1.5 acres, will be provided for the benefit of the residents of the Harveston Neighborhoods. The parks shall contain, at a minimum, the following facilities/equipment: open play turf area and tot lots, shade structures, benches, or omamental gardens. The locations of the mini parks shall be deternuned during the residential lotting process. The uses proposed or identified in these private parks shall be conducive to the residential neighborhoods that they are serving. Designs of subdivisions and parks shall strongly encourage homes fronting on parks. 2. A public Community Park will be provided for the benefit of all residents within the community as well as the general public. The park shall contain, at a minimum, the following facilities/equipment: four lighted 300' baseball / softball fields with 2 full-size soccer field overlays; 100 parking spaces within the park off Equity drive; 25 parking spaces within the park of the Loop Road; large snackbar/restroom facility (1,800 sq. ft. minimum); block walls where adjacent to residential development and a small restroom adjacent to tot lot and picnic areas. The park will include ballfield and park lighting, to be approved by the City (Refer to Figures 6.3A— 6.3D, Original Community Park Plan and Community Park Details). • The Community Park boundaries and configurations are approximate and subject to adjustment with more detailed site planning and design. The boundaries may be modified or relocated entirely within the same general area, subject to the approval of the TCSD Director and Director of Planning, without requiring an amendment to the Specific Plan. However, at no time will the park total less than 16.5 acres. • All Community Park improvements shall provide for pedestrian circulation and handicap accessibility. • The City shall approve all lighting design,fixture location(s)and lighting types within the parks. The ball field lighting shall be on a timer controlled system with the times of operation set from dusk until 10:00 p.m. seven (7) days per week or as otherwise set by the City. The pathway and parking area lights shall be controlled by a photo electric cell with the times of operation set from dusk until dawn, seven days per week. ■ All lighting within the Community Park shall be provided with glare screens as may be needed to direct light away from the adjacent residential areas and to reduce the impact of the lighting on them. Where appropriate, every effort is to be made to reduce the amount of light that is not directly needed for the safe use of the facilities. This is to be accomplished by the height of the fixtures, the placement of fixtures away from residential areas, as well as the type and design of fixtures used. • The project will be granted credit toward the park component of the City's Development Impact Fee for the Development of the Community Park (Planning Area 1). The developers obligation in terms of cost should be equivalent to the City's Development Impact Fee multiplied by the number of dwelling units built within Harveston. The total fee credits provided shall be equivalent to the cost of constructing this park. Harveston Specific Plan 6-IZ P:\199818h'Ifi20I�DECEMBFR_SPECIFIC PLAMREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI-11AND1?.DOC SECTION 6.0 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN • Where the Community Park abuts Ynez Road and Equity Drive, a block wall / combination view fence shall be provided. Said walUview fence shall be maintained as part of the park improvements. 3. The more "urban" open spaces such as areas within the Village Club and Mixed-Use Overlay Zone shall contain plazas with enhanced paving, benches, bike racks, lighting and street furnishings, including trash receptacles, guard rails / hand rails and drinking fountains. Specific design and type will be determined at the development plan level. 4. When constructed, the elementary school will contain such recreational equipment and sports fields as: playground equipment,basketball courts, softball field(s), soccer field(s), and more. 5. A Lake/Lake Park, Paseo Park, and Village Grreen (refer to Figures 6.4 and 6.5) will be provided for the benefit of the residents within the community as well as the residents of the City of Temecula. The Lake Park and Paseo Park will contain a 10' multi purpose trail and 8' paseo, respectively, for activities such as jogging, biking, rollerblading, etc. These facilities will provide opportunities for picnicking, kite flying, and more. Additional amenities will include benches, bike racks, tot lots, trellises, park horses, etc. The lake will be utilized for fishing and boating activities, and the general public can enjoy these activities with payment of a use fee. The Village Green shall be utilized for informal recreational activities and public gatherings. (Refer to Figures 10.1-9, 10.1-13, 10.1-14, 10.1-15 for Section of Village Grreen, Paseo Park, and Lake and Lake Park). 6. An Arroyo Park will be provided for the enjoyment of the residents of Harveston and the City of Temecula. The Arroyo Park will include an adjacent walking trail and possible public parking and interpretive kiosk. 7. All recreational and onen snace areas (with the exception of the�4rroyo Patk) sha.11 be landscaperl and contain permanent irrigation systems. 8. All recreational facilities shall provide parking in accordancc to thc City of Temccula standards. 9. Landscaping within recreation and open space areas shall be further governed by the General Development Standards in the Landscaping Plan section of this Specific Plan (Section 9.0) and the specific standards in Development Standards and Design Guidelines sections (Sections 10.0 and 11.0) of this Specific Plan. 10. Recreation acreage calculations for residential development shall be based upon a minimum of five (5) acres per 1,000 residents. The City's applicable population calculations are 2.43 persons/multi-family unit and 2.85 persons/single-family unit. 11. The design of the Community Park will require approval of the Community Services Director. Harveston Specific Plan 6-13 P:\1998�8N16201�DECEMBERSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIAWI2.DOC SECTION 7.0 UTILITIES FLAN AND PUSLIC SERVICES 7.1 UTILITIES � It is anticipated that utilities will be provided by the existing public utility companies, Southern Califomia Edison (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company (SCG) or other service providers allowed to enter the market place under Assembly Bill 1890(please refer to the Harveston Specific Plan EIR for a detailed impact analysis discussion related to utilities). For typical utility locations, conceptual lighting standard location and details, please refer to Figure 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. Please note that the Harveston Specific Plan is proposing "residential" lighting standards that deviate from the City of Temecula standards. The focus of the Specific Plan proposal for residential lighting is to provide lighting at intersections and other key decision points. The goal is to ensure vehicular and pedestrian safe streets, while promoting energy conservation. More detailed lighting studies will be prepared at the Tentative Map stage. 7.1.1 Electricity Electrical service is currently provided in the area by Southern California Edison Company (SCE). All new lines installed in the City are required to be underground, and the City is currently working with SCE to achieve the undergrounding of existing lines. Adequate electric power supply can be provided. SCE does not anticipate any significant problems in providing the project site with electrical power. SC]E stands ready to install distribution facilities for the project site. It should be noted that Assembly Bill 1890, commonly referred to as the "Public Utilities Act", has allowed for the deregulation of public utilities in California. Based on this Act, a number of other service providers are able to enter the marketplace. Consequently, there may be additional utility service providers in the near future providing the same services that SCE currently provides to southem Califomia and the proposed project site. 7.1.2 Natural Gas Natural gas service is currently provided by Southern Califomia Gas Company. Existing facilities in the area include existing lines located along Ynez Road and Margarita Road. SCG indicates that gas service could be provided to the Specific Plan area in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Comtnission at the time contractual arrangements are made. It should be noted that Assembly Bill 1890, commonly referred to as the "Public Utilities Act", has allowed for the deregulation of public utilities in California. Based on this Act, a number of other service providers are able to enter the marketplace. Consequently, there may be additional utility service providers in the near future providing the same services that SCG currently provides to southern California and the proposed project site. 7.2 PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services are considered and planned as part of the overall Specific Plan Development Concept. Future residents will be able to live, shop, go to school, and relax all within the Project Area boundaries. Public Services include police protection, fire protection, schools, libraries and public transit. Please refer to the Harveston Specific Plan EIR for a detailed impact analysis discussion related to these services. A discussion of public services shall follow: hiarveston Specific Plan /-1\VROI\VOLl�PR07Fll.E11998�8N16?OI�DECEMBE[ZSPEC[flC PIAMREVISEDHARVESfONUiE`�ISEDI•1IA�D1I.DOC �� -.'.�.: '�^''� - - .r. ��A.�'�'����� Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r ;�-� ���': i � � 1.Location of Light Standard as shown ��� unless approved by the City of Temecula ;i to be placed in median , I'� , 2.Light Standard to be determined at Street Improvement Plan Stage Street Street 7� 7' 7' 6� 18" Light Light 7$' Base Base — f. I ,� - I �,`� �,c � � Gas�p mn � I E — E _ Jainl � � - ��Water j � UliliEies i Storm Drain �Q �--Sewer Trench j Joint — L lJlilil+B Trench 5' 7' 10' 12' 14' 14'Median 14' 12' 10' 7' 5� Walk Parkway Class II � Class II Parkway Walk 12' Bike Lane Bike Lane 12� Public Utilities EasefnenE Public Utilities Easement 3� 110' 3` R�1/�/ i Arterial R� Ynez Road 1.Light Standards to be located at vehicular decision points (i.e.intersections, knuckles and cul-de-sacs) ��, (Refer to Figure 7.2) � { 2.Light Standard to be determined � yi at Street Improvement Plan Stage � Street � I' Street Light 18���; 7' g' g� 6� i 18�� Light Base � I ry Base , � �_ , I � � 2.5' ° i - "'�� = Gas�� min �' E 4—��Water ° � E `m � �n > � t� Storm Drain �Q � ��Sewer 5' 5' 18' � 18' 5� 5� Pa�kway Walk � Walk Parkway -/ Public Utilities Public Utilities Easement Easement 3' 3 R/W 56 R/W NOTE: Residential Local - See City of Temecula STD. No.607 � Internal Neighborhood Street Normal Location of Underground Utilities. - Depth of Utilities vary and will be coordinated with utility purveyors. Flgure 7.1 � February2001 Typical Utility Locations CON9LJLTING �i�n�r a Wo�k /�-----------� —��—��'— ._� ��� � / I PA-4 „�;'�.3"� / PA-7 PA-30 � SI'VEStiQ13 � I / i PA-3 , , �. �. _ ,,, Specific Plan I / � -- - -- r � � �� � / � �_ _—_ ��Y�� Lennar Com�rlunities � � � � �� . / PA-15 %/ ( ' � /�/� PA-5 � l If -- —' / � � ,---- �__� � I � .�� �� � � _ — — �J^�r J� /i/r _ Ciaic TR=Ei ��� PA 7 ❑ R�' � �—�� A O fr f]A? �_Er PA-6 `�+ � / P � �r // ❑ 1 �j Fa-ae � l t A�Q � ° i I // r � � PA-25 �-� ° I i , 1 � / � � �A-7, � � r � � � � � ► � � PA-29 1 � / � � Aa_�7 F�-�� � / �! CJ ELEMENTARY � /,r � ` ` ` _ _ PA-24 � ;� t1, SCHOOL ❑ LIGHTING LEGEND � � ` � � � l � r ` �, i LAKE � 7.an A� ■ Post Top Light / � Pn-�e L� 1 � 0 -Light Pole Height 12'-Optic Height 14' { �\ ,� € �~ ~ � _ �� 1 � -Loop Road,Yiflage Center Road,Major and � � Minor Entries, Village Green,Lake Park and � � \/ �� — —,-! ��\ , -� � �•0� A� Paseo Park (Indudes Security Lighting Where � {f r P A-�6 � � �) � Not Adjacent to a Slreet). VI�LAGE � p�c-,e ' High Pressure Sodium ` CLUB � �p-1J �\ �� � ��� �b, � � �'�-�� O -LithtPoleiHei�ht30'-O ticHei ht32' `� pr/ °°' -Light Pole Spa�ing 200'On Center Average /�� � -Per City of Temecula Starsdard 800 �� � 1 � NOTE: � PA-15 P� ;� � -All Lighting Standards shall comply with the Mt Palomar Observatory �` PA-13 V PA-14 \ ��tiT� \ � � � � \ I/ \ �{� J i��—J k 1 � Figure 7.2 o �so 30o boo Conceptual Lighting Standard Location � February 2001 � �� Har s�on 5per.�fic I'Ia�. Lennar C'ammunities '��'+ �.,.. }�.� � � �, � ; � ; .—�� � � �+' -; g� �+ �� > � '� ,�;: �`� I f �s �4 , .�z��• �� � r � l� ' _ � , �.� . ; �� � � .4 �� ' � � � � � � � 4 i � � i � �'� ti i � � � � NOTE:FINAL LIGHT STANDARD WILL BE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AND T.C.S.D.APPROVED. Figure 7.3 Typical Lighting Standard Detail j • N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 7.0 UTILITIES PLAN AND P[TBLIC SERVICES 7.2.1 Police Protection The City of Temecula contracts with the Riverside County SherifPs Department for services. The Police Department uses both, City of Temecula Police Department and Riverside County Sheriffs Department, as its name. Riverside County Sheriff officers patrol in vehicles, which read City of Temecula Police Department. They are currently responsible for response to 911 police calls,traffic collisions, medical and other types of emergencies. Additional services provided include crime prevention, investigation, and enforcement of the law, providing police support to the area with patrol responses, reporting, and investigative support to the adjacent areas. The department currently provides off road vehicle code enforcement services to the project site. 7.2.2 Fire Protection Fire protection and emergency response services for the project area are provided by the Riverside County Fire Department. Three (3) stations will serve the site. These stations provide wild land and structural fire protection, and response to 911 medical aid calls,traffic accidents, and hazardous materials. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, future developrnent of the project site will not create a need for expansion of facilities or addition of staff nor will it adversely effect the level of service presently provided. Because the proposed project is located within City limits; the Fire Department fees are included in the City's Development Impact Fees(DIF). 7.2.3 Scfiools Public elementary, middle school and high school education in the Project Area are currently provided by the Temecula Valley Unified School District. The Temecula Valley Unified School District anticipates the need to build 18 additional school sites, and numerous expansions to existing sites over the next 15-20 years. The Nicolas Valley Elementary School along with the proposed Harveston Elementary School in Planning Area 4 will serve the site for the elementary school (grades K-5). James L. Day Middle School is the middle school facility that would serve the site. Chaparral High School is the high school facility that would serve the site. It is estimated that 787 additional elementary school students, 337 middle school students, and 244 high school students would be generated by the project at buildout. There will be a need to expand school facilities at all levels to accommodate students from the proposed project. The District anticipates funding the school facilities for the proposed project from the fees collected through an agreement, with half of the cost being funded by the State, so long as those funds are available. The proposed project designates a 12.0-acre school site in Planning Area 4. The District has acquired and begun construction on the elementary school site. The school facility will be completed when the first homes within the Specific Plan are occupied. The elementary school will be sufficient to meet the needs of the residents of Harveston. In addition, the middle school and high school, with expansion, have adequate capacity to meet the needs of the Harveston residents. Harveston Specific Plan /-�J\VR01\VOLIWAOIFILEl199814N16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIF[C PLAMRE�'ISEDHARVESTON�REVISED]-IIANDI2DOC SECTION 7.0 UTILITIES PLAN AND PU�3LIC SERVICES 7.2.4 Libraries � The City of Temecula participates in the Riverside County Library System(RCLS) and does not provide library services directly. The City does augment the Temecula Library budget by providing staff funding to keep the library open additional hours, and by funding a part-time library volunteer coordinator. The Temecula Library would serve the project area. A new City library is proposed on Pauba Road, located above the Rancho Califomia Sports Park. The proposed facility will be approximately 33,000 sq. ft. At this tune partial funding has been identified to construct this facility. Development of the project will generate additional patrons and will ultimately create a need for additional staff and space for additional resources.The project will pay library fees, which are included in the City's Development Impact Fees(DIF)to offset the project's effect on library services. 7.2.5 Public Transit The Riverside Transit Authority (RTA) currently provides fixed route bus and dial-a-ride services to the project vicinity.RTA Fixed Routes 23 and 24 currently operate along County Center Drive,Equity Drive, Ynez Road and Margarita Road. The project site is also served by the current Murrieta/Temecula Dial-a- Ride (DAR)which provides curb service to seniors and persons with disabilities. RTA Route 23 and 24 use three (3) 17-passenger mini-buses operating 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Murrieta/Temecula DAR uses three (3) 14- passenger vans and operates from 6:30 AM to 630 PM on weekdays and from 10:00 AM-5:30 PM on Saturdays. The proposed project is anticipated to result in an increased demand for extended service to cover the project site. Bus tumouts and shelters to serve future Specific Plan residents shall be provided as required by the Riverside Transit Authority(RTA)und approved by the Department of PuUlic Wurks. Transit Plan The transit plan has been developed with input provided from the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA). The project proposes 1,921 dwelling units on 549.5 acres, for a project density of 3.48 dwelling units per acre. The Village Center, High-density residential (20 dwelling units/acre) and the M2 (Medium-density residential7-13 dwelling units/acre) are located at the"core" of the project to provide the critical density needed to support public transit. The comprehensive and cohesive sidewalk/trails system provided within the project provides excellent pedestrian access to the potential transit stops. Harveston Specific Plan 7-��u^nOl��4ilLPRO3FL,fL�¢9b1q.Y�('�p15DECEM$ERtiSY@C�FlC_PL�h`VL�'i5$aHARVE57pN1REVISEDI-IIANDI?.DOC SECTION 7.0 UTILITIES PLAN AND IyUSLIC SERVICES Figure 7.4 (Potential Transit Routes & Stops) has been developed for current and future transit needs, with input from RTA. A transit station is planned within the Village Center and will be integrated into the design of the streetscape. The approximate location for the transit station is depicted on Figure 7.4 and will be installed when adjacent development occurs, in accordance with the requirements of the RTA. It is anticipated that the buses will initially make a small loop through the project, entering the site from the minor entry off Margarita Road, passing by the Elementary School, Lake and Lake Park, Village Green and Village Center and exiting the site via Margarita Road. As depicted on Figure 7.4, future transit stops will be provided within the project, along the Loop Road. It is anticipated that the RTA will provide one-way service on the Loop Road. Access to these transit stops will be provided from the sidewalk/paseo system along the Loop Road, as well as from the neighborhoods via open-ended cul-de-sacs (refer to Figure 7.4). RTA will utilize these transit stops as a future need develops. Transit stops are also proposed on the perimeter of the project, along Date Street, Ynez Road and Margarita Road. Pedestrians will be able to access the transit stops via the two major and one minor project entries. In addition, transit stops will be provided in key locations within the Service Commercial portion of the project. All of the transit stops are anticipated to connect to the current and future major transit hubs within the area, including the Promenade Mall. In addition, shuttle arrangements for transporting students to and from the project site may be made with the RTA and the Temecula Valley Unified School District(TV[JSD)as well as San Jacinto Community College (Menifee Campus). All transit stops will conform to the requirements the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) and meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). Harveston Specific Plan /-/WROI\VOLIWROIF[LE1I99B�8N1630I�DECEMBEFLSPEC�IC_PL4NV2EVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISED]-IIANDl2.DOC �; ' !�� CITY OF MURRIETA �moa�o o�acl�d�cy�ao�o c�csci�c�c�c�n o�ao��o ,"'y�-.- ' �' f � 11 e 41-��"r�,� '' � 1 � MEDIUM 2 1 � Y ,�� � �� �����¢�� : � o � S.0 AC. ° � � SO UNITS LOW MEDIUM a Specific Plan MP +. ,1 � � � � � _� 46.2 AC. � Lennar Communitie.r ; • . � 191 UNITS n � � � �� � � � � MEDIUM 2 � j � 8 a a � � 8.6 AC. n COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 13ePc. 83 UNITS DATESTREEf � --� - . � �RpYO PPRK - _.:�m.m�c:a�n m��m_m�:m�-�_m.m- �� � _ _ __ _ I. ,� �.��—� � � i a�_� ■■ _�.�_�._r� �.�_�_�.�_��■_s� LEGEND __���=_--�-�_�� � � tT � �,� � - - _ - � � � r �i.'���,� � � �. - � � �l � � Proposed Transit Stops l --r �� ��� �� LOW MEDIUM • s � � � $ 39.1 AC. � . � � cu �:� i � 140 UNITS � Pro osed Transit Station Q �� � MEDIUM 1 ■�. 4 � � . � �--r � �.� p '� � �.� � � � 39.0 AC. z �`" '12 234 UNITS �, � � � � � ar � Proposed Service Line � l SERVICE � � r COMMERCIAL � ` � 3 , wNCHEs ER i 112.5 AC. � M� ca�Ex P.awc Existing Transit Stop ° � � • MEDIUM 1 � � � � MEDIUM 2 1 , 40.1 AC. SCHOOL 35.9 AC. � � 241 UNITS IAKEPARM; 12.0 AC. ■ Existing Service Line OU2S ACCEL � FACILITY 330 UNITS � � j 2�.3nc. (Route 23, 24 & 37) 1 � : ► � � oP� �-�... .. � . " � z i! � -- .._. 4 R�sncc� Note: f �� � OUT PARCEL 0 e� 3 ` • � � EkpRN� ' 1 � � � � Locations are conce tual and will � 1.3 AC. � PP� `� � � p � �� � � � � � LOWME�I� be based on future transit demand. � � 1.3 AC. � � ,� � � � 24.5 AC. � � �� �� � . � VILL.GRN. � 83 UNITS .� m ��� ��4ar° ;�?ygZ R S COMM6 51A PARK � � 1.8 AC.- � ���xEO USE OVERLAY � � � � �•,'� � � �+ ya C � � � _� °� ��`�` '� �• �� HIGH •"r.. o� �� ` � � � � � �� 16.8AC. � `� � �� 300 UNITS � � �' MEDIUM 2 ,. � ,�r� � MP 7.5 AC. �'�� - � � 75 UNIT �� �; � �� , � LOW MEDIUM �.. 41.1 AC. � 164 UNITS d C�U _ ,�� � � - � 1 �Tr CENTER � ��� �� � � ������ � � � '� �� � �. � � i�i � � `"`� r w�xCHcaiEh KuA� � � Figure 7.4 o �sa saa sar I � • 9 February 2001 Pu lic Transit an �-- ..L � - � SECTION 8.0 GRADING PLAN 8.1 GRADING PLAN DESCRIPTION The proposed grading plan will be sensitive to the natural topography of the site and will conform to the existing natural landforms in order to create a development where different residential, commercial and recreational areas are distinguished and separated by topographic features (refer to Figures 8.1, Existing Topography and 8.2, Conceptual Grading Plan and 8.3 and 8.4, Grading Cross Sections). Additional conditions which dictate the proposed grading plan will include: 1) existing perimeter conditions, 2) existing street grades, 3) ability to gravity sewer, and 4) no diversion of storm flows on adjacent properties. According to an earthwork quantity take-off conducted by the project engineer the project site will balance onsite and will not require import or export of earth materials. However, the proposed lake in Planning Area 3 may require the import of approximately 12;000 cubic yards of clay material to construct the lake "liner bottom."The details of this proposed import are discussed in the EIR for the project. 8.2 GRADING PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. All grading activities shall be in substantial conformance with the overall Conceptual Grading Plan (Figure 8.2), and shall implement any grading-related mitigation measures outlined in the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations (EIR Technical Appendices). Grading for the site shall balance on-site. 2. Prior to any grading pernut process, a soils report and geotechnical study shall be performed that further analyze onsite soil conditions and slope stability and include appropriate measures to control erosion and dust. 3. For erosion control purposes, slopes exceeding ten (10') feet in vertical height shall be hydromulched, prior to final acceptance and prior to the beginning of the rainy season (October- March). 4. All grading shall be accomplished in accordance with City of Temecula standards. 5. The applicant shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all planting and irrigation systems until those operations become the responsibility of other parties. 6. Graded slopes shall be oriented to minimize visual impacts (i.e., inclusion of complimentary slope plants)to surrounding areas. (Refer to Figures 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 Grading Cross Sections, and 8.6, Slope Planting). 7. Graded, but undeveloped land shall be maintained weed-free and planted with interim landscaping, such as hydroseed, and temporary irrigation within ninety (90) days of completion of grading, unless building pemuts are obtained. 8. Unless otherwise approved by the City of Temecula, all cut and fill slopes shall be constructed at inclinations of no steeper than two (2) horizontal feet to one (1) vertical foot. The Grading Plan shall reflect a contouring and landscaping program intended to control slope erosion. Harveston Specific Plan O-1 P.U998�SN16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPEC�7C P1AN�REVISED HARVESTON�REVISEDI-11AND1'_DOC SECTION 8.0 GRADING PLAN 9. Slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 and higher than ten feet (10') unless approved by Planning and Public Works Departments and considered safe in a slope stability report prepared by a soils engineer or an engineering geologist. Slopes proposed to be maintained by TCSD shall not be steeper than 2:1. The slope stability report shall also contain recommendations for landscaping and erosion control. Please refer to Section 10.2.4,Landscape Requirements for Slopes. 10. Priar to commencing any grading, including clearing and grubbing, a grading permit shall be obtained from the City of Temecula. 11. Inspection personnel shall monitor grading, including excavated soil stockpiles for evidence of paleontological, archaeological, or historical artifacts. A qualified azchaeologist shall be consulted to ascertain the significance of any historic or prehistoric remains that may be found. 12. Soil stabilizers shall be used to control dust as required by SCAQMD Rule 403. 13. A project biologisdrestoration specialist shall be under contract and present onsite during grading to occur in Planning Area 9. 14. Grading shall comply with the mitigation measures,pursuant to the Harveston Specific Plan EIR. Harveston Specific Plan O-2\VR01\VOLI�PROIFILF199818N16?OI�DECEMBFIZSPECff7C PL4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREViSED1-IIqND13DOC � o f i._ � ' � . � • -- .�=c� • � � _ �_ f` J � . ,F' � � �` r =-.��±� � f,.� � l �� _ � ,, � � , ���, 'd �ar�es�an � ' 4� ��� �� O re� � � ' Sp�ci£tc P�an ,-_ �� pC� �� �ti � � ?� j I�ennar Communitier � � , � 7 ��� ��� r �,� � 1,�� � � � r �� �� � { , o � .--- � _ ��l �� ! � � �'�� ��� ��` �� DATE STREET I ::� � � �- �� �J� '�^y�..�", CI �� 7 U .�"--� , �� � � q � �� �� Ce J _ � � �: � � ��R��rf -�, � . � f�.�� � , � � � � �ZJ �� � C� J`� � L o r � � � ����� � � � .���� - r � � � �� �� ��� � � � a � � o � � ����- � - � � ���---� I � � �. �-��� � �� 1 � � � ' --�� .� � �� �� �~ � `�� �f. ���� cC eN ` '] � f,.:ti ��� .�," � �.-.._`��. � �Rl�E � fj � � � \J L� � __ "� �--��`'� �. ��-,-.�� Q A ' :'� ��� � �''���� ���� ° � , �����. �:- ��'� - - �� I �. � �$ �,�� •� -,.>�- � � � f .. �' � ' 4� � 0 6 f � �° ` �, � . - , ••:—,^�, ' ° '4 .-:.,�_ __ _ m�� ,� - �-,' �1' ' � �-� �- � � -.: - ��� - �_ F- �� � �. � a o � �,r. - �- �' �� Note: / �� ���/ �r - Refer to Appendix "B" for 1" = 200' � , �� r Existtng Topography Plan. � r � � Figure 8.1 o lso 30� 600 � Existing Topography February 2001 CONSULTING E F G CITY OF MURRIETA - I Y OF TEM CULA � � �,. f_-i- --4 � i i � � � \° - � `� - y�`t_' �''�`*':� ,� I F G � i _ � � , �, � � � ' �a rves t�n , � i t � : i � � � ; �; �,, Speczfic P�.an � � �� \— � --- t - -- --:� t � � f ' Le�tnar Communities �� ` 1 � �\ ; � ; , V � s ' � � ; � r� � v r + � , � � � � ,I F � "� � '_ ".___ � t � � � �' O _ � + f It � -- -- ---____ - --- _ --� ' � i_ 1 I I I COUNTY �F �v��S�oE � W � � � r � � ; � __ _ _ - �� —�-r-- - -= —�-�-- j7 qF � �1 C � � � �w � _ -��_ � _ ` ` � �- ; _ -� g 3 i ffi _ � :�_ ,� -� � � 1 � ; , � �� , � � � � � _� ' -� . � L_�{ � ; � ; �� , �-�- ��=�:.���ti--� � - - .�� _ � � + : ,� � ' ��� ' � -��� � � � � r r j� � I " � * � � � N �� ` � ■ � � � �� r , � � � ` Il �f .�r I 1 1 � , + } ; , ��1 � �� __, � , ;�+ +� i ° � ti � �� � . ,' 9 ,, -� ' ' 1 t � � � - - -- �� � ����i , f; -- - ` l �� t r f '"'� r � - - � ' � i` � �� i _ �� .^'=c - � ,��� - [s-, • ' � � � , �_ _ _ � � �. .y_ ., y ���-� ��Sr,� �� '� ,:'� -� - � �'�i�^ t �' 1 .,_ � 1 eN �R��f . l � , � .� � t 4 �— � . � -=— , ,� 1 _ . , , d = � � : ... � . . ` � , � `�� � _� �- ; � �' :� � � � '� �' .�'� , � . � � �-"'�__ _ � • � �� � � - __��-� , •, � �� � � ``y :� y�� �. R a� � r � '� �P � ` � �� R�p ,'� . � M�A ; A -' r��r � � � " , Note: , , Refer to Appendix "B" for 1" = 200' A � ' Existing Topography Plan. � ' � , � + WINCH iR ROAD Figwr� 8.2 o ,So 3� 600 � Conceptual Grading Plan February 2001 CONSULTING _�:�_..,- - �:�. ��^� =;-- _ ��H������� Specific Plan � R Lennar Cammunitie.r �� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ « _1101__ _M1 _ _Y TOE OF SLOPE t- n ACCESS ROAD, � � BIKE TRAIL �� F TOE OF SLOPE TOP OF SLOPE �� ' 1089 w F w w � i � , ��. PP.OPOSED E � � � PROPOSED '�" � , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �x�srE.r� i , � � , � i �xisrir�� su i;� �D 80 FE� 120 160 200 40 80 F�� 120 160 200 SECTION "A-A" SECTION "B-B" Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' R R „� � �' TOP OF SLOPE . �� 1087 w ��/ F- w LL �� � TOE OF SLOPE Z� � i � PROPOSED€ � / ' ��_ �tt � � E7f17TING I s"�� ----------—_--_—�._1075__--_ DAYLIGHT CUT � �'� �� i � i � i � � / ' 1 , i � � i � � �___�_..__�_ __—-- '� ��:3sr�ri�; � �� . �� � — ---PROPOSED � :�9C ' -- — — — — -- — — — 40^ Bq` FE� 120 160 200 40 80 FE� 120 160 200 SECTION "C-C" SECTION "D-D" Horizontal Scale 1"=40' Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' Vertical Scale: 1"= 25' Figure 8.3 t • Febn.iaty2001 Grading Cross Sections t.�:, . - T;,..�_ -�rr� �E�,���..���� Specific Plan TOPOFSLOPE R R Lennar Communitie.r t 1 n TOP OF SLOPE W PROPOSED i w TOE OF SLOPE ww -------- LL ^ � � -- ---,. '- , ' _'__^__-_ ___ i � 4 1' 11 � - �'`� TOE OF SLOPE � PROPOSED Ex�S�ftvG � ExiSTING { �"`-----____ , � „ i _'---------- ' �n� s, o 40 80 FE� 120 160 200 I 40 80 FE� 120 160 200 � SECTI�f� "E-E" SECTI��I "F-F" Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' R R _ „ � TOP OF SLOPE w � 1� W � w � . W � � � - � � i � ' ' � �--- ^ -- ----- ' PROPOSED� ��� �'.r TOE OF SLOPE PROPO �SEDI tx!871�JG � �; --_--------~�~-.-~--~~ ~'- � i �XESTiNG I .��� ��r 'i Ci 40 80 FE� 120 160 200 i 40 80 FE� 120 160 200 � SECT14h� "G-G" SECTION "H-H" Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Horizontal Scale: 1"= 40' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' Vertical Scale: 1" =25' Figure 8.4 ~ � • February 2001 Grading Cross Sections �_. =�- � r �. —i. , - ,_.��..�,�i - �—.�_ IL .f1.�J,�"5�'��`sLtD�`] Specific Plan Lennar Cammunitie.r R � � w w � �� � �—� f. r�� ��'� +��__!� . � Ex S�l'VG � PROPOSED� E%1571�iG ; ;p,n 40 80 FE� 120 160 Zfl� SECTION " I-�" Horizontal Scale: 1"=40' Vertical Scale: 1"=25' Figure 8.5 � � ■ Febnzary 2001 Grading Cross Sections .�_., = =��'�- ��.r-������n Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r �•-� Lo�4�ro«�n; �` �� plairt material p.� «-hich reuiForces ri;id slope form Typical Slape Planting - Not Encouraged � ��f�� S�.�f � � � � �-Pl•ant 1VZateilal of �� � , /' �' R varying Fonn and r r�'- :L, .. T�� + density to soFten and �r�}e 'r°`� vaiz slope plane e��R' r'/ �`�. � � ^f .�- r�.. • ' - I-=x,Y' ;"-�� 7g� •T j�?�f � _ �� �`•-^��_�.!�F '��- `�%``�r .�� �-�;,'- � ��"� Typic�il Slope Planting �=�1 Encoura ed �� g NOTE: Slopes to be planted per the City of Temecu]a Development Code Fi ure 8.6 1 • February 2001 Slope Planting SECTION 9.0 LANDSCAPING PLAN 9.1 LANDSCAPING PLAN DESCRIPTION As illustrated on Figure 10.1, Conceptual Landscape Plan, in Section 10.0 project landscaping will play an important role in maintaining project design themes, while emphasizing community continuity. It should be noted that this Section,Landscaping Plan, is general in scope and detail. Detailed landscaping concepts and plans are included within the Design Guidelines portion of this text (Section 10.0, Landscape Guidelines). Entry monumentation will provide initial definition for the site, and will be viewed when approaching the site from Date Street, Margarita Road and Ynez Road, north of Date Street. Monumentation will be developed in a hierarchical format from major community entries, to neighborhood entries. This will provide initial identification for each residential planning area. Landscaping within the project site will characterize community design elements in the mixed-use Village Center area, business parks, and recreation areas. Individual neighborhoods and residential development enclaves will also be distinguished by varied planting themes. Special treatments, including land use transition areas, will be provided between certain planning areas identified in Planning Area Development Standards(Section 11.0). The project frontage along Interstate 15 (Planning Area 12) will be treated with a 50' scenic highway landscape setback(Refer to Figure 10.1 — 16). This will buffer the site from highway traffic and enhance the project's visual image from Interstate 15. In addition, a channel buffer (Planning Area 1) will be installed along Santa Gertrudis Creek and will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Landscaping will be used to identify the hierarchy of the street system, from major access roads to interior residential streets, creating definite landscaped corridors. This will be accomplished through careful consideration of landscape, materials, size, color, and character. Specific arrangement of plant materials will create a feeling of character, reinforcing community identity. (Refer to Figures 10.2-10.6, Typical Landscape Sections in Section 10.0 of this document). Plant materials utilized along the roadways have been selected to enhance the image of the community. The species chosen, as identified in Section 10.0, will adapt well to the environment of the City of Temecula. 9.2 LANDSCAPE PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. All detailed landscaping programs for planning areas and roadways will be prepared by a licensed landscape architect for review and approval by TCSD, Planning and Public Works Departments, as applicable. 2. Project entry statements will be designed with landscaping and architectural treatments that project a high quality image for the entire development (refer to Figures 10.1-5 to 10.1-7 and Figures 10.2 and 10.3). 3. Special landscape treatment buffer areas will be developed along Interstate 15 to establish and reinforce the project image. (Refer to Figure 10.1 - 16 in Section 10.0) Harveston Specific Plan 7-1 P.\1998�eN16201�DECEMBFR_SPECIFIC_PL4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IlANDl2DOC SECTION 9.0 LANDSCAPING PLAN 4. Special tceatment axeas will be designed to provide definition to certain Planning Areas as identi�ed in 5�ction 1Q.0. 5. Major entrance roads into the Harveston Specific Plan azea will have planted medians and landscaped pazkways to establish the community's design concept. The introductory landscape therrte will include elements such as �ee clustering of�ariety of species and thematic hardscape to reinforce Ehe praject C�eme and character(refer to Figure 1�.2). 6. Planted raised medians{according to Ordinance 461 Standard Nv. l 12}rc�ay be established within any road way right-of-way as 1png as ac�ess and safety�xi�te�ria can�e met. 7. Developments surrounded by walls or fences extending more than 100 feet along a public thoroughfare shall screen those walls or fences with plantings consistent with the streetscene requirerrAents, c�ntained in Figures IO.I-1 thraugh 10.1.-2�. Fencing a�d wall design will be claseFy controlled and will be compleznented with landscapi�tg. All walls shall be apprtipriately sct'zened as approved by the Gity of Temecula(refer ffl Figures 1�.4 through 10.7). 8. Improvement plans for the non-TCSD landscaped azeas shall be suhzx�.itted to the Plannir�g Department prior to issuance of building p�rmits and with the appropriate fling fee. T�e impro�etnent plans shall include,but will nat be limited to,the following: a. Final grading plan. b. Irrigation plans. c. A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods; locations, type, size and quantity of plantings. d. A hardscaping plan with location and type and quantity of potential recreational amen'ities/facilities (in high density areas). e. Fence treatment plans. f. Special treatmentfbuffer azea treatment plans. 9. Improvement plans for TCSD maintained areas aze to be submitted to the City of Temecula Community Services Department for review and appro�al, priar ta recor�ation of a final map. The improvement plans shall include,but will not�ie limited to, the foilawing: a. Final grading plan. b. Irrigation plans. c. A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods; locations, type, size and quantity of plantings. 10. At the time of recordation of any final subdivision map which contains common greenbelts or open space azeas, the subdivision shall have those common areas conveyed to the property owr�ers association or appropriate public maintenance agency (either in fee title or as an easement). TCSD shall accept maintenance easements��er those parkways it a�cepts into service Level C (perimeter slope and landscape maintenancej. Harveston Specific Plan 9-2 P.\1998�BN16?OI�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFIC_PLANU2EVISEDHARVESTOMREVISFDI-IIANDI?,DOC SECTION 9.0 LANDSCAPING PLAN 11. TCSD shall provide �aintenance for all landscape medians and perimeter parkways adjacent to sir�gle famaly .residential de�elopment an right-of-ways that are 66' or larger. TCSD will not maintain the perimeter landscape adja�ent ta the school unless there is a reimbursement aa eement with [he Temecula VaIley U�aified School District (TVUSD) or other entity. All other landscape areas, entry manuznentativn, signa�e, pedestrian portals, bus shelters, walls and fences shall be mainEained by the H�A, pri�ate maintenance associations or property owners. 12. AIl slope plantings to be maintaineti by TCSD shall meet TCSD requixetnents. The appli�ant a�dlor master de�eloper shall be r�sponsible for rnainier�ance and upkeep vf all slage planting, common landscaped areas and irrigation systems uniil such tirr�e as these facilities axe the responsibility of other parties. 13. All landscaping shall meet the City of Temecula Water Eff'icient Ordinance, Chapter 17.32 of the City of Temecula Development Code. 14. Street tree plantings shall meet TCSD standards, be compatible with adjacent Margarita Road plantangs, and be consistent with t�e prefezred txee species identified in the arterial parkway deszn matrix contained within Chapter 8 af the City-wide Desi�Guidelines. 15. All loading/service and/or parking areas shall be screened with appropriate greenwalls and/or shrubs at the discretion of the City of Temecula. 16. The app�icant anc�lor �aster develaper shall be resp4nsible for the bonding of all landscape impro�ements ta the satisfaction of the Director of Planning. 17. The minimum sizes for trees, shrubs and groundcover shall meet City Code requirements. 18. All parking lot landscaping shall be consistent with the City of Temecula Development Code requirements. 19. Slope banks 5' ar greater in venical height with slopes greater than or eyual to 3:1 shall be landscaped at a minxrnum wz[h an appmgnate graund co�er, one 15-galian �r iarger size tree per 6D0 square feet af slope area, and ane gallan or lar�er shrub for each 1 a0 square fe�t of sIope area. Slope banks in excess af 8'in �ertical h�ight with slapes b eater or eqr�aZ t�2:1 shall also be provided with one 5-gallon or larger tree per 1,��D square feet of slope azea in addition �o the above requirements. 20. Typi�al residential frQnt yard requirexiaents shatl be in conf�rmance WIL�] �iiy of Terrzecula De�elopment Code. 5maller lois and reduced front yard setbacks will have tzaodified landscape standards,appraved hy the I7irector of Planninb. 21. All utilities shall be screened with appropriate greenwalls and/or shrubs at the discretion of the City of Temecula. 22. Graded/disturbed areas not to be developed within six months shall be temporarily planted and irrigated to provide dust and erosion control. 23. Developers of each property shall ensure that mature plantings will not interfere with utility lines and traffic sight lines. , Harveston Specifzc Plan 7-3 P:11998�8N16101�DECEMBER SPECIFlC_PIAMREVISEDHARVESI'OMREVISEDI-IIANDI2DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.1 LANDSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.1.1 Introduction The first part of the landscape concept consists of a generous Landscape Development Zone (LDZ) provided along all community roads with 66-foot ROW's or larger. The landscape treatment will compli.ment surrounding landscape treatments. Where the residential adjoins the major roadways, the landscape treatment will be informal and will provide an adequate buffer screen. Within the Service Commercial, the landscape treatment will be more formal and enhance the retail component. The expanded LDZ allows for an increase in planting, reinforcing the community character. The LDZ will incorporate both meandering and street parallel walks with undulating slopes that will enhance the pedestrian experience. The LDZ facilitates pedestrian access to key community elements: Community Park, Paseo Park, Lake/Lake Park, Arroyo Park, Village Green, Village Center and elementary school. This linkage helps unify the community elements while providing a buffer/screen and sequence of arrival to each element. Hardscape elements, also a part of the LDZ, will further enhance the community character. Community thematic walls and entry monumentation will provide an essential element to the community landscape treatment. Entry Monumentation is further addressed through hierarchy, location and various landscape treatments. Community recreation also plays a key roll in the overall character. Various recreational opportunities have been incorporated into the community facilities. A combination of passive and active pazks, along with community gathering places are incorporated into the Harveston Conceptual Land Use Plan. Please refer to Section 6.0 of this document for a detailed discussion of the various community recreational facilities. The Landscape Design Guidelines addressed in the following pages will present the landscape development concept for the entire community. This section will address the treatment of major and minor community roads, parks, open space, and residential neighborhoods within the development and community perimeter edges (Refer to Figure 10.1,Preliminary Landscape Plan). The Plant Material Guidelines (Section 10.2) present, in summary, the overall community plant material palette. General information relative to seasonal planting constraints, climate constraints, and horticultural soils test requirements are presented as an aid to successful implementation. General requirements relative to planting installation, irrigation installation, and landscape maintenance are also contained herein. The Community Elements (Secrion 10.3) portion of these guidelines consists of written summaries and exhibits which address the conceptual desib of project entry monumentation, community walls and fences, and park and recreation amenities which all help to define the Harveston community concept. Additionally, the Community Elements section of the guidelines also includes landscape requirements for single family,multi-family, service commercial, and retail commercial land uses. Harveston Specifzc Plan 1�-1\VR01\VOLI�PRO]FlLE11998�BN16201�DECEMBER SPECIFlC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO,DOC �9 -:��,,��. -- - - _ - - -- - - --- --- - -- -- - - -_ --_-- - L-----,-.-T:-�.TMa '� ......r _..._. ....µ.. _ .__.__... �.------------------�-----—�----�-}-_- ��_ _�_ r_T_..__�_� , ,❑�:- -Y- .._ _��; _, : -}_- ! -:i i� .�.11: __..:' ���� , „ _, � E! i �a .:� �.����t���� MEDIUM 2 ;._,� �:E � 8.0 AC � ' � � 80UNITS L�46.2ACUM ' Specific Pla� , ' I MP 191 UNITS �����,�a�������f + ':�� ,� �:-� I � ` �I I � � • MEDIUM 2 ;�� ��I I, 8.6 AC/83 UNl 5 �ii 1 B � K '1 13.8 AC ' ='I i op� _ - - _��'�` �' LEGEIVD t� 2 � p,RRO� __ - n.t� 5<«tt � .,, •: , .,,, ,:._ �u'3: . t....... '� � - — — -- — -- -- -- — — — --- � ��- a o r e�`�s :.: � �� _ - - -- - - '.J.�.-.�.�� — - cei� ';�' ` _�-" � � 'i� � , i SERVICE COMMERCIAL f �.�..�.�,�.,-_. ._�z �::�.�::.' �__-- — � � � �� � � 0 .�-.- � �- � . � � � .�` $ � 7 � RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY r�r h' ��? � s ~ LOW MEDIUM I � — DEVELOPMENT 1 , , � f;'f%%�7'Y'r � ��, .fir 39.1 AC j �ucE 'I � � �,�y;�,�.�.� ,, r�J ,� ,,��"' 140 UNITS � � F' f�{� I f /f,F + \ �� f 39.0 AC r �< , •f � � r ` �� �r i 234UNITS ���� f f�� � � � � , / � � PARK LANDSC,4PE �6 � ,f �� � �� n� � I SERVICECOMMERCIAL � �r" � ;� 2 `����i f � + 112.5 AC �. 1 � � 3 � ` � y �� � MP MINI PARKS f 1.� � f� MEDIUM 1 �l � �❑ � f �' �' ' � ; 40.1 AC �' � MEDIUM 2 � I f � f 241 UNITS �'��� P�,;K� 35.9 AC SCHOOL � � I � FREEWAY INTERFACE LANDSC,4PE ��r �`' ! our�nRc��� f 17.3 AG l 330 UNITS 1 2.0 A C f 7 � � i ��' + ��� COMMUNITY INTERFACE LAIdDSC,4PE 't �'�r �2_5AC l � � � �.� I �..� �\ . �.� '' } � C�0 �� �� fi �) �.` — �� ? SERVICE COMMERICL4L � r S 15 ' •� � �. L�_.-:.,...1 l � ]� � r � y� � f STREET EDGE L4NDSC,4PE I'�+ , OUf 3ARCEL� j ���, 1 i ;.�.� �� �' I � � COMMUNITY ARTERI,4L STREET � -- - � � �� ,�'' � � /�1.3AC. , � �� . i� �YY Ff �f L'J LANDSCAPE �'� •;'' � � �� � � r � � �g.EN Y �f� 'y LOW MED1 ', �� LOOP ROAD PASEO LANDSCAPE � �_ � , ��`' { COMMUNITY \ 2 ��-¢�, �;'� �� 24,5 AC � � P�K 'I� � 1 �� ja / ,�� � 83 UNIT_ . 4 O O O O O PRiMA1�Y C�MMUNITY ENTRY DRIVE ~��` • � � ' r FORMAL STREETSCAPE . :-�='" P , 16.5 AC � ,-� , �� �: �=�.� ::. . ___� . :. `�� ' �.'r� ��`, '•� � i��' � HIGH / MAJOR COMMUNITY ENTRY �°� � �����f .i�� r� 30fl UNITS Jp�•' � MONUMENTATION(90.2) � �' f �,f,_., � 2 MINOR COMMUNITY ENTRY , ��7 II�IED.2 := �•' � MONUMENTATION(10.3) � 7.5 AC� � �'� .' ,� 75 UNITS 1 ����—� � SERVICE COMMERCI,4L/RESIDENTI,4L l'� � _�'" NEIGHBORHOOD ENTRY �=� 5f=� LOW MEDIUfN an r l . _ zs���-'� ' ' 41.1 AC ' aT�-- '' 164 UNITS ' ;.�: 0 ,��" '� x � ';:' � f` CR�� ��:�� _:�-- f� � % ��Z5 .��<• �<� _ ��_ -�� I• �' G�R,�R ���,v �.=_ �8 � A';'�: ��'� ��' Figure 10.1 0 150 300 600 _ � �?��;� February 2001 Pre � ' ary Lan scape Plan SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES The Landscape Design Guidelines, Plant Material Guidelines, and Community Elements are intended to compliment the Residential Architectural Guidelines (Section 10.4). Together, these guidelines will define the character of the Harveston community. 10.1.2 Major Community Streetscenes 1. Date Street between Ynez Road and Margarita Road, east side of Ynez Road. (Refer to Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B) The landscape development associated with the major community streetscene along Date Street(between Ynez Road and Margarita Road)consists of: ■ Evergreen or deciduous formal street trees at an average of thirty-foot (30') on center with a maximum of forty-foot (40') spacing (not including the Arroyo Park). ■ Evergreen or deciduous informal backdrop grove trees at an average of thirty- foot(30')on center with a maximum of forty-foot(40')spacing. • Community Fencing and Wall Plan- (per Figure 10.4). • Horizontal and vertical grade change, five-foot (5') sidewalk pazallel to street (not including the Arroyo Park). • Horizontal and vertical grade change, five-foot (5') meandering walk only at Arroyo Park varying width turf parkway at this condition. ■ Seven-foot(7') standard width turf parkway(not including the Arroyo Park). • Fourteen-foot(14')median island. • Class II Bicycle Lanes. • All planting and irrigation within TCSD areas are to be designed to meet TCSD requirements. • Slope plantings are to meet current City of Temecula code requirements. a. Landscape Development Zone(LDZ): The streetscene planting concept consists of formally spaced evergreen or deciduous street trees at an average of 30'with a maximum of 40'of spacing on center and informal backdrop deciduous or evergreen grove trees planted within the LDZ. Within the major community streetscenes, the LDZ is defined as the planting area from the curb face to the street right-of-way(twelve-foot(12') minimum in ROW), plus an additional thirteen feet (13') minimum beyond the ROW, for a total twenty-five-foot (25') minimum distance width from the streetscene curb face to the back edge of LDZ which could be defined by a wall, fence, v-ditch, or other defining element. If the LDZ exceeds the minimum condition, TCSD has agreed to maintain up to the defining element. The LDZ will be maintained by Temecula Community Services District(TCSD) adjacent to single family residential. All LDZs which are located outside of public roadway right-of-way will be numbered lots. Community walls and fences shall be maintained by the individual Homeowner or a Homeowners Association. TCSD will not maintain community walls, fences, entry monumentation, signage,pedestrian portals or bus shelters. Harveston Specific Plan 10-3 P.\I998�BN16?OIVATESfSPECIFICPL4NU-EBRUARYSPECIF7CPLAN�REVISEDIO.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES - PER COMMUNITY FENCING SLOPE PLANTED WITH 5'MEANDERING �I r,-� I�'; ROLIGMTTQLERAI+li �• •:�__ AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4j SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER SIDEWALK Ha�ves�vn 2'SEfBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE t���•) 2'SETBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE c2��o,�., S�ecifie P�a�. 5'SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET L2t3tTd9'CQttT7lltlyl2�'dES � INFORMAL ARROYO PARK FORMAL STREET TREES TREES AND SHRUBS � 7I1RF PARKWAY SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER � kN 14'MEDIAN ISLAND � 1 �PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL CLASSII � CLASSII BICYCLE TRAIL BICYCLE 7RAIL 2'MAINTENANCE SETBACK �2.•� C b _ ! I z Z J 7'-0' 7'-0" L o z � �a��o• �a�-a• W '�R°ro �� Z 5-0� M N. �Q• MAiNTAiNEO ��• M1N' - �~ ¢ NOTE:REF R TO PLANT o � 1Z,-0, s �Q � � n� � M11V. R.O.W. � � „ MATERIAL GUIDELINES � � i�,�, 13'-0" Q FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE, Q � MIN. ? � L.D.Z.VARIES Ld�VARlES a �D SPACING. x [f�.?.5'-0' MIN.25�-0� Fi�ure 10.1-1 EVERGREEN ORDECf0U0US SECTION 1: Date Street at Arroyo Park INFORMAL GROVE TREES SLOPE PLANTED WITH EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS PER COMMUNITY FENCING RpIJGHT TOLERANT INFORMAL GROVE TREES SHRUBS AND AND WALL PLAN(FIG.i�.4} SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER GROUND COVER 2'SETBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE tg�,�,) PER COMMUNITY FENCING 5'SIDEWALK �D WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) 5 SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET PARALLEL TO STREEf � EVERGREEN OR QECIDUOIlS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREET TREES FORMAL STREET TREES � 5NR11S5 AND GROUND COVER � � IN 14'MEDIAN ISLAND � � � TURF PARKWAY i PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � TURF PARI(WAY � CLASS II CLASS II BICYCLE TRA11. � 2'MAINTENANCE SETBACK ¢ BICYCLE TRAIL � �27 z � C] p '� ��' w W � - � Z r F � ¢ J 1 �16'-0" T'-0'�5'-0" � � � � 1p'-p" T-0' l'-0" z �o NOTE:REFER TO PLANT w o w z MATERIAL GUIDELINES T-0' 12'-0' 13'-0" � ¢ � v 5'-0" M�� 48'-0' T.C.S.D. 48'-0" MIN. �{��, a Z FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE, �p � � MAINTAINED � � ¢ AND SPACING. �� 0 12'-0' o o � � � MlN. R.O.W. � v w 134'-a" � � L.D.Z VARIES �o 1..�.2.VARIES tAIN.25'-0" � MIN.25'-0" i Figure 10.1-1A � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 1A: Date Street �� SLOPE PLANTED WITH �._7 f ROUG#Y TOLERANT o � ;��� SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER � ' �arves�an > NOTE:MEDIAN WILL BE T.C.S.D. EVERGREEN OR DECIDUDUS 2'SETBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE LL MAINTAINED IF THERE IS A INFORMAL GROVE TREES �7°lo MAX.) � MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH � THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 5pec�f c Plan PER COMMUNITY FENCING 5 SIDEWALK a AND WALL PLAN(FIG.IQ.4J �ARAI.L£L TO STREET U Le�enar�'amrrrunaties EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREET TREES �r � TURF PARKWAY � CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL G � � �� ": � PROPOSED a MAX.2:1 RESIDENTIAL � � Z 1�'-0'� T•0' l'�9' �10'-0" ��"�-�" NOTE:REFERTOPLANT a ¢ 7'-0' T.C.S.D. 12'-0" MATERIAL GUIDELINES z Z 5'-0" 48'-0' S'-0' MIN. MAINTAINED MIN. FOR TREE VARIEfIES,SIZE, � � � � AND SPACING. a p 12`•D" o � U � MIN. R.O.W. � W F 134'-EI' � L.Q.Z.VARIE5 MIN.25�-0• Figure 10.1-1 B SECTION 1B: Date Street EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREETTREES 4'MAX.PLANTING HT. EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL RGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREET TREES 13'MIN.PARKWAY FAED�Al�1 ISLAND STREET TREES 5'SIDEWALK PARALLEL 7URF PARKWAY SHRUBS/GROUND COVE TO STREET 5 SIDEWALK PARALLEL TURF PARKWAY SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER TO STREET IN MEDIAN ISLAND SHRU$SI GROUND COVER / CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL � CONTINUOUS ON DATE: � STREEFFROM MARGAPoTA � CLASSI! � �� ROAD TO I-15 BICYCLE TRAIL � � � f _ _�_-�-', � � SERVICE COMMERCIAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL NOTE: _13'-0" 5'-0"LTI�� 1p'-0� T-0"�T-0" `10'�Q" T-0"1-5' ' i�IM_ MIN. Nf MIN. Z Z 1. LONG BUILDING WALLS w w ARE TO BE SCREENED!BROKEN F F �r� 8'-0" 1'.C.S.�. 48'�8" 1z�"�� Z Z NOTE:REFER TO PLANT UP WITH BUFFER PLANTING. z z � MIN. MAINTAINED MIN. � � � MATERIAL GUIDELINES ¢ ¢ p o FORTREEVARIEfIES,SIZE, � � � RO.W. � � J AND SPACING. 2. AREAS ALONG SERVICEI LOADING w w 334'-0' � � ZONES ARE TO BE SCREENED WITH � � > > WALLS AND LANDSCAPE. �-a, � �a �a a a L.D.Z VARIES L.D.2.VARIES MIPJ.25'-0" MIN.25'-0" Figure 10.1-2 � � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 2: Date Street at Service Commercial SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 1) Level and Downslope Conditions(Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B): The twenty-five-foot (25') LDZ reflects a seven-foot (7') minimum parkway distance away from curb with a five-foot (5') concrete sidewalk, plus a thirteen- foot(13') minimum distance away from the back of walk to the back edge of the LDZ. There is a two-foot(2')minimum distance away from the back edge of the LDZ to allow for maintenance access. The LDZ from curb to community wall or back edge of LDZ will be maintained by TCSD (not including community walls). Refer to Plant Material Guidelines for shrub and tree varieties, size and spacing. The sidewalk parallel to street may also change grade horizontally and vertically. 2) Upslope Conditions(Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B): When 2:1 manufactured slopes are adjacent to the streetscene LDZ, the twenty- five-foot(25') wide LDZ will increase to include the 2:1 slope from toe of slope to the community wall or other defining element at top of slope. This streetscene condition reflects a seven-foot (7') minimum parkway distance away from curb with a five-foot (5') concrete sidewalk. The 2:1 slope may encroach into the LDZ with the toe of slope being no closer than fourteen-feet (14') to curb face. The LDZ from curb to community wall or back edge of the LDZ will be maintained by TCSD (not including community walls). There shall be a two- foot(2')wide relatively flat area at the top of slope to allow maintenance access. 3) Ground Treatment(Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B): The ground treatment for this streetscene consists of a turf pazkway between the sidewalk and curb face. At level conditions, a thirteen-foot (13')minimum width landscape buffer will be planted with shrubs and groundcover from back of sidewalk to the community walUfence. There shall be a two-foot (2') wide relatively flat area at the community walUfence or the top of slope to allow for maintenance access. 4) Trees(Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B): Street trees occur in formally spaced rows at an average of thirty-foot (30') on center with a maximum of forty-foot (40') spacing. The evergreen or deciduous informal grove trees create a backdrop to the formally spaced street trees. Street trees in the median and parkway areas aze formally spaced (not at the Arroyo Park). All street trees shall be a minimum of twenty four-inch(24")box. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-6\UR01\VOLIWR07E71E11996�8N16201�DECEMBER_SPECIflC PIAMREVISEDHARVES�OMREVI5EDl0,DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 5) Arroyo Park Condition(Figures 10.1-1): The streetscene planting concept includes informal deciduous or evergreen street tree groupings, intermixed with the informal native trees at the Arroyo Park site. The streetscene LDZ is defined as the planting area from the curb face to the street right-of-way, the remaining open space transitions to become part of Arroyo Park lands. The twenty five-foot (25� LDZ contains a five-foot (5� concrete meandering sidewalk with a seven-foot(7� minimum parkway setback. The remaining LDZ consists of informal grove trees placed to frame views into the Arroyo Park site and to buffer views into the residential site. These trees aze informally spaced at an average of thirty-foot(30� on center with a forty-foot (40� maximum spacing of street frontage. 6) Median Island(Figures 10.1-1, 10.1-1A and 10.1-1B): A fourteen-foot(14�wide median island occurs on Date Street between 1-15 and Margarita Road. The median island will be planted with a combination of accent shrubs, low maintenance groundcover and a formal row of deciduous or evergreen street trees at an average of thirty-feet(30')on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing. All median island trees shall be a minimum of 24' box in size and shall be planted in City approved root barriers. The median island will be maintained by TCSD. (The median at the City's boundary will be maintained by TCSD, if there is a maintenance agreement with the County.) All landscape shall be per TCSD standards. 2. Date Srreet at S�r��ice Comnnercial Land Us�Edge. (Refer t��igure 10.1-2) The landscape development zone associated with the Service Commercial streetscenes aluu�I3dle Street consists of: ; Formally spaced evergreen or deciduous street trees at an average of thirty-feet (30')on center with a forty-foot(40')maxunum spacing. • All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box size. + Sidewalks paralleling the street. • Seven-foot(7') standard width turf parkway. * Median island with shrubs and groundcover. • Class II Bicycle Lane. � Areas along service 1 loading zones are to be screened with walls and landscaping. a: LDZ and Ground Treatment: This Service Commercial streetscene LDZ is twenty-five feet (25') minimum from curb face to the back edge of the LDZ. Harveston Specific Plan IQ-/ P.\1998�BN16?OI�L.A7EST5PEC�ICPL4MFEBRUARYSPECIFlCPIhMREV15ED10.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES The twenty-five-foot(25')LDZ reflects a five-foot(5') concrete sidewalk seven feet(7') away from the curb face paralleling the street. This seven-foot (7') parkway is planted with turf. On the other side of the sidewalk, there is a thirteen-foot (13') planting area. The area is a combination of shrub and groundcover planting, that finishes off the LDZ. The LDZ will be maintained by the Service Commercial property owners with the median island being maintained by TCSD. Refer to Plant Material Guidelines for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 1) Trees(Figure 10.1-2): Street trees occur in formally spaced rows at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing. Street trees in the median and parkway areas are fom�ally spaced with informal background trees. All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. 2) Median Island(Figure 10.1-2): The median island contains all the common landscaped features as described for Section 1 above. 3. Ynez Road at Service Commercial and Residential. (Refer to Figure 10.1-3) The landscape development associated with Ynez Road at Service Commercial and Residential consists of: + Formally spaced evergreen or deciduous street trees at an average thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot(40')maximum spacing. • All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box size. • Sidewalks paralleling the street. • Seven-foot(7') standard width turf parkway. • Median island with shrubs and groundcover. + Plantings and street trees will be compatible with adjacent Ynez Road plantings to provide street scene continuity. ■ Areas along service/loading zones are to be screened with walls and landscaping. a. LDZ and Ground Treatment: This Service Commercial streetscene LDZ is twenty-five feet (25') minimum from curb face to the back edge of the LDZ. Harveston Specific Plan 10-8�VR01\VOLI�PROJFIlb\1998�BN16?OI�DECEhIDFIZSPECIFlC PIAMREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC �. :��� 2'SETBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS HA.1"YES�a�I 5HRlJ851 GROUND COVER (2%MAX.) INFORMAL GROVE TREES [� p 4'MAX.PLANTING HEIGHT S�7�CillC Pi`�.I� 13'MIN.PARKWAY EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMALSTREETTREES I.EITYi£!T Cp7T7tlIlL112�'iBT 5'SIDEWALK 5'SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET PARALLEL TO STREET � PER CDMMUNfTY FEHCENG 5HR1185f GROUND COVER AND WALL PLAN FIG,10.4) Tl]RF PARKWAY IN MEDIAN ISLAND d CLASSII TURFpARKWRY BICYCLE TRAIL � CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL '�y,�� ' !r+"� W NOTE:REFER TO PLANT � w z MATERIAL GUIDELINES z � FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE, SERVICE COMMERCIAL � o Z � AND SPACING. W W f I I NOTE: a ¢ Lr�" J L r-0� � w � � 5-0' ?U'�0` 7'-0' T-4' 1a'-0" 5'-0" o z 2 z MIN. MIIV. � � 1. LONG BUILDING WALLS � � Sfi'-0" 7.C.5.�. 36'-0" c.i w ARE TO BE SCREENED/BROKEN J J o 1r-0" MAINTAINED 12'-0" � ~ o W W z MIN. MIN. � _ UP WITH BUFFER PLANTING. r f- R.O.W. a > > �jp��}� L.D.Z.VARIES 2. AREAS ALONG SERVICE/LOADING a a L.D.Z VARIES ��'���� ZONES ARE TO BE SCREENED WITH �� ��,�-0• VARIES DEPENDING WALLS AND LANDSCAPE. ON SLOPE HEIGHT Figure 10.1-3 SECTION 3: Ynez Road at Service Commercial EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS SLOPE PLANTED WITH _.. RQUGHT TOLERAH7 INFORMAL GROVE TREES SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER 2'SETBACK TO TOE OF SLOPE � (2%MHX.) � f'i PER COMMUNITY FENCING � AND WALL PLAN(FIG.ifl.4} 5'SIDEWALK • ,; r PARALLEL TO STREET +�--. �' EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS � } f r� FORMALSTREEfTREES i. � ��: � �URF PARKWAY � j � „ ��.� ���% � � � � � LASS fl 81 1 � � l� "`��^��-� � �, � '�� r SHRUBSI GROUND f � „���-`r� � � COVER IN 1 �� -�` `� MEDIAN ISLAND � �' ��;i `� � �'� �... PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL l 1 1 ,2.r � � �"�. 1 0 z o NOTE:REFER TO PLANT a W MATERIAL GUIDELINES Q F 7'-0' T'-0" 0'-0" 6'-0' '-{}' FORTREEVHR1E1lES,SIZE, 5'-0" T-0' 1a'-0' � ¢ MIN. T.C.S.D. AND SPACING. Z � ,��' 12,-0. 3fi'�0" MAINTAINED 36'-0" MIN• o � � MiN. w ci R.O.W. � � 11�'{I' 0 x L.D.Z.VARIES fN.25'�-0' Figure 10.1-4 � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 4: Margarita Road SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES The twenty-five-foot (25') LDZ reflects a five-foot (5') concrete sidewalk seven feet (7') away from the curb face pazalleling the street. This seven-foot (7') parkway is planted with turf. On the other side of the sidewalk, there is a thirteen-foot (13') planting area. The azea is a combination of shrub and groundcover planting that finishes off the LDZ. The LDZ adjacent to single family residential will be maintained by TCSD, and the LDZ adjacent to the Service Commercial will be maintained by the Service Commercial property owners association, with the median island being maintained by TCSD. Refer to Plant Material Guidelines for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 1) Trees (Figure 10.1-3): Street trees occur in formally spaced rows at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing. Street trees in the median and parkway areas are formally spaced with informal background trees. All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. 2) Median Island(Figure 10.1-3): The median island contains all the common landscaped features as described for Section 1 above. 4. Margarita Road. (Refer to Figure 10.1-4) The landscape treatment for this Section is proposed to be consistent with the treatment for Date Street between Margarita Road and Ynez Road. Please refer to the descriptions under 10.1.2 -Section 1. , 5. Community Entry Roads off Margarita and Date. (Refer to Figures 10.1-5, 10.1-6, and 10.1-7 for the entry without a median) These streets aze the main access streets to the Harveston residential azeas. The landscape development associated with the community streetscenes along the entry roads consists of: • Formally spaced evergreen or deciduous street trees at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot(40')maximum spacing. Street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box size. ■ Street trees in the median and pazkway azeas aze formally spaced with informal background trees. • Five-foot(5') sidewalk paralleling the street. • Seven-foot(7') standazd width turf pazkway. ■ 4:1 maximum turf parkway. • Consistency with community fencing and wall plan (Figure 10.4) - no wall at mixed use overlay district. Harveston Specific Plan 10-10 P:\1998�BN76?OI�DECEMBFRSPECIFIC PLANUtEVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIUDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES • Median island with shrubs and groundcover (no median in minor entry at Margarita Road). ■ Landscape buffer at level conditions. ■ Class II Bicycle Lane. a. LDZ and Ground Treatment: The streetscene planting concept features formally spaced evergreen or deciduous trees at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-feet (40')maximum spacing. The LDZ is the planting area from the curb face to the street right of way, a twelve-foot (12') minimum distance plus an additional thirteen-foot (13') for a total of twenty-five feet (25')minimum. The LDZ incorporates a five-foot(5') concrete sidewalk, seven-feet (7') away from curb face,paralleling the street for both level and slope conditions. Where there is a 2:1 slope condition adjacent to the LDZ, the slope may encroach into the LDZ with the toe of slope being no closer than fourteen-feet (14') to the curb face. The LDZ adjacent to single family residential will be maintained by TCSD. Community walls and fe�cing will be maintained by the individual Homeowner or Homeowners Association. Refer to plant material guidelines for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 1) Trees (Figure 10.1-5, 10.1-6 and 10.1-7): Street trees are formally spaced at an average of thirty-feet(30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing. Street trees in median and parkways are formally spaced with informal background trees. The street trees shall be centered in the turf parkways and shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. 2) Median Island(Figure 10.1-5 and 10.1-6): The fourteen-foot (14') minimum median islands in Figures 10.1-5 and 10.1-6 will be maintained by TCSD. The median islands will be planted with the same landscape features as described in the medians for Section 1 above with the following addition that annual and perennial color may be added to enhance these main project entries. The approval of the TCSD will be required to plant perennial or annual color in the median islands. Harveston Specific Plan 10-11 P.\1998�SN76?OIUATESTSPEC�ICPL4MFEBRUAAYSPECIFlCPL4MREVISFDIODOC REVISED 8/14/O1 EVERGREEN OR 4EC€011�lJS FORMAL STREET TREES �:�: 2'SETBACK TO EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS ��-�,--r� TDE OF SLOPE(2%MAX.) INFORMAL GRQVE TREES ==' EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 5'SIDEWALK 5 SIDEWALK �`Isrves�var� INFORMAL GROVE TREES PARALLEL TO STREET TL1RF MEDIAN PARALLEL TO STREET EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 2�SETBACK TO Specific Plan FORMAL STREET TREES TOE OF SLOPE (2/o MAX.) I.CYlYIIlT CO)iIl?Itdtll�lCS TURF PARKWAY S�'iRUBS/ � � TURF PARKWAY r, � GROUND CDV'E CLASS II � SHRUBS/ BICYCLE TR,41L CLASS II f GROUND COVER BICYCLE TRAIL PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � � PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY 0 w z Q W ¢ � NOTE:REFER TO PLANT z ¢ z z MATERIAL GUIDELINES � z 5-0" 7'-0" 5'-0, 10'-E1°�ia-4" ��,q• T-0" 5,,-0• � � FOR TREE VARIEfIES,SIZE, W � MIN. ��N� J W AND SPACING. z � 12'-0" 12'-0" � � o vi 31'-0' T.C.5.0. 31'-0' � o � MIN. MAINTAIHED MIH. � � � � � o o � �c = d R.4.1N. d ¢ a 1Qfi'-0" _ � L.DZ.VARIES L.DZ.VARIES a IN.�5'-0' IN.25'-0' Figure 10.1-5 SECTION 5: Major Entry at Margarita. Road 2'SETBACK TO t�E OF SLOPE(2%MPJ(.) EVERGREEN OR EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 5'SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET DECIDUOUS FORMAL INFORMAL GROVE�E5 STREET TREES TURF PARKWAY EVERGREEN OR EVERGREEN OR 5'SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET DECIDUOUS INFORMAL 5HRll6Sf DECIDUOUSFORM GROVEiREES GROUND COVER STREET TREES TURF PARKWAY 2'SETBACK TO CLASS II BICYCLE 7RAIL CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL TC3E OF SLOPE � _ G �z�io M,ax.� TURF MEDIAN �� SHRUBS/ GROUND COVER PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PER COMMUNITY FENCING W � PER COMMUNIIY FENCING AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) Q Q AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) z 13'-0" 7"-0' T-U' 13'-0" �- 5-0" 5'-0" 7'-0' 7'-0' 'a-0" 5'-0" a � MIN. MiN. MIN. M1N• � NOTE:REFERTO PLANT z w 12'-0" 12'-0" w "' MATERIAL GUIDELINES � e� z � 31'-Q' T.C.S.D. 31'�" � �Z � FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE, p rr;¢ MIN. MAiNTAIM1IEO MIN. u�¢ p � ,-".� � � RO.W. � �z W AND SPACING. �¢ � _ � 1pp'-0' � � L.D.Z.VARIES L.D.Z.VARIES IN.25'-0' IN.25'•0• Figure 10.1-6 � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 6: Major Entry at Date Street EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 2'SEBACK TO EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS -� INFORMAL GROVE TREES INFORMAL GROVE TREES - =��-Z� TOE OF SLOPE(2%MAX.) ;.;''"-"1'�;� = =�--s. 5'SIDEWAIJt PARALLEL TO STREET Har�es�on EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FpRA�A�STREETTREES � Specific Plan TURF PARKWAY 2'SEBACK TO CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL TOE OF SLOPE Lennar Comm�anities SHRUB51 ' (2%MAX.) GROUND COVER SHRUBSI GROUND COVER PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL o hlqx��r � � NVp,X.