HomeMy WebLinkAbout022503 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk {909) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements tc ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE FEBRUARY 25, 2003 - 7:00 P.M. At approximately 9:45 P.M., the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 11:00 P.M. and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 11:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. - Closed Session of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency pursuant to Government Code Sections: 1. Conference with City Attorney and legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) with respect to one matter of existing litigation involving the City. The following case will be discussed: City of Temecula v. County of Riverside (Domenigoni-Barton). 2. Conference with City Attorney and legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) with respect to one matter of whether to initiate litigation. With respect to this matter, the City Attorney has determined that a point has been reached where there is a significant exposure to litigation involving the City based on existing facts and circumstances and the City will decide whether to initiate litigation. 3. Conference with City Attorney and legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) with respect to two matters of potential litigation. With respect to such matters, the City Attorney has determined that a point has been reached where there is a significant exposure to litigation involving the City based on existing facts and circumstances and the City will decide whether to initiate litigation. Public Information concerning existing litigation between the City and various parties may be acquired by reviewing the public documents held by the City Clerk. Next in Order: Ordinance: No. 2003-04 Resolution: No. 2003-19 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jeff Stone Prelude Music: Erika Weitzel Invocation Flag Salute: Mayor Pro Tern Naggar ROLL CALL: R:~Agenda\022502 Comerchero, Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone 1 PRESENTATiONS/PROCLAMATIONS Presentation to Vince Di Donato Presentation of the Professional Achievement Award to Human Resources Director Yates by California Leaque of Cities PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. 2 When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For ail Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of January 14, 2003. R:~Agenda\022502 2 3 4 5 6 Resolution Approvin.q List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03-.__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Reschedulinq of March 11, 2003, City Council Meeting RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Direct the City Clerk to reschedule the regular City Council meeting of March 11, 2003, to March 18, 2003, and to perform the appropriate postings and noticing requirements of the Government Code. Approval of 2002-03 Mid-year Bud.qet Adiustments RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03-.__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 5.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Property Insurance Renewal RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve the City of Temecula Property Insurance Policy renewal with Chubb Insurance Company, Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company, and Lloyd's of London for the period of February 26, 2003, through February 26, 2004, in the amount of $84,763. R:~Agenda\022502 3 7 8 9 10 11 Acceptance of Median Landscape Bonds and A.qreement alon.q Solana Way - Parcel Map No. 30107 (Guidant Development) RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Accept the agreement and surety bonds for Eli Lilly and Company to provide landscaped medians along Solana Way west of Margarita Road in Parcel Map No. 30107. Citizen Corps Proqram Purchase of two-way radios RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Authorize the purchase of 30 multi-channel 800 megahertz, two-way hand held radios from Comtronix of Hemet for $36,000; 8.2 Appropriate $18,000 in the Police Department line item and increase estimated grant revenue by $18,000. Contract Amendment for Schirmer Enqineering RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve a contract amendment with Schirmer Engineering for an annual amount of $25,000 and a total contract amount of $50,000. Resolution of Support-Invocations in Public Meetin.qs (as per Mayor Stone) RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY MEMBER RAY HAYNES IN HIS EFFORTS TO CHANGE THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW PUBLIC AGENCIES TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL INVOCATION AS A FREE SPEECH RIGHT DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS Street Name Chan.qe Crowne Hill Specific Plan RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING SECTIONS OF FOX ROAD IN TRACT NO. 23143 TO VERMONT ROAD AND CAMELOT ROAD R:~Agenda\022502 12 13 Authorize Temporary Street Closure on Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley Hi,qh School for the Every 15 Minutes Proqram RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE STREET CLOSURE OF RANCHO VISTA ROAD IN FRONT OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL BETWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND RIO VISTA FOR THE EVERY 15 MINUTES PROGRAM TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 2003, FROM 6:00 A.M. TO 10:00 A.M. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT Award of Construction Contract for Proiect No. PW99-11SW - Pechan,qa Parkway (formerly known as Pala Road) Soundwatl Improvements RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT REGARDING CERTAIN CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TO BE REIMBURSED FROM PROCEEDS OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS 13.2 Authorize the use of $914,000.00 from the General Fund, which will be reimbursed from Community Facilities District 01-3 Bond proceeds, to fully fund the construction and administration of the Pechanga Parkway Soundwall Improvements; 13.3 Award a construction contract for the Pechanga Parkway Soundwall Improvements - Project No. PW99-11SW - to R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,886,303.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract; 13.4 Authorize the City Manager to approve contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $288,630.30 which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY R:~Agenda\022502 5 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. CSD 2003-01 Resolution: No. CSD 2003-04 CALLTO ORDER: President Jeff Comerchero ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone, Comerchero PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item no~t on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of February 11,2003. 2 Loma Linda - Tract Map Nos. 19872-11 -2, -31 -4, -5, and Final - Service Level C Rates and Charges RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: R:~Agenda\022502 6 3 RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO SERVICE LEVEL C RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE LOMALINDA TRACT BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 2003- 2004 AND SE'l-rING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH Approval of 2002-03 Mid-Year Bud,qet Adiustments RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS DEPARTMENTAL REPORT DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2003, 7:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:~Agenda\022502 7 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. RDA 2003-01 Resolution: No. RDA 2003-05 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ron Roberts ROLL CALL AGENCY MEMBERS: Comerchero, Naggar, Pratt, Stone, Roberts PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item no.~t on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CONSENT CALENDAR First Amendment to the Exc us ve Neqotiatin,q Agreement with AGK Group, LLC RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the First Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between Agency and AGK Group LLC. 2 Consideration of Cost Sharinq for Upgrade of Auto Mall Siqn RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the Ownership Participation Agreement with the Temecula Auto Dealer's Association for upgrades to the freeway Auto Mall sign. R:\Agenda\022502 8 3 Approval of the 2002-03 Mid-Year Bud.qet Adjustments RECOMMENDATION: 3.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 03-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET DEPARTMENTAL REPORT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENCY MEMBERS' REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2003, City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:~Agenda\022502 9 RECONVENE THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL BUSINESS 14 Development Review Process Status Report RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Receive and file. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS CITY MANAGER'S REPORT CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: City Council, Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R:~Agenda\022502 lO PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS ITEM 1 ITEM 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 14, 2002 The Open Session convened at 7:00 P.M., on Tuesday, January 14, 2002, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temeeula, California. Present: Councilmembers: Comerchero, Naggar, Pratt, Roberts, Stone Absent: PRELUDE MUSIC Councilmember: None The prelude music was provided by Margaret Bird. INVOCATION The invocation was given by City Manager Nelson. Mayor Stone addressed the filed lawsuit against a Los Angeles City with regard to invocations, noting that the matter was taken to the California Supreme Court; that the decision to not be able to provide sectarian invocations at meetings was based on the California Constitution; that if the City were to not adhere to this decision, the City may be sued as may the City Councilmembers without the defense of the City treasury; that he nor the City Councilmembers are in support of this decision but that only an amendment to the State Constitution would change the decision; and that the City Councilmembers will be forwarding letters to the Assemblyman and State Senator requesting their support of an amendment. Mr. Stone encouraged those who are passionate about this matter to write as well. ALLEGIANCE The flag ceremony was presented by Councilman Comerchero. PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Gavel by outgoing Mayor Roberts to incominq Mayor Stone At this time, outgoing Mayor Roberts presented the gavel to incoming Mayor Stone who, in turn, presented to outgoing Mayor Roberts a gavel plaque for his dedication and efforts as Mayor. Dr. John Husinq Presentation Assistant City Manager O'Grady introduced Dr. Husing. Commending the City on its current status, Dr. Husing referenced the City's demographic, economic, and quality of life data (of record). PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Rebecca Weersing, 41775 Yorba Avenue, representing Friends of the Temecula Library, apprised the City Council and viewing audience of a new community outreach program, starting Sunday, February 19, 2003, at 2:00 P.M., in the Community Room, Sunday series for Inquiring Minds. R:\Minutes\011403 1 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS A. Referencing information he has gathered for the preparation of a Summary Traffic and Transportation Report, Councilman Pratt requested that the Mobility Coordinator from the City of Santa Barbara be given the opportunity to make a presentation before this City Council and that this request be agendized for the January 28, 2003, City Council meeting. B. Commenting on the Citizen Corps Program, Councilman Naggar noted that he would view this program as an expanded version of the Neighborhood Watch Program in that it would include disaster relief and homeland security. Encouraging public participation, he advised that the program would be introduced on Thursday, February 16, 2003, in the City Council Chamber. Councilman Naggar requested that an Information Systems Inventory be completed within the first quarter of this year. Clarifying his request, Mr. Naggar advised that the inventory should include the infrastructure of the entire City as well as City Hall. C. Councilman Comerchero welcomed Third District Supervisor Venable to the meeting. Commenting on the California Public Utilities Commission's ruling against the San Diego Gas and Electric, denying the Valley Rainbow Interconnect Project, Councilman Comerchero thanked and commended the citizen group that took on this project - the Save Southwest Riverside County (SSRC) - on an unbelievable job. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adoption Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motionto waivethereading ofthetextofallordinances andresolutionsincludedinthe agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of October 22, 2002; 2.2 Approve the minutes of October 29, 2002 (RCIP Workshop); 2.3 Approve the minutes of October 29, 2002 (Joint City Council/Planning Commission); 2.4 Approve the minutes of November 12, 2002. 3 Resolution Approvinq List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: R:\Minutes\011403 2 RESOLUTION NO. 03-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 City Treasurer's Report RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Receive and fife the City Treasurer's Report as of November 30, 2002. 5 YMCA Ground Lease A.qreement RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve, in its substantial form, the Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Temecula and the YMCA of Riverside City and County, Inc. (Pulled for separate discussion; see page 5.) 6 Community Development Block Grant Application Proposals for FY 2003/04 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve the Community Development Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation from the Finance Committee and staff; 6.2 Authorize the Director of Finance to execute Sub-recipient Agreements and to reprogram CDBG funds in accordance with the current budget resolution for general administration of the Fiscal Year 2003/04 Community Block Grant Funds. (Pulled for separate discussion; see page 5-6.) 7 Award of Contract for P.C. Workstations RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Award a contract for Pentium based computer workstations to Tech 101- Arcus, Inc., of Irvine, California, in the amount of $92.000.70. 8 Records Destruction Approval RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Approve the scheduled destruction of certain City records in accordance with the City of Temecula approved Records Retention Policy. R:\Minutes\011403 3 French Valley Parkway/I-15 Overcrossin.q and Interchange Improvements- Proiect Report Preparation - Project No. PW02-11 - and French Valley Parkway Interim Southbound Off- Ramp to Jefferson Avenue - Phase I Consultant A.qreement RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Approve an agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers in an amount not to exceed $1,091,693.00 to provide the necessary design services needed to prepare a Project Report (PR) and Environmental Documents (ED) for the French Valley Parkway/l-15 Overcrossing and Interchange Improvements - Project No. PW02-11 - and Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the French Valley Parkway Interim Southbound Off-Ramp to Jefferson Avenue - Phase I - and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement; 9.2 Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of a $109,169.30 which is equal to 10% of the agreement amount. (Pulled for separate discussion; see page 6.) 10 Completion and Acceptance of Citywide A.C. Repair Pro.qram for FY02-03 - Proiect No. PW02-04 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Accept the Citywide A.C. Repair Program for FY02-03 - Project No. PW02-04 - as complete; 10.2 File a Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract; 10.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. 11 Naminq a Desiqnated Recipient (DR) of Federal Urbanized Area (UZA) Formula Funds - Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Section 5307 Proqram RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SCAG) BE IDENTIFIED AS THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT (DR) OF FEDERAL URBANIZED AREA (UZA) FORMULA FUNDS FOR THE TEMECULA-MURRIETA URBANIZED AREA R:\Minutes\011403 4 12 Crowne Hill Park Joint Use Aqreement RECOMMENDATION: 12,1 Approve the Crowne Hill Park Joint Use Agreement between the City of Temecula (City) and the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD). MOTION: Councilman Naggar moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 - 4, 7 - 8, and 10 -12 (item Nos. 5, 6, and 9 pulled for separate discussion; see pages 5-6). The motion was seconded by Councilman Comerchero Pratt and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NOS. DISCUSSED OUT OF ORDER 5 YMCA Ground Lease Aqreement - Approve Staff Recommendation (5-0-0) MN/RR RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve, in its substantial form, the Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Temecula and the YMCA of Riverside City and County, Inc. (Pulled for separate discussion; see below.) Community Services Director Parker reviewed the staff report (as per agenda material). Ms. Joan Sparkman, 40213 Colony Drive, Murrieta, spokesperson for the members of the YMCA Board of Directors, relayed her support of the proposed location of the YMCA facility. In light of the continued growth in this area, Ms. Sparkman commented on the need to expand accessibility of such organizations and strongly supported the well established, reputable YMCA organization. MOTION: Mayor Pro Tem Naggar moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roberts and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. 6 Community Development Block Grant Application Proposals for FY 2003/04 RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve the Community Development Grant (CDBG) funding recommendation from the Finance Committee and staff; 6.2 Authorize the Director of Finance to execute Sub-recipient Agreements and to reprogram CDBG funds in accordance with the current budget resolution for general administration of the Fiscal Year 2003/04 Community Block Grant Funds. By way of slides, Fiscal Services Manager Papagolos presented the staff report (of record), reviewing the funding breakdown, advising that CDGB funds are to be used for the benefit of citizens of Temecula, noting that a City liaison will be maintained during the funding cycle to ensure locations are properly maintained and that Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations are followed and that property reporting will be provided through the City to the County to forward to HUD for reimbursement. Advising of the sub-recipient agreement, City Attorney Thorson noted that regulations, requirements, and services are matters that are addressed through this agreement. R:\Minutes\011403 5 Although there is another organization providing similar services, Fiscal Services Manager Papagolos, for Councilman Comerchero, confirmed that Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV) will be providing $10,000 worth of service to the citizens of Temecula. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to approve the staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roberts and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. 9 Completion and Acceptance of Citywide A.C. Repair Proqram for FY02-03 - Proiect No. PW02-04 RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Accept the Citywide A.C. Repair Program for FY02-03 - Project No. PW02-04 - as complete; 9.2 File a Notice of Completion, release the Per[ormance Bond, and accept a one- year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract; 9.3 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. Public Works Director Hughes reviewed the staff report (as per agenda material), noting that the primary source of funding for this particular stage of the project is as a result of the City Council negotiations with Harveston. As per a map, Councilman Pratt stated that, in his opinion, this project will not affect the mobility of 90% of the City's residents; that there should be an alternate plan; that the proposed project does not provide an assurance that it will be a success; and that the proposed project would not be completed for another 10 years. In conclusion, Mr. Pratt relayed his opposition to the design. In response to Mayor Stone, Public Works Director Hughes noted that the approval of this phase would assist the City in obtaining Federal/State funds and, thereby, positioning itself with the engineering steps in the forefront of such funding sources. Mr. Hughes noted that this particular project will be vital to the quality of life and business community. Councilman Roberts reiterated that the design of this project is the first phase; noted that Riverside County has placed this particular project, because of its importance for Riverside County, on its list of Federal demonstration projects. In response to Councilman Pratt, Councilman Comerchero noted that this project is part of a General Plan Circulation Element which was citizen driven in 1994. MOTION: Councilman Roberts moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Comerchero and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Councilman Pratt who opposed. After a short recess at 7:49 P.M., the City Council meeting reconvened at 8:08 P.M. At this time, Public Hearing Item Nos. 13 and 15 were considered out of order. R:\Minutes\011403 6 PUBLIC HEARING 13 Introduction of the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Miti,qation Fee Proqram Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 03-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE PROGRAM AND ADDING CHAPTER 15.08 TO THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE Providing an introduction of the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee report (of record), City Manager Nelson noted the following: · Originated as a development fee approximately four years ago · Completed a nexus study o That it was determined that roads must be constructed over the next 25 years in order to support the entire region; o That how much of this construction should be allocated to new development/new construction o That significant issues were identified o That based on the analysis, the Board of Supervisors adopted the TUMF in December 2002 · 150,000 new homes will be built in the French Valley areas; unsure of when the roads to support this construction will be constructed or how such construction will be funded · TUMF will not be a property tax; it will be a development fee which pertains to new construction and one that does not affect existing homes or businesses. Public Works Director Hughes reviewed the technical analysis related to TUMF Plan, noting the following: · That the regional network of backbone and arterial roadways needed improvement to support development in the Southwest and Western Riverside County area over the next 25 years; that the purpose of the TUMF would be to ensure that new development will pay its fair share of needed transportation improvements in the Western Riverside County area over the next 25 years · That new development would impact the existing transportation network by a 14% increase in delay time · That not all needed improvements are as a result of new development · That TUMF will be a mechanism for County/cities to apply a fee to new development - uniformly collected to pay for these needed infrastructure improvements · Cost distribution · Administrative Plan o Collecting fees and distribution - specific amount for transit projects o Review of fee o Exemptions R:\Minutes\011403 · Rehabilitation · Low-income housing · Sanctuary buildings in response to Councilman Roberts, Public Works Director Hughes advised that if the Council were to not adopt the TUMF Plan, Measure A monies would not be eligible to the City. For Mayor Stone, City Manager Nelson advised that there would be an immediate $600 million deficit, with some offset, as a result of commercial phasing. Although with reservation, Mr. Al Ogle, 43053 Margarita Road, relayed his support of the TUMF Plan, Public Works Director Hughes confirmed that the City would follow the lead of the County on implementing these fees; that proposed fee would be for commercial/industrial construction; that the fees would be effective July 1, 2004; and that the City has made no formal determination as to its participation in a program offered by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority, which functions as financing mechanism for such fees. Although the proposed fees are needed, Ms. Diana Martinez, 39245 Calle Bellagio, stated that, as a commercial builder, a more affordable number must be explored, noting that the additional fees will be passed on to the new homebuyers and questioning how this may potentially impact development. At this time, the public hearing was closed. For clarification, City Manager Nelson advised that the proposed fees are consistent with those adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. Addressing the City Council, Supervisor Venable noted that the Board seriously addressed this matter and that the Board came up with the lowest amount of $6,600 per unit fee. In closing, Mr. Venable commented on the need for this action and requested the Council's full support. Viewing the infrastructure needs as a crisis that cannot be ignored, Mayor Pro Tem Naggar as well commented on the quality of life issue and questioned the potential economic impacts as a result of residents no longer being able to commute or individuals not being able to move to the City because of travel time. Concurring with Mayor Pro Tem Naggar, Councilman Comerchero reiterated the need to collect monies for regional infrastructure, stating that without these fees, no infrastructure will be built and, as a result, no new homes will be built. Commenting on the time it has taken to make this determination, Mr. Comerchero noted that it was a difficult conclusion but one that must be supported. Although he supports the TUMF Plan, Councilman Pratt viewed it as unbalanced. Commending the Board of Supervisors on its actions, Mayor Stone reiterated that this new fee will not impact existing homes/businesses in the Riverside County. Mr. Stone requested that monthly reporting statements be provided to the Council. City Attorney Thorson introduced Ordinance No. 03-1, advising that the second reading would be at the January 28, 2003, meeting and that the ordinance would be in effect 60 days after that date. R:\Minutes\011403 8 MOTION: Councilman Roberts moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Mayor Stone requested that staff provide an update at the next Council meeting as to the potential impacts of the State Budget. Mr. Rick Bishop, Executive Director of WRCOG, advised that the administrative plan has been completed; that in its preliminary draft form has been transmitted to City staff for review; and that conceptual endorsement by the Executive Committee would be anticipated by the first Monday in February. 15 Valley Christian Fellowship General Plan Amendment and Zone Change (PA02-0260) - RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO DENY THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE AMENDMENT FOR A SITE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DE PORTOLA AND MARGARITA ROADS (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 959-150-050) Mayor Stone commented on the possibility of continuing this matter until the adoption of the General Plan Amendments. Principal Planner Hogan reviewed the staff report (as per written material). Mr. Larry Markham, 30105 Cabrillo Avenue, President of the Los Ranchitos Homeowners Association, relayed no objection to a continuance until the General Plan changes have been adopted by the City Council. Mr. Markham commented on the Association's concern with zoning creeping down De Portola Road; advised that it wouid be desirous that no access points be permitted off De Portola Road and that a buffer/wall be constructed along De Portola Road and the western boundary of the property. Mr. Mike McNeff, 45627 Clubhouse Drive, Pastor representing Valley Christian Fellowship, in detail, recapped and apprised the City Council of events/discussions which led to the purchase of the property; provided a history of nearby properties which had been rezoned to Professional Office with the Association's approval; addressed an agreement between the Association and those rezoned properties; and commented on the Association's requirement to construct a six- foot block fence between the subject property and any adjacent properties. Further addressing the agreement between the rezoned properties and the Association, Mr. Guy Romero, 41535 Calle Pino, representing Valley Christian Fellowship, relayed the church's opinion that the Association led the church to believe that the property could be developed under a similar agreement and with the imposition of mitigation measures. Mr. Romero apprised the Council that the church was no longer interested in developing the property and that there was an interested buyer to develop the property as a preschool. Mr. Kevin Johnson, 30707 Centaur Court, representing the Valley Christian Fellowship, addressed the leadership changes in the Association; commented on the potential buyer's interested to construct a preschool on the subject site; outlined the restrictions imposed by the R:\Minutes\011403 9 Association; advised that, as a result of those restrictions, the potential buyer was no longer interest in purchasing/constructing a preschool. Mr. Johnson advised hat, at this point in time, another buyer has expressed an interest to purchase the property. Pastor McNeff stated that the rezoning of this property would not limit the Association's ability to negotiate a favorable deal and that the developing of this site and the rezoning of this site was two separate issues. Mr. Graham Kraus, 32490 Holland Road, representing Valley Christian Fellowship, reiterated the Association's previous concurrence that the site of discussion would not be a suitable location for a residence with which the Planning Commission had agreed. If a consensus were feasible, Mayor Pro Tem Naggar relayed his desire to take action this evening with regard to this matter. Because there are several parcels in the area of discussion which need to be addressed, Councilman Comerchero suggested that the determination of these parcels be handled through the General Plan review process, noting that early decision/approval with regard to this issue may hamstring the entire process as it relates to the other parcels. Because the County had not properly modeled its massive land use changes in the French Valley area, Deputy City Manager Thornhill advised that the City consultant assisting with the Circulation Element will have to undertake this task. As a result, Mr. Thornhill noted that he would not envision the review of the General Plan Amendments for another six to eight months. In an effort to address the matter before the City Council, Councilman Comerchero suggested that the General Plan Subcommittee be reconvened to address this particular issue and propose a recommendation for the section of Margarita Road and De Portola Road. In response to Councilman Comerchero, Deputy City Manager Thornhill noted that this could be accomplished within the next 90 days. For Councilman Pratt, it was noted by staff that the applicant is no longer desirous of developing the property and that fencing/ingress and egress issues are development issues versus rezoning issues; that zoning changes can intensify the use; and that access becomes a critical issue and potential limiting of access may present ingress/egress problems. Mayor Stone encouraged continued communications between with Mr. Markham and the church representatives. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to continue this public hearing off calendar and to reconvene the General Plan Subcommittee in order to consider all parcels in the area of discussion and to forward its recommendation to the Planning Commission for review. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roberts and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:\Minutes\011403 10 14 Eli Lilly & Company General Plan Amendment (PA01-0418); Specific Plan Amendment (PA02-0510); and Zone Chanqe (PA02-0509) RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 01- 0418, A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ON THREE PARCELS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF OVERLAND DRIVE BETWEEN MARGARITA AND YNEZ ROAD, AND GENERALLY KNOWN AS LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30107 AND A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ON LOT I OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30107 14.2 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 03-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE REGIONAL CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-7) TO REMOVE ONE PARCEL (LOT I OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30107) FROM THE REGIONAL CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-7), GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF OVERLAND DRIVE AND YNEZ ROAD (PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 02-0510) 14.3 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 03-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO CHANGE LOT I OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30107 FROM SP-7 TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, AND LOTS 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 30107 FROM BUSINESS PARK TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF OVERLAND DRIVE AND YNEZ ROAD (PLANNING APPLICATION NO. 02-0509) Principal Planner Hogan presented the staff report (of record); referenced the memo with regard to List of Use Restrictions for Lot 3 to ensure land use compatibility; and noted that required setbacks have been retained in the General Plan Amendment to ensure the future expansion of Margarita Road between Solana Way and Overland Drive. At this time, the public hearing was opened. Mr. Ted Jackson, representing Eli Lilly, relayed his support of staff's recommendation and noted his awareness of the list of use restrictions with regard to Lot 3 as well as the additional setbacks to address the potential widening of Margarita Road. R:\Minutes\011403 11 At this time, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to adopt Resolution No. 03-04. The motion was seconded by Councilman Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. MOTION: Councilman Naggar moved to adopt Ordinance No. 03-02. The motion was seconded by Councilman Comerchero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. MOTION: Councilman Naggar moved to adopt Ordinance No. 03-03. The motion was seconded by Councilman Comerchero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. In response to Mayor Stone, Deputy City Manager Thornhill advised that there would not be an exclusion from the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee. At 9:32 P M., the City Council convened as the Temecula Community Services District and the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. The City Council Meeting resumed at 10:13 P.M. 16 Corporation of Better Housinq Senior Housinq Proiect - Tax Exempt Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Public Hearinq Notice RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Continue the public hearing to the City Council meeting of January 28, 2003. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COUNCIL BUSINESS 17 Selection of City Council Comm ttee Assiqnments RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Appoint a member of the City Council to serve as liaison to each of the City Commissions and Committees and to the Pechanga Tribal Council: Commission Liaison. (One Member) Community Services Commission - Jeff Comerchero Old Town Local Review Board - Sam Pratt Old Town Redevelopment Advisory Committee - Ron Roberts Planning Commission - Mike Naggar PublicFFraffic Safety Commission - Jeff Stone D,~,'~k ....T~*iN~I r' ..... ;~ ~ ;~;""" external organizations category ........ ~ ....................... - move to 17.2 Appoint two members of the City Council to serve on each of the following Advisory Committees: Advisory Committees (Two Members) Community Service Funding Ad Hoc Committee - Jeff Stone, Mike Naggar Economic Development/Old Town Steering Committee - Ron Roberts, Jeff Comerchero Finance Committee - Jeff Stone, Mike Naggar Joint City CouncilFFVUSD Committee - Mike Naggar, Ron Roberts Library Task Force - Jeff Stone, Ron Roberts R:\Minutes\011403 12 Old Town Temecula Community Theater Ad Hoc Committee/Theater Advisory Committee - Jeff Comerchero, Sam Pratt Public Works/Facilities Committee - Ron Roberts, Jeff Stone 17.3Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following external committees: Representative Assi.qnments (External Organizations) Cit" '''~ ~' "";'~*'~ ~ i,~i .... Delete County General Plan Update Committee - RCIP (attend meetings) - Mike Naggar French Valley Airport Committee - Sam Pratt League of Calif. Congress - 2003 Voting Delegates - Jeff Stone, Mike Naggar as alternate Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan Committee (attend meetings) - Mike Naggar Murrieta Creek Advisory Board - Sam Pratt National League of Cities Annual Congress - 2003 Voting Delegate - Jeff Stone, Mike Naggar as alternate Pechanga Tribal Council Liaison - Ron Roberts, Jeff Stone as alternate Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency - Sam Pratt Riverside County Transportation Commission - Ron Roberts Riverside Transit Agency Representative - Jeff Comerchero Temecula Sister City Corporation Board of Directors - Jeff Stone Trails Master Plan Development Committee - Mike Naggar WRCOG Representative - Jeff Comerchero, Ron Roberts as alternate 17.4Appoint member(s) of the City Council to serve on each of the following Council Subcommittees: Council Subcommittees ^..;...~ or.~...~, e. ,r. .... i**,.,-,. Delete Children's Museum Ad Hoc Subcommittee - Jeff Comerchero Electrical Needs Ad Hoc Subcommittee - Mike Naggar u,...~o~ o ....... ~ ~..,.,;...... ~, ,r. .... ~*+~ - Delete ~o,.,.r.~, r. ...... ;,,, r.r......r. ~. ,~.,......,~;.,~. Delete o... ..... ~. o,~,~,~ ^ ..... ,;..,. Aa u,-,,~ o. ,~. .... ;**"~ - Delete SAF-T NET Subcommittee - Jeff Stone o...*, et.*. nd HOC o, ,~. .... ;'"'~ - Delete TemeculaJMurrieta Subcommittee - Ron Roberts, Jeff Comerchero Wall of Honor Ad Hoc Subcommittee - Jeff Stone, Jeff Comerchero iA,.,.., o..u e. ,~. .... ;""" - Delete Villages of Old Town Ad Hoc Committee - Ron Roberts, Mike Naggar MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to approve the City Council Committee assignments as noted above. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:~Minutes\011403 13 18 Consideration of adoption of Resolution of Necessity for the Acquisition in Eminent Domain of property for street improvements and for temporary construction easements in connection with the Diaz Road Realignment Proiect - Project No. PW95-27 (APN 921- 020-039) - Massie Property RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Open and conduct a hearing on the adoption of the proposed Resolution of Necessity, receive from staff the evidence stated and referred to in this Report, take testimony from any person wishing to be heard on issues A, B, C and D below, and consider all the evidence to determine whether to adopt the proposed Resolution, which requires a unanimous or 4/5ths vote; 18.2 If the City Council finds, based upon the evidence contained in and referred to in this Report, the testimony and comments received in this hearing, that the evidence warrants the necessary findings with respect to the proposed Resolution of Necessity, then the staff recommends that the City Council, in the exercise of its discretion, adopt proposed Resolution No. 2003- (which requires a 4/5ths vote of the entire Council) and authorize that an eminent domain proceeding be filed to acquire Certain Property Interests ("Subject Property Interest") in the real property consisting of a fee simple as well as a temporary construction easement interest in a portion of the real property commonly known as Assessor's Parcel No. 921-020-039 and more fully described in the attached Exhibits. Specifically, the legal description of the acquisition of the fee simple interest sought to be acquired on portions of the real property identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 921-020-039 is attached as Exhibit "A" and depicted on the map attached as Exhibit "B". The legal description of the acquisition of the temporary construction easement interest is attached as Exhibit "A-1" and depicted on maps attached as Exhibits "B-1 ", "C-1" and "C-2"; 18.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY NECESSARY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION THEREOF, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED DIAZ ROAD REALIGNMENT PROJECT 18.4 As a resolution, if approved, approve a warrant payable to the Clerk of the Court, Riverside County in the amount of $5,397.00 for deposit in court to obtain an order of possession of the Wilma M. Massie property interests; 1 8.4 Authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to continue this item to the January 28, 2003, City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:\Minutes\011403 14 19. Consideration of adoption of Resolution of Necessity for the Acquisition in Eminent Domain of property for street improvements and for temporary construction easements in connection with the Diaz Road Reali,qnment Project - Project No. PW95-27 (APN 921- 040-028) - Morter Property RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Open and conduct a hearing on the adoption of the proposed Resolution of Necessity, receive from staff the evidence stated and referred to in this Report, take testimony from any person wishing to be heard on issues A, B, C and D below, and consider all the evidence to determine whether to adopt the proposed Resolution, which requires a unanimous or 4/5ths vote; 19.2 If the City Council finds, based upon the evidence contained in and referred to in this Report, the testimony and comments received in this hearing, that the evidence warrants the necessary findings with respect to the proposed Resolution of Necessity, then the staff recommends that the City Council, in the exercise of its discretion, adopt proposed Resolution No. 2003- (which requires a 4/5ths vote of the entire Council) and authorize that an eminent domain proceeding be filed to acquire Certain Property Interests ("Subject Property Interest") in the real property consisting of a fee simple as well as a temporary construction easement interest in a portion of the real property commonly known as Assessor's Parcel No. 921-040-028 and more fully described in the attached Exhibits. Specifically, the legal description of the acquisition of the fee simple interest sought to be acquired on portions of the real property identified as Assessor's Parcel Number 921-040-028 is attached as Exhibit "A" and depicted on the map attached as Exhibit "B". The legal description of the acquisition of the temporary construction easement interest is attached as Exhibit "A-1" and depicted on map attached as Exhibits "B-I" and "C"; 19.3 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY NECESSARY FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION THEREOF, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED DIAZ ROAD REALIGNMENT PROJECT 19.4 As a resolution, if approved, approve a warrant payable to the Clerk of the Court, Riverside County in the amount of $129,190.00 for deposit in court to obtain an order of possession of the Jerry R. Morter and Linda C. Morter property interests; 19.5 Authorize the City Manager to execute ail necessary documents. MOTION: Councilman Comerchero moved to continue this item to the January 28, 2003, City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Naggar and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT No additional comments. R:\Minutes\011403 15 CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT With respect to the two reap property items, City Attorney Thorson advised that any final decision would be addressed by the City Council in Open Session and that the City Council provided direction with respect to the litigation matters. ADJOURNMENT At 10:31 P.M., the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] R:\Minutes\011403 16 ITEM 3 RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the Office of the City Clerk, have been audited by the City Manager, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $1,563,955.58. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 24th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] R:/Resos2003/Resos 03- 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, hereby do certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 03- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Temeoula on the 24th day of February, 2003 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk R:/Resos2003/Resos 03- 2 CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 02/06/03 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 02/13/03 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 02/13/03 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 02/25/03 COUNCIL MEETING: DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: 001 GENERAL FUND 165 RDA DEr-LOW/MOD SET ASIDE 190 COMMUNITy SERVICES DISTRICT 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ. FUND 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY-ClP 300 INSURANCE FUND 310 VEHICLES FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES 471 CFD 98-1 ADMIN EXP $ 550,903.65 8,019.54 200,649.60 39,967.92 50,383.16 507.68 289,812.56 8,068.33 4,239.49 26,660.56 59,441.78 9,287.12 20,733.68 224.55 $ 639,277.61 629,617.01 295,060.96 $ I rB~3r955.56 $ 1,268,894.62 100 GENERAL FUND 165 RDA-LOW/MOD SET ASIDE 190 COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL C 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY-CIP 300 INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 33O SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES 471 CFD 98-1 ADMIN EXP FUND TOTAL BY FUND: SHAWN NELSON, CITy MANAGER 211,968.40 5,090.89 49,710.46 107.84 4,817.96 790.31 2,206.33 1,238.26 10,016.43 2,208.23 6,568.18 337.65 295,060.96 $ 1,563,955.58 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. , HERESY CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 02/06/2003 10:45:23AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82139 01/31/2003 003577 CALIF STATE BOARD OF 82140 02/06/2003 82141 02/06/2003 82142 02/06/2003 82143 02/06/2003 82144 02/06/2003 82145 02/06/2003 82146 02/06/2003 82147 02/06/2003 82148 02/06/2003 82149 02/06/2003 82150 02/06/2003 82151 02/06/2003 82152 02/06/2003 82153 02/06/2003 82154 02/06/2003 Description Jan-Dec 02 Sales/Use Tax Return 005277 2 H CONSTRUCTION INC Memantile Bldg Seismic Retrofit Prjt 002539 3CMNClTY COMMUNICATION & 2003 Membership: G.Wolnick 004148 AT&T 003304 ADAMS ADVERTISING INC 005917 ALVARDO, GABRIELA 000747 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCl 000936 AMERICAN RED CROSS 000101 APPLEONE, INC. 001323 ARROWHEAD WATER INC 000622 BANTA ELECTRIC-REFRIGERA 005915 BAUERLE, DEBRA 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRV 005922 BLOCK, DAN P. & KAREN 005790 BRENTON SAFETY iNC. 005926 BROWN PALACE HOTEL Long distance svcs: P.D. Feb billboard rental:Old Town Old Town Billboard Change Outs Refd:Security Deposit/Cancellation fee Membership:J.DeGange 106351 Staff certifications for Jr. Lifeguard Delarm temp help PPE 01/18/03 Kau temp help PPE 01/11/03 Kau temp help PPE 01/18/03 Atkinson temp help PPE 01/18/03 Bottled wtr servs @ City Hall Bottled wtr servs @ CRC Bottled wtr sen/s @ Museum Bottled wtr servs @ West Wing Electrical repairs: Fire Stn 84 Refund:Exercise-Belly Dancing Citywide A.C. Saw Cutting forPW mnt Installation of ballards at Kawea Ct. Rel of Claims:Property damage Special equip for Fire Stn 84 Hotel for 03 Nat'l Planning Cf:Staff Amount Paid Check Total 4,867.00 4,867.00 80,225.82 80,225.82 350.00 350.00 46.18 46.18 2,082.50 500.00 2,582.50 95.00 95.00 329.00 329.00 10.00 10.00 543.40 520.00 520.00 442.00 2,025.40 361.42 53.60 27.67 27.54 470.23 377.24 377.24 30.00 30.00 3,700.00 935.70 4,635.70 4,487.00 4,487.00 297.60 297.60 3,604.96 3,604.96 Page:l apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 02/06/2003 10:45:23AM ClT~ OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82155 02/06/2003 005063 CELSOC (Continued) Description Subdivision Map Sem:2/13:RP-GB-JP Amount Paid 650.00 82156 02/06/2003 005911 CA FIRE PREVENTION INSTITU AnnualWrkshp:Horton:2/10-14 Annual Workshop:McBride:2/10-14 275.00 275.00 82157 02/06/2003 000128 CAL SURANCE ASSOCIATES I 82158 02/06/2003 000484 CALIF ASSN FOR LOCAL 82159 02/06/2003 005375 CAMMAROTA, SUSAN 82160 02/06/2003 005912 CARPENTER, JENI 82161 02/06/2003 005417 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 82162 02/06/2003 005447 CLEMENTS, BRIAN 82163 02/06/2003 82164 02/06/2003 82165 02/06/2003 82166 02/06/2003 82167 02/06/2003 82168 02/06/2003 82169 02/06/2003 82170 02/06/2003 82171 02/06/2003 82172 02/06/2003 004414 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN 000442 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS 000447 COMTRONIX OF HEMET 005916 CORMIER, JOAN 002631 COUNTS UNLIMITED INC 005925 CYGNUS EXPOSITIONS 001009 DBXINC 004123 D L PHARES & ASSOCIATES 001233 DANS FEED & SEED INC 001393 DATA TICKET INC Crime policy 3rd anniv, premium Tourism CD award submittal fee Reimb:promo items:MSA luncheon Refund: Security Deposit Fimt aid supplies: City Hall Reimb:lCBO plumbing inspector certif. Ldscp design:Diaz rd re-alignment Security/Fire alarm repaim:Museum Mobile Hand Held Radios:PW Mntc Refund: Sports-Golf Temeku Hills Citywide Traffic Count Data Collection Hands-on Training Cf:McBride:2/18-20 Jan prgs:lntemection Monitoring Sys Feb 03 lease for Old Twn Police Stn Propane Gas for PW Mntc parking citation processing svcs 3,343.00 100.00 151.74 100.00 74.29 100.00 1,142.71 142.58 1,585.91 60.00 270.00 395.00 49,481.10 1,990.10 6.55 145.35 Check Total 650.00 550.00 3,343.00 100.00 151.74 100.00 74.29 100.00 1,142.71 142.58 1,585.91 60.66 270.00 395.00 49,481.10 1,990.10 6.55 145.35 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82173 02/06/2003 82174 02/06/2003 82175 02/06/2003 002990 DAVID TURCH & ASSOCIATES 004294 DIVERSIFIED LANDSCAPE CO. 002701 DIVERSIFIED RISK 82176 02/06/2003 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELI 82177 02/06/2003 82178 02/06/2003 82179 02/06/2003 82180 02/06/2003 82181 02/06/2003 82182 02/06/2003 82183 02/06/2003 82184 02/06/2003 82185 02/06/2003 82186 02/06/2003 82187 02/06/2003 82188 02/06/2003 (Continued) Description Amount Paid FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE LOBBYIST 6,000.00 23,040.00 140.45 Mulch for on/off ramps @ 1-15 & R.C. Special events premiums for Jan 03 001669 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATI Fuel for city vehicles:TCSD Fuel for city vehicles:PW Fuel for city vehicles:Planning/P.D, Fuel for city vehicles: B&S Fuel for city vehicles:PW Fuel for city vehicles:PW Supplies for graffiti removal 815.66 463.39 277.94 222.52 105.84 18.99 138.34 001380 E S I EMPLOYMENT SERVICES McCoy temp help PPE 01/10/03 McCoy temp help PPE 01/24/03 AM & MC temp help PPE 01/10/03 Obmann temp help PPE 01/10/03 002390 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER E 12/26-1/27 water svc:Diego Dr 2,507.86 2,389.25 1,678.53 1,491.60 46.48 000161 EDEN SYSTEMS INC 000517 ENTENMANN ROVIN & COMPA 002939 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS R 005251 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE 001056 EXCEL LANDSCAPE 000478 FAST SIGNS Eden Inforum Gold Software Mntc Badge For Mayor Jeffrey E. Stone Annual GIS Software maintenance Mobile Equip & Truck Repair Svcs:PW Mobile Equip & Truck Repair Svcs:PW JAN LANDSCAPE MNTC:CITYWlDE Employee entrance sign:City Hall 21,458.27 118.24 13,263.06 293.00 170.00 96,478.00 21.55 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMP.~ Lot Book Rept: Houston Lot Book Rept: Diaz 001989 FOX NETWORK SYSTEMS INC Misc computer supplies:Info sys Misc Computer Supplies:Info sys 000795 FRED PRYOR SEMiNARS/CARE Communication skills:2/6:McClanahan 150.00 150.00 748.25 229.05 59.00 Check Total 6,000.00 23,040.00 140.45 1,904.34 138.34 8,067.24 46.48 21,458.27 118.24 13,263.06 463.00 96,478.00 21.55 300.00 977.30 59.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 02/06/2003 10:45:23AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82189 02/06/2003 82190 02/06/2003 82191 02/06/2003 82192 02/06/2003 82193 02/06/2003 82194 02/06/2003 82195 02/06/2003 82196 02/06/2003 82197 02/06/2003 82198 02/06/2003 82199 02/06/2003 82200 02/06/2003 82201 02/06/2003 82202 02/06/2003 82203 02/06/2003 82204 02/06/2003 004944 FULLCOURT PRESS 005919 GALLION, ELIZABETH 002528 GLASS BLASTERS INC 005918 GLOTFELTY, RHODA 005921 GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHUR 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC (Continued) Description Amount Paid Payroll Laser Check Paper Stock Business License Certificates 3 port Refd:Security Deposit/cleaning chrg 675.59 338.25 95.00 Drinking Mugs & Glasses:OTLRB Credit:re-invoicing fee Refund: Security Deposit 131.76 -10.00 100.00 Refund: Security Deposit 100,00 005920 HB BARRINGTON COMPANY I Hardware supplies: TCSD Hardware supplies: PW St Mntc Hardware supplies: CRC Hardware supplies: City Hall Hardware supplies: Museum Hardware supplies: PW inspectors Hardware supplies:Sr Center Refund: Security Deposit 698.43 387.46 138.49 123.59 102.91 39.00 26.24 100.00 001013 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & AS Took credit for Finders fee twice 267.43 582.17 63.50 497.25 161.77 430.00 40.00 2,000.00 300.00 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE 005924 HUMPHREY, SHARI 001060 HYATT Res impr prgm:Christensen, Kenneth Reimb:personal cell phone use Hotel for McBride:Fire House 004219 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION GR Mntc supplies for PW 003670 INLAND OVERHEAD DOOR 005759 INLAND VALLEY FINANCIAL Stn 84 garage door repairs Refund: Sports - BB Mens League 001517 INTEGRATED INSIGHTS DBA: H Six Steps to Empowerment 1/23-30/03 002140 JAGUAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS Recurring qtrly billing:Info sys Check Total 1,013.84 95.00 121.76 100.00 100.00 1,516.12 100,00 267,43 582.17 63.50 497.25 161.77 430.00 40.00 2,000.00 300.00 PageA apChkLst 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82205 02/06/2003 004908 JIFFY LUBE #1878 82206 02/06/2003 82207 02/06/2003 82208 02/06/2003 Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA (Continued) Description City vehicle oil change:B&S TCSD instructor earnings Amount Paid 005928 JUTKIEWICZ, ROBIN, J. 001667 KELLY TEMPORARY SERVICES Francis temp help PPE 01/19/03 000206 KINKOS INC Stationery paper/misc supplies:Copy C 51.73 136.00 1,080.00 32.33 82209 02/06/2003 003631 KLEINFELDER INC 82210 02/06/2003 001694 KNIGHT PRINTING & PUBLISHI Geotechnical Testing:Memantile Bldg Debit:Incorrectly billed Direct chrgs 3 part Building Permits forms 1,273.58 16.67 2,024.97 82211 02/06/2003 001282 KNORR SYSTEMS INC Aquatic - Pool Mntc supplies 10.69 31.00 5,019.00 1,217.58 35.00 250.00 82212 02/06/2003 005913 KRITZ, LISA Refund: Music for toddlers 82213 02/06/2003 004062 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC Hand Held Radar Units for Police- 82214 02/06/2003 001085 L N CURTIS & SONS Mini cutter & hose:Fire Stn 84 82215 02/06/2003 005914 LEE, KATHY Refund: Tiny Tots-Creative Beg 82216 02/06/2003 005938 LIBERTY AUTO CENTER Towing chrg for evidence purposes 82217 02/06/2003 003286 LIBRARY SYSTEMS & SERVICE Aug 02 svcs-library system agrmt Oct 02 svcs-library system agrmt Dec 02 svcs-library system agrmt Sept 02 svcs-library system agrmt Nov 02 svcs-library system agrmt Aug 02 svcs-library system agrmt Oct 02 svcs-Iibmry system agrmt Sept 02 svcs-library system agrmt Nov 02 svcs-library system agrmt Dec 02 svcs-library system agrmt 82218 02/06/2003 003726 LIFE ASSIST INC Paramedic squad supplies:Fire 11,876.17 10,452.45 10,190.25 9,440.74 9,266.65 1,362.60 1,241.10 1,116.99 992.88 992.88 1,736.71 82219 02/06/2003 005927 LI'I-rLE INN BY THE BAY Hotel for Fire Staff:Prevention 2A Clas 778.80 Page:5 Check Total 51.73 136.00 1,080.00 32.33 1,290.25 2,024.97 10.69 31.00 5,019.00 1,217.58 35.00 250.00 56,932.71 1,738.71 778.80 Page5 apChkLst 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82220 02/06/2003 004087 LOWE'S 82221 02/06/2003 003782 MAIN STREET SIGNS 82222 02/06/2003 004141 MAINTEXINC Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA (Continued) Description Amount Paid Misc hardware supplies:TCSD Misc hardware supplies:Museum Sign supplies/hardwam:PW 298.47 137.92 274.76 Parks Custodial Supplies Museum Custodial Supplies TCC Custodial Supplies Sr Center Custodial Supplies City Hall Custodial Supplies 82223 02/06/2003 000944 MCCAIN TRAFFIC SUPPLY INC Traffic control switches:PW Credit:Billed sales tax twice 82224 02/06/2003 005930 MCKENZlE, SHELBY Refund:Cooking-Amazing Chefs 241.79 228.20 171.37 171.37 50.32 160.22 -11.52 10.00 82225 02/06/2003 82226 02/06/2003 82227 02/06/2003 82228 02/06/2003 82229 02/06/2003 82230 02/06/2003 82231 02/06/2003 82232 02/06/2003 82233 02/06/2003 82234 02/06/2003 82235 02/06/2003 82236 02/06/2003 005565 MCSI MEDIA CONSULTANTS Traffic Management Center 004534 MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES EOC satellite stn phone svcs 000230 MUNIFINANCIAL 001986 MUZAK INC 005934 N/C INDUSTRIES 002925 NAPA AUTO PARTS Jan-Mar 03 tax assessment:TCSD Feb Old Town music broadcasting Refund:Eng Dep:42147 Roick Dr. PW Maint:vehicle parts/supplies 005923 NATIONAL PLAYGROUND CON1 4 CPSC pocket handbks:TCSD 005936 NELSON, ROSANA 005608 NEUMAN, JASON Reim b:expenses/VVeisner Reimb:NFPA conf:l 1/16-20/02 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS Misc. Office Supplies:Planning 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City vehicle mainYrepair svcs 002668 OMEGA LAKE SERVICES TEMECULA DUCK POND WATER Q 93,823.96 69.00 4,617.00 59.50 995.00 123.18 40.00 200.00 1,096.72 251.82 169.67 800.00 Page: 6 Check Total 436.39 274.76 863.05 148.70 10.00 93,823.96 69.00 4,617.00 59.50 995.00 123.18 40.00 200.00 1,096.72 251.82 169.67 800.00 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 82237 02/06/2003 004852 PACIFIC PROFILES GROUP Consulting svcs:City Clerk 82238 02/06/2003 004538 PAULEY EQUIPMENT COMPAN Parks equipment repair/maint Parks equipment repair/maint 82239 02/06/2003 004790 PETER D BRANDOW & ASSOCI Idscp design:79S sidewalk 82240 02/06/2003 005886 PLUMBING SPECIALISTS INC. replace heater @ Fire Stn 84 82241 02/06/2003 000253 POSTMASTER Express mail & postal svcs 82242 02/06/2003 002185 POSTMASTER-TEMECULA Annualrental:p.o. boxg033 82243 02/06/2003 005933 R & B BACKHOE Refund:Eng Dep:40520 La Colima 82244 02/06/2003 002012 RDOEQUIPMENTCOMPANY PWbackhoerepairs/maint 82245 02/06/2003 002654 RANCHO FORD LINCOLN MERC 2003 F250 TRUCK FOR FIRE 82246 02/06/2003 005861 RANCHO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY I cleaning equip for Fire Stn 84 82247 02/06/2003 000947 RANCHO REPROGRAPHICS Dupl. Blueprint:Pechanga Pkwy Dupl. Blueprints:Diaz Realignment 82248 02/06/2003 004584 REGENCY LIGHTING track lights for Museum CRC gymnasium lamps Old Town area electrical supplies 82249 02/06/2003 002110 RENTAL SERVICE CORPORATI Equipment Rental for PW Maint 82250 02/06/2003 000266 RIGHTWAY equipment rental - River~on Pk equipment rental - Veteran's Pk 82251 02/06/2003 000353 RIVERSIDE CO AUDITOR Nov 02 parking citation 82252 02/06/2003 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECOF Ntc/exemptionfee:S.GertrudisTrail 82253 02/06/2003 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECOF Nrc/exemption fee:Sr Housing Prjt 82254 02/06/2003 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & RECO~ Dec 2002 copy fees Amount Paid 1,000.00 107.50 42.85 165.00 3,717.92 120.80 824.00 995.00 72.57 26,108.56 571.89 393.19 41.21 163.21 97.41 52.69 10.72 77.94 54.39 1,260.52 64.00 64.00 29.00 Check Total 1,000.00 150.35 165.00 3,717.92 120.80 824.00 995.00 72.57 26,108.56 571.89 434.40 313.31 10.72 132.33 1,260.52 64.00 Page~ apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 82255 02/06/2003 001097 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC Amount Paid parts/supplies for PW Maint Div 993.22 7,600.00 250.00 200.00 2,400.00 50.00 110.00 50.00 83.55 44.44 6,366.63 1,319.13 849.26 597.12 545.94 400.30 310.28 298.33 151.27 53.67 250.00 12,628.16 27,102.29 3,750.00 385.00 82260 02/06/2003 005932 SHAHBAZI, DAN 82261 02/06/2003 004609 SHREDFORCE INC 82262 02/06/2003 005931 SlEVEKE, DEBIE 82263 02/06/2003 000645 SMART & FINAL INC 82264 02/06/2003 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 82256 02/06/2003 003544 ROBERT SHEA PERDUE REAL E REAL ESTATE APPRAISOR 82257 02/06/2003 003027 ROOFTEK ROOFING/WATERPR, Res Imp Prgm: Buckley, J. 82258 02/06/2003 005929 SAN BERNARDINO CO FIRE Fire Alarm Req.:NM/KC/MH/SB:2/25 82259 02/06/2003 004562 SCHIRMER ENGINEERING COR Nov/Dec plan ck svcs:Fire Refund:Tennis-Beg. Jr. Feb document shredding svcs Refund:Gymnastics-Cheerleaders Rec supplies for Sr Ctr Rec supplies for Sr Ctr Jan 2-00-397-5042 City Hell Jan 2-02-502-8077 West Wing Jan 2-00-397-5067 various mtrs Jan 2-10-331-2153 TCC Jan 2-19-683-3255 Front St Ped Jan 2-19-683-3263 Front St Ped Jan 2-22-575-0876 O.T. Front St. Jan 2-20-817-9929 P.D. Front St Stn Jan 2-20-798-3248 Children Mus. Jan 2-18-528-9980 Santiago Rd 82265 02/06/2003 002361 SO CALIF FPOS Fire Prev Sys:Mansilla:2/18-21/03 82266 02/06/2003 005786 SPRINT 11/15-12/14 phone services 82267 02/06/2003 004420 STATE COMP INSURANCE FUN Jan workers' comp premium 82268 02/06/2003 003000 STATE WATER RESOURCES 02/03 Waste Discharge Req. Fees 82269 02/06/2003 002366 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CL CLEAN CARPETAT CRC Check Total 993.22 7,600.00 250.00 200.00 2,400.00 50.00 110.00 50.00 127.99 10,891.93 250.00 12,628.16 27,102.29 3,750.00 385.00 Page~ apChkLst 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check# Date 82270 02/06/2003 82271 02/06/2003 82272 02/06/2003 82273 02/06/2003 82274 02/06/2003 82275 02/06/2003 82276 02/06/2003 82277 O2/O6/2OO3 82278 02/06/2003 82279 02/06/2003 82280 02/06/2003 82281 02/06/2003 82282 02/06/2003 82283 02/06/2003 82284 02/06/2003 82285 02/06/2003 Vendor 000574 SUPERTONER 003673 TECH 101 ARCUS rNC 000309 TEMECULA COPIERS 000310 TEMECULACREEK INN INC 000168 TEMECULA FLOWER CORRAL 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY COMPAN 000919 TEMECULA VALLEY UNIFIED S 000668 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE I 002065 UNISOURCE 004981 UNISOURCE SCREENING & 004137 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWES 004504 VAIL RANCH SELF STORAGE 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA (Continued) Description HP Printer Supplies HP Printer Supplies cad computer workstation Misc Computer Supplies supplies for Copy Center Deposit:mom rentah 12/6/03 Sunshine Fund Smr/Fal102 Softball league awards plaques w/gavels for Council SPORTS & AWARD TROPHIES Explorers recogn awards Ribbons:Tern. P.D. Bike Rodeo 3 Gavels for City Council Oct-Nov vehicle fuel usage Dec City vehicle fuel usage JuI-Sep vehicle maint/repair:PW DJ svcs:Band Jam:01/03/03 traffic control suppiies:PW paper supplies for copy center recruit background screening svcs light tower rentals:Hol, pamde:12/13 Feb off-site storage:Records Mgmt JAN XXX-1408 P.D. SATELLITE STN JAN XXX-2626 PD STOREFRONT ST Amount Paid 004789 VERIZON INTERNET SOLUTION xx7411:intemet phone svcs xxO544:internet phone svcs 004916 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELEC CRC electrical supplies 567.84 322.17 1,267.68 206.88 107.75 500.00 58.13 619.56 210.11 199.77 169.22 95.89 92.77 1,668.58 634.49 574.09 150.00 494.57 467.00 153.00 3,209.46 139.00 349.09 205.84 69.95 69.95 1,006.39 Page: 9 Check Total 890.01 1,474.56 107.75 500.00 58.13 1,387.32 2,877.16 150.00 494.57 467.00 153.00 3,209.46 139.00 554.93 139.90 1,006.39 Pages apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 02/06/2003 10:41:59AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 82286 02/06/2003 000339 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY I City Hall Legal Publications Amount Paid Check Total 53.88 53.88 3,500.00 3,500.00 100.00 100.00 82287 02/06/2003 004829 WILSON GROUP LLC, THE 82288 02/06/2003 005935 WOODSIDE, SCOTT Feb legislative lobbying svcs Refund:Sec. Deposit Sub total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 639,277.61 Page:10 apChkLst 02/13/2003 11:49:36AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 84 02/13/2003 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) 85 02/13/2003 86 02/13/2003 87 02/13/2003 88 02/13/2003 82289 02/13/2003 82290 02/13/2003 82291 02/13/2003 82292 02/13/2003 82293 02/13/2003 82294 02/13/2003 82295 02/13/2003 82296 02/13/2003 82297 02/13/2003 82298 02/13/2003 82299 02/13/2003 82300 02/13/2003 Final CheckList CITY OF TEMECULA Description STATE DISABILITY iNS: Payment 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) FEDERAL INCOME TAXES: Payment 000246 PERS(EMPLOYEES'RETIREME PERSERPAIDMEMBERCONTR:P 000245 PERS (HEALTH INSUR. PREMIU BLUE SHIELD HMO: Payment 000642 TEMECULA CITY FLEXIBLE 003552 AFLAC 004973 ABACHERLI, LINDI 004524 ABSOLUTE ASPHALT INC CHILD CARE REIMSURSEMENT: Pa AFLAC CANCER: Payment TCSD instructor earnings Asphalt Supplies for PW mntc 004767 ALERT ALL CORPORATION (MA Fire public education items 005037 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH I 000101 APPLE ONE, INC. 005953 ARENAS, NANCY 003203 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY 005961 AVHQ 003466 BASKET & BALLOONS TOO! 002541 BECKER CONSTRUCTION SRV 003126 BOOMGAARDEN, DENNIS Rel Retention:Slurry Seal Prgm Kissam temp help PPE 01/18/03 Kau temp help PPE 01/25/03 Atkinson temp help PPE 01/25/03 Kissam temp help PPE 01/11/03 Kissam temp help PPE 01/25/03 Refund: Hawaiian Dance Teen Begin Ball caps for mrktg baskets & prgms Audio/visual equip rental for CPRS cf Promotional baskets for Eco Devel Citywide P.C.C. sidewalk repairs:PW TCSD instructor earnings Amount Paid 12,902.35 56,716.80 47,559.56 44,643.96 7,606.96 1,483.50 482.88 784.42 74.80 35,556.32 468.00 416.00 286.00 156.00 156.00 65.00 923.20 145.00 88.36 11,225.00 571.20 Page: I Check Total 12,902.35 56,716.80 47,559.56 44,643.96 7,606.96 1,483.50 482.88 784.42 74.80 35,556.32 1,482.00 65.00 923.20 145.00 88.36 11,225.00 571.20 Page:l apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82301 02/13/2003 005889 BROWN, PASCALE 82302 02/13/2003 82303 02/13/2003 82304 02/13/2003 82305 02/13/2003 82306 02/13/2003 82307 02/13/2003 82308 02/13/2003 82309 02/13/2003 82310 02/13/2003 82311 02/13/2003 82312 02/13/2003 82313 02/13/2003 82314 02/13/2003 82315 02/13/2003 82316 02/13/2003 82317 02/13/2003 (Continued) Description EE computer pumhase prgm 002878 BUSINESS INFORMATION SOLU Crystal Report Training 2/12-13/03 004248 CALIF DEPT OF JUSTICE/ACCT DUI:Drug/Alcohol Screening svc:Poli 005384 CALIFORNIA BAGEL BAKERY & Refshmnts:Council meeting 1/28 Refshmnts:Citizen Corp Planning Mtg Refshmnts:Shop Steward Mtg 005908 CALIFORNIA CHAMBER OF COk '03 Required Notices Kit: HR 004228 CAMERON WELDING SUPPLY Helium tanks refilI:TCSD 003554 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO MANDATORY LIFE iNSURANCE: PA 004093 CARDIO CARE PLUS 002534 CATERERS CAFE 005417 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 005410 COLE, TOM 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARI 001193 COMP U S A INC 001014 COUNTRY SIGNS & DESIGNS 005951 COUPLES FOR CHRIST 002900 DANIEL MANN JOHNSON 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELI TCSD instructor earnings Refshmnts:City Staff Training First aid supplies:TCSD Reimb: SCACEO certif, class 2/23/02 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES: P MISC. Computer Supplies:lnf Sys Fac Imp Prgm: Tricia's Wishes Fac Imp Prgm:Bev-Ray Camera Repai Refund: Security Deposit Nov/Dec Svcs:Pala Rd Impr Ph II Fuel for city vehicles Fuel for city vehicles Amount Paid 2,000.00 1,695.00 420.00 168.09 95.00 78.00 270.71 25.70 3,269.00 425.60 104.36 307.09 60.00 173.50 117.81 1,615.85 1,615.85 95.00 40,464.57 797.93 52.21 Check Total 2,000.00 1,695.00 420.00 341.09 270.71 25.70 3,269.00 425.60 104.36 307.09 60.00 173.50 117.81 3,231.70 95.00 40,464.57 850.14 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 02/13/2803 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 82318 02/13/2003 001380 E S I EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 82319 02/13/2003 000161 EDEN SYSTEMS INC 82320 02/13/2003 005052 EMCOR SERVICE 82321 02/1 3/2003 005858 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS Description Amount Paid Heer tamp help PPE 01/24/03 Seng/Wytrykus temp help PPE 01/24 Rosales tamp help PPE 01/24/03 Kanigowski temp help PPE 01/31/03 McClanahan temp help PPE 01/24/03 Montecino temp help PPE 01/24/03 CAMMAROTA TEMP HELP PPE 01 Novotny temp help PPE 01/24/03 McCoy tamp help PPE 01/24/03 Rosales temp help PPE 01/24/03 Inforum gold upgmde:Exp Reimb Inforum gold upgrade:Prjt Mgmt Inforum gold upgrade: Data Conversio H.V.A.C. repair @ City Hall Stn 84 HVAC mntc contract Weed abatement:Margarita Prk Charm 2,564.25 2,379.63 1,875.65 1,322.25 1,162.09 1,109.60 1,089.91 610.34 271.12 83.32 2,627.10 1,562.50 375.00 2,610.24 1,986.00 6,400.00 Check Total 12,468.16 4,564.60 4,596.24 6,400.00 82322 02/13/2003 82323 02/13/2003 002060 EUROPEAN DELI & CATERING 005954 FAIRMONT HOTEL SAN JOSE Refshmnts:Museum Anniversary Brun Refshmnts:Museum Getty Excumion Refrshmnts:Team Pace Event HtI:CPRS conf:3/19-23/03:CSD Staff 446.49 322.17 199.98 4,267.20 968.64 4,267.20 82324 02/13/2003 82325 02/13/2003 000478 FAST SIGNS 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC Lettering for New TCSD Truck Exhibit sign supplies:Museum Express mail services 78.23 23.52 133.09 101.75 133.09 82326 02/13/2003 005952 FILIPINO CHURCH COMM. Refund: Security Deposit 100.00 100.00 82327 02/13/2003 000166 FIRSTAMERICANTITLECOMPP Recordings of LLA for Planning 21.00 21.00 82328 02/13/2003 82329 02/13/2003 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 001135 FIRSTCARE INDUSTRIALMED¢ xx-6165 Yates:League/Prof Mtgs/Supp xx-9798 Stone:Air/Conf in Wshgtn xx-9277 R.Roberts:N LC/Hotel/Prkg x~-2292 G. Roberts:Mb/Air/CSM FO/sup xx-0432 Elmo:CALBO/United Air xx-7824 Comemhero:NLC/Metrolink xx-1405 Ubnoske:Pmf Mtg/Office Supl; Jan Pre-employment physicals 1,193.94 761.28 633.53 580.00 391.75 121.38 296.50 5,052.33 296.50 Page3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor (Continued) Description Amount Paid 82330 02/13/2003 000170 FRANKLIN QUEST COMPANY I Dailyplanners:BIdg&Safety 82331 02/13/2003 000173 GENERAL BINDING CORPORAT GBC 3500 Laminator mntc contract 82332 02/13/2003 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS Office Supplies:Fire Prevention Office Supplies:BIdg & Safety Office Supplies: City Clerks Office Supplies:Finance Office Supplies:RDA-Low/Mod Office Supplies: City Mgr Office supp]ies:Eco Devel 82333 02/13/2003 004607 GRACE BUILDING MAINTENAN(~ Custodial svcs for park mstrooms 82334 02/13/2003 82335 02/13/2003 82336 02/13/2003 82337 02/13/2003 82338 02/13/2003 82339 02/13/2003 82340 02/13/2003 82341 02/13/2003 82342 02/13/2003 82343 02/13/2003 82344 02/13/2003 82345 02/13/2003 003640 GRAYNER ENGINEERING 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC 000116 HEALTH NET DENTAL AND VI 005950 HEINZ, MAY 002107 HIGHMARK INC 005948 HINTON'S MANOR 005748 HODSON, CHERYL A. 