��ti PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL w PER COMMUNITY FENCING < '�L' I o AND WALL PLAN(FIG.1Q.4j z ¢ � + ,� Z PER COMMUNITY FENCING ¢ Z Z ¢ AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) Z � 5-0' M�� 5'-0° 12'-0' 32'-U" 12'-0' I �2��'"'S'-0" M N. 5-0� Q z o � o a? � 12'-0" 12'-0" � o w w � o —�---��'�` �9'-0' o z NOTE:REFER TO PLANT � � MIN. MIN. u? � _ � R.O.W. � � o MATERIAL GUIDELINES $2'-4" � ~ � FORTREEVARIETIES,SIZE, L.D.Z.VARIES � L p,Z,VARIES = �D SPACING. MIN.25`-4' ��-----ir;IH.25'•6' Fi re 10.1-7 SECTION 7: Minor Entry at Margarita Road EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES INFORMAL GROVE TREES EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL STREET TREES INFORMAL GROVE TREES INFORMAL STREET TREES 8'MIN.MEANDERING FAS� 2'SETBACK TO 2'SETBACK TO � TOE OF SLOPE TOE OF SLOPE(2%MAX.) � (2%MAX.) 6'CURB ADJACENT SIDEWALK 2'SEfBACK TO {f � 6'CURB ADJACENT SIDEWALK � � (�E��OF�3yLOPE SHRUBSI l � � SHRUBSI f PARKING GRQIiND COVER TURF PARKWAY - SHRUBSI • GROUND COVER GROUND COVER CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL � CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL � � PROPOSED RESIDEN?IAL � 1 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � LOOP ROAD o I LOOP ROAD � �.x• NOTE:PARKING BAY LOCATION � � w TO BE DEfERMINED AT THE W o ¢ w SEE p W PER COMMUNffY FENCING TTM STAGE AS APPROVED BY z Z I � PER COMMUNITY FENCING z � `ALTERNATE � � I � Z z AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) T H E C I T Y T R A F F I C E N G I N E E R � ¢ � � AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4j� Q � � I J ¢ � Q Z � =•8'-0'-i 5'-0' �� Q \ �" 5'-0"�- Z ¢ � � Z� � � � �_ 14'-0" � � � 14'-Q"... 23'-0' o &'-0" 23'{r'• •• 23'„p' -. � Z � w I ti 3 MIN. � o Z � � I � �' � NOTE:REFER TO PLANT w � o ~ � � � w MATERIALGUIDELINES o = 13'-0" i T-0" o FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE, _ - MIN - - R W - - 'T MIN. = AND SPACING. � L.D.Z.VARIES L.DZ.VARIES L.D.Z.VARIES - MIN.13'�4'�- -- iv11N.31'-0" (AT RESIDENTIAL) (AT RESIDENTIAL) (AT RESIDENTIAL) (INSIDE OF LOOP ROAD) (INSIDE OF LOOP ROAD) iOUTSIDE OF LOOP ROAD) Figure 10.1-8 � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 8: Loop Road and Loop Road with Alternate Parking SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.1.3 Minor Community Streetscenes and Internal Neighborhood Edge Conditions 1. Loop Road at Residential with and without Parking. (Refer to Figure 10.1-8) The landscape development associated with the minor community streetscene along the Loop Road at residential and school land use edges, consists of: + Informal evergreen or deciduous street tree groupings at an average of thirty-feet (30')on center with a forty-foot (40')maximum spacing on one side of road. ■ Informal evergreen or deciduous background grove trees on the Loop Road. * Street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. • Consistency with community fencing and wall plan(Figure 10.4). • Horizontal and vertical grade change, an eight-foot(8')meandering paseo on one side of the Loop Road, and a six-foot (6') curb adjacent sidewalk on the other side of the road. • Six-foot(6')minimum width turf parkway, on one side of the Loop Road. • Class II Bicycle Lane. s Thirty one-foot (31')minimum LDZ on the outside of the Loop Road. • Nineteen-foot (19') minimum LDZ on the inside of the Loop Road without parking and thirty one-foot(31')minimum LDZ with parking. 2. Loop Road Lake Edge at Village Green/Lake Park. (Refer to Figure 10.1-9) While the overall landscape development concept at this condition includes the items discussed above in Figure 10.1-8, the following outlines the difference in the LDZ at this condition. The streetscene planting concept for the Loop Road Lake Edge at Village Green reflects a 31'minimum LDZ(outside of the Loop Road). On the inside portion of the roadway, the minimum LDZ at the Village Green/Lake Park is modified to 16', which includes a 10' parkway and a 6'walk. The Village Green/Lake Park is proposed to extend up to the ROW edge at this condition. The landscape development associated with the minor community streetscene along the Loop Road at the Village Green/Lake Park consists of: ■ Formal evergreen or deciduous street tree groupings at an average of thirty feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing on both sides of the Loop Road at these conditions. • Informal evergreen or deciduous background grove trees on the Loop Road and at the Village Crreen and Lake Park. • Street trees shall be a minimum of 24" box in size. • Ten-foot (10') turf parkway adjacent to a six-foot (6') curb parallel sidewalk on the inside of the Loop Road at the Village Green. . Ten-foot (10') turf parkway adj acent to an eight-foot (8') curb parallel paseo on the outside of the Loop Road at the Village Green. r Ten-foot (10') turf parkway adjacent to a six-foot (6') curb parallel sidewalk at the northem edge of the Lake Park inside of the Loop Road. • Six-foot (6') minunum turf parkway with an eight-foot (8') meandering paseo at the northem edge of the Lake Park outside the Loop Road. • Class II Bicycle Lane. Harveston Specific Plan 10-14 P:U998�BN16?OI�L4TESI'SPECfF1CPIAMFEBRUARYSPECff7CPL4MREVI5ED10DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 3. Loop Road at Community Park. (Refer to Figure 10.1-10) While the overall landscape development concept at this condition includes the items discussed above in Figure 10.1-8,the following outlines the difference in the LDZ at this condition. The streetscene planting concept for the Loop Road at the Community Park remains the same in Figure 10.1-8 for the inside condition (i.e., 19' minimum LDZ). The outside LDZ is reduced from the 31' minimum(adjacent to residential) to a 14'minimum which is the landscape parkway and paseo within the road ROW. The Community Park is proposed to transition up to the 14' minimum LDZ edge. a. Landscape Development Zones(LDZ): The streetscape-planting concept consists of informally spaced street trees, deciduous accent trees or evergreen grove trees planted within the (LDZ). The Loop Road streetscene LDZ is defined as the area from the curb face to the back edge of the LDZ, which could be defined by a wall, fence, v-ditch or other defining element. A minimum 14' LDZ is proposed for the outer side of the Loop Road adjacent to the Community Park. It contains an 8' paseo, which is part of the 14' parkway included in the ROW. However,the 8'paseo may meander into the Community Park, and therefore would occur outside of the ROW. A minimum 19'LDZ is proposed for the inside portion of the Loop Road adjacent to residential uses. Included in this area is a 6' fixed curb adjacent sidewalk. The remaining 13' of LDZ occurs outside the ROW and will be a numbered landscape lot. These LDZ minimums are for areas adjacent to residential. The LDZ adjacent to single family residential and the Community Park will be maintained by TCSD. The community wall will be maintained by the homeowners association and not the TCSD. Harveston Specifzc Plan 10-15 P.\I998�BNI6201�DECEMB�SPECIFIC_PLANU2EVISEDHARV65TOMREVISFDIODOC EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUWS INFORMAL GROVE TREES INFORMAL GROVE TREES 4N 2'SETBACK TO 8' CURB SEPARATED PASEO TOE OF SLOPE �_ PERIMETER OF AMPHITHEATER �Z%�� EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS �`� FORMALSTREETTREES SHRUBSI �~; - GROUNDCOVER Har�es�on TURF PARKWAY TURF CLAS511 � S�3�C� C � il� 2'SETBACK TO TOE � � BICYCLE TRAIL I.ennar�'omnrunities LAI� OF SLOPE(2°h hW)L PILASTER GUARDRAIL LOOP ROAD �AX•���� � o PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY MAX.4:1 SLOPE i z z 6'-0' I 10'-0" � � 10'-0" , � Z Z PER COMMUNITY w�K�—P� 5'-0' 5'-0" P�, � -0` �q � FENCING AND WALL �f//� o � F Z PLAN(FIG.10.4) %1P y ,�SLqp� o o � R.O.W. > o 5� �-0� RqME�VA�FJ S7AGE 10'-0" `� z 66'-0' a � NOTE:REFER TO PLANT COPING 0'-0" AMPHffHEATER LANDSCAPE SLOPE � � � W MATERIAL GUIDELINES Z� � W ��K = � L.DZ.VARIE:S = � FORTREEVARIETIES, Q F F z �P�`.����� L,DZ. MIN.31'-0" a SIZE,AND SPACING. Z a a z M��'i���� *SUBJECT TO FINAL AGREEMENT (AT MULTI-FAKIILI� < o INSIDE OF LOOP ROAD ,�i = � H.OAJ TCSD MAINTAINED � � (OUTSIDE OF LOOP ROAD) �m 5118,1ECT TO FINAL AGREEMENT Figure 10.1-9 SECTION 9: Loop Road at Village Green/ Lake Park EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 7SEBACKTO '"INFORMALGROVETREES TOE OF SLOPE �Z°��) EVERGREEN OR i}ECIk]UOUS � INFORMAL STREET TREES 8'MEANDERING PASEO � PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � � TURF PER COMMUNITY FENCING AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) TURF PAt71(WAY 2'SETBAq(TO o '� TOE OF SLOPE(2%MAX) w z o F Z CLASS II BICYCLE TRAIL z Q � Z LOOP ROAD � PROPOSED COMMUNITY PARK z � o 0 3 c SHRUBS/GROUND COVER �Q �a vi W C) 3' �rJ�� U Z U Z � H ~6 ~6 = 6'CURB ADJACENT SIDEWALK � �3.�. 23,�, � � NOTE:REFER TO PLANT 3 MATERIAL GUIDELINES � R'6�' � FOR TREE�VARIEfIES,SIZE, AND SPACING. L.DZ.VARIES L.DZ.VARIES IiJ.19'�0" IH.14'-0" (AT RESIDENTIAL) (AT COMMUNITY PARK) fINSIDE OF LOOP ROADI fOUTSIDE OF LOOP ROADI Figure 10.1-10 � N.T.S. February 2001 SF:CTION 10: Loop Road at Community Park Revised August 14,2001 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 4. Village Center Road. (Refer to Figure 10.1-11) The Landscape Development Zone associated with the Village Center street scene along . the Loop Road consists of: • Ten-foot (10') Village Center walk, a (9') parkway planting area and eight-feet (8')of parallel parking along the Village Center Road. • Single row of parallel formal street tree groupings at an average thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') m�imum spacing. All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. • Street trees will be planted in the (9') planter area adjacent to the parallel parking. ■ Appropriate landscaped sidewalk access will be provided between the (9') parkway planting. • Class II bicycle lane. • Bike racks will also be located within the village to encourage people to use altemate modes of ttavel. a. Landscape Development Zones (LDZ): The streetscape-planting concept consists of formally spaced deciduous accent trees planted within the (LDZ). The Village Center Road streetscene LDZ is defined as the � area from the curb face to the outer edge of the Village Center walk, a minimum of nineteen-feet (19'). The LDZ will contain the minimum ten-foot (10') urban sidewalk with nine-foot (9') planter area. The sidewalk will reflect the community character through hardscape and urban planting techniques. The community view fence at community facilities will be the back of the LDZ with a minimum condition of nineteen- feet(19')from face of curb. The LDZ along the Village Center Road will be maintained by private property owners association. The community wall will be maintained by the homeowners association, or the property owners,but not the TCSD. 1) Trees (Figure 10.1-11): The street trees will be in 9' x 10' planters or nine-foot (9') parkways. All street trees shall be a minimum of 24"box in size. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-1/ P:V998�BN16'_OIUA'fE5T5PECIF7CPLAN�FEBRUARYSPECffICPLAMRE`�ISEDIO.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 �- =��� Har�es�arg EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREE7 TREES FORMAL STREET TREES �7eC1 ].0 �.Il TURF UNDER TREES �-'e�191[Ir eaP�l9711fY12�1e5' PAW�LLEL PARKING CLASS II BIKE LANE LOOP ROAD � � � 6" 10'-0" 10'-0" NOTE:REFER TO PLANT VIi.1.A�aE 12�-0� ��GE MATERIAL GUIDELINES `-fl• '-0' 5'-0" 12'�6" TUR 'f2'�6' 5-0" 8'•0' '�U" CENTER P��R �E P�ER CENTER FORTREEVARIETIES,SIZE, WALK w�K AND SPACING. L.DZ R.d.W. LDZ. MIN.19'-0" 63'-0" MIN.19'-0" PRNATELY PRNATELY la1WlVFAIhIEQ MAINTAINED Figure 10.1-11 2:1 SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHT ��SIDEWALK SECTION 11: Village Center Road TOLERANT SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER PARALI-E�TO STREET 2'SETBP.CK TO EVERGREEN OR f7ECf0U�US TOE OF SLOPE(2%MAX.) El1ERGR�EIV OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES iNFORM,41_GROVE TREES EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREET TREES SHRUBS!GROUND COVER 5'SIDEWALK PARALLE!TO STREET � � TIJRF PARKWAY � PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL 0 1 � w a PER COMMUNITY FENCING � � o PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL AND WALL PLAN(FlG.10.4) Z W a z � z g�� 5'-0" 20'-fl"�20'�0" 5'-0" $�r Z PER COMMUNIN FENCING Z Q MIN. ��ty•o F AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) � � w z � v�i 3 t3'-d' t3'•Q" � a � R.O.W. � NOTE: _ ►v-' � � Q w - REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES 6'-0' � � FOR TREE VARIETIES,SIZE,AND SPACIIVG. L.DZ.VARIES N w - L.DZ.OMITTED WHERE UNITS FRONT ON IN.21'-0" ti p STREET (AT RESIDENTIAL) L.D.Z.VARlES � x !N,21'-0" (AT RESIDENTIAL) Figure 10.1-12 � N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 12: Residential Entry - Typical SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GU�DELINES 5. Typical Residential Entry, Paseo Park, Local Road at Lake Park, and Lake Edge, Lake Park (referto Figures 10.1-12— 10.1-15). The landscape concepts as depicted in the above referenced figures will serve a primary role in defining the intemal neighborhood edge conditions for the Harveston community. The streetscape planting concept for the two sections which identify residential roadways (10.1-12 and 10.1-14 are consistent with Section 10.3.3 item 1 (Residential Neighborhood Streetscene Landscape Requirements). The "vision" for the Paseo Park and Lake/Lake Park as well as the individual recreational elements proposed are discussed in detail within Section 10.3.4 Park and Recreation Amenities. The Plant Palette identifies the proposed tree and shrub varieties. The proposed maintenance of these recreation facilities is discussed in Section 12.4 of this document. 10.1.4 Community Edge Conditions and Boundaries 1. Service Commercial at Caltrans Land Use Edge (Refer to Figure 10.1-16): The landscape development paralleling Interstate 15 Freeway is of primary importance. Not only does this landscape delineate the community boundary, but it acts as a sound attenuation element. A sound attenuation report will be prepared for all off-site land uses at the time the specific types of uses are proposed. This report will dictate the location and heights of sound attenuation walls. If dictated by the report, a variable height solid masonry wall will be constructed along the property line for sound attenuation purposes. At all iocatians alang the Caltrans edge�aoundary there is a 2:1 xnanufac€ured s1Qpe which serves as a landscape buffer. The slope (larzdscape buffer) shall be a minirnunn of�fty feet (50') wide from the I-15 Freeway ROW to the Service Commercial site. The landscape buffer on private property wilt be maintained by the 5ervice Commerciat Assoczation and will t�e plan[ed with low maint�nance, draught Ealerant shrubs, groundco�er and trees per the City af Ternec�ia standards. Refer to Slope Plant Material Guidelines, and Paseo Plant Palette, far tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 2. Service Commercial to Off-Site Business Park Land Use Edge (Refer to Figure 10.1-17): The Service Commercial to off-site Business Park Edge interface will consist of a landscape buffer zone which varies based on topography conditions. This landscape buffer will be planted with evergreen grove trees at an average thirty-foot (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing 24" box in size and will be maintained by the parcel owner. At downslope conditions, the variable height 2:1 manufactured slope serves as the landscape buffer. The 2:1 slope will be planted with low maintenance, drought tolerant shrubs, trees and groundcover. Refer to Slope Plant Material Guidelines, and Paseo Plant Palette, for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. Harveston Specifzc Plan 10-19\UR01\VOLI�PROJFlLE11998�8NI6�OI�DECEMBElZSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESI'ON�REVISEDIO.DOC EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS 2:1 SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHT INFORMAL GROVE TREES TOLERANT SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER �� 2'SETBACK TO -� PER COMMUNffY FENCING TOE OF SLOPE(2°k MAX.) H$PPBS�OII AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) 8'MEANDERING PASEO S��CI�C P�� Lennar Cam�rrs�na�xes SHRUBS/ GROUND CaVE �21 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PER COMMUNffY FENCING 2'SETBACK AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) MAX.215L4P TO TOE OF 2:�5��p SLOPE(2°k MAX.) NOTE: w� .4:1 SLbP .4:15LOP W o 1• REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDEIJNES Z Z � Z Z FOR TREE VARIETtES,SIZE,AND SPAqNG. W z IN �� '��'z 2. AN AREA DRAIN SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED _� IN.10'-0"� IN.16' _� AT THE PRECISE GRADING STAGE. .p.11 hlNNTAIHE Figwce 10.1-13 SECTION 13: Paseo Park 10'�1FAN[]ERfNG EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS MULTI-USE TRAIL INFORMAL GROVE TREES EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE'fR�S EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS FORMAL STREET TREES 9 CURB ADJACENT SipEWALI[ 7LIFlF � PROPOSED LAKE PARK . RESIDENTIAL Z W � � � � �? �z $'-0" 8' 14'�4' fl,� NOTE:REFER TO PLANT _� o ���' MATERIAL GUIDELINES s E MAINTAINED BY H.OA.I TCSD�- � o FOR TREE VARIEfIES,SIZE, MIN.10'-0" R.O.W. � AND SPACING. BUILDING 46'�" SEBACK H.OAI TCSD MAINTAINED VARIES NOTE:REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES 5U$JECT TO FINAL AGREEMEFlT FOR TREE VARIETIES,SL?E,AND SPACING. Figure 10.1-14 �� N.T.S. February 2001 SEC�'ION 14: Residential Local Road at Lake Paxk Revised August 14,2001 EVERGREEN OR O�CI{3l1QlfS INFORMAL GROVE TREES SLOPE PLANTED WITIi � � � �"� DROUGHT TOLERArff L_ SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER STQeS LuII 2�SEBACKTO 5 ecific Plan � TOE OF SLOPE(2°k MAX) � 10'MEANDERING ,�,,Q7If1Cl7'COt7191TTt�TZZtdBS MULTI-USE TfiPJL PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL '���� �2.� PER COMMUNffY FENCING AND WALL PLAN(FIG.1D.4} � x �Ak¢,� � � c � � � a ? z a i i 5:1 SZt`]���� � � d ¢ ''� NOTE: 'SUBJECT TO FINAL AGREEMENT � � �N.1fl'�4 4'�0 � 1. REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES � � F FOR TREE VARIEf1ES,SIZE,AND SPACING. 0 0 0 2. AN AREA DRAIN SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED x = = AT THE PRECISE GRADING STAGE. IN.32'-0 1AK�MlUNTAINED BY H.OAITCSD SUBJECTTO FINAL AGREEMENT Figure 10.1-15 SECTION 15: Lake Edge/Lake Park EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS GROVE TREES PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARDS (TO BE APPROVED BY CALTRANS) SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHTTOLERANT, LOW MAINTENANCE SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER (TO BE APPROVED BY CALTRANS) y� SERVICE COMMERCIAL � � NOTi=: 1. REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES FOR EXISTING CALTRANS TItEE AND SHRUB VARIETIES,SIZE,AND SPACING. RIGHT-0E-WAY 1 REAR YARD SETBACKVARIES 2. LONG BUILDING WALLS ARE TO BE SCREENEDI LANDSCAPE ZONE � �A�"'� MINIMUM 10' BROKEN UP WITH BUFFER PLAMING. w w z z 3. AREAS ALONG SERVICE/LOADING ZONES ARE Z Z TQ BE SCREENED WITH WALLS AND LANDSCAPE. ¢ ¢ � � J J 4. A5 SHOWN,A SWALE WILL HANDLE THE SLOPE 3 � F RUN-OFF;LOCATION AND SIZE WILL BE DETERMINED � > j Af THE ROUGH GRADING STAGE. d � � I-15 FWY. LANDSCAPE BUFFER ZONE VARIES � � 5. PCRMISSION TO DRAIN SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM VAftIE 1N.50'-0' FROM FREEWAY CALTRANS,PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT. Figure 10.1-16 � N.T.S. February 2001 SECT'ION 16: Service Commercial Adjacent to I-15 Revised August 14,2001 EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS GROVE TREES PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARDS - '-'• '�_r.'�'� SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHT TOLERANT, � '�, LOW MAINTENANCE SHRUBSAND GROUND COVER Har�es�on PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARDS 5pecific Plan �.2nfTCdr Cp7�I?jTufl2�dC5 � � SERVICE t;OMMERCIAL � � r' NOTE: ti1 1. REFER TO P�NT MATERIAL GUIDELINES FOR � � TREE AND SHRUB VARIEfIES,SIZE,AND SPACING. 2. LONG BUILDING WALLS ARE TO BE SCREENED/ OFF SITE BUSINESS PARK LAND USE BROKEN UP WITH BUFFER PLANTING. LANDSCAPE BUFFER ZONE 3.AREAS ALONG SERVICEILOADING ZONES ARE WNER N}HINiAIHE� ��- VARIES BASED ON TOPOGRAPHY RIVATELY h9AiNTAfHE TO BE SCREENED WITH WALLS AND LANDSCAPE. BUSINESS PARK ASSOCIATION MAINTAINED Figure 10.1-17 SECTTON 17: Service Commercial to Off Site Land Use Edge EVERGR�E3J OR DECIDUOUS GROVE TREES PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARDS MANUFACTURED SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHT TOLERANT,LOW MAINTENANCE PER COMMUNITY FENCING SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER PER CITY OF AND WALL PLAN(FIG.10.4) TEMECULA STANDARDS . 9 � G �Z CHAIN LINK PROPERN LINE �f FENCE-FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MAIMAINED PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL � I NOTE: Z� � 1. REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES FOR o? ���� TREE AND SHRUB VARIETIES,SIZE,AND SPACING. w� g� _� 2. AS SHOWN,A SWALE WILL HANDLE THE SLOPE RUN-OFF;LOCATION AND SIZE WILL BE DETERMINED H.O.A.MAINTAINED AT THE ROUGH GRADING STAGE. BLDG.SEfBACK VARIES PER 3. PERMISSION TO DRAIN SfiALL BE OBTAINED FROM TABLE 11.1 EXISTING SkNTA G£RTRU0�5 RNERSIDE COUNTY FLOCID CONTROL&WATER SERVICE CREEK CONSERVATION DISTRICT,PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF ROAD A GRADING PERMIT. Fig�re 10.1-18 � • � N.T.S. Februaty 2001 SECTION 18: Residential at Santa Gertrudis Creek SECTION 10.0-DESIGN GUIDELINES 3. Residential Slope Edge Condition at Santa Gertrudis Creek Land Use Edge (Refer to Figure 10.1-18): The Santa Gertrudis Creek has an earth bottom with concrete lined sides. A maintenance road and chain link fence travel along both sides of the creek forming the Community Boundary and maintenance separation. A 2:1 manufactured slope borders the Santa Gertrudis Creek boundary along the residential edge. The 2:1 manufactured slope will be of varying width and height and when the slope daylights at Maxgarita Road a minimum twenty-five foot (25') wide landscape buffer will be installed between the residential site and Santa Gertrudis Creek service road. The 2:1 slope and buffer area will be planted with low maintenance, drought tolerant shrubs, trees and groundcover and will be maintained by the HOA. Trees will be clustered at property lines and shrubs planted sufficiently down the slope so as to preserve and enhance view op�artunities. Refer to Planf Materia� Guidelines (Section 10.2) and Paseo/Lake Edge/Arroyo Paxk Plant 1'alette within 5ection 10.2, for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 4. Residential to Off-Site Residential Land Use Edge Condition(Refer to Figure 10.1-19): The LDZ along the on-site single family residential to off-site single family residential has three conditions. They are an on-site residential upslope condition, on-site residential downslope (only near Ynez Road) and an at-grade condition. On-site upslope and downslope conditions will be created by a 2:1 manufactured slope along the northern residential edge boundary. The manufactured slope will be of varying width and height. All slopes will have evergreen or deciduous informal grove trees, and will also be landscaped with drought tolerant, low maintenance shrubs and groundcover. Upslopes will be maintained by the individual homeowner and all will be landscaped per the City of Temecula standards. Downslopes will be maintained by the HOA. Refer to Plant Material Guidelines (Section 10.2) and Paseo/Lake Edge/Arroyo Park Plant Palette within Section 10.2, for tree and shrub varieties, size and spacing. 5. Residential to Off-Site Service Commercial Land Use Edge(Refer to Figure 10.1-20): The Land Use Edge along the onsite single family residential to the off-site Business Park consists of a upslope from the residential site to the Business Park. An existing wall occurs at the top of slope. The width of the slope/buffer varies based on topography, but shall be a minimum thirty-foot(30') setback between the existing wall and the proposed residential site. The 2:1 manufactured slopes will be landscaped with evergreen or deciduous informal grove trees, shrubs and groundcover per City of Temecula standards and will be maintained by the individual homeowner. Refer to Plant Material Guidelines, and Paseo Plant Palette, for tree and shrub varieties, sizes and spacing. Harveston Specific Plan 10-23 P:\1996�ef:16?OI�DECEM9EfZSPECIFlC PL4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREV[SEDIODOC EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES ,. �, '��� MANUFACTURED SLOPE PLANTED WITH r r�=�� DROUGHTTOLERANT,LOW MAINTENANCE Harves�on SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER PER CIN OF TEMECULA STANDARDS EXISTING WALL OR FENCE � Spe��fic P�a�. �ranar�'ommuni�ies CITY OF MURRIEfA EXISTING OR ��,y� W PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL z ¢ PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL z a w � Z � PROJECTBOUNDARY � � � z o � � � o w x z � SLOPE VARIES w � BASED ON NOTE:REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL o TOPOGRAPHY GUIDELINES FOR TREE AND SHRUB s VARIETIES,SIZE,AND SPACING BUILDING SEfBACK VARIES PER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN SECTION 11.0 OF THIS F'1p�-��-e 10.1-19 DOCUMENT AND TABLES 11.1,11.2,AND 11.3 b-'- SECTION 19: Residential Rear Lot Setback EVERGREEN OR DECIDUOUS INFORMAL GROVE TREES MANUFACTURED SLOPE PLANTED WITH DROUGHTTOLERANT,LOW MAINTENANCE SHRUBS AND GROUND COVER PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARDS EXISTING WALL OR FENCE � � o EXISTING BUSINESS PARK �:� z MP�" ¢ PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL W Q ¢ �w Z � �¢¢ NOTE:REFER TO PLANT MATERIAL � W w o z GUIDELINES FOR TREE AND SHRUB z � y y� VARIEfIES,SIZE,AND SPACING � o ma w "' o PROJECTBOUNDARY � SLOPE VARIES= � � BASED ON o TOPOGRAPHY x tH.5ET$ACK 30'-0" Figure 10.1-20 � • ► N.T.S. February 2001 SECTION 20: Residential Rear Lot Setback SECTION 10.0 �ESIGN GUIDELINES 10.2 PLANT MATERIAL GUIDELINES 10.2.1 Introduction It is the intent of these guidelines to provide flexibility and diversity in plant material selection, while maintaining a limited palette in order to give greater unity and thematic identity to the community. The plant material lists have been selected for tkteir appropriateness to the project theme, climatic conditions, sail cox�ditions and concern for maintenan�e. A limited selection of materials utilized in simple, significant composition complimentary to adjacent, common landscape areas while reinforcing the individual architectural and site setting is encouraged. Wherever possible, overall plant material selection for given project areas, shall have compatible drought resistant characteristics. I�rigation programming can then be designed to minimize water application for the entire landscape setting. Plants used for TCSD areas are to be reviewed and approved by TCSD during the conceptual drawing phase prior to preparing construction drawings. Plant installation shall be provided per TCSD standards. 10.2.2 Plant Palette The plant material selection for common landscape areas associated with Harveston as described in the text, is contained in the following palette. Date Street Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus cladocalyx - Sugar Gum Eucalyptus lehmannii- Bushy Yate Eucalyptus sideroxylon'Rosea'- Red Iron Bark Pinus eldarica- Mondel Pine Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- California Pepper Trees-Deciduous Street Tree Platanus acerifolia'Bloodgood'- London Plane Tree Trees-Deciduous at Arroyo Platanus racemosa- California Sycamore Palms-Accent/Skyline at Service Commercial only Washingtonia robusta- Mexican Fan Palm Harveston Specifcc Plan 10-25\UR01\VOLl�PRO1F1I�11998�8N16?OI�DECEMBER_SPECff1C PL4NVtEVISEDHARVESTONVtEVI5ED10DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Shrubs Acacia redolens- Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- . Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thom Rhaphiolepis indica species - Pink Indian Hawthome Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes- Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens- Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides- Bower Vine Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Ynez�t�eet Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus cladocalyx- Sugar Gum Eucalyptus lehmannii- Bushy Yate Eucalyptus sideroxylon'Rosea'- Red Iron Bark Pinus eldarica- Mondel Pine Pinus halepensis- Aleppo Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- Califomia Pepper Trees-Deciduous Street Tree Jacaranda mimosifola- Jacaranda Trees-Deciduous at Arroyo Platanus racemosa- Califomia Sycamore Palms-AccentJSkyline at Service Commercial Washingtonia robusta- Mexican Fan Palm Haf-veston Specific Plan 1�-26\VR01\VOLI�PROlF1LE11996�8N16201�DECEMBER SPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI0.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Shrubs Acacia redolens - Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis - Escallonia fradesii - Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange 'Wheeler's Dwarf Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species- Pink Indian Hawthome Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes- Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens- Carolina 7asmine Pandorea jasnunoides- Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Mar�arita Raad Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus cladocalyx - Sugar Gum Eucalyptus lehmannii - Bushy Yate Eucalyptus sideroxylon'Rosea- Red Iron Bark Pinus halapensis- Alleppo Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- California Pepper Trees-Deciduous Street Trees Ulmus parvifolia `Drake' - Evergreen Elm Shrubs Acacia redolens- Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealarid Tea Tree Harveston Specific Plan l�-2!\VROI\VOLI�PR07F[IE\1998�SN16201�DECEMBER_SPEC�[C PiAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVI5EDI0.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Shrubs(cont'd) Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species - Pink Indian Hawthorne Xylosma congestum- Xylosma Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes - Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens- Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides - Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Loop Road Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus cladocalyx- Sugar Gum Eucalyptus lehmannii - Bushy Yate Eucalyptus sideroxylon'Rosea'- Red Iron Bark Pinus eldarica- Monde Pine Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- Califomia Pepper Trees-Deciduous Street Trees Platanus acerifolia'Bloodgood'- London Plane Tree Shrubs Acacia redolens - Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Harveston Specific Plan 10-ZpWR01\VOLI�PRO7FII.E11996�SN16?OI�DECEMBFJZSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVES70N�REVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.Q DESIGN GUIDELINES Shrubs (cont'd) Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species - Pink Indian Hawthome Viburnum tinus species - Viburnum Xylosma congestum- Xylosma Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vinca major- Periwinckle Pra'ect E�t l7rir�es Trees-Evergreen Pinus halepensis- Alleppo Pine Schinus molle- California Pepper Trees-Deciduous Street Trees Liquidambar styraciflua- Sweet Gum Shrubs Acacia redolens- Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species - Pink Indian Hawthorne Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes- Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides - Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Harveston Specific Plan 10-29\uR01\VOLI�PROIF7LE1199818N16201�DECEMBEFLSPECIFIC_PIANV2EVISEDHARVESTON�REVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Vitlla e Center Trees-Evergreen Cinnamomum camphora- Camphor Tree Podocarpus gracilior- Fem Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- Califomia Pepper Ulmus parvifolia'Drake'- Evergreen Elm Trees-Deciduous Street Tree Platanus acerifolia `Bloodgood' - London Plane Tree Trees-Deciduous Gleditsia triacanthos inerimis- Thornless Honey Locust Jacaranda mimosifolia- Jacaranda Koelreuteria bipinnata- Chinese Flame Tree Koelreuteria panniculata- Golden Rain Tree Liquidambar styraciflua- Sweet Gum Platanus acerifolia'Bloodgood'- London Plane Tree Prunus cerasifera- Purple Leaf Plum Prunus s. 'Kwanzan'- Japanese Flowering Cherry Pyrus calleriana- Omamental Pear Robinia ambigisa `Idahoensis' - Idaho Locust Palms-Accent/Skyline Washingtonia robusta- Mexican Fan Palm Shrubs Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Ligustrum japonicum- Japanese Privet Liriope muscari- Big Blue Lily Turf Moraea bicolor- Fortnight Lily Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Podocarpus macrophyllus- Yew Pine Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species- Pink Indian Hawthorne Viburnum tinus species - Viburnum Harveston Specific Plan 1�-3ll�HR01\VOLI�PROIFILE11998�BN16201�DECEMBFRSPECIFIC PL4MREVISEDHARVESfOMREVI5EDl0.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Hedera helix- English Ivy Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Vinca major- Periwinckle Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes - Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides - Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Residential Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus sideroxylon `Rosea'- Red Iron Bark Brachychiton populneus- Bottle Tree Callistemon viminalis - Weeping Bottlebrush Cedrus deodara- Deodar Cedar Podocarpus gracilior- Fem Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- California Pepper Ulmus parvifolia'Drake' - Evergreen Elm Trees-Deciduous Gleditsia triacanthos inerimis - Thomless Honey Locust Jacaranda mimosifolia- Jacaranda � Koelreuteria bipinnata- Chinese Flame Tree Koelreuteria panniculata - Golden Rain Tree Liquidambar styraciflua- Sweet Gum Pistacia chinensis - Chinese Pistache Platanus acerifolia 'Bloodgood'- London Plane Tree Platanus racemosa- California Sycamore Prunus cerasifera- Purple Leaf Plum Prunus"s. 'Kwanzan'- Japanese Flowering Cherry Pyrus calleriana- Omamental Pear Robinia ambigisa `Idahoensis' - Idaho Locust Harveston Specific Plan 10-31WR0]\VOLI�PROIFlLEU998�BNI63011DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PIAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Shrubs Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis - Escallonia fradesii- Eseallonia Grewia caffra- Lavendar Star Vine Hemerocallis species- Day Lily Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Ligustrum japonicum- Japanese Privet Liriope muscari- Big Blue Lily Turf Moraea bicolor- Fortnight Lily Phomuum spp. - F1aY Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Podocarpus macrophyllus- Yew Pine Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thom Rhaphiolepis indica species- Pink Indian Hawthome Viburnum tinus species - Viburnum Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Hedera helix- English Ivy Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Vinca major- Periwinckle V ines � Clytostoma callistagiodes- Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina 7asmine Pandorea jasminoides- Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Pa�eolLake Ed�elArrava Park Trees-Evergreen Eucalyptus cladocalyx- Sugar Gum Eucalyptus lehmannii- Bushy Yate Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea'- Red Iron Bazk Geijera parviflora- Australian Willow Pinus eldarica Mondel Pine Pinus halapensis- Aleppo Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle - Califomia Pepper Harveston Specific Plan 10-32\11R01\VOLINROIFILE\1998�8N16?O1�DECEMBEfLSPECIFIC P[ANU2EVISEDHARVES70MREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Trees-Deciduous Plantanus acerifolia'Bloodgood' - London Plane Tree Platanus racemosa- Califomia Sycamore Populus nigra italica- Lombazdy Poplaz Salix babylonica- Willow Arroyo Park Riparian Trees Platanus racemosa- Sycamore Populus fremontii- Cottonwood Salix goodingii- Gooding's Willow Salix hindsiana- Sandbar Willow Salix lasiolepis - Arroyo Willow Sambucus mexicana- Eledrberry Arroyo Park Wetland Anemopsis claifornica- Apiastrum angustifolium- Artemesia douglassianna- Artemesia dracunculus- French Tarragon Baccharis salisfolia- Cazex spissa- Sedge Juncus acutus- Rush Typha latifolia- . Arroyo Park Riparian Shrub Anemopsis califomica- Apiastrum angustifolium- Baccharis salisifolia- Oenothera hookeri- Evening Primrose Populus fremontii- Westem Cottonwood Salix lasiolepis - Sambucas mexicana- Blue Elderberry Zauschneria californica- Califomia Fuchsia Coastal Sage Schrub Artemisia californica- Califomia Sagebrush Collinsia heterophylla- Chinese Houses Encelia californica- Eridycton crassifolius - Eriogonum fasciculatum- Califomia Buckwheat Eriophyllum confertiflorum- Eschscholzia californica- Califomia Poppy Harveston Specific Plan 10-33\UROl\VOLI�PROJFII,E\199818N16?O1�DECEMBE(ZSPECIFIC P1P.MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISIDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Coastal Sage Schrub(cont'd) Lasthenia glabrata- Lotus scopatius- Lupinus succulentus- Mimulus puniceus- Monkey Flower Oenothera cheiranthifolia- Evening Primrose Plantago insulatis- Salvia apiana- Sage Salvia mellifera- Sisyrinchium bellum- Blue-eyed Crrass Shrubs Acacia ongerup- Acacia redolens- Agave spp. - Ceanothus'Ray Hartman'- Wild Lilac Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Moraea bicolor- Fortnight Lily Muhlenbergia rigens- Deer Grass Prunus caroliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Hedera helix- English Ivy Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Vinca major- Periwinckle Schaa! ar�d Parks Trees-Evergreen Brachychiton populneus- Bottle Tree Callistemon viminalis- Weeping Bottlebrush Cedrus deodara- Deodar Cedar Cinnamomum camphora- Camphor Tree Eucalyptus cladocalyx- Sugar Gum Eucalyptus sideroxylon `Rosea' - Red Iron Bank Pinus canatiensis- Canary Island Pine Pinus eldarica- Mondel Pine Pinus halepensis- Aleppo Pine Pinus pinea- Italian Stone Pine Schinus molle- Califomia Pepper LJlmus parrifolia `Drake' Evergreen Elm Harveston Specific Plan 10-34\VR01\VOLI�PROIFlLFI99818N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC PL4MREVISEDHARVESfONUtEVI5ED10.DOC � SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Trees-Deciduous Gleditsia triacanthos inerimis- Thornless Honey Locust 7acazanda mimosifolia- Jacazanda Koelreuteria bipinnata- Chinese Flame Tree Koelreuteria panniculata- Golden Rain Tree Liquidambaz styraciflua- Sweet Gum Pistacia chinensis- Chinese Pistache Platanus acerifolia'Bloodgood'- London Plane Tree Platanus racemosa- California Sycamore Prunus cerasifera- Putple Leaf Plum Prunus s. 'Kwanzan' - Japanese Flowering Cherry Pyrus calleriana- Ornamental Peaz Robinia ambigisa `Idahoensis' - Idaho Locust Ulmus parvifolia `Drake' - Evergreen Elm Palms-AccentlSkyline Washingtonia robusta- Mexican Fan Palm Shrubs Acacia redolens- Acacia Cistus spp. - Rock Rose Cotoneaster horizontalis- Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Hemerocallis species- Day Lily Ilex species- Holly Leptospermum scoparium- New Zealand Tea Tree Ligustrum japonicum- Japanese Privet Melaleuca nesophila- Pink Melaleuca Muhlenbergia rigens- Deer Grass Phomuum spp. - Flax Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange 'Wheeler's Dwarf Prunus cazoliniana- Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species- Pink Indian Hawthome Viburnum tinus species- Viburnum Xylosma congestum- Xylosma Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Mazathon Hedera helix- English Ivy Lonicera japonica- Honeysuckle Myoporum parvifolium- Myoporum Vinca major- Periwinckle Harveston Specific Plan 10-35\VR01\VOLI�PROIFIL611998�8N16201�DECEMBEFt_SPECIFiC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes - Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides - Bower Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Commerciai at�d 5e�-�ice Cum�ercial Trees-Evergreen Brachychiton populneus- Bottle Tree Cinnamomum camphora- Camphor Tree Pinus canariensis- Canary Island Pine Pinus halepensis- Aleppo Podocarpus gracilior- Fem Pine Quercus ilex- Holly Oak Schinus molle- California Pepper Ulmus parvifolia Drake'- Evergreen Elm Trees-Deciduous Gleditsia triacanthos ierimis - Thomless Honey Locust Jacaranda mimosifolia 7acaranda Liquidambar styraciflua- Sweet Gum Platanus acerifolia'Bloodgood' - London Plane Tree Prunus cerasifera- Purple Leaf Plum Palms-Canopy Phoenix canariensis- Canary Island Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera- Date Palm Palms-Accent/Skyline Washingtonia robusta- Mexican Fan Palm Shrubs Escallonia fradesii- Escallonia Ligustrum j. 'Texanum'- Texas Privet Pittosporum tobira- Mock Orange'Wheeler's Dwarf Pyracantha coccinea- Fire Thorn Rhaphiolepis indica species - Pink Indian Hawthorne Harveston Specific Plan 10-36WR01\VOLI�PRWFILEl1998�eN16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFIC_PIAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 I3ESIGN GUIDELINES Groundcovers Festuca spp. - Marathon Hedera helix- English Ivy Lonicera japonica - Honeysuckle Vinca major- Periwinckle Annuals - Color Perennials - Color Vines Clytostoma callistagiodes - Violet Trumpet Vine Distictis buccinatoria- Blood Red Trumpet Vine Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Jasmine Pandorea jasminoides - Bower Vine Passiflora alatocaerula- Passion Vine Parthenocissus tricuspidata- Boston ivy The planting time will vary for these types, as Bermuda grass should not be planted during its dormant season. Species should be chosen for their ability to reinforce not only the village character, but also the architectural theme where its presence has an influence. Diversity through color and planting schemes will help develop a sense of individuality for each zone. The minimum sizes for trees and ground cover shall meet present City code requirements. 10.2.3 Planting Schedule Due to the climate extremes of the Harveston area, the installation of plant materials during the coldest winter months (December through March) and the hottest summer/fall months (July through September) can be difficult and should be avoided to the extent feasible. Container plant materials not acclimated to the area can easily suffer from damage or sun/beat exposure resulting in partial or entire foliage loss -even though such materials are perfectly suited to the temperature ranges once established. Harveston Specific Plan 1Q-3/WR01\VOLI�PROJFlLEl1998�9N16?O1�DECEN�EfZSPECIFIC PLAMREVISEDHARVFSTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.2.4 Landscape Requirements for Slopes All areas required to be landscaped shall be planted with turf, groundcover, shrub or tree materials selected from the plant palette contained in these guidelines. Planting on slopes shall commence as soon as the slopes are completed on any portion of the site and shall provide for rapid short term coverage of the slope as well as long-term establishment cover per City of Temecula standards. The developer shall provide a landscape bond to the City at the time that the landscape plan is approved. The bond is to guarantee the installation of interim erosion control planting in the event that the grading operation is performed and building construction does not commence within one year. The owners of parcels which require landscape development shall assess any existing common landscape areas adjoining their property. Where feasible, landscape development shall reinforce or be compatible with such existing common area setting. According to the City of Temecula code requirements, slope banks 5' or greater in vertical height with slopes greater than or equal to 3:1 will be landscaped at a minimum with an appropriate ground cover, one 15 gallon or larger size tree per 600 square feet of slope area, and one gallon or larger shrub for each 100 square feet of slope area. Slope banks in excess of 8' in vertical height with slopes greater or equal to 2:1 will also be provided with one 5-gallon or larger tree per 1,000 square feet of slope area in addition to the above requirement. 10.2.5 Climate Constraints Plant material palettes for Harveston contained herein are compatible with the climatic setting of the area. The utilization of some materials, depending upon their site location, exposure and relationship to other influential factors may not be appropriate. l. Temperature: Generally, the extreme summer temperature is 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit and generally the minimum winter temperature is 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. The average summer daytime temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit with the average nighttime temperature being 58-1/2 degrees Fahrenheit. The average winter daytime temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit with an average nighttime temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Wind: The prevailing summer wind direction is northwest at an average mean of five lrnots and an �xtreme mean of 43 knots. The prevailing winter wind direction is northwest at an average mean of four lrnots and an extreme mean of 49 knots. Harveston Specifzc Plan 10-38UIR0l\VOLI�PROIFILE\1998�SN16?OI�DECEMBEI�SPECIF7C PLANV2EVISEDHARVFSTOMREVISFDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Extreme seasonal wind velocities may exceed 50 lrnots at peak gust periods. 3. Rain: Average annual rainfall ranges from 12 to 18 inches per year. 10.2.6 Horticultural Soils Test Requirements Soil characteristics within the Harveston project may be variable. The owners of parcels which require landscape development shall procure a horticultural soils report in order to determine proper planting and maintenance requirements for proposed plant materials. Such a soils test shall be performed by a qualified agricultural laboratory and shall include a soil fertility and agricultural suitability analysis with pre-planting and post-planting recommendations. 10.2.7 Irrigation The irrigation systems shall be designed to conform to the State's Water Conservation Assembly Bill 325 and City of Temecula Water Conservation Ordinances in effect. Irrigation shall be installed per TCSD standards for TCSD maintained areas. All landscaped areas shall be watered with a permanent undergtound irrigation system. Irrigation systems which adjoin a separate maintenance responsibility area shall be designed in a manner to insure complete water coverage between the areas. Proper consideration of irrigation system design and installation in the climate extremes of the Harveston area is critical to the success of the landscape investment. In particular, the combined summer elements of heat and wind must be carefully considered in proper irrigation design and equipment selection. Irrigation systems shall be designed with head to head 100 percent double coverage at a minimum. Also, TCSD maintained areas and HOA maintained area irrigation systems shall be designed so as to be convertible to treated water where applicable, when treated water becomes available. Treated water irrigation systems shall be per Eastem Municipal Water District's standards. Water saving irrigation equipment may include flow sensors, moisture sensors, and irrigation progtam utilizing CIMIS (Califomia lrrigation Management Information System)data. Harveston Specific Plan 10-39\VR01\VOLI�PAOhll�ll998�8N16201�DECEMBER SPECIFlC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONVtEVISED(ODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.3 COMMUIVITY ELEMENTS 10.3.1 Community Entry Monumentation Major community entries, minor community entries, neighborhood entries and service commercial entries consist of a thematic blend of construction features, signage and specialty lighting that provides strong landmarks and reinforces the distinctiveness of Harveston. All entry monumentation will be privately maintained and located outside of all TCSD maintenance areas and the public right of way. A hierarchy of community theme entries has been developed and consists of the following: • Major Community Entry Monuments • Minor Community Entry Monuments • Neighborhood Entry Monuments • Service Commercial Entry Monuments Please refer to the text below for specific locations. 1. Major Community Entry Monumentation(Figure 10.2): Harveston Major Community Entry Monuments occur at the comers of the northem entry road and Date Street and the southem entry road and Margarita Road. The thematic planting and hardscape are described below. These elements are subject to refinement during the final design process. a. The eighty-foot (80') minimum comer cut-off landscape lot is measured from face of curb to the privacy fence/wall. b. Privacy fence/wall to be five-foot (5')minimum, six-foot(6')maximum height. Wall to be vinyl or block wall construction. Community privacy fence/wall to be selected by Owner. c. Stone pilasters (two pilasters minimum per comer) with precast concrete cap located at tums in the perimeter privacy fence/wall. Community stone to be selected by owner. d. Continuous stone retaining wall, six-foot (6')maximum height containing stone pilasters at edges that follow the City of Temecula vehicular sight line standards. e. The stone sign wall setback from face of curb is to be thirty-feet (30') minimum. The wall will conform to the City of Temecula's vehicular sight line standards and occur outside of the City's right of way. f. Stone pilasters (two pilasters minimum per corner)24"x 24"x 12" above wall height with precast concrete cap located at both ends of the sign wall monument. Community stone to be selected by Owner. Harveston Specifcc Plan 1��Q P:\1996�BN16?OI�DECEMBEfZSPECIFIC_PL.4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES g. Sign text size is to follow city standards guidelines. Signs should be pin-mounted metal construction with uplights or back lighting illumination per owner's selection. h. Five-foot(5')walk separated from curb with a seven-foot(7')minimum parkway. i. Informal corner planting of evergreen specimen entry trees at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing, 36" box minimum canopy trees. Street trees will still be 24"box minimum. j. Entries shall consist of 25% shrub area, 25% groundcover/or annual color and 50%turf. 2. Minor Community Entry Monumentation(Figure 10.3): Minor community entry monumentations are proposed to duplicate the major community entry monument features, except as listed below. a. Sixty-foot(60')forty-five degree from entry road corner cut-off. b. The formal foreground Flowering Accent Trees will be omitted. Harveston Minor Community Entry Monuments occur at the comers of the eastern entry road and Margarita Road. The thematic planting and hardscape are described below. These elements are subject to refinement during the final design process. a. The sixty-foot (60') minimum corner cut-off landscape lot is measured from face of curb to the privacy fence/wall. b. Privacy fence/wall to be five-foot (5') minimum, six-foot (6') maximum height. Wall to be vinyl or block wall construction. Community privacy fence/wall to be selected by Owner. c. Stone pilasters (two pilasters minimum per corner) with precast concrete cap located at turns in the perimeter privacy fence/wall. Community stone to be selected by owner. d. Continuous stone retaining wall, four-foot (4') maximum height containing stone pilasters at edges that follow the City of Temecula vehicular sight line standards. e. The stone sign wall setback from face of curb is to be thirty-feet (30') minimum. The wall will conform to the City of Temecula's vehicular sight line standards and occur outside of the City's right of way. f. Stone pilasters(two pilasters minimum per corner) 24"x 24"x 12" above wall height with precast concrete cap located at both ends of the sign wall monument. Community stone to be selected by owner. g. Sign text size is to follow city standards guidelines. Signs should be pin-mounted metal construction with uplights or back lighting illumination per owner's selection. h. Five-foot(5')walk separated from curb with a seven-foot(7')minimum parkway. i. Informal corner planting of evergreen specimen entry trees at an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing, 36" box minimum canopy trees. Street trees will still be 24"box minimum. j. Entries shall consist of 25% shrub area, 25% groundcover/or annual color and 50%turf. Harveston Specifzc Plan IO�Fl P.\1998�SNI6?OI�DECEMBE(ZSPECIFlC P1ANIRE`�ISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC r� R�-�; _`�'.r�. � Tr �a.W��i.�f:9�'1../� Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r �. �; 1 i , a _--� �' �, � k `'� 1 ;�1 �" � � 3 �,C,S,b, Ma�ntaltied ,M� � ,' � «r i ; � �Q � `w� , � . � � ' 1',C,S,b� Ma�nta�ned � �� � � °� ��;r�� � � � �,C,S,b, Ma�nta►ned I ', , , � a � '� � � �� � �ormal bec�duous 5treet �rees � '�� g8 8� �' � � r � `li �'4"� ` i� S -{' I 3 1 � ,' _' � �' ' � ` - Informal �v�rqr��n Grove �rees � e N,O,A, Malntalned Corner ����•�! � ! � ���^��,� .. Monument 13oundar�{ �� ' � � �;_ I gb � � � ' � � Infor al �vernreen Grove �rees a...� • � 7� . + r �; m "I 80 � � I �4 1 � 'D ��` ' �� � ��' � ° NOA Ma�nta�ned Corner Monument � ,� � • ; . 5hrubs/ Groundcover ' � '�� `' , "�� �� ' } � �' � a�� �' ' • ' '� # a 6oundaru • � . a � + � r I A� � I � } � � �I� , i� . # l� LLi�� � V � � i � a � � I ■ ` � G�� � e �_• 1 � � � ''' ' ti � �L� _.. � .a��. '] � ] • r� �q � � � I �J`� •� _+ � � _'',��-,-_ --� ,r� �T7.�_---��� ��G" _ • - :,.• . _ .�`� `l i, I 4 '� � � ���_�—s_y _ fl-7��I�"' � � k C 1 b u 4 �- �� a sri ` a � f Monument �.; - _ � ! . �' � s. - - _ 1 �`-f».� w I rt � 1 ° t 'r. , _ � ;� � � -�� ,,. - ;�- o..�,� - . �, . I �-'� � d i4 ; ..s�� _s]._ __ _ � ; . - -�--�=� -r �..._ .._-. �� -4- - -- -T o ---.�i' __ r_,..- ' �r, a a-a �"-i-�.r- r- s. _ ;� _ �------ _ . - - .r z,�-� - _ f �f�a•�«r�_�n Y rt/.����a- :�_ � ;'`� r_� 1 _ �� �7 � t - � � _� J ,l _ _ - - � I.�. � ��'_ _� _ • - -� �.._ +_" . -. • _�. -� _.. `. f ' ..` � ��� _ �, . ' --�--�^ - - ��� — --� _. _.-� ��f�f ��---� c �, . - -- �r� �7 � .tti -�� l j1 �f�� ` � �. �� ..k+� '�,� - .��` ry,l � ��y' �� ,'' �.- `�L1� � '�!f 6 ' @�f . • '. .. �ormal beciduous 5�reet �rees 5ton� �h�m� V�lall i��1onum�r���lon �',C�S�J , Malntained 5 ' Nlal k 1�urf �,CS,b, Maintained f',O�W, - �ee � Iq, �:3 & �,� 5ections 5 & 6 for dimensions Fi�ure 10.2 � �:�i;�'�� N.T.S. Febn�ary2001 Major Entry Monumentation Plan ��^ � � .. E r '�`��.. a ' ��� f ��.������� i +j �` a ���: a Specific Plan � , � + r o ��� Lennar Communitie.r � o, � � � �� "* n o I � f � + � � d {s �" o � � j�0 °{� � �",CS,b, ��lalntalned 0 1 + , �,C,S�b, Ma�n�a�ned � b � � x �or�al bc-ciduous 5treet �rees �,� � � � � � � : f ' � I ' Informal Gverqreen Grove 1"rees i� � i+ N�O,A, Malntalned Corner j� � � ' � � Monument I3oundaru � � � ; �� ` ' � , f _ � 6 0 ' �4.. �• _ . � � � 1 - � lo� I '• 4 . ; . � _�. i � � Informal �verqreen Grove �rees a 5hrubsl Groundcover � F.� t '� NOA Maintalned Corner ��� -- -- �- ' � I�� ! � ` ' a Monument 13oundaru � o � --�, � � � o �- - ; � _. - `` r, _ r a e a p �: ~� — a--- — a �r Q o Q `� r_ 3:Gt'� f ��� ■ a _��7 � a D �� + � 5 ` � a ='f jj � � , Y ' s a a •:.: I,;%'� �� _ �-- - " r ~ a •. � o � s �� ,; �'` - - _ �._ * - �� Monument ' . � - - - '_ _ —_F � �, , , ��`-{--r �` i ,� «47y _ � f � _ �. � .-��r~��- ` - �,� • � -� _`:'': _�.�,.a. Yl _ �/ rY�r ';�� • ■� - ; ��— � •'I�. ��� . i� -\ .. '��t . i��•� 1� . 4� �� ,;� . � . . ,, - - --_ .____ � `� �! ��� 5�n� Maintalned �� -- --_ �,�'':� , �ormal Oeclduous 5�reet �rees 5�one �heme �l�/al�Monumen��ation �",C�S,b, Main��ained 5 ' Wal k �"urr i?�O�W, � �ee � iq, ��� 5ections � for dimensions Fi�ure 10.3 � � N.T.S. Febn�ary2001 Minor Entry Monumentation Plan SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 3. Neighborhood Entry Statements: Harveston Residential Neighborhood Entries occur at neighborhood entry intersections. The entries should retain the overall community thematic features as listed below. These elements are subject to refinement during the final design process. a. The forty-foot(40')minimum comer cut-off landscape lot is measured from face of curb to the fence/wall. b. Stone pilasters or decorative vinyl fence posts (two pilasters or posts minimum per corner) with precast concrete or vinyl caps will be located at turns in the perimeter fence/wall. Community stone veneer or vinyl fence style to be selected by Owner. c. Fence/wall to be three-foot (3') minimum, six-foot (6') maxunum height. Wall to be vinyl or block wall construction. Community fence/wall to be selected by Owner. d. Eight-foot (8') minimum landscape lot from back of sidewalk to neighborhood fence/wall. e. The formal parkway tree planting at the neighborhood entry will be deciduous with an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing, 24" box minimum size. The backdrop trees will be evergreen, 24"box minimum size. f. Parkways will have turf and from the back of the walk to the neighborhood fence/wall will be 50% shrubs and 50% groundcover. g. Optional individual neighborhood identifica�on graphics shall conform to the overall community thematic identity. If an HOA is not created by the developer, then the developer will be responsible for removing the signage/entry monumentation and revegetating the area with turf or other compatible groundcover(s). Harveston Specifac Plan 10-44 P:1199316N16?OI�DECEMBERSPECIFlC PLAMREVISEDHARVESfOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 4. Service Commercial Entry Monument: Harveston Service Commercial Entry Monuments occur at five (5) total locations. Three (3) entries occur on Ynez Road and two (2) on Date Street at the entries to the Service Commercial. These entries reinforce the overall landscape concept of Harveston, yet they are complementary of the similar off-site Winchester Highlands Service Commercial entries. The Service Commercial proposed entry monument features are listed below. These elements are subject to refinement during the fmal design process. a. The sixty-foot (60') minimum corner cut-off landscape lot is measured from the face of curb to the privacy fence/wall. b. Freestanding entry stone sign wall monumentation, three-foot (3') maxunum height containing signage of commercial vendors and stone pilasters at edges that follow the City of Temecula vehicular sight line standards. c. The stone sign wall setback from face of curb is to be thirty-feet (30') minimum. The wall will conform to the City of Temecula's vehicular sight line standards. d. Stone pilasters (two pilasters minimum per comer) 24"x 24"x 4' tall with precast concrete cap located at both ends of the sign wall m�nument. Community stone to be selected by owner. e. Sign text size is to follow city standards guidelines. Signs should be uplighted or intemally illuminated per owner's selection. f. Five-foot(5')walk separated from curb�with a seven-foot(7')minimum parkway. g. Formal corner planting of service commercial entry trees will be evergreen or deciduous with an average of thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing, 36"box minimum canopy trees. Accent palms,Washingtonia robusta at 20' clear brown trunk at 20' on center will accent corners. h. Entries shall consist of 25% shrub area, 25% groundcover/or annual color and 50%turf. Harveston Specific Plan 1��-FSWR01\VOLI�PAOJFl[,E�1998�BN16?O1�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC_PL4MREVISEDHARVESfOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.a DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.3.2 Fences and Walls Figure 10.4 illustrates the proposed Community Fencing and Wall Plan for the proposed Harveston community. The following is a description of the construction methods and materials to be used in the construction of the perimeter and interior fences, walls, pilasters and entry monuments for this community. The essential aspects of the fences, walls, pilasters and caps, and their fmished dimensions, exterior colors and exterior finishes are discussed below. 1. Perimeter Fences/Walls a. Low Stone Theme Wall 1) The low stone theme wall will be a continuous stone retaining wall, six-foot(6') maximum height containing stone pilasters at edges (Refer to Detail 1/Figure 10.5). 2) Stone pilasters (two pilasters minimum per comer)with precast concrete cap. b. Privacy Fence 1) The privacy fence will be five-foot(5')minimum, six-foot(6')maximum height, constructed of posts, post caps, rails and planks. (Refer to Detail 2 and 2B/Figure 10.5 and Figure 10.8). c. Privacy Fence Slope Transition 1) Fence to be perpendicular to slope with five-foot (5') minimum, six-foot (6') maximum height. (Refer to Detail2A and 2C/Figure 10.5) d. Privacy Block/Green Wall 1) The block wall will be constructed of precision,medium weight CMU block. The finish will be natural. The block shall be integral color. (Refer to Detail 2B/Figure 10.5 and Figure 10.8) 2) Joints-tooled flush to match adjacent block color. 3) Wall expansion joints occur at both sides of stone pilasters and at wall steps. Joints to occur at twenty-foot(20') on center intervals or as recommended by the project structural engineer. 4) Wall to be built using the protocol wall system. 5) Wall caps constructed of precast concrete. 6) Joints of wall caps tooled flush to match adjacent block color. Harveston Specific Plan lo-'-F6\UR01\VOLI�PROJFlLEl1998�8N16?OI�DECEMB�SPECff'[C_PLAMREVISEDHARVFSTONV2EV15EDl0.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 7) Vines to be used to create a green wall. Vine species to be selected by project landscape architect and by owner. e. Privacy Block Wall Slope Transition 1) Wall to be perpendicular to slope with five-foot (5') minimum, six-foot (6') maximum height. (Refer to Detail2C/Figure 10.5) f. Product Privacy Fence&Slope Transition 1) Product privacy fence and product privacy fence slope transition to reflect #2 and#3 above(Refer to Detail2, 2A/Figure 10.5 and Figure 10.8). 2. Interior Fence a. Privacy Fence with Lattice 1) The privacy fence with lattice will be five-foot (5') minimum, six-foot (6') maximum height, constructed of posts,post caps,rails, lattice and planks. (Refer to Detail3/Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.8) b. Privacy Fence with Lattice Slope Transition 1) Fence to be perpendicular to slope with a five-foot (5') minimum, six-foot (6') maximum height. (Refer to Detail3A/Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.8) c. View Fence 1) The view fence will be five-foot (5')minimum, six-foot(6')height,constructed of posts,post caps,rails and pickets. (Refer to Detail4/Figure 10.6). d. View Fence Slope Transition 1) Fence to be perpendicular to slope with a five-foot (5')minimum, six-foot (6') maxunum height. (Refer to Detail4A/Figure 10.6) e. Product View Fence and Slope Transition 1) Product view fence and view fence slope transition to reflect#3 and#4 above. (Refer to Detail4,4A/Figure 10.6) f. Low Theme Picket Fence 1) The low theme picket fence is to be a three-foot (3') minimum height, constructed of posts,post caps, rails and pickets (Refer to Detail5/Figure 10.6). Harveston Specific Plan l�-�F/\UROl\VOLI�PROh7LE11998�6N16201�DECEIv�FItSPECIFIC_PlAMREVISEpHpRVESTOMREVI5EDI0.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES g. Low Hedge 1) The low hedge will be three-foot (3') maximum height, five-foot (5') maximum width. Hedge to be selected by project landscape architect and Owner(Refer to Detail6/Figure 10.6). h. Low Theme Picket Fence at Loop Road 1) The low theme picket fence is to be a three-foot (3') minimum height constructed of posts, post caps, rails and pickets. There are three alternatives for these theme picket fences, which include an arbor and trellis. The third alternative is a trellis constructed on top of two stone pilasters. These alternatives will occur at cul-de-sac locations along the loop road. Refer to Detail7/Figure 10.7) i. Stone Pilasters 1) Stone pilasters will be six-foot (6') minimum, seven-foot (7') maximum height constructed of precision,medium weight CMU block. 2) Joints tooled flush to match adjacent block color. 3) Pilaster Caps to be precast concrete caps. Integral or natural color. 4) Stone veneer cladding to be constructed to pilasters. 5) Stone pilasters to be located at turns in the perimeter and interior privacy fences or walls and located at both ends of the sign wall monuments. Community stone to be selected by owner. 6) Signs should be pin-mounted metal construction with uplights or back lighting illumination per owner's selection. Harveston Specifcc Plan 1��0\�IR01\VOLI�PRO]FiIF1998�SN16?OI�DECEMBERSPECIFlC_PL4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC po �: - -� -- ' ..• , � . . � ' t � - ':= r .::I�,- `.,� Pp��� _ _ �_ "-'-- - - �- y: - . -- Qo�O � o- v ,�f 'F Qp Si} ' ; ' • ���-" - _ y�-��+� p �L-..�i� -i-T"' , �a li f)S _ . .. . . • �r .. �� !i ,{ �� 4 ii2 � , . , , , t '+�-_`: .. �r,.�i--. �'��r �¢`I�.A°���'iL��l � -- G cz o c`LU� . �' ii� . . � j • ..- -- -.'�`�� - �i•�-�. 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Y - _ -- ` � Y'���,� P��� y - ' '_ . - � g -- � 0 0 _ - - - '-'� �--- �� e a a - �__F2 a �s - i _. __. >- - Figure 10.4 o ,Sa � sar --- Community Fencing and Wall Plan ;::]�:�:`i5'� February 2001 i =- -i__-r � :-. �.1 ,_ P�'stsrconicreer� cq� - _�.��-.. sr�vE Pi�-��� - :��Y- Y �Y� P,e�cs�s�—co�✓c�r��i"P 11 g�.�.'����.�d� .ST/t/E �R'u- r Specific Plan N � �, Lennar Communitie.r ; ��1 f��?rr `� � �t1 �} � � ,,�� �l�c�rsr-caw�j��� J � 1 DETAIL 1 - Low Stone Theme Wall STo.✓����s7£ae /��C��coNc/�rE cq f P�c�sr �o.✓c,eErE e� � �Mv gGa ck ��. !//.P/� sro.✓� pres�sr�e � ���sT/cftP _ �- _W� f ' . . I - 1 . rmP��rro� f � I l t ' . _ ' � s � I�IL � � • . � , � � � � , � .. �� ,�, � t� �i - - - � , F ^ t - = � • � J , �. � � a I � � � �\ � � �° DETAIL 2B - Privacy Block/Green Wall � , Pcirn��cs I DETAIL 2 - Privacy Fence �',�ca�s-�o.✓��r� ar� P�-$�c�� sTo,��P��sr� ��P p�Ec.xsr�.�/v�a� �-� S'roa����s rE,e c,+�/�r 6r,oc,t w�� ��s 6 f{�.S�X/Md�7 �n ry � / fi/"'� /J J ���. �� � � - � � ! I � I . . I . . ���: NOTE: � If Green Wall -Vines �� to be added er ' .� - j p � � '� I I~ Detail 2B above �.. � pu►N�s s . DETAIL 2C - Privacy Block/Gt�een Wall Slope Transition � DETAIL 2A - Privacy Fence Slope Transition Figure 10.5 '7-:�{�:�Yk��+" N.T.S. February2001 Community Fencing and Wall Details P��sr�,vc,cer� c� STo,t/E �.LA-sr�,2 `- �_.:�-• �sT/c�+� � :_—^�� �—.�21hc�/c3orro.�r Karr�s �.�'Y�?S��]]CC] PR�Ck3T Ca.✓c,�eF.�Cs� �� " Specific Plan sr,v� P•�sr� Lennar Co�n�nunitie.r � `� R.�i�s � � � �i�� I � 2 \ �� �� �PmST��� h 'a ����_� � P�ti+/,�S DETAIL 3 - Privacy Fence with Lattice , Pi°�C,45T C�/[�F_T� C�j 5 SroN��/�-�E,� TFxruReO u�TTic� ,e�v�s DETAIL 4A - View Fence Slope Transition f�s�/�� � /'��`c� GY�6 �PoeFA �Prc�r l i s � pu�,v�s '" DETAIL 3A - Privacy Fence with Lattice Slo e Transition DETAIL 5 - Low View Theme Picket Fence �,teCr}sT co.vcRF_T6 C� � �an/G P�c.�S r� ToP� M/ao[�/aorr�r�,�4« P°�/�� � ' P�� ,.�. ti .�� � f � 5� MAX. Ll6KS7R1/M 1 � � � /�� � � 5 J ' _ •a • �Po'Bue S/D E�t/.�7G� P• I � � � o ' n t � n 6 • �� � � f �� • ���.�'.�.--- DETAIL 6 - Low Hedge DETAIL 4 - View Fence Figure 10.6 � � 7� N.T.S. Febn�ary2001 Community Fencing and Wall Details � - =�.�"�M- ��.3'������1 Specific �'lan Lennar Communitie.r ��y��� I`- ���� v :p �iwc��'�`S � ������, . �—�r��v�a� ' � a � � � �r� '�l'��S ALTERNATIVE 1 - Colonial/Cape Cod/East Coast Traditional/Cottage Style ���� �s� � ��/S ,• /��t,,,•��- �� �N�?Y�e� , � . � � NOdA�F� r' s ���.���� y 9 �i� ��'��/ ALTERNATIVE 2 - Cottage/American Farmhouse/Prairie/Craftsman Style �____��.���� � ����� ���s l �p,�o6-� u,e��o�— ��� '� .�' � �V��� � � r '- �p� c• � ��� Yl.�'�5 ALTERNATIVE 3 - Monterey/Spanish Colonial/Italianate/Craftsman Style DETAIL 7 - Low Theme Picket Fence at Loop Road Figure 10.7 � � N.T.S. February2001 Community Fencing and Wall Details �:�., _ ��.�� �: .y�`-;. �&.�Y����� Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r r,_ ,— — � � _ — � — --� �� � � .� _ _ . ---} ^ � t 1 -- � � _ � — � I � fi �- i � � � � - - + � ~ — _ _ �- -� t-- -� , �_a:-s�. t � t_— — -� _ �� � i �-r� _ � P.����y � f � � ( w � - � ��w r ~ ` 4 �v� � �. �� � _ -� ', _ _ ,. ���✓c� .1• . IQ�R'AE.�E ' �' � -� �'r /r f , • r � � � �''�'`� � � �"� � ,�' ��-... ' -� ` ' � ` - '- - ' `� , � ' ��. \ � a. • � � �, �� t� .� • r . . � � ° � r - . - r - - � �- � ' � 8' � �Pr�--��-� P�� -�'"� � . - � �� s�� .�--- .�,.���,,�,�. � t� �a� �4'�� - ��l�G�c�Orfad� Ir1/faRA9 iTL �dF.lL��S6.� :,� sr� 7� B�^-�o� - - /H�� ��'/�E+✓ � � -_._ r �_--� ,s�,� P �E� --- _ - - --- -- Fi�ure 10 8 ' � ��� NT.S. Febn,ary 2001 Interior Theme Fence Typical Enlargement Plan SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 3. Neighborhood Walls and Fences: a. Introduction: Neighborhood fences and walls shall be designed as integral components and extensions of building designs and surrounding landscapes. Periphery fences and walls may be integrated into adjacent structures and extended into the landscape areas to help integrate buildings into their environments. Fences and walls shall be constructed of materials, colors, and textures that are similar and harmonious with the architecture. Particular importance shall be given to railing and cap details. Fences and walls may be offset occasionally to avoid visual monotony. Variety of materials in design and height is encouraged. Fencing and walls shall be used to define the limits of property ownership, as well as for the creation of exterior privacy. The following regulations shall apply to all fences and walls, and permanent screening structures in the Harveston project area. All fences and walls will be maintained by the property owner, private maintenance association or HOA and shall be located outside all TCSD maintenance areas and the public right-of-way. b. Potential Fence and Wall Locations: Fences or walls may be constructed in the following areas provided that no fence or wall shall be constructed within the setback from curb face to back edge of LDZ. 1) Interior Neighborhood Streetscene Fences and Walls: a) Community theme fences and walls are encouraged to be used along traditional single family neighborhoods bordering community streetscenes. b) Patio homes, cluster homes, courtyard homes or housing fences and walls adjoining any interior neighborhood streetscene shall have a perimeter streetscene fence or wall treatment. c) A uniform fence or wall designed to reinforce the architectural setting while remaining compatible with the previously described Community Fencing and Wall Plan should be utilized at all residential comer lot side yards wt�ich parallel or are �iewed from public streets. The visual inte�riry af the overall communiiy and neighbor�►ood stxeetscene will, therefore,be protected. d) Where interior lot view opportunities exist without a privacy conflict, an open view fence or wall may be appropriate. Such a view fence shall be compatible with the architectural setting. e) Wood fencing is permitted within the individual neighborhood provided the fencing is not readily visible from the community streetscenes. Harveston S,pecific Plan 10-54\URO]\VOLiWRO]F7IE11998�SNI620I�DECEMBER SPECIF7C PIANV2EV[SEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 2) Residential and Institutional Uses: Fences and walls are pernutted in any rear or side yard, and in the front yard between houses to enclose the side and rear yards.Front yard fencing higher than thirty inch(30")shall not extend into the front yard beyond the front elevation of the house. Architecturally compatible garden walls or courtyard walls no higher than thirty inches (30") tall may be used in front yards, but may not be erected within street right-of-way. Exception: Fences and walls may not be erected within the street side yard setback area of a comer lot. 3) Commercial and Other Uses: Screen and security fences and walls are encouraged only in rear or side yards. Trash deposit areas shall be enclosed within a minimum five-foot(5') high gated trash enclosure. c. Fence and Wall Heights: 1) Residential and Institutional Uses: The following fence or wall heights are permitted provided that no fence or wall shall exceed six-foot(6'-0")in height. 2) Privacy fences or walls should be a maximum of six feet(6'-0")in height. a) Whenever fencing is visible to public view, the fmished side shall be exposed to the public view. 3) Service Commercial Uses: a) Front and Streetside: Fences and walls in the front setback and streetside setback areas shall be no higher than two and one half feet (2'-1/2") above grade. However, security fencing may be approved if there is a demonstrated need for security. The maximum height of this fencing shall be six feet (6') above grade, and shall be compatible with architecture. b) All trash enclosure walls shall have wall vines planted on 3 sides of the trash enclosure. Trash enclosures are to be located so asto be screened from view. c) Side yard and rear service yard use areas should be screened with a five- foot(5')wall and with a dense landscape buffer. 4) Pool Code: All fencing shall conform to the applicable State of Califomia or City of Temecula pool code fencing requirements, whichever is more stringent. Harveston Specific Plan 1Q-JJ\VROI\VOLI�PROIFQ.E11998�BN1620I�DECEMBER SPECIF7C_PIAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES d. Fence and Wall Materials and Colors: All fences and walls shall be designed and constructed as part of the overall architectural and site design. All materials shall be durable and finished in textures and colors complimentary of the overall architectural design. 1) Neighborhood Streetscene: a) Permitted Wall Materials: Stone veneer, masonry, brick, block and wrought iron combination are acceptable. b) Permitted Wood Fence Materials: Wood fence materials must be of sufficient quality to accent semi-transparent stains. c) Permitted Vinyl Fence Materials: Vinyl fencing is permitted. d) Conditionally Acceptable Wall and Fence Materials: Glass and/or heavy break-resistant plastic are acceptable for use in fences and walls when necessary to preserve views while providing protection against winds, etc., if used in conjunction with another material such as wood,brick,masonry,or stucco. e) Color and Special Fence and Wall Treatments: Walls may be left natural or covered with stucco, except plain concrete block must be covered with stucco or vine/green planting. Brick or precision block walls may be painted or covered with stucco, if desired. Stone surfaces shall remain natural and unpainted. Vinyl fencing can be used for all perimeter and interior conditions. All wooden fences shall be treated with stain to help prevent rotting and weathering. Transparent stains are acceptable. Walls shall be painted and fences stained. Materials, colors, texture, and alignment of fences and walls shall be varied to relieve visual monotony. High contrast materials should be used only in select areas as accents. fl Prohibited Fence and Wall Materials: Barbed wire, wire, electrically charged fences, plain exposed concrete block without vine planting, corrugated metal, chain link and grapestake fencing are prohibited. Harveston Specific Plan 10-56\VR01\VOLI�PROh7If.11998�8N16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPEC�7C PIAMREVISFDHARVFSTONU2EVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES g) � Open View Application Fence: Where interior lot view opportunities exist without a privacy conflict, an open view fence or wall may be appropriate. Such a view fence shall be compatible with the architectural setting. e. Special Wall and Fence Regulations: 1) All fences and walls shall be designed as an integral part of the overall architectural design theme. 2) All fences and walls connecting two (2) separate residential dwelling units shall be constructed of the same color and material and shall be compatible with the color and material of the architecture. 3) Long walls should be broken-up with landscaping - particularly vines and espaliered trees. An eighteen inch (18") minimum space should always be left between paved areas and fences and walls to allow for landscaping with the final width of the planter as approved by Community Development. 4) All fencing in commercial areas shall be planted with vines or screened by dense shrubbery as specified in these design guidelines. 10.3.3 Landscape Requirements 1. Residential Neighborhood Streetscene Landscape Requirements: Smaller lots and reduced front yard setbacks will have modified landscape standards, approved by the D'uector of Planning. a. Residential Lot Street Trees: Per City of Temecula ordinance, each residential lot shall receive a minimum of one (1) fifteen (15) gallon size street tree planted in the right-of-way. Corner lots shall receive a minimum of two (2), fifteen (15) gallon size street trees also planted in the right-of-way. Residential street tree spacing to be an average thirty-feet (30') on center with a forty- feet (40') maximum spacing. Tree variety shall be chosen from the Harveston Plant Palette contained herein. Trees are clustered near property lines periodically to maximize their growing effect and streetscene impact. One (1) species of tree shall be selected and approved for each residential street to maximize visual neighborhood identity. Deciduous or flowering evergreen accent trees which contrast with the chosen street tree are encouraged at cul-de-sacs, lmuckles and intersections to provide seasonal emphasis and interest. b. Residential Front Yard Requirements: The general front yard landscape concept is to provide a basic front yard planting allowing the future homeowner the opportunity for individualization of their front yard Harveston Specifzc Plan 1�-S/qIR01\VOLI�PROJF11F1998�BN16201�DECEMBEfZSPECIflC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDlODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES landscape. Seeded or sodded turf, shrub planting and an automatic irrigation system shall be installed by the builder/developer in the front yard of each residential lot. The turf shall be installed to a logical stopping point from the curb face to the front of.house and side yards. The turf may be held back four feet(4')to eight feet(8')from the edge of the house and from side yard property lines allowing for foundation shrub planting. Accent shrubs should also be planted to highlight individual house entries. Slope banks 5' or greater in vertical height with slopes greater than or equal to 3:1 shall be landscaped at a minimum with an appropriate ground cover, one 15-gallon or lazger size tree per 600 square feet of slope area, and one 1-gallon or larger shrub for each 100 square feet of slope area. Slope banks in excess of 8' in vertical height with slopes greater or equal to 2:1 shall also be provided with one S-gallon or larger tree per 1,000 square feet of slope area in addition to the above requirements. Low slopes may be graded out to a less than 3:1 surface gradient and planted with turf. A mini.mum of one (1), fifteen (15) gallon size tree shall be planted in the front yards of each residential lot. The trees may match the street trees planted in the right-of-way and be located in proximity to said street trees in order to create a grove effect. The trees may also contrast with the street tree and form backdrop tree clusters. Overall, the front yard treatment shall create a streetscene appearance of tree grove clusters meandering through the project and across streets. Smaller lots and reduced front yard setbacks will have modified landscape standards, approved by the Director of Planning. c. Interior Slope Landscape: All interior slopes occurring within the LDZ envelope shall be landscaped and irrigated per the City of Temecula landscape standards. The builder/developer shall install all required slopes not designed as common area. Each builder should confirm the erosion control standards with the City. d. Low Medium (LM) and Medium (M1 and M2) Density Residential Landscape Requirements: ' 1) All applicable general residential landscape requirements shall apply. 2) Plant material whenever possible shall shade western sides of buildings, especially windows to reduce heat gain inside homes. 3) Plant material should form a smooth transition between neighborhood and streetscene landscaping. 4) Pedestrian and vehicular circulation should be clearly defined by a landscape treatment with accent trees and pazking lot grove trees. 5) When pazking is located adjacent to a public street, a combination of landscaped berms and/or planting totaling three feet(3')high should be used to screen cazs. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-50 P.\199B18N16201�DECEMBERSPECIF7C PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES e. High(I�Density Residential Landscape Requirements: Landscaping is a critical element in achieving an overall quality of life in multi-fanuly density housing. The following criteria shall apply: 1) Pedestrian and vehicular circulation shall be clearly defined with a landscape treatment. 2) Carports and parking stalls shall be screened and softened with landscape planters. 3) Project entry drives should be designed to provide an overview of the landscape and recreational facilities. ' 4) Trash bins should be fully enclosed with six-foot (6')fences or walls. Landscape buffers or wall vine plantings shall occur on three sides of trash enclosures. 5) Trash bin locations should be conveniently located for ease of maintenance and trash location. Recommended locations include inside parking courts or at the end of parking bays. They shall be screened from off-site views. 6) Community streetscene criteria shall be implemented along major or minor community streetscenes. 7) Shrub/ground cover areas need to be maximized to lower water use. The use of turf should be limited to where it serves a functional use. 8) Conform to City of Temecula Landscape standards. 9) All applicable general residential neighborhood streetscene requirements shall apply. 10) When parking is located adjacent to a public street, a combination of landscaped berms and/or planting should be used to screen cars. 11) Wherever possible, canopy trees should be utilized to shade and mitigate the summer heat. 12) Meandering or jogging sidewalks are encouraged. 13) All street frontages containing row garages should have a seven-foot (7') planting pocket located along the streetside and sides of the garages. Allowance should be made for tree clearance of building overhangs. Harveston Specific Plan 1Q-S7WR01\VOLI�PROIFlLE11998�BN16201�DECEMBER_SPECIF7C�L4MREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 2. Commercial and Service Commercial Use Landscape Requirements a. Street Tree Requirements: 1) Informally spaced street tree groupings or formally spaced street trees will be required along Commercial and Service Commercial street frontages, 24" box minimum per Harveston street tree list. 2) On-site evergreen background grove trees shall be used to integrate the Commercial site into the overall community setting. These trees must be located outside the right-of-way and be a minimum of (15)gallon in size. 3) Visual windows into the Commercial and Service Commercial projects are created in the formal streetscene by an average of thirty-feet(30') on center with a forty-foot (40') maximum spacing. In the informal streetscene street tree grouping allow for windows between groupings created by massing grove trees on community streetscenes. 4) Side yard and rear service yard use areas should be screened with a minimum five-foot (5') green wall, which would serve to screen side and rear of buildings where storage, service,loading,etc. would occur. 5) The Specimen Canopy Tree entry planting should be incorporated at the Commercial and Service Commercial sites vehicular access points. The trees shall be 36" box minimum and may be selected from the Harveston major and minor community monument tree list. 6) All trash enclosure walls shall have wall vines planted on 3 sides of the trash enclosure. Trash enclosures are to be located so as to be screened from view. b. Minimum Landscape Requirements: 1) Builder/Developer shall refer to City of Temecula standards for the percentage required of the gross commercial site acreage that shall be landscaped and for City parking lot shading requirements. The landscaping in the landscape development zone which will be owned by the commercial site will count against the required percentage for landscaping of the site. 2) All areas of the site not occupied by buildings or otherwise utilized shall be landscaped with groundcover, turf or tree materials from the community plant list. c. Parking Areas: 1) Parking area landscaping is required for the screening of large parking areas to limit their visual impact. Harveston Specifzc Plan 1�-6l1��Q201\VOLI�PROIF[LE\1998�BN16?OI�DECEIvIBE(ZSPECIF[C PIAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 2) Landscaped islands shall be provided at the ends of interior stall rows to break up parking areas. These islands are to provide an inside width of five-foot (5') minimum landscaped width to allow planting and mounding, consistent with the City's Development Code. Creation of large planting islands (tree groves) is encouraged as opposed to small pockets of individual trees. 3) The use of islands to create a series of smaller parking pockets with the total parking area is requir�. 4) When parking is located adjacent to a public street, a combination of landscaped berms and/or planting totaling three feet (3') high shall be used to screen views of parked cars. 5) Concrete tree well and planting edge curbs should be used in lieu of wheel stops. 6) Pedestrian traffic should be separated from vehicular traffic by sidewalks. The parking lot may have crosswalks or shall be highlighted with decorative which varied texture paving. 10.3.4 Parks and Recreation Amenities 1. Community Recreational Opportunities Community recreational opportunities are those opportunities, which are available for the use and enjoyment of inembers of the Harveston community and residents of the City of Temecula. They are segmented and discussed as follows: • Lake • Lake Park � Paseo Park • Village Green + Village Club* � Mini Parks � Community Park • Arroyo Park • Winchester Creek Park(existing and outside Specific Plan boundary) � Elementary School • Parkway Greenbelt System � Bicycle Trail System ■ Private Recreation Areas (condominiums andlor apartments)* * These facilities will only be available for use of Harveston residents. Harveston Specific Plan 10-61\UROI\VOLI�PRO]FlLE11998�BNIfi?O1�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PIANU2EVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI0.DOC SECTION lO.O-DESIGN GLTIDELINES a. Lake: The centerpiece of the Harveston community is the 8.4-acre public lake, which will provide visual as well as a recreational value to the community. The general public may enjoy fishing from the lake shore with payment of a use fee. The sailing and boating activities will be available to residents of Harveston through the boating facilities at the private village club. The general public may utilize the boating facilities with the payment of a use fee. The lake is proposed to contain the following recreational elements: • 8.4-acre body of water ■ Out-cropping for fishing and passive recreation • Special lake edge treatments The lake also serves as a key element in the community character. An extensive trail system will link the neighborhoods to the lake. b. Lake Park: Attached to the lake are amenities contained within the park around the lake. The public Lake Park will serve as a linkage between the lake and the surrounding development. The park will be connected to the different neighborhoods via an extensive trail system. This trail system will connect the entire core of the community. The facilities of the Lake Park are composed of three main elements: the Lake Park itself, the Paseo Park and the Village Green. The Lake Park Elements may include the following: + Lighted(10�Class Umulti-use trail • Thematic and buffer landscape treatments + Passive turf areas • Family picnic facilities + Group shade arbors associated with the amphitheater c. Paseo Park: Linking the Community Park to the Lake Park is a 2.0-acre greenbelt Paseo Park, which will intercept Planning Areas 2 and 3, connecting to the lake in Planning Area 3. It will contain an 8-foot paseo to facilitate access between residential areas and the commercial, school and park uses. Program elements may include the following: ■ Paseo path jogging trail ■ Passive open space • Special landscape buffer for adjacent residential d. Village Green: The public Village Green is a 1.8-acre entry feature to the Harveston community. This area can be utilized as an informal recreation area and a gathering place. It will also provide the opportunity for community activities, such as farmer's markets, art shows,concerts,etc. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-VG F.\1998�8N161011L4TESTSPECIFICPIANIFEBRUARYSPECIF7CPIAMREVISEDlO.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES The Program Elements may include the following: � Community amphitheater that may host community forums, plays, concerts, and weddings + Bandstand/gazebo with electrical outlets • Elevated lawn for concert seating • Formal paseo • Passive formal lawn and landscaping with lawn seating opportunities � Special landscape treatment e. Village Club: The Village Club is the place where residents can congregate to enjoy a variety of active and passive recreations. The club will be a private club for the local residents of Harveston. The facility will be maintained and owned by the Harveston HOA. The Program for the Village Club may include the following: � Great hall for special events and community meetings • Community/special event planning offices � Restroom facilities • Exercise room � Locker facilities ■ Junior Olympic Swimming Pool + Whirlpool spa + Youth activity pool + Lake equipmendstorage facilities • Group picnic and barbecue area � Community garden/courtyard ■ Onsite parking • Special urban landscape treatment f. Mini Parks: A minimum of three mini parks, for a total of 1.5 acres are planned. The final location of the mini parks will be approved at the tentative map stage. These parks are intended for private use of the residents of Harveston neighborhoods. Program Elements may include the following (refer to Figure 6.2, Conceptual Mini Park Detail): � Tot-lot meeting ADA requirements � Open play area • Shade structures + Paseo path ■ Landscape buffer treatment for surrounding residential • Benches + Picnic areas • Barbecues g. Community Pazk: A 16.5-acre community park is planned in Planning Area l. Harveston Specific Plan 10-63 P.\1998�BN16201�fATE5T5PEC�'ICRLAMEEBRUARYSPECIFICPIANV2EVISEDIO.DOC REVISED 8/14/Ol SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Program Elements may include the following (refer to Figure 6.3, Original Community Park Detail and Figures 6.3B through 6.3D Community Park Alternatives): ■ Four lighted 300' basebalUsoftball field with 2 full size soccer field overlays + 100 parking spaces within the park off Equity Drive • 25 parking spaces within the park of the Loop Road • Large snack bar/restroom facility(1,800 square feet) ■ Small restroom adjacent to tot lot and picnic areas ■ Ball field and park lighting to be approved by the City h. Arroyo Park: The Artoyo Park is a unique opportunity to recapture the more naturalistic California landscape in a re-creation of a riparian en�iranment. This 13:8-acre park will offer the residents a different recreation experience. Instead of the manicured park, the Arroyo Park will provide a naturalistic setting. If a parking lot is provided, it shall meet the current requirements for parking lot landscaping. The Program Elements may include the following: • Trail adjacent to the park • Possible on site parking/staging area • Special landscape buffer for adjacent residential • Native plant species landscaping i. Winchester Creek Park: This is an existing 4.5-acre park, located on Margarita Road, across from the Harveston site. This park is not part of the Harveston Specific Plan area, however, it was dedicated to the City of Temecula and through a prior agreement has been utilized as park credit towards fulfilling the Quimby dedication requirement. j. Elementary School: A 12-acre elementary school is proposed within Planning Area 4 adjacent to the mixed-use village center and residential. The school will include active recreation opportunities(i.e.,ball fields)typical of this use. k. Parkway Greenbelt System: An expanded parkway greenbelt system will be located adjacent to the Loop Road and higher volume roadways. The greenbelt system will be landscaped with turf, trees, and various additional plant materials. The landscaped greenbelt area will vary in width. Some of the parkways will meander, thus creating interesting viewpoints for users of the greenbelt. Sidewalks or paseos will be provided on the greenbelt on both sides of the street throughout the development. 1. Bicycle Trail System: A bicycle Trail System completes the active recreational amenities planned for Harveston. A Class II bicycle lane is proposed on both sides of the Loop Road, one side of Margarita Road, both sides of Date Street and both sides of all of the Entry Roads into the project. A 10' wide multi-use trail is proposed within the Lake Park and the Community Park. (Refer to Figure 4.7 Bicycle Plan). m. Private Recreation Area (Condominiums and/or Apartments): Planning Areas 3, 5 and 6 may provide for private recreation areas. These areas may include pools, tennis courts, barbecue pits, sand volleyball courts,and restroom facilities. Harveston Specific Plan 10-64 P.\1998�8N16?OI�IATESTSPECQ�7CPLAN�FEBRUARYSPECIFICPLIMREVISEDIO.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.3.5 Maintenance Responsibility Please refer to Section 12.4 Maintenance and Figure 12.2 Maintenance Plan for a detailed discussion of Maintenance Responsibilities. 10.3.6 Outdoor Lighting All streets and commercial developments in Harveston shall have uniform lighting standards with regard to style, materials, and colors in order to ensure consistent design. The proposed standards will deviate from the City of Temecula standards. Each residential development may develop its own lighting standards, provided that the selected lightiag fixture style is used consistently throughout the residential development and is approved by Southem California Edison and TCSD. Lighting fixtures shall be well integrated into the visual en�uonment and the appropriate architectural theme. All lighting fixtures in the Harveston project area shall comply with the following regulations and provisions: 1. The level of on-site lighting as well as lighting fixtures, shall comply with any and all applicable requirements and policies of the City of Temecula and Mount Palomar Observatory. Energy conservation, safety, and security should be emphasized when designating any lighting system. 2. All outdoor lighting, including spotlights, floodlights, electrical reflectors and other means of illumination for signs, structures, landscaping, parking, loading, unloading, and similar areas shall be focused, directed, and arranged to prevent glare and illumination on streets or adjoining property.Low-pressure sodium, low intensity, energy conserving night lighting is preferred. 3. All exterior lights should be shielded and focused to minimize spill light into the night sky or adjacent properties per Mount Palomar and City of Temecula Land Use Ordinances regulating light pollution. 4. Lights shall be of unbreakable plastic, recessed, or otherwise designed to reduce the problems associated with damage and replacement of fixtures. Fixtures shall be vandal resistant, yet should not look institutional. 5. Neon and similar types of lighting are prohibited in all areas of Harveston per Mount Palomar Lighting Ordinance. 6. All exterior lighting designs should develop a sense of hierarchy by varying fixtures and illumination levels.Proper lighting helps to define the organization of streets and plazas; and also distinguishes vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns. Entry areas (both pedestrian and vehicular), public plazas, community facilities, and highly used recreation areas shall be creatively lit to develop a sense of place and arrival. 7. All exterior lighting designs shall address the issue of security. Parking lots, pedestrian walkways, and building entrances shall be well lighted for security reasons. 8. No freestanding residential lighting fixtures shall exceed twenty-five feet (25� in height; parking lot light standards shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25'). In no case shall overwash occur beyond the property lines. The light fixture heights and locations need to comply with the conceptual designs shown in Figures 7.1 and 7.2. Playing field lighting fixtures may exceed these standards. Harveston Specific Plan 10-65 P:\I99818N16?OIV.ATESTSPECIFICPL4MFEBRUARYSPECIFlCPIAMREVISEDIQDOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 9. Service azea lighting sha11 be conta.ined within the service yazd boundaries and enclosure walls. No light spillover should occur outside the service azea. The light source is not to be visible from the street. 10. The lighting concept of the entry monumentation features is to illuminate the sign graphics and to gently wash the walls and pilasters with light. Trees and other landscape features will be illuminated by ambient light bounding off the entrance wa11s. 11. All electrical meter pedestals and light switch/control equipment sha11 be located with minimum public visibility or shall be screened with appropriate plant materials. 12. All lighting design, fixture locations(s) and lighting types within the 16.5-acre Community Pazk shall be approved by the City to allow for night use of active sports fields. Harveston Specific Plan 10-66tlII207\VOL1WR07FILE1I996�SNI6?O1�DECEMBERSPECIFIC PLANIRE`�ISEDHARVFSTON�REVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN �[IIDELINES 10.4 RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES 10.4.1 Purpose The purpose of the residential architectural guidelines is to provide general design criteria and guidance for the development of the various neighborhoods at Harveston. The goal is to promote both visual compatibility and variety in a communiry setting achieved by utilizing a number of compatible traditional and contemporary styles, and through quality architectural innovation. No architectural style shall constitute more than 20% of all of the single family residences constructed within the Harveston Specific Plan(excluding the high density development). 10.4.2 Design Intent and Elements of a"Great Neighborhood" The principal design criteria and architectural styles are not intended to be restrictive, but aze meant to assist in the design,processing, and implementation of a higher level of design direction and quality. The following are intended as pazameters for concept designs: • Specific use and selection of details that conelate well with the designed floor plan. • Specific interpretation of styles within constraints and consistency of site planning, landscape, and architecture. The following parameters are to be avoided in concept design: • Harsh contrasts of materials and/or colors. • Inappropriate sensitivity to scale. • Poor selection and execution of details. • Extreme interpretations of the characteristics for each style. • Lack of window treatments, which result in flat, blank walls specifically on the reaz elevations and side eievations,iacing streeis or other public spaces. The interweaving of two concepts; Innovative Architectural Concepts and Successful Site Design Techniques produce great neighborhoods. The important elements of a great neighborhood as listed in two groupings below are strongly encouraged throughout the communiry of Harveston. These elements are discussed in more detail in Sections 10.5.1, 10.5.2, and 10.5.3. INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPTS SUCCESSFUL SITE DESIGN TECI3NIQUES Architecture forward Shortened streets Varied gazage placement Curb separated sidewalks Eclectic variety of compatible azchitectural styles Street trees program Wrap around architecture Limited number of homes per neighborhood Varied roof heights and pitches create a custom Pedestrian connections home feel Variable lot setbacks Color pallettes selected per styles—over time,the addition and deletion of color schemes create a unique feel Harveston Specific Plan 10-67 P.\1998�BNIfi20lVATESTSPEC�7CPLAMFEBRUARYSPECffICR1AMREVISEDIO.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES It should be noted that the above elements are not designed to create a rigid framework. All of the elements are described in more detail in the following Sections 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.5.1, 10.5.2 and 10.5.3. Additionally, there may be some overlap in describing these elements in the following five sections. 10.4.3 Architectural Forward Standards "Architecture forward" as defined in this Specific Plan is expressed as follows: 1. Advancing the architecture of the living spaces forward on the lot, while concunently, the garage is held in place; or in some instances, the garage may be further recessed. 2. Planning the living spaces of the home in front of the garages such that the predominant features of the home fronting the street are the windows and the front door. 3. Providing articulation on two-story homes facing streets and other areas exposed to public view, single-story elements, such as covered front porches and covered side entries. 4. Incorporating a variety of garage layout solutions to mitigate the negative impact of garages on the fronts of the homes, such as garage wall plane furrouts, screened garage door elements, shallow mid, and deep-recessed garages,porte-cocheres, tandem garages, split garages (including swing-in), and side-on garages. The above outlines general guidelines for designing homes in Harveston. For more detail, please refer to Section 10.5.1 Plotting, Massing and General Neighborhood Criteria, 10.5.2 Garage Placement, and 10.5.3 Building Elevations and Section 11.0 Development Standards. 10.4.4 Architectural Styles The closely associated architectural styles, which have been chosen for the proposed Harveston Specific Plan, have evolved in California since the turn of the century. Their inherent attractiveness, informality, and sense of elegance have enabled these styles to remain popular over a long period. The proposed architectural styles include,but are not limited to the following: � American Farmhouse • East Coast Traditional + Cape Cod � Italianate � Colonial • Monterey • Cottage • Prairie � Crasftman e Spanish Colonial It should be noted that the photographs illustrated on the following pages are representative of concepts envisioned for the Harveston Specific Plan. The intention is to incorporate many of these design features into the proposed Harveston community. However, it must be acknowledged that these concepts may be subject to future refinements based upon economic, marketing, detailed engineering and other factors. Therefore, the photographs shown are not intended to be exact duplicates of the future product types for Harveston Specific Plan,but samples of quality design elements. The following style elements for each of the 10 architectural styles proposed (see following pages) are strongly encouraged and appropriate for the various Harveston neighborhoods. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-60\UROf1VOLl1PRO1F[LE\I99B�eN16201�DECEMBER_SPECfFIC_PLAMREVISEDEWRVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION lO.O DESIGN GUIDELINES AMERICAN FARMHOUSE � ;�� y�� ��; ::;:a � ;:1i T:•L••. u,.3'•���'�� - '� `��.; ti`�, ,,.a�.. . _.._ � . , ._• .�!:, s- - ... � ... . 1 1r, � x .�'`� � •� _—;�'v �e. ��t ��� '�".42.;�^�.:__:� .-� _-- —_=- .. :..... .�"''� .9:�L. a ,�.•• `�".. .?3 '� "� ,.'t. ' ' •.�-.'��.�r ��__ ' - -� - 'a - . " � ' t� '. .x r i 'f ,4^ r���rF�� ; .. i � -r- u�',�--= �� �-.�'..,: , -�i:�ti _ ;� �_ � .�,F,�I_� ��;- f r J 4• t� �- - ,, ~ •-:%.''- . +' ' ��y.�v'r Yk . r y ' v�- �'. �. . . �� '�. ��r� ..�. ,fi� r�. -. `�f•F:r -��ii•.': ,��,���. - „�� :Fl"{'-.� 'r.• r�•f^�'-,�:j.�y�F� � ��:���r �,: �.. ; —=�� � ;;�=��:�: _':��� �� ,,�.�::A�� .,' . �.�• ..�;�`..�:. _ _ =�.-„ s -e'• `-'�•-,.i,,, •• �r,Y'• �t>• --r�ic,,;•.�'.,{_ -���1a_•fT�;{ t . 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I-_-t . - :,s�+�,r., - d� � • �}�Ri' �lY y� 1 . i.;,. ,,y,. -.�./� �r.:��`•�.. _I_ 'i_.. : �=y .--� .yri�rn;::':.�5` 'r*�.�.�'A� �fE��]� .��� S4 � �il��.d����'�1 •`ik�����•i' �.in..���t �.�.i�'C.•�;.an.J"" - - --�r- ��, - - •'�"'.$.a_" -L:.,�,(,�?i��" �.;�,.,.r: �P��,:,`' •� - .-i�_�:"',1 `�_'" :v-�e:� -- at' . .. r��f,;:�?��%!.T , .r..•cY �� -.. . �� � " ^-�'"=. .h�,�".�.-F.""'�s'k-���•'_:.:.. i'�R-�-'��'---•. '.Y5-''�:-:f�:Y�.t=v' .... _...... V.f,�wr:r�r.. . . . • '._...r_.' . . .. ... .....-" .. �_�:;T'•':.:r,3.�rffr.+.� INSPIRATION PHOTO: APPR�PRF�TE STYLE ELEy[E�TS: ■ Siinple plan form massing and simple roof � . design � ,� ■ Porches with simple wood columns �:-- _ = 4 ,rr ■ Porches with wood railings �., -�� y� a�, � ;���� �� • 6:12 to 9:12 roof pitch - ��' �_'- - = -_ ; ,�- + Front to back main gable roof <�•1�-. , �- - .__ r '.. '.'_^ i!6'!^•_-�.�..z-' l " - "��: ..r:r��._7 J - �`---r � 12' overhangs ��`L � �� � ��': � ;�,��,;� �+ '� ■ Architectural quality wood or asphalt . ��,' shin les or smooth flat concrete tiles � :� g � �... �f�i��:i I--` i'=-' � ; �:� ..� x'" .'l�,' • �������I1�',��''�i�'�Sll� ��� �i�i�l{iti.1S;[ 11�IE: ■ v ����� � . �,,. ';.;;;,,;i.��;:;�:, ,1� i��{�, ;: , II Li�ht to medium sand finish stucco or '___~.__..__—._,_._...- " - ��'"�"�E•"•�� blended siding and stucco .,�'-�. ��:::,; " � `�'�� A ■ Vertical multi-paned windows at front �•�:,_ ' .'R '���= ����:•�' `y� '-'�� � � elevations and in high visibility public `� i•'�,R�•'f�•S�r f+''��**- n �:.,-.;�.-'_. view areas �:� .�,f.. . �' y�'=�:��'��=--.-• -_ -f�. ■ Single paned windows on sides and rear elevations ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ Wl7ite vinyl wrapped aluminum windows ■ Shtcco finish or horizontal siding wrapped chimney � ■ Garage door patterns complimentary to style ■ Minimum 2Y4 wood window and door trim ■ Whites or dark shicco body colors 9 Light earth tone bodies with contrasting cool or warm trims ■ White or dark color accent trims Note.• The photographs and drmvings a�sed to demonsh•ate a sryle are nzeant to be inspirational and not to be constrzred as a rigid for�narla for design. Harveston Specrfic Plan 10-69 P1191315N1G?OI�DECE\IBER_SPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIUDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES CAPE COD r� ,.,.. ��� M1�A F ,.�{ �� s ���.� ��� ti��. r �,.�.-;:> `��.- r..... r3`� .._�._•,.�� �•,e `f�g-.,+�'r•* •�+�,' I" f �'�. -- _--_'� ��` ,�,� , .�w�+};•'���.. ':`rnu; '���^;+r.',`' �'•� - - -- -- - -- _w=.;; �rQ",, �.'-' ��-`�s �� �-_�..`._..��- '_. _—_�� _— - .��,^ , . �,� . .f_pa:e�`;, :zl;`��.�j ...���.L�,.-.��... - - - - •--y ��._...�� �N �`- �r-axF�� � -`b' xb�i,h'�� -_;_.a'._ Y: • �.1�-'�.-a.��.., „.:.�-�.[..�.�L� ' �A"r'�'' �4. �� `� '� :_,...:��'� � .. .. L..-.� '.�i.S, :i-- .--f_ t• � 'N .•;l�.�"'s�Y J.% ,,�, �s�.��� ._.��,r_=��._.�_^ _.,-'.�s_ '-. �_. Er..'r:._..�... ..y,.r�,.� r.��..�...: .: ;�:r�L1�r t, 7 �'�'%'"-" _~��.,..:4 ..�.-��l.i�a I ����,� 1Sf�.� ,� .,7�� •,�f�� r Y_` �y: _ ' � ..�._._.,-. �,,::r�.-'�,-,7x 3r'J:,��' 3 '�'---,u_''.;+�..� �• ir4 ti •- ;.aK :_,r , ��L�.�.� .� _ ��. r - - ;3 `+ i:_:� a� �--'�-�.,-.-.-� i �i�3���x���,r .,��^�'"�.`F• . �y.s=� . � •` � �" ~_� li i = � ,: r� � J - �' ,�i• • si�. 4`- l�� �_:�� - - -_ �. '��_F•...�f_ ft���.�'k S��u-'�Y:c���~'r ��Y� [•'. " fx �l.�.s�S � �f 'v- +f r-iL-�;c��?' 'a. �f -=�' 7���4. � �.����V .�l�_.�'-- — �r'�...i. �r-'j� ti�r.'�:. �. =�' ?5: �r,��: E T.o-�-�� _ - - •• -yr �7r��rf -� .'��`��� �r�6.�` s_ .t f . __ _ �^'=_ •' -�:.. . �_ ,�'"• �S �rJi' c�- �'•?h�;� . ' '`+ '.� y�F �.._' _ — _ _ .-��]I�,.yJ-^'-.�:rl...�+F"; h 4�i--� RY�• �.�v`�?, �f%�`� 4 ` •�� �'�,��:#j:ir. �- •.....���_�«,:YiY�4�. ... ��;-r�-�-il_.��T�_— "u'�{.. -k°'. t�'� - ,•r��'r� �['Srr.'.•.S'. ':'.:.. .�-..w:r7�I:'�.�n�h..(-::_��_,.. 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INSPIRATION PHOTO: APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: � * 2 story simple"salt box"massing • 5:12 to 7:12 roof pitch ^ ■ 12"to 18"overhang ' ■ Simple hip or gable roof with one �� forward facing intersecting gable roof �� � ' �' � : • Architectural quality wood or asphalt - � �-;' � ,, •'•�^• --�•. shingles or smooth flat concrete tiles Y ��- ...-~- r � ' -�"� ■ Blended siding and stucco ._,�.�,:�-: : .;;. . .� -.�Y'�`: � ■ Li�ht to medium sand finish or light �-•.'x' i- . ii' � ` �� t_• ; �, : lace finish stucco '=��� ;:, , '`r � f- � .�` � ■ Vertically hung mullioned windows at �� �:�� _ front elevation and in high visibility :l:- •.;, •~=�� -:- - _ areas ��..>,- -- `'�, ' ^ '' "�' � Often an ed in airs �; �F,,-_ -�� �`s -�-.' ;;:}:�i g g P �:''�� ��;?;;V3' �� n Single paned windows on sides and � _. ____���. � ._,.��r,-'= ' =}'3�-� rears ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ Porches with wood columns and railings ■ 2Y��vood window trim surrounds ■ Garage door patterns complimentary to style � White to mid value body colors ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windo�vs Note: The photographs and di•mvings zrsed to de�nonstrate a style are rneant to be inspirntional and not to be consh•ued as a rigid formula for•design. Harveston Spec�c Plan 1�-/� P1199fl13N1e2111�DECEAI9ER_SPCCIFIC_PL.4Y�REVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDIa DOC SECTION lO.O DESIGN GUIDELINES COLONIAL � �1.5'.�.yr���`-p<' •�• ,.-r:► • .� . ;F'' '''•r� � '�r' __ ' � '�- . Y �} .F��;�.•4a . '1� `fG:•�' �~� _ - - � � ;••,� �• -•l�.•'��_��i -�,� _' ' ^�.- . .._ r � `-� �i..��.S _ � • �„`;r�:'' Y ' 1 .��' _4N.'' "- .-�ri i�h - +.'t= F • f �, . �E,, $�_....-�� F f �:M1� :_�-'r•�1 F+i �=r�--�,s--�����-._ ��•.�;r �� ?�. "�'' y.�. V�T" ' 1 . - -_��.�l:� ,Y,} ��4' t, i�" � } _.. .•��„—- '4+.w�•�-•+Y�__l�� ',�'w �! .e, _�r Y • � �- - ^ �� F• �i R".�_ �•;�i;, ��=i-�._- �-i y-it+�ax.������C�.l^�:-��r.�-= � l�' [_' �r�-_ . _ ,y•,!.�:.F��� FrYw���i�.'�;a. � :�ro� rr,+Jr �.. f: ..,.; �_` �'' �.4�'�~.b��— -`��.�"I;��r.: „�. . �c_ir,� 4a1:p=�, � _ ;;� ;�� � �_�.—�� }--,r�-_� -Jk ry� a.-� Y. 7�� _ `•--:.� ►: ::�-: -^� 4 ,�.-' ��T \ ' - ' �}[.�-r�"�:I'�' -�1 R+�� ,'Ky�� •� _:.k f .�' F:. :.~�•"fs.� �— _ Y''�♦''�C�_. - _'fi_ "_ "�� _� �"57��^.'y,�;.'4.�� :�...Y'j'� . , '��-�`_�—__-�-_ -� — - � .1 r' A�+�. `�•-���l.._ �i. d .�..��._�=�: _ ::Y•.� .'�1-. '' � — '=-�a'ri _ ��e.'���`'`��` C��-: j. -.;r+• � C1 r.'..����.�-.`D'. ,�y�.�:�1���`�-�_ �...--.���i�.yi.�.�,.,��Y �_ ..__m- _.—_. .. rr7'}'P�r/f, . �^� �F'} fC .��� .� :� ��9•. ..� _ : r:���'::���.�:::�- � � . �. �F�� � �. -�. ;�r. �4�•���� ��s��! Y3!. -.; C�� T_� ,� , l�•i:., �r - ."� �"x���[ t y '��.-��j� - . ir----= �� �;,. � �'-=' �;�� �:�.-�.- , � ..��..; x�; ������ - �� ;.:.4 t�. 3�=� �---�-_ = t�;: �r.,,. .--�,�.—�--,:___._I, . ,�:�*�_ --- �. �_. ' . .F� � - .�a�� - •�-�' •�" --- �' �."�''�'r� ''�A�'v:�:r:.. *.'-�vu. ., r .f� i:..C�!/'1.�3i9�1.�7.L��Far�T��.fii��l.��r�'��.is:. INSPIRATION PHOTO: APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: _.. _ _ _ ■ Simple plan form massing and simple roof �ti `� f� .���^ design ,, *�' ::� ■ 6:12 to 12:12 roof pitch ' ' �' - ■ 0"to 12"overhangs ��� :,,� '= ' � ■ Front to back doininant gable roof with one --'_�'�.' ���K: . - � # �' l intersecting gable roof -�"""� �'`' � �;�, • Arciiitectural quality wood or asphalt � ��. _ __,_, sl�ingles or smooth flat concrete tiles _.. �j".r t� ` Q Fine to light sand finish or light lace finish �; � `]�' u�� stucco or blended siding and stucco � ;��+,-_. ° Vertical multi-paned windows at front . '�` �� elevations and in high visibility public view areas �:_" `�' ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: • Single paned windows on sides and rear elevations Q Minimum 2x4 wood window and door trim 4 White vinyl wrapped aluminum windows • �ntry�o�-c3�es�vitt�simpiy triinmed woad cnlumns ■ Stucca finislz or liarizonta] sidii�a wrapped chii�ney ■ Gara�e doar patterns cvmplimenta�y to sryle ■ f�o��nd attic�eilts ■ Brick accents ■ Shutters ¢ Pastels to cool colors with white trims p Dark color shutters ■ White h�im/fascias Note: The phot��r•crpl�,s and drmt�r�z�s trsed to demonstrate a sryle are nzeant to be inspirational and not to be consh-ued s�s�r rigid fo��n2rrla.fdr de.rfgn. Harveston Specific Plan 1 Q-/ 1 P\17/31�N1G21II�DECEi\IBER„SPECIFIC_PLAWtEV15ED HARVESTONViEVISEDI1l00C SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES COTTAGE � � ��� Y��i1� r J� c:.0 } C J .j� ,�` r �t�T}�� t P �yr y� • ��•�y'.ryT�/ 3J R��F"�'��, `� • [. :�'i•�� �,Y� '"Y, �'^��►/' � yj'a.]�T��� k'�` ' �$y'�Y•�YL� -'-L�' � — ---�,.L.�..S� ��d�'.�.F-�Yy��z �S. »�: +yL�p�. -�'.-- - -.�-=�r�..^���_�__. -rc. �i�—�__—� , � ` �.�p__� ���-a���—�--� � � ti.,.t-c_'.�.�� r.. r ''�r� � �}� ....-�::r.--.-.��� _ _' -..-�r�v-�_. ��.�=---—_...« �1. �Y.` _ �{����'pi���� V .�,�y�����" „'fy�•��--_.r—' .i•` . y�'r ..^ x w�r ��� -�LY�.�.� �..__'-��_ 'w - �---��-1==— ..� ��� .�� s �'��=�..��-_^ _ _ �—'�`� �_-__._ _�-.-� +-� y�M. � � .'�. �T _ � _ . .� .� _. ,` .�- �.-� `-� _ .,r, S' �. �r� �� • �^ �� r I�'!' h.�lL[ ' � L� �.. � i f'`'"`' ;,,!-'I . } `�'� �'�r..�r�'r�„�- �.;�. � t�:..� ;� d' � � i�� � 1_.:.��,___ _ '� �_ R "f F �' � ,�. _,�, ^R....- -_� __. .. ��'-. ��� =� ��� ;" .� , - -,y—- "--�--�,.:,..��G.... .�r -��' ..._--- , �---�-=`."""�^y--� ''�'�� .� r-- --- �. _ :� �.Y � i`�i � G :� �;,,�• � :: �iS"_;:.-�—� _._. :�.L _ . ��--+�'�. '�` `�i � .�� '-i � ii �^~- � :1-� �il141�i�?yiJ��J1 r s � �� � � f�,,�:, �;.Y . '�;,i ; ;�-. � ��.f_ _u ;� Y : `�j�� ^� f�'ti1 � aw�l'T� • .#��� �=g� .:� i:..'-��---,-` r ti� � `�^ f .y�" -r-- ' {"�l�- .f �f �� y, �i�,. ��'-'x�,r::+-.�� =—�:-=� t�--r,r��.'S � j�� ,. �� t Ir,.W''�_ --�� - ..��''�,.�-`� �'�'1'!r . r.�':���#� —- �i�' � 1NSPIRATION YHOTO: APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: = Rectangular plan form massing with some re�ess�d 2°d floor area � . - - ■ Main roof hip or gable with intersecting �" gable roofs _-- y Y3 ■ 6:12 to 12:12 roof pitch � - :� _�- . u� • � � ' �'� ■ 0"to 12"overhangs ��=..I. i � �. . � � _ 7 • Architectural quality wood or asphalt '�'� •� �'��'"'�`'�: � ' shingles or smooth flat concrete tiles � �'+ �. � . ,__ _-= �� � Light to medium sand finish or light lace _ . �, i._ - �: .�• ' = �- j� �� - r� finish stucco '�, `� f�t" 1 ''�,: -;:,;T�--�: � Single paned windows on sides and rears � Z I , .y7.F '�: � � `�' j.1"'�p'.�Yi .i" i �ii I 'j1 �� !� '.L' [ ,i.�-! _._ � '_""""_�����',:I.� ..471�f '.c�=-:. ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ Vertical shaped windows with mullions and simple wood 2x trim at front elevation and at high visibility areas ■ Entry accents with real or faux stone ° Entry porches with stucco columns and wood railings p Garage door patterns to compliments style � Shutters � Whites and earth tones ■ Dark color accents/trim(shutters) � White vinyl wrapped aluminum windows ° Shicco over foam window and door trim � Note: The photographs and drativings arsed to demonstrate a style are meant to be inspirational and not to be construed as a rigid formula for design. Haf-veston Specifrc Plan 1�-/2 P:\I99S13N162UI�DECEMBER_SPECIFIC_PLAMREVISED FL4RVESTOMREVISEDIU DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES CRAFTSMAN , '�,� , ,` .�`,�..���. �, .�T :� ,�. • � ?'�� ,+,`� r�• k�.l•1r��� '..G�^�- w";`1� :1k�� y,�4�. ,.�!+�j��, �, - . •r��rrF• �� �- ' :I. . C":.++�. 'i.ci�r'.�� _7 � �,F.LY. + .. :�� �.�� �-. `a�•y..'rf rx":. y . �. 'S`4 `Ir3' r '`p 2+�'—� — � —_— ���vYK'����� �5^r�N'.:�r-• ti i� .:i..,� �'�..:r'� �5��- - - -- ��=�3"`.•_�• -. ' '�%:�.��'.i- � a�'r"�: ;,:�,_ r • _,-•n�, - -�� _�=�-�it,i- •fr���^ ., , � T � ,��. _ . �$� 't � l�'r�w J_�� r��TL�� fi' '' 'i �i I- �' i � 't' 1,; Sz'}'� �:,� L� - .rS-:,�.Yr�y•y- f�.Ji. ��:;.� �.����'�.'��.'--�-:.� ����i� �•�_=1-�-_ .� �� t� ,.S' 'J"`�'� �` ��['f_ �`�� �l '�_�:�-.i;�-.�r�_-_ ��ir�{- � I��,' �y,,: n ��� +i iL -- ��' ' - ��'-:- ��e - ���•i:j: 'f's y��y�k�� ',, .�� �fi.�r��y ' �S'{[��'�—��; - �-'-����.-�" �'�� ' -- " �y/�y - .[ �r'�"�.i�r �="R"J�'i1== C�� �i�y���^-�I�—.—_ —'���.'.''�J�I �*�(T�4}'?..- ��� . *,�'�.[' I ;���-,,�_� �^�-'��.�,�_ ,. �''. ..• -- .... -_-- ' ;���� .� .i.'r: -��n �]. .... �' .'!. T �'' . -.Y. :.��... ��' .-.�_ k \ .����+,�;'$� ..�:`y-Sr.y�r� 7C.�,'�_t"�r}���" r` -.-.� "f-�.1'_'.:'." ... �ti----�--�_1'��•�3;�.. ��I -�r y n Ir��—""' � _'s`��i�-•. � '�'�,''� ���� ti4, �• '�Y � �� 'i _.f��+:�:e.�-..;..,�k;.d_• � ^�'� ;�'. . :;, �- ..� =£yj.a��'�Y r�'� -- - --In � .t"r�I:'. 3 I.:. .r :t'{ ��' =y ; �:�i .L- y�i�I 'F��.. � � . '^ 3..�... :.fi'�'::'��Y:i_ };�� �� ._YT;.�`: '_ 'F[n'�'I 1['� ,��,r'I�_� _ �i�{�L'1]� .�t y : .:����I i"_'�lyy .1 y��. i� 1 's�., lk` 1"-:� � � . '�s..;�c.+''- - T r,li:` ,��1� �V� .�� � -', , .F�'F' r'. -7�'.r.,� �'�' ..�.:�� :.�+{�F;�... .�,� , f�'+'�i..��r-. C C. "-"��'� ��•'-c.y_��r��^�:�Z._.�"y,.r��' - -- +� �'. - -` . C-'��_.:.�r_S_,�'s.��.r.�..r. . � �lI . � , r�I�i���.'. .�r.�.rf'r� ... •- ca .,..�.r�i.� INSPIRATION PHOTO: APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: :.'?�`, ?� ■ Simple 2 story boxed massing with vertical _ :L...<, � �:,� .r `�'"' •R�, and horizontal breaks _ �=� ' � ■ Entry porches with heavy square columns - - Y�" .:,� I or posts on stone piers - ^_, �. ^ �- :.,,: -��"'�'�.. ' ;�-'_S�_ � g 3'/z 12 to 4% 12 roof pitch !�`�• - �'-���'',�•; ■ 18"to 24" overhangs �,''•';'. � �' � �� ■ Architectural quality asphalt shingles or :..._..� _� �- ���.�.�� ;.�=� : - '�' � , shingles texture flat concrete tiles y � , �: - � ���w��' ■ Basic gable roof side to side or front to b--=�.�.. - .�:: back with cross gables � ' � • Blended siding and stucco -= -_ --- -= - ` . ... _s-��_� ■ Light to medium sand finish or California Monterey Finish ■ Vertically hung upper mullioned windows at front elevation and in high visibility areas ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ Windows are often ganged in pairs ■ Single paned windows at sides and rears ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windows ■ Arts and crafts style lighting fixtures � Shaped wood header trim at windows and doors A Simple knee brace ■ Outlooker ■ Light earth tone colors ■ Playful/dark accent Note: The photographs and d�•awings z�sed to demonstrate a sryle are meant to be inspi��ational and not to be construed as a rigid formula for design. Harveston Specifrc Plan lo-/.J P11998\3NIG2UI\DECEbIBER_SPECIFIC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONVtEbISEDIUDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES EAST COAST TRADITIONAL r.�� �'iJ?� ''i"•n��r��: 47�,, ��y •� .����`'�?�`.� ��� ��•J.?ir�Pr�' L� � � c ��f'' .,�:y.f i��Yr. ��'� L�? -- - - - _ �.'.r f �-;1, �'�r ia"lJS�����'- '�"_--- - --- - _ i.�s` , -�'�• ..,�.� ,,.r..�� ��'{_ ./�-:.Afva s•+' —. -- -- _._-�`''Sp,� f�: ���1.,y„ �°"��'r�����' �=.-.` _- ._�...��'��,���' �.....�•� t ,�r f�'�,''• ,al.• F t •••�-•_-- . -- ,�.. =�` _ •���='.�`•e�Z , f�;r�,x �f Y�i�� ��YT� � J �� ���•��L_ �� ,. _� � -.:•�� �_�_ . ! :�_� ��...�:.�.—.�..� C' .".'." (�:x �y ti�::' � �'�r rt`�'"�i:N ��j���' .�(+p: 3 ��=. _��-�. ' I - L�.����.�y:^�� � �� �� .d s��� r _ y ^ ,..-��.���� �r�.� �S ._.�. . . � {� J, £,R'� ."�Y�_'--t �/•�wr.,".y'l ..�� „ 4 �,_,�_ . s.+ . � n� _�i. �c .`� �.. ..f N �Jr: i": _ ��-..�,_.___�� =�?'�� � y = �* ^�' - r . .=... ,s= ;:.: , ����';�'f -�.c _[i'.�'r���r����'ir -J'h:7 ��y r''�-�'Yr�'�°'"`r `�'e fY '� �r�J.�.��:''�a.. '�._._��-�-.._' Y�t-...3��y�-'-"',��>��''''` ,.!.. � _j:.l�i� L� �� _f �_ �:.J.__= - - — " -._ ..3w-v.� .�.Y��.'� q��': �+�. , -- ... �, -..r.-.r�.--c n f (� � ,.$ � ------. — ,� �-'--- :----��' ,s;i:�'�r a.-� . _. y-r� � - ��'� - -�, - --==,=r" � r'+r�.'. 't � r e7�Tt � s �..�;F,.,Tw-�--y.;��-��,.^�"� �'�-?r . ���: � { �-. �[ �:.; ��:. C: _� t�---_ f L F,�••r '�,-�}�* k ''� �� � .'��_�i�;'�� ��!����y� ��` .��'. ..7L.= � ,; � -�- �''. �� �:-- "- -�.�-_...�,.,, - -} �� s.: .�. � �_^� • ��- €�� � ,��. �`� i .� .-�' :��,' = J ;� - f—'.,,; l . � � �' �`� - � _' Y�.�'� •. � •. •�• r"�= S�_� = y�.-, r...-���e.�:�,;�-....��- ��y:'•'•.1 ti'�' �r_, :.v� T-.� -� r.F ''r ";{-•f-r?�+S-:� �"-.--�.,icK:`_ ',.--:��". .. ,".zs:.=:s•'.����ii`'-..n� l//r%�'�"'����rs . . .. .-_ .._��'s::<:�'•��.; INSPIRATION PHOTO: _ APPROPRIATE STYLE ELENIENTS: �' - e Plan form massing with a vertical and an �� horizontal break _ . . �>;,..::- �,�" � 6:12 to 12:12 roof pitch =r- ;�. R_�' � ' �t:�. ■ 18"to 24"overhangs � ' ���Y'�� ��_���'��-- Y - --__�_ : ■ Concrete roof tile with shingle look ��:_�;��..-=�-_.—:� � . ;.� " - =- � - -- --- �e j'' � ■ Front to back gable or hip roof�vith r �, �' ��.�r�_f intersecting hip or gable roofs ;. :.��,V_. . . _.�;::;..ti�'''";��'�`-� • Blended stucco and siding .�Fy�'' - ■ Sin�Ie paned windows at sides and rears ,�, ---. ��;;� ,, ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windows x• �:.�'�" �' ' ■ Decorative accent windows �'` - ADDITIONAL STYLE ELENIENTS: ■ Full wood porches and or wood balconies p Simplified versions of Colonial cornice trim at gable ends � 2Y6 wood windows and door trim ■ Gara�e door patterns complimentary to style = White detailing trims Note: The photographs a�zc�drenvings ztsec�to c�emonstrate a sryle ar•e meant to be inspirational anc�not to be constrz�ec�as a rigid formztla for design. HarvestonSpeeificPlan IO-/4 PilY7S8VIG2aI1DECEM1I9ER_SPECIFIC_PLA,WiEVISEDHARVESTON�REVISEDInDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES ITALIANATE ,r , 'S� �[ly�Yl./ �� ��A r ~ '��1� ���'. ... � �E��' ���0.7'�- �_ ' t� _.�!".:��'��' � h`� i. 1.. .��f'p .��. _ ��:-�+--���� `��i�;I ����:�. ,��5�;�'��:� ,�;��-�-�j��-� _ -a�.' � ��~�~}- �,�-��''�-� -�'��,`�����=%,` :;�� � ���-•= -�� _ �;,�-�-:P� �. � - �,�' � •_— "'-' • _ }�.;ys,-�-ir__�.ar.��}-:r i. �., �! •[;��`` .�-=;?. ' —�------ � ,.,�;,,;�.f". ���� �� rf sr,.: .�" .....:.i-:...�� ;;' ns�;•.. ^y�--•w-•..-.=7,:r:-�.� ���.-�;..�:-•••.%;.:...�,`�� � •`�� l �� . �.�.�� .�. `Y' 'zi::' ,,.7':,�:.,: :..� , i�:.y�'f 37; .. E J r-�� _-!,r*''" : '��.�'L� _ '"�.�� : �5 Ly'f•ta L' .. `'G:'�Ir'•:f�,� .�?W,= -�:' � �r, j' -�: J�- i ifr. ;f, •��,•,�t Eh :��• r• �.�� �:`�? = i - ���`: y�-F .,�fi,R r�fr h�! '� =ii � +'- i � . ;:r�9�y 'j� ,� %�;�r�� �� �' ��� i� +i � .•�� �' ; r J` •S' , ,� �• - ,,,. -�^ri._ �'; �� �'. -� • L,_�� �-1 � _�'r �L�� T�..�.—_ - ���.. -� �4' ---_ __ � J �Y � 7� �r I I �'" .,11 "�� �l �`l'-.r,'t�, � � ?� A,>,;. �. .;..� , l.]� r ,_'�^� �- "? ` ., n ,� ^F�"-��r-`r1; _`__� x4� t r- ._ .`Y�� `�':�^i "yj ::;�1? - 7.'� ��, i:.=';�.'yrK�t�i�- � � _:��-• i` �:' .• - � �� ' ;�:� �,, 1 � *=;�.:�., �_ , L , : �_ =�-r I�;.� �� �--':.:_ ,� y .'� ��y�:4�'y�, A a7"�' ��s4�� :.�� ..!�.!� :�1-��S S" l I� � �'_ N�! I' ! , .' e{1 i ;I '��.'� +��7,�r -:�^': ��:.:'' ' ".�-3 .; ��.5'.(Z���.' r,� �1.1� �A+- � I ��;{ ' ? -�_'11• ��' '"` ' --l��` �-� ��A�-` .�_�L�• "� ';J-4" .�-4.r�"h�• - �-.r! .... . -.r ,'.� ..... . . .�......... ....k�_-.�.......v-_..�....�-�. .. -.. ''�Y��.Y!e��•�J^.w� INSPIRATION PHOTO: - APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: �` 3 2 story massing with one vertical and one w��?'� ,,�.�` � ' , horizontal break �� � �, K�,iJ � ■ Main hip roof with minor intersecting hip � - � `� roofS � ' ��-_ � • - �-'�:._ {4 � � + �� - "'� � '{�,p: ' ■ 3%z 12 to 4'/2 12 roof pitch � � � _ , "` , = 24" overhangs, stucco sofftts , .�;�;�-� � ■ "S"shaped concrete tiles � '�' --- - ■ Fine to light sand itnish or light lace finish . _ Y. } �+ � J'47 � ' , • SLUCVO �I� _ �-J" r ' � _} - _ �, r ■ Vertically hung 9 and 12 paned windows at �� . ��� _` front elevation and in high visibility areas '_��'�=� �'::_ '�•n -- ■ Often ganged in pairs ..� ,_._. L�_ '`- �"`'''��'� ■ Single paned windows at sides and rears .sr=�R-4.� w -. :. ��� � _---w._�.�..��..'.�x�. . ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windows " Arched top accent windows ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: � Tapered round or square simple stucco columns " Shutters � Entry porch ■ Belt course trim ■ Mid value sat�irated colors Note: The photogrnphs nncl drmvings z�sed to demonstrate a sryle are mennt to be inspif•ntionnl nncl not to be constf•ired as a f•igicl forma�ln for design. Harveston Specific Plan 1 O-/S P 11H18\3N1G201\DECEMBER_SPECIFIC PLANViEVISED HARVESTO�'U2E\�SEDIU DOC SECTION lO.O DESIGN GUIDELINES MONTEREY ti� �Y T `�'�t '. �r~_J �r -�t•�.:'`4 � ��J�..�}'a ,y.� . _ : '� ��t' ' �`-3.i. ',�h=�` �Y�J '�� . ?rn,'��:�r=r + �.?s„ . 'j<`µ 3 �'?• �—i _ - ,�p;.+."S.C,���,r �.�.�'} '73�4.- �'�(L � ''1�.:..` ��•�f � �� � � � � � ��i.._ � 5 .C' C� „ q �^y' F ��f��3/ y ' _ � 1�A� .� �y� [.' � ' I� : . �"� . f _ � I� �-�`^ ..��'-.. �[.}� � ., . •�'��"`- r .. �. '� •x.�;-•�� 3 � . ,,.. .•; ti.�.,c,r 1�-� Y. ^ �i•. .a�T �' �i u �;}:,l.p,l__��^ � .� ... rct;�.� t� a"� .� !�� �•� 'i: .� ;.�.� , j.�. ._,�•�.• y�'r���i,.". .-� .w ar�• �,�F'��� .�;�� . �.}: •.�, s�ia'.t`4�,'.��.�� ,ti�.y,+ti � : ■.r ��` �'� - ,cu::r'• �J r�:,�''�::�:;:=�:::' �a. �:.�,'t.`g..F' ti� ��v�5 +`{• "9- �;� � '�^=���=.3' �F' �r',�'''y+��.�,?�� ' aiKi' �ri`°.�i ~;'� '�r � - ' f rr. I!E�i{;sr.•�i Y:Tr ����r. 1�'_��.l=V ��i , �i:' : . .d _� �.i:� � f + " � F. �'�' , ��r� � �yM1�..-.. +��,� 1 F. l• ����'�:!� �:f� y '�� �-"^" �F ''�r � ''#4�c.a �`�,ap=:f:=: '��F.'.,-''��.'��''r.�,� '&f:'r:rqt�--� r�ri � r.�: I �r �Y�i •'-'��"f r : �v :"'� ,��.n� . . � •.;s � , i � �••-____�__��.� `-d' t�' � `�si' '. e. :��'6 L9(y�� _... ..� f.�, � � '•s� L�y�-y.a�r,��.4;�•; ;,�_ ' .i��y.�'�L'��sC.rf':i ��` �.�`"'�^. �F.+':_�':i,. ' ��� , ' •S''i tir.i�`�?�F�+�.t`�� .- '�. ' '�, i. �^ !� ) � . �r ' � . ,�� � �_ �. , . St� -�':�,y�'� f'.;�. �5�� .� i .'.�C r F�'.� �-y `���• ' ` f ',¢-��^;.. +.` �. '� �YjS:- �'t ' ii S '_t"'"+-{s•' TI ,_:.._ �'��,� f�:: � f� I�-, - ���. _ L� =:� �`, �.�'�. � . °� � , � .� ,�. J r . .�;• ;�_= s��;'.�� '`r�-�.:;-�, '1;�1 �; { ��..l... �^ x{. .�� �c- t _ _., f:. ,u � . -- • � ��y .c `'y t. ' ,s%� "`w 4. j `T:._r� �� .r`. �� —S�I ��L��� ���.:��_� . : . '".j _� �� , � ���- r -,' _,�.,. �"•^.'•'^w-''` ��~ ..-r'.34�'�.'�S'F'.�l�#7' i:���.�i'.�.se7£� .a u' .c�!'��''�E=-.-�.c�li_m INSPIRATION PHOTO: APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: `,.r� `�==�'� ■ Simple box plan form �```-`' ' .�`"'"�''� Main hip or front to back gable roof front to , �: • ' fi��, N '� .� �'�_ �� -_ �'��;�.ki back at 4:12 to 7:12 and shed roof break over �' � � � � - - � �'� "� '� +�' � � �� balcony at 3'/z to 4Yz 12 roof pitch ��klE:i I�.� ='�,�� —�;.—.-__ �='�� _.„r.��,,. ' " - ■ 12"to 24" overhan;s �.T.'�' ' . �;�+��! � �� ■ Barrel or"S"tile roofs �-��- i "���� ■ Fine sand to California Monterey stucco finish �� ���� _ __ ■ Vertical sidir�g accents at gable ends and 2nd �� - floor balcony -._.n._ __,___ - - � ■ Simplified colonial style window and door - .r_,._�..y....�.d_,� ��,=-��- ��_., _ trim ' � ------- ----� ■ Single paned windows at sides and rears ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windows • Wood balcony and railin; ■ Ornate chimney top trim ■ Round tile attic vents ■ Garage door patterns complimentary to style ■ Shutters ■ Whites, painted brick E White or dark brown trims, balconies Note: The photogr�aphs and df•mvings zrsed to demonstrate a style are �neaizt to be inspirational a�7d not to be construed as a rigid forniula for design. Harveston Specific Plan 10-/6 P1199S\yN1G2nf�DECE\1BER_SPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVEST0�IREVISCDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES PR.AIRIE � � :���' -. :��Si •;ti����� "`,�si2�',� `�*,�' � : ,� ' :t w.";�w, -,�:. �, ��'���,.,. ..,. .�..`,- ,���-��� .�;;.-��- � �::� ��: + .�. ' 1.� .a ,�^�`. ��'.�. S ' �ilL�4-. �`'-- r'��,R�' ..ti���-•ir"c . � ..�;`"- ��r�4•;H" �• r . . .' '' r,. �`'i4•• t{'�'�7J+ i��;�.L.S�;�kk..; �,�KF�+'�:-r�`yy, • -2+:���•�•- c :s'�� •�'. i, °'�°�?'- "r`�Y`�'I'�-Y?-�•��'��.''�:`�,I.,r�r-''�"�'��1; .} j-�' ,4.s' _ ���'.y . � � ,� L � , ,� �,,..�, J:r� a,k�„t�.�.���`i;�� .L��..�;- - ��?:�. _ ..1�. a A s �. •i �. 'r� r. ih� �'"�fi�� �..rj`�"; i. _ fr; !•�r-;: .,t..1�,7�i2.��, .h+�:.� 7t: P yt . �.;�. f 3 _ ��." y�- ,s.i�'�' ' �., 1- . v� .'. . s� � '� � ' wi--_:�9.:;;'�.r`� . e-� �rfiY:i. -.r,.,y;r �: �4 �`� .,. . • _ ' , . . ;'.: _:. .. �' ��: , '�y ' � �' :-�:M'_"'�.'�-r�.•.��:�i..-'--_.- � ..... �.. • _�.�..�a, �.. r . . .. � .a y .-�y.3�rr� �. �t. sl� r�x�=��.::;:����'s.:-+-_-����.�.-+n�ae ��- •`=-�� ''�� �::.�. :k- ..�r*i.•. �'. S''� •-•--��'" r..�".�,-�,,.�,,,..,,. ��7-.�-r -.,g�.�=?�s-.-��sl-'.�-r-';,,;� •�: - �" •� ;. r z. y LFr �K:.'+.. . �&1'r ''�^� ,,�?��'' • ,�',��,'-_�.��"r�.[�� ',�:v�'ix•z.'x k ,r � !� i��y�� �T:.�:�:.:, ����w..'•��� Y� ..... F .1....�3. �. ri.�.—. i{l� �6 ...y '" . . N. G "1aC=• . � s�,,�. a• v y„ yJ�.�i+ �y�4':y.� .-:�.j�:. }•' yd �y. �_.. _ : � 7��,E''� '/L'F' ; �-'4��'F,;;� 'v�. . -1n ':�-`' �i,�''•`�• �P. �'i �.. •�+•' . � _��^ . 3c'�', ��; �y.'.• . •:. '..: ;.�._ •'..i" 2 .+p. � L:e F.t hJ� '\�.1 f•..,�•��..,e'� '�i�r.� 3X'' ... ;1 ,� '�'' ...t�'� .��� S��,�:r. ar'r 7° y .�.`���: c� � 4�.n•• ]. .' �v �i^.;1'..k�"- . �{ �Y.. �.+Fw .. :.. ` '_ i ' 'j..' _ _ ....].r.�:c. t ,rx'7j'r�1t•S � � y �':i r. `,ti' f�',-.��`4!` F. • :�, . _ . ._ - . �. r.4.nv -- ,�,�.�.�zS_�.:`dY�."j:k� ',�,..�",,;! 7 '1` � � ts`'' . .� ?�,� q�,•�-:,,• . '•�. ..����' il#1��..f _... 7"���s�i�-`T'r�' •`L;' Y•�'�!� •� !.s �)..�'}�,�,��Y}E F�R3:�'e�� �� i...�.i�_;`.�..,;;� �r ..'Y�j{��•. � rr� .'`�'��.�F.,'�,t.��'�'>:•'�� f,' � ,;� L � :�'�'r`� ---.-�=�-',: w=....�. . r. `�. ' � -'�e r v�.:._ �- ..�.=--..._.-�.,.=,�'::.,_.- . ',i,�•�:,.::�:�-T�?:::3a�-=�`�-'��=��,. 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'.��-,� ..�' ..l ��w . :..:.5�:. _.-�.•:Fei�.�:_i_�..=�".�...•,:.� ._�.: .._ _ � . .�.- ...-::� ....,�`,iy.-�'• t� rCe k':s�i'.'".�;�'�T'"'Ii�."r�G;??;:=:sr.'.",`.=�'?..:-'s.°:"�°�`.�'�:]�t::r°�::�.r.f+.�'�:i•'•�l��rF��'��-t��..��r��'s<�l INSPIRATION PHOTO: '' •••--�• •""'- , •— • - • • : • • _ i APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: �� � � � ■ 2 story massing with horizontal design - - __ � elements with one stoiy elements ���f __ _- _,::�:,;�t__� • Hip roof design with boxed stucco soffits .^ s-�'___,�_ ,;��_ ■ 3 Yz 12 to 4'/z 12 roof pitch ���' ■ 24"overhangs, stucco soffits � '��" ■ Smooth flat concrete tiles • �,�� , . ; � ���If Y`� = � ■ Fine to light sand finish or light lace finish y� � ,�; k��' � StLlCCO ...,�.��:.' - r .� -- _ ,�;y.. ■ Vertical windows at first floor and accent ���':;Y" "- �r � horizontal windows at 2°d floor along belt ..,� �- .- -1 course ■ White vinyl wrap alumintim windows. ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: g Broad flat chimney with brick cap detail ■ Covered entry with stucco or wood columns on stone base ■ Wide range of light earth tones and contrasting trim ° White vinyl wrap aluminum windows Note: The photogi•aphs and drmvings a�sed to denzonstrate a style are meant to be inspirational and not to be construed as a rigid formz�la fo��desrgn. Harveston Specific Plan IO-7/ P1177tl\3N162o11DECEbfBER_SPECIFIC_PLAN\RE�95EDHARVESTOMREVISEDIUDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES SPANISH COLONIAL .y�`-�.'����}�J ��s�. a�.��:�c ,.�`�'`� y� -�{ �•; '.��,�r'�.�st' x'�r' �L'r��-��^.,���f!3��i}-�.~'Rl�l ''�� y'�!'��'� L'��Y' ' Sfy.� �"!�'''r�i,-'W�.+��f`} 7`" �n�� ��: f � I�j''�'�7'-�I�• tJ�i'I- �f""j� ,,` � ��1, �, i ' 'T�, t�,.�, :'T I.ll5'.I'� ,;-�.�`S�`�'�^'�'F"�.i+�=.�'�.�f;i{-�"S��Y'�����-^.N•I{�•�-Y'S'i y'��il� ' -" �? "�'='.�i'�-5?s �4i�r5.j���#^-I�Cf�-�Y;'+_'�.;i�F^'i L�'T�....�r�� �.�., '`rrV�.f- • s ' +" �-'L,.K.; �Y��. � r�''��i;.;�;F���,-�lcJ:-��-i���+,7.H;i�..Wws1.f.�.iL,�`�' � '` _;jp: .k.�• r�'•: � t'1"'"�-'�`'�3„ i,i�.i �;.,. i� i' ?•r. a��-�.' y�•. S �r3.� '�r ri k�F"y=�?��F"�. J-��G:r�:,..:..�.. -I:i=.a.::,' •;^�:..,ir�i.;i..,-1i�:. �-1` `r. . µ�` , _ " . �. -�- fi � �P f � $�`i�i.��+W.Y.:�, �' ���',.'.,�..;,ii.,.,. �.•��.'��;i�krY;: :..�n���I'.i�.�' � ..e "���YY t � Yf • '� . : 'j 1,.��L'�.�.4 2�5�:.r-:.._�uJ.�e:�.�r,~T`'. x�.'�{�{ ����. .�.`'_„'' i:�.,. 4�� t?��aL ,r � �� - '. .-,rY ':V`'��'•.:�j;:�`yti-�- ..�:�5.•�-i%��.` � _ .• . .� sh 9.� " � ;4°�'... "+�: �"'.�"� :�;-: . . � ��;} ;l^ �' I , ��. � ��• I-i � ,a 6'F-�:r �i�.� y�t:'s�� �. "a" ,-�.S ��� I �! .� 1 .��i� . I :I ��'�� .,,�� P�xr.. �',�� f �^ ' �� .i• :�N".... - If �� .�_`. ^.�1 - �'.Ir7��- � �'-u'�' -� �i•. ;�- '.A�' .�� • :L. I i i . - _J�"�������'�eH. .�` ��1�'�I''�;5�''___Y I ��;��,,.�s:a �'i� .��.k�i� -:yy:' y, ! •F'r3r A .1`.- ..�' .� '�.3' �. J �_�a a.� :.�. .-�--•-"�------� ~,;i•� �i.r - rr �,�-�'�.,.� ~'��r ��".�+�� �'r"r �`Y'� .�'y�� -.-��-t,�•' '_..�,,�,��'� -,4� ' C � ,t�='' °``,�"=..�`�7�• y�x`Y,,�,,'��r - F - ':` �;�°��r�.�r��f`^f-W ',- �;rv.. ` ,x � 'l �_f7�;��}' �. ?,�,..=1• � v • '�r r ' ._."�c?-e� i,a:y�a` ��p,.,e;�-���-?�•�-�•��,',�. � � \� '.�: - -- �. . '`r - '�;-::✓.:�.,-, ry:�..- ,�''� �F � :.V . . �_�1s:�::•..:r,�.�.,r.,r�: ' yr�� f i�: �• �S' � 'q%�."�`r�j�`'-:-`�`-^r.-�-'` �:�,• . � '�. 4:'. ` ; ,� ni'�- y • ~ 1 i'F �\ � J=:.^'zi:_".a', . i �.�� .� i rt,,�,��'� j •�f.-..yc�'��S%.'as.j � y�:�y"14Y'N�d'� ,�f � '�Ys,� ��'S, �dy�-�.- ��i� �. ��E'•y'..�c�R����J���"'�x...��.�C`.�- �,,•. � y. "._L.`.]��."=..?'� "�.� .y' 1./'^ � l-gc '��. :.�'•�'..; �.�.�_�•'__— _ " -� c.y�- _��_�_.: 1 ...s.� ' •S 5, � F. z '... . .__ - 'I 1 I ,.--:", � .... -. , ! ti;�'t�W.. _l �`'::,�:..-k."�`�?';��:���:.L'�._�_.__r.�.� [`,0�r�y���, ^ 4 'F �� �-���p�'� '` yFM '� �S'i ` -yf_ o-tii Y•"���_ '�.� j -T �e ,G� . . - �. Fd":.�tc' _—.9�' ^'��-;�� '�,'���f y .L�j�}.•:...�i3.:'�r..r`.._{~ _=�� f=^-=r�,y j __ ;___�ris�r r. t � :,��.�..:�{_+. �'�• ...�. �.`"-r..._:-�. .Y � • ..na _..s.n'. - - -. . ..... . . .�..r:?.'���' .�..��.-'�'��f�3� ..€°n.. , e.. INSPII2ATION PHOTO: � APPROPRIATE STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ 2 story massing with stron�one story . .- __ . .. - _- - �;`���' element ��� ' , t'� y 4:12 to 5:12 roof pitCh , :�" ' '� � � � 12"to 18"overhang r�. ,t � � - .� " Simple hip or gable roof with one � � '�' � �.i-. intersectin�gable roof '' ��� � Barrel or"S"shape concrete tiles ,.. _ _�� - � ';. -- a � ��;�,� � Fine to light sand finish or light lace finish � � shicco ' :��� '� � Vertically hung 9 and 12 paned windows at ------....�. - .,.. .__ ..... . -------:. - front elevation and in high visibility areas — � "- - ` - - -- ■ Often ganged in pairs , • Single paned windows at sides and rears ADDITIONAL STYLE ELEMENTS: ■ White vinyl wrap aluminum windows ■ Stucco over foam window and door trim d Arched stucco column porches a Gara�e door patterns complimentary to style � White tone body with bri�ht accent trim � Dark brown trims Note.� The photographs and drenvings arsed to demonstrate a style are meant to 6e inspirntional and not to 6e conslrzied as a��igid fo�•mzila for design. Harveston Spec f c Plan 1 Q-/O P 1177tl,SNIG201�DECEMBER SPGCfFIC_PLA.MREVISED H.ViVESTONIREVISEDIU DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.5 PRINCIPAL DESIGN CRITERIA r r! 'ky„ � 1 �f f i� � l,�:;•ili�- �' b The architectural desi ,?:,�: ..,w�<< ;, « � +�..,�, .,,.::..� F�,. � � ir;� guidelines described within �,� '`A�v�"'�' �� �,,,�.:�_—_.�;;= �� , r,�, Y �, this Specific Plan document ���,� ,,- ��x r E�+r'� -r� , `-�� y� i - � y,�„�:�+�' y/1�'r ���, •` .. � �� -�._:�_.�� have been created to direct the �''�'���'Y{-"¢�� �'14-~- --`' ��I"'� . a�.�%—�.-__ +''R,1'�'� t`�� � developmental outcome of the _ -_.�.;,- ��� i . ,��� .���� � � � - ��'_.__':` �y.-:...:`� {t� � � E � communit of Harveston. It is - � -� � 1I'�, �`� ' ^ Y :��„ �I a goal of the design guidelines - _ ,��� ;��,,� to create a unique community, ''" '�'�' � _ �� yet reminiscent of the heritage _- ^ .� �l � ���`� �`�:Y'� •:'::"` � ��, , �, � .:,� �tL k> > � >+ of the area, within the City of .���, �, -- �;rti =�,. - �__ � Temecula. The architecture of ''���u�l'�'-`'� 3�, . •~, � � �. ,� ���cy��-',r�--:--�— Harveston is to be hi k �0t } . " ' p' � �' � � . storicall �,4� �},' . �- - - , -''. �T• Y - =.��°f,. �:w�..1`'''�" _ : . \ �7..Yiµ'".x�• _ .A ' . , .. . + accurate in its use of materials � � �`��- �� � ` � '1``� �G�- . ��µ = �'` �:`�`''� � � and forms. Each aspect of �x���� '� �p��:j, ..��,P ,�� �f� C,,,Lf,���r! Jyf��� �^ 1,•�.�r+{:" T� . every project is viewed as a �+��r� ' �;. , ;; , ;;!•� N'�. , ,� �;.. significant element in �-� 3�C-,���S�L'��,` �„�� reinforcing the neighborhood concepts for the community of Harveston. It should be noted that the design guidelines and the standards they contain will be followed in the design of the community. Through the review of plans by the master developer and the official design review by the City of Temecula, these guidelines will be enforced and implemented. One important goal of these guidelines is to create a street scene possessing both functional and visual variety. Plotting and massing garage placement and building elevation criteria are intended to provide this variety in appearance, as well as a sense of individuality for each detached home. Projects where nearly identical buildings line streets without variation in placement and architectural form are prohibited. The following sections (10.5.1, 10.5.2, and 10.5.3)list plotting and massing garage placement and building elevation techniques which will aid in the creation of a "successful street scene."Although, the majority of the Harveston neighborhoods will be single family detached product, these techniques would also apply to multi family or attached product, as appropriate. While it is not necessary that every method be utilized, selective and appropriate use shall greatly contribute to achieving the desired results. Harveston Specific Plan 10-79 P:\I998�BNI620l�DECEIvIBER SPECIFIC PL4NIREVISEDFWRVESTONIREVISEDI�DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GTJXDELINES 10.5.1 Plotting,Massing and General Neighborhood Criteria �,� � i ':, � _ y The required characteristics listed below summarize the desired � ' — �`.„- 1 � '� - ° r� � community setting and streetscene for -��� �� 'y � ', _ �� , , the neighborhoods of Harveston: z �.'c � � ,�r�<i �� -- _ y ���- ��.� .=�--- � N ' � ■ Limiting the number of homes ���,. �b -� -�_-��``� "-' � ��.� �- I i�' � :.-. _ ;��,:� . �- . _ �� �s per neighborhood(i.e.±50 homes �,"���i�=�`�;r� �:,�. z,: `TT�� � _ �-•1 . .\ ` -�ia .� 7 �`'� r �.�'` _ -�v'�r,',� per neighborhood). _ .._ _�a- � ' ., -' � -_r�'f_ �1 �� /�._-_�, .y � :� � � ■ Shortening streets and providing �.�� � - _ curb separated sidewalks Plotting,Massing and General Neighborhood Criteria � Minimizing the visual impact of the garage ■ Giving attention to composition of building mass ■ Stepping back second stories and varying roof planes • Incorporating single story elements into two story buildings • Providing innovative plans and avoiding repetitious plans and footprints r Varying setbacks at porches, living, and garage areas ■ Opening comer lots through selective plan form and single story architectural elements -,.:, . � . ,�.fi'e'ir�.-..—;-!�Z - i�.�,,. •rtl r :i�' �1;,1\ „� `I�� �` k—— yj�� � � Y ..� � L ���.��.C:: �f� �IC��' j � . . �. � '�S .1�� ' . �yn � `i �'9 ���::��r����f..r, r.��.c:..��.�'�,�� -.;_ i � ��r� .�'. . '� � .:�--}'�� �i S ' ..� �,.7� �r''}� • _ f�� \ � � ' f f ,r : ^;�c,�V4 1�' ' ' _�y� �',H'��I. ;` :'' ..��.� � _ ����+,�� r �=i�Y�-� _� � G���',�•� „1�' •'� _ � '� -_ �- FL �-: �'=� � � - :'�. '�;1:�..� _ _. :�� ~ �-� �;�; •:_ ,Y ' b`�,s' ��� ��`�T� t�� t .:�rs:S �� ��':--',r� '�.S..y ti4`��, , .�"�=•. ':•��=.L.11• �`=,1 _ s .•^� !.� , {�;.��� � d� _ � _� � .. . ,. _ _ . .. ���l':,ii,I -'•�^_=�n�� .� .�•}3b':."•.. t�4L5 Plotting,Massing and General Neighborhood Criteria Harveston Specific Plan l�-Ol/�U201\VOLINROIFI[F1998�BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFiC PIANU2EVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Arehi#ecture Farward 1 Recessed Gara�es Homesites shall be dimensioned to allow the "living" portions of the = � ��L house to be pulled forwazd on the lot �`�t�.�� ��!(�•y°�•�, so that active, articulated architecture '�' Y� ' }� �Y,l,'u"" � �l� `• ~��S.^ `�- Y • 1�1�y+�� i. can visually dominate the street scene. �` � 4�F � House designs aze encouraged to place ' � "' � �, „L a� entries, windows, front porches, and f+ ' V.. living azeas directly adjacent to the ��`��" � '"'" �� street on most plan variations. --�-� ��� - �4�'�'-' Deep Recessed Garages � `��+ '� I T ' �l� i +�. y i 7 ;; r! l ' �_ i L ���� - r� *��y �•��� ' : Wlf�i� ,s, +. .�'� :��,� � � �+ ii���. �'�, �����e �i , ���� '� �� '��� .1 �� l; � � -��� � ,:� �� � . i��t��� .���.�.�. �. _.. -�`,,.�` .�.r. r- ��� .. ��--�i' — "—�� . � ' , _ j�..--.._•• �,�: �`-r ='�r----�~����--- Architecture Forward Harveston Specific Plan 10—OI\HROI\VOLIWROJF[LE11998�eN16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Setbacks A varied setback is encouraged along the street frontage. Strict compliance to the minimum garage setback is discouraged so as not to contribute to a repetitious and monotonous appearance along the street. Varia�le Front Yard 5etbacks House forms and plans that result in a variation of front yard setbacks are encouraged to create more interesting neighborhood streetscene Variable Y,ut Sixes Where possible and appropriate, variable lot sizes may be used to increase buyer selection and variety in house and lot size combinations. Variations in lot widths may be matched to floor plans so long as the average lot size specified for the product type is maintained. Nei hbarhaod Ed e Treatments In order to avoid a continuous "walled" character along residential collector streets, special treatments will be required in selected locations. These may entail open cul-de-sacs, view fencing, hedges, shrubs, neighborhood street tree programs, trail connections, and variable wall alignments and treatments. These treatments will be consistent with Figure 10.4 Community Fencing and Wall Plan and will be determined at the Tentative Tract Map stage. Pedes�rial Trail Connec#aans and Linka�e All neighborhoods shall be laid out in a manner which provide connections into the community traiUpaseo system. . . . -;.. - • - • • t Trail Connection Trail Connections to Street Harveston Specific Plan 1�-OZNR01\VOLI�PR07FILE\I998�BN16?OI�DECEMBER SPEC[FlC PIAMREVISEDHARVFSTONU2EVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.5.2 Garage Placement �� —_ �ry The home and the yard, rather than the garage should be the primary ;p1� ��; � -� �.__ z; emphasis of the elevation as seen from the street. Each planning area i �-�� � �� �- �' should incorporate a variety of the garage placement solutions i �� -~�� discussed below. Minimum driveway length from garage door shall be � 18 feet from back of sidewalk. ` � � .';•z. " .�`,: Sk�al�ow Re�essed Garages ;: - .;��, - _„_ - ...•�:F:. -:, �'`7 ' � � , . 5 ''.�-'�:�, Setting the garage back a minimum of 3 feet in relationship to the front - ;'`r -`�� • :�,•�: . of the house strives to reduce the overall visual mass of the garage. ���`�� � Comer Lot Mid tn Deen Recessed Garages Solution Setting the garage back to the middle or rear of the lot. This design treatment strives to expose more habitable architecture toward the street, and pushes the innovation of the plan. Rear Access The use of rear accessways relocates garages off neighborhood streets and creates a more traditional streetscenes,without garages dominating the front of the homes. Side Enfr Gara e The use of side entry garages on lots at least 52 feet wide will break the continuous view of garage doors � along the street. This design treatment allows for a formal motorcourt entrance which differentiates this rype of home from those on narrower lots. This gazage condition also allows for a reduction in the required front setback, which in turn provides for greater variation in the streetscene. Please note, lots providing less than 28 feet of back up maneuvering room are subject to City approval of the alternative design standards. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-03\VR01\VOLI�PROIFILE\1998�BNlfi?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC PLANIREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION lO.O DESIGN GUIDELINES Tandem Gara�e This garage layout de-emphasizes the third gazage by concealing it behind a standazd two caz gazage condition. The tandem space is located such that it may option into living space while still only showing the original two caz garage to the street. The two caz tandem garage, with a third caz option is typically either shallow or mid recessed into the lot so as to be incorporated into the azchitecture of the home. Cnr�er Lat Gara�e r�vith Wrap Ar��tnd Arrhite�ture A corner lot garage plan will have an entry door on the front elevation while the gazage doors will be found on the side elevation (see plan diagram below). This plan form creates the opportunity for azchitectural enhancements that wrap around the home from front to side elevation (see sketch elevation below). . r� . .. a�'�..:— � �i�. . . � � � ',�l,t t Wrap •. ,� ., �r EntrY '�r -��; Around Addresses � � -= ��a Porch Street - -_, . ` k � V f � � — e � ,�•�t " 1t,y r' 1 + , ��� [� 'l+ir.. ; '_.- .�_: ` :i:•.�1�f•,:- •1�+ .-_. ��"� .� r.4�ir -_ �µ'.1(�� 1I+��� - �_ r_ . �� Corner Plotting Comer Lot Soludon Harveston Specific Plan 10-84 P:U998�8N16301�DECEMBE(ZSPEC[F[C PL4MREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVfSED10.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.5.3 Building Elevations {���1 �_ _ ss�-� -��� .,� ;, Building elevations may be formulated to reflect interior uses, to :" ` -,�.�.= � = create a positive relationship with the specific plotting, and to r�:,; c�_. � �''�;;���� � reflect the architectural s le. s�� _"t�~ � ��' ry , �� - -- _ �,�:_`�� �y�'� k" t Exterior mass and form shall be manipulated to improve the r„` i� —,:�-:i'�; streetscape by controlling the impact of the homes as they relate to ".�'�!'r, � '�;�� the street, setbacks,adjacent lots, and corner plotting conditions. •��'[�1�r t �� _ ` �=`�'� ��� �.�� ��,d•:F� Y�=tl��- Sin�le Stur�+EIe�nents '`:.`:�' '� `I`'�' , i r ��;y� � — Y "1 �._ �,-y,=. 1�}. . � — �_�ti , ;'� �;� �� A key technique in creating a sense of variety within a streetscene t���'�F t4 � =� � �='- is to vary the heights and profiles with single story elements. � ,�,�s.. �• '�':"'^":�. ' .l Whether by utilizing a porch or reduced height living area, the " �L�� � � ,��:;rt� '� single story element introduces the transition element that is y ��� J� = -� - r',:�ts, y necessary for undulation and variation in front and side elevations. Front Por�n�s�nole Story Elemente Recessed Front Secnnd Stnry Stepping of second story mass may be used to improve the streetscene. As an example, the second story can be set back in relation to the garage face below it. '�;:_�'' ���:,��� - ' � � �_� '� ,� -'� , � _"�;-, �; `,k '��- -'� � � r��� 3� ��r� . '•' ' ;.:�:; '�'' r t�/� y� ��.�� .' i' Ilil:r f�:•� ;i,• •_ . ..- ��' r�-- f f �!�! i �' `,.��� �•�j � �lr` ; �-,, ��� 'a;��� I � _ f� 'i'' ���. r�. � .. i «+- r�r , W '� r [a�y�� r� � .,x^ •�, � _� ^ 1', �� ► �i I ,\ �•` � y _� �•`I ���,` �'� �,}�:� �� �� i��\ .^� .�� � I��-�- �r �� -', �; ..., a ��'.�. - , � � .:� �- �r �� - \ y ��q ` �,�rT. . '� _ .__. �� �r � =�.'t��' .���•"_ �r r��� �� s�y°��*� ��_. -4 «• � ;_ r '_' �C ` � • �'•::� ' �_ ---� `— �"" ' � �,,,,_ ` � ��� �_ '� ` �s •. �r'� r��=• • c � ''�H��! Recessed Front 2°d Story � - �' „�,:,� , `:i ���. Sinole Story Elements Harveston Specific Plan 1Q-OSWA01\VOLI�PROIF[LE11998�8N16?01\DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC PIAN�REVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Roof Form Rows of homes seen from a distance or along arterial ---:F=. ,,;;,;y y�:,��;� �.�-�-� : r�r+,. {+�'.:.'•r� :: ' i _•••�,s. roads are erceived b their contrast a ainst the s line �r;•��,=`��� i-:��=.••;,. .�G�. � P Y g �1' r:��rfr�r' � � �,,�i � 1;Fa��' � , t � .,,�� or background. The dominant impact is the shape of the �� , �;`.,'„ ;:�.��-f � building and roof line. Articulate the rear elevation and -F�r-_ `3�1�'� ����'� ".+;�� �` .. 5`( •f�� roof plane to minimize the visual impact of repetitious _ "� �''� �---� � �_ � W, flat p lanes, sisni lar building silhouettes and similar rid ge ` � � . � heights. Provide varied rear elevation forms when those �S�.�y ' � � forms are exposed to public view. ����•t�� -�t.;�i';`�„ `{ f� r '� � � ''K�, - .5�1 ""�.`�^ `s•�'� � Carner Plottin� - . :� ,'.. ,,_ r ,�. '.�2'NCrr�YC.t�lt::�il/. r. Provide plans that when plotted on comer lots have the Roof Form—Varied Ridge Heirhts flexibility to reposition the entry and garage to the exterior side yard. 10.5.4 Secondary Exterior Elements The list below represents additional character elements to be reviewed for consistency with the architectural theme. These elements typically go unnoticed as part of the architectural background in neighborhoods. A�vurtenant Structures Any detached structure to be used as living space shall conform to the design standards of the existing dwelling on the lot. Awnin�s Metal awnings are prohibited. Stairs and Ste�s Exterior stairs that are designed for access to second story living areas shall be designed to be incorporated and articulated into the theme of the home. GuEters& Dvwns�auts Exposed gutters will be colored to match the roof or wall material. Exposed downspouts will be colored to match the surfaces to which they are attached. Harveston Specific Plan 10-86\uR01\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�BN16201�DECEMBER_SPECIFlC_P1AN�REVISEDHARVESfON�REVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES Mailboxes � The type of box shall be integrated into the architecture and approved by the U.S.Postmaster. Meters Both gas and electric meters, and cable panels shall be screened from view and integrated into the architecture. Mechanical E vi ment All air conditioning/heating equipment, soft water tanks, pool and spa equipment, and electric self-timer boxes for sprinklers or exterior landscape/lighting shall be screened from public view. Patio StructuxeslGaxehos The use of patio structures is encouraged. They shall be integrated into the building form to add articulation to otherwise large unbroken wall masses. Roof_Flashin�& Vents All flashing and vents shall be colored to match the material to which it is attached. Sk�L� Skylights shall be designed as an integral part of the roof. The glazing shall be clear or solar bronze; white glazing is prohibited. The framing materials shall be colored to match or blend with the roof. Tras& Con#ainers � Space shall be provided in an adjacent sideyard or interior portion of garage to handle the size of at least three waste containers. Harveston Specifzc Plan 10-p/ P.\1998�8N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIF7C PLAMREVISEDHARVES70MREV[SEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.6 SERVICE COMIVIERCIAL ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES . Service Commercial developments present certain architectural opportunities and limitations due to building massing, parking requirements, pedestrian and service access, lighting, etc. To ensure the integrated development of Planning Area 12, the areas north and south of Date / Cherry Street shall be master planned prior to any land subdivision or development. The objective is to create an attractive Service Commercial environment, sympathetic in scale and aesthetic to the entire development. Following is a list of additional criteria, which apply to this land use area. It should be noted that site design and architectural standards not specified within this section shall be subject to the City's Design Guidelines and Performance Standards. 10.6.1 Siting and Orientation 1. Appropriate a. Buildings should be designed using simple contemporary forms organized around a single element or group of elements (that is, major space or spaces, landscape elements, etc.). The objective is for these areas to be positively differentiated as quality Service Commercial and Business Park environments. b. All design shall incorporate the combination of compatible architecture and landscape forms to insure that this development achieves an image that is distinctive, clearly understandable, and unified. c. All designs shall appear as an integrated part of an overall site design concept. d. To unify the site, use common site design elements such as lighting and signage, enriched paving, and landscape treatments. Site design shall incorporate variations in elevations. e. Buildings should be arranged to create and enclose a variety of outdoor spaces: plazas, squares, eating areas, usable open space, etc. Open areas must be large enough to be usable, but not so large as to appear empty; 15 to 50 feet in width is generally appropriate. f. Building units should vary in orientation and be clustered to create zones of similar activities. Such clusters should be dispersed throughout the site to reduce the impact of development on neighboring residential areas. g. Parking: Guest or visitor parking should be located in close proximity to main entrances. Employee parking and loading zones should be located to the side or rear of the buildings and attractively screened from public streets with landscaping or other site design elements. Street parking shall not be permitted. h. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes should be well separated and defined by landscape and site design elements. Harveston Specific Plan 1�-00\VR01\VOLI�PRO]F7LE1I998�8N16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVFSTOMREVISEDlO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Massive concentration of buildings in any single azea of the site, surrounded by an uninterrupted expanse of parking. 10.6.2 Form,Scale and Massing 1. Appropriate a. Buildings should be designed with well articulated elevations and with openings and entries that aze cleazly defined. b. Scale, particulazly for large industrial structures, should be given cazeful consideration. Long,uninterrupted expanses of walls shall not be allowed. c. Interconnection and lapping of building forms and heights to break up long expanses of blank walls help relieve monotony and aze desirable. d. All building sides should be considered equally; the azchitectural concept must be consistent on all sides. Buildings may not have a special treatment only on the facade facing the street. e. Development of a special design chazacter at building entrances is required. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited 10.6.3 Architectural Features and Details 1. Appropriate a. All buildings and structures shall comply with the applicable provisions of the City-wide Design Guidelines. In addition, all elevations facing the freeway shall include substantially similaz azchitectural treatments that aze located on the building front elevations. b. Fixtures and finishes should be selected for their contribution to the overall theme of the development. c. Medium or high performance glass, and either bronze or black anodized window frames, aze preferred. d. Reflective glass shall not be "mirrored". Reflective glass and glass curtain walls are acceptable only when used in combination with an integrated landscape design concept. (The intent of this requirement is to allow the "glass box" concept only in combination with substantial bernung and landscape planting). Harveston Specific Plan 10-89WR01\VOLI�PROIFIIEl1998�8N16?OI�DECEhIDERSPECff1C_P1ANViEVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES � . : -�. .. `�-�; ' • • •' -• _ .. - -..��, „� �::� ��= � � ���-`--� -L •�ti � :r' .'�.4. j. .. L t. �• �� e� � ,.�• r�`'o+! ,..�'j:i � �� •�� '�n..�M►�t. � �.n� ■Ii �. .. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Important themes and/or styles that are not compatible with or sympathetic in scale and aesthetic to the contemporary theme of the entire Service Commercial development. b. Buildings of mobile construction are prohibited. c. Pre-engineered metal buildings from any public view. 10.6.4 Exterior Materials and Colors 1. Appropriate a. Materials are to be durable, relatively maintenance free, and sympathetic in scale and aesthetic to the overall Service CommerciaUBusiness Park environment. b. Concrete: Textured forms or sandblasting should be utilized for tilt up concrete panels, smooth concrete uses should be either integral color or painted. c. Masonry: Brick is acceptable. Harveston Specific Plan l0-7ll�VR01\VOLI�PROIFIlE\199818NI6?O1�DECEMBE(ZSPECQ�7C PL4MREVISEDHARVESfON1REVISEDlO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN G�3TUELINES d. Stucco: Textures aze limited to machine spraying and light handtrowellfloat finishes. e. Finishes should be non-reflective. Light colors should predominate, with dazk or light colors used for accent purposes. Likewise, the use of bright colors or black shall be limited to building accents. � f. Finishes should match or coordinate with stucco or ma.sonry wall fmishes. Textured surfaces should be limited primarily to vertical surfaces. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Used brick or used brick appeazance is not acceptable. Standazd concrete block is not pemutted as a fmish material. b. Metal panel wall systems which are finished to an unaesthetic or nonconforming color or texture. c. Corrugated metal siding. d. Exposed standazd concrete block. e. Exposed plywood sheathing. f. Bold application of color such as accent strips or super graphics. 10.6.5 Roof Forms and Materials 1. Appropriate a. Flat clay or concrete tile. b. Barrel clay or concrete tile when used sparingly as accent features. c. Colored or prefmished standing seam metal roofs. d. Flat roof designs, when visible from adjacent properties, shall be crushed rock or mineral surfaced cap sheet resulting in a similaz uniform coverage treatment. Roof surfacing is to be an earthtone color. e. Flat roofs shall make-up no more than 75% of total roof area for any single unit or building composite. This treatment creates natural material with textural look which coordinates with Mediterranean environment of earthtone wall fmishes. Harveston Specific Plan 10-91NR01\VOLI�PRO7FILE11998�SN16201�DECEMBEf�SPECIF7C PLAN�REVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN G[TIDELINES 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. False facades and mansard roofs when unrelated to the style of the building. b. Asphalt shingles, wood shake,and/or shingle roofing. c. Barrel clay or concrete tile when used extensively. Barrel tiles should be limited to accent features such as towers,hipped roofs,etc. Harveston Specific Plan 10-92\VR01\VOLI�PRO]F7LE11998�SN16201�DECEMBE[ZSPEC�IC PLAMREV[SEDHARVESTOMREVISEDIODOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.6.6 Walls and Fences 1. Appropriate a. Decorative walls and/or walls screening yards, parking lot or enclosures shall be designed to integrate with the architecture of the building, as well as the landscape design. This can be accomplished by gradually building up the massing of the walls as they attach to a building or creating openings for entry gates(see sketches below). � � � � __ - ` f � � .�µ � . � � _ �� � a �� � � � m F I 4 �. _ .i�f.� � � ���� .��ti �` � -- ;i — O � � . v♦V M � � v �'n ^ � � � Harveston Specific Plan 10-93\UR01\VOLIWROJF7LF1998�BNI6?O1�DECEMBER SPECIFlC_P[AMREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDIO.DOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN�UIDELINES 10.6.7 Accessory Structures and Services 1. Appropriate Any accessory buildings andlor enclosures, whether attached to the main building or not, shall be of similar design and materials. � : . � �� ' - . �� � � ,,, � � �� � 1 � � . ,,, :% ✓ r � � , ,f-�} . . ..•� �� - r�� ' • • � J' . • �l'- • - ' " ' 10.6.8 Street/Plaza Furniture and Bus Shelters Street, bus and plaza furniture and bus shelters within Service Commercial developments on-site shall be designed to coordinate in design, style and color with the principal architectural themes andlor architectural details of the primary structure(s)and building(s)in the development. 10.6.9 Lighting 1. Appropriate a. Low, shielded walkway lighting. b. Screen site lighting from direct view by adjacent residential neighborhoods. c. All lighting on-site must conform with applicable Mount Palomar lighting restricted zone requirements. The illumination shall not spill over and adversely affect adjacent properties. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Flashing, moving, high-intensity or exposed light source type of luminaries. Harveston Specific Plan 10-94\VROI\VOLIIPROIF7LE11998�8N16201�DECEM6EIZSPECIF7C_PIAMREVISEDHARVESfOMREVISEDIQDOC SECTION 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 10.6.10 Mechanical Equipment 1. Appropriate a. Pazapets or other azchitectural elements which aze fully integrated into the overall building design and massing are encouraged. b. All roof mounted mechanical e�uipment shall be screened from the ground level view to a minimum sight distance of 1,320 feet and shall not be visible from public view. If the azchitectural parapets do not screen the roof mounted equipment additional screening shall be incorporated. c. No exposed electrical,mechanical or service equipment of any type shall be allowed. d. Downspouts or roof access ladders are not to be visible from any street. e. Use screening materials which aze similaz or complementary to the extemal materials used in the building azchitecture. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. The final surface of screening materials shall not include plywood and/or open trellis. 10.7 MIXED USE"VILLAGE CENTER"ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES Because the uses which will occur under the mixed use overlay will be tied to the underlying residential neighborhood chazacter, the azchitecture for the future uses within the overlay shall be consistent with that described in sections 10.4 and 10.5. Additionally, the azchitecture shall conform to the applicable site planning guidelines included as part of section 11.4.7. Harveston Specific Plan 10-95\VR01\VOLI�PROlF71E.11998�8N16201�DECEMBk]ZSPECIFIC PL4MREV[SEDHARVESTOMREVISEDlO.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.1 INTRODUCTION This section is broken down into the 12 Planning Areas proposed as part of the Harveston planned development. Development Standards pertaining to each Planning Area are listed under the appropriate Area. The following is a general description of planning objectives, which pertain to the proposed development. 11.2 PLANI�TING OBJECTIVES This Specific Land Use Plan is being prepared within the framework of a detailed and comprehensive multi- disciplinary planning program. In addition to considering issues such as engineering feasibility, market acceptance, economic viability, City General Plan goals and objectives, development phasing and local community goals, certain planning objectives were targeted to assure the environmental compatibility, aesthetic satisfaction and functional integrity of the Specific Plan as a whole.With these goals and objectives in mind,the Harveston Specific Plan: • Considers topographic, geologic and hydrologic envirat�mental opportunities and constraints to create a design that generally conforms to the character of the land. The project will require the alteration of existing landforms and the cudfill of slopes. ■ Reflects anticipated marketing needs and public demand by providing a range of housing types, which will be marketable within the developing economic profile of the City of Temecula area, as well as the County of Riverside generally. + Provides residential development, adequate support facilities (commercial, business park use, community uses, schools, open space and recreation) and circulation in a convenient and efFicient manner. • Provides planning provisions for a safe and e�cient circulation system composed of a network of planned local roadways designed for appropriate traffic and user needs. ■ Establishes a unique open space environment utilizing a greenbeldpaseo system and expanded parkways to link the Lake Park, Community Park, neighborhood mini parks, recreation areas, school, and mixed- use Village Center. • Constructs all required on-site and off-site infrasiructure improvements in order to provide a coordinated development schedule consistent with surrounding land uses and in accordance with requirements and needs of the City's local utility and service districts. • Encourages architectural forward residential building design, incorporating innovative architectural styles along with successful site planning techniques, which together bring about unique streetscenes. • Allows transfer of residential units within the Specific Plan area as follows: Residential LTni[Transfer Setween Planning Areas Figure 3.1, Conceptual Land Use Plan and Table 3.1, Detailed Land Use Summary set forth the land use designation, planning area identification, total acreage, density range, target density and total targeted Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-1\UROl\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�8NI6201�DECEMBER_SPEC[ElC PLAMREVfSED HARVESTOMREVISEDI- I lAND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS dwelling units planned for each residential Planning Area. Residential unit transfer shall mean the redistribution of residential units from one planning area to another. For example,if the number of units developed within a planning area is below the designated target, then the remainder of those units may be transferred to another planning area. The Director of Planning shall approve a change in the designated target for a Planning Area upon a deternunation that the transfer meets all of the following conditions: a. The total number of approved residential units and the total number of projected future residential units, when combined, shall not exceed the allowed maximum of 1,921 dwelling units,exclusive of congregate care units. b. The developer may transfer unused residential units from a previously approved Planning Area (or Planning Areas)to a proposed Planning Area(s), if the developer has previously declared the residential units in the previously approved Planning Area(s) as unused residential units and eligible for residential unit transfer. When a development application is submitted to the City for a Planning Area(s), the developer must submit, concurrently with the application, a Project Residential Unit Reconciliation Report that identifies the total number of residential units previously approved, the total number of residential units previously declared eligible for residential unit transfer, and the total number of projected future residential units remaining to be developed in the balance of the project. c. The number of excess residential units identified for transfer to a Planning Area(s) may not exceed 20% of the total target residential units (or the high end of density range) in the receiving planning area, as identified in Table 3.1, whichever is less. It should be noted that the City's General Plan allows a density bonus for senior housing projects. d, �'he_rP wo��ld � �zo sig�if d�nr_ �dversy yffedt �r, p��jected dezt�ands o_r_ p�ks9 sc�so�l,9 infrastructure,and community facilities. e. Grading and landform alteration would substantially comply with that previously approved for the Specific Plan. f. No new significant environmental impacts would result. Plar�ning Area Intensit,y Variati�ns The Specific Plan envisions variations in intensity within individual planning areas. For example, an M1 Planning Area may be targeted for 185 residential units (with a target density of 6 residential units per acre). The Planning Area could have one neighborhood with 4 residential units per acre and one neighborhood with 8 residential units per acre,however the average would still be 6 residential units per acre and the total number of residential units would not exceed the designated target of 185. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-2WR01\VOLI�PROIFQ.E�I998�BN16201�DECENIDEIZSPECIFlC PCANU2EVISED HARVESTONV2EVISEDI- I IAND I'_DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3 PLANI�TING AREA DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.1 Planning Area 1: Low Medium Density Residential and Community Park Description Planning Area 1, as depicted in Figure 11.1, Planning Area Detail 1, provides for 41.1 acres of Low Medium density residential uses. A total of 164 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 4.0 du/ac(Density Range 3-5 du/ac). Additionally, a 16.5-acre community park is planned within Planning Area 1.Within the Community Park, there is a 1.3-acre out parcel. A mini park is also proposed within the residential portion of the Planning Area. The proposed product types for this planning area includes single family detached and possibly duplex or cluster development. Land Use De�elo ment St�ndards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Planning S_tat�dards 1. Access into Planning Area 1 shall be provided from the Loop Road with internal access through Planning Area 5. Specific location of the access points shall be deternuned at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. Special landscape treatment shall be provided along the edge of the Planning Area boundary and Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 4. A cornmunity paseo and a Class II bike lane shall be provided along the Loop Road (refer to Figure 10.1-8). 5. The Community Park shall contain lighted sports fields, picnic area, tot lot, and more (refer to Figures 6-3A—6-3D). 6. A parking area shall be provided for the Community Park(refer to Figures 6-3A—6-3D). 7. Roadway landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along the outer boundary of the Community Park (refer to Figures 6-3A—6-3D). 8. Special Community Park landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along the Community Park boundary adjacent to the residential neighborhoods(refer to Figures 6-3A—6-3D). 9. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-3\UR01\VOLI�PROIFi[E\1998�BNI6?OILLATESiSPECIF7CPL4MFEBRUARYSPECo-ICPLAMREVISEDI- 11AND 12 DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 �- ! � � �-- � � ` ■� ��_ •t � •' '� - ,.. a`� OUT PARCEL :� _ � '� -� _ ���",�' ��'tY ` , 1.3AC . .� � � �Y�w� � �i • --` �.TY���(��'1 �\` •� ,, . � COMMITNITY , � •., PARK LANDSCAPE S ecific Plan . ,� � �L.e Comrrrunities , ' � �-� ' -' � :. e �� ` •� � . . , � �� �� �� � � �,�.� ' � , �o � �� '� �. ; � � -� - � � Community Park � , ., � � 1 � � . 16.5 AC \ • � � .�. COMMLTNITY PASEO � � � � ♦- ' , ';` SEE FIG. 10.1-8 '-, •- � ♦ � . ' . � . . CLASS II � • - BIKE 11tAII., . . :_� . � � � � � . Lp�A _ SEE FIG. 10.1-8 � ► � ' � , Rti�d•.::�_ . - • ' � , � . • . . . . . .-. . - • • ' ' ' � �� � \ �� � � r � LOOP ROAD NEIGHBORHOOD � � � ' LANDSCAPE ACCESS TREATMENT _� PARK LANDSCAPE SEE FIGURE 10.1-8 MINI Pp►� ! �r BUFFER SEE FIG 6.2 � � � LOW MEDIUM 41.1 AC �� � 164 UNITS � `~�� �1• _ � • � PROJECT INTERFACE EXTERNAL ROADWAY 1� -- � SEE FIG. 10.1-20 LANDSCAPE TREATMENT � �� SEE FIG. 10.1� ' . . Key Map: _� �r � `= `� ,. 11 1� SPECIAL LANDSCAPE � �� � 9 BUFFER TREATMENT � � � SEE FIG. 10.1-18 E 12 S � � � • 2 � 4 ��� �I �' �. _ � b ��� � , �r / �'..-,. l �'�- , I Figure 11.1 � � a Februarp 2001 Planning Area Detail 1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.2 Planning Area 2: Mediu�n 1 Density Residential Description Planning Area 2, as depicted in Figure 11.2, Planning Area Detail 2, provides for 40.1 acres of Medium 1 density residential uses. A total of 241 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 6.0 du/ac (Density Range 5-7 du/ac). This planning area also includes a portion of the 2.0-acre Paseo Park, which connects the Lake Park to the Community Park. The proposed product types for this planning area include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. L.an�LTse De�e�o tnent Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan (refer to Section 11�). P]annit��Sta�dards 1. Access into Planning Area 2 shall be provided from the Loop Road at a minimum of two entry points with intemal access through Planning Area 3. Specific location of the access points shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage(refer to Figures 10.1-10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. Special landscaping treatment shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 4. A community paseo and a Class II bike lane shall be provided along the Loop Road. The paseo shall be located along the outer edge of the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 5. A 2.0-acre paseo park shall be provided in Planning Area 2, which will intercept Planning Area 3, connecting to the Lake Park(refer to Figures 6.5 and 10.1-13). 6. A paseo edge landscape treatment shall be provided along the edges of the paseo park (refer to Figures 6.5 and 10.1-13). 7. An 8'paseo trail shall be provided in the paseo park(refer to Figures 6.5 and 10.1-13). 8. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-5\VR01\VOLI�PROJFilbl1996�eN16?OILLATESI'SPECIFTCPLAMFEBRUARYSPECIF7CPL4MREVISEDI- 11ANDl?.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 � ...,'—rr2�_ ��,rve��on Specific Plan Lennar Communitze.r ���Y II.�.,:^�_�_ . .. -` r��' -_� ~' � ��' ,�` �_ �� , .f�: � . ,f , ACCESS � � SEE FIG. � ��• 10.1-12 ' i 1 � MEDIUM 1 ' . ' 40.1 AC � ; �'�� 241 LTrIITS � � / � ��I�;.� ACCESS � Ii �, � '' I Ii+ ; � / � �!: d /. � . , NEIGHBORHOOD PASEO TRAII. ACCESS SEEFiG.10.1-13 � SEE FiG.10.1-12 � _�. � == E � PASED l~f^ ' PARK ,f ` �1�� 1 ` :y'� � J�rr. 1 �� �''~::l• � ACCESS 1 5 - ASEO EDGE LANDSCAPE � � � '-. SEE FIG.10.1-13 " '•�•' NEIGHBORHOOD �� ACCESS SEE FiG.10.1-12 �` ,� .. NEIGHBORHOOD , I �� ACCESS � I �` SEE FiG.10.1-12 � �. . • � LOOP ROAD Key Map: '� �� CONIMiJ1VITYPA5E0 - �� .. . � y SEE FiG.10.1-8 SEE FiG.10.1-8 I� �� + • CLASS II J`� \ • J-: 1� � .';'��.• 5 S1F:E 11'FL4II. `.'� . � �:=: - �' '-!-=�' � I2 8 �' 7 ��`�. ' -�_ ' ' ' • ��..�:-"'-�t�� I I: � 3 4 '�- __��� ;� � 6 }~ � Figure 11.2 Planning Area Detail2 � ��� February 2001 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.3 Planning Area 3: Medium 2 Density Residential,Lake,Lake Park,Paseo Park,Village Green and Mixed Use Overlay Zone Description 1°lanning Axea 3, as depicted in Fi�aure I,�.3, Planning Area Detai� 3, pro�ides far 35.9 acres af Medium � density resi�ential uses. A total of 33Q dwelling units are piann�d at a target density of 9.2 dsafac (Density Range 7-13 dulac}. Additionally, a 17.3-acre �akellake paxk is planned withi� Planning Area 3, which also includes the Village Club.There is aiso a 2.Q-acre Paseo park propased which intercepts Pianning Area 2 and connects to the Cammunity Park. There is alsa a 1.$-a�re Villa�e Green within this Plannin� Area. Planning Area 3 propases a Mixed-Use D�erlay zone, which will extend beyotad this Planning Area, into Planning Areas 4 and 6. This zone wil�have a �ariety of uses such as retail, restaurant, and mare. The prapased product types far tlus planning area inclt�de small lot single famzly detached, at[ached and Gluster development. Land Llse De�eja nnez►t Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11-4). Plannin�Standards 1. Access into Planning Area 3 shall be provided from the Village Center Collector, with internal access throug� Plattning Areas 2 and 4. Specific location of the access points shalt be detern�.ined at tha Tentati�e Map sta�e(refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. An 8.4-acre lake shall be provided in Planning Area 3, surrounded by a lake park(refer to Figure 6.4). 4. Landscape treatment shall be provided along the edge of the Planning Area boundary and Loop Road (refer to Figure 10.1-8). 5. Sp��iai landscaping buffer shall be provided between the Lake/Lake Park and the residential uses (refer to Figures 1Q.1-I4 and 10.1-15). 6. The 2.0-acre Paseo Park shall connect the Community Park in Planning Area 1 to the Lake Park(refer to Figures 6.5 and 10.1-13). 7. A paseo edge landscape treatment shall be provided along the edges of the paseo park (refer to Figures 6.5 and 10.1-13). 8. A lake park trail shall be provided around the lake (continuation of the paseo park trail) (refer to Figures 6.4 and 6.5). 9. A Class II bike lane shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 10. A community paseo shall be provided along the outer edge of the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 11. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-7NR01\VOLI�PROlF1IF\1998�8N16?OIVATESCSPEC�ICPL4N�FEBRUARYSPECIF7CPLAMREVISEDI- I IAND12DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 _L__�I ���_ _�� r �- r�� Date Street �-� ---------- -----..�.__�...__—__--_------------ � � -�" _..-=�-r�-r{�� ! ��.II'����UI� i � i � Specific Plan Lennar Communities CLASS II BIKE TRAII, ALONG LOOP ROAD COMMUNiTY PASE � SEE FIG.10.1-8 — SEE FIG.10.1-8 � �..r � _ . . ����� ��-�-�,�_ _��f � _ -- _ _1� � POSSIBLE T.AKR �r� .�-� CbNF1GLi�4TTQN �� - ��_ -�= _ � wr����_ �__—__�_ � � ' • •�-�-=: . `� / LOOP ROAD LANDSCAPE � �'+� -- —• ~POSSIBLE �.� T�AT�T -� r ACCESS SEE FIG.10.1-8 ] NEIGHBORHOOD � ACCESS � � SPECiAL IE]ENT'LAL � � RESIDENI7AI.LAKE FRQNT E ROr7b �`� E.17�F FAG L�.�11JSC,7PE � � HUFFER TREATMENT T SE£ .10.1-14 � »— MEDIUM 2 A��s 35.9 AC 330 UNITS , LAKEPARK i P MULTI PURPOSE PASEO EDGE FACILITY ' LANDSCAPE T�'T�'''T 17.3 �C sr�c�.as.xESID�.& FRONTAGE ROAD L.AI�PARK LANDSCAPE TREATMENT r� PASEO ■C SEE FIG.10.1-14 � SEE FIG.1 -13 . F. NEIGFFIBORHOOD G ACCESS ��f � ", SEEFIG.10.1-12 ��� r i � � ' � f r�/ r� ` �/ PASEO , f /� -` , Jl f � � r .-— `r � ��r �` r� _� , , � ; :�/ �, � � � fI ► � �- " � `" ���' 1 ACCESS � f r � +� ' , J � /: '�. � ■ ,- �� � vsE��c..a�.. c. xssrn �' � / , � '�:. �' v i�a�sf, =,1 . � T.AKF� � ��. f, /f ' . � f .• f , .' SE�E G. .1-l$ f �' � ���� ,, , F � � �'� f � �,, ,, �: . � �� ■ - � , /. , , t-�. �; . \ ' ,>>� ,. , , ` �. r: Key Map: � • �{ VII.LAGE CENTER LADIDSCAPE ��• �.,�� 11 �Q rr�a�moxxoa � • s�r�G.io.i-ii ACCESS ' � - r � LAKE EDGF/LOOP ROAD 9 `'` SEE FIG.10.1-12 ��� � PASEO L�DSEE FTG.�ATT�� � r��- ' . 12 g �� -%� 55 II BIKE TRAII, i 9 ��� `� r ]�. �` J I ALi�G VII,LAGE CENTER ` � � '� r} • (Vj -�� -~_ __ _�� __••�• � z�.�o.i-a ti ��,f��'-- �� ~ J� �' � ` t`. 2 "r,•6 '``'~__--__�- �� �, � � � 1 ' Figure 11.3 � � February 2001 Planni_ng Area Detail 3 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.4 Planning Area 4: Low Medium Density Residential,School,and Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Description Planning Area 4, as depicted in Figure 11.4, Planning Area Detail 4, provides for 24.5 acres of Low Medium density residential uses. A total of 83 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 3.4 du/ac (Density Range 3-5 du/ac). Additionally, a 12.0-acre elementary school is planned within Planning Area 4. Planning Area 4 also contains a portion of the 20,000 square-foot Mixed-Use Overlay zone on the south side. This zone will extend beyond this Planning Area, into Planning Areas 3 and 6. This zone will have a variety of uses such as retail, restaurant, and more. The proposed product types for this planning area include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. Land [Tse De�velo�ament Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Plannin�Stat�dards 1. Access into Planning Area 4 will be provided from the Loop Road (residential collector), with internal access through Planning Area 3. The school shall be accessed through two entries from the Loop Road. Specific location of the access points shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 3. A roundabout shall be provided at the school entry from the Village Center. This feature shall serve as a major focal point and will include one of the following options: art, statue, specimen tree, monument tower, or town clock(refer to Figure 11.14). The required focal point element shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. 4. Special landscaping treatment shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 5. A Class II bike lane shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 6. A community paseo shall be provided along the outer edge of the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 7. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-9\VR01\VOLI�PROIFILEl1998�8N1fi?OIUA7ESTSPECIF7CPIAMF�9Rl1ARYSPECIFICPL4MREVISEDI- I IANDI?.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 � =����� �ar�����n Specific Plan Lennar Comnaunitae,r \ URBANLANDSCAPE �� \� � �f. TREATMENT � l .•� , \ f � SEE FIG. 10.1-11 f •'� / i � �� ■ � - � � i .'� . P LEL '� •'� ,� , ,' � P G . �� '� , �, �. VILLAGE CENTER .`� ,• �• i URBAN WALK ' ' � . . SEE FIG. 10.i- � ; � VILLAGE GREEN •�� 1.8 AC � . � ACCESS (DRIVEWAY) - � HIGH NEIGHBORHOOD �� ' �� 16.8 AC ACCESS ��,..••� � �' ' SEE FIG. 10.1-12 300 UNITS . COMMUIVITY PASEO ' ' SEE FIG. 10.1-5A,B,C . �' . �� � � . COMMUNITY . '� � � ENTRY SEE FIG. ' �/ � 10.2 � - ' � FORMAL ENTRY • � �� - \ LANDSCAPING SEE FIG. � _ ' 10.1-SA,B,C • • �' �I'EANAL ROADWAY � �LANE7SCAPE TREATMENT � ' � ■ r— � � . • �� SEE FIG. 10.1-4 � � .�o�• r- \ ' : ''` ��a R°a d CLA55 II BIKE TRAIL ����.•' _ �aY a�' SEEFIG. 10.1� l�ey Map; r � � ' 11 io 9 7 12 8 � 4 2 5 I Figure 11.6 Planning Area Detail 6 � � February 2001 � � -� „ _ �rF_ ��������� Specific Plan Lennar Communities l � � � yS � _y j� NEIGFIBORHOOD i I ` ACCE55 i i I ' -�.�, SEE FIG.10.1-12 � � � � ^.�' __ _ ...._�L _ _ - .:�:`�,� � � - -�' �� ~�'.. i I ------ •'�. � I �I � I i I f I � / IAOP ROAD . � � I � �.�msc'�rE LOW MEDNM + ti ' SEE�G.�0.8 24.5 AC , �I ' i � 83 iJ1VITS •a ! I I co�zy � � � PASEO .•�1 I I � SEE FIG.I0.1-8 1 � 5 � I ' � 1 1 � ��SSII �:� 1 � I sncE�rxa.II, . , , , :9 F s � SCHOOL ` 12.1 AC. •y I � I TIIJ�D LISE LOOP ROAD i � O / LANDSCAPE � I � � �'� �� � ' 1 , �,- SEE FIG.10.1-8 + �`�` � r r , �L . ,� ' , - f1 � � ' cir��-�,saL� %� 1 og�veaz. f .,,' + } � . � � �f B.�II+L: / ,s NEIGHBORHOOD� ,' � �� � r� � : •,f 'r ��I � + ACCE55 • � SEE FIG.10.1-12 � � . / � f% � t FORMALENTRY r � • � LANDSCAPING � � � •� '}�� �''+ SEE FIG.10.1-7 ' � ,,� / � /� SCH40FJLOflP ROAD �� i�� / EDGE TREATMENT r COMMUNITY ENTRY �� ' SEE FIG.103 /� � J�,r �, � �� / .' fF NEI�GHBORHOOD ' � ACCESS � � SEE FIG.10.1-12 � � CLASS II BIICE TRAII. � ALONG MARAGARTfA i , � SEE FIG.10.1� � � Key Map: E���.�o��AY r LANDSCAPE TREATMENT � • � SEE FIG.10.1� 11 10 �!� ' 9 � . � . . , � , . � `, � t2 8 �� �� .� ��`Y �` � � ' ' �� � 5 Z Figure 11.4 Plannuzg Area Detail4 ■ • � February 2001 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.5 Planning Area 5: Mediu�n 2 Density Residential Description Planning Area 5, as depicted in Figure 11.5, Planning Area Detail5,provides for 7.5 acres of Medium 2 density residential uses. A total of 75 dwelling units aze planned at a tazget density of 10.0 du/ac (Density Range 7-13 du/ac). The proposed product types for this planning azea include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. Land Use Develv m�ent Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). PlatttlYl�a Stalttdard5 1. Access into Planning Area 5 will be provided from the Loop Road, with right-in/right-out access from the Village Green and intemal access through Planning Area 1. Specific location of the access points shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. External roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Mazgarita Road(refer to Figure 10.1-4). 4. Special landscape treatment shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure10.1-8). 5. Formal entry landscaping shall be provided along the outer edge of Planning Area 5 and the Village Green(refer to Figure 6.4). 6. Major Entry monumentation and treatment shall be provided at Mazgarita Road(refer to Figure 10.2). 7. A Class II bike lane shall be provided along Mazgarita Road, through Major Project Entry and Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 8. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standazds that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-111UR01\VOLI�PROIFILE11998�SNI6?OILLATESTSPECQ�7CPiAMFEBRUARYSPECIFICPlANV2EVISEDI- 1 lANDI'_.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 =� '����f. �ar�-e���n 5pe�if�c Plan , VILLAGE L.ennar Cammunities ■, CLUB VILLAGE GREEN ��� 1.8 AC { CO TY + � � PASEO SEE + - , FIG. 10.i� -'�� .�.�r ��. � ���. • ... .�'�� ••: .• �. ����.• .•'�� .��r• • •�• �• .. . � �■ rr . ��. r � a � � e• .'••�= _ • + . /oq�. . .: �� ,� • '. . � � , . .•'. .� �r"• ••. IGHBaRHODD ACCESS • �• SEEFIG10.1-12 •'� •� FORMAL ENTRY `•, �� � LANDSCAPING SEE �'. �• FIG 10.1-5 ' � •,��•. •� COMMUNIT'Y '•� ENTRY SEE MEDIUM 2 ' �'• FIG. 10.2 . - . 7.5 AC ' ': � 75 UNITS ' ' � - , �_ , . - � : . . - •.. ..•• �- .� : __ � EXTERNAL '� ► �,• ROADWAY �� ��y LANDSCAPE � r TREATMEIVT SEE t i t a R°a a� - � FIG10.1-4 -� Mal�,a � � �f ��_ ` CLASS II �� BIKE TRAII., ���' SEE FIG 10.1-4 / . Key Map: 11 �o 9 7 12 8 � 4 Z 5 1 Figure 11.5 Plannuzg Area Detail5 � � February 2001 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.6 Planning Area 6: High Density Residential and Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Description Planning Area 6, as depicted in Figure 11.6, Planning Area Detail 6, provides for 16.8 acres of High density residential uses. A total of 300 multi-family (apartments) are planned at a target density of 17.8 du/ac (Density Range 13-20 du/ac). Planning Area 6 also contains a portion of the 20,000 square-foot of the Mixed-Use Overlay zone on the north side. This zone will extend beyond this Planning Area, into Planning Areas 3 and 4. This zone will have a variety of uses such as retail, restaurant, and more. The proposed product types for this planning area include attached residential including apartments, condominiums, townhomes and residential over commercial. Land Use De�ela ment Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see 11.4). Piannin�Standards 1. Access into Planning Area 6 will be provided from the Village Center Road and the Loop Road. Internal access between Planning Area 6 and Planning Area 4 will be provided. Specific location of the access points shall be deternuned at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. A community paseo shall be provided along the Major Entry(refer to Figures 6.4 and 10.1-5). 4. The Major Entry monumentation and treatment shall be provided at Margarita Road and Major Entry (refer to Figure 10.2). 5. Formal entry landscaping shall be provided along the outer edge of Planning Area 6(refer to Figures 6.4 and 10.1-5). 6. Urban landscape and walking treatment shall be provided along the Village Center (refer to Figures 10.1-11 and 11.15). 7. Parallel parking shall be provided along the Village Center(refer to Figures 10.1-11 and 11.15). 8. External roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Margarita Road(refer to Figure 10.1-4). 9. A Class II bike lane shall be provided along Margarita Road(refer to Figure 10.1-4). 10. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-13\VR01\VOLI�PR07F[L.611998�8N16?OI�L4TESf5PECQ�7CPIAMFEBRUARYSPECIF7CPL4MREVISEDI- I IANDI?DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.7 Planning Area 7: Low Medium Density Residential Description Planning Area 7, as depicted in Figure 11.7, Planning Area Detail 7, provides for 39.1 acres of Low Medium density residential uses. A total of 140 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 3.6 du/ac (Density Range 3-5 du/ac). Additionally, there will be mini parks within this Planning Area to serve the Harveston residents. The proposed product types for this planning area include single family detached and possibly small lot single family detached. Land CTse De�elopment Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Plannin�Standards 1. Access into Planning Area 7 will be provided from the Loop Road. Intemal access will be provided between neighborhoods within Planning Area 7. Specific location of the access points shall be detemuned at the Tentative Map stage(refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. A Mini park shall be designated in Planning Area 7(refer to Figure 6.2). 4. A community paseo shall be provided along the outer edge of the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 5. A Class II bike lane shall be provided along Date Street and Margarita.Road(refer to Figures 10.1-1 and 10.1-4). 6. A community walk shall be provided along Margarita.Road and Date Street (refer to Figures 10.1-1 and 10.1-4). 7. Formal entry landscaping shall be provided along the Loop Road connections to Margarita. Road and Date Street(refer to Figures 10.2, 10.3, 10.1-6 and 10.1-7). 8. Major community entry monumentation and landscaping shall be provided at the Major Community Entry at Date Street(refer to Figures 10.2). 9. Extemal roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Date Street and Margarita Road (refer to Figures 10.1-1B and 10.1-4). 10. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b: Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-15\UR01\VOLI�PROIFII.FI998�8N16?OIVATESTSPECQ-ICPLAMFEBRUARYSPECIF7CPL4NUtEVISEDI- I IANDI'.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 ;�'�: _ �-�� � �.�'-��1 �1�.rv����➢� 5pec�fic Pla� �.ennar Com��arsni�ie�' L__� � r' � - --- - ---------- - - - - - - - - Da#e Street - - - - ---- - - ---- ------- ----- --- -- —�- - -- � ------ - � �_ �.�►� - -- � -��- i::::=--_-.� _�.. .-. COMMUNITY ENTRY � rg}��pi,ROADWAY I � SEE FIG.10.2 LANDSCAPE TREATMENT 1 I � I FORMAI.ENTRY LOW MEDNM S��G.'o.'-'B ` { LANDSCAPING � � SEE FIG l0.lfi 3 9.1 AC � i �°Eo�G 140 iJNITS ` � LOOP ROAD SEE FIG.10.1-8 � NEIGFIBORHOOD I � ACCESS SEE FTG 10.1-12 LOOP ROAD i LANDSCAPE � ��.►�"""'+ h'E1GFiSORHODI] � � TREATMENT } �� -- • . —.�. '��� ACCESS � SEE FIG.10.1-8 � �•�.._ a - - • • � hIITII PARK ����--- - '��� SEEFTG18.1� .._.�.--_- - .- •- � ` SEE FIG.6.2 � — - ..---��� � � � � ��.__. ._ _ -- - '�_ '� � \ � __�_- � •-� f � , .. . � 4 � ��❑�Q� +r COMMUNITY PASEO Cj� •- � ALONG LOOP ROADI� �! I+IE]GHBORHQO � � � ACCES SEE FIG.]0.1-8 � ` ACCESS ��� SEEFIG.iq.f-12 � SEEFIG 10.1-12 �' � J � �•\ s � f ' i 1 /�� COMIvf[7NTI'Y � � WALKALONG � I � Y� � MARGARITA � I �r e r � I SEE FTG.10.1� i �� 1 NESGHBORHDOL} �t / � �`\ ACCESS ` � I i SEEFTG.10.1-8 � _� / \ � / 1 ' / � � 1 1 / �� �I I ' r f 1 I 1 , <• 1 � ^��« '� � � 1 - \� ., - L �` Key Map: �f , , •' -� _ � , . + , , , , . � ii ' � � . io � . . � 1 _ � :~�.-. 9 � � � r FORMAI.ENT'RY �. � �f1� LANDSCAPING � _.��` I �` , \ f�J� J S�FIG.10.1-7 r � �� $ ■ C% ■ I �� � � � � COMMUNITY ENTRY 3 � \ �� , � SEE F1G.10.3 � � J 1 I� � 1 l S � Figure 11.7 � � ■ • February 2001 Planning Area Detail7 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.8 Planning Area 8: Medium 1 Density Residential Description Planning Area 8, as depicted in Figure 11.8, Planning Area Detail 8, provides for 39.0 acres of Medium�1 density residential uses. A total of 234 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 6.0 du/ac (Density Range 5-7 du/ac). The proposed product types for this planning area include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. Land Use De�ela ment Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Plann�in�Standards 1. Access into Planning Area 8 will be provided from the Loop Road. Specific location of the access points shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage(refer to Figures 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. Special landscape treatment shall be provide between the residential uses and the Community Park (refer to Figures 6.3A through 6.3D). 4. Extemal roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Date Street and Ynez Road (refer to Figures 10.1-1 and 10.1-3). 5. Special landscaping shall be provided along the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 6. A community paseo shall be provided along the outer edge of the Loop Road(refer to Figure 10.1-8). 7. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Crrading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11-1/\UR01\VOL(�PROIFILE\1996�BNI6?O1�DECEMBEIZSPECff[C PL4MREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI- I IANDI?DOC i _-. - - - - -�--� ��. � � � � _ _ � �_ _'- � - - �=�� ; -' ��r�����xa � _� _ _ �-- � Specific Plan Lennar Commus�i�ies tTeet � ate 5 - MEDICJIVI 1 3 9.0 AC �'' 234 LTNITS �,��``��r� __ ~ � � , � � __ . �' � � � I� � � _ __ f � � � _. O I � � � � NEIGHBORHOOD ' ' N ACCESS l��' � SEE FIG. 10.1-12 �`� � EXTERNAL ROADWAY � �"' LANDSCAPE TREATMENT - ,r SEE FIG. 10.1-3 � � � .i� . �� J � � �,' � 4 �� �i 0 � q I � ! O LOOP ROAD —-- —— LANDSCAPE TREATMENT � i SEE FIG 10.1-8 i i �� OUT PARCEL � ' I2.5 AC I �� ► Key Map: , � �� NEIGHBORHOOD � i ACCESS + SFE FIG. 10.1-12 lI 14 �__ __� � I . �r� , -= 7 �� l, g ' COMMLTNITY PASEO +�;r ; ALONG LOOP ROAD � � y SEE FIG., 10.1-8 � s � 6 � , ti � � . Fig2zre 11.8 � � February 2001 Planning Area Detail8 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.9 Planning Area 9: Medium 2 Density Residential and Arroyo Park Description Planning Area 9, as depicted in Figure 11.9, Planning Area Detail 9, provides for 8.6 acres of Medium 2 density residential uses. A total of 83 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 9.6 du/ac (Density Range 7-13 du/ac). Additionally, there will be a 13.8-acre Arroyo Park within this Planning Area, which runs the entire length of Planning Area 9. The proposed product types for this planning area include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. Additionally, religious institutions and community facilities may be allowed in this Planning Area. Land Use Develo me�at Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). P[anni�t�Standar�s 1. Access into Planning Area 9 will be provided from Date Street. Specific location of the access point shall be deternuned at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-1A). The right-in/right-out access from Date Street shall meet City standards; details shall be deterxnined at the Tentative Map stage. 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design. 3. A 13.8-acre Arroyo Park shall be provided with an adjacent trail and possible parking area (refer to Figure 10.1-1). Implementation and use of the Arroyo Park shall be in compliance with the appropriate environmental permit requirements and in accordance with Harveston Specific Plan EIR mitigation measures/mitigation monitoring program. 4. A community walk shall be provided along Date Street(refer to Figures 10.1-1 and 10.1-1A). 5. Arroyo edge landscape treatment shall be provided between the residential use and the Arroyo Park. 6. Special landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along project boundary. 7. Extemal roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Date Street(refer to Figure 10.1-1A). 8. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-1'l\UROI\VOLl�PRO]F[LE\1999�BN16?O1�DECEMBEfZSPECIF[C PLANV2EVISED HARVESTONViEVI5ED1• I IANDL.DOC � �" _ -•� g� = .^��`. !�1�,I'������ Specific Plan I.Jennar Cammu�ities ARROYO EDGE ' -�'-�. �� - -- -' ' f/��i���r%� _ ��f�/��///f/ . �''�� -- �f� iil��i%ff i , f���, PROJECT � ' %� �. r ` BOUNDARY ��,� � f�����,'�i I r'' ' � ��'� ��'f ED IUM 2 ,� � ��i�� SEEFIG. 10.1-19 ; "d � � , Arroyo:F�rk � 1�,-,-;�,c , 8 3 UI�TIT S IGHBORHDOD � � ACCESS I -----•--------.. _ �f . �` EXT'ERPIAL RflA DWAY f SEE FIG. 1 . �_.r�� LANDSCfiPE TREATMENT 10.1-12 � � ~ � -`-•- -— —�� � SEE FIG. 10.1-1A r . _� .__.., .._ - f�..�� ----- I ' .�----_��_ - =- — - � -�-— � ' �� , _ co�vrn�urri�w�� D a t e S t r e e t � � , �� __—__ _ - --- -- ___ . .---- _�- - SEE F'fG. 1Q.1-1 "" .r- _�--- - -- - � -- - - _ --� � �- -- __ - _�---- --- - - __ ���___-- .�" � �--_ - -- PARKING AREA �,�.�-' �� _- - FOR ARROYO PA.RK - ���� _" � - � - � �i�� �� _ _ _��— __ Key Map: 11 io , � iz s � 3 � 2 5 � 1 Figure 11.9 � � February 2001 Planning Area Detail9 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.10 Planning Area 10: Low Medium Density Residential Description Planning Area 10,as depicted in Figure 11.10,Planning Area Detail 10,provides for 46.2 acres of Low Medium density residential uses. A total of 191 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 4.1 du/ac (Density Range 3-5 du/ac). Additionally, a mini park is proposed within this Planning Area. The proposed product types for this planning area include, single family detached, small lot single family detached and attached development. Land Use Deve�v ment Standsrds Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Piannin�5#andards 1. Access into Planning Area 10 will be provided from Ynez Road, with secondary access from the existing project to the east located in the County of Riverside. Specific location of the access points � shall be deternuned at the Tentative Map stage(refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. One minimum 0.5 acre mini park shall be provided in Planning Area 10, which shall include a tot lot and open turf(refer to Figure 6.2). 3. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 4. Arroyo edge landscape treatment shall be provided between residential use and the Arroyo Park. 5. Special landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along project boundary. 6. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan 11'21 P:\I996�BN16?OI�DECEMBER SPECIFlC PLANU2EVISEDHARVFStOMREV�5ED1-IIANDI3DOC -� _ I��x ���'����Ofl1 5pecific P�an �YIJTCI7'e4P1YT/lll91S�LE3 !T _T _^ ^r _� PROJECT BOUNDARY� �.�..f�. �� _ � ��� � 3 f I PROJECT INTERFACE SEE FIG. 10.1-19 r i ACCESS I i PROJECT � BOUNDARY � LOW MEDIUM rr�ic�oxtiooD ;;�rf � ACCESS 46.2 AC ARROYO EDGE ��f�f SEE FIG 10.1-12 f fr�;��lr��/� � 191 LTNITS � _� � _.r�_f��� ;;� � �:'"� . I � �' i �- i � rf f � r•.:r• � � MINI PARK / �ff - _- SEE FIG 6.2 ''� � � .....="_ - f NEIGHBORHOOD �� ' ,�•`l_ �'' ENTRY �' y� I �� � ,, , �� �� l I i � C�NIlVIUNITY WALK f •' k � ALONG YNEZ ROAD �' I � SEE FIG. 10.1-3 � ' . � f : � 1 �! �� I �� EXTERNALROADWAY �r� f � �� ��' � � I � LANDSCAPE TREATMENT � �� � f � � . �� � � SEE FIG. 10.1-3 i� � / � � � f�� _.__ ---��_____ `�rro.�v Paz�k � Key Map: ; � - ��1 - _„� - I � �� � � I ii N � i ~��___..- -.- - - - -f - - � �—__ __ -- _ l: :�o � ' � . ,. i ; ;� _�--" 9 ; � ; � f F!� � �� �_ at� 5txeet � 7 r F' � l� 12 8 •���� ��� �� - - - - -- -- -- - 3 4 � -�� _ Y���_—_ . __—. _ 2 i �'- - � � l 5 � _ � i �'.......- �� _ I Figure 11.10 � � February 2001 Plannuzg Area Detai110 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.11 Planning Area 11: Medium 2 Density Residential Description Planning Area 11, as depicted in Figure 11.11, Planning Area Detail 11, provides for 8.0 acres of Medium 2 density residential uses.A total of 80 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 10.0 du/ac (Density Range 7-13 du/ac). The proposed product types for this planning area include, small lot single family detached, attached and cluster development. Land CTse De�vela ment Stat�dards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Pl$�aain�Standards 1. Access into Planning Area 11 will be provided from the Industrial Collector. Specific location of the access points shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 10.1-12). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 3. Special landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along Planning Area boundary (refer to Figure 10.1-19). 4. External roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Ynez Road(refer to Figure 10.1-3). 5. A community walk shall be provided along Ynez Road(refer to Figure 10.1-3). 6. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan Harveston Specific Plan i 1-23\VR01\VOLI�PRO1FiLE11996�8N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PLAhREVISED HARVE570MREVISEDI- I lAND I?.DOC � y�� ,. =y T�r�'_ ��.�'��''i`�u'���k Spec�fic Plan �ennar Cnmmuni�ies l I PROJECTBOUNDARY � � �.r - � � ' PRO7EGT ALTERFACE ` SFP FIG.10.1-19 s 1 � � MEDIUM 2 b 8.0 AC o � 80 TJNITS ' a cor�n�tvxrrr wwLx , ALONG YNEZ ROAD N SFE FIG.I0.1-3 � � �" ��.yy//���J NIIGHBORHOOD , � ENIRY J/ � � _�L � I l � NIIGHBORHOOD ACCFSS i� SFf FIG 10.1-12 I, Key Map: IQ 9 7 iz s 3 a 2 � 6 1 Figure 11.11 Plannulg Area Detail 11 � � February 2001 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.3.12 Planning Area 12: Service Commercial Description Planning Area 12, as depicted in Figure 11.12, Planning Area Detail 12, provides for 112.5 acres of service commercial uses with some business park or light manufacturing uses south of Date Street. Land�]se De�ela ment Standards Please refer to Zoning Ordinance in this Section of the Specific Plan(see Section 11.4). Plannin Sta�dards 1. Access points into Planning Area 12 will be provided from Date Street (or Cherry Street) and Ynez Road. Specific location of access point shall be determined at the Tentative Map stage (refer to Figure 11.12 and 11.12a). 2. Please refer to Section 10.0 for specific Design Guidelines and other related design criteria. 3. Freeway buffer landscape treatment shall be provided along Interstate 15 (refer to Figure 10.1-16). 4. External roadway landscape treatment shall be provided along Ynez Road(refer to Figure 10.1-3). 5. A community walk shall be provided along Ynez Road(refer to Figure 10.1-3). 6. Special landscape buffer treatment shall be provided along Planning Area boundary (see 10.1-3 and 10.1-16 and 10.1-17). 7. Please refer to the following sections for General Development Standards that apply site-wide: a. Land Use Plan b. Circulation Plan c. Infrastructure Plan d. Open Space and Recreation Plan e. Grading Plan f. Landscaping Plan I-Iarveston Specific Plan 11-25WR01\VOLI�PROJFQ.E\1998�BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PL.4MREVISED HARVES70NV2EVISEDI- I IAND12 DOC . -_ ; - �. ��1�� �i��9'4����YS 5pe��fic Plan �.e�rrrar•Comrnuni�ies NORTH i � + � / '� ' �- I I I , / �a e Srr��= � � � � / � � / ' . I I I I � i I I I i E3iV7CE / � COMIvIERCIAL � � i� ENTRY / ' ` SERV[� / COMIv1ERCIAL � � ' CDMMEkC � I I �� ENTRY ' / �vTxY � �� � � � +�` _ E I I � / / ; � ,� ;• s�tvrcE � � � CObII�RCIAL � ' � EXTERNAL � i �• LANDSCAPE i W � � RonnwwY ',� / � f� SERVICE z�,arn�,rrr I f� FREEWAY BUFFER � � LAPIDSCAPE , � �' e COMMERCIAI SEE FIG.]0.1-3 � LANDSCAPE r � 7'REP+7'MENT ALONG ' i � `� f �rxEa�rn�vz i ,` n�z xonn ' �. r� 112.5 AC j SEEFIG.10.1-16 '� f SEEFIG.10.1-3 € I�.,� ' � � � � � i �' EXTERNAL � � ' � ROADWAY � i J I l W �` LANDSCAPE � 1` r� COMMUNiTY � �� � i+ I 7'REATMENT DONG � WALK �^�` ' ,�."' r i SEE FIG.10.1-3 I i SEE FIG.10.1-3 i i i� i � � i � i E i ' : � i `\ corn�iura-,-r � � / `�. . �$t e 5 t e� i 'NALK � / r� SEEFIG.]0.1-3 � � �� � ��� , i � r � � � r f i ��� n . �� co�� r I � s�vrcE �-� � FREEWAY BUFFER COMI�gRCLaL. i LANDSCAPE ENTRY �- ,• TREATMEN'f r — SEE FIG.10.1-16 , � ' �_. O �r_���' � �' SPECIAL � Key Map: �� �� 11 1� s��cG.io.i-i� 9 8 � SOUTH 3 � 2 5 � 1 Figure 11.12 s • February 2001 ^ Planning Area Detail 12 � � ��_ -���- g� :�_. A��,E'Y����� Specific Plan Lenszar Corrrrr�unities NORTH � - ------ � � / � ; ; 1 � � / � , T / / ' � � � � ; � , ; � , � � , , � � ' ' � � i ` , / / , � �.- ; � �, � , �- . / � ,. / / COMhSER ' � i �Y / I I i l / r,-`���� � SERVICE �� � � / � � / COMI�IERCIAL ■ � '� � f� 'J ' I I 112.5 AC ': � '� FxzmrrAi., J f j i zm i � � + ROriAWAY I � � , ti LANDSCAPE ' / 1 SERVICE � r. i , TREATMEr1T ALONG I t COMMIItCIAL ` f � FREEWAYHL�"FF.E�� �' YNFZROAD � CObIIvIERCIAL �t�'� ENI'RY i 1� LANDSCAPE + � SEEFiG.10.1-3 ' � LANDSCAPE 5 � � � ' r SEE FiG.T0.1�-T16�r r � TREATMENT � y E r SEE FiG.10.1-3 �l; EXTERNAI. � ' � I �I I � t RQA�WAY � i / / i � COMM[TN1TY � I '�' �� LANDSCAPE I W TREATMENT ALONG � r � WALK i YNEZROAD � � i i , SEE FiG.10.1-3 I � �� ` SEE FIG.10.1-3 _.I_ l � i � SERVICE � / � 1 COMMERCIAL •'� � � � i � � j ENTRY ti � � ' � � l I I ,•� 1 � I � / J � ` I ` F /--� i � � / / � � ± '� , � � � ' � � ;` ' �'+ �� . , � I , � , � r ' � � • ------•--� € � � t � FREEWAYBUFFER SERVICE� aa i• --� � LANDSCAPE o �f � � - .rx�,.n�nn. ca�xcu� 4 .!__^._----� � '` / SEE FiG.10.1-16 �Y �4�'� •�� Cfl�LtiiCFNCIY .� / SEEFIG.K30.1-3 �-���'� f ��� � srEcu�. �='�• + \t f Key Map: � �•,� � '�� ��` 11 10 s�r�G.io.i-i� �J;+ '�y ,`� . ,s� x 9 f+ ,, �-�� � � SOUTH ;F� s � =.� � i ;r• 3 � � 5 � � Figure 11.12A � � February 2001 Plannuig Area Detail 12 - Cherry Street Alternative ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS l]eyetoument Standards � The fotlowing de�elapznent standaxds shall apply in the Law Medie�xn Density Residentia� Zone of Planning Areas 1,4, 7, and I0.Table 11.1 provides a graphic sun�ary of the€aItawing Low Medium(LM) develc�pzxtent standards at�he end�f this sectian. 1. Building height shall not exceed two(2) stories, with a maximum height of thirty five feet(35'). 2. A minimum of 50% of Low Medium units shall incorporate architectural forward designs. � 3. Minimum residential lot area shall be not less than four thousand (4,000) square feet and the average residential lot area shall be not less than five thousand(5,000) square feet. 4. Land acrea�e located within Landscape Der�elapmsnt Zones (LDZ's) shall not be included in area cal�ulatio�ns for z�eeting minimum lot si�e requirements. 5. The minimum lot width at the front property line shall be thirty feet (30'), with an average lot width of forty five (45') and a minixnum lot depth of eighty (80'). Lots at the end of cul-de-sacs and lmuckles may vary from the minimum depth requirement provided a lot provides an adequate area for development. 6. The minimum lot width for a flag lot, cul-de-sac, or lrnuckle at front property line shall be twenty feet �20')• 7. The minimum lot width at required front setback area shall be forty feet(40'). 8. Minimum yard requirements are as follows: a. Minimum front yard - Variable Front Yard Setback: In order to allow for a more interesting �isual ixnage and more flexible site planning,variable setbacks shall be used in the LM planning azeas in accordance with Sectian 10.5 (Principal Design Criteria). Front yard setbacks from garage doors shall be a minimum of 18 feet to back of sidewalk. Other portions of a structure (including garages with entrances not facing the street) shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the property line. Building setbacks shall be measured from the property line. b. Minimum interior side yard-Variable Side Yard Setbacks: Variable side yard setbacks may be permitted provided the sum of the side yard setbacks is not less than 10 feet and the distance between adjacent structures is not less than 10 feet. For front loaded conditions a mini.mum of five-foot setback area, free of architectural encroachments shall be maintained on at least one side. c. Variable rear yard setback: 1) Garage forward and front loaded: the minimum rear yard setback shall be 20 feet. 2) Recessed garage: the minimum rear yard setback to the garage shall be 5 feet and the main structure setback shall be 20' (ground floor) and 7' for second story elements over the garage. 3) Rear vehicle access: the minimum rear yard setback to the garage shall be 3 feet and the main structure setback shall be 20' (ground floor) and a 3' minimum with a 5' average setback for second story elements over the garage. At the rear of each lot,a minimum of 16 square feet of landscaping shall be provided per lot(refer to Figure 11.13). Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-29NR0I\VOLI�PROJFIIEl1998�BN16201�DECEMBEfZSPECIF7C_PLAMREVISED �,�o,��,s��_ I lAND12DOC SECTION 11.0 I3EVELOPMENT STANDARDS d. The comer side yard shall not be less than ten feet(10'). 9. The Planning Commission may approve modificarions to these standards up to 15%for innovative and quality designs that meet the intent of the provisions for this Specific Plan. 10. Parking. A minimum of two(2)enclosed spaces shall be provided per unit/lot.Enclosures shall comply with all yard requuements. For second units,one additional enclosed parking space shall be provided. 11. Fences and Walls. Fences and walls shall be permitted within the front, side, and rear yard set back areas,except as provided for below: a. Fences may not be erected within either public or private street rights-of-way. b. Wherever fencing is visible from publi.c view, the finished side of the fencing shall be exposed to public view. c. No fence or wall shall exceed six feet(6') in height,unless a higher wall is specifically required for sound attenuation purposes. The height of the fence or wall shall be measured from the highest ground level immediately adjacent to the base of the wall. d. Privacy walls,if provided in side and rear yards, shall be a minimum of five feet(5')in height. e. In front yard set back areas, solid fences and walls shall not exceed thirty inches (30")in height; provided, however,that fences and walls up to six feet(6') in height are permitted in front yards if the area above thirty inches(30")is no more than thirty percent(30%)solid. f. All pool enclosure fencing shall conform to applicable State of Califomia or City of Temecula pool code fencing requirements, whichever is more stringent. Harveston Specific Plan 11-3aUR01\VOLIWROJFIIE\199818NI6201HAiESCSPECIF7CPL4MFEBRUARYSPECIFICPIANV2EVISEDI- I IANDI?DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE 11.1 SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR LM(LOw MEDIUM DENSrrY REsm��.] ZONE RESIDENTJAL DEV�1,pPNfEL�I'I'STANDARDS LM Minimum Lot Area Per Dwe3lin�Unit 4,000 Avera e Lot Area Per Dwefliz�g Unit 5,000 Dwelling Units Per Net Acre 3—5 LOT DIlVIENSIONS Minimum Lot Width at Front Pra e Line 30 Minimum Lot Width for a Flag Lot, cul-de-sac, or lrnuckle at Fron 20 I't'o e Line Minimum Lot Width at Re uixed Front Setback Area 40 A�eratre Lot Width 45 Minimum Lot De th gp �TB�,CKS Minimum Front Yazd Variable* Minimum Comer Side Yazd 10 Minimum Interior Side Yazd Variable* Minimum Reaz Yazd Variable* Nra�t1M�IGx'r 35 *Refer to Page 11-29 for specific setback requirements. FRONT LOADED D��P�Fr��S�l ���e�r��c�g S IE1B CK F�" .T_ — _�_; 5�5 FFFBACKr �n ��.��__'_�i t 20'MiN.REAR ____�,..; •�"`-`--"' - + {�ARfl SE7E3ACK FDR PF310 I i � I FOR�EEP� ww,ssr 2EY MINfMiJiN � i' FQR MA1N J COVERS� ; 20'MINIMUM ; f3ECE55�0� A 1REAA YARD x I qa fz � i REAR YAAD � i C�AR/iGE' ,` cpr�SETBACiC � � y S7AUCTURE, - � � SETBACK � $ �� FOR MA1H � � 3'AiIN.FOR �`' � �w , ; 1 J ; ���,�� � �� 1`�A�� � � �< � � ¢ �a � o i !C� i 2p 1 U� I BUILDING FOOTPRINT [ �� I BUILDINO I �[�i I BUILDING FOOTPRINT � aZ � $ � �� � FOOTPRINT � �w � � "aw ❑ � I � ��� �� � J ! w ; i �5' i ; � I 70'MINIMUM I � � BULLDING �� � � � 5'� � SETBACK ° I I INCLUDING � 18'MIN.� � ! PORCHES AND I � � C'�R j �10'MINIMUM � i 1p'1vAHIMl1M Ef (17AVE�CiN� � SETBACK� �S'EI�81iCK � �9uE�T8ACK } � FROM i m � WCLUDINCi z �� �INCLUDINO r P0"0N � BACK OF' ' �P{]AC?iE5 RfJp �POACFiES AN4 �I � SIDEWALK; b �{AOJECTID�1 1 n �(17 AVERAGEj ; bk � (20'AVE.) 12'AVEFW � PROP L3���_` � PRO iJN � AARPERTY L3 53 �YVAl1C II �I 1 I I� � � SIE��WAilt I� �� r� S! _INALK PARKWAY PARKWAY PARKWAY STREET STREET STREET Harveston Specific Plan 11-31 P:V996�BN16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFIC_PIAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISED]-11ANDI2.DOC �.;.�. . � 1- � ��� ���°��'.���R7 1 Specific Plan j l .-- Homeowner Maintained Lennar Cammzrnitie.r --' ,ti- , ' Gate / Fence r• y ' i _ -r � � HOA Maintained �.� y . �. � � ' �� � � ; � ,� �-. ��:� f � °� ,, 1 — ; � t � r' �� 1l � r� . y � �'• t S • �� � � 'I. - ' ` ,{ ' 1 � 'i f Z `. � � � - � �� _ " � I � l': � � ;` � �, �+I * . � � . `� -' 1, '; �- � �_ 3. r ,� � 4'.�4i{ { _� -� � _ -'1 rl + '�-� I � _ � i �y ', `o � l��-; ` -� _�- —• _ I�.l i` � � 'L�� 1 �_. t } ; ,I i u 1` ,1 r �i , � + .} .i.i I � •.• �1 l -Y; � - 1 \,\1 _ �� �. "�( r i R 1 +� I • ,�;� �_ 1( �' � f� �, � 1 s.�';. '`�, '�C i ..•-- f 1 i o ! �' � ' {r, s��• - — i' t',_""��''. -- , �j . � i�-- � r . � I �'� i - —� � y�' .7� I `{,j � , fr _ �'`' y =__ t S � __ �� � 1 L�� . •�1•_ _ 1� • ' � �y, ��• ' -- _ _ _ _ - C �-_"' � �. y\ �! _ • :_ - ��' � '��' �� ��rfual Canopy Tree ;���� �,, I r ^ �� � � ` � '� -Low Theme Fickei Fence i.; ` .�� f • [. � r 1 � � � �1 Qt WOIIcrJoys -� • ��_ ti �.' � � � � l � f �.� _- - � _ - ^ _ � � `- -_ > > _ � � '. r� " .T4;�° 1 � i"_ � { l� � r �� ! . •�I .i.' � � ' ��l I{: ` .- '� � { 1 �l �� snrubs `� f } f �•.� ,; ; t�� _. i � j � �� � �, ` +'� � I� t —Ground Cover I •+���:Y• '•� � i' � --Low Shrubs � ' .;�:_�' �`� �Vines at Block 4Vall . j' �y:l � � i Vines at Building � � �,.� � .�r� ��, i . � F.�I 1 f ��" ' l': � Y --C-arage Apron 1 . __ . ___ _ Fi�ure 11.13 �' � ��� N.T.S. February 2001 Conceptual Rear Access Landscaping SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.2 Medium 1 (Ml)Densrty Residential Zone(5-7 dwelling units per acre) Pianning Areas 2 and 8 The following regulations shall apply in the Medium 1 Density Residential: Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix Medium 1 All t es of non commercial horticulture P Churches, synagogues and other similar religious structures and facilities including C incidental uses such as assembly, work rooms, living quarters of a priest, minister or famil , and da care and educational facilities. Con e ate care residential facilities for the elderl P Da care centers C Famil da care homes—lar e, as defined b State law. C Famil da care homes—small—6 or fewer P Grou care facilities and residential retirement homes, 6 or less eo le P Guest house or ann flat P Home occupations, provided such occupations are customarily conducted as an P accessory use entirely within a building containing a residential use or attached garage. No outdoor stora e or uses shall be ermitted. Public and private recreational facilities including„ but not limited to: country clubs, P tennis and swim clubs, golf courses, lakes, parks, racquetball and handball. Limited commercial uses which are commonly associated and direcdy related to the primary uses are ermilted. Public arks and ublic la ounds � P Rear access P Residential care facilities for the elderl (six or fewer} P Secand dwellin units/ ann flatsl�uest hause P Sin le famil detached, small lot sin le famil detached, sin le famil attached, cluster P Temporary real estate tract offices located within a subdivision,to be used only for and P during the original sale of the subdivision, provided a development plan is approved ursuant to Citr+Ordinance. Trails P Other Uses: Any use that is not specifically listed above may be considered a permitted use provided that the Director of Planning fmds that the proposed use is substantially the same in character and intensity as those listed in the designated subsections. Such a use is subject to the ernut rocess, which ovems the cate o in which it falls. Harveston Specifcc Plan 11-33 P:\1998�BN16201�DECEMBER_SPECIFlC PLAMREVISED HARVESTONU2EVISEDI-IIANDI?DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Deve�oprrient Standar�s The following development standards shall apply in the Medium 1 Density Residential Zone of Planning Areas 2 and 8. Table 11.2 provides a graphic summary of the following Medium 1 (M1) development standards at the end of this section. For cluster projects within the M1, M2 and High density zoning districts, the developnn.ent standards for lot sizes and setbacks may be varied by the Director of Planning as long as the cluster project falls within the allowed density ranges of the appropriate zone district. The purpose of this provision is to allow for innovative and alternative housing types around courtyards and common areas. 1. Building height shall not exceed two(2)stories,with a maximum height of thirty five feet (35'). 2. A minimum of 50%of Medium 1 units shall incorporate architecture forward designs. 3. Minimum residential lot azea shall be not less than three thousand (3,000) square feet and the average residential lot area shall be not less than three thousand five hundred(3,500) square feet. 4. Airspace condominiums are exempt from the minimum lot size requirements provided that the overall density is consistent with the planning area requirements. 