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE 004525 HUMANSCALE 001060 HYATT Special Custodial svcs for City Hall Custodial svcs for park restrooms Consultant Svcs-Children's Museum Hardware supplies:B&$ HEALTH NET DENTAL/VISiON PLAN Refund: Tennis-Beg Adult VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURAN Refund: Security Deposit Support Payment Res impr prgm: Diaz, Jose & Regina Ergonomic desk supplies:Planning Hotel:'03 Plannem Institute:3/20-22/03 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT TRUST 45 ICMA RETIREMENT: Payment 005967 INSPECTOR GUIDES Fire Inspector Guides 49.95 393.00 967.95 515.03 391.92 351.44 350.88 115.64 66.91 3,925.00 1,260.00 97.50 28.75 10.54 961.60 60.00 557.80 100.00 16.53 880.21 245.40 .1,780.20 7,850.72 1,800.00 Check Total 49.95 393.00 2,759.77 5,282.50 28.75 10.54 961.60 60.00 557.80 100.00 16.53 880.21 245.40 1,780.20 7,850.72 1,800.00 Page~ apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 02/13/2003 11:49:24AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check# Date 82346 02/13/2003 82347 07-/13/2003 82348 02/13/2003 82349 02/13/2003 82350 02/1 3/2003 82351 02/13/2003 82352 02/13/2003 82353 02/13/2003 82354 02/13/2003 82355 02/13/2003 82356 02/13/2003 82357 02/13/2003 82358 02/1 3/2003 82359 02/13/2003 82360 02/13/2003 82361 02/13/2003 82362 02/13/2003 Vendor 005956 INSTITUTE OF 002776 INTOUCH AMERICA 003266 IRON MOUNTAIN OFFSITE 001186 IRWIN, JOHN 004908 JIFFY LUBE #1878 {Continued) Description Membership: Jerry Gonzalez Dec cellular svcs:Sr Van Dec cellular svcs:City Van Records mgmt microfilm storage unit TCSD instructor earnings City vehicle maint/repair svcs:B&S 003986 KEVIN COZAD & ASSOCIATES I Right-Of-Way French Valley Pkwy/I-15 005949 LARKIN, DIANA Refund: Hawaiian Dance Teen Begin 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES SAC '03Planner%Institute:3/20-22/03 '03 Planner's Institute:3/20-22/03 '03 Planner's Institute:3/20-22/03 '03 Planner's Institute:3/20-22/03 '03 Planner's Institute:3/20-22/03 003726 LIFE ASSIST INC Paramedic squad supplies:Fire Paramedic squad supplies:Fire Paramedic squad supplies:Fire 005963 LORMAN EDUCATION SERVIC Construction mgmt cf:4/3/03 004087 LOWE'S Tool Boxes forTCSDvehicles 004141 MAINTEX INC City Hall Custodial Supplies West Wing Custodial Supplies 001967 MANPOWER TEMPORARY SER temp help w/e 01/05 Dankwor~h Amount Paid 203.00 27.27 27.27 436.25 120.00 54.96 7,840.00 30.00 430.00 430.00 430.00 430.00 280.00 395.81 171.60 129.32 498.00 552.00 140.92 140.92 773.36 002693 MATROS, ANDREA 003448 MELODYS AD WORKS 003076 MET LIFE INSURANCE 001905 MEYERS, DAVID WILLIAM TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS reimb expense:Street Painting Festival METLIFE: Payment TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS 300.00 25.76 6,732.32 232.00 224.00 Check Total 203.00 54.54 436.25 120.00 54.96 7,840.00 30.00 2,000.00 696.73 498.00 552.00 281.84 773.36 300.00 25.76 6,732.32 456.00 Page5 Final Check List Page: 6 CITY OF TEMECULA apChkLst 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check# Date 82363 02/13/2003 82364 02/13/2003 82365 02/13/2003 82366 02/13/2003 82367 02/13/2003 82368 02/13/2003 82369 02/13/2003 82370 02/13/2003 82371 02/13/2003 82372 02/13/2003 82373 02/1 3/2003 82374 02/13/2003 82375 02/13/2003 82376 02/13/2003 82377 02/13/2003 82378 02/13/2003 82379 02/13/2003 82380 02/1 3/2003 (Continued) Vendor Description 003163 MINOLTA BUSINESS SYSTEMS excess meter chrg:C.R.C, copier 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS 000973 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP 004508 NAGGAR, MICHAEL S. Business Cards:P.Smith/M.Hamld Business Cards:M. Allen parks playground equip/parts Reimb:League Committee:l/2-3/03 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE 005955 DRUM, JAYNE 004520 PAINT CONNECTION, THE 001248 PAPER DIRECT INC 002652 PAT & OSCARS RESTAURANT 003218 PELA 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SO Deferred Comp. payment 005959 NEW COVENANT FELLOWSHIP Refund:Sec. Deposit:9/8/02 004191 NORTH COUNTY TIMES-PMT P 2/11-8/10 subscription:City Mgr 005771 NOVACOAST INTERNATIONAL I Consultant Svcs for Security Audit 003964 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS Office supplies for Code Enl. City vehicle maint/repair svcs Refund:Dance-Youth Hawaiian Beg. Res Imp Prgm: Gutierrez, R. Volunteer prgm supplies Rfrshmnts:Mgmt Academy:2/5 Jan plan check svcs:Plann[ng TCSD plan check services May/Nov plan ck svc:Wolf Crk Stn 001958 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROG PERS LONG TERM CARE: Payment 000249 PETTY CASH Petty cash reimbursement 001999 PITNEY BOWES equip maint:meter:3/03-2/04 equip maint:scale:3/03-2/04 Amount Paid 135.00 229.72 42.83 690.49 40.14 17,229.06 100.00 61.00 15,000.00 11.53 457.23 30.00 1,600.00 172.87 272.66 9,030.00 1,500.00 946.00 227.08 430.40 987.75 119.00 Check Total 135.00 272.55 690.49 40.14 17,229.06 100.00 61.00 15,000.00 11.53 457.23 30.00 1,600.00 172.87 272.66 11,476.00 227.08 430.40 1,106.75 Page~ apChkLet Final Check List Page: 7 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82381 02/13/2003 82382 02/1 3/2003 82383 02/13/2003 82384 02/13/2003 82385 02/13/2003 82386 02/13/2003 002185 POSTMASTER - TEMECULA 005820 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES I 005888 PRESTOS 000981 RHFINC 004029 R J M DESIGN GROUP INC 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DIeT 82387 02/1 3/2003 004584 REGENCY LIGHTING 82388 02/1 3/2003 82389 02/13/2003 82390 02/13/2003 82391 02/13/2003 82392 02/13/2003 82393 02/13/2003 82394 02/13/2003 82395 02/13/2003 82396 02/13/2003 (Continued) Descri~ion postage:community newsletters PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES: Paym Refmshments:E.D. mrkt mtg:1/22 repair/maint P.D. radar equip Dec prof svcs:NW Sports Complex Amount Paid Various water meters Various water metem CRC water meters Various water meters Various water meters Fluorescent lamps:City Hall TRACK LIGHTS FOR MUSEUM 003742 REHAB FINANCIAL CORPORATI Jan loan servicing 3,800.00 127.60 199.38 70.10 3,866.79 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL MANAGE Weed abatement:S. Gertrudis Trail 000266 RIGHTWAY 9,521.03 1,683.95 450.08 288.82 85.42 112.60 74.19 48.00 675.00 000353 RIVERSIDE CO AUDITOR equipment rental - Pasec Prk Dec 02 parking cite assessments 005334 RIVERSIDE CO FACILITIES MGN 5/15-8/26 SVCS:I-15/CHERRY 9/19-10/16 SVCS:I-15/CHERRY 7/25-8/21 SVCS:I-15/CHERRY 6/27-7/24 SVCS:I-15/CH ERRY 8/22-9/18 SVCS:I-15/CH ERRY 60.78 000268 RIVERSIDE CO HABITAT 004773 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS 003587 RIZZO CONSTRUCTION INC 000271 ROBERT BEIN WM FROST & A 2,383.50 1,200.00 180.00 180.00 60.00 30.00 Jan 03 K-Rat payment Dec 2002 Booking Fees Repair CRC hallway walls Dec consult svcs:l-15/79 S/Sant. 250.00 7,728.00 3,400.00 976.00 Check Total 3,800.00 127.60 199.38 70.10 3,866.79 12,029.30 186.79 48.60 675.00 60.78 2,383.50 1,650.00 250.00 7,728.00 3,400.00 976.00 Page2 apChkl..st Final Check List Page: 8 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description 82397 02/1 3/2003 005227 SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF 82398 02/13/2003 005958 SHANKS, JANETTE Amount Paid CHILD SUPPORT/ARREARS: Paymer Refund:Just 4 Kidz 107.00 70.00 780.00 82399 02/13/2003 000722 SO CALF ASSN CODE ENF.OFF Cert. prgmclasses:J.V./'r.C./M.C. 82400 02/13/2003 000537 SO CALIF EDISON 82401 02/13/2003 82402 02/13/2003 82403 02/13/2003 82404 02/13/2003 82405 02/13/2003 82406 02/13/2003 82407 02/13/2003 82408 02/13/2003 82409 02/13/2003 82410 02/13/2003 82411 02/13/2003 82412 02/13/2003 Feb 2-01-202-7330 street lamps Feb 2-01-202-7603 various mtrs various electric meters Feb 2-02-351-5281 CRC Feb 2-00-987-0775 V.R. st. lamps Feb 2-10-331-1353 Stn 84 Jan various electric meters Feb 2-23-548-1975 various mtrs 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTRC Fire Stn 92 pest control svcs Pest Control Srvcs: West Wing 005786 SPRINT 12/15-01/14 cellular phone svcs 005906 STANDIFIRD, SHIRLEY TCSD Instructor Eamings 004570 STEPHEN G WHITE, MAI Appraisal Svcs:Crown Hill CFD 03-1 004247 STERICYCLE INC MEDICAL WASTE COLLECTION 000574 SUPERTONER Feb HP Printer Maint Svcs 000305 TARGET STORE supplies for teen prgm supplies for teen prgm 001547 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 UNION DUES: Payment 000309 TEMECULA COPIERS Jan usage chrgs:B/~V copiers 000876 TEMECULAVALLEYBALLOON~ FY 02/03 sponsorship 000515 TEMECULAVALLEYCHAMBER~ FY02/033rdqtrpmtfunding 000319 TOMARK SPORTS INC parts/labor:CRC gym scoreboard 36,052.01 13,806.78 6,820.35 6,542.24 5,156.52 898.30 285.41 28.90 42.00 40.00 3,279.45 358.00 8,000.00 60.00 828.32 247.80 47.36 3,151.00 3,983.06 35,000.00 37,000.00 680.28 Check Total 107.00 70.00 780.00 69,590.51 82.00 3,279.45 358.00 8,000.00 60.00 828.32 295.16 3,151.00 3,983.06 35,000.00 37,000.00 680.28 Page~ apChkLst 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor 82413 02/13/2003 005937 TOMCZAK, MARIA, T. 82414 02/13/2003 82415 02/13/2003 82416 02/1 3/2003 82417 02/13/2003 82418 02/13/2003 82419 02/13/2003 82420 02/13/2003 82421 02/13/2003 82422 02/13/2003 82423 02/13/2003 82424 02/13/2003 82425 02/1 3/2003 82426 02/13/2003 005960 TORO COMPANY, THE 005567 TOTL GEAR LLC 000389 U S C M WEST (OBRA) 002702 U S POSTAL SERVICE 000321 UBNOSKE, DEBBIE 004846 UNITED GREEN MARK INC 000325 UNITED WAY 004819 UNUM LIFE INS. CO. OF AMERI 004261 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 004279 VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. 004789 VERIZON INTERNET SOLUTION intemet svcs/EOC backup:stn 84 003730 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA (Continued) Description TCSD Instructor Earnings 36.00 Basic Irrig. dsgn/trblsht:2/26-28 425.00 Sports league prgm awards 3,105.63 OBRA - PROJECT RETIREMENT: P 1,939.96 Postage meter deposit 4,041.92 Reimb:computer prgm 290.91 parks irrigation supplies 62.22 UNITED WAY CHARITIES: Payment 320.30 LONGTERM DISABILITY: Payment 6,078.20 Jan various phone services 1,112.71 FEB XXX-1941 PTA CD TI-ACSD 56.11 Jan access-CRC phone line 343.30 Jan access-rvsd co phone line 268.20 69.95 005957 YORKE, MARTHA Amount Paid var slope tree trimming svcs 2,464.00 Refund:Arts/Crafts-Cartooning 10.00 Sub total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: Page: 9 Check Total 36.00 425.00 3,105.63 1,939.96 4,041.92 290.91 62.22 320.30 6,078.20 1,188.82 611.50 69.95 2,464.00 10.00 629,617.01 Page9 apChkLst Final Check List 02/13/2003 11:49:35AM CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 10 143 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: 629,617.01 Page~0 ITEM 4 APPROVAL ,~.//~"'"'"~ CITY ATTORNEY /' "'";_~'_ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ,I~Y¢''-'' CITY MANAGER ~ ! ' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council ,¢,~.0,~¢Susan W. Jones ~,~ity Clerk/Director of Support Services February 25, 2003 Rescheduling of March 11, 2003 City Council Meeting RECOMMENDATION: Direct the City Clerk to reschedule the regular City Council Meeting of March 11, 2003 to March 18, 2003 and to perform the appropriate postings and noticing requirements of the Government Code. BACKGROUND: Several members of the City Council will be attending the National League of Cities meeting in Washington, D.C., on business On March 11, 2003. As a result, the meeting of March 11,2003, will need to be rescheduled. Staffwould recommend that this rescheduled meeting be held on March 18, 2003. FISCAL IMPACT: None Agenda Reports/Meeting Schedule 1 ITEM 5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DIR. C ~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Council Shawn Nelson, City Manager February 25, 2003 Approval of 2002-03 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments PREPARED BY: Genie Robe,rts/Director of Finance ~' Karen ~ssistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002- 03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 2. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03-.__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS DISCUSSION: Each year, the City conducts a mid-year review of its operating budget. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the City maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. All City departments have reviewed their operating budgets and have identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the General Fund, Gas Tax Fund, State Transportation Fund, and the Internal Service Funds. Activity in each of the funds is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance: Presents a summaryof prioryear and FY 2002-03 year-to-date actual activity, as well as the FY 2002-03 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balance based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: Presents detail of prior year and FY 2002-03 year-to date revenues, as well as the FY 2002-03 current and revised projected revenues. General Fund The projected General Fund revenues reflect a $1,905,700 or 5.0% increase over the original budget estimate. The material projected revenue increases are in Sales Tax ($1,400,000), Property Tax ($300,000), Land Development ($244,000), Building Fees ($150,000), and Booking Fee Reimbursement ($106,000). Several smaller revenue increases are projected as well. Decreases are proposed in the following revenue categories: Investment Interest ($250,000) and Transient Occupancy Tax ($250,000). No adjustments have been made to the City's revenues based on anticipated State budget impacts since, at the time of this report, they are still unknown. As the State proceeds with its budget adjustments, staff will inform City Council and bring forth any adjustments that may be necessary. A total increase of $856,156 or 2.3% is requested in General Fund operating expenditures that are primarily due to litigation costs, increased development activity, and higher sales tax revenues to be reimbursed through CFD 88-12. A summary of these expenditures are as follows: City Council: > Includes a $4,500 increase in Membership Fees > Includes a $7,000 increase in Conferences Community Support: > Includes a $14,000 increase for the Sister Cities program. City Manaqer: Reflects an increase of $6,000 in the state lobbyist contract Reflects a $2,000 increase in Meetings as a result of significant travel costs associated with the library grant lobbying > Reflects a $3,600 increase in Emergency Management for such projects as the Reverse 911 database and the Citizens Corp. City Clerk: > includes an increase of $6,000 in Part-time Project for backfilling a full time position, which is being utilitized by Information Systems ~ Includes a $4,000 increase in Staff Training for leadership training and individual staff coaching. City Attorney: > Reflects a $250,000 increase is requested due to increased litigation associated with development projects to include Domenigoni and Tucallota, the Public Utilities Commission - Rainbow Valley Line, and City Council related court cases. This increase will be offset with the settlement and fee recovery of the Domenigoni and Tucalrota cases, because of reimbursement of attorneys' fees. Finance: > Includes a $1,484 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Human Resources: Reflects a $18,000 increase in Consulting Services for an actuarial study on retiree health benefits, Reflects a 8,000 increase in Consulting Services due to Workers' Compensation insurance fees > Reflects a $15,000 increase in Advedising as a result of new hires > Reflects a $3,000 increase in Outside Services due to additional background checks Planninq: Includes a $30,000 increase in Consulting Services for the Design Guidelines update because all request for proposals were higher than anticipated Includes a $8,373 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Buildinq & Safety: Reflects a $100,000 increase in Consulting Services to support higher than anticipated project submittal volume needing plan check review services provided by two outside plan check firms Reflects a $50,000 increase in Temporary Help in anticipation of Harveston Specific Plan Reflects a $5,673 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Increased Building & Safety revenues offset $150,000 of this request. Engineering: > Includes a $9,138 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Public Works: > Includes a $15,652 increase Workers' Compensation insurance ;> Includes a $15,000 increase in Overtime due to special events and call outs CIP Admin: Reflects a $49,000 increase in Temporary Help for a project engineer to provide in- house design work and AutoCad services Reflects a $44,293 increase in the internal service charges for Insurance due to an input error while putting together the original budget >. Reflects a $11,000 increase in Office Furnishings due to creating new office areas for additional staff >. Reflects a $9,443 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Non-Departmental: > A $166,000 increase in the CFD 88-12 Sales Tax Reimbursement is included due to higher than anticipated sales tax being generated within the district Gas Tax and State Transportation Funds An increase is projected in the Gas Tax Fund revenue and the operating transfer out to the General Fund in the amount of $100,000. No change has been made to the State Transportation Fund, however should the State make adjustments at mid-year for this fund then staff will bring forward recommended adjustments. Internal Service Funds The following is a discussion of the proposed increases in the Internal Service Fund budgets: Insurance: > No changes Vehicles: > No changes Information Systems: Increase in Temporary Help of $40,000 because workload exceeds current staffing levels Reflects a $6,000 increase in Radio System charges Reflects a $15,000 increase in Software Maintenance for licensing agreements Reflects a $8,000 increase in Repair & Maintenance due to the phone system maintenance increases Reflects a $8,000 increase Computer Supplies Reflects an increase in Consulting Services of $15,000 for user fee implementation, Internet and Intranet design services and support of the budget process Reflects a $15,000 increase in Other Outside Services for the security audit implementation > Reflects a $2,370 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance > Includes $15,000 increase in fixed assets for a new firewall Support Services: > No changes Facilities: > Includes a $2,140 increase in Workers' Compensation insurance Authorized Positions Four position reclassifications are proposed, the total annual incremental cost of $30,540 is projected for the City Clerk Department and TCSD position reclasses. No budget adjustments have been included with mid year for the partial year cost ($10,180); the departments will absorb the cost. A summary of the proposed position redasses is as follows: Dept. City Clerk City Clerk TCSD TCSD Current Position Office Assistant Office Specialist Recreation Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Proposed Position Office Specialist Information Systems Assistant Senior Recreation Coordinator Recreation Supervisor The Schedule of Authorized Positions has been updated to reflect these changes and position title changes for the Purchasing Coordinator and the Web Master positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year budget adjustments will result in a net increase of $1,049,544 to the General Fund reserves. The undesignated fund balance will be approximately $4,095,065 at June 30, 2003. Attachments: Resolution No. 03-__ Mid-Year Budget Amendment Resolution No. 03-__ Schedule of Authorized Positions 2002-03 General Fund Mid-Year Budget 2002-03 Gas Tax and State Transportation Funds Mid-Year Budget 2002-03 Internal Service Funds Mid-Year Budget RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of City operating budgets. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the City maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WHEREAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules for the City's General Fund and Internal Service Funds. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 2002-03 General Fund Annual Operating Budget is hereby amended in accordance with the attached, hereto as Exhibit A, General Fund Mid-Year Budget. Section 2. That the Fiscal Year 2002-03 Gas Tax and State Transportation Funds Annual Operating Budget are hereby amended in accordance with the attached, hereto as Exhibit B, Gas Tax and State Transportation Funds Mid-Year Budget. Section 3. That the Fiscal Year 2002-03 Internal Service Funds Budgets are hereby amended in accordance with the attached, hereto as Exhibit C, Internal Service Funds Mid-Year Budget. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify adoption of the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 25~h day of February 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk for the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 03- was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of February 2003 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: C©UNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk 2002-03 GENERAL FUND MID-YEAR BUDGET CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2001-02 Actual 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase 12/31/02 Bud(Jet Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 38,444,923 19~652,879 37~768,820 39,674,520 1,905~700 5.0% Expenditures by Dept: City Council 341,195 227,044 383,900 395,400 11,500 3.0% Community Support 402,728 217,554 422,500 436,500 14,000 3.3% City Manager 645,778 350,764 832,790 844,390 11,600 1.4% Economic Development 784,817 349,968 808,175 808,175 City Clerk 720,500 356,031 817,740 827,740 10,000 1.2% City Attorney 750,311 533,840 540,000 790,000 250,000 46.3% Finance 1,103,970 627,676 1,506,192 1,507,676 1,484 0.1% Human Resources 372~ 119 222,281 419,158 463,158 44,000 10.5% Planning 2,467,971 1,380,310 3,113,232 3,151,605 38,373 1 2% Building & Safety 1,758,025 944,980 2,033,800 2,189,473 155,673 77% Engineering 1,101,301 630,661 1,594,520 1,603,658 9,138 0.6% Public Works 3,681,382 1,794,142 5,048,615 5,079,267 30,652 0,6% CIP Admin 1,335,456 830,541 1,782,040 1,895,776 113,736 6.4% Police 8,578,956 4,972,680 9,963,210 9,963,210 Fire 2,914,919 1,687,679 3,791,703 3,791,703 Animal Control 81,105 43,081 102,500 102,500 Non-Departmental 4,217,577 2,398,393 4,807,835 4,973,835 166,000 3.5% 31,258,110 17~567~625 37~967,910 38~824,066 856,156 Total Expenditures 7,186,813 2,086,264 (199,0901 860,464 1,049,544 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 5,030,000 2,146,625 2,146,625 2,146,625 Operating Transfers Out: Capital Projects Information Systems Vehicles 5~030~000 2~146~625 2,146,625 2,146,625 2,156,813 (61,371) (2,345,715) (1,296,171) Total Operating Transfers Out Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out 2.3% CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2002-03 2001-02 YTD A~ual ¢,12/31/02 Fund Balance, Beg. of Year 21,404,491 Revenues 38,444,923 Expenditures and Transfers Out (36,288,108) Fund Balance, End of Year 23~561,306 2002-03 Current Budqet 23,561,306 37,768,820 (40,114,535) 21~215,591 2002-03 Proposed Budget 23,561,306 39,674,520 (40,970,691) 22~265,135 Detail of Fund Balance: Reserved for land held for resale Reserved for long-term advance to RDA Reserved for long-term advance to ClP (Overland) Reserved for long-term advance to ClP (Chaparral Pool) Reserved for long-term receivables Reserved for comprehensive annual leave Unreserved: Designated fer continuing appropriation Designated for economic uncertainty Designated for retiree benefits Designated for open space Designated for Dutch Villages Designated for capital reserves Undesignated 530,401 1,630,671 712,500 800,000 303,949 691,363 210,109 10,000,000 504,851 506,226 150,000 2,130,000 4,095~065 22~265~135 GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 Fy 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO OO1 GENERAL FUND ACTUALS YTD ~12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE DEPT '161 PLANNING · various 509,655 270,071 569,420 474% 569,420 >EPT 162 BUILDING & SAFETY Various 1,464,047 759,409 1,252,000 607% 1,402,000 150,000 3EPT 163 LAND DEVELOPMENT -Various 2,135,359 760,097 1,060,890 716% 1,304,890 244,000 23 0D/~ 3EPT 164 CIP 3076 -Reimbursements 3EPT 170 POLICE 1051 -Donations Every 15 Minutes 20,000 20,000 1055 .Parking Citations 68,071 30,369 73,000 41.6% 73,000 3080 -MisceJlaneous 15,713 7,638 20,000 38.2% 20,000 3087 -Vehicle Impound Fees 34,492 18,529 33,000 56~1% 33,000 3076 -Reimbursements 99,426 42,830 85,000 50.4% 85,000 ~,083 -Grants 96,337 39,305 97,000 40.5% 97,000 ~085 -AB3229 (COPS) 4088 -Donations ~.095 -Claims Recovery 15,091 ~125 -Temporary Outdoor Event 4,069 2,306 2,500 92.2% 2,500 ~!225 -OTS Grants 33,087 ~EPT 171 FIRE 4036 -Fire Plan Check 110,725 84,298 99,000 851% 150,000 51,000 51.5~/~ 4037 -Fire Inspection 62,305 39,024 60,000 650% 70,000 10,000 167°/, 4038 -License Care Facility Fees 4051 -Donations 5,000 ¢060 -Miscellaneous Non Taxable 36,985 4083 -Grants 8,958 ~EPT 199 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4010 -Property Tax 2,107,125 1,013,422 1,986,600 510% 2,279,600 293,000 14 7~/; 4012 -Property Tax (Unsecured) 109,440 110,250 117,250 7,000 63°~ ~013 -Supplemental Tax - AB 2345 61,392 14,371 28,000 51.3% 28,000 !015 ERAF Reimbursement ~016 -property Transfer Tax 570,974 255,680 415,200 61.6% 415,200 1017 -Booking Fee Reimbursement 106,867 106,867 106,000 106,000 4018 -Franchise Fees 1,861,385 560,138 1,954,000 28.7% 1,954,000 ~020 -Transient Occupancy Tax 1,424,167 809,984 1,835,000 44.1% 1,585,000 (250,000) -13.6°~ ~024 -Sales and Use Tax 19,237,317 10,442,545 19,700,000 53~0% 21,100,000 1,400,000 7.1°/~ ~025 -Grants 40,806 22,000 ~028 -Homeowner Properly Tax Relief 52,584 8,523 50,000 17.0% 50,000 ~,032 -Candidate Filing Fees 150 :~042 -Motor Vehicle License Fees 105,009 19,303 57,000 339% 57,000 1045 -Off Road Vehicle In Lieu 1,865 1,170 1,000 117.0% 1,00£ 4046 -Motor Vehicle in Lieu 3,696,473 2,032,207 3,380,300 60.1% 3,380,300 4,047 -Vehicle Code Fines 483,801 339,516 399,300 850% 399,300 4051 -Contributions ~.053 -Bids&Proposals 1,158 650 8,000 81% 8,000 !056 -Business Licenses 230,941 100,176 205,000 48.9% 205,000 ~059 -Miscellaneous 118 11 ¢060 -Miscellaneous Non Taxable 26,698 9,977 22,000 45.4% 22,000 4061 -Returned Check Fee 565 340 4062 -Recovery of Prior Year Expense 99,166 1,286 4,065 -Investment Interest 908,404 289,999 896,000 324% 646,000 (250,000) -27 9°/~ ¢070 Cash Over & Short 221 ~075 -Rental Income 1076 -Reimbursements 64,704 18,900 50,000 37.8% 50,000 4077 -Community Services District 162,000 81,000 162,000 50.0% 162,000 4082 -Redevelopment Agency 225,000 112,500 225,000 50.0% 225,000 ~083 -Capital Improvement Program 695,225 521,502 1,503,360 34.7% 1,503,360 4090 -Operating Transfers-in 1,278,978 763,188 1,409,000 54.2% 1,509,000 100,000 4096 -Mitigation Fees 150,000 3100 -State Mandated Cost 72,119 3400 .Financin9 Reimursement 44~700 44,700 44~700 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 38~444=923 19,652~879 37~768~820 52.0% 39,674~520 1~905,700 5.0°/ 2002-03 GAS TAX AND STATE TRANSPORTATION FUNDS MID-YEAR BUDGET CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE GAS TAX FUND 2002~03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET Total Revenues Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % 2001-02 YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase Actual ~ 12/31/02 Bud~]et Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) 1,139,387 717,158 1,279,000 1,379,000 100,000 1~139~387 715,603 1,279,000 1~379~000 100,000 1~555 7.8% 7.8% Fund Balance, Beg. of Year Revenues Expenditures Fund Balance, End of Year 1,139,387 1,279,000 1,379,000 (lr1391387) (1,279,000) (1,379,000) CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % 2001-02 YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase Actual ~, 12/31/02 Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 180,320 25,192 219,000 219,000 Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Operating Transfers Out*: CIP Fund 180,320 25,192 219,000 219,000 556~319 47,585 121~244 121~244 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out Fund Balances, Beg. of Year Fund Balances, End of Year (375,999) 398,519 22,620 (22,393) 97,756 22,620 120,376 97,756 22~620 120~376 GAS TAX FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 100 GAS TAX FUND ACTUALS YTD C~12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 5,739 1,784 6,500 27.4% 6,500 4700 ,-Gas Tax 2106 257,192 159,722 287,000 55.7% 307,000 20,000 70o/~ 4701 !-Gas Tax 2105 375,900 234,397 424,000 55,3% 454,000 30,000 7.1o/~ 4702 -Gas Tax 2107 492,614 313,756 554,000 56.6% 604,000 50,000 9.0°/ 1704 .Gas Tax 2107 5 7,942 7,500 7,500 100,0% 7,500 fOTAL GAS TAX FUND 1~139~386 717,159 1,279,000 56.1% 1~379~000 100,000 7.8¥~ STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND REVENUE DETAIL FY 2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 101 ST. TRANSPORTATION FUND ! ACTUALS YTD ~,,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE ~055 -Investment Interest 13,790 329 14,000 14,000 4160 -Traffic Congestion Relief 166,529 24,863 205,000 121% 205,000 TOTAL ST. TRANSPORT. FUND 180~319 25~192 219,000 11.5% 219,000 02-03 midvear-REV 2/18/2003 2O02-03 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS MID-YEAR BUDGET CITY OF TEMECULA SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND EQUITY INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % 2001-02 YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase Actual ~ 12/31/02 Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues 2~621 ~846 1 ~495~898 3,042~230 3~042~230 Total Expenditures by Fund: Insurance 503,252 222,825 599,760 599,760 Vehicles 167,576 96,690 208,000 208,000 Information Systems 1,059,390 689,304 1,359,673 1,469,043 Suppor[ Services 258,624 151,464 296,788 296,788 Facilities 434,198 246~628 545~452 547~592 Total Expenditures 2,423~040 1,406,911 3,009,673 3,121,183 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 198,806 88,987 32,557 (78,953) Operating Transfers In (Out): General Fund (Vehicles) General Fund (Information Systems) ClP (Insurance) 333,268 Excess of Revenues and Operating Transfers Over (Under) Expenditures 109,370 8.0% 2~140 0.4% 111,510 3.7% Retained Earnings, Beg. of Year (111,510) 532,074 881987 32,557 (78,953) (111,510) 1~963,450 Retained Earnings, End of Year 1~431,376 1,963,450 1,884,497 1,996,007 1,963,450 New Assets: Firewall 15,000 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE DETAIL PY 2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 300INSURANCE FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE t062 .Recovery of Prior Year Expense 6,242 ~065 -Investment Interest 41,234 17,254 68,000 25.4% 68,000 ~.076 -Charges for Ser¥ices 471,815 209,993 451,760 46,5% 451,760 ~*086 -Special Event Insurance Fees 1,926 1,049 ~095 -Claims Recovery 1,409 10,359 TOTAL INSURANCE FUND 516~384 244,897 519,760 47.1% 519,760 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-08 CHANGE % NO 310 VEHICLES FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 5,141 3,860 4,000 965% 4,000 4076 -Charges for Services 196,248 112,155 240,800 46,6% 240,800 4090 -Operating Transfers In 333,268 4550 -Gain on Disposal of Assets 1,795 TOTAL VEHICLES FUND 536r452 116~015 244~800 47.4% 244,800 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02~03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 3201NFO SYSTEMS FUND ACTUALS YTD (~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4050 -Pay Telephone Revenue 304 167 4065 -Investment Interest 12,408 7,055 16,00G 44,1% 16,000 4076 -Charges for Services 1,168,859 730,919 1,420,60C 51.5% 1,420,600 4090 -Operating Transfers In 4550 -Gain on Disposal of Assets TOTAL INFO SYSTEMS FUND 1~181,571 738,141 1~436,60C 51.4% 1,436,600 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 330 SUPPORT SERVICES FUND ACTUALS YTD ~12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4065 -~nvestment Interest 5,414 2,327 9,00C 25.9% 9,000 4076 -Charges for Services 253,375 149,129 292,30C 51.0% 292,300 4550 -Gain on Disposal of Assets 28,821 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES FUND 287,610 151,456 301,30C 503% 301~300 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 340 FACILITIES FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4065 -Investmenl Interest 961 724 4,00C 18.1% 4,000 4076 -Charges for Services 432,10c~ 244,664 535,70£ 45.7% 535,700 4990 -Indoor Rentals 25 TOTAL FACILITIES FUND 433.095 245,388 539,70C 45.5% 539,700 RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority under Chapter 2.12.030 of the City's Municipal Code, the City Manager has the authority to hire, set salaries and adopt personnel policies: and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended and the City Council now wishes to adopt the Revised Schedule of Authorized Positions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Temecula as follows: Section 1. The attached Schedule of Authorized Positions (Exhibit A) is hereby adopted pursuant to Section 45001 of the California Government Code. Such list is attached to this Resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Schedule of Authorized Positions shall become effective February 25, 2003, and may be thereafter amended. Section 3. The City Manager shall implement the attached Schedule of Authorized Positions and has the authority to select and appoint employees in accordance with the City's personnel policies. Section 4. All prior resolutions and parts of this resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby rescinded. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) SS CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution' No. 03-. was duly and regularlYth adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25 day of February 2003, by the following vote of the City Council: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" City of Temecula Schedule of Authorized Positions FY 02/03 Authorized Count Minimum Buildinq & Safety Administrative Secretary 1.0 $2,722 Building Inspector II 7.0 $3,432 Community Development Technician 4.0 $2,839 Deputy Building Official 1.0 $5,162 Director of Building & Safety 1.0 $6,452 Office Assistant 2.0 $1,903 Office Specialist 1.0 $2,052 Plan Checker/Building Insp. 1.0 $3,714 Senior Building Inspector 1.0 $4,093 Building & Safety Subtotals: 19.0 City Clerk Administrative Secretary 1.0 $2,722 Central Services Coordinator 1.0 $2,336 City Clerk/Director Of Support Services 1.0 $6,452 Deputy Director Of Support Services 1.0 $4,963 Information Systems Administrator 1.0 $4,233 Information Systems Assistant 1.0 $2,361 Information Systems Manager 1.0 $6,003 Information Systems Specialist 2.0 $3,642 Minute Clerk 1.0 $2,722 Office Assistant 0.5 $1,903 Office Specialist 2.0 $2,052 Records Coordinator 1.0 $2,689 Webmaster 1.0 $3,385 City Clerk Subtotals: t4,50 City Council City Council 5.0 $0 City Council Subtotals: 5,0 City Manaqer/Human Resources Administrative Secretary 1.0 $2,722 Assistant City Manager 1.0 $8,728 Asst. To The City ManagedHR Director 1.0 $6,452 City Manager 1.0 *** Executive Assistant 1.0 $3,598 Human Resources Analyst 1.0 $3,956 Human Resources Specialist 1.0 $3,218 Marketing Coordinator 1.0 $4,355 Senior Management Analyst 1.0 $4,811 City Manager Subtotals: 9.0 Maximum $3,484 $4,393 $3,633 $6,607 $8,258 $2,437 $2,628 $4,755 $5,240 $3,484 $2,989 $8,258 $6,352 $5,419 $3,022 $7,685 $4,662 $3,484 $2,437 $2,628 $3,442 $4,334 $760** $3,484 $11,173 $8,258 $12,818 $4,605 $5,066 $4,119 $5,574 $6,156 ExempU Nonexempt NE NE NE E E NE NE NE E NE NE E E E NE E E NE NE NE NE NE E NE E E E E E E E E NOTE: '* includes RDA and TCSD meeting fees Updated on 2/19/2003 Page 1 City of Temecula Schedule of Authorized Positions FY 02/03 Community Services Finance Fire Authorized Count Minimum Administrative Secretary 1.0 $2,722 Aquatics Supervisor 1.0 $3,374 Custodian 2.0 $2,037 Deputy Dir. Of Comm. Svcs. 1.0 $6,173 Development Services Administrator 1.0 $5,194 Director Of Community Services 1.0 $7,704 Facility Maintenance Coordinator 1.0 $2,810 Landscape Inspector 2.0 $2,889 Lead Maintenance Worker 2.0 $2,850 Maintenance Superintendent 1.0 $4,907 Maintenance Supervisor 1.0 $3,993 Maintenance Worker 3.0 $2,422 Management Analyst 1.0 $4,355 Museum Services Manager 2.0 $3,469 Office Specialist 3.0 $2,052 Park/Landscape Maintenance Supervisor 1.0 $3,993 Recreation Coordinator 1.0 $2,754 Recreation Services Manager 1.0 $4,401 Recreation Superintendent 1.0 $5,180 Recreation Supervisor 3.0 $3,374 Senior Landscape Inspector 1.0 $3,323 Senior Recreation Coordinator 1.0 $3,028 Community Services Subtotals: 32.0 Accountant 1.0 $3,503 Accounting Assistant 2.0 $2,265 Accounting Specialist 3.0 $2,619 Administrative Secretary 1.0 $2,722 Assistant Finance Director 1.0 $6,118 Business License Specialist/Cashier 1.0 $2,342 Director Of Finance 1.0 $7,704 Fiscal Services Manager 1.0 $5,371 Purchasing Coordinator 1.0 $2,619 Revenue Manager 1.0 $4,811 Senior Accountant 1.0 $4,473 Finance Subtotals: 14.0 Office Specialist 1.0 $2,052 Fire Subtotals: 1.0 Maximum $3,484 $4,318 $2,609 $7,901 $6,648 $9,862 $3,599 $3,699 $3,650 $6,281 $5,112 $3,102 $5,574 $4,441 $2,628 $5,112 $3,526 $5,635 $6,630 $4,318 $4,253 $3,879 $4,485 $2,90O $3,353 $3,484 $7,832 $2,999 $9,862 $6,877 $3,353 $6,156 $5,725 $2,628 Exempt/ Nonexempt NE NE NE E E E NE NE NE E E NE E NE NE E NE E E NE NE NE NE NE NE NE E NE E E NE E E NE Updated on 2/19/2003 Page 2 City of Temecula Schedule of Authorized Positions FY 02/03 Authorized Count Minimum Planninq Administrative Secretary Assistant Planner Associate Planner Code Enforcement Officer I Code Enforcement Officer II Deputy City Manager Development Processing Coordinator Director of Planning GIS Administrator GIS Analyst Office Assistant Office Specialist Principal Planner Senior Planner Planning Subtotals: Maximum Exempt/ Nonexempt 1.0 $2,722 $3,484 NE 1.0 $3,523 $4,510 NE 6.0 $3,993 $5,113 NE 2.0 $3,289 $4,210 NE 1.0 $3,618 $4,631 NE 1.0 $8,636 $11,055 E 1.0 $3,620 $4,633 NE 1.0 $7,146 $91147 E 1.0 $4,444 $5,690 E 1.0 $3,385 $4,334 NE 2.0 $1,903 $2,437 NE 2.0 $2,052 $2,628 NE 3.0 $5,802 $7,426 E 1.0 $5,045 $6,458 E 24.0 Public Works Administrative Secretary 1.0 Assistant Engineer 7.0 Associate Engineer 7.0 CIP Specialist 0.75 Deputy Director Public Works 1.0 Director Of Public Works/City Engineer 1.0 Engineering Technician 1.0 Junior Engineer 1.0 Lead Maintenance Worker 4.0 Maintenance Superintendent 1.0 Maintenance Supervisor 1.0 Maintenance Worker 5.0 Management Analyst 1.0 Office Assistant 2.0 Office Specialist 3.0 Principal Engineer 3.0 Property Agent 1.0 Public Works Inspector 2.0 Senior Engineer 3.0 Senior Public Works Inspector 4.0 Special Projects Engineer 1.0 Public Works Subtotals: 50.75 $3,484 $5,042 $5,926 $4,002 $8,843 $11,055 $3,406 $3,917 $3,650 $6,281 $5,112 $3,102 $5,574 $2,437 $2,628 $7,959 $5,926 $4,429 $6,988 $5,093 $5,926 $2,722 $3,940 $4,627 $3,127 $6,909 $8,636 $2,661 $3,060 $2,850 $4,907 $3,993 $2,422 $4,355 $1,903 $2,052 $6,219 $4,627 $3,460 $5,460 $3,979 $4,627 NE NE E NE E E NE NE NE E E NE E NE NE E E NE E NE E Updated on 2/19/2003 Page 3 City of Temecula Schedule of Authorized Positions FY 02/03 Authorized Count Minimum Redevelopment Administrative Secretary 1.0 Director of Housing & Redevelopment 1.0 Management Analyst 1.0 Redevelopment Subtotals: 3.0 $2,722 $7,146 $4,355 Maximum $3,484 $9,147 $5,574 Exempt] Nonexempt NE E E Totals: Building & Safety ................................. 19.0 City Clerk ........................................... 14.50 City Council ........................................ 5.0 City Manager ....................................... 9.0 Community Services ............................. 32.0 Finance .............................................. 14.0 Fire .............................................. 1.0 Planning ............................................. 24.0 Public Works ...................................... 50.75 Redevelopment ....................................3.0 Total of Authorized Positions: 172.25 Updated on 2/19/2003 Page 4 ITEM 6 APPROVALL,,, I ,~,~ CITY ATTORNEY c-~,~ ~ DIR.OF FINANCE ~ CITY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City ManagedCity Council Genie Roberts, Director of Finance February 25. 2003 Property Insurance Renewal PREPARED BY: Gus Papagolos, Fiscal Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the City of Temecula Properly Insurance Policy renewal with Chubb Insurance Company, Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company and Lloyd's of London for the period of February 26, 2003 through February 26, 2004, in the amount of $84,763. DISCUSSION: The City's General Property insurance policy with Chubb Insurance Company and Royal/Great American Assurance and Greenwich Insurance Companies expires on February 26, 2003. Based on the current market conditions, staff directed the City's Property Insurance Broker, CaI-Surance Associates, Inc., to market the City's property insurance policy. In response to this request, CaI-Surance Associates, Inc. validated the inventory of all City buildings and property requiring coverage, and obtained several qualified proposals for basic property insurance. Four of the most competitive proposals were received from the following companies in the amounts listed below. Additionally, CaI-Surance Associates, Inc. has provided a proposal for Earthquake and Flood Insurance from Royal Surplus Lines and Lloyd's of London Insurance Companies: INSURANCE CARRIER Chubb Insurance Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Fireman's Fund Insurance Company Royal Indemnity Co. BASE PREMIUM EARTHQUAKE/ FINE ARTS / ARCHES TOTAL HISTORICAL BUILDING PREMIUM $32,267 $52,496 $84,763 $44,982 $52,496 $97,478 $46,526 $52,496 $99,022 $52,364 $52,496 $104,860 The total property Insurance premium of $84,763 is an overall decrease of $11,217 from the previous year's annualized policy premium of $95,980. The City's basic earthquake premium decreased 3% from $54,052 for the pdor year to $52,496. The City will maintain earthquake coverage in the amount of $15 million based on the total value of all City property having been assessed at $22.3 million, and the fact that total losses are not likely to occur in the event of a major earthquake. This is the recommendation from the City's property insurance broker and is in accordance with the industry standard and practices. Additionally, earthquake insurance has been placed on the historical building (Mercantile) with Lloyd's of London. The City's risk is minimal in using Chubb because in addition to being an admitted carder ~n the State of California, it has a financial size category $2 billion of reported capital surplus and conditional reserve funds. The attached proposals summarize the premium and coverage provided by Chubb, Royal Surplus Lines Insurance and Lloyd's of London Insurance Companies. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds for the property insurance premium amounts are available in the Insurance Internal Service Fund. Attachments: 1. Chubb Insurance Proposal Summary 2. Earthquake Proposal (Royal Surplus Lines Insurance Company and Lloyd's of London) CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY PROPOSAL SUMMARY TERM: February 26, 2003 - February 26, 2004 FORMAT: Occurrence NAMED INSURED: City of Temecula PROPERTY COVERAGE LOCATION BUILDING & CONTENTS DEDUCTIBLE ALL (Except $22,306,129 $5,000 per Memantile Building) occurrence Mercantile Building $277,757 $25,000 COVERAGE INCLUDED: COVERAGE LIABILITY LIMIT Building & Personal Property $18,558,847 Contractor's Equipment $382,200 Business Income Extra Expense - Blanket $221,716 Fine Arts $100,000 Valuable Papers $1,160,000 Misc Unscheduled Equip & Mobile Voice Equip $150,000 EDP Property Blanket $1,337,366 Personal Property at Unnamed Locations $396,000 Machinery Breakdown Included Coverages Included in $250,000 "Blanket Limit" ADDITIONAL COVERAGES Chubb Form LIMIT Electronic Data Processing Equipment Blanket Limit Personal Property of Employees Blanket Limit Consequential Damage Blanket Limit Fire Department Service Charges Blanket Limit Fine Arts Blanket Limit Extra Expenses Blanket Limit Accounts Receivable Blanket Limit Valuable Papers Blanket Limit Outdoor Trees, Shrubs, Plants or Lawns Installation Blanket Limit Leasehold Interest Blanket Limit Newly Acquired Premises or Constructed Property (180 Days) COVERAGES With Specific Limits LIMIT Building $2,000,000 Personal Property $1,000,000 Electronic Data Processing Equipment $1,000,000 Electronic Data Processing Media & Duplicates $100,000 Fine Arts $20,000 Telephone Equipment $100,000 EARTHQUAKE COVERAGE TO BE PROVIDED BY ROYAL SURPLUS LINES INSURANCCE AND LLOYD'S OF LONDON INSURANCE COMPANIES COVERAGE: INTERESTS COVERED: LIMITS: UNDERLYING LIMITS/DEDUCTIBLE EXCLUSIONS: VALUATION: Difference In Conditions including earthquake, earthquake sprinkler leakage, and flood. Real property, personal property, business income, extra expense, valuable papers, EDP hardware, EDP software, EDP extra expense, stock tenants improvements, and betterments, and equipment. $15,000,000 per occurrence, and in the annual aggregate as respects earthquake sprinkler leakage subject to earthquake aggregate. $25,000 per occurrence, except 5% per unit of insurance (including time element) subject to a minimum of $50,000 per occurrence for earthquake $50,000 per occurrence for flood Pollution, contamination, asbestos, flood zone 'A', 'V', or 100 Year flood plain. Replacement cost, except actual loss sustained on time element ITEM 7 APPROVAI.~//~-"- CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANC~ CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council ~ Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Service February 25, 2003 Acceptance of Median Landscape Bonds and Agreement along Solana Way - Parcel Map No. 30107 (Guidant Development) PREPARED BY: Barbara Smith, Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council accept the agreement and surety bonds from Eli Lilly and Company to provide landscaped medians along Solana Way west of Margarita Road in Parcel Map No. 30107. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the conditions of approval the developer is proposing to install and improve a landscaped median along Solana Way west of Margarita Road. To insure that the future landscaped median is constructed to City standards, the developer is required to post security to improve these areas based upon the approved landscape/irrigation plans and the certified construction cost estimates for the improvements. As a result, Eli Lilly and Company has entered into an agreement with the City and has provided surety bonds, issued by Insurance Company of the West, as follows: Solana Way Median Faithful Performance Bond No. 188 77 28 the amount of $45,143.00. Labor and Materials Bond No. 188 77 28 in the amount of $22,571.00. Warranty Bond No. 188 77 28A in the amount of $4,514.00. Upon completion and acceptance of the improvements by the City Council, staff will recommend the appropriate release or reduction of the bonds. FISCAL IMPACT: borne by the developer. ATrACHMENTS: None. The cost of construction for the landscaped medians will be Agreement/BondsNicinity Map. CITY OF TEMECULA PARKLAND / LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT DATE OF AGREEMENT: January 30, 2003 NAME OF SUBDIVIDER: Eli Lilly and Company (Referred to as "SUBDIVIDER") NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Eli Lilly and Company Tentative Map No. 30107 (Referred to as "SUBDIVIDER") TRACT NO.: Map No. 3334 TENTATIVE MAP RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL NO.: (Referred to as "Resolution of Approval") PARKLAND IMPROVEMENT PLANS NO.: CSD03 - 0005 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF PARKLAND IMPROVEMENTS: $45,143.00 COMPLETION DATE: FEBRUARY 01, 2004 NAME OF SURETY AND BOND NO. FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST - BOND NO. 188 77 28 NAME OF SURETY AND BOND NO. FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST- BOND NO. 188 77 28 NAME OF SURETY AND BOND NO. FOR WARRANTY BOND: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST - BOND NO. '188 77 28A F:\00\00065\bonds\LANDSCAPING\parkland landscape imp~vement agreement.doc This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of Temecula, California, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and the SUBDIVIDER. RECITALS A. SUBDIVIDER has presented to CITY for approval and recordation, a final subdivision map of a proposed subdivision pursuant to provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and the CITY ordinances and regulations relating to the filing, approval and recordation of subdivision maps. The Subdivision Map Act and the CITY ordinances and regulations relating to the filing, approval and recordation of subdivision maps are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the "Subdivision Laws." B. A tentative map of the SUBDIVISION has been approved, subject to the Subdivision Laws and to the requirements and conditions contained in the Resolution of Approval. The Resolution of Approval is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. C. SUBDIVIDER is required, as a condition of the approval of the tentative map that the Parkland Improvement plans must be completed, in compliance with City standards, by the Completion Date. The Subdivision Laws establish as a condition precedent to the approval of a final map, that the SUBDIVIDER has entered into a secured Agreement with the CITY to complete the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans within the Completion Date. D. In consideration of approval of a final map for the SUBDIVISION by the City Council, SUBDIVIDER desires to enter into this Agreement, whereby promises to install and complete, at SUBDIVIDER'S own expense, all the Parkland/Landscape Improvement work required by City in connection with proposed subdivision. Subdivider has secured this agreement by Parkland/Landscaping Improvement Secudty required by C:~DOCUME~ 1\ga24810\LOCALS~1\Terrnp\c.prograrn flles.~t es.data~parldand landscape irnprovernent agreement.doc the Subdivision Laws and approved by the City Attorney. The term "Parkland" includes landscape areas intended to be maintained by the Temecula Community Services District. E. Complete Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans for the construction, installation and completion of the Parkland Improvements have been prepared by SUBDIVIDER and approved by the Director of Community Services. The Parkland Improvement Plans numbered as referenced previously in this Agreement are on file in the Office of the Director of Community Services and are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. All references in this Agreement to the Parkland Improvement Plans shall include reference to any specifications for the Improvements as approved by the Director of Community Services. F. An estimate of the cost for construction of the Parkland Improvements according to the Improvement Plans has been made and approved by the Director of Community Services. The estimated amount is stated on Page 1 of this Agreement. The basis for the estimate is attached as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. G. The CITY has adopted standards for the construction and installation of Parkland/Landscape Improvements within the CITY. The Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans have been prepared in conformance with the CITY standards, (in effect on the date of approval of the Resolution of Approval). H. SUBDIVIDER recognizes that by approval of the final map for SUBDIVISION, CITY has conferred substantial dghts upon SUBDIVIDER, including the dght to sell, lease, or finance lots within the SUBDIVISION, and has taken the final act necessary to subdivide the property within the SUBDIVISION. As a result, CITY will be damaged to the extent of the cost of installation of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements by SUBDIVIDER'S failure to perform its obligation under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, SUBDIVIDER'S obligation to complete construction of C:~DOCUME~ 1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program flles.r~tes.data~pa r kla nd landscape improvement agreement,doc Parkland/Landscape Improvements by the Completion Date. CITY shall be entitled to all remedies available to it pursuant to this Agreement and the Subdivision Laws in the event of a default by SUBDIVIDER. It is specifically recognized that the determination of whether a reversion to acreage or rescission of the SUBDIVISION constitutes an adequate remedy for default by the SUBDIVIDER shall be within the sole discretion of NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the approval and recordation by the City Council of the final map of the SUBDIVISION, SUBDIVIDER and CITY agree as follows: 1. SUBDIVIDER'S Obligations to Construct Parkland/Landscaping Improvements. SUBDIVIDER Shall: a. Comply with all the requirements of the Resolution of Approval, and any amendments thereto, and with the provisions of the Subdivision Laws. b. Pursuant to the requirements of Labor Code Section 1720, SUBDIVIDER shall pay prevailing wages for all work performed for the construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair for the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Work required by this Agreement. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contractor from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are on file with the City Clerk. Copies may be obtained at cost at the City Clerk's office of the City of Temecula. Subdivider shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall C:~OCUME~1',~la24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program files.r~tes.data'tparidand landscape improvement agreement,doc pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Subdivider shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code and other applicable laws and regulations with respect to the payment of prevailing wages. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Subdivider shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less, than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Agreement, by it or by any subcontractor under it, in violation of the provisions of the Agreement or in violation of any applicable laws or regulations pertaining to the payment of prevailing wages. c. Complete by the time established in Section 20 of this Agreement and at SUBDIVIDER'S own expense, all the Parkland/Landscape Improvement work required on the Tentative Map and Resolution of Approval in conformance with the Parkland Improvement Plans and the CITY standards: d. Furnish the necessary materials for completion of the Parkland Improvements in conformity with the Parkland Improvement Plans and CITY standards. e. Except for easements or other interested in real property to be dedicated to the Homeowners Association of the SUBDIVISION, acquire and dedicate, or pay the cost of acquisition by CITY, of all rights- of-way, easements and other interests in real property for construction or installation of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances for the SUBDIVIDER'S obligations with regard to acquisition by CITY of off-site rights-of-way, easements and other C:~DOCUME~1\ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program fil~s.r~tes.dat a~parkland landscape improvement agreement.doc interests in real property shall be subject to a separate Agreement between SUBDIVIDER and CITY. 2. Acquisition and Dedication of Easements or Ri.qhts-of-Way. If any of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements and land development work contemplated by this Agreement are to be constructed or installed on land not owned by SUBDIVIDER, no construction or installation shall be commenced before: a. The offer of dedication to CITY or appropriate rights-of- way, easements or other interest in real property, and appropriate authorization from the property owner to allow construction or installation of the Improvements or work, or b. The dedication to, and acceptance by, the CITY of appropriate rights-of-way, easements or other interests in real property, and approved by the Department of Public Works, as determined by the Director of Community Services. c. The issuance by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to the State Eminent Domain Law of an order of possession. SUBDIVIDER shall comply in all respects with order of possession. Nothing in this Section 2 shall be construed as authorizing or granting an extension of time to SUBDIVIDER. 3. Security. SUBDIVIDER shall at all times guarantee SUBDIVIDER'S performance of this Agreement by furnishing to CITY, and maintaining, good and sufficient secudty as required by the Subdivision Laws on forms approved by CITY for the purposes and in the amounts as follows: a. to assure faithful performance of this Agreement in regard to said improvements in and amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements; and C:~DOCUME-1\ga24810\LOCALS~1 \Temp~c.program files.~tes.data~parkland landscape improvement agreement.dsc b. to secure payment to any contractor, subcontractor, persons renting equipment, or fumishing labor materials for Parkland/Landscape Improvements required to be constructed or installed pursuant to this Agreement in the additional amount of 50% of the estimated cost of the Improvements; and c. to guarantee or warranty the work done pursuant to this Agreement for a pedod of one year following acceptance thereof by CITY against any defective work or labor done or defective materials furnished in the additional amount of 10% of the estimated cost of the Parkland Improvements. The securities required by this Agreement shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. The terms of the secudty documents referenced on Page 1 of this Agreement are incorporated into this Agreement by this Reference. If any secudty is replaced by another approved security, the replacement shall be filed with the City Clerk and, upon filing, shall be deemed to have been made a part of and incorporated into this Agreement. Upon filing of a replacement security with the City Clerk, the former security may be released. 4. Alterations to Parkland Improvement Plans. a. Any changes, alterations or additions to the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans and specifications or to the improvements, not exceeding 10% of the odginal estimated cost if the improvement, which are mutually agreed upon by the CITY and SUBDIVIDER, shall not relieve the improvement security given for faithful performance of this Agreement. In the event such changes, alterations, or additions exceed 10% of the original estimated cost of the improvement, SUBDIVIDER shall provide improvement secudty for C:~DOCUME~1\ga24810\LOCALS~l\Temp~c.program flles.r~tes.data~parkland landscape improvement agreement.doc faithful performance as required by Paragraph 3 of this Agreement for 100% of the total estimated cost of the improvement as changed, altered, or amended, minus any completed partial releases allowed by Paragraph 6 of this Agreement. b. The SUBDIVIDER shall construct the Parkland Improvements in accordance with the CITY Standards in effect at the time of adoption of the Resolution of Approval. CITY reserves the dght to modify the standards applicable to the SUBDIVISION and this Agreement, when necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare or comply with applicable State or federal law or CITY zoning ordinances. If SUBDIVIDER requests and is granted an extension of time for completion of the improvements, CITY may apply the standards in effect at the time of the extension. Inspection and Maintenance Pedod. a. SUBDIVIDER shall obtain City inspection of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements in accordance with the City standards in effect at the time of adoption of the Resolution of Approval. SUBDIVIDER shall at all times maintain proper facilities and safe access for inspection of the Parkland Improvements by CITY inspectors and to the shops wherein any work is in preparation. Upon completion of the work the SUBDIVIDER may request a final inspection by the Director of Community Services, or the Director of Community Service's authorized representative. If the Director of Community Services, or the designated representative, determine that the work has been completed in accordance with this Agreement, then the Director of Community C:~OCUME~1~ga24810\LOCALS~l \Temp~c,program flles,r~tes,data~artdand landscape improvement agreement.doc Services shall certify the completion of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements to the Board of Directors. b. SUBDIVIDER shall continue to' maintain the Parkland/Landscape Improvements for ninety (90) days after they have been certified completed. No improvements shall be finally accepted unless the maintenance pedod has expired, and all aspects of the work have been inspected and determined to have been completed in accordance with the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans and CITY standards. SUBDIVIDER shall bear all costs of inspection and certification. 6. Release of Securities. Subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Community Services District of the CITY, the securities required by this Agreement shall be released as follows: a. Secudty given for faithful performance of any act, obligation, work or Agreement shall be released upon the expiration of the maintenance pedod and the final completion and acceptance of the act or work, subject to the provisions of subsection (b) hereof. b. The Director of Community Services may release a portion of the security given for faithful performance of improvement work as the Parkland Improvement progresses upon application therefore by the SUBDIVIDER; provided, however, that no such release shall be for an amount less that 25% of the total Parkland Improvement Secudty given for faithful performance of the improvement work and that the secudty shall not be reduced to an amount less than 50% of the total Parkland/Landscape Improvement Security given for faithful performance until expiration of the maintenance pedod and final completion and C:~DOCUME~1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program flles, c~tes.data~oarldand landscape improvement agreement.doc acceptance of the improvement work. In no event shall the Director of Community Services authorize a release of the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Security, which would reduce such secudty to an amount below that required to guarantee the completion of the improvement work and any other obligation imposed by this Agreement. c. Secudty given to secure payment to the contractor, his or her subcontractors and to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment shall, six months after the completion and acceptance of the work, be reduced to an amount equal to the total claimed by all claimants for whom lien have been filed and of which notice has been given to the legislative body, plus an amount reasonable determined by the Director of Community Services to be required to assure the pedormance of any other obligations secured by the Security. The balance of the secudty shall be released upon the settlement of all claims and obligations for which the secudty was given. d. No secudty given for the guarantee or warranty of work shall be released until the expiration of the warranty pedod and until any claims filed dudng the warranty pedod have been settled. As provided in paragraph 10, the warranty period shall not commence until final acceptance of all work and improvements by the City Council. e. The CITY may retain from any secudty released, and amount sufficient to cover costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees. 7. Iniup/to Public Improvements, Public Property or Public Utilities Facilities. SUBDIVIDER shall replace or have replaced, or repair or have repaired, as the case may be, all public improvements, public utilities facilities and surveying or subdivision C:~DOCUME~1\ga24810\LOCALS~l\Temp~c.program files.t~es.data~parkiand landscape improvement agreement.doc monuments which are destroyed or damaged or destroyed by reason of any work done under this Agreement. SUBDIVIDER shall bear the entire cost of replacement or repairs of any and all public property on public utility property damaged or destroyed by reason of any work done. Under this agreement whether such property is owned by the United States or any agency thereof, or the State of California, or any agency or political subdivision thereof, or by the CITY or any public or pdvate utility corporation or by any combination or such owners. Any repair or replacement shall be to the satisfaction, and subject to the approval, of the City Engineer. 8. Permits. SUBDIVIDER shall, at SUBDIVIDER'S expense, obtain all necessary permits and licenses for the construction and installation of the improvements, give all necessary notices and pay all fees and taxes required by law. 9. Default of SUBDIVIDER a. default of SUBDIVIDER shall include, but not be limited to, SUBDIVIDER'S failure to timely commence construction pursuant to this Agreement; SUBDIVIDER'S failure to timely commence construction of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements; SUBDIVIDER'S failure to timely cure the defect in the Parkland/Landscape Improvements; SUBDIVIDER'S failure to perform substantial construction work for a period of 20 calendar days after commencement of the work; SUBDIVIDER'S insolvency, appointment of a receiver, or the filing of any petition in bankruptcy either voluntary or involuntary which SUBDIVIDER fails to discharge within thirty (30) days; the commencement of a foreclosure action against the SUBDIVISION or a portion thereof, or any conveyance in lieu or in avoidance of foreclosure; or SUBDIVIDER'S failure to perform any other obligation under this Agreement. C:~DOCUME~1~la24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program flles.q~es.dat a~parkland landscape improvement agreement,doc b. The CITY reserves to itself all remedies available to it at law or in equity for broach of SUBDIVIDER'S obligations under this Agreement. The CITY shall have the dght, subject to his section, to draw upon or utilize the appropriate security to mitigate CITY damages in event of default by SUBDIVIDER. The right of CITY to draw upon or utilize the secudty is additional to and not in lieu of any other remedy available to CITY. It is specifically recognized that the estimated costs and secudty amounts may not reflect the actual cost of construction or installation of Parkland/Landscape Improvements and, therefore, CITY damages for SUBDIVIDER'S default shall be measured by the cost of completing the required improvements. The sums provided by the improvement security may be used by CITY for the completion of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements in accordance with the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans and specifications contained herein. In the event of SUBDIVIDER'S default under this Agreement, SUBDIVIDER authorizes CITY to perform such obligation twenty days after mailing written notice of default to SUBDIVIDER and to SUBDIVIDER'S Surety, and agrees to pay the entire cost of such performance by CITY. CITY may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract or by any other method CITY may deem advisable, for the account and at the expense of SUBDIVIDER, and SUBDIVIDER'S Surety shall be liable to CITY for an excess cost or damages occasioned CITY thereby; and, in such event, CITY without liability for so doing, may take possession of, and utilize in completing the work, such materials, appliances, plan and other property belonging to SUBDIVIDER as may be on t~e site of the work and necessary for performance of the work. C:\DOCUME~l\ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program files.~es.data~parkland landscape improvement agreement.doc c. Failure of SUBDIVIDER to comply with the terms of this Agreement shall constitute consent to the filing by CITY of a notice of violation against all the lots in the SUBDIVISION, or to rescind the approval or otherwise revert the SUBDIVISION to acreage. The remedy provided by this Subsection C is in addition to and not in lieu of other remedies available to CITY. SUBDIVIDER agrees that the choice of remedy or remedies for SUBDIVIDER'S breach shall be in the discretion of CITY. d. In the event that SUBDIVIDER fails to perform any obligation hereunder, SUBDIVIDER agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by CITY in secudng performance of such obligations, including costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. e. The failure of CITY to take an enforcement action with respect to a default, or to declare a breach, shall not be construed as a waiver of that default or breach or any subsequent default or breach of SUBDIVIDER. 10. Warranty. SUBDIVIDER shall guarantee or warranty the work done pursuant this Agreement for a pedod of one year after expiration of the maintenance period and final acceptance by the City Council of the work and improvements against any defective work or labor done or defective materials furnished. Where Parkland/Landscape Improvements are to be constructed in phases or sections, the one year warranty pedod shall commence after CITY acceptance of the last completed improvement. If within the warranty pedod any work or improvement or part of any work or improvement done, furnished, installed, constructed or caused to be done, furnished, installed or constructed by SUBDIVIDER fails to fulfill any of the requirements of this Agreement or the Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans and C:~DOCUME~1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp',c. program files, q~es.data~pa rldand landscape improvement agreement.doc specifications referred to herein, SUBDIVIDER shall without delay and without any cost to CITY, repair or replace or reconstruct any defective or otherwise unsatisfactory part or parts of the work or structure. Should SUBDIVIDER fail to act promptly or in accordance with this requirement, SUBDIVIDER hereby authorizes CITY, at CITY option, to perform the work twenty days after mailing wdtten notice of default to SUBDIVIDER and to SUBDIVIDER'S Surety and agrees to pay the cost of such work by CITY. Should CITY determine that an urgency requires repairs or replacements to be made before SUBDIVIDER can be notified, CITY may, in its sole discretion, make the necessary repairs or replacements or perform the necessary work and SUBDIVIDER shall pay to CITY the cost of such repairs. 11. Subdivider Not A.qent of City. Neither SUBDIVIDER nor any of SUBDIVIDER'S agents or contractors are or shall be considered to be agents of CITY in connection with the performance of SUBDIVIDER'S obligations under this Agreement. 12. Injury to Work. Until such time as the Parkland/Landscape Improvements are accepted by CITY, SUBDIVIDER shall be responsible for and bear the risk of loss to any of the improvements constructed or installed. CITY shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage, regardless of cause, happening or occurring to the work or improvements specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the work or improvements. All such risks shall be the responsibility of and are hereby assumed by SUBDIVIDER. 13. Other ARreements. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall preclude CITY from expending monies pursuant to agreements concurrently or previously executed between the parties, or from entedng into agreement with other subdividers for the apportionment of costs of water and sewer mains, or other improvements, pursuant C:~DOCUME~1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program flles.~es.data~parldand landscape improvement agreement,doc to the provisions of the CITY ordinances providing therefore, nor shall anything in this Agreement commit CITY to any such apportionment. 14. SUBDIVIDER'S ObliRation toWam Public DudnR Construction. Until final acceptance of the Parkland Improvements, SUBDIVIDER shall give good and adequate warning to the public of each and every dangerous condition existent in said improvements, and will take all reasonable actions to protect the public from such dangerous condition. 15. Vestin,q of Ownership. Upon acceptance of work on behalf of CITY and recordation of the Notice of Completion, ownership of the improvements constructed pursuant to this Agreement shall vest in CITY. 16. Final Acceptance of Work. Acceptance of the work on behalf of CITY shall be made by the City Council upon recommendation of the Director of Community Services after final completion and inspection of all Parkland/Landscape Improvements. The Board of Directors shall act upon the Director of Community Services recommendations within thirty (30) days from the date the Director of Community Services certifies that the work has finally completed, as provided in Paragraph 5. Such acceptance shall not constitute a waiver of defects by CITY. 17. Indemnity/Hold Harmless. CITY or any officer or employee thereof shall not be liable for any injury to persons or property occasioned by reason of the acts or omissions of SUBDIVIDER, its agents or employees in the performance of this Agreement. SUBDIVIDER further agrees to protect and hold harmless CITY, its officials and employees from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability or loss of any sort, because of, or adsing out of, acts or omissions of SUBDIVIDER, its agents or employees in the performance of this Agreement, including all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, or loss because of, or arising out of, in whole or in part, the design or construction of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements. This indemnification and C:~DOCUME~1~a24810\LOCALS~l\Temp~c.program files.~es.data',,oarkla nd landscape improvement agreement.doc Agreement to hold harmless shall extend to injudes to persons and damages or taking of property resulting from the design or construction of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements as provided herein, and in addition, to adjacent property owners as a consequence of the diversion of waters from the design or construction of public drainage systems, streets and other public improvements. Acceptance of any of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements shall not constitute any assumption by the CITY of any responsibility for any damage or taking covered by this paragraph. CITY shall not be responsible for the design or construction of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements pursuant to the approved Parkland/Landscape Improvement Plans, regardless of any negligent action or inaction taken by the CITY in approving the plans, unless the particular improvement design was specifically required by CITY over wdtten objection by SUBDIVIDER submitted to the Director of Community Services before approval of the particular improvement design, which objection indicated that the particular improvement design was dangerous or defective and suggested an altemative safe and feasible design. After acceptance of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements, the SUBDIVIDER shall remain obligated to eliminate any defect in design or dangerous condition caused by the design or construction defect, however, SUBDIVIDER shall not be responsible for routine maintenance. Provisions of this paragraph shall remain in full force and effect for ten years following the acceptance by the CITY of Parkland/Landscape Improvements. It is the intent of this section that SUBDIVIDER shall be responsible for all liability for design and construction of the Parkland/Landscape Improvements installed or work done pursuant to this Agreement and the CITY shall not be liable for any negligence, nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance in approving, reviewing, checking, or correcting any plans or specifications or in approving, reviewing or inspecting any work or construction. The improvement secudty shall not be required to cover the provision of this paragraph. C:~DOCUME~l\ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program files.q~es.data~parkland landscape improvement agreement.doc 18. Sale or Disposition of SUBDIVISION. Sale or other disposition of this property will not relieve SUBDIVIDER from the obligations set forth herein. If SUBDIVIDER sells the property or any portion of the property within the SUBDIVISION to any other person, the SUBDIVIDER may request a novation of this Agreement and a substitution of security. Upon approval of the novation and substitution of securities, the SUBDIVIDER may request a release or reduction of the securities required by this Agreement. Nothing in the novation shall relieve the SUBDIVIDER of the obligations under Paragraph 17 for the work or improvement done by SUBDIVIDER. 19. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. 20. Time for Completion of Work Extensions. SUBDIVIDER shall complete construction of the improvements required by this Agreement no later than February 01, 2004. In the event good cause exists as determined by the City Engineer, and if otherwise permitted under the tentative map condition, the time for completion of the improvements hereunder may be extended. The extension shall be made by wdting executed by the Director of Community Services. Any such extension may be granted without notice to SUBDIVIDER'S Surety and shall not affect the validity of this Agreement or release the Surety or Sureties on any secudty given for this Agreement. The Director of Community Services shall be the sole and final judge as to whether or not good cause has been shown to entitle SUBDIVIDER to an extension. Delay, other than delay in the commencement of work, resulting from an act of CITY, or by an act of God, which SUBDIVIDER could not have reasonably foreseen, or by storm or inclement weather which prevents the conducting of work, or by stdkes, boycotts, similar actions by employees or labor organizations, which prevent the conducting or work, and which were not caused by or contributed to by SUBDIVIDER, shall constitute good cause for an extension of time for completion. As a condition of such extension, the Director of Community Services may require SUBDIVIDER to furnish new secudty guaranteeing C:~DOCUME~1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program flles. C~es.data~parkland landscape improvement agreement.doc performance of this Agreement as extended in an increased amount as necessary to compensate for an increase in construction costs as determined by the Director of Community Services. 21. No Vestin,q of RiRhts. Performance by SUBDIVIDER of this Agreement shall not be construed to vest SUBDIVlDER'S rights with respect to any change in any change in any zoning or building law or ordinance. 22. Notices. All notices required or provided for under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by mail, postage prepaid and addressed as provided in this Section. Notice shall be effective on the date it is delivered in person, or, if mailed, on the date of deposit in the United States Mail. Notices shall be addressed as follows unless a wdtten change of address is filed with the City: Notice to CITY: City Clerk City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Notice to SUBDIVIDER: Eli Lilly and Company Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 John G. (Jack) Leicht - Manager for Strategic Real Estate 23. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless amended or modified by the mutual consent of the parties. C:~DOCUME~ 1~ga24810\LOCALS~l\Temp~c.program files.~es,data~oarkland landscape improvement agreement,doc 24. Captions. The captions of this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and shall not define, explain, modify, limit, exemplify, or aid in the interpretation, construction or meaning of any previsions of this Agreement. 25. Liti,qation or Arbitration. In the event that suit or arbitration is brought to enforce the terms of this contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to litigation costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 26. Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals to this agreement are hereby incorporated into the terms of this agreement. 27. Legal Responsibilities. The Subdivider shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. The Subdivider shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Subdivider to comply with this section. 28. Entire A,qreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter. All modifications, amendments, or waivers of the terms of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate representative of the parties. In the case of the CITY, the appropriate party shall be the City Manager. C:~DOCUM E~ 1~ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c.program files, t~es.data~pa r kland landscape improvement agreement.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by CITY, by and through its Mayor. SUBDIVI[3EI~ ( Na~e~o~n ~ ~G~' ~ch~ Manaser, Real Estate Title: CITY OF TEMECULA By:. Name: Title: By:. Name: Title: (Proper Notarization of SUBDIVlDER'S signature is required and shall be attached) ATTEST: By:. Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By:. Name: City Engineer By: Name: Director of Community Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:. Peter Thorson City Attomey C:\DOCUME~1\ga24810\LOCALS~1\Temp~c,pmgram flles.~es.data~parldand landscape improvement agreement.doc Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared John G. Leicht, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 6th day of February 2003. Notary Publl~ Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana 81/22/2883 i' 17:59 9892966883 ALHAMBRA GROUP GUIDENT LOT 9 TCDS 02-131 BUDGET ESTIMATE PAGE 82 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PLA~rI3tG TKEES 36" BOX 0 FA. 600.00 0.00 24" BOX 27 EA. 225.00 6~075.00 15 GAL 0 EA. 75.00 0.00 SHRUBS 5 GAL 749 EA. 16,00 11,984.00 I GAL 511 EA. 5.00 2,555.00 JUTE NETTING 0 S.F. 0.12 0.00 LAWN HYDROSEED 0 S.F. 0.10 0.00 SOIL CLEAR/WEED 8094 S.F. 0.03 242.82 GRADFJAMEND 0 $.K 0.10 0.00 BAKK. 8094 S,F. 0.15 1,214.10 CONCRETE MOW STRIP 0 L.F. 2.95 0.00 COBBLE PAVING 1153 S.F. 7.00 8,071.00 PLANTING SUB-TOTAL $ 30,141.92 IRRIGATION FLO CONTROL CI-I~CK VALVE 4 EA. 10.00 40.00 TWO WIRE SYSTEM 1 EA. 2,000.00 2,000.00 BP, ESS.KEG. 1 INCH 0 EA. 65.00 0.00 ILC.V. 1 INCH 0 EA. 35.00 0.00 1-1/2 INCH I EA. 75.00 75.00 SENNINGEK PRS PEG 3/4 8 EA. 15.00 120.00 ANti,M) DISC FILTER 3 EA. 20.00 60.00 QUICK COUPLER 6 EA. 30.00 180.00 DURA END PLUSH CAP 8 EA. 3.50 28.00 B.VALVE 2 INCH 0 EA. 30.00 0.00 1-1/2 INCH 0 EA. 25.00 O.00 BOWSMITH 8L220 EMI'Fi'ER 1231 EA. 0.70 861.70 RAINBIRD RAIN GUAGE 0 EA. 42.00 0.00 POLYTUBE 0 L.F. 0.80 0.00 MICROTUBE 0 L.F. 0.04 0.00 STRM RTR 4 PGM 0 EA. 16.00 0.00 12" RISER PGM 0 EA. 15.00 0.00 12 PGM 0 EA. 30.00 0.00 SPRAY HEAD 12 RISER 0 EA. 6.00 0.00 RAnCB~ 6 POP-UP 0 EA. 6.00 0.00 4 POP~U-P o EA. 4.00 0.0o SLEEVES ANDROAD CU 4INCH 100 L.F, 5,00 500.00 MAIN 1 INCH 598 L.F- 1.25 747.50 LATERAL 2 INCH 150 L.F. 1.75 262.50 1-1/2 INCH '395 L.F. 1.60 632.00 I-1/4 INCH 0 L.F. 1.40 · 0.00 1 INCH 0 L.F 1.20 0.00 3/4 INCH 1581 L.F. 1.0:~' 1,660.05 . 1/2 INCH 0 L.F. 0.90 0.00 IRRIGATION SUBTOTAL $ 7,166./5 PI.,A~'I'ING AND IRRIGATION TOTAL $ 37,308.67 10% CONTINGENCY $ 3,730.87 TOTAL $ 4'1,039-54 I'tEDL~.N I2tINDSGAPEAPIkANS_*~NOT!APPROVEDAF? PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 10% $ 45,143.00 MAINTENANCE/MONTH 8~094.00 $.]P. 0.015 121.41 PER YEAR. 1,456.92 CITY OF TEMECULA BOND NO.: 188 77 28 PREMIUM: $271.00 PARKLAND/LANDSCAPE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND WHEREAS, the City of Temecula, State of Califomia, and Eli Lilly and Company (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an Agreement whereby Principal agrees to install and complete certain Parkland Improvements, which said Agreement, dated February 1, 2003, and identified as Project Solana Median Improvement for Tentative Parcel Map 30107, is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Principal is required under the terms of the Agreement to furnish a bond for the Faithful Performance of the Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, we the Principal and iNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Temecula, California, in the penal sum of $45,143.00 lawful money of the United States, for the payment of such sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally. The condition of this obligation is such that the obligation shall become null and void if the above-bounded Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to, abide by, well and truly keep, and perform the covenants, conditions, and provisions in the Agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to his or their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Temecula, its officers, agents, and employees, as therein stipulated; othenvise, this obligation shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgement rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anyway affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or the work or to the specifications. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above named, on January_ 31. 2003. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST SURETY ELI LILLY AND COMPANY PRINCIPAL /Jack G. Lupien kx~/ (NAME) A~lomey-In-Fact (TITLE) BY: BY: John G.(N~E) L~t c~- Manager, Real Estate (TITLE) (TITLE) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter Thorsen City Attorney State of California ) County of San Diego ) On January. 31. 2003 before me, Tara Bacon. Notary. Public, personally appeared Jack G. Lupien, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared John G. Leicht, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4th day of February 2003. Notary Publi~ Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared James B. Lootens, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4t~ day of February 2003. Notary Publi~ ~,/h,~m~q~--~ Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana No. 0001354 ICW GROUP Power of Attorney Insurance Company of the West The Explorer Insurance Company Independence Casualty and Surety Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: T~at Insurance Company oftbe West, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, The Explorer Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws oftbe State of Arizona, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas, (collectively referred to as the "Companies'), do hereby appoint DALE G. HARSHAW, DEBRA J. N1EMEYER, CAROLYN M. KERL, JACK G. LUPIEN, JOHN C. STAR1CH, TARA BACON their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact with authority to date, execute, sign, seal. and deliver on behalf of the Companies, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship, and any related documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Compmfies have caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this 16th day of January, 2001. ~ O Q INSURANCE COMPANY O]7 THE WEST THE EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY John L. Hannum, Executive Vice President State of California County of San Diego } SS. On January 16, 2001, before me, Norma Porter, Notary Public, personally appeared John L. Hannum and John H. Craig, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the witlfin instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted, executed the instrament. Witness my hand and official seal. Norma Porter, Notary Public This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed, sealed and notarized with facsimile signatures and seals under authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Companies: "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive or Senior Vice President oftbe Company, together with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, are hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney appointing the person(s) named as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to date, execute, sign, seal, and deliver on behalf of the Company, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracta of suretyship, and any related documents. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the signatures &the officers making the appointment, and the signature of any officer certifying the validity and current status of the appointment, may be facsimile representations of those signatures; and the signature and seal of any notary, and the seal &the Company, may be facsimile representations of those signatures and seals, and such facsimile representations shall have the same force and effect as if manually affixed. The facsimile representations referred to herein may be affixed by stamping, printing, typing, or photocopying." CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Insurance Company of the West, The Explorer Insur, mce Company, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, do hereby eerfify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is in full force and effect, and has not been revoked, and that the above resolutions were duly adopted by the respective Boards of Directurs of the Companies, and are now in full force. IN W1TNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand this 31ST dayof JANUARy, 2003 John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call 1-800-877-1111 and ask for the Surety Division. Please refer to the Power of Attorney Number, the above named indiv/dual(s) and details of the bond to which the power is attached. For information or filing claims, please contact Surety Claims, ICW Group, 11455 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130-2045 or call (858) 350-2400. CITY OF TEMECULA PARKLAND/LANDSCAPE LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND BOND NO.: 188 77 28 PREMIUM INCLUDED IN PERFORMANCE BOND WHEREAS, the City of Temecula, State of California, and Eli Lilly and Company, (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an Agreement whereby Principal agrees to install and complete certain Parkland Improvements, which said Agreement, dated February 1, 2003, and identified as Project Solana Median Improvement for Tentative Parcel Map No. 30107, is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, under the term of said Agreement, Principal is required before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Temecula, to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of Califomia; and NOW, THEREFORE, we the principal and INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Temecula, California, and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, materialmen, other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid Agreement and referred to in Title 15 of the Civil Code, in the penal sum of $22,571.00, lawful money of the United States, for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that Surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount set forth. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgement rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that this bond shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 15 -1- (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. If the condition of this bond is fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anyway affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such changes, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work or to the specifications. -2- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above named, on January_ 31. 2003. (Seal) (Seal) INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST Jack ~"ul~ien f// - Ct(lame) / Attorney-In-Fact (Title) ELI LILLY AND COMPANY John G. Leicht Manager, Ke~i~tate (Name) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter Thorson, City Attorney -3- State of California ) County of San Diego ) On January. 31. 2003 before me, Tara Bacon. Notary_ Public, personally appeared Jack G. Lupien, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,- Y.~'~ COMM. #13033?.) O~ NOT~Y PUBUC~AUFO;~NIA ~ s~, Ore,GO COU~ ~ ~J My Commission ~pk,-:~ Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared John G. Leicht, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4th day of February 2003. Notary PublicI Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared James B. Lootens, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4th day of February 2003. Notary Publi~ Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana No. 0001354 ICW GROUP Power of Attorney Insorance Company of the West The Explorer Insurance Company independence Casualty and Surety Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That insurance Company of the West, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, The Explorer insurance Company, a Corporation duly orgamzed under the laws of the State of Arizona, and lndepondence Casualty and Surety Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas, (collectively referred to as the "Companies"), do hereby appoint DALE G. HARS HAW, DEBRA J. N1EMEYER, CAROLYN M. KERL, JACK G. LUPIEN, JOHN C. STARICH, TARA BACON their true and lawful Attomey(s)-in~Fact with authority to date, execute, sign, seal, and deliver on behalf of the Companies, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracts o f suretyship, and any related documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused the~ presents to be executed by its duly authorized officers this 16th day of January, 2001. THE EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY John L. Hannum, Executive Vice President State of Califon~a County of San Diego } SS. On January 16, 2001, before me, Norma Porter, Notary Public, personally appeared John L. Hannum and John H. Craig, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the entity upon behalf of which the po~ons acted, executed the insmtment. Witness my hand and official seal. *',- COMM. #1257540 O~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA RESOLUTIONS Norma Porter, Notary Public This Power of Anomey is granted and is signed, sealed and notarized with facshnile signatures and seals under authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Companies: "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive or Senior Vice President of the Company, together with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, are hereby anthorized to execute Powers of Anomey appointing the person(s) named as Anomey(s)-in-Fact to date, execute, sign, seal, and deliver on behalf of the Company, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship, and any related documents. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the signatures of the officers making the appointment, and the signature of any officer certifying the validity and current status of the appointment, may be facsimile representations of those signatures; and the signature and seal of any notary, and the seal of the Company, may be facsimile representations of those signatures and seals, and such facsimile representations shall have the same force and effect as if manually affixed. The facsimile representations referred to herein may be affixed by stamping, printing, typing, or photocopying." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Insurance Company of the West, The Explorer Insurance Company, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Anomey is in full force and effect, and has not been revoked, and that the above resolutions were duly adopted by the respective Boards o f Directors of the Companies, and are now in fidl force. 3 1 ST 2 003 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand this day of dA~UAK~, John Iq. Craig, Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call 1-800-877-1111 and ask for the Surety Division. Please refer to the Power of Attorney Number, the above named individual(s) and details of the bond to which the power is anached. For infotraation or filing claims, please contact Surety Clairas, ICW Group, 11455 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130-2045 or call (858) 350-2400. BOND NO.: 188 77 28A CITY OF TEMECULA PARKLAND/LANDSCAPE WARRANTY BOND WHEREAS, the City of Temecula, State of Califomia (hereinafter designated as "City"), and Eli Lilly and Company (hereinafter designated as "Principal") have entered into an Agreement whereby Principal agrees to install and complete certain designated Parkland Improvements, which said Agreement, dated February 1, 2003, and identified as Project Solana Median Improvement for Tentative Parcel Map 30107, is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, Principal is required to warranty the work done under the terms of the Agreement for a period of one (1) year following acceptance thereof by City against any defective work or labor done or defective materials furnished, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the estimated cost of the improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, we the Principal and INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Temecula, California, in the penal sum of $4,514.00, lawful money of the United States, for the payment of such sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally. The condition of this obligation is such that the obligation shall become null and void if the above-bounded Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall in all things stand to, abide by, well and truly keep, and perform the covenants, conditions, and provisions in the Agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to his or their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Temecula, its officers, agents, and employees, as therein stipulated; otherwise, this obligation shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgement rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anyway affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work or to the specifications. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above named, on Janua~_ 31. 2003. (Seal) (Seal) INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST SURETY · "~ (Name) ·-,: .' %-..:.. -i ~¥-In-Vact : ~-~_ 5~}~ ~ (Title) ELI LILLY AND COMPANY PRINCIPAL John G. ~Ne~c~t Manager, Real Estate (Title) (Name) (Title) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Peter Thorson, City Attorney State of California ) County of San Diego ) On January. 31. 2003 before me, Tara Bacon. Notary. Public, personally appeared ~, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. COMM. #1303300 SAN O EGO COU~ My Commission ~pires ,, MAY 4, 2~5 Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared John G. Leicht, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4th day of February 2003. Notary PublOic Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared James B. Lootens, known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing document. I have affixed my signature and notarial seal this 4th day of February 2003. Notary Publio] Rachel J. Thomas My commission expires 5-10-2007 Resident of Marion County, Indiana No. 0001354 ICW GROUP Power of Attorney Insurance Company of the West The Explorer Insurance Company Independence Casualty and Surety Company KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Insurance Company of the West, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of California, The Explorer Insurance Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Arizona, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, a Corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas, (collectively referred to as the "Companies"), do hereby appoint DALE G. HARSHAW, DEBRA J. NIEMEYER, CAROLYN M. KERL, JACK G. LUPIEN, JOHN C. STARICH, TARA BACON their frae and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact with authority to date. execute, sign, seal, and deliver on behalf of the Companies, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship, and any related documents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused these preseats to be executed by its duly authorized officers this 16th day o f January, 2001. THE EXPLORER INSURANCE COMPANY i. John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary INDEPENDENCE CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY John L. Hannum, Executive Vice President State of California County of San Diego } SS. On January 16, 2001, before me, Norma Porter, Notary Public, personally appeared John L. l-lmmum and John H. Craig, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrament, the entity upon behalf o f which the persons acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal RESOLUTIONS Norma Porter, Notary Public This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed, sealed and notarized with facsimile signatures and seals under authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of each of the Companies: "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive or Senior Vice President of the Company, together with the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, are hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney appointing the person(s) named as Attomey(s)-in-Fact to date, execute, sign, seal, and deliver on behalf of the Company, fidelity and surety bonds, undertakings, and other similar contracts of suretyship, and any related documents. RESOLVED FURTHER: That the signatures of the officers making the appointment, and the signature of any officer certifying the validity and current status of the appointment, may be facsimile representations of those signatures; and the signature and seal of any notary, and the seal of the Company, may be facsimile representations of those signatures and seals, and such facsimile representations shall have the same force and effect as if manually affixed. The facsimile representations referred to herein may be affixed by stamping, printing, typing, or photocopying." CERTiFiCATE 1, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of Insurance Company of the West, The Explorer Insurance Company, and Independence Casualty and Surety Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attomey is in fidl force and effect, and has not been revoked, and that the above resolutions were duly adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of the Companies, and are now in thll force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand tins 31ST day of JANUARy, 2003 John H. Craig, Assistant Secretary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney you may call 1-800-877-1111 and ask for the Surety Division. Please refer to the Power of Atiomey Number, the above named indiv/dual(s) and details of the bond to which the power is attached. For information or filing claims, please contact Surety Claims, ICW Group, 11455 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130-2045 or call (858) 350-2400. Surety Bond Review The attached surety bonds (Insurance Company Of The West) have been reviewed. (Eli Lilly and Company) Bond # 1887728 $45,143.00 1887728A $ 4,514.00 [~he surety company is an admitted company in the State of California [~"he admitted company was verified at www. in s u ran ce. ca. gov/d ocs/fs/a d m itted, htm [~The surety company is not an admitted company in the State of California Surety bond reference is A.M. Best 2002 version 071400 (A-:FSC VIII) Verified by: · ~us F~apagolos, Fiscal Services Manager Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ~Company Profile Page 1 of 2 Company Profile INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST PO BOX 85563 SAN DIEGO, CA 92186-5563 800-877-1111 Agent for Service of Process JAMES III W. AUSTIN, 11455 EL CAMINO REAL SAN DIEGO, CA 92130-2045 Unable to Locate ~the. Agent for Service~of?~9_c.~s~? Reference Information NAIC #: NAIC Group #: California Company ID #: Date authorized in California: License Stares: Company Type: State of Domicile: 27847 0922 2071-9 May 17, 1972 UNLIMITED-NORMAL Property & Casualty CALIFORNIA Lines of Insurance Authorized to Transact The company is authorized to transact business within these lines of insurance. For an explanation of any of these terms, please refer to the gll~ssar~. AIRCRAFT AUTOMOBILE BOILER AND MACHINERY BURGLARY COMMON CARRIER LIABILITY CREDIT DISABILITY FIRE LIABILITY MARINE MISCELLANEOUS http://cdinswww, insurance.ca.gov/pls/wu co prof/idb_co~rof_utl.get_co_prof?p_EID=... 02/18/2003 Vicinity Map - Solana Way Median February 18, 2003 LANDSCAPE MEDIAN ITEM 8 APPROVAl CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY MANAGER ~ '~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OFTEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City M~,edCity Council Gra~,~f-~tes, Assistant to the City Manager February 25, 2003 Citizen Corps Program Purchase of Two Way-Radios PREPARED BY: Ashley Jones, Management Assistant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1) Authorize the purchase of 30 multi-channel 800 megahertz two-way hand held radios from Comtronix of Hemet for $36,000. 2) Appropriate $18,000 in the Police Department line item and increase estimated grant revenue by $18,000. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula has implemented the newly formed Citizen Corps Program and to date we have received interest in the program from over 50 citizens. The Temecula Police Department has been doing an outstanding job in managing this program and we will ensure that the program will be very successful for years to come. One of the major goals of the Temecula Citizen Corps Program is to create an effective system to quickly communicate with neighborhoods during or immediately following an emergency. Recently, the City was successful in obtaining $18,000 in grant funding for this communication system through the Riverside County Fire Department Office of Emergency Services. The remainder of the funds will come from a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG). The purchase of 30 multi-channel 800 megahertz radios with chargers and two base stations for the program leaders (Block Captains, District Coordinators, etc..) is a critical and necessary component to the success of the program. These radios will allow specific volunteers to communicate directly with the Police Department, Fire Department, and the City immediately following a disaster FISCAL IMPACT: This purchase will be funded entirely through grant funding. An Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) will fund a total of $18,000 and the remaining funds through a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG). Attachment: Comtronix of Hemet Quote R:\CITYMG R~AS H LEYS\St afl Reports\Hand Held Radios staff reporLdoc Comtronix of Hemet Providing quality service since 1979 ( uotation 12/30/02 I 0uo~,~23002~ J City of Temecula Attn: Grant Yates Citizens Patrol Radio Proposal 2 Base Stations & 30 Portable Radios Qt7 Part No. Description 2 TK-930HD 2 KMB-2C 2 KMC-9 2 MFB8135 2 9913D 2 MTBKT 30 TK-480SK 60 KMB-17A 3O KSC-24 30 KLH-75 30 KLH-6SW 30 KMC-25 Kenwood 35W Transceiver Control Staiton mounting case Control Station Desk Mic Control Station Antenna Control Station Coxial Cable Assy Control Station Antenna Mounting Hardware Kenwood Portable Radio Kenwood 1590mah Nicad Battery Kenwood Battery Charger Kenwood Leather Case Kenwood Belt Loop Swivel Kenwood Speaker Mic Pdce per unit Extended $882.00 $1,764.00 $65.00 $130.00 $82.00 $164.00 $160.00 $320.00 $350.00 $700.00 $135.00 $270.00 $542.00 $16,260.00 $82.00 $4,920.00 $77.00 $2,310.00 $42.00 $1,260.00 $21.00 $630.00 $92.00 $2,760.00 $o.oo $o.0o $0.00 Labor rates: $60.00 an hour for installation ~ our facility $80.00 an hour for technical work and installation in the field Field work is billed totaJ time portal to portal. Materials $31,488.00] Sales Tax $2,44o.32I Labor $1,800.00 Total $35,728.32 Programming and shipping included. Estimated Delivery: 2 weeks ARO Terms: N-30 with PO Quotation valid for 60 days Prepared by Fred Parker Web Site: VVVWV. COMTRONIX-OF-HEMET.COM Open M-F 8:00AM - 5:00PM 3501 Tanya Ave. Suite H - Hemet, Ca 92545 - Ph. (909) 925-7539 - (909) 925-8306 fax ITEM 9 APPROVA~/~/~..~, CITY A'I-rORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINAN(~E ~ - CITY MANAGER /"~) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Howard Windsor, Fire Chief February 25, 2003 Contract Amendment for Schirmer Engineering PREPARED BY: Jim McBride, Fire Marehal RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve a Contract Amendment with Schirmer Engineering for an annual amount of $25,000 and a total contract amount of $50,000. DISCUSSION: On July 1, 2002 the City Manager approved a contract in the amount of $25,000 with Schirmer Engineering, a Fire Pretection Engineering company that performs outside plan check services on an as needed basis. These services are utilized when staff experiences increased levels of applications that exceed staffs abilities to process within acceptable timeframes. This past year there was an extended period of time when the Fire Prevention Bureau experienced difficulties in filling vacant inspector positions. During this period plan reviewers (Fire Safety Specialists) were used to perform field inspections in order to maintain acceptable timeframes for inspection services. Contract and/or temporary employees in such a specialized field are not readily available or practical. With plan reviewers out in the field extensively, a larger than normal percentage of plan checks were outsourced in order to meet City of Temecula customer service standards for plan check timelines. This unexpected extensive use of contract services has nearly exhausted the originally contracted amount of $12,500 annually; therefore it is necessary to increase the annual contract amount to $25,000 and the total contract amount to $50,000. All positions are now filled and the volume of applications being sent out will decrease substantially. However, this amendment is necessary to allow for occasional use as needed for the remainder of the fiscal year. Funds for this amendment are available through an internal transfer within the current fiscal year fire budget. FISCAL IMPACT: Budget. Adequate funds are available in the fiscal year 2002~2003 Fire Operating ATTACHMENTS: Contract Amendment. FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR OUTSIDE PLAN CHECK SERVICE THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of February 11, 2003 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation "City" and Schirmer Engineering Corporation ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: On July 1,2002 the City and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for City of Temecula Agreement for Outside Plan Check Service" ("Agreement"). The parties now desire to increase the payment for services in the amount of $50,000.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 4 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000.00) Annually or Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00) for the total term of the Agreement. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. R:Lt:IREMNGT~CONTP~CTS~SCHIRMERCONTP~CT~JENDMENI~DOC ] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA BY: Jeff Stone, Mayor ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT: Schirmer Engineering Corporation 22995 Network Place Chicago, IL. 60673-1229 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) R:IFIREMNGI3CONTRACTS~SCHIRMER CONTRACT,4MENDMENI~DOC 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION FOR OUTSIDE PLAN CHECK SERVICE THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of February 11, 2003 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation "City" and Schirmer Engineering Corporation CConsultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: On July 1,2002 the City and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for City of Temecula Agreement for Outside Plan Check Service" ("Agreement"). The parties now desire to increase the payment for services in the amount of $50,000.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 4 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000.00) Annually or Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00) for the total term of the Agreement. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA BY: Jeff Stone, Mayor ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT: Schirmer Engineering Corporation 22996 Network Place Chicago, iL. 60673-1229 BY: NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) R:IF1REMNGT~CONTRACTSISCHIRMERCONTRACTAMENDMENEDOC 2 ITEM 10 CITY ATTORNEY D RECTOR OF CiTY MANAGER ~_ ' /.- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Grant Yates, Assistant to the City Manager February 25, 2003 Resolution of Support-Invocations in Public Meetings PREPARED BY: Aaron Adams, Sr. Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SUPPORTING ASSEMBLYMEMBER RAY HAYNES IN HIS EFFORTS TO CHANGE THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW PUBLIC AGENCIES TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL INVOCATION AS A FREE SPEECH RIGHT DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS BACKGROUND: On September 9, 2002, the California Court of Appeals ruled against the City of Burbank in the case of Rubin v. City of Burbank and affirmed a judgment requiring the city to prevent persons who give the invocation from including a "sectarian" prayer. On December 18, 2002, the California Supreme Court upheld the decision against the City of Burbank by refusing to hear an appeal of the case. The City of Temecula participated in an amicus curiae brief urging the Supreme Court to reverse the Rubin decision. Like many cities, including Temecula, Burbank had a long practice of beginning City Council meetings with an invocation. Burbank typically relied on members of the Burbank Ministerial Association, a non-denominational organization of clergy and representatives of other groups, to deliver its invocations. In practice, neither the subject matter nor the content of invocations has been influenced by the Burbank City Council or the Burbank City Clerk. The Court of Appeals was not persuaded by Burbank's argument that people giving invocations have a free speech right to include a sectarian prayer. At the request of Councilmember Naggar, California State Assemblymember Ray Haynes has offered to sponsor legislation that would propose changing the California State Constitution to allow invocations at City Council meetings to be viewed as a free speech right. Attached is a resolution of support for these efforts. FISCAL IMPACT: None. R:t, ADAMSAtCO U NCI L\lnvCCatlon s 2003.Uoc ATTACHMENT: Resolution 03-_ R:~DAMSA\COU NCILIInvocations 2003 doc RESOLUTION NO. 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SUPPORTING ASSEMBLYMEMBER RAY HAYNES IN HIS EFFORTS TO CHANGE THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW PUBLIC AGENCIES TO HAVE A MEANINGFUL INVOCATION AS A FREE SPEECH RIGHT DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS WHEREAS, on September 9, 2002, the California Court of Appeals ruled against the City of Burbank in the case of Rubin v. City of Burbank affirming a judgment requiring the city to prevent persons who give the invocation from including a "sectarian" prayer; and WHEREAS, on December 18, 2002, the California Supreme Court upheld the decision against the City of Burbank by refusing to hear an appeal of the case; and WHEREAS, the City of Temecula participated in an amicus curiae brief urging the Supreme Court to reverse the Rubin decision; and WHEREAS, like the City of Burbank, the City of Temecula has had a long practice of beginning City Council meetings with an invocation; and WHEREAS, this is an important issue and is viewed by many as a free speech right rather than unconstitutional; and WHEREAS, Assemblymember Ray Haynes will be sponsoring legislation that would change California State Constitution allowing invocations at City Council meetings to be viewed as a free speech right; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Temecula supports Assemblymember Haynes effort to amend California State Constitution to allow for invocations at public meetings; and PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the 25th day of February 2003. Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 03- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of February, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: 0 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk ITEM 11 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR F I N A N C E_/'o/'~ ....../.~) CITY MANA(~ER CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City ManagedCity Council FROM: DATE: Anthony J. Elmo, Director of Building and Safety February 25, 2003 SUBJECT: Street Name Change Crowne Hill Specific Plan RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 03__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING SECTIONS OF FOX ROAD IN TRACT 23143 TO VERMONT ROAD AND CAMELOT ROAD DISCUSSION: In the process of assigning street address numbers for the Crowne Hill Specific Plan, Tracts 23143-7, 23143-8 and 23143-9 it was revealed that the existing single family dwellings on Fox Road of this subdivision were addressed out of sequence with the City's grid system. In an effort to mitigate potential emergency response complications along with other services, staff met representatives from both Lennar and KB Homes to propose that Fox Road, which was designed as a loop street, be divided into three different streets. This section of Fox Road containing the existing single family dwellings will remain Fox Road.. The balance of the Fox Road loop that is undeveloped at this time will be divided into two separate streets and names. By doing this, the existing addresses will remain and not affect the new address assignments nor impose a hardship on existing residences. The developer was asked to provide staff with recommendations for street names and once reviewed for conflicts in the 9-1-1 response area, Tract Map Nos. 23143-7, 23143-8 and 23143-9 will be modified to reflect the street name changes as follows: Tract 23143-7 Fox Rd. from Old Kent Road to Crowne Hill Dr will be changed to Vermont Road. 2/20/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CHANGING SECTIONS OF FOX ROAD IN TRACT 23143 TO VERMONT ROAD AND CAMELOT ROAD The City Council of the City of Temecula does resolve, determine and order as follows: WHEREAS, Section 34091.1 and 34092 of the Government Code provides for changing the name of a public street, and: WHEREAS, the developer of Tract 23143 has requested a name change from a portion of Fox Road to Vermont Road and Camelot Road. WHEREAS, there are no other affected property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula determines and orders that the name of a portion of Fox Road to Vermont Road and Camelot Road. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of February 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE Of CALIFORNIA) COUNTY Of RIVERSIDE) SS CiTY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 03-~ was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th Day of February 2003 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk iii_ ITEM 12 CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINAN~ CITY MANAGER TO: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer February 25, 2002 Authorize Temporary Street Closure on Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley High School for the Every 15 Minutes Program PREPARED BY: J~'F Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works (~ Clement M. Jimenez, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE STREET CLOSURE OF RANCHO VISTA ROAD IN FRONT OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL BETWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND RIO VISTA FOR THE EVERY 15 MINUTES PROGRAM TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 2003 FROM 6:00 AM TO 10:00 AM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT BACKGROUND: This year's staged auto accident portion of the Every 15 Minutes Program will be held on May 22, 2003 between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM. The program is geared towards educating high school students on the harsh realities of death due to drunk driving. The Temecula Police Department stages an alcohol related auto accident involving two vehicles, which results in deaths and injuries. The staged accident also involves fire trucks, ambulances, and a life flight helicopter. Students staged as dead are not allowed to participate in classroom discussion or school activities for the remainder of the day and are asked to write letters to their parents telling them what they could have become had they not been killed in the auto accident. Parents write to their dead children as well. Throughout the day a person portrayed as 'q'he Grim Reaper" takes a student away from the classroom every 15 minutes to symbolize that a teenager's life is taken away every 15 minutes in the United States due to alcohol related accidents. The next day an assembly is held with parents, students, and members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to discuss the dangers of drinking and driving. The staged auto accident occurs the Thursday before prom weekend. Under Vehicular Code Section 21101, "Regulation of Highways", local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution for, among other instances, "temporary closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local 1 r:~agdrpt~003~O225~every 15 minutes program special events, and other purposes, when, in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction, the closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing". The City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-96 on September 10, 1991, which provided standards and procedures for special events on public streets, highways, sidewalks, or public right of way. While a process was established for reviews and approvals, no mechanism was provided for delegating authority to temporarily close streets, or portions of streets, for these special events. The recommended resolution delegates the authority to approve the temporary street closure for Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley High School between Margarita Road and Rio Vista for the staged auto accident of the Every 15 Minutes Program sponsored by the Temecula Police Department and Temecula Valley High School. This authority is limited to and delegated to the City Engineer (or an authorized representative) only. Any other special events requiring temporary street closures, construction related closures, etc., remain subject to the approval of the City Council subject to rules and regulations established by the City Council. These rules and regulations shall also be adopted by resolution in accordance with California Vehicular Code Section 21101. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 2003- 2. Location Map 2 r:~agdrpt~2003~225',~veiy 15 minutes program RESOLUTION NO. 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE STREET CLOSURE OF RANCHO VISTA ROAD IN FRONT OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL BE'rWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND RIO VISTA FOR THE EVERY 15 MINUTES PROGRAM TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 2003 FROM 6:00 AM TO 10:00 AM AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, The California State Vehicular Code provides for the promulgation of rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets by local authorities by Resolution; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets in the interest of promoting safety and protection; and, WHEREAS, The City of Temecula desires to authorize the closure of Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley High School between Margarita Road and Rio Vista on May 22, 2003 between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM to facilitate the staged alcohol related auto accident: and, WHEREAS, the staged auto accident includes staged fatalities and injudes and involves fire trucks, ambulances, and a life flight helicopter; and, NOW, WHEREAS, this program is geared towards educating teenagers on the dangers and harsh realities of drinking and driving, City Council desires to authorize the City Engineer to approve a temporary street closure for Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley High School between Margarita Road and Rio Vista on May 22, 2003 between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM, and to establish the general rule that all other proposed temporary street closures shall be reviewed and approved subject to conditions, or disapproved, by the City Council; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby authorizes the City Engineer to permit the temporary street closure of Rancho Vista Road in front of Temecula Valley High School between Margarita Road and Rio Vista on May 22, 2003 between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM for the staged auto accident portion of the Every 15 Minutes Program, and establishes the general rule that all other temporary public street closures shall be approved or denied approval by the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting held on the 25th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W.Jones, CMC, City Clerk 3 r:~agdrpt~2003\O225\every 15 minutes program [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2003- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of February 25, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: 4 r:~agdrpt~.003~0225~every 15 minutes program City of Temecula Roadway Barricade Traffic Accidenl Barricade Grass Knoll RANCHO VT_.STA Student Viewing Area TE/4ECULA VALLEY HT. GH Helicopter Landing Zone Highways Parcels Parks Schools Public Facilities December 4, 2002 200 0 200 400 Feet L~OCA'FION ITEM 13 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE..~,.~_,~ CITY MANAGER ~_~ ' CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council "~illiam G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer February 25, 2003 Award of Construction Contract for Project No. PW99-11SW, Pechanga Parkway (formerly known as Pala Road) Soundwall Improvements PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Principal Engineer Steven W. Beswick, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT REGARDING CERTAIN CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TO BE REIMBURSED FROM PROCEEDS OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS Authorize the use of $914,000.00 from the General Fund, which will be reimbursed from Community Facilities District 01-3 Bond proceeds, to fully fund the construction and administration of the Pechanga Parkw~ay Soundwall Improvements. Award a construction contract for the Pechanga Parkway Soundwatl Improvements, Project No. PW99-11SW to R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,886,303.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Authorized the City Manager to approve contract change orders not to exceed the contingency amount of $288,630.30, which is equal to 10% of the contract amount. BACKGROUND: The City is in the process of forming a Community Facilities District 01-3(CFD) with the developer of the Wolf Creek Development to provide funds for several public infrastructure improvements related to the Wolf Creek Development. The Pechanga Parkway Ultimate Improvements, including the Soundwall, are included in the list of improvements to be funded with the CFD bond proceeds. Because the bond proceeds will not available until later this year, Staff is requesting that Council authorize the use of General Fund undesignated reserves to fully fund the soundwall construction project. The General Fund will be reimbursed with CFD bond proceeds once the CFD formation proceedings are complete. The City Council authorized the Public Works Department to solicit construction bids for the Pechanga Parkway Soundwall Improvement project on November 12, 2002. This project will provide a sound wall to reduce noise for homeowners along Pechanga Parkway from Clubhouse Drive to Via Eduardo. I R:~,GENDA REPORT S~20031022503~N99+ 11 SW AWD doc The City's design consultant estimated that the total construction cost for this project is $3,000,000. Nine (9) bids for the project were publicly opened on February 4, 2003. The results of the bids are as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc ............................................................... $2,886,303.00 Highland Construction, Inc ................................................................... .$2.,911,835.50 Hazard Construction Company ............................................................. $2,947,757.50 Archer Western Contractors, LTD ........................................................ $3,044,732.00 J. McLoughlin Engineering Co., Inc ...................................................... $3,057,995.00 Wier Construction Corp ....................................................................... ,$3,390,127.00 Sean Malek Engn. & Const. Inc ............................................................ $3,836,950.00 McLaughlin Engineering & Mining, Inc ................................................. $3,930,900.00 T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc ......................................................................... $4,997,680.40 Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder for this project. Staff contacted R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. references included with their bid documents, and verified that they have completed similar projects for Caltrans, City of Laguna Beach, and the County of San Diego satisfactorily in the past. They were also the contractor that satisfactorily constructed the Pala Road Bridge soundwall for the City of Temecula. The construction period for this project is 250 working days (Approximately one year) with an additional 90 days for the landscape maintenance period. Work is expected to begin in March 2003. Minor impacts to traffic can be expected along Pechanga Parkway. A copy of the bid summary is available for review in the office of the Director of Public Works. FISCAL IMPACT: The Pechanga Parkway Soundwall Improvement Project, Project No. PW99- 11SW is a portion of the Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II Capital Improvement Project that is funded with Development Impact Fees - Street Improvements, a contribution from the Pechanga Indian Tribe, a Public Lands and Highways Grant, the Wolf Creek Community Facilities District, and AD-159. To date, only the Development Impact Fees and a portion of the Pechanga Indian Tribe contribution are available to fund these improvements. Some of these available funds have been expended on the construction and administration of the interim 4-1aries along Pechanga Parkway, and the design of the ultimate improvements including the soundwall. The base amount of the soundwail construction contract is $2,886,303.00, adding a 10% contingency of $288,630.30 yields a total soundwall construction authorization of $3,174,933.30. An adequate appropriation is available in Account No. 210-165-668-5804. However, because all of the revenue sources for this appropriation are not available at this time, an advance from the General Fund will be necessary to fully fund the construction contract until the CFD Bond proceeds are available. At which time the General Fund will be reimbursed with CFD Bond proceeds. ATTACHMENT: 1. Resolution No. 2003- 2. Contract 3. Project Location 4. Project Description 2 R:~AGENDA RE PORTS~003\022503~PW99-11SW,AWD.doc RESOLUTION NO.2003- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT REGARDING CERTAIN CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TO BE REIMBURSED FROM PROCEEDS OF TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the City has developed a list of capital projects (the "Projects") described in Exhibit A hereto; WHEREAS, all or a portion of the expenditures relating to the Projects (the "Expenditures") (i) have been paid within the sixty days prior to the passage of this Resolution or (ii) will be paid on or after the passage of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City reasonably expects to reimburse itself for the Expenditures with the proceeds of obligations the interest on which will be excluded from the gross income of the owner or owners thereof (the "Obligations"); NOW, THEREFORE, it is herebyORDERED and DETERMINED, as follows: Section 1. The City reasonably expects to reimburse the Expenditures with proceeds of the Obligations to be issued by the City or another entity of the City or in which the City is a member or for which the members of the City Council act as the governing board or whose debt is subject to the approval of the City Council. Section 2. The maximum principal amount of the Obligations expected to be issued for the Projects is $25,000,000. Section 3. This Resolution is a declaration of official intent to reimburse expenditures pursuant to Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Section 4. All actions of the officers, agents and employees of the City or other entity of the City that are in conformity with the purposes and intent of this Resolution, whether taken before or after the adoption hereof, are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. 3 R:~AGENDA RE PORTS~003\022503\PW99-11SW,AWD.doc PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 25th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 2003- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof on the 25th day of February, 2003, by the following vote of the members thereof.. AYES: 0 NOES: 0 ABSTAIN; 0 COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk 4 R:~AGENDA REPO RTS~2003~022503~/t~9-11SW,AWD~doc EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTS Public infrastructure improvements related to Community Facilities District No. 01-3 (Wolf Creek) Loma Linda Storm Drain - Storm drain system between Pechanga Parkway and "A" street. Wolf Valley Road - construct full width improvements from Pechanga Parkway to the north easterly City limits. "A" Street - construct full width improvements from Loma Linda Road to the Interior Loop Road. Interior Loop Road North - construct full width improvements from Wolf Valley Road north to Pechanga Parkway Interior Loop Road South - construct full width improvements from Wolf Valley Road south to Pechanga Parkway Linear Park and Nodes - construct a linear park and three nodes adjacent to the Interior Loop Road. Six-Acre Neighborhood Park - construct a neighborhood park in planning area 11 at the intersection of Wolf Valley Road and interior Loop Road. Wolf Creek Fire Station - construct a fire station located at the corner of Wolf Valley Road and Interior Loop Road South. Pechanga Parkway - construct full width improvements, to the ultimate configuration, between SR-79 South and Deer Hollow Way including the Wolf Valley Creek Channel Storm Drain system and the Pechanga Parkway Sound Wall. 5 R:~AGENDA REPORT S/2003~022503~:~V99-11 SW,AWD,d0c CITY OF TEMECULA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. PW99-11SW PECHANGA PARKWAY SOUNDWALL IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 25TM day of February, 2003, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR." WITNESSETH: That CITY and CONTRACTOR, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PROJECT NO. PW99-11SW, PECHANGA PARKWAY SOUNDWALL IMPROVEMENTS, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Department of Transportation Standard Specifications (Latest Edition) where specifically referenced in the Plans and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO. PW99-11SW, PECHANGA PARKWAY SOUNDWALL IMPROVEMENTS. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 1612 South Clementine St. Anaheim, California 92802 (714) 517-0970 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provision, and Technical Specifications for PROJECT NO, PW99-'IISW, PECHANGA PARKVVAY SOUNDWALL IMPROVEMENTS. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT CA-1 R:\CIP~PROJECTS~PW99~99-11 SW~Spec~Contract.dotContract The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. SCOPE OF WORK. CONTRACTOR shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: PROJECT NO. PW99-1'ISW PECHANGA PARKWAY SOUNDWALL IMPROVEMENTS All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by CITY. CITY APPROVAL. All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of CITY or its authorized representatives. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE. The CITY agrees to pay, and CONTRACTOR agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THREE DOLLARS and NO CENTS ($2,886,303.00), the total amount of the base bid. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty (250) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by CITY. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by CITY. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written orde. r, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. PAYMENTS LUMP SUM BID SCHEDULE: Before submittal of the first payment request, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the City Engineer a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the City Engineer may require. This schedule, as approved by the City Engineer, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the CONTRACTOR's payment requests. UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within thirty (30) days after submission of a payment request to the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall be paid a sum equal to ninety percent (90%) of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the thirtieth (30th) day of each successive month as the work progresses. CONTRACT CA~2 R:\CIP\PROJECTS~PW99\99-11SW~Specs\Contract.dotContract The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made sixty (60) days after acceptance of final payment and the CONTRACTOR filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the CITY on forms provided by the CITY. Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within thirty (30) days pursuant to Public Contracts Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. E= In accordance with Section 9-3.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Section 9203 of the Public Contract Code, a reduction in the retention may be requested by the Contractor for review and approval by the Engineer if the progress of the construction has been satisfactory, and the project is more than 50% complete. The Council hereby delegates its authority to reduce the retention to the Engineer. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - EXTENSION OF TIME. In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, CONTRACTOR agrees to forfeit and pay to CITY the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of, the CONTRACTOR including delays caused by CITY. CONTRACTOR is required to promptly notify CITY of any such delay. WAIVER OF CLAIMS. On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, CONTRACTOR shall submit to CITY, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the CONTRACTOR has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by CONTRACTOR of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the CITY related to the payment. CONTRACTOR shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract, from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. These rates are available from the California Department of Industrial Relations's Internet Web Site at http://www.dir.ca.gov. CONTRACTOR shall post a copy of such wage rates at the job site and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Section 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. CONTRACT CA-3 R:\CIP\PROJECTS~PW99~99-1 lSW~Specs\Contract, dotContract Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, CONTRACTOR shall forfeit to the CITY, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION. All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of CONTRACTOR alone. CONTRACTOR agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend CITY, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (CONTRACTOR's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by CONTRACTOR, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the CITY. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the CITY for any and all costs incurred by the CITY as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The CITY shall deduct such costs from Progress Payments or final payments due to the CITY. 12. GRATUITIES. CONTRACTOR warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to CITY's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONTRACTOR warrants that he has no blood or marriage relationship, and that he is not in any way associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. CONTRACTOR further warrants that no person in its employ has been employed by the CITY within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT. After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES. Whenever CONTRACTOR has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to CITY. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS. CONTRACTOR's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the CITY. 17. INSPECTION. The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by CITY and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and CONTRACT CA~. R:\CIP~PROJ ECTS~PW99\99-11SW~Specs\Contract.dotConbact 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. places, including without limitation, the plans of CONTRACTOR and any of its suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. DISCRIMINATION. CONTRACTOR represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex age, or handicap. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. Any litigation concerning this Contract shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event of litigation between the parties concerning this Contract, the prevailing party as determined by the Court, shall be entitled to actual and reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs incurred in the litigation. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the contract of the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the contractodconsultant covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. ADA REQUIREMENTS. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101- 336, as amended. WRITTEN NOTICE. Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the CONTRACTOR as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the CITY addressed as follows: Mailing Address: William G. Hughes Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Street Address: William G. Hughes Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590-3606 CONTRACT CA-5 R:\CIP\PROJECTS~PW99~99-11SW~Specs\Contract.dotContract IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1577 Bonsall, CA 92003 (760) 731-7521 Robert J. Bullard, President DATED: CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jeffrey E. Stone, Mayor Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk CONTRACT CA-6 R:\CIP\PROJECTS~W99~99-11SW~Specs\Contract.dotContmct oo TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ITEM 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FEBRUARY '1'1, 2003 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 7:45 P.M., at the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. President Comerchero presiding. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 4 DIRECTORS: Naggar, Pratt, Stone, Comerchero ABSENT: 1 DIRECTORS: Roberts Also present were General Manager Nelson, City Attorney Thorson, and City Clerk Jones. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the minutes of January 28, 2003. 2 Naminq Policy for Parks and Recreation Facilities RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the recommendation of the Community Services Commission to maintain the naming policy for parks and recreation facilities s currently written; 2.2 Direct the Community Services Department to initiate a community-wide campaign requesting park names for future park sites in the City. MOTION: Director Stone moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 and 2. The motion was seconded by Director Naggar and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Director Roberts who was absent. MOTION: Director Naggar moved to approve Consent Calendar Item No, 2. The motion was seconded by Director Stone and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Minutes.csd\021103 1 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT None given. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager Nelson thanked the Community Services Commission for its input on the naming policy for parks and recreation facilities. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REPORTS None given. ADJOURNMENT At 7:46 P.M., the Temecula Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ATTEST: Jeff Comerchero, President Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/District Secretary [SEAL] Minutes,csd\021103 2 ITEM 2 AP PROVAL~'~//,;~-~-- CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Board of Directors Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services~ February 25, 2003 Loma Linda - Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final - Service Level C Rates and Charges PREPARED BY: Barbara Smith, Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO SERVICE LEVEL C RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE LOMALINDA TRACT BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 AND SETrlNG A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) operates under the authority of Community Services District Law and provides residential street lighting, perimeter and slope landscaping maintenance and trash/recycling collection services to numerous residential subdivisions within the City of Temecula through Service Level "B", Service Level "C" and Service Level "D". The boundaries of the TCSD are coterminous with the City, and the City Council also serves as the Board of Directors of the TCSD. On January 14, 2003 the Board of Directors approved Resolution 03-02 in connection with Tract 19872 -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final (Loma Linda Tract) for Service Level C. Resolution 02-03 accepted the Levy Report and initated a Public Hearing scheduled for March 11,2003. Subsequent to the adoption of that resolution, the March 11,2003 TCSD Board meeting has been cancelled. This cancellation requires that Resolution 02-03 be repealed, a new Levy Report is filed and a new Public Hearing date be scheduled for April 22, 2003. Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final are a current residential development with 420 assessable residential lots. The development is located on the south side of Pechanga Parkway between Loma Linda Road and Via Gilberto in the southern section of the City. This development does not have a Homeowners Association to oversee perimeter landscaping along Pechanga Parkway (formally Pala Parkway) and on the west side of Via Gilberto. As a result the landscaping standards are varied along these slope areas. R 5s mithb~ElecfionsXPechanga Paxkway~Staff-Nofice of Hearing 4-22~03.doc 02/18/2003 Due to the construction of a sound wail along Pechanga Parkway and the request of residents to provide mom consistent landscaping along the parkways the City has responded by initiating the steps to bring the parkways into the TCSD Landscape Maintenance District. These pamels are currently in Service Level B (Residential Streetlights) and Service Level D (Trash/Recycling Collection Services). This action in the first step in enrolling this residential development into Service Level C (Perimeter Landscaping). The installation of the new landscaping and sound wall along Pechanga Parkway is scheduled to be completed in January 2004. The annual cost to maintain this landscaping is estimated at $20.00 per parcel per year. As a result of this schedule the TCSD proposes to assess property owners within Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final for one half of their annual landscape maintenance cost for the six (6) months of maintenance services in Fiscal Year 2003-2004. The full landscape maintenance costs of $20.00 will be assessed beginning Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Service Level C $10.00 per residential parcel Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Service Level C $ 20.00 per residential parcel Pumuant to the provisions of Proposition 218, the TCSD is required to hold a public hearing and obtain property owner approval in order to establish certain new rates and charges. In addition, a report must be prepared and filed with the Secretary/City Clerk which identifies all of the affected pamels and the amount of the proposed rates and charges. A notice is mailed to all owners of assessable pamels identifying the proposed rates and charges and date of the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing is held at least 45 days after the mailing of the notices. If the proposed rates and charges ara not rejected pumuant to a written protest, then the TCSD will conduct a mailed ballot proceeding not less than 45 days after the public hearing. The proposed rates and charges for Service Level C cannot be imposed unless the new charges are approved by a simple majority of the returned ballots. Staff recommends that the Board of Directom adopt this revised resolution to repeal Resolution 02- 03, accept the filing of the report on the proposed perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services rates and charges for Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final beginning in Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and schedule a public hearing concerning this issue for April 22, 2003. Staff will then proceed with noticing the owners of the assessable parcels within Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final regarding the proposed rates and charges and the public hearing date. If them is no majority protest against the rates and charges on April 22, 2003 staff will then proceed with the mailed ballot process for Service Level C. FISCAL IMPACT: If voter approved the proposed rates and charges of $20.00 per pamel will generate an annual levy of $8,400.00 for the Service Level C. Actual costs for providing long- term perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services within Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, - 4, -5 and Final will be absorbed into Service Level C upon installation of said improvements. The mailing costs associated with the public notices and ballots, approximately $650.00, and staff time to complete the election will be absorbed through the TCSD budget. A'I-rACHMENTS: TCSD Landscape Maintenance Area Resolution of Intention Notice of Public Hearing R:~s mithb~ElectionsXPechanga Parkway~Staff-Notice of Hearing 4-22-03.doc 02/18/2003 Tract Ma 19872 100 0 100 200 Feet RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO SERVICE LEVEL C RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE LOMALINDA TRACT BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 AND SETFING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICE DISTRICT HEREBY FINDS, RESOLVES, DECLARES, DETERMINES AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Upon incorporation of the City of Temecula, effective December 1, 1989, voters approved the formation of the Temecula Community Services District ("TCSD"), to provide specified services to properties within its jurisdiction. Section 2. The TCSD provides long-term perimeter landscaping and slope landscape maintenance services in numerous residential developments within the City of Temecula. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 61621 and 61621.2, the TCSD has prescribed, revised and collected rates and charges perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance (Service Level C) services furnished by it, and has elected to have these rates and charges collected on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separately from, its general taxes in the manner prescribed by Government Code Sections 61765.2 to 61765.6, inclusive. Section 3. By its Resolution No. CSD 03 - 02, the Board of Directors previously initiated proceedings to provide perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services to the lots and parcels shown on Tract Maps Nos. 19872-1. -2. -3, -4, -5, and -Final (collectively, the "Loma Linda Tract") beginning Fiscal Year 2003-2004 and appointing March 11,2003 as the date for a public hearing. Subsequent to the adoption of that resolution, the March 11,2003 meeting of the Board of Directors was canceled. Consequently, Resolution No. CSD 03 - 02 is hereby repealed. Section 4. The TCSD hereby initiates proceedings to provide perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services to the lots and parcels in the Loma Linda Tract beginning Fiscal Year 2003-2004. A map showing the boundaries of the Loma Linda Tract is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Pursuant to Government Code Section 81621.2, the TCSD has caused a written report ("Report") to be prepared and filed with the Secretary of the TCSD, which Report contains a description of the real property and the proposed amount of the Service Level C rates and charges required for perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services to be provided to each lot and parcel within the Loma Linda Tract beginning fiscal year 2003-2004. The TCSD proposes to collect the rates and charges at the same time, in the same manner, by the same persons and together with and not separately from, the property taxes collected within the TCSD. These rates and charges shall be delinquent at the same time and thereafter be subject to the same delinquency penalties as such property taxes. All laws applicable to the levy, collection, and enforcement of property taxes, including, but not limited to, those pertaining to the matters of delinquency, correction, cancellation, refund and redemption, shall be applicable to these rates and charges, except for California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4831. However, if for the first year the charges are levied, the real property to which the charge relates has been transferred or conveyed to a bona fide purchaser for value, or if a lien of a bona fide encumbrance for value has been created and attaches thereon, prior to the date on which the first installment of such taxes appear on the roll, then the charge shall not result in a lien against the property, but instead shall be transferred to the unsecured roll for collection. Section 5. The Board of Directors hereby acknowledges the filing of the Report, and appoints the day of April 22, 2003 at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as feasible, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California, 92590, as the time and place for the public hearing on the Report and the proposed Service Level C rates and charges. At the public hearing, the Board of Directors will hear and consider all objections or protests, if any, to the Report or to the proposed rates and charges. The Board may continue the hearing from time to time. Section 6. The Secretary of the TCSD is hereby directed to give notice of the filing of the Report and of the time and place of hearing on the Report pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 61765.2 and Section 6 of Article XIIID of the California Constitution. Section 7. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District this February 25, 2003. Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, CMC/AAE City Clerk/District Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTYOF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, City Clerk/District Secretary for the Temecula Community Services District, do hereby certify that Resolution No. CSD 03- was duly and regularly adopted by the board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District at a regular meeting thereof held on February 25, 2003. AYES: BOARD MEMBERS NOES: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS Exhibit A CITY OF TEMECULA LOMALINDA TRACT TRACT MAP NO. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and -FINAL Loma Linda Tract Exhibit B INITIAL LEVY REPORT Service Level C Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) Commencing Fiscal Year 2003-2004 INTENT MEETING: PUBLIC HEARING: February 25, 2003 April 22, 2003 INTRODUCTION: A. The TCSD Since December 1, 1989, the Temecula Community Services District ("TCSD") has provided residential street lighting, perimeters landscaping and slope maintenance, trash and recycling collection and other services to properties within its jurisdiction. The boundary of the TCSD is coterminous with the boundary of the City of Temecula ("City"). To fund its services and maintain improvements within its boundaries, the TCSD collects rates and charges ("Charges"). The TCSD was formed, and Charges are set and established, pursuant to the Community Services District Law, Title 6, Division 3 of the California Government Code. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 61621 and 61621.2, the TCSD has prescribed, revised and collected rates and charges for residential street lighting (Service Level B), perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance (Service Level C), trash/recycling collection (Service Level D), and road improvement and maintenance (Service Level R) services furnished by the TCSD, and has elected to have these rates and charges collected on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separately from, its general taxes in the manner prescribed by Government Code Sections 61765.2 to 61765.6, inclusive. As required by these sections of the Government Code, the TCSD Board approves an Annual Levy Report each year describing the proposed rates and charges for that year. B. This Report This Initial Levy Report ("Report") is prepared and presented to the Board pursuant to Section 61621.2 of the Government Code to prescribe Rates and Charges for Service Level C beginning in FY 2003-2004 for the lots and parcels within the territory known as the Loma Linda Tract. This territory includes all lots and parcels shown on Tract Map Nos. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and Final. The Loma Linda Tract includes 443 parcels, 420 of which are residential parcels. This development is located on the south side of Pechanga Parkway between Loma Linda Road and Via Gilberto. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Period Covered By Report This Report describes rates and charges to be imposed for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. Parcels Affected By This Report The rotes and charges set forth in this Report shall affect all parcels in the Loma Linda Tract. Such parcels include all parcels shown on the following tract maps: Tract Map No. 19872-1, Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 261746 in Book 154 of Maps at Pages 7-12. Tract Map No. 19872-2 Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 261747 in Book 154 of Maps at Pages 13-18. Tract Map No. 19872-3 Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 273510 in Book 173 of Maps at Pages 80-83. Tract Map No. 19872-4 Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 273511 in Book 173 of Maps at Pages 84-88. Tract Map No. 19872-5 Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 105652 in Book 215 of Maps at Pages 19-22. Tract Map No. 19872-Final Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Riverside County as Document No. 105654 in Book 215 of Maps at Pages 23-27. C. Description of Service Levels Service Level C, perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services will be provided to lots and parcels in the Loma Linda Tract in addition to the Service Level B, residential street lighting and Service Level D, trash/recycling collection services already provided to these parcels by thc TCSD. This report does not detail, and does not affect, existing Service Level B and D services and rates and charges. Service Level C, Perimeter Landscaping and Slope Maintenance - includes all developed single family residential parcels and residential vacant parcels for which the TCSD provides on-going servicing, operation, and maintenance of perimeter landscaped areas and slopes within the public right-of-ways and dedicated easements adjacent to and associated with each development. The landscaped areas associated with this particular development include, but are not limited to, perimeter slope and landscaping, as follows: Within Tract Map Nos. 19872-2, 4 and Final the area within the right-of-way on the north side of Via Gilberto from Pechanga Parkway to the end of the street adjacent to Lot 32 within Tract 19872-Final. The District will also maintain the parkway along the south side of Pechanga Parkway from Loma Linda Road to Via Gilberto. This is within Tract Map Nos. 19872-1 and -2 and is currently private property. This area will require the acquisition by the TCSD of dedicated landscape easements from the property owners as indicated below: Tract 19872-1 Lots 1, 5-7, 28-35 (12 lots) Tract 19872-2 Lots 8, 9, 27, 28, 38 -50 (17 lots) The cost of providing these services for these areas of slopes and landscaping is estimated to be $8,400.00 per year. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT The cost to provide services within the Loma Linda Tract will be fairly distributed among each assessable property by the same methods and formulas applied to all parcels within the various Service Levels of the TCSD. The following is the formula used to calculate each property's TCSD charges and is applied to Service Level C (Perimeter Landscaping and Slope Maintenance). Total Balance to Levy/Total Residential Lots (in Service Level) = Parcel Charge The following table reflects the levy calculation for each Service Level. TABLE I Proposed Service Level Charges For Loma Linda Tract Estimated Budget and Charges SERVICE LEVEL Total Levy Planned Charge Per Budget Levy Units Levy Unit Service Level C: Local Landscaping and Slopes $8,400.00 420 $20.00* Rate Level #9 (C-9) The following shows the methodology used to compute the levy for each parcel affected by this Report. A charge is imposed on all residential parcels, whether developed or undeveloped. Parks, open space areas, easements and non-buildable parcels are not charged. TABLE II Parcel Charge Calculation for Service Level C Parcel Property Type Charge Multiplier Single family residential $20.00' Per Parcel Single family vacant $20.00* Per Parcel * Note: For Fiscal Year 2003-2004 only, services will be provided for only six months. Therefore, the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 levy will be at half of the rate shown. APPENDIX A - PARCEL LISTING (FY 2003-2004) The actual parcels subject to rates and charges for Service Level C beginning Fiscal Year 2003-2004 shall be those parcels within the Loma Linda Tract identified on the Riverside County Secured Roll at the time all TCSD rates and charges are submitted to the County Auditor/Controller for inclusion on the tax roll for that fiscal year. The rates and method of apportionment outlined in this Report are consistent with the rates and methods previously approved by the TCSD Board of Directors for each applicable Service Level contained herein. However, all rates and methods described in this Report are subject to revision and modification within the prescribed parameters of the law. The actual rates and charges applied on the tax roll each fiscal year shall be apportioned and submitted according to the rates and method described in the final TCSD Annual Levy Report presented and approved by the Board of Directors at an annual Public Hearing. The following pages encompass a complete listing of all parcels within the Loma Linda Tract subject to the TCSD Service Level C rates and charges beginning Fiscal Year 2003- 2004. This listing shows the rate and charge that will be charged to each parcel based on development with a single-family residential unit. The rates and charges applied to each newly subdivided residential parcel will reflect the services provided and the development of each respective parcel at the time the rates and charges are applied. Exhibit A CITY OF TEMECULA LOMALINDA TRACT TRACT MAP NO. 19872-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and -FINAL Parcel Listing Tracts 19872-1,-2,-3, -4,-5 and Final Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Service Fiscal Yr Lot Number ~ Level C 2003-2004 36 20.0¢ 10.0~ 02/18/2003 Parcel Listing Tracts 19872-1, -2,-3,-4,-5 and Final Fiscal Year 2003-2004 46 20.00 10.0C 47 20.00 10.0C 48 20.00 10.0C 49 20.00 10,0C 50 20.00 10.0C 51 20.00 10.0C 52 20.00 10.0C 53 20,00 10.0¢ 54 20.00 10.0C 55 20.00 10.0C 56 20.0~ 10.0( 57 20.0~ 10.0C 58 20.0~ 10.0C 59 20.0~ 10.0C 60 20.0~ 10.0( 61 20.0~ 10.0C 62 20.0C 10.0C 63 20.0~ 10.0C 64 20.0~ 10.0( 65 20.0~ 10,0C 66 20.OG 10.0( 67 20.0C 10.0( 68 20.0C 10.0C 69 20.0C 10.0C 70 20.0¢ 10.0C 72 20.0C 10.0C 73 20.0C 10.0C 74 20.0C 10.0( 75 20.0C 10.0{; 76 20.0C 10.0( 77 20.0( 10,0( 78 20.0C 10.0C 79 20.0C 10.0C 80 20.0C 10.0C 81 20.0C 10.0( 82 20.0C 10.0( 83 20.0C 10.0( 84 20.0C 10.0( 85 20.0C 10.0( 86 20,0C 10.0( 87 20.0C 10.0( 88 20.0C 10.00: 89 20.0( 10.00~ 90 20.0C 10.00 91 20.0C 10.00 92 20.0C 10.00 93 20.0C 10.00 94 20.0C 10.00 95 20.0C 10,00 96 20.0C 10.00 97 20.0C 10.00 98 20.0C 10.00 99 20.0( 10.00 100 20.0C 10,00 101 20.0( 10.00 102 20.0( 10.00 103 20.0( 10.00 2 0~18~003 Parcel Listing Tracts 19872-1,-2,-3, -4,-5 and Final Fiscal Year 2003-2004 I 20.0£ 10.0( 2 20.0C 10.0( 3 20.0¢ 10.0( 4 20.0£ 10.0C 5 20.0£ 10.0( 6 20.0£ 10.0( 7 20.0C 10.0( 8 20.0C 10.0( 9 20.0¢ 10.0( 10 20.0¢ 10.0( 11 20.0C 10.0( 12 20.0C 10.0( 13 20.0C 10.0( 14 20.0£ 10.0( 15 20,0C 10.0C 16 20.0C 10.0C 17 20.0C 10.0C 18 20.0C 10.0C 19 20.0C 10.0C 20 20.0C 10.0C 21 20.0C 10.0C 22 20.0C 10.0C 23 20.0C 10.0C 24 20.0C 10.0C 25 20.0C 10.0C 26 20.0C 10.0C 27 20.0C 10.0C 28 20.0C 10.0C 29 20.0C 10.0C 30 20.0C 10.0C 31 20.0C 10.0C 32 20.0C 10.0C 33 20.0C 10.0C 34 20.0C 10.0C 35 20.0C 10.0C 36 20.0C 10.0C 37 20.0C 10.0C 38 20.0C 10.0C 39 20.0C 10.0C 40 20.0C 10.0C 41 20.0C 10.0C 42 20.0C 10.00! 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This hearing has been rescheduled to April 22, 2003, as set forth below. Aside from the revised hearing date, there has been no other change to the proposed rates and charges. The Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) has initiated proceedings to establish rates and charges for perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance services (Service Level C) proposed to be provided to residential parcels in the area commonly known as the Loma Linda Tract. If these rates and charges are adopted, each residential parcel in the located in the area shown on the reverse side of this notice will be subject to annual rates and charges in an amount not to exceed $20.00 per year. These rates and changes will be collected annually along with property taxes and are in addition to any rates and charges currently levied by the TCSD. The purpose of the rates and charges will be to finance the operation, maintenance, utility costs, improvements, and administration of perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance areas to be acquired by the TCSD along Pechanga Parkway and Via Gilberto. The annual charge will be calculated by dividing the total estimated cost of these services by the number of residential lots and parcels subject to the rate and charge. Because services will not be provided until the second half of fiscal year 2003-2004, it is proposed that, in that initial year, the rates and charges not exceed $10.00 per year per parcel. In accordance with Section 61621.2 of the California Government Code, the TCSD has caused a written report ("Report") to be prepared and filed with the Secretary of the TCSD, which contains a description of the pamels that will be subject to the rate and charge and the proposed amounts of the annual rates and charges for such parcels. For more information about the proposed rates and charges, and about the proposed services to be provided, reference is made to the report, which may be viewed during the business day at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California, 92590. The TCSD Board of Directors will conduct a public hearing at the following date, time and location on the Report and the proposed imposition of rates and charges: Date: Time: Location: April 22, 2003 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers City Hall 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 At the public hearing, the City Council and TCSD Board of Directors will hear and consider all objections or protests, if any, to the Report and to the proposed rates and charges. Any property owner may file with the City Clerk a written protest against the rates and charges at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. If you have any questions about this notice or the proposed rates and charges, please do not hesitate to contact the TCSD at (909) 694-6480. R:~smithb\Elections\Pechanga Parkway\Notice of Public Hearing 3.DOC Loma Linda Tract ITEM 3 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL C I TY ~ DIR. OF FINg2XlCE~ CITY MANAGER TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT Board of Directors Shawn Nelson, General Manager February 25, 2003 Approval of 2002-03 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments PREPARED BY: Genie Robert, s,/,Director of Finance~r Karen Jes/.~ssistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS DISCUSSION: Each year a mid-year review is conducted of the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) operating budgets. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the TCSD maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. Additionally, TCSD staff has reviewed the operating budgets and has identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the TCSD City-wide Parks and Recreation Fund, five Service Level Funds, and the Debt Service Fund. Activity in each of the funds is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances: Presents a summary of prior year and FY 2002-03 year-to-date actual activity, as well as FY 2002-03 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balances based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: Presents detail of prior year and FY 2002-03 year-to-date revenues, as well as the FY 2002-03 current and revised projected revenues. The projected total TCSD revenues reflect an increase of $57,600 over the odginal budget estimate. Contracted classes have been so popular and have had higher enrollment than was anticipated through the budget process that it has resulted in more revenue. A total increase in TCSD expenditures of $57,600 is proposed. Following is a summary of all proposed expenditure adjustments: Citywide Operations: The net $57,600 increase in expenditures is a result of an increase in Worker's Compensation insurance of $9,600 and an increase in Contracted Classes of $48,000. Eighty percent of the contracted class revenue goes to the instructor and twenty percent is retained by TCSD. Therefore, contract class revenues will be increased to offset the increase in expenditures. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Two position reclassifications are proposed, the total annual incremental cost of $19,980 is projected for the TCSD position reclasses. No changes have been included with mid year for the additional cost ($6,660); TCSD will absorb the cost. A summary of the proposed position reclasses is as follows: Dept. TCSD TCSD Current Position Recreation Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Proposed Position Senior Recreation Coordinator Recreation Supervisor The Schedule of Authorized Positions has been updated to reflect these changes. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed mid-year adjustments will result in no change to the TCSD total projected fund balance of $1,042,877 at June 30, 2003. Attachments: Resolution CSD 03- 2002-03 Temecuta Community Services District Mid-Year Budget RESOLUTION NO. CSD 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGETS WHEREAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of all Temecula Community Services (TCSD) operating budgets. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WHEREAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules, hereto at Exhibit A. The Board of Directors does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 2002-03 TCSD operating budgets are amended in accordance with the attached schedules. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District this 25th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Jeff Comerchero, President Susan W. Jones, CMC District Secretary/City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk/District Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District, HEREBY DO CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution No. CSD 03- was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District on the 25th day of February, 2003, by the following roll call vote. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISTRICT MEMBERS: DISTRICT MEMBERS: DISTRICT MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/District Secretary 2002-03 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MID-YEAR BUDGET TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % 2001-02 YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase Actual ~ 12/31/02 Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues* 16~309~280 2~616~671 10~767~480 10,825,080 Total Expenditures by Fund: Citywide Operations* 4,916,069 2,707,300 5,919,415 5,977,015 Service Level B 462,542 241,955 538,880 538,880 Service Level C 982,140 487,370 1,184,942 1,184,942 Service Level D 3,091,349 1,630,543 3,254,520 3,254,520 Service Level R 4,848 17,160 17,160 Debt Service 4~729,449 424=450 562,500 562~500 Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Operating Transfers Out*: CIP Fund Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out Fund Balances, Beg. of Year Fund Balances, End of Year 14~186,397 2,122,883 2,695,564 57~600 0.5% 57,600 1.0% 5,491~618 11~477,417 11,535,017 57~600 0.5% (2,874,947) (709,937) (709,937) (572,681) (2,874,947) (709,937) (709,937) 2,325~495 1~752,814 1~752~814 1,752,814 1,042,877 110421877 * Operating transfers between various TCSD Funds are not reflected. Comparative information reflects amounts previously reported in separate Service Level A Fund TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 190 TCSD FUND ACTUALS ' YTD ~12/31/02 ORIG EST QF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE DEPT -180 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 4004 -Special Tax 2,505,301 149,07~ 2,689,330 55°.~ 2,689,33C 4006 -Lien Release (Assessments) 4058 -Miscellaneous 250 4060 -Miscellaneous Non Taxable 659 110 4065 -Investment Interest 21,522 7,757 40,000 19.4% 40,000 4073 ;-TCSD Admin Fee Credit/"Rest" 2,117,000 1,239,105 2,478,210 50.0% 2,478,210 4078 -Reimbursements 18,939 10,182 34,000 29.9% 34,000 4077 '.Lease Income 12,854 20,269 26,400 768% 26,400 4084 .Reimbursements (CIP) 65,000 34,000 68,000 50.0% 68,000 4085 .CSA 143 4090 .Operating Transfers In 4107 .Parcel Maps 4,840 3,195 2,000 159,8% 2,000 4284 Plan Check 5,055 2,555 20,000 12.8% 20,000 4290 .Inspection Fees 15,250 4,500 20,000 22.5% 20,000 4370 ,Landscape Plan Check 2,420 1,120 4390 Street Lighting Fees 5,652 7,531 22,100 34.1% 22,100 ¥OTAL DEPT 180 4,774,742 1,479~400 5,400~040 27.4% 5~400,040~ DEPT .181 SR CENTER 4051 .Donations 7 '4980 -Classes/Activities 1,765 2,019 3,000 67.3% 3,00C !4983 -Transportation 635 455 600 75.8% 60£ ~986 -Excursions 311 800 80£ ~990 -Indoor Rentals 8,450 2,101 10,000 21.0% 10,00£ TOTAL DEPT 181 11~168 4~575 14~400 31.8% 14~400 3EPT ~182 CRC ~980 .Classes/Activities 24,487 15,341 15,000 1023% 15,000 ~984 .Day Camp 73,043 6,585 70,000 94% 70,000 ~990 -Indoor Rentals 42,357 19,390 33,000 58.8% 33,000 TOTAL DEPT 182 139~887 41~316 118~000 35.0% 118,000 ]EPT -183 RECREATION ~070 -Cash Over & Short ~975 -Aquatics t980 .Classes/Activities ~982 .Contracted C~asses 172,968 48,679 110,000 44.3% 167,600 57,600 52.4°/~ t984 -Day Camp ~986 -Excursions 4,285 1,362 4,000 34.1% 4,000 ~988 -Field Rentals/Lights ~989 -Picnic Shelter Rentals 374 120 2,000 6.0% 2,00( ~990 .Indoor Rentals 17 3992 -Special Events 11,075 6,521 10,000 65.2% 10,00£ t993 .Special Event Donations 64 1,000 1 4994 -Sports ~1995 -High Hopes 250 2,000 2,00£ !998 -Skate Park 13,491 5,232 25,000 209% 25,000 TOTAL DEPT 153 202,524 61,914 154,000 402% 211~600 57,600 37 4°/< ]EPT -184 TCC ¢980 -Classes/Activities 3,594 6,574 11,000 59.8% 11,000 ~-984 -Day Camp 4990 -Indoor Rentals 17,547 14,643 16,000 91.5% 16,000 TOTAL DEPT 184 21~141 21~217 27,000 78.6% 27,000 02-03 midyear-REV 2/18~2003 TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 Fy 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 190 TCSD FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST , CHANGB DEPT ~185 MUSEUM 4051 .Donations 2,500 4980 .Classes/Activities 500 500 !4985 .Magazines 1,625 14986 .Excursions 800 800 ~990 -Indoor Rentals 330 900 900 ~991 .Museum Admissions 8,313 2,295 7,000 32.8% 7,000 ~997 -Museum Concessions ~-OTAL DEPT 185 11,143 3,920 9~200 42.6% 9,2001 3EPT .186 AQUATICS ~970 -Swim Lessons 60,991 30,638 54,100 566% 54,100! ;971 -Lap Swim 7,731 4,042 5,500 735% 5,500 t972 -Public Swim 8,146 6,983 ~973 -Family Night Swim 36 ~,974 -Pool Rentals 14,506 6,772 10,500 645% 10,500 ~.976 -Non-resident Swim 1,565 670 1,000 67 0% 1,000 TOTAL DEPT 186 92~975 49~105 71~100 69.1% 71~100 3EPT -187 SPORTS ~960 -Adult Softball 54,288 26,790 56,000 47.8% 56,000 ~.961 -Adult Basketball 6,010 1,830 7,000 261% 7,000 ~962 -Adult Rollerhockey ~963 .Tournaments 2,000 4,000 4,000 ~964 -Adult Leagues (non-resident) 7,065 2,810 6,000 46.8% 6,00C ~965 -Youth Leagues (non-resident) 7,810 2,180 5,000 43.6~/~' 5,00C ~968 -Field Rentals/Lighta 49,908 32,790 29,300 111.9~ 29,30[ ]'OTAL DEPT 187 127~081 66,400 107,300 61.9¥~ 107~30¢ 3EPT .188 CHILDREN'S MUSEUM ~051 .Donations 250 131; t991 .Museum Admissions 13,000 13,00£ ~997 -Museum Concessions 10,000 10,00¢ ~999 ~Birthdays 4,000 4,00¢ TOTAL DEPT 188 250 131 27~000 05°/~ 27~00£ TOTAL TCSD 5~390,911 1,727,978 5~928~040 29.1°/~ 5,985~64¢ 57,600 10% TCSD REVENUE DETAIL FY 2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE I % NO 192 SERVICE LEVEL"B" FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST ~ CHANGE 1005 -Assessments 410,829 224,944 433,220 51.9% 433,220 4065 -Investment Interest 667 2,000 2,000 4085 -CSA 143 42,400 42,400 4091 -Operatin9 Transfers In 2,000 2,000 4390 -Street Lighting Fees 12,210 20,700 13,600 152,2% 13,600 4395 -Property Owner Election Costs 100 3,000 3.3% 3,000 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "B" FUND 4231706 245~744 496,220 49.5°/ 496~220 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 193 SERVICE LEVEL"C" FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 962,075 532,023 985,000 54.0% 985,000 4065 -Investment Interest 7,608 1,893 20,000 9.5% 20,000 4370 -Landscape Plan Check 1,757 7,290 15,000 48.6% 15,000 4371 -Landscape Inspection 5,000 25,000 25,000 4395 -Property Owner Election Costs 100 3,000 3.3% 3,000 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "C" FUND 976,440 541,306 1,048,000 517% 1,048,000 ACCT FY 0%02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 194 SERVICE LEVEL"D" FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12131102 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 2,958,472 72,372 3,187,000 2.3% 3,187,000 4025 -Grants 15,471 17,619 17,220 102.3% 17,220 4065 -Investment Interest 8,571 2,281 40,000 5.7% 40,000 4096 -Recycling Program 22,619 5,000 5,000 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL "D" FUND 3,005,133 92,272 3,249~220 2,8% 3~249~220 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 195 SERVICE LEVEL"R" FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4005 -Assessments 11,452 2,026 12,800 1&8% 12,800 4065 -Investment Interest 592 308 200 154.0% 200 TOTAL SERVICE LEVEL 'R" FUND 12~044 2,334 13,000 18.0% 13,000 ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 390 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4065 -Investment Interest 48,097 18,138 35,000 51.8% 35,000 4090 -Operating Transfer In 429,386 562,500 562,500 4800 -Bond Proceeds 6,454,313 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 6~931,796 18~138 597,500 30% 597,500 TCSD DEPARTMENTAL REPORT APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CiTY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT Board of Directors Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services February 25, 2003 Departmental Report PREPARED BY: Gall L. Zigler, Administrative Secretary The Board of Directors awarded a construction contract to R.E. Flemming, Inc. at their September 17, 2002 Board meeting. This contract will construct the white box tenant improvements for the Children's Museum. These improvements will include replacement of the roof, replacement of the wood siding on the building, reconstruction of the porch area and also reconstruction of the restroom facilities, office space and the driveway entry. The exhibitry for the interior of the building is under construction and progressing well in San Diego at the warehouse of Sparks Exhibits and Environment. The museum is expected to open this summer. RHA Landscape Architects is preparing the construction documents for the improvements to Vail Ranch Park Site "C" adjacent to Pauba Elementary School. This project is identified in this year's ClP. The new amenities will include a tot lot, picnic shelter, tables, benches and walkways. The Community Services Commission reviewed and approved the conceptual master plan at their February 11, 2002 Commission meeting. This project is currently in plan check. The conceptual Master Plan for the Wolf Creek Sports Complex was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at the January 14, 2003 meeting. The architect is currently drafting the construction documents. The Wolf Creek Sports Complex is a 43 acre park with parking, restroom/concession buildings, maintenance building, four lighted basketball courts, four lighted soccer and four lighted softball/baseball fields, tot play equipment, picnic areas and walkways. Staff is currently revising the Library Grant Application for the second round issue of funds through the Library Bond Act. Staff has spoken with the Office of Library Construction staff to determine areas where the application can be strengthened. Staff will be working with the Temecula Valley Unified School District, the architect and the grant writer to prepare the final submittal due March 28, 2003. The City's application will request approval from the State of California Library Bond Act for an $8,500,000 Grant to construct a new Public Library in the City of Temecula. R:~ZIGLERGLXDEPTR PT~0203 .doc Febma~ 18, 2003 The Development Services Division continues to participate in the development review for projects within the City including Wolf Creek, Roripaugh, Villages of Old Town and Harveston, as well as overseeing the development of parks and recreation facilities, and the contract for refuse and recycling, cable television services and assessment administration. The Maintenance Division continues to oversee the maintenance of parks and recreation facilities and assist in all aspects of Citywide special events. The Recreation Division staff is currently planning the Recreation Division's spring activities including the Spring Egg Hunt and the Annual Volunteer Recognition Event. R:~ZIG LERG\XDE PTRPTX0203.doc Febtumy 18, 2003 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEM 1 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE OFFICER CITY MANAGER TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 25, 2003 Executive Director/Agency Members John Meyer, Redevelopment Director First Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with AGK Group LLC. RECOMMENDATION: That the Redevelopment Agency Board approve the First Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between Agency and AGK Group LLC. BACKGROUND: On June 25, 2002 the Agency entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with AGK Group LLC to explore the development of a mixed-use project that would include college facilities, affordable housing and retail/office space. Mr. Kading has made significant progress towards this end. The ENA provided Mr. Kading a 180-day due diligence period. In addition, the ENA included a 90- day extension that was executed by the City Manager on December 16, 2002. The ENA is due to expire on March 26, 2003. During this period, Mr. Kading is to provide the Agency with the following: 4. 5. 6. A detailed project description including two conceptual site plans A work schedule for the completion of the project Preliminary cost estimates Preliminary sources for private financing Confirmation in form of letters of intent from participating academic partners List of prospective retail tenants DISCUSSION: Mr. Kading has worked diligentlyto meet these commitments. Preliminarysite plans have been reviewed and a preferred conceptual site plan has been developed. This plan is the basis for both the preliminary cost estimates and the necessary environmental work. Mr. Kading has spent significant resources in developing the site plan, cost estimates and environmental review. The preliminary project pro-forma is currently under review by KMA, the Agency's independent fiscal consultant. In addition, Mr. Kading has received letters of intent from Mount San Jacinto Community College (Mount San Jacinto), California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) and University of California, Riverside (UCR). He is also exploring additional private universities. Mr. Kading has had numerous R:\Educationcomplex\ENA Amendment Staff Report.doc discussions with local retail brokers identifying potential tenants. At numerous meetings facilitated · by Agency staff, representatives from the local industrial, manufacturing and medical fields have also provided significant interest in the mixed-use campus project. Based upon his effort to date, Staff remains confident with Mr. Kading's ability to complete this project. The ENA anticipated the development of draft deal points for a subsequent Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA). In order to remain on this path staff is recommending Mr. Kading be given another six months to complete the necessary environmental work and complete the work necessary to develop draft deal points. FISCAL IMPACT: The Agency's Low Mod Fund has a nearly $4 million basis in the subject property. The extension of the ENA time period will result in no fiscal impact to the Agency. Attachments: First Amendment R:\Educationcomplex\ENA Amendment Staff Report.doc FIRST AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BE'rWEEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND AGK GROUP LLC THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of February 25, 2003 by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("Agency") and AGK Group LLC ("Developer"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: a. On June 25, 2002 the Agency and Developer entered into that certain agreement entitled "Exclusive Negotiating Agreement" ("Agreement"). b. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Agreement, the Executive Director extended the Agreement 90 days to March 26, 2003. c. The Developer has made significant progress and spent significant resources towards completing the terms of the Agreement. d. To fully complete the work as prescribed in the Agreement the Developer needs additional time to complete the environment review process. 2. The Agreement is hereby extended six (6) months to September 26, 2003. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the padies hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first aSove written. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA BY: Ronald E. Roberts, Chairperson ATTEST: BY: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk Approved As to Form: BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney DEVELOPER BY: AGK Group NAME: TITLE: BY: NAME: TITLE: R:'~EDUCATIONCOMPLEA~ENA FIRSTAMENDMENEDOC 2 ITEM 2 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CiTY MANAGER CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chairman and Agency Members Executive Director ; Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manager(~/v~' February 25, 2003 Consideration of Cost Sharing for Upgrade of Auto Mall Sign RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Owner Participation Agreement with the Temecula Auto Dealer's Association for upgrades to the freeway Auto Mall sign. BACKGROUND: At your January 28, 2003 meeting, the Redevelopment Agency approved in concept an agreement to share the costs of upgrading the Auto Mall sign along 1-15. This project would upgrade the electronics and change the lighting to use energy efficient light emitting diodes. These changes would reduce energy consumption by more than 50% and would improve the sign's programming capabilities and readability by allowing display of colored, "photo-like" displays. The attached agreement provides for the Agency to share the costs of this upgrade up to a maximum of 975,000. The Auto Dealers would be responsible for contracting for this work and obtaining ail necessary permits. The Agency's participation will further the Agency's goals by assisting the Dealers in improving the operation and appearance of the sign, which benefits the community and related businesses. In addition the agreement provides for community service messages 10% of the time that the sign is in operation. The Agency would not be responsible for programming costs or for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the sign. FISCAL IMPACT: By approving this agreement, the Agency will incur an expenditure not-to- exceed $75,000. A mid-year budget adjustment has been recommended to fund this agreement. ATTACHMENT: Proposed Owner Participation Agreement. R:[OGRADYJ[AUTO MA£LIAUTO SIGN AGENCY REPORT o FEB 25, 2003. DOC 1 2/20/03 OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO AND USE OF AN AUTO MALL SIGN THIS OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of February ,2003, by and between TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION, 1NC., a California nonprofit corporation (hereinafter called "Participant"), and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, a public body, corporate and politic (hereinafter called "Agency.") RECITALS A. Participant is the owner of real property, hereinafter called the "Property," located in Redevelopment Project Area 1988-1 (the "Project Area") of the Redevelopment Plan City of Temecula. The Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area was approved by the City Council of the City of Temecula by Ordinance Nos. 91-11 and 91 - 15 (as amended, the "Redevelopment Plan"). B. The Property is located at 26631 Ynez Road, Temecula, California; the legal description of the Property is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" C. The purpose of this Agreement is to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan by providing for the rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance of that certain electronic message and advertisement board on the Property that is approximately 70 feet high (the "Sign") and by giving the Agency the right to have community and public services messages put on the Sign. This Agreement will benefit the Project Area by removing blighting influences as identified in the Redevelopment Plan approvals; improving the appearance of buildings and structures; retaining businesses in the Project Area and attracting new businesses which provide jobs; ensuring that signage incorporated on privately-owned structures and sites is visually attractive and promotes a high quality image for the Project Area and the City; enhancing the safety of buildings and structures; and promoting uses which complement each other. This Agreement is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and the Implementation Plan for the Project Area. D. Participant and the Agency desire to rehabilitate the Sign by completing the improvements described in Exhibit "B" (the "Improvements"). Detailed design plans for the Improvements will be submitted to the Agency and the City of Temecula for approval in accordance with this Agreement and the Temecula Municipal Code. 11087\0001 \722481.2 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: I. PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the rehabilitation of the Sign as described in the Recitals, which are incorporated herein, and for the Agency to obtain the fight to put community and public services messages on the Sign. II. PARTIES AND ADDRESSES A. The Agency: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 Atto: Mr. John Meyer Housing and Redevelopment Director The Participant: Temecula Valley Automobile Dealers Association, Inc. 27360 Ynez Road Temecula, California 92591 Attn: President Notices, demands and communications to be given hereunder by either party shall be made in writing, shall be addressed as set forth above, shall be delivered by personal delivery or certified mail (postage prepaid and return receipt requested), and shall be deemed delivered as of the date of mailing. The above names and addresses may be changed by five (5) days prior written notice given in accordance with this Section, except that such notice shall not be deemed delivered until received. III. PAYMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS A. Partial Reimbursement 1. The estimated cost o£the Improvements is One Hundred Forty-Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($142,770.00). 2. Agency agrees to reimburse Participant the lesser of (i) $75,000; or (ii) 50% of the costs of constructing the Improvements (including permit 11087\0001\722481.2 2 costs) and any included programming provided that the following conditions are satisfied on or before March 1, 2004: (i) The Improvements are completed in accordance with applicable laws (including any applicable prevailing wage laws), all required inspections have occurred and all required permits (including, without limitation, sign permits, electrical permits and CalTrans permits) have been obtained; (ii) The Improvements have been constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Agency; (iii) An Easement Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C" is duly executed and acknowledged by Participant and delivered to Agency for recording; (iv) Recordable subordination agreements, duly executed and acknowledged and in recordable form, from any holders of liens on are delivered to Agency for recording; (v) Participant has provided Agency with unconditional and final mechanic's lien releases from all contractors performing work on improvements; (vi) Participant has provided to Agency reasonable evidence that participant has complied with Article IV below; and (vii) Participant has provided Agency with reasonable evidence of the costs of the Improvements and any included programming. The Agency shall make the required payment to the Participant within thirty (30) days after all of the conditions set forth above are satisfied Participant shall pay all costs of construction and programming that are not paid by the Agency's reimbursement payment. IV. CONTRACTOR SELECTION The Improvements shall be constructed pursuant to a construction contract between the Participant and a reputable contractor licensed by the State of California (the "Participant/Contactor Agreement") selected after a competitive bidding process involving at least three (3) bids from licensed, reputable contractors; The Participant/Contractor Agreement shall be in a form approved by the Agency and must otherwise require liability insurance with a policy limit of not less than 11087\0001\722481.2 3 one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), that the Agency and the City be named as additional insureds and that a performance bond and a labor and materials bond in the amount of the contract, issued by an insurer and surety approved by the Executive Director of the Agency. In the event a change to the Participant/Contractor Agreement is required which changes the scope, cost or time of the Improvements, a "Contract Change Order" shall be executed by Participant and shall be delivered to, and subject to the approval of, Agency. USE OF THE PROPERTY Participant shall at all times use the Property in conformance with the City of Temecula (hereinafter the "City"), zoning requirements, the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area, and this Agreement. Participants shall not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, religion, political affiliation or opinion, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, or disability in the sale, lease or rental or in the use or occupancy of the Property, or any improvement erected or to be erected thereon, or any part thereof. All subsequent deeds, leases or contracts shall contain the nondiscrimination or nonsegregation clauses contained in Section VIII E. of this Agreement. This covenant shall run with the land and remain in perpetuity as required by Health & Safety Code Section 33436. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW Participant shall comply with all local, State and Federal laws and ordinances relating to the use or condition of the Sign and the construction of the Improvements. Participant acknowledges that neither City nor the Agency has investigated, nor do they have knowledge of, the condition of the existing building and structures for compliance with applicable laws. VII. NOTICE TO LESSEES OF PARTICIPANT Within ten (10) days after the execution of this Agreement, Participant shall notify all lessees, if any, of the Property and holders of liens on the Property or the Sign of the terms of this Agreement. Participant shall not permit any lessees of the property to violate the provisions of this Agreement. Owner, and not Agency, shall be liable to such lessees for any business interruption or other damages which may occur as a result of the construction of the Improvements and repair and maintenance of the sign. 11087\0001\722481.2 4 VIII. MISCELLANEOUS The waiver by one party of the performance of any covenant, condition or promise shall not invalidate this Agreement nor shall it be considered a waiver by such party of any other covenant, condition or promise hereunder. The exemise of any remedy shall not preclude the exercise of other remedies any party may have in law or equity. This Agreement may be modified only by written amendment executed by Participant and the Agency. Participant shall indemnify, defend and hold the Agency and the City and their officers, agents, employees and attorneys harmless from all claims, damages or liability, including alt reasonable attorney's fees and other costs incurred in defending any claims, arising out of or in connection with the activities performed under this Agreement and any activities occurring in, on or about the Property. Such indemnity shall extend, but not be limited to claims, damages and liability arising from personal injuries, death or real or personal property damages, provided that the obligation to indemnify shall not extend to claims, damages or liability arising solely from the willful misconduct of the City, the Agency or any of their officers or employees. Participant shall not assign its rights or obligations hereunder without the Agency's prior written consent, which consent may be granted or withheld in the Agency's sole and absolute discretion; however, in the event Participant sells or otherwise transfers all or a portion of or interest in the Property or the Sign, the transferee shall take title subject to the obligations of Participant and fights of Agency under this Agreement. Participant shall refrain from restricting the sale, lease, sublease, rental, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of this Property (or any part thereof) on the basis of sex, sexual preference, marital status, sexual preference, race, color, religion, creed, ancestry, disability or national origin of any person. All such deeds, leases or contracts pertaining thereto shall contain or be subject to substantially the following nonsegregation clauses: In deeds: "The grantee herein covenants by and for itself, its successor and assigns and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of sex, sexual preference, marital status, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee itself or any person claiming under or through it establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, 11087\0001\722481.2 5 number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees in the land herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants shall mn with the land." In leases: The lessee herein covenants by and for itself, its successor and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, and this lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the following conditions: That there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of sex, sexual preference, marital status, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability or ancestry in the leasing, subleasing, renting, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein leased, nor shall the lessee itself, or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessees, tenants or vendees in the land herein leased." In contracts: "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of sex, sexual preference, marital status, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, disability or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, rental, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land, nor shall the transferee itself, or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the land." The following exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Legal Description of Property Description of Improvements Form of Easement Agreement The Participant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any officer, employee or agent of the City or the Agency any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. Invalidation of any of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, or other provisions contained herein by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other covenants, conditions, restrictions, or provisions hereof, and the same shall remain in full force and effect. The headings to the various Articles and Sections of this Agreement have been inserted for convenient reference only and shall not to any extent have the effect 11087\000 IW22481.2 6 of modifying, amending or changing the expressed terms and provisions of this Agreement. No member, official, agent, attorney, or employee of the Agency or the City shall personally be liable to the Participant or any successor in interest of the Participant pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, nor for any default or breach by the Agency. In the event that suit is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement or as the result of any alleged breach thereof, the prevailing party or parties in such suit shall be entitled to recover their reasonable attorneys' fees from the losing party or parties, and any judgment or decree rendered in such proceedings shall include an award thereof. Time is of the essence in the performance hereof. This Agreement, together with all exhibits hereto, integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties or their predecessors in interest with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year written above. TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a California nonprofit corporation REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, a public body, a public body, corporate and politic By: Name: Print Name: Title: Title: Attest: Print Name: Secretary Approved as to Form: Peter M. Thorson Agency Attorney 11087\0001 \722481.2 7 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY That certain real property in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 19145, 1N THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED IN BOOK 119, PAGES 36 TO 39 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 11087\0001W22481.2 8 EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS (Description of improvement work, including line item budget.) 11087\0001\722481.2 9 EXHIBIT "C" FORM OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT (Attached) 11087\0001\722481.2 10 EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS This project consists of changing out the existing lamp banks on the existing Temecula Auto Center Freeway Message Center Sign to change out the existing lamp banks and replace with programmable new high resolution lamps with a minimum resolution of 32 pixels high by 96 pixels wide (total of 122,880 LEDs minimum) matrix LED units. 11087\0001\722481.2 9 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 Attention: City Clerk Exempt from recording fees pursuant to Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Easement") is made this __ day of February, 2003, by and between TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION, 1NC., a California nonprofit corporation, hereinafter called the "Grantor," and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, a public body, corporate and politic, hereinafter called the "Grantee." RECITALS A. The Grantor is the owner of certain real property located in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Property"); and B. The Property is in the Redevelopment Project Area No. 1988-1 of the Grantee (the "Project Area"); C. In exchange for reimbursement of a portion of the costs of improving the electronic message and advertisement board on the Property that is approximately 70 feet high (the "Sign"), the Grantor wishes to give Grantee the fight to include community and public service messages on the Sign which wilt benefit the Project Area. NOW, THEREFORE, FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, and in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the promises herein contained, the Grantor does hereby grant and convey unto the Grantee an easement, as more particularly described below, in and to the Sign located on the Property. 11087\0001\722542.2 1. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee an easement for the purpose of including community and public service messages on the Sign as hereinafter set forth. Grantee shall be entitled to have such messages displayed each day in which the Sign is operated for a time period equal to (i) the time period during which the Sign is being operated, divided by (ii) the number of auto dealers using the Sign, but in no event less than ten percent (10%) of the total time during which the Sign is operated on such day. The Grantee's messages shall be displayed on a "rotating basis" and with the same frequency as the messages of the auto dealers using the Sign. 2. Without the express written permission of the Grantee, Grantor shall not alter, obstruct or permit the obstruction of the Sign. Grantor shall at all times maintain the Sign in good and operable condition and repair, and cause the Sign to comply with all applicable laws, at Grantor's cost and expense. 3. If the Grantor violates Section 2, and does not cure the violation within thirty (30) days after written notice from Grantee describing the violation, the Grantee shall have the right (but not the obligation) to enter onto the Property to perform any maintenance, repairs and alterations the Sign as may be necessary to keep the Sign in good condition and repair or make the Sign comply with applicable laws. All costs of maintenance performed by the Grantee hereunder shall be paid by the Grantor or reimbursed to the Grantee by the Grantor within ten days after notice. Representatives of the Grantee shall be permitted at reasonable times, to come upon the Property to inspect the Sign for violation of any of the provisions of this Easement. 4. In addition to the foregoing, in the event of a violation of any provision of this Easement, the Grantee may institute a suit to enjoin such violation and/or require performance. The Grantee shall also have all other legal and equitable remedies to enfome the Grantor's obligations hereunder. In the event the Grantor is found to have violated any of its obligations, the Grantor shall reimburse the Grantee for any costs or expenses incurred in connection therewith, including court costs and attorneys' fees. 5. There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person, or group of persons, on account of sex, marital status, age, handicap, race, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Property or the Sign, and the Grantor (itself or any person claiming under or through the Grantor) shall not establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees thereof or any portion thereof. All deeds, leases and contracts executed by Grantor or its successors in connection with the Property or the Sign shall contain or be subject to substantially the following nondiscrimination or nonsegregation clauses: A. In deeds: "The grantee herein covenants by and for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of sex, marital status, race, age, handicaps color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lese, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee himself or any person claiming under or through him, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, 11087\0001\722542.2 2 sublessees or vendees in the land herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants shall mn with the land." B. In leases: "The lessee herein covenants by and for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through him, and this lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the following conditions: "That there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of sex, marital status, race, age, handicap, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry, in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, or enjoyment of the land herein leased, nor shall the lessee himself, or any person claiming under or through him, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy, of tenants, lessees, sublessees, subtenants or vendees in the land herein leased." C. In contracts relating to the sale or transfer of the Property or any interest therein: "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of sex, marital status, race, age, handicap, color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land, nor shall the transferee himself or any person claiming under or through him, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy, of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the land." 6. All notices given under this Easement shall be in writing, shall be given by personal delivery or certified mail (postage prepaid and return receipt requested) to the following addresses, and shall be deemed given: (i) if personally delivered, upon delivery; and (ii) if given by mail, upon deposit in the mail: If to Agency: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Post Office Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 Attn: Mr. John Meyer Housing and Redevelopment Director If to Participant: Temecula Valley Automobile Dealers Association, Inc. 27360 Ynez Road Temecula, California 92591 Attn: President 7. This Easement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Grantor, and shall inure to the benefit of the Grantee and its successors and assigns. This Easement is 11087\0001\722542.2 3 intended to "mn with the land" with respect to (and encumber) the Property, and is intended to benefit the Project Area. 8. This instrument contains the entire agreement of the Grantor and the Grantee relating to the rights herein granted. Any modifications concerning this instrument shall be valid only if in writing and signed by the party to be charged. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Grantor and the Grantee have caused this Easement to be duly executed as of the date first written above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Easement as of the day of February, 2003. GRANTOR: TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a California nonprofit corporation By: Print Name: Title: GRANTEE: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA By: Executive Director [ATTACH "ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE" ] 11087\0001\722542.2 4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY That certain real property in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 19145, 1N THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED 1N BOOK 119, PAGES 36 TO 39 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, 1N THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 11087\0001\722542.2 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On ,2003, before me, Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known to me - OR - [] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal Signature of Notary Public STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On ,2003, before me, , Notary Public, personally appeared _, rn personally known to me - OR - [] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal Signature of Notary Public 11087\0001\722542.2 6 C TYOFTEMECULA C TYCLERK DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Agency Members Shawn Ne son Execut ve D rector " FROM J m O Grady Ass stant C ty Manage~ DATE February 25 2003 SUBJECT. Redeve opment Agency Consent tem No 2 Attached s an amended agreement for RDA tem No 2 The amended agreement has been revewed and approved by Peter Thorson The copy attached ref ects the deeton of the Performance Bond and Labor and Mater a s Bond requ rement as they are not needed Thank you OWNER PARTIC PAT ON AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE C TY OF TEMECULA AND TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOB LE DEALERS ASSOCIATON NC FOR MPROVEMENTS TO AND USE OF AN AUTO MALL S GN TH S OWNER PART C PAT ON AGREEMENT (the Agreement ) s made and entered nto as of February 25 2003 by and between TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOB LE DEALERS ASSOC AT ON NC a Ca lorn a nonprof t corporat on (here nafter ca ed Part c pant ) and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE C TY OF TEMECULA a pub c body corporate and po t c (here nafter ca ed Agency ) REC TALS A Part c pant s the owner of rea property here nafter ca ed the Property ocated n Redeve opment ProJect Area 1988-1 (the Project Area ) of the Redeve opment P an C ty of Temecu a The Redeve opment P an for the Pro ect Area was approved by the C ty Counc of the C ty of Temecu a by Ordnance Nos 91-11 and 91-15 (as amended the Redeve opment Pan ) B The Property s ocated at 26631 Ynez Road Temecu a Ca forn a the ega descr pt on of the Property s attached hereto as Exh b t A C The purpose of th s Agreement s to effectuate the Redeve opment P an by prov d ng for the rehab tat on mprovement and ma ntenance of that certa n e ectron c message and advert sement board on the Property that s approx mate y 70 feet h gh (the S gn ) and by g v ng the Agency the r ght to have commun ty and pub c serv ces messages put on the S gn Th s Agreement w benef t the ProJect Area by remov ng b ght ng nf uences as dent f ed n the Redeve opment P an approva s mprov ng the appearance of bud ngs and structures reta n ng bus nesses n the Project Area and attract ng new bus nesses wh ch prov de obs ensur ng that s gnage ncorporated on pr vate y-owned structures and s tess v sua y attract ve and promotes a h gh qua ty mage for the ProJect Area and the C ty enhanc ng the safety of bud ngs and structures and promot ng uses wh ch comp ement each other Th s Agreement s cons stent w th the Redeve opment P an and the mp ementat on P an for the Project Area D Part c pant and the Agency des re to rehab tate the S gn by comp et ng the mprovements descr bed n Exh b t B (the mprovements ) Deta ed des gnp ans for the mprovements w be subm tted to the Agency and the C ty of Temecu a for approva n accordance w th th s Agreement and the Temecu a Mun c pa Code 11087\0001W22481 2 NOW THEREFORE n cons derat on of the covenants and agreements here n conta ned the part es agree as fo ows ! PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of th s Agreement s to prov de for the rehab tat on of the S gn as descr bed n the Recta s wh ch are ncorporated here n and for the Agency to obta n the r ght to put commun ty and pub c serv ces messages on the S gn [! PART ES AND ADDRESSES A The Agency Redeve opment Agency of the C ty of Temecu a 43200 Bus ness Park Drve Post Off ce Box 9033 Temecu a Ca lorn a 92589-9033 Attn Mr John Meyer Hous ng and Redeve opment D rector The Part c pant Temecu a Va ey Automob e Dea ers Assoc at on nc 27360 Ynez Road Temecu a Ca forn a 92591 Attn Pres dent B Not ces demands and commun cat ons to be g ven hereunder by ether party sha be made n wr tng sha be addressed as set forth above sha be de vered by persona de very or certf ed ma (postage prepa d and return rece pt requested) and sha be deemed de vered as of the date of ma ng C The above names and addresses may be changed by f ve (5) days pr or wr tten not ce g yen n accordance w th th s Sect on except that such not ce sha not be deemed de vered unt receved II! PAYMENT FOR THE MPROVEMENTS A Part a Re mbursement 1 The est mated cost of the mprovements s One Hundred Forty-Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Do ars ($142 770 00) 2 Agency agrees to re mburse Part c pant the esser of ( ) $75 000 or ( ) 50% of the costs of construct ng the mprovements ( nc ud ng perm t costs) and any nc uded programm ng prov ded that the fo ow ng cond tons are sat sf ed on or before March 1 2004 11087\0001\722481 2 2 The mprovements are comp eted n accordance wth app cab e aws ( nc ud ng any app cab e preva ng wage aws) a requ red nspect OhS have occurred and a requ red perm ts ( nc ud ng w thout m tat on s gn perm ts e ectr ca perm ts and Ca Trans perm ts) have been obta ned The mprovements have been constructed n accordance wth pans and spec f cat ons approved by the Agency An Easement Agreement n the form attached hereto as Exh b t C s du y executed and acknow edged by Part c pant and de vered to Agency for record ng (v) Recordab e subord nat on agreements du y executed and acknow edged and n recordab e form from any ho ders of ens on are de vered to Agency for record ng (v) Part c pant has prov ded Agency w th uncond t cna and fna mechanc sen re eases from a contractors perform ng work on mprovements (v) Part c pant has prov ded to Agency reasonab e ev dence that part c pant has comp ed w th Art c e V be ow and (v) Part c pant has prov ded Agency w th reasonab e ev dence of the costs of the mprovements and any nc uded programm ng 3 The Agency sha make the requ red payment to the Part c pant w th n th rty (30) days after a of the cond tons set forth above are sat sf ed 4 Part c pant sha pay a costs of construct on and programm ng that are not pa d by the Agency s re mbursement payment CONTRACTOR SELECT ON A The mprovements sha be constructed pursuant to a construct on contract between the Part c pant and a reputab e contractor censed by the State of Ca lorn a (the Part c pant/Contactor Agreement ) se ected after a compet t ve b dd ng process nvo v ng at east three (3) b ds from censed reputab e contractors B The Part c pant/Contractor Agreement sha be n a form approved by the Agency and must otherw se requ re ab ty nsurance w th a po cy m t of not ess than one m on do ars ($1 000 000 00) ssued by an nsurer approved by the Execut ve D rector of the Agency and that the Agency and the C ty be named as add t cna nsureds 11087\0001\722481 2 3 C n the event a change to the Part c pantJContractor Agreement $ requ red wh ch changes the scope cost or t me of the mprovements a Contract Change Order' sha be executed by Part c pant and sha be de vered to and subject to the approva of Agency ¥ USE OF THE PROPERTY ! Part c pant sha at a t mes use the Property n conformance w th the C ty of Temecu a (here nafter the C ty ) zon ng requ rements the Redeve opment P an for the Project Area and th s Agreement 2 Part c pants sha not d scr m nate upon the bas s of race co or ancestry natona orgn sex sexua orentaton marta status creed re gon po t ca afl at on or op n on pregnancy or pregnancy re ated cond t on or d sab ty n the sa e ease or renta or n the use or occupancy of the Property or any mprovement erected or to be erected thereon or any part thereof A subsequent deeds eases or contracts sha conta n the nond scr m nat on or nonsegregat on causes conta ned n Sect on V E of th s Agreement Th s covenant sba run wth the and and rema n n perpetu ty as requ red by Hea th & Safety Code Sect on 33436 COMPL ANCE W TH LAW A Partcpantsha compywtha oca State and Federa awsandordnances re at ng to the use or cond t on of the S gn and the construct on of the mprovements Part c pant acknow edges that ne ther Cty nor the Agency has nvest gated nor do they have know edge of the cond t on of the ex st ng bud ng and structures for comp ance w th app cab e aws VI! NOT CE TO LESSEES OF PART C PANT W th n ten (10) days after the execut on of th s Agreement Part c pant sha not fy a essees f any of the Property and ho ders of ens on the Property or the S gn of the terms of th s Agreement Part c pant sha not perm t any essees of the property to v o ate the prov s OhS of th s Agreement Owner and not Agency sha be ab e to such essees for any bus ness nterrupt on or other damages wh ch may occur as a resu t of the construct on of the mprovements and repa r and ma ntenance of the s gn VIII M SCELLANEOUS A The wa vet by one party of the performance of any covenant cond t on or prom se sha not nva date th s Agreement nor shat be cons dered a wa ver by such party of any other covenant cond t on or prom se hereunder The exerc se of any remedy sha not prec ude the exerc se of other remed es any party may have n aw or equ ty B Th s Agreement may be mod f ed on y by wr tten amendment executed by Part c pant and the Agency 11087\0001W22481 2 4 Part c pant sha ndemn fy defend and ho d the Agency and the C ty and the r off cers agents emp oyees and attorneys harm ess from a c a ms damages or ab ty nc ud nga reasonab e attorneys fees and other costs ncurred n defend ng any c a ms ar s ng out of or n connect on w th the act v t es performed under th s Agreement and any act v t es occurr ng n on or about the Property Such ndemn ty sha extend but not be m ted to c a ms damages and ab ty ar s ng from persona n ur es death or rea or persona property damages prov ded that the ob gat on to ndemn fy sha not extend to c a ms damages or ab ty ar s ng so e y from the w fu m sconduct of the Cty the Agency or any of the r off cers or emp oyees Partcpantsha notassgn ts r ghts or ob gat ons hereunder w thout the Agency s pr or wr tten consent wh ch consent may be granted or w thhe d n the Agency s so e and abso ute d scret on however n the event Part c pant se s or otherw se transfers a or a port on of or nterest n the Property or the S gn the transferee sha take t t e subject to the ob gat ons of Part c pant and r ghts of Agency under th s Agreement Part c pant sha refra n from restr ct ng the sa e ease sub ease renta transfer use occupancy tenure or en oyment of th s Property (or any part thereof) on the bass of sex sexua preference mar ta status sexua preference race coor re g on creed ancestry d sab ty or nat ona or g n of any person A such deeds eases or contracts perta n ng thereto sba conta n or be subject to substant a y the fo ow ng nonsegregat on causes ! n deeds The grantee here n covenants by and for tse f ts successor and ass gns and a persons c a m ng under or through them that there sha be no d scr m nat on aga nst or segregat on of any person or group of persons on account of sex sexua preference mar ta status race co or re gon creed natona org n d sab tyor ancestry n the sae ease sub ease transfer use occupancy tenure or enjoyment of the and here n conveyed nor sha the grantee tse f or any person c a m ng under or through t estab sh or perm t any such pract ce or pract ces of d scr m nat on or segregat on w th reference to the se ect on ocat on number use or occupancy of tenants essees subtenants sub essees or vendees n the and here n conveyed The forego ng covenants sha run wth the and 2 n eases The essee here n covenants by and for tsef ts successor and ass gns and a persons c a m ng under or through them and th s ease s made and accepted upon and subject to the fo ow ng cond tons That there sha be no d scr m nat on aga nst or segregat on of any person or group of persons on account of sex sexua preference marta status race co or re gon creed natona orgn dsab ty or ancestry nthe eas ng sub eas ng rent ng transferr ng use occupancy tenure or en oyment of the and here n eased nor sha the essee tse f or any person c a m ng under or through t estab sh or perm t such pract ce or pract ces of d scr m nat on or segregat on w th reference to the se ect on ocat on number or occupancy of tenants essees sub essees tenants or vendees n the and here n eased 11087\0001\722481 2 5 3 n contracts There sha be no d scr m nat on aga nst or segregat on of any person or group of persons on account of sex sexua preference marta status race coor re gon creed natona orgn dsab tyor ancestry n the sac ease subease renta transfer use occupancy tenure or enjoyment of the and nor sha the transferee tsef or any person c a m ng under or through t estab sh or perm t any such pract ce or pract ces of d scr m nat on or segregat on w th reference to the se ect on ocat on number use or occupancy of tenants essees subtenants sub essees or vendees of the and F The fo ow ng exh b ts are attached hereto and ncorporated here n as though set forth n fu Exh b t A Lega Descr pt on of Property Exh b t B Descr pt on of mprovements Exh b t C Form of Easement Agreement The Part c pant warrants that t has not pa d or g ven and w not pay or g ve any off cer emp oyee or agent of the C ty or the Agency any money or other cons derat on for obta n ng th s Agreement nva dat on of any of the covenants cond tons restr ct OhS or other prov sons conta ned here n by judgment or court order shan no way affect any of the other covenants cond t OhS restr ct ohs or prov sons hereof and the same sha rema n n fu force and effect The head ngs to the var ous Art c es and Sect OhS of th s Agreement have been nserted for convert ent reference on y and sba not to any extent have the effect of mod fy ng amend ng or chang ng the expressed terms and prov s OhS of th s Agreement No member off c a agent attorney or emp oyee of the Agency or the C ty sha persona y be ab e to the Part c pant or any successor n nterest of the Par~ c pant pursuant to the prov s OhS of th s Agreement nor for any defau t or breach by the Agency n the event that su t s brought for the enforcement of th s Agreement or as the resu t of any a eged breach thereof the preva ng party or part es n such su t sha be ent t ed to recover the r reasonab e attorneys fees from the os ng party or par[ es and any judgment or decree rendered n such proceed rigs sha nc ude an award thereof T me s of the essence n the performance hereof Th s Agreement together w th a exh b ts hereto ntegrates a of the terms and cond tons merit oned here n or nc denta hereto and supersedes a negot at ons or prev ous agreements between the part es or the r predecessors n nterest w th respect to a or any pad of the sub ect matter hereof 11087\0001\722481 2 6 N W TNESS WHEREOF the part es have executed th s Agreement as of the day and year wr tten above TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOB LE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE DEALERS ASSOC AT ON NC C TY OF TEMECULA a pub c body a Ca lorn a nonprof t corporat on a pub c body corporate and po t c By Name Rona d H Roberts T t e Cha rperson Attest SusanW Jones CMC C ty C erldAgency Secretary Approved as to Form Peter M Thorson Agency Attorney 11087\0001W22481 2 7 EXHBT A LEGAL DESCR PT ON OF THE PROPERTY That certa n rea property n the C ty of Temecu a County of R vets de State of Ca forn a more part cu ar y descr bed as fo ows PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 19145 N THE COUNTY OF R VERS DE STATE OF CAL FORN A RECORDED N BOOK 119 PAGES 36 TO 39 NCLUS VE OF PARCEL MAPS N THE OFF CE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SA D COUNTY 11087\0001\7224812 8 EXHIB T' B DESCRIPT ON OF THE MPROVEMENTS (Descr pt on of mprovement work nc ud ng ne tem budget ) 11087\0001W22481 2 9 EXH BIT C FORM OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT (Attached) 11087\0001\7224812 10 Recording Requested By and When Recorded Return to Redevelopment Agency of the C~ty of Temecula Post Office Box 9033 Temecula Cahforma 92589-9033 Attention C~ty Clerk Exempt from recording fees pursuant to Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the Easement ) ~s made this __ day of February 2003 by and between TEMECULA VALLEY AUTOMOBrl ~E DEALERS ASSOCIATION INCa California nonprofit corporation hereinafter called the Grantor and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA a public body corporate and pohtlc hereinafter called the Grantee RECITALS A The Grantor ~s the owner of certain real property located ~n the C~ty of Temecula County of R~verslde State of Cahforma described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the Property ) and B The Property is ~n the Redevelopment Project Area No 1988-1 of the Grantee (the Project Area ) C In exchange for reimbursement of a portion of the costs of ~mprowng the electronic message and advertisement board on the Property that Is approximately 70 feet high (the Sign ) the Grantor wishes to give Grantee the right to include community and public service messages on the Sign which will benefit the ProJect Area NOW THEREFORE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION and ~n cons~deranon of the foregoing recitals and the promises herein contmned the Grantor does hereby grant and convey unto the Grantee an easement as more particularly described below m and to the S~gn located on the Property 11087\0001\722542 2 I Grantor hereby grants to Grantee an easement for the purpose of ~nclud~ng commumty and pubhc service messages on the S~gn as hereinafter set forth Grantee shall be entttled to have such messages d~splayed each day tn which the Stgn ~s operated for a t~me period equal to 0) the ttme period dunng which the Stgn ~s being operated chwded by (~0 the number of auto dea ers ustng the S gn but tn no event less than ten percent (10%) of the total t~me dunng whtch the Stgn ts operated on such day The Grantee s messages shall be d~splayed on a rotat ng basts and wtth the same frequency as the messages of the auto dealers using the Stgn 2 Wtthout the express written perm~sston of the Grantee Grantor shall not alter obstruct or permtt the obstruction of the Stgn Grantor shall at all t~mes mmntam the S~gn tn good and operable condttton and repmr and cause the S~gn to comply w~th all appbcable laws at Grantor s cost and expense 3 If the Grantor v olates Section 2 and does not cure the v~olat~on wtth~n thtrty (30) days after written nottce from Grantee descnbmg the wolatton the Grantee shall have the right (but not the ob tgatton) to enter onto the Property to perform any mmntenance repmrs and alterattons the Stgn as may be necessary to keep the Stgn ~n good condtt~on and repatr or make the Stgn comply wtth apphcable aws All costs of matntenance performed by the Grantee hereunder shall be pard by the Grantor or retmbursed to the Grantee by the Grantor w~thln ten days after nottce Representattves of the Grantee shall be permitted at reasonable rimes to come upon the Property to tnspect the Sign for wolatton of any of the prows~ons of th~s Easement 4 In addition to the foregoing tn the event of a wolat~on of any prows~on of thts Easement the Grantee may ~nst~tute a stat to enjoin such vtolatton and/or require performance The Grantee shall also have a other legal and eqmtable remedies to enfome the Grantor s obhgattons hereunder In the event the Grantor is found to have violated any of ~ts obhgattons the Grantor sha 1 reimburse the Grantee for any costs or expenses ~ncurred in connect on therewtth tncludtng court costs and attorneys fees 5 There shall be no d scnm~nat~on agatnst or segregatton of any person or group of persons on account of sex marital status age hand~cap race color rebg~on creed nattonal ong~n or ancestry ~n the sale lease sublease transfer use occupancy tenure or enjoyment of the Property or the Stgn and the Grantor 0tself or any person ¢latm~ng under or through the Grantor) shall not estabbsh or permit any such practtce or practmes of d~scnnunat~on or segregatton w th reference to the selectton location number use or occupancy of tenants essees subtenants sublessees or vendees thereof or any pomon thereof All deeds leases and contracts executed by Grantor or ~ts successors tn connectton wtth the Property or the Stgn shall contmn or be subject to substantially the following nondtscnmlnatlon or nonsegregation clauses A In deeds The grantee heretn covenants by and for htmself hts hmrs executors adm~mstrators and assigns and all persons clmrmng under or through them that there shall be no d~scnm~natton agmnst or segregatton of any person or group of persons on account of sex marital status race age hand~caps color rehg~on creed nattonal ongtn or ancestry tn the sale lese sublease transfer use occupancy tenure or enjoyment of the land here~n conveyed nor shall the grantee htmself or any person clatnung under or through htm estabhsh or permtt any such practice or practtces of dtscnrmnatton or segregatton w~th reference to the selectmn location number use or occupancy of tenants lessees subtenants 11087\0001\722542 2 2 sublessees or vendees in the land heroin conveyed The foregoing covenants shall run w th the land B In eases The lessee heroin covenants by and for h~mself his heirs executors adm nlstrators and assigns and all persons claiming under or through him and th~s lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the following cond~nons That them shall be no d~scnmination agmnst or segmganon of any person or group of persons on account of sex marital status race age handicap co or mhglon creed national ongm or ancestry in the leas ng subleasing transfemng use or enjoyment of the land herein leased nor shall the lessee himself or any person claiming under or through him estabhsh or permit any such practice or practices of discnn~nat~on or segregation w~th reference to the selection location number use or occupancy of tenants lessees sublessees subtenants or vendees in the land hem~n leased C In contracts relating to the sale or transfer of the Property or any ~nterest therein There shall be no dlscnm~nauon agmnst or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of sex marital status race age handicap color mhglon creed national ong n or ancestry in the sale ease sublease transfer use occupancy tenure or enjoyment of the land nor shall the transferee h~mself or any person clairmng under or through him establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the se ectlon location number use or occupancy of tenants lessees subtenants sublessees or vendees of the land 6 All notices given under th s Easement shall be in writing shall be given by personal delivery or certified mml (postage pmpmd and tatum receipt requested) to the following addresses and shall be deemed given 0) if personally dehvered upon delivery and (n) if g~ven by ma upon deposit in the mail If to Agency Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Post Off ce Box 9033 Temecu a Ca lforma 92589-9033 Attn Mr John Meyer Housing and Redevelopment Director If to Participant Temecula Valley Automobde Dealers Assoc~ation Inc 27360 Ynez Road Temecula Cahfomla 92591 Attn President 7 This Easement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Grantor and shall inure to the benefit of the Grantee and its successors and assigns Thru Easement is 11087\0001\7225422 3 intended to run with the land with respect to (and encumber) the Property and is intended to benefit the Project Area 8 This instrument contains the entire agreement of the Grantor and the Grantee re at ng to the rights herein granted Any modifications concerning this instrument shall be valid only if In writing and signed by the party to be charged 1N WITNESS THEREOF the Grantor and the Grantee have caused this Easement to be duly executed as ot the date first written above IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed this Easement as of the __ day of February 2003 GRANTOR TEMECULA VAI J.EY AUTOMOBll ~E DEALERS ASSOCIATION INC a California nonprofit corporation By Pnnt Name Title GRANTEE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA By Executive Director [ATTACH ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE ] 11087\0001\722542 2 4 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY That certain real property in the Cty of Temecula County of Riverside State of Cahfom~a more particularly described as follows PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 19145 IN THE COUNTY OF RiVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECORDED IN BOOK 119 PAGES 36 TO 39 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY 11087\0001\722542 2 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On 2003 before me Notary Public personally appeared personally known to me - OR - [] proved to me on the basts of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity0es) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument WITNESS my hand and official seal Seal Signature of Notary Public STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) On 2003 before me Notary Public persona ly appeared [] personal y known to me - OR - [] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/am subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity0es) and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the nstrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument WITNESS my hand and off c al seal Seal Signature of Notary Public ! 1087\0001\722542 2 6 ITEM 3 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY OF FINANCE~ DIR.ciTY MANAGER TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT Agency Directors Shawn Nelson, Executive Director February 25, 2003 Approval of the 2002-03 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments Robert, s/Director of Finance PREPARED BY: GenieKaren Jest/¢~ssistant Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET DISCUSSION: Each year a mid-year review is conducted of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency (RDA) operating budget. The purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the Agency maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. Finance Department staff has performed an analysis of revenues. Additionally, Agency and City staff has reviewed the operating budgets and has identified any material adjustments required. The mid-year budget review includes the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund, the Capital Projects/Redevelopment Fund, and the Debt Service Fund. Activity in each fund is presented in accordance with the following schedules: Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances: Presents a summary of prior year and FY 2002-03 year-to-date actual activity, as well as the FY 2002-03 current and proposed budget amounts. Also included is a schedule of beginning and estimated ending fund balances based upon the proposed budget activity. Revenue Detail: P resents detail of prior year and FY 2002-03 year-to-date revenues, as well as the FY 2002-03 current and revised projected revenues. Revenues: The RDA revenues reflect a $550,491 increase in gross property tax increment, due to assessed valuation growth in the project area. The impact to the Agency will be a $110,098 increase in Tax Increment to the Iow and moderate housing set-aside and an $440,393 increase in Tax Increment to the Debt Service Fund. Expenditures: The projected Redevelopment Agency expenditures reflect a net increase of $606,521. There is a increase of $375,381 in the amounts owed to other agencies under the pass-through agreement as a result of the corresponding increase in gross property tax increment revenue as discussed above. The State shifted money from local government redevelopment-related funds to schools (ERAF). The ERAF Shift will cost the City of Temecula $ 255,000. The City Council's approval to help fund the auto mall sign requires additional funds of $75,000. There is a reduction in development incentives by $100,000 to help offset the costs of the ERAF Shift. An increase in operating transfers of $230,000 from the Debt Service Fund to the Redevelopment fund covers the remaining amount of the ERAF Shift and the auto mall marquee. Net Impact: As a result of these mid year adjustments the Low and Moderate Housing Fund will see an increase in available resoumes of $108,958. The Redevelopment Fund will see no net change and the Debt Service Fund will see a decrease of $164,988. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS No changes are proposed to the Schedule of Authorized Positions. FISCAL IMPACT: The total proposed mid-year adjustments as reflected in the attached schedules will result in a $108,958 increase in available resources to the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund, no net change to the Redevelopment Fund and a decrease of $164,988 in the Debt Service Fund. Attachments: Resolution No. RDA 03- 2002-03 Temecula Redevelopment Agency Mid-Year Budget RESOLUTION NO. RDA 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-03 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET WHEREAS, each year a mid-year review is conducted of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency (RDA) operating budget. WHEREAS, the purpose of this review is to conduct an analysis of revenues and expenditures to ensure that the RDA maintains a prudent and healthy fiscal position. WHEREAS, the mid-year review has been completed and the recommended adjustments are reflected in the attached schedules, hereto as Exhibit A. The Board of Directors does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 2002-03 RDA operating budget is amended in accordance with the attached schedules. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, this 25th day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Ron Roberts, Chairperson Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Agency Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss CITY OF TEMECULA) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, Secretary of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. RDA 03- was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of February, 2003, by the following vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, CMC City Clerk/Agency Secretary 2OO2-O3 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MID-YEAR BUDGET TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 2002-03 MID-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 Proposed % 2001-02 YTD Current Proposed Increase Increase Actual ~,, 12/31/02 Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Total Revenues by Fund:* Low/Moderate income Housing 2,625,203 266,928 2,482,000 2,592,098 110,098 Redevelopment 362,287 123,659 281,000 281,000 Debt Service 27,759,542 94,308 8,385,000 8,825,393 440,393 Total Revenues 30,747,032 484,895 11,148,000 11,698,491 Total Non-CIP Expenditures by Fund*: Low/Moderate Income Housing 446,042 210,243 862,381 Redevelopment 721,669 212,069 1,059,728 Debt Service 25,648,614 352,868 1,020,940 863,521 1,289,728 1,020,940 Total Expenditures 26~816~325 775,180 2~943~049 3~174~189 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources: Deferred Passthrough/Interest Advances from Other Funds 3,930,707 (290,285) 8,204,951 8,524,302 5,603,000 5,978,381 72,932 32,241 65,000 65,000 4~003~639 (258,044) 13,872~951 14~567~683 550,491 Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over (Under) Expenditures 1,140 230,000 231,140 319,351 375,381 (56,030) 4.9% 0.1% 21.7% 7.9% * Operating transfer between Debt Service and Redevelopment funds is not reflected REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY REVENUE DETAIL FY2002-03 MIDYEAR BUDGET ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 165 LOW/MOD HOUSING FUND ACTUALS YTD (~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 4015 -Tax Increment 2,125,311 2,049,000 2,159,098 110,098 5,4°/ 4051 -Donations 90 4060 -Miscellaneous 19,060 -27 1,000 -2,7% 1,000 4065 -investment Interest 187,522 83,301 200,000 41.7% 200,000 4066 -Loan Interest 17,586 25,573 32,000 79.9% 32,000 4075 .Rental Income 40,706 40,000 40,000 4076 .Reimbursements 572 4077 Forgivable Loan Repayment 235,018 157,420 160,000 98.4% 160,000 TOTAL LOW/MOD HOUSING FUND 2~625r203 266~929 2~482,000 10.8% 2,592,098i 110~098 44D/~ ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 200 REDEVELOPMENT FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE ~025 -Grants 90 50,000 50,000 ~058 .Miscellaneous 90 ~060 -Miscellaneous Non Taxable 1,612 1,259 t062 -Recovery of Prior Year Expense 11,838 ~065 -Investment Interest 37,519 14,427 35,000 41.2% 35,000 ~066 -Loan Interest 12,384 6,135 16,000 383% 16,000 1072 -Sale of Properly 3075 -Rental Income 180,000 90,000 180,000 50.0% 180,000 t076 -Reimbursements 125,682 ~077 -Forgiveable Loan Repayment 5,000 ~090 .Operating Transfers In 11,130,121 310,000 620,000 50,0% 850,000 230,000 37.1°A TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUND 11,492,408 433~659 901~000 48,1% 1,131,000 230,000 25.5o/~ ACCT FY 01-02 FY 02-03 FY 02-03 YTD % FY 02-03 CHANGE % NO 300 DEBT SERVICE FUND ACTUALS YTD ~,12/31/02 ORIG EST OF BDGT REVISED EST IN EST CHANGE 1015 .Tax Increment 8,501,242 8,196,000 8,636,39." 440,393 ~065 .Investment Interest 288,085 94,309 189,000 49.9%~ 189,00[ ~092 -Deferred Passthrough ~093 -Advances from Other Funds 72,932 32,241 65,000 65,00( ~800 -Bond Proceeds 27,832,474 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 36,694,733 126~550 8,450~000 1.5% 8~890~393 440,393 52°/~ 0203 midyea~REV Z/I 8/2003 RDA DEPARTMENTAL REPORT APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE DIRECTOR ~ CITY MANAGER ~ ~ .-/ TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Executive Director/Redevelopment Agency Members John Meyer, Redevelopment Director<~V'~ February 25, 2003 Monthly Departmental Report Attached for your information is the monthly report as of February 25, 2003 for the Redevelopment Department. First Time Homebuyers Program Funding in the amount of $200,000 is available for FY 02 -03. Residential Improvement Programs The program budget for FY 02/03 is $250,000, with $122,800 funded on 27 units. Affordable Housinq The Planning Commission approved the tentative map for Cottages of Old Town on August 21, 2002. The project will consist of 14 new single-family detached homes and 3 rehabilitated single-family homes located on Sixth Street. The Groundbreaking ceremony was held on February 18, 2003. Construction will begin in the next 30-45 days and the project will be completed by the end of the year. Habitat for Humanity Council entered in to a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Habitat for Humanity on February 11,2003 to develop a home-ownership project within the Pujol Neighborhood. The project located on the northwest corner of Pujol and First Streets, will consist of 6 new single-family detached homes. The total project site is approximately 37,000 square feet with approximate lot sizes of 5,000. The houses are arranged along Pujol Street and a private lane. R:~SYERSK~IONTHLLY~February2OO3.doc I Rancho Meadows Condominiums The Council approved a housing rehabilitation loan for the Rancho Meadows Housing Project on February 11, 2003. Rancho Meadows is a 146-unit condominium project composed of two, three and four bedroom units. The proposed rehabilitation work includes roofing, siding, painting, fencing, paving, garage doore and related items. Senior Housinq Council entered in to a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) on January 14, 2003 with Community for Better Housing (CBH) for a 66 unit affordable senior housing project on Pujol Street. The project will be two-story garden-style apartments and project amenities, which will include a community room, and swimming pool. The project is proposed to be all one- bedroom units. Old Town Community Theater The Architect has submitted the construction drawings to the City for the second plan check, The Mercantile Building Retrofit The retrofit continues at a steady pace. The replacement of the exterior brick mortar and the foundation work has been completed. The steel braces are being installed. The retrofit is scheduled to be completed within 30 days. Facade Improvement/Non-Conformin,q Si,qn Pro.qram The following facade improvement/sign projects ara in process or have recently been completed: Hitching Post Sign Program Penfold Building Sign Program Homes Magazine Sign Program · Calico Coffee Sign Program Old Town Promotions/Marketinq · Bluegrass Festival The Agency will be hosting the 3r~ annual BlueGrass Festival on March 22 and 23 in Old Town Temecula. The weekend will feature fiddling, acoustic harmony and several R:~SY E RSIGMONTH LLY~Febmary2003.doc 2 bands performing both Saturday and Sunday. In addition, the weekend will feature workshops, kids programs, arts & craft exhibits as well as food vendors. Over the next several months the Agency will also be hosting several special events in Old Town Temecula. These events would include Western Days, May 17 and 18, the Street Painting Festival, June 21 & 22, and First Friday-Hot Summer Nights beginning July 5 in Old Town Temecula. R:~SYERSK'~IONTHLLY~Februa~y2003.doc 3 ITEM 14 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ~ DIRECTOR OF FINANCE~ CITY MANAGER ,~ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Ma n ager/Ci.ty~pcil Debbie UbnoskeT'Director of Planning February 25, 2003 Development Review Process Status Report PREPARED BY: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File BACKGROUND: On October 8, 2002, staff presented some recommendations to the City Council to improve the City's Development Review Process. These recommendations included the following: 2. 3. 4. Identify, provide training and implement a method of project tracking; Create an appointment process for application intake; Create City CEQA Guidelines to allow for a greater number of exemptions; Revisit the Development Code's Approval Authority Matrix to possibly allow more projects to be considered at a Director's Hearing as opposed to the Planning Commission; Update the City's Design Guidelines; Create a Customer Service Survey; and Analyze the Planning Department applications to determine their viability and clarity. This staff report will provide a status report to the City Council on the recommendations, which were presented to the Council on October 8, 2002. This status report will discuss project tracking, the appointment process, the creation of CEQA Guidelines, the Customer Service Surveys, updated applications and the City's Design Guidelines. Proiect Trackinq During the evaluation of the development review process, staff identified a need to improve the tracking of applications. The existing computer screens provided insufficient information and were not being updated consistently. The Planning Department contracted with the City's computer consultant to develop more detailed project status screens (see Attachment A). Each planner is required to maintain the status screens for each project as key steps in the process occur (i.e. submittal of plans, due date of reports, etc.) The new screens will enable all network users and managers to access a project file and easily determine the exact status of any application. An added benefit of the improved computer screens is that legal notices, monthly development reports, and form letters will be able to be auto-generated directly from the computer, thereby improving staff efficiency and productivity. Staff has made final revisions to the screens and the consultant is preparing to install them on the system. Staff training will occur during the week of February 24thand the procedures will be documented in a procedure manual. After operating the new system for a few months, staff will place the tracking status on the City's web page as a convenience to interested applicants and citizens. Appointment Process - Application Intake During the review of the City's development review process, staff was able to lessen the processing time of applications by ensuring that only complete applications were accepted. Recognizing that a thorough review of the process would need to occur to determine this, staff has instituted an application intake by appointment process. The appointment is made by applicant request through the department receptionist. Appointments are usually set for the following day. The assigned planner and an engineer (if needed) sits with the applicant and goes over each submittal requirement of the application, ensuring that only complete applications are accepted. Following a review of the application, the applicant is given a letter determining the completeness or incompleteness (accompanied by a list of specific deficiencies). In January, the department received nine (9) applications and seven (7) were determined to be complete. Environmental Review Although approximately 90% of the City's land use applications typically qualify for exemption from environmental review under the statutes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff wants to explore the option of further expanding the list of exemptions as permitted by State Law. The process of developing "Standards of Significance" based on the local environmental setting is currently underway and staff envisions approximately 10 additional categories of exemption may be added to the existing state approved list of 32. This will potentially save applicants the unnecessary time and cost of preparing more detailed environmental documentation for processing. In addition to expanding the list of exemptions, staff is also preparing a procedure manual and electronic form templates to ensure that the CEQA process is implemented consistently and in accordance with State Law. The estimated time of completion for this project is May 2003 and will require public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council. Desiqn Guidelines During meetings with the development community as staff was reviewing our development review process, staff received comments from the development community that the City's Design Guidelines were often vague or too subjective. Staff has requested additional funding in the mid-year budget to hire a consulting firm to update the City's Design Guidelines. Should the Council supports staff's request, staff will select a consultant to prepare updated Design Guidelines. Staff envisions an approximate six-month timeline for completion (October or November 2003). The primary objective of this effort will be to clearly articulate the level of design in the City and to offer performance-based alternatives that can achieve this level of design. Concurrent with the update to the Design Guidelines, staff will also be forwarding Development Code updates to the Planning Commission and City Council on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. This will provide immediate clarification to design regulations that are currently problematic or perceived to be vague. For example, staff will work the with Planning Commission to develop criteria for granting commercial floor area ratio increases and expanding the range of projects eligible for administrative and Director's approval. Customer Service Surveys As a part of the Development Review Process review, staff realized that a method of customer feedback needed to be implemented. A customer service survey was developed and is now being mailed to all applicants following action on a planning, grading, and\or building permit application (see Attachment B). The survey includes a series of questions in the areas of staff assistance, processing, grading\construction plan review and inspection service and asks the respondent to rank the level of service on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest. It was felt that the surveys needed to be distributed from the City Manager's office in order to demonstrate the City's commitment to customer service and to help alleviate the reservations some applicants might otherwise have about responding frankly to individual departments. Since beginning this process in late September of 2002, the City has received 18 completed surveys. The tabulation and ranking summary that has been prepared based on these surveys generally indicates fairly high marks as a baseline figure (see Attachment C). For example, the Planning Department overall averages for each of the four categories range from 3.8 to 4.8; Building and Safety from 4.3 to 4.5; Public Works from 4.1 to 4.9 and Fire from 4.3 to 4.9. A long term computerized tracking process is also being developed which will enable staff to generate periodic reports for the department staff and City Council. Applications During the evaluation of the development review process, staff determined that the existing planning application was too generic and generally not well suited for most types of planning permits. Staff has completed drafts of thirty customized applications (one for each type of planning application), which include a user-friendly cover sheet explaining the basic steps in the process and the typical timelines. Staff is currently gathering final comments from each department and will phase in the applications as they are completed. The development plan application, the most widely used application, has been completed and is presently in use (see Attachment D). A new application is planned to be put in use with each subsequent week. While the applications were being developed, staff also studied other ways to further streamline the application process. An over-the-counter temporary use permit process has been created and will be operational in about two weeks (see Attachment E). A set of standard conditions of approval can now be issued over the counter for routine temporary uses such as bake sales, parking lot sales, etc. This will also eliminate the staff time previously spent on routing plans and preparing conditions of approval, which typically took about 2-4 weeks. Another change has been to determine which types of applications do not need to be reviewed by each department, thereby eliminating unnecessary paperwork and staff time. Based on Council direction received in October, staff has made significant progress in implementing various components of our development review process. It is the commitment of all departments (Planning, Building and Safety, Public Works, and Fire) that will ensure that this process continues to move forward and, as mentioned above, the Council will have input into the environmental review process and the Design Guidelines later in the year. FISCAL IMPACT: N~A ATTACHMENTS: B. C. D. E. Revised Tracking Screens - Blue Page 5 Customer Service Survey - Blue Page 6 Customer Service Survey Tabulation - Blue Page 7 Development Plan Application - Blue Page 8 Temporary Use Permit Application - Blue Page 9 ATTACHMENT "A" REVISED TRACKING SCREENS R:~DESSIE~city Council Staff Rpt. Dev Review Process Status RepOrl.doc 5 ~PERM~IT$'PIus®$2-B]t © 2001 - A~ceh, Ira. AIl ~.i~ Resen~d Temecula Planner Submittal Data Sheet Title: Example Title Description: A.....(list type of application) to (construct)(operate)....(sq.l~.)(use).....on a (acre, sq.~.) site located on the (north, south, west, east) side of(street), approximately.....(feet)(north, south, west, east) of (street)....or give exact address if known Planner: RICK RUSH Status: APPLIED PA Number: PA03-0005 Date Submitted 02/12/2003 1st Submittal 2nd Submittal 3rd Submittal Completed Application 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Environmental Determination Due 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Distributed for Comments 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Comments Due 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 PreDRC 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 DRC Meeting 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 DRCLetter 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Revisions Submitted 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Initial Study Completed 01/01/2003 COA Clearance 01/01/2003 NOTES Complete hand delivered to all departments received all comments on time four revisions submitted NOI (days) 20 Days Hearing Conf Letter Sent Hearing Date Legal Notice Due Staff Report Due NOD Sent Decision Date 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Approved Y 30 Days 45 Days 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 Denied N scheduled and notices sent submitted to supervisor on time Approved 5-0 Continued N Appeal Deadline Gcn Plan: ........ Res Use Type Category ..........COM Square Ft .......... 0 Neg Dec (No Deminimus).....N Neg Dec ( w/Deminimus).....N EIR .................................. N Spec Building ...................... N NEW # OF UNITS 0 # OF LOTS 0 # OF ACRES 0 UNIT DATA REVISED #ADDED UNITS 0 # ADDED LOTS 0 # ADDED ACRES 0 ATTACHMENT "B" CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY R:~3EBBIE~city Council Staff Rpt. IDev Review Pr(~ess S[atus Report.dcc 6 City of Temecula 4032FoF0 IBCusEineOssFpaCrIkT~ rYiv?.ApoN BA(Gx 9E~R33 . Temecula _ California . 92589.9033 (909) 506-5100 -. FAX (909) 694-6499 CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY MONTH DEVELOPMENT PROCESS COMPLETED YEAR Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please be as specific as possible with your comments. Please rate our service on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "needs improvement" and 5 being "excellent". Please mark "N/A" if not applicable. STAFF ASSISTANCE / GENERAL 1. Staff was courteous and professional. 2. Staff explained City requirements thoroughly. 3. Staff took under consideration alternative ideas. 4. Overall service. 5. General Comments: PROCESSING 1. Staff pedormed tasks efficiently and timely. 2. Staff maintained contact throughout the process. 3. Staff correspondence was well written and clear. 4. Overall service. 5. Was the overall process cumbersome? Please explain: 6. Did staff keep you abreast of the processing of your application? 7. General Comments: R:~OgradyJ~DEVELOPMENT REVlEW~Customer Service Survey.doc 1 GRADING / CONSTRUCTION PLAN REVIE~N 1. Plans were returned within scheduled time frame. 2. The plan comments were clear and understandable. 3. Questions or clarifications were adequately addressed. 4. General Comments: INSPECTION SERVICES 1. Inspection requests were acted upon as scheduled. 2. Inspectors arrived within expected time frame. 3. Required corrections were made clear and concise. 4. Inspectors were courteous and acknowledged any concerns. 5. Overall service. 6. General Comments: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OPTIONAL: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: PROJECT ADDRESS: [] Please check box if you would like someone from the City Manager's office to call you. Thank you for your feedback! R:\Ogradyj~DEVELOPMENT REVlEW~Customer Se~ce Survey.doc 2 ATTACHMENT "C" CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY TABULATION o 0 0 ATTACHMENT "D" DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION R:'~DESSIEIcity Council Staff Rpt. Dev Review Process Status Reporl.dcc 8 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive - PO Box 9033 Temecula - California - 92589-9033 (909) 694-6400 - FAX (909) 694-6477 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Introduction This handout summarizes Temecula's Development Plan requirements. Projects that require a Development Plan review and application requirements are specified in section 17.05 of the Development Code. What is the purpose and intent of a Development Plan application? The purpose of a Development Plan Application is to ensure all new construction or remodeling of industrial, commercial, and multiple-family residential development is consistent with the General Plan, design standards and performance standards of the Development Code. When is a Development Plan required? A Development Plan is required: For all residential development (excluding individual single-family homes), and all commemial and industrial developments. For residential development projects (merchant built subdivisions) for which a tentative tract or parcel map is or was required. When several permits or multiple applications are required for the same project, a combined hearing and review process may be permitted, however separate applications shall be filed for each action requested. How do I apply for Development Plan? Call the Community Development Department, (909) 694-6400, to schedule an application submittal appointment. City staff will meet with you within 1to 2 working days to review your application materials for completeness. The application will be deemed complete at the counter if all submittal materials and fees have been provided. Who approves Development Plan applications? The following type of projects are decided at the administrative level: (Administrative Development Plans) The following type of projects are decided at the Planning Director level: · Projects less than 10,000 square feet. The following type of projects are decided at the Planning Commission level: · Projects greater than 10,000 square feet. What are the criteria for approval? According to the City's Development Code, in order to approve a Development Plan application, the following findings must be made: · The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of state law and other ordinances of the city. · The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. Development Plan applications may be approved with "Conditions of Approval" which are deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare and assure compliance with the development code standards and provisions. Where can I review the General Plan, Design Guidelines and Development Code? These documents are available for review at the Planning Department and on the web at http://www.cityoftemecula.orq R:gS. pplicafion Revision Projecfd)raft Documents~Development Plan.doc City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive- Po Box 9033 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Temecula - California - 92589-9033 (909) 694-6400 - FAX (909) 694-6477 DAY1 ~ I"tWEEK ~ 4'~WEEK ~ 9'"WEEK ~ 12thWEEK ! Application Submitted The assigned planner reviews application materials for completeness at front counter. If deemed complete, application is submitted for processing. Planner Assigned/ Referrals Sent Referrals are sent out to the Design Review Committee for their input on your project. Committee staff review project and formulate issues/ comments. Design Review Committee A meeting is held with yourself and the Design Review Committee to discuss specific requirements and recommended modifications (if any) for your project. Necessary plan modifications must be received prior to a public hearing being scheduled. Public Hearings Once your project has been scheduled for public hearing, notices are sent out to your neighboring property owners. In addition, a notice is published in the local newspaper. A staff report for your project will be sent to you for review prior to the hearing. You and other interested parties may comment during your hearing. Approval/Appeal The hearing body will decide whether to approve or deny your project. Approved projects may be subject to various conditions of approval. Any decision can be appealed within 15 days after service of written notice of decision. If the project is appealed, it will go to the next level of hearing. · Sign Permit · Parcel/Tract Map · Conditional Use Permit · Grading Permit · Building Permit · Fire Systems Permits Planning Department: Fire Department: Building & Safety: Public Works: (909) 694-6400 (909) 694-6405 (909) 694-6439 (909) 694-6411 R:~Application Revision lh'ojecfiDraft Documenl~Development Plan.doc 2 oity of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 (909) 694-640~) FAX (909) 694-6477 Date Stamp DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION (Public Hearing) Planning Application No. PROJECT INFORMATION (INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED) Project Title: Project Description/Use: Assessor's Parcel No(s): Legal Description (Tract, lot no.): Street Address(es): General Location: ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION Total Building Square Footage: Zoning: Gross Acreage: General Plan: Related Cases: R:",Application Revision Projecr~Draft Dccuments'~Development Plan.doc 3 APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE/OWNER INFORMATION APPLICAN~REPRESENTATIVE PHONENO. ADDRESS CONTACT FAX NO. FIRST MI. E-MAIL STREET CITY STATE ZIP OWNER PHONENO. ADDRESS. LAST FIRST MI. FAX NO. E-MAIL STREET CITY STATE ZIP [] incomplete application cannot be accepted for processing. Applicant's Signature Owner Certification I certify that all filing requirements have been satisfied for my application. I further understand that an Date: I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing to and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of Temecula, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature: Print Name: Date: R:V~pplicafion Revision Project,Draft Documents~Developrnent Plan.doc 4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Submittal Requirements Signed Development Application and Filing Fee 1 Site Plan (Described in Section A) 25 Conceptual Grading Plan (Described in Section B) 5 Floor Plan/Roof Plan (Described in Section C) 5 Conceptual Landscape Plan (Described in Section D) 5 Conceptual Colored Landscape Plan 2 Proposed Structure Elevations (Described in Section El) 5 Proposed Structure Color Elevations (Described in Section E2) 1 Material Sample Board (Described in Section F) 1 Statement of Operations (Described in Section G) 1 Hazardous Waste Site Information Form 1 (Described in Section K) A $45.00 check made payable to "University of California 1 Regents" and USGS 7.5' series quadrangle (Consult with the Planning Department) (Described in Section H) Preliminary Soils and Geotechnical Report (Consult with Public 2 Works to determine if this item is required) Chemical Classification / Quantification Packet (See Fire 1 Department for package) Preliminary title report with all referenced supporting documents 2 Traffic Study/Analysis (Consult with Public Works to determine if 1 this item is required) Drainage Study/Analysis (Consult with Public Works) 1 Submittal Requirements Prior to Hearing Public Hearing Information (Described in Exhibit I) 1 Spiral Bound 11 "xl 7" reduction of all exhibits 8 8 1/2"xl 1" reduction of all exhibits 1 Mounted final color building elevations (3'x4') 1 Full size set of final site plan, elevations, floor plans, grading plan 10 and landscape plan folded to 8Y2"x11" R:',Application Revision Project, Draft Documents~Development Plan.doc 5 PLAN PREPARATION AND GUIDELINES All plans shall be drawn on uniform sheets no less than 24" X 36" (or as approved by the Community Development Department), shall be folded into 1/8 sections with a folded size not to exceed 8 1/2" X 11 ". All plans shall be clear, legible end accurately scaled. The site plan, landscape plan and grading plan should all be at the same scale and shall be consistent with each other. On large scale drawings, 1"=20', or larger, it will generally be desirable to include the conceptual grading of the site on the site plan in lieu of a separate drawing (see Section B). For larger, more complicated sites drawn at a smaller scale (i.e., 1 "=40'), a separate conceptual grading plan should be submitted. SECTION A. SITE PLAN CONTENT Scale: Enqineerinq scale not to exceed 1'~.40'. The following information shall be included on the plan: Name, address, and phone and fax number of applicant, owner, architect and/or engineer. Graphic scale (with bar scale) and north arrow Vicinity map Date Site Plan prepared Data table formatted in the following order: o Assessors Parcel Number o Street Address (if available) o Legal description of the property. (i.e. Tract / Parcel Map and Lot(s)/parcel(s) o Zoning designation o General Plan designation o Existing land use/proposed land use o Total Gross Area: square feet acres o Total Net Area: square feet acres o Total Building Area: square feet FAR o Lot coverage: Square Feet Pementaqe o Building area s.f. % o Parking area s.f. % o Landscaping area s.f. % o Parking: Spaces Required Spaces Provided o Ratio/square foot of use(s) spaces spaces o Number of disabled spaces spaces spaces o Total Parking spaces spaces o Floor Area Ratio o Occupancy classification (per Uniform Building Code) o Type of construction (per Uniform Building Code) o Indicate if building has fire sprinklers and/or alarm o Number of stories o Height of building (as measured from the pre-existing grade, finished grade or floor protection elevation~ which ever is lowest to highest point on roof) [] Existing property lines in bold and label all dimensions (metes and bounds) Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed easements (with record reference) Proposed lot lines and dimensions, if applicable Location and dimension of all existing and proposed structures, including building setbacks Location and dimension of all landscaping and pedestrian walkways (shaded) Location and typical dimension of drive aisles, loading zones and parking stalls RAAppfication Revision Project, Draft Document~Development Plan,doc 6 Location of existing and proposed onsite fuel tanks Location and dimension of all trash enclosure(s) Location of monument sign(s) (if proposed) All proposed public improvements, including cross sections Location, type and height of all street, parking and pedestrian lights Location of existing or proposed fire hydrants and Fire Dept. connections both onsite and within 100' of the project site Location and dimension of all walls and fences Location of all structures, driveways, parking areas, trees and adjoining property lines within 50 feet of the perimeter of the subject property Zoning and existing land use of adjacent parcels Phasing of the project (if proposed) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) path of travel (horizontal path of travel only) I SECTION B. CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN CONTENT Scale: Engineedn,q scale not to exceed 1~=40'. On large scale drawings, 1"=20', or larger it will generally be desirable to include the conceptual grading of the site on the site plan in lieu of a separate drawing. For larger, more complicated sites drawn at a smaller scale (i.e., 1 "=40'), a separate conceptual grading plan should be submitted. A Registered Civil Engineer shall prepare grading plans The following information shall be included on the plan: r~ [] Title Block o Name, address, and phone and fax number, of applicant, owner and engineer Legend, north arrow, bar and graphic scale, vicinity map Data Table o Assessor's ParceINumber(s) o Project Name o Legal description (i.e. Tract/Parcel Map and Iot(s)/parcel (s)) o Approximate earthwork quantities (CY) o Date and Source of Topography (should be current) Metes and bounds (i.e. bearing and distance) Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed easements Existing topography, proposed grades, and natural features to 50 feet from the perimeter of the subject property at minimum 2-foot contour intervals All slopes greater than 2:1 must be clearly labeled Limits of FEMA floodplains and floodways (if applicable) Delineation of special hazard zones (i.e., earthquake faults and liquefaction zones) Proposed grading; structures, curbs, retaining and /or sound walls (top and footing elevations), gutters, pavement, walks, swales, mounding, slopes, open space, trails, etc.) per the appropriate City standard Pad and finished floor elevations Location and dimension of all proposed public improvements, including cross sections Locations of existing public and proposed utilities (including sewer and water) Cross-sections at all property lines Driveway, street slopes and surfaces in plan view and cross section Drainage and flood control facilities; size and type Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) path of travel I SECTION C. FLOOR PLAN/ROOF PLAN CONTENTS Scale: The scale used on the floor and roof plans shall be no less than 1/4"per foot. Large projects shall be no less than 1/8"per foot with 1/4" per foot details). The floor and roof plans shall R:~Application Revision Project. raft Documents'Development Plan.doc 7 illustrate all proposed (and existing, if applicable) buildings and structures. The fo/lowing information shall be included on the floor plans: Proposed use for each room (if available) Proposed square footage for each room Restrooms Exits Doors Hallways [] Corridors [] Elevators [] Patio [] Fire sprinkler riser room [] Fire alarm control panel [] Location of Knox Box The following information shall be included on the roof plan: [] All roof pitches and direction of fall Location and detail of all mechanical equipment [] Spot elevations or other cross-sections necessary to verify that all mechanical equipment is fully screened I SECTION D. LANDSCAPE PLAN CONTENT Scale: En.qineering scale not to exceed 1"--40'. The following information shall be included on the plan: Q [] [] [] Name, address, and phone number of applicant, architect, engineer and/or landscape architect Scale and north arrow. Location of all proposed buildings, paved surfaces, walls/fences and sidewalks. Roof outlines including eave overhang Location, size and identification of all existing and proposed plant material, trees, shrubs and groundcover. Note on plans whether existing landscape is to be removed. A planting legend that identifies plant varieties (botanical and common names), sizes, quantities, and spacing Location and elevation of mounding, if proposed Graphically indicate all slopes, which equal or exceed 3:1 Graphically indicate all vehicle sight lines Generally describe type of irrigation system to be implemented I SECTION El. BUILDING ELEVATION(S) CONTENT Scale: No less than 1/4" (large projects no less than 1/8" with 1/4" details). Illustrative building elevations showing al_l sides of proposed (and existing, if applicable) buildings and accessory structures, (trash enclosures, walls, carports, etc.). Include cross-section(s) of building(s) with proposed grades. The following information shall be included on the elevation plans: Name, address and phone number, of the applicant, architect and/or engineer Location of building address and wall mounted signs for all sides of the buiLding(s) Shading, as applicable, to give the elevations some graphic dimension RAApplicafion Revision Project, Draft Documents~Development plan.doc 8 Location of walls and fences Roof top mechanical equipment screens A schedule for colors and materials (which corresponds to the color and material board) and specific location of their use Height of buildings with dimensions I SECTION E2. BUILDING COLOR ELEVATION(S) CONTENT Scale: No less than 1/4" (large projects no less than 1/8" with 1/4" details). Illustrative building elevations showing all sides of proposed (and existing, if applicable) buildings and accessory structures (trash enclosures, walls, carports, etc.). Include cross-section(s) of building(s) with proposed grades. Colors used on the color elevations shall match those used on the material sample board (See Section F) to the greatest extent possible in order to give the most accurate representation. I SECTION F. MATERIAL SAMPLE BOARD Size: No less than 24"x36". An 8Y2"x11" photo shall be provided for the file. The material sample board is intended to provide a fair representation of the major exterior materials to be used on the project together with colors and stains. The color and material board shall be used in conjunction with the schedule on the elevations in order to determine the specific location and use of colors and materials. The board should be of rigid material (cardboard or foam board, not wood) and shall show the following: Sample of all roofing materials Sample of all siding materials Sample of window glazing materials Sample of all window frames Sample of all canvas awning materials Samples of all paint colors to be used on the buildings applied to the surface of actual exterior building material samples Manufacturers name and identification numbers of paint colors that correspond to the proposed materials SECTION G. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Provide a written statement outlining your request for a Development Plan. Your response must give a detailed description of the proposed use and shall include, but is not be limited to: Hours and days of operation Number of employees Number of required parking Average daily peak trips generated Type of equipment or processes used Description of hazardous materials (existing and new) Other descriptions that effectively describe the proposed use R:~Application Revision Project'~Draft Documcnts'~Dcvelopment Plan.doc 9 I SECTION H. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA REGENTS Provide a $45.00 check made payable to University of California Regents for cultural resource review and include a USGS 7.5' series quadrangle showing the location of the proposed project. I SECTION I. PUBLIC HEARING REQUIREMENTS The following information may be obtained by requesting a "Radius Package" from a title insurance company. The following items will be required prior to the item being scheduled for public hearing: TWO identical packages to be inserted in separate 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" manila envelopes. These envelopes shall indicate the case number and the word "labels," and shall contain the following: One typed set of gummed labels (30 labels per sheet) indicating all the property owners' names and the mailing addresses that are within the appropriate radius of the exterior of their proposed project (this list shall be ascertained from the last equalized assessment roll). *A minimum of the 30 nearest individual property owners (persons owning multiple properties shall only be counted once) shall be provided. b. A photocopy of the aforementioned labels. c. One label for the representative/engineer. d. One label for the owner. Four typed sets of gummed labels of the owner, engineer, and representative with their mailing addresses. Do not include duplicate sets where representative and owner, etc., are the same. These should be inserted in a letter-sized envelope and stapled to the outside of one of the large manila envelopes mentioned in item I above. Certification by the title company, engineer, or surveyor that the above list is complete and accurate. The Tax Assessor's Office will not prepare or certify the property owner list (see certification form attached). On a copy of your exhibit or tentative map showing all the parcels within the noticing.radius. On the map, print the names of all property owners within the noticing radius as they are listed on the gummed labels. * See Chapter 17.03 of the Development Code for the correct approval authority and noticing guidelines for your particular project. R:~Application Revision Project, Draft Documen~sXDevelopment Plan.doc 10 PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATION I, , certify that on (Print Name) (Month-day-year) the attached property owners list was prepared by Pursuant to application requirements furnished bythe City of Temecula Planning Department. Said list is a complete and true compilation of owner of the subject property and all other property owners within 300~600 feet (or the 30 nearest individual property owners, whichever creates the greatest number of public notices (persons owning multiple properties shall only be counted once) of the property involved in the application and is based upon the latest equalized assessment mils. I further certify that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incorrect or erroneous information may be grounds for rejection or denial of the application. NAME: TITLE/REGISTRATION:. ADDRESS:. PHONE: SIGNATURE: (Daytime phone no.) DATE: CASE NO.: R:~Appiicafion Revision Project, Draft Documents,Development Plan.doc SECTION K. HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE INFORMATION FORM ] Government Code Section 85962.5, which became effective July 1,1987, requires the applicant for any development project to consult specified state-prepared lists of hazardous waste sites and submit a signed statement to the local agency indicating whether the project is located on or near an identified site. Under the statute, no application shall be accepted without this signed statement. PART A TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PROJECT IS WITHIN THE ONE-MILE RADIUS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE refer to the following list of State identified Hazardous Waste Sites. Identify the listed site by placing a check in the box provided, and sign and date this form. Is the project within a one-mile radius of an identified hazardous waste site? Yes ~ No [] REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES Rancho Calif. Water District, 28061 Diaz Road, Temecula, CA 92590 Borg Warner Mechanical Seal, 27941 Front Street, Temecula, CA 92590 Chevron Service Station, 28900 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA 92590 Plant Equipment, Inc., 28075 Diaz Road, Temecula, CA 92590 Mobil, 28111 Front Street, Temecula, CA 92590 Penfold Properties, 28545 Front Street, Temecula, CA 92590 C.L. Pharris Ready Mix Plant, 29065 Front Street, Temecula, CA 92590 Temecula Fuel Center, 44987 Front Street, Temecula CA 92590 Arco, 27641 Ynez Road, Temecula, CA 92590 PART B TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PROJECT IS WITHIN A ONE-MILE RADIUS OF A PUBLIC WELL SITE, which could potentially be affected by a hazardous waste generator, refer to the following list of State identified Public Well Sites. Identify the listed site by placing a check in the box provided, and sign and date this form on the last page. Is the project within a one-mile radius of an identified public well? Yes [] No [] DHS3 PUBLIC WELL SITES SERVING MORE THAN 200 CONNECTIONS Rancho Cai WD (#102), SW 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec. 2, T8S, R3W Rancho Cai WD (#114, 113), SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 25, T7S, R2W I (we) certify that I (we) have investigated and completed this hazardous waste site form, and that my (our) answers are true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Owner/Representative Date. R:~Application Revision Project, Draft Documents,Development Plan.doc 12 ATTACHMENT "E" TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPLICATION R:~DEBBIE~CJty Council Staff Rpt Dev Review Process Status Reporl.doc 9 City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive - PO Box 9033 Temecula - California - 92589-9033 (909) 694-6400- FAX (909) 694-6477 MINOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT Introduction This handout summarizes Temecula's Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application requirements. Temporary Use Permit requirements are specified in section 17.04.020 of the Development Code. What is the Purpose and Intent of a Temporary Use Permit request? The purpose of a Minor TUP is to allow for short-term activities, typically less than one year in duration. Section 17.04.020 of the City Development Code lists minor TUP's that are subject to an approved TUP. What is an example of a typical Minor Temporary Use Permit? A typical Minor TUP would be an event that would not cause negative impacts on traffic, noise, health and safety or any other impacts the Director deems inappropriate at a minor temporary use permit level. Typical events would include: sidewalk sale, flower sales, parking lot sales, grand opening, veterinary clinic, outdoor display, etc. counter, provided a complete application, available at the Planning Department, with appropriate information is submitted with a fee to the Planning Department. The Planning Department will review the application to determine if the criteria can met for approval. Conditions of approval must be complied with, which may require the approval/clearance of additional agencies such as: County Health Department [if food is to be included (909) 461-0284], Planning Department (Signs), Building Department, Fire permits/inspections. What are the Criteria for Approval? In order to approve the TUP application, the Planning Director must determine, or find that the proposed use meets the following findings: The proposed temporary use is compatible with the nature, character and use of the surrounding area; 2. The temporary use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures; The nature of the proposed use is not detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the community. When is a Temporary Use Permit application required? A Minor TUP is required for anyone requesting to conduct a particular limited-term activity or event on private developed or undeveloped property within the city limits that may potentially create disruption or be a nuisance to surrounding properties and/or the community in which it will occur. How do I obtain approval for a Temporary Use Permit? TUP's may be approved with "Conditions of Approval" that may affect the operation of a temporary event or use, which are deemed necessary to ensure that the permit will be in accordance with the intent of the development code and to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Where can I review Temporary Use Permit Standards? These documents are available for review at the Planning Department and on the web at http://www.cityoftemecula.or.q Minor TUP's may be approved over the R:~Application Revision Project, Completed Cover Sheets~vlinor Temporary Use Permit Cover Sheet.doc oity of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 (909) 694-640(} FAX (909) 694-6477 Date Stamp MINOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT (Short Term Projects or Events - Usually Less than One Year in Duration) Development Code Section 17.04.020 Planning Application No. PROJECT INFORMATION (INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED) Project Title: Assessor's Parcel No(s): Street Address (es): General Location: Statement of Operations (Be as specific as possible, use additional sheets if necessary): ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION Date(s) of Proposed Event: Estimated Daily Attendance of Event (if applicable): Hours of Operation: Number of On-Site Parking Spaces at Project Location: R:~Application Revision Project\Completed Applications',~inor Temporary Use Permit App Form.doc APPLICANT/REPRESENTA TIVE/OWNER INFORMATION APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE PHONE NO. ADDRESS CONTACT FAX NO. LAST FIRST MI, E-MAIL STREET CITY STATE ZIP OWNER PHONENO. ADDRESS LAST FIRST MI. FAX NO. E-MAIL STREET CITY STATE ZIP [] I certify that all filing requirements have been satisfied for my application. I further understand that an incomplete application cannot be accepted for processing. Applicant's Signature Date: Owner Certification (multiple parcels will require authorization from each property owner) I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing to and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknow ledge that the final approval by the City of Temecula, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature: Print Name: Date: I attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Written authorization from the legal property owner is required. An authorized agent for the owner must R:~pplication Revision Project\Completed Applications~vlinor Temporary Use Permit App Form.doc PLANNING DEPARTMENT MINOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Submittal Requirements Wet Signed Application and Filing Fee 1 Plot Plan (Described in Section A) 2 Statement of Operations (Described in Section B) 1 Evidence of Liability Insurance 1 If the project includes a portion of the public right-of-way, evidence of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the City of Temecula as additionally insured, is required prior to the event. 3 PLAN PREPARATION AND GUIDELINES Plot plan shall be drawn on uniform sheets as approved by the Community Development Department. Plans shall be drawn on paper 8 1/2" X 11" OR 11" X 17" in size. All plans shall be clear, legible and relevant to dimensions given. I SECTION A. PLOT PLAN CONTENT ] The following information shall be included on the plot plan: [] Name, address, and phone and fax number of applicant and owner. [] North arrow. [] Vicinity map. [] Existing Business(es) on site [] Location pedestrian walkways [] Access, driveways, emergency exits. [] Identify source of electrical supply (if applicable) [] Lighting system (if lighting is proposed) [] Location of existing fire hydrants and fire extinguishers [] Location of all buildings, parking, generators, tents, canopies, compressed gasses (helium, etc.), cooking stations, booths and dimensions between each. [] Fire lanes (for existing site only) [] NOTE: If temporary tents or canopies are proposed, a floor plan showing uses, exits, extinguishers, etc. are required for Fire Department approval. SECTION B. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Provide a written statement outlining your request for a Temporary Use Permit. Your response must give a detailed description of the proposed use and shall include, but is not be limited to: [] A detailed description of the equipment proposed for the event. [] Hours and days of operation. [] Number of employees. [] Proposed private security (If required) [] Estimated number of people in attendance. [] Total number of parking spaces eliminated for the event. Indicate if food will be provided. [] Indicate if alcohol will be provided. [] Indicate if live entertainment or loud music will be provided. [] Indicate any, all and type of structures to be provided (lights, tents, signs, fences, etc.). DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINAN~ CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council Howard Windsor, City Fire Chief February 14, 2003 Monthly Departmental Report RECOMMENDATION: Attached for City Council's review and filing is the Fire Department's Monthly Activity Report for the months of November and December 2002. Month: November Year: 2002 2 0 3 16 11 32 418 I 0 17 7 11 36 331 12 3:16 School Pro~rams Fairs and Displays Company Inspections LE-38 Dooryard Inspections Burnin~ Permits lssued Pre Plans 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 90 15 0 0 0 60 0 20 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 4 Total 155 16 23 0 4 5 181 1 39 105 972 80 819 1 150 6 51 198 2212 Month: November Year: 2002 Month: November Year: 2002 Building TI 11 318 NCOM Buildinl~ 21 146 UG Water 6 182 Over/Under Ground Tanks 1 4 NCOM Sprinkler 4 143 Sprinkler TI 16 133 Hood Duct 3 22 Spray Booths 0 6 Special Suppression Systems 0 10 Alarms 14 148 Planning Cases 17 161 Special Code Permits 0 5 Miscellaneous 7 16 I :Total 100 1439 Fire C of O 7 300 Shell Final 15 143 lUG Hydro 8 92 Thrust Blocks 7 74 Dver Head Hydro 19 206 Fire Flow 0 1 Flush 2 93 Sprinkler Final 7 130 Weld Inspection 3 38 !Hood Duct Final 1 4 Alarm Pre-wire 5 79 ~-_1 arm Final 7 201 iSpray Booth Final 0 7 !Fire Safety Inspection 8 79 gtate Mandated Inspection 0 15 Special Events Inspection 3 22 Piping Hydro 1 3 Shear Valves 0 2 Over/Under Tank Final 0 3 Special Suppression System 0 1 Special Project Investigation 0 7 Engine Company Follow-up 0 3 Miscellaneous 2 35 Total 95 1538 Month: December Year: 2002 0 0 22 11 36 454 + lOmin 0 0 0 7 10 17 ~48 Number of Calls 2 0 0 0 6 8 106 rime Committed 0:12:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 3:16:00 3:28:00 123:44:00 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 I 10 63 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 I 3 4 14 Plans 1 0 0 0 0 1 Total 72 0 5 8 5 90 2302 Month: December Year: 2002 '~'1'1 Itll~I~ .... ~ Medical Aids 0 0 0 0 Total Call Volturs~ 179 115 294 4907 Month: December Year: 2002 Buildin8 TI 14 332 NCOM Buildin[~ 10 156 UG Water 10 192 Dver/Under Ground Tanks 2 6 NCOM Sprinkler 10 153 Sprinkler TI 7 140 Hood Duct 0 22 Spray Booths 0 6 Special Suppression Systems 0 10 Alarms 14 162 ?lannin[[ Cases 21 182 Special Code Permits 0 5 Miscellaneous 3 164 rotal 91 1530 Fire C of O 8 308 Shell Final 9 152 UG Hydro 8 100 Thrust Blocks 4 78 Over Head Hydro 22 118 Fire Flow 1 2 Flush 7 100 Sprinkler Final 17 147 Weld Inspection 1 39 Hood Duct Final 3 7 Alarm Pre-wire 12 91 Alarm Final 13 214 Spray Booth Final 0 7 Fire Safet~ Inspection 10 89 State Mandated Inspection 0 15 Special Events Inspection 1 23 Piping Hydro 0 3 Shear Valves 1 3 Over/Under Tank Final 2 5 Special Suppression System 0 1 Special Project Investi~atioo 0 7 Engine Company Follow-up 0 3 Miscellaneous 0 35 Total 119 1547 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ,/'""'~ DIRECTOR OF FINAN~F_~. CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/Ci~ol~il Debbie Ubnoske~ Director of Planning February 25, 2003 Monthly Report The following are the recent highlights for the Planning Division of the Community Development Department in the month of January 2003. CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITIES New Cases The Division received 5...~9 new applications for administrative, other minor cases, and home occupations and _9 applications for public hearings during the month of January. The new public hearing cases are as follows: Conditional Use Permit Development Plan Land Division Phasing Map Lot Line Adjustment Minor Conditional Use Permit Pamel Map Substantial Conformance 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Status of Maior Proiects Recently Approved Projects Christian Science Church - A Minor Use Permit to occupy 1,876 sq. ft. of a multi tenant commercial building, located at 23900 Old Town Front Street. The Director recorded this project on January 16, 2003. Hampton Inn - A Development Plan to design, construct and operate a 99 unit, 105,144 square foot hotel on 2.41 acres located near the corner of Rancho California Road and Jefferson Avenue, submitted by Pro Enterprises on December 2, 2002. The Planning Commission approved this project on February 5, 2003. · Kevin Brown Executive Office Building - A Development Plan to construct, operate and establish an 11,642 square foot executive office building on 0.95 acres, located at 27247 R:',~IONTHLY.RP'F,2003",January 2003 Report.doc Madison Avenue, west of Madison Avenue, north of Sanborn Avenue, submitted on July 26, 2002, by Herren & Rumansoff Architects. The project was scheduled for DRC on September 5t~. The project has been scheduled for the November 20th Planning Commission hearing. Staff's recommended re-design. The Planning Commission continued the item to the December 18th Planning Commission meeting in order to redesign the amhitecture of the building. On December 6, 2002, the applicant requested a continuance to the January 15, 2003, Planning Commission meeting. The applicant has redesigned the architecture ofthe building addressing the concerns of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission approved the project on January 15, 2003. KTM Motorcycles - A Fast Track Development Plan to construct a 43,000 square foot motorcycle research and development facility. The 10 acre site is located on the west side of Via Industria, north of Rio Nedo. A DRC meeting was held on November 15, 2002. The Planning Commission approved the Development Plan on January 15, 2003. Slater Industrial Buildings - is a Development Plan request to build two 11,213 sq. ft. concrete tilt-up, office warehouse buildings on a 1.97 acre lot within the on the west side of Bostik Court south of Winchester Road. Growth Management Company filed this application. The Planning Commission approved this project on January 15, 2003. Tentative Tract Map 31049 - Temecula Creek Village, a request to establish 2 parcels for condominium purposes, changing the tenant occupancy from 400 rental units to 400 condominiums. The Planning Commission approved this project on January 29, 2003. Recently Denied Projects Edge Nightclub - A Minor Conditional Use Permit to operate an entertainment facility to include a type 48 liquor license, live music, dancing, and other entertainment uses as outlined in the submitted statement of operations in a 4,860 square foot existing building, located at 28822 Old Town Front Street (APN 922-093-003); Submitted by Ronald Hannah. The application was submitted on July 5, 2002. An incomplete letter was mailed to the applicant on July 30, 2002. The application was closed on September 9, 2002, because the applicant did not pay the required fees. The applicant applied for a new Minor Conditional Use Permit on October 16, 2002. The project has been deemed complete. The project was denied at the January 29, 2003, Planning Commission meeting. Jefferson Avenue Inn (formerly the Hampton Inn Suites) - Development Plan application to design and construct a four story 70-room hotel building on a 1.35 acres parcel. The application was approved at the November 6th Planning Commission meeting. The approved project was appealed by a City Council member on November 16th and was remanded back to the Planning Commission for site design revisions. Stop Quick Mini-Mart- A Minor Conditional Use Permit to request an upgrade from a Type 20 to a Type 21 Off-Sale Alcohol License. On September 11,2002, ABC confirmed that there was an over-concentration of Off-Sale licenses in the subject census tract and was advised to apply for a Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity. Planning Application 02-0223 was heard atthe November 20th Planning Commission meeting. Four Commissioners were in attendance. The Planning Commission decision was split and was continued to the December 4th meeting. At this meeting the Planning Commission denied PA02-0223. An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny PA02-0223 was filed on December 2, 2002. The City Council denied the appeal on January 28, 2003. R:'~IONTHLY. RP"~.003~January 2003 Report.doc 2 Proiects Under Review Commercial Beer and Wine Sales at Arco Service Station/Convenience Store - Minor Conditional Use Permit to allow wine and beer sales onsite. The subject property is located at 44987 Front Street. The application was submitted on October 18, 2002. Staff continues to await confirmation of application with the State Alcohol Beverage Control Board. Bel Villaggio LLC - A development plan to construct, operate and establish an 8100 square foot retail building for Building C in the Bel Villaggio Retail Center located west of Margarita Road and 470 feet south of the Mall Access Road. The project was deemed incomplete on December 17, 2002. The applicant resubmitted plans on January 21,2003, and incomplete letter sent on February 5, 2003. No plans have been received as of February 13, 2003. Bridgeport Map - A request to divide 14.48 acres into an 8 lot commercial subdivision, located on the north side of SR79 South east of Avenida de Missiones (east of the Rancho Community Church project). Mr. Orley Weaver, with Bridgeport Builders, submitted this project on September 16, 2002. The project was deemed incomplete and inconsistent with the General Plan's requirement for this property to develop as a unified site. The applicant is working with several commercial users to submit a comprehensive development plan for the entire site. Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints - A Conditional Use Permit/Development Plan to construct, operate and establish a 24,119 square foot single story church located on the north side of Pauba Road, approximately 170 linear feet west of the centerline of Corte Villoso. This project is scheduled for Pre-DRC on February 11th and DRC on February 13, 2003. Integrity Auto - Minor Conditional Use Permit application to establish and operate a used car indoor showroom at an existing multi-tenant automobile repair facility located at 28730 Via Montezuma. Staff transmitted the application to the other city departments on November 27th and is awaiting comments. The applicant has revised plans. The project has been scheduled for a Director's Hearing on February 27, 2003. Iron Wok - A Development Plan to add an outdoor patio to an existing restaurant located at the Promenade Mall. The applicant has revised the plans and staff is currently reviewing the project. The project is scheduled for DRC on February 20, 2003 to discuss design and other outstanding issues. Overland Self Storage Facility - Conditional Use Permit to construct a 124,496 square foot, one story, self-storage mini warehousing facility with beige stucco and beige metal siding exterior walls and olive green color metal roofing on a two lot, 3.85-acres site, located south of Ovedand Drive and east of Commerce Center Drive. Future phase to include construction of a one-story 3,000 square foot office and caretaker's dwelling unit located at front of site. Staff held a Development Review Committee meeting on May 8, 2002. As a result, a number of issues have been identified and have been communicated to the owner and applicant. On November 2, 2002, staff met with the owner of the property and continued discussion of the project. A General Plan Amendment, Change of Zone and a Certificate of Parcel Merger were submitted on February 12, 2003. · Power Center II - A Development Plan request to develop an 8.8 acre commercial site for multiple building pads (under separate reviews)to build retail and restaurants buildings totaling R:'WIONTHLY.RPT~2003~anuary 2003 ReporLdoc 3 49,072 square feet, located on the northwest corner of North General Kearny Road and Margarita Road within the Temecula Regional Center. Jack Tarr, with Diversified Investment Co., submitted this project on November 7, 2002. A DRC meeting was held for this and all related projects on December 12, 2002. Revised plans were resubmitted on February 11,2003. The other related projects are as follows: Buca di Beppo - The applicant has formally withdrawn their application for a Development Plan request for an 8,281 square foot full service restaurant. Krispy Kreme - A Development Plan request for a 4,025 square foot donut shop/restaurant with drive-thru submitted by Jack Tarr, with Diversified Investment Co., submitted this project on November 7, 2002. Islands Restaurant - ^ Development Plan request for a 5,293 square foot restaurant submitted by Lewis Jackson, with Islands Restaurant, submitted this project on November 7, 2002. Rancho Community Church Map -A request to divide 39.14 acres into 17 parcels based upon the approved configuration of the church and school campus. This project is located on the north side of SR79 South east of Jedediah Smith Road and west of Avenida de Missiones. Mr. Jay Beckley, with Rancho Community Reform Church, submitted this project on October 11, 2002. Plans are out for final corrections prior to setting a public hearing. Industrial O'Hern Wall Industrial Building - A Development Plan to construct a 18,400 square foot industrial building on 1.28 acres, located at 42108 Roick Drive, submitted on October 8, 2002, by O'Hern Wall Associates. A letter requesting modifications to the building and site layout was sent November 12, 2002. The applicant has submitted revisions and staff is currently reviewing this project. Sigma Industrial Complex - A Development Plan to construct 6 detached industrial buildings totaling approximately 83,000 square feet on 5 acres located on the north side of Zevo Drive, submitted December 23, 2002. A DRC was held on January23, 2003. Staff sent an incomplete letter on January 27th and is awaiting revised plans. No change in status Talon Spor[s Industrial Building - A Development Plan to construct, operate and establish an 18,243 sq. ft. industrial building on .99 acres, located at 42044 Winchester Road, west of Diaz Road, submitted August 28, 2002, by McArdle & Associates Amhitects. A second DRC Meeting was held on December 12, 2002, to discuss site and design issues. The applicant has submitted revisions and the project is currently under review. Staff still has not received revised landscape plans. Zevo Drive Condos - A Development Plan to construct 2 industrial condominium facilities totaling approximately 91,337 square feet on 3.5 acres located on the north side of Zevo Drive, submitted December 26 2002. A Parcel Map will be required for this project. This project is currently under review for completeness. A DRC was held on January 30 h and an incomplete letter was sent on February 3, 2003. Staff is waiting for revised plans. No change in status. R:~IONTHLY.RPT~2003~January 2003 Report.doc 4 Mixed Use Linfield Christian School Master Plan - Submitted by Linfield Christian School; a Conditional Use Permit and a Planned Development Overlay proposal to expand the existing facility with 154,397 square feet of additional classroom and accessory structures and a proposed 37,500 square feet of housing for a superintendent, caretaker and facility. This project is located on the north side of Pauba Road west of Margarita Road (behind Temecula Valley High School). The applicant has submitted the PDO, and it is currently under review. A DRC was held December 12, 2002, and a letter has been sent out with staff comments. Staff is currently waiting for revised documents. No change in status. Roripaugh Estates Specific Plan Amendment and Development Proposals - A variety of project proposals affecting 20.2 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Nicolas and Winchester Roads. Rod Del Pesco, with Pacific Development Partners, submitted this project on July 9, 2002. The project was deemed incomplete August 8, 2002. A DRC meeting was held on September 5, 2002, to discuss numerous issues identified by staff. The applicant has taken staff's recommendations under consideration and will be resubmitting later in the year. This project consists of the following proposals: o Amend the General Plan and Specific Plan Land Use of 8.3 acres from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Medium Density Residential (M). The SPA affects Planning Area 9 (a commemial area) by creating a new Planning Area 12 for single family residential, and relevant text additions and modifications to cover the creation of this residential area. o A tentative map request to divide 8.3 acres into 54 residential lots. o Roripaugh Town Center is development application/conditional use permit for a 102,875 square feet commercial center on 11.9 acres. Temecula Gardens - A third and final Extension of Time for Planning Application No. 97-0420, located at the northwest corner of Loma Linda and Pala Road, submitted by Charles McHaffie. The application was deemed incomplete on October 31,2002. Staff and the applicant met on November 28, 2002, to discuss potential changes to the project. The applicant has not submitted revised plans and elevations for review by staff as of February 13, 2003. Villages of Old Town - Staff has met with a group interested in purchasing the project a number of times. This group is currently conducting their due diligence on the project. The applicant has not submitted information for staff's review. Staff may consider scheduling a workshop with the Planning Commission and/or the City Council after reviewing the information. Office Jefferson Avenue Office Building - A Development Plan to construct a 21,870 square foot two story office building on 1.67 acres of land, located at 27708 Jefferson Avenue (APN 921-400- 037-2); Submitted by Diamond Central Investors, LLC. The application was submitted on June 21,2002. A DRC meeting was held on August 8, 2002. The applicant resubmitted plans, and staff has routed to the other departments for review. Staff has completed the review for the project and anticipates a March Planning Commission meeting. R:'~v1ONTHLY. RP%2003~Ianuary 2003 Report.doc 5 Residential Astoria Homes at Crowne Hill - is a Development Plan application by Greystone Homes. This application is the Product Review for 111 detached single-family residential homes that will offer three different floor plans and three amhitectural designs. The homes will be located in the northeast end of Crowne Hill Subdivision, Tracts 23143-10 -11 & -Final, east of Butterfield Stage Road south of Pauba Road, east and west of Crowne Hill Drive. Staff met with the applicant on January 22, 2003, and is awaiting revised plans. Carlyle Homes at Crowne Hill - is a Development Plan application by Lennar Homes. This application is the Product Review for 100 detached single-family residential homes and it will offer three different floor plans with three different architectural designs. The homes will be located in the central portion of the Crowne Hill Subdivision, Tract 2314310-8, east of Butterfield Stage Road south of Pauba Road. Staff met with the applicant on January 29, 2003, and is awaiting revised plans. Fairmont Homes at Crowne Hill - is a Development Plan application by Greystone Homes. This application is the Product Review for 112 detached single-family residential homes that will offer three different floor plans and three architectural designs. The homes will be located in the central portion of the Cmwne Hill Subdivision, Tract 23143-6, east of Butterfield Stage Road south of Pauba Road and west of Crowne Hill Drive. Revised plans are currently under review for compliance with staff comments. Harveston Apartments - PA02-0698 a multi-family residential apartment complex totaling 300 units. The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Margarita Road and Harveston Way. The application was submitted on December 20, 2002. Staff is awaiting project redesign by the applicant. Harveston Tentative Tract Map No. 30668 - Residential Tract Map application to subdivide 18.3 acres into 107 lots. The application was submitted on December 3, 2002. Staff is currently formulating design issues. A DRC meeting will be scheduled for February 27th. Harveston Tentative Tract Map No. 30699 - Residential Tract Map application to subdivide 31.3 acres into 205 lots. The application was submitted on November 20, 2002. Staff is currently formulating design issues. A DRC meeting will be scheduled for February 27th. Harveston Tentative Tract Map No. 30673 - Residential Tract Map application to subdivide 40.5 acres into 182 lots. The application was submitted on December 20, 2002. Staff is currently formulating design issues. A DRC meeting will be scheduled for February 27th. Harveston Tentative Tract Map No. 31053 - Residential Tract Map application to subdivide 34.2 acres into 214 lots. The application was submitted on December 20, 2002. Staff is currently formulating design issues. A DRC meeting will be scheduled for February 27th. Naron Pacific Tentative Tract Map 30434 - A proposal for zone change from L-1 to L-2 on 31.93 Acres and Tentative Tract Map to subdivide into 32 residential lots and 3 open space lots. The second submittal is incomplete. The applicant is also considering submitting a PDO for this project. R:'~vlONTHLY. RPT'~2.003~anuary 2003 Report.doc 6 Nottingham Homes at Crowne Hill - is a Development Plan application by Greystone Homes. This application is the Product Review for 119 detached single-family residential homes and it will offer three different floor plans with three different architectural designs. The homes will be located in the northeast end of Crowne Hill Subdivision, Tracts 23143-10 -11 & -Final, east of Butterfield Stage Road south of Pauba Road, east and west of Crowne Hill Drive. The applicant was provided corrections on February 12, 2003. Staff is awaiting revised plans. Quiet Meadows - A proposal to subdivide 4.57 acres into 7 residential lots with one open space lot; and a proposal to change the zoning designation from L-1 to L-2. This project was submitted on July 11, 2002. The project was deemed incomplete on August 9, 2002 and December 4, 2002. Revised plans were submitted on February 3, 2003 and routed to all departments for conditions of approval. Staff is currently completing an Initial Study, with the submittal of a Fault Hazard Investigation Report. Roripaugh Phasing Map - A phasing map to allow staged conveyance of property to merchant builders. This project was submitted on January 24, 2003. Staff has held four meetings with the applicant since submittal. Staff is currently waiting for conditions of approval due February 23, 2003. Sotelo Second Unit - A proposal for a 300 square foot second unit in the Vail Ranch Specific Plan. The applicant has revised the plans and staff is preparing the conditions of approval. Stratford Homes at Crowne Hill - A Development Plan application by US Home Corporation. This application is the Product Review for 114 detached single-family residential homes that will offer three different floor plans in three architectural designs. The homes will be located in the northeast end of Crowne Hill Subdivision, Tracts 23143-1 & a portion of 23143 -11, northeast corner of Butterfield Stage Road and Royal Crest Place and the southeast corner of Butterfield Stage Road and Pauba Road west of Crowne Hill Drive. Plans are currently under review and comments are due by 2/25/03. If the comments warrant a meeting, staff will meet with the applicant in the next two weeks. Tentative Paroel Map 31144 - A residential Tentative Paroel Map, proposing to subdivide one existing lot into three separate lots located north of Santiago Road and south of Pauba Road, at the bulb of the cul-de-sac (Avenida de San Pasqual). The project is located in the Chapparal area as described in the General Plan. The Planning Department has identified major issues and communicated those to the applicanl/owner. Tentative Tract Map 29133 Revision - A request to revise a previously approved 'F]'M to change a public street to private, add a gated entry and relocate affected driveways and drainage. A legal issue has come to surface, staff has a meeting scheduled with the applicant on February 13, 2003. Tentative Tract Map 30169 - Residential Tract Map application to subdivide a 4.57-acre pamel into seven 1/2 acre net lots, which includes a zone change request to amend the property zoning from L-1 to L-2. Staff sent out a design review comment letter addressing the revised map exhibit in early December and is conducting an environmental initial study of the applications. Vail Ranch Home Variance - A Variance to reduce the rear setback from 10' to 8'6" to accommodate a 327 square foot room addition to an existing residence. Staff transmitted the exhibits and is reviewing application for completeness. R:'W~ONTHLY. RPT~2003',January 2003 Report,doc 7 Villages of Temecula - Planning application for a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map for a 160 unit apartment complex and an office retail center on 22.97 acres located on the south side of Rancho California Road 200 feet west of Cosmic Drive. This project was submitted on December 4, 2002, and deemed incomplete on January 3, 2003. The applicant has resubmitted revised exhibits, which have been re-cimulated for staff's comments. The project was deemed complete on January 15, 2003. Miscellaneous AT&T Wireless - A Conditional Use Permit/Development Plan to construct, operate and establish an unmanned wireless communication facility consisting of a 60'-0" mono-pine and a 8'x12' equipment area, located at the Rancho California Water District Water Reservoir Complex, east of Meadow Parkway. The project was submitted on June 21,2002. Although the project was deemed complete on July 19, 2002, the applicant was advised that staff could not support the proposal. Additionally, since the project was submitted, staff has received numerous phone calls, letters and petitions in opposition to the project from the adjacent homeowners, however the applicant, Velocitel, Inc. resubmitted revised plans. The applicant's representative indicated verbally that AT&T is reviewing their options for this site and will notify staff as to their intent. Calvary Baptist Church Addition - is a Conditional Use Permit to construct the proposed expansion of the existing church facility with a 12,610 square foot addition. This addition involves the expansion of the vestibule & sanctuary, the addition of new classrooms, restrooms, a kitchen, and multi-purpose room. The site is located at 31087 Nicolas Road at Calle Colibri off of Nicholas Road. A DRC letter was sent on January 30, 2003, requesting corrections. Cingular Wireless - A Conditional Use Permit to construct, operate, establish and maintain a wireless telecommunications facility with 3 antennas housed within the bulb portion of the proposed 55-foot artificial mono-palm tree located at 31575 Enfield Lane, east of Riverton Lane and north of Humboldt Court. The project was deemed incomplete in February 5, 2003. Grace Presbyterian Church - is a Conditional Use Permit to construct a church facility in two phases. The site is Iocat. ed at the southwest corner of Calle Medusa and Nicholas Road. A DRC meeting was conducted on August 29, 2002. DRC staff reviewed revised plans on February 11,2003. Outstanding design issues still remain. A letter has been provided to the applicant. Landwerx/PC Gaming Arcade - A Minor Conditional Use Permit submitted by Landwerx/PC Gaming to operate an internet/arcade caf~ for entertainment of customers between the ages of 15-25 years of age. The arcade will be operated out of a business suite in a commercial center located at 27309 Jefferson Ave. #104. A DRC letter will be sent February 17th, in lue of a meeting. Meadowview Golf Course - Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan to design and construct a public golf course and driving range within the Meadowview Community. Staff has reviewed a third draft of Focused Environmental Impact Report. An environmental consultant has contacted staff regarding the revision of the draft EIR. Staff will likely meet with the consultant the week of February 17th. · Rainbow Canyon Retail Center Design Guidelines - Application for approval of architectural, landscaping and signage design guidelines for the Rainbow Canyon Retail Center. The subject R:'~VlONTHLY.RPT~2003~January 2003 ReporLdoc 8 property is located at the southeast and southwest corners of State Hwy. 79 South and Pala Road. Staff is currently working with the project architect to draft specific architectural design guidelines. This item has been scheduled for the February 19, 2003, Planning Commission meeting. Rench Variance - An application requesting a Variance to a site a second unit dwelling in the front yard located at 39330 Kimberly Lane (957-340-030), submitted by William Rench. The application was submitted on December 27, 2002, and staff met to discuss concerns with the applicant on February 6th. Vail Ranch Sign Program - A Riverside County approved project has submitted a master sign program for a center located along the south side of Highway 79, immediately east of a medical building under construction. A letter was sent out August 19, 2002, requesting changes to the program. Staff has been in contact with the applicant; however, no revisions have been received. Verizon Mono-Palm Wireless Antenna - A Conditional Use Permit to construct, operate, establish and maintain a wireless telecommunications facility with 3 antennas housed within the palm fronds of the proposed 40-foot artificial palm tree. The site is located on the east side of Margarita Road just north of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel north of Winchester Road on the Rancho California Water District's well site. Plans are currently under review and a Pre- DRC meeting is scheduled for 1/28/03. If the comments warrant a meeting, staff will schedule a meeting with the applicant. Wireless Telecommunication - is a Minor Conditional Use Permit to co-locate three sector antennas on an existing 57 foot high monopine and the installation of four equipment cabinets, located at 41520 Margarita Road (954-020-005); submitted by AT&T Wireless. The project was deemed incomplete on May 7, 2002. A DRC meeting was held on May 23, 2002, and staff is awaiting re-submittal by applicant. As of February 13 2003, staff has not received any new plans from the applicant. Small Business Assistance AIIbright at Last - Staff met with the new owners of this existing car wash/mini-storage business to help them develop exhibits for a new paint scheme to be funded through the Facade Improvement Program. Buttedield Inn (Rodeway Inn) - This application for new signs was approved at the January Old Town Local Review Board meeting. Staff worked with the owner of this existing Old Town Temecula motel and helped her prepare project exhibits. Mad Madeline's - The sign contractor who is working with the owners of this Old Town restaurant advised staff that new exterior paint colors and sign designs will be submitted for review by the Old Town Local Review Board in March. The Barn (Formally Lighthouse Thrift) - Staff is currently working with the structural engineer for this project. He intends to submit plans for the remodeling of this existing Old Town building in March. R:'~vlONTHLY. RPT'~2003~JanuaPJ 2003 Report.doc 9 The Sagebrush Center - The sign program for this commemial complex has been delayed due to the addition of new tenants. Preliminary designs are currently under development and should be ready for the Old Town Local Review Board in Mamh. The Firehouse Building - Preliminary paint and sign designs are being completed for this historical Old Town building. A planning application for this project will be submitted to the Old Town Local Review Board at their Mamh meeting. Special Event Permits Boys and Girls Club - Applicant is continuing to work with the owner (Temecula Town Association) of this property to obtain a Temporary Use Permit for a commemial coach at this Pujol Street location. TTA Rod Run 2003 - City staff met with the Temecula Town Association in January to help them with a variety of issues pertaining to this Old Town event that will take place on February 15 and 16, 2003. Special Projects & Lonq Ran.qe Planninq Activities The Division also commits work efforts toward larger scale and longer time frame projects for both private and public purposes. These activities can range from a relatively simple ordinance or environmental review to a new specific plan or a general plan amendment. Some of the major special projects and long range planning activities are as follows: Comprehensive General Plan Update - The CAC has completed its review of the draft goals and policies, and is currently considering alternative land uses. Staff and consultant are working on the draft plan. The following Land Use map amendment requests have been received, they will be addressed in more detail when the updated General Plan is considered. o South Margarita Road adjacent to the Santa Gertrudis channel, across the channel from Chaparral High School. The property owner is requesting a change from Public Institutional to Professional Office. o The southeast corner of Via Lobo and Nicolas Road, and properties along the northeast edge of Meadowview. The property owner is requesting a change from Very Low Density Residential to a combination of Low Medium Density Residential and Open Space. o The southeast corner of Margarita Road and Solana Way. The property owner is requesting a change from Very Low Density Residential to Professional Office. · Hillside Development Policy - The policies are being examined for integration into the draft- grading ordinance. This item is on hold pending additional staff resources. John Warner Road Assessment District - Assisting Public Works with formation of an Assessment District for road, sewer and storm drain improvements. Waiting on submittal of storm drain plans. R:'U¥1ONTHLY.RPT~2003~January 2003 Report.doc 10 Procedures to Implement CEQA - Staff initiated project to develop local guidelines and procedure manual for processing CEQA documents, including the adoption of local exemptions. The process will also conform to the 2002 CEQA Guidelines, and will create new templates for standard CEQA forms. New procedural documents and forms are almost complete. Package will be sent to the City Attorney's office for review and comment. Southside Specific Plan - Staff is reviewing the work that was previously done to possibly develop design guidelines for this area. Staff is looking at the possibility of developing design guidelines and/or a sign program for this area. Surface Mining Ordinance - The staff and City Attorney had been making final changes based upon feedback from the State prior to submitting this item to the Council for their consideration. This item is on hold pending additional staff resources. Traditional Neighborhood Development Ordinance - Final changes are being made prior to scheduling this item for a Planning Commission workshop. This item is on hold pending additional staff resources. City - Project environmental reviews and permitting: o Overland Drive Extension - Staff has reviewed 2nd submittal of the draft initial study / Mitigated Negative Declaration and has provided comments to Public Works. o Margarita Road/Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Undercrossing Project - Request from Public Works to prepare an Environmental Determination for Trail undercrossing at this location. A Notice of Exemption was prepared and filed. o Old Town Southern Gateway Landscaping Project - Request from Public Works for Environmental Determination for this project. Previously prepared Negative Declaration may need to be modified because the project description has changed. o Paloma del Sol Supplemental EIR and Specific Plan Amendment 8.1 - Staff is assisting the applicant's consultant in preparing a Supplemental EIR and Specific Plan Amendment to address drainage issues. The City and the consultant have agreed on a schedule to complete the process by January 2004. o Pechanga Parkway (formerly Pala Road) Widening & Sound Wall - Staff is preparing an Addendum to the Wolf Creek Specific Plan EIR to examine the impacts of required off-site mitigation. This will satisfy CEQA Requirements to proceed with construction of the drainage channel. o Rainbow Canyon Road - Completed NEPA Compliance package to replace and install a half-mile of new guardrail on Rainbow Canyon Road from the City limits to Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course entrance. Public Works will submit to CaITrans. A Categorical Exemption from CEQA is being prepared. o Temecula Education Complex - Staff is reviewing and commenting on the Initial Study Checklist for a mixed-use development that will focus on adult-education, located at the northwest corner of Diaz Road and Dandy Parkway. The project will require a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and an EIR. o Winchester Road Widening Project - Request from Public Works for Environmental Determination to widen Winchester Road west of Jefferson. Staff is examining the impact of removing landscaping along both sides of Winchester Road between Jefferson and Enterprise Circle. R:",MONTHLY.RP'n2_003~January 2003 Report.doc 11 General Plan Amendments A request to reduce the size of Via Industrial (Western Bypass Corridor) north of Avenida Alvarado has been submitted and has been on hold pending the approval of a revised Cimulation Element. Eli Lilly General Plan Amendment and Zone Change - The applicant's proposal would involve changing the land use designations to Community Commemial. Staff has accepted applications to change all designations to Community Commercial, with restricted uses at the southwest corner of Overland Drive and Margarita Road. Approved by the City Council on January 14, 2003. Margarita Village Specific Plan - A General Plan Amendment for Pamel Map 22513, amending the land use from Neighborhood Commemial to Community Commercial on 9.77 acres located at the southeast corner of Rancho California Road and Meadows Parkway (954-030-001); Submitted by Venture Point. In addition to the General Plan Amendment the applicant has also submitted a Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan. The applications were submitted on May 23, 2002. A DRC meeting was held on August 8, 2002. The project was continued from the December 4, 2002, Planning Commission meeting, and is scheduled for the January 15, 2003, meeting. The item was continued to the February 19, 2003, Planning Commission meeting. Overland Self-Storage Facility - A proposal for a General Plan Amendment and a change of zone, changing the designation and zoning from Service Commercial (SC) to Light Industrial. The applications were submitted on February 11,2003. This proposal is in conjunction with a Conditional Use Permit/Development Plan for an RV Storage facility known as (PA01-0605). PA02-0260 Valley Christian Fellowship - Staff presented a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from VL to PO at the SWC of Margarita and De Portola Roads. The City Council considered this item on January 14, 2003. The General Plan Community Advisory Committee will review the proposal and provide a recommendation to be considered again bythe Planning Commission. Quiet Meadows - A proposal for a Change of Zone from L-1 to L-2 on a 4.57-acre site, associated with PA02-0371 a Tentative Tract Map. The application was submitted on July 11, 2002. Staff has reviewed the proposal and is currently completing the Initial Study for the Tentative Map. Geoqraphic Information System (GIS) Activities · Staff continues to make weekly updates to the database and maps for the City's Megan's Law link on the web page. · Staff continues to work with Public Works staff to map storm drain locations with the City's G PS unit. This is an ongoing project, which will take several months to complete. · Staff has been working with Community Services Department to integrate tree inventory data for city maintained slopes and parks with GIS to enhance maintenance capabilities. · Staff continues to conduct system and database management for the City's fully operational GIS based Fire Response Program. R:',,MONTHLY. RP'n2003~January 2003 Report.doc 12 · Staff is working with the Planning Department to make a baseline map with the ability to make regular updates for all the City's ABC licenses. · Staff is working with the Public Works and IS Departments to prepare and mapped inventory of the existing and proposed cable and fiber optics network within the City. · Recent mapping products and data requests include: Prepared mailing labels for various projects for Planning Prepared Loma Linda vicinity maps for Public Works and TCSD Created and updated landscape, median and facility maps for TCSD Updated proposed Senior facility map for Redevelopment Prepared a series of maps for Temecula Citizen's Corp for Police Prepared a map identifying all vacant areas with vesting tract maps for Planning Prepared a map identifying improvement responsibilities for Butterfield Stage Road for Public Works Map of the Santa Gertrudis Creek area for TCSD Digital orthophotos of the area around the Diaz realignment project for Public Works Elevation maps for the KTA project site for Planning Various aerial vicinity maps for Planning and Redevelopment and Community Services CIP projects map for Public Works DIF analysis map for Finance Aerial map with Zoning designations superimposed for the City Manager's Office Map identifying the Temecula Police Department's coverage area A map exhibit for Council agreement with AeroSurf for futura wireless antennae facilities for the City Clerk An exhibit for TCSD identifying slope maintenance areas within the Loma Linda tract Parcel data broken down by code enforcement officer reporting area for Code Enfomement A series of maps identifying landscape medians, slopes, parks and facilities for TCSD Additionally Staff conducted updates to the street centerline data, provided updated data to IS and Fire staff for the Fire Response program and updated Map Objects data for Internet GIS. Staff continues with ongoing data layer development and maintenance. R:'~vlONTHLY. RPT~2003~January 2003 Report.doc 13 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINA~ ~,t~---/~_ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer February 25, 2003 Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Report RECOMMENDATION: Attached for City Council's review and filing is the Department of Public Works' Monthly Activity Reports for the month of January, 2003. MOACTRPT. FRM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Monthly Activity Report January ! February 2003 Prepared By: Amer Attar Submitted by: William G. Hughes Date: December February 25, 2003 PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1. First Street Extension - Environmental Mitigation This project will create approximately 1.49 acres of wetlands along Murrieta Creek at First Street. It includes construction of landscaping and irrigation improvements, and maintenance of said improvements for a period of five (5) years in accordance with California Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit requirements. ACOE and RCFC are requesting the relocation of the mitigation site to avoid conflict with Murrieta Creek Improvement Project. A letter was sent from the City to ACOE for possible alternate mitigation site. The City received a response from ACOE approving the relocation of mitigation site. Research is underwayto acquire an alternate site. 2. Community Theatre - Mercantile Seismic Retrofit This project will create a community theatre at the old Mercantile building in downtown Temecula. 2H Construction began construction on Monday, September 16, 2002. Construction of the structural braced frames are complete with foundation and sub floor upgrades underway. 3. Children's Museum This project will construct a 7,500 square foot children's museum. The contract was awarded at the September 17, 2002, City Council meeting to R.E. Fleming Construction. The contractor is proceeding with completion of the new entry gazebo, porch railing and roof. The HVAC units have been set and the contractor will be constructing screens for the visible units. Repair and retrofit of the foundation system on the east side of the building will begin February 24. The City entered into a separate contract with 2H Construction to complete the repairs to the foundation. The foundation repair work is expected to be completed by the middle of May 2003. 4. Pechanga Parkway (Formerly Pala Road) Sound Wall Improvements Under this project, sound walls will be designed and constructed on the southwest side of Pechanga Parkway, from Rainbow Canyon Road to the Pechanga casino and on the northeast side along the residences just north of Loma Linda Nine construction bids were received on February 4, 2003 and the contract will be awarded at the February 25, 2003 City Council meeting. The apparent Iow bidder is R.J. Bullard Construction, Inc. Construction will begin in March 2003. Work is being coordinated with the Pechanga Parkway Phase II Improvements. R:kM onthlyActivityRepor tXClPX2003X, lanuary.doc PROJECTS BEING ADVERTISED FOR BIDS None PROJECTS IN DESIGN 1. Pechanga Parkway (Formerly Pala Road) Improvements - Phase II (SR 79 South to Pechanga Road) This project will widen Pechanga Parkway (formerly Pala Road) to its ultimate width from the Pechanga Parkway Bridge to Pechanga road. The City is currently working with Caltrans' Local Assistance and City's Environmental Consultant to expedite the environmental approval process. The Preliminary Environmental Document Classification (NEPA) of the project has been determined to be an "Environmental Assessment" (EA). Required technical studies (involving Federal action) will be included in the EA. The consultant submitted 95% drainage design plans to RCFC & WCD for review the week of February 10, 2003. RCFC & WCD will respond to the latest submittal within one month. The City received 90% street plans and specifications from DMJM-Harris and staff is currently reviewing them along with the utility companies. 2. Rancho California Road Bridge Widening Over Murrieta Creek This project will widen Rancho California Road Bridge over Murrieta Creek to provide four additional traffic lanes. Staff is currently working with the design consultant to make final revisions to the drawings and specifications. The project is scheduled to be advertised for bids by early March 2003. 3. Temecula Library A full service library, approximately 34,000 square feet in area, will be designed and built on Pauba Road, just west of Fire Station #84. This project will provide the community with library resources and services. A separate parcel has been created for the library for bond purposes. The application to the State was submitted on 6/13/02. The City's application was not among the approved ones. The City will be resubmitting for the second round of funding approvals later this year. Construction is delayed until Spring 2004, provided that the City receives funding. Utility services construction will be coordinated with Pauba Road, Phase II Street Improvements. 4. Pauba Road Improvements - Phase II (Margarita Road to Showalter Road) This project will widen Pauba Road from Showalter to just west of Margarita Road to its ultimate width. The City has reviewed the 100% Design Plans submitted bythe consultant. Specifications are under review. Plans were sent to all utilities and utility issues are being addressed. Environmental documents have been finalized by the City Planning Department and the public comments period will begin next month. Work is being coordinated with the library project. 5. John Warner Road Assessment District - Hydrology Study Under this project a drainage study will be done to compliment the improvement plans being done by the property owners. Eventually the City will be the oversight agency for a property owners 2 R:',MonthlyActivityRepor6CI]~2003kJanuavj.doc sponsored assessment district. An agreement amendment was approved by City Council on October 8, 2002. ERSC submitted a revised hydrology study with storm drain alternatives on 10/30/02. The City chose a preferred alternative and directed ERSC to prepare the final Storm Drein plans and the Engineer's Cost Estimate. Final Design Documents are expected in March for City's review. 6. Landscaping and Sidewalk On SR 79 South (Front Street to Pechanga Parkway) The project consists of the design and construction of new sidewalk, landscaping, and irrigation along State Route 79 South between Pechanga Parkway and Old Town Front Street Review of 1st plan submittal is complete. However, the project scope was modified. The modifications were incorporated into 60% submittal, and the plans were re-submitted to Caltrans. Caltrans tentatively approved the plans, and final revisions are being made. HOA has tentatively approved the planting layout. 90% plans were submitted. The Civil plans are being revised and we are finalizing planting plans. 7. Temecula Sports Complex A new 40+ Acres sports complex will be built at the corner of Pechanga Parkway and Deer Hollow Way. The City Council approved the Conceptual Master Plan of the project and funding at the January 14, 2003 meeting. RJM, the landscape architect, is to develop the construction drawings. Existing facility maps for Pechanga Parkway and Deer Hollow Way have been received from utility companies. 8. Bridge Barrier Rail Upgrade, Rainbow Canyon Road over Pechanga Creek/Del Rio Road over Empire Creek This project will replace the existing barrier mils of the Rainbow Canyon Bridge over Pechanga Creek and the Del Rio Road Bridge over Empire Creek. Simon Wong Engineering (SWE) delivered the 100% Plans and the Engineer's Cost Estimate in early October. The Specifications are complete. The request for authorization for construction funding was sent to Caltrans on 1/14/03. 9. Fire Station - Wolf Creek Site A fire station will be built at the Wolf Creek Site. The Plans have been approved with exception of grading plans. Waiting for parcel to be recorded and APN so an address can be assigned and utility services finalized. 10. Pavement Management System Update The project will establish a pavement management program that will provide an on-going schedule of needed repairs and provide data that will be used to prepare budget estimates required to complete the scheduled work. GIS links, AutoCAD review, and updates to MicroPAVER are included in the total program. The consultant will submit the final pavement study to the City the week of February 18, 2003. 11. Vail Ranch Park (Near Pauba Valley School) - Add Amenities This project will add amenities, including play equipment to the recently annexed Vail Ranch Park. RHA Landscape Architects/Planners Inc. is the design firm. First submittal was made on May 3rd. The City reviewed these documents and returned them to the consultant for revisions. The City and RHA met on 7/31/02 to discuss these comments and revisions are being made. Soil samples were taken and results were provided to TCSD on 8/28/02. The City reviewed the grading plan and 3 R:'uM oathlyActivityRepor t~CIP~2003~lan ua~.doc transmitted comments back to the consultant. Once the grading plan is completed the design documents will be finalized, 12. Murrieta Creek Multi Purpose Trail This project will build portions of the equestrian and bike trails along Murrieta Creek within City limits. The City has received a federal grant of $1,214,000. Caltrans has given the City the "Authorization to Proceed with Preliminary Engineering." The City has determined the most qualified consultant based on the interviews held on November 19, 2002. The City is currently in contract negotiation with the chosen consultant. 13. State Route 79 South Medians Under this project medians will be constructed on State Route 79 South within the City of Temecula limits. A Request For Proposal (RFP) was sent out to consultants during the week of November 4, 2002. Responses have been received. Staff reviews of proposals have been completed. Consultant contacted and negotiations are proceeding. 14. Guardrail Installation and Replacement On Rainbow Canyon Road In this project, old guardrails will be replaced and new guardrails will be installed in needed locations on Rainbow Canyon Road within the City of Temecula. The RFP for design has been prepared but must be approved by Caltrans prior to publishing. The request for RFP approval and design funding was submitted to Caltrans on 11/06/02. The City's Planning Department has prepared the required environmental documents. A Field Review for the project with Caltrans was conducted on February 19, 2003. 15. Old Town Southern Gateway Landscaping Under this project, 10,000 square feet remnant parcel west of Front Street, which was created by the realignment of First Street, will be landscaped Project plans have been reviewed and are back to Amhitect for corrections. 16. Diaz Road Realignment Under this project, Diaz Road will be realigned to Vincent Moraga Road at Rancho California Road. Business Park Drive will be a T-intersection at Diaz. City staff is currently designing the project. City staff is currently designing the project. Street and landscaping design completion is scheduled for May 2003. A signal at the intersection of Diaz and Rancho Way has been added and is currently under design. Right of Way processing is anticipated to be completed by May of 2003. 17. Rancho California Road Median Modifications at Town Center The project will include the closing of the two median openings on Rancho California Road in front of the Town Center, while lengthening the left turn lanes at Ynez Road, Town Center Drive, and Via Los Colinas to improve traffic circulation. The design is 100% complete. This project is being combined with PW00-20, which includes a right turn lane eastbound on Rancho California Road at Ynez Road. Combining the design of the two projects will be completed by late March with bidding by late March 2003. 18. Rancho California Road Widening at Ynez Road (Add right turn lane to westbound lanes) This project will add a right turn lane on westbound Rancho California Road at Ynez Road. Right of 4 R:~lontldyAcfivityRepor t\Cl~2003~Janua~.doc way acquisition at the northeast corner of Rancho California and Ynez is in process with Claim Jumper Restaurant and Swedish American Corporation signing the acquisition agreements. However, Swedish American Corporation is failing to respond to escrow instructions, and it appears that we will have to acquire this property through eminent domain. This will delay the project. Construction is anticipated to begin summer of 2003. Design is 90% complete. This project will be combined with PW00-02. 19. Winchester Road Widening Between Enterprise Circle and Jefferson This project will widen Winchester road between Enterprise Circle and Jefferson Avenue. It will also add a right turn lane from Eastbound Winchester to Southbound Jefferson, starting at Enterprise Circle. Project layout was plotted and discussed with Traffic and the Director of Public Works. In- house design continues, with recent modifications to the design being implemented. 20. Rancho California Sports Park ADA Access and Shade Structure This project entails the design and construction of ADA compliant concrete walkways to the remaining ball fields, 3,4,5,7 & 8. It will also include the installation of two shade picnic/seating areas adjacent to the snack bar building, Design work is 95% complete. Currently, the second plan submittal is being revised. Specifications are being finalized and have been submitted for review. Specification and plan revisions are complete. We anticipate advertising for construction in March 2003. 21. Bus Bench Upgrades Under this project, bus benches and shade structures will be installed and existing ones will be upgraded at various locations. Project research on locations of current bus stops, existing bus bench/shade structures, bus bench/shade structure costs and RTA routes is complete. Bus bench/shade structure design and location options were reviewed and a report with recommendations is being prepared. 22. Jefferson Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation - Phase II This project will rehabilitate Jefferson Avenue from south of Overland Drive to Rancho California Road. The rehabilitation will include pavement overlay, and road and driveway reconstruction. Staff is in the process of hiring a surveying and a soils firm to provide topographic maps and pavement analysis for this project. Once the consultant completes the maps, staff will begin the design. 23. Pavement Rehabilitation Program - FY 2002/2003 Staff is reviewing the Pavement Management Report prepared by Berryman & Henigar to ascertain which street sections should be repaired with the available budget for this project. It was recommended, based on that report to repair westbound Rancho California Road between Margarita Road and Meadows Parkway. Capital Projects is proceeding with preparing plans and specifications for that section of road. 5 R:~¥1onfldyAc~ivityRepoffiCIP~003~lanua~y.doc PROJECTS IN THE PLANNING STAGE 1. 1-15! SR 79 South Interchange - Project Study Report (PSR) This project will modify the I-15/SR 79 South Intemhange to accommodate projected future traffic. The City received the final Value Engineering Analysis Report from Caltrans on May 8, 2002. All the proposed alignments presented by the value analysis team were rejected. The City's consultant provided an alignment modification with supporting traffic data to Caltrans on 10/02/02. Caltrans provided comments and the consultant addressed those comments and sent a response to Caltrans. Caltrans approved the proposed modified alternative #5. However, they proposed an interim solution that includes the construction of a roundabout. The City met with Caltrans on February 6, 2003 to discuss this new concept. We are evaluating this new concept and we will be responding to Caltrans shortly. 2. French Valley Parkway Overcrossing and Interchange, Project Report (PR), Plans Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Preparation This project will construct an intemhange between Winchester Road Intemhange and the 1-15/I-215 split. The City's consultant will be providing the City a Project Report (PR), and Environmental Documents (ED) for this first phase of the design process. This project will include the southbound off-ramp to Jefferson Avenue. On January 14, 2002, the City Council approved the design contract with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers. Monthly Project Design Team meetings will be starting on February 26, 2003. 3. Murrieta Creek Bridge - Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road This project will entail alignment studies and the design of an extension of Overland Drive, westerly to Diaz Road, which includes a new bridge over Murrieta Creek. The project includes the widening of Overland Drive from Jefferson Avenue to Commerce Center Drive, and the extension of Overland Drive across Murrieta Creek to Diaz Road. PDC has completed the alignment study and staff has reviewed copies of the preliminary plans. Staff has reviewed design costs for next year's fiscal funding. No funding until FY04-05. 4. Alignment Study for Murrieta Creek Bridge Between Winchester Road and Temecula City Limits and Diaz Road Extension This study will determine the alignment and location of the Murrieta Creek crossing between Winchester Road and the northern City Limits. in addition, the study will be combined with the Diaz Road Extension alignment study and design. Coordination with the City of Murrieta, Riverside County Flood Control and Army Corps of Engineers is necessary. The Consultant and Staff met with Riverside County Flood Control to discuss possible alignments. The consultant is currently awaiting data from Riverside County Flood Control in order to complete the work on the first draft of the alignment study. Staff was informed this data could take up to a year to receive (from May 2002). 6 R:'uMoathlyActivit~Repo~C IPX2003'danuary.doc PROJECTS THAT ARE SUSPENDED OR ON-HOLD 1. Santa Gertrudis Bridge Widening at 1-15 This is Phase II of the Southbound Auxiliary Lane project at the southbound exit ramp for Winchester Road. This project will widen the 1-15 southbound exit-ramp at the Santa Gertrudis Creek Bridge to provide an additional lane on the exit ramp just north of Winchester Road. Staff is revisiting the merits of this project in light of the Project Study Report for French Valley Parkway Interchange. The study shows that this bridge may have to be removed in the future to accommodate the new Interchange. This project is suspended indefinitely. 2. Margarita Road/Winchester Road Intersection Improvements Project is on hold. Under this project, an additional left turn from eastbound Winchester to northbound Margarita will be added in order to accommodate increasing traffic volumes. Design is 50% complete. A developer will be doing this project. 3. Pujol Street Sidewalk Improvements - Phase II Project is on hold. This project will complete the knuckle at the intersection of Sixth Street and Felix Valdez. The developer of a nearby property may be designing and constructing this project. 4. School Site ADA Improvements Project has been removed from this year's ClP. Design and construct ADA concrete walkways and hand railing to athletic facilities at Temecula Middle School, James L. Day Middle School and Margarita Middle School. TCSD re-allocated the funds. 5. City Hall Parking Lot Modifications Project is on-hold. Funding has been postponed until FY 2004/2005. Under this project, a security fence will be installed between the existing maintenance facility and the western side of City Hall to secure the parking lot west of the main building. The design of a security fence between the existing maintenance facility and the western side of City Hall will be performed in-house. A scoping meeting was held on November 12, 2001. Research on existing base maps for the proposed area and as-builts for the existing security fence near the maintenance facility is complete. Design and review of the proposed layout is complete. The project is currently on hold waiting for further direction 7 R:'uMonthlyAcfivityRepor~CIP~2003~J anuary.doc -8 I~ ~'~ o U. o UJ Il. UJ LU I-- 0 0 ,,8 0 UJ UJ 8 r.,.) u.i LU Il. ,,g < TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Bill Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent February 5, 2003 SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report - January, 2003 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in-house personnel for the month of January, 2003: I. SIGNS A. Total signs replaced 125 B. Total signs installed t8 C. Total signs repaired 142 II. III. IV. VI. VII. TREES A. Total trees tdmmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns 22 2T741 64 212 49 2,762 ASPHALT REPAIRS A. Total square feet of A. C. repairs B. Total Tons CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. Total locations B. Total S.F. STENCILING A. 290 New and repainted legends B. 100 L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping Also, City Maintenance staff responded to 63 service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to 46 service order requests for the month of December, 2002. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 48 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of January, 2003 was $ 44,035.70 compared to $ 85,$32.50 for the month of December~ 2002. Account No. 5402 $ 37,435.70 Account No. 5401 $ 4,500.00 Account No. 999-5402 $ 2,100.00 CC: Ron Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Ali Moghadam, Senior Engineer (CIP/Traffic) Greg Butler, Senior Engineer (Capital Improvements) Amer Attar, Senior Engineer (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer (Land Development) R:/MAINTAIN~,MOACTRPT~J U LY 2002- JUNE 2003UANUARY.03.DOC STREET MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS The following contractors have performed the following projects for the month of January, 2003 DATE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST ACCOUNT STREET/CHANNEL/BRIDGE OF WORK SIZE CONTRACTOR: MONTELEONE CONTRACTING Date: 01/06/03 SERVICE LEVEL 'R' GRADED DIRT ROADS IN SERVICE LEVEL "R" AREA # 999-5402 TOTAL COST I $ 2,100.00 Date 01/22/03: SANTIAGO ROAD DESILTING REPAIRS TO DESILTiNG BASINS DUE TO BASINS HEAVY RAINS # 5401 TOTAL COST $ 4,500.00 CONTRACTOR: BECKER ENGINEERING Date: 01/14/03 CI~IDE P.C.C. R & R UNDERSIDEWALK DRAINS AND UNDER SIDEWALK REPAIRS ADJOINING SIDEWALKS # 5402 TOTAL COST I $15,200.00 Date: 01/13/03 KAWEA COURT AT STREET INSTALLED 2 6" BALLARDS AND REPAIRED CLOSURE FENCING # 5402 TOTAL COST $ 935.70 Date: 01/30/03 CITYWIDE A.C. SAW CUTTING ASPHALT SAW CUTTING FOR CITY MAINTENANCE CREW # 5402 TOTAL COST $ 3,700.00 CONTRACTOR: IMPERIAL PAVING Date: 01/07/03 CALLE FIESTA R&R 5,565 SQ. FT. OF ASPHALT INCLUDING ROOT PRUNING & BASE INSTALL 129 L.F. OF 6" A.C. BERM # 5402 TOTAL COST I $17,600.00 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5401 $ 4,500.00 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5402 $ 37,435.70 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #99-5402 $ 2,100.00 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SERVICE ORDER REQUEST LOG MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION REQUEST DATE WORK RECEIVED COMPLETED 01/02/03 30326 CALLE HALCON TREE REMOVAL 01/02/03 01/03/03 30446 DANUBE COURT ROOT PRUNING 01/03/03 01/06/03 31837 CORTE POSITAS ROOT PRUNING 01/06/03 01/06/03 43384 VIA ANGELES DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/06/03 01/06/03 29919 VALLE OLVERA TREE REMOVAL 01/06/03 01/07/03 32798 CASERTA DRIVE TREE REMOVAL 01/07/03 01/07/03 44480 CAYENNE TRAIL TREE REMOVAL 01/07/03 01/07/03 44875 CORTE ANTIGUA SIGN REPAIR 01/07/03 01/07/03 42200 MAIN STREET DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/07/03 01/07/03 29715 AVENIDA DE CALAZADA TREE TRIMMING 01/07/03 01/07/03 32227 CAMINO MAREA SIGN REPAIR 01/07/03 01/07/03 44170 CHARDONNAY HILLS ROOT PRUNING 01/07/03 01/07/03 42075 MEADOWS PARKWAY SIGN REPAIR 01/07/03 01/07/03 33300 NICHOLAS COMMON DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/07/03 01/07/03 31249 HIAWATHA COURT TREE REMOVAL 01/07/03 01/08/03 30096 PERCHANGA PARKWAY TREE TRIMMING 01/21/03 01/08/03 45895 PARSIPPANY COURT DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/08/03 01/08/03 LOMALINDA LANE TREE REMOVAL 01/08/03 01/08/03 45686 JERONIMO TREE REMOVAL 0t/08/03 01/08/03 39650 JUNE COURT SIGN REPAIR 01/08/03 01/08/03 30764 SKY TERRACE ROOT PRUNING 01/08/03 01/08/03 40847 CALLE MEDUSA OPEN TRENCH 01/08/03 01/08/03 31139 SAHO COURT ROOT PRUNING 01/08/03 01/08/03 44537 CAYENNE TRAIL TREE REMOVAL 01/08/03 01/08/03 45615 JERONIMO MAILBOX DOWN 01/08/03 DATE LOCATION REQUEST DATE WORK RECEIVED COMPLETED 01/09/03 45680 CLUBHOUSE DRIVE DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/09/03 01/09/03 31121 SHICALI COURT TREE REMOVAL 01/09/03 01/09/03 45975 PARSIPPANY COURT TREE REMOVAL 01/09/03 01/09/03 31133 VIA GILBERTO ROOT PRUNE 01/09/03 01/10/03 45932 PARSIPPANY COURT TREE TRIMMING 01/10/03 01/10/03 41476 YANKEE RUN COURT A.C. REPAIR 01/10/03 01/13/03 40612 NOB COURT STREET CLOSURE 01/13/03 01/13/03 31675 VIA CORDOBA DUST ON STREET 01/13/03 01/13/03 31580 PlO PICO TREE PLANTING 01/13/03 01/13/03 31232 EDNA CIRCLE TREE REMOVAL 01/13/03 01/14/03 45021 CORTE CHRISTINA S.N.S. DOWN 01/14/03 01/15/03 29994 CORTE CANTERA ROOT PRUNING 01/15/03 01/15/03 31300 LOMALINDA DEBRIS REMOVAL 01/15/03 01/17/03 44561 ALIGHCHI WAY WATER RUNNING 01/17/03 01/17/03 32235 VILLA SALTIO PAINT WALL 01/17/03 01/21/03 33156 CAMINO DEL ESTE DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/21/03 01/21/03 31737 CORTE ROSARIO TREE LLIMB DOWN 01/21/03 01/21/03 39640 DIEGO DRIVE DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/21/03 01/22/03 29837 VIA SEVILLA S.N.S. REPAIR 01/22/03 01/22/03 32894 JOSHEROO COURT DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/22/03 01/23/03 PAUBA ROAD DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/22/03 01/23/02 44861 TROTSDALE CHANNEL CLEANING 01/23/03 01/24/03 41675 AVENIDA DE LA REINA ROOT PRUNING 01/24/03 01/24/03 41065 1sT STREET CURB REPAIR 01/24/03 01/24/03 43780 PAULITA ROAD EROSION PROBLEMS 01/24/03 01/27/03 33465 CAMINO HERNANDEZ WATER IN YARD 01/27/03 01/27/03 44882 CORTE RODRIGUEZ TREE TRIMMING 01/27/03 01/27/03 43945 NORTHGATE AVENUE BASIN CLEANING 01/27/03 01/27/03 WINCHESTER OVERPASS DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/27/03 DATE LOCATION REQUEST DATE WORK RECEIVED COMPLETED 01/27/03 43945 NORTHGATE EROSION PROBLEMS 01/27/03 01/27/03 PUJOL STREET DEBRIS PICK-UP 01/27/03 01/27/03 41338 YUBA CIRCLE ROOT PRUNING 01/27/03 01/27/03 43482 VIA CANDELEDA S.N.S. REPAIR 01/27/03 01/29/03 31030 CORTE ANACAPA TREE TRIMMING 01/29/03 01/29/03 31756 PASEO DE LAS OLAS TREE TRIMMING 01/29/03 01/29/03 41585 ZINFANDEL TREE TRIMMING 01/29/03 01/29/03 44864 LINA LOU ROAD S.N.S. REPAIR 01/29/03 01/31/03 40342 CHANTEMAR WAY TREE REMOVAL 01/31/03 TOTAL SERVICE ORDER REQUESTS 63 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/02/03 McCABE AT CAM1NO ALACON REMOVED 14 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 44515 BEDFORD COURT REMOVED 6 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 15 FWY AT 79 SO. REMOVED 184 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA PARK (3 LOCATIONS) REMOVED 37 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT PASEO BRILLANTE REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REMOVED 23 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT SOLANA REMOVED 14 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 29604 MARGARITA REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT STONEWOOD REMOVED 8 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT OVERLAND REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT SOLANA REMOVED 16 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REMOVED 91 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/07/03 McCABE AT CAMINO ALAGON REMOVED 36 S.F. OF GKAFFITI 01/07/03 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT PAUBA REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/08/03 MORAGA REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/08/03 MARGARITA AT SANTA GERTRUDIS REMOVED 1,207 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/0903 27326 JEFFERSON REMOVED 6 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 27314 JEFFERSON REMOVED 18 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 27536 YNEZ REMOVED 214 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 28100 JEFFERSON REMOVED 3 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 I- 15 FWY AT WINCHESTER REMOVED 48 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 42210 REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/09/03 40435 WINCHESTER REMOVED 9 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/13/03 WINCHESTER AT SANTA GERTRUDIS REMOVED 130 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/13/03 WINCHESTER AT JEFFERSON REMOVED 16 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/14/03 39610 RUSTIC GLEN REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/14/03 BIKE TRAIL AT CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL REMOVED 32 S.F. OF GRAFFITI DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/14/03 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT RUSTIC GLEN REMOVED 40 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/14/03 26730 YNEZ COURT REMOVED 180 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/17/03 SPORTS PARK REMOVED 80 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/21/03 RANCHO VISTA AT ARGO REMOVED 8 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/22/03 LONG CANYON CREEK PARK REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/22/03 42101 MORAGA REMOVED 4 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/23/03 29766 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD REMOVED 34 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/23/03 29740 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD REMOVED 21 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/24/03 29566 PUJOL (6 LOCATIONS) REMOVED 58 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/24/03 TROTSDALE REMOVED 10 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/27/03 28816 PUJOL REMOVED 96 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/27/03 YNEZ AT WINCHESTER REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/27/03 41005 WINCHESTER REMOVED 10 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/28/03 TEMECULA LANE AT CANTERYIELD REMOVED 56 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 01/30/03 OIVERLAND AT PROMENADE WAY REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED S.F. OF GRAFFITI TOTAL S.F. GRAFFITI REMOVED 2~762 TOTAL LOCATIONS 49 LIJ Z CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/06/03 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 14 CATCH BASINS 01/07/03 AREAS #1 & #2 CLEANED & CHECKED 47 CATCH BASINS 01/13/03 CITYW~DE CLEANED & CHECKED 23 CATCH BASINS 01/14/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 21 CATCH BASINS 01/15/03 VA/L RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 11 CATCH BASINS 01/16/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 9 CATCH BASINS 01/21/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 18 CATCH BASINS 01/22/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 11 CATCH BASINS 01/27/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 22 CATCH BASINS 10/28/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 14 CATCH BASINS 01/29/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 21 CATCH BASINS 01/30/03 VAIL RANCH CLEANED & CHECKED 1 CATCH BASINS TOTAL CATCH BASINS CLEANED & CHECKED 212 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION RIGHT-OF-WAY TREE TRIMMING MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/14/03 MEADOWVIEW AREA TRIMMED 8 R.O.W. TREES 01/15/03 VIA CORDOBA TRIMMED 4 R.O.W. TILEES 01/23/03 NORTH GENERAL KEARNEY AT LA COLIMA TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES 01/27/03 LA CADENA COURT AT VIA NORTE TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES 01/28/03 LEENA AT VIA RAZO TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES 01/30/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA TRIMMED 4 R.O.W. TREES TOTAL R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 22 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION ASPHALT (POTHOLES) REPAIRS MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION SCOPE OF WORK S.F. TOTAL TONS 01/02/03 29817 CORTE GRANADA R&R A.C. 160 4.5 01/06/03 30300 CABRILLO R&R A.C. 260 6.5 01/08/03 43991 JOHN WARNER A.C. OVERLAY 100 1.5 01/13/03 WINCHESTER CREEK AT SPRINGTIME R&R A.C. 275 6.5 01/14/03 WINCHESTER CREEK AT SPRINGTIME R&R A.C. 174 4.5 01/15/03 DEL REY AT VIA NORTE R&R A.C. 260 6.5 01/16/03 FRONT STREET / RIO NEDO A.C. OVERLAY 197 2 01/22/03 YORBA AT YNEZ R&R A.C. 270 6.5 01/23/03 41685 YORBA R&R A.C. 375 6.5 01/27/03 43991 JOHN WARNER R&R A.C. 120 3.5 01/28/03 41685 YORBA R&R A.C. 265 9 01/29/03 41685 YORBA R&R A.C. 285 6.5 TOTAL S.F. OF REPAIRS 2~741 TOTAL TONS 64 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION STENCILS / STRIPING MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/13/03 YNEZ AT PREECE INSTALLED 100 L.F. OF DOUBLE YELLOW 01/14/03 AREA g4 REPAINTED 41 LEGENDS 01/15/03 AREA g4. REPAINTED 30 LEGENDS 01/16/03 AREA g4. REPAINTED 14 LEGENDS 01/21/03 AREA ~?4 REPAINTED 40 LEGENDS 01/22/03 AREA fi4. REPAINTED 33 LEGENDS 01/23/03 AREA ~4- REPAINTED 8 LEGENDS 01/27/03 AREA ga, REPAINTED 29 LEGENDS 01/28/03 AREAS #3 & g4 REPA1NTED 51 LEGENDS 01/29/03 AREAS #3 & g4 REPAINTED 44 LEGENDS TOTAL NEW & REPAINTED LEGENDS 290 NEW & REPAINTED RED CURB & STRIPING L.F. 100 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SIGNS MONTH OF JANUARY, 2003 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 01/02/03 LA SERENA AT MEADOWS PARKWAY REPLACED 8 DELINEATORS 01/02/03 CALLE CHAPOS REPLACED 6 CARSONITES 01/02/03 AMARITA AT McCABE REPLACED R-2 40 01/02/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRS REPAPII~_ED 17 SIGNS 01/03/03 RANCHO VISTA REPLACED R-1 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REPLACED R-7 01/06/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REPLACED R-26 COMBO 01/07/03 LOMALINDA AT CORTE ANTIGUA REPLACED S.N.S. 01/07/03 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT PAUBA REPLACED W-17 01/07/03 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT McCABE REPLACED W-17 01/08/03 MARGARITA AT SOLANA REPLACED W-41 01/08/03 YNEZ AT MOTOR CAR PARKWAY REPLACED R-7 01/08/03 MORAGA AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD REPLACED R-18-2 01/08/03 JUNE COURT REPLACED S.N.S. 01/08/03 YNEZ AT EQUITY REPLACED W-31 01/09/03 JEFFERSON AT BUECK1NG REPLACED R-1 01/09/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 20 SIGNS 01/09/03 VIA RIO TEMECULA AT AVENIDA DE MISSIONES REPLACED W-31, N MARKER 01/13/03 RIO NEDO AT DIAZ REPLACED W-56 01/13/03 VOLTA STREET AT GUEVARA REPLACED 2 R-l, 2 R-7 01/13/03 VIA DESTELLO AT SEMENA WAY REPLACED R-1 01/13/03 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT LA SERENA REPLACED W-56, TYPE N I DATE LOCATION I WORK COMPLETED 01/13/03 CITYWIDE REPAIP~D 9 SIGNS 01/13/03 YNEZ AT PREECE INSTALLED 12 R.P.M.S 01/14/03 VIA NORTE SOUTH OF DEL REY ROAD REPLACED 2 R-2 "35" 01/14/03 SOLANA AT VIA LA VIDA REPLACED R-I, R-DA 01/14/03 NO. GENERAL KEAP..NEY AT LA COLIMA REPLACED W-55, W-80, 2 "N" MARKERS 01/14/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 9 SIGNS 01/15/03 28007 JEFFERSON REPLACED W-33, W-6 01/15/03 VIA CORDOBA AT CORTE ALEGRA REPLACED W-17 01/15/03 VIA CORDOBA AT VIA QUIVERA REPLACED R-2 "25", W-17 01/15/03 31555 VIA CORDOBA REPLACED W-17 01/15/03 NO. GENERAL KEARNEY AT LA COLIMA REPLACED 3 "N" MARKERS, W-17, W-45, W-80 01/15/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 8 SIGNS 01/16/03 MARGARITA AT SANTIAGO REPLACED R-2 - "45" 01/16/03 COSMIC AT SANTA CECILIA REPLACED R-1-A 01/16/03 STARLIGHT RIDGE AREA REPAIRED 15 SIGNS 01/21/03 42231 COSMIC REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 30318 SANTA CECILIA DRIVE REPLACED W-17, R-l-A, R-1 01/21/03 42441 COSMIC REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 42470 AGENA REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 42335 AGENA REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 42144 AGENA REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 42310 COSMIC REPLACED W-17 01/21/03 RANCHO VISTA AT MIRA LOMA REPLACED R~7 01/21/03 RANCHO VISTA AT ARGO REPLACED R-1 01/21/03 SOLANA WAY AT YNEZ REPLACED R-26 01/21/03 LA SERENA AT NO. GENERAL KEARNEY REPLACED R-1 01/21/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 14 SIGNS 01/22/03 CAMPANULA AT MEADOWS PARKWAY REPLACED R-7 "K" MARKER 01/22/03 MARGARITA AT HWY. 79 SO. REPLACED R-2-40 01/22/03 MARGARITA AT DARTOLO REPLACED "N" MARKER 01/22/03 MARGARITA AT JEDEDIAH SMITH REPLACED R-26 01/22/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 12 SIGNS DATE LOCATION ~ WORK COMPLETED 01/23/03 NICHOLAS WEST OF JOSEPH ROAD REPLACED 11 CARSONITES 01/23/03 NO. GENERAL KEARNEY AT LA COLIMA INSTALLED W-41, R-26 01/24/03 ALTAMURA COURT INSTALLED 3 N.H.W.S. 01/27/03 YNEZ SOUTH OF WINCHESTER REPLACED W-41 01/27/03 NO. GENERAL KEARNEY AT SIERRA MAI)RE REPLACED R-2 "25" 01/27/03 CALLE TORCIDA AT VIA NORTE REPLACED R-1 01/27/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 22 SIGNS 01/28/03 MARGARITA SOUTH OF SANTIAGO REPLACED 2 R-26 01/28/03 MARGARITA AT PAUBA INSTALLED R-81A 01/28/03 TEMECULA LANE AT CANTERE1ELD REPLACED 3 TYPE "N" 01/28/03 SASKIA AT ALIGHCHI REPLACED S.N.S. 01/28/03 PIO PICO AT MONTELEGRO REPLACED R-l, R-35 01/2803 RANCHO CALIF. RD. AT BUTERFIELD STAGE RD. REPLACED 8 DELINIEATORS 01/28/03 RANCHO CALIF. RD. AT VIA LOS COLINAS REPLACED 2 DELINEATORS 01/28/03 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT 1-15 FWY REPLACED R-34, R-17, TYPE "N" 01/28/03 MARGARITA AT WINCHESTER REPLACED 3 DELINEATORS 01/28/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED I0 SIGNS 01/29/03 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT YUKON REPLACED R-7 01/29/03 5ta STREET AT MERCEDES REPLACED S.N.S. 01/29/03 VIA HALCON AT LA SERENA REPLACED S.N.S. 01/30/03 MARGARITA AT MORAGA REPLACED R-26 01/30/03 29991 VIA NORTE REPLACED R-2 "35" 01/30/03 HONORS AT BOGEY REPLACED R-26 01/30/03 HONORS AT RIVERTON REPLACED R-1 01/30/03 PUTTER AT DRIVER REPLACED R-1 01/30/03 CONGRESSIONAL AT SPYGLASS REPLACED R-1 01/30/03 CORTE SALINAS AT PASEO DE LAS OLAS REPLACED R-1 01/30/03 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 6 SIGNS TOTAL SIGNS REPLACED 125 TOTAL SIGNS INSTALLED 18 TOTAL SIGNS REPAIRED 142 APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY DIRECTOR OF FINA~ CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OFTEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City ManagedCity Council Jim Domenoe, Chief of Polic~J January 25, 2003 Monthly Departmental Report The following report reflects special teams, traffic enforcement and miscellaneous activity occurring during January 2003. The Police Department responded to 27 "priority one" calls for service during the month of January, with an average response time of approximately 5.3 minutes. A total of 3,733 calls for police service were generated in the City of Temecula during the month. During January, the Temecula Police Department's Town Center Storefront served a total of 166 customers. Forty-seven sets of fingerprints were taken, 14 people filed police reports and five people had citations signed off. Crime Prevention Officer Lynn Fanene participated in a number of special events, neighborhood watch and community-oriented programs during the month. He also coordinated requests for patrol ride-alongs. Additionally, he continued to provide residential and business security surveys/visits and past crime follow-up. Officer Fanene also continued to process City Planning Department submissions of site plans/conditions. The POP Teams continued their Warrant Apprehension Program during January, which resulted in five felony and four misdemeanor warrant arrests. They also issued 25 citations for various traffic violations. POP Teams also continued with the homeless persons program, with the goal of assisting homeless in finding services and aid to help them. The Old Town Storefront serves as an office for the POP teams and a location to assist the public with police services. This has greatly increased their accessibility and their ability to serve the Old Town area. During January, the Old Town Storefront served 276 customers. Twenty-six sets of fingerprints were taken, 16 reports were written, and 14 citations were signed off. The traffic team reported that during the month of January there were 684 citations issued for hazardous violations, 189 citations were issued for non-hazardous violations and 106 parking citations were issued. During the month there were 20 injury traffic collisions, 72 non-injury collisions were reported and 31 drivers were arrested for DUI. The Neighborhood Enforcement Team (NET) program resulted in 170 citations being issued. This program addresses traffic concerns in residential neighborhoods with a dedicated motor officer. The SLAP program (Stop Light Abuse Program) resulted in 55 citations being issued. Monthly Departmental Report- Police Department During the month of January, the POP officers assigned to the Promenade Mall handled a total of 86 calls for service. The majority of these calls were for shoplifting investigations. During the month, calls and on-sight activity resulted in the criminal arrest and filings on four felony and six misdemeanor cases. Officers McEIvain and Rupe continued to provide training to security staff during the month. The mall officers continued to work on vehicle theft and burglary programs. No vehicle thefts, and only one vehicle burglary occurred during the month of January. Our five school resource officers have remained active during January. The school resource officers conducted many counseling sessions with students. A total of 36 investigations/reports were conducted/written by the school resource officers during January. The school resource officers also made four arrests for various misdemeanor crimes during January. These crimes ranged from possession of marijuana to burglary to drunk in public. The JOLT program (Juvenile Offender Law Enforcement Program) continues to be a success in part through its Youth Court program. Officer Michelle Medeiros conducted the 104th Youth Court session. The JOLT officer assisted at other schools when needed and conducted follow-ups with parents of juveniles in the JOLT program. During January, Officer Medeiros made two misdemeanor arrests of juveniles for being drunk in public. Officer Medeiros also worked with "at risk" juveniles throughout the month and also conducted counseling sessions with their parents. She assisted the Riverside County District Attorney's Office and Probation Department by providing training during home visits with incorrigible/at risk juveniles during the month of January. Du ring the month of January, the Special Enforcement Team (SET Team) of Officers Jon Wade and Michelle Larson made seven misdemeanor and five felony arrests, primarily for narcotics violations. This team continues to work street level narcotics and specialty patrol within the city on a proactive basis, recovering quantities of methamphetamine and marijuana during the month. Volunteers from the community continue to be an integral part of the Temecula Police Department's staff. Under the guidance of volunteer coordinator Officer Bob Ridley and assistant coordinator Gayle Gerrish, the Police Department's volunteer staff contributed 502 hours of service in January. Volunteer assignments include computer dats input, logistics support, special event assistance and telephone answering duties. Community Action Patrol (CAP) Program volunteers have begun their activities, patrolling the city for graffiti, conducting vacation residential checks and assisting patrol with special logistical needs and special events. Other duties these volunteers will attend to are business checks and abandoned vehicles and traffic control. The goal of the program is high visibility, which prevents crime from occurring. CAP Team members contributed 269 hours of service to the community during the month of January. The reserve officer program and mounted posse are additional valuable volunteer resources available to the police department. The police department utilizes reserve officers to assist with patrol, traffic enforcement, crime prevention and a variety of special functions. Reserve police officers worked a total of 190 hours specifically on patrol in Temecula during January. Monthly Departmental Report - Police Department 2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT APPROVAL CITY ATTORNEY ~'~'7~ DIRECTOR OF FINAN~4~ CITY MANAGER ~,,] . City Manager/City Council Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manag February 25, 2003 Economic Development Monthly Departmental Report Prepared by: Gloria Wolnick, Marketing Coordinator The following are the recent highlights for the Economic Development Department for the month of January 2003. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Leads & Inquiries In the month of January, the City responded to a lead regarding a proposed wine shop in the Temecula Town Center. A meeting was held on January 27th, with Elaine Uyesaka and other representatives of Willis Insurance to discuss outreach/marketing to life science firms. The company provides Risk Insurance to Chemicon and has an interest in our area. Mr. Bob White, a real estate broker, contacted staff regarding possible investment opportunities in Temecula. Mr. White represents a wealthy Beverly Hills investor that recently bought a weekend home in Bear Creek and would like to invest in potential real estate development projects. Staff provided him with contact information. In January, staff met with a number of prospective users for the Redevelopment Agency's property at 27500 Jefferson. This property is expected to become available in the near future for lease or sale. In the month of December, the Southwest Riverside County Alliance responded to one lead that was a direct contact to the Alliance. Attached is a copy of their activity report. Business Retention As part of the EDC's Business Retention Program, staff met with Interplex NASCAL on January 3rd to learn more about the company and provide them with any assistance they may need. Interplex NASCAL was formed from its parent company in 1969 to serve customers in the western United States. It has grown to become a major stamping company serving customers throughout the US as well as Europe, Asia and Mexico. NASCAL offers a complete stamping service from initial design concept, complete tool building capabilities, and high speed Bruderer presses. Their main plant is in Tustin and their second facility is located in Temecula. R:\Wolnickg~DEPT REFORTS~January '03.doc Grand Openinfl On January 15th, Councilmembers and staff attended the Grand Opening of the Norm Reeves Acura Dealership. Tours of the Honda and Acura showrooms were conducted after the luncheon. Media/Outreach Materials Staff wrote the City article for_the February Chamber of Commerce Newsletter titled, "TUMF Fee To Provide New Transportation Improvements For Temecula.' The article explains the TUMF fee and how it will benefit Temecula as well as other areas in the Inland Empire. Staff provided articles and calendar of event listings to Neighbor's Magazine. The publication provides the City of Temecula with a page of editorial. KCET public television aired a short special on the Pechanga Indians and the impacts that gaming has made on their members. As part of this special was a brief interview with Mayor Stone. The program ran about 7 minutes. Staff has made video copies of the special. Meetings Staff attended the EDC of Southwest Riverside County Business Relations Meeting on January 7th. Follow-up action reports were given at the meeting, which included Hydro Flow Filtration and Murrieta Development Corporation. Company Contact Reports were given on the following companies: Interplex Nascal, Engineering Ventures, RBF Consulting and Excel Manufacturing. As of January 2003, the EDC has held 6 visits and 12 phone interviews with local companies. Staff attended the EDC of Southwest Riverside County Board of Directors Meeting on January 16th. A power point presentation of the EDC Strategic Plan was given, which consisted of: the EDC's long-term goals, mission, objectives & action plans, review of current and new EDC operations and services and the review of new objectives and action plans. Staff provided a City report and reported that the Husing demographic report is now available on the City's website, an update on TUMF, and the City's Telecom inventory/master plan. On January 8th, staff met with Diane Wirth, Executive Director of IETech Source to discuss their programs and services. IETechSource is a high technology program that serves the Inland Empire region. Their programs include: a one stop shop for funding resources, free consulting services on grants, venture capital, research projects, networking opportunities and information on the high tech community. Staff met staff of the Rancho Califomia Water District to discuss the planned Higher Education Center on January 16th. Also, a meeting on January 23rd was held with Cai State San Marcos to discuss the project. Staff attended the SCAG/WRCOG Interregional Partnership Meeting on January 16~h. A lunch meeting with Michael Hoffee of Zevo Golf, Councilmember Roberts and staff was held on January 21st to thank him for his community involvement and present him with a framed article regarding the company's new driver. On January 21st, staff attended a meeting at Supervisor Veneble's office regarding the development of a new fire station in the French Valley area. R:\Wolnickg'~DEPT REPORTSXJanuaty '03.dcc Counciimember Roberts and staff met with representatives of the Winegrowers' Association on January 22nd. Topics covered at the meeting included: Anza Road project concerns, status of Galway Downs, future of Callaway Winery and Vineyards bordering city along Butterfield Stage Road, City marketing activities, Wine Country Beautification update and proliferation of chain restaurants. Staff is currently following-up on several of their concerns. Staff is working with Ken Graft of Riverside County regarding the proposed changes to the Citrus/Vineyard Zone. The City, Chamber and Winegrowers' Association met in February to discuss ways to encourage the restaurants to serve Temecula wines at their establishments. Staff provided the Winegrowers' with a restaurant contact list to use in their outreach to local restaurants. Staff attended the City of Murrieta's Broker Breakfast on January 23rd. Representatives administering the Statewide Community Infrastructure Program (SClP) gave a presentation. SClP was established to assist developers of small businesses in financing development impact fees. Periodically, SCIP issues tax-exempt revenue bonds. The program provides funding either through a reimbursement or pre4unding upon approval of a site development plan or tentative map. A presentation was also provided by the Small Business Energy Alliance. Information was provided on how businesses/landlords can easily take advantage of the energy rebate program. Staff attended the Southwest Riverside County Economic Alliance Partners Meeting on January 27th. The "Taste of Southwest Riverside County" events were discussed. The first event in May would be targeted to site selectors and the second event would target business decision makers. The Alliance and Cutting Edge Marketing met and developed an aggressive marketing program to be launched in the near future. They presented the program for discussion. The plan includes branding, press releases, radio advertising, updated marketing materials, attending trade shows, regional brokers breakfast and web-site update. On January 31st, staff attended the UCR Links program "ELVlS SIGHTED AT CSUSB" by Klaus Brasch, John O'Brien, Paul Dixon and Tim Usher, California State University at San Bemardino. California State University, San Bernardino is quickly becoming a "graced land" for technology commercialization. The University recently concluded its first successful technology commercialization venture by licensing one of its patented inventions to National Instruments Corp. of Austin, Texas, a global leader in computer-based measurement and automation. Developed by two CSUSB physics professors, NI-ELVIS (Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) has a range of applications in electronics, engineering, instruction and design, with potential in biomedicine and biochemistry. Beyond this groundbreaking accomplishment, CSUSB is partnering with industry, government and academia and applying its scientific and business expertise through unique technology transfer and commercialization efforts. In addition to its own growing portfolio of patents in physics, computer science and software engineering, CSUSB is contrasted by the US Army and Navy to help commercialize DOD related technologies, and has partnered in these efforts with such world-class research institutions as the University of California, Riverside, University of California, San Diego, The Salk Institute, and San Diego State University. TOURISM Travel Shows/Familiarization Tours In January, staff met to discuss Temecula's booth exhibit display, giveaways and literature for the LA Times Travel Show. In addition, staff held a meeting with Chamber volunteers that were signed up to participate at the booth. Temecula had its own exhibit booth at the LA Times Travel Show, which was held on February 1st & 2"d at the Long Beach Convention Center. R:\Wolnickg~,DEPT REPORTS~January '03.doc Temecula had a display ad in the show's pregrem (see attached). The new Children's Museum was promoted during the show with theme related giveaways and a bubble machine at the booth, which drew a lot of attention. The Temecula CD Rom was opereting. Giveaways include the new CD Rom (to trevel agents/tour operators, meeting plannere), wine corkscrews, Temecula Creek Inn golf tees, and Children Museum magnets and bubbles. The majority of the consumere that stopped by the booth had heard about Temecula, visited Temecula or had someone they know live here. The show was a success and Temecula was able to have a strong presence this year. Staff distributed the travel agents and operetors listing to local tourism entities/companies wishing to follow-up with. Temecula also held a drawing for a Temecula weekend getaway package and large Temecula gift basket. City and Chamber provided booth staffing. Staff held a meeting with representatives of Embassy Suites, Chamber, and Lake Elsinore Outlets to discuss The Glamer Travel Show, which will be held on February 13t~ at Embassy Suites. The Glamer Travel Show sponsored by Group Leaders of Amedca, is the nations #1 group travel organization. There are Glamer Shows in every city across Amedca. Approximately 70 activity & social planners, and group travel planners from a 50 - 70 mile radius are expected to attend. Twenty-four travel related businesses will exhibit. Following the event, a tour will be offered which will include Old Town, the Museum and the Winegrowers' Association will arrange a food & wine pairing for the guests at Thornton Winery. Medial Outreach Materials Staff sent information to Veronica Hill, features editor of the Daily Press in Victorville. She is publishing a quick guide to Temecula for the Daily Press and is author of the 2004 Fodor's Guide to California Inland Empire chapter for Random House, New York. The San Diego Convention & Visitore Bureau Visitor Guide is now complete. Temecula has a full-page ad in the San Diego Official Visitor Guide, which is distributed to visitors when they actually arrive in San Diego, for a convention, on business, or on vacation. Over 400,000 are distributed. (see attached) The Inland Empire Regional Visitors Guide is now complete. The City partnered with Lake Elsinore Outlets, Sunrise Balloons, and the Inn at Churen Winery to produce the ad. The annual visitors guide is distributed at tourism and business trade shows, county fairs, and sent out upon request, in business packets and also distributed in international sales packages from the Ontario CVB. Temecula is featured throughout the guide. (see attached) Where Magazine publishes a newsletter that is sent to concierges in Orange County. The Temecula & Lake EIsinore day tour, which occurred in November, was featured in their Dec./Jan. issue. (see attached) Staff responded to Anaheim/Orange County CONVIS media and travel agent leads, which included: · Travel Agent Elizabeth Weiss, West Coast Bureau Chief of Los Angeles · Colleen Curtis, Home/Travel/Lifestyle/Children Editor, Daily News, New York · David Langford, Travel Senior Editor, Associated Press, New York · Travel Agent Jennifer Coleman, Assistant Editor, New York · Joe Yonan, Travel Editor, Boston Globe, MA · John Flinn, Travel Editor, San Francisco Chrenicle R:~Wolnickg'~DEPT REFORTS~danuary '03.doc · Marjofie Robins, Travel Editor, Newsday · Patricia Roddguez, Travel Editor, Fort Worth Star-Telegram · Patrick Dineen, Editor, Travel Week Bulletin, Ontario, Canada · Sue Hobart, Travel Editor, Oregonian · Veronica Gould Stoddart, Leisure Travel Editor, USA Today Meefinfls Staff attended the Chamber Tourism Committee Meeting at Thornton Winery on January 9th. The Winegrowers' Association provided a food and wine pairing. Staff provided an update of the City's marketing activities, which included: Temecuia Tourism CD Rom received the Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards organization, Temecula was awarded the Best of 2002 San Diego Editors' Winner for the Best Day Tdp from SignOnSanDiego, Temecula articles published in Pilot Getaways, Westways, Association News., and RV Journal, advertising in Where Orange County & Where San Die.qo magazines, Ontado Visitors Guide, and trade show participation at LA Times & Glamer Travel Shows. On January 13th, staff made a presentation to the Old Town Review Board on city marketing activities (publicity, advertising, travel show participation, events, etc.) that benefit the Old Town area. The Tourism CD-ROM and some articles on Temecula were provided to the group. Councilmember Pratt also attended the meeting. On January 15th, staff met with Kathi Allen who is handling the public relations for the 2003 Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival. Staff shared with her the City marketing program. Staff will assist Ms. Allen on promoting the Festival through travel shows, press kit, media, etc. On January 16th, staff met with representatives of The San Bernardino Sun and Los Angeles Newspaper Group (LANG). They shared with staff the variety of products and sponsorship opportunities that they offer. LANG has 1.5 million daily readers, over 700,000 daily online unique users and the ability to reach up to 5.2 million Southern California households. Staff will review the opportunities. ATTACHMENTS Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Activities Report Economic Development Corporation of Southwest Riverside County Activities Report Southwest Riverside County Economic Alliance Activities Report December/January Temecula Valley Film Council Activities Report Advertising/Media Coverage R:\Wolnickg'~DEPT REFORTSklanuaty '03.doc TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE February 7, 2003 Shawn Nelson, City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Shawn, Attached please find the January Monthly Activity Repod as per our contract with the City of Temecula. Board of Directors Update: The Chamber's newly designed building is completed and the Grand Opening is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2003. There will be a special dedication and thank you to all of the sponsors and in-kind contributors. The Board members, committee chairs and staff met for the annual Planning Conference on January 31, 2003. The Chamber will be looking at new programs to assist the business community. One of the programs will be a Leadership Program. This is the month of January at a glance: Business Inquiry Highlights: In the month of January, 15 businesses requested information on starting or relocating their business to Temecula. They received a business packet, which includes a copy of the City of Temecula demographics, relocation, housing, rentals, maps, organizations, etc. Committee Highlights: Tourism & Visitors Council: The committee appointed Cherise Manning as the 2003 Chair. The January meeting was held at Thornton Winery sponsored by the Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association. The Tourism and Visitors Council sampled wine and hors de oeuvres from all the local wineries. The February meeting will be held at Cross Creek Golf Course. The council will be filling goodie bags with visitor information and gifts for the upcoming Glamer Show on February 13, 2003. Education Committee: The committee appointed Mark Margolin as 2003 Chair. At the February 13, 2003 meeting the committee will be given a presentation by the Temecula Valley Police Depadment on Gang Awareness. The committee is actively working to begin facilitating a Diversity Awareness Program, the committee is partnering with the Temecula Valley Unified School District and the Boys & Girts Club of Southwest Riverside County to develop the programs structure. 26790 Ynez Court · Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: (909) 676-5090 ~1 Fax: (909) 694-0201 www,temecula.org * e-mail: info@temecula,org Ways & Means Committee: The Ways & Means Committee has appointed Valerie Fernandez as the Committee Chair and Dianne La Valley as the Co-Chair. The committee has met and set the 2003 goals. One of the Committee's main focuses is to maximize the desirability and profitability of each event. The committee is diligently working on the 2003 Installation Banquet which will take place February 22, 2003 at the new Pechanga Resort & Casino. The event will begin at 5:30p.m. with a Champagne reception which is followed by dinner and the program at 7:00p.m. Plans are also coming together for the 2003 State of the City. The event will be held at the Pechanga Resort & Casino. Local Business Promotions Committee: The Local Business Promotion Committee will meet with Al Jazscar from the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center to review the Business Resource project and script. The committee appointed Billy Banks as 2003 Chair and Kurt Peck as 2003 Co-Chair. The Businesses of the Month for February selected by the Education committee are TVUSD Workability Program and Waddell and Reed Financial Services. Imperial Wok was awarded the Chamber Spotlight, and California Bagel Bakery is the Mystery Shopper winner for the month of February. Government Action Committee: The Government Action Committee will begin meeting at the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce location for this year. The committee will be reviewing water issues, transportation, and other important issues that face our community. Membership Committee: Pat & Oscar's restaurant hosted a successful mixer on January 15, 2003 with over 230 members and non-members in attendance. The two Business Spotlight winners for February are Daniel Kravitz of World Financial and Cynthia Butch of GE Financial. Troy Saxton-Getty of Netconnx Technologies facilitated the January Roundtable Discussion regarding the growing concern of internet security. The new Business Resource Guide and Member Directory is complete and will be distributed throughout the community. Tourism Highlights (Bulk brochure distribution) Activity Report: · 100 Temecula Brochures, 100 Visitor Guides, 100 Winery Brochures and 100 Tourism Maps to San Diego Carnival Class Convention to distribute for open house. · 75 Visitor Guides and 75 Tourism Maps to Butterfield Inn to distribute to guests. · 75 Temecula Brochures, 75 Visitor Guides, 75 Winery Brochures and 75 Tourism Maps to Los Angeles Rotary to distribute to members. · 175 Temecula Brochures, 175 Winery Brochures to distribute to Desert Hills Premium Outlet to distribute to visitors. · 150 Visitor Guides, 150 Winery Brochures, and 100 Tourism Maps to Safari International to distribute to "Motorhome Rally" participants. · 210 Visitor Guides to Rancon Real Estate to distribute to visitors. · 210 Visitor Guides to Lawrence Welk to distribute to guests. · 300 Visitor Guides and 300 Tourism Maps to World Harvest Church to distribute church conference visitors. · 50 Visitor Guides, 50 Winery Brochures and 50 Tourism Maps to Vickie Perry to distribute to guests. Activity Report: Tourism cells for the month of December - 1,237 Phone calls for the month of December - 2,326 Walk-ins for the month of December - 1,711 Web Page User Sessions for the month of December - 3,609 Website Tourism Survey - "How did you hear about Temecula" - 324 responses were received: Article - 2% · Friend- 34% · Link - 15% · Magazine-5% Other 4 23% · Radio - 1% · Search-9% · TV- 10% Also, attached are the meeting minutes for the Tourism and Visitors Council, Education, Local Business Promotions Membership and Marketing and Ways & Means committee. If you have any questions regarding this information, please call me at (909) 676-5090. Thank you. ~/ President/V(~O cc: Mayor JeffStone Councilman Jeff Comerchero Councilman Sam Pratt Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manager Gloria Wolnick, Marketing Coordinator Mayor Pro Tern Mike Naggar Councilman Ron Roberts Shawn Nelson, City Manager Gary Thornhill, Deputy City Manager TVCC Board of Directors Annual Volume Comparisons Chamber January 2003 Chamber January 2003 Percentage PHONE CALLS TOURISM Tourism Referrals 346 249 -28% Calendar of Events 217 162 -25% Special Events 289 245 -15% General Information 969 1,326 37% TOTAL TOURISM CALLS 1,821 1,982 9% Relocation 167 186 11% Demographics 90 119 32% Chamber 1,170 955 -18% Miscellaneous 242 335 38% TOTAL PHONE CALLS 3,490 3,577 2% WALK-INS Tourism 318 212 -33% Calendar of Events 145 135 -7% Special Events 57 87 53% General Information 973 915 -6% Relocation 197 164 -17% Demographics 67 121 81% Chamber 793 598 -25% Miscellaneous 223 327 47% Visitor Center Walk-ins 300 368 23% TOTAL WALK-INS 3,073 2,927 -5% MAILINGS Tourism 144 239 66% Relocation 101 116 15% Demographics 114 136 19% TOTAL MAILINGS 359 491 37% E-MAIL Tourism 66 102 55% Relocation 50 82 64% Miscellaneous 180 136 -24% TOTAL E-MAIL 296 320 8% WEBSITE USER SESSIONS 2,669 * Chamber referrals reflect faxes, walk-ins and phone calls Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Monthly Activity Report January 2003 PHONE CALLS TOURISM Tourism Referrals Calendar of Events Special Events General Information TOTAL TOURISM CALLS Relocation Demographics Chamber Miscellaneous TOTAL PHONE CALLS WALK-INS Tourism Calendar of Events Special Events General Information Relocation Demographics Chamber Miscellaneous TOTAL WALK-INS MAILINGS Tourism Relocation Demographics TOTAL MAILINGS E-MAIL Tourism Relocation Miscellaneous TOTAL E-MAIL WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS GRAND TOTALS PHONE CALLS WALK-INS MAILINGS E-MAIL WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS Chamber Vis. Center Year-To-Date This Month This Month Total 249 162 245 1,326 1,982 186 119 955 335 3,577 212 135 87 915 164 121 598 327 2,559 239 116 115 47O 102 82 136 320 4,977 114 2O 2O 194 2O 368 This Month 3,577 2,559 470 32O 4,977 249 162 245 1,326 1,982 186 119 955 335 3,577 326 155 87 1,109 184 121 598 327 2,907 239 116 115 470 102 82 136 320 4,977 Year-To-Date 3,577 2,907 470 320 4,977 Febmaryl2,2003 Jim O'Grady City of Temecula PO Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 RE: Activity Summary - January 2003 Business and Workforce Development Staffresponded to the following business and workforce development requests in January 2003: Date Lead Source Request Action Taken 1/14/03 phone request Information to develop Provided: start-up business 1) Business Resource Guide 2) contacts for SBA funding 3) business license & fictitious name filing info 4) site location assistance 1/14/03 Jim O'G-rady Help investor/client Meeting scheduled with client and Stevie Field, identify potential real SWRC Economic Alliance. Meeting took place estate development with Ms. Field in attendance. projects 1/21/03 walk in Client presented Referred cliem to SWRC Manufacturers' Council "factoring" as a business for possible workshop retention tool for cash flow options 1/22/03 EDC website EDC membership info Packet mailed to client 1/24/03 walk in Employment oppommities Provided tour of Workforce Development Center in engineering / and contact information for local manufacturing manufacturing industry companies 1/28/03 EDC website Information to develop Met with client and provided: start-up flooring business 1) Business Resource Guide 2) Contacts for SBA fimding 3) Business license & fictitious name filing info 4) Site location assistance 1/28/03 phone request Site selection/relocation Referred client to EDC website and Economic info for distributor of Alliance GIS site and forwarded lead to Stevie medical-related products Field for relocation follow-up in Monarch Beach, CA City of Temecula Activity Summary - January 2003 Page 2 of 2 Date Lead Source Request for Action Taken 1/29/03 walk in Developer new to the Provided: region-requested 1) Demographics for Lake Elsinore, Murrieta, regional demographics for Temeeula research 2) EDC web site and Economic Alliance GIS site Client will research info and call later for further assistance 1/31/03 EDC website EDC membership info Packet mailed to client Community Outreach Staff attended the following meetings/events to promote or assist economic development efforts: · Temeeula Partnership in Education Committee (1/6) - Staff represents the EDC at monthly meetings. The committee is currently working on school-to-business partnerships and youth work programs. · Riverside County Manufacturing Industry Council (1/13) - Staff is a board member representing the EDC. · Meeting with Edison Representatives (1/14) - Discussion on mutual retention projects to deliver energy-efficiency information and rebates to the region's small- to medium-sized businesses. EDC will participate in the program. · City of Temeeula Council Meeting (1/14) - John Husing report and TUMF discussion. · Eastern Municipal Water District Inspection Field Trip (1/15) - All-day field trip to Moreno Valley Water Treatment Facility, Perris substation, Hemet/San Jacinto Water Reclamation and Wetlands Research Facility, Santa Rosa Plateau, and Menifee Desalination Facility. · Center for Sustainable Suburban Development Conference (1/17) · Murrieta Brokers' Meeting (1/23) · Meeting with Michael Conner, MSJC (1/28) - Discussed a partnership between EDC and MSJC for workforce training programs. · Workforee Development Center Ali-Staff Meeting (1/28) - Monthly WDC partner meeting held to share information for greater workforce development in Southwest Riverside County. · Temeeula State of the City Planning Meeting (1/30) · UCR CONNECT Links Meeting (1/31) - Presentation by California State University, San Bernardino on technology transfer and commercialization. Business Retention · Business Relations Committee Meeting (1/7) -See attached meeting minutes for discussion topics. Jim O'Grady City of Temecula Activity Summary - January 2003 Page 3 of 3 Administration/Organization · EDC Board of Directors Meeting (1/16) - See attached meeting minutes for discussion topics. · Administration - Staff managed the daily operations of the EDC office; responded to two requests for EDC membership; coordinated post-event action items for the Strategic Planning Session; ongoing coordination of the Strategic Plan presentation breakfast in March, SBA Loan Fair in April, and EDC programs for 2003; updated the EDC website, and delivered the following business developmem/community updates: EDD Federal & State Tax Seminar EDD Legislative & Employment Update Seminar "New Training Opportunities at UCR' Conference UCR CONNECT Links Meeting and 2 Springboard Meetings CDC Small Finance Business Corp Annual Luncheon & Awards Murrieta Brokers' Meeting th 12 Annual UCR Real Estate Conference for the Inland Empire Riverside Small Business Tax Day Program This concludes the activity summary for January 2003. Should you have questions or need further detail, please call me at 600-6064. Respectfully, Diane Sessions Executive Director DRAFT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DRAFT OF SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY BOARD OF DIRECTORS GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. Workforce Development Center 27447 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, CA BOARD MEMBERS Marlene Best, City of Lake Elsinore Frank Casciari, California Bank & Trust Scott Crane, Southwest Healthcare System Mike Doblado, The Promenade in Temecula Stevie Field, SWRC Economic Alliance Dennis Frank, UCR Extension Keith Johnson, Mission Oaks National Bank Doug Misemer, Temecula Valley Drywall/ Timberlake Painting Jim O'Grady, City of Temecula Rex Oliver, Murrieta Chamber of Commerce David Phares, D. L. Phares & Associates A1 Sabsevitz, Vefizon Joan Sparkman, Temecula Valley Bank Roger Ziemer, Southern California Gas Company EDC STAFF Diane Sessions Liz Yuzer MEMBERS AND GUESTS Chris Binkley, Chris Binkley and Associates Michael Connor, Mt. San Jacinto Community College Marianne Edwards, Temecula Valley Unified School District Patti Ramsey, Keeton Construction Harry Shank, Southwest Community Bank CALL TO ORDER · Board President Dennis Frank called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. MINUTES · The Board reviewed the minutes of the December 19, 2002 Board of Directors Meeting. Motion was made by Jim O'Grady, seconded by Mike Doblado and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2002 Board of Directors Meeting as presented. FINANCIAL REPORT · The Board reviewed the December 31, 2002 Financial Report that showed total momhly revenues of $20,556, total expenses of $6,637 and total cash-in-bank of $87,826. Motion was made by Joan Sparkman, seconded by Al Sabsevitz and carded unanimously to approve the December 31, 2002 Financial Report. NEW BUSINESS · Goff Tournament Update - No report available. · Presentation of EDC Strategic Plan - Diane Sessions and Chris Binkley presented a droll of the EDC Strategic Plan that resulted l~om the Regional Planning Session held November 15. Three ma'm categories in long-term regional goals as determined at the Planning Session were: 1) high quality of life, 2) desirable economic growth; and 3) guiding our own destiny. Economic Development Corporation of Southwest Riverside County Board of Directors Meeting - January 16, 2003 Minutes - Page 2 of 2 Based on those goals and the EDC mission statement, eight objectives were listed as the basis for the EDC Strategic Plan. They were: 1. Continue current EDC operations and services 2. Strengthen EDC operations and services 3. Strengthen EDC awareness/outreach/communications 4. Support SWRC Economic Alliance in business attraction efforts 5. Become a stronger leader - "one voice" advocate for businesses on regional key economic development issues 6. Become a catalyst for improvements to simplify and streamline permit and planning processes 7. Support/lead/facilitate in transportation and int~astructure improvements 8. Support/lead/facilitate in strengthening the region's educational institutions to aid in workfome development The following discussion points were made on ways to accomplish those objectives: · Objectives #I and #2 were already in place, and board and staff needed only to continue and strengthen them. · Formation of the committees would set the priorities for objectives #5 through #8. · Prioritize objectives before the presentation to Regional Planning Session participants. · Approve EDC Regional Strategic Plan: Motion was made by Joan Sparkman, seconded by Jim O'Grady and carried unanimously to approve the concept of the EDC Strategic Plan for further refinement and final approval. · Approve Presentation Breakfast for Strategic Plan: Members agreed that a breakfast format would be appropriate for the presentation and directed Diane Sessions to secure a venue and publicize the event. ADJOURNMENT At 10:20 a.m., motion was made by Jim O'Grady, seconded by Joan Sparkman and carried unanimously to adjourn the board meeting. Respectively submitted by: Elizabeth Yuzer Phil Oberbansley Recording Secretary Board Secretary ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY BUSINESS RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, January 7, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. Workforce Development Center, Executive Board Room 27447 Enterprise Circle West, Temecula, CA Committee Members Present: Dennis Frank, UCR Extension Carmen Hill, TriStaff Group Dick Kurtz, CDM Group, Inc. Jim O'Grady, City of Temecula Rex Oliver, Murrieta Chamber of Commerce David Rosenthal, SWRC Manufacturers' Council Diane Sessions, EDC .Guests: Chris Masino, CDM Group, Inc. Liz Yuzer, EDC Call To Order · In the absence of Chair Michael Lewin, Diane Sessions called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Follow-up Action Reports · Hydro Flow Filtration - Rex Oliver reported that he had provided information about earthquake retrofit to Jeff Koupmeiners and would follow up to determine if they needed additional assistance. · Murrieta Development Corporation - Diane Sessions would continue her follow-up with Jeff Close regarding their insurance issues. Company Contact Reports · Interplex Nascal - Carmen Hill reported on a visit to Interplex Nascal in Temecula with Jim O'Grady. They met with Colleen McAliester, office manager, who explained that they make plastic connectors for cars and large equipment such as Caterpillar. In operation since 1969, they moved to Temecula from Orange County in 1996 because of the commute. Ms. McAIiester indicated an advantage to the area was that 90% of their vendors were local. Their primary customers were Deustch and Leviton, and their primary competitor was Solid State Stamping in Temecula. Ms. McAliester ranked their business as medium and indicated that sales in the past year were down due to off-shore manufacturing. They have 10 employees at this location and 70% of them live in the TemeeulaJMurrieta area with the balance in other areas of Riverside County. Ms. McAliester indicated that they plan to double their plant and number of employees in the foreseeable future. They had no contingency plans for electrical outages. They were happy doing business in SW Riverside County and would be willing to be a contact for other companies if requested. Action Item: Ms. McAliester requested information about the Employee Training Panel. · Engineering Ventures - Dick Kurtz reported on hos phone visit with Randy Fleming, owner of Engineering Ventures in Temecula. Mr. Fleming reported that their business included civil engineering, land surveying and land planning. They had been in operation in Temecula since 1988 and had 14 employees. Mr. Fleming indicated that they chose Temecula because of the opportunities available in an area with a growing population. Disadvantages included shortages in the labor pool. Business Relations Committee Meeting Minutes - January 7, 2003 Page 2 of 3 Their primary customers were developers in the area, San Diego and Orange counties and primary competitors included local engineering firms. Mr. Fleming ranked their business as small and indicated that sales in the past year were up due to the growth in population. He also indicated that 75% of their employees lived in the TemeculaJMurrieta area, with the balance in Lake Elsinore and Sun City/Menifee area. They planned to add 2 additional employees to their workforce. There were no contingency plans for electrical outages. Mr. Fleming reported that they were happy doing business in SW Riverside County but had difficulty finding a quality, experienced labor pool. · RBF Consulting - Dick Kurtz reported on his phone visit with Bill Green, Senior Vice President at RBF Consulting in Temecula. Mr. Green reported that their business included planning, design, construction, civil engineering and land planning. In operation since 1955 with 12 locations, they opened their Temecula office in 1985. Mr. Green cited the growing population as an advantage to the area and traffic as a disadvantage. Their primary customers were developers in the area, San Diego, Orange and Riverside counties and primary competitors included local engineering firms. Mr. Green ranked their business as large and that sales in the past year were up due to new companies and residential growth. With 53 employees at this location, 60% of them lived in the Temecula/Murrieta area, 15% in Lake Elsinore, 21% in other parts of Riverside County and 2% in San Diego County. Mr. Green indicated that they planned to increase their workfome by 10% and would also need to have more office space. They had no contingency plans for electrical outages. They were happy doing business in SW Riverside County and would be willing to be a contact for other companies considering relocation to this area. Action Item: Mr. Green indicated that he would like membership information for the EDC · Excel Manufacturing - Rex Oliver reported that Excel Manufacturing in Murrieta was no longer in business. Goal Progress Report · Diane Sessions announced that visits and phone interviews in the seventh month of the fiscal year were as follows: 27 visits @ 3 points each + 33 phone interviews @ 1 points each = 60 visits/calls G114 points YTD VISIT PHONE POINTS Goal 27 33 114 Actual 6 12 30 Variance -21 -21 -84 New Committee Assignments · Diane Sessions reviewed the list of outstanding calls and David Rosenthal recommended U. S. Thermoplastics be removed from the list. The following calls were accepted: Western Plastics and Banner American Products - Dick Kurtz Pauley Equipment Company and Professional Hospital Supply - Dennis Frank Isomedix Services - Jim O'Grady Long Machine - David Rosenthal TransWestern Publishing - Carmen Hill Business Relations Committee Meeting Minutes - January 7, 2003 Page 3 of 3 EDC News and Other Information · EDC Board Update - Diane Sessions reported that the Strategic Planning Committee would meet on Friday to review the draft report f~om the regional strategic planning workshop. The report would be presented at the board meeting on January 16; the Program Committee would meet to plan 2003 activities; and Vicki Reynolds of the SBA was planning to partner with the EDC and the three cities to present a loan fair. Dick Kurtz inquired about the availability of Industrial Development Bonds and Jim O'Grady indicated that California Communities was working to simplify the application process. · Economic Alliance Update - Diane Sessions reported for Stevie Field that the new GIS system was ready to launch. Ms. Field would attend the Medical Design Manufacturers conference in Anaheim in February and the Bio-Corn conference in San Diego in March. · SWRC Manufacturers' Council - David Rosenthal reported that elections would be held January 8 for two new board members as well as new officers. · City County & Chamber News - City of Lake EIsinore - No report available. City of Murrieta - Rex Oliver reported that TUMF fees would be considered at the January 21 City Council meeting; the number of applications for multi-family units had increased due to anticipated TUMF fees which would go in to effect the end of March; and a meeting would be held tonight regarding Safe Routes to Schools which would provide state money for sidewalks in the Old Town area. Opponents were concerned that the turn-of-the-century look in Old Town would be lost. City of Temecula - Jim O'Grady reported the January 14 City Council meeting would include a presentation by John Husing on new demographic information; the Council would also consider TUMF fees; the plan for annexation of 2,000 homes in the Roripaugh addition had been sent to LAFCO; and plans for the Western US headquarters and test track for KTM were on fast track to open in the summer. EIsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce - No report available. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce - Rex Oliver announced that their Home Based University program would begin in February; the next mixer would be held at Gateway Computers on January 9; the Chamber would draf~ a position statement on state budget cuts to be sent to Sacramento; and they are receiving an excellent response to their member survey. Mr. Oliver also distributed copies of the new Murrieta Chamber Directory. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce - No report available. Adiournment - The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. 130 S~th Main Street Lake E[$in(xe, CA 92530 (909) 674.3124 ECONOMIC ALLIANCE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Bradley J. Hudson Assistant County Executive Officer Riverside County EDA Lori Moss Assistant City Manager City of Murrieta Stevie Field Manager, Business Development January 9,2002 Jim O'Grady Assistant City Manager City of Temecula Marlene Best Assistant City Manager City of Lake Elsinore SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY MONTHLY MARKETING UPDATE Dear Partners: Please consider this an update on the marketing activities for the Alliance as required in the Southwest Riverside County Marketing for Business Attraction Agreement. Leads A total of one lead was generated in the month of December. This lead was a direct contact to the Alliance. January Alliance Meetinq It was mentioned by one of the Padners that scheduling the Alliance meetings once every two months might be a better use of time. This would require that I email all Partners questions and updates on various projects and your responses would be critical. This would keep projects moving rather than waiting on making decisions every 30 days. Please let me know your opinion on this and I will schedule the next Alliance meeting accordingly. "Taste of Southwest Riverside County" Event(s) 2003 I would like to recommend that the Alliance host two Taste of Southwest Riverside County events, both before June 30th. Each would have a different purpose. The first event in May would be strictly for site selectors. I am confident that our local broker community would be able to assist us with a guest list, and I have some contacts with site selectors, which we will add as possible invitees. We could host this event as a one night, two-day getaway, to include golf, dinner and wine tasting as well as a very detailed tour of our region. I was thinking of May 16th and 17~h, as this would provide Friday for business tours and a dinner in Wine Country that evening, with golf and fun on Saturday. Any comments or thoughts on this would be appreciated. I am confident that our broker community would be in full support of the idea as this gives them a chance to showcase available sites. The second event, I propose we host June 6~h --8th, There are many benefits to this weekend, such as the 20th Annual Balloon and Wine Festival as well as on Monday June 9~, the EDC golf tournament. Our guests could enjoy a day of business tours and a panel breakfast or lunch on Friday, followed by family fun at the festival on Saturday. We would invite guests to stay for the golf tournament on Monday, but would have a final count for that event a month prior to the event; otherwise checkout would be on Sunday. The only draw back to this weekend would be that the Storm Baseball Team would be away that weekend. We can however, schedule the panel breakfast or another function in Lake EIsinore. I am confident that our key to a successful guest list is strategic, aggressive marketing a few months prior to the event through public relations, radio and print advertising. Please let me know your thoughts on this, as it is time to start making date reservations and planning our strategy. Cutting Edge Marketing I continue working with Cutting Edge on our web-site update. The site is coming along nicely. All text is the same, however the format has gone through definite improvements. It will provide current demographic information as well as be host to our GIS site. In the response form there will be questions as to the time frame the business decision maker is looking at for their relocation/expansion. This will help us qualify the leads. The site is user friendly and very informative, incorporating more of a high tech look yet staying consistent with the great use of colors and pictures. Our updated web site is set to make its debut on January 20th along with our GIS. I am also working with Cutting Edge on the postcard mailer that will be sent to site selectors and real estate professionals throughout the state announcing the launch of our GIS. We anticipate these to go out the week of February 3r". I will provide a draft as soon as one is available. Quick turnaround time will be important. Keep your eyes on the press in the next few months, as we are working on a schedule of press releases and public relations promotions regarding several Alliance activities. There will be additions to this list as opportunities arise. For example; GIS summit, business tours and/or relocations and the branding campaign. If you have any additions or suggestions, please let me know. January-Launch of GIS and updated website February - MD&M presence, Regional Breakfast March - CalBIO sponsorship, CALED award (hopeful) April - Upcoming event and EDI graduation May - Site Selectors Event June - Business Decision Makers' Event Regional Breakfast The January 23rd Regional Breakfast was postponed due to the City of Murrieta hosting a Broker Breakfast on that same date. I propose the following dates: February 4th February 6th Please let me know at you earliest convenience which dates work with your schedules. We will need to mail out invitations starting next week. GiS Our GIS site is finally complete! You can check out this site at www,Risplannin.q.net/swr until January 20th, at which time you can see it on our web site at www.swrco.com. As earlier stated, I am working with Cutting Edge to develop a postcard announcing its launch. We anticipate the postcard being mai~ed during the week of February 3~d. The Alliance hosted two broker-training sessions in December and both were very well attended. Currently, we have 26 area brokers registered on our GIS and all are excited about its many capabilities. Consultants I continue to be approached by various consultants, all having excellent qualifications in various areas of marketing, business, biotech, and general technology. As a decision has not yet been reached on this issue, I will inform you via email of a project or opportunity in which a consultant would be a benefit. It will certainly be a benefit to the Alliance to have such experience on hand for various projects, leads and/or activities as well as the added credibility it lends to the Alliance as truly being an organization that can assist the business decision maker in several different areas. On January 9th, I met with Chris Binkley to discuss the Alliance Branding campaign. He had some fantastic ideas and will be sending over a proposal to develop a list of branding options that meets with the objective the Alliance had earlier established. CalBIO The Alliance was given the opportunity to be the wine sponsor for the upcoming CalBIO annual dinner in San Diego. The dinner will be March 10th at the convention center. BIOCOM organizes the annual statewide conference; CALBIO serves as a legislative and business forum for the California life science industry. Over 1,000 guests, most being in the biotechnology industry, are expected to attend. I have negotiated 8 tickets to attend the dinner, a 6 ft. table for displaying Alliance materials, a one-page ad in the program, recognition of Alliance contributions, dudng the dinner, on the invitations, and a one page flyer or item to be placed in each registration bag. I am currently pricing glasses that would include the Alliance name and website that can be placed at each place setting. I approached the Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association (TVWGA), with the opportunity to be co-sponsors and they have agreed to do so. As a result, we will be providing the TVWGA with two tickets to the dinner and they will also have mention on the invitation, table and program. The TVWGA will also be allowed to provide one item for insertion into the registration bag. The TVWGA will provide the Alliance with a discounted price on the wine and will donate a case for each case purchased. We need a total of 400 bottles, 200 red and 200 white. Cutting Edge and I are already working on the press opportunities to surround our presence in San Diego. We are looking to place ads, including editorial in the San Diego Tribune and San Diego Daily Transcript as well as our local press. If you have any additional ides or comments, please let me know. CALED On behalf of the Alliance, I will be submitting an application to CALED for the Awards For Excellence Program. Our application will be submitted in the categories of Economic Development Programs and/or Economic Development Promotions. I will keep you all posted on the progress. Please let me know if you are interested in assisting me with this application or have any comments or information you would like me to add. Trade shows On behalf of the Alliance, I am planning on attending the following trade shows: · Medical Design & Manufacturing February 19-21, 2003 Anaheim, CA · Westec(Manufacturing) March 24-27, 22 Anaheim, CA · Corenet (Real Estate Executives) May 3-7, 2003 Toronto, Canada · Bio2003 (Biotechnology) June 22-25 Washington DC On an ongoing basis, I attend the following meetings: SWRC Manufacturer's Council Temecula/Murrieta Group Business Relations Committee SWRC EDC LE EDC I-15-1 Partnership Meetings Economic Development meetings concerning the Southwest Riverside County region UCR Connect meetings If you need any additional information or have any questions, please contact me at (909) 600-6066. Sincerely, Stevie Field Manager, Business Development Copy: Belinda Graham Debi Moore Teresa Gallavan TEMECULA VALLEY FILM COUNCIL Pat Martinez Executive Director Sunny Poulson Thomas Co-President Steve Phelps Co-President Ellen Watkins vice President Patty Slaton Secretary/Treasurer Eve Craig Maggie Allen Judi Staats TEMECULA VALLEY FILM COUNCIL ACTIVITIES REPORT JANUARY 2003 OFFICERS & MEMBERS OF THE FILM COUNCIL: Pat Martinez, Executive Director; Sunny Thomas, CO-President; Steve Phelps, CO-President; Ellen Watkins, Vice President; Pattie Slaton, Secretary/Treasure; Members, Eve Craig, Maggie Allen and Judi Staats THE BUSINESS OF ~ FILM COUNCIL: Priority items for the Film Council will cominue: * Monthly Mailing of the four color Post Card * Production Guide - 75% completed * Worldng with Film Clubs at the following High Schools; Temecula High, Chaparral and Murrieta High School. The support of the Film Council will be conducting workshops educafmg students in, screen wfitint~ production, lighting etc. * The new website is now up and running with updated information for filming in Temecula SUPPORT FOR ~ TEMECULA VALLEY INTERNATIONAL FILM & MUSIC FESTIVAL: * Film Council continues to take phone calls for the Festival * Sponsorship solicitation are in process FILM COUNCIL INQUIRES: * Sony - Interested in a mountain mad (December shoot) 3 hours were spent researching possibilities * Golden Era Production - Still shot of Old Town Temecula (two hour shoot) * 66 phone calls E-mai~ tvfc@pe.net * www.temeculafilm.org 28636 Old Town Front St.* Suite 20lA * Temecula, CA 92590 · Phone 909-699 6267 * Fax 909-693-2748 TURN IN. DROP OFF. HEAD OUT. LAX PARKING MADE EASY. om Santa CiaritaTourism Bureau' ? Come visit us at booth #320 tt San Diego North Convention & Visitors Bureau VISIT US AT BOOTH #205 r Pacifica Hotel Company Come visit us at booth #224 California Tourism Come visit us at booth #121 Stockton Convention & Visitors Bureaus i Come Visit Us at, booth 9322 g ixodde convenient, ) g2110 7 ~oedafizing in cus- ~ Westam United Ibcounts, bilingual, San Diego 92159 7 ed States, Canada fflsterlc ParA/ ooLcom Diego, I~c. PRA Destination Ma~eat 24S6 Broadway, San Diego 92102-2091 619-234-9440, Fax 61g-232-5~69 infoOpra.com, www. pra.com Specializing in creative, unique and cost-effective programs throughout Southern California. Clients iodude corporate, incentive, convention and spe- cial-interest groups. San Diego Inbound Tour~ P.O. Box 371182, San Diego 92137 619-342~,101,800-226-7477, Fax 619-294-8202 Custom-tailored group tours to San Diego's main attractions iociodiog Mexico. Fully equipped motor- coaches, professional escorts and guides. San Diego/ou~ TOUr3 4923 ML Casas Dr., San Diego 92117 858~874~517, Fax 858~74-6519 sdjtabkOpacbell.net San D/ego Professional Tour Guide Association Sun Diego $~ealc Tour~, Inc. SEAL Tours - Sea and ~and Adventures Ten'a amphibious vehicle. Tours By Design toursbydesignOjuno.com TOUR SPECIALTY A BaJa Gala tszabolOsan.n'.com, www. abajaguia.com six to 20. tdeals, all ty~es of accommodations, trans- (# LI f 0 R fl I fl General In~orm~on: Sac Diego City of Temecula: 888-TEMECULA www.cityo~t emecula.or g Winery Information: 800-801 -WINE www.temeculawines.or g AND MEETING pLANNER 2003 Everything to see and do in Southern California's ceanbreezes traveling through the Rainbow Gap provide the moderate climate need, ed to make this valley Southern California s premier wine-growing region. At 1,500 feet above sea level, the Temecula Valle3' has the perfect balance · Balloon & Wine Festival extensive systen, of 1 and equestrian trails wildlife viewing. They' take pleasure in boating, water skiing,' of geography, microclimate, and well-drained soil to produce premium wines. Fifteen award- winning wineries on 2,500 acres of rolling green countryside produce Chardonnay, Viognier, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and Rhone and Mediterranean varietals' wine tasting, gift shops, at~d fine dining are available throughout the year. Sports enthusiasts will enjoy unparalleled outdoor recreation ~n the 8,g00-acre Santa Rosa Plateau -- an ecological preserve near Murrieta that offers an boarding, jet skiing, windsurfing, fish ~ll~"~l~ camping, h, iking and horseback r ~ at the area s sparkling Lakes Ski ~ and Elsinore. And in the Ortega .'~' Mountail~s and Cleveland Natiom et Forest they 11 enjoy biking and hikin Sportsmen and women can golf on seven championship golf courses, son whose designs include the unique wo of Ted Robinson. And sports fans can watch professional water sports on 33 Old Town · Temecula Boating & Fishing acre Lake EIsinore or cheer for the professional minor-league baseball team "Storm" at Diamond Stadium in Lake EIsinore. The decidedly adventurous can get carried away by the world-famous thermal winds to skydive, hang glide, and hot-air balloon while enjoying the spectacular views of the region's vineyards, plateaus, lakes, mountains, and forests below. History buffs, antiques collectors, art lovers, and window shoppers can wander the streets of Lake Elsinore or Old Town Temecula where they'll discover art galleries and museums and find rustic buildings, sidewalks, and store fronts reminiscent of the Old West. Shoppers will find shopping plazas with antique stores and specialty shops, but the seasoned shopper will be challenged at Lake Elsinore's Prime Outlets --voted "Best Outlet Center" in the Inland Empire. For the birdwatcher or biker, the swimmer or skydiver, the arts lover or wine connoisseur, the perfect activity is at hand in this beautiful Southwest valley. 13 Schedule a break between meetings and visit the wineries in the Inland Empire. The warm days and the sunny sloping valleys [of the Inland Empire's wine country provide ideal growing conditions for the distinctive grapes that make our regional wines. The Inland Empire is home to California's oldest vineyards -- in Rancho Cucamonga -- and its newest vineyards -- in Temecula. The region's varietal wines are proving themselves noteworthy additions to California's viticulture. Hem, you can sip some of the vintners' art while overlooking the vineyards on a leisurely afternoon, or spend an entire week exploring all the region's wineries. West End Region Galleano Winery .................. (909) 685-5376 423t Wineville Road, Mira Loma. Wine tasting available daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Historic winery tours 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. weekends. J. Filippi Vintage Co. (3 Wineries) 2803A East Guasti Road, Guasti. (909) 390-6998 12467 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga. (909) 899-5755 11211 Etiwanda Avenue, Fontana. (909) 428-8630 Cucamonga Valley winegrowers since 1922. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Rancho De Philo .................. (909) 987z4208 10050 Wilson Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. Annual sale of select vintages the second Saturday of November. Call for information. San Antonio Winery Center .......................(909) 947-3995 Z802 South Milliken Avenue, Ontario. Sample some of California's finest wines at the wine tasting room and visit their gift shop for a fine selection of gift baskets. Southwest Region Baily Vineyard & Winery ..... 909-676-9463 33440 La Serena. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wine tasting room, deli, banquets, picnic area. Established in 1986. Tasting fee. Callaway Vineyard & Winery .................................. 800-472-2377 32720 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, daily tours, banquets, picnic area. Approachable, fruit forward and food friendly wines. Churon Winery ....................... 909-694-9070 33233 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, bed and breakfast, picnic area and special events area. Tasting fee. Cilurzo V'meyard & Winery... 909-676-5250 41220 Calle Contento. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, tours, picnics, banquets. Distinctive wines rich in Temecula's regional character. Tasting fee. Falkner Winery .......................909-676-8231 40620 Calle Contento. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, gift shop, tours, picnic area, banquets, weddings, special events, jazz concerts. Tasting fee. Fdsinger Vineyards & V~'mery ................................... 90%3( 39050 De Portola Road. Hours Friday 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, picnic area, tours, banq and groups by reservation. Taste a~var, winning wines and handcrafted chain1 Tasting fee. Hart Winery ............................. 909-6' 41300 Avenida Biona. Hours 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tasting rool picnic area. Specializing in handcraft( barrel-agsd red wines and dry, full- bodied white wines with an emphasis Mediterranean varietals. Tasting fee. Keyways Vineyard & Winery .................................. 909-3' 37338 De Portola Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room and picnic area. Exceptional wines so exclusively at the winery. Tasting fee. Maurice Carrie Winery ........ 909-6 34225 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Tasting room picnic area. Producer of 17 different ~ Complimentary tasting. Miramonte Winery ................ 909-506-5500 33410 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tasting room. Temecula's newest winery. Specializing in custom etched bottles. Tasting fee. Mount Palomar Winery ........ 909-676-5047 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, tours, banquets, panoramic views from picnic area. Handcrafted wines from classic and Mediterranean varietals. Tasting fee. Smart Cellars ........................... 909-676-6414 33515 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, picnic area, banquets, premium section of white and Rhone style wines. Spectacular panoramic views from picnic area. Tasting fee. Thornton Winery ................... 909-699-0099 32575 Rancho California Road. Open daily. Tasting room, weekend tours, banquets, restaurant, and weddings. Award winning producer of methode ehampenoise and premium varietal wine. Tasting fee. John and Steven Thornton. Van Roekel Vineyards & Winery .............. 909-699-6961 34567 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, deli and picnic area. Premium award winning wines. Tasting fee. Bud and Maurice Van Roekel. Wilson Creek Winery & Vineyard ................ 909-693-9463 35960 Rancho California Road. Hours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tasting room, picnic area, tours, banquets, and weddings. Founded and operated by the Wilson Family. Carries a broad selection of premium wines. Tasting fee. Bill, Jerry and Rosle Wilson. Ontario International Airport The Terminal Airports: Ontario International Airport (ONT) From 1-10; exit south on Archibald Avenue in Ontario and follow the street to the airport. ONT is approximately 35 miles east of Los Angeles and 100 miles north of San Diego. The following airlines serve the airport: Alaska Airlines ......................... 800-426-0333 American West ........................800-235-9292 American Airlines ................... 800-433-7300 Continental .............................. 800-525-0289 Delta .......................................... 800-221-1212 Aero Mexico Air Lines .......... 800-237-6639 Hawaiian Airlines .................. 866-367-5320 Jet Blue Airlines ...................... 800-538-2583 Northwest ................................. 