5. Land acreage located wittun Landscape Development Zones (LDZ's) shall not be included in area calculations for meeting minimum lot size requirements. 6. The mininn.um lot width at the front property line shall be twenty five feet (25'), with an average lot width of forty feet(40') and a minimum lot depth of seventy feet(70'). Lots at the end of cul- de-sacs and k_n_�a�k1Pc r�y y�, f����e�r��;;urn.dept�:zec��ireme�t prcv:de�l. m lot pr�v�les � adequate area for development. 7. The minimum lot width for a flag lot,cul�e-sac, or l�uckle at front property line shall be twenty feet(20'). 8. The minimum lot width at required front setback area shall be thirty five feet(35'). 9. Minimum yard requirements are as follows: a. Minimum front yard - Variable Front Yard Setback: In order to allow for a more interesting visual image and more flexible site planning, variable setbacks shall be used in the Ml planning area in accordance with Section 10.5 (Principal Design CYiteria). Front yard setbacks from garage doors to back of sidewalk shall be a minimum of 18 feet. The main building structure setback shall be 10 feet fronn. the property line. Other portions of a structure (including patios, porches and entrances) may be setback a minimum of 7 feet. Building setbacks shall be measured from the property line. b. Minimum interior side yard - Variable Side Yard Setbacks: Variable side yard setbacks may be permitted provided the sum of the side yazd setbacks is not less than 8 feet and the distance between adjacent structures is not less than 8 feet. � For front loaded Harveston Specific Plan 11-34 NROI\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�8NI6201�DECEMBEILSPEC�iC PLAMREVISED HARVES'COMREVISFDI- 1IAND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS conditions a minimum of four-foot setback area, free of architectural encroachments shall be maintained on at least one side. c. Variable rear yard setback: 1) Garage forward and front loaded: a 10-foot minimum rear yard setback is pernutted in the M-1 district, provided an average setback of 15 feet shall be maintained. 2) Rear vehicle access: the minirnum rear yard setback to the garage shall be 3 feet and the main structure setback shall be 15' (ground floor) and a 3' minimum with a 5' average setback for second story elements over the gara.ge. At the rear of each lots, a minimum of 14 square feet of landscaping shall be provided(refer to Figure 11.13). c. The corner side yard shall not be less than ten feet(10') 10. The Planning Commission may approve modifications to these standards up to 15% for innovative and quality designs that meet the intent of the provisions for this Specific Plan(refer to Section 11.5 of this document). 11. Parking. A minimum of two (2) enclosed spaces shall be provided per unit/lot. Enclosures shall comply with all yard requirements. 12. Fences and Walls. Fences and walls shall be permitted within front, side, and rear yard set back areas except as provided for below: a. Fences may not be erected within either public or private street rights-of-way. b. Wherever fencing is visible from public view, the finished side of the fencing shall be exposed to public view. c. No fence or wall shall exceed six feet (6') in height, unless a higher wall is specifically required for sound attenuation purposes. The height of the wall or fence shall be measured from the highest ground level immediately adjacent to the base of the wall. d. Privacy walls, if provided in side and rear yards, shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in height. e. In front yard set back areas, solid fences and walls shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height;provided, however,that fences and walls up to six feet(6')in height are permitted in front yards if the area above thirty inches (30") is no more than thirty percent (30%) solid. f. All pool enclosure fencing shall conform to applicable State of Califomia or City of Temecula pool code fencing requirements,whichever is more stringent. Harveston Specific Plan 11-35 \UR01\VOLI�PROJflLE11998�8n16201LLatcsLSpificPlan�February5pecificPlenUtcvisedl-llendl2doc REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE 11.2 SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR Ml (MEDnnv�DENsrrY RESIDErrr�., 5-7 DU's/AC) ZONE RESmEIQ7'IAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS M-1 Minimum Lot Area Per Dwellin Unit 3,000 Avera e Lot Area Per l7wellind Unit 3,500 Dwellin Units Per Net Acre g_� LOT DIMENSIONS Mitumurn Lat Width at Front l�o e Line 25 Minimum Lot Width for a Flag Lot, cul-de-sac, or knuckle at Fron 20 Pro e Line Minimum Lot Width at Re uired Front Setback Area 35 Average Lot Width 40 Minimum Lot De th �p SETBACKS Minimum Front Yard Variable* Minimum Comer Side Yard 10 Minimum Interior Side Yard Variable* Minimum Rear Yard Variable* MAxrnZUM HEIGHT 35 *Refer to Page 11-34 for specific setback requirements. FRONT LOADED REAR ACCES� s�wr�,�P -----.__-3__ SE7SACK I�w� ,_ p 70'MTIIMUM � 16'MINIMUM� � 1 REAR GARAG� FOR PAT10� i " REAR YARD � 1 REAR YARd� �5�{'6ACK MAY COVERS� ' SEiBACK SEfBACK i �7 BE�iEfSUCE� I (18AVE�iAGE� I � FOR M/UN[ I T03'MIN]h�1[IM = 4�� i STRUCTURE i �V�F�iiCLE ACCE55 4' I �a f I � Bl31LOiHG � v� J � � FdOTPRitST � 62 �� � GARACyE � 1 I n� �j� I BUILDINQ FOOTPRINT I � r I � U� ,� �,� GARAGE � i i � N� ; C , , �--� _ , , GARAGENfDOOR ` 1�'hi€HkA�SiJM � � � SE7'i3ACK � FpR RRA1N � FROM�CK 1 8UIL6iN[3 � � i OF SIOEWALK�� ��Y +T MINIMUM T Ml�llMUir3I �RCH (20'AVERAG�T r � I �SEBACK FOR SEfBACiC FO R� � � a n i ANDE�MA NCES �AND �Ehf�ANCES� t. Q � PRdPEFf1Y L!�!E � �` i� �,�� — 'T _�� �ia �i ���`T_� PARKWAY PAAKWAY Sl'REEf y�p� Harveston Specific Plan 11-36 P.\199818N16201�DECEMBEFZSPECQ-1C_PL4NV2EVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIANDI?,DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.3 Medium 2(M2)Density Residential Zone(7-13 dwelling units per acre) Plannin Areas 3 5 9 and I1 The following regulations shall apply in the Medium 2 Density Residential: Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix Medium 2 All t es of non-commercial horticulture P Churches, synagogues and other similaz religious structures and facilities including C incidental uses such as assembly, work rooms, living quarters of a priest, minister or famil , and da caze and educational facilities. Condominiums P Con e ate care residential facilities for the elderl P Da caze centers C Du lex(two-famil dwellin s) P Famil da care homes—laz e,as defined b State law. C Famil da care homes—small—6 or fewer P Grou care facilities and residential retirement homes, 6 or less eo le P Home occupations, provided such occupations are customarily conducted as an P accessory use entirely within a building containing a residential use or attached garage. No outdoor stora e or uses shall be ermitted. Public facilities(Plannin Area 9 onl ) P Public and private recreational facilities including, but not limited to: country clubs, P tennis and swim clubs, golf courses, lakes, pazks, racquetball and handball. Limited commercial uses which. are commonly associated and directly related to the primary uses are ermitted. Public arks and ublic la ounds P Reaz access P Residential care facilities for the elderl (six or fewer) P Second dwellin units/ ann flats/ uest house P Sin le famil attached P Sin le famil detached(small lots, clustered) P Temporary real estate tract offices located within a subdivision,to be used only for and P during the original sale of the subdivision, provided a development plan is approved ursuant to Cit Ordinance. Trails P Other Uses: Any use that is not specifically listed above may be considered a permitted use provided that the Director of Planning fmds that the proposed use is substantially the same in character and intensity as those listed in the designated subsections. Such a use is subject to the ernut rocess, which overns the cate ory in which it falls. Harveston Specific Plan 11-37 \UROI\VOLIWR0IF7IFI998�BN16201�DECEhIDEIZSPEC�IC�LAMREVISF� ���o��s��- I IANDI?DOC SECTION 11.0 - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS D��elav�ent Standards � The following standards of development shall apply in the Medium 2 Density Residential Zone of Planning Areas 3, 5, 9 and 11. Table 11.3 provides a graphic surnmary of the following Medium 2 (M2) development standards at the end of this section. For cluster projects within the M1, M2 and High density zoning districts, the development standards for lot sizes and setbacks may be varied by the D'uector of Planning as long as the cluster project falls within the allowed density ranges of the appropriate zone district. The purpose of this provision is to allow for innovative a.nd altemative housing types around courtyards and common areas. 1. Building height shall not exceed three(3) stories,with a maximum height of forty feet(40�. 2. Minimum residential lot area shall be not less than two thousand (2,000) square feet and the average residential lot area shall be not less than two thousand five hundred(2,500) square feet. 3. Airspace condominiums are exempt from the minimum lot size requirements provided that the overall density is consistent with the planning area requirements. 4. Land acreage located within Landscape Development Zones (LDZ's) shall not be included in area calculations for meeting minimum lot size requirements. 5. The minimum lot width at the front property line shall be twenty five feet(25'), with an average lot width of thirty feet(30')and a minimum lot depth of sixty feet(60').Lots at the end of cul�e- sacs and lrnuckles may vary from the minimum depth requirement provided a lot provides an adequate area for development. 6. T'he�?r1i*x!�?�?�ot yvid+l, for a.�lag lot,c�al�de�say, �:kr.�c'_�'L�t frcnt propert;lin� sY��b�t�erit� feet(20'). 7. The minimum lot width at required front setback area shall be thirty feet(30'). 8. Minimum yard requirements are as follows: a. Minimum front yard - The main building structure setback shall be 10 feet from the property line. Other portions of a structure including patios,porches and courtyards may be setback a minimum of 3 feet. Front yard setbacks from garage doors to back of sidewalk shall be a minimuxn of 18 feet. Building setbacks shall be measured from the property line. b. Minimum interior side yard - Variable Side Yard Setbacks: Variable side yard setbacks may be permitted provided the sum of the side yard setbacks is not less than 6 feet and the distance between adjacent structures is not less than 6 feet. For attached units, interior side yard setback shall be reduced to zero feet. c. Variable rear yard setbacks: Har-veston Specific Plan 11-38 \VRO]\VOLI�PROIFIlE11998�en16?O1V.[a�SpaificPlen�February5pedficPlanUtevisedl-tlandl2.dx REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1) Front loaded: an 8-foot minimum rear setback is permitted in the M-2 district, provided an average setback of 10 feet shall be maintained. 2) Rear vehicle access: the minimum rear yard setbacks to the garage shall be 3 feet and the main structure setback shall be 10' (ground floor) and a 3' minimum with a 5' average setback for second story elements over the garage. At the rear of each lot, a minimum of 12 square feet of landscaping shall be provided (refer to Figure 11.13). d. The corner side yard shall not be less than ten feet(10') e. Minimum yard requirements in the Mixed Use Overlay zone may be waived or altered by the Director of Planning in order to achieve the mix of uses, building scale and design elements,as described in Section 11.4.5. 9. The of Planning Commission may approve modifications to these standards up to 15% for innovative and quality designs that meet the intent of the provisions for this Specific Plan(refer to Section 11.5 of this document). 10. Parking.A minimum of two(2)enclosed spaces shall be provided per unit/lot.Enclosures shall comply with all yard requirements. 11. Fences and Walls.Fences and walls shall be permitted within front, side,and rear yard set back areas except as provided for below: a. Fences may not be erected within either public or private street rights-of-way. b. Wherever fencing is visible from public view, the finished side of the fencing shall be exposed to public view. � c. No fence or wall shall exceed six feet (6') in height, unless a higher wall is specifically required for sound attenuation purposes. The height of the fence or wall shall be measured from the highest ground level immediately adjacent to the base of the wall. d. Privacy walls, if provided in side and rear yards, shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in height. e. In front yard set back areas, solid fences and walls shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height;provided, however, that fences and walls up to six feet(6')in height are permitted in front yards if the area above thirty inches (30") is no more than thirty percent (30%) solid. f. All pool enclosure fencing shall conform to applicable State of Califomia or City of Temecula pool code fencing requirements,whichever is more stringent. 12. For religious institutions and community facilities in Planning Area 9 supplemental landscaping, screening and buffering shall be required adjacent to residential uses. The Director of Planning shall determine the adequacy of this requirement. Harveston Specific Plan 11-39 \UROI\VOLI�PRO]FiLE11998�8n16301V.a�cs[SpaiFicPlan�Febmery5pecificPlan�Revisedl-11end12.dx REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE 11.3 SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR M2(MEn�DElvsrrY RESIDEivT'I�,L 7•�3 DU's/AC;—ZONE REBID�rrrIAL DEVELQPNIENr STnNDARDs M-2 Minimum Lot Area Per Dweliin Unit 2,000 A�eraQe Lot Area Per Dwellinff Unit 2,500 Dwellin Units Per Net Acre 7— 13 ,LOT DIlVIENSIONS Minimum Lot Width at Front Pro e Line 25 Minimum Lot Width for a Flag Lot, cul-de-sac, or knuckle at Fron 20 Pro e Line Minimum Lot Width at Re uired Front Setback Area 30 A�era e Lot Width 30 Minimum Lot De th 60 '3ETBACKS Minimum Front Yard Variable* Minimum Corner Side Yazd Variable* Minimum Interior Side Yazd Vaziable* Minimum Rear Yazd Variable* MAxII�IUM F-�EIGti'A' 40 *Refer to Page 11-38 for specific setback requirements. FRONT LOADED R�AccEss i_--••�-��8'F INllullJhl i_—yr��� j MPYBEREDUCED � ���Y�� � �TO 3'AAINIA�IUAA FOR ' �SET�CK��� � 1 REAR VEHICLE ACCESS i ! _ ' i i � BUILDING e FOOTPRIM � � �g� �3,� I [iVi�c3E i ' � �� � 1 � � -�3.� , J � 99TAY I I I �W �� � � � �_ � � �'v �¢ � c�wwE � i BUILDING 1 v� U�O I I I FOOTPRINT I �v �V i 1 = �W ;�� � � ; _ —Flg� � � � i � � � � 3'MINIMUM I � te'MINIMUM ��. I SETBACK FOR i GARAGE DOOR I � PATIOS,PORCHES i m � SETBnCK 1 � � AND COURTYARDS FROM BACK 10'MINIMUM � � I OFSIDEWALK SETBACKFOR oI �"P �. r�e�rrur� i MAIN BUILDING T� � ,,,.. a' � �� s��iv K� _� ` s3a;r As;c � � PARKWAY PARKWAY STREET STAEEf Harveston Speci,fic Plan 11-YQ \VROI\VOLI�PROh7LE11998�8N16201UATESTSPECIF7CPIAMFEBRUARYSPECIFiCPL4NUtEV1SED1- ������ REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 I]EVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.4 High(I�Density Residential Zone(13-20 dwelling units per acre) PlanEnia�Area G The following regulations shall apply in the High Density Residential: Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix High Density Residential All t es of horticulture P Attached residential units(a artments,condominiums, du lex, etc.) P Churches, synagogues and other similar religious structures and facilities including C incidental uses such as assembly, work rooms, living quarters of a priest, minister or famil , and da care and educational facilities. Con e ate care residential facilities for the elderl P Da care centers P Familv da care homes—lar e C Familv dav care homes—small P Grou care facilities and residential retirement homes, 6 or less eo le P Home occupations, provided such occupations are customarily conducted as an P accessory use entirely within a building containing a residential use or attached ara e. No outdoor stora e or uses shall be ermitted. Nursery schools for reschool da care P Public and rivate recreational facilities P Public arks and ublic la ounds P Residential care facilities for the elderl (six or fewer) P Second dwellin units/ ann flats/ est house P Temporary real estate tract offices located within a subdivision, to be used only for P and during the original sale of the subdivision, provided a development plan is a roved ursuant to Cit Ordinance. Trails P Other Uses: Any use that is not specifically listed above may be considered a permitted use provided that the Director of Planning fmds that the proposed use is substantially the same in character and intensity as those listed in the designated subsections. Such a use is subject to the ermit rocess, which overns the cate o in which it falls. Harveston Specific Plan 11�1 \VROI\VOLI�PROIF7LE11998�BN16?O1�DECEIv�ElZSPECQ�IC_PLANV2EVISED HARVESTONV2EVISEDI- I lAND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DeVelppxnel]t StaIIdardS The following standards of development shall apply in the High Density Residential Zone of Planning Area 6. Table 11.4 provides a graphic summary of the following High (I� development standards at the end of this section. For cluster projects within the M1, M2 and High density zoning districts, the development standards for lot sizes and setbacks may be varied by the Director of Planning as long as the cluster project falls within the allowed density ranges of the appropriate zone district. The purpose of this provision is to allow for innovative and altemative housing types around courtyards and common areas. 1. Building height shall not exceed three(3) stories,with a maximum height of fifty feet(50�. 2. Minimum residential lot area shall be not less than five thousand(5,000) square feet. 3. Land acreage located within Landscape Development Zones (LDZ's) shall not be included in area calculations for meeting minimum lot size requirements. 4. The minimum lot width at the front property line shall be thirty feet (30'), with an average lot width of fifty feet (50') and a minimum lot depth of one hundred feet (100'). Lots at the end of cul-de-sacs and l�uckles may vary from the minimum depth requirement provided a lot provides an adequate area for development. 5. The minimum lot width at required front setback area shall be thirty feet(30'). 6. Minimum yard requirements are as follows: a. Variable Development Perimeter Setback: In order to allow for a more interesting visual image and more flexible site planning, variable setbacks-may be pemutted in the high density planning area. Development Perimeter Setbacks for the main structure shall be a minimum of 6'. Patios,porches, and entrances may be setback a minimum of 3'. Where the property abuts a minimum 25' parkway (which may include a sidewalk), the setback for patios,porches, and entrances may be reduced to 0'. Setbacks shall be measured from the property line. b. Minimum interior lot setback. The minimum interior lot setback shall be 5 feet. c. Variable Building Separation: Building separation setbacks shall have a minimum of 20 feet with an average of at least 25 feet. 7. The Planning Commission may approve modification to these standards up to 15% for innovative designs and quality that meet the intent of the provisions for this Specific Plan (refer to Section 11.5 of this document). 8. Multi-family residential development abutting a side property line to a single-family development shall not exceed the height of the adjacent single-family residential by more than one story in height. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-42 P.\1998�BN1620I�lATESTSPECo-lCPL4MFEBRUARYSPECQ-7CPL4MREVISEDI-I1AND12DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELUPMENT STANDARDS 9. Parking. Automobile storage space shall be provided as follows for multiple-faniily residences: a. Duplex,triplexes: 2 covered spaces/unit,plus 1 guest space/2 units. b. Multiple family residential — 3 or fewer bedrooms: 2 covered spaces/unit, plus 1 guest space/2 units. c. Multiple family residential — 4 or more bedrooms: 2 covered spaces/unit for first 3 bedrooms,then 1 space/bedroom for each additional bedroom. 10. Open space shall be provided as follows for multiple family residences. For ground-level units, a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet of private outdoor open space in the form of a patio or fenced yazd shall be provided per unit with a minimum width of eight feet (8'). All other dwelling units shall be provided with a mi.nimum of fifty (50) square feet of private outdoor space in the form of a balcony,with a minimum width of six feet(6). 11. Recreational Area. A minimum of two hundred (200) square feet per dwelling unit shall be provided as common passive and active recreational space. This common open space/recreational space shall exclude all parking areas. 12. Walls and Fences. Walls and fences shall be permitted within front, side, and rear yard set back areas except as provided for below: a. Fences may not be erected within either public or private street rights-of-way. b. Two-sided fencing shall be used wherever visible from a public or private street. c. No fence or wall shall exceed six feet (6') in height, unless a higher wall is specifically required for sound attenuation purposes. The height of the wall or fence shall be measured from the highest ground level immediately adjacent to the base of the wall. d. Privacy walls, if provided in side and rear yards, shall be a minimum of five feet (5') in height. e. In front yard set back areas, solid fences and walls shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height;provided,however, that fences and walls up to six feet (6') in height are pernutted in front yards if the area above thirty inches (30") is no more than thirty percent (30%) solid. f. All pool enclosure walls and fencing shall conform to applicable State of California or City of Temecula pool code fencing requirements,whichever is more stringent. 13. Refuse Collection Areas: a. All refuse collection areas and structures shall be designed and provided in accordance with applicable City of Temecula guidelines and policies. Harveston Specific Plan 11�3 �UR01\VOLI�PROIF7LFI998�BN16?OI�DECEMBFJZSPECIFIC_PIAMREVISED HARVESIOMREVISEDI- I lANDI?DOC SECTION 11.0 - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS b. Storage and trash collection structures shall not be located within any�required setback area,including front,side, and rear yard setbacks. c. Refuse collection areas and structures shall be conveniendy accessible to the units/buildings they are designed to serve. d. Structures which are used for storage or trash collection shall be screened by landscaping, solid walls/fencing, or combination thereof, in such a manner as not to be visible from a public street or from any adjacent residential area. e. Walls and fences used to screen storage or trash collection areas shall be solid and shall not exceed six feet(6')in height from the highest grade. £ Recycling processing facilities shall not be permitted; however, recycling collection facilities are specifically permitted uses subject to the conditions of this section. Harveston Specific Plan 11-44 \�IROl\VOLI1PROhlLE11998�BN16?OI�DECEMBERSPECffIC_PIAN�REVISED HARVESIOMREVISEDl- 11AND1?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLE 11.4 SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR H(H�GH DENSITY RESIDE�+l'[z.�,x, 13-2D�U'S 1 AC}-Z�NE RESIDENTIAL L?EVELOPMENT STANDARDS H Minimum Lot Area 5,000 Dwellin Units Per Net Acre 13-20 LOT DIl�IENSIONS Minimum Lot Width at Front Pro ert Line 30 Minimum Lot Width for a Flag Lot, cul-de-sac, or knuckle at Fron NA Pro e Line Minimum Lot Width at Re uired Front Setback Area 30 Avera e Lot Width 50 Minimum Lot De th 100 'SETBACKS Minimum Develo ment Perimeter Variable* Minimum Interior Lot Setback 5 Minimum BuildinQ Se aration Variable* MAxnvIirM HEIGxT 50 *Refer to Page 11�2 for specific setback requirements. MULTI-FAI�IILY INTERIOR LOT LJNE INTERIOR LOT LINE �--�--"'-,T---- �-------------� ----- _...�....�_ w � z w � Z � � � 9'MINIMt1M S�l'F3�4CK g � FR01VE PAT10,P�RCH OR�NTFTAl+10E TO � � PERIM�R l�7 LJHE � s� ' a - Y � �� ¢ �y 0'lu1lNiA1l]M SETBACI{ � �� SETBA KNFROM 5' a fl FRdM PATIQ,PORCFi ¢ g INTERIOR IAT L1NE a u� OR ENrRRHCE 70 < i PERIMEFEFI[ATt1N� a y � AT ViLL+4GE CEAII'ER 2p'MINIMUM � � BUILDIN(i 1� SEPARATION a (25'AVERAG� g� e'MMIMUM SETBACK FROM BUILDING TO � PERIMETER LOT LNE ! r.�����:r�.r�ri E � PEFNME7ER L�EJ�IE m r�rir��r�rr r���� � �ra�a�r PARKWAY PARKWAY � 54L�EWALK�� � I � � I� � Sipk�I�LK PARKWAY PARKWAY Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-'+S P:\1998�BN16?O1�DECEMBER SPECIF7C PLANV2EV15ED HARVESfONU2EVISEDI-IIANDI?DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.5 Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Pl_annin�Areas 3.4.and 6 The following regulations shall apply in the Mixed-Use Overlay zone: Permitted/Coa�itionally Uses Matrix Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Adult education ro ams p Adult exercise,health a.nd fifiess center p Anti ue sho s p A arel and accesso sho s p Art su 1 sho s and studios p Athletic courts(tez�nisJEsasketbalt} p Bake skto s retail p Bandstand p Banks/credit union ATM's p Barber and heaut sho s p Bars and cocktail loun es when associated with live entertainment C Bic cle(sales,rentals, services) without outside stara e p Bic �le sales and rentals with outside sto�-a e C Blue rint,re ratrra hics and d� licatin services p Bookstares(with litrr Icoffee sha ) P Bo s and ' Is club p Cable TV office p Camera sho p Cand Iconfectivne sales p Caterin services p Clathin� stores p Clubhouse with meeting rooms for uses such as homeowners associations, clubs, P physician/nurse training, university extension courses, vocational training classrooms, etc. Coffee sha p Coin sho p Comznunit la ound p Com ut�r and co center p Com uter and t ewriter sales and rental,in�ludin incidental r� airs P Can e a[e care(does not count a ainst the 1,921 units} p Cultural arts facilit p Dance halls C Da care centers p Delicatessens p Dru stores and harmacies p D cleaners p Harveston Specific Plan 11-46 WROI\VOLI�PROIFILFI996�BN16?O1�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC_PLAN�REVISED HARVESTONU2EVISEDI- 1 IANDI?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted/Conditionally Uses Matrix_ Mixed-Use Overlay Zone D oods stores P Em lo ment a encies P Financial,insurance real estate offices P Fire and olice stations P Florists sho s P Fortune tellin , s iritualism or similaz activit P Gift sho s P Hazdwaze stores,not includin outside stora e P Healthcaze facility P Historic inte retive center P Hobb sho s P Household goods sales, including but not limited to, new and used appliances, P fumiture,c ets,dra eries,lam s,radios and television sets,includin re air thereof Ice cream sho s P Interior decoratin sho s P Jewe stores,includin incidental re airs P Libr (schooUci or count ) P Li uor stores C Locksmith sho s P Mail order businesses P Mazkets, including but not limited to food, wholesale, produce, fruit, vegetable, fish, P and oul and meat mazkets,but not includin slau hterin . Medical ui ment sales/rental P Music stores P Nei hborhood coffee house P News stores P Notions or novelt stores P Offices, including but not limited to business, law, medical, dental, chiropractic, P azchitectural, en ' eerin ,community lannin and real estate. Outdoor venders(refer to "Outdoor Vendors"in this section) P Paint and wall a er stores, not includin aint contractors P Pazcel delive services P Performin arts facilit /theater P Personal service sho s P Pet sho s and et su 1 sho s P Photo a h sho s and studios and hoto en avin P Picnic azeas P Post office(and other federaUstate functions) P Potte store P Printers or ublishers P Private utilitv facilities P Reli ious institutions, without a da caze or rivate school C Reli ious institutions, with a rivate school C Harveston Specific Plan l l�F/ \UR01\VOLI�PROJFILEl199818N16?O1�DECEMBE[ZSPECIF[C PLAMREVISED HAR�STOMREVISEDI- ������ SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted/Conditionally Uses Matrix Mixed-Use Overlay Zone R��1 �pil5 21]5C1iUiI0Fl5, with a da care C Residential p Restaurants and other eating establishments, not including drive-in and drive-thru P restaurants or restaurants with bars/cocktail Iounaes that offer live entertainment. Restaurants or other eatin establishments with bars that offer live entertainment C Schools, business and professional, including but not limited to art, barber, beauty, P dance,drama,music and swimrnin . Senior center p Senior citizen housin p Shared axkin area p S ortin oods stores p Stationer stores p Tailor sho s p Telecommutin center p Te�e hon�exchan es p T�eaters,not includin drive-ins C Tobacco shv s p Tourist information centers p To sho s p Travel a encies p Visitor/sales information center p Watch re air sh4 s p Other Uses: Any use that is not specifically listed above may be considered a permitted use provided that the Director of Planning fmds that the proposed use is substantially the same in character and intensity as those listed in the designated subsections. Such a use is subject to the pemut process, which governs the category in which it falls and is compatible with the overall ca�nuai character within the Harveston 5 ecific Plan area. Use of the Village Green: This is a unique urban space designed to provide for gathering places and entertainment uses that are compatible with the surrounding uses. Outdoor entertainment uses are also pemutted in this area. Temporary uses are permitted in the Mixed-Use Overlay Zone of Planning Areas 3, 4, and 6 provided a temporary use pemut has been granted pursuant to Section 17.040.020 of Temecula Development Code. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11�8 \UROI\VOLI�PROIF11b1199818N16?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECfF]C_PL4MREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDl- IIANDIZDOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS De�elo�m�nt_Standards � The following lists the development standards for the Mixed-Use Overlay Zone. Any development standard that is not referenced in this section will revert back to the underlying zoning for the Mixed Use Overlay Zone, which is residential. The following standards of development are required in the Mixed-Use Overlay zone of Planning Areas 3,4, and 6. 1. Lot Area. There is no minimum lot area requirement; however, no subdivision of the Mixed-Use Overlay zone shall be permitted without an approved development plan, which shall occur at an administrative level, provided the plan is consistent with the "Site Planning Guidelines" in the proceeding pages. A minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. of retail development is required. Within the Village Center no minimum size is required for individual development. 2. Setbacks. a. Where the front, side or rear yard adjoins a street, the setback shall be (0) from the LDZ (please refer to Figure 10.1-11). b. Where the side or rear yard adjoins a lot zoned for single family detached residential use, the minimum setback shall be ten feet(10')from the property line. c. Setback areas may be used for driveways,parking and landscaping. 3. Height Requirements.All buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty feet(50')in height. 4. Landscaping. a. There shall be no landscape requirements for retail and office uses. For all other uses, a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the site proposed for development shall be landscaped and irrigated. b. Parking lot landscaping and shading shall conform to applicable City of Temecula Development Code. 5. Parking. Automobile storage space shall generally be five (5) spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross leasable floor area. Specific parking requirements for future uses shall be addressed at the site plan review phase when the type of use is lrnown. 6. Mechanical Equipment. All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the ground elevation view to a minimum sight distance of one thousand three hundred twenty feet (1,320'). Screening shall be incorporated into the architecture with similar materials and finishes. 7. Refuse Collection Areas: a. All refuse collection areas and structures shall be designed and provided in accordance with applicable City of Temecula rules and policies. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-49 P:\I998�BNI6201�DECEMBER SPECIFlC_PL4NU2EVISED HARVESTONUEEVISED]-IlANDI?DOC SECTION 11.0 I3EVELOPMENT STANDARDS b. Storage and trash collection structures shall not be located within any required setback area,including front, side, and rear yard setbacks. c. Refuse collection areas and structures shall be conveniently accessible to the buildings they are designed to serve. d. Structures which are used for storage or trash collection shall be screened by landscaping, solid walls/fencing, architectural features, or combination thereof, in such a manner as not to be visible from a public street or from any adjacent residential area. e. Walls and fences used to screen storage or trash collection areas shall be solid and shall not exceed six feet(6�in height from the highest grade. 8. Lighting a. All lighting fixtures, including spot lights, electrical reflectors and other means of illumination for signs, structures, landscaping, parking, loading, unloading, and similar areas shall be focused, directed and arranged to prevent glare or direct illumination on streets or adjoining property. b. The level of on-site lighting, as well as the type of lighting fixtures, shall comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Temecula and Mount Palomar Observatory. High pressure sodium lights may be used as street lighting in the pedestrian areas of the Village Center. c. The maximum height for parking lighting fixtures shall not exceed twenty feet(20�. Jutdoor Vendors 1. Purpose Outdoor vending on private property promotes public interest by contributing to an active pedestrian environment. However, reasonable regulation of outdoor vending is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare. 2. Definitions For purposes of this section,the following definitions shall apply: "Stand" means a pushcart, wagon ar any other wheeled vehicle or device which may be moved without the assistance of a motor and is used for the displaying, storing or transporting of articles offered for sale by a vendor. "Vending" means the sale of food or merchandise from a stand operating on private property within the Specific Plan area(Mixed-Use Village Center). Harveston Specific Plan 11-5� P.\1998�BN16201�DECEMBEFZSPECIFlC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDI-ItAND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3. Vendors License Required It shall be unlawful to sell, or offer for sale, any food, beverage or merchandise on any property within the Mixed-Use Village Center area without first obtaining a Vendors License. 4. Applications The application for a Vendors License shall be signed by the applicant and shall include: a. The name, home, and business address of the applicant, and the name and address of the owner, if other than the applicant, of the vending stand to be used in the operation of the vending business. b. A description of the type of food,beverage, or merchandise to be sold. c. A description and photograph (including signage and colors) of any stand to be used in the operation of the business. 5. Issuance Not later than 30 days after the filing of a completed application for a vendor's license, the applicant shall be notified of the decision on the issuance or denial of the license. a. Licenses to vend within the Mixed-Use Village Center area shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Planning in conjunction with the Business License Registration Program,Building and Safety and the Public Works Department. b. There should be at least 150 square feet of useable or recognizable plaza or courtyard area for. each allowed outdoor vending cart. The vending should be free of all obstructions. c. Locations for vending within the Mixed-Use Village Center area shall be approved by the Director of Planning. Vending locations shall be designated based on the ability of the site to safely accommodate the use by not interfering with pedestrian circulation and access or vehicle circulation or parking. The Director of Planning may require that the stand be removed from the location and stored out of public view when not in use. d. Vending locations may change only upon written request by an applicant and approved by the Director of Planning. e. All vending locations shall be on privately owned, developed, commercial property within the Mixed-Use Village Center area. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-51 P:\1998�BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFlC PIANU2EVISEDHARVFSTOMREVISEDI-11AND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 6. Term and Renewal All licenses are valid for one year unless revoked or suspended prior to expiration. An application to renew a license shall be made not later than 60 days before the expiration of the current license. License fees and renewal procedures shall be established in accordance with the Business License Registration Program procedures outlined in the Municipal Code. 7. Prohibited Conduct and Hours of Operation It shall be prohibited for any outdoor vendor to operate under any of the following conditions: a. Operate between 10 p.m to 6 a.m. of the following day unless in conjunction with a special event. b. Leave any vending stand unattended. c. Store, park or leave any vending stand within any public right-of-way or on any undeveloped or otherwise vacant property. d. Sell food or beverages for immediate consumption unless there is a litter receptacle available nearby for public use. e. Leave any location without first picking up, removing and disposing of all trash or refuse remaining from sales made from the stand. £ Allow any items relating to the operation of the vending business to be placed anywhere �th�r tl]�n Ln� nn er uncier±he s±and, g. Set up, maintain or permit the use of any additional table, crate, carton, rack or any other device to increase the selling or display capacity of the stand where such additional items have not been approved by the Director of Planning. h. Solicit or conduct business with persons in motor vehicles. i. Sell anything other than that which the license permits. j. Sound or permit the sounding of any device which produces a loud and raucous noise, or use or operate any loud speaker,public address system, radio, sound amplifier, or similar device to attract the attention of the public. 8. Vending Stand Requirements a. Vendor shall be required to submit a photograph or drawing of the vending stand to be used for review during application approval process, including materials, colors and signage. b. The design and appearance of the vending cart shall be consistent in character with the design theme of the Mixed-Use Village Center. Harveston Specific Plan 11-52 P:\1998�BNI6:AI�DECEMBEIZSPECIFIC PIAMREVISEDHAR`�ESTOMREVISEDl-IIANDI2DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVEL�PMENT STANDARDS c. No stand shall�exceed four feet (4') in width, six feet (6') in length, and eight feet (8') in height. 9. Safety Requirements All stands in or from which food is prepared or sold shall comply with the following requirements: a. All equipment installed in any part of the stand shall be secured in order to prevent movement during transit and to prevent detachment in the vent of a collision or overturn. b. All utensils shall be stored in order to prevent their being hurled about in the event of a sudden stop, collision or overturn. A safety lrnife holder shall be provided to avoid loose storage of lmives. c. Compressors, auxiliary engines, generators, batteries, battery chargers; gas fueled water heaters, and similar equipment shall be installed so as to be hidden from view to the extent possible and be easily accessible. 10. Display of License All licenses shall be displayed in a visible and conspicuous location at all times during the operation of the vending business. 11. Advertising No advertising, except the posting of prices, shall be permitted on any stand, except to identify the name of the product or the name of the vendor. 12. Denial, Suspension and Revocation Any license may be denied, suspended or revoked in accordance with the procedures in the Municipal Code for any of the following causes: a. Fraud or misrepresentation contained in the application for the license. b. Fraud or misrepresentation made in the course of carrying on the business of vending. c. Conduct of the licensed business in such manner as to create a public nuisance, or constitute a danger to the public health, safety, welfare or morals. d. Conduct which is contrary to the provision of this section. Harveston Specific Plan 11-53 WROI\VOLl�PR07F1IE119981BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECQ-1C_PLAMREVISED HARVFS7'ONVIEVISEDI- I lANDl2 DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Site Plannin�G�i�e�ines As stated ir� S�ctian 3.1.4, this o�erlay zane provides the opportunity to develop a mix of potential uses such as retail, restaurant,affice uses,a daycare facility, a worship site, and private club house with fit.ness center(Viilage Club) and park,recreation,educational and residential uses. A maximurci nf 2d,000 square fee# of commer�ia�lretai]Io,ff'�ce is pern7itted in tk�is zflne along with the 15,fl4f7 square feet Village Ciu�, resid�ntial,z'eGreation and educationa�►�ses. This a�erlay will provide the potential for development projects which create a "live, work and play environment." Far an o�erall, "conceptual desib"af#he Mixed-Use Q�er�ay aane, please refer to Figure T],.14,Mixec3- Use Village Center Canceptuai Pta� with Buildin� Placeznent and Landscape Treatzraent. This deszgn is "canceptt�al" subject to re�isions as zndividual prflperEies are de�eloped. The plan and gnidelines wttich follow are intended to ensure that this area is de�eloped in a manner cansistent wiih the intent of the Mixed-Use Overlay to create a"Village Center"at Harveston. A proposed pemutted mixed-use which the Community Development Department deems to be in canf�rrriance with the foliawing guideline principles, shall be appra�ed administrati�ely by the Dixector of Planning. The Directar a#� Planning I'�S�IV£5 i�1B Cl��l[ t0 I7IITIa any project ar use to the Planning Cominissi�n cfue tv�ontra�ersial ar camplex issues r�laced to the use or de�elopment. Mixture of Uses 1. �ntegrate mixed-uses into a single structure with retail on the lower level, office and residential on upper levels. 2. Residential units should always be located above any commercial use. 3. Ve�tical mixed. use pr�jects [where uses are combined in a single sWcture} is preferred over harizor�tal rr�ixe�i use prajects(where uses are distrihuted in segarat� structures}. 4. When mixed uses are combined within a single structure, the intensity of use should decrease as the floors increase. 5. Fertnanent �arriers, which preclude pedestrian circulation through a mixed use project, are strongiy discouraged. 6. Opportunities for convenient transit access from the Village Center are strongly encouraged. 7. The cammerGial an�h�rs fvr the VilIage Center shauld be entertainment, restaurant or grocery stores, �ersus the suburban prototypi�al departznent store. 8. Encourage the provision of community facilities in the Mixed-Use Village Center areas. 9. Allow for residential densities at the top of the density range for those projects that offer mixed- uses. 10. Consider higher residential densities and intensities that will support mass transit options. 11. Compliment retail uses with personal service shops, office and residential uses. 12. Provide for community gathering spaces,public meeting rooms, conference rooms and exhibition areas. Harveston Specific Plan 11-54 P:\1998�BN16?011DECEMBEfZSPECIFlC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-11AND12DOC � 5'; � ����_- 1� lL�.�'Y�����'i Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r URBAN PLANTING CO�]TI�UES INTO RESIDENTLAL TO DEFINE VILLAGE CENTER CHARACTER - ,� � - . �� � __ � �. —_��,.�. �t.,.� "-`� �k '� � -�'' � l '��"�� #- Er��r��•rnxY � ' ' � ' '�. }.- ��,�� �� "�" +� *F. � ry ry�, r �� � � ' �` 7. SCHQ[:]L � - r,• %,c, � S� � �� � , �✓ •E . f = � . � � ' _ '• . G � �� : . . • � �. ' � . �.c . ; r '� ,`�i�, hLr�.]QR_-FOCAL � �, �r •.� � f� � .�.. '�-� f. PQINT � � � -� ' ' � �_� , � '� .� � � ,� - _... : _ � r: � :�• - '� ,s �--- f: s • . `� .� . . .�;� , � �.�. � .�s:;-_;_ . ) , �, � �+ � T tir•+t� ar •---. J� ��:,-, � L�, �i. ' � � e�' -? _ '�+.r ,' _ '; I.�71��: �AF • '� r' �:� • -�`' �, -.�--�.� 1� �- • •�a � � �� � �'�z� ��':.��' '�• � ` . �Pt�R C��+ �` �-� ..� �'' - �' '_ LAICE P� � .• �'�� � � �. � �' _ � ARCHITECTURE FORWARD ���' � �. � ,•� � � �,� • ;' ' ENCOURAGES DEFINITION �,.�� � , �' �� , 1 � ` , ��� � �' ' Y• OF VILLAGE CENTER r.�--: � � �;� .�['-. r� - - �. , % �� ,4,;:,::,: ;� ... � -_.L _ ,�.�_ �� � _ �+t7� '� �S ��� ��`i� ��,.4�.�r� __ �. "; t � _ �.' � CC)�1�[�f�i11'I'Y Fr1L'ILI7'l' ' � ��`-:�, � �1ti � � ,� �,. ��;r`•.;.�� � .�r H:t.. r�RCF•i1T�.CT'LfR1E_ . •'�'�,�;�;;;% �'. — ' ., r 4.� B[]A'fHC1li5E �C:t7\ I=C7R"S�tiSF_ ��� _ r''� ff `''� � ��' �`��,� .;, �. �J c' �. (7.f'PF..r1C�i" 1 •��' � �' _ •�'` ���j . � r��,� :�.. � jTL.ULY��iPIC: PQO.L � � � ' � � L '�`1' .s' � � � f� ` • '�. FC3�1�7'AIZ 1 } ' � �" r� 4 ``1 ���� P1.r17,11 ti � , 7 � •.1 � � �' , i` f� �.� �-;� �� �'nr��e� 1 �7. 5;;��� ., .� � ', k�.17 G6 � �� '� (�� . � "� ,.,� '� 4�pGi: �� /��� `� - • f � �) w' � � , �I7�� .L.� ( ./ F• !�J j � � � � . _�.n� L�s l '� 1 �r� f' � � � � �' r ,STAGL•���� �' �` 'h, ��--• . -^�'+� � ' r � r` L� � �r�- ] � � � � f�,• .� '�`� � � • � L� `� . }1`/�r'�"�l � C:OI�(L14L7\ITY • . � stiiCr r`. � i��' .�.�,_-, � •/ FACILITY REAR �� 14-�VILLt1GF • f YARD SCREEN . `` � G��' � 'li�IT FORLIIAL URBAN r-: �� ��` � . LANDSCAPE ' � � ' � C� ,� -r'"- ' • �G TREATbIENT DEFINES BUILDING ARTICULATION � J '��`''f � . � VILLAGE CENTER TO PROVIDE AN ENHANCED 0 ' r . . .'.: ::;•� . � `� r � • ��Cf � r PEDESTRIAN EXPERIENCE '� .•,:�'r' CHARt1CTER � . � - - t'�*�� � .� , � •�, BUILDING ARCHITECTURE f-n�: ;�. _.���4 � �• . DEFINES VILLAGE CENTER _ ��4 ,�'�� �, ,_ f : _ `, , . �i` MULTI-FAMILY � � y � 1 ��� . Y ^�• t �4 • .� � � ��'�/ _ � ' •- - � . .• . _ �—+ -__ •� •�� Y � , . �^` t . � .-� � � " • l � ' • � �L.. l ,� • `. � � ' v ' - . t�.• • _.-. S�3��. ` � �. .-. S • L l.� Fi�ure 11.14 , D � yp Febnaary2001 Mixed Use Village Center Conceptual Plan with BL�ilding Placement and Landscape Treatment SECTION 11.0- DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Buildin�Scale and Desip 1. Buildings shall be adjacent to the street or the adjacent landscape planter area to create a pedestrian oriented streetscape within the Mixed-Use Village Center. 2. The overall design of buildings in the Mixed-Use Village Center area shall be compatible in terms of landscaping, architectural design, building materials and the relationship between buildings. The overall scale and design of buildings in a Village Center area should be compatible with one another. 3. Single story commercial structures are discouraged. 4. The first floor of any multi floor building should be oriented to the pedestrian. 5. Buildings with large landscaped setbacks are not desirable. Whenever possible, consolidate multiple landscape setback areas into usable "urban" plazas with seating, paving, and lighting accents. 6. Whenever it is impossible or undesirable to provide multiple floors, the use of inezzanines or open ceiling spaces are preferred. 7. Large landscaped buffer yards are discouraged in favor of pedestrian plazas, civic plazas, transit station facilities and other public open space options. 8. Residential units shall be at least two stories high and employ neo-traditional principles. Parki�and Vehicular Circulation 1. Parking lots shall be located internally within the project area and not located only on the perimeter as with the"typical" shopping center. 2. Parking lots, garages, and other facilities should generally be located at the rear or at the side of buildings. 3. Shared parking between businesses shall be provided whenever possible. 4. Parking areas shall be well-landscaped internally as well as along the perimeter. 5. Large expanses of paving uninterrupted by landscaping shall not be permitted. One tree shall be provided for every six (6)parking stalls. 6. Parking aisles shall be separated from pedestrian access routes whenever possible. 7. Parking lot design should incorporate pedestrian pathways through the lot versus around the perimeter. 8. Separate vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems shall be provided in Mixed-use Village Center areas. (Refer to Figure 11.15, Mixed-Use Village Center Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation and Parking). Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-56 P:\I998�BN16201�DECEMBEIZSPECIFiC�LAMREVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI•IIANDI?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Pe_destrian CirculationlPedestrian_Dreented Desi� 1. Provide pedestrian and non-motorized vehiculaz access between the Mixed-Use Village Center area and other uses in the Hazveston community. 2. Site Planning for the Mixed-Use Village Center azeas sha11 provide pedestrian circulation azeas that are linked to the Loop Road paseo system. 3. The design of the building facades shall be azchitecturally interesting and in scale with the pedestrian. 4. Sidewalks adjacent to shop storefronts should be at least ten feet wide to facilitate browsing, stopping to talk, or walking through. 5. Ground floor elevations shall avoid large blank walls, with windows and doorways located at frequent intervals. 6. Lazge wall surfaces shall be divided with offsets, projections, step-backs, and penetrations to provide distinctive shadow lines. 7. Site planning and design sha11 be sensitive to the need to create defensible spaces for the protecrion of the pedestrian. 8. Consider pedestrian circulation pattems, sunlight conditions, wind pattern, and the selection of building and landscape materials,when locating a pedestrian open space. 9. Landscape treatment throughout the Mixed-Use Village Center shall have a unifying theme emphasizing the more urban-like environment, yet blends with the adjoining residential neighborhoods. TransiE Conne�tion 1. Provide facilities for future connections to regional bus systems. (Refer to Figure 11.15, Mixed Use Village Center Pedestrian and Vehiculaz Circulation and Pazking). Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-57 P:\1998�SN16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFlC�L4MREV15EDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-11AND]?DOC .�_. _ =�^�, ��.�'����Q➢�'1 Specific Plan Lennar Communitie.r REAR PARKING REI?�IFQRCES ARCHITECTURE FORWARD : -� ' F� �� - -�� �5�� _ . . . S � � `•, � �f ' " . R� . �� � � � � � �,'. .} �. S'.- .. . i� � � . 1 .4___'.�� ' S L . 7+•J � � �,t,},�� , �♦� � NEIGHBORHOOD STREET� � f � � ti ' � '' �" ELEMENTARY _ �. � , PROVIDE ACCE-SS TO �, �', , `G � �: � ;•. � �SIDENTS AND LAKE YHI��C. ■ y��" ��,:, SCHOOL ; � ' � r' � "�� ,� � �� EXTENSION OF WALK ` ENHANCES VILLAGE � . � � '� � . � y • '' � _,'+- � . f. . i '^• r � \ , . j � ': . . � f � r � � 'y°` �� •�' CENTER THEME , �"...r'�. �4 � .� � � /� .'"'S',.�tii�u���n, � + .. � � -rrSr�Ld . - �•� .� , 1� yr .< n�,��,��_.'��• � �-.� L� i �,f��ri�'. `�.' `� _ . � � � J � �Y� - y '"(�F-,�;;q• . � -- -, � �`i�`�,��r ,,1 �i:f� �'• `.�� •�`'� �, �'� �.� ��:; �� :. . � .r •�.T'_n N��� � � � �• _ 1 '� L`]icF 1���, 11 � � �..�� � �� ,',`� � '� {� � 'C�i- .� . -�� �� �� �• � '� ! (] �[� r�•-' � �� � �� • ,.����� i'F� '� .l� p� � �..Y.� . � ;.e.. '�`�.��"•1: 4] ' :�_ � .��r�'�:" �. F �.�.` ' - _ �� � - J .� ` ` .ye��':: r'-?': �` ' /-� ti..`�� • � .� ��=Tf +� f.•.ti��3'1��� • �-� \.:�� ��t iJ _ � '� FU��felf.ViL1.r1GE LN.�TF:R �� '.' ``�•., �1�'�' s ~� '��! ���� � �� � ��� .r�'" • '� � '. ,. ' k.•: yi s �r� lk'ALf{L•NHAIL•CES �� "4=�w�'�'`%� r� * +�n�: ..f 5 'Y• PE.i7E5TR1.1ti E�!'.�RIE\'CE. '�'s';_:;:• r .�,. c� � �,- � ' _ �� { ,a `" ,�� REAR PARKING � - "�,. � '�, ' � ]R.O1�I EIPI[.'�[]QL � • '• REINFORCES •� � � �--�• ,-r �''�] , � hOliti'I":71?i ,�� ` , � ARCHITECTURE PLA G:1 -^�' ''..��� " �E�� � :r._:- �.�, ARfCf: r� . FORWARD �• �• `l �y �, U R�3:1�' � '"� ~ �� � ` �, L•:I]GF. � � '' � � / �/� URI3t1IV`� 1.� .� , �`� ��`}�Ci L <�� � �� `�1 r-y+ ? WALK � �� `� � �3 � � � r r� r r1�` `� � � � � !.` $`E'ACiE�� � '� � � � � I~ ,_ r�, ' 'C r - ..� � i � _ - � ._ �' K. -. � .g_ 4� � � _ `'1 PA - , F ~'s/�l.. � � ,�] ` . r _ � '� � 1� �C�I3:LAGF � - 1 C .G�� WALK INTERFACES � � l� � 'TM!�� � �/L�IIT WITH GROUND �� � � P � � � ' `IZG • '� .��'�'� � FLOOR RETAIL y ' � _ � �''�'--;.�� ��j � JS�.. . � - ��ti..•-'�3Y• ' �\� I _ - - .�: .� .,, ��` .�, ' -� - - � � . MULTI-FAMILY •,s`� ����� {� ^' -- ' . -_. ��` • � . � '.�'� � , C , ` �? . 4 ��'.. _ - ' � r� - � .� - � �. . � . . . L_ �,fi_—• �. . . _ • , _ . 2 y,r - � `� _ .i�� � � {._ '! 4�I ' r. . �� e • �r �� �� • .1 _ �''A� � �^' •� . l��_�' _sr . , Figure 11.15 ���-• ' Feb 2001 Mixed Use Village Center Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation and Parking � v n�at�, SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.6 Service Commercial Plannin�Area 1� The following regulations shall apply in the service commercial zone: Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix south(s)or North(N) SeTV1Ce CoIIlIIleTCi� Date Street Aerobics/dance/ mnastics/jazzercise/martial arts studios P S&N Alcohol and dru treatment(ou atient) C S&N Alcoholic bevera e sales C S&N Alcoholism or dru treatment facilities C S&N Ambulance services P S&N Animal has itallshelter P S&N Anti ue restoration C S&N Anti ue sho s P S&N A arel and accesso s3�o s P S&N A liance stores, household{ lass and minor retail services} P S&N Arcades( inball and video ames) C S&N Art su 1 sho s and studios P S&N Auction houses P S&N Auditoriums and conference facilities C S&N Automobile aintin and bod sho C S&N Automobile arts and sales P S&N Automobile rental P S&N Automobile re air services (no outdoor stora e) P S&N Automobile sales P S&N Automobile service stations with or without an automated car wash P S&N Bake oods distributors P S&N Bake retail P S&N Bake wholesale P S&N Banks and financial institutions P S&N Barber and beaut sho s. P S&N Bic cle (sales,rentals, services) P S&N Billiard arlor/ ool hall C S&N Bindin of books and similar ublications P S Blood banks P S&N Blue rintin ,du licatin and co y services. P S&N Bookstores P S&N Bowlin alle P S&N Building materials sales (with exterior storage/sales areas greater than 50% of total P S&N sales area) Building materials sales (with exterior storage/sales areas less than 50% of total P S&N sales area) Butcher sho P S&N Cabinet sho P S&N Harveston Specific Plan 11-59 \UROI\VOLI�PR0IF7LEl1998�8N15?O1�DECEMBEIZSPECff1C_PL4MREVISED HARVESTONUtEVI5ED1- ,u�rro�z.�oc SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matri.x south(s)or Service Commercial North(N) Date Street Cabinet sho s under 20,000 s . ft.—no outdoor storaQe P S&N Camera sha (sales/minor re aixs} P S&N Carid l�onfectione sales P S&N Car wash,full service C S&N C et and ru �Ieanin� P S&N Cateriri services P S&N Clatk�in stores P S&N Coins urchase and sales P S&N Communications e ui ment sales P S&N Communit care facilities P S&N C� uter sales and service P S&N Can e ate care housin for the elderl P S&N Constntction e ui ment sales,service or rental C S&N Contractor's e �.i. ment sa�es,service or rental C S&N Convenience market P S&N Costume rentals P S&N �t�� P S&N Data ro�essin e �i rnent and s stems P S&N Da Care C S&N Delicatessens P S&N Disc�untlde artinent stores P S&N Distribution facilit C S&N Drtt storesl narmac P S&N D cleaners F S&N D ��eaxein lant C S&N Electronics sales P S&N Em�r enc shelters C S&N E ui ment sales and rentals P S&N E ui rnent sales and rentals{outdoor stora e} C S&N Feed and arain sales P S&N Financial,insurance real estate offices P S&N Fire and olice stations P S&N Floor cQ�er�n� sales P S&N Florist sho P S&N Fortune tellina,s iritualism, or sirnilar a�ti�vit C S&N Funeral axlors,martu P S&N Furniture sales {na outdoor stora e or dis la of rrAerchandise} P S&N Furniture transfer and stara e C S&N Garden su lies and e ui menE sales and service P S&N Gas distribution, meter and control station C S&N General merchandise/retail store P S&N Govemment offices P S&N Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-60 NROI\VOLI�PRO1F71FI998�BN16301�DECEMBEFZSPECIFIC PLANUtEVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI• ��AND�Z.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix south(s)or Service Commercial North(N) Date Street Groce stare,retail P S&N Groce store, wholesale P S&N Guns and fuearms sales P S&N Hardware stores P S&N Health and exercise clubs P S&N Health care faci3it P S Health food stores P S&N He1i arts C S&N Hobb su 1 sho s P S&N Home and business maintenance service P S&N Has itals C S&N Hotels/motels P S&N Ice cream azlor P S&N Interior decaratin sho s P S&N Kennel C S&N Laboratories, �lm,medical,research or testin centers P S Laundromat P S&N Laund service{commercial} P S&N Libraries, museums and aaileries( ri�ate} C S&N Li uor stores C S&N Lit�a a hic service P S&N Locksmith P S&N Mail order businesses P S&N Manufacturing of products similar to,but not limited to, the following: Custom-made product, processing, assembling, packaging, and fabrication of goods P S within enclosed building (not outside storage), such as jewelry, fumiture, art objects, clothing, labor intensive manufacturing, assembling, and repair processes which do not involve frequent truck traffic. Compounding of materials, processing, assembling, packaging, treatment or � S fabrication of materials and products, which require frequent truck activity or the transfer of heavy or bulky items. Wholesaling, storage, and warehousing within enclosed building, freight handling, shipping, truck services and terminals, storage and wholesaling from the premises or unrefined, raw or semi-refined products re uirin further rocessin or manufacturin ,and outside stora e. Medical ui ment sales/rental P S&N Memk�ershi clubs, ardanizatians, lod es C S&N Mini-stora e or mini-warehouse * S&N Mobile home sales and service P S&N Motion icture studio P S&N Motorc cle sales and service P S&N *Please refer to Section 17.08 OSOR of the Development Code Harveston Specific Plan 11-61 P:\I998�eNIfi10I�DECEMBER_SPECIFIC PIAMREVISED HARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIANDI?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Permitted/Conditionally Permitted Uses Matrix south(s)or Service Commercial North(N) Date Street Musical and recordin studio C S&N Ni htclubs/tavems/bazs/dance club teen club C S&N Nurseries (retail) P S&N Nursin homes/convalescent homes C S&N Offtce e ui men�lsu Iies, sales/services P S&N Office, administrative or co orate head uarters with eater than 50,000 s . ft. P S&N Offices, including but not limited to business, law, medical, dental, chiropractic, P S&N ar�hitectura.l, en ineerin , communit lannin and real estate. Paint and wall a er stores p S� Parcel deli�e services P S&N Parkin lots and aztcin� structures C S&N Pawn sha s P S&N Personal service sho s P S&N Pest control services P S&N Pet oomin / et sho P S&N Photo hic studio P S&N Plumbin su 1 ard(enclosed or unenclosed) C S&N Postal services P S&N PrintinQ and ublis�in news a ers, eriodicals, books, etc.) P S&N Pri�ate utilic facilities [re ulated b the ublic utilities commission) P S&N Radio and braadcastin st�dia, offices P S&N Recreational vehicle sales C S&N Recreational�ehiGle,trailer and boat stora e—exterior ard C S&N Recreatianal vehicle,trailer, and boat stora e within an enclosed buildin C S&N ReliQious institutions C S&N Restaurant,drive-in/fast food C S&N Restaurants and other eatin establishments P S&N Restaurants with loun e or live entertainment C S&N Roomin and baardina houses C S&N Schools,business and rofessional P S&N Scientific research and develo ment offices and laboratories P S S orts and recreational facilities C S&N Swimmin ool su lies/e ui ment sales P S&N Taxi or limousine services P S&N Telecommunication towers * S&N Tile sales P S&N Tobacco sho P S&N Truck sales/rentals/service C S&N TV/VCR re air P S&N U holste sho C S&N Vendin�machine sales and service P S&N Warehousin /distribution C S Watch re air P S&N Weldin su 1 and service(enclosed) P S&N *Please r�fer to Section 17.40 of the Development Codc Harveston Specific Plan 11-62 P:\1998�BN16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFIC_PLAMREVISEDHARVESTON�REVISEDI-11ANDI?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS De�eiot�rt�e�nt Standards The following standards of development are required in the Service Commercial Zone of Planning Area 12. To ensure the integrated development of Planning Area 12, the areas north and south of Date/Cherry Street shall be master planned prior to any land subdivision or development. Table 11.5, at the end of this section,provides a graphic summary of the following Service Commercial development standards. De�elo ment Standard Iannin Area 12 1. Lot Area. The minimum net lot area shall be thirty thousand square feet(30,000 sq. ft.) 2. Height a. The ma�cimum height of all structures, including buildings, shall be fifty feet(50'). b. A maximum height for fence,wall or hedge shall be six feet(6'). c. A maximum height for an accessory structure shall be twelve feet(12'). 3. Landscaping a. A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the site shall be landscaped and automatic irrigation shall be installed. b. Pazking lot landscaping and shading shall conform to applicable City Ordinance. c. A minimum of a fifty foot (50') landscaped buffer/setback area shall be provided adjacent to the Interstate 15 right-of-way. No parking or driving surfaces are allowed in this area. 4. Setbacks a. A minimum of yazd area setback adjacent to a street shall be twenty five feet (25') for an arterial street; twenty feet(20')for a collector; and ten feet(10') for a local street. b. A minimum yard adjacent to residentially zoned property shall be thirty feet(30'). c. A minimum interior side yard shall be (0), except that side yards adjacent to the Freeway shall be ten feet(10'). d. A minimum rear yard shall be ten feet(10'). e. A minimum side/rear setback for an accessory structure shall be five feet(5'). �f. A minimum width at required front setback area shall be one hundred feet(100'). g. A minimum depth shall be one hundred twenty feet(120'). h. A minimum frontage on a street shall be eighty feet(80'). 5. A target floor area ratio for the uses within the Service Commercial shall be 0.40. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-63 P.\199818NI6201�IATESTSPEC[F7CPLAN�FEBRUARYSPEC�7CPL4MREVISEDI•11AND12DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 . � g < s d > . � 0 � � � 0 W 7[� Z< .] a U � v�' h �..i m w � . � �, � V � � �nw ww www w � ww � � � � 9 � p O '~ 0 � O O O O � O � O O � N � N � � O ,--� ,--� oo N N � ,-, c� �n .-+ � V � � a � W E"q 3 � O � � a = oE � U o 0 � a o a � � � � � o �+ � z �� a � O � � F � � Z � � � d W E � a � � zn � ° � o � � F z � E" � � °� `� � d � A w � � � o � .� .� � y; a� � � `�," 'a� O � o '� i � � O � x C-�-� W � a '1 � � y N � � � �..i V1 � W `�: p ,b a�i � �/+ °� ea ��e � � N � ai U eC • A � � .e�C .s.�• C%] � ^d .� y .� �-I e�C Z a �a o x � � v� � > � � � � � U � �� � a� � o � ;b C� ,� °' � � Q`� �, °' � ° �' a� � �' -d b � �. p� � ee r.' � b �, �l y.� '��" Q W a � O ,.0 ,.0 � U N e�"C U O "C ++ '� x U Zr � O � � � � � � y � •� O O � W U of�' �� � � -d `� o ,b `� � xb� a; = `� � Awd � � � � W w � ° � � •;� � .� v� b �. ,� � � � 3 ,� � � " •� � � � � � o o .o � � � � � � � � Q Gr �� ,,,,, � •� •� •� .b Q U �l a��i e'"a c�i 'b � � � � c�i � � � � F'� � �'" � .'" �, � C� Q � � � � G� Q 0. ti . � � � � � � ��. � � o � � � SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 6. A maximum floor area ratio with intensity bonus as per Section 17.08.050 of the Temecula Development Code shall be 1.5. 7. Screening. Parking, loading, trash and service areas shall be screened by structures and landscaping. They shall be located in such a manner as to minimize noise or odor nuisance. Screening shall be required at the face of buildings to break/soften long, two dimensional walls. It should be noted extensive landscaping will not be provided at the rear of buildings whose loading areas are not in the public view. This will be addressed at the development plan stage. 8. Outside Storage Areas. Outside storage shall be screened with structures and landscaping. Landscaping shall be placed in a manner adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the area so that materials stored are screened from view. If a non-screened exhibit of products is proposed,it shall be part of the Industrial Park Development Plan, and shall be setback at least ten feet(10') from the property line. 9. Refuse Collection Areas/Loading Docks a. All refuse collection areas and structures and loading docks shall be designed and provided in accordance with applicable City of Temecula rules and policies. b. Storage and trash collection structures and loading docks shall not be located within any required setback area,including front, side,and rear yard setbacks. c. Refuse collection areas and structures shall be conveniently accessible to the buildings they are designed to serve. d. Loading docks and structures, which are used fDr storage or trash collection, shall be screened by landscaping, solid walls/fencing, architectural features, or combination thereof, in such a manner as not to be visible from a public street or from any adjacent residential area. e. Walls and fences used to screen storage or trash collection areas or loading docks shall be solid and shall not exceed six feet(6')in height from the highest grade. 10. Parking. Automobile parking shall comply with Chapter 17.24 of the Temecula Development Code. 11. Utilities. All new utilities shall be underground. 12. Mechanical Equipment. All roof mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from the ground elevation view to a minimum sight distance of one thousand three hundred twenty feet (1,320'). Screening shall be incorporate into the architecture through the use of increased parapet wall height and other building wall elements. Harveston Specific Plan 11-65 \uR01\VOLI�PROJFILEll999�8N162011L47EST5PECIFICPLAN�FEBRUARYSPECIF[CP[ANU2EVISFDI- 11AND12DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 13. Lighting a. All lighting fixtures, including spot lights, electrical reflectors and other mean of illumination for signs, structures, landscaping, pazking, loading, unloading, and similaz areas shall be focused, directed and ananged to prevent glaze or direct illumination on streets ar adjoining property. b. The level of on-site lighting, as well as the type of lighting fixtures, shall comply with all applicable requirements of the City of Temecula and Mount Palomar Observatory. c. The maximum height for pazking azea lighting fixtures shall not exceed thirty feet(30�. 14. Building/Structure Design. All buildings and structures shall comply with the applicable provisions of the City-wide design guidelines. In addition, all elevations facing the freeway shall include substantially similaz azchitectural treatments that are located on the buildings' front elevations. No freeway oriented display azeas or display windows aze allowed in this Planning Area. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-66 WR01\VOLI�PROIFILE1199B�BN16?01�[ATES[SPEC�iCP1AN�FEBRUARYSPEC�iCPL4MREVISEDI- 11AND12DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11.4.7 Signage - Villa�e Center Si�nage: Ge�idelines and Staudards Special signage guidelines and standards are required for the Village Center. Effecrive signage will contribute to the urban feel and the pedestrian scale of the development. Special signage requirements will also serve to identify the Village Center, while at the same time, effectively providing the necessary visibility needed by commercial development. These guidelines and standards, when combined with the building and landscape guidelines and standards will help create a"sense of place"in the Village Center. Genexal5i�n Guidelines 1. Appropriate. a. Generally, small,low key signage program for tenant spaces. b. Building mounted signs for project identity. c. Eye level signs; window and door signs, including pedestrian oriented projecting signs. d. Signs consistent with building texture, color and architectural style. e. Uniquely shaped signs that are related to the product or service provided (i.e., barber poll). f. Signs which have illumination sources consistent with Mount Palomar lighting standards and restrictions. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Typical"can"or"box" signs with entire face areas in plastic. b. Individual plastic channel letters. c. Signs mounted above building rooflines (parapet), or roof-mounted signs. d. Signs which incorporate any manner of inechanical movement, audible elements,flashing or intermittent lighting, and/or moving or otherwise animated forms. e. Signs which interfere with or conflict with any traffic control device, create a safety hazard by obstructing the clear view of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or interfere with efficient operations of emergency vehicles. f. Signs, which prevent free access to or from any fire escape, door, window or exit, or access to any standpipe. g. Landscaping or the use of annual or ornamental flowers that form a sign or message. Harveston Specific Plan 11-67 \VROI\VOLI�PROJF7IE11996�BN16201�DECEIv��SPECIFIC_PIAMREVISED HARVESTONV2EVISEDI- i�nrroia.00c SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS h. Signs not in scale with the pedestrian orientation. � i. Neon window signs. j. Vehicle signs. k. Signs extending above the eave or parapet and roof-maux►ted signs. 1. Signs painted onto building surfaces or trash bins and their enclosures. m. Signs with disproportionate, visually distracting, or reflective surfaced background or graphics. n. Signs with non-contrasting background/graphics, which render the sign illegible. o. Inflatable signs. p. Off-site signage. q. Monument signs(except a theater monument or marquee). GeneraI Si 5tandards and S ecifications 1. A comprehensive sign program for the entire Village Center shall be required prior to the approval of the fust Development Plan. 2. The arPa �f a sigr. or logo witl: indi•ridual letters shall be measured vy a recta��gle around the outside of the lettering and/or the pictorial symbal. 3. Planning and Building and Safety Departments review and approval is required prior to the placing,erecting,moving, or reconstructing of any sign within the Specific Plan area. 4. All permanent signs shall require a pemut prior to erecting or attaching the sign. 5. If a situation arises that is not covered by these sign regulations or the type of pemut required,the Director of Planning shall provide written interpretation after consulting the City's Sign Ordinance. 6. All building-mounted signs shall meet all applicable city, state and federal codes. 7. All signs containing electrical components shall conform to the Uniform Lighting Code. 8. Signs shall be placed to be compatible with the building and accent the architectural design of the structure. 9. Sign colors should be coxnpatible with the huildin�'�cnlnr and the lauilding. 10. Signs and letter sizes shall be used which are complementary to the building scale. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-68 \UR01\VOL11PR07F7LE11998�8N16201�DECEMBF.IZSPEC[FlC PLAN�REVISED HARVES'fOMREVISEDI- ]IANDl?DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 11. Signs should have individually spaced letters. 