800-225-2525 Southwest ................................. 800-435-9792 United Airlines ........................ 800-241-6522 Palm Springs International Airport Located off the 1-10 freeway near the intersection of Tahquitz Canyon Way and El Cielo Road in Palm Springs. The following airlines serve the airport: Alaska Airlines ......................... 800-426-0333 America West Express ........... 800-235-9292 American Airlines ................... 800-433-7300 Continental .............................. 800-525-0280 Delta .......................................... 800-221-1212 Northwest ............i .................... 800-225-2525 UnitedExpress ........................ 800-241-6522 Airport Transportation Services Airport Express ....................... 909-946-5763 Inland Express Airport Shuttle ......................... 888-938-4500 Super Shuttle ........................... 909-467-9600 Buses and Trains Amtrak ....................................... 800-872-7245 Metrolink ................................. 800-371-5465 Omnitrans Bus Service ......... 800-966-6428 Riverside TransRAgency......800-800-7821 Smart Traveler Information Line .................... 800-266-4222 Taxi Cabs AAA Inland Empire Cab ....... 909-829-4222 Bell Cab .................................... 800-340-8294 Yellow Cab (Ontario) ............ 909-622-1313 YeBow Cab (Riverside) ......... 909-684-1234 Yellow Cab (San Bernardlno) ................... 909-884-1111 41 Redlands Embassy Suites .............................. (909) 676-5656 Victorville 29345 Rancho California Road Dynasty Suites ............................... (909) 793-6648 1235 West Colton Rancho Cucamonga Best Western Heritage Inn .......... (909) 466-1111 8179 Spruce Avenue Christmas House Bed & Breakfast Inn .............................. (909) 980-6450 9240 Archibald Avenue Rialto Best Western Empire Inn ............ (909) 877-0690 475 West Valley Blvd. Travel Inn ........................................ (909) 820-0705 425 West Foothill Blvd. Riverside Com~ort Inn Riverside ................. (909) 683-6000 1590 University Avenue Courtyard by Marriott ................. (909) 276-1200 1510 University Avenue Dynasty Suites ............................... (909) 369-8200 3735 Iowa Avenue Holiday Inn Select ........................ (909) 784-8000 3400 Market Street Mission Inn ..................................... (909) 784-0300 3649 Mission Inn Avenue The Mission Inn features 238 beautifully appointed guest rooms, including 30 elegant suites. Supe~or Mission-style accommodations are available. Many of the rooms have architectural features such as domed ceilings, wrought iron balconies, file floors, leaded and stained glass windows, gargoyle fi~ures, wall niches, and carved pillars. San Bernardino Comfort Inn .................................... (909) 889-0090 1901 South Business Center Drive Hilton ............................................... (909) 889-0133 285 East Hospitality Lane La Quinta Inn .................................(909) 888-7571 205 East Hospitality Lane Radisson Hotel & Convention Center ........................ (909) 381-6181 295 North East Street Quality Inn ...................................... (909) 887-3001 2000 Ostrems Way Temecula Best Western Country Inn ........... (909) 676-7378 27706 Jefferson Avenue Best Value ~ ................................ (909) 676-5700 41873 Moreno Road ButterBeld Inn ................................(909) 6764833 28718 Old Town Front Street Comfort Inn .................................... (909) 296-3788 27338 Jefferson Avenue Extended StayAmerica ................ (909) 587-8881 27622 Jefferson Avenue Inn at Churon Winery .................. (909) 694-9070 33233 Rancho California Road Loma Vista Bed & Breakfast....... (909) 676-7047 33350 La Serena Way Ramada Inn ....................................(909) 676-8770 28980 Old Town Front Street Supreme Hospitality .................... (909) 699-2444 27660 Jefferson Avenue Temecula Creek Inn ..................... (909) 694-1000 44501 Rainbow Canyon Road Best Western Green Tree Inn..... (760) 245-3461 14173 Green Tree Blvd. Ramada Inn ....................................(760) 245-6565 15494 Palmdale Road Red Roof Inns Victorville ............ (760) 241-1577 13409 Mariposa Road Yucca Valley Yucca Inn Resort & Spa ............... (760) 365-3311 7500 Camino del Cielo Oasis of Eden Inn & Suites Motel (760) 365-6321 56377 29 Palms Highway Sands Motel of Yucca Valley....... (760) 365-4615 55446 29 Palms Highway 47 Sun City Araato's Italian Restaurant .......... (909) 244-1919 31714 Railroad Canyon Road Temecula Allie's at Callaway Vineyard & Winery ....................... (909) 694-0560 32720 Rancho California Road Anthony's Ristorante .................... (909) 296-001 l 40335 Winchester Road Baily's Wine Country Caf~ ......... (909) 676-9567 27644 Ynez Road Banzai Japanese Seafood & Steakhouse ..................................(909) 693-1927 27533 Jefferson Avenue California Grill ..............................(909) 719-1282 27345 Jefferson Avenue Caf6 Champagne at Thornton Winery .......................... (909) 699-0088 32575 Rancho California Road Captain's Cabin ............................. (909) 676-9334 28551 Rancho California Road at Bally Winery .............................. (909) 676-9243 33340 La Serena Road Claim lumper ................................ (909) 694-6887 29540 Rancho California Road Fish House Vera Cruz .................. (909) 506-2899 26700 Ynez Road Hungry Hunter Steakhouse ....... (909) 694-1475 27600 Jefferson Avenue Johnny Carino's ............................. (909) 719-3622 26478 Ynez Road Mexico Chiquito Restaurant & Cantina ................... (909) 676-2933 41841 Moreno Road Roda Viva Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse ................... (909) 296-9858 40820 Winchester Road Searealin's Italian Grill ................ (909) 676-5450 27525 Ynez Road Temet Grill at Temecula Creek Inn ........................................ (800) 962-7335 44501 Rainbow Canyon Road Texas Lil's Mesquite Grill .......... (909) 699-5457 28495 Old Town Front Street Twentynine Palms 29 Palms Inn ................................... (760) 367-3505 73950 Inn Avenue Park Center -Joshua Tree .......... (760) 366-3622 6554 Park Blvd. Upland Cafe Provencal ............................... (909) 608-7100 967 West Foothill Blvd. Caffe Allegro ................................... (909) 949-0805 186 North Second Avenue China Gate ...................................... (909) 982-2449 365 South Mountain Avenue Las Cazuelitas ............................... (909) 985-1339 134 North Second Avenue Mi Ranehito .................................... (909) 949-1633 152 West Foothill Blvd. Spaggi's ............................................ (909) 57%0497 1651 West Foothill Blvd., Suite H Victorville Applebee's ....................................... (760) 947-6294 12044 Amargosa Road Bistro Luna ..................................... (760) 241-8888 15024 Bear Valley Road Cask 'N Cleaver ............................. (760) 241-7318 13885 Park Avenue Chateau Chang .............................. (760) 241-3040 15425 Anacapa Road Crown 'N Sword ............................ (760) 245-3461 14173 Green Tree Blvd. Degarcia's Mexican Restaurant ..................... (760) 243-6093 14480 Outer 7th Street Delhi Palace Cuisine of India.... (760) 241-2313 16180 Bear Valley Road El Tin Pepe ...................................... (760) 241-0811 12100 Amargosa Road Golden Gate Restaurant .............. (760) 245-6189 15200 Bear Valley Road La Casita Mexican Restaurant ..................... {760) 962-0195 14977 Palmdale Road La Fonda Restaurant .................... (760) 243-1596 12353 Mariposa Road Lighthouse & Oyster Bar ............. (760) 241-1960 14177 Kentwood Drive Los Domingos ................................ (760) 962-0195 15509 Park Avenue East Oak Room at The Ramada Inn ........................... (760) 245~6565 1-15 and Palmdale Road Original Roadhouse Grill ........... (760) 949-2308 l 1940 Amargosa Road Outback Steakhouse .................... (760) 962-1003 12400 Amargosa Road Pasta Factory .................................. (760) 243-4454 14464 Atstar Drive Tatsuki ............................................. (760) 951-7853 14958 7th Street Tony Roma's ...................................(760) 241-2822 14400 Bear Valley Road Woody's Cocky Bull ...................... (760) 243-4686 14180 Hwy 395 Wildomar Mille Luce ....................................... (909) 609-1266 32475 Clinton Keith Road Yucca Valley Brlgitte's ........................................... (760) 365-0121 57345 29 Palms Highway Bruce's Place .................................. (760) 228-0325 7500 Camino Del Cielo Din Ho Chinese Restaurant ....... (760) 365-4353 56098 29 Palms Highway Fish & Brew .................................... (760) 365-1284 55692 29 Palms Highway John's Place ..................................... (760) 365-0144 56249 29 Palms Highway Joshua Springs Caf~ ..................... (760) 365-0769 57373 Joshua Lane Pappy & Harriets ........................... (760) 365-5956 Pioneertown Pioneer Bowl ..................................(760) 365-3615 53613 Mane Street, Pioneertown Route 62 Old Time Diner ............ (760) 365-6311 55405 29 Palms Highway The Rib Co ...................................... (760) 365-1663 58890 29 Palms Highway Water Canyon Coffee Co ............. (760) 365-7771 55844 29 Palms Highway Wolfgangs ........................................ (760) 365-9653 56193 State Route 62 53 Everyone knows it's all in the game, and if Lady Luck is on your side, you can get a good deal on adventure at one of the gaming casinos in the Inland Empire. Open 24 hours, seven days a week, the Indian bingo and poker casinos offer the flavor of Las Vegas -- a lot closer to home. Here's a look: Agua Caliente Casino .................... (760) 321-2000 32-500 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage. Gaming, entertainment, dining, dancing. Cahutlla Creek Casino ................ (909) 763-1200 52702 Highway 371, Anza. Various gaming, entertainment, dining. Casino Morongo..i .......................... (909) 849-3080 49750 Seminole Drive, Cabazon. Blackjack, bingo, poker. Fantasy Springs Caaino ................ (760) 342-5000 84245 Indio Springs Road, lndio. Various gaming, entertainment, dining. Pechanga Resort & Casino ... (888) PECHANGA 4500 Pala Road, Temecula. Various gaming, entertainment, dining. San Manuel Indian Bingo & Casino ................. (800) 359-2464 5797 North Victoria Avenue, Highland. Live blackjack and poker, bingo, video slots, gift shop. Soboba Casino ................................ (909) 654-2883 2333 Soboba Road, San Jacinto. Bingo, poker, video slots. Spa Resort Casino .......................... (760) 323-5865 140 North Indian Canyon Rd. Palm Springs. Palm Springs' only full service resort offering a hotel, spa, and casino. Casino features blackjack, poker, and over 1000 slot and video machines. Live famous-name entertainment and fine dining. vavw. sparesortcasino.com. Spotlight 29 Casino ........................ (760) 775-5566 46-200 Harrison Place, Coachella. Various gaming, entertainment, dining. The Inland Empire has a large variety 9f shopping locations throughout our regaon. You will find some of the greatest specialty shops, malls, outlet centers, shopping centers, downtown & old town shopping districts. So make sure you make shopping part of your Inland Empire experience. SPECIALTY SHOPS Antique/Specialty Shops On Mission Inn Avenue & Main Street, Riverside. Specialty Shops On Brockton Avenue between Nelson Street & Magnolia Avenue, Riverside. Antique/Specialty Shops Rancho California Road at Front Street, Temecula. MALLS Carousel Mall ..................................(909) 384-5254 295 Carousel Mall, San Bernardino. Over 90 stores, including JC Penney. Galleria at Tyler .............................. (909) 351-3110 Tyler Avenue at the 91' FWY, Rive, rside. Over 170 stores, including Macy s, JC Penney, Robinsons-May, and Nordstrom. Hemet Valley Mall .......................... (909) 652-7771 2200 x3~ Florida Avenue, Hemet. 35 stores, inaluding Sears, JC Penney, and Harris-Gottschalks. Indio Fashion Mall ......................... (760) 347-83Z3 82227 Highway 111, lndio. Over 45 stores, including Sears and Harris-Gottschalks. Inland Center Mall ........................ (909) 884-7268 Inland Center Drive, San Bernardino. Over 90 stores, including Macy's, Sears, and Harris-Gottschalks. Mall of Victor Valley ...................... (760) 241-3145 14400 Bear Valley Road at 1-15, Victorville. Over 100 stores, including Mervyn's, JC Penney, Sears, and Harris-Gottschalks. Montelair Plaza .............................. (909) 626-2441 . Between Monte Vista and Central Avenue at 1-10, Montclair. Over 200 stores, including Robinsons-May, Macy's, Nordstrom, Sears, andJC Penney. Moreno Valley Mall ....................... (909) 653-4010 22500 Town Circle, Moreno Valley. Over 120 stores, including Robinsons-May, Sears and J.C. Penney. The Promenade in Temecula...... (909) 296-0975 40820 Winchester Road, Temecula. More than 120 stores, including Macy's, Robinsons-May, J.C. Penney and Sears. Redlands Mall ................................. (909) 793-0333 Orange Street and Redlands Boulevard. Neighborhood mall with Gottschalks, Sav-on, Skekon's Hallmark, Ozel Jewelers and Z0 other specialty stores. Riverside Plaza ............................... (909) 683-1066 3690 Riverside Plaza, Riverside. Over 90 stores, including Trader Joe's, Harris- Gottschalks, and Savon. Westfield Shopping Town Palm Desert ..................................... (760) 346-2121 72-840 Highway 111, Palm Desert. Over 100 stores, including Robinsons-May, J.C. Penney, and Macy's. OUTLET CENTERS ~ ' Desert Hills Premium Outlets.... (760) 849-6641 Off 1-10, 48400 Seminole Road, Cabazon. Over 120 stores, including Off Saks 5th Avenue, Nike, Giorgio Armani, and Polo Ralph Lauren. Factory Merchants ......................... (760) 253-7342 Off the 1-15 freeway at Lenwood Road, Barstow. Over 85 stores. Jessica McClintock Company Store ............................... (909) 985-2770 5458 Moreno, Montclair. Where ~ou will find Wedding gowns, prom gowns, flower girl/party dresses and attire for just about every special occasion imaginable. Lake Elsinore Outlets ................... (909) 245-4989 Off 1-15, exit Nichols west to Collier Avenue, Lake Elsinore. Over 75 stores offering top-quality apparel, gifts, and house-wares from hundreds of the world's most famous name brands. Ontario Mills ................................... (909) 484-8300 At the intersection of the 1-10 and 1-15 (Milliken Avenue or 4th Street), Ontario. Largest outlet mall in California. Over Z00 stores, plus numerous attractions, theaters, and fine dining. 2hanger Factory Outlet Center...... (760) 253-4812 Off the 1-15 freeway at Lenwood Road, Barstow. Over 30 stores and includes the California Welcome Centen DOWNTOWN & OLD TOWN SHOPPING DISTRICTS Arts Colony 200th block of West Second Street, Pomona. Antique Row 100th block of East Second Street, Pomona. Antique Row Redlands Boulevard at Anderson Street & Mountain View Avenue, Redlands. Brockton Arcade Specialty Shops On Brockton Avenue between Nelson Street & Magnolia Avenue, Riverside. Claremont Village East~ of Indian Hill between 1st and 5th Streets, Claremont. Downtown and Old Town Shopping Districts Hemet Downtown Palm Desert On El Pasco Avenue, Palm Desert. Downtown Palm Springs On Canyon Drive & Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs. Downtown Pedestrian Mall On Mission Inn Avenue & Main Street, Riverside. Historic Downtown Lake Elsinore On Main Street from Peck to Sulpher, Lake Elsinore. Historic Harvard District Harvard Street at Florida Avenue Historic Old Town Temecula On Old Town Front Street between Rancho California Road and First Street, Tcmccula. Old Town Redinnds Barton Road and Mountain View Avenue, Redlands. Old Town Upland On 9th and 2nd Streets, Upland. Old Town Victorville Sixth, Seventh and Eight Streets between Forrest Street and D Street, Victorvitle Promenade Mall On the southeast corner of Winchester Road & Ynez Road, Temecula. The Commons On the southwest corner of Winchester Road & Margarita Road, Temecula. Certified Farmer's Market ........... (909) 728-~343 Promenade Mall in Temecula. Every Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Downtown Redlands Market Night ...................................(909) 798-7848 Located on East State Street, be~zeeen Orange and Ninth Street in Redlands. Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. (to 9:30 p.m. June-August). Year-}ound market place, featuring tresh produce, concerts, entertainment, and craft vendors. Market Night at the Mall .............. (909) 653-4010 Located at the Moreno Valley Mall, south parking lot, Highway 60 exit Day Street in Moreno Valley. Fridays 5-9 p.m. Market Night in the Mall Located at the Redlands Mall, 100 Redlands Mall. Thursdays 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Featuring pony and kiddie rides, crafters, and entertainment. Open Air Market Old Town Temecula, Sixth and Old Town Front Street. Every Saturday 8 a.m. until noon. Featuring fresh fruits and vegetables, bakery goods, arts, crafts and pony rides. Riverside Market Night ................ (909) 715-3439 Located on Mission Inn Avenue in Riverside. Wednesdays 5-9 p.m. Upland Market ................................ (909) 949-4499 Located on Second Avenue and Ninth Street in downtown Upland. Thursdays 5-9 p.m., April through October. Featuring a Certified Farmers Market with fresh produce, arts and crafts, musical entertainment and horse-and-buggy rides. Victor Valley Market ...................... (760) 245-4271 18422 Bear Valley Road. Upper campus of Victor Valley College. Thursdays 8 a.m. until noon. The Inland Empire is home to some of the finest theaters and performing arts centers in the country. Whether you want to see a movie, watch a play or attend a concert, they're always close by in the Inland Empire. SPECIALTY THEATERS Desert IMAX Theater .................... (760) 324-7333 68-510 East Palm Canyon Drive, Cathedral City. Edwards IMAX Theater ................ (909) 476-1500 4900 East 4th Street, Ontario. MOVIE THEATERS Fox Cineplex Theaters .................. (909) 849-3277 60 West Ramsey, Banning. Barstow Station Cinema 6 ............ (760) 256-3456 1503 East Main Street, Barstow. Blue Jay Cinema ............................. (909) 337-8404 Highway 189 at 27315 North Bay Road, Blue Jay. Cinemark Movies 10 ..................... (760) 324-7674 34491 Date Palm Drive, Cathedral City. Crestline Village Theater ............. (909) 338-7355 23955 Lake Drive, Crestline. Movie Experience ......................... (909) 628-1500 Highway 71 & Grand, Chino Spectrum Market Place, Chino. Edwards Corona 15 ........................ (909) 279-1160 351 West Main at Rincon Street, Corona. Ultra.star Fontana 8 ........................ (909) 341-5720 16741 Valley Blvd. & 1-10 at Sierra, Fortrans. Regal Cinema Hemet 12 ............... (909) 658-3356 2369 West Florida Avenue, Hemet. Rustic Theater .................................(909) 659-2747 54290 North Circle Drive, ldyllwild. Globe Theaters ............................... (909) 782-0800 12125 Day Street, Moreno Valley. Ultrastar Towngate 8 Cinemas ... (909) 653-1000 1-60 at 12625 Frederick Street, Moreno Valley. Movie Experience at California Oaks .......................... (909) 698-7800 41090 California Oaks Road, Murricta. AMC Ontario Mills 30 Theaters.. (909) 484-3000 Ontario Mills, Ontario. Edwards Ontario Mountain Village Stadium 14 ......................... (909) 460-6510 1575 North Mountain Avenue at 1-10, Ontario. Edwards Ontario Stadium 22...... (909) 476-1500 Ontario Mills, 4900 East 4th Street, Ontario. Paeitic Ontario 10 ........................... (909) 947-1662 2560 South Archibald Avenue, Ontario. Metropolitan Cinema 10 Town Center ....................................(760) 322-3456 72-840 Highway 111, Palm Springs area. Metropolitan Courtyard 10 .......... (760) 322-3456 789 East Takwood, Palm Springs area. Cinemastar Luxury Theaters Ultraplex l0 ..................................... (909) 943-6425 1688 North Parris Blvd., Perris. Globe Theater Terra Vista 6 ........ (909) 483-8373 10701 Town Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. Redlands Krikorian Cinema 14.. (909) 793-6393 340 North Eureka Street, Rediands. Ultrastar Rialto 8 Cinema ............ (909) 786-7922 290 East Baseline Road, Rialto. University Village Cinemas ......... (909) 369-2656 University Village Plaza, 1201 University Avenue, Riverside. Cinemastar Luxury Theaters Ultraplex 18 ..................................... (909) 789-8483 Mission Grove Shopping Center, 121 East Alessandro, Riverside. Globe Theaters Marketplace Cinema 6 ................. (909) 682-4040 4040 Vine, Riverside. UA Park Sierra .................................(909) 359-6995 3660 Park Sierra Drive, Riverside. Cinema.star Luxury Theaters Empire 20 ......................................... (909) 386-7050 450 North 'E' Street, across from the Carousel Mall, San Bernardino. Sterling Cinemas 6 ......................... {909) 425-8888 2373 Sterling Avenue, San Bemardino. R. es0~t Theaters ............................... (909) 487-9552 1599 South San Jacinto Avenue, San Jacinto. Temecula Stadium Cinemas 15 ....................................... (909) 296-0133 40750 Winchester Road, Temecula. 55 The Movie Experience at University Theater ......................... (909) 869-3800 Inland Empire Tower Plaza ..................................... (909) 698-7800 Cai Poly Pomona, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Symphony Orchestra .................... (909) 381-5388 362 West Court Street, San Bernardino. 27531 Ynez Road, Tenrecula. Pomona. Cinemark Bear Valley 10 .............. (760) 241-8400 14470 Bear Valley Road, Victorvi0e. Cinemark Movies 10 ..................... (760) 241-7875 12353 Mariposa Road, Victorville. PERFORMING ARTS Big Bear Lake Performing Arts Center ................. (909) 866-4970 39707 Big Bear Blvd., Big Bear Lake. Desert Rose Theater ...................... (760) 328-7803 67777 East Palm Canyon Drive, Cathedral City. The Seventh Street Theater ......... (909) 590-1149 13123 Seventh Street, Chino. Ben Bolllnger's Candlelight Pavilion Dinner Theater ............................... (909) 626-1254 455 West Foothill Blvd., Claremont. . Bridges Auditorium, Claremont College ......................... (909) 621-8032 450 North College Way at 4th Street, Claremont. Garrison Theater, Claremont Graduate University (909) 607-4369 231 East 10th Street, Claremont. Seaver Theater ................................ (909) 621-8525 300 East Bonita, Pomona College, Claremont. Glen Helen Blockbuster Pavilion ..................... (909) 886-8742 2575 Glen Helen Parkway, Devote. Community Theater ...................... (909) 822-4052 Fontana. Ramon Hillside Players ................ (909) 658-5300 Hemet Ramona Bowl .................................. (909) 658-3111 27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet. Idyllwild Arts ................................... (909) 659-2171 52500 Temecula Dr., Idyllwild. High Desert Playhouse ................. (760) 366-3777 61-231 Twentynine Palms Highway, Joshua Tree. Billngual Center for the Performing Arts ................. (909) 369-7202 11772 Betula Circle, Moreno Valley. Dave & Buster's Murder Mystery Dinner The/ater .............................. (909) 987- 1557 4821 Mills Circle, Ontario Mills, Ontario. Granada Theater ............................ (909) 983-7878 303 North Eu$1id Avenue, Ontario. McCallum Theater for the Performing Arts ............................... (760) 340~2787 73-000 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert. Annenberg Theater ........................ (760) 325-4490 101 Museum Drive, Palm Springs. Palm Springs Dance Co ................ (760) 327~5395 Palm Springs. Plaza Theater .................................. (760) 327-0225 128 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs. Chaffey College Theater .............. (909) 941-2425 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. LifeHouse Productions ................. (909) 335-3037 525 New Jersey Street, Suite D, Redlands. Redlands Fooilighters Theater... (909) 793-2909 San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association(909) 885-7969 San Bernardino. Victor Valley Symphony Association .................. (760) 243-2376 PO. Box 160, Victorville 1810 Barton Road, Redlands. California Riverside Ballet .......... (909) 787-7850 ~ 3840 Lemon Street, Riverside. Riverside Community College PerformingArts Center ................. (909) 222-8100 4800 Magmolia Avenue, Riverside. Riverside Children's Theater...... (909) 689-5660 2900 Adams, Riverside. Riverside Community Players.... (909) 686-4030 4026 Fourteenth Street, Riverside. Riverside Municipal Auditorium....... (909) 787-4331 or (909) 787-4629 3485 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside. Rialto Community Players ......... (909) 873-8514 150 San Bernardino Avenue, Rialto. California Theater of Performing Arts .............................. (909) 386-7361 562 West 4th Street, San Bernardino. Sturges Center for the Fine Arts.. (909) 384-5415 780 North E Street, San Bernardino. Mt. San Jacinto College Campus Theater ............................. (909) 654-8011 )499 North State Street, San Jacinto. Christian Youth Theater ............... (909) 302-0825 P O. Box 711, Temecula Musicians Workshop ..................... (909) 678-2517 28690 Mercedes Street, Temecala Temeeula City Ballet ..................... (909) 694-9600 28671 Calle Cortez, Suite A, Temecula Temeeula Valley Playhouse ......... (909) 693-4321 PO. Box 74, Temecala Temecula Vintage Singers/Southwest Community Chorus ....................... (909} 694-5404 30914 Del Rey Road, Temecula High Desert Center for the Arts.. (760) 243-7493 15615 8th Street, Victorville Grove Theater ................................. (909) 920-4343 276 East Ninth Street, Upland. , ~sY~Mp~H~ONIE~S ( ORCHESTRAS / OPERA Redlands Symphony ..................... (909) 335-5202 University of Redlands campus, Redlands. La Sierra Hole Memorial Auditorium ................... (909) 785 -2000 La Sierra Univer siW campus, 4700 Pierce Street, Riverside. Riverside County Philharmonic (909) 787-0251 3485 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside. Riverside Civic Light Opera ....... (909) 222-8100 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside. Whether you like a day of family fun or relaxing alone at a spa, the Inland Empire has attractions everyone can enjoy. EDUCATIONAL ATTRACTIONS Big Bear Solar Observatory ......... (909) 222-8199 Big Bear Lake One of six solar observatories in the world. Big Bear experiences more than 300 days of sunshine per year. Calico Early Man Archeological Site ........................... (760) 256-5102 Barstow. Big Bear Discovery Center ............ 909-866-3437 Fawnskin Your gateway to adventure and discovery in the great outdoors. Guests visit the Discovery Center for naturalist-led interpretive programs, evening nature lectures, learn about the natural environment, and participate in hands-on activities. California Citrus Heritage State Park ......................................... (909) 780-6222 Riverside. Diamond Valley Lake ................... (800) 211-9863 The Visitor's Center at Diamond Valley Lake is located at 300 West Newport Road, Hemet, CA. Exhibits include displays of state and regional water issues, local history, project construction and paleontological discoveries. The center is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday through Monday. Admission is free. Diamond Valley Lake was built by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California to provide a dependable back- up water supply to over 16 migion people. The lake will be the largest reservoir in Southern California (4.5 miles long, 2 miles wide, 260 billion gallons of water) and when complete, will provide a variety of outdoor recreation activities. George E Beattle Planetarium.... (909) 888-6511 San Bernardino Valley College. Imagination Workshop Old Town, Temeeula ..................... (909) 694-6480 42081 Main Street, Temecula Interactive children's museum in Victorian style home of inventor, Phineas Pennypickle, Ph.D. Each room in the house, now more of a workshop filled with gizmos and whatnot, invites visitors to explore, invent and create in an atmosphere of fun and discovery. Call for hours and admission. Glen Ivy }lot Springs ..................... (909) 277-3529 25000 Glen Ivy Road, Corona. Soothing mineral waters, professional body services, salon treatments and California's only red clay mud bath. Oak Glen .......................................... (909) 797-6833 Tour the working apple ranches of the Inland Empire apple country with U-pick orchards, packing houses and cider presses, along Oak Glen Road. Oak Tree Village ............................. (909) 797-4020 Featuring a zoo, wildlife museum, nature trails, gift shops, restaurant and bakery, 38480 Oak Glen Road, Oak Glen. Old Town Temecula ...................... (909) 694-6450 A 45-minute narrated walking tour of historic Old Town Tomecula, southern route to the California Gold Country. Reservations suggested. Palms to Pines Highway A 125-plus~mile scenic tour along Highway 74, from the mountain resorts to the desert. Take Highway 243 from Banning up through ldyllwild. At Mountain Center turn left onto Highway 74, the Palms to Pines Highway, passing Hemet Lake and continuing east down to Highway 111 through Palm Desert, Palm Springs, rejoining 1-10. Rim of the World Scenic Byway. (909) 383-5588 Part of the National Scenic Byway system, the Rim of the World Highway begins in the San Gorgonio Ranger District, leads to Highway 18 in Big Bear, continues to Highway 138 at Crestline and ends in Cajon Pass at Mormon Rocks. An auto tour guide for this route is available for 50 cents at all ranger stations. Snow Summit Scenic Sky Chair. (909) 866-5766 Big Bear Lake area "The Time Bandit" Pirate Ship.. (909) 878-4040 Big Bear Lake area. Tours of the Town ........................... (909) 351-8687 Weekly guided horse-drawn carriage tours of historic downtown Riverside. The 35-minute tour starts at the Mission Inn, Sixth and Main Streets, Riverside. Victoria Park Carriages ................ (909) 584-2277 HISTORIC ROUTE 66 Route 66 is perhaps the most famous road in American history. Established in 1926, '~_merica's Main Strieet" spans a stretch between Chicago, Illinois and Santa Monica, California. Now decommissioned and largely replaced by the interstates, Route 66 lives on as a memorial to the nation's mid-century automobile culture. It is flothing less than a trip into the past. Everywhere, there are remnants old neon signage; the ruins of old river-rock buildings; vintage restaurants, many still in operation; former gas stations; old motel cottage courts; numerous examples of googie, deco, and mission-revival architecture. Get your kicks and enjoy exploring Route 66 in the Inland Empire. Visit the preservation foundation's official website at wvav. cart66p f.org. It's fair to say that most folks love fairs and festivals -- and the Inland Empire's affair with fairs is evident in the wide variety of celebrations throughout the year. No matter what the season or the reason, you should check your calendar for fair time. Happy Trails Round-Up, Apple Valley ..................................... (760) 240-7000 Featuring a caraival, parade, a pancake breakfast, pony rides, games, vendors, a Western Show, and much more. Admission is free. Stagecoach Days, Banning .......... (909) 922-1295 Banning's annual celebration throughout town features mock shoot-outs, costume parade, entertainment, contests, barbecue, and music. Off 1-10, 22nd Street, Banning. Renaissance Faire, Big Bear City. 909-585-7824 The Enchanted Shire beckons you to experience the flight of the dragon, mayfling, carousel, the enchanted swing, jousting, games, rides, comedy, Shakespeare, music, dancing, feasting and more! Oktoberfest, Big Bear Lake .......... (909) 585-3000 Big Bear's annual Bavarian blast, with oom-pxh bands and beer garden. Every weekend in September & October, Big Bear Lake Convention Center, Division Road and Highway 18, Big Bear City. Old Miners' Days, Big Bear Lake (909) 866-4607 Big Bear Lake outdoor festival, featuring chili cook-off, parade, Western-style food, and a 5K run is held every July & August. Cherry Festival, Cherry Valley... (909) 845-9541 Features arts and crabs, carnival rides, food and dancing, throughout Beaumont, each June. Off 1-10 at the junction of Highway 60. Sealtish Highland Games, Chino (909) 597-4260 Annual celebration featuring Scottish music, dancing, sports and food on May 4 & 5, 2003. Prado Regional Park. Independence Day Contact Chamber of Commerce for info. Festive July 4 celebrations throughout the Inland Empire are held at county regional parks, including Glen Helen Regional Park, and feature games for the entire family, picnics, entertainment ~qd fireworks. B~naissanee Pleasure Faire, Devore ............................................... (800) 523-2473 Annual Elizabethan spring fling features period entertainment, games, foods, artisans' wares, tournaments. Runs for eight weekends and Memorial Day, through April to June. Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore. Mountain Country Festival, Green Valley Lake ......................... (909) 867-2411 Ninth annual event featuring music, food, arts and crafts. Green Valley Lake Road, east of Running Springs. Ramona Pageant, ltemet .............. (909) 658-3111 The annual outdoor pageant, is held late April through early May, and depicts the romantic spectacle of early California. Ramona Bowl, 27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet. Hesperia Days, Hesperia ............... (760) 240-700 Features the Main Street Hesperia Parade on the last weekend of September. Timber Festival, IdyBwild ........... (909) 6594936 Each June this annual festival features logging contests, barn dance, music, food, arts, and crafts. ldyllw0d County Park, off Highway 243. National Date Festival, Indio ..... (760) 863-8247 Annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival, held in February, features exhibits, carnival rides, livestock, live entertainment, camel and ostrich races. At the Desert Expo Canter, 46- 350 Arabia Street. Bluegrass River Revel, Moabi..... (760) 326-2831 Bluegrass festival, featuring continuous live music, arts and crafts, food, games; each Presidents' Day weekend. Moabi Regional Park. Apple Blossom Festival, Oak Glen .......................................... (909) 790-9470 Annual Apple Blossom Festival, country-style festival that features crowning of the Apple Blossom Queen, crafts fair, live entertainment, pony and hay rides on the 3rd week in April. Oak Glen Apple Harvest, Oak Glen .......................................... (909) 797-6833 Celebration of the apple harvest, September - December, at various apple ranches along Oak Glen Road and throughout town of Oak Glen. Farmers Fair, Perris ....................... (909) 657-4221 The annual October Farmers' Fair features entertainment, exhibits and carnival. Lake Perris Fairgrounds, 18700 Lake Perris Drive. Los Angeles County Fair, Pomona (909) 623-3111 Known as the world's largest county fair, each September and October, LA County fair is packed with ongoing stage entertainment, carnival rides, flower and garden shows, livestock shows, agricultural exhibits, horse racing, food and refreshments. LA County Fairgrounds, Pomona Falrplex. Grape Harvest Festival, Rancho Cucamonga ...................... (909) 987-1012 Annual October festival features concerts, carnival rides and contests. Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park. Riverside Dickens Festival, Riverside ........................................... (800) 430-4140 In February throughout downtown Riverside you can enjoy the annual Dickens' festival with entertainment and performances from the author, Charles Dickens. Sunkist Orange Blossom Festival, Riverside ........................................... (909) 715-3400 Every April residents from Riverside come out to celebrate their citrus heritage. The festival features a parade, circus, live entertainment, antique train, and trolley rides. Held in Downtown Riverside. National Orange Show, San Bernardino ............................... (909) 888-6788 Two weeks each May this annual event has taken place since 1911. Featuring exhibits, entertainment, contests, animals and carnival. National Orange Show grounds, 689 South E Street. Route 66 Rendezvous, San Bernardino ............................... (909) 889-3980 This annual event every September salutes "The Mother Road", Route 66, and features classic car shows and cruises, a golf tournament, and live bands. Last year, over 500,000 people attended with 2,100 classic cars cruising legendary Route 66. Downtown San Bemardino. Heritage Days, San Jacinto .......... (909) 658-3211 Annual celebration of Cinco de Mayo, featuring mariachis, folklorico dancers, food, art exhibits. Main Street. Ramona Country Carvers Festival, San Jacinto ....................................... (909) 658-0181 An annual woodcarving event is held each March. Valley-Wide Recreation, 901 West Esplanade Avenue, San Jacinto. Temecula ROd Run, Temecula.... (909) 6764718 Each February, Old Town Temecula rumbles and mars with the sounds from more than 800 classy chassis and street rods during the Rod Run. Held in Old Town District. 58 ArCs in the Country Festival, Temeeula ........................................ (909) 695-ARTS Beginning in May and continuing through June, a wide array of arts, music and entertainment are offered for the entire family to enjoy. Temecula Valley International Film and Music Festival, Temeeula ........... (909) 7699-6267 Each September, the Film Festival showcases the best in contemporary fulMength features, shorts and student films byyoung, emerging filmmakers from throughout the world. The Music Festival features a wide range of musical talents. Fall Car Cruise & Show, Temecula .......................................... (909) 699-1876 A cross section of classic cars, special interest vehicles, hot rods and custom cars are showcased. Other events include a "Show and Shine," sock hop and car cruise. The event is held in the Old Town District. Frontier Days Rodeo, Tomecula. (909) 676-4718 Every Memorial Dayweekend the PRCA- sanctioned rodeo features bareback riding, calf roping, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, team roping and ladies' barrel racing. Western Days, Old Town Temecula ...................... (909) 694-6412 The Temecula Gunfighters perform hourly skits. Also offered are Western music, Civil War reenactments and variety of exhibits. Temecula Street Painting Festival, Old Town Tomecula ...................... (909) 694-6412 Artists use chalk to create works of art on the streets of Old Town. The event is held each June. Bluegrass Festival, Old Town Temecula ...................... (909) 694-6412 Bluegrass bands from Southern California and Arizona join in a weekend of picking, grinning, and good time fiddle playing. The even is held each March. Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival, Temecula .......................................... (909) 676-6713 This two-day event each June, features I~alloon rides, wine tasting, classic car show, top-name entertainment, fair, and a kids stage. Held at Lake Skinner, off 1-15 south, Rancho California Road exit, Temecula. Huck Finn's Jubilee, Victorville. (760) 245-2226 Features catfish derby, bluegrass and country music and clogging; held each Father's Day weekend, Mojave Narrows Regional Park. San Bernardino Counly Fair~ Viciorville ......................................... (700) 951-2200 Late July through early Augost enjoy the annual county fak; featuring everything from prize pigs to proud peacocks and concerts. San Bemardino County Fairgrounds, 14800 Seventh Street, Victorville. Chillfes~ Wrightaarood ................... (760) 249-4320 Annual International Chili Society festival featuring live bands in October. Mountaineer Days, Wrightwood (760) 2494320 Annual festival to celebrate the mountain community's pioneer spirit. Calico Days, Yermo ....................... (760) 254-3828 Old West celebration, featuring parade, gunfighters, music, games, dancing; on the 1st weekend in October. Calico Ghost Town. Calico Heritage Fest, Yermo ........ (760) 254-3828 Features dance, music and art; on Thanksgiving weekend. Calico Ghost Town. Calico Spring Festival, Yermo..... (760) 254-3828 Annual festival, on May 10 - 12. Calico Ghost Town. Bluegrass Festival, Yucalpa ......... (909) 790 3127 Annual Labor Day weekend bluegrass festival. Yucaipa Regional Park. Explore and learn about our history, from mastodon to Route 66, at the museums of the laland Empire. If you have a passion for art, then indulge it at an Inland Empire art gallery. MUSEUMS Victor Valley Museum & Art Gallery, Apple Valley ................. 760-240-2111 11873 Apple Valley Road Experience the heritage of Mojave life. Search for food and gold. Drill for water and oil. Build brush huts and tin-roofed shacks. Escape from civilization and create new communities. Hours, noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday. Admission: $3 for adults, $2 for seniors, $2 for students, and children under lg are admitted free. Gilman Historic Ranch & Wagon Museum, Banning ............ (909) 922-9200 Celebrates the history of California, from the Cahnilla Indians to the exploration and settlement of southern California and the San Gorgonio Pass, including the homestead ranch of James Marshall Gilman. Picnic and barbecue facilities. Located on the corner of Wilson & 16th Street, Banning. Hours: Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. March 1st - Nov 30th. Admission: $2]adult, $Z/child 12 and under. Malkl Museum - Banning ............ (909) 849-7289 Cultural heritage of Native American tribes of Southern California. Morongo Indian Reservation, 110795 Fields Road, Banning. Hours: Sunday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission by donation. Mojave River Valley Museum, Barstow .......................... (760) 256-5452 Features archaeology exhibits k~cluding Early Man site, minerals and gemstones of the desert, early desert and mining history. Located on the corner of Barstow Road and Vaginia Way, Barstow. Hours: Sunday - Saturday 11 aah. - 4 p.m., except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Admission by donation. Big Bear Historical Museum, Big Bear Lake ..................................(909) 585-8100 Exhibits on cattle ranching, Native Americans, gold mining, natural history, art, and memorabilia. Located at the northeast corner of Big Bear City Park, off Greenway Drive, Big Bear City. Hours: Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., on holiday weekends Sunday & Monday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Edward Dean Museum of Decorative Arts, Cherry Valley... (909) 845-2626 The collection includes 17th- through 19th- century European and Asian decorative arts and furnishings. 9401 Oak Glen Road, Cherry Valley. Hours: Friday - Sunday 10 am. - 5 p.m. Admission: $3/adult, $2/senior & students, children under 12 are free. Planes of Fame Air Museum, Chino ................................................. (909) 597-3722 This A~iation museum maintains a collection of historical aircraft and restored military aircraft from America, Britain, Germany and Japan, including several jet fighters from the Korean War Era, as well as early aircraft such as an 1896 glider and a replica of the Apollo Command Capsule. 7000 Merrill Avenue, Chino. Open daily except on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Admission: $7.95/person. Rincon Rancho / Yorba Slaughter Adobe Museum, Chino .............................. (909) 597-8332 Part of the Spanish land grant to Jose Antonio Yorba. The home was purchased by Fenton Slaughter in 1868. 17127 Pomona-Rincon Road, Chino. Hours: Wednesday- Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Admission by donation of $2/adult, SI/child. Raymond M. Aif Museum, Claremont ........................................ (909) 624-2798 Features fossils, archaeological exhibits. 1175 West Base Line, Claremont. Hours: Monday- Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Admission: $ l/person, free for children under 5. The Fiske Museum, Claremont.. (909) 621-8307 Houses one of the most diverse collections of musical instruments in the US dating from 17th to the 20th century containing 1,400 American, European, and ethnic instruments. 450 North College Way, Claremont. Agua Mansa Museum, Colton ..... (909) 824-8814 Oldest settlement in San Bernardino Valle~ Archaeological exhibits surrounding cemetery and village church. 2001 East Agua Mansa Road, Colton. Hours: Wednesday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Colton Area Museum, Colton...... (909) 824-8814 Features Indian artifacts, orange crate labels, early clothing and other exhibits. 380 North La Cadena Drive, Colton. Ramona Bowl Museum, Hemet. (909) 658-3111 Features pictoriaI history and displays of the Ramona Pageant and local Native Americans. 27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet. Ryan School of Aeronautics Museum, Hemet..... (909) 658-2716 4280 Waldon Weaver Road, Hemet Diamond Valley Lake Visitor Center, Hemet .................... (800) 2l 1-9863 Exhibits include mastodons and other paleontological discoveries made during the projcct construction. 300 West Newport Road, Hemet. Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday through Monday. Admission is free. Hemet Museum (restored Santa Fe Depot,) Hemet ................................................ (909) 929-4409 State Street at Florida Avenue, Hemet Kid Zone Museum, Hemet .......... (909) 765-1572 123 S. Carmalita Avenue, Hemet Lake Arrowhead Children's Museum, Lake Arrowhead ............................. (909) 336-3093 Features hands-on exhibits, climbing maze, workshops, Healthworks. Lake Arrowhead Village, lower level. Hours: daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: $4/person, children 3 and under free, $3/senior. Graber Olive House, Ontario...... (909) 983-1761 Historic olive house, producer of olives since 1894. 315 East Fourth Street, Ontario. Hours: Monday- Saturday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. & Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission: Free. 59 Museum of History & Art, Ontario (909) 983-3198 Housed in the former city hall, completed in a Spanish-Mediterranean style in 1937, the museum depicts the region's agricultural past, its industrial heritagc, and local aviation history. Both the art wing and the history wing have changing exhibits. 225 South Euclid Avenue, Ontario. Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., closed all holidays. Admission: Free. Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs ...................................(760) 325-0189 Presenting contemporary and western art, natural science and history as well as performing arts in the Annenberg theater. 101 Museum Drive, Palm Springs. Hours: Tuesday- Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m, Sunday 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., closed all holidays. Admission: $7.50/adult, $6.50/senior, $3.50/student and active military. Children under 6 free. Ruddy's 1930s General Store Museum, Palm Springs...... (760) 327-2156 Original products, fixtures, signs, hardware, medicines of the 30's and 40's. 221 South Palm Canyon Drive (On The Village Green), Palm Springs. Hours: Thursday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: $0.50/person Lake Perris Regional Indian Museum, Perris ................. (909) 940-5656 Reflection of Native American life in the Mojave Desert region as experienced by the Cahui0a, Chemevhuevi, Cupeno, Luiseno, Serrano and Vanyume tribes. Located at the Lake Perris State Recreation Area, 1781 Lake Perris Drive, Perris. Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Free - you may have to pay a $3/car fee to enter the park. Orange Empire Railway Museum, Perris .............. (909) 657-2605 This railroad museum features more than 150 historic train cars, locomotives and streetcars, plus railway equipment. Trolley and train rides are available. 2201 South A Street, Perris. Hours: Open daily 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m., closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Admission: Free. Trolley & train rides are $8/adult, $6/child 6-11. Rancho Cucamonga ...................... (909) 989-4970 Oldest red brick home in San Bernardino County. Tours offered every 45-minutes, starting at 10: 15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 8810 Hemlock Street, Rancho Cucamonga. Hours: Wednesday- Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. & Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Suggested donation of S2]adult & Si/child. Kimberly Crest, Redlands ............ (909) 792-2111 An 1897 French chateau-style home with original furnishings, formal Italian gardens and citrus groves. 1325 Prospect Drive, Redlands. Hours: Thursday- Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Free. Lincoln Memorial Shrine, Redlanda ........................................... (909) 798-7636 A repository, museum, library, and research center dedicated to Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War period. 125 West Vine Street, Redlands. Hours: Tuesday- Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. Morey Mansion, Redlands An 1890 Victorian home built among orange groves, featuring a prominent onion dome and turn-of-the-century furnishings. 190 Terracina Blvd., Redlands. Redlands Historical Glass Museum, Redlands ............ (909) 798-0868 The only glass museum on the West Coast, featuring collections of antique American glassware 6O dating from the early 1800's to contemporary times. 1157 Orange Street. Hours: Saturday & Sunday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Free. San Bernardino County Museum, Redlands ......... (888) 247-3344 A regional museum with exhibits and collections in cultural and natural history. Special exhibits, the Exploration Station, live animal discovery center, extensive research collections, and public programs for adults, families, students, and children are all part of the Museum experience. 2024 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: $4/adult, $3/ senior/student, $2/child 5 - 12, all others free. San Bernardino Rancho, Redlanda ........................................... (909) 793-5402 An outpost of the Mission San Gabriel. Originally built in early 1800s, rebuilt in 1937. 26930 Barton Road, Redlands. Hours: Wednesday- Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Suggested donation of $2/adult, SI/child. Rialto Historical Museum, Rialto (909) 875-1750 Features a Victorian-style dining room, bedroom, and living room. 205 North Riverside Avenue, Rialto. Hours: Wednesday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. & Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Admission: Free. California Museum of Photography, UCR, Riverside ..-. (909) 784-3686 Dedicated to promoting the understanding of photography and related media thorough photographic exhibits, workshops, films, and lectures. 3824 Main Street, Riverside. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. Jensen-Alvarado Historic Ranch & Museum, Riverside -.... (909) 369-6055 4307 B rigga Street, Riverside The museum is being restored to early 1880s living agricultural museum. Ranch includes original md-fired brick home and buildings, including mile house and winery. Listed as National Register of Historic Places and California Landmark No. 943. Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center, Riverside ........... (909) 685-5818 7621 Granite Hill Drive, Riverside. Featuring minerals, fossils, rocks, and garden development. Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Admission: Free, $5/person for special Saturday programs. La Sierra World Museum of Natural History, Riverside ........... (909) 785-2209 Contains systematic displays of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. Located on Campus Drive, within La Sierra University Campus, Riverside. Hours: Saturday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. March Air Force Base Museum, Riverside ........................ (909) 697-6600 Oldest air force base in Western U.S., housing military aircraR exhibit. Located on Highway 215 east of Riverside. Hours: Monday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Suggested donation of $5/adult, $2/child, $10/family. Mission Inn Museum, Riverside (909) 788-9556 Features memorabilia from the 100+ year-old Mission Inn, and from presidents, heads of state, and celebrities who have stayed there. Mission Inn Avenue and Main Street Pedestrian Mall, Riverside. Hours: Monday - Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Suggested donation of SI/person. Docent tours are $8. Riverside Art Museum, Riverside (909) 684-7111 Changing multimedia art exhibits and restaurant. 3425 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside. Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Suggested donation of $2/person. Riverside Heritage House, Riverside ........................................... (909) 689-1333 Built in 1891, this Queen Victoria-style house exemplifies Victorian life in Riverside. 8193 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside. Hours: Thursday & Friday 12 - 3, Sunday 12 - 3:30. Admission: Free. Riverside Municipal Museum, Riverside ........................................... (909) 826-5273 Natural history exhibits and history around t~verside County. 3720 Orange Street, Riverside. Hours: Monday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Saturday - Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. Sherman Museum, Riverside ..... (909) 276-6719 Exhibits include inter-tribal Indian artifacts, library (open by appointment). 9010 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside. Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Admission: Free. A Special Place, San Bernardino (909) 881-1201 A hands-on children's museum, featuring a disability exhibit, puppet theater, costume areas, turtle and saltwater reef tanks, hospital room, old-fashioned school house. 1003 East Highland Avenue, San Bernardino. Hours: Monday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Tuesday- Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. & Saturday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Admission: $2]person, first Saturday of each month is free grandparents day. Norman E Peldheym Central Library - San Bernardino ....................................... (909) 381-8201 Burial artifacts of the 1800s, uncovered at Seccombe Lake Park. California Room, 555 West Sixth Street, San Bernardino. Hours: Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Thursday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission: Free. Robert V. Fullerton Art Museum, San Bernardino ............................... (909) 880-7373 Permanent collection of about 1,500 objects represents various periods and regions but focuses on ancient art, contemporary art and ceramics. Museum also has a dynamic schedule of visiting exhibitions. 5500 University Parkway, San Bemardino. Hours: qhesday- Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., closed major holidays, August 15 - September 15, December 23 - January 2. Admission: Free. Villasenor Library, San Bernardlno ............................... (909) 383-5156 Changing art exhibit. 525 Mount Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino. Hours: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Admission: Free. HerRage House, San Bernardino Restored Victorian home and research library. Open by appointment. Located on the corner of Eighth and D streets, San Bernardino. San Jacinto Valley Museum, San Jacinto ....................................... (909) 654-4952 18l E. Main Street, San Jacinto Temecula Valley Museum, Temecula .......................................... (909) 694-6450 28314 Mercedes Street~ Temecula Hours Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is free. Exhibits of history and artifacts of Temecula Valley and offers guided educational tours to groups of 10 or more. Cooper Regional History Museum, Upland ............ (909) 982-8010 Dedicated to preserving and interpreting the history and culture of the communities of Upland, Ontario, Montclair, Mt. Baldy, and Rancho Cucamonga from the 1880's to the present day. 217 East A Street, Upland. Hours: Saturday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m, Closed August 1-September 1, 2001. Admission: Free. California Route 66 Museum, Victorville ......................................... (760) 261-8766 Contemporary art work exhibits of "Main Street of America", and memorabilia that are continually changing, as well as featuring a Library, about historic Route 66. 16849 D Street at 6th Street, Victorv01e. Hours: Thursday - Monday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission: Free. Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Museum, Victorville ......................................... (760) 243-4547 Housed inside the exhibit walls are memories and treasures of two life times and all they loved -- a permanent reminder of a simple and innocent time when manyAmericans dreamed of living the King of the Cowboys' exciting adventures. Features exhibits and memorabilia from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans' film and television Westerns. 15650 Seneca Road, Victorvige. Hours: Open daily from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: $8/adult, $7/senior & teens (13-16), $5/chdd 6-12, under 6 are free. !~Fmchester ....................................... (909) 926-4039 28030 Patterson Avenue, Winchester. Mousley Museum of Natural History, Yucaipa .............. (909) 790-3163 The museum hosts a variety of minerals, seashells, fossils, fluorescent minerals, the Mockingbird Canyon Nature Trail, and performs programs for school and scout groups. 35308 Panorama Drive, Yucaipa. Hours: Wednesday - Friday & Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free, educational programs encounter a fee of $1.50 - $2.50. Yucaipa Adobe, Yucaipa ............... (909) 7~5-3485 The Yucaipa Adobe contains furnishings from the 1840's rancho era and from the late 19th century, when the Dunlap family was the resident. Horse drawn farm implements are exhibited outside the adobe, l~uilt in 1858, oldest standing two-story adobe house in San Bernardino County. 32183 Kentucky Street, Yueaipa. Hours: Wednesday- Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. & Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. Yucca Valley ..................................... (760) 369-7212 An exhibition related to education and to the preservation of the high desert's natural elements. Community Center Complex, Dumosa Avenue on the north side of State Highway 62, Yucca Valley. Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: Free. A~T. GA~LERiES ~ ~ ' , ,~ : : , Archival Gallery - The Art of Nature ............................ (909) 878-9214 40700 Village Drive Edward-Dean Museum of Decorative Arts ............................... (900) 848-2626 9401 Oak Glen Road, Cherry Va0ey. Claremont Graduate University Gallery ......................... (909) 621-8071 251 East 10th Street, Claremont. First Street Gallery & ~ Center (909) 626-5455 250 West 1st, Claremont. Lang Gallery, Scripps College.... (909) 621-8223 On the corner of Ninth Street & Columbia Avenue, Claremont. Mt. San Jacinto College Art Gallery ........................................ (909) 487-6752 1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto Four Seasons Gallery .................... (619) 249-3712 6013 Park Drive, Wrightwood. Millard Sheets Gallery, Scripps College ............................... (909) 621-8000 : ' ' : 1030 Columbia Avenue, Clarenmnt. Montgomery Gallery, Pomona College ......; ...................... (909) 621-8000 On the corner of College Avenue & Bonita Avenue, Claremont. Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, Scripps College ............................... (909) 621-8000 1030 Columbia Avenue, Claremont. Museum of History & Art ............. (909) 983-3198 225 South Euclid Avenue, Ontario. CODA Gallery ................................ (760) 346-4661 73-151 E1 Paseo, Palm Desert. Desert Art Source ........................... (760) 346-7893 41-801 Corporate Way, Palm Desert. Adagio Galleries ............................. (760) 320-2230 193 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs. J. Behman Gallery ......................... (760) 320-6806 1000 North IXalm Canyon, Palm Springs. Reflections of. ................................. (760) 323-3882 285 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs. Armstrong Gallery ......................... (909) 623-6464 150 East Third Street, Pomona. Da Gallery ....................................... (909) 397-9716 244 1/Z~South GareyAvenue, Pomona. Gallery, CalPOLY ........................... (909) 869-6793 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona. Square West Gallery ...................... (909) 624-3899 190 West Santa Fe, Pomona. Chaffey Community College....... (909) 941-2388 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga. San Bernardlno County Museum (909) 798-8570 2025 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands. Peppers Gallery, University of Redlands (909) 793-2121 ext. 3660 1200 East Colton Avenue, Redlands. California Museum of Photography, UCIL ................................................... (909) 784-3686 3824 Main Street, Riverside. Riverside Art Museum .................. (909) 684-7111 3425 Seventh Street, Riverside. Sweeney Art Gallery, UCR ........... (909) 787-3755 Watkins House, 3701 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside. G allery~ San Bernardino Valley'College .................. (909) 888-651l ext. 1231 701 South Mount Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino. Sturges Center for the Fine Arts.. (909) 885-2816 780 North E Street, San Bernardino. Hemet Valley Art Association Gallery ................. (909) 652-4592 2557 S. San Jacinto Avenue, San Jacinto For an enjoyable boating adventure on the waters of the Inland Empire, it's not always necessary to know your port from your starboard, especially if you have a good crew. Here's a look at waterways for maritime adventures. BOATING Big Bear Lake Holloway~s Marina & RV Park..... (909) 866-5706 398 Edgemoor Road, Big Bear Lake. Big Bear Marina ............................. (909) 866-3218 Big Bear Lake area Captain John's Fawn Harbor ...... (909) 866-6478 Big Bear Lake area. Holloway's Marina ........................ (909) 866-5706 Big Bear Lake area. North Shore Landing .................... (909) 866-4386 Big Bear Lake area. Pleasure Point .................................(909) 866-2455 Big Bear Lake area. Green Valley Lake ......................... (909) 867-Z009 33180 Green Valley Lake Road, Green Valley Lake. Lake Arrowhead Resort ................ (800) 800-6791 Nestled in the lush pine forest of the San Bemardino Mountains, about 90 minutes and a mile above the stress and smog of the Los Angeles Basin, the Lake Arrowhead Resort is set right on clear waters of strikingly beautiful Lake Arrowhead. 27984 Highway 189, Lake Arrowhead. Lake Elslnore .................................. (909) 471-1212 Boating, camping, swimming, fishing, 22 miles southeast of Corona via Interstate 15. Lake Gregory Regional Park ..... (909) 338-2233 A mountain lake with lodge and water park near Crestline. L~lre Hemet .................................... (909) 659-2680 Scenic fishing lake near Idyllwild. Off Highway 243. Lake Perrls State Recreation Area .............................. (909) 657-2179 Offers boating, rentals, fishing, camping, a swimming beach, hiking, rock climbing, and bike trails. 17801 Lake Perris Dr., Perris. Off Highway 60, east of Moreno Valley. Lake Skinner Park ......................... (909) 926-1541 Boating, fishing, swimming pool, camping, equestrian and hiking trails. 10 miles north of Temecula, off Rancho California Rd on 1-15. Moabi Regional Park ..................... (760) 326-3831 A marina on the Colorado River near Topock Gorge. Park Moxhi Road, Needles. Mojave Narrows Regional Park. (760) Z45-ZZZ6 A park with lakes and a wildlife preserve. 1800 Yates Road, Victorville. Prado Regional Park ...................... (909) 597-4260 A park with a golf course, lake and playing fields. 16700 Euclid Avenue, Chino. 61 Silvetwood Lake Marina ............. (760) 389-2299 14651 Cedar Circle, at the end of the access road inside Silverwood Lake State Park, 11 miles east o1 Interstate 15 via Highway 138, FISHING AT A LAKE Alpine Trout Lakes ......................... (909) 866-4532 No license required. Highway 18 to Catalina Road. Big Bear Lake. Cucamonga-Guasti Regional Park ..................................(909) 481-4205 An urban park with fishing and a swim complex on Archibald Avenue north of 1-10 in Rancho Cucamonga. Glen Helen Regional Park ........... (909) 887-7540 A park, lake and entertainment complex at the base of Cajon Pass in Devote. Green Valley Lake ......................... (909) 867-2009 A 10-acre lake stocked with trophy-size trout, open daily. Also, swimming beach, mountain bikes, boat and pedal boat rentals. 33180 Green Valley Lake Road, Green Valley Lake. Indian Oaks Trailer Ranch .......... {909) 302-5399 Temecula Fishing, swimming, hiking and camping. Jackson Lake ................................... (760) 249-4320 Come fishing, camping, canoeing, or just for a picnic. 1-15 north to Highway 138 west to Highway 2 into Wrightwood. Lake Elalnore .................................. (909) 471-1212 Offering a location for boating, camping, swimming, and fishing. 2 miles west of the City of Lake Elsinore via Interstate 15. Lake Fulmor .................................... (909) 659-2117 Enjoy a scenic fishing lake and nature trail. Near Idyllwild, off Highway 243. Lake Gregory Regional park ...... (909) 338-2233 A mountain lake with lodge and water park near Cresdine. Lake Hemet ..................................... (909) 659-2680 Fishing, camping, boating, and a great location for a picnic. 10 miles southeast of Idyllwild on Highway 74. Lake Perris (909) 657-2179 (marina) or (909) 657-0676 (park) The park offers its visitors camping, a swimming beach, boating, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, and bike trails. 17801 Lake Perris Drive, Perris. East of Moreno Valley, off on Highway 60. Lake Silverwood ............................ (800) 444-7275 Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, and bicycle trails. Located 30 miles north of San Bemardino on Highway 138. Lake Skinner ................................... (909) 926-1541 Offering camping, boating, fishing, a swimming pool, equestrian trails, and hiking trails. Located 10 miles northeast of Temecula off Rancho California Road on 1-15. Moabi Regional park ..................... (760) 326-3831 A marina on the Colorado River near Topock Gorge. Park Moabi Road, Needles. Mojave Narrows Regional park. (760) 245-2226 A park with lakes and a wildlife preserve. 1800 Yates Road, Victorville. Prado Regional Park ...................... (909) 597-4260 A park with a golf course, lake and playing fields. 16700 Euclid Avenue, Chino. Rancho Jurupa Park ...................... (909) 684-7032 They offer camping, equestrian and hiking trails, fishing, interpretive programs and hikes, a nature center, and locations for picnicking. Located 1.5 miles south of Mission Boulevard on Crestmore Road in Riverside. Snow Valley ...................................... (909) 867-275 l You can find summer fishing, hiking trails, scenic chairlift rides, mountain biking, and horseback riding. Located 5 miles east of Running Springs on Highway 18 in the San Bemardino mountains. Yucaipa Regional Park .................. (909) 790-3127 A park with lakes and swim complex in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains in Yucaipa. FISH AT A FARM Jean's Channel Cats ....................... (909) 679-6562 Features one pond stocked with catfish (year- round) and beginning Nov. l you'll find rainbow trout. Open daily 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 28393 Somers Road, at 1-215 and Clinton Keith Road, Murrieta. Williams Catfish Pond ................... (909) 674-7627 Featuring 1 pond stocked with catfish, perch and bluegill. Open Tuesday-Sunday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 28067 Highway 74, Perris. Whitewater Trout Co ..................... (760) 320-7875 Featuring two trout ponds. Open Tuesday-Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 9160 Whitewater Canyon Road (north of Palm Springs off 1-10), Whitawater. PRIVATE FISH PONDS Angler's Lake ................................... (909) 927-2614 Trout fishing begins second week in October. Open Tuesday-Sunday 7:30 a.m. to dusk. 42660 Thornton Avenue, Hemet. Hesperia Lake ................................. (760) 244-5951 Featuring 1 lake stocked with trout, catfish, bass, bluegill, and crappie. Open Sunday-Wednesday 6 aJn. to 7 p.m. and night fishing through Sept. 24. 7500 Arrowhead Lake Road, Hesperia. Fisherman's Retreat ....................... (909) 795-2411 Featuring 3 private lakes stocked with catfish, bluegill and bass. Open daily - 24 hours. 32300 San Timoteo Canyon Road, Redlands. WATER SKIING Big Bear Marina ............................. (909) 866-3218 Two- and three-person Seadoos for rent, Big Bear Lake. Big Bear Parasail ........................... (909) 866-IFLY Big Bear Lake area. Get Wet Wateraports Center ........ (909) 878~-386 Jet Ski and Waverunner rentals, water skiing instruction. Holloway's Marina, North Shore Landing, Big Bear Marina, Big Bear Lake. MeKenzie Water Ski School ........ (909) 337-3814 Water ski instruction. Lower Village, Lake Arrowhead, off Highway 18, San Bernardino Mountains. Lake Elsinore .................................. (909) 674-3178 Water skiing, launch your own boat, 32040 Riverside Drive, about 22 miles southeast of Corona, via 1-15, Lake Elsinore. Lake Perris Marina ........................ (909) 657-2179 Waverunner rentals, Lake Perris, 20 miles southeast of Riverside via the Ramona Expressway, east of Interstate 215. Halloways ........................................ (909) 866-5706 Waverunner rentals, Big Bear Lake. Silverwood Lake Marina ............. (760) 389-2303 Waverunner rentals, 14651 Cedar Circle, at the end of the access road inside Silverwood Lake State Park, 11 miles east of Interstate 15 via Highway 138. Weekend camping destinations are close by in the Inland Empire. There are many campgrounds in nearby national forests from which to choose, or if you want the camping experience without really roughing it, camp in an area regional park. Most regional parks offer civilized amenities, including restrooms and hot showers, as well as outdoor family activities. Regional parks in San Bemardino County (909-38-PARKS) that provide camping facilities include Prado, Glen Helen, Yucaipa, Mojave Narrows, and Moabi. Regional parks in Riverside County (800-234-7275) that provide camping facilities include Bogart Park in CherryValley, Lake Skinner Recreation Area near Temecula, Hurkey Creek, ldyllwild, and McCall Memorial Parks in ldyllwild, Lake Cahuilla in La Quinta, and Mayflower Park on the Colorado River. Parks charge a nightly camping fee, so it's a good idea to call before you go. The San Bernardino National Forest has family campgrounds in the Lake Gregory and Big Bear, and San Gorgonio areas. These campgrounds are generally equipped with vault or flush toilets, fire rings, tables, parking and tent spaces. Some have piped drinking water, while others are more primitive and require you to pack in watch Call 800-280-2267 for information and reservations. The Angeles National Forest offers 12 campgrounds in the Big Pines Recreation Area near Wrightwood that have spectacular views of the desert and mountains. The San Jacinto Mountains offer camping year- round. U.S. Forest Service camps are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Eight campgrounds in the ldyllwild area feature developed family campsites, group camping or wilderness camping, administered by county, state and federal agencies. Interpretive programs provide Junior Ranger activities, campfire programs and nature walks for youngsters. Call (909) 659-2117. If you don't mind roughing it, the best way ~o find solitude in the San Bernardino National Forest is by camping outside developed campgrounds. Pick-your-own-spot camping is permitted within national forest boundaries, but there are several rules you must obey: You need to stop by one of the Ranger District Offices to pick up a fire permit. During summer months, the permit entitles you to have liquid- fueled fires, such as a propane stove, but not an open campfire. Remote campers are not permitted to camp within a quarter-mile of an established campground, picnic area, trailhead, waterway or private property. You must pack in all your water and pack out all your trash. Another option is a cross between a developed campground and remote camping, ca0ed "yellow post" camping. You need to stop by the Ranger District Office for a free permit and directions to the locations. You can have a campfire in these areas, which are equipped with fire rings. Some yellow posts can be reserved.