12. Signs shall have concealed illumination source, either intemal or external. Buildin�Maunted 5igns Retail and ofFce uses shall have one (1) square foot of sign area per linear foot of business frontage, with a maximum letter height of sixteen (16") inches. Each business may use any combination of the following signs to arrive at the total allowable square footage. 1. Awning Signs Twenty percent (20%) maximum coverage allowed of the total exterior surface of each awning. Internal illumination is prohibited. 2. Frojecting Signs No more than one (1) projecting sign will be allowed per tenant. The maximum size may not exceed six (6) squaze feet and shall not extend more than three feet (3') from the wall surface. Projecting signs shall only be attached to buildings and shall not be illuminated. Signs may encroach into the public right-of-way a maximum of three feet (3') subject to approval of the Director of Public Works. Accessory Signs 1. Permanent Window Signs. Store identity, graphics, typography and/or company logo may be silkscreened or etched on the tenant's window. The maximum square foot graphic area allowed per window shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total window area from the exterior of the building, whichever is greater. Signs will not be permitted on doors. 2. Hanging Signs and Under Canopy Signs No more than one (1) hanging sign shall be allowed per tenant. Signs are permitted under a canopy and parallel to the primary street; maximum size of three (3) square feet; minimum of seven feet(7')vertical clearance shall be required from walking grade to the bottom of the sign. 3. Menu Boards. One menu board, up to four (4) square feet in area, is allowed for each restaurant or other eating establishment. Menu boards may contain only the name of the establishment and the food available inside. The menu board must be located on a wall adjacent to the main customer entrance. Harveston Specific Plan 11-69 \�R01\VOLI�PROh7LE11998�8N16201�DECEMBEIZSPECo-IC PL4N�REVISED HARVFS"fONU2EVI5ED1- 11AND1?DOC SECTION 11.0 -DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4. Daily Special Signs. � One display area, up to four(4) square feet in area, is allowed for each restaurant or other eating establishment. Daily Special signs may contain only the name of the menu item. The daily special sign must be located near the entrance or hostess stand. Address Numerals All building mounted address numerals are to conform with all graphic requirements for signage, herein and the requirements of the Temecula Fire Department. Direcizanal Si�na�e 1. Shall consist of small-scale signs that are compatible with the buildings architecture and wall signs. 2. Shall have contrasting backgroundlgraphic colors. 3. Shall have direct or indirect concealed illumination. 4. Individual d'uectional signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area, or have an overall height exceeding three feet(3')above fuushed grade. Fla s A maacimum of three (3) colored flags, which contain no writing, insignia or logos may be displayed at one time. Leasing and Temporary Sipns 1. Leasing, temporary, and future facilities signage shall be permitted for any office or institutional use,provided that the maximum area does not exceed sixteen(16) square feet,nor shall the height of the sign exceed eight feet(8')above fuushed grade. 2. Temporary window signs shall not be illuminated, shall be li�ited to fifteen percent(15%) of the tenants storefront glass area, and shall be displayed for no more than fourteen (14) days. All other temporary signs shall be regulated and permitted pursuant to the City of Temecula Sign Ordinance. 3. A-frames are permitted no more than twelve(12)days per month. T�►eater Marquee Permanent signage for all theaters and special event facilities shall be permitted and may be provided in the form of either theater monument signs and/or marquee signs. These signs, if provided, shall consist of a permanent portion displaying the name of the theater or special event facilities and, 'if desired, may also include a changeable section accommodating program information. The marquee can have a maximum sign area of forty (40) square feet and a maximum width of ten feet (10'), shall be architecturally compatible with the adjacent structures, and located outside the public right-of-way. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-70 \UROI\VOL1WR07FILE11998�SN16201V.ATESTSPECffICPL4NIFEBRUARYSPECQ�7CPIAMREVISmI- I IANDl2.DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Service Commercial Si �ta e:Guidelines and Standards A single thematic sign program for the Service Commercial development areas that dictates the design of signage must be incorporated so as to blend with the master community landscape and signage theme carried throughout the Harveston community. This sign program incorporates cohesive illumination techniques, a building coverage and monument sign guidelines to support and accentuate the monument concepts within the Landscape Architectural Guidelines. GeneraI Si�n Ge�zdelines 1. Appropriate. a. Monument signs. b. Building mounted signs for project identity. c. One color for sign lettering and one color for sign background. Additional colors are • acceptable only when incorporating logos. d. Generally, small, low key signage program for tenant spaces. e. Eye-level signs; window and door signs. f. Individual channel letters. g. Signs consistent with building texture, color and architectural style. h. Signs which have illumination sources consistent with Mount Palornar lighting standards and restrictions. 2. Inappropriate/Prohibited a. Free standing freeway-oriented signage. b. Typical"can"or"box"signs with entire face areas in plastic. c. Signs mounted above building rooflines (parapet), or roof-mounted signs. d. Signs which incorporate any manner of inechanical movement, audible elements, flashing or intemuttent lighting, and/or moving or otherwise animated forms. e. Signs which interfere with or conflict with any traffic control device, create a safety hazard by obstructing the clear view of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or interfere with efficient operations of emergency vehicles. f. Signs, which prevent free access to or from any fire escape, door, window or exit, or access to any standpipe. Harveston Specifzc Plan 11-71 \VR01\VOLI�PR07FILEll99918IJ16201�DECEMBE[ZSPECIFiC PLAN�REVISED HARVFSfON1REVISEDI- 11ANDl?.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS g. Landscaping or the use of annual or ornamental flowers that form a sign or message. h. Illumination of signage by floodlights, lighting from unconcealed sources, sources which do not conform with set design style. i. Absence of illumination. j. Neon window signs. k. Vehicle signs. 1. Signs extending above the eave or parapet, roof-mounted signs, non-projecting signs which project more than twelve inches(12")from a given building face. m. Signs painted onto building surfaces or trash bins and their enclosures. n. Signs with disproportionate, visually distracting, or reflective surfaced background or graphics. o. Signs with non-contrasting background/graphics, which render the sign illegible. p. Off-site signage. q. A-frames. General Si Standards and S eci�cations 1. The area of a sign or logo with individual letters shall be measured by a rectangle around the outside of the lettering and/or tne pictorial symbol. 2. Planning and Building and Safety Departments review and approval is required prior to the placing,erecting,moving, or reconstructing of any sign within the Specific Plan area. 3. All permanent signs shall require a permit prior to erecting or attaching the sign. 4. A comprehensive sign program shall be required to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to the first approval of development in the Service Commercial area. The comprehensive sign program shall precisely implement the sign standards of the Specific Plan area. 5. Signage which is noi approved as part of the Development Plan process shall be approved administratively by the Director of Planning. 6. If a situation arises that is not covered by these sign regulations or the type of permit required,the Director of Planning shall provide written interpretation after consulting the City's Sign Ordinance. 7. All building-mounted signs shall meet or exceed all applicable city, state and federal codes. 8. All signs containing electrical components shall conform to the Uniform Lighting Code. Harveston Specific Plan 11�/2 \VROI\VOLI�PROJFiLEll996�8N16?OI�fATESTSPECIF7CPLAN�FEBRUARYSPEC�ICPLANV2EV[SEDI- 11AND12 DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Monument Signs 1. Signs shall be constructed with materials and colors that aze compatible with, and serve to complement the building. 2. Not more than one (1) freestanding sign shall be pernutted per lot, except that if the lot has frontage on two (2) or more streets, the project shall be permitted two (2) freestanding signs, provided that the two (2) signs aze not located on the same street and aze not closer than three hundred feet(300'). 3. A freestanding sign shall never be located within three hundred feet (300") of another freestanding sign. 4. Freestanding signs shall refer only to the permitted uses conducted on the premises, shall be located outside the road right-of-way, shall not exceed six feet(6') in height above grade and the maximum surface azea of the sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) squaze feet. 5. All monument signs shall include the address of the site. Numerals shall be no lazger than ten inches (10")in height and no smaller than six inches (6")in height. 6. A minimum of one hundred (100) squaze feet of landscaping of low growing shrubs, groundcover and/or annual color shall surround the base of the sign. En�y Monumentation 1. Primary entry monumentation shall not exceed an azea of one hundred (100) square feet; provided, however,that the sign shall not exceed six feet(6') in height above grade or twenty feet (20')in length. 2. Primary entry monumentation shall identify the name of the center and shall be landscaped consistent with Section 10.3.1 item(4)of the Specific Plan. 3. Entry monumentation letter types styles, sizes and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the City during the Development Plan review process. 4. Primary entry monumentation shall be limited to entry points for the Service Commercial Planning Area, with a maximum of five(5)signs total (see Section 10.3.1 item(4) of the Specific Plan). Buildin�Mounted Si�s 1. General. a. Signs shall be placed to be compatible with the building and accent the azchitectural design of the structure. b. Sign colors should be compatible with the building's color and the building. Harveston Specific Plan 11-73 WR01\VOLI�PRO7F[LE11998�eN16?OI�DECEIviBER_SPECIFIC_PLANU2EV[SED HARVFSTOMREVISEDI- 1 lAND12.DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS c. Signs and letter sizes shall be used which aze complementary to the building scale. d. Signs should have individually spaced letters. e. Signs shall have concealed illumination source,either internal or extemal. f. Maximum letter height shall not exceed forty-two inches (42") unless approved by the City during the Development Plan review process. g. All on-building fascia signage shall be coordinated with other signage within the center. 2. Wall Signs. a. The maximum number of signs shall be one per building frontage. b. The maximum azea of signs shall be one (1) squaze foot for each sign azea per lineal foot of building frontage. c. Suilding identification signs aze only permitted if no tenant identification signs aze placed on the building. 3. TenanY Window Identification. Store identity, graphics, typography and/or company logo may be silkscreened or etched on the tenant's window. The maximum squaze foot graphic area allowed per window shall not exceed four (4) square feet or fifteen percent (15%) of the total window area from the exterior of the building,whichever is greater. Signs will not be permitted on doors. 4. Hanging Signs No more than one (1) hanging sign shall be allowed per tenant. Signs aze permitted under a canopy and pazallel to the primary street; maximum size of six(6) squaze feet; minimum of seven feet(7')vertical cleazance shall be required from walking grade to the bottom of the sign. Letters shall be four inches(4")maximum in height. Accessor�gns 1. Menu B oards. One menu board, up to four (4) squaze feet in azea, is allowed for each restaurant or other eating establishment. Menu boazds may contain only the name of the establishment and the food available inside. The menu boazd must be located on a wall adjacent to the main customer entrance. 2. Daily Special Signs. One display area, up to four (4) squaze feet in azea, is allowed for each restaurant or other eating establishment. Daily Special signs may contain only the name of the menu item. The daily sp�cial sign must l�e lu�aled near the entrance or hostess stand. Harveston Specific Plan 11-74 \UR01\VOLIIPROIFILEl1998�8N16201�1ATESTSPECIF7CPLAMFEBRUARYSP6C�ICPLAMREVISEDI- I lAND13 DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 11.0 - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3. Other. a. Any signage provided for Handicap parking, advertising, sales/leasing signage. b. Handicap parking to conform to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) codes and requirements, as well as City requirements for appropriate graphics, color and size restrictions. c. Parking, advertising, and on-site shopping signage to be restricted per applicable City of Temecula ordinance by the Planning Department. Address Numerals All building mounted address numerals are to conform with all graphic requirements for signage, herein and the requirements of the Temecula Fire Department. Direct�onal Si a e 1. Shall consist of small-scale versions of tnonumen� sign design and contain graphics conforming to the design for monument signs and building mounted signs. 2. Shall have contrasting background/graphic colors. 3. Shall have direct or indirect concealed illumination. 4. Individual directional signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet in area, or have an overall height exceeding three feet(3')above finished grade. 5. Multiple-tenant directional signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area, or have an overall height exceeding six feet (6') above finished grade. Directional signs shall be internally oriented and not located within the required street setback area. 6. Shall not contain logos. Fla s A maximum of three (3) colored flags, which contain no writing, insignia or logos may be displayed at one time. Leasin�and Temporary Signs 1. Leasing, temporary, and future facilities signage shall be permitted for any office or institutional use, provided that the maximum area does not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet, nor shall the height of the sign exceed eight feet(8') above fmished grade. 2. Temporary window signs shall not be illuminated, shall be limited to fifteen percent(15%) of the tenants storefront glass area, and shall be displayed for no more than fourteen (14) days. All Harveston Specific Plan 11-75 \UROI\VOL1WROfFlLE11998�8N16?O1�DECEIv�FRSPECIFIC_PiAMREVISED ��o��s��- I IANDI3DOC SECTION 11.0 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS other temporary signs-shall be regulated and permitted pursuant to the City of Temecula Sign Ordinance. 3. No A-frame signs shall be permitted in this Planning Area. Theater Maxquee Permanent signage for hotels, theaters and special event facilities shall be permitted and may be provided in the form of either theater monument signs and/or marquee signs. These signs, if provided, shall consist of a permanent portion displaying the name of the hotel, theater or special event facilities and, if desired, may also include a changeable section accommodating program information. The marquee will comply with the standards for the monument sign discussed above. 11.5 EXCEPTIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The development standards contained herein, except lot size, setbacks and height, may be waived or modified with the approval of the Planning Commission , or an appropriate hearing body, as part of the development plan or conditional use pemut process if it is detemuned that the standard is inappropriate for the proposed use, and that waiver or modification of the standard will not be contrary to the public health and safety. The Planning Commission may delegate this approval authority to the Director of Planning. For cluster projects within the M1, M2 and High density zoning districts, the development standards for lot sizes and setbacks ma.y be varied by the Director of Planning as long as the cluster project falls within t�he a?lewed densit�ranges of the appropriate zone d:striet. The p�arpose of this provision is to allow for innovative and alternative housing types around courtyards and common areas. 11.6 PRODUCT APPROVAL No single family residences (including the models) shall be constructed without the Planning Commission's prior approval of the architecture and elevations. The Planning Commission may delegate this approval authority to the Director of Planning. Harveston Specific Plan 11-76 \VR01\VOLIWROIFILE�1998�BN16?OI�LATESTSPECIF7CPLAMFEBRUARYSPEC�ICPIAMREVISEDI- IIANDl2DOC REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMIIVISTRATION 12.1 INTRODUCTION - The City of Temecula shall administer the pro�isior�s of the Har�eston Specifi� Flan in ac�ordance with the SEate of California Go�ernment Code, Su6c�i�ision Map Ac€, the Temecuia General Plan and Development Code. The Specific Plan de�eIopment procedutes, regulations, standards, and specificatians shall supersede the rele�ant pro�zsians of the City's De�elapment Cade, as th�y cwrc'en[iy exist vr �nay be amended in the future. Any der-elopment regulation and building requirement not addressed in the Specific Plan shall be s�bject to t��City's adopted regulatians. 12.2 PHASING PLAN It is expected that the proposed project will be phased o�er a 3- tfl lfl-year periad, in response to market demands and according to the lagical and orderly extensian of roadways, pubtiG utilitaes and infrastructure. Please refer to Figure 12.1, Develppment and Roadway Phasing Plan and Table t2.1, De�elopme�t Phasing. Additiorsally, please refer to Figure l�.la, which pro�ides a depiction af the Phasing Plarz with a future Cherry 5treet C)�ercrossing/Interchange. The elementary school will be �ompleEed in the fzrst part af Phase 1 and is currently under construction. The lake/lake park, the village green, reszdential de�eiapme,nts in Planning Areas 3 [gartialty},4, 6, and 7 will be �ornpleted in the iater part of Phase 1 of the project. The Community Park will i�e constru�ted, in�luding tize 40-day mainienance and establishnnent periad, and the can�eyan�e accepted by Che City Counc�i priar to the isst�ance of the fi�-st $uildin� P�rrnit in Phas� 2. Hawever, if the coznpletion of the Community Park is delayed for reasons beyond the contrQl af the de�elvper. building pernuts may continue ta be issaed far suc�period of delay, as may be further pra�ided by a Park Agreement between the developer and the City of Temec�la. P�ase 2 of fhe de�elapment will complete Pianning Area 5,t�e remainder af Planning Area 3, portivns af Planning Area �. The r�sidential de�elapm�nt an Planning Areas 2 and 8 and remainc�er of Planning Area 1 will �e Gampieted in Phase 3, alon� with the Paseo Paric. During t�e last phase of de�elopment, Phase 4,residential de�elopments in Planning Area$9, 1D,and 11 will be conswcted. The phasing of the ser�ice caznznercial area in Planning Area I2 is cansisten# with the asse�rnptions in the traffFc study, dated duly 19, 2000. Phasing assumpt�ans in the traffic study are not site speci�c and co�ld ac�ur either at [he northern or southem portian of the service commercial property, contingent upon a�ailability af infrasir�cture to s�ppor[ d��elopment. A3though the phasing plan in the traff� skudy alsn includes a phasz S within plarxning Area 12, please noie that botl� phase 4 and phase 5 of Planning Area 12 are assumed [o be buildout by �005. Therefare, buildout of the service commercial �as been depicEed on Figure 12.1 as occurring in 4 phases. For phasing of the infrastr��Eure, please refer to Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 for phasing of drainage, water and sewer, Figure 12.1 for phasing oF the de�eiopment and raadways, Figure 12.1a for phasing of de�elopment and roat�ways Fvr Cherry Street�vercrnssingl�nter�hange Alternati�e. 12.2.1 Phasing Plan General Development Standards 1. Tkt�proposed number of dwelling units cvn€ained in an implementing residential application may exceed the rnaximum expressed in said pianning area by not more than 20% provided that an equal or greater number was unused or is planned to be unused within another planning area. 2. Each planning area shall include de�elo�ment of common open space areas as specified in the Plazzning Area standar�s and infrastructure. 3. The phasing sequence shown is concepival, based on current marketin;demand. Certain planning areas may be deveioped out of the expected sequence, as lon� as the required infrastructure and services are provided at the time of development. 4. In order to insure timely development of public facilities, a conceptual phasing plan has been prepared for the parks and the elementary school. (Refer to Figure 12.3, Preliminary Public Facilities Phasing Plan). Harveston Specific Plan 12-1 \UR011VOLI�PRO1FlLE11998�eN16?OI�DECEMBEfZSPECIFlC_PIAN�REVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDI-11AND12DOC CITY OF MURRIETA - - �I• I� - ` � CIN OF TEMECULA - - - - � �''� r� �� ` •� 11 �r-..F..��w 7�,::_ � �r �r ; I M8A AC� �� i �1l�.�������n21 80 UNITS LOW MEDIUM � -' ____________ 191UNITS Specific Plan � +'f,%� ~ � Lennar Cammunitie.r r � � � � I r if � f; f+ f � MEDIUM 2 , 6.6 AC/83 EJNITS ' � , , ARROYO PARK 13.8 AC ` ' � � - - •�`� COUNTY OF RlVERSIDE �-e� LEGEND r ! ' + 1 I f,�r �_.- S �_�� � f,__ __�...- ----- - ! --------—.__�_�.—-CIIY OF TEMECULA � � � PHASE 1 �� ` (Uader Cansrzuction) �~ ��__ � � �r�__ � � � i , ^� PHASE 1 �; �r �__ _ � �`■f', � � — - � ^_ LOW MEDIU�1 � ; PHASE 2 � . , i � � �_"' �_ � � � � 39.1 AC � ��_� 140 UNITS l 1 ,%,.'` � � MEDIUM i �.��r�� `��f Y� �' _� � r � � r� ,�;'r � 234 UNITS ,,� + , PHASE 3 , � r �� �, ; � � � ;� ! �� PHASE 4 � j I SERVICE�D���RC1A� f � .' � ' � �` ' � � ►�� Proposed r' � f'r ; �� �� I MEDIUM 1 �l � �,��� f%; �i f � � Signat�zed , 1 , 40.1 AC / MEDIUM 2 � " � � f ' . ,.� // ` , �• Tnt�rsecnan ll �` +l '� P�c� � 241 UNITS ' I.�iKE PAF�K 35.9 AC �'`�v � �''' � I � `-- _ ' 2.5AC � 11.3 AC 330 UNITS �� � _ —` !1 � �� J 2�p�C f',,,'���r i i � - l �1 5�� :�/'' �� • � •, our PARce1 �� � � j.���� ♦ r� �/ST/� � . � 1.3 AC �/� , � � G(EN� ' � RN 1 f 1.3 AC. ` � � �' L� �' � f YN R0. �t C�MM(1NITY 1 � � LOW MEDIUM ' � � ��� � 24.5 AC � - , ' � � �' o��� 83 UNITS .' . ` � , �s.��c � � 6 / ; • ` _ �• 4 ----_��r ,, / ~ � ` HIGH ,` - " ,� Note: ��' '����f`- � . �� 16.8AC 1. Road alignment within Service Commercial is conceptuaL �` , 300 UNITS � 1 M�b.2 � � - _ 2. S e r v i c e C o m m e r c i a l t o b e m a s s g r a d e d w i t h P h a s e 1. r 5 A� 1 _ -.' 3. The Phasing of the Service Commercial Area in Planning Area,12 is ,� � 75 UiV17S f , �.� �-- c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e a s s u m p t i o n s i n t h e tr a f fi c s t u d y,d a t e d J u l y 1 9,2 0 0 0. �,� Although the Phasing Plan in the Traffic Study also includes a Phase 5 `� LQW MEDlI�M � ��i within Planning Area 12,please note that both Phase 4 and Phase 5 of �, ���#A� `���r Planning Area 12 are assumed to be buildout by 2005. Therefore, '. ������� l �- buildout of the Service Comniercial has been depicted on Figute 12.1 as �� occ"��in 4 phases. The assumptions for the Service Commercial ' _ _ -�/�` � Phasing in the traffic study are not site speafic. _ � -� % � 4. The Ynez Road��ment and the alignment of Date Street at the � � � '� �, . I-15 are conceptual at this time. These alignments are contingent upon �1 Caltrans'fin.al approval of the Project Study Report(PSR),which is currently being conducted. Figure 12.1 o �50 3� 6°° February 2001 Development and Roadway Phasing Plan CONSLJLTING �- _ CITY OF MURRIETA ,�` - - - -�-f y - - - CIlY OF TEMECULA ^ � .:�=�:�.r..- � ' � 11 � ' ! � �"+��.�����fl� � MEDIUM 2 �Q i ' ,.-`s��---���- sa UN TS LOW MEDIUM Specific Plan � ��r';' 51.0 AC. 206 UNITS Lennar Communitze.c � r i i � i r i � � I Q � i � r � � I � f ' � � � L" � 'r ? I I Y i3.9 AC 8.6 AC183 UN TS � ����� , + � � � ARRO O PARK �*• COUMY OF RNERSIDE � � _ �__ • • � PHASE 1 %i � �� � , , i"��-- �3ATE S�REET� � `-. .- - - - - - f - j }� (Llnder Consuuctivu) � �� Ii 1 1 /"''/_-�-` __� —__ . ----- -------"CiNOFTEMECUTA �i �►o , ; , � � , ; �� 4 [ PHASE 1 v' I ; � 1� 'j'" � � ' '� _ � , � .4� � � I , I� r- PHASE 2 � � S�RWICE COMMERCIAL ♦ LOW MEDIUM , � i �a � � � � �-"� _ �_ 39.1 AC. � '� �^ 112.1 AC 140 UNITS ¢ I. 1'HASE 3 � � + f � �' -- - __�-�_ � � � � .• , : � � �7~' __� � �� � �'. �` '� MEDIUM 1 f" � � ' � � PHASE 4 � �,,'. / /� 34.6 AC. �• r �� ' I r ,,�� .` 207 UNITS `f f � .ti � i J" " , �� �. , � , � ��; Proposed � �_- ��;` � � ,�, � � , �, � � � � � s����a , , , �_�-"���F.���"� �`.�'•� ' � 1� MEDIUM 1 � � f� � �♦ It3terseettan ra 'r-- aa� , , � � � � c� _�" . . , 40.1 AC. ' ,, � , � � HERRY 51RE��f _r- � � ' 241 UNITS � MEDIUM 2 �f�� i � ��, '`, o�'P c� r , ' LEtKE PAFtK 35.9 AC. � i �},�` �s'� ; ' �7.3 AC� 330 UNITS �, �f' � � •. �, � I ��� 'r� � , �, �, , { ' 2.�AC � f!r . ,,. 1 � � `�•,;��,r/Q°' _ _ ` �Ps�° 3 � r' '`'`���J��`. �� �' OUTPARCEL� � ! i �,'� 1.3AC. . � , � ;� � � '' �5�rcc � �� - — � �', 4 �� f � 4 � • CEN�R�� �' z f � / � , � r � `� � � ' � �OW Nf�DiUM ,�� � - _ / +, � ,., •l 1fG 24.5AC. ,�,�, � .:� � , C�MMUNITY PAftK • � � 83 UNITS,� .' ` - � � ' Fo-. 16.5 AC. �� , ,, G' ' l' � d HIGH f�� / , Note: � °� �_- -' - ` 16.8 AC �, �__� . 1. Road alignment within.Service Commercial is conceptual. ��- —--�' � �� , 300 UNITS � ,� 2. Service Commexcial to be mass gtaded with Phase 1. � � / ' �/ 3. The Phasing of the Service Commercial Area in Pl�nni�ng Area 12 is� ���'2 � 7.5 AC. � _ _�.. consistent with the assumptions in the traffic studp,dated Julp 19,2000.' � 75 lJIV17S � Although the Phasing Plan in the Traffic Studp also includes a Phase 5 � �--� .� A �// within Planni�Area 12,please note that both Phase 4 and Phase 5 of ' l.DW iNEDIUM ' �_- �� Planning Area 12 are assumed to be buildout bp 2005. Therefore, �� 164'l1iJj75 ��-� buildout of the Service Commercial has been depicted on Figure 12.1 as occuring in 4 phases. The assumptions for the Service Commercial J ;r� f,, Phasing in the traffic studp are not site specific. � � ~ f � �� 4. The Ynez Road alignment and the alignment of Cherry Street at the � � - ` � � I-15 are conceptual at this rime. These alignments are conringent upon r /� �� Caltrans'final approval of the Project Studp Report(PSR),which is , / currentlp being conducted. ' ; 1 , Figure 12.1 a 0 150 300 600 �, Development and Roadway Phasing Plan - Cherry Street Overcrossing/Interchange Alternative _ February 2001 CONSLILTINl3 � � < 0 � ; a� � o �' y� o � � o ' v� c� 3 ° � �� � � � .� �' � �h � � -o � ^o o � S z � 'b � * -o * o � � 'b � � �,,� a o � �c '-' Z � Z M o Z � ZZ �c ° " � � a d, � cn ,-�-� �G Q. .� �� � � V m A p� f � � m 0 3 g �° ci � � � � � � a a P o� � ; � - � a r-+ � o s � * O cA o � U y ^' c� .0 .� � � Q 0 � � � cVC � � � � � � � y , v� W f� O d� M � �n � oo � ,-, O �.,i � � � Q4 f=] cV d' l� d� �D � O� p � v+ a�i p r.{ a � � �--i .--i �--i ly �--� M U r"'� O U z � H a �o � .� � � � `�' N � � � � � � a � a� � V i Ey W ° O `� � W v� �' � � �i A � � v� o�o ~ i � A z d' M M M d' d' Vr �D Vr l� l� � � .� �j Z �v� �. A � � z � Z � � � � a � � � Z � '� •° � � ~ `� � E� � � � � � � ° � Z � � �' � � b 'a A � � a�i � � `" '> a �i r� c��7 � � 'TJ � � � 'O -� � ad' � �' c� W ,.,i � ,..i � � � a� a � � a� � � FO �.�., � y�,� a a� �+ O 6� � '`'� 'O � 'd '� � a+ U V .0 c� � w � � � � � � � o � -� � � 3 '� '� p � E-� � � � av � a � a � a � x � � a � � � * * � � � o `� c�i � � U � z �� o � � � � � � � a 0 m � N � O y o O ,�., � E p ... � Cc O � ; � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ^C ^C � � "C � �+ � � � � � � � b � � � � � 'v� 5 ''� -�-i � Zi p1 � Zi � � � z cn Zi N p � u' � � .-i ,--i � trj � N N � o v � � "" � A � � � 0 3 9 4. � _ a4 � � � � U = � � � � a � * � � c� A cVC cUC O � ^ � C U N N v � � Z � O � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� ,� W f� �n � ,� oo � � .� p oo � E-� c� O U r, � N O N � v � � � O M v � � � � � a � � � � � z p+ �n v, o 0 z � � � N N � � c� .,V., � aa � � F OG F, � v�, Q� d � a HW � � Fy � o � a �, ° � o � � s � w � � '� �,..i W � � o0 AA z .--� •--� •-• r'� in � .--� N N oo � U b�A d+ z .� � � U A � � cC � a � � z o � o O � � 'y �" °�' � � � � � � � � � � � 'U �U �"' �U cC z � � � � � b � � � � � � � � y W � :b � N N U d' "C '"' � '"' � � c� v�i c) I� � �" � Q+ � � U � � �i � � � U � V � cw�C �j C%� r�" O Q .� � 'C .> � � 3 TJ N TJ > � d' E-� i, � � a � � � � � � � ax, � � w � � � � * � � o i N � � � O �'� � � Fy ° U � � � � � g < 0 � > � E+ � �r � z z � ° � z .b Q -d Q .b Q 'c Q Q Q � � > � j � Za, Z � Z ,� zZZ � o � 5 � � M W �-' 0 3 � 3 � LL � � {Ui1 A � _� � b � a� '� d 0 0 � O v 9 � .� s � � U �y c� .� 0 3 ; � � � w ai W � � a0 � q � �,d„ � � r.�. o ci v" '- ++ U E � Q U � � U � V � U U � � � � -�. d' c� V� cd � c� cd � � � � � (� G�+ � oo N � � M N � oo c� � 0 O U V � 00 � � 00 � � � M � � +-' C10 � � ] � � � � '� � O' a` F" � z � � � � � � F, � x � � o 0 � � E � � F., � � .� � � � � � r�-i p � � � '� � � � U � � W � O � A A `� � c, 00 -" c`� °�' b� z � � � ,� � � � � z � � .� � � �, A � � .� � � �'" � � '� r� •� U � I� � O p � a' � � � � E U d' o � o °�' H � . z � '� •� � � � � � � � � � b .� a� o � � � � W � � �0 U •� � >, '+" .> � � � �e � � � � � � � � � N c�d :b ,� N � � s�.+ � � [-1 c� � U �n � � � a � � � � Hv� � � � � � � N � c � o � � � > � .° 'R�' � O Q F � Q Y N a � Qa � � v� � � OF� a � � _ � p„� U N z �� o � U � � � SECTION 12.0 IlV�LEMENTATION AND ADMIIVISTR.ATION 12.3 FINANCING MECHAIVISM The following describes financing mechanisms, such as CFD 98-1, that have been used to finance public facilities in the azea, as well as likely future financing mechanisms that will be available for the same purpose. The examples identified below aze not exhaustive, and will not preclude the use of other strategies to finance the Specific Plan's public facility improvements. Some of the facilities identified in the Specific Plan were already financed and constructed, even without any current regulatory commitment providing assurance that the project can be developed, in accordance with the existing City General Plan. Through CFD 98-1, in conjunction with its acquisition of the property, Lennaz Communities, Inc. assumed preexisting burdens to build or to fund the construction of regional public infrastructure benefiting the City and mitigating transportation, flood control and other regional impacts. The project has agreed to pay principal and interest on approximately $12,000,000 in bonds issued by the Winchester Hills Financing Authority for those purposes. Various techniques will be utilized to fund the other public facility improvements specified by the Specific Plan. The range of available financing options, which will vary depending upon the entity responsible for the facility, include: DeveloperBuilder Financing or Construction; Development Impact Fees; Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees; Mello-Roos Community Facilities District proceeds; Assessment District proceeds; General Fund Revenue; Gas Taxes; Redevelopment Funds; Federal, State and Local Crrant Funding; and Infrastructure Financing Districts. The City, developer and builders will cooperate so as to ensure that the public facilities aze built in accordance with the requirements established in the Specific Plan. A Development Agreement, master public facility agreements, or other similaz documents, together with consistent conditions of approval, may be used to facilitate this process. 12.4 MAINTENANCE Successful operation of maintenance districts and associations aze important in maintaining quality in the project area. Maintenance responsibilities for pazks, right of way, open space, landscape azeas, street lighting and common project facilities will be divided among a Master Homeowners' Association, possible Neighborhood Associations (see below), the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD), Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts, Landscape and Lighting Districts or similar financing mechanism. Decisions regazding this joint assessment program will be made at a future state of project design and reviewed in concert with City agencies (See Figure 12.2,Maintenance Plan). 12.4.1 Master Homeo�aners Association If not included within the TCSD or similaz public maintenance mechanism, common azeas identified in the Specif'ic Plan shall be maintained by a permanent private master maintenance organization. Areas of responsibility shall include, but not limited to the Arroyo Park, Paseo Pazk, mini parks, and private recreation areas. Harveston Specific Plan 12—/ NROl\VOLI1PR07FIL.E\1998�Bn16201�LtestS�ecilicPlan�Feb'u:vy5pecificPlan\ec�12 doc REVISED 8/14/O1 CITY OF MURRIETA �� gmc�mcl�4m�a�rs.� maa*�mc�aa�ci o�Qoea�cc-aQo�c c � �"�'° � �... : � o� ,�� e �.�=�€� , � _ •Y� � �� �� wp MEDIUM2 'E4 a ����'����� �a }� 8.0 AC. LOWMEDIUM �� � 80UNITS � Specific Plan � � - - 46.2 AC. � 191 UNITS Lennar Cammunitie.r �� ' '� g � LE GEND � � � e �a � MEDIUM 2 a TC5D 1VIAINTAINED-S eciai Taa Area �g � 8.6 AC. F � �� � ,, , ���A��g��Tc� _ _ COUNTYOFRIVERSIDE - _ DATESTREE ---- - Landscap& L ghting i - •'� �' � ��[3 �� ,��----_��T� � ecvc�re.�.�s�'- � l�� � �.e� . . _ ' - -• - .. 1 .;�,�- _ ' ��:�� �^S�.�}'rr1 SS��G9-3E7 S'9-�•�-�-�r"4..9.�J 7 9 �-$•$F-�-�-gPi-EE-�•CF G.:J�7-�•:f'3 3��•�•.3'�J ffi�'a�3!•"-!•�r1�W�'9 7 • I Parks ~ � ����s�;-- � -� • . . ��y�:�¢¢�s�°.�� � ,� a_.J �--� � _�.`��_-�� `--��. ,��ffi�_.� ��,'�� � � � m �.. Traffic Signal �� � - _ ..``�_;' I � ���� r3 4. �.� � � — ' ��ys� �. � LOW MEDIUM m :�� Park I.D. Signage � �a I� � .�■�■� �' � 39.1AC. �� ,�u � � �y'.•���.�E�����,�� � ���s s.��r�`-��'.��i40 UNITS q�� TCSD MAINTAINED - Service Level C �€� I ia 39 OI AC.1 �,�cs�,�^i'�� ~��--�r�o-���°}�'s����-�,-��Q���.� $ � � �� �a a �a � � m � � Parkway/LDZ �� 9Z � 234 UNITS `� �'� �4 � � � �� �� � '� � School District Maintenace SERVICE i $ �$ � � � � ^ ; Easement COMMERCIAL � a � � � � , " � � F } EXISTING � e � 3 � �: � � Sub'ect to � 112.5 AC. ♦ � - � � e WINCHESTER � �� � � � MEDIUM 1 � MEDIUM 2 � � �' 0 � CREEKPARK i TGS]]MAINTAINED . �inal A reement �� ,� � s � 40.1 AC. } 35.9 AC. SCHGO� � � � � ` _ _ __ _ _ _ � Lake, Lake Park and ■'OUTPARCEL' � 241 UNITS ��P�K "ti 330 UNITS �12.0 A�' v � � � �a .___ � ! 2.5 AC. ' p a � FACILITY � . e a o Village Green a _ � i � a 17.3 AC. �•� p � _ � ' � � ��� 4�� ������� � PROPERTY OWNER MAIN'I'AINED � �� ���.. � ` 4' � = i� �'';��` ,� ��� � -— -----e� � _ e .e ��� ��:i� R¢s��� Parkway/LDZ �g ."� � OUTPARC"cL $. � � _ - A� � �•'--� �NpRNE �a � _ 1,3.AC. .. � i'�� � Entry Monument �j ,.�1.3 AC. '�`� �� /��..y�$ LOW MEDIUM� � ��l a�Q ,� �•,� � �y�� 24.5 AC. ¢ SCH�OL DISTitICT:vIAINTAINED ��� �. p YNE� R. - � � ��`,� � � YELL GRN.� 83 UNETS� � Q_ , � 2 �.a ,;�� School Site �� q,v=� 0 COMMUNITY PARK �;,4� r � �� ,�Eti q 16.5 AC. 4�':�� � � s �q ■ 4� o �g ��. .�� ���_-���.,�� � � � �,�.� HOA MAINTAINED $ � -�1-� ��-' � py; � 0 � � �` � � �$.. + . am g�-. .�;m � HIGH �` °'o $ ���m�,�������y�°�'� � � �� 16.8AC. ���� � Paseo Park/Arzoyo/Mini Parks � � 300 UNITS �� � Private Recreation Areas MEDIUM 2 � � � °`` � � ��.���� � �� � � a 4 s HOA Maintained Slope ��� ti � 7.5 AC. ��: ��p�N� � 75 UNITS�� ��-r� � Monumentation � LOW MEDIUM �� �y ' � e�-�e� ,�� g -_ ���e3���m�� HOAMaintained � 41.1 AC. ��� ([Jnless a Maintenance NOTE: � 164 UNITS �'� Parkways on Residential Local Streets to be a ���,�`�• Agxeement between Lennaz 9 �� and TCSD is zeached) maintained by the C ty Departmentlof Public � �� ■�g$����� CALTRANS MAINTAINED Works. �°a�� oe �- ������������ Maintained Slope � _----,�� _�. _.. Property Boundary � � � Q � WINCHESTER ROAD Fi ure 12.2 o ,� 3ar � Maintenance Plan I I_ I - -.I �� 3 e Revised Augiast 14,2001 SECTION 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION 12.4.2 Residential Neighborhood Associations In certain residential azeas of the project, smailer associations may be formed to assufne maintenance responsibility for common areas and facilities that be�te��t only residents in those areas. Patential private recreation centers, commfln open space areas and potential pri�ate raadways exemplify f�.cilities Chat will come under the jurisdiction of a neighborhood association. 12.4.3 Commercial and Business Park Areas These planning areas shall have their own private associations. 12.4.4 Open Space and Parks . AlI ope� space, park and recreation areas, which are not directly associated with a particular n�ighbarhaod, wiIl be the respansibility af either a Master Homeawners' Association or the TCSD. TCSD will maintain ihe Gom�rxunity Park and will continue to maintain the existing Winchester Creek Park (outside and ad�acent co the Speca�c Plan}. TCSD will maintain the Lake, Lake Park and Village Green subject to a separate a�eezx�ent. The TCSD will maintain la�dscape medians within arterial roadways and only t�ose parkways ad�acent cv sin�le faznily residential de�elopment an r4adways with a G6' ROW or lar�er. The Depa.rtnnent af P�bli� Works will be respor�sible for public roadways. �ther proposed mini parks, arroyo park, paseo park, and the Zliltage Club will be nr�aintained by a Master Homeowners' Association. 12.45 Project Roadways All public pr�ject rvadways will be desi�med and co�structed tfl standarc3s acceptable to the City anci will therefore be entered into the City of Temecula's sys[em of raads for aperation anrl xnaintenance. TCSD will maintain medians on arterial roadways. 12.4.6 School Site It is anticipated that the future school site will be purchased and maintained by_the Temecula Valley Unified School District. Maintenance will be the responsibility of the School District. 12.5 PUBLIC FACILITIES SITE PHASING PLAN 12.5.1 Public Facility Phasing Description In arder [o insure tirneIy de�elopment of puhlic fa�ilities, a Phasing Plan has been pregaxed for the Cammunity Park (Flannin� Areai}, the Mini Paxks {Planning Areas 1, 7, and 10], the LakelLake Park area (Planning Area 3}, the Pasea Park �Plannin�Area 2 an� 3}, the ,A�.�z'ayo Pazk (Platxning Area 9), a�d the elenzentary schoot {Planning Area 4). (Aefer to Fi�ure 12.3, Freliminary Pt�blic Facilities Ptsasing Plan). 12.5.2 Public Facility Phasing Schedule Public Facility construction sEaall be phased as provided by t�e Public Facilities Phasing Table. (See Table 12.3) It shauld be nated that Qublic facilities may be constnacted earlier than indica[ed in Table 12.3 to comply with mitigation or other requirements. Harveston Speeifze Plan 12-9 P.\1998�Sn16201LLa�atSpecificPlw�Febru:vy5pecificPlan\ec6 1?doc REVISED 8/14/O1 SECTION 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMITTISTRATION 12.6 SPECIFIC PLAN MODIFICATIONS Minor modi��atian ta the appro�ed Specific Plan will be administrative and allowed at the discretion of the Director of �ianning. Mvdifications ta t�e Specific Plan must be consistent with the purpose and int�nt of [he originally appr��ed Specific Plan. The Specific Plan incorporates the City of Temecula De�elapr�aent Code by reference. When pravisions af the Specific Plan are ambiguous and not stated,the Developr�zent Code will pre�ait. Hawever, w�Zen Specific Plan standards or provisions differ from the De�elopme�tt Co�e, t�e 5peci��Plan standarc�s will prevail. The following modifications constitute"minor changes"to the approved Harveston Specific Plan: 12.6.1 Acreage The gross acreage of residential, commercial, and business park land use area (including trails, collector, local, a�d pri�ate streets} as appiicable may �ary from the acreage speciferI in the Specz�c PIan p3anning areas. Alsa, the sp�cific types and acreages of uses wi[hin the Mixed-Use D�erlay 2one are nat sp�cified at this time. Howe�er, t�e tatal number af residential units (1,9�1}, toia� square feet of znixed-use de�eIo�smerct t20,fl00 sf.)and total "net" acr�age of sezvice cammercial de�elopment(112.5 ac.) shall not exceed the densiry or intensity designated for,as described in the Speci�c Plan. 12.6.2 Conceptual Dwelling Prototypes The site designs of the various residential units (attached, detached, single family, and cluster) are cancep[ual pratotypes and suhject to change. Residential de�eIvpmen[ shall be consistent with the intent af t€�e Specifi�Plan. 12.6.3 Roadways and Trails Minor c�anges in raadway and trail a�i�nrnents are allowed, pro�ided such changes are cansistent with the streekscape concept for the roads. Minor��anges are also�ilowed as a result of mare precise design and engin�ertng, a;wel�as chan�es in Iand use patterns. 12.6.4 Lot Size and Configuration The size and configuration of service commercial,mixed-use, and residential lots, and the dimensions and la�atians of impro�ements on thase ]ots may be modified to a��ommadate third party purchaser requirements so long as the modificatians �omply with the Specific Plan and tt�e ordinances, policies, and standards in effec[at the time the Tentati�e Tract MaplVesting Tenta[i�e Tract Map is deemed camplete. Harveston Specifzc Plan 12-1�\UR01\VOLI�PROIFILE\I998�BN16i0l�DECEMBER_SPECIFlC_PIAAf�REVISEDHARVESTONU2EVISEDI-IIANDI2DOC SECTION 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMII�ISTRATION 12.7 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The following administrative standazds apply to the implementation of future development applications (including plot plans, tract maps, pazcel maps, conditional use pemuts, or variances) for projects within the Specific Plan azea. • Future development within the Specific Plan azea shall require individual project review and analysis including General Plan and Specific Plan consistency and environmental analysis, according to the provisions of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. • Future tentative or pazcel maps and site plan review documents shall be consistent with the Specific Plan. • Building permits for dwelling units shall be issued when a fmal subdivision map has been recorded. Permits may be issued for model units prior to final map recordation subject to the Subdivision Map Act and Development Code. ■ Specific lotting designs, and residential dwelling unit types for each Planning Area shall be determined at the time of individual implementing site design or subdivision proposals. Residential lot sizes, densities, and housing types may vary within each Planning Area so long as the overall dwelling units do not exceed the total unit count(1,921 dwelling units). ■ Any subsequent subdivision map and other development request that is submitted for review and approval shall be approved provided the lot design and configuration standards are met as provided for within the Tentative Tract Map/Vesting Tentative Map and the Specific Plan. • The proposed elementary school development in Planning Area 4 shall be reviewed and approved through other concurrent actions. The School District is the lead agency for all environmental and entitlement processes, t�ere€ore, an additional review and approval through the specific plan process shall not be required. • Transfer of residential units may occur within the Specific Plan azea as follows: Residential[Init Transfer Between Plannin�Areas Figure 3.1, Conceptual Land Use Plan and Table 3.1, Detailed Land Use Summary set forth the land use designation, planning azea identification, acreage, density range, tazget density and total tazgeted units planned for each residential Planning Area. Residential unit transfer shall mean the redistribution of residential units from one planning area to another. For example, if the number of units developed within a planning azea is below the designated target, then the remainder of those units may be transferred to another planning area. The Director of Planning shall approve a change in the designated target for a Planning Area upon a detemunation that the transfer meets all of the following conditions: a. The total number of approved residential units and the total number of projected future residential units, when combined, shall not exceed the allowed maximum of 1,921 dwelling units, exclusive of congregate care units. Harveston Specific Plan 12-11\UR01\VOLI�PROIFILE\199818NIfi201�DECEMBERSPECIFlC PLANViEVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-11AND13DOC SECTION 12.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMIIVISTRATION b. The excess residential units identified for transfer to a Planning Area(s) may not exceed 20% of the total target residential units (or the high end of density range) in the proposed Planning Area(s),as identified in Table 3.1,whichever is less. It should be noted that the City's General Plan allows a density bonus for senior housing projects. The developer may transfer unused residential units from a previously approved Planning Area (or Planning Areas)to a proposed Planning Area(s), if the developer has previously declared the residential units in the previously approved Planning Area(s) as unused residential units and eligible for residential unit transfer. c. When a development application is submitted to the City for a Planning Area(s), the developer must submit, concurrently with the application, a Project Residential Unit Reconciliation Report that identifies the total number of residential units previously approved,the total number of residential units previously declared eligible for residential unit transfer, and the total number of projected future residential units remaining to be developed in the balance of the project. d. There would be no significant adverse effect on projected demands on pa=ks, schools, infrastructure,and community facilities. e. Crrading and landform alteration would substantially comply with that previously approved for the Specific Plan. f. No new significant environmental impacts would result. Plannin Area Intensit Variatians The SpPcif c plar.en�isions •�asiatior.s :n intensity�✓:th�i;��vic�ual planr�ing areas. For Pxam�le, � an M1 Planning Area may be targeted for 185 residential units (with a target density of 6 residential units per acre). The Planning Area could have one neighborhood with 4 residential units Per acre anc� on.e neighk►orho+od with $ residential units per acre, ho��vever the average would still be 6 residential units per acre and the total number of residential units would not exceed the designated target of 185. 12.8 SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this specific plan, or any future amendments or additions hereto,is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this specific plan, or any future amendments or additions hereto. The City hereby declares that it would have adopted these requirements and each sentence, subsection, clause, phrase, or portion or any future amendments or additions thereto, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, portions or any future amendments or additions thereto may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Harveston Specifzc Plan 12-12NR01\VOLI�PROJFILE11998�8NIfi?OI�DECEMBEIZSPECIF[C PL4N�REVISEDHARVESTOMREVISEDI-IIAYDI2DOC �'�, CITY OF MURRIETA �•r `��:mo�med�oci�wo:mao��o�ve�mvc�ara�aoer�eie�e�7 �r��'' '�'-•:�}.'- '1 � H < �� � l.' o � - ._-;��:„ I g W MEDIUM 2 � ' _ ' � Y 8.o AC. 10 a �d9��'�'�E�1�Q�� , �/ 80 UNITS LOW MEDIUM _ -� � , :. . e - '� 46.2 AC. �.�•� �r"ryiw Specific Plan o - ----�, `- . i 191 UNITS � � � Lennar Communitie.r � ��—� ° e : � g � � MEDIUM 2 ��� � , T����$�,�, � 83 UNITS ° _ _ _ COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE _ DAiESTREET , �' � ARR�YQpA _.— _— �a xx-�:a:a:�_ce a r�rs.0 r:�sm:c:��� � � _.-fF� —�- -- --� --- �- - C -- — � �- �-� - — +. e —�-`' _ _=_- �� -- - - I ,� _ - � LEGEND �� --_.�r�si�=-_. _ ___ - � _�� �- � a � '-' LOW MEDIUM � � To be cor,np�eted in Phase 1 of the � � 39.1 AC. ��v��opment(See Figure 12.1) � � MEDIUM 1 - _ - 140 UNITS � � � - _ - -- - � � 39.0 AC. '`= �2 234 UNITS Y i To be�ompleted in Phase 2 of the � � development(See Figure 12.1) � SERVICE 4 °' � ° e COMMERCIAL � �_ -- � EXISTING � � � .���� � Wf�1CHESTER j, 112.5 AC. � , ��� �� � CREEK PARK � To be completed in Phase 3 of the � MEDIUM 1 3 ' `�� �� �,\, i � P � � ) MEDIUM 2 �� • ;� •.� •�.� devclo ment See Fi e 12.1 � 40.1 AC. 35.9 AC. `. . . .. �� �� � fl�pqR�� 241 UNITS '�p'�K 330 UNITS � s���• �����i � � � F�GEU7Y A��.'��� 2.5 AC. ���,h` iT.3AC. ���`������ �'�? � \, F To be com leted in Phase 4 of the I = --__. _ _ _ �. .��� � � <�. _��` ''� _ '``� d�ve�apment(See Figure 12.1) $ � 'oe�. � �� R�sr � `i.•' � � OUT PARCEL - - -. .�__ p��p Q�.. { 3 I � � � � ���� f �� �`� �_ � _ i 3,AC._. _. - \ � � a ''." � ':ti ' LOW MEDIUM � = MP-' To be com�leted concurrently � `� �•• - ��� 24.5 AC. '__� with complet�on o� constructian � 1.3 AC. � � \ � 83 UNITS h in Planning A.reas 1,7,ar�d 14 p �r�7 } vilL GRN. m� �❑*°���h�Z �d� � COMMUNITYPARK L�J � i�BA�� •" �MIXEDUSEOVERLAY (SeeFigure12.1� ��� ,��.w:'p `�0 16.5 AC. __- - � Y,� � - � � 't_'`�:'\�. ��� � 6 \�``;; Under construction as of � �� ., P a� H I GH ����,; March 2000 � � °0 16.8 AC. � � 300 UNITS �F° � �Mp� MEDIUM 2 ���t� e 7.5 AC. p� �p�� °ggg � 75 UNITS ��`� �4�`� � �ts � LOW MEDIUM a�� � 41.1 AC. � °❑A 164 UNITS o° 6 �a��y� 0 ���flr��� ¢�P � � p �9�� �� G � � Q C� � Q � WINCHESTER ROAD Figure 12.3 o ,5a �� � Preliminary Public Facilities Phasing Plan I I__ I _I B ' �° Febn.lary 2001 � g < 0 � � > � W •� •� �o a � � � c ,-; ,-; ° ,-; � � � � 'c � . o .--� � '� .� � • s i U � � „7�"'�., � N � � —Ni �++ y C� O O y C C � C � � "O � � � � " cn O O p O ,� C� � O � a � b � 'y L � � ° � � �, � �, ' � � � � v� � ,� v� v� o v� .� �°, � E v� ,,., LL -o a� .� a�� � W ° c � v o v E �, � �, v �, �� � � • L � o o � � •� ,��, � � E E �,� `� U � o � y � � 9 � .y � o o ° o �o o � � o � _ � " > > s > � 'y T-o > E m A � a� a� � a� � fl. 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M � •--� —� �--� —' a, d� a �' � d � A O � .� � � z -� � d � � Q z �-�" � M �G N .--� n+ a' � E..� d d " .� � � ~ � E"� O W N � �� � W �"' � � �' � �1 � � s c a ❑ a� � o 0.' � ,, a' L V7 �i � L.� �' L � y�., c� �C a .ccd� � „V„i ^ ,,� C� a Cl+ � O v C C� � CA p � >, '� O q a�i � =3 � � p � �, v cy a W ..a > � a U Q * � � � z �� 0 0 � � U � W � C/1 APPENDI� A �ENERAL PLAN C�NSISTEN�Y GENERAL PLAiV CONSISTENCY GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan and serves to implement all aspects of the General Plan relevant to the designated area. A Specific Plan is a plan adopted either by ordinance or resolution for a particular area of land. A Specific Plan may contain its own development standards (zoning), and thus provides greater flexibility in the distribution of the land uses. The Harveston Specific Plan is intended to be supportive of, and consistent with, the goals and policies of the Temecula General Plan. It has been written to implement the Specific Plan designation assigned to Harveston Specific Plan area by the General Plan,updated on November 9, 1993. The purpose of this section is to ensure that the Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the City of Temecula's General Plan as required per Government Code Section 65454. The following are the ten elements included within the Temecula General Plan: 1. Land Use Element 2. Circulation Element 3. Housing Element 4. Open Space/Conservation Element 5. Growth ManagementlPublic Facilities Element 6. Public Safety Element 7. Noise Element 8. Air Quality Element 9. Community Design Element 10. Economic Element The goals and policies for each General Plan element have been evaluated in the following pages. Following each goal of the General Plan elements, specific policies are laid out. Following each goal and policy, a statement is made in italics, indicating how the Specific Plan is consistent with that goal and/or policy. In some cases,it is indicated that the specific goal ar policy is not applicable to the Specific Plan. The following sections list the applicable goals and policies of the above elements of the General Plan. FEBRUARY 200I 1 P:�ZOOO�BN1602�GPCONSlST£NCY.DOC LAND USE ELEIVIE.NT LAND USE ELEMENT Goa11: A complete and integrated mi�c of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, public and open space land uses. Discussion: The proposed Harveston Specific Plan has been prepared in conformance with the City of Temecula General Plan and is consistent with the City of Temecula's zoning code and General plan densities and intensities. The Speci,fic P2un Project see,cs to create a community charc�cter and qr�ality that compdiments the surrauruling area. The pi•aposecl plan contQins a vr�riety of housing products and designs, which would cater to different groups of home buyers/renters in the City of Terrceeula. Additioncatly, developrrtent of the seruice comrraerceal can:ponent af the Speci,fcc Plan xfi[! provide apportunities for the region arul Harvestnn area. T�e P2crn ulsn includes a gen.erous amaunt of apen spuce and recreationaI opportunaties (�-7�acres}, �nd rnare rhan adequate public,faci2it�es artd seruices. Po�icies i.l Review all proposed development plans for consistency with the community goals, policies and implementation programs of this General Plan. The proposed Harveston Specific Plan has been prepared in conforntance with the City of Temecula General Plan and is consistent with community goals, policies, and implementation programs outlined in the General Plan. 1.2 Prozn�Ee the use of inno�ative site pianning techniques that cvntribute towards the de�elo�ment af a �ariery of residential product styl�s and designs including housing suitable ta the couununity's labor force. The proposed plQn contains a variety of housing products and innovative site planning designs (see $ection 3.D, Lund Use Plan and Section 10.0, Design Guidelines), which would cater to different groups of home buyers/renters in the City of Temecula. 1.3 Require the development of unified or clustered community-level and neighborhood-level commercial centers and discourage development of strip commercial uses. The Harveston Specifzc Plan proposes a Mixed Use Village Center, which would include uses such as retail, restaurant, office, daycare, worship, and a private club facility and fztness center. Additional commercial uses are located in the Service Commercial area of the Specifzc Plan. The Specific Plan does not encourage development of strip commercial uses. 1.4 Consider the impacts on surrounding land uses and infrastructure when reviewing proposals for new development. The proposed plan is consistent with the City of Temecula general plan densities and intensities and seeks to create a community character and quality that re,flects the surrounding area. The Harveston EIR provides an analysis of the project's impacts on surrounding land uses and i�xfrastrur.ture_ Infra,ct,n,r.c,t��rP i�s cnnsistent �n�ith the General Plan rec�i�irements and ivill be installed concurrently with development. FEBRUARY 2001 2 P:�200�BN1602�GPCONSLSTENCY.DOC LAND USE ELE�VI.LIVT 1.5 Support the development of light industrial, manufacturing, research and development,and off'ice uses to diversify Temecula's economic base. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a 112.4-acre service commercial area that includes a mixture of uses that could serve or expand upon the adjacent business park development. This service commercial component of the Specific Plan will provide employment opportunities and needs for the region and Harveston area. 1.6 Provide well-defined zoning and development standards and procedures to guide private sector planning and development. The Harveston Specific Plan creates development standards consistent with the philosophy of the City of Temecula Development Code. Detailed development standards for the Specific Plan have been prepared(see Section 11.0, Development Standards) to manage implementation of general or unique conditions in each Planning Area. 1.7 Require the preparation of specific plans as designated on the Specific Plan Overlay to achieve the comprehensive planning and phasing of development and infrastructure. The Harveston Specific Plan has been prepared in order to achieve comprehensive planning and phasing of development and infrastructure. 1.8 Consider taking the lead on preparing specific plans for areas designated on the Land Use Plan that have multiple landowners. This policy is not applicable, because it is a City directed policy. However, the subject site is designated Specific Plan on the General Plan Land Use Map. 1.9 Encourage flexible zoning techniques in appro�riate locations to preserve natural features, achieve innovation site design, achieve a range of transition of densities, provide open space and recreation facilities, and to provide necessary amenities and facilities. The Harveston Specific Plan includes components that achieve many innovative site designs and a range of densities within the proposed residential development and the mixed use Village Center. The plan also provides for a variety of open space and recreation facilities including a Lake, a Lake Park, Paseo Park, Arroyo Park, and three mini park, a comprehensive trail system and bike paths. 1.10 Pursue opportunities to locate higher density housing with supporting commercial and public uses on the west side of I-15. This policy (locating higher density housing with supporting commercial and public uses on the west side of I-IS) is not the responsibility of the Harveston development. This development is located on the east side of I-I5. Although the Specific Plan area is located east of I-IS it does include higher density housing and supporting commercial and public uses. FEBRUARY 2001 3 P:�2000�BN160Z�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC LAND USE EL.E�VI�N�` Goa12: A City of diversified development character where rural and historical areas are protected and co-exist with newer urban development. Discussion: The Harveston Specifzc Plan has been designed with sensitivity to its surrounding uses and seeks to conform to the overall character of the area. However, Harveston Specific Plan area is not located within a historical or rural area of the City. Policies 2.1 Provide physical and visual buffer areas to create a transition between rural residential and agricultural areas and commercial,industrial and other higher density residential development. The proposed plan includes extensive uses of paseos and landscaping setbacks/buffers to create physical and visual buffers to create appropriate transitions within the different types of development. 2.2 Apply rural development standards to specified areas of the City to maintain the rural character of those areas. The policy is not applicable because the rural development standards do not apply to this project. The proposed project is in an area adjacent to existing development and the I-1 S Freeway and has been designated for mixed use development by the City's General Plan. 2.3 Define the rural and historical areas of the community to be conserved, and establish a procedure for adding areas or altering boundaries as necessary. This policy is not applicable to the Harveston project. It is the responsibility of the City of Temecula to define the rural and historical areas of the community to be conserved and establishing a procedure for adding or altering the boundaries if necessary. The City has already defzned rural areas within the community and assigned L(.S-2 dwelling units per acre), VL(.2-.4 dwelling units per acre)and HR(0-.1 dwelling units per acre)residential designation on the General Plan Land Use Map. In addition, the City has adopted the Old Town Specific Plan which has defzned a historical area of the community to be conserved. 2.4 Require the use of landscaped, open space buffers along roadways in-lieu of residential subdivision walls where feasible in light of noise and other constraints. The Harveston Specific Plan Design Guidelines (Section 10.0) has incorporated the use of landscape and open space buffers along the roadways in-lieu of residential subdivision walls where feasible in light of noise and other constraints. Figure 10.4 (Community Fencing and Walls Plan)presents a variety of wall and fence types within Harveston to meet the intent of this General Plan Policy. The project perimeter walls are required for noise mitigation; however, they will be planted with vines to create a green wall. The interior of the project will allow a variety of walls,fences and landscaping that will be well landscaped. FEBRUARY 2001 4 P:�200PBN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC LAND USE ELE1V�Ellr�' Goa13: A land use pattern that will protect and enhance residential neighborhoods. Discussion: The design of the Harveston Specific Plan is sensitive to and compatible with the surrounding uses atid takes into account existing conditions and natural features. While the plan seeks to create a distinguishable character for the Harveston Specific Plan area, it will be compatible with and will enhance the adjacent uses. Policies 3.1 Consider the compatibility of proposed projects on surrounding uses in terms of the size and configuration of buildings, use of materials and landscaping, preservation of existing vegetation and landform, the location of access routes, noise impacts, traffic impacts, and other environmental conditions. The design of the Harveston Specific Plan is sensitive to and compatible with the surrounding uses and takes into account existing conditions in terms of the size and configuration of buildings, use of materials and landscaping, the location of access routes, noise impacts, traffic impacts and other environmental conditions. Specific Plan Land Use designations are consistent with the General Plan Land Use designations. The General Plan designations were reviewed for consistency and compatibility with adjacent development. The Specific Plan land uses have been developed to be complimentary to and compatible with the surrounding uses. Residential designations have been appropriately located next to those of like intensity. The Community Park has been situated to provide a buffer to the existing light industrial uses. The Service Commercial area has been located adjacent to I-IS and west of Yne.z Road In addition, Design Guidelines and Development Standards within the Specific Plan assure the appropriate use of color, materials, architectural styles, landscaping, etc., to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses. 3.2 Provide infill development incentives in the residential sections of the Old Town area through the Old Town Specific Plan. The policy is not applicable because this is a City directed policy and the proposed project is not located in Old Town. 3.3 Require parcels developed for commercial or industrial uses to incorporate buffers that minimize the impacts of noise, light, visibility of activity and vehicular traffic on surrounding residential uses. Location of the service commercial uses with their lack of direct roadway access to the residential uses and special features such as latidscape buffers, incorporated into the design of the service commercial, will minimi.ze the impacts on surrounding residential uses. 3.4 Protect single-family residential areas from encroachment by commercial uses. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a service commercial area (adjacent to the existing business park) away from existing residential and the proposed residential planning areas. Landscape buffers will provide separation between the Service Commercial and residential uses. FEBRUARY 2001 S P:�200ABN/60PGPCONSISfENCY.DOC LAND USE E�E.1Y1E�T Additionally, the Specific Plan area consists of distinct planning areas with specific development standards that will prevent any encroachment by the commercial uses into residential areas. 3.5 Obtain aviation easement as required by the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the French Valley Airport to ensure that landowners aclrnowledge the impacts associated with aircraft. This policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan area is not within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the French Valley Airport, and therefore, no aviation easement is required for the project. 3.6 Require proposed development to evaluate the incremental traffic impacts on local roads throughout the proposed project phasing in order to ensure that any adverse impacts to local roads in residential areas aze avoided or adequately mitigated. A Traffic Analysis for this project was prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates (dated July 19, 2000) and reviewed and approved by the City's Traffic Engineer. According to the Analysis, impacts from the project at opening year(2002)and at project buildout(2005) result in a minimum Level of Service D at all critical intersections within the vicinity of the project provided that certain transportation improvements are made by the project. These improvements have been identified and included as mitigation measures within the project's Enuironmental Impact Report. The project has already paid approximately 2.5 million and 1.8 million into Assessment Districts 156 and 161 (respectively), which contributed to improvements on Ynez, Winchester and Margarita Roads. In addition, the project will pay its fair share of Development Impact Fees (DIF); implement all recommendations contained within the Traffic Analysis for traffic improvements; as well as support the City's efforts to design and secure jurisdictional approval for�he cons#rrf�tion of e npw intercha�:gs�t T_�5 czt Cher��en�/or Dets Stree#. 3.7 Require proposed development to evaluate the incremental traffic impacts on local roads throughout the proposed project phasing in order to ensure that any adverse impacts to local roads in residential azeas aze avoided or adequately mitigated. Please see consistency analysis for Policy 3.6, above. Goa14: A development patterns that preserve and enhance the environmental resources of the Study Area. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan has taken into consideration the natural and man-made opportunities and constraints in determining its land use designations and their intensities. Except for the preservation and enhancement of the Arroyo Park in its natural state, there are no other natural features/hazards that would affect the land use designation within the project site. FEBRUARY 200I 6 P:�200PBN1602�GPCONSlSTENCY.DOC LAND USE E�E�ENT P����i�s �.1 Enforce hillside grading standards to naturalize the effects of grading, require the preservation of unique natural features and to encourage a broad range of hillside architectural and site planning solutions. The project site will be mass graded and will result in a balance of cut and fill materials on the site. The project will be graded in a manner which is similar to the other specific plans in the City of Temecula (Paloma del Sol, Margarita Village, Roripaugh Estates, Campos Verdes, Rancho Highlands) and surrounding Riverside County (Warm Springs, Vail Ranch, Red Hawk). The grading will result in modificatic►rts to the natural terrain. This type of grading is necessary to achieve the General Plan/Specific Plan land use designations for the site. Hillside grading standards are more appropriately applied in the areas designated L(.S-2 dwelling units per acre) , VL (.2-.4 dwelling units per acre) and HR (0-.1 dwelling units per acre) on the General Plan Land Use Map. 42 Consider the constraints of natural and man-made hazards in determining the location, type and intensities of new development. The Harveston Specific Plan takes into consideration the natural and man-made realities and constraints in determining its land use designations and their intensities. Except for preservation of the Arroyo Park in its natural state, there are no other natural features/hazards that would affect the land use designation within the project site. Man-made hazards such as existing and future roadways have been also considered. Additionally, the proposed project incorporates contour grading techniques in grading the site in order to maintain the integrity of the natural setting. 4.3 Cooperate with other agencies to develop Multi-species Habitat Conservation Plans in westem Riverside and northern San Diego Counties. This policy is not applicable, because it is a City directed policy, and it is the responsibility of the City of Temecula. 4.4 Work with the utility districts to develop a trail system and enhance the natural resources along the San Diego Aqueduct,creeks, and other utility easements where feasible. The proposed Specific Plan area is not in the vicinity of the above aqueduct, however, the Specific Plan provides a comprehensive trail system with connection point to the off=site trails along Santa Gertrudis Creek. The project also proposes enhancement and preservation of a 13.8-acre Arroyo Park consistent with U.S. Army Corps and Fish and Game guidelines. The Arroyo Park includes a nature trail system. 4.5 Work with the Riverside County Flood Control District and other responsible agencies on the design of the flood control project for Murrieta Creek, Temecula Creek, Pechanga Creek, and other waterways in the City. The Specific Plan preparation has included contact with the Riverside County Flood Control and other responsible agencies on the issue of watenvays and flood control in the City of Temecula. FEBRUARY 2001 7 P:�200PBNI602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC LAND USE ELE.MEIITT 4.6 Consider altemative flood control methods to reduce capital and maintenance costs and provide recreational and open space opportunities. Section 5.0, Infrastructure Plan, of the Specific Plan includes the proposed drainage plan, which incorporates existing drainage courses into recreational open space areas(i.e., I0.5-acre Arroyo Park and 2.5-acre Paseo Park). 4.7 Conserve the resources of Pechanga,Temecula and Murrieta Creeks through appropriate densities of development, setbacks,landscaping,and site design of surrounding projects. This policy is not applicable, because it is a City directed policy. The project is however consistent with the General Plan density designations for the property. Goa15: A land use pattern and intensity of development that encourages alternative modes of transportation,including transit,bicycling,and walking. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan includes a transit plan, which provides for alternative mode of transportation. The transit plan has been developed with input provided from the Riverside Transit Authority(RTA)and incorporates the service needs of the RTA. The Village Center, High- density residential (13-20 dwelling units/acre) and the M2 (Medium-density residential 7-I3 dwelling units/acre)are located at the "core"of the project to provide the critical density needed to support public transit. Bus turnouts and shelters are included, as required by the RTA and approved by the Department of Public Works. Additionally, the Harveston Specific Plan includes a comprehensive paseo and trail system providing the project's residents the opportunity to walk, jog, or bike around the entire community. Bike trails and transit facilities will also be provided along the project roadways. The Specifzc Plan includes a Mixed Use Village Center, which consists of a mixture of compatible uses such as retail, restaurant, office, daycare, worship, and a private club facility and fitness center. The Mixed Use Village Center creates an environment where walking is encouraged. For ease of access this "core area" is connected to various residential areas within the development via walking and biking trails. Poiicies S.J. Include in the I)evelopment Code and through other ordinances a package oi incentives to encourage development to include: 1. Additional active pazkland 2. Development of pazkland and trails 3. Preservation of historic buildings or sites 4. Additional open space 5. Preservation and enhancement of natural habitat 6. Additional public or community facilities 7. Additional or improved public spaces or plazas for community use 8. Additional amenities in multifamily developments FEBRUARY 200I O P:�2000�BN160?�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC ' LAND U5E �.�.�1i�E1VT 9. Transit facilities and/or additional right-of-way along future transit corridors 10. Housing that meets the needs of very low and low income households. 11. Provision of cultural facilities. The Harveston Specifzc Plan has included many of these items. This is further discussed below. ■ Additional Active Parkland. The project provides 57.4 acres of parkland/recreation facilities (including the Winchester Creek Park). This figure does not include the I5.9 acres within the LDZ's, which brings the total to 73.3 acres. • Development of Parkland and Trails. The parkland acreage is discussed above. The Open Space and Recreation Plan (Figure 6.I of the Specific Plan) and Bicycle Plan (Figure 4.8 of the Specifzc Plan)depict the open space/recreational opportunities within the Plan, as well as comprehensive walking and bicycle network within the project. A ten foot (IO') wide trail easement along the western perimeter of the project. In addition to providing opportunities within the project, these netrvorks also tie into the existing City wide bicycle plan. Further, it is anticipated that these systems will ultimately become a component of the City's Trails Master Plan(currently under development). • Preservation of Historic Buildings or Sites. There are no known historic buildings or sites at the project location. • Additional Open Space. As discussed above, the project is providing 57.4 acres of recreation facilities. Based upon the requirements of the City of Temecula Community Services Department, 26.75 acres or parkland is required. The project exceeds this amount by 30.65 acres. � Preservation and Enhancement of Natural Habitat. As part of the Environmental Impact Report, a biological assessment was prepared for the project site. No sensitive or endangered species were identified on-site. The project will impact 2.86 acres of"waters of the United States." As mitigation for this impact, the creation of 8 acres of a riparian corridor must be created on-site. The Arroyo Park has been developed to serve as this mitigation and will encornpass I3.8 acres. This is greater than what was required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers for mitigation. In addition, should the Cherry Street interchange be approved for this project, this acreage may be subject to an increase. • Additional Public or Community Facilities. Public and Community facilities are included within many of the recreation facilities within the project. It is anticipated that people residing within the project and those within the vicinity of the project will use those facilities. These include the elementary school, the Lake, Lake Park, Paseo Parl� Village Green as well as the Comrnunity Park. In addition,private facilities will be provided to serve the Harveston residents. • Additional or Improved Public Spaces or Plazas for Cornrnunity Use. These have been listed above. In addition, public and quasi-public spaces will be provided within the Village Center. Also, mini parks are included within most of the residential neighborhoods. FEBRUARY 200I 9 P:�200PBN1602�GPCONSI57'ENCY.DOC LAND USE E��M.E11TT • Additional Amenities in Multifamily Developments. It is anticipated that the multifamily component of the project will contain amenities, which are typically found within these types of development. The multi family development is centrally located adjacent to the Village Center and within immediate proximity of the project's recreation facilities. � Transit Facilities and/or additional right-of-way Along Future Transit Corridors. The transit plan has been developed with input provided from the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA). Potential Transit Routes & Stops have been developed for current and future transit needs, with input from RTA. A transit station is planned within the Village Center and will be integrated into the design of the streetscape. The transit station will be installed when adjacent development occurs, in accordance with the requirements of the RTA. It is anticipated that the buses will initially make a small loop through the project, entering the site from Margarita Road, passing by the Elementary School, Lake and Lake Park, Village Green and Village Center and exiting the site via Margarita Road. Future transit stops will be provided within the project, along the Loop Road. Transit stops are also proposed on the perimeter of the project, along Date Street, Ynez Road and Margarita Road. In addition, transit stops will be provided in key locations within the Service Commercial portion of the project. All of the transit stops are anticipated to connect to the current and future major transit hubs within the area, including the Promenade Mall. • Housing That Meets the Needs of Very Low and Low Income Households. The project includes a variety of housing types, which will provide a wide array of housing opportunities for both owners and renters. It is not anticipated that Harveston will provide housing that meets the needs of very low and low income households. • Provision of Cultural Facilities. These are discussed above in the recreation facilities. 5.2 Require the provision of pedestrian and bicycle linkages from residential areas to open . space/recreation facilities, commercial and employment centers. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a comprehensive paseo and trail system providing the project's residents the opportunity to walk,jog, or bike around the entire community. Bike trails and transit facilities will also be provided along the project roadways. (See Figures 4.8, Bicycle Plan and 11.5, Mixed Use Vehicular Circulation and Parking). 5.3 Encourage variety in the design of sidewalks and trails with respect to aligrunent and surface materials to provide a convenient and enjoyable experience for the users. The sidewalks and paseos included in the proposed plan incorporate unique design features, landscaping, and amenities o,ffering users a variety of di,fferent recreational experiences. Many of the proposed paseos will meander through the adjacent landscape. 5.4 Provide grade separated bike paths along major arterials where feasible. Ensure that non-grade separated bike paths aze designated for safety. The proposed Specific Plan includes Class II bike lane along Margarita Road, consistent with the City of Temecula General Plan(see Figure 10.1-4, Margarita Road). FEBRUARY 2001 IO P:LOOO�BNI602�GPCONSlSfENCY.DOC LAND USE E�.�IV.�E.NT 5.5 Designate Mixed Use Village Centers on the Land Use Plan to provide areas within the community that are urban in character, contain a mixture of compatible uses, and aze designed to reduce or eliminate the need for the automobile in traveling to or within Mixed Use Village Centers. The Specific Plan includes a Mixed Use Village Center, which consists of a mixture of compatible uses such as retail, restaurant, office, daycare, worship, and a private club facility and fitness center. The Mixed Use Village Center creates an environment where walking is encouraged. For ease of access this "core area" is connected to various residential areas within the development via walking and biking trails. 5.6 Encourage higher density residential, mixed use development, and supporting public and community facilities within Mixed Use Village Centers. The Mixed Use Village Center proposed within the proposed Harveston plan includes mixed use development,public and community facilities, and higher density residential uses. 5.7 Establish design guidelines, development standards, and incentive programs for uses within Mixed Use Village Centers. The proposed plan establishes guidelines, development standards, and incentive programs for Mixed Use Village Center uses. (See Section 11.4.7, Mixed Use Overlay Zone). 5.8 Develop a plan to link Mixed Use Village Centers by trails and potential transit systems including bus, shuttle and light rail. The Harveston Specific Plan includes extensive system of paseos and potential transit facilities that link the Mixed Use Village Center to the remainder of the community. (See Figure 11.1 S, Mixed Use Vehicular Circulation and Parking). 5.9 Ensure that architecture, landscape design, and site planning within Mixed Use Village Centers emphasizes a pedestrian scale and safe and convenient access between uses. The Mixed Use Village Center is pedestrian oriented and facilitates access between uses within the Village. Walking and biking trails are provided to connect the Mixed Use Village Center to other areas within the Spec�c Plan. (See Figure 11.16, Mixed Use Village Center Pedestrian Circulation). 5.10 Ensure that adequate public gathering areas or plazas are incorporated within Mixed Use Village Centers to allow for social interaction and community activities. The Mixed Use Village Center proposed within the Harveston Spec�c Plan allows for gathering areas and plaZas. Additionally, the Village Green creates a public gathering place, which will encourage social interaction and community activities, such as concerts orfarmers markets. 5.11 Discourage the development of strip commercial centers that increase automobile dependency. FEBRUARY 2001 11 P:�200PBNI602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC LAND USE ELE�VIEIVT The Harveston Specific Plan does not propose the development of strip commercial uses within the Specific Plan area. Its objective is to create a pedestrian friendly environment where the use of the car is not encouraged. Goa16: A plan for Old Town Temecula that enhances economic viability, preserves historic structures, addresses parking and public improvement needs, and establishes design standards to enhance and maintain the character and economic viability of Old Town. This goal is not applicable because the Specific Plan is not located within the Old Town area of the City of Temecula. This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. Goa17: Orderly annexation and development of unincorporated area within Temecula's Sphere of Influence. This goal is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan is not located within the unincorporated areas of Temecula's Sphere of In.fluence. Goa18: A City that is compatible and coordinated with regional land use patterns. Discussion: The Specific Plan land uses have been laid out consistent with the City of Temecula General Plan, which takes into account larger regional goals and policies. Additionally, the Specific Plan was coordinated with the U.S. Ar�ny Corps of Engineers and the State Department of Fish and Game, which take a more regional and comprehensive approach. Pnlicies 8.1 Provide a pattem of land uses that maintain and enhance the viability of neighboring communities including the City of Murrieta, and the counties of Riverside and San Diego, through compatible uses and linkages. The compatibility between the Harveston project and the adjacent developments has been discussed in Policy 3.1. The architectural styles, design guidelines and development standards will create a development that will maintain and enhance the viability of neighboring communities including the City of Murrieta and the Counties of Riverside and San Diego. Compatible uses and linkages have been provided throughout the project. 8.2 Provide a system of open space that is coordinated with regional open space uses to comprehensively address the management and conservation of resources. The Arroyo Park open space proposed within the Harveston Specific Plan was coordinated with the United States Ar�ny Corps of Engineers and the California Department of Fish and Game as FEBRUARY 2001 iL P:�200PBNI60PGPCONSISTENCY.DOC LAND USE ELE�IE,�T a mitigation measure to address Phe management and conservation of resources. The Harveston Open Space and Recreation Plan (Figure 6.1) provides a system of open space that is coordinated with the City-wide and regional system. The project will tie into the Santa Gertrudis Trail System, as well as provide a 10' wide easement along the western project boundary for regional trial systems. 8.3 Participate with the Airport Land use Commission in the planning process in the preparation of the Comprehensive Land use Plan for the French Valley Airport,to the extent feasible. The policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan is not within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the French Valley Airport. 8.4 Continue to participate with the Westem Riverside Council of Governments in the preparation of plans and programs addressing regional issues, including the Growth Management Strategy, Comprehensive Transportation Plan,Water Resources Strategy, and School Facilities Plan. This Policy is the responsibility of the City of Temecula and not that of the Harveston project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the City of Temecula Growth Managefnent Program Action Plan. In addition, transportation items have been addressed above (see Policy 3.3). Water resources and project impacts have been discussed and mitigated as necessary in the project's Environmental Impact Report. An elementary school site is currently under construction on the project site and sufficient resources are available to accommodate the middle and high school students generated by the project. FEBRUARY 2001 13 P:�200�8N160TGPCONSlSlENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELE,IVI�1V�' CIRCULATION ELEMENT Goal l: Strive to maintain a Level of Service"D"or better at all intersections within the City during peak hours and Level of Service"C"or better during non-peak hours. Discussion: A Traffic Analysis for this project was prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates (dated July 19, 2000) and reviewed and approved by the City's Traffic Engineer. According to the Analysis, impacts from the project at opening year(2002)and at project buildout(2005) result in a minimum Level of Service D at all critical intersections within the vicinity of the project provided that certain transportation improvements are made by the project. Ten intersections have been identified as needing improvements (2005 with 2 of the 10 requiring improvements at year 2002). These improvements are located at the following intersections: • Winchester& Ynez Roads; • Winchester Road&I-IS; � Winchester Road&Jefferson Avenue; • Winchester&Margarita Road; � Overland Drive &Margarita Road; � Overland Drive & Ynez Road; + Overland Drive &Jefferson Avenue; • Murrieta Hot Springs &Margarita Roads; ■ Murrieta Hot Springs &Alta Murrieta Roads; ■ Murrieta Hot Springs &Jefferson Avenue. Overall project impacts (percentage) to these intersections have been identified in the EIR. Mitigation measures have been included within the project's Environmental Impact Report to ensure that this Goal is met. Pol�cies 1.1 Establish street standazds and all new roadway facilities shall be constructed or upgraded to meet City standazds where feasible. The proposed Specifzc Plan includes a Circulation Plan and standards, which will dictate construction and upgrade of the roadway facilities consistent with City standards. All roadway and intersection designs will comply with City standards providing safe and efficient traffic patterns and circulation. 1.2 Require an evaluation of potential traffic impacts associated with new development prior to project approval, and require adequate mitigation measures prior to, or concurrent with, project development. Please see consistency analysis for Goal 1, above. 1.3 Use the Circulation Element Roadway Plan to guide detailed planning and implementation of the City's roadway system. FEBRUARY 2001 14 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELE.1Vl�'IVT' The Circulation Plan within the Harveston Spec�c Plan has been produced based on the City's Circulation standards. 1.4 Pursue trip reduction and transportation systems management measures to reduce and limit congestion at intersections and along streets within the City. Please see consistency analysis for Goal 1, above. Trip reduction measures include: • Transit provisions • Location of housing neat-employment areas • An extensive bicycle path network ■ An extensive walking/pedestrian network. Trcrosportation System Management measures include (General Plan): � Adding turn lanes or restricting turning movements during peak traffic periods at congested intersections ■ Widening of intersection approaches to accommodate additional through movement lanes or to improve visibility + Installation of bus turnout bays � Pavement mat-king modifications/improvements • Completion of"missing links" in the roadway network 1.5 Update every three years, or as needed, "build-out"traffic forecasts to monitor the impact of development approvals and the adequacy of the Circulation Element Roadway Plan. The policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa12: Enhance traffic safety on City streets. Discussion: The Circulation Plan within the Harveston Specific Plan minimizes traffic conflicts and promotes safe traffic circulation within the Speci,fic Plan area. A Loop Road is included within the circulation plan for ease of access to different residential planning areas, reducing undesirable through traffic within the residential areas. The Circulation Plan encourages safety for all pedestrian traffic by separating vehicular and pedestrian traffic, especially in commercial and high-density areas. As such, the plan includes a safe and efficient paseo, urban trail and sidewalk network, providing pedestrian and bicycle circulation in conjunction with the roadway network. Poli�ies 2.I The City shall enforce speed restrictions throughout the City. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 15 P:�200U�SN1602�GPCONSISIENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELEMENT 2.2 Require that future roads and improvements to existing roads be designed to minimize traffic conflicts such as those which result from curb parking maneuvers and uncontrolled access along heavily traveled roadways. The Circulation Plan within the Harveston Specific Plan minimizes traffic conflicts and promotes safe traffic circulation within the Specific Plan area. A Loop Road is included within the circulation plan for ease of access to different residential planning areas, reducing undesirable through traffic within the residential areas. 2.3 Require that the development of new private driveways do not introduce significant traffic conflicts along major streets and primary residential collectors roads. The Harveston Specific Plan does not propose new private driveways off of the major streets or primary residential collector roads. Three project entries are proposed off the major streets (2 on Margarita Road and 1 on Date Street). Internal to the project, neighborhoods will access the Loop Road. All driveway locations are subject to review and approval of the Director of Public Works. 2.4 Require that vehicular and pedestrian trafFic be separated to the maximum extent feasible. The Circulation Plan within the hTarveston Specific Plan encourages safety for all pedestrian traffic by separating vehicular and pedestrian traffic, especially in commercial and high density areas. As such, the plan includes a safe and efficient paseo, urban trail and sidewalk network, providing pedestrian and bicycle circulation in conjunction with the roadway network. 2.5 Establish an origoing maintenance program to ensure the safety of the City's roadway syste_rr�. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa13: A regional transportation system that accommodates the safe and efficient movement of people and goods to and from the community. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan includes City-wide and regional circulation roadways. The Specific Plan currently includes roadway segments, which are consistent with the City's General Plan Circulation Element (Nlargarita Road, Date Street, Ynez Road). In addition, a City directed alter►zative has been included in the Plan. With the inclusion of the project's roadway network, transit provisions, bicycle and pedestrian pathways, the project will contribute to this goal of accommodating the safe and efficient movement of people and goods to and from the community. Policies 3.1 Support the completion of the Riverside County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The Circulation Plan within the Harveston Specific Plan includes roadway extensions and future improvements consistent with the City's existing Circulation Element Plan. FEBRUARY 200I 16 P:�2000�BN1607�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELEMENT 3.2 Actively pursue the construction of a new interchange north of Winchester Road and other recommended system improvements outside its jurisdiction in cooperation with Caltrans, the City of Murrieta, Riverside County, and local developers. Measures should be taken to preserve anticipated right-of-way needs and to identify funding mechanisms for the interchange unprovements. The location of a new interchange north of Winchester Road is currently being reviewed through a Project Study Report (PSR) by Caltrans. It is anticipated that Caltrans will complete this review by mid-2001 and the location for Phis interchange will be detef-mined. The project contains two alternatives for the location of this interchange. Subdivision maps are also being processed which will reserve additional right-of-way for the ultimate location for the interchange. It should be noted that the applicant will support the City's efforts to design and secure jurisdictional approval for the construction of a new interchange at I-IS at Cherry and/or Date Street. 3.3 Actively pursue the improvements to existing interchanges within the City and construction of new overpasses as required to achieve the adopted service level standazds. Reference response to Policy 3.2. In addition, a mitigation measure in the project's EIR requires improvements to the I-IS/Winchester Road interchange. This mitigation would help achieve level of service standards required in Goal 3. 3.4 Coordinate with the Riverside Transit Agency to provide fixed route transit service (bus or shuttle) along major transportation corridors connecting to regional employment and commercial azeas, airports,health caze facilities, and major recreation areas. The Harveston Spec�c Plan will comply with the City of Temecula and the Riverside Transit Agency to facilitate provision of transit service. Coordination and correspondence with the Riverside Transit Agency was completed as part of the Harveston EIR preparation. 3.5 Provide for express transit service through implementation of pazk-and-ride facilities along regional transportation corridors. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy, and park-and-ride facilities are not proposed with the Harveston project. 3.6 Coordinate with Western Riverside Council of Governments to identify, protect, and pursue opportunities for a light rail transit along major transportation corridors which connect Temecula to other population centers. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy, and it is the responsibility of the City of Temecula. 3.7 Encourage the formation of a special Southwest County agency or task force which would be responsible for identifying and prioritizing selected system improvements having regional significance and the development of funding sources which would allow for the timely implementation of these improvements. FEBRiIARY 2001 17 P:�200�8N1602�GPCONSlSTENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELEN�E.�IIT This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy, and it is the responsibility of the City of Temecula. Goa14: An ef�icient City circulation system through the use of transportation system management and travel demand management strategies. Discussion: This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. However, the Harveston EIR incorporates Travel Demand Management (TDM) requirements, as mitigation measures, consistent with the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The proposed project will comply with the conditions and requirements set forth by the City of Temecula and will implement all traffic signals as required by the traffic study in order to maximize efficient flow of traffic. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a comprehensive pedestrian trail system and incorporates features such as bus turnouts and shelters, as required by the Director of Public Works and the Riverside Transit Agency(RTA). Policies 4.1 Establish a City-wide Circulation System Phasing and Financing Program for the orderly implementation of system improvements identified in the Circulation Element. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.2 Require proper spacing and interconnect traffic signals where feasible to maximize the smooth progression of traffic flows and to minirnize delay and stop and go conditions which result in higher vehicle emissions and noise levels. The proposed project will comply with the conditions and requirements set forth by the City of Temecula and will implement all traffic signals as required by the traffic study in order to maximiZe efficient.flow of traffic. 4.3 Discourage the provision of on-street (curbside) parking along principal arterial roadways to nunimize traffic conflicts and increase the traffic carrying capacity of these roadways. The Spec�c Plan does not propose on-street parking along the principal arterial roadways (i.e., Date Street, Margarita Road, and Ynez Road). 4.4 Require new development to incorporate design features which facilitate transit service and encourage transit ridership such as bus pullout areas, covered bus stop facilities, efficient trail systems through projects to transit stops, and incorporation of pedestrian walkways that pass through subdivision boundary walls. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a comprehensive pedestrian trail system and incorporates features such as bus turnouts and shelters, as required by the Director of Public Works and the Riverside Transit Agency(RTA). FEBRUARY 2001 Ip P:�2000�BN160Z�GPCONSlSIENCY.DOC CIRCULATION ELE.11r1ENT 4.5 Require specific plans�and other mixed use projects to provide an internal system of trails linking schools, shopping centers,transit, and other public facilities within residential areas. The Harveston Specific Plan includes an extensive internal system of trails/paseos that connect the Mixed Use Village Center to the school, the lake/lake park and community park, and different residential areas. 4.6 Provide a comprehensive system of Class I andlor Class II bicycle lanes to meet the needs of cyclist traveling to and from work and other destinations within the City. Consistent with the City of Temecula General Plan, the Harveston Specific Plan provides Class II bicycle lanes along most roadways within the Specific Plan area for recreational as well as ease of access between different planning areas and uses. (See Figure 4.8, Bicycle Plan). 4.7 Encourage a mix of uses within a project designed to maximize internal trip making, maximize the use of parking facilities,and to promote a shift from auto use to pedestrian and bicycle modes of travel. The proposed project is pedestrian oriented encouraging internal movement between the different uses and planning areas via trails and bike lanes. 4.8 Encourage the provision of additional regional public transportation services. The Harveston Specific Plan will comply with the City of Temecula and the Riverside Transit Agency to facilitate provision of transit service. Coordination and correspondence with the Riverside Transit Agency was completed as part of the Harveston EIR preparation. 4.9 Require transportation demand management plans to be submitted for preliminary review at the Specific Plan or Plot Plan stage of site development and submitted for final approval prior to the issuance of building permits,in accordance with the City's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. The Harveston EIR incorporates Travel Demand Management (TDM) requirements, as mitigation measures, consistent with the Air Quality Management Plan(AQMP). 4.10 Encourage the implementation of employer Travel Demand Management (TDM) requirements included in the Southern California Air Quality Management District's Regulation 15 of the Air Quality Management Plan. The Harveston EIR incorporates TDM requirements as mitigation measures consistent with the AQMP. 4.11 The City shall establish a local Congestion Management Plan and monitor the performance and effectiveness of travel demand management programs within the City. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 19 P:�?OOO�BN/602�GPCONSIS!'ENCY.DOC CIRCULATION E�EMEN�' Goa15: . An adequate supply of private and public parking to meet the needs of residents and visitors of the City. Discussion: The proposed Specific Plan contains parking requirements and standards (see Section 11.0, Development Standards) to provide adequate parking facilities on-site. A tapered street section will be used at internal neighborhood intersections and in locations where on-street parking is otherwise adequately provided. Adequate on-street parking has been defined in Section 11 of the Specific Plan. The Mixed Use Village Center provides the opportunity for "shared joint use parking" which helps minimize the number of ingress and egress points. Policies 5.1 Enforce City parking ordinances and standard design requirements which apply. The Harveston Specific Plan is prepared based on the City's General Plan and other applicable ordinances (i.e., parking ordinances) and standard design requirements. Parking standards�are contained in Section 11.0, Development Standards, of the Spec�c Plan. 5.2 Require the consolidation of parking, and related circulation facilities, where appropriate, to minimize the number of ingress and egress points onto arterials. The Mixed Use Village Center provides the opportunity for "shared joint use parking" which helps minimize the number of ingress and egress points. 5.3 Provide additional public parking in the Old Town area where feasible through common parking areas or establishment of a parking district. This policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan is not within the Old Town Specific Plan area. 5.4 Require project developers to provide adequate on-site parking and/or to contribute to a program to acquire and maintain off-site facilities. The proposed Specific Plan contains parking requirements and standards (see Section I1.0, Development Standards) to provide adequate parking facilities on-site. 5.5 �ncourage underground parking or parking structures where economically feasible in commercial areas. The proposed Specific Plan contains parking requirements and standards (see Section 11.0, Development Standards) to provide adequate parking facilities on-site. Additional measures will be incorporated to meet the demand and requirement in commercial areas. 5.6 Encourage joint development of parking facilities (e.g. joint-use of parking facilities) where feasible to maximize the efficient use of available parking. FEBRUARY 2001 LO P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSlSlENCY.DOC CIRCULATION�LE.1V.�.�11�T The proposed Specific Plan contains parking requirements and standards (see Section 11.0, Development Standards) to provide adequate parking facilities on-site. Additional measures will be incorporated to maximize efficiency. Goa16: Safe and efficient alternatives to motorize travel throughout the City. Discussion: The proposed project provides for a separate system of paseo/trails that will be utilized by pedestrians and non-motorized modes of transportation. This system provides for ease of access between the different planning areas. This system of trails will also connect to the regional trails for ease access to other areas within the City. Policies 6.1 Promote the safety of pedestrians and bicyclist by adhering to uniform trail standards and practices and communicating safety practices to the public. Unless modified through this Specific Plan, all trails shall be constructed to ultimate City standards and practices that will ensure public safety. 6.2 Off-street bicycle and equestrian trails should minimize the number of locations where automobile cross traffic will be experienced. The proposed project provides for bicycle trails throughout the project site (see Figure 4.8, Bicycle Plan). The Specific Plan's loop road system will minimize the number of locations for automobile cross traffic. 6.3 Ensure accessibility of pedestrian facilities to the elderly and disabled. The Harveston Specific Plan seeks to ensure accessibility of facilities to all users, including the elderly and the disabled. ADA standards will be complied with throughout the Specific Plan. 6.4 TrafFic signals along bike routes and where significant pedestrian activity is present shall be properly timed and periodically adjusted to allow for the safe movement of these non-motorized modes. The proposed Specific Plan includes a Circulation Plan and standards, which will dictate construction and upgrade of the roadway facilities consistent with City standards. All roadway and intersection designs will comply with City standards providing safe and efficient traffic patterns and circulation. 6.5 Adequate linkages shall be provided for non-motorized modes, between residential areas and commercial/employment activity centers,public institutions, and recreation areas. The proposed project provides for ease of access between the different planning areas by non- motorized modes of transportation. As such, the project includes designated trail systems for use by pedestrians and bicycles and other non-motorized modes of transportation. FEBRUARY 2001 21 P:�200P8N1602�GPCONS/SlENCY.DOC CIRCULATION�LE�E.NT 6.6 Motorized vehicles and motorized cycles shall be prohibited from using the City's recreation trail system. The Harveston Specific Plan provides for a separate system of paseos/trails that will be utilized by pedestrians and non-motorized cycles only. Motorized vehicles and motorized cycles will be prohibited from using the pedestrian designated paseos/trails within the Specific Plan. Goa17: A truck circulation system that provides for the safe and ef�icient transport of commodities and also minimizes noise,air pollution and traffic impacts to the City. Discussion: The Circulation Plan for Harveston project is based on the City of Temecula Circulation Element and does not designate primary truck routes on roadways providing access to different residential areas within the project site. The proposed project provides for measures to facilitate access and loading by trcccks in order to minimize any potential circulation conflicts. Policies 7.1 Designate primary truck routes on selected arterial streets to minimize the impacts of truck traffic on residential azeas. The Harveston Specific Plan Circulation Plan is based on the City of Temecula Circulation Element and does not designate primary truck routes on roadways providing access to different residential areas within the project site. 7.2 Require loading azeas and access ways for trucks that minimize or eliminate conflicts with automotive and pedestrian areas to maintain safe and efficient traffic circulation. The proposed project provides for measures (see Section 11.0, Development Standards) Po facilitate access and loading by trucks in order to minimize any potential circulation conflicts. FEBRUARY 2001 22 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISffNCY.DOC HOUSING ELEMENT HOUSING ELEMENT Goal l: A diversity of housing opportunities that satisfies the physical,social and economic needs of existing and future residents of Temecula. Discussion: The Specific Plan will provide 1,921 dwelling units on a wide range of lots to accommodate the existing and projected housing needs in the City. The residential development will provide a range of housing type options in terms of cost, density and type. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a wide variety of housing types within each density category and proposes a sustainable land use concept by incorporating the open space and recreational opportunities through a generous selection of park types. Palicies 1.1 Provide an inventory of land at varying densities suff'icient to accommodate the existing and projected housing needs in the City. The Harveston Specific Plan provides 1,921 dwelling units on individual lots ranging in size from 2,000 to 5,000 square feet. The target density for the proposed project is 6.3 dwelling units per acre. The Harveston Specific Plan also includes 300 high-density residential dwelling units at a target density of 17.8 units per acre. In addition to the high density, three densities of Low Medium(578 dwelling units),Medium 1 (475 dwelling units), and Medium 2 (568 dwelling units), are included in the Specific Plan. The proposed housing types will provide a range of opportunity, which will satisfy the needs of various segments of the local housing market. 1.2 Encourage residential development that provides a range of housing types options in terms of cost, density and type, and provides the opportunity for local residents to live and work in the same community by balancing jobs and housing types. The proposed project introduces a wide range of housing type in terms of cost, density and design in order to meet the needs of the di,fferent segments of the local population. The project also includes commercial uses, which would create jobs locally and regionally. 1.3 Require a mixture of diverse housing types and densities in new developments around the mixed use village centers to enhance their people-orientation and diversity. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes high density housing in the Mixed Use Village Center overlay along with other uses. Additionally, in close proximity to the Mixed Use Village Center are proposed a variety of housing types and densities. 1.4 Support the use of innovative site planning and architectural design in residential development. The proposed project includes a wide variety of housing types within each density category. These varieties are achieved through innovative site planning and design and will cater to the needs of di,fferent groups of clients. FEBRUARY 2001 23 P:�2000�BNI602�GPCONSISCENCY.DOC HOUSING ELEMENT 1.5 Encourage the use of.clustered development to preserve and enhance important environmental resources, and maintain important areas in open space. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes c�c efficient lcmd use concept where different residential development types, including clustered development, are introduced and vast areas of open space are incorporated throughout the Specific Plan in the for�n of a community park, mini parks,paseo park, lake, lake park, arroyo park, and paseos. 1.6 Promote the development of compatible mixed use projects that promotes and enhances the village concept, facilitates the efficient use of public facilities, and supports altemative transit options. The Harveston Specific Plan is a project that incorporates different types of uses such as residential, service commercial, school, parks, and Mixed Use Village Center. Within the Mixed Use Village Center there is a wide range of uses which promote a pedestrian oriented concept (see Figure 11.16, Mixed Use Village Center Pedestrian Circulation). Paseos, trails, cmd bike lanes are provided for ease of access to recreational c�td other public facility uses (i.e., school, and church). Goa12: Affordable housing for all economic segments of Temecula. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan is promoting a variety of housing opportunities that accommodate the needs of all economic levels of the population, c�td is providing opportunities to meet the City's fair share of low-and moderate-income housing. The project includes housing affordable to households with earnings in excess of approximately 120 percent of the current median income of the County of Riverside. The higher density dwelling units will be more affordable to buyers as well as renters. Policies 2.1 Promote a variety of housing opportunities that accommodate the needs of all economic levels of the population, and provides opportunities to meet the City's fair share of low- and moderate- income housing. The Harveston Specific Plan provides 1,921 dwelling units on individual lots ranging in size from 2,000 to 5,000 squa-re feet. The target density for Phe proposed project is 6.3 dwelling units per acre. The Harveston Specific Plan also includes 300 high-density residential dwelling units at a target density of 17.8 units per acre. In addition to the high density, three densities of Low Medium(578 dwelling units), Medium 1 (475 dwelling units), and Medium 2(568 dwelling units), are included in the Specific Plan. The proposed housing types will provide a range of opportunity, which will satisfy the needs of various economic levels of the local housing market. 2.2 Support innovative public, private and non-profit efforts in the development of affordable housing, particularly for special neerls groups. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 L4 P:�2000�BNI602�CPCONSISTENCY.DOC HOUSING ELEMENT 2.3 Encourage the use of non-traditional housing models, including single-room occupancy structures (SRO) and manufactured housing, to meet the needs of special groups for affordable housing, temporary shelter and/or transitional housing. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.4 Pursue all available forms of private, local, state and federal assistance to support development and implementation of the City's housing programs. The proposed Harveston project includes housing affordable to households with earnings in excess of approximately 120 percent of the current median income of the County of Riverside. The higher density dwelling units will be more affordable to buyers as well as renters. Goa13: Removal of governmental constraints in the maix�tenxnce,improvement and development of housing,where appropriate and legally possible. This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. Policies 3.1 Provide reasonable processing time and fees for new construction or rehabilitation of housing. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.2 Consider mitigating development fees for projects providing affordable and senior citizen housing. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.3 Periodically review City development standards to ensure consistency with the General Plan and to facilitate high-quality affordable housing. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa14: Conservation of the existing affordable housing stock. This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. Policies 4.1 Monitor and regulate, if necessary, the number of affordable units eligible for conversion to market-rate units and develop programs to minimize the loss of these units. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 LS P:LOOO�SN160PGPCONSISfENCY.DOC HOUSING ELEMENT 4.2 Develop rehabilitation-programs that are directed at preserving the integrity of the housing stock. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.3 Support the efforts of private and public entities in maintaining the affordability of units through implementation of energy conservation and weatherization programs. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa15: Equal housing opportunity for all residents in Temecula. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan promotes housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, age,physical handicap, or color. Policies 5.1 Encourage and support the enforcement of laws and regulations prohibiting the discrimination in lending practices in the sale or rental of housing. The Harveston Specific Plan promotes housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, age,physical handicap, or color. 5.2 Assure and support the efforts of others to ensure that unrestricted access to housing is available to all segments of the community. The proposed project supports and encourages unrestricted access to housing to all interested clients without discrimination. 5.3 Encourage housing design standards that promote the accessibility of housing for the elderly and disabled. The Specific Plan anticipates the use of certain residential product types by elderly and disabled, therefore, it incorporates the City's building codes and ADA measures in order to accommodate such use. 5.4 Encourage and consider supporting local private non-profit groups that address the housing needs of the homeless and other disadvantaged groups. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 26 P:�2000�8N1602�GPCONS/STENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT OPEN SPACE/CONSEI�VATION ELEMENT Goal l: A high quality parks and recreation system that meets the varying recreational needs of residents. Discussion: A major feature of the Harveston Specific Plan is the system of parks and landscaped parkways with paseos, which link the lake complex, and school recreational facilities and the community park in the Open Space and Recreation Program. The Project Park Program is extensive and provides a vast array of recreational opportunities in which all members of the community can participate. Further, the program incorporates many diverse elements in a coordinated, cohesive plan that interrelates with and links the various neighborhoods of the community with each other and to certain destination points, such as the lake, school,parks and mixed-use village. Policies 1.1 Apply the policies and standards contained in the City's Park and Recreation Master Plan to acquire sufficient pazkland and recreation facilities to support new development. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a substantial amount of open space as community park, mini parks, arroyo park, lake park, paseo park and paseos and trails throughout the development. The provision of parks and open space complies with the City's Park and Recreation Master Plan. 1.2 Require the dedication of parkland and development of facilities to be consistent with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The proposed plan complies with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 1.3 Require developers of residential projects greater than fifty dwelling units to dedicate land based on the park acre standard of five (5)acres of usable parkland to one thousand(1,000) population, or the payment of in-lieu fees in accordance with the parks and Recreation Master Plan. Adequate amount of parks and open space has been dedicated based on the above standards and calculations. 1.4 Park credit for land with floodplains shall be given in accordance with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This policy is not applicable because the project site does not contain any flood plains. 1.5 Pursue the joint use of public lands available and suitable for recreation purposes, including lands under the jiirisdicrion of the Riverside County Flood Control District, Southern California Edison, water districts,and other public agencies. This policy is not applicable because the project proposes community and neighborhood parks throughout the development, and it is not in close vicinity of any public lands that can be utilized for joint use. FEBRUARY 2001 L7 P:�2000�BNI60PGPCONSISTENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT 1.6 Encourage the enhancement and preservation of significant natural features, including riparian azeas, rock outcroppings, sensitive habitat areas and viewpoints through park design and site development. One feature of the Harveston Spec�c Plan is the Arroyo Park, which is a naturalistic park that preserves the existing creek bed and creates a riparian environment. The Arroyo Park will provide a different recreational experience to the residents of the community. 1.7 Encourage the enhancement and preservation of historic structures and landscape features in the design,development and use of pazks. The design and development of the different parks within the Specific Plan area will be based on extensive use of landscape features to create a unique experience. No historic structures exist within the project area. 1.8 Encourage public safety and compatibility with adjacent use in park design and development,including location of buildings,activity areas,lighting and parking. Design features such as special architectural treatment, perimeter and �interior landscaping, and lighting will be incorporated into the project for safety and compatibility with the adjacent uses. The Community Park has been designed consistent with City standards(see Figure 6.3, Community Park Detail). 1.9 Coordinate long range pazk and open space planning with Riverside County and the City of Murrieta. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.10 Maximize pedestrian and bicycle access to existing and new parks as an alternative to automobile access. The Specific Plan project proposes extensive trails and bike lanes that would connect to all the different planning areas and uses, including parks. 1.11 Encourage joint recreational use between school and pazk facilities when appropriate. This policy is not applicable because the community park and the proposed elementary school are not in close adjacency to one another, therefore making it difficult to encourage true joint use. 1.12 Consider the establishment of development impact fees to cover the cost of capital i�nprovements for pazks and recreation facilities needed to serve new development. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 2p P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONS(STENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT Goa12: Conservation and protection of surface water, groundwater and imported water resources. Discussion: The Harveston Speciftc Plan will coordinate with Riverside County Flood Control District to design necessary flood control improvements for Murrieta Creek and Temecula Creek that preserve the important natural features and resources of the local creeks and the riparian forest of the Santa Margarita River Watershed, to the maximum extent feasible. The project will protect groundwater in cooperation with the Rancho California Water District and conserve potable water by requiring water conservation techniques in all new development. The project will also encourage utilization of reclaimed water, if available, for irrigation and other appropriate uses. Policies 2.1 Coordinate with Riverside County Flood Control District to design flood control improvements for Murrieta Creek and Temecula Creek that preserve the important natural features and resources of the local creeks and the riparian forest of the Santa Margarita River,to the maximum extent feasible. The Harveston Speciftc Plan provides for drainage and flood control facilities and improvements in accordance with the City of Temecula and the Riverside County Flood Control District requirements. (See Section 5.0, Infrastructure Plan). 2.2 Identify and protect groundwater resources from depletion and sources of pollution in cooperation with the Rancho California Water District. The proposed project will comply with standard speciftcations to protect groundwater resources from depletion and sources of pollution in cooperation with the Rancho California Water District. 2.3 Conserve potable water by requiring water conservation techniques in all new development. The Harveston Speciftc Plan will comply with Title 20, California Administrative Code Section 1604 (f)(Appliance Efficiency Standards), which establish efficiency standards that set the maximum flow rate of all new showerheads, lavatory faucets, etc., as well as Health and Safety Code Section 17621.3 which requires low;flush toilets and urinals in virtually all buildings. 2.4 Use reclaimed water for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, publicly landscaped areas and other feasible applications as service becomes available from RCWD and EMWD. The proposed project will encourage utilization of reclaimed water, if available, for irrigation and other appropriate uses. FEBRUARY 2001 29 P:�2000�BN1601�GPCONSlSIENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT 2.5 Require the use of soil management techniques to reduce erosion, eliminate off-site sedixnentativn, and prevent other soil-related problems that may adversely affect waterways in the cammunity. All constntction activities that results in the disturbance of at least five acres of total land area or activity which is part of a larger common plan of development of five acres or greuter, wil2 obtain the appropriate State generuI permit far Natianal Pot2u�ion Discharge E[iminatiQn Sysiem{NPDES}permits and prry the cappropricxte faes. AtI deuedopment within the Specx�G Plan bvundr�rdes will be subject to,fierure requiremenis advpted hy the Cit� ta implement the NPDES program. Mitigation measures may include, but not be limited to: onsite retention; covered storage of all outside storage facilities; vegetated swales; monitoring programs, etc. 2.6 Regulate and manage lands adjacent to or aff�ting watercourses as stipulated by the Regional Water Resources Control Board. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. The Specific Plan Project has, however, obtained 401 perrnits from the RWQCB. 2.7 Ensure that approved projects have filed a Notice of Intent and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act, prior to issuance of building permits. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. The EIR does, however, require filing of a Notice of Intent as mitigation. 2.8 Ensure adequate inspection and enforcement of the requirements of General Construction Permits,particularly related to erosion control during grading and construction. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.9 Participate in regional planning for the Santa Margarita River Watershed in conjunction with F�eral, State,Regional and local agencies,and non-profit organization. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.10 Participate in waE�r resources mariagement p�anning to facilitate the long-term availability af water resources fvr westerz�Ri�erside Cnunty. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. �EBRUARY 2001 3� P:�2000�SNI602�CPCONSISIENCY.DOC OPEN SP,4CE/CONSERV,4TION ELEMENT Goa13: Conservation of important biological habitats and protection of plant and animal species of concern,wildlife movement corridors,and general biodiversity. Discussion: Based upon the findings of the biological studies perfornzed for the site, the proposed project site does not include significant onsite biological resources. The project proposes an arroyo park, which will include the creation of a riparian habitat. The Arroyo Park will be developed consistent with the mitigation requirement and pernzits of the U.S. Arnzy Corps and State Department of Fish and Game. The Specific Plan will also incorporate local native vegetation, mature trees, and/or other significant vegetation into the landscape design of the proposed development. Pnlicies 3.� Require development proposals to identify significant biological resources and provide mitigation, including the use of adequate buffering; selective preservation; the provision of replacement habitats; the use of sensitive site planning techniques including wildlife corridor/recreational trails; and other appropriate measure. Based upon the findings of the biological studies perfornzed for the site, the proposed project site does not include significant onsite biological resources. The project proposes an arroyo park, which will include the creation of a riparian habitat. The Arroyo Park will be developed consistent with the mitigation requirement of the U.S. Arnzy Corps and State Department of Fish and Game. 3.2 Work with State, regional and non-profit agencies and organizations to preserve and enhance significant biological resources on publicly owned lands. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.3 Coordinate with the County of Riverside and other relevant agencies in the adoption and implementation of the Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.4 Encourage developers to incorporate native drought-resistant vegetation, mature trees, and other significant vegetation into the site and landscape design for proposed projects. The Harveston Specific Plan will incorporate local native vegetation, mature trees, and/or other significant vegetation into the landscape design of the proposed development (see Section 10.0, Design Guidelines). 3.5 Maintain an inventory of existing natural resources in the City through periodic updates of the Master Environmental Assessment. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 31 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISfENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT 3.6 Limit the recreational use of designat� open space areas where sensitive biological resources are present. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.7 Maintain and enhance the resources of the Temecula Creek, Santa. Margarita River, Pechanga Creek and other water ways to ensure the long-term viability of the habitat, wildlife, and wildlife movement corridors. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa14: Conservation of energy through the use of available technology and conservation practices. Discussion: To reduce energy use, the proposed Specific Plan will utilize energy saving techniques such as orienting buildings properly (i.e., north/south lot orientation), planting trees to take advantage of the sun, ensuring adequate roof overhangs, providing properly insulated walls and providing simple heat storage systems such as dual paned windows. The project development will also include utilization of energy efficient building materials for construction in order to reduce energy use. Policies 4.1 Encourage the use of site planning techniques,building orientation and building design that r�uce energy use. To reduce energy use, the proposed Specific Plan will utilize energy saving techniques such as orienting buildings properly (i.e., north/south lot orientation), planting trees to take advantage of the sun, ensuring adequate roof overhangs, providing properly insulated walls, and providing simple heat storage systems such as dual paned windows. 4.2 Require the use of energy efficient building materials to reduce energy use. Besides using the above techniques, the project development will also include utilization of energy efficient building materials for construction in order to reduce energy use. Goa15: Conservation of open space areas for a balance of recreation, scenic enjoyment, and protection of natural resources and features. Discussion: The Specific Plan will conserve open space areas for a balance of recreation, scenic enjoyment and protection of natural resources and features by including clustered housing as part of its land use proposal, and by dedicating substantial areas of open space as FEBRUARY 200I `72 P:�200ABN7602�GPCONSISlENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/ CONSERVATION ELEMENT community park, mini parks, arroyo park, lake, lake park,paseo park, and extensive paseos and trail system. Policies 5.1 Pursue the conservation of the westem and southern ridgelines, the Santa Mazgarita River, slopes in the Sphere of Influence, and other important landforms and historic landscape features through the development review process and as a condition of project approval. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.2 Identify significant viewsheds to proposed projects that may be preserved through the dedication of open space or the use of sensitive grading, site design and building techniques. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.3 Encourage the use of clustered development and other site planning techniques to maximize the preservation of open space. The Harveston Specific Plan includes clustered housing as part of its land use proposals, and it dedicates substantial areas of open space as community park, mini parks, arroyo park, lake, lake park,paseo park, and extensive paseos and trail system. 5.4 Retain and improve the quality of landscaping in pazkways, public slopes, rights-of-way, pazks, civic facilities and other public open azeas. The Design Guidelines Section (10.0) of the Specific Plan includes landscaping guidelines, which proposes landscaping of high standards and quality for the entire site. 5.5 Coordinate with Homeowner's Association to maintain landscaping along slopes adjacent to public right-of-ways. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a maintenance plan(see Figure 12.2) which outlines the future maintenance responsibilities of slopes, roadways and public and private open space and recreational facilities. Landscape sections, which identify maintenance responsibilities, are also included in Section 12.0. 5.6 Coordinate with Homeowner's Associations to maintain landscaping along slopes adjacent to public right-of-ways. The Harveston Specific Plan has dedicated parkland in conformance with the policies and standards of the Park and Recreation Master Plan of the City of Temecula. The Specific Plan included a maintenance plan, which addresses maintenance responsibilities adjacent to Public right-of-way. 5.7 Require adequate open space in new development for both passive and active recreation. FEBRUARY 2001 33 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSfSlENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT The Harveston Specifzc Plan has dedicated adequate amounts of open space for both active and passive recreation, based on the requirements of the TCSD. 5.8 Require the vegetation of graded slopes concurrent with project development to minimize erosion and maintain the scenic character of the community. Vegetation of graded slopes will be required in order to minimize erosion and visual impacts concurrent with project development. 5.9 Require the connection of open space and recreation areas to adjacent developments and publicly owned recreation areas where appropriate. The proposed trail system will connect to the public Community Park which, is part of the Specific Plan area and also to City wide trails and the existing Margarita Park located off- site. 5.10 Study the feasibility of establishing a System of Transferable Development Credits, in conjunction with the County,to conserve open space or agricultural uses. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.11 Incorporate seismic hazard safety zones into valley-wide open space and park systems. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.12 Encourage the use of native vegetation where re-vegetation and landscaping is to occur. The proposed plan will utilize native vegetation for the re-vegetation of the Arroyo Park. Goa16: Preservation of significant historical and cultural resources. Discussion: This goal is not applicable because according to the Initial Study(and the City of Temecula General Plan), the site does not contain any sensitive archaeological resources. Although the study found no paleontological sites, project implementation could expose fossils through grading and other development activities. Implementation of EIR mitigation measures will ensure that exposure of cultural resources during grading/constructio�.does not occur. Policies 6.1 Maintain an inventory of areas of sensitive archaeologicaUpaleontological sensitivity in the planning area. According to the Initial Study (and the City of Temecula General Plan), the site does not contain any sensitive archaeological resources. The cultural resources study that was prepared concluded the same. Although paleontological sites were not found on the site, FEBRUARY 2001 34 P:�2000�SNI602�GPCONSlSTENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT project implementation could expose fossils through grading and other development activities. Implementation of EIR mitigation measures will ensure that exposure of cultural resources during grading/construction does not occur. 6.2 Require sites proposed for future development to be evaluated for azchaeological resources in accordance with the procedures established in a Memorandum of Agreement with the Eastern Information Center at UC Riverside. A cultural resource study was performed evaluating for archaeological resources in conformance with the procedures established in a Memorandum of Agreement with the Easter Infornzation Center at UC Riverside. 6.3 Require sites proposed for future development that aze identified in this Element as being of high or undetermined paleontological sensitivity to be evaluated by a qualified vertebrate paleontologist. Although the study found no paleontological sites, project implementation could expose fossils through grading and other development activities. Implementation of EIR mitigation measures will ensure that e.xposure of cultural resources during grading/construction does not occur. 6.4 Require sites containing significant azchaeological or paleontological resources to either preserve identified sites or provide for the professional retrieval of artifacts prior to development. Implementation of the mitigation measures contained in the EIR will ensure that exposure of cultural resources during grading/conservation does not occur. 6.5 Require that a certified azchaeologist andlor paleontologist be present on site during grading, earth moving, or demolition of structures when these resources have been discovered during construction, and for sites designated or potentially designated as culturally significant in order to ensure these sites aze preserved and protected. Native American observers may be requested to be present on site to observe and retrieve cultural resources when deemed necessary by a certified azchaeologist or paleontologist andlor when mandated by state law. Although the cultural resources study performed did not identify any paleontological sites, project implementation could expose fossils through grading and other development activities. Implementation of mitigation measures will ensure that exposure of cultural resources during grading/construction does not occur. 6.6 Not applicable because project is not in Old Town Specific Plan azea. 6.7 Not applicable because project is not in Old Town Specific Plan azea. 6.8 Not applicable because project is not in Old Town Specific Plan azea. 6.9 Not applicable because project does not contain historic structures on-site. FEBRUARY 200I JS P:�2000�SNl60PGPCONSISlENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT 6.10 Not applicable because project does not contain historic structures on-site: 6.11 Not applicable because project does not contain historic structures on-site. Goa17: Protection of prime agricultural land from premature conversion to urbanized uses. This goal is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan site does not contain any prime agricultural land, which would be converted to urbanized uses. Goa18: A trail system that serves both recreational and transportation needs. Discussion: The proposed Harveston Specific Plan trail system proposed connections to the City wide trail system. It also seeks to create a pedestrian friendly environment where extensive trails and bike lanes are provided for ease of access between different planning areas and land uses. Policies 8.1 Provide a City-wide recreation system that connects to the County's regional trail system through adoption of a Master Plan of Trails that provides for bicycling, equestrian, hiking and jogging trails and support facilities. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 8.2 Negotiate land deeds as necessary to implement the City-wide trail system. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 8.3 Require proposed development to provide trail connections to the city-wide trail system as defined by the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Master Plan of Trails. The proposed Harveston Specific Plan trail system proposes connections to the City-wide trail system, according to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Master Plan of Trails. 8.4 Require development plans to identify locations for an intemal trails/sidewalk system that links land uses and provides convenient travel to transit facilities. The Specific Plan seeks to create a pedestrian friendly environment where extensive trails and bike Zanes are provided for ease of access between different planning areas and Zand uses. FEBRUARY 200I 36 P:�200PBN160Z�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC OPEN SPACE/CONSERVATION ELEMENT Goa19: Protection of dark skies from intrusive light sources, which may impact the Palomar Observatory Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. In order to reduce light and glare impacts to the operations at the Observatory, outdoor lighting will be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizon plane passing through the luminare. � Current supplies of electrical sef-vice have been strained due to recent de-regulation of the power industry. Recent shortages in generation capacity may require residents and business owners to pay higher costs for electricity or accept limitations required by the utility purveyors during periods of limited supply. The State of California is in the process of addressing this issue, as it is a Statewide and regional issue. Limitations will be resolved as new generating capacity is brought on line over the next few years. The project will be developed in stages and is anticipated to commence construction in early-2001. Policies 9.1 Coordinate with the County of Riverside and California lnstitute of Technology for Economic Research Purposes to ensure preservation procedures for dark skies are incorporated into the City development review process. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Please see consistency analysis for Goal 9, above. 9.2 Participate in Palomar Observatory's dark sky conservation areas. The Harveston Specific Plan is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. In order to reduce light and glare impacts to the operations at the Observatory, outdoor lighting will be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horiZon plane passing through the luminare. FEBRUARY 2001 37 P:�2000�BN160N'.,PC�NSfSTEiYCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGE.[V�E�21�T E�EME�VT GROWTH MANAGEMENT/PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT Goal l: Cooperate management of growth among local governments within Riverside County. Discussion: This goad is nat repplicabde bscause it is a City directed goa1. Hotivever, the Harvestor� Speca�fze Plaia provides ample mnounts of agen space for the enjoyrnent Qf tlxe fisture residents af the Harvestan commur�ity c�s w�rr as the resrdents af rieighboring devedapfnent and the City ir� general. Also, the infrastructure standards have been prepared in coordination with the adjacent jurisdiction uiiul property oyvners to help ensure compatibility. The plan does create isnique deuelaprner�a standards thut widd maentain the quadity of life and the integrity o,f the propased develapmerzt. Policies 1.1 Continue to participate with the Western Riverside Council of Govemments in the preparation of p�ans and programs addressing regi�naI issues, including the Growth Management Strategy, �Comprehensi�e Transportation Pian,Water ResQurces Strategy, and School Facilities Plan. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.2 Strive to achieve the policies of WRCOG's Crrowth Management Strategy as appropriate through Temecula's Growth Management Program. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.3 Assist in the establishment of cooperative efforts to implement development standards, which a�drLss�uality�f life issues. The Harveston Specifzc Plan contains extensive development standards, which strive to enforce a set nf ,ctnn�nrd.c t.hnt wnt�d�l enhnnce ancl maintain a high qasality of life for the corramainity residents. 1.4 Strive to achie�ve ecQnomic �owth a�d prosperity, while preserving natural beauty and the social quality of Iife in sa►�thwestern Ri�erside Caunty. Tlxe HarvestQn. Spec�c Pdan hr�s been prep�red irc conforrnance with rhe City of Teme�u2a Genera2 Plan, and as such the gva!of the Speci;fic Pdan is to iiztroduce cz devedapment tivithin the saurhwestena Riverside County that x�ill acF�ieve econamic grotiuth {r.e., �I2.4 acres of Service Commercial proposed) and yet preserve the beauty and quality of life in the area (i.e., extensive park and open space program proposed). 1.5 Encourage or assist in the establishment of natural reserves for the preservation of sensi�ive and endangered species, and to provide open space for residents. The Harveston Specifzc Plan provides ample amounts of open space for the enjoyment of the future residents of the Harveston community as well as the residents of neighboring developments and the City in general. The plan also includes a 10.5-acre arroyo park, which will create a riparian habitat and preserve the defzned U.S. waters creek bed in its natural state. The project site does not contain any sensitive or endangered species. FEBRUARY 2001 3p P:�2000�SNl602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAG.L�MEIITT E�EM�NT 1.6 Seek to establish mi�imum compatibility with adjacent jurisdictions for basic development standards related to infrastructure and engineering, while preserving unique zoning and design standards. The Harveston Specific Plan infrastructure standards have been prepared in coordination with the adjacent jurisdiction and property owners to help ensure compatibility. The plan does create unique development standards that will maintain the quality of life and the integrity of the proposed development. 1.7 Establish a joint planning process with the County to plan for future development in the Sphere of Influence. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.8 Esta.blish a joint review process with the County to ensure that proposed projects in the Sphere of Influence can be adequately served in the future by the City. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.9 Guide the timing and provision of facilities and services to support development and protect or enhance the quality of life. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a phasing plan of development (see Figure 12.1, Phasing Plan, in Section 12.0, Implementation and Administration) that would ensure provision of facilities and services to support development as the project buildout proceeds. 1.10 Require development to pay its fair share of the costs of facilities and services required to serve the resulting level of growth. The Harveston Specific Plan will be conditioned to pay Development Impact Fees and other required fees to mitigate its share of impacts on facilities and services that will serve the future growth. 1.11 Pursue joint efforts to achieve fiscal stability for both City and County govemment. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.12 Consider options to jointly contract with other jurisdictions for the provisions of services or facilities to achieve economies of scale. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 39 P:�2000�BNI60PGPCONSISIENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGE�VIE�VT�L.L��E.1VT Goa12: Orderly and efficient patterns of growth within Temecula that enhance the quality of life for residents. Discussion: In an effort to enhance the quality of life for residents, the Harveston Specific Plan includes a Mixed Use Village Center that proposes a mix of uses with an efficient circulation and open space system. The proposed project also includes a variety of housing types in terms of cost, density and design to meet the needs of different segments of the population. In addition, it includes commercial uses, which would create jobs locally and regionally, therefore, maintaining a balance between jobs and housing opportunities. Policies 2.1 Prepaze and implement a Crrowth Management Program for Temecula. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.2 Ensure that phasing of public facilities and services occur in such a way that new development is adequately supported as it develops. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a phasing plan of development(see Figure 12.1, Phasing Plan, Section 12.0, Implementation and Administration) that would ensure provision of facilities and services to support development as the project buildout proceeds. 2.3 Establish and maintain level of service standards in order to document adequacy requirements. The Harveston Specific Plan EIR provides an analysis of the project's impacts on levels of service and proposes mitigation to ensure adequate level of service standards are maintained with project implementation. 2.4 Encourage development of Mixed Use Village Centers, as defined in the Land Use and Community Design Elements to reduce public service costs and environmental impacts through compatible land use relationships, and efficient circulation and open space systems. The Harveston Specific Plan includes a Mixed Use Village Center that proposes a mix of uses with an efficient circulation and open space system. 2.5 Encourage new development that helps to create and maintain a balance between jobs and housing opportunities. The proposed project includes a variety of housing types in terms of cost, density and design to meet the needs of different segments of the population. In addition, it includes commercial uses, which would create jobs locally and regionally, therefore, maintaining a balance between jobs and housing opportunities. 2.6 Establish priority growth areas within the City and Sphere of Influence where neaz-term urbanization will be encouraged. FEBRUARY 2001 4O P:�2000�SN(607�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGE�VI�NT E�EIVIE.NT This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.7 Discourage the use of assessment districts that promote urban sprawl and premature urbanization in rural and agricultural areas. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.8 Coordinate the Growth Management Program with the Congestion Mana�ement Program as necessary. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa13: Effective and cost efficient sheriff,fire and emergency medial service within the City. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan EIR provides an analysis of the project's impacts on police and fire protection levels of service and proposes mitigation to ensure adequate level of service standards is maintained with project implementation. Policies 3.1 Strive to provide a minimum of one full-time officer per 1,000 residents for police protection services. The Harveston Specific Plan EIR provides an analysis of the project's impacts on police protection levels of service and proposes mitigation to ensure adequate level of service standards are maintained with project implementation. . 3.2 Strive to provide a minimum response time of between 7 and 10 minutes of an alann for 90 percent of all fires, in accordance with the Riverside County Fire Protection and Emergency Master Plan. The Harveston Specific Plan EIR provides an analysis of the project's impacts on fire protection levels of service and proposes mitigation to ensure adequate level of service standards are maintained with project implementation. 3.3 Require new development to address fire and police protection in a proactive and preventative way through street design, orientation of entryways, siting of structures, landscaping, lighting and other security features. The Harveston Specific Plan design guidelines and standards (see Section 10.0, Design Guidelines)provide for features listed above that would create a safe and secure environment for the residents. Additionally, the Specific Plan and EIR will be reviewed by police and fzre so additional recommendation can be incorporated if necessary. 3.4 Coordinate with the Counry of Riverside in the location and phasing of new sheriff facilities or fire stations to ensure that adequate service levels are maintained. FEBRUARY 2001 41 P:�200�8N160AGPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAG�IVIEN�',�LEME�V'T This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.5 Promote the establishment of Neighborhood Watch Programs in conjunction with the Sheriff s Department to increase the surveillance of neighborhoods. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.6 Consider the provision of police services by the City if it is more cost effective than contracting with the County of Riverside. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.7 Promote community awareness regarding drug use and gangs thraugh the Police Department, Community Service Department,and public service organizations. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa14: A quality school system that contains adequate facilities and funding to educate the youth of Temecula. Discussion: The Temecula Valley Unified School District has been actively involved in the Harveston Specific Plan process, and a 12.0-acre site has been designated for an elementary school in response to the District's request. The School District will be made aware of future legislative land use policy decisions. There will be a need to expand school facilities at all levels to accommodate students from the proposed project. The District anticipates funding the school facilities for the proposed project from the fees collected through an existing school agreement, with half of the estimate being funded by the State, so long as those funds are available. Pa�icies 4.I Provide information to the Temecula Valley Unified School district, when considering General Plan amendments, specific plans, zone changes, or other legislative land use policy decisions, to support the School district in providing adequate school facilities for students for new development to the extent permitted by law. The Temecula Valley Unified School District has been actively involved in the Harveston Specific Plan process, and a 12.0-acre site has been designated for an elementary school in response to the District's request. The School District will be made aware of future legislative land use policy decisions. 4.2 Promote and encourage the phasing of project development so that the School district may plan, finance,and construct school facilities intended to serve the development. The proposed project applicant is having continual discussions with the School District regarding the phasing of the development plan in relation to the timing of the school site development. FEBRUARY 200I 4L P:�2000�SN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELE�ENT 4.3 Review proposed legislative land use decisions in the context of the adequacy of present and future facilities as pemutted by law. The Harveston Specific Plan has been prepared based on the City of Temecula General Plan, and as such adheres to all the requirements of the City and takes into account adequacy of present and future facilities in making land use proposals. 4.4 Provide safe access for school children walking, bicycling, or driving to and from school sites through coordination between the school district, and City departments of Planning, Public Works, and Engineering. The proposed project provides for an extensive system of trails, paseos, and bike lanes. These pedestrian/bicycle circulation systems have been designed through coordination with the City and School District and are consistent with the guidelines and requirements of the City of Temecula. 4.5 Pursue the establishment of a trade school, junior college or 4-year college in Temecula that offers an emphasis in the education required by the engineering, biotechnical and biomedical industries located in Temecula. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.6 Plan for the joint use of schooUmunicipal facilities wherever feasible and desirable,including: the joint use of school grounds, buildings, City parks, multi-purpose buildings, and recreation facilities. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa15: Public and Quasi-public facilities and services which provide for the social, cultural, civic, religious,and recreational needs of the community. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan provides areas (i.e., community park, village green, lake park, club house facility and school) where citizens would come together and participate in community programs. Child care facilities are permitted uses within the Mixed Use Village Center and High-Density Residential areas of the Specific Plan area. Senior citizens centers are pernaitted uses within the Mixed Use Village Center of the Specific Plan area. Religious institutions and other quasi public uses are permitted and encouraged within the Mixed Use Overlay Zone. The proposed project encourages promoting such use for the benefit of all the community. Policies 5.1 Acquire a civic center site and construct permanent City Hall facilities when feasible. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy FEBRUARY 2001 43 P:�ZOOPBN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAG�IVIEIVT ELEMEI�T 5.2 Continue to encourage citizens to participate in community programs and volunteer for public service positions. The Harveston Specifzc Plan provides areas (i.e., community park, club house facility and school) where citizens would come together and participate in community programs. The proposed project encourages promoting such activities for the benefzt of all the community. 5.3 Evaluate the feasibility of providing child care facilities in connection with employment- generating uses. Child care facilities are permitted uses within the Mixed Use Village Center and High Density Residential areas of the Spec�c Plan area. The proposed project encourages promoting such use for the benefzt of all the community. 5.4 Encourage the development of a senior citizens center(s). Senior citizens centers are permitted uses within the �Y#i.xed Use Village Center of the-Specifzc Plan area. The proposed project encourages promoting such use for the benefit of all the community. 5.5 Encourage the provision of cultural facilities within the community, including: art museums, theaters, a perfomung arts center, special exhibitions, an outdoor amphitheater, and Indian Cultural Interpretive Center. The proposed Specifzc Plan includes an array of uses including, outdoor amphitheater, art displays, outdoor exhibition areas, and more. Such uses are perntitted and encouraged within this zone. 5.6 Encourage the provision of special recreation facilities such as a stadium, a zoo, and an amusement park. This policy is not applicable because the proposed Harveston Specific Plan does not propose a stadium, a zoo, and an amusement park. 5.7 Encourage the sharing or combining of public facilities for educational, cultural, and recreational purposes to more e�ciently utilize public spaces and to provide viable community gathering areas. Multi purpose facilities, which confzrm the above listed uses are pernzitted and encouraged within the Mixed Use Overlay Zone. 5.8 Encourage the availability of sites for religious institutions and other quasi-public uses in the City. Religious institutions and other quasi public uses are permitted and encouraged within the Mixed Use Overlay Zone. 5.9 Cooperate with Riverside County to provide for library facilities and services that are consistent with community needs. FEBRUARY 2001 � P:�ZOOO�BN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGEIYIENT ELEML�NT This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.10 Continue to assist non-profit community organizations in terms of financial and other forms of support to the extent feasible. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa16: A water and wastewater infrastructure system that supports existing and future development in the Study Area. Discussion: The proposed waster and wastewater plans for Harveston Specifzc Plan area will support future development in the area. The proposed Harveston Specifzc Plan area is located within the Rancho California Water District water service area. The proposed water plan consists of 12- inch and 16-inch backbone pipelines for domestic and fzre service to the proposed commercial, residential, and parkland uses. The wastewater flows are proposed to be treated at the Santa Rosa Water Reclamation Plant, which is owned and operated by the RCWD. Sewer from the proposed project area will be directed to the Easter-rt Municipal Water District sewer system along Santa Gertrudis Creek at two locations. P�licres 6.I Require landowners to demonstrate that an available water supply and sewer treatment capacity exists or will be provided to serve proposed development,prior to issuance of building pemuts. Section 5.0, Infrastructure Plan, of the Speciftc Plan requires that future development provide assurance for provision of adequate water supply and sewer treatment capacity prior to issuance of building permits. 6.2 Require landowners, prior to issuance of building permits, to demonstrate that adequate wastewater capacity exists to accommodate the proposed development. Section 5.0, Infrastructure Plan, of the Specifzc Plan requires that future development provide assurance for provision of adequate wastewater capacity prior to issuance of building permits. 6.3 Coordinate with the water and wastewater districts when considering General Plan amendments, annexations, or development agreements; in order to assist the districts in planning for adequate capacity to accommodate future growth. The Harveston Specific Plan water and wastewater plans have been prepared in coordination with the appropriate districts. The districts were also contacted for input during the EIR process. 6.4 Coordinate with the wastewater district to make reclaimed water available for irrigation purposes in the City. FEBRUARY 2001 45 P:�200PBNl602�GPCONSlSTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGE�VIENT ELE.�EN� The irrigation system-will be designed to conform to the State's Water Consef-vation Assembly Bill 325 and City of Temecula Water Conservation Ordinances in effect. Additionally, the project will utilized reclaimed water, as available,for irrigation. 6.5 Encourage the preparation of a long-term water management program by the District, and assist the District where appropriate. The District has been contacted for information and requirements during preparation of the utility plan for the Harveston Specific Plan. The District was also contacted for input during the EIR process. 6.6 Require all new construction of water and sewer infrastructure to be consistent with utility master plans and to implement the policies of the General Plan. The Harveston Specific Plan Section 5.0, Infrastructure Plan, requires all new construction of water and sewer infrastructure be consistent with the utility master plans and policies of the General Plan. All water and sewer lines will be designed per EMWD and/or RCWD District • - - requarements. Goa17: An effective,safe and environmentally compafible flood control system. Discussion: Drainage and.flood controd firciliries and improuernerats wiii be provided in accordari�e with the City af Temecula and the Riversrde Cour�ty F[ood Cantrol District requirements. The proposed drainage plan utilizes the project streets and storm drains to carry storm water to the existing natural drainage courses and to the drainage facilities under the I-IS freeway. A storm drain syste�t is p;op3s2d Po car;�storon w�te;that exceeds surf�ce street�u�a�iiy. Paiicies 7.1 Work with the Riverside County Flood Control District and other agencies involved in the Murrieta Creek flood control improvements to implement a flood control solution that maxunizes the retention of natural resources and the provision of recreation opportunities along the creek. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 7.2 Prepare a City of Temecula Master Drainage Plan, which incorporates the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan and additional planning efforts into one document. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 7.3 De�elop master drainage plans, when appropriate, for the Sphere of Influence, in conjunction with t�e Fload Cantral District. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 46 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Goa18: A solid waste management system that provides for the safe and efficient collection, transportation,recovery and disposal of solid wastes. Discussion: The solid waste produced within the development area will be safely carried to the disposing facilities. Polir.�es 8.1 Coordinate with the County of Riverside to provide and expand service for the collection, storage, transportation,recovery, and disposal of solid waste to meet the needs of the City. The proposed project will comply with the City of Temecula and County of Riverside requirements, and it will implement existing collection, storage, transportation, recovery and disposal of solid waste. 8.2 Provide for the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste through the adoption of a Household Hazardous Waste Element. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 8.3 Provide for solid waste reduction and recycling within the City through the adoption of a Source Reduction and Recycling Element. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa19: Adequate electrical,natural gas,and telecommunication systems to meet the demand of new and existing development. Discussion: Electrical sef-vice is currently provided in the area by Southern California Edison Company (SCE). Adequate electric power supply can be provided. Natural gas service is currently provided by Southern California Gas Company. SCG indicates that gas service could be provided to the Specific Plan area in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission at the time contractual arrangements are made. �U�1C1�5 9.1 Coordinate with the responsible companies to provide for the continued maintenance, development, and expansion of electricity, natural gas, and telecommunications systems to serve residents and businesses. As part of the Specific Plan EIR process, all utilities companies responsible for providing services to the new development were contacted to inquired about the level of service availability and additional requirements. 9.2 Pursue the undergrounding of utilities along arterial roads, where feasible. The Harveston Specific Plan requires all new utility lines be undergrounded, in conformance with the requirements of the City of Temecula. FEBRUARY 2001 47 P:�2000�BN1607�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC PUBLIC SAFETY�LE1V.I.E�T' PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT � Goal l: Protection from natural hazards associated with geologic instability, seismic events, and flooding. Discussion: To protect from natural hazards associated with geologic instability, seismic events, and flooding, the Harveston Specific Plan EIR includes a geotechnical investigation that evaluates soils and geologic conditions to determine stability. Also, the Specific Plan and the EIR require that all new development onsite comply with the most recent Unifornz Building Code seismic design standards. Policies 1.1 Require review of soil and geologic conditions to determine stability prior to project approval. In areas that may have significant geologic constraints, -require analysis by a Registered Geotechnical Engineer. The Harveston Specific Plan EIR includes a geotechnical investigation prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer that evaluates soils and geologic conditions to determine stability. Geotechnical recommendations and mitigation measures will be incorporated as necessary. 1.2 Require mitigation of potential adverse impacts of geologic and seismic hazards, including ground surface rupture and liquefaction,at the project level. Mitigation measures are proposed and will be enforced at thp project level for all identified potential geologic and seismic hazard impacts. 1.3 Monitor hazardous buildings in Old Town and work with prpperty owtxers to remediate these buildings to improve structural integrity. This policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan is not located tivithin the Old Town, and this is a City directed policy. 1.4 Require all new development to comply with the most recent Uniform Building Code seismic design standards. The proposed HarvesPon Specific Plan and the EIR will require that all new development onsite comply with the most recent Uniform Building Code seismic design standards. 1.5 Monitor the potential for seismic events and other geologic activity with the County of Riverside and California Division of Mines and Geology. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Additionally, the Specific Plan and the EIR require that all new development onsite comply with the most recent Uniform Building Code seismic design standards. FEBRUARY 2001 '+O P:L000�8N160AGPCONSlSIENCY.DOC PUBLIC SAFETY ELEME.NT 1.6 Establish development.management techniques to lessen the potential for erosion and landslides. Prior to initial grading, a soils report and geotechnical study will be performed that further arta2yze onsite sail cvrulitions and sdape siability and include appropriate measures to control erosion and Ianrlslide(see Sectio��s 8.0, Gradirzg Plan and 10.0, Design Guidelines). 1.7 Prohibit development in the floodway portion of the 100-year floodplain. This policy is not applicable because the project site is not located within the 100-year floodplain. 1.8 Encourage only compatible uses within the 100-year floodplain. This policy is not applicable because the project site is not located within the 100-year floodplain. 1.9 Minimize the intrusion into and alteration of the 100-year floodplain. This policy is not applicable because the project site is not located within the 100-year floodplain. Goa12: Protection of the public and environmental resources from exposure to hazardous materials and waste. Discussion: Based on the results of a Phase I analysis for the site, there are no potential risks associated with hazardous materials. Policies 2.1 Minimize the risks associated with hazardous materials through careful land use planning. The Harveston Specific Plan provides a comprehensive development plan of all land within the Spec{fic Plan area. Land use deter7rairration is based on the best and most appropriate use for the Iant�arrd situatian. Based on the resudts of a Phase I analysis for the site, there are no potential risks associated with hazardous materials. Goa13: A safe and secure community,free from the threat of personal injury and loss of property. Discussion: To build a safe and secure community free from the threat of personal injury and loss of property, the Harveston Specifzc Plan incorporates defensible space into site plan and building design. The proposed project also provides secondary access points in conformance with the City standards to ensure timely emergency service response. Palicies 3.1 Ensure adequate facilities and police and fire service personnel are provided in the City. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 47 P:�200P�BN1602�GPCONSISlPNCY.DOC PUBLIC SAFETY E�EMENT 3.2 Continr�e to wark with the commuaity in opera[ing Neighborhood Watch programs that promote rnutual assisfance and crime pre�ention activities among residen�s. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.3 Reduce the risk of wildland fire through imposition of site-specific development standards during project review. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. " 3.4 Require new development to incorporate defensible space into site plan and building design. The Harvesto�i Specifzc Pdan incorporates defensible space into site plan and building design (see Sectiox 14.0, Desig�a Guidelines). 3.5 Require all residential developrzxent with 35 or mare dweilixxg units to provide secondary access that meets all City standaxds to ensure timely etnerg�ncy service response. The pr•oposed project does prvvide secondary access points in conformance with the City standards to er�sure timely emergerzcy service respanse. Goa14: An effective response of emergency services following a disaster. This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. Pn�icies 4.1 Prouide for and maintain a coordinated ernergency service response to reduce community risks and property damage in the event of a disaster. � Tlais palicy is�aut a�plicczble l��c:uuse il is u Cily directed pulicy. 4.2 Coardinate e�ergency response planni.ng with Riverside County and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.3 Eneaurage community-wide emergency preparedness among City residents and the business cammvnity. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.4 Regulate location of critical facilities to ensure their continued functioning following a disaster. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.5 Establisf� and maintain an emergency operations center (EOC) for emergency and disaster situations in a safe and secure locatian. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 SO P:�2000�BNI602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC NOISE ELEMENT NOISE ELEMENT Goal l: Land Use planning that provides for the separation of significant noise generators from sensitive receptor areas. Discussion: The design of the Harveston land use plan has taken into account noise factors and has sought to maintain a balance where no significant noise impact would result. There are no significant noise generators included within the Harveston Specific Plan area. The noise emanating from construction activities is considered temporary, however the EIR provides mitigation measures to mitigate this impact. Policies 1.I Discourage noise sensitive land uses in noisy exterior environments unless measures can be implemented to reduce exterior and interior noise to acceptable levels. Alternatively, encourage less sensitive uses in areas adjacent to major noise generators but require appropriate interiar working environments. The design of the Harveston land use plan has taken into account noise factors and has sought to maintain a balance where no significant noise impact would result. The EIR provides a detailed impact analysis and mitigation measures, as necessary. 1.2 Limit the hours of construction activity in residential areas in order to reduce the intrusion of noise in the early morning and late evening hours, and on weekends and holidays. As part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyze potential noise impacts and introduce mitigation measures, including limitations on hours of construction. 1.3 Incorporate noise standards in the Development Code to ensure that residents are not exposed to excessive levels of noise from stationary sources. As part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyze potential noise impacts and introduce mitigation measures. The Development Code includes standards that ensure the residents are not exposed to excessive noise levels from stationary sources. 1.4 Require proposed industrial or commercial projects located near existing or planned residential areas to demonstrate that the project when constructed, will comply with the City noise requirements. The Harveston Specific design guidelines and development standards require the Service Commercial uses comply with the City noise requirements. 1.5 Work with the school district to relocate the school bus maintenance yard to an area that will not adversely impact sensitive receptors. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 S1 P:�2000�8N1602�GPCONSlSTENCY.DOC NOISE ELEMENT 1.6 Ensure that current noise hazard areas in the City are identified, quantified, and mapped in a form that is available to decisionmakers. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.7 Utilize the information from the noise contour map in the General Plan in the development review process to ensure that noise sensitive land uses are not located near major stationary noise sources. � Development of the land use plan of the proposed project utilized information from the noise contour map to ensure that the noise sensitive land uses are not located near major stationary noise sources. Additionally, as part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyze potential noise impacts and introduce mitigation measures, including noise standards in the Development Code. 1.8 Minimize noise conflicts between land uses and the circulation network. The land use relationships of the Harveston Specific Plan area have been arranged in a manner to minimize any potential noise con,flicts between land uses and the circulation network. Additionally, as part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyZe potential noise impacts and introduce mitigation measures, including noise standards in the Development Code. Existing light industrial uses will located next to residential uses in Planning Area No. 1. It should be noted that this will not present any con,flict, as the side of the existing industrial building will be located at the rear of the residential uses. In addition, an additional landscape buffer has been included at the rear of these parcels. Goa12: The control of noise between land uses. Discussion: As part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyze potential noise impacts and to introduce mitigation measures, including noise standards in the Development Code. PnIicies 2.1 Limit the maximum permitted noise levels which cross property lines and impact adjacent land uses. As part of the Harveston Specific Plan EIR, a noise study was conducted to analyze potential noise impacts and introduce mitigation measures, including noise standards in the Development Code. FEBRUARY 2001 SZ P:�2000�SNI602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC NOISE ELEMENT Goa13: Consider noise issues in the planning process. Discussion: The Harveston Noise Study evaluates potential noise conflicts from project buildout and based upon identified noise impacts proposes the use of site design and building design techniques, including the use of landscape setbacks or berms, building orientation, and buffering of noise sensitive areas, as a means to minimize noise impacts and/or additional mitigation measures as appropriate. Policies 3.1 Establish standards for acceptable limits of noise for various lands use in the City. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.2 Work with the County of Riverside and the City of Mursieta in minimizing or avoiding conflicts between land use and noise prior to project approvals. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.3 Encourage the use of site design and building design techniques, including the use of landscape setbacks or berms, building orientation, and buffering of noise sensitive areas, as a means to mininuze noise impacts. The Harveston Noise Study evaluates potential noise conflicts from project buildout and based upon identified noise impacts proposes the above techniques and/or additional mitigation measures as appropriate. 3.4 Evaluate potential noise conflicts for individual sites and projects. The Noise Study evaluates potential noise conflicts, and based upon identified noise impacts proposes mitigation measures as appropriate. 3.5 Require mitigation of all significant noise impacts as a condition of project approval. The Noise proposes mitigation measures, as necessary, which will be enforced as conditions of project approval. Goa14: Minimize noise impacts from transportation noise sources. Discussion: To minimize noise impacts from transportation noise sources the Noise Study in the EIR evaluates the potential noise impacts and proposes mitigation measures as appropriate. Additionally, the proposed Specifzc Plan has been coordinating efforts with Caltrans and will comply with the requirements set forth by that agency. FEBRUARY 2001 S3 P:�2000�8NI602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC NOISE ELEMENT PaIicies 4.1 Develop a program to construct barriers to mitigate sound levels where necessary or where feasible to ensure the peace and quiet of the community. The Noise Study as part of the EIR, evaluates the potential noise impacts and proposes mitigation measures as appropriate, in order to ensure peace and quiet within the community. 4.2 Ensure the effective enforcement of City, State, and Federal noise standards by all appropriate City Divisions. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.3 Enforce the speed limit on arterials and local roads to reduce noise impacts from vehicles, particularly in residential areas. is po icy is not app2icable because it is a Ciry directed policy�--- -- - - - - --- ---- 4.4 Coordinate with Caltrans to ensure the inclusion of noise mitigation measures in the design of new highways projects or improvements to existing facilities including, interchange improvements along I-15,widening of SR 79 South, SR 79 North and the proposed Date Street/I- 15 interchange. The proposed Specifcc Plan has been coordinating efforts with Caltrans and will comply with the requirements set forth by that agency 4.5 The City shall participate in the planning and impact assessment activities of the Airport Land Use Commission and other regional or state agencies relative to any proposed expansion of the airport or change in flight pattems. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 200I S4 P:�2000�SNI60PGPCONSfSlENCY.DOC C�M1VI UNITY DESIGN ELE�VIE�T AIR QUALITY ELEMENT � Goal l: Improvement of air quality through proper land use planning in Temecula. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan contains a balanced mix of residential and employment opportunities, therefore, reducing vehicle miles traveled. The circulation plan and the land use plan have been coordinated to minimize land use con.flicts and prevent potential impacts. As part of the EIR document, an Air Quality analysis was conducted to evaluate the air pollutant emissions and introduce mitigation measures, which will be enforced in order to reduce air pollution. Policies I.1 Encourage new development that provides employment opportunities for residents of Temecula to improve the balance of jobs relative to housing. The Harveston Specific Plan contains a balanced mix of residential and employment opportunities, therefore, reducing vehicle miles traveled. The Specific Plan area contains a service commercial area, and a Mixed Use Village Center, which also includes commercial and retail. 1.2 Encourage in-fill development near activity centers and along transportation corridors. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 1.3 Minimize land use conflicts between emission sources and sensitive receptors. The circulation plan and the land use plan have been coordinated to minimized this con.flicP and prevent potential impacts. 1.4 Reduce air pollutant emissions by mitigating air quality impacts associated with development projects to the greatest extent feasible. As part of the EIR document, an Air Quality analysis was conducted to evaluate the air pollutant emissions and introduce mitigation measures, which will be enforced in order to reduce air pollution. Goa12: Enhanced mobility to minimize air pollutant emissions. Discussion: The Harveston Specifcc Plan proposes a pedestrian-friendly environment where walking and biking are encouraged through provision of extensive walking tf-ails/paseos and bike lanes that connect different planning areas and uses within the community. To have an efficient flow of traffic, the Specifcc Plan proposes a hierarchy of streets, in which arterials circumvent the FEBRUARY 2001 55 P:�2000�BN160PGPCONSISlENCY.DOC C�MMUNITY DESIGN ELEM.��T community, collector roads proceed into the community, and internal neighborhood streets web throughout the neighborhoods. Policies 2.1 Implement transportation demand management techniques to reduce motor vehicle trips, including walking, bicycling, ridesharing, local transit, staggered work schedules and telecommunications. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a pedestrian-friendly environment where walking and biking are encouraged through provision of extensive walking trails/paseos and bike lanes that connect different planning areas and uses within the community. 2.2 Maintain an orderly flow of traffic and improve mobility through the use of transportation systems management techniques. A Traffic and Circulation Analysis was prepur�ed as part of-Zlie EIR, whicli analyzed the future traffic flow and proposed mitigations to improve the flow. Additionally, the Specific Plan proposes a hierarchy of streets, in which arterials circumvent the community, collectot- roads proceed into the com»tunity, and internal neighborhood streets web throughout the neighborhoods. This system allows an efficient flow of traffic. 2.3 Pursue development of a public transit system including local shuttle and bus routes, and bicycle and pedestrian trails that are linked to regional light rail. The Harveston Specific Plan will comply with the City of Temecula and the Riverside Transit Agency to facilitate provision of transit service. Coordination and correspondence with the Riverside Transit Agency was completed as part of the Harveston EIR preparation. All maps will be conditioned during the review stage to ensure compliance. 2.4 Promote altematives to motorized transportation by establishing a convenient and efficient system of bicycle routes and pedestrian walkways. The proposed Specific Plan introduces a pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment where extensive systems of trails/paseos and bike lanes are provided for ease of access between different planning areas and uses. 2.5 Promote the use of alternative clean fueled vehicles for personal and business use. This policy is not applicable because it is a City dit-ected policy. 2.6 Encourage programs that reduce local traffic congestion at peak hours and during special events. A Traffic and Circulation Analysis was prepared which analyzes circulation in the Specific Plan area and its potential impact on a larger area during peak hours. The analysis proposes mitigations to reduce potential congestion. FEBRUARY 2001 56 P:�200PBN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC CD1V.l.MUNITY DESIGN ELEIV�ENT Goa13: Incorporate energy conservation practices and recycling to reduce emissions. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan requires future developments employ passive solar heating techniques in order to save energy consumption. Passive systems will include orienting buildings properly (i.e., north/south lot orientation), planting trees to take advantage of the sun, ensuring adequate roof overhangs, properly insulating walls, and incorporating simple heat storage systems, including dual paned windows. Policies 3.1 Encourage community-wide reductions in energy consumption through conservation. � The Harveston Spec�c Plan encourages future developments employ passive solar heating techniques in order to save energy consumption. Passive systems will include orienting buildings properly (i.e., north/south lot orientation), planting trees to take advantage of the sun, ensuring adequate roof overhangs, properly insulating walls, and incorporating simple heat storage systems, including dual paned windows. 3.2 Promote local recycling of wastes and the use of recycled materials. The Harveston Specific Plan will comply with City of Temecula curb—side recycling programs. Goa14: Effective coordination of air quality improvement efforts in the Western Riverside area. This goal is not applicable because it is a City, regional, and state agency directed goal. Palicies 4.1 Coordinate planning efforts with other local, regional and state agencies, including WRCOG, SCAQMD and SCAG,in their efforts to improve regional air quality. This policy is not applicable because it is a City, regional, and state agency directed policy. 4.2 Encourage participation of local citizens, the business community and interested groups and individuals in air quality planning and implementation efforts. This policy is not applicable because it is a City, regional, and state agency directed policy. 4.3 Promote programs, which educate the public about regional air quality issues. This policy is not applicable because it is a City, regional, and state agency directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 S7 P:�2000�BN160Z�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC C�MMUNITY DESIGN ELEMEIVT COMMUrTITY DESIGN ELEN�ENT Goal l: Enhancement of the City's image related to its regional and natural setting and its tourist orientation. Discussion: The proposed Harveston Specific Plan project includes plans for a I3.8-acre Arroyo Park, which will recapture more naturalistic California landscape and provide a naturalistic setting for walking, hiking, and picnicking, therefore offering a diffesent recreation experience for the residents of the community as well as the City. AdditionaZly, the proposed project offers extensive systems of trails and open space, which will be connected to different areas within the development. Another feature of the project, which would be attractive for visitors to the community is the lake connected to other parts of the community through trails. Policies 1.1 Promote the development of a comprehensive system of trails and open space areas that connect schools,public recreation areas,residential areas, and commercial centers. The Harveston Specific Plan has incotporated plans for a paseo/trail system that will connect public recreation area, schools, residential areas and commercial areas. 1.2 Promote the development of a comprehensive system of trails and open space areas that connect schools,public recreation areas,residential areas, and commercial centers. This policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan area is not located within the Old Town area. 13 Develop design standards to enhance the visual character of commercial centers that are located adjacent to I-15. The Harveston Specific Plan includes extensive design guidelines (see Section 10.0) and development standards (see Section 11.0) that will apply to the whole Specific Plan area (including the service commercial areas — adjacent to I-IS) and provide unifying elements to visually tie the community and create a distinct character. 1.4 Promote community identity by providing specially designed gateway signage at the primary entrances to the City. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes entry monumentation at the primary and secondary entrances to the community to promote an identity for the project area. (See Figures 10.2-10.5, Section 10.0, Design Guidelines). 1.5 Maintain and incorporate natural amenities such as: rock outcroppings, indigenous vegetation, streams and watercourses into development projects to protect the environment and provide natural landscaping, protect views, and to provide recreational opportunities in order to maintain the quality of life. FEBRUARY 2001 SO P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC CD�VIN.�UNI T Y DESIGN ELEMENT The proposed project.includes plans for a 10.5-acre Arroyo Park, which will recapture more naturalistic California landscape and provide a naturalistic setting for walking, hiking, and picnicking, therefore offering residents a different recreation experience. Goa12: Design excellence in site planning, architecture, landscape architecture and signage in new development and modifications to existing development. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan introduces consistent and unifying design guidelines that would apply throughout the community to tie different elements into a design theme that would re.flect the image of the community. The Specific Plan includes flexible design standards for the commercial development that are compatible with standards for other uses in the community, yet create an identity for the commercial development. Additionally, the Harveston Specifzc Plan proposes entry monumentation at the primary and secondary entrances to the community to promote an identity for the project area. Pvlicies 2.1 Establish and consistently apply design standazds and guidelines for residential and non- residential development. The Harveston Specific Plan introduces consistent and unifying design guidelines (see Section 10.0) that would apply throughout the community to tie different elements into a design theme that would reflect the image of the community. 2.2 Promote a cohesive and integrated pattem of development for lazge undeveloped azeas, by requiring the preparation of Specific Plans. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 2.3 Provide development standazds to ensure higher quality design that is well integrated with the infrastructure and circulation systems. The Harveston Specific Plan as well as the Planning Area Development Standards (see Section 11.0)is compatible and well integrated with other elements in the Specific Plan document. 2.4 Formulate flexible design standards for commercial development that enhances the special identity and visual character of the commercial development. The Specific Plan includes flexible design standards for the commercial development that are compatible with standards for other uses in the community, yet create an identity for the commercial development. 2.5 Limit lighdglaze pollution through design standazds for outdoor lighting and the use of low intensity lights. FEBRUARY 2001 59 P:�200P�8NI602�GPCONSISfENCY.DOC C4�V1,�1 UNITY DESIGN E.LEM�.N�' The Harveston Specific Plan is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. In order to reduce any potential impacts from light and glare, outdoor lighting will be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the hori,zontal plane passing through luminare. 2.6 Enhance the individuality and special visual identity of commercial districts and unified streetscape plans. The proposed plan includes guidelines for different uses within the community and streetscape plans that seek to enhance the individuality and identity of each district and yet unify the whole community into a distinct design theme. Goa13: Preservation and enhancement of the positive qualities of individual districts or neighborhoods. d�iscussion: Although this goal is not applicable because it pertains to existing older communities, the Specific Plan seeks to create neighborhoods with distinct character, yet tying tlxem with unifying architectural and landscape themes. The use of landscaping is an important element in design of the Harveston Specifzc Plan. Landscape features from passive turf areas to group shade arbors and thematic and buffer landscape treatments all play important roles in creating a visually interesting development and reduce conflicts between different land uses. The Mixed Use Village Center in the Specifzc Plan area creates a pedestrian.fj-iendly environment where City residents can enjoy amenities such as plazas, gardens, gathering places, benches, and much more to have a recreational as well as social experience. Pfllicies 3.1 Improve the appearance of neighborhood azeas and the "edge" between neighborhoods through, landscaping,location of open space buffers,and special landscape features. The Harveston Specifzc Plan provides for special landscaping techniques as buffers between different planning areas and uses. 3.2 Preserve the scale and chazacter of residential development by creating appropriate transitions between lower density,rural azeas,and higher density development. The different land uses within the Specific Plan are arranged in a manner that creates transitions between different densities and different uses. Special design elements and landscaping achieves this transition. 3.3 Encourage the use of creative landscape design to create visual interest and reduce conflicts between different land uses. The use of landscaping is an important element in design of the Harveston Specific Plan. Landscape features from passive turf areas to group shade arbors and thematic and buffer FEBRUARY 200I VO P:�2000�BN160AGPCONSlSTENCY.DOC COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT landscape treatments all play important roles in creating a visually interesting development and reduce conflicts between different land uses. 3.4 Improve the pedestrian orientation, convenience and safety of commercial centers through the provision of pedestrian amenities such as benches, plaza areas, information kiosks and other street furniture, and through careful site planning and architectural design. The Mixed Use Village Center in the Specific Plan area creates a pedestrian friendly environment where pedestrians can enjoy amenities such as plazas, gardens, gathering places, benches, and much more to have a recreational as well as social experience. Goa14: A streetscape system that provides cohesiveness and enhances community image. Discussion: The sidewalks and paseos included in the proposed plan incorporate unique design features, landscaping, and amenities. Many of the proposed paseos will meander through the adjacent landscape; generous landscape parkways between roads and sidewalks create a positive image and provides identity for the community. Policies 4.1 Promote the development of a continuous sidewalk and trail system throughout the City. The Harveston Specific Plan includes an extensive system of trails/paseos, bike lanes, and sidewalks that circulate throughout the development and connect to city wide trail systems off- site. 4.2 Formulate a comprehensive streetscape program for the major streets in the City, including unified landscaping, lighting,paving patterns, and other public improvements. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 4.3 Encoutage variety in the design of sidewalks and trails, with respect to alignment and surface materials,to provide a convenient and enjoyable experience for the users. The sidewalks and paseos included in the proposed plan incorporate unique design features, landscaping, and amenities offering users a different recreational experience. Many of the proposed paseos will meander through the adjacent landscape. 4.4 Establish a city-wide street tree and median/slope planting program. Section 10.0, Design Guidelines, of the Harveston Specific Plan requires that a detailed landscape program and guidelines for roadways and slopes be prepared by a qualified landscape architect, subject to review by City staff. The landscaping guidelines include a special street tree and median/slope planting program. The City (TCSD) will maintain all the landscaped medians and LDZ's adjacent to single family residential, on roadways with a 66 foot ROW of larger. The applicant or master developer will be responsible for maintenance of all slopes planting areas until such time as these operations are the responsibility of other parties. FEBRUARY 2001 VI P:�200P�BNI60PGPCONSISTENCY.DOC CUM1Vl UNITY DESIGN��,E1V.lENT 4.5 Where feasible,requir�the provision of landscaped pazkways between roads and sidewalks. The roadway sections contained in Section 10.0, Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan depict generous landscaped parkways between roads and sidewalks. 4.6 Arterial roads should be designed as landscaped pazkways that serve as unifying urban design elements. The Design Guidelines (Section 10.0) of the Specific Plan include a unifying urban design theme for the arterial roads. 4.7 Encourage the use of drought tolerant landscape materials that aze easy to maintain and are approved by the City's Pazks and Recreation Department. The plant material selection for common landscape areas for Harveston is presented in a plant palette that is broken down into d�erent types of uses within the Specific Plan area(see Section ---10.0,—Design-Gurdeli�zesJ.-The�tant material-guidelines provide-fl�xibility and diuersity-in plant material selection, while maintaining a limited palette in order to give greater unity and thematic identity to the community. The plant palette includes drought tolerant materials and will be subject to approval by the City's Community Services Department. 4.8 Establish and enforce weed abatement programs on undeveloped properties and along major arterials. An effort to enforce weed abatement programs along major arterials will be part of the maintenance program for roadways identified in Section 10.0, Design Guidelines, of the Specific Plan. Goa15: Protection of public views of significant natural features. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan will noP impact public views of the surrounding significant natural features. The project site does not include any natural features that would be impacted by the development. Policies 5.1 Work with the County of Riverside to protect the surrounding hillside areas. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.2 Promote the development of turn-outs on scenic roads. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 62 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONSISTFNCY.DOC C�N�MUNITY DESIGN EL.�11�T.EN�' 5.3 Require the revegetation and maintenance of graded slope areas. The Harveston Specific Plan (see Section 8.0, Grading Plan and 9.0, Landscaping) requires the revegetation and maintenance of graded slope areas. Goa16: Maintenance and enhancement of the C�ty's public spaces and resources. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan promotes public spaces within the development. In areas of high pedestrian activity (i.e., the Mixed Use Village Center)provisions for street furniture and shade trees are included. Outdoor sitting area and plazas are part of the Mixed Use Village Center. In addition, in paseos and passive recreation parks, trees and benches are provided for the convenience and comfort of the users. Policies 6.1 Provide for street furniture in areas with high pedestrian activity and provide for shade trees in shopping areas. The Design Guidelines of the Specific Plan provides detailed description of roadways, including street furniture and other elements. In areas of high pedestrian activity (i.e., the Mixed Use Village Center) provisions for street furniture and shade trees are included In addition, in paseos and passive recreation parks, trees and benches are provided for the convenience and comfort of the users. 6.2 Establish improvement plans for the City's public spaces and include these plans in the Capital Improvement Program. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 6.3 Assure that operating and maintenance costs are adequately provided for public facilities. Section 12.0, Implementation and Administration, of the Specific Plan addresses costs of operating and maintaining public facilities. Additionally, Development Impact Fees, to be paid by the project, will provide for capital improvements. Goa17: Community gathering areas, which provide for the social, civic, cultural and recreational needs of the community. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan proposes gathering areas and plazas within the commercial developments (Mixed Use Village Center) that will also accommodate social events. Additionally, the Village Green creates a public gathering place, which will encourage social interaction and community activities, such as concerts or farrners markets. Also, mini parks in FEBRUARY 2001 63 P:�ZOOO�BN160Z�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC C4,�Yf.1V1 UNITY DESIGN ELEMENT addition to paseos and passive recreational parks and a clubhouse facility are provided throughout the development where residents will gather for social and recreational activities. Policies 7.1 Encourage the development of public spaces and plazas within commercial developments that can accommodate cultural and social events and function as community gathering areas. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes gathering areas and plazas within the commercial developments (Mixed Use Village Center) that will accommodate social events. Additionally, the Village Green creates a public gathering place, which will encourage social interaction and community activities, such as concerts or farmers markets. 7.2 Encourage the development of multi-purpose facilities within commercial developments that may be leased for a variety of public and private events. The Harveston Specifzc Plan proposes multi purpose facilities within the commercial developments (Mixed Use Village Center) that will accommodate public and private events. 7�e Village Club will include facilities that can be utilized for events such as weddings. Additionally, uses within the Mixed Use Village Center such as church can accommodate public and private events. 7.3 Encourage the development of a range of uses within commercial developments that provide for day and evening activities. Day and evening activities are permitted and encouraged within the Mixed Use Village Center and Service Commercial areas. 7.4 Encourage development oi common areas and iaciiities within residenuai developments Yo provide gathering areas for social and recreational activities. Miru �urks ire ucicli[iure lu puseus urul pussive retreuliurtul�ur'ks cz�ael cz clul�lavuse facility a�-e provided throughout the development where residents will gather for social and recreational activities. 7.5 Encourage the development of employee lunch areas within the industriaUbusiness park facilities. Some industrial/business park uses are permitted within Planning Are No. 12 of the Specifzc Plan. While the Specifzc Plan does not expressly require employee lunch areas within the industrial/business park areas, the City's Development Code does. Section 12.1 of the Specific Plan states: "any development regulation and building requirement not addressed in the Specific Plan shall be subject to the City's adopted regulations." It is anticipated that these employee lunch areas will be provided if these uses are developed. 7.6 Promote the provision of cultural facilities within the community including: art museums, theaters,performing art centers, outdoor amphitheaters, and special cultural exhibitions. The Harveston Specifzc Plan includes a Village Club where above activities are allowed and encouraged Additionally, outdoor activities such as exhibitions, outdoor amphitheaters, and public gathering are also permitted in open space areas adjacent to the Mixed Use Village Center. FEBRUARY 2001 64 P:�2000�BN1602�GPCONS(STENCY.DOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT Goal l: Development of a strong base of clean manufacturing activities which employs a skilled labor force and can be successfully integrated into Temecula's community character. Some clean manufacturing uses are allowed in the Planning Area No. 12 of the Specific Plan. This may contribute to the existing strong base of clean manufacturing activities which employs a skilled labor force. This type of development will also be held to the standards required of other clean manufacturing uses, thereby being successfully integrated into Temecula's community character. Goa12: Diversification of the economic base to include a range of manufacturing, retail and service activities. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan has been designed taking into account the City of Temecula's socio- economic patterns, and therefore, will adapt to the City's both short and long-term economic conditions. The proposed project includes plans for retail, service commercial, and other activities that provides a broad selection of high-quality goods and services for residents, workers and tourists. Policies 2.1 Provide for industrial land uses, which facilitate a variety of user types, including manufacturing space, storage and distriburion,back-office space,and research and development space. This policy is not applicable because the Harveston Specific Plan does not include industrial and manufacturing uses. 2.2 Plan for land use and development patterns that allow succession of use and will adapt to Temecula's economic conditions. The Harveston Specific Plan has been designed taking into account the City of Temecula's socio- economic patterns, and therefore, will adapt to the City's both short and long-tern� economic conditions. 2.3 Promote development of properly located and well designed commercial centers to meet the diverse service needs of the City. The Harveston Specifcc Plan includes plans for well designed commercial centers that will meet the many service needs of the City. The appropriate location of the Service Commercial supports the above policy. 2.4 Promote retail and other support activities that provide a broader selection of high-quality goods and services for residents, workers and tourists, including apparel, general merchandise, home furnishings and appliances. F'EBRUARY 2001 65 P:�2000�6N1601�GPCONSISTENCY.DOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT The proposed project includes plans for retail and other activities that provides a broad selection of high-quality goods and services for residents, workers and tourists. 2.5 Use redevelopment powers and opportunities to enhance development opportunities. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa13: Maintain an economic base to provide a sound fiscal foundation for the City as well as quality community facilities and high service levels. Discussion: The Harveston Specifzc Plan proposes a broad array of uses ranging from neighborhood retail commercial to service commercial, residential, recreational and school. The uses are phased in a manner to balance revenue generating land uses with uses that have negative fiscal impacts. The commercial activities provided for within the Specific Plan area will greatly help in providing fzscal balance, local tax, and employment opportunities. Polecies 3.I Encourage a pattem of development that balances revenue generating land uses in phase with other uses that have negative fiscal impacts. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes a broad array of uses ranging fi-om neighborhood retail commercial to service commercial, residential, recreational and school. The uses are phased in a manner to balance revenue generating land uses with uses that have negative fascal impacts. 3.2 Encourage the growth or relocation of industries that �enerate local tax and employment advantages. The commercial activities provided for within the Specific Plan area will greatly help in providing fiscal balance, local tax, and employment opportunities. 3.3 Evaluate fiscal impacts of new development on an ongoing basis and provide appropriate mitigation strategies. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 3.4 Take advantage of Temecula's regional capture of taxable sales and continue to establish Temecula as retailing center along the Interstate 15 corridor. The Harveston Specific Plan contains 112.4 acres of service commercial uses, which will help continue to establish Temecula as a retailing center along the Interstate IS co»-idor FEBRUARY 2001 66 P:�2000�BNl60PGPCONSISfENCY.DOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT Goa14: � Establishment of a diverse education and training and job placement system, which will develop and maintain a high quality work force in Temecula. Discussion: The Harveston Specific Plan proposes learning institutions, such as university extension, a junior college, and learning centers(for elementary through high school)within the Mixed Use Village Center. Policies 4.1 Support economic development goals through a range of education and training activities. The Harveston Specific Plan supports educational programs and activities that would benefit the residents locally and throughout the City of Temecula. The Mixed Use Village Center contained in the Specific Plan permitted uses that would allow for different education and training activities and programs. 4.2 Establish a proactive, periodic dialogue early in the planning process between the City and educational institutions, including school districts and community colleges, on issues related to the phasing of development, service standards and demands. During the development and design of the Harveston Specific Plan, the project's planners have continually been in contact with educational institutions on issues such as phasing of development, service standards and demands. The project's impacts on these institutions have been analyzed in the Environme�tal Impact Report. The project has been particularly in contact with the School District on the issue of locating a 12.0-acre elementary school within the project site. 4.3 Explore the potential for a comprehensive extension center through UC Riverside and/or the Califomia State University system. The Harveston Specific Plan proposes learning institutions, such as university extension, a junior college, and learning centers (for elementary through high school) within the Mixed Use Village Center. Goa15: Fromote the advantages to businesses of locating in Temecula, including cost advantages, amenities,housing,community activities and civic services. Discussion: The Harveston Spec�c Plan includes many incentives for businesses locating in Temecula and in the Harveston community. The proposed project provides an array of housing opportunities with varying costs, sizes, and densitzes, which provide opportunities to different income levels. In addition, it offers diverse amenities, recreation facilities, and open spaces throughout the community, which will appeal to many businesses. FEBRUARY 2001 V7 P:�200UBNl60PGPCONS/STENCY.DOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT 5.1 Develop and maintain a marketing program to publicize the virtues of relocating to Temecula. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.2 Monitar the economic conditions in Temecula in comparison to other locations in California and throughout the nation to determine relative advantages. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.3 Monitor the supply of housing in relation to the supply of jobs in terms of balancing area-wide jobs,households, worker earnings and housing expenses. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 5.4 Monitar existing businesses in Temecula and identify the elements of a business retention program. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. Goa16: Develop Temecula as a comprehensive, recognizable tourist destination, with a range of attractions throughout and beyond the sphere of influence. This goal is not applicable because it is a City directed goal. Policies 6.1 Encourage and enhance cooperative efforts with the wine-making industry in the Temecula Valley to promote Temecula as a destination resort. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 6.2 Identify commercial recreation, convention and resort activities —including golf-oriented resorts — that can take advantage of Temecula's character and climate, while complementing wine- making activities. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 6.3 Revitalize and enhance Old Town to expand its role in local tourism and to improve its attractiveness, accessibility, and economic vitality. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. 6.4 Enhance the City's image through development of cultural facilities, including performance arts, museums. This policy is not applicable because it is a City directed policy. FEBRUARY 2001 68 P:�200PBN1602�CPCONSISTENCY.DOC